SkG1WPYasB0-00000-00000035-00000252 - This has been our fault. SkG1WPYasB0-00001-00000252-00000391 Amen. How many of you been enjoying SkG1WPYasB0-00002-00000391-00000596 what you've been hearing so far? SkG1WPYasB0-00003-00000596-00000857 Somebody just shout revival is here. SkG1WPYasB0-00004-00000857-00001023 - [Audience] Revival is here. SkG1WPYasB0-00005-00001023-00001193 - You know, about seven years ago SkG1WPYasB0-00006-00001193-00001693 I was living in North Carolina in a warm, nice climate. SkG1WPYasB0-00007-00001700-00001814 Minding my own business SkG1WPYasB0-00008-00001814-00002218 doing prophetic itinerary travel for some years. SkG1WPYasB0-00009-00002218-00002434 And the Lord spoke to me at that time. SkG1WPYasB0-00010-00002434-00002660 And he said, "You've got to leave where you are SkG1WPYasB0-00011-00002660-00002879 and you've got to move to Minnesota." SkG1WPYasB0-00012-00002879-00003123 And I said, "Lord, why would you send me to Minnesota? SkG1WPYasB0-00013-00003123-00003375 I don't have know anybody in Minnesota." SkG1WPYasB0-00014-00003375-00003629 And I think there was one person that I ended SkG1WPYasB0-00015-00003629-00003811 up knowing in Minnesota but SkG1WPYasB0-00016-00003811-00003956 when the Lord told me this, SkG1WPYasB0-00017-00003956-00004202 I said, "God, this is going to be crazy. SkG1WPYasB0-00018-00004202-00004470 This is the craziest thing that you've ever told me to do." SkG1WPYasB0-00019-00004470-00004647 And so of course I had to do it. SkG1WPYasB0-00020-00004647-00004852 So I left everything there. SkG1WPYasB0-00021-00004852-00005071 I thought I could pastor that church SkG1WPYasB0-00022-00005071-00005260 and the new church that I was doing. SkG1WPYasB0-00023-00005260-00005394 But when I went to Minnesota, SkG1WPYasB0-00024-00005394-00005509 the Lord spoke to me He said, SkG1WPYasB0-00025-00005509-00005861 "Something is going to happen here in Minneapolis. SkG1WPYasB0-00026-00005861-00006040 That is going to spark revival SkG1WPYasB0-00027-00006040-00006218 that will go throughout the nation." SkG1WPYasB0-00028-00006218-00006397 And so when I got to Minneapolis SkG1WPYasB0-00029-00006397-00006555 I started sharing this prophecy SkG1WPYasB0-00030-00006555-00006768 in every church that I went to, SkG1WPYasB0-00031-00006768-00006903 everybody that I met SkG1WPYasB0-00032-00006903-00007184 the Lord said, "Revival is going to start here." SkG1WPYasB0-00033-00007184-00007466 And they said, "How could revival start in Minneapolis? SkG1WPYasB0-00034-00007466-00007591 This doesn't make sense." SkG1WPYasB0-00035-00007591-00007904 And so of course we started doing all night prayers. SkG1WPYasB0-00036-00007904-00008086 Anybody remember all night prayers. SkG1WPYasB0-00037-00008086-00008201 So we were praying SkG1WPYasB0-00038-00008201-00008516 from evening all the way into the next morning. SkG1WPYasB0-00039-00008516-00008620 And the Lord said to us, SkG1WPYasB0-00040-00008620-00008886 every month we are to do strategic SkG1WPYasB0-00041-00008886-00009126 and prophetic apostolic decrees SkG1WPYasB0-00042-00009126-00009333 over our city and over our state. SkG1WPYasB0-00043-00009333-00009564 So we started doing spiritual mapping SkG1WPYasB0-00044-00009564-00009753 and fast forward till now SkG1WPYasB0-00045-00009753-00009952 I live 10 minutes away SkG1WPYasB0-00046-00009952-00010197 from where George Floyd was killed. SkG1WPYasB0-00047-00010197-00010387 And so when it happened SkG1WPYasB0-00048-00010387-00010673 our church and so many other churches SkG1WPYasB0-00049-00010673-00010881 jumped and went out into the streets. SkG1WPYasB0-00050-00010881-00011036 And as we went into the streets SkG1WPYasB0-00051-00011036-00011374 because all of the stores were burned down in that area. SkG1WPYasB0-00052-00011374-00011608 Stores that I shop at were burned down. SkG1WPYasB0-00053-00011608-00011758 We had to go to the suburbs SkG1WPYasB0-00054-00011758-00011949 and start buying food from there. SkG1WPYasB0-00055-00011949-00012161 We were spending thousands a day SkG1WPYasB0-00056-00012161-00012499 to bring food into the community because they had no stores. SkG1WPYasB0-00057-00012499-00012593 And it's something SkG1WPYasB0-00058-00012593-00012891 about giving that opens the heart of people. SkG1WPYasB0-00059-00012891-00013033 And so the more we gave SkG1WPYasB0-00060-00013033-00013304 people said we don't just want food we want prayer. SkG1WPYasB0-00061-00013304-00013436 And so we started praying SkG1WPYasB0-00062-00013436-00013641 for people right there on the street SkG1WPYasB0-00063-00013641-00014013 and all of the churches there got the same idea SkG1WPYasB0-00064-00014013-00014283 and everybody went out and began to do this. SkG1WPYasB0-00065-00014283-00014474 And so we started to see SkG1WPYasB0-00066-00014474-00014679 a spontaneous revival SkG1WPYasB0-00067-00014679-00014999 just erupt right there on the streets of Minneapolis SkG1WPYasB0-00068-00014999-00015193 where people started getting saved. SkG1WPYasB0-00069-00015193-00015375 This moved to the very street SkG1WPYasB0-00070-00015375-00015563 where George Floyd was killed. SkG1WPYasB0-00071-00015563-00015827 And of course, you know, because you've seen the headlines SkG1WPYasB0-00072-00015827-00016058 but the Lord began to tell me this revival SkG1WPYasB0-00073-00016058-00016209 that we're in right now. SkG1WPYasB0-00074-00016209-00016460 It is not the same as what we've seen before. SkG1WPYasB0-00075-00016460-00016633 You've heard about Pensacola, SkG1WPYasB0-00076-00016633-00016806 you've heard about Brownsville, SkG1WPYasB0-00077-00016806-00016928 you've heard about Azusa SkG1WPYasB0-00078-00016928-00017132 but God said to me, this ain't that. SkG1WPYasB0-00079-00017132-00017451 He said those revivals have their limitations SkG1WPYasB0-00080-00017451-00017665 and those revivals have one face. SkG1WPYasB0-00081-00017665-00017815 But I want you to understand SkG1WPYasB0-00082-00017815-00017947 that where we are now SkG1WPYasB0-00083-00017947-00018188 we are seeing a faceless revival. SkG1WPYasB0-00084-00018188-00018534 It has no one that's leading it at the center SkG1WPYasB0-00085-00018534-00018696 but this is a move of spirit SkG1WPYasB0-00086-00018696-00018912 that the church is leading together. SkG1WPYasB0-00087-00018912-00019056 Somebody shout together. SkG1WPYasB0-00088-00019056-00019156 - [Audience] Together. SkG1WPYasB0-00089-00019156-00019420 - And so when I heard that this is a faceless revival SkG1WPYasB0-00090-00019420-00019757 the Lord said to me, "Don't put limitations on how SkG1WPYasB0-00091-00019757-00019967 I'm going to move in this." SkG1WPYasB0-00092-00019967-00020244 And so I remember going out to the street there SkG1WPYasB0-00093-00020244-00020540 and as I was worshiping in front of the baptismal pool, SkG1WPYasB0-00094-00020540-00020712 nobody was being baptized. SkG1WPYasB0-00095-00020712-00020953 I wasn't on a schedule to do anything, SkG1WPYasB0-00096-00020953-00021046 but all of a sudden SkG1WPYasB0-00097-00021046-00021259 just because I was standing there SkG1WPYasB0-00098-00021259-00021472 somebody gets saved in the crowd. SkG1WPYasB0-00099-00021472-00021754 And then one after another, after another. SkG1WPYasB0-00100-00021754-00022037 And so we started doing spontaneous baptisms SkG1WPYasB0-00101-00022037-00022358 right there, hundreds and thousands of souls SkG1WPYasB0-00102-00022358-00022546 that we've seen come to crisis SkG1WPYasB0-00103-00022546-00022709 the beginning of this thing. SkG1WPYasB0-00104-00022709-00022935 And then something interesting happened. SkG1WPYasB0-00105-00022935-00023283 The Muslim community saw this going on. SkG1WPYasB0-00106-00023283-00023453 And so they started gathering SkG1WPYasB0-00107-00023453-00023732 around because in their communities, I look like them. SkG1WPYasB0-00108-00023732-00023898 And so the Lord will use anything. SkG1WPYasB0-00109-00023898-00024144 And so they saw me baptizing people, SkG1WPYasB0-00110-00024144-00024375 and they said, "What are you doing?" SkG1WPYasB0-00111-00024375-00024641 And so the anointing was so strong on the street SkG1WPYasB0-00112-00024641-00024914 that the spirit of Prophecy jumped on us. SkG1WPYasB0-00113-00024914-00025142 And we started prophesying to the Muslims. SkG1WPYasB0-00114-00025142-00025302 out there on the street. SkG1WPYasB0-00115-00025302-00025677 And they could not deny power of Jesus Christ. SkG1WPYasB0-00116-00025677-00025949 And I'm not talking about the kind of church prophecies SkG1WPYasB0-00117-00025949-00026142 like you're going to another level SkG1WPYasB0-00118-00026142-00026310 and things are going to get well. SkG1WPYasB0-00119-00026310-00026687 But when we begin to move in this spontaneous prophetic SkG1WPYasB0-00120-00026687-00026892 this evangelistic prophetic, SkG1WPYasB0-00121-00026892-00027087 it's coming with accuracy SkG1WPYasB0-00122-00027087-00027314 what they will not be able to deny SkG1WPYasB0-00123-00027314-00027555 that this could not have come from you. SkG1WPYasB0-00124-00027555-00027844 But this must have come from the Lord Jesus Christ. SkG1WPYasB0-00125-00027844-00028202 And so I was standing there ministering to one Muslim man, SkG1WPYasB0-00126-00028202-00028289 and the Lord said to me, SkG1WPYasB0-00127-00028289-00028425 "You got an uncle. SkG1WPYasB0-00128-00028425-00028601 And your uncle has a heart issue SkG1WPYasB0-00129-00028601-00028727 that he's been dealing with." SkG1WPYasB0-00130-00028727-00028908 He said, "How do you know my uncle?" SkG1WPYasB0-00131-00028908-00029037 Well, I don't know him. SkG1WPYasB0-00132-00029037-00029298 But I'll tell you the man that knows your uncle. SkG1WPYasB0-00133-00029298-00029430 And so he said SkG1WPYasB0-00134-00029430-00029683 "There's no way possible that you can know this." SkG1WPYasB0-00135-00029683-00029889 And so then the press came. SkG1WPYasB0-00136-00029889-00030041 And I think I've got 30 seconds left. SkG1WPYasB0-00137-00030041-00030189 So then the press came. SkG1WPYasB0-00138-00030189-00030455 And CNN and everybody was out there. SkG1WPYasB0-00139-00030455-00030643 And we have people that were a part SkG1WPYasB0-00140-00030643-00030938 of the press that came up with tears in their eyes. SkG1WPYasB0-00141-00030938-00031182 And they said, "We're trying to stay unbiased. SkG1WPYasB0-00142-00031182-00031383 But we've been seeing this happen SkG1WPYasB0-00143-00031383-00031582 and we want to get baptized." SkG1WPYasB0-00144-00031582-00031734 And so I'm telling you, SkG1WPYasB0-00145-00031734-00032011 that what God is doing in this day SkG1WPYasB0-00146-00032011-00032354 it cannot be housed in the four walls of the church. SkG1WPYasB0-00147-00032354-00032542 And this is the very reason why SkG1WPYasB0-00148-00032542-00032784 God Has allowed the pandemic. SkG1WPYasB0-00149-00032784-00033130 Because the pandemic had to get us out of our four walls SkG1WPYasB0-00150-00033130-00033301 and get us on the streets SkG1WPYasB0-00151-00033301-00033560 where we should have been the entire time. SkG1WPYasB0-00152-00033560-00033807 And so the church is not diminishing, SkG1WPYasB0-00153-00033807-00034006 but you've got to hear this prophetic word SkG1WPYasB0-00154-00034006-00034180 that the church is not diminishing SkG1WPYasB0-00155-00034180-00034354 we are growing stronger. SkG1WPYasB0-00156-00034354-00034517 The church is not diminishing. SkG1WPYasB0-00157-00034517-00034723 We just left the four walls SkG1WPYasB0-00158-00034723-00035120 and now we're about to invade every system of this world. SkG1WPYasB0-00159-00035120-00035263 And we have to seek SkG1WPYasB0-00160-00035263-00035475 the kingdoms of this world become SkG1WPYasB0-00161-00035475-00035646 the kingdoms of our Lord SkG1WPYasB0-00162-00035646-00035808 and (inaudible) Christ. SkG1WPYasB0-00163-00035808-00036026 So I'll leave you with this prophecy. SkG1WPYasB0-00164-00036026-00036335 The Lord says for many of you that have come here today SkG1WPYasB0-00165-00036335-00036711 that you won't go back to your cities and to your regions. SkG1WPYasB0-00166-00036711-00036949 And you will take revival with you. SkG1WPYasB0-00167-00036949-00037228 You will go back to your cities and your regions. SkG1WPYasB0-00168-00037228-00037460 And the Lord said it is not just revival SkG1WPYasB0-00169-00037460-00037784 but I hear the spirit of the Lord say that it is revival, SkG1WPYasB0-00170-00037784-00037873 it is awakening, SkG1WPYasB0-00171-00037873-00038146 and it is reformation at the same time. SkG1WPYasB0-00172-00038146-00038263 And God says, you will know SkG1WPYasB0-00173-00038263-00038536 that there is a convergence happening in the spirit. SkG1WPYasB0-00174-00038536-00038619 And the Lord says SkG1WPYasB0-00175-00038619-00038906 that the streams are beginning to mix right now SkG1WPYasB0-00176-00038906-00039249 in the spirit and no longer will you see companies only SkG1WPYasB0-00177-00039249-00039540 in their own corners, but God says, and now SkG1WPYasB0-00178-00039540-00039861 I will cause the company of profits to come together. SkG1WPYasB0-00179-00039861-00040120 And I will cause black profits to come together SkG1WPYasB0-00180-00040120-00040223 with the white profits. SkG1WPYasB0-00181-00040223-00040426 And I will cause Asian profits SkG1WPYasB0-00182-00040426-00040676 to come together with Mexican profits. SkG1WPYasB0-00183-00040676-00040828 And the Lord says, you will know SkG1WPYasB0-00184-00040828-00041146 that there is a merging of the streams in America. SkG1WPYasB0-00185-00041146-00041373 Somebody give God a shout (indistinct). SkG1WPYasB0-00186-00041373-00041867 (audience cheering) (audience clapping) SnmBbj0HKAI-00000-00000000-00000050 Subtitle SnmBbj0HKAI-00001-00000050-00000176 Subtitle SnmBbj0HKAI-00002-00000176-00000226 Subtitle SnmBbj0HKAI-00003-00000226-00000276 Subtitle SnmBbj0HKAI-00004-00000276-00000326 Subtitle SnmBbj0HKAI-00005-00000326-00000376 Subtitle SnmBbj0HKAI-00006-00000376-00000426 Subtitle SnmBbj0HKAI-00008-00000504-00000554 Subtitle SnmBbj0HKAI-00009-00000554-00000604 Subtitle T1ivoQYEUfc-00000-00000003-00000447 y'all ready y'all ready y'all ready welcome to the Upside Down Smilie show T1ivoQYEUfc-00001-00000447-00000752 where we talk about real life but we don't take life too seriously my name T1ivoQYEUfc-00002-00000752-00000882 is Shereene and we have Thrtn28 T1ivoQYEUfc-00003-00000882-00000989 in the building and we're T1ivoQYEUfc-00004-00000990-00001096 going to talk about highschool T1ivoQYEUfc-00005-00001098-00001198 cue the intro T1ivoQYEUfc-00006-00002654-00003014 I was just thinking about how you're gonna graduate high T1ivoQYEUfc-00007-00003014-00003586 school in 2020 and I graduated high school from the same high school T1ivoQYEUfc-00008-00003586-00003887 in 2005 and I am fifteen years older than you T1ivoQYEUfc-00009-00003887-00004218 I probably had a little bit different high school experience but I want you to T1ivoQYEUfc-00010-00004218-00004545 kind of talk about your high school experience cuz you're a senior T1ivoQYEUfc-00011-00004545-00004920 what has it been like it's always basically just revolved around music T1ivoQYEUfc-00012-00004920-00005312 and you're a producer I'm a producer when did you T1ivoQYEUfc-00013-00005312-00005723 start doing that so I started freshman year in high T1ivoQYEUfc-00014-00005723-00006089 school so when I was 15 it was actually funny how I came across it because I was T1ivoQYEUfc-00015-00006090-00006448 just browsing through some youtube videos I saw a video of T1ivoQYEUfc-00016-00006448-00006600 you can learn anything from youtube T1ivoQYEUfc-00017-00006600-00006978 I know it's crazy I saw a video of Zaytoven he was just T1ivoQYEUfc-00018-00006978-00007317 making a beat on his MPC effortlessly making these beats and I was like T1ivoQYEUfc-00019-00007317-00007677 damn how did you just do that I need to know how to do that T1ivoQYEUfc-00020-00007677-00008100 immediately the next day I started researching what are they using to T1ivoQYEUfc-00021-00008100-00008204 make these beats T1ivoQYEUfc-00022-00008204-00008508 do a lot of your friends are they involved in music yeah so like some T1ivoQYEUfc-00023-00008508-00008796 of my friends my friend Tom from Naperville T1ivoQYEUfc-00024-00008796-00009072 Shoutout Tom T1ivoQYEUfc-00025-00009072-00009192 He goes by T-Trippin T1ivoQYEUfc-00026-00009192-00009368 Check him out T1ivoQYEUfc-00027-00009416-00009888 he's one of my good friends he actually djs high school parties T1ivoQYEUfc-00028-00009888-00010242 he's interested in a lot of electronic music and stuff we also T1ivoQYEUfc-00029-00010242-00010563 produce together for me in high school I think is when I started making Indian T1ivoQYEUfc-00030-00010563-00010917 friends but you have mentioned you had always had Indian T1ivoQYEUfc-00031-00010917-00011266 friends I've always been around a strong Indian community T1ivoQYEUfc-00032-00011266-00011396 25 years ago when we moved there T1ivoQYEUfc-00033-00011397-00011694 there weren't a lot of any Indian people in Naperville but they were T1ivoQYEUfc-00034-00011694-00012267 super Indian I didn't feel like we could relate T1ivoQYEUfc-00035-00012267-00012855 I was in multicultural club I would do dances my husband actually came T1ivoQYEUfc-00036-00012855-00013272 and did a dance with me that was before we were dating we were T1ivoQYEUfc-00037-00013272-00013605 friends all that time I was thinking about because you're in music and I T1ivoQYEUfc-00038-00013605-00014291 am in a non-traditional career now if you feel like this education system was T1ivoQYEUfc-00039-00014291-00014754 the right fit for you do you feel like there's classes that make T1ivoQYEUfc-00040-00014754-00014955 sense for you there's some classes that make T1ivoQYEUfc-00041-00014955-00015411 sense but do they have anything in regards to music oh actually like T1ivoQYEUfc-00042-00015411-00015804 they have a good music program like orchestra, band, chorus but T1ivoQYEUfc-00043-00015804-00016169 I just found out this year that they're adding a music production class next T1ivoQYEUfc-00044-00016169-00016974 year after I graduate you're going to college and you're T1ivoQYEUfc-00045-00016974-00017328 gonna get a next level education and honestly I probably would know more T1ivoQYEUfc-00046-00017328-00017650 than what they would teach in the class T1ivoQYEUfc-00047-00017650-00017978 they would just teach a lot of basics T1ivoQYEUfc-00048-00017979-00018056 but it would be a good class T1ivoQYEUfc-00049-00018056-00018231 to take like if you're interested in music production I took T1ivoQYEUfc-00050-00018231-00018687 some business classes web design I killed it at those T1ivoQYEUfc-00051-00018687-00019152 classes and then I would take science classes because all of my Indian T1ivoQYEUfc-00052-00019152-00019464 friends would be in all these science classes I'm like I need to do it too T1ivoQYEUfc-00053-00019464-00020008 and then I would fail or I would cheat I got caught cheating T1ivoQYEUfc-00054-00020008-00020324 I used to skip school so much T1ivoQYEUfc-00055-00020324-00020454 I tried but I didn't try with stuff T1ivoQYEUfc-00056-00020454-00020850 I really didn't care about but then I continued to do it I T1ivoQYEUfc-00057-00020850-00021255 think it was the pressure to be good at math and science but I wasn't T1ivoQYEUfc-00058-00021255-00021776 do you feel that same sense of pressure I feel that too cuz I'm T1ivoQYEUfc-00059-00021776-00022143 now hearing my friends talking about what they want to do in life and T1ivoQYEUfc-00060-00022143-00022357 they're like I want to go into Comp T1ivoQYEUfc-00061-00022357-00022849 Sci or like I'm looking into like being a doctor med school pre-med and I'm T1ivoQYEUfc-00062-00022849-00023414 like oh yeah trying to be a producer I'm trying to make it in the music industry T1ivoQYEUfc-00063-00023414-00023700 they're like oh really that's cool T1ivoQYEUfc-00064-00023700-00024055 Even kids your age because they're T1ivoQYEUfc-00065-00024055-00024442 hearing what their parents are telling them which I understand when people are T1ivoQYEUfc-00066-00024442-00024952 encouraging people to avoid those type of career directions it's out of love T1ivoQYEUfc-00067-00024952-00025192 it's because it's scary and it's not stable T1ivoQYEUfc-00068-00025192-00025573 you can't apply for a job and then move up it's a lot of T1ivoQYEUfc-00069-00025573-00025897 networking is a lot of like moving around you got to be self-sufficient T1ivoQYEUfc-00070-00025897-00026377 it's all on you you can't rely on some corporation T1ivoQYEUfc-00071-00026377-00026713 you're the one who's creating it right you're the one who's T1ivoQYEUfc-00072-00026713-00027136 marketing yourself you're in charge your career T1ivoQYEUfc-00073-00027136-00027526 trajectory do you work do you have a part-time job T1ivoQYEUfc-00074-00027526-00028051 I don't work anywhere so I was real into working because I was T1ivoQYEUfc-00075-00028051-00028555 real into making money I started when I was 15 at Hallmark and then T1ivoQYEUfc-00076-00028555-00029262 I went to Sears and then I went to Circuit City and then I went to Aldo T1ivoQYEUfc-00077-00029262-00029713 then I quit Aldo and I worked at Circuit City and then I went T1ivoQYEUfc-00078-00029713-00030202 to the city for Circuit City and I was there until it closed I was always really T1ivoQYEUfc-00079-00030202-00030772 independent, I did a lot of silly things in high school I got arrested at 17 but T1ivoQYEUfc-00080-00030772-00031249 it scared me straight after high school I was like alright I got to get my life T1ivoQYEUfc-00081-00031249-00031732 together I went to COD for two years I went to Columbia and I graduated T1ivoQYEUfc-00082-00031732-00032095 now I got a business and I'm going alright T1ivoQYEUfc-00083-00032095-00032572 I actually went to Columbia open house that's an option for you T1ivoQYEUfc-00084-00032572-00033228 post high school I'm definitely looking at school T1ivoQYEUfc-00085-00033228-00033544 like music University I have Columbia and also Berkley College T1ivoQYEUfc-00086-00033544-00033684 of Music on my radar T1ivoQYEUfc-00087-00033684-00033834 remember this name Thrtn28 T1ivoQYEUfc-00088-00033834-00034025 my Instagram is Thrtn28 T1ivoQYEUfc-00089-00034025-00034266 so thr TN and then the number T1ivoQYEUfc-00090-00034266-00034609 in the 28 my SoundCloud is also the same thing I was telling someone about T1ivoQYEUfc-00091-00034609-00034828 you and I was man this is weird T1ivoQYEUfc-00092-00034828-00035419 I'm a 32 year old married woman I do feel like as you get older age is T1ivoQYEUfc-00093-00035419-00035790 really not that big of a deal and I feel like I can learn a lot T1ivoQYEUfc-00094-00035790-00036213 from you and you can learn a lot from me and so I think we need to kind of get T1ivoQYEUfc-00095-00036213-00036631 away from those kinds of social norms it's like really not that big of a deal T1ivoQYEUfc-00096-00036631-00037053 we're just normal people just interacting I mean the T1ivoQYEUfc-00097-00037053-00037488 creative side of things age really does not matter there's so many people T1ivoQYEUfc-00098-00037488-00037837 that got famous when they were like 35 like 2 chainz T1ivoQYEUfc-00099-00037837-00038090 he blew up when he was 35 it's crazy T1ivoQYEUfc-00100-00038090-00038247 I didn't realize that T1ivoQYEUfc-00101-00038247-00038944 the Hustle is long it's a long grind it's a lot of luck and you have to be in T1ivoQYEUfc-00102-00038944-00039360 the right position a lot of devotion shoutout to Abhi the Nomad T1ivoQYEUfc-00103-00039360-00039493 I produced two T1ivoQYEUfc-00104-00039493-00040009 songs from Flush and Me No Evil and his album Modern Trash is out of now this is T1ivoQYEUfc-00105-00040009-00040428 his sweatshirt shoutout to Abhi dudes crazies work ethic is T1ivoQYEUfc-00106-00040428-00040638 crazy you got a chance to meet him I got a T1ivoQYEUfc-00107-00040638-00040950 chance to meet him at his concert it was the first concert my music was T1ivoQYEUfc-00108-00040950-00041397 played at I really look up to him he's a mentor to me and hopefully we'll T1ivoQYEUfc-00109-00041397-00041677 keep making music forever thanks man thanks for being on the show T1ivoQYEUfc-00110-00041677-00042168 I appreciate you thank you for watching we do this every single week bye! T4gHQAt28KE-00000-00000773-00001171 Warren Buffet's Advice for Young People Who Want to Be Rich T4gHQAt28KE-00001-00001171-00001905 One day when I was in college, I went to a particular place to study and when I was going, T4gHQAt28KE-00002-00001905-00002225 I saw this group of about 4 guys arguing. T4gHQAt28KE-00003-00002225-00002390 I think they were arguing football. T4gHQAt28KE-00004-00002390-00002974 I passed them by and spent about one and a half hours where I went to study. T4gHQAt28KE-00005-00002974-00003436 I really enjoyed my studies as I learned new things I never knew before. T4gHQAt28KE-00006-00003436-00004057 However, while coming back; I met the same guys at the exact spot where I left them. T4gHQAt28KE-00007-00004057-00004421 It was still an argument about politics and soccer. T4gHQAt28KE-00008-00004421-00004981 Then, it occurred to me that at the same time certain people spend to make progress is the T4gHQAt28KE-00009-00004981-00005503 exact same time some other people waste on little or useless things. T4gHQAt28KE-00010-00005503-00005969 In this video, I’ll be sharing with you one of the most valuable advice from Warrant T4gHQAt28KE-00011-00005969-00006494 Buffet which I believe can help you to become rich and successful in life. T4gHQAt28KE-00012-00006494-00006873 If you’re new here, consider subscribing so that you won’t miss other interesting T4gHQAt28KE-00013-00006873-00007114 videos like this. T4gHQAt28KE-00014-00007114-00007214 Here is the thing. T4gHQAt28KE-00015-00007214-00007505 Buffett is a cool, lovely old man. T4gHQAt28KE-00016-00007505-00008055 He has spent a reasonable number of years offering valuable advice for young people T4gHQAt28KE-00017-00008055-00008561 and anyone who is willing to listen and I think one of the most valuable advice Buffet T4gHQAt28KE-00018-00008561-00009208 ever given is; “keep control of your time, and you can’t unless you say NO.” T4gHQAt28KE-00019-00009208-00009539 It’s unfortunate but true. T4gHQAt28KE-00020-00009539-00009913 Most of us own our lives, but we’re not in control. T4gHQAt28KE-00021-00009913-00010361 Other people come into our lives with their agenda and they bribe us to give up our own T4gHQAt28KE-00022-00010361-00010604 time for their own purposes. T4gHQAt28KE-00023-00010604-00011378 Some other times, our inability to say NO make us sit down and joyfully waste time. T4gHQAt28KE-00024-00011378-00011882 Time & Life I consider myself very fortunate in life and T4gHQAt28KE-00025-00011882-00012353 the reason why I think I’m fortunate is that very early in my life, I’ve discovered T4gHQAt28KE-00026-00012353-00012819 that there’s a very close relationship between time and life. T4gHQAt28KE-00027-00012819-00013356 When I was 12, I loved the TV, the soccer and anything of such nature. T4gHQAt28KE-00028-00013356-00013940 However when I was around 14, I read a book that made me hate the TV and most things that T4gHQAt28KE-00029-00013940-00014451 come with it, so I stopped watching the TV, tried as much as I can to never waste time T4gHQAt28KE-00030-00014451-00014922 with other people’s lives and to say NO to as many things as possible. T4gHQAt28KE-00031-00014922-00015498 Here is the thing; time is life and life is time. T4gHQAt28KE-00032-00015498-00015770 They both are inseparable. T4gHQAt28KE-00033-00015770-00016294 Bruce Lee said, “If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made T4gHQAt28KE-00034-00016294-00016715 up of” Remember my first story earlier in this video, T4gHQAt28KE-00035-00016715-00017193 how I went to learn while some guys of my age spent the same time arguing the life of T4gHQAt28KE-00036-00017193-00017293 others. T4gHQAt28KE-00037-00017293-00017576 This happens every minute of the day. T4gHQAt28KE-00038-00017576-00018070 The very same time some people waste doing little things is the same time others use T4gHQAt28KE-00039-00018070-00018657 to learn or do things that matter Keep control of your time, and you can’t T4gHQAt28KE-00040-00018657-00018940 unless you say no. T4gHQAt28KE-00041-00018940-00019726 The 10,000 Hours Rule Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book titled; Outliers T4gHQAt28KE-00042-00019726-00020243 and in this book Gladwell shares his studies about successful people and how long it took T4gHQAt28KE-00043-00020243-00020478 them to achieve great success. T4gHQAt28KE-00044-00020478-00021010 He then came to the conclusion that it takes the average of 10,000 concentrated effort T4gHQAt28KE-00045-00021010-00021212 to become great at anything. T4gHQAt28KE-00046-00021212-00021845 A few people have disagreed with Gladwell’s theory of 10,000 hours and that’s fine. T4gHQAt28KE-00047-00021845-00022101 It may not be 10,000 hours. T4gHQAt28KE-00048-00022101-00022423 It may be 7,000 hours or even 5,000 hours. T4gHQAt28KE-00049-00022423-00023102 What we can all agree on is that it does take a whole lot of time to achieve anything worthwhile. T4gHQAt28KE-00050-00023102-00023663 The problem about this is that, if you waste time on little or useless things, you’ve T4gHQAt28KE-00051-00023663-00024271 got no 10,000 hours to invest in your music, athletic or entrepreneurial dreams. T4gHQAt28KE-00052-00024271-00024603 Robert Greene wrote a book called, “Mastery”. T4gHQAt28KE-00053-00024603-00025145 In this book, Mr. Robert told the stories of great people in history and how they became T4gHQAt28KE-00054-00025145-00025300 so great. T4gHQAt28KE-00055-00025300-00025820 None of these people achieved meaningful success with a half-hearted commitment. T4gHQAt28KE-00056-00025820-00026633 Instead, people who achieved meaningful success in life say NO to almost everything and concentrate T4gHQAt28KE-00057-00026633-00026889 all their life on a few things that matter. T4gHQAt28KE-00058-00026889-00027158 Your time is your life. T4gHQAt28KE-00059-00027158-00027614 You have to master how to convert the time you have to whatever other things you want T4gHQAt28KE-00060-00027614-00027741 out of life. T4gHQAt28KE-00061-00027741-00027998 You have to learn how to say NO. T4gHQAt28KE-00062-00027998-00028652 No to most TV shows, NO to the unnecessary argument, NO to many hours on social media, T4gHQAt28KE-00063-00028652-00028920 NO to little talks and small dreams. T4gHQAt28KE-00064-00028920-00029020 NO. T4gHQAt28KE-00065-00029020-00029120 NO. T4gHQAt28KE-00066-00029120-00029220 NO. T4gHQAt28KE-00067-00029220-00029704 Keep control of your time, and you can’t unless you say no. T4gHQAt28KE-00068-00029704-00030186 The Search for Pleasure Over the years, I have heard people saying, T4gHQAt28KE-00069-00030186-00030563 “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". T4gHQAt28KE-00070-00030563-00031222 Now that Jack wants to play, an average American now spends 11 hours each day consuming different T4gHQAt28KE-00071-00031222-00031324 media. T4gHQAt28KE-00072-00031324-00031877 And according to a study I read from Brian Tracy, an average salesperson only has 90 T4gHQAt28KE-00073-00031877-00032189 minutes of productive activities per working day. T4gHQAt28KE-00074-00032189-00032398 You think about that. T4gHQAt28KE-00075-00032398-00033060 Because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, we now play all day, wasting 11 T4gHQAt28KE-00076-00033060-00033359 hours and investing just 3. T4gHQAt28KE-00077-00033359-00033656 The reason is that we’re in search of pleasure. T4gHQAt28KE-00078-00033656-00034280 And the reason why Jacks need 11 hours to consume media is that Jacks don’t have interesting T4gHQAt28KE-00079-00034280-00034410 jobs. T4gHQAt28KE-00080-00034410-00034948 If you don’t want to be like those Jacks who waste half a day on little things, try T4gHQAt28KE-00081-00034948-00035188 and do what you care about. T4gHQAt28KE-00082-00035188-00035561 People who love their jobs don’t need 11 hours of media consumption. T4gHQAt28KE-00083-00035561-00036314 They have a job that is fun so they don’t need much extra entertainment. T4gHQAt28KE-00084-00036314-00036877 The Story of Michael Jackson Many years ago, I read the story of Michael T4gHQAt28KE-00085-00036877-00036977 Jackson. T4gHQAt28KE-00086-00036977-00037379 I read that Jackson trained 8 hours every day. T4gHQAt28KE-00087-00037379-00037813 That was where the magic, the great dance, the great music came from. T4gHQAt28KE-00088-00037813-00038065 It was not just talent. T4gHQAt28KE-00089-00038065-00038221 Talent isn’t enough. T4gHQAt28KE-00090-00038221-00038776 It was conscious, determined practice day after day and you need a lot of time to do T4gHQAt28KE-00091-00038776-00038881 that. T4gHQAt28KE-00092-00038881-00039199 Look around you today and see those great creations. T4gHQAt28KE-00093-00039199-00039806 The wonderful inventions we enjoy today, the great products, the great music, the life-changing T4gHQAt28KE-00094-00039806-00040042 books, the innovative businesses. T4gHQAt28KE-00095-00040042-00040613 They are all products of long hours of trial and errors. T4gHQAt28KE-00096-00040613-00041016 If you want to achieve greatness in life, you have to concentrate your life on what T4gHQAt28KE-00097-00041016-00041416 matters and say NO to almost everything else. T4gHQAt28KE-00098-00041416-00042049 Keep control of your time, and you can’t unless you say no. T4gHQAt28KE-00099-00042049-00042743 The Three Blessings of Life Not all of us are lucky in life but most of T4gHQAt28KE-00100-00042743-00042843 us are. T4gHQAt28KE-00101-00042843-00043371 There are three blessings of life and if you have any one of these you should not be poor T4gHQAt28KE-00102-00043371-00043809 and those three gifts are; money, talent and time. T4gHQAt28KE-00103-00043809-00044203 If you have money, you can waste it and end up poor. T4gHQAt28KE-00104-00044203-00044440 But that shouldn’t happen if you’re smart. T4gHQAt28KE-00105-00044440-00044818 If you have talents, you can end your life in poverty and failure. T4gHQAt28KE-00106-00044818-00045417 But if you’re smart, you should be able to use your talent to create wealth and success. T4gHQAt28KE-00107-00045417-00045890 Now, what I hear most young people saying is, “I don’t have money”. T4gHQAt28KE-00108-00045890-00046143 Yes, that may be true. T4gHQAt28KE-00109-00046143-00046467 Some other people may say, “I don’t have talent”. T4gHQAt28KE-00110-00046467-00046585 That may be fine too. T4gHQAt28KE-00111-00046585-00046826 But do you have time? T4gHQAt28KE-00112-00046826-00046966 You probably do. T4gHQAt28KE-00113-00046966-00047631 If you have time, it’s as valuable as money and talent put together because you can invest T4gHQAt28KE-00114-00047631-00047743 that time. T4gHQAt28KE-00115-00047743-00047978 You can acquire new profitable skills. T4gHQAt28KE-00116-00047978-00048164 You can practice your skills. T4gHQAt28KE-00117-00048164-00048340 You can pursue your dream. T4gHQAt28KE-00118-00048340-00048671 You can fail and fail and try again. T4gHQAt28KE-00119-00048671-00048996 You can turn your time to anything you want in life. T4gHQAt28KE-00120-00048996-00049679 But you have to learn how to say NO to many time-wasting activities T4gHQAt28KE-00121-00049679-00050284 Take Judicious Care Of Your Morning Most people waste time and that wouldn’t T4gHQAt28KE-00122-00050284-00050418 have been a bad thing. T4gHQAt28KE-00123-00050418-00050768 What makes it worse is that we waste even the morning. T4gHQAt28KE-00124-00050768-00051031 You see, hours in the day are not the same. T4gHQAt28KE-00125-00051031-00051367 6 AM isn’t the same as 6 PM. T4gHQAt28KE-00126-00051367-00051894 What you achieve within 2hrs in the morning can take you 5hrs in the evening because when T4gHQAt28KE-00127-00051894-00052324 you wake up in the morning, your brain and body are at their best states. T4gHQAt28KE-00128-00052324-00052733 Even if you want to waste time, can you please waste the evening? T4gHQAt28KE-00129-00052733-00053067 If you want to watch a movie, can you please watch it in the evening? T4gHQAt28KE-00130-00053067-00053683 If you want to spend 5 hours on social media, can you please do it in the evening? T4gHQAt28KE-00131-00053683-00054088 If you take care of your morning, your life will be better. T4gHQAt28KE-00132-00054088-00054373 This is not to encourage you to waste all your evening. T4gHQAt28KE-00133-00054373-00054889 Instead, I think if at all you have the need to entertain yourself and waste some time, T4gHQAt28KE-00134-00054889-00055324 it should never be in the morning or afternoon. T4gHQAt28KE-00135-00055324-00055712 In conclusion, don’t ever forget that we don’t have a life. T4gHQAt28KE-00136-00055712-00055954 None of us has 70 years. T4gHQAt28KE-00137-00055954-00056425 All we have is the time and it’s very short and irredeemable. T4gHQAt28KE-00138-00056425-00056899 We don’t have many minutes in a day and any second wasted is gone forever. T4gHQAt28KE-00139-00056899-00057469 If we truly care about our life, we’ll care about the seconds and the minutes. T4gHQAt28KE-00140-00057469-00057966 Keep control of your time, and you can’t unless you say no. T4gHQAt28KE-00141-00057966-00058187 Say no to little things. T4gHQAt28KE-00142-00058187-00058450 Say No to many hours on social media. T4gHQAt28KE-00143-00058450-00058630 Say No to gossips. T4gHQAt28KE-00144-00058630-00058874 Say no to the unproductive argument. T4gHQAt28KE-00145-00058874-00059177 Say no to many hours on tv shows. T4gHQAt28KE-00146-00059177-00059718 Stay focused on what matters and you’ll be successful. T4gHQAt28KE-00147-00059718-00059916 Thank you so much for watching our videos. T4gHQAt28KE-00148-00059916-00060315 Are you between the ages of 15 and 40? T4gHQAt28KE-00149-00060315-00060744 Then, we invite you to join our new channel which was specially created to share with T4gHQAt28KE-00150-00060744-00061162 you, inspiration and life’s lessons to succeed in life. T4gHQAt28KE-00151-00061162-00061416 We call it Under40 TV. T4gHQAt28KE-00152-00061416-00061920 Kindly look at the description box to join the Under40 TV T4gHQAt28KE-00153-00061920-00061981 We Love You T6mvv6cCw5u-00000-00000000-00000280 Who abandoned this cat? The identity of this big-headed cat that I never imagined!! T6mvv6cCw5u-00001-00000280-00000382 Eut.d’s Cat Tycoon T6mvv6cCw5u-00002-00000382-00000636 About 200 animals are abandoned daily, T6mvv6cCw5u-00003-00000636-00000750 and 1/3 of them are naturally dead T6mvv6cCw5u-00004-00000750-00000864 or euthanized in poor shelters. T6mvv6cCw5u-00005-00000864-00001164 Do not buy companion animals, but adopt abandoned animals in “PawinHand App”. T6mvv6cCw5u-00006-00001180-00001290 Hello~ everybody. T6mvv6cCw5u-00007-00001290-00001522 Angpang, Pepper and Black’s butler T6mvv6cCw5u-00008-00001522-00001646 Hello, I’m eut.d. T6mvv6cCw5u-00009-00001646-00001738 Today T6mvv6cCw5u-00010-00001738-00001938 I'm going to tell you a little different story. T6mvv6cCw5u-00011-00001938-00002242 Who abandoned these cats? T6mvv6cCw5u-00012-00003292-00003428 a few days ago T6mvv6cCw5u-00013-00003428-00003660 I'm going to take care of a cat. T6mvv6cCw5u-00014-00003660-00003888 The cat's name is "Aile." T6mvv6cCw5u-00015-00003888-00004268 "Aile" I'm calling him “hairs tuft”. Male Age is unknown T6mvv6cCw5u-00016-00004298-00004384 ordinarily T6mvv6cCw5u-00017-00004384-00004618 A private volunteer who's interested in and rescuing sick stray cats T6mvv6cCw5u-00018-00004618-00005064 rescued this cat from the shelter. T6mvv6cCw5u-00019-00005066-00005278 I decided to care this cat only temporarily. T6mvv6cCw5u-00020-00005278-00005656 He was dumped in the box with another baby cat. T6mvv6cCw5u-00021-00005658-00005890 Someone called the shelter. T6mvv6cCw5u-00022-00005890-00006206 Perhaps the caller is the one who abandoned the cat. T6mvv6cCw5u-00023-00006206-00006444 Despite his physical discomfort, T6mvv6cCw5u-00024-00006444-00006762 He was licking the abandoned kitten together. T6mvv6cCw5u-00025-00006762-00006962 His hind legs were paralyzed. T6mvv6cCw5u-00026-00006962-00007188 His front feet didn't seem to have claws. T6mvv6cCw5u-00027-00007188-00007520 He doesn't like to touch his front feet. I couldn't take a closer look, T6mvv6cCw5u-00028-00007520-00007650 He keeps slipping. T6mvv6cCw5u-00029-00007650-00007923 There was nothing on his front feet that felt sharp. T6mvv6cCw5u-00030-00007923-00008123 Maybe someone pulled his claws out. T6mvv6cCw5u-00031-00008123-00008356 He even had traces of spinal surgery. T6mvv6cCw5u-00032-00008356-00008556 Because this surgery didn't work out. T6mvv6cCw5u-00033-00008556-00008838 It is suspected that he may have been paralyzed on his hind legs. T6mvv6cCw5u-00034-00008838-00009084 He didn't even have a neutralization operation. T6mvv6cCw5u-00035-00009084-00009344 The name of the baby cat that was abandoned with him is. T6mvv6cCw5u-00036-00009344-00009470 "Ginger” T6mvv6cCw5u-00037-00009470-00009670 This kid had brain damage, T6mvv6cCw5u-00038-00009670-00009870 He hasn't had energy since he first came. T6mvv6cCw5u-00039-00009870-00010042 After a detailed examination of him, T6mvv6cCw5u-00040-00010042-00010308 We knew he had peritonitis. T6mvv6cCw5u-00041-00010308-00010766 What the hell!!! What happened to these kids? T6mvv6cCw5u-00042-00010766-00011302 Looks like the breeders or the bad guys dumped it. T6mvv6cCw5u-00043-00011312-00011808 He had a neutralization operation and was sullen. T6mvv6cCw5u-00044-00011808-00012078 He's not even vaccinated at all. T6mvv6cCw5u-00045-00012078-00012298 I think I will go to the hospital with him often in the future. T6mvv6cCw5u-00046-00012298-00012634 He's familiar with my cats, T6mvv6cCw5u-00047-00012634-00012888 But he has a fungal skin disease all over his body. T6mvv6cCw5u-00048-00012890-00013134 I think it can be transmitted on contact. T6mvv6cCw5u-00049-00013134-00013344 So now he's isolated by a fence like this. T6mvv6cCw5u-00050-00013344-00013641 His urine and shit leak out if he needs too much. T6mvv6cCw5u-00051-00013641-00013890 It's a little difficult to control. T6mvv6cCw5u-00052-00013890-00014208 When he is energized or embarrassed, his urine leaks out. T6mvv6cCw5u-00053-00014208-00014541 He's good at dealing with shit by himself. T6mvv6cCw5u-00054-00014541-00014768 He can't use the sand toilet yet. T6mvv6cCw5u-00055-00014768-00015034 When he's done with his isolation and he's released, T6mvv6cCw5u-00056-00015034-00015266 I'm thinking of putting him on diapers then. T6mvv6cCw5u-00057-00015266-00015478 He's looking for a good family T6mvv6cCw5u-00058-00015478-00015630 to take care of more than I do. T6mvv6cCw5u-00059-00015630-00015850 I'll tell you about him from now on. T6mvv6cCw5u-00060-00015850-00015991 Please give us lots of love and support. T6mvv6cCw5u-00061-00015991-00016168 after careful consideration T6mvv6cCw5u-00062-00016168-00016484 If anyone's got the confidence to welcome him as a family, T6mvv6cCw5u-00063-00016484-00016696 Please tell me. T6mvv6cCw5u-00064-00016696-00016870 Please support us T6mvv6cCw5u-00065-00016870-00017144 so that our "Aile" can recover both body and mind. T6mvv6cCw5u-00066-00017144-00017344 Goodbye~ T6mvv6cCw5u-00067-00017344-00018120 ★If you like my video, please subscribe and click 'Like'★ T6MmIllj0b4-00000-00000113-00000624 [music] T6MmIllj0b4-00001-00001664-00001996 This is EDUC 4703U, T6MmIllj0b4-00002-00002041-00002264 Teaching and Learning – Problem Based Learning. T6MmIllj0b4-00003-00002266-00002605 This is session three, video clip two. T6MmIllj0b4-00004-00002747-00003167 The title of this video clip is Differentiating Learning from Teaching. T6MmIllj0b4-00005-00003329-00003606 The analysis questions for this video clip are as follows. T6MmIllj0b4-00006-00003608-00003934 Number one, according to the Conference Board of Canada, T6MmIllj0b4-00007-00003936-00004289 what kinds of skills are sought after by employers? T6MmIllj0b4-00008-00004346-00004626 Number two, compare the given characteristics T6MmIllj0b4-00009-00004627-00005047 of present educational systems and learning-centred environments. T6MmIllj0b4-00010-00005104-00005470 Number three, compare content and process orientations T6MmIllj0b4-00011-00005472-00005740 as found in educational settings. T6MmIllj0b4-00012-00005742-00006028 Number four, what are the apparent differences T6MmIllj0b4-00013-00006030-00006285 between cooperation and collaboration? T6MmIllj0b4-00014-00007222-00007716 First slide takes a look at comparison of teaching and learning environments, T6MmIllj0b4-00015-00007718-00008219 and this is taken from work, uh, Desjardins and van Oostveen, 2008. T6MmIllj0b4-00016-00008281-00008584 I'm quoting from paper given by T6MmIllj0b4-00017-00008586-00009034 van Oostveen, Desjardins and Bullock, in 2010. T6MmIllj0b4-00018-00009146-00009314 “At the beginning of this new millennium, T6MmIllj0b4-00019-00009315-00009573 with the information and technological ages, T6MmIllj0b4-00020-00009575-00009801 education and more specifically, teaching, T6MmIllj0b4-00021-00009802-00010272 remains rooted in the prast- practices of the past. T6MmIllj0b4-00022-00010346-00010619 Pedagogical practices continue to resist T6MmIllj0b4-00023-00010620-00010906 the lessons arising from educational research. T6MmIllj0b4-00024-00010907-00011219 In spite of profound, rapid changes in society, T6MmIllj0b4-00025-00011221-00011475 real re- reforms have been slow to take hold T6MmIllj0b4-00026-00011477-00011713 in educational systems around the world. T6MmIllj0b4-00027-00011714-00011974 The ways in which we work, live and play T6MmIllj0b4-00028-00011975-00012240 have all gone through important transformations T6MmIllj0b4-00029-00012241-00012424 in the past generation. T6MmIllj0b4-00030-00012426-00012799 Employers, governments and institutions have all realized that T6MmIllj0b4-00031-00012801-00013196 the needs of society towards education systems have also changed. T6MmIllj0b4-00032-00013197-00013428 For example, The Conference Board of Canada, T6MmIllj0b4-00033-00013430-00013718 representing this nation's largest employers, T6MmIllj0b4-00034-00013719-00014171 published a short document entitled 'Employability Skills 2000 plus,' T6MmIllj0b4-00035-00014173-00014456 outlining the kinds of competencies T6MmIllj0b4-00036-00014458-00014729 that should be expected of graduates of our school system. T6MmIllj0b4-00037-00014771-00015130 This organization identified the ne- identifies the needed, T6MmIllj0b4-00038-00015132-00015615 one, academic skills such communication, thinking, and learning. T6MmIllj0b4-00039-00015616-00015905 Two, personal management skills that include T6MmIllj0b4-00040-00015906-00016138 'A positive attitude toward change,' T6MmIllj0b4-00041-00016139-00016469 and finally, three, teamwork skills." T6MmIllj0b4-00042-00016556-00016811 And again, that's taken from The Conference Board of Canada, T6MmIllj0b4-00043-00016853-00017195 uh, in 2000 and again in 2006. T6MmIllj0b4-00044-00017237-00017520 "From this, what is required of our future generation T6MmIllj0b4-00045-00017522-00017756 is clearly different from what was needed T6MmIllj0b4-00046-00017757-00017939 just a few years ago. T6MmIllj0b4-00047-00017970-00018257 This also suggests that commonly held views about teaching T6MmIllj0b4-00048-00018259-00018470 may no longer be relevant. T6MmIllj0b4-00049-00018539-00018767 Present educational systems and practices T6MmIllj0b4-00050-00018768-00019051 tend not to be coherent with modern learning theory T6MmIllj0b4-00051-00019088-00019248 as they tend to be," T6MmIllj0b4-00052-00019250-00019440 and here are the characteristics list, T6MmIllj0b4-00053-00019442-00019865 "primarily instructor-driven, they are content-centred, T6MmIllj0b4-00054-00019866-00020182 an they tend to foster individual work. T6MmIllj0b4-00055-00020183-00020481 Whereas current learning theories suggest that learning is, T6MmIllj0b4-00056-00020483-00020739 or at least should be learner-driven, T6MmIllj0b4-00057-00020741-00021183 should be process-centred, and should foster team work." T6MmIllj0b4-00058-00021899-00022149 When comparing instructor and learner driven T6MmIllj0b4-00059-00022150-00022357 kinds of systems or environments, T6MmIllj0b4-00060-00022358-00022705 we find that instructor driven environments tend to be, T6MmIllj0b4-00061-00022706-00022977 uh, those in which the instructor is responsible T6MmIllj0b4-00062-00022978-00023374 for the delivery of information or content to the learner, T6MmIllj0b4-00063-00023413-00023608 and they're also responsible for modeling T6MmIllj0b4-00064-00023610-00023812 appropriate learning behaviours. T6MmIllj0b4-00065-00023813-00024115 There is also an emphasis on information organization T6MmIllj0b4-00066-00024116-00024290 and clarity of delivery. T6MmIllj0b4-00067-00024335-00024791 And finally, most educational choices are made by the instructor, T6MmIllj0b4-00068-00024792-00025174 as compared to the characteristics of learner driven environments T6MmIllj0b4-00069-00025175-00025572 it which we find that students are responsible for their own learning. T6MmIllj0b4-00070-00025626-00025937 The emphasis on students understanding the material, T6MmIllj0b4-00071-00025938-00026224 um, the content and processes – T6MmIllj0b4-00072-00026225-00026568 so it's both the content as well as the processes to be learned, T6MmIllj0b4-00073-00026569-00026912 and finally, many if not most educational choices T6MmIllj0b4-00074-00026913-00027165 are made by the students. T6MmIllj0b4-00075-00027528-00027926 When comparing content versus process orientations, T6MmIllj0b4-00076-00027967-00028253 we find that content focuses on T6MmIllj0b4-00077-00028255-00028484 and meets the requirements of the content, T6MmIllj0b4-00078-00028486-00028710 that is the information that is believed to be T6MmIllj0b4-00079-00028711-00028955 of utmost importance within the specific field. T6MmIllj0b4-00080-00028994-00029176 There is also a focus on mastery – T6MmIllj0b4-00081-00029177-00029477 that is, memorization and application of the content, T6MmIllj0b4-00082-00029479-00029678 which becomes pre-eminent. T6MmIllj0b4-00083-00029732-00030004 And the course organization cannot be changed T6MmIllj0b4-00084-00030006-00030328 to meet the needs of either the instructor or the students, T6MmIllj0b4-00085-00030329-00030733 because the content is of pre-eminent, uh, importance. T6MmIllj0b4-00086-00030898-00031136 Compared to process orientations, T6MmIllj0b4-00087-00031137-00031733 where learning is the inactive, i- is active resulting in engagement T6MmIllj0b4-00088-00031735-00031894 by the learner. T6MmIllj0b4-00089-00031895-00032291 It emphasizes student’s ability or learner's ability to perform tasks T6MmIllj0b4-00090-00032292-00032644 by producing their own work with their knowledge and skills, T6MmIllj0b4-00091-00032701-00033021 and assessment i- in process orientations T6MmIllj0b4-00092-00033023-00033401 includes observation of and making judgments about T6MmIllj0b4-00093-00033403-00033725 the student’s demonstration of a skill or competency T6MmIllj0b4-00094-00033727-00034062 in creating a product, constructing a response, T6MmIllj0b4-00095-00034063-00034278 or making a presentation. T6MmIllj0b4-00096-00034442-00034942 And finally, when taking a look at team work or team, team group work, T6MmIllj0b4-00097-00034943-00035316 uh, we can pick, compare cooperation and collaboration. T6MmIllj0b4-00098-00035317-00035613 This is, uh, the following is taken from a quote T6MmIllj0b4-00099-00035615-00035907 of, uh, Evans, 2007, T6MmIllj0b4-00100-00035909-00036451 uh, "Wiki’s and Open Spa- Open Source: Collaborative or Cooperative?" T6MmIllj0b4-00101-00036452-00036922 Um, “Why distinguish between collaboration and cooperation? T6MmIllj0b4-00102-00036923-00037158 Because the subtle difference between these words T6MmIllj0b4-00103-00037159-00037552 describe a lot about where we are versus where we need to be T6MmIllj0b4-00104-00037553-00037756 vis-à-vis online communities. T6MmIllj0b4-00105-00037757-00038259 Admittedly, admittedly, Webster's defines the two words very similarly. T6MmIllj0b4-00106-00038260-00038615 However, I would argue that collaboration, unlike cooperation, T6MmIllj0b4-00107-00038617-00039123 requires the parties involved in a project jointly solve problems. T6MmIllj0b4-00108-00039262-00039518 Truly collaborative processes enable differing T6MmIllj0b4-00109-00039520-00039750 and possibly conflicting views to merge T6MmIllj0b4-00110-00039752-00040066 and create something new and previously unmanaged. T6MmIllj0b4-00111-00040107-00040388 Many online projects offered up as collaborative, T6MmIllj0b4-00112-00040389-00040546 do not meet this standard. T6MmIllj0b4-00113-00040548-00040771 For example, some on-line projects, T6MmIllj0b4-00114-00040773-00041012 particularly open-source software projects, T6MmIllj0b4-00115-00041014-00041283 break problems down into smaller pieces T6MmIllj0b4-00116-00041284-00041493 which are tackled by individuals. T6MmIllj0b4-00117-00041495-00041839 Sub-dividing a problem and allowing a network of volunteers T6MmIllj0b4-00118-00041841-00042204 to opt-in and provide solutions is highly efficient. T6MmIllj0b4-00119-00042205-00042648 However, those involved in the project may never need to talk, T6MmIllj0b4-00120-00042650-00042917 exchange ideas or even interact. T6MmIllj0b4-00121-00042919-00043333 Indeed tricky problems may often end up relying on a single clever hacker, T6MmIllj0b4-00122-00043335-00043565 operating alone, to solve a problem. T6MmIllj0b4-00123-00043566-00043831 While this can be part of a cooperative effort, T6MmIllj0b4-00124-00043833-00044142 people with a common goal contributing labour to achieve it, T6MmIllj0b4-00125-00044143-00044353 it may not be collaborative. T6MmIllj0b4-00126-00044400-00044743 Equally, many wikis, which are assumed to require collaboration, T6MmIllj0b4-00127-00044744-00045023 simply replace old information with new information, T6MmIllj0b4-00128-00045064-00045403 or rely on an arbiter to settle differences. T6MmIllj0b4-00129-00045404-00045792 This is at best cooperative, at worst co- competitive, T6MmIllj0b4-00130-00045794-00046107 but again, probably not collaborative.” T6MmIllj0b4-00131-00046417-00046595 From the theoretical perspective, T6MmIllj0b4-00132-00046596-00046873 I'd ask you to read the learning theory overview T6MmIllj0b4-00133-00046875-00047215 given by Smith, 1999, "Learning theory, T6MmIllj0b4-00134-00047216-00047525 the incomplete- the encyclopaedia of informal education," T6MmIllj0b4-00135-00047570-00047873 and the link will be given to you as well. T6MmIllj0b4-00136-00048387-00048800 Finally, the synthesis questions for this clip are as follows. T6MmIllj0b4-00137-00048801-00049086 Number one, do you think the skills reported T6MmIllj0b4-00138-00049088-00049311 in the Conference Board document can be developed T6MmIllj0b4-00139-00049313-00049580 in prechi- present educational systems? T6MmIllj0b4-00140-00049582-00049770 If so, how? T6MmIllj0b4-00141-00049772-00050085 Number two, why might putting the locus of control T6MmIllj0b4-00142-00050087-00050243 in the hands of the learner, T6MmIllj0b4-00143-00050244-00050511 in learner-centred environments be important? T6MmIllj0b4-00144-00050560-00050853 Number three, why might a process orientation T6MmIllj0b4-00145-00050854-00051215 support an emphasis on learning rather than teaching? T6MmIllj0b4-00146-00051287-00051515 And number four, what difference does it make T6MmIllj0b4-00147-00051516-00051847 if learners collaborate rather than cooperate? T6MmIllj0b4-00148-00052114-00052344 [music] T6MmIllj0b4-00149-00052346-00052576 captioned by TqfhdkohsHM-00000-00000444-00000756 Academic advisors are here to help you get the most out of your college TqfhdkohsHM-00001-00000756-00000844 education. TqfhdkohsHM-00002-00000844-00001233 Advisors assist students with planning in course selection for your upcoming TqfhdkohsHM-00003-00001233-00001326 semester. TqfhdkohsHM-00004-00001326-00001684 Advisors assist students in learning about the numerous student services on TqfhdkohsHM-00005-00001684-00001761 campus. TqfhdkohsHM-00006-00001761-00002225 Advisors help you to interpret your test scores, understand course prerequisites, TqfhdkohsHM-00007-00002225-00002593 program requirements, and many other factors which help you create TqfhdkohsHM-00008-00002593-00003065 a manageable class schedule. By meeting with your advisor frequently, TqfhdkohsHM-00009-00003065-00003490 students assume an active, self sufficient role in their academic planning. TqfhdkohsHM-00010-00003490-00003944 Advisors encourage students to identify and pursue their appropriate educational TqfhdkohsHM-00011-00003944-00004062 and professional goals. TqfhdkohsHM-00012-00004062-00004589 All students are assigned an advisor. You should check your Access BCC account TqfhdkohsHM-00013-00004589-00005135 to find your advisor. Some students will be assigned to a faculty or staff member TqfhdkohsHM-00014-00005135-00005603 of the college. Other students will be assigned to the Advising Center at your TqfhdkohsHM-00015-00005603-00005675 campus. TqfhdkohsHM-00016-00005675-00006110 Take full advantage of BCC's advising services. Make sure to check your Access TqfhdkohsHM-00017-00006110-00006414 BCC email account and schedule an appointment with your advisor. Tqg-yCXwU5y-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video Tqg-yCXwU5y-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view Tqg-yCXwU5y-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. Tqg-yCXwU5y-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much TuQAX-xnhd8-00000-00000000-00000701 It's cuffing season And now we got a reason to get a big boy TuQAX-xnhd8-00001-00000701-00001213 I need a big boy Give me a big boy TuQAX-xnhd8-00002-00001213-00001964 It's cuffing season And all the girls are leaving to get a big boy TuQAX-xnhd8-00003-00001964-00002495 I need a big boy Give me a big boy TuQAX-xnhd8-00004-00002495-00003023 It's cuffing season And all the girls are leaving to get a big boy TuQAX-xnhd8-00005-00003023-00003744 I want a big boy Give me a big boy TuQAX-xnhd8-00006-00003744-00004047 I need a big boy With polar bear arms TuQAX-xnhd8-00007-00004047-00004669 Keeps me warm when there's a storm When the chill is biting but his jacket's unzipped TuQAX-xnhd8-00008-00004669-00004977 He bring in my groceries in just one trip TuQAX-xnhd8-00009-00004977-00005332 Till the sun comes back I need a big boy hottie TuQAX-xnhd8-00010-00005332-00005920 Makes his own heat with his big boy body For the next three months skinny boys is dead TuQAX-xnhd8-00011-00005920-00006583 Forget a six-pack, I need the whole damn keg Big boy, with a big boy back TuQAX-xnhd8-00012-00006583-00007223 California king, refrigerator set With steaks on steaks on steak on steaks TuQAX-xnhd8-00013-00007223-00007529 Bit of bacon, cheese and lasagna in the training TuQAX-xnhd8-00014-00007529-00008151 Need an enormous man, feeds me snacks with his enormous TuQAX-xnhd8-00015-00008151-00008444 I hope he asks me to be his winter wife TuQAX-xnhd8-00016-00008444-00008777 Cause messing with a big boy will change your TuQAX-xnhd8-00017-00008777-00009520 It's cuffing season And all the girls be needing a big boy TuQAX-xnhd8-00018-00009520-00010000 I need a big boy Give me a big boy TwXqJ0sv-u4-00000-00000362-00000648 These are the pictures of his funeral. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00001-00000803-00001003 My father used to love me a lot. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00002-00001410-00001862 On that morning my father picked me up in his lap to make me sleep with my mother but I didn't sleep and TwXqJ0sv-u4-00003-00001876-00002074 I went up to have breakfast with him. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00004-00002122-00002606 He was looking for his belt and I found that for him before he would leave for the work. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00005-00002656-00003198 As he was about to leave I refused to let him go and we both kissed each other. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00006-00003486-00004130 It was for the first time I kissed him so many times and afterwards, he left. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00007-00006722-00007252 I handed him the clothes and he got ready to leave. Before leaving, he hugged and kissed his daughter. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00008-00007448-00007938 I usually used to see off him at the gate but that day I didn't go out. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00009-00007992-00008482 His mother asked him not to go as the forces had been deployed outside, he said he will be back by one o clock TwXqJ0sv-u4-00010-00008492-00008878 as his truck was already loaded. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00011-00009326-00009824 Even if he had met an accident, the curfew pass slip, he was carrying, would not have come out of his picket on its own. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00012-00009872-00010490 His watch also would not have been clutched in his hand. The medics who attended him in the hospital said TwXqJ0sv-u4-00013-00010530-00010832 he was clasping his watch in one hand. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00014-00010864-00011372 His nervous system had broke down due to the fatal beating by the forces and it was quite difficult TwXqJ0sv-u4-00015-00011402-00011602 for them to pull out the watch from his hand. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00016-00011676-00012140 The forces didn't show any mercy on him, he was innocent and had went out to earn for his family. TwXqJ0sv-u4-00017-00012172-00012630 He was driving somebody else's vehicle as he didn't own one. TxAHjcVgtBu-00000-00001438-00001764 My name is Rolf Gubler. I'm a biologist here at the park. TxAHjcVgtBu-00001-00001780-00002143 I'm in charge of the peregrine falcon restoration program here. TxAHjcVgtBu-00002-00002143-00002439 We've been doing it for a number of years. TxAHjcVgtBu-00003-00002439-00002635 Sort of a second version of the TxAHjcVgtBu-00004-00002635-00002915 restoration program started in 2000. TxAHjcVgtBu-00005-00002915-00003345 Since then we've restored roughly 170 peregrine falcons TxAHjcVgtBu-00006-00003345-00003666 back into the park, every year we've done that. TxAHjcVgtBu-00007-00003666-00003999 Average year we usually hack or restore about five to seven TxAHjcVgtBu-00008-00003999-00004366 birds. This year we are actually hacking three birds. TxAHjcVgtBu-00009-00004441-00004721 One of the projects that we do is falcon management TxAHjcVgtBu-00010-00004721-00004929 and monitoring in Virginia. TxAHjcVgtBu-00011-00004929-00005434 And that project has been going on since 1978. TxAHjcVgtBu-00012-00005434-00005839 Falcons were extirpated in Virginia by the early 1960's TxAHjcVgtBu-00013-00005839-00006093 and a reintroduction program TxAHjcVgtBu-00014-00006097-00006439 was started in the late 1970's. And so we hack birds in the TxAHjcVgtBu-00015-00006439-00006785 mountains and on the coast to reestablish the population. TxAHjcVgtBu-00016-00006785-00007144 One of the parts of the falcon management TxAHjcVgtBu-00017-00007144-00007586 is to translocate falcons that are at risk on the costal plain TxAHjcVgtBu-00018-00007586-00007974 that are nesting on man-made structures to the mountains. TxAHjcVgtBu-00019-00007974-00008295 And Shenandoah National Park has really been the primary player TxAHjcVgtBu-00020-00008295-00008454 in releasing those. TxAHjcVgtBu-00021-00008537-00009059 - Yeah, they're nesting in a vent there. It's an air vent. TxAHjcVgtBu-00022-00009150-00009476 It's a neat spot. Really nice spot for them I think. TxAHjcVgtBu-00023-00009597-00009859 - The Richmond pair, they just had one? TxAHjcVgtBu-00024-00009901-00009964 - I think thats's right. TxAHjcVgtBu-00025-00010018-00010293 I think they had four chicks but only one chick. TxAHjcVgtBu-00026-00010293-00010514 Only one of the eggs hatched. TxAHjcVgtBu-00027-00010798-00011090 We band all the falcons that are produced in Virginia TxAHjcVgtBu-00028-00011148-00011265 with two bands. TxAHjcVgtBu-00029-00011286-00011753 One is a USGS band that has a unique number code on it. TxAHjcVgtBu-00030-00011753-00012057 And the other is an alpha numeric band that we put TxAHjcVgtBu-00031-00012057-00012295 on that we can read in the field. And that's how we TxAHjcVgtBu-00032-00012295-00012449 identify these birds. TxAHjcVgtBu-00033-00012495-00012779 - How about white, yellow and red? TxAHjcVgtBu-00034-00012779-00012858 - Sure. TxAHjcVgtBu-00035-00013079-00013500 Hacking is the process of taking either captive reared raptors TxAHjcVgtBu-00036-00013500-00014059 or natural bred raptors TxAHjcVgtBu-00037-00014059-00014535 from native sites, like bridge sites in the case of peregrines, TxAHjcVgtBu-00038-00014535-00014985 and taking those birds, in this case these are birds at TxAHjcVgtBu-00039-00014985-00015461 risk because they face chances of drowning when they fledge TxAHjcVgtBu-00040-00015461-00015840 over these bridge nests. And we take those birds and TxAHjcVgtBu-00041-00015840-00016120 we bring them to a potential nesting site TxAHjcVgtBu-00042-00016120-00016237 on a high cliff area. TxAHjcVgtBu-00043-00016287-00016766 And we use a hack box, which is like a big dog house. TxAHjcVgtBu-00044-00016791-00017263 And we house those birds for roughly 14 to 16 days TxAHjcVgtBu-00045-00017263-00017546 after they're about 20 to 28 days old. TxAHjcVgtBu-00046-00017609-00017872 And at that point, they fledge. They take their first flight, TxAHjcVgtBu-00047-00017872-00018176 but we continue to feed them. Continue to protect them TxAHjcVgtBu-00048-00018176-00018472 from human disturbance for about another four to five weeks. TxAHjcVgtBu-00049-00018472-00018968 And usually by about mid July they are ready to disperse TxAHjcVgtBu-00050-00018968-00019135 and make long dispersal flights TxAHjcVgtBu-00051-00019135-00019427 and eventually go and migrate out of the area, TxAHjcVgtBu-00052-00019444-00019565 in the hopes that they come back TxAHjcVgtBu-00053-00019565-00019861 and breed in this area in about two to three years. TxYqCgoziWU-00000-00000000-00000050 Welcome to a new video of agri tech farming TxYqCgoziWU-00001-00000050-00000100 Today we are going to see a trending agricultural machine T-6SINRzO9U-00000-00000000-00000546 Welcome to part two of this two part series on writing academic research papers. T-6SINRzO9U-00001-00000546-00001096 In part one we described the process of researching and writing these kinds of papers. T-6SINRzO9U-00002-00001096-00001903 Now, in this video, we’ll dig a little deeper and compare and contrast two different kinds of research papers you might be asked to write. T-6SINRzO9U-00003-00001903-00002446 The first kind of research paper we’ll discuss is the argumentative research paper. T-6SINRzO9U-00004-00002446-00003083 As you might guess from the name, an argumentative research paper is a paper that is structured around an argument. T-6SINRzO9U-00005-00003083-00004023 The goal of this kind of paper is to establish the truth of a claim or position by citing evidence that you have uncovered in your research. T-6SINRzO9U-00006-00004023-00004799 The claim you want to establish is called the thesis statement. The thesis statement usually appears very early in the paper T-6SINRzO9U-00007-00004800-00005576 most often in the first paragraph and provides the context for the evidence and argument you will provide in the rest of the paper. T-6SINRzO9U-00008-00005576-00006166 In other words, the thesis tells your reader the specific goal for the paper and why it matters. T-6SINRzO9U-00009-00006166-00006906 Thesis statements can be difficult to write. A thesis statement is not a statement of fact, it is not a question T-6SINRzO9U-00010-00006906-00007629 nor is it a simple statement of your topic. Instead, your thesis statement says something non-obvious about your topic T-6SINRzO9U-00011-00007630-00008000 which you will try to completely establish in the rest of your paper. T-6SINRzO9U-00012-00008000-00008490 To come up with a suitable thesis statement, it can help to think of the one specific claim you T-6SINRzO9U-00013-00008490-00008940 would like your reader to remember from your paper, even if they forgot everything else about it. T-6SINRzO9U-00014-00008940-00009666 As you write and conduct further research you might find that you need to add to or edit this claim somewhat. T-6SINRzO9U-00015-00009666-00010146 This is a normal part of the research process. The most important thing is that, in the final T-6SINRzO9U-00016-00010146-00010569 draft, your thesis matches the argument you actually make in your paper. T-6SINRzO9U-00017-00010570-00011106 The body of an argumentative research paper is where you actually make your argument. T-6SINRzO9U-00018-00011106-00011713 Here, the goal is use information gained from your research to show why your thesis statement is true. T-6SINRzO9U-00019-00011713-00012309 Each body paragraph should be dedicated to establishing a single aspect of the thesis by, T-6SINRzO9U-00020-00012310-00012906 for example, defining terms, presenting evidence, putting that evidence in context, T-6SINRzO9U-00021-00012906-00013619 discussing and answering possible alternative explanations, and considering possible implications for your research. T-6SINRzO9U-00022-00013619-00014166 Finally, the conclusion of an argumentative research paper restates your thesis statement T-6SINRzO9U-00023-00014166-00014753 summarizes the main reasons you believe it to be true, and reminds your reader why it is important. T-6SINRzO9U-00024-00014753-00015133 The second kind of research paper is the review paper. T-6SINRzO9U-00025-00015133-00015826 A review paper aims to summarize and digest academic literature written on a topic and present conclusions to the reader. T-6SINRzO9U-00026-00015826-00016476 A review paper will often not include an explicit thesis statement. Instead, the introduction of a T-6SINRzO9U-00027-00016476-00016919 review paper sets the research question and gives a scope for the inquiry. T-6SINRzO9U-00028-00016920-00017443 It tells your reader what you are trying to find out about the topic and the limits of your search. T-6SINRzO9U-00029-00017443-00018103 The body of the review paper consists of a systematic presentation and analysis of material written on the chosen topic. T-6SINRzO9U-00030-00018103-00018903 It does not merely summarize the contents of individual papers but attempts to put sources in conversation with each other. T-6SINRzO9U-00031-00018903-00019473 It explains approaches to the topic, describes trends in the literature, highlights important T-6SINRzO9U-00032-00019473-00019916 debates and disagreements, and identifies questions that have yet to be answered. T-6SINRzO9U-00033-00019916-00020639 In other words, a review paper tells your reader precisely what we know, and what we don’t yet know, about a topic. T-6SINRzO9U-00034-00020640-00021106 Once you finish your analysis, you can draw out some judgments: which approaches seem T-6SINRzO9U-00035-00021106-00021719 most promising, which elements of the topic are best suited for future research, and so on. T-6SINRzO9U-00036-00021720-00022323 The main difference between an argumentative and a review paper is in the way they relate to the literature. T-6SINRzO9U-00037-00022323-00023073 In an argumentative research paper, the argument is primary: everything in the paper is arranged to show the thesis statement is true. T-6SINRzO9U-00038-00023073-00023539 In a review paper, on the other hand, the literature is primary: T-6SINRzO9U-00039-00023540-00024273 the writer’s judgements emerge only after a careful description and analysis of the contents of the sources they have consulted. T-6SINRzO9U-00040-00024273-00024853 Here’s an analogy: In a review paper, a writer creates a map of the literature, showing the T-6SINRzO9U-00041-00024853-00025316 connections between the various aspects of the topic and different approaches to studying it. T-6SINRzO9U-00042-00025316-00025979 The reader is then free to use this ‘map’ to identify aspects of the topic they want to study. T-6SINRzO9U-00043-00025980-00026560 In an argumentative paper, on the other hand, a writer provides a route to a specific destination. T-6SINRzO9U-00044-00026560-00027176 If they accept the argument, the reader now has a direct way to justify the position taken in the paper. T-6SINRzO9U-00045-00027176-00027779 Sometimes writers combine aspects of both kinds of papers, providing a literature review to T-6SINRzO9U-00046-00027780-00028383 give their readers some background on the topic before moving on to arguing for the truth of a specific thesis. T-6SINRzO9U-00047-00028383-00028919 Whatever type of paper you write, the research phase of the process will be fairly similar. T-6SINRzO9U-00048-00028920-00029446 You will still have to seek out reputable sources, analyze and digest those sources for T-6SINRzO9U-00049-00029446-00029836 your reader, and properly cite these sources in your essay. T-6SINRzO9U-00050-00029836-00030316 Visit the Dalhousie Libraries for assistance in finding these resources and the Writing Centre T-6SINRzO9U-00051-00030316-00030706 for help in organizing, structuring, and citing your paper. T-6SINRzO9U-00052-00030706-00031059 Book an appointment using the links found in the description below. T-6SINRzO9U-00053-00031060-00031596 Thanks for watching. For subject guides, Live Help, other online tutorials, and contact T-6SINRzO9U-00054-00031596-00032049 information for the five Dalhousie Libraries, check out the links in the description below.  TBfkkNsIGeU-00000-00000042-00000497 Hello, my name is Bori Ajifa and I'm from OTS training. TBfkkNsIGeU-00001-00000497-00000965 In this video I'm going to be talking to you about how to get started with zoom at Towson TBfkkNsIGeU-00002-00000965-00001764 University.Zoom is a cloud-based video communications app that allows you to setup virtual video TBfkkNsIGeU-00003-00001764-00002452 and audio conferencing, webinars, live chats, and other collaborative capabilities. TBfkkNsIGeU-00004-00002452-00003204 Zoom is available for faculty, staff, and students at TU.To get up and running with TBfkkNsIGeU-00005-00003204-00003835 zoom the first step is to activate your TU zoom account. TBfkkNsIGeU-00006-00003835-00004272 To do so, head to on your preferred browser. TBfkkNsIGeU-00007-00004272-00004925 click Sign in and login using your NetID and password through TU's secure Single Sign-on TBfkkNsIGeU-00008-00004925-00005303 page.The next step is to download the zoom client on your computer. TBfkkNsIGeU-00009-00005303-00005819 There are two ways to download the client, from the TU zoom portal and from the software TBfkkNsIGeU-00010-00005819-00005919 center. TBfkkNsIGeU-00011-00005919-00006558 Let’s take a look at how to download zoom from the TU zoom portal.Sign in to the zoom TBfkkNsIGeU-00012-00006558-00007090 portal by heading to then click sign in. TBfkkNsIGeU-00013-00007090-00007650 from the top right corner of the window, hover over Resources and click Download Zoom Client. TBfkkNsIGeU-00014-00007650-00007854 The downloads page will appear. TBfkkNsIGeU-00015-00007854-00008226 Under Zoom Client for Meetings, click Download. TBfkkNsIGeU-00016-00008226-00008924 Run the installer and follow the screen prompts.Once the installation is done, the Zoom Cloud Meetings TBfkkNsIGeU-00017-00008924-00009131 windows should appear. TBfkkNsIGeU-00018-00009131-00009479 Click sign in, then select Sign in with SSO. TBfkkNsIGeU-00019-00009479-00010192 In the text box provided, type in towson-edu then click continue .A pop up should appear TBfkkNsIGeU-00020-00010192-00010480 asking you to login with your NetID and Password. TBfkkNsIGeU-00021-00010480-00011049 Note: if the cloud meeting window does not appear right after installation, located and TBfkkNsIGeU-00022-00011049-00011646 launch zoom.Now let's take a look at how to download the zoom client from the software TBfkkNsIGeU-00023-00011646-00011763 center. TBfkkNsIGeU-00024-00011763-00012265 Click the search icon on the taskbar and type in software center in the windows search box TBfkkNsIGeU-00025-00012265-00012943 provided and select software center.From the software center window, scroll down the list TBfkkNsIGeU-00026-00012943-00013368 of applications to locate and click zoom meetings. TBfkkNsIGeU-00027-00013368-00013788 You can also use the search bar at the top right corner of the page. TBfkkNsIGeU-00028-00013788-00014466 Click install.Once the installation is complete, find and open the zoom application on your TBfkkNsIGeU-00029-00014466-00014609 computer. TBfkkNsIGeU-00030-00014609-00014948 You can use the windows search function to find zoom. TBfkkNsIGeU-00031-00014948-00015520 Authenticate using your NetID and Password.The zoom client is now installed on your computer TBfkkNsIGeU-00032-00015520-00015891 and you should now have access to your meeting dashboard. TBfkkNsIGeU-00033-00015891-00016066 Thanks for watching. TBfkkNsIGeU-00034-00016066-00016315 For more information head to TBk8Pb-l6QE-00000-00000186-00000486 Parts of Speech: Adjectives and Adverbs TBk8Pb-l6QE-00001-00000930-00001380 Hi. Welcome to the OU Writing Center's Parts of Speech Series. In this video, TBk8Pb-l6QE-00002-00001380-00001944 we take a closer look at adjectives and adverbs.We'll define both adjectives and adverbs, TBk8Pb-l6QE-00003-00001944-00002406 identify several types of each, and review some examples. Let's get started TBk8Pb-l6QE-00004-00002646-00003252 An adjective describes, identifies, or specifies something about a noun or a pronoun. TBk8Pb-l6QE-00005-00003384-00004038 Adjectives answer one of three questions: "whichone?" as in, "I wanted that parking spot." TBk8Pb-l6QE-00006-00004200-00004746 Second, we have "how many?," like, "I've had three cups of coffee so far today." TBk8Pb-l6QE-00007-00004962-00005448 And finally, "what kind?," aswe see in, "They gave me an TBk8Pb-l6QE-00008-00005448-00005796 OU hoodie." Each of these underlined adjectives [that, three, OU] answers TBk8Pb-l6QE-00009-00005796-00006234 one of the three questions: "which one?," "how many?," or "what kind?." TBk8Pb-l6QE-00010-00006564-00007128 Many people mix up adjectives and adverbs inlarge part because both words begin with "ad-." TBk8Pb-l6QE-00011-00007181-00007709 When in doubt, though, remember that adverbsgo with verbs. It's easy to see the word TBk8Pb-l6QE-00012-00007709-00008484 verb in the adverb name. Adverbs describehow, when, or where a verb does its work. TBk8Pb-l6QE-00013-00008712-00009342 Like adjectives, adverbs also answer threequestions. The first set of questions includes: TBk8Pb-l6QE-00014-00009342-00009702 "how?," "in what manner?,""under what conditions?". TBk8Pb-l6QE-00015-00009762-00010092 "The squirrel scrambled frantically up the tree," TBk8Pb-l6QE-00016-00010152-00010734 our adverb "frantically" tells us how or in what manner the poor squirrel traveled upward. TBk8Pb-l6QE-00017-00011058-00011538 Adverbs can also answer questions regarding "when?". In our example, TBk8Pb-l6QE-00018-00011538-00012132 "My last final exam is tomorrow," our adverb[tomorrow] tells when the exam is being held. TBk8Pb-l6QE-00019-00012348-00012972 Adverbs can also answer "where?". In theexample sentence, "They ran there," the TBk8Pb-l6QE-00020-00012972-00013541 adverb "there" tells us the direction for the location to which the subject ran. TBk8Pb-l6QE-00021-00013794-00014202 Let's review what we've covered in some too-long-didn't-read takeaways. TBk8Pb-l6QE-00022-00014280-00014940 Adjectives describe nouns and answer the questions"which one?," "how many?," and "what kind?". TBk8Pb-l6QE-00023-00015018-00015606 Adverbs tell us "how?," "when?," or "where?" a verb does its work. They TBk8Pb-l6QE-00024-00015606-00016410 answer the questions "how?," "in what manner?,""under what condition?," "when?," and "where?". TBk8Pb-l6QE-00025-00016692-00017160 Thanks for watching. We hope this video helpedyou better understand the work adjectives TBk8Pb-l6QE-00026-00017160-00017640 and adverts do. If you'd like to learn moreabout writing and communicating effectively, TBk8Pb-l6QE-00027-00017640-00018210 or have questions about the services we offerOU writers and Norman community members, TBk8Pb-l6QE-00028-00018210-00019332 you can contact us by email at writingcenter at ou dot edu or by phone at 405-325-2936. TBk8Pb-l6QE-00029-00019332-00020070 Find us online by going to orfollow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter TBk8Pb-l6QE-00030-00020172-00020940 @OUWrites. Have a good day and write on. Let'sgive credit where credit's due. This presentation TBk8Pb-l6QE-00031-00020940-00021564 was created by Mandy M McRay, graduate assistantdirector and graduate writing consultant at the TBk8Pb-l6QE-00032-00021564-00022302 University of Oklahoma's Writing Center. Createdin 2022 under Creative Commons licensed BYNCSA. TBk8Pb-l6QE-00033-00022362-00022956 This license allows users to distribute, remix,adapt, and build upon the material in any medium TBk8Pb-l6QE-00034-00022956-00023574 format for non-commercial purposes only andonly so long as attribution is given to the TBk8Pb-l6QE-00035-00023574-00024108 creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon thematerial, you must license the modified material TBk8Pb-l6QE-00036-00024108-00024660 under identical terms. This presentation was narrated by Michelle Boyd Waters. TFxlgrdZv38-00000-00001017-00001217 THE NAVY IS ON THE CUTTING EDGE IN THE RACE FOR TFxlgrdZv38-00001-00001217-00001317 ALTERNATIVE ENERGY. TFxlgrdZv38-00002-00001331-00001531 SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, RAY MABUS, TFxlgrdZv38-00003-00001531-00001731 EXPLAINS HOW ALTERNATIVE ENERGY BENEFITS THE NAVY, TFxlgrdZv38-00004-00001731-00001958 AND IS THE FUTURE FOR NAVY AND MARINE CORPS ENERGY TFxlgrdZv38-00005-00001958-00002058 USE. TFxlgrdZv38-00006-00002058-00002282 "THE NAVY HAS ALWAYS LED WHEN WE HAVE CHANGED TFxlgrdZv38-00007-00002282-00002612 ENERGY, WHEN WE WENT FROM SAIL TO COAL IN THE MIDDLE TFxlgrdZv38-00008-00002612-00002929 OF THE 19TH CENTURY, WE WENT FROM COAL TO OIL IN TFxlgrdZv38-00009-00002929-00003199 THE EARLY PART OF THE 20TH CENTURY. TFxlgrdZv38-00010-00003199-00003443 WE PIONEERED NUCLEAR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE 20TH TFxlgrdZv38-00011-00003443-00003820 CENTURY FOR TRANSPORTATION IN OUR SUBMARINES AND IN TFxlgrdZv38-00012-00003820-00004157 OUR CARRIERS, EVERY SINGLE TIME, EVERY SINGLE TIME, TFxlgrdZv38-00013-00004157-00004361 THAT WECHANGED ENERGY SOURCES, TFxlgrdZv38-00014-00004361-00004461 THERE WERE ALL THESE NAYSAYERS, TFxlgrdZv38-00015-00004461-00004808 AND EVERY SINGLE TIME, EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY TFxlgrdZv38-00016-00004808-00004908 WERE WRONG. TFxlgrdZv38-00017-00004908-00005358 AND THEIR WRONG THIS TIME AND YOUR SEEING THAT, TFxlgrdZv38-00018-00005358-00005705 YOU'RE SEEING THAT IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR AS THE MOVE TFxlgrdZv38-00019-00005705-00006206 TOWARD ALTERNATIVE ENERGY IS PICKING UP STEAM." TFWlwM9P794-00000-00000056-00000632 the videos dislikes have surpassed the likes after about two hours of TFWlwM9P794-00001-00000632-00001528 promotion. it started at around 6pm and it happened after 9pm what when i was 14. TFWlwM9P794-00002-00001968-00002152 fantastic. TGmAaVDlbv0-00000-00000032-00000776 there are three new changes i've just noticed. one is that the search bar is now slightly changed. TGmAaVDlbv0-00001-00000776-00001560 the gap is now slightly shorter. whenever it's at the very beginning, you will see that as soon TGmAaVDlbv0-00002-00001560-00002104 as you start typing text, or you see the autofill suggestions. it will also show you the logo along TGmAaVDlbv0-00003-00002104-00002664 the search term, which i think is kind of nice, and i think you like this change, except for TGmAaVDlbv0-00004-00002664-00003472 one little thing. when you remove a suggestion, it tends to be you know a long gap. number two TGmAaVDlbv0-00005-00003536-00004079 there is now a new font on my youtube app. i first saw this several months ago, TGmAaVDlbv0-00006-00004079-00004760 but it has now come to my ipad for the first time, although i don't really care about the change. TGmAaVDlbv0-00007-00004760-00005584 it's just to feel like the ipad theme, if you're on android it will be the same, and finally, if you are TGmAaVDlbv0-00008-00005584-00006559 on a, some other devices it will be the same, but there's one more change after that. and short speed. TGmAaVDlbv0-00009-00006623-00007208 the shorts logo has expanded to the subscription speed, and i'm not sure if it's going to expand TGmAaVDlbv0-00010-00007208-00007704 to other channels or other pages on youtube just to make everyone go to the desktop short TGmAaVDlbv0-00011-00007704-00008128 player, which i really don't like, but i don't really know what's going to happen next. TGmAaVDlbv0-00012-00008128-00008664 it first happened on channel pages almost one and a half weeks ago, and it's back. TGPbGcEYXfE-00000-00000006-00000206 What's up you guys so in this video would break down TGPbGcEYXfE-00001-00000264-00000593 Retargeting remarketing, whatever you want to call us basically the same thing TGPbGcEYXfE-00002-00000594-00001125 So I want to first show you guys some results and then I'm gonna actually jump in and set up an actual TGPbGcEYXfE-00003-00001207-00001428 remarketing retargeting campaign for you TGPbGcEYXfE-00004-00001428-00001941 So to kind of get the idea in your head of like what this is if you guys have never really heard about it TGPbGcEYXfE-00005-00001966-00002116 basically when you're on TGPbGcEYXfE-00006-00002116-00002705 Amazon and you go look up a product and then you click off to all these other blogs or websites or wherever you're at and TGPbGcEYXfE-00007-00002706-00003147 There's little ads showing up at that exam exact product that you're looking at. That is TGPbGcEYXfE-00008-00003198-00003638 Remarketing because you were initially you're looking at it and then they're marketing TGPbGcEYXfE-00009-00003639-00004089 They're remarketing marketing again to you because you already show interest in that product TGPbGcEYXfE-00010-00004120-00004751 Now the crazy thing about this is the results that you're able to see with retargeting with remarking TGPbGcEYXfE-00011-00004798-00005495 It's absolutely insane. Ok. So look right here guys, and some some campaigns are obviously better than others TGPbGcEYXfE-00012-00005496-00005625 I'm going to show you guys a few different ones TGPbGcEYXfE-00013-00005625-00006005 So this is people that have went through and they saw our an issue TGPbGcEYXfE-00014-00006005-00006410 This is for a real estate business, right? They went in saw the initial TGPbGcEYXfE-00015-00006508-00006908 Webinar sales page and then they didn't buy for one reason or another TGPbGcEYXfE-00016-00006909-00006954 Okay TGPbGcEYXfE-00017-00006954-00007140 Now if they didn't buy, you know TGPbGcEYXfE-00018-00007140-00007218 That's totally good TGPbGcEYXfE-00019-00007218-00007487 But there could be a number of reasons why they did it by TGPbGcEYXfE-00020-00007500-00008198 now if we want to go through and use real leverage of Facebook ads we can show these little ads just those specific people and TGPbGcEYXfE-00021-00008263-00008504 We can get them coming back to our business now TGPbGcEYXfE-00022-00008560-00008975 One thing is is our webinar is a thousand dollars TGPbGcEYXfE-00023-00008975-00009491 sometimes as much as fifteen hundred dollars depending on the promotion that we're doing and so sometimes TGPbGcEYXfE-00024-00009520-00010014 That they just might not have enough money at the time to go through and spend on that so you can see right here TGPbGcEYXfE-00025-00010039-00010805 We follow up with them with a one hundred ninety nine dollar offer for every one that saw the webinar sales page in the last TGPbGcEYXfE-00026-00010839-00011225 14 days now if we go back here, I can't remember the exact budget TGPbGcEYXfE-00027-00011227-00011664 Look at this guy's we've got a dollar and fifty cents a dollar and a dollar per day TGPbGcEYXfE-00028-00011682-00011918 so now if we go and look at the actual TGPbGcEYXfE-00029-00012106-00012267 Purchases over here, okay TGPbGcEYXfE-00030-00012267-00012980 So these purchases actually represent a one hundred ninety nine dollar purchase because that's what we're sending them to and you can see TGPbGcEYXfE-00031-00013009-00013533 This one, you know, it's pretty good. It's not absolutely killer. This one's absolutely crushing it right here TGPbGcEYXfE-00032-00013533-00014105 But this so this two that represents a hundred and ninety nine dollar purchase. So we've got two at TGPbGcEYXfE-00033-00014172-00014931 $199. So we've made basically three hundred ninety-eight dollars and we've spent a hundred and fifty seven with a cost per purchase of TGPbGcEYXfE-00034-00014973-00015485 $78 now you look at this one. We have nine purchases. Okay, nine purchases is TGPbGcEYXfE-00035-00015559-00015839 $199 that's like what is that eighteen hundred dollars? TGPbGcEYXfE-00036-00015868-00016539 It costs us six dollars and seventeen cents per purchase and we've spent a total of fifty five dollars TGPbGcEYXfE-00037-00016555-00016997 So we spent a total of fifty five dollars and we've made eighteen hundred dollars TGPbGcEYXfE-00038-00017065-00017645 From this campaign right here. Then this one is really good as well. Got two purchases at 199 TGPbGcEYXfE-00039-00017645-00017948 so 398 so $19 to make TGPbGcEYXfE-00040-00018025-00018401 $199 purchase that's basically a 10 X or a Y right there and TGPbGcEYXfE-00041-00018454-00018776 So I just want to show you guys how powerful this can be TGPbGcEYXfE-00042-00018787-00019530 So this is another one and this is retargeting people that saw that webinar sales page, but I'm remarketing back to get that TGPbGcEYXfE-00043-00019584-00019985 997 offer so this every time you see a purchase right here TGPbGcEYXfE-00044-00020062-00020262 These are a thousand dollar TGPbGcEYXfE-00045-00020287-00020736 Purchases actually so you can see we've got a couple of fours down here and not every single one TGPbGcEYXfE-00046-00020764-00021506 Works and converts it a hundred percent perfectly, right, but you can see some of these winners we've got twelve purchases. So that's basically TGPbGcEYXfE-00047-00021568-00022304 $12,000 we've spent thirteen hundred dollars to make twelve thousand and we had a cost per purchase of a hundred and thirteen dollar so TGPbGcEYXfE-00048-00022393-00022926 Typically with a cold market cold audience some people that don't know who we are. It'll cost us anywhere between TGPbGcEYXfE-00049-00022978-00023178 350 to 400 dollars to get that TGPbGcEYXfE-00050-00023239-00023808 1,000 dollar purchase or is this it only costs us a hundred and thirteen dollars now you can see right here TGPbGcEYXfE-00051-00023808-00024512 Some of them didn't work as well. But we've got other ones 191 this one 94 dollars eighty six dollars 56 bucks TGPbGcEYXfE-00052-00024598-00025340 84 dollars 89 166 you can see the ROI that you're you can be getting here and with this one, too TGPbGcEYXfE-00053-00025408-00025883 I'm probably spending a very minimal since most of these are like just five dollars per day TGPbGcEYXfE-00054-00025902-00026102 See, this is only one I've got turned on right now TGPbGcEYXfE-00055-00026119-00026627 So these other ones that it's doing some tests wanted to get some quick results in but five bucks a day TGPbGcEYXfE-00056-00026663-00027068 The other ones I was just doing literally a dollar a dollar fifty per day TGPbGcEYXfE-00057-00027068-00027404 So I want to kind of paint that picture for you all okay? TGPbGcEYXfE-00058-00027405-00027875 So now what I want to do is I want to go in and actually set this up completely step-by-step TGPbGcEYXfE-00059-00027875-00028421 So this is gonna be a little bit longer video, but I want to show you guys exactly how to make this happen TGPbGcEYXfE-00060-00028452-00028799 Okay. So first of all, we're gonna come over here to let's say clickfunnels TGPbGcEYXfE-00061-00028799-00029177 We're using clickfunnels this whole same thing will work with Arsenal or whatever TGPbGcEYXfE-00062-00029268-00029468 System you guys are using TGPbGcEYXfE-00063-00029506-00029828 So for example for this course right here that we've got TGPbGcEYXfE-00064-00029828-00029868 I TGPbGcEYXfE-00065-00029868-00030353 I do a webinar and this is the sales page now that you've probably seen the sales page right here TGPbGcEYXfE-00066-00030390-00030698 Now if somebody hits this page, okay TGPbGcEYXfE-00067-00030768-00031094 we know that they've at least probably seen the webinar and TGPbGcEYXfE-00068-00031125-00031838 They typed in this page, so they showed interest enough to actually type in this URL to check out what's going on TGPbGcEYXfE-00069-00031838-00032144 You can see we've got all the testimonials here. We've got what they're gonna get TGPbGcEYXfE-00070-00032149-00032729 We've got the the payment plan all that stuff. And so we've got all the information on this offer TGPbGcEYXfE-00071-00032781-00033086 But then we can go through and track every one that hits this page TGPbGcEYXfE-00072-00033141-00033890 We can track everyone who hit this page and then if they go through and they complete the order on that last page TGPbGcEYXfE-00073-00033890-00034018 They're gonna hit TGPbGcEYXfE-00074-00034018-00034289 this page right over here this confirmation page and TGPbGcEYXfE-00075-00034347-00034916 So we know anyone that hit this page right here. They completed the purchase and they are a buyer TGPbGcEYXfE-00076-00034950-00035663 Okay, so we don't want to include necessarily anyone that hit this page in that target audience to remarket to TGPbGcEYXfE-00077-00035718-00036092 because they already bought right, but if people hit this page TGPbGcEYXfE-00078-00036108-00036752 We know we want to remarket to them because they definitely showed interest and then if they click to this page the checkout page TGPbGcEYXfE-00079-00036765-00036930 But didn't hit this page TGPbGcEYXfE-00080-00036930-00037703 I mean that person is even that much more likely to go through and buy because they at least they read through this page TGPbGcEYXfE-00081-00037794-00038147 They saw what they liked. They liked what they saw they hit and roll now TGPbGcEYXfE-00082-00038147-00038771 They went to the checkout page and they were just one step away from completing that last step TGPbGcEYXfE-00083-00038790-00039308 So what we're gonna do here is we're gonna actually go through and create a couple of custom audiences TGPbGcEYXfE-00084-00039355-00039699 Defect el Facebook that we want to track everyone that hits this page TGPbGcEYXfE-00085-00039724-00040312 We want to track everyone that hits this page and then we want to also track everyone that hit this page to be able to TGPbGcEYXfE-00086-00040331-00040903 Distinguish between the different groups when we're going through and setting up our ad campaign. Okay, so TGPbGcEYXfE-00087-00041000-00041130 What we're gonna do first TGPbGcEYXfE-00088-00041130-00041303 We're going to grab this URL TGPbGcEYXfE-00089-00041303-00041965 And we are gonna come over here and create a we're gonna go to the audiences right here or just type in audiences TGPbGcEYXfE-00090-00042105-00042512 We'll type this in and then we're gonna create a custom audience TGPbGcEYXfE-00091-00042662-00042898 Custom audience of website traffic TGPbGcEYXfE-00092-00042975-00043576 Okay. Now we're gonna say we're gonna do all visitors people who visited specific web pages TGPbGcEYXfE-00093-00043640-00044017 Okay, and we could say for retargeting guys a lot of times TGPbGcEYXfE-00094-00044018-00044381 I don't like the max number of days you can go back is 180 TGPbGcEYXfE-00095-00044394-00045028 But a lot of times I don't like to go that far back because they saw it 180 days ago. So that's six months TGPbGcEYXfE-00096-00045075-00045592 They probably already forgot about your offer. Okay, so I usually like to go probably 14 to 21 days TGPbGcEYXfE-00097-00045594-00046063 So I would probably just do 14 days. And so it's a very small TGPbGcEYXfE-00098-00046115-00046720 Market, but these are extremely hot qualified people. Okay, so we're gonna paste this URL in here TGPbGcEYXfE-00099-00046809-00047075 We'll say view the name is a viewed TGPbGcEYXfE-00100-00047144-00047344 webinar we'll say Facebook Ads TGPbGcEYXfE-00101-00047534-00047637 Webinar TGPbGcEYXfE-00102-00047637-00048346 Sales page. Okay, so we know that they viewed this now you can even go through and include or exclude TGPbGcEYXfE-00103-00048408-00048877 Okay, you can say include more and so we can say hey all people TGPbGcEYXfE-00104-00048962-00049606 That viewed this check check out page right here. So we could say everyone who viewed it in the last 14 days TGPbGcEYXfE-00105-00049697-00050239 People visit this specific page boom. So it says this who viewed this page or TGPbGcEYXfE-00106-00050291-00051088 Viewed this page and then we can even go a little bit further and we can say hey and we want to exclude TGPbGcEYXfE-00107-00051290-00051619 We can exclude everyone that has visited TGPbGcEYXfE-00108-00051825-00052451 This page and this one I would go probably all-time just because it really doesn't matter because if they've already bought from you TGPbGcEYXfE-00109-00052451-00053209 It doesn't matter so you can either go through and create each one of these audience's individually or you can go through and kratom TGPbGcEYXfE-00110-00053252-00053524 all in this one audience, which would be like TGPbGcEYXfE-00111-00053618-00053902 viewed Facebook webinar sales page but TGPbGcEYXfE-00112-00054014-00054143 No TGPbGcEYXfE-00113-00054143-00054343 purchase TGPbGcEYXfE-00114-00054372-00054572 Ok viewed Facebook at webinar TGPbGcEYXfE-00115-00054701-00055024 Will say sales because there would be sales or checkout page, right? TGPbGcEYXfE-00116-00055091-00055289 So we'll just say sales TGPbGcEYXfE-00117-00055289-00055870 But no purchase just because we don't have enough characters right there. So you can see this. It's anyone who's visited this site TGPbGcEYXfE-00118-00055883-00056083 so this one right here or TGPbGcEYXfE-00119-00056148-00056614 Anyone who's visited this checkout page right here? Okay, but nobody TGPbGcEYXfE-00120-00056756-00056864 excluding TGPbGcEYXfE-00121-00056864-00057148 anyone who hit this page because they have already TGPbGcEYXfE-00122-00057176-00057823 Bought our item so we don't need to go through and spend money and waste ad dollars showing to those people. Okay? TGPbGcEYXfE-00123-00057823-00058108 so now we can go in here and we can create this audience and TGPbGcEYXfE-00124-00058208-00058795 This probably had it probably is not a big enough audience yet because I haven't really gone through and launched this course yet TGPbGcEYXfE-00125-00058799-00059134 But we're just gonna hit done. Okay, so you can see it's now TGPbGcEYXfE-00126-00059186-00059926 Populating this audience. Okay. So now what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back here to the ads manager. Okay TGPbGcEYXfE-00127-00059926-00060358 This is a literally step by step everything I do and this is how I'm setting up this ad campaign TGPbGcEYXfE-00128-00060358-00060970 I'm doing like right here in front of you guys. Okay, so I go and I hit crate. I'm gonna do a new campaign TGPbGcEYXfE-00129-00061035-00061666 And because I'm only gonna be spending a dollar to a dollar and fifty per day since it's such a small audience TGPbGcEYXfE-00130-00061666-00062206 I'm just gonna be doing a traffic campaign. Okay, so I'm gonna say this one is TGPbGcEYXfE-00131-00062480-00063100 Remarketing to webby sales page and I'd probably do Facebook Ads TGPbGcEYXfE-00132-00063302-00064021 Webby sales page right there. Okay. So these the crazy split test and budget optimization for a remarketing campaign TGPbGcEYXfE-00133-00064022-00064549 You don't really need because that's more for when you're going broad. We're gonna hit continue and TGPbGcEYXfE-00134-00064649-00064849 Then we're gonna say TGPbGcEYXfE-00135-00064854-00064991 viewed TGPbGcEYXfE-00136-00064991-00065251 sales slash checked out page TGPbGcEYXfE-00137-00065387-00065587 But no TGPbGcEYXfE-00138-00065616-00065816 Purchase, okay TGPbGcEYXfE-00139-00065858-00066340 Then as we come down here a little bit. We're gonna choose our custom audience TGPbGcEYXfE-00140-00066407-00066569 So we're gonna choose TGPbGcEYXfE-00141-00066569-00066769 This audience that we just created Kay TGPbGcEYXfE-00142-00066833-00067531 viewed Facebook Ads webinar sales page but no purchase now because we already did the inclusion of TGPbGcEYXfE-00143-00067607-00068245 These two pages and the exclusion of this page when we went through and created the initial TGPbGcEYXfE-00144-00068310-00068675 Audience we don't need to do any exclusion here TGPbGcEYXfE-00145-00068685-00069133 Now if we didn't do that, and we created them all separate audiences TGPbGcEYXfE-00146-00069133-00069333 So we've created one audience for this per page TGPbGcEYXfE-00147-00069356-00069895 One audience for this page and one audience for this page then what we would do is go through TGPbGcEYXfE-00148-00069960-00070187 And we would say custom audience TGPbGcEYXfE-00149-00070191-00070813 Let's say this is everyone that viewed that first sales page and then we would also say everyone TGPbGcEYXfE-00150-00070838-00070979 the LinkedIn contacts TGPbGcEYXfE-00151-00070979-00071150 Let's say that that one so let's say demo TGPbGcEYXfE-00152-00071150-00071689 All website visitors is everyone to view the checkout page and then let's say the LinkedIn contacts is all the buyers TGPbGcEYXfE-00153-00071697-00071897 So then we would just exclude TGPbGcEYXfE-00154-00072000-00072263 Where is it the LinkedIn contacts right there? TGPbGcEYXfE-00155-00072263-00072362 So we just exclude that TGPbGcEYXfE-00156-00072362-00072863 So the same thing can be set up when you're actually setting up the targeting at the ad set level TGPbGcEYXfE-00157-00072876-00073105 But because we just went did that earlier TGPbGcEYXfE-00158-00073137-00073771 All you got to do is just come in here and just choose this one audience and it's gonna include everyone you need TGPbGcEYXfE-00159-00073791-00074099 Exclude everyone you need and you're all set to go. Okay TGPbGcEYXfE-00160-00074099-00074641 now as far as going diving deeper into the targeting because this is such a small and very TGPbGcEYXfE-00161-00074685-00075224 Specific group of people you don't need to go through and mess with any of this other targeting TGPbGcEYXfE-00162-00075224-00075904 You don't have to change the age or language or gender or anything because it's only tracking those people that specifically hit that page TGPbGcEYXfE-00163-00075930-00076082 so now TGPbGcEYXfE-00164-00076082-00076621 We're gonna come down here and do is I like to go through and for this this is just a dollar a day TGPbGcEYXfE-00165-00076622-00077006 And it's maybe let's say it's only twenty to thirty people is small small audience TGPbGcEYXfE-00166-00077006-00077476 I like to do the automatic placements which is recommended because TGPbGcEYXfE-00167-00077550-00078064 Like when you've got thirty people like they're not going to be always all the time on TGPbGcEYXfE-00168-00078089-00078562 Facebook or all the time on Instagram or on the newsfeed so you want to be able to gather? TGPbGcEYXfE-00169-00078624-00079000 Every possible person that's gonna be going on all these different platforms TGPbGcEYXfE-00170-00079000-00079663 So I like to keep it at the automatic placements because it's such a small audience now coming down here TGPbGcEYXfE-00171-00079781-00079977 I would literally just start with the dollar a day TGPbGcEYXfE-00172-00079977-00080293 now if you're running a lot of traffic, okay, and you know TGPbGcEYXfE-00173-00080294-00080690 There's a lot of people hitting both of these pages right here TGPbGcEYXfE-00174-00080715-00081148 Then you can bump it up to a dollar fifty or two dollars or whatever TGPbGcEYXfE-00175-00081149-00081616 but honestly guys you only need to do a dollar a day and then TGPbGcEYXfE-00176-00081639-00082165 You can go through and as I mentioned earlier as far as the Optima topped emission for ad delivery TGPbGcEYXfE-00177-00082239-00082633 The link clicks that means that they clicked on the Facebook ad TGPbGcEYXfE-00178-00082680-00083077 But it doesn't necessarily mean that the landing page loaded TGPbGcEYXfE-00179-00083085-00083687 Okay, so it says increased website views switch the landing page views. This is probably what I would recommend TGPbGcEYXfE-00180-00083687-00084241 This is what I typically do is I do the landing page views because that means that they're only tracking TGPbGcEYXfE-00181-00084252-00084685 People that they clicked on your ad and the page actually loaded TGPbGcEYXfE-00182-00084686-00084727 Okay TGPbGcEYXfE-00183-00084727-00085081 So that's just some good detail some good information to have TGPbGcEYXfE-00184-00085113-00085721 Because you'll like so if someone has bad cell service and they're LTE slow or the Wi-Fi is bad or whatever TGPbGcEYXfE-00185-00085779-00086134 They click on it. It's gonna count that click, but it's not going to count TGPbGcEYXfE-00186-00086244-00086710 Any but it's not gonna really give you the true data of people actually hitting that page. Okay? TGPbGcEYXfE-00187-00086711-00087022 so now when we come down here, we'll sit continue and TGPbGcEYXfE-00188-00087132-00087337 We're gonna go through and create the app TGPbGcEYXfE-00189-00087338-00087628 Now what I typically like to do just so you know TGPbGcEYXfE-00190-00087629-00088229 I like to do a single video ad just so it's like I want to break this down exactly how I legitimately do this TGPbGcEYXfE-00191-00088254-00088304 Okay TGPbGcEYXfE-00192-00088304-00088607 I do a single video ad I shoot a quick video and TGPbGcEYXfE-00193-00088641-00088895 It's just like on my phone doesn't have to be professional or anything TGPbGcEYXfE-00194-00088895-00089414 I say hey, I saw that you were checking out the Facebook ads webinar sales page TGPbGcEYXfE-00195-00089424-00090125 But you know for some reason you you didn't take the leap you didn't go through and purchase and then at this point TGPbGcEYXfE-00196-00090201-00090511 One you're gonna want to invite them to go back and make the purchase TGPbGcEYXfE-00197-00090558-00090977 But maybe you can go through and add an extra bonus or say. Hey TGPbGcEYXfE-00198-00090995-00091045 Yeah TGPbGcEYXfE-00199-00091045-00091606 so some type of bonus some type of call to action some type of incentive one to remind them to get to go back and TGPbGcEYXfE-00200-00091650-00092215 Something that can maybe push them over that edge or say. Hey if you have any questions, you know, shoot it TGPbGcEYXfE-00201-00092216-00092633 Shoot a quick message me down below and we want to help you get those questions answered TGPbGcEYXfE-00202-00092670-00093179 Okay, so it's just a simple way of getting in front of all all these hot hot prospects TGPbGcEYXfE-00203-00093246-00093923 Without really having to go spend that manual labor of jumping on the phone. It's just a very leveraged way of doing business TGPbGcEYXfE-00204-00093947-00094466 Okay, so jump on there. Hey, I saw you were on the Facebook webinar Facebook Ads webinar and TGPbGcEYXfE-00205-00094539-00094855 sounds like you know, you liked it because you jump to the sales page and TGPbGcEYXfE-00206-00094926-00095558 For some reason, you know, you didn't jump in and buy here's some bonus to push you over the edge or another thing TGPbGcEYXfE-00207-00095558-00095688 I like to do is TGPbGcEYXfE-00208-00095688-00095888 going through and having a TGPbGcEYXfE-00209-00095973-00096254 testimonial video of somebody who's had amazing results with this TGPbGcEYXfE-00210-00096303-00096886 uploading their video telling about their story and then down here in the text being saying like hey, I TGPbGcEYXfE-00211-00096951-00097747 saw you watched the Facebook Ads webinar and I'm just doing this quick guys, but like you can kind of get the idea but TGPbGcEYXfE-00212-00097971-00098176 Did not purchase TGPbGcEYXfE-00213-00098301-00098415 the TGPbGcEYXfE-00214-00098415-00098571 six-figure TGPbGcEYXfE-00215-00098571-00098766 Facebook Ads TGPbGcEYXfE-00216-00098766-00098958 masterclass and TGPbGcEYXfE-00217-00098958-00099547 then so now at this point if you're doing a testimonial video of one of your previous students, you can say TGPbGcEYXfE-00218-00099648-00100355 Hear what Johnny had to say and then I would just like kind of recap what he said TGPbGcEYXfE-00219-00100431-00100733 Okay, so I kind of tell like in quotes they're like experience TGPbGcEYXfE-00220-00100842-00101413 And they use my reminder here like get started today to see similar TGPbGcEYXfE-00221-00101550-00102079 Results to Johnny and then have the link out to that sales page again TGPbGcEYXfE-00222-00102080-00102532 So I'm linking them back out to this exact sales page to resell them on TGPbGcEYXfE-00223-00102582-00102934 What the offer is because you don't want to send them to the checkout page TGPbGcEYXfE-00224-00102972-00103340 Because the person wasn't didn't buy because they weren't fully sold TGPbGcEYXfE-00225-00103356-00103750 So this sales page needs to have the selling points TGPbGcEYXfE-00226-00103751-00104204 it needs to be able to sell that person on why they should actually put their credit card in and TGPbGcEYXfE-00227-00104229-00104446 Make the purchase right here. Okay, so TGPbGcEYXfE-00228-00104547-00105283 there's one way or you can say hey, I saw you didn't purchase so we're gonna come in here and say like I TGPbGcEYXfE-00229-00105363-00105772 Wanted to add a special bonus for you TGPbGcEYXfE-00230-00105873-00106073 When you get started TGPbGcEYXfE-00231-00106122-00106322 today TGPbGcEYXfE-00232-00106356-00106556 For everyone TGPbGcEYXfE-00233-00106641-00106876 That gets started I'll TGPbGcEYXfE-00234-00106992-00107287 Do X right you'll add some extra training TGPbGcEYXfE-00235-00107292-00107611 Maybe you'll jump on a phone call with them or you know TGPbGcEYXfE-00236-00107611-00108002 Kind of give them a little bit extra love to kind of push them over that edge TGPbGcEYXfE-00237-00108002-00108436 those are kind of the two different formats two different ways that I like to go through and TGPbGcEYXfE-00238-00108480-00109249 Do these retargeting ads as you can see it's very simple. And ideally this should be from a Facebook page that has your TGPbGcEYXfE-00239-00109302-00109999 Profile picture and your name something that they're gonna recognize from seeing you on the webinar or on you know? TGPbGcEYXfE-00240-00110000-00110369 And this is not just for a webinar, right? This is for any type of business TGPbGcEYXfE-00241-00110384-00110593 it could maybe be like they TGPbGcEYXfE-00242-00110619-00111115 Visited your your website or they visit your blog and they read a blog post and they liked it TGPbGcEYXfE-00243-00111116-00111649 But you know for some reason they didn't go through and purchase or they were on your ecommerce store TGPbGcEYXfE-00244-00111650-00112178 Right and they were checking out a specific product. And for some reason they didn't go through and buy TGPbGcEYXfE-00245-00112203-00112445 Okay, so there's there's a lot of different simple things TGPbGcEYXfE-00246-00112445-00113140 So like you could add a testimonial of somebody using that product someone using your services or a little extra bonus TGPbGcEYXfE-00247-00113141-00113764 Hey, if you if you buy this protein supplement today, we'll throw in a pre-workout for you as well TGPbGcEYXfE-00248-00113832-00114133 Okay, and then as a remember reminder, I throw in TGPbGcEYXfE-00249-00114192-00114845 the link is to the actual sales page because they weren't fully sold the first time so we have to actually sell them and TGPbGcEYXfE-00250-00114864-00115064 then the headline is TGPbGcEYXfE-00251-00115101-00115301 It could be referring back to TGPbGcEYXfE-00252-00115341-00115805 The fact that they were on the page, but they didn't buy souls like weight TGPbGcEYXfE-00253-00115956-00116650 Gets this cool bonus to something like that or wait TGPbGcEYXfE-00254-00116946-00117146 See Johnnie's TGPbGcEYXfE-00255-00117192-00117733 Amazing results or something like that rights just to kind of like get them like wait TGPbGcEYXfE-00256-00117733-00118060 Like don't like pay attention to this kind of type of thing TGPbGcEYXfE-00257-00118060-00118459 And yes, it sounds may be a little bit annoying but that's what works. That's what I've seen work TGPbGcEYXfE-00258-00118459-00118978 Well, and then I like to have learn more as always. I usually just like to use out all call to actions and TGPbGcEYXfE-00259-00119043-00119575 Then from here you just hit confirm and that's literally it guys. That's all you got to do TGPbGcEYXfE-00260-00119576-00119808 we went we set up the audiences and we TGPbGcEYXfE-00261-00119891-00120099 Excluded the right ones we hit the budget TGPbGcEYXfE-00262-00120152-00120382 We walked through the whole Facebook ad set up TGPbGcEYXfE-00263-00120382-00120900 So you guys should be set up and ready to go through and create your own Facebook remarketing TGPbGcEYXfE-00264-00120971-00121476 Retargeting campaign. So once again if you guys do have questions on this of who to include exclude or TGPbGcEYXfE-00265-00121568-00122262 Different situations. I know what this one was very like webinar heavy focus the same thing could happen if this is like TGPbGcEYXfE-00266-00122270-00122730 you know a page for your e-commerce product or a blog post or TGPbGcEYXfE-00267-00122822-00123304 Whatever business you might be and maybe it's you're working with Dennis or chiropractors TGPbGcEYXfE-00268-00123310-00123955 And this is their initial appointment scheduling page, right? You can go through and target these same people TGPbGcEYXfE-00269-00123955-00124209 so for example, I can go through and TGPbGcEYXfE-00270-00124340-00124493 This is for everyone TGPbGcEYXfE-00271-00124493-00125058 This is where we send people to go through and schedule a call with us to schedule an appointment right now TGPbGcEYXfE-00272-00125058-00125817 I can track everyone that visited this page but didn't visit the next page after the confirmation of the call goes through and TGPbGcEYXfE-00273-00125873-00126499 Same type of thing. I can remind them. Hey, we saw that you you were checking out to look book a call with us TGPbGcEYXfE-00274-00126508-00127176 but something happened we want to go through and let you remind you to jump back in or kind of after offer than said or TGPbGcEYXfE-00275-00127183-00127755 Here was you know hunters testimony here was his experience and just kind of move forward like that TGPbGcEYXfE-00276-00127790-00127949 so anyway guys once again TGPbGcEYXfE-00277-00127949-00128535 drop your comments or your questions in the facebook ads group or in the Facebook group so we can get those answered and TGPbGcEYXfE-00278-00128564-00129208 With that said go set up your Facebook remarketing campaign. They work extremely well, and we'll see you in the next video TIyW7D_-N7c-00000-00000180-00000343 - [Patricia] Farm manager series, TIyW7D_-N7c-00001-00000343-00000660 providing feedback on work performance. TIyW7D_-N7c-00002-00000660-00000819 Getting your new staff members trained TIyW7D_-N7c-00003-00000819-00001036 to do their jobs effectively from the start TIyW7D_-N7c-00004-00001036-00001389 is the best way to have a happy and motivated employee. TIyW7D_-N7c-00005-00001389-00001574 Staff who know what's expected of them TIyW7D_-N7c-00006-00001574-00001746 from their first day on the job TIyW7D_-N7c-00007-00001746-00002020 can perform more confidently and accurately. TIyW7D_-N7c-00008-00002318-00002417 I'm Pat McCabe, TIyW7D_-N7c-00009-00002417-00002642 and I'll be taking you through this training. TIyW7D_-N7c-00010-00002884-00003174 There are many purposes for giving effective feedback: TIyW7D_-N7c-00011-00003174-00003394 To recognize what your employees have done well TIyW7D_-N7c-00012-00003394-00003559 and ask for more of it. TIyW7D_-N7c-00013-00003559-00003847 To encourage your employees while learning a new task, TIyW7D_-N7c-00014-00003847-00004179 so that they clearly understand what's expected of them. TIyW7D_-N7c-00015-00004179-00004311 To clarify directions TIyW7D_-N7c-00016-00004311-00004580 that may not have been clear when given. TIyW7D_-N7c-00017-00004580-00004874 To identify problems and correct them early on TIyW7D_-N7c-00018-00004874-00005142 before the problems become bigger. TIyW7D_-N7c-00019-00005142-00005415 And to motivate employees to find their own mistakes; TIyW7D_-N7c-00020-00005415-00005610 and develop the ability to self-correct TIyW7D_-N7c-00021-00005610-00005875 any other mistakes in the future. TIyW7D_-N7c-00022-00005875-00006113 Note that it's always a good idea before talking TIyW7D_-N7c-00023-00006113-00006387 with your employees to check your own ego. TIyW7D_-N7c-00024-00006387-00006674 If an employee is producing acceptable results, TIyW7D_-N7c-00025-00006674-00006963 is it possible that their process might actually be TIyW7D_-N7c-00026-00006963-00007270 an improvement to your current operating procedures, TIyW7D_-N7c-00027-00007270-00007471 or at least an alternative option? TIyW7D_-N7c-00028-00007591-00007865 Employees can sometimes teach us how to work better, TIyW7D_-N7c-00029-00007865-00008080 as long as we are open to the possibility. TIyW7D_-N7c-00030-00008175-00008597 However, most people delay or decide not to give feedback TIyW7D_-N7c-00031-00008597-00008914 because they don't want these reactions from the person: TIyW7D_-N7c-00032-00008914-00009264 anger, silence, blame, TIyW7D_-N7c-00033-00009264-00009454 defensiveness, tears, TIyW7D_-N7c-00034-00009454-00009823 worst productivity afterwards, or rebuttals. TIyW7D_-N7c-00035-00009823-00009973 But your staff cannot change TIyW7D_-N7c-00036-00009973-00010175 what they did wrong in the past. TIyW7D_-N7c-00037-00010175-00010370 I'm guessing neither can you. TIyW7D_-N7c-00038-00010370-00010758 If you can change the past, please call me immediately. TIyW7D_-N7c-00039-00010758-00010965 So the way to get the behaviors and tasks TIyW7D_-N7c-00040-00010965-00011121 that you want from your staff TIyW7D_-N7c-00041-00011121-00011403 is to ask for different work from them in the future. TIyW7D_-N7c-00042-00011502-00011723 Here's examples of asking for change. TIyW7D_-N7c-00043-00011723-00011892 To get different outcomes, TIyW7D_-N7c-00044-00011892-00012193 ask for the opposite of what they did wrong before. TIyW7D_-N7c-00045-00012193-00012382 If someone is frequently late, TIyW7D_-N7c-00046-00012382-00012637 ask for them to arrive on time. TIyW7D_-N7c-00047-00012637-00012919 If someone is taking twice as long to do a task, TIyW7D_-N7c-00048-00012919-00013078 ask them to speed up their work TIyW7D_-N7c-00049-00013078-00013381 and aim for completing it in half the time. TIyW7D_-N7c-00050-00013381-00013637 If someone is skipping steps on a task, TIyW7D_-N7c-00051-00013637-00014022 compile a checklist and ask them to follow it every time. TIyW7D_-N7c-00052-00014022-00014307 If someone is rude to customers or coworkers, TIyW7D_-N7c-00053-00014307-00014582 ask them to treat everyone with respect. TIyW7D_-N7c-00054-00014582-00014850 If someone is leaving the work site a mess, TIyW7D_-N7c-00055-00014850-00015063 ask for them to clean the work site every day TIyW7D_-N7c-00056-00015063-00015247 before they leave. TIyW7D_-N7c-00057-00015247-00015590 Start your sentence with phrases such as "I need you to", TIyW7D_-N7c-00058-00015590-00015758 or "It's important for you to", TIyW7D_-N7c-00059-00015758-00016162 or "It would help if you would leave the work site clean." TIyW7D_-N7c-00060-00016326-00016571 in order for your staff to hear what's needed, TIyW7D_-N7c-00061-00016571-00016903 and to make the changes to deliver different outcomes, TIyW7D_-N7c-00062-00016903-00017072 ask for what you need, TIyW7D_-N7c-00063-00017072-00017332 rather than what you don't want them to do. TIyW7D_-N7c-00064-00017332-00017601 Deliver requests for change in private. TIyW7D_-N7c-00065-00017601-00017976 Allow them time to recover and absorb the message. TIyW7D_-N7c-00066-00017976-00018249 Most people think they're doing a great job. TIyW7D_-N7c-00067-00018249-00018519 To hear differently can take someone by surprise. TIyW7D_-N7c-00068-00018640-00018951 Don't delay giving any kind of corrective feedback. TIyW7D_-N7c-00069-00018951-00019300 Mention needed changes as soon as possible after a problem. TIyW7D_-N7c-00070-00019300-00019587 Correct their work before their habits are formed. TIyW7D_-N7c-00071-00019587-00019679 Otherwise, they'll say, TIyW7D_-N7c-00072-00019679-00019919 "Why didn't you tell me this earlier." TIyW7D_-N7c-00073-00019919-00020304 People tend to forget details if too much time has elapsed. TIyW7D_-N7c-00074-00020304-00020448 Ask your staff to tell you TIyW7D_-N7c-00075-00020448-00020677 what they'll do differently next time. TIyW7D_-N7c-00076-00020677-00020896 Listen for if they've absorbed the feedback TIyW7D_-N7c-00077-00020896-00021075 and can see the way forward. TIyW7D_-N7c-00078-00021197-00021602 If they say, "My last boss never mentioned this to me." TIyW7D_-N7c-00079-00021602-00021740 You can respond with, TIyW7D_-N7c-00080-00021740-00022080 "I'm your boss now, and this is what I need you to do." TIyW7D_-N7c-00081-00022080-00022429 If they say, "I've been doing it this way for years." TIyW7D_-N7c-00082-00022429-00022555 you can respond with, TIyW7D_-N7c-00083-00022555-00022763 "We're changing the product or method, TIyW7D_-N7c-00084-00022763-00022934 and I'm showing you how your work needs TIyW7D_-N7c-00085-00022934-00023132 to be done differently now." TIyW7D_-N7c-00086-00023132-00023384 if they say, "I can't do it that way." TIyW7D_-N7c-00087-00023384-00023512 you can say, TIyW7D_-N7c-00088-00023512-00023709 "Let's work on the problem together TIyW7D_-N7c-00089-00023709-00023996 and find a way you can be successful here." TIyW7D_-N7c-00090-00023996-00024282 If they say, "I won't do it that way." TIyW7D_-N7c-00091-00024282-00024416 You can respond with, TIyW7D_-N7c-00092-00024416-00024670 "In order for you to perform this job, TIyW7D_-N7c-00093-00024670-00024865 I'm asking you to adapt your methods TIyW7D_-N7c-00094-00024865-00025005 and deliver what's needed." TIyW7D_-N7c-00095-00025110-00025287 Here's some methods you can use to help your staff TIyW7D_-N7c-00096-00025287-00025536 to absorb and retain the feedback TIyW7D_-N7c-00097-00025536-00025708 that you've offered to them. TIyW7D_-N7c-00098-00025708-00025961 Ask staff to evaluate their own work. TIyW7D_-N7c-00099-00025961-00026298 "How do you think that went? What did you see?" TIyW7D_-N7c-00100-00026298-00026527 Allow them time to process the message. TIyW7D_-N7c-00101-00026527-00026833 "Let's talk about this again tomorrow." TIyW7D_-N7c-00102-00026833-00027118 Ask staff what they'll do differently next time. TIyW7D_-N7c-00103-00027118-00027388 "Tell me what your first steps will be next week?" TIyW7D_-N7c-00104-00027523-00027688 And that's the end of the lesson. Tp2yHvMPA-M-00000-00000000-00000200 I thought that this was a red light. TPRZsA5k1QI-00000-00002827-00003015 I recognize that we are in different TPRZsA5k1QI-00001-00003015-00003277 places. Let's make it about two to TPRZsA5k1QI-00002-00003277-00003618 three more minutes. So keep working TPRZsA5k1QI-00003-00003618-00003790 through the text and be sure you give TPRZsA5k1QI-00004-00003790-00004085 it at least a shot on the visuals as well TPRZsA5k1QI-00005-00004085-00004201 and we will certainly be able to TPRZsA5k1QI-00006-00004201-00004408 have those conversations TPRZsA5k1QI-00007-00004408-00004700 in pairs as well. TPRZsA5k1QI-00008-00005475-00005699 Here's what I want you to do. TPRZsA5k1QI-00009-00005699-00005912 Turn to somebody, two, maybe three TPRZsA5k1QI-00010-00005912-00006301 around you. Really quickly and let's TPRZsA5k1QI-00011-00006301-00006514 start talking through these documents. TPRZsA5k1QI-00012-00006514-00006742 Raise questions. I will be around TPRZsA5k1QI-00013-00006742-00007072 so go ahead. If you hit a snag and TPRZsA5k1QI-00014-00007072-00007425 you want to run ideas or thoughts, TPRZsA5k1QI-00015-00007425-00007667 call me over. TPRZsA5k1QI-00016-00007667-00007869 I am going to be floating around. TPRZsA5k1QI-00017-00007869-00008003 Great, great, great. TPRZsA5k1QI-00018-00008003-00008181 Let's go at it. TPRZsA5k1QI-00019-00008181-00008282 I like the others one better than TPRZsA5k1QI-00020-00008282-00008356 the first one. TSgZhOdB3V8-00000-00000008-00000330 There's a few obvious choices that really work well as counters here. TSgZhOdB3V8-00001-00000330-00000650 Lissandra's ultimate and constant CC is an amazing counter to Zed especially with Zhonyas. TSgZhOdB3V8-00002-00000650-00001086 Fizz is another one that comes to mind with his E and burst damage and Malzahar if he TSgZhOdB3V8-00003-00001086-00001450 can keep his shield up, just needs a gank or continuous poke to kill him easily with TSgZhOdB3V8-00004-00001450-00001550 his ultimate. TSgZhOdB3V8-00005-00001550-00001926 Kayle, Vladimir and Talon all have ultimates or abilities that easily allow them to dodge TSgZhOdB3V8-00006-00001926-00002101 or stop his obvious engages. TSgZhOdB3V8-00007-00002101-00002608 Zed's passive enhances his AA on targets that are below 50% meaning he can easily last hit TSgZhOdB3V8-00008-00002608-00002708 in lane and also deal a significant amount of damage when he's trying to execute someone. TSgZhOdB3V8-00009-00002708-00003101 Zed's Q makes both him and his shadow throw a shuriken in skillshot line in front of them. TSgZhOdB3V8-00010-00003101-00003468 His W makes him create a shadow of himself that will last for 4 seconds and will mimic TSgZhOdB3V8-00011-00003468-00003715 his abilities as well as allow him to switch places. TSgZhOdB3V8-00012-00003715-00004100 His E slows enemies in a small radius around him and his Ultimate creates another shadow TSgZhOdB3V8-00013-00004100-00004323 and will leave a mark on the enemy for 3 seconds. TSgZhOdB3V8-00014-00004323-00004727 A bit of the damage dealt within these 3 seconds is re-dealt after the mark explodes. TSgZhOdB3V8-00015-00004727-00005133 Zed is one of those champions with loads of combos but his most basic in lane will be TSgZhOdB3V8-00016-00005133-00005687 to W somewhere near you, Ult you, AA, E, Q with the 3 shadows, and AA. TSgZhOdB3V8-00017-00005687-00005880 This should all be done while the mark is still active. TSgZhOdB3V8-00018-00005880-00005980 What do you have to do? TSgZhOdB3V8-00019-00005980-00006212 The most important thing for you to focus on is dodging the 3 shurikens. TSgZhOdB3V8-00020-00006212-00006312 That's a huge damage you don't want to deal with. TSgZhOdB3V8-00021-00006312-00006703 There's 2 spells I've seen Zed's take to the mid lane, being that Ignite is probably more TSgZhOdB3V8-00022-00006703-00006803 likely. TSgZhOdB3V8-00023-00006803-00007127 The fact that damage is dealt to you over 3s with the mark makes it very important to TSgZhOdB3V8-00024-00007127-00007413 most Zed players and will stop potions from saving you. TSgZhOdB3V8-00025-00007413-00007797 The second one is Exhaust when the target is very mobile or relies a lot on bursting TSgZhOdB3V8-00026-00007797-00007897 Zed down. TSgZhOdB3V8-00027-00007897-00007997 Forget about Barrier and Heal, you'll still get bursted down. TSgZhOdB3V8-00028-00007997-00008097 Go for aggressiveness or Exhaust. TSgZhOdB3V8-00029-00008097-00008279 Zed has 2 very important level power spikes. TSgZhOdB3V8-00030-00008279-00008507 The first being his level 3 when he has access to all his abilities which enhance his in TSgZhOdB3V8-00031-00008507-00008685 lane poking capabilities dramatically. TSgZhOdB3V8-00032-00008685-00009103 His level 6 is a game changer which will almost definitely mean he'll try to go all-in and TSgZhOdB3V8-00033-00009103-00009203 kill you, which he'll be able to if you're about 75% and get hit by all he has. TSgZhOdB3V8-00034-00009203-00009566 Youmuu's provides him with chasing potential and duskblade will almost grant him a second TSgZhOdB3V8-00035-00009566-00009666 ultimate. TSgZhOdB3V8-00036-00009666-00009985 The way that you counter this is by being patient when his ultimate animation hits and TSgZhOdB3V8-00037-00009985-00010370 then try to flash or dodge all the damage that will come from his Qs and Es. TSgZhOdB3V8-00038-00010370-00010694 Early and Mid game is when he can shine like most assassins so be sure not to feed him TSgZhOdB3V8-00039-00010694-00011026 and wait for him to become frustrated and commit to mistakes in the late game. TSgZhOdB3V8-00040-00011026-00011377 Thank you for tuning in and remember: Wait for him to use his shadow and then kill him TSgZhOdB3V8-00041-00011377-00011802 when he has no escapes, dodge all he tries to hit you after his ultimate and zhonyas TSgZhOdB3V8-00042-00011802-00011902 all the freakin way. TSgZhOdB3V8-00043-00011902-00011902 Have fun doing it. TShez-h0ZrQ-00000-00000000-00000050 Pulwama encounter viral video TShez-h0ZrQ-00001-00000050-00000100 CRPF personnel killed in a bomb attack TShez-h0ZrQ-00002-00000100-00000200 Pulwama aatanki hamla TTFUQi0Oo1o-00000-00000029-00000480 Well, that certainly was a Nintendo Direct, wasn’t it? TTFUQi0Oo1o-00001-00000480-00001009 Among the many big announcements, the one that you all seem most interested in is the TTFUQi0Oo1o-00002-00001009-00001582 arrival of Earthbound and Earthbound Beginnings, also known as Mother 2 and Mother respectively, TTFUQi0Oo1o-00003-00001582-00001852 on the Nintendo Switch Online subscription service. