cZAsboCozog-00000-00000048-00000398 the biblical Magi or singular Magus also cZAsboCozog-00001-00000399-00000592 referred to as the three wise men or cZAsboCozog-00002-00000593-00000790 three kings were in the Gospel of cZAsboCozog-00003-00000791-00000994 Matthew and Christian tradition a group cZAsboCozog-00004-00000996-00001181 of distinguished foreigners who visited cZAsboCozog-00005-00001182-00001390 Jesus after his birth bearing gifts of cZAsboCozog-00006-00001391-00001652 gold frankincense and myrrh they are cZAsboCozog-00007-00001653-00001859 regular figures in traditional accounts cZAsboCozog-00008-00001860-00002018 of the nativity celebrations of cZAsboCozog-00009-00002019-00002195 Christmas and are an important part of cZAsboCozog-00010-00002196-00002480 Christian tradition Matthew is the only cZAsboCozog-00011-00002481-00002699 of the four canonical Gospels to mention cZAsboCozog-00012-00002700-00002981 the Magi Matthew reports that they came cZAsboCozog-00013-00002982-00003320 from the east to worship the king of the cZAsboCozog-00014-00003321-00003593 Jews the gospel never mentions the cZAsboCozog-00015-00003594-00003785 number of Magi but most Western cZAsboCozog-00016-00003786-00003931 Christian denominations have cZAsboCozog-00017-00003932-00004090 traditionally assumed them to have been cZAsboCozog-00018-00004092-00004271 three in number based on the statement cZAsboCozog-00019-00004272-00004522 that they brought three gifts in Eastern cZAsboCozog-00020-00004523-00004739 Christianity especially the Syriac cZAsboCozog-00021-00004740-00005042 churches the Magi often number-12 their cZAsboCozog-00022-00005043-00005222 identification as kings in later cZAsboCozog-00023-00005223-00005431 Christian writings as probably linked to cZAsboCozog-00024-00005432-00005741 Psalm chapter 72 verse 11 may all kings cZAsboCozog-00025-00005742-00006218 fall down before him cZAsboCozog-00026-00006219-00006769 topic biblical account cZAsboCozog-00027-00006770-00007027 traditional nativity scenes depict three cZAsboCozog-00028-00007028-00007342 wise men visiting the infant Jesus on cZAsboCozog-00029-00007343-00007489 the night of his birth in a manger cZAsboCozog-00030-00007490-00007681 accompanied by the shepherds and angels cZAsboCozog-00031-00007682-00007838 but this should be understood as an cZAsboCozog-00032-00007839-00008017 artistic convention allowing the two cZAsboCozog-00033-00008018-00008191 separate scenes of the adoration of the cZAsboCozog-00034-00008192-00008345 shepherds on the birth night and the cZAsboCozog-00035-00008346-00008524 later adoration of the Magi to be cZAsboCozog-00036-00008525-00008770 combined for convenience the single cZAsboCozog-00037-00008771-00008966 biblical account in Matthew simply cZAsboCozog-00038-00008967-00009124 presents an event at an unspecified cZAsboCozog-00039-00009125-00009341 point after Christ's birth in which an cZAsboCozog-00040-00009342-00009609 unnumbered party of unnamed wise men cZAsboCozog-00041-00009610-00010037 m'goi visits him in a house boy Qian not cZAsboCozog-00042-00010038-00010342 as stable with only his mother mentioned cZAsboCozog-00043-00010343-00010541 as present the New Revised Standard cZAsboCozog-00044-00010542-00010808 Version of Matthew chapter 2 verses 1 to cZAsboCozog-00045-00010809-00011044 12 describes the visit of the Magi in cZAsboCozog-00046-00011045-00011291 this manner in the time of King Herod cZAsboCozog-00047-00011292-00011527 after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of cZAsboCozog-00048-00011528-00011738 Judea wise men from the east came to cZAsboCozog-00049-00011739-00011999 Jerusalem asking where is the child who cZAsboCozog-00050-00012000-00012191 has been born King of the Jews cZAsboCozog-00051-00012192-00012466 for we observed his star at its rising cZAsboCozog-00052-00012467-00012781 and have come to pay him homage when cZAsboCozog-00053-00012782-00012985 King Herod heard this he was frightened cZAsboCozog-00054-00012986-00013166 and all Jerusalem with him and calling cZAsboCozog-00055-00013166-00013343 together all the chief priests and cZAsboCozog-00056-00013344-00013525 scribes of the people he inquired of cZAsboCozog-00057-00013526-00013700 them where the Messiah was to be born cZAsboCozog-00058-00013701-00014062 they told him in Bethlehem of Judea 4 so cZAsboCozog-00059-00014063-00014234 it has been written by the prophet and cZAsboCozog-00060-00014235-00014486 you bethlehem in the land of judah are cZAsboCozog-00061-00014487-00014699 by no means least among the rulers of cZAsboCozog-00062-00014700-00014878 judah for from you shall come a ruler cZAsboCozog-00063-00014879-00015133 who has to Shepherd my people Israel cZAsboCozog-00064-00015134-00015406 then Herod secretly called for the wise cZAsboCozog-00065-00015407-00015596 men and learned from them the exact time cZAsboCozog-00066-00015597-00015853 when the star had appeared then he sent cZAsboCozog-00067-00015854-00016097 them to Bethlehem saying go and search cZAsboCozog-00068-00016097-00016309 diligently for the child and when you cZAsboCozog-00069-00016310-00016502 have found him bring me word so that I cZAsboCozog-00070-00016503-00016834 may also go and pay him homage when they cZAsboCozog-00071-00016835-00016997 had heard the King they set out and cZAsboCozog-00072-00016998-00017155 there the head of them went the star cZAsboCozog-00073-00017156-00017342 that they had seen at its rising until cZAsboCozog-00074-00017343-00017489 it stopped over the place where the cZAsboCozog-00075-00017490-00017737 child was when they saw that the star cZAsboCozog-00076-00017738-00017905 had stopped they were overwhelmed with cZAsboCozog-00077-00017906-00018172 joy on entering the house they saw the cZAsboCozog-00078-00018173-00018355 child with Mary his mother and they cZAsboCozog-00079-00018356-00018590 knelt down and paid him homage then cZAsboCozog-00080-00018591-00018781 opening their treasure chests they cZAsboCozog-00081-00018782-00018911 offered him gifts of gold frankincense cZAsboCozog-00082-00018912-00019231 and myrrh and having been warned in a cZAsboCozog-00083-00019232-00019421 dream not to return to Herod they left cZAsboCozog-00084-00019422-00019611 for their own country by another path cZAsboCozog-00085-00019612-00019894 the text specifies no interval between cZAsboCozog-00086-00019895-00020092 the birth and the visit an artistic cZAsboCozog-00087-00020093-00020159 depiction cZAsboCozog-00088-00020160-00020312 and the closeness of the traditional cZAsboCozog-00089-00020313-00020585 dates of December 25th and January 6th cZAsboCozog-00090-00020586-00020753 encouraged the popular assumption that cZAsboCozog-00091-00020754-00020957 the visit took place the same winter as cZAsboCozog-00092-00020958-00021158 the birth but later traditions varied cZAsboCozog-00093-00021159-00021344 with the visit taken as occurring up to cZAsboCozog-00094-00021345-00021614 two winters later this maximum interval cZAsboCozog-00095-00021615-00021818 explained Herod's command at Matthew cZAsboCozog-00096-00021819-00022076 chapter 2 verses 16 to 18 that the cZAsboCozog-00097-00022077-00022265 massacre of the innocents included boys cZAsboCozog-00098-00022266-00022400 up to two years old cZAsboCozog-00099-00022401-00022679 more recent commentators not tied to the cZAsboCozog-00100-00022680-00022889 traditional feast days may suggest a cZAsboCozog-00101-00022890-00023093 variety of intervals the wise men are cZAsboCozog-00102-00023094-00023276 mentioned twice shortly thereafter in cZAsboCozog-00103-00023277-00023483 verse 16 in reference to their avoidance cZAsboCozog-00104-00023484-00023696 of Herod after seeing Jesus and what cZAsboCozog-00105-00023697-00023831 Herod had learned from their earlier cZAsboCozog-00106-00023832-00024089 meeting the star which they followed has cZAsboCozog-00107-00024090-00024269 traditionally become known as the Star cZAsboCozog-00108-00024270-00024639 of Bethlehem cZAsboCozog-00109-00024640-00025151 topic description cZAsboCozog-00110-00025152-00025400 the Magi are popularly referred to as cZAsboCozog-00111-00025401-00025679 wise men in Kings the word Magi is the cZAsboCozog-00112-00025680-00025862 plural of Latin Magus borrowed from cZAsboCozog-00113-00025863-00026066 Greek Megos Magus as used in the cZAsboCozog-00114-00026067-00026249 original Greek text of the Gospel of cZAsboCozog-00115-00026250-00026300 Matthew cZAsboCozog-00116-00026301-00026618 m'goi Greek Magus itself has derived cZAsboCozog-00117-00026619-00026822 from Old Persian Magus from the invest cZAsboCozog-00118-00026823-00027077 in Mangano ie the religious caste into cZAsboCozog-00119-00027077-00027233 which 0 aster was born cZAsboCozog-00120-00027233-00027627 see ya sneh 33.7 yo shreya pair Maga no cZAsboCozog-00121-00027629-00028070 equals so I can be heard beyond Magi the cZAsboCozog-00122-00028070-00028262 term refers to the Persian priestly cZAsboCozog-00123-00028263-00028517 caste of Zoroastrianism as part of their cZAsboCozog-00124-00028518-00028691 religion these priests paid particular cZAsboCozog-00125-00028692-00028907 attention to the Stars and gained an cZAsboCozog-00126-00028908-00029129 international reputation for astrology cZAsboCozog-00127-00029130-00029312 which was at that time highly regarded cZAsboCozog-00128-00029313-00029588 as a science their religious practices cZAsboCozog-00129-00029589-00029807 in use of astrology caused derivatives cZAsboCozog-00130-00029808-00029989 of the term Magi to be applied to the cZAsboCozog-00131-00029991-00030179 occult in general and led to the English cZAsboCozog-00132-00030180-00030410 term magic although Zoroastrianism was cZAsboCozog-00133-00030411-00030710 in fact strongly opposed to sorcery the cZAsboCozog-00134-00030711-00030935 King James Version translates the term cZAsboCozog-00135-00030936-00031151 as wise men the same translation as cZAsboCozog-00136-00031152-00031373 applied to the wise men led by Daniel of cZAsboCozog-00137-00031374-00031592 earlier Hebrew Scriptures Daniel chapter cZAsboCozog-00138-00031593-00031910 2 verse 48 the same word is given as cZAsboCozog-00139-00031911-00032089 sorcerer and sorcery when describing cZAsboCozog-00140-00032089-00032456 elements the sorcerer in Acts chapter 13 cZAsboCozog-00141-00032457-00032683 verses 6 to 11 and Simon Magus cZAsboCozog-00142-00032685-00032876 considered a heretic by the early church cZAsboCozog-00143-00032877-00033275 in Acts chapter 8 verses 9 to 13 several cZAsboCozog-00144-00033276-00033479 translations refer to the men out right cZAsboCozog-00145-00033480-00033692 as astrologers at Matthew chapter 2 cZAsboCozog-00146-00033693-00034037 including new English Bible 1961 Philips cZAsboCozog-00147-00034038-00034262 New Testament in modern English JB cZAsboCozog-00148-00034263-00034634 Phillips 1972 20th century New Testament cZAsboCozog-00149-00034635-00034951 1904 revised edition amplified bible cZAsboCozog-00150-00034952-00035213 1958 New Testament an American cZAsboCozog-00151-00035214-00035507 translation 1935 Goodspeed and the cZAsboCozog-00152-00035508-00035882 Living Bible kay Taylor 1962 New cZAsboCozog-00153-00035883-00035968 Testament cZAsboCozog-00154-00035969-00036224 although the Magi are commonly referred cZAsboCozog-00155-00036225-00036512 to as kings there is nothing in the cZAsboCozog-00156-00036513-00036701 account from the Gospel of Matthew that cZAsboCozog-00157-00036702-00036863 implies that they were rulers of any cZAsboCozog-00158-00036864-00037154 kind the identification of the Magi as cZAsboCozog-00159-00037155-00037337 Kings is linked to Old Testament cZAsboCozog-00160-00037338-00037517 prophecies that describe the Messiah cZAsboCozog-00161-00037518-00037715 being worshiped by Kings in Isaiah cZAsboCozog-00162-00037716-00038003 chapter 60 verse 3 Psalm chapter 68 cZAsboCozog-00163-00038004-00038345 verse 29 and Psalm chapter 72 verse 10 cZAsboCozog-00164-00038346-00038489 which reads cZAsboCozog-00165-00038490-00038729 all Kings shall fall down before him all cZAsboCozog-00166-00038730-00039011 nations serve him early readers cZAsboCozog-00167-00039012-00039206 reinterpreted Matthew in light of these cZAsboCozog-00168-00039207-00039404 prophecies and elevated the Magi to cZAsboCozog-00169-00039405-00039806 Kings by ad 500 all commentators adopted cZAsboCozog-00170-00039807-00039965 the prevalent tradition that the three cZAsboCozog-00171-00039966-00040190 were Kings later Christian cZAsboCozog-00172-00040191-00040390 interpretations stressed the adorations cZAsboCozog-00173-00040391-00040586 of the Magi and shepherds as the first cZAsboCozog-00174-00040587-00040757 recognition by the people of the earth cZAsboCozog-00175-00040758-00040901 of Christ as the Redeemer cZAsboCozog-00176-00040902-00041068 but the reformer John Calvin was cZAsboCozog-00177-00041069-00041243 vehemently opposed to referring to the cZAsboCozog-00178-00041244-00041576 Magi as Kings he once wrote but the most cZAsboCozog-00179-00041577-00041818 ridiculous contrivance of the Papists on cZAsboCozog-00180-00041819-00042008 this subject as that those men were cZAsboCozog-00181-00042009-00042377 Kings beyond all doubt they have been cZAsboCozog-00182-00042378-00042617 stupefied by a righteous judgment of God cZAsboCozog-00183-00042618-00042796 that all might laugh at their gross cZAsboCozog-00184-00042797-00043254 ignorance cZAsboCozog-00185-00043255-00043746 topic names cZAsboCozog-00186-00043747-00043948 the New Testament does not give the cZAsboCozog-00187-00043949-00044061 names of the Magi cZAsboCozog-00188-00044062-00044317 however traditions and legends identify cZAsboCozog-00189-00044318-00044514 a variety of different names for them in cZAsboCozog-00190-00044515-00044757 the Western Christian Church they have cZAsboCozog-00191-00044758-00044920 been all regarded as Saints and are cZAsboCozog-00192-00044921-00045235 commonly known as male cheer also Mele cZAsboCozog-00193-00045236-00045576 she or a Persian scholar Kasper or also cZAsboCozog-00194-00045577-00045739 Gaspar Jasper cZAsboCozog-00195-00045740-00046058 Jasper's gothis pas and other variations cZAsboCozog-00196-00046059-00046371 Balthazar or also Balthus sir Balthazar cZAsboCozog-00197-00046372-00046604 and bid this area a Babylonian scholar cZAsboCozog-00198-00046605-00046848 Encyclopedia Britannica States according cZAsboCozog-00199-00046849-00047017 to Western church tradition cZAsboCozog-00200-00047018-00047232 Balthazar is often represented as a king cZAsboCozog-00201-00047233-00047448 of Arabia Mel cheer as a king of Persia cZAsboCozog-00202-00047449-00047755 and Gaspard as a king of India quote cZAsboCozog-00203-00047756-00047967 these names apparently derive from a cZAsboCozog-00204-00047968-00048186 Greek manuscript probably composed in cZAsboCozog-00205-00048187-00048436 Alexandria around 500 and which has been cZAsboCozog-00206-00048437-00048624 translated into Latin with the title cZAsboCozog-00207-00048625-00048918 excerpt to latina Barbary another Greek cZAsboCozog-00208-00048919-00049111 document from the 8th century of cZAsboCozog-00209-00049112-00049332 presumed Irish origin and translated cZAsboCozog-00210-00049333-00049512 into Latin with the title collect Ania cZAsboCozog-00211-00049513-00049723 at Flores continues the tradition of cZAsboCozog-00212-00049724-00049882 three kings and their names and gives cZAsboCozog-00213-00049883-00050202 additional details one candidate for the cZAsboCozog-00214-00050203-00050418 origin of the name Casper appears in the cZAsboCozog-00215-00050419-00050783 acts of Thomas's gand Affairs 21 see ad cZAsboCozog-00216-00050784-00051252 47 ie Goethe ferocity which Casper might cZAsboCozog-00217-00051253-00051558 derive as corruption of Gaspard this cZAsboCozog-00218-00051559-00051754 gand Affairs declared independence from cZAsboCozog-00219-00051754-00051969 the arse assets to become the first Indo cZAsboCozog-00220-00051970-00052143 Parthian King and he was allegedly cZAsboCozog-00221-00052144-00052443 visited by Thomas the Apostle according cZAsboCozog-00222-00052444-00052617 to Ernst herzfeld his name is cZAsboCozog-00223-00052619-00052810 perpetuated in the name of the Afghan cZAsboCozog-00224-00052811-00053004 city Kandahar which he is said to have cZAsboCozog-00225-00053005-00053197 founded under the name gundo Ferren in cZAsboCozog-00226-00053198-00053442 contrast many Syrian Christians name the cZAsboCozog-00227-00053444-00053662 Magi larvan dead gush nisith and hor cZAsboCozog-00228-00053663-00053911 mistis these names have the far greater cZAsboCozog-00229-00053912-00054132 likelihood of being originally Persian cZAsboCozog-00230-00054133-00054265 though that does not guarantee their cZAsboCozog-00231-00054266-00054541 authenticity in the Eastern Churches cZAsboCozog-00232-00054541-00054811 Ethiopian Christianity for instance has cZAsboCozog-00233-00054812-00055080 hor car Sudan and bass inator while the cZAsboCozog-00234-00055081-00055287 Armenian Catholics have kapha the Dada cZAsboCozog-00235-00055288-00055593 carita and Buddha jilma many Chinese cZAsboCozog-00236-00055594-00055798 Christians believe that one of the Magi cZAsboCozog-00237-00055799-00056235 came from China cZAsboCozog-00238-00056236-00056802 topic country of origin and journey cZAsboCozog-00239-00056803-00057045 the phrase from the east appllo Anatole cZAsboCozog-00240-00057046-00057210 and more literally from the rising of cZAsboCozog-00241-00057211-00057435 the Sun is the only information Matthew cZAsboCozog-00242-00057436-00057585 provides about the region from which cZAsboCozog-00243-00057586-00057873 they came the Parthian Empire centered cZAsboCozog-00244-00057874-00058110 in Persia occupied virtually all of the cZAsboCozog-00245-00058111-00058353 land east of Judea and Syria except for cZAsboCozog-00246-00058354-00058536 the deserts of Arabia to the southeast cZAsboCozog-00247-00058537-00058794 though the Empire was tolerant of other cZAsboCozog-00248-00058795-00059003 religions its dominant religion was cZAsboCozog-00249-00059004-00059223 Zoroastrianism with its priestly Megos cZAsboCozog-00250-00059224-00059409 class although Matthews account does not cZAsboCozog-00251-00059410-00059622 explicitly cite the motivation for their cZAsboCozog-00252-00059623-00059799 journey other than seeing the star in cZAsboCozog-00253-00059800-00059966 the east which they took to be the star cZAsboCozog-00254-00059967-00060069 of the King of the Jews cZAsboCozog-00255-00060070-00060309 the Syriac infancy gospel provides some cZAsboCozog-00256-00060310-00060534 clarity by stating explicitly in the 3rd cZAsboCozog-00257-00060535-00060684 chapter that they were pursuing a cZAsboCozog-00258-00060685-00060876 prophecy from their prophet Zora - cZAsboCozog-00259-00060877-00061119 Zoroaster there is an Armenian tradition cZAsboCozog-00260-00061120-00061434 identifying that Magi of Bethlehem as cZAsboCozog-00261-00061435-00061650 Balthus er of Arabia mell cheer of cZAsboCozog-00262-00061651-00061959 Persia and Gaspar of India historian cZAsboCozog-00263-00061960-00062172 John of hildesheim relates a tradition cZAsboCozog-00264-00062173-00062400 in the ancient Silk Road city of Taxila cZAsboCozog-00265-00062401-00062637 near Islamabad in Pakistan that one of cZAsboCozog-00266-00062638-00062814 the Magi passed through the city on the cZAsboCozog-00267-00062815-00063114 way to Bethlehem Sebastian Brock a cZAsboCozog-00268-00063115-00063348 historian of Christianity has said it cZAsboCozog-00269-00063349-00063578 was no doubt among converts from cZAsboCozog-00270-00063579-00063819 Zoroastrianism that certain legends were cZAsboCozog-00271-00063820-00064157 developed around the Magi of the Gospels cZAsboCozog-00272-00064158-00064379 an Anders Holte guard concluded that the cZAsboCozog-00273-00064379-00064604 Gospel story of the Magi was influenced cZAsboCozog-00274-00064604-00064844 by an Iranian legend concerning Magi and cZAsboCozog-00275-00064845-00065045 a star which was connected with Persian cZAsboCozog-00276-00065046-00065249 beliefs in the rise of a star predicting cZAsboCozog-00277-00065250-00065404 the birth of a ruler and with myths cZAsboCozog-00278-00065405-00065627 describing the manifestation of a divine cZAsboCozog-00279-00065628-00065849 figure in fire and light model for the cZAsboCozog-00280-00065850-00066005 homage of the Magi might have been cZAsboCozog-00281-00066006-00066203 provided it has been suggested by the cZAsboCozog-00282-00066204-00066401 journey to Rome of King Terra dates the cZAsboCozog-00283-00066402-00066623 first of Armenia with his Magi to pay cZAsboCozog-00284-00066624-00066821 homage to the Emperor Nero which took cZAsboCozog-00285-00066822-00067106 place in 66 AD a few years before the cZAsboCozog-00286-00067107-00067280 date assigned to the composition of the cZAsboCozog-00287-00067281-00067388 Gospel of Matthew cZAsboCozog-00288-00067389-00067553 there was a tradition that the Central cZAsboCozog-00289-00067554-00067700 Asian naimans and their Christian cZAsboCozog-00290-00067701-00067832 relatives the carides cZAsboCozog-00291-00067833-00068002 were descended from the biblical Magi cZAsboCozog-00292-00068003-00068261 this heritage passed to the Mongol cZAsboCozog-00293-00068262-00068396 dynasty of Genghis Khan cZAsboCozog-00294-00068397-00068591 when sorg itani niece of the Kari cZAsboCozog-00295-00068592-00068816 t-ruler torille married to Louis the cZAsboCozog-00296-00068817-00069008 youngest son of Genghis and became the cZAsboCozog-00297-00069009-00069179 mother of monk Khan and his younger cZAsboCozog-00298-00069180-00069467 brother and successor Kublai Khan toe cZAsboCozog-00299-00069468-00069632 girl became identified with the cZAsboCozog-00300-00069633-00069845 legendary Central Asian Christian King cZAsboCozog-00301-00069846-00070058 Prester John whose Mongol descendants cZAsboCozog-00302-00070059-00070205 were sought as allies against the cZAsboCozog-00303-00070206-00070394 Muslims by contemporary European cZAsboCozog-00304-00070395-00070510 monarchs and popes cZAsboCozog-00305-00070511-00070796 CEMP had the constable elder brother of cZAsboCozog-00306-00070797-00070973 King head tomb the first of Cilician cZAsboCozog-00307-00070974-00071165 Armenia visited the mongol court in cZAsboCozog-00308-00071166-00071563 Karakoram in 12 47 to 1250 and in 1254 cZAsboCozog-00309-00071564-00071813 he wrote a letter to Henry the first cZAsboCozog-00310-00071814-00072005 king of Cyprus and Queen Stephanie cZAsboCozog-00311-00072006-00072332 sampad sister from Samarkand in 1243 in cZAsboCozog-00312-00072333-00072572 which he said tan chat Tangut or western cZAsboCozog-00313-00072573-00072758 shaw which is the land from whence came cZAsboCozog-00314-00072759-00072950 the three kings to bethlehem to worship cZAsboCozog-00315-00072951-00073208 the lord jesus which was born and know cZAsboCozog-00316-00073209-00073406 that the power of Christ has been and is cZAsboCozog-00317-00073407-00073565 so great that the people of that land cZAsboCozog-00318-00073566-00073754 are Christians and the whole land of cZAsboCozog-00319-00073755-00074006 Chad akita or kara kita believes those cZAsboCozog-00320-00074007-00074276 three kings I have myself been in their cZAsboCozog-00321-00074277-00074462 churches and have seen pictures of Jesus cZAsboCozog-00322-00074463-00074681 Christ in the three kings one offering cZAsboCozog-00323-00074682-00074927 gold ii frankincense and the third myrrh cZAsboCozog-00324-00074928-00075170 and it is through those three kings that cZAsboCozog-00325-00075171-00075353 they believe in christ and that the chan cZAsboCozog-00326-00075354-00075491 and his people have now become cZAsboCozog-00327-00075492-00075563 Christians cZAsboCozog-00328-00075564-00075845 the legendary Christian ruler of Central cZAsboCozog-00329-00075846-00075884 Asia cZAsboCozog-00330-00075885-00076106 Prester John was reportedly a descendant cZAsboCozog-00331-00076107-00076557 of one of the Magi cZAsboCozog-00332-00076558-00077069 topic gestures of respect cZAsboCozog-00333-00077070-00077398 the Magi are described as falling down cZAsboCozog-00334-00077399-00077798 kneeling or bowing in the worship of cZAsboCozog-00335-00077799-00077972 Jesus this gesture cZAsboCozog-00336-00077973-00078152 together with Luke's birth narrative had cZAsboCozog-00337-00078153-00078314 an important effect on Christian cZAsboCozog-00338-00078315-00078563 religious practices they were indicative cZAsboCozog-00339-00078564-00078800 of great respect and typically used when cZAsboCozog-00340-00078801-00079079 venerating a cane while prostration is cZAsboCozog-00341-00079080-00079277 now rarely practiced in the West it is cZAsboCozog-00342-00079278-00079478 still relatively common in the Eastern cZAsboCozog-00343-00079479-00079775 churches especially during Lent kneeling cZAsboCozog-00344-00079776-00079943 has remained an important element of cZAsboCozog-00345-00079944-00080458 Christian worship to this day cZAsboCozog-00346-00080459-00080671 topic traditional identities and cZAsboCozog-00347-00080672-00081067 symbolism cZAsboCozog-00348-00081068-00081273 apart from their names the Three Magi cZAsboCozog-00349-00081274-00081490 developed distinct characteristics in cZAsboCozog-00350-00081491-00081675 Christian tradition so that between them cZAsboCozog-00351-00081676-00081879 they represented the three ages of adult cZAsboCozog-00352-00081880-00082068 man three geographical and cultural cZAsboCozog-00353-00082069-00082392 areas and sometimes other things in the cZAsboCozog-00354-00082393-00082605 normal Western account reflected in art cZAsboCozog-00355-00082606-00082836 by the 14th century for example in the cZAsboCozog-00356-00082837-00083148 arena Chapel by Giotto in 1305 Kasper is cZAsboCozog-00357-00083149-00083335 old normally with a white beard and cZAsboCozog-00358-00083336-00083629 gives the gold yes king of Tarsus land cZAsboCozog-00359-00083630-00083901 of merchants on the Mediterranean coast cZAsboCozog-00360-00083902-00084129 of modern Turkey and is first in line to cZAsboCozog-00361-00084130-00084346 kneel to Christ Mel cheer as middle-aged cZAsboCozog-00362-00084347-00084531 giving frankincense from his native cZAsboCozog-00363-00084532-00084798 Arabia and Balthazar as a young man very cZAsboCozog-00364-00084799-00085026 often an increasingly black skin with cZAsboCozog-00365-00085027-00085248 myrrh from Saba modern South Yemen their cZAsboCozog-00366-00085249-00085510 ages were often given as 60 40 and 20 cZAsboCozog-00367-00085511-00085698 respectively and their geographical cZAsboCozog-00368-00085699-00085879 origins were rather variable with cZAsboCozog-00369-00085880-00086061 Balthazar increasingly coming from cZAsboCozog-00370-00086062-00086286 Ethiopia or other parts of Africa and cZAsboCozog-00371-00086287-00086480 being represented accordingly cZAsboCozog-00372-00086481-00086694 Balthazar's blackness has been the cZAsboCozog-00373-00086695-00086910 subject of considerable recent scholarly cZAsboCozog-00374-00086911-00087126 attention in art it is found mostly in cZAsboCozog-00375-00087127-00087322 northern Europe beginning from the 12th cZAsboCozog-00376-00087323-00087529 century and becoming very common in the cZAsboCozog-00377-00087530-00087932 north by the 15th cZAsboCozog-00378-00087933-00088243 topic gifts cZAsboCozog-00379-00088244-00088438 you cZAsboCozog-00380-00088439-00088699 three gifts are explicitly identified in cZAsboCozog-00381-00088700-00088963 matthew gold frankincense and myrrh in cZAsboCozog-00382-00088964-00089206 coin greek creases creases Livanos cZAsboCozog-00383-00089207-00089503 Livanos and smyrna sir many different cZAsboCozog-00384-00089504-00089692 theories of the meaning and symbolism of cZAsboCozog-00385-00089693-00089829 the gifts have been brought forward cZAsboCozog-00386-00089830-00090127 while gold is fairly obviously explained cZAsboCozog-00387-00090128-00090361 frankincense and particularly myrrh are cZAsboCozog-00388-00090362-00090628 much more obscure see the previous cZAsboCozog-00389-00090629-00090919 section for who gave which the theories cZAsboCozog-00390-00090920-00091222 generally break down into two groups all cZAsboCozog-00391-00091223-00091441 three gifts are ordinary offerings and cZAsboCozog-00392-00091442-00091675 gifts given to a king myrrh being cZAsboCozog-00393-00091676-00091849 commonly used as an anointing oil cZAsboCozog-00394-00091850-00092089 frankincense as a perfume and gold is a cZAsboCozog-00395-00092090-00092413 valuable the three gifts had a spiritual cZAsboCozog-00396-00092414-00092623 meaning gold is a symbol of kingship on cZAsboCozog-00397-00092624-00092827 earth frankincense and incense as a cZAsboCozog-00398-00092828-00093055 symbol of deity and myrrh and embalming cZAsboCozog-00399-00093056-00093445 oil as a symbol of death this dates back cZAsboCozog-00400-00093446-00093736 to origin in contras Elson gold as to a cZAsboCozog-00401-00093737-00093988 king myrrh as to one who was mortal an cZAsboCozog-00402-00093989-00094286 incense as to a god cZAsboCozog-00403-00094287-00094526 these interpretations are alluded to in cZAsboCozog-00404-00094527-00094769 the verses of the popular Carol we three cZAsboCozog-00405-00094770-00095051 kings in which the Magi described their cZAsboCozog-00406-00095052-00095107 gifts cZAsboCozog-00407-00095108-00095339 the last verse includes a summary of the cZAsboCozog-00408-00095340-00095597 interpretation glorious now behold him cZAsboCozog-00409-00095598-00095941 arise King and God and sacrifice cZAsboCozog-00410-00095942-00096167 sometimes this is described more cZAsboCozog-00411-00096168-00096370 generally as gold symbolizing virtue cZAsboCozog-00412-00096371-00096599 frankincense symbolizing prayer and cZAsboCozog-00413-00096600-00096791 myrrh symbolizing suffering myrrh was cZAsboCozog-00414-00096792-00096968 used as an embalming ointment and as a cZAsboCozog-00415-00096969-00097169 penitential incense in funerals in cZAsboCozog-00416-00097170-00097420 cremations until the 15th century the cZAsboCozog-00417-00097421-00097757 holy oil traditionally used by the cZAsboCozog-00418-00097758-00097976 Eastern Orthodox Church for performing cZAsboCozog-00419-00097977-00098138 the sacraments of chrismation and cZAsboCozog-00420-00098139-00098312 unction as traditionally scented with cZAsboCozog-00421-00098313-00098462 myrrh and receiving either of these cZAsboCozog-00422-00098463-00098662 sacraments as commonly referred to as cZAsboCozog-00423-00098663-00098957 receiving the myrrh the picture of the cZAsboCozog-00424-00098958-00099209 Magi on the 7th century Frank's casket cZAsboCozog-00425-00099210-00099389 shows the 3rd visitor he who brings cZAsboCozog-00426-00099390-00099578 myrrh with a valknut over his back a cZAsboCozog-00427-00099579-00099785 pagan symbol referring to death it has cZAsboCozog-00428-00099786-00099947 been suggested by scholars that the cZAsboCozog-00429-00099948-00100229 gifts were medicinal rather than cZAsboCozog-00430-00100230-00100460 precious material for tribute the Syrian cZAsboCozog-00431-00100461-00100657 King Seleucus the second calendar kiss cZAsboCozog-00432-00100658-00100814 is recorded to have offered gold cZAsboCozog-00433-00100815-00101015 frankincense and myrrh among other items cZAsboCozog-00434-00101016-00101267 to Apollo in his temple at Miletus in cZAsboCozog-00435-00101268-00101510 243 BC and this may have been the cZAsboCozog-00436-00101511-00101681 precedent for the mention of these three cZAsboCozog-00437-00101682-00101942 gifts in Gospel of Matthew 2:11 it was cZAsboCozog-00438-00101943-00102122 these three gifts it is thought which cZAsboCozog-00439-00102123-00102284 were the chief cause for the number of cZAsboCozog-00440-00102285-00102521 the Magi becoming fixed eventually at 3 cZAsboCozog-00441-00102522-00102706 this episode can be linked to Isaiah cZAsboCozog-00442-00102707-00102998 chapter 60 into Psalm chapter 72 which cZAsboCozog-00443-00102999-00103216 report gifts being given by Kings and cZAsboCozog-00444-00103217-00103381 this has played a central role in the cZAsboCozog-00445-00103382-00103585 perception of the Magi as Kings rather cZAsboCozog-00446-00103586-00103858 than as astronomer priests in a hymn of cZAsboCozog-00447-00103859-00104078 the late 4th century Hispanic poet cZAsboCozog-00448-00104079-00104281 pretentious the three gifts have already cZAsboCozog-00449-00104282-00104465 gained their medieval interpretation as cZAsboCozog-00450-00104466-00104668 prophetic emblems of Jesus identity cZAsboCozog-00451-00104669-00104903 familiar in the Carroll we three kings cZAsboCozog-00452-00104904-00105419 by John Henry Hopkins jr. 1857 John cZAsboCozog-00453-00105420-00105623 Chrysostom suggested that the gifts were cZAsboCozog-00454-00105624-00105815 fit to be given not just to a king but cZAsboCozog-00455-00105816-00106022 to God and contrasted them with the Jews cZAsboCozog-00456-00106023-00106196 traditional offerings of sheep and cZAsboCozog-00457-00106197-00106388 calves and accordingly Chrysostom cZAsboCozog-00458-00106389-00106550 asserts that the Magi worshipped Jesus cZAsboCozog-00459-00106551-00106883 has got what subsequently happened to cZAsboCozog-00460-00106883-00107051 these gifts has never mentioned in the cZAsboCozog-00461-00107052-00107236 scripture but several traditions have cZAsboCozog-00462-00107238-00107522 developed one story has the gold being cZAsboCozog-00463-00107523-00107671 stolen by the two thieves cZAsboCozog-00464-00107672-00107883 were later crucified alongside Jesus cZAsboCozog-00465-00107883-00108139 another tale has it been entrusted to cZAsboCozog-00466-00108140-00108445 and then misappropriated by Judas one cZAsboCozog-00467-00108446-00108670 tradition suggests that Joseph and Mary cZAsboCozog-00468-00108671-00108874 used the gold to finance their travels cZAsboCozog-00469-00108875-00109083 when they fled Bethlehem after an angel cZAsboCozog-00470-00109084-00109294 had warned in a dream about King Herod's cZAsboCozog-00471-00109295-00109570 plan to kill Jesus and another story cZAsboCozog-00472-00109571-00109761 proposes the theory that the myrrh given cZAsboCozog-00473-00109763-00109939 to them at Jesus birth was used to cZAsboCozog-00474-00109940-00110184 anoint Jesus body after his crucifixion cZAsboCozog-00475-00110185-00110478 there was a 15th century golden case cZAsboCozog-00476-00110479-00110661 purportedly containing the Gift of the cZAsboCozog-00477-00110663-00110889 Magi housed in the monastery of st. Paul cZAsboCozog-00478-00110890-00111169 of Mount Athos it was donated to the cZAsboCozog-00479-00111170-00111406 monastery in the 15th century by Mara cZAsboCozog-00480-00111407-00111613 brankovic daughter of the king of Serbia cZAsboCozog-00481-00111614-00111810 Durrett brankovic wife to the Ottoman cZAsboCozog-00482-00111811-00112024 Sultan Murat the second and godmother to cZAsboCozog-00483-00112025-00112160 Mehmet to the Conqueror of cZAsboCozog-00484-00112161-00112414 Constantinople after the Athens cZAsboCozog-00485-00112415-00112699 earthquake of September 9 1999 they were cZAsboCozog-00486-00112700-00112921 temporarily displayed in Athens in order cZAsboCozog-00487-00112922-00113101 to strengthen faith and raise money for cZAsboCozog-00488-00113102-00113338 earthquake victims the relics were cZAsboCozog-00489-00113339-00113539 displayed in Ukraine and Belarus in cZAsboCozog-00490-00113540-00113790 christmas of 2014 and thus left Greece cZAsboCozog-00491-00113791-00113968 for the first time since the 15th cZAsboCozog-00492-00113969-00114400 century cZAsboCozog-00493-00114401-00114883 pick martyrdom traditions cZAsboCozog-00494-00114883-00115120 Christian Scriptures record nothing cZAsboCozog-00495-00115121-00115335 about the biblical Magi after reporting cZAsboCozog-00496-00115336-00115491 they're going back to their own country cZAsboCozog-00497-00115492-00115732 Matthew chapter 2 verse 12 uses the cZAsboCozog-00498-00115733-00115953 feminine singular noun Koren noting one cZAsboCozog-00499-00115954-00116286 country territory or region of origin to cZAsboCozog-00500-00116287-00116451 separate traditions have surfaced cZAsboCozog-00501-00116452-00116593 claiming that they were so moved by cZAsboCozog-00502-00116594-00116760 their encounter with Jesus that they cZAsboCozog-00503-00116761-00116947 either became Christians on their own or cZAsboCozog-00504-00116948-00117123 were quick to convert fully upon later cZAsboCozog-00505-00117124-00117402 encountering an apostle of Jesus the cZAsboCozog-00506-00117403-00117561 traditions claim that they were so cZAsboCozog-00507-00117562-00117706 strong in their beliefs that they cZAsboCozog-00508-00117707-00118118 willingly embraced martyrdom cZAsboCozog-00509-00118119-00118620 topic chronicon of Dexter cZAsboCozog-00510-00118621-00118929 one tradition gained popularity in Spain cZAsboCozog-00511-00118930-00119173 during the 17th century it was found in cZAsboCozog-00512-00119174-00119352 a work called the chronicon of Dexter cZAsboCozog-00513-00119353-00119649 the work was ascribed to Flavius Lucius cZAsboCozog-00514-00119650-00119865 Dexter the Bishop of Barcelona under cZAsboCozog-00515-00119866-00120118 Theodosius the great the tradition cZAsboCozog-00516-00120119-00120258 appears in the form of a simple cZAsboCozog-00517-00120259-00120544 Martyrology reading in Arabia Felix in cZAsboCozog-00518-00120545-00120783 the city of Caesarea of the ax dramati cZAsboCozog-00519-00120784-00121006 the martyrdom of the holy kings the cZAsboCozog-00520-00121007-00121314 Three Magi Gaspar balthazor and male cZAsboCozog-00521-00121315-00121659 cheer who adored Christ first appearing cZAsboCozog-00522-00121660-00121908 in 1610 the chronicon of Dexter was cZAsboCozog-00523-00121909-00122064 immensely popular along with the cZAsboCozog-00524-00122065-00122221 traditions it contained throughout the cZAsboCozog-00525-00122222-00122529 17th century later this was all brought cZAsboCozog-00526-00122530-00122733 into question when historians in the cZAsboCozog-00527-00122734-00122937 Catholic hierarchy in Rome declared the cZAsboCozog-00528-00122938-00123404 work of pious forgery cZAsboCozog-00529-00123405-00123860 topic relics at Cologne cZAsboCozog-00530-00123861-00124089 a competing tradition asserts that the cZAsboCozog-00531-00124090-00124308 biblical Magi were martyred for the cZAsboCozog-00532-00124308-00124503 faith and that their bodies were first cZAsboCozog-00533-00124504-00124749 venerated at Constantinople thence they cZAsboCozog-00534-00124750-00125154 were transferred to Milan in 344 it is cZAsboCozog-00535-00125155-00125346 certain that when Frederick the first cZAsboCozog-00536-00125347-00125585 Holy Roman Emperor Barbarossa cZAsboCozog-00537-00125586-00125823 imposed his authority on Milan the cZAsboCozog-00538-00125824-00126011 relics there were transferred to Cologne cZAsboCozog-00539-00126013-00126204 Cathedral housed in the shrine of the cZAsboCozog-00540-00126205-00126386 three kings and are venerated there cZAsboCozog-00541-00126388-00126710 today the Milanese treated the fragments cZAsboCozog-00542-00126711-00126911 of masonry from their now empty tomb as cZAsboCozog-00543-00126913-00127107 secondary relics and these were widely cZAsboCozog-00544-00127108-00127308 distributed around the region including cZAsboCozog-00545-00127308-00127473 southern France accounting for the cZAsboCozog-00546-00127474-00127677 frequency with which the Magi appear on cZAsboCozog-00547-00127678-00128241 chess reliquaries in Limoges enamel cZAsboCozog-00548-00128242-00128685 topic Toombs cZAsboCozog-00549-00128686-00128899 there are several traditions on where cZAsboCozog-00550-00128900-00129082 the remains of the Magi are located cZAsboCozog-00551-00129083-00129232 although none of the traditions is cZAsboCozog-00552-00129233-00129415 considered as an established fact or cZAsboCozog-00553-00129416-00129633 even as particularly likely by secular cZAsboCozog-00554-00129634-00129907 history Marco Polo claimed that he was cZAsboCozog-00555-00129908-00130099 shown the three tombs of the Magi at cZAsboCozog-00556-00130100-00130327 Sava south of Turin in the 12 seventies cZAsboCozog-00557-00130328-00130651 in Persia is the city of Saba from which cZAsboCozog-00558-00130652-00130864 the Three Magi set out and in this city cZAsboCozog-00559-00130865-00131071 they are buried in three very large and cZAsboCozog-00560-00131072-00131284 beautiful monuments side-by-side and cZAsboCozog-00561-00131285-00131509 above them there is a square building cZAsboCozog-00562-00131510-00131740 beautifully kept the bodies are still cZAsboCozog-00563-00131741-00131958 entire with hair and beard remaining cZAsboCozog-00564-00131959-00132220 Paul William Roberts provides some cZAsboCozog-00565-00132221-00132385 modern-day corroboration of this cZAsboCozog-00566-00132386-00132577 possibility in his book journey of the cZAsboCozog-00567-00132578-00132871 Magi a shrine of the three kings at cZAsboCozog-00568-00132872-00133081 Cologne Cathedral according to tradition cZAsboCozog-00569-00133082-00133311 contains the bones of the three wise men cZAsboCozog-00570-00133312-00133552 reputedly they were first discovered by cZAsboCozog-00571-00133553-00133768 Saint Helena on her famous pilgrimage to cZAsboCozog-00572-00133769-00133945 Palestine in the Holy Lands cZAsboCozog-00573-00133946-00134179 she took the remains to the Church of cZAsboCozog-00574-00134180-00134374 haya Sophia in Constantinople cZAsboCozog-00575-00134375-00134554 they were later moved to Milan some cZAsboCozog-00576-00134555-00134749 sources say by the cities Bishop you cZAsboCozog-00577-00134750-00134950 store gsi before being sent to their cZAsboCozog-00578-00134951-00135139 current resting place by the holy roman cZAsboCozog-00579-00135140-00135490 emperor frederick the first in 1164 the cZAsboCozog-00580-00135491-00135664 Milanese celebrate their part in the cZAsboCozog-00581-00135665-00135871 tradition by holding a medieval costume cZAsboCozog-00582-00135872-00136104 parade every the 6th of January a cZAsboCozog-00583-00136105-00136345 version of the detailed elaboration cZAsboCozog-00584-00136346-00136582 familiar to us is laid out by the 14th cZAsboCozog-00585-00136583-00136777 century cleric John of Hildesheim cZAsboCozog-00586-00136778-00137023 historia trium regum history of the cZAsboCozog-00587-00137024-00137290 three kings in accounting for the cZAsboCozog-00588-00137291-00137434 presence in Cologne of their mummified cZAsboCozog-00589-00137435-00137641 relics he begins with the journey of cZAsboCozog-00590-00137642-00137824 Helena mother of Constantine the first cZAsboCozog-00591-00137825-00138034 to Jerusalem where she recovered the cZAsboCozog-00592-00138035-00138352 true cross and other relics Queen Helen cZAsboCozog-00593-00138353-00138544 began to think greatly of the bodies of cZAsboCozog-00594-00138545-00138694 these three kings and she arrayed cZAsboCozog-00595-00138695-00138859 herself and accompanied by many cZAsboCozog-00596-00138860-00139041 attendants went into the land of ein cZAsboCozog-00597-00139042-00139264 after she had found the bodies of melchi cZAsboCozog-00598-00139265-00139519 ur Balthazar and Gaspard Queen Helen put cZAsboCozog-00599-00139520-00139714 them into one chest and ornamented it cZAsboCozog-00600-00139715-00139876 with great riches and she brought them cZAsboCozog-00601-00139877-00140104 into Constantinople cZAsboCozog-00602-00140105-00140294 and laid them in a church that is called cZAsboCozog-00603-00140295-00140683 st. Sophia cZAsboCozog-00604-00140684-00141247 topic religious significance cZAsboCozog-00605-00141248-00141484 the visit of the Magi has commemorated cZAsboCozog-00606-00141485-00141682 in most Western Christian churches by cZAsboCozog-00607-00141683-00141880 the observance of Epiphany the 6th of cZAsboCozog-00608-00141881-00142093 January which also serves as the Feast cZAsboCozog-00609-00142094-00142348 of the threa Saints the Eastern Orthodox cZAsboCozog-00610-00142349-00142588 celebrate the visit of the Magi on the cZAsboCozog-00611-00142589-00142939 25th of December quran omits matthews cZAsboCozog-00612-00142940-00143224 episode of the Magi however the Persian cZAsboCozog-00613-00143225-00143431 Muslim encyclopedist al tabari cZAsboCozog-00614-00143432-00143620 writing in the 9th century gives the cZAsboCozog-00615-00143621-00143794 familiar symbolism of the gifts of the cZAsboCozog-00616-00143795-00144100 Magi all Tabari gave his source for the cZAsboCozog-00617-00144101-00144319 information to be the later 7th century cZAsboCozog-00618-00144320-00144619 perso Yemenite writer wuah be urban muna cZAsboCozog-00619-00144620-00144944 be cZAsboCozog-00620-00144945-00145459 topic traditions cZAsboCozog-00621-00145460-00145704 holidays celebrating the arrival of the cZAsboCozog-00622-00145705-00145887 Magi traditionally recognized a cZAsboCozog-00623-00145888-00146037 distinction between the date of their cZAsboCozog-00624-00146038-00146301 arrival and the date of Jesus birth the cZAsboCozog-00625-00146302-00146466 account given in the Gospel of Matthew cZAsboCozog-00626-00146467-00146662 does not state that they were present on cZAsboCozog-00627-00146663-00146829 the night of the birth in the Gospel of cZAsboCozog-00628-00146830-00147070 Luke Joseph and Mary remain in Bethlehem cZAsboCozog-00629-00147071-00147291 until it is time for Jesus dedication in cZAsboCozog-00630-00147292-00147465 Jerusalem and then returned to their cZAsboCozog-00631-00147466-00147822 home in Nazareth cZAsboCozog-00632-00147823-00148343 topic Spanish customs cZAsboCozog-00633-00148344-00148647 Western Christianity celebrates the Magi cZAsboCozog-00634-00148648-00148904 on the day of Epiphany January 6 the day cZAsboCozog-00635-00148905-00149109 immediately following the twelve days of cZAsboCozog-00636-00149110-00149175 Christmas cZAsboCozog-00637-00149176-00149315 particularly in the spanish-speaking cZAsboCozog-00638-00149316-00149619 parts of the world in these areas the cZAsboCozog-00639-00149620-00149937 three kings los Reyes Megos de Oriente cZAsboCozog-00640-00149938-00150438 and los tres Reyes Magus or simply los cZAsboCozog-00641-00150439-00150689 Reyes Magus receive letters from cZAsboCozog-00642-00150690-00150897 children and so bring them gifts on the cZAsboCozog-00643-00150898-00151188 night before epiphany in Spain each one cZAsboCozog-00644-00151189-00151400 of the Magi is supposed to represent one cZAsboCozog-00645-00151401-00151593 different continent Europe Bell Cheer cZAsboCozog-00646-00151594-00151856 Asia Caspar and Africa Balthus er cZAsboCozog-00647-00151857-00152114 according to the tradition the Magi come cZAsboCozog-00648-00152115-00152303 from the Orient on their camels to visit cZAsboCozog-00649-00152304-00152496 the houses of all the children much like cZAsboCozog-00650-00152497-00152687 Sinterklaas and Santa Claus with his cZAsboCozog-00651-00152688-00152859 reindeer elsewhere they visit everyone cZAsboCozog-00652-00152860-00153156 in one night in some areas children cZAsboCozog-00653-00153157-00153420 prepare a drink for each of the Magi it cZAsboCozog-00654-00153421-00153638 is also traditional to prepare food and cZAsboCozog-00655-00153639-00153819 drink for the camels because this is the cZAsboCozog-00656-00153820-00154031 only night of the year when they eat in cZAsboCozog-00657-00154032-00154383 Spain Argentina Mexico Paraguay and cZAsboCozog-00658-00154384-00154581 Uruguay there is a long tradition for cZAsboCozog-00659-00154582-00154754 having the children receive presents by cZAsboCozog-00660-00154755-00155046 the three Reyes Megos on the night of cZAsboCozog-00661-00155047-00155303 January 5th epiphany Eve or morning of cZAsboCozog-00662-00155304-00155651 January 6 almost every Spanish city or cZAsboCozog-00663-00155652-00155856 town organizes caballé God is in the cZAsboCozog-00664-00155857-00156012 evening in which the kings and their cZAsboCozog-00665-00156013-00156203 servants parade and throw sweets to the cZAsboCozog-00666-00156204-00156479 children and parents in attendance the cZAsboCozog-00667-00156480-00156681 cavalcade of the three kings in al-khoei cZAsboCozog-00668-00156682-00156846 claims to be the oldest in the world cZAsboCozog-00669-00156847-00157214 having started in 1886 the mystery play cZAsboCozog-00670-00157215-00157391 of the three magic kings is also cZAsboCozog-00671-00157392-00157656 presented on epiphany Eve there is also cZAsboCozog-00672-00157657-00158165 a roschin Spain or rosca de Reyes Mexico cZAsboCozog-00673-00158166-00158477 as explained below in the Philippines cZAsboCozog-00674-00158478-00158651 beliefs concerning the three kings cZAsboCozog-00675-00158652-00158982 Filipino tattling Haring Mago lit three cZAsboCozog-00676-00158983-00159287 magic kings shortened to tattling hari cZAsboCozog-00677-00159288-00159537 or spanish tres reyes follows Hispanic cZAsboCozog-00678-00159538-00159687 influence with the Feast of the Epiphany cZAsboCozog-00679-00159688-00159918 considered by many Filipinos as the cZAsboCozog-00680-00159919-00160047 traditional end of their Christmas cZAsboCozog-00681-00160048-00160311 season the tradition of the three kings cZAsboCozog-00682-00160312-00160529 cabal ganda as today done only in some cZAsboCozog-00683-00160530-00160763 areas such as the old city of Intramuros cZAsboCozog-00684-00160764-00160976 in Manila and the island of Marinduque cZAsboCozog-00685-00160977-00161250 another dying custom as children leaving cZAsboCozog-00686-00161251-00161453 shoes out on epiphany Eve so that they cZAsboCozog-00687-00161454-00161544 may receive sweet cZAsboCozog-00688-00161545-00161789 and money from the three kings with the cZAsboCozog-00689-00161790-00161973 arrival of American culture in the early cZAsboCozog-00690-00161974-00162222 20th century the three kings as gift cZAsboCozog-00691-00162223-00162404 givers have been largely replaced in cZAsboCozog-00692-00162405-00162624 urban areas by Santa Claus and they only cZAsboCozog-00693-00162625-00162831 survive in the greeting happy Three cZAsboCozog-00694-00162832-00163115 Kings and the surname Tet long hari the cZAsboCozog-00695-00163116-00163337 three kings are especially revered in cZAsboCozog-00696-00163338-00163541 Japan Nueva Ecija where they are cZAsboCozog-00697-00163542-00163710 enshrined as patron saints in the cZAsboCozog-00698-00163711-00163875 National Shrine of Virgin La Divina cZAsboCozog-00699-00163876-00163964 Pastora cZAsboCozog-00700-00163965-00164153 in Paraguay Puerto Rico and the cZAsboCozog-00701-00164154-00164390 Dominican Republic children cut grass or cZAsboCozog-00702-00164391-00164607 greenery on January 5th and put it in a cZAsboCozog-00703-00164608-00164834 box under their bed for the Kings camels cZAsboCozog-00704-00164835-00165132 children receive gifts on January 6th cZAsboCozog-00705-00165133-00165314 which is called Dia de Reyes and as cZAsboCozog-00706-00165315-00165510 traditionally the day in which the Magi cZAsboCozog-00707-00165511-00165669 arrived bearing gifts for the Christ cZAsboCozog-00708-00165670-00165962 child Christmas starts in December and cZAsboCozog-00709-00165963-00166187 ends in January after Epiphany although cZAsboCozog-00710-00166188-00166356 in Puerto Rico there are eight more days cZAsboCozog-00711-00166357-00166836 of celebration loss Octavius cZAsboCozog-00712-00166837-00167088 topic campaign for a real black cZAsboCozog-00713-00167089-00167499 Balthasar in Spain cZAsboCozog-00714-00167500-00167826 in 2009 a campaign started in Spain over cZAsboCozog-00715-00167827-00168021 the fact that Balthazar is commonly cZAsboCozog-00716-00168022-00168558 played by a white person in blackface cZAsboCozog-00717-00168559-00169001 topic central Europe cZAsboCozog-00718-00169002-00169190 a tradition in Poland and cZAsboCozog-00719-00169191-00169397 german-speaking Catholic areas as the cZAsboCozog-00720-00169398-00169634 writing of the three kings initials C + cZAsboCozog-00721-00169635-00169997 M + B or C MB or K + M + B in those cZAsboCozog-00722-00169998-00170213 areas where Caspar is spelled Kaspar cZAsboCozog-00723-00170214-00170417 above the main door of Catholic homes in cZAsboCozog-00724-00170418-00170684 chalk this is a New Year's blessing for cZAsboCozog-00725-00170685-00170873 the occupants and the initials also are cZAsboCozog-00726-00170874-00171029 believed to also stand for cZAsboCozog-00727-00171030-00171344 Christus mansion in Benedick it may let cZAsboCozog-00728-00171345-00171671 Christ bless this house depending on the cZAsboCozog-00729-00171672-00171848 city or town this will be happened cZAsboCozog-00730-00171849-00172004 sometime between Christmas and the cZAsboCozog-00731-00172005-00172169 Epiphany with most municipalities cZAsboCozog-00732-00172170-00172496 celebrating closer to the Epiphany also cZAsboCozog-00733-00172497-00172670 in Catholic parts of the german-speaking cZAsboCozog-00734-00172671-00172862 world these markings are made by the cZAsboCozog-00735-00172863-00173252 stern singer literally star singers a cZAsboCozog-00736-00173253-00173507 group of children dressed up as the Magi cZAsboCozog-00737-00173508-00173708 the stern singer carry a star cZAsboCozog-00738-00173709-00173879 representing the one followed by the cZAsboCozog-00739-00173880-00174074 biblical Magi and sing Christmas carols cZAsboCozog-00740-00174075-00174359 as they go door to door such as Stern cZAsboCozog-00741-00174360-00174671 uber Bethlehem an adult chaperones the cZAsboCozog-00742-00174672-00174854 group but stays in the background of the cZAsboCozog-00743-00174855-00175133 performance after singing the children cZAsboCozog-00744-00175134-00175301 right the three kings initials on the cZAsboCozog-00745-00175302-00175493 doorframe in exchange for charitable cZAsboCozog-00746-00175494-00175787 donations each year German and Austrian cZAsboCozog-00747-00175788-00176000 diocese is pick one charity towards cZAsboCozog-00748-00176001-00176171 which all stern singer donations cZAsboCozog-00749-00176172-00176362 nationwide will be contributed cZAsboCozog-00750-00176363-00176582 traditionally one child in the stern cZAsboCozog-00751-00176583-00176714 singer group is said to represent cZAsboCozog-00752-00176715-00176978 baltasar from Africa and so that child cZAsboCozog-00753-00176979-00177263 typically wears black face makeup many cZAsboCozog-00754-00177264-00177449 Germans do not consider this to be cZAsboCozog-00755-00177450-00177638 racist because it is not intended to be cZAsboCozog-00756-00177639-00177821 a negative portrayal of a black person cZAsboCozog-00757-00177822-00178229 but rather a realistic or traditional cZAsboCozog-00758-00178230-00178466 portrayal of one the dialogue cZAsboCozog-00759-00178467-00178661 surrounding the politics of traditions cZAsboCozog-00760-00178662-00178859 involving blackface is not as developed cZAsboCozog-00761-00178860-00179111 as in Spain or the Netherlands in the cZAsboCozog-00762-00179112-00179366 past photographs of German politicians cZAsboCozog-00763-00179367-00179567 together with children in blackface have cZAsboCozog-00764-00179568-00179785 caused a stir in english-language press cZAsboCozog-00765-00179786-00180050 moreover afro Germans have written that cZAsboCozog-00766-00180051-00180215 this use of blackface as a missed cZAsboCozog-00767-00180216-00180425 opportunity to be truly inclusive of cZAsboCozog-00768-00180426-00180566 Afro Germans in german-speaking cZAsboCozog-00769-00180567-00180761 communities and contribute to the cZAsboCozog-00770-00180762-00181067 equation of blackness with foreignness cZAsboCozog-00771-00181068-00181751 and other nassif aney january 6th was cZAsboCozog-00772-00181752-00181952 made a holiday in Poland and the Supreme cZAsboCozog-00773-00181953-00182257 or tradition was revived since 2011 cZAsboCozog-00774-00182258-00182402 celebrations with cZAsboCozog-00775-00182403-00182568 local costuming have taken place cZAsboCozog-00776-00182569-00182825 throughout the country for example in cZAsboCozog-00777-00182826-00183023 Warsaw there are processions from plaque cZAsboCozog-00778-00183024-00183234 Zam Cowie dong Krakowski Pichette me s cZAsboCozog-00779-00183235-00183752 key to plaque pilsudski Agha cZAsboCozog-00780-00183753-00184274 topic roschin de Reyes cZAsboCozog-00781-00184275-00184511 in Spain and in Portugal where it is cZAsboCozog-00782-00184512-00184721 called bull or a the cake which has ring cZAsboCozog-00783-00184722-00184943 shaped is most commonly bought not baked cZAsboCozog-00784-00184944-00185159 and it contains both a small figurine of cZAsboCozog-00785-00185160-00185363 one of the Magi or another surprise cZAsboCozog-00786-00185364-00185561 depending on the region and an actual cZAsboCozog-00787-00185562-00185798 dry broad beam the one who gets the cZAsboCozog-00788-00185799-00186091 figurine --is crowned with a crown made cZAsboCozog-00789-00186092-00186299 of cardboard or paper but whoever gets cZAsboCozog-00790-00186300-00186466 the beam has to pay the value of the cZAsboCozog-00791-00186467-00186647 cake to the person who originally bought cZAsboCozog-00792-00186648-00186923 it in Mexico they also have the same cZAsboCozog-00793-00186924-00187148 ring shaped cake rosca de Reyes king's cZAsboCozog-00794-00187149-00187393 bagel or thread with figurines inside it cZAsboCozog-00795-00187394-00187652 whoever gets a figurine is supposed to cZAsboCozog-00796-00187653-00187844 organize and be the host of the family cZAsboCozog-00797-00187845-00188072 celebration for the Candelaria feast on cZAsboCozog-00798-00188073-00188408 February 2nd in France and Belgium a cZAsboCozog-00799-00188409-00188606 cake containing a small figure of the cZAsboCozog-00800-00188607-00188912 baby Jesus known as the broadbean is cZAsboCozog-00801-00188913-00189149 shared within the family whoever gets cZAsboCozog-00802-00189150-00189299 the bean is crowned king for the cZAsboCozog-00803-00189300-00189464 remainder of the holiday and wears a cZAsboCozog-00804-00189465-00189662 cardboard crown purchased with the cake cZAsboCozog-00805-00189663-00189932 a similar practice is common in many cZAsboCozog-00806-00189933-00190163 areas of Switzerland but the figurine is cZAsboCozog-00807-00190164-00190421 a miniature King the practice is known cZAsboCozog-00808-00190422-00190631 as tire or less Royce drawing the Kings cZAsboCozog-00809-00190632-00191051 a queen is sometimes also chosen in New cZAsboCozog-00810-00191052-00191252 Orleans Louisiana parts of southern cZAsboCozog-00811-00191253-00191486 Texas and surrounding regions a similar cZAsboCozog-00812-00191487-00191754 ring shaped cake known as a king cake cZAsboCozog-00813-00191755-00191965 traditionally becomes available in cZAsboCozog-00814-00191966-00192218 bakeries from epiphany to Mardi Gras the cZAsboCozog-00815-00192219-00192446 baby Jesus figurine is inserted into the cZAsboCozog-00816-00192447-00192638 cake from underneath and the person who cZAsboCozog-00817-00192639-00192797 gets the slice with the figurine is cZAsboCozog-00818-00192798-00192986 expected to buy or bake the next king cZAsboCozog-00819-00192987-00193252 cake there is wide variation among the cZAsboCozog-00820-00193253-00193429 types of pastry that may be called a cZAsboCozog-00821-00193430-00193631 king cake but most are a baked cinnamon cZAsboCozog-00822-00193632-00193784 flavored twisted dough with thin cZAsboCozog-00823-00193785-00194009 frosting an additional sugar on top in cZAsboCozog-00824-00194010-00194189 the traditional Mardi Gras colors of cZAsboCozog-00825-00194190-00194438 gold green and purple to prevent cZAsboCozog-00826-00194439-00194660 accidental injury or choking the baby cZAsboCozog-00827-00194661-00194843 Jesus figurine is frequently not cZAsboCozog-00828-00194844-00195062 inserted into the cake at the bakery but cZAsboCozog-00829-00195063-00195248 included in the packaging for optional cZAsboCozog-00830-00195249-00195469 use by the buyer to insert it themselves cZAsboCozog-00831-00195470-00195749 Mardi Gras style beads and doubloons may cZAsboCozog-00832-00195750-00196161 be included as well cZAsboCozog-00833-00196162-00196644 topic in art cZAsboCozog-00834-00196645-00196872 the Magi most frequently appear in cZAsboCozog-00835-00196873-00197063 European art in the adoration of the cZAsboCozog-00836-00197064-00197259 Magi less often in the journey of the cZAsboCozog-00837-00197260-00197486 Magi has been a popular subject in art cZAsboCozog-00838-00197487-00197697 and topos and other scenes such as the cZAsboCozog-00839-00197698-00197879 Magi before Herod and the dream of the cZAsboCozog-00840-00197880-00198100 Magi also appear in the Middle Ages in cZAsboCozog-00841-00198101-00198341 Byzantine art they are depicted as cZAsboCozog-00842-00198342-00198554 Persians wearing trousers and Phrygian cZAsboCozog-00843-00198555-00198850 caps crowns appear from the 10th century cZAsboCozog-00844-00198851-00199109 despite being Saints they are very often cZAsboCozog-00845-00199110-00199298 shown without halos perhaps to avoid cZAsboCozog-00846-00199299-00199490 distracting attention from either their cZAsboCozog-00847-00199491-00199729 crowns or the halos of the Holy Family cZAsboCozog-00848-00199730-00199983 sometimes only the lead King kneeling to cZAsboCozog-00849-00199984-00200043 Christ cZAsboCozog-00850-00200044-00200198 has a halo the two others lacked cZAsboCozog-00851-00200199-00200406 probably indicating that the two behind cZAsboCozog-00852-00200407-00200576 had not yet performed the act of worship cZAsboCozog-00853-00200577-00200791 that would ensure their status as Saints cZAsboCozog-00854-00200792-00201059 medieval artists also allegorized the cZAsboCozog-00855-00201060-00201281 theme to represent the three ages of man cZAsboCozog-00856-00201282-00201546 beginning in the 12th century and very cZAsboCozog-00857-00201547-00201740 often by the 15th the Kings also cZAsboCozog-00858-00201741-00201918 represent the three parts of the known cZAsboCozog-00859-00201919-00202112 pre-columbian world in western art cZAsboCozog-00860-00202113-00202407 especially in northern Europe Balthus er cZAsboCozog-00861-00202408-00202616 is thus represented as a young African cZAsboCozog-00862-00202617-00202811 or more in Casper may be depicted with cZAsboCozog-00863-00202812-00203129 distinctly oriental features an early cZAsboCozog-00864-00203130-00203346 anglo-saxon depiction survives on the cZAsboCozog-00865-00203347-00203583 Franks casket early 7th century whale cZAsboCozog-00866-00203584-00203784 bone carving the only Christian scene cZAsboCozog-00867-00203785-00203946 which is combined with pagan and cZAsboCozog-00868-00203947-00204239 classical imagery in its composition it cZAsboCozog-00869-00204240-00204468 follows the oriental style which renders cZAsboCozog-00870-00204469-00204641 a courtly scene with the Virgin in cZAsboCozog-00871-00204642-00204833 Christ facing the spectator while the cZAsboCozog-00872-00204834-00205016 Magi devoutly approached from the left cZAsboCozog-00873-00205017-00205310 side even amongst non-christians who had cZAsboCozog-00874-00205311-00205505 heard of the Christian story of the Magi cZAsboCozog-00875-00205506-00205721 the motif was quite popular since the cZAsboCozog-00876-00205723-00205919 Magi had endured a long journey and were cZAsboCozog-00877-00205921-00206226 generous instead of an angel the picture cZAsboCozog-00878-00206227-00206384 places a swan like bird cZAsboCozog-00879-00206385-00206588 perhaps interpretable as the heroes fill cZAsboCozog-00880-00206589-00206842 juh a protecting spirit and shapeshifter cZAsboCozog-00881-00206844-00207080 Austrian artist Gottfried helm wine cZAsboCozog-00882-00207081-00207303 depicted a more controversial tableau in cZAsboCozog-00883-00207304-00207536 his painting Epiphany I adoration of the cZAsboCozog-00884-00207537-00207938 Magi 1996 intended to represent the many cZAsboCozog-00885-00207939-00208103 connections between the Third Reich and cZAsboCozog-00886-00208104-00208304 the Christian churches in Austria and cZAsboCozog-00887-00208305-00208562 Germany Nazi officers in uniform stand cZAsboCozog-00888-00208563-00208805 around an Aryan Madonna the Christ cZAsboCozog-00889-00208806-00208979 toddler who stands on Mary's lap cZAsboCozog-00890-00208980-00209219 resembles Adolf Hitler more generally cZAsboCozog-00891-00209221-00209423 they appear in popular nativity scenes cZAsboCozog-00892-00209425-00209612 and other Christmas decorations that cZAsboCozog-00893-00209613-00209787 have their origins in the Neapolitan cZAsboCozog-00894-00209788-00210021 variety of the Italian Prosecco or cZAsboCozog-00895-00210021-00210344 tivity crash topic see also topic notes cZAsboCozog-00896-00210346-00210588 topic references topic bibliography cZAsboCozog-00897-00210589-00210842 giffords Gloria Fraser sanctuaries of cZAsboCozog-00898-00210844-00211041 Earth stone and light the churches of cZAsboCozog-00899-00211042-00211167 northern New Spain cZAsboCozog-00900-00211167-00211629 15:32 1821 2007 University of Arizona cZAsboCozog-00901-00211630-00212013 press is B and O eight one six five two cZAsboCozog-00902-00212014-00212360 five eight nine seven nine trillion 780 cZAsboCozog-00903-00212361-00212556 billion eight hundred sixteen million cZAsboCozog-00904-00212557-00212781 five hundred twenty-five thousand eight cZAsboCozog-00905-00212782-00212933 hundred ninety eight Google Books cZAsboCozog-00906-00212934-00213207 Metzger Bruce New Testament studies Phil cZAsboCozog-00907-00213208-00213492 illogical virginal and patristic vol 10 cZAsboCozog-00908-00213492-00213840 1980 brill ISBN nine billion four cZAsboCozog-00909-00213841-00214046 million sixty one thousand six hundred cZAsboCozog-00910-00214048-00214269 thirty nine trillion seven hundred cZAsboCozog-00911-00214269-00214589 eighty nine billion four million sixty cZAsboCozog-00912-00214590-00214967 1637 penny Niklas National Gallery cZAsboCozog-00913-00214969-00215246 catalogs new series the 16th century cZAsboCozog-00914-00215248-00215628 Italian paintings volume to Venice 1542 cZAsboCozog-00915-00215629-00215984 1600 2008 National Gallery publications cZAsboCozog-00916-00215985-00216233 limited ISBN 1 billion eight hundred cZAsboCozog-00917-00216234-00216512 fifty seven million ninety nine thousand cZAsboCozog-00918-00216513-00216813 133 Schiller Kurtwood iconography of cZAsboCozog-00919-00216814-00217206 Christian art volume high 1971 English cZAsboCozog-00920-00217207-00217437 trans from German lund Humphreys london cZAsboCozog-00921-00217438-00217827 ISBN Oh 8 five three three one two 702 cZAsboCozog-00922-00217828-00218144 further reading albright WF + CS man cZAsboCozog-00923-00218144-00218523 Matthew the anchor Bible series New York cZAsboCozog-00924-00218523-00218937 Doubleday & Company 1971 Becker Alfred cZAsboCozog-00925-00218938-00219219 Frank's casket zu den builder an end in cZAsboCozog-00926-00219219-00219444 shrift and a run in cashton's van asin cZAsboCozog-00927-00219444-00219963 Regensburg 1973 pp 125 to 142 cZAsboCozog-00928-00219964-00220194 iconography derma Gear builder in cZAsboCozog-00929-00220194-00220658 schriften be naka p vm 1900 magi in cZAsboCozog-00930-00220659-00220909 james hastings a dictionary of the Bible cZAsboCozog-00931-00220910-00221498 3 PP 203 to 206 Brown raymandy the birth cZAsboCozog-00932-00221500-00221694 of the Messiah a commentary on the cZAsboCozog-00933-00221694-00221912 infancy narratives in Matthew and Luke cZAsboCozog-00934-00221913-00222426 London G Chapman 1977 Clark Howard W the cZAsboCozog-00935-00222427-00222621 Gospel of Matthew and its readers a cZAsboCozog-00936-00222621-00222807 historical introduction to the first cZAsboCozog-00937-00222808-00223121 gospel Bloomington Chrysostom John cZAsboCozog-00938-00223123-00223407 homilies on Matthew homily V see cZAsboCozog-00939-00223408-00223725 fourth century France RT the Gospel cZAsboCozog-00940-00223726-00223932 according to Matthew an introduction in cZAsboCozog-00941-00223933-00224319 commentary Leicester InterVarsity 1985 cZAsboCozog-00942-00224319-00224634 Gunder e Robert H Matthew a commentary cZAsboCozog-00943-00224635-00224842 on his literary and Theological art cZAsboCozog-00944-00224844-00225096 Grand Rapids William B eerdmans cZAsboCozog-00945-00225096-00225521 publishing company 1982 Hege dis Tim cZAsboCozog-00946-00225523-00225861 2003 the Magi and the star in the Gospel cZAsboCozog-00947-00225862-00226067 of Matthew and early Christian tradition cZAsboCozog-00948-00226067-00226521 LaValle Thao logic at philosophy 59 181 cZAsboCozog-00949-00226521-00227184 295 joy 10.72 0 200 o 7 9 o our Hill cZAsboCozog-00950-00227185-00227511 David the Gospel of Matthew Grand Rapids cZAsboCozog-00951-00227512-00227819 eerdmans 1981 Lambert John Chisholm a cZAsboCozog-00952-00227821-00228132 dictionary of Christ in the Gospels page cZAsboCozog-00953-00228133-00228555 97 to 101 ravine Amy Jill Matthew cZAsboCozog-00954-00228556-00228869 women's Bible Commentary Carol a Newsome cZAsboCozog-00955-00228871-00229155 and Sharon H ring EDS Louisville cZAsboCozog-00956-00229156-00229544 Westminster John Knox press 1998 Molnar cZAsboCozog-00957-00229546-00229776 Michael R the Star of Bethlehem the cZAsboCozog-00958-00229777-00230019 legacy of the Magi Rutgers University cZAsboCozog-00959-00230019-00230688 Press 1999 187 pages ISBN Oh 8 one three cZAsboCozog-00960-00230689-00230958 five to seven oh one five powell Mark cZAsboCozog-00961-00230959-00231288 Allen the Magi as wise men re-examining cZAsboCozog-00962-00231289-00231489 a basic supposition New Testament cZAsboCozog-00963-00231490-00232005 studies vol 46 mm schweiz er Edouard the cZAsboCozog-00964-00232006-00232263 good news according to Matthew Atlanta cZAsboCozog-00965-00232264-00232403 John Knox press cZAsboCozog-00966-00232404-00232758 1975 Trexler Richard C journey of the cZAsboCozog-00967-00232759-00232989 Magi meanings in history of a Christian cZAsboCozog-00968-00232990-00233369 story Princeton University Press 1997 cZAsboCozog-00969-00233369-00233628 Watson Richard a biblical and cZAsboCozog-00970-00233629-00234023 Theological dictionary page 608 - 611 cZAsboCozog-00971-00234023-00234327 topic external links mark rose the three cZAsboCozog-00972-00234328-00234540 kings in the star the cologne reliquary cZAsboCozog-00973-00234541-00234816 and the BBC popular documentary alfred cZAsboCozog-00974-00234817-00234858 becker cZAsboCozog-00975-00234859-00235094 franks casket caroline stone we three cZAsboCozog-00976-00235096-00235290 kings of Orient work Magi Catholic cZAsboCozog-00977-00235291-00235485 Encyclopedia procession of the three cZAsboCozog-00978-00235486-00235785 kings in Valencia cZJvcdhnq8k-00000-00000290-00001532 [Music] cZJvcdhnq8k-00001-00001533-00003049 [Music] cZJvcdhnq8k-00002-00003050-00003359 thank you cZJvcdhnq8k-00003-00003360-00003603 foreign cZJvcdhnq8k-00004-00003604-00003829 [Music] cadSTO0-LFu-00000-00000074-00001837 [Music] cadSTO0-LFu-00001-00001838-00002171 hey fancy beauty some balls welcome back cadSTO0-LFu-00002-00002172-00002465 to the channel this is your girl Gina cadSTO0-LFu-00003-00002466-00002750 coming back in with another video for cadSTO0-LFu-00004-00002751-00003062 you guys first let me apologize if you cadSTO0-LFu-00005-00003063-00003332 guys hear my little dog barking in the cadSTO0-LFu-00006-00003333-00003731 background she's upset for some reason cadSTO0-LFu-00007-00003732-00003943 she'd been barking all morning but I cadSTO0-LFu-00008-00003944-00004226 gotta get this video done of course you cadSTO0-LFu-00009-00004227-00004403 already know I'm on my way to work cadSTO0-LFu-00010-00004404-00004649 so let's go ahead and get started real cadSTO0-LFu-00011-00004650-00004724 quick cadSTO0-LFu-00012-00004725-00005303 this haul is going to consist of keeping cadSTO0-LFu-00013-00005304-00005796 your home clean some YouTube gadgets cadSTO0-LFu-00014-00005797-00006253 healthy on the inside stuff fancy on the cadSTO0-LFu-00015-00006254-00006520 outside stuff so without further ado cadSTO0-LFu-00016-00006522-00006845 let's go ahead and get started so I'm cadSTO0-LFu-00017-00006845-00007189 gonna just pick stuff randomly gonna cadSTO0-LFu-00018-00007190-00007445 start with Walmart and I want to start cadSTO0-LFu-00019-00007445-00007914 with vitamins so I am a big advocate for cadSTO0-LFu-00020-00007915-00008235 supplements just for our hair our skin cadSTO0-LFu-00021-00008236-00008620 nails and our overall health especially cadSTO0-LFu-00022-00008621-00009092 especially if you are over 30 years old cadSTO0-LFu-00023-00009093-00009394 you need to be really really mindful of cadSTO0-LFu-00024-00009395-00009877 the health of your body so I got some cadSTO0-LFu-00025-00009878-00010360 vitamin C and this is just gonna help cadSTO0-LFu-00026-00010361-00010621 with your immune system it's going to cadSTO0-LFu-00027-00010622-00010816 make sure that you try to keep those cadSTO0-LFu-00028-00010817-00011198 germs at bay if at all possible this cadSTO0-LFu-00029-00011199-00011558 year has been running havoc on everybody cadSTO0-LFu-00030-00011559-00012145 and then I also incorporate l-lysine and cadSTO0-LFu-00031-00012146-00012551 I use a thousand milligrams of this and cadSTO0-LFu-00032-00012552-00012941 I take my supplements nightly so this is cadSTO0-LFu-00033-00012941-00013211 going to help with your tissue health cadSTO0-LFu-00034-00013212-00013490 and you do have to be mindful of that cadSTO0-LFu-00035-00013491-00013705 you have to make sure that you're taking cadSTO0-LFu-00036-00013706-00014063 care of the tissues and in your body cadSTO0-LFu-00037-00014063-00014330 especially as you get older there cadSTO0-LFu-00038-00014331-00014528 not going to be as strong as they once cadSTO0-LFu-00039-00014529-00015041 were folate this is another name for the cadSTO0-LFu-00040-00015041-00015394 folic acid this is going to hit this is cadSTO0-LFu-00041-00015395-00015602 especially helpful for women's health cadSTO0-LFu-00042-00015603-00016066 and I just like to use this to aid in cadSTO0-LFu-00043-00016066-00016517 healthy hair skin and nails we also have cadSTO0-LFu-00044-00016518-00017143 a vitamin b12 and this is for metabolism cadSTO0-LFu-00045-00017144-00017546 support as you get older your metabolism cadSTO0-LFu-00046-00017547-00017987 level level is going to decrease I had a cadSTO0-LFu-00047-00017988-00018350 really really high metabolism rate when cadSTO0-LFu-00048-00018351-00018638 I was younger but I noticed as I'm cadSTO0-LFu-00049-00018639-00018860 getting older my metabolism is cadSTO0-LFu-00050-00018861-00019235 decreasing drastically a lot of that is cadSTO0-LFu-00051-00019236-00019522 because I'm not working out and also cadSTO0-LFu-00052-00019523-00019847 because I am aging so make sure you use cadSTO0-LFu-00053-00019848-00020108 something to help you keep your cadSTO0-LFu-00054-00020109-00020480 metabolism up as much as possible I also cadSTO0-LFu-00055-00020481-00020780 have the hair skin and nails this is cadSTO0-LFu-00056-00020781-00021112 also best Spring Valley it includes cadSTO0-LFu-00057-00021113-00021368 collagen in there so this is going to cadSTO0-LFu-00058-00021369-00021767 help with the elasticity of our skin so cadSTO0-LFu-00059-00021768-00022037 make sure you get that in your diet as cadSTO0-LFu-00060-00022038-00022430 well and I have five thousand milligrams cadSTO0-LFu-00061-00022431-00022822 it also has biotin included in it as cadSTO0-LFu-00062-00022823-00023175 well so if you're not able to tolerate cadSTO0-LFu-00063-00023176-00023528 biotin straight up then maybe find a cadSTO0-LFu-00064-00023529-00023774 supplement like this one that is cadSTO0-LFu-00065-00023775-00024028 incorporated in it so that you can't get cadSTO0-LFu-00066-00024029-00024350 that by its and in your diet vitamin E cadSTO0-LFu-00067-00024351-00024653 is really really important this also cadSTO0-LFu-00068-00024654-00025069 helps with healthy hair your skin and cadSTO0-LFu-00069-00025070-00025603 other nutritional values it has as well cadSTO0-LFu-00070-00025604-00025912 you can also take this and break apart cadSTO0-LFu-00071-00025913-00026255 that capsule and ingest it that way I cadSTO0-LFu-00072-00026256-00026498 just take the whole thing down and then cadSTO0-LFu-00073-00026499-00026965 I also use the liquid vitamin E to apply cadSTO0-LFu-00074-00026966-00027275 directly to my scalp so I get a double cadSTO0-LFu-00075-00027276-00027571 dose of vitamin E MS cadSTO0-LFu-00076-00027572-00027857 I just started back incorporating this cadSTO0-LFu-00077-00027858-00028298 into my supplement regimen and this is cadSTO0-LFu-00078-00028299-00028624 really really fundamental it was for me cadSTO0-LFu-00079-00028625-00028933 anyway in helping the health of my hair cadSTO0-LFu-00080-00028934-00029542 so I do extremely recommend MS in MS mmm cadSTO0-LFu-00081-00029543-00029932 into your diet as well so this also cadSTO0-LFu-00082-00029933-00030176 helps with joint health and you guys cadSTO0-LFu-00083-00030177-00030410 know when you get older the aches and cadSTO0-LFu-00084-00030411-00030479 pains cadSTO0-LFu-00085-00030480-00030787 honey is real so make sure you get cadSTO0-LFu-00086-00030788-00030958 something in there that's gonna help cadSTO0-LFu-00087-00030959-00031255 with your joint pain and the last I cadSTO0-LFu-00088-00031256-00031535 believe is omega-3 I think that's the cadSTO0-LFu-00089-00031536-00031817 last supplement yes cadSTO0-LFu-00090-00031818-00032224 omega-3 and this includes fish oil if cadSTO0-LFu-00091-00032225-00032446 you don't want to do the fish oil cadSTO0-LFu-00092-00032447-00032752 straight up because of the smell you can cadSTO0-LFu-00093-00032753-00032960 get something that's going to have it cadSTO0-LFu-00094-00032961-00033220 inside of that supplement for you and cadSTO0-LFu-00095-00033221-00033532 omega-3 is good for brain health as well cadSTO0-LFu-00096-00033533-00033808 as everything else so make sure you pick cadSTO0-LFu-00097-00033809-00034004 some of this up if you're not already cadSTO0-LFu-00098-00034005-00034219 using it and then we just got some cadSTO0-LFu-00099-00034220-00034537 little odd and ends some since a tine I cadSTO0-LFu-00100-00034538-00034969 have sensitive gums sometimes and I cadSTO0-LFu-00101-00034970-00035311 think that's just due to aging could be cadSTO0-LFu-00102-00035312-00035611 I don't know but I got the extra cadSTO0-LFu-00103-00035612-00035938 whitening formula and I actually like cadSTO0-LFu-00104-00035939-00036340 this I've purchased this mmm maybe for cadSTO0-LFu-00105-00036341-00036551 the last six months I've reached for cadSTO0-LFu-00106-00036552-00036808 these when I go to replace my toothpaste cadSTO0-LFu-00107-00036809-00037243 and then I picked up some eyeliner from cadSTO0-LFu-00108-00037244-00037636 NYX they have a nice little display in cadSTO0-LFu-00109-00037637-00038233 there and this one is a north of blue I cadSTO0-LFu-00110-00038234-00038576 don't have my glasses on yo so I know cadSTO0-LFu-00111-00038577-00038896 it's a blue which is what I wanted cadSTO0-LFu-00112-00038897-00039242 let's just open it and take a look yeah cadSTO0-LFu-00113-00039243-00039682 it's blue so that's what that looks like cadSTO0-LFu-00114-00039683-00040012 and once I get caught up with everything cadSTO0-LFu-00115-00040013-00040279 I will bring a makeup look for you guys cadSTO0-LFu-00116-00040280-00040479 this look was cadSTO0-LFu-00117-00040480-00041121 I was done with my e ey em palette I cadSTO0-LFu-00118-00041122-00041555 love that palette and then I use dove I cadSTO0-LFu-00119-00041556-00042293 use suave and I think that's it and I cadSTO0-LFu-00120-00042294-00042576 switch between the two because I have to cadSTO0-LFu-00121-00042577-00042911 shock my system so that it does not get cadSTO0-LFu-00122-00042912-00043358 used to one type of deodorant that we cadSTO0-LFu-00123-00043359-00043635 will continue to work for me just a cadSTO0-LFu-00124-00043636-00044418 little FYI okay so now I picked up some cadSTO0-LFu-00125-00044419-00044595 candles and that's how I was looking cadSTO0-LFu-00126-00044596-00044901 through the candles I saw this candle cadSTO0-LFu-00127-00044902-00045405 warmer because I know that it's not good cadSTO0-LFu-00128-00045406-00045755 health wise for us to burn those candles cadSTO0-LFu-00129-00045756-00045995 for whatever reason you guys can go cadSTO0-LFu-00130-00045996-00046202 ahead and take a look at that on Google cadSTO0-LFu-00131-00046203-00046533 but I saw this one and as you can see cadSTO0-LFu-00132-00046534-00047012 here in the picture it will burn those cadSTO0-LFu-00133-00047013-00047442 jar candles for us and I think this was cadSTO0-LFu-00134-00047443-00047904 like 497 498 or something like that so cadSTO0-LFu-00135-00047905-00048099 I'm gonna test this out and I'm gonna cadSTO0-LFu-00136-00048100-00048377 let you guys know how that works out and cadSTO0-LFu-00137-00048378-00048507 if you should go and get it cadSTO0-LFu-00138-00048508-00048980 but the candles honey okay this I picked cadSTO0-LFu-00139-00048981-00049468 up some honeysuckle these were I believe cadSTO0-LFu-00140-00049469-00049751 ninety seven dollars some of them were a cadSTO0-LFu-00141-00049752-00050311 dollar and then a picked up also cadSTO0-LFu-00142-00050312-00050874 adventure seeker smells so good this cadSTO0-LFu-00143-00050875-00051111 whole bag just smells really good and cadSTO0-LFu-00144-00051112-00051654 then this is fresh air you guys I hope cadSTO0-LFu-00145-00051654-00052011 this one in the big jar so you might cadSTO0-LFu-00146-00052012-00052428 remember that cucumber melon it's green cadSTO0-LFu-00147-00052429-00052930 and this Mentos the vine and we have cadSTO0-LFu-00148-00052932-00053271 this is a limited edition so this is cadSTO0-LFu-00149-00053272-00053687 fall into autumn cadSTO0-LFu-00150-00053688-00054091 oh it smells really nice and then cadSTO0-LFu-00151-00054091-00054451 seaspray linen this gives you a nice cadSTO0-LFu-00152-00054452-00055115 fresh like you just open the windows and cadSTO0-LFu-00153-00055116-00055369 emit the spring air in this is what it cadSTO0-LFu-00154-00055370-00055663 puts in me in mind of pumpkin patch you cadSTO0-LFu-00155-00055664-00056113 guys know this is all fall stuff you cadSTO0-LFu-00156-00056114-00056469 know that one is and then this is cadSTO0-LFu-00157-00056470-00057434 boardwalk it's blue and the scent it's cadSTO0-LFu-00158-00057435-00057691 not there really to be honest with you cadSTO0-LFu-00159-00057691-00057998 but it was there when I when I picked it cadSTO0-LFu-00160-00057999-00058286 up of court and then honeysucker Ani cadSTO0-LFu-00161-00058287-00058846 suckle nectar my smells really good too cadSTO0-LFu-00162-00058847-00059696 and happy home I think somebody's I just cadSTO0-LFu-00163-00059697-00059938 picked up cuz they won't sell and I cadSTO0-LFu-00164-00059939-00060238 didn't have them doesn't have but I'm cadSTO0-LFu-00165-00060239-00060463 still nasally too so that might be the cadSTO0-LFu-00166-00060464-00060679 cause where I can't smell it pumpkin cadSTO0-LFu-00167-00060680-00061225 spice this is Thanksgiving reminder as cadSTO0-LFu-00168-00061226-00061535 well this is my favorite y'all if you cadSTO0-LFu-00169-00061536-00061963 can find this in your Walmart get it cuz cadSTO0-LFu-00170-00061964-00062281 this smells so good it will light up cadSTO0-LFu-00171-00062282-00062641 your whole house oh that smells so good cadSTO0-LFu-00172-00062642-00063067 oh that smells so good and then I got cadSTO0-LFu-00173-00063068-00063296 the ones in the jar cuz I want to try cadSTO0-LFu-00174-00063297-00063599 these on that candle warmer this is cadSTO0-LFu-00175-00063600-00063951 sweet lavender and that smells delicious cadSTO0-LFu-00176-00063952-00064281 girl girl cadSTO0-LFu-00177-00064282-00064651 fresh cotton and that's what that looks cadSTO0-LFu-00178-00064652-00065009 like this smells like like a laundry cadSTO0-LFu-00179-00065010-00065378 detergent and this smells really got it cadSTO0-LFu-00180-00065379-00065530 smells so good cadSTO0-LFu-00181-00065531-00065885 fresh fresh laundry is where I could put cadSTO0-LFu-00182-00065886-00066226 a juicy watermelon and this smells just cadSTO0-LFu-00183-00066227-00066611 like oh it smells good oh this smells so cadSTO0-LFu-00184-00066612-00066730 good cadSTO0-LFu-00185-00066731-00067236 this is island party and it reminds me cadSTO0-LFu-00186-00067237-00068029 of like a few a fruity drink oh that cadSTO0-LFu-00187-00068030-00068290 smells so good like a starburst or cadSTO0-LFu-00188-00068291-00068647 something like that and then I think cadSTO0-LFu-00189-00068648-00068884 this is the left last candle cadSTO0-LFu-00190-00068885-00069328 this is alpine forest and that smells cadSTO0-LFu-00191-00069329-00069618 really nice mmm cadSTO0-LFu-00192-00069619-00070263 oh this smells so good and in this one I cadSTO0-LFu-00193-00070264-00070567 just picked up one of those dresses I'm cadSTO0-LFu-00194-00070568-00070848 going to uh try on haul for you guys but cadSTO0-LFu-00195-00070849-00071116 I just want to kind of pop it in in the cadSTO0-LFu-00196-00071117-00071428 video so you can see it and this smells cadSTO0-LFu-00197-00071429-00071582 like AHA the candles cadSTO0-LFu-00198-00071583-00072780 it smells really good like a fit I'm not cadSTO0-LFu-00199-00072781-00073068 gonna go in any particular order this I cadSTO0-LFu-00200-00073069-00073329 picked up from Berks and I got another cadSTO0-LFu-00201-00073330-00074023 one I'm kind of drawn to the clear cadSTO0-LFu-00202-00074024-00074370 canisters cadSTO0-LFu-00203-00074371-00074922 I think this is either the same size or cadSTO0-LFu-00204-00074923-00075201 a little smaller I'm not sure but these cadSTO0-LFu-00205-00075202-00075699 were this one was um $2.99 know how much cadSTO0-LFu-00206-00075700-00076248 that other one was I didn't knock the cadSTO0-LFu-00207-00076249-00076734 back the bag around and put a dent in cadSTO0-LFu-00208-00076735-00077244 the meat all right so we got some color cadSTO0-LFu-00209-00077245-00077598 pop I picked this up and I think I'm cadSTO0-LFu-00210-00077599-00077925 gonna do a separate video on it but I'm cadSTO0-LFu-00211-00077926-00078171 just right now just gonna show you us in cadSTO0-LFu-00212-00078172-00078609 here what I got so these are all the cadSTO0-LFu-00213-00078610-00078885 lippies that I picked up and I'm gonna cadSTO0-LFu-00214-00078886-00079221 do a separate video on these so y'all cadSTO0-LFu-00215-00079222-00079497 make sure if you just pass and throw go cadSTO0-LFu-00216-00079498-00079763 ahead and subscribe so you won't miss cadSTO0-LFu-00217-00079764-00080511 that video on this side I saw this Santa cadSTO0-LFu-00218-00080512-00080544 Claus cadSTO0-LFu-00219-00080545-00080862 I know y'all like what Gina come on that cadSTO0-LFu-00220-00080863-00081231 we almost in March but he's black cadSTO0-LFu-00221-00081232-00081630 like I wanna black Santa Claus and he cadSTO0-LFu-00222-00081631-00082128 was marked down to six dollars and I cadSTO0-LFu-00223-00082129-00082587 believe he was like $19.99 or something cadSTO0-LFu-00224-00082588-00082721 like that at first cadSTO0-LFu-00225-00082722-00083046 so yeah I went ahead and grabbed me a cadSTO0-LFu-00226-00083047-00084116 black Santa one of those canisters yeah cadSTO0-LFu-00227-00084117-00084429 and all three of those are the same size cadSTO0-LFu-00228-00084430-00084782 this I picked up also while I was in cadSTO0-LFu-00229-00084783-00085428 there in Burke's some MCT oil I've never cadSTO0-LFu-00230-00085429-00085850 heard of this and it stands for medium cadSTO0-LFu-00231-00085851-00086565 chain triglycerides and it's from the cadSTO0-LFu-00232-00086566-00087018 coconut so that's what it looks like I'm cadSTO0-LFu-00233-00087019-00087417 gonna use this on my hair it has on here cadSTO0-LFu-00234-00087418-00087665 supports weight loss from cadSTO0-LFu-00235-00087666-00088006 hair and skin health naturally cadSTO0-LFu-00236-00088007-00088282 energizing so I helps with your energy cadSTO0-LFu-00237-00088283-00088744 level as well so I will not assume that cadSTO0-LFu-00238-00088745-00089048 you're supposed to drink this I did not cadSTO0-LFu-00239-00089049-00089303 read the directions but I will put that cadSTO0-LFu-00240-00089304-00089534 on the side of this video somewhere I cadSTO0-LFu-00241-00089535-00090146 picked some lashes up these ones from cadSTO0-LFu-00242-00090147-00090497 Walmart and I think I've told you guys cadSTO0-LFu-00243-00090498-00090866 about these penny hauls before these fit cadSTO0-LFu-00244-00090867-00091174 really nice and then it contours and cadSTO0-LFu-00245-00091175-00091456 brings in your stomach so I picked these cadSTO0-LFu-00246-00091457-00092080 up and I believe I believe I got a black cadSTO0-LFu-00247-00092081-00092561 pyrenees as well and here they are so I cadSTO0-LFu-00248-00092562-00092915 did pick up a black pair and these run I cadSTO0-LFu-00249-00092916-00093592 think these are like price isn't on here cadSTO0-LFu-00250-00093593-00093922 but they're close to $7 in my Walmart cadSTO0-LFu-00251-00093923-00094253 then they have some headbands and I cadSTO0-LFu-00252-00094254-00094480 wanted to pick some of those up they cadSTO0-LFu-00253-00094481-00094790 were on sale $3 this is my favorite one cadSTO0-LFu-00254-00094791-00095137 I love that color really really chic and cadSTO0-LFu-00255-00095138-00095780 pretty so I picked that up it has some cadSTO0-LFu-00256-00095781-00096076 boots they marked down these are 15 cadSTO0-LFu-00257-00096077-00096362 bucks so I picked up these little cadSTO0-LFu-00258-00096363-00096855 egglets I think those are really cute cadSTO0-LFu-00259-00096856-00097174 some more headbands cadSTO0-LFu-00260-00097175-00097555 this color it's like a tan and the cadSTO0-LFu-00261-00097556-00097886 material is like that velvet type of cadSTO0-LFu-00262-00097887-00098504 material I got also some clips these cadSTO0-LFu-00263-00098505-00099912 were 250 250 250 250 cadSTO0-LFu-00264-00099913-00100282 these were 250 I like these a lot cadSTO0-LFu-00265-00100283-00100537 you know the bling ones I'm I'm really cadSTO0-LFu-00266-00100538-00101001 digging those and I picked up a a lippy cadSTO0-LFu-00267-00101002-00101710 covergirl and this is color it's a dream cadSTO0-LFu-00268-00101711-00102085 that a Dimi Matt I'm sorry and it's cadSTO0-LFu-00269-00102086-00102432 number four for 450 and it's called cadSTO0-LFu-00270-00102433-00103381 worthy this case I'm home good and this cadSTO0-LFu-00271-00103382-00103632 is what it looks like and I saw one of cadSTO0-LFu-00272-00103633-00103966 these in Pier one cadSTO0-LFu-00273-00103967-00104938 I paid $9.99 in home goods and pier 1 cadSTO0-LFu-00274-00104939-00105532 hit theirs for $12.99 pretty much the cadSTO0-LFu-00275-00105533-00105754 same so a nice dupe for that cadSTO0-LFu-00276-00105755-00106249 I'll saw it's all good I found this from cadSTO0-LFu-00277-00106250-00106659 my room from my bed and it's got the cadSTO0-LFu-00278-00106660-00106986 little French on the bottom but it has cadSTO0-LFu-00279-00106988-00107317 like is separated so I really like that cadSTO0-LFu-00280-00107318-00107731 I'm in love with this color have been cadSTO0-LFu-00281-00107732-00107858 for years cadSTO0-LFu-00282-00107859-00108486 also unholy good to go with that I saw cadSTO0-LFu-00283-00108488-00108730 these pillows I saw the pillows first cadSTO0-LFu-00284-00108731-00109260 and then I saw that and these pillows cadSTO0-LFu-00285-00109261-00109738 were nine dollars I don't know what they cadSTO0-LFu-00286-00109739-00110176 were at first but on the reverse side cadSTO0-LFu-00287-00110177-00110518 it's the same color as my comforter but cadSTO0-LFu-00288-00110519-00110736 I'm going to use this side that's the cadSTO0-LFu-00289-00110738-00111303 focal point and I got two of those cadSTO0-LFu-00290-00111304-00111861 yeah go skip back over to Walmart they cadSTO0-LFu-00291-00111863-00112297 had these little camis so I picked up cadSTO0-LFu-00292-00112298-00112710 bunches of those I picked up two two cadSTO0-LFu-00293-00112711-00113557 black ones some red white and another cadSTO0-LFu-00294-00113558-00113958 white one and I like these to go under cadSTO0-LFu-00295-00113959-00114283 my work jackets so that's why I picked cadSTO0-LFu-00296-00114283-00115011 those up some jammies I love these and cadSTO0-LFu-00297-00115013-00115270 they kind of tapered at the bottom with cadSTO0-LFu-00298-00115271-00115792 the elastic and I'm like that this is cadSTO0-LFu-00299-00115793-00116139 the top that goes with it cadSTO0-LFu-00300-00116140-00116749 and they weren't 997 so yes my coffee cadSTO0-LFu-00301-00116750-00117114 needs coffee who a man of that system cadSTO0-LFu-00302-00117115-00117745 some makeup I picked this activated cadSTO0-LFu-00303-00117746-00118132 charcoal to pace up it's supposed to be cadSTO0-LFu-00304-00118133-00118396 all natural no fluoride so I picked this cadSTO0-LFu-00305-00118397-00118657 up I want to give it a try I will let cadSTO0-LFu-00306-00118658-00119058 you know how that works as well and I cadSTO0-LFu-00307-00119059-00119455 also got some more Thea piece I'm not cadSTO0-LFu-00308-00119456-00119808 gonna go through them like that some cadSTO0-LFu-00309-00119809-00120271 liquid lip wet and wild I'll be should cadSTO0-LFu-00310-00120272-00120373 be wetting Wow cadSTO0-LFu-00311-00120374-00120772 lip gloss lip gloss or lip gloss girl I cadSTO0-LFu-00312-00120773-00121177 was on the tram with the lipsticks but cadSTO0-LFu-00313-00121178-00121545 deep down in my soul I'm I am a lipgloss cadSTO0-LFu-00314-00121546-00122326 girl cuz lipstick to me is it's a lot of cadSTO0-LFu-00315-00122327-00122698 work high-maintenance lip gloss you cadSTO0-LFu-00316-00122699-00122890 could just smile that on and just keep cadSTO0-LFu-00317-00122891-00123177 on going and that's what I'm all about cadSTO0-LFu-00318-00123178-00123429 so our brain needs to you cadSTO0-LFu-00319-00123430-00124158 when I do the colour-pop okay this cadSTO0-LFu-00320-00124159-00124401 Walmart okay cadSTO0-LFu-00321-00124402-00124933 and I believe she was clearanced yes cadSTO0-LFu-00322-00124933-00125079 five dollars cadSTO0-LFu-00323-00125080-00125383 she was clearance down fabulous get you cadSTO0-LFu-00324-00125383-00125610 a pair of jeans and though those flowed cadSTO0-LFu-00325-00125611-00125778 out on and you good to go cadSTO0-LFu-00326-00125779-00126150 this dress I loved it it was so cute I cadSTO0-LFu-00327-00126151-00126516 picked it up originally in that hunter cadSTO0-LFu-00328-00126517-00126879 green and army green color but at the cadSTO0-LFu-00329-00126880-00127248 top it was some little holes in it and I cadSTO0-LFu-00330-00127249-00127554 didn't want that so I opted for this cadSTO0-LFu-00331-00127555-00128032 color instead then I saw these dresses cadSTO0-LFu-00332-00128033-00128637 so cute girls so cute and she was 1096 cadSTO0-LFu-00333-00128638-00128956 she's got pockets she got the hood on it cadSTO0-LFu-00334-00128957-00129414 like I said would do a trial haul for cadSTO0-LFu-00335-00129415-00129888 you guys so stay like stay tuned in for cadSTO0-LFu-00336-00129889-00130332 it cuz it's coming and then I saw this cadSTO0-LFu-00337-00130333-00130848 one as well and I'm like that got the cadSTO0-LFu-00338-00130849-00131202 white stripe down on the side too had cadSTO0-LFu-00339-00131203-00131569 things in your figure that you won't cadSTO0-LFu-00340-00131570-00131910 want to buy this seat okay now let's do cadSTO0-LFu-00341-00131911-00132348 these gadgets cuz I am a gadget girl to cadSTO0-LFu-00342-00132349-00132666 my heart I love gadgets I love when they cadSTO0-LFu-00343-00132667-00133074 work especially so saw this self opener cadSTO0-LFu-00344-00133075-00133452 automatic can opener just something cadSTO0-LFu-00345-00133453-00133732 that's gonna say countertop space or cadSTO0-LFu-00346-00133733-00134151 safe counter or a cabinet space because cadSTO0-LFu-00347-00134152-00134340 if you like me you'll like a lot of cadSTO0-LFu-00348-00134341-00134754 stuff on your cabinet on your counter so cadSTO0-LFu-00349-00134755-00134937 I picked this up and I'll let you guys cadSTO0-LFu-00350-00134938-00135225 know if that works as well cuz you know cadSTO0-LFu-00351-00135226-00135398 I'll be in the kitchen with y'all and cadSTO0-LFu-00352-00135399-00135856 then I saw this a smart swap and I cadSTO0-LFu-00353-00135857-00136081 wanted to get this for myself and the cadSTO0-LFu-00354-00136082-00136482 boys to see how that works you get 16 cadSTO0-LFu-00355-00136483-00136746 tips in it and cadSTO0-LFu-00356-00136747-00137022 this is how we're supposed to go in to cadSTO0-LFu-00357-00137023-00137361 the ear so if you guys can see that now cadSTO0-LFu-00358-00137362-00137610 if you guys use this let me know how you cadSTO0-LFu-00359-00137611-00138011 liked it if you liked it or was like ok cadSTO0-LFu-00360-00138012-00138137 now I can do without it cadSTO0-LFu-00361-00138138-00138452 but it's supposed to be really a good cadSTO0-LFu-00362-00138453-00139086 tool to remove the earwax they inherited cadSTO0-LFu-00363-00139087-00139490 the the waxy ears from they now I picked cadSTO0-LFu-00364-00139491-00139872 these up for vlogging and I got two of cadSTO0-LFu-00365-00139873-00140061 them one for the house and one for in cadSTO0-LFu-00366-00140062-00140378 the car so when I go into the stores I cadSTO0-LFu-00367-00140379-00140590 could have this and clip it onto the cadSTO0-LFu-00368-00140591-00140927 cart and then just go ahead and vote cadSTO0-LFu-00369-00140928-00141249 from my phone so pick these up from cadSTO0-LFu-00370-00141250-00141693 Walmart they were 497 of 498 something cadSTO0-LFu-00371-00141694-00142008 like that and then I saw this one now cadSTO0-LFu-00372-00142009-00142296 when I first saw this one I thought of cadSTO0-LFu-00373-00142297-00142664 that commercial oh where is this tell cadSTO0-LFu-00374-00142665-00142845 them no don't make that y'all should cadSTO0-LFu-00375-00142846-00143070 know which one I'm talking about cadSTO0-LFu-00376-00143071-00143453 but this put me straight in the manner cadSTO0-LFu-00377-00143454-00143651 that but I was like imma go ahead and cadSTO0-LFu-00378-00143652-00143990 get it anyway so if you look on the back cadSTO0-LFu-00379-00143991-00144377 you'll see how she's using hers and I cadSTO0-LFu-00380-00144378-00144624 kind of like them hey a little bit cadSTO0-LFu-00381-00144625-00145056 better also maybe I could use this for cadSTO0-LFu-00382-00145057-00145463 vlogging to around the house we'll see cadSTO0-LFu-00383-00145464-00146164 how that works out and then I got this a cadSTO0-LFu-00384-00146165-00146598 Dyson v7 and it's just like a little cadSTO0-LFu-00385-00146599-00147086 handheld vacuum cleaner I need all the cadSTO0-LFu-00386-00147087-00147408 cleaning tools I can get my hands on we cadSTO0-LFu-00387-00147409-00147657 had then a two year old in the house cadSTO0-LFu-00388-00147658-00148071 love no no six year old cuz he put his cadSTO0-LFu-00389-00148072-00148407 share of messing things up too but I cadSTO0-LFu-00390-00148408-00148841 mainly got it for the car because when cadSTO0-LFu-00391-00148842-00149061 we go on our little trips you know the cadSTO0-LFu-00392-00149062-00149343 food gets back there and normally I cadSTO0-LFu-00393-00149344-00149612 don't let them eat in the car but on cadSTO0-LFu-00394-00149613-00149862 long trips I mean they're gonna have cadSTO0-LFu-00395-00149863-00150264 so I got that for that in the enough cadSTO0-LFu-00396-00150265-00150477 picked up this rain light is well from cadSTO0-LFu-00397-00150478-00150968 Walmart this was for 97 or either for 98 cadSTO0-LFu-00398-00150969-00151707 that Dyson somebody sent that to me or cadSTO0-LFu-00399-00151708-00151874 something I don't know I don't remember cadSTO0-LFu-00400-00151875-00152400 and then I got this I purchased this cadSTO0-LFu-00401-00152401-00152982 with my money and it's a iRobot and it cadSTO0-LFu-00402-00152983-00153389 was - it was on a roll back at Walmart cadSTO0-LFu-00403-00153390-00153801 244 and I got the warranty with it as cadSTO0-LFu-00404-00153802-00154284 well and the warranty was $35 so I'm cadSTO0-LFu-00405-00154285-00154614 gonna program it and I'll show you guys cadSTO0-LFu-00406-00154615-00155007 how to do that because you guys really cadSTO0-LFu-00407-00155008-00155394 enjoyed that sound bar installation cadSTO0-LFu-00408-00155395-00155661 video so I'll do that again and then the cadSTO0-LFu-00409-00155662-00156365 last item is a diva ring so I picked cadSTO0-LFu-00410-00156366-00156651 this up for when I need some extra cadSTO0-LFu-00411-00156652-00156902 lighting whether it be I'm doing my cadSTO0-LFu-00412-00156903-00157164 makeup or whether I'm just you know cadSTO0-LFu-00413-00157165-00157427 doing how and I might need some extra cadSTO0-LFu-00414-00157428-00157745 lighting whatever the case may be but cadSTO0-LFu-00415-00157746-00158289 yeah I picked this up online I think I cadSTO0-LFu-00416-00158290-00158937 got this Amazon and trying to remember cadSTO0-LFu-00417-00158938-00159264 how much it was it wasn't very much or cadSTO0-LFu-00418-00159265-00159878 did I get this no no no no I got this on cadSTO0-LFu-00419-00159879-00160227 from work actually we have a site that cadSTO0-LFu-00420-00160228-00160734 we can shop from when we have points so cadSTO0-LFu-00421-00160735-00161247 I got this off of that website so I'll cadSTO0-LFu-00422-00161248-00161546 let you guys know how this works out - cadSTO0-LFu-00423-00161547-00162053 all right that's it girl I'm done this cadSTO0-LFu-00424-00162054-00162316 is it I've been holding this stuff cadSTO0-LFu-00425-00162317-00162633 trying to get the perfect moment to sit cadSTO0-LFu-00426-00162634-00162839 down and do it so here we are cadSTO0-LFu-00427-00162840-00163110 let me know what you think of the items cadSTO0-LFu-00428-00163111-00163170 that are cadSTO0-LFu-00429-00163171-00163838 just what would you suggest is worthy of cadSTO0-LFu-00430-00163839-00164243 the little gadget things you know like cadSTO0-LFu-00431-00164244-00164781 the the ear wax remover if you have that cadSTO0-LFu-00432-00164782-00164963 let me know how that worked out for you cadSTO0-LFu-00433-00164964-00165309 and then that's basically it y'all I cadSTO0-LFu-00434-00165310-00165513 gotta get out of here I gotta go to work cadSTO0-LFu-00435-00165514-00165989 y'all stay fancy stay focus on God stay cadSTO0-LFu-00436-00165990-00166338 prayed up this world is really in dire cadSTO0-LFu-00437-00166339-00166628 straits so you got to stay prayed up you cadSTO0-LFu-00438-00166629-00167006 got to stay in the word and after that cadSTO0-LFu-00439-00167007-00167528 stay fancy stay beautiful inside and out cadSTO0-LFu-00440-00167529-00167787 and I'll see you guys in my next video cadSTO0-LFu-00441-00167788-00168225 bye cadSTO0-LFu-00442-00168226-00169339 [Music] cbLhf6PsKFQ-00000-00000818-00001007 [Music] cbLhf6PsKFQ-00001-00001008-00001278 this is abel from the democratic cbLhf6PsKFQ-00002-00001279-00001470 republic of congo cbLhf6PsKFQ-00003-00001471-00001751 and we are i'm so happy to be presenting cbLhf6PsKFQ-00004-00001752-00002079 to you this talk cbLhf6PsKFQ-00005-00002080-00002223 where we will be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00006-00002224-00002502 learning more about the experience of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00007-00002503-00002679 the wikimedia cbLhf6PsKFQ-00008-00002680-00002910 the mcmedia community in the democratic cbLhf6PsKFQ-00009-00002911-00003175 republic of congo so the title as you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00010-00003176-00003438 see you can see though it's building a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00011-00003439-00003551 community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00012-00003552-00003919 a wikimedia community an example of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00013-00003920-00004206 wikimedians of democratic republic of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00014-00004207-00004502 congo user group so the goal here is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00015-00004503-00004743 just to show experience cbLhf6PsKFQ-00016-00004744-00004991 uh so that it can help cbLhf6PsKFQ-00017-00004992-00005279 help you start with uh start your own cbLhf6PsKFQ-00018-00005280-00005470 you can meet your like cbLhf6PsKFQ-00019-00005471-00005606 group cbLhf6PsKFQ-00020-00005607-00005870 or community or if you have one already cbLhf6PsKFQ-00021-00005871-00006095 uh it can help you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00022-00006096-00006351 uh move forward so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00023-00006352-00006463 there are cbLhf6PsKFQ-00024-00006464-00006678 the main things that we're gonna learn cbLhf6PsKFQ-00025-00006679-00006927 in this talk so i think cbLhf6PsKFQ-00026-00006928-00007039 i'm cbLhf6PsKFQ-00027-00007040-00007334 so happy that you joined the session and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00028-00007336-00007455 we have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00029-00007456-00008959 about to start cbLhf6PsKFQ-00030-00008960-00009039 oh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00031-00009040-00009423 before i start this is uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00032-00009424-00009687 a proverb an african program that i love cbLhf6PsKFQ-00033-00009688-00009878 so much cbLhf6PsKFQ-00034-00009879-00010238 as you can see a lot we can go faster cbLhf6PsKFQ-00035-00010239-00010567 together we go further cbLhf6PsKFQ-00036-00010568-00010767 sometimes while you you wake up you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00037-00010768-00010878 alone cbLhf6PsKFQ-00038-00010879-00011142 you can you can make this decision very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00039-00011143-00011335 easily and you can decide wherever you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00040-00011336-00011567 want to go and you think that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00041-00011568-00011903 you're moving so fast and faster and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00042-00011904-00012023 everything is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00043-00012024-00012142 going well cbLhf6PsKFQ-00044-00012143-00012238 parts cbLhf6PsKFQ-00045-00012239-00012463 as you can see in this proverb cbLhf6PsKFQ-00046-00012464-00012886 it's better to move with a community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00047-00012887-00013055 when you two cbLhf6PsKFQ-00048-00013056-00013311 three four peop persons cbLhf6PsKFQ-00049-00013312-00013535 working on a project it's better than cbLhf6PsKFQ-00050-00013536-00013766 being alone so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00051-00013768-00013999 this uh african proverb is very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00052-00014000-00014215 important for us as we are working in a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00053-00014216-00014407 community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00054-00014408-00014511 so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00055-00014512-00014686 what is it cbLhf6PsKFQ-00056-00014687-00014919 in this talk we are cbLhf6PsKFQ-00057-00014919-00015111 discussing about the community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00058-00015112-00015391 we want to see exactly cbLhf6PsKFQ-00059-00015391-00015686 an example of the community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00060-00015687-00015879 first of all cbLhf6PsKFQ-00061-00015880-00016158 wikimedia is a community driven project cbLhf6PsKFQ-00062-00016159-00016439 and we all know that it's cbLhf6PsKFQ-00063-00016440-00016694 the encyclopedia it's encyclopedia are cbLhf6PsKFQ-00064-00016695-00016894 built with the community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00065-00016895-00017191 all over the world so it's a community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00066-00017192-00017511 project and it's very important that we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00067-00017512-00017903 keep this in mind and the success of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00068-00017904-00018199 wikipedia depend on its community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00069-00018200-00018455 it's very important if wikipedia is what cbLhf6PsKFQ-00070-00018456-00018767 it is today it is because of the amazing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00071-00018768-00019022 community surrounding it's an amazing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00072-00019023-00019279 community from all over the world trying cbLhf6PsKFQ-00073-00019280-00019614 to make it happen trying to make it cbLhf6PsKFQ-00074-00019615-00019919 something great so it's very important cbLhf6PsKFQ-00075-00019920-00020191 for us to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00076-00020192-00020511 to see it it's very important for us to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00077-00020512-00020735 to to understand and to value the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00078-00020736-00021055 community it's very very important cbLhf6PsKFQ-00079-00021056-00021286 so let's see some studies some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00080-00021287-00021671 statistics from wiki media wikipedia cbLhf6PsKFQ-00081-00021672-00022071 exactly uh today we have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00082-00022072-00022214 around cbLhf6PsKFQ-00083-00022215-00022494 300 languages version cbLhf6PsKFQ-00084-00022495-00022855 of wikipedia you know cbLhf6PsKFQ-00085-00022856-00023222 french in english lingala cbLhf6PsKFQ-00086-00023223-00023391 in cbLhf6PsKFQ-00087-00023392-00023663 swahili in so many languages that you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00088-00023664-00024047 can imagine so it's a very very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00089-00024048-00024199 important that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00090-00024200-00024335 we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00091-00024336-00024678 we notice that it's a big community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00092-00024679-00025135 project and so far we have more than uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00093-00025136-00025606 30 million articles so many so many this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00094-00025607-00025911 is what the community is doing so far so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00095-00025912-00026070 many cbLhf6PsKFQ-00096-00026072-00026167 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00097-00026168-00026399 visitors we have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00098-00026400-00026751 more than 500 visitors cbLhf6PsKFQ-00099-00026752-00027087 more than 5 million i would like to say cbLhf6PsKFQ-00100-00027088-00027311 visit us a month cbLhf6PsKFQ-00101-00027312-00027718 it's not so easy it's a very very huge cbLhf6PsKFQ-00102-00027719-00028167 community and who are editing wikipedia cbLhf6PsKFQ-00103-00028168-00028390 those amazing people who are making cbLhf6PsKFQ-00104-00028391-00028574 wikipedia be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00105-00028575-00028846 uh were making wikipedia what it is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00106-00028847-00029014 today cbLhf6PsKFQ-00107-00029016-00029239 more than cbLhf6PsKFQ-00108-00029239-00029551 a hundred thousand of people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00109-00029552-00029695 a day cbLhf6PsKFQ-00110-00029695-00029870 say a day cbLhf6PsKFQ-00111-00029872-00030143 more than a hundred thousand of people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00112-00030144-00030279 trying to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00113-00030280-00030631 to build wikipedia to make it what you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00114-00030632-00030751 you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00115-00030752-00031095 you you you are saying to to try to to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00116-00031095-00031239 do cbLhf6PsKFQ-00117-00031239-00031495 or to construct the project cbLhf6PsKFQ-00118-00031495-00031623 and so far cbLhf6PsKFQ-00119-00031624-00031935 today we have 25 cbLhf6PsKFQ-00120-00031936-00032190 000 article created cbLhf6PsKFQ-00121-00032191-00032487 so amazing can you imagine those stats cbLhf6PsKFQ-00122-00032488-00032639 this statistic cbLhf6PsKFQ-00123-00032639-00032862 of the the project cbLhf6PsKFQ-00124-00032863-00033223 and all about the community around it so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00125-00033224-00033311 let's cbLhf6PsKFQ-00126-00033312-00033583 discuss what is a community at all what cbLhf6PsKFQ-00127-00033584-00033871 is a community i i'd like just to give cbLhf6PsKFQ-00128-00033872-00034055 you a simple definition i don't like to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00129-00034056-00034151 take cbLhf6PsKFQ-00130-00034152-00034439 a very complicated definition cbLhf6PsKFQ-00131-00034440-00034807 just very basically very basically uh my cbLhf6PsKFQ-00132-00034808-00035095 understanding of a community is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00133-00035096-00035367 a group a set of individuals at least cbLhf6PsKFQ-00134-00035368-00035743 two people who share the same vision cbLhf6PsKFQ-00135-00035744-00036102 that is what i can call the community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00136-00036103-00036262 instead of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00137-00036263-00036646 at least two people sharing the same cbLhf6PsKFQ-00138-00036647-00036902 vision the same cbLhf6PsKFQ-00139-00036903-00037223 goal that is what we call community and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00140-00037224-00037415 this is an example a perfect example of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00141-00037416-00037759 wikimedia community in africa there you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00142-00037760-00037951 can see the uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00143-00037952-00038039 green cbLhf6PsKFQ-00144-00038040-00038479 you have what you you we call user group cbLhf6PsKFQ-00145-00038480-00038895 affiliate recognized by the wikimedia cbLhf6PsKFQ-00146-00038896-00039111 foundation cbLhf6PsKFQ-00147-00039112-00039318 as user group as this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00148-00039319-00039607 and then you have chapters unfortunately cbLhf6PsKFQ-00149-00039608-00039807 until now we only have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00150-00039808-00040255 one chapter from africa and it is in cbLhf6PsKFQ-00151-00040256-00040455 south africa as you can see cbLhf6PsKFQ-00152-00040456-00040543 here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00153-00040544-00040895 on the map so you have community uh all cbLhf6PsKFQ-00154-00040896-00041207 around in drc uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00155-00041208-00041502 uganda and so many countries so far cbLhf6PsKFQ-00156-00041503-00041839 ghana uh nigeria and you've got some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00157-00041840-00042095 geographical community so i know that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00158-00042096-00042295 there are so many other communities that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00159-00042296-00042583 you can you can't find there but here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00160-00042584-00042927 i've just put community by country in cbLhf6PsKFQ-00161-00042928-00043143 each country we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00162-00043144-00043343 if there is one community and you can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00163-00043344-00043471 see that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00164-00043472-00043871 there is a need to build a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00165-00043872-00044095 a community in africa a community we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00166-00044096-00044287 keep media communities cbLhf6PsKFQ-00167-00044288-00044446 in africa because cbLhf6PsKFQ-00168-00044447-00044735 until now we don't have we don't cover cbLhf6PsKFQ-00169-00044736-00045102 communities in rwanda burundi and so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00170-00045103-00045423 many other countries still don't have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00171-00045424-00045639 an official community so it's very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00172-00045640-00046062 important that we had them create a wiki cbLhf6PsKFQ-00173-00046063-00046174 media cbLhf6PsKFQ-00174-00046175-00046543 community in their own countries so this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00175-00046544-00046727 is the the goal cbLhf6PsKFQ-00176-00046728-00046990 of this talk you'll get inspiration cbLhf6PsKFQ-00177-00046991-00047327 you'll get some advice that we use you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00178-00047328-00047718 you learn from our experience and you'll cbLhf6PsKFQ-00179-00047719-00048030 you'll build your own wikimedia live cbLhf6PsKFQ-00180-00048031-00048335 community trust me it should be amazing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00181-00048336-00048671 so let's discuss about the democratic cbLhf6PsKFQ-00182-00048672-00049127 republic of congo cbLhf6PsKFQ-00183-00049128-00049351 this is a dream come true it became true cbLhf6PsKFQ-00184-00049352-00049630 it was a dream to have a community like cbLhf6PsKFQ-00185-00049631-00050015 we had in cote d'ivoire like we have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00186-00050016-00050390 uh we have in uh so many countries uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00187-00050391-00050695 some countries i can say in africa so it cbLhf6PsKFQ-00188-00050696-00051039 was very important for me for us i mean cbLhf6PsKFQ-00189-00051040-00051135 to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00190-00051136-00051407 to to have a community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00191-00051408-00051735 a strong community a an official media cbLhf6PsKFQ-00192-00051736-00052030 community in the country so what is the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00193-00052032-00052238 agenda so far cbLhf6PsKFQ-00194-00052239-00052471 so far uh what we are going to discuss cbLhf6PsKFQ-00195-00052472-00052750 here is about the past a little about cbLhf6PsKFQ-00196-00052751-00053111 the history of the community in the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00197-00053112-00053279 country cbLhf6PsKFQ-00198-00053279-00053487 where are we now the present we'll see cbLhf6PsKFQ-00199-00053488-00053630 what's uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00200-00053632-00053919 where we are what we are able to do cbLhf6PsKFQ-00201-00053920-00054175 what we have learned so far all they cbLhf6PsKFQ-00202-00054176-00054326 love cbLhf6PsKFQ-00203-00054327-00054638 all the way we took what lessons we can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00204-00054639-00054847 learn we can show and uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00205-00054848-00055135 i'll tell you what you can do and what cbLhf6PsKFQ-00206-00055136-00055303 you should avoid cbLhf6PsKFQ-00207-00055304-00055630 and what's our future what is the future cbLhf6PsKFQ-00208-00055632-00055775 this is the structure the little cbLhf6PsKFQ-00209-00055776-00056038 structure that uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00210-00056039-00056238 i want to discuss with you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00211-00056239-00056407 in this so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00212-00056408-00056542 talk so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00213-00056544-00056847 history of dlc community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00214-00056848-00057126 and let's start by by this it's very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00215-00057127-00057494 important to to let you know the history cbLhf6PsKFQ-00216-00057495-00057575 so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00217-00057576-00057982 when i was working on this this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00218-00057983-00058159 idea this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00219-00058160-00058319 project this talk cbLhf6PsKFQ-00220-00058320-00058526 and i i was thinking cbLhf6PsKFQ-00221-00058527-00058799 what can i say what is exactly the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00222-00058800-00058959 history of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00223-00058960-00059254 wikimedia community in the democratic cbLhf6PsKFQ-00224-00059255-00059550 republic of congo and i tried to figure cbLhf6PsKFQ-00225-00059551-00059782 out i tried to think i tried to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00226-00059783-00059863 to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00227-00059864-00060135 to move forward to see what happened so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00228-00060136-00060471 far so i've concluded that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00229-00060472-00060679 we can split cbLhf6PsKFQ-00230-00060679-00060959 the evolution of the wikimedia community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00231-00060960-00061166 in dlc in three cbLhf6PsKFQ-00232-00061167-00061559 main periods three main periods uh uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00233-00061560-00061815 what i i found important to share with cbLhf6PsKFQ-00234-00061816-00062226 you so the first one prior to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00235-00062227-00062623 2015 prior to 2015 cbLhf6PsKFQ-00236-00062624-00062711 in cbLhf6PsKFQ-00237-00062712-00062959 the in this period i can say there were cbLhf6PsKFQ-00238-00062960-00063119 just uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00239-00063120-00063287 some contribution individual cbLhf6PsKFQ-00240-00063288-00063559 contribution and some trainings cbLhf6PsKFQ-00241-00063560-00063711 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00242-00063712-00064006 that i cannot even uh we can't still cbLhf6PsKFQ-00243-00064007-00064294 count we don't we don't have uh so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00244-00064295-00064494 uh more information but cbLhf6PsKFQ-00245-00064495-00064719 i think that wikimedia france and some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00246-00064720-00064799 other cbLhf6PsKFQ-00247-00064800-00065103 uh institution tried to run some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00248-00065104-00065271 trainings but cbLhf6PsKFQ-00249-00065272-00065399 still people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00250-00065400-00065791 were not able to gather people couldn't cbLhf6PsKFQ-00251-00065792-00066006 concentrate their efforts to work cbLhf6PsKFQ-00252-00066007-00066294 together so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00253-00066295-00066526 that's the period and i i can't i can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00254-00066527-00066903 remember myself contributing using ip cbLhf6PsKFQ-00255-00066904-00067103 address because just when i i went to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00256-00067104-00067447 internet i see uh when i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00257-00067448-00067735 as every user i type something a word on cbLhf6PsKFQ-00258-00067736-00067838 google cbLhf6PsKFQ-00259-00067839-00068103 hope i'm on wikipedia and i see a button cbLhf6PsKFQ-00260-00068104-00068382 called he did so i said okay cbLhf6PsKFQ-00261-00068383-00068606 yeah i can go there i can click and i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00262-00068607-00068871 try to edit nah that was the period and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00263-00068872-00069263 everyone everywhere cbLhf6PsKFQ-00264-00069264-00069535 was trying to do so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00265-00069536-00069838 now comes uh the second period the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00266-00069839-00070135 second period and i i i think it's the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00267-00070136-00070394 the very important periods cbLhf6PsKFQ-00268-00070395-00070815 2015 and 2018 the very important period cbLhf6PsKFQ-00269-00070816-00071094 here we got more trainings cbLhf6PsKFQ-00270-00071095-00071382 and community contributions so here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00271-00071383-00071599 people are working in a community and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00272-00071600-00071815 the world they need to coordinate cbLhf6PsKFQ-00273-00071816-00072182 efforts because we were trying together cbLhf6PsKFQ-00274-00072183-00072294 to meet cbLhf6PsKFQ-00275-00072295-00072615 more of very often and to say okay guys cbLhf6PsKFQ-00276-00072616-00072862 let's do this together let's cbLhf6PsKFQ-00277-00072863-00073294 let's make our country visible on cbLhf6PsKFQ-00278-00073295-00073550 wikipedia on internet it was very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00279-00073551-00073935 important it was what we wanted and uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00280-00073936-00074047 i think cbLhf6PsKFQ-00281-00074048-00074279 thanks to this period cbLhf6PsKFQ-00282-00074280-00074471 of three years cbLhf6PsKFQ-00283-00074472-00074831 we were able to do something we were cbLhf6PsKFQ-00284-00074832-00074991 able to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00285-00074992-00075175 reach out to people and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00286-00075176-00075479 what happened i i was happy to see this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00287-00075480-00075862 uh history you can see here uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00288-00075863-00076135 i am on the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00289-00076136-00076215 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00290-00076216-00076655 discussion page of a user called benue cbLhf6PsKFQ-00291-00076656-00076767 is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00292-00076768-00077271 a comedian from canada so i went down to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00293-00077272-00077543 aim say okay guys guys tell me cbLhf6PsKFQ-00294-00077544-00077823 how can you help how can we do to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00295-00077824-00078206 coordinate or if fought from a country cbLhf6PsKFQ-00296-00078207-00078487 or from its a city so he tried to give cbLhf6PsKFQ-00297-00078488-00078655 me some advice cbLhf6PsKFQ-00298-00078656-00078871 that that was very important for me and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00299-00078872-00079023 uh he tried to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00300-00079024-00079335 uh to point me to bashunda thank you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00301-00079336-00079687 bashunda from for your support as you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00302-00079688-00079855 can see the discussion cbLhf6PsKFQ-00303-00079856-00080167 that was here we were seeking support cbLhf6PsKFQ-00304-00080168-00080487 from experienced users we tried to reach cbLhf6PsKFQ-00305-00080488-00080735 out to people hey guys can you help hey cbLhf6PsKFQ-00306-00080736-00080999 guys can you tell us what we can do can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00307-00081000-00081150 you tell us cbLhf6PsKFQ-00308-00081151-00081606 how to call cbLhf6PsKFQ-00309-00081607-00081855 and i i i was amazing i can see some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00310-00081856-00082103 more but she understood me do you speak cbLhf6PsKFQ-00311-00082104-00082350 english because he did ask some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00312-00082351-00082687 questions so i i can't say that the word cbLhf6PsKFQ-00313-00082688-00083206 like uh requirements said okay uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00314-00083207-00083294 what cbLhf6PsKFQ-00315-00083295-00083391 what's cbLhf6PsKFQ-00316-00083392-00083550 the first question as you can see here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00317-00083551-00083711 it is in french i'm going to translate cbLhf6PsKFQ-00318-00083712-00084055 for you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00319-00084056-00084143 sorry cbLhf6PsKFQ-00320-00084144-00084350 primeraida premier question combined cbLhf6PsKFQ-00321-00084351-00084494 wizards cbLhf6PsKFQ-00322-00084495-00084694 how many are you that is the first cbLhf6PsKFQ-00323-00084695-00084911 question bashunder did ask cbLhf6PsKFQ-00324-00084912-00085118 to me the same question the second cbLhf6PsKFQ-00325-00085119-00085815 question cbLhf6PsKFQ-00326-00085816-00086094 he asked about the time do you have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00327-00086095-00086294 a little time cbLhf6PsKFQ-00328-00086295-00086535 for that because it needs time cbLhf6PsKFQ-00329-00086536-00086799 commitment for this and the last cbLhf6PsKFQ-00330-00086800-00087182 question was do you speak english cbLhf6PsKFQ-00331-00087183-00087559 so it was some those of three questions cbLhf6PsKFQ-00332-00087560-00087911 from bashunder and those questions had cbLhf6PsKFQ-00333-00087912-00088006 enough cbLhf6PsKFQ-00334-00088007-00088359 uh i think that today i don't think that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00335-00088360-00088655 english is uh so important i don't think cbLhf6PsKFQ-00336-00088656-00088991 so but because today the foundation is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00337-00088992-00089126 trying to work cbLhf6PsKFQ-00338-00089127-00089303 to work so hard cbLhf6PsKFQ-00339-00089304-00089647 on that about the language because cbLhf6PsKFQ-00340-00089648-00089894 not everyone can speak english and then cbLhf6PsKFQ-00341-00089895-00090030 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00342-00090031-00090175 [Music] cbLhf6PsKFQ-00343-00090176-00090335 after working too much with the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00344-00090336-00090511 foundation for cbLhf6PsKFQ-00345-00090512-00090687 three or cbLhf6PsKFQ-00346-00090688-00090831 one year cbLhf6PsKFQ-00347-00090832-00091135 i i can notice that the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00348-00091136-00091359 the language barrier or the english cbLhf6PsKFQ-00349-00091360-00091743 requirements is not an obligation so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00350-00091744-00092006 people from french community don't be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00351-00092007-00092262 afraid you can speak in french and the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00352-00092263-00092511 wikimedia foundation as so many people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00353-00092512-00092735 that can help for that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00354-00092736-00093023 apart from that uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00355-00093024-00093262 we we try to reach out to people to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00356-00093263-00093550 invite people hey come come on join us cbLhf6PsKFQ-00357-00093551-00093838 and see what we are doing we try to say cbLhf6PsKFQ-00358-00093839-00094135 here you can see uh uh on a discussion cbLhf6PsKFQ-00359-00094136-00094455 page from the user uh i i found that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00360-00094456-00094767 this user was contributing too much to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00361-00094768-00095055 the content from the country then i i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00362-00095056-00095359 waited out and said hey guys uh are you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00363-00095360-00095623 okay can you join us to the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00364-00095624-00095815 the the movements cbLhf6PsKFQ-00365-00095816-00096047 and we try to discuss so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00366-00096048-00096271 i think you can notice the two things cbLhf6PsKFQ-00367-00096272-00096550 here two important things here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00368-00096551-00096711 the first one cbLhf6PsKFQ-00369-00096712-00096926 we seek support from cbLhf6PsKFQ-00370-00096927-00097135 those who can help cbLhf6PsKFQ-00371-00097136-00097311 we try to go cbLhf6PsKFQ-00372-00097312-00097543 where we can to get cbLhf6PsKFQ-00373-00097544-00097799 support we go we try to reach out to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00374-00097800-00098087 people on the discussion page we try to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00375-00098088-00098391 ask questions so you can see we ask cbLhf6PsKFQ-00376-00098392-00098735 questions and after having some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00377-00098736-00099103 kind of responses some kind of answers cbLhf6PsKFQ-00378-00099104-00099431 so we tried also to reach out to people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00379-00099432-00099838 to join our movement you see cbLhf6PsKFQ-00380-00099839-00100118 that this is a two important thing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00381-00100119-00100350 you reach out to people who might give cbLhf6PsKFQ-00382-00100351-00100631 you some advice might tell you who might cbLhf6PsKFQ-00383-00100632-00100735 guide you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00384-00100736-00101055 and after after that you also reach out cbLhf6PsKFQ-00385-00101056-00101359 or invite people to join you yes it's cbLhf6PsKFQ-00386-00101360-00101631 it's better to have people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00387-00101632-00101879 a small team with you so that you can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00388-00101880-00102167 start but don't forget to invite other cbLhf6PsKFQ-00389-00102168-00102343 people that you can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00390-00102344-00102463 find cbLhf6PsKFQ-00391-00102464-00102927 on the way so the last under cbLhf6PsKFQ-00392-00102928-00103094 the third point cbLhf6PsKFQ-00393-00103095-00103199 of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00394-00103200-00103399 the history of the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00395-00103400-00103718 democratic republic of congo user group cbLhf6PsKFQ-00396-00103719-00103934 is the creation of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00397-00103935-00104175 the user group with cbLhf6PsKFQ-00398-00104176-00104358 four members cbLhf6PsKFQ-00399-00104359-00104727 thank you uh guys that helped to to do cbLhf6PsKFQ-00400-00104728-00105047 this and uh among those four persons i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00401-00105048-00105375 can notice one woman who with us cbLhf6PsKFQ-00402-00105376-00105710 uh thank you valentin for your support cbLhf6PsKFQ-00403-00105711-00105823 thank you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00404-00105824-00105958 eve cbLhf6PsKFQ-00405-00105959-00106215 from the bumbashi thank you or cbLhf6PsKFQ-00406-00106216-00106327 irene cbLhf6PsKFQ-00407-00106328-00106686 those persons and myself of course cbLhf6PsKFQ-00408-00106688-00106975 had us into cbLhf6PsKFQ-00409-00106976-00107158 2018 cbLhf6PsKFQ-00410-00107159-00107534 we we were able to structure the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00411-00107535-00107878 the community to try to to reach out to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00412-00107879-00108186 wikimedia foundation to ask for cbLhf6PsKFQ-00413-00108188-00108575 recognition and we discussed and so on i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00414-00108576-00108951 think in november 2023 cbLhf6PsKFQ-00415-00108952-00109271 in november 23 we were recognized by the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00416-00109272-00109599 wikimedia foundation wow she was amazing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00417-00109600-00109743 as you can see cbLhf6PsKFQ-00418-00109744-00109990 that that's about the the little history cbLhf6PsKFQ-00419-00109991-00110223 i know that's there are so many things i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00420-00110224-00110423 could say so many things i couldn't i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00421-00110424-00110639 could share with you but cbLhf6PsKFQ-00422-00110640-00110934 yeah i gave the very important that you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00423-00110935-00111151 that can help you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00424-00111152-00111310 so let's see cbLhf6PsKFQ-00425-00111311-00111743 where are we now now where are we it's a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00426-00111744-00112127 very important question where are we now cbLhf6PsKFQ-00427-00112128-00112358 this is about the presence cbLhf6PsKFQ-00428-00112359-00112607 i've talked about the past and now i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00429-00112608-00112886 want to talk about the presence where cbLhf6PsKFQ-00430-00112888-00113478 are we now cbLhf6PsKFQ-00431-00113479-00113751 yeah we are still learning and growing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00432-00113752-00113966 it's very important cbLhf6PsKFQ-00433-00113967-00114247 we are still learning we we try still we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00434-00114248-00114463 we always try to reach out to people who cbLhf6PsKFQ-00435-00114464-00114686 can help us do you have a piece of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00436-00114688-00114863 advice to give us cbLhf6PsKFQ-00437-00114864-00115239 we open come and tell us teach us cbLhf6PsKFQ-00438-00115240-00115534 show us the way and we can grow cbLhf6PsKFQ-00439-00115535-00115790 we are learning and we are growing the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00440-00115791-00116078 community is so big today cbLhf6PsKFQ-00441-00116079-00116383 and uh it's amazing we are available in cbLhf6PsKFQ-00442-00116383-00116710 some other country uh cities i mean and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00443-00116711-00117071 it's very very interesting cbLhf6PsKFQ-00444-00117072-00117158 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00445-00117159-00117527 the next i i i've just said that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00446-00117528-00117831 visible and we are visible and all cbLhf6PsKFQ-00447-00117832-00118127 running activities in three main cities cbLhf6PsKFQ-00448-00118128-00118575 in the country cbLhf6PsKFQ-00449-00118576-00118719 and kinshasa cbLhf6PsKFQ-00450-00118720-00119086 and we are trying to work hard in cbLhf6PsKFQ-00451-00119088-00119286 in a way to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00452-00119288-00119566 to be available we're gonna talk about cbLhf6PsKFQ-00453-00119567-00119799 in the future future cbLhf6PsKFQ-00454-00119800-00120190 in the world the whole country so uh the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00455-00120191-00120390 last step cbLhf6PsKFQ-00456-00120391-00121478 here we are cbLhf6PsKFQ-00457-00121479-00123383 she cbLhf6PsKFQ-00458-00123383-00123543 so apart cbLhf6PsKFQ-00459-00123544-00123702 from we can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00460-00123703-00123847 media for cbLhf6PsKFQ-00461-00123848-00124390 foundation cbLhf6PsKFQ-00462-00124391-00124478 so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00463-00124479-00124639 so far user group cbLhf6PsKFQ-00464-00124640-00125702 so far cbLhf6PsKFQ-00465-00125703-00125871 so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00466-00125872-00126119 let's discuss about the lesson what did cbLhf6PsKFQ-00467-00126120-00126319 we learn so far cbLhf6PsKFQ-00468-00126320-00126607 it's very important to see this what we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00469-00126608-00126943 were able to learn cbLhf6PsKFQ-00470-00126944-00127119 i think there are two cbLhf6PsKFQ-00471-00127120-00127366 two things cbLhf6PsKFQ-00472-00127367-00127758 the first things is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00473-00127759-00127902 there are two cbLhf6PsKFQ-00474-00127903-00128095 two things cbLhf6PsKFQ-00475-00128096-00128247 that uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00476-00128248-00128710 we learned so far cbLhf6PsKFQ-00477-00128711-00129007 the first group of things cbLhf6PsKFQ-00478-00129008-00129334 these are things you should do cbLhf6PsKFQ-00479-00129335-00129647 there's a thing that i think the uh you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00480-00129648-00129895 can see this as uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00481-00129896-00129999 objects cbLhf6PsKFQ-00482-00130000-00130239 as advice this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00483-00130240-00130463 you can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00484-00130464-00130551 take cbLhf6PsKFQ-00485-00130552-00130751 this as advice cbLhf6PsKFQ-00486-00130752-00131007 as inspiration to help you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00487-00131008-00131111 move cbLhf6PsKFQ-00488-00131112-00131423 forward in your user group in your your cbLhf6PsKFQ-00489-00131424-00131599 creation cbLhf6PsKFQ-00490-00131600-00132054 so uh it is there is not at all in a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00491-00132055-00132390 order i will just put some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00492-00132391-00132678 uh lessons we learned so far that were cbLhf6PsKFQ-00493-00132679-00132863 very important for us cbLhf6PsKFQ-00494-00132864-00133166 uh first thing here i see as i i've cbLhf6PsKFQ-00495-00133167-00133311 written you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00496-00133312-00133790 surround yourself with good people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00497-00133791-00134007 yes i know that finding good people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00498-00134008-00134335 might be very difficult but remember i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00499-00134336-00134519 said at the beginning what is a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00500-00134520-00134735 community you have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00501-00134736-00134935 a common son cbLhf6PsKFQ-00502-00134936-00135247 you share the same idea the same vision cbLhf6PsKFQ-00503-00135248-00135502 this is the community so if you can find cbLhf6PsKFQ-00504-00135503-00135839 people that share the same idea with you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00505-00135840-00135959 i think that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00506-00135960-00136327 these are good people for you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00507-00136328-00136511 so work cbLhf6PsKFQ-00508-00136512-00136878 or start with available people don't cbLhf6PsKFQ-00509-00136879-00137102 wait for a golden people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00510-00137103-00137343 don't wait for i don't know someone to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00511-00137344-00137678 come from or even or whatever you want cbLhf6PsKFQ-00512-00137679-00137871 no cbLhf6PsKFQ-00513-00137872-00138102 find people who are available and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00514-00138103-00138254 working cbLhf6PsKFQ-00515-00138255-00138647 because if you you want to wait for uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00516-00138648-00139014 those uh very brilliant intelligent guys cbLhf6PsKFQ-00517-00139015-00139359 uh from harvard from i don't know uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00518-00139360-00139583 sorbonne university to come and work cbLhf6PsKFQ-00519-00139584-00139887 with you i'm sorry it's not going to be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00520-00139888-00140031 that easy cbLhf6PsKFQ-00521-00140032-00140375 you can't remember uh as a show i i i've cbLhf6PsKFQ-00522-00140376-00140614 shown you uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00523-00140615-00140871 some discussion ahead with uh bashunder cbLhf6PsKFQ-00524-00140872-00141111 he said about time commitment so it's cbLhf6PsKFQ-00525-00141112-00141263 very important so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00526-00141264-00141495 to have people who are ready to have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00527-00141496-00141766 people who are available so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00528-00141767-00142054 uh i don't think that you you need to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00529-00142055-00142278 find those people you know to to work cbLhf6PsKFQ-00530-00142279-00142583 with those people instead of waiting cbLhf6PsKFQ-00531-00142584-00142854 waiting waiting for the right waiting cbLhf6PsKFQ-00532-00142855-00143214 for the bright guy to come cbLhf6PsKFQ-00533-00143215-00143575 next advice is learn cbLhf6PsKFQ-00534-00143576-00143831 don't forget to learn you you can notice cbLhf6PsKFQ-00535-00143832-00144063 as i said for for us we are still cbLhf6PsKFQ-00536-00144064-00144302 learning and we are growing so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00537-00144303-00144543 learn and share cbLhf6PsKFQ-00538-00144544-00144759 you learn something you get something cbLhf6PsKFQ-00539-00144760-00144863 amazing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00540-00144864-00145071 don't forget to share around you and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00541-00145072-00145207 it's very important when i'm talking cbLhf6PsKFQ-00542-00145208-00145383 about learning cbLhf6PsKFQ-00543-00145384-00145639 because uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00544-00145640-00145999 it is a community if you uh you have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00545-00146000-00146095 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00546-00146096-00146326 an opportunity to learn someone try to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00547-00146327-00146575 make sure you share with your cbLhf6PsKFQ-00548-00146576-00146695 your cbLhf6PsKFQ-00549-00146696-00146975 teammates your friends hey guys cbLhf6PsKFQ-00550-00146976-00147190 i've noticed that there is a training a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00551-00147191-00147431 wikipedia training somewhere do you have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00552-00147432-00147566 time to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00553-00147567-00147678 take it cbLhf6PsKFQ-00554-00147679-00147911 it's very important you learn and you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00555-00147912-00148159 try to show you know something try to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00556-00148160-00148359 share with your mates try to show with cbLhf6PsKFQ-00557-00148360-00148590 the people around you try to share with cbLhf6PsKFQ-00558-00148591-00148775 the world cbLhf6PsKFQ-00559-00148776-00148983 don't forget to motivate cbLhf6PsKFQ-00560-00148984-00149159 and encourage cbLhf6PsKFQ-00561-00149160-00149335 it's very important cbLhf6PsKFQ-00562-00149336-00149590 uh if you want to be it won't still be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00563-00149591-00149678 easy cbLhf6PsKFQ-00564-00149679-00149935 trust me it will still be easy so you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00565-00149936-00150111 need motivation cbLhf6PsKFQ-00566-00150112-00150326 and you need to encourage cbLhf6PsKFQ-00567-00150327-00150487 motivate yourself cbLhf6PsKFQ-00568-00150488-00150735 remember your goal why do you did you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00569-00150736-00150966 study group why did you start a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00570-00150967-00151119 community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00571-00151120-00151407 stay motivated and try to motivate cbLhf6PsKFQ-00572-00151408-00151614 people sometimes people say okay i'm cbLhf6PsKFQ-00573-00151615-00151823 tired i wanna leave cbLhf6PsKFQ-00574-00151824-00152087 try to motivate and don't forget to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00575-00152088-00152326 encourage you can find people doing some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00576-00152327-00152631 amazing thing encourage cbLhf6PsKFQ-00577-00152632-00152854 support them cbLhf6PsKFQ-00578-00152855-00153126 tell them what to do better so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00579-00153127-00153543 motivation and encouragement is are very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00580-00153544-00153726 important cbLhf6PsKFQ-00581-00153727-00153990 communicate with the world cbLhf6PsKFQ-00582-00153991-00154407 it's very very important communication cbLhf6PsKFQ-00583-00154408-00154495 so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00584-00154496-00154839 you need to uh today we are cbLhf6PsKFQ-00585-00154840-00155054 living in a world where cbLhf6PsKFQ-00586-00155055-00155302 we can communicate we can reach to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00587-00155303-00155663 anyone in just a little second so don't cbLhf6PsKFQ-00588-00155664-00155775 forget cbLhf6PsKFQ-00589-00155776-00155926 to use cbLhf6PsKFQ-00590-00155927-00156111 communication channel cbLhf6PsKFQ-00591-00156112-00156431 that can help you be visible to the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00592-00156432-00156854 world because long time ago we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00593-00156855-00157087 we found that we were not communicating cbLhf6PsKFQ-00594-00157088-00157231 so uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00595-00157232-00157454 with the world we were just trying to to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00596-00157455-00157647 to write email cbLhf6PsKFQ-00597-00157648-00157902 emails for ourselves but for ourselves cbLhf6PsKFQ-00598-00157903-00157983 but cbLhf6PsKFQ-00599-00157984-00158254 not at all with the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00600-00158255-00158559 the words but afterwards we started we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00601-00158560-00158783 we did change this and it was very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00602-00158784-00159078 important for us to communicate and now cbLhf6PsKFQ-00603-00159079-00159335 uh people try to know about us now cbLhf6PsKFQ-00604-00159336-00159511 people try to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00605-00159512-00159847 understand what we are doing and so on cbLhf6PsKFQ-00606-00159848-00160111 and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00607-00160112-00160399 reach out to people to guide you and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00608-00160400-00160511 help you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00609-00160512-00160726 it's very important to reach out to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00610-00160727-00161078 people to guide you and to help you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00611-00161079-00161302 for mentorship cbLhf6PsKFQ-00612-00161303-00161663 it's very important cbLhf6PsKFQ-00613-00161664-00161871 be patient cbLhf6PsKFQ-00614-00161872-00162143 very very important be patient with cbLhf6PsKFQ-00615-00162144-00162390 yourself cbLhf6PsKFQ-00616-00162391-00162631 i've talked too much about many things cbLhf6PsKFQ-00617-00162632-00162951 so far but you need to be very very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00618-00162952-00163319 patient because it won't still be easy cbLhf6PsKFQ-00619-00163320-00163487 as you might think it won't still be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00620-00163488-00163743 easy as you might uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00621-00163744-00163935 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00622-00163936-00164159 expect so be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00623-00164160-00164375 very patient with yourself cbLhf6PsKFQ-00624-00164376-00164599 so that it can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00625-00164600-00164847 you can you will find the results of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00626-00164848-00165111 what you want cbLhf6PsKFQ-00627-00165112-00165295 so there are some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00628-00165296-00165607 things that you should avoid cbLhf6PsKFQ-00629-00165608-00165975 because here i've give i've cbLhf6PsKFQ-00630-00165976-00166214 discussed too much about some piece of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00631-00166215-00166399 device cbLhf6PsKFQ-00632-00166400-00166759 pieces of some piece of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00633-00166760-00167087 not so advice style you can use but here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00634-00167088-00167319 there are things that you need to avoid cbLhf6PsKFQ-00635-00167320-00167863 if you want your community move forward cbLhf6PsKFQ-00636-00167864-00168119 the first thing that i've noticed that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00637-00168120-00168414 is you should avoid to be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00638-00168415-00168671 the only guy cbLhf6PsKFQ-00639-00168672-00168919 to do everything cbLhf6PsKFQ-00640-00168920-00169007 no cbLhf6PsKFQ-00641-00169008-00169135 remember cbLhf6PsKFQ-00642-00169136-00169407 it's a community project it's a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00643-00169408-00169863 community so everyone needs to be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00644-00169864-00170135 in the loop everyone needs to be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00645-00170136-00170390 in the project you you're not going to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00646-00170391-00170543 do everything cbLhf6PsKFQ-00647-00170544-00170807 you'll be tired my friends cbLhf6PsKFQ-00648-00170808-00171159 try to associate everyone try to share cbLhf6PsKFQ-00649-00171160-00171502 among you try to show tasks say god can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00650-00171503-00171751 you do this can you try to do this at cbLhf6PsKFQ-00651-00171752-00171831 all cbLhf6PsKFQ-00652-00171832-00172047 because if you try to put everything on cbLhf6PsKFQ-00653-00172048-00172407 your head hey guys i'm i'm sorry you'll cbLhf6PsKFQ-00654-00172408-00172823 be tired so it's very important that you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00655-00172824-00173031 try to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00656-00173032-00173143 to show cbLhf6PsKFQ-00657-00173144-00173678 to avoid to do everything no it's not so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00658-00173679-00173838 quite easy cbLhf6PsKFQ-00659-00173839-00174126 to do so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00660-00174127-00174254 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00661-00174255-00174566 another thing is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00662-00174567-00174878 you should avoid cbLhf6PsKFQ-00663-00174879-00175143 not to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00664-00175144-00175407 not trusting cbLhf6PsKFQ-00665-00175408-00175814 others cbLhf6PsKFQ-00666-00175815-00176007 it is a community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00667-00176008-00176223 good people so it's very important that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00668-00176224-00176366 you trust cbLhf6PsKFQ-00669-00176367-00176654 two people around you it's very very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00670-00176655-00176863 important so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00671-00176864-00177175 don't forget to don't don't forget to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00672-00177176-00177414 trust your teammate don't forget to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00673-00177415-00177687 trust your friends and so it's a very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00674-00177688-00177838 very important cbLhf6PsKFQ-00675-00177839-00178111 and the last points uh when i was cbLhf6PsKFQ-00676-00178112-00178278 thinking is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00677-00178279-00178766 about cbLhf6PsKFQ-00678-00178767-00179271 is about cbLhf6PsKFQ-00679-00179272-00179719 being condescending or imposing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00680-00179720-00179887 being condescending cbLhf6PsKFQ-00681-00179888-00180359 or imposing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00682-00180360-00181095 that that things cbLhf6PsKFQ-00683-00181096-00181631 you should not uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00684-00181632-00181975 you should avoid cbLhf6PsKFQ-00685-00181976-00182548 i was saying cbLhf6PsKFQ-00686-00182549-00183135 [Music] cbLhf6PsKFQ-00687-00183136-00183414 okay i think that you can hear me cbLhf6PsKFQ-00688-00183415-00183511 well cbLhf6PsKFQ-00689-00183512-00183902 and now to discuss about the future cbLhf6PsKFQ-00690-00183903-00184126 then i'll discuss about our future and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00691-00184127-00184295 so on so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00692-00184296-00184566 we have discussed so far about the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00693-00184567-00184790 a little history of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00694-00184791-00184951 the group cbLhf6PsKFQ-00695-00184952-00185271 and uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00696-00185272-00185414 we've seen cbLhf6PsKFQ-00697-00185415-00185775 the present where we are now cbLhf6PsKFQ-00698-00185776-00185966 and uh some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00699-00185967-00186287 amazing things that we learned so far uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00700-00186288-00186471 that was uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00701-00186472-00186687 very important and we tried to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00702-00186688-00186878 i tried to share with you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00703-00186879-00187126 what we learned so far so that you can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00704-00187127-00187366 get inspiration what worked for us and i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00705-00187367-00187735 think it can also work for you so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00706-00187736-00187838 now cbLhf6PsKFQ-00707-00187839-00188159 what is the future the future of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00708-00188160-00188926 the user group in the country cbLhf6PsKFQ-00709-00188927-00189287 the first thing we want is to be present cbLhf6PsKFQ-00710-00189288-00189638 and more visible in the world country cbLhf6PsKFQ-00711-00189639-00189983 this is what we want to be visible in cbLhf6PsKFQ-00712-00189984-00190199 the whole trc cbLhf6PsKFQ-00713-00190200-00190414 everywhere you go they talk about cbLhf6PsKFQ-00714-00190415-00190687 wikimedia dlc that's what we are trying cbLhf6PsKFQ-00715-00190688-00190926 to work with uh some guys cbLhf6PsKFQ-00716-00190927-00191159 it's not that easy but we are trying cbLhf6PsKFQ-00717-00191160-00191319 we're trying so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00718-00191320-00191471 a future goal cbLhf6PsKFQ-00719-00191472-00191647 uh we need it cbLhf6PsKFQ-00720-00191648-00191807 when you travel everywhere in the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00721-00191808-00191950 country cbLhf6PsKFQ-00722-00191951-00192159 when you speak you reach out to someone cbLhf6PsKFQ-00723-00192160-00192559 you say hey do you know wikimedia drc cbLhf6PsKFQ-00724-00192560-00192647 yes cbLhf6PsKFQ-00725-00192648-00192854 it is what we want cbLhf6PsKFQ-00726-00192855-00193054 and then cbLhf6PsKFQ-00727-00193055-00193350 we need support we need the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00728-00193351-00193519 patience cbLhf6PsKFQ-00729-00193520-00193607 because cbLhf6PsKFQ-00730-00193608-00193919 i told you patience is very important cbLhf6PsKFQ-00731-00193920-00194038 and then cbLhf6PsKFQ-00732-00194039-00194287 we try to trust each other cbLhf6PsKFQ-00733-00194288-00194631 and little by little we'll become big cbLhf6PsKFQ-00734-00194632-00194926 and big cbLhf6PsKFQ-00735-00194927-00195199 uh another goal future goal is to be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00736-00195200-00195566 incorporated as a national non-profit we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00737-00195567-00195759 are already working on this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00738-00195760-00195983 on by laws and so on cbLhf6PsKFQ-00739-00195984-00196087 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00740-00196088-00196302 we at the beginning we were trying to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00741-00196303-00196671 think of just a little local city cbLhf6PsKFQ-00742-00196672-00196759 but cbLhf6PsKFQ-00743-00196760-00197014 afterwards we said no as we are cbLhf6PsKFQ-00744-00197015-00197319 available in more than three cbLhf6PsKFQ-00745-00197320-00197647 city cities already so we need to do cbLhf6PsKFQ-00746-00197648-00197878 an incorporation of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00747-00197879-00198150 a national incorporation so that we can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00748-00198151-00198223 be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00749-00198224-00198399 uh free to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00750-00198400-00198502 work cbLhf6PsKFQ-00751-00198503-00198799 everywhere in the country so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00752-00198800-00198935 we have to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00753-00198936-00199278 think about it to work again hard cbLhf6PsKFQ-00754-00199279-00199407 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00755-00199408-00199519 remember cbLhf6PsKFQ-00756-00199520-00199847 it's important to we need time cbLhf6PsKFQ-00757-00199848-00200214 to work on but i think that so it's a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00758-00200215-00200295 very cbLhf6PsKFQ-00759-00200296-00200495 it's a future cbLhf6PsKFQ-00760-00200496-00200654 a future cbLhf6PsKFQ-00761-00200655-00200863 go and uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00762-00200864-00201143 amazing community around in drc i want cbLhf6PsKFQ-00763-00201144-00201231 you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00764-00201232-00201831 to help so that we can be incorporated cbLhf6PsKFQ-00765-00201832-00202054 wiki media can be available where you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00766-00202055-00202407 are if you in this talk try to reach out cbLhf6PsKFQ-00767-00202408-00202663 uh be available so that we can run some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00768-00202664-00202902 activities so that we can make uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00769-00202903-00203135 wikipedia we can media available in your cbLhf6PsKFQ-00770-00203136-00203278 city and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00771-00203279-00203447 in the whole country cbLhf6PsKFQ-00772-00203448-00203695 and the last uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00773-00203696-00204038 amazing thing that we are thinking of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00774-00204039-00204359 is to organize a national cbLhf6PsKFQ-00775-00204360-00204759 or even a great lake wiki conference so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00776-00204760-00205055 we'd like to have uh something national cbLhf6PsKFQ-00777-00205056-00205351 say with the conference dlc where we can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00778-00205352-00205590 try we can invite people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00779-00205591-00205710 from cbLhf6PsKFQ-00780-00205711-00205958 many cities in the country or cbLhf6PsKFQ-00781-00205959-00206294 we can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00782-00206296-00206503 the conference i think that i don't know cbLhf6PsKFQ-00783-00206504-00206775 if people from burundi are here or cbLhf6PsKFQ-00784-00206776-00207038 rwanda because the great la wheat lake cbLhf6PsKFQ-00785-00207039-00207231 is a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00786-00207232-00207358 burundi cbLhf6PsKFQ-00787-00207359-00207662 rwanda and democratic republic of congo cbLhf6PsKFQ-00788-00207663-00207975 so we'd like to have uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00789-00207976-00208231 a wiki conference for great lake uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00790-00208232-00208503 great lake so it should be amazing we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00791-00208504-00208751 are trying uh we started to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00792-00208752-00209079 to discuss with the community from cbLhf6PsKFQ-00793-00209080-00209238 burundi cbLhf6PsKFQ-00794-00209239-00209398 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00795-00209400-00209566 to see how they can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00796-00209567-00209751 we can help so that they can be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00797-00209752-00210087 recognized it's very important for us cbLhf6PsKFQ-00798-00210088-00210279 because if we have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00799-00210280-00210991 a an official with media community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00800-00210992-00211327 burundi should be interesting for us and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00801-00211328-00211671 even apart from burundi we can also have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00802-00211671-00211879 a wikimedia community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00803-00211880-00212094 in rwanda we are trying to reach out to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00804-00212096-00212479 people in rwanda so if you guys are here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00805-00212480-00212782 reach out ask questions and we gonna cbLhf6PsKFQ-00806-00212783-00213182 help so that you can have a cbLhf6PsKFQ-00807-00213183-00213487 community and so that we can run a great cbLhf6PsKFQ-00808-00213488-00213782 lake wiki conference so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00809-00213783-00213934 these are some cbLhf6PsKFQ-00810-00213935-00214246 future goals that we have in our the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00811-00214248-00214439 user group and i think cbLhf6PsKFQ-00812-00214440-00214742 if you have a user group in your city or cbLhf6PsKFQ-00813-00214744-00215039 sorry your your country try to think of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00814-00215040-00215279 a great goals you might have in the the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00815-00215280-00215431 future in cbLhf6PsKFQ-00816-00215432-00215719 two years or five years cbLhf6PsKFQ-00817-00215719-00215903 what will be cbLhf6PsKFQ-00818-00215904-00216015 the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00819-00216016-00216351 uh the goals so these are our three main cbLhf6PsKFQ-00820-00216352-00216558 goals and uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00821-00216559-00216798 i can't thank you so much i thank you so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00822-00216800-00216919 much for cbLhf6PsKFQ-00823-00216919-00217103 attending the session i thank you so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00824-00217104-00217463 much for your attention to my session cbLhf6PsKFQ-00825-00217464-00217775 so what can you get cbLhf6PsKFQ-00826-00217776-00218023 what things i want you to understand in cbLhf6PsKFQ-00827-00218023-00218215 this presentation because i've discussed cbLhf6PsKFQ-00828-00218216-00218351 about main thing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00829-00218352-00218694 in short in this discussion in this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00830-00218696-00219094 presentation i wanted you to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00831-00219096-00219382 get our experience to get inspiration cbLhf6PsKFQ-00832-00219383-00219887 from us and to build your own community cbLhf6PsKFQ-00833-00219888-00220103 to build your strong cbLhf6PsKFQ-00834-00220104-00220398 your strong community this uh this is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00835-00220400-00220775 what i want to by sharing this so you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00836-00220776-00220903 we try to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00837-00220904-00221231 to navigate everything from the country cbLhf6PsKFQ-00838-00221232-00221551 what we've done so far and where we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00839-00221552-00221806 where we come from where we are where cbLhf6PsKFQ-00840-00221807-00222063 are we going what what what lessons we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00841-00222064-00222342 learned on the way and so on we try to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00842-00222344-00222503 share with you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00843-00222504-00222687 all those amazing things cbLhf6PsKFQ-00844-00222688-00223023 guys here people from africa even from cbLhf6PsKFQ-00845-00223023-00223255 the world with millions from the world cbLhf6PsKFQ-00846-00223256-00223551 we need your your help you can see here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00847-00223552-00223967 we don't have so many communities cbLhf6PsKFQ-00848-00223967-00224334 can you see so i i'd be happy that after cbLhf6PsKFQ-00849-00224335-00224655 this talk after this presentation cbLhf6PsKFQ-00850-00224656-00224951 we can start building communities in cbLhf6PsKFQ-00851-00224952-00225287 those countries remaining countries here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00852-00225288-00225382 so that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00853-00225383-00225767 after five years i can see this map i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00854-00225767-00226079 can have another look on this map so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00855-00226080-00226398 it's very important for me to see uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00856-00226400-00226703 this uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00857-00226704-00227063 in five years if i can see uh this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00858-00227064-00227494 all green or even blue because guys from cbLhf6PsKFQ-00859-00227496-00227758 code devoir guys from cbLhf6PsKFQ-00860-00227759-00228055 nigeria and so on we want you we want cbLhf6PsKFQ-00861-00228056-00228215 you guys to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00862-00228216-00228351 uh to help cbLhf6PsKFQ-00863-00228352-00228575 so that we can have chapters so that we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00864-00228576-00228671 can have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00865-00228671-00229046 user groups recognized by the foundation cbLhf6PsKFQ-00866-00229048-00229319 it's amazing so i can't thank you so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00867-00229319-00229742 much for all what you've done so far cbLhf6PsKFQ-00868-00229744-00229991 it's amazing it's very important for me cbLhf6PsKFQ-00869-00229992-00230023 to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00870-00230025-00230167 [Music] cbLhf6PsKFQ-00871-00230167-00230287 to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00872-00230288-00230471 share with you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00873-00230471-00230942 thank you uh now uh if you got questions cbLhf6PsKFQ-00874-00230944-00231142 if you want to reach out to us you can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00875-00231144-00231382 find our mailing list though cbLhf6PsKFQ-00876-00231383-00231631 we are on twitter too you can reach out cbLhf6PsKFQ-00877-00231632-00231975 to us and we can speak we can share and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00878-00231976-00232223 so on so thank you for joining this cbLhf6PsKFQ-00879-00232223-00232327 session cbLhf6PsKFQ-00880-00232328-00232482 now if you have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00881-00232483-00234446 questions over to you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00882-00234448-00234982 now i can see some questions cbLhf6PsKFQ-00883-00234983-00235639 the first one is cbLhf6PsKFQ-00884-00235640-00236031 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00885-00236032-00236567 can you hear me i cannot no no cbLhf6PsKFQ-00886-00236569-00236719 [Music] cbLhf6PsKFQ-00887-00236719-00236942 yeah the first question i don't know or cbLhf6PsKFQ-00888-00236944-00237231 is nixon mukoku means to be here with cbLhf6PsKFQ-00889-00237232-00237398 you abe cbLhf6PsKFQ-00890-00237400-00237631 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00891-00237632-00237863 not at all i don't i i cbLhf6PsKFQ-00892-00237864-00238255 we didn't discuss that i could join me cbLhf6PsKFQ-00893-00238256-00238679 in this session cbLhf6PsKFQ-00894-00238680-00238775 okay cbLhf6PsKFQ-00895-00238776-00239119 say that we can just wait for people to cbLhf6PsKFQ-00896-00239119-00239246 in case cbLhf6PsKFQ-00897-00239248-00239879 there might be some questions cbLhf6PsKFQ-00898-00239880-00240391 i don't see questions from people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00899-00240392-00240710 let me just see questions from people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00900-00240711-00240967 what do they say cbLhf6PsKFQ-00901-00240967-00241223 can you tell us oh okay cbLhf6PsKFQ-00902-00241223-00241415 oh i'm here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00903-00241416-00241575 thank you amir cbLhf6PsKFQ-00904-00241576-00241791 for joining the session and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00905-00241792-00242158 i i i know that i mean did help us also cbLhf6PsKFQ-00906-00242159-00242551 for local languages so as i can see here cbLhf6PsKFQ-00907-00242552-00242710 can you tell us cbLhf6PsKFQ-00908-00242711-00242982 about the local language of your country cbLhf6PsKFQ-00909-00242983-00243167 lingala congo cbLhf6PsKFQ-00910-00243167-00243287 chiloba cbLhf6PsKFQ-00911-00243288-00243423 etc cbLhf6PsKFQ-00912-00243423-00243719 how much are they used online how much cbLhf6PsKFQ-00913-00243719-00243942 do people read wikipedia cbLhf6PsKFQ-00914-00243944-00244158 yeah cbLhf6PsKFQ-00915-00244159-00244375 okay cbLhf6PsKFQ-00916-00244376-00244687 yes thank you ami for the the question cbLhf6PsKFQ-00917-00244688-00244846 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00918-00244848-00245082 let me see the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00919-00245083-00245351 question i want to see cbLhf6PsKFQ-00920-00245352-00245567 yeah about local cbLhf6PsKFQ-00921-00245567-00245710 local languages cbLhf6PsKFQ-00922-00245711-00245958 we have uh four main local languages as cbLhf6PsKFQ-00923-00245959-00246255 amir has just written them we have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00924-00246256-00246719 lingala swahili chiluba kikongo so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00925-00246719-00246894 on internet uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00926-00246896-00247055 people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00927-00247056-00247255 are using mainly french cbLhf6PsKFQ-00928-00247256-00247487 and sometimes english but mainly french cbLhf6PsKFQ-00929-00247488-00247582 on cbLhf6PsKFQ-00930-00247583-00247887 internet for research cbLhf6PsKFQ-00931-00247888-00248198 for official communication and so on but cbLhf6PsKFQ-00932-00248200-00248534 on social media people are using uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00933-00248535-00248742 whatever language they want so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00934-00248744-00249103 uh as lingala is uh the language from cbLhf6PsKFQ-00935-00249104-00249223 the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00936-00249223-00249542 the capital city so people try to use it cbLhf6PsKFQ-00937-00249544-00249719 more lingala cbLhf6PsKFQ-00938-00249719-00250015 and beats uh swahili cbLhf6PsKFQ-00939-00250016-00250191 people are using cbLhf6PsKFQ-00940-00250192-00250551 and uh kikongos cbLhf6PsKFQ-00941-00250552-00250846 yes they are spoken to on the media cbLhf6PsKFQ-00942-00250848-00251230 they use it because every day you have cbLhf6PsKFQ-00943-00251231-00251719 a new uh news in those four languages so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00944-00251719-00251942 these are cbLhf6PsKFQ-00945-00251944-00252071 the use of cbLhf6PsKFQ-00946-00252071-00252455 the language in the city cbLhf6PsKFQ-00947-00252456-00252679 the second question cbLhf6PsKFQ-00948-00252680-00253327 is from cbLhf6PsKFQ-00949-00253328-00253606 how many members do you have in the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00950-00253607-00253751 group okay cbLhf6PsKFQ-00951-00253752-00253967 my psych oh thank you cbLhf6PsKFQ-00952-00253967-00254151 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00953-00254152-00254300 from the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00954-00254301-00254446 [Music] cbLhf6PsKFQ-00955-00254448-00254551 the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00956-00254552-00254798 what's up group because what's up is the cbLhf6PsKFQ-00957-00254800-00254942 war people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00958-00254944-00255182 are cbLhf6PsKFQ-00959-00255183-00255415 well active people are joining i can say cbLhf6PsKFQ-00960-00255416-00255551 because cbLhf6PsKFQ-00961-00255552-00255655 we cbLhf6PsKFQ-00962-00255656-00255830 can have the mailing list people can cbLhf6PsKFQ-00963-00255831-00255934 join but cbLhf6PsKFQ-00964-00255935-00256182 the most active of them cbLhf6PsKFQ-00965-00256183-00256446 try to join whatsapp group so whatsapp cbLhf6PsKFQ-00966-00256448-00256919 group we are around uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00967-00256919-00257006 yes cbLhf6PsKFQ-00968-00257007-00257351 around cbLhf6PsKFQ-00969-00257352-00257479 50 cbLhf6PsKFQ-00970-00257480-00257775 40 or 50 on whatsapp whatsapp group and cbLhf6PsKFQ-00971-00257776-00258079 sometimes we use telegram but among all cbLhf6PsKFQ-00972-00258080-00258167 those cbLhf6PsKFQ-00973-00258167-00258446 40 or 50 people cbLhf6PsKFQ-00974-00258448-00258639 the most active cbLhf6PsKFQ-00975-00258640-00258767 are cbLhf6PsKFQ-00976-00258767-00258855 not cbLhf6PsKFQ-00977-00258856-00259158 more than 10 because sometimes you see cbLhf6PsKFQ-00978-00259159-00259391 people try to contribute cbLhf6PsKFQ-00979-00259392-00259606 so many people contributing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00980-00259607-00259823 and then uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00981-00259823-00259975 apart from that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00982-00259976-00260119 you'll see that cbLhf6PsKFQ-00983-00260119-00260319 in some periods they don't contribute cbLhf6PsKFQ-00984-00260319-00260575 they are not active anymore so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00985-00260576-00260742 the most active cbLhf6PsKFQ-00986-00260744-00261079 of us are less than 20 yeah sorry 10 cbLhf6PsKFQ-00987-00261080-00261246 less than 10. cbLhf6PsKFQ-00988-00261248-00261334 so cbLhf6PsKFQ-00989-00261335-00261791 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00990-00261792-00262199 thank you for your question uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00991-00262200-00262423 what has been the strategy to maintain cbLhf6PsKFQ-00992-00262424-00262582 new volunteer cbLhf6PsKFQ-00993-00262583-00262703 aside cbLhf6PsKFQ-00994-00262704-00263223 offering words of encouragement cbLhf6PsKFQ-00995-00263224-00263439 okay i can see that the timing cbLhf6PsKFQ-00996-00263440-00263647 the discussion is more interesting for cbLhf6PsKFQ-00997-00263648-00264015 me the strategy to maintain uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-00998-00264016-00264223 it's not easy let me tell you the truth cbLhf6PsKFQ-00999-00264224-00264567 it's not that easy to maintain volunteer cbLhf6PsKFQ-01000-00264568-00264671 uh cbLhf6PsKFQ-01001-00264672-00264999 creating awareness in the wiki wikimedia cbLhf6PsKFQ-01002-00265000-00265223 movement is not that easy so what we've cbLhf6PsKFQ-01003-00265224-00265471 done so far apart from encouragement we cbLhf6PsKFQ-01004-00265472-00265703 were trying to we tried to cbLhf6PsKFQ-01005-00265704-00265863 to give cbLhf6PsKFQ-01006-00265864-00266063 our to our some cbLhf6PsKFQ-01007-00266064-00266415 internet packages to people cbLhf6PsKFQ-01008-00266416-00266623 if you for instance in the month we see cbLhf6PsKFQ-01009-00266624-00266847 that you you've done a lot of cbLhf6PsKFQ-01010-00266848-00266991 in terms of cbLhf6PsKFQ-01011-00266992-00267375 edits you can say okay you have this cbLhf6PsKFQ-01012-00267376-00267482 internet cbLhf6PsKFQ-01013-00267483-00267799 package that's so i can help you cbLhf6PsKFQ-01014-00267800-00268447 thank you cbLhf6PsKFQ-01015-00268448-00268809 very much cbLhf6PsKFQ-01016-00268810-00269799 [Music] cbLhf6PsKFQ-01017-00269800-00270007 you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00000-00000084-00000311 welcome to epicenter the show which cdR7Z6EVTDI-00001-00000312-00000478 talks about the Technologies projects cdR7Z6EVTDI-00002-00000479-00000647 and people driving decentralization and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00003-00000648-00000844 the blockchain revolution I'm Frederica cdR7Z6EVTDI-00004-00000846-00001085 hands and I'm here with meheroy today cdR7Z6EVTDI-00005-00001086-00001289 we're speaking with Lawrence iron and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00006-00001290-00001427 Vince adviser who are respectively cdR7Z6EVTDI-00007-00001428-00001721 stewards of longevity deal flow cdR7Z6EVTDI-00008-00001722-00001901 um at Vita Dao and the ecosystem need cdR7Z6EVTDI-00009-00001902-00002249 that molecule metadatao is a Dao whose cdR7Z6EVTDI-00010-00002250-00002483 goal it is to promote longevity research cdR7Z6EVTDI-00011-00002484-00002758 we had Vita Dao on a while back together cdR7Z6EVTDI-00012-00002759-00003118 with its sister project molecule which cdR7Z6EVTDI-00013-00003119-00003583 is an nftip project targeting targeting cdR7Z6EVTDI-00014-00003584-00003875 pharmaceutical researchers we're cdR7Z6EVTDI-00015-00003876-00004072 interested in the larger DSi landscape cdR7Z6EVTDI-00016-00004073-00004295 today and hope Lawrence and Vincent can cdR7Z6EVTDI-00017-00004296-00004522 lay this out for us and we'll also hear cdR7Z6EVTDI-00018-00004523-00004888 about what's new at Vita so before we cdR7Z6EVTDI-00019-00004889-00005122 talk with Lawrence and Vincent and let cdR7Z6EVTDI-00020-00005123-00005345 me tell you about our sponsor this week cdR7Z6EVTDI-00021-00005346-00005561 Omni is your new favorite multi-chain cdR7Z6EVTDI-00022-00005562-00005801 Mobile Wallet Omni supports more than 25 cdR7Z6EVTDI-00023-00005802-00006011 protocols so you can manage all of your cdR7Z6EVTDI-00024-00006012-00006220 assets in one place but what's really cdR7Z6EVTDI-00025-00006221-00006413 special about Omni is what you can do cdR7Z6EVTDI-00026-00006414-00006677 inside the wallet want to get here Omni cdR7Z6EVTDI-00027-00006678-00006887 allows you to get the best apis with cdR7Z6EVTDI-00028-00006888-00007164 zero fees in three tabs need to swap cdR7Z6EVTDI-00029-00007165-00007456 Omni Aggregates on major Bridges indexes cdR7Z6EVTDI-00030-00007458-00007642 so you can bridge and swap across all cdR7Z6EVTDI-00031-00007643-00007841 supported networks in one transaction cdR7Z6EVTDI-00032-00007842-00008207 live nfts Omni offers the broadest nft cdR7Z6EVTDI-00033-00008208-00008410 support of any wallet so you can collect cdR7Z6EVTDI-00034-00008411-00008627 manage your favorite nfts across all cdR7Z6EVTDI-00035-00008628-00008807 chains in one place cdR7Z6EVTDI-00036-00008808-00009023 Omni truly is the easiest way to use cdR7Z6EVTDI-00037-00009024-00009274 web3 and it's fully self-custodial cdR7Z6EVTDI-00038-00009275-00009442 meaning you never have to trust anyone cdR7Z6EVTDI-00039-00009443-00009653 with your assets other than yourself of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00040-00009654-00009863 course and they support Ledger give it