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00004-00001852-00002436 Why did it take so long for these games to be added to the service, and, of course, where TTFUQi0Oo1o-00005-00002436-00002608 is Mother 3? TTFUQi0Oo1o-00006-00002608-00002794 That question never really goes away. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00007-00002794-00003278 Nintendo plays things close to the chest when it comes to Earthbound games. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00008-00003278-00003646 Often an explanation that’s given when these titles are overlooked in the West is that TTFUQi0Oo1o-00009-00003646-00004141 they simply haven’t sold well enough to justify pouring a lot of resources into them. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00010-00004141-00004682 Following a rather peculiar marketing campaign, Earthbound was overlooked by the majority TTFUQi0Oo1o-00011-00004682-00004982 of Super Nintendo owners when it initially released. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00012-00004982-00005508 This, though, doesn’t explain why the Mother games weren’t added to Nintendo Switch Online TTFUQi0Oo1o-00013-00005508-00005860 sooner, as the games were also absent on the Japanese version of the service. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00014-00005860-00005960 Mother 3 is also not on the service, likely because thus far it doesn’t offer Game Boy TTFUQi0Oo1o-00015-00005960-00006060 Advance titles. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00016-00006060-00006425 It’s worth noting that Nintendo does not make decisions about the Mother series alone. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00017-00006425-00007003 The games’ creator, Shigesato Itoi, is very passionate – and very careful – about TTFUQi0Oo1o-00018-00007003-00007181 how the series is treated. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00019-00007181-00007673 Itoi is not primarily a video game developer – he was famous as a writer and celebrity TTFUQi0Oo1o-00020-00007673-00008133 long before approaching Nintendo to realise his idea for the original Mother. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00021-00008133-00008567 Indeed, Itoi has said that the reason there aren’t more Mother releases is because these TTFUQi0Oo1o-00022-00008567-00008938 games are just a small part of his larger body of work. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00023-00008938-00009346 He said: “Among big time popstars, if they, you know, TTFUQi0Oo1o-00024-00009346-00009888 put out ten albums, around the fourth album, they can’t make very good songs. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00025-00009888-00010462 The albums sell, but everyone at the concerts wants to hear songs from the first three albums. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00026-00010462-00010562 Everyone. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00027-00010562-00010831 “I’m glad that video games are not my profession. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00028-00010831-00011253 If it was my job, I would’ve already made [Mother] 4 and 5.” TTFUQi0Oo1o-00029-00011253-00011693 Itoi feels that the Mother trilogy are such strong games in large part because they are TTFUQi0Oo1o-00030-00011693-00012173 not endlessly revisited, and as someone who has a lot of strings to his bow, he prefers TTFUQi0Oo1o-00031-00012173-00012418 to leave these games relatively unspoiled. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00032-00012418-00012994 While Itoi may not be a game developer, it is worth exploring his relationship with Nintendo’s TTFUQi0Oo1o-00033-00012994-00013550 higher ups, as it sheds light on the reason why the Earthbound series is treated so carefully. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00034-00013550-00014137 According to Itoi, his desire to make a game was in part because he felt, quote, “indebted TTFUQi0Oo1o-00035-00014137-00014244 to Nintendo”. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00036-00014244-00014516 He said: “I owe a lot to Mario. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00037-00014516-00014819 I have asthma, and I start coughing when I lay down. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00038-00014819-00015382 I’ve always had a heard time sleeping, and for a while I had to sit up at all times or TTFUQi0Oo1o-00039-00015382-00015593 else I just couldn’t stop coughing. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00040-00015593-00016058 The only things I could really do while sitting up at night were read a book or play a game. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00041-00016058-00016538 So I’d wake up and grab a controller, and Mario would see me through my asthma at night.” TTFUQi0Oo1o-00042-00016538-00016812 “Games were more unpopular back then. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00043-00016812-00017304 I was defending them on TV, saying something like, ‘Manga used to be taboo — you’d TTFUQi0Oo1o-00044-00017304-00017614 be scorned for having manga as a college student. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00045-00017614-00018073 Video games are in the same position today, and although it sounds a little extreme, I TTFUQi0Oo1o-00046-00018073-00018495 think games will eventually be an even bigger part of our culture than manga.’” TTFUQi0Oo1o-00047-00018495-00019080 This broadcast happened to be viewed by then president of Nintendo, Hiroshi Yamauchi, who TTFUQi0Oo1o-00048-00019080-00019427 later invited Itoi to a meeting at Nintendo’s headquarters. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00049-00019427-00019826 There, Itoi met Shigeru Miyamoto for the first time. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00050-00019826-00020158 Said Itoi: “We ended up becoming really close — we TTFUQi0Oo1o-00051-00020158-00020381 got along quite well from the start. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00052-00020381-00020870 I told him I actually had an idea of my own, and pulled out some copies of the notes I’d TTFUQi0Oo1o-00053-00020870-00021135 taken, asking him if he thought it would work as a game. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00054-00021135-00021575 “I pictured them jumping up from their chairs, saying, ‘Wow, what an idea! TTFUQi0Oo1o-00055-00021575-00021709 We must try it!’ TTFUQi0Oo1o-00056-00021709-00022228 It was a dream of mine that they’d make a game using that idea, but instead the conversation TTFUQi0Oo1o-00057-00022228-00022701 just kind of stopped at Miyamoto asking me how serious I was about it. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00058-00022701-00023188 He said, ‘Itoi, how involved do you plan on being in it? TTFUQi0Oo1o-00059-00023188-00023575 Being totally involved in a project can be very demanding.’ TTFUQi0Oo1o-00060-00023575-00023734 He sounded very solemn.” TTFUQi0Oo1o-00061-00023734-00024101 Miyamoto wasn’t the only friend Itoi made at Nintendo. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00062-00024101-00024683 While working on Earthbound, Itoi and Satoru Iwata became very close, with Itoi later describing TTFUQi0Oo1o-00063-00024683-00024922 Iwata as “like a younger brother”. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00064-00024922-00025369 Itoi said of Iwata: “Whenever we met up, we talked for the entire TTFUQi0Oo1o-00065-00025369-00025469 time. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00066-00025469-00025776 To the point where my wife told me once, ‘Men sure are chatterboxes!’ TTFUQi0Oo1o-00067-00025776-00026100 … “In our longest session, I arrived at lunch TTFUQi0Oo1o-00068-00026100-00026364 and talked with him until maybe nine at night. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00069-00026364-00026787 Iwata’s wife must have been wondering what was up with these two goofballs.” TTFUQi0Oo1o-00070-00026787-00027290 This is, perhaps, part of the reason why the Earthbound series is treated with such respect TTFUQi0Oo1o-00071-00027290-00027471 and restraint from Nintendo. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00072-00027471-00028016 The game’s creator is not just a business partner, but a genuine friend to many of the TTFUQi0Oo1o-00073-00028016-00028270 company’s overseers, both past and present. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00074-00028270-00028743 Because Itoi doesn’t want the Mother series to be overly commercialised, Nintendo respects TTFUQi0Oo1o-00075-00028743-00028850 his wishes. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00076-00028850-00029345 In recent years, though, Itoi has appeared more willing to revisit the Mother series. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00077-00029345-00029872 The ongoing Hobonichi Mother Project has unveiled a range of merchandise and retrospective books TTFUQi0Oo1o-00078-00029872-00030030 covering the series. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00079-00030030-00030472 It’s entirely possible that Earthbound’s arrival on Nintendo Switch Online is part TTFUQi0Oo1o-00080-00030472-00030930 of Itoi’s renewed efforts to give fans of the games a little more love, and to make TTFUQi0Oo1o-00081-00030930-00031302 the titles more accessible to fans new and old alike. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00082-00031302-00031568 Oh, one more thing before you go. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00083-00031568-00032094 If you’re interested in the life of Satoru Iwata and his friendship with Shigesato Itoi, TTFUQi0Oo1o-00084-00032094-00032627 Shigeru Miyamoto, Masahiro Sakurai and other key players at Nintendo, you might want to TTFUQi0Oo1o-00085-00032627-00032930 keep an eye on this biographical video game we’re developing. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00086-00032930-00033365 It’s called Satoru Iwata Saves The World, and it’s going to be a 2D platformer. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00087-00033365-00033830 It’s not quite ready to show off yet, but Chapter One, focusing on Iwata’s high school TTFUQi0Oo1o-00088-00033830-00033983 years, is coming soon. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00089-00033983-00034447 In the meantime, there’s a link in the description for our page where you can add the TTFUQi0Oo1o-00090-00034447-00034688 game to your collection and be informed of future updates. TTFUQi0Oo1o-00091-00034688-00034723 Thanks for watching! TUb-2j0I_Ac-00000-00000110-00000323 SAILORS ARE REMINDED EVERYDAY ABOUT PRACTICING TUb-2j0I_Ac-00001-00000323-00000497 OPERATION SECURITY. TUb-2j0I_Ac-00002-00000497-00000734 WITH SOCIAL MEDIA BEING AN AVENUE OF COMMUNICATION, TUb-2j0I_Ac-00003-00000734-00001047 SAILORS AND FAMILY MEMBERS ARE ADVISED NOT TO POST TUb-2j0I_Ac-00004-00001047-00001211 CRITICAL INFORMATION. TUb-2j0I_Ac-00005-00001211-00001424 "SO WE HAVE OUR CRITICAL INFORMATION WHICH IS THE TUb-2j0I_Ac-00006-00001424-00001695 SHIPS MOVEMENT OR A PORT VISIT. TUb-2j0I_Ac-00007-00001695-00001895 WE KNOW THAT THERE IS A THREAT AND WE KNOW THAT WE TUb-2j0I_Ac-00008-00001895-00002278 ARE VULNERABLE IN ALL SORTS OF WAYS AND THE RISK TUb-2j0I_Ac-00009-00002278-00002575 OF THAT IS, THAT RATHER OR NOT WE PULL INTO PORT AN TUb-2j0I_Ac-00010-00002575-00002856 ADVISORY CAN TAKE ACTION ON US LIKE CAUSE HARM AND TUb-2j0I_Ac-00011-00002856-00002969 CAUSE SOME SORT OF ATTACK. TUb-2j0I_Ac-00012-00002969-00003183 USS COLE CAN BE USED AS SOME SORT OF AN EXAMPLE TUb-2j0I_Ac-00013-00003183-00003386 ALTHOUGH IN THE WHOLE OPSEC PROCESS IT MAY NOT TUb-2j0I_Ac-00014-00003386-00003717 WORK BUT OUR ADVISORIES KNEW THAT THE USS COLE WAS TUb-2j0I_Ac-00015-00003717-00003937 GOING TO BE THERE AND THEY TOOK ACTION AGAINST US. TUb-2j0I_Ac-00016-00003937-00004157 WE WANT TO TRY AND PREVENT THAT BY PRACTICING GOOD TUb-2j0I_Ac-00017-00004157-00004357 AND SOUND OPSEC WE CAN HELP PROTECT THAT TUb-2j0I_Ac-00018-00004357-00004611 INFORMATION, PROTECT THE SHIP AND THE CREW AND KEEP TUb-2j0I_Ac-00019-00004611-00005108 THE ADVISORIES OFF GUARD FROM BEING TO TAKE ANY TUb-2j0I_Ac-00020-00005525-00005952 TYPE OF ACTION." TW1HC4bnBoo-00009-00047806-00048006 Subscribe please TYN0bXQnL-8-00000-00000567-00000642 It never ceases TYN0bXQnL-8-00001-00000642-00000822 to amaze me the lack of discipline TYN0bXQnL-8-00002-00000822-00001182 by soccer players towards referees when you compare it to TYN0bXQnL-8-00003-00001182-00001524 rugby players towards referees In Rugby TYN0bXQnL-8-00004-00001524-00001948 referee gives a decision players are treated and that is the end of it. In soccer TYN0bXQnL-8-00005-00001948-00002321 referee gives a decision every player on the field wants to argue about it TYN0bXQnL-8-00006-00002321-00002702 even though is not even involved wants to get their TYN0bXQnL-8-00007-00002702-00003027 two cents worth in. I have written a blog for Kickshot dot org TYN0bXQnL-8-00008-00003027-00003332 Please have a look check it out TYN0bXQnL-8-00009-00003332-00003532 and let me know what you think. Thank you TYQDJh8J6-o-00000-00000112-00001256 Learning design concept and tool Tutorial for the BDP LD tool (part 1) TYQDJh8J6-o-00001-00001456-00001996 EDESK Digitaland EntrepreneurialSkillsfor European teachers TYQDJh8J6-o-00002-00002096-00002608 Hello and welcome to this short video, my name is Barbi Svetec. I work at the TYQDJh8J6-o-00003-00002608-00003080 Faculty of organization and informatics of the University of Zagreb. And I'm going to TYQDJh8J6-o-00004-00003080-00003608 present to you the balanced learning design planning tool on a practical TYQDJh8J6-o-00005-00003608-00004096 example of an already existing course which has been planned in the tool. TYQDJh8J6-o-00006-00004176-00004696 For this purpose, where we're going to use the teaching entrepreneurial competencies scores, TYQDJh8J6-o-00007-00004784-00005344 which is, which basically represent the learning design of this MOOC of the MOOC you are attending. TYQDJh8J6-o-00008-00005416-00006160 So, let's start, in the first phase of planning or for a course in the BDP learning design tool. TYQDJh8J6-o-00009-00006232-00006936 You start with the course details, which include details such as ECTS credits for expressing TYQDJh8J6-o-00010-00006936-00007576 students’ work clue, number of learners, mode of delivery, status and, of course, TYQDJh8J6-o-00011-00007576-00008192 public access whether there is public access or not. You can edit these details on a specially TYQDJh8J6-o-00012-00008192-00009072 dedicated window here, where you can also put in the number of ECTS points, the number of hours TYQDJh8J6-o-00013-00009184-00010064 which corresponds to one ECTS point, etc. After that, what you have to insert are the TYQDJh8J6-o-00014-00010064-00010928 learning outcomes of the course. So here we have already inserted eight learning outcomes and we TYQDJh8J6-o-00015-00010928-00011704 can add some additional ones. So, we have this new learning outcome field. And here we can insert, TYQDJh8J6-o-00016-00011704-00012616 after clicking on it, we can insert a name of a new learning outcome. As well as in the entire TYQDJh8J6-o-00017-00012616-00013224 curve, in the entire course and also its level. I won't do that now because we already have all the TYQDJh8J6-o-00018-00013224-00013912 learning outcomes here. So, each of the learning outcomes, as you can see, includes a name. TYQDJh8J6-o-00019-00013984-00014463 It also includes the level. Here we have an understanding here we have applying, and here TYQDJh8J6-o-00020-00014463-00015088 we have analysing to this corresponds with Bloom's levels of learning outcomes. And also, TYQDJh8J6-o-00021-00015088-00015591 we have something I've already mentioned, which is the weight. This means that each of the learning TYQDJh8J6-o-00022-00015591-00016504 outcomes is assigned a relative weight. Based on its importance in the course. The sum of all the TYQDJh8J6-o-00023-00016504-00017192 weights related to all the learning outcomes has to be 100. And then with this, within this 100, TYQDJh8J6-o-00024-00017192-00017680 all the learning outcomes are assigned with their relative weights based on their importance. TYQDJh8J6-o-00025-00017768-00018528 After we assign the learning outcomes and weight, we go to the planning stage where we can insert TYQDJh8J6-o-00026-00018528-00019336 topics. So, our course can have a number of topics. Here we already have some included and we, TYQDJh8J6-o-00027-00019336-00019928 of course, can also add a new topic here. If we want to add a new topic, we just click TYQDJh8J6-o-00028-00019928-00020552 on the plus sign and a new topic and add its description. I will not do that now because we TYQDJh8J6-o-00029-00020552-00021536 already have some topics inserted. And to show you the details, I will use this example of competency TYQDJh8J6-o-00030-00021536-00022456 skills values in general, which is a topic which is related to two learning outcomes, which were TYQDJh8J6-o-00031-00022456-00022984 already identified in the beginning. So, you remember that we had eight learning outcomes. And TYQDJh8J6-o-00032-00023064-00023752 the idea of the BDP tool is to connect all the topics that we have here with the corresponding TYQDJh8J6-o-00033-00023752-00024232 learning outcomes from the beginning, which are on the level of the entire course. So here we TYQDJh8J6-o-00034-00024232-00025056 have two learning outcomes which are related to this topic and to which this topic contributes to. TYQDJh8J6-o-00035-00025200-00025895 And also, what we have to do here is assign each of these learning outcomes a weight TYQDJh8J6-o-00036-00025895-00026783 again. And this way to represents how much this topic contributes to this learning outcome. TYQDJh8J6-o-00037-00026976-00027552 After we've done this, we have, we can go to the next step, which refers to TYQDJh8J6-o-00038-00027608-00028256 dividing the topic into units. Here we have two units, entrepreneurial competencies and TYQDJh8J6-o-00039-00028256-00028912 pedagogical approaches, teaching and assessment. And we can do this by adding, clicking on the TYQDJh8J6-o-00040-00028912-00029504 plus yellow plus sign and adding a new unit. So, we'll have to add the name of the unit and the TYQDJh8J6-o-00041-00029504-00030016 description of the unit. But I will again not do that now because we already have some units here. TYQDJh8J6-o-00042-00030200-00030680 Once we've divided the topic into units, if that's necessary, and sometimes that won't TYQDJh8J6-o-00043-00030680-00031248 be necessary and will only have one unit. We can start working on teaching and learning activities. TYQDJh8J6-o-00044-00031336-00031888 We add teaching and learning activities again by clicking on a yellow plus sign on the right-hand TYQDJh8J6-o-00045-00031888-00033008 side of your screen. The one we'll do that a new window opens where we can add a name of teaching TYQDJh8J6-o-00046-00033008-00033632 your learning activity is the description. Select a learning type, we have six learning types, TYQDJh8J6-o-00047-00033632-00034488 acquisition, discussion, investigation, practice, production and assessment. And each of these TYQDJh8J6-o-00048-00034488-00035120 learning types is described here so you have a description and an example of usage. So, this can TYQDJh8J6-o-00049-00035120-00035792 help you to decide. We also have workloads in minutes, and this refers to the entire TYQDJh8J6-o-00050-00035792-00036696 workload that the students need to dedicate to a specific activity, not just what is done in class, TYQDJh8J6-o-00051-00036776-00037280 then we have modes of delivery. Is the activity done online, on-site or is it TYQDJh8J6-o-00052-00037280-00037856 hybrid synchronously or asynchronously with the teacher present or without the teacher present. TYQDJh8J6-o-00053-00037920-00039320 We can mark if it includes collaboration, working groups, feedback or assessment. TcmOqV6n8VY-00000-00000010-00001376 [Music] TcmOqV6n8VY-00001-00001079-00001659 Now, we're going to move on to going to TcmOqV6n8VY-00002-00001376-00001950 location and actually shooting your TcmOqV6n8VY-00003-00001659-00002085 video. The first part you're going to TcmOqV6n8VY-00004-00001950-00002388 need to really think about carefully TcmOqV6n8VY-00005-00002085-00002565 is who is going to be in the shot? and TcmOqV6n8VY-00006-00002388-00002724 that would usually be called an actor TcmOqV6n8VY-00007-00002565-00002889 or an actress. TcmOqV6n8VY-00008-00002724-00003114 Now of course, if you're doing a small TcmOqV6n8VY-00009-00002889-00003336 production or your friends inside of TcmOqV6n8VY-00010-00003114-00003554 your team or your groub, but still you TcmOqV6n8VY-00011-00003336-00003867 need to decide who's going to do what TcmOqV6n8VY-00012-00003554-00004092 part. So there's two main things to think TcmOqV6n8VY-00013-00003867-00004296 about in this casting. TcmOqV6n8VY-00014-00004092-00004536 It's called casting. ...two maintain things TcmOqV6n8VY-00015-00004296-00004839 to think about for your production: One TcmOqV6n8VY-00016-00004536-00005034 is pick a person who can do the role, who TcmOqV6n8VY-00017-00004839-00005334 can do the part, who can do the things you TcmOqV6n8VY-00018-00005034-00005739 need to do and can be convincing, or at TcmOqV6n8VY-00019-00005334-00006159 least fit what your role is. If you have TcmOqV6n8VY-00020-00005739-00006369 a goal of showing how a hero goes TcmOqV6n8VY-00021-00006159-00006597 through a story, and they begin confused, TcmOqV6n8VY-00022-00006369-00006800 and then later they feel confident, is TcmOqV6n8VY-00023-00006597-00007197 there someone in your group who can look TcmOqV6n8VY-00024-00006800-00007563 confused and can look confident? If not, TcmOqV6n8VY-00025-00007197-00007947 then it's not going to work out. People TcmOqV6n8VY-00026-00007563-00008106 who get in front of a camera and get you TcmOqV6n8VY-00027-00007947-00008379 know their picture taken in a still TcmOqV6n8VY-00028-00008106-00008568 picture or in a video picture, they look TcmOqV6n8VY-00029-00008379-00008817 very different than when you see them in TcmOqV6n8VY-00030-00008568-00009024 real life. So maybe you should take your TcmOqV6n8VY-00031-00008817-00009249 camera, test it on the some of your group TcmOqV6n8VY-00032-00009024-00009518 members, and see who actually can fit the TcmOqV6n8VY-00033-00009249-00009686 role better. Of course if you're going to TcmOqV6n8VY-00034-00009518-00009885 get other people that are not on your TcmOqV6n8VY-00035-00009686-00010143 team, maybe should do a test before TcmOqV6n8VY-00036-00009885-00010272 you go shooting. You don't want to TcmOqV6n8VY-00037-00010143-00010503 go shooting it, and everything TcmOqV6n8VY-00038-00010272-00010718 doesn't work out. The camera can really TcmOqV6n8VY-00039-00010503-00010993 change the way people look. It always TcmOqV6n8VY-00040-00010718-00011364 makes people look fatter, and it always TcmOqV6n8VY-00041-00010993-00011556 kind of doesn't help you make look more TcmOqV6n8VY-00042-00011364-00011822 beautiful than you are. Let' say it that way. TcmOqV6n8VY-00043-00011556-00012020 It's very unforgiving they say TcmOqV6n8VY-00044-00011822-00012323 in the industry, very unforgiving. It can TcmOqV6n8VY-00045-00012020-00012500 be very hard on you. So you have to TcmOqV6n8VY-00046-00012323-00012830 pick the right person that can really TcmOqV6n8VY-00047-00012500-00012988 look good in that condition. In fact you TcmOqV6n8VY-00048-00012830-00013097 could go to some locations and you're TcmOqV6n8VY-00049-00012988-00013253 going to shoot out, and try to shoot TcmOqV6n8VY-00050-00013097-00013438 there and see how the lighting works and TcmOqV6n8VY-00051-00013253-00013658 how the background works. But you can TcmOqV6n8VY-00052-00013438-00013835 just do a test inside of a room, or even TcmOqV6n8VY-00053-00013658-00014153 just a still camera will give you a good TcmOqV6n8VY-00054-00013835-00014411 idea. Take some photos. The next part is TcmOqV6n8VY-00055-00014153-00014719 when you actually shoot your video, a TcmOqV6n8VY-00056-00014411-00014996 key point is you want to make your TcmOqV6n8VY-00057-00014719-00015215 actors look good. You don't want to make TcmOqV6n8VY-00058-00014996-00015362 them look bad, unless you have a reason TcmOqV6n8VY-00059-00015215-00015599 to, but usually you won't have a reason TcmOqV6n8VY-00060-00015362-00015766 make them look bad. What are some of TcmOqV6n8VY-00061-00015599-00016082 the things you can do to help them look TcmOqV6n8VY-00062-00015766-00016376 good? Well, you can avoid making them look TcmOqV6n8VY-00063-00016082-00016658 bad by having good lighting. That's probably TcmOqV6n8VY-00064-00016376-00016913 the most important part. Don't shoot your TcmOqV6n8VY-00065-00016658-00017048 subject, and they're in front of a window, TcmOqV6n8VY-00066-00016913-00017324 and all the lights coming in, and then TcmOqV6n8VY-00067-00017048-00017612 they turn all dark, right? Don't have TcmOqV6n8VY-00068-00017324-00017930 your subject wearing a hat, and the hat TcmOqV6n8VY-00069-00017612-00018263 is blocking their face from the light, and TcmOqV6n8VY-00070-00017930-00018595 it becomes all dark again. You want to TcmOqV6n8VY-00071-00018263-00018764 help your actor look better or actress TcmOqV6n8VY-00072-00018595-00019028 look better, help your talent look good. TcmOqV6n8VY-00073-00018764-00019190 So do the best you can to help that, and TcmOqV6n8VY-00074-00019028-00019420 that means that you need to think about TcmOqV6n8VY-00075-00019190-00019570 your shot. It also means that when you TcmOqV6n8VY-00076-00019420-00019745 see the shot, if it doesn't turn out, TcmOqV6n8VY-00077-00019570-00020026 shoot it again from a different angle or TcmOqV6n8VY-00078-00019745-00020276 a different location or different light. TcmOqV6n8VY-00079-00020026-00020435 Using the video even on your phone is TcmOqV6n8VY-00080-00020276-00020576 just so great, isn't it? because you can TcmOqV6n8VY-00081-00020435-00020876 just shoot it, shoot it again, TcmOqV6n8VY-00082-00020576-00021101 whereas 20 years ago 30 years ago, we had TcmOqV6n8VY-00083-00020876-00021245 to shoot, get the film developed. We TcmOqV6n8VY-00084-00021101-00021526 don't know what really happened, until TcmOqV6n8VY-00085-00021245-00021707 the film comes back a week later. So TcmOqV6n8VY-00086-00021526-00021962 you're very lucky that way. Take TcmOqV6n8VY-00087-00021707-00022195 advantage of that, shoot, take a look, even TcmOqV6n8VY-00088-00021962-00022325 share it with the talent, say: "Here's what TcmOqV6n8VY-00089-00022195-00022468 you look like." And if they're not happy TcmOqV6n8VY-00090-00022325-00022751 with it, they say: "hey, I look terrible," TcmOqV6n8VY-00091-00022468-00022919 Unless there's a good reason, shoot it TcmOqV6n8VY-00092-00022751-00023225 again from a different angle. Get a TcmOqV6n8VY-00093-00022919-00023629 different light. All right, let's go off to TcmOqV6n8VY-00094-00023225-00023629 the hardware table. TcmOqV6n8VY-00095-00023709-00024021 [Music] TcmOqV6n8VY-00096-00024201-00024808 OK. We're at the hardware table. What's TcmOqV6n8VY-00097-00024451-00024982 our Hardware today? Well, finally you're TcmOqV6n8VY-00098-00024808-00025321 going to be happy to know we're moving TcmOqV6n8VY-00099-00024982-00025636 past the sound. I've done so much on TcmOqV6n8VY-00100-00025321-00025966 sound so far, audio, Why? because I've TcmOqV6n8VY-00101-00025636-00026166 always repeated audio is more important TcmOqV6n8VY-00102-00025966-00026473 than the video, more important than the image. TcmOqV6n8VY-00103-00026166-00026629 Now we've got that message into our TcmOqV6n8VY-00104-00026473-00026851 brain, I hope. So now we're going to move TcmOqV6n8VY-00105-00026629-00027067 on, and today because we're talking about TcmOqV6n8VY-00106-00026851-00027339 going on location for the shoot, we're TcmOqV6n8VY-00107-00027067-00027552 going to talk about our tripod. You've TcmOqV6n8VY-00108-00027339-00027763 got to have a way to stabilize your TcmOqV6n8VY-00109-00027552-00028020 camera. Of course if you're using TcmOqV6n8VY-00110-00027763-00028237 something like your phone, it's going to TcmOqV6n8VY-00111-00028020-00028462 be very hard to keep that phone TcmOqV6n8VY-00112-00028237-00028695 steady. There's really not a good way. Now TcmOqV6n8VY-00113-00028462-00028942 you can buy like a holder for the phone; TcmOqV6n8VY-00114-00028695-00029269 you can buy one of those holders you use TcmOqV6n8VY-00115-00028942-00029500 in your car or on a motorcycle maybe, and TcmOqV6n8VY-00116-00029269-00029752 somehow tie that to a tripod to TcmOqV6n8VY-00117-00029500-00029970 keep it steady, or if you're using your hand, TcmOqV6n8VY-00118-00029752-00030397 probably want to make sure you use two TcmOqV6n8VY-00119-00029970-00030535 hands, and you hold it steady. By the way, TcmOqV6n8VY-00120-00030397-00030754 don't forget, when you're shooting video TcmOqV6n8VY-00121-00030535-00030955 on a phone, turn it this way, right? TcmOqV6n8VY-00122-00030754-00031210 Everybody shoots the video this way. You TcmOqV6n8VY-00123-00030955-00031477 end up with this really weird tall video. TcmOqV6n8VY-00124-00031210-00031762 You want to shoot it this way. So hold TcmOqV6n8VY-00125-00031477-00032041 your hand close to your body to keep it TcmOqV6n8VY-00126-00031762-00032326 steady. That's a key point. You want to TcmOqV6n8VY-00127-00032041-00032548 have it steady.... Of course I TcmOqV6n8VY-00128-00032326-00032887 don't suggest using your phone that way, TcmOqV6n8VY-00129-00032548-00033160 right? but if you have a camera that can TcmOqV6n8VY-00130-00032887-00033364 fit onto a tripod, you're going to be way TcmOqV6n8VY-00131-00033160-00033559 ahead of the game. Tripods are really TcmOqV6n8VY-00132-00033364-00033718 cheap. They're not expensive at all. When TcmOqV6n8VY-00133-00033559-00033853 you borrow a camera from your school, TcmOqV6n8VY-00134-00033718-00034105 your lab or your department, they TcmOqV6n8VY-00135-00033853-00034408 probably have tripods already, and even TcmOqV6n8VY-00136-00034105-00034777 tiny, small, basic tripods can work really TcmOqV6n8VY-00137-00034408-00034903 really well. More expensive tripods, TcmOqV6n8VY-00138-00034777-00035018 they're really worth it unless you're doing TcmOqV6n8VY-00139-00034903-00035282 something very special. TcmOqV6n8VY-00140-00035018-00035594 I do want to show you a different TcmOqV6n8VY-00141-00035282-00035816 kind of device though, and that's this. TcmOqV6n8VY-00142-00035594-00036035 This is a bit more specialized, and you TcmOqV6n8VY-00143-00035816-00036386 can see at the top it looks like a TcmOqV6n8VY-00144-00036035-00036938 tripod, doesn't it. It has the connections TcmOqV6n8VY-00145-00036386-00037346 for camera, but it only has one leg. So TcmOqV6n8VY-00146-00036938-00037580 this is called a monopod, and a monopod TcmOqV6n8VY-00147-00037346-00037796 as you can see, it has one leg. I can go TcmOqV6n8VY-00148-00037580-00038516 ahead and extends the leg. I have a holder TcmOqV6n8VY-00149-00037796-00038882 here for it, and I'm going to extend the TcmOqV6n8VY-00150-00038516-00039296 monopod like that. I can put that down TcmOqV6n8VY-00151-00038882-00039521 on the ground, the bottom leg, and I can TcmOqV6n8VY-00152-00039296-00039890 put my camera here, and now I can hold my TcmOqV6n8VY-00153-00039521-00040094 camera steady. Why do I like a monopod? A TcmOqV6n8VY-00154-00039890-00040253 monopod is great because it's so easy to TcmOqV6n8VY-00155-00040094-00040511 carry with you. It's much lighter than a TcmOqV6n8VY-00156-00040253-00040643 tripod. It's very versatile, and you know TcmOqV6n8VY-00157-00040511-00040868 a great thing is you can run around TcmOqV6n8VY-00158-00040643-00041087 somewhere, and you can very quickly just TcmOqV6n8VY-00159-00040868-00041282 stop and then put put it down, and then TcmOqV6n8VY-00160-00041087-00041564 look for your camera, and start recording. TcmOqV6n8VY-00161-00041282-00041693 It's a great way to do it; of course it TcmOqV6n8VY-00162-00041564-00041951 is a little bit dangerous. Because when TcmOqV6n8VY-00163-00041693-00042170 you're holding it, you begin to fall over. TcmOqV6n8VY-00164-00041951-00042449 Your angle of your shots going to become TcmOqV6n8VY-00165-00042170-00042620 more and more at an angle, and people are TcmOqV6n8VY-00166-00042449-00042887 going to feel s really weird. So you do have TcmOqV6n8VY-00167-00042620-00043169 to pay attention and hold it steady, so you TcmOqV6n8VY-00168-00042887-00043379 can get a good shot. You also can use TcmOqV6n8VY-00169-00043169-00043547 this very quickly if you're on a table. TcmOqV6n8VY-00170-00043379-00043745 You want to shoot from the table or from TcmOqV6n8VY-00171-00043547-00043952 a low angle or a high angle, you want TcmOqV6n8VY-00172-00043745-00044132 climb up somewhere. Think it's really tiny, TcmOqV6n8VY-00173-00043952-00044324 you see? You can just go ahead and put it TcmOqV6n8VY-00174-00044132-00044585 down on a table and shoot. I can also TcmOqV6n8VY-00175-00044324-00044855 hold it at an angle and shoot like that. TcmOqV6n8VY-00176-00044585-00045059 I really love monopods; they're great. In TcmOqV6n8VY-00177-00044855-00045451 fact, for my monopod I also buy a TcmOqV6n8VY-00178-00045059-00045451 little strap, and I can just hook that on. TcmOqV6n8VY-00179-00045762-00046418 Now my monopod is ready to go, and I can TcmOqV6n8VY-00180-00046087-00046540 just throw that over my shoulder and it's easy. TcmOqV6n8VY-00181-00046418-00046721 Yoo know you can do that with a tripod, TcmOqV6n8VY-00182-00046540-00046955 that's true, but a little bit heavier and a TcmOqV6n8VY-00183-00046721-00047215 little bit more complicated. So I really TcmOqV6n8VY-00184-00046955-00047569 recommend a monopod. If you're not doing TcmOqV6n8VY-00185-00047215-00047758 a super big shoot very very helpful. TcmOqV6n8VY-00186-00047569-00047921 Of course if you're here in a studio or TcmOqV6n8VY-00187-00047758-00048133 you need to shoot someone talking for a TcmOqV6n8VY-00188-00047921-00048331 long time like a lecture, now you don't TcmOqV6n8VY-00189-00048133-00048472 want to use this, because you don't want TcmOqV6n8VY-00190-00048331-00048730 to sit there holding it the whole time. TcmOqV6n8VY-00191-00048472-00048874 You want to use a tripod for those. If you're TcmOqV6n8VY-00192-00048730-00049264 going outside and shooting on location TcmOqV6n8VY-00193-00048874-00049486 just very quickly, very short shots, your TcmOqV6n8VY-00194-00049264-00049816 shot list has many shots, maybe a TcmOqV6n8VY-00195-00049486-00050134 monopod can work for you, or maybe you TcmOqV6n8VY-00196-00049816-00050397 can carry both. That would be a great idea. TcmOqV6n8VY-00197-00050134-00050397 All right, good luck with your shoot. TcmOqV6n8VY-00198-00050580-00050792 [Music] TeqyiBFhm34-00000-00000928-00001434 The new Medical Treatment (subclass 602) visa replaces the old Medical Treatment (Short TeqyiBFhm34-00001-00001436-00002032 Stay) (subclass 675) visa and Medical Treatment (Long Stay) (subclass 685) visa. TeqyiBFhm34-00002-00002201-00002626 You can apply for this visa if you are planning any medical treatment or TeqyiBFhm34-00003-00002628-00003151 consultations in Australia except surrogate motherhood travelling to Australia to TeqyiBFhm34-00004-00003153-00003750 donate an organ accompanying or providing support to the person needing treatment. TeqyiBFhm34-00005-00003765-00004179 You may not be eligible for this visa if you have a medical condition that could TeqyiBFhm34-00006-00004181-00004656 be a threat to public health are the holder of a Domestic Worker Diplomatic or TeqyiBFhm34-00007-00004658-00005241 Consular (Temporary) (subclass 426) visa or the last substantive visa you held was a TeqyiBFhm34-00008-00005243-00005840 subclass 426 visa or have a condition attached to your current visa that does not TeqyiBFhm34-00009-00005853-00006094 allow a further stay. TeqyiBFhm34-00010-00006096-00006692 These conditions will appear on your visa label as 8503, 8534 or 8535. TeqyiBFhm34-00011-00006922-00007518 More information about the changes is available on the department's website. 19 00:01:15,206 --> 00:00:00,000 TeLH2K2hbFy-00000-00000045-00000120 Okay. TeLH2K2hbFy-00001-00000174-00000316 My name is Tim and I'm here ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00002-00000387-00000570 [in] the Atrium of Scott Library, TeLH2K2hbFy-00003-00000570-00000642 on the second floor. TeLH2K2hbFy-00004-00000750-00001034 And I'm going to lead you to the Media Creation Lab. TeLH2K2hbFy-00005-00001034-00001242 We're heading past the Learning Commons. TeLH2K2hbFy-00006-00001424-00001582 I'm going to start my timer here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00007-00001845-00002142 If you have anyquestions, just post it in the chat. TeLH2K2hbFy-00008-00002363-00002721 Everything starts and ends with the MCL website. TeLH2K2hbFy-00009-00003057-00003262 We're moving past the Learning Commons. TeLH2K2hbFy-00010-00003345-00003457 If you want to reserve equipment, TeLH2K2hbFy-00011-00003516-00003692 [or] reserve spaces, go to the website. TeLH2K2hbFy-00012-00003719-00004032 The short URL is TeLH2K2hbFy-00013-00004311-00004514 These shelves will [be removed] for TeLH2K2hbFy-00014-00004577-00004875 learning spaces [and] a data-visualization wall. TeLH2K2hbFy-00015-00005353-00005481 All right, here we go. TeLH2K2hbFy-00016-00005510-00005704 [Here's] the service desk. If you want to ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00017-00005867-00006016 pick up equipment--check out equipment, TeLH2K2hbFy-00018-00006061-00006202 [or] returnequipment, you go to the service desk, TeLH2K2hbFy-00019-00006202-00006288 show your YU-card. TeLH2K2hbFy-00020-00006344-00006556 If you're here to use a space, ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00021-00006705-00006909 samething: go to the service desk, show your YU-card, TeLH2K2hbFy-00022-00006909-00007157 and when you're done, show your YU-card. TeLH2K2hbFy-00023-00007228-00007354 Forequipment, TeLH2K2hbFy-00024-00007354-00007656 you can borrow equipment for up to seven calendar days. TeLH2K2hbFy-00025-00007861-00007984 Some equipment we have, for example, TeLH2K2hbFy-00026-00007984-00008070 we've got ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00027-00008153-00008299 thisRode Go [wireless mic system]. I'm using it right now, TeLH2K2hbFy-00028-00008346-00008511 as well as a [360-degree] camera, TeLH2K2hbFy-00029-00008616-00009189 and I'm also using the Sennheiser HD 280 Proheadphones. TeLH2K2hbFy-00030-00009214-00009481 The process for checkouts is, you come to the service desk. TeLH2K2hbFy-00031-00009559-00009702 Here's a couple of staffright here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00032-00009781-00010008 Show your YU-card, we go through the units TeLH2K2hbFy-00033-00010080-00010267 with you, item by item, TeLH2K2hbFy-00034-00010310-00010550 and then you loanit for up to seven calendar days. TeLH2K2hbFy-00035-00010601-00010837 Then when you return, you return it to this space TeLH2K2hbFy-00036-00010837-00011109 bythe due date, during the Lab's operating hours. TeLH2K2hbFy-00037-00011109-00011458 [Inaudbile] TeLH2K2hbFy-00038-00011510-00011706 I'm just going to show you the storagecloset. TeLH2K2hbFy-00039-00011863-00011928 Here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00040-00011989-00012248 Give you an idea of where we store the equipment. TeLH2K2hbFy-00041-00012268-00012442 You see some equipmentis already loaned. TeLH2K2hbFy-00042-00012608-00012778 For space bookings, TeLH2K2hbFy-00043-00012847-00013014 you need to .... TeLH2K2hbFy-00044-00013131-00013216 reserve. TeLH2K2hbFy-00045-00013216-00013390 You basicallyrequest the space TeLH2K2hbFy-00046-00013390-00013604 and then we will approve [or deny] TeLH2K2hbFy-00047-00013604-00013781 Typically, we try to get back to you TeLH2K2hbFy-00048-00013781-00013975 within one business day, TeLH2K2hbFy-00049-00013975-00014074 and whenyou show up-- TeLH2K2hbFy-00050-00014074-00014208 again, go to the service desk, TeLH2K2hbFy-00051-00014274-00014385 show your YU-card. TeLH2K2hbFy-00052-00014425-00014571 If you're bringing guestswith you, TeLH2K2hbFy-00053-00014571-00014781 they will need to manually sign in. TeLH2K2hbFy-00054-00014917-00015122 If it's your first time [using] your [reserved] space, TeLH2K2hbFy-00055-00015122-00015286 staff will give you an orientation. TeLH2K2hbFy-00056-00015366-00015511 [It takes about] 20-25 minutes. TeLH2K2hbFy-00057-00015650-00015876 and your guests will need to manually sign inas well, TeLH2K2hbFy-00058-00015876-00015972 and then when you're done, TeLH2K2hbFy-00059-00016008-00016158 you'll want to electronically check out. TeLH2K2hbFy-00060-00016158-00016288 Certainly, stop by the front desk, TeLH2K2hbFy-00061-00016288-00016416 let us know [that you're done]. TeLH2K2hbFy-00062-00016650-00016859 In addition to equipment, TeLH2K2hbFy-00063-00016859-00017045 we've got several workstations. TeLH2K2hbFy-00064-00017061-00017267 I'm just going to remove my headphones. TeLH2K2hbFy-00065-00017312-00017447 You should be able to hear me still TeLH2K2hbFy-00066-00017447-00017625 because I've got a wireless mic. TeLH2K2hbFy-00067-00017706-00018108 We've got one, two, three, four, five Dell laptops, TeLH2K2hbFy-00068-00018144-00018224 [and] an iMac. TeLH2K2hbFy-00069-00018280-00018496 Three of them have the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, TeLH2K2hbFy-00070-00018496-00018876 as well as open-source, audio- and video-editing software. TeLH2K2hbFy-00071-00018908-00019046 There's a set of lockers over there TeLH2K2hbFy-00072-00019046-00019235 that you can use to store things TeLH2K2hbFy-00073-00019235-00019421 whileyou're using MCL spaces. TeLH2K2hbFy-00074-00019652-00019768 Let me just see ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00075-00019945-00020067 Is there any questions? TeLH2K2hbFy-00076-00020128-00020178 Okay. TeLH2K2hbFy-00077-00020178-00020284 "It's loading. Slow down." TeLH2K2hbFy-00078-00020284-00020377 Okay. TeLH2K2hbFy-00079-00020580-00020696 Let's let it catch up. TeLH2K2hbFy-00080-00021237-00021466 Common questions regardingequipment is, TeLH2K2hbFy-00081-00021466-00021649 you can't renew online. TeLH2K2hbFy-00082-00021853-00022111 You can bring it back by the due date, TeLH2K2hbFy-00083-00022111-00022374 and if everything has been returned, TeLH2K2hbFy-00084-00022374-00022644 you can re-loan it if no one else has it reserved. TeLH2K2hbFy-00085-00022728-00022843 Okay. So, we're good now. Okay. TeLH2K2hbFy-00086-00022896-00023064 All right. Let's ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00087-00023206-00023349 Let's just go here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00088-00023373-00023524 Yes, there's staff here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00089-00023551-00023689 They're busy doing their work. TeLH2K2hbFy-00090-00023902-00024154 The Lab's operatinghours are, for the term, TeLH2K2hbFy-00091-00024248-00024531 Monday to Thursday, 12 pm to 5 PM, TeLH2K2hbFy-00092-00024600-00024700 and then ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00093-00024763-00024988 Friday and Saturday, the Labis closed. TeLH2K2hbFy-00094-00025056-00025397 Sunday, the Lab is open from 2 to 7 pm. TeLH2K2hbFy-00095-00025565-00025937 If you've reserved a space, staff will escortyou. TeLH2K2hbFy-00096-00026059-00026332 You can't get past this hallway without ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00097-00026685-00026759 [a] staff ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00098-00026885-00026961 card. TeLH2K2hbFy-00099-00026961-00027088 I'll just use a wave. TeLH2K2hbFy-00100-00028070-00028179 A little awkward. TeLH2K2hbFy-00101-00028277-00028465 Okay, great. Here we go ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00102-00028644-00028831 through the DSI [Digital Scholarship Infrastructure] hallway. TeLH2K2hbFy-00103-00028831-00028970 You'll notice there's offices. TeLH2K2hbFy-00104-00029220-00029276 Okay. TeLH2K2hbFy-00105-00029508-00029558 All right. TeLH2K2hbFy-00106-00030024-00030074 Okay. TeLH2K2hbFy-00107-00030663-00030832 Here's the DSI hallway. TeLH2K2hbFy-00108-00030900-00031095 It's acombination of offices TeLH2K2hbFy-00109-00031095-00031246 as well as bookable spaces. TeLH2K2hbFy-00110-00031326-00031529 Always be mindful of The Three 'S's. TeLH2K2hbFy-00111-00031529-00031725 The first 'S' is Sound. TeLH2K2hbFy-00112-00031754-00032099 Be mindful ofpeople working nearby. TeLH2K2hbFy-00113-00032099-00032325 Try to keep your voice at a reasonable volume. TeLH2K2hbFy-00114-00032361-00032462 You don't need to whisper, TeLH2K2hbFy-00115-00032462-00032634 butif you're playing back audio, TeLH2K2hbFy-00116-00032708-00032875 [by] the recording booth or in the VR rooms, TeLH2K2hbFy-00117-00032875-00033005 just keep it reasonable. TeLH2K2hbFy-00118-00033110-00033213 And it's atwo-way street. TeLH2K2hbFy-00119-00033213-00033549 If you notice that staff nearby are disrupting your work, TeLH2K2hbFy-00120-00033601-00033774 just feel free to let themknow, TeLH2K2hbFy-00121-00033774-00034000 but you can also go to staff at the front desk. TeLH2K2hbFy-00122-00034050-00034184 We can talk to them. TeLH2K2hbFy-00123-00034206-00034321 Okay, that's the first 'S.' TeLH2K2hbFy-00124-00034321-00034579 The second 'S' is Safety and Security. TeLH2K2hbFy-00125-00034579-00034685 It's one big 'S.' TeLH2K2hbFy-00126-00034739-00035008 Do not leave these rooms unattended with the door [unlocked]. TeLH2K2hbFy-00127-00035078-00035299 If you need to leave temporarily to get water or ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00128-00035400-00035659 use the restroom, just lock the door.Close the door. TeLH2K2hbFy-00129-00035704-00035814 They automatically lock. TeLH2K2hbFy-00130-00035854-00036161 Don't worry about inconveniencing us TeLH2K2hbFy-00131-00036161-00036296 to re-openit for you. TeLH2K2hbFy-00132-00036296-00036383 That's not an issue. TeLH2K2hbFy-00133-00036448-00036575 If you need to ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00134-00036630-00036807 exit because of a fire alarm, TeLH2K2hbFy-00135-00036833-00036985 use that exit, or this one here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00136-00036985-00037244 That's the best one. That takes you to the Learning Commons. TeLH2K2hbFy-00137-00037356-00037482 The third 'S' is Saving. TeLH2K2hbFy-00138-00037556-00037749 Most of the computers in the MCL spaces TeLH2K2hbFy-00139-00037749-00038085 are set up to not store anything permanently. TeLH2K2hbFy-00140-00038185-00038432 After 60 minutesof inactivity, they lock. TeLH2K2hbFy-00141-00038470-00038605 That's why you want to ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00142-00038694-00039071 use removable storage or cloud storage, if possible. TeLH2K2hbFy-00143-00039276-00039615 That's really it. I'mgoing to show you the audio studio-- TeLH2K2hbFy-00144-00039650-00039738 Just move the chair. Yeah. TeLH2K2hbFy-00145-00039861-00040046 The audio-recording booth--here it is. TeLH2K2hbFy-00146-00040046-00040158 Youcan see here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00147-00040209-00040357 Let me just lower the camera. TeLH2K2hbFy-00148-00040524-00040597 Here we go. TeLH2K2hbFy-00149-00040597-00040808 We've got a curvedscreen, TeLH2K2hbFy-00150-00040808-00040925 decent computer, TeLH2K2hbFy-00151-00040972-00041124 soundboard over here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00152-00041188-00041444 Phone at the desk with headphones and speakers. TeLH2K2hbFy-00153-00041500-00041668 Here's a recording booth. TeLH2K2hbFy-00154-00041802-00041924 It's not soundproof, TeLH2K2hbFy-00155-00041924-00042139 but it isdramatically sound-dampening. TeLH2K2hbFy-00156-00042253-00042383 Let's open this door. TeLH2K2hbFy-00157-00042398-00042507 I hope there's enough room. TeLH2K2hbFy-00158-00042606-00042694 There we go. TeLH2K2hbFy-00159-00042694-00042979 Go inside andlift the cart. Hopefully it doesn't fall. TeLH2K2hbFy-00160-00043078-00043185 There we go. TeLH2K2hbFy-00161-00043476-00043694 Two microphones with headphones setup. TeLH2K2hbFy-00162-00043784-00043989 There's LED lighting, if you can see. TeLH2K2hbFy-00163-00044075-00044219 And we'll just move around. TeLH2K2hbFy-00164-00044352-00044405 There we go. TeLH2K2hbFy-00165-00044405-00044588 Yeah, there's a third [not connected] mic as well. TeLH2K2hbFy-00166-00044597-00044981 This booth is really well suited for performances TeLH2K2hbFy-00167-00044981-00045330 like vocal performances, instrumental, narration. TeLH2K2hbFy-00168-00045427-00045622 It's pretty small. You can fit maybe ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00169-00045721-00045837 two people comfortably. TeLH2K2hbFy-00170-00045837-00045905 Three [people] ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00171-00045974-00046046 is kind of pushing it. TeLH2K2hbFy-00172-00046046-00046178 Four [people] is really pushing it. TeLH2K2hbFy-00173-00046246-00046406 It's really meant for individuals. TeLH2K2hbFy-00174-00046650-00046957 Moving over, we have two VR rooms. TeLH2K2hbFy-00175-00047009-00047184 They're identical in their setup. TeLH2K2hbFy-00176-00047508-00047639 There we go. TeLH2K2hbFy-00177-00047764-00047898 All right. We've got ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00178-00047994-00048143 high-powered computer, TeLH2K2hbFy-00179-00048143-00048377 HTC Vive Pro system, TeLH2K2hbFy-00180-00048377-00048541 [with a] headset, two controllers ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00181-00048645-00048856 [and] two fixed sensors in the corners. TeLH2K2hbFy-00182-00048960-00049074 We do have-- TeLH2K2hbFy-00183-00049074-00049175 the MCL does have ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00184-00049256-00049500 Quest headsets, which are standalone VR systems TeLH2K2hbFy-00185-00049500-00049654 that don't require connection to a computer, TeLH2K2hbFy-00186-00049654-00050012 but the downside is they're not as powerful, TeLH2K2hbFy-00187-00050068-00050257 whereas these are very powerful. TeLH2K2hbFy-00188-00050412-00050753 That's it, in terms of VR. TeLH2K2hbFy-00189-00050753-00051288 Oh, yes--and the MCL has a collection of apps ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00190-00051491-00051637 set up with its account, TeLH2K2hbFy-00191-00051637-00051916 so, if you want to use some of the paidexperiences, TeLH2K2hbFy-00192-00051916-00052068 just let the staff know. TeLH2K2hbFy-00193-00052068-00052219 Or maybe, even if you have your own ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00194-00052304-00052419 Steam account, with purchases, TeLH2K2hbFy-00195-00052419-00052632 you can sign in with your [account]. TeLH2K2hbFy-00196-00052805-00052985 For space bookings, as I mentioned, TeLH2K2hbFy-00197-00052985-00053134 there is a mediation process. TeLH2K2hbFy-00198-00053284-00053560 We try to let you know within one business day. TeLH2K2hbFy-00199-00053659-00053829 Thespaces--the recording booth TeLH2K2hbFy-00200-00053853-00054087 and the flex studio, which I will show to you soon-- TeLH2K2hbFy-00201-00054112-00054422 you can bookit for up to five hours, TeLH2K2hbFy-00202-00054422-00054570 but the VR rooms are currently limited TeLH2K2hbFy-00203-00054570-00054710 to two hours at a time. TeLH2K2hbFy-00204-00054786-00054864 I'm just gonna-- TeLH2K2hbFy-00205-00055258-00055336 there we go. TeLH2K2hbFy-00206-00055528-00055746 Now I'm going to head over to the flexstudio ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00207-00055889-00055973 the ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00208-00056000-00056206 very versatile flex studio. TeLH2K2hbFy-00209-00056500-00056583 Awkward. TeLH2K2hbFy-00210-00056710-00056807 Okay. I'm coming around. TeLH2K2hbFy-00211-00056807-00056938 Here we are in the Learning Commons. TeLH2K2hbFy-00212-00057438-00057617 I will meet my colleague ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00213-00057722-00057854 fellow staff memberMaykel, TeLH2K2hbFy-00214-00057854-00058026 who will open up the flex studio. TeLH2K2hbFy-00215-00058098-00058364 Staff have been working really hardto get it online. TeLH2K2hbFy-00216-00058510-00058612 Here we go. TeLH2K2hbFy-00217-00058716-00058801 All right. TeLH2K2hbFy-00218-00058988-00059147 Okay. I'm just going to position it... TeLH2K2hbFy-00219-00059278-00059529 in a good spot. Let's just see here, TeLH2K2hbFy-00220-00059645-00059759 All right. Right in the middle of the room. TeLH2K2hbFy-00221-00059759-00059865 You should still beable to hear me TeLH2K2hbFy-00222-00059865-00060107 because of the wireless microphone technology. TeLH2K2hbFy-00223-00060199-00060379 Okay. Here we've got one, two, three, ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00224-00060466-00060630 [four]microphones with headphones. It has a podcasting TeLH2K2hbFy-00225-00060743-00060905 There's a podcasting setup over here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00226-00060972-00061156 You should be able to see this [workstation], TeLH2K2hbFy-00227-00061188-00061326 widescreen monitor, TeLH2K2hbFy-00228-00061391-00061761 computer, headphone amplifier over here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00229-00061837-00062013 Here is an audio interface TeLH2K2hbFy-00230-00062013-00062202 that's connectedto the headphone amplifier. TeLH2K2hbFy-00231-00062263-00062397 That allows recording [and listening]. TeLH2K2hbFy-00232-00062647-00062747 Over here ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00233-00062837-00062916 we have ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00234-00062916-00063044 I don't know if you can seeit. TeLH2K2hbFy-00235-00063141-00063383 Yes. Okay. Here's the lightboard. TeLH2K2hbFy-00236-00063383-00063524 You can ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00237-00063582-00063930 draw on it, record video and audio for presentations. TeLH2K2hbFy-00238-00064146-00064344 See here, over here ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00239-00064475-00064625 the lightbox ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00240-00064779-00064981 if you want to do any product photography, TeLH2K2hbFy-00241-00064981-00065209 object photography with neutralbackgrounds. TeLH2K2hbFy-00242-00065309-00065359 Okay. TeLH2K2hbFy-00243-00065546-00065657 This is really ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00244-00065771-00066013 the main attraction, I would say, TeLH2K2hbFy-00245-00066013-00066108 down the road. TeLH2K2hbFy-00246-00066122-00066280 We've got backdrops here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00247-00066500-00066806 Three-point lighting setups, different configurations. TeLH2K2hbFy-00248-00066832-00066919 We've got here ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00249-00067052-00067246 a pretty expensive BlackMagic camera TeLH2K2hbFy-00250-00067246-00067480 as well as a JVC camcorder. TeLH2K2hbFy-00251-00067646-00067758 There's a tall backdrop here, TeLH2K2hbFy-00252-00067758-00068015 and there's a multi-colouredportable backdrop. TeLH2K2hbFy-00253-00068029-00068144 You can switch out the colours. TeLH2K2hbFy-00254-00068344-00068576 That's really it ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00255-00068679-00068791 in terms of the spaces. TeLH2K2hbFy-00256-00068791-00068986 Ican't really think of anything. TeLH2K2hbFy-00257-00069036-00069218 Sarah, can you think of ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00258-00069342-00069540 important points that I've [left out]? TeLH2K2hbFy-00259-00069608-00069689 Just ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00260-00069794-00069893 postthem in the chat, TeLH2K2hbFy-00261-00069893-00070082 or if anybody else has questions, just ... TeLH2K2hbFy-00262-00070315-00070453 say something. TeLH2K2hbFy-00263-00070553-00070645 Letus know. TeLH2K2hbFy-00264-00070659-00070945 I'll type the URL of the website. TeLH2K2hbFy-00265-00071458-00071607 The short URL of the website. TeLH2K2hbFy-00266-00071744-00071902 Okay, let me just see here. TeLH2K2hbFy-00267-00072132-00072287 I'll wait for questions. TeLH2K2hbFy-00268-00072384-00072618 Feel freeto chat them in the channel as well. TeLH2K2hbFy-00269-00073639-00073789 No questions? Okay. TeLH2K2hbFy-00270-00074358-00074479 Okay. All right. TeLH2K2hbFy-00271-00074479-00074798 Thanks fortaking part in this virtual tour. TeLH2K2hbFy-00272-00074838-00074913 Later. TfxepzhEvh4-00000-00000148-00000622 When Markovnikov formulated his rule he could use it to predict the major TfxepzhEvh4-00001-00000622-00000752 products but he TfxepzhEvh4-00002-00000752-00001236 didn't know what a carbocation was, and didn't know much about the mechanism TfxepzhEvh4-00003-00001236-00001713 so we can have another understanding of Markovnikov's TfxepzhEvh4-00004-00001713-00001934 rule and why it works the way it does TfxepzhEvh4-00005-00001934-00002281 and it goes back to our old friend the carbocation TfxepzhEvh4-00006-00002281-00002752 and ranking their stabilities because the first thing that happens in the TfxepzhEvh4-00007-00002752-00002913 mechanism that we saw on a TfxepzhEvh4-00008-00002913-00003360 previous slide was that the hydrogen adds to one of the two carbons where TfxepzhEvh4-00009-00003360-00003470 the double bond is TfxepzhEvh4-00010-00003470-00003926 one of those bonds, of the two in the double bond, forms a bond to hydrogen TfxepzhEvh4-00011-00003926-00004295 and so we can imagine these two possible intermediates TfxepzhEvh4-00012-00004295-00004803 two different carbocations. The first one would be expected to form in TfxepzhEvh4-00013-00004803-00005078 preference to the second one because it is secondary TfxepzhEvh4-00014-00005078-00005494 and we learned that those things are more stable than primary ones TfxepzhEvh4-00015-00005494-00005998 primary carbocations don't like to form and so TfxepzhEvh4-00016-00005998-00006376 in the second step when the bromide comes in or if it's HCl, TfxepzhEvh4-00017-00006376-00006740 chloride, we expect it to be at the number two position and TfxepzhEvh4-00018-00006740-00007220 form the product based on this first intermediate because we've made the more TfxepzhEvh4-00019-00007220-00007340 stable carbocation. TfxepzhEvh4-00020-00007340-00007825 we don't get much of the 1-bromo or 1-chloro product because that would TfxepzhEvh4-00021-00007825-00008136 involve this less stable carbocation forming. TfxepzhEvh4-00022-00008136-00008595 so this rule at the bottom is a more modern way of stating Markovnikov's rule TfxepzhEvh4-00023-00008595-00009074 But if all we're trying to do is predict the major product as long as you TfxepzhEvh4-00024-00009074-00009425 can apply the rule then you can I guess remember it TfxepzhEvh4-00025-00009425-00010125 with whatever sentence works best TfxepzhEvh4-00026-00010406-00010928 one reason we know in chemistry that carbocations are involved is because TfxepzhEvh4-00027-00010928-00011136 just as we had seen before TfxepzhEvh4-00028-00011136-00011502 sometimes rearrangement can occur and when the TfxepzhEvh4-00029-00011502-00012128 product is is not predictable based on the carbon skeleton we start with TfxepzhEvh4-00030-00012128-00012538 we can assume that carbocations and must have been involved and that some TfxepzhEvh4-00031-00012538-00012656 arrangement had occurred TfxepzhEvh4-00032-00012656-00012997 so we saw a little bit of this in chapter 4 TfxepzhEvh4-00033-00012997-00013433 as well sometimes you can initially make a TfxepzhEvh4-00034-00013433-00013737 carbocation that while it has some stability TfxepzhEvh4-00035-00013737-00014153 this one at the bottom here secondary if we have one of these hydride shifts we TfxepzhEvh4-00036-00014153-00014303 can turn it into a tertiary one. TfxepzhEvh4-00037-00014303-00014644 and we end up making more than anything else this TfxepzhEvh4-00038-00014644-00015041 molecule you see on the right here sixty percent of the product TfxepzhEvh4-00039-00015041-00015522 with that chlorine on the second carbon from the right that implies that it TfxepzhEvh4-00040-00015522-00015598 immediately TfxepzhEvh4-00041-00015598-00015938 was preceded by the corresponding carbocation below TfxepzhEvh4-00042-00015938-00016400 and without that rearrangement this other product is what we would expect TfxepzhEvh4-00043-00016400-00017001 we only get forty percent of it though and as I told you back in Chapter 4, we TfxepzhEvh4-00044-00017001-00017243 can't always predict when rearrangements TfxepzhEvh4-00045-00017243-00017742 occur, but if they do we can make some sense out of TfxepzhEvh4-00046-00017742-00018182 why a given product is the way it is TfxepzhEvh4-00047-00018182-00018548 why it's perhaps a little bit unpredictable TfxepzhEvh4-00048-00018548-00018929 and again this is considered some evidence for the existence of these TfxepzhEvh4-00049-00018929-00019473 carboncations in the first place TfxepzhEvh4-00050-00019473-00019829 well it's possible to do the opposite of what Markovnikov TfxepzhEvh4-00051-00019829-00020176 would observe and in fact this TfxepzhEvh4-00052-00020176-00020603 phenomenon is just about as old as the Markovnikov rule itself TfxepzhEvh4-00053-00020603-00021069 sometimes under certain conditions you can get just the opposite TfxepzhEvh4-00054-00021069-00021542 of what Markovnikov would predict so let's say we started with 1-butene TfxepzhEvh4-00055-00021612-00022109 here and we wanted to make the 1-bromo product. well we've seen before TfxepzhEvh4-00056-00022109-00022187 that TfxepzhEvh4-00057-00022187-00022585 Markovnikov rule predisposes us to put the bromine TfxepzhEvh4-00058-00022585-00023006 at the number 2 carbon but in this second reaction we've got just the opposite TfxepzhEvh4-00059-00023006-00023240 effect and the key here TfxepzhEvh4-00060-00023240-00023584 here as it says peroxides that TfxepzhEvh4-00061-00023584-00023978 is an H-nu down here, that's a greek letter nu, that funny-looking vee TfxepzhEvh4-00062-00023978-00024534 and that stands for ultraviolet light and what ultraviolet light and peroxides TfxepzhEvh4-00063-00024534-00024676 both can do is create TfxepzhEvh4-00064-00024676-00025140 radicals. peroxides have an oxygen- oxygen single bond TfxepzhEvh4-00065-00025140-00025481 and such molecules can be easily split into two TfxepzhEvh4-00066-00025481-00025804 halves and each half has an unpaired electron TfxepzhEvh4-00067-00025804-00026286 that's what a radical is. Shine ultraviolet light on TfxepzhEvh4-00068-00026286-00026652 molecules like HBr and they can also split in that manner TfxepzhEvh4-00069-00026652-00026966 and so if we purposefully TfxepzhEvh4-00070-00026966-00027269 add these special conditions then we can TfxepzhEvh4-00071-00027269-00027587 cause Markovnikov's rule to happen in reverse TfxepzhEvh4-00072-00027587-00028074 which is nice because it gives us some control over where that incoming bromine TfxepzhEvh4-00073-00028074-00028119 ends up ThQjt14BloY-00000-00000000-00000287 hi this is Susan Brodar from SPEAK ThQjt14BloY-00001-00000287-00000471 Languages and TRAVEL the World on a ThQjt14BloY-00002-00000471-00000818 bright sunny windy day and I'm here to ThQjt14BloY-00003-00000818-00001083 help you improve your English with ThQjt14BloY-00004-00001083-00001491 minimum effort a maximum benefit so ThQjt14BloY-00005-00001491-00001794 today I'd like to reveal to you one of ThQjt14BloY-00006-00001794-00002067 the secrets of improving your English ThQjt14BloY-00007-00002067-00002430 day by day but before I do that I want ThQjt14BloY-00008-00002430-00002730 you to click on the link up here because ThQjt14BloY-00009-00002730-00003042 you can download the free fluency ThQjt14BloY-00010-00003042-00003246 exercises which I developed especially ThQjt14BloY-00011-00003246-00003546 for you to improve your English day by ThQjt14BloY-00012-00003546-00003894 day these consist in audio exercises ThQjt14BloY-00013-00003894-00004167 which you can listen to and repeat in ThQjt14BloY-00014-00004167-00004410 the car whilst you're driving to work or ThQjt14BloY-00015-00004410-00004725 whilst you're doing household chores in ThQjt14BloY-00016-00004725-00005030 fact this is the secret I'd like to ThQjt14BloY-00017-00005030-00005276 reveal to you today one of the secrets ThQjt14BloY-00018-00005276-00005723 and that is repetition now if you think ThQjt14BloY-00019-00005723-00006098 about it carefully babies they are born ThQjt14BloY-00020-00006098-00006411 and they listen to the language that ThQjt14BloY-00021-00006411-00006615 surrounds them they listen to their ThQjt14BloY-00022-00006615-00006890 parents to music to their friends and ThQjt14BloY-00023-00006890-00007275 slowly slowly they start repeating the ThQjt14BloY-00024-00007275-00007542 language they hear they'll start by ThQjt14BloY-00025-00007542-00007788 repeating it slightly less correctly and ThQjt14BloY-00026-00007788-00008045 then they'll improve but they don't only ThQjt14BloY-00027-00008045-00008259 repeat the words they repeat the ThQjt14BloY-00028-00008259-00008504 intonation the stress and the musicality ThQjt14BloY-00029-00008504-00008832 of their own language and this is ThQjt14BloY-00030-00008832-00009250 something you have to learn to do so any ThQjt14BloY-00031-00009250-00009597 way you can stop and listen and repeat ThQjt14BloY-00032-00009597-00010011 will help you improve now there is a for ThQjt14BloY-00033-00010011-00010325 example of which is an ThQjt14BloY-00034-00010325-00010563 excellent resource for you to do this ThQjt14BloY-00035-00010563-00011039 way that it's a video that you can watch ThQjt14BloY-00036-00011039-00011375 for five seconds and then it'll stop and ThQjt14BloY-00037-00011375-00011700 you can repeat this infinite number of ThQjt14BloY-00038-00011700-00012032 times repeating after you've heard what ThQjt14BloY-00039-00012032-00012360 they say they are pieces of films mainly ThQjt14BloY-00040-00012360-00012593 of all different kinds and so it's ThQjt14BloY-00041-00012593-00012869 authentic language which is what you ThQjt14BloY-00042-00012869-00013236 have to repeat it's no good reading from ThQjt14BloY-00043-00013236-00013350 grammar books ThQjt14BloY-00044-00013350-00013626 because or any type of textbook if it ThQjt14BloY-00045-00013626-00013847 comes to that because you are not ThQjt14BloY-00046-00013847-00014124 listening to the authentic language ThQjt14BloY-00047-00014124-00014307 you're just reading with your own ThQjt14BloY-00048-00014307-00014556 information which may not be correct ThQjt14BloY-00049-00014556-00014799 instead if you listen to authentic ThQjt14BloY-00050-00014799-00015191 language then you can improve so I ThQjt14BloY-00051-00015191-00015582 recommend taking any kind of resource of ThQjt14BloY-00052-00015582-00015834 podcast a song whatever you prefer ThQjt14BloY-00053-00015834-00016083 something that's fun for you because ThQjt14BloY-00054-00016083-00016362 otherwise it's no good and you should ThQjt14BloY-00055-00016362-00016758 repeat it and that's really what you ThQjt14BloY-00056-00016758-00017034 need to do to improve little by little ThQjt14BloY-00057-00017034-00017352 day by day you don't need more than 10 ThQjt14BloY-00058-00017352-00017670 minutes a day so it's sufficient if you ThQjt14BloY-00059-00017670-00017985 even listen and repeat the exercises ThQjt14BloY-00060-00017985-00018210 I've developed for you the important ThQjt14BloY-00061-00018210-00018492 thing is that listening and repeating ThQjt14BloY-00062-00018492-00018831 you will improve day by day you could ThQjt14BloY-00063-00018831-00019062 actually especially if you're doing for ThQjt14BloY-00064-00019062-00019395 example listen repeat ThQjt14BloY-00065-00019395-00019803 take your phone and record into your ThQjt14BloY-00066-00019803-00020139 phone so you can compare the original to ThQjt14BloY-00067-00020139-00020385 yours now the pronunciation is what ThQjt14BloY-00068-00020385-00020715 worries me less but you should make sure ThQjt14BloY-00069-00020715-00020940 you get the intonation the stress and ThQjt14BloY-00070-00020940-00021204 the musicality of the language right and ThQjt14BloY-00071-00021204-00021462 when you feel it's sufficiently similar ThQjt14BloY-00072-00021462-00021687 to the original go on to the next one ThQjt14BloY-00073-00021687-00021951 the important thing is to enjoy what ThQjt14BloY-00074-00021951-00022197 you're doing and to dedicate ten minutes ThQjt14BloY-00075-00022197-00022464 of your time every day to doing this and ThQjt14BloY-00076-00022464-00022659 you'll see that your limb proved ThQjt14BloY-00077-00022659-00022875 incredibly especially if you keep the ThQjt14BloY-00078-00022875-00023181 recordings because then with the time ThQjt14BloY-00079-00023181-00023367 you can go back and listen to the old ThQjt14BloY-00080-00023367-00023685 recordings and say wow I really have ThQjt14BloY-00081-00023685-00023943 improved and that's something else ThQjt14BloY-00082-00023943-00024332 that's important to compare the past to ThQjt14BloY-00083-00024332-00024684 the present so don't compare yourself to ThQjt14BloY-00084-00024684-00024936 other people maybe if you are going to ThQjt14BloY-00085-00024936-00025215 lessons don't compare yourself to others ThQjt14BloY-00086-00025215-00025472 and say oh but they're better than me No ThQjt14BloY-00087-00025472-00025927 compare yourself to your previous self ThQjt14BloY-00088-00025927-00026297 this is something many athletes do I'm ThQjt14BloY-00089-00026297-00026676 here in a place where there is going to ThQjt14BloY-00090-00026676-00026695 be a ThQjt14BloY-00091-00026695-00027049 competition and many athletes warm up ThQjt14BloY-00092-00027049-00027367 outside and then you can see them ThQjt14BloY-00093-00027367-00027706 running past and then they take ThQjt14BloY-00094-00027706-00027933 part in these competitions what's ThQjt14BloY-00095-00027933-00028285 important is that they often don't race ThQjt14BloY-00096-00028285-00028539 against each other but against ThQjt14BloY-00097-00028539-00028810 themselves because if you're a top ThQjt14BloY-00098-00028810-00029101 athlete it's very easy but if you're of ThQjt14BloY-00099-00029101-00029358 an average type you don't want to ThQjt14BloY-00100-00029358-00029548 compete against the other ones you want ThQjt14BloY-00101-00029548-00029899 to compete against your previous records ThQjt14BloY-00102-00029899-00030175 your previous times and that's ThQjt14BloY-00103-00030175-00030607 what helps you so remember to check how ThQjt14BloY-00104-00030607-00030931 you've improved against yourself and not ThQjt14BloY-00105-00030931-00031285 how you've improved against others okay ThQjt14BloY-00106-00031285-00031539 and that's all for now and don't forget ThQjt14BloY-00107-00031539-00031777 to click and subscribe here if you think ThQjt14BloY-00108-00031777-00031989 these videos are useful for your ThQjt14BloY-00109-00031989-00032233 language learning and that's all bye for ThQjt14BloY-00110-00032233-00032436 now ThV0QRuEoCQ-00000-00000000-00000400 1- Panta Rhei ThV0QRuEoCQ-00001-00000924-00001224 Panta Rhei. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00002-00001224-00001372 Everything flows. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00003-00001372-00001572 Everything is movement. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00004-00001584-00001784 This is the message of Heraclitus, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00005-00001784-00001984 2500 years ago. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00006-00003824-00004024 The air around me contains ThV0QRuEoCQ-00007-00004024-00004224 a large number of molecules ThV0QRuEoCQ-00008-00004224-00004424 that constantly collide ThV0QRuEoCQ-00009-00004424-00004624 like billiard balls. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00010-00011544-00011744 Everything is movement. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00011-00011744-00011944 Even my rocking chair is carried ThV0QRuEoCQ-00012-00011944-00012244 by the Earth in its foolish rush! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00013-00012612-00012760 For years, humans have ThV0QRuEoCQ-00014-00012760-00012960 observed these movements ThV0QRuEoCQ-00015-00012960-00013208 and gradually they have tried to predict them. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00016-00013263-00013463 First astrologers, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00017-00013463-00013663 then scientists, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00018-00013663-00013863 and especially mathematicians. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00019-00013904-00014152 By the way, many mathematicians ThV0QRuEoCQ-00020-00014152-00014352 have cast horoscopes! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00021-00014484-00014684 Predicting the movement of the stars ThV0QRuEoCQ-00022-00014684-00014884 and deducing our future from it ThV0QRuEoCQ-00023-00014884-00015084 is an old dream. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00024-00017456-00017756 In the mathematical world around us, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00025-00017756-00017956 everything is moving as well. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00026-00022632-00022880 Watch this rolling ball. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00027-00023200-00023300 Stop! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00028-00023404-00023604 Can you guess where it will be ThV0QRuEoCQ-00029-00023608-00023756 in two seconds? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00030-00024016-00024364 It continues straight on of course, like this! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00031-00024408-00024656 This prediction was easy! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00032-00025552-00025800 Here it is a bit harder. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00033-00025800-00025900 Stop! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00034-00026000-00026200 The ball is clearly going to hit ThV0QRuEoCQ-00035-00026200-00026348 the edge of the billiard table. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00036-00026400-00026648 How will it continue? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00037-00026756-00026956 The mathematician can calculate ThV0QRuEoCQ-00038-00026956-00027256 the future position of the ball as a function of time. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00039-00027268-00027516 This is already a success for Science. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00040-00027995-00028195 We can even calculate ThV0QRuEoCQ-00041-00028195-00028444 what happens when two balls collide. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00042-00029560-00029708 Gradually, the idea of determinism ThV0QRuEoCQ-00043-00029708-00030108 has imposed itself on Science. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00044-00030239-00030488 If I know the situation now, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00045-00030488-00030688 I should "in principle" ThV0QRuEoCQ-00046-00030688-00030888 be able to determine ThV0QRuEoCQ-00047-00030888-00031088 the situation a bit later. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00048-00031508-00031708 Like here for example. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00049-00031808-00032056 What will be the trajectory of the cue ball? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00050-00032144-00032292 In the game of billiards, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00051-00032292-00032492 the player must hit the two balls ThV0QRuEoCQ-00052-00032492-00032692 with his own ball. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00053-00033960-00034108 Not bad! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00054-00035284-00035584 And here, what will happen? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00055-00035796-00035996 Not bad either! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00056-00036912-00037112 If I read the paper today, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00057-00037112-00037312 am I capable "in principle" to foresee ThV0QRuEoCQ-00058-00037312-00037512 what will happen in the world ThV0QRuEoCQ-00059-00037512-00037660 a month from now? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00060-00037820-00037968 Too complicated! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00061-00037968-00038168 Do not think that this film ThV0QRuEoCQ-00062-00038168-00038368 will help you predict the future! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00063-00039492-00039692 Let’s go back to our billiard table, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00064-00039692-00039940 but now with fifty balls on it. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00065-00040036-00040236 Imagine a perfect table ThV0QRuEoCQ-00066-00040236-00040536 on which the balls roll without any friction. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00067-00040864-00041212 When the cue strikes the cue ball, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00068-00041212-00041512 the movement is ... complicated. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00069-00041764-00042012 Can we predict this movement? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00070-00042012-00042260 Of course we can: ThV0QRuEoCQ-00071-00042260-00042508 the computer that calculated these images did it. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00072-00042508-00042756 But it made many calculations. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00073-00043140-00043288 It's clear that ThV0QRuEoCQ-00074-00043288-00043536 the balls follow rectilinear trajectories ThV0QRuEoCQ-00075-00043536-00043784 and they bounce off each other. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00076-00043880-00044080 There are many bounces, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00077-00044080-00044228 but if we take enough time, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00078-00044228-00044428 or we calculate very quickly, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00079-00044428-00044676 we can predict the trajectory step by step, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00080-00044676-00044824 collision after collision. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00081-00044936-00045136 The computer could easily calculate ThV0QRuEoCQ-00082-00045136-00045336 the position of the cue ball ThV0QRuEoCQ-00083-00045336-00045536 in one hour, for example, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00084-00045588-00045788 but this takes so many calculations that ThV0QRuEoCQ-00085-00045788-00046088 it far exceeds the capabilities of a human being. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00086-00046104-00046452 Prediction in principle, perhaps ... ThV0QRuEoCQ-00087-00046452-00046652 but in practice? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00088-00047356-00047756 Let’s move one of the balls a few centimeters. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00089-00047976-00048124 Look. . ThV0QRuEoCQ-00090-00048164-00048464 The two pool tables are almost identical. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00091-00048464-00048812 Only one ball is slightly out of place. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00092-00049232-00049432 When we hit the cue ball, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00093-00049432-00049632 the movement of both sides ThV0QRuEoCQ-00094-00049632-00049832 starts off the same way ThV0QRuEoCQ-00095-00050024-00050272 but after a little while, not very long, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00096-00050272-00050572 the trajectories become completely different. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00097-00052016-00052216 If I want to predict the future path ThV0QRuEoCQ-00098-00052216-00052364 of the cue ball, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00099-00052364-00052512 I can do so, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00100-00052512-00052712 but I need to know in detail ThV0QRuEoCQ-00101-00052712-00052960 the positions of all the balls on the table, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00102-00052960-00053160 and there are many of them! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00103-00053160-00053460 A small uncertainty about a single ball ThV0QRuEoCQ-00104-00053460-00053760 will shatter any hope of determining the future. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00105-00054664-00054964 Here is the classic definition of determinism, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00106-00054964-00055364 by the mathematician Laplace in 1814. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00107-00055732-00056132 We must consider the present state of the universe ThV0QRuEoCQ-00108-00056191-00056440 as the effect of its previous state, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00109-00056552-00056852 and as the cause for what will follow. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00110-00056988-00057388 An intelligence which, at a given moment, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00111-00057391-00057791 would know all the forces by which nature is animated ThV0QRuEoCQ-00112-00057791-00058091 and the position of every object in the universe ThV0QRuEoCQ-00113-00058160-00058360 if indeed it was powerful enough ThV0QRuEoCQ-00114-00058360-00058660 to submit these data to analysis, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00115-00058728-00059028 would embrace in a single formula the ThV0QRuEoCQ-00116-00059091-00059391 movements of the greatest bodies of the universe ThV0QRuEoCQ-00117-00059396-00059644 and those of the lightest atom: ThV0QRuEoCQ-00118-00059700-00060000 nothing would be uncertain for it, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00119-00060076-00060324 and the future as the past, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00120-00060372-00060672 would appear before its eyes. >> ThV0QRuEoCQ-00121-00061164-00061312 How can we understand ThV0QRuEoCQ-00122-00061312-00061512 the movements of celestial bodies? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00123-00063572-00063872 Watch this computer simulation ThV0QRuEoCQ-00124-00063872-00064072 of a fictional solar system ThV0QRuEoCQ-00125-00064072-00064272 with two Suns and one planet. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00126-00065240-00065440 It's somewhat like our billiard table. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00127-00065528-00065828 The computer can calculate step by step the movement ThV0QRuEoCQ-00128-00065828-00066176 but can it predict the fate of the system? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00129-00066380-00066580 Will the small planet ThV0QRuEoCQ-00130-00066580-00066880 one day collide with one of the Suns? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00131-00068088-00068236 So... ThV0QRuEoCQ-00132-00068272-00068520 we could predict the future if ... ThV0QRuEoCQ-00133-00068520-00068820 we had an infinite intelligence! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00134-00068820-00069020 But this is not the case ... ThV0QRuEoCQ-00135-00069020-00069168 unfortunately ... ThV0QRuEoCQ-00136-00069168-00069368 or maybe ... fortunately. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00137-00070496-00070744 But then, what can Science do ThV0QRuEoCQ-00138-00070744-00070992 if it cannot predict? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00139-00071096-00071244 Well... ThV0QRuEoCQ-00140-00071244-00071592 if it’s willing to be less ambitious, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00141-00071592-00071792 and more modest, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00142-00071792-00071992 it can still make some very useful forecasts. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00143-00072052-00072252 This requires ThV0QRuEoCQ-00144-00072252-00072452 a different view on determinism! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00145-00072792-00072992 We will not try to predict ThV0QRuEoCQ-00146-00072992-00073192 the future position of a ball ThV0QRuEoCQ-00147-00073192-00073392 amidst a cloud of other balls, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00148-00073392-00073692 but rather look for a probability. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00149-00074048-00074248 The purpose of the forecast is no longer ThV0QRuEoCQ-00150-00074248-00074396 to determine the temperature ThV0QRuEoCQ-00151-00074396-00074644 in Paris on a specific day ten years in the future ThV0QRuEoCQ-00152-00074644-00074792 - this would be pointless - ThV0QRuEoCQ-00153-00074792-00075040 but rather to try and predict ThV0QRuEoCQ-00154-00075040-00075188 averages, statistics, ThV0QRuEoCQ-00155-00075188-00075488 such as the number of hurricanes ThV0QRuEoCQ-00156-00075488-00075788 that will cross the Atlantic in one season. ThV0QRuEoCQ-00157-00075908-00076208 Probabilities rather than certainties? ThV0QRuEoCQ-00158-00076256-00076556 this really is a change in perspective! ThV0QRuEoCQ-00159-00077112-00077360 There is a whole world ThV0QRuEoCQ-00160-00077360-00077608 between theory and practice. TmNZKznBdB0-00000-00000000-00000200 Sauce Fry Studios' theory that Shuba Duck is perfect to songs. Does it also apply with music? TmNZKznBdB0-00001-00000343-00000543 well no apparently Uo9ZyovKwE4-00000-00001652-00001852 you can download pattern in the blog. Uo9ZyovKwE4-00001-00001852-00002052 link is in the description below Uo9ZyovKwE4-00002-00006618-00006818 Put the outer surfaces of clothes face each other Uo9ZyovKwE4-00003-00006818-00007018 and sew them up Uo9ZyovKwE4-00004-00007684-00007884 Do the same in the opposite side. Uo9ZyovKwE4-00005-00008892-00009092 Leave 0.3cm and sew it. Uo9ZyovKwE4-00006-00011306-00011506 Sew it to fix a collar Uo9ZyovKwE4-00007-00012644-00012844 kinda like this! Uo9ZyovKwE4-00008-00013082-00013282 remnants of cloth Uo9ZyovKwE4-00009-00013282-00013482 Double-sided tape Uo9ZyovKwE4-00010-00013836-00014036 cut 3 piece of 0.3 cm long Uo9ZyovKwE4-00011-00020658-00020858 Do the same in the opposite side. Uo9ZyovKwE4-00012-00021760-00021960 remnants of cloth which put double-sided tape before Uo9ZyovKwE4-00013-00022622-00023160 after dress a doll, use double-sided tape to fix the shirt Uo9ZyovKwE4-00014-00023406-00023606 grey cloth, pattern of skirt Uo9ZyovKwE4-00015-00023894-00024094 chalk Uo9ZyovKwE4-00016-00024388-00024852 pleat a skirt size 0.5cm and sew it to fix Uo9ZyovKwE4-00017-00027889-00028144 make the length of top of the skirt 7cm Uo9ZyovKwE4-00018-00028352-00028552 cut as pattern of belt Uo9ZyovKwE4-00019-00028589-00028794 Double-sided tape Uo9ZyovKwE4-00020-00031148-00031348 sew it together Uo9ZyovKwE4-00021-00032430-00032630 double-sided tape U0j4a5tzR4y-00000-00000192-00000664 Hi, I'm Crash with Ganja Goddess and these are fresh new drops of the week! We have some U0j4a5tzR4y-00001-00000664-00001200 Surplus cartridges in the shop. If you love the feeling of cannabis but you don't really U0j4a5tzR4y-00002-00001200-00001816 like the taste, I definitely suggest these Surplus Tropics. They're fruity, flavorful, and delicious U0j4a5tzR4y-00003-00001816-00002288 but if you love the taste of cannabis, you're gonna really enjoy these Surplus U0j4a5tzR4y-00004-00002288-00002912 OGs. They're made with native terpenes and natural cannabis oil. They come in one-gram cartridges. U0j4a5tzR4y-00005-00002912-00003520 Consistent, quality, sun-grown cannabis by Almora! We have ounces, we have half ounces, we U0j4a5tzR4y-00006-00003520-00004088 have eighths. We have a variety of strains in the shop right now. We even have these really awesome U0j4a5tzR4y-00007-00004088-00004664 14 pre-rolls. How awesome is that? We have hybrid and sativa. Make sure to check them out on the U0j4a5tzR4y-00008-00004664-00005256 website. Focusing on developing high-end products, Lift Tickets is bringing us two new strains with U0j4a5tzR4y-00009-00005256-00005952 Oreoz and Georgia Pie: these are by far the most beautiful nugs that we have in the store. Please U0j4a5tzR4y-00010-00005952-00006823 do not sleep on them, especially this Georgia Pie is 61%. It will knock you on your ***, trust U0j4a5tzR4y-00011-00006823-00007392 me. Some of the best tasting and heaviest hitting gummies on the market, we have the ultra-potent, U0j4a5tzR4y-00012-00007392-00007944 Heavy Hitters gummies. As you can see we have a variety of flavors. They come in 100 milligrams. U0j4a5tzR4y-00013-00007944-00008312 Each gummy is 20 milligrams with the seam in the middle so you can dose them out to U0j4a5tzR4y-00014-00008312-00009808 10 milligrams each if that's what you want. Make sure to check all this out on! U1ZJheOjTdQ-00000-00000000-00000200 [FREE] Destroy Lonely + Dom Corleo Type Beat ~ "CONVERSE" U3Yyzs9lCFI-00000-00000764-00001126 Up to very recently history was written by a very small percentage of the population U3Yyzs9lCFI-00001-00001126-00001392 and the number of characters those historians referred to was even smaller. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00002-00001392-00001720 One of the changes this discipline has had is precisely that history is not only based U3Yyzs9lCFI-00003-00001720-00002136 on the deeds of great characters, but also it acknowledges more the historical value U3Yyzs9lCFI-00004-00002136-00002236 of everything surrounding us. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00005-00002236-00002860 Nowadays the history of a peasant in Montes de Maria may be more relevant than the history U3Yyzs9lCFI-00006-00002860-00002960 of an ex president. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00007-00002960-00003311 If you go to the library or search on the Internet you may find easily the history of U3Yyzs9lCFI-00008-00003311-00003946 objects, haircuts, construction workers, teachers, and, why not, the history of your eccentric U3Yyzs9lCFI-00009-00003946-00004046 uncle! U3Yyzs9lCFI-00010-00004046-00004264 There's one in every family. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00011-00004264-00004874 It is the uncle or cousin everyone talks about; everybody knows his stories and tell them. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00012-00004874-00005302 Sometimes they love him, sometimes they hate him... in some cases he's not alive... U3Yyzs9lCFI-00013-00005302-00005425 Anyway, he's the eccentric relative. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00014-00005425-00006009 He does or did things out of the ordinary and that is why he's a conversation subject. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00015-00006009-00006376 Now the world will have access to your uncle's histories. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00016-00006376-00007434 You will need paper and pen, a video camera, a voice recorder, a scanner, and a computer. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00017-00007434-00008042 Begin by collecting all information about him and his life. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00018-00008042-00008453 To do that, schedule an interview with different people in the family, friends, or anyone who U3Yyzs9lCFI-00019-00008453-00008684 may have stories to tell. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00020-00008684-00008999 Bring the video camera or voice recorder. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00021-00008999-00009175 Prepare some questions in advance. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00022-00009175-00009904 You may want to know basic things such as where was he born or what school did he attend, U3Yyzs9lCFI-00023-00009904-00010166 to personality traits or odd tastes. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00024-00010166-00010828 Start by asking about those fantastic stories they tell; question as if you were a detective U3Yyzs9lCFI-00025-00010828-00011193 and were trying to discover a mystery. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00026-00011193-00012206 Once the interview is concluded, ask each person for all materials related to your uncle: U3Yyzs9lCFI-00027-00012206-00012654 photos of his childhood, grade records, or anything that comes to your mind. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00028-00012654-00013179 Take pictures of objects or things that might be relevant. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00029-00013179-00013776 With all the information obtained, and if he's still alive, interview your uncle! U3Yyzs9lCFI-00030-00013776-00014284 You may ask very good questions by knowing the stories told by others. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00031-00014284-00014926 Now with the photos, interviews, and all the material ready, go to the nearest library U3Yyzs9lCFI-00032-00014926-00015177 and start the editing process. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00033-00015177-00015788 You may also find information in the library that helps you complete your uncle's history: U3Yyzs9lCFI-00034-00015788-00016257 what was happening in the country in those days? U3Yyzs9lCFI-00035-00016257-00016690 What was the exact day of an event your uncle does not recall accurately? U3Yyzs9lCFI-00036-00016690-00017340 To begin with, write a small text narrating your uncle's history inspired in all the information U3Yyzs9lCFI-00037-00017340-00017440 you collected. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00038-00017440-00017673 Use the voice recorder to record yourself reading the text. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00039-00017673-00018012 You will be the video's narrator! U3Yyzs9lCFI-00040-00018012-00018511 That voiceover will be the base on which you will set up the images. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00041-00018511-00018890 Then, use the scanner to digitize all the photographs and documents. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00042-00018890-00019104 Now that you have all the material in the computer, you're ready to begin the editing U3Yyzs9lCFI-00043-00019104-00019204 process. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00044-00019204-00019491 Set up the voiceover in the timeline and start inserting images relevant to the text. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00045-00019491-00020137 Choose fragments of the interviews that will help you support parts of the story. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00046-00020137-00020648 For instance, if in the narration you say that your uncle loved his brother very much, U3Yyzs9lCFI-00047-00020648-00020963 insert a fragment of his brother's interview where he tells about their relationship. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00048-00020963-00021479 Add music to the video and create some opening and closing titles. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00049-00021479-00021976 Now is time to disseminate your video. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00050-00021976-00022390 Upload it to YouTube or a similar website and send it to your friends via social networks. U3Yyzs9lCFI-00051-00022390-00022495 Create a blog with your family's History! U3Yyzs9lCFI-00052-00022495-00023201 Maybe the story of one of your uncles would become the source of inspiration someone else U3Yyzs9lCFI-00053-00023201-00023326 is looking for. U5GjvaI-u68-00000-00000479-00001009 One of the things that happened last year was we just opened our eighth grade this year, U5GjvaI-u68-00001-00001009-00001443 and so for the first time, we have a cohort of students who are taking algebra, as opposed U5GjvaI-u68-00002-00001443-00001730 to a more traditional eighth grade math program. U5GjvaI-u68-00003-00001730-00002436 But at the end of last year, as we gave them an entrance exam to make sure they were prepared U5GjvaI-u68-00004-00002436-00003093 to enter algebra, we saw that they still had some places in their 8th grade core content U5GjvaI-u68-00005-00003093-00003484 -- some areas where they were still a bit weak. U5GjvaI-u68-00006-00003484-00004008 And it was important to us both that we gave them this opportunity to accelerate in algebra U5GjvaI-u68-00007-00004008-00004424 this year because we know that they're ready for it, but at the same time, we didn't want U5GjvaI-u68-00008-00004424-00004950 to accelerate them and have them fall behind in some areas. U5GjvaI-u68-00009-00004950-00005570 And so in building on what we learned from our spring sprint, and seeing how effectively U5GjvaI-u68-00010-00005570-00006703 we could use playlists to focus on very specific core content areas, we decided to try out U5GjvaI-u68-00011-00006703-00007214 a summer math program where kids had a set of playlists that they needed to complete U5GjvaI-u68-00012-00007214-00008014 over the summer and that were designed to be extremely independent for the kids, and U5GjvaI-u68-00013-00008014-00008570 then the idea was that they would come back having -- you know, bringing evidence of the U5GjvaI-u68-00014-00008570-00009415 work that they completed over the summer, and that they would then retest with a different U5GjvaI-u68-00015-00009415-00010024 entry test to make sure they had, in fact, made some significant growth and progress U5GjvaI-u68-00016-00010024-00010286 and that they were truly ready to begin algebra. U5GjvaI-u68-00017-00010286-00010624 And it was hugely successful. U5GjvaI-u68-00018-00010624-00011213 So we got a lot of emails from kids over the summer with some anxiety about, you know, U5GjvaI-u68-00019-00011213-00011661 trying to work through some of those challenging contents by themselves, but it was really U5GjvaI-u68-00020-00011661-00011996 exciting to be able to celebrate with them this fall. U5GjvaI-u68-00021-00011996-00012479 And we had really tangible sort of pre-post data to share with them about their growth U5GjvaI-u68-00022-00012479-00013001 over the summer, and I think that gave them a big boost of confidence going into a harder U5GjvaI-u68-00023-00013001-00013456 class this year where they're expected to do more work, more independently. U5GjvaI-u68-00024-00013456-00014077 But that was so effective for some of our most advanced students, in some ways it doesn't U5GjvaI-u68-00025-00014077-00014621 feel equitable that those are the students who, then, we gave this pilot opportunity U5GjvaI-u68-00026-00014621-00015010 to in the summer, and so we've definitely been thinking about what it could look like U5GjvaI-u68-00027-00015010-00015459 to expand that to a broader range of our students. U7dSrLGlwgY-00000-00000000-00000070 outsourcing online course U74AZXAuSuE-00000-00000000-00000200 Koji grad, koja rijeka 💗PREDIVNO💗 U9Wm0vA7fi4-00000-00000056-00000625 A recurring feeling I get is wow, where did all the time go? U9Wm0vA7fi4-00001-00000625-00000964 And I know I'm certainly not alone with that feeling. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00002-00000964-00001667 It seems that, even though, if I look at my activities of the day, I'm not doing anything U9Wm0vA7fi4-00003-00001667-00002201 that is directly time-wasting. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00004-00002201-00003207 I seem to be using all my time towards a good end, which is more than I could say for most U9Wm0vA7fi4-00005-00003207-00003532 of my life. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00006-00003532-00004580 Having been able to overcome most of my escapism, I devote most of my time to what I consider U9Wm0vA7fi4-00007-00004580-00005268 to be useful work towards achieving a good life. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00008-00005268-00006211 And yet, when I get to the end of the day, I often think, wow, what did I do in that U9Wm0vA7fi4-00009-00006211-00006311 day? U9Wm0vA7fi4-00010-00006311-00007032 It often seems like it takes so much to add up to anything, and there's only so much we U9Wm0vA7fi4-00011-00007032-00008013 can do in a day, and it just often feels very inefficient. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00012-00008013-00008525 The time just disappears. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00013-00008525-00009243 So sometimes this really bothers me, and I wish I could be more efficient with my work. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00014-00009243-00010010 Now, there's a lot of things that I can do to improve the efficiency of my work and get U9Wm0vA7fi4-00015-00010010-00010156 more done. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00016-00010156-00010845 The most basic is to reduce the things that I'm trying to do. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00017-00010845-00010945 Simplify. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00018-00010945-00012036 Have a very clear and simple objective and focus on that, rather than multiple objectives U9Wm0vA7fi4-00019-00012036-00012738 or unclear objectives that will scatter my energy and time. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00020-00012738-00013172 So that's a big piece of it. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00021-00013172-00013816 And connected with that, another piece would be to have big chunks of work, to focus for U9Wm0vA7fi4-00022-00013816-00014863 long periods of time and do a run, do a sprint, get a bunch done, rather than bouncing around U9Wm0vA7fi4-00023-00014863-00015251 between activities. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00024-00015251-00015869 So there's a lot that can be done with that, and there's a lot of considerations about U9Wm0vA7fi4-00025-00015869-00016190 that, and I could talk on and on about that. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00026-00016190-00016995 But still, it seems to me there's another thing going on that I haven't thought about U9Wm0vA7fi4-00027-00016995-00017798 before, and that's this idea of efficiency depends on having a system. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00028-00017798-00018645 You have a system where things are done in a regular and consistent way, and then you U9Wm0vA7fi4-00029-00018645-00019861 work on improving the system so that you can do things as efficiently as possible. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00030-00019861-00021104 But when you're doing something new, when you're exploring new territory, that cannot U9Wm0vA7fi4-00031-00021104-00021781 be efficient in the same way, because it's exploration, it's unknown. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00032-00021781-00022765 When you're in unknown territory, you cannot manage it like a system where you know what U9Wm0vA7fi4-00033-00022765-00023168 to expect. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00034-00023168-00024171 So I can see it would be easy to let this be an excuse for wasting time inefficiently. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00035-00024171-00025003 But there seems like there has to be a place for open, wandering exploration. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00036-00025003-00025789 To take a break from this idea about efficiency all the time, always trying to increase efficiency. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00037-00025789-00026427 That is useful with existing repeated tasks that are regular tasks. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00038-00026427-00026689 You don't want to waste too much time and energy in them. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00039-00026689-00027287 You want to get them done in a clear, efficient way. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00040-00027287-00028022 But when it comes to exploring new territory, then we can't do that. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00041-00028022-00028329 And that should be a part of life. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00042-00028329-00028891 Life should never feel like an entirely known system. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00043-00028891-00029683 You know, I love things to be orderly and organized, and it can be very effective. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00044-00029683-00030452 But it's also possible to take that way too far and sort of see everything as this organized, U9Wm0vA7fi4-00045-00030452-00030758 known system. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00046-00030758-00031811 I find it useful to remember that, as much as I can look around and everything is familiar, U9Wm0vA7fi4-00047-00031811-00032519 even if I seem to be doing familiar things, every day really is a new world, and we are U9Wm0vA7fi4-00048-00032519-00032868 in new territory every day. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00049-00032868-00033694 And as we develop our new way of doing things, we're exploring unknown territory. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00050-00033694-00034966 So, by all means, find ways to close the leaks on time-wasting, but at the same time, I like U9Wm0vA7fi4-00051-00034966-00035828 the idea of having this kind of openness, where I can accept that I'm in an unknown U9Wm0vA7fi4-00052-00035828-00036506 place, and exploring it is going to take some time. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00053-00036506-00037726 So I don't need to measure every day by how much I got done according to an existing metric, U9Wm0vA7fi4-00054-00037726-00038304 but maybe I can look at it in terms of what I explored. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00055-00038304-00038897 Can't even measure how much, because it's not clear how to measure how much I've explored, U9Wm0vA7fi4-00056-00038897-00039547 but what new has been learned today. U9Wm0vA7fi4-00057-00039547-00040113 And maybe that means more "What more have I become today?" U9Wm0vA7fi4-00058-00040113-00040329 Maybe that means more than "What have I done?" UrvUWEZa8zy-00000-00098348-00099254 well good morning everybody couldn't have been a better day for the 25th annual development day at UAA UrvUWEZa8zy-00001-00099254-00099992 a long standing tradition and I want to spend a lot of men at the champion of UrvUWEZa8zy-00002-00099992-00100385 the see what the hell is is going to thank a whole lot of people who are UrvUWEZa8zy-00003-00100385-00100921 responsible for this and I want to endorse his comments there this is truly UrvUWEZa8zy-00004-00100921-00101514 a tremendous team effort and it comes at a time where that's very important for UrvUWEZa8zy-00005-00101514-00102231 us we have had a great year at UA perhaps the best ever in so many ways UrvUWEZa8zy-00006-00102231-00103334 our athletic programs are the best we've seen at this university are advances in UrvUWEZa8zy-00007-00103334-00103609 workforce development UrvUWEZa8zy-00008-00103609-00104269 teaching across the curriculum has been producing graduates that are really UrvUWEZa8zy-00009-00104269-00104845 happy and if you had the opportunity to attend commitment commencement you saw UrvUWEZa8zy-00010-00104845-00105415 thirteen hundred and fifty degrees awarded smiling happy faces a packed UrvUWEZa8zy-00011-00105415-00105948 Alaska Airlines Center I mean it was it was just a great day so I want to thank UrvUWEZa8zy-00012-00105948-00106576 each and every one of you because while we have a whole list of all stars with UrvUWEZa8zy-00013-00106576-00107126 nationally and internationally notable accomplishments during this past year UrvUWEZa8zy-00014-00107126-00107534 they've got a lot of pressure already and I'm impressed by them and I think UrvUWEZa8zy-00015-00107534-00108157 the man and that's a wonderful part of what we do but it takes a larger team to UrvUWEZa8zy-00016-00108157-00108509 do those sorts of things were doing that provides the environment where students UrvUWEZa8zy-00017-00108509-00108950 of all ages have the option to come here and really change their lives for the UrvUWEZa8zy-00018-00108950-00109431 better and that's what keeps me get up and coming to work every day that's just UrvUWEZa8zy-00019-00109431-00109997 a wonderful thing and I have not been here nearly as long as as some of you UrvUWEZa8zy-00020-00109997-00110520 but I've been here long enough to see mid-career professionals in anchorage UrvUWEZa8zy-00021-00110520-00111065 and here in our other communities around who went to went through some of the UrvUWEZa8zy-00022-00111065-00111308 classes that I was involved in UrvUWEZa8zy-00023-00111308-00112108 and I'm so proud of what they are doing now and they are proud of you UAA we have UrvUWEZa8zy-00024-00112109-00112848 come so far as a university over the course of time we had a social UrvUWEZa8zy-00025-00112848-00113867 recognition function last night for our this year retirees and merit and UrvUWEZa8zy-00026-00113867-00114567 listening to the stories of some who've been here for 25 30 35 years and UrvUWEZa8zy-00027-00114567-00115155 reflecting on will Jacobs book The Story of UAA it's amazing how far we've come UrvUWEZa8zy-00028-00115155-00115942 and each one of you now are playing a key part and the next chapter of your UrvUWEZa8zy-00029-00115942-00116432 way and so on it thank each and every one of you and your families and all UrvUWEZa8zy-00030-00116432-00117313 those that let you care about 24 the work that you do now that's a happy UrvUWEZa8zy-00031-00117313-00117984 story and it's it's one from the heart but I need to be transparent and UrvUWEZa8zy-00032-00117984-00118473 something you may have noticed our budget in the state of Alaska is just a UrvUWEZa8zy-00033-00118473-00119238 little bit challenge right now and the biggest frustration for me is the delay UrvUWEZa8zy-00034-00119238-00119817 in knowing for sure what we're going to have to work with so my pledge to you is UrvUWEZa8zy-00035-00119817-00120266 I'm gonna do the very best I can to keep working this problem so that we can get UrvUWEZa8zy-00036-00120266-00120705 the information we need to plan with certainty for next year we've already UrvUWEZa8zy-00037-00120705-00121208 done things that we had to do because of our lead times but was your class UrvUWEZa8zy-00038-00121208-00121836 schedule beginning registrations those things we had to commit early but I'm UrvUWEZa8zy-00039-00121836-00122803 confident that we're going to maintain our core values our core mission here at UrvUWEZa8zy-00040-00122803-00123517 UAA during this coming year so don't be too stressed the work that we do every UrvUWEZa8zy-00041-00123517-00123961 day in teaching research workforce development taking care of students UrvUWEZa8zy-00042-00123961-00124502 taking care of each other that's the important thing to focus on and what may UrvUWEZa8zy-00043-00124502-00125094 come may come but in the meantime we just gotta keep keep peddling and we're UrvUWEZa8zy-00044-00125094-00125747 gonna be alright so again I want to thank you for for what you do stay the UrvUWEZa8zy-00045-00125747-00126366 course we're gonna get through this this budget days we've come too far in UAE to UrvUWEZa8zy-00046-00126366-00126906 continue the great momentum we've got so thank you and have a great day and again UrvUWEZa8zy-00047-00126906-00127386 I want to thank all the people who are responsible for putting this together UrvUWEZa8zy-00048-00127386-00127951 and it's one even physically constrain times that I believe was well worth UrvUWEZa8zy-00049-00127951-00128229 doing so thank you UrvUWEZa8zy-00050-00128229-00129600 now the champion of the hell Chancellor welcome everyone to the 25th staff and UrvUWEZa8zy-00051-00129600-00130666 faculty development day are we happy to be here it's coming later so just so you UrvUWEZa8zy-00052-00130666-00131201 are something dissipate but we're here about you know one of the things about UrvUWEZa8zy-00053-00131201-00131714 development day is relationship building so we're going to do some right now UrvUWEZa8zy-00054-00131714-00132174 there but I stand up I want you to look around find somebody you don't know and UrvUWEZa8zy-00055-00132174-00132650 introduce yourself and lists are billing some relationship right now UrvUWEZa8zy-00056-00134664-00135466 ok enough relationship building just remember who you talk to and keep it up UrvUWEZa8zy-00057-00135466-00136096 today I want everybody to try to meet five new people today about debt can you UrvUWEZa8zy-00058-00136096-00136483 do it why do people alright UrvUWEZa8zy-00059-00136483-00137337 right now though I want to tell you that my favorite days and we are going to UrvUWEZa8zy-00060-00137337-00137790 have this law that cancer cases you're always gonna do this day it's important UrvUWEZa8zy-00061-00137790-00138206 to recognize our factory in our staff or students who are working so hard for us UrvUWEZa8zy-00062-00138206-00139158 so right now I want to just folks who are first and foremost Hernandez without UrvUWEZa8zy-00063-00139158-00139762 her there would be no development a city where are you are you here but even here UrvUWEZa8zy-00064-00139762-00140673 to those who are on the committee because this is the epitome of a UrvUWEZa8zy-00065-00140673-00141534 volunteer effort believe me actually Antonelli and if you're here please UrvUWEZa8zy-00066-00141534-00142429 Bryce Johnson triplet there are working UrvUWEZa8zy-00067-00142578-00145100 say it anyway Danielle Nelson Strandberg any slayton coffee brandenburg UrvUWEZa8zy-00068-00145416-00145716 over UrvUWEZa8zy-00069-00146026-00146914 lured them for ski mahalia know he's here UrvUWEZa8zy-00070-00147539-00148465 Sarah sheets o'hare 50 morning UrvUWEZa8zy-00071-00148651-00150701 haynes and a lot of luck gave up around applies to everybody who's helped out we UrvUWEZa8zy-00072-00150701-00151687 could do without their courses today I took a look at some fabulous options in UrvUWEZa8zy-00073-00151687-00152162 addition to our normal position with Alma courses like office 365 tips and UrvUWEZa8zy-00074-00152162-00152663 tricks or Excel beyond the basic alot of those but we also have some great UrvUWEZa8zy-00075-00152663-00153164 personal growth in alignment courses like I do believe in spooks I do believe UrvUWEZa8zy-00076-00153164-00153844 I do believe in sports is all about the girls are in this building so just in UrvUWEZa8zy-00077-00153844-00154768 case if the surprise complain to me so that is scary enough we have courses on UrvUWEZa8zy-00078-00154768-00155079 the defined benefit plan for players UrvUWEZa8zy-00079-00155079-00156355 retirement planning now for me after working on the budget great benefit in UrvUWEZa8zy-00080-00156355-00156810 attending the Quan Yin standing Chi Khong with guided meditation UrvUWEZa8zy-00081-00156898-00158120 I think I need that bad or the gentle and relaxing already I would like to UrvUWEZa8zy-00082-00158120-00158598 highlight what courses though that we have available today and those are the UrvUWEZa8zy-00083-00158598-00159126 ones that are introducing the concept of lean in is all about process improvement UrvUWEZa8zy-00084-00159126-00159573 we are all about that as you know we don't have as much money so we've got to UrvUWEZa8zy-00085-00159573-00160180 do things better more effectively so terrific approaches that is lean we UrvUWEZa8zy-00086-00160180-00160660 think so highly of it here that we are already put a lot of effort into UrvUWEZa8zy-00087-00160660-00161314 training folks in fact if you are have been trained in the lead process already UrvUWEZa8zy-00088-00161314-00161440 please stand up UrvUWEZa8zy-00089-00161440-00161740 so no one here okay there we go UrvUWEZa8zy-00090-00162315-00162748 you're gonna learn our goal here is to infuse lean and every organization so UrvUWEZa8zy-00091-00162748-00163623 you can learn about green belt white belt gold belt all these are terms which UrvUWEZa8zy-00092-00163623-00163703 signal UrvUWEZa8zy-00093-00163703-00164179 signify a particular level of training that you have but the idea is to you get UrvUWEZa8zy-00094-00164179-00164595 to a point where every organization looks it everything they do with this UrvUWEZa8zy-00095-00164595-00165099 lean in mind and so what we're gonna do right now is turn you over to the lien UrvUWEZa8zy-00096-00165099-00165416 folks and let them explain this in more detail UrvUWEZa8zy-00097-00165416-00165925 give you a better understanding of what we're all about in to lead that the lady UrvUWEZa8zy-00098-00165925-00166221 who's running this job UrvUWEZa8zy-00099-00166221-00166602 her name is lamp card and she is a director of a project management massive UrvUWEZa8zy-00100-00166602-00167137 program somebody who knows how to fix a process and make it work better soft UrvUWEZa8zy-00101-00167137-00167437 turnover now to win UrvUWEZa8zy-00102-00167714-00168014 bill UrvUWEZa8zy-00103-00168845-00169299 thanks everybody for being here today is really exciting as bill said we're going UrvUWEZa8zy-00104-00169299-00169572 to be talking to you a little bit today about UrvUWEZa8zy-00105-00169572-00169888 I need your help UrvUWEZa8zy-00106-00170011-00170977 ok so the first question I have for you guys UrvUWEZa8zy-00107-00171032-00171335 is and some of you know the answer to this question but other people may not UrvUWEZa8zy-00108-00171335-00171804 as if you were to look at this glass of water that's still roughly to the UrvUWEZa8zy-00109-00171804-00172438 midpoint how many of you in the room would save this is half of all how many UrvUWEZa8zy-00110-00172438-00172744 people in the room would say this is half empty UrvUWEZa8zy-00111-00172879-00173445 ok well I'll lean thinker would say why do we need a glass that's twice as big UrvUWEZa8zy-00112-00173445-00173970 as it is required to hold the water oK so that's what lena is about kind of in UrvUWEZa8zy-00113-00173970-00174465 a nutshell which is first of all asking do we needed at all and then if we UrvUWEZa8zy-00114-00174465-00174822 needed how can we do it in the most effective way so we're going to just UrvUWEZa8zy-00115-00174822-00175247 talk a little bit here today about what lena is in his bill said we've got three UrvUWEZa8zy-00116-00175247-00175656 workshops today where we can share this in more detail with people and then UrvUWEZa8zy-00117-00175656-00176060 we're offering training classes white ball training classes and training UrvUWEZa8zy-00118-00176060-00176685 classes free to anyone who is interested in getting more acquainted with leans on UrvUWEZa8zy-00119-00176685-00177180 this is that that lovely example of that particular example that I just slide UrvUWEZa8zy-00120-00177180-00177656 that I just shared though the glass is half full glass is half empty battalion UrvUWEZa8zy-00121-00177656-00178075 think I would say that ok so the next thing that I would like to do is UrvUWEZa8zy-00122-00178075-00178404 introduce some of our lean steering committee members if you guys want to UrvUWEZa8zy-00123-00178404-00179214 come out to the stage and we'll talk about what is Lena so we are lean and UrvUWEZa8zy-00124-00179214-00179792 mean is about us it's not about its about improving processes through the UrvUWEZa8zy-00125-00179792-00181212 hard work of people ok so what the first thing that we are in lean is L L which UrvUWEZa8zy-00126-00181212-00181338 is logical UrvUWEZa8zy-00127-00181338-00181853 which means that we've spent a lot of time looking at the things that we do to UrvUWEZa8zy-00128-00181853-00182362 make sure we're also not what we're trying to be really coordinated but you UrvUWEZa8zy-00129-00182362-00183050 know ok so illogical which means that we try to really look at these things in a UrvUWEZa8zy-00130-00183050-00183449 logical way these processes that we want to improve and and really think through UrvUWEZa8zy-00131-00183449-00184298 what that means we are also enthusiastic and engaged cuz it's about us for us UrvUWEZa8zy-00132-00184298-00184680 these are things that we can do to help us all be better at what we do on behalf UrvUWEZa8zy-00133-00184680-00185467 of our customers we are also ambitious which means that we really are gonna set UrvUWEZa8zy-00134-00185467-00185941 some lofty goals for ourselves and really work hard to try to make you a a UrvUWEZa8zy-00135-00185941-00186317 much better place and we are no nonsense UrvUWEZa8zy-00136-00186961-00187399 we recognize that we don't have unlimited resources and to put an X UrvUWEZa8zy-00137-00187399-00187699 exclamation point on it UrvUWEZa8zy-00138-00187933-00188304 fantastic team and looking forward to working with all of you guys on this UrvUWEZa8zy-00139-00188304-00189161 journey for lean lean at UAA means three really important thing is improving the UrvUWEZa8zy-00140-00189161-00189670 customer experience we have five sets of customers that we've identified one has UrvUWEZa8zy-00141-00189670-00190432 our student to faculty three as our staff for asylum 95 is the community UrvUWEZa8zy-00142-00190432-00190799 around us that we serve and every process that we have inside of the UrvUWEZa8zy-00143-00190799-00191252 institution should be something that has a clear customer at the end of it that UrvUWEZa8zy-00144-00191252-00191578 that process benefits so that's the first thing that we're gonna be focusing UrvUWEZa8zy-00145-00191578-00192028 on with lean the second thing is adding unique value it's about finding ways UrvUWEZa8zy-00146-00192028-00192436 that we can actually make a contribution it's beyond what we do every day how UrvUWEZa8zy-00147-00192436-00192876 many of you in this room have wonderful idea that if given the opportunity to UrvUWEZa8zy-00148-00192876-00193179 implement would actually make a significant difference in the value UrvUWEZa8zy-00149-00193179-00193653 proposition that we deliver to our customers and the third is reducing UrvUWEZa8zy-00150-00193653-00194027 waste I think we all probably experienced processes inside of our UrvUWEZa8zy-00151-00194027-00194529 day-to-day job something as simple as just locating a a trash can next to a UrvUWEZa8zy-00152-00194529-00194890 recycling bin that reduces waste in terms of the stuff that we throw away UrvUWEZa8zy-00153-00194890-00195195 but also the time that it takes to actually put something in one place UrvUWEZa8zy-00154-00195195-00195577 forces another so I can be something really really simple it can be something UrvUWEZa8zy-00155-00195577-00196222 really ambitious so what is the vision just as our vision statement for what is UrvUWEZa8zy-00156-00196222-00196846 lean at UA its release the creative and resource potential to maximize value for UrvUWEZa8zy-00157-00196846-00197296 our UA students staff faculty the institution alumni in our community UrvUWEZa8zy-00158-00197296-00197846 through intense customer focus seemed with operational excellence and an UrvUWEZa8zy-00159-00197846-00198260 unrelenting culture of continuous improvement and that's what we all want UrvUWEZa8zy-00160-00198260-00199060 to be like to share is a video that highlights some of the success stories UrvUWEZa8zy-00161-00199060-00199564 that we've had so far certainly launched in September chance for you look at your UrvUWEZa8zy-00162-00199564-00199831 operation is doing to feel it UrvUWEZa8zy-00163-00199831-00200276 missions it could be if it is customer service oriented as you want it to be he UrvUWEZa8zy-00164-00200276-00200764 really looks at those parts of your operation that maybe aren't exactly the UrvUWEZa8zy-00165-00200764-00201166 way you would like them to be but for some reason you just haven't been able UrvUWEZa8zy-00166-00201166-00201689 to create change in that area we would receive numerous phone calls from alumni UrvUWEZa8zy-00167-00201689-00202466 who had just graduated with the issue of their emails being disconnected abruptly UrvUWEZa8zy-00168-00202466-00203072 here are new alumni but it just recently graduated their first experience here UrvUWEZa8zy-00169-00203072-00203603 with the relation is in a negative aspects of building bridges were UrvUWEZa8zy-00170-00203603-00204104 building walls in order to eliminate the situation UrvUWEZa8zy-00171-00204104-00204666 USA will now be courtesy email to the individual to let them know that their UrvUWEZa8zy-00172-00204666-00205101 email service will be cut off at a certain amount of time instead of just UrvUWEZa8zy-00173-00205101-00205469 abruptly cutting them off and give them a heads up to keep them a little bit UrvUWEZa8zy-00174-00205469-00205910 happier to keep you informed and educated on what's going to happen UrvUWEZa8zy-00175-00205978-00206894 shop was well organized practices world we listened to tempt customers coming UrvUWEZa8zy-00176-00206894-00208117 back so as we first metrics we saw that forty percent of the time where we first UrvUWEZa8zy-00177-00208117-00208310 call resolution UrvUWEZa8zy-00178-00208310-00209042 critically examined our organization collapsed three sections into to empower UrvUWEZa8zy-00179-00209042-00209711 the first line of defense gave them a rich set of tools that they could use to UrvUWEZa8zy-00180-00209711-00210057 solve issues for customers right on the spot UrvUWEZa8zy-00181-00210057-00211033 our first call resolution 34% and ninety-four just over $450,000 on behalf UrvUWEZa8zy-00182-00211033-00211158 of our customers UrvUWEZa8zy-00183-00211158-00211662 part of our mission is connecting students with resources and making sure UrvUWEZa8zy-00184-00211662-00212123 those resources are available early enough for students to make good UrvUWEZa8zy-00185-00212123-00212771 decisions about enrollment part of a guy wearing a student's application involves UrvUWEZa8zy-00186-00212771-00213323 a large standing scholarship committee they have to read and score thousands of UrvUWEZa8zy-00187-00213323-00213944 assays that we evaluated when we went through the process we had a little over UrvUWEZa8zy-00188-00213944-00215048 2,500 applicants in comparison our current 2016 70 now is her ninety six so UrvUWEZa8zy-00189-00215048-00215606 you can imagine having to read all of those essays and then scored it takes a UrvUWEZa8zy-00190-00215606-00216296 considerable amount of time and because the process of making such a long time UrvUWEZa8zy-00191-00216296-00216969 we have deliver or know it is early enough for a student to make a critical UrvUWEZa8zy-00192-00216969-00217378 decision about and only whether they want to attend but where they want to UrvUWEZa8zy-00193-00217378-00217929 attend how many credit should take and so our goal is to solve that problem UrvUWEZa8zy-00194-00217929-00218656 right now we're going through in the learning process is we are in the UrvUWEZa8zy-00195-00218656-00219255 solution stage nothing in the brainstorming solutions session is about UrvUWEZa8zy-00196-00219255-00220003 finding a solution that will work for our office and make us more efficient UrvUWEZa8zy-00197-00220003-00220639 and save the university more money we're also looking for a solution that creates UrvUWEZa8zy-00198-00220639-00221252 an equitable method of matching those students with the right scholarship that UrvUWEZa8zy-00199-00221252-00221817 they are because the entire university is doing this top management is saying UrvUWEZa8zy-00200-00221817-00222177 we're willing to look at processes we're willing to look at policies we're UrvUWEZa8zy-00201-00222177-00222650 willing to make changes or talk about changes on things that may be making it UrvUWEZa8zy-00202-00222650-00222973 difficult for you to do your job and that's very excited because we all come UrvUWEZa8zy-00203-00222973-00223169 to work and think I wish I could change UrvUWEZa8zy-00204-00223169-00223566 XY or Z this process really says I think you can UrvUWEZa8zy-00205-00223566-00225173 and their experts to help contributed to that as lean team members as well as UrvUWEZa8zy-00206-00225173-00225727 university advancement Phillip Hughes here are you still put this video UrvUWEZa8zy-00207-00225727-00226223 together in about a two-week timeframe and did an absolutely awesome job so UrvUWEZa8zy-00208-00226223-00226496 thank you for that but that kind of tells you a little bit about what we UrvUWEZa8zy-00209-00226496-00227369 know is I want to share what are some of our goals ok so when are your one year UrvUWEZa8zy-00210-00227369-00227933 one we said started roughly in february of 2016 after we completed Green Belt UrvUWEZa8zy-00211-00227933-00228305 training there were twenty three of us that did that we set a goal for UrvUWEZa8zy-00212-00228305-00228773 ourselves that over with in a one-year timeframe we would add $500,000 worth of UrvUWEZa8zy-00213-00228773-00229571 value to the University 33 in three ways it was the first way is to really find UrvUWEZa8zy-00214-00229571-00230102 ways that we can actually save costs so we can eliminate costs it's not about UrvUWEZa8zy-00215-00230102-00230473 cost cutting isn't about it's about finding places we don't need to do UrvUWEZa8zy-00216-00230473-00230866 something and we can eliminate that reduce that about the value of time UrvUWEZa8zy-00217-00230866-00231275 saved so if you can save an hour two hours or three hours in a process and do UrvUWEZa8zy-00218-00231275-00231727 it more efficiently we can count that the value of that time say and the third UrvUWEZa8zy-00219-00231727-00232069 is the additional revenue generated so do we have any other opportunities that UrvUWEZa8zy-00220-00232069-00232440 we can implement revenue-generating ideas that contribute to that overall UrvUWEZa8zy-00221-00232440-00232873 goal it's also about providing lean expertise to work groups like yours I'm UrvUWEZa8zy-00222-00232873-00233204 sure everybody out there has a pain point that they can identify that if UrvUWEZa8zy-00223-00233204-00233523 they could improve the way they did what they did they wouldn't their jobs will UrvUWEZa8zy-00224-00233523-00233856 be much easier and they would be able to serve their customers better so it's UrvUWEZa8zy-00225-00233856-00234439 providing that expertise teams that are interested to redesign work to make it UrvUWEZa8zy-00226-00234439-00234933 more efficient and ultimately what we want to do is deliver that $500,000 the UrvUWEZa8zy-00227-00234933-00235364 value by February of 2000 and 17 we need everybody's help to be able to do that UrvUWEZa8zy-00228-00235364-00235790 so every hour that we can't come up with a process for every process that saved UrvUWEZa8zy-00229-00235790-00236198 an hour to hour and we can count that towards achieving this goal together as UrvUWEZa8zy-00230-00236198-00236619 a team this is just an example of something that you might use as a UrvUWEZa8zy-00231-00236619-00236830 lean-to or where you basically doing UrvUWEZa8zy-00232-00236830-00237230 process map a picture when carey was talking about the scholarship process UrvUWEZa8zy-00233-00237230-00237403 where you take a process and you map it UrvUWEZa8zy-00234-00237403-00237686 end-to-end you look at all of the different things that happen in that UrvUWEZa8zy-00235-00237686-00237788 process UrvUWEZa8zy-00236-00237788-00238206 exactly as they occur and you can ask yourself a really nice process is one UrvUWEZa8zy-00237-00238206-00238673 that you could sort of take this image thread that's woven through this process UrvUWEZa8zy-00238-00238673-00238996 and at the very end if you could pull that thread and it would come through UrvUWEZa8zy-00239-00238996-00239410 very cleanly and neatly that would be a really good process but mostly time if UrvUWEZa8zy-00240-00239410-00239783 you think about pulling in that thread at the end there are not things that are UrvUWEZa8zy-00241-00239783-00240148 snags or snarled those are the places that you can work on a process to come UrvUWEZa8zy-00242-00240148-00240691 up with ways to make that a little bit more efficient so this is kind of what UrvUWEZa8zy-00243-00240691-00241039 it looks like we're looking for ideas from work groups from arlene team UrvUWEZa8zy-00244-00241039-00241466 etcetera putting in a hopper we're looking at potentially launches we have UrvUWEZa8zy-00245-00241466-00241850 thirty one of them that are currently ongoing around the university and every UrvUWEZa8zy-00246-00241850-00242298 function and Community Campus look at some kind of a lightweight filter that UrvUWEZa8zy-00247-00242298-00242744 will help us to assess which ones are the best ones to go forward with then we UrvUWEZa8zy-00248-00242744-00243091 have a process that's that some of you will learn about later today but it's UrvUWEZa8zy-00249-00243091-00243635 called demand DMAIC and what that stands for us define measure analyze improve UrvUWEZa8zy-00250-00243635-00243994 and control so when you're looking at that process how do you do it better in UrvUWEZa8zy-00251-00243994-00244519 a step-by-step way and each point in this process we have some kind of a UrvUWEZa8zy-00252-00244519-00244980 checkpoint where it tells us should we go forward or should we not go forward UrvUWEZa8zy-00253-00244980-00245463 and then we continue to do that until we ultimately achieve our goal in the end UrvUWEZa8zy-00254-00245463-00246219 through the work that we're doing together example anybody in IndyCar fans UrvUWEZa8zy-00255-00246219-00247008 ok so everybody kind of would recognize what this is a pit stop rate and you can UrvUWEZa8zy-00256-00247008-00247511 imagine that it's a really really measure of success in this particular UrvUWEZa8zy-00257-00247511-00247946 case is how quickly they can get the car in refuel change the tires or whatever UrvUWEZa8zy-00258-00247946-00248486 they need to do and how quickly they do that is a critical success factor for UrvUWEZa8zy-00259-00248486-00248748 their overall whether they're going to win the race are not right that's a UrvUWEZa8zy-00260-00248748-00249127 critical part of the whole but they don't do this by accident so they take a UrvUWEZa8zy-00261-00249127-00249515 look at this and they look at every single step that has to happen and they UrvUWEZa8zy-00262-00249515-00249915 think about how can that be done in the most efficient possible way UrvUWEZa8zy-00263-00249915-00250571 and ultimately in the end it becomes a very very rapid from beginning to end to UrvUWEZa8zy-00264-00250571-00250900 get that car out of the chute so that's what we would like to be able to do and UrvUWEZa8zy-00265-00250900-00251259 that's how we would want to think about leaders looking at our processes figure UrvUWEZa8zy-00266-00251259-00251598 out what's the most effective and efficient way to get them done and UrvUWEZa8zy-00267-00251598-00252458 reduce any possible way so that we can be as efficient as possible however it's UrvUWEZa8zy-00268-00252458-00252773 not just about efficiency right that's one piece of it we're trying to get UrvUWEZa8zy-00269-00252773-00253246 things done as quickly as we possibly can or with minimal waste as we can but UrvUWEZa8zy-00270-00253246-00253639 you can that particular example if even if you were to do it quickly you can't UrvUWEZa8zy-00271-00253639-00254264 sacrifice quality quality is so quality is an important part UrvUWEZa8zy-00272-00254264-00254991 unfortunately is not being in this case in that particular example you can't UrvUWEZa8zy-00273-00254991-00255398 sacrifice for quality you need to be able to have both and that's what we UrvUWEZa8zy-00274-00255398-00255842 want to be able to do on behalf of our customers what is lean about how does it UrvUWEZa8zy-00275-00255842-00256279 work well you guys in all of us every single day in our workplace we can UrvUWEZa8zy-00276-00256279-00256591 identify things that are troubling are difficult things that aren't working UrvUWEZa8zy-00277-00256591-00256965 well and we are the ones that are closest to that works are in the best UrvUWEZa8zy-00278-00256965-00257357 position to identify those things that could be improved so it really starts UrvUWEZa8zy-00279-00257357-00257738 with work groups and then it supported by leadership and we have that UrvUWEZa8zy-00280-00257738-00258034 commitment from our cabinet in our leaders in order to be able to do this UrvUWEZa8zy-00281-00258034-00258673 effectively like to have everyone in the room raise your hand if you have or have UrvUWEZa8zy-00282-00258673-00259132 ideas about how you could improve how we work with our customers have any ideas UrvUWEZa8zy-00283-00259132-00259646 about that how about if you have ideas that could increase revenue deliver of UrvUWEZa8zy-00284-00259646-00260151 the value that we deliver your hands up and finally does anybody have any ideas UrvUWEZa8zy-00285-00260151-00260846 that could help to improve our reduce waste time or resources I think that's UrvUWEZa8zy-00286-00260846-00261223 pretty much everyone in the room so I think we all have ideas so those are the UrvUWEZa8zy-00287-00261223-00261546 kinds of things that were looking for and we're gonna be the team that can UrvUWEZa8zy-00288-00261546-00262019 help you to make those things happen so the call to action thank you very much UrvUWEZa8zy-00289-00262019-00262545 bill and Ron in Victoria for allowing us to talk today our call to action is to UrvUWEZa8zy-00290-00262545-00262853 have all of you be part of this process going forward UrvUWEZa8zy-00291-00262853-00263331 tender workshops if anyone is interested in getting more additional training then UrvUWEZa8zy-00292-00263331-00263816 please reach out to us the website is a we have cards we have all kinds of UrvUWEZa8zy-00293-00263816-00264184 information please check in with one of us and we'll be happy to have you part UrvUWEZa8zy-00294-00264184-00264399 of our trainings going forward UrvUWEZa8zy-00295-00264399-00264699 thank you very much UrvUWEZa8zy-00296-00266138-00266452 good morning everyone UrvUWEZa8zy-00297-00266452-00267809 human resource director and give her this morning we have some prizes for UrvUWEZa8zy-00298-00267809-00268275 folks who did their charitable donations at registration this morning so we're UrvUWEZa8zy-00299-00268275-00268816 going to be drawing some tickets and if you're one of those gracious folks who UrvUWEZa8zy-00300-00268816-00269828 donated goods and services this morning get your ticket out and well they're all UrvUWEZa8zy-00301-00269828-00272550 the same banks first ticket is 5086 3550 I know whether the next decade is 508 to UrvUWEZa8zy-00302-00272550-00272850 650 866 UrvUWEZa8zy-00304-00278158-00278507 3750 8637 UrvUWEZa8zy-00305-00278853-00281265 number 0845 08 6:04 150 8641 right here in the next number 50 8629 5086 29 ER UrvUWEZa8zy-00310-00301964-00303280 attention UrvUWEZa8zy-00311-00303526-00304861 86305 0630 thanks very much folks for donating to worthy causes this morning UrvUWEZa8zy-00312-00304861-00305972 the next set of prizes there okay UrvUWEZa8zy-00313-00306066-00306656 enterprises is actually they're all the same we have copy cards from Khiladi UrvUWEZa8zy-00314-00306656-00307286 brothers and these are going to be awarded based upon the seat you're UrvUWEZa8zy-00315-00307286-00308196 sitting in we're gonna go by Rose so we're gonna do the first row first UrvUWEZa8zy-00316-00308196-00308605 there's nothing on your seats folks UrvUWEZa8zy-00317-00308811-00309111 the numbers right up here UrvUWEZa8zy-00318-00309245-00310283 their new don't pull them up the first row here Israel a the second row Israel UrvUWEZa8zy-00319-00310283-00310722 be and so forth and we're going to progress through the rows now if you do UrvUWEZa8zy-00320-00310722-00312944 stand up and you look under your seat number ok so starting with roe a number UrvUWEZa8zy-00321-00313202-00313790 identify the road for us and then I'll give you the number which is on this car UrvUWEZa8zy-00322-00313790-00315940 so those students in row a number seven that's also a row a seat number twenty UrvUWEZa8zy-00323-00317152-00319274 so now we're gonna be the second row be ok so seat number 33 also be number UrvUWEZa8zy-00324-00319274-00320735 seven we're going to Rosie ok so the next row so all right here UrvUWEZa8zy-00325-00320735-00321035 number six UrvUWEZa8zy-00326-00321503-00322564 that's all for OC next road de Delta sorry I'm here already I didn't call UrvUWEZa8zy-00327-00322564-00325476 randomly throw up so that's right here UrvUWEZa8zy-00328-00325664-00327483 number nineteen next pay raise your hand if you're in row F seat number 31 UrvUWEZa8zy-00329-00327859-00329193 rote rote G UrvUWEZa8zy-00330-00330506-00330849 and that back thank you UrvUWEZa8zy-00331-00330849-00331649 ok the last one israeli age row which raise your hand if you're in row H ok UrvUWEZa8zy-00332-00331649-00332410 very good I didn't write this down ok they just hand these things to me and I UrvUWEZa8zy-00333-00332410-00333143 say what's on number 16 H 16 whoever can occupy the first can have the car UrvUWEZa8zy-00334-00333143-00334341 without injury the team work this all the way back to row H seats 16 now UrvUWEZa8zy-00335-00334341-00336199 currently occupied fabulous prizes fabulous prizes ok there are more UrvUWEZa8zy-00336-00336199-00337007 opportunities for fabulous prizes at the closing so make sure that the closing UrvUWEZa8zy-00337-00337007-00337580 we're going to be using the name tags for the drawing so the closing ceremony UrvUWEZa8zy-00338-00337580-00337957 wearing a nametag you gonna drop that in the band if you want to be able to UrvUWEZa8zy-00339-00337957-00338608 compete for a fabulous gifts and prizes number which are taxable which is why he UrvUWEZa8zy-00340-00338608-00339852 wants to make before we come out door see what how and then off to do our UrvUWEZa8zy-00341-00339852-00340152 development day UrvUWEZa8zy-00342-00340577-00340877 question for him UrvUWEZa8zy-00343-00341671-00344427 so history question you was formed in 1976 in what year was you a a 487 UrvUWEZa8zy-00344-00344804-00345646 an 89 that's what she said the correct answers 1987 UrvUWEZa8zy-00345-00348717-00349626 so make sure you visit the bookstore by some UAA we're also during lunch you may UrvUWEZa8zy-00346-00349626-00350299 have noticed that we're gonna have the food truck roundup in the quad right out UrvUWEZa8zy-00347-00350299-00350919 here so you can go and you know select what you like her just as much as you UrvUWEZa8zy-00348-00350919-00351766 want and that's that's lunch from 10:30 to sorry from 11:30 to 1 p.m. the food UrvUWEZa8zy-00349-00351766-00352481 truck roundup will be out here also don't forget to stop by the community UrvUWEZa8zy-00350-00352481-00352998 engagement and you a fair to the student union both the upper and lower levels at UrvUWEZa8zy-00351-00352998-00353729 the Student Union affairs will be open from 1030 to 130 today I mentioned the UrvUWEZa8zy-00352-00353729-00354453 name tags at the ceremony and also wanted to recognize number of folks who UrvUWEZa8zy-00353-00354453-00355033 really helped make the day possible because we get so much support from the UrvUWEZa8zy-00354-00355033-00355506 surrounding community and different businesses and vendors around town is UrvUWEZa8zy-00355-00355506-00355859 really what helps make the day happened because much of what you're enjoying UrvUWEZa8zy-00356-00355859-00356403 today has been donated by local businesses so I wanted to recognize a UrvUWEZa8zy-00357-00356403-00356949 couple of those seawall catering sponsored the morning breakfasts so UrvUWEZa8zy-00358-00356949-00357152 thanks to see UrvUWEZa8zy-00359-00357152-00357956 folks are doing presentations in the workshops are really volunteering their UrvUWEZa8zy-00360-00357956-00358401 time to put on the different workshops for you today so I want to thank each UrvUWEZa8zy-00361-00358401-00359283 and every one of them shake their hand when you go to work and steamed up UrvUWEZa8zy-00362-00359283-00360040 coffee are also offering free coffee free coffee all day from 10 a.m. to 3:30 UrvUWEZa8zy-00363-00360040-00360724 p.m. their time as well UrvUWEZa8zy-00364-00360803-00361303 pepsi-cola also donated cases cases of water for the day UrvUWEZa8zy-00365-00361372-00361962 yourself of that or or offending also donated snacks for the closing ceremony UrvUWEZa8zy-00366-00361962-00362444 something else to look forward to at the close all of our volunteers who help UrvUWEZa8zy-00367-00362444-00362848 throughout the day also help keep this event strong every year and we recognize UrvUWEZa8zy-00368-00362848-00363332 the volunteer committee and there's also a day of volunteers here helping run UrvUWEZa8zy-00369-00363332-00363632 things as we go UrvUWEZa8zy-00370-00363878-00364299 think the chancellor of the vice-chancellor's all the department UrvUWEZa8zy-00371-00364299-00364848 heads and chairs who let their folks volunteer time to put this day on cause UrvUWEZa8zy-00372-00364848-00365578 without their support this doesn't happen and have a great day everybody to UrvUWEZa8zy-00373-00365578-00365917 close the opening again is built UrvUWEZa8zy-00374-00366491-00367127 so I we had another winner for the nineteen eighties here we have one more UrvUWEZa8zy-00375-00367127-00368100 price for you where are their group congratulations as we have all Jews who UrvUWEZa8zy-00376-00368100-00370107 would like to complete their how did not appeared there I'm trying to train some UrvUWEZa8zy-00377-00370107-00370379 new blood on this all things here UrvUWEZa8zy-00378-00370379-00371136 voluntary i'm ok you want to do the Himalayan throat singing I think we're UrvUWEZa8zy-00379-00371136-00371508 just gonna stick with the he was going to go UrvUWEZa8zy-00380-00371617-00372497 ok so we got a reason way down proposition we're going to wait out very UrvUWEZa8zy-00381-00372497-00375105 ready ok in Fairbanks to hear us because they need to hear good things we're UrvUWEZa8zy-00382-00375105-00375663 doing so that's right ok here we go UsSJU4gPsb0-00000-00000000-00000317 Based on the problems that you just worked UsSJU4gPsb0-00001-00000317-00000474 on in the assessment center, UsSJU4gPsb0-00002-00000474-00000567 you received a preliminary UsSJU4gPsb0-00003-00000567-00000992 recommendation of ABED 40: Adult Basic UsSJU4gPsb0-00004-00000992-00001173 Education Math. UsSJU4gPsb0-00005-00001173-00001494 ABED 40 really focuses on working with UsSJU4gPsb0-00006-00001494-00001739 understanding the basic math operations UsSJU4gPsb0-00007-00001739-00001989 of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and UsSJU4gPsb0-00008-00001989-00002208 dividing. You will look at real-world UsSJU4gPsb0-00009-00002208-00002393 applications to practice and develop UsSJU4gPsb0-00010-00002393-00002556 these math skills. UsSJU4gPsb0-00011-00002556-00002739 This course will also introduce UsSJU4gPsb0-00012-00002739-00003000 fractions, decimals, percents, and UsSJU4gPsb0-00013-00003000-00003261 proportions. For more information about UsSJU4gPsb0-00014-00003261-00003510 our adult basic education program and UsSJU4gPsb0-00015-00003510-00003639 how to get started, UsSJU4gPsb0-00016-00003639-00003825 stop by the Academic Support Center UsSJU4gPsb0-00017-00003825-00004223 located in room T-217 inside of LWTech's UsSJU4gPsb0-00018-00004223-00004898 library, or talk to your advisor. UALF968FeBA-00000-00000173-00000485 People think that an adventure is about UALF968FeBA-00001-00000500-00000700 A massive battle or big experiences UALF968FeBA-00002-00000786-00000880 However, UALF968FeBA-00003-00000923-00001123 an adventure also begins when you're UALF968FeBA-00004-00001174-00001413 deeply moved by something unexpectdly UALF968FeBA-00005-00001692-00001926 So we become adventurers, UALF968FeBA-00006-00002249-00002614 PC MMORPG, the start of a grand journey UALF968FeBA-00007-00002650-00002782 Lost Ark UALF968FeBA-00008-00002833-00002937 Free to play UKrZ5XXqTDE-00000-00000000-00000200 big boy audio edit ULO_g2LjU_g-00000-00000006-00001797 If you find it hard to say no. I want you to listen. Welcome to my world. Are you ULO_g2LjU_g-00001-00001797-00002631 a people pleaser or someone who finds it really hard to say no? Yeah I was there ULO_g2LjU_g-00002-00002631-00003072 too can totally relate and sometimes I still find myself in those situations ULO_g2LjU_g-00003-00003072-00003623 where I'm like doing something and it's like I have my own things to do. Why did ULO_g2LjU_g-00004-00003623-00004077 I say yes I would do this? How did it away why did I do that all that just say no ULO_g2LjU_g-00005-00004077-00004382 but it can be so scary exciting wonderful people feelings. I don't want ULO_g2LjU_g-00006-00004382-00005121 No, I'm not a no person. I'm the guest person I like saying yes but I get ULO_g2LjU_g-00007-00005121-00005610 myself spread too thin and then what happens is you miss out on other things ULO_g2LjU_g-00008-00005610-00006171 right. I was talking to a friend last week and he was just like I can't say no ULO_g2LjU_g-00009-00006171-00006561 to people. I just I want to make everyone happy I want to help people. I want to ULO_g2LjU_g-00010-00006561-00006927 serve. I wanna help people and I was like yeah but it gets you in this ULO_g2LjU_g-00011-00006927-00007304 spot where your cup is empty because you've given and given and given and ULO_g2LjU_g-00012-00007304-00007677 given and given and given and given and nothing's coming back to return. There's ULO_g2LjU_g-00013-00007677-00007953 no self-care. There's no time for yourself. There's no doing the things ULO_g2LjU_g-00014-00007953-00008504 that you like to do and so I told him I said well it's not first thing let me ULO_g2LjU_g-00015-00008504-00009057 tell you about when I was in the salon I said yes to everyone. I wanted to get ULO_g2LjU_g-00016-00009057-00009461 everybody in. I wanted to get him in and so I would come in early. I was already ULO_g2LjU_g-00017-00009461-00009870 working 10-hour days. I'll come in early I would stay late I would come in at ULO_g2LjU_g-00018-00009870-00010490 Saturdays sometimes at like 5:00 a.m. and stay all day just to get people in ULO_g2LjU_g-00019-00010490-00011000 because I didn't want to tell him no. I didn't want to tell him sorry I can't ULO_g2LjU_g-00020-00011000-00011793 I'm full. I sacrifice sleep time with my family, dinners with my husband, serve ULO_g2LjU_g-00021-00011793-00012368 and to say yes to these people and what I quickly realized is ULO_g2LjU_g-00022-00012368-00012897 and this is for those of you that have a hard time saying no. Listen if you have a ULO_g2LjU_g-00023-00012897-00013319 hard time saying no you're finding yourself spread thin and burn out and ULO_g2LjU_g-00024-00013319-00014101 exhausted. This is for you if you find it hard to say no I want you to listen. ULO_g2LjU_g-00025-00014113-00014865 Every time, every time you say yes to someone else into some other project, ULO_g2LjU_g-00026-00014865-00015395 into something else over here, every time you say yes, you are saying no ULO_g2LjU_g-00027-00015395-00016197 to other things. Every time every time you say yes you are saying no to ULO_g2LjU_g-00028-00016197-00016728 something else and oftentimes we're saying no to ourselves. We're saying no ULO_g2LjU_g-00029-00016728-00017286 to our family. We're saying no to the things and the people that matter the ULO_g2LjU_g-00030-00017286-00017810 most okay. It still works clean up like okay Liz I ULO_g2LjU_g-00031-00017810-00018351 get your point. Every time I say yes say no to something else is usually the ULO_g2LjU_g-00032-00018351-00018776 self-care it's the things that fill us up and make us happy and keep us excited. ULO_g2LjU_g-00033-00018776-00019334 My friend Lance Courtney taught me what he calls the diplomatic decline. ULO_g2LjU_g-00034-00019334-00019910 I practiced it and practiced I'd look in the mirror and I'd say it ULO_g2LjU_g-00035-00019910-00020348 I would someone would ask me a question ULO_g2LjU_g-00036-00020375-00020926 and I pause. I would tell them let me think about it for a moment ULO_g2LjU_g-00037-00020926-00021570 because I wasn't in it was not a natural response you match the responses yes ULO_g2LjU_g-00038-00021570-00021998 like okay I'll do it. Then you're like a shit how do I get into this play and so ULO_g2LjU_g-00039-00021998-00022582 Lance Courtney taught me. Under normal circumstances I would love to however I ULO_g2LjU_g-00040-00022582-00023135 don't have any time. Under normal circumstances I'd love to however I'm ULO_g2LjU_g-00041-00023135-00023459 taking my daughter for ice-cream. Under normal circumstances I would love ULO_g2LjU_g-00042-00023459-00023979 to however I have an app scheduled for that time. Whatever it is under normal ULO_g2LjU_g-00043-00023979-00024710 circumstances I would love to however and start saying no start saying no so ULO_g2LjU_g-00044-00024710-00025255 you can start saying yes to things that matter the most. Okay It's ULO_g2LjU_g-00045-00025255-00025648 gonna be hard. It's gonna be uncomfortable but I promise if you have a ULO_g2LjU_g-00046-00025648-00026230 friend who has a hard time saying no also or find a co-worker or somebody's ULO_g2LjU_g-00047-00026230-00026683 like how do we get into these situations oh my gosh Liz taught me this thing from ULO_g2LjU_g-00048-00026683-00027160 her friend Lance and it goes under normal circumstances I'd love to however ULO_g2LjU_g-00049-00027160-00027799 so you asked a question but you'd normally say yes to and just roleplay ULO_g2LjU_g-00050-00027799-00028312 and practice and it will become so much easier and then what happens is you will ULO_g2LjU_g-00051-00028312-00028872 you will fill so much of that joy inside. ULO_g2LjU_g-00052-00028872-00029277 It's like saying no is not really a scary thing saying no it was actually ULO_g2LjU_g-00053-00029277-00029827 respectable because this shows that you have boundaries. That you have you ULO_g2LjU_g-00054-00029827-00030469 know you're just this string but it's respectable because it does show that ULO_g2LjU_g-00055-00030469-00030870 you have set boundaries in your life and people are gonna look at you save how ULO_g2LjU_g-00056-00030870-00031330 you she or he can accomplish all these things in their personal life and ULO_g2LjU_g-00057-00031330-00031822 professionally and this she's she or he still makes time to go golfing or get a ULO_g2LjU_g-00058-00031822-00032437 pedicure or she always is smiling because of the self-care because I said ULO_g2LjU_g-00059-00032437-00032935 no to something to allow time for me. Time for me and that is not a selfish ULO_g2LjU_g-00060-00032935-00033340 thing because if you don't put yourself first. How can you put anyone else second ULO_g2LjU_g-00061-00033340-00034030 and third? If you put yourself second or third how in the heck are you ULO_g2LjU_g-00062-00034030-00034369 supposed to take care of who you thinks at number two and number one spot you ULO_g2LjU_g-00063-00034369-00034735 gotta be number one. Then you can have someone at number two and number three ULO_g2LjU_g-00064-00034735-00035088 and whatever I mean not that we're ranking people but does that make sense ULO_g2LjU_g-00065-00035088-00035569 you're number one. You got to take care of yourself. Put your oxygen mask on first. ULO_g2LjU_g-00066-00035569-00036009 Then you can help the other people folks. You picking up what I'm throwing down? ULO_g2LjU_g-00067-00036009-00036943 okay I love you guys practice say no so you can say yes to the things and the ULO_g2LjU_g-00068-00036943-00037570 people that mean the most to you in this life. You get one, you get one life so ULO_g2LjU_g-00069-00037570-00037919 Let's do it! Bye y'all! I'm Liz medley and I believe ULO_g2LjU_g-00070-00037919-00038159 in you. ULSl7ZgBP2k-00000-00000113-00000333 SEXUAL ASSAULT AFFECTS SAFETY AND READINESS OF ULSl7ZgBP2k-00001-00000333-00000543 ALL SERVICE MEMBERS, DESTROYING TRUST AND ULSl7ZgBP2k-00002-00000543-00000697 DEGRADING OUR NAVY. ULSl7ZgBP2k-00003-00000697-00000897 THE SEXUAL ASSUALT PREVENTION AND RESPONSE, ULSl7ZgBP2k-00004-00000897-00001104 OR SAPR PROGRAM TEACHES SAILORS BE FIRST ULSl7ZgBP2k-00005-00001104-00001304 RESPONDERS THROUGH BYSTANDER INTERVENTION. ULSl7ZgBP2k-00006-00001304-00001504 "IF IT'S SOMETHING YOU REALLY BELIEVE IN, ULSl7ZgBP2k-00007-00001504-00001705 SOMETHING YOU DO TAKE SERIOUSLY THEN IT IS ULSl7ZgBP2k-00008-00001705-00001905 SOMETHING YOU SHOULD GET INVOLVED IN. ULSl7ZgBP2k-00009-00001905-00002305 OFTEN TIMES IT IS PEER ON PEER, ULSl7ZgBP2k-00010-00002305-00002505 SO JUST BEING THAT BYSTANDER AS YOU KNOW WE ULSl7ZgBP2k-00011-00002505-00002819 'STEP UP STEP IN' OR WHEN YOU KNOW SOMETHINGS NOT ULSl7ZgBP2k-00012-00002819-00003019 RIGHT OR HEADING THE RIGHT DIRECTION, ULSl7ZgBP2k-00013-00003019-00003243 JUST GO AHEAD AND TRY AND ELIMINATE IT AT THE LOWEST ULSl7ZgBP2k-00014-00003243-00003350 LEVEL POSSIBLE. ULSl7ZgBP2k-00015-00003350-00003606 WHETHER IT BE 'HEY THIS DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT, ULSl7ZgBP2k-00016-00003606-00003807 LET'S GO OVER HERE AND CHECK IT OUT, ULSl7ZgBP2k-00017-00003807-00004084 HEY I THINK YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH, IT'S TIME TO GO, ULSl7ZgBP2k-00018-00004084-00004361 ' WHATEVER THE CASE MAY BE THAT'S REALLY WHAT IT'S ULSl7ZgBP2k-00019-00004361-00004461 ALL ABOUT." ULSl7ZgBP2k-00020-00004484-00004708 FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE SAPR ROGRAM CONTACT ULSl7ZgBP2k-00021-00004708-00005208 YOUR LOCAL SAPR ADVOCATE. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00000-00000016-00000583 So science comes in a lot of flavors, and when you've caught the bug, at whatever age, UpLfH2Ty4lg-00001-00000583-00001091 there is sometimes a rush to specialize, because you can go farther, you get deeper, you're UpLfH2Ty4lg-00002-00001091-00001386 enraptured, if you will. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00003-00001386-00001910 In my view, it's good to have a chance to smell the roses a bit; to see a bigger part UpLfH2Ty4lg-00004-00001910-00002010 of the picture. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00005-00002010-00002445 I'm not saying everyone should be Renaissance women and men -- look at it all -- I don't UpLfH2Ty4lg-00006-00002445-00003008 think that...too many Leonardo DaVincis around, or whomever, Madame Curies or whatever. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00007-00003008-00003603 But it's important to see enough of it to understand where one's talents, passions, UpLfH2Ty4lg-00008-00003603-00003803 and long-term energies could be applied. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00009-00003803-00004132 Even if it's at the hobby level versus career level. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00010-00004132-00004528 And opportunities for learning about science come in so many flavors. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00011-00004528-00005155 Now with web-based tools, with just walking around and observing nature, of course books, UpLfH2Ty4lg-00012-00005155-00005372 um, ex...experimental experiences. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00013-00005372-00005580 One could do little things. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00014-00005580-00006000 One's in school, of course, structured, of course, along the lines of courses. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00015-00006000-00006110 Lots of opportunities. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00016-00006110-00006555 I think as one grows in one's interest in science, it's pretty clear to see what tools UpLfH2Ty4lg-00017-00006555-00006995 you need; some science requires certain very specific things, you know, higher order physics? UpLfH2Ty4lg-00018-00006995-00007509 You probably need to know certain math to just even grasp how you attack the problem. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00019-00007509-00008122 Other problems are almost documentary; they require detailed observation over a long time, UpLfH2Ty4lg-00020-00008122-00008692 they're not as intrinsically mathematical as they are perhaps empirical and statistical. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00021-00008692-00008870 So, there's room for everyone. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00022-00008870-00009400 Um, I think one needs to sample enough to really decide on the passions. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00023-00009400-00010045 I have colleagues that are great scientists but really English majors, because they write UpLfH2Ty4lg-00024-00010045-00010406 well; they communicate it wonderfully. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00025-00010406-00010847 And maybe they're not writing the leading-edge paper about how Mars works, but they're communicating UpLfH2Ty4lg-00026-00010847-00011113 it...what a collective of others do. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00027-00011113-00011267 And that's still science. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00028-00011267-00011878 So sample the wares, try it out, experiment. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00029-00011878-00012466 Get the opportunities to see it, um, as many experiential opportunities as one can, in UpLfH2Ty4lg-00030-00012466-00012800 school, online, summer...whatevers. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00031-00012800-00013022 They don't have to be rigorous things to scare you. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00032-00013022-00013208 And then see what it means. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00033-00013208-00013686 Um, some people like being out in the field, out in the wilderness exploring things: rocks, UpLfH2Ty4lg-00034-00013686-00013786 trees, bugs. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00035-00013786-00014057 There's...that's field science, there are lots of dimensions of that. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00036-00014057-00014609 Some prefer to be behind the computer, developing ways that they can organize data, visualize UpLfH2Ty4lg-00037-00014609-00014938 it, develop mathematics that simulates it. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00038-00014938-00015091 That's cool, too. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00039-00015091-00015286 And in between, there's endless other things. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00040-00015286-00015841 I get really jazzed by measuring things that are important about how something works that UpLfH2Ty4lg-00041-00015841-00016191 are seemingly very unmeasurable, very hard to measure. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00042-00016191-00016779 But...what...if one could -- wow, then we could discern why it is or how it got there. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00043-00016779-00017309 And, you know, so working with engineers to make those previously unmeasurable things UpLfH2Ty4lg-00044-00017309-00017724 happen so I can attack the question is really cool to me. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00045-00017724-00018215 And a lot of people at NASA -- not a lot, but there are a good cross-section of us who UpLfH2Ty4lg-00046-00018215-00018399 attack problems that way. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00047-00018399-00018613 We know what the question is, not a problem. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00048-00018613-00019141 We don't know what that is, but we need the set of organized measurements -- and in space, UpLfH2Ty4lg-00049-00019141-00019425 of course, we have to get there, and blah -- to do it. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00050-00019425-00019938 So don't over-specialize early; specialize when you're ready, when you have the passion UpLfH2Ty4lg-00051-00019938-00020109 and the direction, you know what you need. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00052-00020109-00020718 Just like sports: not everyone, you know, is dunking the basketball right away or running UpLfH2Ty4lg-00053-00020718-00021206 the sub-four-minute mile, or, you know, handling 120 mile an hour slapshots. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00054-00021206-00021422 Uh, or whatever sport you like. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00055-00021422-00021885 They're...they might try out the sports and find the ones -- um, even just the recreational UpLfH2Ty4lg-00056-00021885-00021985 experiences. UpLfH2Ty4lg-00057-00021985-00022022 It's the same in science. UQEEfiN8ebY-00000-00000238-00000552 Welcome to Super Mario Bros... UQEEfiN8ebY-00001-00000638-00000990 ... with *50* players? UQEEfiN8ebY-00002-00001246-00001818 Compete against other players near and far in this online battle game. UQEEfiN8ebY-00003-00001818-00002750 *Enemies can be used to kill other players* but this also works the other way around. UQEEfiN8ebY-00004-00002750-00003500 Use the *star* and *any* strategies, to try to outpace your opponents. UQEEfiN8ebY-00005-00003500-00004105 Keep going, till *you beat the boss at the end of the last world*. UQEEfiN8ebY-00006-00004105-00004553 This game will be *free online for everyone to play and enjoy*. UQEEfiN8ebY-00007-00004553-00005168 *Mario Royale is already available* as a digital-only title and will be available.. UQEEfiN8ebY-00008-00005168-00005444 ... *forever, and there are many updates planned*. UR--l4jkBZA-00000-00000050-00000226 In part 1 of this tutorial, UR--l4jkBZA-00001-00000226-00000749 you ran and tested a streaming analytics project in SAP HANA studio. UR--l4jkBZA-00002-00000750-00000856 In part 2, UR--l4jkBZA-00003-00000856-00001276 you’ll learn how to monitor streaming analytics in SAP HANA cockpit. UR--l4jkBZA-00004-00001303-00001393 First, UR--l4jkBZA-00005-00001393-00001746 I’ll show you how to monitor the overall status of streaming analytics UR--l4jkBZA-00006-00001746-00002036 through the Monitoring and Administration section. UR--l4jkBZA-00007-00002036-00002119 Then, UR--l4jkBZA-00008-00002120-00002300 I’ll get into the specifics, UR--l4jkBZA-00009-00002300-00002663 like how to monitor your projects through the Streaming Analytics tile. UR--l4jkBZA-00010-00002780-00002896 Before you start, UR--l4jkBZA-00011-00002896-00003033 make sure that your HANA user UR--l4jkBZA-00012-00003033-00003333 is assigned the CATALOG READ system privilege. UR--l4jkBZA-00013-00003333-00003423 Otherwise, UR--l4jkBZA-00014-00003423-00003706 the Streaming Analytics tile won’t show in cockpit. UR--l4jkBZA-00015-00003763-00003829 Now, UR--l4jkBZA-00016-00003829-00003986 let’s begin. UR--l4jkBZA-00017-00003986-00004199 On the system overview in cockpit, UR--l4jkBZA-00018-00004200-00004506 you can monitor your system behavior at a quick glance. UR--l4jkBZA-00019-00004506-00004619 You can see: UR--l4jkBZA-00020-00004620-00004826 the overall database status, UR--l4jkBZA-00021-00004826-00004989 the number of alerts, UR--l4jkBZA-00022-00004990-00005066 and, UR--l4jkBZA-00023-00005066-00005196 the memory, UR--l4jkBZA-00024-00005196-00005329 CPU, UR--l4jkBZA-00025-00005330-00005420 and disk usage UR--l4jkBZA-00026-00005420-00005620 of the resource you're connected to. UR--l4jkBZA-00027-00005620-00005860 On the Overall Database Status tile, UR--l4jkBZA-00028-00005860-00006093 you’ll see the status of the database, UR--l4jkBZA-00029-00006093-00006279 the number of services running, UR--l4jkBZA-00030-00006280-00006500 and the number of high-priority alerts, UR--l4jkBZA-00031-00006500-00006596 if any. UR--l4jkBZA-00032-00006596-00006856 If you select the Overall Database Status tile, UR--l4jkBZA-00033-00006856-00007096 you can see these statistics in more detail. UR--l4jkBZA-00034-00007096-00007389 To ensure that the data you’re seeing is current, UR--l4jkBZA-00035-00007390-00007636 select Reset Memory Statistics. UR--l4jkBZA-00036-00007756-00007926 Back in the system overview, UR--l4jkBZA-00037-00007966-00008113 in the Alerts tile, UR--l4jkBZA-00038-00008113-00008393 you can see how many alerts there are for each alert type. UR--l4jkBZA-00039-00008453-00008649 If you select Show all, UR--l4jkBZA-00040-00008650-00008756 you can: UR--l4jkBZA-00041-00008756-00008966 view all current alerts... UR--l4jkBZA-00042-00009166-00009329 and past alerts, UR--l4jkBZA-00043-00009526-00009796 filter alerts by the category, UR--l4jkBZA-00044-00009796-00009959 alert checkers, UR--l4jkBZA-00045-00009960-00010073 priority, UR--l4jkBZA-00046-00010073-00010216 and so on, UR--l4jkBZA-00047-00010216-00010306 and, UR--l4jkBZA-00048-00010306-00010543 configure alerts. UR--l4jkBZA-00049-00010543-00010766 For the Inactive Streaming applications alert, UR--l4jkBZA-00050-00010766-00010883 for example, UR--l4jkBZA-00051-00010883-00011189 you can change the thresholds for prioritized alerting, UR--l4jkBZA-00052-00011190-00011443 and you can choose who will receive email alerts. UR--l4jkBZA-00053-00011500-00011583 Normally, UR--l4jkBZA-00054-00011583-00011949 the HANA database issues alerts when values exceed their thresholds, UR--l4jkBZA-00055-00011950-00012180 but you can also trigger an alert checker UR--l4jkBZA-00056-00012180-00012313 by selecting Check Now. UR--l4jkBZA-00057-00012370-00012673 The alert checker then runs and identifies inactive projects, UR--l4jkBZA-00058-00012673-00012846 based on the threshold values you’ve set. UR--l4jkBZA-00059-00012926-00013136 Now that I’ve gone over system monitoring, UR--l4jkBZA-00060-00013136-00013416 next, I’ll talk about how to monitor individual projects. UR--l4jkBZA-00061-00013460-00013853 Go to the Streaming Analytics tile by scrolling down to the bottom of the page, UR--l4jkBZA-00062-00013853-00013929 or, UR--l4jkBZA-00063-00013930-00014190 by selecting SAP HANA Options. UR--l4jkBZA-00064-00014446-00014699 Choose Manage Streaming Projects. UR--l4jkBZA-00065-00014753-00014913 In this demo, UR--l4jkBZA-00066-00014913-00015216 I’ll look at the project I created in the previous video, UR--l4jkBZA-00067-00015216-00015386 which was ‘testproject’. UR--l4jkBZA-00068-00015386-00015569 On the Project Details page, UR--l4jkBZA-00069-00015569-00015783 you can see the project’s current status, UR--l4jkBZA-00070-00015783-00015853 ‘Running’, UR--l4jkBZA-00071-00015940-00016069 and its requested status, UR--l4jkBZA-00072-00016069-00016216 ‘STARTED-RUNNING’. UR--l4jkBZA-00073-00016216-00016469 This means that you’ve requested the project to start UR--l4jkBZA-00074-00016470-00016643 and it's fully functional. UR--l4jkBZA-00075-00016643-00016719 Here, UR--l4jkBZA-00076-00016720-00016820 You can stop, UR--l4jkBZA-00077-00016820-00016896 start, UR--l4jkBZA-00078-00016896-00017009 or delete the project. UR--l4jkBZA-00079-00017103-00017369 The Project Details page includes four tabs: UR--l4jkBZA-00080-00017420-00017523 System, UR--l4jkBZA-00081-00017523-00017629 Network, UR--l4jkBZA-00082-00017630-00017743 Streams, UR--l4jkBZA-00083-00017743-00017889 and Adapters. UR--l4jkBZA-00084-00017890-00018000 In the System tab, UR--l4jkBZA-00085-00018080-00018246 you can see the CPU, UR--l4jkBZA-00086-00018246-00018359 memory, UR--l4jkBZA-00087-00018360-00018583 and thread usage history of the project. UR--l4jkBZA-00088-00018676-00018789 In Network, UR--l4jkBZA-00089-00018790-00019073 you can see the number of rows sent and received, UR--l4jkBZA-00090-00019073-00019419 as well as the number of subscribers and publishers for the project. UR--l4jkBZA-00091-00019463-00019603 In the Streams tab, UR--l4jkBZA-00092-00019603-00019749 you can view QueueDepth UR--l4jkBZA-00093-00019750-00019993 - the number of rows waiting to be processed - UR--l4jkBZA-00094-00019993-00020133 and RowsInStore UR--l4jkBZA-00095-00020133-00020373 - the number of records in the stream’s log store. UR--l4jkBZA-00096-00020440-00020613 If you select a stream, UR--l4jkBZA-00097-00020613-00020816 you can see more detailed info, UR--l4jkBZA-00098-00020816-00021063 including CPU usage history, UR--l4jkBZA-00099-00021063-00021289 and rows/transaction throughput history, UR--l4jkBZA-00100-00021290-00021406 of the stream. UR--l4jkBZA-00101-00021640-00021790 In the Adapters tab, UR--l4jkBZA-00102-00021790-00022080 you can see the status of each adapter used in the project. UR--l4jkBZA-00103-00022146-00022286 If you select an adapter, UR--l4jkBZA-00104-00022333-00022479 you can see detailed info, UR--l4jkBZA-00105-00022500-00022566 including UR--l4jkBZA-00106-00022566-00022663 common stats, UR--l4jkBZA-00107-00022723-00022836 and custom stats, UR--l4jkBZA-00108-00022880-00022993 if any. UR--l4jkBZA-00109-00023080-00023246 And there you have it! UR--l4jkBZA-00110-00023246-00023453 If you ever need help in cockpit, UR--l4jkBZA-00111-00023453-00023809 select the question mark at the top right corner. UR--l4jkBZA-00112-00023893-00024029 For more information, UR--l4jkBZA-00113-00024030-00024326 take a look at the streaming and cockpit documentation, UR--l4jkBZA-00114-00024326-00024713 and check out the full library of streaming videos on the HANA Academy. UR--l4jkBZA-00115-00024783-00024889 Thanks for watching! UTr4Fg-VFjg-00000-00000806-00001373 hello guys welcome back with me isengdudegame... okay we do guild battle.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00001-00001373-00001716 I usually do summon this saturday video UTr4Fg-VFjg-00002-00001733-00002133 But i will keep it for new monster... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00003-00002180-00002580 We attack +1 yellow... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00004-00002710-00002986 Ouch so lazy... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00005-00003543-00003826 R2 is already good.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00006-00003826-00004033 R1?? UTr4Fg-VFjg-00007-00004053-00004243 Also good.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00008-00004893-00005136 Leftover... def like this.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00009-00005220-00005486 So lazy attack this def... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00010-00006143-00006419 R1 will takes time.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00011-00006420-00006820 We play safe.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00012-00007840-00008166 Ouch got strip UTr4Fg-VFjg-00013-00008190-00008400 Lets finish it.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00014-00009363-00009653 Nice def break... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00015-00009770-00010043 No procs... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00016-00010936-00011169 Kill it.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00017-00011510-00011776 Finish him.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00018-00012116-00012443 Kill again.. good... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00019-00012570-00012813 We kill Khmun now.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00020-00013013-00013323 Can we kill? i think its not.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00021-00014013-00014583 Okay, this Elad challenge me.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00022-00015023-00015389 Ouch.. he will heal again.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00023-00015419-00015703 Its okay.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00024-00015836-00016133 Nice.. 1 more hit... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00025-00016173-00016456 Okay, Elad dead... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00026-00016656-00016866 Only Khmun left... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00027-00017483-00017826 Ouch no def break... leave it.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00028-00018500-00018843 Still no def break.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00029-00019153-00019553 Okay good if like this.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00030-00020406-00020639 Continue.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00031-00021153-00021469 Usually Ritesh will heal.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00032-00021820-00021996 Good... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00033-00022120-00022520 Please dont def break Chasun... good.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00034-00022573-00022833 Kill Molong.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00035-00026663-00027063 Hit again bro... this is good... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00036-00027220-00027620 TOP.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00037-00028486-00028719 R2 very cancer... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00038-00028746-00029069 So scary... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00039-00029070-00029510 Can we Lushen R1?? lets try... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00040-00030006-00030299 Betta must die... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00041-00032273-00032483 Ouch... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00042-00032533-00032933 Damn it UTr4Fg-VFjg-00043-00034233-00034633 We need to kill Betta... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00044-00034850-00035006 Lucky we win this UTr4Fg-VFjg-00045-00035080-00035390 Its okay just provoke... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00046-00035750-00036150 Crazy, no def break... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00047-00036383-00036783 ATB go!!!!! we can use it again.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00048-00037386-00037713 This is so good.. okay... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00049-00037763-00038163 TOP UTr4Fg-VFjg-00050-00038730-00038963 This Perna is savage... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00051-00039086-00039486 With Bastet, Perna is As*h*le UTr4Fg-VFjg-00052-00040310-00040710 Lets do buff.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00053-00041303-00041763 Leave it.... good def break... good... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00054-00041916-00042466 Ouch Racuni in danger... Can be 1 hit by Perna... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00055-00043553-00043719 Damn it... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00056-00043720-00044120 Procs please.... procs... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00057-00044206-00044416 Still not procs... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00058-00044630-00045030 Crazy... thats hurt... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00059-00045626-00045909 Chandra should be dead.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00060-00045943-00046619 I before got Fengyan very scared this AD.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00061-00047123-00047249 Procs!!! UTr4Fg-VFjg-00062-00047250-00047650 Still no procs untill now.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00063-00048283-00048683 That crazy.... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00064-00048763-00048986 Shit... stun.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00065-00049796-00049913 Still not dead.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00066-00049966-00050366 My Fengyan still no procs... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00067-00050420-00050660 He procs?? UTr4Fg-VFjg-00068-00051023-00051346 Die!!! okay ready... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00069-00051433-00051683 We kill Bastet.... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00070-00051683-00051899 More... more.... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00071-00052166-00052616 Please do it again... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00072-00054129-00054346 No def break... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00073-00054373-00054773 Wow def break, but Racuni in danger.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00074-00054873-00055179 Will dead hit by Perna... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00075-00056136-00056376 Its okay... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00076-00056400-00056776 Still not procs... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00077-00057636-00057779 Die!!! UTr4Fg-VFjg-00078-00057790-00058040 Still not.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00079-00058690-00059090 If only Perna alone... so far so good... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00080-00059856-00060106 Finally procs... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00081-00062146-00062429 Okay we hit +3... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00082-00062913-00063566 For R1 we can win it if Molong Reckless Arnold.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00083-00063566-00063849 If not we are in trouble.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00084-00063850-00064023 We dead... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00085-00064056-00064313 Cause we will be provoke by Jeanne.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00086-00064313-00064536 R2 we use this again, lets go.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00087-00065543-00065743 Good.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00088-00066000-00066283 This is good... die you!!! UTr4Fg-VFjg-00089-00066283-00066456 Okay good.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00090-00067640-00067866 Please def break both... okay... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00091-00067956-00068166 Its okay.... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00092-00068463-00068646 Good... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00093-00069136-00069319 Please provoke, you will dead.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00094-00069593-00069836 Ouch no def break.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00095-00069933-00070116 Provoke again... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00096-00070116-00070339 He protect... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00097-00071270-00071670 Chasun should survive tank Perna UTr4Fg-VFjg-00098-00071670-00072233 If not the altenative you can use Ariel.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00099-00073126-00073453 Perna destroy...... near half.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00100-00074716-00075016 Let see can we def break?? UTr4Fg-VFjg-00101-00075276-00075403 Got it.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00102-00075660-00075883 Hit again bro.... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00103-00077610-00077950 Not def break on Khmun.. too bad... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00104-00078036-00078303 Please procs... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00105-00079293-00079559 Okay good... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00106-00081233-00081356 Die!!! UTr4Fg-VFjg-00107-00081393-00081793 Revive again.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00108-00082130-00082336 Hit again... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00109-00082360-00082760 Looks like he dead... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00110-00082896-00083136 Okay, ready.. procs... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00111-00083183-00083456 Its not... but nice.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00112-00083496-00083689 Die you!!! UTr4Fg-VFjg-00113-00083760-00084016 Hit again bro before got Khmun shield... UTr4Fg-VFjg-00114-00084040-00084280 Ouch so close.... damn it.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00115-00086146-00086579 Ouch still no def break... Damn long battle.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00116-00095963-00096089 Ouch so close.. UTr4Fg-VFjg-00117-00096090-00096623 Okay thats all from me... Thank you... comment like subscribe... bye bye.... UUGvW2RMo4A-00000-00029482-00030206 If You Like This Video, Don't Forget to Subscribe This Channel. If You Like Videos Then Share Your Valuable Comments Below It. UW_wbd-ufqM-00000-00000963-00001253 If you're a parent that has just found out UW_wbd-ufqM-00001-00001253-00001503 that your child is deaf or hard of hearing, UW_wbd-ufqM-00002-00001503-00001846 in order to start creating your wisdom, UW_wbd-ufqM-00003-00001846-00001980 at some point, UW_wbd-ufqM-00004-00001980-00002423 I think you have to start investigating your options UW_wbd-ufqM-00005-00002423-00002810 to create that foundation of wisdom. UW_wbd-ufqM-00006-00002810-00003050 You can't create it by ignoring the fact UW_wbd-ufqM-00007-00003050-00003200 that they're deaf or hard of hearing. UW_wbd-ufqM-00008-00003200-00003306 You can't create it UW_wbd-ufqM-00009-00003306-00003546 by not wanting to get involved in the schools. UW_wbd-ufqM-00010-00003546-00003870 You can't create it by not listening to your children UW_wbd-ufqM-00011-00003870-00004070 when they're telling you what it is UW_wbd-ufqM-00012-00004070-00004266 that they want for themselves. UW_wbd-ufqM-00013-00004266-00004670 I think as a parent, you've just got to continue UW_wbd-ufqM-00014-00004670-00004806 to keep trying your best. UW_wbd-ufqM-00015-00004806-00005123 And there's not a wrong or right way to do it. UW_wbd-ufqM-00016-00005123-00005383 You've just got to continue UW_wbd-ufqM-00017-00005383-00005566 hoping that you're doing the right thing. UW_wbd-ufqM-00018-00005566-00005690 And I know that your children UW_wbd-ufqM-00019-00005690-00005940 will value you a lot more as a parent UW_wbd-ufqM-00020-00005940-00006390 when they know that you're truly trying. UW_wbd-ufqM-00021-00006390-00006670 And you can't start trying unless you start searching. UW_wbd-ufqM-00022-00006670-00007036 So, I think for parents, just to continue the wisdom UW_wbd-ufqM-00023-00007036-00007226 that you're searching for it. UW_wbd-ufqM-00024-00007226-00007606 It's a continual, perpetual, UW_wbd-ufqM-00025-00007606-00007883 forever and ever adventure and journey. UW_wbd-ufqM-00026-00007883-00008426 But it's one that has so many benefits UW_wbd-ufqM-00027-00008426-00008590 not only for yourself as a parent, UW_wbd-ufqM-00028-00008590-00008813 but also for your children, obviously. UW_wbd-ufqM-00029-00008813-00009073 But you gain so much as a parent, UW_wbd-ufqM-00030-00009073-00009330 so just continue to research. UW_wbd-ufqM-00031-00009330-00009510 For professionals... UW_wbd-ufqM-00032-00009510-00009826 We've had really great professionals. UW_wbd-ufqM-00033-00009826-00010096 We've worked with some that just weren't really knowledgeable UW_wbd-ufqM-00034-00010096-00010656 about the area that our children so happened to need help in. UW_wbd-ufqM-00035-00010656-00011003 And so, if you're a professional, UW_wbd-ufqM-00036-00011003-00011270 I would strongly encourage you UW_wbd-ufqM-00037-00011270-00011633 to get involved with the community UW_wbd-ufqM-00038-00011633-00011993 of people that you're serving. UW_wbd-ufqM-00039-00011993-00012223 Find ways and outlets to get involved UW_wbd-ufqM-00040-00012223-00012490 and stay in tune with the newest and the latest UW_wbd-ufqM-00041-00012490-00012773 because you are the parents' resource. UW_wbd-ufqM-00042-00012773-00012886 You are the parents' guide. UW_wbd-ufqM-00043-00012886-00013150 You're who the parent gets to meet first, UW_wbd-ufqM-00044-00013150-00013310 see first and know first. UW_wbd-ufqM-00045-00013310-00013530 And if you steer them the wrong way, UW_wbd-ufqM-00046-00013530-00013719 if you give them the wrong opinion, UW_wbd-ufqM-00047-00013719-00014000 if you make them feel like just because their children UW_wbd-ufqM-00048-00014000-00014203 are deaf or hard of hearing, UW_wbd-ufqM-00049-00014203-00014406 that somehow they've done something wrong, UW_wbd-ufqM-00050-00014406-00014826 or somehow their children are degenerates of some sort, UW_wbd-ufqM-00051-00014826-00015083 you've done a great injustice UW_wbd-ufqM-00052-00015083-00015366 to those parents and to those children. UW_wbd-ufqM-00053-00015366-00015586 Because it's you that makes the difference. UW_wbd-ufqM-00054-00015586-00015836 It's you that helps them choose the path. UW_wbd-ufqM-00055-00015836-00016272 And I just hope and pray that as a professional, UW_wbd-ufqM-00056-00016272-00016766 that you'll just continue to enrich the lives of parents UW_wbd-ufqM-00057-00016766-00016896 because it's not the end of the world UW_wbd-ufqM-00058-00016896-00017060 to find out that their children is deaf. UW_wbd-ufqM-00059-00017060-00017330 Or it's not the end of the world when they find out UW_wbd-ufqM-00060-00017330-00017576 that their child is deaf or hard of hearing. UW_wbd-ufqM-00061-00017576-00017893 But it may seem that way when it's presented that way. UW_wbd-ufqM-00062-00017893-00018176 So, just keep that in mind. Ue3xp_K0fAQ-00000-00000000-00000656 Words of wisdom this evening joining us now from Los Angeles man about town Norm Macdonald Ue3xp_K0fAQ-00001-00000760-00001288 good to see you happy new year to you sir Oh happy new year I hope you have a merry Christmas Ue3xp_K0fAQ-00002-00001288-00001823 we had a great Christmas and we were uh we were saying merry Christmas quite often Ue3xp_K0fAQ-00003-00001823-00002568 and uh yeah in LA in LA they're uh I mean I know you've maybe won the culture war but in LA it's Ue3xp_K0fAQ-00004-00002568-00002984 it's still a little secular-progressive I had carolers come to my house Ue3xp_K0fAQ-00005-00003064-00003576 and I, I have a feeling they may have been atheists because of some of the carols they saying Ue3xp_K0fAQ-00006-00003576-00004376 like they're saying uh nothing rest ye marry gentlemen and uh Hark the Herald Johnson sing Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00000-00000090-00000516 [Carl Malamud] Thank you Ed, I really appreciate the invitation to be here today and especially Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00001-00000516-00000875 to be in the company of so many leading intellectual property experts. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00002-00000875-00001329 I must say, I’m not used to speaking at Continuing Legal Education events. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00003-00001329-00001732 I have to also confess, this may shock some of you … I’m not a lawyer. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00004-00001732-00001832 I’m the defendant. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00005-00001832-00001984 Usually, I’m the defendant. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00006-00001984-00002214 Sometimes, I’m the plaintiff. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00007-00002214-00002509 Plaintiff is more fun. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00008-00002509-00003046 Public Resource, my organization, makes knowledge—and in particular, knowledge created with public Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00009-00003046-00003367 funds or with a public purpose—more broadly available. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00010-00003367-00003593 And, sometimes people don’t like that. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00011-00003593-00003804 So, we try and clear title to this knowledge. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00012-00003804-00004390 We make it available, and make the case for why we are allowed to perform this act. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00013-00004390-00004872 Access to knowledge is a human right, and the knowledge we specialize in is edicts of Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00014-00004872-00005527 government, the underpinnings of the rule of law, the raw materials of our democracies. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00015-00005527-00006014 Lord Tom Bingham—the late Lord Chief Justice of the United Kingdom, and one of the great Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00016-00006014-00006550 jurists of our time—said there were three prongs to the rule of law, and here at Public Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00017-00006550-00006987 Resource, we live in the second prong, which is promulgation. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00018-00006987-00007498 The first prong of the rule of law is—of course—that the laws shall be written down, Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00019-00007498-00007736 and written down before the fact. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00020-00007736-00008228 That we don’t make up the law as we go along, we make the law first. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00021-00008228-00008818 We are, as they used to say, we are an empire of laws, not a nation of people. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00022-00008818-00009307 Well, what they said was “nation of men” and what they meant was “nation of white Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00023-00009307-00009448 men” but you get the point. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00024-00009448-00009782 The rule of law means the law rules. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00025-00009782-00010011 The second prong is promulgation. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00026-00010011-00010268 You can’t have a secret law. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00027-00010268-00010760 You can have guidelines that are perhaps restricted in view for security reasons, and that’s Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00028-00010760-00011207 still a written rule, but it isn’t a promulgated law. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00029-00011207-00011860 When you don’t promulgate the law, it can’t be a law of general applicability. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00030-00011860-00012259 Promulgation is where I live, and that is necessary, but it is not sufficient. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00031-00012259-00012679 It is general applicability that is the third prong. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00032-00012679-00013053 Are the laws fair and do they apply to all equally? Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00033-00013053-00013672 If women or people of color are specifically or even implicitly denied a right that is Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00034-00013672-00014419 available to others, then even if you promulgate that law, you do not have the rule of law. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00035-00014419-00014953 If a lunch counter is only available to white people and not to black people or if only Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00036-00014953-00015572 males can vote but females cannot, then you do not have the rule of law. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00037-00015572-00016124 Public Resource lives in-between the creation of the law and the requirement of general Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00038-00016124-00016874 applicability that asks if the laws are just and equal and fair and proper, if the laws Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00039-00016874-00017229 reflect the society we wish to be. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00040-00017229-00017890 We live in-between the sausage factory and that shining city on the hill. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00041-00017890-00018176 The middle part seems like it should be easy. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00042-00018176-00018544 The two other ends of this pipeline are certainly hard. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00043-00018544-00018872 But, promulgation has proven to be hard as well. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00044-00018872-00019418 At Public Resource, we believe edicts of government need to be more widely available. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00045-00019418-00019680 Not just to read, but to repeat. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00046-00019680-00020225 Our fight is not about your right to read the law, it is about our right—our collective Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00047-00020225-00020773 right—to speak the law, to transform the law, to better inform ourselves as citizens Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00048-00020773-00021058 of our rights, and of our responsibilities. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00049-00021058-00021395 Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00050-00021395-00021936 So, that’s what we do, and that’s led me on the road to Georgia. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00051-00021936-00022520 We look for public data that has unwarranted paywalls and terms of use and other fences Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00052-00022520-00023116 and keep off the grass signs around what should rightly be part of the public domain. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00053-00023116-00023688 I said we build web sites, but that isn’t really our focus, though we spin several million Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00054-00023688-00024227 files over couple dozen domains that stretch back almost 30 years. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00055-00024227-00024756 We also have a YouTube channel with 100 million views and have a couple million objects up Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00056-00024756-00025352 on the Internet Archive, including the largest library of Indian books on the Internet. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00057-00025352-00025923 When we put a database up, we do the best we can given our resources and our expertise. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00058-00025923-00026577 We do a good job, but in each and every case, we don’t do as good a job as could be done. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00059-00026577-00026773 But good isn’t the goal. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00060-00026773-00027230 The goal is to get other people to be able to get this data and build better sites. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00061-00027230-00027758 The goal is to get the government to make that data available without restriction, because Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00062-00027758-00028344 when we make every sluice of knowledge get set a-flowing in all directions, that’s Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00063-00028344-00029052 how the information gets transformed into new and more usable and more accessible formats. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00064-00029052-00029438 Public Resource is in the manumission business. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00065-00029438-00029832 We look for data that has public purpose and private fences. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00066-00029832-00030413 We look for examples that are so obvious—situations with such overreach—that you can explain Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00067-00030413-00030962 why this is nuts to a member of congress or member of parliament in under a minute. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00068-00030962-00031455 Not just to elected officials, but also all the senior bureaucrats and baboos and other Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00069-00031455-00031948 officials in government, and to the members of the bar and to tech industry folks, and Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00070-00031948-00032298 to the guy sitting next to you at the bar having a beer. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00071-00032298-00032828 The edicts of government we specialize in are those that should just so obviously be Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00072-00032828-00032930 available. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00073-00032930-00033421 Like building codes and electrical codes and occupational safety codes. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00074-00033421-00033947 Those laws are hidden behind paywalls and copyright assertions, but they are no less Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00075-00033947-00034282 law-like than any other law. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00076-00034282-00034875 Public safety codes are a situation where a private tax on access to the law has become Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00077-00034875-00035052 institutionalized. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00078-00035052-00035579 It has been a big fight, we’re back in the U.S. District Court now, over 6 years of being Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00079-00035579-00036180 sued by the standards cartel, groups like the National Fire Protection Association and Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00080-00036180-00036280 ASTM. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00081-00036280-00036803 These are nonprofits with incredibly rich pay packages for their top executives and Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00082-00036803-00037460 the real work all getting done by civic-minded fire chiefs and building inspectors and safety Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00083-00037460-00038177 engineers who volunteer their time to enhance our public safety, to make our world better. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00084-00038177-00038678 When the codes are adopted by government—and the very purpose of these codes is to be adopted Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00085-00038678-00038968 by government—then they become law. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00086-00038968-00039529 The idea that your local electrical code should only be available to you under tightly constrained Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00087-00039529-00040137 circumstances, many of which require you to expend funds and use whatever brain-dead user Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00088-00040137-00040721 interface the code people deem to be the only way you shall read the law—with significant Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00089-00040721-00041252 constraints on your ability and purported right to actually speak that law—is one Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00090-00041252-00041646 of those 1-minute “you’ve got to be kidding” issues. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00091-00041646-00041888 There is an even more nuts situation. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00092-00041888-00042312 The argument the standards people make is that standards aren’t really the law, they Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00093-00042312-00042808 are somehow voluntary because they issue and publish them as private documents and only Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00094-00042808-00043184 after the fact are they adopted into law. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00095-00043184-00043590 Some government folks have bought into the fiction that this particular piece of the Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00096-00043590-00043936 law has become the private property of profiteers. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00097-00043936-00044430 That’s nuts of course, and I don’t believe that fiction for a minute, but even more nuts Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00098-00044430-00044888 is when a state—a sovereign democratic state—plays that same game. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00099-00044888-00045438 Amazingly enough, there are a half-dozen states in the United States of America that believe Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00100-00045438-00045680 they actually do own the law. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00101-00045680-00045919 That they have copyright in the law. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00102-00045919-00046408 That they may determine the conditions upon which the law is made available—and those Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00103-00046408-00046807 conditions are like the private hot dog stand in the public park. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00104-00046807-00047258 If you want a hot dog, you have to pay the designated concessionaire and you have to Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00105-00047258-00047763 buy only the hot dogs that they deem worthy of your consumption at a price that they determine. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00106-00047763-00048200 They also have a sign up that says no outside hot dogs are allowed. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00107-00048200-00048592 This practice extends to all branches of government, to all levels. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00108-00048592-00049113 But perhaps the most offensive is the idea that the official laws of a state—the compiled Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00109-00049113-00049640 and edited laws that have been codified—that this can’t be used freely. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00110-00049640-00050076 After the State of Oregon noticed that Justia and Public Resource had copies of “their” Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00111-00050076-00050340 revised statutes on-line, they threatened to sue. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00112-00050340-00050496 We threatened to sue back. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00113-00050496-00050916 It all worked out in the end, a joint committee of the House and Senate of Oregon invited Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00114-00050916-00051434 us to testify, the matter was debated, and the committee voted to waive all assertions Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00115-00051434-00051691 of copyright in their statutes. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00116-00051691-00051908 We had similar run-ins with other states. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00117-00051908-00052342 But Oregon was different, because it was the state that was not only asserting copyright. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00118-00052342-00052632 It was the state that was doing the codification. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00119-00052632-00052881 It was the state that had the web site. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00120-00052881-00053189 In Georgia, the state had made a devil’s bargain. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00121-00053189-00053698 The deal was with a private organization, in this case a company called Mathew Bender, Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00122-00053698-00054116 which has of course been swallowed up into the gorilla that is Lexis, which is part of Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00123-00054116-00054719 the even bigger elephant that is LexisNexis, which is of course part of the vast Reed Elsevier Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00124-00054719-00054863 RELX universe. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00125-00054863-00055063 A state onto itself. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00126-00055063-00055555 This is a company that believes it has an exclusive license to not only the laws of Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00127-00055555-00056197 a dozen states but a vast expanse of scientific and scholarly papers and many other so-called Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00128-00056197-00056814 intellectual properties that are part of what Jamie Boyle calls the second great enclosure Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00129-00056814-00056951 movement. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00130-00056951-00057437 The deal that Georgia cut was that Lexis would do what was purportedly the bulk of the heavy Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00131-00057437-00058093 lifting, all the hard stuff, the codification, and that the Official Code of Georgia Annotated Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00132-00058093-00058330 would be automagically produced by Lexis. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00133-00058330-00058948 It would save the state millions if not tens of millions of dollars, of really really hard Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00134-00058948-00059452 work, and that it was only fair that in return Lexis would get the exclusive right to sell Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00135-00059452-00059657 the laws of Georgia. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00136-00059657-00060133 This is a fiction of course, because the Code Revision Commission is definitely in the drivers Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00137-00060133-00060498 seat on this process and does a huge part of the heavy lifting. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00138-00060498-00061029 Then, they deliver the completed code over to the full legislature once a year which Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00139-00061029-00061695 affirmatively endorses it, and this is the thing that is the Official Code of George Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00140-00061695-00061800 Annotated. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00141-00061800-00062429 There is a really bad, totally unusable, so-called “free” site with onerous terms of use Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00142-00062429-00063154 and lack of accessibility, and a very dumbed-down unannotated unofficial code of Georgia. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00143-00063154-00063714 But, it’s not the OCGA, and even with that site, you’re not supposed to actually really Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00144-00063714-00063938 use it, according to the EULA. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00145-00063938-00064491 If you’re a vendor or anybody else that wants to put up an OCGA site, you were not Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00146-00064491-00064698 allowed to play on this grass at all. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00147-00064698-00065224 Fastcase, for example, one of the best legal service providers out there, is also the official Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00148-00065224-00065599 provider of case law to the Georgia Bar Association. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00149-00065599-00066114 If you’re a solo practitioner in deep rural Georgia, you are probably getting your legal Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00150-00066114-00066323 research on Fastcase. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00151-00066323-00066680 Especially since your law library is probably closed right now. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00152-00066680-00067192 Fastcase asked Georgia and Lexis if they could license the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00153-00067192-00067593 They were told, and I quote, “not at any price.” Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00154-00067593-00067986 Georgia wasn’t the only one playing this game, and quite a few of the ones that were Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00155-00067986-00068330 farthest out on the ledge were clients of Lexis. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00156-00068330-00068911 So, in 2013, I picked a few states and bought the official codes of Georgia, Mississippi, Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00157-00068911-00069106 and a few others. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00158-00069106-00069336 Now, this is not an easy thing to buy. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00159-00069336-00069794 You need to call in and get a sales rep, and we’re talking a couple thousand dollars Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00160-00069794-00070358 per state for the initial purchase, and you’re spending another couple thousand a year to Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00161-00070358-00070533 get your updates. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00162-00070533-00070977 We scanned these laws, put them up on the Internet Archive, put them on our site, and Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00163-00070977-00071410 sent a letter to the Speaker of the House of Georgia and various other of the good and Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00164-00071410-00071945 great in the chain of command for speaking the official law in the Great Peach State. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00165-00071945-00072372 The letter was on the lines of “we’re sure you’ll be delighted to know that the Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00166-00072372-00072781 official laws of Georgia are now even more widely available, please let us know if we Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00167-00072781-00073004 can do anything to help.” Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00168-00073004-00073482 Just to show this was for real—since we weren’t sure they actually used the Internet—we Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00169-00073482-00073968 put a copy of the Georgia code on a peanut thumb drive and enclosed it in the letter. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00170-00073968-00074124 Did the same thing for other states. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00171-00074124-00074572 For Idaho, we had ornamental potatoes, the kind of thing you’d find in the display Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00172-00074572-00075182 window outside a restaurant, and we put USB drives in those and sent them on to Boise. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00173-00075182-00075420 Anyway, nobody was amused. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00174-00075420-00075833 Mississippi’s attorney general sent back a really nasty letter. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00175-00075833-00075983 Georgia, likewise. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00176-00075983-00076576 They insisted that we cease, and they insisted that we desist, and we respectfully declined Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00177-00076576-00076758 to do either. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00178-00076758-00077288 Each time, I repeated offers to fly to Jackson and Atlanta and Boise to talk, to help work Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00179-00077288-00077873 through this important issue based on common goals we shared of serving the public since Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00180-00077873-00078362 we were all, after all, fellow public servants. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00181-00078362-00078713 The “my fellow public servants” thing didn’t seem to resonate and after a few Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00182-00078713-00079120 more rounds of letters, Georgia sued us in the Northern District of Georgia. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00183-00079120-00079673 They accused me of a “strategy of terrorism” which was aimed to “force government entities Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00184-00079673-00080007 to publish documents on Malamud's terms.” Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00185-00080007-00080512 My wonderful lawyer Elizabeth Rader and the firm of Alston and Bird responded that these Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00186-00080512-00080893 were “bizarre, defamatory and gratuitous allegations.” Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00187-00080893-00081068 So there. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00188-00081068-00081494 Calling me a terrorist was probably not a messaging strategy they cleared with PR, and Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00189-00081494-00081741 the LA Times jumped all over it. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00190-00081741-00082224 “Terrorism” makes a great headline, particularly if it is about publishing the official law Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00191-00082224-00082730 and the photo they had was of me in a suit and tie testifying before the U.S. Congress. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00192-00082730-00082895 So we got sued. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00193-00082895-00083332 Unlike with the law firm for the venal private plaintiffs in the standards case who are paid Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00194-00083332-00083926 by the hour and so they torture us with discovery requests just for fun, with the state, discovery Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00195-00083926-00084026 was easy. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00196-00084026-00084126 I confessed. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00197-00084126-00084226 Mea culpa. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00198-00084226-00084326 I did the deed. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00199-00084326-00084606 Here’s my receipts, here’s my stats, let’s get on with it. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00200-00084606-00085135 We were able to stipulate the key facts after a modest exchange of documents. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00201-00085135-00085304 In the district court, I lost. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00202-00085304-00085404 No trial. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00203-00085404-00085504 Summary judgement. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00204-00085504-00085673 Judge just wasn’t buying it. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00205-00085673-00086154 Federal injunction imposed, no posting of the Georgia law by me or it would be a trip Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00206-00086154-00086439 to the big house for contempt of court. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00207-00086439-00086951 Elizabeth Rader had gone solo by then, and it’s a huge lift to ask a solo practitioner—in Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00208-00086951-00087536 fact, I didn’t ask, she simply volunteered—to do a court of appeals suit pro bono, but wow, Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00209-00087536-00087669 she did it. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00210-00087669-00088170 ACLU intervened on our behalf, got permission to do oral argument with us. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00211-00088170-00088604 David Halperin, who’s been my of counsel since we started, pitched in big time. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00212-00088604-00089060 They let me do the amicus wrangling since I can’t write briefs any better than I can Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00213-00089060-00089343 code, and we had an outpouring of support. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00214-00089343-00089795 It took a year, but the Court of Appeals came down with a wonderful opinion about how the Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00215-00089795-00090289 law belongs to the people and all that kind of, you know, communist propaganda that I Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00216-00090289-00090574 had been espousing in my letters to the state. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00217-00090574-00090958 When Georgia asked for Cert from the Supreme Court, they came in with a bunch of state Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00218-00090958-00091436 Attorneys General—from Lexis states of course—which I don’t think was a coincidence. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00219-00091436-00091935 I asked Tommy Goldstein if his firm could represent us and he readily said yes. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00220-00091935-00092487 Eric Citron from Goldstein & Russell worked with Elizabeth Rader and David Halperin. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00221-00092487-00092931 Normally, when you’ve won in the court of appeals, your job is to tell the Supreme Court Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00222-00092931-00093456 that the 11th Circuit wrote a beautiful opinion, nothing to see here, let’s just all move Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00223-00093456-00093556 along. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00224-00093556-00093973 But, the truth is I have had to deal with this not just with Georgia and Mississippi, Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00225-00093973-00094268 but Oregon and Idaho and the District of Columbia. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00226-00094268-00094827 And, the truth is we are facing an exactly similar situation with the standards cartel. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00227-00094827-00095422 In both cases, a private party claims the exclusive right to sell the law on whatever Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00228-00095422-00095749 terms and conditions they can get away with. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00229-00095749-00096273 We decided the only honest thing to say was that we welcomed Supreme Court review and Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00230-00096273-00096617 acquiesced to Georgia’s application for cert. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00231-00096617-00097041 We told the Supreme Court we welcomed their taking a look and to tell us what the rule Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00232-00097041-00097414 is about what we can do and what we cannot do. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00233-00097414-00097569 Just tell us what the rule is. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00234-00097569-00098216 As with before, I was the amicus wrangler, and I’m proud to say we had 19—count them Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00235-00098216-00098347 19—amicus briefs. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00236-00098347-00098818 Two particularly spectacular briefs were written by Shyam and Marta, who you’re about to Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00237-00098818-00098935 hear from. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00238-00098935-00099052 So here we are. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00239-00099052-00099623 We got a nice strong 5-4 opinion—with the 5 youngest justices coming in on our side. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00240-00099623-00100087 It was very across-the-aisle, right wing and left wing both coming in for us. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00241-00100087-00100572 So now, we’re trying to finish up our District Court case on the standards issue, and we Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00242-00100572-00101129 have similar suits on edicts of government pending in the European Court of Justice and Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00243-00101129-00101310 the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00244-00101310-00101829 I appreciate this opportunity to confess to you what I did and why I did it. Ug_tJ3aW4tY-00245-00101829-00101932 Thank you for listening. UjG-fW_IsRE-00000-00000015-00000442 Section 9.2 example 2, practicing the formulas. UjG-fW_IsRE-00001-00000442-00000676 So we're just going to practice the formulas a little bit UjG-fW_IsRE-00002-00000676-00000909 and then we'll actually do a full hypothesis test. UjG-fW_IsRE-00003-00000954-00001152 The formula is a little intimidating. UjG-fW_IsRE-00004-00001152-00001387 So we want to get some practice. UjG-fW_IsRE-00005-00001412-00001672 So we're just going to practice finding the test step UjG-fW_IsRE-00006-00001672-00001849 which is the Z score and the p-value. UjG-fW_IsRE-00007-00001849-00002053 So before I start I'm just gonna write UjG-fW_IsRE-00008-00002053-00002249 down the formula for the z-score. UjG-fW_IsRE-00009-00002249-00002701 It's going to be P hat minus p 0 all over the square root UjG-fW_IsRE-00010-00002701-00003248 of p 0 times 1 minus p 0 All Over N so it's an ugly formula. UjG-fW_IsRE-00011-00003390-00003522 I usually like to put parentheses UjG-fW_IsRE-00012-00003522-00003851 around that top it helps type it on the calculator correctly. UjG-fW_IsRE-00013-00003951-00004286 So we have a hypothesis where p is equal UjG-fW_IsRE-00014-00004286-00004522 to point two one six four and rh1. UjG-fW_IsRE-00015-00004522-00005019 We want to prove that P is greater than 0.2 164. UjG-fW_IsRE-00016-00005040-00005261 So that will be P0 P0 is the one UjG-fW_IsRE-00017-00005261-00005589 from the hypothesis P zero is point to 164. UjG-fW_IsRE-00018-00005648-00005806 Our Alpha is 0.05. UjG-fW_IsRE-00019-00005806-00005982 So that's our cutoff, which we'll talk UjG-fW_IsRE-00020-00005982-00006076 about when we get there. UjG-fW_IsRE-00021-00006139-00006641 And then our X that would be our number of successes is 114 UjG-fW_IsRE-00022-00006691-00006972 and N is the total at 4:13. UjG-fW_IsRE-00023-00007006-00007378 So P hat would just be one 14 out of 4:13. UjG-fW_IsRE-00024-00007413-00007779 I went ahead and divide it and I got point two seven six zero. UjG-fW_IsRE-00025-00007851-00008060 So yeah, it's a bit bigger than the 21. UjG-fW_IsRE-00026-00008060-00008346 So 26% compared to 21 percent. UjG-fW_IsRE-00027-00008382-00008467 It's a bit bigger. UjG-fW_IsRE-00028-00008496-00008704 So let's go ahead and find the z-score to figure UjG-fW_IsRE-00029-00008704-00008969 out if it's big enough or if it's just random. UjG-fW_IsRE-00030-00009122-00009802 So a point-to-point 2760 - point to 164 all over UjG-fW_IsRE-00031-00009802-00010229 and then make sure you're using p 0 in the denominator. UjG-fW_IsRE-00032-00010289-00010691 So point to 164 times one minus point two one six UjG-fW_IsRE-00033-00010702-00011007 for All Over N of 413. UjG-fW_IsRE-00034-00011007-00011318 And then I'll add parentheses to the top UjG-fW_IsRE-00035-00011318-00011440 and just type everything at once. UjG-fW_IsRE-00036-00011496-00012164 So go ahead and type it and then check UjG-fW_IsRE-00037-00012965-00013549 that you get the same answer as me. UjG-fW_IsRE-00038-00013587-00013925 So I got 2.94 one for my Z score. UjG-fW_IsRE-00039-00013925-00014307 So again, that means it's probably strong evidence UjG-fW_IsRE-00040-00014307-00014524 because it's beyond that two standard deviations, UjG-fW_IsRE-00041-00014541-00014779 but we're going to do the p-value to assess the risk. UjG-fW_IsRE-00042-00014830-00015210 So P value means we draw the normal curve. UjG-fW_IsRE-00043-00015210-00015604 I'm going to put the z-score of 2.94 one on the curve. UjG-fW_IsRE-00044-00015682-00015954 We're doing a greater then so I'm going to shade to the right. UjG-fW_IsRE-00045-00016459-00016723 And then we will do normal CDF we find the area. UjG-fW_IsRE-00046-00016747-00017145 So the p-value is the area. UjG-fW_IsRE-00047-00017167-00017331 So it's normal CDF. UjG-fW_IsRE-00048-00017360-00017714 My lower is 2.9 for one and my upper is 10 UjG-fW_IsRE-00049-00017714-00017883 to the 99 for Infinity. UjG-fW_IsRE-00050-00017918-00018059 Go ahead and calculate that and check UjG-fW_IsRE-00051-00018059-00019673 that you get the same number. UjG-fW_IsRE-00052-00019702-00019856 And we get a little risk 0016. UjG-fW_IsRE-00053-00019856-00020481 It's pretty unlikely that it's random UjG-fW_IsRE-00054-00020481-00020839 if the percent actually is 21. UjG-fW_IsRE-00055-00020839-00021117 So because it's so unlikely we're going to reject that UjG-fW_IsRE-00056-00021146-00021326 and say the percent is actually bigger. UjG-fW_IsRE-00057-00021360-00021527 So that's why we reject. UjG-fW_IsRE-00058-00021590-00022459 Very little risk and basically the idea was my cutoff was o5. UjG-fW_IsRE-00059-00022459-00022663 And so since this is less UjG-fW_IsRE-00060-00022663-00023023 than 055 percent was the most risk I would take but I'm way UjG-fW_IsRE-00061-00023023-00024075 under 5% 0.16% if your visual We have 0 to 0.05. UjG-fW_IsRE-00062-00024123-00024266 So this is the risk were willing UjG-fW_IsRE-00063-00024266-00024485 to take is anything between 0 and .05. UjG-fW_IsRE-00064-00024555-00024914 Up to 1 because that would be a hundred percent. UjG-fW_IsRE-00065-00024914-00025412 And so .001 6 is within the acceptable risk anything past o5 UjG-fW_IsRE-00066-00025412-00025496 would be too much risk. UjG-fW_IsRE-00067-00025503-00025866 So let's try the formula again. UjG-fW_IsRE-00068-00025973-00026157 So we have a not equal. UjG-fW_IsRE-00069-00026214-00026921 So we have my null hypothesis is p equals .60 and I want to prove UjG-fW_IsRE-00070-00026921-00027180 that P is not 60 percent or point six zero. UjG-fW_IsRE-00071-00027200-00027308 So that's my piece hero. UjG-fW_IsRE-00072-00027439-00027808 Point sixty and then my P hat is point 6 5 4 8 UjG-fW_IsRE-00073-00027842-00027947 so a little bit different. UjG-fW_IsRE-00074-00028034-00028180 So that's my sample. UjG-fW_IsRE-00075-00028217-00028379 We're going to go ahead and plug UjG-fW_IsRE-00076-00028379-00028896 into that same formula Z is p hat minus p 0 all UjG-fW_IsRE-00077-00028918-00029920 over P0 1 minus p 0 over n So when you get my sample point, UjG-fW_IsRE-00078-00029927-00030332 six, five four eight minus point sixty all UjG-fW_IsRE-00079-00030332-00030584 over all this point 61 - UjG-fW_IsRE-00080-00030598-00031070 point sixty over 281 all inside a square root. UjG-fW_IsRE-00081-00031120-00031277 Go ahead and type that. UjG-fW_IsRE-00082-00031459-00032141 Make sure you put parentheses on top or you do it UjG-fW_IsRE-00083-00032141-00032966 in more than one step. UjG-fW_IsRE-00084-00032966-00033308 and I get a z-score of like one .875 UjG-fW_IsRE-00085-00033502-00033987 so even though 65 felt a bit different right 65 48 felt UjG-fW_IsRE-00086-00033987-00034086 different than 60. UjG-fW_IsRE-00087-00034114-00034259 Maybe it's not different enough because I'm UjG-fW_IsRE-00088-00034259-00034415 within two standard deviations. UjG-fW_IsRE-00089-00034512-00034669 So let's check that out with the P value. UjG-fW_IsRE-00090-00034669-00035027 And it gets a little bit different for these two tails. UjG-fW_IsRE-00091-00035116-00035755 So we have one .875 but since we have not equal we have UjG-fW_IsRE-00092-00035803-00035904 two tailed. UjG-fW_IsRE-00093-00035925-00036180 Which means we're actually going to look at the area bigger UjG-fW_IsRE-00094-00036180-00036398 than one .875 but we're also going to look UjG-fW_IsRE-00095-00036398-00036628 at the other tail the negative one point eight seven five. UjG-fW_IsRE-00096-00036680-00036790 That's what two-tailed looks like. UjG-fW_IsRE-00097-00036853-00037284 So basically what we do is we're going to find the p-value. UjG-fW_IsRE-00098-00037287-00037663 The area will be normal CDF. UjG-fW_IsRE-00099-00037687-00038166 One .875 up to 10 to the 99 and then rather UjG-fW_IsRE-00100-00038166-00038300 than finding both Tails. UjG-fW_IsRE-00101-00038300-00038559 I can just times it by two to double it UjG-fW_IsRE-00102-00038571-00038671 to find the second one. UjG-fW_IsRE-00103-00038687-00039022 So you only have to double it for two tailed UjG-fW_IsRE-00104-00039049-00039552 because there's two tails. UjG-fW_IsRE-00105-00039579-00040204 So we'll do normalcdf one .875 to infinity or 10 to the 99 UjG-fW_IsRE-00106-00040204-00040729 and then make sure you double it and we get point. UjG-fW_IsRE-00107-00040740-00040865 Oh six. Oh eight. UjG-fW_IsRE-00108-00040928-00041392 So the risk is little it's only six percent, UjG-fW_IsRE-00109-00041392-00041971 but we said we're only going to take 5% risk. UjG-fW_IsRE-00110-00042088-00042339 So because it's past. UjG-fW_IsRE-00111-00042344-00042981 that 5% .0 608 right it's past UjG-fW_IsRE-00112-00043031-00043722 that five percent it's too much risk and we do not reject UjG-fW_IsRE-00113-00043768-00043976 So we didn't have enough evidence UjG-fW_IsRE-00114-00043976-00044182 to reject h o and say H1 was true. UjG-fW_IsRE-00115-00044205-00044399 So that's just called not rejecting. UjG-fW_IsRE-00116-00044399-00044600 It just means maybe ho is still true. UjG-fW_IsRE-00117-00044671-00045115 So the decision rule is when the P value is lesser than or equal UjG-fW_IsRE-00118-00045115-00045314 to Alpha then we'll go ahead and reject. UjG-fW_IsRE-00119-00045337-00045812 That's what we did in example 1 The type of the risk UjG-fW_IsRE-00120-00045812-00046009 of type 1 error is acceptably low. UjG-fW_IsRE-00121-00046070-00046275 So we'll go ahead and take the risk UjG-fW_IsRE-00122-00046357-00046605 in example 2 it p-value is greater UjG-fW_IsRE-00123-00046625-00046899 than Alpha so we did not reject. UjG-fW_IsRE-00124-00046944-00047345 Because the risk of making a type 1 error is too high. UjG-fW_IsRE-00125-00047403-00048160 And so the idea is when we reject it means we're saying ho UjG-fW_IsRE-00126-00048160-00048227 is false. UjG-fW_IsRE-00127-00048248-00048463 So H1 must be true. UjG-fW_IsRE-00128-00048463-00049158 And then the other case were actually not saying ho is true. UjG-fW_IsRE-00129-00049161-00049337 We're just saying ho might be true. UjG-fW_IsRE-00130-00049363-00049728 We don't know we don't have evidence or could be right. UjG-fW_IsRE-00131-00049790-00050134 Let's see. UjG-fW_IsRE-00132-00050155-00050659 So let's go over the steps of a hypothesis test UjG-fW_IsRE-00133-00050659-00050791 and then we can try one. UjG-fW_IsRE-00134-00050909-00051180 So the procedure for performing a hypothesis test UjG-fW_IsRE-00135-00051183-00051402 for p the population proportion. UjG-fW_IsRE-00136-00051594-00051765 Is first we need to find the requirements. UjG-fW_IsRE-00137-00051765-00052238 So np0 needs to be greater than or equal to 10 and NQ 0 UjG-fW_IsRE-00138-00052238-00052602 or n times 1 minus q0 needs to be greater than or equal to 10 UjG-fW_IsRE-00139-00052602-00052815 and that way P hat will be normal. UjG-fW_IsRE-00140-00052874-00053320 So Step One is step to our that introduction or the setup UjG-fW_IsRE-00141-00053409-00053626 where we find the hypothesis and Alpha. UjG-fW_IsRE-00142-00053652-00053826 It's these are just like an introduction UjG-fW_IsRE-00143-00053826-00053915 to an English paper. UjG-fW_IsRE-00144-00053915-00054245 And then we're going to go ahead and investigate. UjG-fW_IsRE-00145-00054245-00054507 So this is like collecting data and investigating. UjG-fW_IsRE-00146-00054540-00054944 This is the evidence. UjG-fW_IsRE-00147-00054951-00055226 So we find this z-score or the test statistic using UjG-fW_IsRE-00148-00055226-00055521 that formula that I already went over I stick UjG-fW_IsRE-00149-00055521-00055643 with three decimal places. UjG-fW_IsRE-00150-00055676-00055927 And again P0 is the claimed. UjG-fW_IsRE-00151-00056051-00056328 value for P from the hypothesis UjG-fW_IsRE-00152-00056397-00056886 and then normalcdf will tell us the P value. UjG-fW_IsRE-00153-00056947-00057297 And then just like in science or English. UjG-fW_IsRE-00154-00057297-00057545 We need to conclusion so rejecter do not reject UjG-fW_IsRE-00155-00057597-00057935 and then we usually rewrite it in everyday language for step 6. UjG-fW_IsRE-00156-00058021-00058237 And then this is what it looks like in the calculator. UjG-fW_IsRE-00157-00058254-00058553 So make sure you add those parentheses to help type. UjG-fW_IsRE-00158-00058608-00058711 So let's go ahead and try one. UjG-fW_IsRE-00159-00058796-00059172 So a lot of steps, let's just go for it. UjG-fW_IsRE-00160-00059342-00059706 So on TV shows like American Idol contestants often wonder UjG-fW_IsRE-00161-00059706-00059877 if there's an advantage or disadvantage UjG-fW_IsRE-00162-00059877-00060218 to performing last It's kind of like my research question UjG-fW_IsRE-00163-00060315-00060699 to investigate researchers randomly select a sample UjG-fW_IsRE-00164-00060699-00060842 of 600 college students. UjG-fW_IsRE-00165-00060874-00061196 So that sounds like sample size to me. UjG-fW_IsRE-00166-00061196-00061576 And equals 600 and showed each of them in audition video UjG-fW_IsRE-00167-00061576-00061700 of 12 different singers. UjG-fW_IsRE-00168-00061745-00062014 So for each student the videos were shown in a random order. UjG-fW_IsRE-00169-00062062-00062416 So we would expect approximately 1 out of 12 students UjG-fW_IsRE-00170-00062416-00062521 to prefer the last singer. UjG-fW_IsRE-00171-00062521-00062715 They viewed assuming order doesn't matter, UjG-fW_IsRE-00172-00062753-00063115 right if order doesn't matter then the last person should be UjG-fW_IsRE-00173-00063115-00063419 getting a uniform preference, right? UjG-fW_IsRE-00174-00063419-00063554 Everyone should be getting 1 out of 12. UjG-fW_IsRE-00175-00063558-00063834 So that's kind of like a claim. UjG-fW_IsRE-00176-00063855-00064208 That's the claimed proportion. UjG-fW_IsRE-00177-00064316-00064665 But in this study 65 of the 600 preferred the last singer, UjG-fW_IsRE-00178-00064717-00064919 so let's go ahead and perform a hypothesis test UjG-fW_IsRE-00179-00064919-00065532 at 5% That's Alpha significance to see if there is an advantage UjG-fW_IsRE-00180-00065532-00065778 or disadvantage to performing last. UjG-fW_IsRE-00181-00065825-00066420 So we're in proportion land because our variable is UjG-fW_IsRE-00182-00066485-00066786 who they prefer they prefer last or not. UjG-fW_IsRE-00183-00066868-00067092 So this is a proportion it's last or not. UjG-fW_IsRE-00184-00067159-00067285 There's no numerical data. UjG-fW_IsRE-00185-00067332-00067987 So let's go ahead and set up a hypothesis. UjG-fW_IsRE-00186-00068068-00068448 We know it involves P for proportions UjG-fW_IsRE-00187-00068448-00068924 and then my claim proportion is 112 So equal 1 12 UjG-fW_IsRE-00188-00068990-00069078 and then advantage UjG-fW_IsRE-00189-00069078-00069287 or disadvantage just means it's not equal. UjG-fW_IsRE-00190-00069294-00070405 If you want to divide and get a decimal 112 would be 0833. UjG-fW_IsRE-00191-00070995-00071333 So an advantage would be more than eight percent right UjG-fW_IsRE-00192-00071333-00071682 in a disadvantage would be less than 8% so it could be either UjG-fW_IsRE-00193-00071688-00071871 so it's not equal and then we go ahead UjG-fW_IsRE-00194-00071871-00072098 and state Alpha which is 0.05. UjG-fW_IsRE-00195-00072131-00072225 That'll be our cutoff. UjG-fW_IsRE-00196-00072293-00072517 And so let's go ahead and investigate. UjG-fW_IsRE-00197-00072645-00073282 So my sample tells me that n is 600 P hat will be the 65 UjG-fW_IsRE-00198-00073282-00073380 out of 600. UjG-fW_IsRE-00199-00073865-00074385 Go ahead and divide again. UjG-fW_IsRE-00200-00074489-00074752 Point one zero eight three, so it's a little bit bigger UjG-fW_IsRE-00201-00074752-00075026 than point zero eight three three, but we'll have UjG-fW_IsRE-00202-00075026-00075457 to investigate with Z scores and P values to decide UjG-fW_IsRE-00203-00075457-00075536 if it's different enough. UjG-fW_IsRE-00204-00075605-00075693 So step three. UjG-fW_IsRE-00205-00075693-00076410 Let's go ahead and find the z-score P hat minus p 0 all UjG-fW_IsRE-00206-00076410-00076515 over that square root. UjG-fW_IsRE-00207-00076585-00076896 So if you're feeling confident pause the video and plugin. UjG-fW_IsRE-00208-00076925-00077171 And then check back with me. UjG-fW_IsRE-00209-00077247-00077616 So go ahead and pause. UjG-fW_IsRE-00210-00077639-00079717 And I got to point 216 and if you didn't get this number, UjG-fW_IsRE-00211-00079717-00079926 I can show you how that works on the calculator. UjG-fW_IsRE-00212-00080007-00080803 So I put the top in parentheses. UjG-fW_IsRE-00213-00080861-00081379 Oops I Did the top backwards, but my answer is correct. UjG-fW_IsRE-00214-00081482-00081979 The sample value comes first hypothesis value comes second. UjG-fW_IsRE-00215-00082043-00082687 I'll get to Point 216. UjG-fW_IsRE-00216-00082707-00083380 So maybe I am rejecting right this is Beyond two UjG-fW_IsRE-00217-00083396-00083577 standard deviations. UjG-fW_IsRE-00218-00083577-00083966 So maybe this is was strong enough evidence, UjG-fW_IsRE-00219-00083966-00084066 but let's find the p-value. UjG-fW_IsRE-00220-00084066-00084446 So this will be two tail because it's not equal. UjG-fW_IsRE-00221-00084498-00084656 So that means we'll be doubling. UjG-fW_IsRE-00222-00084678-00084883 I just always draw the normal curve UjG-fW_IsRE-00223-00084883-00085211 because it reminds me of what to do. UjG-fW_IsRE-00224-00085234-00085511 So we're going to draw two point 216 on the Curve. UjG-fW_IsRE-00225-00085629-00085753 So since it's two tailed, UjG-fW_IsRE-00226-00085753-00086049 we'll look at the symmetric one negative two point two one six, UjG-fW_IsRE-00227-00086092-00086280 but we'll have to find the area of one of these UjG-fW_IsRE-00228-00086280-00086374 and then we can double it. UjG-fW_IsRE-00229-00086416-00086630 So anytime you have not equal you look at both. UjG-fW_IsRE-00230-00086678-00087160 So the p-value will be double for two-tailed normalcdf. UjG-fW_IsRE-00231-00087311-00087857 My lower is to point 216 up to 10 to the 99 and just double it UjG-fW_IsRE-00232-00087857-00088104 and maybe we've done enough that I don't have UjG-fW_IsRE-00233-00088104-00088199 to show the calculator. UjG-fW_IsRE-00234-00088272-00088526 I get .0 267. UjG-fW_IsRE-00235-00088650-00089257 After doubling so our cutoff was o5. UjG-fW_IsRE-00236-00089294-00089640 That's the most risk we would take UjG-fW_IsRE-00237-00089640-00089858 so we would say this is little risk because it's less UjG-fW_IsRE-00238-00089869-00090119 than what our cutoff of o5. UjG-fW_IsRE-00239-00090132-00090461 So we're going to go ahead and reject if people truly UjG-fW_IsRE-00240-00090502-00090751 if there is no advantage or disadvantage UjG-fW_IsRE-00241-00090751-00091009 to going last there's only a 2% chance. UjG-fW_IsRE-00242-00091009-00091159 We'd get a sample this high. UjG-fW_IsRE-00243-00091284-00091716 So it's more likely that there is an advantage or disadvantage. UjG-fW_IsRE-00244-00091716-00092034 So we're going to go ahead and reject H. Oh we're rejecting UjG-fW_IsRE-00245-00092034-00092510 that P equals 1/12 So you're saying it doesn't equal 1 12, UjG-fW_IsRE-00246-00092539-00092768 so there must be an advantage or disadvantage. UjG-fW_IsRE-00247-00092799-00093092 So there is evidence there is strong evidence. UjG-fW_IsRE-00248-00093575-00093959 To show and I usually say at 5% just UjG-fW_IsRE-00249-00093959-00094136 so someone would know our cutoff. UjG-fW_IsRE-00250-00094153-00094316 If you ever look at scientific studies. UjG-fW_IsRE-00251-00094316-00094664 They'll State what their elf OS to show there is an advantage UjG-fW_IsRE-00252-00094664-00094814 or disadvantage to going last. UjG-fW_IsRE-00253-00094830-00095623 We haven't proved which one yet, but we know that one of them. UjG-fW_IsRE-00254-00095651-00095886 All right. UjG-fW_IsRE-00255-00095922-00097141 We just have two more parts and then we'll end the video. UjG-fW_IsRE-00256-00097264-00097469 So the requirements are end times P0 UjG-fW_IsRE-00257-00097469-00098375 and then n times 1 minus p 0 so n was 600 P0 was 112 UjG-fW_IsRE-00258-00098375-00099533 So 1 minus 112 will be Q. and I get 50 UjG-fW_IsRE-00259-00099533-00100175 and I get 550 both are well over 10. UjG-fW_IsRE-00260-00100197-00100453 So the requirements are met. UjG-fW_IsRE-00261-00100453-00101442 All right, and then we're probably curious right? UjG-fW_IsRE-00262-00101616-00102340 Is there an advantage or disadvantage that's important? UjG-fW_IsRE-00263-00102389-00102847 So I think because our P hat was about 10 percent Point 1 0 8 3 UjG-fW_IsRE-00264-00102875-00103212 which is greater than point 0833. UjG-fW_IsRE-00265-00103212-00103371 I think that means there's an advantage UjG-fW_IsRE-00266-00103375-00103623 because people are liking the last person more UjG-fW_IsRE-00267-00103647-00103794 so it seems to be an advantage. UjG-fW_IsRE-00268-00103859-00104219 It doesn't tell us why it just proves there is an advantage UjG-fW_IsRE-00269-00104219-00104550 but it might be that like you remember the last person the UjG-fW_IsRE-00270-00104550-00104615 best right? UjG-fW_IsRE-00271-00104615-00104894 You don't vote till the end and shows like American Idol. UjG-fW_IsRE-00272-00104894-00105143 So the last person maybe you remember them a little bit UjG-fW_IsRE-00273-00105143-00105322 better and maybe they're not necessarily the best UjG-fW_IsRE-00274-00105430-00105727 but it just proves that an advantage exists not why? UmQBrczg9mM-00000-00000039-00000384 hey guys welcome back to our channel hey everybody welcome back UmQBrczg9mM-00001-00000384-00000727 so Zhen and i were watching mulan the other night we got kind of UmQBrczg9mM-00002-00000727-00001088 caught up in the social media buzz around the movie all kinds of people UmQBrczg9mM-00003-00001088-00001463 uh tweeting and whatever just comments everywhere so we're like let's just UmQBrczg9mM-00004-00001463-00001760 watch this ourselves and see what we think yes not to mention UmQBrczg9mM-00005-00001760-00002256 i'm a big fan of the original cartoon of course anyway while we were watching UmQBrczg9mM-00006-00002256-00002608 it we thought hey we're gonna do a series UmQBrczg9mM-00007-00002608-00002848 on chinese tea culture from a historical UmQBrczg9mM-00008-00002848-00003135 perspective this might be a great way to start it UmQBrczg9mM-00009-00003135-00003471 out absolutely even though around mulan's time is not UmQBrczg9mM-00010-00003471-00003944 the beginning of chinese tea history it is the beginning of chinese tea UmQBrczg9mM-00011-00003944-00004320 culture so that would be a really interesting UmQBrczg9mM-00012-00004320-00004680 starting episode for our series i think yes a very UmQBrczg9mM-00013-00004680-00005016 interesting time period indeed so if you're new to the channel or you UmQBrczg9mM-00014-00005016-00005360 haven't already please click that subscribe button down below it really UmQBrczg9mM-00015-00005360-00005752 helps the channel grow and also click the notification bell so UmQBrczg9mM-00016-00005752-00006144 you'll know whenever we make a new video we cover all kinds of topics from how to UmQBrczg9mM-00017-00006144-00006568 brew how various teas are made travelogues in the chinese tea regions UmQBrczg9mM-00018-00006568-00006872 all kinds of great stuff related to chinese tea culture UmQBrczg9mM-00019-00006872-00007815 i'm sure you'll love it UmQBrczg9mM-00020-00007815-00008120 so the tea we're having today is Bai Ya Qi Lan UmQBrczg9mM-00021-00008120-00008656 oh yeah yes it's a oolong tea it's one of my favorite teas i'm sure many of you UmQBrczg9mM-00022-00008656-00009064 have heard me rave about this tea as a croissant in a cup but i have to admit UmQBrczg9mM-00023-00009064-00009504 that's not why i picked this tea today there's actually a part in the movie UmQBrczg9mM-00024-00009504-00009888 and i even mentioned it while we were watching didn't i where they showed UmQBrczg9mM-00025-00009888-00010320 mulan's village and it's like a village that we saw when we were visiting china UmQBrczg9mM-00026-00010320-00010872 in south china in fujian it's called a tu lou a tu lou village which UmQBrczg9mM-00027-00010872-00011304 is an inward facing circle and it completely reminded me of Ping UmQBrczg9mM-00028-00011304-00011584 He the village where we saw it you can actually check out the v-log UmQBrczg9mM-00029-00011584-00011911 video i'll put the link down in the description for you guys or maybe even UmQBrczg9mM-00030-00011911-00012288 up here anyway i knew at that moment okay if we UmQBrczg9mM-00031-00012288-00012752 we're gonna have that to you with this video ah i smell the roasty UmQBrczg9mM-00032-00012752-00013047 from here before even the lid was there i could UmQBrczg9mM-00033-00013047-00013440 already smell that creamy buttery roasty that croissant in a cup UmQBrczg9mM-00034-00013440-00013936 flavored grow into life absolutely this is a killer the roasting on this tea is UmQBrczg9mM-00035-00013936-00014319 absolutely perfect it's a great fall tea i would say really UmQBrczg9mM-00036-00014319-00014719 warming yeah i i agree 100 but for me this is UmQBrczg9mM-00037-00014719-00014984 any time this is a probably four season teaming UmQBrczg9mM-00038-00014984-00015376 time that's right so what do you think of the movie right UmQBrczg9mM-00039-00015376-00015840 okay so because we actually read a little bit UmQBrczg9mM-00040-00015840-00016208 everywhere as we mentioned yeah so i was wondering do you agree UmQBrczg9mM-00041-00016208-00016551 with some of the yeah i guess full disclosure a lot of the reviews UmQBrczg9mM-00042-00016551-00016904 Zhen saw were pretty harsh so we're like let's just watch it ourselves UmQBrczg9mM-00043-00016904-00017295 and find out yeah the chinese side seems to be pretty harsh on the movie UmQBrczg9mM-00044-00017295-00017704 right and uh so my impression was this it was a fun movie UmQBrczg9mM-00045-00017704-00018104 overall impression right pretty fun movie some cool scenes UmQBrczg9mM-00046-00018104-00018495 uh fun to watch i didn't end the movie and wish UmQBrczg9mM-00047-00018495-00018887 i had those moments of my life back it was totally fine and entertaining UmQBrczg9mM-00048-00018887-00019376 i think it's a also not a disney classic like it's no fantasia it's not an UmQBrczg9mM-00049-00019376-00019680 aladdin for me that's a movie i can go back and watch UmQBrczg9mM-00050-00019680-00020040 and it's funny and it's similar in that it's also a historic legend UmQBrczg9mM-00051-00020040-00020559 right i really enjoy watching it as it's the color you know the image of the UmQBrczg9mM-00052-00020559-00021295 cinema i quite enjoy that what oh landscape almost like like nat geo UmQBrczg9mM-00053-00021312-00021679 yeah so i really like that part of it for sure yeah UmQBrczg9mM-00054-00021679-00022328 and also for me they use a lot of chinese actors and actress many of them UmQBrczg9mM-00055-00022328-00022712 i watch their movies ever since i was a kid you know UmQBrczg9mM-00056-00022712-00023192 oh yeah totally i had a favorite one that popped in on UmQBrczg9mM-00057-00023192-00023592 me sorry oh did you try it oh my gosh UmQBrczg9mM-00058-00023592-00023872 anyway that reminds me that donnie yen was one of my favorite UmQBrczg9mM-00059-00023872-00024200 features in the movie absolutely if you don't know who he is he played UmQBrczg9mM-00060-00024200-00024551 like kind of the leader or the general of their little army unit UmQBrczg9mM-00061-00024551-00024959 um but he's also a super awesome kung fu actor UmQBrczg9mM-00062-00024959-00025408 absolutely obsessed with the movie the ip man series are great those are UmQBrczg9mM-00063-00025408-00025895 four of his great movies he has tons he has a long career in kung fu movies or UmQBrczg9mM-00064-00025895-00026295 in china and the even longer even longer career i UmQBrczg9mM-00065-00026295-00026704 think so the emperor jet li Li Lianjie is one of my favorite UmQBrczg9mM-00066-00026704-00027208 gongfu star i watch his movie like his gong fu movie in the 90s those hong UmQBrczg9mM-00067-00027208-00027656 kongs lots of classics and over UmQBrczg9mM-00068-00027656-00027960 so it's really like when i see this and of course UmQBrczg9mM-00069-00027960-00028295 the actress Gong Li and UmQBrczg9mM-00070-00028447-00028800 i don't know her at all what was she in the movie she is the UmQBrczg9mM-00071-00028800-00029447 the bird the bird lady the witch the witch oh oh yes she was UmQBrczg9mM-00072-00029447-00029904 badass yes she's a very famous and uh UmQBrczg9mM-00073-00029904-00030519 a great actress so i just love that and of course uh Liu Yifei the uh UmQBrczg9mM-00074-00030519-00031032 the leading actress uh stunning like she's just a stunning right not a UmQBrczg9mM-00075-00031032-00031319 gongfu no she's not a real gung fu no she's just a UmQBrczg9mM-00076-00031319-00031703 right no but it's just so pretty i just look at her and i'm happy UmQBrczg9mM-00077-00031703-00032088 yeah so overall like with so many gong fu people i did find the fighting a UmQBrczg9mM-00078-00032088-00032344 little meh like a little but i guess some people UmQBrczg9mM-00079-00032344-00032680 may disagree with me because it in retrospect it wasn't bad but i've been UmQBrczg9mM-00080-00032680-00033103 on a diet lately of watching tons of chinese kung UmQBrczg9mM-00081-00033103-00033391 fu movies from like the 80s and 90s so the UmQBrczg9mM-00082-00033391-00033816 fighting in those is mind-blowing and it's all like real like UmQBrczg9mM-00083-00033816-00034184 you know they're real this is the the the technique if you UmQBrczg9mM-00084-00034184-00034663 like the kung fu movie you will find those uh non gongfu stars UmQBrczg9mM-00085-00034663-00035000 when they fight the technique is using super slow-mo UmQBrczg9mM-00086-00035000-00035575 or max like focus on a little detail of the move while you have when UmQBrczg9mM-00087-00035575-00035952 you have a real gongfu star they show you the whole move because it's crisp UmQBrczg9mM-00088-00035952-00036352 and powerful it's crazy right so that part UmQBrczg9mM-00089-00036352-00036975 when we watch that as a both our uh gungfu fans we were not satisfied about UmQBrczg9mM-00090-00036975-00037328 that but i think it is not a gongfu movie yet and it wasn't UmQBrczg9mM-00091-00037328-00037696 bad the choreography and the sequences weren't bad i think it's just because of UmQBrczg9mM-00092-00037696-00038063 our current diet made that a little bit less UmQBrczg9mM-00093-00038063-00038400 um less awesome than it maybe could have been UmQBrczg9mM-00094-00038400-00038736 the other thing i really missed i have to say was UmQBrczg9mM-00095-00038736-00039184 eddie murphy oh right i totally miss i don't know you guys might think i'm UmQBrczg9mM-00096-00039184-00039519 crazy maybe he was hated when in the this is from the original UmQBrczg9mM-00097-00039519-00039831 mulan cartoon and eddie murphy had the role as i think UmQBrczg9mM-00098-00039831-00040296 it was mushu the little dragon oh my god so cute yeah yeah i UmQBrczg9mM-00099-00040296-00040744 i don't like how they just moved up that was my favorite part of the movie too UmQBrczg9mM-00100-00040744-00041024 like you know like my early times when i UmQBrczg9mM-00101-00041024-00041456 first learned that disney or western humor and i really UmQBrczg9mM-00102-00041456-00041768 loved that element to make the movie lighter rather UmQBrczg9mM-00103-00041768-00042175 than you know overly educational right it really did UmQBrczg9mM-00104-00042175-00042519 have that sort of seri more serious tone because of the UmQBrczg9mM-00105-00042519-00042840 absence of the light-hearted comedy i felt like they tried to bring some in UmQBrczg9mM-00106-00042840-00043168 but it really didn't it didn't make me laugh like really hard UmQBrczg9mM-00107-00043168-00043688 like like eddie murphy would have and um yeah and and the uh UmQBrczg9mM-00108-00043688-00044103 the other thing i found super weird speaking like UmQBrczg9mM-00109-00044103-00044728 see i uh i'm sorry yeah so in the movie they call it chi um UmQBrczg9mM-00110-00044728-00045063 see so uh maybe we can throw the character up or whatever and the UmQBrczg9mM-00111-00045063-00045503 opinion spelling but uh this i'm no expert in the concepts UmQBrczg9mM-00112-00045503-00045975 of qi but i i still i think i've been around chinese tea UmQBrczg9mM-00113-00045975-00046400 culture and you know yourself you also do meditation do meditation i'm UmQBrczg9mM-00114-00046400-00046680 not again i'm not an expert but the way that you UmQBrczg9mM-00115-00046680-00047087 see in the movie was really even for me i'd love to know what you guys thought UmQBrczg9mM-00116-00047087-00047463 but for me it was very off-putting it always almost felt like it was the UmQBrczg9mM-00117-00047463-00047912 force in star wars which is not really quite what chinese UmQBrczg9mM-00118-00047912-00048447 tea is all about at all i have no idea i have no idea of what UmQBrczg9mM-00119-00048447-00048903 that meant either it's just the random suddenly throw out this word you UmQBrczg9mM-00120-00048903-00049240 laughed a couple times when they were throwing it out like awkward UmQBrczg9mM-00121-00049240-00049600 awkward i was talking to him like it's just like when UmQBrczg9mM-00122-00049600-00049984 if somebody is a chinese who don't know westerner just to think UmQBrczg9mM-00123-00049984-00050391 oh they eat steak and randomly talk about steak it's UmQBrczg9mM-00124-00050391-00050768 just that awkward right that fills out doesn't he doesn't know UmQBrczg9mM-00125-00050768-00051152 steak right it would be like what do you mean there's no mistake UmQBrczg9mM-00126-00051152-00051655 just the awkward but on the other hand if you have a look at the whole movie UmQBrczg9mM-00127-00051655-00052112 there's no history fact like they totally UmQBrczg9mM-00128-00052112-00052704 ignore the whole history thing i know like it's a it's an entertaining UmQBrczg9mM-00129-00052704-00053136 movie like a disney movie is not intended to be watched like a UmQBrczg9mM-00130-00053136-00053624 documentary or a history textbook that i can learn UmQBrczg9mM-00131-00053624-00054295 the histories but uh it's how messed up with the scenes UmQBrczg9mM-00132-00054295-00054976 and the elements it really makes me feel if they're gonna make a say a UmQBrczg9mM-00133-00054976-00055688 american independent war or civil war you probably wouldn't put an iphone or UmQBrczg9mM-00134-00055688-00056055 skyscraper in the scene that's funny you say that because UmQBrczg9mM-00135-00056055-00056472 while the t thing really jumped out at me probably because of my UmQBrczg9mM-00136-00056472-00056879 you know because i know you i didn't i thought UmQBrczg9mM-00137-00056879-00057224 you know this is a this is actually based on an actual poem UmQBrczg9mM-00138-00057224-00057704 right uh the ballad of mulan so i did think that there would be a little UmQBrczg9mM-00139-00057704-00058208 bit more like it would be pretty oh like at least somewhat tight towards UmQBrczg9mM-00140-00058208-00058527 those details so i think that's one of the reasons UmQBrczg9mM-00141-00058527-00058879 it's a little bit painful for me to watch it and it's UmQBrczg9mM-00142-00058879-00059255 funny because i didn't have that expectation from the cartoon whatsoever UmQBrczg9mM-00143-00059255-00059632 but when i'm watching the real one i think and i wonder if you guys feel the UmQBrczg9mM-00144-00059632-00060127 same but i felt like maybe this is a real capturing the time period right UmQBrczg9mM-00145-00060127-00060432 because it's acted by a real person you're kind of UmQBrczg9mM-00146-00060432-00060824 expecting something like that but no no there's UmQBrczg9mM-00147-00060824-00061255 tons of mistakes geography history basic UmQBrczg9mM-00148-00061255-00061704 knowledge of a chinese ancient war it's just all UmQBrczg9mM-00149-00061704-00062104 tons of a wrong of that but i bet you're not the only one tons of people are on UmQBrczg9mM-00150-00062104-00062407 your boat when they watch the movie they probably UmQBrczg9mM-00151-00062407-00062920 feel like oh that's how chinese would say drink tea at that time or oh that's UmQBrczg9mM-00152-00062920-00063312 how they uh do the war at that time that's what UmQBrczg9mM-00153-00063312-00063712 they wear or that's uh how they live in the UmQBrczg9mM-00154-00063712-00064007 village or something yeah so i think i think UmQBrczg9mM-00155-00064007-00064391 that might be very misleading if right yeah UmQBrczg9mM-00156-00064391-00064855 so i was aware that the whole these both of the movies were based on some kind of UmQBrczg9mM-00157-00064855-00065255 chinese legend this ballad of mulan but yeah i didn't realize UmQBrczg9mM-00158-00065255-00065864 it was like it's more than just a story or something so ballad of mulan UmQBrczg9mM-00159-00065864-00066480 is a like a little poem but used to have a song the music with it so UmQBrczg9mM-00160-00066480-00066832 it's more like just the lyrics of a song okay UmQBrczg9mM-00161-00066832-00067344 but this uh song where poem kind of tells a story of UmQBrczg9mM-00162-00067344-00067792 this girl mulan and how she turned from a normal UmQBrczg9mM-00163-00067792-00068272 little girl and had to replace her father go to the UmQBrczg9mM-00164-00068272-00068704 war for decades and then come back with glory UmQBrczg9mM-00165-00068704-00069112 or come back successfully right kind of the gist we see in the movie UmQBrczg9mM-00166-00069112-00069488 at least some of those large details UmQBrczg9mM-00167-00069768-00070376 so the time of this ballad and the story of mula happens in the dynasty UmQBrczg9mM-00168-00070376-00070776 called bei wei which has a more like UmQBrczg9mM-00169-00070776-00071480 more uh commonly known it would be the northern and the southern dynasties so UmQBrczg9mM-00170-00071480-00071912 in this time basically what you will see was lots of wars UmQBrczg9mM-00171-00071912-00072432 and unstables and chaos and uh there are two dynasties UmQBrczg9mM-00172-00072432-00072863 one in the north one in the south okay and that's why we call that UmQBrczg9mM-00173-00072863-00073544 the northern and the southern dynasties so the one in the south is the one UmQBrczg9mM-00174-00073544-00074192 that kind of carries the traditional han culture right and migrated south UmQBrczg9mM-00175-00074192-00074656 well in the north that uh dynasty was built by UmQBrczg9mM-00176-00074656-00075112 nomads right well the dynasty system and the written language UmQBrczg9mM-00177-00075112-00075720 they're all copying the han culture okay and if you move that a little bit north UmQBrczg9mM-00178-00075720-00076151 you will see the uh in the movie it also shows the UmQBrczg9mM-00179-00076151-00076456 the people called the rou ran right right the attack UmQBrczg9mM-00180-00076456-00077207 the the the the even more nomad nomads right so and and as a matter of fact UmQBrczg9mM-00181-00077207-00077656 uh the people in the north and in dynasty those nomads UmQBrczg9mM-00182-00077656-00078000 and the roran people actually they share the same ancestor UmQBrczg9mM-00183-00078000-00078376 okay so this is like i'm making faces at the camera a little bit because this is UmQBrczg9mM-00184-00078376-00078744 pretty complicated right so and this was kind of a little bit UmQBrczg9mM-00185-00078744-00079183 lost in the movie yeah um because absolutely like we UmQBrczg9mM-00186-00079183-00079568 started out right the the tu lou that we saw is actually from UmQBrczg9mM-00187-00079568-00079920 the south but this is not so from what you're saying that's a whole different UmQBrczg9mM-00188-00079920-00080224 kingdom or a whole different dynasty absolutely there was a south UmQBrczg9mM-00189-00080224-00080592 so let me try and i'm trying to get my brain around this but let's just me UmQBrczg9mM-00190-00080592-00080936 i'm going to use a weird metaphor hopefully you guys can i have this UmQBrczg9mM-00191-00080936-00081272 habit sometimes but forget everything you know about canada and america i'm UmQBrczg9mM-00192-00081272-00081600 going to try and use our continent to kind of break this down UmQBrczg9mM-00193-00081600-00081944 it's actually a great okay so i'm just trying to keep it all UmQBrczg9mM-00194-00081944-00082160 straight because i now have to transpose from china UmQBrczg9mM-00195-00082160-00082504 so let's say you've got a band of canadians UmQBrczg9mM-00196-00082504-00082976 decide that they want to attack america and they attack successfully they grab UmQBrczg9mM-00197-00082976-00083344 some of america they can't grab all of america the northern part of america UmQBrczg9mM-00198-00083344-00083648 yeah so that's it right they grab the let's say they grab the northern part of UmQBrczg9mM-00199-00083648-00083888 america and there's a some of the southern UmQBrczg9mM-00200-00083888-00084200 canadians are responsible for this and they set up a new UmQBrczg9mM-00201-00084200-00084592 kingdom or whatever and they call it a can america UmQBrczg9mM-00202-00084592-00085056 a americano americano right america canada oh UmQBrczg9mM-00203-00085056-00085432 okay so they set up americano right right which is this new kingdom UmQBrczg9mM-00204-00085432-00085927 okay south of americano is america yeah we've got americano but we still have UmQBrczg9mM-00205-00085927-00086280 the rest of old the old-time canadians are still up north UmQBrczg9mM-00206-00086280-00086592 kind of so these canadians are related to UmQBrczg9mM-00207-00086592-00087007 the american and let's be clear too the americanos UmQBrczg9mM-00208-00087007-00087336 so the north dynasty is a mixture of those UmQBrczg9mM-00209-00087336-00087663 nomadic people who are historically nomadic people UmQBrczg9mM-00210-00087663-00087983 and there are still some south dynasty type people UmQBrczg9mM-00211-00087983-00088376 han people americans and my men yes so i've got that UmQBrczg9mM-00212-00088376-00088751 okay that's right they leave together and they will marry together or UmQBrczg9mM-00213-00088751-00089151 something but um they coexist in that dynasty UmQBrczg9mM-00214-00089151-00089592 okay so you would have been tumultuously sometimes clashing sometimes UmQBrczg9mM-00215-00089592-00090048 absolutely absolutely and you will notice that there are people who carry UmQBrczg9mM-00216-00090048-00090424 the old uh the canadian culture UmQBrczg9mM-00217-00090424-00090751 right right living canadian cultural way maple syrup UmQBrczg9mM-00218-00090751-00091095 that's right for example well you have some UmQBrczg9mM-00219-00091095-00091495 uh who indigenous american people who still live in the american UmQBrczg9mM-00220-00091495-00091976 way or they already start to right right the native americans are still like UmQBrczg9mM-00221-00091976-00092407 americans start to have maple syrup kind of thing so that's what happened in UmQBrczg9mM-00222-00092407-00092975 that zone in the dynasty where mulan lives of course mulan is a UmQBrczg9mM-00223-00092975-00093632 a legendary figure there's no true history proof that she exists let's UmQBrczg9mM-00224-00093632-00093927 just assume there is a girl who did this her UmQBrczg9mM-00225-00093927-00094592 name might be mulan might be abcde right ping ping okay UmQBrczg9mM-00226-00094592-00095136 so the interesting thing about this ballad is besides is very poetic UmQBrczg9mM-00227-00095136-00095672 and rhythmic and actually really catchy we all recited in school when we were UmQBrczg9mM-00228-00095672-00096024 kids and even today i can still remember most of it UmQBrczg9mM-00229-00096024-00096368 oh wow yeah it's really like a really great UmQBrczg9mM-00230-00096368-00096719 lyrics i would say wow so but besides that UmQBrczg9mM-00231-00096719-00097263 it also provides uh kind of a some insight for us to look at how UmQBrczg9mM-00232-00097263-00097663 people live at that time right really enrich our UmQBrczg9mM-00233-00097663-00098024 knowledge about that okay so it's not just pure fiction it's not UmQBrczg9mM-00234-00098024-00098463 fantastical fiction when this ballad was or i guess discovered either UmQBrczg9mM-00235-00098463-00098895 rediscovered or maybe just passed down over generations it gives you UmQBrczg9mM-00236-00098895-00099544 insight into actual history and in the ballad yeah in the ballad it actually UmQBrczg9mM-00237-00099544-00099944 depicts a perfectly a little girl UmQBrczg9mM-00238-00099944-00100639 a girl's image of who is a americano i would say UmQBrczg9mM-00239-00100639-00101239 okay who is those uh north dynasty people yeah but live a han style UmQBrczg9mM-00240-00101239-00101680 life for example at the beginning of the ballad it was talking about how mulan UmQBrczg9mM-00241-00101680-00102072 was weaving at the window so UmQBrczg9mM-00242-00102072-00102488 weaving is quite a i would say traditional settled down right UmQBrczg9mM-00243-00102488-00102903 yeah like a farming cultural thing not a nomad UmQBrczg9mM-00244-00102903-00103535 however her family is also on the uh uh army list okay which according to UmQBrczg9mM-00245-00103535-00104040 that dynasty's uh rule they are they have to be a nomad UmQBrczg9mM-00246-00104040-00104591 the race or the people right no they're not hun because in americano UmQBrczg9mM-00247-00104591-00104976 we've got the or in the north dynasty we've got the UmQBrczg9mM-00248-00104976-00105303 han people who lingered which she's not one of and we've got UmQBrczg9mM-00249-00105303-00105688 those nomads who are settled down now living in a han way so she's one of UmQBrczg9mM-00250-00105688-00106008 those yes okay and that's really normal for UmQBrczg9mM-00251-00106008-00106464 those girls to ride a horse archeries UmQBrczg9mM-00252-00106464-00106824 they're pretty active so that's interesting because in both of the UmQBrczg9mM-00253-00106824-00107128 both of the shows the old cartoon and this one UmQBrczg9mM-00254-00107128-00107479 they really play the they really show how shocking UmQBrczg9mM-00255-00107479-00107816 and unacceptable naughty they you know they even make her like she's a very UmQBrczg9mM-00256-00107816-00108191 naughty girl but actually in that time this is perfectly UmQBrczg9mM-00257-00108191-00108552 normal for a girl to ride horse shoot the arrow and all that just it's UmQBrczg9mM-00258-00108552-00108976 not normal to join an army and pretend to be a guy but to ride UmQBrczg9mM-00259-00108976-00109391 a horse and stuff is that's what they do right yeah and UmQBrczg9mM-00260-00109391-00109832 actually um there are so many little details in UmQBrczg9mM-00261-00109832-00110255 the ballad that tell you a lot of how people live and the facts UmQBrczg9mM-00262-00110255-00110600 about the history that uh during that time UmQBrczg9mM-00263-00110600-00111040 like how she went to buy horse buy horse accessories UmQBrczg9mM-00264-00111040-00111608 and how but at home she already have the armory and the source UmQBrczg9mM-00265-00111608-00112048 right and that's how things work at that time the government UmQBrczg9mM-00266-00112048-00112600 doesn't provide you the horse and you or the armory you come with yourselves UmQBrczg9mM-00267-00112600-00113400 right byo horse right so that tells you not only tells you but a cold proves UmQBrczg9mM-00268-00113400-00113728 which dynasty which time she was in right that's UmQBrczg9mM-00269-00113728-00113983 how you work all the times it would government would UmQBrczg9mM-00270-00113983-00114432 take care of all of those right right and they also talk about UmQBrczg9mM-00271-00114432-00114735 which uh the which location of the market she UmQBrczg9mM-00272-00114735-00115111 goes in and west that she buys this in the north she buys the different UmQBrczg9mM-00273-00115111-00115448 things in the ballad right in the ballad because you're saying that and i'm like UmQBrczg9mM-00274-00115448-00115864 don't remember anything no no it wasn't about us that kind of gave us the UmQBrczg9mM-00275-00115864-00116311 insight about the the the how this village how this market UmQBrczg9mM-00276-00116311-00116855 was set up the rules at that time yeah and there's a scene of the rabbit which UmQBrczg9mM-00277-00116855-00117144 was a like i recognized it right away because UmQBrczg9mM-00278-00117144-00117472 i know the ballad it was the ending of the battle talking UmQBrczg9mM-00279-00117472-00117928 about how female and male uh rabbits running together you cannot UmQBrczg9mM-00280-00117928-00118264 tell which one which sex they are so it's a little bit UmQBrczg9mM-00281-00118264-00118559 like um call back you call that symbol of what just UmQBrczg9mM-00282-00118559-00118959 happened with her life yes and also refer to the ballad as the UmQBrczg9mM-00283-00118959-00119248 movie right so in the movie it was like a UmQBrczg9mM-00284-00119248-00119576 shout out to the actual ballad right because you thought that that was UmQBrczg9mM-00285-00119576-00119976 like why suddenly oh yeah i just thought that was a fun UmQBrczg9mM-00286-00119976-00120359 scene to show her being naughty riding a horse which she wasn't being naughty UmQBrczg9mM-00287-00120359-00120679 she was just being a normal northerner girl UmQBrczg9mM-00288-00120679-00120991 riding her horse with the two rabbits but so this UmQBrczg9mM-00289-00120991-00121296 just want to understand so that is the ending of the ballad yeah UmQBrczg9mM-00290-00121296-00121664 so we had it right at the beginning almost of the movie right right UmQBrczg9mM-00291-00121664-00122096 but i caught this the symbology of the male female rabbit is pretty interesting UmQBrczg9mM-00292-00122096-00122400 because it's kind of like how her life was when she's running with UmQBrczg9mM-00293-00122400-00122815 the male rabbits yes right you can't tell yes absolutely UmQBrczg9mM-00294-00122815-00123072 that's pretty give me a little goosebumps that's pretty uh UmQBrczg9mM-00295-00123072-00123424 nice writing yeah it's interesting that uh UmQBrczg9mM-00296-00123424-00123959 the movie captures some refers some elements to the ballads but a lot UmQBrczg9mM-00297-00123959-00124320 of uh i think the fun history facts and UmQBrczg9mM-00298-00124320-00124688 elements of the ballad wasn't fully reflected in the movie UmQBrczg9mM-00299-00124688-00124944 right there was also a part where they were UmQBrczg9mM-00300-00124944-00125391 drinking tea so i guess tea was pretty normal around this time UmQBrczg9mM-00301-00125391-00125679 actually not UmQBrczg9mM-00302-00126135-00126503 i just love the butteriness i don't know if people UmQBrczg9mM-00303-00126503-00126888 think that's a weird description or not but i always feel like this is UmQBrczg9mM-00304-00126888-00127279 like a like just like a pastry just like a croissant UmQBrczg9mM-00305-00127279-00127767 i don't know i'm stuck on that metaphor for this tea UmQBrczg9mM-00306-00127767-00128176 i just love how soothing it is especially after so much talk UmQBrczg9mM-00307-00128176-00128552 and you're right it while it's a four season tea for me i really do UmQBrczg9mM-00308-00128552-00129215 see how it can be an autumn warming warm fuzzy blanket kind of tea really UmQBrczg9mM-00309-00129215-00129696 nice that way right take a tea break UmQBrczg9mM-00310-00129696-00130400 yeah so no so no UmQBrczg9mM-00311-00130400-00130800 we had to take a tea break i was so shocked UmQBrczg9mM-00312-00130800-00131479 so in the northern and southern dynasties times you know tea has already UmQBrczg9mM-00313-00131479-00131855 transitioned from medicinal use to UmQBrczg9mM-00314-00131855-00132544 a simple beverage so people do drink tea people did drink tea around that time UmQBrczg9mM-00315-00132544-00133248 and the importance about that era is there are more UmQBrczg9mM-00316-00133248-00133872 cultural implications to tea meaning all the religions all the religions at UmQBrczg9mM-00317-00133872-00134255 that time are confucius taoism and UmQBrczg9mM-00318-00134255-00135008 um okay buddhism that's right all the religions are integrating tea UmQBrczg9mM-00319-00135008-00135448 in their uh practice and giving them more meanings UmQBrczg9mM-00320-00135448-00135800 for example for confucius they start to take tea UmQBrczg9mM-00321-00135800-00136376 as a symbol of the some people take tea as a symbol for their uh UmQBrczg9mM-00322-00136376-00136784 personality character okay as uh they're living a UmQBrczg9mM-00323-00136784-00137224 very frugality lifestyle oh frugal frugal i thought you were UmQBrczg9mM-00324-00137224-00137640 going to say the opposite because now tea is such a fancy beverage we kind of UmQBrczg9mM-00325-00137640-00138055 at least like tasting grade tea and stuff nowadays and even you have those UmQBrczg9mM-00326-00138055-00138408 later on it did change it's imperial tea to use right but so in this time UmQBrczg9mM-00327-00138408-00138791 it was the dead opposite you're showing that you're a little bit more down to UmQBrczg9mM-00328-00138791-00139040 earth absolutely because at that time this is UmQBrczg9mM-00329-00139040-00139512 really weird yeah the nobles the uh the big families the royal UmQBrczg9mM-00330-00139512-00139944 families they live a extravagant lifestyle UmQBrczg9mM-00331-00139944-00140352 extremely extremely extravagant lifestyle wow UmQBrczg9mM-00332-00140352-00140936 so uh some other people are trying to mark that they're different than those UmQBrczg9mM-00333-00140936-00141367 people who just more rich and not actually doing anything UmQBrczg9mM-00334-00141367-00141736 right okay show their relationship to the common folk and UmQBrczg9mM-00335-00141736-00142055 right right to just normalcy i guess if these people were sold UmQBrczg9mM-00336-00142055-00142703 yeah yeah to serve people um tea rather than alcohol kind of shows UmQBrczg9mM-00337-00142703-00143248 that a certain piousness and humility of your name absolutely yeah yeah well UmQBrczg9mM-00338-00143248-00143727 the uh for buddhism and uh uh they start to integrate tea in UmQBrczg9mM-00339-00143727-00144167 their daily practice and giving them more uh UmQBrczg9mM-00340-00144167-00144552 giving to uh more meanings like more like integrated right into their UmQBrczg9mM-00341-00144552-00144855 religious religious symbology and things like not UmQBrczg9mM-00342-00144855-00145136 just a drink or not just part of their daily routine UmQBrczg9mM-00343-00145136-00145727 yes okay yes but however all i just said mostly happen in the UmQBrczg9mM-00344-00145727-00146184 south so okay so all that stuff that we saw in UmQBrczg9mM-00345-00146184-00146520 mulan pretty much couldn't have happened or UmQBrczg9mM-00346-00146520-00147015 wouldn't have happened uh not likely right so in the north UmQBrczg9mM-00347-00147015-00147600 as we mentioned earlier that they are a nomadic dynasty even though adopting the UmQBrczg9mM-00348-00147600-00148160 han style culture and written language they still UmQBrczg9mM-00349-00148160-00148552 have a very nomadic lifestyle in certain aspects UmQBrczg9mM-00350-00148552-00148952 including drinking and eating right meat dairy UmQBrczg9mM-00351-00148952-00149408 that's what they like they even have a UmQBrczg9mM-00352-00149408-00150167 name for tea like dairy slaves or water disasters and have that despised UmQBrczg9mM-00353-00150167-00150527 tea i don't even i wish i never watched a UmQBrczg9mM-00354-00150527-00151032 movie now how can we watch such a movie right so they it wasn't their jam UmQBrczg9mM-00355-00151032-00151336 really no no they didn't like give me some yak UmQBrczg9mM-00356-00151336-00151800 milk i guess or horse milk or whatever absolutely they like yogurt they like UmQBrczg9mM-00357-00151800-00152136 cheese things like that well they don't know UmQBrczg9mM-00358-00152136-00152352 what they were missing because this by Bai Mu Dan UmQBrczg9mM-00359-00152352-00152967 is just sorry this it has the is i got mixed up this Bai Ya Qi Lan UmQBrczg9mM-00360-00152967-00153536 is just divine ah water disaster what a term UmQBrczg9mM-00361-00153536-00153927 this is not a disaster not to mention at that time because they're in the north UmQBrczg9mM-00362-00153927-00154296 the north uh isn't to where the tea growth UmQBrczg9mM-00363-00154296-00154536 okay mostly growing in the south so they don't UmQBrczg9mM-00364-00154536-00154888 really have a local they can't make their own no right UmQBrczg9mM-00365-00154888-00155279 and with the wartime like all the you mentioned this was a UmQBrczg9mM-00366-00155279-00155767 tumultuous time right there was tons of battles and wars and so trade was messed UmQBrczg9mM-00367-00155767-00156208 up right um really unstable so they might they know UmQBrczg9mM-00368-00156208-00156615 tea probably but it's not a big part of their life they UmQBrczg9mM-00369-00156615-00156840 don't drink they don't like it either right right UmQBrczg9mM-00370-00156840-00157136 not a big ceremony when you're going to meet the matchmaker UmQBrczg9mM-00371-00157136-00157520 yeah yeah back to the movie the whole setup was like UmQBrczg9mM-00372-00157520-00157903 just wrong for sure they wouldn't do that UmQBrczg9mM-00373-00157903-00158208 and also the little teacup like the mini one like UmQBrczg9mM-00374-00158208-00158520 what we will use as a tasting cup when they UmQBrczg9mM-00375-00158520-00158864 drink you really got the feel they were doing gong fu brewing yeah like the way UmQBrczg9mM-00376-00158864-00159264 they do the pot and everything yes yeah they would they would use a much UmQBrczg9mM-00377-00159264-00159800 bigger bowl to drink beverage from style absolutely UmQBrczg9mM-00378-00159800-00160191 absolutely and also the tea at that time will be more seasoned UmQBrczg9mM-00379-00160191-00160591 and more powdered yeah that reminds me a lot of UmQBrczg9mM-00380-00160591-00161000 actually your tibet video right where they they use the pot to boil it they UmQBrczg9mM-00381-00161000-00161536 put in tons of seasoning and um also they prefer meat and milk and UmQBrczg9mM-00382-00161536-00161888 yeah those kind of things so more akin to that than UmQBrczg9mM-00383-00161888-00162232 anything that was happening in the south and the southern kingdom UmQBrczg9mM-00384-00162232-00162655 absolutely absolutely so the movie when you kind of watch it UmQBrczg9mM-00385-00162655-00163208 it's a it's just a movie entertaining movie that's really important to UmQBrczg9mM-00386-00163208-00163600 remember right so it's a i think in this case though like we UmQBrczg9mM-00387-00163600-00163952 mentioned earlier because it uses real actors and because UmQBrczg9mM-00388-00163952-00164464 it's based on this historical ballad of mulan there is a UmQBrczg9mM-00389-00164464-00164744 tendency for i think for people to think oh this UmQBrczg9mM-00390-00164744-00165191 might be a good spot to pick up a few tidbits about UmQBrczg9mM-00391-00165191-00165552 old chinese culture but i think what we've discovered is don't do that don't UmQBrczg9mM-00392-00165552-00165960 do that so misleading look at this world of mulan it's not much different from UmQBrczg9mM-00393-00165960-00166327 the world of star wars or the world of lord of the rings it's just a UmQBrczg9mM-00394-00166327-00166839 it's a nice lovely visual fantasy with a lovely story on it even the feminist UmQBrczg9mM-00395-00166839-00167064 aspect that they wove into it was fiction UmQBrczg9mM-00396-00167064-00167512 oh yeah those people are riders so no those peoples are absolutely rider UmQBrczg9mM-00397-00167512-00168032 and uh she is not the only girl who participated in the army there's a UmQBrczg9mM-00398-00168032-00168727 uh more you know girls and armies as leaders and stuff yeah it's a UmQBrczg9mM-00399-00168727-00169039 it's a fun story yeah it's a fun story and and UmQBrczg9mM-00400-00169039-00169624 don donnie yen isn't it and it's beautiful yeah so in general we enjoyed it but UmQBrczg9mM-00401-00169624-00170024 i don't like how much you know the history UmQBrczg9mM-00402-00170024-00170408 mess up there right not a good one to catch some chinese culture or chinese UmQBrczg9mM-00403-00170408-00170727 history rather than you actually have to have the alert do UmQBrczg9mM-00404-00170727-00171264 not think too much about those little details right on if you like this UmQBrczg9mM-00405-00171264-00171608 video please give us a thumbs up and if you want to try the tea we've UmQBrczg9mM-00406-00171608-00171944 been drinking which i can guarantee you is not a water disaster UmQBrczg9mM-00407-00171944-00172279 my most favorite croissant in the cup we've got the link down below and you UmQBrczg9mM-00408-00172279-00172584 can find a ton of other fantastic chinese teas on UmQBrczg9mM-00409-00172584-00173015 our website hope you enjoy those and until next time UmQBrczg9mM-00410-00173015-00174015 keep steeping Vo6Jrje_cN4-00001-00001352-00001552 mong có ý kiến từ các bạn V0GkbvL3Rmc-00000-00000076-00000384 If you would like to have a Book Chapter or Article scanned V0GkbvL3Rmc-00001-00000384-00000814 and sent to you via email, you can go to My Accounts V0GkbvL3Rmc-00002-00000814-00001238 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V1Zqoe7rMdo-00000-00000096-00000688 uh so in addition to colors uh our brain can quickly and not automatically perform V1Zqoe7rMdo-00001-00000688-00001240 some processing so for example when we read this paragraph even though V1Zqoe7rMdo-00002-00001240-00001904 each single word are not correct we can still understand this paragraph is talking about V1Zqoe7rMdo-00003-00002072-00003160 uh so that means that our brain can autopilot uh so there are some uh different type of data that V1Zqoe7rMdo-00004-00003160-00003920 we can use those uh pre-attentive basis attribute to visualize those type of different type of data V1Zqoe7rMdo-00005-00003984-00004616 so when talking about different type data we we have the catalog data so that data in different V1Zqoe7rMdo-00006-00004616-00005600 uh classes ordinal data so that means there is an order in the data like uh first second third V1Zqoe7rMdo-00007-00005600-00006544 higher lower in centuries and we have the numbers okay and those pre-attentive attribute V1Zqoe7rMdo-00008-00006664-00007840 that our brain process immediately so so we can understand those information pre-attentively so V1Zqoe7rMdo-00009-00007840-00008912 those ratio actually like lens uh with shape size positions or in orientations etc and also colors V1Zqoe7rMdo-00010-00009112-00010024 okay so studies and showed that uh for those different type data so it is suitable to those V1Zqoe7rMdo-00011-00010024-00010592 those pre attentive visual attributes so like for categoric data we can use position V1Zqoe7rMdo-00012-00010648-00011392 shape or colors for ordinal data we can use position size colors and also sheep V1Zqoe7rMdo-00013-00011568-00012120 for quantitative data we can use positions lengths size and also colors V1Zqoe7rMdo-00014-00012288-00012896 okay so there are some type different types of those graphs so like V1Zqoe7rMdo-00015-00013032-00013696 the graphs to show the numbers and the frequencies we have the histograms uh box plot V1Zqoe7rMdo-00016-00013696-00014447 and also scat plot we also have the line and the bar graphs and also we have graphs without axes V1Zqoe7rMdo-00017-00014447-00015168 like pine graph and a clock and graph and we can also even create those three dimensional graphs V1Zqoe7rMdo-00018-00015416-00016128 we histogram so histogram we have learned this one um from statistics so that histogram is used V1Zqoe7rMdo-00019-00016184-00016776 to show their currency of the data values in the statistical distribution V1Zqoe7rMdo-00020-00016904-00017504 so this is the one example of the histogram so that we can see that the number of the records V1Zqoe7rMdo-00021-00017504-00018152 in different range of in different beans okay so the number of red cross in different beans so V1Zqoe7rMdo-00022-00018152-00019032 this is used to show the distribution of a single variable okay so in this case we can see there are V1Zqoe7rMdo-00023-00019032-00019784 a lot of the records in this range but we have a few records in this range so that is a histogram V1Zqoe7rMdo-00024-00019984-00020776 box plot is used to show the percentile summary of the data set and it is great to compare V1Zqoe7rMdo-00025-00020840-00021800 the distribution of multiple variables okay so that is a box plot so let's review the box plot V1Zqoe7rMdo-00026-00021800-00022664 so the the middle line of the box plot shows the median values remember that is not the average V1Zqoe7rMdo-00027-00022736-00023464 that is the median values and within this box we have upper called quantile and also lower content V1Zqoe7rMdo-00028-00023656-00024704 okay and those two force indicate the maximal value and also minimal value excluding those V1Zqoe7rMdo-00029-00024704-00025392 outliers okay so remember that in box plot the minimum and also maximum values are not V1Zqoe7rMdo-00030-00025392-00026392 the biggest or the smallest values so those other uh mix and the maximal and those minimum values V1Zqoe7rMdo-00031-00026392-00027168 excluding outliers liners are defined as a value that is greater than three by two V1Zqoe7rMdo-00032-00027168-00027936 times of the upper quantile or lower than that 1.5 times of the lower content V1Zqoe7rMdo-00033-00028160-00028856 so here this is an example so here we have the variables three variables okay we see that V1Zqoe7rMdo-00034-00028856-00029624 uh the yellow one has a highest the mean values and the red one has the lowest minimal values V1Zqoe7rMdo-00035-00029704-00030352 and the blue one has a lot of outliers okay the max the highest outliers V1Zqoe7rMdo-00036-00030504-00031408 okay so that is a box plot and the scat plot is used to show the relationship of two variables V1Zqoe7rMdo-00037-00031480-00032095 okay the relationship of the two variables so uh if i focus on here we can see the relationship V1Zqoe7rMdo-00038-00032095-00032727 between a weight and also price we can say when the weight increase the price also increase V1Zqoe7rMdo-00039-00032864-00033888 okay so so that both variables have a strong positive relationship we can of course add a third V1Zqoe7rMdo-00040-00033888-00034688 um dimension on the third variable so that we can use a size to indicate a a third variable so here V1Zqoe7rMdo-00041-00034688-00035472 this is another example so here we're using the size to indicate the clarity okay personally i V1Zqoe7rMdo-00042-00035472-00036176 will not use size to so that because that one makes your visualization to be more complicated V1Zqoe7rMdo-00043-00036288-00037120 okay and next is a line graph so line graph is used to visualize the trends V1Zqoe7rMdo-00044-00037192-00037984 okay so specifically line graph is used to show the variables hot variable change over time V1Zqoe7rMdo-00045-00038208-00038544 okay so hot variable change over time V1Zqoe7rMdo-00046-00038672-00039288 so this is one example of the line graph so here we have three lines and we can see that V1Zqoe7rMdo-00047-00039360-00040056 at in this time range so there's a peak so there's increase in this time range for this red variable V1Zqoe7rMdo-00048-00040176-00040784 and there's a decrease at this time period okay so that is the line graph V1Zqoe7rMdo-00049-00040936-00041616 bar graph is just simply used use the height or length of the bar to represent data so it uses V1Zqoe7rMdo-00050-00041616-00042264 a one dimension object which is the lens just to compare the values in different categories V1Zqoe7rMdo-00051-00042264-00043104 okay so in this case we can see that the the blue variable has the highest values and the orange one V1Zqoe7rMdo-00052-00043104-00044048 and also red one have the similar values all right yeah the bar graph cannot be compound or complex V1Zqoe7rMdo-00053-00044176-00044736 okay so for example that in this bar graph we have multiple portions okay V1Zqoe7rMdo-00054-00044920-00045448 and all the parts together indicate the values but within each part we can see that how different V1Zqoe7rMdo-00055-00045528-00046048 categories are distributed within each ring within each variable V1Zqoe7rMdo-00056-00046280-00047104 all right so that is a bar graph um pie graph is a variation of the bar graph so that just instead of V1Zqoe7rMdo-00057-00047104-00047880 using the bars we are using the pi we are using the circle to represent the entire uh data set V1Zqoe7rMdo-00058-00047880-00048488 and we can use different colors to represent different parts of this or different variables V1Zqoe7rMdo-00059-00048688-00049336 so when we're using pad graph remember that we should try to avoid using a single column okay so V1Zqoe7rMdo-00060-00049336-00049968 we try to avoid using single color but instead we should use different colors to represent different V1Zqoe7rMdo-00061-00049968-00050944 variables a different data set okay so that is a pack graph uh we also have the clock graph V1Zqoe7rMdo-00062-00051032-00051712 so that is used that is also another variation of the bar graphs so that the clock graph can be used V1Zqoe7rMdo-00063-00051712-00052448 to represent to compare the variables the multiple variables just in on a single visualization V1Zqoe7rMdo-00064-00052640-00053384 okay so that's very useful for the directional data also used for the on windows V1Zqoe7rMdo-00065-00053488-00054376 and lastly we also have those 3d visualizations of the 3d graphs okay um i think uh one thing to keep V1Zqoe7rMdo-00066-00054376-00055479 in mind is that try to avoid using three division additions okay because people tend um to have less V1Zqoe7rMdo-00067-00055479-00056336 accurate perception of the 3d visualizations so try to avoid using 3d graphs so that is something V1Zqoe7rMdo-00068-00056336-00057048 that is really one thing you need to remember keep in mind that do not use 3d visualizations V3j9_yoLuvY-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video V3j9_yoLuvY-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view V3j9_yoLuvY-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. V3j9_yoLuvY-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much V47yQrf1mw4-00000-00000874-00001207 As a door gunner, you have to be able to know your aircraft, your weapon system, V47yQrf1mw4-00001-00001207-00001576 and then being able to know how we're able to employ all those and what we're going to do with them. V47yQrf1mw4-00002-00001576-00001866 So being the door gunner, you're in the back of the aircraft constantly being aware of V47yQrf1mw4-00003-00001866-00002149 what's going on and being able to help out on getting the aircraft in position V47yQrf1mw4-00004-00002149-00002314 it needs to be to accomplish the mission. V47yQrf1mw4-00005-00002382-00002568 We're trying to get ahead of the aircraft thinking about what V47yQrf1mw4-00006-00002568-00002703 we're gonna do and setting ourselves up V47yQrf1mw4-00007-00002704-00003092 for the best possible scenario that we're gonna be able to accomplish any mission and that we are happy. V47yQrf1mw4-00008-00003120-00003315 It's the best job in the Marine Corps by far... V47yQrf1mw4-00009-00003315-00003820 There's nothing more exhilarating than shooting an automatic machine gun on the side of a helicopter. V4WLInmZw2U-00000-00000001-00000091 You have entered V4WLInmZw2U-00001-00000091-00000288 the plumbing business success zone, V4WLInmZw2U-00002-00000288-00000394 teaching entrepreneurs V4WLInmZw2U-00003-00000394-00000565 the business of plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00004-00000565-00000761 This is Potty Talk Live, V4WLInmZw2U-00005-00000761-00000948 recorded live every week. V4WLInmZw2U-00006-00000948-00001215 Turn on notifications to never miss an episode. V4WLInmZw2U-00007-00001215-00001459 Now your host, Richard Behney, V4WLInmZw2U-00008-00001459-00001646 The Million Dollar Plumber. V4WLInmZw2U-00009-00001859-00001980 Hey, hey, hey plumbing pros. V4WLInmZw2U-00010-00001980-00002395 Welcome to the 323rd episode of Potty Talk Live. V4WLInmZw2U-00011-00002395-00002478 I'm your host, Richard Behney, V4WLInmZw2U-00012-00002478-00002627 The Million Dollar Plumber, V4WLInmZw2U-00013-00002627-00002712 along with my cohost, V4WLInmZw2U-00014-00002712-00002881 the lovely Laura, V4WLInmZw2U-00015-00002881-00003231 where we're talking the business of plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00016-00003231-00003314 How to stylize, V4WLInmZw2U-00017-00003314-00003459 systemize, V4WLInmZw2U-00018-00003459-00003551 and, most importantly, V4WLInmZw2U-00019-00003551-00003779 monetize your plumbing business. V4WLInmZw2U-00020-00003779-00003946 Monetize, what an idea. All right, hey, V4WLInmZw2U-00021-00003946-00004105 we've got a great episode in store for you, V4WLInmZw2U-00022-00004105-00004196 not gonna want to miss this. V4WLInmZw2U-00023-00004196-00004302 This is the second part V4WLInmZw2U-00024-00004302-00004452 of our three part series. V4WLInmZw2U-00025-00004452-00004535 Yup. V4WLInmZw2U-00026-00004535-00004702 On how to get more plumbing customers. V4WLInmZw2U-00027-00004702-00004786 Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00028-00004786-00004869 All right, V4WLInmZw2U-00029-00004869-00004952 so if you're looking V4WLInmZw2U-00030-00004952-00005050 for more plumbing customers, V4WLInmZw2U-00031-00005050-00005221 you're in the right spot, okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00032-00005221-00005388 We're gonna be talking just that here. V4WLInmZw2U-00033-00005388-00005492 Okay. So we'll get at it. V4WLInmZw2U-00034-00005492-00005577 How you doing, baby? V4WLInmZw2U-00035-00005577-00005660 I'm doing great, babe. V4WLInmZw2U-00036-00005660-00005761 All right, I finally get- How you doing? V4WLInmZw2U-00037-00005761-00006016 We worked all day today near one another, V4WLInmZw2U-00038-00006016-00006142 but we really didn't talk. V4WLInmZw2U-00039-00006142-00006286 I know. V4WLInmZw2U-00040-00006286-00006415 I missed you. I was busy. V4WLInmZw2U-00041-00006415-00006610 I miss you, yeah you were. I was busy. V4WLInmZw2U-00042-00006610-00006737 Somebody's got to make- Sometimes I think, V4WLInmZw2U-00043-00006737-00006843 I think you say, what? V4WLInmZw2U-00044-00006843-00006970 Somebody's got to make you look good. V4WLInmZw2U-00045-00006970-00007080 That's what I was gonna say. V4WLInmZw2U-00046-00007203-00007318 Well, you were clicking away. V4WLInmZw2U-00047-00007318-00007402 Hey Brett. V4WLInmZw2U-00048-00007402-00007485 Hey there. V4WLInmZw2U-00049-00007485-00007578 Brett Hoehne, what do you know? V4WLInmZw2U-00050-00007578-00007661 Cool cat. Hey, good to have V4WLInmZw2U-00051-00007661-00007768 you on board here, Brett. V4WLInmZw2U-00052-00007768-00007851 Brett's listening to V4WLInmZw2U-00053-00007851-00007970 our audio I think. Yeah, 323rd, V4WLInmZw2U-00054-00007970-00008085 checking out the audio. Testing. V4WLInmZw2U-00055-00008085-00008256 Testing one, two, three. Testing one, two, three. V4WLInmZw2U-00056-00008256-00008483 Testes, testes. Nice. V4WLInmZw2U-00057-00008483-00008765 Okay, that's the plumbing humor coming out of me. V4WLInmZw2U-00058-00008765-00008849 I know, that's really funny. V4WLInmZw2U-00059-00008849-00009044 But hey, it's good to be here with you, babe. V4WLInmZw2U-00060-00009044-00009163 I know, happy Monday, everybody. V4WLInmZw2U-00061-00009163-00009378 Hey, we're looking forward to having this conversation. V4WLInmZw2U-00062-00009378-00009488 Hey, Sarah. On this one. V4WLInmZw2U-00063-00009488-00009571 Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00064-00009571-00009801 You know, how to get more plumbing customers, I think. V4WLInmZw2U-00065-00009801-00009925 I'm pretty sure that anybody watching V4WLInmZw2U-00066-00009925-00010086 doesn't even have that issue. V4WLInmZw2U-00067-00010086-00010191 Probably not. Uh-uh. V4WLInmZw2U-00068-00010191-00010331 Certainly not our clients. V4WLInmZw2U-00069-00010492-00010875 Sarah, all right. Sara Delnay in the house. V4WLInmZw2U-00070-00011045-00011152 DW, all right! V4WLInmZw2U-00071-00011152-00011442 DW, it's been 400 years since you've tuned in live. V4WLInmZw2U-00072-00011442-00011656 Hey, I saw your video, V4WLInmZw2U-00073-00011656-00011751 or whatever, V4WLInmZw2U-00074-00011751-00011834 your live. V4WLInmZw2U-00075-00011834-00011917 All right, glad to hear V4WLInmZw2U-00076-00011917-00012093 you're having the, yes. Congratulations. V4WLInmZw2U-00077-00012093-00012260 You're getting it done. Pretty exciting I know. V4WLInmZw2U-00078-00012260-00012593 Inception plumbing, Darrell and Lindsey out of- V4WLInmZw2U-00079-00012593-00012676 Kansas City. V4WLInmZw2U-00080-00012676-00012960 Kansas City, thank you, Kansas City, Missouri. V4WLInmZw2U-00081-00012960-00013087 Owners of Inception Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00082-00013087-00013242 Killing it in Missouri. Yes, they are. V4WLInmZw2U-00083-00013242-00013499 Love it. Mr. Silva's on board here. V4WLInmZw2U-00084-00013499-00013655 Or Silva, either one. Good to have you here. V4WLInmZw2U-00085-00013655-00013789 Silva, yeah sorry. V4WLInmZw2U-00086-00013899-00014062 Say hi to Bobby and April for us. V4WLInmZw2U-00087-00014062-00014247 Okay, yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00088-00014247-00014497 All right, getting it done. John May for Hot Atlanta. V4WLInmZw2U-00089-00014497-00014581 I bet it's hot. V4WLInmZw2U-00090-00014581-00014688 Hotter than here, though? V4WLInmZw2U-00091-00014688-00014771 I mean in Florida. I was just thinking, V4WLInmZw2U-00092-00014771-00014859 I was gonna whine here, V4WLInmZw2U-00093-00014859-00015055 but I'm kind of, I'm hot. V4WLInmZw2U-00094-00015055-00015138 I'm sweating here a little bit. V4WLInmZw2U-00095-00015138-00015221 It's really hot in- V4WLInmZw2U-00096-00015221-00015327 That might be the studio lights here as well. V4WLInmZw2U-00097-00015327-00015609 Southwest Florida, it's a little scorch-y. V4WLInmZw2U-00098-00015609-00015738 I just went outside to pick up V4WLInmZw2U-00099-00015738-00015918 your Home Chef meals. V4WLInmZw2U-00100-00015918-00016001 Home Chef, okay, guys- V4WLInmZw2U-00101-00016001-00016166 I should say our Home Chef meals, all right. V4WLInmZw2U-00102-00016166-00016432 Live with 615 Plumbing, Patrick. V4WLInmZw2U-00103-00016432-00016746 So you must be a technician with 615. V4WLInmZw2U-00104-00016746-00016946 You work for a fantastic company V4WLInmZw2U-00105-00016946-00017083 if that's the case. Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00106-00017083-00017245 Love. Love. V4WLInmZw2U-00107-00017245-00017424 Love Ty and Jess. Ty and Jess, yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00108-00017424-00017508 And 615 and their whole crew. V4WLInmZw2U-00109-00017508-00017717 Sharp, you're at the right spot. V4WLInmZw2U-00110-00017717-00017862 Okay, they got it going on. V4WLInmZw2U-00111-00017862-00017978 Jersey boy checking in, Bob. V4WLInmZw2U-00112-00017978-00018189 Grow with, there's gonna be opportunity there for you. V4WLInmZw2U-00113-00018189-00018337 Absolutely, good for you Patrick. V4WLInmZw2U-00114-00018337-00018551 All right, Bob! Bob, out of Jersey. V4WLInmZw2U-00115-00018551-00018722 Jersey, our Jersey boy. Our Jersey buddy. V4WLInmZw2U-00116-00018722-00018859 Yup, all right. V4WLInmZw2U-00117-00018859-00019004 So live, live, live! V4WLInmZw2U-00118-00019004-00019087 Good to have you here. V4WLInmZw2U-00119-00019087-00019222 That's right, that reminds me. That's right, thank you. V4WLInmZw2U-00120-00019222-00019354 Hey, if you're watching live, V4WLInmZw2U-00121-00019354-00019487 please type live in the comments. V4WLInmZw2U-00122-00019487-00019570 Yes. Let us know that V4WLInmZw2U-00123-00019570-00019751 you're part of the live social audience. V4WLInmZw2U-00124-00019751-00019904 If you catch the replay, V4WLInmZw2U-00125-00019904-00020020 please type replay, V4WLInmZw2U-00126-00020020-00020215 let us know you caught the replay. V4WLInmZw2U-00127-00020215-00020388 And if you're listening to the podcast, V4WLInmZw2U-00128-00020388-00020681 which we repurpose this for the podcast, V4WLInmZw2U-00129-00020681-00020824 with some other fun stuff. V4WLInmZw2U-00130-00020824-00020907 But you know what to do V4WLInmZw2U-00131-00020907-00021131 just keep on listening. Listening. V4WLInmZw2U-00132-00021131-00021333 All right, all right. Preston, live with VIP. V4WLInmZw2U-00133-00021333-00021466 Hey, and speaking of the podcast. V4WLInmZw2U-00134-00021466-00021558 Yes, honey. You can pick up V4WLInmZw2U-00135-00021558-00021707 the podcast and all your- V4WLInmZw2U-00136-00021707-00021884 All everything. All the standard, Stitcher, V4WLInmZw2U-00137-00021884-00022045 Apple, all that, okay. Apple and blah, blah. V4WLInmZw2U-00138-00022045-00022285 So you can- Yes, binge. V4WLInmZw2U-00139-00022285-00022494 I mean there's 323 episodes now, right? V4WLInmZw2U-00140-00022494-00022578 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00141-00022578-00022718 All out of the pockets. Of nuggets of gold. V4WLInmZw2U-00142-00022718-00022998 It's a whole goldmine, okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00143-00022998-00023181 There is, and thank you so much Shelby, V4WLInmZw2U-00144-00023181-00023288 our producer, for putting that up. V4WLInmZw2U-00145-00023288-00023490 Sign up to get text messages when we go live. V4WLInmZw2U-00146-00023490-00023771 So type the word text in the comments, V4WLInmZw2U-00147-00023771-00024001 and you will get a text message every time we go live. V4WLInmZw2U-00148-00024001-00024133 You never want to miss an episode V4WLInmZw2U-00149-00024133-00024221 of Potty Talk Live. V4WLInmZw2U-00150-00024221-00024352 That's right. Mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-00151-00024352-00024545 'Cause if you miss an episode of Potty Talk Live- V4WLInmZw2U-00152-00024545-00024654 That's right, you gonna die. V4WLInmZw2U-00153-00024654-00024836 You gonna die. You gonna die. V4WLInmZw2U-00154-00024836-00025010 Also, be sure to share this with someone you know. V4WLInmZw2U-00155-00025010-00025165 Tag somebody, your spouse or something V4WLInmZw2U-00156-00025165-00025282 that should be watching with you, V4WLInmZw2U-00157-00025282-00025442 if you're a plumbing business owner. V4WLInmZw2U-00158-00025442-00025567 Tag her, or tag someone V4WLInmZw2U-00159-00025567-00025768 that you know needs this information. V4WLInmZw2U-00160-00025768-00026019 Right, this is good information here. V4WLInmZw2U-00161-00026019-00026102 Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00162-00026102-00026235 How to get more plumbing customers. V4WLInmZw2U-00163-00026235-00026430 Again, this is our second of our- V4WLInmZw2U-00164-00026430-00026572 Second of part three, V4WLInmZw2U-00165-00026572-00026769 or of three part, yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00166-00026769-00026893 We know that customers buy from those V4WLInmZw2U-00167-00026893-00027002 they know, like, and trust. V4WLInmZw2U-00168-00027002-00027183 Trust, we'll be talking about that. V4WLInmZw2U-00169-00027183-00027312 Thanks, Anne. And so our last episode V4WLInmZw2U-00170-00027312-00027504 we talked about how you get customers to know you. V4WLInmZw2U-00171-00027504-00027722 So if you've missed that, oh. Oh! V4WLInmZw2U-00172-00027722-00027861 Go back and check it out. V4WLInmZw2U-00173-00027861-00028029 Lucky for you, it's in the archives. V4WLInmZw2U-00174-00028029-00028139 Miss Anne. V4WLInmZw2U-00175-00028139-00028445 Anne and Jeff Jordan out of Mankato, Minnesota. V4WLInmZw2U-00176-00028445-00028529 Mankato, Minnesota. V4WLInmZw2U-00177-00028529-00028657 Owners of Babe Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00178-00028657-00028801 And they are the babes. V4WLInmZw2U-00179-00028801-00028884 Did you see the picture with their- V4WLInmZw2U-00180-00028884-00028979 Yes, the new pictures. V4WLInmZw2U-00181-00028979-00029151 Okay, guys, you've got to go out V4WLInmZw2U-00182-00029151-00029306 and check out Babe Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00183-00029306-00029389 Their new truck V4WLInmZw2U-00184-00029389-00029591 that Dan Antonelli did, V4WLInmZw2U-00185-00029591-00029675 KickCharge. V4WLInmZw2U-00186-00029675-00029801 Just stunning. Well, they make, V4WLInmZw2U-00187-00029801-00029958 yeah, Dan did a good job with it. V4WLInmZw2U-00188-00029958-00030081 But they make that truck V4WLInmZw2U-00189-00030081-00030166 look good. They make it look good. V4WLInmZw2U-00190-00030166-00030285 Did some great pictures today, V4WLInmZw2U-00191-00030285-00030368 so good for you guys, V4WLInmZw2U-00192-00030368-00030451 congratulations on that. V4WLInmZw2U-00193-00030451-00030534 Looking good. V4WLInmZw2U-00194-00030534-00030664 Super exciting, never miss an episode. V4WLInmZw2U-00195-00030664-00030787 Turn on notifications now. V4WLInmZw2U-00196-00030787-00030950 You can do that in Facebook as well. V4WLInmZw2U-00197-00030950-00031048 Turn on notifications, V4WLInmZw2U-00198-00031048-00031139 thank you, Shelby. V4WLInmZw2U-00199-00031139-00031247 Everyone say hi to Shelby, V4WLInmZw2U-00200-00031247-00031333 our brand new producer, V4WLInmZw2U-00201-00031333-00031452 who's doing amazing. V4WLInmZw2U-00202-00031452-00031560 Miss Shelby. We kind of threw her V4WLInmZw2U-00203-00031560-00031644 right into the deep end. V4WLInmZw2U-00204-00031644-00031727 We sure threw her in. V4WLInmZw2U-00205-00031727-00031984 Hey, but she can handle it. Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00206-00031984-00032122 This ain't no thing for her. V4WLInmZw2U-00207-00032237-00032362 New service manager, they're great. V4WLInmZw2U-00208-00032362-00032477 Glad to be here, Patrick wow! V4WLInmZw2U-00209-00032477-00032736 Congratulations, wow that's exciting. V4WLInmZw2U-00210-00032736-00032901 We did hear that there was a new service manager. V4WLInmZw2U-00211-00032901-00033067 Yes, we haven't had a chance to talk V4WLInmZw2U-00212-00033067-00033190 with them all about it yet. No, we have not. V4WLInmZw2U-00213-00033190-00033273 Well, way to go, man. V4WLInmZw2U-00214-00033273-00033417 Congratulations, you are working V4WLInmZw2U-00215-00033417-00033595 for a fantastic company, 615. V4WLInmZw2U-00216-00033595-00033696 And I'm sure they're glad to have you. V4WLInmZw2U-00217-00033696-00033813 Out of Nashville. V4WLInmZw2U-00218-00033813-00034126 And that team there is gonna take Nashville over. V4WLInmZw2U-00219-00034126-00034209 That's right, V4WLInmZw2U-00220-00034209-00034574 we love us some Ty St. Lawrence, and Jess. V4WLInmZw2U-00221-00034574-00034695 Great group of guys. Hey, question for you. V4WLInmZw2U-00222-00034695-00034866 For tonight, what's our question tonight here? V4WLInmZw2U-00223-00034866-00034949 What is our question for tonight? V4WLInmZw2U-00224-00034949-00035218 Shelby you got that? I don't have it. V4WLInmZw2U-00225-00035218-00035470 Hey, what's a brand you really like? V4WLInmZw2U-00226-00035470-00035733 So we're talking about companies V4WLInmZw2U-00227-00035733-00035920 and brands that you know, like and trust. V4WLInmZw2U-00228-00035920-00036003 So what's a brand V4WLInmZw2U-00229-00036003-00036187 that you really like a lot? V4WLInmZw2U-00230-00036187-00036299 And yeah, for whatever reason, V4WLInmZw2U-00231-00036299-00036386 it doesn't matter. V4WLInmZw2U-00232-00036386-00036469 It could be colors, V4WLInmZw2U-00233-00036469-00036654 you may just like Babe Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00234-00036749-00036860 They've got a great brand V4WLInmZw2U-00235-00036860-00037033 with their new icon. We were gonna talk about V4WLInmZw2U-00236-00037033-00037183 that, how important it is. And the colors. V4WLInmZw2U-00237-00037183-00037375 We love the colors. Yup. V4WLInmZw2U-00238-00037375-00037458 So what's a brand That's important. V4WLInmZw2U-00239-00037458-00037541 that you really like? What's a brand V4WLInmZw2U-00240-00037541-00037625 that you really like? V4WLInmZw2U-00241-00037625-00037815 What's a brand that you really like, Gucci girl? V4WLInmZw2U-00242-00038014-00038184 Well, there's that. V4WLInmZw2U-00243-00038184-00038330 I do like Gucci. Yup. V4WLInmZw2U-00244-00038430-00038644 I like, I like, V4WLInmZw2U-00245-00038644-00038777 what am I trying to say? V4WLInmZw2U-00246-00038777-00038902 See, you've already made me forget, V4WLInmZw2U-00247-00038902-00039024 so you brought up Gucci. V4WLInmZw2U-00248-00039024-00039120 I like, what's the blue? V4WLInmZw2U-00249-00039120-00039203 Tiffany's. V4WLInmZw2U-00250-00039203-00039371 Tiffany's. Duh, Tiffany's yes, V4WLInmZw2U-00251-00039371-00039454 I do love me some Tiffany's as well. V4WLInmZw2U-00252-00039454-00039689 You're a Tiffany girl, too. V4WLInmZw2U-00253-00039689-00039802 I like it simple. V4WLInmZw2U-00254-00039802-00039921 Do you know what I really like? V4WLInmZw2U-00255-00039921-00040045 What? V4WLInmZw2U-00256-00040045-00040128 My jeans. V4WLInmZw2U-00257-00040128-00040290 Mugsy Jeans. I guys. V4WLInmZw2U-00258-00040290-00040496 Okay, here we go. V4WLInmZw2U-00259-00040496-00040579 Mugsy Jeans. V4WLInmZw2U-00260-00040579-00040870 They need to be paying you for, V4WLInmZw2U-00261-00040870-00041103 you tell every man known to man. V4WLInmZw2U-00262-00041103-00041188 Ha, they just- To get Mugsy Jeans. V4WLInmZw2U-00263-00041188-00041319 They fit like a glove. V4WLInmZw2U-00264-00041319-00041581 M-U-G-S-Y, Mugsy Jeans. V4WLInmZw2U-00265-00041581-00041706 Mugsy Jeans. V4WLInmZw2U-00266-00041706-00041830 Brett, all right, Harley- V4WLInmZw2U-00267-00041830-00041944 Harley, really? V4WLInmZw2U-00268-00041944-00042165 Do you have a Harley, Brett? V4WLInmZw2U-00269-00042165-00042273 I don't know. V4WLInmZw2U-00270-00042273-00042356 Have we seen him on a Harley? V4WLInmZw2U-00271-00042356-00042452 I could kind of picture him on a Harley. V4WLInmZw2U-00272-00042566-00042775 There's no car seats on a Harley. V4WLInmZw2U-00273-00042775-00042917 He's got 46 kids. V4WLInmZw2U-00274-00042917-00043063 That's right. V4WLInmZw2U-00275-00043063-00043251 I like it, and Harley Davidson V4WLInmZw2U-00276-00043251-00043382 is a good story, too. V4WLInmZw2U-00277-00043382-00043566 A good American success story. That is a good story. Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00278-00043566-00043774 There's a great book, Harley Davidson. V4WLInmZw2U-00279-00043774-00043869 I can't remember when that came out, V4WLInmZw2U-00280-00043869-00044035 but it's a great book. V4WLInmZw2U-00281-00044035-00044185 Chick-fil-A. Chick-fil-A! V4WLInmZw2U-00282-00044185-00044268 There's a great- V4WLInmZw2U-00283-00044268-00044472 That is a great brand, my pleasure. V4WLInmZw2U-00284-00044472-00044555 Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00285-00044555-00044661 Yes, our daughter worked for Chick-fil-A V4WLInmZw2U-00286-00044661-00044909 when she was a junior in high school, I believe. V4WLInmZw2U-00287-00044909-00044992 Ain't it great? V4WLInmZw2U-00288-00044992-00045196 And they drill that "my pleasure" V4WLInmZw2U-00289-00045196-00045354 into your head. V4WLInmZw2U-00290-00045354-00045480 They get that kind of service, V4WLInmZw2U-00291-00045480-00045569 it's fast food. V4WLInmZw2U-00292-00045569-00045652 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00293-00045652-00045735 And it's the same, V4WLInmZw2U-00294-00045735-00045875 you go to McDonald's next door, V4WLInmZw2U-00295-00045875-00046075 and you know, I think they, V4WLInmZw2U-00296-00046075-00046196 you don't barely get a hello. V4WLInmZw2U-00297-00046196-00046283 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00298-00046283-00046563 And it's just throw the bag at you. V4WLInmZw2U-00299-00046563-00046646 And in Chick-fil-A- V4WLInmZw2U-00300-00046646-00046729 Yeah, they're amazing. V4WLInmZw2U-00301-00046729-00046969 There could be three lanes out to the street. V4WLInmZw2U-00302-00046969-00047148 And they're super pleasant. V4WLInmZw2U-00303-00047148-00047296 And so much so, V4WLInmZw2U-00304-00047296-00047561 that our daughter at home would, V4WLInmZw2U-00305-00047561-00047723 at home she would get used to saying, V4WLInmZw2U-00306-00047723-00047863 she was so used to saying, "My pleasure." V4WLInmZw2U-00307-00047863-00047946 We'd ask her. V4WLInmZw2U-00308-00047946-00048142 I would ask her, I would thank her for something, V4WLInmZw2U-00309-00048142-00048345 and thanks for picking up your room, V4WLInmZw2U-00310-00048345-00048428 or whatever. V4WLInmZw2U-00311-00048428-00048511 And she'd be, "My pleasure." V4WLInmZw2U-00312-00048511-00048641 And she'd go, "Oh, golly." V4WLInmZw2U-00313-00048741-00048862 That's good. So, yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00314-00048862-00049093 Jeep! Jeep, yup. V4WLInmZw2U-00315-00049093-00049226 Now, Patrick, do you know, V4WLInmZw2U-00316-00049226-00049372 okay you're just new with 615, V4WLInmZw2U-00317-00049372-00049468 but do you know about our Jeep? V4WLInmZw2U-00318-00049577-00049660 I love it, yeah. You're gonna have V4WLInmZw2U-00319-00049660-00049765 to ask Tyler about it. V4WLInmZw2U-00320-00049765-00049888 We've got a toy. V4WLInmZw2U-00321-00049888-00049975 Yup, we got the toy, V4WLInmZw2U-00322-00049975-00050082 we call it the toy. V4WLInmZw2U-00323-00050082-00050165 It's the toy, yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00324-00050165-00050254 But Jeep. It's very nice. V4WLInmZw2U-00325-00050254-00050375 And it's a thing. V4WLInmZw2U-00326-00050375-00050528 So Patrick, I'm gonna assume that V4WLInmZw2U-00327-00050528-00050666 you're part of that- Patrick, if you have a jeep- V4WLInmZw2U-00328-00050666-00050804 Part of the culture. V4WLInmZw2U-00329-00050804-00051033 Right, we've had to learn the Jeep wave. V4WLInmZw2U-00330-00051033-00051116 Yeah. V4WLInmZw2U-00331-00051116-00051222 In fact, I just drive now like this. V4WLInmZw2U-00332-00051378-00051540 In Florida here, every other car is a Jeep. V4WLInmZw2U-00333-00051540-00051754 Is a Jeep, it's true. V4WLInmZw2U-00334-00051754-00051979 I don't want to be rude, V4WLInmZw2U-00335-00051979-00052096 so I just drive like this. I know, V4WLInmZw2U-00336-00052096-00052239 you miss one I'm like, V4WLInmZw2U-00337-00052239-00052322 "Honey, you missed one." V4WLInmZw2U-00338-00052322-00052405 We do, we feel bad. V4WLInmZw2U-00339-00052405-00052511 Oh, let's turn around and go back, V4WLInmZw2U-00340-00052511-00052808 and wave at them, okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00341-00052808-00053029 Milwaukee, all right. Milwaukee, Milwaukee brands. V4WLInmZw2U-00342-00053029-00053170 That was my power tool brand. V4WLInmZw2U-00343-00053170-00053366 I had all Milwaukee. What's happening here? V4WLInmZw2U-00344-00053366-00053579 You know, it's a good brand. V4WLInmZw2U-00345-00053579-00053714 That is a good brand. V4WLInmZw2U-00346-00053714-00053861 So yeah, guys, let us know what some V4WLInmZw2U-00347-00053861-00053966 of the brands that you like. V4WLInmZw2U-00348-00053966-00054050 LuluLemon. V4WLInmZw2U-00349-00054050-00054191 That is a good one, too. V4WLInmZw2U-00350-00054191-00054274 That is good. V4WLInmZw2U-00351-00054274-00054408 Yeah, good workout clothes. But I don't go anymore. V4WLInmZw2U-00352-00054408-00054503 In fact, we were just- V4WLInmZw2U-00353-00054503-00054633 Oh, I knew you were gonna bring that up. V4WLInmZw2U-00354-00054633-00054728 Because they kicked us out, V4WLInmZw2U-00355-00054728-00054878 'cause we didn't wear a mask. V4WLInmZw2U-00356-00054878-00054974 They did, V4WLInmZw2U-00357-00054974-00055072 they kicked us out of their store. V4WLInmZw2U-00358-00055072-00055155 But we just went by and all of a sudden V4WLInmZw2U-00359-00055155-00055340 they're not wearing masks, so what? V4WLInmZw2U-00360-00055340-00055427 Okay, we're not getting V4WLInmZw2U-00361-00055427-00055511 kicked off Facebook. So you're not worried about, V4WLInmZw2U-00362-00055511-00055594 there's still the flu. V4WLInmZw2U-00363-00055594-00055677 We still can die of stuff. Okay. Bye Facebook. V4WLInmZw2U-00364-00055677-00055809 There's all kinds of viruses. V4WLInmZw2U-00365-00055809-00055941 We're out, there we go. V4WLInmZw2U-00366-00055941-00056029 But now, you don't have to wear a mask. V4WLInmZw2U-00367-00056029-00056201 If we do get kicked out, everybody just go over V4WLInmZw2U-00368-00056201-00056417 to V4WLInmZw2U-00369-00056417-00056646 And we are live on that page, as well. V4WLInmZw2U-00370-00056804-00057142 Golly. Can you wait, please? V4WLInmZw2U-00371-00057142-00057334 Anyway. Anyways, all right. V4WLInmZw2U-00372-00057334-00057471 Okay, so what are we talking about tonight? V4WLInmZw2U-00373-00057471-00057574 Well, let's get at it. V4WLInmZw2U-00374-00057574-00057856 We're talking about how to get more plumbing customers. V4WLInmZw2U-00375-00058000-00058200 So we know, well, we may not know. V4WLInmZw2U-00376-00058200-00058283 What? V4WLInmZw2U-00377-00058283-00058680 Customers buy from those they know, like, and trust. V4WLInmZw2U-00378-00058680-00058823 And that's just not plumbing, V4WLInmZw2U-00379-00058823-00058906 it's everything. V4WLInmZw2U-00380-00058906-00059285 Right, that's really how simple it is. V4WLInmZw2U-00381-00059285-00059491 So especially, you know we just talked V4WLInmZw2U-00382-00059491-00059666 about some great brands here. V4WLInmZw2U-00383-00059890-00060057 Someone wants a Harley Davidson, V4WLInmZw2U-00384-00060057-00060236 we're gonna go get Harley Davidson. V4WLInmZw2U-00385-00060236-00060479 Even LuluLemon, you like that, V4WLInmZw2U-00386-00060479-00060609 you're gonna go in and get LuluLemon. V4WLInmZw2U-00387-00060609-00060694 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00388-00060694-00060793 No one wakes up in the morning though, V4WLInmZw2U-00389-00060793-00060951 and wants to call a plumber. V4WLInmZw2U-00390-00060951-00061034 No one. V4WLInmZw2U-00391-00061034-00061196 No one, zero. So it's even more vital. V4WLInmZw2U-00392-00061196-00061317 Zero, zip, nada. V4WLInmZw2U-00393-00061317-00061604 It's even more vital, V4WLInmZw2U-00394-00061604-00061849 that we get our customers, V4WLInmZw2U-00395-00061849-00062045 prospective customers. V4WLInmZw2U-00396-00062045-00062169 Prospective? Yes prospective, V4WLInmZw2U-00397-00062169-00062360 prospective, prospective. V4WLInmZw2U-00398-00062360-00062542 That's like, what's the other word I'm having trouble? V4WLInmZw2U-00399-00062542-00062662 Specific, V4WLInmZw2U-00400-00062662-00062745 Pacific, V4WLInmZw2U-00401-00062745-00062828 specific, okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00402-00062828-00062914 Not saying a word. V4WLInmZw2U-00403-00062914-00063129 Anyways, we get our customers, V4WLInmZw2U-00404-00063129-00063384 to know, like, and trust us. V4WLInmZw2U-00405-00063384-00063658 If we don't, that's... V4WLInmZw2U-00406-00063658-00063744 Yes, they're gonna forget all about you. V4WLInmZw2U-00407-00063744-00063932 That's a train crash waiting to happen. V4WLInmZw2U-00408-00063932-00064015 They're gonna forget all about you. V4WLInmZw2U-00409-00064015-00064128 Yes, they are. V4WLInmZw2U-00410-00064128-00064325 You know, last episode we talked about V4WLInmZw2U-00411-00064325-00064549 how to get customers to know us, V4WLInmZw2U-00412-00064549-00064654 which is very important. V4WLInmZw2U-00413-00064654-00064841 Yes, we talked about branding. V4WLInmZw2U-00414-00064841-00064924 Again, we bring up- V4WLInmZw2U-00415-00064924-00065073 Branding's always kind of part of that. V4WLInmZw2U-00416-00065073-00065160 Yes, for your trucks. V4WLInmZw2U-00417-00065160-00065270 We just talked about Babe Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00418-00065270-00065530 Dan Antonelli does an amazing job V4WLInmZw2U-00419-00065530-00065691 getting your truck noticed. V4WLInmZw2U-00420-00065691-00065777 Ah. V4WLInmZw2U-00421-00065777-00065860 Ah, you just broke your pen. V4WLInmZw2U-00422-00065860-00065943 I just broke my pen. V4WLInmZw2U-00423-00065943-00066057 This was my favorite pen, too. V4WLInmZw2U-00424-00066192-00066348 I don't believe you. V4WLInmZw2U-00425-00066348-00066571 Okay, all right, Dan Antonelli. V4WLInmZw2U-00426-00066571-00066655 Dan Antonelli, KickCharge, yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00427-00066655-00066743 KickCharge, all right- V4WLInmZw2U-00428-00066743-00066906 Helps you to get known. V4WLInmZw2U-00429-00066906-00067033 The branding thing's a big deal. V4WLInmZw2U-00430-00067033-00067116 It is a big thing. And we're gonna find out, V4WLInmZw2U-00431-00067116-00067329 too, it's still a part of a big deal getting, V4WLInmZw2U-00432-00067329-00067503 the next part of getting customers to like us. V4WLInmZw2U-00433-00067503-00067586 Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00434-00067586-00067683 In fact, let's talk about that. V4WLInmZw2U-00435-00067683-00067806 Sure, can I say one thing? V4WLInmZw2U-00436-00067806-00067987 I know we talked about Dan Antonelli a couple of times. V4WLInmZw2U-00437-00067987-00068283 But if you are interested in maybe updating your brand, V4WLInmZw2U-00438-00068283-00068402 KickCharge is the way to go. V4WLInmZw2U-00439-00068402-00068612 You can type "brand" V4WLInmZw2U-00440-00068612-00068756 or "KickCharge" in the comments, V4WLInmZw2U-00441-00068756-00068904 and they'll reach out to you. V4WLInmZw2U-00442-00068904-00069004 Right. Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00443-00069004-00069113 As long as you're watching on Facebook. V4WLInmZw2U-00444-00069113-00069350 If you're watching on YouTube, or on our website, V4WLInmZw2U-00445-00069350-00069770 no, you'd have to go V4WLInmZw2U-00446-00069770-00069867 to get information. Right, you know branding's V4WLInmZw2U-00447-00069867-00070022 very, very, very, very important. V4WLInmZw2U-00448-00070022-00070147 Especially, with plumbing, again, V4WLInmZw2U-00449-00070147-00070339 'cause no one wakes up and wants to call a plumber. V4WLInmZw2U-00450-00070339-00070473 Right, and you don't want So we got to recognized, V4WLInmZw2U-00451-00070473-00070631 get them to know us. a bland, you want a brand. V4WLInmZw2U-00452-00070631-00070716 We want a brand. V4WLInmZw2U-00453-00070716-00070953 We don't want to bland into the background. V4WLInmZw2U-00454-00070953-00071096 Now we're here, we want to figure out how V4WLInmZw2U-00455-00071096-00071306 we can get customers to like us. V4WLInmZw2U-00456-00071306-00071478 So how can we do that, okay? V4WLInmZw2U-00457-00071478-00071567 Like me. V4WLInmZw2U-00458-00071567-00071837 First, what we can do, all right? V4WLInmZw2U-00459-00071837-00071935 Take a look at it, V4WLInmZw2U-00460-00071935-00072024 Shelby's right on it. V4WLInmZw2U-00461-00072024-00072123 She's good, I know. V4WLInmZw2U-00462-00072123-00072321 First impressions matter. Give that girl a raise. V4WLInmZw2U-00463-00072321-00072537 First impressions matter. V4WLInmZw2U-00464-00072537-00072714 I know, you know, V4WLInmZw2U-00465-00072714-00072850 we're looking for the safe place. V4WLInmZw2U-00466-00072850-00072933 What? V4WLInmZw2U-00467-00072933-00073064 And the little spots where- V4WLInmZw2U-00468-00073064-00073147 For? V4WLInmZw2U-00469-00073147-00073305 People don't judge a book by its cover. V4WLInmZw2U-00470-00073305-00073454 Oh, well, sure they do. V4WLInmZw2U-00471-00073454-00073739 Yeah, they do, they do. V4WLInmZw2U-00472-00073739-00073855 No matter how much we try V4WLInmZw2U-00473-00073855-00074164 to say they don't, they do. V4WLInmZw2U-00474-00074164-00074283 And especially plumbers. V4WLInmZw2U-00475-00074283-00074564 There's a reason why sayings are sayings. V4WLInmZw2U-00476-00074564-00074738 No matter how much we try to get rid of them, V4WLInmZw2U-00477-00074738-00074955 or whatever. Whatever. V4WLInmZw2U-00478-00074955-00075174 But, first impressions matter. V4WLInmZw2U-00479-00075174-00075397 And that brings up the brand. V4WLInmZw2U-00480-00075627-00075873 A brand is very important. V4WLInmZw2U-00481-00075873-00075970 What you call yourself, V4WLInmZw2U-00482-00075970-00076053 your logo, V4WLInmZw2U-00483-00076053-00076136 and how things look. V4WLInmZw2U-00484-00076136-00076227 Name of your company. V4WLInmZw2U-00485-00076227-00076310 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00486-00076310-00076511 So a company if you were like, V4WLInmZw2U-00487-00076511-00076615 I'm gonna go extreme here. V4WLInmZw2U-00488-00076615-00076802 Not that I ever do that. Okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00489-00076802-00076956 Hitler Plumbing, V4WLInmZw2U-00490-00076956-00077097 may not be wise. V4WLInmZw2U-00491-00077097-00077215 I'm just using it as an example here. V4WLInmZw2U-00492-00077215-00077368 I wish Dan was watching V4WLInmZw2U-00493-00077368-00077471 right now. Hitler Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00494-00077471-00077848 So the logo's a guy with the, you know, whatever. V4WLInmZw2U-00495-00077973-00078171 Dan, if you're watching, I need you V4WLInmZw2U-00496-00078171-00078502 to design Hitler Plumbing. Hitler Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00497-00078502-00078683 That's a person Babe, you're so bad. V4WLInmZw2U-00498-00078683-00078923 that universally is not liked. V4WLInmZw2U-00499-00078923-00079011 Correct. V4WLInmZw2U-00500-00079011-00079170 It's one of these, I use as an example. V4WLInmZw2U-00501-00079170-00079378 Most people will not, at least, won't admit V4WLInmZw2U-00502-00079378-00079517 that they like Hitler, okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00503-00079517-00079722 Hitler Plumbing. Know, like, and trust. V4WLInmZw2U-00504-00079722-00079821 Yes, they do. Bigger sales come V4WLInmZw2U-00505-00079821-00079904 from know, like, and trust. V4WLInmZw2U-00506-00079904-00079990 You're exactly right. That's right. V4WLInmZw2U-00507-00079990-00080073 Mr. Tanner. V4WLInmZw2U-00508-00080073-00080210 Because people open up their wallet, V4WLInmZw2U-00509-00080210-00080499 and spend money with those they know, like, and trust. V4WLInmZw2U-00510-00080499-00080752 Just like our lovely Laura did this past weekend V4WLInmZw2U-00511-00080752-00081144 with her secret shopper, or whatever. V4WLInmZw2U-00512-00081144-00081378 Secret shopper, oh my gosh. V4WLInmZw2U-00513-00081378-00081494 It's called a stylist, babe. V4WLInmZw2U-00514-00081494-00081584 Stylist. Anyway, I wanted V4WLInmZw2U-00515-00081584-00081667 to bring up Dan- V4WLInmZw2U-00516-00081667-00081809 'Cause you really like her. V4WLInmZw2U-00517-00081902-00082064 I do, and I trust her now. V4WLInmZw2U-00518-00082064-00082287 So anyway, Dan Tan- V4WLInmZw2U-00519-00082287-00082410 So she bought everything. V4WLInmZw2U-00520-00082547-00082784 Which I love, I love. Okay, Daniel Tanner, V4WLInmZw2U-00521-00082784-00082867 Iron Mountain Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00522-00082867-00083169 They just went through a major, major name change. V4WLInmZw2U-00523-00083169-00083352 And a branding change V4WLInmZw2U-00524-00083352-00083448 to Iron Mountain Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00525-00083448-00083610 So if you want to check out a really cool brand, V4WLInmZw2U-00526-00083610-00083830 Iron Mountain Plumbing out of Utah. V4WLInmZw2U-00527-00083830-00084035 Can't remember the name, I know it's not St. George. V4WLInmZw2U-00528-00084035-00084142 Nope. Grr. V4WLInmZw2U-00529-00084142-00084305 Daggone it, sorry, guys. V4WLInmZw2U-00530-00084305-00084481 But yeah, unbelievable truck that Dan V4WLInmZw2U-00531-00084481-00084564 did for that as well. V4WLInmZw2U-00532-00084564-00084659 Well, the branding's big, V4WLInmZw2U-00533-00084659-00084777 as far as getting them to like you. V4WLInmZw2U-00534-00084777-00084905 That's one of those initial things V4WLInmZw2U-00535-00084905-00085038 that just by seeing you. V4WLInmZw2U-00536-00085038-00085206 People again, judge a book by its cover, V4WLInmZw2U-00537-00085206-00085352 or they're deciding V4WLInmZw2U-00538-00085352-00085548 whether or not they like you. V4WLInmZw2U-00539-00085548-00085826 And that may seem not nice, it doesn't matter. V4WLInmZw2U-00540-00085826-00086101 It doesn't matter. That's how human beings are. V4WLInmZw2U-00541-00086101-00086358 And so, whatever's on your truck. V4WLInmZw2U-00542-00086573-00086860 It's best to stay away from things that people, V4WLInmZw2U-00543-00086860-00087348 can, like, some kind of political statement that implies. V4WLInmZw2U-00544-00087348-00087494 You know, I'm all red, white, and blue, V4WLInmZw2U-00545-00087494-00087612 you know I'm all about that. Sure. V4WLInmZw2U-00546-00087612-00087837 But I wouldn't have American Plumbing, V4WLInmZw2U-00547-00087837-00088008 No. or that kind of a thing. V4WLInmZw2U-00548-00088008-00088287 Because there are people have different feelings about that. V4WLInmZw2U-00549-00088287-00088370 Sadly. V4WLInmZw2U-00550-00088370-00088487 You know, we're people of faith, V4WLInmZw2U-00551-00088487-00088655 and have a very strong faith. V4WLInmZw2U-00552-00088655-00088790 But I wouldn't put anything V4WLInmZw2U-00553-00088790-00088946 that refers to a certain faith. V4WLInmZw2U-00554-00088946-00089029 Jesus Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00555-00089029-00089113 Jesus, right, whatever. V4WLInmZw2U-00556-00089113-00089262 That just would not work out. V4WLInmZw2U-00557-00089262-00089550 You know, even though, it could be very overall. V4WLInmZw2U-00558-00089550-00089736 But some people are offended by that, okay? V4WLInmZw2U-00559-00089736-00089912 Right, yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00560-00089912-00090174 And so, that kind of a thing. V4WLInmZw2U-00561-00090174-00090337 That, and then also initials. V4WLInmZw2U-00562-00090337-00090423 I know we've talked about that a number of times, V4WLInmZw2U-00563-00090423-00090568 not having your initials as the name V4WLInmZw2U-00564-00090568-00090702 of your plumbing company, V4WLInmZw2U-00565-00090702-00090819 RJB Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00566-00090819-00091014 Right, and that's part of brand. V4WLInmZw2U-00567-00091014-00091285 But as far as liking, there's no reason to like that. V4WLInmZw2U-00568-00091285-00091368 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00569-00091368-00091468 It doesn't have any emotion. V4WLInmZw2U-00570-00091468-00091554 No emotion at all. V4WLInmZw2U-00571-00091554-00091713 So we do want to create an emotion, V4WLInmZw2U-00572-00091713-00091895 and a positive emotion to get them to like us. V4WLInmZw2U-00573-00091895-00092009 Right. Okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00574-00092172-00092260 Another time that's very important- V4WLInmZw2U-00575-00092260-00092358 This keeps happening to me. V4WLInmZw2U-00576-00092358-00092459 What? No keep going, V4WLInmZw2U-00577-00092459-00092545 I'm just watching. V4WLInmZw2U-00578-00092545-00092649 We're doing a program here, sweetheart. V4WLInmZw2U-00579-00092649-00092873 I know, but I keep track of things right here. V4WLInmZw2U-00580-00092873-00093030 You just go ahead and talk amongst yourselves. V4WLInmZw2U-00581-00093030-00093200 See, now you get the comments. V4WLInmZw2U-00582-00093200-00093336 So you had me go over here. V4WLInmZw2U-00583-00093336-00093419 Ah-ha. V4WLInmZw2U-00584-00093419-00093567 And the comments aren't there. And there's no comments. V4WLInmZw2U-00585-00093567-00093680 Oh, I'm sorry honey, V4WLInmZw2U-00586-00093680-00093763 sorry about you. V4WLInmZw2U-00587-00093763-00093965 Okay. Okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00588-00093965-00094082 DW, a solid branded vehicle, V4WLInmZw2U-00589-00094082-00094184 uniform, et cetera, V4WLInmZw2U-00590-00094184-00094327 helps your customers, V4WLInmZw2U-00591-00094327-00094450 puts your customer at ease. V4WLInmZw2U-00592-00094450-00094615 It screens security for, V4WLInmZw2U-00593-00094615-00094698 absolutely, V4WLInmZw2U-00594-00094698-00094781 for their purpose. V4WLInmZw2U-00595-00094781-00094948 They know where to find you, exactly right. V4WLInmZw2U-00596-00094948-00095032 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00597-00095032-00095151 Talk about another great brand. V4WLInmZw2U-00598-00095151-00095253 Oh, we did just talk about them. V4WLInmZw2U-00599-00095253-00095467 But yeah, they do an amazing job. V4WLInmZw2U-00600-00095467-00095808 Even down to the ID badges for the guys, V4WLInmZw2U-00601-00095808-00095891 Inception Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00602-00095891-00096021 And that's just, I like that. V4WLInmZw2U-00603-00096021-00096195 Security comes down to, V4WLInmZw2U-00604-00096195-00096427 that's a positive thing, security. V4WLInmZw2U-00605-00096427-00096653 Feeling secure with this business, I like them. V4WLInmZw2U-00606-00096653-00096792 Mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-00607-00096792-00097012 Another very important touch point V4WLInmZw2U-00608-00097012-00097095 with the customer, V4WLInmZw2U-00609-00097095-00097213 the first impression time, V4WLInmZw2U-00610-00097213-00097402 is when they call in. V4WLInmZw2U-00611-00097402-00097659 So that first voice has to be likable. V4WLInmZw2U-00612-00097659-00097742 Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00613-00097929-00098012 That's a lot of time- V4WLInmZw2U-00614-00098012-00098095 Good one, Brett. V4WLInmZw2U-00615-00098095-00098237 We really work at- V4WLInmZw2U-00616-00098237-00098354 Brett says, "When you win on trust, V4WLInmZw2U-00617-00098354-00098484 you stop competing on price." V4WLInmZw2U-00618-00098484-00098673 Exactly right. Amen brother. V4WLInmZw2U-00619-00098673-00098833 That's exactly right, okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00620-00098961-00099044 And certainly, V4WLInmZw2U-00621-00099044-00099271 the lovely Laura proved that again. V4WLInmZw2U-00622-00099271-00099354 Stop. V4WLInmZw2U-00623-00099664-00099826 Price was never in the... V4WLInmZw2U-00624-00100010-00100159 But it's good, it's all good. V4WLInmZw2U-00625-00100159-00100242 It's all good, okay? V4WLInmZw2U-00626-00100242-00100465 Jessica, it's okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00627-00100465-00100647 You can keep going, you were saying. V4WLInmZw2U-00628-00100647-00100958 But that first voice, you know, the first- V4WLInmZw2U-00629-00100958-00101148 First impressions, yes. That contact. V4WLInmZw2U-00630-00101148-00101464 That's one reason we try to really get the owner, V4WLInmZw2U-00631-00101464-00101647 the guy, the plumber owner off the phone. V4WLInmZw2U-00632-00101647-00101730 Off the phone. 'Cause guys, V4WLInmZw2U-00633-00101730-00101814 we just don't sound nice. V4WLInmZw2U-00634-00101814-00101897 No, you don't. V4WLInmZw2U-00635-00101897-00102028 On the whole, we don't sound nice. V4WLInmZw2U-00636-00102028-00102155 Not even on the whole, just completely. V4WLInmZw2U-00637-00102155-00102394 You know, our voices are deeper. V4WLInmZw2U-00638-00102394-00102578 And usually, we're feeling a little bothered, V4WLInmZw2U-00639-00102578-00102715 or feel awkward. V4WLInmZw2U-00640-00102715-00102876 'Cause most guys don't want to be, V4WLInmZw2U-00641-00102876-00103008 I mean I've learned V4WLInmZw2U-00642-00103008-00103184 through time to be up, V4WLInmZw2U-00643-00103184-00103279 and even like this. V4WLInmZw2U-00644-00103279-00103459 So it comes across as a little weird. V4WLInmZw2U-00645-00103459-00103666 Well, to have to do that on every call. V4WLInmZw2U-00646-00103666-00103818 You know, guys, we just don't do that. V4WLInmZw2U-00647-00103818-00103902 Correct. V4WLInmZw2U-00648-00103902-00104080 Where a female's voice V4WLInmZw2U-00649-00104080-00104267 on the whole sounds friendlier, V4WLInmZw2U-00650-00104358-00104530 more approachable, okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00651-00104647-00104767 And if they have personality, V4WLInmZw2U-00652-00104767-00104882 which we really want them to have. V4WLInmZw2U-00653-00104882-00104973 They need to have personality, V4WLInmZw2U-00654-00104973-00105151 and be empathic and sympathetic, V4WLInmZw2U-00655-00105151-00105314 and again, energy. V4WLInmZw2U-00656-00105314-00105397 Energy in the voice. V4WLInmZw2U-00657-00105397-00105563 You just don't want to V4WLInmZw2U-00658-00105563-00105748 Atta-Boy Plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00659-00105748-00105831 Miss Lisa says, V4WLInmZw2U-00660-00105831-00105954 "The voice of the company is important. V4WLInmZw2U-00661-00105954-00106115 I had a lady schedule with us, V4WLInmZw2U-00662-00106115-00106332 because our CSR was friendly in her voice." V4WLInmZw2U-00663-00106332-00106415 Exactly. V4WLInmZw2U-00664-00106415-00106501 And a way to be friendly, V4WLInmZw2U-00665-00106501-00106634 thanks Lisa for saying that. V4WLInmZw2U-00666-00106634-00106802 One way to be friendly is to smile V4WLInmZw2U-00667-00106802-00106908 when you're talking on the phone. V4WLInmZw2U-00668-00106908-00107030 I know that seems weird. Yes a little trick. V4WLInmZw2U-00669-00107030-00107219 But that is a trick. V4WLInmZw2U-00670-00107219-00107317 When you're on the phone, V4WLInmZw2U-00671-00107317-00107496 if you actually smile, V4WLInmZw2U-00672-00107496-00107833 it comes across on the phone. Right, exactly. V4WLInmZw2U-00673-00107833-00107974 You know, so that's very, very V4WLInmZw2U-00674-00107974-00108057 important. Trick of the trade. V4WLInmZw2U-00675-00108057-00108140 That's the first time they're hearing. V4WLInmZw2U-00676-00108140-00108223 And they're making a decision. V4WLInmZw2U-00677-00108223-00108307 Darrell, that's why you're not on the, V4WLInmZw2U-00678-00108307-00108476 oh my gosh. V4WLInmZw2U-00679-00108476-00108587 That was the first thing we had to do V4WLInmZw2U-00680-00108587-00108744 was get Darrell off the phones. V4WLInmZw2U-00681-00108744-00108971 Had to get Darrell off the phone. V4WLInmZw2U-00682-00108971-00109087 That's right. Oh, we love you, DW. V4WLInmZw2U-00683-00109087-00109269 Get all of us guys off the phone. V4WLInmZw2U-00684-00109269-00109377 We just, it's just, V4WLInmZw2U-00685-00109377-00109503 we just don't sound friendly. V4WLInmZw2U-00686-00109503-00109586 No. V4WLInmZw2U-00687-00109586-00109732 And they're deciding right then V4WLInmZw2U-00688-00109860-00110123 whether or not that they like you. V4WLInmZw2U-00689-00110123-00110395 And it's easier to just book the call, V4WLInmZw2U-00690-00110395-00110598 and not get all their questions if they like you. V4WLInmZw2U-00691-00110598-00110758 If they feeling like they're being taken care of, V4WLInmZw2U-00692-00110758-00110867 and they like you. V4WLInmZw2U-00693-00110867-00111130 "Oh, I'm just gonna go ahead and go with this." V4WLInmZw2U-00694-00111130-00111369 Right, get somebody out here and take care of it. V4WLInmZw2U-00695-00111369-00111455 They seem nice. V4WLInmZw2U-00696-00111455-00111546 That's right. Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00697-00111546-00111638 They seem nice, V4WLInmZw2U-00698-00111638-00111808 even though it's just the one person on the phone, V4WLInmZw2U-00699-00111808-00112010 all of a sudden, the company seems nice. V4WLInmZw2U-00700-00112010-00112094 Right. Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00701-00112094-00112215 Oh, we all, right. V4WLInmZw2U-00702-00112215-00112402 Well, that leads right to, finally our tech. V4WLInmZw2U-00703-00112402-00112609 The first impression, our tech at the door. V4WLInmZw2U-00704-00112609-00112748 How we're at the door. V4WLInmZw2U-00705-00112748-00112846 They're deciding then, V4WLInmZw2U-00706-00112846-00113022 whether they like us, still. V4WLInmZw2U-00707-00113022-00113105 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00708-00113105-00113191 We can blow this "like" thing. V4WLInmZw2U-00709-00113191-00113454 Really easily. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00710-00113454-00113671 Okay, even though they liked our brand, V4WLInmZw2U-00711-00113671-00113820 they liked the lady on the phone. V4WLInmZw2U-00712-00113820-00113980 Then our guy shows up, you know. V4WLInmZw2U-00713-00114083-00114283 Walking through their yard. Don't walk through the yard. V4WLInmZw2U-00714-00114283-00114398 And he's right up on the door. V4WLInmZw2U-00715-00114398-00114629 And Mrs. Jones opens the door. V4WLInmZw2U-00716-00114629-00114823 He checks her out, and you know, V4WLInmZw2U-00717-00114823-00115110 steps in with his dirty, dirty feet, V4WLInmZw2U-00718-00115110-00115248 dirty shoes, that kind of stuff. V4WLInmZw2U-00719-00115248-00115331 No shoe covers. V4WLInmZw2U-00720-00115331-00115464 All right, he don't like. V4WLInmZw2U-00721-00115464-00115594 I don't like this company. Like's gone. V4WLInmZw2U-00722-00115594-00115746 It's not that I don't like this guy, V4WLInmZw2U-00723-00115746-00115854 I don't like this company. V4WLInmZw2U-00724-00115854-00115937 Exactly. V4WLInmZw2U-00725-00115937-00116020 Okay? Mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-00726-00116020-00116105 So it's very important V4WLInmZw2U-00727-00116105-00116379 on how we're perceived at the door. V4WLInmZw2U-00728-00116379-00116534 So that's a very important time. V4WLInmZw2U-00729-00116534-00116618 It is. V4WLInmZw2U-00730-00116618-00116733 Stepping back from the door. V4WLInmZw2U-00731-00116733-00116868 Smiling, would be nice. V4WLInmZw2U-00732-00116868-00116996 Even pulling up, they realize, V4WLInmZw2U-00733-00116996-00117097 they see you pull up a lot of times. V4WLInmZw2U-00734-00117097-00117305 Oh, sure, they're looking. V4WLInmZw2U-00735-00117305-00117475 So how you park in the driveway. V4WLInmZw2U-00736-00117475-00117692 I see service companies, we had a service company today. V4WLInmZw2U-00737-00117692-00117783 We came back from working out. V4WLInmZw2U-00738-00117783-00117866 Oh, that's right. V4WLInmZw2U-00739-00117866-00117958 And he's blocking our driveway. V4WLInmZw2U-00740-00117958-00118121 What the? Heck. V4WLInmZw2U-00741-00118121-00118333 Yeah, it's a service company! V4WLInmZw2U-00742-00118333-00118613 I came this close to calling the company. V4WLInmZw2U-00743-00118613-00118784 And we had to sit there for five minutes, V4WLInmZw2U-00744-00118784-00119193 because he was making a delivery to our neighbor. V4WLInmZw2U-00745-00119440-00119552 so you do those things. V4WLInmZw2U-00746-00119552-00119635 How you park. V4WLInmZw2U-00747-00119635-00119793 Do you walk through the yard? V4WLInmZw2U-00748-00119793-00119883 I always got on my guys, V4WLInmZw2U-00749-00119883-00119967 we're not walking V4WLInmZw2U-00750-00119967-00120050 through the yard. Don't walk through V4WLInmZw2U-00751-00120050-00120133 the yard, right. V4WLInmZw2U-00752-00120133-00120218 I don't know if you have to, V4WLInmZw2U-00753-00120218-00120406 if you have to walk around the block to their sidewalk V4WLInmZw2U-00754-00120406-00120539 that's on the other side of the block and come up, V4WLInmZw2U-00755-00120539-00120641 we're gonna go up. V4WLInmZw2U-00756-00120641-00120795 We're walking on the sidewalk, pavement. V4WLInmZw2U-00757-00120795-00120917 We're never walking through someone's grass. V4WLInmZw2U-00758-00120917-00121003 Correct. V4WLInmZw2U-00759-00121003-00121248 Even if it looks like they don't mow the grass. V4WLInmZw2U-00760-00121342-00121436 It's respecting, V4WLInmZw2U-00761-00121436-00121726 It's respecting their property. V4WLInmZw2U-00762-00121726-00121809 That helps them like you. V4WLInmZw2U-00763-00121809-00121905 So it's those kinds of things, V4WLInmZw2U-00764-00121905-00122044 it's so important there. V4WLInmZw2U-00765-00122044-00122278 First impressions. V4WLInmZw2U-00766-00122278-00122546 At the door. What else you got? V4WLInmZw2U-00767-00122546-00122635 You bring up a good point. V4WLInmZw2U-00768-00122635-00122718 Yes? V4WLInmZw2U-00769-00122718-00122866 The whole idea of how we're seeing them. V4WLInmZw2U-00770-00122866-00122978 You used to get on our guys, V4WLInmZw2U-00771-00122978-00123124 and remind our guys about this. V4WLInmZw2U-00772-00123124-00123233 Oh, how we're seen in public. V4WLInmZw2U-00773-00123233-00123355 Right. Sure. V4WLInmZw2U-00774-00123355-00123492 So if you're at a gas station, V4WLInmZw2U-00775-00123492-00123633 your guys are at a gas station, V4WLInmZw2U-00776-00123633-00123850 and they maybe cut somebody off. V4WLInmZw2U-00777-00123850-00124158 Or as they walk in the door to go pay, V4WLInmZw2U-00778-00124158-00124505 or to go buy their breakfast burrito, or whatever, V4WLInmZw2U-00779-00124505-00124733 if they don't hold the door open for someone V4WLInmZw2U-00780-00124733-00124844 that's behind them, V4WLInmZw2U-00781-00124844-00124994 that makes them, V4WLInmZw2U-00782-00124994-00125077 the consumer, V4WLInmZw2U-00783-00125077-00125175 the community, V4WLInmZw2U-00784-00125175-00125310 not like the plumbing company. V4WLInmZw2U-00785-00125310-00125502 So be aware of that. V4WLInmZw2U-00786-00125502-00125658 Hold the door open when you're going in. V4WLInmZw2U-00787-00125658-00125872 Let someone go in before you. V4WLInmZw2U-00788-00125872-00126111 Wave someone as you're driving. V4WLInmZw2U-00789-00126111-00126251 Let them out, wave them out. V4WLInmZw2U-00790-00126394-00126540 Like I was thinking, driving- V4WLInmZw2U-00791-00126540-00126821 Like you never do. V4WLInmZw2U-00792-00126821-00126904 What? V4WLInmZw2U-00793-00126904-00127139 They took my little PT Cruiser away from me. V4WLInmZw2U-00794-00127139-00127222 She did. V4WLInmZw2U-00795-00127222-00127306 There was too many phone calls. V4WLInmZw2U-00796-00127306-00127465 Because we got too many hone calls of- V4WLInmZw2U-00797-00127465-00127692 A crazy person driving the PT Cruiser V4WLInmZw2U-00798-00127692-00127805 with Atta-Boy Plumbing That Atta-Boy Plumbing V4WLInmZw2U-00799-00127805-00127916 company is, right. all over it. V4WLInmZw2U-00800-00127916-00128008 I don't like that company. V4WLInmZw2U-00801-00128008-00128092 That wasn't good. V4WLInmZw2U-00802-00128092-00128175 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00803-00128175-00128422 And then also, like do a pay it forward. V4WLInmZw2U-00804-00128422-00128647 Say you're in line at Chick-fil-A, V4WLInmZw2U-00805-00128647-00128779 or McDonald's or something. V4WLInmZw2U-00806-00128779-00129057 Do a pay it forward to the person behind you. V4WLInmZw2U-00807-00129057-00129443 Talk about an inexpensive way to not only be nice, V4WLInmZw2U-00808-00129443-00129707 but to get noticed in the community. V4WLInmZw2U-00809-00129707-00129826 'Cause someone's gonna, V4WLInmZw2U-00810-00129826-00129926 whoever's behind you, V4WLInmZw2U-00811-00129926-00130067 is gonna go back to their office, V4WLInmZw2U-00812-00130067-00130217 or their house, or whatever and say, V4WLInmZw2U-00813-00130217-00130468 "You're not gonna believe what Atta-Boy Plumbing just did. V4WLInmZw2U-00814-00130468-00130705 They just bought my lunch today, or my Starbucks," V4WLInmZw2U-00815-00130705-00130810 or whatever it was. Yup. V4WLInmZw2U-00816-00130810-00131058 Do that. Do that every day, why not? V4WLInmZw2U-00817-00131058-00131277 Plus, it makes you feel good. V4WLInmZw2U-00818-00131277-00131447 Those are some things you can do V4WLInmZw2U-00819-00131547-00131764 to be nice, and be kind. V4WLInmZw2U-00820-00131764-00131995 Those first impressions are extremely important. V4WLInmZw2U-00821-00131995-00132173 Yes, they are. V4WLInmZw2U-00822-00132173-00132328 You don't get a second chance. V4WLInmZw2U-00823-00132328-00132411 Yeah, especially if you really blow it, V4WLInmZw2U-00824-00132411-00132630 you don't get a second chance. V4WLInmZw2U-00825-00132630-00132779 There's no second chance when it comes V4WLInmZw2U-00826-00132779-00132918 to the impression thing, all right? V4WLInmZw2U-00827-00132918-00133001 So first impressions. V4WLInmZw2U-00828-00133001-00133138 So that's number one, first impressions matter. V4WLInmZw2U-00829-00133138-00133301 Number two, number two. V4WLInmZw2U-00830-00133301-00133725 Number two. Be their guest. V4WLInmZw2U-00831-00133725-00133847 Sounds like a song. V4WLInmZw2U-00832-00133847-00134016 ♪ Be their guest, be their guest ♪ V4WLInmZw2U-00833-00134016-00134294 Does anybody remember where that's from? V4WLInmZw2U-00834-00134294-00134474 Be my guest is actually the name of it, V4WLInmZw2U-00835-00134474-00134583 anybody remember? V4WLInmZw2U-00836-00134583-00134673 That's really old. V4WLInmZw2U-00837-00134956-00135126 Well, you are. V4WLInmZw2U-00838-00135126-00135295 Just kidding. But that was the first one- V4WLInmZw2U-00839-00135295-00135482 yeah, I caught that. Sorry. V4WLInmZw2U-00840-00135482-00135636 It's the clothes making you look younger. V4WLInmZw2U-00841-00135636-00135810 Right? V4WLInmZw2U-00842-00135810-00135893 They better. V4WLInmZw2U-00843-00135893-00135976 You pay for them. V4WLInmZw2U-00844-00136169-00136330 oh, man. Okay, yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00845-00136330-00136506 That was, what was the, V4WLInmZw2U-00846-00136506-00136589 it was Disney. No, I'm waiting V4WLInmZw2U-00847-00136589-00136709 for someone to mention it. V4WLInmZw2U-00848-00136709-00136802 Clue, Disney. V4WLInmZw2U-00849-00136802-00136939 We're waiting for someone to say. V4WLInmZw2U-00850-00136939-00137116 I got a little trivia on this. V4WLInmZw2U-00851-00137116-00137286 Okay, Disney. V4WLInmZw2U-00852-00137286-00137369 Disney. V4WLInmZw2U-00853-00137369-00137452 It was a Disney movie. V4WLInmZw2U-00854-00137452-00137639 That movie was the first one V4WLInmZw2U-00855-00137639-00137865 that had the virtual 3D, V4WLInmZw2U-00856-00137865-00137982 had the 3D look to it. V4WLInmZw2U-00857-00137982-00138065 Oh, yeah? V4WLInmZw2U-00858-00138065-00138346 And also had more of a Broadway soundtrack. V4WLInmZw2U-00859-00138346-00138459 Mm, all right. V4WLInmZw2U-00860-00138459-00138691 So what was it guys, who knows? V4WLInmZw2U-00861-00138691-00138782 Okay, I don't know. V4WLInmZw2U-00862-00138782-00138865 But anyway, be their guest. V4WLInmZw2U-00863-00138865-00139032 What do you mean by that? Be their guest. V4WLInmZw2U-00864-00139032-00139182 Hey guys, don't walk in and own the place. V4WLInmZw2U-00865-00139182-00139330 "Beauty and the Beast," there we go. V4WLInmZw2U-00866-00139330-00139545 Thank you, Anne. Of course, Miss Anne. V4WLInmZw2U-00867-00139545-00139636 Good movie, V4WLInmZw2U-00868-00139636-00139721 I have to admit I liked that. V4WLInmZw2U-00869-00139721-00139829 It was a good one. V4WLInmZw2U-00870-00139829-00140014 And our kids were that age, so. V4WLInmZw2U-00871-00140119-00140466 Anyway, so be their guest means what? V4WLInmZw2U-00872-00140466-00140549 It ain't about plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00873-00140549-00140698 It's about romancing the customer. V4WLInmZw2U-00874-00140698-00140800 Lisa you're good. V4WLInmZw2U-00875-00140921-00141050 Who does Lisa work for? V4WLInmZw2U-00876-00141050-00141180 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00877-00141180-00141344 That's why we usually have the ladies running things. V4WLInmZw2U-00878-00141344-00141427 Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00879-00141427-00141510 Because they get this, us guys- V4WLInmZw2U-00880-00141510-00141701 Ah, it's a Mckenzie, that must be- V4WLInmZw2U-00881-00141701-00141784 Yeah. V4WLInmZw2U-00882-00141784-00141939 Out of Washington. V4WLInmZw2U-00883-00141939-00142099 Is it? Yeah, Anacortes. V4WLInmZw2U-00884-00142099-00142275 Or Anacortes, what did I just say? V4WLInmZw2U-00885-00142275-00142358 Full Speed. V4WLInmZw2U-00886-00142358-00142460 Full Speed, right. Full Speed. V4WLInmZw2U-00887-00142460-00142606 Talk about another great brand. V4WLInmZw2U-00888-00142606-00142858 Dan Antonelli just knocked it out of the park. V4WLInmZw2U-00889-00142858-00143200 Full Speed Plumbing out of Anacortes, Washington. V4WLInmZw2U-00890-00143200-00143283 Correct? Yup. V4WLInmZw2U-00891-00143283-00143404 Bo and Kimberly. V4WLInmZw2U-00892-00143404-00143602 That's right. Anyway, there we go. V4WLInmZw2U-00893-00143602-00143867 Getting all these places. V4WLInmZw2U-00894-00143867-00144030 Be their guest, okay? V4WLInmZw2U-00895-00144030-00144378 Yes, you are kind of romancing the customer. V4WLInmZw2U-00896-00144378-00144565 Don't walk in there and own the place. V4WLInmZw2U-00897-00144565-00144648 We walk in, V4WLInmZw2U-00898-00144648-00144756 that's that trade, V4WLInmZw2U-00899-00144756-00144842 it ain't about plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00900-00144842-00144943 That's another thing we got to, V4WLInmZw2U-00901-00144943-00145063 it ain't about plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00902-00145155-00145339 You got to condition your guys. V4WLInmZw2U-00903-00145339-00145477 You got to beat it into your guys. V4WLInmZw2U-00904-00145477-00145576 Yes, we're doing the plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00905-00145576-00145823 But it's not just walking in the house, V4WLInmZw2U-00906-00145907-00146031 and going right to the plumbing problem. V4WLInmZw2U-00907-00146031-00146114 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00908-00146114-00146269 We got to get that customer to like us. V4WLInmZw2U-00909-00146354-00146494 That plumber, especially in the house, V4WLInmZw2U-00910-00146494-00146682 is an important part of this process V4WLInmZw2U-00911-00146682-00146802 of getting the customer to like us. V4WLInmZw2U-00912-00146802-00146885 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-00913-00146885-00146969 Why? V4WLInmZw2U-00914-00146969-00147052 'Cause customers buy from those V4WLInmZw2U-00915-00147052-00147252 they know, like, and trust. Trust. V4WLInmZw2U-00916-00147252-00147443 Okay, we'll get to that. V4WLInmZw2U-00917-00147443-00147601 But we're at the liking part right now. V4WLInmZw2U-00918-00147601-00147796 So if we just barge into the house V4WLInmZw2U-00919-00147796-00147890 like we own the place, V4WLInmZw2U-00920-00147890-00147982 and going right to the problem. V4WLInmZw2U-00921-00147982-00148168 Show me your plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-00922-00148168-00148388 We got to give, still build that relationship V4WLInmZw2U-00923-00148388-00148552 with the customer, guys. V4WLInmZw2U-00924-00148655-00148738 And we can do that, V4WLInmZw2U-00925-00148738-00148821 and it's simple. V4WLInmZw2U-00926-00148821-00148940 A lot of guys start freaking out about this. V4WLInmZw2U-00927-00148940-00149023 What does that mean? V4WLInmZw2U-00928-00149023-00149195 Is there some kind of special selling tips? V4WLInmZw2U-00929-00149195-00149278 Sauce? Or whatever, yeah. V4WLInmZw2U-00930-00149278-00149420 Some kind of words I got to use? V4WLInmZw2U-00931-00149420-00149586 Just ask the customer. V4WLInmZw2U-00932-00149586-00149775 Well, we set our guys up for this. V4WLInmZw2U-00933-00149775-00149901 I didn't want you to know what was V4WLInmZw2U-00934-00149901-00150001 the problem in the house. V4WLInmZw2U-00935-00150001-00150087 They wanted my guys to ask. V4WLInmZw2U-00936-00150087-00150311 So, "You have a plumbing problem?" V4WLInmZw2U-00937-00150311-00150409 Tell me about your plumbing problem. V4WLInmZw2U-00938-00150409-00150552 Tell me about your plumbing problem. V4WLInmZw2U-00939-00150552-00150759 And if your customer's a woman, V4WLInmZw2U-00940-00150759-00150886 here's the thing, guys. V4WLInmZw2U-00941-00150886-00151050 What? V4WLInmZw2U-00942-00151050-00151298 Clue in, we just want to be heard. V4WLInmZw2U-00943-00151298-00151484 Us ladies just want to be heard. V4WLInmZw2U-00944-00151484-00151825 So as we're telling what our plumbing problem is, V4WLInmZw2U-00945-00151825-00151908 listen. V4WLInmZw2U-00946-00152006-00152229 Actively listen. Actively listen. V4WLInmZw2U-00947-00152229-00152466 That doesn't mean going through your tool bag now, V4WLInmZw2U-00948-00152466-00152549 or whatever. V4WLInmZw2U-00949-00152549-00152762 As soon as you start to say my toilet's running. V4WLInmZw2U-00950-00152762-00152933 Checking your Facebook, you know, V4WLInmZw2U-00951-00152933-00153017 while they're talking about it. V4WLInmZw2U-00952-00153017-00153176 As soon as you start to say, "My toilet's running." V4WLInmZw2U-00953-00153176-00153320 You go into, okay well, I know what it is. V4WLInmZw2U-00954-00153320-00153403 I know it's gonna be V4WLInmZw2U-00955-00153403-00153553 the flapper into the blah. This is what its gonna be. V4WLInmZw2U-00956-00153553-00153746 Well, it's not a doohickey, it's a blah, blah, blah. V4WLInmZw2U-00957-00153746-00153886 Right, no. V4WLInmZw2U-00958-00153886-00154045 Just let them, just listen. V4WLInmZw2U-00959-00154045-00154133 Let her tell her story. V4WLInmZw2U-00960-00154133-00154231 She wants to be heard. V4WLInmZw2U-00961-00154231-00154384 And that also plays well V4WLInmZw2U-00962-00154384-00154524 at home with your wife. V4WLInmZw2U-00963-00154524-00154625 You'd be surprised, V4WLInmZw2U-00964-00154625-00154874 just doing that. Just listen. V4WLInmZw2U-00965-00154874-00155112 You want special, you know, I'm not big on all V4WLInmZw2U-00966-00155112-00155227 the sales gurus V4WLInmZw2U-00967-00155227-00155336 and all that kind of stuff, V4WLInmZw2U-00968-00155336-00155490 guys don't. V4WLInmZw2U-00969-00155490-00155662 In fact, we have a process, V4WLInmZw2U-00970-00155662-00155814 the service sales process system V4WLInmZw2U-00971-00155814-00156041 that's in the academy. V4WLInmZw2U-00972-00156041-00156174 You do that, you'll make tons of money. V4WLInmZw2U-00973-00156174-00156276 You guys can do it, V4WLInmZw2U-00974-00156276-00156395 you don't have to sell and all that. V4WLInmZw2U-00975-00156395-00156566 But if you want a sales technique. V4WLInmZw2U-00976-00156566-00156650 Okay, let's hear it. V4WLInmZw2U-00977-00156650-00156755 Here, I'll give you one. V4WLInmZw2U-00978-00156755-00156874 Okay. Okay? V4WLInmZw2U-00979-00156874-00156957 Got it. V4WLInmZw2U-00980-00156957-00157084 That will almost guarantee a sale. V4WLInmZw2U-00981-00157084-00157256 Okay. V4WLInmZw2U-00982-00157256-00157391 Listen to your customer. V4WLInmZw2U-00983-00157391-00157637 Shut up and listen, V4WLInmZw2U-00984-00157637-00157735 don't be a fixer, V4WLInmZw2U-00985-00157735-00157818 exactly right. V4WLInmZw2U-00986-00157818-00157978 Again, that goes for the plumbing technician V4WLInmZw2U-00987-00157978-00158062 and a husband. V4WLInmZw2U-00988-00158062-00158170 Right, guys our wives have V4WLInmZw2U-00989-00158170-00158253 been telling us this. Both. V4WLInmZw2U-00990-00158253-00158404 I know it's hard. V4WLInmZw2U-00991-00158404-00158536 I still step on this landmine. V4WLInmZw2U-00992-00158536-00158700 Baby, you don't, you do it perfectly. V4WLInmZw2U-00993-00158700-00158897 Yeah. V4WLInmZw2U-00994-00158897-00158980 Thank you. V4WLInmZw2U-00995-00159193-00159394 See, a good wife had your back, too. V4WLInmZw2U-00996-00159394-00159578 Okay, I got a Proverbs 31 wife. V4WLInmZw2U-00997-00159775-00159919 Listen, okay? Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-00998-00159919-00160052 You want a special, V4WLInmZw2U-00999-00160052-00160253 a special, super-duper, V4WLInmZw2U-01000-00160253-00160474 secret sales technique, V4WLInmZw2U-01001-00160474-00160769 that only the super salesmen know? V4WLInmZw2U-01002-00160769-00160852 Listen. V4WLInmZw2U-01003-00160984-00161070 You'd be surprised. V4WLInmZw2U-01004-00161070-00161252 You do that, V4WLInmZw2U-01005-00161252-00161348 your customer's sold. V4WLInmZw2U-01006-00161348-00161514 Especially, today. And they'll like you. V4WLInmZw2U-01007-00161514-00161633 Especially, today. V4WLInmZw2U-01008-00161633-00161833 There's not anyone listening. V4WLInmZw2U-01009-00161833-00161936 That's so true. V4WLInmZw2U-01010-00161936-00162019 So listen, V4WLInmZw2U-01011-00162019-00162193 listen to your customer. Listen to your customer, V4WLInmZw2U-01012-00162193-00162375 So be their guest. V4WLInmZw2U-01013-00162375-00162493 You're a guest in their home, V4WLInmZw2U-01014-00162493-00162576 so act like it. V4WLInmZw2U-01015-00162576-00162715 Yes, treat their- V4WLInmZw2U-01016-00162715-00162832 Maybe a lot of people don't know what it means V4WLInmZw2U-01017-00162832-00163037 to be a guest, you know? V4WLInmZw2U-01018-00163037-00163244 Eh. Well, and treat their home nice. V4WLInmZw2U-01019-00163244-00163349 So when you go in, V4WLInmZw2U-01020-00163349-00163442 and you don't just lay V4WLInmZw2U-01021-00163442-00163688 your tools out on the countertop. V4WLInmZw2U-01022-00163688-00163877 Even if it is a formica countertop, V4WLInmZw2U-01023-00163877-00163960 doesn't matter. V4WLInmZw2U-01024-00163960-00164054 Whatever kind of countertop, V4WLInmZw2U-01025-00164054-00164245 lay something down. V4WLInmZw2U-01026-00164245-00164370 Treat their home with respect. V4WLInmZw2U-01027-00164370-00164497 If you've got some sort of drop cloth, V4WLInmZw2U-01028-00164497-00164626 or something to work with. V4WLInmZw2U-01029-00164626-00164883 Even better, like a, not a rug. V4WLInmZw2U-01030-00164883-00165019 What am I trying to say? V4WLInmZw2U-01031-00165151-00165293 A little piece of carpet. V4WLInmZw2U-01032-00165293-00165388 What did we used to get? V4WLInmZw2U-01033-00165388-00165471 A mat. V4WLInmZw2U-01034-00165471-00165573 Mat. Oh, golly, like a floor mat. V4WLInmZw2U-01035-00165573-00165780 Get that with your logo on it, as well. V4WLInmZw2U-01036-00165780-00165863 Spread that out, V4WLInmZw2U-01037-00165863-00165980 put your toolbox on it. V4WLInmZw2U-01038-00165980-00166118 That shows that you're respecting their home. V4WLInmZw2U-01039-00166118-00166311 Toby says, a wave. V4WLInmZw2U-01040-00166311-00166441 And be personable. Be personable. V4WLInmZw2U-01041-00166441-00166650 Then ask how long you live here? V4WLInmZw2U-01042-00166650-00166799 How many bathrooms in your home? V4WLInmZw2U-01043-00166799-00166970 These are easy. Easy. V4WLInmZw2U-01044-00166970-00167135 Act like you're listening. V4WLInmZw2U-01045-00167135-00167458 Well, not only act, but actually do listen. V4WLInmZw2U-01046-00167458-00167553 But those are good, V4WLInmZw2U-01047-00167662-00167745 obvious questions V4WLInmZw2U-01048-00167745-00167828 that a plumber would ask. V4WLInmZw2U-01049-00167828-00167971 But you can- It breaks the ice. V4WLInmZw2U-01050-00167971-00168085 We'll take another step. V4WLInmZw2U-01051-00168085-00168213 The whole thing here, V4WLInmZw2U-01052-00168213-00168446 what I want the guys to grasp. V4WLInmZw2U-01053-00168446-00168595 Those are still technical questions, V4WLInmZw2U-01054-00168595-00168781 how many bathrooms do you have, V4WLInmZw2U-01055-00168781-00168875 where in bath? V4WLInmZw2U-01056-00168875-00168960 Just listen. V4WLInmZw2U-01057-00169063-00169295 You're having a plumbing problem. V4WLInmZw2U-01058-00169295-00169507 Let them tell their story. V4WLInmZw2U-01059-00169507-00169754 Of how the kids didn't get showers this morning, V4WLInmZw2U-01060-00169754-00169837 or whatever. V4WLInmZw2U-01061-00169837-00169967 Oh, man, that would be hard. V4WLInmZw2U-01062-00169967-00170124 Those would be good follow up questions. V4WLInmZw2U-01063-00170124-00170264 Yeah, refer to those kinds of things. V4WLInmZw2U-01064-00170264-00170347 Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-01065-00170347-00170466 Then we start getting into the technical stuff, V4WLInmZw2U-01066-00170466-00170587 then we can start asking that. V4WLInmZw2U-01067-00170587-00170833 But be sure to be in their world, V4WLInmZw2U-01068-00170833-00170927 listen, V4WLInmZw2U-01069-00170927-00171028 be in their world. V4WLInmZw2U-01070-00171028-00171112 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01071-00171112-00171254 Okay, listen to their world. V4WLInmZw2U-01072-00171254-00171440 Be active in their world. V4WLInmZw2U-01073-00171440-00171608 Then we can hit them up with- V4WLInmZw2U-01074-00171608-00171700 Some follow up questions. V4WLInmZw2U-01075-00171700-00171783 Yes, that would make sense. V4WLInmZw2U-01076-00171783-00171888 Those are great follow up questions. V4WLInmZw2U-01077-00171888-00171971 Yes, absolutely. V4WLInmZw2U-01078-00171971-00172164 If they wanted a Band Aid fix, V4WLInmZw2U-01079-00172164-00172369 they would have had their husband fix it. V4WLInmZw2U-01080-00172473-00172641 Those are usually the best calls to get on Monday V4WLInmZw2U-01081-00172641-00172807 after the husband spent all weekend. V4WLInmZw2U-01082-00172807-00172904 We get a lot of those, right. V4WLInmZw2U-01083-00172904-00173100 Right, trying to fix tub and shower valve. V4WLInmZw2U-01084-00173100-00173227 The wife calls on Monday. V4WLInmZw2U-01085-00173227-00173448 Please come out while my husband's at work. V4WLInmZw2U-01086-00173448-00173556 And take care of this. V4WLInmZw2U-01087-00173556-00173639 Just listen, no acting. V4WLInmZw2U-01088-00173639-00173855 No acting. Exactly right, Bo Mckenzie. V4WLInmZw2U-01089-00173855-00174099 Mrs. Jones can tell whether V4WLInmZw2U-01090-00174099-00174320 we're truly listening, or not. V4WLInmZw2U-01091-00174320-00174417 Or really care. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01092-00174417-00174590 So part of this is, V4WLInmZw2U-01093-00174590-00174766 there has to be an energy of caring. V4WLInmZw2U-01094-00174766-00175041 'Cause don't we like, with our friends, V4WLInmZw2U-01095-00175041-00175204 don't we like our friends to listen to us? V4WLInmZw2U-01096-00175204-00175439 Don't we feel that those people are our friends V4WLInmZw2U-01097-00175579-00175814 I call people my friends at the gym. V4WLInmZw2U-01098-00175903-00176038 They're not my, really not. They aren't friends. V4WLInmZw2U-01099-00176038-00176340 But we talk, and they'll ask me, V4WLInmZw2U-01100-00176340-00176442 "So how was your weekend?" V4WLInmZw2U-01101-00176442-00176550 Or what did you do or whatever? V4WLInmZw2U-01102-00176550-00176706 And I'll give them a sentence or two, V4WLInmZw2U-01103-00176706-00176812 but they actually listen to that. V4WLInmZw2U-01104-00176812-00176977 "Oh, man, sounds like that was a good time." V4WLInmZw2U-01105-00176977-00177206 All right, we'll move onto the next thing. V4WLInmZw2U-01106-00177206-00177395 We feel that there's a friendship there. V4WLInmZw2U-01107-00177395-00177478 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01108-00177478-00177707 Because they're just listening- V4WLInmZw2U-01109-00177707-00177796 Engaging, yeah. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01110-00177796-00177956 Give them your attention. V4WLInmZw2U-01111-00177956-00178166 Patrick said, "Even better take their paper up with you V4WLInmZw2U-01112-00178166-00178373 out of the driveway, or pull their trash can up." V4WLInmZw2U-01113-00178373-00178508 Oh, that's good, of course. V4WLInmZw2U-01114-00178632-00178755 Those are neighborly things to do. V4WLInmZw2U-01115-00178755-00178838 Absolutely. All right, okay. V4WLInmZw2U-01116-00178838-00179151 And that automatically gives them V4WLInmZw2U-01117-00179151-00179385 a great first impression V4WLInmZw2U-01118-00179385-00179496 even before you get to the door, V4WLInmZw2U-01119-00179496-00179673 'cause they notice. V4WLInmZw2U-01120-00179673-00179851 Miss Lisa says, "Especially women want V4WLInmZw2U-01121-00179851-00179987 to tell and share their story. V4WLInmZw2U-01122-00179987-00180070 It's important. Exactly right. V4WLInmZw2U-01123-00180070-00180207 We want to be heard and understood." V4WLInmZw2U-01124-00180207-00180445 Exactly, Lisa, again are you with, V4WLInmZw2U-01125-00180445-00180618 what company are you with? V4WLInmZw2U-01126-00180618-00180790 'Cause the McKenzie's spelled differently, V4WLInmZw2U-01127-00180790-00181031 so it may not be the same Mckenzie I'm thinking of. V4WLInmZw2U-01128-00181031-00181140 Let us know where you're out of, V4WLInmZw2U-01129-00181140-00181236 what company you're with? V4WLInmZw2U-01130-00181236-00181415 And that's a big deal. V4WLInmZw2U-01131-00181415-00181561 That's why you'll really work with the guys V4WLInmZw2U-01132-00181561-00181686 not to correct, even though. V4WLInmZw2U-01133-00181686-00181962 See, us guys, we want to share how much we know. V4WLInmZw2U-01134-00181962-00182177 Right. I mean, it's a guy thing. V4WLInmZw2U-01135-00182177-00182260 It is a guy thing. V4WLInmZw2U-01136-00182260-00182352 We want to share how much we know, V4WLInmZw2U-01137-00182352-00182645 so we want to correct Mrs. Jones V4WLInmZw2U-01138-00182645-00182783 on the terminology, V4WLInmZw2U-01139-00182783-00182951 or whatever, you know. V4WLInmZw2U-01140-00182951-00183198 I have my guys, if she called a doohickey, V4WLInmZw2U-01141-00183198-00183289 every time now, V4WLInmZw2U-01142-00183289-00183387 we refer to it as a doohickey. V4WLInmZw2U-01143-00183387-00183589 Yeah, this doohickey here is broken. V4WLInmZw2U-01144-00183709-00183908 And this is what's causing the problem. V4WLInmZw2U-01145-00183908-00184090 Two ears and one mouth for a reason. V4WLInmZw2U-01146-00184090-00184173 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01147-00184173-00184336 And it's sometimes, us guys have V4WLInmZw2U-01148-00184336-00184474 a hard time getting that. V4WLInmZw2U-01149-00184474-00184570 But again, V4WLInmZw2U-01150-00184570-00184809 if you want a lot of people, V4WLInmZw2U-01151-00184809-00184927 we can't sell. V4WLInmZw2U-01152-00184927-00185010 We're not, you know, V4WLInmZw2U-01153-00185010-00185212 closing the deal here. 'Cause you're not listening. V4WLInmZw2U-01154-00185212-00185518 But first of all, Mrs. Jones is already sold. V4WLInmZw2U-01155-00185608-00185691 'Cause no one wakes up in the morning V4WLInmZw2U-01156-00185691-00185850 and wants to call a plumber. V4WLInmZw2U-01157-00185850-00186050 But she called you. She called you. V4WLInmZw2U-01158-00186050-00186215 So it's already sold. V4WLInmZw2U-01159-00186215-00186345 It's us that screwed up. V4WLInmZw2U-01160-00186345-00186461 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01161-00186461-00186739 And we screwed up by these first impressions, V4WLInmZw2U-01162-00186739-00186822 okay? V4WLInmZw2U-01163-00186822-00186905 By dropping the ball, V4WLInmZw2U-01164-00186905-00186988 not listening. V4WLInmZw2U-01165-00187077-00187335 Yes, so listen. It's really easy. V4WLInmZw2U-01166-00187335-00187528 This really is pretty easy. V4WLInmZw2U-01167-00187528-00187626 Yes, mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-01168-00187626-00187827 It's just that we mess it up. V4WLInmZw2U-01169-00187827-00187911 Okay, there we go, V4WLInmZw2U-01170-00187911-00188062 that's what I thought, Caleb. V4WLInmZw2U-01171-00188062-00188145 Got it. There we go. V4WLInmZw2U-01172-00188145-00188309 Is the name spelled different though? V4WLInmZw2U-01173-00188441-00188588 Lisa is my sister-in-law, okay. V4WLInmZw2U-01174-00188588-00188731 Have I been spelling McKenzie wrong V4WLInmZw2U-01175-00188731-00188862 all this time? V4WLInmZw2U-01176-00188862-00189018 I thought it was M-A-C. V4WLInmZw2U-01177-00189018-00189150 Oh, I'm bad. V4WLInmZw2U-01178-00189150-00189241 Yes, okay, V4WLInmZw2U-01179-00189241-00189343 Lisa is his sister-in-law. V4WLInmZw2U-01180-00189343-00189429 Okay, so, There we go. V4WLInmZw2U-01181-00189429-00189525 I was partially right V4WLInmZw2U-01182-00189525-00189646 other than the spelling. V4WLInmZw2U-01183-00189646-00189729 All right, hey, V4WLInmZw2U-01184-00189729-00189812 well this is a good break V4WLInmZw2U-01185-00189812-00189895 to remind you Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-01186-00189895-00190010 that I have something here for you V4WLInmZw2U-01187-00190010-00190159 Something free. Okay? V4WLInmZw2U-01188-00190159-00190295 It's something free Mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-01189-00190295-00190378 All right, V4WLInmZw2U-01190-00190378-00190492 a Million Dollar Plumber Blueprint. V4WLInmZw2U-01191-00190492-00190630 Mm-hm. All right? V4WLInmZw2U-01192-00190630-00190750 All the specs V4WLInmZw2U-01193-00190750-00190970 that will help you build V4WLInmZw2U-01194-00190970-00191126 your very successful, V4WLInmZw2U-01195-00191126-00191220 self-sustaining, V4WLInmZw2U-01196-00191220-00191368 and profitable plumbing business. V4WLInmZw2U-01197-00191368-00191479 It's all laid out there for you, V4WLInmZw2U-01198-00191479-00191711 a great start, Mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-01199-00191711-00191804 how to do it V4WLInmZw2U-01200-00191804-00191888 and all you need to do V4WLInmZw2U-01201-00191888-00192011 is simply type "FREE" V4WLInmZw2U-01202-00192011-00192094 because it's free. V4WLInmZw2U-01203-00192094-00192213 "FREE" in the comments. Type "FREE" in the comments V4WLInmZw2U-01204-00192213-00192296 If you're watching Facebook V4WLInmZw2U-01205-00192296-00192379 type "FREE" in the comments. V4WLInmZw2U-01206-00192379-00192530 If you're watching on something else, V4WLInmZw2U-01207-00192530-00192624 go to V4WLInmZw2U-01208-00192624-00193057 V4WLInmZw2U-01209-00193057-00193274 Or you can just go to, V4WLInmZw2U-01210-00193274-00193443 I think it's right in front V4WLInmZw2U-01211-00193443-00193611 of our website. Our brand new website V4WLInmZw2U-01212-00193611-00193869 V4WLInmZw2U-01213-00193869-00194031 And check out some other things there as well. V4WLInmZw2U-01214-00194031-00194169 Got some cute pictures of you on there. V4WLInmZw2U-01215-00194169-00194366 Oh yeah. If I do say so myself. V4WLInmZw2U-01216-00194601-00194887 Did I leave you speechless there, baby? V4WLInmZw2U-01217-00194887-00194970 My favorite one V4WLInmZw2U-01218-00194970-00195056 is the one at the end V4WLInmZw2U-01219-00195056-00195180 with you and I. Okay, yeah I'm on there too. V4WLInmZw2U-01220-00195180-00195426 Where they caught us walking Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-01221-00195426-00195598 But other than that V4WLInmZw2U-01222-00195598-00195681 brand new website With my lovely Laura. V4WLInmZw2U-01223-00195681-00195764 Check it out Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-01224-00195764-00195922 Don't laugh at the homeowners terminologies. V4WLInmZw2U-01225-00195922-00196193 They got me in trouble 24 years ago V4WLInmZw2U-01226-00196193-00196368 way early in my career. V4WLInmZw2U-01227-00196368-00196553 Aaron, somehow that doesn't surprise me. V4WLInmZw2U-01228-00196553-00196945 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01229-00196945-00197068 You know, think about it, V4WLInmZw2U-01230-00197068-00197259 do you like to be corrected V4WLInmZw2U-01231-00197259-00197451 or told how you're wrong by your friends? V4WLInmZw2U-01232-00197451-00197595 I mean, really No! V4WLInmZw2U-01233-00197595-00197678 Or not even a friend V4WLInmZw2U-01234-00197678-00197909 Right. Just some stranger. V4WLInmZw2U-01235-00198368-00198547 Right, we're trying to get them to like us, okay? V4WLInmZw2U-01236-00198547-00198859 So we're trying to build a friendship. V4WLInmZw2U-01237-00198859-00198977 It ain't about plumbing, V4WLInmZw2U-01238-00198977-00199097 It ain't. V4WLInmZw2U-01239-00199097-00199180 So we have, what, V4WLInmZw2U-01240-00199180-00199263 first impressions matter? V4WLInmZw2U-01241-00199263-00199437 First impressions matter. V4WLInmZw2U-01242-00199437-00199533 Be their guest. V4WLInmZw2U-01243-00199533-00199705 Be their guest; V4WLInmZw2U-01244-00199705-00199878 And finally we have V4WLInmZw2U-01245-00199878-00200077 keep them smiling, V4WLInmZw2U-01246-00200077-00200161 Keep them smiling V4WLInmZw2U-01247-00200161-00200318 When they think about you. V4WLInmZw2U-01248-00200318-00200540 Remind them about you, V4WLInmZw2U-01249-00200540-00200697 You do that with following up. V4WLInmZw2U-01250-00200697-00200861 So just don't, V4WLInmZw2U-01251-00200861-00200944 you know, V4WLInmZw2U-01252-00201147-00201236 you got the work, V4WLInmZw2U-01253-00201236-00201391 you got their money. V4WLInmZw2U-01254-00201391-00201541 And you screech out of the driveway. V4WLInmZw2U-01255-00201541-00201676 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01256-00201821-00201960 It's follow up with them. Okay. V4WLInmZw2U-01257-00201960-00202097 So what are some ways that we can follow up? V4WLInmZw2U-01258-00202097-00202237 Happy calls is a great way! V4WLInmZw2U-01259-00202237-00202424 Happy calls. After they leave, V4WLInmZw2U-01260-00202424-00202547 have your CSR give them a call V4WLInmZw2U-01261-00202547-00202661 just to make sure they were happy V4WLInmZw2U-01262-00202661-00202757 with the service. V4WLInmZw2U-01263-00202757-00202990 Don't ask them 4,000 questions. V4WLInmZw2U-01264-00202990-00203158 Just ask two or three. V4WLInmZw2U-01265-00203158-00203390 Did we meet your expectations today? V4WLInmZw2U-01266-00203390-00203708 Did our plumber wear shoe covers? V4WLInmZw2U-01267-00203708-00203962 Yeah, pick something that was important V4WLInmZw2U-01268-00203962-00204123 in our system. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01269-00204123-00204243 Just to confirm. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01270-00204243-00204446 And kind of says that we're interested V4WLInmZw2U-01271-00204446-00204607 in taking care of their home. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01272-00204607-00204690 And then thank them V4WLInmZw2U-01273-00204690-00204840 for using your company. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01274-00204840-00204937 We really appreciate V4WLInmZw2U-01275-00204937-00205054 you using Atta-Boy Plumbing, V4WLInmZw2U-01276-00205054-00205200 we hope you'll give us a call in the future. V4WLInmZw2U-01277-00205200-00205438 And you say it in a friendly manner. V4WLInmZw2U-01278-00205438-00205521 It's so important, V4WLInmZw2U-01279-00205521-00205604 it isn't just something V4WLInmZw2U-01280-00205604-00205727 we get through. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01281-00205829-00205925 I feel like, you know, V4WLInmZw2U-01282-00205925-00206071 my mom told me I had to call ya V4WLInmZw2U-01283-00206071-00206183 and talk to you. V4WLInmZw2U-01284-00206183-00206266 Of course, V4WLInmZw2U-01285-00206266-00206352 when you go somewhere I had to invite you V4WLInmZw2U-01286-00206352-00206451 to my birthday party. V4WLInmZw2U-01287-00206536-00206619 When you go somewhere Do you want to go V4WLInmZw2U-01288-00206619-00206709 to my birthday party? V4WLInmZw2U-01289-00206709-00206806 And they tell you V4WLInmZw2U-01290-00206806-00206889 "Have a good day." V4WLInmZw2U-01291-00206889-00206982 Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01292-00206982-00207108 Okay, they were told to say that, V4WLInmZw2U-01293-00207108-00207294 but there's no energy there. V4WLInmZw2U-01294-00207294-00207378 See what I mean? V4WLInmZw2U-01295-00207378-00207477 It's so important to keep this up. V4WLInmZw2U-01296-00207477-00207623 The like, I mean. V4WLInmZw2U-01297-00207787-00207950 Sadly, you know, V4WLInmZw2U-01298-00207950-00208148 but it's a good thing for us. V4WLInmZw2U-01299-00208148-00208291 It's never been easier V4WLInmZw2U-01300-00208291-00208426 To stand out. To stand out V4WLInmZw2U-01301-00208426-00208530 and get customers liking us. V4WLInmZw2U-01302-00208530-00208776 Because there's no more customer service. V4WLInmZw2U-01303-00208869-00209010 I mean, especially now V4WLInmZw2U-01304-00209010-00209318 through all this COVID pandemic stuff. V4WLInmZw2U-01305-00209876-00210163 All right, so I guess that's a blessing V4WLInmZw2U-01306-00210163-00210246 through this, V4WLInmZw2U-01307-00210246-00210329 the silver lining. Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-01308-00210329-00210470 I mean, it's just It's easy V4WLInmZw2U-01309-00210470-00210590 to stand out. Right! V4WLInmZw2U-01310-00210590-00210742 It's gotten rid of service V4WLInmZw2U-01311-00210742-00210909 so it is easy to stand out. V4WLInmZw2U-01312-00211005-00211258 So, you gotta be on top your people though. V4WLInmZw2U-01313-00211258-00211341 Okay? Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-01314-00211341-00211537 And it's every customer. V4WLInmZw2U-01315-00211537-00211801 Yes. Every customer. V4WLInmZw2U-01316-00211801-00212014 Every customer. Mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-01317-00212184-00212267 Okay. V4WLInmZw2U-01318-00212267-00212477 How else are we keeping them smiling? V4WLInmZw2U-01319-00212477-00212636 Well, we give gift cards or whatever V4WLInmZw2U-01320-00212636-00212719 for those customers Yes! V4WLInmZw2U-01321-00212719-00212853 that did spend a lot of money. V4WLInmZw2U-01322-00212853-00213041 I mean, a lot of money V4WLInmZw2U-01323-00213041-00213124 is relative. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01324-00213124-00213244 Set a dollar amount V4WLInmZw2U-01325-00213244-00213358 and if a customer spends more V4WLInmZw2U-01326-00213358-00213535 than $1000 with you, V4WLInmZw2U-01327-00213535-00213646 you send them a thank you card V4WLInmZw2U-01328-00213646-00213757 with a little gift card V4WLInmZw2U-01329-00213757-00213969 to someplace local, too. V4WLInmZw2U-01330-00213969-00214142 Don't just do a Starbucks card or something. V4WLInmZw2U-01331-00214142-00214365 Some place that is a local coffee shop V4WLInmZw2U-01332-00214365-00214628 or a local burger joint V4WLInmZw2U-01333-00214628-00214756 or whatever it might be. V4WLInmZw2U-01334-00214756-00214872 But just to thank them V4WLInmZw2U-01335-00214872-00215014 for using your company. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01336-00215014-00215236 People love getting little freebie gift cards. V4WLInmZw2U-01337-00215236-00215365 Right. And that's really fun. V4WLInmZw2U-01338-00215365-00215448 All right. V4WLInmZw2U-01339-00215448-00215538 We have thank you postcards V4WLInmZw2U-01340-00215538-00215878 and goodie bags for kids?! V4WLInmZw2U-01341-00215878-00216007 Well I haven't heard of that one before, V4WLInmZw2U-01342-00216007-00216121 that's a good one! V4WLInmZw2U-01343-00216121-00216246 Something simple. Yep. V4WLInmZw2U-01344-00216246-00216387 Huh, that is a good idea. V4WLInmZw2U-01345-00216387-00216548 Yeah we did Mary K. Bags. V4WLInmZw2U-01346-00216548-00216692 My guys loved handing those things out. V4WLInmZw2U-01347-00216692-00216781 But I didn't care. V4WLInmZw2U-01348-00216781-00216980 Pink bags, yeah. Little lacy pink bags. V4WLInmZw2U-01349-00217150-00217299 But the kiddie goodie bags? Mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-01350-00217299-00217383 All right. V4WLInmZw2U-01351-00217383-00217473 [Both] - Hey, Steve! V4WLInmZw2U-01352-00217473-00217556 Good to see you. V4WLInmZw2U-01353-00217838-00217921 "How did we do " review text V4WLInmZw2U-01354-00217921-00218133 to their phone and a follow up thank you card V4WLInmZw2U-01355-00218492-00218577 Yeah, send the text. V4WLInmZw2U-01356-00218577-00218723 So send them a text message V4WLInmZw2U-01357-00218723-00218833 to leave a review. V4WLInmZw2U-01358-00218833-00219015 Absolutely. Yep. V4WLInmZw2U-01359-00219015-00219101 But a thank you card V4WLInmZw2U-01360-00219101-00219298 with just something inside. Yep. V4WLInmZw2U-01361-00219298-00219426 It's always a nice little gesture. V4WLInmZw2U-01362-00219426-00219619 Once you get keepin' 'em smiling. V4WLInmZw2U-01363-00219619-00219770 Well, I was big on that V4WLInmZw2U-01364-00220181-00220356 I see this even on the follow-up stuff. V4WLInmZw2U-01365-00220356-00220521 We wanna hit them up with deals. V4WLInmZw2U-01366-00220521-00220677 Now you get a special deal. V4WLInmZw2U-01367-00220677-00220761 Yeah, don't do that. V4WLInmZw2U-01368-00220761-00220983 Don't do the follow-up hit 'em up V4WLInmZw2U-01369-00220983-00221112 for extra stuff. V4WLInmZw2U-01370-00221112-00221335 Just do the relationship, V4WLInmZw2U-01371-00221335-00221477 with thank you for, you know, V4WLInmZw2U-01372-00221477-00221612 that you gave us the work. Right. V4WLInmZw2U-01373-00221612-00221775 That you supported our families. V4WLInmZw2U-01374-00221775-00221885 Right We appreciate you V4WLInmZw2U-01375-00221885-00221994 as a customer. V4WLInmZw2U-01376-00221994-00222217 They'll like how that feels V4WLInmZw2U-01377-00222217-00222336 and they will call you back. V4WLInmZw2U-01378-00222336-00222497 They will tell their friends. V4WLInmZw2U-01379-00222603-00222708 Lisa said in the goodie bags V4WLInmZw2U-01380-00222708-00222826 they have custom coloring books, V4WLInmZw2U-01381-00222826-00222909 pencils, V4WLInmZw2U-01382-00222909-00223015 and a Nitro sticker. All right! V4WLInmZw2U-01383-00223015-00223313 Nitro being Full Speed Plumbing's V4WLInmZw2U-01384-00223313-00223477 new icon. Yep. V4WLInmZw2U-01385-00223477-00223567 Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-01386-00223567-00223651 Mascot. Cool. V4WLInmZw2U-01387-00223651-00223773 That's how they say it. V4WLInmZw2U-01388-00223773-00223858 Very good. V4WLInmZw2U-01389-00223858-00223978 All right. Love those guys. V4WLInmZw2U-01390-00223978-00224071 So those are good things. V4WLInmZw2U-01391-00224071-00224188 Mm-hm, very good things. V4WLInmZw2U-01392-00224188-00224336 So, Keep 'em smiling! V4WLInmZw2U-01393-00224336-00224562 All of these are simple things to do. V4WLInmZw2U-01394-00224562-00224692 Not necessarily easy V4WLInmZw2U-01395-00224692-00224921 because we get wrapped up in the plumbing. V4WLInmZw2U-01396-00224921-00225054 We get wrapped up in the V4WLInmZw2U-01397-00225229-00225407 just the crap of the day. V4WLInmZw2U-01398-00225540-00225741 That's a plumbing term Oh, okay. V4WLInmZw2U-01399-00225741-00225904 All right, the crap of the day. V4WLInmZw2U-01400-00225904-00226131 Or that one bad customer V4WLInmZw2U-01401-00226131-00226276 or the one problem customer. V4WLInmZw2U-01402-00226276-00226413 Or the one problem job V4WLInmZw2U-01403-00226413-00226670 or whatever. V4WLInmZw2U-01404-00226670-00226877 And then we just don't do this other stuff V4WLInmZw2U-01405-00226877-00226987 that really is important. V4WLInmZw2U-01406-00226987-00227099 No, do it every time. V4WLInmZw2U-01407-00227099-00227292 Every time. V4WLInmZw2U-01408-00227292-00227430 And you can't measure this, too. V4WLInmZw2U-01409-00227430-00227517 That's another thing. V4WLInmZw2U-01410-00227716-00227859 Right, looking for RLI V4WLInmZw2U-01411-00228012-00228096 and I'm spending all this money V4WLInmZw2U-01412-00228096-00228328 and how can I tell if I'm making any money on this? V4WLInmZw2U-01413-00228412-00228573 Just do it, okay? V4WLInmZw2U-01414-00228573-00228716 Just do it. Mm-hm, yes. V4WLInmZw2U-01415-00228716-00228857 It's just part of doing business. V4WLInmZw2U-01416-00228857-00228996 Who pays for it? V4WLInmZw2U-01417-00228996-00229217 Who pays for the coloring books? V4WLInmZw2U-01418-00229217-00229316 Customers do! Customers. V4WLInmZw2U-01419-00229502-00229603 You know? V4WLInmZw2U-01420-00229603-00229758 That's right. V4WLInmZw2U-01421-00229758-00229874 So just do it. V4WLInmZw2U-01422-00230227-00230366 So that's how we get customers V4WLInmZw2U-01423-00230366-00230501 to like us. V4WLInmZw2U-01424-00230501-00230626 To like us, V4WLInmZw2U-01425-00230626-00230712 First impressions? V4WLInmZw2U-01426-00230712-00230854 First impressions. V4WLInmZw2U-01427-00230854-00231006 Be their guest. V4WLInmZw2U-01428-00231006-00231144 Listen to them Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-01429-00231144-00231227 Listen to them. V4WLInmZw2U-01430-00231227-00231311 That's key right there. V4WLInmZw2U-01431-00231311-00231468 Yeah, just listen. Just listen to them. V4WLInmZw2U-01432-00231468-00231605 Okay? Okay. V4WLInmZw2U-01433-00231605-00231688 And finally V4WLInmZw2U-01434-00231688-00231783 What do we have here? I don't know. V4WLInmZw2U-01435-00231783-00231946 Keep them smiling. Keep them smiling! V4WLInmZw2U-01436-00231946-00232091 Keep them smiling. That's how you do it! V4WLInmZw2U-01437-00232091-00232238 So All right? V4WLInmZw2U-01438-00232238-00232321 Yeah. V4WLInmZw2U-01439-00232321-00232404 So this is part two V4WLInmZw2U-01440-00232404-00232521 of our three part series So, life. V4WLInmZw2U-01441-00232521-00232623 Next we'll be talking about V4WLInmZw2U-01442-00232623-00232708 how to get our customers V4WLInmZw2U-01443-00232708-00232821 to trust us. Yes. V4WLInmZw2U-01444-00232922-00233005 How do get them to trust us. V4WLInmZw2U-01445-00233005-00233166 There's so many ways V4WLInmZw2U-01446-00233166-00233278 we're dropping the ball on that V4WLInmZw2U-01447-00233278-00233409 that I see guys' companies V4WLInmZw2U-01448-00233409-00233532 dropping the ball. And we'll give V4WLInmZw2U-01449-00233532-00233715 all the top secrets away V4WLInmZw2U-01450-00233715-00233929 next week. For free. V4WLInmZw2U-01451-00233929-00234076 So join us! V4WLInmZw2U-01452-00234076-00234241 Hey, if you wanna learn more V4WLInmZw2U-01453-00234241-00234392 about how to get V4WLInmZw2U-01454-00234392-00234489 more customers V4WLInmZw2U-01455-00234489-00234606 as well as other things V4WLInmZw2U-01456-00234606-00234760 that are very important, V4WLInmZw2U-01457-00234760-00235042 to building a Million Dollar Plumbing Business, V4WLInmZw2U-01458-00235042-00235173 while having a life, too, V4WLInmZw2U-01459-00235173-00235423 that is very key Mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-01460-00235423-00235506 Part of this, V4WLInmZw2U-01461-00235506-00235727 we have the business so that it creates a life. V4WLInmZw2U-01462-00235727-00235938 Not just a work you to the ground. V4WLInmZw2U-01463-00235938-00236084 So if you're wanting to build V4WLInmZw2U-01464-00236084-00236219 a Million Dollar Plumbing Business V4WLInmZw2U-01465-00236219-00236369 and have a life, Mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-01466-00236369-00236454 Then you need to check out V4WLInmZw2U-01467-00236454-00236694 my Million Dollar Plumber Success Academy. V4WLInmZw2U-01468-00236694-00236862 I'll share everything there with you V4WLInmZw2U-01469-00236862-00237011 Make it very easy. V4WLInmZw2U-01470-00237011-00237164 And right now you can also, V4WLInmZw2U-01471-00237164-00237247 yeah there we go, V4WLInmZw2U-01472-00237247-00237379 free 14-day trial. Mm-hm. V4WLInmZw2U-01473-00237379-00237486 Free! it's free! V4WLInmZw2U-01474-00237486-00237609 Simply type "Success" in the comments V4WLInmZw2U-01475-00237609-00238021 or go to V4WLInmZw2U-01476-00238021-00238180 To learn more. Do it! V4WLInmZw2U-01477-00238180-00238306 Great stuff there. V4WLInmZw2U-01478-00238306-00238523 Hey, it was great spending time with you here. V4WLInmZw2U-01479-00238523-00238653 do these things. V4WLInmZw2U-01480-00238653-00238748 Customers buy from those V4WLInmZw2U-01481-00238748-00238973 they know, like, and trust, V4WLInmZw2U-01482-00239163-00239246 Dropping jewels today. V4WLInmZw2U-01483-00239246-00239329 Thanks, Joe! V4WLInmZw2U-01484-00239329-00239413 Thanks, Joe. Appreciate it. V4WLInmZw2U-01485-00239413-00239496 Hey, before I let you go, V4WLInmZw2U-01486-00239496-00239621 as always I wanna remind you V4WLInmZw2U-01487-00239621-00239742 that you were purposely V4WLInmZw2U-01488-00239742-00239927 and wonderfully created, V4WLInmZw2U-01489-00239927-00240144 you were created to do great things. V4WLInmZw2U-01490-00240144-00240371 So plumb like a champion. Bye! V4WLInmZw2U-01491-00240371-00240454 Thank you V4WLInmZw2U-01492-00240454-00240628 for tuning in to Potty Talk Live V4WLInmZw2U-01493-00240628-00240741 with Richard Behney, V4WLInmZw2U-01494-00240741-00240901 the Million Dollar Plumber. V4WLInmZw2U-01495-00240901-00241021 If you enjoyed this show, V4WLInmZw2U-01496-00241021-00241104 share it now. V4WLInmZw2U-01497-00241104-00241248 Just do it. V4WLInmZw2U-01498-00241248-00241376 To catch past episodes V4WLInmZw2U-01499-00241376-00241562 and get alerts for new episodes, V4WLInmZw2U-01500-00241562-00241728 turn notifications on now V4WLInmZw2U-01501-00241728-00241905 and join us again for more tips, V4WLInmZw2U-01502-00241905-00241988 techniques, V4WLInmZw2U-01503-00241988-00242071 and strategies V4WLInmZw2U-01504-00242071-00242267 to help you grow your plumbing business. VuNDaZmWya8-00000-00000498-00000720 Robert Wagner: Greetings, and welcome to the Introduction to VuNDaZmWya8-00001-00000720-00001071 Physical Science. In this lecture, we're going to continue VuNDaZmWya8-00002-00001071-00001338 talking about different organic compounds. And we're going to be VuNDaZmWya8-00003-00001338-00001770 looking at the amines and the amides, which occur when we VuNDaZmWya8-00004-00001770-00002211 start substituting nitrogen atoms for carbon atoms within VuNDaZmWya8-00005-00002214-00002673 the organic molecules. So let's take a quick look at these. And VuNDaZmWya8-00006-00002673-00003099 what we see, first of all, for the amines. amines are molecules VuNDaZmWya8-00007-00003099-00003552 that have a carbon nitrogen bond, so carbon bonded to a VuNDaZmWya8-00008-00003552-00004146 nitrogen atom. And we see some examples here in terms of methyl VuNDaZmWya8-00009-00004146-00004710 amine, which has a one methyl group, and then we have the VuNDaZmWya8-00010-00004710-00005013 nitrogen atom, which again replaces what we would normally VuNDaZmWya8-00011-00005013-00005424 have looked at as a carbon group. So we have then two VuNDaZmWya8-00012-00005424-00005889 hydrogen, so there is one methyl here, so that becomes a methyl VuNDaZmWya8-00013-00005889-00006444 amine, we could have two methyl groups here in here. And that VuNDaZmWya8-00014-00006444-00006897 gives us dimethyl remember the prefix di meaning two, or VuNDaZmWya8-00015-00006897-00007334 trimethyl with three where we have three methyl groups bonded VuNDaZmWya8-00016-00007338-00008048 to the nitrogen atom. Now we see that nitrogen does retain its VuNDaZmWya8-00017-00008048-00008514 pair of electrons, and therefore has three bonds available, and VuNDaZmWya8-00018-00008514-00008922 can bond to either carbon in it, for example, a methyl group here VuNDaZmWya8-00019-00008922-00009426 or other group, and two or two hydrogen atoms, and depending on VuNDaZmWya8-00020-00009426-00009759 which it does depends on exactly what we're going to be looking VuNDaZmWya8-00021-00009759-00010266 at. Now the naming will give an -ine suffix and for example, we VuNDaZmWya8-00022-00010266-00010800 have pyridine. As one example, this is one of the ring VuNDaZmWya8-00023-00010800-00011157 structures that we've looked at previously. And in this case, we VuNDaZmWya8-00024-00011157-00011667 have replaced the carbon with a nitrogen. Now the number of VuNDaZmWya8-00025-00011667-00012060 bonds is still the same, we have one bond, a single bond here, VuNDaZmWya8-00026-00012087-00012393 and a double bond to this carbon. And then again, the VuNDaZmWya8-00027-00012393-00012732 nitrogen keeps its two electrons, so it always has VuNDaZmWya8-00028-00012732-00013163 those two extra electrons there, and is allowed to bond three VuNDaZmWya8-00029-00013163-00013533 times in this case once to one carbon atom, and twice to the VuNDaZmWya8-00030-00013533-00013932 second carbon atom. So in this case, the nitrogen atom has VuNDaZmWya8-00031-00013932-00014382 replaced one of the carbon atoms in that aromatic hydrocarbon. VuNDaZmWya8-00032-00014412-00014754 And again, we see that ring structure of the carbon atoms as VuNDaZmWya8-00033-00014754-00015269 they bond together with their single and double bonds. Now the VuNDaZmWya8-00034-00015269-00015696 next one, we wanted to look at where the amides amines contain VuNDaZmWya8-00035-00015696-00016134 nitrogen groups which are bonded to again to the carbon atoms. So VuNDaZmWya8-00036-00016134-00016728 we have a carbonyl group here, the CO and carbon bonded to VuNDaZmWya8-00037-00016728-00017202 oxygen and we have a nitrogen bonded to them in terms of VuNDaZmWya8-00038-00017202-00017637 another, the other atom instead of a carbon. Now we see the VuNDaZmWya8-00039-00017637-00017922 difference here. And then we can also bond that, remember that VuNDaZmWya8-00040-00017922-00018306 nitrogen can bond three times it's got its two electrons here, VuNDaZmWya8-00041-00018354-00018810 and it has one bond to a carbon, so it is to open bonds, one can VuNDaZmWya8-00042-00018810-00019380 go to another carbon group here, or a hydrogen atom. So depending VuNDaZmWya8-00043-00019380-00019761 on how complex you want to make this, you can bond each of VuNDaZmWya8-00044-00019761-00020175 those, they could both go to another a carbon group, or they VuNDaZmWya8-00045-00020175-00020610 could bond to a single hydrogen atom. And in order to name VuNDaZmWya8-00046-00020610-00021378 these, we use the -amide. There. So instead of acidic, acidic, we VuNDaZmWya8-00047-00021378-00021747 have acetamide. And in this case, we have the same thing, we VuNDaZmWya8-00048-00021747-00022200 have our carbonyl group here, we have it bonded to a nitrogen on VuNDaZmWya8-00049-00022200-00022710 one side, and then we have it bonded to a methyl group on the VuNDaZmWya8-00050-00022713-00023211 other side. So that would be one of the simplest we can do. Now, VuNDaZmWya8-00051-00023211-00023490 of course, remember that nitrogen bonds to three things. VuNDaZmWya8-00052-00023517-00023811 The other two are hydrogen atoms, so it actually bonds to VuNDaZmWya8-00053-00023814-00024336 NH2, you could of course, have more complex molecules with a VuNDaZmWya8-00054-00024336-00024891 nitrogen bonds to other atoms as well. Now, if you want to look VuNDaZmWya8-00055-00024891-00025191 at something a little bit more complicated, we have the VuNDaZmWya8-00056-00025206-00025647 Hexanamide, and that again hex meaning six, so we have VuNDaZmWya8-00057-00025650-00026244 1,2,3,4,5,6 carbon atoms bonded together here. And we still have VuNDaZmWya8-00058-00026244-00026670 our carbonyl group, and we have it bonded to one nitrogen and VuNDaZmWya8-00059-00026670-00027000 that nitrogen has a bond to the carbon atom in the carbonyl VuNDaZmWya8-00060-00027000-00027452 group. Plus it has bonds to each of two individual hydrogen VuNDaZmWya8-00061-00027452-00027792 atoms, which will fill its outer shells. So that would be a VuNDaZmWya8-00062-00027792-00028095 little bit more complex. And we see again, some of those long VuNDaZmWya8-00063-00028095-00028520 chains that begin to develop with the carbon atoms. VuNDaZmWya8-00064-00028716-00029055 Now we can also look a little bit at where this comes up with VuNDaZmWya8-00065-00029055-00029633 the current carboxylic acids and the amides. The amides can be VuNDaZmWya8-00066-00029633-00030066 produced when we get one of those carboxylic acids. reacting VuNDaZmWya8-00067-00030066-00030527 with an amine. So we take the acid here, combine it with one VuNDaZmWya8-00068-00030527-00030981 of our amines, which again has that nitrogen here. And that VuNDaZmWya8-00069-00030981-00031443 will then bond over here and we'll make the amide. Again, now VuNDaZmWya8-00070-00031443-00031808 we have those still have that carbon, and we've replaced here, VuNDaZmWya8-00071-00031808-00032195 one of those carbon bonds here, the carbon oxygen bond here, VuNDaZmWya8-00072-00032241-00032676 that we've now replaced with the nitrogen. And then of course, VuNDaZmWya8-00073-00032676-00033186 what comes out that comes away along with water. So we've moved VuNDaZmWya8-00074-00033186-00033507 a few things around there. And we can make an amide through VuNDaZmWya8-00075-00033507-00034200 this way through reactions with the carboxylic acids. Now, let's VuNDaZmWya8-00076-00034200-00034506 go ahead and summarize a little bit of what we've learned in VuNDaZmWya8-00077-00034506-00034854 this chapter and just summarize the different organic molecules VuNDaZmWya8-00078-00034854-00035382 that we looked at. We looked at the alkanes, alkenes, and VuNDaZmWya8-00079-00035382-00035787 alkynes. First of all, what's your basic hydrocarbons with VuNDaZmWya8-00080-00035787-00036183 just carbon and hydrogen? Then we looked at things like VuNDaZmWya8-00081-00036183-00036921 alcohols, ethers, that had extra had oxygen atoms added in, and VuNDaZmWya8-00082-00036921-00037398 then the aldehydes and ketones and carboxylic acids, esters VuNDaZmWya8-00083-00037422-00037866 that have double oxygen bonds in the difference. And then we VuNDaZmWya8-00084-00037866-00038208 looked at the last at the amines in the amides, which now VuNDaZmWya8-00085-00038208-00038712 replaced one of those carbon atoms by a nitrogen atom. So VuNDaZmWya8-00086-00038712-00039147 again, we're looking at some very complex molecules. And we VuNDaZmWya8-00087-00039147-00039432 can look at them and depending on indicates what we see with VuNDaZmWya8-00088-00039432-00039864 two carbon atoms, here are some of these examples that all have VuNDaZmWya8-00089-00039864-00040233 two carbon atoms, and we can get the same kind of things. And VuNDaZmWya8-00090-00040233-00040614 remember how the naming works with these we have ethene, VuNDaZmWya8-00091-00040662-00041196 ethyne, and ethanol are all very similar and have those double VuNDaZmWya8-00092-00041196-00041655 carbon atoms present. And you'll see the same kind of things even VuNDaZmWya8-00093-00041655-00042102 when we look to the ethylamine. Again, we have those two carbon VuNDaZmWya8-00094-00042102-00042684 atoms here that are present. So the naming is very consistent VuNDaZmWya8-00095-00042684-00043089 with that using specifically telling you how many carbon VuNDaZmWya8-00096-00043089-00043635 atoms you are looking at, in the main structures. So let's go VuNDaZmWya8-00097-00043635-00044043 ahead and finish up this lecture with our summary. And what we VuNDaZmWya8-00098-00044043-00044424 looked at in this lecture was the amines, which are which are VuNDaZmWya8-00099-00044424-00044832 ones that have carbon and nitrogen bonds. And we have the VuNDaZmWya8-00100-00044832-00045237 amides. In this case, the nitrogen is bonded to a carbonyl VuNDaZmWya8-00101-00045237-00045651 group, a carbon oxygen group. And we also discussed how the VuNDaZmWya8-00102-00045651-00046119 amines can be produced when an amine reacts with a carboxylic VuNDaZmWya8-00103-00046119-00046557 acid. And together then we summarized a little bit about VuNDaZmWya8-00104-00046557-00046890 the different organic molecules that we've looked at in this VuNDaZmWya8-00105-00046890-00047343 unit. So that concludes this lecture on amines and amides. VuNDaZmWya8-00106-00047379-00047655 We'll be back again next time for another topic in physical VuNDaZmWya8-00107-00047655-00048150 science. So until then, have a great day everyone and I will VuNDaZmWya8-00108-00048150-00048288 see you in class. VuSpERwAXQA-00000-00000010-00000346 MULLER LEAD THE F.B.I. FROM 2001 VuSpERwAXQA-00001-00000346-00000353 MULLER LEAD THE F.B.I. FROM 2001 VuSpERwAXQA-00002-00000353-00000977 MULLER LEAD THE F.B.I. FROM 2001 TO 2013. VuSpERwAXQA-00003-00000977-00000984 MULLER LEAD THE F.B.I. FROM 2001 TO 2013. VuSpERwAXQA-00004-00000984-00001214 MULLER LEAD THE F.B.I. FROM 2001 TO 2013. >>> FOUR-YEAR-OLD MAX OLSON IS VuSpERwAXQA-00005-00001214-00001221 TO 2013. >>> FOUR-YEAR-OLD MAX OLSON IS VuSpERwAXQA-00006-00001221-00001414 TO 2013. >>> FOUR-YEAR-OLD MAX OLSON IS BATTLING A RARE BONE CANCER AND VuSpERwAXQA-00007-00001414-00001421 >>> FOUR-YEAR-OLD MAX OLSON IS BATTLING A RARE BONE CANCER AND VuSpERwAXQA-00008-00001421-00001674 >>> FOUR-YEAR-OLD MAX OLSON IS BATTLING A RARE BONE CANCER AND HIS PARENTS DECIDED TO HOST A VuSpERwAXQA-00009-00001674-00001681 BATTLING A RARE BONE CANCER AND HIS PARENTS DECIDED TO HOST A VuSpERwAXQA-00010-00001681-00001861 BATTLING A RARE BONE CANCER AND HIS PARENTS DECIDED TO HOST A HEAD SHAVING EVENT IN SUPPORT OF VuSpERwAXQA-00011-00001861-00001868 HIS PARENTS DECIDED TO HOST A HEAD SHAVING EVENT IN SUPPORT OF VuSpERwAXQA-00012-00001868-00001891 HIS PARENTS DECIDED TO HOST A HEAD SHAVING EVENT IN SUPPORT OF KNOX. VuSpERwAXQA-00013-00001891-00001898 HEAD SHAVING EVENT IN SUPPORT OF KNOX. VuSpERwAXQA-00014-00001898-00002038 HEAD SHAVING EVENT IN SUPPORT OF KNOX. HORDES OF PEOPLE WERE IN THE GYM VuSpERwAXQA-00015-00002038-00002045 KNOX. HORDES OF PEOPLE WERE IN THE GYM VuSpERwAXQA-00016-00002045-00002245 KNOX. HORDES OF PEOPLE WERE IN THE GYM LAST NIGHT DONATING HAIR, VuSpERwAXQA-00017-00002245-00002252 HORDES OF PEOPLE WERE IN THE GYM LAST NIGHT DONATING HAIR, VuSpERwAXQA-00018-00002252-00002599 HORDES OF PEOPLE WERE IN THE GYM LAST NIGHT DONATING HAIR, SHAVING THEIR HEADS, AND AT THE VuSpERwAXQA-00019-00002599-00002605 LAST NIGHT DONATING HAIR, SHAVING THEIR HEADS, AND AT THE VuSpERwAXQA-00020-00002605-00003012 LAST NIGHT DONATING HAIR, SHAVING THEIR HEADS, AND AT THE DARE TO BE BARE EVENT. VuSpERwAXQA-00021-00003012-00003019 SHAVING THEIR HEADS, AND AT THE DARE TO BE BARE EVENT. VuSpERwAXQA-00022-00003019-00003390 SHAVING THEIR HEADS, AND AT THE DARE TO BE BARE EVENT. 61 OF THEM IN ALL WERE KIDS. VuSpERwAXQA-00023-00003390-00003396 DARE TO BE BARE EVENT. 61 OF THEM IN ALL WERE KIDS. VuSpERwAXQA-00024-00003396-00003583 DARE TO BE BARE EVENT. 61 OF THEM IN ALL WERE KIDS. ABOUT 350 PEOPLE WERE IN THE VuSpERwAXQA-00025-00003583-00003590 61 OF THEM IN ALL WERE KIDS. ABOUT 350 PEOPLE WERE IN THE VuSpERwAXQA-00026-00003590-00003757 61 OF THEM IN ALL WERE KIDS. ABOUT 350 PEOPLE WERE IN THE AUDIENCE WATCHING LITTLE KNOX VuSpERwAXQA-00027-00003757-00003763 ABOUT 350 PEOPLE WERE IN THE AUDIENCE WATCHING LITTLE KNOX VuSpERwAXQA-00028-00003763-00004010 ABOUT 350 PEOPLE WERE IN THE AUDIENCE WATCHING LITTLE KNOX MAKE HIS BIG ENTRANCE WITH THE VuSpERwAXQA-00029-00004010-00004017 AUDIENCE WATCHING LITTLE KNOX MAKE HIS BIG ENTRANCE WITH THE VuSpERwAXQA-00030-00004017-00004247 AUDIENCE WATCHING LITTLE KNOX MAKE HIS BIG ENTRANCE WITH THE POLICE ESCORT LAST NIGHT IN VuSpERwAXQA-00031-00004247-00004254 MAKE HIS BIG ENTRANCE WITH THE POLICE ESCORT LAST NIGHT IN VuSpERwAXQA-00032-00004254-00004280 MAKE HIS BIG ENTRANCE WITH THE POLICE ESCORT LAST NIGHT IN WARROAD. VuSpERwAXQA-00033-00004280-00004287 POLICE ESCORT LAST NIGHT IN WARROAD. VuSpERwAXQA-00034-00004287-00004504 POLICE ESCORT LAST NIGHT IN WARROAD. >> I THINK HE WAS PRETTY VuSpERwAXQA-00035-00004504-00004511 WARROAD. >> I THINK HE WAS PRETTY VuSpERwAXQA-00036-00004511-00004541 WARROAD. >> I THINK HE WAS PRETTY IMPRESSED. VuSpERwAXQA-00037-00004541-00004547 >> I THINK HE WAS PRETTY IMPRESSED. VuSpERwAXQA-00038-00004547-00004761 >> I THINK HE WAS PRETTY IMPRESSED. HE WAS LOOKING AROUND WITH A BIG VuSpERwAXQA-00039-00004761-00004768 IMPRESSED. HE WAS LOOKING AROUND WITH A BIG VuSpERwAXQA-00040-00004768-00004931 IMPRESSED. HE WAS LOOKING AROUND WITH A BIG SMILE ON HIS FACE. VuSpERwAXQA-00041-00004931-00004938 HE WAS LOOKING AROUND WITH A BIG SMILE ON HIS FACE. VuSpERwAXQA-00042-00004938-00005081 HE WAS LOOKING AROUND WITH A BIG SMILE ON HIS FACE. IT WAS PRETTY AMAZING. VuSpERwAXQA-00043-00005081-00005088 SMILE ON HIS FACE. IT WAS PRETTY AMAZING. VuSpERwAXQA-00044-00005088-00005278 SMILE ON HIS FACE. IT WAS PRETTY AMAZING. IT TOOK MUCH LONGER THAN WE VuSpERwAXQA-00045-00005278-00005285 IT WAS PRETTY AMAZING. IT TOOK MUCH LONGER THAN WE VuSpERwAXQA-00046-00005285-00005388 IT WAS PRETTY AMAZING. IT TOOK MUCH LONGER THAN WE ANTICIPATED BUT IT WAS TOTALLY VuSpERwAXQA-00047-00005388-00005395 IT TOOK MUCH LONGER THAN WE ANTICIPATED BUT IT WAS TOTALLY VuSpERwAXQA-00048-00005395-00005515 IT TOOK MUCH LONGER THAN WE ANTICIPATED BUT IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT. VuSpERwAXQA-00049-00005515-00005522 ANTICIPATED BUT IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT. VuSpERwAXQA-00050-00005522-00005595 ANTICIPATED BUT IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT. >> Dennis: SO FAR THE COMMUNITY VuSpERwAXQA-00051-00005595-00005602 WORTH IT. >> Dennis: SO FAR THE COMMUNITY VuSpERwAXQA-00052-00005602-00005805 WORTH IT. >> Dennis: SO FAR THE COMMUNITY OF WARROAD RAISED OVER $18,000 VuSpERwAXQA-00053-00005805-00005812 >> Dennis: SO FAR THE COMMUNITY OF WARROAD RAISED OVER $18,000 VuSpERwAXQA-00054-00005812-00005972 >> Dennis: SO FAR THE COMMUNITY OF WARROAD RAISED OVER $18,000 FOR BRIGHTER TOMORROWS AN Vv5ouB7RFPA-00000-00000000-00000544 Do you know what the greatest challenge is in raising multilingual children successfully? Vv5ouB7RFPA-00001-00000544-00001120 And by “successfully” I mean that the kids develop their languages fully, like competent Vv5ouB7RFPA-00002-00001120-00001752 native speakers. Stay with me because I´m going to tell you what my greatest challenges were when Vv5ouB7RFPA-00003-00001752-00002984 growing up multilingual and what I permanently see and witness in my multilingual kids and students. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00004-00003120-00003552 Hi there, it´s me again. If you don´t know me yet, my name is Andrea and in this Vlog I Vv5ouB7RFPA-00005-00003552-00004136 share know-how and useful material for raise multilingual children successfully. Please Vv5ouB7RFPA-00006-00004136-00004880 subscribe and join my mailing list for more help. When I was about 17, I remember feeling the desire Vv5ouB7RFPA-00007-00004880-00005480 of going to live for a while to Switzerland. At the time, I lived in Quito-Ecuador with my parents Vv5ouB7RFPA-00008-00005480-00006104 and although I had developed good verbal and decent written skills in three languages, Vv5ouB7RFPA-00009-00006104-00006664 I still felt like my multilingual journey wasn´t over yet. I wished I could speak Swiss German Vv5ouB7RFPA-00010-00006664-00007256 as good as Spanish, to be able to win the discussions I had with my dad. I sometimes Vv5ouB7RFPA-00011-00007312-00008048 felt like I had so many more things to say but I often ended up not expressing them. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00012-00008048-00008552 Looking back, I think I didn´t or couldn´t always show my true potential. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00013-00008632-00009208 Back then, I already had well developed Swiss German skills. People in Switzerland often Vv5ouB7RFPA-00014-00009208-00009664 couldn´t believe I was born and raised on the other side of the planet because I had Vv5ouB7RFPA-00015-00009664-00010225 developed such a typical Swiss German accent from the north east of the country. I could Vv5ouB7RFPA-00016-00010225-00010352 speak fluently no question, people thought I was born and raised in Switzerland. BUT could Vv5ouB7RFPA-00017-00010352-00011032 I always express exactly what I had in my mind? No, I was lacking precision sometimes, Vv5ouB7RFPA-00018-00011032-00011720 more exact words to express myself accurately. In other words: No matter what people said, Vv5ouB7RFPA-00019-00011720-00012488 I knew there was one thing that distinguished me from monolingual Swiss German native speakers Vv5ouB7RFPA-00020-00012488-00012840 and that was the amount of Vocabulary I knew. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00021-00012840-00013368 So, yes, my friends: One of the greatest challenges for multilingual kids and adults Vv5ouB7RFPA-00022-00013424-00014208 is to be able to develop a wide vocabulary in all languages. This is a never-ending story. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00023-00014208-00014944 It requires constant work. Languages need to be nourished and worked on, much like muscles. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00024-00014944-00015447 Now, I´m going to read to you a very interesting question Mac asked me the Vv5ouB7RFPA-00025-00015447-00015904 other day. Thank you Mac for always being so active sharing your thoughts with us. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00026-00015904-00016512 He said: “Andrea as your children get older, are you and your husband going to develop goals Vv5ouB7RFPA-00027-00016512-00017312 for specific tasks/situations or categories? For example, I want my child to be comfortable talking Vv5ouB7RFPA-00028-00017312-00018056 about family or ordering in a restaurant, but don´t need her to be able to talk about different Vv5ouB7RFPA-00029-00018056-00018720 kinds of plants or understand a religious service? A lot of times children with languages Vv5ouB7RFPA-00030-00018720-00019464 they learn at home can become very limited in what kinds of situations they are bilingually competent Vv5ouB7RFPA-00031-00019464-00020288 in, and I am wondering if you have a plan about either expanding those or embracing those limits.” Vv5ouB7RFPA-00032-00020288-00020856 I´m well aware of this “vocabulary issue” in multilingual people. In school with my second Vv5ouB7RFPA-00033-00020856-00021504 graders as well as at home with my kids I´m always thinking about expanding their Vv5ouB7RFPA-00034-00021504-00022176 vocabulary in various directions. It´s necessary to expose the kids to different topics and create Vv5ouB7RFPA-00035-00022176-00022840 situations where they can naturally develop new vocabulary. If you don´t keep this in mind, Vv5ouB7RFPA-00036-00022840-00023696 it is likely that their vocabulary stays limited. Now, the big question is: How can you expand your Vv5ouB7RFPA-00037-00023696-00024280 children´s vocabulary in multiple areas? I´m going to share with you one very useful Vv5ouB7RFPA-00038-00024280-00024920 and easy approach that any parent can use to make sure that their kids build up Vv5ouB7RFPA-00039-00024976-00025656 their vocabulary in various fields. That is the use of hidden object scenes Vv5ouB7RFPA-00040-00025656-00026400 or busy pictures. In German speaking countries hidden object books are very common. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00041-00026400-00027072 If you don´t know what I´m talking about maybe the books of “Where is Waldo” sound familiar. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00042-00027072-00027608 The wonderful thing about these types of illustrations is that you don´t necessarily Vv5ouB7RFPA-00043-00027608-00028152 need to be in a certain situation with your kids to talk about a topic. For example: Vv5ouB7RFPA-00044-00028152-00028864 It´s fairly easy to build up vocabulary around the topic “kitchen” because you have it in your house, Vv5ouB7RFPA-00045-00028864-00029448 but if you want to talk about the winter and in your country its summer, it gets more challenging. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00046-00029512-00029992 When using hidden object scenes, it´s enough if you Vv5ouB7RFPA-00047-00029992-00030504 both of you look at the picture and talk about what you see and what is happening. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00048-00030504-00031048 In the beginning, you will have to do most of the talking. Once your child gets more Vv5ouB7RFPA-00049-00031048-00031744 familiarized with the language and the specific vocabulary, you can let your child take the lead. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00050-00031744-00032504 Now lets take a look at topics that are relevant and appropriate for children. Make sure to create Vv5ouB7RFPA-00051-00032504-00032936 situations for your children where you can talk about the following topics: Vv5ouB7RFPA-00052-00034664-00035216 I created a free check list for you. You can download it using the link in the description. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00053-00035216-00035520 If you already joined my mailing list, just check your inbox. Vv5ouB7RFPA-00054-00035520-00035560 Before I forget, please press the like button to help me grow this channel. Thank you! Vv5ouB7RFPA-00055-00035560-00036016 There are plenty of books that touch these topics. What I find very useful is these Vv5ouB7RFPA-00056-00036016-00036656 plate mats that I created with high quality hidden object scenes. I got these ones from Vv5ouB7RFPA-00057-00036656-00037376 Schubi. I copied them on A3 paper and laminated them. What I do is I place one of these for each Vv5ouB7RFPA-00058-00037376-00037936 of my kids on the table and when we sit down to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner Vv5ouB7RFPA-00059-00037936-00038880 we talk about the illustrations. Every few days I change them. My husband does it in his language, I Vv5ouB7RFPA-00060-00038880-00039512 do it mine. When the Nanny comes, she uses German. So, what do you think? If you have questions, Vv5ouB7RFPA-00061-00039512-00039984 just post them in the comment section below. Thank you for joining me on this video called Vv5ouB7RFPA-00062-00039984-00040584 Vocabulary Building – How to Improve Vocabulary in Kids. Don´t forget to subscribe and join my Vv5ouB7RFPA-00063-00040584-00041240 mailing list for more powerful tips and while you are here, watch my other videos for more Vv5ouB7RFPA-00064-00041240-00042184 information. This was Multilingual Family – keep doing a great job and talk to you soon! Vvmigcm049Y-00000-00000288-00000720 Hi, my name is Matt Nissen, I'm the medium-duty and vocational truck sales manager for Truck Vvmigcm049Y-00001-00000720-00000836 Center Companies. Vvmigcm049Y-00002-00000836-00001171 I'm here today to introduce you to our severe-duty product line. Vvmigcm049Y-00003-00001171-00001735 Our severe-duty product line consists of the 108, 114, and 122SD models. Vvmigcm049Y-00004-00001735-00002264 Offering rugged and dependable solutions for a wide variety of vocational applications. Vvmigcm049Y-00005-00002264-00002896 Recently we offered a series of demos on trucks much like the one you see behind me to customers Vvmigcm049Y-00006-00002896-00003075 in our local areas. Vvmigcm049Y-00007-00003075-00003290 The demos were very positive. Vvmigcm049Y-00008-00003290-00003800 Customer responses indicated that they loved the power, the turning radius, and the comfort Vvmigcm049Y-00009-00003800-00003986 and quiet of the cab. Vvmigcm049Y-00010-00003986-00004246 We'd love to talk to you about our severe-duty line up of trucks. VwAWz27LkQc-00000-00000256-00000536 Hello, my name is Barbara Fischer. VwAWz27LkQc-00001-00000552-00000796 I work at the German National Library - VwAWz27LkQc-00002-00000811-00001172 - helping to create an ecosystem of semantic data. VwAWz27LkQc-00003-00001188-00001668 You can become part of it. Give me five minutes to explain. VwAWz27LkQc-00004-00001996-00002432 The little bullet points in the right corner indicate where we are. VwAWz27LkQc-00005-00002448-00002828 First, we will talk on information retrieval in general. VwAWz27LkQc-00006-00002844-00003144 Second, on authority control. VwAWz27LkQc-00007-00003160-00003536 And third, on building an ecosystem for GLAM data. VwAWz27LkQc-00008-00003760-00004216 Today, we all embrace the digital turn even more than before. VwAWz27LkQc-00009-00004232-00004544 We shuffle more and more content online. VwAWz27LkQc-00010-00004560-00004820 Now, flip the perspective. VwAWz27LkQc-00011-00004836-00005292 How do you ensure that your data is found on the internet? VwAWz27LkQc-00012-00005460-00005808 The semantic web is today both more wanted, - VwAWz27LkQc-00013-00005824-00006128 - as more people share content on the net, - VwAWz27LkQc-00014-00006144-00006595 - and easier to achieve as the IT capacities increase. VwAWz27LkQc-00015-00006612-00007180 Unfortunately, we have no semantic web. We have search engines. VwAWz27LkQc-00016-00007336-00007820 Bottom up: 1. A bunch of zeros and ones. VwAWz27LkQc-00017-00007836-00008284 2. Digital, yet not machine readable. VwAWz27LkQc-00018-00008300-00008804 3. Structured and machine-readable data as in Wikidata. VwAWz27LkQc-00019-00008976-00009596 The top relies on authority data like the GND in German-speaking countries. VwAWz27LkQc-00020-00009916-00010348 I want you to consider the FAIR & CARE data principles, - VwAWz27LkQc-00021-00010364-00010596 - whenever you generate data. VwAWz27LkQc-00022-00010612-00010904 Knowledge grows as it is shared. VwAWz27LkQc-00023-00010920-00011424 Share your data freely to increase the knowledge built on that data. VwAWz27LkQc-00024-00011652-00012220 The GND is a powerful and data-rich tool produced and used by libraries. VwAWz27LkQc-00025-00012236-00012552 But the digital turn has increased the interest - VwAWz27LkQc-00026-00012568-00012984 - to create more diverse authority records meeting the requirements - VwAWz27LkQc-00027-00013000-00013480 - by all GLAM and science institutions on FAIR data. VwAWz27LkQc-00028-00013752-00014047 All GND records are CC0. VwAWz27LkQc-00029-00014063-00014347 They deliver persistent URL IDs - VwAWz27LkQc-00030-00014363-00014780 - and disambiguation of the described entities. VwAWz27LkQc-00031-00014796-00015356 You can use them to improve retrieval and visibility of your data. VwAWz27LkQc-00032-00015372-00015663 Plus benefit from approved content. VwAWz27LkQc-00033-00015936-00016436 The GND opening is a change process on four fields. VwAWz27LkQc-00034-00016452-00016896 Governance and rules acknowledge all active communities. VwAWz27LkQc-00035-00016912-00017376 Infrastructure needs to be both accessible and flexible. VwAWz27LkQc-00036-00017392-00017856 Communication becomes more complex and diverse. VwAWz27LkQc-00037-00018356-00018712 To edit authority data is hard work. VwAWz27LkQc-00038-00018728-00019160 Thus, we want to make contribution easy on a technical level. VwAWz27LkQc-00039-00019176-00019452 We looked around for a software apt for - VwAWz27LkQc-00040-00019468-00019800 - collaboration, open source and interoperable. VwAWz27LkQc-00041-00019816-00020044 We fell for Wikibase. VwAWz27LkQc-00042-00020204-00020724 Wikibase is coded by Wikimedia Deutschland to serve Wikidata. VwAWz27LkQc-00043-00020740-00021224 Since 2018, Wikimedia is in touch with power Wikibase users - VwAWz27LkQc-00044-00021240-00021784 - to understand how to transform Wikibase into a generic software product. VwAWz27LkQc-00045-00021980-00022252 We use Wikibase in two projects. VwAWz27LkQc-00046-00022268-00022592 One is to establish the GND Wikibase instance - VwAWz27LkQc-00047-00022608-00023000 - as a full, operating second home to its master copy - VwAWz27LkQc-00048-00023016-00023300 - in the traditional software environment. VwAWz27LkQc-00049-00023316-00023928 We focus on both smooth import/export, true synchronisation and usability. VwAWz27LkQc-00050-00024060-00024420 Second, we transform the text-based rule set - VwAWz27LkQc-00051-00024436-00024812 - for editing the GND into a structured database. VwAWz27LkQc-00052-00024828-00025272 The ontology transforms into items and properties. VwAWz27LkQc-00053-00025288-00025680 Information retrieval and maintenance will become easier. VwAWz27LkQc-00054-00025936-00026295 Complementary to the functionalities listed here, - VwAWz27LkQc-00055-00026312-00026783 - bear in mind neither Wikidata nor Wikibase target laymen - VwAWz27LkQc-00056-00026800-00027332 - but rather data analysts who are able to handle at least basic coding. VwAWz27LkQc-00057-00027564-00027964 Talking to other libraries evaluating the software, too, - VwAWz27LkQc-00058-00027980-00028260 - we would like to share our findings. VwAWz27LkQc-00059-00028276-00028624 We don't know if Wikibase develops from a unicorn - VwAWz27LkQc-00060-00028639-00028968 - to a working horse, but we go for it. VwAWz27LkQc-00061-00028983-00029332 Together with the staff of Wikimedia Deutschland, - VwAWz27LkQc-00062-00029348-00029656 - we will draft a model for common governance, - VwAWz27LkQc-00063-00029672-00029983 - improve usability features and agree on - VwAWz27LkQc-00064-00030000-00030388 - how our functionalities could best contribute. VwAWz27LkQc-00065-00030695-00031132 Yet there is still a lot to do. Most wanted is skilled personnel. VwAWz27LkQc-00066-00031148-00031392 There is a risk of lacking time - VwAWz27LkQc-00067-00031408-00031800 - to achieve our goals knowing that powerful IT enterprises - VwAWz27LkQc-00068-00031816-00032227 - are working on similar services but licensed. VwAWz27LkQc-00069-00032352-00032683 Coming to an end, here is what you can do. VwAWz27LkQc-00070-00032700-00033056 Join the GLAM community in the WikiLibrary Manifesto. VwAWz27LkQc-00071-00033072-00033448 We aim at connecting GLAM institutions and Wikibase - VwAWz27LkQc-00072-00033464-00033852 - in an international network of knowledge. VwAWz27LkQc-00073-00033868-00034268 Our goal: The creation and implementation of - VwAWz27LkQc-00074-00034284-00034812 - a single, linked, open-data network for art, culture and science. VwAWz27LkQc-00075-00034828-00035372 Help us to set up our common requirements to improve Wikibase. VwAWz27LkQc-00076-00035388-00035688 The manifesto is open to sign. VwAWz27LkQc-00077-00035884-00036256 Let us know your thoughts and experiences. VwAWz27LkQc-00078-00036272-00036880 Either right here on the conference or reach out to me via e-mail or Twitter. VwAWz27LkQc-00079-00036896-00037284 The slides will be shared with you. Thank you. VxXQSIHgtmu-00000-00000311-00000600 - As live participants start streaming here VxXQSIHgtmu-00001-00000600-00000746 I want to say welcome. VxXQSIHgtmu-00002-00000746-00000877 This is Mung, VxXQSIHgtmu-00003-00000877-00000961 the John A. Edwardson VxXQSIHgtmu-00004-00000961-00001189 Dean of College of Engineering at Purdue. VxXQSIHgtmu-00005-00001189-00001575 And we have a very special VxXQSIHgtmu-00006-00001575-00001877 monthly virtual fireside with alumnus VxXQSIHgtmu-00007-00001877-00002377 and also an event with an outstanding group of colleagues. VxXQSIHgtmu-00008-00002502-00002779 Neil Armstrong distinguished visiting fellows VxXQSIHgtmu-00009-00002779-00002909 to Purdue Engineering. VxXQSIHgtmu-00010-00002909-00003309 And I will turn the mic over to Arvind who VxXQSIHgtmu-00011-00003309-00003640 was the mind behind the creation of this program VxXQSIHgtmu-00012-00003640-00003782 to introduce the panelist. VxXQSIHgtmu-00013-00003782-00003897 Thank you Arvind. VxXQSIHgtmu-00014-00003897-00004085 - Thank you so much Mung. VxXQSIHgtmu-00015-00004085-00004388 Back in 2019, we celebrated 50 years VxXQSIHgtmu-00016-00004388-00004657 since Purdue Engineering alumnus Neil Armstrong's. VxXQSIHgtmu-00017-00004657-00005040 One small step inspired the entire world VxXQSIHgtmu-00018-00005040-00005222 about the limitlessness of human VxXQSIHgtmu-00019-00005222-00005371 and technological achievement. VxXQSIHgtmu-00020-00005371-00005489 And in that year, VxXQSIHgtmu-00021-00005489-00005792 Purdue Engineering was really proud to launch this program VxXQSIHgtmu-00022-00005792-00006188 to bring highly accomplished and world recognized scholars VxXQSIHgtmu-00023-00006188-00006503 and practitioners to Purdue Engineering, VxXQSIHgtmu-00024-00006503-00006872 to really collaborate and catalyze interactions VxXQSIHgtmu-00025-00006872-00007167 that would increase the visibility and impact VxXQSIHgtmu-00026-00007167-00007576 of our students, faculty, schools, and college. VxXQSIHgtmu-00027-00007576-00008030 We're really delighted that today five out of seven, VxXQSIHgtmu-00028-00008030-00008294 of our Neil Armstrong distinguished visiting professors VxXQSIHgtmu-00029-00008294-00008474 are able to join us for this panel VxXQSIHgtmu-00030-00008474-00008723 and I'd like to do a brief introduction of them. VxXQSIHgtmu-00031-00008846-00009021 As I read your names just please... VxXQSIHgtmu-00032-00009835-00010182 Who worked at Lockheed Martin from 1985 to 2011 VxXQSIHgtmu-00033-00010182-00010628 in many different technical leadership roles VxXQSIHgtmu-00034-00010628-00010721 and is worldly renown VxXQSIHgtmu-00035-00010721-00010975 for inventing the vertical lift concept VxXQSIHgtmu-00036-00010975-00011243 in the F-35 JSF, Joint Strike Fighter. VxXQSIHgtmu-00037-00011392-00011542 He's a member of the NAE, VxXQSIHgtmu-00038-00011542-00011676 a fellow of the AIAA. VxXQSIHgtmu-00039-00011676-00011884 He's the recipient of several awards, VxXQSIHgtmu-00040-00011884-00012069 including AIAAs, Newbold, VxXQSIHgtmu-00041-00012069-00012368 VSTOL at Aircraft Design Awards. VxXQSIHgtmu-00042-00012368-00012548 And the Daniel Guggenheim Medal. VxXQSIHgtmu-00043-00012661-00013086 Lockheed Martins, Kelly Johnson's Inventors Awards, VxXQSIHgtmu-00044-00013086-00013353 and the AeroStar in Nova Award, VxXQSIHgtmu-00045-00013353-00013671 ASEs Aerospace Vehicle Design and Development Award VxXQSIHgtmu-00046-00013671-00014100 and the American Helicopter Society's Paul Haueter Award. VxXQSIHgtmu-00047-00014100-00014261 He was recognized as engineer of the year VxXQSIHgtmu-00048-00014261-00014559 by Design News magazine in 2004. VxXQSIHgtmu-00049-00014655-00014852 Paul is working with the School of Aeronautics VxXQSIHgtmu-00050-00014852-00015171 and Astronautics and many topics including aerodynamics and VxXQSIHgtmu-00051-00015171-00015337 new concepts in aircraft design. VxXQSIHgtmu-00052-00015337-00015420 Welcome Paul. VxXQSIHgtmu-00053-00015507-00015590 - Thank you. VxXQSIHgtmu-00054-00015806-00015940 - Dara Entekhabi. VxXQSIHgtmu-00055-00016041-00016265 is the Bacardi and Stockholm Water Foundations Professor VxXQSIHgtmu-00056-00016265-00016470 in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering VxXQSIHgtmu-00057-00016470-00016601 and the Professor VxXQSIHgtmu-00058-00016601-00016764 in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric VxXQSIHgtmu-00059-00016764-00017023 and Planetary Sciences at MIT. VxXQSIHgtmu-00060-00017023-00017373 He's an expert in hydrological remote sensing. VxXQSIHgtmu-00061-00017373-00017546 And is currently the science team leader VxXQSIHgtmu-00062-00017546-00018046 for NASA's Soil Moisture Active/Passive mission. VxXQSIHgtmu-00063-00018074-00018392 He's a member of the NAE and a fellow of the IEEE, VxXQSIHgtmu-00064-00018392-00018563 the American Geophysical Union VxXQSIHgtmu-00065-00018563-00018763 and the American Meteorological Society. VxXQSIHgtmu-00066-00018926-00019201 And Dara is working in the School of Aeronautics VxXQSIHgtmu-00067-00019201-00019387 and Astronautics as well, VxXQSIHgtmu-00068-00019387-00019762 really on new remote sensing techniques for soil and water VxXQSIHgtmu-00069-00019762-00020044 in particular the use of signals of opportunity VxXQSIHgtmu-00070-00020044-00020287 in the P-band below 400 megahertz. VxXQSIHgtmu-00071-00020392-00020475 Welcome Dara. VxXQSIHgtmu-00072-00020597-00020698 - Thank you. VxXQSIHgtmu-00073-00020698-00020924 - Also joining us today is Enrique Iglesia VxXQSIHgtmu-00074-00020924-00021124 who's the Theodore Vermeulen Professor VxXQSIHgtmu-00075-00021124-00021354 in Chemical Engineering at UC Berkeley. VxXQSIHgtmu-00076-00021354-00021541 His research addresses the design and synthesis VxXQSIHgtmu-00077-00021541-00021801 of structural mechanistic characterization of VxXQSIHgtmu-00078-00021801-00021964 inorganic solids, VxXQSIHgtmu-00079-00021964-00022272 used as catalysts for chemical reactions VxXQSIHgtmu-00080-00022272-00022401 that are important to the production, VxXQSIHgtmu-00081-00022401-00022628 conversion use of energy carriers, VxXQSIHgtmu-00082-00022628-00022831 in sustainable petrochemical syntheses, VxXQSIHgtmu-00083-00022831-00023054 and in the production of the environment. VxXQSIHgtmu-00084-00023054-00023184 He's a member of NAE, AAAS VxXQSIHgtmu-00085-00023343-00023499 and the National Academy of Inventors. VxXQSIHgtmu-00086-00023499-00023703 He's received several awards for his contributions VxXQSIHgtmu-00087-00023703-00023912 to chemistry and chemical engineering. VxXQSIHgtmu-00088-00023912-00024246 Most recent simply received the 2019 Michael Boudart Award VxXQSIHgtmu-00089-00024246-00024375 for advancement in catalysis VxXQSIHgtmu-00090-00024375-00024858 and the AIChE's William Walker Award VxXQSIHgtmu-00091-00024858-00025015 for excellence and contributions to VxXQSIHgtmu-00092-00025015-00025175 chemical engineering literature. VxXQSIHgtmu-00093-00025299-00025540 Enrique is working with faculty and students VxXQSIHgtmu-00094-00025540-00025716 in CSTAR which is our VxXQSIHgtmu-00095-00025716-00025820 center for innovative VxXQSIHgtmu-00096-00025820-00025993 and strategic transformation of alkane VxXQSIHgtmu-00097-00025993-00026295 resources center on research, VxXQSIHgtmu-00098-00026295-00026468 on industrial innovation, entrepreneurship, VxXQSIHgtmu-00099-00026468-00026624 and educational activities. VxXQSIHgtmu-00100-00026624-00026791 Welcome Enrique. VxXQSIHgtmu-00101-00026791-00026891 - Thank you. VxXQSIHgtmu-00102-00027094-00027332 - Also joining us today is Randall Poston. VxXQSIHgtmu-00103-00027432-00027697 Dr. Poston is senior principal at pivot engineers, VxXQSIHgtmu-00104-00027697-00028058 a structural engineering consulting firm in Austin, Texas. VxXQSIHgtmu-00105-00028058-00028332 He's an internationally recognized expert in VxXQSIHgtmu-00106-00028332-00028604 structural engineering practice. VxXQSIHgtmu-00107-00028604-00028724 And he's an inductee VxXQSIHgtmu-00108-00028724-00029035 in the National Academy of Engineering as well. VxXQSIHgtmu-00109-00029035-00029343 Randy has established himself as one of the preeminent VxXQSIHgtmu-00110-00029343-00029669 structural consultants in the United States VxXQSIHgtmu-00111-00029669-00029881 and has authored delivered hundreds of papers VxXQSIHgtmu-00112-00029881-00030043 and presentations related to the VxXQSIHgtmu-00113-00030043-00030232 structural engineering industry. VxXQSIHgtmu-00114-00030232-00030510 He's championed the repair of existing structures VxXQSIHgtmu-00115-00030510-00030688 for upwards of 30 years VxXQSIHgtmu-00116-00030688-00030887 and dedicated his career to advancing the state of VxXQSIHgtmu-00117-00030887-00031052 structural engineering knowledge. VxXQSIHgtmu-00118-00031137-00031316 He was the past chair of the VxXQSIHgtmu-00119-00031316-00031672 American Concrete Institute's committee 318 VxXQSIHgtmu-00120-00031672-00031811 structural building code VxXQSIHgtmu-00121-00031939-00032241 where he oversaw monumental effort to completely reorganize VxXQSIHgtmu-00122-00032241-00032380 the concrete code. VxXQSIHgtmu-00123-00032380-00032643 The first in undertaking of its kind VxXQSIHgtmu-00124-00032643-00032789 in the history of ACI. VxXQSIHgtmu-00125-00032919-00033084 The Engineering News Record ENR VxXQSIHgtmu-00126-00033084-00033325 named him a top 25 newsmaker VxXQSIHgtmu-00127-00033325-00033636 in 2014 for his code reorganization leadership VxXQSIHgtmu-00128-00033636-00033895 and ACI bestowed upon him VxXQSIHgtmu-00129-00033895-00034113 the Henry L. Kennedy Award for his work. VxXQSIHgtmu-00130-00034215-00034451 Randy's working with faculty and students VxXQSIHgtmu-00131-00034451-00034677 in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering VxXQSIHgtmu-00132-00034677-00034876 in the area structural engineering. VxXQSIHgtmu-00133-00034876-00035008 Welcome, welcome, Randy. VxXQSIHgtmu-00134-00035008-00035141 - Yeah, thank you very much, VxXQSIHgtmu-00135-00035141-00035276 it's a pleasure to be here. VxXQSIHgtmu-00136-00035501-00035688 - Mordechai Moti Segev VxXQSIHgtmu-00137-00035688-00035981 is the Robert Shillman Distinguished Professor of Physics VxXQSIHgtmu-00138-00035981-00036315 and Electrical Engineering at the Technion in Israel, VxXQSIHgtmu-00139-00036315-00036641 where he received his BSc and PhD as well. VxXQSIHgtmu-00140-00036641-00036946 After postdocing at Caltech he joined Princeton VxXQSIHgtmu-00141-00036946-00037248 where he rose through the ranks very quickly VxXQSIHgtmu-00142-00037248-00037452 from assistant to full professor VxXQSIHgtmu-00143-00037452-00037640 before being recruited back as VxXQSIHgtmu-00144-00037640-00038022 Distinguished Professor to Technion in 2009. VxXQSIHgtmu-00145-00038022-00038274 Moti's interests are mainly photonics, solitons VxXQSIHgtmu-00146-00038274-00038507 lasers, and quantum optics. VxXQSIHgtmu-00147-00038507-00038727 These are topics with issues collaborating with faculty VxXQSIHgtmu-00148-00038727-00038847 and electrical and computer engineering VxXQSIHgtmu-00149-00038847-00039070 here at Purdue but also in physics. VxXQSIHgtmu-00150-00039070-00039330 He has won numerous international awards, amongst them, VxXQSIHgtmu-00151-00039330-00039621 the 2007 Quantum Electronics Prize VxXQSIHgtmu-00152-00039621-00039792 of the European Physics Society, VxXQSIHgtmu-00153-00039792-00040146 the 2009 Max Born Award of OSA, VxXQSIHgtmu-00154-00040146-00040516 and the 2014 Arthur Schawlow Prize of the APS. VxXQSIHgtmu-00155-00040516-00040651 In 2011, VxXQSIHgtmu-00156-00040651-00040962 he was elected to the Israel Academy of Sciences, VxXQSIHgtmu-00157-00040962-00041317 in 2015 to the National Academy of Science in the US, VxXQSIHgtmu-00158-00041317-00041571 and in 2021 to the American Academy VxXQSIHgtmu-00159-00041571-00041896 of Arts and Sciences, AAAS. VxXQSIHgtmu-00160-00041896-00042278 In 2014, Moti won the Israel prize which is, VxXQSIHgtmu-00161-00042278-00042579 the highest honor in Israel. VxXQSIHgtmu-00162-00042579-00042828 And in 2019, he won the EMET prize. VxXQSIHgtmu-00163-00042941-00043189 Above all his achievements Moti takes pride VxXQSIHgtmu-00164-00043189-00043460 in the success of his graduate students and postdocs, VxXQSIHgtmu-00165-00043460-00043754 among them that are 23 who are professors in the US, VxXQSIHgtmu-00166-00043754-00043976 Germany, Taiwan, Croatia, Italy, VxXQSIHgtmu-00167-00043976-00044129 India, China, and Israel. VxXQSIHgtmu-00168-00044129-00044430 Many hold senior R&D positions in industry. VxXQSIHgtmu-00169-00044430-00044578 Welcome Moti. VxXQSIHgtmu-00170-00044578-00044850 - Thank you very much pleasure to be here. VxXQSIHgtmu-00171-00044850-00045350 - And moderating our fireside chat today is my boss VxXQSIHgtmu-00172-00045350-00045575 Mung Chiang, the John A. Edwardson Dean, VxXQSIHgtmu-00173-00045575-00045709 the College of Engineering VxXQSIHgtmu-00174-00045709-00045838 and the Roscoe George, VxXQSIHgtmu-00175-00045838-00045973 Distinguished Professor of Electrical VxXQSIHgtmu-00176-00045973-00046112 and Computer Engineering. VxXQSIHgtmu-00177-00046112-00046254 Over to you Mung. VxXQSIHgtmu-00178-00046254-00046400 - Thank you so much Arvind. VxXQSIHgtmu-00179-00046400-00046709 Just one minor correction, I'm no one's boss. VxXQSIHgtmu-00180-00046709-00047181 I assure you, no one thinks of me as their boss. VxXQSIHgtmu-00181-00047181-00047613 Now it's however a great pleasure to be here VxXQSIHgtmu-00182-00047613-00047886 in the same virtual room as our five VxXQSIHgtmu-00183-00047886-00048212 Neil Armstrong distinguished visiting professors here VxXQSIHgtmu-00184-00048212-00048345 at Purdue Engineering. VxXQSIHgtmu-00185-00048345-00048574 And as you can tell that VxXQSIHgtmu-00186-00048574-00048970 this is truly an incredibly talented group VxXQSIHgtmu-00187-00048970-00049300 and thank for sparing some time every year VxXQSIHgtmu-00188-00049300-00049625 visiting us at Purdue and working with our VxXQSIHgtmu-00189-00049625-00049851 faculty and students here VxXQSIHgtmu-00190-00049851-00050130 and you represent quite a cross section VxXQSIHgtmu-00191-00050130-00050333 of different engineering disciplines VxXQSIHgtmu-00192-00050333-00050695 and also from different parts of the country and the world. VxXQSIHgtmu-00193-00050695-00050963 So to those who are watching real time, VxXQSIHgtmu-00194-00050963-00051375 you can also ask questions in the chatbox, VxXQSIHgtmu-00195-00051375-00051692 although I've already generated quite a few VxXQSIHgtmu-00196-00051692-00051828 to start out with VxXQSIHgtmu-00197-00051828-00052290 and those who are watching later asynchronously, VxXQSIHgtmu-00198-00052290-00052535 you know, feel free to reach out to these VxXQSIHgtmu-00199-00052535-00052986 incredible researchers with your additional questions. VxXQSIHgtmu-00200-00052986-00053154 While the theme here today VxXQSIHgtmu-00201-00053154-00053488 is looking at the virtual physical interface VxXQSIHgtmu-00202-00053488-00053721 and how that's gonna address the education VxXQSIHgtmu-00203-00053721-00053929 research societal challenges, VxXQSIHgtmu-00204-00054058-00054239 maybe I'll just spend one minute VxXQSIHgtmu-00205-00054339-00054667 giving my bias to view on what I mean VxXQSIHgtmu-00206-00054667-00054908 by this virtual physical interface here. VxXQSIHgtmu-00207-00055026-00055468 So if you think about what we code and what we touch, VxXQSIHgtmu-00208-00055560-00055851 they increasingly interact with each other. VxXQSIHgtmu-00209-00055851-00056070 One form of interaction is VxXQSIHgtmu-00210-00056070-00056485 I want to run physical experiment at the wind tunnel, VxXQSIHgtmu-00211-00056485-00056875 and I want to extract a mathematical representation from it. VxXQSIHgtmu-00212-00056875-00057084 Another could be that I got VxXQSIHgtmu-00213-00057084-00057395 remote sensing in the building, outside the building and VxXQSIHgtmu-00214-00057508-00057847 the interactions is physical, VxXQSIHgtmu-00215-00057847-00058140 but the way that I designed the interaction VxXQSIHgtmu-00216-00058140-00058595 relies on software, relies on codes. VxXQSIHgtmu-00217-00058595-00058929 Another one could be look at autonomy as a VxXQSIHgtmu-00218-00058929-00059277 standard example today that you've got VxXQSIHgtmu-00219-00059380-00059692 softwares driving the car in some sense. VxXQSIHgtmu-00220-00059692-00060075 So you've got an autonomous connected VxXQSIHgtmu-00221-00060075-00060477 almost intelligent thing driven by machine learning, VxXQSIHgtmu-00222-00060477-00060758 driven by software engineering, VxXQSIHgtmu-00223-00060758-00060977 but they are driving physical objects. VxXQSIHgtmu-00224-00060977-00061350 They are moving sometimes physical, dangerous, VxXQSIHgtmu-00225-00061350-00061608 heavy, or light physical objects. VxXQSIHgtmu-00226-00061608-00061929 So that decisioning and control interaction VxXQSIHgtmu-00227-00061929-00062277 in real time is another type of interface. VxXQSIHgtmu-00228-00062277-00062712 Now, the first question is a generic one VxXQSIHgtmu-00229-00062712-00063039 and you know, I will give that to all the panelists is VxXQSIHgtmu-00230-00063039-00063176 what do you think, VxXQSIHgtmu-00231-00063176-00063551 whether it's in your own area or neighboring disciplines VxXQSIHgtmu-00232-00063551-00063708 is the most critical or VxXQSIHgtmu-00233-00063849-00064241 interesting kind of interactions between VxXQSIHgtmu-00234-00064241-00064436 the bites and atoms, VxXQSIHgtmu-00235-00064436-00064729 or between the virtual and the physical worlds VxXQSIHgtmu-00236-00064829-00065110 and with five panelists, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-00237-00065110-00065279 maybe I'll start out VxXQSIHgtmu-00238-00065279-00065606 just sort of first name alphabetically if you VxXQSIHgtmu-00239-00065606-00065857 will you know, start out with Dara VxXQSIHgtmu-00240-00065857-00066357 and then Enrique and then Moti and Paul and Randall, VxXQSIHgtmu-00241-00067054-00067153 please. VxXQSIHgtmu-00242-00067153-00067646 - Yeah, thank you for this panel and VxXQSIHgtmu-00243-00067738-00067936 really a pleasure to be here. VxXQSIHgtmu-00244-00067936-00068402 I think in my field actually the use of the virtual world VxXQSIHgtmu-00245-00068586-00068918 was early on one of the problems in computer science. VxXQSIHgtmu-00246-00068918-00069098 You know, numerical weather forecast VxXQSIHgtmu-00247-00069203-00069597 was something that was one of the early benchmark VxXQSIHgtmu-00248-00069597-00069935 sort of virtual world applications and VxXQSIHgtmu-00249-00070074-00070401 this is going back to 1950s in Princeton actually, VxXQSIHgtmu-00250-00070401-00070901 but it hasn't throughout all these years, VxXQSIHgtmu-00251-00070971-00071362 it hasn't made experimentation VxXQSIHgtmu-00252-00071362-00071862 and physical representations of processes obsolete at all. VxXQSIHgtmu-00253-00072007-00072234 It has made them all the more necessary. VxXQSIHgtmu-00254-00072234-00072619 So it's not like one is replacing the other, VxXQSIHgtmu-00255-00072619-00072922 but just expanding the capability VxXQSIHgtmu-00256-00072922-00073422 and creating new problems to be solved in a sense. VxXQSIHgtmu-00257-00073523-00073889 So, you know, I think the micro weather forecast VxXQSIHgtmu-00258-00073889-00074062 is a good example of how VxXQSIHgtmu-00259-00074245-00074511 early on the virtual was adopted VxXQSIHgtmu-00260-00074511-00074997 and its part necessary arm in that, VxXQSIHgtmu-00261-00074997-00075287 you know, aviation without weather forecast would be VxXQSIHgtmu-00262-00075287-00075482 very dangerous thing. VxXQSIHgtmu-00263-00075482-00075773 - Yes, yep, thank Dara and Enrique please. VxXQSIHgtmu-00264-00075905-00076314 - So if I divide my discipline into three components, VxXQSIHgtmu-00265-00076314-00076522 one of them is the chemistry component, VxXQSIHgtmu-00266-00076522-00076747 one of them is the engineering component VxXQSIHgtmu-00267-00076747-00076925 and the other one is the classroom. VxXQSIHgtmu-00268-00077019-00077299 And if I may speak briefly about each one of them, VxXQSIHgtmu-00269-00077299-00077414 - Yes, yes - I think that VxXQSIHgtmu-00270-00077414-00077556 would make it fairly complete. VxXQSIHgtmu-00271-00077556-00077793 So, when it comes to the chemistry part VxXQSIHgtmu-00272-00077793-00077966 of chemical engineering and what we do VxXQSIHgtmu-00273-00077966-00078173 in rearranging molecules, VxXQSIHgtmu-00274-00078173-00078573 clearly the advances have come from being able to describe VxXQSIHgtmu-00275-00078573-00078887 the motion of electrons and their positions VxXQSIHgtmu-00276-00078887-00079134 using equations that are too difficult to solve VxXQSIHgtmu-00277-00079134-00079314 and as a result of it have become VxXQSIHgtmu-00278-00079314-00079561 increasingly less approximate VxXQSIHgtmu-00279-00079561-00079727 and increasingly more visual. VxXQSIHgtmu-00280-00079727-00080089 The ability to think in multidimensional space VxXQSIHgtmu-00281-00080089-00080438 since every vibrational mode of a molecule is actually VxXQSIHgtmu-00282-00080438-00080722 a potential reaction code is something that VxXQSIHgtmu-00283-00080722-00080950 humans are not able to visualize, VxXQSIHgtmu-00284-00080950-00081169 but machines are able to provide for us VxXQSIHgtmu-00285-00081169-00081368 at least a final answer. VxXQSIHgtmu-00286-00081368-00081592 And perhaps in the less chemical end of things VxXQSIHgtmu-00287-00081592-00081892 are more physical I think the protein folding problem VxXQSIHgtmu-00288-00081892-00082164 is a classical example of how it is that VxXQSIHgtmu-00289-00082164-00082394 machines with some learning capability VxXQSIHgtmu-00290-00082394-00082603 are able to now solve problems VxXQSIHgtmu-00291-00082603-00082789 that were not solvable before. VxXQSIHgtmu-00292-00082891-00083099 In the engineering side of what I do, VxXQSIHgtmu-00293-00083187-00083597 I think the machines have for a long time VxXQSIHgtmu-00294-00083597-00083967 allowed us to interact with processes VxXQSIHgtmu-00295-00083967-00084219 in ways that allows to sense things VxXQSIHgtmu-00296-00084219-00084380 that we cannot see, VxXQSIHgtmu-00297-00084380-00084651 detect problems that we would not otherwise detect VxXQSIHgtmu-00298-00084651-00084850 and act on those problems VxXQSIHgtmu-00299-00084850-00085118 with remedies that lie VxXQSIHgtmu-00300-00085118-00085393 supported by a model that tells you what to do VxXQSIHgtmu-00301-00085393-00085536 when something happens. VxXQSIHgtmu-00302-00085662-00085923 A lot of that has been moved to the virtual side VxXQSIHgtmu-00303-00085923-00086115 as a result of the fact that VxXQSIHgtmu-00304-00086115-00086258 safety concerns VxXQSIHgtmu-00305-00086258-00086593 associated with operational chemical processes VxXQSIHgtmu-00306-00086593-00086888 are best handled from a distance, okay? VxXQSIHgtmu-00307-00086888-00087114 And I think today for the most part, VxXQSIHgtmu-00308-00087114-00087371 most of the operators of those chemical processes VxXQSIHgtmu-00309-00087371-00087468 are trained with VxXQSIHgtmu-00310-00087556-00087761 the moral equivalent of a flight simulator VxXQSIHgtmu-00311-00087761-00088178 in order to be able to detect problems in silica VxXQSIHgtmu-00312-00088178-00088481 so that when they happen in practice, VxXQSIHgtmu-00313-00088481-00088592 they know what to do. VxXQSIHgtmu-00314-00088748-00088897 When it comes to the classroom, VxXQSIHgtmu-00315-00088897-00089291 and this is a conversation that perhaps we will return to, VxXQSIHgtmu-00316-00089291-00089487 but when it comes to the classroom, VxXQSIHgtmu-00317-00089487-00089799 I think the recent emergencies that we have faced VxXQSIHgtmu-00318-00089799-00089949 have made it clear VxXQSIHgtmu-00319-00089949-00090225 that we can deliver information VxXQSIHgtmu-00320-00090225-00090454 to more people more efficiently VxXQSIHgtmu-00321-00090454-00090954 as a result of our ability to communicate over distances and VxXQSIHgtmu-00322-00090972-00091172 over different times by recording, VxXQSIHgtmu-00323-00091172-00091380 by talking to large audiences, VxXQSIHgtmu-00324-00091380-00091682 so just the ones that we have gathered here today. VxXQSIHgtmu-00325-00091682-00092037 What in my view has not happened in my classroom VxXQSIHgtmu-00326-00092037-00092404 is that I think the recipients of the information VxXQSIHgtmu-00327-00092404-00092606 have not really adapted VxXQSIHgtmu-00328-00092606-00092908 to how to absorb knowledge that comes VxXQSIHgtmu-00329-00092908-00093091 in a remote form. VxXQSIHgtmu-00330-00093091-00093433 And if there's time that's subject that is dear to my heart VxXQSIHgtmu-00331-00093433-00093660 and if the conversation lead us there, VxXQSIHgtmu-00332-00093660-00093921 I think that there is an untraining of humans VxXQSIHgtmu-00333-00093921-00094096 that needs to take place VxXQSIHgtmu-00334-00094096-00094387 before we can accept knowledge that comes VxXQSIHgtmu-00335-00094387-00094521 in a different mode VxXQSIHgtmu-00336-00094521-00094814 and without the social component of human interactions. VxXQSIHgtmu-00337-00094963-00095051 - Thank you, Enrique. VxXQSIHgtmu-00338-00095051-00095290 We'll come back to some of those points. VxXQSIHgtmu-00339-00095290-00095398 And Moti please. VxXQSIHgtmu-00340-00095492-00095853 - Well, I want to go back in history of science 40 years, VxXQSIHgtmu-00341-00095853-00096266 early 80s, Richard Feynman already Nobel Laureate. VxXQSIHgtmu-00342-00096266-00096594 This is like about 10 years or so before he passed away, VxXQSIHgtmu-00343-00096781-00096966 realized that VxXQSIHgtmu-00344-00096966-00097210 several models actually many models VxXQSIHgtmu-00345-00097210-00097480 of physical processes and materials VxXQSIHgtmu-00346-00097480-00097850 that we assume that we think we know the equations VxXQSIHgtmu-00347-00097850-00097993 but we can't solve them. VxXQSIHgtmu-00348-00097993-00098489 And the whole classical all the computing power on earth VxXQSIHgtmu-00349-00098489-00098757 together taken together cannot solve them VxXQSIHgtmu-00350-00098757-00099002 because there these problems diverge VxXQSIHgtmu-00351-00099002-00099176 and it may take them thousands VxXQSIHgtmu-00352-00099176-00099391 or millions of years or so to solve. VxXQSIHgtmu-00353-00099391-00099606 Some of these problems actually VxXQSIHgtmu-00354-00099606-00099897 also we know from day to day life like for example this VxXQSIHgtmu-00355-00100045-00100333 traveling salesman and so forth optimization problems. VxXQSIHgtmu-00356-00100333-00100564 So which Feynman suggested at that time VxXQSIHgtmu-00357-00100564-00100702 to do a quantum simulator, VxXQSIHgtmu-00358-00100702-00101080 which is like a special purpose quantum computer. VxXQSIHgtmu-00359-00101080-00101479 For some years people didn't really consider that seriously, VxXQSIHgtmu-00360-00101479-00101748 but now everybody's talking about quantum computers. VxXQSIHgtmu-00361-00101748-00101891 So I'd like to talk about those, VxXQSIHgtmu-00362-00101891-00102338 really the ability to compute processes that we VxXQSIHgtmu-00363-00102338-00102634 think we know the equations and we can't solve. VxXQSIHgtmu-00364-00102634-00102915 There are so many effects and phenomena VxXQSIHgtmu-00365-00102915-00103150 in and the physical world around us VxXQSIHgtmu-00366-00103150-00103380 and also in engineering applications VxXQSIHgtmu-00367-00103380-00103666 that we would like to be able to compute. VxXQSIHgtmu-00368-00103666-00103935 So obviously we are facing a major challenge. VxXQSIHgtmu-00369-00103935-00104049 There are many companies VxXQSIHgtmu-00370-00104049-00104398 and countries that are involved in this business. VxXQSIHgtmu-00371-00104398-00104790 The bottom line is that if 10 years ago, VxXQSIHgtmu-00372-00104790-00105068 I thought that maybe we are near quantum computer, VxXQSIHgtmu-00373-00105068-00105290 now we think that we are still looking VxXQSIHgtmu-00374-00105290-00105527 at a real quantum computer about 10 years away, VxXQSIHgtmu-00375-00105527-00105813 but now let's imagine that we have one, VxXQSIHgtmu-00376-00105813-00106107 which we don't and I am happy to provoke VxXQSIHgtmu-00377-00106107-00106344 IBM and Google and many others, VxXQSIHgtmu-00378-00106344-00106598 and we don't have a real useful quantum computer VxXQSIHgtmu-00379-00106598-00106939 that can do something that is really important. VxXQSIHgtmu-00380-00106939-00107236 Not only breaking codes for national security or something, VxXQSIHgtmu-00381-00107236-00107598 but for example, computing some molecules VxXQSIHgtmu-00382-00107598-00107790 so we can design better drugs VxXQSIHgtmu-00383-00107790-00108013 for personalized medicine for example. VxXQSIHgtmu-00384-00108013-00108216 They can't do it today, okay. VxXQSIHgtmu-00385-00108216-00108585 And so I'm happy to challenge any of one of these VxXQSIHgtmu-00386-00108585-00108822 that will tell us that we'll have it in a year or two, VxXQSIHgtmu-00387-00108822-00108932 they can tell you that VxXQSIHgtmu-00388-00109078-00109247 it's not so coming in the near future, VxXQSIHgtmu-00389-00109247-00109431 but this is where I think this, VxXQSIHgtmu-00390-00109431-00109576 the major challenge is going, VxXQSIHgtmu-00391-00109576-00109827 and I think we are going there more and more. VxXQSIHgtmu-00392-00109827-00109984 I think we will have one, VxXQSIHgtmu-00393-00109984-00110306 we will have, but it's not as near as people think. VxXQSIHgtmu-00394-00110306-00110615 And I think it gets our imagination VxXQSIHgtmu-00395-00110615-00110888 quite excited to be able to understand VxXQSIHgtmu-00396-00110888-00111117 the world around us and also use it. VxXQSIHgtmu-00397-00111117-00111358 The designing better drugs VxXQSIHgtmu-00398-00111358-00111577 is just one example out of very many, VxXQSIHgtmu-00399-00111577-00111801 I think Dara talked about weather focus. VxXQSIHgtmu-00400-00111801-00112150 This is another problem of this kind that VxXQSIHgtmu-00401-00112150-00112495 is quantum computer would be able to simulate better. VxXQSIHgtmu-00402-00112495-00112616 Will it solve it? VxXQSIHgtmu-00403-00112616-00112768 I don't think so. VxXQSIHgtmu-00404-00112768-00112943 At least because the, yeah, VxXQSIHgtmu-00405-00112943-00113211 there are several arguments why probably not, VxXQSIHgtmu-00406-00113211-00113501 because it's a chaotic system at least sometimes, VxXQSIHgtmu-00407-00113501-00113690 but there's a lot to do and VxXQSIHgtmu-00408-00113690-00113895 major challenges for the next generation. VxXQSIHgtmu-00409-00114065-00114151 - Thank you, Moti. VxXQSIHgtmu-00410-00114283-00114377 And Paul please. VxXQSIHgtmu-00411-00114643-00115136 - Yeah, for us in the aerospace field, VxXQSIHgtmu-00412-00115136-00115557 you know, 50 years ago, there was no software on airplanes. VxXQSIHgtmu-00413-00115557-00115827 The F16 was unstable and pitch. VxXQSIHgtmu-00414-00115827-00115945 It had fly by wire, VxXQSIHgtmu-00415-00115945-00116378 it headed like 250,000 lines of software code. VxXQSIHgtmu-00416-00116378-00116651 But today the Dreamliner and the Joint Strike Fighter VxXQSIHgtmu-00417-00116651-00116902 have over 5 million lines in fact, VxXQSIHgtmu-00418-00117059-00117353 their both programs ran into problems VxXQSIHgtmu-00419-00117353-00117584 in developing the software. VxXQSIHgtmu-00420-00117584-00117756 So it's become very important. VxXQSIHgtmu-00421-00117756-00118035 We joke in the industry that the airframe VxXQSIHgtmu-00422-00118035-00118248 is a dystonics in software. VxXQSIHgtmu-00423-00118572-00118655 So for us, VxXQSIHgtmu-00424-00118952-00119298 the interactions between software and VxXQSIHgtmu-00425-00119298-00119788 simulation involve airplanes that are pretty well defined. VxXQSIHgtmu-00426-00119788-00120138 I mean, a jet airplane looks like a Boeing 707 VxXQSIHgtmu-00427-00120138-00120401 transport airplane looks like a C-130, VxXQSIHgtmu-00428-00120401-00120613 but if you're doing something completely new VxXQSIHgtmu-00429-00120613-00120925 like the Stealth F-117, VxXQSIHgtmu-00430-00120925-00121142 you can't really rely on software. VxXQSIHgtmu-00431-00121142-00121397 And our philosophy there is you do enough VxXQSIHgtmu-00432-00121397-00121729 with the software to make sure you haven't got a dumb idea. VxXQSIHgtmu-00433-00121729-00122035 And then you go to rapid prototyping and you test it. VxXQSIHgtmu-00434-00122035-00122242 And in fact, that's part of the scientific method, VxXQSIHgtmu-00435-00122242-00122345 isn't it, I mean, VxXQSIHgtmu-00436-00122345-00122648 how something your hypothesis moves to a theory is VxXQSIHgtmu-00437-00122648-00122895 you predict something that no one's seen before, VxXQSIHgtmu-00438-00122895-00123150 then you go out and see if you find it. VxXQSIHgtmu-00439-00123150-00123483 And if you find enough times it becomes a theory. VxXQSIHgtmu-00440-00123483-00123566 So there's VxXQSIHgtmu-00441-00123665-00124000 important interaction between theory and experiment. VxXQSIHgtmu-00442-00124000-00124094 And I could go into it, VxXQSIHgtmu-00443-00124094-00124317 perhaps I will in later questions, VxXQSIHgtmu-00444-00124317-00124524 a lot of examples in our field where VxXQSIHgtmu-00445-00124524-00124756 we thought we had the answer and VxXQSIHgtmu-00446-00124756-00125063 we neglected an effect or a term and VxXQSIHgtmu-00447-00125063-00125233 we were completely wrong about it. VxXQSIHgtmu-00448-00125363-00125446 - Yep, well, thank you. VxXQSIHgtmu-00449-00125446-00125652 We'll come back perhaps to some of those VxXQSIHgtmu-00450-00125652-00125869 very telling examples Paul VxXQSIHgtmu-00451-00125869-00126059 and Randall, please. VxXQSIHgtmu-00452-00126059-00126171 - Yeah I... VxXQSIHgtmu-00453-00126266-00126643 Several things come to come to mind and hearing VxXQSIHgtmu-00454-00126643-00126867 the various panelist talk and certainly in VxXQSIHgtmu-00455-00126959-00127246 my world as I'm really a practicing engineer, VxXQSIHgtmu-00456-00127246-00127503 structural engineer or civil engineer VxXQSIHgtmu-00457-00127503-00127753 dealing with infrastructure so VxXQSIHgtmu-00458-00127753-00127946 it's, you know, very physical VxXQSIHgtmu-00459-00127946-00128247 sorts of things and not, VxXQSIHgtmu-00460-00128345-00128537 but we do rely heavily on, VxXQSIHgtmu-00461-00128632-00128938 you know, computerization and software. VxXQSIHgtmu-00462-00128938-00129265 I look back on my career and VxXQSIHgtmu-00463-00129265-00129453 similar to what Paul was saying, VxXQSIHgtmu-00464-00129453-00129695 we barely had, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-00465-00129786-00130061 computer analysis that we could do and use for VxXQSIHgtmu-00466-00130061-00130357 structural analysis and the like and now it's, VxXQSIHgtmu-00467-00130357-00130645 you know, basically you build a model and visualize it, VxXQSIHgtmu-00468-00130645-00131145 visualize the forces and the stresses that are VxXQSIHgtmu-00469-00131231-00131425 in the model in order to do your, VxXQSIHgtmu-00470-00131521-00131806 you know, do your investigation, or do your design. VxXQSIHgtmu-00471-00131806-00132125 So I'm of the belief too that, VxXQSIHgtmu-00472-00132125-00132451 you know, it's a tool to help advance VxXQSIHgtmu-00473-00132451-00132841 our knowledge and our building. VxXQSIHgtmu-00474-00133146-00133422 The important part to me is whatever simulation VxXQSIHgtmu-00475-00133422-00133644 or analysis you're doing has to be VxXQSIHgtmu-00476-00133644-00134037 an accurate representation of the physical. VxXQSIHgtmu-00477-00134037-00134537 So you need somehow to tie the simulations back to reality, VxXQSIHgtmu-00478-00134655-00134920 and whether that's from physical models, VxXQSIHgtmu-00479-00134920-00135369 from prototypes, to experiments in the laboratory, VxXQSIHgtmu-00480-00135369-00135816 I think that's an absolute must, at least in our field. VxXQSIHgtmu-00481-00135914-00136178 - Yes, well, thank you so much everyone. VxXQSIHgtmu-00482-00136178-00136290 You know, VxXQSIHgtmu-00483-00136290-00136534 I want to follow up on this theme on the classroom VxXQSIHgtmu-00484-00136534-00136882 and education in engineering, VxXQSIHgtmu-00485-00136882-00137217 and I'll ask two related questions. VxXQSIHgtmu-00486-00137217-00137558 One is we see that a lot of engineering students, VxXQSIHgtmu-00487-00137558-00137828 not as much at Purdue, perhaps but VxXQSIHgtmu-00488-00137828-00138100 I have heard at peer institutions, VxXQSIHgtmu-00489-00138100-00138444 public and private and other top schools VxXQSIHgtmu-00490-00138444-00138769 where engineering students are leaving the physical side VxXQSIHgtmu-00491-00138769-00139034 of the degree choices and VxXQSIHgtmu-00492-00139034-00139401 crowding into a lot in computer science VxXQSIHgtmu-00493-00139401-00139719 or data science or AI degrees. VxXQSIHgtmu-00494-00139847-00139930 And, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-00495-00140017-00140336 is there a competitive job market you see out there VxXQSIHgtmu-00496-00140336-00140620 or anything that can be done VxXQSIHgtmu-00497-00140620-00141120 to give these students a balanced set of choices? VxXQSIHgtmu-00498-00141281-00141645 I'm not questioning their rational decision making ability. VxXQSIHgtmu-00499-00141645-00141923 I'm just simply saying as educators, VxXQSIHgtmu-00500-00141923-00142147 you know, to give them truly a VxXQSIHgtmu-00501-00142147-00142515 well informed decision process and VxXQSIHgtmu-00502-00142515-00142716 give them a range of choices. VxXQSIHgtmu-00503-00142716-00142990 You know, I'll give one example in the semiconductors. VxXQSIHgtmu-00504-00142990-00143095 You know, we see that VxXQSIHgtmu-00505-00143210-00143404 hundreds of billions of dollars are VxXQSIHgtmu-00506-00143404-00143594 gonna be spent this decade in the US VxXQSIHgtmu-00507-00143594-00143957 and some other places to build a new fabs VxXQSIHgtmu-00508-00143957-00144411 Some of the fabs will require BS or MS if not PhD level, VxXQSIHgtmu-00509-00144545-00144753 the engineers to work in them, VxXQSIHgtmu-00510-00144753-00144943 but just getting students VxXQSIHgtmu-00511-00144943-00145265 to be interested in taking semiconductor courses VxXQSIHgtmu-00512-00145265-00145386 while rolling out a whole VxXQSIHgtmu-00513-00145386-00145659 set of dedicated degrees from Purdue next month, VxXQSIHgtmu-00514-00145744-00145958 nations first, I think, VxXQSIHgtmu-00515-00145958-00146204 but it's one thing for us to offer it, VxXQSIHgtmu-00516-00146204-00146382 it's another for them to be