a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00041-00009864-00010360 try at Fantastic Lawrence and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00042-00010361-00010546 Vincent it's a pleasure to have you guys cdR7Z6EVTDI-00043-00010547-00010685 on cdR7Z6EVTDI-00044-00010686-00010877 um before we kind of dive into this cdR7Z6EVTDI-00045-00010878-00011171 entire longevity and Desai cdR7Z6EVTDI-00046-00011172-00011392 um topic give us some background on cdR7Z6EVTDI-00047-00011393-00011621 yourselves cdR7Z6EVTDI-00048-00011622-00011896 thanks for having us pick a fan of the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00049-00011897-00012088 epicenter podcast cdR7Z6EVTDI-00050-00012089-00012388 um yeah so my maybe the my background is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00051-00012389-00012628 basically just like entering kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00052-00012629-00012952 early in in the building of like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00053-00012953-00013247 websites and startups in my teens and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00054-00013247-00013529 then I think discovering ethereum in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00055-00013530-00013853 2015 or 16 and actually being mainly cdR7Z6EVTDI-00056-00013854-00014141 excited really by this idea of the Dao cdR7Z6EVTDI-00057-00014141-00014393 like I discovered and heard of Bitcoin cdR7Z6EVTDI-00058-00014394-00014555 before from France but it didn't really cdR7Z6EVTDI-00059-00014556-00014753 capture me as much as cdR7Z6EVTDI-00060-00014754-00014957 um this possibility of of kind of like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00061-00014958-00015215 adapts built on ethereum such as the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00062-00015216-00015353 dial cdR7Z6EVTDI-00063-00015354-00015575 um so explored that into much more depth cdR7Z6EVTDI-00064-00015576-00015688 and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00065-00015690-00015880 um then build like a ethereum cdR7Z6EVTDI-00066-00015881-00016049 decentralized exchange called text cdR7Z6EVTDI-00067-00016050-00016319 balloon 2017 and Export also kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00068-00016319-00016475 like the D5 space and actually at the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00069-00016476-00016750 same time also um try to figure out like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00070-00016751-00016925 what are different ways to have the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00071-00016926-00017093 biggest impact and explore different cdR7Z6EVTDI-00072-00017094-00017386 areas from effective altruism to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00073-00017387-00017615 um like Ai and other areas but really um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00074-00017616-00017933 also deeply got into longevity research cdR7Z6EVTDI-00075-00017934-00018155 went to conferences and read up on a lot cdR7Z6EVTDI-00076-00018156-00018253 of books cdR7Z6EVTDI-00077-00018254-00018707 to get into it and while my focus was cdR7Z6EVTDI-00078-00018708-00018857 mainly on more like the product design cdR7Z6EVTDI-00079-00018858-00019072 and software side I I wanted to kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00080-00019073-00019307 Leverage it for good and and to advance cdR7Z6EVTDI-00081-00019308-00019649 science so I actually met in uh Paul and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00082-00019650-00020011 Tyler who were at the time in 201 cdR7Z6EVTDI-00083-00020012-00020279 building out molecule as kind of like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00084-00020280-00020464 the marketplace fund research and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00085-00020465-00020717 there's a pnft Marketplace and at the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00086-00020718-00020879 time they already had explored a lot of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00087-00020880-00021047 experiments like bonding curves for cdR7Z6EVTDI-00088-00021048-00021172 science funding and a bunch of other cdR7Z6EVTDI-00089-00021173-00021480 things and shared with me also the idea cdR7Z6EVTDI-00090-00021481-00021935 of Vita Dao so kind of like using this cdR7Z6EVTDI-00091-00021936-00022097 mechanism of dials to fund research cdR7Z6EVTDI-00092-00022098-00022300 which really sticked with me I actually cdR7Z6EVTDI-00093-00022301-00022463 funnily enough like a year before tried cdR7Z6EVTDI-00094-00022464-00022780 to register uh and and but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00095-00022781-00022985 I didn't have 30 more people cdR7Z6EVTDI-00096-00022986-00023213 um to kick-start it with but then with cdR7Z6EVTDI-00097-00023214-00023380 Paul and Tyler I was really excited to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00098-00023381-00023585 join them and many other stewards and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00099-00023586-00023855 people that came together uh yeah to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00100-00023856-00024071 initiate this experiment cdR7Z6EVTDI-00101-00024072-00024228 um yeah so then I get involved into cdR7Z6EVTDI-00102-00024229-00024557 helping create beta Dao with many others cdR7Z6EVTDI-00103-00024558-00024869 and um yeah now I'm leading ecosystem cdR7Z6EVTDI-00104-00024870-00025144 efforts as well at molecule and really cdR7Z6EVTDI-00105-00025145-00025397 helping the Vita dial for X so the Vita cdR7Z6EVTDI-00106-00025398-00025625 dial for Women's Health for climate cdR7Z6EVTDI-00107-00025626-00026014 research for other research areas to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00108-00026016-00026368 thrive so that's kind of like a short cdR7Z6EVTDI-00109-00026369-00026590 intro about myself cdR7Z6EVTDI-00110-00026591-00026873 maybe before we kind of cross over to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00111-00026874-00027089 you Lawrence Vincent you're a young guy cdR7Z6EVTDI-00112-00027089-00027293 you're in your 20s what kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00113-00027294-00027568 attracted you to longevity research cdR7Z6EVTDI-00114-00027569-00027827 because kind of kind of dying for people cdR7Z6EVTDI-00115-00027827-00028090 our age usually seems really long way cdR7Z6EVTDI-00116-00028091-00028307 off right cdR7Z6EVTDI-00117-00028308-00028540 yeah I think like the the easiest way I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00118-00028541-00028774 think to to describe it I think is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00119-00028775-00028967 actually probably from like my even cdR7Z6EVTDI-00120-00028968-00029212 grandparents generation like to see them cdR7Z6EVTDI-00121-00029213-00029501 like increasingly deteriorate and and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00122-00029502-00029705 suffer and really like not being able to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00123-00029706-00029885 live anymore really like like being in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00124-00029886-00030089 old people's home having dementia of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00125-00030089-00030346 course dying um uh like at some point cdR7Z6EVTDI-00126-00030347-00030712 from age-related diseases and and I just cdR7Z6EVTDI-00127-00030713-00030874 realized I think was like subconscious cdR7Z6EVTDI-00128-00030875-00031139 at first that like that it doesn't seem cdR7Z6EVTDI-00129-00031139-00031270 really right that you're like suffering cdR7Z6EVTDI-00130-00031272-00031517 for like 20 30 years and are not able to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00131-00031518-00031708 really participate in society cdR7Z6EVTDI-00132-00031710-00031823 um and I think it's like very obvious cdR7Z6EVTDI-00133-00031824-00031967 for people that like solving cancer cdR7Z6EVTDI-00134-00031968-00032183 Alzheimer like all these things is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00135-00032183-00032362 extremely important and it wasn't cdR7Z6EVTDI-00136-00032363-00032596 obvious to me at the time that like uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-00137-00032597-00032867 there's actually like a more neglected cdR7Z6EVTDI-00138-00032868-00033155 and underappreciated way to treat these cdR7Z6EVTDI-00139-00033156-00033395 age-related diseases which is trying to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00140-00033396-00033593 tackle the root causes of those diseases cdR7Z6EVTDI-00141-00033594-00033851 so actually um yeah discovered also some cdR7Z6EVTDI-00142-00033852-00034085 books and I think actually by kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00143-00034086-00034385 like getting into the weeds of like okay cdR7Z6EVTDI-00144-00034386-00034618 what what is the biggest ways to improve cdR7Z6EVTDI-00145-00034619-00034840 um Humanity like longevity stick out as cdR7Z6EVTDI-00146-00034841-00035002 one of the biggest cdR7Z6EVTDI-00147-00035003-00035224 um yeah potential opportunities to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00148-00035225-00035423 really improve health in a more radical cdR7Z6EVTDI-00149-00035424-00035681 and groundbreaking fundamental way cdR7Z6EVTDI-00150-00035682-00035993 instead of treating cancer once it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00151-00035994-00036167 there I want to make sure I never get cdR7Z6EVTDI-00152-00036168-00036346 cancer or every anyone else for that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00153-00036347-00036455 matter so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00154-00036456-00036646 um yeah that was kind of like my driver cdR7Z6EVTDI-00155-00036647-00036935 into longevity and actually it was cdR7Z6EVTDI-00156-00036936-00037193 funnily enough when I reflected on it cdR7Z6EVTDI-00157-00037194-00037373 um also folks like vitalik and the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00158-00037374-00037540 crypto people really getting into it cdR7Z6EVTDI-00159-00037541-00037793 kind of like in intensified even the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00160-00037794-00038009 interest because that made it for me um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00161-00038010-00038218 yeah more even more obvious that it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00162-00038219-00038459 something to uh yeah look into more cdR7Z6EVTDI-00163-00038460-00038680 deeply cdR7Z6EVTDI-00164-00038681-00038987 why do you think longevity research cdR7Z6EVTDI-00165-00038988-00039335 societally somewhat stigmatized right so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00166-00039336-00039479 basically if you say you're a cancer cdR7Z6EVTDI-00167-00039480-00039646 researcher you know obviously that's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00168-00039647-00039802 fantastic if you're you're an cdR7Z6EVTDI-00169-00039803-00039995 Alzheimer's research obviously that's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00170-00039996-00040217 also fantastic your diabetes researcher cdR7Z6EVTDI-00171-00040218-00040487 go for it but it's basically if if you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00172-00040488-00040787 say I'm I'm a longevity researcher cdR7Z6EVTDI-00173-00040788-00041105 people usually assume your crackpot who cdR7Z6EVTDI-00174-00041106-00041285 kind of things you know people should cdR7Z6EVTDI-00175-00041286-00041561 live forever and never die and kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00176-00041562-00041759 like I mean it's it's kind of it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00177-00041760-00042168 almost esoteric in a way right cdR7Z6EVTDI-00178-00042169-00042437 totally yeah I think the the main thing cdR7Z6EVTDI-00179-00042438-00042761 like my explanation for it is uh of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00180-00042762-00042899 course that it's like a communication cdR7Z6EVTDI-00181-00042900-00043096 problem also by the people who really cdR7Z6EVTDI-00182-00043097-00043283 embrace it and then drive home this cdR7Z6EVTDI-00183-00043284-00043487 Narrative of like hey we want to live to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00184-00043488-00043618 A Thousand Years like I've heard from cdR7Z6EVTDI-00185-00043619-00043889 many people uh especially awesome crypto cdR7Z6EVTDI-00186-00043890-00044135 say which I think is not wrong but it of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00187-00044136-00044339 course gives the wrong impression to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00188-00044340-00044608 most uh people and I think it's also of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00189-00044609-00044789 course media driving home and narrative cdR7Z6EVTDI-00190-00044790-00044999 that is the divisive and kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00191-00045000-00045185 populist of like yeah billionaires want cdR7Z6EVTDI-00192-00045186-00045395 to live forever and this and that and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00193-00045396-00045629 ultimately I think it's it's not really cdR7Z6EVTDI-00194-00045630-00045839 true in a sense that like ultimately cdR7Z6EVTDI-00195-00045840-00046073 even if like a Jeff business is funding cdR7Z6EVTDI-00196-00046074-00046367 research in that space like uh everyone cdR7Z6EVTDI-00197-00046368-00046565 would benefit from that research in the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00198-00046566-00046727 same way as if you funds cancer research cdR7Z6EVTDI-00199-00046728-00046865 and no one would have a problem if he cdR7Z6EVTDI-00200-00046866-00047002 solves cancer cdR7Z6EVTDI-00201-00047003-00047249 um and I think yeah it's ultimately I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00202-00047250-00047423 think a media thing but also that the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00203-00047424-00047549 community is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00204-00047550-00047723 um especially early on really embraced cdR7Z6EVTDI-00205-00047724-00048017 this Narrative of like living to 500 to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00206-00048018-00048274 a thousand so like being Immortal which cdR7Z6EVTDI-00207-00048275-00048467 of course doesn't stick well which I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00208-00048468-00048611 think probably even has some complex cdR7Z6EVTDI-00209-00048612-00048857 like religious Roots like no one of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00210-00048858-00049018 course would say today like hey we cdR7Z6EVTDI-00211-00049019-00049157 should only live to 50 because that's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00212-00049158-00049451 what we used to live to uh 100 or 200 cdR7Z6EVTDI-00213-00049452-00049643 years ago everyone thinks it's normal to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00214-00049644-00049871 live to 90 so I think it's yeah I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00215-00049872-00050152 kind of like anchoring bias to the um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00216-00050153-00050399 what's known today but also a bit of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00217-00050400-00050662 Like A coping mechanism with okay like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00218-00050663-00050885 uh looking death into the eye well I'll cdR7Z6EVTDI-00219-00050886-00051161 die with 90 can't be 100 or like under cdR7Z6EVTDI-00220-00051162-00051388 20. at the end it's just like a random cdR7Z6EVTDI-00221-00051389-00051557 number and I think like if one says okay cdR7Z6EVTDI-00222-00051558-00051785 like life is fun and good like why not cdR7Z6EVTDI-00223-00051786-00052090 have more healthy uh life I think is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00224-00052091-00052235 pretty obvious of course yes I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00225-00052236-00052571 also some misbelief or misconceptions on cdR7Z6EVTDI-00226-00052572-00052888 like hey even if people live healthy to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00227-00052889-00053111 90 that it's bad for the world it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00228-00053112-00053230 actually the best thing that could cdR7Z6EVTDI-00229-00053232-00053357 happen to the world because it's like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00230-00053358-00053525 one of the biggest expenses in our world cdR7Z6EVTDI-00231-00053526-00053741 is for their frailing Healthcare System cdR7Z6EVTDI-00232-00053741-00054016 for all societies uh like for example cdR7Z6EVTDI-00233-00054017-00054341 Japan released struggling with um like a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00234-00054341-00054616 very shifting demographic and I think in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00235-00054617-00054911 that sense it's like a very very obvious cdR7Z6EVTDI-00236-00054912-00055192 really good thing especially get for cdR7Z6EVTDI-00237-00055194-00055385 example everyone to live healthy to 90 cdR7Z6EVTDI-00238-00055386-00055613 but I think uh there's also like a shift cdR7Z6EVTDI-00239-00055614-00055979 now happening I think to an extent cdR7Z6EVTDI-00240-00055979-00056423 I can also say that um this Paradigm cdR7Z6EVTDI-00241-00056424-00056644 really makes sense to address the root cdR7Z6EVTDI-00242-00056645-00056909 cause of disease instead of what Pharma cdR7Z6EVTDI-00243-00056910-00057071 usually does which is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00244-00057072-00057304 symptom palliation cdR7Z6EVTDI-00245-00057305-00057497 um it's it's mostly been that so maybe cdR7Z6EVTDI-00246-00057498-00057761 except for antibiotics and and vaccines cdR7Z6EVTDI-00247-00057762-00058103 most therapies for diseases today don't cdR7Z6EVTDI-00248-00058104-00058282 actually address the root molecular cdR7Z6EVTDI-00249-00058283-00058453 cause of the disease cdR7Z6EVTDI-00250-00058454-00058691 so for example Alzheimer's drugs they cdR7Z6EVTDI-00251-00058691-00058954 just enhance cognitive function in the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00252-00058955-00059171 near term cardiovascular drugs like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00253-00059172-00059357 statins or blood pressure meds they cdR7Z6EVTDI-00254-00059358-00059530 don't address the root cause of vascular cdR7Z6EVTDI-00255-00059532-00059647 aging cdR7Z6EVTDI-00256-00059648-00059909 and so it's mostly been like damage cdR7Z6EVTDI-00257-00059910-00060082 control kind of cutting off the heads of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00258-00060083-00060382 the the ancient Greek Hydra you cut off cdR7Z6EVTDI-00259-00060383-00060725 its heads in in two one head and to grow cdR7Z6EVTDI-00260-00060726-00061019 back and it's like that with with aging cdR7Z6EVTDI-00261-00061020-00061307 and age-related diseases prevention is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00262-00061308-00061511 better than than symptom palliation cdR7Z6EVTDI-00263-00061512-00061697 right cdR7Z6EVTDI-00264-00061698-00061894 do you think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00265-00061895-00062111 um the entire cdR7Z6EVTDI-00266-00062112-00062476 um the entire ecosystem could kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00267-00062477-00062819 um benefit from a reframing from kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00268-00062820-00063191 living longer to you know living your cdR7Z6EVTDI-00269-00063191-00063419 full lifespan healthier because cdR7Z6EVTDI-00270-00063420-00063647 obviously no one wants to be old for a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00271-00063648-00063821 long time right because I mean as you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00272-00063822-00064121 said being old often sucks I mean so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00273-00064122-00064366 basically kind of you know deteriorating cdR7Z6EVTDI-00274-00064367-00064606 mental function kind of deteriorating cdR7Z6EVTDI-00275-00064607-00064930 Health it's it's not a piece of cake so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00276-00064932-00065176 I wouldn't so basically if you look at cdR7Z6EVTDI-00277-00065177-00065416 the average 95 year old I wouldn't want cdR7Z6EVTDI-00278-00065417-00065693 to be 95 for 50 years so basically it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00279-00065694-00065969 I want to be I mean I'm 36 now cdR7Z6EVTDI-00280-00065970-00066232 um I would like to be 36 for you know 50 cdR7Z6EVTDI-00281-00066233-00066509 more years and that would be awesome but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00282-00066510-00066761 do you think kind of reframing it that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00283-00066762-00067121 way might help cdR7Z6EVTDI-00284-00067122-00067355 definitely we I mean it's it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00285-00067356-00067511 decentralized right some people are cdR7Z6EVTDI-00286-00067512-00067691 framing it in certain ways some people cdR7Z6EVTDI-00287-00067692-00067919 are framing it in another way this is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00288-00067920-00068105 obviously a better framing to start with cdR7Z6EVTDI-00289-00068106-00068338 I think some people just like to catch cdR7Z6EVTDI-00290-00068339-00068482 that attention and say look we're gonna cdR7Z6EVTDI-00291-00068483-00068717 be immortal the first the person who cdR7Z6EVTDI-00292-00068718-00068993 lived to a thousand is born today and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00293-00068994-00069269 and kind of rising up some some cdR7Z6EVTDI-00294-00069270-00069406 interesting cdR7Z6EVTDI-00295-00069407-00069635 um just turning heads you know cdR7Z6EVTDI-00296-00069636-00069869 um so it's a lot of that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00297-00069870-00070085 um but yeah it totally makes sense and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00298-00070086-00070367 and people are usually okay with curing cdR7Z6EVTDI-00299-00070368-00070588 diseases you know they think oh curing cdR7Z6EVTDI-00300-00070589-00070793 cancer is great right but even if you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00301-00070794-00070919 cured every single type of cancer cdR7Z6EVTDI-00302-00070920-00071326 tomorrow uh that would only increase uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-00303-00071327-00071591 Health span or lifespan by about two to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00304-00071592-00071759 three years on a population level cdR7Z6EVTDI-00305-00071760-00071950 because all of these diseases cdR7Z6EVTDI-00306-00071951-00072271 grow up grow exponentially in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00307-00072272-00072497 incidents aging is an exponential cdR7Z6EVTDI-00308-00072498-00072653 process so if you're not going to get cdR7Z6EVTDI-00309-00072654-00072815 cancer or if you cure cancer then you're cdR7Z6EVTDI-00310-00072816-00072994 gonna get cardiovascular disease or cdR7Z6EVTDI-00311-00072995-00073229 diabetes or Alzheimer's or stroke and so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00312-00073230-00073379 on cdR7Z6EVTDI-00313-00073380-00073594 um but yeah like we try to to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00314-00073595-00073805 communicate it in in various ways but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00315-00073806-00073943 other people will communicate in other cdR7Z6EVTDI-00316-00073944-00074225 ways uh question is who gets more cdR7Z6EVTDI-00317-00074226-00074289 attention cdR7Z6EVTDI-00318-00074290-00074465 [Music] cdR7Z6EVTDI-00319-00074466-00074687 we got sidetracked a little bit here cdR7Z6EVTDI-00320-00074688-00074969 into this longevity narrative cdR7Z6EVTDI-00321-00074970-00075088 um Arc cdR7Z6EVTDI-00322-00075089-00075275 um Lawrence tell us about yourself cdR7Z6EVTDI-00323-00075276-00075653 before we kind of uh dive into uh the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00324-00075654-00076061 much larger landscape of Desai cdR7Z6EVTDI-00325-00076062-00076444 so the tldr on me is that I I want to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00326-00076445-00076523 help cdR7Z6EVTDI-00327-00076524-00076600 um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00328-00076601-00076943 work on Aging research and and establish cdR7Z6EVTDI-00329-00076944-00077176 this new medical Paradigm just like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00330-00077177-00077567 crypto is a is a new Financial Paradigm cdR7Z6EVTDI-00331-00077568-00077843 um because I love life and I don't think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00332-00077844-00078017 I'd really want to die as long as I'm cdR7Z6EVTDI-00333-00078018-00078149 healthy cdR7Z6EVTDI-00334-00078150-00078388 um so every year if I if I get to 99 and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00335-00078389-00078575 I'm healthy I probably want to be also cdR7Z6EVTDI-00336-00078576-00078899 100 and I wouldn't really think about it cdR7Z6EVTDI-00337-00078900-00079156 um for many hundreds of years because I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00338-00079157-00079409 think it's it's impossible to to predict cdR7Z6EVTDI-00339-00079410-00079793 how technology Singularity Humanity will cdR7Z6EVTDI-00340-00079794-00079985 look like more than 100 years in the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00341-00079986-00080129 future so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00342-00080130-00080273 um yeah just let's just focus on on cdR7Z6EVTDI-00343-00080274-00080681 health I I I you asked Vincent but I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00344-00080682-00081023 also unlike most young people I know cdR7Z6EVTDI-00345-00081024-00081275 what it feels like to to feel frail like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00346-00081276-00081443 like an old person cdR7Z6EVTDI-00347-00081444-00081737 um and not only cdR7Z6EVTDI-00348-00081738-00081967 um of course I also loved my my grandma cdR7Z6EVTDI-00349-00081968-00082444 and I I saw her suffer but um I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00350-00082445-00082594 personally also have had many health cdR7Z6EVTDI-00351-00082595-00082732 issues I've spent a lot of time in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00352-00082733-00082955 hospitals many surgeries cdR7Z6EVTDI-00353-00082956-00083105 so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00354-00083106-00083425 um I've always looked for Solutions cdR7Z6EVTDI-00355-00083426-00083717 becoming a doctor wasn't really one at cdR7Z6EVTDI-00356-00083718-00083911 least not for for me cdR7Z6EVTDI-00357-00083912-00084287 biotech wasn't initially an option and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00358-00084288-00084541 in Romania there wasn't much to do there cdR7Z6EVTDI-00359-00084542-00084769 but I was really good at science cdR7Z6EVTDI-00360-00084770-00085181 fashionable biology but also computer cdR7Z6EVTDI-00361-00085182-00085391 science math all of these things so I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00362-00085392-00085547 kind of went into that direction of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00363-00085548-00085799 doing practical things cdR7Z6EVTDI-00364-00085800-00086093 um then startups entrepreneurship cdR7Z6EVTDI-00365-00086094-00086249 um I think initially it was kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00366-00086250-00086393 glamorous and I wanted to prove cdR7Z6EVTDI-00367-00086394-00086603 something to to my my bullies want cdR7Z6EVTDI-00368-00086604-00086806 recognition but then cdR7Z6EVTDI-00369-00086807-00087112 um I uh kind of spent a time in a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00370-00087113-00087388 sabbatical and I had some Financial cdR7Z6EVTDI-00371-00087389-00087773 Freedom I had some I was investing and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00372-00087774-00088079 started uh investing in in biotech and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00373-00088080-00088325 Longevity startups as well cdR7Z6EVTDI-00374-00088326-00088535 um but also spend time on looking at cdR7Z6EVTDI-00375-00088536-00088787 existential risks uh improving The Human cdR7Z6EVTDI-00376-00088788-00089147 Condition AI safety AGI brain machine cdR7Z6EVTDI-00377-00089148-00089303 interfaces all of these things but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00378-00089304-00089482 ultimately none of this these cdR7Z6EVTDI-00379-00089483-00089638 existential risks or any of these cdR7Z6EVTDI-00380-00089639-00089944 Technologies seemed to be likely to to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00381-00089945-00090137 be a problem or or cdR7Z6EVTDI-00382-00090138-00090455 um to see the this amazing future in in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00383-00090456-00090809 my lifetime and aging is basically 100 cdR7Z6EVTDI-00384-00090810-00091175 gonna make us suffer and die and so I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00385-00091176-00091438 just didn't want to to have the same cdR7Z6EVTDI-00386-00091439-00091649 suffering and pain in the future when I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00387-00091650-00091750 would be old cdR7Z6EVTDI-00388-00091751-00092003 that I had when I was a kid cdR7Z6EVTDI-00389-00092004-00092375 um so yeah it just made sense to to work cdR7Z6EVTDI-00390-00092376-00092573 on this at least it helps the world cdR7Z6EVTDI-00391-00092574-00092855 medium term to to long term and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00392-00092856-00093137 potentially my own health as well and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00393-00093138-00093317 when aging isn't the biggest problem I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00394-00093318-00093538 definitely go on to make Humanity more cdR7Z6EVTDI-00395-00093539-00093785 resilient to help with existential risks cdR7Z6EVTDI-00396-00093786-00093947 Global or Galactic or whatever cdR7Z6EVTDI-00397-00093948-00094235 catastrophes I'm super excited to see cdR7Z6EVTDI-00398-00094236-00094403 the future cdR7Z6EVTDI-00399-00094404-00094565 um so right now the bottleneck in the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00400-00094566-00094768 longevity field which I think we should cdR7Z6EVTDI-00401-00094769-00094943 focus on more cdR7Z6EVTDI-00402-00094944-00095218 um is this diversity uh of startups it cdR7Z6EVTDI-00403-00095219-00095344 doesn't really exist I think there's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00404-00095345-00095585 enough billionaires and and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00405-00095586-00095897 um and funding to to invest in things at cdR7Z6EVTDI-00406-00095898-00096215 like the angel slash VC level cdR7Z6EVTDI-00407-00096216-00096550 um but they usually don't find things to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00408-00096551-00096773 enough startups to invest in that are cdR7Z6EVTDI-00409-00096774-00097073 that are credible and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00410-00097074-00097223 um they're kind of ending up putting cdR7Z6EVTDI-00411-00097224-00097456 money into these behemoths like Calico cdR7Z6EVTDI-00412-00097457-00097631 the Google Founders but a few billion in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00413-00097632-00097937 in Calico since 2013 and it gets like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00414-00097938-00098171 super bloated and bureaucratic cdR7Z6EVTDI-00415-00098172-00098531 um out of labs recently with Jeff Bezos cdR7Z6EVTDI-00416-00098532-00098693 um and um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00417-00098694-00098897 art Ventures and like super credible cdR7Z6EVTDI-00418-00098898-00099118 people from from Pharma cdR7Z6EVTDI-00419-00099119-00099293 um also three point something billion cdR7Z6EVTDI-00420-00099294-00099623 and many such uh even even Brian cdR7Z6EVTDI-00421-00099624-00099911 Armstrong started a smaller one and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00422-00099912-00100168 um there's a bunch of Mega startups um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00423-00100169-00100403 with a few hundred million and so on but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00424-00100404-00100655 vitadel can basically the reason I'm cdR7Z6EVTDI-00425-00100656-00100888 working on nvidad is because we can cdR7Z6EVTDI-00426-00100889-00101105 accelerate the research that would cdR7Z6EVTDI-00427-00101106-00101350 otherwise just be some some paper but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00428-00101351-00101705 would never become a like medicine cdR7Z6EVTDI-00429-00101706-00101891 um it we can sort of accelerate those cdR7Z6EVTDI-00430-00101892-00102041 create startups that wouldn't otherwise cdR7Z6EVTDI-00431-00102042-00102215 exist cdR7Z6EVTDI-00432-00102216-00102418 um and have this scalable Democratic cdR7Z6EVTDI-00433-00102419-00102634 participation it's it's really a new cdR7Z6EVTDI-00434-00102635-00102815 type of organization as you all know cdR7Z6EVTDI-00435-00102816-00103030 these these Taos cdR7Z6EVTDI-00436-00103031-00103216 um and I'm excited because we can be cdR7Z6EVTDI-00437-00103217-00103516 sort of a first order organization cdR7Z6EVTDI-00438-00103517-00103727 um potentially becoming as big and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00439-00103728-00103949 resourceful as a small country maybe it cdR7Z6EVTDI-00440-00103950-00104158 may be bigger and the will of the people cdR7Z6EVTDI-00441-00104159-00104308 cannot be stopped so if there's enough cdR7Z6EVTDI-00442-00104309-00104525 uh people and the more people sort of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00443-00104526-00104903 get bought into this new paradigm I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00444-00104904-00105023 think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00445-00105024-00105203 yeah the will of the people cannot be cdR7Z6EVTDI-00446-00105204-00105328 stopped so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00447-00105329-00105545 um this is I think the best way we can cdR7Z6EVTDI-00448-00105546-00105815 make sure that we can have an impact cdR7Z6EVTDI-00449-00105816-00106049 thank you Lawrence cdR7Z6EVTDI-00450-00106050-00106252 um so let's change gears and talk about cdR7Z6EVTDI-00451-00106253-00106534 Desai a little bit the idea for this cdR7Z6EVTDI-00452-00106535-00106804 episode kind of came from my attendance cdR7Z6EVTDI-00453-00106805-00107123 at DSi London earlier this year and I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00454-00107124-00107351 had I I told lots of people afterwards cdR7Z6EVTDI-00455-00107352-00107513 that I had gone to a fantastic cdR7Z6EVTDI-00456-00107514-00107878 conference about Desai and like 70 of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00457-00107879-00108113 the people even you know who are very cdR7Z6EVTDI-00458-00108114-00108371 much in the web 3 ecosystem cdR7Z6EVTDI-00459-00108372-00108616 um asked me what's Desai cdR7Z6EVTDI-00460-00108617-00108893 so DSi is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00461-00108894-00109216 um the much younger sibling to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00462-00109217-00109540 um well-established players like defy cdR7Z6EVTDI-00463-00109541-00109828 and D sock even if d-soc doesn't always cdR7Z6EVTDI-00464-00109829-00110027 go by that name but basically Tao cdR7Z6EVTDI-00465-00110028-00110327 Society has been uh Dow ecosystems have cdR7Z6EVTDI-00466-00110328-00110597 been around for a while so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00467-00110598-00110969 this is decentralized science but maybe cdR7Z6EVTDI-00468-00110970-00111173 question for you Vincent cdR7Z6EVTDI-00469-00111174-00111515 what in regular science requires cdR7Z6EVTDI-00470-00111516-00111863 disruption and where does the blockchain cdR7Z6EVTDI-00471-00111864-00112102 component come in to kind of make it cdR7Z6EVTDI-00472-00112103-00112360 decentralized cdR7Z6EVTDI-00473-00112361-00112625 that's a great question I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00474-00112626-00112810 um like one obvious answer I think like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00475-00112811-00112997 even with the other siblings like with cdR7Z6EVTDI-00476-00112998-00113147 decentralized finance and centralized cdR7Z6EVTDI-00477-00113148-00113315 Finance is of course like what's the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00478-00113316-00113501 problems in centralized science and I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00479-00113502-00113723 think there's multiples of one is of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00480-00113724-00113831 course cdR7Z6EVTDI-00481-00113832-00114034 um like very cdR7Z6EVTDI-00482-00114035-00114251 um kind of like funding bodies that are cdR7Z6EVTDI-00483-00114252-00114490 very bureaucratic like for example DNA cdR7Z6EVTDI-00484-00114491-00114640 in the US is like one of the biggest cdR7Z6EVTDI-00485-00114641-00114839 funding bodies it's like kind of like a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00486-00114840-00114995 monopoly on scientific funding cdR7Z6EVTDI-00487-00114996-00115325 especially outside the health space and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00488-00115326-00115445 um they of course have like similar cdR7Z6EVTDI-00489-00115446-00115751 mechanisms like most of the application cdR7Z6EVTDI-00490-00115752-00115925 processes for example take half a year cdR7Z6EVTDI-00491-00115926-00116140 like a very long time in a very cdR7Z6EVTDI-00492-00116141-00116339 bureaucratic and most people don't get cdR7Z6EVTDI-00493-00116340-00116602 funding at the end of it but spend weeks cdR7Z6EVTDI-00494-00116603-00116723 or months cdR7Z6EVTDI-00495-00116724-00116908 um preparing the applications waiting cdR7Z6EVTDI-00496-00116909-00117149 for an answer and even if they get the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00497-00117150-00117365 money they also oftentimes don't get the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00498-00117366-00117515 follow-up and not the incentives to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00499-00117516-00117707 actually succeed with the science the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00500-00117708-00117886 only thing that's really measured is um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00501-00117888-00118139 Publications and I think that's one cdR7Z6EVTDI-00502-00118140-00118325 component so it's like the issues in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00503-00118326-00118571 central funding of science then the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00504-00118572-00118907 issues of centralized publication and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00505-00118908-00119201 accurate like status of science so kind cdR7Z6EVTDI-00506-00119202-00119423 of like Central bodies like nature and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00507-00119424-00119597 other Publishers cdR7Z6EVTDI-00508-00119598-00119777 um centralizing the publishing of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00509-00119778-00120004 Science and gatekeeping of course some cdR7Z6EVTDI-00510-00120005-00120202 of the most groundbreaking signs so some cdR7Z6EVTDI-00511-00120203-00120490 of the leading signs that is now some of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00512-00120491-00120760 which were Nobel prizes like wasn't able cdR7Z6EVTDI-00513-00120761-00120965 to get published and it tells you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00514-00120966-00121186 something about of course the state of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00515-00121188-00121439 this gatekeeping that it's also a bit cdR7Z6EVTDI-00516-00121440-00121684 like can lead to group think and can cdR7Z6EVTDI-00517-00121685-00121865 have other issues and I'm not even cdR7Z6EVTDI-00518-00121866-00122069 saying that like centralized science cdR7Z6EVTDI-00519-00122070-00122243 doesn't have a place it's more of course cdR7Z6EVTDI-00520-00122244-00122419 about um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00521-00122420-00122639 acknowledging that like ultimately a lot cdR7Z6EVTDI-00522-00122640-00122831 of things could be done more effectively cdR7Z6EVTDI-00523-00122832-00123101 and in a more augment-free way in a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00524-00123102-00123304 decentralized fashion like in a similar cdR7Z6EVTDI-00525-00123305-00123443 sense I don't think like centralized cdR7Z6EVTDI-00526-00123444-00123658 finance will go away like the fed or cdR7Z6EVTDI-00527-00123659-00123916 like Central Banking will probably still cdR7Z6EVTDI-00528-00123917-00124121 be a thing for a while but ultimately cdR7Z6EVTDI-00529-00124122-00124295 there's huge value in in the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00530-00124296-00124469 decentralized side of things so I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00531-00124470-00124666 maybe to break it down concretely I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00532-00124667-00124858 think funding is one of the biggest ones cdR7Z6EVTDI-00533-00124859-00125008 and of course that we're directly for cdR7Z6EVTDI-00534-00125009-00125177 example tackling with video down cdR7Z6EVTDI-00535-00125178-00125315 molecule cdR7Z6EVTDI-00536-00125316-00125633 um publishing I think is like another cdR7Z6EVTDI-00537-00125633-00125801 um huge one where there's also of course cdR7Z6EVTDI-00538-00125802-00125969 a lot of issues with the centralization cdR7Z6EVTDI-00539-00125970-00126173 as mentioned then there's others like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00540-00126174-00126365 for example access to laboratory cdR7Z6EVTDI-00541-00126366-00126533 resources and infrastructure like it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00542-00126533-00126760 very hard for you and me and most people cdR7Z6EVTDI-00543-00126761-00127025 in the world to access the computational cdR7Z6EVTDI-00544-00127026-00127319 or laboratory infrastructures to do cdR7Z6EVTDI-00545-00127320-00127463 science cdR7Z6EVTDI-00546-00127464-00127625 um like it's also gate kept in that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00547-00127626-00127799 sense like you need a PhD you need to be cdR7Z6EVTDI-00548-00127800-00128116 at like a famous lab or something to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00549-00128117-00128297 even have access to the tools to do cdR7Z6EVTDI-00550-00128298-00128573 science like it's very not to be like um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00551-00128574-00128734 most places in the world and Practice cdR7Z6EVTDI-00552-00128735-00129028 Science it's it's very gate kept in that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00553-00129029-00129214 sense like it's ultimately I think the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00554-00129215-00129419 the most Stark I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00555-00129420-00129647 um information is to an extent of course cdR7Z6EVTDI-00556-00129648-00129869 that like only every thousands person is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00557-00129870-00130097 like a scientist and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00558-00130098-00130349 um so 99.99 of humanity can't cdR7Z6EVTDI-00559-00130350-00130493 participate in science like they can't cdR7Z6EVTDI-00560-00130494-00130649 participate in the funding of science cdR7Z6EVTDI-00561-00130650-00130901 they can't do and or execute science cdR7Z6EVTDI-00562-00130902-00131164 they can't easily publish signs because cdR7Z6EVTDI-00563-00131165-00131351 they don't have a PhD they don't have cdR7Z6EVTDI-00564-00131352-00131597 access to the labs so I think that's um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00565-00131598-00131861 like maybe the the most important point cdR7Z6EVTDI-00566-00131862-00132131 is that it's way too hard to participate cdR7Z6EVTDI-00567-00132132-00132316 in science for the majority of humanity cdR7Z6EVTDI-00568-00132317-00132649 and it's I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00569-00132650-00132887 as evident for example with startups cdR7Z6EVTDI-00570-00132888-00133043 it's important to have like the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00571-00133044-00133366 disruptors that um Can Happen like a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00572-00133367-00133721 kid's room or like in a garage where cdR7Z6EVTDI-00573-00133722-00134069 someone is just able to to um do signs cdR7Z6EVTDI-00574-00134070-00134339 for example or to participate in science cdR7Z6EVTDI-00575-00134340-00134519 um even if it's like just like one cdR7Z6EVTDI-00576-00134520-00134740 alternative for example uh for cdR7Z6EVTDI-00577-00134741-00134897 scientific funding for scientific cdR7Z6EVTDI-00578-00134898-00135125 publishing for scientific credentials cdR7Z6EVTDI-00579-00135126-00135352 and other aspects so I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00580-00135353-00135563 um increasingly it it is becoming an cdR7Z6EVTDI-00581-00135564-00135778 option also with the scientists we talk cdR7Z6EVTDI-00582-00135779-00135995 to there's still a lot of them are third cdR7Z6EVTDI-00583-00135996-00136169 universities and getting centralized cdR7Z6EVTDI-00584-00136170-00136343 sources of funding but we've been in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00585-00136344-00136552 sometimes like way quicker instead of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00586-00136553-00136702 taking half a year we took maybe one or cdR7Z6EVTDI-00587-00136703-00136852 two weeks of funding them or sometimes cdR7Z6EVTDI-00588-00136853-00137051 maybe a month uh we've been way more cdR7Z6EVTDI-00589-00137052-00137219 helpful at least what many of them said cdR7Z6EVTDI-00590-00137220-00137537 in really providing them with valuable cdR7Z6EVTDI-00591-00137538-00137728 feedback and information and helping cdR7Z6EVTDI-00592-00137729-00137981 them translate their research and like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00593-00137982-00138166 while they're kind of like the interest cdR7Z6EVTDI-00594-00138167-00138377 lands a bit flat with their normal cdR7Z6EVTDI-00595-00138378-00138569 research like no one really cares no one cdR7Z6EVTDI-00596-00138570-00138785 is really aware of their research with cdR7Z6EVTDI-00597-00138786-00138928 us they have like sometimes community of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00598-00138929-00139085 like five or ten thousand people that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00599-00139086-00139313 really follow their research engage with cdR7Z6EVTDI-00600-00139314-00139469 questions want to understand what cdR7Z6EVTDI-00601-00139470-00139595 they're researching which they also cdR7Z6EVTDI-00602-00139596-00139727 really Embrace cdR7Z6EVTDI-00603-00139728-00139937 um so I think that's just a few things cdR7Z6EVTDI-00604-00139938-00140213 but I think in general the main thing is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00605-00140214-00140411 that a lot of scientists also are very cdR7Z6EVTDI-00606-00140412-00140633 unhappy with the current system because cdR7Z6EVTDI-00607-00140634-00140914 it is so gate cap because there are you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00608-00140915-00141154 know many ways very underpaid and not cdR7Z6EVTDI-00609-00141155-00141383 fairly rewarded also for their work and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00610-00141384-00141719 because it's such a like long and hard cdR7Z6EVTDI-00611-00141720-00141959 process to to get to the other side of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00612-00141960-00142169 like a scientific discovery and it cdR7Z6EVTDI-00613-00142170-00142307 doesn't need to be I think to an extent cdR7Z6EVTDI-00614-00142308-00142697 so I think that's the yeah I think my cdR7Z6EVTDI-00615-00142698-00142883 thesis for why decentralized science is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00616-00142884-00143147 important and of course ultimately as a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00617-00143148-00143411 playground for novel experiments like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00618-00143412-00143543 for another experiments in science cdR7Z6EVTDI-00619-00143544-00143699 finding for another experiments in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00620-00143700-00144064 science publishing or in in novel forms cdR7Z6EVTDI-00621-00144065-00144323 of credentials and status and I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00622-00144324-00144545 all of those are important to also cdR7Z6EVTDI-00623-00144546-00144959 improve the centralized and old system cdR7Z6EVTDI-00624-00144960-00145193 I can also add about a problem that's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00625-00145194-00145535 maybe closer to people's everyday life cdR7Z6EVTDI-00626-00145536-00145745 um at the intersection of Science and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00627-00145746-00146033 Engineering a bit in medicine and also cdR7Z6EVTDI-00628-00146034-00146269 patriarchal government cdR7Z6EVTDI-00629-00146270-00146590 paternalistic sort of Nanny State I can cdR7Z6EVTDI-00630-00146591-00146957 give an example with clinical trials and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00631-00146958-00147352 and regulations of uh of drugs in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00632-00147353-00147443 general cdR7Z6EVTDI-00633-00147444-00147763 aging is not considered a disease cdR7Z6EVTDI-00634-00147764-00148097 and the same happened with birth control cdR7Z6EVTDI-00635-00148098-00148451 for example it wasn't women couldn't try cdR7Z6EVTDI-00636-00148452-00148699 the birth control pill because it wasn't cdR7Z6EVTDI-00637-00148700-00148901 considered a disease right so you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00638-00148902-00149099 couldn't have a drug for this and so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00639-00149100-00149471 they had to go and to try out the birth cdR7Z6EVTDI-00640-00149472-00149735 control pills in the 40s in in various cdR7Z6EVTDI-00641-00149736-00150107 um smaller countries that had lesser cdR7Z6EVTDI-00642-00150108-00150347 regulations and only after the the women cdR7Z6EVTDI-00643-00150348-00150599 sort of lobbied the government a lot cdR7Z6EVTDI-00644-00150600-00150869 after many years then the FDA also cdR7Z6EVTDI-00645-00150870-00151102 approved it in the US cdR7Z6EVTDI-00646-00151103-00151397 um you you may be a lot of you I super cdR7Z6EVTDI-00647-00151398-00151678 recommend watching Dallas Buyers Club as cdR7Z6EVTDI-00648-00151679-00151889 well uh talking about cdR7Z6EVTDI-00649-00151890-00152266 um HIV in the 90s 80s and 90s people had cdR7Z6EVTDI-00650-00152267-00152411 this terminal illness but they were not cdR7Z6EVTDI-00651-00152412-00152687 allowed to try some protein supplements cdR7Z6EVTDI-00652-00152688-00152902 or something the afda was like really cdR7Z6EVTDI-00653-00152903-00153113 trying to to be super paternalistic and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00654-00153114-00153245 not allow people that had a terminal cdR7Z6EVTDI-00655-00153246-00153509 disease to try something that wasn't cdR7Z6EVTDI-00656-00153510-00153671 approved cdR7Z6EVTDI-00657-00153672-00153959 um and they found ways with something cdR7Z6EVTDI-00658-00153960-00154181 that's not that dissimilar from a Dao a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00659-00154182-00154409 Dallas Buyers Club for example these cdR7Z6EVTDI-00660-00154410-00154619 people would sort of uh buy membership cdR7Z6EVTDI-00661-00154620-00154871 to a sort of club like tokens right and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00662-00154872-00155026 then they would get medicine for free so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00663-00155027-00155207 they weren't like technically selling cdR7Z6EVTDI-00664-00155208-00155416 the the drugs cdR7Z6EVTDI-00665-00155417-00155639 um which was the the issue with with cdR7Z6EVTDI-00666-00155640-00155885 selling drugs that were improved and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00667-00155886-00156235 many many such examples uh I would say cdR7Z6EVTDI-00668-00156236-00156533 moral failure of the the current system cdR7Z6EVTDI-00669-00156534-00156985 so the current system works by cdR7Z6EVTDI-00670-00156986-00157307 preventing people from making mistakes cdR7Z6EVTDI-00671-00157308-00157523 being super cdR7Z6EVTDI-00672-00157524-00157781 um careful but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00673-00157782-00158239 um nobody sees the risk in delaying cdR7Z6EVTDI-00674-00158240-00158633 access to life-saving medicine so the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00675-00158634-00158795 the status quo cdR7Z6EVTDI-00676-00158796-00159047 people are dying of terminal illnesses cdR7Z6EVTDI-00677-00159048-00159251 even with covet I can give an example cdR7Z6EVTDI-00678-00159252-00159473 right that if we had done challenge cdR7Z6EVTDI-00679-00159474-00159725 trials we could have saved potentially cdR7Z6EVTDI-00680-00159726-00159893 hundreds of thousands millions of lives cdR7Z6EVTDI-00681-00159894-00160193 but usually if something goes wrong and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00682-00160194-00160475 and 100 people die of of some side cdR7Z6EVTDI-00683-00160476-00160678 effects or there's some issue that's a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00684-00160679-00160925 tragedy but millions of people dying is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00685-00160926-00161219 just a statistic and the incentives are cdR7Z6EVTDI-00686-00161220-00161381 set up for Regulators they're they're cdR7Z6EVTDI-00687-00161382-00161689 good people they're trying to to help cdR7Z6EVTDI-00688-00161690-00162028 prevent issues and side effects and so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00689-00162029-00162316 on but they don't have an incentive to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00690-00162317-00162640 to look at effective cdR7Z6EVTDI-00691-00162641-00162959 an expected value cdR7Z6EVTDI-00692-00162960-00163223 I hear the argument I think kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00693-00163224-00163445 you're in danger of kind of veering off cdR7Z6EVTDI-00694-00163446-00163673 into utilitarianism there where cdR7Z6EVTDI-00695-00163674-00163901 basically you kind of just weigh how cdR7Z6EVTDI-00696-00163902-00164087 many lives on one side and how many cdR7Z6EVTDI-00697-00164088-00164290 lives on the other side and basically cdR7Z6EVTDI-00698-00164291-00164459 the Integrity of the person who kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00699-00164460-00164657 ends up making the decision cdR7Z6EVTDI-00700-00164658-00164878 um has no input or the way that people cdR7Z6EVTDI-00701-00164879-00165071 die because obviously you die of a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00702-00165072-00165359 natural disease this is not the same as cdR7Z6EVTDI-00703-00165360-00165616 dying in a clinical trial so those are cdR7Z6EVTDI-00704-00165617-00165863 very I mean I I know the outcome is the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00705-00165864-00166187 same but morally it feels very different cdR7Z6EVTDI-00706-00166188-00166481 to me so I kind of see why why this is cdR7Z6EVTDI-00707-00166482-00166793 why this hasn't been met with resistance cdR7Z6EVTDI-00708-00166794-00167189 so I understand people get covered cdR7Z6EVTDI-00709-00167190-00167428 anyway and so if with that's why I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00710-00167429-00167573 anyway I don't want to get it too much cdR7Z6EVTDI-00711-00167574-00167728 into challenge trials the pros and cons cdR7Z6EVTDI-00712-00167729-00167866 and so on but let's focus on like people cdR7Z6EVTDI-00713-00167867-00168119 who are terminally ill and and they have cdR7Z6EVTDI-00714-00168120-00168328 nothing to lose right uh why not let cdR7Z6EVTDI-00715-00168329-00168502 them make the decision and try some cdR7Z6EVTDI-00716-00168503-00168623 something cdR7Z6EVTDI-00717-00168624-00168839 yeah we had we had this discussion here cdR7Z6EVTDI-00718-00168840-00169085 in Germany probably like 10 years ago or cdR7Z6EVTDI-00719-00169086-00169397 so about legalizing marijuana cdR7Z6EVTDI-00720-00169398-00169613 um for for terminally ill people and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00721-00169614-00169787 then basically they were the the people cdR7Z6EVTDI-00722-00169788-00170045 who opposed this who said well it's a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00723-00170046-00170297 gateway drug and you know you know you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00724-00170298-00170585 you start taking marijuana and then you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00725-00170586-00170807 end up taking whatever but basically cdR7Z6EVTDI-00726-00170808-00171064 obviously for dying people this is this cdR7Z6EVTDI-00727-00171065-00171293 is I mean regardless of whether the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00728-00171294-00171514 gateway drug argument is good in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00729-00171515-00171743 principle or not for dying people it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00730-00171744-00171947 definitely not a good argument cdR7Z6EVTDI-00731-00171948-00172109 um I've kind of jotted down a couple of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00732-00172110-00172337 topics I kind of want to talk about in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00733-00172338-00172595 detail for decentralized science cdR7Z6EVTDI-00734-00172596-00172937 um namely their kind of funding widening cdR7Z6EVTDI-00735-00172938-00173243 participation so citizen scientists and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00736-00173244-00173428 so on publishing cdR7Z6EVTDI-00737-00173429-00173651 and then basically transitioning cdR7Z6EVTDI-00738-00173652-00174016 research from you know Labs into the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00739-00174017-00174209 actual applications and kind of looking cdR7Z6EVTDI-00740-00174210-00174502 at um the effect of patterns and patent cdR7Z6EVTDI-00741-00174503-00174713 laws those are kind of the major areas cdR7Z6EVTDI-00742-00174714-00174899 kind of that I jotted down cdR7Z6EVTDI-00743-00174900-00175204 um and I kind of want to talk about how cdR7Z6EVTDI-00744-00175205-00175516 um how blockchains and decentralized cdR7Z6EVTDI-00745-00175517-00175733 Technologies can help for each one of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00746-00175734-00175949 those but before we do that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00747-00175950-00176261 um I have like a higher level question cdR7Z6EVTDI-00748-00176262-00176423 um for which kind of scientific cdR7Z6EVTDI-00749-00176424-00176819 disciplines is DSi actually applicable cdR7Z6EVTDI-00750-00176820-00177088 right so basically say I'm by training cdR7Z6EVTDI-00751-00177089-00177449 I'm a physicist right so say I want to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00752-00177450-00177569 fund cdR7Z6EVTDI-00753-00177570-00177887 um LH the Large Hadron Collider too cdR7Z6EVTDI-00754-00177888-00178181 right so I I'll need several billion cdR7Z6EVTDI-00755-00178182-00178426 dollars probably won't fund that with a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00756-00178427-00178631 Dao so kind of what kind of scientific cdR7Z6EVTDI-00757-00178632-00178823 disciplines do you actually see as cdR7Z6EVTDI-00758-00178824-00179185 within the scope of DSi cdR7Z6EVTDI-00759-00179186-00179476 yeah I think it's a good question I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00760-00179477-00179704 ultimately I think it's in stages I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00761-00179705-00179857 think like long term cdR7Z6EVTDI-00762-00179858-00180088 potentially every area of science could cdR7Z6EVTDI-00763-00180089-00180263 be fun with it like one when they made a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00764-00180264-00180485 great point of like the different uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-00765-00180486-00180731 stairways of like an increase in public cdR7Z6EVTDI-00766-00180732-00180976 goods funding and and scientific funding cdR7Z6EVTDI-00767-00180977-00181138 that could happen via blockchains and I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00768-00181139-00181402 think it could rival uh those of nation cdR7Z6EVTDI-00769-00181403-00181631 states at some point and thus also take cdR7Z6EVTDI-00770-00181632-00181840 on those Mega projects I think to your cdR7Z6EVTDI-00771-00181841-00182057 point for now how I view it and we cdR7Z6EVTDI-00772-00182058-00182290 thought that was a great example is the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00773-00182291-00182459 smaller research projects with a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00774-00182460-00182651 extremely strong overlap with a crypto cdR7Z6EVTDI-00775-00182652-00182837 community's interest and I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00776-00182838-00182993 longevity is an interesting example cdR7Z6EVTDI-00777-00182994-00183281 because ultimately I think um as as cdR7Z6EVTDI-00778-00183282-00183485 Lauren said it's a new paradigm that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00779-00183486-00183713 resonates with people in crypto that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00780-00183714-00184007 also um view cryptos in your Paradigm to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00781-00184008-00184169 do things in a better like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00782-00184170-00184426 foundationally better way and I think in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00783-00184427-00184678 that sense those areas that are closest cdR7Z6EVTDI-00784-00184679-00185009 to the interest of um crypto people are cdR7Z6EVTDI-00785-00185010-00185225 probably those that um and are already cdR7Z6EVTDI-00786-00185226-00185393 those that are getting the most traction cdR7Z6EVTDI-00787-00185394-00185578 like longevity being a great example cdR7Z6EVTDI-00788-00185579-00185909 like most um people I can think of kind cdR7Z6EVTDI-00789-00185910-00186113 of like leading the crypto Revolution cdR7Z6EVTDI-00790-00186114-00186352 like have longevity as one of their core cdR7Z6EVTDI-00791-00186353-00186551 interests in the scientific sphere I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00792-00186552-00186743 think others are of course cdR7Z6EVTDI-00793-00186744-00186964 um other that are very close to the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00794-00186965-00187157 heart of many people like climate cdR7Z6EVTDI-00795-00187158-00187283 research for example being a good cdR7Z6EVTDI-00796-00187284-00187402 example cdR7Z6EVTDI-00797-00187403-00187711 um and then those um I think that are cdR7Z6EVTDI-00798-00187712-00187997 really tangible and almost like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00799-00187998-00188188 consumers maybe not the right word but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00800-00188189-00188459 that are very uh easy to understand for cdR7Z6EVTDI-00801-00188460-00188747 like a big part of people and I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00802-00188748-00188885 that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00803-00188886-00189083 um are able to also plug into some of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00804-00189084-00189431 the Native of course tools with um with cdR7Z6EVTDI-00805-00189432-00189701 crypto and capital formation being one cdR7Z6EVTDI-00806-00189702-00189904 end of course to your point it's still cdR7Z6EVTDI-00807-00189905-00190061 hard to raise like a billion dollars in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00808-00190062-00190264 crypto for like a wild scientific cdR7Z6EVTDI-00809-00190265-00190511 project that is can mainly be considered cdR7Z6EVTDI-00810-00190512-00190726 a donation like the Large Hadron cdR7Z6EVTDI-00811-00190727-00191009 Collider or other Mega projects in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00812-00191010-00191254 physics maybe so I do think that like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00813-00191255-00191554 the smaller uh check size let's say of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00814-00191555-00191885 donations and grants and um for example cdR7Z6EVTDI-00815-00191886-00192233 like with ipn FTS are already proving to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00816-00192234-00192419 be more successful and especially of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00817-00192420-00192611 course the research that can do a lot cdR7Z6EVTDI-00818-00192612-00192809 with a little but is still lacking the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00819-00192810-00193025 resources like ultimately I think the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00820-00193026-00193151 Large Hadron Collider of course got cdR7Z6EVTDI-00821-00193152-00193307 funded I think there's some amazing cdR7Z6EVTDI-00822-00193308-00193433 research you could do with like small cdR7Z6EVTDI-00823-00193434-00193601 amounts of money that a lot of people cdR7Z6EVTDI-00824-00193602-00193775 would want to fund but like that they cdR7Z6EVTDI-00825-00193776-00194009 don't have the access to fund and don't cdR7Z6EVTDI-00826-00194010-00194176 discover so I think there's a lot of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00827-00194177-00194297 that so I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00828-00194298-00194495 basically scientists with large cdR7Z6EVTDI-00829-00194496-00194675 audiences for example I think can tap cdR7Z6EVTDI-00830-00194676-00194914 into a bunch of crowdfunding methods cdR7Z6EVTDI-00831-00194915-00195125 crypto being I think one cdR7Z6EVTDI-00832-00195126-00195364 um interesting one so and I think it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00833-00195365-00195593 similarly of course for cdR7Z6EVTDI-00834-00195594-00195754 um other areas for example on publishing cdR7Z6EVTDI-00835-00195755-00195964 even cryptographic research and some of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00836-00195965-00196133 the research crypto projects so I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00837-00196134-00196373 obviously Reliance itself very well to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00838-00196374-00196709 be published and kind of like reviewed cdR7Z6EVTDI-00839-00196710-00196913 in very crypto native ways so there's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00840-00196914-00197087 actually some projects uh doing that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00841-00197088-00197364 kind of like exploring publishing of of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00842-00197365-00197621 Applied crypto research cdR7Z6EVTDI-00843-00197622-00197843 um with crypto tools and I think that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00844-00197844-00197993 will probably also be one of the first cdR7Z6EVTDI-00845-00197994-00198166 successful use cases of crypto cdR7Z6EVTDI-00846-00198167-00198364 publishing just because there's a very cdR7Z6EVTDI-00847-00198365-00198563 high overlap obviously of crypto people cdR7Z6EVTDI-00848-00198564-00198778 being eager to explore and dog food cdR7Z6EVTDI-00849-00198779-00198940 their own solutions to do their own cdR7Z6EVTDI-00850-00198941-00199193 research so I think but from there I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00851-00199194-00199378 expected to grow to kind of every area cdR7Z6EVTDI-00852-00199379-00199576 and of course a bit driven by the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00853-00199577-00199793 interest of the people that are cdR7Z6EVTDI-00854-00199794-00199954 participating cdR7Z6EVTDI-00855-00199955-00200104 um not only financially but also with cdR7Z6EVTDI-00856-00200105-00200393 their time so I think that it's kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00857-00200394-00200795 like my intuition cdR7Z6EVTDI-00858-00200796-00201076 so on a high level it makes sense if you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00859-00201077-00201311 look at the traditional Financial system cdR7Z6EVTDI-00860-00201312-00201557 the traditional Financial system does cdR7Z6EVTDI-00861-00201558-00201697 fund cdR7Z6EVTDI-00862-00201698-00201995 a lot of Biotech startups cdR7Z6EVTDI-00863-00201996-00202216 and actually the role of finances cdR7Z6EVTDI-00864-00202217-00202361 ultimately cdR7Z6EVTDI-00865-00202362-00202793 to you know allocate to allocate Human cdR7Z6EVTDI-00866-00202794-00203069 Resources productively and if it can be cdR7Z6EVTDI-00867-00203070-00203297 allocated towards science productively cdR7Z6EVTDI-00868-00203298-00203645 Financial Financial system will do it cdR7Z6EVTDI-00869-00203646-00203909 and in some way we can think of okay cdR7Z6EVTDI-00870-00203910-00204166 we're trying to develop cdR7Z6EVTDI-00871-00204167-00204454 um we have we have an emerging Financial cdR7Z6EVTDI-00872-00204455-00204749 system on our hands and Visa is the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00873-00204750-00204940 exploration of okay how can it be used cdR7Z6EVTDI-00874-00204941-00205312 to fund productive productive science cdR7Z6EVTDI-00875-00205313-00205553 could you tell us about some cdR7Z6EVTDI-00876-00205554-00206008 is there any early success story like uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-00877-00206009-00206371 that was able to do interesting science cdR7Z6EVTDI-00878-00206371-00206729 we're leveraging either the underlying cdR7Z6EVTDI-00879-00206730-00206927 blockchains in a special way or by cdR7Z6EVTDI-00880-00206928-00207190 leveraging the financial Primitives in a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00881-00207191-00207544 in a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00882-00207546-00207851 yeah I think of course we're biased um cdR7Z6EVTDI-00883-00207852-00208031 being heavily involved also in for cdR7Z6EVTDI-00884-00208032-00208294 example I think Vita Dao was definitely cdR7Z6EVTDI-00885-00208296-00208498 one of the first and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00886-00208500-00208744 um bigger successes I think in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00887-00208746-00208931 um on first side like raising the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00888-00208932-00209236 necessary Capital to fund research but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00889-00209237-00209471 also funding a broad variety of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00890-00209471-00209638 different research projects and trying cdR7Z6EVTDI-00891-00209639-00209842 out different mechanisms to fund cdR7Z6EVTDI-00892-00209844-00210089 research I think there's actually also a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00893-00210090-00210275 few others although I'm not sure if they cdR7Z6EVTDI-00894-00210276-00210515 they fully count into decentralized cdR7Z6EVTDI-00895-00210516-00210658 signs like the biggest that comes to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00896-00210659-00211031 mind was um this uh craze of Italy cdR7Z6EVTDI-00897-00211032-00211229 getting a lot of Shiva Inu coins and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00898-00211230-00211439 donating them to covert India's relief cdR7Z6EVTDI-00899-00211440-00211625 but also doing a lot of kind of fast cdR7Z6EVTDI-00900-00211626-00211901 grants via crypto with an organization cdR7Z6EVTDI-00901-00211902-00212105 called Baldi for covert research so I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00902-00212106-00212296 think they almost deployed like over 100 cdR7Z6EVTDI-00903-00212298-00212519 million or approximately 100 million cdR7Z6EVTDI-00904-00212519-00212801 into covert research and there's some cdR7Z6EVTDI-00905-00212802-00213023 good information on it if you search cdR7Z6EVTDI-00906-00213023-00213371 balvee I think on on video the earliest cdR7Z6EVTDI-00907-00213371-00213784 successes that I've seen is just in a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00908-00213785-00214115 very short amount of time giving the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00909-00214116-00214301 necessary resources to the researcher cdR7Z6EVTDI-00910-00214302-00214625 but also really having our community cdR7Z6EVTDI-00911-00214626-00214823 um to to give feedback and input on the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00912-00214823-00214960 researcher like a lot of the researchers cdR7Z6EVTDI-00913-00214961-00215206 had ideas but our community kind of like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00914-00215207-00215363 challenged their ideas gave feedback cdR7Z6EVTDI-00915-00215364-00215632 improved the ideas funded the research cdR7Z6EVTDI-00916-00215633-00215903 then the first results come back and and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00917-00215904-00216094 they are inconclusive or like they don't cdR7Z6EVTDI-00918-00216096-00216334 know what to do next and our community cdR7Z6EVTDI-00919-00216335-00216581 like looks deeply into it and comes up cdR7Z6EVTDI-00920-00216582-00216713 with another ideas and I think that's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00921-00216714-00216875 actually the power of decentralized cdR7Z6EVTDI-00922-00216876-00217158 Science in action is not like a siled cdR7Z6EVTDI-00923-00217159-00217510 isolated lab that where like might still cdR7Z6EVTDI-00924-00217511-00217721 be waiting for their cdR7Z6EVTDI-00925-00217721-00218015 um application in the traditional system cdR7Z6EVTDI-00926-00218016-00218213 where we already funded it half the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00927-00218214-00218453 first round of reviews re-evaluated the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00928-00218454-00218656 research already on onto the second cdR7Z6EVTDI-00929-00218657-00218908 round of research and I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00930-00218909-00219131 that's really the powers like this crowd cdR7Z6EVTDI-00931-00219132-00219317 intelligence to an extent like there's a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00932-00219317-00219587 great book on this uh by Michael Nielsen cdR7Z6EVTDI-00933-00219588-00219737 um I'm not sure if it's called networked cdR7Z6EVTDI-00934-00219738-00219851 science or something like this but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00935-00219852-00220042 basically making the point that this cdR7Z6EVTDI-00936-00220044-00220294 kind of um research cdR7Z6EVTDI-00937-00220296-00220577 um is much more likely to succeed uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-00938-00220578-00220775 even historically there's like many such cdR7Z6EVTDI-00939-00220776-00220894 cases cdR7Z6EVTDI-00940-00220896-00221110 um a very collaborative and open ways to cdR7Z6EVTDI-00941-00221111-00221182 call cdR7Z6EVTDI-00942-00221183-00221482 um yeah Advance the research so yeah but cdR7Z6EVTDI-00943-00221483-00221753 on on Vita dial uh on the website We cdR7Z6EVTDI-00944-00221754-00221879 have basically an overview of all the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00945-00221880-00222113 research projects and also sharing some cdR7Z6EVTDI-00946-00222114-00222425 of the project updates so that's like I cdR7Z6EVTDI-00947-00222426-00222592 think the best place with an overview of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00948-00222594-00222742 our concrete projects but I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-00949-00222744-00223001 there's also a few others cdR7Z6EVTDI-00950-00223002-00223277 so as a former scientist I can tell you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00951-00223278-00223571 one of the nightmares of a scientist in cdR7Z6EVTDI-00952-00223571-00223882 this day and age is being scooped so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00953-00223883-00224098 basically having someone else kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00954-00224100-00224410 publish the same research before you and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00955-00224411-00224717 if you think about it it actually speaks cdR7Z6EVTDI-00956-00224717-00225053 to a large degree of incentive cdR7Z6EVTDI-00957-00225054-00225305 misalignment right because if you look cdR7Z6EVTDI-00958-00225306-00225406 at cdR7Z6EVTDI-00959-00225407-00225587 um the incentives of the individual cdR7Z6EVTDI-00960-00225588-00225892 scientists and they don't line up with cdR7Z6EVTDI-00961-00225894-00226271 the incentives of you know science as a cdR7Z6EVTDI-00962-00226271-00226571 larger field so you you would think that cdR7Z6EVTDI-00963-00226571-00226775 um if someone something needs to be cdR7Z6EVTDI-00964-00226776-00226973 found out basically every everyone cdR7Z6EVTDI-00965-00226973-00227194 should benefit who've kind of who's cdR7Z6EVTDI-00966-00227196-00227369 working on this and shouldn't be like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00967-00227369-00227687 the first person to publish it in a you cdR7Z6EVTDI-00968-00227688-00227903 know in a notable Journal it should be cdR7Z6EVTDI-00969-00227904-00228329 everyone so how do you think DSi can cdR7Z6EVTDI-00970-00228330-00228671 kind of help break up this uh this cdR7Z6EVTDI-00971-00228671-00228910 incentive disalignment that we actually cdR7Z6EVTDI-00972-00228911-00229277 see a lot in traditional Academia cdR7Z6EVTDI-00973-00229278-00229571 totally I think the the one way is of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00974-00229571-00229655 course cdR7Z6EVTDI-00975-00229656-00229889 um to really have like cdR7Z6EVTDI-00976-00229890-00230003 um cleared cdR7Z6EVTDI-00977-00230004-00230213 um traces of like who contributed what cdR7Z6EVTDI-00978-00230214-00230339 and I think actually cryptographic cdR7Z6EVTDI-00979-00230340-00230603 proves um already are very good at doing cdR7Z6EVTDI-00980-00230604-00230705 so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00981-00230706-00230896 um for example there's a project we also cdR7Z6EVTDI-00982-00230898-00231106 Support called lateral for knowledge cdR7Z6EVTDI-00983-00231107-00231269 graphs and cdR7Z6EVTDI-00984-00231269-00231508 um basically you can submit knowledge cdR7Z6EVTDI-00985-00231509-00231791 and it's like every knowledge submission cdR7Z6EVTDI-00986-00231792-00231965 is written to the blockchain and has cdR7Z6EVTDI-00987-00231966-00232258 cryptographic proofs like your ens or cdR7Z6EVTDI-00988-00232259-00232469 Xerox address contributed this piece of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00989-00232469-00232655 knowledge and I think we we are working cdR7Z6EVTDI-00990-00232656-00233021 on on ways to do that in um also some of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00991-00233021-00233201 the more like research happening in the cdR7Z6EVTDI-00992-00233202-00233351 offline world of course like if someone cdR7Z6EVTDI-00993-00233352-00233555 researchers doing research address lab cdR7Z6EVTDI-00994-00233556-00233860 and shares his report and it's kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-00995-00233861-00234148 like still very manual and so cdR7Z6EVTDI-00996-00234150-00234394 um traditional but the goals of course cdR7Z6EVTDI-00997-00234396-00234671 um to bring more of that online and for cdR7Z6EVTDI-00998-00234671-00234929 example into Cloud labs and um more cdR7Z6EVTDI-00999-00234930-00235187 computational work where everyone's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01000-00235188-00235342 contributions are cdR7Z6EVTDI-01001-00235344-00235625 um accredited like where ultimately if I cdR7Z6EVTDI-01002-00235626-00235865 contribute this data set cdR7Z6EVTDI-01003-00235866-00236063 um it shows that I shared this data set cdR7Z6EVTDI-01004-00236064-00236189 but also maybe like other people cdR7Z6EVTDI-01005-00236190-00236398 contributed to that data set cdR7Z6EVTDI-01006-00236400-00236567 um and then you can just like see the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01007-00236567-00236873 whole chain of contributions and and for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01008-00236873-00237113 example also retroactively reward uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-01009-00237114-00237256 based on the contributions or give cdR7Z6EVTDI-01010-00237257-00237473 ownership in the research uh coming out cdR7Z6EVTDI-01011-00237473-00237641 at the other end based on the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01012-00237642-00237875 contributions and also evaluating the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01013-00237876-00238037 contributions so there's a lot of work cdR7Z6EVTDI-01014-00238038-00238198 being done on this cdR7Z6EVTDI-01015-00238200-00238348 um like another interesting project on cdR7Z6EVTDI-01016-00238350-00238553 this is for example hyper search which cdR7Z6EVTDI-01017-00238554-00238744 is giving these impact certificates to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01018-00238746-00238913 every contributor and then has also like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01019-00238914-00239141 an impact evaluator so they're kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01020-00239142-00239303 like also building this out in parallel cdR7Z6EVTDI-01021-00239304-00239519 I I think it's still early days and our cdR7Z6EVTDI-01022-00239519-00239723 goals are also to fully integrate this cdR7Z6EVTDI-01023-00239723-00240029 um into how we assign credit uh yeah to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01024-00240030-00240196 researchers but I think a lot of it is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01025-00240198-00240341 also needs to be figured out especially cdR7Z6EVTDI-01026-00240342-00240532 with the a lot of the real world cdR7Z6EVTDI-01027-00240533-00240767 research happening at Labs where it is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01028-00240767-00240875 not cdR7Z6EVTDI-01029-00240876-00241192 um digitally submitted every minute cdR7Z6EVTDI-01030-00241194-00241577 and um basically if you look at cdR7Z6EVTDI-01031-00241578-00241841 um the impact of widening participation cdR7Z6EVTDI-01032-00241842-00242039 so as you said cdR7Z6EVTDI-01033-00242040-00242237 um one in a thousand people worldwide as cdR7Z6EVTDI-01034-00242238-00242441 a scientist that's super interesting cdR7Z6EVTDI-01035-00242442-00242681 statistic do you think you actually need cdR7Z6EVTDI-01036-00242682-00242884 to gatekeep this in any way do you kind cdR7Z6EVTDI-01037-00242885-00243108 of need a reputation system for kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01038-00243109-00243371 contributing knowledge how do you make cdR7Z6EVTDI-01039-00243371-00243682 sure that there isn't too much noise for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01040-00243683-00243971 people to actually you know you know get cdR7Z6EVTDI-01041-00243971-00244241 a clear signal of what other relevant cdR7Z6EVTDI-01042-00244242-00244505 people are doing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01043-00244506-00244732 yeah I think ultimately it's a bit like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01044-00244733-00244882 with other things in the internet like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01045-00244883-00245141 an explosion of information needs like a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01046-00245142-00245321 better curation and better Discovery cdR7Z6EVTDI-01047-00245321-00245513 mechanisms to filter through the noise cdR7Z6EVTDI-01048-00245514-00245717 but I do think that like for example cdR7Z6EVTDI-01049-00245717-00245837 giving cdR7Z6EVTDI-01050-00245838-00246034 um people like having 100 times the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01051-00246035-00246215 amount of research might not lead to 100 cdR7Z6EVTDI-01052-00246216-00246437 times the impact but it will probably cdR7Z6EVTDI-01053-00246438-00246682 increase the impact if it's of similar cdR7Z6EVTDI-01054-00246683-00246953 quality and and of course also following cdR7Z6EVTDI-01055-00246954-00247265 novel directions of research that people cdR7Z6EVTDI-01056-00247266-00247403 in the traditional system might not have cdR7Z6EVTDI-01057-00247404-00247558 been able to follow so I think that's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01058-00247559-00247727 actually the main hope that ultimately cdR7Z6EVTDI-01059-00247728-00247979 very high risk High reward or very cdR7Z6EVTDI-01060-00247980-00248225 contrarian research might be more likely cdR7Z6EVTDI-01061-00248226-00248446 to be funded in a decentralized way and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01062-00248448-00248694 even having different cohorts of people cdR7Z6EVTDI-01063-00248696-00248921 fund the research or do the research cdR7Z6EVTDI-01064-00248921-00249082 will increase the diversity of the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01065-00249083-00249269 research funded and the ways it is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01066-00249269-00249610 funded so I think that's uh usually I cdR7Z6EVTDI-01067-00249611-00249803 think good I think you could see it of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01068-00249804-00249917 course with art that like the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01069-00249917-00250139 traditional artwork doesn't like what uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-01070-00250140-00250367 the crypto Hardware world is doing but I cdR7Z6EVTDI-01071-00250367-00250541 think it increases the diversity of Art cdR7Z6EVTDI-01072-00250542-00250763 and and the diversity of sources of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01073-00250764-00250882 funding for artists and I think it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01074-00250883-00251194 very similar for scientists cdR7Z6EVTDI-01075-00251196-00251563 Lawrence uh you you wanted to cover some cdR7Z6EVTDI-01076-00251564-00251765 examples of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01077-00251766-00251971 early early cdR7Z6EVTDI-01078-00251971-00252239 successes in designs cdR7Z6EVTDI-01079-00252240-00252394 could you could you give us some cdR7Z6EVTDI-01080-00252396-00252598 examples cdR7Z6EVTDI-01081-00252600-00252865 I think the the best way to look at it cdR7Z6EVTDI-01082-00252866-00253121 with how these I and why it's so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01083-00253121-00253289 important especially in longevity since cdR7Z6EVTDI-01084-00253290-00253594 it's so dismissed by the incumbents cdR7Z6EVTDI-01085-00253596-00253798 um I would say imagine if crypto had cdR7Z6EVTDI-01086-00253800-00254051 needed Government funding most research cdR7Z6EVTDI-01087-00254052-00254231 usually needs Government funding right cdR7Z6EVTDI-01088-00254232-00254465 it would never have happened you you cdR7Z6EVTDI-01089-00254466-00254656 need this sort of bottom-up approach you cdR7Z6EVTDI-01090-00254657-00254921 need the people to say we we want to do cdR7Z6EVTDI-01091-00254921-00255094 things this way we want to fund this cdR7Z6EVTDI-01092-00255096-00255298 crazy experiment uh we want to take cdR7Z6EVTDI-01093-00255300-00255556 higher risks instead of that that sort cdR7Z6EVTDI-01094-00255557-00255646 of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01095-00255648-00255832 um iterative process that usually cdR7Z6EVTDI-01096-00255833-00256042 happens in in science cdR7Z6EVTDI-01097-00256044-00256313 um so we at the least in crypto you had cdR7Z6EVTDI-01098-00256314-00256558 VCS private money cdR7Z6EVTDI-01099-00256559-00256775 um that could fund these companies but cdR7Z6EVTDI-01100-00256776-00256979 VCS can't really fund researchers before cdR7Z6EVTDI-01101-00256980-00257208 there's any IP before there is a company cdR7Z6EVTDI-01102-00257209-00257489 formed right so I think we funded about cdR7Z6EVTDI-01103-00257490-00257717 15 projects cdR7Z6EVTDI-01104-00257717-00257777 um cdR7Z6EVTDI-01105-00257778-00258071 and most of like or at least cdR7Z6EVTDI-01106-00258071-00258323 uh almost half of them I think wouldn't cdR7Z6EVTDI-01107-00258323-00258508 have happened cdR7Z6EVTDI-01108-00258509-00258791 um they were just academic researchers cdR7Z6EVTDI-01109-00258792-00258982 that had expertise in something but they cdR7Z6EVTDI-01110-00258983-00259121 were not starting companies they were cdR7Z6EVTDI-01111-00259121-00259325 not going to go raise VC funds they cdR7Z6EVTDI-01112-00259326-00259510 didn't have the IP so we gave them funds cdR7Z6EVTDI-01113-00259511-00259727 to create that so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01114-00259728-00260117 um I think if you look at the the ones cdR7Z6EVTDI-01115-00260117-00260555 funded in in Labs like um uh Newcastle cdR7Z6EVTDI-01116-00260556-00260806 by Victor coralchuk and Washington cdR7Z6EVTDI-01117-00260807-00261125 University in in the US Jonathan and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01118-00261126-00261294 Oslo University cdR7Z6EVTDI-01119-00261296-00261451 evanderfang cdR7Z6EVTDI-01120-00261452-00261713 these projects have been advancing quite cdR7Z6EVTDI-01121-00261714-00262044 a lot they've now built ipe most of them cdR7Z6EVTDI-01122-00262046-00262306 apoptosense as well and and so some of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01123-00262307-00262432 them are ready to be spun out into cdR7Z6EVTDI-01124-00262433-00262625 startups and then you can get cdR7Z6EVTDI-01125-00262626-00262945 traditional angels and VCS involved cdR7Z6EVTDI-01126-00262946-00263243 so we're gonna have the first three spin cdR7Z6EVTDI-01127-00263244-00263543 outs I think this year stay tuned on on cdR7Z6EVTDI-01128-00263544-00263830 all of that we've deployed about 4 cdR7Z6EVTDI-01129-00263831-00264275 million into the projects far and with cdR7Z6EVTDI-01130-00264276-00264545 all funded by cdR7Z6EVTDI-01131-00264546-00264629 um cdR7Z6EVTDI-01132-00264630-00264971 initially we had this auction for anyone cdR7Z6EVTDI-01133-00264972-00265205 to be able to bid and buy the Vita cdR7Z6EVTDI-01134-00265206-00265487 tokens and that's how uh got born in cdR7Z6EVTDI-01135-00265488-00265745 June 2021 and then we also had strategic cdR7Z6EVTDI-01136-00265746-00265860 contributors cdR7Z6EVTDI-01137-00265861-00266171 that are more institutional big Pharma cdR7Z6EVTDI-01138-00266172-00266477 like Pfizer crypto VCS some some cdR7Z6EVTDI-01139-00266478-00266698 individuals like Balaji srinivasan and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01140-00266699-00266863 [Music] cdR7Z6EVTDI-01141-00266864-00267160 or retro bio which is also a longevity cdR7Z6EVTDI-01142-00267161-00267467 company just kind of expanding the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01143-00267468-00267658 network of Vita dial to institutions as cdR7Z6EVTDI-01144-00267659-00267941 well but mostly I think there's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01145-00267942-00268234 um kind of bottom-up funds cdR7Z6EVTDI-01146-00268235-00268306 um cdR7Z6EVTDI-01147-00268307-00268595 and they're ready to be deployed in in cdR7Z6EVTDI-01148-00268596-00268895 things that would otherwise not happen cdR7Z6EVTDI-01149-00268896-00269147 as fast and also some things that are cdR7Z6EVTDI-01150-00269148-00269284 safer you know Partnerships with cdR7Z6EVTDI-01151-00269285-00269537 existing companies and so on and if you cdR7Z6EVTDI-01152-00269538-00269860 want I can also go into some of the the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01153-00269861-00270058 cool aspects of each project but I don't cdR7Z6EVTDI-01154-00270059-00270269 know if we have time for that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01155-00270270-00270515 let me maybe uh dig in here a little bit cdR7Z6EVTDI-01156-00270516-00270599 more cdR7Z6EVTDI-01157-00270600-00270719 um so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01158-00270720-00270880 um I remember the Pfizer announcement cdR7Z6EVTDI-01159-00270881-00271079 and it actually caught a lot of lack in cdR7Z6EVTDI-01160-00271080-00271337 the ecosystem so what's in it what is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01161-00271338-00271595 what's in it for Pfizer what's Vita Dow cdR7Z6EVTDI-01162-00271596-00272069 doing that Pfizer couldn't do on its own cdR7Z6EVTDI-01163-00272070-00272308 well a lot of it is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01164-00272309-00272615 um deal flow we get all of these amazing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01165-00272616-00272795 projects cdR7Z6EVTDI-01166-00272796-00273256 um they help us incubate them usually cdR7Z6EVTDI-01167-00273257-00273467 it's not like a VC fund where people cdR7Z6EVTDI-01168-00273468-00273658 come for funding and they have a pitch cdR7Z6EVTDI-01169-00273659-00274055 deck or anything it's a lot of our team cdR7Z6EVTDI-01170-00274056-00274223 members including people from Pfizer cdR7Z6EVTDI-01171-00274224-00274415 that have been helping for almost a year cdR7Z6EVTDI-01172-00274416-00274534 now cdR7Z6EVTDI-01173-00274535-00274901 um and so these projects get sort of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01174-00274902-00275105 advanced accelerated and then they would cdR7Z6EVTDI-01175-00275106-00275321 be ready for Pfizer 2 leaders here we cdR7Z6EVTDI-01176-00275322-00275608 say for example and um cdR7Z6EVTDI-01177-00275609-00275963 also they get to contribute to this new cdR7Z6EVTDI-01178-00275964-00276143 way of doing things cdR7Z6EVTDI-01179-00276144-00276484 um with towers and this I I think it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01180-00276485-00276695 also a learning experiment for them it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01181-00276696-00276947 it's sort of a win-win thing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01182-00276948-00277306 and another aspect of it is uh with the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01183-00277307-00277565 Vita token you don't only get governance cdR7Z6EVTDI-01184-00277566-00278029 rights you also have um a bunch of perks cdR7Z6EVTDI-01185-00278030-00278369 and for institutions the most important cdR7Z6EVTDI-01186-00278370-00278593 one is to be able to participate cdR7Z6EVTDI-01187-00278594-00278891 financially in some of the projects we cdR7Z6EVTDI-01188-00278892-00279287 funded or will fund at the similar terms cdR7Z6EVTDI-01189-00279288-00279521 with us like syndicating with us either cdR7Z6EVTDI-01190-00279522-00279863 via fractionalizing these IP nfts where cdR7Z6EVTDI-01191-00279864-00280073 the community the community that has cdR7Z6EVTDI-01192-00280074-00280265 tokens Can stake the tokens and and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01193-00280266-00280582 purchase uh some of those but also cdR7Z6EVTDI-01194-00280583-00280823 through a sidecar fund a regular VC fund cdR7Z6EVTDI-01195-00280824-00281227 that can put money into these spin outs cdR7Z6EVTDI-01196-00281228-00281489 before they're ready for the traditional cdR7Z6EVTDI-01197-00281490-00281656 VC so basically a better better cdR7Z6EVTDI-01198-00281657-00281945 valuation and you only be you're only cdR7Z6EVTDI-01199-00281946-00282149 able to put money into these VC funds cdR7Z6EVTDI-01200-00282150-00282353 that are sidecar to Vita if you have cdR7Z6EVTDI-01201-00282354-00282689 video dial tokens Vita tokens cdR7Z6EVTDI-01202-00282690-00283013 but to Vita token holders automatically cdR7Z6EVTDI-01203-00283014-00283289 partake in this so basically if is there cdR7Z6EVTDI-01204-00283290-00283637 is this kind of just an incubation crash cdR7Z6EVTDI-01205-00283638-00283829 for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01206-00283830-00284171 um for Pfizer to kind of reap the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01207-00284172-00284380 benefits after or do kind of Vita cdR7Z6EVTDI-01208-00284381-00284663 contributors automatically also partake cdR7Z6EVTDI-01209-00284664-00284915 in any upside that's kind of to be had cdR7Z6EVTDI-01210-00284916-00285358 from these projects so people can uh get cdR7Z6EVTDI-01211-00285359-00285551 Vita tokens by contributing capital or cdR7Z6EVTDI-01212-00285552-00285863 or work and then the Vita tokens uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-01213-00285864-00286147 basically provide that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01214-00286148-00286421 those resources to put into both capital cdR7Z6EVTDI-01215-00286422-00286637 and work put into these projects and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01216-00286638-00286913 Vita Dao will own a lot of the the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01217-00286914-00287129 upside so a lot of these will come back cdR7Z6EVTDI-01218-00287130-00287332 to the treasury and so on but also cdR7Z6EVTDI-01219-00287333-00287567 people including Pfizer and so on can cdR7Z6EVTDI-01220-00287568-00287771 get involved in asset by asset cdR7Z6EVTDI-01221-00287772-00287927 specifically like you know you get cdR7Z6EVTDI-01222-00287928-00288113 researchers that know more about a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01223-00288114-00288275 specific thing they might help that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01224-00288276-00288739 project get some uh Coral took nft cdR7Z6EVTDI-01225-00288740-00288989 tokens instead of just Vita as like a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01226-00288990-00289205 whole portfolio thing and and also cdR7Z6EVTDI-01227-00289206-00289397 potentially put money into that doubling cdR7Z6EVTDI-01228-00289398-00289651 down and also it gives us an indication cdR7Z6EVTDI-01229-00289652-00289847 markets usually give you an indication cdR7Z6EVTDI-01230-00289848-00290243 right of what is more valuable and of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01231-00290244-00290363 course it's going to help us with cdR7Z6EVTDI-01232-00290364-00290632 figuring out the the asset value of our cdR7Z6EVTDI-01233-00290633-00290806 portfolio too because we have about six cdR7Z6EVTDI-01234-00290807-00290993 million liquid but also a lot of like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01235-00290994-00291251 paper assets and paper gains and so on cdR7Z6EVTDI-01236-00291252-00291508 but once we put put it out such that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01237-00291509-00291713 other people can buy pieces of H asset cdR7Z6EVTDI-01238-00291714-00291899 then we also know the value of our cdR7Z6EVTDI-01239-00291900-00292073 Treasury and that's that's something cdR7Z6EVTDI-01240-00292074-00292289 that doesn't happen in biotech you have cdR7Z6EVTDI-01241-00292290-00292655 to wait until Pharma buys your assets or cdR7Z6EVTDI-01242-00292656-00292991 you get to an IPO as a biotech company cdR7Z6EVTDI-01243-00292992-00293182 um and or of course it's it's the equity cdR7Z6EVTDI-01244-00293183-00293308 of the companies as well but usually cdR7Z6EVTDI-01245-00293309-00293579 companies have multiple assets this is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01246-00293580-00293801 sort of bringing IP into the 21st cdR7Z6EVTDI-01247-00293802-00294077 century digitally and have it in having cdR7Z6EVTDI-01248-00294078-00294263 it liquid and priced by the market I cdR7Z6EVTDI-01249-00294264-00294532 think is very important cdR7Z6EVTDI-01250-00294533-00294743 I think we've covered quite a few of the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01251-00294744-00294958 topics that kind of we wanted to cover cdR7Z6EVTDI-01252-00294959-00295295 in terms of DSi so basically I will take cdR7Z6EVTDI-01253-00295296-00295625 off funding widening participation and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01254-00295626-00295843 taking research from Lab to application cdR7Z6EVTDI-01255-00295844-00296171 one area that is a huge pain point for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01256-00296172-00296387 scientists today that we haven't really cdR7Z6EVTDI-01257-00296388-00296699 covered that much is publishing so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01258-00296700-00296908 obviously publishing for everyone who's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01259-00296909-00296993 not cdR7Z6EVTDI-01260-00296994-00297263 in science never has been in science cdR7Z6EVTDI-01261-00297264-00297503 um it's a very Antiquated process it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01262-00297504-00297706 kind of like you're sending a letter to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01263-00297707-00297887 the Royal Academy about your findings cdR7Z6EVTDI-01264-00297888-00298180 and they see their kind of maybe passing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01265-00298181-00298330 it on to other people who can kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01266-00298331-00298553 comment on it and you kind of get it cdR7Z6EVTDI-01267-00298554-00298756 back as a letter actually today it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01268-00298757-00298930 emails but it's it's very much could be cdR7Z6EVTDI-01269-00298931-00299182 letters I mean it takes cdR7Z6EVTDI-01270-00299183-00299441 I've I've actually had articles that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01271-00299442-00299651 have taken years to publish like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01272-00299652-00299819 literally years cdR7Z6EVTDI-01273-00299820-00299971 so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01274-00299972-00300371 what's what's there in publishing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01275-00300372-00300784 um that we can we can set up in a more cdR7Z6EVTDI-01276-00300785-00300953 efficient way cdR7Z6EVTDI-01277-00300954-00301313 um with them the help of uh blockchains cdR7Z6EVTDI-01278-00301314-00301595 and Diesel yeah I think maybe like one cdR7Z6EVTDI-01279-00301596-00301847 good summary of the current papers is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01280-00301848-00302182 like it's still these paper PDFs that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01281-00302183-00302345 are very static like that are not cdR7Z6EVTDI-01282-00302346-00302501 actually made for like the internet age cdR7Z6EVTDI-01283-00302502-00302669 like they're like still you could do cdR7Z6EVTDI-01284-00302670-00302849 them on the typewriter like even AI cdR7Z6EVTDI-01285-00302850-00303065 paper you have to pay for color cdR7Z6EVTDI-01286-00303066-00303377 if you if you submit a paper and it has cdR7Z6EVTDI-01287-00303378-00303580 color graphs you actually have to pay cdR7Z6EVTDI-01288-00303581-00303779 extra I mean as a scientist you have to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01289-00303780-00303965 pay for publishing depending on where cdR7Z6EVTDI-01290-00303966-00304145 you publish and then you have to pay cdR7Z6EVTDI-01291-00304146-00304427 extra if you have color graphs as if cdR7Z6EVTDI-01292-00304428-00304601 people don't actually all look at the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01293-00304602-00304921 same PDF anyways it's it's it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01294-00304922-00305171 maddening and I think that's the thing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01295-00305172-00305404 is it's still stuck in like almost like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01296-00305405-00305573 a pre-computer it's not even internet cdR7Z6EVTDI-01297-00305574-00305753 and I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-01298-00305754-00305932 um the one is like almost like the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01299-00305933-00306203 medium I think like of course the what's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01300-00306204-00306395 the goal of publishing is to share cdR7Z6EVTDI-01301-00306396-00306563 research with other researchers so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01302-00306564-00306760 otherwise and with a like broad public cdR7Z6EVTDI-01303-00306761-00306995 that like all of us can understand this cdR7Z6EVTDI-01304-00306996-00307156 research that we funded inherently with cdR7Z6EVTDI-01305-00307157-00307367 tax dollars and that we of course for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01306-00307368-00307697 example use crypto terminology can Fork cdR7Z6EVTDI-01307-00307698-00307901 the research and build research on top cdR7Z6EVTDI-01308-00307902-00308182 of it and I think the one way is like in cdR7Z6EVTDI-01309-00308183-00308519 the in the medium which I think has now cdR7Z6EVTDI-01310-00308520-00308753 like a lot of ways to evolve like of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01311-00308754-00308969 course from like having different medium cdR7Z6EVTDI-01312-00308970-00309113 for example interactive models in the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01313-00309114-00309304 research search but also where you maybe cdR7Z6EVTDI-01314-00309305-00309569 can like challenge the research and or cdR7Z6EVTDI-01315-00309570-00309713 where you can contribute to the research cdR7Z6EVTDI-01316-00309714-00309910 and where it's like a living breathing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01317-00309911-00310097 document and and thing so there's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01318-00310098-00310241 actually projects in this side for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01319-00310242-00310456 example uh one is called DSi Labs that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01320-00310457-00310613 is um building that like these cdR7Z6EVTDI-01321-00310614-00310823 interactive artifacts uh there's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01322-00310824-00311027 projects like research Hub that uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-01323-00311028-00311171 coinbase Honda cdR7Z6EVTDI-01324-00311172-00311254 um Brian cdR7Z6EVTDI-01325-00311255-00311503 um Brian Armstrong cdR7Z6EVTDI-01326-00311504-00311825 created and which is like a publishing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01327-00311826-00312130 platform and a bit like Reddit for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01328-00312131-00312329 research and and also with collaborative cdR7Z6EVTDI-01329-00312330-00312545 features I think the interesting things cdR7Z6EVTDI-01330-00312546-00312821 for example in beta does case we for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01331-00312822-00313084 example did like a biomarker review cdR7Z6EVTDI-01332-00313085-00313325 um and literally started this uh to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01333-00313326-00313577 announce it in the with like a bounty in cdR7Z6EVTDI-01334-00313578-00313853 our governance forum and we're just like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01335-00313854-00314027 hey like this is the Bounty for people cdR7Z6EVTDI-01336-00314028-00314206 putting together this review I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-01337-00314207-00314363 like a week later with like four amazing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01338-00314364-00314639 researchers do together like a 20 Page cdR7Z6EVTDI-01339-00314640-00314806 review of like the different biomarkers cdR7Z6EVTDI-01340-00314807-00315023 and but the interesting thing is it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01341-00315024-00315256 like a more continuous process so now cdR7Z6EVTDI-01342-00315257-00315443 we're like building a knowledge graph cdR7Z6EVTDI-01343-00315444-00315701 for for these biomarkers cdR7Z6EVTDI-01344-00315702-00315995 um and to basically put all the all the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01345-00315996-00316139 knowledge and all the different almost cdR7Z6EVTDI-01346-00316140-00316354 like as a literature review of the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01347-00316355-00316553 different biomarker research onto a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01348-00316554-00316691 Knowledge Graph where you now can cdR7Z6EVTDI-01349-00316692-00316871 cryptographically with your zero address cdR7Z6EVTDI-01350-00316872-00317110 on this tool called lateral cdR7Z6EVTDI-01351-00317111-00317323 um can I actually see a demo I think on cdR7Z6EVTDI-01352-00317324-00317549 to just create your own cdR7Z6EVTDI-01353-00317550-00317789 Knowledge Graph but where people can cdR7Z6EVTDI-01354-00317790-00318149 then like add claims question claims and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01355-00318150-00318329 then at the end get rewarded based on cdR7Z6EVTDI-01356-00318330-00318539 their contributions so if you jump into cdR7Z6EVTDI-01357-00318540-00318815 then our like um biomarker Knowledge cdR7Z6EVTDI-01358-00318816-00319054 Graph and you refute like a lot of the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01359-00319055-00319313 research and give sources and or if you cdR7Z6EVTDI-01360-00319314-00319493 add a lot of evidence and and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01361-00319494-00319708 interesting research you get accredited cdR7Z6EVTDI-01362-00319709-00319943 for that but that's then like still not cdR7Z6EVTDI-01363-00319944-00320195 the final result like ultimately it's a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01364-00320196-00320380 collaborative living thing and I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-01365-00320381-00320615 that that hints at like what publishing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01366-00320616-00320860 in a more design native way can look cdR7Z6EVTDI-01367-00320861-00321034 like it's it's just like much more cdR7Z6EVTDI-01368-00321035-00321334 collaborative much quicker and and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01369-00321335-00321599 assignment of like who contributed what cdR7Z6EVTDI-01370-00321600-00321803 is very clear and cryptographically cdR7Z6EVTDI-01371-00321804-00322030 proven literally with your like zero X cdR7Z6EVTDI-01372-00322031-00322319 address on chain and I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-01373-00322320-00322547 um there's way more possibilities in cdR7Z6EVTDI-01374-00322548-00322793 this direction I think of course like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01375-00322794-00323003 um having for example the equivalent of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01376-00323004-00323195 GitHub libraries that people can fork cdR7Z6EVTDI-01377-00323196-00323387 and run into Cloud Laboratories that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01378-00323388-00323639 even wet lab research can be forked and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01379-00323640-00323771 you can maybe like change the mod cdR7Z6EVTDI-01380-00323772-00324058 molecule run the research again with one cdR7Z6EVTDI-01381-00324059-00324310 click instead of having to set up your cdR7Z6EVTDI-01382-00324311-00324587 own lab with millions of dollars that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01383-00324588-00324791 you can literally do research it cdR7Z6EVTDI-01384-00324792-00324982 currently might not even be possible at cdR7Z6EVTDI-01385-00324983-00325145 like a modern lab because something cdR7Z6EVTDI-01386-00325146-00325421 might be missing that research you can cdR7Z6EVTDI-01387-00325422-00325673 in the future do from your desktop cdR7Z6EVTDI-01388-00325674-00326075 browser and click run and and replicate cdR7Z6EVTDI-01389-00326076-00326225 the research because that's I think also cdR7Z6EVTDI-01390-00326226-00326393 a very important Point by larger matters cdR7Z6EVTDI-01391-00326394-00326603 on a podcast with them and there's now cdR7Z6EVTDI-01392-00326604-00326884 also two building this called a scholar cdR7Z6EVTDI-01393-00326885-00327029 um is that like a lot of the current cdR7Z6EVTDI-01394-00327030-00327203 research doesn't replicate so not only cdR7Z6EVTDI-01395-00327204-00327449 is publishing completely broken but also cdR7Z6EVTDI-01396-00327450-00327653 most of the research is just false like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01397-00327654-00327832 it doesn't replicate and we've seen this cdR7Z6EVTDI-01398-00327833-00327995 with Alzheimer's where now the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01399-00327996-00328103 government probably spent like 50 cdR7Z6EVTDI-01400-00328104-00328271 billion like something on this order of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01401-00328272-00328615 magnitude of research based on cdR7Z6EVTDI-01402-00328616-00328823 hypothesis and research that proofed out cdR7Z6EVTDI-01403-00328824-00329093 to to be not not even wrong and false cdR7Z6EVTDI-01404-00329094-00329297 but literally fraudulent like it was cdR7Z6EVTDI-01405-00329298-00329434 like basically tampered with and of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01406-00329435-00329573 course that's also something where cdR7Z6EVTDI-01407-00329574-00329771 crypto strong is temper proof so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01408-00329772-00329932 ultimately having cryptographic signs cdR7Z6EVTDI-01409-00329933-00330137 that specific artifacts for example that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01410-00330138-00330310 sometimes are tampered with are cdR7Z6EVTDI-01411-00330311-00330569 cryptographically proven a bit like if cdR7Z6EVTDI-01412-00330570-00330743 you take a photo with a camera that uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-01413-00330744-00330929 it does a cryptographic proof that it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01414-00330930-00331091 not like a deep fake but that it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01415-00331092-00331265 actually a real photo so I think a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01416-00331266-00331439 similar thing will also be necessary and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01417-00331440-00331697 happen in yeah with with Cam with like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01418-00331698-00331853 research artifacts and like research cdR7Z6EVTDI-01419-00331854-00332141 devices that the data is proven to be cdR7Z6EVTDI-01420-00332142-00332477 correct and and not tampered with cdR7Z6EVTDI-01421-00332478-00332747 I would also add that we are a big cdR7Z6EVTDI-01422-00332748-00332965 Community apart from our cdR7Z6EVTDI-01423-00332966-00333323 main focus on funding these these cdR7Z6EVTDI-01424-00333324-00333467 research projects and spinning them out cdR7Z6EVTDI-01425-00333468-00333658 in companies we have a bunch of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01426-00333659-00333808 initiatives that people start like like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01427-00333809-00334030 this biomarker thing that Vincent cdR7Z6EVTDI-01428-00334031-00334354 mentioned but also a peer review system cdR7Z6EVTDI-01429-00334355-00334673 that uses the token to upvote and things cdR7Z6EVTDI-01430-00334674-00334906 like to give people incentives to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01431-00334907-00335087 provide good reviews cdR7Z6EVTDI-01432-00335088-00335237 um outside of their usual Journal system cdR7Z6EVTDI-01433-00335238-00335471 but also a journal we we call so the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01434-00335472-00335675 peer review system is called tldr the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01435-00335676-00336041 longevity decentralized review and the a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01436-00336042-00336323 journal the laundry list but also cdR7Z6EVTDI-01437-00336324-00336503 Vincent started a bunch of initiatives cdR7Z6EVTDI-01438-00336504-00336743 actually the one with the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01439-00336744-00336971 at the Bitcoin round for longevity I cdR7Z6EVTDI-01440-00336972-00337229 think uh we had about 500k from vitalik cdR7Z6EVTDI-01441-00337230-00337499 and a lot of it went into the longevity cdR7Z6EVTDI-01442-00337500-00337630 prize cdR7Z6EVTDI-01443-00337631-00337963 um and uh so we kind of rewarding cdR7Z6EVTDI-01444-00337964-00338369 progress in in the spaces as a whole cdR7Z6EVTDI-01445-00338370-00338639 um with small incremental prizes instead cdR7Z6EVTDI-01446-00338640-00338969 of like a big one that can be hit in 10 cdR7Z6EVTDI-01447-00338970-00339215 years or so and also other initiatives cdR7Z6EVTDI-01448-00339216-00339401 like a fellowship to just have more cdR7Z6EVTDI-01449-00339402-00339689 people join the field the students cdR7Z6EVTDI-01450-00339690-00339869 microgrants for students to get into cdR7Z6EVTDI-01451-00339870-00340037 longevity cdR7Z6EVTDI-01452-00340038-00340156 um hackathon and all kinds of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01453-00340157-00340391 initiatives like that that are not cdR7Z6EVTDI-01454-00340392-00340517 usually mentioned cdR7Z6EVTDI-01455-00340518-00340679 yeah and I think maybe actually like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01456-00340680-00340853 just to add this cdR7Z6EVTDI-01457-00340854-00340973 um a small example like with the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01458-00340974-00341158 longevity price the first price we did cdR7Z6EVTDI-01459-00341159-00341369 was a hypothesis price for everyone like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01460-00341370-00341579 it could be like a 14 year old or like a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01461-00341580-00341806 like established researcher could cdR7Z6EVTDI-01462-00341807-00341993 probably um could contribute basically cdR7Z6EVTDI-01463-00341994-00342317 the submission of like a contrarian like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01464-00342318-00342569 underappreciated idea to solve um aging cdR7Z6EVTDI-01465-00342570-00342821 and Longevity and with I think over 200 cdR7Z6EVTDI-01466-00342822-00342965 submissions and of course all of them cdR7Z6EVTDI-01467-00342966-00343367 are blinded and the the top ideas not cdR7Z6EVTDI-01468-00343368-00343589 only get um kind of recognition and are cdR7Z6EVTDI-01469-00343590-00343853 discussed on podcasts and but also get cdR7Z6EVTDI-01470-00343854-00344141 financial prizes so people didn't had to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01471-00344142-00344351 pay to submit their applications they cdR7Z6EVTDI-01472-00344352-00344627 didn't need a PhD literally some very cdR7Z6EVTDI-01473-00344628-00344819 young people or some people that are 30 cdR7Z6EVTDI-01474-00344820-00345023 years in the field applied and maybe the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01475-00345024-00345167 young person wins because we don't even cdR7Z6EVTDI-01476-00345168-00345377 know who who applied basically in the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01477-00345378-00345521 planning process cdR7Z6EVTDI-01478-00345522-00345658 um and and I think the interesting thing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01479-00345659-00345899 there is again that maybe there are like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01480-00345900-00346199 amazingly smart well red people that are cdR7Z6EVTDI-01481-00346200-00346379 just going through the longevity Reddit cdR7Z6EVTDI-01482-00346380-00346525 that might have better ideas on cdR7Z6EVTDI-01483-00346526-00346793 contrarian novel ideas to solve it then cdR7Z6EVTDI-01484-00346794-00346967 some phds were like 30 years in the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01485-00346968-00347110 field and might have gotten more cdR7Z6EVTDI-01486-00347111-00347387 dogmatic than like a weird nerd on the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01487-00347388-00347593 internet that just let the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01488-00347594-00347837 literature so that's one example of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01489-00347838-00348041 something which goes also in this cdR7Z6EVTDI-01490-00348042-00348334 direction of um yeah rewarding knowledge cdR7Z6EVTDI-01491-00348335-00348551 and information and and not just the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01492-00348552-00348737 execution of research cdR7Z6EVTDI-01493-00348738-00348953 but another example is also cdR7Z6EVTDI-01494-00348954-00349277 incentivizing people to disprove a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01495-00349278-00349427 popular research paper so we're going to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01496-00349428-00349582 have a prize for that we have a price cdR7Z6EVTDI-01497-00349583-00349804 for biomarkers with Methuselah cdR7Z6EVTDI-01498-00349805-00349973 Foundation that also you might know from cdR7Z6EVTDI-01499-00349974-00350219 uh the famous sort of vitalik sending cdR7Z6EVTDI-01500-00350220-00350458 them uh all the like half the shiba cdR7Z6EVTDI-01501-00350459-00350854 sorry to have the dodgel on uh coins cdR7Z6EVTDI-01502-00350855-00351023 that he got cdR7Z6EVTDI-01503-00351024-00351221 um it's a few hundred million I think in cdR7Z6EVTDI-01504-00351222-00351563 in deutschelon a bunch of ideas for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01505-00351564-00351821 prizes that are coming up as well cdR7Z6EVTDI-01506-00351822-00352039 yeah so let's let's check out cdR7Z6EVTDI-01507-00352040-00352241 that's a really cdR7Z6EVTDI-01508-00352242-00352523 interesting link cdR7Z6EVTDI-01509-00352524-00352865 how does this new collaborative model of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01510-00352866-00353219 publishing interact with the IP system cdR7Z6EVTDI-01511-00353220-00353471 because in the intellectual property cdR7Z6EVTDI-01512-00353472-00353825 system anything that is prior art or cdR7Z6EVTDI-01513-00353826-00354191 prior knowledge okay you cannot file a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01514-00354192-00354460 patent for it and then you need the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01515-00354461-00354671 intellectual property in order to build cdR7Z6EVTDI-01516-00354672-00354965 Commerce of it so that beta Dao and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01517-00354966-00355139 Pfizer these guys have something cdR7Z6EVTDI-01518-00355140-00355308 investable cdR7Z6EVTDI-01519-00355309-00355541 uh for the future cdR7Z6EVTDI-01520-00355542-00355823 I tend to see a contradiction of terms cdR7Z6EVTDI-01521-00355824-00356110 here right so if if the if the early cdR7Z6EVTDI-01522-00356111-00356230 signs cdR7Z6EVTDI-01523-00356231-00356597 is being done in a collaborative fashion cdR7Z6EVTDI-01524-00356598-00356867 and it's all public knowledge then cdR7Z6EVTDI-01525-00356868-00357028 wouldn't it be really hard to actually cdR7Z6EVTDI-01526-00357029-00357263 build off IP and then get into the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01527-00357264-00357430 finance side of it yeah I think that's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01528-00357431-00357623 of course like also shows a bit like how cdR7Z6EVTDI-01529-00357624-00357808 the current system is broken that it cdR7Z6EVTDI-01530-00357809-00358156 like it can't be collaborative or very cdR7Z6EVTDI-01531-00358157-00358337 open because then you kind of like can't cdR7Z6EVTDI-01532-00358338-00358493 file a patent and and the promise cdR7Z6EVTDI-01533-00358494-00358660 actually is like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01534-00358661-00358877 um you can be against pain but it's like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01535-00358878-00359080 if you invalidate a patent there is no cdR7Z6EVTDI-01536-00359081-00359489 incentive to for someone to pay 100 200 cdR7Z6EVTDI-01537-00359490-00359632 million which is necessary for the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01538-00359633-00359777 clinical trial it's actually there's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01539-00359778-00360047 people dying because some scientists cdR7Z6EVTDI-01540-00360048-00360358 um uh basically publish too early some cdR7Z6EVTDI-01541-00360359-00360515 stuff that could otherwise have become a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01542-00360516-00360677 patent and otherwise have a financial cdR7Z6EVTDI-01543-00360678-00360953 incentive with clinical trials to reach cdR7Z6EVTDI-01544-00360954-00361145 patients so actually cdR7Z6EVTDI-01545-00361146-00361330 um basically in theory it's easy to say cdR7Z6EVTDI-01546-00361331-00361487 okay patents are bad but in the current cdR7Z6EVTDI-01547-00361488-00361727 system if you like don't have a patent cdR7Z6EVTDI-01548-00361728-00361871 you don't have a chance to bring it into cdR7Z6EVTDI-01549-00361872-00362075 humans so I think that's important to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01550-00362076-00362284 understand but I think of course you can cdR7Z6EVTDI-01551-00362285-00362489 still generate a lot of ideas in the in cdR7Z6EVTDI-01552-00362490-00362699 the open of course just like a few cdR7Z6EVTDI-01553-00362700-00362854 things you can't give away as a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01554-00362855-00363034 researcher to otherwise it would cdR7Z6EVTDI-01555-00363035-00363401 invalidate your your patent filing and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01556-00363402-00363515 of course those things need to be cdR7Z6EVTDI-01557-00363516-00363745 confidential but of course you can also cdR7Z6EVTDI-01558-00363746-00364013 enable more collaborative work by 20 cdR7Z6EVTDI-01559-00364014-00364241 people signing an NDA which is what's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01560-00364242-00364445 happening for example in in videos plays cdR7Z6EVTDI-01561-00364446-00364589 concretely if we find out the research cdR7Z6EVTDI-01562-00364590-00364799 say with twenty thousand dollars and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01563-00364800-00365015 there is some very like confidential cdR7Z6EVTDI-01564-00365016-00365243 important information every researcher cdR7Z6EVTDI-01565-00365244-00365417 in the community that's stepping up and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01566-00365418-00365608 bring this project forward of course can cdR7Z6EVTDI-01567-00365609-00365843 access the data but has to sign an NDA cdR7Z6EVTDI-01568-00365844-00366010 that they don't share it so it doesn't cdR7Z6EVTDI-01569-00366011-00366203 invalidate the potential patent filing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01570-00366204-00366419 but you still have the benefit then of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01571-00366420-00366658 this collaboration the whole Community cdR7Z6EVTDI-01572-00366659-00366863 can still get like video updates text cdR7Z6EVTDI-01573-00366864-00367060 updates that don't invalidate the patent cdR7Z6EVTDI-01574-00367061-00367217 and give away the crucial information cdR7Z6EVTDI-01575-00367218-00367601 that would and I think so we're of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01576-00367602-00367739 course trying to work around those cdR7Z6EVTDI-01577-00367740-00367960 issues that are fundamental cdR7Z6EVTDI-01578-00367961-00368177 um and I think in the future it might cdR7Z6EVTDI-01579-00368178-00368434 even be um more ways to enable cdR7Z6EVTDI-01580-00368435-00368704 collaboration without giving this away cdR7Z6EVTDI-01581-00368705-00368939 but to your point I think ultimately the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01582-00368940-00369130 purpose is not just to get a paper out cdR7Z6EVTDI-01583-00369131-00369323 of it like for the researcher but it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01584-00369324-00369551 to solve a disease and ultimately do so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01585-00369552-00369743 on the most cost effective way and of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01586-00369744-00369893 course to share the information with the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01587-00369894-00370103 community with the research field with cdR7Z6EVTDI-01588-00370104-00370306 the people that supported research but I cdR7Z6EVTDI-01589-00370307-00370606 think we we we're finding a way to do so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01590-00370607-00370793 and of course like people present at cdR7Z6EVTDI-01591-00370794-00371056 conferences all the time about stuff cdR7Z6EVTDI-01592-00371057-00371243 they're working on that doesn't have cdR7Z6EVTDI-01593-00371244-00371471 patents filed yet but of course usually cdR7Z6EVTDI-01594-00371472-00371704 have them to like for example not say cdR7Z6EVTDI-01595-00371705-00371908 which molecule they're investigating cdR7Z6EVTDI-01596-00371909-00372119 that has these effects but they just say cdR7Z6EVTDI-01597-00372120-00372430 molecule a b and c like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01598-00372431-00372641 I want to highlight to clarify the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01599-00372642-00372821 difference between science and and just cdR7Z6EVTDI-01600-00372822-00373073 publishing and then drug Discovery drug cdR7Z6EVTDI-01601-00373074-00373403 development right so in cdR7Z6EVTDI-01602-00373404-00373619 um the current we we are mostly playing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01603-00373620-00373745 within the current model of drug cdR7Z6EVTDI-01604-00373746-00373997 discovery of just uh keeping the actual cdR7Z6EVTDI-01605-00373998-00374195 molecular structure and confidential cdR7Z6EVTDI-01606-00374196-00374417 things private and ultimately getting a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01607-00374418-00374597 patent and so on cdR7Z6EVTDI-01608-00374598-00374813 um and working with Pharma and biotech cdR7Z6EVTDI-01609-00374814-00374999 and so on because yeah currently through cdR7Z6EVTDI-01610-00375000-00375221 the current regulatory system it's very cdR7Z6EVTDI-01611-00375222-00375569 expensive uh you need billions for per cdR7Z6EVTDI-01612-00375570-00375880 each drug because some drugs fail cdR7Z6EVTDI-01613-00375881-00376019 um so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01614-00376020-00376217 ideally cdR7Z6EVTDI-01615-00376218-00376367 um we would move towards more of a price cdR7Z6EVTDI-01616-00376368-00376678 Model where the government says hey if cdR7Z6EVTDI-01617-00376679-00376906 you extend healthy lifespan by one year cdR7Z6EVTDI-01618-00376907-00377099 we earn actually there's a few trillion cdR7Z6EVTDI-01619-00377100-00377291 for just the US that that you would earn cdR7Z6EVTDI-01620-00377292-00377656 in in not only extra productivity for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01621-00377657-00377825 from those people on taxes and so on but cdR7Z6EVTDI-01622-00377826-00378047 also not having to pay for sick care cdR7Z6EVTDI-01623-00378048-00378239 Medicare keeping people on a poor state cdR7Z6EVTDI-01624-00378240-00378460 of health for longer uh so they would cdR7Z6EVTDI-01625-00378461-00378689 say look if anyone does this or helps cdR7Z6EVTDI-01626-00378690-00378989 with uh delay Alzheimer's or reverse cdR7Z6EVTDI-01627-00378990-00379163 Alzheimer's by a certain percentage or cdR7Z6EVTDI-01628-00379164-00379378 something you get this this many billion cdR7Z6EVTDI-01629-00379379-00379553 or something which is what's work what cdR7Z6EVTDI-01630-00379554-00379853 it's worth it to us so we're trying with cdR7Z6EVTDI-01631-00379854-00380003 the longevity prize and other cdR7Z6EVTDI-01632-00380004-00380165 initiatives cdR7Z6EVTDI-01633-00380166-00380489 to set up uh pay for Success prices cdR7Z6EVTDI-01634-00380490-00380656 where life insurance or governments or cdR7Z6EVTDI-01635-00380657-00380927 or philanthropy pulls this money and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01636-00380928-00381251 only pays it on success like the usual cdR7Z6EVTDI-01637-00381252-00381527 price but right now it's more for like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01638-00381528-00381725 repurposing existing compounds which are cdR7Z6EVTDI-01639-00381726-00381928 cheap to get into clinical trials like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01640-00381929-00382217 rapamycin so we put up some money for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01641-00382218-00382510 Brad stanfield's uh rapamycin trial and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01642-00382511-00382691 he he's still still trying to get the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01643-00382692-00383032 rest up to 350k and uh we're also still cdR7Z6EVTDI-01644-00383033-00383243 trying to get a payer that would pay cdR7Z6EVTDI-01645-00383244-00383363 potentially like a million or two cdR7Z6EVTDI-01646-00383364-00383573 million or something if it would show cdR7Z6EVTDI-01647-00383574-00383860 success in in extending healthy lifespan cdR7Z6EVTDI-01648-00383861-00384091 in in that uh in that study or cdR7Z6EVTDI-01649-00384092-00384353 subsequent studies and so on super cdR7Z6EVTDI-01650-00384354-00384569 excited cdR7Z6EVTDI-01651-00384570-00384797 yeah I think that's one actually cdR7Z6EVTDI-01652-00384798-00384965 mechanism that for example optimism cdR7Z6EVTDI-01653-00384966-00385103 might get coin and others of course cdR7Z6EVTDI-01654-00385104-00385517 pioneered also a lot is uh RP uh like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01655-00385518-00385691 like a retract of public goods funding cdR7Z6EVTDI-01656-00385692-00385978 like having basically incentives for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01657-00385979-00386158 someone to proactively fund something cdR7Z6EVTDI-01658-00386159-00386356 because they then potentially have cdR7Z6EVTDI-01659-00386357-00386693 upside in being retractively rewarded so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01660-00386694-00386860 there's a lot of experiments on those cdR7Z6EVTDI-01661-00386861-00387028 like we're collaborating with protocol cdR7Z6EVTDI-01662-00387029-00387280 Labs project called hypersets which is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01663-00387281-00387515 building these impact certificates cdR7Z6EVTDI-01664-00387516-00387713 um good consoles involved on that and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01665-00387714-00387893 the goals of course that Beyond science cdR7Z6EVTDI-01666-00387894-00388210 for everything you you then can in a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01667-00388211-00388343 very native way cdR7Z6EVTDI-01668-00388344-00388528 get like one in a certificate for a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01669-00388529-00388769 thousand bucks and if it's able to solve cdR7Z6EVTDI-01670-00388770-00389015 for example a longevity you get like a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01671-00389016-00389206 financial reward potentially or you just cdR7Z6EVTDI-01672-00389207-00389501 get a status of having been part of that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01673-00389502-00389663 um breakthrough but I think that's like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01674-00389664-00389806 an interesting new mechanism where you cdR7Z6EVTDI-01675-00389807-00390004 don't need patents anymore cdR7Z6EVTDI-01676-00390005-00390215 um but of course there are some other um cdR7Z6EVTDI-01677-00390216-00390413 diseases where you clearly need clinical cdR7Z6EVTDI-01678-00390414-00390545 trials cdR7Z6EVTDI-01679-00390546-00390689 um and of course like the repurposing of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01680-00390690-00390803 research is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01681-00390804-00391001 um of basically off paying drugs it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01682-00391002-00391282 much cheaper because it's already proven cdR7Z6EVTDI-01683-00391283-00391504 to be safe in humans you you have much cdR7Z6EVTDI-01684-00391505-00391810 less burden to prove that this cdR7Z6EVTDI-01685-00391811-00391937 researchers cdR7Z6EVTDI-01686-00391938-00391991 um cdR7Z6EVTDI-01687-00391992-00392303 like not deadly uh so I think that's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01688-00392304-00392501 some interesting experiments basically I cdR7Z6EVTDI-01689-00392502-00392656 think that this is also enabling which cdR7Z6EVTDI-01690-00392657-00393017 like the current market system uh that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01691-00393018-00393263 is doing science is completely not good cdR7Z6EVTDI-01692-00393264-00393460 at it so I think in that sense like this cdR7Z6EVTDI-01693-00393461-00393701 whole public good space of of ethereum cdR7Z6EVTDI-01694-00393702-00393958 and crypto is also extremely interesting cdR7Z6EVTDI-01695-00393959-00394367 and useful in the context of science cdR7Z6EVTDI-01696-00394368-00394697 make funding decisions is it literally cdR7Z6EVTDI-01697-00394698-00394943 like a coin Vote or I say like some sort cdR7Z6EVTDI-01698-00394944-00395219 of reputation system involved because I cdR7Z6EVTDI-01699-00395220-00395549 imagine that a lot of the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01700-00395550-00395782 um decisions to be made cdR7Z6EVTDI-01701-00395783-00396054 um rely on the actors having an cdR7Z6EVTDI-01702-00396055-00396353 extraordinary amount of information cdR7Z6EVTDI-01703-00396354-00396610 we have a what's called a senior cdR7Z6EVTDI-01704-00396611-00396910 reviewers a bunch of experts that review cdR7Z6EVTDI-01705-00396911-00397223 projects when they're ready and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01706-00397224-00397487 um we put up a proposal and put their cdR7Z6EVTDI-01707-00397488-00397799 stamp of approval basically With A Brief cdR7Z6EVTDI-01708-00397800-00398093 Review and and a conviction score from cdR7Z6EVTDI-01709-00398094-00398291 one to five and then the token holders cdR7Z6EVTDI-01710-00398292-00398602 are informed by that ultimately they cdR7Z6EVTDI-01711-00398603-00398819 could still say yeah these experts are cdR7Z6EVTDI-01712-00398820-00399010 not getting it it's it's you know it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01713-00399011-00399293 our Dao together with the token you know cdR7Z6EVTDI-01714-00399294-00399515 if it's majority of the token Supply cdR7Z6EVTDI-01715-00399516-00399701 wants that they can say look we're gonna cdR7Z6EVTDI-01716-00399702-00399839 do this crazy experiment that the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01717-00399840-00400073 experts are saying it's it's uh it's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01718-00400074-00400204 it's not good but it hasn't happened cdR7Z6EVTDI-01719-00400205-00400415 it's usually been yeah people are kind cdR7Z6EVTDI-01720-00400416-00400606 of listening to to The Experts and and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01721-00400607-00400871 deploying capital and how do you become cdR7Z6EVTDI-01722-00400872-00401395 an expat cdR7Z6EVTDI-01723-00401396-00401777 so anyone can join and so on and try to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01724-00401778-00401932 do various bounties like Source a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01725-00401933-00402130 project for us and get tokens for that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01726-00402131-00402521 or or dollars and so on but um cdR7Z6EVTDI-01727-00402522-00402778 we as a group of uh well there's there's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01728-00402779-00403025 many phds postdocs and professors and so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01729-00403026-00403228 on already in the group and when there's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01730-00403229-00403504 a new person or we reach out to to the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01731-00403505-00403667 top experts cdR7Z6EVTDI-01732-00403668-00403841 um in the field we kind of know all of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01733-00403842-00403937 them cdR7Z6EVTDI-01734-00403938-00404104 um to help us and just ask them to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01735-00404105-00404243 review and just there's a sort of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01736-00404244-00404393 consensus in the group that this person cdR7Z6EVTDI-01737-00404394-00404632 is a senior reviewer cdR7Z6EVTDI-01738-00404633-00404849 I think the maybe the important thing is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01739-00404850-00405106 also uh you can also just come in even cdR7Z6EVTDI-01740-00405107-00405377 like Sidetrack the process and like put cdR7Z6EVTDI-01741-00405378-00405658 up a project for for governance proposal cdR7Z6EVTDI-01742-00405659-00405910 and review so you don't have to follow cdR7Z6EVTDI-01743-00405911-00406151 that process in every step but of course cdR7Z6EVTDI-01744-00406152-00406289 then basically the review happens cdR7Z6EVTDI-01745-00406290-00406456 completely in the open oftentimes and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01746-00406457-00406630 just in the governance form I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-01747-00406631-00406756 another thing is of course that we're cdR7Z6EVTDI-01748-00406757-00406930 also still experimenting on this like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01749-00406931-00407165 review and governance component I think cdR7Z6EVTDI-01750-00407166-00407375 some of the like early steps of this cdR7Z6EVTDI-01751-00407376-00407699 review you can also do on chain cdR7Z6EVTDI-01752-00407700-00407897 um and of course I think there's some cdR7Z6EVTDI-01753-00407898-00408082 interesting stuff like with like we're cdR7Z6EVTDI-01754-00408083-00408328 now introducing like basically following cdR7Z6EVTDI-01755-00408329-00408508 the the governance patterns that others cdR7Z6EVTDI-01756-00408509-00408737 are doing which is delegation and of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01757-00408738-00408899 course then for example encouraging cdR7Z6EVTDI-01758-00408900-00409151 bigger holders to delegate to scientists cdR7Z6EVTDI-01759-00409152-00409258 they cdR7Z6EVTDI-01760-00409259-00409499 um like trust or find interesting cdR7Z6EVTDI-01761-00409500-00409703 um but I think this other more cdR7Z6EVTDI-01762-00409704-00409918 interesting mechanisms that are still cdR7Z6EVTDI-01763-00409919-00410080 super early even from the technology so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01764-00410081-00410345 if we have for example snapshot um as a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01765-00410346-00410566 mechanism of course they now for example cdR7Z6EVTDI-01766-00410567-00410824 enable I think quadratic credential cdR7Z6EVTDI-01767-00410825-00411047 voting since very recently with like a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01768-00411047-00411220 git coin passport integration if I'm not cdR7Z6EVTDI-01769-00411221-00411407 mistaken but that happened like a few cdR7Z6EVTDI-01770-00411408-00411568 months ago like it wasn't even around cdR7Z6EVTDI-01771-00411569-00411772 like a year ago and I think a lot of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01772-00411773-00412024 those governance experiments like we cdR7Z6EVTDI-01773-00412025-00412307 want to be at the frontier but we not cdR7Z6EVTDI-01774-00412308-00412516 also don't want to be uh the guinea pig cdR7Z6EVTDI-01775-00412517-00412780 and like just focus on governance cdR7Z6EVTDI-01776-00412781-00412984 experiments for the sake of it but we cdR7Z6EVTDI-01777-00412985-00413170 want to see okay like what proves cdR7Z6EVTDI-01778-00413171-00413399 promise and I'm very certain that like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01779-00413400-00413574 the next five years we will see a lot of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01780-00413575-00413801 experimentation on governance mechanisms cdR7Z6EVTDI-01781-00413802-00413968 and then those that are the most cdR7Z6EVTDI-01782-00413969-00414143 promising I think will also explore and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01783-00414143-00414310 adopt and of course that would be a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01784-00414312-00414520 governance proposal for the community so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01785-00414521-00414664 everyone can come in with a governance cdR7Z6EVTDI-01786-00414666-00414880 proposal to change governance and and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01787-00414881-00415066 that's something that actively we also cdR7Z6EVTDI-01788-00415067-00415234 have a work group um working on cdR7Z6EVTDI-01789-00415235-00415547 governance cdR7Z6EVTDI-01790-00415547-00415907 perfect thank you guys so much so cdR7Z6EVTDI-01791-00415908-00416272 um we will kind of attach a list of uh cdR7Z6EVTDI-01792-00416273-00416524 desire projects that we talked about to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01793-00416525-00416837 the show notes but if one if people want cdR7Z6EVTDI-01794-00416838-00417070 to partake in Vita Dao cdR7Z6EVTDI-01795-00417071-00417310 um where should they where should they cdR7Z6EVTDI-01796-00417312-00417574 go how can they become a part of this I cdR7Z6EVTDI-01797-00417575-00417820 would say from the website you can see a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01798-00417821-00418001 bunch of information and and click join cdR7Z6EVTDI-01799-00418002-00418270 the Discord or join the community join cdR7Z6EVTDI-01800-00418271-00418445 our mission and things like that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01801-00418446-00418570 um cdR7Z6EVTDI-01802-00418571-00418822 and then I would say the Discord is cdR7Z6EVTDI-01803-00418823-00419153 definitely the best way uh try to see cdR7Z6EVTDI-01804-00419154-00419374 what's going on how you can help cdR7Z6EVTDI-01805-00419375-00419633 um even just come for a week to hang out cdR7Z6EVTDI-01806-00419634-00419770 with us and and maybe you learn cdR7Z6EVTDI-01807-00419771-00419903 something cdR7Z6EVTDI-01808-00419904-00420179 um do some bounties potentially cdR7Z6EVTDI-01809-00420180-00420347 um apply to join the working group do cdR7Z6EVTDI-01810-00420347-00420605 onboarding calls join the onboarding cdR7Z6EVTDI-01811-00420606-00420857 call and and see how you could help cdR7Z6EVTDI-01812-00420858-00421055 um we have a lot of people we we need a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01813-00421056-00421151 lot of people cdR7Z6EVTDI-01814-00421152-00421433 um in in various aspects from from you cdR7Z6EVTDI-01815-00421434-00421672 know coding legal marketing and all that cdR7Z6EVTDI-01816-00421673-00421822 but also of course the scientific cdR7Z6EVTDI-01817-00421823-00422170 aspects especially recruiting uh biotech cdR7Z6EVTDI-01818-00422171-00422339 operators to help us spin out these cdR7Z6EVTDI-01819-00422339-00422705 companies and and also we have um I just cdR7Z6EVTDI-01820-00422706-00422993 came this weekend to Montenegro we have cdR7Z6EVTDI-01821-00422993-00423275 um an experiment pop-up mini city called cdR7Z6EVTDI-01822-00423276-00423833 zuzalu uh here and um we have a focus on cdR7Z6EVTDI-01823-00423834-00424193 healthy living and and Longevity but cdR7Z6EVTDI-01824-00424193-00424397 also crypto research and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01825-00424397-00424457 um cdR7Z6EVTDI-01826-00424458-00424697 public goods and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01827-00424697-00424835 um cdR7Z6EVTDI-01828-00424835-00425153 ZK and and all of all of these things to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01829-00425154-00425387 ultimately explore how we can build more cdR7Z6EVTDI-01830-00425388-00425633 new cities potentially a jurisdiction cdR7Z6EVTDI-01831-00425634-00425825 for doing cdR7Z6EVTDI-01832-00425826-00426179 um for medical Innovation and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01833-00426180-00426463 potentially cdR7Z6EVTDI-01834-00426464-00426713 evolving Vita out where the network cdR7Z6EVTDI-01835-00426714-00427075 state so you can check out cdR7Z6EVTDI-01836-00427076-00427433 and there you'll see to sign up as a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01837-00427434-00427709 visitor we're full for we have uh 200 cdR7Z6EVTDI-01838-00427710-00428020 residents as a cab for now and cdR7Z6EVTDI-01839-00428021-00428213 um you can join some of the conferences cdR7Z6EVTDI-01840-00428214-00428531 that are happening especially May 55 to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01841-00428532-00428939 15th there's a a bunch of uh from zero cdR7Z6EVTDI-01842-00428939-00429118 to one classes in longevity biotech but cdR7Z6EVTDI-01843-00429119-00429407 also May 1314 basically a normal cdR7Z6EVTDI-01844-00429408-00429670 conference for longevity but also cdR7Z6EVTDI-01845-00429671-00429875 there's there's others on on network cdR7Z6EVTDI-01846-00429876-00430103 states building new cities Charter cdR7Z6EVTDI-01847-00430104-00430283 cities and alternatives to network cdR7Z6EVTDI-01848-00430284-00430614 States and so on you'll see the schedule cdR7Z6EVTDI-01849-00430615-00430883 on there cdR7Z6EVTDI-01850-00430884-00431249 yeah and I I think another place um of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01851-00431250-00431399 course that we didn't talk that much cdR7Z6EVTDI-01852-00431400-00431639 about it but is uh with a molecule cdR7Z6EVTDI-01853-00431639-00431831 basically you can also have like an cdR7Z6EVTDI-01854-00431832-00431975 overview of like different research cdR7Z6EVTDI-01855-00431976-00432233 projects even Beyond longevity and see cdR7Z6EVTDI-01856-00432234-00432443 also a bunch of the other um biotech cdR7Z6EVTDI-01857-00432443-00432725 dials that we support on which cdR7Z6EVTDI-01858-00432726-00432916 is kind of like our program to support cdR7Z6EVTDI-01859-00432917-00433157 other people building these biodials in cdR7Z6EVTDI-01860-00433158-00433337 other areas from like women's health to cdR7Z6EVTDI-01861-00433338-00433570 synthetic biology and other areas so if cdR7Z6EVTDI-01862-00433571-00433751 you also want to discover other biotech cdR7Z6EVTDI-01863-00433752-00433960 dials uh go there and I think another cdR7Z6EVTDI-01864-00433962-00434231 great place is on ethereum slash DSI cdR7Z6EVTDI-01865-00434232-00434549 it's like a explainer of also kind of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01866-00434550-00434866 factor pros and cons from traditional cdR7Z6EVTDI-01867-00434867-00435125 science to decentralized science and the cdR7Z6EVTDI-01868-00435126-00435245 different projects and the different cdR7Z6EVTDI-01869-00435246-00435449 ideas so that's a very good starting cdR7Z6EVTDI-01870-00435450-00435659 point and then there's also like a Decay cdR7Z6EVTDI-01871-00435660-00435863 Wiki if you just Google it with like a cdR7Z6EVTDI-01872-00435864-00436013 lot of information on almost every cdR7Z6EVTDI-01873-00436014-00436270 project in a space and on you cdR7Z6EVTDI-01874-00436271-00436475 see like a bunch of events and meetups cdR7Z6EVTDI-01875-00436476-00436733 so also for like local groups cdR7Z6EVTDI-01876-00436734-00436883 um so there's a bunch now of like local cdR7Z6EVTDI-01877-00436884-00437087 communities like this London or DC cdR7Z6EVTDI-01878-00437088-00437231 Berlin like cdR7Z6EVTDI-01879-00437232-00437399 um in a lot of cities popping up am I cdR7Z6EVTDI-01880-00437400-00437507 actually surprised like there's cdR7Z6EVTDI-01881-00437508-00437681 literally like an explosion like from cdR7Z6EVTDI-01882-00437682-00437951 Belgrade to Tokyo to India it's really cdR7Z6EVTDI-01883-00437952-00438113 nice to see these communities pop up cdR7Z6EVTDI-01884-00438114-00438310 everywhere so there's also a lot of cdR7Z6EVTDI-01885-00438312-00438497 local communities similar to like early cdR7Z6EVTDI-01886-00438497-00438695 ethereum or Bitcoin local communities cdR7Z6EVTDI-01887-00438696-00438941 now popping up cdR7Z6EVTDI-01888-00438942-00439205 fantastic so no excuses not to get cdR7Z6EVTDI-01889-00439206-00439439 involved thank you both so much for cdR7Z6EVTDI-01890-00439439-00439643 coming on it's been a pleasure cdR7Z6EVTDI-01891-00439643-00440030 thanks for having us thank you cgBegaRkT3u-00000-00000000-00000463 so last time I just gave you a brief cgBegaRkT3u-00001-00000465-00000724 introduction to this this is really the cgBegaRkT3u-00002-00000725-00001148 next part page 41 in notes number six cgBegaRkT3u-00003-00001149-00001525 and we're going to start defining cgBegaRkT3u-00004-00001526-00002000 filters on the Z plane so that's going cgBegaRkT3u-00005-00002001-00002267 to unravel this mystery of how when you cgBegaRkT3u-00006-00002268-00002930 see a filter response or even the a cgBegaRkT3u-00007-00002931-00003497 system or a description of a spectrum or cgBegaRkT3u-00008-00003497-00003785 a spectral response you'll see it given cgBegaRkT3u-00009-00003786-00004184 as some relatively small number of poles cgBegaRkT3u-00010-00004185-00004541 and zeros complex coordinates you know cgBegaRkT3u-00011-00004542-00004934 they'll actually I think in in seismic cgBegaRkT3u-00012-00004935-00005366 data files like seed files they'll give cgBegaRkT3u-00013-00005367-00005786 the instrument responses usually five or cgBegaRkT3u-00014-00005787-00006125 six poles and zeros and you'll see this cgBegaRkT3u-00015-00006126-00006581 list of of numbers in there now that cgBegaRkT3u-00016-00006581-00006802 doesn't come in so much in our cgBegaRkT3u-00017-00006803-00007267 exploration work but it is starting to cgBegaRkT3u-00018-00007268-00007627 become a little bit more important as we cgBegaRkT3u-00019-00007628-00007964 care more about amplitude and care a bit cgBegaRkT3u-00020-00007965-00008162 more about calibrating the responses of cgBegaRkT3u-00021-00008163-00008410 our of our exploration seismic cgBegaRkT3u-00022-00008411-00008902 instruments it also has a lot to do with cgBegaRkT3u-00023-00008903-00009492 electromagnetic work I think radar cgBegaRkT3u-00024-00009493-00009739 responses and antennas are described in cgBegaRkT3u-00025-00009740-00010135 much the same way now these filters are cgBegaRkT3u-00026-00010136-00010489 all one-dimensional filters you know cgBegaRkT3u-00027-00010490-00010694 they work on individual time series and cgBegaRkT3u-00028-00010695-00010913 if you have a whole bunch of time series cgBegaRkT3u-00029-00010914-00011312 to do apply them to it doesn't matter cgBegaRkT3u-00030-00011313-00011549 what order you process those those time cgBegaRkT3u-00031-00011550-00011876 series in you could send them all you cgBegaRkT3u-00032-00011877-00012163 send each time series for filter cgBegaRkT3u-00033-00012164-00012506 convolution to a different processor on cgBegaRkT3u-00034-00012507-00012734 your GPU for instance and it doesn't cgBegaRkT3u-00035-00012735-00012835 matter you know that they're done cgBegaRkT3u-00036-00012836-00013096 simultaneously or in some sort of order cgBegaRkT3u-00037-00013097-00013340 so we're really talking about this kind cgBegaRkT3u-00038-00013341-00013358 of cgBegaRkT3u-00039-00013359-00013586 one-dimensional filtering and it's in cgBegaRkT3u-00040-00013587-00013721 the second half of this class i'll talk cgBegaRkT3u-00041-00013722-00013980 more about what is actually effectively cgBegaRkT3u-00042-00013981-00014207 two dimensional convolution two cgBegaRkT3u-00043-00014208-00014465 dimensional filtering and we'll we'll cgBegaRkT3u-00044-00014466-00014797 start that with two dimensional Fourier cgBegaRkT3u-00045-00014798-00015053 transforms and fast fourier transforms cgBegaRkT3u-00046-00015054-00015485 all right so clairebot introduces this cgBegaRkT3u-00047-00015486-00015838 topic by by saying okay let's consider a cgBegaRkT3u-00048-00015840-00016016 couple of simple filters and the first cgBegaRkT3u-00049-00016016-00016274 one we'll look at is this one that the cgBegaRkT3u-00050-00016275-00016480 time series associated with the filter cgBegaRkT3u-00051-00016481-00016835 is 1-1 and what we're going to try to cgBegaRkT3u-00052-00016836-00017128 figure out here is what kind of filter cgBegaRkT3u-00053-00017129-00017569 is this okay and so it has the cgBegaRkT3u-00054-00017570-00017975 z-transform 1 minus z okay to term cgBegaRkT3u-00055-00017976-00018515 polynomial and if we take that against a cgBegaRkT3u-00056-00018516-00018761 much longer much larger polynomial with cgBegaRkT3u-00057-00018762-00019022 many more terms obviously representing a cgBegaRkT3u-00058-00019023-00019292 time series that's much longer and the cgBegaRkT3u-00059-00019293-00019555 coefficients of each term you know with cgBegaRkT3u-00060-00019556-00019822 z to some power if those coefficients cgBegaRkT3u-00061-00019823-00020047 are all one okay then we have a time cgBegaRkT3u-00062-00020048-00020278 series that's just ones all the way cgBegaRkT3u-00063-00020279-00020552 through and if we you know multiply the cgBegaRkT3u-00064-00020553-00020993 1 minus z polynomial by that that cgBegaRkT3u-00065-00020994-00021280 constant coefficient polynomial or we cgBegaRkT3u-00066-00021281-00021644 convolve 1-1 as a time series against cgBegaRkT3u-00067-00021645-00021944 this constant time series then what we cgBegaRkT3u-00068-00021945-00022217 are essentially doing is differentiating cgBegaRkT3u-00069-00022218-00022447 that time series and if we differentiate cgBegaRkT3u-00070-00022448-00022669 a constant function we should get zero cgBegaRkT3u-00071-00022670-00023062 right so that's a really let's cgBegaRkT3u-00072-00023063-00023255 demonstrate it here and you can try it cgBegaRkT3u-00073-00023256-00023615 by by multiplying out the polynomial a cgBegaRkT3u-00074-00023616-00024055 bit and or you can try it as a time cgBegaRkT3u-00075-00024056-00024433 series using the convolutional summation cgBegaRkT3u-00076-00024434-00024946 so what we're what we're getting now cgBegaRkT3u-00077-00024947-00025196 what what what should a differentiator cgBegaRkT3u-00078-00025197-00025544 do okay so clearly if we have a constant cgBegaRkT3u-00079-00025545-00025817 component in our time series what I cgBegaRkT3u-00080-00025818-00026012 might call a DC or direct current cgBegaRkT3u-00081-00026013-00026215 component then it's going to zero that cgBegaRkT3u-00082-00026216-00026624 out all right so actually it's what we cgBegaRkT3u-00083-00026625-00026712 would call cgBegaRkT3u-00084-00026713-00027264 a a low cut filter it's removing the low cgBegaRkT3u-00085-00027264-00027576 frequency ok now it's it's as it'll turn cgBegaRkT3u-00086-00027577-00027816 out it's not removing all of the low cgBegaRkT3u-00087-00027817-00028151 frequency I mean how are we defined low cgBegaRkT3u-00088-00028152-00028497 but it is certainly removing the zero cgBegaRkT3u-00089-00028498-00028755 frequency any energy that's associated cgBegaRkT3u-00090-00028756-00029177 with a constant level you know any any cgBegaRkT3u-00091-00029179-00029385 overall bias or average in our cgBegaRkT3u-00092-00029386-00029757 seismogram this differentiate will cgBegaRkT3u-00093-00029758-00030248 remove ok now this this filter cgBegaRkT3u-00094-00030249-00030654 polynomial in the Z domain it's a it's a cgBegaRkT3u-00095-00030655-00030983 very simple polynomial ok and we can cgBegaRkT3u-00096-00030985-00031233 naturally ask the question what is the cgBegaRkT3u-00097-00031233-00031530 root of that polynomial you know where cgBegaRkT3u-00098-00031531-00031827 does that you know if we can write the cgBegaRkT3u-00099-00031827-00032313 equation ok the the filter the function cgBegaRkT3u-00100-00032314-00032619 of Z is equal to 1 minus z okay where cgBegaRkT3u-00101-00032620-00032991 does the filter go to 0 where does F of cgBegaRkT3u-00102-00032992-00033255 Z goes to 0 well that's when z is equal cgBegaRkT3u-00103-00033256-00033603 to the root and obviously for the cgBegaRkT3u-00104-00033604-00033950 polynomial 1 minus z the single root is cgBegaRkT3u-00105-00033951-00034365 z 0 or Z naught is all sometimes call it cgBegaRkT3u-00106-00034366-00034814 is that's the the value of Z at the root cgBegaRkT3u-00107-00034815-00035154 ok and and the value of Z at the root is cgBegaRkT3u-00108-00035155-00035538 one with no imaginary part ok so now we cgBegaRkT3u-00109-00035539-00035889 can plot this on in the Z plane and of cgBegaRkT3u-00110-00035890-00036456 course it's on the unit circle and what cgBegaRkT3u-00111-00036457-00036678 frequency is that at well the frequency cgBegaRkT3u-00112-00036679-00037062 is really the angle from from the real cgBegaRkT3u-00113-00037063-00037272 axis and it's on the real axis so it's cgBegaRkT3u-00114-00037273-00037971 at frequency zero ok so i'll i'll call cgBegaRkT3u-00115-00037972-00038262 this route a zero because it's where the cgBegaRkT3u-00116-00038263-00038640 new polynomial goes to zero and and cgBegaRkT3u-00117-00038641-00039020 maybe it's starting to make sense that cgBegaRkT3u-00118-00039021-00039495 that a zero a root of a polynomial as a cgBegaRkT3u-00119-00039496-00040068 filter ok is going to zero out you know cgBegaRkT3u-00120-00040069-00040127 the cgBegaRkT3u-00121-00040128-00040376 the energy that comes through that cgBegaRkT3u-00122-00040377-00040776 filter at that frequency okay now cgBegaRkT3u-00123-00040777-00041079 there's another way of writing of cgBegaRkT3u-00124-00041080-00041429 graphing where this zero is and that's cgBegaRkT3u-00125-00041430-00041810 the way that's represented on the cgBegaRkT3u-00126-00041811-00042290 z-plane function in in the view map code cgBegaRkT3u-00127-00042291-00042737 okay and so in i think in lab to you get cgBegaRkT3u-00128-00042738-00043226 an introduction to to z plane certainly cgBegaRkT3u-00129-00043227-00043964 by lab three so now z plane does not cgBegaRkT3u-00130-00043965-00044387 show you where the well okay first of cgBegaRkT3u-00131-00044388-00044651 all z plane allows you to compose cgBegaRkT3u-00132-00044652-00044979 filters and spectra out of poles and cgBegaRkT3u-00133-00044980-00045227 zeros so if you're wondering what cgBegaRkT3u-00134-00045228-00045435 something does and what the spectrum of cgBegaRkT3u-00135-00045436-00045611 the filter the spectral response of the cgBegaRkT3u-00136-00045612-00045876 filter looks like you can enter it or cgBegaRkT3u-00137-00045877-00046179 draw it into Z plane you know click on cgBegaRkT3u-00138-00046180-00046421 the places where you want the roots and cgBegaRkT3u-00139-00046422-00046643 and then you can see the spectrum and cgBegaRkT3u-00140-00046644-00046874 you can apply that filter to any data cgBegaRkT3u-00141-00046875-00047211 set you want any any yeah well any data cgBegaRkT3u-00142-00047212-00047504 set that you can read into view mat so cgBegaRkT3u-00143-00047505-00047757 certainly all seismic at seismogram data cgBegaRkT3u-00144-00047758-00047982 sets and you could even apply it to a cgBegaRkT3u-00145-00047983-00048569 map if you wanted to but the Z plane cgBegaRkT3u-00146-00048570-00048971 does not have a direct view of this Z cgBegaRkT3u-00147-00048972-00049190 plane here with the unit circle what it cgBegaRkT3u-00148-00049191-00049367 does is it kind of unwraps the unit cgBegaRkT3u-00149-00049368-00049704 circle and draws it in this way where cgBegaRkT3u-00150-00049705-00050273 the the horizontal axis is frequency and cgBegaRkT3u-00151-00050274-00050540 if you in the Z plane tool if you point cgBegaRkT3u-00152-00050541-00050852 to to any place you know within the the cgBegaRkT3u-00153-00050853-00051683 field that that has this you know above cgBegaRkT3u-00154-00051684-00051980 the axes okay it will it will show you cgBegaRkT3u-00155-00051981-00052319 the the frequency in Hertz you know cgBegaRkT3u-00156-00052320-00052463 according to the data set you're looking cgBegaRkT3u-00157-00052464-00052878 at and and the y axis the vertical axis cgBegaRkT3u-00158-00052879-00053243 I haven't defined yet but that vertical cgBegaRkT3u-00159-00053244-00053451 axis and z plane is used cgBegaRkT3u-00160-00053452-00053935 for plotting the distance outside the cgBegaRkT3u-00161-00053936-00054219 unit circle and it's also used for cgBegaRkT3u-00162-00054220-00054693 plotting the the spectral power or maybe cgBegaRkT3u-00163-00054694-00054951 the magnitude of the of the spec of the cgBegaRkT3u-00164-00054952-00055293 the amplitude spectrum another thing cgBegaRkT3u-00165-00055294-00055611 that Z plane does is it does not show cgBegaRkT3u-00166-00055612-00056006 you the negative frequency side of the cgBegaRkT3u-00167-00056007-00056817 of this plane and that's a there are cgBegaRkT3u-00168-00056818-00057024 reasons for that at all that i'll go cgBegaRkT3u-00169-00057025-00057472 into priests in ok so this route this cgBegaRkT3u-00170-00057473-00057871 zero which appears here on the unit cgBegaRkT3u-00171-00057872-00058186 circle appears at zero frequency and cgBegaRkT3u-00172-00058187-00058617 it's represented as a as a capital z on cgBegaRkT3u-00173-00058618-00059013 on the z-plane type plot and it appears cgBegaRkT3u-00174-00059014-00059335 at a characteristic frequency or Omega 0 cgBegaRkT3u-00175-00059336-00059986 equal to zero alright so that's a you cgBegaRkT3u-00176-00059987-00060357 know a complete Z plane definition of cgBegaRkT3u-00177-00060358-00060879 this a complete Z plane definition of cgBegaRkT3u-00178-00060880-00061549 this of this differentiator filter all cgBegaRkT3u-00179-00061550-00061824 right well you may be wondering ok I got cgBegaRkT3u-00180-00061825-00061999 a differentiator can i make an integrate cgBegaRkT3u-00181-00062000-00062226 and you can you can make a simple cgBegaRkT3u-00182-00062227-00062850 integrator as the and it seep it's z cgBegaRkT3u-00183-00062851-00063257 polynomial is 1 plus c and of course cgBegaRkT3u-00184-00063258-00063715 this integrator has a zero has a route cgBegaRkT3u-00185-00063716-00064137 where f of z is zero which of course is cgBegaRkT3u-00186-00064138-00064593 at z naught equal to minus one and on cgBegaRkT3u-00187-00064594-00064875 the unit circle that's found at omega cgBegaRkT3u-00188-00064876-00065310 equals pi ok c 0 cos minus 1 it has no cgBegaRkT3u-00189-00065311-00065791 imaginary part and we find that on the cgBegaRkT3u-00190-00065792-00066306 z-plane type plot and we look first at cgBegaRkT3u-00191-00066307-00066610 the positive frequency part and we find cgBegaRkT3u-00192-00066611-00066883 it at pi I mean cgBegaRkT3u-00193-00066884-00067144 normally it should be pi delta T you cgBegaRkT3u-00194-00067145-00067348 know here for simplicity we're taking cgBegaRkT3u-00195-00067349-00067957 delta T equals one and the Omega 0 is cgBegaRkT3u-00196-00067958-00068506 equal to pi and and so we have to be cgBegaRkT3u-00197-00068507-00068659 aware that if we're plotting the cgBegaRkT3u-00198-00068660-00068938 negative frequency part this same zero cgBegaRkT3u-00199-00068939-00069115 there's not two zeros here this same cgBegaRkT3u-00200-00069116-00069556 zero is also appearing at negative PI ok cgBegaRkT3u-00201-00069557-00069754 so it's weird I got to plot it twice but cgBegaRkT3u-00202-00069755-00070345 there's only one okay now you you may cgBegaRkT3u-00203-00070346-00070627 remember from algebra that every cgBegaRkT3u-00204-00070628-00071029 polynomial of order n okay and we've cgBegaRkT3u-00205-00071030-00071233 been looking at these first order cgBegaRkT3u-00206-00071234-00071380 polynomials right they have two terms cgBegaRkT3u-00207-00071381-00071680 and they're in terms of the two terms cgBegaRkT3u-00208-00071681-00071980 are in our in terms of you know this is cgBegaRkT3u-00209-00071981-00072151 that one is the coefficient of Z to the cgBegaRkT3u-00210-00072152-00072379 zeroth power and minus one is the cgBegaRkT3u-00211-00072380-00072646 coefficient of Z to the first power ok cgBegaRkT3u-00212-00072647-00073057 so the highest power of Z that we have cgBegaRkT3u-00213-00073058-00073521 then these polynomials is is Z to the cgBegaRkT3u-00214-00073522-00073870 first power so it's a first-order cgBegaRkT3u-00215-00073871-00074335 polynomial and Z and so it's got one cgBegaRkT3u-00216-00074336-00074713 route so polynomial of order n which is cgBegaRkT3u-00217-00074714-00075238 n plus 1 terms has n roots ok now they cgBegaRkT3u-00218-00075239-00075568 are not necessarily all different you cgBegaRkT3u-00219-00075569-00075775 know they you might find that all the cgBegaRkT3u-00220-00075776-00075982 roots are at exactly the same spot on cgBegaRkT3u-00221-00075983-00076327 the Z plane ok even if there's a million cgBegaRkT3u-00222-00076328-00076486 of them they could be exactly the same cgBegaRkT3u-00223-00076487-00076771 place so they're not all distinct but cgBegaRkT3u-00224-00076772-00077233 there are there are n of them so get cgBegaRkT3u-00225-00077234-00077569 this you know imagine you have that cgBegaRkT3u-00226-00077570-00077827 month-long sizer grab you know which is cgBegaRkT3u-00227-00077828-00078058 you know it's going to have two billion cgBegaRkT3u-00228-00078059-00078324 in one samples and so it's going to have cgBegaRkT3u-00229-00078325-00078727 two billion roots and you could you know cgBegaRkT3u-00230-00078728-00078865 you can represent that month-long cgBegaRkT3u-00231-00078866-00079270 seismogram as a Z polynomial and just cgBegaRkT3u-00232-00079271-00079489 think if you could factor it then you cgBegaRkT3u-00233-00079490-00079789 would find the two billion roots that cgBegaRkT3u-00234-00079790-00080011 that represent that month-long cgBegaRkT3u-00235-00080012-00080224 seismograph so we're cgBegaRkT3u-00236-00080225-00080416 you know we're not worried about about cgBegaRkT3u-00237-00080417-00080611 having you know million dimensional data cgBegaRkT3u-00238-00080612-00080758 billion dimensional data we're not cgBegaRkT3u-00239-00080759-00081076 worried about having a billion terms in cgBegaRkT3u-00240-00081077-00081280 our in our Z polynomials we're not cgBegaRkT3u-00241-00081281-00081973 worried about about having a billion cgBegaRkT3u-00242-00081974-00082489 roots on our on our Z plane we can you cgBegaRkT3u-00243-00082490-00082749 know we can handle all that with code cgBegaRkT3u-00244-00082750-00083134 and and I might get a chance I may have cgBegaRkT3u-00245-00083135-00083305 to cut it short but I might get a chance cgBegaRkT3u-00246-00083306-00083482 to talk a little bit about factoring cgBegaRkT3u-00247-00083483-00083944 gigantic polynomials okay how do you cgBegaRkT3u-00248-00083945-00084148 actually do that it's not not cgBegaRkT3u-00249-00084149-00084502 necessarily simple but there are some cgBegaRkT3u-00250-00084503-00084664 pretty well established ways and they cgBegaRkT3u-00251-00084665-00085386 work for arbitrary size time series okay cgBegaRkT3u-00252-00085387-00085879 so let's say we apply this integrator 1 cgBegaRkT3u-00253-00085880-00086512 plus Z 2 again to our know we're cgBegaRkT3u-00254-00086513-00086698 applying it to a new series look at this cgBegaRkT3u-00255-00086699-00087007 series okay this Z polynomial the cgBegaRkT3u-00256-00087008-00087187 coefficient is either first power is 1 cgBegaRkT3u-00257-00087188-00087370 the coefficient of Z 2 2nd power is cgBegaRkT3u-00258-00087371-00087565 minus 1 the coefficient of Z to the cgBegaRkT3u-00259-00087566-00087805 third power is 1 the coefficient is e to cgBegaRkT3u-00260-00087806-00088057 the minus I'm sorry to the z to the cgBegaRkT3u-00261-00088058-00088399 fourth power is minus 1 all right so cgBegaRkT3u-00262-00088400-00088771 this is like the this is like an cgBegaRkT3u-00263-00088772-00088906 oscillation at the Nyquist frequency cgBegaRkT3u-00264-00088907-00089332 it's bouncing between 1 minus 1 1-1 so cgBegaRkT3u-00265-00089333-00089532 that's exactly at the Nyquist frequency cgBegaRkT3u-00266-00089533-00089818 ok that's all this contains is is an cgBegaRkT3u-00267-00089819-00090132 oscillation at the Nyquist frequency you cgBegaRkT3u-00268-00090133-00090789 know two times delta T is its period so cgBegaRkT3u-00269-00090790-00091249 what if we apply this integrator to to cgBegaRkT3u-00270-00091250-00091654 this you know Nyquist oscillation all cgBegaRkT3u-00271-00091655-00091972 right so we have f of Z as a polynomial cgBegaRkT3u-00272-00091973-00092320 x this this Nyquist polynomial and we're cgBegaRkT3u-00273-00092321-00092545 going to get zero right if you go ahead cgBegaRkT3u-00274-00092546-00092818 and multiply out some some terms you'll cgBegaRkT3u-00275-00092819-00093375 find that that you get zero okay so cgBegaRkT3u-00276-00093376-00093607 whereas the differentiator was a cgBegaRkT3u-00277-00093608-00093880 low cut filter the integrator as you cgBegaRkT3u-00278-00093881-00094207 might expect is a high cut filter it's cgBegaRkT3u-00279-00094208-00094405 smooth things out it removes the high cgBegaRkT3u-00280-00094406-00094651 frequencies or removes the rapid cgBegaRkT3u-00281-00094652-00094951 oscillations alright because it's got a cgBegaRkT3u-00282-00094952-00095362 zero at the Nyquist frequency okay a cgBegaRkT3u-00283-00095363-00095605 zero at pi which is the Nyquist cgBegaRkT3u-00284-00095606-00096215 frequency all right now if if that was cgBegaRkT3u-00285-00096216-00096817 all we had okay on the on the unit cgBegaRkT3u-00286-00096818-00097018 circle right there's only you know all cgBegaRkT3u-00287-00097019-00097144 these roots are going to plot on the cgBegaRkT3u-00288-00097145-00097561 unit circle and and on the unit circle cgBegaRkT3u-00289-00097562-00097760 there's only two possible routes that cgBegaRkT3u-00290-00097761-00098060 are all real right there's one a minus cgBegaRkT3u-00291-00098061-00098317 one that's all we get so if we want to cgBegaRkT3u-00292-00098318-00098575 do any other filtering and if we want to cgBegaRkT3u-00293-00098576-00098812 be at all clever about our filtering and cgBegaRkT3u-00294-00098813-00098962 like split the difference you know what cgBegaRkT3u-00295-00098963-00099173 if I want to filter half the Nyquist cgBegaRkT3u-00296-00099174-00099325 frequency I want to get rid of half the cgBegaRkT3u-00297-00099326-00099635 Nyquist frequency or let's say the cgBegaRkT3u-00298-00099636-00100024 Nyquist frequency is is ten ten ten cgBegaRkT3u-00299-00100025-00100222 thousand Hertz and I want to get rid of cgBegaRkT3u-00300-00100223-00100466 60 Hertz because you know on my cgBegaRkT3u-00301-00100467-00100641 seismograms I'm seeing a lot of cgBegaRkT3u-00302-00100642-00100981 electrical interference you know in New cgBegaRkT3u-00303-00100982-00101137 Zealand you would cease 50 Hertz cgBegaRkT3u-00304-00101138-00101575 interference New Zealand Australia you cgBegaRkT3u-00305-00101576-00101824 know so I I don't want to take out zero cgBegaRkT3u-00306-00101825-00101972 frequency I don't want to take out the cgBegaRkT3u-00307-00101973-00102106 knife was frequency I want to take out cgBegaRkT3u-00308-00102107-00102335 this other frequency so we got to be cgBegaRkT3u-00309-00102336-00102517 somewhere else on the unit circle and cgBegaRkT3u-00310-00102518-00102875 we're going to have a complex root it's cgBegaRkT3u-00311-00102876-00103104 going to have to be on the unit circle cgBegaRkT3u-00312-00103105-00103463 it's going to be you know it's going to cgBegaRkT3u-00313-00103464-00104010 have a nonzero imaginary component so cgBegaRkT3u-00314-00104011-00104436 let's say we're we're looking to remove cgBegaRkT3u-00315-00104438-00104731 Omega 0 equal to PI over 2 half the cgBegaRkT3u-00316-00104732-00104873 Nyquist frequency you want to get rid of cgBegaRkT3u-00317-00104874-00105569 that all right so here's here's a way cgBegaRkT3u-00318-00105570-00106033 let's see no I'm sorry here I'm defining cgBegaRkT3u-00319-00106034-00106226 the root in terms of this Euler cgBegaRkT3u-00320-00106227-00106550 exponential right so I'm defying the cgBegaRkT3u-00321-00106551-00106810 rodent and this is a this is like a cgBegaRkT3u-00322-00106811-00106982 initial death cgBegaRkT3u-00323-00106983-00107273 mission okay and and we're going to see cgBegaRkT3u-00324-00107274-00107683 a more common way of defining roots with cgBegaRkT3u-00325-00107684-00107894 the oil are exponential but but bear cgBegaRkT3u-00326-00107895-00108122 myth bear with me for a moment here all cgBegaRkT3u-00327-00108123-00108328 we need now is we want to put a root on cgBegaRkT3u-00328-00108329-00108964 the unit circle and and we want to we cgBegaRkT3u-00329-00108965-00109333 want it to have to appear at the angle cgBegaRkT3u-00330-00109334-00109706 Omega 0 which is actually omega 0 delta cgBegaRkT3u-00331-00109707-00110369 T right which is which is you know maybe cgBegaRkT3u-00332-00110370-00110836 going to be at PI over 2 okay so so you cgBegaRkT3u-00333-00110838-00111190 know we let's expand out the e to the I cgBegaRkT3u-00334-00111191-00111647 Omega 0 okay and of course it's equal to cgBegaRkT3u-00335-00111648-00112060 you know cosine PI over 2 plus i sine PI cgBegaRkT3u-00336-00112061-00112370 over 2 all right the cosine of pi over cgBegaRkT3u-00337-00112371-00112682 two is zero so there's no real part in cgBegaRkT3u-00338-00112683-00113029 this case and the sine of pi over two is cgBegaRkT3u-00339-00113030-00113606 one so our route is equal to I or 0 plus cgBegaRkT3u-00340-00113607-00113815 I if you if you want to keep it written cgBegaRkT3u-00341-00113816-00114407 out complex all right um okay now let's cgBegaRkT3u-00342-00114408-00114719 let's build that into a polynomial okay cgBegaRkT3u-00343-00114720-00115394 this is the the root of 1 minus Z over Z cgBegaRkT3u-00344-00115395-00115828 naught and if we if Z naught is i right cgBegaRkT3u-00345-00115829-00116525 then one over i is minus I ok so the cgBegaRkT3u-00346-00116526-00117332 actual polynomial is one plus I Z ok and cgBegaRkT3u-00347-00117333-00117787 and so now we know we know the we know cgBegaRkT3u-00348-00117788-00118199 the time series that this that this pi cgBegaRkT3u-00349-00118200-00118560 over 2 Omega 0 equals PI over to filter cgBegaRkT3u-00350-00118561-00118949 represents ok so the filters time series cgBegaRkT3u-00351-00118950-00119483 is 1 comma I so we've got you know the cgBegaRkT3u-00352-00119483-00119725 first sample is all real the next sample cgBegaRkT3u-00353-00119726-00120058 is all imaginary kind of a weird time cgBegaRkT3u-00354-00120059-00120289 series of cgBegaRkT3u-00355-00120290-00120847 non physical so okay what can we do with cgBegaRkT3u-00356-00120848-00121147 that right if we if we are using our cgBegaRkT3u-00357-00121148-00121501 physical model we get data y which is cgBegaRkT3u-00358-00121502-00121966 the filter polynomial times the input cgBegaRkT3u-00359-00121967-00122383 polynomial x okay we have and we're cgBegaRkT3u-00360-00122384-00122626 essentially convolving at the input time cgBegaRkT3u-00361-00122627-00122836 series little X with the filter time cgBegaRkT3u-00362-00122837-00123109 series little F and we're getting out a cgBegaRkT3u-00363-00123110-00123523 time series little why okay and if so if cgBegaRkT3u-00364-00123524-00123850 the filter is complex then the output cgBegaRkT3u-00365-00123851-00124129 time series you know why a tea will also cgBegaRkT3u-00366-00124130-00124429 be complex and we really don't want that cgBegaRkT3u-00367-00124430-00124568 right I mean what are we going to do cgBegaRkT3u-00368-00124569-00124912 with with a complex seismogram I mean cgBegaRkT3u-00369-00124913-00125035 there are some things we can do with it cgBegaRkT3u-00370-00125036-00125365 but but just to you know to take a real cgBegaRkT3u-00371-00125366-00125572 seismogram and filter it end up with a cgBegaRkT3u-00372-00125573-00125824 complex seismogram you know we can't use cgBegaRkT3u-00373-00125825-00126574 that so we'll avoid complex filters by cgBegaRkT3u-00374-00126575-00126934 using complementary roots complex cgBegaRkT3u-00375-00126935-00127327 conjugate roots all right so we really cgBegaRkT3u-00376-00127328-00127735 need two filters we need two routes one cgBegaRkT3u-00377-00127736-00128224 is at plus PI over 2 and the other one cgBegaRkT3u-00378-00128225-00128578 is at minus PI over 2 okay they are cgBegaRkT3u-00379-00128579-00128764 complex conjugates to be the of each cgBegaRkT3u-00380-00128765-00129146 other you know the first root Z naught cgBegaRkT3u-00381-00129147-00129454 is equal to I and then the second route cgBegaRkT3u-00382-00129455-00129715 is Z naught conjugate which of course is cgBegaRkT3u-00383-00129716-00130201 just minus I all right and here's where cgBegaRkT3u-00384-00130202-00130396 we're actually starting to make use of cgBegaRkT3u-00385-00130397-00130809 this mysterious negative frequency part cgBegaRkT3u-00386-00130810-00131338 okay we need that because what is going cgBegaRkT3u-00387-00131339-00131638 to do for us is that you know we cgBegaRkT3u-00388-00131639-00131977 multiply by all right so let me compose cgBegaRkT3u-00389-00131978-00132494 the filter now I've got one z polynomial cgBegaRkT3u-00390-00132495-00132910 which is one plus I Z and I've got cgBegaRkT3u-00391-00132911-00133108 another z polynomial the other the cgBegaRkT3u-00392-00133109-00133498 complex conjugate root which is one cgBegaRkT3u-00393-00133499-00133685 minus isay are cgBegaRkT3u-00394-00133686-00134018 multiplying together right so we got one cgBegaRkT3u-00395-00134019-00134825 squared plus I z- isay ok so there's no cgBegaRkT3u-00396-00134826-00135095 you know the coefficient of Z to the cgBegaRkT3u-00397-00135096-00135386 first power in the product is zero and cgBegaRkT3u-00398-00135387-00135986 then I have plus I z x minus ize so i cgBegaRkT3u-00399-00135987-00136310 times i is minus 1 and minus 1 times cgBegaRkT3u-00400-00136311-00136841 that is 1 and Z times Z is Z squared ok cgBegaRkT3u-00401-00136842-00137249 so so by putting these two by cgBegaRkT3u-00402-00137250-00137456 multiplying these two complex conjugate cgBegaRkT3u-00403-00137457-00137894 roots complex conjugate polynomials cgBegaRkT3u-00404-00137895-00138125 together ok what's your main from cgBegaRkT3u-00405-00138126-00138358 complex conjugate complimentary roofs cgBegaRkT3u-00406-00138359-00139106 all right we get 1 plus Z squared we get cgBegaRkT3u-00407-00139107-00139487 an entirely real filter time series an cgBegaRkT3u-00408-00139488-00139919 entirely real filter Z polynomial right cgBegaRkT3u-00409-00139920-00140553 the the the time series here is 101 cgBegaRkT3u-00410-00140554-00140912 right because there's 0 times e to the cgBegaRkT3u-00411-00140913-00141137 first power and then 1 times e to the cgBegaRkT3u-00412-00141138-00141620 second power ok and this will have this cgBegaRkT3u-00413-00141621-00141812 will have the effect we want it allows cgBegaRkT3u-00414-00141813-00142381 us to get rid of PI over 2 frequencies cgBegaRkT3u-00415-00142382-00142832 and now you know we are showing two cgBegaRkT3u-00416-00142833-00143201 different routes here ok this is the Z cgBegaRkT3u-00417-00143202-00143465 plane type plot here's the Nyquist cgBegaRkT3u-00418-00143466-00143753 frequency which is at PI and here's our cgBegaRkT3u-00419-00143754-00144002 route at PI over 2 here's our other cgBegaRkT3u-00420-00144003-00144431 route at minus PI over 2 okay and it's cgBegaRkT3u-00421-00144432-00144616 only at you know minus PI that we'd be cgBegaRkT3u-00422-00144617-00144788 repeating you know anything that we had cgBegaRkT3u-00423-00144789-00145070 at PI but these are not repeated there's cgBegaRkT3u-00424-00145071-00145301 actually two different routes and since cgBegaRkT3u-00425-00145302-00145457 they are the complex conjugates of each cgBegaRkT3u-00426-00145458-00145925 other we get a real filter all right and cgBegaRkT3u-00427-00145926-00146747 so then the so then the the complex and cgBegaRkT3u-00428-00146748-00147086 then the the filtered cgBegaRkT3u-00429-00147087-00147617 data why is going to be real okay we cgBegaRkT3u-00430-00147618-00148099 have a real filter and then real output cgBegaRkT3u-00431-00148100-00148673 so that's that's going to underlie and cgBegaRkT3u-00432-00148674-00148961 and that's why in z-plane you only see cgBegaRkT3u-00433-00148962-00149501 this quarter of the of the plane okay cgBegaRkT3u-00434-00149502-00149924 you only see positive a positive Omega cgBegaRkT3u-00435-00149925-00150302 because for any route that's not at zero cgBegaRkT3u-00436-00150303-00150566 you know if it's at zero you know it's cgBegaRkT3u-00437-00150567-00150653 at the positive and the negative cgBegaRkT3u-00438-00150654-00150872 frequency right zeros both places if