interested, VxXQSIHgtmu-00517-00146382-00146713 even when there seems be a pretty good labor market, VxXQSIHgtmu-00518-00146713-00146894 maybe I don't know how well they pay VxXQSIHgtmu-00519-00146894-00147355 compared to jobs on programming for AI applications. VxXQSIHgtmu-00520-00147355-00147475 So any thoughts on that? VxXQSIHgtmu-00521-00147782-00148025 - Well, I think there's a huge labor market out there. VxXQSIHgtmu-00522-00148025-00148284 One of our big problems on the Joint Strike Fighter VxXQSIHgtmu-00523-00148284-00148556 was finding enough software engineers VxXQSIHgtmu-00524-00148556-00148743 who wanted to come from the gaming companies, VxXQSIHgtmu-00525-00148743-00149139 the video companies, et cetera, to work in aerospace. VxXQSIHgtmu-00526-00149139-00149362 They didn't realize that there was jobs for VxXQSIHgtmu-00527-00149362-00149630 software engineers in aerospace. VxXQSIHgtmu-00528-00149630-00149885 So there's a huge demand for them. VxXQSIHgtmu-00529-00149885-00150076 There're lots of jobs they can do VxXQSIHgtmu-00530-00150076-00150414 with the artificial intelligence in the automobile industry. VxXQSIHgtmu-00531-00150617-00150816 So I think the students are aware of that, VxXQSIHgtmu-00532-00150816-00151146 and that's why they're going into software engineering. VxXQSIHgtmu-00533-00151146-00151238 But our problem is, VxXQSIHgtmu-00534-00151238-00151392 is letting 'em know that they're software engineering VxXQSIHgtmu-00535-00151392-00151641 could be done in the other fields, VxXQSIHgtmu-00536-00151641-00151830 civil engineering, mechanical engineering, VxXQSIHgtmu-00537-00151830-00152076 aerospace engineering as well. VxXQSIHgtmu-00538-00152076-00152159 - Yep. VxXQSIHgtmu-00539-00152451-00152682 Yep, thank you, Paul, anyone, anyone else? VxXQSIHgtmu-00540-00152682-00152777 And, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-00541-00152777-00153034 I've heard of some fellow deans of top schools VxXQSIHgtmu-00542-00153184-00153547 sort of wondering whether VxXQSIHgtmu-00543-00153547-00153777 they are seeing this trend towards VxXQSIHgtmu-00544-00153886-00154214 a ginormous percentage of engineering students VxXQSIHgtmu-00545-00154214-00154430 into computer science, VxXQSIHgtmu-00546-00154430-00154714 whereas the degrees such as electrical VxXQSIHgtmu-00547-00154714-00155029 or chemical or civil, mechanical, aero and so on, VxXQSIHgtmu-00548-00155211-00155368 aero may be slightly different VxXQSIHgtmu-00549-00155368-00155528 just because there's a lot of VxXQSIHgtmu-00550-00155667-00156114 very hot news out there around aero and astro. VxXQSIHgtmu-00551-00156114-00156269 But a lot of the fields, VxXQSIHgtmu-00552-00156269-00156543 they're looking at the number of Bs degree VxXQSIHgtmu-00553-00156543-00156765 enrollment is shrinking. VxXQSIHgtmu-00554-00156765-00157035 Again, I want to qualify at Purdue Engineering, VxXQSIHgtmu-00555-00157035-00157342 that's really not the phenomena. VxXQSIHgtmu-00556-00157342-00157535 We're looking at a shrinkage, no, VxXQSIHgtmu-00557-00157535-00157839 quite the opposite, but in many other places, VxXQSIHgtmu-00558-00157839-00157951 they see that you can add up VxXQSIHgtmu-00559-00157951-00158327 all the other engineering degree Bs enrollment, VxXQSIHgtmu-00560-00158327-00158781 and they're still smaller than the enrollment in CS. VxXQSIHgtmu-00561-00158781-00159028 Maybe that's just the way it's gonna be. VxXQSIHgtmu-00562-00159028-00159182 I'm not saying it's not healthy, VxXQSIHgtmu-00563-00159182-00159385 but just wondering about your thoughts. VxXQSIHgtmu-00564-00159522-00159822 - Well, if you find that there are any schools out there VxXQSIHgtmu-00565-00159822-00160023 that need more chemical engineers, VxXQSIHgtmu-00566-00160023-00160306 UC Berkeley is happy to provide some because VxXQSIHgtmu-00567-00160306-00160594 our enrollments are continuously increased VxXQSIHgtmu-00568-00160594-00160742 for the last five years. VxXQSIHgtmu-00569-00160946-00161252 Chemical engineers have a well deserved reputation VxXQSIHgtmu-00570-00161252-00161498 for claiming that they can do anything, VxXQSIHgtmu-00571-00161498-00161696 including software engineering, VxXQSIHgtmu-00572-00161696-00161984 if they're called upon doing it. VxXQSIHgtmu-00573-00161984-00162216 But we do take a certain position VxXQSIHgtmu-00574-00162216-00162627 that we tend to be two users rather than two makers. VxXQSIHgtmu-00575-00162627-00162858 And in that sense I think that VxXQSIHgtmu-00576-00162858-00163219 at least from the way that we train our students, VxXQSIHgtmu-00577-00163219-00163647 we clearly have to bring back the logic of programming VxXQSIHgtmu-00578-00163647-00163871 that now is done by numerical packages. VxXQSIHgtmu-00579-00163871-00164028 We need to teach 'em again, VxXQSIHgtmu-00580-00164028-00164199 how to write a logic diagram, VxXQSIHgtmu-00581-00164199-00164552 because it will help them not only in writing software, VxXQSIHgtmu-00582-00164552-00164857 but also in reasoning through complex problems VxXQSIHgtmu-00583-00164857-00165013 in a logical way. VxXQSIHgtmu-00584-00165013-00165353 So my feeling is that in spite of the data science VxXQSIHgtmu-00585-00165353-00165679 that today attracts many of the VxXQSIHgtmu-00586-00165770-00166177 younger members of the engineering community, VxXQSIHgtmu-00587-00166177-00166432 that at the end it's going to be the ability to use VxXQSIHgtmu-00588-00166432-00166626 statistics, probability, VxXQSIHgtmu-00589-00166626-00166958 to be able to know the logic of programming VxXQSIHgtmu-00590-00166958-00167213 that is ultimately going to lead them to be able to apply VxXQSIHgtmu-00591-00167213-00167599 the algorithms as they're written to do machine learning, VxXQSIHgtmu-00592-00167599-00167962 artificial intelligence, without ever having to become VxXQSIHgtmu-00593-00167962-00168344 the ones that actually develop the software and the hardware VxXQSIHgtmu-00594-00168344-00168450 to be able to do it. VxXQSIHgtmu-00595-00168450-00168846 So I view it as a return to my roots, to some extent, VxXQSIHgtmu-00596-00168846-00169071 because that is a way that chemical engineering was taught VxXQSIHgtmu-00597-00169071-00169238 40 years ago, okay? VxXQSIHgtmu-00598-00169238-00169690 When we had to program in C or Fortran, for example, VxXQSIHgtmu-00599-00169690-00169956 we didn't have a package like MATLAB VxXQSIHgtmu-00600-00169956-00170084 to be able to do it. VxXQSIHgtmu-00601-00170084-00170341 And we took a course in statistics and probability VxXQSIHgtmu-00602-00170341-00170449 that served us well VxXQSIHgtmu-00603-00170449-00170736 well outside anything that had to do with data. VxXQSIHgtmu-00604-00170736-00171135 So I don't think that at least in my discipline, VxXQSIHgtmu-00605-00171135-00171496 we have to worry about an exodus okay, VxXQSIHgtmu-00606-00171496-00171809 into the more glamorous areas today. VxXQSIHgtmu-00607-00171809-00171962 - Okay, yep, thank you, Enrique. VxXQSIHgtmu-00608-00171962-00172057 And Dara, VxXQSIHgtmu-00609-00172057-00172288 you've got your hands up. - Yeah. VxXQSIHgtmu-00610-00172288-00172677 Yeah, the current market trends VxXQSIHgtmu-00611-00172863-00173329 in data science and AI among students may continue. VxXQSIHgtmu-00612-00173329-00173558 It may saturate it. VxXQSIHgtmu-00613-00173558-00173783 It may be that the new Calibrium VxXQSIHgtmu-00614-00173783-00174134 is gonna be that the majority of students are in that field, VxXQSIHgtmu-00615-00174134-00174396 but it also depends on their ambition. VxXQSIHgtmu-00616-00174575-00174755 It's the creative process. VxXQSIHgtmu-00617-00174755-00174956 What is it that you're applying? VxXQSIHgtmu-00618-00174956-00175388 What is the innovation that you're trying to apply VxXQSIHgtmu-00619-00175388-00175565 data science to? VxXQSIHgtmu-00620-00175565-00175874 Is the idea of the app not coding the app, VxXQSIHgtmu-00621-00175874-00176118 which is the issue. VxXQSIHgtmu-00622-00176118-00176553 And that goes, where do creative ideas come from? VxXQSIHgtmu-00623-00176747-00177016 Can it be acquired purely by virtual education VxXQSIHgtmu-00624-00177016-00177516 or does it require a culture and a incubation space, VxXQSIHgtmu-00625-00177557-00177787 like a university campus? VxXQSIHgtmu-00626-00177787-00178287 And also that means that the sort of physical sciences, VxXQSIHgtmu-00627-00178293-00178580 like chemical engineering, civil engineering, VxXQSIHgtmu-00628-00178580-00178779 biology, and all that VxXQSIHgtmu-00629-00178779-00179263 have to persist with some level of activity because VxXQSIHgtmu-00630-00179263-00179479 that's where the problems come from. VxXQSIHgtmu-00631-00179479-00179860 It's not just coding, it's coding what. VxXQSIHgtmu-00632-00179860-00180360 And also it goes into the universities using VxXQSIHgtmu-00633-00180560-00180748 the fact that there's all disciplines, VxXQSIHgtmu-00634-00180748-00180966 social sciences, history, and VxXQSIHgtmu-00635-00180966-00181301 how do those inspire creative ideas? VxXQSIHgtmu-00636-00181301-00181427 How do those get engaged? VxXQSIHgtmu-00637-00181427-00181592 It's not... VxXQSIHgtmu-00638-00181592-00181675 - Yep. VxXQSIHgtmu-00639-00181675-00181840 - It's not just social science requirements, VxXQSIHgtmu-00640-00181840-00182022 it's where ideas come from. VxXQSIHgtmu-00641-00182121-00182263 - Yes, I want to follow up on that. VxXQSIHgtmu-00642-00182263-00182475 And I know there are also audience questions VxXQSIHgtmu-00643-00182475-00182776 in real time streaming in, but Moti VxXQSIHgtmu-00644-00182776-00182881 has a point. - Yeah. VxXQSIHgtmu-00645-00182965-00183353 So I think that in terms of undergraduate education, VxXQSIHgtmu-00646-00183353-00183684 AI is going to be very big. VxXQSIHgtmu-00647-00183684-00183984 Certainly the next decade, maybe also after that, VxXQSIHgtmu-00648-00183984-00184253 maybe we'll stay like that for tens of years, VxXQSIHgtmu-00649-00184253-00184431 but for PhD I think VxXQSIHgtmu-00650-00184431-00184615 the ideas need to come VxXQSIHgtmu-00651-00184615-00184961 from the physical world, okay? VxXQSIHgtmu-00652-00184961-00185284 There is a limit to how much you can come up with just by VxXQSIHgtmu-00653-00185436-00185656 doing working with software VxXQSIHgtmu-00654-00185656-00185829 or even working with mathematics. VxXQSIHgtmu-00655-00185829-00186043 Everything else comes from the physical world. VxXQSIHgtmu-00656-00186043-00186374 And I think that for in terms of the level of the PhDs, VxXQSIHgtmu-00657-00186374-00186656 we will still have them more or less uniformly distributed, VxXQSIHgtmu-00658-00186656-00186867 maybe slightly larger in AI. VxXQSIHgtmu-00659-00186867-00187088 The undergraduate population will still... VxXQSIHgtmu-00660-00187088-00187339 Will go to AI simply because they pay more. VxXQSIHgtmu-00661-00187339-00187511 If you look at what happens now, VxXQSIHgtmu-00662-00187511-00187811 and for example at the salaries that VxXQSIHgtmu-00663-00187811-00188290 undergraduate students, those that just graduated VxXQSIHgtmu-00664-00188290-00188451 or about to graduate, VxXQSIHgtmu-00665-00188451-00188800 they get offers from companies like Facebook VxXQSIHgtmu-00666-00188800-00189179 and Google and all kinds of others, VxXQSIHgtmu-00667-00189179-00189424 smaller companies that are VxXQSIHgtmu-00668-00189424-00189867 at the level of a senior engineer in the industry VxXQSIHgtmu-00669-00189867-00190114 in all other kinds of disciplines okay? VxXQSIHgtmu-00670-00190114-00190285 Including in very competitive ones VxXQSIHgtmu-00671-00190285-00190506 like photonics and quantum and so forth. VxXQSIHgtmu-00672-00190506-00190800 Still the Facebook kids get more, VxXQSIHgtmu-00673-00190800-00190997 so that I think will continue to drive their VxXQSIHgtmu-00674-00190997-00191108 undergraduate work. VxXQSIHgtmu-00675-00191108-00191468 But for PhD, I think for research, VxXQSIHgtmu-00676-00191468-00191808 there's still going to be always I think, VxXQSIHgtmu-00677-00191808-00192091 more or less distributed as it is today. VxXQSIHgtmu-00678-00192091-00192275 Now I want to point here to another thing, VxXQSIHgtmu-00679-00192275-00192396 which is also very in interesting. VxXQSIHgtmu-00680-00192396-00192615 It turns out that today, VxXQSIHgtmu-00681-00192615-00192956 a lot of the cutting edge research, VxXQSIHgtmu-00682-00192956-00193323 not developmental tool research is done in the industry VxXQSIHgtmu-00683-00193323-00193525 in places like Facebook. VxXQSIHgtmu-00684-00193525-00193677 It's hard for us to swallow, VxXQSIHgtmu-00685-00193677-00193793 hard for us to admit, VxXQSIHgtmu-00686-00193793-00194085 because when you think back the research VxXQSIHgtmu-00687-00194085-00194424 laboratories, for example, the Mitika Place VxXQSIHgtmu-00688-00194424-00194611 this is like the ideas factory. VxXQSIHgtmu-00689-00194611-00194858 If you know that book that tells us about how VxXQSIHgtmu-00690-00194858-00195149 the transistor was invented, the laser and VxXQSIHgtmu-00691-00195149-00195370 satellite communication so forth, VxXQSIHgtmu-00692-00195370-00195454 at that time, VxXQSIHgtmu-00693-00195454-00195593 this was like a... VxXQSIHgtmu-00694-00195593-00195830 People viewed it as the world's lab. VxXQSIHgtmu-00695-00195830-00196098 Today, these are private companies actually. VxXQSIHgtmu-00696-00196216-00196402 And really the research, VxXQSIHgtmu-00697-00196402-00196599 cutting edge research is dying there, VxXQSIHgtmu-00698-00196599-00196956 not at MIT, maybe also at MIT and places like that, VxXQSIHgtmu-00699-00196956-00197190 but first of all, at places like Facebook, VxXQSIHgtmu-00700-00197190-00197335 as much as we wouldn't... VxXQSIHgtmu-00701-00197335-00197482 it's hard for us swallow... - (indistinct) VxXQSIHgtmu-00702-00197482-00197806 - Yes, Facebook, Google, MIT, and Purdue. VxXQSIHgtmu-00703-00197806-00198252 Now I will come back later, to this point, VxXQSIHgtmu-00704-00198252-00198358 (indistinct) have time but VxXQSIHgtmu-00705-00198358-00198468 let me go back to this VxXQSIHgtmu-00706-00198604-00198930 point already raised by some of the panelists repeatedly. VxXQSIHgtmu-00707-00198930-00199113 And that is, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-00708-00199113-00199277 if I flip the question here, VxXQSIHgtmu-00709-00199277-00199725 and say what about making either basic programming skills VxXQSIHgtmu-00710-00199725-00200061 or the mindset of software engineering, all right, VxXQSIHgtmu-00711-00200061-00200480 as a way to create, as a way to do problem solving, VxXQSIHgtmu-00712-00200480-00200855 as a required general education. VxXQSIHgtmu-00713-00200855-00201029 So now these are two distinct things, VxXQSIHgtmu-00714-00201029-00201361 the ability to code and the way of thinking as a coder VxXQSIHgtmu-00715-00201361-00201566 are not identical objects. VxXQSIHgtmu-00716-00201566-00201871 But, you know, maybe either or both, VxXQSIHgtmu-00717-00201871-00202277 as a Gen ED, as we call it here in the US, system, VxXQSIHgtmu-00718-00202277-00202493 just like you have to take a minimum number VxXQSIHgtmu-00719-00202493-00202786 of courses in history or foreign language, VxXQSIHgtmu-00720-00202885-00203065 every student, right? VxXQSIHgtmu-00721-00203065-00203421 Including sociology majors. VxXQSIHgtmu-00722-00203421-00203770 Now, a sort of related sub-question would be VxXQSIHgtmu-00723-00203770-00204190 in engineering we can make it sort of a required. VxXQSIHgtmu-00724-00204190-00204337 I'll give you two quick examples. VxXQSIHgtmu-00725-00204337-00204553 One is that we started something called VxXQSIHgtmu-00726-00204553-00204923 Every Border Engineer Codes is EBEC. VxXQSIHgtmu-00727-00204923-00205111 What it does is a non transcripted VxXQSIHgtmu-00728-00205111-00205346 non-credit course on Saturdays, VxXQSIHgtmu-00729-00205346-00205632 Saturday mornings to offer to students. VxXQSIHgtmu-00730-00205632-00205904 And it won't even show up on your transcript VxXQSIHgtmu-00731-00205904-00206134 and you may pass and get a certificate. VxXQSIHgtmu-00732-00206134-00206503 Well, we grew from 50 students taught by students, VxXQSIHgtmu-00733-00206503-00206825 to this year 2000 students in one year took. VxXQSIHgtmu-00734-00206825-00207113 The biggest class at Purdue engineering is not a class, VxXQSIHgtmu-00735-00207113-00207480 not officially recognized or transcripted class. VxXQSIHgtmu-00736-00207480-00207927 We're also rolling out a coming year as a AI minor, VxXQSIHgtmu-00737-00207927-00208213 which is offered to all engineering major. VxXQSIHgtmu-00738-00208213-00208552 So you can be a major in civil or chemical, VxXQSIHgtmu-00739-00208552-00208931 any engineering and take a minor in AI. VxXQSIHgtmu-00740-00208931-00209069 So, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-00741-00209069-00209338 we're trying to see if there's the best of both worlds here, VxXQSIHgtmu-00742-00209338-00209635 but back to my question to all panelists is VxXQSIHgtmu-00743-00209719-00209875 what do you think about making VxXQSIHgtmu-00744-00209980-00210480 programming like a basic understanding of VxXQSIHgtmu-00745-00210514-00210646 history and language, VxXQSIHgtmu-00746-00210646-00211030 general education requirement for all college students, VxXQSIHgtmu-00747-00211030-00211113 say at Purdue? VxXQSIHgtmu-00748-00211309-00211557 - So since since I brought it up, VxXQSIHgtmu-00749-00211557-00211766 let me make the first comment on it. VxXQSIHgtmu-00750-00211905-00212191 And to me the logic of programming, VxXQSIHgtmu-00751-00212191-00212409 the reasoning that goes behind it, VxXQSIHgtmu-00752-00212506-00212883 the tenets and the tools or statistics and probability, VxXQSIHgtmu-00753-00212883-00213086 that is part of an education, VxXQSIHgtmu-00754-00213086-00213331 that is part of what you keep, VxXQSIHgtmu-00755-00213331-00213619 at some point in time when you're not coding anymore VxXQSIHgtmu-00756-00213619-00213868 and you're not doing experimental design of experiments. VxXQSIHgtmu-00757-00213868-00214067 And I distinguish that VxXQSIHgtmu-00758-00214067-00214240 from what I would call, VxXQSIHgtmu-00759-00214240-00214571 not disparently vocational training, VxXQSIHgtmu-00760-00214571-00214817 which is training people how to put those VxXQSIHgtmu-00761-00214817-00215027 to their solution of a particular problem, VxXQSIHgtmu-00762-00215027-00215311 the coding of a particular exercise, VxXQSIHgtmu-00763-00215311-00215608 or the analysis of a particular data set. VxXQSIHgtmu-00764-00215608-00215967 And I do put it in the same general education category, VxXQSIHgtmu-00765-00215967-00216310 both the ability to the logic of coding VxXQSIHgtmu-00766-00216310-00216580 and statistics and probably to be VxXQSIHgtmu-00767-00216580-00216810 part of a general education VxXQSIHgtmu-00768-00216810-00217092 in much the same way as the humanities are. VxXQSIHgtmu-00769-00217092-00217448 And then the training on how to apply to specific problems. VxXQSIHgtmu-00770-00217448-00217605 That is something that is local, VxXQSIHgtmu-00771-00217605-00217819 that the students are going to need, VxXQSIHgtmu-00772-00217819-00218117 but they're not going to take away their particular problem VxXQSIHgtmu-00773-00218117-00218236 on their particular code, VxXQSIHgtmu-00774-00218236-00218575 but what we taught them about making connections VxXQSIHgtmu-00775-00218575-00218787 as a result of those general courses. VxXQSIHgtmu-00776-00219023-00219188 - Yeah I want to add to that, VxXQSIHgtmu-00777-00219188-00219417 that I like to make a distinction between VxXQSIHgtmu-00778-00219417-00219842 programming or coding and software engineering. VxXQSIHgtmu-00779-00219842-00220019 Coding is what an undergraduate does. VxXQSIHgtmu-00780-00220019-00220330 He's given an assignment and he's to write a program, VxXQSIHgtmu-00781-00220330-00220483 but software engineering says, "Well, VxXQSIHgtmu-00782-00220483-00220615 "what does the customer want? VxXQSIHgtmu-00783-00220615-00220698 "What's the need? VxXQSIHgtmu-00784-00220698-00220841 "What are the requirements? VxXQSIHgtmu-00785-00220841-00221113 "How did I turn that into a program?" VxXQSIHgtmu-00786-00221277-00221488 And that's what's really important. VxXQSIHgtmu-00787-00221488-00221780 I mean, it's like teaching someone to run VxXQSIHgtmu-00788-00221780-00221992 a computer language, VxXQSIHgtmu-00789-00221992-00222127 to learn a computer language, VxXQSIHgtmu-00790-00222127-00222357 that language is gonna be obsolete eventually. VxXQSIHgtmu-00791-00222487-00222789 But computer coding or software engineering VxXQSIHgtmu-00792-00222789-00223094 is gonna persist and that's what they need to really learn. VxXQSIHgtmu-00793-00223094-00223177 - Yes. VxXQSIHgtmu-00794-00223177-00223309 The other comment I'd like to make is VxXQSIHgtmu-00795-00223309-00223620 students seem to believe the codes more than the experiment. VxXQSIHgtmu-00796-00223783-00223914 They pick up a number from a code VxXQSIHgtmu-00797-00223914-00224132 and they don't have any reason to... VxXQSIHgtmu-00798-00224132-00224321 No practical experience to say VxXQSIHgtmu-00799-00224321-00224590 this is wrong, it can't be right. VxXQSIHgtmu-00800-00224590-00224809 They seem to say it came out of a computer program, VxXQSIHgtmu-00801-00224809-00224898 so it must be right. VxXQSIHgtmu-00802-00224898-00225192 Just like if you find it on the internet, it must be right. VxXQSIHgtmu-00803-00225353-00225436 - Yes. VxXQSIHgtmu-00804-00225623-00225994 Thank you for highlighting the differentiation between VxXQSIHgtmu-00805-00225994-00226250 a vocational training of a skill VxXQSIHgtmu-00806-00226250-00226505 of operating in one particular language VxXQSIHgtmu-00807-00226591-00226817 versus the mindset, VxXQSIHgtmu-00808-00226817-00227317 including the ability to not blindly trust code. VxXQSIHgtmu-00809-00227521-00227742 But I assume that you are implying that VxXQSIHgtmu-00810-00227742-00227971 if there's the mindset we're talking about, VxXQSIHgtmu-00811-00227971-00228273 maybe part of the mindset training is through VxXQSIHgtmu-00812-00228273-00228713 a concrete programming language in some steps VxXQSIHgtmu-00813-00228713-00229062 should become a general education requirement VxXQSIHgtmu-00814-00229062-00229295 for anyone to graduate from a college. VxXQSIHgtmu-00815-00229592-00229720 - Which language though. VxXQSIHgtmu-00816-00229844-00230081 - Right, that may again change over time right? VxXQSIHgtmu-00817-00230081-00230492 But that will be purely used as a tool, VxXQSIHgtmu-00818-00230492-00230875 as a vehicle to deliver the educational outcome VxXQSIHgtmu-00819-00230875-00231098 of training the mindset, right? VxXQSIHgtmu-00820-00231098-00231482 So if that's the case, the end goal now being, VxXQSIHgtmu-00821-00231482-00231944 get them to be expert in one particular language, VxXQSIHgtmu-00822-00232051-00232369 I assume some of the panelists are implying VxXQSIHgtmu-00823-00232369-00232639 that they would be supportive of making that VxXQSIHgtmu-00824-00232639-00233023 a general education requirement, even for history majors. VxXQSIHgtmu-00825-00233619-00233871 Well, I see Moti and Randall's hands up, VxXQSIHgtmu-00826-00233871-00234006 please. - Yeah. VxXQSIHgtmu-00827-00234006-00234159 - Yeah. VxXQSIHgtmu-00828-00234159-00234336 - Moti can go first if you'd like. VxXQSIHgtmu-00829-00234336-00234527 - Okay so, VxXQSIHgtmu-00830-00234527-00234678 let me first answer the question, VxXQSIHgtmu-00831-00234678-00234778 in my opinion, yes. VxXQSIHgtmu-00832-00234778-00234971 In my opinion, this is like mathematics VxXQSIHgtmu-00833-00234971-00235237 in elementary school. VxXQSIHgtmu-00834-00235237-00235413 We will have to teach everyone VxXQSIHgtmu-00835-00235413-00235721 to have some basic coding skills VxXQSIHgtmu-00836-00235721-00235980 to write a computer program and to do a flow chart VxXQSIHgtmu-00837-00235980-00236121 and understand what it means. VxXQSIHgtmu-00838-00236121-00236366 Just like we required everybody will know VxXQSIHgtmu-00839-00236366-00236661 some basic operation mathematics in elementary school. VxXQSIHgtmu-00840-00236661-00236808 And in my opinion at some point VxXQSIHgtmu-00841-00236808-00237017 it will go down to elementary school VxXQSIHgtmu-00842-00237017-00237210 for all the kids and they will learn it VxXQSIHgtmu-00843-00237210-00237569 maybe at third or fourth grade to know something about this. VxXQSIHgtmu-00844-00237569-00237978 This will also maybe make many people that today, VxXQSIHgtmu-00845-00237978-00238194 you try to teach them how to code. VxXQSIHgtmu-00846-00238194-00238471 You know, if you try to teach them how to code at early age, VxXQSIHgtmu-00847-00238471-00238619 it may be easier. VxXQSIHgtmu-00848-00238619-00238948 But I also want to relate this question of yours Mung VxXQSIHgtmu-00849-00238948-00239242 to the previous one and tell you a little story. VxXQSIHgtmu-00850-00239242-00239564 You know, this is like going back, VxXQSIHgtmu-00851-00239564-00239881 I think 60 years or so maybe 70 years to Ramanujan. VxXQSIHgtmu-00852-00239976-00240390 Ramanujan was a mathematician from India VxXQSIHgtmu-00853-00240390-00240682 that was able to make conjectures. VxXQSIHgtmu-00854-00240682-00240927 Major conjectures that sometimes it took years VxXQSIHgtmu-00855-00240927-00241223 to prove in mathematics, okay? VxXQSIHgtmu-00856-00241223-00241532 So one can ask legitimately is, VxXQSIHgtmu-00857-00241532-00241851 will a computer one day be able to make conjectures VxXQSIHgtmu-00858-00241851-00242005 of that sort? VxXQSIHgtmu-00859-00242005-00242214 The answer was given two years ago. VxXQSIHgtmu-00860-00242214-00242330 A colleague of mine, VxXQSIHgtmu-00861-00242330-00242514 actually my former student Ido Kaminer VxXQSIHgtmu-00862-00242514-00242752 wrote a beautiful paper in Nature Magazine VxXQSIHgtmu-00863-00242752-00242928 on the Ramanujan machine. VxXQSIHgtmu-00864-00242928-00243251 He wrote a code him and several undergraduate students, VxXQSIHgtmu-00865-00243251-00243751 all undergraduates wrote a code that on a ordinary computer, VxXQSIHgtmu-00866-00243751-00243904 put down on a laptop I think VxXQSIHgtmu-00867-00243904-00244230 that can actually come up with conjectures, VxXQSIHgtmu-00868-00244230-00244541 that it takes two mathematicians, VxXQSIHgtmu-00869-00244541-00244892 professional mathematicians, sometimes years to prove. VxXQSIHgtmu-00870-00244892-00245160 And some of them and their open the community already VxXQSIHgtmu-00871-00245160-00245339 and it's all shared online. VxXQSIHgtmu-00872-00245339-00245556 And if you read that and you'll see, you'll be amazed, VxXQSIHgtmu-00873-00245556-00245696 some of them will already proved. VxXQSIHgtmu-00874-00245696-00246060 So in other words, AI came up with conjectures, VxXQSIHgtmu-00875-00246060-00246279 just like Ramanujan did. VxXQSIHgtmu-00876-00246279-00246502 In my opinion, that addresses the previous question VxXQSIHgtmu-00877-00246502-00246653 that it's a major one. VxXQSIHgtmu-00878-00246653-00246819 Here we have artificial intelligence VxXQSIHgtmu-00879-00246819-00247021 coming up with something that we thought VxXQSIHgtmu-00880-00247021-00247191 can come only from the human mind. VxXQSIHgtmu-00881-00247596-00247896 - Very interesting story there. VxXQSIHgtmu-00882-00247896-00247998 Thank you Moti. VxXQSIHgtmu-00883-00247998-00248442 And I think Randall had hands up. VxXQSIHgtmu-00884-00248533-00248616 Yes, please. VxXQSIHgtmu-00885-00248616-00248782 - Yeah, I just wanted to... VxXQSIHgtmu-00886-00248782-00249223 Yeah I certainly think there's some need and basis for, VxXQSIHgtmu-00887-00249223-00249544 and I would even agree that any student VxXQSIHgtmu-00888-00249544-00249863 at Purdue University oughta have some basic knowledge VxXQSIHgtmu-00889-00249863-00250002 of programming these days. VxXQSIHgtmu-00890-00250002-00250151 And as we've been discussing VxXQSIHgtmu-00891-00250340-00250461 it's not what's being programmed. VxXQSIHgtmu-00892-00250461-00250961 It's the idea of connecting whatever the problem is, VxXQSIHgtmu-00893-00251119-00251291 or the question is VxXQSIHgtmu-00894-00251291-00251461 to the end result and the process VxXQSIHgtmu-00895-00251461-00251777 of going through that in your mind VxXQSIHgtmu-00896-00251777-00252054 and developing software. VxXQSIHgtmu-00897-00252054-00252469 I mean I look over my career and, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-00898-00252469-00252679 the days of programming Fortran VxXQSIHgtmu-00899-00252679-00252980 and have had to adapt many times over VxXQSIHgtmu-00900-00253130-00253423 to different languages and different types of programs. VxXQSIHgtmu-00901-00253423-00253809 And you know, if you have that basic programming mindset VxXQSIHgtmu-00902-00253809-00254309 or knowledge about how software is developed, VxXQSIHgtmu-00903-00254333-00254692 I think you're much more adaptable VxXQSIHgtmu-00904-00254692-00255067 and I've had to adapt in you know, the last 37 years. VxXQSIHgtmu-00905-00255067-00255311 And to this day, VxXQSIHgtmu-00906-00255311-00255721 certainly the things that we have to do have changed, VxXQSIHgtmu-00907-00255721-00255917 we do a lot in remote sensing VxXQSIHgtmu-00908-00255917-00256173 and in structural health monitoring. VxXQSIHgtmu-00909-00256173-00256582 And a lot of that takes, you know, programming VxXQSIHgtmu-00910-00256707-00257013 of a different set in order to be able to VxXQSIHgtmu-00911-00257013-00257392 make sure that your systems and systems are working. VxXQSIHgtmu-00912-00257392-00257766 So I do believe that it's almost fundamental VxXQSIHgtmu-00913-00257766-00258013 to an education these days. VxXQSIHgtmu-00914-00258013-00258096 - Thank you all. VxXQSIHgtmu-00915-00258096-00258471 By the way, I'm trying to text response back VxXQSIHgtmu-00916-00258471-00258685 on the chat box as well. VxXQSIHgtmu-00917-00258685-00258962 Now let me shift gear to ask another question, VxXQSIHgtmu-00918-00258962-00259266 which is one that administrators, VxXQSIHgtmu-00919-00259266-00259650 whatever that means of university need to answer VxXQSIHgtmu-00920-00259650-00259733 quite a bit. VxXQSIHgtmu-00921-00259733-00260115 And that is, well, if the world is going virtual, VxXQSIHgtmu-00922-00260115-00260387 most of the time, let's say and this is where the margin, VxXQSIHgtmu-00923-00260387-00260646 the value might be often derived, VxXQSIHgtmu-00924-00260646-00260866 should a university still invest heavily VxXQSIHgtmu-00925-00260866-00261122 in physical facilities for research? VxXQSIHgtmu-00926-00261304-00261558 Now, just in case there are Purdue faculty wondering VxXQSIHgtmu-00927-00261558-00261723 what's my answer to that question. VxXQSIHgtmu-00928-00261723-00261915 My answer is yes. VxXQSIHgtmu-00929-00261915-00262094 So, you know, I don't want to scare VxXQSIHgtmu-00930-00262226-00262457 anyone on the call right now from Purdue, VxXQSIHgtmu-00931-00262457-00262607 but let me ask this question VxXQSIHgtmu-00932-00262607-00263024 to our visiting distinguished faculty here. VxXQSIHgtmu-00933-00263024-00263230 What do you think? VxXQSIHgtmu-00934-00263230-00263419 - Well, I think we've already touched on this question. VxXQSIHgtmu-00935-00263419-00263763 We said that problem was come from physics VxXQSIHgtmu-00936-00263763-00264111 and you test your hypotheses against physics. VxXQSIHgtmu-00937-00264111-00264436 So for example, Einstein theory of relativity VxXQSIHgtmu-00938-00264436-00264932 was proven demonstrated when there was an eclipse VxXQSIHgtmu-00939-00264932-00265282 and the light from a distance star was bent as it passed. VxXQSIHgtmu-00940-00265282-00265385 You can't do that. VxXQSIHgtmu-00941-00265385-00265521 I mean, you can simulate it, VxXQSIHgtmu-00942-00265521-00265825 but you still have to run out and do an experiment VxXQSIHgtmu-00943-00265825-00266030 to prove that what you've got is true. VxXQSIHgtmu-00944-00266030-00266393 And if enough predictions of a theory VxXQSIHgtmu-00945-00266393-00266781 or of a hypothesis that you haven't previously observed, VxXQSIHgtmu-00946-00266781-00266917 and then subsequently observed VxXQSIHgtmu-00947-00266917-00267096 he said, okay, that's a law now. VxXQSIHgtmu-00948-00267310-00267810 So problems come from physics, from mechanical systems VxXQSIHgtmu-00949-00267814-00268047 and proofs come from mechanical systems. VxXQSIHgtmu-00950-00268047-00268295 You can't do science without them. VxXQSIHgtmu-00951-00268295-00268409 So I agree with you. VxXQSIHgtmu-00952-00268495-00268821 - Yes, well, certainly there is the ability to falsify VxXQSIHgtmu-00953-00268821-00269073 and you know, how would you falsify VxXQSIHgtmu-00954-00269073-00269341 without the physical facility? VxXQSIHgtmu-00955-00269341-00269432 That's part of the answer. VxXQSIHgtmu-00956-00269432-00269520 - Sure. VxXQSIHgtmu-00957-00269520-00269742 - What do other panelists think? VxXQSIHgtmu-00958-00270001-00270264 - So it is interesting that VxXQSIHgtmu-00959-00270264-00270507 in my own field of research, VxXQSIHgtmu-00960-00270507-00270917 the simulation part has become most useful VxXQSIHgtmu-00961-00270917-00271195 by falsifying hypothesis. VxXQSIHgtmu-00962-00271195-00271532 And that is because many of them are truly absurd enough VxXQSIHgtmu-00963-00271532-00271739 that even a low level of simulation VxXQSIHgtmu-00964-00271739-00272162 would allow you to say that it is not correct. VxXQSIHgtmu-00965-00272162-00272622 So in that sense, I would turn around a little bit, okay? VxXQSIHgtmu-00966-00272622-00272935 And say that we can do the kinds of calculations VxXQSIHgtmu-00967-00272935-00273158 that will rule out many, many possibilities VxXQSIHgtmu-00968-00273158-00273355 that experiments could not rule out. VxXQSIHgtmu-00969-00273355-00273663 And then we can focus the experiments on those that remain. VxXQSIHgtmu-00970-00273776-00273961 On the issue of whether university's VxXQSIHgtmu-00971-00273961-00274205 still will require physical space for research. VxXQSIHgtmu-00972-00274205-00274297 Yes, it resolute... VxXQSIHgtmu-00973-00274297-00274583 Yes in my field, without the experiments, VxXQSIHgtmu-00974-00274583-00274727 you're not going to be able to deal VxXQSIHgtmu-00975-00274727-00274922 with the physical reality. VxXQSIHgtmu-00976-00274922-00275049 I do have a concern. VxXQSIHgtmu-00977-00275049-00275194 And that is that, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-00978-00275194-00275570 if we say that experimental research takes off space, VxXQSIHgtmu-00979-00275570-00275910 and we say that virtual research does not VxXQSIHgtmu-00980-00275910-00276121 for purely budgetary reasons, VxXQSIHgtmu-00981-00276121-00276245 there may be a preference VxXQSIHgtmu-00982-00276245-00276428 on the part of certain administrators VxXQSIHgtmu-00983-00276428-00276893 to actually hire people that do calculations and simulations VxXQSIHgtmu-00984-00276893-00277161 rather than people that require sophisticated equipment. VxXQSIHgtmu-00985-00277161-00277478 And that is a tendency that we need to resist VxXQSIHgtmu-00986-00277478-00277769 because in my field than in most others, VxXQSIHgtmu-00987-00277769-00278048 there's a definite need to maintain that VxXQSIHgtmu-00988-00278048-00278386 state of the art expertise in experimental research. VxXQSIHgtmu-00989-00278386-00278605 - Yes, while I assure you that here at Purdue, VxXQSIHgtmu-00990-00278605-00278764 we continue to invest heavily. VxXQSIHgtmu-00991-00278764-00279115 In fact, just in hypersonics area alone, VxXQSIHgtmu-00992-00279115-00279615 over $110 million of university central internal funding VxXQSIHgtmu-00993-00279690-00279923 in the past one year devoted VxXQSIHgtmu-00994-00279923-00280203 to setting up new experimental facilities. VxXQSIHgtmu-00995-00280203-00280379 And that's just tip of the iceberg. VxXQSIHgtmu-00996-00280379-00280754 And it goes much broader than one area. VxXQSIHgtmu-00997-00280754-00281197 So Purdue certainly is not leaving the physical side. VxXQSIHgtmu-00998-00281197-00281462 And we try to bring the virtual side into the physical, VxXQSIHgtmu-00999-00281462-00281861 in education from virtual labs to programming, VxXQSIHgtmu-01000-00281861-00282100 not only as a skill, but as a mindset. VxXQSIHgtmu-01001-00282100-00282371 And we try to bring the best of virtual and the physical VxXQSIHgtmu-01002-00282371-00282664 and research strength and impact together. VxXQSIHgtmu-01003-00282664-00282846 But we're not leaving that behind. VxXQSIHgtmu-01004-00282846-00283174 We're not going just with the flow of the fashion VxXQSIHgtmu-01005-00283174-00283488 or purely because of a financial reason. VxXQSIHgtmu-01006-00283488-00283583 It is true. VxXQSIHgtmu-01007-00283583-00283783 Some of the faculty experimentalists, VxXQSIHgtmu-01008-00283783-00284023 the startup package can be quite hefty. VxXQSIHgtmu-01009-00284023-00284215 It's like pulling teeth, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-01010-00284215-00284317 it pains me to do it, VxXQSIHgtmu-01011-00284317-00284600 but you've got to do the right thing and invest. VxXQSIHgtmu-01012-00284600-00284683 Moti please. VxXQSIHgtmu-01013-00284774-00284910 - So several things, first of all VxXQSIHgtmu-01014-00284910-00285066 not everything can be simulated. VxXQSIHgtmu-01015-00285066-00285253 At least today on classical computers VxXQSIHgtmu-01016-00285253-00285511 there are many, many things that cannot be simulated. VxXQSIHgtmu-01017-00285511-00285889 So for this, we have this, what we call quantum simulators. VxXQSIHgtmu-01018-00285889-00286066 What you do, actually, you create VxXQSIHgtmu-01019-00286066-00286402 a physical system of cold atoms or cold molecules VxXQSIHgtmu-01020-00286402-00286495 of something like this. VxXQSIHgtmu-01021-00286495-00286835 And then you set up the experiment, the potential, VxXQSIHgtmu-01022-00286835-00286989 and you set up the initial conditions VxXQSIHgtmu-01023-00286989-00287342 and you let it run multiple times and take the data. VxXQSIHgtmu-01024-00287342-00287781 And sample leverage of the expectation value is the result. VxXQSIHgtmu-01025-00287781-00288013 What a computer that would one day VxXQSIHgtmu-01026-00288013-00288203 be powerful enough to give you. VxXQSIHgtmu-01027-00288203-00288403 Okay, so on that part, we have no choice. VxXQSIHgtmu-01028-00288403-00288599 We have to do quantum simulators. VxXQSIHgtmu-01029-00288599-00288723 But even for classical simulators, VxXQSIHgtmu-01030-00288723-00289016 I have an opinion actually have a whole talk about this. VxXQSIHgtmu-01031-00289016-00289252 It explains why they're so important. VxXQSIHgtmu-01032-00289252-00289459 In principle one can say, look, VxXQSIHgtmu-01033-00289459-00289667 there are some classical things that I could simulate. VxXQSIHgtmu-01034-00289667-00289810 Why do I need experiments? VxXQSIHgtmu-01035-00289810-00289996 And the answer is that VxXQSIHgtmu-01036-00289996-00290419 when you do a simulation, VxXQSIHgtmu-01037-00290419-00290532 what you have is an equation, VxXQSIHgtmu-01038-00290532-00290771 some dynamic equations, some boundary conditions, VxXQSIHgtmu-01039-00290771-00290884 some initial conditions VxXQSIHgtmu-01040-00290884-00291087 and everything is in your starting point. VxXQSIHgtmu-01041-00291087-00291202 And then you let it run. VxXQSIHgtmu-01042-00291202-00291381 Let's say the computer can solve it. VxXQSIHgtmu-01043-00291381-00291507 But when you're do an experiment, VxXQSIHgtmu-01044-00291507-00291684 what you're trying to do actually VxXQSIHgtmu-01045-00291684-00291912 you're trying to take a system, VxXQSIHgtmu-01046-00291912-00292052 a real physical system, VxXQSIHgtmu-01047-00292052-00292310 isolate it from the rest of the world VxXQSIHgtmu-01048-00292310-00292737 and just try to address a particular issue, VxXQSIHgtmu-01049-00292737-00292937 a particular model, okay? VxXQSIHgtmu-01050-00292937-00293212 Now, in learning how to isolate that system VxXQSIHgtmu-01051-00293212-00293339 from the rest of the world, VxXQSIHgtmu-01052-00293339-00293618 you learn a lot of things and you learn a lot of... VxXQSIHgtmu-01053-00293618-00293783 You come up with a lot of ideas VxXQSIHgtmu-01054-00293783-00294016 about your own system and about things, VxXQSIHgtmu-01055-00294016-00294260 additional effects that were not initial included. VxXQSIHgtmu-01056-00294260-00294378 And in addition to that, VxXQSIHgtmu-01057-00294378-00294634 you can never really isolate your system VxXQSIHgtmu-01058-00294634-00294891 or any system completely from the external world. VxXQSIHgtmu-01059-00294891-00295065 And there are always surprises. VxXQSIHgtmu-01060-00295065-00295276 And I gave actually a talk about this VxXQSIHgtmu-01061-00295276-00295510 at Colloquium at Purdue in the summer. VxXQSIHgtmu-01062-00295510-00295785 And how exactly from this kind of view VxXQSIHgtmu-01063-00295785-00295964 that we must do experiments VxXQSIHgtmu-01064-00295964-00296200 came a whole new idea that lately VxXQSIHgtmu-01065-00296200-00296555 in the last few months went already to the industry. VxXQSIHgtmu-01066-00296555-00296795 And there are several companies working on that VxXQSIHgtmu-01067-00296795-00296977 and maybe one day it will succeed. VxXQSIHgtmu-01068-00296977-00297317 So that started off as a simulator VxXQSIHgtmu-01069-00297317-00297492 and ended up with technology. VxXQSIHgtmu-01070-00297492-00297674 So I strongly believe Mung VxXQSIHgtmu-01071-00297674-00297826 that you are doing the absolute the right thing. VxXQSIHgtmu-01072-00297826-00298054 You have to invest in experimental systems. VxXQSIHgtmu-01073-00298054-00298230 There is no replacement. VxXQSIHgtmu-01074-00298230-00298423 - Yes, well, you know, I think we are VxXQSIHgtmu-01075-00298423-00298661 singing to the same choir here, VxXQSIHgtmu-01076-00298661-00298861 but indeed, you know, here at Purdue, VxXQSIHgtmu-01077-00298861-00299163 we believe that we have to pay attention VxXQSIHgtmu-01078-00299163-00299448 to the power of what we code, VxXQSIHgtmu-01079-00299448-00299712 but we're not gonna leave behind what we touch. VxXQSIHgtmu-01080-00299712-00299996 In particular we believe that what we code VxXQSIHgtmu-01081-00299996-00300491 will be more valuable if at all possible, VxXQSIHgtmu-01082-00300491-00300711 in some cases not as you just highlighted Moti, VxXQSIHgtmu-01083-00300711-00300945 but even when it is completely doable, VxXQSIHgtmu-01084-00300945-00301300 it will become better, more valuable. VxXQSIHgtmu-01085-00301300-00301383 - Absolutely. VxXQSIHgtmu-01086-00301383-00301631 - More differentiated if you put it together VxXQSIHgtmu-01087-00301631-00301889 with the what we touch part. VxXQSIHgtmu-01088-00301889-00302008 And that's why, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-01089-00302008-00302381 we continue to invest in Birck Nanotechnology Center. VxXQSIHgtmu-01090-00302381-00302622 For the tiny ones, the Bowen Lab, VxXQSIHgtmu-01091-00302622-00302829 which is five story building. VxXQSIHgtmu-01092-00302829-00303247 You can slide into this building to do earthquake study. VxXQSIHgtmu-01093-00303247-00303497 That's why we have tremendous investment VxXQSIHgtmu-01094-00303497-00303751 in AeroAstro including hypersonics. VxXQSIHgtmu-01095-00303751-00303992 That's why we're building resilient habitat VxXQSIHgtmu-01096-00303992-00304415 on the moon with a experimental test bed here. VxXQSIHgtmu-01097-00304415-00304619 And that's why we have the world's largest VxXQSIHgtmu-01098-00304619-00304744 indoor/outdoor John Dom VxXQSIHgtmu-01099-00304863-00305055 by any university at our airport. VxXQSIHgtmu-01100-00305055-00305217 So the list goes on. VxXQSIHgtmu-01101-00305217-00305543 Now, I want to quickly remaining a few minutes, VxXQSIHgtmu-01102-00305543-00306011 and I know that there are great interactions on the chat box VxXQSIHgtmu-01103-00306011-00306214 if we don't get there my apologies. VxXQSIHgtmu-01104-00306214-00306601 But I do or have the urge to ask question VxXQSIHgtmu-01105-00306601-00306775 Maybe there's like a quick answer VxXQSIHgtmu-01106-00306775-00306962 thoughts from each of you. VxXQSIHgtmu-01107-00306962-00307072 Here in the Midwest, VxXQSIHgtmu-01108-00307072-00307288 and now it's not just Purdue, VxXQSIHgtmu-01109-00307288-00307497 also Michigan there's, Illinois, and VxXQSIHgtmu-01110-00307497-00307994 here in the Midwest manufacturing is there a hope, VxXQSIHgtmu-01111-00307994-00308296 and this is not just research education, VxXQSIHgtmu-01112-00308296-00308539 it's also university as economic engine VxXQSIHgtmu-01113-00308539-00308642 as an innovation engine, VxXQSIHgtmu-01114-00308642-00308978 is there hope the technology may rewrite VxXQSIHgtmu-01115-00308978-00309266 manufacturing industry's equations VxXQSIHgtmu-01116-00309266-00309719 so that we can bring industry 4.0 back here to the Midwest? VxXQSIHgtmu-01117-00310425-00310646 - There's an additive manufacturing VxXQSIHgtmu-01118-00310646-00310985 and new technology that could be applied VxXQSIHgtmu-01119-00310985-00311139 here in the Midwest I mean. VxXQSIHgtmu-01120-00311327-00311513 - Yes, additive is indeed, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-01121-00311513-00312013 additive/digital/other type of process innovations VxXQSIHgtmu-01122-00312284-00312589 in addition to material innovations, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-01123-00312589-00312938 may indeed rewrite the economic equation VxXQSIHgtmu-01124-00312938-00313438 whereby innovation is more valuable than labor, right? VxXQSIHgtmu-01125-00313524-00313773 In which case than we might be able to restore VxXQSIHgtmu-01126-00313773-00313999 some of those manufacturing jobs VxXQSIHgtmu-01127-00313999-00314297 back to this part of the country in particular, VxXQSIHgtmu-01128-00314297-00314454 or to any part of this country. VxXQSIHgtmu-01129-00314604-00314884 I wonder if panels have any thoughts or suggestion VxXQSIHgtmu-01130-00314884-00315077 that what particular industry, sector VxXQSIHgtmu-01131-00315077-00315367 or what particular manufacturing innovation VxXQSIHgtmu-01132-00315367-00315867 may help us to rejuvenize a new kind of manufacturing VxXQSIHgtmu-01133-00315946-00316226 in the US in particular in the Midwest. VxXQSIHgtmu-01134-00316500-00316634 - So not being from the Midwest VxXQSIHgtmu-01135-00316634-00316907 and not being in the kinds of industries that VxXQSIHgtmu-01136-00316907-00317140 perhaps are considered to be high technology. VxXQSIHgtmu-01137-00317260-00317549 I just like to point out that VxXQSIHgtmu-01138-00317549-00317789 things are cyclic in nature and that VxXQSIHgtmu-01139-00317927-00318182 it is difficult to make predictions, right, VxXQSIHgtmu-01140-00318182-00318345 especially about the future. VxXQSIHgtmu-01141-00318444-00318741 And that, for example, in my area, VxXQSIHgtmu-01142-00318741-00319019 the chemical industry was disappearing from the US. VxXQSIHgtmu-01143-00319105-00319350 If you look now at the Gulf Coast, VxXQSIHgtmu-01144-00319350-00319604 you will not recognize that prediction anywhere. VxXQSIHgtmu-01145-00319604-00319935 And that came from the unexpected technology VxXQSIHgtmu-01146-00319935-00320208 of fracturing and the shell gas evolution. VxXQSIHgtmu-01147-00320310-00320583 That today, you know, clean energy technology, VxXQSIHgtmu-01148-00320583-00320922 you know, affordable takes, fuel cells, batteries, and so on VxXQSIHgtmu-01149-00321032-00321239 for the most part we're subcontracted VxXQSIHgtmu-01150-00321239-00321567 through globalization and for the sake of immediate profits. VxXQSIHgtmu-01151-00321567-00321731 And we are recognizing VxXQSIHgtmu-01152-00321731-00321975 the 10 years nature of many of those links VxXQSIHgtmu-01153-00321975-00322150 through the geopolitical VxXQSIHgtmu-01154-00322150-00322345 issues that we're dealing with right now. VxXQSIHgtmu-01155-00322345-00322493 And those will turn VxXQSIHgtmu-01156-00322493-00322808 and they will return with better technology VxXQSIHgtmu-01157-00322808-00323067 requiring more specialized expertise VxXQSIHgtmu-01158-00323067-00323202 in order to do it. VxXQSIHgtmu-01159-00323202-00323659 It's not going to destroy work, it's going to create work VxXQSIHgtmu-01160-00323659-00323774 and it's going to bring it back. VxXQSIHgtmu-01161-00323774-00323949 And I think we should prepare VxXQSIHgtmu-01162-00324039-00324280 for the fact that many of this disappearance VxXQSIHgtmu-01163-00324280-00324571 and reappearance in general in the US and elsewhere VxXQSIHgtmu-01164-00324571-00324765 is cyclic and it will come back VxXQSIHgtmu-01165-00324765-00324932 and it will come back unpredictably. VxXQSIHgtmu-01166-00324932-00325186 And we need to have this insurance policy VxXQSIHgtmu-01167-00325186-00325413 to make sure that we accept it back VxXQSIHgtmu-01168-00325413-00325740 into our economy whether it is in the Midwest or elsewhere. VxXQSIHgtmu-01169-00325864-00325947 - Thank you. VxXQSIHgtmu-01170-00326453-00326632 Yes, Moti, please. VxXQSIHgtmu-01171-00326632-00326905 - I may, I come from a small country VxXQSIHgtmu-01172-00326905-00327137 that is called the startup nation. VxXQSIHgtmu-01173-00327137-00327329 I think the secret is right there. VxXQSIHgtmu-01174-00327329-00327829 In other words, if you think about work labor, VxXQSIHgtmu-01175-00327905-00328248 and then there will always be countries VxXQSIHgtmu-01176-00328248-00328674 where they will do what you want to do for cheap labor. VxXQSIHgtmu-01177-00328674-00328833 There will always be countries like that. VxXQSIHgtmu-01178-00328833-00328916 And there will... VxXQSIHgtmu-01179-00328916-00329161 In the US as a country that pays VxXQSIHgtmu-01180-00329287-00329510 you know, manpower costs a lot of money, VxXQSIHgtmu-01181-00329620-00329731 you can't fight it. VxXQSIHgtmu-01182-00329731-00330028 You can't really start putting all kinds of customs VxXQSIHgtmu-01183-00330028-00330139 on taxes and so forth. VxXQSIHgtmu-01184-00330139-00330400 The only way to fight it is through innovation, VxXQSIHgtmu-01185-00330400-00330502 that's the secret. VxXQSIHgtmu-01186-00330502-00330719 In other words the only way to do that VxXQSIHgtmu-01187-00330719-00331045 is to come up with new ideas in all kinds of things, VxXQSIHgtmu-01188-00331045-00331244 not only software in all kinds of things, VxXQSIHgtmu-01189-00331244-00331469 and what you need to do is actually what VxXQSIHgtmu-01190-00331469-00331693 Mung, you are doing already. VxXQSIHgtmu-01191-00331693-00332023 You have to bring in the industry, VxXQSIHgtmu-01192-00332023-00332169 especially the high tech industry, VxXQSIHgtmu-01193-00332169-00332266 not only the software, VxXQSIHgtmu-01194-00332266-00332630 but all kinds of them to be near the university. VxXQSIHgtmu-01195-00332630-00332783 This is really the hope VxXQSIHgtmu-01196-00332783-00332960 because then the interaction VxXQSIHgtmu-01197-00332960-00333240 between them will create knowledge, will create new ideas. VxXQSIHgtmu-01198-00333240-00333408 Eventually manufacturing part of it VxXQSIHgtmu-01199-00333408-00333769 will be done somewhere else, maybe in Malaysia or Indonesia, VxXQSIHgtmu-01200-00333769-00333903 you can't fight it. VxXQSIHgtmu-01201-00333903-00334195 You have to create the knowledge, the innovation. VxXQSIHgtmu-01202-00334195-00334367 - Yeah, well, very well said. VxXQSIHgtmu-01203-00334367-00334654 It is that innovation power VxXQSIHgtmu-01204-00334654-00334885 that changes the constraint set VxXQSIHgtmu-01205-00334885-00335215 rather than struggling within the constraint set, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-01206-00335215-00335470 I do optimization for wireless networks VxXQSIHgtmu-01207-00335470-00335649 and if you are dealing with VxXQSIHgtmu-01208-00335649-00335937 a distributor optimization problem, VxXQSIHgtmu-01209-00335937-00336125 well, ideally you should ask yourself, VxXQSIHgtmu-01210-00336125-00336291 "Why can't I just, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-01211-00336291-00336441 "rewrite a constraint set VxXQSIHgtmu-01212-00336697-00336993 "to get a very different problem in the first place?" VxXQSIHgtmu-01213-00336993-00337076 Well, you know, VxXQSIHgtmu-01214-00337076-00337249 I just want to quickly respond back to the VxXQSIHgtmu-01215-00337360-00337515 Ramanujan paper there. VxXQSIHgtmu-01216-00337515-00337782 That's very interesting, thanks for sharing the link. VxXQSIHgtmu-01217-00337782-00338053 And this reminds me of a conversation VxXQSIHgtmu-01218-00338053-00338220 with Eric Schmidt years ago VxXQSIHgtmu-01219-00338220-00338416 when I was at another institution VxXQSIHgtmu-01220-00338416-00338622 hosting a panel with him. VxXQSIHgtmu-01221-00338622-00338898 And I said, this is years ago. VxXQSIHgtmu-01222-00338898-00339018 I said, "Google translator." VxXQSIHgtmu-01223-00339018-00339143 I said, "You know, Eric," VxXQSIHgtmu-01224-00339143-00339402 and he was still the executive chairman of Alphabet VxXQSIHgtmu-01225-00339402-00339566 at that time, VxXQSIHgtmu-01226-00339566-00339852 "You know, this Google translator doesn't quite work." VxXQSIHgtmu-01227-00339852-00340074 "You know, I put, in some words in there, VxXQSIHgtmu-01228-00340074-00340342 "if it's a user manual, you know, how do you turn on the TV, VxXQSIHgtmu-01229-00340342-00340458 "it probably works, VxXQSIHgtmu-01230-00340458-00340696 "but otherwise, as I put in a poem VxXQSIHgtmu-01231-00340696-00341061 "from a East Asian language and try to get it to English VxXQSIHgtmu-01232-00341061-00341209 "and it's not poetic." VxXQSIHgtmu-01233-00341209-00341503 And Eric had a very witty VxXQSIHgtmu-01234-00341503-00341686 and I think telling answer VxXQSIHgtmu-01235-00341686-00342027 and that he said, "Mung, very simple answer, VxXQSIHgtmu-01236-00342314-00342398 "nobody cares enough." VxXQSIHgtmu-01237-00342398-00342508 Well, he said it milder way, VxXQSIHgtmu-01238-00342508-00342875 but roughly "Nobody cares enough about poem translations VxXQSIHgtmu-01239-00342875-00343091 "to give me enough data point." VxXQSIHgtmu-01240-00343091-00343271 "Had you given me enough data point, VxXQSIHgtmu-01241-00343271-00343495 "I would have made it very poetic." VxXQSIHgtmu-01242-00343495-00343809 So now it is hard to refute that. VxXQSIHgtmu-01243-00343809-00344065 And maybe it's not refutable now. VxXQSIHgtmu-01244-00344065-00344565 So to what degree will human creativity or artistic tastes VxXQSIHgtmu-01245-00344572-00344807 or sense of humor and so on VxXQSIHgtmu-01246-00344807-00345176 be indeed replicable by codes? VxXQSIHgtmu-01247-00345332-00345426 Well, I don't know, VxXQSIHgtmu-01248-00345426-00345736 but I do want to thank all of you for an VxXQSIHgtmu-01249-00345736-00346017 really intellectually vibrant conversation. VxXQSIHgtmu-01250-00346017-00346133 We only have one hour, VxXQSIHgtmu-01251-00346133-00346439 wish we have more, we will have more in the coming years. VxXQSIHgtmu-01252-00346439-00346680 And I want to thank all those who are VxXQSIHgtmu-01253-00346680-00346980 chatting in the chat box in real time. VxXQSIHgtmu-01254-00346980-00347240 Sorry, we couldn't get to all of your questions VxXQSIHgtmu-01255-00347240-00347488 and to all five new Armstrong VxXQSIHgtmu-01256-00347488-00347850 distinguished visiting professors to Purdue Engineering, VxXQSIHgtmu-01257-00347850-00348129 we hope to see you a lot here in West Lafayette, VxXQSIHgtmu-01258-00348129-00348378 not only virtually as we're doing this hour, VxXQSIHgtmu-01259-00348378-00348593 but physically in person. VxXQSIHgtmu-01260-00348593-00348751 Thank you so much everyone. VxXQSIHgtmu-01261-00348751-00348856 - Thank you VxXQSIHgtmu-01262-00348856-00348939 - Thank you. - Thank you. VxXQSIHgtmu-01263-00348939-00349022 - Take care. VxXQSIHgtmu-01264-00349022-00349106 - Till next time. VxXQSIHgtmu-01265-00349106-00349189 - Bye bye - Bye. V-WaLtt9YJQ-00000-00000272-00000646 Pat James: The idea of a MOOC really worked well for [a developmental writing course] V-WaLtt9YJQ-00001-00000646-00001346 because everybody can do it, it doesn't cost anything, [and] it was short-term. It was V-WaLtt9YJQ-00002-00001825-00002498 kind of minimal as far as (we thought at the time) the effort to teach it which we found V-WaLtt9YJQ-00003-00002498-00003198 out was completely false. That's not true. [Laughter] It would also serve our community V-WaLtt9YJQ-00004-00003429-00004130 because at the community college you're trying to deal with people who want education who V-WaLtt9YJQ-00005-00004177-00004855 don't necessarily want a degree. And so there's a large community that wants you to serve V-WaLtt9YJQ-00006-00004855-00005408 them as well. So we thought this would be a really good opportunity for that. I was V-WaLtt9YJQ-00007-00005408-00005951 speaking with then-Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs in the Chancellor's office and he V-WaLtt9YJQ-00008-00005951-00006432 said, "Are you guys gonna do this? Are you gonna actually do this course?" And I said, V-WaLtt9YJQ-00009-00006432-00006898 "Yeah, we're trying to figure out how to do it. We're gonna see what we can do on our V-WaLtt9YJQ-00010-00006898-00007281 own." I was thinking web-based, on our own; at the time, I wasn't really sure how I was V-WaLtt9YJQ-00011-00007281-00007872 going to go about it. He connected me with Coursera, with Daphne Koller, and I had several V-WaLtt9YJQ-00012-00007872-00008572 conversations with her, and her idea of educating the world, that philosophy that started her V-WaLtt9YJQ-00013-00008653-00009353 in this movement. She said, "We're not bringing the best to the people who need it the most." She V-WaLtt9YJQ-00014-00009607-00010307 really, I think, lives by that, and even though there's been a lot of hype around monetizing V-WaLtt9YJQ-00015-00010588-00011288 MOOCs, in her heart of hearts, she did it for the idea of educating the world. I think V-WaLtt9YJQ-00016-00011470-00012170 she still feels that way, and I'd go to the mat for her on that. I do it because I want V-WaLtt9YJQ-00017-00012317-00012856 to live in a world where people can check their facts. I want to live in a world where V-WaLtt9YJQ-00018-00012856-00013336 people are educated. I have grandchildren; I want them to live in a world where people V-WaLtt9YJQ-00019-00013336-00013779 are taking care of the planet, and you know, have common sense, and are educated enough V-WaLtt9YJQ-00020-00013779-00014397 to be able to read things on their own and figure out on their own what's really happening V-WaLtt9YJQ-00021-00014397-00014944 rather than take somebody else's word for it. We're a real gullible society, and that's V-WaLtt9YJQ-00022-00014944-00015434 due to a lack of education. That's how I feel. That's just my own personal philosophy, so V-WaLtt9YJQ-00023-00015434-00015791 it fit well with what Coursera was doing at the time. VBStUFFwTjc-00000-00001009-00001483 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah VBStUFFwTjc-00001-00001483-00001942 Sayyidi is it true that dajjal (man of deceit) will be an imam (religious leader) claiming VBStUFFwTjc-00002-00001942-00002114 Islam? VBStUFFwTjc-00003-00002114-00002285 What? VBStUFFwTjc-00004-00002285-00003285 [Shaykh laughs] ‘Is it true that the dajjal will be an imam claiming Islam?’ VBStUFFwTjc-00005-00003285-00004404 [Shaykh laughs] “Fa A’uzu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem VBStUFFwTjc-00006-00004404-00004823 Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.” VBStUFFwTjc-00007-00004823-00004963 InshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00008-00004963-00006159 He comes under the… as a… for a different community and he comes as their imam. VBStUFFwTjc-00009-00006159-00006503 Not ‘imam’ but their ‘leader for war.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00010-00006503-00007020 Once he's victorious in their war, he'll come as a general. VBStUFFwTjc-00011-00007020-00008022 And he's kohanim - that his relationship is Sayyid of Bani Israel and he'll be victorious VBStUFFwTjc-00012-00008022-00008593 in battles and after his victorious battles he’ll claim that he is a prophet of Allah VBStUFFwTjc-00013-00008593-00008693 (AJ). VBStUFFwTjc-00014-00008693-00009364 After he claims he is a prophet of Allah (AJ), he’ll claimed that he’s Hashem – that VBStUFFwTjc-00015-00009364-00009679 he is God. VBStUFFwTjc-00016-00009679-00010340 So this has nothing to do with Islam but the fitna (confusion) of his power is so great VBStUFFwTjc-00017-00010340-00011328 upon the earth that it's by Allah’s (AJ) Will that will convince a fitna from every VBStUFFwTjc-00018-00011328-00011678 community will be involved with him. VBStUFFwTjc-00019-00011678-00012378 So Muslim leaders will fall under that fitna, Christian leaders will fall under that fitna VBStUFFwTjc-00020-00012378-00013358 and all of humanity will be falling under that fitna and he'll move the earth and traverse, VBStUFFwTjc-00021-00013358-00013747 his grabbing of people will traverse the earth. VBStUFFwTjc-00022-00013747-00014688 So these are the dangers and they'll hear sounds and these sounds will lock the heart VBStUFFwTjc-00023-00014688-00015155 and souls of people to follow him. VBStUFFwTjc-00024-00015155-00015741 And tariqah’s (spiritual path) realities and Mawlana's (Q) realities is that inshaAllah VBStUFFwTjc-00025-00015741-00016417 when those sounds begin that they'll hear Mawlana Shaykh's (Q) voice and he'll block VBStUFFwTjc-00026-00016417-00017289 their sound and block what dajjal is trying to do for the students of sincerity. VBStUFFwTjc-00027-00017289-00018368 The madad (support), the tafakkur, the contemplation all of this training is exclusively to reach VBStUFFwTjc-00028-00018368-00019067 to the heart of Sayyidina Mahdi (as) that's why under Naqshbandiya tul Aliya (The Most VBStUFFwTjc-00029-00019067-00019495 Distinguished Naqshbandi Order), it's the only source of this true teachings. VBStUFFwTjc-00030-00019495-00020089 Mujaddidi – they have a different system that not anything similar to Shaykh Abdullah VBStUFFwTjc-00031-00020089-00020384 Faiz ad Daghestani (Q) Sultanul Awliya (king of Saints). VBStUFFwTjc-00032-00020384-00021074 So Naqshbandiya tul ‘Aliya from Shaykh Abdullah Faiz ad Daghestani (Q) to Sultanul Awliya VBStUFFwTjc-00033-00021074-00021880 Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Haqqani (Q) – that is a very powerful line to the heart of Sayyidina VBStUFFwTjc-00034-00021880-00022559 Mahdi (as), inshaAllah and that these are very specific trainings for students on how VBStUFFwTjc-00035-00022559-00023227 to train their heart and their soul to save them from fitna, from ‘fitna’ what we VBStUFFwTjc-00036-00023227-00023568 call ‘mass-confusion.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00037-00023568-00024407 And we see that and its samples already, that people are so confused by fear. VBStUFFwTjc-00038-00024407-00025567 So all it was is a one-eyed box put out a fear and told everybody, ‘Run to this medicine VBStUFFwTjc-00039-00025567-00026224 to save yourself from the fear,’ but the medicine itself was that what you should have VBStUFFwTjc-00040-00026224-00026324 been fearing. VBStUFFwTjc-00041-00026324-00027087 And its long-term effects and dangers and difficulties completely unknown what it will VBStUFFwTjc-00042-00027087-00027889 do to the reproductive system and to the internal organs and DNA of insan - from humanity. VBStUFFwTjc-00043-00027889-00028622 And that is just one sample that people will be their worst enemies running towards a fire VBStUFFwTjc-00044-00028622-00029116 thinking it is their salvation. VBStUFFwTjc-00045-00029116-00029292 So already we saw that on mass-scales. VBStUFFwTjc-00046-00029292-00029832 People were running taking one, two, three, five, six different types of medicines asking VBStUFFwTjc-00047-00029832-00030480 for more doses, more doses thinking that was their salvation. VBStUFFwTjc-00048-00030480-00031106 And that's why Prophet ﷺ taught us at every level – whatever dajjal is offering you VBStUFFwTjc-00049-00031106-00031713 of salvation and peace and health, know that it's jahannam (hellfire). VBStUFFwTjc-00050-00031713-00032322 He’s not caring for the health of people, he's not caring for organic people to live VBStUFFwTjc-00051-00032322-00032445 longer. VBStUFFwTjc-00052-00032445-00033011 Their plan is seven out of six to be dead. VBStUFFwTjc-00053-00033011-00033761 So if we understood that then no organic food by any corporation is not interested in your VBStUFFwTjc-00054-00033761-00033888 health. VBStUFFwTjc-00055-00033888-00034335 The only one interested in your health is you and Allah (AJ). VBStUFFwTjc-00056-00034335-00034756 So if you want true organic, plant your own vegetables, make your own food. VBStUFFwTjc-00057-00034756-00035068 Other than that make du’a (supplication) on everything. VBStUFFwTjc-00058-00035068-00035460 Everything under the… under the hands of dajjal now. VBStUFFwTjc-00059-00035460-00036456 Make du’a, only the du’a can change a reality of something and make it to be angelic, VBStUFFwTjc-00060-00036456-00036931 inshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00061-00036931-00037286 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah VBStUFFwTjc-00062-00037286-00037944 Can you kindly explain the concept of asking madad (support) if someone died, how can he VBStUFFwTjc-00063-00037944-00038695 help? VBStUFFwTjc-00064-00038695-00039263 You have to buy three copies of ‘Timeless Reality’ [Book]. VBStUFFwTjc-00065-00039263-00039393 Is this from someone new? VBStUFFwTjc-00066-00039393-00039597 Yeah, it looks like it. VBStUFFwTjc-00067-00039597-00040089 Okay, yeah if you're coming new no problem, buy four copies [everyone laughs]. VBStUFFwTjc-00068-00040089-00040655 That way you can show that you're committed to it. VBStUFFwTjc-00069-00040655-00041218 So if you're coming new then you have to understand from beginning of our teachings that we teach VBStUFFwTjc-00070-00041218-00041830 from the world of light and the power of the soul and whatever people have been taught VBStUFFwTjc-00071-00041830-00042246 is mainly from the body and physicality. VBStUFFwTjc-00072-00042246-00043087 If we believe that the physicality is not the power, physicality is not God's interest. VBStUFFwTjc-00073-00043087-00043361 The soul is what God is interested in. VBStUFFwTjc-00074-00043361-00044011 You clean your physicality so that your sou... your soul stays perfected and fragranced because VBStUFFwTjc-00075-00044011-00044612 a bad physicality, dirty physicality will bring nefarious creatures that will, will VBStUFFwTjc-00076-00044612-00044809 affect the soul. VBStUFFwTjc-00077-00044809-00045431 So the objective of washing was not the body but was the soul. VBStUFFwTjc-00078-00045431-00046113 The vehicle that you're walking in if it's dirty, smelly and unclean, all negative energies VBStUFFwTjc-00079-00046113-00046305 will attack your soul. VBStUFFwTjc-00080-00046305-00046737 That's what Allah (AJ) was worried about, not that your body is clean. VBStUFFwTjc-00081-00046737-00047409 But that vehicle that you're using to carry the soul, the soul is the precious cargo. VBStUFFwTjc-00082-00047409-00047844 And that's why Allah (AJ) describes that, ‘If you see them dead, these martyrs and VBStUFFwTjc-00083-00047844-00048297 these people whom they fought in the way of Allah (AJ)…’ and one form of fighting VBStUFFwTjc-00084-00048297-00048811 is to come against your ego and your character, ‘…don't deem them dead in the grave but VBStUFFwTjc-00085-00048811-00049056 they are very much alive.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00086-00049056-00049156 Means what? VBStUFFwTjc-00087-00049156-00049681 The soul is alive and has much more power and ability than the physicality. VBStUFFwTjc-00088-00049681-00049828 So these... VBStUFFwTjc-00089-00049828-00050375 these, there are many movies or animes that can give people an understanding because they VBStUFFwTjc-00090-00050375-00050869 need graphic sort of perception, they need to put something through their eyes to perceive VBStUFFwTjc-00091-00050869-00050975 that. VBStUFFwTjc-00092-00050975-00051424 So Doctor Strange and these more modern movies that come out teach that there's something VBStUFFwTjc-00093-00051424-00051695 from the soul, much more powerful. VBStUFFwTjc-00094-00051695-00052159 If you can hear through your soul, well that's something eternal. VBStUFFwTjc-00095-00052159-00052437 You know what the capability of hearing from your soul! VBStUFFwTjc-00096-00052437-00053023 And if you can see from your soul that's why when you meditate, you begin to have spiritual VBStUFFwTjc-00097-00053023-00053123 experiences. VBStUFFwTjc-00098-00053123-00053523 That's so that you can gain your faith because you say, ‘This is astonishing. VBStUFFwTjc-00099-00053523-00054045 I'm nobody and as soon as I'm meditating I'm feeling energies, I'm hearing whisperings, VBStUFFwTjc-00100-00054045-00054305 I'm getting some sort of a sense of opening.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00101-00054305-00054837 So imagine then people whom day and night were trained in that reality, that they are VBStUFFwTjc-00102-00054837-00055017 operating at a wave. VBStUFFwTjc-00103-00055017-00055494 And that's why the duality of light and science teaches – you have a particle that can do VBStUFFwTjc-00104-00055494-00056214 very little but the wave form can be many places at the same time. VBStUFFwTjc-00105-00056214-00056671 So just the science of it, you have to understand everything has a wave reality. VBStUFFwTjc-00106-00056671-00057010 The wave reality is not limited to one location. VBStUFFwTjc-00107-00057010-00057673 So a living person who has power over their light, they can be in thousands of locations VBStUFFwTjc-00108-00057673-00057838 at the same time. VBStUFFwTjc-00109-00057838-00058676 An old school teaching was take a candle or a light source and put a box over that light, VBStUFFwTjc-00110-00058676-00058794 darken out your room. VBStUFFwTjc-00111-00058794-00059207 Put a light over a box so you don't see anything. VBStUFFwTjc-00112-00059207-00059470 Make one hole in the box. VBStUFFwTjc-00113-00059470-00060032 The light will come out from one hole, because you want to understand the power of your soul VBStUFFwTjc-00114-00060032-00060605 and most people operate like that – just their light comes out from one place, this VBStUFFwTjc-00115-00060605-00060812 is their physicality. VBStUFFwTjc-00116-00060812-00061308 But those whom open the power of their soul, put many holes in the box now. VBStUFFwTjc-00117-00061308-00061739 Put one in the front, one in the back, one on the side, one on the right so that same VBStUFFwTjc-00118-00061739-00062490 light will illuminate all four directions now and that's for us just to understand that VBStUFFwTjc-00119-00062490-00062816 the soul is not confined to the body. VBStUFFwTjc-00120-00062816-00063388 Once you've trained to lower the grasp of the body and bring out the reality of the VBStUFFwTjc-00121-00063388-00063679 soul then that soul is very powerful. VBStUFFwTjc-00122-00063679-00063923 They can hear into the seven heavens. VBStUFFwTjc-00123-00063923-00064370 They can reach anyone wherever they are while the shaykh is alive, he doesn't need to be VBStUFFwTjc-00124-00064370-00064548 dead for that. VBStUFFwTjc-00125-00064548-00065230 That they merely can send their soul out to reach to the heart of a person and they can VBStUFFwTjc-00126-00065230-00065801 send their energy out to that person and begin to make their heart palpitate because their VBStUFFwTjc-00127-00065801-00066261 energy is coming and the person begins to feel their heart palpitating. VBStUFFwTjc-00128-00066261-00066711 So means there's many, many realities of the souls and the capability of the soul. VBStUFFwTjc-00129-00066711-00067045 So since we teach only about light... VBStUFFwTjc-00130-00067045-00067444 this is why all this teaching is very specific to light. VBStUFFwTjc-00131-00067444-00067856 That's why then you have to learn our system of meditation, connecting with the living VBStUFFwTjc-00132-00067856-00068333 shaykhs so that you can be trained on how to open your light, open your power of your VBStUFFwTjc-00133-00068333-00069014 soul then you begin to realize that all those whom died in a state of being open, they're VBStUFFwTjc-00134-00069014-00069157 very much accessible. VBStUFFwTjc-00135-00069157-00069401 They didn't go anywhere. VBStUFFwTjc-00136-00069401-00069843 People from thousands of years are sitting still in that world of light. VBStUFFwTjc-00137-00069843-00070136 They didn't die; there's no death in light. VBStUFFwTjc-00138-00070136-00070263 Only the body dies. VBStUFFwTjc-00139-00070263-00070630 So in this world of light, they're very much alive. VBStUFFwTjc-00140-00070630-00071239 If they were good, God gave them a freedom, people can connect with them, learn from them. VBStUFFwTjc-00141-00071239-00071960 If they were bad, they're confined under punishment their physicality and their light didn't achieve VBStUFFwTjc-00142-00071960-00072555 the power of that light to be of service and to be of benefit to humanity. VBStUFFwTjc-00143-00072555-00073134 So those whom passed, their physicality passed but their souls are ever-present, and that's VBStUFFwTjc-00144-00073134-00073270 like a cartoon you would watch is ‘Avatar.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00145-00073270-00073945 That there is a state and a realm of light in which if you connect, they're all alive VBStUFFwTjc-00146-00073945-00074551 and those are the masters who open their reality and those whom are pious and good, they also VBStUFFwTjc-00147-00074551-00074931 have a similar but not as strong. VBStUFFwTjc-00148-00074931-00075071 And that's what's so important. VBStUFFwTjc-00149-00075071-00075530 That brings us on to the question that when we were ending somebody had a question about VBStUFFwTjc-00150-00075530-00076480 death and that's why the most important aspect of our life is our death. VBStUFFwTjc-00151-00076480-00077254 So if you want to see who's close with Divinely Presence and you cut out all their garbage VBStUFFwTjc-00152-00077254-00078095 teachings because the mouth of people say many lies, but look to people for their actions VBStUFFwTjc-00153-00078095-00078382 to see who they are and what they believe in. VBStUFFwTjc-00154-00078382-00078482 Right? VBStUFFwTjc-00155-00078482-00079130 So the highest form of belief in the Divine is your state of death because this is your VBStUFFwTjc-00156-00079130-00079501 union into the heavens, this is your marriage into the heavens. VBStUFFwTjc-00157-00079501-00080077 So how you treat your dead is a symbol of your true faith. VBStUFFwTjc-00158-00080077-00080508 So when we're teaching that you're going to go back to the Divinely Presence, your soul VBStUFFwTjc-00159-00080508-00080987 is going to have a union into the heavens and that your body is going to go into its VBStUFFwTjc-00160-00080987-00081576 accounting and it's... and its oceans of accounting and difficulty or ease. VBStUFFwTjc-00161-00081576-00082037 Then of course you're going to wash the person, you're going to perfume the person, you're VBStUFFwTjc-00162-00082037-00082477 going to make sure that they are taken care of and not been in difficulty during the washing VBStUFFwTjc-00163-00082477-00083000 and the cleansing process and they have to be buried immediately so that no creature VBStUFFwTjc-00164-00083000-00083377 tries to empty or to enter into their physicality. VBStUFFwTjc-00165-00083377-00084035 The minute the body touches the earth, it becomes sealed from any type of creature entering. VBStUFFwTjc-00166-00084035-00084626 If you leave that dead body on the earth, and they do this for voodoo areas and they VBStUFFwTjc-00167-00084626-00085033 don't bury the body, they leave it, the jinn (unseen beings) and nefarious creatures will VBStUFFwTjc-00168-00085033-00085489 enter into that body and begin to make it to move because they're looking for a vehicle VBStUFFwTjc-00169-00085489-00085589 to operate. VBStUFFwTjc-00170-00085589-00086122 So there's a hikmah and a wisdom that immediately the body has to be washed, you have to pray VBStUFFwTjc-00171-00086122-00086712 over this body... this person is leaving and departing back to the Divinely Presence and VBStUFFwTjc-00172-00086712-00086850 as a result how... VBStUFFwTjc-00173-00086850-00087432 how beautifully you're treating that one whom is going back into the heavens is a sign of VBStUFFwTjc-00174-00087432-00087561 the reality of your faith. VBStUFFwTjc-00175-00087561-00088157 That your faith is real, practices that you believe are real because you're accepting VBStUFFwTjc-00176-00088157-00088863 and the reality of the mannerisms of how to be greeted by God's Divinely kingdom is important. VBStUFFwTjc-00177-00088863-00089298 Now you take that body and you burn it, well that tells you whatever those people were VBStUFFwTjc-00178-00089298-00090025 teaching of love and peace, why the heck would they be burning this guy's body and soul? VBStUFFwTjc-00179-00090025-00090286 When all our teaching is – you’ll feel everything. VBStUFFwTjc-00180-00090286-00090707 Death is a state of a very high consciousness. VBStUFFwTjc-00181-00090707-00091179 So if you don't believe, next time when you're asleep have a loved one come with a lighter VBStUFFwTjc-00182-00091179-00091812 and just put a fire under your toes and see if you don't scream, unimaginable pain. VBStUFFwTjc-00183-00091812-00091941 So what do you think death? VBStUFFwTjc-00184-00091941-00092271 Is every sleep is a station of death. VBStUFFwTjc-00185-00092271-00092794 Every time we sleep it's a state of death, it's a symbol of what's coming for us when VBStUFFwTjc-00186-00092794-00093067 we sleep, a permanent sleep. VBStUFFwTjc-00187-00093067-00093231 So yeah, you can't burn the person. VBStUFFwTjc-00188-00093231-00093631 Now they don't even want to burn, they want to throw them in acid to get rid of them or VBStUFFwTjc-00189-00093631-00094227 they put their bodies on a mountain side and let the birds to eat them – this has nothing VBStUFFwTjc-00190-00094227-00094552 to do with Divine, has nothing to do with the heavenly kingdom. VBStUFFwTjc-00191-00094552-00094893 Whatever they talked about on earth was just lies and mischief. VBStUFFwTjc-00192-00094893-00095530 How you treat the body on its death is a symbol of how real your faith was and what your faith VBStUFFwTjc-00193-00095530-00095787 was about, inshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00194-00095787-00096581 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah VBStUFFwTjc-00195-00096581-00097755 Could you please elaborate in the use of hellfire energy used for healing? VBStUFFwTjc-00196-00097755-00098361 Hellfire energy in the use of healing. VBStUFFwTjc-00197-00098361-00098504 Those are two different things. VBStUFFwTjc-00198-00098504-00099194 There's a fire in healing and then there are angels of hellfire guarding. VBStUFFwTjc-00199-00099194-00099574 So you kind of like brought everything together into one. VBStUFFwTjc-00200-00099574-00099730 Those are different. VBStUFFwTjc-00201-00099730-00100488 That for pious souls, one of the angels that must be assigned to guard them is Sayyidina VBStUFFwTjc-00202-00100488-00100614 Malik (as). VBStUFFwTjc-00203-00100614-00101375 Our master Sayyidina Malik (as) and he is a guardian of jahannam (hellfire). VBStUFFwTjc-00204-00101375-00102295 He’s the angel that deals with hell and under his command are zabani and these are VBStUFFwTjc-00205-00102295-00102890 the angels that inflict harm and punishment of the grave and punishment for anything trying VBStUFFwTjc-00206-00102890-00103130 to enter into paradise. VBStUFFwTjc-00207-00103130-00103748 So our paradise is only as beatific as Allah’s (AJ) power to Sayyidina Malik (as), otherwise VBStUFFwTjc-00208-00103748-00104261 hell would be... the heaven would be overrun by demons. VBStUFFwTjc-00209-00104261-00104955 So the security and these are the security forces for the heavens and anybody trying VBStUFFwTjc-00210-00104955-00105352 to achieve piety on earth means under… VBStUFFwTjc-00211-00105352-00105835 they have to be under the guidance of the shaykhs who have these understandings and VBStUFFwTjc-00212-00105835-00106326 a part of the training is then the implementation of these angels. VBStUFFwTjc-00213-00106326-00106970 That Sayyidina Malik (as) when these authorized individuals are training then Sayyidina Malik VBStUFFwTjc-00214-00106970-00107408 (as) will begin to assign guardians over that soul. VBStUFFwTjc-00215-00107408-00108289 That they are now learning and absorbing the Muhammadan haqqaiqs so as a result Sayyidina VBStUFFwTjc-00216-00108289-00109020 Malik (as) has to guard over them from shaitans (satans) and devils that want to harm that VBStUFFwTjc-00217-00109020-00109183 individual. VBStUFFwTjc-00218-00109183-00109977 So then the shaykh has a guardianship and a protection for their reality that Allah VBStUFFwTjc-00219-00109977-00110485 (AJ) gives to them that these are from the power of the zabanis that they are fierce VBStUFFwTjc-00220-00110485-00110868 against shayateen and the devils are very scared of zabanis. VBStUFFwTjc-00221-00110868-00111392 So this is a protection from Allah (AJ). VBStUFFwTjc-00222-00111392-00111826 That's why when they have the Naqshbandi ta’weezs (prayer for protection), the Naqshbandi symbols VBStUFFwTjc-00223-00111826-00112479 these are all within the armament of the tariqah, because they work for the kingdom, these are VBStUFFwTjc-00224-00112479-00113163 the servants of the kingdom and as a result that all of their armament, their ta’weezs, VBStUFFwTjc-00225-00113163-00113263 their... VBStUFFwTjc-00226-00113263-00113741 their all of what's been given to them, their awrads (daily practices), their zikrs (Divine VBStUFFwTjc-00227-00113741-00114065 remembrance) then they adorn themself with these protections. VBStUFFwTjc-00228-00114065-00114655 So the immensity of that power and the protection that comes with all of this is very intense. VBStUFFwTjc-00229-00114655-00115194 Somebody emailed that their nephew, a little child is screaming and yelling and seeing VBStUFFwTjc-00230-00115194-00115803 things, is catching a fever, a cold and starting to see things and scream about things and VBStUFFwTjc-00231-00115803-00116116 this is… this is all that we've been talking about. VBStUFFwTjc-00232-00116116-00116778 That these things will become more and more fierce upon this earth and more and more visible. VBStUFFwTjc-00233-00116778-00117201 That's why then the symbols and the ta’weezs, the necklaces, the ta’weezs in the home, VBStUFFwTjc-00234-00117201-00117747 the stickers on the windows, stickers on the car – everything, because it's a sign of VBStUFFwTjc-00235-00117747-00117910 belief. VBStUFFwTjc-00236-00117910-00118596 So when the shaykhs are teaching it, you try to do and be pre-active, not reactive. VBStUFFwTjc-00237-00118596-00118914 Proactive not reactive. VBStUFFwTjc-00238-00118914-00119260 Means go out and do your stuff ahead of time. VBStUFFwTjc-00239-00119260-00119635 Get your ta’weezs, play your salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) in the house, put VBStUFFwTjc-00240-00119635-00120002 the calligraphies of salawat and Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ (Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger VBStUFFwTjc-00241-00120002-00120444 of Allah (AJ)) so that everyone in that house knows that you are Muhammadiyoon. VBStUFFwTjc-00242-00120444-00120886 That you have a tremendous ishq and love for Prophet ﷺ, that you have the ta’weezs VBStUFFwTjc-00243-00120886-00121405 of awliyaullah (saints) and upon yourself, upon your car, upon your children and this VBStUFFwTjc-00244-00121405-00121579 is a sign of belief. VBStUFFwTjc-00245-00121579-00122124 And when you have that and you start to hear about these outbreaks and you know horrific VBStUFFwTjc-00246-00122124-00122715 experiences that people will have then that's when you start saying, ‘I think you should VBStUFFwTjc-00247-00122715-00123189 contact this shaykh, go to their store website, get your ta’weezs, get all the things that VBStUFFwTjc-00248-00123189-00123319 you need.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00249-00123319-00123768 Send people the link for the ta’weez, don't just send us an email saying, ‘All my relatives VBStUFFwTjc-00250-00123768-00123891 are screaming and yelling.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00251-00123891-00124088 What are we supposed to do about that? VBStUFFwTjc-00252-00124088-00124569 You have to get them to get the ta’weezs, get people to believe, propagate, send them VBStUFFwTjc-00253-00124569-00124902 a message, look at this shaykh, watch his videos. VBStUFFwTjc-00254-00124902-00125094 So that's what's important. VBStUFFwTjc-00255-00125094-00125688 Means that every condition, Allah (AJ) will put a condition hoping people will go through VBStUFFwTjc-00256-00125688-00125861 a door. VBStUFFwTjc-00257-00125861-00126501 Some people are pious they say, ‘Oh I don't need a fire under my thing to burn for me VBStUFFwTjc-00258-00126501-00126601 to run to the door. VBStUFFwTjc-00259-00126601-00126756 I get up and I'm going through that door. VBStUFFwTjc-00260-00126756-00126924 No problem Ya Rabbi.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00261-00126924-00127428 But astonishing that many people don't and they actually want the difficulty to prove VBStUFFwTjc-00262-00127428-00127925 to them, ‘Oh my God all these difficulties, now I'm going to go through that door.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00263-00127925-00128078 So these are just the symbols. VBStUFFwTjc-00264-00128078-00128599 Anybody has emails of people in difficulty, send them links for the store, send them links VBStUFFwTjc-00265-00128599-00129108 for the talks, for the videos, for the shaykhs so that this may be a calling for that person VBStUFFwTjc-00266-00129108-00129423 to actually go to the shaykh. VBStUFFwTjc-00267-00129423-00129729 Not that you're going to email and the shaykhs are going to make a du’a (supplication) VBStUFFwTjc-00268-00129729-00129858 and make everything stop. VBStUFFwTjc-00269-00129858-00130070 That wasn't the objective. VBStUFFwTjc-00270-00130070-00130458 If Allah (AJ) wanted it to stop, He wouldn't have let it happen. VBStUFFwTjc-00271-00130458-00130866 But you have to go and think to yourself, ‘Why Allah (AJ) letting this happen?’ VBStUFFwTjc-00272-00130866-00131189 Oh because you should be with the tariqahs. VBStUFFwTjc-00273-00131189-00131663 Maybe there is a cure, a remedy that you're not doing. VBStUFFwTjc-00274-00131663-00132019 The remedy is not in the emailing, ‘Take this problem away.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00275-00132019-00132574 The remedy is that the person should be introduced to the tariqah, to the videos, to the shaykh, VBStUFFwTjc-00276-00132574-00133077 to where the ta’weezs are so that they too can come to this najat (salvation) and to VBStUFFwTjc-00277-00133077-00133537 this fountain and to drink and to eat from this fountain, inshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00278-00133537-00134381 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah VBStUFFwTjc-00279-00134381-00135121 Sayyidi can the ta’weez we wear around the neck ever become compromised in any way? VBStUFFwTjc-00280-00135121-00135839 Yeah if you tear it apart and get it wet and dissolve it in... in you know in moisture, VBStUFFwTjc-00281-00135839-00136192 it may dissipate and fall apart. VBStUFFwTjc-00282-00136192-00136538 So then you get a new one. VBStUFFwTjc-00283-00136538-00137363 Other than that it… the ta’weez is good to go for 25 years, doesn't matter. VBStUFFwTjc-00284-00137363-00137859 There's no clock on it and the time doesn't run out and alhamdulillah no battery. VBStUFFwTjc-00285-00137859-00138227 So it's just inshaAllah it keeps going, inshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00286-00138227-00138698 But the kids they lose it often so you get more and put more in the house as a backup VBStUFFwTjc-00287-00138698-00139221 and spare and then the kids wear it and take it off and then they lose it and then you VBStUFFwTjc-00288-00139221-00139424 put another one, inshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00289-00139424-00139879 As salaamu alaykum ya Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah VBStUFFwTjc-00290-00139879-00140487 Sayyidi regarding the colors of the levels of the heart, every color has a significance. VBStUFFwTjc-00291-00140487-00141115 Is there any significance to the color purple when it keeps popping up everywhere for us? VBStUFFwTjc-00292-00141115-00141837 Sure purple is a... is a energy and some sort of a… not ‘Some sort of’ but an energy VBStUFFwTjc-00293-00141837-00141991 that comes from the hands. VBStUFFwTjc-00294-00141991-00142867 So it has its own reality of an energy coming from the hands and if the person sees the VBStUFFwTjc-00295-00142867-00143558 lights of purple flowing over them then there's an abundance of rizq (sustenance) inshaAllah VBStUFFwTjc-00296-00143558-00144195 that opening upon them. VBStUFFwTjc-00297-00144195-00144592 But that doesn't mean now ask every, every possible color combination and what does that VBStUFFwTjc-00298-00144592-00144974 mean, but purple very specific is understood. VBStUFFwTjc-00299-00144974-00145216 But, inshaAllah, yeah. VBStUFFwTjc-00300-00145216-00145853 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah VBStUFFwTjc-00301-00145853-00146568 Could you kindly teach us about the seven levels of heavenly springs? VBStUFFwTjc-00302-00146568-00147246 We have a article on that and the reality of the seven springs inshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00303-00147246-00148241 Go to the Nurmuhammad website and you can type in ‘Seven springs’ and then we go VBStUFFwTjc-00304-00148241-00148904 over and then maybe I can go over that tonight and we can talk about it tomorrow, inshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00305-00148904-00149602 But these are the fountains and the realities that begin to blossom within the heart of VBStUFFwTjc-00306-00149602-00149991 the believer because these are from the zamzam, right. VBStUFFwTjc-00307-00149991-00150535 So these are the realities of this month and the zamzam opening within the heart of the VBStUFFwTjc-00308-00150535-00151087 servant so that they understand that at level one the... this fountain of abundance what VBStUFFwTjc-00309-00151087-00151589 it begins to open within the heart of the servant. VBStUFFwTjc-00310-00151589-00152283 But afterwards you can remind me on a text that we'll review and go over that article, VBStUFFwTjc-00311-00152283-00152739 maybe we can talk about that tomorrow night inshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00312-00152739-00153330 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah VBStUFFwTjc-00313-00153330-00153886 What is the correct way and what to recite while trying to learn the use of nazma (energy VBStUFFwTjc-00314-00153886-00154314 field) with our hands during meditation? VBStUFFwTjc-00315-00154314-00154899 The correct way, I think we have also article on that on the power of the hands and the VBStUFFwTjc-00316-00154899-00155542 reality of Sufi meditation and you can get it on Nurmuhammad on how to open the energy VBStUFFwTjc-00317-00155542-00155739 of the hand, how to breathe. VBStUFFwTjc-00318-00155739-00155945 So these are all different types of meditation. VBStUFFwTjc-00319-00155945-00156477 The core is how to do the awrad (daily practices) and connect with the shaykh so that your connection VBStUFFwTjc-00320-00156477-00157114 is strong, breathing and bringing the energy of that connection, making your connection VBStUFFwTjc-00321-00157114-00157478 with the shaykh, asking to be dressed by the lights of the shaykh. VBStUFFwTjc-00322-00157478-00157958 And then next is then once you have a strong connection as your foundation then you're VBStUFFwTjc-00323-00157958-00158265 going to do some breathing and energy practices. VBStUFFwTjc-00324-00158265-00158813 One is an energy practice in which you breathe and that you want to feel like a fire of energy VBStUFFwTjc-00325-00158813-00159148 that's entering in with the breath. VBStUFFwTjc-00326-00159148-00159552 Once you've done your breathing practices and then you go like a base [Shaykh shows VBStUFFwTjc-00327-00159552-00159652 steps with hands]. VBStUFFwTjc-00328-00159652-00159937 You first learn how to connect, you first learn how to make the strong connection with VBStUFFwTjc-00329-00159937-00160251 the shaykh that, ‘I'm nothing and I'm seeing you to be present.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00330-00160251-00160787 Once that connection becomes like commonplace for you then you ask, ‘Sayyidi that I want VBStUFFwTjc-00331-00160787-00161310 to now dress and understand the breath and the power of the breath.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00332-00161310-00161965 This becomes the fuel for the ascension on how to open the power of the breath is to VBStUFFwTjc-00333-00161965-00162155 breathe with that connection. VBStUFFwTjc-00334-00162155-00162716 That I'm nothing and breathing the zikr (Divine Remembrance) of Hu, exhaling with zikr of VBStUFFwTjc-00335-00162716-00163357 Hu and keep breathing until you can feel like a fire and energy that entering into the chest VBStUFFwTjc-00336-00163357-00163474 and into the heart. VBStUFFwTjc-00337-00163474-00163879 Then the next practices of energies is then the movement of energy. VBStUFFwTjc-00338-00163879-00164236 That once you made the madad (support), you made the connection, you understood how to VBStUFFwTjc-00339-00164236-00164863 do the breathing then you begin to practice your energy in which you feel the energy and VBStUFFwTjc-00340-00164863-00165452 the heat within the hands and then your breathing and your movement is then synchronized [Shaykh VBStUFFwTjc-00341-00165452-00165821 inhales and expands hands]. VBStUFFwTjc-00342-00165821-00166464 That you feel an energy on both hands and it's like a glue that its bound and we're VBStUFFwTjc-00343-00166464-00166937 going to bring this nazma and this energy out with our breath. VBStUFFwTjc-00344-00166937-00167420 That as soon as you're pulling your hands away, you're feeling like you're stretching VBStUFFwTjc-00345-00167420-00168022 this energy out and that you're breathing and is synchronized with this movement. VBStUFFwTjc-00346-00168022-00168536 So you're feeling this energy and as if your heart is sending this energy into the hands VBStUFFwTjc-00347-00168536-00168808 and then you are moving this energy. VBStUFFwTjc-00348-00168808-00169330 And as soon as you move this energy that you make it to be felt, you breathe, you consciously VBStUFFwTjc-00349-00169330-00169969 focus on like a block of energy that's being held by the two hands and that becomes stronger VBStUFFwTjc-00350-00169969-00170560 and stronger and you breathe that that energy is there and then with your heart you keep VBStUFFwTjc-00351-00170560-00171151 focusing to make this energy more solid for you and more solid for you. VBStUFFwTjc-00352-00171151-00171561 And at the end of your meditation you ask that that light and that energy to be dressed VBStUFFwTjc-00353-00171561-00171781 upon yourself. VBStUFFwTjc-00354-00171781-00172335 So again continuously, because it's already flowing but when you put your consciousness VBStUFFwTjc-00355-00172335-00172985 on it then you can now begin to use your senses to understand what's happening. VBStUFFwTjc-00356-00172985-00173685 So your sense of feeling and your sense of touch is going to become hypersensitive to VBStUFFwTjc-00357-00173685-00174302 feel that energy and that's important for you to begin to build that energy and later VBStUFFwTjc-00358-00174302-00174987 you build the energy and then visualize that you've put a whole sort of a bubble of energy VBStUFFwTjc-00359-00174987-00175629 around you and that energy becomes like a force of protection that shields you. VBStUFFwTjc-00360-00175629-00176232 And go further and further but that's all based on the foundation of the connection VBStUFFwTjc-00361-00176232-00176726 because through the connection, the shaykhs will begin to inspire in those practices and VBStUFFwTjc-00362-00176726-00177289 begin to facilitate more energy so that the servant can feel it and begin to experience VBStUFFwTjc-00363-00177289-00177389 it. VBStUFFwTjc-00364-00177389-00177860 And through the connection with the shaykh is then the conveyance of knowledges and dialogue, VBStUFFwTjc-00365-00177860-00178503 that a dialogue from soul to soul begins to teach the servant at that level. VBStUFFwTjc-00366-00178503-00179020 But without the foundation of the shaykh then they are just empty practices, people feeling VBStUFFwTjc-00367-00179020-00179389 energies but that's not what the goal of it was. VBStUFFwTjc-00368-00179389-00179939 The goal was your foundation to be solid, that it's about connection, I feel the connection VBStUFFwTjc-00369-00179939-00180169 and I got that in everything. VBStUFFwTjc-00370-00180169-00180449 Once you have that connection, you start that with everything. VBStUFFwTjc-00371-00180449-00180918 As soon as you're about to pray you make that connection again, ask for the madad of the VBStUFFwTjc-00372-00180918-00181487 shaykh and then in his madad you're making salah (daily prayer) so that he’s always VBStUFFwTjc-00373-00181487-00182017 your imam, he's always present and I'm not present, I'm nothing. VBStUFFwTjc-00374-00182017-00182549 As soon as I sit for zikr, I make the madad because I trained with it asking for the madad VBStUFFwTjc-00375-00182549-00182944 that making intention for my zikr and for this majlis (association) of Khatm e khwajagan VBStUFFwTjc-00376-00182944-00183220 (Zikr of the Masters of the Naqshbandi Way) and majlis of sali alan Nabi ﷺ. VBStUFFwTjc-00377-00183220-00183713 That I’m nothing, I’m nothing and I want his tajalli (manifestation) because I’ve VBStUFFwTjc-00378-00183713-00183865 already attuned myself. VBStUFFwTjc-00379-00183865-00184305 I’ve... we gave all those talks before that I'm attuning myself with the shaykh. VBStUFFwTjc-00380-00184305-00185038 He has a vibration, if I negate myself then I can attune myself with his vibration, with VBStUFFwTjc-00381-00185038-00185178 his frequency. VBStUFFwTjc-00382-00185178-00185873 When I take myself to be nothing, his vibration begins to move me and my experiences in the VBStUFFwTjc-00383-00185873-00186501 zikr then will be based on his vibration is moving and it's in the room, it's everywhere. VBStUFFwTjc-00384-00186501-00187062 As a result when I tune into it, like we talked about the frequency of the radio, every day VBStUFFwTjc-00385-00187062-00187326 you're meditating, meditating, you're on that channel. VBStUFFwTjc-00386-00187326-00188010 So as soon as you make the madad you're on his channel and as a result that frequency VBStUFFwTjc-00387-00188010-00188597 is now flowing and then the student begins to have those experiences and tajallis and VBStUFFwTjc-00388-00188597-00188710 lights and energies. VBStUFFwTjc-00389-00188710-00189204 And they practice so they feel a force of energy coming then they have to ground themself VBStUFFwTjc-00390-00189204-00189641 because the energy coming in is going to push out negative energies. VBStUFFwTjc-00391-00189641-00189972 So then they begin to breathe, they understand how to breathe, they understand that they're VBStUFFwTjc-00392-00189972-00190465 heating up and then they subtle, they have to just ground their energy so that the positive VBStUFFwTjc-00393-00190465-00190565 force can come. VBStUFFwTjc-00394-00190565-00191005 If they see that you're not grounding, well they're going to blow your circuit. VBStUFFwTjc-00395-00191005-00191291 So it's … it's like electronics. VBStUFFwTjc-00396-00191291-00191830 If you send a huge circuit into the house, what's going to happen? VBStUFFwTjc-00397-00191830-00192280 You're going to pop the breaker because you put too much energy on. VBStUFFwTjc-00398-00192280-00192411 So that's the same thing. VBStUFFwTjc-00399-00192411-00192739 They're going to see if you're trained and you use your training so that you suddenly VBStUFFwTjc-00400-00192739-00193333 ground yourself with your connection so that positive energy then more energy can begin VBStUFFwTjc-00401-00193333-00193922 to flow to that servant because they're grounding and the negativity is being pushed out. VBStUFFwTjc-00402-00193922-00194229 And they don't have to be in the presence of the shaykh at all. VBStUFFwTjc-00403-00194229-00194644 As a matter of fact it's a hindrance to be in the presence of the shaykh. VBStUFFwTjc-00404-00194644-00195355 So wherever they are, they connect and that, that connection is a satellite connection, VBStUFFwTjc-00405-00195355-00195519 not a mobile phone connection. VBStUFFwTjc-00406-00195519-00196038 Means they can reach from the heavens to anywhere on this earth and beyond this earth. VBStUFFwTjc-00407-00196038-00196308 They can reach into the seven heavens. VBStUFFwTjc-00408-00196308-00197037 So it's just a matter of people training and connecting, training and connecting, inshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00409-00197037-00197386 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah VBStUFFwTjc-00410-00197386-00197928 Sayyidi how long does it take to heal from the damage of things such as jinn (unseen VBStUFFwTjc-00411-00197928-00198190 beings) possession, curses, occult exposure? VBStUFFwTjc-00412-00198190-00198411 Is this something that can last a lifetime? VBStUFFwTjc-00413-00198411-00198621 Thank you for everything. VBStUFFwTjc-00414-00198621-00199659 InshaAllah that everything is an experience so how you view it is most important. VBStUFFwTjc-00415-00199659-00200329 That if we come into a world of submission, whatever we experienced, Allah (AJ) wrote VBStUFFwTjc-00416-00200329-00200584 for us that experience. VBStUFFwTjc-00417-00200584-00201411 Either we fell by the experience and we went to the dark side. VBStUFFwTjc-00418-00201411-00202178 Because many people's lives will have horrific experiences, they fell subject to that experience VBStUFFwTjc-00419-00202178-00202473 and they went to the dark side. VBStUFFwTjc-00420-00202473-00203260 Those whom God's grace saved them from that then that experience now should be a part VBStUFFwTjc-00421-00203260-00203516 of your credentials. VBStUFFwTjc-00422-00203516-00203716 Right? VBStUFFwTjc-00423-00203716-00203901 That's what makes you now. VBStUFFwTjc-00424-00203901-00204170 Maybe that's why God is saving you. VBStUFFwTjc-00425-00204170-00204299 Because why He saves you? VBStUFFwTjc-00426-00204299-00204564 Why didn’t He just throw you into the dark side, one more piece... VBStUFFwTjc-00427-00204564-00204827 what's going to be the difference if one more piece goes on there? VBStUFFwTjc-00428-00204827-00205155 So means then maybe Allah (AJ) wants something from me. VBStUFFwTjc-00429-00205155-00205485 Say, ‘Yeah, didn't you experience all those crazy things?’ VBStUFFwTjc-00430-00205485-00205621 Say, ‘Yeah.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00431-00205621-00206704 So now come to the force of the heavens with a yaqeen (certainty) of demons, because most VBStUFFwTjc-00432-00206704-00207390 people they haven't been to hell so they don't really know it exists but people whom Allah VBStUFFwTjc-00433-00207390-00208076 (AJ) has brought very down and very down places in their life, it's like they have seen hell, VBStUFFwTjc-00434-00208076-00208729 they believe completely in it, they've met people who most likely are demons of hell. VBStUFFwTjc-00435-00208729-00209005 You don't need to convince them. VBStUFFwTjc-00436-00209005-00209232 So then these are experiences. VBStUFFwTjc-00437-00209232-00209388 That's their resume. VBStUFFwTjc-00438-00209388-00209748 That's why Allah (AJ) put them through those difficulties. VBStUFFwTjc-00439-00209748-00210210 Now go through the light, train in the light and you're going to have certainty of what VBStUFFwTjc-00440-00210210-00210366 devils are. VBStUFFwTjc-00441-00210366-00210757 The person say, ‘Yeah I met a few of them, so yeah of course.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00442-00210757-00210896 So now you talk with certainty. VBStUFFwTjc-00443-00210896-00211282 You're not somebody who, ‘I’ve never seen anything of any hardship, I don't know what VBStUFFwTjc-00444-00211282-00211382 you're talking about.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00445-00211382-00211839 So somebody came to a shaykh and asked the shaykh, ‘Oh I'm having problem with sweets VBStUFFwTjc-00446-00211839-00211939 shaykh. VBStUFFwTjc-00447-00211939-00212039 What do I do?’ VBStUFFwTjc-00448-00212039-00212300 He said, ‘Hmm come back in a week.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00449-00212300-00212400 Said, ‘Why?’ VBStUFFwTjc-00450-00212400-00212641 ‘Just come back in a week.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00451-00212641-00213066 And the shaykh said, ‘I don't have a problem with sweets,’ so he went and started eating VBStUFFwTjc-00452-00213066-00213700 lots of sweets and put himself in a difficulty of sweets to understand what.. VBStUFFwTjc-00453-00213700-00213983 what, what is this person facing. VBStUFFwTjc-00454-00213983-00214535 After a week, because this was a system the shaykh had understood, after a week of that VBStUFFwTjc-00455-00214535-00215231 difficulty he came back, understood the difficulty this person is facing with that temptation, VBStUFFwTjc-00456-00215231-00215960 that desire, the inability to control their appetite and then gave a remedy based on that. VBStUFFwTjc-00457-00215960-00216123 So that's a hikmah (wisdom). VBStUFFwTjc-00458-00216123-00216677 So Allah (AJ) is not going to make good people go to the bad to come back and teach people VBStUFFwTjc-00459-00216677-00217406 but He gives them an experience on the bad side and saves them and as a result of saving VBStUFFwTjc-00460-00217406-00217787 them, now He sends them as a warner into communities. VBStUFFwTjc-00461-00217787-00218402 And that's why you see these people extremely tattooed up, big time gangsters, big time VBStUFFwTjc-00462-00218402-00219129 you know hoodlums that they were sitting with devils, eating with devils, they know exactly VBStUFFwTjc-00463-00219129-00219604 what a devil is capable of and Allah (AJ) saved them. VBStUFFwTjc-00464-00219604-00220050 Well then who do you think if they talk to is going to believe them? VBStUFFwTjc-00465-00220050-00220560 People in similar situations because those people think there's no hope for them, that VBStUFFwTjc-00466-00220560-00221029 how will God save them, how will they get out of this difficulty and then Allah (AJ) VBStUFFwTjc-00467-00221029-00221244 sends them a warner saying that, ‘No, no. VBStUFFwTjc-00468-00221244-00221344 I was saved. VBStUFFwTjc-00469-00221344-00221807 I understand exactly what you were doing and I'm here to tell you God will save you and VBStUFFwTjc-00470-00221807-00222330 God's compassion and mercy is unimaginable and God's grace is unimaginable. VBStUFFwTjc-00471-00222330-00222784 And it's a sin to think that Allah (AJ) won't forgive someone.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00472-00222784-00223171 So alhamdulillah, there's always a hikmah and a wisdom, it's just the perspective of VBStUFFwTjc-00473-00223171-00223665 how we see things, inshaAllah. VBStUFFwTjc-00474-00223665-00224003 As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah VBStUFFwTjc-00475-00224003-00224573 Sayyidi yesterday you spoke beautifully about the heart with which we connect and receive, VBStUFFwTjc-00476-00224573-00225427 what is the role of the crown of the head since we cover our heads? VBStUFFwTjc-00477-00225427-00226911 Alhamdulillah, we have a talk on the reality of pyramids and again the understanding of VBStUFFwTjc-00478-00226911-00227273 electricity and energy. VBStUFFwTjc-00479-00227273-00227613 So modern is - a wire. VBStUFFwTjc-00480-00227613-00228161 They understood that they have an energy that they're going to move from one point to the VBStUFFwTjc-00481-00228161-00228371 next point. VBStUFFwTjc-00482-00228371-00228761 Well they had to find ways of energy conductivity. VBStUFFwTjc-00483-00228761-00229194 ‘How are we going to move this energy without losing it.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00484-00229194-00229411 So they say, ‘Oh, we're going to send it through copper’. VBStUFFwTjc-00485-00229411-00229831 They tried plastic, the energy went nowhere. VBStUFFwTjc-00486-00229831-00230071 You put electrical line on plastic, it doesn't go. VBStUFFwTjc-00487-00230071-00230564 So eventually they found out, ‘Oh if we put the energy on copper this energy flows VBStUFFwTjc-00488-00230564-00230853 complete, but it'll go all in the air.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00489-00230853-00231341 So then they came and say, ‘Why we don't make you know wirings and plastics and covering.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00490-00231341-00231956 So all of their concepts was how to move energy from one point to the next point and how to VBStUFFwTjc-00491-00231956-00232184 seal it so that it's not lost. VBStUFFwTjc-00492-00232184-00232419 Well before that, was the pyramid. VBStUFFwTjc-00493-00232419-00233298 They had a system on how sun would hit the water and release electrons. VBStUFFwTjc-00494-00233298-00233815 But how to capture that energy that's being released was a series of tunnels that the VBStUFFwTjc-00495-00233815-00234309 water when the sun would hit, immediately that water enters under the pyramid and the VBStUFFwTjc-00496-00234309-00234738 pyramid was built as an insulation like a wire. VBStUFFwTjc-00497-00234738-00235429 Specific stones and layered stones until the top is a specific kind of I think they call VBStUFFwTjc-00498-00235429-00236062 it ‘granite’ or ‘limestone,’ something that was based on energy and it had to be VBStUFFwTjc-00499-00236062-00236630 insulated so that the energy that they're producing at the bottom is completely moving VBStUFFwTjc-00500-00236630-00236831 to the top. VBStUFFwTjc-00501-00236831-00237439 As a result of that energy, then you now have the flow of the energy but the most important VBStUFFwTjc-00502-00237439-00238008 part of this energy coming into the pyramid is then the tip of the pyramid which they VBStUFFwTjc-00503-00238008-00238212 call the ‘Capstone’. VBStUFFwTjc-00504-00238212-00238657 If you control the capstone then you seal the entire energy. VBStUFFwTjc-00505-00238657-00238757 Right? VBStUFFwTjc-00506-00238757-00239129 Because the energy is being produced from the bottom, brought into that system of the VBStUFFwTjc-00507-00239129-00239903 pyramid and they understood that the secret of that reality is on the cap of that pyramid. VBStUFFwTjc-00508-00239903-00240494 So then they had a very specific understanding for the capstone because that seals the energy VBStUFFwTjc-00509-00240494-00240664 off. VBStUFFwTjc-00510-00240664-00241254 And now when you look at the pyramid there's no capstone. VBStUFFwTjc-00511-00241254-00241463 Right? VBStUFFwTjc-00512-00241463-00242104 Somebody took off the capstones because they don't want that energy, they want energy that VBStUFFwTjc-00513-00242104-00242250 they can sell to people. VBStUFFwTjc-00514-00242250-00242713 They don't want anything free for the benefit of humanity. VBStUFFwTjc-00515-00242713-00243440 But the sunnah is the more advanced of this reality, that the sunnah of Sayyidina Muhammad VBStUFFwTjc-00516-00243440-00243703 ﷺ then is the immensity of energy, right. VBStUFFwTjc-00517-00243703-00243948 So we are the pyramid. VBStUFFwTjc-00518-00243948-00244705 That Prophet ﷺ is giving to us is that build your energy, build this vibration that moving VBStUFFwTjc-00519-00244705-00244917 within you. VBStUFFwTjc-00520-00244917-00245148 Don't let it to be lost, right. VBStUFFwTjc-00521-00245148-00245378 So as soon as you expose your... VBStUFFwTjc-00522-00245378-00245711 your body, what happens? VBStUFFwTjc-00523-00245711-00246098 Your energy now is being stolen. VBStUFFwTjc-00524-00246098-00246776 That's why the dress of modesty is an energy, is a energy reality. VBStUFFwTjc-00525-00246776-00247080 It's not a fashion statement. VBStUFFwTjc-00526-00247080-00247260 Anything exposed… VBStUFFwTjc-00527-00247260-00247885 Because these are very advanced understandings that you're giving to a period of time that VBStUFFwTjc-00528-00247885-00248101 didn't understand things. VBStUFFwTjc-00529-00248101-00248679 So Prophet’s ﷺ immensity of the sunnah is an eternal reality. VBStUFFwTjc-00530-00248679-00249389 That when we're energy beings he’s teaching for us is that the eyes of somebody else can VBStUFFwTjc-00531-00249389-00249891 either send you energy or pull energy from you. VBStUFFwTjc-00532-00249891-00250515 So then when you're building all your energy, your clothing of modesty is a guard so that VBStUFFwTjc-00533-00250515-00251073 anyone looking at you is not zapping your energy from your skin. VBStUFFwTjc-00534-00251073-00251359 So when somebody looks at you and sees your… VBStUFFwTjc-00535-00251359-00251994 your skin parts then their hasad (jealousy) or their envy or their desire is what? VBStUFFwTjc-00536-00251994-00252523 Their eyes are now able to either hit you if they have hasad that, ‘Why your arm is VBStUFFwTjc-00537-00252523-00252686 good and I'm sick? VBStUFFwTjc-00538-00252686-00252931 Why you're healthy and I'm sick?’ VBStUFFwTjc-00539-00252931-00253498 Or envy, ‘Oh wow’ and then send all their contamination. VBStUFFwTjc-00540-00253498-00253975 So these are extremely advanced energy movements. VBStUFFwTjc-00541-00253975-00254519 And when the flow of energy is coming from your feet, means that we gave talks that the VBStUFFwTjc-00542-00254519-00254690 flow of energy is coming. VBStUFFwTjc-00543-00254690-00255329 The practices, the zikr, the salah, everything that Prophet ﷺ brought for us is also an VBStUFFwTjc-00544-00255329-00255871 energy upon the heart so this whole flow of energy then are different energy points. VBStUFFwTjc-00545-00255871-00256473 And the capping of that insan (mankind) and the perfection of that insan is then going VBStUFFwTjc-00546-00256473-00256789 to be with their capstone. VBStUFFwTjc-00547-00256789-00257446 That's why the top of the pyramid brings the energy of insan, brings the tajalli and brings VBStUFFwTjc-00548-00257446-00257638 everything into the perfection. VBStUFFwTjc-00549-00257638-00258460 The sunnah seals it and then now that person is like a wire that they're conveying Divinely VBStUFFwTjc-00550-00258460-00259034 energies, they're not losing an excessive amount of energy so then they're always net-positive. VBStUFFwTjc-00551-00259034-00259809 Remember on the regulator talk, because shaitan trying to take our regulator down so that VBStUFFwTjc-00552-00259809-00260703 you don't reach your 90 million volts, 90 trillion volts that you have and science agrees VBStUFFwTjc-00553-00260703-00261456 that – 1.4 volts for every cell and 70 million or 70 trillion cells. VBStUFFwTjc-00554-00261456-00261883 So shaitan's whole desire is, ‘Take it down, take their energy down.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00555-00261883-00261983 Why? VBStUFFwTjc-00556-00261983-00262199 ‘Oh tell them to take their clothes off.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00557-00262199-00262619 Well all the energy will be dissipated, your legs are showing, your arms are showing, your VBStUFFwTjc-00558-00262619-00262756 whole body is showing. VBStUFFwTjc-00559-00262756-00263193 And, ‘Tell them to take the capstone off’ that's why you don't see the pyramids with VBStUFFwTjc-00560-00263193-00263721 the stone because they don't want that power to be seen or understood by people. VBStUFFwTjc-00561-00263721-00264065 So then they tell people, ‘Uncover your head.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00562-00264065-00264555 If that's all the power of your energy is being built onto your body and escaping through VBStUFFwTjc-00563-00264555-00265196 your skull and this is the soft point of the baby's head, that point on the head, all the VBStUFFwTjc-00564-00265196-00265590 energy that's coming is escaping the body. VBStUFFwTjc-00565-00265590-00265921 So when they don't cover their head, what happens? VBStUFFwTjc-00566-00265921-00266380 The energy is flowing out and the shaitans are sitting on the head pulling that energy VBStUFFwTjc-00567-00266380-00266692 off and feeding from that energy. VBStUFFwTjc-00568-00266692-00267286 From the belly button and from the toe, there are three points in which the soul's movement VBStUFFwTjc-00569-00267286-00267548 is moving on the insan. VBStUFFwTjc-00570-00267548-00268296 Through their big toe energy can come to their soul and their soul can move through that VBStUFFwTjc-00571-00268296-00268977 through their belly button and through the soft point in the crown of their head. VBStUFFwTjc-00572-00268977-00269673 So safeguarding these points then was a immense sunnah. VBStUFFwTjc-00573-00269673-00270277 So the showing of men and women of their belly button is forbidden. VBStUFFwTjc-00574-00270277-00270894 That's why the sunnah even if they're going to swim they have to wear a shirt for men VBStUFFwTjc-00575-00270894-00271176 so that the belly button not to show. VBStUFFwTjc-00576-00271176-00271276 Why? VBStUFFwTjc-00577-00271276-00271955 Because the energy is going to be pulled from that person's being. VBStUFFwTjc-00578-00271955-00272930 The process of the feet we know then the difficulty of negativity that moves upon the feet, and VBStUFFwTjc-00579-00272930-00273476 that's a given by walking this earth the immensity of negativities that are coming upon people. VBStUFFwTjc-00580-00273476-00274247 And then the sunnah of covering for men and for women is to capture that energy, safeguard VBStUFFwTjc-00581-00274247-00274900 against every type of negativity that shaitan is putting upon people and draining them so VBStUFFwTjc-00582-00274900-00275334 that they’re actually have no more energy, they're just running on negativity. VBStUFFwTjc-00583-00275334-00275911 As a result of being negative, then they become possessed and they become agents for shaitan VBStUFFwTjc-00584-00275911-00276119 and easily possessed. VBStUFFwTjc-00585-00276119-00276261 So this is all about energy. VBStUFFwTjc-00586-00276261-00277136 It's not a fashion statement but the immense wisdom of Prophet ﷺ to safeguard energy VBStUFFwTjc-00587-00277136-00277634 and energy beings and energy fighting and energy healing. VBStUFFwTjc-00588-00277634-00278302 So the one whom conquers their energy and they rise to a positive so that shaitan is VBStUFFwTjc-00589-00278302-00278680 not taking them to a negative charge, now they have million volts, they have 10 million VBStUFFwTjc-00590-00278680-00279354 volts, they have 100 million volts, up to 70 trillion or 90 trillion volts of energy VBStUFFwTjc-00591-00279354-00279506 coming through them. VBStUFFwTjc-00592-00279506-00280185 So imagine something such a powerful creation, of course Allah (AJ) gave all of its safeguards. VBStUFFwTjc-00593-00280185-00280775 Then imagine the immensity of the ring, the sunnah ring under the flag of Sayyidina Muhammad VBStUFFwTjc-00594-00280775-00280875 ﷺ. VBStUFFwTjc-00595-00280875-00281808 That ring gave... given to Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) commanded all the jinn, the ifrit (powerful VBStUFFwTjc-00596-00281808-00282061 demon) and malaika (angels) under his command. VBStUFFwTjc-00597-00282061-00282505 What do you think from the sunnah of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ in last days. VBStUFFwTjc-00598-00282505-00283376 That when he energizes and powers, every sunnah will become its reality for the muhibbin (lovers VBStUFFwTjc-00599-00283376-00283840 of the way) because they did it, they followed it for the love of Prophet ﷺ. VBStUFFwTjc-00600-00283840-00284223 Then what, what do you think their ring is going to be activated. VBStUFFwTjc-00601-00284223-00284446 It doesn't have to be activated now. VBStUFFwTjc-00602-00284446-00285011 It has a power now that scares many creatures and has many different openings. VBStUFFwTjc-00603-00285011-00285451 But what do you think he's going to open ﷺ on days of difficulty. VBStUFFwTjc-00604-00285451-00285976 He say, ‘You think if I gave to Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) you haven't seen anything yet,’ VBStUFFwTjc-00605-00285976-00286607 what he gives to Muhammadiyoon of an authority just from the sunnah of the ring because they VBStUFFwTjc-00606-00286607-00287080 carried it with the ishq and the love of Prophet ﷺ. VBStUFFwTjc-00607-00287080-00287580 If you think the ‘asaa (cane) of Sayyidina Musa (as) did miracles and became dragons, VBStUFFwTjc-00608-00287580-00288111 what do you think the ‘asaa of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ comes. VBStUFFwTjc-00609-00288111-00288660 Means with what key Sayyidina Mahdi (as) is going to open up all the sunnahs of Prophet VBStUFFwTjc-00610-00288660-00289318 ﷺ with just ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem’ for these muhibbin and ‘ashiqeen (lovers) VBStUFFwTjc-00611-00289318-00289638 whom they follow through love. VBStUFFwTjc-00612-00289638-00290118 As a result of their love Allah (AJ) will reward their love and their faith becomes VBStUFFwTjc-00613-00290118-00290414 real with dajjal (man of deceit) time. VBStUFFwTjc-00614-00290414-00290514 Right? VBStUFFwTjc-00615-00290514-00290864 That's the immensity is that your faith will become real. VBStUFFwTjc-00616-00290864-00291735 So then this [cane] becomes an immense dragon, this [ring] has an immense power and authority. VBStUFFwTjc-00617-00291735-00292180 Now we're in an upside… upside-down world. VBStUFFwTjc-00618-00292180-00292745 Someone else looks like they're in charge but when Allah (AJ) flips this world and ignites VBStUFFwTjc-00619-00292745-00293434 this reality then the Muhammadan kingdom, ‘Thy kingdom come, thy Will be done.’ VBStUFFwTjc-00620-00293434-00294085 That Prophet’s ﷺ kingdom comes upon this earth then alhamdulillah for those whom they VBStUFFwTjc-00621-00294085-00294233 followed with ishq and with love. VBStUFFwTjc-00622-00294233-00294809 Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi VBStUFFwTjc-00623-00294809-00294915 rabbil ‘aalameen. VBStUFFwTjc-00624-00294915-00295344 Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha. VEwf3hJO4pg-00000-00000014-00000612 So the New Yorker wrote this article about using whisper to transcribe audio into text. VEwf3hJO4pg-00001-00000612-00001034 And I thought it was pretty interesting. The author of this article said that it has VEwf3hJO4pg-00002-00001034-00001295 pretty high fidelity and I thought I'd give it a try. VEwf3hJO4pg-00003-00001295-00001794 I've been using whisper now for a couple of my videos to transcribe my voiceover into VEwf3hJO4pg-00004-00001794-00002144 text and I've been very happy with the results. It's one of my favorite pieces of software VEwf3hJO4pg-00005-00002144-00002499 that I use. So I wanted to show all of you how to use VEwf3hJO4pg-00006-00002499-00003076 whisper for your transcribing. So step one is to go to the whisper GitHub VEwf3hJO4pg-00007-00003076-00003604 page and clone the project. My directory is code.txt. VEwf3hJO4pg-00008-00003604-00004006 This is where I want to put whisper. So whisper should be in here. VEwf3hJO4pg-00009-00004006-00004412 I just cd into whisper. And from here, what you can do is just follow VEwf3hJO4pg-00010-00004412-00004853 along with some of their examples. They say for a quick start, you can just go VEwf3hJO4pg-00011-00004853-00005180 ahead and use this command once you're in the whisper directory to download the base VEwf3hJO4pg-00012-00005180-00005473 model. I've also tried using the media model and VEwf3hJO4pg-00013-00005473-00005777 I think it is a little bit better, but it takes a lot longer. VEwf3hJO4pg-00014-00005777-00006073 So if you're realizing that the base model is making a number of mistakes you prefer VEwf3hJO4pg-00015-00006073-00006391 not to make, then you can go ahead and download the media model as well. VEwf3hJO4pg-00016-00006391-00007100 But I'll go ahead and download this base model. This just pulls it from Hugging Face. VEwf3hJO4pg-00017-00007100-00007481 And now we have a base model that shows us how we can use this command. VEwf3hJO4pg-00018-00007481-00007903 I have a set of commands I really like to use when I'm transcribing. VEwf3hJO4pg-00019-00007903-00008120 So this video is going to be a little bit of a spoiler. VEwf3hJO4pg-00020-00008120-00008647 I'm going to show some of the transcription for a video I haven't released yet, but that VEwf3hJO4pg-00021-00008647-00008996 should be a little bit fun. So we'll give it a shot. VEwf3hJO4pg-00022-00008996-00009402 Let's see if I can find my previous command and my history. VEwf3hJO4pg-00023-00009402-00009504 Here we go. Okay. VEwf3hJO4pg-00024-00009504-00010014 So in this command, I used the medium model. You can tell from this ggml medium. VEwf3hJO4pg-00025-00010014-00011122 I'm just going to use the base. And this hits a 16 hertz version of my Wave VEwf3hJO4pg-00026-00011122-00011402 voiceover. Most of the time when I do FFmpeg, I'm not VEwf3hJO4pg-00027-00011402-00011827 generating 16 hertz, so I've got another FFmpeg version I'll use to get my audio into 16 hertz. VEwf3hJO4pg-00028-00011827-00012353 Then I use a command for -- this is telling me the percent complete. VEwf3hJO4pg-00029-00012353-00012749 I think this is coloring the output. This is saying how many threads to use. VEwf3hJO4pg-00030-00012749-00013316 I'm saying that I want to output text, and here is the output path. VEwf3hJO4pg-00031-00013316-00013656 I think I got those commands correct. If not, I'll look at the help page really VEwf3hJO4pg-00032-00013656-00013897 quick before the video is over. Okay. VEwf3hJO4pg-00033-00013897-00014268 So it says there is no such thing here. I forgot to run the make command. VEwf3hJO4pg-00034-00014268-00014506 And they do show this in the documentation. They say that you can build with make right VEwf3hJO4pg-00035-00014506-00014761 after you get the model. So we'll go ahead and just build with make. VEwf3hJO4pg-00036-00014761-00015009 Okay. The model is built. VEwf3hJO4pg-00037-00015009-00015328 And it conveniently outputs some of the commands so I can double check what I was saying here VEwf3hJO4pg-00038-00015328-00015640 with PC print colors. I really like print colors. VEwf3hJO4pg-00039-00015640-00015944 It shows you the confidence it has in the word that it picked. VEwf3hJO4pg-00040-00015944-00016156 So maybe it'll be red if it's not so sure about that word. VEwf3hJO4pg-00041-00016156-00016576 And so when I'm reading through it, I'll just make sure to pause on those red words. VEwf3hJO4pg-00042-00016576-00017301 And then PP is to print progress. So let's run this command and see what we VEwf3hJO4pg-00043-00017301-00017925 get. All right. VEwf3hJO4pg-00044-00017925-00018659 So you can see that it wasn't completely sure about in. VEwf3hJO4pg-00045-00018659-00019076 In this video, I'm going to break down what all of statistics is about. VEwf3hJO4pg-00046-00019076-00019578 And it wasn't completely sure about everything in, but I think it's doing a good job. VEwf3hJO4pg-00047-00019578-00020000 Notice as I talk about chat GPT, and it just keeps cutting away at the audio. VEwf3hJO4pg-00048-00020000-00021034 So that's all I'm going to show for now. I'm going to fast forward really quick. VEwf3hJO4pg-00049-00021034-00022197 I don't want to give away the full script. So let's go ahead and fast forward to the VEwf3hJO4pg-00050-00022197-00022412 end. One mistake that it made is this expert. VEwf3hJO4pg-00051-00022412-00022848 What I really said is X bar. Maybe I just didn't enunciate, but that was VEwf3hJO4pg-00052-00022848-00023162 a mistake expert. It's supposed to be X bar. VEwf3hJO4pg-00053-00023162-00023529 I did catch it down here. So X bar was caught. VEwf3hJO4pg-00054-00023529-00023972 Maybe I was just a little bit more clear in my speaking, but this is a kind of transcription VEwf3hJO4pg-00055-00023972-00024256 quality you get with the base model. Pretty dang good. VEwf3hJO4pg-00056-00024256-00024718 It notices when I say things like X one X two X three, I'm impressed that it puts numbers VEwf3hJO4pg-00057-00024718-00025229 there as opposed to words like X one could have been X and then one spelled out O N E. VEwf3hJO4pg-00058-00025229-00025647 So that just saves me some time. Don't have to make those kinds of corrections. VEwf3hJO4pg-00059-00025647-00026119 It also capitalizes proper nouns. That's nice. VEwf3hJO4pg-00060-00026119-00026732 I don't have too much more to say about it. It's a nice way to transcribe and I do sometimes VEwf3hJO4pg-00061-00026732-00027283 still go back and make some corrections, but this is probably the best transcription software VEwf3hJO4pg-00062-00027283-00027485 I've used and I'll probably continue to use it. VEwf3hJO4pg-00063-00027485-00027843 So I hope you enjoyed this video and we'll see you next time. VEwf3hJO4pg-00064-00027843-00027855 Bye. [inaudible] VHigtKrTEMU-00000-00000036-00000532 Wrapping up the war in Afghanistan will be high on the list of priorities for General John Campbell VHigtKrTEMU-00001-00000532-00000732 as he takes over command of ISAF VHigtKrTEMU-00002-00000768-00001350 Last night, the general was honored at a farewell ceremony where Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno VHigtKrTEMU-00003-00001350-00001748 had a little fun at his former vice chief of staff VHigtKrTEMU-00004-00001823-00002174 To prepare him for his next job VHigtKrTEMU-00005-00002198-00002540 one of the key things you have to do, you have to be savvy with the press VHigtKrTEMU-00006-00002580-00003082 General Campbell has always done an incredible job, really doing a great job working with the press VHigtKrTEMU-00007-00003082-00003224 I found this picture VHigtKrTEMU-00008-00003224-00003442 and you see him there talking to Geraldo Rivera VHigtKrTEMU-00009-00003442-00003988 and you think he's really focusing on Geraldo Rivera, but what he's really focusing on, is his mustache VHigtKrTEMU-00010-00004152-00004398 because John Campbell has mustache envy VHigtKrTEMU-00011-00004604-00005136 Gen. Odierno says Campbell will be missed around the Pentagon as a great listener and leader VHLrnruX7-8-00000-00000138-00000738 This is the Shamrock Garland I made for my stairs, I put some lights on there. And here's how you VHLrnruX7-8-00001-00000738-00001152 make it. You just start with some tissue paper, I got that at the grocery store. Open it up. VHLrnruX7-8-00002-00001206-00001757 Fold it horizontally and then tape the edge, just so that the two sides are together. VHLrnruX7-8-00003-00001944-00002460 And then I folded it in thirds. And then I laid out some little decals on there, VHLrnruX7-8-00004-00002460-00003090 so that they overlap with the edges and with each other. And I traced them and cut them out. And now VHLrnruX7-8-00005-00003156-00003761 it opens up into a nice about four foot garland. And I hung it on my stairs with some lights VI72OZO3y0c-00000-00000078-00000655 I've been working on the nuclear weapons issue for more than half my life, and I've been VI72OZO3y0c-00001-00000655-00001076 doing it, because nuclear weapons, to me, were the worst thing I'd ever learned about. VI72OZO3y0c-00002-00001076-00001603 They're the worst wrong that I had ever come across, and the reason I felt that way is VI72OZO3y0c-00003-00001603-00001860 because actually it’s a human rights reason. VI72OZO3y0c-00004-00001860-00002610 I met some people whose families were forcibly displaced in order for the United States to VI72OZO3y0c-00005-00002610-00002792 do nuclear testing. VI72OZO3y0c-00006-00002792-00003446 So this whole Nation that has a treaty with the US government were removed from their VI72OZO3y0c-00007-00003446-00004169 territorial homeland at gunpoint so the United States could blow up nuclear bombs. VI72OZO3y0c-00008-00004169-00004641 And I was appalled and I said, “Well that's just so wrong. VI72OZO3y0c-00009-00004641-00005046 How could this wrong, wrong, wrong thing be allowed to continue?” VI72OZO3y0c-00010-00005046-00005192 And I believe in the good in people. VI72OZO3y0c-00011-00005192-00005783 I believe that given the opportunity, people will choose to do the right thing. VI72OZO3y0c-00012-00005783-00006250 So I thought, well, let me find a way to help people see that in themselves and choose to VI72OZO3y0c-00013-00006250-00007648 do something other than nuclear weapons. VI72OZO3y0c-00014-00007648-00008375 Working with indigenous people helped me find a way into this issue that I felt like I could VI72OZO3y0c-00015-00008375-00009110 contribute, and also I was not alone doing something that stood for peace and for justice, VI72OZO3y0c-00016-00009110-00009552 and I felt like we could we could actually make a difference, because we're rooted in VI72OZO3y0c-00017-00009552-00009835 those core human rights principles. VI72OZO3y0c-00018-00009835-00010314 I was working with this organization called the Shundahai Network, and it was led by a VI72OZO3y0c-00019-00010314-00010972 traditional leader from the Shoshone Nation, and after several years working there I decided VI72OZO3y0c-00020-00010972-00011621 to go back to New York and figure out where to take this issue to the global level. VI72OZO3y0c-00021-00011621-00011942 And so I started to work with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, VI72OZO3y0c-00022-00011942-00012597 and that gave me a place to voice also my strong feminism, and to really take a look VI72OZO3y0c-00023-00012597-00013316 at the disarmament issue from a global perspective, to engage with decision-makers at the UN, VI72OZO3y0c-00024-00013316-00013944 which was different than engaging in the very local level in in Nevada or in the national VI72OZO3y0c-00025-00013944-00014188 level in Washington. VI72OZO3y0c-00026-00014188-00014813 And it gave me a chance to explore the opportunities for what was possible. VI72OZO3y0c-00027-00014813-00015312 And so I was at WILPF for nearly a decade, and we saw some great things happen during VI72OZO3y0c-00028-00015312-00015912 that time, including the Convention on Cluster Munitions, and some real progress on the concept VI72OZO3y0c-00029-00015912-00016044 of humanitarian disarmament. VI72OZO3y0c-00030-00016044-00016212 It was really exciting! VI72OZO3y0c-00031-00016212-00016581 Everybody's got another story on how the Ban Treaty happened. VI72OZO3y0c-00032-00016581-00017304 I think I bring it back to the change in the way we look at nuclear weapons, and that was VI72OZO3y0c-00033-00017304-00018016 embodied in international documents after the then-president of the international community VI72OZO3y0c-00034-00018016-00018561 of the Red Cross, Jacob Kellenberger, addressed the Geneva diplomatic corps and I guess it VI72OZO3y0c-00035-00018561-00018815 would have been early 2010. VI72OZO3y0c-00036-00018815-00019589 He talked about nuclear weapons as bombs, as weapons and talked about the impact that VI72OZO3y0c-00037-00019589-00019713 they have. VI72OZO3y0c-00038-00019713-00020273 He talked about the humanitarian catastrophe that could not be avoided even by using one VI72OZO3y0c-00039-00020273-00020487 tiny weapon. VI72OZO3y0c-00040-00020487-00020700 I think that inspired some activity. VI72OZO3y0c-00041-00020700-00021297 It inspired a lot of back room discussions that led to the inclusion of language in the VI72OZO3y0c-00042-00021297-00021957 2010 NPT outcome document recognizing the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. VI72OZO3y0c-00043-00021957-00022818 And that built up, and the focus changed from tools of security and stability to “human VI72OZO3y0c-00044-00022818-00023665 beings are destroyed by nuclear weapons”, either in the immediate by the flash and the VI72OZO3y0c-00045-00023665-00024418 fireball that incinerates the body, or in the longer term by the impact of the ionizing VI72OZO3y0c-00046-00024418-00024745 radiation that will eat us up from within. VI72OZO3y0c-00047-00024745-00025240 Nuclear weapons are catastrophic to humanity and catastrophic to life on this planet. VI72OZO3y0c-00048-00025240-00025981 People started to talk about that, and within ICAN, we made a decision to focus on that, VI72OZO3y0c-00049-00025981-00026713 focus on what this weapon does to people, and that's how we got the treaty. VI72OZO3y0c-00050-00026713-00027387 So in 2010 we had this NPT outcome document, and the NPT is where almost every country VI72OZO3y0c-00051-00027387-00027891 participates, and it's nearly universal, but it's a bit flawed. VI72OZO3y0c-00052-00027891-00028313 Some can have nuclear weapons as long as they eventually get rid of them, and everyone else VI72OZO3y0c-00053-00028313-00028916 can't and the focus is about maintaining a balance, but where there's this language on VI72OZO3y0c-00054-00028916-00029568 humanitarian consequences, and that led to a statement in 2012 NPT Preparatory Committee VI72OZO3y0c-00055-00029568-00030200 meeting led by the Swiss, and about a dozen governments that said, “Wait! VI72OZO3y0c-00056-00030200-00030624 Any use of nuclear weapons causes catastrophic humanitarian consequences.” VI72OZO3y0c-00057-00030624-00031200 There's a couple of key words in there “catastrophic”, because nuclear weapons are catastrophic, VI72OZO3y0c-00058-00031200-00031331 and “any use”. VI72OZO3y0c-00059-00031331-00031843 So that started to delegitimize the weapon as a security tool and put the emphasis on VI72OZO3y0c-00060-00031843-00032093 the weapon as a weapon. VI72OZO3y0c-00061-00032093-00032809 That led to some further discussions and Norway said, “Well, you know, at the 2010 NPT we VI72OZO3y0c-00062-00032809-00033335 agreed that all countries would do everything they could for nuclear disarmament. VI72OZO3y0c-00063-00033335-00033566 Let's do something! VI72OZO3y0c-00064-00033566-00033816 Let's put some emphasis on the consequences.” VI72OZO3y0c-00065-00033816-00034424 And Norway decided to hold the first-ever, ever in the history of nuclear weapons, Norway VI72OZO3y0c-00066-00034424-00035108 held the first ever conference among governments on the impact of nuclear weapons, the humanitarian VI72OZO3y0c-00067-00035108-00035208 impact. VI72OZO3y0c-00068-00035208-00035786 That was in March 2013, cold and bitter in Oslo, and warmly welcomed by the global community. VI72OZO3y0c-00069-00035786-00036049 I think it was 130 governments that participated there. VI72OZO3y0c-00070-00036049-00036560 So the Oslo conference took place and we’re quite excited, and at the end of the Oslo VI72OZO3y0c-00071-00036560-00037171 conference the government of Mexico said, “We’ll do the next one and we'll hold VI72OZO3y0c-00072-00037171-00037549 it around the anniversary of the Treaty of Tlatelolco.” VI72OZO3y0c-00073-00037549-00038065 Which those of us in the western hemisphere celebrate as Valentine's Day! VI72OZO3y0c-00074-00038065-00038521 It's our love letter to disarmament, this first treaty that banned nuclear weapons for VI72OZO3y0c-00075-00038521-00038719 a populated area. VI72OZO3y0c-00076-00038719-00039168 And so Mexico hosts the Nayarit conference and declared it was the point of no-return. VI72OZO3y0c-00077-00039168-00039778 It almost put Austria off hosting the conference after that, but they did it anyway. VI72OZO3y0c-00078-00039778-00040243 And so Austria held the third conference on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, VI72OZO3y0c-00079-00040243-00040756 which recognized there was no way to deal with it, and we have to do something about VI72OZO3y0c-00080-00040756-00040856 it. VI72OZO3y0c-00081-00040856-00041399 And at that conference the Austrian government, in their own name, issued a pledge to work VI72OZO3y0c-00082-00041399-00042037 with anyone willing to do everything they could to stigmatize, outlaw and eliminate VI72OZO3y0c-00083-00042037-00042634 nuclear weapons, and not necessarily in that order and other governments soon decided to VI72OZO3y0c-00084-00042634-00042777 join on. VI72OZO3y0c-00085-00042777-00043113 And more and more governments joined the pledge, and then that led to… VI72OZO3y0c-00086-00043113-00043622 That was in advance of the 2015 NPT review conference, which ended without an outcome VI72OZO3y0c-00087-00043622-00044309 document, but did reaffirm the agreements made in 2010, and then, what are we going VI72OZO3y0c-00088-00044309-00044409 to do? VI72OZO3y0c-00089-00044409-00044522 There's nothing on the horizon. VI72OZO3y0c-00090-00044522-00045216 So at the General Assembly later that year, governments said, “Well, let's make some VI72OZO3y0c-00091-00045216-00045316 progress.” VI72OZO3y0c-00092-00045316-00045416 And so they agreed. VI72OZO3y0c-00093-00045416-00045634 Let's put together an Open-Ended Working Group. VI72OZO3y0c-00094-00045634-00046138 It was a very complicated way to say we'll have a bunch of meetings where we're going VI72OZO3y0c-00095-00046138-00046515 to talk about what we can do to get rid of nuclear weapons. VI72OZO3y0c-00096-00046515-00046984 So they set up a bunch of meetings in 2016 that came up with some recommendations and VI72OZO3y0c-00097-00046984-00047606 one of the core recommendations was to start negotiations on a new treaty to ban nuclear VI72OZO3y0c-00098-00047606-00047706 weapons. VI72OZO3y0c-00099-00047706-00047843 It was very contentious. VI72OZO3y0c-00100-00047843-00048463 It's always contentious, but it was also extremely logical, and it was decided at that meeting VI72OZO3y0c-00101-00048463-00048737 to put that recommendation forward. VI72OZO3y0c-00102-00048737-00049382 And the General Assembly, when it met later that year in 2016, took a vote. VI72OZO3y0c-00103-00049382-00049937 We're going to start negotiations on a new treaty, and they did! VI72OZO3y0c-00104-00049937-00050688 And in 2017 – it seems like forever ago, but it wasn't – in 2017 they started negotiations VI72OZO3y0c-00105-00050688-00050858 in March 2017. VI72OZO3y0c-00106-00050858-00051509 And we finished in July, and that's how we got the treaty! VI72OZO3y0c-00107-00051509-00051619 A lot of hard work. VI72OZO3y0c-00108-00051619-00051961 I don't want to discount though – that's the government side of what happened – but VI72OZO3y0c-00109-00051961-00052621 behind the scenes and in the streets and through creative actions people have been pushing VI72OZO3y0c-00110-00052621-00052895 and pushing and pushing to make sure this happened. VI72OZO3y0c-00111-00052895-00053353 This wasn't just a couple of people in suits saying, “Oh, let's have some meetings.” VI72OZO3y0c-00112-00053353-00053951 This was the power of people saying nuclear weapons are wrong, governments have to do VI72OZO3y0c-00113-00053951-00054341 something, and they're accountable to us. VI72OZO3y0c-00114-00054341-00054488 So we're going to make them do something. VI72OZO3y0c-00115-00054488-00055178 So I think that there's more to the story than what we saw in the government meetings. VI72OZO3y0c-00116-00055178-00055762 Here in the Netherlands we decided we wanted to take up this issue, and then our organization VI72OZO3y0c-00117-00055762-00056455 was one of the drivers of the movement against the Pershing missiles in the 70s and 80s. VI72OZO3y0c-00118-00056455-00056875 And we got a million people on the streets of Amsterdam, and today's type of organizing VI72OZO3y0c-00119-00056875-00057355 is a bit different, and we recognize that, but there are still tools available to us. VI72OZO3y0c-00120-00057355-00058266 So my colleagues put together the most amazing campaign that was in Dutch, “teken tegen VI72OZO3y0c-00121-00058266-00058696 kernwapens”, which is “sign against nuclear weapons”, because the Dutch political system VI72OZO3y0c-00122-00058696-00059276 allows you to put any issue that hasn't been otherwise debated on the parliamentary agenda, VI72OZO3y0c-00123-00059276-00059612 if you get enough signatures. VI72OZO3y0c-00124-00059612-00059869 We got more than enough signatures. VI72OZO3y0c-00125-00059869-00060734 So we got over 45,000 signatures calling for a national ban on nuclear weapons and the VI72OZO3y0c-00126-00060734-00061120 Parliament debated a national ban on nuclear weapons, and they said, “No, that's too VI72OZO3y0c-00127-00061120-00061672 far, but we'll encourage the government to participate in any international discussions VI72OZO3y0c-00128-00061672-00062089 without prejudice to the outcome, without prejudging.” VI72OZO3y0c-00129-00062089-00062547 And because of that resolution, because that motion that was supported overwhelmingly by VI72OZO3y0c-00130-00062547-00062966 the Parliament when the negotiations for the Ban Treaty came up, the government couldn't VI72OZO3y0c-00131-00062966-00063066 say no. VI72OZO3y0c-00132-00063066-00063195 It was bound. VI72OZO3y0c-00133-00063195-00063498 Democracy worked and they had to be there. VI72OZO3y0c-00134-00063498-00063944 Of course at the end of the day, they were unhappy with the treaty, and they voted against VI72OZO3y0c-00135-00063944-00064486 the treaty, and in further conversations the real reason they voted against the treaty VI72OZO3y0c-00136-00064486-00064823 is because they are currently violating the treaty. VI72OZO3y0c-00137-00064823-00065382 There are nuclear weapons in the Netherlands, and the treaty prohibits a country from accepting VI72OZO3y0c-00138-00065382-00065728 the stationing of nuclear weapons in their territory. VI72OZO3y0c-00139-00065728-00066143 So the government's not ready to join onto a treaty that it's violating. VI72OZO3y0c-00140-00066143-00066336 So we've got some more work to do. VI72OZO3y0c-00141-00066336-00066878 I sit on the ICAN Steering Group, and we had talked earlier in the week, in the week of VI72OZO3y0c-00142-00066878-00067540 the Nobel announcement, “Oh, we should get ready in case we win the Nobel Prize.” VI72OZO3y0c-00143-00067540-00067733 I was one of the people who said, “No. VI72OZO3y0c-00144-00067733-00068094 We prepared a few things last year, but let's not be ridiculous. VI72OZO3y0c-00145-00068094-00068427 Let's not go overboard. VI72OZO3y0c-00146-00068427-00068527 Hold your horses. VI72OZO3y0c-00147-00068527-00069300 I'm sure it's going to be some very well deserving person or organization.” VI72OZO3y0c-00148-00069300-00069632 There was always still this hope, and also we heard a rumour that you get a phone call VI72OZO3y0c-00149-00069632-00070314 half an hour beforehand, which is not true it's only five minutes! VI72OZO3y0c-00150-00070314-00070993 It was 10:30 in the morning before the 11 o'clock announcement nobody had gotten a message. VI72OZO3y0c-00151-00070993-00071295 “Oh right, we didn't get it.” VI72OZO3y0c-00152-00071295-00071692 So I was sitting in this meeting with some people from a think-tank and the Dutch Ministry VI72OZO3y0c-00153-00071692-00072012 of Foreign Affairs talking about what to do next on nuclear weapons. VI72OZO3y0c-00154-00072012-00072401 And of course, as you do, it's the end of the meeting, you’re checking your phone, VI72OZO3y0c-00155-00072401-00072983 looking at what's next, what's next, what's next and then I saw “ICAN wins Nobel Peace VI72OZO3y0c-00156-00072983-00073562 Prize” and I threw my phone across the table at my colleague from the Ministry of Foreign VI72OZO3y0c-00157-00073562-00073662 Affairs. VI72OZO3y0c-00158-00073662-00073762 I said, “Can you check that? VI72OZO3y0c-00159-00073762-00073936 I think we just won the Nobel Peace Prize.” VI72OZO3y0c-00160-00073936-00074282 And he just looked at me and his phone was ringing. VI72OZO3y0c-00161-00074282-00074382 He answered his phone. VI72OZO3y0c-00162-00074382-00074540 He said, “You did! VI72OZO3y0c-00163-00074540-00074640 Congratulations!” VI72OZO3y0c-00164-00074640-00074993 And then we both just picked up our phones and started calling, because there was press VI72OZO3y0c-00165-00074993-00075170 stuff to do, there were announcements. VI72OZO3y0c-00166-00075170-00075635 He got a tweet out from the government of the Netherlands immediately congratulating VI72OZO3y0c-00167-00075635-00075735 ICAN. VI72OZO3y0c-00168-00075735-00076065 One of the only NATO countries that did congratulate ICAN. VI72OZO3y0c-00169-00076065-00076189 I really appreciate that. VI72OZO3y0c-00170-00076189-00076354 It was very nice. VI72OZO3y0c-00171-00076354-00076821 Then we had to run for buses because we were in the boondocks of The Hague, and running VI72OZO3y0c-00172-00076821-00076921 for buses. VI72OZO3y0c-00173-00076921-00077278 We totally got on the wrong bus and there's frantic phone calls. VI72OZO3y0c-00174-00077278-00077425 Calling my director. VI72OZO3y0c-00175-00077425-00077920 Camera crews went to my director’s house to interview him, and we had immediately arranged VI72OZO3y0c-00176-00077920-00078039 this big celebration. VI72OZO3y0c-00177-00078039-00078543 We had a nice big party here in our office also, with more camera crews, because we had VI72OZO3y0c-00178-00078543-00078817 a wonderful media frenzy. VI72OZO3y0c-00179-00078817-00079527 The headlines were “Nobel Peace Prize comes to Utrecht - a little bit”, which is exactly VI72OZO3y0c-00180-00079527-00079655 what it was. VI72OZO3y0c-00181-00079655-00080224 And it's such a great thing because we get to celebrate as a campaign of five hundred VI72OZO3y0c-00182-00080224-00080553 organizations in a hundred countries. VI72OZO3y0c-00183-00080553-00081419 How many thousands of ICAN campaigners got a note from their high school politics teachers VI72OZO3y0c-00184-00081419-00081787 or science professors saying, congratulations? VI72OZO3y0c-00185-00081787-00082248 It's ours as a group, and it's such a cool thing. VI72OZO3y0c-00186-00082248-00082524 I'm so proud to be part of it. VI72OZO3y0c-00187-00082524-00083185 So I've been working on nuclear weapons for, well, more than half my life now. VI72OZO3y0c-00188-00083185-00083583 And it's hard work, and it's very disempowering. VI72OZO3y0c-00189-00083583-00084101 Nuclear weapons are the worst weapon that was ever created, and they're often seen as VI72OZO3y0c-00190-00084101-00084802 something only experts, and maybe some select politicians in a few countries have the right VI72OZO3y0c-00191-00084802-00084981 to talk about. VI72OZO3y0c-00192-00084981-00085292 I think that's completely wrong. VI72OZO3y0c-00193-00085292-00085552 So what I wanted to change that. VI72OZO3y0c-00194-00085552-00085983 I wanted to think about a way that everyone can get involved, and we can. VI72OZO3y0c-00195-00085983-00086558 We can talk to politicians, but it's important for us to think about what we can do personally. VI72OZO3y0c-00196-00086558-00087447 So we decided to do some stuff around the issue of the way nuclear weapons are financed, VI72OZO3y0c-00197-00087447-00088029 because people might not know this, but private companies make key components for nuclear VI72OZO3y0c-00198-00088029-00088526 weapons, and in order for them to be able to do that, they need financing from banks VI72OZO3y0c-00199-00088526-00088707 and pension funds. VI72OZO3y0c-00200-00088707-00089020 People profit from the production of nuclear weapons. VI72OZO3y0c-00201-00089020-00089653 It's just a little bit surprising, and so we started Don’t Bank on the Bomb, and what VI72OZO3y0c-00202-00089653-00090301 Don't Bank on the Bomb does is it gives everyone a pathway to resist nuclear weapons. VI72OZO3y0c-00203-00090301-00091083 So what we do is we publish information, free and open to anyone, what are the companies VI72OZO3y0c-00204-00091083-00091316 that are involved in the production of nuclear weapons? VI72OZO3y0c-00205-00091316-00091954 What are the banks and pension funds, asset managers, insurance companies that provide VI72OZO3y0c-00206-00091954-00092342 them with the financing they need? VI72OZO3y0c-00207-00092342-00092472 How much? VI72OZO3y0c-00208-00092472-00092771 We make it public. VI72OZO3y0c-00209-00092771-00093349 Not only that, but we also recognize that not everybody is trying to profit from nuclear VI72OZO3y0c-00210-00093349-00093449 weapons. VI72OZO3y0c-00211-00093449-00093914 There are some that are actually doing real good, that have really strong policies that VI72OZO3y0c-00212-00093914-00094508 say we will not be touched, and we will not let our money touch anything to do with the VI72OZO3y0c-00213-00094508-00094719 nuclear bomb. VI72OZO3y0c-00214-00094719-00095256 So we also publish information about those, because people need good examples too. VI72OZO3y0c-00215-00095256-00095675 But the great thing about Don’t Bank on the Bomb is, if you have a bank account, you VI72OZO3y0c-00216-00095675-00095910 can do something about nuclear weapons. VI72OZO3y0c-00217-00095910-00096349 You can talk to your bank, and ask them if they have a policy on investment. VI72OZO3y0c-00218-00096349-00096805 If you have a pension fund, is your pension fund profiting from the production of nuclear VI72OZO3y0c-00219-00096805-00096905 weapons? VI72OZO3y0c-00220-00096905-00097147 And if they are, why? VI72OZO3y0c-00221-00097147-00097311 You have a right as a consumer. VI72OZO3y0c-00222-00097311-00097926 You have power to do something to change that, and people are. VI72OZO3y0c-00223-00097926-00098417 And as soon as we started publishing this, people started to get nervous. VI72OZO3y0c-00224-00098417-00098900 Their investments were exposed, and we're shining a light on that, and I think that's VI72OZO3y0c-00225-00098900-00099343 really important, and we've seen very positive changes. VI72OZO3y0c-00226-00099343-00099841 It's not huge, huge, huge, huge numbers of people and massive demonstrations that are VI72OZO3y0c-00227-00099841-00100563 making the change, it's a handful of people writing on the Facebook page of a Bank in VI72OZO3y0c-00228-00100563-00101095 Sweden, then catching the eye of somebody in their communications department who sends VI72OZO3y0c-00229-00101095-00101319 a message out, “Hey, can we do something? VI72OZO3y0c-00230-00101319-00101524 This is bad PR.” VI72OZO3y0c-00231-00101524-00101974 And then one person in the bank says, “Oh wait, I think we can,” and writes a policy VI72OZO3y0c-00232-00101974-00102138 and fixes it. VI72OZO3y0c-00233-00102138-00102975 Ten people can move millions and millions of dollars, and it's a powerful act, because VI72OZO3y0c-00234-00102975-00103107 we keep seeing success. VI72OZO3y0c-00235-00103107-00103660 We keep seeing pension funds like ABP, here in the Netherlands last year, as we're gearing VI72OZO3y0c-00236-00103660-00104118 up and planning for our next step in the campaign, and they just announced, “Oh yeah. VI72OZO3y0c-00237-00104118-00104503 We're not going to invest in nuclear weapon producers anymore.” VI72OZO3y0c-00238-00104503-00104844 The Norwegian pension fund is the largest in the world. VI72OZO3y0c-00239-00104844-00105097 Trillions, that fund controls. VI72OZO3y0c-00240-00105097-00105197 Nope! VI72OZO3y0c-00241-00105197-00105490 Not touching nuclear weapons anymore. VI72OZO3y0c-00242-00105490-00105693 And they cite different things. VI72OZO3y0c-00243-00105693-00106248 It's a humanitarian concern, because they're actually bombs that kill people, or because VI72OZO3y0c-00244-00106248-00107131 of pressure from their clients, or because it's not necessarily the most profitable investment. VI72OZO3y0c-00245-00107131-00107818 There's other companies you can invest in and make a decent return, or at least they VI72OZO3y0c-00246-00107818-00107994 say they just want to do the right thing. VI72OZO3y0c-00247-00107994-00108616 What we’ve seen since the treaty was adopted, though, is that more financial institutions VI72OZO3y0c-00248-00108616-00109226 are citing the treaty as a reason to divest, because nuclear weapons will be illegal under VI72OZO3y0c-00249-00109226-00109791 international law, and they don't want to risk being exposed financially to the production VI72OZO3y0c-00250-00109791-00109917 of something that's illegal. VI72OZO3y0c-00251-00109917-00110054 So that's a great tool. VI72OZO3y0c-00252-00110054-00110805 Well with Don’t Bank on the Bomb, we launched this year's report in March, and so several VI72OZO3y0c-00253-00110805-00111328 months after it had been awarded, the prize and the shine was still on, and it opened VI72OZO3y0c-00254-00111328-00111476 a lot of doors for us. VI72OZO3y0c-00255-00111476-00112444 It meant that we could get meetings with vice-presidents at Citigroup and meant that we could get into VI72OZO3y0c-00256-00112444-00112900 the world of high finance with this nice, “Hello! VI72OZO3y0c-00257-00112900-00113000 We have a Nobel Prize. VI72OZO3y0c-00258-00113000-00113255 Can we talk to you?” VI72OZO3y0c-00259-00113255-00113355 That's been great. VI72OZO3y0c-00260-00113355-00113804 They haven't all changed policies yet, but they're talking to us. VI72OZO3y0c-00261-00113804-00113955 They recognize the concerns. VI72OZO3y0c-00262-00113955-00114468 They're looking for ways to do the right thing, and again they come back to the treaty. VI72OZO3y0c-00263-00114468-00115008 As this treaty enters into force, when nuclear weapons are completely illegal, they see, VI72OZO3y0c-00264-00115008-00115402 “Oh yeah governments are also saying, well, so is financing the weapons. VI72OZO3y0c-00265-00115402-00115752 So let's get ahead of the game.” VI72OZO3y0c-00266-00115752-00115989 Financiers want to be ahead of markets. VI72OZO3y0c-00267-00115989-00116089 So they're looking. VI72OZO3y0c-00268-00116089-00116678 It's been great, and opening doors, and giving us attention to the issue, VI72OZO3y0c-00269-00116678-00117036 It's been in a tough year for nuclear weapons in a lot of ways. VI72OZO3y0c-00270-00117036-00117457 There's been quite a lot more threats. VI72OZO3y0c-00271-00117457-00118023 So the issue’s been in the public eye more than it has in a long time. VI72OZO3y0c-00272-00118023-00118664 I think the Nobel Prize means that our solution to the problem of nuclear weapons: outlaw VI72OZO3y0c-00273-00118664-00119313 and eliminate, it's seen and dealt with as an honest solution and not just some crazy VI72OZO3y0c-00274-00119313-00119603 idea of a bunch of people. VI72OZO3y0c-00275-00119603-00120117 This is now a treaty, this is now an option, this is something we can move forward with. VI72OZO3y0c-00276-00120117-00120452 So it helped a lot of ways like that too. VI72OZO3y0c-00277-00120452-00121086 So in the pathway to produce nuclear weapons, you have manufacturing, we also have testing VI72OZO3y0c-00278-00121086-00121263 and development. VI72OZO3y0c-00279-00121263-00121720 And in order to test nuclear weapons, primarily they've been tested on the lands of indigenous VI72OZO3y0c-00280-00121720-00122405 people, they've been tested on the lands of those without power, and that's deliberate. VI72OZO3y0c-00281-00122405-00123108 Also the key components, the toxic components are always made in communities of colour, VI72OZO3y0c-00282-00123108-00124114 and in areas where the people were seen as politically not valuable, not that important. VI72OZO3y0c-00283-00124114-00124800 And so the treaty recognizes the disproportionate impacts that nuclear weapons have had on certain VI72OZO3y0c-00284-00124800-00125266 communities, and that they've prevented people from attaining their full human rights. VI72OZO3y0c-00285-00125266-00126007 I'm really quite pleased at the language in the treaty on victim-assistance and the recognition VI72OZO3y0c-00286-00126007-00126704 of human rights because it gives space for those who have been directly impacted to seek VI72OZO3y0c-00287-00126704-00127373 redress from governments, to ask the international community for help. VI72OZO3y0c-00288-00127373-00127688 Last year I went to the Trinity site. VI72OZO3y0c-00289-00127688-00128152 They do an open day, and I've been working with nuclear weapons a long time, I'm quite VI72OZO3y0c-00290-00128152-00128252 interested in it. VI72OZO3y0c-00291-00128252-00128640 I wanted to see the first place a bomb was ever blown up, and I did. VI72OZO3y0c-00292-00128640-00129092 As we were leaving this site my friend and I saw some people outside with signs, and VI72OZO3y0c-00293-00129092-00129680 it was a community group of people who had been affected, physically affected by that VI72OZO3y0c-00294-00129680-00129908 very first nuclear weapon explosion. VI72OZO3y0c-00295-00129908-00130433 So we stopped and talked to them and asked the people to tell their stories. VI72OZO3y0c-00296-00130433-00131137 People have been displaced, people had long-term illnesses, lost family members, horrible miscarriages, VI72OZO3y0c-00297-00131137-00131574 child deformities, all of these things that we know can be directly tied to nuclear weapons VI72OZO3y0c-00298-00131574-00131747 explosions. VI72OZO3y0c-00299-00131747-00131943 And I said, “Well, do you know about this Ban Treaty? VI72OZO3y0c-00300-00131943-00132043 About ICAN?” VI72OZO3y0c-00301-00132043-00132300 They said, “Of course we do! VI72OZO3y0c-00302-00132300-00132645 We see ourselves in the treaty. VI72OZO3y0c-00303-00132645-00133287 We see the treaty, too, as a way to help us get all of our human rights, which have been VI72OZO3y0c-00304-00133287-00133546 denied to us until now.” VI72OZO3y0c-00305-00133546-00133765 For me that was just amazing. VI72OZO3y0c-00306-00133765-00134322 I'm really and constantly inspired by the people I get to work with, because people VI72OZO3y0c-00307-00134322-00134975 who choose to spend their energy on nuclear weapons are not seeking fame and fortune. VI72OZO3y0c-00308-00134975-00135612 They're seeking to make the world better for themselves and for coming generations. VI72OZO3y0c-00309-00135612-00136447 They're taking a long view, and they're doing it with creativity and confidence and dedication VI72OZO3y0c-00310-00136447-00137369 and a fierce, fierce determination to do what is right, and what is good. VI72OZO3y0c-00311-00137369-00137852 Sometimes we do make some mistakes, but we learn from them. VI72OZO3y0c-00312-00137852-00138450 So I really draw my inspiration from the community of people I get to work with, my colleagues VI72OZO3y0c-00313-00138450-00138941 and their creativity and compassion as well. VI72OZO3y0c-00314-00138941-00139708 Yeah, so I did have a child and that did change the way I look at the future. VI72OZO3y0c-00315-00139708-00140217 And it actually made me a bit more pessimistic than I was, because now I have a physical VI72OZO3y0c-00316-00140217-00140520 connection to the next generation. VI72OZO3y0c-00317-00140520-00141571 In a way, before it was very theoretical, and that said though, I'm optimistic that VI72OZO3y0c-00318-00141571-00142154 the good nature of people will win in the end. VI72OZO3y0c-00319-00142154-00142360 It's amazing. VI72OZO3y0c-00320-00142360-00142822 When you talk to a human being, even somebody who defends nuclear weapons in public, you VI72OZO3y0c-00321-00142822-00143334 talk to them on a personal level, on a human level, and I say, “Is this really the right VI72OZO3y0c-00322-00143334-00143435 thing to do?” VI72OZO3y0c-00323-00143435-00144196 I’d say 98% of the time they'll agree with you privately that nuclear weapons are insane. VI72OZO3y0c-00324-00144196-00144921 So finding ways to build that confidence so that they can say that publicly. VI72OZO3y0c-00325-00144921-00145710 I know that the good can win through, because if it doesn't then we're all doomed, and that's VI72OZO3y0c-00326-00145710-00145814 going to suck. VI72OZO3y0c-00327-00145814-00146422 So I'm kind of an optimist. VI72OZO3y0c-00328-00146422-00146494 I'm very hopeful. VIE8sgY12cQ-00000-00000122-00000640 Before you talk about Earth's shape, remember... VIE8sgY12cQ-00001-00005162-00005578 you can't prove anything to someone that lacks comprehension..! VIE8sgY12cQ-00002-00005646-00006098 Cost's you time and health, both mental and physical! VIb_aHQAkkA-00000-00000078-00000317 Today on Loganlea adventures VIb_aHQAkkA-00001-00000600-00001247 Ours has been absolutely pure madness, but I'm finally here in Hong Kong VIb_aHQAkkA-00002-00001596-00001889 I'm so happy to finally land in Hong Kong VIb_aHQAkkA-00003-00001957-00002559 Leaving Indonesia was hell because of an incoming storm. We couldn't take the fast ferry back to the mainland VIb_aHQAkkA-00004-00002559-00003092 So I had to take a slow boat which took over 13 hours at the end of the trip VIb_aHQAkkA-00005-00003092-00003428 I missed my flight leaving Indonesia by an hour VIb_aHQAkkA-00006-00003495-00004115 My boyfriend helped me book another flight first thing in the morning because he had better internet reception than me in Japan VIb_aHQAkkA-00007-00004116-00004787 Of course and here he is and happily I am now here after sleeping in Bally's Airport VIb_aHQAkkA-00008-00004787-00005246 I'm taking this coat train all the way from the airport all the way into Hong Kong Island VIb_aHQAkkA-00009-00005317-00005589 All right. Now it's a very lovely train ride VIb_aHQAkkA-00010-00005737-00005937 boyfriend for the VIb_aHQAkkA-00011-00005953-00006479 Enjoying the views together. He's actually on a train in Japan himself VIb_aHQAkkA-00012-00006618-00006886 The station so I'm just gonna grab a taxi VIb_aHQAkkA-00013-00007104-00007427 And Drew or Andy as I like to call him VIb_aHQAkkA-00014-00007428-00007931 We've been friends since our wild young days back when we used to live in South Africa VIb_aHQAkkA-00015-00007931-00008169 He's on holiday for most of the time. I'm in Hong Kong VIb_aHQAkkA-00016-00008217-00008550 However, he amazingly is letting me crash at his apartment VIb_aHQAkkA-00017-00008550-00009216 even though he's away Hong Kong has been a place that has always intrigued me its culture has been intertwined with my VIb_aHQAkkA-00018-00009238-00009452 childhood my family who are Vietnamese VIb_aHQAkkA-00019-00009487-00009980 We often went out to eat dim sum and other Hong Kong cuisine with my father usually VIb_aHQAkkA-00020-00010012-00010700 Conversing in ordering dishes and Cantonese the autonomous territory has a clear distinct identity from the rest of China VIb_aHQAkkA-00021-00010702-00011240 But from what I know about Hong Kong aside from the food, I grew up eating our through my friends stories VIb_aHQAkkA-00022-00011241-00011978 It's a vibrant pulsating city. That is not only a major port of trading in Asia. But also a global financial hub VIb_aHQAkkA-00023-00011979-00012402 I'm ready to be submerged into what the friken Harbor is all about VIb_aHQAkkA-00024-00012412-00012486 All right VIb_aHQAkkA-00025-00012486-00012876 So I've arrived at Andy's place and this is the great VIb_aHQAkkA-00026-00012901-00013424 Cool living room is a really gracious space and mid levels, which is the neighborhood in VIb_aHQAkkA-00027-00013497-00013615 Hong Kong VIb_aHQAkkA-00028-00013615-00013815 neighborhood it's like up in the VIb_aHQAkkA-00029-00013848-00014057 Roof, that is kind of mid-level VIb_aHQAkkA-00030-00014070-00014654 So I guess that's where the name it comes from, but it's a beautiful space and my favorite part of this space VIb_aHQAkkA-00031-00014673-00015263 It's not the great lighting that I'm getting right now, but where is coming from is this great view? VIb_aHQAkkA-00032-00015779-00016529 So we have like this chill spot read and have tea then we come to a VIb_aHQAkkA-00033-00016686-00016888 Magnificent view of Hong Kong VIb_aHQAkkA-00034-00017597-00017901 And down here you can see the swimming pool and VIb_aHQAkkA-00035-00017956-00018402 The tennis court as well and the gym facilities VIb_aHQAkkA-00036-00018458-00018658 that's part of the VIb_aHQAkkA-00037-00018676-00018876 Building that I'm staying in VIb_aHQAkkA-00038-00018947-00019200 and I'm just gonna VIb_aHQAkkA-00039-00019472-00019672 Relax VIb_aHQAkkA-00040-00019676-00020326 Your room for a little bit before heading out into the city and chill this VIb_aHQAkkA-00041-00021337-00022098 So these are mid-level escalators, they just run throughout the whole neighborhood VIb_aHQAkkA-00042-00023126-00023470 Which is a transit card, it's kind of like the Oyster card in London VIb_aHQAkkA-00043-00023989-00024587 Like the escalators just keep on running all the way up probably the best VIb_aHQAkkA-00044-00025078-00025364 Ever because it's just so fun. You don't know anything VIb_aHQAkkA-00045-00025417-00025889 She guessed. Is there any way there's just you look up this is all tall skyscrapers VIb_aHQAkkA-00046-00026082-00026343 And night all the clothes are clear but the city as well VIb_aHQAkkA-00047-00026448-00026629 That's so cool VIb_aHQAkkA-00048-00026629-00026687 I VIb_aHQAkkA-00049-00026687-00027058 Just saw this nondescript place outside that looks like it's served noodles VIb_aHQAkkA-00050-00027098-00027583 Everything is in Cantonese, but I'm just gonna point to random things and intend to order anyways VIb_aHQAkkA-00051-00027608-00028128 How can I tell that this place is good? No matter where in the world if the locals are eating there VIb_aHQAkkA-00052-00028129-00028329 I'm gonna eat there, too VIb_aHQAkkA-00053-00029408-00029608 See there's pork VIb_aHQAkkA-00054-00030611-00031053 It's been a long time since I've just wandered the streets at night aimlessly VIb_aHQAkkA-00055-00031054-00031599 I used to do it when I was younger to clear my head but in Hong Kong it's different VIb_aHQAkkA-00056-00031604-00032055 It's to soak things up to take in the big city bright lights VIb_aHQAkkA-00057-00032087-00032601 flowing lanterns double-decker buses the blurry faces of people who passes by me all VIb_aHQAkkA-00058-00032683-00032879 seven-point VIb_aHQAkkA-00059-00032879-00033252 347 million of them leading their own lives in this tiny VIb_aHQAkkA-00060-00033320-00033436 autonomous territory VIb_aHQAkkA-00061-00033436-00034209 I became a kid again wide eyed and bushy tailed at something as simple as taking the metro and seeing how effortless and VIb_aHQAkkA-00062-00034241-00034291 high-quality VIb_aHQAkkA-00063-00034291-00034930 It is something that is miserably lacking in North America where I grew up Hong Kong with its massive VIb_aHQAkkA-00064-00034970-00035403 Population in high-density space is ironically efficient and organized VIb_aHQAkkA-00065-00035408-00035824 There's a flow here that just out beats what I grew up with in Toronto VIb_aHQAkkA-00066-00035824-00035897 I VIb_aHQAkkA-00067-00035897-00036202 Even head to the heart of the madness Mong Kok VIb_aHQAkkA-00068-00036227-00036909 Mong Kok is a neighborhood in Hong Kong that on the weekend is crammed with people all in between a dizzying array of VIb_aHQAkkA-00069-00036959-00037299 thriving markets tall street food and flashing neon lights VIb_aHQAkkA-00070-00037340-00037866 Yes Hong Kong is central and Hong Kong Island the posh part of the city where I'm staying VIb_aHQAkkA-00071-00037880-00038553 But it is very much so qualen as well where the districts are bustling with his own different type of world. I VIb_aHQAkkA-00072-00038627-00039261 End up in Temple Street night market where Numis traders street performers and fortune tellers gather VIb_aHQAkkA-00073-00039299-00040009 here you can find traditional craftsmanship as well buy lots of souvenirs including antiques Jade clothing tea ware and VIb_aHQAkkA-00074-00040037-00040237 Electronic gadgets you name it? VIb_aHQAkkA-00075-00040640-00041066 And as far as street food goes I know I just ate a huge bowl of noodles VIb_aHQAkkA-00076-00041066-00041368 But I traveled through my stomach in Mongkok VIb_aHQAkkA-00077-00041369-00041950 I found traditional as well as innovative Hong Kong style snacks including fish balls takoyaki VIb_aHQAkkA-00078-00042027-00042625 Octopus halls stinky tofu milk tea shumai and so much more that can even pronounce VIb_aHQAkkA-00079-00043050-00043250 You VIb_aHQAkkA-00080-00044283-00044923 Now on my way back from Kowloon, I'm at the edge of Victoria Harbour where it straddles in between the Peninsula VIb_aHQAkkA-00081-00044939-00045220 There's a reason Hong Kong has one of the most sought-after VIb_aHQAkkA-00082-00045252-00045746 Skyline in the world from here my love affair with this city grows even deeper VIb_aHQAkkA-00083-00046034-00046414 Alright guys, so that was my first day in Hong Kong VIb_aHQAkkA-00084-00046481-00046642 So what you got from referred? VIb_aHQAkkA-00085-00046642-00047121 My first day was lots of really great Revis lots of really great food VIb_aHQAkkA-00086-00047171-00047797 Really cheap cheap food as well everything that you saw was after five dollars incredible Isis at all, you know VIb_aHQAkkA-00087-00047797-00048033 we're trying to cross the street with so many people and VIb_aHQAkkA-00088-00048095-00048786 Then you hear where I'm just walking around Victoria Harbour. It's just so quiet and peaceful and VIb_aHQAkkA-00089-00048839-00049080 the view of all the city lights VIb_aHQAkkA-00090-00049400-00049770 This has only been the first 24 hours in Asia's world city VIb_aHQAkkA-00091-00049772-00050079 So give this video a like leave me a comment and subscribe VIb_aHQAkkA-00092-00050122-00050502 Because I'll be sharing with you more Hong Kong adventures in the next video VIb_aHQAkkA-00093-00051337-00051537 You VM1-OfR4Kjo-00000-00000028-00000589 Using a column layout in a document is a popular way to break up text into sections, VM1-OfR4Kjo-00001-00000589-00000996 or save space in a document, in comparison to a single-column layout. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00002-00001008-00001591 Both Google Docs and Microsoft Word support creating columns within your document. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00003-00001591-00002168 In Google Docs, choose Format > Columns. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00004-00002168-00003155 You can select one, two or three columns. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00005-00003155-00004233 There is also an option to add a line between columns, and to control the size of the gutter, VM1-OfR4Kjo-00006-00004234-00005042 which is the space in between columns. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00007-00005842-00006328 In Word Documents, from the Page Layout tab, VM1-OfR4Kjo-00008-00006328-00006822 you create columns with the Columns button in the Ribbon. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00009-00006822-00007786 You can choose one, two or three columns. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00010-00007786-00008780 You can also create shorter left or right columns. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00011-00008780-00010358 There is also an option to create more columns, customize their width, and add a line between columns. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00012-00010966-00012008 If you just create the columns without selecting any text first, the columns apply to the whole document. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00013-00012008-00012894 However, if you select a section of text first and then choose columns, you can significantly VM1-OfR4Kjo-00014-00012894-00014391 shorten a document visually by adding columns, but not having columns apply to the full document. VM1-OfR4Kjo-00015-00014391-00014832 This works in Microsoft Word, and it also works in Google Docs. VP5Y7S_kssM-00000-00000000-00000200 *very pog intro:>* VP5Y7S_kssM-00001-00001223-00001423 Super animal royal Enjoy:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00002-00001528-00001709 (Pink: Meko; Light blue: Summer; Dark blue: Lacu) VP5Y7S_kssM-00003-00001824-00002024 (This was filmed by using Lacu's computer, he can't be too loud since it is night time:0) VP5Y7S_kssM-00004-00002096-00002296 (?-?) VP5Y7S_kssM-00005-00002639-00002809 Summer: Hold up it almost flew out VP5Y7S_kssM-00006-00002873-00003073 *talking about the code* VP5Y7S_kssM-00007-00003249-00003354 Meko: what are you eating? VP5Y7S_kssM-00008-00003368-00003425 Summer: Oreo:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00009-00003455-00003588 *proceeds to put oreo in the code too* VP5Y7S_kssM-00010-00003594-00003752 Summer: with water:D (Hold up- OREO WITH WATER ?-?) VP5Y7S_kssM-00011-00003789-00003962 Summer: Huh- No xd VP5Y7S_kssM-00012-00004054-00004254 Summer: just put ejuc lol VP5Y7S_kssM-00013-00004358-00004486 (disclaimer: this is just for fun lol don't take the gameplay seriously) VP5Y7S_kssM-00014-00004600-00004776 Summer: There is a couple down there:0 VP5Y7S_kssM-00015-00004802-00005002 (lmao the people hitting them- I feel y'all lol) VP5Y7S_kssM-00016-00005024-00005224 Meko: Small couple=rich people(?-?) VP5Y7S_kssM-00017-00005427-00005627 (Sorry I can't understand this part;-;) VP5Y7S_kssM-00018-00005728-00005883 Summer: Where to jump~ VP5Y7S_kssM-00019-00005921-00005984 Summer: jummppp~ VP5Y7S_kssM-00020-00006055-00006147 Summer:*clicks a spot on the map* VP5Y7S_kssM-00021-00006191-00006276 Summer: Should we check this spot:0? VP5Y7S_kssM-00022-00006276-00006411 Lacu: Why don't we go for a larger area- - VP5Y7S_kssM-00023-00006411-00006542 Lacu: Whatever I guess- - VP5Y7S_kssM-00024-00006657-00006791 Summer: Here? VP5Y7S_kssM-00025-00007011-00007193 Meko: We're losers, we suck (girl don't say that qwq) VP5Y7S_kssM-00026-00007198-00007344 Summer: We're losers:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00027-00007409-00007549 Lacu: Go for a farther place please VP5Y7S_kssM-00028-00007571-00007771 Lacu: It's better qwq VP5Y7S_kssM-00029-00007819-00008019 Summer: We- WE SUCK:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00030-00008059-00008260 Summer: Lacu you can just leave us be it's fine VP5Y7S_kssM-00031-00008290-00008464 Lacu: Wha- But you will die tragically :0 VP5Y7S_kssM-00032-00008471-00008617 (emotional damage right there) VP5Y7S_kssM-00033-00008875-00009051 Summer: I- I'ma catch the bird first VP5Y7S_kssM-00034-00009113-00009234 Summer:*laughs* VP5Y7S_kssM-00035-00009254-00009454 Summer: Hold up that sentence sounded weird xd (if you know you know) VP5Y7S_kssM-00036-00009487-00009622 Summer: I'll catch the bird first VP5Y7S_kssM-00037-00009666-00009716 Summer: I- VP5Y7S_kssM-00038-00009716-00009813 Summer I need a gun VP5Y7S_kssM-00039-00009873-00010025 Lacu: We already have guns but you don't VP5Y7S_kssM-00040-00010028-00010105 Lacu: That's just sad lol VP5Y7S_kssM-00041-00010115-00010263 Summer: Yeah I don't have a gun._. VP5Y7S_kssM-00042-00010265-00010400 Summer:So what- VP5Y7S_kssM-00043-00010405-00010504 Summer: I HAVE A BIRD- - (ah yes, the bird-) VP5Y7S_kssM-00044-00010577-00010641 Lacu:Should we... VP5Y7S_kssM-00045-00010641-00010814 Lacu: I wanna go get stuff from the airdrop:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00046-00010830-00011030 *moment of silence for these two brave soldiers* VP5Y7S_kssM-00047-00011096-00011248 Summer: I don't want to go for the airdrop(scared af VP5Y7S_kssM-00048-00011321-00011469 Meko: You can go to the... (finish the sentence girl qwq) VP5Y7S_kssM-00049-00011469-00011520 Summer: Hey uhm- VP5Y7S_kssM-00050-00011524-00011724 Summer: Our teammate seems pretty good at the game:0 VP5Y7S_kssM-00051-00011765-00011965 Lacu: No one checked the airdrop? VP5Y7S_kssM-00052-00012203-00012329 Lacu: What is this:0? VP5Y7S_kssM-00053-00012329-00012382 Meko: uh- VP5Y7S_kssM-00054-00012403-00012563 Lacu: bird gun:0 Meko: Our teammate keeps moving forward- VP5Y7S_kssM-00055-00012563-00012641 Meko: Wait xdddd VP5Y7S_kssM-00056-00012641-00012770 Lacu: Bird gun:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00057-00012770-00012969 Lacu: Does anyone want the bird gun:0? VP5Y7S_kssM-00058-00013062-00013147 Lacu: EGG:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00059-00013197-00013360 Lacu: Should we bring the egg:D? VP5Y7S_kssM-00060-00013396-00013525 (the teammate doesn't want it lol) VP5Y7S_kssM-00061-00013649-00013741 Lacu: Whatever I'll take it then:> VP5Y7S_kssM-00062-00013741-00013791 Summer: Hold up you guys- VP5Y7S_kssM-00063-00013823-00014023 Summer: How far have you guys gone?? VP5Y7S_kssM-00064-00014151-00014319 Meko: They just keep rushing- VP5Y7S_kssM-00065-00014324-00014440 Meko: The pros keep moving forward xddd VP5Y7S_kssM-00066-00014557-00014670 Summer: It's a birddd VP5Y7S_kssM-00067-00014761-00014868 (being destroyed by the other players-) VP5Y7S_kssM-00068-00014936-00015075 Lacu: MekOoOoO;-; VP5Y7S_kssM-00069-00015174-00015335 Summer: MekOoooOo QAQ VP5Y7S_kssM-00070-00015370-00015491 Summer: Oh nvm I'm almost dead too- VP5Y7S_kssM-00071-00015491-00015541 Summer: hold up qwq VP5Y7S_kssM-00072-00015541-00015670 Lacu: OJNDASD S*** (don't curse kids it's bad) VP5Y7S_kssM-00073-00015865-00016065 (Sorry this is an inside joke and I don't know how to translate this smh- -) VP5Y7S_kssM-00074-00016163-00016253 (lmao I suck lol sorry) VP5Y7S_kssM-00075-00016414-00016547 Summer: You sure you wanna land here? VP5Y7S_kssM-00076-00016643-00016786 Summer: WE WILL DIE:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00077-00016809-00017009 Meko: Some people will grab supplies here VP5Y7S_kssM-00078-00017040-00017193 Meko: Are we seriously going there qwq VP5Y7S_kssM-00079-00017266-00017400 Summer: I seriously... VP5Y7S_kssM-00080-00017408-00017555 Summer: Don't really want too lol VP5Y7S_kssM-00081-00017558-00017758 Summer: We're scaredy cats okay qwq VP5Y7S_kssM-00082-00017961-00018161 Lacu: I'ma go check on you guys to see if everything's okay VP5Y7S_kssM-00083-00018333-00018491 Summer: there's a BIRD x3 VP5Y7S_kssM-00084-00018524-00018623 Lacu: Who's fighting?- - VP5Y7S_kssM-00085-00018636-00018730 Lacu: Don't fight- VP5Y7S_kssM-00086-00018762-00018881 Lacu: DON'T FIGHT AKJSBDKAJSDN VP5Y7S_kssM-00087-00019047-00019136 Lacu: NO FIGHTING ARGAJSDNKA VP5Y7S_kssM-00088-00019144-00019344 Lacu: FIGHTING'S NOT GOOD VP5Y7S_kssM-00089-00019421-00019511 Lacu: Fighting's not good;-; (proceeds to kill the enemy team VP5Y7S_kssM-00090-00019511-00019561 Lacu: I- VP5Y7S_kssM-00091-00019577-00019662 Lacu: I KILLED FOUR PEOPLE OAO VP5Y7S_kssM-00092-00019669-00019763 Lacu: I KILLED FOUR PEEPS :DDDD VP5Y7S_kssM-00093-00019763-00019860 Lacu: Look the the left- (lmao meko fighting for her life) VP5Y7S_kssM-00094-00019860-00020060 Lacu: Look at the left- I killed four peeps:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00095-00020170-00020275 Summer: Unbelievable- Meko: You killed four people?? VP5Y7S_kssM-00096-00020307-00020507 Meko: Why doesn't it show on my side?;-; VP5Y7S_kssM-00097-00020522-00020656 Summer: Yeah- It doesn't show on our side:0 VP5Y7S_kssM-00098-00020671-00020761 Lacu: I killed four people:D (we get it sir you're good at the game) VP5Y7S_kssM-00099-00020761-00020924 Meko: You killed four people are you fr?? XD VP5Y7S_kssM-00100-00020930-00021010 (Lacu crawling for his life) VP5Y7S_kssM-00101-00021074-00021193 Meko: Wait- Should we- VP5Y7S_kssM-00102-00021197-00021267 Meko: Eh? VP5Y7S_kssM-00103-00021282-00021406 Summer: Hold up let me grab a gun VP5Y7S_kssM-00104-00021406-00021498 Lacu: SAVE ME QAQ VP5Y7S_kssM-00105-00021503-00021615 Lacu: I'm gonna die- Summer: I'ma grab a gun first:0 VP5Y7S_kssM-00106-00021677-00021727 Meko: He- VP5Y7S_kssM-00107-00021729-00021817 Meko: He's gonna die XDDDD VP5Y7S_kssM-00108-00021817-00021938 Summer: You go save him then qwq VP5Y7S_kssM-00109-00021938-00022100 Summer: Go save him first- Lacu: I'm gonna die ;-; VP5Y7S_kssM-00110-00022156-00022260 Summer: I- I can't get a gun VP5Y7S_kssM-00111-00022264-00022314 Summer: You- VP5Y7S_kssM-00112-00022314-00022405 Summer: You run first x2 VP5Y7S_kssM-00113-00022405-00022546 Lacu: SAVE ME- QUICK QAQ (Still crawling for his life) VP5Y7S_kssM-00114-00022562-00022641 (Meko trying to save him-) VP5Y7S_kssM-00115-00022650-00022752 Meko: I got stuck;-; VP5Y7S_kssM-00116-00022824-00022954 Lacu: H U R R Y U P QAQ VP5Y7S_kssM-00117-00022987-00023155 (Asking for prayers for the three of them) VP5Y7S_kssM-00118-00023155-00023205 Lacu: I- VP5Y7S_kssM-00119-00023215-00023336 Lacu: I'M GONNA DIE FR VP5Y7S_kssM-00120-00023344-00023415 Lacu: S*** (again kids don't curse) VP5Y7S_kssM-00121-00023543-00023667 Lacu: come here x3 VP5Y7S_kssM-00122-00023670-00023787 Lacu: check the map x2 VP5Y7S_kssM-00123-00023788-00023902 Lacu: WHERE ARE YOU GOING??? VP5Y7S_kssM-00124-00024000-00024200 (KBDIASDAJSBDAS PANICKING GUYS WHAT THE HECK ARE Y'ALL DOING) VP5Y7S_kssM-00125-00024339-00024492 ( Summer finally got the time to save him-) VP5Y7S_kssM-00126-00024506-00024586 Lacu: F*** (I'm pretty sure you know what I'm going to say) VP5Y7S_kssM-00127-00024641-00024841 Summer: F*** XD (*sighs* I give up) VP5Y7S_kssM-00128-00024890-00024984 Meko: Sorry I... VP5Y7S_kssM-00129-00025034-00025161 Summer: YOU SAW THE WRONG PERSON QAQ VP5Y7S_kssM-00130-00025161-00025361 Meko: I accidentally went for the wrong person qwq VP5Y7S_kssM-00131-00025567-00025631 Meko: Oh no QWQ VP5Y7S_kssM-00132-00025631-00025703 Meko: I saw the wrong person;-; VP5Y7S_kssM-00133-00025703-00025946 Summer: HE DIED RIGHT IN FRONT OF US QWQ VP5Y7S_kssM-00134-00025996-00026149 Lacu: What the f*** are you doing- (#kidsdontcurse) VP5Y7S_kssM-00135-00026285-00026378 Summer: I was trying to... VP5Y7S_kssM-00136-00026385-00026507 *gives up* VP5Y7S_kssM-00137-00026513-00026600 Meko: I went for the wrong person. VP5Y7S_kssM-00138-00026600-00026689 Meko: I went for the wrong person xd VP5Y7S_kssM-00139-00026689-00026785 Meko: I'm really sorry- VP5Y7S_kssM-00140-00026786-00026939 Meko: I truly apologize qwq VP5Y7S_kssM-00141-00026939-00027091 Summer: M E K O VP5Y7S_kssM-00142-00027313-00027375 Meko: I seriously... VP5Y7S_kssM-00143-00027375-00027435 Meko: Feel VP5Y7S_kssM-00144-00027435-00027635 Meko: Very sorry._. VP5Y7S_kssM-00145-00027694-00027832 Summer: Sorry Lacu;-; VP5Y7S_kssM-00146-00027861-00027930 Lacu: FOR F*** SAKE VP5Y7S_kssM-00147-00027930-00028225 Lacu: Check the sign for each person please- VP5Y7S_kssM-00148-00028325-00028426 Meko: Yeah I saw it wrong._. VP5Y7S_kssM-00149-00028426-00028600 Summer: I am looking at it x2 VP5Y7S_kssM-00150-00028785-00028835 Summer: It's just... VP5Y7S_kssM-00151-00028835-00029035 Summer: I didn't have time to make it qwq VP5Y7S_kssM-00152-00029471-00029671 ( Oh gosh please move-) VP5Y7S_kssM-00153-00029775-00029930 Lacu: The bird is gonna die VP5Y7S_kssM-00154-00029991-00030068 Lacu: There are people- VP5Y7S_kssM-00155-00030068-00030173 Lacu: They have a sniper rifle x2 VP5Y7S_kssM-00156-00030185-00030309 Lacu: stop sitting on the bird x2 VP5Y7S_kssM-00157-00030317-00030425 Lacu: Someone is down there- VP5Y7S_kssM-00158-00030431-00030614 ( KJSBADIASBNIS RUN WHAT ARE YOU DOING-) VP5Y7S_kssM-00159-00030614-00030753 Summer: I know :0 VP5Y7S_kssM-00160-00030753-00030953 Lacu: Then what are you doing? VP5Y7S_kssM-00161-00031008-00031058 Summer: I'm... VP5Y7S_kssM-00162-00031066-00031200 Summer: Waiting for the bird:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00163-00031200-00031307 Lacu: THE BIRD IS HAS BEEN FINE LONG AGO VP5Y7S_kssM-00164-00031307-00031357 Lacu: Stop waiting VP5Y7S_kssM-00165-00031357-00031428 Meko: The bird is ok now:0 VP5Y7S_kssM-00166-00031448-00031525 Summer: F I N E VP5Y7S_kssM-00167-00031525-00031625 Summer: I know qwq VP5Y7S_kssM-00168-00031625-00031722 Summer: Just shut up QWQ VP5Y7S_kssM-00169-00031722-00031830 Lacu: THE BIRD HAS BEEN WAITING FOR YOU FOR YEARS- VP5Y7S_kssM-00170-00031938-00032138 :D alright that's the end of the vid VP5Y7S_kssM-00171-00032174-00032374 Hopefully you enjoyed it:D (I know I did:>) VP5Y7S_kssM-00172-00032383-00032583 If you want to see more do hit the subscribe button pleaseeeee:D VP5Y7S_kssM-00173-00032640-00032840 Till next time:D VQ5s9HOuyxy-00000-00000059-00001577 [Music] thank you VQ5s9HOuyxy-00001-00001577-00002442 [Music] VQ5s9HOuyxy-00002-00002969-00003323 this is [Music] VQ5s9HOuyxy-00003-00003587-00004227 foreign [Music] VQ5s9HOuyxy-00004-00004803-00005540 [Music] VXM-9j2mvMQ-00000-00000063-00000263 Bro run, there's a meteor VXM-9j2mvMQ-00001-00000298-00000401 Bro? VbSfjXIrNR8-00000-00000023-00000441 OK, in this piece we'll be applying clear epoxy resin to a mounted puzzle! VbSfjXIrNR8-00001-00001401-00001780 These puzzles have been glued to thin wood with craft glue. I have them raised up VbSfjXIrNR8-00002-00001780-00002183 just to make sure that they're perfectly level and resin will self-level evenly on top once VbSfjXIrNR8-00003-00002183-00002277 we pour it. VbSfjXIrNR8-00004-00002277-00002591 So just mix up equal parts of the resin and hardener, VbSfjXIrNR8-00005-00002591-00002898 stir for 3 minutes and you just pour VbSfjXIrNR8-00006-00002898-00003351 right onto your puzzle. Don't be afraid; just give 'er. Grab a spreader, push and pull the VbSfjXIrNR8-00007-00003351-00003647 resin around, so that the entire surface is covered. VbSfjXIrNR8-00008-00003647-00004235 I find this a really fun step. Just wipe the resin over the edges for a nice finish. VbSfjXIrNR8-00009-00004235-00004612 You'll notice air bubbles rising from in between the puzzle pieces. VbSfjXIrNR8-00010-00004612-00004980 Don't worry about those, we can get the bubbles out really easily. Just keep watching it. VbSfjXIrNR8-00011-00004980-00005075 Sometimes when you do VbSfjXIrNR8-00012-00005075-00005378 puzzles you need to actually torch a little more than usual. VbSfjXIrNR8-00013-00005378-00005678 Okay, cover, let sit overnight... perfect. VbSfjXIrNR8-00014-00005678-00006033 After all your hard work putting a puzzle together this is just VbSfjXIrNR8-00015-00006033-00006422 a cool way to save it and display it for good. See ya! VdAin2EkeT4-00000-00000336-00000509 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00001-00001083-00001253 here VdAin2EkeT4-00002-00001840-00002010 like VdAin2EkeT4-00003-00002580-00002745 get VdAin2EkeT4-00004-00003301-00003473 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00005-00004085-00004239 you VdAin2EkeT4-00006-00004827-00005007 she VdAin2EkeT4-00007-00005595-00005749 you VdAin2EkeT4-00008-00006336-00006501 get VdAin2EkeT4-00009-00007057-00007238 can VdAin2EkeT4-00010-00007817-00007990 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00011-00008583-00008753 like VdAin2EkeT4-00012-00009322-00009502 she VdAin2EkeT4-00013-00010090-00010244 you VdAin2EkeT4-00014-00010845-00011007 did VdAin2EkeT4-00015-00011608-00011762 you VdAin2EkeT4-00016-00012373-00012546 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00017-00013157-00013311 you VdAin2EkeT4-00018-00013922-00014103 can VdAin2EkeT4-00019-00014677-00014847 here VdAin2EkeT4-00020-00015453-00015607 you VdAin2EkeT4-00021-00016232-00016401 like VdAin2EkeT4-00022-00017026-00017180 you VdAin2EkeT4-00023-00017809-00017969 what VdAin2EkeT4-00024-00018580-00018747 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00025-00019372-00019526 you VdAin2EkeT4-00026-00020126-00020288 did VdAin2EkeT4-00027-00020889-00021043 you VdAin2EkeT4-00028-00021655-00021827 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00029-00022402-00022563 not VdAin2EkeT4-00030-00023156-00023316 what VdAin2EkeT4-00031-00023909-00024079 here VdAin2EkeT4-00032-00024680-00024852 more VdAin2EkeT4-00033-00025489-00025644 you VdAin2EkeT4-00034-00026236-00026396 her VdAin2EkeT4-00035-00026989-00027143 you VdAin2EkeT4-00036-00027754-00027927 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00037-00028538-00028692 you VdAin2EkeT4-00038-00029279-00029460 she VdAin2EkeT4-00039-00030047-00030202 you VdAin2EkeT4-00040-00030795-00030957 do VdAin2EkeT4-00041-00031550-00031704 you VdAin2EkeT4-00042-00032341-00032514 more VdAin2EkeT4-00043-00033101-00033263 do VdAin2EkeT4-00044-00033856-00034010 you VdAin2EkeT4-00045-00034617-00034786 here VdAin2EkeT4-00046-00035332-00035499 to VdAin2EkeT4-00047-00036082-00036236 you VdAin2EkeT4-00048-00036824-00036988 get VdAin2EkeT4-00049-00037534-00037696 did VdAin2EkeT4-00050-00038266-00038446 can VdAin2EkeT4-00051-00039039-00039206 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00052-00039812-00039961 there VdAin2EkeT4-00053-00040567-00040734 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00054-00041358-00041513 you VdAin2EkeT4-00055-00042124-00042296 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00056-00042908-00043062 you VdAin2EkeT4-00057-00043686-00043835 there VdAin2EkeT4-00058-00044454-00044626 more VdAin2EkeT4-00059-00045246-00045394 there VdAin2EkeT4-00060-00046019-00046173 you VdAin2EkeT4-00061-00046779-00046941 not VdAin2EkeT4-00062-00047497-00047660 do VdAin2EkeT4-00063-00048239-00048399 what VdAin2EkeT4-00064-00049028-00049182 you VdAin2EkeT4-00065-00049775-00049935 her VdAin2EkeT4-00066-00050473-00050637 get VdAin2EkeT4-00067-00051225-00051379 you VdAin2EkeT4-00068-00051985-00052147 not VdAin2EkeT4-00069-00052711-00052874 did VdAin2EkeT4-00070-00053474-00053628 you VdAin2EkeT4-00071-00054240-00054420 can VdAin2EkeT4-00072-00054976-00055157 she VdAin2EkeT4-00073-00055744-00055899 you VdAin2EkeT4-00074-00056536-00056708 more VdAin2EkeT4-00075-00057314-00057487 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00076-00058043-00058223 she VdAin2EkeT4-00077-00058751-00058918 to VdAin2EkeT4-00078-00059501-00059655 you VdAin2EkeT4-00079-00060243-00060423 she VdAin2EkeT4-00080-00060961-00061120 her VdAin2EkeT4-00081-00061695-00061862 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00082-00062486-00062640 you VdAin2EkeT4-00083-00063247-00063408 not VdAin2EkeT4-00084-00064015-00064169 you VdAin2EkeT4-00085-00064793-00064963 like VdAin2EkeT4-00086-00065546-00065707 did VdAin2EkeT4-00087-00066258-00066421 do VdAin2EkeT4-00088-00066982-00067154 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00089-00067766-00067920 you VdAin2EkeT4-00090-00068526-00068696 here VdAin2EkeT4-00091-00069252-00069414 do VdAin2EkeT4-00092-00069989-00070159 like VdAin2EkeT4-00093-00070741-00070903 did VdAin2EkeT4-00094-00071472-00071645 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00095-00072251-00072424 more VdAin2EkeT4-00096-00073043-00073210 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00097-00073797-00073960 not VdAin2EkeT4-00098-00074565-00074719 you VdAin2EkeT4-00099-00075307-00075487 she VdAin2EkeT4-00100-00076075-00076229 you VdAin2EkeT4-00101-00076854-00077003 there VdAin2EkeT4-00102-00077596-00077768 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00103-00078379-00078533 you VdAin2EkeT4-00104-00079171-00079343 more VdAin2EkeT4-00105-00079920-00080088 to VdAin2EkeT4-00106-00080665-00080837 more VdAin2EkeT4-00107-00081475-00081629 you VdAin2EkeT4-00108-00082259-00082418 what VdAin2EkeT4-00109-00082987-00083155 to VdAin2EkeT4-00110-00083701-00083870 here VdAin2EkeT4-00111-00084476-00084630 you VdAin2EkeT4-00112-00085223-00085386 do VdAin2EkeT4-00113-00085979-00086133 you VdAin2EkeT4-00114-00086757-00086927 like VdAin2EkeT4-00115-00087551-00087705 you VdAin2EkeT4-00116-00088293-00088458 get VdAin2EkeT4-00117-00089009-00089179 here VdAin2EkeT4-00118-00089742-00089905 did VdAin2EkeT4-00119-00090505-00090659 you VdAin2EkeT4-00120-00091266-00091436 here VdAin2EkeT4-00121-00092036-00092209 more VdAin2EkeT4-00122-00092796-00092956 her VdAin2EkeT4-00123-00093549-00093703 you VdAin2EkeT4-00124-00094291-00094455 get VdAin2EkeT4-00125-00095012-00095192 can VdAin2EkeT4-00126-00095785-00095952 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00127-00096576-00096730 you VdAin2EkeT4-00128-00097342-00097522 can VdAin2EkeT4-00129-00098133-00098287 you VdAin2EkeT4-00130-00098880-00099042 do VdAin2EkeT4-00131-00099635-00099789 you VdAin2EkeT4-00132-00100372-00100539 to VdAin2EkeT4-00133-00101121-00101276 you VdAin2EkeT4-00134-00101882-00102044 not VdAin2EkeT4-00135-00102608-00102770 did VdAin2EkeT4-00136-00103371-00103525 you VdAin2EkeT4-00137-00104126-00104288 did VdAin2EkeT4-00138-00104852-00105022 here VdAin2EkeT4-00139-00105623-00105795 more VdAin2EkeT4-00140-00106432-00106586 you VdAin2EkeT4-00141-00107192-00107355 not VdAin2EkeT4-00142-00107960-00108114 you VdAin2EkeT4-00143-00108744-00108903 what VdAin2EkeT4-00144-00109533-00109687 you VdAin2EkeT4-00145-00110311-00110479 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00146-00111061-00111223 did VdAin2EkeT4-00147-00111793-00111965 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00148-00112535-00112696 did VdAin2EkeT4-00149-00113242-00113407 get VdAin2EkeT4-00150-00113945-00114105 her VdAin2EkeT4-00151-00114698-00114852 you VdAin2EkeT4-00152-00115476-00115646 like VdAin2EkeT4-00153-00116252-00116400 there VdAin2EkeT4-00154-00116993-00117166 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00155-00117777-00117931 you VdAin2EkeT4-00156-00118538-00118699 not VdAin2EkeT4-00157-00119264-00119425 did VdAin2EkeT4-00158-00120027-00120181 you VdAin2EkeT4-00159-00120763-00120930 to VdAin2EkeT4-00160-00121500-00121670 how VdAin2EkeT4-00161-00122244-00122409 get VdAin2EkeT4-00162-00122996-00123151 you VdAin2EkeT4-00163-00123757-00123919 not VdAin2EkeT4-00164-00124525-00124679 you VdAin2EkeT4-00165-00125285-00125447 not VdAin2EkeT4-00166-00126035-00126205 like VdAin2EkeT4-00167-00126829-00126983 you VdAin2EkeT4-00168-00127576-00127735 her VdAin2EkeT4-00169-00128310-00128458 there VdAin2EkeT4-00170-00129078-00129250 more VdAin2EkeT4-00171-00129887-00130042 you VdAin2EkeT4-00172-00130671-00130841 how VdAin2EkeT4-00173-00131470-00131625 you VdAin2EkeT4-00174-00132262-00132434 more VdAin2EkeT4-00175-00133017-00133197 she VdAin2EkeT4-00176-00133767-00133934 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00177-00134558-00134712 you VdAin2EkeT4-00178-00135350-00135522 more VdAin2EkeT4-00179-00136128-00136301 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00180-00136876-00137045 here VdAin2EkeT4-00181-00137602-00137761 her VdAin2EkeT4-00182-00138335-00138484 there VdAin2EkeT4-00183-00139072-00139234 not VdAin2EkeT4-00184-00139822-00139989 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00185-00140613-00140767 you VdAin2EkeT4-00186-00141355-00141520 get VdAin2EkeT4-00187-00142108-00142262 you VdAin2EkeT4-00188-00142844-00143012 to VdAin2EkeT4-00189-00143576-00143743 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00190-00144318-00144480 do VdAin2EkeT4-00191-00145073-00145227 you VdAin2EkeT4-00192-00145820-00145979 her VdAin2EkeT4-00193-00146554-00146703 there VdAin2EkeT4-00194-00147327-00147481 you VdAin2EkeT4-00195-00148092-00148273 can VdAin2EkeT4-00196-00148866-00149036 like VdAin2EkeT4-00197-00149660-00149814 you VdAin2EkeT4-00198-00150444-00150603 what VdAin2EkeT4-00199-00151232-00151387 you VdAin2EkeT4-00200-00151980-00152141 do VdAin2EkeT4-00201-00152674-00152841 to VdAin2EkeT4-00202-00153382-00153544 did VdAin2EkeT4-00203-00154145-00154299 you VdAin2EkeT4-00204-00154905-00155067 not VdAin2EkeT4-00205-00155673-00155827 you VdAin2EkeT4-00206-00156415-00156580 get VdAin2EkeT4-00207-00157118-00157277 her VdAin2EkeT4-00208-00157870-00158024 you VdAin2EkeT4-00209-00158612-00158792 she VdAin2EkeT4-00210-00159380-00159534 you VdAin2EkeT4-00211-00160122-00160302 she VdAin2EkeT4-00212-00160890-00161044 you VdAin2EkeT4-00213-00161673-00161833 what VdAin2EkeT4-00214-00162462-00162616 you VdAin2EkeT4-00215-00163228-00163408 can VdAin2EkeT4-00216-00164006-00164166 what VdAin2EkeT4-00217-00164759-00164928 here VdAin2EkeT4-00218-00165534-00165688 you VdAin2EkeT4-00219-00166318-00166477 what VdAin2EkeT4-00220-00167052-00167217 get VdAin2EkeT4-00221-00167804-00167959 you VdAin2EkeT4-00222-00168583-00168732 there VdAin2EkeT4-00223-00169338-00169505 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00224-00170124-00170296 more VdAin2EkeT4-00225-00170903-00171083 can VdAin2EkeT4-00226-00171681-00171851 how VdAin2EkeT4-00227-00172480-00172635 you VdAin2EkeT4-00228-00173264-00173434 how VdAin2EkeT4-00229-00174063-00174218 you VdAin2EkeT4-00230-00174847-00175017 how VdAin2EkeT4-00231-00175628-00175795 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00232-00176420-00176574 you VdAin2EkeT4-00233-00177198-00177347 there VdAin2EkeT4-00234-00177953-00178120 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00235-00178726-00178875 there VdAin2EkeT4-00236-00179468-00179648 can VdAin2EkeT4-00237-00180260-00180414 you VdAin2EkeT4-00238-00181043-00181213 how VdAin2EkeT4-00239-00181824-00181994 like VdAin2EkeT4-00240-00182605-00182765 what VdAin2EkeT4-00241-00183358-00183519 not VdAin2EkeT4-00242-00184126-00184280 you VdAin2EkeT4-00243-00184917-00185090 more VdAin2EkeT4-00244-00185727-00185881 you VdAin2EkeT4-00245-00186463-00186631 to VdAin2EkeT4-00246-00187195-00187344 there VdAin2EkeT4-00247-00187968-00188122 you VdAin2EkeT4-00248-00188752-00188922 how VdAin2EkeT4-00249-00189533-00189700 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00250-00190324-00190479 you VdAin2EkeT4-00251-00191103-00191273 like VdAin2EkeT4-00252-00191897-00192051 you VdAin2EkeT4-00253-00192675-00192843 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00254-00193449-00193598 there VdAin2EkeT4-00255-00194167-00194348 she VdAin2EkeT4-00256-00194917-00195087 like VdAin2EkeT4-00257-00195674-00195837 not VdAin2EkeT4-00258-00196388-00196568 she VdAin2EkeT4-00259-00197156-00197310 you VdAin2EkeT4-00260-00197934-00198104 like VdAin2EkeT4-00261-00198715-00198874 what VdAin2EkeT4-00262-00199504-00199658 you VdAin2EkeT4-00263-00200296-00200468 more VdAin2EkeT4-00264-00201087-00201257 like VdAin2EkeT4-00265-00201881-00202035 you VdAin2EkeT4-00266-00202647-00202827 can VdAin2EkeT4-00267-00203420-00203569 there 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VdAin2EkeT4-00292-00222552-00222706 you VdAin2EkeT4-00293-00223289-00223455 to VdAin2EkeT4-00294-00224007-00224187 can VdAin2EkeT4-00295-00224793-00224965 more VdAin2EkeT4-00296-00225603-00225757 you VdAin2EkeT4-00297-00226387-00226546 what VdAin2EkeT4-00298-00227176-00227330 you VdAin2EkeT4-00299-00227917-00228098 she VdAin2EkeT4-00300-00228672-00228842 how VdAin2EkeT4-00301-00229422-00229584 do VdAin2EkeT4-00302-00230145-00230326 can VdAin2EkeT4-00303-00230937-00231091 you VdAin2EkeT4-00304-00231684-00231844 her VdAin2EkeT4-00305-00232437-00232591 you VdAin2EkeT4-00306-00233173-00233340 to VdAin2EkeT4-00307-00233910-00234069 what VdAin2EkeT4-00308-00234662-00234832 here VdAin2EkeT4-00309-00235396-00235558 did VdAin2EkeT4-00310-00236141-00236290 there VdAin2EkeT4-00311-00236914-00237068 you VdAin2EkeT4-00312-00237661-00237821 her VdAin2EkeT4-00313-00238413-00238568 you VdAin2EkeT4-00314-00239155-00239336 she VdAin2EkeT4-00315-00239923-00240077 you VdAin2EkeT4-00316-00240715-00240887 more VdAin2EkeT4-00317-00241524-00241679 you VdAin2EkeT4-00318-00242308-00242478 how VdAin2EkeT4-00319-00243095-00243254 what VdAin2EkeT4-00320-00243884-00244038 you VdAin2EkeT4-00321-00244667-00244837 how VdAin2EkeT4-00322-00245467-00245621 you VdAin2EkeT4-00323-00246245-00246394 there VdAin2EkeT4-00324-00247018-00247172 you VdAin2EkeT4-00325-00247797-00247946 there VdAin2EkeT4-00326-00248565-00248737 more VdAin2EkeT4-00327-00249356-00249526 like VdAin2EkeT4-00328-00250150-00250304 you VdAin2EkeT4-00329-00250910-00251080 here VdAin2EkeT4-00330-00251686-00251840 you VdAin2EkeT4-00331-00252470-00252629 what VdAin2EkeT4-00332-00253241-00253390 there VdAin2EkeT4-00333-00253982-00254155 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00334-00254716-00254878 do VdAin2EkeT4-00335-00255471-00255626 you VdAin2EkeT4-00336-00256231-00256394 not VdAin2EkeT4-00337-00256999-00257153 you VdAin2EkeT4-00338-00257778-00257945 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00339-00258533-00258703 here VdAin2EkeT4-00340-00259259-00259421 do VdAin2EkeT4-00341-00259982-00260155 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00342-00260766-00260920 you VdAin2EkeT4-00343-00261532-00261704 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00344-00262316-00262470 you VdAin2EkeT4-00345-00263094-00263261 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00346-00263854-00264027 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00347-00264583-00264748 get VdAin2EkeT4-00348-00265335-00265489 you VdAin2EkeT4-00349-00266077-00266242 get VdAin2EkeT4-00350-00266769-00266937 to VdAin2EkeT4-00351-00267519-00267673 you VdAin2EkeT4-00352-00268279-00268441 not VdAin2EkeT4-00353-00269047-00269201 you VdAin2EkeT4-00354-00269839-00270011 more VdAin2EkeT4-00355-00270599-00270761 do VdAin2EkeT4-00356-00271354-00271508 you VdAin2EkeT4-00357-00272132-00272302 like VdAin2EkeT4-00358-00272926-00273081 you VdAin2EkeT4-00359-00273674-00273835 do VdAin2EkeT4-00360-00274428-00274582 you VdAin2EkeT4-00361-00275212-00275371 what VdAin2EkeT4-00362-00276001-00276155 you VdAin2EkeT4-00363-00276779-00276947 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00364-00277571-00277725 you VdAin2EkeT4-00365-00278313-00278493 she VdAin2EkeT4-00366-00279081-00279235 you VdAin2EkeT4-00367-00279823-00279987 get VdAin2EkeT4-00368-00280570-00280742 more VdAin2EkeT4-00369-00281348-00281520 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00370-00282127-00282299 more VdAin2EkeT4-00371-00282937-00283091 you VdAin2EkeT4-00372-00283678-00283859 she VdAin2EkeT4-00373-00284405-00284566 did VdAin2EkeT4-00374-00285118-00285280 do VdAin2EkeT4-00375-00285868-00286040 more VdAin2EkeT4-00376-00286677-00286831 you VdAin2EkeT4-00377-00287469-00287641 more VdAin2EkeT4-00378-00288219-00288385 to VdAin2EkeT4-00379-00288968-00289122 you VdAin2EkeT4-00380-00289760-00289932 more VdAin2EkeT4-00381-00290551-00290700 there VdAin2EkeT4-00382-00291324-00291478 you VdAin2EkeT4-00383-00292116-00292288 more VdAin2EkeT4-00384-00292912-00293072 what VdAin2EkeT4-00385-00293701-00293855 you VdAin2EkeT4-00386-00294480-00294650 like VdAin2EkeT4-00387-00295274-00295428 you VdAin2EkeT4-00388-00296034-00296196 not VdAin2EkeT4-00389-00296784-00296933 there VdAin2EkeT4-00390-00297552-00297725 more VdAin2EkeT4-00391-00298362-00298516 you VdAin2EkeT4-00392-00299140-00299289 there VdAin2EkeT4-00393-00299913-00300067 you VdAin2EkeT4-00394-00300705-00300877 more VdAin2EkeT4-00395-00301478-00301648 here VdAin2EkeT4-00396-00302236-00302406 like VdAin2EkeT4-00397-00303017-00303176 what VdAin2EkeT4-00398-00303751-00303916 get VdAin2EkeT4-00399-00304448-00304628 she VdAin2EkeT4-00400-00305216-00305370 you VdAin2EkeT4-00401-00305977-00306146 here VdAin2EkeT4-00402-00306721-00306901 can VdAin2EkeT4-00403-00307513-00307667 you VdAin2EkeT4-00404-00308278-00308458 can VdAin2EkeT4-00405-00309038-00309210 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00406-00309803-00309973 like VdAin2EkeT4-00407-00310548-00310707 her VdAin2EkeT4-00408-00311300-00311454 you VdAin2EkeT4-00409-00312092-00312264 more VdAin2EkeT4-00410-00312847-00313011 get VdAin2EkeT4-00411-00313599-00313753 you VdAin2EkeT4-00412-00314364-00314537 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00413-00315093-00315258 get VdAin2EkeT4-00414-00315846-00316000 you VdAin2EkeT4-00415-00316605-00316768 not VdAin2EkeT4-00416-00317374-00317528 you VdAin2EkeT4-00417-00318134-00318296 not VdAin2EkeT4-00418-00318871-00319043 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00419-00319641-00319800 what VdAin2EkeT4-00420-00320430-00320584 you VdAin2EkeT4-00421-00321196-00321368 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00422-00321937-00322099 did VdAin2EkeT4-00423-00322700-00322854 you VdAin2EkeT4-00424-00323460-00323630 here VdAin2EkeT4-00425-00324181-00324361 she VdAin2EkeT4-00426-00324949-00325103 you VdAin2EkeT4-00427-00325704-00325866 did VdAin2EkeT4-00428-00326467-00326621 you VdAin2EkeT4-00429-00327251-00327410 what VdAin2EkeT4-00430-00327984-00328165 she VdAin2EkeT4-00431-00328740-00328909 how VdAin2EkeT4-00432-00329539-00329693 you VdAin2EkeT4-00433-00330299-00330469 here VdAin2EkeT4-00434-00331062-00331221 what VdAin2EkeT4-00435-00331833-00331999 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00436-00332611-00332781 how VdAin2EkeT4-00437-00333410-00333565 you VdAin2EkeT4-00438-00334202-00334374 more VdAin2EkeT4-00439-00334962-00335121 her VdAin2EkeT4-00440-00335714-00335869 you VdAin2EkeT4-00441-00336506-00336678 more VdAin2EkeT4-00442-00337297-00337464 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00443-00338034-00338214 she VdAin2EkeT4-00444-00338765-00338935 here VdAin2EkeT4-00445-00339541-00339695 you VdAin2EkeT4-00446-00340307-00340487 can VdAin2EkeT4-00447-00341098-00341252 you VdAin2EkeT4-00448-00341882-00342041 what VdAin2EkeT4-00449-00342629-00342791 did VdAin2EkeT4-00450-00343379-00343538 what VdAin2EkeT4-00451-00344168-00344322 you VdAin2EkeT4-00452-00344904-00345071 to VdAin2EkeT4-00453-00345612-00345774 did VdAin2EkeT4-00454-00346375-00346529 you VdAin2EkeT4-00455-00347117-00347297 she VdAin2EkeT4-00456-00347843-00348005 did VdAin2EkeT4-00457-00348605-00348760 you VdAin2EkeT4-00458-00349361-00349522 did VdAin2EkeT4-00459-00350087-00350257 here VdAin2EkeT4-00460-00350862-00351017 you VdAin2EkeT4-00461-00351599-00351767 to VdAin2EkeT4-00462-00352318-00352490 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00463-00353070-00353250 can VdAin2EkeT4-00464-00353807-00353987 she VdAin2EkeT4-00465-00354575-00354729 you VdAin2EkeT4-00466-00355329-00355492 did VdAin2EkeT4-00467-00356092-00356246 you VdAin2EkeT4-00468-00356853-00357022 here VdAin2EkeT4-00469-00357628-00357782 you VdAin2EkeT4-00470-00358412-00358571 what VdAin2EkeT4-00471-00359151-00359311 her VdAin2EkeT4-00472-00359904-00360058 you VdAin2EkeT4-00473-00360651-00360810 her VdAin2EkeT4-00474-00361403-00361557 you VdAin2EkeT4-00475-00362182-00362349 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00476-00362918-00363099 she VdAin2EkeT4-00477-00363655-00363835 can VdAin2EkeT4-00478-00364433-00364603 how VdAin2EkeT4-00479-00365191-00365353 did VdAin2EkeT4-00480-00365917-00366079 not VdAin2EkeT4-00481-00366667-00366836 like VdAin2EkeT4-00482-00367461-00367615 you VdAin2EkeT4-00483-00368226-00368399 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00484-00368950-00369117 to VdAin2EkeT4-00485-00369650-00369809 her VdAin2EkeT4-00486-00370366-00370528 not VdAin2EkeT4-00487-00371121-00371280 what VdAin2EkeT4-00488-00371910-00372064 you VdAin2EkeT4-00489-00372675-00372855 can VdAin2EkeT4-00490-00373435-00373607 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00491-00374219-00374373 you VdAin2EkeT4-00492-00374984-00375164 can VdAin2EkeT4-00493-00375726-00375885 her VdAin2EkeT4-00494-00376478-00376632 you VdAin2EkeT4-00495-00377220-00377400 she VdAin2EkeT4-00496-00377951-00378121 here VdAin2EkeT4-00497-00378728-00378882 you VdAin2EkeT4-00498-00379506-00379655 there VdAin2EkeT4-00499-00380243-00380404 not VdAin2EkeT4-00500-00381011-00381165 you VdAin2EkeT4-00501-00381765-00381928 did VdAin2EkeT4-00502-00382528-00382682 you VdAin2EkeT4-00503-00383265-00383432 to VdAin2EkeT4-00504-00383996-00384145 there VdAin2EkeT4-00505-00384728-00384890 did VdAin2EkeT4-00506-00385485-00385658 more VdAin2EkeT4-00507-00386282-00386442 what VdAin2EkeT4-00508-00387071-00387225 you VdAin2EkeT4-00509-00387831-00387993 not VdAin2EkeT4-00510-00388599-00388753 you VdAin2EkeT4-00511-00389377-00389526 there VdAin2EkeT4-00512-00390109-00390271 did VdAin2EkeT4-00513-00390872-00391026 you VdAin2EkeT4-00514-00391663-00391836 more VdAin2EkeT4-00515-00392473-00392627 you VdAin2EkeT4-00516-00393264-00393437 more VdAin2EkeT4-00517-00394074-00394228 you VdAin2EkeT4-00518-00394840-00395020 can VdAin2EkeT4-00519-00395577-00395741 get VdAin2EkeT4-00520-00396329-00396483 you VdAin2EkeT4-00521-00397084-00397246 did VdAin2EkeT4-00522-00397846-00398000 you VdAin2EkeT4-00523-00398638-00398810 more VdAin2EkeT4-00524-00399448-00399602 you VdAin2EkeT4-00525-00400226-00400375 there VdAin2EkeT4-00526-00401000-00401154 you VdAin2EkeT4-00527-00401747-00401908 do VdAin2EkeT4-00528-00402470-00402643 bad VdAin2EkeT4-00529-00403254-00403408 you VdAin2EkeT4-00530-00404032-00404181 there VdAin2EkeT4-00531-00404805-00404959 you VdAin2EkeT4-00532-00405584-00405733 there VdAin2EkeT4-00533-00406357-00406511 you VdAin2EkeT4-00534-00407135-00407284 there VdAin2EkeT4-00535-00407909-00408063 you VdAin2EkeT4-00536-00408651-00408815 get VdAin2EkeT4-00537-00409398-00409570 more VdAin2EkeT4-00538-00410195-00410364 how VdAin2EkeT4-00539-00410994-00411148 you VdAin2EkeT4-00540-00411731-00411898 to VdAin2EkeT4-00541-00412462-00412629 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00542-00413253-00413407 you VdAin2EkeT4-00543-00414032-00414181 there VdAin2EkeT4-00544-00414805-00414959 you VdAin2EkeT4-00545-00415589-00415758 how VdAin2EkeT4-00546-00416351-00416521 here VdAin2EkeT4-00547-00417128-00417282 you VdAin2EkeT4-00548-00417911-00418071 what VdAin2EkeT4-00549-00418700-00418854 you VdAin2EkeT4-00550-00419447-00419609 do VdAin2EkeT4-00551-00420147-00420328 she VdAin2EkeT4-00552-00420897-00421046 there VdAin2EkeT4-00553-00421670-00421824 you VdAin2EkeT4-00554-00422430-00422592 not VdAin2EkeT4-00555-00423185-00423355 how VdAin2EkeT4-00556-00423966-00424115 there VdAin2EkeT4-00557-00424740-00424894 you VdAin2EkeT4-00558-00425523-00425693 how VdAin2EkeT4-00559-00426304-00426453 there VdAin2EkeT4-00560-00427041-00427210 here VdAin2EkeT4-00561-00427780-00427942 not VdAin2EkeT4-00562-00428512-00428682 here VdAin2EkeT4-00563-00429269-00429436 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00564-00430024-00430194 here VdAin2EkeT4-00565-00430787-00430946 what VdAin2EkeT4-00566-00431534-00431696 did VdAin2EkeT4-00567-00432297-00432451 you VdAin2EkeT4-00568-00433088-00433260 more VdAin2EkeT4-00569-00433880-00434029 there VdAin2EkeT4-00570-00434603-00434763 her VdAin2EkeT4-00571-00435351-00435523 more VdAin2EkeT4-00572-00436142-00436291 there VdAin2EkeT4-00573-00436915-00437069 you VdAin2EkeT4-00574-00437681-00437861 can VdAin2EkeT4-00575-00438454-00438624 like VdAin2EkeT4-00576-00439230-00439378 there VdAin2EkeT4-00577-00440003-00440157 you VdAin2EkeT4-00578-00440781-00440949 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00579-00441573-00441727 you VdAin2EkeT4-00580-00442320-00442482 do VdAin2EkeT4-00581-00443075-00443229 you VdAin2EkeT4-00582-00443835-00444005 here VdAin2EkeT4-00583-00444598-00444757 what VdAin2EkeT4-00584-00445337-00445496 her VdAin2EkeT4-00585-00446035-00446199 get VdAin2EkeT4-00586-00446787-00446941 you VdAin2EkeT4-00587-00447552-00447732 can VdAin2EkeT4-00588-00448289-00448453 get VdAin2EkeT4-00589-00448987-00449167 she VdAin2EkeT4-00590-00449736-00449903 tell VdAin2EkeT4-00591-00450528-00450682 you VdAin2EkeT4-00592-00451306-00451455 there VdAin2EkeT4-00593-00452079-00452234 you VdAin2EkeT4-00594-00452858-00453028 like VdAin2EkeT4-00595-00453597-00453777 she VdAin2EkeT4-00596-00454316-00454475 her VdAin2EkeT4-00597-00455068-00455222 you VdAin2EkeT4-00598-00455833-00456013 can VdAin2EkeT4-00599-00456625-00456779 you VeijBEBVTku-00000-00000056-00000704 i'm sorry if we guys made exactly the same video. i will apologize if we do that again, but this is VeijBEBVTku-00001-00000704-00001352 because we do get a little bit confused, whenever we have more than one video left to upload. VeWEbuLnPYg-00000-00000032-00000296 How to Cut and Trim a Beef Tenderloin / Jachi Ajae TV VeWEbuLnPYg-00001-00000316-00000588 Today I'm going to trim a beef tenderloin. VeWEbuLnPYg-00002-00000746-00000953 This is a tenderloin from Australia VeWEbuLnPYg-00003-00000969-00001538 An Australian tenderloin is usually trimmed in a same way. VeWEbuLnPYg-00004-00001696-00002132 Grab at the end here and pull it off. VeWEbuLnPYg-00005-00002432-00002688 Like this. VeWEbuLnPYg-00006-00002794-00003532 Later you can use it for chop steak or salad. VeWEbuLnPYg-00007-00003652-00003954 A tenderloin looks like this, VeWEbuLnPYg-00008-00004000-00004144 A small wing here. VeWEbuLnPYg-00009-00004180-00004392 A big wing. VeWEbuLnPYg-00010-00004452-00004944 Especially, big wing is to be learned how to trim. VeWEbuLnPYg-00011-00005304-00005490 Look at here. VeWEbuLnPYg-00012-00005524-00005878 There are tendons in two ways VeWEbuLnPYg-00013-00006020-00006366 First, we need to open it up VeWEbuLnPYg-00014-00006431-00006668 You can do it with a knife slanted VeWEbuLnPYg-00015-00006700-00007294 Or you can do it with a knife edge like this. VeWEbuLnPYg-00016-00007322-00007618 Can you see here? VeWEbuLnPYg-00017-00008662-00008924 Now it's easy to remove tendons in both sides. VeWEbuLnPYg-00018-00009260-00009678 Usually, when you trim a tenderloin, VeWEbuLnPYg-00019-00009702-00010108 some people trim upward, and some downward. VeWEbuLnPYg-00020-00010132-00010366 I will trim downward from here. VeWEbuLnPYg-00021-00010560-00010882 First of all, when you do this kind of trimming, VeWEbuLnPYg-00022-00010902-00011302 you should try to cut at a time, not moving up and down so much. VeWEbuLnPYg-00023-00011472-00011804 That brings more natural and clean result. VeWEbuLnPYg-00024-00012472-00013126 The latex glove I'm wearing is somewhat slippery. VeWEbuLnPYg-00025-00013147-00013776 Please watch which part of the knife is used at the beginning. VeWEbuLnPYg-00026-00014034-00014472 Look at closely how a tenderloin looks. VeWEbuLnPYg-00027-00014919-00015488 With your left hand, you make it tighten up. VeWEbuLnPYg-00028-00015866-00016442 Try to go all the way down at a time, even if you get off a little bit in the middle. VeWEbuLnPYg-00029-00016470-00016852 You can make it over later. VeWEbuLnPYg-00030-00017318-00017702 If you have a smaller knife than this, it would be more comfortable. VeWEbuLnPYg-00031-00017982-00018662 You should remove fascia meticulously. VeWEbuLnPYg-00032-00019452-00020112 You can use your hands to take off these easily detachable parts. VeWEbuLnPYg-00033-00022248-00023590 Wearing cotton work gloves make it easier to do trimming, but it is less hygienic than sanitary gloves certainly. VeWEbuLnPYg-00034-00025712-00026024 You somewhat spread it out here. VeWEbuLnPYg-00035-00026024-00026322 This is the part you get rid of. VeWEbuLnPYg-00036-00028483-00029339 You can make your own order of trimming, because every tenderloin has fascias in the same places. VeWEbuLnPYg-00037-00029780-00030092 There is always another fascia back here VeWEbuLnPYg-00038-00030092-00030427 Don't go into too deep. Cut up to here. VeWEbuLnPYg-00039-00033118-00033588 Korean beef usually has an extra meat and more fat at the back part here. VeWEbuLnPYg-00040-00033604-00033960 You just take that off with your hands. VeWEbuLnPYg-00041-00033984-00034262 Higher loss rate in Korean beef. VeWEbuLnPYg-00042-00034284-00034812 If there are too much fat, you cut it off a little like this. VeWEbuLnPYg-00043-00034834-00035166 Be careful when your hand is in coming direction of the knife. VeWEbuLnPYg-00044-00035184-00035560 Locate you hand in the opposite direction of the knife VeWEbuLnPYg-00045-00035752-00036134 There is usually another tendon in here VeWEbuLnPYg-00046-00036288-00036656 You can remove this tendon, or VeWEbuLnPYg-00047-00036684-00037454 In my case, I cut like this and use it for chop steak or salad. VeWEbuLnPYg-00048-00037848-00038384 You can cut off this part too, because it is rather tough VeWEbuLnPYg-00049-00038456-00038694 Cur off the end here. VeWEbuLnPYg-00050-00038924-00039310 I use this final part here for serving steaks VeWEbuLnPYg-00051-00039346-00039866 The best part is this one, called Chatobrian VeWEbuLnPYg-00052-00040116-00040478 Phileminon, the end part. VeWEbuLnPYg-00053-00040654-00041080 This fat here can be dissolved, so you don't have to care too much about it. VeWEbuLnPYg-00054-00041128-00041722 In any case, you need to distinguish between fat and fascia. VeWEbuLnPYg-00055-00042196-00042824 Was this video helpful to you? VeWEbuLnPYg-00056-00043212-00043918 Please press subscribe and likes. That will help me a lot. Thank you. VeWEbuLnPYg-00057-00045130-00045726 Jachi Ajae TV Vfi_29_NQvy-00000-00000000-00001003 Video has been reuploaded with fixed audio volume VfJMj-JHV8c-00000-00000000-00000417 In this video, you're going to learn how to use the weight by difference technique. VfJMj-JHV8c-00001-00000417-00000762 Before watching this video, make sure you've watched the open pan balance video VfJMj-JHV8c-00002-00000762-00000988 and the analytical balance video. VfJMj-JHV8c-00003-00000988-00001405 When transfering a solid sample from a weighting vile to a receiving vessel VfJMj-JHV8c-00004-00001405-00001874 some of the sample will be left behind around the edge of the container. VfJMj-JHV8c-00005-00001874-00002351 This is no fault of experimenter and can not be avoid, however, it has to be accounted for. VfJMj-JHV8c-00006-00002351-00002722 If you assume all the mass was transfer you will get significant error in your results. VfJMj-JHV8c-00007-00002722-00003092 To do this a technique of weight by difference is used. VfJMj-JHV8c-00008-00003092-00003305 This uses the intial and final mass of the weighting vile VfJMj-JHV8c-00009-00003305-00003943 with and without the sample in it to account for only the mass that was transfered. VfJMj-JHV8c-00010-00003943-00004103 You can do this using either type of balance. VfJMj-JHV8c-00011-00004103-00004373 but for visability I will be using open pan balance. VfJMj-JHV8c-00012-00004373-00004594 Weigh your sample just as shown to you VfJMj-JHV8c-00013-00004594-00004817 in the open balance and analytical balance videos. VfJMj-JHV8c-00014-00004817-00005219 Making sure you have the combined mass of the vessel and the sample VfJMj-JHV8c-00015-00005219-00005631 You can see that my sample weights 22.85 grams VfJMj-JHV8c-00016-00005631-00005842 record this mass as the intial mass VfJMj-JHV8c-00017-00005842-00006231 Now carefully transfer your sample into your receiving vessel. VfJMj-JHV8c-00018-00006231-00006614 Make sure not to spill any of your sample when you are doing this because it will alter your results. VfJMj-JHV8c-00019-00006614-00006808 A good way to do this is to keep VfJMj-JHV8c-00020-00006808-00006906 your sample capped. VfJMj-JHV8c-00021-00006906-00007089 Now re-weigh your weighing vile. VfJMj-JHV8c-00022-00007089-00007660 As you can see, there is still some of the sample remaining in the weighing vile. VfJMj-JHV8c-00023-00007660-00007913 Place the vile back on the same balance and VfJMj-JHV8c-00024-00007913-00008025 and record the value. VfJMj-JHV8c-00025-00008025-00008170 The mostly empty vile weights VfJMj-JHV8c-00026-00008171-00008584 22.25 grams. Record this as your final mass. VfJMj-JHV8c-00027-00008584-00008991 The last step is to take the difference between the two values, which I will show you on the board. VfJMj-JHV8c-00028-00008991-00009415 You subtract the final mass from the initial mass VfJMj-JHV8c-00029-00009415-00009591 you'll get the mass of the sample you transfered. VfJMj-JHV8c-00030-00009591-00010009 As you see I have transfered 0.60 grams of my sample. VfJMj-JHV8c-00031-00010009-00010349 The weight by difference technique is common practice to most chemists. VfJMj-JHV8c-00032-00010349-00012028 If you practice the method I outlined for you it will become second nature to you too. VgNkAXj72LM-00000-00000830-00001720 brunette, i want to have you Put your mouth on mine here VgNkAXj72LM-00001-00001720-00003211 and i'm in love with you And I want to tell you I love you VgNkAXj72LM-00002-00003211-00004086 Morena, I'm ashamed to speak that I love you VgNkAXj72LM-00003-00004086-00005832 when you come close to me I'm delighted and I can't see anyone else VgNkAXj72LM-00004-00005832-00006586 brunette you are a princess I'm in love with you VgNkAXj72LM-00005-00006586-00007301 Brunette, I want to tell you something I love you VgNkAXj72LM-00006-00007301-00007883 brunette please I want to see your smile every day VgNkAXj72LM-00008-00010893-00011632 to me I'm asking you to date me VgcDJM-XG-o-00000-00001372-00001487 Thank you Veronique. VgcDJM-XG-o-00001-00001717-00001829 Misses Pontin. VgcDJM-XG-o-00002-00002043-00002593 You know we can’t corroborate your version, of your husband’s “natural” death. VgcDJM-XG-o-00003-00002593-00002717 But why ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00004-00002817-00003085 Maybe because of the way we found him… VgcDJM-XG-o-00005-00003085-00003349 It'll be difficult to take your seriously Mrs Pontin. VgcDJM-XG-o-00006-00003353-00003499 But I’m here to defend you! VgcDJM-XG-o-00007-00003585-00003831 You know he was not that young anymore… VgcDJM-XG-o-00008-00003831-00004031 Yes, I know, 70 years old. VgcDJM-XG-o-00009-00004054-00004231 We already discussed that… VgcDJM-XG-o-00010-00004231-00004431 That’s just details… VgcDJM-XG-o-00011-00004431-00004558 Depends on how you see it! VgcDJM-XG-o-00012-00004566-00004802 I don’t see what the problem is, honesty ?! VgcDJM-XG-o-00013-00004802-00004966 She doesn’t see the problem ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00014-00004966-00005084 Dussilo calm down... VgcDJM-XG-o-00015-00005084-00005398 No but obviously if it’s not an issue… VgcDJM-XG-o-00016-00005398-00005598 Yes maybe we do have a slight problem. VgcDJM-XG-o-00017-00005642-00005870 Several slight problems actually ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00018-00005883-00006070 If we want to be precis ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00019-00006070-00006375 But Mrs Pontin will quickly give you an explanation. VgcDJM-XG-o-00020-00006375-00006500 That you would nice ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00021-00008084-00008178 Mrs Pontin ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00022-00008520-00008716 What do you want to know ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00023-00008738-00008849 What happened ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00024-00008849-00008976 Well he is dead. VgcDJM-XG-o-00025-00008976-00009231 Yes that’s for sure ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00026-00009234-00009336 But what else ! How ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00027-00009381-00009495 In his sleep. VgcDJM-XG-o-00028-00009537-00009640 So you were sleeping ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00029-00009641-00009692 Yes VgcDJM-XG-o-00030-00009773-00010216 And when I woke up, he was dead, a natural death as we can say. VgcDJM-XG-o-00031-00010216-00010416 So he was in your room ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00032-00010416-00010887 Yes, he looks very calm, very relaxed. VgcDJM-XG-o-00033-00010887-00011087 Surprising coming from him by the way. VgcDJM-XG-o-00034-00011387-00011449 And ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00035-00011509-00011636 And what ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00036-00011636-00011793 She’s doing it on purpose ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00037-00011826-00012053 So he was in your room ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00038-00012058-00012189 Calm down Dussilo ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00039-00012213-00012483 this a lady of certain age ! And my client too ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00040-00012499-00012851 Yes well Marie Besnard the poisoner, was not that young either ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00041-00012882-00013031 This has nothing to do with age ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00042-00013031-00013240 Marie Besnard was acquitted, Mr the prosecutor ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00043-00013241-00013591 Let’s not make again the same mistake, Mr the Lawyer ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00044-00013605-00013908 Dussilo you'll reopen the case if you want but in the meantime, VgcDJM-XG-o-00045-00014079-00014216 he was in your room… VgcDJM-XG-o-00046-00014216-00014416 Yes, laying down, peacefully. VgcDJM-XG-o-00047-00014451-00014997 You are too young to understand but we would each sleep in our own bed but in the same room. VgcDJM-XG-o-00048-00015025-00015197 We don’t like being apart. VgcDJM-XG-o-00049-00015233-00015286 Oh yeah ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00050-00015293-00015672 No really. Sleeping in different beds have a lot of advantages. VgcDJM-XG-o-00051-00016152-00016306 Aren’t you forgeting something ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00052-00016492-00016630 No, I don’t see what. VgcDJM-XG-o-00053-00016830-00016892 The puzzle ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00054-00016933-00017013 Dussilo ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00055-00017014-00017224 No but now you need to drop the bullshit ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00056-00017224-00017740 The natural death, looking peaceful, Marry Poppins’ world, keep that for others ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00057-00017799-00018155 How come your husband was found cut in little pieces ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00058-00018201-00018376 Oh that ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00059-00018523-00018876 So you all think I killed him ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00060-00018880-00019076 Well we have doubts… VgcDJM-XG-o-00061-00019093-00019520 Let’s say appearances can be deceiving. But we have a strong case ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00062-00019520-00019896 Well no, I have no doubts ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00063-00019988-00020428 No I didn’t kill my husband. VgcDJM-XG-o-00064-00020428-00020890 So explain us why we found him like that. VgcDJM-XG-o-00065-00021200-00021301 You are right ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00066-00021329-00021546 I didn’t do it right ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00067-00021583-00021883 Look at this, some pieces are poorly cut. VgcDJM-XG-o-00068-00021909-00022214 Oh well, I never been good at manual work, you know. VgcDJM-XG-o-00069-00022221-00022482 So you are telling us you cut your husband ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00070-00022482-00022584 Of course ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00071-00022584-00023100 And washed, cleaned after ? There was barely any stains in the house. VgcDJM-XG-o-00072-00023119-00023382 I’m very meticulous. VgcDJM-XG-o-00073-00023382-00023549 But why did you do such thing ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00074-00023567-00023799 You had grips against your husband. VgcDJM-XG-o-00075-00023837-00024312 All your life at home, never a thank you, a life time of sacrifices ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00076-00024381-00024629 Oh well that’s like any woman. VgcDJM-XG-o-00077-00024693-00025269 But I maintain, I didn’t kill my husband, he died naturally. VgcDJM-XG-o-00078-00025277-00025413 So why did you cut him ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00079-00025429-00025613 It's obvious. VgcDJM-XG-o-00080-00025613-00025880 Well it’s true that you didn’t read he last will… VgcDJM-XG-o-00081-00026014-00026267 Your husband wanted to be cut into little pieces ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00082-00026272-00026688 No of course not, it was a technicality. VgcDJM-XG-o-00083-00026693-00026768 Excuse me ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00084-00026777-00027226 Have you ever tried to make an old man fit in a freezer ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00085-00027226-00027323 No. VgcDJM-XG-o-00086-00027370-00027588 I told him to buy a bigger one ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00087-00027588-00027997 But you wanted to put your husband in the freezer ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00088-00027997-00028229 Yes! How could I do it otherwise ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00089-00028229-00028358 Well yeah ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00090-00028358-00028512 But what were you trying to do ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00091-00028513-00028633 Cryogenize him. VgcDJM-XG-o-00092-00028633-00028776 Excuse me ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00093-00028776-00029512 Yes! You know! In case one day scientists find a way to resuscitate the dead, it will be first the ones that have been cryogenized, VgcDJM-XG-o-00094-00029518-00029745 not the ones buried in a cemetery ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00095-00029750-00029874 It’s obvious ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00096-00029874-00030054 Yes, obviously ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00097-00030058-00030536 But you do understand you can’t do whatever you want with… VgcDJM-XG-o-00098-00030616-00030789 Your husband’s body. VgcDJM-XG-o-00099-00030908-00031013 Why not ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00100-00031235-00031562 Dussilo, would've you the appropriate words because I’m tired now. VgcDJM-XG-o-00101-00031562-00031762 With pleasure your Honor ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00102-00032032-00032686 Because you cannot decide to cut someone’s body like a puzzle to later cryoginize it... VgcDJM-XG-o-00103-00032686-00033033 and then to put it in the freezer between two slices of lamb. VgcDJM-XG-o-00104-00033033-00033659 Article 16-1-1 of the civil code indicates human dignity doesn’t cease after ones death. VgcDJM-XG-o-00105-00033659-00033866 Thank you Véronique ! Thank you Dussilo ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00106-00033874-00034051 You’re welcome your Honor ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00107-00034053-00034246 Did you think that could work ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00108-00034246-00034379 Yes… VgcDJM-XG-o-00109-00034379-00034805 Cryonics were too expensive so we thought about that… VgcDJM-XG-o-00110-00034805-00035330 Let’s imagine, I do say imagine, that scientist would take care of your husband… VgcDJM-XG-o-00111-00035330-00035595 You thought they would reconstitute the puzzle ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00112-00035773-00036113 And your husband resuscitated as a disco ball doesn’t bother you ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00113-00036113-00036773 It’s true I did think about that… but considering the progress of science. VgcDJM-XG-o-00114-00036773-00037023 A little bit of glue would do the trick ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00115-00037023-00037082 Exactly ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00116-00037082-00037517 Well we are sorry to disappoint you Mrs Pontin but things don’t work out that way. VgcDJM-XG-o-00117-00037802-00037882 okay... VgcDJM-XG-o-00118-00038007-00038232 Actually it reassures me. VgcDJM-XG-o-00119-00038414-00038541 You feel reassured ? VgcDJM-XG-o-00120-00038560-00038644 Yes ! VgcDJM-XG-o-00121-00038680-00038941 Yes because 30 years of marriage is long enough. VgcDJM-XG-o-00122-00038941-00039141 If he came back I think ... VgcDJM-XG-o-00123-00039293-00039496 I would have killed him myself ! VhAkGd2PXTk-00000-00000772-00000953 Welcome to Spotlight. VhAkGd2PXTk-00001-00000953-00001317 I’m Joshua Leo. VhAkGd2PXTk-00002-00001317-00001579 And I’m Liz Waid. VhAkGd2PXTk-00003-00001579-00002183 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. VhAkGd2PXTk-00004-00002183-00003396 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. VhAkGd2PXTk-00005-00003396-00004980 Jaap Stam was living the dream of many young people. VhAkGd2PXTk-00006-00004980-00005254 He was an athlete. VhAkGd2PXTk-00007-00005254-00005633 Playing football was his job. VhAkGd2PXTk-00008-00005633-00006239 As a sports player, Stam was healthy and successful. VhAkGd2PXTk-00009-00006239-00006912 He had played for the famous football team Manchester United. VhAkGd2PXTk-00010-00006912-00007448 He had a new job on another good football team - Lazio. VhAkGd2PXTk-00011-00007448-00008098 But, in 2001 he took a test. VhAkGd2PXTk-00012-00008098-00008675 The test found that he had used the drug steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00013-00008675-00009390 Stam spent four months banned from football. VhAkGd2PXTk-00014-00009390-00010029 He said that he had not used steroids on purpose. VhAkGd2PXTk-00015-00010029-00010609 Stam returned to play football for many years. VhAkGd2PXTk-00016-00010609-00011446 But he is only one of many athletes who have taken steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00017-00011446-00011942 Why do some athletes use these drugs? VhAkGd2PXTk-00018-00011942-00012636 What effect do steroids have on the body and on sports? VhAkGd2PXTk-00019-00012636-00013622 Today’s Spotlight is on sports and steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00020-00013622-00014106 Steroids are a strong version of testosterone. VhAkGd2PXTk-00021-00014106-00014605 Human bodies create testosterone naturally. VhAkGd2PXTk-00022-00014605-00015072 Women have low levels of testosterone. VhAkGd2PXTk-00023-00015072-00015631 Men usually have higher levels of testosterone. VhAkGd2PXTk-00024-00015631-00016457 This is why men usually have more muscle - the hard tissue on the body that gives people VhAkGd2PXTk-00025-00016457-00016867 strength. VhAkGd2PXTk-00026-00016867-00017528 Steroids give a person a very high level of testosterone. VhAkGd2PXTk-00027-00017528-00018381 This makes the muscles in a person’s body grow faster and larger. VhAkGd2PXTk-00028-00018381-00018818 Steroids were first invented as a medicine. VhAkGd2PXTk-00029-00018818-00019547 They can be taken in by mouth, rubbed on the skin or injected. VhAkGd2PXTk-00030-00019547-00020877 They have been used to treat people with cancer, HIV and AIDS and other diseases. VhAkGd2PXTk-00031-00020877-00021623 But people who are not sick also use steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00032-00021623-00022181 Athletes began using steroids in the 1950s. VhAkGd2PXTk-00033-00022181-00022648 Steroids gave athletes an advantage. VhAkGd2PXTk-00034-00022648-00023129 They could be stronger and faster than their competitors. VhAkGd2PXTk-00035-00023129-00024358 By the 1960s many major sports organizations had passed laws against using steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00036-00024358-00025866 The organizations began to test athletes to make sure that they were not using steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00037-00025866-00026748 But if taking steroids was against the rules, why would athletes take them? VhAkGd2PXTk-00038-00026748-00027556 Some people say that athletes feel a large amount of pressure to win. VhAkGd2PXTk-00039-00027556-00028568 They think that athletes use steroids because other people expect so much of