cgBegaRkT3u-00439-00150873-00151136 it's at the Nyquist at pi it's you know cgBegaRkT3u-00440-00151137-00151382 that one root is at both places but as cgBegaRkT3u-00441-00151383-00151766 soon as we play see a root or a pole in cgBegaRkT3u-00442-00151767-00152240 Z plane off the zero frequency axis or cgBegaRkT3u-00443-00152241-00152651 away from PI then automatically Z plane cgBegaRkT3u-00444-00152652-00153125 ads in that complimentary route that cgBegaRkT3u-00445-00153126-00153557 complex conjugate and and creates real cgBegaRkT3u-00446-00153558-00153794 output for us you know and that allows e cgBegaRkT3u-00447-00153795-00153962 plane to do the filtering and without cgBegaRkT3u-00448-00153963-00154265 having to show us the imaginary part of cgBegaRkT3u-00449-00154266-00154838 the product because it's it's all 0 okay cgBegaRkT3u-00450-00154839-00155312 so you know even though even though the cgBegaRkT3u-00451-00155313-00155566 z-plane program is not showing you these cgBegaRkT3u-00452-00155567-00156007 these complimentary roots at negative cgBegaRkT3u-00453-00156008-00156368 frequencies they are there and and cgBegaRkT3u-00454-00156369-00156679 because they're always complimentary it cgBegaRkT3u-00455-00156680-00156899 only has to show you the positive Omega cgBegaRkT3u-00456-00156900-00157481 part of the Z plane all right so now cgBegaRkT3u-00457-00157482-00157729 let's let's work on a kind of general cgBegaRkT3u-00458-00157730-00158078 representation for a complex root Z cgBegaRkT3u-00459-00158079-00158582 naught okay so Z naught can take we can cgBegaRkT3u-00460-00158583-00158938 give it in a few different forms we have cgBegaRkT3u-00461-00158939-00159200 we can just give its complex coordinates cgBegaRkT3u-00462-00159201-00159709 X plus iy right as we've as we've done cgBegaRkT3u-00463-00159710-00160052 and of course that's the real part of cgBegaRkT3u-00464-00160053-00160247 the root plus i times the imaginary part cgBegaRkT3u-00465-00160248-00160409 of the route cgBegaRkT3u-00466-00160410-00160844 we can we can we can write this route in cgBegaRkT3u-00467-00160845-00161134 polar form if it's convenient for us and cgBegaRkT3u-00468-00161135-00161641 and the the Euler exponential is very cgBegaRkT3u-00469-00161642-00161993 good at helping us do that because it cgBegaRkT3u-00470-00161994-00162263 kind of packages up the sine the cosine cgBegaRkT3u-00471-00162264-00162500 and sine very neatly into a much more cgBegaRkT3u-00472-00162501-00162841 compact representation so we have the cgBegaRkT3u-00473-00162842-00163277 the Omega zero that's the the the cgBegaRkT3u-00474-00163278-00163508 frequency the central frequency of this cgBegaRkT3u-00475-00163509-00163856 of this route okay the characteristic cgBegaRkT3u-00476-00163857-00164024 let's call it the characteristic cgBegaRkT3u-00477-00164025-00164266 frequency of the route okay so here we cgBegaRkT3u-00478-00164267-00164773 have the complex root Z naught and it's cgBegaRkT3u-00479-00164774-00165146 its characteristic frequency is taken as cgBegaRkT3u-00480-00165147-00165454 the imaginary exponent of e so really cgBegaRkT3u-00481-00165455-00165881 this is cosine Omega 0 plus i sine Omega cgBegaRkT3u-00482-00165882-00166274 0 and then we divide by the real number cgBegaRkT3u-00483-00166275-00167338 row okay and and row is the row is the cgBegaRkT3u-00484-00167339-00167651 is the inverse and and maybe it'll cgBegaRkT3u-00485-00167652-00168004 become clearer later why we use the cgBegaRkT3u-00486-00168005-00168239 inverse of the of the magnitude of the cgBegaRkT3u-00487-00168240-00168851 complex number but that's what's what's cgBegaRkT3u-00488-00168852-00169100 in Claire bouts books and it's pretty cgBegaRkT3u-00489-00169101-00169397 generally generally used as well so when cgBegaRkT3u-00490-00169398-00169648 you see row in the in the Z plane cgBegaRkT3u-00491-00169649-00169910 program you know you point anywhere in cgBegaRkT3u-00492-00169911-00170057 the Z plane it gives you the row it cgBegaRkT3u-00493-00170058-00170522 gives you the Vega 0 and so forth the cgBegaRkT3u-00494-00170523-00170927 row is the inverse of the of the cgBegaRkT3u-00495-00170928-00171143 distance of the of the route from the cgBegaRkT3u-00496-00171144-00171632 origin so of course if it's on the if cgBegaRkT3u-00497-00171633-00171986 it's if the rout is on the unit circle cgBegaRkT3u-00498-00171987-00172329 then row is 1 and you don't see it if cgBegaRkT3u-00499-00172330-00172724 the root is inside the unit circle row cgBegaRkT3u-00500-00172725-00173072 is greater than one if the root is cgBegaRkT3u-00501-00173073-00173489 outside the unit circle rho is less than cgBegaRkT3u-00502-00173490-00173724 1 okay cgBegaRkT3u-00503-00173725-00174180 and and you know roll really never goes cgBegaRkT3u-00504-00174181-00174894 to really never goes to zero you know we cgBegaRkT3u-00505-00174895-00175449 we have to be infinitely far from the we cgBegaRkT3u-00506-00175450-00175653 have to be infinitely far from the unit cgBegaRkT3u-00507-00175654-00176109 circle to 40 to go to zero uh and there cgBegaRkT3u-00508-00176110-00176364 are of course dire consequences if we cgBegaRkT3u-00509-00176365-00176628 make you know if we put the root at the cgBegaRkT3u-00510-00176629-00177045 origin then Rho is infinite and and you cgBegaRkT3u-00511-00177046-00177198 know this representation is totally a cgBegaRkT3u-00512-00177199-00177882 valid and so there's problems okay so we cgBegaRkT3u-00513-00177883-00178110 define Z naught in this way we can cgBegaRkT3u-00514-00178111-00178512 define then Z naught conjugate the cgBegaRkT3u-00515-00178513-00178755 conjugate root the complementary route cgBegaRkT3u-00516-00178756-00179181 as eat very simply eat to the minus I cgBegaRkT3u-00517-00179182-00179589 Omega 0 over the same row same Omega 0 cgBegaRkT3u-00518-00179590-00179889 same row we're just taking it you know cgBegaRkT3u-00519-00179890-00180096 down on the frequency into the negative cgBegaRkT3u-00520-00180097-00180476 frequency part instead of to the cgBegaRkT3u-00521-00180477-00180990 positive frequency part ah now here's a cgBegaRkT3u-00522-00180991-00181422 here's a little piece of of math which cgBegaRkT3u-00523-00181423-00181710 you will come back to and I and I think cgBegaRkT3u-00524-00181711-00181875 when I wrote these notes I neglected to cgBegaRkT3u-00525-00181876-00182214 put the result here in a box but for I cgBegaRkT3u-00526-00182215-00182370 think for a lab to you're going to need cgBegaRkT3u-00527-00182371-00182793 this equation quite a bit all right and cgBegaRkT3u-00528-00182794-00182994 and we'll get around to explaining cgBegaRkT3u-00529-00182995-00183531 exactly what it is okay so let's put cgBegaRkT3u-00530-00183532-00183687 together the whole filter that's made cgBegaRkT3u-00531-00183688-00183975 out of this one route and its conjugate cgBegaRkT3u-00532-00183976-00184473 route okay so we have here you know cgBegaRkT3u-00533-00184474-00184770 here's the Z polynomial for 1 minus Z cgBegaRkT3u-00534-00184771-00185043 over Z naught and here's a Z polynomial cgBegaRkT3u-00535-00185044-00185286 which is one minus Z over Z naught cgBegaRkT3u-00536-00185287-00185565 conjugate so we got the route we get the cgBegaRkT3u-00537-00185566-00185811 conjugate route okay you multiply the cgBegaRkT3u-00538-00185812-00186195 polynomial out you get 1 minus 1 over Z cgBegaRkT3u-00539-00186196-00186438 naught plus 1 over Z naught conjugate cgBegaRkT3u-00540-00186439-00187095 times z plus z squared times 1 over cgBegaRkT3u-00541-00187096-00187425 z naught times e not conjugate and then cgBegaRkT3u-00542-00187426-00187702 you work through the these definitions cgBegaRkT3u-00543-00187703-00187893 right in terms of the Euler cgBegaRkT3u-00544-00187894-00188085 Exponential's you put these sort of plug cgBegaRkT3u-00545-00188086-00188438 them in you get and we're writing a Z cgBegaRkT3u-00546-00188439-00188666 polynomial here right so here's a simple cgBegaRkT3u-00547-00188667-00189006 you know single root filter that has its cgBegaRkT3u-00548-00189007-00189313 complex conjugate root in there okay and cgBegaRkT3u-00549-00189314-00189839 z polynomial for it is 1 minus 2 Rho cgBegaRkT3u-00550-00189840-00190340 cosine Omega 0 times C okay plus Rho cgBegaRkT3u-00551-00190341-00190832 squared times Z squared so this is a cgBegaRkT3u-00552-00190833-00191085 time series right that's the z-transform cgBegaRkT3u-00553-00191086-00191481 of this time series down here which is a cgBegaRkT3u-00554-00191482-00191813 filter time series it's got three it's cgBegaRkT3u-00555-00191814-00192081 got three time samples in it you know at cgBegaRkT3u-00556-00192082-00192399 zero time the co it the the amplitude is cgBegaRkT3u-00557-00192400-00192888 one at one delta T I write the cgBegaRkT3u-00558-00192889-00193119 coefficient of Z to the first power it's cgBegaRkT3u-00559-00193120-00193446 minus two times Rho times the cosine of cgBegaRkT3u-00560-00193447-00193857 Omega 0 now what is that that's that's a cgBegaRkT3u-00561-00193858-00194160 real number right that's a it's that you cgBegaRkT3u-00562-00194161-00194532 know one is is all real minus two rows cgBegaRkT3u-00563-00194533-00194973 real the cosine gives a real number ok cgBegaRkT3u-00564-00194974-00195261 so the this is a real series all real cgBegaRkT3u-00565-00195262-00195468 right Rho squared Rose the real number cgBegaRkT3u-00566-00195469-00196436 Rho squared is a real number ok um and a cgBegaRkT3u-00567-00196437-00197251 another way to okay now we'll talk about cgBegaRkT3u-00568-00197252-00197528 in a bit about the spectrum of this but cgBegaRkT3u-00569-00197529-00197694 but here's you know here's how you get cgBegaRkT3u-00570-00197695-00197919 this you know so so right away we could cgBegaRkT3u-00571-00197920-00198168 define always do is define on may be 0 cgBegaRkT3u-00572-00198169-00198588 and we define our row and we'll work cgBegaRkT3u-00573-00198589-00199161 with the Rose later on and we know what cgBegaRkT3u-00574-00199162-00199434 effect Omega 0 has and right away we can cgBegaRkT3u-00575-00199435-00199824 compose a I don't know maybe I could cgBegaRkT3u-00576-00199825-00200160 turn this a wide bad cut filter it's cgBegaRkT3u-00577-00200161-00200436 going to remove energy around Omega cgBegaRkT3u-00578-00200437-00201291 zero okay and and and this is you know cgBegaRkT3u-00579-00201292-00201510 this it's entirely defined here we know cgBegaRkT3u-00580-00201511-00201675 what it's we know what it's filter time cgBegaRkT3u-00581-00201676-00201933 series is we know what a Z transform is cgBegaRkT3u-00582-00201934-00202284 and we'll talk about the will talk about cgBegaRkT3u-00583-00202285-00202823 the Fourier transform in a sec so for cgBegaRkT3u-00584-00202824-00203322 for Rho equals one it'll turn out you cgBegaRkT3u-00585-00203323-00203529 know if we put the the root on the unit cgBegaRkT3u-00586-00203530-00203859 circle there's going to be exactly zero cgBegaRkT3u-00587-00203860-00204300 energy left at exactly Omega 0 it will cgBegaRkT3u-00588-00204301-00204447 remove all the energy at the cgBegaRkT3u-00589-00204448-00204779 characteristic frequency for Rho close cgBegaRkT3u-00590-00204780-00205227 to one you know near the the the unit cgBegaRkT3u-00591-00205228-00205476 circle and it doesn't it can be inside cgBegaRkT3u-00592-00205477-00205659 our could be outside but if it's near cgBegaRkT3u-00593-00205660-00205865 the unit circle then we have a cgBegaRkT3u-00594-00205866-00206269 suppression of frequencies near Omega 0 cgBegaRkT3u-00595-00206271-00207057 okay and if it's and if it's you know cgBegaRkT3u-00596-00207058-00207369 the closer it is to the the closer role cgBegaRkT3u-00597-00207369-00207698 is to one the closer the root is to the cgBegaRkT3u-00598-00207700-00207909 unit circle and the more suppression of cgBegaRkT3u-00599-00207910-00208209 frequencies we get okay of those cgBegaRkT3u-00600-00208210-00208481 frequencies near Omega zero do we get um cgBegaRkT3u-00601-00208482-00209028 and in Z plane you know if we put the cgBegaRkT3u-00602-00209029-00209273 route exactly on the horizontal axis cgBegaRkT3u-00603-00209275-00209771 over here then it's going to be a you cgBegaRkT3u-00604-00209773-00209871 know it's going to be on the unit circle cgBegaRkT3u-00605-00209871-00210216 that's you know so now in a way we were cgBegaRkT3u-00606-00210217-00210681 going to be plotting row up here and row cgBegaRkT3u-00607-00210682-00211200 is 1 here and and rho is less than one cgBegaRkT3u-00608-00211201-00211529 going up okay so that's a little weird cgBegaRkT3u-00609-00211530-00211734 you know but we're getting further cgBegaRkT3u-00610-00211735-00211956 outside the unit circle as we go up in cgBegaRkT3u-00611-00211957-00212660 this in this quadrant that that the that cgBegaRkT3u-00612-00212661-00212955 the z-plane program gives us to work cgBegaRkT3u-00613-00212956-00213590 with all right so you know we've got cgBegaRkT3u-00614-00213591-00213779 we've got a tool cgBegaRkT3u-00615-00213780-00214187 now right we can we can build up and cgBegaRkT3u-00616-00214188-00214376 I'll get to the the you know the cgBegaRkT3u-00617-00214377-00214580 characteristic spectrum of the filter in cgBegaRkT3u-00618-00214581-00214792 a bit but we got everything we need cgBegaRkT3u-00619-00214794-00214988 right here we can filter it any cgBegaRkT3u-00620-00214989-00215264 frequency and we can build we can build cgBegaRkT3u-00621-00215265-00215504 a freak we can build a filter out of as cgBegaRkT3u-00622-00215505-00215687 many roots as we want as many different cgBegaRkT3u-00623-00215688-00215992 frequencies and rose as we want and all cgBegaRkT3u-00624-00215994-00216230 they're going to be is kind of cascaded cgBegaRkT3u-00625-00216231-00216434 filters and each filter at each cgBegaRkT3u-00626-00216435-00216638 frequency you know has its conjugate cgBegaRkT3u-00627-00216639-00216971 root and has this time series so you cgBegaRkT3u-00628-00216971-00217373 know if you have a million roots on the cgBegaRkT3u-00629-00217373-00217712 on the positive Omega side then you're cgBegaRkT3u-00630-00217713-00217883 going to have a million of these filters cgBegaRkT3u-00631-00217884-00218189 just one applied after the other okay cgBegaRkT3u-00632-00218190-00218600 and and that's very simple to you know cgBegaRkT3u-00633-00218601-00218917 to to figure out the effective every cgBegaRkT3u-00634-00218919-00219080 everything in all the math you need is cgBegaRkT3u-00635-00219081-00219791 right here and and so anything any cgBegaRkT3u-00636-00219792-00220100 filter that we build out of roots and cgBegaRkT3u-00637-00220101-00220671 zeros is now entirely defined ok now I cgBegaRkT3u-00638-00220673-00220969 also talked to I also mentioned poles cgBegaRkT3u-00639-00220969-00221450 when I when I introduced this this cgBegaRkT3u-00640-00221451-00221888 session and I need to kind of ease you cgBegaRkT3u-00641-00221889-00222319 gently into the concept of a pole okay cgBegaRkT3u-00642-00222319-00222608 you know a root is where the Fourier cgBegaRkT3u-00643-00222609-00223198 trance is where the the Z polynomial cgBegaRkT3u-00644-00223200-00223696 goes to zero ok and a pole is something cgBegaRkT3u-00645-00223698-00223894 different the Z polynomial all actually cgBegaRkT3u-00646-00223896-00224592 goes to actually goes to infinity ok and cgBegaRkT3u-00647-00224594-00225140 a pole is involved in in taken in what's cgBegaRkT3u-00648-00225141-00225362 called rational filters which means that cgBegaRkT3u-00649-00225363-00225806 we are we have a Z polynomial on the top cgBegaRkT3u-00650-00225807-00226187 on a numerator and we're dividing one cgBegaRkT3u-00651-00226188-00226417 polynomial by another polynomial that's cgBegaRkT3u-00652-00226419-00226669 in a denominator and the roots of the cgBegaRkT3u-00653-00226671-00226955 denominator polynomial are going to end cgBegaRkT3u-00654-00226956-00227092 up being called pole cgBegaRkT3u-00655-00227092-00227513 okay so so I'm going to try to sort of cgBegaRkT3u-00656-00227514-00227810 gently approach with examples this cgBegaRkT3u-00657-00227811-00228059 concept of dividing one polynomial from cgBegaRkT3u-00658-00228060-00228362 another which is going to essentially cgBegaRkT3u-00659-00228363-00228638 mean inverse filtering you know how do cgBegaRkT3u-00660-00228639-00229040 you invert a filter well it can be it it cgBegaRkT3u-00661-00229041-00229192 can be you can put a filter in the cgBegaRkT3u-00662-00229194-00229415 denominator okay that's a way of cgBegaRkT3u-00663-00229416-00229802 inverting a filter and that's going to cgBegaRkT3u-00664-00229803-00229973 you know so I'm going to lead you gently cgBegaRkT3u-00665-00229973-00230323 to this concept of a poll because it cgBegaRkT3u-00666-00230325-00230642 involves all these new concepts of you cgBegaRkT3u-00667-00230642-00230900 know deconvolution and inverse filtering cgBegaRkT3u-00668-00230901-00231350 and polynomial division and and you're cgBegaRkT3u-00669-00231351-00231560 thinking wow if it's hard to factor a cgBegaRkT3u-00670-00231561-00231980 polynomial in to roots I mean how are we cgBegaRkT3u-00671-00231981-00232148 ever going to find a way to divide cgBegaRkT3u-00672-00232148-00232523 polynomials turns out that it's pretty cgBegaRkT3u-00673-00232523-00232967 easy actually okay but there's you know cgBegaRkT3u-00674-00232967-00233217 we we run it we can run into problems cgBegaRkT3u-00675-00233219-00233498 okay and we have to know what what to cgBegaRkT3u-00676-00233498-00234019 avoid there okay so we're really moving cgBegaRkT3u-00677-00234021-00234662 to chapter 3 of the text now and because cgBegaRkT3u-00678-00234663-00234875 there's all these new concepts alright cgBegaRkT3u-00679-00234876-00235250 so as clear about does I'll I'll kind of cgBegaRkT3u-00680-00235251-00235741 pull out these examples of simple things cgBegaRkT3u-00681-00235742-00236063 that are there illustrative of some of cgBegaRkT3u-00682-00236064-00236282 the basic concepts and I'm pulling them cgBegaRkT3u-00683-00236283-00236969 out of kind of left field but hopefully cgBegaRkT3u-00684-00236969-00237271 they will along with with the codes like cgBegaRkT3u-00685-00237273-00237704 EE I'm sorry the codes like FFT lab the cgBegaRkT3u-00686-00237705-00238040 codes like Z plane they will help you cgBegaRkT3u-00687-00238041-00238301 get your mind around you know what this cgBegaRkT3u-00688-00238302-00238631 is and then how it works okay that's why cgBegaRkT3u-00689-00238632-00239084 you know that's why I I adapted the cgBegaRkT3u-00690-00239085-00239269 z-plane code for you and got it working cgBegaRkT3u-00691-00239271-00239675 in modern computers because you know cgBegaRkT3u-00692-00239676-00239927 okay its one one thing to hear me drone cgBegaRkT3u-00693-00239928-00240233 on in my lecture it's another thing to cgBegaRkT3u-00694-00240234-00240426 do some homework and just algebra cgBegaRkT3u-00695-00240427-00240732 with these roots and and poles and zeros cgBegaRkT3u-00696-00240733-00241083 and all that but it's a the really cgBegaRkT3u-00697-00241084-00241437 useful thing is to be able to actually cgBegaRkT3u-00698-00241438-00241656 put some poles and zeros on the Z plane cgBegaRkT3u-00699-00241657-00241938 and then filter some data with it and cgBegaRkT3u-00700-00241939-00242160 see what happens so I'm hoping that cgBegaRkT3u-00701-00242161-00242403 you'll you know you won't stop it just cgBegaRkT3u-00702-00242404-00242625 exactly what I asked you to do in the in cgBegaRkT3u-00703-00242626-00242814 the labs and you'll kind of play with cgBegaRkT3u-00704-00242815-00243173 these codes a bit and and you know cgBegaRkT3u-00705-00243175-00243492 really experiment you know try making cgBegaRkT3u-00706-00243492-00243675 some crazy filter and see what it does cgBegaRkT3u-00707-00243676-00243978 to the data you know you've got all that cgBegaRkT3u-00708-00243979-00244191 all that latitude and if you want some cgBegaRkT3u-00709-00244192-00244367 help getting you know whatever data set cgBegaRkT3u-00710-00244369-00244623 of your own you have into into Z plane cgBegaRkT3u-00711-00244623-00245267 I'd be more than happy to help you yeah cgBegaRkT3u-00712-00245269-00245532 z1 advance I made is that Z plane used cgBegaRkT3u-00713-00245533-00245898 to be only have one example data set it cgBegaRkT3u-00714-00245898-00246086 was a seismic exploration data set so cgBegaRkT3u-00715-00246087-00246636 pretty good but it's you know I really cgBegaRkT3u-00716-00246637-00246896 wanted you guys to be able to concoct cgBegaRkT3u-00717-00246898-00247038 your own filters and try it on your own cgBegaRkT3u-00718-00247039-00247421 data sets if you have so be glad to help cgBegaRkT3u-00719-00247423-00247839 you get your data in view Matt which is cgBegaRkT3u-00720-00247840-00248166 the way you run Z plane it'll read seg-y cgBegaRkT3u-00721-00248167-00248487 it'll read sack it'll read a ski size cgBegaRkT3u-00722-00248488-00248802 and grams it'll read you know kind of cgBegaRkT3u-00723-00248803-00249248 raw binary size and grams so there's so cgBegaRkT3u-00724-00249250-00249441 at least we're getting seismograph data cgBegaRkT3u-00725-00249442-00249798 in its it's fairly fairly adaptable be cgBegaRkT3u-00726-00249798-00250142 glad to help you guys get your own dated cgBegaRkT3u-00727-00250142-00250521 ok now we got to find we get to find cgBegaRkT3u-00728-00250521-00251342 some some terms here ok um because what cgBegaRkT3u-00729-00251344-00251669 we're what we're going to address is cgBegaRkT3u-00730-00251671-00252027 this topic of feedback and again cgBegaRkT3u-00731-00252028-00252528 approaching it gently big because you cgBegaRkT3u-00732-00252529-00252729 know why why is this chapter introduced cgBegaRkT3u-00733-00252730-00252971 with the feedback is because that's cgBegaRkT3u-00734-00252973-00253254 actually going to be the mechanism that cgBegaRkT3u-00735-00253255-00253416 allows us to do polynomial division cgBegaRkT3u-00736-00253417-00253771 fairly simply ok cgBegaRkT3u-00737-00253773-00254094 you know without without you know cgBegaRkT3u-00738-00254094-00254642 formerly endless computation okay so cgBegaRkT3u-00739-00254644-00255015 good to find a few things to figure out cgBegaRkT3u-00740-00255016-00255230 just what feedback needs in this context cgBegaRkT3u-00741-00255231-00255884 a causal filter okay so get the idea cgBegaRkT3u-00742-00255885-00256142 that there are different families cgBegaRkT3u-00743-00256144-00256529 categories of filters and and and don't cgBegaRkT3u-00744-00256530-00256844 forget that every time series can be a cgBegaRkT3u-00745-00256846-00257117 filter so what we're really getting at cgBegaRkT3u-00746-00257119-00257487 is that we're not just defining filters cgBegaRkT3u-00747-00257488-00257648 and and setting them into different cgBegaRkT3u-00748-00257649-00258087 families we're we're defining all-time cgBegaRkT3u-00749-00258088-00258251 series and setting them into different cgBegaRkT3u-00750-00258252-00258608 families okay and it turns out our data cgBegaRkT3u-00751-00258609-00258815 you know which come from physics cgBegaRkT3u-00752-00258816-00259285 observations our data will be cgBegaRkT3u-00753-00259286-00259634 categorized bowl as a particular kind of cgBegaRkT3u-00754-00259635-00259808 time series and thus a particular kind cgBegaRkT3u-00755-00259809-00260105 of filter so even our data are really a cgBegaRkT3u-00756-00260106-00260285 filter and they'll have a certain cgBegaRkT3u-00757-00260286-00260521 classification with certain properties cgBegaRkT3u-00758-00260523-00260988 all right so a causal filter produces cgBegaRkT3u-00759-00260989-00261567 output based on previous input not later cgBegaRkT3u-00760-00261567-00261959 input okay so so if you imagine building cgBegaRkT3u-00761-00261960-00262301 a circuit which does that filtering okay cgBegaRkT3u-00762-00262302-00262416 not not doing the filtering in the cgBegaRkT3u-00763-00262417-00262542 computer as we're always going to do cgBegaRkT3u-00764-00262543-00262754 here okay but actually building a cgBegaRkT3u-00765-00262755-00263022 circuit that does filtering you know the cgBegaRkT3u-00766-00263023-00263316 the circuit is seeing is seeing the cgBegaRkT3u-00767-00263317-00263675 waves come in okay and there's no way cgBegaRkT3u-00768-00263676-00263991 that that circuit can anticipate or make cgBegaRkT3u-00769-00263992-00264307 use of data that has not come in yet cgBegaRkT3u-00770-00264308-00265085 okay and so so a an equivalent in terms cgBegaRkT3u-00771-00265086-00265574 of of actual devices is a realizable cgBegaRkT3u-00772-00265575-00265900 filter a realizable filter is causal cgBegaRkT3u-00773-00265901-00266374 okay and and and what that means is that cgBegaRkT3u-00774-00266375-00267045 it's well okay so we call it realizable cgBegaRkT3u-00775-00267046-00267081 because cgBegaRkT3u-00776-00267082-00267522 we might do we might do things with it cgBegaRkT3u-00777-00267523-00267723 that are not limited to cause and effect cgBegaRkT3u-00778-00267724-00268017 physics so realizable means all cgBegaRkT3u-00779-00268018-00268179 realizable means is that you could build cgBegaRkT3u-00780-00268180-00268488 a circuit out of inductors resistors cgBegaRkT3u-00781-00268489-00268779 capacitors that would take a continuous cgBegaRkT3u-00782-00268780-00269145 you know voltage input and and and do cgBegaRkT3u-00783-00269146-00269355 that filter that's a realizable filter cgBegaRkT3u-00784-00269356-00269580 you could I mean it might cost a million cgBegaRkT3u-00785-00269581-00269759 dollars in parts but you could build it cgBegaRkT3u-00786-00269760-00270083 okay it might cost twenty cents in parts cgBegaRkT3u-00787-00270084-00270830 and a causal filter means that you know cgBegaRkT3u-00788-00270831-00271284 no energy arrives before the P wave okay cgBegaRkT3u-00789-00271285-00271593 it just can't happen you know that's cgBegaRkT3u-00790-00271594-00271839 that's that's physical causality all cgBegaRkT3u-00791-00271840-00272316 right and and so if you want a if you cgBegaRkT3u-00792-00272317-00272598 want to do filtering that doesn't you cgBegaRkT3u-00793-00272599-00272898 know spread out the the energy to before cgBegaRkT3u-00794-00272899-00273177 the first arrival p arrival time right cgBegaRkT3u-00795-00273178-00273438 which I mean seismologists can can cgBegaRkT3u-00796-00273439-00273699 recognize the value of doing that okay cgBegaRkT3u-00797-00273700-00274083 of that limitation then if you're going cgBegaRkT3u-00798-00274084-00274365 to be building causal filters you don't cgBegaRkT3u-00799-00274366-00274581 want the filter to like pick up cgBegaRkT3u-00800-00274582-00274728 something that's you know something cgBegaRkT3u-00801-00274729-00274881 that's high amplitude and very late in cgBegaRkT3u-00802-00274882-00275166 the seismogram and and mistakenly put it cgBegaRkT3u-00803-00275167-00275379 early in the seismograph that's not cgBegaRkT3u-00804-00275380-00275649 causal and we actually had to define you cgBegaRkT3u-00805-00275650-00275838 know how filters can be causal and what cgBegaRkT3u-00806-00275839-00276152 can cause cause them to not be causal cgBegaRkT3u-00807-00276153-00276597 okay so the the causal filter produces cgBegaRkT3u-00808-00276598-00276912 this output based on only previous input cgBegaRkT3u-00809-00276913-00277428 no later input okay at time you know 30 cgBegaRkT3u-00810-00277429-00277797 point 34.7 six seconds it's only you cgBegaRkT3u-00811-00277798-00278007 know it can only work on the output that cgBegaRkT3u-00812-00278008-00278343 has been received at 34.7 six seconds or cgBegaRkT3u-00813-00278344-00278699 before ok that's a causal filter and cgBegaRkT3u-00814-00278700-00279023 causal filters are realizable in cgBegaRkT3u-00815-00279024-00279333 generally realizable in electronic cgBegaRkT3u-00816-00279334-00279831 circuits analog electronic circuits okay cgBegaRkT3u-00817-00279832-00280174 a filter using feedback cgBegaRkT3u-00818-00280175-00280572 k subtle difference here produces output cgBegaRkT3u-00819-00280573-00281068 based on previous output and if you've cgBegaRkT3u-00820-00281069-00281386 if you take any electronics and you cgBegaRkT3u-00821-00281387-00281884 built an active filter okay an active cgBegaRkT3u-00822-00281885-00282091 filter uses feedback that's that's an cgBegaRkT3u-00823-00282092-00282361 analog circuit an active filter an cgBegaRkT3u-00824-00282362-00282616 active filter uses feedback to produce cgBegaRkT3u-00825-00282617-00283068 output based on on previous input and cgBegaRkT3u-00826-00283069-00283372 previous output you know an active cgBegaRkT3u-00827-00283373-00283660 filter actually as a way of you know in cgBegaRkT3u-00828-00283661-00284310 a way saving its its its previous output cgBegaRkT3u-00829-00284311-00284976 okay but it's still causal okay um and cgBegaRkT3u-00830-00284977-00285331 and it's still realizable okay that's cgBegaRkT3u-00831-00285332-00285565 why you can build an active filter I cgBegaRkT3u-00832-00285566-00285901 think it takes you know a couple cgBegaRkT3u-00833-00285902-00286117 capacitors a few resistors and one cgBegaRkT3u-00834-00286118-00286416 transistor for a simple active filter cgBegaRkT3u-00835-00286417-00287581 alright so so out of the out of the out cgBegaRkT3u-00836-00287582-00287965 of the category of causal filters you cgBegaRkT3u-00837-00287966-00288142 know we make an equivalent an equivalent cgBegaRkT3u-00838-00288143-00288765 category is a realizable filter okay and cgBegaRkT3u-00839-00288766-00289173 one subcategory of causal filters are cgBegaRkT3u-00840-00289174-00289711 feedback filters or as as you might as cgBegaRkT3u-00841-00289712-00289990 you might have heard the term recursive cgBegaRkT3u-00842-00289991-00290329 all right now as we you know we enter me cgBegaRkT3u-00843-00290330-00290530 when we're doing filtering the computer cgBegaRkT3u-00844-00290531-00290995 we do have to be careful to to make sure cgBegaRkT3u-00845-00290996-00291172 our filters are causal if we need causal cgBegaRkT3u-00846-00291173-00291346 filters we got to take we got to take cgBegaRkT3u-00847-00291347-00291846 steps to make sure their causal okay and cgBegaRkT3u-00848-00291847-00292189 and in the computer in the computer it's cgBegaRkT3u-00849-00292190-00292438 it's it's all too easy all to possible cgBegaRkT3u-00850-00292439-00292786 to do a non-causal filtering right cgBegaRkT3u-00851-00292787-00292939 because you got the whole time series cgBegaRkT3u-00852-00292940-00293068 you record ahead of time and you're cgBegaRkT3u-00853-00293069-00293350 filtering it all at once so you get all cgBegaRkT3u-00854-00293351-00293521 you got all time available to you you cgBegaRkT3u-00855-00293522-00293542 don't cgBegaRkT3u-00856-00293543-00294046 have to do a causal filter and and and cgBegaRkT3u-00857-00294047-00294238 so it's an easy thing you know since cgBegaRkT3u-00858-00294239-00294360 it's an easy thing to have a non-causal cgBegaRkT3u-00859-00294361-00294544 filter it's also the easy thing to have cgBegaRkT3u-00860-00294545-00294868 a feedback a recursive filter and and cgBegaRkT3u-00861-00294869-00295042 the recursive the recursion becomes cgBegaRkT3u-00862-00295043-00295273 clearer when you look at the the the cgBegaRkT3u-00863-00295274-00295482 computer codes you know if you used to cgBegaRkT3u-00864-00295483-00295685 define a recursion in terms of cgBegaRkT3u-00865-00295686-00295983 algorithms that becomes clear you know cgBegaRkT3u-00866-00295984-00296163 when we get this down to a computer code cgBegaRkT3u-00867-00296164-00296754 okay so here is convolution that is cgBegaRkT3u-00868-00296755-00297148 causal okay it is defined such that we cgBegaRkT3u-00869-00297149-00297595 never look at future input all right so cgBegaRkT3u-00870-00297596-00297820 we have our filter that's you know cgBegaRkT3u-00871-00297821-00298297 that's known okay but our output at cgBegaRkT3u-00872-00298298-00298822 every time k depends only on the input cgBegaRkT3u-00873-00298823-00299221 at time K or before right k minus I and cgBegaRkT3u-00874-00299222-00299467 I starts at zero and goes up to some cgBegaRkT3u-00875-00299468-00299728 maximum the length of the filter cgBegaRkT3u-00876-00299729-00300067 actually okay so it's looking at the cgBegaRkT3u-00877-00300068-00300526 current you know x @ @ k equals 0 that's cgBegaRkT3u-00878-00300527-00300779 the current input we can use that and cgBegaRkT3u-00879-00300780-00302154 exit at k @ @ k minus 1 k minus 2 that's cgBegaRkT3u-00880-00302155-00302521 previous input okay X is the input cgBegaRkT3u-00881-00302522-00303192 series why is the output series okay now cgBegaRkT3u-00882-00303193-00303478 so that's just to just to you know cgBegaRkT3u-00883-00303479-00303895 confirm in your with a definition what a cgBegaRkT3u-00884-00303896-00304212 causal filter would be doing a causal cgBegaRkT3u-00885-00304213-00304822 output a causal filter oh and it's 11 51 ciWHaItbRn8-00000-00000006-00000215 foreign ciWHaItbRn8-00001-00000216-00002118 [Music] ciWHaItbRn8-00002-00002119-00004054 [Music] ciWHaItbRn8-00003-00004055-00006293 foreign ciWHaItbRn8-00004-00006294-00006594 applicants cjIlJvoJsyo-00000-00000055-00000307 retro public space is the extra cjIlJvoJsyo-00001-00000308-00000523 peritoneal space between the pubic cjIlJvoJsyo-00002-00000524-00000841 symphysis and the urinary bladder the cjIlJvoJsyo-00003-00000842-00001081 retro public space is pre peritoneal cjIlJvoJsyo-00004-00001082-00001327 space behind the transverse Alice fascia cjIlJvoJsyo-00005-00001328-00001714 and in front of peritoneum it is also cjIlJvoJsyo-00006-00001714-00002173 known as the cave of retzius or retzius cjIlJvoJsyo-00007-00002174-00002491 is space named after the Swedish cjIlJvoJsyo-00008-00002492-00003493 anatomist and is retzius 1796 to 1860 cjIlJvoJsyo-00009-00003494-00004070 topic see also cjIlJvoJsyo-00010-00004071-00004913 striae of retzius boo raucous cjIlJvoJsyo-00011-00004914-00005534 topic external links cjIlJvoJsyo-00012-00005535-00006003 Anatomy photo 44 o 4 o 102 at the sunny cjIlJvoJsyo-00013-00006004-00006303 downstate medical center the male pelvis cjIlJvoJsyo-00014-00006304-00006648 the urinary bladder cl6sTqgLykI-00000-00000003-00000374 the 2013-14 season was Brighton & Hove cl6sTqgLykI-00001-00000375-00000682 Albion football club's third consecutive cl6sTqgLykI-00002-00000683-00001097 season in the championship it was their cl6sTqgLykI-00003-00001098-00001352 first season under the management of cl6sTqgLykI-00004-00001353-00001657 Oscar Garcia following the suspension cl6sTqgLykI-00005-00001659-00001847 and sacking of Gus Poyet cl6sTqgLykI-00006-00001848-00002167 in the summer Brighton reached the cl6sTqgLykI-00007-00002168-00002450 playoffs for a second consecutive season cl6sTqgLykI-00008-00002451-00002668 after finishing six cl6sTqgLykI-00009-00002669-00002977 however after losing six to two on cl6sTqgLykI-00010-00002978-00003217 aggregate to Derby County in the cl6sTqgLykI-00011-00003218-00004106 semi-finals Garcia resigned as manager cl6sTqgLykI-00012-00004107-00004686 topic squad cl6sTqgLykI-00013-00004687-00005033 you cl6sTqgLykI-00014-00005034-00005648 topic statistics cl6sTqgLykI-00015-00005649-00006412 as of the 11th of May 2014 cl6sTqgLykI-00016-00006413-00006964 topic captains cl6sTqgLykI-00017-00006965-00007555 as of the 28th of november 2013 source cl6sTqgLykI-00018-00007556-00008027 competitive match reports competitive cl6sTqgLykI-00019-00008028-00008263 matches only cl6sTqgLykI-00020-00008264-00008590 matches started as captain only country cl6sTqgLykI-00021-00008591-00009060 FIFA nationality no squad number P cl6sTqgLykI-00022-00009061-00009463 position name player name no games cl6sTqgLykI-00023-00009464-00010277 number of games started as captain cl6sTqgLykI-00024-00010278-00010854 topic goalscorers cl6sTqgLykI-00025-00010855-00011612 as of the 11th of May 2014 cl6sTqgLykI-00026-00011613-00012249 topic disciplinary record cl6sTqgLykI-00027-00012250-00013031 as of the 11th of May 2014 cl6sTqgLykI-00028-00013032-00013619 topic contracts cl6sTqgLykI-00029-00013619-00014272 last update it cl6sTqgLykI-00030-00014272-00014869 topic preseason cl6sTqgLykI-00031-00014869-00015214 you cl6sTqgLykI-00032-00015215-00015788 topic friendlies cl6sTqgLykI-00033-00015788-00016155 you cl6sTqgLykI-00034-00016156-00016798 topic competitions cl6sTqgLykI-00035-00016799-00017142 you cl6sTqgLykI-00036-00017143-00018085 topic lead table cl6sTqgLykI-00037-00018086-00018707 topic result summary cl6sTqgLykI-00038-00018708-00019053 you cl6sTqgLykI-00039-00019054-00020040 topic result by round cl6sTqgLykI-00040-00020041-00020604 topic matches cl6sTqgLykI-00041-00020605-00020925 you cl6sTqgLykI-00042-00020926-00021496 topic championship cl6sTqgLykI-00043-00021497-00021825 you cl6sTqgLykI-00044-00021826-00022484 topic championship playoffs cl6sTqgLykI-00045-00022485-00022835 you cl6sTqgLykI-00046-00022836-00023767 topic League Cup cl6sTqgLykI-00047-00023768-00024748 topic FA Cup cl6sTqgLykI-00048-00024749-00025354 topic transfers cl6sTqgLykI-00049-00025355-00025722 all transfers update as of the 16th of cl6sTqgLykI-00050-00025723-00026392 October 2013 cl6sTqgLykI-00051-00026393-00026914 topic in cl6sTqgLykI-00052-00026914-00027258 you cl6sTqgLykI-00053-00027258-00027850 topic loans bin cl6sTqgLykI-00054-00027851-00028195 you cl6sTqgLykI-00055-00028196-00028731 topic out cl6sTqgLykI-00056-00028732-00028885 you cl6sTqgLykI-00057-00028886-00029108 you cl6sTqgLykI-00058-00029108-00029760 topic overall summary cl6sTqgLykI-00059-00029761-00030130 you cl6sTqgLykI-00060-00030131-00030798 topic external links cl6sTqgLykI-00061-00030799-00031005 you cmFd6-o70ZM-00000-00000000-00002559 [Music] cmFd6-o70ZM-00001-00002560-00005212 [Music] cmFd6-o70ZM-00003-00010775-00010984 you cmSErrm_7bA-00000-00000034-00000106 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00001-00000107-00000548 hola me llamo Carlos bacca thunder cmSErrm_7bA-00002-00000549-00000746 cannot do stairs miss a me versus kripp cmSErrm_7bA-00003-00000747-00000977 Torres a most preparado a stray leader cmSErrm_7bA-00004-00000977-00001195 of the Continental Jesus practicas para cmSErrm_7bA-00005-00001196-00001499 mejorar su the pure musical esta self cmSErrm_7bA-00006-00001500-00001709 complimentary they on fire most rubidium cmSErrm_7bA-00007-00001710-00002035 I'll show the coup de musical para cmSErrm_7bA-00008-00002036-00002372 Principia Turkish to be a musical to cmSErrm_7bA-00009-00002373-00002584 make a practical already seen as bassist cmSErrm_7bA-00010-00002585-00002972 the hair Jesus como esto no Octavius and cmSErrm_7bA-00011-00002973-00003199 Mark are encompassed vamos hacer toes cmSErrm_7bA-00012-00003200-00003404 toes ahead see shows muchisimas veces cmSErrm_7bA-00013-00003404-00003681 mark angle compass con su mano principal cmSErrm_7bA-00014-00003682-00003878 espero que ya Tigana automaticity cmSErrm_7bA-00015-00003879-00004058 movimiento para compartir Quattro cmSErrm_7bA-00016-00004059-00004292 cuartos de tres cuartos well that was cmSErrm_7bA-00017-00004293-00004676 quiet upon mrs. toosey have Susana cmSErrm_7bA-00018-00004677-00004836 velocidad cmSErrm_7bA-00019-00004837-00005086 pero con el tiempo space played an e cmSErrm_7bA-00020-00005087-00005300 Devon it all meant and OS a velocidad cmSErrm_7bA-00021-00005301-00005552 con la you Dallas Runyan passes YouTube cmSErrm_7bA-00022-00005553-00005759 in Quentin and LB know the configuration cmSErrm_7bA-00023-00005760-00006047 you know the plains video a Harlem LOC a cmSErrm_7bA-00024-00006048-00006445 cage or estoppel and pass a mostly cmSErrm_7bA-00025-00006447-00006703 jiendo esta composition consolo negra cmSErrm_7bA-00026-00006704-00006923 Sicilians use danègre espero que lo cmSErrm_7bA-00027-00006923-00007139 pueden hacer Yasin comater my own solo cmSErrm_7bA-00028-00007140-00007449 bro / Danelectro circle rhetorically cmSErrm_7bA-00029-00007450-00007774 less recommend Okanagan which is in cmSErrm_7bA-00030-00007775-00008003 Albus yo se que Galvan en de nada cmSErrm_7bA-00031-00008004-00008221 perfection pero para grab our esta cmSErrm_7bA-00032-00008222-00008462 información en su mente solamente la cmSErrm_7bA-00033-00008463-00008689 repetition hace que usted puede cmSErrm_7bA-00034-00008690-00008795 mechanism cmSErrm_7bA-00035-00008796-00009134 tallest but we can mucho para speed R cmSErrm_7bA-00036-00009135-00010186 grande Rosita buena suerte cmSErrm_7bA-00037-00010187-00011700 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00039-00023063-00024361 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00040-00024362-00024716 well is freaking america cien cien cmSErrm_7bA-00041-00024717-00025028 cuenta mondo no less toes pentagram --is cmSErrm_7bA-00042-00025029-00025369 american compass is masoala halle el cmSErrm_7bA-00043-00025370-00025718 resultado de la lectura Margaret compass cmSErrm_7bA-00044-00025719-00026014 previa Nero days yes agronomy or Cali de cmSErrm_7bA-00045-00026016-00026360 la lectura see Thomas adelante vamos a cmSErrm_7bA-00046-00026361-00026570 lira or on a composition rhythmic akan cmSErrm_7bA-00047-00026570-00026890 Negri's Blancas SUSE lenses I don't know cmSErrm_7bA-00048-00026891-00027019 muchas veces cmSErrm_7bA-00049-00027020-00027724 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00050-00027725-00029864 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00051-00029864-00032047 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00052-00032048-00032124 Oh cmSErrm_7bA-00054-00037062-00039196 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00055-00039197-00041139 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00056-00041140-00041443 Vivian C gamma cement and Ola can t cmSErrm_7bA-00057-00041444-00041653 reveal amento semesters composition as cmSErrm_7bA-00058-00041654-00041896 replicas Ramos s decision Quattro cmSErrm_7bA-00059-00041897-00042740 cuartos de Roda ethylene ravenous cmSErrm_7bA-00063-00057432-00058448 ah cmSErrm_7bA-00064-00058449-00059162 [Applause] cmSErrm_7bA-00065-00059163-00059705 was felicito mucho que Tala sorpresa los cmSErrm_7bA-00066-00059707-00060017 daija solos pareja de tiempo para usted cmSErrm_7bA-00067-00060019-00060246 puede hacer su stock Atticus Marquand cmSErrm_7bA-00068-00060247-00060459 welcome pass le endo todos los detalles cmSErrm_7bA-00069-00060460-00060626 de su party - rrah cmSErrm_7bA-00070-00060627-00060900 bueno es hora de practicar con el compiz cmSErrm_7bA-00071-00060901-00061137 de tres cuartos yo cuidado con los cmSErrm_7bA-00072-00061138-00061416 detalles con la Marck accion si tienes cmSErrm_7bA-00073-00061416-00061665 una difficult are practical Austin taken cmSErrm_7bA-00074-00061666-00062478 a doodle video vamos cmSErrm_7bA-00077-00075782-00076199 estimation of excellent a trowel estees cmSErrm_7bA-00078-00076200-00076436 la manera de prendre le Cygne aurora's cmSErrm_7bA-00079-00076437-00076730 una parte to our ELISA no practical cmSErrm_7bA-00080-00076731-00077123 conclusion co-chairs America's Paul bien cmSErrm_7bA-00081-00077124-00077494 suscribirse al canal de la metro area cmSErrm_7bA-00082-00077495-00077729 lobster system beyond okay so now cmSErrm_7bA-00083-00077730-00077972 Alyosha remain topper el aprendizaje de cmSErrm_7bA-00084-00077973-00078714 la musica cmSErrm_7bA-00085-00078715-00079411 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00086-00079412-00079513 mmm cmSErrm_7bA-00087-00079514-00080466 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00088-00080467-00080579 you cmSErrm_7bA-00089-00080580-00082845 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00090-00082846-00083978 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00091-00083979-00084579 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00092-00084580-00085846 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00093-00085847-00087182 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00095-00091649-00092389 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00096-00092390-00093504 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00097-00093505-00093649 Oh cmSErrm_7bA-00098-00093650-00094179 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00099-00094180-00095114 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00100-00095115-00097388 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00101-00097389-00100096 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00102-00100097-00100448 en el siguiente her CCO Kelly several cmSErrm_7bA-00103-00100449-00100781 tiene kircheis well toss illegal auras a cmSErrm_7bA-00104-00100782-00101556 prolongation cmSErrm_7bA-00106-00110195-00111620 Oh cmSErrm_7bA-00108-00118218-00118449 [Applause] cmSErrm_7bA-00110-00125420-00125558 [Applause] cmSErrm_7bA-00111-00125559-00125920 en ella hizo que viene aura inclusion cmSErrm_7bA-00112-00125921-00126324 semi coaches confirm video swelters big cmSErrm_7bA-00113-00126325-00126585 ayahs is Mahesh Yogi n interesante cmSErrm_7bA-00114-00126586-00126852 Ogando despacio poco poco Menton a la cmSErrm_7bA-00115-00126853-00127029 velocidad connoisseur ramen today g2k cmSErrm_7bA-00116-00127030-00128625 jollies explicable cmSErrm_7bA-00117-00128626-00129225 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00118-00129226-00129363 you cmSErrm_7bA-00119-00129364-00130102 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00120-00130103-00130770 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00121-00130771-00132250 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00122-00132251-00133974 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00123-00133975-00135082 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00124-00135083-00136492 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00125-00136493-00137154 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00126-00137155-00137962 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00127-00137963-00140375 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00128-00140376-00141911 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00129-00141912-00143625 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00130-00143626-00143691 you cmSErrm_7bA-00131-00143692-00144430 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00132-00144431-00146533 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00133-00146534-00147086 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00134-00147087-00149842 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00135-00149843-00150631 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00137-00155404-00155425 you cmSErrm_7bA-00138-00155426-00157149 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00139-00157150-00157618 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00140-00157619-00157643 you cmSErrm_7bA-00141-00157644-00159485 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00142-00159486-00160001 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00143-00160002-00160560 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00144-00160561-00162040 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00145-00162041-00162779 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00146-00162780-00164885 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00147-00164886-00165216 when amigos viene una here see co-major cmSErrm_7bA-00148-00165217-00165411 complicado que involucre cmSErrm_7bA-00149-00165412-00165662 todo anterior muscle procedure co-chairs cmSErrm_7bA-00150-00165663-00165963 de Sena para ustedes muchisimas ejemplos cmSErrm_7bA-00151-00165964-00166146 de combination is cousin cuenta en cmSErrm_7bA-00152-00166147-00166413 musica de janeiro slow plant a o cmSErrm_7bA-00153-00166414-00166653 despacio prospers Parliament are la cmSErrm_7bA-00154-00166654-00167650 velocidad mucho éxito disfruta low cmSErrm_7bA-00156-00171652-00174232 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00157-00174233-00175633 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00158-00175634-00177232 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00159-00177233-00177774 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00160-00177775-00178449 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00161-00178450-00180078 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00162-00180079-00181042 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00164-00184652-00187090 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00165-00187091-00187974 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00166-00187975-00189259 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00168-00192485-00195378 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00169-00195379-00197201 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00172-00214346-00215594 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00173-00215596-00216031 mis amigos el siguiente her CCO Camilla cmSErrm_7bA-00174-00216032-00216229 todos los elementos que hemos estado cmSErrm_7bA-00175-00216230-00216526 party condo additional mental try Traci cmSErrm_7bA-00176-00216527-00216838 use the negra solution is Sunnah Sol de cmSErrm_7bA-00177-00216839-00217159 volver is often complex in algas stunts cmSErrm_7bA-00178-00217160-00217488 this and see you como la vamos a ser cmSErrm_7bA-00179-00217489-00217780 practical o muchisimas bases taller cmSErrm_7bA-00180-00217781-00217948 officials will reverse it con like cmSErrm_7bA-00181-00217948-00218221 practical perseverant in volusia les cmSErrm_7bA-00182-00218221-00219007 deseo cmSErrm_7bA-00183-00219008-00221440 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00184-00221441-00222607 Oh cmSErrm_7bA-00185-00222608-00225005 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00186-00225006-00228003 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00187-00228004-00229081 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00188-00229082-00229094 Oh cmSErrm_7bA-00190-00241132-00241334 Oh cmSErrm_7bA-00191-00241335-00244231 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00192-00244232-00246706 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00193-00246707-00247496 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00194-00247496-00249509 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00196-00253269-00254706 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00197-00254707-00255605 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00198-00255606-00257585 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00199-00257586-00258587 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00200-00258588-00259606 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00201-00259607-00262603 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00202-00262604-00263404 [Music] cmSErrm_7bA-00204-00272401-00275053 Oh cmSErrm_7bA-00205-00275054-00275336 muy bien yo creo que con esto es cmSErrm_7bA-00206-00275337-00275633 suficiente para hora cuando el gouna cmSErrm_7bA-00207-00275634-00275810 lament own particular Tierra de res cmSErrm_7bA-00208-00275811-00276020 difficult ah la soluciones moisten cmSErrm_7bA-00209-00276021-00276302 seizure is a very tourist on deck para cmSErrm_7bA-00210-00276303-00276569 que mucho especialmente que yo Casey cmSErrm_7bA-00211-00276570-00276869 gondolas difficult ah gracias por su su cmSErrm_7bA-00212-00276870-00277127 herencia samijo's este video s producto cmSErrm_7bA-00213-00277128-00277430 de su solicitors pours news videos cmSErrm_7bA-00214-00277431-00277622 contests are on muchas veces en que cmSErrm_7bA-00215-00277623-00277964 todas no norazo para todos NOS vamos an cmSErrm_7bA-00216-00277965-00278180 elegant Illyrio contra company talus a cmSErrm_7bA-00217-00278181-00278441 veces que su vida algo completamente my cmSErrm_7bA-00218-00278442-00279415 overall sales cmSErrm_7bA-00219-00279416-00279788 [Music] cnYfTeH-U-u-00000-00000000-00000233 Mississippi Republicans want to pass cnYfTeH-U-u-00001-00000234-00000394 some the most oppressive legislation cnYfTeH-U-u-00002-00000395-00000611 ever and create a separate court for the cnYfTeH-U-u-00003-00000612-00000802 black city of Jackson cnYfTeH-U-u-00004-00000803-00001037 the republican-led State House passed a cnYfTeH-U-u-00005-00001038-00001223 bill on Wednesday creating a separate cnYfTeH-U-u-00006-00001224-00001457 unelected lower court system to oversee cnYfTeH-U-u-00007-00001458-00001655 Jackson Mississippi cnYfTeH-U-u-00008-00001655-00001901 Republicans won't be allowing Jackson's cnYfTeH-U-u-00009-00001902-00002075 black residents to determine who will cnYfTeH-U-u-00010-00002076-00002273 sit on this court overseeing a majority cnYfTeH-U-u-00011-00002274-00002423 black City cnYfTeH-U-u-00012-00002424-00002675 Mississippi Supreme Court chief justice cnYfTeH-U-u-00013-00002676-00002926 Michael Randolph who is white and was cnYfTeH-U-u-00014-00002927-00003142 appointed by a republican governor and cnYfTeH-U-u-00015-00003143-00003340 Republican state attorney general Lynn cnYfTeH-U-u-00016-00003342-00003575 Fitch who is also white will be in cnYfTeH-U-u-00017-00003576-00003803 charge of judicial appointments cnYfTeH-U-u-00018-00003804-00004120 but wait it actually gets worse cnYfTeH-U-u-00019-00004121-00004319 in addition to creating a new court cnYfTeH-U-u-00020-00004320-00004601 system Republicans also voted to expand cnYfTeH-U-u-00021-00004602-00004822 a capital police force which state cnYfTeH-U-u-00022-00004823-00005009 officials oversee cnYfTeH-U-u-00023-00005010-00005243 the police force would control all the cnYfTeH-U-u-00024-00005244-00005417 predominantly white neighborhoods in cnYfTeH-U-u-00025-00005418-00005645 Jackson which include a large chunk of cnYfTeH-U-u-00026-00005646-00005915 the entertainment and shopping centers cnYfTeH-U-u-00027-00005916-00006143 to push the racist knife even deeper cnYfTeH-U-u-00028-00006144-00006352 Republican Governor Tate Reeves's cnYfTeH-U-u-00029-00006353-00006569 decision to prioritize white communities cnYfTeH-U-u-00030-00006570-00006773 over Jackson regarding funding has cnYfTeH-U-u-00031-00006773-00007075 contributed significantly to the crisis cnYfTeH-U-u-00032-00007076-00007319 unfortunately for Jackson Mississippi cnYfTeH-U-u-00033-00007320-00007577 residents the court bill will now go cnYfTeH-U-u-00034-00007578-00007745 through to the state senate where cnYfTeH-U-u-00035-00007745-00008033 Republicans have a significant majority cnYfTeH-U-u-00036-00008034-00008278 it's entirely possible this legislation cnYfTeH-U-u-00037-00008279-00008575 could become law d0Aapz0w8E0-00000-00000012-00000033 [Applause] d0Aapz0w8E0-00001-00000034-00000089 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00002-00000090-00000098 [Applause] d0Aapz0w8E0-00003-00000099-00000647 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00004-00000648-00000671 [Applause] d0Aapz0w8E0-00005-00000672-00001695 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00006-00001696-00001876 hmm d0Aapz0w8E0-00007-00001877-00003319 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00008-00003320-00003508 hmm d0Aapz0w8E0-00010-00007272-00007409 hey d0Aapz0w8E0-00011-00007411-00010078 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00012-00010079-00010271 hmm d0Aapz0w8E0-00013-00010272-00011535 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00014-00011536-00011713 hmm d0Aapz0w8E0-00015-00011714-00013158 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00016-00013159-00013343 hmm d0Aapz0w8E0-00017-00013344-00014647 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00018-00014647-00014788 hey d0Aapz0w8E0-00019-00014788-00015615 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00020-00015616-00015802 hmm d0Aapz0w8E0-00021-00015803-00017111 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00022-00017112-00017247 hello d0Aapz0w8E0-00023-00017248-00019919 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00024-00019920-00020106 hmm d0Aapz0w8E0-00025-00020107-00021375 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00026-00021376-00021550 uh d0Aapz0w8E0-00027-00021551-00023983 [Music] d0Aapz0w8E0-00028-00023984-00024192 you d0ABLP3fVby-00000-00000118-00000231 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00001-00000231-00001159 go d0ABLP3fVby-00002-00001160-00001938 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00003-00001939-00002615 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00004-00002616-00003967 ciao d0ABLP3fVby-00005-00003968-00004135 all right you guys come this side d0ABLP3fVby-00006-00004136-00005599 come this side d0ABLP3fVby-00007-00005600-00005751 don't play to this i play the ball to d0ABLP3fVby-00008-00005752-00005902 this side don't take it to inside the d0ABLP3fVby-00009-00005903-00006102 bush d0ABLP3fVby-00010-00006103-00006715 this side d0ABLP3fVby-00011-00006716-00007993 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00012-00007994-00008549 [Applause] d0ABLP3fVby-00013-00008550-00009087 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00014-00009088-00009338 foreign d0ABLP3fVby-00015-00009339-00010887 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00016-00010888-00012670 okay d0ABLP3fVby-00017-00012671-00013394 paradise d0ABLP3fVby-00018-00013396-00013903 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00019-00013904-00013975 see d0ABLP3fVby-00020-00013976-00014158 kevin you stay here d0ABLP3fVby-00021-00014159-00014399 patel you come this side d0ABLP3fVby-00022-00014400-00014663 no stay here d0ABLP3fVby-00023-00014663-00014894 you stay here no no no stay here d0ABLP3fVby-00024-00014895-00015166 yeah like this d0ABLP3fVby-00025-00015168-00015319 but are you still there yeah i play for d0ABLP3fVby-00026-00015319-00015719 kevin pleasure kevin play to kevin d0ABLP3fVby-00027-00015719-00016047 that can be played with sauces d0ABLP3fVby-00028-00016047-00016207 so i said you play to pattay but you d0ABLP3fVby-00029-00016208-00016343 can't decide come beside come and stay d0ABLP3fVby-00030-00016344-00016535 here d0ABLP3fVby-00031-00016536-00016663 small small you're playing small small d0ABLP3fVby-00032-00016664-00016847 guys you passing me to one and one d0ABLP3fVby-00033-00016848-00017022 another d0ABLP3fVby-00034-00017023-00017343 no don't play shots more d0ABLP3fVby-00035-00017344-00017447 pass it d0ABLP3fVby-00036-00017448-00017703 no is that to pass d0ABLP3fVby-00037-00017704-00017911 ahead like that oh you play no you play d0ABLP3fVby-00038-00017912-00019827 to kevin d0ABLP3fVby-00039-00019828-00020271 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00040-00020272-00020410 the center d0ABLP3fVby-00041-00020411-00023017 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00042-00023018-00023799 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00043-00023800-00024694 turkey d0ABLP3fVby-00044-00024695-00024807 because you are not playing your own d0ABLP3fVby-00045-00024808-00025214 very well you put hard force to eat d0ABLP3fVby-00046-00025215-00026670 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00047-00026672-00027287 no put your leg this way d0ABLP3fVby-00048-00027288-00027462 go like that go like that you fall down d0ABLP3fVby-00049-00027463-00027883 like that d0ABLP3fVby-00050-00027885-00029783 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00051-00029783-00029918 no he's supposed to pass it to you you d0ABLP3fVby-00052-00029919-00030111 pass it to success d0ABLP3fVby-00053-00030112-00030367 pass it to a cave can we pass the source d0ABLP3fVby-00054-00030368-00031943 pass it to patel d0ABLP3fVby-00055-00031944-00032095 you don't play shots d0ABLP3fVby-00056-00032095-00032287 when you are passing you don't have to d0ABLP3fVby-00057-00032288-00033695 play shots d0ABLP3fVby-00058-00033696-00033902 you don't want to play a game d0ABLP3fVby-00059-00033903-00034054 then what you want to do d0ABLP3fVby-00060-00034055-00034383 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00061-00034384-00034574 daddy d0ABLP3fVby-00062-00034575-00034911 again okay i'm playing dinner d0ABLP3fVby-00063-00034912-00035471 turn me in the water okay d0ABLP3fVby-00064-00035472-00036859 another d0ABLP3fVby-00065-00036860-00037705 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00066-00037706-00039287 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00067-00039288-00039590 okay now a keycape everywhere and that d0ABLP3fVby-00068-00039591-00041007 was fun d0ABLP3fVby-00069-00041008-00041746 because we are men of gold d0ABLP3fVby-00070-00041747-00042543 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00071-00042544-00044095 are you tired d0ABLP3fVby-00072-00044096-00044302 bring the ball this side be playing here d0ABLP3fVby-00073-00044303-00045943 don't go that side d0ABLP3fVby-00074-00045944-00047430 yes d0ABLP3fVby-00075-00047431-00049518 why d0ABLP3fVby-00076-00049519-00050295 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00077-00050296-00051073 no d0ABLP3fVby-00078-00051074-00051375 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00079-00051376-00053703 i need to stop d0ABLP3fVby-00080-00053704-00054561 yeah i live there d0ABLP3fVby-00081-00054562-00057165 [Applause] d0ABLP3fVby-00082-00057166-00057542 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00083-00057544-00057822 you want to calm down d0ABLP3fVby-00084-00057823-00057935 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00085-00057936-00058145 you want to calm down d0ABLP3fVby-00086-00058146-00058566 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00087-00058567-00058799 you want to calm down d0ABLP3fVby-00088-00058800-00060766 okay d0ABLP3fVby-00089-00060767-00062919 cool d0ABLP3fVby-00090-00062920-00063566 come inside d0ABLP3fVby-00091-00063567-00065879 is d0ABLP3fVby-00092-00065880-00066079 give me flour d0ABLP3fVby-00093-00066080-00066503 come on give me flour d0ABLP3fVby-00094-00066504-00066950 you want to go and pluck a flower d0ABLP3fVby-00095-00066951-00067055 wow d0ABLP3fVby-00096-00067056-00067311 thank you again d0ABLP3fVby-00097-00067312-00067679 thank you d0ABLP3fVby-00098-00067680-00067791 sounds good d0ABLP3fVby-00099-00067792-00068094 yeah smell it d0ABLP3fVby-00100-00068095-00068464 so this is called flower d0ABLP3fVby-00101-00068465-00068606 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00102-00068607-00069079 strain d0ABLP3fVby-00103-00069080-00069511 train say it train d0ABLP3fVby-00104-00069512-00069647 train d0ABLP3fVby-00105-00069648-00069999 that probably say train d0ABLP3fVby-00106-00070000-00070796 say it train d0ABLP3fVby-00107-00070797-00070991 [Music] d0ABLP3fVby-00108-00070992-00071303 everyone is beautiful i'm making a video d0ABLP3fVby-00109-00071304-00071676 you can see it's beautiful d0UTXYp4DuA-00000-00000471-00000809 well hello I'm going to give you a brief d0UTXYp4DuA-00001-00000810-00001059 overview today of the work that we've d0UTXYp4DuA-00002-00001060-00001301 been doing on fluoride in groundwater d0UTXYp4DuA-00003-00001302-00001628 safe sourcing and options for mitigation d0UTXYp4DuA-00004-00001629-00002064 in the Ethiopian Rift by this has been a d0UTXYp4DuA-00005-00002065-00002325 one-year collaboration between British d0UTXYp4DuA-00006-00002326-00002616 Geological Survey meta meta and a d0UTXYp4DuA-00007-00002617-00002826 December through University as part of d0UTXYp4DuA-00008-00002827-00003129 the up grow program the catalyst grant d0UTXYp4DuA-00009-00003130-00003936 round okay long term use of drinking d0UTXYp4DuA-00010-00003936-00004125 water with high concentrations of d0UTXYp4DuA-00011-00004126-00004395 fluoride give rise to a number of health d0UTXYp4DuA-00012-00004396-00004692 problems and the most problems of which d0UTXYp4DuA-00013-00004693-00004941 is chlorosis this is dental fluorosis d0UTXYp4DuA-00014-00004942-00005241 here interruption of fluoride in the d0UTXYp4DuA-00015-00005242-00005451 drinking water with the tooth structure d0UTXYp4DuA-00016-00005452-00005841 gives rise to discoloration and mottling d0UTXYp4DuA-00017-00005842-00006129 of the tooth and in worst cases it can d0UTXYp4DuA-00018-00006130-00006527 lead to weakening and eventual loss of d0UTXYp4DuA-00019-00006528-00006900 the teeth with a long-term use of much d0UTXYp4DuA-00020-00006901-00007092 higher concentrations of fluoride in d0UTXYp4DuA-00021-00007093-00007370 drinking water it can lead to structural d0UTXYp4DuA-00022-00007372-00007548 problems with the bone their d0UTXYp4DuA-00023-00007548-00007853 interactions with the bone structure can d0UTXYp4DuA-00024-00007854-00008064 lead to bony deformities and then it's d0UTXYp4DuA-00025-00008065-00008402 worst cases crippling skeletal fluorosis d0UTXYp4DuA-00026-00008403-00008735 cirrhosis is not a killer but it can d0UTXYp4DuA-00027-00008736-00009042 have important consequences from men's d0UTXYp4DuA-00028-00009043-00009345 ability to work with women's ability to d0UTXYp4DuA-00029-00009346-00009552 marry and therefore it has serious d0UTXYp4DuA-00030-00009553-00010014 consequences for health wealth social d0UTXYp4DuA-00031-00010015-00010289 interaction economic development and d0UTXYp4DuA-00032-00010290-00011228 quality of life now unfortunately it's d0UTXYp4DuA-00033-00011229-00011517 African Rift Valley is one of the worst d0UTXYp4DuA-00034-00011518-00011928 affected hydride provinces and anywhere d0UTXYp4DuA-00035-00011929-00012164 on earth the high concentrations of d0UTXYp4DuA-00036-00012165-00012408 fluoride occur along the East African d0UTXYp4DuA-00037-00012409-00012617 River can you see this arrow that I'm d0UTXYp4DuA-00038-00012618-00012985 pointing out in the screen or not now d0UTXYp4DuA-00039-00012986-00013596 okay there is one of the highest ground d0UTXYp4DuA-00040-00013597-00013883 water Floyd provinces in the world and d0UTXYp4DuA-00041-00013884-00014175 it's believed it's not known exactly but d0UTXYp4DuA-00042-00014176-00014363 it's believed that tens of millions of d0UTXYp4DuA-00043-00014365-00014678 people are drinking drinking water d0UTXYp4DuA-00044-00014679-00014919 groundwater with concentrations of d0UTXYp4DuA-00045-00014919-00015083 fluoride above the whu-oh d0UTXYp4DuA-00046-00015084-00015375 guideline value aside in drinking water d0UTXYp4DuA-00047-00015376-00015794 which is 1.5 million per liter and some d0UTXYp4DuA-00048-00015795-00016005 tens of millions of people are suffering d0UTXYp4DuA-00049-00016006-00016322 from cirrhosis problems as a result you d0UTXYp4DuA-00050-00016323-00016560 can see from the main map of Ethiopia d0UTXYp4DuA-00051-00016561-00016800 there the the high concentrations of d0UTXYp4DuA-00052-00016801-00017064 fluoride around water that transact d0UTXYp4DuA-00053-00017065-00017421 across the central website of Ethiopia d0UTXYp4DuA-00054-00017422-00018147 and very high concentrations d0UTXYp4DuA-00055-00018148-00018429 and what do we do about high d0UTXYp4DuA-00056-00018430-00018619 concentrations destroy there are a d0UTXYp4DuA-00057-00018620-00018897 number of mitigation options that can be d0UTXYp4DuA-00058-00018898-00019024 followed d0UTXYp4DuA-00059-00019025-00019369 these include use of piped water supply d0UTXYp4DuA-00060-00019370-00019693 and impose by national governments pipe d0UTXYp4DuA-00061-00019694-00019950 water from surface water sources or from d0UTXYp4DuA-00062-00019951-00020283 ground water sources and these of course d0UTXYp4DuA-00063-00020284-00020652 involve major infrastructure in terms of d0UTXYp4DuA-00064-00020653-00021016 pumps and pipe work and in terms in case d0UTXYp4DuA-00065-00021017-00021292 of groundwater for holes as well so d0UTXYp4DuA-00066-00021293-00021517 setting up piped water scales with the d0UTXYp4DuA-00067-00021518-00021769 so called multi village water supplies d0UTXYp4DuA-00068-00021770-00022102 in them WSS involved in structure d0UTXYp4DuA-00069-00022103-00022369 infrastructure development costs of d0UTXYp4DuA-00070-00022370-00022663 distribution in both cases and in a case d0UTXYp4DuA-00071-00022664-00022903 of surface water also the cost of d0UTXYp4DuA-00072-00022904-00023149 treatment it has been implemented in d0UTXYp4DuA-00073-00023150-00023368 some areas in Ethiopia d0UTXYp4DuA-00074-00023369-00023580 other options include rainwater d0UTXYp4DuA-00075-00023581-00023878 harvesting now Ethiopians and arid d0UTXYp4DuA-00076-00023879-00024163 countries so rainwater is seasonal at d0UTXYp4DuA-00077-00024164-00024478 Sonoma to supply but rainwater has their d0UTXYp4DuA-00078-00024479-00024718 concentrations fluorite so it does offer d0UTXYp4DuA-00079-00024719-00024991 some prospects for a low fluoride d0UTXYp4DuA-00080-00024992-00025234 drinking water source at least for parts d0UTXYp4DuA-00081-00025235-00025513 of the year other options include d d0UTXYp4DuA-00082-00025514-00025890 florida d fluoridated water as as the d0UTXYp4DuA-00083-00025891-00026190 advantage of being able to use locally d0UTXYp4DuA-00084-00026191-00026530 available boreholes and wealth using d0UTXYp4DuA-00085-00026531-00026707 water treatment but as with any water d0UTXYp4DuA-00086-00026708-00027039 treatment the drawbacks are requirements d0UTXYp4DuA-00087-00027041-00027268 for maintenance requirements from raw d0UTXYp4DuA-00088-00027269-00027493 materials monitoring and there may be d0UTXYp4DuA-00089-00027494-00027748 cultural acceptance problems and of d0UTXYp4DuA-00090-00027749-00027915 course was an issue in long term d0UTXYp4DuA-00091-00027916-00028357 sustainability when such major work has d0UTXYp4DuA-00092-00028358-00028600 to be done to to make the water suitable d0UTXYp4DuA-00093-00028601-00028879 to drinking and then there's the option d0UTXYp4DuA-00094-00028880-00029179 of local safe sourcing that is being d0UTXYp4DuA-00095-00029180-00029410 able to locate bull holes and wells d0UTXYp4DuA-00096-00029411-00029704 locally that have low concentrations of d0UTXYp4DuA-00097-00029705-00029877 fluoride that's suitable for drinking d0UTXYp4DuA-00098-00029878-00030139 and that has issues with are they d0UTXYp4DuA-00099-00030139-00030343 available and where are they available d0UTXYp4DuA-00100-00030344-00030676 and can i'll be able to identify them d0UTXYp4DuA-00101-00030677-00030733 and d0UTXYp4DuA-00102-00030735-00030983 understand why and where they occur and d0UTXYp4DuA-00103-00030983-00031250 this project has been looking at the d0UTXYp4DuA-00104-00031251-00031517 option of safe sourcing from local Wells d0UTXYp4DuA-00105-00031518-00031829 and portals within the overall context d0UTXYp4DuA-00106-00031830-00032426 of groundwater flow mitigation now d0UTXYp4DuA-00107-00032427-00032657 colleagues meta meta have been looking d0UTXYp4DuA-00108-00032658-00033095 at the various supply options education d0UTXYp4DuA-00109-00033096-00033395 options in our mayor state in Ethiopia d0UTXYp4DuA-00110-00033396-00033605 and the risk Valley and they've looked d0UTXYp4DuA-00111-00033606-00033941 at comparisons between the multiple d0UTXYp4DuA-00112-00033942-00034303 edgewater supply since the pipe scheme d0UTXYp4DuA-00113-00034304-00034898 from five supply sources in our area d0UTXYp4DuA-00114-00034899-00035198 region that these five sources are two d0UTXYp4DuA-00115-00035199-00035567 groundwater sources to service water d0UTXYp4DuA-00116-00035568-00035990 sources and one mixed source and they've d0UTXYp4DuA-00117-00035991-00036206 been looking at that option compared d0UTXYp4DuA-00118-00036207-00036533 with the deef relation schemes that have d0UTXYp4DuA-00119-00036534-00036761 been operated in some parts of rural d0UTXYp4DuA-00120-00036762-00037019 areas particularly deep fluoridation d0UTXYp4DuA-00121-00037020-00037391 schemes involve human community level d0UTXYp4DuA-00122-00037392-00037682 but the Nalgonda which is a coagulation d0UTXYp4DuA-00123-00037683-00038138 method using alum and lime to remove the d0UTXYp4DuA-00124-00038139-00038399 fluoride from drinking water and an d0UTXYp4DuA-00125-00038400-00038717 absorption method using bone char to to d0UTXYp4DuA-00126-00038718-00039071 remove fluoride and what the meta matter d0UTXYp4DuA-00127-00039072-00039443 team have identified is that in terms of d0UTXYp4DuA-00128-00039444-00039713 cost investment cost operational cost d0UTXYp4DuA-00129-00039714-00040043 the cost for multi village water supply d0UTXYp4DuA-00130-00040044-00040334 creams vary widely according to for d0UTXYp4DuA-00131-00040335-00040529 example investment costs the cost of d0UTXYp4DuA-00132-00040530-00040823 drilling wormhole or operational costs d0UTXYp4DuA-00133-00040824-00041036 the cost of treatment of surface water d0UTXYp4DuA-00134-00041037-00041372 or the costs of use of electricity when d0UTXYp4DuA-00135-00041373-00041531 the power fails and they have to use d0UTXYp4DuA-00136-00041532-00041813 generators that the costs vary widely d0UTXYp4DuA-00137-00041814-00042116 but on average the costing to be lower d0UTXYp4DuA-00138-00042117-00042446 per mr. to dove water for though for the d0UTXYp4DuA-00139-00042447-00042719 pipe water schemes compared to the d d0UTXYp4DuA-00140-00042720-00043007 fluoridation scheme the Nalgonda and the d0UTXYp4DuA-00141-00043008-00043427 Bern charm methods respond that the d0UTXYp4DuA-00142-00043428-00043693 result of this is that the tariffs of d0UTXYp4DuA-00143-00043694-00044071 water per unit is is overall higher d0UTXYp4DuA-00144-00044072-00044383 for the d fluoridation schemes compared d0UTXYp4DuA-00145-00044384-00044573 to the multi village water supply d0UTXYp4DuA-00146-00044574-00044876 schemes there are other drawbacks to the d0UTXYp4DuA-00147-00044877-00045064 do fluoridation you can see from the d0UTXYp4DuA-00148-00045065-00045340 table that in the now get gone Decatur d0UTXYp4DuA-00149-00045341-00045595 surges to forty percent of the fluoride d0UTXYp4DuA-00150-00045596-00045857 is removed in the bone to our case it's d0UTXYp4DuA-00151-00045858-00046067 forty to fifty percent but if you've got d0UTXYp4DuA-00152-00046068-00046324 a high fluoride source to start with you d0UTXYp4DuA-00153-00046325-00046520 may still end up with some fluoride in d0UTXYp4DuA-00154-00046521-00046732 your drinking water after treatment the d0UTXYp4DuA-00155-00046733-00046979 other drawbacks of the D fluoridation d0UTXYp4DuA-00156-00046980-00047204 include power cuts and equipment d0UTXYp4DuA-00157-00047205-00047429 breakdowns which has affected the d0UTXYp4DuA-00158-00047430-00047692 ability to treat the water now what the d0UTXYp4DuA-00159-00047693-00047992 team discovered from the D fluoridation d0UTXYp4DuA-00160-00047993-00048335 schemes in particular was that the d0UTXYp4DuA-00161-00048336-00048554 success of the schemes was critically d0UTXYp4DuA-00162-00048555-00048820 dependent on community involvement the d0UTXYp4DuA-00163-00048821-00049054 local communities had to be on board and d0UTXYp4DuA-00164-00049055-00049327 willing for this system to be an d0UTXYp4DuA-00165-00049328-00049552 operation for it to work at all an d0UTXYp4DuA-00166-00049553-00049837 initial scheme didn't involve so much d0UTXYp4DuA-00167-00049838-00050236 community participation but that the d0UTXYp4DuA-00168-00050237-00050504 NGOs operating these schemes learned d0UTXYp4DuA-00169-00050505-00050773 from meta and brought the communities d0UTXYp4DuA-00170-00050774-00051001 very strongly on board to make it work d0UTXYp4DuA-00171-00051002-00051275 the other observation for dechlorination d0UTXYp4DuA-00172-00051276-00051599 is that the systems rely very heavily on d0UTXYp4DuA-00173-00051600-00052120 NGO support subsidy and capacity in d0UTXYp4DuA-00174-00052121-00052351 order to make them work and therefore d0UTXYp4DuA-00175-00052352-00052874 that that do a demand NGO presence to be d0UTXYp4DuA-00176-00052875-00053285 a sustainable supply can be water so d0UTXYp4DuA-00177-00053286-00053459 what about the other options safe d0UTXYp4DuA-00178-00053460-00053684 Thorton and we've been looking at social d0UTXYp4DuA-00179-00053685-00054007 this is a result of a survey from the d0UTXYp4DuA-00180-00054008-00054362 Norwegian Geological Survey in 2002 in d0UTXYp4DuA-00181-00054363-00054647 Matt and fluoride concentrations across d0UTXYp4DuA-00182-00054648-00054947 the whistling and if you can see the wao d0UTXYp4DuA-00183-00054948-00055129 garden value of one point five d0UTXYp4DuA-00184-00055130-00055475 milligrams per liter across the graph d0UTXYp4DuA-00185-00055476-00055703 there you can see a substantial number d0UTXYp4DuA-00186-00055704-00056005 of boreholes and wells the bottom red d0UTXYp4DuA-00187-00056006-00056368 and the welder in turquoise substantial d0UTXYp4DuA-00188-00056369-00056593 number more than 60% in each case are d0UTXYp4DuA-00189-00056594-00056866 less than one point five milligrams per d0UTXYp4DuA-00190-00056867-00057106 litre fluoride and this means that there d0UTXYp4DuA-00191-00057107-00057327 are even within the Rift Valley there d0UTXYp4DuA-00192-00057328-00057605 there are sources of groundwater with no d0UTXYp4DuA-00193-00057607-00057873 concentration so what we wanted to do is d0UTXYp4DuA-00194-00057874-00058217 see if we could identify them safer if d0UTXYp4DuA-00195-00058219-00058428 these were randomly distributed or d0UTXYp4DuA-00196-00058429-00058734 whether the systematic variation in the d0UTXYp4DuA-00197-00058735-00058965 concentrations that would allow us to d0UTXYp4DuA-00198-00058966-00059283 make some overall assessments and d0UTXYp4DuA-00199-00059284-00059562 overall recommendations for how to go d0UTXYp4DuA-00200-00059563-00059922 about this sorting so what we did in d0UTXYp4DuA-00201-00059923-00060167 this catalyst project was to do to look d0UTXYp4DuA-00202-00060169-00060408 at to study areas one in the southwest d0UTXYp4DuA-00203-00060409-00060692 around the Tennessee wide and one of the d0UTXYp4DuA-00204-00060694-00060924 Northeast around the tongue of Adama d0UTXYp4DuA-00205-00060925-00061161 this is from is that map on the top d0UTXYp4DuA-00206-00061162-00061395 right you can see this is right in the d0UTXYp4DuA-00207-00061396-00061629 center of the central risk valid that in d0UTXYp4DuA-00208-00061629-00062379 that any center of our Mia and in I've d0UTXYp4DuA-00209-00062379-00062613 trotted here the same as the Norwegian d0UTXYp4DuA-00210-00062614-00062847 Geological Survey did calcium against d0UTXYp4DuA-00211-00062848-00063309 fluoride concentrations the red in the d0UTXYp4DuA-00212-00063310-00063588 Adamo area from the Northeast the green d0UTXYp4DuA-00213-00063589-00064011 in the zy area Southwest those two study d0UTXYp4DuA-00214-00064012-00064278 areas I showed you and you can see from d0UTXYp4DuA-00215-00064279-00064449 this distribution even in this d0UTXYp4DuA-00216-00064450-00064662 worst-affected part of this worst d0UTXYp4DuA-00217-00064663-00064995 affected districts from Ethiopia there d0UTXYp4DuA-00218-00064996-00065345 are a minor minority wells involved with d0UTXYp4DuA-00219-00065346-00065622 concentrations of fluoride below 1.5 d0UTXYp4DuA-00220-00065623-00065832 milligrams per liter there are a d0UTXYp4DuA-00221-00065833-00066174 substantial number more in the 1.5 to d0UTXYp4DuA-00222-00066175-00066432 about 3 milligrams per liter range and d0UTXYp4DuA-00223-00066433-00066675 then there are a whole lot of them more d0UTXYp4DuA-00224-00066676-00066903 than five milligrams gluta ranging up to d0UTXYp4DuA-00225-00066904-00067182 about 20 milligrams per liter there you d0UTXYp4DuA-00226-00067183-00067338 can see from that that there are there d0UTXYp4DuA-00227-00067339-00067548 is a range of concentrations there are d0UTXYp4DuA-00228-00067549-00067743 some prospects for those who are on d0UTXYp4DuA-00229-00067744-00067986 waters although less than one point five d0UTXYp4DuA-00230-00067987-00068193 milligrams per liter is quite a d0UTXYp4DuA-00231-00068194-00068481 challenge in this area the first area d0UTXYp4DuA-00232-00068482-00068727 and see wise and the southwest the two d0UTXYp4DuA-00233-00068728-00069006 areas this is a map showing the d0UTXYp4DuA-00234-00069007-00069285 distributions of fluoride in the in the d0UTXYp4DuA-00235-00069286-00069462 ground waters from bore homes and wealth d0UTXYp4DuA-00236-00069463-00069699 and you can see that the distribution is d0UTXYp4DuA-00237-00069700-00070010 not random there is there is a d0UTXYp4DuA-00238-00070011-00070301 indication that local try concentrations d0UTXYp4DuA-00239-00070302-00070676 of around the town of qi and towards the d0UTXYp4DuA-00240-00070677-00070961 north on the western edge of local ey d0UTXYp4DuA-00241-00070962-00071346 now this these are in the volcano genex d0UTXYp4DuA-00242-00071347-00071622 and lucas drying sediments with volcanic d0UTXYp4DuA-00243-00071623-00071961 ash and pumice intermixed with them and d0UTXYp4DuA-00244-00071962-00072155 then the possibility that the difference d0UTXYp4DuA-00245-00072156-00072516 in the geology the geochemistry of the d0UTXYp4DuA-00246-00072517-00072857 volcano genic sediments in this area but d0UTXYp4DuA-00247-00072858-00073157 we think you see from the from the d0UTXYp4DuA-00248-00073158-00073388 isotopic plot in the top right of this d0UTXYp4DuA-00249-00073389-00073844 image you can see that the the arrow d0UTXYp4DuA-00250-00073845-00074109 with the mixing line towards the top d0UTXYp4DuA-00251-00074110-00074423 right on that trend there the the green d0UTXYp4DuA-00252-00074424-00074711 symbol the green circles up in the top d0UTXYp4DuA-00253-00074712-00074991 right are the bore holes that are close d0UTXYp4DuA-00254-00074992-00075261 to the west of lake cy here they have a d0UTXYp4DuA-00255-00075262-00075536 leg water isotopic signature with more d0UTXYp4DuA-00256-00075537-00075942 enriched oxygen 18 compositions and so d0UTXYp4DuA-00257-00075943-00076167 we think that they because they look d0UTXYp4DuA-00258-00076168-00076355 more like they mixed with lake water d0UTXYp4DuA-00259-00076356-00076596 that there has been a lake water d0UTXYp4DuA-00260-00076597-00076866 groundwater interaction and this local d0UTXYp4DuA-00261-00076867-00077129 zone on the west of the lake that has d0UTXYp4DuA-00262-00077130-00077354 effectively diluted the fluoride d0UTXYp4DuA-00263-00077355-00077715 concentrations in this area looking at d0UTXYp4DuA-00264-00077716-00078032 the other area and the northeast dharma d0UTXYp4DuA-00265-00078033-00078234 that this town of the dharma is in the d0UTXYp4DuA-00266-00078235-00078465 central part of the map there you can d0UTXYp4DuA-00267-00078466-00078668 again see that there's not a random d0UTXYp4DuA-00268-00078669-00078822 distribution of high fluoride d0UTXYp4DuA-00269-00078823-00079059 concentration actually quite clustered d0UTXYp4DuA-00270-00079060-00079394 to the west of one in the one g town and d0UTXYp4DuA-00271-00079395-00079647 to the west of where it is one g sugar d0UTXYp4DuA-00272-00079648-00079953 plantation that is on the western limit d0UTXYp4DuA-00273-00079954-00080219 of the sugar plantation and the whole d0UTXYp4DuA-00274-00080220-00080423 there is quite a cluster and five d0UTXYp4DuA-00275-00080424-00080693 fluoride concentration now once you I've d0UTXYp4DuA-00276-00080694-00081116 known for many years had a problem which d0UTXYp4DuA-00277-00081117-00081372 is quite a famous area and my d0UTXYp4DuA-00278-00081373-00081605 understanding of this was that the d0UTXYp4DuA-00279-00081606-00081828 hydride concentrations in 1g were d0UTXYp4DuA-00280-00081829-00081991 related to d0UTXYp4DuA-00281-00081992-00082304 derivation from volcanic rocks in the d0UTXYp4DuA-00282-00082305-00082448 area that it was coming from d0UTXYp4DuA-00283-00082449-00082722 dissolution of minerals and volcanic d0UTXYp4DuA-00284-00082723-00083235 rocks and if you look at the d0UTXYp4DuA-00285-00083236-00083441 Google Earth image of that plantation d0UTXYp4DuA-00286-00083442-00083663 you see the green plantation very d0UTXYp4DuA-00287-00083664-00083885 clearly in the central part of the map d0UTXYp4DuA-00288-00083886-00084153 you can see the yellow pinboard d0UTXYp4DuA-00289-00084154-00084413 symbol showing the southern area where d0UTXYp4DuA-00290-00084414-00084626 the high concentrations of fluoride are d0UTXYp4DuA-00291-00084627-00084982 and on the north edge is that green d0UTXYp4DuA-00292-00084983-00085272 field area you can see one jewtown d0UTXYp4DuA-00293-00085273-00085515 located the high concentrations of d0UTXYp4DuA-00294-00085516-00085847 fluoride are in a lineage from one G to d0UTXYp4DuA-00295-00085848-00086282 that yellow pinboard pin and under self d0UTXYp4DuA-00296-00086283-00086460 at that area you can see very strongly d0UTXYp4DuA-00297-00086461-00086798 delineation related to faulting on the d0UTXYp4DuA-00298-00086799-00087072 one g fault melt and dividends at d0UTXYp4DuA-00299-00087073-00087374 caldera just to the west of that so this d0UTXYp4DuA-00300-00087375-00087694 area looks to me to be quite a strongly d0UTXYp4DuA-00301-00087695-00087944 influenced by geothermal inputs from d0UTXYp4DuA-00302-00087945-00088211 faults along that area and if you can d0UTXYp4DuA-00303-00088212-00088448 see to the northwest of one g ton you d0UTXYp4DuA-00304-00088449-00088682 can see another yellow pinboard that is d0UTXYp4DuA-00305-00088683-00089034 the cadenza our hot spring if I go back d0UTXYp4DuA-00306-00089035-00089397 to thee back to the map again you can d0UTXYp4DuA-00307-00089398-00089873 see the hot spring is the high fluoride d0UTXYp4DuA-00308-00089874-00090078 blob to the west of the other d0UTXYp4DuA-00309-00090079-00090269 distributions and then you can see this d0UTXYp4DuA-00310-00090270-00090528 north-south mini action there are other d0UTXYp4DuA-00311-00090529-00090737 geochemical evidence suggests as well d0UTXYp4DuA-00312-00090738-00091003 but these waters these ground waters are d0UTXYp4DuA-00313-00091004-00091430 impacted by geothermal solutions along d0UTXYp4DuA-00314-00091431-00091724 this fault sir the other thing to notice d0UTXYp4DuA-00315-00091725-00091976 about this map of fluoride is if you go d0UTXYp4DuA-00316-00091977-00092219 from a dermatome towards that road up d0UTXYp4DuA-00317-00092220-00092465 towards the northeast edge of the map d0UTXYp4DuA-00318-00092466-00092615 you can see the concentrations of d0UTXYp4DuA-00319-00092616-00093329 fluoride are generally lower and if you d0UTXYp4DuA-00320-00093330-00093578 look at these box tops of the two areas d0UTXYp4DuA-00321-00093579-00093968 they adharma in red and the zy area in d0UTXYp4DuA-00322-00093969-00094280 green you can see that there is a quite d0UTXYp4DuA-00323-00094281-00094503 a range of fluoride concentration in the d0UTXYp4DuA-00324-00094504-00094728 volcanic rocks the hard in generated d0UTXYp4DuA-00325-00094729-00095015 ignimbrite have low concentrations of d0UTXYp4DuA-00326-00095016-00095310 fluoride then do the volcano genic d0UTXYp4DuA-00327-00095311-00095726 sediments in both areas so this is quite d0UTXYp4DuA-00328-00095727-00095942 cheering quite a strong geological d0UTXYp4DuA-00329-00095943-00096329 control and if you go back to the map d0UTXYp4DuA-00330-00096330-00096582 here you can see that this d0UTXYp4DuA-00331-00096583-00096813 northeast of the Dharma is slightly d0UTXYp4DuA-00332-00096814-00097143 higher terrain where the volcanic in d0UTXYp4DuA-00333-00097144-00097359 Jerusalem for connect rocks and located d0UTXYp4DuA-00334-00097360-00097791 lower floor and situations and if you d0UTXYp4DuA-00335-00097792-00098003 look at this if you consider the d0UTXYp4DuA-00336-00098004-00098387 injected ignimbrite cents a hard d0UTXYp4DuA-00337-00098388-00098727 crystalline rock or these hard rocks d0UTXYp4DuA-00338-00098728-00098994 with fracture flow dominating flow of d0UTXYp4DuA-00339-00098995-00099231 groundwater in this area compared to d0UTXYp4DuA-00340-00099232-00099444 this volcano genic sediments which are d0UTXYp4DuA-00341-00099445-00099812 loose very friable contain very young d0UTXYp4DuA-00342-00099813-00100251 reactive ash and pumice this goes quite d0UTXYp4DuA-00343-00100252-00100431 somewhere I think to explaining why you d0UTXYp4DuA-00344-00100432-00100665 can get high fluoride concentration in d0UTXYp4DuA-00345-00100666-00100926 these loose volcano gem experiments d0UTXYp4DuA-00346-00100927-00101250 compared to hard ignant right so just to d0UTXYp4DuA-00347-00101251-00101520 conclude them of the fluoride mitigation d0UTXYp4DuA-00348-00101521-00101868 options available d fluoridation schemes d0UTXYp4DuA-00349-00101869-00102122 that have been operative in our mia are d0UTXYp4DuA-00350-00102123-00102405 critically dependent on community d0UTXYp4DuA-00351-00102406-00102657 involvement and buy into the scheme and d0UTXYp4DuA-00352-00102658-00102990 they are sustainable through NGO d0UTXYp4DuA-00353-00102991-00103350 capacity and subsidy and therefore if d0UTXYp4DuA-00354-00103351-00103602 there if there was not that NGO capacity d0UTXYp4DuA-00355-00103603-00103835 and subsidy there would be some doubt d0UTXYp4DuA-00356-00103836-00104111 about the sustainability of them as an d0UTXYp4DuA-00357-00104113-00104451 option the multi village water supply d0UTXYp4DuA-00358-00104452-00104786 seems of pipe scheme are offer greater d0UTXYp4DuA-00359-00104788-00104996 potential in terms of longer term d0UTXYp4DuA-00360-00104997-00105243 sustainability course they involve d0UTXYp4DuA-00361-00105244-00105485 investment in infrastructure of d0UTXYp4DuA-00362-00105486-00105945 management but they are a more d0UTXYp4DuA-00363-00105946-00106154 sustainable solution if the d0UTXYp4DuA-00364-00106155-00106389 infrastructure can be set up just as an d0UTXYp4DuA-00365-00106390-00106689 aside to this we did sample one of the d0UTXYp4DuA-00366-00106690-00107036 springs though on the edge of the the d0UTXYp4DuA-00367-00107038-00107454 Rift Valley south of south east of CY d0UTXYp4DuA-00368-00107455-00107751 this is a pipe supply scheme for the d0UTXYp4DuA-00369-00107752-00108078 town intended for the talent CY and the d0UTXYp4DuA-00370-00108079-00108396 spring source that was contributed to d0UTXYp4DuA-00371-00108397-00108686 this multi supply scheme and a d0UTXYp4DuA-00372-00108688-00108882 concentration of florida d0UTXYp4DuA-00373-00108883-00109191 2.4 milligrams per meter this is a lower d0UTXYp4DuA-00374-00109192-00109409 value but it is nonetheless above the d0UTXYp4DuA-00375-00109410-00109661 whf guide by value for d0UTXYp4DuA-00376-00109663-00109905 a fluoride in drinking water in this d0UTXYp4DuA-00377-00109906-00110172 traitor raises questions about the d0UTXYp4DuA-00378-00110173-00110471 temporal variability of fluoride in d0UTXYp4DuA-00379-00110472-00110786 spring water sources it also raises d0UTXYp4DuA-00380-00110788-00111110 questions about laboratory QA procedures d0UTXYp4DuA-00381-00111111-00111390 and it raises questions about whether d0UTXYp4DuA-00382-00111391-00111654 one point five milligrams per liter is d0UTXYp4DuA-00383-00111655-00112107 really the optimum approval drinking d0UTXYp4DuA-00384-00112108-00112422 water limit to use in such an area where d0UTXYp4DuA-00385-00112423-00112709 I fly concentrations are very prevalent d0UTXYp4DuA-00386-00112710-00113088 and compliance to one point five d0UTXYp4DuA-00387-00113089-00113349 milligrams per liter is a challenge and d0UTXYp4DuA-00388-00113350-00113630 then there's the safe sourcing option d0UTXYp4DuA-00389-00113631-00113916 which clearly I think our results show d0UTXYp4DuA-00390-00113917-00114090 that there are it does offer some d0UTXYp4DuA-00391-00114091-00114516 potential as a solution to the thorough d0UTXYp4DuA-00392-00114517-00114756 problem but it does need better d0UTXYp4DuA-00393-00114757-00115089 understanding of where the lotion were d0UTXYp4DuA-00394-00115090-00115419 to occur and what their controls are now d0UTXYp4DuA-00395-00115420-00115770 as citizen or Emir state of showing that d0UTXYp4DuA-00396-00115771-00116052 surface water and groundwater action is d0UTXYp4DuA-00397-00116053-00116384 an important control on gravel to d0UTXYp4DuA-00398-00116385-00116574 fluoride concentrations that Lane water d0UTXYp4DuA-00399-00116575-00117008 has can reduce the concentrations of d0UTXYp4DuA-00400-00117008-00117282 fluoride locally there can be local d0UTXYp4DuA-00401-00117283-00117696 pockets along fresh lake water margins d0UTXYp4DuA-00402-00117697-00117903 and along river water margins which d0UTXYp4DuA-00403-00117904-00118377 could offer local sources we found also d0UTXYp4DuA-00404-00118378-00118554 that geothermal have puts a very d0UTXYp4DuA-00405-00118555-00118929 important contributors to high fluoride d0UTXYp4DuA-00406-00118930-00119199 and so these areas need to be identified d0UTXYp4DuA-00407-00119200-00119427 more clearly and we found that our d0UTXYp4DuA-00408-00119428-00119619 preferred geology has an important d0UTXYp4DuA-00409-00119620-00119898 control on absolute concentrations d0UTXYp4DuA-00410-00119899-00120102 destroyed with lower concentrations d0UTXYp4DuA-00411-00120103-00120318 overall in the hardrock kind rocks d0UTXYp4DuA-00412-00120319-00120627 compared to the volcanic volcano genic d0UTXYp4DuA-00413-00120628-00120945 sediments around the rosula floor and d0UTXYp4DuA-00414-00120946-00121203 what we did what would be good to do is d0UTXYp4DuA-00415-00121204-00121476 to assess whether these variations that d0UTXYp4DuA-00416-00121477-00121791 we found in this region apply more d0UTXYp4DuA-00417-00121792-00122082 widely across seas ethiopia and indeed d0UTXYp4DuA-00418-00122083-00122309 more widely across the East African Rift d0UTXYp4DuA-00419-00122310-00122664 Valley as a whole thank you d0UTXYp4DuA-00420-00122665-00122872 you d2KlwcQBu4c-00000-00000021-00000538 [Music] d2KlwcQBu4c-00001-00000539-00000776 welcome to insight today produced in d2KlwcQBu4c-00002-00000777-00001028 collaboration with Casey OS 13 El Paso d2KlwcQBu4c-00003-00001029-00001256 Public Television today we are chatting d2KlwcQBu4c-00004-00001257-00001570 with Ramon Ortiz chief executive officer d2KlwcQBu4c-00005-00001571-00001682 a project Arriba d2KlwcQBu4c-00006-00001682-00001862 Roman has generously agreed to share d2KlwcQBu4c-00007-00001863-00002042 some of his experience with us like to d2KlwcQBu4c-00008-00002043-00002183 thank you Roman for joining us today d2KlwcQBu4c-00009-00002184-00002324 well thank you much for having us here d2KlwcQBu4c-00010-00002325-00002588 so talk about project Arriba and d2KlwcQBu4c-00011-00002589-00002747 Workforce Development d2KlwcQBu4c-00012-00002748-00002987 well sure first of all thank you so much d2KlwcQBu4c-00013-00002988-00003067 for the service that you're offering d2KlwcQBu4c-00014-00003068-00003263 project I'll even other nonprofits on d2KlwcQBu4c-00015-00003264-00003517 behalf of El Paso we welcome you here d2KlwcQBu4c-00016-00003518-00003922 project at IVA really was formed out of d2KlwcQBu4c-00017-00003923-00004208 the necessity here in this region to d2KlwcQBu4c-00018-00004209-00004529 look at workforce development a little d2KlwcQBu4c-00019-00004530-00004786 differently historically across the d2KlwcQBu4c-00020-00004787-00005020 nation workforce development was viewed d2KlwcQBu4c-00021-00005021-00005315 more as taking somebody who had a skill d2KlwcQBu4c-00022-00005316-00005506 level but because that job left d2KlwcQBu4c-00023-00005507-00005843 countries and then being able to just d2KlwcQBu4c-00024-00005844-00006034 get them into any type of job but not d2KlwcQBu4c-00025-00006035-00006396 really a good trade or a good skill and d2KlwcQBu4c-00026-00006397-00006742 what Arriba wanted to focus on in this d2KlwcQBu4c-00027-00006743-00007153 region was to in the late 90s look at d2KlwcQBu4c-00028-00007154-00007559 what kind of jobs are in demand in this d2KlwcQBu4c-00029-00007559-00007964 region and will those jobs pay a family d2KlwcQBu4c-00030-00007965-00008242 sustaining living wage with benefits in d2KlwcQBu4c-00031-00008243-00008462 a career path and really when you look d2KlwcQBu4c-00032-00008463-00008771 at that language about 18 years ago that d2KlwcQBu4c-00033-00008772-00009014 was really forward-thinking language d2KlwcQBu4c-00034-00009015-00009245 because no one was talking about living d2KlwcQBu4c-00035-00009246-00009442 wages they were talking about family d2KlwcQBu4c-00036-00009443-00009674 sustaining wages they weren't talking d2KlwcQBu4c-00037-00009675-00009889 about jobs with benefits in a career d2KlwcQBu4c-00038-00009890-00010145 path things that we now look at as kind d2KlwcQBu4c-00039-00010146-00010346 of commonplace and more normal d2KlwcQBu4c-00040-00010347-00010549 discussion on workforce development so d2KlwcQBu4c-00041-00010550-00010839 you basically took an approach that d2KlwcQBu4c-00042-00010840-00011321 started off with one central question d2KlwcQBu4c-00043-00011322-00011767 how will the economy of El Paso develop d2KlwcQBu4c-00044-00011768-00012235 over the next 20 years 30 years and then d2KlwcQBu4c-00045-00012236-00012458 you'd shaped programs through your d2KlwcQBu4c-00046-00012459-00012634 workforce development programs were d2KlwcQBu4c-00047-00012635-00012929 specifically shaped in a reference to d2KlwcQBu4c-00048-00012930-00013144 that economic development and then you d2KlwcQBu4c-00049-00013145-00013346 add in the ingredients of family d2KlwcQBu4c-00050-00013347-00013676 sustaining wages yes yes and that's the d2KlwcQBu4c-00051-00013677-00014083 key ingredient is to look at the d2KlwcQBu4c-00052-00014084-00014416 employer sector here in El Paso and see d2KlwcQBu4c-00053-00014418-00014750 over the next 10 20 years what are the d2KlwcQBu4c-00054-00014751-00014927 types of jobs that are going to be in d2KlwcQBu4c-00055-00014928-00015316 high demand in the late 90s early 2000s d2KlwcQBu4c-00056-00015318-00015691 in El Paso it really turned to being a d2KlwcQBu4c-00057-00015693-00016313 haven for medical and R&D in the d2KlwcQBu4c-00058-00016313-00016598 medicine and as well as increasing the d2KlwcQBu4c-00059-00016599-00016844 skill level of folks to become nurses d2KlwcQBu4c-00060-00016845-00017219 other allied health degrees and as well d2KlwcQBu4c-00061-00017220-00017531 as doctors so in El Paso the healthcare d2KlwcQBu4c-00062-00017532-00017780 industry has grown tremendously over the d2KlwcQBu4c-00063-00017781-00017999 last 20 years and project that Eva d2KlwcQBu4c-00064-00018000-00018263 wanted to be a part of that workforce d2KlwcQBu4c-00065-00018264-00018542 development and so in a nutshell what we d2KlwcQBu4c-00066-00018543-00018803 do is that we go out and we help grow d2KlwcQBu4c-00067-00018804-00019088 our own so that we can make sure that we d2KlwcQBu4c-00068-00019089-00019307 can meet the needs of local employers d2KlwcQBu4c-00069-00019308-00019601 here in this region that need qualified d2KlwcQBu4c-00070-00019602-00019850 health care professionals so that they d2KlwcQBu4c-00071-00019851-00020036 can be able to do the work that they d2KlwcQBu4c-00072-00020037-00020402 need to do in this region our board of d2KlwcQBu4c-00073-00020403-00020750 directors is made up of half organism d2KlwcQBu4c-00074-00020751-00020942 organizing group and half business d2KlwcQBu4c-00075-00020943-00021137 community and I do want to talk a little d2KlwcQBu4c-00076-00021138-00021302 bit about that our organizing group d2KlwcQBu4c-00077-00021303-00021557 partners their name is they'll Paso d2KlwcQBu4c-00078-00021558-00021746 interreligious sponsoring organization d2KlwcQBu4c-00079-00021747-00022000 and border interfaith and what their key d2KlwcQBu4c-00080-00022001-00022366 role is in the impetus of our program is d2KlwcQBu4c-00081-00022367-00022613 being able to go out into the community d2KlwcQBu4c-00082-00022614-00022865 and talk to folks about what were the d2KlwcQBu4c-00083-00022866-00023021 barriers that were stopping them from d2KlwcQBu4c-00084-00023022-00023222 being able to go to college in the first d2KlwcQBu4c-00085-00023223-00023519 place was it even transportation was it d2KlwcQBu4c-00086-00023520-00023797 a lack of resources was it even a lack d2KlwcQBu4c-00087-00023798-00024119 of childcare availability and being able d2KlwcQBu4c-00088-00024120-00024328 to understand that at that molecular d2KlwcQBu4c-00089-00024329-00024581 level we then as an organization can d2KlwcQBu4c-00090-00024582-00024884 help offset those types of what we call d2KlwcQBu4c-00091-00024885-00025200 life barriers through a week consider a d2KlwcQBu4c-00092-00025201-00025522 360 or wraparound support service so you d2KlwcQBu4c-00093-00025523-00025919 have basically two things going on first d2KlwcQBu4c-00094-00025920-00026113 of all you have a partnership between d2KlwcQBu4c-00095-00026114-00026393 community on the one hand and business d2KlwcQBu4c-00096-00026394-00026594 on the other the second thing that you d2KlwcQBu4c-00097-00026595-00026712 have going on is d2KlwcQBu4c-00098-00026713-00026982 you are collecting intelligence but also d2KlwcQBu4c-00099-00026983-00027239 establishing credibility both with the d2KlwcQBu4c-00100-00027241-00027477 business community and with local d2KlwcQBu4c-00101-00027477-00027798 communities in need so that credibility d2KlwcQBu4c-00102-00027799-00028052 and that intelligence informs the d2KlwcQBu4c-00103-00028054-00028283 programs that you put together and then d2KlwcQBu4c-00104-00028285-00028551 you start to shape your programs from d2KlwcQBu4c-00105-00028552-00028731 that base it's a very strong very d2KlwcQBu4c-00106-00028732-00028970 powerful base from which to move yes d2KlwcQBu4c-00107-00028972-00029376 when you look at a business and you look d2KlwcQBu4c-00108-00029377-00029637 at say community organizing oftentimes d2KlwcQBu4c-00109-00029638-00029805 those two groups may not meet because d2KlwcQBu4c-00110-00029806-00029967 they have two different parallel d2KlwcQBu4c-00111-00029968-00030170 universes they might also be in conflict d2KlwcQBu4c-00112-00030172-00030339 with one and they might be in conflict d2KlwcQBu4c-00113-00030339-00030666 what prontera is able to do it was able d2KlwcQBu4c-00114-00030667-00030981 to take an individual who has expressed d2KlwcQBu4c-00115-00030982-00031236 these particular deficiencies and then d2KlwcQBu4c-00116-00031237-00031560 being able to go to college and now when d2KlwcQBu4c-00117-00031561-00031689 we were able to offset those d2KlwcQBu4c-00118-00031689-00031952 deficiencies through the 360 wraparound d2KlwcQBu4c-00119-00031954-00032283 support when they finish within a very d2KlwcQBu4c-00120-00032283-00032514 good period of time on average it takes d2KlwcQBu4c-00121-00032514-00032679 about two and a half years for our d2KlwcQBu4c-00122-00032680-00032967 participants to finish their degree and d2KlwcQBu4c-00123-00032968-00033234 get job placed here in this region now d2KlwcQBu4c-00124-00033235-00033468 on average last year mark our graduates d2KlwcQBu4c-00125-00033469-00033663 were making forty eight thousand dollars d2KlwcQBu4c-00126-00033664-00033708 a year d2KlwcQBu4c-00127-00033709-00033945 forty-eight thousand dollars a year in d2KlwcQBu4c-00128-00033946-00034221 El Paso and El Paso that's a that's a d2KlwcQBu4c-00129-00034222-00034476 tremendous tremendous shift they came d2KlwcQBu4c-00130-00034477-00034662 into our program making seven thousand d2KlwcQBu4c-00131-00034663-00034839 five hundred dollars a year so they d2KlwcQBu4c-00132-00034840-00035100 increase their earning potential by six d2KlwcQBu4c-00133-00035101-00035367 and a half times and meanwhile the the d2KlwcQBu4c-00134-00035368-00035616 the businesses the businesses are d2KlwcQBu4c-00135-00035617-00035796 benefiting yes because they're not going d2KlwcQBu4c-00136-00035797-00035997 to be paying that type of money for d2KlwcQBu4c-00137-00035998-00036399 nothing exactly and now the the banks d2KlwcQBu4c-00138-00036400-00036705 are able to provide loans folks are able d2KlwcQBu4c-00139-00036706-00036960 to buy houses car dealerships are able d2KlwcQBu4c-00140-00036961-00037179 to sell more cars you see the economic d2KlwcQBu4c-00141-00037180-00037544 impact when you invest in human capital d2KlwcQBu4c-00142-00037545-00037962 we feel based on the data that we have d2KlwcQBu4c-00143-00037963-00038151 now had over the course of twenty years d2KlwcQBu4c-00144-00038152-00038433 almost that it reaps the highest return d2KlwcQBu4c-00145-00038434-00038702 on investment than almost anything that d2KlwcQBu4c-00146-00038703-00038946 that is out there and the children of d2KlwcQBu4c-00147-00038947-00039222 those families those families having the d2KlwcQBu4c-00148-00039223-00039447 advantage of that type of income the d2KlwcQBu4c-00149-00039448-00039697 children of those families now d2KlwcQBu4c-00150-00039698-00039934 they basically are operating from a d2KlwcQBu4c-00151-00039935-00040276 different a different foundation than d2KlwcQBu4c-00152-00040277-00040534 their parents operated from absolutely d2KlwcQBu4c-00153-00040535-00040867 what does it cost to to have a young d2KlwcQBu4c-00154-00040868-00041137 person go through this this this program d2KlwcQBu4c-00155-00041138-00041377 on average is our unit cost is five d2KlwcQBu4c-00156-00041378-00041527 thousand five hundred dollars per person d2KlwcQBu4c-00157-00041528-00041761 and it takes two and a half years for d2KlwcQBu4c-00158-00041762-00041947 that person to finish five thousand five d2KlwcQBu4c-00159-00041948-00042154 hundred per year per year so it's about d2KlwcQBu4c-00160-00042155-00042421 twelve thousand dollars for the for the d2KlwcQBu4c-00161-00042422-00042784 average average student and the the ROI d2KlwcQBu4c-00162-00042785-00043087 ratio is one to 24 yes d2KlwcQBu4c-00163-00043088-00043300 and they've increased their earning d2KlwcQBu4c-00164-00043301-00043528 power by six and a half times within two d2KlwcQBu4c-00165-00043529-00043858 and a half years and there's four major d2KlwcQBu4c-00166-00043859-00044044 pillars that we want to make sure that d2KlwcQBu4c-00167-00044045-00044353 people can evaluate us on one is access d2KlwcQBu4c-00168-00044354-00044602 to college we want to make sure that we d2KlwcQBu4c-00169-00044603-00044728 can take those that are underprivileged d2KlwcQBu4c-00170-00044729-00044950 and get them into college we have up we d2KlwcQBu4c-00171-00044951-00045208 have great access rates but more d2KlwcQBu4c-00172-00045209-00045451 importantly persistence rates in the d2KlwcQBu4c-00173-00045452-00045709 state of Texas for every hundred d2KlwcQBu4c-00174-00045710-00045904 students that start college on average d2KlwcQBu4c-00175-00045905-00046132 about forty three are still there in 12 d2KlwcQBu4c-00176-00046133-00046381 months and oh paso that number is d2KlwcQBu4c-00177-00046382-00046702 probably much lower but a project that d2KlwcQBu4c-00178-00046703-00046867 re Arriba for every one hundred students d2KlwcQBu4c-00179-00046868-00047122 that start our program we have over 65 d2KlwcQBu4c-00180-00047123-00047422 individuals I'm sorry we have over 80 d2KlwcQBu4c-00181-00047423-00047650 individuals still in the program d2KlwcQBu4c-00182-00047651-00047884 twelve months later so for every hundred d2KlwcQBu4c-00183-00047885-00048181 over eighty are still in the programs d2KlwcQBu4c-00184-00048182-00048376 twelve months later when they look at d2KlwcQBu4c-00185-00048377-00048538 graduation rates across the state of d2KlwcQBu4c-00186-00048539-00048718 Texas they look at six they look at d2KlwcQBu4c-00187-00048719-00049030 six-year graduation rates the best d2KlwcQBu4c-00188-00049031-00049240 universities in Texas would be Texas A&M d2KlwcQBu4c-00189-00049241-00049555 in UT Austin and they have graduation d2KlwcQBu4c-00190-00049556-00049801 rates at about forty three percent over d2KlwcQBu4c-00191-00049802-00050038 six years so for every hundred that d2KlwcQBu4c-00192-00050039-00050242 start in six years you're gonna have d2KlwcQBu4c-00193-00050243-00050491 maybe less than half right I'll graduate d2KlwcQBu4c-00194-00050492-00050677 forty-three will come out in El Paso d2KlwcQBu4c-00195-00050678-00050923 again because of the nature of the type d2KlwcQBu4c-00196-00050924-00051151 of student that we have that graduation d2KlwcQBu4c-00197-00051152-00051439 rate is much lower the projected Reba d2KlwcQBu4c-00198-00051440-00051699 has not a six-year graduation rate but a d2KlwcQBu4c-00199-00051700-00052065 65% three-year graduation rate so d2KlwcQBu4c-00200-00052066-00052348 basically you're saving 50% of the time d2KlwcQBu4c-00201-00052349-00052750 and your graduation rate is 50% higher d2KlwcQBu4c-00202-00052751-00053083 yes and the main d2KlwcQBu4c-00203-00053084-00053302 reason for that success is the d2KlwcQBu4c-00204-00053303-00053511 individualized case management approach d2KlwcQBu4c-00205-00053512-00053857 every week our participants meet with d2KlwcQBu4c-00206-00053858-00054187 their case managers and as a community d2KlwcQBu4c-00207-00054188-00054397 group where we call them vision d2KlwcQBu4c-00208-00054398-00054579 initiative and perseverance meetings and d2KlwcQBu4c-00209-00054580-00054850 it's at these VIP meetings that we d2KlwcQBu4c-00210-00054851-00055167 develop the student for the workplace so d2KlwcQBu4c-00211-00055169-00055428 we will have formalized d2KlwcQBu4c-00212-00055429-00055663 workshops where we help the individual d2KlwcQBu4c-00213-00055664-00055897 with dressing for success resume writing d2KlwcQBu4c-00214-00055898-00056350 how to present well what is a particular d2KlwcQBu4c-00215-00056351-00056601 employer look for any type of employee d2KlwcQBu4c-00216-00056602-00056971 we will have over 30 workshops per year d2KlwcQBu4c-00217-00056972-00057187 that develop this individual to be the d2KlwcQBu4c-00218-00057188-00057547 best employee possible that same student d2KlwcQBu4c-00219-00057548-00057703 is also usually one of the very top d2KlwcQBu4c-00220-00057704-00058092 students at the colleges and to give you d2KlwcQBu4c-00221-00058094-00058363 a you know a quick example we have had d2KlwcQBu4c-00222-00058364-00058816 you know many people on the Dean's List d2KlwcQBu4c-00223-00058816-00058999 and on the President's List we've had d2KlwcQBu4c-00224-00059000-00059197 the top student graduate from the d2KlwcQBu4c-00225-00059198-00059386 nursing class in UTEP we've had those d2KlwcQBu4c-00226-00059387-00059746 top students graduate in a BCC and so d2KlwcQBu4c-00227-00059747-00059989 we're very proud that they know that d2KlwcQBu4c-00228-00059990-00060148 this is a chance and a once and d2KlwcQBu4c-00229-00060149-00060346 once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be d2KlwcQBu4c-00230-00060347-00060745 able to take this help and not us do d2KlwcQBu4c-00231-00060746-00060874 something for them that they can do for d2KlwcQBu4c-00232-00060875-00061111 themselves we're really more importantly d2KlwcQBu4c-00233-00061112-00061425 giving them this opportunity to succeed d2KlwcQBu4c-00234-00061426-00061696 when you when we feel that when you give d2KlwcQBu4c-00235-00061697-00062014 folks an opportunity to succeed they d2KlwcQBu4c-00236-00062015-00062239 will succeed and we want to show the d2KlwcQBu4c-00237-00062240-00062476 nation that in El Paso even though we d2KlwcQBu4c-00238-00062477-00062689 have these great things going on for us d2KlwcQBu4c-00239-00062690-00062920 there are some hurdles that we need to d2KlwcQBu4c-00240-00062921-00063069 come up with we need to come over and d2KlwcQBu4c-00241-00063070-00063349 with this model we have been successful d2KlwcQBu4c-00242-00063350-00063637 at it in terms of your expansion over d2KlwcQBu4c-00243-00063638-00063796 the next year's what are what are the d2KlwcQBu4c-00244-00063797-00064104 major impediments that you have that d2KlwcQBu4c-00245-00064105-00064426 that keep your expansion back is it d2KlwcQBu4c-00246-00064427-00064648 mostly funding it's mostly funding you d2KlwcQBu4c-00247-00064649-00064888 know in 2008 the nation experienced d2KlwcQBu4c-00248-00064889-00065188 another recession one of the worst ones d2KlwcQBu4c-00249-00065189-00065593 in recent history and for the nonprofit d2KlwcQBu4c-00250-00065594-00066097 world those recessions trickled down so d2KlwcQBu4c-00251-00066098-00066407 it may not they may not hit us in 2009 d2KlwcQBu4c-00252-00066408-00066680 but it will continue to hit in 2010-11 d2KlwcQBu4c-00253-00066681-00067076 and 13 because as companies foundations d2KlwcQBu4c-00254-00067077-00067529 corporations offset those particular d2KlwcQBu4c-00255-00067530-00067781 losses the some of the first things they d2KlwcQBu4c-00256-00067782-00068021 have to cut is their internal giving d2KlwcQBu4c-00257-00068022-00068261 right the state governments as well as d2KlwcQBu4c-00258-00068262-00068543 people lose their jobs and not create a d2KlwcQBu4c-00259-00068544-00068780 tax base high enough to fund those d2KlwcQBu4c-00260-00068781-00069038 budgets the first things that the state d2KlwcQBu4c-00261-00069039-00069290 and local governments have to do is cut d2KlwcQBu4c-00262-00069291-00069572 those particular things that are helpful d2KlwcQBu4c-00263-00069573-00069989 to the region at large and so oddly by d2KlwcQBu4c-00264-00069990-00070327 experience some major funding d2KlwcQBu4c-00265-00070328-00070754 constraints over the course of 2010 to d2KlwcQBu4c-00266-00070755-00071159 about 2016 and we start to see now that d2KlwcQBu4c-00267-00071160-00071441 the pendulum is is now swinging the d2KlwcQBu4c-00268-00071442-00071627 other way and we hope that that will be d2KlwcQBu4c-00269-00071628-00071918 the continued case because we do feel d2KlwcQBu4c-00270-00071919-00072134 our Board of Directors is very adamant d2KlwcQBu4c-00271-00072135-00072296 and saying that although we're a d2KlwcQBu4c-00272-00072297-00072650 non-profit we run this nonprofit like a d2KlwcQBu4c-00273-00072651-00072899 business and we want to make sure that d2KlwcQBu4c-00274-00072900-00073058 every dollar can be accounted for d2KlwcQBu4c-00275-00073059-00073298 completely it is a business I mean the d2KlwcQBu4c-00276-00073299-00073514 fact that it happens to be connected to d2KlwcQBu4c-00277-00073515-00073754 a particular part of the tax code really d2KlwcQBu4c-00278-00073755-00073925 makes no difference at all it has to be d2KlwcQBu4c-00279-00073926-00074096 run in a crisp manner d2KlwcQBu4c-00280-00074097-00074255 yes and so we're you know we're very d2KlwcQBu4c-00281-00074256-00074528 grateful that every year we have had d2KlwcQBu4c-00282-00074529-00074741 clean audits we do independent audits d2KlwcQBu4c-00283-00074742-00074930 every year as an organization we also d2KlwcQBu4c-00284-00074931-00075113 get audited through all of our different d2KlwcQBu4c-00285-00075114-00075395 funders and foundations and and project d2KlwcQBu4c-00286-00075396-00075644 ee but right now under the guide star d2KlwcQBu4c-00287-00075645-00075809 which is kind of the report card for d2KlwcQBu4c-00288-00075810-00076079 nonprofits we're at a gold status and we d2KlwcQBu4c-00289-00076080-00076358 anticipate to be platinum status in 2018 d2KlwcQBu4c-00290-00076359-00076663 Ramon Ortiz thank you so much for d2KlwcQBu4c-00291-00076664-00076955 describing the great work of project d2KlwcQBu4c-00292-00076956-00077153 Arriba and thank you so much for your d2KlwcQBu4c-00293-00077154-00077306 insights thank you mark thank you for d2KlwcQBu4c-00294-00077307-00078072 having d2KlwcQBu4c-00295-00078073-00078839 you d2KlwcQBu4c-00296-00078840-00079017 [Music] d2KlwcQBu4c-00297-00079018-00079224 you d6IaH8tF3Ug-00000-00000463-00000630 watch out is an international d6IaH8tF3Ug-00001-00000631-00000878 non-governmental organization dedicated d6IaH8tF3Ug-00002-00000880-00001062 to helping children affected by armed d6IaH8tF3Ug-00003-00001063-00001335 conflict and other forms of violence d6IaH8tF3Ug-00004-00001336-00001599 cyprus is a relatively small country and d6IaH8tF3Ug-00005-00001600-00001798 as a share of the total population is d6IaH8tF3Ug-00006-00001800-00002095 hosting more refugees and asylum seekers d6IaH8tF3Ug-00007-00002096-00002342 than any other eu country war child in d6IaH8tF3Ug-00008-00002343-00002526 cyprus therefore seeks to support d6IaH8tF3Ug-00009-00002527-00002783 refugee and asylum secure children we do d6IaH8tF3Ug-00010-00002784-00002966 this by offering d6IaH8tF3Ug-00011-00002967-00003295 individual and group based activities d6IaH8tF3Ug-00012-00003296-00003559 that help children deal with trauma d6IaH8tF3Ug-00013-00003560-00003799 build self-confidence and emotional d6IaH8tF3Ug-00014-00003800-00004054 resilience and develop positive social d6IaH8tF3Ug-00015-00004055-00004222 connections with the people around them d6IaH8tF3Ug-00016-00004223-00004519 a new grant from the u.s embassy in d6IaH8tF3Ug-00017-00004520-00004791 cyprus will support us to expand our d6IaH8tF3Ug-00018-00004792-00005015 program activities with unaccompanied d6IaH8tF3Ug-00019-00005016-00005263 children word child will work very d6IaH8tF3Ug-00020-00005264-00005479 closely with cypriot partners to give d6IaH8tF3Ug-00021-00005480-00005718 these children access to d6IaH8tF3Ug-00022-00005719-00006118 age appropriate psychosocial support d6IaH8tF3Ug-00023-00006119-00006318 and prevent their exposure to any d6IaH8tF3Ug-00024-00006319-00008959 further protection risks d6IaH8tF3Ug-00025-00008960-00009168 you dqVLEKrbOqk-00000-00000000-00000265 below the surface there is a passionate dqVLEKrbOqk-00001-00000266-00000488 film ready to get out of the hut get dqVLEKrbOqk-00002-00000488-00001261 into the joy spoke to me I could connect dqVLEKrbOqk-00003-00001262-00001798 kkkkkk is this david o russell at the to dqVLEKrbOqk-00004-00001800-00002039 say that this film is about a mop it dqVLEKrbOqk-00005-00002039-00002459 isn't a little bit to say that this film dqVLEKrbOqk-00006-00002460-00002887 is about a mop it isn't as a surfaces dqVLEKrbOqk-00007-00002888-00003182 fluid down to say that this film is dqVLEKrbOqk-00008-00003183-00003467 about a mop it is as ever oh my god to dqVLEKrbOqk-00009-00003468-00003674 say that this film is about a mop it dqVLEKrbOqk-00010-00003675-00004250 isn't entertaining to say that this film dqVLEKrbOqk-00011-00004251-00004797 is about a mop it is as intend to take dqVLEKrbOqk-00012-00004798-00005126 to say that this film is about a mop it dqVLEKrbOqk-00013-00005127-00005843 isn't in today to say this film is about dqVLEKrbOqk-00014-00005844-00006113 a mop it is as entertaining as it can dqVLEKrbOqk-00015-00006114-00006368 get furthermore I can't believe how dqVLEKrbOqk-00016-00006369-00006761 emotional I got over a mop dqYnFvgdGAY-00000-00000403-00002545 [Music] dqYnFvgdGAY-00001-00002546-00004913 come on dqYnFvgdGAY-00003-00008058-00010853 foreign dqYnFvgdGAY-00004-00010854-00013386 foreign dqYnFvgdGAY-00005-00013387-00014841 thank you dqYnFvgdGAY-00006-00014843-00016819 [Music] dqYnFvgdGAY-00008-00019973-00021185 foreign dqYnFvgdGAY-00010-00025004-00027755 thank you dqYnFvgdGAY-00011-00027756-00028056 foreign drz9N9G1dQI-00000-00000231-00000751 [Music] drz9N9G1dQI-00001-00000752-00000902 welcome to eco sy drz9N9G1dQI-00002-00000903-00001087 today we have an idea episode we're drz9N9G1dQI-00003-00001088-00001247 gonna be talking about the value of drz9N9G1dQI-00004-00001248-00001399 subject matter experts drz9N9G1dQI-00005-00001400-00001671 and to have that we have mr jake hall drz9N9G1dQI-00006-00001672-00001726 who is drz9N9G1dQI-00007-00001727-00001918 you may know him as the manufacturing drz9N9G1dQI-00008-00001919-00002087 millennial by night drz9N9G1dQI-00009-00002088-00002231 and at daytime he's a business drz9N9G1dQI-00010-00002232-00002542 development manager fz so welcome jake drz9N9G1dQI-00011-00002543-00002687 chris thanks for having me on the show drz9N9G1dQI-00012-00002688-00002871 oh man i'm excited to have you my friend drz9N9G1dQI-00013-00002872-00003031 i'm very excited to have you so maybe drz9N9G1dQI-00014-00003032-00003222 get a start to explain to our listeners drz9N9G1dQI-00015-00003223-00003311 out there drz9N9G1dQI-00016-00003311-00003622 in in podcast land you know what you're drz9N9G1dQI-00017-00003623-00003743 talking about when you drz9N9G1dQI-00018-00003744-00003919 when you're saying subject matter drz9N9G1dQI-00019-00003920-00004086 experts drz9N9G1dQI-00020-00004087-00004263 absolutely so when we look at subject drz9N9G1dQI-00021-00004264-00004406 matter experts especially drz9N9G1dQI-00022-00004407-00004654 in the field of manufacturing it's kind drz9N9G1dQI-00023-00004655-00004863 of broken down in a few ways there's drz9N9G1dQI-00024-00004864-00005079 always the the sales side out there drz9N9G1dQI-00025-00005080-00005222 where people go out and they try and drz9N9G1dQI-00026-00005223-00005359 sell their products and there's the drz9N9G1dQI-00027-00005360-00005527 engineering side which is the people who drz9N9G1dQI-00028-00005528-00005647 are developing it drz9N9G1dQI-00029-00005648-00005799 but when i view as a subject matter drz9N9G1dQI-00030-00005800-00006054 expert it's a person that a company can drz9N9G1dQI-00031-00006055-00006167 leverage if they're in drz9N9G1dQI-00032-00006168-00006351 manufacturing or they're selling a drz9N9G1dQI-00033-00006352-00006559 product or they're a distributor where drz9N9G1dQI-00034-00006559-00006710 they can really focus on drz9N9G1dQI-00035-00006711-00006895 a person who's knowledgeable around a drz9N9G1dQI-00036-00006895-00007142 product line whether it be plc's drz9N9G1dQI-00037-00007143-00007487 drives vision systems agvs robotics the drz9N9G1dQI-00038-00007488-00007623 automation world but it's someone who drz9N9G1dQI-00039-00007623-00007767 can communicate drz9N9G1dQI-00040-00007768-00008078 on a high level but be able to bring it drz9N9G1dQI-00041-00008079-00008223 in a way that any drz9N9G1dQI-00042-00008224-00008519 user or end user can understand what the drz9N9G1dQI-00043-00008520-00008678 capabilities are so when i look at the drz9N9G1dQI-00044-00008679-00008807 subject matter expert drz9N9G1dQI-00045-00008808-00009014 it's not just someone who can retain and drz9N9G1dQI-00046-00009015-00009206 blurt out a bunch of knowledge drz9N9G1dQI-00047-00009207-00009367 that's great but it's someone who can drz9N9G1dQI-00048-00009368-00009535 really communicate it drz9N9G1dQI-00049-00009536-00009791 to any level of person who's been in the drz9N9G1dQI-00050-00009792-00009959 industry for 10 years drz9N9G1dQI-00051-00009960-00010271 or someone who's just starting out right drz9N9G1dQI-00052-00010272-00010503 right no doubt no doubt for sure now how drz9N9G1dQI-00053-00010504-00010671 about things have been changing a lot drz9N9G1dQI-00054-00010672-00010838 from an sme standpoint drz9N9G1dQI-00055-00010839-00010991 you know how do you feel the importance drz9N9G1dQI-00056-00010992-00011327 of that sme has really shifted recently drz9N9G1dQI-00057-00011328-00011606 oh man it's crazy when we look at the drz9N9G1dQI-00058-00011607-00011678 world drz9N9G1dQI-00059-00011679-00011967 of we're going to call the post pandemic drz9N9G1dQI-00060-00011968-00012046 i think shane drz9N9G1dQI-00061-00012047-00012142 i think things have changed drz9N9G1dQI-00062-00012143-00012406 significantly where for a long time drz9N9G1dQI-00063-00012407-00012695 sales was done on a handshake drz9N9G1dQI-00064-00012696-00012902 face-to-face basis drz9N9G1dQI-00065-00012903-00013143 and that's going to come back things are drz9N9G1dQI-00066-00013144-00013230 opening up drz9N9G1dQI-00067-00013231-00013415 the cdc just made some announcements drz9N9G1dQI-00068-00013416-00013535 yesterday but drz9N9G1dQI-00069-00013536-00013766 what i see happening in the future is drz9N9G1dQI-00070-00013768-00013991 having a drz9N9G1dQI-00071-00013991-00014327 a digital social you know uh drz9N9G1dQI-00072-00014328-00014486 expert in the way that he could be a drz9N9G1dQI-00073-00014487-00014663 person that talks about drz9N9G1dQI-00074-00014663-00014966 um their product or does short videos drz9N9G1dQI-00075-00014968-00015286 or product highlights that is something drz9N9G1dQI-00076-00015287-00015430 a little bit more than just reading a drz9N9G1dQI-00077-00015431-00015519 data sheet drz9N9G1dQI-00078-00015519-00015727 and someone who has the ability to talk drz9N9G1dQI-00079-00015728-00015983 about real-world applications drz9N9G1dQI-00080-00015984-00016183 and how he's using the solutions that drz9N9G1dQI-00081-00016184-00016327 those products provide drz9N9G1dQI-00082-00016328-00016615 to solve problems okay and when you say drz9N9G1dQI-00083-00016616-00016775 from a digital standpoint so you're drz9N9G1dQI-00084-00016776-00016879 talking about drz9N9G1dQI-00085-00016880-00017063 creating videos and content things like drz9N9G1dQI-00086-00017064-00017279 that that speak specific to the problems drz9N9G1dQI-00087-00017280-00017455 themselves not necessarily the product drz9N9G1dQI-00088-00017456-00017558 but how those drz9N9G1dQI-00089-00017559-00017791 that product can solve those issues drz9N9G1dQI-00090-00017792-00017863 absolutely drz9N9G1dQI-00091-00017864-00018063 everyone could talk about a product but drz9N9G1dQI-00092-00018064-00018239 everyone can talk about a problem drz9N9G1dQI-00093-00018240-00018367 and i think that's really what subject drz9N9G1dQI-00094-00018368-00018567 matter experts bring to the table drz9N9G1dQI-00095-00018568-00018822 is it's not just someone who's drz9N9G1dQI-00096-00018823-00018991 knowledgeable to drive and can tell you drz9N9G1dQI-00097-00018992-00019222 all the statistics and features about it drz9N9G1dQI-00098-00019223-00019486 but it's someone who can really say what drz9N9G1dQI-00099-00019487-00019663 advantages do i use drz9N9G1dQI-00100-00019664-00019871 use this drive in a scenario versus a drz9N9G1dQI-00101-00019872-00020135 different brand or a different drive drz9N9G1dQI-00102-00020136-00020294 that's where a subject matter expert drz9N9G1dQI-00103-00020295-00020575 adds value beyond just the product drz9N9G1dQI-00104-00020576-00020791 but the problems that they're solving drz9N9G1dQI-00105-00020792-00020950 with that product in the industry drz9N9G1dQI-00106-00020951-00021143 yeah for sure i mean i even saw drz9N9G1dQI-00107-00021144-00021286 something that oj drz9N9G1dQI-00108-00021287-00021439 that i wanted to share with you it was drz9N9G1dQI-00109-00021440-00021647 about if it was from a marketing firm drz9N9G1dQI-00110-00021648-00021775 and they were they were talking to drz9N9G1dQI-00111-00021776-00022086 engineers they they polled i think 1300 drz9N9G1dQI-00112-00022087-00022214 engineers drz9N9G1dQI-00113-00022215-00022463 and it seems to the data that's coming drz9N9G1dQI-00114-00022464-00022558 back is drz9N9G1dQI-00115-00022559-00022775 earlier and earlier in the buying cycle drz9N9G1dQI-00116-00022776-00023039 engineers are looking for data from smes drz9N9G1dQI-00117-00023040-00023175 and i just thought that was interesting drz9N9G1dQI-00118-00023176-00023350 that if you want to really help drz9N9G1dQI-00119-00023351-00023494 engineers these days drz9N9G1dQI-00120-00023495-00023735 you need to be have that social presence drz9N9G1dQI-00121-00023736-00023855 and be in front of them drz9N9G1dQI-00122-00023856-00023991 on the stuff they're searching about and drz9N9G1dQI-00123-00023992-00024135 they're searching about how to solve drz9N9G1dQI-00124-00024136-00024319 problems like you said drz9N9G1dQI-00125-00024320-00024511 yeah absolutely you know the world's drz9N9G1dQI-00126-00024512-00024711 different now than it was 10 years ago drz9N9G1dQI-00127-00024712-00024878 when you look at a sales engineer drz9N9G1dQI-00128-00024879-00025055 before you needed someone to go out and drz9N9G1dQI-00129-00025056-00025230 this is an example you needed someone to drz9N9G1dQI-00130-00025231-00025414 go out there and explain how a retro drz9N9G1dQI-00131-00025415-00025622 reflective photo light works drz9N9G1dQI-00132-00025623-00025870 that's common knowledge now that's that drz9N9G1dQI-00133-00025872-00025958 stuff that drz9N9G1dQI-00134-00025960-00026158 at least in my experience has moved away drz9N9G1dQI-00135-00026160-00026311 from the control side drz9N9G1dQI-00136-00026312-00026431 and that's just stuff that's happening drz9N9G1dQI-00137-00026432-00026639 on the mechanical side now for specking drz9N9G1dQI-00138-00026639-00026662 out drz9N9G1dQI-00139-00026663-00026911 sensors and drives and plc's is no drz9N9G1dQI-00140-00026912-00027062 longer in the controls world drz9N9G1dQI-00141-00027063-00027262 and i believe the reason that's the case drz9N9G1dQI-00142-00027263-00027367 is because of the drz9N9G1dQI-00143-00027368-00027614 value and the the mass amount of drz9N9G1dQI-00144-00027616-00027814 information that's online drz9N9G1dQI-00145-00027816-00028167 that designers can just look up right so drz9N9G1dQI-00146-00028168-00028446 that's how we need to continue to drz9N9G1dQI-00147-00028447-00028599 separate and differentiate ourselves drz9N9G1dQI-00148-00028600-00028758 with the subject matter expert world drz9N9G1dQI-00149-00028760-00029039 is that that per that designer is not drz9N9G1dQI-00150-00029039-00029255 coming to you anymore to say hey drz9N9G1dQI-00151-00029256-00029479 these are the you know inputs that i drz9N9G1dQI-00152-00029480-00029670 have or these the outputs that i need drz9N9G1dQI-00153-00029672-00029846 what do you recommend they can do those drz9N9G1dQI-00154-00029847-00030014 with calculations online drz9N9G1dQI-00155-00030016-00030207 what they need to say is hey i'm in this drz9N9G1dQI-00156-00030208-00030335 environment drz9N9G1dQI-00157-00030336-00030574 this is the situation i'm facing where drz9N9G1dQI-00158-00030575-00030702 do i start drz9N9G1dQI-00159-00030703-00030927 what sections or categories should i drz9N9G1dQI-00160-00030927-00031007 look at drz9N9G1dQI-00161-00031008-00031158 that's what we're seeing differently drz9N9G1dQI-00162-00031160-00031390 yeah i mean it's really that shift i drz9N9G1dQI-00163-00031391-00031527 love how you said that from that drz9N9G1dQI-00164-00031527-00031639 traditional drz9N9G1dQI-00165-00031639-00031895 just the the peak the parts and pieces drz9N9G1dQI-00166-00031895-00031990 expert drz9N9G1dQI-00167-00031991-00032214 to really understanding process and what drz9N9G1dQI-00168-00032216-00032383 the what the end user is trying to drz9N9G1dQI-00169-00032383-00032583 accomplish from the sme standpoint drz9N9G1dQI-00170-00032583-00032887 that's where the values is coming in now drz9N9G1dQI-00171-00032888-00033127 yeah absolutely right before you know drz9N9G1dQI-00172-00033128-00033343 years ago this was about drz9N9G1dQI-00173-00033344-00033471 eight years ago when i was first drz9N9G1dQI-00174-00033472-00033711 starting out and sales of my first job drz9N9G1dQI-00175-00033712-00033943 out of college was in distribution and drz9N9G1dQI-00176-00033944-00034111 it would say hey you want the latest you drz9N9G1dQI-00177-00034112-00034190 know catalog drz9N9G1dQI-00178-00034191-00034374 book and here you go if you have any drz9N9G1dQI-00179-00034375-00034527 questions ring me up drz9N9G1dQI-00180-00034528-00034743 you know but things have changed and drz9N9G1dQI-00181-00034744-00034911 evolved since then where no one drz9N9G1dQI-00182-00034912-00035143 wants a physical one and a half inch drz9N9G1dQI-00183-00035144-00035262 catalog anymore drz9N9G1dQI-00184-00035263-00035495 you know i i walk you know the story drz9N9G1dQI-00185-00035496-00035662 chris you used to walk into mechanical drz9N9G1dQI-00186-00035663-00035767 designers desks drz9N9G1dQI-00187-00035768-00036015 and they literally had a cabinet and a drz9N9G1dQI-00188-00036016-00036111 wall shelf of drz9N9G1dQI-00189-00036112-00036287 every single product line that's out drz9N9G1dQI-00190-00036288-00036439 there that they would have to go in and drz9N9G1dQI-00191-00036440-00036527 reference drz9N9G1dQI-00192-00036528-00036687 now you walk into a shelf and they have drz9N9G1dQI-00193-00036688-00036974 a bunch of you know legos or minifigures drz9N9G1dQI-00194-00036975-00037111 up there right because they don't need drz9N9G1dQI-00195-00037112-00037255 those catalogs anymore drz9N9G1dQI-00196-00037256-00037407 because they can just do a google search drz9N9G1dQI-00197-00037408-00037535 and all that information is readily drz9N9G1dQI-00198-00037536-00037599 available drz9N9G1dQI-00199-00037600-00037815 you get that right i always thought it drz9N9G1dQI-00200-00037816-00037999 was fascinating whenever i walk into eni drz9N9G1dQI-00201-00038000-00038135 planner's office and drz9N9G1dQI-00202-00038136-00038318 they'd have the the industrial control drz9N9G1dQI-00203-00038319-00038535 catalogs from the from like every year drz9N9G1dQI-00204-00038536-00038623 it came out drz9N9G1dQI-00205-00038624-00038830 like it's uh you know a massive drz9N9G1dQI-00206-00038831-00038999 collection of encyclopedias or something drz9N9G1dQI-00207-00039000-00039062 i'm like look drz9N9G1dQI-00208-00039063-00039262 you know that stuff's you know it drz9N9G1dQI-00209-00039263-00039415 doesn't change that much well yeah but i drz9N9G1dQI-00210-00039416-00039559 may need something from the drz9N9G1dQI-00211-00039560-00039902 version two like hey man i'll drz9N9G1dQI-00212-00039903-00040159 just be you you know i remember i drz9N9G1dQI-00213-00040160-00040318 remember that that was just a routine drz9N9G1dQI-00214-00040319-00040599 you go up there you get the new you know drz9N9G1dQI-00215-00040600-00040774 catalog for like banner engineering or drz9N9G1dQI-00216-00040775-00040927 something and you walk up to the shelf drz9N9G1dQI-00217-00040928-00041015 and say well drz9N9G1dQI-00218-00041016-00041207 pull this one off this one's old yeah drz9N9G1dQI-00219-00041208-00041335 you know put your new one up and say drz9N9G1dQI-00220-00041336-00041439 there you go drz9N9G1dQI-00221-00041440-00041599 you know and that's just and that's just drz9N9G1dQI-00222-00041600-00041783 not the case anymore drz9N9G1dQI-00223-00041784-00042023 for for when it comes to helping with drz9N9G1dQI-00224-00042024-00042215 you know engineers and design work drz9N9G1dQI-00225-00042216-00042495 no doubt no doubt man good stuff good drz9N9G1dQI-00226-00042496-00042574 stuff now drz9N9G1dQI-00227-00042575-00042790 jake we hear a lot of time talking about drz9N9G1dQI-00228-00042791-00042943 when we talk to industrials and drz9N9G1dQI-00229-00042944-00043046 manufacturers drz9N9G1dQI-00230-00043047-00043223 about the workforce attrition things drz9N9G1dQI-00231-00043224-00043374 that are happening it's tough to find drz9N9G1dQI-00232-00043375-00043646 people and get these jobs so curious on drz9N9G1dQI-00233-00043647-00043735 what you're seeing drz9N9G1dQI-00234-00043736-00043895 to tie it all together do you have any drz9N9G1dQI-00235-00043896-00044143 examples where you see people embracing drz9N9G1dQI-00236-00044144-00044351 smes to cover some of these skills gaps drz9N9G1dQI-00237-00044352-00044518 that they're losing drz9N9G1dQI-00238-00044519-00044799 absolutely well one thing i'm gonna take drz9N9G1dQI-00239-00044800-00044902 it from a little bit different approach drz9N9G1dQI-00240-00044903-00044943 chris drz9N9G1dQI-00241-00044944-00045246 one thing i see companies doing more is drz9N9G1dQI-00242-00045247-00045662 leveraging subject matter experts drz9N9G1dQI-00243-00045663-00046007 to attract new talent to their company drz9N9G1dQI-00244-00046008-00046230 right if someone can go out there and a drz9N9G1dQI-00245-00046231-00046415 person who is very knowledgeable about drz9N9G1dQI-00246-00046416-00046551 the industry that they're in drz9N9G1dQI-00247-00046552-00046735 and they can talk about what exciting drz9N9G1dQI-00248-00046736-00046886 things are happening out there drz9N9G1dQI-00249-00046887-00047215 and why there's you know new technology drz9N9G1dQI-00250-00047216-00047430 and ingenuity involved within their drz9N9G1dQI-00251-00047431-00047623 field they're leveraging some drz9N9G1dQI-00252-00047624-00047846 better experts to attract the new drz9N9G1dQI-00253-00047847-00048007 generations to say hey this is what drz9N9G1dQI-00254-00048008-00048127 we're a part of drz9N9G1dQI-00255-00048128-00048279 because that submander expert really drz9N9G1dQI-00256-00048280-00048439 understands what's being involved with drz9N9G1dQI-00257-00048440-00048518 the industry so drz9N9G1dQI-00258-00048519-00048686 i mean that's one way i'm seeing drz9N9G1dQI-00259-00048687-00048830 leveraging but the other drz9N9G1dQI-00260-00048831-00049086 way i'm seeing within the the the job drz9N9G1dQI-00261-00049087-00049215 shortage right now drz9N9G1dQI-00262-00049216-00049535 and the skill gaps is just subject drz9N9G1dQI-00263-00049536-00049655 matter experts drz9N9G1dQI-00264-00049656-00049871 can go online and be a social media drz9N9G1dQI-00265-00049872-00049958 presence drz9N9G1dQI-00266-00049959-00050230 to hundreds if not thousands of people drz9N9G1dQI-00267-00050231-00050455 by a 60-second clip drz9N9G1dQI-00268-00050456-00050639 you cannot have that reach doing drz9N9G1dQI-00269-00050640-00050823 door-to-door operations drz9N9G1dQI-00270-00050824-00050943 so you also need to be more drz9N9G1dQI-00271-00050944-00051183 strategically drz9N9G1dQI-00272-00051184-00051414 you know time aware with with your own drz9N9G1dQI-00273-00051415-00051566 employees and saying hey drz9N9G1dQI-00274-00051567-00051879 how can i use a social media reach to drz9N9G1dQI-00275-00051879-00052030 get content out there drz9N9G1dQI-00276-00052032-00052311 rather than a door-to-door right have drz9N9G1dQI-00277-00052312-00052335 you drz9N9G1dQI-00278-00052336-00052494 are you seen that more of an individual drz9N9G1dQI-00279-00052495-00052671 basis or do you see like companies drz9N9G1dQI-00280-00052672-00052766 embracing that drz9N9G1dQI-00281-00052767-00052966 where do you see that working the best drz9N9G1dQI-00282-00052967-00053094 you know i see more drz9N9G1dQI-00283-00053095-00053430 individuals taking that initial leap drz9N9G1dQI-00284-00053432-00053711 and companies afterwards are seeing that drz9N9G1dQI-00285-00053712-00053830 value drz9N9G1dQI-00286-00053832-00054135 of saying wow there's conversations that drz9N9G1dQI-00287-00054136-00054303 come from this i mean chris you drz9N9G1dQI-00288-00054304-00054463 you and i could even go back to that drz9N9G1dQI-00289-00054464-00054630 point where you and i were having a drz9N9G1dQI-00290-00054632-00054687 completely drz9N9G1dQI-00291-00054688-00054838 unrelated discussion we were talking drz9N9G1dQI-00292-00054839-00055007 about the podcast and upcoming recording drz9N9G1dQI-00293-00055008-00055063 this drz9N9G1dQI-00294-00055064-00055182 and then we talked about our companies drz9N9G1dQI-00295-00055183-00055399 and said well hey wait a second drz9N9G1dQI-00296-00055400-00055615 fz and eco there's some opportunity here drz9N9G1dQI-00297-00055616-00055750 within our you know drz9N9G1dQI-00298-00055751-00055894 our southern branches and where you guys drz9N9G1dQI-00299-00055895-00056103 are located right that is where drz9N9G1dQI-00300-00056104-00056223 companies are beginning to see drz9N9G1dQI-00301-00056224-00056599 value saying wow a relationship curated drz9N9G1dQI-00302-00056600-00056847 from something not directly related to drz9N9G1dQI-00303-00056848-00056942 selling drz9N9G1dQI-00304-00056944-00057119 the company product or the company's drz9N9G1dQI-00305-00057120-00057319 solution that's where that drz9N9G1dQI-00306-00057320-00057519 value singing you see more and more drz9N9G1dQI-00307-00057520-00057759 companies between manufacturers drz9N9G1dQI-00308-00057760-00058079 but also integrators and distributors drz9N9G1dQI-00309-00058079-00058335 leveraging that you know and we and we drz9N9G1dQI-00310-00058336-00058503 know distributors listen to us too when drz9N9G1dQI-00311-00058504-00058607 we're trying to help drz9N9G1dQI-00312-00058608-00058823 the industry as a whole i mean we've had drz9N9G1dQI-00313-00058824-00058919 some distributor drz9N9G1dQI-00314-00058920-00059103 some some competitive distributor drz9N9G1dQI-00315-00059104-00059271 feedback as well and it's been very drz9N9G1dQI-00316-00059272-00059447 positive and i'm just curious on your drz9N9G1dQI-00317-00059448-00059511 take drz9N9G1dQI-00318-00059512-00059694 you know for business models like us you drz9N9G1dQI-00319-00059695-00059830 know we're supporting industry we're drz9N9G1dQI-00320-00059832-00060007 supporting integrators like yourself as drz9N9G1dQI-00321-00060008-00060215 well as the manufacturers directly drz9N9G1dQI-00322-00060216-00060366 you know what should what should we drz9N9G1dQI-00323-00060367-00060630 start doing or or how should we drz9N9G1dQI-00324-00060632-00060838 change to be relevant as to where drz9N9G1dQI-00325-00060839-00060982 engineers and and drz9N9G1dQI-00326-00060983-00061254 decision makers are moving in the future drz9N9G1dQI-00327-00061255-00061326 yeah drz9N9G1dQI-00328-00061327-00061830 i would say you need to strategize your drz9N9G1dQI-00329-00061832-00061911 employees drz9N9G1dQI-00330-00061912-00062215 on the idea they need to stop selling drz9N9G1dQI-00331-00062216-00062566 and start solving problems drz9N9G1dQI-00332-00062567-00062894 so stop selling start solving drz9N9G1dQI-00333-00062895-00063175 and solving is a path that leads to drz9N9G1dQI-00334-00063176-00063335 selling but what you're doing is you're drz9N9G1dQI-00335-00063336-00063463 setting yourself up drz9N9G1dQI-00336-00063464-00063759 to understand that customer and the drz9N9G1dQI-00337-00063760-00063950 customers needs a lot more drz9N9G1dQI-00338-00063951-00064182 and i think that's what if it relates drz9N9G1dQI-00339-00064183-00064415 right back to a subject matter expert drz9N9G1dQI-00340-00064416-00064654 you're talking about industry problems drz9N9G1dQI-00341-00064655-00064815 not about a product drz9N9G1dQI-00342-00064816-00065030 and companies will then reach out to you drz9N9G1dQI-00343-00065032-00065159 more to say wow this person is drz9N9G1dQI-00344-00065160-00065350 knowledgeable in the industry drz9N9G1dQI-00345-00065351-00065550 and not just something that's on his drz9N9G1dQI-00346-00065551-00065743 line card what do you think's the hurdle drz9N9G1dQI-00347-00065744-00065823 there i mean is that drz9N9G1dQI-00348-00065824-00066031 just a mental shift because we just want drz9N9G1dQI-00349-00066032-00066326 to naturally sell drz9N9G1dQI-00350-00066327-00066582 yeah i think i think it's the idea of drz9N9G1dQI-00351-00066583-00066743 for so long drz9N9G1dQI-00352-00066744-00067047 um companies had this idea of this drz9N9G1dQI-00353-00067048-00067159 funnel feed drz9N9G1dQI-00354-00067160-00067279 right you need to get in front of your drz9N9G1dQI-00355-00067280-00067415 customers you need to tell them you need drz9N9G1dQI-00356-00067416-00067487 to hand drz9N9G1dQI-00357-00067488-00067671 you know this many product sheets and drz9N9G1dQI-00358-00067672-00067823 flyers off and data sheets to this drz9N9G1dQI-00359-00067824-00067935 customer because they're going to buy it drz9N9G1dQI-00360-00067936-00068071 more often than drz9N9G1dQI-00361-00068072-00068279 and i'm not disagreeing with the funnel drz9N9G1dQI-00362-00068280-00068471 thing the funnel the funnel feed is drz9N9G1dQI-00363-00068472-00068606 still something out there that works and drz9N9G1dQI-00364-00068607-00068767 i believe it does drz9N9G1dQI-00365-00068768-00068926 but at the same time you need to take a drz9N9G1dQI-00366-00068927-00069103 different approach rather it's not just drz9N9G1dQI-00367-00069104-00069238 a numbers game drz9N9G1dQI-00368-00069239-00069455 but it's a relationship and it's a drz9N9G1dQI-00369-00069456-00069623 solution providing game drz9N9G1dQI-00370-00069624-00069935 right no doubt no doubt man so i mean drz9N9G1dQI-00371-00069936-00070167 to speak to the smes out there that were drz9N9G1dQI-00372-00070168-00070326 they were trying to groom man drz9N9G1dQI-00373-00070327-00070494 where do we find them and then how do we drz9N9G1dQI-00374-00070495-00070726 keep them or how do we build them up drz9N9G1dQI-00375-00070727-00070887 it's interesting right now there's drz9N9G1dQI-00376-00070888-00071079 always that is the discussion drz9N9G1dQI-00377-00071080-00071455 about employee you know attraction drz9N9G1dQI-00378-00071456-00071606 but there's never the discussion about drz9N9G1dQI-00379-00071607-00071759 employee retention drz9N9G1dQI-00380-00071760-00072062 i think nearly as often and drz9N9G1dQI-00381-00072063-00072343 companies need to say where where do i drz9N9G1dQI-00382-00072344-00072487 have internally drz9N9G1dQI-00383-00072488-00072743 areas that i can leverage my employees drz9N9G1dQI-00384-00072744-00072799 to be drz9N9G1dQI-00385-00072800-00073015 a larger social media presence and i'll drz9N9G1dQI-00386-00073016-00073135 do a plug you know with the whole drz9N9G1dQI-00387-00073136-00073303 manufacturer millennial thing drz9N9G1dQI-00388-00073304-00073471 i think millennials and companies have a drz9N9G1dQI-00389-00073472-00073655 great opportunity to be subject matter drz9N9G1dQI-00390-00073656-00073750 experts drz9N9G1dQI-00391-00073751-00074038 and be a voice or image for that company drz9N9G1dQI-00392-00074039-00074271 to create content in conversation drz9N9G1dQI-00393-00074272-00074462 millennials i would say are a lot more drz9N9G1dQI-00394-00074463-00074638 likely to get in front of a camera drz9N9G1dQI-00395-00074639-00074838 to be posting on social media to drz9N9G1dQI-00396-00074839-00075006 understand the conversation drz9N9G1dQI-00397-00075007-00075215 to almost understand the means and the drz9N9G1dQI-00398-00075216-00075319 relevant drz9N9G1dQI-00399-00075320-00075623 you know ideas out there and communicate drz9N9G1dQI-00400-00075624-00075694 to that drz9N9G1dQI-00401-00075695-00075879 you look at the marketing campaigns that drz9N9G1dQI-00402-00075880-00076079 other companies are doing drz9N9G1dQI-00403-00076080-00076271 in the consumer space for the food space drz9N9G1dQI-00404-00076272-00076447 you know wendy's and arby's and all drz9N9G1dQI-00405-00076448-00076575 these other places have these twitter drz9N9G1dQI-00406-00076576-00076638 accounts drz9N9G1dQI-00407-00076639-00076847 that go viral all the time right because drz9N9G1dQI-00408-00076848-00076982 they have a person who's drz9N9G1dQI-00409-00076983-00077159 shouting memes and is relevant to the drz9N9G1dQI-00410-00077160-00077455 you know current online trends drz9N9G1dQI-00411-00077456-00077647 but they're literally getting hundreds drz9N9G1dQI-00412-00077648-00077815 of thousands of likes of views drz9N9G1dQI-00413-00077816-00078031 every day because a person's making a drz9N9G1dQI-00414-00078032-00078255 funny relevant comment online drz9N9G1dQI-00415-00078256-00078519 that's just the way the industry is now drz9N9G1dQI-00416-00078520-00078679 and you look at you know with me on drz9N9G1dQI-00417-00078680-00078855 linkedin pushing the submitter expert drz9N9G1dQI-00418-00078856-00079079 from the manufacturing millennial side drz9N9G1dQI-00419-00079080-00079319 it's i'm able to go out there and take drz9N9G1dQI-00420-00079320-00079471 the content drz9N9G1dQI-00421-00079472-00079655 from different manufacturers and be able drz9N9G1dQI-00422-00079656-00079775 to share that drz9N9G1dQI-00423-00079776-00079991 and show listen we can create a lot of drz9N9G1dQI-00424-00079992-00080182 awareness around the industry drz9N9G1dQI-00425-00080183-00080391 without trying to you know shove a drz9N9G1dQI-00426-00080392-00080599 product down a person's throat drz9N9G1dQI-00427-00080600-00080862 right and i think that's where people drz9N9G1dQI-00428-00080863-00081071 are a lot more receptive to drz9N9G1dQI-00429-00081072-00081247 change in looking at things when they drz9N9G1dQI-00430-00081248-00081375 don't feel like they're being sold drz9N9G1dQI-00431-00081376-00081431 something drz9N9G1dQI-00432-00081432-00081615 it's just they're they're learning drz9N9G1dQI-00433-00081616-00081791 something yeah well i can tell you one drz9N9G1dQI-00434-00081792-00081894 thing just from drz9N9G1dQI-00435-00081895-00082062 to keep on plugging your the drz9N9G1dQI-00436-00082063-00082199 manufacturer millennial drz9N9G1dQI-00437-00082200-00082479 i learn a lot you you put just so much drz9N9G1dQI-00438-00082480-00082615 good information out there to your drz9N9G1dQI-00439-00082616-00082806 videos just the way that you're drz9N9G1dQI-00440-00082807-00083015 creating awareness about manufacturing drz9N9G1dQI-00441-00083016-00083126 in general drz9N9G1dQI-00442-00083127-00083343 it's amazing so hats off to you we love drz9N9G1dQI-00443-00083344-00083471 what you're doing drz9N9G1dQI-00444-00083472-00083647 appreciate it thanks and it's been a lot drz9N9G1dQI-00445-00083648-00083855 of fun it's been a lot of fun doing it drz9N9G1dQI-00446-00083856-00084071 the relationships of the friendships drz9N9G1dQI-00447-00084072-00084206 that have curated just by having drz9N9G1dQI-00448-00084207-00084518 conversations it's incredible it's got drz9N9G1dQI-00449-00084519-00084671 to be i mean i can't only imagine it's drz9N9G1dQI-00450-00084672-00084750 so much fun drz9N9G1dQI-00451-00084751-00084967 and created so many opportunities for drz9N9G1dQI-00452-00084968-00085103 you you know and drz9N9G1dQI-00453-00085104-00085367 i think it's just showing a new model drz9N9G1dQI-00454-00085368-00085455 from a bdm drz9N9G1dQI-00455-00085456-00085671 standpoint in particular i mean it's so drz9N9G1dQI-00456-00085672-00085823 much upside drz9N9G1dQI-00457-00085824-00086079 but you also for the people that out drz9N9G1dQI-00458-00086080-00086167 there think too drz9N9G1dQI-00459-00086168-00086311 i'll just start a podcast where i'll drz9N9G1dQI-00460-00086312-00086447 just start something like the drz9N9G1dQI-00461-00086448-00086606 manufacturing millennium there's a lot drz9N9G1dQI-00462-00086607-00086718 of work drz9N9G1dQI-00463-00086719-00086918 it takes a lot of intentionality to go drz9N9G1dQI-00464-00086919-00087055 behind making something like that drz9N9G1dQI-00465-00087056-00087191 successful drz9N9G1dQI-00466-00087192-00087447 yeah and i think the biggest thing you drz9N9G1dQI-00467-00087448-00087550 know drz9N9G1dQI-00468-00087551-00087743 is i encourage people to go out there go drz9N9G1dQI-00469-00087744-00087911 out there start your own personal brand drz9N9G1dQI-00470-00087912-00088038 create conversation drz9N9G1dQI-00471-00088039-00088143 but one thing i think people need to drz9N9G1dQI-00472-00088144-00088343 realize is there's drz9N9G1dQI-00473-00088344-00088550 more engagement that needs to happen on drz9N9G1dQI-00474-00088551-00088671 your end drz9N9G1dQI-00475-00088672-00088999 up front before people are just going to drz9N9G1dQI-00476-00089000-00089135 start coming to your page drz9N9G1dQI-00477-00089136-00089326 because people are like hey jake i post drz9N9G1dQI-00478-00089327-00089479 videos every you know drz9N9G1dQI-00479-00089480-00089631 twice a week for a month and really drz9N9G1dQI-00480-00089632-00089767 nothing ever happened i said that's drz9N9G1dQI-00481-00089768-00089838 great though drz9N9G1dQI-00482-00089839-00090023 but how often are you engaging in the drz9N9G1dQI-00483-00090024-00090206 people who comment on your videos drz9N9G1dQI-00484-00090207-00090423 how often are you going out to other drz9N9G1dQI-00485-00090424-00090567 people's content drz9N9G1dQI-00486-00090568-00090775 and engaging with that so people follow drz9N9G1dQI-00487-00090776-00090991 you back to your page drz9N9G1dQI-00488-00090992-00091150 you know it's it's a continued drz9N9G1dQI-00489-00091151-00091294 investment and drz9N9G1dQI-00490-00091295-00091526 it's it's i mean it's just the matter of drz9N9G1dQI-00491-00091527-00091671 sales in that case you got to do your drz9N9G1dQI-00492-00091672-00091735 reach drz9N9G1dQI-00493-00091736-00092047 you do you do now how about advice drz9N9G1dQI-00494-00092048-00092262 jake i i can't wait to hear what you drz9N9G1dQI-00495-00092263-00092423 would offer up here so for people out drz9N9G1dQI-00496-00092424-00092550 there that are listening drz9N9G1dQI-00497-00092551-00092718 you know the next generation we're drz9N9G1dQI-00498-00092719-00092879 trying to build smes drz9N9G1dQI-00499-00092880-00093015 you know maybe they're trying to figure drz9N9G1dQI-00500-00093016-00093206 out where to specialize or how to get drz9N9G1dQI-00501-00093207-00093279 started drz9N9G1dQI-00502-00093280-00093631 what would you offer up oh man so drz9N9G1dQI-00503-00093632-00093871 someone who is brand new to the industry drz9N9G1dQI-00504-00093872-00094055 sure or or are you talking about like drz9N9G1dQI-00505-00094056-00094231 high school going in where give me give drz9N9G1dQI-00506-00094232-00094318 me your drz9N9G1dQI-00507-00094319-00094511 where are you thinking within the that drz9N9G1dQI-00508-00094512-00094662 range i'd like to drz9N9G1dQI-00509-00094663-00094862 maybe hear both ends so like to a high drz9N9G1dQI-00510-00094863-00095055 school going in but also some maybe drz9N9G1dQI-00511-00095056-00095159 someone who drz9N9G1dQI-00512-00095160-00095350 who is just new to industry in general drz9N9G1dQI-00513-00095351-00095479 but but talk drz9N9G1dQI-00514-00095480-00095638 talk to both ends of it because there drz9N9G1dQI-00515-00095639-00095791 may be different points of advice that drz9N9G1dQI-00516-00095792-00095982 you would offer for both drz9N9G1dQI-00517-00095983-00096191 yeah i mean so the one thing that i drz9N9G1dQI-00518-00096192-00096335 would push right away is drz9N9G1dQI-00519-00096336-00096631 you know i i guess i'll speak to the drz9N9G1dQI-00520-00096632-00096782 adults or the kids who are listening drz9N9G1dQI-00521-00096783-00096935 these podcasts as well drz9N9G1dQI-00522-00096936-00097143 is you do not need a four-year degree drz9N9G1dQI-00523-00097144-00097343 anymore to be successful drz9N9G1dQI-00524-00097344-00097503 and and i'm going to leverage that in a drz9N9G1dQI-00525-00097504-00097726 way where i am truly passionate about drz9N9G1dQI-00526-00097727-00097855 the drz9N9G1dQI-00527-00097856-00098055 two-year associate's degrees and skilled drz9N9G1dQI-00528-00098056-00098223 trades that are available programs that drz9N9G1dQI-00529-00098224-00098406 are available now drz9N9G1dQI-00530-00098407-00098759 for you know young drz9N9G1dQI-00531-00098760-00098999 you know upcoming professionals and and drz9N9G1dQI-00532-00099000-00099143 and people in the industry you can go drz9N9G1dQI-00533-00099144-00099279 out and you can get a welding degree a drz9N9G1dQI-00534-00099280-00099359 plumbing degree drz9N9G1dQI-00535-00099360-00099582 an electrician degree you know learn how drz9N9G1dQI-00536-00099583-00099718 to program a cnc drz9N9G1dQI-00537-00099719-00099903 or a robotic you know mechatronics drz9N9G1dQI-00538-00099904-00100094 degree graduate pretty much drz9N9G1dQI-00539-00100095-00100406 debt free from that college and you are drz9N9G1dQI-00540-00100407-00100447 in drz9N9G1dQI-00541-00100448-00100623 already super high demand for the drz9N9G1dQI-00542-00100624-00100799 industry i think for so drz9N9G1dQI-00543-00100800-00101223 long um society push that you need to go drz9N9G1dQI-00544-00101224-00101391 get a four-year degree to be successful drz9N9G1dQI-00545-00101392-00101591 or be competitive in the industry drz9N9G1dQI-00546-00101592-00101847 and i think over the past 10 15 years we drz9N9G1dQI-00547-00101848-00101982 found out that was flawed drz9N9G1dQI-00548-00101983-00102135 especially with the trillions of dollars drz9N9G1dQI-00549-00102136-00102311 that students that said out there drz9N9G1dQI-00550-00102312-00102510 that that you know that students have drz9N9G1dQI-00551-00102511-00102694 with debt and the fact that now they drz9N9G1dQI-00552-00102695-00102766 have so much drz9N9G1dQI-00553-00102767-00102958 debt they can't go out and buy a house drz9N9G1dQI-00554-00102959-00103142 they can't come out and and continue to drz9N9G1dQI-00555-00103143-00103278 contribute to the economy drz9N9G1dQI-00556-00103279-00103447 because now they're just paying off that drz9N9G1dQI-00557-00103448-00103790 bank for so long so i look at you know drz9N9G1dQI-00558-00103791-00104086 young kids four-year degrees are not the drz9N9G1dQI-00559-00104088-00104247 only option that's out there drz9N9G1dQI-00560-00104248-00104439 and parents who are listening to this drz9N9G1dQI-00561-00104440-00104623 look talk to your kid drz9N9G1dQI-00562-00104624-00104830 there's nothing wrong with not going to drz9N9G1dQI-00563-00104831-00104975 get a four-year degree drz9N9G1dQI-00564-00104976-00105158 skilled trades are very respected right drz9N9G1dQI-00565-00105159-00105278 now in the industry and they're going to drz9N9G1dQI-00566-00105279-00105486 continue to be respected in the industry drz9N9G1dQI-00567-00105488-00105647 you know and then so that's what i'm drz9N9G1dQI-00568-00105648-00105758 saying that people are entering the drz9N9G1dQI-00569-00105759-00105847 workforce drz9N9G1dQI-00570-00105848-00105999 the people who are currently in the drz9N9G1dQI-00571-00106000-00106239 workforce you know i would say drz9N9G1dQI-00572-00106240-00106519 every person has something they can drz9N9G1dQI-00573-00106520-00106751 teach someone else drz9N9G1dQI-00574-00106752-00106951 and i i think people say they need to drz9N9G1dQI-00575-00106952-00107190 have years and years and years of drz9N9G1dQI-00576-00107191-00107351 experience before they view themselves drz9N9G1dQI-00577-00107352-00107383 as an drz9N9G1dQI-00578-00107383-00107654 expert but going out and asking drz9N9G1dQI-00579-00107655-00107734 questions drz9N9G1dQI-00580-00107735-00108102 to experts is a great value as well drz9N9G1dQI-00581-00108103-00108239 and that's the whole entire thing for me drz9N9G1dQI-00582-00108240-00108463 as well is i share a lot of content on drz9N9G1dQI-00583-00108464-00108719 linkedin around manufacturing processes drz9N9G1dQI-00584-00108720-00108895 does that mean i know every single thing drz9N9G1dQI-00585-00108896-00109078 about them absolutely not drz9N9G1dQI-00586-00109079-00109247 but what it's allowing me to do is allow drz9N9G1dQI-00587-00109248-00109463 me to curate conversation drz9N9G1dQI-00588-00109464-00109623 with other people so when those drz9N9G1dQI-00589-00109624-00109766 questions come up or those questions drz9N9G1dQI-00590-00109767-00109886 around those industries drz9N9G1dQI-00591-00109888-00110078 i have that network and that reach to drz9N9G1dQI-00592-00110079-00110263 make that happen right drz9N9G1dQI-00593-00110264-00110447 you can you can connect those dots for drz9N9G1dQI-00594-00110448-00110575 people and really and bring them drz9N9G1dQI-00595-00110576-00110678 together drz9N9G1dQI-00596-00110679-00110886 abs absolutely you know so people who drz9N9G1dQI-00597-00110888-00111015 are in the industry you know drz9N9G1dQI-00598-00111016-00111286 you don't let the quote unquote idea of drz9N9G1dQI-00599-00111288-00111415 a subject matter expert drz9N9G1dQI-00600-00111416-00111631 be a limitation if you're saying i drz9N9G1dQI-00601-00111632-00111790 haven't been in this industry for 15 drz9N9G1dQI-00602-00111791-00111886 years drz9N9G1dQI-00603-00111888-00112166 you could be an expert on connections drz9N9G1dQI-00604-00112167-00112358 you're right you can be an expert of drz9N9G1dQI-00605-00112359-00112527 someone who just simply knows a lot of drz9N9G1dQI-00606-00112528-00112719 people because you've been curating drz9N9G1dQI-00607-00112720-00112886 content and asking questions and going drz9N9G1dQI-00608-00112888-00112943 to events drz9N9G1dQI-00609-00112944-00113158 and listening to webinars and you know drz9N9G1dQI-00610-00113159-00113263 you listen to drz9N9G1dQI-00611-00113264-00113551 to the eco podcast are you listening to drz9N9G1dQI-00612-00113552-00113719 you know the manufacturing happy hour drz9N9G1dQI-00613-00113720-00113863 with chris lookie one of my you know one drz9N9G1dQI-00614-00113864-00113958 of my good friends drz9N9G1dQI-00615-00113959-00114119 you know those are the type of things drz9N9G1dQI-00616-00114120-00114327 where you can gain a lot of knowledge drz9N9G1dQI-00617-00114328-00114751 just by being active in the industry drz9N9G1dQI-00618-00114752-00114910 hey don't give away my secret sauce drz9N9G1dQI-00619-00114911-00115407 there jake that's that's my sauce man drz9N9G1dQI-00620-00115408-00115607 this is good stuff man good stuff love drz9N9G1dQI-00621-00115608-00115831 this conversation jake we always wrap it drz9N9G1dQI-00622-00115832-00115863 up drz9N9G1dQI-00623-00115864-00116102 the the eco ass while with the y you drz9N9G1dQI-00624-00116103-00116190 know so if drz9N9G1dQI-00625-00116191-00116399 if you had to put the y around why you drz9N9G1dQI-00626-00116400-00116727 feel so strongly about the smes drz9N9G1dQI-00627-00116728-00116871 moving forward in the future what would drz9N9G1dQI-00628-00116872-00117102 that y be drz9N9G1dQI-00629-00117103-00117263 i think it goes back to my the earlier drz9N9G1dQI-00630-00117264-00117566 comment i said it's the idea of drz9N9G1dQI-00631-00117567-00117807 stop trying to sell products start drz9N9G1dQI-00632-00117808-00118063 solving problems in the industry drz9N9G1dQI-00633-00118064-00118278 and i i think if people can walk away drz9N9G1dQI-00634-00118279-00118534 with that at the end of this podcast drz9N9G1dQI-00635-00118535-00118695 i think it's really going to change how drz9N9G1dQI-00636-00118696-00118871 you approach your business drz9N9G1dQI-00637-00118872-00119031 stop selling the product or the solution drz9N9G1dQI-00638-00119032-00119199 you have and drz9N9G1dQI-00639-00119200-00119439 start trying to communicate the problems drz9N9G1dQI-00640-00119440-00119590 in the industry drz9N9G1dQI-00641-00119591-00119902 and you'll find value in return no doubt drz9N9G1dQI-00642-00119903-00120199 no doubt jay this has been wonderful for drz9N9G1dQI-00643-00120200-00120295 our listeners drz9N9G1dQI-00644-00120296-00120463 check out the show notes you'll have an drz9N9G1dQI-00645-00120464-00120599 easy way if you're not already drz9N9G1dQI-00646-00120600-00120871 connected with jake shame on you get drz9N9G1dQI-00647-00120872-00121039 connected with him he's dropping drz9N9G1dQI-00648-00121040-00121295 just wonderful information all the time drz9N9G1dQI-00649-00121296-00121358 so they'll be drz9N9G1dQI-00650-00121359-00121510 great ways for them to connect directly drz9N9G1dQI-00651-00121511-00121702 with you jake and i'm sure you can help drz9N9G1dQI-00652-00121703-00121910 inspire even more so thank you so much drz9N9G1dQI-00653-00121911-00122031 for walking this uh drz9N9G1dQI-00654-00122032-00122286 this topic out with us today absolutely drz9N9G1dQI-00655-00122288-00122727 thanks for having me on chris yes sir drz9N9G1dQI-00656-00122728-00122990 thank you for listening to eco ask y drz9N9G1dQI-00657-00122991-00123183 this show is supported ad free drz9N9G1dQI-00658-00123183-00123431 by electrical equipment company eco is drz9N9G1dQI-00659-00123432-00123614 redefining the expectations of an drz9N9G1dQI-00660-00123615-00123743 electrical distributor drz9N9G1dQI-00661-00123744-00123958 by placing people and ideas before drz9N9G1dQI-00662-00123959-00124071 products drz9N9G1dQI-00663-00124072-00124231 please subscribe and share with your drz9N9G1dQI-00664-00124232-00124383 colleagues and friends drz9N9G1dQI-00665-00124383-00124654 also leave comments feedback any new drz9N9G1dQI-00666-00124655-00124839 topics that you would like to hear drz9N9G1dQI-00667-00124840-00125071 to learn more or to share your insights drz9N9G1dQI-00668-00125072-00125302 visit drz9N9G1dQI-00669-00125303-00125831 that's e-e-c-o-a-s-k-s-w-h-y drz9N9G1dQI-00670-00125832-00126566 dot com drz9N9G1dQI-00671-00126567-00126776 you dsoJZIaR1Ny-00002-00009410-00010714 [Music] dsoJZIaR1Ny-00003-00010715-00011464 [Music] dsoJZIaR1Ny-00004-00011465-00012014 [Music] dsoJZIaR1Ny-00005-00012015-00012224 you dsruDrfLMqI-00000-00000032-00000238 hello so instead of being normal i dsruDrfLMqI-00001-00000239-00000977 decided to just play those sets dsruDrfLMqI-00002-00000977-00001191 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00003-00001192-00001710 oh we were doing pipe jumps but okay dsruDrfLMqI-00004-00001711-00001942 no dsruDrfLMqI-00005-00001943-00002999 my brain dsruDrfLMqI-00006-00003000-00004279 way pipe jumps are hard to start dsruDrfLMqI-00007-00004280-00005943 trust me i make it dsruDrfLMqI-00008-00005944-00007375 it's actually super fun dsruDrfLMqI-00009-00007376-00009751 huh dsruDrfLMqI-00010-00009752-00010231 i did this two times dsruDrfLMqI-00011-00010232-00010446 we can go out dsruDrfLMqI-00012-00010447-00010614 but he'll smooth here that we save dsruDrfLMqI-00013-00010615-00010974 history and dsruDrfLMqI-00014-00010975-00011609 we can also take care of customers dsruDrfLMqI-00015-00011610-00012246 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00016-00012247-00012583 on a funny note dsruDrfLMqI-00017-00012584-00012815 you don't need to take grab gun with you dsruDrfLMqI-00018-00012816-00013038 from this mission you will get the grab dsruDrfLMqI-00019-00013039-00013255 gun in next mission for free dsruDrfLMqI-00020-00013256-00013486 also other funky note as you can see you dsruDrfLMqI-00021-00013487-00013735 crouch and walk faster than if you would dsruDrfLMqI-00022-00013736-00013975 stand up dsruDrfLMqI-00023-00013976-00014391 i'm not making that dsruDrfLMqI-00024-00014391-00015711 fine dsruDrfLMqI-00025-00015712-00016128 that's where i heard dsruDrfLMqI-00026-00016129-00017152 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00027-00017153-00017980 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00028-00017981-00018294 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00029-00018295-00019091 swear i heard dsruDrfLMqI-00030-00019092-00019855 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00031-00019856-00020127 general rule is to not show yourself to dsruDrfLMqI-00032-00020128-00020303 release otherwise they will shoot dsruDrfLMqI-00033-00020304-00020629 possibly dsruDrfLMqI-00034-00020630-00021414 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00035-00021415-00021856 hey crap dsruDrfLMqI-00036-00021857-00023197 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00037-00023198-00023878 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00038-00023879-00024119 thanks for taking care of those guys dsruDrfLMqI-00039-00024120-00024271 you from the police dsruDrfLMqI-00040-00024272-00024399 you not go dsruDrfLMqI-00041-00024400-00024647 yeah well you might be interested i dsruDrfLMqI-00042-00024648-00024830 heard them talking did you catch them dsruDrfLMqI-00043-00024831-00025263 english never dsruDrfLMqI-00044-00025264-00025352 okay dsruDrfLMqI-00045-00025353-00026279 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00046-00026280-00026520 i don't think this is terrible dsruDrfLMqI-00047-00026522-00027260 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00048-00027261-00027783 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00049-00027783-00027902 you better get out of here if you're dsruDrfLMqI-00050-00027904-00028070 written terrorists have taken camera dsruDrfLMqI-00051-00028072-00028374 inside the hotel ah can't leave the desk dsruDrfLMqI-00052-00028375-00028558 unattended you'll be caught in the dsruDrfLMqI-00053-00028560-00028718 crossfire i have to order you to leave dsruDrfLMqI-00054-00028719-00028823 the building dsruDrfLMqI-00055-00028824-00029391 yes of course i'll close up in a second dsruDrfLMqI-00056-00029392-00031670 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00057-00031672-00032433 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00058-00032435-00033167 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00059-00033168-00033311 upstairs right dsruDrfLMqI-00060-00033312-00033518 yeah by the way i saw your daughter down dsruDrfLMqI-00061-00033519-00033743 the street she didn't look so good dsruDrfLMqI-00062-00033744-00033887 sandra dsruDrfLMqI-00063-00033888-00034111 was she coming back to the hotel dsruDrfLMqI-00064-00034112-00034190 no dsruDrfLMqI-00065-00034191-00034399 okay dsruDrfLMqI-00066-00034400-00034671 nice dsruDrfLMqI-00067-00034672-00036255 we did the dsruDrfLMqI-00068-00036256-00037846 now dsruDrfLMqI-00069-00037847-00038846 trying to catch dsruDrfLMqI-00070-00038847-00039951 and we don't explore everything dsruDrfLMqI-00071-00039952-00040159 so this is like first place where you dsruDrfLMqI-00072-00040160-00042087 might be intensified use rocket dsruDrfLMqI-00073-00042088-00042690 irrelevant for entire game dsruDrfLMqI-00074-00042691-00043271 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00075-00043272-00045700 i want to pick dsruDrfLMqI-00076-00045701-00046571 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00077-00046572-00047672 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00078-00047673-00048351 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00079-00048352-00049911 saved my life yeah dsruDrfLMqI-00080-00049912-00050390 and we get so much exp dsruDrfLMqI-00081-00050391-00052742 it was good dsruDrfLMqI-00082-00052744-00053063 i always major dilemma is dsruDrfLMqI-00083-00053064-00055238 do we want to take out the goddess here dsruDrfLMqI-00084-00055239-00056359 uh dsruDrfLMqI-00085-00056360-00056560 so dsruDrfLMqI-00086-00056561-00057813 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00087-00057814-00057829 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00088-00057829-00058982 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00089-00058983-00059207 christ you see the guy begging for a dsruDrfLMqI-00090-00059208-00060463 cure dsruDrfLMqI-00091-00060464-00060719 nice dsruDrfLMqI-00092-00060720-00061119 hey you can drop something here dsruDrfLMqI-00093-00061120-00061438 one called argue to the pistol you see dsruDrfLMqI-00094-00061439-00062166 the guy begging for a cure dsruDrfLMqI-00095-00062167-00062415 yeah we should consider dropping pistols dsruDrfLMqI-00096-00062416-00062775 somewhere dsruDrfLMqI-00097-00062776-00062926 here dsruDrfLMqI-00098-00062927-00063311 this is laser pistol dsruDrfLMqI-00099-00063312-00063559 i will say dsruDrfLMqI-00100-00063560-00063926 nicer clean dsruDrfLMqI-00101-00063927-00064175 it's nine or lose but this pistol has a dsruDrfLMqI-00102-00064176-00066038 lot of modifications dsruDrfLMqI-00103-00066039-00067622 we should explore a rooftop dsruDrfLMqI-00104-00067623-00068022 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00105-00068023-00068319 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00106-00068320-00068863 huh dsruDrfLMqI-00107-00068864-00069150 if you are more spec ops dsruDrfLMqI-00108-00069151-00070199 or more sniper dsruDrfLMqI-00109-00070200-00070719 you can use this ladder dsruDrfLMqI-00110-00070720-00071150 the slider down dsruDrfLMqI-00111-00071151-00071503 and from behind the dsruDrfLMqI-00112-00071504-00071775 building that is very very good dsruDrfLMqI-00113-00071776-00072038 here dsruDrfLMqI-00114-00072039-00072238 suddenly this building doesn't have any dsruDrfLMqI-00115-00072239-00072631 other function because it is dsruDrfLMqI-00116-00072632-00074028 like this one dsruDrfLMqI-00117-00074029-00074391 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00118-00074392-00075055 we need to visit smuggler dsruDrfLMqI-00119-00075056-00076926 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00120-00076927-00078163 yes dsruDrfLMqI-00121-00078164-00079406 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00122-00079407-00079671 i got your friend out ford is he all dsruDrfLMqI-00123-00079672-00079767 right dsruDrfLMqI-00124-00079768-00081311 guys dsruDrfLMqI-00125-00081312-00081793 you can hurt his computer dsruDrfLMqI-00126-00081794-00083427 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00127-00083428-00084623 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00128-00084624-00087511 ah dsruDrfLMqI-00129-00087512-00088775 um dsruDrfLMqI-00130-00088776-00090823 honestly i wish i could have a pistol dsruDrfLMqI-00131-00090824-00091959 ah dsruDrfLMqI-00132-00091960-00093719 it shouldn't be that good dsruDrfLMqI-00133-00093720-00093887 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00134-00093888-00095247 oh dsruDrfLMqI-00136-00098544-00098831 okay maybe i should drop otherwise dsruDrfLMqI-00137-00098832-00099535 give me that shot again dsruDrfLMqI-00138-00099536-00099694 holy dsruDrfLMqI-00139-00099695-00099926 what the idea was that to drop the dsruDrfLMqI-00140-00099927-00100069 first pistol dsruDrfLMqI-00141-00100070-00101415 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00142-00101416-00102111 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00143-00102112-00104878 i don't know dsruDrfLMqI-00144-00104879-00105033 google dsruDrfLMqI-00145-00105033-00105407 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00146-00105408-00106999 so dsruDrfLMqI-00147-00107000-00109319 so dsruDrfLMqI-00148-00109320-00109847 the small person dsruDrfLMqI-00149-00109848-00110190 in my book just don't trigger since he dsruDrfLMqI-00150-00110191-00111780 will not die before dsruDrfLMqI-00151-00111781-00112495 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00152-00112496-00113631 so dsruDrfLMqI-00153-00113632-00115543 oh dsruDrfLMqI-00154-00115544-00116534 so dsruDrfLMqI-00155-00116535-00117265 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00156-00117266-00118671 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00157-00118672-00119558 huh dsruDrfLMqI-00158-00119559-00120239 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00159-00120240-00120804 okay dsruDrfLMqI-00160-00120805-00121231 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00161-00121232-00122927 i want to shoot this for fun dsruDrfLMqI-00162-00122928-00123527 okay it actually makes passage clear dsruDrfLMqI-00163-00123528-00124823 to check if it was placed perfectly dsruDrfLMqI-00164-00124824-00125310 okay it leaves beams dsruDrfLMqI-00165-00125311-00125639 but only top beams dsruDrfLMqI-00166-00125640-00127543 for some freezers okay dsruDrfLMqI-00167-00127544-00127910 okay dsruDrfLMqI-00168-00127911-00128275 okay we're one photo dsruDrfLMqI-00169-00128276-00129119 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00170-00129120-00129295 do you wanna have flamethrower for dsruDrfLMqI-00171-00129296-00129551 second level uh dsruDrfLMqI-00172-00129552-00131478 i don't like massacring connect uh dsruDrfLMqI-00173-00131479-00132641 i think 250 dsruDrfLMqI-00174-00132642-00134399 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00175-00134400-00135535 how dsruDrfLMqI-00176-00135536-00135711 i'll be okay thanks dsruDrfLMqI-00177-00135712-00136176 this is my life dsruDrfLMqI-00178-00136177-00136226 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00179-00136227-00138207 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00180-00138208-00139463 uh dsruDrfLMqI-00181-00139464-00140927 house dsruDrfLMqI-00182-00140928-00142127 i thought that was a corner dsruDrfLMqI-00183-00142128-00143454 so dsruDrfLMqI-00184-00143455-00144315 seriously don't have full hp dsruDrfLMqI-00185-00144316-00145095 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00186-00145096-00145454 seriously dsruDrfLMqI-00187-00145455-00146078 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00188-00146079-00147725 is that even possible dsruDrfLMqI-00189-00147726-00148383 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00190-00148384-00149143 pockets dsruDrfLMqI-00191-00149144-00149383 i think we do yes dsruDrfLMqI-00192-00149384-00149575 there is dsruDrfLMqI-00193-00149576-00151333 there is one appropriately throw dsruDrfLMqI-00194-00151334-00152029 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00195-00152030-00153054 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00196-00153055-00153423 i didn't took up rockets intentionally dsruDrfLMqI-00197-00153424-00153623 oh i forgot there is crash on how to dsruDrfLMqI-00198-00153624-00153878 save dsruDrfLMqI-00199-00153879-00154223 how to save crashes are sadly normal if dsruDrfLMqI-00200-00154224-00154326 you dsruDrfLMqI-00201-00154327-00154583 have autosaves enabled and i have dsruDrfLMqI-00202-00154584-00155007 autosaves enabled because dsruDrfLMqI-00203-00155008-00157095 to put it lightly i don't trust myself dsruDrfLMqI-00204-00157096-00157335 what's up jc i'm sending you a satellite dsruDrfLMqI-00205-00157336-00159478 image dsruDrfLMqI-00208-00167600-00168047 i am pretty good shot dsruDrfLMqI-00209-00168048-00168614 okay this is hard dsruDrfLMqI-00210-00168615-00170231 i will fight better dsruDrfLMqI-00211-00170232-00172126 okay i found it dsruDrfLMqI-00212-00172127-00172295 here dsruDrfLMqI-00213-00172296-00172711 okay get perfect dsruDrfLMqI-00214-00172712-00173559 this is very hard dsruDrfLMqI-00215-00173560-00175478 i i suspected that as possibility dsruDrfLMqI-00216-00175479-00177823 how dsruDrfLMqI-00217-00177824-00179599 oh my god dsruDrfLMqI-00218-00179600-00179843 no dsruDrfLMqI-00219-00179844-00181102 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00220-00181103-00181759 i forgot it creates faster dsruDrfLMqI-00222-00185552-00186943 peace dsruDrfLMqI-00223-00186944-00188702 well actually i think you can use dsruDrfLMqI-00224-00188703-00189566 okay we go dsruDrfLMqI-00225-00189567-00190407 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00226-00190408-00191702 foreign dsruDrfLMqI-00227-00191703-00192078 we have all configured dsruDrfLMqI-00228-00192079-00192302 we'll no longer use get gun because it's dsruDrfLMqI-00229-00192303-00193935 deadly dsruDrfLMqI-00230-00193936-00195223 so dsruDrfLMqI-00231-00195224-00195478 a quick clean complete account we can dsruDrfLMqI-00232-00195479-00196169 continue dsruDrfLMqI-00233-00196170-00196966 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00234-00196967-00197143 you need to remember to take care of dsruDrfLMqI-00235-00197144-00197335 yourself you see the guy begging for dsruDrfLMqI-00236-00197336-00198463 here dsruDrfLMqI-00237-00198464-00199007 okay dsruDrfLMqI-00238-00199008-00199566 one of the doctors can help you dsruDrfLMqI-00239-00199567-00199838 yeah dsruDrfLMqI-00240-00199839-00199935 christ dsruDrfLMqI-00241-00199936-00200678 you see the guy begging for a cure dsruDrfLMqI-00242-00200679-00200838 hey there dsruDrfLMqI-00243-00200839-00201431 i'm raphael dsruDrfLMqI-00244-00201432-00202162 i think there's like about this guy look dsruDrfLMqI-00245-00202163-00202525 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00246-00202526-00203799 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00247-00203800-00203990 this is better entrance in my opinion dsruDrfLMqI-00248-00203991-00204199 because it gives you lumps dsruDrfLMqI-00249-00204200-00204471 and ground access is much better dsruDrfLMqI-00250-00204472-00204654 especially if you have someone with dsruDrfLMqI-00251-00204655-00205238 pistol dsruDrfLMqI-00252-00205239-00205438 yes watch for lamps because we need to dsruDrfLMqI-00253-00205439-00206719 acquire them dsruDrfLMqI-00254-00206719-00207031 okay it wasn't easy but thanks to my dsruDrfLMqI-00255-00207032-00207534 improvement to pc now i never dsruDrfLMqI-00256-00207535-00208375 everything's fine now dsruDrfLMqI-00257-00208376-00208638 i'm just trying to check if i didn't dsruDrfLMqI-00258-00208639-00210334 miss xperia work for doing that dsruDrfLMqI-00259-00210335-00210598 the top approach is much dsruDrfLMqI-00260-00210600-00210958 much easier for first time players dsruDrfLMqI-00261-00210959-00211239 in my opinion dsruDrfLMqI-00262-00211240-00211575 but i am so good dsruDrfLMqI-00263-00211576-00211909 i mastered this button approach so well dsruDrfLMqI-00264-00211910-00212182 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00265-00212183-00212758 okay lumpy dsruDrfLMqI-00266-00212759-00214394 now it's good dsruDrfLMqI-00267-00214394-00216310 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00268-00216311-00216975 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00269-00216976-00217415 i'm gonna tell them on the line dsruDrfLMqI-00270-00217416-00217758 you have to earn them but dsruDrfLMqI-00271-00217759-00218110 minor inconvenience compared to dsruDrfLMqI-00272-00218111-00218471 like if we take to consideration dsruDrfLMqI-00273-00218471-00219039 how many alarms they have dsruDrfLMqI-00274-00219040-00219239 fact that you need to disarm them is dsruDrfLMqI-00275-00219240-00219542 like just nothing dsruDrfLMqI-00276-00219544-00219775 okay so the reason why i throw the dsruDrfLMqI-00277-00219776-00220976 brackets before dsruDrfLMqI-00278-00220977-00221206 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00279-00221207-00221455 i can't show you dsruDrfLMqI-00280-00221456-00221646 you have to trust me dsruDrfLMqI-00281-00221648-00221903 you have to trust me i know this mod dsruDrfLMqI-00282-00221904-00222431 because i say dsruDrfLMqI-00283-00222432-00223065 we're going to my favorite dsruDrfLMqI-00284-00223066-00223327 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00285-00223328-00223519 it's okay dsruDrfLMqI-00286-00223519-00223751 and there is xp bonus for blowing this dsruDrfLMqI-00287-00223752-00223879 up dsruDrfLMqI-00288-00223880-00224094 and you definitely blow this up they dsruDrfLMqI-00289-00224096-00224527 just don't know hell dsruDrfLMqI-00290-00224528-00224758 i will take battle dsruDrfLMqI-00291-00224759-00225266 realizations dsruDrfLMqI-00292-00225267-00225887 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00293-00225888-00227079 i don't know if i will think about it dsruDrfLMqI-00294-00227080-00227479 we need some safe dsruDrfLMqI-00295-00227480-00228075 and how strong dsruDrfLMqI-00296-00228076-00228427 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00297-00228428-00228982 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00298-00228983-00229439 anyway dsruDrfLMqI-00299-00229440-00229775 holy i'm so nimble dsruDrfLMqI-00300-00229776-00230071 i last time i swim this section video dsruDrfLMqI-00301-00230071-00230800 too easy dsruDrfLMqI-00302-00230801-00231791 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00303-00231792-00232127 okay let's go dsruDrfLMqI-00304-00232128-00232367 do you want to set everything dsruDrfLMqI-00305-00232367-00233567 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00306-00233567-00234294 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00307-00234296-00234956 uh dsruDrfLMqI-00308-00234957-00236183 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00309-00236184-00236455 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00310-00236456-00236638 ah dsruDrfLMqI-00311-00236639-00238158 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00312-00238159-00238519 we huh the factory but dsruDrfLMqI-00313-00238519-00238663 suddenly dsruDrfLMqI-00314-00238664-00239025 for enemies dsruDrfLMqI-00315-00239026-00239655 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00316-00239656-00241871 it's a good idea it just doesn't work dsruDrfLMqI-00317-00241871-00243558 mom dsruDrfLMqI-00318-00243559-00243682 this is dsruDrfLMqI-00319-00243683-00245782 sniper this is basement dsruDrfLMqI-00320-00245783-00246078 uh dsruDrfLMqI-00321-00246079-00246719 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00322-00246719-00247284 huh dsruDrfLMqI-00323-00247285-00247435 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00324-00247436-00248032 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00325-00248033-00250394 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00326-00250394-00250558 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00327-00250559-00251646 i never had before dsruDrfLMqI-00328-00251646-00252294 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00329-00252296-00254210 um dsruDrfLMqI-00330-00254211-00256255 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00331-00256256-00256879 can't get dsruDrfLMqI-00332-00256880-00258019 yeah this is wild dsruDrfLMqI-00333-00258019-00259082 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00334-00259083-00259696 is should be open dsruDrfLMqI-00335-00259696-00260910 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00336-00260911-00262919 uh dsruDrfLMqI-00337-00262920-00263215 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00338-00263216-00263699 so dsruDrfLMqI-00339-00263700-00263903 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00340-00263904-00265263 oh dsruDrfLMqI-00341-00265264-00265399 okay they have dsruDrfLMqI-00342-00265400-00267760 they have explosive butter dsruDrfLMqI-00343-00267761-00268919 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00344-00268920-00270679 and he answered dsruDrfLMqI-00345-00270680-00270796 um dsruDrfLMqI-00346-00270797-00273270 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00347-00273271-00274471 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00348-00274472-00275469 the power dsruDrfLMqI-00349-00275470-00276999 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00350-00277183-00277356 okay i never watched dsruDrfLMqI-00351-00277357-00277943 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00352-00277944-00278444 there is way too many dsruDrfLMqI-00353-00278445-00279567 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00354-00279568-00279861 ah dsruDrfLMqI-00355-00279862-00280327 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00356-00280328-00281712 any more memorable sports dsruDrfLMqI-00357-00281713-00282134 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00358-00282135-00282714 ah dsruDrfLMqI-00359-00282715-00283729 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00360-00283730-00284295 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00361-00284296-00284479 my biggest enemy dsruDrfLMqI-00362-00284480-00284657 only doors constructed dsruDrfLMqI-00363-00284658-00285626 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00364-00285627-00286103 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00365-00286104-00286659 so dsruDrfLMqI-00366-00286660-00287014 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00367-00287015-00287609 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00368-00287610-00288094 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00369-00288095-00288182 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00370-00288183-00288334 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00371-00288335-00289306 okay i have to go dsruDrfLMqI-00372-00289307-00290149 