them. VhAkGd2PXTk-00040-00028568-00029352 Athletes must always run faster, jump higher and be stronger! VhAkGd2PXTk-00041-00029352-00030104 Jose Conseco is a famous baseball player in the United States. VhAkGd2PXTk-00042-00030104-00030530 He admitted to using steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00043-00030530-00030951 He told the U.S. House of Representatives: VhAkGd2PXTk-00044-00030951-00032118 “There was so much pressure to win games, please my supporters, and get the big contract, VhAkGd2PXTk-00045-00032118-00032352 for more money. VhAkGd2PXTk-00046-00032352-00033331 It led me, and others, to behavior that would produce immediate results. VhAkGd2PXTk-00047-00033331-00034529 This is the same pressure that leads young people today to that same behavior.” VhAkGd2PXTk-00048-00034529-00035209 For these reasons, some athletes choose to take steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00049-00035209-00035886 But when they do, they are also facing many risks. VhAkGd2PXTk-00050-00035886-00036662 There are professional risks and also social and physical risks. VhAkGd2PXTk-00051-00036662-00037224 Omar Ortiz is a football player from Mexico. VhAkGd2PXTk-00052-00037224-00037947 In 2010 he took a test that said he had taken steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00053-00037947-00038597 He was banned from playing football for two years. VhAkGd2PXTk-00054-00038597-00039121 An athlete may also lose her awards. VhAkGd2PXTk-00055-00039121-00039507 Marion Jones is a runner. VhAkGd2PXTk-00056-00039507-00040393 In the year 2000 she won five medals at the Olympic games. VhAkGd2PXTk-00057-00040393-00041278 But Jones had to return her awards because she had used steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00058-00041278-00042003 Jones understood that her use of drugs affected her body. VhAkGd2PXTk-00059-00042003-00042631 She also saw that it affected many other people. VhAkGd2PXTk-00060-00042631-00043096 The Washington Post reports that Jones said: VhAkGd2PXTk-00061-00043096-00043834 “I want to apologize to you all for all of this. VhAkGd2PXTk-00062-00043834-00044752 I am sorry for making you all sad in so many ways." VhAkGd2PXTk-00063-00044752-00045672 There are also problems for the sport when people are found to be using steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00064-00045672-00046427 Sports are based on being healthy and playing fairly - by the rules. VhAkGd2PXTk-00065-00046427-00047604 People may lose interest in a sport if they know that some athletes have an unfair advantage. VhAkGd2PXTk-00066-00047604-00048344 Steroids can also have many negative effects on physical health. VhAkGd2PXTk-00067-00048344-00049168 These are problems with growing well and skin and hair problems. VhAkGd2PXTk-00068-00049168-00049866 Steroids can also cause problems with the heart and the liver. VhAkGd2PXTk-00069-00049866-00050475 They increase the chance of stroke and cancer. VhAkGd2PXTk-00070-00050475-00051197 There are also side effects of steroids that affect behaviour. VhAkGd2PXTk-00071-00051197-00051896 People who use steroids can become very angry without reason. VhAkGd2PXTk-00072-00051896-00052602 The steroids may make them feel sad and worried. VhAkGd2PXTk-00073-00052602-00053788 But many people use steroids even when they know the risks of physical problems. VhAkGd2PXTk-00074-00053788-00054425 And many of the people who use steroids are quite young. VhAkGd2PXTk-00075-00054425-00055226 Dr.Linn Goldberg works for the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. VhAkGd2PXTk-00076-00055226-00055764 She tells the news organization MSNBC: VhAkGd2PXTk-00077-00055764-00056750 "Sports role models are very powerful in a young child’s life. VhAkGd2PXTk-00078-00056750-00058010 They think that if a professional athlete had to use that, then maybe I should use that." VhAkGd2PXTk-00079-00058010-00058822 The National Institute on Drug Abuse looked at young people in the United States. VhAkGd2PXTk-00080-00058822-00059798 They found that over half of a million young people are using steroids. VhAkGd2PXTk-00081-00059798-00060761 These 13 to 15 year olds care very much about doing well in sports. VhAkGd2PXTk-00082-00060761-00061429 They are also very concerned about having a strong body. VhAkGd2PXTk-00083-00061429-00062064 They are even willing to take risks with their health. VhAkGd2PXTk-00084-00062064-00063307 Studies show that using steroids is even more dangerous for very young people. VhAkGd2PXTk-00085-00063307-00064170 Yet there are also people with different ideas about steroids and sports. VhAkGd2PXTk-00086-00064170-00064750 Some people argue that steroids should be made legal. VhAkGd2PXTk-00087-00064750-00065436 Some people say that steroids are not very different than what athletes have been doing VhAkGd2PXTk-00088-00065436-00065679 for many years. VhAkGd2PXTk-00089-00065679-00066222 Kenan Malik of the BBC says: VhAkGd2PXTk-00090-00066222-00066897 "But scientists already help athletes win. VhAkGd2PXTk-00091-00066897-00067714 Cyclist Chris Boardman won his Olympic Gold in 1992. VhAkGd2PXTk-00092-00067714-00068530 He was sitting on a specially created machine - his two wheeled bicycle. VhAkGd2PXTk-00093-00068530-00069282 In the Rugby World Cup, England players wore special shirts. VhAkGd2PXTk-00094-00069282-00069772 These shirts were very close to their bodies. VhAkGd2PXTk-00095-00069772-00070516 They were designed so the other team could not hold on to them. VhAkGd2PXTk-00096-00070516-00071483 In these two cases the scientific work did not reduce the sporting victory. VhAkGd2PXTk-00097-00071483-00072154 Why should we see drug use differently?” VhAkGd2PXTk-00098-00072154-00073049 Other people say that if steroids were legal, they would cause less damage. VhAkGd2PXTk-00099-00073049-00073580 Adrianne Blue writes in The New Statesman: VhAkGd2PXTk-00100-00073580-00074377 “Steroids may not be desirable, but they are here to stay. VhAkGd2PXTk-00101-00074377-00074793 We should make steroids legal. VhAkGd2PXTk-00102-00074793-00075141 Then they can be controlled. VhAkGd2PXTk-00103-00075141-00076201 And athletes will not take too much and do themselves damage." VhAkGd2PXTk-00104-00076201-00076920 Do you think that making steroids legal would be a good solution? VhAkGd2PXTk-00105-00076920-00077624 What is the effect of steroid use on your favorite sport? VhAkGd2PXTk-00106-00077624-00077931 You can leave your comments on our website. VhAkGd2PXTk-00107-00077931-00078667 Or you can email us at radio at radioenglish dot net. VhAkGd2PXTk-00108-00078667-00079701 You can also find us on Facebook - just search for spotlightradio. VhAkGd2PXTk-00109-00079701-00080355 The writer and producer of this program was Rena Dam. VhAkGd2PXTk-00110-00080355-00081057 The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. VhAkGd2PXTk-00111-00081057-00081767 All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. VhAkGd2PXTk-00112-00081767-00083122 You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at VhAkGd2PXTk-00113-00083122-00083785 This program is called, ‘Sports and Steroids’. VhAkGd2PXTk-00114-00083785-00084254 We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. VhAkGd2PXTk-00115-00084254-00084345 Goodbye! VjHIk_ejoju-00000-00000043-00000279 solitude makes you stronger VjHIk_ejoju-00001-00000303-00000586 90 percent of the troubles in life VjHIk_ejoju-00002-00000586-00000903 come from interpersonal relationships VjHIk_ejoju-00003-00000936-00001239 including insulting you betraying you VjHIk_ejoju-00004-00001263-00001599 borrowing money without repaying deceiving you VjHIk_ejoju-00005-00001633-00002093 using you as tool free even kill you and so on VjHIk_ejoju-00006-00002130-00002430 the ones who will really hurt you will VjHIk_ejoju-00007-00002430-00002646 always be the people around you VjHIk_ejoju-00008-00002653-00002846 there is a saying in the book VjHIk_ejoju-00009-00002846-00003299 the courage to be disliked that is particularly reasonable VjHIk_ejoju-00010-00003326-00003753 all troubles come from interpersonal relationships VjHIk_ejoju-00011-00003829-00004280 the behavior of humans praying on the same kind has a history VjHIk_ejoju-00012-00004343-00004716 and there are countless books in Chinese history VjHIk_ejoju-00013-00004770-00005050 such as changing sons and eating VjHIk_ejoju-00014-00005076-00005493 humans eating each other historical records VjHIk_ejoju-00015-00005540-00005680 new book of Tang VjHIk_ejoju-00016-00005720-00005796 Zhijitong jan VjHIk_ejoju-00017-00005796-00006176 Zhen as there are detailed records in historical books VjHIk_ejoju-00018-00006176-00006333 such as Zizhitong VjHIk_ejoju-00019-00006333-00006596 Zhen and history of Ming dynasty VjHIk_ejoju-00020-00006643-00007029 for example in the western jin dynasty VjHIk_ejoju-00021-00007030-00007500 the two legged ship refers to human flesh at that time VjHIk_ejoju-00022-00007540-00007903 the barbarians raised two hundred thousands of VjHIk_ejoju-00023-00007906-00008106 women as livestock VjHIk_ejoju-00024-00008146-00008263 and slaughtered VjHIk_ejoju-00025-00008263-00008773 and ate them directly as food when there was a food shortage VjHIk_ejoju-00026-00008783-00009343 however with the development of civilization and domestication VjHIk_ejoju-00027-00009380-00009753 material abundance and advanced technology VjHIk_ejoju-00028-00009753-00010049 and other environmental factors VjHIk_ejoju-00029-00010100-00010463 human beings do not pray on the same kind VjHIk_ejoju-00030-00010463-00010929 and the greater aspects to obtain economic benefits VjHIk_ejoju-00031-00011023-00011479 many people approach other people just to hunt for profit VjHIk_ejoju-00032-00011513-00011959 the book primate psychology says primate psychology VjHIk_ejoju-00033-00012006-00012089 therefore VjHIk_ejoju-00034-00012126-00012626 we never know what our future will be like whether to eat others VjHIk_ejoju-00035-00012626-00012813 or be eaten by others VjHIk_ejoju-00036-00012840-00013369 the definition of interpersonal relationship is between people VjHIk_ejoju-00037-00013369-00013510 in a process VjHIk_ejoju-00038-00013513-00014003 both of them are interactive relationships such as attraction VjHIk_ejoju-00039-00014119-00014519 sorting cooperation competition VjHIk_ejoju-00040-00014613-00014989 leadership and obedience expressed by thoughts VjHIk_ejoju-00041-00015006-00015223 feelings and behaviors VjHIk_ejoju-00042-00015226-00015763 love in a way it is also a kind of interpersonal relationship VjHIk_ejoju-00043-00015786-00016139 if you are afraid that others will be unhappy VjHIk_ejoju-00044-00016166-00016499 or that others will dislike your behavior VjHIk_ejoju-00045-00016563-00016989 or you embarrassed to reject other people's behaviors VjHIk_ejoju-00046-00017020-00017476 such as nervousness tomidity humbleness VjHIk_ejoju-00047-00017493-00017703 flattering personality VjHIk_ejoju-00048-00017753-00018216 and being too kind stop worrying about relationships VjHIk_ejoju-00049-00018276-00018523 because if people don't like you VjHIk_ejoju-00050-00018540-00018860 or reasons for they just don't like you VjHIk_ejoju-00051-00018980-00019413 all attempts to place the laking dog war in vain the lower VjHIk_ejoju-00052-00019413-00019823 your posture the more you will be looked down upon VjHIk_ejoju-00053-00019900-00020350 the lower the posture the more people look down on you VjHIk_ejoju-00054-00020426-00020689 make a list write down those VjHIk_ejoju-00055-00020690-00021093 who don't like you among your friends and relatives VjHIk_ejoju-00056-00021246-00021759 and then tell yourself to let go of everything so remember VjHIk_ejoju-00057-00021810-00022320 Don't try to explain previous misunderstandings to others VjHIk_ejoju-00058-00022396-00022576 Don't run yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00059-00022596-00023159 try to make up for anyone and Don't contact people anymore VjHIk_ejoju-00060-00023253-00023743 then you devote all your time and energy to improving yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00061-00023763-00023939 trying to earn money VjHIk_ejoju-00062-00024006-00024286 and improve your social status VjHIk_ejoju-00063-00024323-00024879 suppose your mirror is broken even if you use superb technology VjHIk_ejoju-00064-00024933-00025319 it doesn't help because there is already a crack VjHIk_ejoju-00065-00025373-00025859 let him pass what happened in the past it doesn't matter VjHIk_ejoju-00066-00025950-00026160 what you really need to do VjHIk_ejoju-00067-00026160-00026493 is to work hard to make yourself strong VjHIk_ejoju-00068-00026556-00026636 therefore VjHIk_ejoju-00069-00026693-00027003 people must have the ability to be alone VjHIk_ejoju-00070-00027003-00027216 and come themselves down VjHIk_ejoju-00071-00027283-00027496 stop internal friction VjHIk_ejoju-00072-00027510-00027666 stop regretting VjHIk_ejoju-00073-00027726-00027933 stop blaming yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00074-00027936-00028203 change your mindset for the better VjHIk_ejoju-00075-00028223-00028399 cultivate solitude VjHIk_ejoju-00076-00028423-00028876 and then achieve independence in thought and finance VjHIk_ejoju-00077-00028939-00029366 let yourself no longer have any form of dependence VjHIk_ejoju-00078-00029370-00029723 no need to depend on others in any form VjHIk_ejoju-00079-00029753-00030109 the choice of life will be in your hands again VjHIk_ejoju-00080-00030156-00030429 solitude is not just a state VjHIk_ejoju-00081-00030466-00031026 solitude is also a force solitude does not make people weak VjHIk_ejoju-00082-00031050-00031350 as long as they can use this power VjHIk_ejoju-00083-00031370-00031603 it will make people stronger VjHIk_ejoju-00084-00031626-00032046 a long time is about creating a new life in yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00085-00032046-00032513 turning your weaknesses and shortcomings into strengths VjHIk_ejoju-00086-00032636-00033173 in fact everyone misunderstands the power of solitude VjHIk_ejoju-00087-00033213-00033583 only the power of solitude can polish your heart VjHIk_ejoju-00088-00033630-00033903 to control your own lonely time VjHIk_ejoju-00089-00033933-00034179 create a new life for yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00090-00034203-00034419 decide your own destiny VjHIk_ejoju-00091-00034440-00034920 and live out your true self this is the power of solitude VjHIk_ejoju-00092-00035006-00035409 this kind of power is not available to everyone VjHIk_ejoju-00093-00035413-00035773 and they will panic and be afraid therefore VjHIk_ejoju-00094-00035873-00036363 only those withiner strength can control the power of solitude VjHIk_ejoju-00095-00036453-00036936 but some people always think that lonely people are very sad VjHIk_ejoju-00096-00036993-00037376 it stems from your inherent misconception VjHIk_ejoju-00097-00037376-00037766 that people live in groups and should be accompanied VjHIk_ejoju-00098-00037783-00037919 by many people VjHIk_ejoju-00099-00037920-00038433 it is about such depruted ideas that need to be considered VjHIk_ejoju-00100-00038466-00038889 because of being educated by groups since childhood VjHIk_ejoju-00101-00038893-00039253 isolated individuals are often afraid of VjHIk_ejoju-00102-00039253-00039559 being told that that guy is so pitiful VjHIk_ejoju-00103-00039586-00040043 that no one cares about him even if he has any friends VjHIk_ejoju-00104-00040070-00040376 as a result these cognitions VjHIk_ejoju-00105-00040376-00040846 gave birth to some behaviors that i didn't want to do VjHIk_ejoju-00106-00040890-00041453 such as to avoid being alone to avoid being considered lonely VjHIk_ejoju-00107-00041466-00041803 to force myself to associate with people VjHIk_ejoju-00108-00041803-00042059 i don't want to associate with VjHIk_ejoju-00109-00042063-00042276 to suppress my own nature VjHIk_ejoju-00110-00042290-00042706 to fit in with groups you don't want to fit in with VjHIk_ejoju-00111-00042773-00043159 in this way you cannot live your true self VjHIk_ejoju-00112-00043226-00043633 because you are always patient and pleasing to others VjHIk_ejoju-00113-00043633-00043869 in order to cater to those VjHIk_ejoju-00114-00043870-00043943 around you VjHIk_ejoju-00115-00043983-00044439 living in everyone's expectations is inextricable VjHIk_ejoju-00116-00044470-00044906 and eventually leads to becoming a pleasing personality VjHIk_ejoju-00117-00044910-00045370 pleasing externally without constant internal friction VjHIk_ejoju-00118-00045416-00045613 suppressing oneself VjHIk_ejoju-00119-00045633-00046096 and splitting oneself until you become a mental patient VjHIk_ejoju-00120-00046123-00046476 catering to the outside is letting yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00121-00046483-00046743 slowly kill your inner to yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00122-00046766-00047133 and your spirit will collapse sooner or later VjHIk_ejoju-00123-00047160-00047486 living in the expectations of others VjHIk_ejoju-00124-00047486-00047786 encountering and weakening oneself VjHIk_ejoju-00125-00047836-00048386 until the spirit is exhausted and collapsed is used to sleep VjHIk_ejoju-00126-00048406-00048596 and after a long time VjHIk_ejoju-00127-00048693-00049009 you will get depression autism VjHIk_ejoju-00128-00049043-00049306 psychosis and other diseases VjHIk_ejoju-00129-00049393-00049916 in fact everyone misunderstands the meaning of loneliness VjHIk_ejoju-00130-00050000-00050210 time alone is invaluable VjHIk_ejoju-00131-00050210-00050586 because that's when you can really look at yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00132-00050586-00050896 time spent thinking only of myself VjHIk_ejoju-00133-00050996-00051359 so the time when one is alone can also VjHIk_ejoju-00134-00051360-00051713 be said to be the time to create one self VjHIk_ejoju-00135-00051876-00052359 who can use this precious time to enhance their own strength VjHIk_ejoju-00136-00052429-00052743 and at the same time make good use of VjHIk_ejoju-00137-00052746-00053186 this power to let themselves live out their true selves VjHIk_ejoju-00138-00053300-00053520 live out their true selves VjHIk_ejoju-00139-00053533-00053999 can move towards a bright and happy successful life VjHIk_ejoju-00140-00054160-00054553 it can be said that people who have lonely solitude VjHIk_ejoju-00141-00054553-00054906 are also full of confidence in themselves VjHIk_ejoju-00142-00054940-00055403 it is a person who is truly responsible for himself VjHIk_ejoju-00143-00055420-00055783 because he can always put his will in the center VjHIk_ejoju-00144-00055836-00056063 and actively assume his own VjHIk_ejoju-00145-00056063-00056433 life and a life attitude of responsibility VjHIk_ejoju-00146-00056516-00056973 if an individual wants to be respected by others VjHIk_ejoju-00147-00057053-00057159 solitude VjHIk_ejoju-00148-00057170-00057653 means not forgetting one's own principles and bottom line VjHIk_ejoju-00149-00057653-00057949 while dealing with people in society VjHIk_ejoju-00150-00057976-00058383 he must have his own principles and bottom line VjHIk_ejoju-00151-00058416-00058589 and at the same time VjHIk_ejoju-00152-00058590-00058943 have the courage to stick to his own position VjHIk_ejoju-00153-00058973-00059139 with this attitude VjHIk_ejoju-00154-00059166-00059386 no matter who you are with VjHIk_ejoju-00155-00059443-00060016 you can enjoy it even physically alone when you are really alone VjHIk_ejoju-00156-00060050-00060436 you will not feel lonely and neither will you VjHIk_ejoju-00157-00060473-00060929 solitude is to hold a powerful force similar to Maverick VjHIk_ejoju-00158-00060946-00061179 when you are lonely solitude VjHIk_ejoju-00159-00061203-00061559 you need to develop a dialogue with yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00160-00061583-00061849 which is a habit of introspection VjHIk_ejoju-00161-00061850-00062170 and the key to mastering your own life VjHIk_ejoju-00162-00062190-00062423 here i want to tell everyone VjHIk_ejoju-00163-00062423-00062826 talk to yourself by facing yourself in solitude VjHIk_ejoju-00164-00062843-00063296 you will be able to control your emotions as you wish VjHIk_ejoju-00165-00063323-00063429 if you can VjHIk_ejoju-00166-00063446-00063583 understand yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00167-00063606-00063799 recognize yourself VjHIk_ejoju-00168-00063800-00064110 you won't have complaints like he doesn't VjHIk_ejoju-00169-00064140-00064479 understand me he doesn't approve of me etc VjHIk_ejoju-00170-00064546-00064979 for facing a fact as long as you do your best VjHIk_ejoju-00171-00064996-00065239 no matter what the result is VjHIk_ejoju-00172-00065293-00065599 you can also recognize your efforts VjHIk_ejoju-00173-00065600-00066083 you can digest your troubles and anxiety in your heart VjHIk_ejoju-00174-00066116-00066383 change the way you interpret things VjHIk_ejoju-00175-00066410-00066616 and feel more happiness VjHIk_ejoju-00176-00066640-00066950 if you want to have such a strong heart VjHIk_ejoju-00177-00066976-00067286 it is essential to be alone in peace VjHIk_ejoju-00178-00067306-00067806 once something happens you also have self confidence VjHIk_ejoju-00179-00067820-00068300 believe in yourself and you can solve the problem alone VjHIk_ejoju-00180-00068336-00068596 the power of solitude means that VjHIk_ejoju-00181-00068596-00069036 even if why you are hated or excluded by others VjHIk_ejoju-00182-00069040-00069170 you Don't care VjHIk_ejoju-00183-00069233-00069753 for yourself what really matters is to live your own life well VjHIk_ejoju-00184-00069780-00070233 the inner piece of being alone does not depend on everything VjHIk_ejoju-00185-00070256-00070553 this kind of strength can be used to VjHIk_ejoju-00186-00070553-00070826 measure the maturity of an adult VjHIk_ejoju-00187-00071043-00071513 in other words the solitude mentioned in this book VjHIk_ejoju-00188-00071650-00072023 doesn't mean only actively avoiding contact VjHIk_ejoju-00189-00072023-00072396 with others are ignored or isolated by all VjHIk_ejoju-00190-00072456-00072926 instead i choose to walk the path i firmly believe in VjHIk_ejoju-00191-00072963-00073433 to be alone with peace of mind and not to rely on anything VjHIk_ejoju-00192-00073530-00073863 to live bravely alone is also similar VjHIk_ejoju-00193-00073866-00074146 to the concept of being a Maverick VjHIk_ejoju-00194-00074190-00074436 it's fun to be with everyone VjHIk_ejoju-00195-00074470-00074740 but it's also fun to be alone VjHIk_ejoju-00196-00074830-00075186 no matter what kind of environment it is VjHIk_ejoju-00197-00075233-00075539 if you can enjoy the present moment VjHIk_ejoju-00198-00075540-00075823 and are not afraid of being alone VjHIk_ejoju-00199-00075863-00076163 you Don't have to force yourself to VjHIk_ejoju-00200-00076163-00076556 cater to the interpersonal relationships around you VjHIk_ejoju-00201-00076573-00076993 and you can live out toxic relationships around you VjHIk_ejoju-00202-00077040-00077293 and you can leave your true self VjHIk_ejoju-00203-00077296-00077589 the solitude introduced in this book VjHIk_ejoju-00204-00077590-00077870 does not mean negative loneliness VjHIk_ejoju-00205-00077920-00078430 but a process that people must go through if they want to mature VjHIk_ejoju-00206-00078430-00078560 psychologically VjHIk_ejoju-00207-00078610-00079103 a positive sense of solitude as long as you recognize VjHIk_ejoju-00208-00079133-00079276 everything about life VjHIk_ejoju-00209-00079333-00079579 you cannot rely on independent VjHIk_ejoju-00210-00079636-00080146 but a process that people must go through if they want to mature VjHIk_ejoju-00211-00080150-00080533 psychologically get the key of psychology power VjHIk_ejoju-00212-00080543-00080906 a positive sense of solitude as long as VjHIk_ejoju-00213-00080906-00081209 you recognize everything about life VjHIk_ejoju-00214-00081286-00081539 you cannot independent on VjHIk_ejoju-00215-00081560-00081843 everything of thing you used to rely on VjHIk_ejoju-00216-00081903-00082199 use loneliness to let the soul grow VjHIk_ejoju-00217-00082200-00082480 your new life has really begun VjHIk_ejoju-00218-00082530-00082943 the following points are the strengths that loneliness VjHIk_ejoju-00219-00082943-00083056 brings to our VjHIk_ejoju-00220-00083056-00083273 psychological strengthening VjHIk_ejoju-00221-00083310-00083473 thanks for watching VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00000-00000539-00000639 Common home VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00001-00000639-00000942 or common grave? VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00002-00000942-00001056 Idolatry VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00003-00001056-00001170 Bergoglio VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00004-00001170-00001873 It is very important to take care of our environment, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00005-00001873-00002419 not only for our personal good but for the good of others. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00006-00002419-00002803 But this has become the motive for a new mission of the Church, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00007-00002803-00003346 which has moved away from its religious pastoral mission VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00008-00003346-00003906 and entered the UN agenda with sustainable development, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00009-00003906-00004459 so this is an evangelization more political than religious, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00010-00004459-00004994 if we consider that evangelization is to bring the gospel of Christ, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00011-00004994-00005335 but this has nothing to do with Christ. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00012-00005335-00005982 In fact, "Laudato Si" is a document that calls God's people VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00013-00005982-00006498 to forget about God in order to enter into the idolatry VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00014-00006498-00006909 of the common home, the love for mother earth, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00015-00006909-00007361 which includes so much worship that it brings us new guilt VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00016-00007361-00007555 for ecological sins. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00017-00007555-00007903 What a foolish invention. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00018-00007903-00008054 What common house? VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00019-00008054-00008682 God created man superior to creation, he made him from the dust of the earth VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00020-00008682-00009306 and to the earth he has to return because of his disobedience. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00021-00009306-00009831 Man must praise his creator and exalt him for his wonderful works, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00022-00009831-00010336 but at no time can he love them more than God. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00023-00010336-00010706 Matthew 22 verse 37 Jesus said to him, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00024-00010706-00011164 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00025-00011164-00011571 and with all your soul, and with all your mind. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00026-00011571-00012101 So there is no room left to put creation above God. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00027-00012101-00012435 All indigenous cultures that have not received VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00028-00012435-00012858 the gospel of Christ worship mother earth, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00029-00012858-00013146 even offering rituals and human sacrifices VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00030-00013146-00013626 in hopes of gaining life and prosperity from it. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00031-00013626-00013981 This worship is a cult of the devil, not of God; VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00032-00013981-00014444 it is a cult to the creature, not to God the creator. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00033-00014444-00014823 That is why Christ came into the world to teach us the way VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00034-00014823-00015245 to God the Father and to make us children of God, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00035-00015245-00015653 new creatures not of dust but of light. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00036-00015653-00016065 Christ came to lift the baseness of our humanity VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00037-00016065-00016531 out of the mud and mire of our spiritual poverty VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00038-00016531-00017019 to elevate us to the kingdom of heaven, the true common home VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00039-00017019-00017269 of the children of God. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00040-00017269-00017718 Christ is our home if we truly want to be saved. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00041-00017718-00018177 Psalm 122 verse 1 What a joy when they said to me, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00042-00018177-00018493 Let us go to the house of the Lord. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00043-00018493-00019089 The earth is not the house of the Lord, the true house of the Lord on earth VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00044-00019089-00019386 are the souls that worship him, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00045-00019386-00019661 Isaiah 57 verse 15 VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00046-00019661-00020104 For thus says the Most High, whose dwelling place is eternal VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00047-00020104-00020554 and whose name is holy, I dwell in a high and holy place, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00048-00020554-00021109 but also with the contrite and humble, to revive the spirit of the humble VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00049-00021109-00021420 and to revive contrite hearts. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00050-00021420-00021867 In eternity God's home and our home is Heaven, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00051-00021867-00022350 but Heaven cannot be our home unless we first enter into Christ, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00052-00022350-00022973 so, to speak of a common home of God's people united with all pagans VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00053-00022973-00023486 and to direct spiritual energies toward it, is a waste of time VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00054-00023486-00023886 as well as being idolatrous. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00055-00023886-00024309 Jesus is the temple of humanity, for he begot all human beings VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00056-00024309-00024661 during his incarnation so that all who believe in him VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00057-00024661-00024900 can have eternal life. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00058-00024900-00025137 That is why He is the only way to the Father VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00059-00025137-00025421 (John 14 verse 6), VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00060-00025421-00025888 the only way to the heavenly home, the only heaven. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00061-00025888-00026213 The new religion that leads to seeking the common home VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00062-00026213-00026730 is not religion, since religion means to bind us to God, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00063-00026730-00027323 so to seek the common home on earth is to materialize ourselves, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00064-00027323-00027785 to look at matter as something greater than spirit. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00065-00027785-00028344 I define the earth as the common grave, not the common home, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00066-00028344-00028862 because the earth is a cemetery of all the bodies of human beings, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00067-00028862-00029514 it is the place where our rottenness goes, it is nothing glamorous, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00068-00029514-00029791 all the black waters arrive there. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00069-00029791-00030458 Earth is the place of our punishment, the world of the banished children of Eve, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00070-00030458-00031001 this valley full of tears, because originally man VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00071-00031001-00031472 lived in paradise before his fall because of sin. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00072-00031472-00031872 And to take care of the earth we already have the governments VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00073-00031872-00032202 that for some reason exploit us and have the duty VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00074-00032202-00032889 to work to take care of our environment, although in their corruption VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00075-00032889-00033134 they do not do so. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00076-00033134-00033455 On the other hand, the Church has the duty VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00077-00033455-00033849 to work to care for our souls and to take us VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00078-00033849-00034240 not to the common earthly home but to heaven, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00079-00034240-00034643 because earthly men have their eyes on the ground, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00080-00034643-00034816 not on heaven. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00081-00034816-00035431 It is a misfortune that the Church abandoned the care of souls VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00082-00035431-00035804 to lead men to become idolatrous worshippers VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00083-00035804-00036137 of mother earth, instead of progressing VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00084-00036137-00036593 Bergoglio wants to lead humanity back to the indigenous culture VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00085-00036593-00037243 that has no savior because it has not known Christ. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00086-00037243-00037771 And let's analyze what false illusion this responsibility VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00087-00037771-00038204 of becoming meticulous about the environment is preaching. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00088-00038204-00038650 And it is not that we should not take care of it, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00089-00038650-00038990 because it is the same as if we walk in our home VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00090-00038990-00039488 in the middle of garbage, it is a common responsibility, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00091-00039488-00039789 but it is not be taken to fanaticism. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00092-00039789-00040303 It is more important to take care of our inner temple VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00093-00040303-00040996 (1 Corinthians 6 verse 19) because we are temples of the spirit VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00094-00040996-00041235 and God lives in us. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00095-00041235-00041640 The United Nations is concerned about global warming VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00096-00041640-00041837 and now the Church is part of that concern, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00097-00041837-00042279 but don't they realize that everything around us VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00098-00042279-00042403 has to burn? VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00099-00042403-00043132 2 Peter chapter 3 verse 10 But the day of the Lord VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00100-00043132-00043413 will come as a thief, (and it will be very soon) VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00101-00043413-00043841 in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00102-00043841-00044247 and the elements will be destroyed with fierce heat, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00103-00044247-00044550 and the earth and the works that are in it VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00104-00044550-00044788 will be burned up. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00105-00044788-00045212 Nothing will be left of the common grave. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00106-00045212-00045686 And global warming, like everything that happens to us, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00107-00045686-00046051 is part of God's will. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00108-00046051-00046488 Revelation 16 verse 8 The fourth angel poured out VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00109-00046488-00046820 his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00110-00046820-00047109 to scorch people with fire. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00111-00047109-00047655 Rev 16:9 They were scorched by the intense heat VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00112-00047655-00048182 and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00113-00048182-00048590 but they refused to repent and glorify him. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00114-00048590-00049253 Let us not seek so much to protect the common home, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00115-00049253-00049632 but rather to earn heaven, that we may enter VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00116-00049632-00049878 into the house of God. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00117-00049878-00050409 True evangelism begins with repentance and conversion, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00118-00050409-00051047 not childish stories and fantasies about a common home. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00119-00051047-00051414 If you liked this video, please give us a Like, VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00120-00051414-00051789 subscribe to our channel "The Work of God", VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00121-00051789-00052202 share on social networks and don't forget to leave VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00122-00052202-00052495 your valuable comments. VjI_Sm_W_-Q-00123-00052495-00054592 💗 God bless you 💗 W3xJE3tUftk-00000-00003304-00003960 do this 30 years old starting at the quantum boy and he knows the streets of W3xJE3tUftk-00001-00003960-00004311 New York all the way to the streets of Carrollton all the way to the streets of W3xJE3tUftk-00002-00004311-00004932 Whitechapel and you know I'm not too proud some of the things I've done but W3xJE3tUftk-00003-00004932-00005412 becoming the kidness is it's been a blessing from the guides because today W3xJE3tUftk-00004-00005412-00005985 we're gonna make a cure for the corona virus you know child to China he's W3xJE3tUftk-00005-00005985-00006530 always taking care of me give me the best tools the best engineering so I'm W3xJE3tUftk-00006-00006530-00006998 on the couch with him on this one the little star right here in my kitchen W3xJE3tUftk-00007-00006998-00008159 my lad you know MPD's wear safety goggles first thing first people are put W3xJE3tUftk-00008-00008159-00009182 into the guano virus kid of color below suspend out to make you smell light and W3xJE3tUftk-00009-00009182-00009875 makes it to kill bacteria always on my life my mom I use this on my toilet on W3xJE3tUftk-00010-00009875-00010439 my floors and there's just really no feeling Hispanic number wood it is so W3xJE3tUftk-00011-00010439-00011124 loose being my head they said you only take him in Boston's always you know the W3xJE3tUftk-00012-00011124-00011571 largest army because they'll try to sue me later but this one's gotta be the kid W3xJE3tUftk-00013-00011571-00012115 another cycle of us and the next ingredient W3xJE3tUftk-00014-00012171-00013424 in the second up for swag I think better already W3xJE3tUftk-00015-00013532-00014919 very what you told your buddies you say 1738 china try some more cleansing W3xJE3tUftk-00016-00014919-00016073 alcohol some more beside them at least some power steering fluid please right W3xJE3tUftk-00017-00016073-00016922 here to watch him right out so all this is get put and saloons parlor free W3xJE3tUftk-00018-00016922-00017517 fuck it so basically is about nine ounces of power steering fluid about 10 W3xJE3tUftk-00019-00017517-00018720 inches table also about 750 milliliters or 1738 and 6 ounces part and this part W3xJE3tUftk-00020-00018720-00019070 here Elmo can cook today W3xJE3tUftk-00021-00019551-00020887 oh yeah this is really the good stuff now it's really cooking now all right W3xJE3tUftk-00022-00020929-00021492 there you are gasps nice bro I want you to dine here or not and just did you W3xJE3tUftk-00023-00021492-00021959 record anything you know I don't think Duncan drugs into play Z another but W3xJE3tUftk-00024-00021959-00024872 anyways the next thing is to take let's go W5xM1YS0KIc-00000-00000074-00000468 re you searching for someone to heal your pets humanly? W5xM1YS0KIc-00001-00000468-00000878 Humane Healing enhances the lives of pets and their parents through proven science. W5xM1YS0KIc-00002-00000878-00001369 They are dedicated to the humane treatment of animals through the development of breakthrough W5xM1YS0KIc-00003-00001369-00001652 technologies in innovative way. W5xM1YS0KIc-00004-00001652-00002141 They believe that your companions deserve to be happy, healthy, and treated humanely.Heal W5xM1YS0KIc-00005-00002141-00002592 pets humanely,Humane treatment of animals,Faster wound healing,Ointments for pet wounds,Animal W5xM1YS0KIc-00006-00002592-00002681 wellness products W6GWfCIy8vg-00000-00001026-00001411 Hello everybody. Welcome back to another episode of Anabaptist Perspectives. I'm W6GWfCIy8vg-00001-00001412-00001614 here with Josh Nissly - or is it Nisly? W6GWfCIy8vg-00002-00001614-00001676 Nisly. W6GWfCIy8vg-00003-00001676-00002294 Nisly. All right. I got it wrong, but that's okay. We are here in Brooklyn, but you're from Queens, correct? W6GWfCIy8vg-00004-00002294-00002870 Yeah, in New York City, and we're gonna dive into a slightly interesting topic W6GWfCIy8vg-00005-00002870-00003469 about how we view Jesus as the Prince of Peace, and this inspired me from W6GWfCIy8vg-00006-00003469-00003754 a sermon you had actually out in Kansas when I was out there visiting family. I W6GWfCIy8vg-00007-00003754-00004072 thought we would just jump into that. You've observed the title the Prince of W6GWfCIy8vg-00008-00004072-00004493 Peace as it applies to Jesus. Can you go through how that's laid out in Scripture, W6GWfCIy8vg-00009-00004493-00004758 and what that means, and why is it significant? W6GWfCIy8vg-00010-00004758-00005426 So, what first got me interested in this is I was studying, looking at the title of the Prince of W6GWfCIy8vg-00011-00005426-00006071 Peace is sort of the chronological context in which Jesus came which I W6GWfCIy8vg-00012-00006071-00006451 think brings an interesting twist to it because right at the time when Jesus W6GWfCIy8vg-00013-00006451-00007313 was born, Caesar Augustus had just risen to power in Rome, and he is largely W6GWfCIy8vg-00014-00007313-00007766 responsible for ushering in Pax Romana or Roman peace, and so it's in the W6GWfCIy8vg-00015-00007766-00008252 context of this peace that Jesus who the Bible calls the "Prince of Peace" comes, W6GWfCIy8vg-00016-00008252-00008908 and to me what that's saying is that this Roman peace was not true peace - W6GWfCIy8vg-00017-00008908-00009472 that true peace was a different kind of peace. So if you think about Pax Romana. W6GWfCIy8vg-00018-00009472-00009967 Yeah, there wasn't a lot of war between nations, but that's because Rome was as W6GWfCIy8vg-00019-00009967-00010450 brutal (you could say global dictator) at the time. I would describe that as a W6GWfCIy8vg-00020-00010450-00010931 peace of brutality - a peace of dominance. With that background the peace that W6GWfCIy8vg-00021-00010931-00011395 Jesus brings is completely different. Jesus has this peace of harmony, and W6GWfCIy8vg-00022-00011395-00011984 submission, and so as we look at how Jesus brought peace, and the kind of W6GWfCIy8vg-00023-00011984-00012628 peace that He brings, I see it as twofold. One there's this ultimate peace W6GWfCIy8vg-00024-00012628-00013150 of man being reconciled with God. Ever since Genesis, we've been at war W6GWfCIy8vg-00025-00013150-00013760 you could say with God. We've been separated, and Jesus brings this peace W6GWfCIy8vg-00026-00013760-00014119 reconciling God and man, but there's another kind of peace, and W6GWfCIy8vg-00027-00014120-00014562 that is just what I would maybe describe as community peace or communal peace. So W6GWfCIy8vg-00028-00014562-00015216 as you go through the Gospels, we see Jesus interacting with people, and every W6GWfCIy8vg-00029-00015216-00015841 time Jesus interacts with someone, He ends up leaving that seeker more whole, W6GWfCIy8vg-00030-00015841-00016464 more who they are, and more at peace than they were before He met them. W6GWfCIy8vg-00031-00016464-00016850 Now that's really interesting because I'm thinking if someone in the time of Jesus then W6GWfCIy8vg-00032-00016851-00017145 would have heard the title Prince of Peace would have been like, I mean W6GWfCIy8vg-00033-00017145-00017762 everything's good right now. Right? Like we're not at war. Would have it been confusing to them you think? W6GWfCIy8vg-00034-00017762-00017972 The term Prince of Peace? It's certainly not W6GWfCIy8vg-00035-00017973-00018407 what they were expecting. You know, if we think about also the way that Jesus W6GWfCIy8vg-00036-00018408-00018764 brought in the Kingdom of God. It's not the kind of kingdom that they were W6GWfCIy8vg-00037-00018764-00019392 expecting. In the same way the peace that Jesus brought is not the peace, the kind W6GWfCIy8vg-00038-00019392-00019776 of peace that they were expecting, and so yeah, I think it caught people off W6GWfCIy8vg-00039-00019776-00020151 guard. I don't think it's stopped catching people off guard. See part of W6GWfCIy8vg-00040-00020151-00020501 why I think it's relevant today is we're in the middle of you could say Pax W6GWfCIy8vg-00041-00020501-00020925 Americana, but the parallels between American W6GWfCIy8vg-00042-00020925-00021326 peace and Roman peace are eerie. It's this peace of brutality, of dominance. W6GWfCIy8vg-00043-00021326-00021894 America as a nation is probably more at peace than it's been through most of its W6GWfCIy8vg-00044-00021894-00022498 history, and yet I wouldn't necessarily call America peaceful. W6GWfCIy8vg-00045-00022498-00022964 There's rising tension, and what to me that says is just like Pax Romana was not W6GWfCIy8vg-00046-00022964-00023320 true ultimate peace, Pax Americana isn't either. W6GWfCIy8vg-00047-00023320-00023556 There's something festering under the surface. W6GWfCIy8vg-00048-00023556-00024140 Yeah, and until you resolve that core underlying reconciliation with God, and with each other W6GWfCIy8vg-00049-00024140-00024490 you can have you know whatever army you want. It's not going to be true peace. W6GWfCIy8vg-00050-00024490-00025109 So when Scripture gives the title Prince of Peace to Jesus, that seems to imply He's reigning over W6GWfCIy8vg-00051-00025109-00025456 something. So how does that apply to us as His disciples? W6GWfCIy8vg-00052-00025456-00026247 I think the term Prince can mean multiple things. I think one of the connotations is simply like the W6GWfCIy8vg-00053-00026247-00026961 Prince of Peace being the foremost or the initiator, so I think of Jesus W6GWfCIy8vg-00054-00026961-00027442 being the ultimate reconciler of God with man, and it's through that that W6GWfCIy8vg-00055-00027442-00028030 He earns this title of Prince in that process. So what does that mean for W6GWfCIy8vg-00056-00028030-00028591 us as followers of Jesus? You know in this context, I think it just means W6GWfCIy8vg-00057-00028591-00029047 valuing what Jesus valued. Valuing this concept of peace, and I was talking with W6GWfCIy8vg-00058-00029047-00029674 a friend some time ago, and he pointed out (and he's right I think) that Europeans, W6GWfCIy8vg-00059-00029674-00030342 and their descendants which would be us have a cultural and historical heritage W6GWfCIy8vg-00060-00030342-00030858 of dominance, of conquering, of dominance, and subjugation through violence, and so what he's W6GWfCIy8vg-00061-00030858-00031495 saying is that this idea of dominance, and of valuing conquering. It runs in W6GWfCIy8vg-00062-00031495-00031983 our cultural blood. It's naturally what we will tend to revert to, and so I think W6GWfCIy8vg-00063-00031983-00032370 one of the things that this means as followers of Jesus is that we've got to W6GWfCIy8vg-00064-00032370-00032800 push that aside, and say, this may be what the culture at large is saying. This may W6GWfCIy8vg-00065-00032800-00033199 be what our history books say we have done, but this is not who we are. This is W6GWfCIy8vg-00066-00033199-00033676 not who we are to be. The common answer there is well, we don't participate in armed W6GWfCIy8vg-00067-00033676-00034036 forces. We use the term non resistance like W6GWfCIy8vg-00068-00034036-00034586 we're a poster child for this, and that's certainly a start, W6GWfCIy8vg-00069-00034586-00035290 but I think it's still a danger that we have of identifying with this idea of W6GWfCIy8vg-00070-00035290-00035764 dominance. Example of that: a Canadian was telling me this story. They W6GWfCIy8vg-00071-00035764-00036224 were at an American Bible School, and they were talking about the military somehow. W6GWfCIy8vg-00072-00036224-00036582 This came up, and the teacher mentioned that you know America's W6GWfCIy8vg-00073-00036582-00037054 military is large, and asked a student, well, how large is Canada's army? W6GWfCIy8vg-00074-00037054-00037468 And she's like, well, do we even have one? And he's like, well yeah. You're welcome. W6GWfCIy8vg-00075-00037468-00037814 But there's this implication there. This implication that W6GWfCIy8vg-00076-00037814-00038496 America is doing a favor by being this global dominant force. I just W6GWfCIy8vg-00077-00038496-00039022 think we've got to step back from that, and say, this is not the way of W6GWfCIy8vg-00078-00039022-00039499 Christ. This is not the kind of peace that we're after. This is not the way W6GWfCIy8vg-00079-00039499-00039914 that we ought to be. This is not what we should be valuing. W6GWfCIy8vg-00080-00039914-00040390 That's really interesting though because I - obviously for this project, and for other W6GWfCIy8vg-00081-00040390-00040657 things I travel, and get to see a lot of different Anabaptist W6GWfCIy8vg-00082-00040657-00041214 churches, and I've had this sense, or even had people just blatantly say it W6GWfCIy8vg-00083-00041214-00041683 that well, I mean for things to be stable, and okay, you gotta have brutal force to W6GWfCIy8vg-00084-00041683-00042163 you know keep things together, and I mean they you know go military. W6GWfCIy8vg-00085-00042163-00042544 No. We're not resistant, but real glad that they're going over there, and W6GWfCIy8vg-00086-00042544-00042985 killing the bad guys basically. Not in so many words I guess, and that always W6GWfCIy8vg-00087-00042985-00043447 kind of bothered me. I'm like, I don't really see Jesus saying that, so where W6GWfCIy8vg-00088-00043447-00043794 did that attitude come from? And that makes a lot of sense I guess - that sense of dominance. W6GWfCIy8vg-00089-00043794-00044026 I think it's interesting that often this "it's just the way the W6GWfCIy8vg-00090-00044026-00044488 world works" is used to justify behaviors that we know are wrong, but we W6GWfCIy8vg-00091-00044488-00045199 value anyway. In the book Freakonomics the authors make a case that Roe versus W6GWfCIy8vg-00092-00045199-00045704 Wade legalizing abortion is more than anything else responsible for reducing W6GWfCIy8vg-00093-00045704-00046306 crime through the mid-nineties. That the drop in crime we saw is caused by a legalized W6GWfCIy8vg-00094-00046306-00046954 abortion. By allowing mothers in tough spots to have abortions rather than have W6GWfCIy8vg-00095-00046954-00047540 their kids grow up in areas of crime, reduces crime, and that's extremely W6GWfCIy8vg-00096-00047540-00048010 provocative theory, and I'm not gonna defend it, but imagine just for a second that W6GWfCIy8vg-00097-00048010-00048532 that were actually the case. Imagine that that were true. Would we then say, oh, well this is W6GWfCIy8vg-00098-00048532-00048853 the way the world works. We should legalize abortion in order to reduce W6GWfCIy8vg-00099-00048853-00049176 crime. It's just the way the world works. No. I hope not. W6GWfCIy8vg-00100-00049176-00049314 Yeah. I just see what you did there. W6GWfCIy8vg-00101-00049314-00049876 Well, and I think one of the things that radical Anabaptism says is, you don't say this is W6GWfCIy8vg-00102-00049876-00050218 the way the world works. You say, human life is precious no W6GWfCIy8vg-00103-00050218-00050593 matter where it is. No matter how old it is. No matter what the background is. W6GWfCIy8vg-00104-00050593-00050950 Human life is precious, and we're going to protect it no matter what the W6GWfCIy8vg-00105-00050950-00051376 consequences are. If that means higher crime, so be it. If that means our country W6GWfCIy8vg-00106-00051376-00051800 is crowded so be it. We are gonna protect human life. W6GWfCIy8vg-00107-00051800-00052104 Basically a consistent ethic of life. W6GWfCIy8vg-00108-00052104-00052261 Yeah, and I think one of the things that Anabaptists W6GWfCIy8vg-00109-00052261-00052954 have done pretty well at is saying - as a whole over time - is saying we are going W6GWfCIy8vg-00110-00052954-00053590 to radically follow and value Biblical values even when they don't line up with W6GWfCIy8vg-00111-00053590-00054112 societal values. So, we're gonna pull back from being W6GWfCIy8vg-00112-00054112-00054538 involved in law enforcement, and we're gonna say we believe that God is W6GWfCIy8vg-00113-00054538-00054974 powerful enough that if everyone did what we're doing, the world would still W6GWfCIy8vg-00114-00054974-00055238 work, and I think the same applies here. W6GWfCIy8vg-00115-00055238-00055766 Yeah, so I - and I'm sure a lot of our audience is gonna think of this, but what do we do with the contrasting W6GWfCIy8vg-00116-00055766-00056116 images we see of Jesus where yes, He's the Prince of Peace, but at the same time W6GWfCIy8vg-00117-00056116-00056516 He's you know cleansing the temple with a whip, or He says I'm not here to bring W6GWfCIy8vg-00118-00056516-00056948 peace, but a sword. How does that work with what you're discussing here? W6GWfCIy8vg-00119-00056948-00057372 It's a great question. The specific "I haven't come to bring peace, buta sword." I W6GWfCIy8vg-00120-00057372-00057662 think all that's required there is to sort of step back, and look at the W6GWfCIy8vg-00121-00057662-00058099 context. The context is in the cost of following Jesus, and so what I'm seeing Him saying W6GWfCIy8vg-00122-00058099-00058537 is I'm going to metaphorically drive a sword between families, between W6GWfCIy8vg-00123-00058538-00058996 communities. Like there is a cost to following me, and you need to take that W6GWfCIy8vg-00124-00058996-00059594 into account. You will be pushed to the fringes of society if you follow Me as I ask. W6GWfCIy8vg-00125-00059594-00060104 As far as cleansing the temple. What I might say there's also these W6GWfCIy8vg-00126-00060104-00060502 pictures of Jesus as sort of this - I think it's fair to say - a conquering W6GWfCIy8vg-00127-00060502-00060824 warlord in Revelation, and I think there's kind of two answers to W6GWfCIy8vg-00128-00060824-00061547 that. One is Jesus is God, and He is able to do things that we're not, so He was W6GWfCIy8vg-00129-00061547-00061886 fully man when He was here, but He was also fully God. That gives Him the authority to do W6GWfCIy8vg-00130-00061886-00062285 things that we don't have to - we don't have. He was able to forgive sins W6GWfCIy8vg-00131-00062285-00062737 for example. I hope we don't try to do that, so that's one answer. The W6GWfCIy8vg-00132-00062737-00063430 other answer is that, yes, there will be a setting of right in the end - like W6GWfCIy8vg-00133-00063430-00064094 in the next life. You know it's interesting. There's a Harvard professor - W6GWfCIy8vg-00134-00064094-00064495 Miroslav Volf wrote a book Exclusion and Embrace. It's a fascinating book. He W6GWfCIy8vg-00135-00064496-00065217 makes a passionate case for non-violence, and he says this case rests on the fact W6GWfCIy8vg-00136-00065217-00065725 that all will be set right in the end, and what he says is you W6GWfCIy8vg-00137-00065725-00066202 can't just say in this life, "oh, everyone should love each other" unless you W6GWfCIy8vg-00138-00066202-00066700 believe that in the next life things will be set right, and he has this great W6GWfCIy8vg-00139-00066700-00067124 quote. Something like, it takes the quiet of a suburban W6GWfCIy8vg-00140-00067124-00067645 home untouched by violence to come up with this idea that God should just love W6GWfCIy8vg-00141-00067645-00068101 everyone, and there should be no setting of rights, and he says that W6GWfCIy8vg-00142-00068101-00068758 out of experience. He grew up in Europe, and saw his family killed, and he's W6GWfCIy8vg-00143-00068758-00069260 saying that once you've experienced that violence against you and yours, you can't W6GWfCIy8vg-00144-00069260-00069704 just say - you won't just say - oh, God should love everyone. You will end up W6GWfCIy8vg-00145-00069704-00070138 believing in a God that will set things right. This idea of us as people of peace W6GWfCIy8vg-00146-00070138-00070736 I believe has a bedrock of we believe in a God that will set things right. W6GWfCIy8vg-00147-00070736-00070993 You've heard the quote I suppose: you know, we'll leave the judging up to God, W6GWfCIy8vg-00148-00070994-00071562 but it's up to us to arrange the meeting. It's this celebration of life. W6GWfCIy8vg-00149-00071562-00071960 We are in control, and we are effectively trying to play God. W6GWfCIy8vg-00150-00071960-00072278 That's a dangerous place to live your life. W6GWfCIy8vg-00151-00072278-00072542 And ultimately I think it comes back to not W6GWfCIy8vg-00152-00072542-00073092 valuing what God values. Not valuing this peace, and viewing human life as precious. W6GWfCIy8vg-00153-00073092-00073616 Yeah, so looking again at Jesus as the Prince of Peace. In what ways in W6GWfCIy8vg-00154-00073616-00074044 particular would you see believers (especially in America I would think) W6GWfCIy8vg-00155-00074044-00074514 departing from that model, and trying something else, and why are they doing that? W6GWfCIy8vg-00156-00074514-00074893 I think there's lots of things that are happening sort of on the W6GWfCIy8vg-00157-00074893-00075355 political, and the social scene, right now that head us in this W6GWfCIy8vg-00158-00075356-00076112 direction, but we are increasingly moving toward individualistic society W6GWfCIy8vg-00159-00076112-00076466 that I think that the term is expressive individualism saying, I'm gonna find W6GWfCIy8vg-00160-00076466-00076874 meaning within myself, and I'm going to assert that against the community. We are W6GWfCIy8vg-00161-00076874-00077581 I think increasingly addicted to anger, so I think it was the Christian W6GWfCIy8vg-00162-00077581-00078151 Science Monitor awhile back ran an article saying that America as a nation has - I W6GWfCIy8vg-00163-00078152-00078620 think the term they used was "addiction to anger," and it was basically saying W6GWfCIy8vg-00164-00078620-00079010 we see this in politics. We see this in the social scene. We see this in W6GWfCIy8vg-00165-00079010-00079558 social media. There's this idea that outrage makes us feel good, and we're W6GWfCIy8vg-00166-00079558-00079850 gonna stoke that. You know I think this should go without saying, but W6GWfCIy8vg-00167-00079850-00080212 that is the opposite of this Christ-like peace that we're talking about. W6GWfCIy8vg-00168-00080213-00080525 We've got to be able to step back from that, and say, no, we are instead going to W6GWfCIy8vg-00169-00080525-00081184 work toward relational peace. We're gonna work to build bridges instead of sort of W6GWfCIy8vg-00170-00081184-00081918 asserting our view on the world. That whole idea of you know pushing our W6GWfCIy8vg-00171-00081919-00082610 view is inherently I think an idea that has come from post-modernism. I W6GWfCIy8vg-00172-00082610-00083106 do think as followers of Christ what we've got to come back to though is the W6GWfCIy8vg-00173-00083106-00083788 ultimate peace is only found through a relationship with Jesus Christ, and so W6GWfCIy8vg-00174-00083788-00084302 one of the things I think is so powerful about Anabaptist thought is it says, no, W6GWfCIy8vg-00175-00084302-00084616 we don't think that peace comes through military. We believe that peace - true W6GWfCIy8vg-00176-00084617-00085057 peace - the most effective way to get peace is to introduce people to the W6GWfCIy8vg-00177-00085057-00085876 gospel, and see lives transformed through that, and from that to see peace spread W6GWfCIy8vg-00178-00085876-00086206 through the community. So I think that's one aspect no matter where you go W6GWfCIy8vg-00179-00086206-00086608 whether you're in the US, whether you're global. Keeping a focus on the gospel is W6GWfCIy8vg-00180-00086608-00086873 central. As far as maybe how that works out in W6GWfCIy8vg-00181-00086873-00087364 practice. One thing is just - you know we talked about this, but stop identifying W6GWfCIy8vg-00182-00087364-00087798 with American dominance. Like stop valuing that, and you've got to step back. W6GWfCIy8vg-00183-00087798-00088210 It's un-Christ-like. It hinders the message of the Gospel overseas, and I W6GWfCIy8vg-00184-00088210-00088846 think it opens you up to adopt other messages contrary to the Gospel that W6GWfCIy8vg-00185-00088846-00089164 particularly political parties will push at us, but there's this idea (This is a bit of a side W6GWfCIy8vg-00186-00089164-00089774 note) but there's this idea that Christians will be - a pastor was relating this. W6GWfCIy8vg-00187-00089774-00090254 A person came up to him, and said, (this wasn't an Anabaptist Church) but saying W6GWfCIy8vg-00188-00090254-00090613 Christians should be good patriots. We might say it more gently, say, W6GWfCIy8vg-00189-00090613-00091142 good citizens, but if you look at the early church. The early church were not W6GWfCIy8vg-00190-00091142-00091468 good Roman citizens. I think it's instructive. They didn't rebuild like the W6GWfCIy8vg-00191-00091468-00091852 Jews did, so there was this idea of submission, but they also refused to the W6GWfCIy8vg-00192-00091852-00092334 point of death to say, Caesar is Lord, and what they're saying is, I am a W6GWfCIy8vg-00193-00092334-00092988 part of this Kingdom of Christ, and that supersedes loyalty to here, and so you W6GWfCIy8vg-00194-00092989-00093280 know, I'm here. I'm gonna participate. I'm gonna submit, but this is not who I W6GWfCIy8vg-00195-00093280-00093776 identify with. This is not who I you know find my meaning from, and push W6GWfCIy8vg-00196-00093776-00094166 come to shove, what happens to the Roman Empire is not really my problem. You know W6GWfCIy8vg-00197-00094166-00094530 it comes in varying levels of explicitness, but it's acknowledging that W6GWfCIy8vg-00198-00094530-00094766 the call of Christ is not the most important thing in my life. W6GWfCIy8vg-00199-00094766-00094974 Pretty much. Yeah. Wow. Ouch. W6GWfCIy8vg-00200-00094974-00095666 But I think there's another aspect which is just - and much more local, and perhaps more concrete, and that W6GWfCIy8vg-00201-00095666-00096234 is work to build peace within your community. I'm reminded of a book W6GWfCIy8vg-00202-00096234-00096788 Destroyer of the Gods by Larry Hurtado, and Hurtado goes, and basically the W6GWfCIy8vg-00203-00096788-00097235 synopsis of the book is he goes, and says what made early Christianity unique? What W6GWfCIy8vg-00204-00097235-00097649 made it spread like wildfire through the Greco-Roman world? You know what made W6GWfCIy8vg-00205-00097649-00097982 this interesting to people? This was the time of Plato. There were really smart W6GWfCIy8vg-00206-00097982-00098363 people around. What made Christianity catch on? He says a lot of things, but one W6GWfCIy8vg-00207-00098363-00099118 of the things he says is that early Christianity - he has like five things. He says early W6GWfCIy8vg-00208-00099118-00099719 Christianity was more culturally, and ethnically, and racially diverse than W6GWfCIy8vg-00209-00099719-00100142 anything that had come before it ever. There's extreme diversity. W6GWfCIy8vg-00210-00100142-00100601 He says they cared for the poor. It wasn't abortion back then. It was infant W6GWfCIy8vg-00211-00100601-00101006 exposure, but it was the equivalent, so they found babies that were abandoned, and W6GWfCIy8vg-00212-00101006-00101285 they took care of them. There's this great quote from one of the Caesars that W6GWfCIy8vg-00213-00101285-00101666 says, the trouble with these Christians is that they not only care for their W6GWfCIy8vg-00214-00101666-00102230 poor, but for ours as well, and they were non-resistant, and they had a extremely W6GWfCIy8vg-00215-00102230-00102743 conservative sex ethic, but if you look at those, a lot of those are how do we W6GWfCIy8vg-00216-00102743-00103172 build peace within the community? So mid 20th century there was this idea of the W6GWfCIy8vg-00217-00103172-00103769 social gospel, and social justice, and what it did is it emphasized sort of W6GWfCIy8vg-00218-00103769-00104153 the out workings of the Gospel while kind of laying aside the core W6GWfCIy8vg-00219-00104153-00104840 of the spiritual Gospel. There was sort of this reaction among you might say W6GWfCIy8vg-00220-00104840-00105155 Christian conservatives against that, but one of the sad things that's W6GWfCIy8vg-00221-00105155-00105752 happened as part of that is this idea of social justice. This idea that we W6GWfCIy8vg-00222-00105752-00106118 care about our community, and that the Gospel actually has practical outworking W6GWfCIy8vg-00223-00106118-00106680 has sort of become a dirty word. It's become a thing we sort of W6GWfCIy8vg-00224-00106680-00107186 react to, and what has happened is that when we're left with "we want to W6GWfCIy8vg-00225-00107186-00107505 save your soul, but we're not going to care for your community" is we are - just W6GWfCIy8vg-00226-00107505-00107856 like the social gospel movement, we're left with half of the gospel, so the W6GWfCIy8vg-00227-00107856-00108306 gospel is bridging that gap between God and men, but it's also making people more W6GWfCIy8vg-00228-00108306-00108935 whole, more themselves, more at peace when the gospel is finished W6GWfCIy8vg-00229-00108935-00109418 transforming them than they were to start with. My concern is that as W6GWfCIy8vg-00230-00109418-00110261 Anabaptists we have sort of pulled back, and again I think we've let political W6GWfCIy8vg-00231-00110261-00110892 conservatism push us in this direction, but we've held back, and we said, you know W6GWfCIy8vg-00232-00110892-00111258 effectively, the poor can take care of themselves. We're okay with being white W6GWfCIy8vg-00233-00111258-00111908 America, and we're losing that intense, practical outworking of W6GWfCIy8vg-00234-00111908-00112432 the Gospel, and we're left with what isn't really the whole Gospel. W6GWfCIy8vg-00235-00112432-00112861 Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. Wow. That's a lot to think about. Okay, well, thank you W6GWfCIy8vg-00236-00112861-00113383 so much Josh for coming. This has been a lot of material to think about. W6GWfCIy8vg-00237-00113383-00113466 My pleasure. W6GWfCIy8vg-00238-00113466-00114011 Yeah. I think this is something we really don't hear enough about, so I really appreciate it. W8KCJPrNBic-00000-00000000-00000200 [FREE] OKI x YOUNG IGI x SOBEL type beat - MIASTO W91n-FKOGhk-00000-00001100-00001800 Dem Rep Lewis: 2016 Election Was ‘Rigged’ in Trump’s Favor. W91n-FKOGhk-00001-00001900-00003500 Rep. John Lewis (R-Ga.) accused President Trump of being “uncaring” and unappreciative of the civil rights movement on Friday, saying the president “knows very, very little” about the struggle for equal rights. W91n-FKOGhk-00002-00003600-00005300 “I think the person we have in Washington today is uncaring,” he said in an episode of CNN’s “The Axe Files” set to air Friday night. “[Trump] knows very, very little about the struggle and the history of the civil rights movement.”. W91n-FKOGhk-00003-00005400-00006800 In an interview with Democratic strategist and CNN analyst David Axelrod, Lewis, a civil rights icon who marched alongside the likes of Martin Luther King Jr., said that while the U.S. W91n-FKOGhk-00004-00006900-00008500 has made progress toward equal rights, that progress could be at risk. “We have come a distance. We made progress,” he said. “But there are forces in America trying to slow us down or take us back.”. W91n-FKOGhk-00005-00008600-00010500 Lewis has spoken critically of Trump in the past, saying days before his inauguration that he did not consider Trump to be a “legitimate president,” because of the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia sought to influence the 2016 presidential election in Trump’s favor. W91n-FKOGhk-00006-00010600-00012400 He repeated that assertion in his interview with Axelrod, saying that he still believes “that this election was rigged” to help Trump. Lewis also slammed Attorney General Jeff Sessions, whom Lewis said has a history of standing against equal rights. W91n-FKOGhk-00007-00012500-00013500 “I know his record, I know his history, he has a very long history of being on the other side and not on the right side,” Lewis said. Wqo46CP-v-A-00000-00000305-00000538 Hello, I'm Shanta, and here are today's headlines from Pinksixty. Wqo46CP-v-A-00001-00000538-00000851 British fashion designer John Galliano was found guilty of directing racist and antisemitic Wqo46CP-v-A-00002-00000851-00001164 rants at people in a Paris bar and given a suspended fine of approximately Wqo46CP-v-A-00003-00001164-00001543 $8,500 by a Paris court. Galliano was fired from his position as creative director Wqo46CP-v-A-00004-00001543-00001667 at French fashion house Dior. Wqo46CP-v-A-00005-00001667-00002075 A documentary on LGBT bullying in American schools, narrated by Lily Tomlin and Wqo46CP-v-A-00006-00002075-00002356 featuring the mother of a teen who killed himself, will screen next month at Wqo46CP-v-A-00007-00002356-00002735 Hollywood's Sunset Gower Studios. Teach Your Children Well explores the Wqo46CP-v-A-00008-00002735-00002966 issue of bullying and violence against LGBT children. Wqo46CP-v-A-00009-00002966-00003279 A small poll of voters in the US state of North Carolina says that most would Wqo46CP-v-A-00010-00003279-00003651 vote against a proposed constitutional ban on gay marriage. Republican lawmakers Wqo46CP-v-A-00011-00003651-00004037 announced last week that they will push for a voter referendum on the issue in 2012. Wqo46CP-v-A-00012-00004037-00004421 Two of the nine suspects accused of murdering a South African lesbian have been released. Wqo46CP-v-A-00013-00004421-00004769 19 year old Zoliswa Nkonyana, was stoned and stabbed to death after a night out in Wqo46CP-v-A-00014-00004769-00005014 Cape Town, on February 4th 2006. Wqo46CP-v-A-00015-00005014-00005403 Two more reasons to love actress Kate Winslet: She pays homage to Elizabeth Taylor with a Wqo46CP-v-A-00016-00005403-00005755 stunning new photo shoot, and reveals she told her young son it won't make any difference Wqo46CP-v-A-00017-00005755-00006273 if he realizes he's gay. The actress, an Emmy Award nominee for HBO's Mildred Pierce, has Wqo46CP-v-A-00018-00006273-00006458 two more films scheduled for release this year Wqo46CP-v-A-00019-00006458-00006681 That's all from us today. Join us again tomorrow. WqNwU9ZAmCA-00000-00001704-00002736 what is going on everybody it is friday 16th of april 2021. hey james what's going on buddy it's WqNwU9ZAmCA-00001-00002736-00003360 cloudy and 64 fahrenheit all right let's see if i can trump you today oh yeah smack the like button WqNwU9ZAmCA-00002-00003360-00003872 man he reminds me every time guys would you do me a favor and smack that like button i would really WqNwU9ZAmCA-00003-00003872-00004440 appreciate it if you did that all right oh that's funny i just looked down i saw one of my own ads WqNwU9ZAmCA-00004-00004440-00005192 targeting me that's kind of funny so what is the weather today james let's check this stuff out it WqNwU9ZAmCA-00005-00005192-00006040 is going to be 69 today oh good you can hear me awesome he says loud and clear in savannah man i WqNwU9ZAmCA-00006-00006040-00006552 want to get back to that buffet there you go man i bet that buffet is so good in savannah and the WqNwU9ZAmCA-00007-00006552-00007200 pink house is so good in savannah i want to get back there okay it looks like it's 69 but it feels WqNwU9ZAmCA-00008-00007200-00007664 like it's 55 so it's not that bright and sunny here today oh well today's our friday lunch day WqNwU9ZAmCA-00009-00007664-00008216 guys uh and before i get into all that hey this this live is to help you guys start run and grow WqNwU9ZAmCA-00010-00008216-00008728 your online businesses so any questions you have about starting running and growing your online WqNwU9ZAmCA-00011-00008728-00009192 business feel free to put in that chat section i'd love to get your questions comments suggestions WqNwU9ZAmCA-00012-00009192-00009632 whatever you want to put put it there even if this isn't live to you you're watching the recording WqNwU9ZAmCA-00013-00009712-00010264 you know go in there and put your questions i come back and i answer those things i usually sit down WqNwU9ZAmCA-00014-00010264-00010656 a few times a week and go through and answer everybody's questions so feel free to do that WqNwU9ZAmCA-00015-00010656-00011168 i love getting your questions and comments and all that stuff in there uh and during while i'm WqNwU9ZAmCA-00016-00011168-00011568 talking you know anything you pops into your mind you want to ask me i will look down there WqNwU9ZAmCA-00017-00011568-00012104 and i will check those out and i will answer those questions for you so there you go um WqNwU9ZAmCA-00018-00012200-00012784 today we're going to talk about decluttering your smartphone um if you got one of these WqNwU9ZAmCA-00019-00012847-00013472 it's like i've got like so many apps on here but i do have some organization and i'm going to give WqNwU9ZAmCA-00020-00013472-00014224 you 10 steps where you can kind of organize your smartphone man phones have come so far i remember WqNwU9ZAmCA-00021-00014224-00014736 when i had my flip phone and they were talking about having phones where you could text people WqNwU9ZAmCA-00022-00014791-00015144 and i thought who the heck is going to type out a bunch of words on their phone WqNwU9ZAmCA-00023-00015144-00015719 i mean just give them a call and i got to tell you i don't talk to anybody on my phone but i WqNwU9ZAmCA-00024-00015719-00016304 think my daughter and son but outside of that you know unless it's a business thing i have to do WqNwU9ZAmCA-00025-00016304-00016664 i don't i don't talk on my phone i don't know you can put the comments do you guys WqNwU9ZAmCA-00026-00016664-00017096 talk on your phone how often do you actually have a conversation on your phone almost everything is WqNwU9ZAmCA-00027-00017096-00017624 text right i mean we don't do anything but text and then they talked about apps to do things i WqNwU9ZAmCA-00028-00017624-00018008 thought what the heck is an app and you know what am i going to use an app for i'll never use that WqNwU9ZAmCA-00029-00018072-00018432 and now that's what i do all day long is i use my apps a little sip here real quick WqNwU9ZAmCA-00030-00018744-00019392 so that's cool that you have these apps but isn't it true that your phone gets like incredibly WqNwU9ZAmCA-00031-00019392-00019928 cluttered after a while i mean ridiculously cluttered i have so many apps on my phone WqNwU9ZAmCA-00032-00019984-00020528 and i and i'm using some of these techniques i'm going to tell you today but man if you don't go WqNwU9ZAmCA-00033-00020528-00021112 through and declutter your phone every now and then you are screwed i mean it gets ridiculous WqNwU9ZAmCA-00034-00021112-00021648 on your phone so what i want to do is i want to go through um some of the things you can do WqNwU9ZAmCA-00035-00021712-00022328 to you know declutter your phone so that you don't have all these issues and you get a little WqNwU9ZAmCA-00036-00022328-00022824 bit more organized so unless you guys got anything else right now i'll just go ahead and get started WqNwU9ZAmCA-00037-00022824-00023392 on that and uh give you some suggestions uh and i do wanna at the end of this tell you what i'm WqNwU9ZAmCA-00038-00023392-00023824 gonna be doing for the rest of the day today tell you what i'm gonna be doing this weekend uh so you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00039-00023824-00024288 can kind of get an idea you know if you want to be a digital marketer i'll give you an idea of what WqNwU9ZAmCA-00040-00024288-00024768 you got to do and i will tell you guys do a lot of work and that's where i lose most of my audience WqNwU9ZAmCA-00041-00024768-00025208 is i'm not the person who's going to tell you that you can work a few hours a week and make a million WqNwU9ZAmCA-00042-00025208-00025695 bucks a year because you can't it doesn't work that way and i think it's funny because i do have WqNwU9ZAmCA-00043-00025695-00026136 some friends who are digital marketers and they sell these programs on how you can just work a few WqNwU9ZAmCA-00044-00026136-00026720 hours a week and make millions of dollars and they themselves work their butts off they're constantly WqNwU9ZAmCA-00045-00026720-00027072 working but they're selling programs telling you you don't have to work so i don't know i don't WqNwU9ZAmCA-00046-00027072-00027832 know how that works um but they do it uh let's see james breen says he is over 90 percent text WqNwU9ZAmCA-00047-00027832-00028272 uh oh yeah i think i am too james but you know what i've done which helps me a lot WqNwU9ZAmCA-00048-00028272-00028704 is i use talk to text because i'm not a good typist so then when it comes to the screen WqNwU9ZAmCA-00049-00028704-00029095 we got to use a couple thumbs or something really bad so i just hit that talk to text WqNwU9ZAmCA-00050-00029095-00029824 button and it's pretty darn good as long as you enunciate that talk to text works pretty good so WqNwU9ZAmCA-00051-00029880-00030383 let's talk about all these things on your phone now the first thing you can do to declutter your WqNwU9ZAmCA-00052-00030383-00030992 phone and this seems really painfully obvious but some of us just don't do it and that's number one WqNwU9ZAmCA-00053-00030992-00031544 delete unused apps okay if you've got apps on your phone and you're not using them why don't you just WqNwU9ZAmCA-00054-00031544-00032127 delete them i mean we've all downloaded an app and we discover it wasn't as useful as we once thought WqNwU9ZAmCA-00055-00032224-00032736 or it cultivates our need to use it you know like you know we just need to clean out our phone and WqNwU9ZAmCA-00056-00032736-00033304 get rid of all that stuff okay purging your phone of apps you no longer use will keep your phone WqNwU9ZAmCA-00057-00033304-00033872 running fast that's another thing your phone can slow down and clutter free i mean who has the time WqNwU9ZAmCA-00058-00033872-00034344 to look through a bunch of random apps just to find one they actually need so the first thing is WqNwU9ZAmCA-00059-00034344-00034728 just go in there and delete stuff before you do any of the other things i'm going to tell you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00060-00034728-00035176 today just go in and delete delete delete delete delete go ahead and do that give bigger step here WqNwU9ZAmCA-00061-00035472-00036464 number two number two is hide less frequently used apps now you probably have a few apps and WqNwU9ZAmCA-00062-00036464-00037192 tools on your phone and you may use them but you don't use them as frequently excuse me but um what WqNwU9ZAmCA-00063-00037192-00037728 you want to do with these is it may be it could be something like a photo editing app something like WqNwU9ZAmCA-00064-00037728-00038312 that or games or i don't have any games i just i can't do the games thing the proprietary apps that WqNwU9ZAmCA-00065-00038312-00038872 are pre-installed on your phone with the operating system some of these apps were not even able to WqNwU9ZAmCA-00066-00038872-00039488 delete so we kind of want to hide them someplace else and others come in handy on down the road WqNwU9ZAmCA-00067-00039560-00040232 so if you if you got an android phone which i do not but if you do you can install an app hiding um WqNwU9ZAmCA-00068-00040232-00040680 app there's an app hiding app called nova launcher or apex launcher which WqNwU9ZAmCA-00069-00040680-00041144 allows you to store apps in drawers okay if you've got like i say an android phone WqNwU9ZAmCA-00070-00041208-00041616 so they won't clutter up your home screen depending on your phone model WqNwU9ZAmCA-00071-00041696-00042184 you may be able to create your own app folders which i do and i'm going to talk about that in WqNwU9ZAmCA-00072-00042184-00042536 a second on iphones you can create your own app folders you have to worry about it then that's WqNwU9ZAmCA-00073-00042536-00043160 number three number three is create your own app folders now that's what i do i've got one WqNwU9ZAmCA-00074-00043160-00043640 that is travel i got one that's restaurants you know i've got different you know as i look through WqNwU9ZAmCA-00075-00043640-00044448 here let me see here what do i have um and i went and scrolled to another screen um i've got travel WqNwU9ZAmCA-00076-00044448-00045088 like i said restaurants i've got business i've got social media so i've got all these different ones WqNwU9ZAmCA-00077-00045160-00045752 that i use so that i can put a whole lot of different ones in there and i do keep my food and WqNwU9ZAmCA-00078-00045752-00046216 travel ones on the main screen there because i use those so much but you can certainly create these WqNwU9ZAmCA-00079-00046216-00046824 folders they'll help keep your phone from being cluttered and distracting and it's even helpful WqNwU9ZAmCA-00080-00046824-00047408 to put time eaters like facebook and instagram into folders that way it's not the first app WqNwU9ZAmCA-00081-00047408-00047848 you automatically open when you open your phone okay that way you don't go to these stupid things WqNwU9ZAmCA-00082-00047960-00048776 number four organize your apps by task okay so if it fits um you're organized if it fits your WqNwU9ZAmCA-00083-00048776-00049400 organizational style you can create folders based on what your various apps do for example you know WqNwU9ZAmCA-00084-00049400-00049864 create a scheduling folder if you have that an organizing folder communication folder whatever WqNwU9ZAmCA-00085-00049864-00050496 it is you can create folders for workout health fitness whatever you want to do and keep those WqNwU9ZAmCA-00086-00050496-00051080 apps in that particular folder organizing apps by task will help you find exactly what you need WqNwU9ZAmCA-00087-00051080-00051591 when you need it it also helps keep you focused on the task at hand so you won't get tempted to check WqNwU9ZAmCA-00088-00051591-00052144 out social media oh my god social media such a time suck when you really are attempting to access WqNwU9ZAmCA-00089-00052144-00052816 your banking info so i think that's a really good idea uh my phone is running slow because i'm WqNwU9ZAmCA-00090-00052816-00053424 running out of storage got to do something soon you know james i would also suggest you use like WqNwU9ZAmCA-00091-00053424-00053976 i don't know if you have an iphone or an android um but i've got an iphone and i use apple storage WqNwU9ZAmCA-00092-00053976-00054544 the cloud thing they have and that helps a whole lot to put stuff there but i will i will touch WqNwU9ZAmCA-00093-00054544-00055024 upon that a little bit more in just a second also the other thing you can do is organize your apps WqNwU9ZAmCA-00094-00055136-00055712 by usage with emojis okay so you can actually use emojis you can also organize folders by WqNwU9ZAmCA-00095-00055712-00056376 usage create folders for your most frequently used apps and your less frequently used apps WqNwU9ZAmCA-00096-00056479-00057088 move less used folders to another screen so don't even keep them on your main screen move them to WqNwU9ZAmCA-00097-00057088-00057432 another screen you know you slide through all the screens put them on a screen that you don't use WqNwU9ZAmCA-00098-00057432-00058024 that often on your iphone you can organize your folders using emojis which you know are kind of WqNwU9ZAmCA-00099-00058024-00058560 visually appealing use the runner emoji to name the folder for let's say your health and fitness WqNwU9ZAmCA-00100-00058560-00059200 okay that makes sense to you use the typewriter or pin for blogging apps or use a phone emoji to WqNwU9ZAmCA-00101-00059200-00059879 represent communication uh tools there's tons of emojis to use and it certainly makes the WqNwU9ZAmCA-00102-00059879-00060879 app excuse me filing a whole lot more fun now iphones i have an iphone i like iphones because WqNwU9ZAmCA-00103-00060879-00061424 whatever i do on my iphone it goes to my computer it goes to my ipad it goes to my watch it goes to WqNwU9ZAmCA-00104-00061424-00061991 every device i have and i really like that because it helps keep me organized um so what you want to WqNwU9ZAmCA-00105-00061991-00062512 do is organize your doc and home screen on your iphone so you want to keep your home screen and WqNwU9ZAmCA-00106-00062512-00063200 your dock organized by storing only the apps you most often use so like on my home screen here um WqNwU9ZAmCA-00107-00063279-00063800 what i've got is just the apps that i'm going to use on a daily basis and you know a lot of WqNwU9ZAmCA-00108-00063800-00064176 times i'll look at this and i'll say am i using these apps or these apps that WqNwU9ZAmCA-00109-00064176-00064655 i'm using and so far if i look at it today yeah these are all apps i'm using i like to look at WqNwU9ZAmCA-00110-00064655-00065160 i look at my stocks too many times during the day but it's interesting to watch them go up and down WqNwU9ZAmCA-00111-00065160-00065776 um but i have a folder here like right here i have one that says finance i don't know if you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00112-00065776-00066384 can see it or not this is finance when i hit the finance one it goes to and let me go right here WqNwU9ZAmCA-00113-00066384-00066976 so i can see what you guys are seeing um but when i go to the finance one it's got paypal WqNwU9ZAmCA-00114-00066976-00067664 it's got navyfed it's got credit karma it's got loans it's got stocks and it's got um thinkorswim WqNwU9ZAmCA-00115-00067664-00068288 and thinkorswim is my um there it is okay anchor swim that is my app for my stocks through WqNwU9ZAmCA-00116-00068288-00069096 uh td ameritrade uh and i like to look at those a lot so i do james brain motorola z play android WqNwU9ZAmCA-00117-00069096-00069848 we have gotten into a serious relationship i know it's funny i mean as kids we could have never WqNwU9ZAmCA-00118-00069928-00070400 dreamed of any of this stuff and now we use it every single day and we don't think twice about it WqNwU9ZAmCA-00119-00070400-00071024 um somebody posted the other day on facebook um one of the stereo systems we had like in the WqNwU9ZAmCA-00120-00071024-00071480 80s and 90s where they had all the stack amplifiers and mixers and all that stuff WqNwU9ZAmCA-00121-00071552-00071960 and i made the mistake and they said you know that's what we all dreamed of in the 80s and 90s WqNwU9ZAmCA-00122-00071960-00072376 uh and i made the mistake of saying yeah now the sound of my cell phone is just as good WqNwU9ZAmCA-00123-00072376-00072840 and oh my god did that piss somebody off some guy was like i'm an audiophile and that's not WqNwU9ZAmCA-00124-00072840-00073232 true because you can't get this sound and this sound he just went into all this detail WqNwU9ZAmCA-00125-00073232-00073760 i was like oh my gosh you're way too much into music and sound that's for sure but the point WqNwU9ZAmCA-00126-00073760-00074496 is things have improved so much now i mean this is so much better now um so uh that was number WqNwU9ZAmCA-00127-00074496-00075336 six i did the iphone one right okay cool uh number seven is for android keep your home screen minimal WqNwU9ZAmCA-00128-00075392-00076064 mo android users can access their apps from the apps section tray drawer whatever you want to call WqNwU9ZAmCA-00129-00076064-00076920 it for most they're sorted alphabetically but if you've got a samsung user apps are sorted by most WqNwU9ZAmCA-00130-00076920-00077400 recent downloads now that's kind of goofy because you could have downloaded something WqNwU9ZAmCA-00131-00077400-00077848 recently and it may not even be a great app it may just be something that you downloaded to WqNwU9ZAmCA-00132-00077848-00078488 check out to see how it works but now you've got it on your phone so that's not exactly a great WqNwU9ZAmCA-00133-00078488-00079160 way to do it keeping your home screen organized to only the apps that you regularly use will really WqNwU9ZAmCA-00134-00079160-00079656 help you declutter your phone too so limit your home screen to maybe six or nine apps WqNwU9ZAmCA-00135-00079760-00080376 like iphone users focus on organized and key communication tools um you use most often you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00136-00080376-00081048 want to include you like your email your texting now on an iphone the ones that i most use let me WqNwU9ZAmCA-00137-00081048-00081544 pull it up here for a second has this like strip on the bottom here so those are the ones i most WqNwU9ZAmCA-00138-00081544-00082224 use okay and that is like um my phone obviously my email um facebook which i don't know why i have WqNwU9ZAmCA-00139-00082224-00082888 that there i don't use facebook that often um and also um internet so if i you know want to go on a WqNwU9ZAmCA-00140-00082888-00083488 browser or something like that um store your less frequently used apps on other screens um you'll WqNwU9ZAmCA-00141-00083488-00083960 still be able to access everything by scrolling through you know your app tray or whatever WqNwU9ZAmCA-00142-00084048-00084688 or by visiting another screen but your home screen will become your go-to hub for productivity uh WqNwU9ZAmCA-00143-00084688-00085096 and that's you know nowadays there's so much coming at us that we're really trying to be WqNwU9ZAmCA-00144-00085096-00085608 more productive on a daily basis you know that's what we're trying to do and be less cluttered um WqNwU9ZAmCA-00145-00085608-00086024 i know on fridays and i'm gonna get back to that was number seven i got eight nine and ten yet WqNwU9ZAmCA-00146-00086024-00086512 but on fridays we kind of dial it back a little bit we don't work as hard as a matter of fact WqNwU9ZAmCA-00147-00086512-00087032 every friday we go out to lunch somewhere we pick a cool place to go and have a nice meal and that's WqNwU9ZAmCA-00148-00087032-00087520 what we do on fridays but you know people will say well my god you're taking a whole day off not WqNwU9ZAmCA-00149-00087520-00087976 really i mean i'll do a little bit of work maybe in the afternoon or something but it is a chill WqNwU9ZAmCA-00150-00087976-00088456 day for me but saturdays and sundays i normally work sundays i don't work a full day but i'll do WqNwU9ZAmCA-00151-00088456-00088888 something and my wife has a live on sundays but you ought to check that out man if you if you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00152-00088888-00089448 if you've got a dog you want to check out her stuff on sundays she's a amazing dog trainer and WqNwU9ZAmCA-00153-00089448-00089912 she always has something really cool on sundays so if you want look up let me see i'll put it in here WqNwU9ZAmCA-00154-00090160-00090632 check out the furry family coach jessica l fisher on youtube WqNwU9ZAmCA-00155-00090856-00091376 now check her out guys i just talked text that in there um she always has a really cool q and WqNwU9ZAmCA-00156-00091376-00092064 a on sunday and i think it's at 11 30 a.m um so you want to check that out and it's live q a so WqNwU9ZAmCA-00157-00092064-00092584 you can actually talk to her ask questions about your dogs all that stuff all right number eight WqNwU9ZAmCA-00158-00092672-00093200 and i mentioned this briefly in the beginning use cloud storage excuse me to save memory on WqNwU9ZAmCA-00159-00093200-00093584 your phone james and i was just talking to you about that uh back up the information to the WqNwU9ZAmCA-00160-00093584-00094136 cloud evaluate your highest areas of memory usage usually it's going to be like photos WqNwU9ZAmCA-00161-00094192-00094592 and my photos gets really clogged up because like i'll do a screenshot of something to show WqNwU9ZAmCA-00162-00094592-00095064 it to somebody and then i forget i did that and i've got all these random screenshots on my phone WqNwU9ZAmCA-00163-00095064-00095432 which i don't need so every now and then you just gotta go through and get rid of all that garbage WqNwU9ZAmCA-00164-00095432-00095888 but the other things that take up a lot of space or documents music video files store WqNwU9ZAmCA-00165-00095888-00096288 them on the cloud service rather than on your phone you just you don't need them all the time WqNwU9ZAmCA-00166-00096376-00096928 if you're an android user you can check out dropbox which actually dropbox works for um apple WqNwU9ZAmCA-00167-00096928-00097512 too you can check out amazon drive microsoft onedrive google drive i use google drive too WqNwU9ZAmCA-00168-00097576-00098088 this may already be pre-loaded on your phone iphone users can use icloud which is the one WqNwU9ZAmCA-00169-00098088-00098704 i talked about i think i pay like 2.99 a month or something like that or you can use onedrive WqNwU9ZAmCA-00170-00098704-00099144 as well google drive for ios and dropbox is also available for iphone like i said WqNwU9ZAmCA-00171-00099312-00099864 some cloud servers are free but most require a monthly fee depending on the size of your files WqNwU9ZAmCA-00172-00099864-00100528 i pay for dropbox i pay for icloud i pay for so many things god knows drives me crazy sometimes WqNwU9ZAmCA-00173-00100528-00100920 fortunately the fees are nominal you can use a cloud service for your computer you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00174-00100920-00101488 can typically use the same uh for your phone uh and it's covered under your monthly charge WqNwU9ZAmCA-00175-00101544-00101872 um number nine number nine let's get to number nine here we're almost to number WqNwU9ZAmCA-00176-00101872-00102384 ten my god we're moving along today it's only what 9 17. we're getting a lot of stuff done WqNwU9ZAmCA-00177-00102583-00103368 let's see here james says controversy is good for creating passion and particip participation WqNwU9ZAmCA-00178-00103368-00103896 you are 100 right my man you know if you're a little bit controversial you know you're gonna WqNwU9ZAmCA-00179-00103896-00104224 you're gonna be shaking things up and people are gonna be mad at you or they're gonna be happy with WqNwU9ZAmCA-00180-00104224-00104632 you they're gonna jump on your side or they're gonna you know be pushed away from you uh but WqNwU9ZAmCA-00181-00104632-00105200 controversy is certainly something and you know i don't do it that much i i guess i'm WqNwU9ZAmCA-00182-00105200-00105559 controversial and as much as i tell people they gotta work hard instead of you know they don't WqNwU9ZAmCA-00183-00105559-00105896 have to work and they can make money however i give them stuff that actually works and if WqNwU9ZAmCA-00184-00105896-00106408 they try it they find out that it actually works uh number nine what can you do stream music okay WqNwU9ZAmCA-00185-00106511-00107032 when you use a music streaming service there's really no reason to clog up your phone with mp3 WqNwU9ZAmCA-00186-00107032-00107600 files i don't know why anybody stores any music on their phone almost any music you want is available WqNwU9ZAmCA-00187-00107672-00108280 spotify is one of the most popular streaming services with a free version or with ads uh for WqNwU9ZAmCA-00188-00108280-00108735 ten dollars a month you can get an ad free version and fifteen dollars a month you can do your entire WqNwU9ZAmCA-00189-00108735-00109296 family you know so why would you actually put files on your phone makes no sense um apple music WqNwU9ZAmCA-00190-00109296-00110032 pandora also soundcloud are also popular options um most streaming services offer um such a huge WqNwU9ZAmCA-00191-00110032-00110744 variety of music you know suggestions extras um you won't miss your mp3s guys you just won't WqNwU9ZAmCA-00192-00110744-00111320 um there's a great deal about streaming that there's no extra charge for your phone uh it feels WqNwU9ZAmCA-00193-00111320-00111759 strange at first and i know it does especially for those of you who grew up you know purchasing WqNwU9ZAmCA-00194-00111759-00112311 albums and cassette tapes and all that you don't own the music but you can access it anytime WqNwU9ZAmCA-00195-00112311-00112768 and it's all available on your phone so i mean really why bother me another sip here why bother WqNwU9ZAmCA-00196-00113016-00113496 and guys feel free to put your questions comments suggestions in that chat section as we're talking WqNwU9ZAmCA-00197-00113496-00114008 today and also i do want to mention oh i didn't mention you need to subscribe i should do that WqNwU9ZAmCA-00198-00114008-00114440 you need to subscribe and ring the bell turn on all bell notifications so you're notified WqNwU9ZAmCA-00199-00114440-00114944 every time i go live or i upload a video it's really important that you do that and give me WqNwU9ZAmCA-00200-00114944-00115376 a thumbs up if you don't mind i think we're down to number 10 already man we're making some good WqNwU9ZAmCA-00201-00115376-00115856 time today what time is it oh we've been here 19 minutes we're down to number 10. we'll have some WqNwU9ZAmCA-00202-00115856-00116335 time for some questions if you want or i take off early either thing you want to do if you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00203-00116335-00116983 don't put questions in there then i'm out of here early number 10 back up your photos and delete WqNwU9ZAmCA-00204-00116983-00117383 that's one of the best things you can do just start backing up all that crap and delete it okay WqNwU9ZAmCA-00205-00117383-00118128 um another huge source of phone clutter and phones uh is photos photos photos photos oh my god you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00206-00118128-00118496 know they just clog up your phone so much because we're always taking pictures with our phone now WqNwU9ZAmCA-00207-00118496-00118896 uh and a lot of the photos if you think about it you don't even want anymore okay maybe you took WqNwU9ZAmCA-00208-00118896-00119359 a photo of a meal you had and sent it to a friend you don't need to save that that's not important WqNwU9ZAmCA-00209-00119359-00120072 to you anymore um we tend to take more photos in two minutes than the entire world snapped in its WqNwU9ZAmCA-00210-00120072-00120896 entirely in entirety in the 1800s did you know that so the number of photos taken to date is in WqNwU9ZAmCA-00211-00120896-00121656 the trillions that's a lot of photos guys it's in the trillions uh let's see paul says i find i make WqNwU9ZAmCA-00212-00121656-00122256 a monthly declutter day that's really smart it's really smart you know pick a day say you know the WqNwU9ZAmCA-00213-00122256-00122640 first first day of the month or you know the 15th of the month or whatever i'm just going WqNwU9ZAmCA-00214-00122640-00123272 to go in and declutter stuff um here's the thing though it's tough to narrow down photos and even WqNwU9ZAmCA-00215-00123272-00123888 delete them especially photos of our kids or our loved ones many of us want to keep every single WqNwU9ZAmCA-00216-00123888-00124504 moment even if their eyes are closed to the photo or it's making a weird face or whatever it is WqNwU9ZAmCA-00217-00124656-00125183 the point is you don't need them all and you're going to have memories in your head whether you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00218-00125183-00125704 have the photos or not you know i i get a kick and i'm not making fun of people with tattoos but i WqNwU9ZAmCA-00219-00125704-00126111 get a kick out of the people who have a tattoo on their arms say well this is to remember my brother WqNwU9ZAmCA-00220-00126111-00126600 my sister my child my husband my wife and i'm like you can't remember them without ink on your arm WqNwU9ZAmCA-00221-00126600-00127216 is that really beyond you uh once again not not real um accepting of tattoos but i'm not WqNwU9ZAmCA-00222-00127216-00127656 a tattoo person i'm just not i don't want to see all that stuff i just i think it's WqNwU9ZAmCA-00223-00127656-00128120 silly you know i look at it and i go well geez anybody can get a tattoo but if you have them WqNwU9ZAmCA-00224-00128120-00128656 you know hey i don't slight you for it just not my thing uh your video on how to write a book was WqNwU9ZAmCA-00225-00128656-00129352 grand slam out of the events field ballpark well thank you james that's very kind of you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00226-00129352-00129816 i really appreciate that yeah anybody can write a book you know i used to be impressed with people WqNwU9ZAmCA-00227-00129816-00130488 who wrote books i was impressed i remember when i was like 19 my sister was four years older than me WqNwU9ZAmCA-00228-00130488-00130952 and she told me she was going to write a book and i want wow you're going to write a book WqNwU9ZAmCA-00229-00130952-00131496 i thought wow man you are smart you're going to write a book she's now in her 60s and she hasn't WqNwU9ZAmCA-00230-00131496-00131984 written a book and i've written several so saying you write a book is one thing writing a book WqNwU9ZAmCA-00231-00132200-00132768 that's entirely a different thing here's the thing though it's tough to narrow down these pictures so WqNwU9ZAmCA-00232-00132768-00133280 narrow down your photos delete duplicates we've got duplicates on our phone now too we've got WqNwU9ZAmCA-00233-00133280-00133704 burst you hold down the button it takes a whole lot of pictures of the same thing get rid of all WqNwU9ZAmCA-00234-00133704-00134304 that crap only keep the best of the best right then move your photos to photo storage like you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00235-00134304-00134984 know google photos or snap fish or flickr or something like that let's see here back up your WqNwU9ZAmCA-00236-00134984-00135456 shots rather than keeping them on your phone use print services like shutterfly if you want WqNwU9ZAmCA-00237-00135456-00136000 to have a printout or walgreens costco costco has a great print service to create keepsake WqNwU9ZAmCA-00238-00136000-00136720 photos if you prefer tangible excuse me photos the single action alone will dramatically WqNwU9ZAmCA-00239-00136808-00137312 improve your phone's performance and declutter your phone so guys if your phone is slow the first WqNwU9ZAmCA-00240-00137312-00137776 thing you want to think about is photos photos photos because that's that's probably the culprit WqNwU9ZAmCA-00241-00137776-00138448 uh the next is probably going to be videos um so get that stuff off of there uh paul says off topic WqNwU9ZAmCA-00242-00138448-00139160 when you got divorced and we're wanting to start a business did you have to do any credit repair um WqNwU9ZAmCA-00243-00139368-00139816 i i mean i i wasn't perfect on my credit back then today my credit's perfect i mean WqNwU9ZAmCA-00244-00139816-00140248 literally spotless perfect everything's perfect for probably over 10 years WqNwU9ZAmCA-00245-00140344-00140704 um you know credit repair is a funny thing WqNwU9ZAmCA-00246-00140808-00141208 i know people that make a living really teaching people how to do credit repair but credit repair WqNwU9ZAmCA-00247-00141208-00141896 really comes down to you know your debt to credit ratio that's your biggest one i mean big big big WqNwU9ZAmCA-00248-00141896-00142352 you know i'll tell you how big it is i literally have hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit WqNwU9ZAmCA-00249-00142352-00143064 cards um but i'll put like purchases on there for my business but my beacon sore can be like 8 23 WqNwU9ZAmCA-00250-00143064-00143640 one day and it could be a 650 the next day because i've charged a lot of stuff on a bunch of cards WqNwU9ZAmCA-00251-00143640-00144288 and then i pay it off every month actually i paid off every few days um but having that percentage WqNwU9ZAmCA-00252-00144288-00144856 of debt to the amount of credit you have available can dramatically lower your credit score so that's WqNwU9ZAmCA-00253-00144856-00145528 the biggest thing you can do and if you can't pay off a lot of your credit cards the thing to do is WqNwU9ZAmCA-00254-00145528-00146120 apply for more because if you apply for more your amount of debt to credit card um actually goes WqNwU9ZAmCA-00255-00146120-00146632 down that percentage goes down and it's based on a percentage uh get something like credit WqNwU9ZAmCA-00256-00146632-00147184 karma it's a free app you can get on your phone i use credit karma and you can click on it you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00257-00147184-00147608 can see what's going on almost in real time i mean it's pretty accurate even though they're situated WqNwU9ZAmCA-00258-00148096-00148776 so that's what i would suggest but paying stuff off i mean that's the big key um trying not to WqNwU9ZAmCA-00259-00148776-00149064 have late payments i mean this is easy to say if you have money because i remember when i didn't WqNwU9ZAmCA-00260-00149064-00149328 have money and people would tell me this i'm like well i don't have the money to pay it off WqNwU9ZAmCA-00261-00149416-00149864 so it was like useless information to me but paying off your debts you know paying them on time WqNwU9ZAmCA-00262-00149864-00150432 having a low percentage of debt owed to credit cards is very helpful and there's a lot of credit WqNwU9ZAmCA-00263-00150432-00150824 cards that don't have fees anymore and a lot of times i'll just grab a credit card because WqNwU9ZAmCA-00264-00150880-00151336 um they're offering me 150 if i spend 5 000 i'm like yeah i'll switch over to that credit card WqNwU9ZAmCA-00265-00151336-00151800 this month because i literally will put fifty a hundred thousand dollars on my credit cards WqNwU9ZAmCA-00266-00151800-00152472 um paying for supplies for my business um so i'll go ahead and grab all that and you know i get like WqNwU9ZAmCA-00267-00152472-00152920 different cards will pay me three or four percent back too so i mean some of my cards i'll get WqNwU9ZAmCA-00268-00152920-00153496 fifteen hundred two thousand dollars a month back just in percentages of you know bonuses they give WqNwU9ZAmCA-00269-00153496-00153960 you so i get that stuff every month which is kind of nice um paul what you gotta say here WqNwU9ZAmCA-00270-00153960-00154400 buddy i love i love your comments the difference between those who write a book and those who don't WqNwU9ZAmCA-00271-00154456-00155032 is those who write a book do it anything else is an excuse very true um and it's not that hard i WqNwU9ZAmCA-00272-00155032-00155792 mean really it's time consuming and it's really um oh man you just look at it as this huge elephant WqNwU9ZAmCA-00273-00155792-00156136 but you know it's like they say you need an elephant one bite at a time you just do you know WqNwU9ZAmCA-00274-00156136-00156584 a page or two a day you know and in a month you've got a book you know it's really not that hard to WqNwU9ZAmCA-00275-00156584-00157368 do um let's see here james brain suggest everyone read how i made 10 million dollars affiliate WqNwU9ZAmCA-00276-00157368-00158160 marketing by antoine walker who began digital marketing back in 1999 he has a great life lessons WqNwU9ZAmCA-00277-00158160-00158584 he's learned the hard way yeah i don't know him but yeah if you say it's a good book i believe WqNwU9ZAmCA-00278-00158584-00159168 you have a great lunch peace and blessings always everyone james green thank you so much secrets to WqNwU9ZAmCA-00279-00159168-00160080 success there is no try do yoda so true there is i mean you know success is a success is basically WqNwU9ZAmCA-00280-00160080-00160544 a reward for those people who constantly fail hey i ought to write that down that sounds pretty good WqNwU9ZAmCA-00281-00160544-00160984 success is basically a reward for people who constantly fail and what i mean by that is WqNwU9ZAmCA-00282-00160984-00161408 if you just keep trying stuff and i do it all the time and i was looking at my ads last night WqNwU9ZAmCA-00283-00161464-00161880 and i had a whole bunch of keywords and placements that weren't working and i went through and i just WqNwU9ZAmCA-00284-00161880-00162360 deleted those and you know paused all those so that the ones that are kind of working get more WqNwU9ZAmCA-00285-00162360-00162888 play but you know that's a small example it's just do stuff every day you know what have you done WqNwU9ZAmCA-00286-00162888-00163456 today uh to allow yourself to be successful you can't allow yourself to be successful you don't WqNwU9ZAmCA-00287-00163456-00164056 do anything i mean you gotta do stuff it's the number one thing i see is 99.9 percent of people WqNwU9ZAmCA-00288-00164056-00164456 uh in the in the world just don't ever do anything you know i talk to people all the time about WqNwU9ZAmCA-00289-00164456-00165040 what they can do um i have a friend who's an actor over in england and he's brilliant i mean great WqNwU9ZAmCA-00290-00165040-00165552 actor and he was going to do a channel where he taught people how to get jobs and acting uh and WqNwU9ZAmCA-00291-00165552-00165896 i've talked to him over the past few years and he hasn't done anything he hasn't done anything WqNwU9ZAmCA-00292-00165952-00166336 and it's like you know you gotta do something that's what it comes down to is you gotta do WqNwU9ZAmCA-00293-00166336-00166800 something or if somebody will start something and then they quit it's that consistency it's showing WqNwU9ZAmCA-00294-00166800-00167224 up every day i mean i show up every day and do this live for you guys but in addition to that WqNwU9ZAmCA-00295-00167224-00167872 you know i i film videos and i upload those videos i upload five videos a week um that's a lot of WqNwU9ZAmCA-00296-00167872-00168472 videos to me i mean some people they do five a day or whatever i mean that's insanity um but it's WqNwU9ZAmCA-00297-00168472-00169072 it's that constant just drudging of doing it um on wednesday i did my videos but i had a lot of other WqNwU9ZAmCA-00298-00169072-00169720 stuff going on because i wouldn't got the coven shot um and i couldn't i had 12 scheduled and WqNwU9ZAmCA-00299-00169720-00170352 i only got eight done uh that was on wednesday so yesterday i had four left and i was looking at it WqNwU9ZAmCA-00300-00170352-00170728 and i was like well you know i got four left i've got the scripts written however i've got enough WqNwU9ZAmCA-00301-00170728-00171120 in a hopper where i'll be fine for a couple weeks so maybe i'll just do those next week and then WqNwU9ZAmCA-00302-00171120-00171664 i finally i was like now go in your office and film the four friggin videos so late yesterday WqNwU9ZAmCA-00303-00171664-00172120 afternoon i went and filmed the four friggin videos and got them done now they're behind me but WqNwU9ZAmCA-00304-00172120-00172616 it's really forcing yourself to do these things you don't want to do yesterday we had to work WqNwU9ZAmCA-00305-00172616-00173256 out yesterday was push-up day yesterday was all upper body day and i was like my arm was so sore WqNwU9ZAmCA-00306-00173256-00173768 from that that covered shot i'm like well man my arm is sore today it's going to hurt too much and WqNwU9ZAmCA-00307-00173768-00174344 i'm like no just go ahead and do your push-ups so you have these battles in your brain all the time WqNwU9ZAmCA-00308-00174344-00174712 that are telling you not to do stuff that are uncomfortable for you if they're uncomfortable WqNwU9ZAmCA-00309-00174712-00175008 for you they're probably good for you and i went ahead and did all my push-ups i did my WqNwU9ZAmCA-00310-00175008-00175592 whole workout and it hurt it hurt but i was fine i was fine there was nothing wrong with me okay WqNwU9ZAmCA-00311-00175672-00176488 i had a sore arm suck it up buttercup you know um success was success is a journey not a destination WqNwU9ZAmCA-00312-00176488-00176936 that is so true and it's like every day pushing yourself guys every single day WqNwU9ZAmCA-00313-00176936-00177392 pushing yourself when you think oh i don't have to do this or i don't want to do this WqNwU9ZAmCA-00314-00177392-00177920 do it do it anyhow do it anyhow it's that's i if i want to leave you with anything today that's WqNwU9ZAmCA-00315-00177920-00178384 that is that you've got to do it anyway what time we got 9 30. we did it we did it we got it done WqNwU9ZAmCA-00316-00178384-00178784 by 9 30. guys thank you so much for listening to this i really do appreciate it man you guys WqNwU9ZAmCA-00317-00178784-00179240 mean the world to me uh do me a favor if you would subscribe if you haven't done so if that button is WqNwU9ZAmCA-00318-00179240-00179784 red down there click it turn it gray don't forget to ring the bell turn on all bell notifications WqNwU9ZAmCA-00319-00179784-00180192 so that you're notified every time i upload a video or i go live give me a thumbs up okay WqNwU9ZAmCA-00320-00180192-00180560 that's all the commercial stuff right that's all the commercial stuff i have a lot of links below WqNwU9ZAmCA-00321-00180632-00180984 if you want to get more information a couple things you can do you can check out one of my WqNwU9ZAmCA-00322-00180984-00181472 courses below uh you can go through my channel just watch and binge on videos i mean i i would WqNwU9ZAmCA-00323-00181472-00182016 suggest doing that um i've got over 800 and some odd videos on this channel and it grows every WqNwU9ZAmCA-00324-00182016-00182424 single day there's more and more knowledge there for you the knowledge is there if you want it WqNwU9ZAmCA-00325-00182424-00182816 more organized you grab all my courses if you just want to go through knowledge go through my youtube WqNwU9ZAmCA-00326-00182816-00183240 channel my bottom line is all the information is there but you've got to do something with it WqNwU9ZAmCA-00327-00183344-00183760 looking forward to seeing lunch post cool paul yeah i am going to post that today we don't i WqNwU9ZAmCA-00328-00183760-00184176 don't even have a place we're going yet but we will figure it out we will go to a cool place WqNwU9ZAmCA-00329-00184176-00184528 because if you're looking forward to it i got to supply you with a good lunch right i mean WqNwU9ZAmCA-00330-00184528-00185128 hey right that's required guys thanks so much i appreciate you listening i appreciate you being WqNwU9ZAmCA-00331-00185128-00185664 here let me get over to my obs software right there there we go there we go camera is a little WqNwU9ZAmCA-00332-00185664-00185984 bit better i think you know put in the comments what you think i think it's a little bit crisper WqNwU9ZAmCA-00333-00185984-00186472 a little bit clearer i'm using a logitech camera i think my lighting is too bright up here on the WqNwU9ZAmCA-00334-00186472-00186920 top got to work on that a little bit but outside that i think it's a lot clearer you can see stuff WqNwU9ZAmCA-00335-00186920-00187376 like these nice like these nice sayings right here you can see that stuff right nice saying WqNwU9ZAmCA-00336-00187432-00187784 or this nice saying right here you can see it right here there you go WqNwU9ZAmCA-00337-00188000-00188536 and these little easter eggs that's what they call them as easter eggs or to remind you guys of stuff WqNwU9ZAmCA-00338-00188608-00189256 do me a favor on monday if we talk on monday or my live be able to put in the chat section what WqNwU9ZAmCA-00339-00189256-00189784 you got accomplished this weekend and accomplished doesn't mean finished but you did something okay WqNwU9ZAmCA-00340-00189784-00190224 you did something what did you do tell me about it on monday i'm going to remind you on monday to WqNwU9ZAmCA-00341-00190224-00190896 tell me about what you did i want to know i've got a cool live tomorrow check it out it's at 10 a.m WqNwU9ZAmCA-00342-00190960-00191376 you can look on my channel to find out what that's about i would suggest you doing that WqNwU9ZAmCA-00343-00191376-00191752 binge on my videos this weekend guys go in there binge on the videos watch a whole bunch of them WqNwU9ZAmCA-00344-00191752-00192144 say i'm going to watch 50 videos in a row and i guarantee you're gonna have more knowledge WqNwU9ZAmCA-00345-00192144-00192584 than you had before thank you so much for watching this i appreciate each and every one of you WqNwU9ZAmCA-00346-00192584-00193080 put all your comments in there if you're watching this after i've gone live feel free to put your WqNwU9ZAmCA-00347-00193080-00193488 questions and we'll come back and answer those thank you for being here love you guys talk to