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00373-00290150-00290734 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00374-00290735-00291194 okay dsruDrfLMqI-00375-00291195-00292682 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00376-00292683-00293162 intelligent accessibility dsruDrfLMqI-00377-00293163-00293764 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00378-00293765-00293784 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00379-00293785-00294012 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00380-00294013-00294733 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00381-00294734-00295447 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00382-00295448-00295934 you think you can swim through it dsruDrfLMqI-00383-00295935-00296175 with explosive barrel dsruDrfLMqI-00384-00296176-00296327 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00385-00296328-00296582 don't ask me hope that will work dsruDrfLMqI-00386-00296583-00296819 i don't know dsruDrfLMqI-00387-00296820-00297182 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00388-00297183-00298582 okay i have my upgrade to look good dsruDrfLMqI-00389-00298583-00299230 okay so we discovered that dsruDrfLMqI-00390-00299231-00299479 that time stop it dsruDrfLMqI-00391-00299480-00299734 it's okay dsruDrfLMqI-00392-00299735-00299999 yeah you need this point from here dsruDrfLMqI-00393-00300000-00300654 just the only reason why we did all this dsruDrfLMqI-00394-00300655-00301663 you have password for this i just forgot dsruDrfLMqI-00395-00301664-00302063 to fight dsruDrfLMqI-00396-00302064-00303439 good dsruDrfLMqI-00397-00303440-00304190 you don't fight dogs anymore dsruDrfLMqI-00398-00304191-00304327 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00399-00304328-00304681 so dsruDrfLMqI-00400-00304682-00306023 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00401-00306024-00307307 there's xp bonus for this location dsruDrfLMqI-00402-00307308-00308465 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00403-00308466-00309279 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00404-00309280-00311047 swearing dsruDrfLMqI-00405-00311048-00312325 is dsruDrfLMqI-00406-00312326-00313630 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00407-00313631-00314225 ah dsruDrfLMqI-00408-00314226-00315039 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00409-00315040-00315319 my dsruDrfLMqI-00410-00315320-00315875 uh dsruDrfLMqI-00411-00315876-00316495 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00412-00316496-00317147 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00413-00317148-00317287 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00414-00317288-00317678 uh dsruDrfLMqI-00415-00317679-00318202 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00416-00318203-00319238 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00417-00319239-00321447 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00418-00321448-00321703 it's just one scope order two scopes dsruDrfLMqI-00419-00321704-00322279 actually dsruDrfLMqI-00420-00322280-00323743 yes dsruDrfLMqI-00421-00323744-00324071 okay okay i learned my lesson dsruDrfLMqI-00422-00324072-00325054 like everything was perfect dsruDrfLMqI-00423-00325055-00325327 you see someone dsruDrfLMqI-00424-00325328-00326615 on the existing living kind of stuff dsruDrfLMqI-00425-00326616-00327091 so dsruDrfLMqI-00426-00327092-00328646 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00427-00328647-00328788 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00428-00328789-00329263 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00429-00329264-00329640 oh dsruDrfLMqI-00430-00329641-00331060 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00431-00331061-00331487 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00432-00331488-00331623 seriously dsruDrfLMqI-00433-00331624-00332806 i was afraid it might happen dsruDrfLMqI-00434-00332807-00332999 okay dsruDrfLMqI-00435-00333000-00333110 i learned dsruDrfLMqI-00436-00333111-00333367 important dsruDrfLMqI-00437-00333368-00335247 will dsruDrfLMqI-00438-00335248-00335749 this should take care of dsruDrfLMqI-00439-00335750-00336839 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00440-00336840-00336878 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00441-00336879-00338854 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00442-00338855-00339928 we should cut put dsruDrfLMqI-00443-00339929-00340967 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00444-00340968-00342534 so dsruDrfLMqI-00445-00342535-00342723 place dsruDrfLMqI-00446-00342724-00343391 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00447-00343392-00343612 we are almost done with this one dsruDrfLMqI-00448-00343613-00343823 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00449-00343824-00344895 there is one more big thing dsruDrfLMqI-00450-00344896-00345143 you have to excuse the stupid gas only dsruDrfLMqI-00451-00345144-00345733 takes time dsruDrfLMqI-00452-00345734-00346503 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00453-00346504-00346942 oh dsruDrfLMqI-00454-00346943-00347510 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00455-00347511-00349006 ah dsruDrfLMqI-00456-00349007-00349510 okay let's get the out dsruDrfLMqI-00457-00349511-00349889 so now instead of being normal dsruDrfLMqI-00458-00349890-00350007 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00459-00350008-00350854 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00460-00350855-00351178 ah dsruDrfLMqI-00461-00351179-00352639 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00462-00352640-00352910 you think these dogs are dsruDrfLMqI-00463-00352911-00353351 trying to hurt me dsruDrfLMqI-00464-00353352-00353534 because i would really appreciate these dsruDrfLMqI-00465-00353535-00354480 dogs if they would not try to order me dsruDrfLMqI-00466-00354481-00355023 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00467-00355024-00355668 so dsruDrfLMqI-00468-00355669-00356519 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00469-00356520-00357667 uh dsruDrfLMqI-00470-00357668-00359113 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00471-00359114-00359230 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00472-00359231-00360230 easy game dsruDrfLMqI-00473-00360231-00360391 just a few moments we have three more dsruDrfLMqI-00474-00360392-00361263 buildings dsruDrfLMqI-00475-00361264-00361495 i mean if you wanna 100 percent here one dsruDrfLMqI-00476-00361496-00363310 hundred percent if you don't know 100 dsruDrfLMqI-00477-00363311-00365454 i personally don't give a dsruDrfLMqI-00479-00373488-00375199 my advice don't murder goggles dsruDrfLMqI-00480-00375200-00375719 now you are ready before dsruDrfLMqI-00481-00375720-00376239 here dsruDrfLMqI-00482-00376240-00376423 i just need to make sure this dog will dsruDrfLMqI-00483-00376424-00376630 not harm me when i run dsruDrfLMqI-00484-00376631-00378127 it dsruDrfLMqI-00485-00378128-00378239 one dsruDrfLMqI-00486-00378240-00378527 one more explosive dsruDrfLMqI-00487-00378528-00378767 why inside the building i didn't enter dsruDrfLMqI-00488-00378768-00379562 when there are skittles dsruDrfLMqI-00489-00379563-00380351 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00490-00380352-00382182 hit dsruDrfLMqI-00491-00382183-00384263 god dsruDrfLMqI-00492-00384264-00384818 my campaign for this one dsruDrfLMqI-00493-00384819-00385967 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00494-00385968-00386743 this lookout dsruDrfLMqI-00495-00386744-00388071 there is more than this dsruDrfLMqI-00497-00391200-00393015 so dsruDrfLMqI-00498-00393016-00393436 ah dsruDrfLMqI-00499-00393437-00393943 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00500-00393944-00394127 please don't go dsruDrfLMqI-00501-00394128-00394663 oh this is this fall dsruDrfLMqI-00502-00394664-00395319 you think this is funny things dsruDrfLMqI-00503-00395320-00395775 that's killed but i don't have anything dsruDrfLMqI-00504-00395776-00395878 like dsruDrfLMqI-00505-00395879-00396887 two i will do it dsruDrfLMqI-00506-00396888-00397278 oh wait no no no i don't need to puzzle dsruDrfLMqI-00507-00397279-00397850 we can just kill the elevator dsruDrfLMqI-00508-00397851-00398215 [Laughter] dsruDrfLMqI-00509-00398216-00398399 reason why i still dsruDrfLMqI-00510-00398400-00399599 do this is because i want to meet jokes dsruDrfLMqI-00511-00399600-00399910 for the first time dsruDrfLMqI-00512-00399911-00400351 division three dsruDrfLMqI-00513-00400352-00401223 sounds like nothing i know dsruDrfLMqI-00514-00401224-00402883 but it's four times dsruDrfLMqI-00515-00402884-00403271 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00516-00403272-00404927 good dsruDrfLMqI-00517-00404928-00405127 yeah not if idea was to get rid of dsruDrfLMqI-00518-00405128-00405334 pistol but you saw how many things i dsruDrfLMqI-00519-00405335-00405543 shoot with the pistol holy that was dsruDrfLMqI-00520-00405544-00405702 so sweet dsruDrfLMqI-00521-00405703-00407267 here dsruDrfLMqI-00522-00407268-00407430 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00523-00407431-00407949 yes dsruDrfLMqI-00524-00407950-00408551 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00525-00408552-00409734 you must pay the doctors in cash dsruDrfLMqI-00526-00409735-00409903 there is no cure dsruDrfLMqI-00527-00409904-00410055 how do you know dsruDrfLMqI-00528-00410056-00410282 they show you stuff in the dsruDrfLMqI-00529-00410283-00410407 military you want to know the real dsruDrfLMqI-00530-00410408-00410695 battlefield it's microscopic we can't dsruDrfLMqI-00531-00410696-00410903 even see it lucky for me i got dsruDrfLMqI-00532-00410904-00411126 immunizations with that guy dsruDrfLMqI-00533-00411127-00411278 well once you're infected you're dsruDrfLMqI-00534-00411279-00411414 infected dsruDrfLMqI-00535-00411415-00411622 you know what about me excuse me you dsruDrfLMqI-00536-00411623-00414295 said they immunized dsruDrfLMqI-00537-00414296-00414518 makes as much sense as the last dsruDrfLMqI-00538-00414519-00414655 what was it called dsruDrfLMqI-00539-00414656-00414895 napoleon something or other dsruDrfLMqI-00540-00414896-00415143 napoleon of notting hill dsruDrfLMqI-00541-00415143-00415318 doesn't seem much use for sculpture dsruDrfLMqI-00542-00415319-00415455 today dsruDrfLMqI-00543-00415456-00415743 there's always tomorrow dsruDrfLMqI-00544-00415743-00415974 hey there dsruDrfLMqI-00545-00415975-00416199 i ain't got nothing for you dsruDrfLMqI-00546-00416200-00416726 okay that was great dsruDrfLMqI-00547-00416727-00416982 i know in your eyes i probably wasted a dsruDrfLMqI-00548-00416983-00417239 lot of biofuel and play it's not exactly dsruDrfLMqI-00549-00417239-00417495 perfectly optimal but honestly was close dsruDrfLMqI-00550-00417496-00417782 in my opinion dsruDrfLMqI-00551-00417783-00418047 where can we make space like if you dsruDrfLMqI-00552-00418047-00418278 always want to take flamethrower dsruDrfLMqI-00553-00418279-00418439 underground dsruDrfLMqI-00554-00418439-00418647 imagine you're a crazy person and wanna dsruDrfLMqI-00555-00418647-00419759 take both i can get rid of shotgun dsruDrfLMqI-00556-00419760-00419983 i would have to get rid of upgraded dsruDrfLMqI-00557-00419984-00420399 sniper rifle which absolutely no dsruDrfLMqI-00558-00420400-00420703 or get rid of the gun dsruDrfLMqI-00559-00420704-00420927 and then we have four slots get rid of dsruDrfLMqI-00560-00420928-00421143 flares five sloths and we need three dsruDrfLMqI-00561-00421143-00421433 slots dsruDrfLMqI-00562-00421434-00421743 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00563-00421743-00422151 upgraded pistol papers cast mates no i dsruDrfLMqI-00564-00422152-00422526 even if i don't use them dsruDrfLMqI-00565-00422527-00423547 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00566-00423549-00425159 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00567-00425160-00425964 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00568-00425966-00426863 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00569-00426864-00427018 nice dsruDrfLMqI-00570-00427018-00427431 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00571-00427432-00427647 the joke cannot be in the bar because dsruDrfLMqI-00572-00427647-00427814 he's in helicopter dsruDrfLMqI-00573-00427815-00428063 it makes so much sense and this little dsruDrfLMqI-00574-00428064-00428159 hell dsruDrfLMqI-00575-00428160-00428655 it makes it so much better dsruDrfLMqI-00576-00428656-00430575 i always enjoy between these days dsruDrfLMqI-00577-00430576-00430810 i am losing dsruDrfLMqI-00578-00430812-00431870 [Applause] dsruDrfLMqI-00579-00431871-00434079 look at me dsruDrfLMqI-00580-00434080-00434270 will not install camouflage in this dsruDrfLMqI-00581-00434271-00435503 paper dsruDrfLMqI-00582-00435504-00435759 welcome yes your mission was a success dsruDrfLMqI-00583-00435760-00435918 just about the only bright side of the dsruDrfLMqI-00584-00435919-00437055 operation unfortunately reports dsruDrfLMqI-00585-00437056-00437814 is dsruDrfLMqI-00586-00437816-00439559 [Music] dsruDrfLMqI-00587-00439560-00439759 okay we have dsruDrfLMqI-00588-00439760-00440383 electrics dsruDrfLMqI-00589-00440384-00440751 safe permission dsruDrfLMqI-00590-00440752-00441228 and thanks for watching and see dsVRZfzbX_A-00000-00000017-00000161 my neighbors dsVRZfzbX_A-00001-00000162-00000455 so thanks for coming welcome to moving dsVRZfzbX_A-00002-00000456-00000761 Street we are in the what I consider to dsVRZfzbX_A-00003-00000762-00001085 be the affordable dsVRZfzbX_A-00004-00001086-00001366 Insurance River as our background dsVRZfzbX_A-00005-00001367-00001612 my name is Tracy dsVRZfzbX_A-00006-00001613-00001967 resident dsVRZfzbX_A-00007-00001968-00002189 collaborated on many projects dsVRZfzbX_A-00008-00002190-00002357 I want to thank you for coming this dsVRZfzbX_A-00009-00002358-00002681 morning this bright and sunny day and I dsVRZfzbX_A-00010-00002682-00003017 would like to dsVRZfzbX_A-00011-00003018-00003299 I'm sorry it is my honor to introduce to dsVRZfzbX_A-00012-00003300-00003556 you the person I hope to be the next dsVRZfzbX_A-00013-00003557-00004195 mayor of the city of Welcome Jonathan dsVRZfzbX_A-00014-00004196-00004427 thank you dsVRZfzbX_A-00015-00004428-00004679 thanks everyone thank you so much Tracy dsVRZfzbX_A-00016-00004680-00004919 for that warm introduction dsVRZfzbX_A-00017-00004920-00005195 um I want to just um start off by dsVRZfzbX_A-00018-00005196-00005386 thanking everyone for being here on a dsVRZfzbX_A-00019-00005387-00005627 very cold Thursday New England morning dsVRZfzbX_A-00020-00005628-00005945 uh it's never that easy and I also want dsVRZfzbX_A-00021-00005946-00006125 to thank the Waltham voters who gave me dsVRZfzbX_A-00022-00006126-00006263 the opportunity and the privilege to dsVRZfzbX_A-00023-00006264-00006539 serve as a city councilor I'm the son of dsVRZfzbX_A-00024-00006540-00006781 believing immigrants who dsVRZfzbX_A-00025-00006781-00007042 raised me here in Waltham this city dsVRZfzbX_A-00026-00007043-00007369 welcomed us with open arms dsVRZfzbX_A-00027-00007370-00007709 the city welcomed us with open arms when dsVRZfzbX_A-00028-00007709-00007901 I was when I was in Middle School my dsVRZfzbX_A-00029-00007902-00008098 family was separated because of our dsVRZfzbX_A-00030-00008100-00008314 broken immigration system dsVRZfzbX_A-00031-00008315-00008651 I chose to stay here I'm a proud Hawk dsVRZfzbX_A-00032-00008652-00008914 and proud to call Walter at my home I dsVRZfzbX_A-00033-00008915-00009149 became the first in my family to go to dsVRZfzbX_A-00034-00009150-00009377 college earning a full scholarship and dsVRZfzbX_A-00035-00009378-00009539 graduating from the University of dsVRZfzbX_A-00036-00009540-00010001 Pennsylvania with a degree in dsVRZfzbX_A-00037-00010002-00010156 when I was first elected as City dsVRZfzbX_A-00038-00010157-00010385 councilor I let the fight for stable dsVRZfzbX_A-00039-00010386-00010667 rents affordable home ownership and a dsVRZfzbX_A-00040-00010668-00010973 modernized transit system mayor McCarthy dsVRZfzbX_A-00041-00010974-00011281 blocked progress every step of the way dsVRZfzbX_A-00042-00011282-00011663 just this week we had that Waltham the dsVRZfzbX_A-00043-00011664-00011933 average rent in Waltham is the third dsVRZfzbX_A-00044-00011934-00012185 highest across the Commonwealth dsVRZfzbX_A-00045-00012186-00012520 we are only behind Boston and Cambridge dsVRZfzbX_A-00046-00012521-00012785 and slightly ahead of Summerville dsVRZfzbX_A-00047-00012786-00013480 we are more unaffordable than ever dsVRZfzbX_A-00048-00013481-00013657 no we're not we're gonna keep it going dsVRZfzbX_A-00049-00013658-00014044 just behind where we're standing here dsVRZfzbX_A-00050-00014045-00014153 just behind where we're standing here dsVRZfzbX_A-00051-00014154-00014458 Moody Street businesses either struggle dsVRZfzbX_A-00052-00014459-00014686 to stay open or were forced to close dsVRZfzbX_A-00053-00014687-00014777 down dsVRZfzbX_A-00054-00014778-00014884 some people dsVRZfzbX_A-00055-00014885-00015430 [Applause] dsVRZfzbX_A-00056-00015431-00015713 lost their life savings dsVRZfzbX_A-00057-00015713-00015983 I worked with small business owners and dsVRZfzbX_A-00058-00015984-00016216 community members dsVRZfzbX_A-00059-00016218-00016475 together we created the open open Moody dsVRZfzbX_A-00060-00016476-00016733 Street Market which the mayor now is dsVRZfzbX_A-00061-00016734-00016871 trying to stop dsVRZfzbX_A-00062-00016872-00017200 instead of being beholden to the people dsVRZfzbX_A-00063-00017201-00017375 this administration's behold into dsVRZfzbX_A-00064-00017376-00017680 special interest instead of feeding our dsVRZfzbX_A-00065-00017681-00017891 seniors veterans and supporting our dsVRZfzbX_A-00066-00017892-00018119 community farms and food pantries this dsVRZfzbX_A-00067-00018120-00018257 Administration is threatening and dsVRZfzbX_A-00068-00018258-00018389 harassing them dsVRZfzbX_A-00069-00018390-00018677 instead of investing in our future this dsVRZfzbX_A-00070-00018678-00018844 Administration is underfunding our dsVRZfzbX_A-00071-00018845-00018971 schools dsVRZfzbX_A-00072-00018972-00019114 I'm here to announce that I'm running dsVRZfzbX_A-00073-00019115-00019372 for mayor because Waltham has amazing dsVRZfzbX_A-00074-00019373-00019486 potential dsVRZfzbX_A-00075-00019487-00019685 and this Administration does not have a dsVRZfzbX_A-00076-00019686-00019877 vision for our future dsVRZfzbX_A-00077-00019878-00020135 I will be the mayor who will listen to dsVRZfzbX_A-00078-00020136-00020464 you and put people over politics not the dsVRZfzbX_A-00079-00020465-00020729 other way around I will be the mayor who dsVRZfzbX_A-00080-00020730-00020969 will have a real plan to make Waltham dsVRZfzbX_A-00081-00020970-00021203 affordable sustainable dsVRZfzbX_A-00082-00021204-00021461 and academically excellent because our dsVRZfzbX_A-00083-00021462-00021713 youth deserve it I will be the mayor who dsVRZfzbX_A-00084-00021714-00021958 will bring people together to write the dsVRZfzbX_A-00085-00021959-00022193 next great chapter in waltham's history dsVRZfzbX_A-00086-00022194-00022433 thank you so much for being here and I dsVRZfzbX_A-00087-00022434-00022600 look forward to earning your support in dsVRZfzbX_A-00088-00022601-00023003 the future thanks so much everyone dsVRZfzbX_A-00089-00023004-00023115 foreign dsVRZfzbX_A-00090-00023116-00023433 [Applause] dtlbKtBPY2c-00000-00000031-00000276 it's very multifaceted the really dtlbKtBPY2c-00001-00000277-00000432 amazing experience that I had with my dtlbKtBPY2c-00002-00000433-00000657 residency and so just to really clue dtlbKtBPY2c-00003-00000658-00000843 people into residency's and Desiree it dtlbKtBPY2c-00004-00000844-00000993 sort of primed it as well as this idea dtlbKtBPY2c-00005-00000994-00001239 of sort of like a medical residency but dtlbKtBPY2c-00006-00001240-00001473 with teachers instead and so we travel dtlbKtBPY2c-00007-00001474-00001766 as a cohort my cohort had eight of us dtlbKtBPY2c-00008-00001767-00002106 and we were individuals who were in the dtlbKtBPY2c-00009-00002107-00002250 schools from day one with our mentor dtlbKtBPY2c-00010-00002251-00002496 teachers and we took classes together dtlbKtBPY2c-00011-00002497-00002717 and we were a small community and I dtlbKtBPY2c-00012-00002718-00002874 think that's one of the cornerstones for dtlbKtBPY2c-00013-00002875-00003035 why we felt so prepared first of all was dtlbKtBPY2c-00014-00003036-00003276 just support this idea that we knew dtlbKtBPY2c-00015-00003277-00003479 people that we identified with we were dtlbKtBPY2c-00016-00003480-00003627 always placed with them so they would dtlbKtBPY2c-00017-00003628-00003783 try to put us in pairs or trios and dtlbKtBPY2c-00018-00003784-00003984 schools so that when we were placed we dtlbKtBPY2c-00019-00003985-00004140 had familiar faces that we could rely on dtlbKtBPY2c-00020-00004141-00004388 his resources but beyond that it's dtlbKtBPY2c-00021-00004389-00004502 really about the philosophy of the dtlbKtBPY2c-00022-00004503-00004725 program that I was in so it was only dtlbKtBPY2c-00023-00004726-00004947 math science education so first off dtlbKtBPY2c-00024-00004948-00005111 really trying to hit that niche market dtlbKtBPY2c-00025-00005112-00005306 of areas that tend to not be well dtlbKtBPY2c-00026-00005307-00005517 prepared but on top of it dtlbKtBPY2c-00027-00005518-00005700 well actually just elaborate on that at dtlbKtBPY2c-00028-00005701-00005970 giving the sense of changing also the dtlbKtBPY2c-00029-00005971-00006188 way you teach science so it becomes dtlbKtBPY2c-00030-00006189-00006375 inquiry driven it becomes student dtlbKtBPY2c-00031-00006376-00006623 centric this idea this paradigm shift of dtlbKtBPY2c-00032-00006625-00006839 you are no longer instructing students dtlbKtBPY2c-00033-00006840-00007044 about rote memorization but you are dtlbKtBPY2c-00034-00007045-00007242 trying to put the ownership with the dtlbKtBPY2c-00035-00007243-00007470 students as well and then on top of it dtlbKtBPY2c-00036-00007470-00007698 we were also trained in having social dtlbKtBPY2c-00037-00007698-00007881 justice in our classroom and and and dtlbKtBPY2c-00038-00007881-00008055 that caters in both directions not only dtlbKtBPY2c-00039-00008056-00008220 for the students where you're really dtlbKtBPY2c-00040-00008221-00008439 trying to foster democratic policies or dtlbKtBPY2c-00041-00008440-00008682 processes in the classroom but on top of dtlbKtBPY2c-00042-00008683-00008996 for why I stay right I stay to advocate dtlbKtBPY2c-00043-00008997-00009333 for them I was learning how to really be dtlbKtBPY2c-00044-00009334-00009603 a social advocate on behalf of them and dtlbKtBPY2c-00045-00009604-00009789 so you know when they were trying to dtlbKtBPY2c-00046-00009790-00010020 turn our school into a turnover program dtlbKtBPY2c-00047-00010021-00010284 that would see us have longer days for a dtlbKtBPY2c-00048-00010285-00010589 very small stipend we felt this was not dtlbKtBPY2c-00049-00010590-00010785 in the needs of our students and many of dtlbKtBPY2c-00050-00010786-00011096 us within our cohort spearheaded this dtlbKtBPY2c-00051-00011097-00011376 response to not permitting this because dtlbKtBPY2c-00052-00011377-00011544 we're there for the students were there dtlbKtBPY2c-00053-00011545-00011696 for the communities the stakeholders dtlbKtBPY2c-00054-00011697-00011921 that are most valuable are then and then dtlbKtBPY2c-00055-00011922-00012188 just to go back full circle back to how dtlbKtBPY2c-00056-00012189-00012413 the residency vertusair caters support dtlbKtBPY2c-00057-00012414-00012653 is we also have induction so this idea dtlbKtBPY2c-00058-00012654-00012927 that once you are released into the wild dtlbKtBPY2c-00059-00012928-00013146 of teaching you are not abandoned it's dtlbKtBPY2c-00060-00013147-00013275 this idea of that dtlbKtBPY2c-00061-00013276-00013580 for three years after I had retired dtlbKtBPY2c-00062-00013581-00013778 teachers who would visit my classrooms dtlbKtBPY2c-00063-00013779-00013997 periodically and make sure that I still dtlbKtBPY2c-00064-00013998-00014186 felt supported beyond my mentor my dtlbKtBPY2c-00065-00014187-00014403 in-school mentor and it comes to the dtlbKtBPY2c-00066-00014404-00014528 point where the program becomes so dtlbKtBPY2c-00067-00014529-00014841 sustainable that now full circle I'm not dtlbKtBPY2c-00068-00014841-00015188 working with the induction program dtGi65iGv8Y-00000-00000077-00000708 [Music] dtGi65iGv8Y-00001-00000709-00001060 it's okay I don't need to be perfect dtGi65iGv8Y-00002-00001061-00001315 we have changed English learners cannot dtGi65iGv8Y-00003-00001316-00001723 speak into can be one to one class is dtGi65iGv8Y-00004-00001723-00001932 personalized to improve your strength dtGi65iGv8Y-00005-00001934-00002250 and overcome your weaknesses dtGi65iGv8Y-00006-00002251-00002610 you'll be nervous just only first it dtGi65iGv8Y-00007-00002611-00002835 doesn't take time to realize that how dtGi65iGv8Y-00008-00002836-00003135 fun is speaking English you can learn dtGi65iGv8Y-00009-00003136-00003418 with international classmates special dtGi65iGv8Y-00010-00003419-00003654 group classes which are handled by dtGi65iGv8Y-00011-00003656-00004015 special teachers if you get lost the way dtGi65iGv8Y-00012-00004015-00004261 you learn just resolve with a manager dtGi65iGv8Y-00013-00004262-00004558 who comes from your group you are always dtGi65iGv8Y-00014-00004559-00005029 welcome where wages will go directly to dtGi65iGv8Y-00015-00005030-00005209 discuss the week as planned dtGi65iGv8Y-00016-00005210-00005521 no more eating deliciously studying dtGi65iGv8Y-00017-00005522-00005755 together at a nearest cafe after the dtGi65iGv8Y-00018-00005756-00006049 club and talk about your future foreign dtGi65iGv8Y-00019-00006050-00006376 students ISM all the memories are going dtGi65iGv8Y-00020-00006377-00006756 to be unforgettable on your graduation dtGi65iGv8Y-00021-00006756-00007120 your friends already have started let's dtGi65iGv8Y-00022-00007120-00007500 change cannot be if it can s dtGi65iGv8Y-00023-00007501-00008641 [Music] dtGi65iGv8Y-00024-00008642-00008990 forget that's all dyC7QAYhkKI-00000-00000049-00000276 in physics relativistic quantum dyC7QAYhkKI-00001-00000277-00000530 mechanics rqm is any Poincare a dyC7QAYhkKI-00002-00000531-00000701 covariant formulation of quantum dyC7QAYhkKI-00003-00000702-00001029 mechanics QM this theory is applicable dyC7QAYhkKI-00004-00001030-00001250 to massive particles propagating at all dyC7QAYhkKI-00005-00001251-00001458 velocities up to those comparable to the dyC7QAYhkKI-00006-00001459-00001623 speed of light see and can accommodate dyC7QAYhkKI-00007-00001623-00001907 massless particles the theory has dyC7QAYhkKI-00008-00001908-00002105 application in high-energy physics dyC7QAYhkKI-00009-00002106-00002313 particle physics and accelerator physics dyC7QAYhkKI-00010-00002314-00002580 as well as atomic physics chemistry and dyC7QAYhkKI-00011-00002581-00002792 condensed matter physics non dyC7QAYhkKI-00012-00002793-00003026 relativistic quantum mechanics refers to dyC7QAYhkKI-00013-00003027-00003231 the mathematical formulation of quantum dyC7QAYhkKI-00014-00003232-00003443 mechanics applied in the context of dyC7QAYhkKI-00015-00003444-00003575 Galilean relativity dyC7QAYhkKI-00016-00003576-00003743 more specifically quantizing the dyC7QAYhkKI-00017-00003744-00003947 equations of classical mechanics by dyC7QAYhkKI-00018-00003948-00004143 replacing dynamical variables by dyC7QAYhkKI-00019-00004144-00004438 operators relativistic quantum mechanics dyC7QAYhkKI-00020-00004439-00004725 rqm is quantum mechanics applied with dyC7QAYhkKI-00021-00004726-00004916 special relativity but not general dyC7QAYhkKI-00022-00004917-00005132 relativity although the earlier dyC7QAYhkKI-00023-00005133-00005309 formulations like the Schrodinger dyC7QAYhkKI-00024-00005310-00005486 picture and Heisenberg picture were dyC7QAYhkKI-00025-00005487-00005636 originally formulated in a dyC7QAYhkKI-00026-00005637-00005825 nonrelativistic background these dyC7QAYhkKI-00027-00005826-00006054 pictures of quantum mechanics also apply dyC7QAYhkKI-00028-00006055-00006350 with special relativity the relativistic dyC7QAYhkKI-00029-00006351-00006576 formulation is more successful than the dyC7QAYhkKI-00030-00006577-00006764 original quantum mechanics in some dyC7QAYhkKI-00031-00006765-00007013 contexts in particular the prediction of dyC7QAYhkKI-00032-00007014-00007251 antimatter electron spin spin magnetic dyC7QAYhkKI-00033-00007252-00007533 moments of elementary spin 1/2 fermions dyC7QAYhkKI-00034-00007534-00007767 find structure in quantum dynamics of dyC7QAYhkKI-00035-00007768-00007926 charged particles in electromagnetic dyC7QAYhkKI-00036-00007927-00008241 fields the key result is the Dirac dyC7QAYhkKI-00037-00008242-00008435 equation from which these predictions dyC7QAYhkKI-00038-00008436-00008727 emerge automatically by contrast in dyC7QAYhkKI-00039-00008728-00008906 quantum mechanics terms have to be dyC7QAYhkKI-00040-00008907-00009071 introduced artificially into the dyC7QAYhkKI-00041-00009072-00009245 Hamiltonian operator to achieve dyC7QAYhkKI-00042-00009246-00009494 agreement with experimental observations dyC7QAYhkKI-00043-00009495-00009767 nevertheless rqm is only an dyC7QAYhkKI-00044-00009768-00010005 approximation to a fully self-consistent dyC7QAYhkKI-00045-00010006-00010214 relativistic theory of non particle dyC7QAYhkKI-00046-00010215-00010367 interactions because it does not dyC7QAYhkKI-00047-00010368-00010548 describe cases where the number of dyC7QAYhkKI-00048-00010549-00010742 elementary particles changes for example dyC7QAYhkKI-00049-00010743-00011052 in matter creation and annihilation by dyC7QAYhkKI-00050-00011053-00011241 yet another theoretical advance a more dyC7QAYhkKI-00051-00011242-00011430 accurate theory that allows for these dyC7QAYhkKI-00052-00011431-00011619 occurrences and other predictions as dyC7QAYhkKI-00053-00011620-00011828 relativistic quantum field theory in dyC7QAYhkKI-00054-00011829-00012027 which particles are interpreted as field dyC7QAYhkKI-00055-00012028-00012356 quanta see article for details in this dyC7QAYhkKI-00056-00012357-00012542 article the equations are written in dyC7QAYhkKI-00057-00012543-00012816 familiar 3d vector calculus notation and dyC7QAYhkKI-00058-00012816-00013044 use hats for operators not necessarily dyC7QAYhkKI-00059-00013044-00013206 in the literature and where space and dyC7QAYhkKI-00060-00013207-00013437 time components can be collected dyC7QAYhkKI-00061-00013438-00013677 index notation is shown also frequently dyC7QAYhkKI-00062-00013678-00013863 used in the literature in addition the dyC7QAYhkKI-00063-00013863-00014181 Einstein summation convention is used SI dyC7QAYhkKI-00064-00014182-00014412 units are used here Gaussian units and dyC7QAYhkKI-00065-00014413-00014607 natural units are common alternatives dyC7QAYhkKI-00066-00014608-00014856 all equations are in the position dyC7QAYhkKI-00067-00014857-00015002 representation for the momentum dyC7QAYhkKI-00068-00015003-00015210 representation the equations have to be dyC7QAYhkKI-00069-00015211-00015344 Fourier transform dyC7QAYhkKI-00070-00015346-00016035 C position and momentum space dyC7QAYhkKI-00071-00016036-00016365 topic combining special relativity and dyC7QAYhkKI-00072-00016366-00016638 quantum mechanics dyC7QAYhkKI-00073-00016639-00016833 you dyC7QAYhkKI-00074-00016834-00017007 one approach is to modify the dyC7QAYhkKI-00075-00017008-00017202 Schrodinger picture to be consistent dyC7QAYhkKI-00076-00017203-00017415 with special relativity a postulate of dyC7QAYhkKI-00077-00017416-00017586 quantum mechanics says that the time dyC7QAYhkKI-00078-00017587-00017814 evolution of any quantum system is given dyC7QAYhkKI-00079-00017815-00018380 by the Schrodinger equation I T sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00080-00018381-00019158 equals H carrot sy display style i HB AR dyC7QAYhkKI-00081-00019159-00019542 frac partial partial t sy equals hat h dyC7QAYhkKI-00082-00019543-00019883 sy using a suitable hamiltonian operator dyC7QAYhkKI-00083-00019884-00020175 h corresponding to the system the dyC7QAYhkKI-00084-00020176-00020378 solution is a complex valued wave dyC7QAYhkKI-00085-00020379-00020682 function sy R T a function of the 3d dyC7QAYhkKI-00086-00020683-00020883 position vector R of the particle at dyC7QAYhkKI-00087-00020884-00021093 time T describing the behavior of the dyC7QAYhkKI-00088-00021094-00021390 system every particle has a non negative dyC7QAYhkKI-00089-00021391-00021696 spin quantum number s the number twos is dyC7QAYhkKI-00090-00021697-00021930 an integer odd for fermions and even for dyC7QAYhkKI-00091-00021931-00022257 bosons each s has two s plus 1 Z dyC7QAYhkKI-00092-00022258-00022494 projection quantum numbers Sigma equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00093-00022495-00023075 s s minus 1 minus s plus 1 minus s this dyC7QAYhkKI-00094-00023076-00023280 is an additional discrete variable the dyC7QAYhkKI-00095-00023281-00023666 wave function requires sy R T Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00096-00023667-00023958 historically in the early 1920s Pauli dyC7QAYhkKI-00097-00023959-00024200 cronic uhlenbeck and goudsmit were the dyC7QAYhkKI-00098-00024201-00024486 first to propose the concept of spin the dyC7QAYhkKI-00099-00024487-00024659 inclusion of spin in the wave function dyC7QAYhkKI-00100-00024660-00024822 incorporates the Pauli exclusion dyC7QAYhkKI-00101-00024823-00025175 principle 1925 and the more general spin dyC7QAYhkKI-00102-00025176-00025443 statistics theorem 1939 due to fears dyC7QAYhkKI-00103-00025444-00025731 Reid arrived by Pauli a year later this dyC7QAYhkKI-00104-00025732-00025922 is the explanation for a diverse range dyC7QAYhkKI-00105-00025923-00026153 of subatomic particle behavior and dyC7QAYhkKI-00106-00026154-00026312 phenomena from the electronic dyC7QAYhkKI-00107-00026313-00026540 configurations of atoms nuclei and dyC7QAYhkKI-00108-00026541-00026727 therefore all elements on the periodic dyC7QAYhkKI-00109-00026727-00026925 table and their chemistry to the core dyC7QAYhkKI-00110-00026926-00027156 configurations in color charge hence the dyC7QAYhkKI-00111-00027157-00027437 properties of baryons and mesons a dyC7QAYhkKI-00112-00027438-00027654 fundamental prediction of special dyC7QAYhkKI-00113-00027655-00027879 relativity is the relativistic energy dyC7QAYhkKI-00114-00027880-00028095 momentum relation for a particle of rest dyC7QAYhkKI-00115-00028095-00028289 mass m and in a particular frame of dyC7QAYhkKI-00116-00028291-00028545 reference with energy E and 3 momentum P dyC7QAYhkKI-00117-00028545-00028721 with magnitude in terms of the dot dyC7QAYhkKI-00118-00028722-00029065 product P equals square root P P it is e dyC7QAYhkKI-00119-00029066-00029677 to equals C dyC7QAYhkKI-00120-00029677-00030945 - p p+ mc2 to display style a carrot to dyC7QAYhkKI-00121-00030947-00031363 equals c carrot to math b FP c d OT math dyC7QAYhkKI-00122-00031364-00031882 b FP + MIT carrot - carrot - these dyC7QAYhkKI-00123-00031883-00032062 equations are used together with the dyC7QAYhkKI-00124-00032063-00032272 energy and momentum operators which are dyC7QAYhkKI-00125-00032273-00033186 respectively e carrot equals I T P dyC7QAYhkKI-00126-00033187-00033755 carrot equals - dyC7QAYhkKI-00127-00033756-00034185 display style Pat e equals ihb AR frac dyC7QAYhkKI-00128-00034186-00034526 partial partial t quad hat math bf P dyC7QAYhkKI-00129-00034527-00034949 equals AI HB AR nabla to construct a dyC7QAYhkKI-00130-00034950-00035276 relativistic wave equation RWE a partial dyC7QAYhkKI-00131-00035277-00035465 differential equation consistent with dyC7QAYhkKI-00132-00035466-00035645 the energy momentum relation and is dyC7QAYhkKI-00133-00035646-00035823 solved for site to predict the quantum dyC7QAYhkKI-00134-00035824-00036098 dynamics of the particle for space and dyC7QAYhkKI-00135-00036099-00036308 time to be placed on equal footing as in dyC7QAYhkKI-00136-00036309-00036512 relativity the orders of space and time dyC7QAYhkKI-00137-00036513-00036732 partial derivatives should be equal and dyC7QAYhkKI-00138-00036733-00036954 ideally as low as possible so that no dyC7QAYhkKI-00139-00036955-00037136 initial values of the derivatives need dyC7QAYhkKI-00140-00037137-00037398 to be specified this is important for dyC7QAYhkKI-00141-00037399-00037637 probability interpretations exemplified dyC7QAYhkKI-00142-00037638-00037892 below the lowest possible order of any dyC7QAYhkKI-00143-00037893-00038135 differential equation as the first 0th dyC7QAYhkKI-00144-00038136-00038307 order derivatives would not form a dyC7QAYhkKI-00145-00038308-00038585 differential equation the Heisenberg dyC7QAYhkKI-00146-00038586-00038832 picture is another formulation of QM in dyC7QAYhkKI-00147-00038833-00039050 which case the wave function sy as time dyC7QAYhkKI-00148-00039051-00039227 independent and the operators a T dyC7QAYhkKI-00149-00039228-00039446 contained the time dependence governed dyC7QAYhkKI-00150-00039447-00040192 by the equation of motion d d t a dyC7QAYhkKI-00151-00040193-00041455 equals one I a H carat plus T a display dyC7QAYhkKI-00152-00041456-00042040 style frac D DT equals frac 1ih ba ra dyC7QAYhkKI-00153-00042041-00042604 hat h plus frac partial partial ta this dyC7QAYhkKI-00154-00042605-00042877 equation is also true in our QM provided dyC7QAYhkKI-00155-00042878-00043090 the Heisenberg operators are modified to dyC7QAYhkKI-00156-00043091-00043273 be consistent with senior historically dyC7QAYhkKI-00157-00043274-00043507 around nineteen twenty six Schrodinger dyC7QAYhkKI-00158-00043508-00043654 and Heisenberg showed that wave dyC7QAYhkKI-00159-00043655-00043843 mechanics and matrix mechanics are dyC7QAYhkKI-00160-00043844-00044014 equivalent later furthered by Dai RAK dyC7QAYhkKI-00161-00044015-00044332 using transformation theory a more dyC7QAYhkKI-00162-00044333-00044515 modern approach to rwe dyC7QAYhkKI-00163-00044516-00044743 first introduced during the time our w dyC7QAYhkKI-00164-00044744-00044946 YZ were developing for particles of any dyC7QAYhkKI-00165-00044947-00045184 spin is to apply representations of the dyC7QAYhkKI-00166-00045185-00045733 Lorentz group dyC7QAYhkKI-00167-00045734-00046262 topic space and time dyC7QAYhkKI-00168-00046263-00046452 in classical mechanics and dyC7QAYhkKI-00169-00046453-00046710 nonrelativistic qm time as an absolute dyC7QAYhkKI-00170-00046711-00046937 quantity all observers and particles can dyC7QAYhkKI-00171-00046938-00047217 always agree on ticking away in the dyC7QAYhkKI-00172-00047218-00047474 background independent of space thus in dyC7QAYhkKI-00173-00047475-00047724 nonrelativistic QM one has for a many dyC7QAYhkKI-00174-00047725-00048185 particle system psy r1 r2 r3 dyC7QAYhkKI-00175-00048186-00048674 t Sigma 1 Sigma 2 Sigma 3 dyC7QAYhkKI-00176-00048675-00048932 in relativistic mechanics the spatial dyC7QAYhkKI-00177-00048933-00049133 coordinates in chord in daytime are not dyC7QAYhkKI-00178-00049134-00049319 absolute any two observers moving dyC7QAYhkKI-00179-00049320-00049478 relative to each other can measure dyC7QAYhkKI-00180-00049479-00049682 different locations and times of events dyC7QAYhkKI-00181-00049683-00049934 the position and time coordinates dyC7QAYhkKI-00182-00049935-00050069 combine naturally into a dyC7QAYhkKI-00183-00050070-00050714 four-dimensional space-time position X dyC7QAYhkKI-00184-00050715-00051062 topic court are corresponding to events dyC7QAYhkKI-00185-00051063-00051230 and the energy and three momentum dyC7QAYhkKI-00186-00051231-00051431 combined naturally into the four dyC7QAYhkKI-00187-00051432-00051924 momentum P dyC7QAYhkKI-00188-00051925-00052289 e CP of a dynamic particle as measured dyC7QAYhkKI-00189-00052290-00052481 in some reference frame change according dyC7QAYhkKI-00190-00052482-00052665 to a Lorentz transformation as one dyC7QAYhkKI-00191-00052666-00052844 measures in a different frame boosted dyC7QAYhkKI-00192-00052845-00053046 and/or rotated relative the original dyC7QAYhkKI-00193-00053047-00053306 frame in consideration the derivative dyC7QAYhkKI-00194-00053307-00053513 operators and hence the energy and three dyC7QAYhkKI-00195-00053514-00053699 momentum operators are also non dyC7QAYhkKI-00196-00053700-00053866 invariant and change under Lorentz dyC7QAYhkKI-00197-00053867-00054198 transformations under a proper ortho dyC7QAYhkKI-00198-00054199-00054474 Kronus Lorentz transformation RT lambda dyC7QAYhkKI-00199-00054475-00054774 R T in Minkowski space all one particle dyC7QAYhkKI-00200-00054775-00055031 quantum states P SS locally transform dyC7QAYhkKI-00201-00055032-00055203 under some representation D of the dyC7QAYhkKI-00202-00055204-00056263 Lorentz group site Sigma R T D lambda sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00203-00056264-00057204 Sigma Lambda minus 1 R T display style dyC7QAYhkKI-00204-00057204-00057498 sigh underscore Sigma math be F R T dyC7QAYhkKI-00205-00057499-00057806 right arrow D lambda sy underscore Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00206-00057807-00058254 Lambda carrot - 1 math bf RT where D dyC7QAYhkKI-00207-00058254-00058436 lambda is a finite dimensional dyC7QAYhkKI-00208-00058437-00058730 representation in other words at twos dyC7QAYhkKI-00209-00058731-00059124 twos plus 1 square matrix again sy is dyC7QAYhkKI-00210-00059125-00059310 thought of as a column vector containing dyC7QAYhkKI-00211-00059311-00059531 components with the twos plus 1 allowed dyC7QAYhkKI-00212-00059532-00059796 values of Sigma the quantum numbers a dyC7QAYhkKI-00213-00059797-00059991 since Sigma as well as other labels dyC7QAYhkKI-00214-00059991-00060210 continuous or discrete representing dyC7QAYhkKI-00215-00060211-00060479 other quantum numbers are suppressed one dyC7QAYhkKI-00216-00060480-00060672 value of Sigma may occur more than once dyC7QAYhkKI-00217-00060673-00061321 depending on the representation dyC7QAYhkKI-00218-00061322-00061667 topic non-relativistic in relativistic dyC7QAYhkKI-00219-00061669-00062098 Hamiltonians dyC7QAYhkKI-00220-00062099-00062367 the classical Hamiltonian for a particle dyC7QAYhkKI-00221-00062369-00062620 in a potential as the kinetic energy PP dyC7QAYhkKI-00222-00062621-00062950 2 meters plus the potential energy V R T dyC7QAYhkKI-00223-00062951-00063163 with the corresponding quantum operator dyC7QAYhkKI-00224-00063164-00063591 in the Schrodinger picture h carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-00225-00063591-00064863 equals P carrot P carrot 2m plus V dyC7QAYhkKI-00226-00064864-00065388 our tea display style Pat H equals frac dyC7QAYhkKI-00227-00065389-00065848 hat math BFP C do t hat math BFP 2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00228-00065849-00066206 meters plus V math BF R T and dyC7QAYhkKI-00229-00066207-00066391 substituting this into the above dyC7QAYhkKI-00230-00066392-00066541 Schrodinger equation gives a dyC7QAYhkKI-00231-00066542-00066774 nonrelativistic QM equation for the wave dyC7QAYhkKI-00232-00066775-00066960 function the procedure is a straight dyC7QAYhkKI-00233-00066961-00067141 forward substitution of a simple dyC7QAYhkKI-00234-00067142-00067425 expression by contrast this is not as dyC7QAYhkKI-00235-00067426-00067615 easy in our QM the energy momentum dyC7QAYhkKI-00236-00067616-00067848 equation is quadratic and energy and dyC7QAYhkKI-00237-00067849-00068146 momentum leading to difficulties naively dyC7QAYhkKI-00238-00068147-00068946 setting H caret equals e carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-00239-00068947-00070529 equals c 2p carrot P carrot plus mc2 to dyC7QAYhkKI-00240-00070530-00071957 i T sigh equals c 2p carrot P carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-00241-00071958-00072950 plus mc2 - sigh display style hat H dyC7QAYhkKI-00242-00072951-00073349 equals hat e equals s QR t see carrot - dyC7QAYhkKI-00243-00073350-00073835 hat math BFP c do t hat math BF p + mick dyC7QAYhkKI-00244-00073836-00074111 carrot - carrot - quad right arrow quad dyC7QAYhkKI-00245-00074112-00074555 IH b AR frac partial partial t sy equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00246-00074556-00075035 s QR t c carrot - pat math b FP c vo t dyC7QAYhkKI-00247-00075036-00075446 hat math b FP + MIT carrot - carrot - sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00248-00075447-00075826 is not helpful for several reasons the dyC7QAYhkKI-00249-00075827-00076028 square root of the operators cannot be dyC7QAYhkKI-00250-00076029-00076211 used as it stands it would have to be dyC7QAYhkKI-00251-00076212-00076415 expanded in a power series before the dyC7QAYhkKI-00252-00076416-00076634 momentum operator raised to a power in dyC7QAYhkKI-00253-00076635-00076940 each term could act on sy as a result of dyC7QAYhkKI-00254-00076941-00077125 the power series the space and time dyC7QAYhkKI-00255-00077126-00077332 derivatives are completely asymmetric dyC7QAYhkKI-00256-00077333-00077567 infinite order in space derivatives but dyC7QAYhkKI-00257-00077568-00077765 only first order in the time derivative dyC7QAYhkKI-00258-00077766-00078041 which is an elegant and unwieldy again dyC7QAYhkKI-00259-00078042-00078179 there is the problem of the non dyC7QAYhkKI-00260-00078180-00078325 invariance of the energy operator dyC7QAYhkKI-00261-00078326-00078563 equated to the square root which is also dyC7QAYhkKI-00262-00078564-00078851 not invariant another problem less dyC7QAYhkKI-00263-00078852-00079067 obvious and more severe is that it can dyC7QAYhkKI-00264-00079068-00079253 be shown to be non local and can even dyC7QAYhkKI-00265-00079254-00079460 violate causality if the particle is dyC7QAYhkKI-00266-00079461-00079724 initially localized at a point R 0 so dyC7QAYhkKI-00267-00079725-00080291 that's I R 0 t dyC7QAYhkKI-00268-00080292-00080629 topic zero is finite and 0 elsewhere dyC7QAYhkKI-00269-00080630-00080887 then at any later time the equation dyC7QAYhkKI-00270-00080888-00081215 predicts delocalization sigh R T does dyC7QAYhkKI-00271-00081216-00081478 not equal zero everywhere even for R dyC7QAYhkKI-00272-00081479-00081671 greater than quart which means the dyC7QAYhkKI-00273-00081672-00081862 particle could arrive at a point before dyC7QAYhkKI-00274-00081863-00082147 a pulse of light cut this would have to dyC7QAYhkKI-00275-00082148-00082300 be remedied by the additional dyC7QAYhkKI-00276-00082301-00082987 constraints I are greater than quart t dyC7QAYhkKI-00277-00082988-00083224 zero there is also the problem of dyC7QAYhkKI-00278-00083225-00083410 incorporating spin in the Hamiltonian dyC7QAYhkKI-00279-00083411-00083575 which isn't a prediction of the dyC7QAYhkKI-00280-00083576-00083799 nonrelativistic Schrodinger theory dyC7QAYhkKI-00281-00083800-00084037 particles with spin have a corresponding dyC7QAYhkKI-00282-00084038-00084280 spin magnetic moment quantized in units dyC7QAYhkKI-00283-00084281-00084981 of MU B the Bohr Magneton mu caret s dyC7QAYhkKI-00284-00084982-00086192 equals minus g-m you be s carrot mu s dyC7QAYhkKI-00285-00086193-00087186 equals minus G mu B Sigma display style dyC7QAYhkKI-00286-00087187-00087489 hat bold symbol mu underscore s equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00287-00087490-00087930 frac G mu underscore BHB a R hat math dyC7QAYhkKI-00288-00087931-00088320 BFS quad left bold symbol mu underscore dyC7QAYhkKI-00289-00088321-00088703 s right equals G mu underscore B Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00290-00088704-00089007 where G is the spin G factor for the dyC7QAYhkKI-00291-00089008-00089241 particle and s the spin operator so they dyC7QAYhkKI-00292-00089242-00089535 interact with electromagnetic fields for dyC7QAYhkKI-00293-00089536-00089691 a particle in an externally applied dyC7QAYhkKI-00294-00089692-00090122 magnetic field B the interaction term H dyC7QAYhkKI-00295-00090123-00091184 carrot B equals minus B mu carrot s dyC7QAYhkKI-00296-00091185-00091536 display style hat H underscore B equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00297-00091537-00091920 math bf b CDO t hat bold symbol mu dyC7QAYhkKI-00298-00091921-00092244 underscore s has to be added to the dyC7QAYhkKI-00299-00092245-00092466 above non relativistic Hamiltonian on dyC7QAYhkKI-00300-00092467-00092787 the contrary a relativistic Hamiltonian dyC7QAYhkKI-00301-00092788-00092979 introduces spin automatically as a dyC7QAYhkKI-00302-00092980-00093138 requirement of enforcing the dyC7QAYhkKI-00303-00093139-00093341 relativistic energy momentum relation dyC7QAYhkKI-00304-00093342-00093585 relativistic Hamiltonians are analogous dyC7QAYhkKI-00305-00093586-00093828 to those of nonrelativistic QM in the dyC7QAYhkKI-00306-00093829-00093993 following respect there are terms dyC7QAYhkKI-00307-00093994-00094194 including rest mass and interaction dyC7QAYhkKI-00308-00094195-00094386 terms with externally applied fields dyC7QAYhkKI-00309-00094387-00094578 similar to the classical potential dyC7QAYhkKI-00310-00094579-00094782 energy term as well as momentum terms dyC7QAYhkKI-00311-00094783-00095007 like the classical kinetic energy term a dyC7QAYhkKI-00312-00095008-00095262 key difference is that relativistic dyC7QAYhkKI-00313-00095263-00095508 Hamiltonians contains spin operators in dyC7QAYhkKI-00314-00095509-00095727 the form of matrices in which the matrix dyC7QAYhkKI-00315-00095728-00095955 multiplication runs over the spin index dyC7QAYhkKI-00316-00095956-00096147 Sigma so in general a relativistic dyC7QAYhkKI-00317-00096148-00096590 Hamiltonian H carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-00318-00096591-00097744 equals H carat R T P carat s carat dyC7QAYhkKI-00319-00097745-00098126 display style Pat H equals Pat H math BF dyC7QAYhkKI-00320-00098127-00098681 r t hat math BF p hat math BF s is a dyC7QAYhkKI-00321-00098682-00098900 function of space time and the momentum dyC7QAYhkKI-00322-00098901-00099505 and spin operators dyC7QAYhkKI-00323-00099506-00099781 topic the klein-gordon and Dirac dyC7QAYhkKI-00324-00099782-00100315 equations for free particles dyC7QAYhkKI-00325-00100316-00100502 substituting the energy and momentum dyC7QAYhkKI-00326-00100503-00100697 operators directly into the energy dyC7QAYhkKI-00327-00100698-00100913 momentum relation may at first sight dyC7QAYhkKI-00328-00100914-00101063 seem appealing to obtain the dyC7QAYhkKI-00329-00101064-00101752 klein-gordon equation e carrot 2 sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00330-00101753-00103372 equals C 2 P carrot P carrot sy + mc2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00331-00103373-00103973 - sy display style Pat e carrot 2 sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00332-00103974-00104359 equals C carrot 2 hat math BFP C do t dyC7QAYhkKI-00333-00104360-00104789 hat math BF p sy + MIT carrot - carrot 2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00334-00104790-00105128 sy and was discovered by many people dyC7QAYhkKI-00335-00105129-00105296 because of the straightforward way of dyC7QAYhkKI-00336-00105297-00105505 obtaining it notably by Schrodinger in dyC7QAYhkKI-00337-00105506-00105725 1925 before he found the non dyC7QAYhkKI-00338-00105726-00105938 relativistic equation named after him dyC7QAYhkKI-00339-00105939-00106217 and by Klein and Gordon in 1927 who dyC7QAYhkKI-00340-00106218-00106439 included electromagnetic interactions in dyC7QAYhkKI-00341-00106440-00106684 the equation this is relativistically dyC7QAYhkKI-00342-00106685-00106907 invariant yet this equation alone isn't dyC7QAYhkKI-00343-00106908-00107156 a sufficient foundation for our QM for a dyC7QAYhkKI-00344-00107157-00107348 few reasons one is that negative energy dyC7QAYhkKI-00345-00107349-00107498 states are solutions dyC7QAYhkKI-00346-00107499-00107708 another is the density given below and dyC7QAYhkKI-00347-00107708-00107882 this equation as it stands is only dyC7QAYhkKI-00348-00107883-00108160 applicable to spinless particles this dyC7QAYhkKI-00349-00108161-00108529 equation can be factored into the form e dyC7QAYhkKI-00350-00108530-00108986 carrot - si dyC7QAYhkKI-00351-00108988-00110129 alpha P carrot - beta M C - E dyC7QAYhkKI-00352-00110130-00111449 carrot plus C alpha P carrot plus beta dyC7QAYhkKI-00353-00111450-00112224 mc2 sy equals zero display style left dyC7QAYhkKI-00354-00112225-00112608 hat e C bold symbol alpha C do t hat dyC7QAYhkKI-00355-00112608-00112934 math BF p beta McGarrett - right left dyC7QAYhkKI-00356-00112935-00113343 hat e + C bold symbol alpha C do t hat dyC7QAYhkKI-00357-00113344-00113703 math BF p plus beta McGarrett - writes I dyC7QAYhkKI-00358-00113704-00114075 equals 0 where alpha equals alpha 1 dyC7QAYhkKI-00359-00114076-00114381 alpha 2 alpha 3 and beta are not simply dyC7QAYhkKI-00360-00114382-00114608 numbers or vectors but four times four dyC7QAYhkKI-00361-00114609-00114957 hermitian Matri CES that are required to dyC7QAYhkKI-00362-00114958-00115175 end to commute for I does not equal J dyC7QAYhkKI-00363-00115176-00115474 alpha dyC7QAYhkKI-00364-00115475-00116095 beta equals minus beta dyC7QAYhkKI-00365-00116096-00116475 alpha I alpha dyC7QAYhkKI-00366-00116476-00117713 I alpha J equals minus alpha J alpha I dyC7QAYhkKI-00367-00117714-00118002 display style alpha underscore I beta dyC7QAYhkKI-00368-00118003-00118254 equals beta alpha underscore I'd quad dyC7QAYhkKI-00369-00118255-00118518 alpha underscore I alpha underscore J dyC7QAYhkKI-00370-00118519-00118764 equals alpha underscore J alpha dyC7QAYhkKI-00371-00118765-00119097 underscore I and squared to the identity dyC7QAYhkKI-00372-00119098-00120286 matrix alpha I 2 equals beta 2 equals I dyC7QAYhkKI-00373-00120288-00120584 display style alpha underscore I carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-00374-00120585-00120963 2 equals beta carrot 2 equals I so that dyC7QAYhkKI-00375-00120964-00121098 terms with mixed second order dyC7QAYhkKI-00376-00121099-00121281 derivatives cancel while the second dyC7QAYhkKI-00377-00121282-00121482 order derivatives purely in space and dyC7QAYhkKI-00378-00121483-00122144 time remain the first factor e carrot - dyC7QAYhkKI-00379-00122145-00122351 see dyC7QAYhkKI-00380-00122352-00123664 alpha P carrot minus beta mc2 SCI equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00381-00123665-00124894 0 H carrot equals C alpha P carrot plus dyC7QAYhkKI-00382-00124895-00125765 beta mc2 display style left Pat II C dyC7QAYhkKI-00383-00125766-00126128 bold symbol alpha C do t hat math BF p dyC7QAYhkKI-00384-00126129-00126323 beta McGarrett - right dyC7QAYhkKI-00385-00126324-00126599 sy equals 0 quad left right arrow quad dyC7QAYhkKI-00386-00126600-00126971 hat H equals C bold symbol alpha C do t dyC7QAYhkKI-00387-00126972-00127330 hat math BF p plus beta McGarrett - is dyC7QAYhkKI-00388-00127331-00127682 the direct equation the other factor is dyC7QAYhkKI-00389-00127683-00127889 also the Dirac equation but for a dyC7QAYhkKI-00390-00127890-00128198 particle of negative mass each factor is dyC7QAYhkKI-00391-00128199-00128444 relativistically invariant the reasoning dyC7QAYhkKI-00392-00128445-00128635 can be done the other way round proposed dyC7QAYhkKI-00393-00128636-00128828 the Hamiltonian in the above form as dyC7QAYhkKI-00394-00128829-00129128 directed in 1928 then pre multiply the dyC7QAYhkKI-00395-00129129-00129296 equation by the other factor of dyC7QAYhkKI-00396-00129297-00129559 operators a plus C alpha P plus beta dyC7QAYhkKI-00397-00129560-00129779 make 2 in comparison with the kg dyC7QAYhkKI-00398-00129780-00129971 equation determines the constraints on dyC7QAYhkKI-00399-00129972-00130214 alpha and beta the positive mass dyC7QAYhkKI-00400-00130215-00130400 equation can continue to be used without dyC7QAYhkKI-00401-00130401-00130652 loss of continuity the matrices dyC7QAYhkKI-00402-00130653-00130883 multiplying size suggested isn't a dyC7QAYhkKI-00403-00130883-00131078 scalar wave function as permitted in the dyC7QAYhkKI-00404-00131079-00131318 kg equation but must instead be a 4 dyC7QAYhkKI-00405-00131319-00131549 component entity the Dirac equation dyC7QAYhkKI-00406-00131550-00131834 still predicts negative energy solutions dyC7QAYhkKI-00407-00131835-00132086 so Dirac postulated that negative energy dyC7QAYhkKI-00408-00132087-00132263 states are always occupied because dyC7QAYhkKI-00409-00132264-00132437 according to the poly principle dyC7QAYhkKI-00410-00132438-00132653 electronic transitions from positive to dyC7QAYhkKI-00411-00132654-00132860 negative energy levels in atoms would be dyC7QAYhkKI-00412-00132861-00133610 forbidden see Dirac sea for details dyC7QAYhkKI-00413-00133611-00134177 topic densities and currents dyC7QAYhkKI-00414-00134178-00134471 in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics the dyC7QAYhkKI-00415-00134472-00134672 square modulus of the wave function side dyC7QAYhkKI-00416-00134673-00134882 gives the probability density function dyC7QAYhkKI-00417-00134883-00135245 Rho equals sy - this is the Copenhagen dyC7QAYhkKI-00418-00135246-00135440 interpretation circa nineteen twenty dyC7QAYhkKI-00419-00135441-00135794 seven in rqm while sy R T is a wave dyC7QAYhkKI-00420-00135795-00135965 function the probability interpretation dyC7QAYhkKI-00421-00135966-00136267 is not the same as in nonrelativistic QM dyC7QAYhkKI-00422-00136268-00136550 some are w YZ do not predict a dyC7QAYhkKI-00423-00136551-00136793 probability density Rho or probability dyC7QAYhkKI-00424-00136794-00137009 current J really meaning probability dyC7QAYhkKI-00425-00137010-00137168 current density because they are not dyC7QAYhkKI-00426-00137169-00137381 positive definite functions of space and dyC7QAYhkKI-00427-00137382-00137926 time the Dirac equation does Rho equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00428-00137927-00138425 sy sy J dyC7QAYhkKI-00429-00138426-00139663 equals Sai gamma 0 gamma sy j mu equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00430-00139664-00140663 sai gamma 0 gamma mu sai display style dyC7QAYhkKI-00431-00140664-00140960 Rho equals sai carrot dagger Sai quad dyC7QAYhkKI-00432-00140961-00141311 math BF j equals Sai carrot dagger gamma dyC7QAYhkKI-00433-00141312-00141611 carrot 0 bold symbol gamma Sai quad dyC7QAYhkKI-00434-00141612-00141872 right left harpoons quad J carrot mew dyC7QAYhkKI-00435-00141873-00142184 equals sai carrot dagger gamma carrot 0 dyC7QAYhkKI-00436-00142185-00142523 gamma carrot mew sigh where the dagger dyC7QAYhkKI-00437-00142524-00142733 denotes the hermitian adjoint authors dyC7QAYhkKI-00438-00142734-00143030 usually writes i equals C gamma 0 for dyC7QAYhkKI-00439-00143031-00143234 the Dirac adjoint and JMU is the dyC7QAYhkKI-00440-00143235-00143408 probability for current while the dyC7QAYhkKI-00441-00143409-00143725 klein-gordon equation does not Rho dyC7QAYhkKI-00442-00143726-00145366 equals I to mc2 sigh sigh t minus sy sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00443-00145367-00146096 t J equals minus dyC7QAYhkKI-00444-00146097-00147422 - em sigh sigh - sigh sigh J mu dyC7QAYhkKI-00445-00147423-00148890 equals i2m Sai mu sigh - sigh mu Sai dyC7QAYhkKI-00446-00148891-00149360 display style Rho equals frac ihb AR - dyC7QAYhkKI-00447-00149361-00149503 McGarrett - left dyC7QAYhkKI-00448-00149504-00149819 sigh carat asterisk frac partial sigh dyC7QAYhkKI-00449-00149820-00150182 partial T sigh frac partial sigh carat dyC7QAYhkKI-00450-00150183-00150509 asterisk partial T right quad math BF j dyC7QAYhkKI-00451-00150510-00150916 equals frac IH ba are two meters left dyC7QAYhkKI-00452-00150917-00151181 side carat asterisk nabla sigh sigh dyC7QAYhkKI-00453-00151182-00151441 nabla sigh carat asterisk right quad dyC7QAYhkKI-00454-00151442-00151690 right left harpoons quad j carat mu dyC7QAYhkKI-00455-00151691-00152138 equals frac ihb AR 2 meters sigh carat dyC7QAYhkKI-00456-00152139-00152402 asterisk partial carat view sigh sigh dyC7QAYhkKI-00457-00152403-00152686 partial carat mew sigh carat asterisk dyC7QAYhkKI-00458-00152687-00153035 where mu is the for gradient since the dyC7QAYhkKI-00459-00153036-00153272 initial values of both sigh and sigh t dyC7QAYhkKI-00460-00153273-00153485 may be freely chosen the density can be dyC7QAYhkKI-00461-00153486-00153785 negative instead what appears look at dyC7QAYhkKI-00462-00153786-00154132 first sight uh probability density and dyC7QAYhkKI-00463-00154133-00154366 probability current has to be dyC7QAYhkKI-00464-00154367-00154574 reinterpreted as charge density and dyC7QAYhkKI-00465-00154575-00154729 current density when multiplied by dyC7QAYhkKI-00466-00154730-00155021 electric charge then the wave function dyC7QAYhkKI-00467-00155022-00155228 psy is not a wave function at all but dyC7QAYhkKI-00468-00155229-00155515 reinterpreted as a field the density and dyC7QAYhkKI-00469-00155516-00155690 current of electric charge always dyC7QAYhkKI-00470-00155691-00156376 satisfy a continuity equation rho t + dyC7QAYhkKI-00471-00156377-00157494 J equals zero mu J mu equals zero dyC7QAYhkKI-00472-00157495-00157888 display style frac partial Rho partial t dyC7QAYhkKI-00473-00157889-00157933 plus dyC7QAYhkKI-00474-00157934-00158353 nabla c do t math BF j equals zero quad dyC7QAYhkKI-00475-00158354-00158572 right left harpoons quad partial dyC7QAYhkKI-00476-00158573-00158934 underscore mu j caret mu equals zero as dyC7QAYhkKI-00477-00158935-00159298 charges a conserved quantity probability dyC7QAYhkKI-00478-00159299-00159505 density and current also satisfy a dyC7QAYhkKI-00479-00159506-00159748 continuity equation because probability dyC7QAYhkKI-00480-00159749-00159919 is conserved however this is only dyC7QAYhkKI-00481-00159920-00160644 possible in the absence of interactions dyC7QAYhkKI-00482-00160645-00160940 topic spin an electromagnetically dyC7QAYhkKI-00483-00160941-00161438 interacting particles dyC7QAYhkKI-00484-00161439-00161711 including interactions in our w YZ is dyC7QAYhkKI-00485-00161712-00161975 generally difficult minimal coupling is dyC7QAYhkKI-00486-00161976-00162110 a simple way to include the dyC7QAYhkKI-00487-00162111-00162338 electromagnetic interaction for one dyC7QAYhkKI-00488-00162339-00162581 charged particle of electric charge Q in dyC7QAYhkKI-00489-00162582-00162779 an electromagnetic field given by the dyC7QAYhkKI-00490-00162780-00163049 magnetic vector potential AR T defined dyC7QAYhkKI-00491-00163050-00163349 by the magnetic field B equals x a an dyC7QAYhkKI-00492-00163350-00163625 electric scalar potential Phi R T this dyC7QAYhkKI-00493-00163626-00165040 is e caret e caret minus Q Phi P caret P dyC7QAYhkKI-00494-00165041-00166408 caret minus Q a P caret mu P caret mu dyC7QAYhkKI-00495-00166409-00167192 minus Q a mu display style Pat II right dyC7QAYhkKI-00496-00167193-00167660 arrow Pat eq5 quad hat math BFP right dyC7QAYhkKI-00497-00167661-00168059 arrow hat math b FP q math BF a quad dyC7QAYhkKI-00498-00168060-00168287 right left harpoons quad hat p dyC7QAYhkKI-00499-00168288-00168533 underscore new right arrow hat p dyC7QAYhkKI-00500-00168534-00168959 underscore mu QA underscore mu where p dyC7QAYhkKI-00501-00168960-00169127 mu is the for momentum that has a dyC7QAYhkKI-00502-00169128-00169355 corresponding for momentum operator and dyC7QAYhkKI-00503-00169356-00169628 a mu the for potential in the following dyC7QAYhkKI-00504-00169629-00169868 the nonrelativistic limit refers to the dyC7QAYhkKI-00505-00169869-00170565 limiting cases e minus e fine dyC7QAYhkKI-00506-00170566-00171406 approximately equals mc2 P approximately dyC7QAYhkKI-00507-00171407-00171954 equals m/v display style ee-vie dyC7QAYhkKI-00508-00171955-00172284 approximately McGarrett 2 quad math BFP dyC7QAYhkKI-00509-00172285-00172669 approximately M math bf V that is the dyC7QAYhkKI-00510-00172670-00172854 total energy of the particle is dyC7QAYhkKI-00511-00172855-00173064 approximately the rest energy for small dyC7QAYhkKI-00512-00173065-00173271 electric potentials and the momentum is dyC7QAYhkKI-00513-00173272-00173939 approximately the classical momentum dyC7QAYhkKI-00514-00173940-00174463 topic spin zero dyC7QAYhkKI-00515-00174464-00174769 in rqm the kg equation admits the dyC7QAYhkKI-00516-00174770-00175206 minimal coupling prescription e karat dyC7QAYhkKI-00517-00175207-00176784 minus Q Phi to site equals c2 P carrot - dyC7QAYhkKI-00518-00176785-00178857 q8 - sy + mc2 - sy p carrot mu minus Q a dyC7QAYhkKI-00519-00178858-00180735 mu P carrot mu minus Q a mu - mc2 sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00520-00180736-00181390 equals 0 display style hat eq5 carrot 2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00521-00181391-00181768 sy equals C carrot 2 hat math be f PQ dyC7QAYhkKI-00522-00181769-00182122 math bf carrot - site plus MEC carrot - dyC7QAYhkKI-00523-00182123-00182422 carrot 2 sy quad right left harpoons dyC7QAYhkKI-00524-00182423-00182754 quad left hat P underscore mu QA dyC7QAYhkKI-00525-00182755-00183109 underscore mu hat P carrot mu Q a carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-00526-00183110-00183301 mute make carrot - right dyC7QAYhkKI-00527-00183302-00183637 sy equals 0 in the case where the charge dyC7QAYhkKI-00528-00183638-00183898 is 0 the equation reduces trivially to dyC7QAYhkKI-00529-00183899-00184138 the free kg equation so non zero charge dyC7QAYhkKI-00530-00184139-00184399 is assumed below this is a scalar dyC7QAYhkKI-00531-00184400-00184588 equation that is invariant under the dyC7QAYhkKI-00532-00184589-00184893 irreducible 1 dimensional scalar 0 0 dyC7QAYhkKI-00533-00184894-00185173 representation of the Lorentz group this dyC7QAYhkKI-00534-00185174-00185350 means that all of its solutions will dyC7QAYhkKI-00535-00185351-00185579 belong to a direct sum of 0 0 dyC7QAYhkKI-00536-00185580-00185875 representations solutions that do not dyC7QAYhkKI-00537-00185876-00186099 belong to the irreducible 0 0 dyC7QAYhkKI-00538-00186100-00186295 representation will have two or more dyC7QAYhkKI-00539-00186296-00186591 independent components such solutions dyC7QAYhkKI-00540-00186592-00186769 cannot in general describe particles dyC7QAYhkKI-00541-00186770-00187036 with nonzero spin since spin components dyC7QAYhkKI-00542-00187037-00187288 are not independent other constraint dyC7QAYhkKI-00543-00187289-00187495 will have to be imposed for that eg the dyC7QAYhkKI-00544-00187496-00187846 Dirac equation for spin 1/2 see below dyC7QAYhkKI-00545-00187847-00188083 thus if a system satisfies the kg dyC7QAYhkKI-00546-00188084-00188281 equation only it can only be interpreted dyC7QAYhkKI-00547-00188282-00188577 as a system with zero spin the dyC7QAYhkKI-00548-00188578-00188773 electromagnetic field is treated dyC7QAYhkKI-00549-00188774-00188925 classically according to Maxwell's dyC7QAYhkKI-00550-00188926-00189141 equations and the particle as described dyC7QAYhkKI-00551-00189142-00189346 by a wave function the solution to the dyC7QAYhkKI-00552-00189347-00189685 kg equation the equation as as it stands dyC7QAYhkKI-00553-00189686-00189919 not always very useful because massive dyC7QAYhkKI-00554-00189920-00190134 spinless particles such as the PI meson dyC7QAYhkKI-00555-00190135-00190350 experience the much stronger strong dyC7QAYhkKI-00556-00190351-00190495 interaction in addition to the dyC7QAYhkKI-00557-00190496-00190752 electromagnetic interaction it does dyC7QAYhkKI-00558-00190753-00190957 however correctly describe charged dyC7QAYhkKI-00559-00190958-00191166 spinless bosons in the absence of other dyC7QAYhkKI-00560-00191167-00191482 interactions the kg equation is dyC7QAYhkKI-00561-00191483-00191715 applicable to spinless charged bosons in dyC7QAYhkKI-00562-00191716-00192010 an external electromagnetic potential as dyC7QAYhkKI-00563-00192011-00192235 such the equation cannot be applied to dyC7QAYhkKI-00564-00192236-00192409 the description of atoms since the dyC7QAYhkKI-00565-00192410-00192711 electron is a spin 1/2 particle in the dyC7QAYhkKI-00566-00192712-00192919 nonrelativistic limit the equation dyC7QAYhkKI-00567-00192920-00193120 reduces to the Schrodinger equation for dyC7QAYhkKI-00568-00193121-00193294 a spinless charged particle in an dyC7QAYhkKI-00569-00193295-00194148 electromagnetic field I t minus Q Phi dyC7QAYhkKI-00570-00194149-00194363 psy dyC7QAYhkKI-00571-00194364-00195985 equals 1 to M P carrot - q a to sy h dyC7QAYhkKI-00572-00195986-00197524 carrot equals 1 to M P carrot - Q a 2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00573-00197525-00198248 plus Q Phi display style left IH b AR dyC7QAYhkKI-00574-00198249-00198665 frac partial partial t q phi writes i dyC7QAYhkKI-00575-00198666-00199091 equals frac 1/2 meters pat math b FP q dyC7QAYhkKI-00576-00199092-00199415 math BF carrot - sigh quad left/right dyC7QAYhkKI-00577-00199416-00199445 arrow dyC7QAYhkKI-00578-00199446-00199841 quad pat H equals frac 1/2 meters hat dyC7QAYhkKI-00579-00199842-00200792 math b f PQ math BF carrot 2 plus Q Phi dyC7QAYhkKI-00580-00200793-00201361 topic spin 1/2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00581-00201362-00201574 non-relativistic Lee spin was dyC7QAYhkKI-00582-00201575-00201749 phenomenologically introduced in the dyC7QAYhkKI-00583-00201750-00202058 poly equation by poly in 1927 for dyC7QAYhkKI-00584-00202059-00202396 particles in an electromagnetic field I dyC7QAYhkKI-00585-00202397-00203740 t minus Q Phi sight equals 1 to M Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00586-00203741-00205189 P minus Q a to sigh H carrot equals 1 to dyC7QAYhkKI-00587-00205190-00206671 M Sigma P minus Q 8 2 plus Q Phi display dyC7QAYhkKI-00588-00206673-00207023 style left IH be a are frac partial dyC7QAYhkKI-00589-00207023-00207434 partial t q5 right sy equals left frac dyC7QAYhkKI-00590-00207435-00207817 1/2 meters bold symbol Sigma C do t math dyC7QAYhkKI-00591-00207819-00208259 be FP q math bf carrot 2 right side quad dyC7QAYhkKI-00592-00208260-00208423 left right arrow quad hat dyC7QAYhkKI-00593-00208425-00208781 H equals frac 1/2 meters bolt symbol dyC7QAYhkKI-00594-00208782-00209248 Sigma C do t math be FP q math bf carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-00595-00209250-00209617 2 plus Q pi by means of the two times 2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00596-00209619-00209888 poly matrices and Saez not just a scalar dyC7QAYhkKI-00597-00209889-00210037 wave function as in the nonrelativistic dyC7QAYhkKI-00598-00210038-00210377 Schrodinger equation but a two-component dyC7QAYhkKI-00599-00210378-00211202 spinor field site equals sy sy display dyC7QAYhkKI-00600-00211203-00211475 style t equals begin p matrix sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00601-00211476-00211717 underscore a pair o sy underscore down dyC7QAYhkKI-00602-00211719-00212057 arrow and p matrix where the subscripts dyC7QAYhkKI-00603-00212058-00212680 in refer to the spin up Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00604-00212681-00213523 topic plus 1/2 end spin down Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00605-00213523-00213907 - one half states in rqm the Dirac dyC7QAYhkKI-00606-00213908-00214117 equation can also incorporate minimal dyC7QAYhkKI-00607-00214117-00214694 coupling rewritten from above I t minus dyC7QAYhkKI-00608-00214696-00215925 Q Phi site equals gamma 0 C gamma P dyC7QAYhkKI-00609-00215926-00217535 carrot - cute a - mc2 sy gamma mu P dyC7QAYhkKI-00610-00217536-00219015 carrot mu minus Q a mu minus M C 2 sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00611-00219016-00219676 equals 0 display style left IH b AR frac dyC7QAYhkKI-00612-00219677-00220059 partial partial T q5 writes I equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00613-00220060-00220369 gamma carrot 0 left C bold symbol gamma dyC7QAYhkKI-00614-00220369-00220852 C do t hat math b FP q math b f a-- make dyC7QAYhkKI-00615-00220853-00221092 carrot - right side quad right left dyC7QAYhkKI-00616-00221092-00221416 harpoons quad left gamma carrot mu hat p dyC7QAYhkKI-00617-00221417-00221673 underscore mu q a underscore view dyC7QAYhkKI-00618-00221675-00221757 McGarrett dyC7QAYhkKI-00619-00221758-00222130 - right sy equals 0 and was the first dyC7QAYhkKI-00620-00222131-00222342 equation to accurately predict spin a dyC7QAYhkKI-00621-00222344-00222550 consequence of the 4 times 4 gamma dyC7QAYhkKI-00622-00222551-00223094 matrices gamma 0 dyC7QAYhkKI-00623-00223096-00223659 topic beta-gamma dyC7QAYhkKI-00624-00223660-00224312 gamma 1 gamma 2 gamma 3 dyC7QAYhkKI-00625-00224313-00224819 topic ba dyC7QAYhkKI-00626-00224821-00225257 ba 1 ba - ba 3 there is a 4 times 4 dyC7QAYhkKI-00627-00225258-00225467 identity matrix pre multiplying the dyC7QAYhkKI-00628-00225469-00225671 energy operator including the potential dyC7QAYhkKI-00629-00225673-00225896 energy term conventionally not written dyC7QAYhkKI-00630-00225898-00226125 for simplicity and clarity ie treated dyC7QAYhkKI-00631-00226126-00226401 like the number 1 here sigh as a 4 dyC7QAYhkKI-00632-00226402-00226575 component spinner field which is dyC7QAYhkKI-00633-00226576-00226748 conventionally split into two two dyC7QAYhkKI-00634-00226750-00227090 components Finers in the form sight dyC7QAYhkKI-00635-00227091-00228055 equals site plus sight - equals site dyC7QAYhkKI-00636-00228056-00229160 plus site plus psy - psy - display style dyC7QAYhkKI-00637-00229161-00229469 psy equals begin P matrix psy underscore dyC7QAYhkKI-00638-00229471-00229767 + sy underscore end P matrix equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00639-00229767-00230079 begin P matrix psy underscore + up arrow dyC7QAYhkKI-00640-00230080-00230294 psy underscore + down arrow dyC7QAYhkKI-00641-00230296-00230555 psy underscore up arrow psy underscore dyC7QAYhkKI-00642-00230556-00230889 down arrow end P matrix the two spinner dyC7QAYhkKI-00643-00230890-00231123 side plus corresponds to a particle with dyC7QAYhkKI-00644-00231123-00231404 four momentum e P and charge Q and two dyC7QAYhkKI-00645-00231405-00231933 spin States Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00646-00231934-00232298 topic plus or minus one half as before dyC7QAYhkKI-00647-00232300-00232632 the other two spinner sy- corresponds to dyC7QAYhkKI-00648-00232633-00232844 a similar particle with the same mass dyC7QAYhkKI-00649-00232846-00233076 and spin States but negative for dyC7QAYhkKI-00650-00233077-00233379 momentum minus e P and negative charge dyC7QAYhkKI-00651-00233380-00233667 minus Q that is negative energy states dyC7QAYhkKI-00652-00233667-00233894 time reversed momentum and negated dyC7QAYhkKI-00653-00233896-00234237 charge this was the first interpretation dyC7QAYhkKI-00654-00234238-00234419 and prediction of a particle and dyC7QAYhkKI-00655-00234421-00234762 corresponding antiparticle C Dirac dyC7QAYhkKI-00656-00234763-00234944 spinor and Bissman or for further dyC7QAYhkKI-00657-00234946-00235188 description of these spiders in the dyC7QAYhkKI-00658-00235189-00235482 nonrelativistic limit the Dirac equation dyC7QAYhkKI-00659-00235483-00235761 reduces to the Pauli equation C Dirac dyC7QAYhkKI-00660-00235762-00236052 equation for how when applied a one dyC7QAYhkKI-00661-00236053-00236688 electron atom or ion setting a dyC7QAYhkKI-00662-00236689-00236904 zero and fight to the appropriate dyC7QAYhkKI-00663-00236905-00237094 electrostatic potential additional dyC7QAYhkKI-00664-00237096-00237288 relativistic terms include the dyC7QAYhkKI-00665-00237289-00237480 spin-orbit interaction electron dyC7QAYhkKI-00666-00237481-00237742 gyromagnetic ratio and Darwin term in dyC7QAYhkKI-00667-00237744-00238026 ordinary QM these terms have to be put dyC7QAYhkKI-00668-00238027-00238164 in by hand and treated using dyC7QAYhkKI-00669-00238165-00238425 perturbation Theory the positive dyC7QAYhkKI-00670-00238426-00238611 energies do account accurately for the dyC7QAYhkKI-00671-00238612-00238959 fine structure within our QM for dyC7QAYhkKI-00672-00238960-00239171 massless particles the Dirac equation dyC7QAYhkKI-00673-00239173-00240185 reduces to e caret C plus Sigma P caret dyC7QAYhkKI-00674-00240186-00240892 site plus equals zero e dyC7QAYhkKI-00675-00240894-00242117 caret C minus Sigma P caret sy- equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00676-00242117-00243311 zero Sigma mu P caret mu site plus dyC7QAYhkKI-00677-00243312-00244550 equals zero Sigma mu P caret mu sy- dyC7QAYhkKI-00678-00244551-00245142 equals zero display style left frac hat dyC7QAYhkKI-00679-00245142-00245580 e c+ bold symbol Sigma C do t hat math dyC7QAYhkKI-00680-00245581-00245880 BF p right sy underscore plus equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00681-00245881-00246336 zero quad left frac hat e c bold symbol dyC7QAYhkKI-00682-00246337-00246705 Sigma C do t hat math BF p right sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00683-00246706-00246948 underscore equals zero quad right left dyC7QAYhkKI-00684-00246948-00247230 harpoons quad Sigma caret mu hat P dyC7QAYhkKI-00685-00247231-00247533 underscore mu s i underscore plus equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00686-00247534-00247592 zero dyC7QAYhkKI-00687-00247594-00247898 quad Sigma underscore mu hat P caret mu dyC7QAYhkKI-00688-00247900-00248253 sy underscore equals zero the first of dyC7QAYhkKI-00689-00248254-00248388 which is the whale equation a dyC7QAYhkKI-00690-00248389-00248610 considerable simplification applicable dyC7QAYhkKI-00691-00248611-00248883 for massless neutrinos this time there dyC7QAYhkKI-00692-00248884-00249117 is a 2 times 2 identity matrix pre dyC7QAYhkKI-00693-00249117-00249263 multiplying the energy operator dyC7QAYhkKI-00694-00249264-00249591 conventionally not written in our qm it dyC7QAYhkKI-00695-00249592-00249810 is useful to take this as the 0th poly dyC7QAYhkKI-00696-00249811-00249988 matrix sigma 0 which dyC7QAYhkKI-00697-00249989-00250176 couples to the energy operator time dyC7QAYhkKI-00698-00250177-00250339 derivative just as the other three dyC7QAYhkKI-00699-00250340-00250509 matrices coupled to the momentum dyC7QAYhkKI-00700-00250510-00250827 operator spatial derivatives the Pauli dyC7QAYhkKI-00701-00250828-00251025 and gamma matrices were introduced here dyC7QAYhkKI-00702-00251026-00251259 in theoretical physics rather than pure dyC7QAYhkKI-00703-00251260-00251382 mathematics itself dyC7QAYhkKI-00704-00251383-00251641 they have applications to quaternions dyC7QAYhkKI-00705-00251642-00251904 into the so 2 and so 3 Lee groups dyC7QAYhkKI-00706-00251905-00252096 because they satisfy the important dyC7QAYhkKI-00707-00252098-00252309 commutator an anti commutator plus dyC7QAYhkKI-00708-00252310-00253007 relations respectively sigma a sigma b dyC7QAYhkKI-00709-00253008-00254384 equals to i Epsilon a B C Sigma C Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00710-00254385-00255602 huh Sigma B plus equals to Delta a B dyC7QAYhkKI-00711-00255603-00256114 Sigma 0 display style left Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00712-00256115-00256363 underscore a sigma underscore B right dyC7QAYhkKI-00713-00256364-00256671 equals to I bar epsilon underscore ABC dyC7QAYhkKI-00714-00256673-00256966 Sigma underscore C quad left Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00715-00256967-00257217 underscore a Sigma underscore be right dyC7QAYhkKI-00716-00257219-00257442 underscore plus equals to Delta dyC7QAYhkKI-00717-00257444-00257835 underscore AB Sigma underscore 0 where dyC7QAYhkKI-00718-00257836-00258075 epsilon ABC is the 3-dimensional dyC7QAYhkKI-00719-00258076-00258357 levi-civita symbol the gamma matrices dyC7QAYhkKI-00720-00258358-00258603 form basis in clifford algebra and have dyC7QAYhkKI-00721-00258604-00258766 a connection to the components of the dyC7QAYhkKI-00722-00258767-00259002 flat space-time Minkowski metric even dyC7QAYhkKI-00723-00259003-00259352 the anti commutation relation gamma dyC7QAYhkKI-00724-00259353-00259546 alpha dyC7QAYhkKI-00725-00259548-00260503 gamma beta plus equals gamma alpha gamma dyC7QAYhkKI-00726-00260504-00261460 beta plus gamma beta gamma alpha equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00727-00261461-00262232 to ADA alpha beta display style left dyC7QAYhkKI-00728-00262233-00262469 gamma carrot alpha gamma carrot beta dyC7QAYhkKI-00729-00262470-00262718 right underscore plus equals gamma dyC7QAYhkKI-00730-00262719-00262967 carrot alpha gamma carrot beta plus dyC7QAYhkKI-00731-00262968-00263219 gamma carrot beta gamma carrot alpha dyC7QAYhkKI-00732-00263220-00263591 equals to ADA carrot alpha beta this can dyC7QAYhkKI-00733-00263592-00263774 be extended to curved space-time by dyC7QAYhkKI-00734-00263775-00263903 introducing veer Bane's dyC7QAYhkKI-00735-00263904-00264050 but is not the subject of special dyC7QAYhkKI-00736-00264051-00264460 relativity in 1929 the breed equation dyC7QAYhkKI-00737-00264461-00264643 was found to describe two or more dyC7QAYhkKI-00738-00264644-00264857 electromagnetically interacting massive dyC7QAYhkKI-00739-00264858-00265079 spin one-half fermions to first-order dyC7QAYhkKI-00740-00265080-00265274 relativistic Corrections one of the dyC7QAYhkKI-00741-00265275-00265442 first attempts to describe such a dyC7QAYhkKI-00742-00265443-00265643 relativistic quantum many particle dyC7QAYhkKI-00743-00265644-00265922 system this is however still only an dyC7QAYhkKI-00744-00265923-00266057 approximation and the Hamiltonian dyC7QAYhkKI-00745-00266058-00266297 includes numerous long and complicated dyC7QAYhkKI-00746-00266298-00266851 sums dyC7QAYhkKI-00747-00266852-00267435 topic Felicity and chirality dyC7QAYhkKI-00748-00267436-00267851 the felicity operator is defined by H dyC7QAYhkKI-00749-00267852-00269048 karat equals s carat P carat P equals s dyC7QAYhkKI-00750-00269049-00270644 carat C P carat e to minus M 0 C 2 to dyC7QAYhkKI-00751-00270645-00271041 display style hat H equals hat math BFS dyC7QAYhkKI-00752-00271042-00271542 C do t frac hat math BFP math BF p dyC7QAYhkKI-00753-00271543-00272034 equals hat math BFS c do t frac C hat dyC7QAYhkKI-00754-00272035-00272508 math BF p SQ r te carat 2m underscore 0 dyC7QAYhkKI-00755-00272509-00272889 c carrot - carrot - where p is the dyC7QAYhkKI-00756-00272890-00273132 momentum operator s the spin operator dyC7QAYhkKI-00757-00273133-00273378 for a particle of spin s e is the total dyC7QAYhkKI-00758-00273379-00273624 energy of the particle and m 0 its rest dyC7QAYhkKI-00759-00273625-00273963 mass holistic eights the orientations of dyC7QAYhkKI-00760-00273964-00274125 the spin and translational momentum dyC7QAYhkKI-00761-00274126-00274407 vectors felicity is frame dependent dyC7QAYhkKI-00762-00274408-00274563 because of the three momentum in the dyC7QAYhkKI-00763-00274564-00274773 definition and is quantized due to spin dyC7QAYhkKI-00764-00274774-00275004 quantization which has discrete positive dyC7QAYhkKI-00765-00275005-00275178 values for parallel alignment and dyC7QAYhkKI-00766-00275179-00275340 negative values for anti parallel dyC7QAYhkKI-00767-00275341-00275555 alignment dyC7QAYhkKI-00768-00275556-00275766 automatic occurrence in the Dirac dyC7QAYhkKI-00769-00275767-00275976 equation and the Whale equation is the dyC7QAYhkKI-00770-00275977-00276213 projection of the spin 1/2 operator on dyC7QAYhkKI-00771-00276214-00276498 the three momentum times C Sigma C P dyC7QAYhkKI-00772-00276499-00276705 which is the holistic or the spin 1/2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00773-00276706-00278013 case times e to minus M 0 C 2 to this dyC7QAYhkKI-00774-00278014-00278370 play style SQ r te caret to m underscore dyC7QAYhkKI-00775-00278371-00278859 0 C carrot - carrot - for massless dyC7QAYhkKI-00776-00278860-00279395 particles the holistic eyes - H carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-00777-00279396-00280437 equals s carrot C P carrot e display dyC7QAYhkKI-00778-00280438-00280845 style Pat H equals hat math BFS C do t dyC7QAYhkKI-00779-00280846-00281596 frac C hat math BFP e dyC7QAYhkKI-00780-00281597-00282119 topic higher spins dyC7QAYhkKI-00781-00282120-00282355 the Dirac equation can only describe dyC7QAYhkKI-00782-00282356-00282617 particles of spin one-half beyond the dyC7QAYhkKI-00783-00282618-00282878 Dirac equation RWE s have been applied dyC7QAYhkKI-00784-00282879-00283168 to free particles of various spins in dyC7QAYhkKI-00785-00283169-00283487 1936 direct extended his equation to all dyC7QAYhkKI-00786-00283488-00283558 fermions dyC7QAYhkKI-00787-00283559-00283756 three years later fears and Polly Reid dyC7QAYhkKI-00788-00283757-00283994 arrived the same equation the bargman dyC7QAYhkKI-00789-00283995-00284249 Wigner equations were found in 1948 dyC7QAYhkKI-00790-00284250-00284489 using Lorentz group theory applicable dyC7QAYhkKI-00791-00284490-00284713 for all free particles with any spin dyC7QAYhkKI-00792-00284714-00284980 considering the factorization of the kg dyC7QAYhkKI-00793-00284981-00285191 equation above and more rigorously by dyC7QAYhkKI-00794-00285192-00285398 Lorentz group theory it becomes apparent dyC7QAYhkKI-00795-00285399-00285572 to introduce spin in the form of dyC7QAYhkKI-00796-00285573-00285917 matrices the wave functions are dyC7QAYhkKI-00797-00285918-00286118 multi-component spinner fields which can dyC7QAYhkKI-00798-00286119-00286309 be represented as column vectors of dyC7QAYhkKI-00799-00286310-00286495 functions of space and time dyC7QAYhkKI-00800-00286496-00287763 SCI R T equals sy Sigma equals s dyC7QAYhkKI-00801-00287764-00288779 t sy Sigma equals s minus 1 dyC7QAYhkKI-00802-00288780-00289901 our tea sigh Sigma equals minus s plus 1 dyC7QAYhkKI-00803-00289902-00290200 our tea dyC7QAYhkKI-00804-00290201-00291532 sigh Sigma equals minus s our tea Tsai R dyC7QAYhkKI-00805-00291533-00292642 T equals sign Sigma equals as our tea dyC7QAYhkKI-00806-00292643-00293731 sigh Sigma equals s minus 1 our tea dyC7QAYhkKI-00807-00293732-00294985 sigh Sigma equals minus s plus 1 our tea dyC7QAYhkKI-00808-00294986-00295358 sighs Sigma equals minus s RT display dyC7QAYhkKI-00809-00295359-00295697 style sigh math be FR t equals begin dyC7QAYhkKI-00810-00295698-00295991 b-matrix sigh underscore Sigma equals s dyC7QAYhkKI-00811-00295992-00296363 math BF r t sigh underscore Sigma equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00812-00296364-00296828 s 1 math BF r t video ts/sci underscore dyC7QAYhkKI-00813-00296829-00297218 Sigma equals s plus 1 math BF r t sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00814-00297219-00297548 underscore Sigma equals s math bf R T dyC7QAYhkKI-00815-00297549-00297818 end B matrix quad right left harpoon dyC7QAYhkKI-00816-00297819-00298160 Squad sigh math BF r t carat dagger dyC7QAYhkKI-00817-00298161-00298463 equals begin b-matrix sigh underscore dyC7QAYhkKI-00818-00298464-00298841 Sigma equals s math BF r t carat star dyC7QAYhkKI-00819-00298842-00299117 and sigh underscore Sigma equals s 1 dyC7QAYhkKI-00820-00299118-00299561 math BF r t carat star and CD o TS and dyC7QAYhkKI-00821-00299562-00299840 sigh underscore Sigma equals s plus 1 dyC7QAYhkKI-00822-00299841-00300170 math BF r t carat star and sigh dyC7QAYhkKI-00823-00300171-00300500 underscore Sigma equals s math BF r t dyC7QAYhkKI-00824-00300501-00300746 carat star and B matrix where the dyC7QAYhkKI-00825-00300747-00300914 expression on the right is the hermitian dyC7QAYhkKI-00826-00300915-00301208 conjugate for a massive particle of spin dyC7QAYhkKI-00827-00301209-00301460 s there are 2 s plus 1 components for dyC7QAYhkKI-00828-00301461-00301691 the particle and another 2 s plus 1 for dyC7QAYhkKI-00829-00301692-00301880 the corresponding anti particle there dyC7QAYhkKI-00830-00301881-00302123 are twos plus one possible Sigma values dyC7QAYhkKI-00831-00302124-00302360 in each case all together forming a to 2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00832-00302361-00302857 s plus 1 component spinner filled sigh R dyC7QAYhkKI-00833-00302858-00303925 T equals sy plus Sigma equals s dyC7QAYhkKI-00834-00303926-00305229 our t sy plus Sigma equals s minus one dyC7QAYhkKI-00835-00305230-00306566 t sy plus Sigma equals minus s plus 1 R dyC7QAYhkKI-00836-00306567-00308072 T sy plus Sigma equals minus s r t sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00837-00308073-00308764 minus Sigma equals s dyC7QAYhkKI-00838-00308765-00310254 t sy minus Sigma equals s minus 1 R T sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00839-00310255-00311634 minus Sigma equals minus s plus 1 R T sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00840-00311635-00312813 minus Sigma equals minus s r t sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00841-00312814-00313985 our tea sigh plus Sigma equals s our tea dyC7QAYhkKI-00842-00313986-00315200 sigh plus Sigma equals s minus 1 our tea dyC7QAYhkKI-00843-00315201-00315792 sigh minus Sigma equals minus s our tea dyC7QAYhkKI-00844-00315793-00316155 display style sigh math bfr t equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00845-00316156-00316416 begin b-matrix sigh underscore plus dyC7QAYhkKI-00846-00316417-00316749 Sigma equals s math BF r t sigh dyC7QAYhkKI-00847-00316750-00317082 underscore plus Sigma equals s 1 math be dyC7QAYhkKI-00848-00317083-00317511 F R T video ts/sci underscore plus Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00849-00317512-00317859 equals s plus 1 math BF r t sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00850-00317860-00318201 underscore plus Sigma equals s math BF r dyC7QAYhkKI-00851-00318202-00318591 t sy underscore Sigma equals s math BF r dyC7QAYhkKI-00852-00318592-00318957 t sy underscore Sigma equals s 1 math be dyC7QAYhkKI-00853-00318958-00319341 F R T video ts/sci underscore Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00854-00319342-00319680 equals s plus 1 math BF r t sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00855-00319681-00320028 underscore Sigma equals s math bf R T dyC7QAYhkKI-00856-00320029-00320304 and B matrix quad right left harpoon dyC7QAYhkKI-00857-00320305-00320646 Squad sigh math be F R T carrot dagger dyC7QAYhkKI-00858-00320647-00320991 begin b-matrix sy underscore plus Sigma dyC7QAYhkKI-00859-00320992-00321327 equals s math be F R T carrot star and dyC7QAYhkKI-00860-00321328-00321666 sy underscore plus Sigma equals s 1 math dyC7QAYhkKI-00861-00321667-00322128 be F R T carrot star and C do TS and sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00862-00322129-00322425 underscore Sigma equals s math be f RT dyC7QAYhkKI-00863-00322426-00322746 carrot star and B matrix with the plus dyC7QAYhkKI-00864-00322747-00322977 subscript indicating the particle and - dyC7QAYhkKI-00865-00322978-00323250 subscript for the anti particle however dyC7QAYhkKI-00866-00323251-00323490 for massless particles of spin s there dyC7QAYhkKI-00867-00323491-00323658 are only ever two-component spinor dyC7QAYhkKI-00868-00323659-00323856 fields one is for the particle in one dyC7QAYhkKI-00869-00323857-00324141 holistic state corresponding to + s and dyC7QAYhkKI-00870-00324142-00324306 the other for the anti particle in the dyC7QAYhkKI-00871-00324307-00324513 opposite olicity state corresponding to dyC7QAYhkKI-00872-00324514-00325017 minus s sy r t equals sigh + r t sigh - dyC7QAYhkKI-00873-00325018-00325386 artie display style sigh math BF r t dyC7QAYhkKI-00874-00325387-00325710 equals begin p matrix sy underscore Plus dyC7QAYhkKI-00875-00325711-00326163 math BF r t sy underscore math BF r t dyC7QAYhkKI-00876-00326164-00326357 and P matrix according to the dyC7QAYhkKI-00877-00326358-00326531 relativistic energy momentum relation dyC7QAYhkKI-00878-00326532-00326777 all massless particles travel at the dyC7QAYhkKI-00879-00326778-00326988 speed of light so particles traveling at dyC7QAYhkKI-00880-00326989-00327189 the speed of light are also described by dyC7QAYhkKI-00881-00327190-00327497 two components Finers historically le dyC7QAYhkKI-00882-00327498-00327704 carton found the most general form of dyC7QAYhkKI-00883-00327705-00327974 spiders in 1913 prior to the spiders dyC7QAYhkKI-00884-00327975-00328178 revealed in the r:w east following the dyC7QAYhkKI-00885-00328179-00328535 year 1927 for equations describing dyC7QAYhkKI-00886-00328536-00328757 higher spin particles the inclusion of dyC7QAYhkKI-00887-00328758-00328968 interactions as nowhere near as simple dyC7QAYhkKI-00888-00328969-00329129 minimal coupling they lead to incorrect dyC7QAYhkKI-00889-00329130-00329447 predictions and self inconsistencies for dyC7QAYhkKI-00890-00329448-00329691 spin greater than h2 the rwe dyC7QAYhkKI-00891-00329692-00329943 is not fixed by the particles mass spin dyC7QAYhkKI-00892-00329944-00330165 an electric charge the electromagnetic dyC7QAYhkKI-00893-00330166-00330383 moments electric dipole moments and dyC7QAYhkKI-00894-00330384-00330572 magnetic dipole moments allowed by the dyC7QAYhkKI-00895-00330573-00330799 spin quantum number or arbitrary dyC7QAYhkKI-00896-00330800-00331034 theoretically magnetic charge would dyC7QAYhkKI-00897-00331035-00331328 contribute also for example the spin 1/2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00898-00331329-00331583 case only allows a magnetic dipole but dyC7QAYhkKI-00899-00331584-00331842 for spin 1 particles magnetic quadruples dyC7QAYhkKI-00900-00331843-00332064 and electric dipoles are also possible dyC7QAYhkKI-00901-00332065-00332333 for more on this topic see multiple dyC7QAYhkKI-00902-00332334-00332573 expansion and for example Cedric loris dyC7QAYhkKI-00903-00332574-00333174 2009 dyC7QAYhkKI-00904-00333175-00333762 topic velocity operator dyC7QAYhkKI-00905-00333763-00334032 the Schrodinger poly velocity operator dyC7QAYhkKI-00906-00334033-00334218 can be defined for a massive particle dyC7QAYhkKI-00907-00334219-00334470 using the classical definition P equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00908-00334471-00334740 MV and substituting quantum operators in dyC7QAYhkKI-00909-00334741-00335165 the usual way v carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-00910-00335166-00335942 equals 1 M P carrot display style Pat dyC7QAYhkKI-00911-00335943-00336483 math BF v equals frac 1 M hat math BF p dyC7QAYhkKI-00912-00336484-00336737 which has I gain values that take any dyC7QAYhkKI-00913-00336738-00337252 value in rqm the Dirac theory it is the dyC7QAYhkKI-00914-00337253-00338184 carrot equals I H carrot our carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-00915-00338185-00338597 display style hat math BF v equals frac dyC7QAYhkKI-00916-00338598-00338993 IH ba are left pat H hat math BF are dyC7QAYhkKI-00917-00338994-00339280 right which must have eigen values dyC7QAYhkKI-00918-00339281-00339620 between plus or minus C C foldy with ice dyC7QAYhkKI-00919-00339621-00339824 and transformation for more theoretical dyC7QAYhkKI-00920-00339825-00340355 background dyC7QAYhkKI-00921-00340356-00341035 topic relativistic quantum lagrangians dyC7QAYhkKI-00922-00341036-00341254 the hamiltonian operators in the dyC7QAYhkKI-00923-00341255-00341419 Schrodinger picture are one approach to dyC7QAYhkKI-00924-00341420-00341608 forming the differential equations for dyC7QAYhkKI-00925-00341609-00341890 sy an equivalent alternative as to dyC7QAYhkKI-00926-00341891-00342079 determine a Lagrangian really meaning dyC7QAYhkKI-00927-00342080-00342286 Lagrangian density then generate the dyC7QAYhkKI-00928-00342287-00342451 differential equation by the field dyC7QAYhkKI-00929-00342452-00342924 theoretic Euler Lagrange equation mu L dyC7QAYhkKI-00930-00342925-00343696 mu sy - l sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00931-00343697-00344125 equals zero display style partial dyC7QAYhkKI-00932-00344126-00344419 underscore mute left frac partial math dyC7QAYhkKI-00933-00344420-00344662 call L partial partial underscore mu dyC7QAYhkKI-00934-00344663-00344985 sigh right frac partial math call L dyC7QAYhkKI-00935-00344986-00345430 partial sy equals 0 for some RW ease a dyC7QAYhkKI-00936-00345431-00345643 Lagrangian can be found by inspection dyC7QAYhkKI-00937-00345644-00346054 for example the direct Lagrangian is l dyC7QAYhkKI-00938-00346055-00347493 equals sy gamma mu P mu minus M C sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00939-00347494-00347815 display style math call L equals over dyC7QAYhkKI-00940-00347816-00348115 line sy gamma caret mu P underscore dyC7QAYhkKI-00941-00348116-00348187 Munich dyC7QAYhkKI-00942-00348188-00348648 sigh and klein-gordon Lagrangian is l dyC7QAYhkKI-00943-00348649-00350004 equals minus 2 m ada mu nu mu sigh new dyC7QAYhkKI-00944-00350005-00350697 sigh - mc2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00945-00350698-00351220 sigh sigh display style math call l dyC7QAYhkKI-00946-00351221-00351613 equals frac HB a our carrot 2m ada dyC7QAYhkKI-00947-00351614-00351913 carrot new new partial underscore mu sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00948-00351914-00352141 carrot asterisk partial underscore new dyC7QAYhkKI-00949-00352142-00352476 cyma carrot - sigh carrot asterisk sigh dyC7QAYhkKI-00950-00352477-00352798 this is not possible for all our w YZ dyC7QAYhkKI-00951-00352799-00352963 and is one reason the Lorentz group dyC7QAYhkKI-00952-00352964-00353160 theoretic approach is important in dyC7QAYhkKI-00953-00353161-00353362 appealing fundamental invariants and dyC7QAYhkKI-00954-00353363-00353581 symmetries in space and time can be used dyC7QAYhkKI-00955-00353582-00353803 to derive our W ease using appropriate dyC7QAYhkKI-00956-00353804-00354084 group representations the Lagrangian dyC7QAYhkKI-00957-00354085-00354295 approach with field interpretation of sy dyC7QAYhkKI-00958-00354296-00354577 is the subject of QFT rather than rqm dyC7QAYhkKI-00959-00354578-00354829 Feynman's path integral formulation uses dyC7QAYhkKI-00960-00354830-00355008 invariant lagrangians rather than dyC7QAYhkKI-00961-00355009-00355216 hamiltonian operators since the latter dyC7QAYhkKI-00962-00355217-00355420 can become extremely complicated dyC7QAYhkKI-00963-00355421-00356215 see for example s Weinberg 1995 dyC7QAYhkKI-00964-00356216-00356532 topic relativistic quantum angular dyC7QAYhkKI-00965-00356533-00356913 momentum dyC7QAYhkKI-00966-00356914-00357201 in nonrelativistic um the angular dyC7QAYhkKI-00967-00357202-00357387 momentum operator is formed from the dyC7QAYhkKI-00968-00357388-00357582 classical pseudo vector definition l dyC7QAYhkKI-00969-00357583-00357963 equals R times P in arc um the position dyC7QAYhkKI-00970-00357964-00358152 and momentum operators are inserted dyC7QAYhkKI-00971-00358153-00358299 directly where they appear in the dyC7QAYhkKI-00972-00358300-00358527 orbital relativistic angular momentum dyC7QAYhkKI-00973-00358528-00358689 tensor defined from the four-dimensional dyC7QAYhkKI-00974-00358690-00358926 position and momentum of the particle dyC7QAYhkKI-00975-00358927-00359154 equivalently a by vector in the exterior dyC7QAYhkKI-00976-00359155-00359972 algebra formalism M alpha beta equals x dyC7QAYhkKI-00977-00359973-00361343 alpha P beta minus X beta P alpha equals dyC7QAYhkKI-00978-00361344-00362577 2x alpha P beta M equals x p display dyC7QAYhkKI-00979-00362578-00362820 style M carrot alpha beta equals x dyC7QAYhkKI-00980-00362821-00363090 carrot alpha P carrot beta X carrot beta dyC7QAYhkKI-00981-00363091-00363426 P carrot alpha equals 2x carrot alpha P dyC7QAYhkKI-00982-00363427-00363648 carrot beta quad right left harpoons dyC7QAYhkKI-00983-00363649-00364032 quad math bf M equals math B FX wedge dyC7QAYhkKI-00984-00364033-00364395 math b FP which are six components all dyC7QAYhkKI-00985-00364396-00364542 together three are the nonrelativistic dyC7QAYhkKI-00986-00364543-00365250 three orbital angular momenta em twelve dyC7QAYhkKI-00987-00365251-00365945 topic l3 m23 dyC7QAYhkKI-00988-00365946-00366365 l1 M 31 equals l2 and the other three MO dyC7QAYhkKI-00989-00366366-00366704 one mo - MO 3r boosts of the center of dyC7QAYhkKI-00990-00366705-00366895 mass of the rotating object an dyC7QAYhkKI-00991-00366896-00367169 additional relativistic quantum term has dyC7QAYhkKI-00992-00367170-00367445 to be added for particles with spin for dyC7QAYhkKI-00993-00367446-00367664 a particle of rest mass M the total dyC7QAYhkKI-00994-00367665-00368272 angular momentum tensor is J alpha beta dyC7QAYhkKI-00995-00368273-00369652 equals 2x alpha P beta plus 1 M 2 dyC7QAYhkKI-00996-00369653-00370729 epsilon alpha beta gamma delta w gamma P dyC7QAYhkKI-00997-00370730-00371809 Delta J equals X P plus 1 dyC7QAYhkKI-00998-00371810-00372509 m2 w p display style J karat alpha beta dyC7QAYhkKI-00999-00372510-00372795 equals 2x carrot alpha P carrot beta dyC7QAYhkKI-01000-00372796-00373197 plus frac 1m carrot 2 bar epsilon carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-01001-00373198-00373460 Alpha Beta Gamma Delta W underscore dyC7QAYhkKI-01002-00373461-00373749 gamma P underscore Delta Quadrant our dyC7QAYhkKI-01003-00373750-00374121 Poon's quad math BF j equals math BF x dyC7QAYhkKI-01004-00374122-00374606 wedge math BF p plus frac 1 m carrot 2 dyC7QAYhkKI-01005-00374607-00375125 star math BF w wedge math BF p where the dyC7QAYhkKI-01006-00375126-00375638 star denotes the hodge dual and w alpha dyC7QAYhkKI-01007-00375639-00376548 equals 1/2 epsilon alpha beta gamma dyC7QAYhkKI-01008-00376549-00377921 delta m beta gamma P Delta W equals M p dyC7QAYhkKI-01009-00377922-00378270 display style W underscore alpha equals dyC7QAYhkKI-01010-00378271-00378629 frac 1/2 bar epsilon underscore Alpha dyC7QAYhkKI-01011-00378630-00378921 Beta Gamma Delta M carrot beta gamma P dyC7QAYhkKI-01012-00378922-00379188 carrot Delta Quadrant our Poon's quad dyC7QAYhkKI-01013-00379189-00379596 math BF w equals star math BF m wedge dyC7QAYhkKI-01014-00379597-00380003 math BF p is the poly Lubin ski pseudo dyC7QAYhkKI-01015-00380004-00380322 vector for more on relativistic spin see dyC7QAYhkKI-01016-00380323-00380687 for example SM Trojan and any tire in dyC7QAYhkKI-01017-00380688-00381233 1994 dyC7QAYhkKI-01018-00381234-00381539 Topic Thomas precession and spin-orbit dyC7QAYhkKI-01019-00381540-00381967 interactions dyC7QAYhkKI-01020-00381968-00382267 in 1926 the Thomas precession has dyC7QAYhkKI-01021-00382268-00382483 discovered relativistic corrections to dyC7QAYhkKI-01022-00382484-00382660 the spin of elementary particles with dyC7QAYhkKI-01023-00382661-00382804 application in the spin orbit dyC7QAYhkKI-01024-00382805-00383020 interaction of atoms and rotation of dyC7QAYhkKI-01025-00383021-00383389 macroscopic objects in 1939 Wigner dyC7QAYhkKI-01026-00383390-00383626 derived the Thomas precession in dyC7QAYhkKI-01027-00383627-00383893 classical electromagnetism and special dyC7QAYhkKI-01028-00383894-00384088 relativity an electron moving with a dyC7QAYhkKI-01029-00384089-00384307 velocity V through an electric field E dyC7QAYhkKI-01030-00384308-00384526 but not a magnetic field B well in its dyC7QAYhkKI-01031-00384527-00384718 own frame of reference experienced a dyC7QAYhkKI-01032-00384719-00385122 Lorentz transformed magnetic field B B dyC7QAYhkKI-01033-00385123-00386601 equals e times V CE to 1 minus V CE to dyC7QAYhkKI-01034-00386602-00387040 display style math bf b equals frac math dyC7QAYhkKI-01035-00387041-00387520 BF e times math b FV c carrot 2 SQ RT dyC7QAYhkKI-01036-00387521-00387904 one left v c right carrot 2 in the dyC7QAYhkKI-01037-00387905-00388189 nonrelativistic limit VB equals e times dyC7QAYhkKI-01038-00388190-00388552 V CE to display style math bf b equals dyC7QAYhkKI-01039-00388553-00389029 frac math BF e times math b FV c carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-01040-00389030-00389242 2 so the non relativistic spin dyC7QAYhkKI-01041-00389243-00389518 interaction Hamiltonian becomes h carrot dyC7QAYhkKI-01042-00389519-00389833 equals minus b mu carrot s equals minus dyC7QAYhkKI-01043-00389834-00390202 b plus e times VC 2 mu carrot s display dyC7QAYhkKI-01044-00390203-00390631 style hat H equals math bf b c do t hat dyC7QAYhkKI-01045-00390632-00390970 bold symbol mu underscore s equals left dyC7QAYhkKI-01046-00390971-00391432 math bf b plus frac math BF e times math dyC7QAYhkKI-01047-00391433-00391834 b FV c carrot 2 right CDO t hat bold dyC7QAYhkKI-01048-00391835-00392095 symbol mu underscore s where the first dyC7QAYhkKI-01049-00392096-00392262 term is already the nonrelativistic dyC7QAYhkKI-01050-00392263-00392491 magnetic moment interaction and the dyC7QAYhkKI-01051-00392492-00392695 second term the relativistic correction dyC7QAYhkKI-01052-00392696-00392980 of order V C squared but this disagrees dyC7QAYhkKI-01053-00392981-00393187 with experimental atomic spectra by a dyC7QAYhkKI-01054-00393188-00393493 factor of 1/2 it was pointed out by Al dyC7QAYhkKI-01055-00393494-00393694 Thomas that there is a second dyC7QAYhkKI-01056-00393695-00393901 relativistic effect an electric field dyC7QAYhkKI-01057-00393902-00394117 component perpendicular to the electron dyC7QAYhkKI-01058-00394118-00394291 velocity causes an additional dyC7QAYhkKI-01059-00394292-00394444 acceleration of the electron dyC7QAYhkKI-01060-00394445-00394606 perpendicular to its instantaneous dyC7QAYhkKI-01061-00394607-00394837 velocity so the electron moves in a dyC7QAYhkKI-01062-00394838-00395095 curved path the electron moves in a dyC7QAYhkKI-01063-00395096-00395301 rotating frame of reference and this dyC7QAYhkKI-01064-00395302-00395478 additional procession of the electron is dyC7QAYhkKI-01065-00395479-00395724 called the Thomas precession it can be dyC7QAYhkKI-01066-00395725-00395904 shown that the net result of this effect dyC7QAYhkKI-01067-00395905-00396099 is that the spin-orbit interaction is dyC7QAYhkKI-01068-00396100-00396309 reduced by half as if the magnetic field dyC7QAYhkKI-01069-00396310-00396558 experienced by the electron has only one dyC7QAYhkKI-01070-00396559-00396732 half the value and the relativistic dyC7QAYhkKI-01071-00396733-00397223 correction in the Hamiltonian is H carat dyC7QAYhkKI-01072-00397224-00398421 equals minus B mu caret s equals minus B dyC7QAYhkKI-01073-00398422-00399897 plus e times V 2 C 2 mu caret s display dyC7QAYhkKI-01074-00399898-00400308 style had H equals math be FB c do t hat dyC7QAYhkKI-01075-00400309-00400623 bold symbol mu underscore s equals left dyC7QAYhkKI-01076-00400624-00401028 math be FB plus frac math be f e times dyC7QAYhkKI-01077-00401029-00401437 math b FV to see karat to write c do t dyC7QAYhkKI-01078-00401438-00401835 hat bold symbol mu underscore s in the dyC7QAYhkKI-01079-00401836-00402088 case of rqm the factor of 1/2 is dyC7QAYhkKI-01080-00402089-00402757 predicted by the Dirac equation dyC7QAYhkKI-01081-00402758-00403262 topic history dyC7QAYhkKI-01082-00403263-00403508 the events which led to an established dyC7QAYhkKI-01083-00403509-00403748 rqm and the continuation beyond into dyC7QAYhkKI-01084-00403749-00403907 quantum electrodynamics dyC7QAYhkKI-01085-00403908-00404204 QED are summarized below see for example dyC7QAYhkKI-01086-00404205-00404582 our Resnick and our iceberg 1985 and PW dyC7QAYhkKI-01087-00404583-00404948 Atkins 1974 more than half a century of dyC7QAYhkKI-01088-00404949-00405158 experimental and theoretical research dyC7QAYhkKI-01089-00405159-00405440 from the 1890s through to the 1950s in dyC7QAYhkKI-01090-00405441-00405644 the new and mysterious quantum theory as dyC7QAYhkKI-01091-00405645-00405809 it was up-and-coming revealed that a dyC7QAYhkKI-01092-00405810-00406010 number of phenomena cannot be explained dyC7QAYhkKI-01093-00406011-00406316 by QM alone senior found at the turn of dyC7QAYhkKI-01094-00406317-00406526 the 20th century was found to be a dyC7QAYhkKI-01095-00406527-00406697 necessary component leading to dyC7QAYhkKI-01096-00406698-00407060 unification rqm theoretical predictions dyC7QAYhkKI-01097-00407061-00407264 and experiments mainly focused on the dyC7QAYhkKI-01098-00407265-00407444 newly found atomic physics nuclear dyC7QAYhkKI-01099-00407445-00407654 physics and particle physics by dyC7QAYhkKI-01100-00407655-00407891 considering spectroscopy diffraction and dyC7QAYhkKI-01101-00407892-00408050 scattering of particles and the dyC7QAYhkKI-01102-00408051-00408260 electrons and nuclei within atoms and dyC7QAYhkKI-01103-00408261-00408512 molecules numerous results are dyC7QAYhkKI-01104-00408513-00409118 attributed to the effects of spin dyC7QAYhkKI-01105-00409119-00409418 topic relativistic description of dyC7QAYhkKI-01106-00409419-00409920 particles in quantum phenomena dyC7QAYhkKI-01107-00409921-00410209 Einstein in 1905 explained of the dyC7QAYhkKI-01108-00410210-00410392 photoelectric effect a particle dyC7QAYhkKI-01109-00410393-00410746 description of light as photons in 1916 dyC7QAYhkKI-01110-00410747-00410989 Sommerfeld explains fine structure the dyC7QAYhkKI-01111-00410989-00411175 splitting of the spectral lines of atoms dyC7QAYhkKI-01112-00411176-00411352 due to first-order relativistic dyC7QAYhkKI-01113-00411353-00411682 Corrections the Compton effect of 1923 dyC7QAYhkKI-01114-00411683-00411904 provided more evidence that special dyC7QAYhkKI-01115-00411905-00412129 relativity does apply in this case to a dyC7QAYhkKI-01116-00412130-00412354 particle description of photon electron dyC7QAYhkKI-01117-00412355-00412555 scattering de Broglie extends wave dyC7QAYhkKI-01118-00412556-00412743 particle duality to matter the de dyC7QAYhkKI-01119-00412745-00412951 Broglie relations which are consistent dyC7QAYhkKI-01120-00412952-00413125 with special relativity in quantum dyC7QAYhkKI-01121-00413126-00413476 mechanics by 1927 Davisson and Germer dyC7QAYhkKI-01122-00413477-00413743 and separately G Thompson successfully dyC7QAYhkKI-01123-00413743-00413914 diffract electrons providing dyC7QAYhkKI-01124-00413914-00414103 experimental evidence of wave particle dyC7QAYhkKI-01125-00414104-00414653 duality dyC7QAYhkKI-01126-00414654-00415222 topic experiments dyC7QAYhkKI-01127-00415222-00415562 1897 JJ Thompson discovers the electron dyC7QAYhkKI-01128-00415563-00415801 and measures its mass-to-charge ratio dyC7QAYhkKI-01129-00415802-00416024 discovery of the Zeeman effect the dyC7QAYhkKI-01130-00416025-00416201 splitting a spectral line into several dyC7QAYhkKI-01131-00416202-00416401 components in the presence of a static dyC7QAYhkKI-01132-00416402-00416776 magnetic field 1908 Millican measures dyC7QAYhkKI-01133-00416777-00416972 the charge on the electron and finds dyC7QAYhkKI-01134-00416972-00417116 experimental evidence of its dyC7QAYhkKI-01135-00417117-00417432 quantization in the oil-drop experiment dyC7QAYhkKI-01136-00417433-00417695 1911 alpha particle scattering in the dyC7QAYhkKI-01137-00417696-00417880 Geiger Marsden experiment led by dyC7QAYhkKI-01138-00417881-00418076 Rutherford showed that atoms possess an dyC7QAYhkKI-01139-00418077-00418396 internal structure the atomic nucleus dyC7QAYhkKI-01140-00418397-00418660 1913 the stark effect is discovered dyC7QAYhkKI-01141-00418662-00418849 splitting of spectral lines due to a dyC7QAYhkKI-01142-00418850-00419051 static electric field compared with the dyC7QAYhkKI-01143-00419052-00419407 Zeeman effect 1922 stern-gerlach dyC7QAYhkKI-01144-00419408-00419657 experiment experimental evidence of spin dyC7QAYhkKI-01145-00419658-00420053 in its quantization 1924 stoners studies dyC7QAYhkKI-01146-00420054-00420260 splitting of energy levels in magnetic dyC7QAYhkKI-01147-00420260-00420668 fields 1932 experimental discovery of dyC7QAYhkKI-01148-00420668-00420905 the neutron by Chadwick and positrons by dyC7QAYhkKI-01149-00420906-00421085 Andersen confirming the theoretical dyC7QAYhkKI-01150-00421085-00421499 prediction of positrons 1958 discovery dyC7QAYhkKI-01151-00421500-00421693 of the mossbauer effect resonant and dyC7QAYhkKI-01152-00421695-00421913 recoil free emission and absorption of dyC7QAYhkKI-01153-00421914-00422153 gamma radiation by atomic nuclei bound dyC7QAYhkKI-01154-00422154-00422339 in a solid useful for accurate dyC7QAYhkKI-01155-00422339-00422507 measurements of gravitational redshift dyC7QAYhkKI-01156-00422508-00422747 and time dilation and in the analysis of dyC7QAYhkKI-01157-00422747-00422947 nuclear electromagnetic moments in dyC7QAYhkKI-01158-00422948-00423552 hyperfine interactions dyC7QAYhkKI-01159-00423553-00423843 topic quantum nonlocality and dyC7QAYhkKI-01160-00423843-00424323 relativistic locality dyC7QAYhkKI-01161-00424324-00424681 in 1935 einstein-rosen Podolski dyC7QAYhkKI-01162-00424682-00424879 published a paper concerning quantum dyC7QAYhkKI-01163-00424880-00425079 entanglement of particles questioning dyC7QAYhkKI-01164-00425080-00425277 quantum nonlocality and the apparent dyC7QAYhkKI-01165-00425278-00425512 violation of causality upheld in senior dyC7QAYhkKI-01166-00425513-00425677 particles can appear to interact dyC7QAYhkKI-01167-00425678-00425914 instantaneously at arbitrary distances dyC7QAYhkKI-01168-00425914-00426129 this was a misconception dyC7QAYhkKI-01169-00426130-00426352 since information is not and cannot be dyC7QAYhkKI-01170-00426353-00426525 transferred in the entangled states dyC7QAYhkKI-01171-00426526-00426739 rather the information transmission is dyC7QAYhkKI-01172-00426739-00426904 in the process of measurement by two dyC7QAYhkKI-01173-00426905-00427116 observers one observer has to send a dyC7QAYhkKI-01174-00427117-00427308 signal to the other which cannot exceed dyC7QAYhkKI-01175-00427309-00427764 C QM does not violate senior in 1959 dyC7QAYhkKI-01176-00427765-00428202 Bowman aharonov-bohm effect questioning dyC7QAYhkKI-01177-00428203-00428425 the status of electromagnetic potentials dyC7QAYhkKI-01178-00428426-00428727 in QM the EM field tensor in M for dyC7QAYhkKI-01179-00428728-00428904 potential formulations are both dyC7QAYhkKI-01180-00428905-00429123 applicable and senior but in QM the dyC7QAYhkKI-01181-00429124-00429325 potentials enter the Hamiltonian see dyC7QAYhkKI-01182-00429326-00429495 above and influence the motion of dyC7QAYhkKI-01183-00429496-00429702 charged particles even in regions where dyC7QAYhkKI-01184-00429703-00430050 the fields are zero in 1964 Bell's dyC7QAYhkKI-01185-00430051-00430245 Theorem was published in a paper on the dyC7QAYhkKI-01186-00430246-00430533 EPR paradox showing that QM cannot be dyC7QAYhkKI-01187-00430534-00430668 derived from local hidden variable dyC7QAYhkKI-01188-00430669-00431412 theories if locality is to be maintained dyC7QAYhkKI-01189-00431413-00431928 topic the lamb shift dyC7QAYhkKI-01190-00431929-00432270 in 1947 the lamb shift was discovered a dyC7QAYhkKI-01191-00432271-00432546 small difference in the 2's 1/2 and to P dyC7QAYhkKI-01192-00432547-00432771 1/2 levels of hydrogen due to the dyC7QAYhkKI-01193-00432772-00432933 interaction between the electron and dyC7QAYhkKI-01194-00432934-00433170 vacuum lamb and ruther furred dyC7QAYhkKI-01195-00433171-00433389 experimentally measure stimulated radio dyC7QAYhkKI-01196-00433389-00433677 frequency transitions the 2's 1/2 and to dyC7QAYhkKI-01197-00433678-00433922 P 1/2 hydrogen levels by microwave dyC7QAYhkKI-01198-00433924-00434196 radiation an explanation of the lamb dyC7QAYhkKI-01199-00434197-00434466 shift is presented by beta papers on the dyC7QAYhkKI-01200-00434467-00435168 effect were published in the early 1950s dyC7QAYhkKI-01201-00435169-00435432 topic development of quantum dyC7QAYhkKI-01202-00435433-00435901 electrodynamics dyC7QAYhkKI-01203-00435902-00436160 19:43 tomonaga begins work on dyC7QAYhkKI-01204-00436160-00436660 renormalization influential in QED 1947 dyC7QAYhkKI-01205-00436662-00436835 Schwinger calculates the anomalous dyC7QAYhkKI-01206-00436835-00437102 magnetic moment of the electron cush dyC7QAYhkKI-01207-00437103-00437249 measures of the anomalous magnetic dyC7QAYhkKI-01208-00437250-00437531 electron moment confirming one of QE DS dyC7QAYhkKI-01209-00437532-00438139 great predictions dyC7QAYhkKI-01210-00438140-00438675 topic see also dyC7QAYhkKI-01211-00438676-00439047 equals equals footnotes d_ftOclRBGA-00000-00000378-00000790 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00001-00000791-00000886 okay d_ftOclRBGA-00002-00000888-00001015 so d_ftOclRBGA-00003-00001016-00001278 how are you i'm fine alhamdulillah how d_ftOclRBGA-00004-00001279-00001582 are you i'm doing great honey d_ftOclRBGA-00005-00001583-00001687 how are you d_ftOclRBGA-00006-00001688-00001998 as always smiling d_ftOclRBGA-00007-00002000-00002215 my students are really really good d_ftOclRBGA-00008-00002216-00002558 and i've got some little angels okay d_ftOclRBGA-00009-00002559-00003015 so yeah sadia yes uh i'm raski kishibo d_ftOclRBGA-00010-00003016-00003191 well today we are going to know d_ftOclRBGA-00011-00003192-00003495 something about brain yeah and also i d_ftOclRBGA-00012-00003496-00003783 want to ask you some questions oh me too d_ftOclRBGA-00013-00003784-00003967 that would that be that's right yeah you d_ftOclRBGA-00014-00003968-00004254 should learn about brain right yes okay d_ftOclRBGA-00015-00004255-00004391 so d_ftOclRBGA-00016-00004392-00004727 let's you see uh at this soul we we d_ftOclRBGA-00017-00004728-00005022 learn in different ways right yes sir we d_ftOclRBGA-00018-00005023-00005263 cover different topics d_ftOclRBGA-00019-00005264-00005431 we try to d_ftOclRBGA-00020-00005432-00005806 learn in different angles yes sir right d_ftOclRBGA-00021-00005807-00006063 okay so uh d_ftOclRBGA-00022-00006064-00006270 uh about talk about praying right yes d_ftOclRBGA-00023-00006271-00006575 okay so let's see how much do you know d_ftOclRBGA-00024-00006576-00006887 about the brain right yeah um d_ftOclRBGA-00025-00006888-00007110 hey before i stop that d_ftOclRBGA-00026-00007111-00007263 do you know and the mobile phone has d_ftOclRBGA-00027-00007264-00007574 good brain too yes but that's yes but d_ftOclRBGA-00028-00007575-00007759 that has um d_ftOclRBGA-00029-00007759-00008095 that what they say it is fixed it can't d_ftOclRBGA-00030-00008095-00008583 move that yeah it is fixed it it sticks d_ftOclRBGA-00031-00008584-00008807 can't be increased by itself but we can d_ftOclRBGA-00032-00008808-00009006 increase something we cannot yes our d_ftOclRBGA-00033-00009007-00009183 brain means we can increase our d_ftOclRBGA-00034-00009184-00009471 knowledge yeah we praise our knowledge d_ftOclRBGA-00035-00009472-00009814 is fixed actually d_ftOclRBGA-00036-00009815-00009991 do you know that the knowledge is fixed d_ftOclRBGA-00037-00009992-00010278 for this mobile yeah yeah d_ftOclRBGA-00038-00010279-00010599 yes sir it cannot create by itself no d_ftOclRBGA-00039-00010600-00010823 but there is a technology called d_ftOclRBGA-00040-00010824-00011103 artificial intelligence ai okay have you d_ftOclRBGA-00041-00011104-00012329 heard about that oh no sir d_ftOclRBGA-00042-00012330-00014022 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00043-00014023-00014319 who is a general person i mean who are d_ftOclRBGA-00044-00014319-00014630 public and who are the enemies right he d_ftOclRBGA-00045-00014631-00014766 just said d_ftOclRBGA-00046-00014768-00014999 we're afraid d_ftOclRBGA-00047-00015000-00015166 yes d_ftOclRBGA-00048-00015168-00015399 okay so you've got to see right so d_ftOclRBGA-00049-00015400-00015622 artificial intelligence d_ftOclRBGA-00050-00015623-00015879 intelligence of the brain to bring brain d_ftOclRBGA-00051-00015880-00016126 cancer d_ftOclRBGA-00052-00016127-00016686 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00053-00016687-00017539 they cannot take decisions d_ftOclRBGA-00054-00017540-00018279 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00055-00018280-00018543 that can actually take decisions that d_ftOclRBGA-00056-00018544-00019543 can increase its knowledge d_ftOclRBGA-00057-00019544-00019671 so we can increase our knowledge d_ftOclRBGA-00058-00019672-00019894 differently yes now if i ask you a d_ftOclRBGA-00059-00019895-00020183 question uh do you know d_ftOclRBGA-00060-00020184-00020358 how many neurons are among the brain d_ftOclRBGA-00061-00020359-00020556 achilles neurons d_ftOclRBGA-00062-00020557-00020830 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00063-00020831-00020991 yeah we call it the memory d_ftOclRBGA-00064-00020992-00022295 memory card yeah d_ftOclRBGA-00065-00022296-00022870 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00066-00022871-00023886 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00067-00023887-00024311 capacity of storing capacity d_ftOclRBGA-00068-00024312-00024614 of a human human brain okay d_ftOclRBGA-00069-00024615-00025119 yes sir that was this uncle i mean d_ftOclRBGA-00070-00025120-00025271 oh my god d_ftOclRBGA-00071-00025272-00025550 so you might have only a few gigabytes d_ftOclRBGA-00072-00025551-00025702 of storage space d_ftOclRBGA-00073-00025704-00025887 gigabit storage space in your mobile d_ftOclRBGA-00074-00025888-00025990 phone or d_ftOclRBGA-00075-00025991-00026302 pc right so that's the space in in ipod d_ftOclRBGA-00076-00026304-00026599 or usb flash drive yet the neurons d_ftOclRBGA-00077-00026600-00026855 combined so that each one helps with d_ftOclRBGA-00078-00026856-00027067 many memories at a time d_ftOclRBGA-00079-00027068-00027255 exponentially d_ftOclRBGA-00080-00027256-00027455 expunged d_ftOclRBGA-00081-00027456-00027783 exponentially exponentially increasing d_ftOclRBGA-00082-00027783-00028102 the brain's memory stress capacity to d_ftOclRBGA-00083-00028104-00028414 something closer to around 2.5 d_ftOclRBGA-00084-00028416-00028718 metabs d_ftOclRBGA-00085-00028719-00030079 now what do you think about theta bytes d_ftOclRBGA-00086-00030080-00032013 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00087-00032014-00033183 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00088-00033184-00033639 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00089-00033640-00033884 oh my god d_ftOclRBGA-00090-00033885-00034431 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00091-00034432-00034735 i don't know because um i didn't i don't d_ftOclRBGA-00092-00034736-00034967 mean in my class there's three classes d_ftOclRBGA-00093-00034968-00035475 okay let me show you the d_ftOclRBGA-00094-00035476-00036291 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00095-00036292-00037902 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00096-00037903-00038343 it is a must knowledge okay right yeah d_ftOclRBGA-00097-00038344-00038432 of course d_ftOclRBGA-00098-00038433-00038939 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00099-00038940-00040662 um right d_ftOclRBGA-00100-00040663-00041062 yes so one petabyte equal to one d_ftOclRBGA-00101-00041063-00041262 quadrillion bytes d_ftOclRBGA-00102-00041263-00041335 so d_ftOclRBGA-00103-00041336-00041630 beta byte equal to 10 to the power 15. d_ftOclRBGA-00104-00041631-00041855 it is one d_ftOclRBGA-00105-00041856-00042023 quadrillion d_ftOclRBGA-00106-00042024-00042664 quadrillion d_ftOclRBGA-00107-00042665-00043685 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00109-00047208-00047351 let's see another thing d_ftOclRBGA-00110-00047352-00047455 uh d_ftOclRBGA-00111-00047456-00047646 how many neurons are there in our brain d_ftOclRBGA-00112-00047647-00047907 okay right d_ftOclRBGA-00113-00047908-00048550 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00114-00048551-00048727 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00115-00048728-00049782 uh d_ftOclRBGA-00116-00049783-00050502 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00117-00050503-00050790 sometimes it is called 86 neuron 86 d_ftOclRBGA-00118-00050791-00050935 billion neurons d_ftOclRBGA-00119-00050936-00051190 it is 6 billion neurons now who can tell d_ftOclRBGA-00120-00051191-00051479 me how to write 86 billion how to rate 1 d_ftOclRBGA-00121-00051479-00051711 billion 10 to the power 10 to the power d_ftOclRBGA-00122-00051712-00051782 in d_ftOclRBGA-00123-00051783-00052142 9 right yeah so nine zeros d_ftOclRBGA-00124-00052144-00052447 after one up to one right yeah nine d_ftOclRBGA-00125-00052448-00052703 zeros after one now if we said ten to d_ftOclRBGA-00126-00052704-00052807 the power d_ftOclRBGA-00127-00052808-00053372 eleven so this will be um eight this is d_ftOclRBGA-00128-00053373-00054572 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00129-00054573-00054703 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00130-00054704-00055079 86. d_ftOclRBGA-00131-00055079-00055454 86 billion d_ftOclRBGA-00132-00055455-00055679 how we can convert into power d_ftOclRBGA-00133-00055679-00055838 um 10 d_ftOclRBGA-00134-00055839-00056166 7 8 d_ftOclRBGA-00135-00056166-00057122 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00136-00057123-00057959 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00137-00057960-00058511 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00138-00058512-00058942 86 billion 1 billion into 86 money okay d_ftOclRBGA-00139-00058944-00059423 86 billion so 86 times 10 to the 19. d_ftOclRBGA-00140-00059424-00059726 86 times 10 to the point d_ftOclRBGA-00141-00059727-00059871 yes i got it d_ftOclRBGA-00142-00059872-00060111 100 billion how can you convert it into d_ftOclRBGA-00143-00060112-00060559 power 100 billion billion so d_ftOclRBGA-00144-00060560-00060991 first um 100 billion so 10 to the power d_ftOclRBGA-00145-00060991-00061279 900 first first d_ftOclRBGA-00146-00061279-00061566 time yes 10 to the power exactly d_ftOclRBGA-00147-00061567-00062247 900 d_ftOclRBGA-00148-00062248-00062399 that is a question d_ftOclRBGA-00149-00062400-00062582 uh in 100 billion d_ftOclRBGA-00150-00062583-00062766 there in hundred there are two zero two d_ftOclRBGA-00151-00062767-00062911 zeros already d_ftOclRBGA-00152-00062912-00063111 and in one billion there are nine zeros d_ftOclRBGA-00153-00063112-00063335 yeah so how many zeros are there d_ftOclRBGA-00154-00063336-00063679 eleven zeros exactly 10 to the power 11. d_ftOclRBGA-00155-00063679-00063823 these many d_ftOclRBGA-00156-00063824-00064063 neural cells are there in our human d_ftOclRBGA-00157-00064064-00064206 brain oh d_ftOclRBGA-00158-00064207-00064371 so among the human brain d_ftOclRBGA-00159-00064372-00064623 100 billion d_ftOclRBGA-00160-00064624-00064775 neural cells d_ftOclRBGA-00161-00064776-00064911 that is that d_ftOclRBGA-00162-00064912-00065271 huge yes our storing capacity would say d_ftOclRBGA-00163-00065272-00065638 2.5 2.5 meter bytes one petabyte is d_ftOclRBGA-00164-00065639-00065779 equal to d_ftOclRBGA-00165-00065780-00067287 1.1 trillion d_ftOclRBGA-00166-00067288-00067395 uh d_ftOclRBGA-00167-00067396-00069672 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00168-00069673-00069847 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00169-00069848-00070103 okay why mental math is important and d_ftOclRBGA-00170-00070104-00070303 why do you think that mental mode is d_ftOclRBGA-00171-00070304-00070550 important i have given a proof that if d_ftOclRBGA-00172-00070551-00070719 you want to know the steering capacity d_ftOclRBGA-00173-00070720-00070926 of your brain you need to understand the d_ftOclRBGA-00174-00070927-00071182 petabyte yeah and this is first and d_ftOclRBGA-00175-00071183-00071415 petabyte you need to understand mental d_ftOclRBGA-00176-00071416-00071638 math yeah because you need to understand d_ftOclRBGA-00177-00071639-00071879 the quadratic quadrillion billion yes d_ftOclRBGA-00178-00071880-00072271 okay then how we can learn this d_ftOclRBGA-00179-00072272-00072431 only place just d_ftOclRBGA-00180-00072432-00072526 yeah d_ftOclRBGA-00181-00072527-00072806 and you can see that right yes d_ftOclRBGA-00182-00072807-00073143 so this is a short introductory d_ftOclRBGA-00183-00073144-00073871 lesson to both of you um d_ftOclRBGA-00184-00073872-00074191 informal questions d_ftOclRBGA-00185-00074192-00074487 okay it is not formal question but d_ftOclRBGA-00186-00074488-00074671 i think i should ask you that how to d_ftOclRBGA-00187-00074672-00074855 convince a person d_ftOclRBGA-00188-00074856-00075055 even though d_ftOclRBGA-00189-00075056-00075311 how to convince a person right d_ftOclRBGA-00190-00075312-00075347 well d_ftOclRBGA-00191-00075348-00075615 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00192-00075616-00078350 easily d_ftOclRBGA-00193-00078351-00079609 okay d_ftOclRBGA-00194-00079610-00080455 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00195-00080456-00080638 i'm an english teacher but i i taught d_ftOclRBGA-00196-00080639-00080719 you d_ftOclRBGA-00197-00080720-00080959 the computer science then d_ftOclRBGA-00198-00080960-00081191 neurology d_ftOclRBGA-00199-00081192-00083926 storing capacity d_ftOclRBGA-00200-00083927-00084821 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00201-00084822-00085487 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00202-00085488-00085767 is the best mathematician not the d_ftOclRBGA-00203-00085768-00086038 mathematician only allah has a knowledge d_ftOclRBGA-00204-00086039-00086326 of everything everything so no human is d_ftOclRBGA-00205-00086327-00086503 comparable d_ftOclRBGA-00207-00089655-00090623 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00208-00090624-00090767 if you want to d_ftOclRBGA-00209-00090768-00091087 claim that you know something d_ftOclRBGA-00210-00091088-00091240 okay d_ftOclRBGA-00211-00091241-00092359 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00212-00092360-00093735 okay d_ftOclRBGA-00213-00093736-00093912 history of time d_ftOclRBGA-00214-00093913-00095318 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00215-00095319-00095567 you need to explain everything d_ftOclRBGA-00216-00095568-00095655 very d_ftOclRBGA-00217-00095656-00095847 very easily d_ftOclRBGA-00218-00095848-00096206 don't be complex yeah so ask him d_ftOclRBGA-00219-00096207-00096526 next time d_ftOclRBGA-00220-00096527-00096682 right d_ftOclRBGA-00221-00096683-00096903 yeah of course this is the personal d_ftOclRBGA-00222-00096904-00097071 grooming session at tesla bangladesh d_ftOclRBGA-00223-00097072-00097311 yeah right uh i'm really grateful to d_ftOclRBGA-00224-00097312-00097823 teach you oh allah d_ftOclRBGA-00225-00097824-00099143 yeah of course d_ftOclRBGA-00226-00099144-00099907 sir d_ftOclRBGA-00227-00099908-00100855 [Music] d_ftOclRBGA-00228-00100856-00101063 you dAClt1vkfTY-00000-00000049-00000246 types of cheese are grouped or dAClt1vkfTY-00001-00000247-00000474 classified according to criteria such as dAClt1vkfTY-00002-00000475-00000728 length of fermentated texture methods of dAClt1vkfTY-00003-00000729-00000981 making fat content animal milk country dAClt1vkfTY-00004-00000982-00001299 or region of origin etc the method most dAClt1vkfTY-00005-00001300-00001508 commonly and traditionally used is based dAClt1vkfTY-00006-00001509-00001671 on moisture content which is then dAClt1vkfTY-00007-00001672-00001898 further narrowed down by fat content and dAClt1vkfTY-00008-00001899-00002192 curing or ripening methods the criteria dAClt1vkfTY-00009-00002193-00002355 may either be used singly or in dAClt1vkfTY-00010-00002356-00002582 combination with no single method being dAClt1vkfTY-00011-00002583-00002789 universally used the combination of dAClt1vkfTY-00012-00002790-00002984 types produces around 50 different dAClt1vkfTY-00013-00002985-00003155 varieties recognized by the dAClt1vkfTY-00014-00003156-00003431 International Dairy Federation over 400 dAClt1vkfTY-00015-00003432-00003663 identified by Walter and Hargrove over dAClt1vkfTY-00016-00003664-00003936 500 by burkhalter and over 1,000 by dAClt1vkfTY-00017-00003936-00004200 Sandeen and L occur some attempts have dAClt1vkfTY-00018-00004201-00004331 been made to rationalize the dAClt1vkfTY-00019-00004332-00004547 classification of cheese a scheme was dAClt1vkfTY-00020-00004548-00004757 proposed by Peter Wahlstrom that uses dAClt1vkfTY-00021-00004758-00004952 the primary and secondary starter dAClt1vkfTY-00022-00004953-00005120 combined with moisture content and dAClt1vkfTY-00023-00005121-00005297 Walter and Hargrove suggested dAClt1vkfTY-00024-00005298-00005568 classifying by production methods this dAClt1vkfTY-00025-00005569-00005816 last scheme results in 18 types which dAClt1vkfTY-00026-00005817-00005972 are then further grouped by moisture dAClt1vkfTY-00027-00005973-00006523 content dAClt1vkfTY-00028-00006525-00006836 topic fresh way and stretched curd dAClt1vkfTY-00029-00006837-00007238 cheese's dAClt1vkfTY-00030-00007239-00007475 the main factor in categorizing these dAClt1vkfTY-00031-00007476-00007709 cheese's is age fresh cheese's without dAClt1vkfTY-00032-00007709-00007928 additional preservatives can spoil in a dAClt1vkfTY-00033-00007929-00008201 matter of days for these simplest dAClt1vkfTY-00034-00008202-00008399 cheese's milk is curdled and drained dAClt1vkfTY-00035-00008400-00008584 with little other processing dAClt1vkfTY-00036-00008585-00008846 examples include cottage cheese cream dAClt1vkfTY-00037-00008847-00009107 cheese curd cheese farmer cheese sauce dAClt1vkfTY-00038-00009108-00009437 Shiina fromage blanc queso fresco paneer dAClt1vkfTY-00039-00009438-00009689 and fresh goat's milk chevre such dAClt1vkfTY-00040-00009690-00009887 cheese's are soft and spreadable with a dAClt1vkfTY-00041-00009888-00010184 mild flavour weight cheese's or fresh dAClt1vkfTY-00042-00010185-00010388 cheese is made from whey a by-product dAClt1vkfTY-00043-00010389-00010553 from the process of producing other dAClt1vkfTY-00044-00010554-00010679 cheeses which would otherwise be dAClt1vkfTY-00045-00010680-00011009 discarded Corsican brought you italian dAClt1vkfTY-00046-00011010-00011258 ricotta romanian era greek Mzee through dAClt1vkfTY-00047-00011259-00011504 Cypriot inari cheese Himalayan chirpy dAClt1vkfTY-00048-00011505-00011698 and Norwegian brunost are examples dAClt1vkfTY-00049-00011699-00011981 brought shoe is mostly eaten fresh and dAClt1vkfTY-00050-00011982-00012149 is as such a major ingredient in dAClt1vkfTY-00051-00012150-00012332 Corsican cuisine but it can also be dAClt1vkfTY-00052-00012333-00012665 found in an aged form some fresh cheeses dAClt1vkfTY-00053-00012666-00012893 such as fromage blanc and fromage frais dAClt1vkfTY-00054-00012894-00013079 are commonly sold and consumed as dAClt1vkfTY-00055-00013080-00013619 desserts dAClt1vkfTY-00056-00013620-00014191 topic stretched curd Jesus dAClt1vkfTY-00057-00014191-00014450 traditional pasta falada cheeses such as dAClt1vkfTY-00058-00014451-00014666 mozzarella also fall into the fresh dAClt1vkfTY-00059-00014666-00014924 cheese category fresh curds are dAClt1vkfTY-00060-00014925-00015094 stretched and kneaded in hot water to dAClt1vkfTY-00061-00015095-00015296 form a ball of mozzarella which in dAClt1vkfTY-00062-00015297-00015497 southern Italy is usually eaten within a dAClt1vkfTY-00063-00015497-00015775 few hours of being made stored in brine dAClt1vkfTY-00064-00015776-00015971 it can easily be shipped and it is known dAClt1vkfTY-00065-00015972-00016652 worldwide for its use on pizza dAClt1vkfTY-00066-00016653-00017287 topic moisture soft too hard dAClt1vkfTY-00067-00017288-00017513 categorizing cheese's by moisture dAClt1vkfTY-00068-00017514-00017711 content or firmness as a common but dAClt1vkfTY-00069-00017712-00018017 inexact practice the lines between soft dAClt1vkfTY-00070-00018018-00018224 semi soft semi hard and hard are dAClt1vkfTY-00071-00018225-00018428 arbitrary and many types of cheese are dAClt1vkfTY-00072-00018429-00018692 made in softer or firmer variants the dAClt1vkfTY-00073-00018693-00018899 factor that controls cheese hardness has dAClt1vkfTY-00074-00018900-00019088 moisture content which depends on the dAClt1vkfTY-00075-00019089-00019244 pressure with which it is packed into dAClt1vkfTY-00076-00019245-00019886 molds and upon aging time dAClt1vkfTY-00077-00019887-00020400 topic soft cheese dAClt1vkfTY-00078-00020401-00020688 cream cheeses are not matured Bree and dAClt1vkfTY-00079-00020689-00020868 neuchâtel are soft type cheeses that dAClt1vkfTY-00080-00020869-00021147 mature for more than a month neuchâtel dAClt1vkfTY-00081-00021148-00021342 is a soft cheese which can be sold after dAClt1vkfTY-00082-00021343-00021972 10 days of maturation dAClt1vkfTY-00083-00021973-00022641 topic semi-soft cheese semi-soft dAClt1vkfTY-00084-00022642-00022854 cheese's and the subgroup monestary dAClt1vkfTY-00085-00022855-00023064 cheese's have a high moisture content dAClt1vkfTY-00086-00023065-00023250 and tend to be mild tasting well-known dAClt1vkfTY-00087-00023251-00023463 varieties include Havarti Munster and dAClt1vkfTY-00088-00023464-00024024 Port Salut dAClt1vkfTY-00089-00024025-00024578 topic medium hard cheese dAClt1vkfTY-00090-00024579-00024839 cheese's that range in texture from semi dAClt1vkfTY-00091-00024840-00025069 soft to firm include Swiss style cheeses dAClt1vkfTY-00092-00025070-00025349 such as Emmental in Gruyere the same dAClt1vkfTY-00093-00025350-00025544 bacteria that gives such cheese's their dAClt1vkfTY-00094-00025545-00025756 eyes also contribute to their aromatic dAClt1vkfTY-00095-00025757-00026050 and sharp flavors other semi-soft to dAClt1vkfTY-00096-00026051-00026252 firm cheese's include Gouda Eden dAClt1vkfTY-00097-00026252-00026568 Jarlsberg Kendall and kashkaval cascavel dAClt1vkfTY-00098-00026569-00026786 cheese's of this type are ideal for dAClt1vkfTY-00099-00026787-00026968 melting and are often served on toast dAClt1vkfTY-00100-00026969-00027648 for quick snacks or simple meals dAClt1vkfTY-00101-00027649-00028264 topic semi-hard or hard cheese dAClt1vkfTY-00102-00028264-00028492 harder cheese's have a lower moisture dAClt1vkfTY-00103-00028493-00028711 content than softer cheese's they are dAClt1vkfTY-00104-00028712-00028890 generally packed into moulds under more dAClt1vkfTY-00105-00028891-00029098 pressure and aged for a longer time than dAClt1vkfTY-00106-00029099-00029337 the soft cheese's cheeses that are dAClt1vkfTY-00107-00029338-00029554 classified as semi hard to heart include dAClt1vkfTY-00108-00029555-00029758 the familiar cheddar originating in the dAClt1vkfTY-00109-00029758-00029932 village of cheddar in England but now dAClt1vkfTY-00110-00029933-00030157 used as a generic term for this style of dAClt1vkfTY-00111-00030158-00030376 cheese of which varieties are imitated dAClt1vkfTY-00112-00030377-00030568 worldwide and are marketed by strength dAClt1vkfTY-00113-00030569-00030712 or the length of time they have been dAClt1vkfTY-00114-00030713-00031036 aged cheddar is one of a family of semi dAClt1vkfTY-00115-00031037-00031243 hard or hard cheeses including Cheshire dAClt1vkfTY-00116-00031244-00031458 and Gloucester whose Kurt is cut gently dAClt1vkfTY-00117-00031460-00031654 heated piled and stirred before being dAClt1vkfTY-00118-00031655-00031924 pressed into forms Colby and Monterey dAClt1vkfTY-00119-00031925-00032143 Jack are similar but milder cheese's dAClt1vkfTY-00120-00032144-00032305 their curd is rinsed before it is dAClt1vkfTY-00121-00032306-00032506 pressed washing away some acidity in dAClt1vkfTY-00122-00032507-00032787 calcium a similar curd washing takes dAClt1vkfTY-00123-00032788-00032971 place when making the Dutch cheese's dAClt1vkfTY-00124-00032972-00033340 edom and Gouda hard cheeses grating dAClt1vkfTY-00125-00033341-00033589 cheeses such as Grana Padano Parmesan or dAClt1vkfTY-00126-00033590-00033856 pecorino are quite firmly packed into dAClt1vkfTY-00127-00033857-00034592 large forms in aged for months or years dAClt1vkfTY-00128-00034593-00034945 topic source of milk dAClt1vkfTY-00129-00034946-00035130 you dAClt1vkfTY-00130-00035131-00035349 some cheeses are categorized by the dAClt1vkfTY-00131-00035350-00035535 source of the milk used to produce them dAClt1vkfTY-00132-00035536-00035724 or by the added fat content of the milk dAClt1vkfTY-00133-00035725-00035985 from which they are produced while most dAClt1vkfTY-00134-00035986-00036117 of the world's commercially available dAClt1vkfTY-00135-00036118-00036375 cheese is made from cows milk many parts dAClt1vkfTY-00136-00036376-00036561 of the world also produced cheese from dAClt1vkfTY-00137-00036562-00036680 goats and sheep dAClt1vkfTY-00138-00036681-00036936 examples include Roquefort produced in dAClt1vkfTY-00139-00036937-00037164 France and pecorino produced in Italy dAClt1vkfTY-00140-00037165-00037473 from use milk one farm in Sweden also dAClt1vkfTY-00141-00037474-00037640 produces cheese from mooses milk dAClt1vkfTY-00142-00037641-00037881 sometimes cheese's marketed under the dAClt1vkfTY-00143-00037882-00038028 same name are made from milk of dAClt1vkfTY-00144-00038029-00038256 different animal feta cheese --is for dAClt1vkfTY-00145-00038257-00038445 example are made from sheep's milk in dAClt1vkfTY-00146-00038446-00038622 Greece and from cows milk elsewhere dAClt1vkfTY-00147-00038623-00038853 double cream cheeses are soft cheeses of dAClt1vkfTY-00148-00038854-00039045 cow's milk enriched with cream so that dAClt1vkfTY-00149-00039046-00039333 their fat in dry matter f DM or FIDM dAClt1vkfTY-00150-00039334-00039663 content is 60 to 75 percent triple cream dAClt1vkfTY-00151-00039664-00040438 cheeses are enriched to at least 75% dAClt1vkfTY-00152-00040439-00040932 Topic mold dAClt1vkfTY-00153-00040933-00041151 there are three main categories of dAClt1vkfTY-00154-00041152-00041346 cheese in which the presence of mold is dAClt1vkfTY-00155-00041347-00041529 an important feature soft ripened dAClt1vkfTY-00156-00041530-00041736 cheese's washed-rind cheese's and blue dAClt1vkfTY-00157-00041737-00042267 cheeses dAClt1vkfTY-00158-00042268-00042751 topic soft ripened dAClt1vkfTY-00159-00042752-00043040 soft ripened cheeses begin firm and dAClt1vkfTY-00160-00043041-00043241 rather chalky and texture but are aged dAClt1vkfTY-00161-00043242-00043460 from the exterior inwards by exposing dAClt1vkfTY-00162-00043461-00043730 them to mold the mold may be a velvety dAClt1vkfTY-00163-00043731-00043934 bloom of pea camembert tea that forms a dAClt1vkfTY-00164-00043935-00044150 flexible white crust and contributes to dAClt1vkfTY-00165-00044151-00044375 the smooth runny or gooey textures and dAClt1vkfTY-00166-00044376-00044528 more intense flavors of these aged dAClt1vkfTY-00167-00044529-00044819 cheese's brie and camembert the most dAClt1vkfTY-00168-00044820-00045005 famous of these cheeses are made by dAClt1vkfTY-00169-00045006-00045161 allowing white mold to grow on the dAClt1vkfTY-00170-00045162-00045362 outside of a soft cheese for a few days dAClt1vkfTY-00171-00045363-00045647 or weeks goat's milk cheeses are often dAClt1vkfTY-00172-00045648-00045824 treated in a similar manner sometimes dAClt1vkfTY-00173-00045825-00046028 with white molds chevre blot and dAClt1vkfTY-00174-00046029-00046622 sometimes with blue dAClt1vkfTY-00175-00046623-00047282 topic washed-rind washed-rind cheese's dAClt1vkfTY-00176-00047283-00047492 are soft in character and ripen in words dAClt1vkfTY-00177-00047493-00047633 like those with white molds dAClt1vkfTY-00178-00047634-00047812 however they are treated differently dAClt1vkfTY-00179-00047813-00048059 washed-rind cheese's are periodically dAClt1vkfTY-00180-00048060-00048272 cured in a solution of salt water brine dAClt1vkfTY-00181-00048273-00048464 or mold bearing agents that may include dAClt1vkfTY-00182-00048465-00048749 beer wine brandy and spices making their dAClt1vkfTY-00183-00048750-00048986 surfaces amenable to a class of bacteria dAClt1vkfTY-00184-00048987-00049223 brevibacterium linens the reddish orange dAClt1vkfTY-00185-00049224-00049469 smear bacteria that impart pungent odors dAClt1vkfTY-00186-00049470-00049658 and distinctive flavors and produce a dAClt1vkfTY-00187-00049659-00049882 firm flavorful rind around the cheese dAClt1vkfTY-00188-00049883-00050108 washed-rind cheese's can be soft dAClt1vkfTY-00189-00050109-00050357 Limburger semi hard or hard Appenzeller dAClt1vkfTY-00190-00050358-00050636 the same bacteria can also have some dAClt1vkfTY-00191-00050637-00050807 impact on cheeses that are simply dAClt1vkfTY-00192-00050808-00050975 ripened in humid conditions like dAClt1vkfTY-00193-00050976-00051275 camembert the process requires regular dAClt1vkfTY-00194-00051276-00051470 washings particularly in the early dAClt1vkfTY-00195-00051471-00051667 stages of production making it quite dAClt1vkfTY-00196-00051669-00051829 labor-intensive compared to other dAClt1vkfTY-00197-00051830-00052448 methods of cheese production dAClt1vkfTY-00198-00052449-00052936 topic smear ripened dAClt1vkfTY-00199-00052937-00053222 some washed-rind cheese's are also smear dAClt1vkfTY-00200-00053223-00053432 ripened with solutions of bacteria or dAClt1vkfTY-00201-00053433-00053612 fungi most commonly brevibacterium dAClt1vkfTY-00202-00053613-00053909 linens debería my sees handsome ERG o dAClt1vkfTY-00203-00053910-00054122 trem candidum which usually gives them a dAClt1vkfTY-00204-00054123-00054302 stronger flavour as the cheese matures dAClt1vkfTY-00205-00054303-00054604 in some cases older cheeses are smeared dAClt1vkfTY-00206-00054605-00054766 on young cheeses to transfer the dAClt1vkfTY-00207-00054767-00055088 microorganisms many but not all of these dAClt1vkfTY-00208-00055089-00055286 cheeses have a distinctive pinkish or dAClt1vkfTY-00209-00055287-00055553 orange coloring of the exterior unlike dAClt1vkfTY-00210-00055554-00055727 with other washed-rind cheese's the dAClt1vkfTY-00211-00055728-00055930 washing is done to ensure uniform growth dAClt1vkfTY-00212-00055932-00056159 of desired bacteria or fungi and to dAClt1vkfTY-00213-00056160-00056386 prevent the growth of undesired molds dAClt1vkfTY-00214-00056387-00056612 examples of smear ripened cheese's dAClt1vkfTY-00215-00056613-00057241 include Munster and Port Salut dAClt1vkfTY-00216-00057241-00057538 topic blue dAClt1vkfTY-00217-00057539-00057698 you dAClt1vkfTY-00218-00057699-00057941 so-called blue cheese is created by dAClt1vkfTY-00219-00057941-00058148 inoculating a cheese with Penicillium dAClt1vkfTY-00220-00058149-00058436 Roquefort or Penicillium Glaucon this is dAClt1vkfTY-00221-00058437-00058595 done while that cheese is still in the dAClt1vkfTY-00222-00058596-00058792 form of loosely pressed curds and may be dAClt1vkfTY-00223-00058794-00058997 further enhanced by piercing a ripening dAClt1vkfTY-00224-00058998-00059162 block of cheese with skewers in an dAClt1vkfTY-00225-00059163-00059312 atmosphere in which the mold is dAClt1vkfTY-00226-00059313-00059552 prevalent the mold grows within the dAClt1vkfTY-00227-00059553-00059789 cheese as it ages these cheeses have dAClt1vkfTY-00228-00059790-00059978 distinct blue veins which gives them dAClt1vkfTY-00229-00059979-00060173 their name and often assertive flavors dAClt1vkfTY-00230-00060174-00060454 the molds range from pale green to dark dAClt1vkfTY-00231-00060455-00060665 blue and may be accompanied by white and dAClt1vkfTY-00232-00060666-00060947 crusty Brown molds their texture can be dAClt1vkfTY-00233-00060948-00061178 soft or firm some of the most renowned dAClt1vkfTY-00234-00061179-00061361 cheese's are of this type each with its dAClt1vkfTY-00235-00061362-00061601 own distinctive color flavor texture and dAClt1vkfTY-00236-00061602-00061642 aroma dAClt1vkfTY-00237-00061644-00061922 they include Roquefort gorgonzola and dAClt1vkfTY-00238-00061923-00062434 Stilton dAClt1vkfTY-00239-00062435-00062928 topic brined dAClt1vkfTY-00240-00062929-00063165 brined or pickled cheese has matured in dAClt1vkfTY-00241-00063166-00063354 a solution of brine in an airtight or dAClt1vkfTY-00242-00063354-00063641 semi permeable container this process dAClt1vkfTY-00243-00063642-00063776 gives the cheese good stability dAClt1vkfTY-00244-00063777-00064038 inhibiting bacterial growth even in hot dAClt1vkfTY-00245-00064039-00064329 countries brined cheeses may be soft her dAClt1vkfTY-00246-00064329-00064548 heart varying in moisture content and in dAClt1vkfTY-00247-00064549-00064740 color and flavor according to the type dAClt1vkfTY-00248-00064741-00064920 of milk used though all will be rind dAClt1vkfTY-00249-00064921-00065160 less and generally taste clean salty and dAClt1vkfTY-00250-00065161-00065358 acidic when fresh developing some dAClt1vkfTY-00251-00065359-00065532 piquancy when aged and most will be dAClt1vkfTY-00252-00065533-00065838 white varieties of brined cheese include dAClt1vkfTY-00253-00065839-00066066 Bryn's a' feta halloumi Suren and dAClt1vkfTY-00254-00066067-00066321 tell'em iya brine cheese is the main dAClt1vkfTY-00255-00066322-00066519 type of cheese produced and eaten in the dAClt1vkfTY-00256-00066520-00067211 Middle East and Mediterranean areas dAClt1vkfTY-00257-00067212-00067728 topic processed dAClt1vkfTY-00258-00067729-00067918 processed cheese is made from dAClt1vkfTY-00259-00067919-00068149 traditional cheese and emulsifying salts dAClt1vkfTY-00260-00068150-00068326 often with the addition of milk more dAClt1vkfTY-00261-00068327-00068526 salt preservatives and food coloring dAClt1vkfTY-00262-00068527-00068809 it's texture is consistent and melts dAClt1vkfTY-00263-00068810-00069046 smoothly it is sold packaged and either dAClt1vkfTY-00264-00069047-00069280 pre sliced or unsliced in several dAClt1vkfTY-00265-00069281-00069568 varieties some are sold as sausage like dAClt1vkfTY-00266-00069569-00069823 logs and chipolatas mostly in germany in dAClt1vkfTY-00267-00069824-00070012 USA and some are molded into the shape dAClt1vkfTY-00268-00070013-00070285 of animals and objects it is also dAClt1vkfTY-00269-00070286-00070615 available as easy cheese a product dAClt1vkfTY-00270-00070616-00070828 distributed by mandela's international dAClt1vkfTY-00271-00070829-00071029 that is packaged in aerosol cans and dAClt1vkfTY-00272-00071030-00071329 available in some countries some if not dAClt1vkfTY-00273-00071330-00071590 most varieties of processed cheese are dAClt1vkfTY-00274-00071591-00071785 made using a combination of real cheese dAClt1vkfTY-00275-00071786-00071941 waste which is steam-cleaned dAClt1vkfTY-00276-00071942-00072118 boiled and further processed whey dAClt1vkfTY-00277-00072119-00072286 powders and various mixtures of dAClt1vkfTY-00278-00072287-00072595 vegetable palm oils or fats some dAClt1vkfTY-00279-00072596-00072793 processed cheese slices contain as dAClt1vkfTY-00280-00072794-00073018 little as 2 to 6 percent cheese some dAClt1vkfTY-00281-00073019-00073333 have smoked flavors added dAYQCQt6Iyo-00000-00000545-00000784 good afternoon and welcome to the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00001-00000785-00001073 session the right to access internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-00002-00001074-00001279 upholding a human right this is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00003-00001280-00001448 presented to you by democracy that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00004-00001449-00001763 method th which is an ICT and intellect dAYQCQt6Iyo-00005-00001764-00001937 rights advocacy organization in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00006-00001938-00002204 Philippines and by digital if Parliament dAYQCQt6Iyo-00007-00002205-00002521 fun which is working for improving dAYQCQt6Iyo-00008-00002522-00002870 internet access and I'm different dAYQCQt6Iyo-00009-00002871-00003160 community said idea we have here our dAYQCQt6Iyo-00010-00003161-00003422 guest I'll put different organizations dAYQCQt6Iyo-00011-00003422-00003854 from India Pakistan the Philippines from dAYQCQt6Iyo-00012-00003854-00004213 the US and from Indonesia so I like to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00013-00004214-00004475 request our speakers to first introduce dAYQCQt6Iyo-00014-00004476-00004777 themselves just come online before we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00015-00004778-00005750 get started I one line is then I'm chat dAYQCQt6Iyo-00016-00005751-00005929 Garcia down below I live here in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00017-00005930-00006074 philippines then I work for the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00018-00006075-00006224 Association for progressive dAYQCQt6Iyo-00019-00006225-00006685 communication I'm Chris I manage public dAYQCQt6Iyo-00020-00006686-00006842 policy from the Silvana based in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00021-00006843-00007178 California in the United States hi mary dAYQCQt6Iyo-00022-00007179-00007423 grace Santos i'm an independent ICT dAYQCQt6Iyo-00023-00007425-00007756 policy researcher and i welcome you to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00024-00007758-00007919 the philippines where there are more dAYQCQt6Iyo-00025-00007920-00008495 facebook users than internet users hi dAYQCQt6Iyo-00026-00008496-00008744 I'm silicon I'm four bucks on and I work dAYQCQt6Iyo-00027-00008745-00008974 as the program manager for digital dAYQCQt6Iyo-00028-00008975-00009152 rights and freedom of expression and my dAYQCQt6Iyo-00029-00009153-00009524 strong I am the true and I'm working my dAYQCQt6Iyo-00030-00009525-00009742 vision for my foundation and program dAYQCQt6Iyo-00031-00009743-00010034 manager we have been working for the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00032-00010035-00010367 last 10 years for all the point a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00033-00010368-00010781 capacitance hi my name is Joe hollom I'm dAYQCQt6Iyo-00034-00010782-00010988 from the open internet exchange point in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00035-00010989-00011326 Indonesia and the internet data center dAYQCQt6Iyo-00036-00011327-00012085 guess that's it hello my name is case dAYQCQt6Iyo-00037-00012086-00012224 from where I'm the Dutch human rights dAYQCQt6Iyo-00038-00012225-00012583 and last night dAYQCQt6Iyo-00039-00012584-00013269 okay so now we're going to get started dAYQCQt6Iyo-00040-00013271-00013511 majority of the world population is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00041-00013512-00013790 still not online more than fifty percent dAYQCQt6Iyo-00042-00013791-00014006 of internet users however are from the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00043-00014007-00014231 developing world so what we want to talk dAYQCQt6Iyo-00044-00014232-00014474 about this afternoon is um what dAYQCQt6Iyo-00045-00014475-00014744 initiatives can be undertaken to improve dAYQCQt6Iyo-00046-00014744-00014990 the level of Internet access and at the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00047-00014991-00015287 same time having already gotten to that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00048-00015288-00015446 level of internet access we're also dAYQCQt6Iyo-00049-00015447-00015806 going to ask our speakers how this are dAYQCQt6Iyo-00050-00015807-00016160 the access to Internet has improved the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00051-00016161-00016363 protection of human rights freedom of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00052-00016365-00016736 expression etc so I'd like to first dAYQCQt6Iyo-00053-00016737-00017186 start on the topic of how specific dAYQCQt6Iyo-00054-00017187-00017474 countries oh where are representatives dAYQCQt6Iyo-00055-00017475-00017852 come from have done in order to improve dAYQCQt6Iyo-00056-00017853-00018109 internet access in their respective dAYQCQt6Iyo-00057-00018110-00018683 location hi thanks indonesian we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00058-00018684-00018857 actually started in senate in 1994 and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00059-00018858-00019072 what's interesting about it different dAYQCQt6Iyo-00060-00019073-00019199 from other countries like Singapore is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00061-00019200-00019487 the university started it so it wasn't dAYQCQt6Iyo-00062-00019488-00019709 that one has no idea with what the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00063-00019710-00019955 internet was and we developed it on our dAYQCQt6Iyo-00064-00019956-00020183 own because the government did not dAYQCQt6Iyo-00065-00020184-00020525 understand what the internet is so back dAYQCQt6Iyo-00066-00020526-00020840 in 1997 we created an internet exchange dAYQCQt6Iyo-00067-00020841-00021050 that connects everything in region into dAYQCQt6Iyo-00068-00021051-00021436 one single router and about that time dAYQCQt6Iyo-00069-00021437-00022010 are also hard though Reggie was at the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00070-00022011-00022286 point peak of his power and he senses dAYQCQt6Iyo-00071-00022287-00022538 everything in radio television dAYQCQt6Iyo-00072-00022539-00022772 everything he knows except the internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-00073-00022773-00023050 so by using the internet the students dAYQCQt6Iyo-00074-00023051-00023237 actually managed to organize and revolt dAYQCQt6Iyo-00075-00023238-00023588 had toppled out a government which was dAYQCQt6Iyo-00076-00023589-00023869 amazing so ever since then we strongly dAYQCQt6Iyo-00077-00023870-00024254 believe that the people has the right to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00078-00024255-00024404 control the internet because government dAYQCQt6Iyo-00079-00024405-00024635 changes that people will still remain dAYQCQt6Iyo-00080-00024636-00024974 the people and about the costs of the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00081-00024975-00025425 internet which we have significantly dAYQCQt6Iyo-00082-00025426-00025712 maybe have the price reviews it's dAYQCQt6Iyo-00083-00025713-00025783 because for dAYQCQt6Iyo-00084-00025783-00026022 day one since the internet was started dAYQCQt6Iyo-00085-00026023-00026317 like 497 Devon cage we have the open I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00086-00026318-00026512 see now which connects everything is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00087-00026513-00026764 free I mean you don't have to pay dAYQCQt6Iyo-00088-00026764-00026980 anything you don't have to sign a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00089-00026981-00027310 contract nothing everyone connects to a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00090-00027311-00027511 single internet exchange hence that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00091-00027512-00027756 means big companies like the telcos dAYQCQt6Iyo-00092-00027757-00028129 startup companies like the content dAYQCQt6Iyo-00093-00028130-00028530 provider connects to the same device and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00094-00028531-00028870 because of that all you have to pay for dAYQCQt6Iyo-00095-00028870-00029506 is your last mile lake in Indonesia so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00096-00029507-00029923 our uniqueness is in other countries the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00097-00029924-00030349 internet is your glass mile and your dAYQCQt6Iyo-00098-00030350-00030754 international traffic so that's how much dAYQCQt6Iyo-00099-00030755-00031002 you pay for the internet in Indonesia we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00100-00031003-00031514 have lots of local content and we have a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00101-00031516-00031861 internet cafe who will subscribe a last dAYQCQt6Iyo-00102-00031862-00032260 mile leased line link at ten makes but dAYQCQt6Iyo-00103-00032261-00032569 only subscribe 64 k international link dAYQCQt6Iyo-00104-00032570-00032890 because we know for a fact that local dAYQCQt6Iyo-00105-00032891-00033187 content is free and there is no blocking dAYQCQt6Iyo-00106-00033188-00033499 between the operators and the content dAYQCQt6Iyo-00107-00033500-00033736 providers and that reduces the price dAYQCQt6Iyo-00108-00033737-00033996 significantly we even have a nice view dAYQCQt6Iyo-00109-00033997-00034225 that connects to be open XD but does not dAYQCQt6Iyo-00110-00034226-00034494 subscribe to have any international lake dAYQCQt6Iyo-00111-00034495-00034795 so they can simply just sell the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00112-00034796-00035011 internet to their users without having dAYQCQt6Iyo-00113-00035012-00035149 to pay anything to the overnights feet dAYQCQt6Iyo-00114-00035150-00035536 so that's the price reduction the access dAYQCQt6Iyo-00115-00035537-00035743 is another thing because we're very dAYQCQt6Iyo-00116-00035744-00036001 creative even managed to have this dAYQCQt6Iyo-00117-00036002-00036315 village map a fair way method of roughly dAYQCQt6Iyo-00118-00036316-00036499 it'sit's village now we're all this dAYQCQt6Iyo-00119-00036500-00036942 village people not their singing group dAYQCQt6Iyo-00120-00036943-00037255 the people in the village mix it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00121-00037256-00037558 together they put switches in different dAYQCQt6Iyo-00122-00037559-00037762 parts of the village they pull ethernet dAYQCQt6Iyo-00123-00037763-00037987 cables and so all the houses are dAYQCQt6Iyo-00124-00037988-00038187 connected together then they make this dAYQCQt6Iyo-00125-00038188-00038524 wireless 2.4 watch and garlic which is a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00126-00038525-00038869 pan with a 2.4 gate connected to the ice dAYQCQt6Iyo-00127-00038870-00039143 piece and they have internet access dAYQCQt6Iyo-00128-00039144-00039383 which the government regularly cracks dAYQCQt6Iyo-00129-00039384-00039755 down because it's illegal to do so but dAYQCQt6Iyo-00130-00039756-00039941 yes we do everything we can to reduce dAYQCQt6Iyo-00131-00039942-00040091 the internet price because we do want dAYQCQt6Iyo-00132-00040092-00040463 the information and are only hurdle dAYQCQt6Iyo-00133-00040464-00040775 there I know I'm free to speak here it's dAYQCQt6Iyo-00134-00040776-00041410 actually our government thanks Rita goon dAYQCQt6Iyo-00135-00041411-00041798 in india we call it on the democratic dAYQCQt6Iyo-00136-00041799-00041999 country and yes we have a everything dAYQCQt6Iyo-00137-00042000-00042254 angelica society being in India you have dAYQCQt6Iyo-00138-00042255-00042506 a large agenda that digital India dAYQCQt6Iyo-00139-00042507-00042857 agendas are noted for another panel kind dAYQCQt6Iyo-00140-00042858-00043046 of programs which is not done by a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00141-00043047-00043427 government and Internet if I go back to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00142-00043428-00043667 the inn to thousands and laser internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-00143-00043668-00044033 is it said to be a free transfer else we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00144-00044034-00044264 have pre-cut being a freak on me we have dAYQCQt6Iyo-00145-00044265-00044635 an indian head of the creeper p here i dAYQCQt6Iyo-00146-00044636-00045023 am on the aspect of what we are doing it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00147-00045024-00045203 we are trying to connect the air trying dAYQCQt6Iyo-00148-00045204-00045389 to provide the infinite providing the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00149-00045390-00045656 last mile connectivity who like the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00150-00045657-00045923 information we have a rehab project dAYQCQt6Iyo-00151-00045924-00046145 called your programs for value plus four dAYQCQt6Iyo-00152-00046146-00046277 committees where we are trying to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00153-00046278-00046423 provide last mile connectivity using dAYQCQt6Iyo-00154-00046424-00046786 unlicensed spectrum on 4 gigahertz and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00155-00046787-00046994 there are other programs which we are dAYQCQt6Iyo-00156-00046995-00047345 trying to do it and but the challenge dAYQCQt6Iyo-00157-00047346-00047612 here is that we don't have a support dAYQCQt6Iyo-00158-00047613-00047756 from the government we don't have it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00159-00047757-00047903 even though we it's called at a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00160-00047904-00048071 democratic society but you don't have a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00161-00048072-00048251 support from the government to recognize dAYQCQt6Iyo-00162-00048252-00048569 such violence or such small projects dAYQCQt6Iyo-00163-00048570-00048943 which are already done by committees so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00164-00048944-00049313 access so access is free union but the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00165-00049314-00049778 access is the major seventy percent of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00166-00049779-00050024 population is not collected because of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00167-00050025-00050245 perceptual barrier or the value of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00168-00050246-00050582 content is not there or there are many dAYQCQt6Iyo-00169-00050583-00050873 social and cultural baggage including in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00170-00050874-00051200 that society so the cause of those dAYQCQt6Iyo-00171-00051201-00051425 banners we are connected i'll still we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00172-00051426-00051595 are not connected symmetry chosen a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00173-00051596-00051826 corporation is still not connected and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00174-00051827-00052199 in fact sense like one of the models dAYQCQt6Iyo-00175-00052200-00052366 which we are trying to adopt it for the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00176-00052367-00052460 visas dAYQCQt6Iyo-00177-00052461-00052675 modern social time to lovey either is a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00178-00052676-00052855 vintage Network copy that is a wireless dAYQCQt6Iyo-00179-00052857-00053069 for some I teach it some other networks dAYQCQt6Iyo-00180-00053070-00053363 which we are trying to explore it so a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00181-00053364-00053725 more or less we are still in affiliates dAYQCQt6Iyo-00182-00053726-00053885 of exploring and we have switched dAYQCQt6Iyo-00183-00053886-00054098 struggling with them with a government dAYQCQt6Iyo-00184-00054099-00054428 side on the access side although we have dAYQCQt6Iyo-00185-00054429-00054641 today we have one news and that aspect dAYQCQt6Iyo-00186-00054641-00054982 that I pa66 has been dissolved or dAYQCQt6Iyo-00187-00054983-00055216 something you provided you agree that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00188-00055217-00055646 yeah so I don't know what is the what is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00189-00055647-00055838 the desert out on that but he is we are dAYQCQt6Iyo-00190-00055839-00056692 hopeful for that purpose okay first I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00191-00056694-00056929 will apologize the best because excess dAYQCQt6Iyo-00192-00056930-00057137 is not really my area of expertise in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00193-00057138-00057304 terms of physical access what I work dAYQCQt6Iyo-00194-00057305-00057679 more on is access to content but since dAYQCQt6Iyo-00195-00057680-00057899 we are digital rights organization I do dAYQCQt6Iyo-00196-00057900-00058112 have a bit of a background sorry I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00197-00058113-00058438 briefly when how Pakistan is connected dAYQCQt6Iyo-00198-00058439-00058819 or not connected so the thirty percent dAYQCQt6Iyo-00199-00058820-00058997 of the population is supposed to have dAYQCQt6Iyo-00200-00058998-00059315 internet access but there's the mobile dAYQCQt6Iyo-00201-00059316-00059476 penetration is more than seventy percent dAYQCQt6Iyo-00202-00059477-00059905 mom and just last year we got the 3g and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00203-00059907-00060179 4g licenses so we are hoping that in to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00204-00060179-00060446 fill in the real physical sense access dAYQCQt6Iyo-00205-00060447-00060763 to high-speed broadband internet would dAYQCQt6Iyo-00206-00060764-00060965 move out of the urban centers and move dAYQCQt6Iyo-00207-00060966-00061306 towards rules enters as well that said dAYQCQt6Iyo-00208-00061307-00061630 the threats are still very very real the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00209-00061632-00061813 price of the internet has obviously dAYQCQt6Iyo-00210-00061814-00061993 dropped from when it started its way dAYQCQt6Iyo-00211-00061994-00062312 cheaper now still given into the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00212-00062313-00062510 inflation rate and whatnot it's not dAYQCQt6Iyo-00213-00062511-00062771 really affordable to the rural dAYQCQt6Iyo-00214-00062772-00063217 communities the right now but more than dAYQCQt6Iyo-00215-00063219-00063568 an affordability of course a issue dAYQCQt6Iyo-00216-00063569-00063800 number one but the second issue is the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00217-00063801-00063991 presence of information dark areas in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00218-00063992-00064231 Pakistan we have at least two armed dAYQCQt6Iyo-00219-00064232-00064487 conflict zones there is a tribal region dAYQCQt6Iyo-00220-00064488-00064717 in the northwest of the country and then dAYQCQt6Iyo-00221-00064719-00064979 there is balochistan which is again dAYQCQt6Iyo-00222-00064979-00065261 facing an armed militancy now these two dAYQCQt6Iyo-00223-00065262-00065419 areas are the ones that are most dAYQCQt6Iyo-00224-00065420-00065672 vulnerable when it comes to access to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00225-00065673-00065837 any kind of information it's not dAYQCQt6Iyo-00226-00065838-00066101 just the internet but also they are dAYQCQt6Iyo-00227-00066102-00066329 deprived access to the mainstream media dAYQCQt6Iyo-00228-00066330-00066503 which makes internet all the more dAYQCQt6Iyo-00229-00066504-00066689 important and yet these two are the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00230-00066690-00066863 areas where internet spheres the lowest dAYQCQt6Iyo-00231-00066864-00067109 and there are physical threats in form dAYQCQt6Iyo-00232-00067110-00067322 of groups who can just go and shut down dAYQCQt6Iyo-00233-00067323-00067565 exchanges who can shut down the who can dAYQCQt6Iyo-00234-00067566-00067784 physically switch off internet services dAYQCQt6Iyo-00235-00067785-00068009 as these we in terms of national dAYQCQt6Iyo-00236-00068010-00068324 security the context of national dAYQCQt6Iyo-00237-00068325-00068552 security is something that you will find dAYQCQt6Iyo-00238-00068553-00068834 a cross bold in all the deaf in all dAYQCQt6Iyo-00239-00068835-00069217 Internet related matters in Pakistan the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00240-00069218-00069685 political will is improving I'd say but dAYQCQt6Iyo-00241-00069686-00069944 it's also there are there questions dAYQCQt6Iyo-00242-00069945-00070241 about the sincerity of the government's dAYQCQt6Iyo-00243-00070242-00070919 will to provide dAYQCQt6Iyo-00244-00070920-00071161 everybody with the license with the PTA dAYQCQt6Iyo-00245-00071162-00071509 is by law supposed to put off a certain dAYQCQt6Iyo-00246-00071510-00071665 amount of money they are supposed to pay dAYQCQt6Iyo-00247-00071666-00071830 the government a certain amount of money dAYQCQt6Iyo-00248-00071831-00071982 that is supposed to be put in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00249-00071983-00072186 accessibility park and the government dAYQCQt6Iyo-00250-00072187-00072456 originally supposed to use sad funk to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00251-00072457-00072624 ensure universal access is available dAYQCQt6Iyo-00252-00072625-00072847 however the government especially the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00253-00072848-00073036 present government has done box honest dAYQCQt6Iyo-00254-00073037-00073218 to pull all that money the accessibility dAYQCQt6Iyo-00255-00073219-00073467 can't pull it into a larger development dAYQCQt6Iyo-00256-00073468-00073660 can and use that money to pay off dAYQCQt6Iyo-00257-00073661-00073917 circular that's for the energy sector so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00258-00073918-00074274 money that was given by telcos money dAYQCQt6Iyo-00259-00074275-00074449 that in the end the end consumer is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00260-00074450-00074680 paying for to ensure that access moves dAYQCQt6Iyo-00261-00074681-00074907 out of urban centers is being used to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00262-00074908-00075257 pay for electricity so it pillar that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00263-00075258-00075585 and then the problem doesn't stop here dAYQCQt6Iyo-00264-00075586-00075859 it's not just like Alexis but access to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00265-00075860-00076024 content access to political ideological dAYQCQt6Iyo-00266-00076025-00076212 content that is being increasingly dAYQCQt6Iyo-00267-00076213-00076684 census we have had the unfortunately we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00268-00076685-00076857 have had this whole series of jerez in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00269-00076858-00077167 my mind it's incidents that have focus dAYQCQt6Iyo-00270-00077168-00077418 that have completely framed the debate dAYQCQt6Iyo-00271-00077419-00077641 in the National Assembly and we're in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00272-00077642-00077838 the sample this year we have had this dAYQCQt6Iyo-00273-00077839-00078030 list of recommendations which says dAYQCQt6Iyo-00274-00078031-00078304 something like the social media dAYQCQt6Iyo-00275-00078305-00078588 monitoring should be made a territory of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00276-00078589-00078780 the National anti-terrorism dAYQCQt6Iyo-00277-00078781-00079015 counterterrorism Authority which raised dAYQCQt6Iyo-00278-00079016-00079182 this question or where the people are dAYQCQt6Iyo-00279-00079183-00079462 allowed to what are the exercise what dAYQCQt6Iyo-00280-00079463-00079723 are the expressing so the excess to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00281-00079724-00079915 actual content is also being tried to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00282-00079916-00080167 move on and finally very briefly alter dAYQCQt6Iyo-00283-00080168-00080371 the bondage of net neutrality because dAYQCQt6Iyo-00284-00080372-00080584 it's really important and there is a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00285-00080585-00080797 complete lack of understanding of the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00286-00080798-00081006 government's fault you give has been dAYQCQt6Iyo-00287-00081007-00081225 banned by some for two and a half years dAYQCQt6Iyo-00288-00081226-00081573 almost and yet ptcl de Kock's on dAYQCQt6Iyo-00289-00081574-00081957 telecommunication limited the email dAYQCQt6Iyo-00290-00081958-00082159 internet service verizon they go ahead dAYQCQt6Iyo-00291-00082160-00082453 to a deal with dailymotion hosting their dAYQCQt6Iyo-00292-00082454-00082743 videos on local service without you in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00293-00082744-00082944 understanding how it completely goes dAYQCQt6Iyo-00294-00082945-00083161 against the principles of nationality dAYQCQt6Iyo-00295-00083162-00083353 during the world cup different calicos dAYQCQt6Iyo-00296-00083354-00083566 are offering twitter without they judge dAYQCQt6Iyo-00297-00083567-00083805 artists so things like that are dAYQCQt6Iyo-00298-00083806-00083988 happening in without getting styling and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00299-00083989-00084141 obviously for public is good dAYQCQt6Iyo-00300-00084142-00084312 you know if you think about that getting dAYQCQt6Iyo-00301-00084313-00084669 free Twitter so the debate is this there dAYQCQt6Iyo-00302-00084670-00084879 is no debate instead people are kind of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00303-00084880-00085029 celebrating the fact that they're dAYQCQt6Iyo-00304-00085030-00085380 getting these charges free Twitter or dAYQCQt6Iyo-00305-00085381-00085638 Facebook on their cell phones here I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00306-00085639-00085967 think you'll get back to that later in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00307-00085968-00086373 okay so in the Philippines I'm sure dAYQCQt6Iyo-00308-00086374-00086766 you've already noticed how how bad is in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00309-00086767-00087036 service is here so I'm gonna elaborate dAYQCQt6Iyo-00310-00087037-00087405 on that like Indonesia government really dAYQCQt6Iyo-00311-00087406-00087656 has you know no knowledge of how dAYQCQt6Iyo-00312-00087657-00088070 telecommunications and ICT actually work dAYQCQt6Iyo-00313-00088071-00088422 the private sector is the dominant telco dAYQCQt6Iyo-00314-00088423-00088560 in the Philippines they've always been dAYQCQt6Iyo-00315-00088561-00088788 it has always been like that for several dAYQCQt6Iyo-00316-00088789-00089295 decades the incumbent alco which rolled dAYQCQt6Iyo-00317-00089296-00089562 out the national which owns the national dAYQCQt6Iyo-00318-00089563-00089769 backbone owns everything from the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00319-00089770-00090024 international gateway facilities to the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00320-00090025-00090228 back bow to the last mile it is always dAYQCQt6Iyo-00321-00090229-00090455 been the case so if you're a competitor dAYQCQt6Iyo-00322-00090456-00090716 if you want to get into the market dAYQCQt6Iyo-00323-00090717-00090909 telecommunications market you'll have to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00324-00090910-00091130 deal with the widow telco that has dAYQCQt6Iyo-00325-00091131-00091520 entrenched not only investments but also dAYQCQt6Iyo-00326-00091521-00091746 political and financial interests as dAYQCQt6Iyo-00327-00091747-00091995 well so the Philippines seems to have a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00328-00091996-00092328 penchant for advertising that we want dAYQCQt6Iyo-00329-00092329-00092586 investors but then we set up all all dAYQCQt6Iyo-00330-00092587-00092817 sorts of barriers for investors to come dAYQCQt6Iyo-00331-00092818-00093009 in I don't know if that's unique to our dAYQCQt6Iyo-00332-00093010-00093246 country but that does not work for us so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00333-00093247-00093609 far the second largest carrier which is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00334-00093610-00093948 globe came in about I think in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00335-00093949-00094367 nineteen late 1990s and it was the first dAYQCQt6Iyo-00336-00094368-00094901 carrier to actually introduce SMS and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00337-00094902-00095289 since the time that SMS was introduced dAYQCQt6Iyo-00338-00095290-00095520 as it was for free at the time mobile dAYQCQt6Iyo-00339-00095521-00095946 phone penetration went up and later on dAYQCQt6Iyo-00340-00095947-00096291 the convent pldt which now own smart dAYQCQt6Iyo-00341-00096292-00096441 which is the largest mobile service dAYQCQt6Iyo-00342-00096442-00096720 provider followed suit and then they I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00343-00096721-00096909 don't know they just decided we'll dAYQCQt6Iyo-00344-00096910-00097325 charge for SMS so now it's not free um dAYQCQt6Iyo-00345-00097326-00097525 so I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00346-00097526-00097737 is why is it's the private sector that's dAYQCQt6Iyo-00347-00097738-00098044 basically providing access but recently dAYQCQt6Iyo-00348-00098045-00098296 the government to the ICT office is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00349-00098297-00098629 trying to provide access to supposedly dAYQCQt6Iyo-00350-00098630-00098869 provide access to unserved and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00351-00098870-00099124 underserved areas to the free Wi-Fi dAYQCQt6Iyo-00352-00099125-00099382 project but there has been some dAYQCQt6Iyo-00353-00099383-00099754 discussions there are consultations dAYQCQt6Iyo-00354-00099755-00100084 happening because right now as I just dAYQCQt6Iyo-00355-00100085-00100443 found out the focus will be primarily dAYQCQt6Iyo-00356-00100444-00100702 metropolitan or burn areas which which dAYQCQt6Iyo-00357-00100703-00100888 actually defeats the purpose of having a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00358-00100889-00101254 universal access program so because if dAYQCQt6Iyo-00359-00101255-00101611 you look at the general scheme of days dAYQCQt6Iyo-00360-00101612-00101929 if the private telcos are already dAYQCQt6Iyo-00361-00101930-00102118 serving an area why would government we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00362-00102119-00102373 invest in that particular area so in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00363-00102374-00102898 terms of access up around thirty thirty dAYQCQt6Iyo-00364-00102899-00103125 seven percent of Filipinos are online dAYQCQt6Iyo-00365-00103126-00103489 but I think they're as I mentioned dAYQCQt6Iyo-00366-00103490-00103683 earlier and that wasn't a joke we have dAYQCQt6Iyo-00367-00103684-00103978 more facebook users than internet users dAYQCQt6Iyo-00368-00103979-00104341 so there there seems to be a confusion dAYQCQt6Iyo-00369-00104342-00104647 already in terms of what the internet is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00370-00104648-00104893 and how that differentiates from zero dAYQCQt6Iyo-00371-00104894-00105217 rated content and I think there is a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00372-00105218-00105475 problem if you look at zero rated dAYQCQt6Iyo-00373-00105476-00105754 content as your solution to universal dAYQCQt6Iyo-00374-00105755-00105940 access because there are a lot of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00375-00105941-00106456 implications in terms of what how does dAYQCQt6Iyo-00376-00106457-00106657 how do these providers make money out of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00377-00106658-00106819 the data that they collect from people dAYQCQt6Iyo-00378-00106820-00107259 and whether that could actually in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00379-00107260-00107551 long run be a not beneficial because you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00380-00107552-00107779 are baking the market absolutely smaller dAYQCQt6Iyo-00381-00107780-00108031 than its you know that it should be just dAYQCQt6Iyo-00382-00108032-00108349 because the first the first provider dAYQCQt6Iyo-00383-00108350-00108733 already has busy with cover the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00384-00108733-00108958 population and then no other engines dAYQCQt6Iyo-00385-00108958-00109120 could come in of course that would be dAYQCQt6Iyo-00386-00109121-00109327 the business the logical business model dAYQCQt6Iyo-00387-00109328-00109591 that will make sense if I were you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-00388-00109592-00110047 the Facebook for example so quality wise dAYQCQt6Iyo-00389-00110048-00110323 we have one of the poorest in terms of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00390-00110324-00110583 quality I'm a research fellow of our dAYQCQt6Iyo-00391-00110584-00110845 nation we've conducted broadband dAYQCQt6Iyo-00392-00110846-00111046 quality of service experience studies or dAYQCQt6Iyo-00393-00111047-00111261 five years throughout South and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00394-00111263-00111475 Southeast Asia and what we found out dAYQCQt6Iyo-00395-00111476-00111711 just last year is that the Philippine dAYQCQt6Iyo-00396-00111713-00112006 ISPs actually offer the lowest value for dAYQCQt6Iyo-00397-00112007-00112228 money if you compute in terms of how dAYQCQt6Iyo-00398-00112229-00112624 much a kilobyte would cost you and that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00399-00112625-00112873 is not something that we are proud of we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00400-00112874-00113167 presented the results to the telcos the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00401-00113168-00113609 regulator the and also Congress and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00402-00113610-00113872 fortunately that has started that has dAYQCQt6Iyo-00403-00113873-00114154 triggered put together with the mean I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00404-00114155-00114309 don't know if you're familiar with a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00405-00114310-00114694 mean of ASEAN countries and the average dAYQCQt6Iyo-00406-00114695-00115072 feed and we were her yes the Philip it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00407-00115073-00115219 is actually one of the in the bottom dAYQCQt6Iyo-00408-00115220-00115501 three I think so that together with the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00409-00115502-00115780 study that learn nations that we've been dAYQCQt6Iyo-00410-00115781-00116377 using that evidence-based no policy be dAYQCQt6Iyo-00411-00116378-00116464 this when you're trying to promote dAYQCQt6Iyo-00412-00116465-00116767 evidence-based policymaking and we're dAYQCQt6Iyo-00413-00116768-00117043 trying to influence our lead our dAYQCQt6Iyo-00414-00117044-00117376 regulator to look into not only access dAYQCQt6Iyo-00415-00117377-00117553 that also quality because that would dAYQCQt6Iyo-00416-00117554-00117904 definitely impact on your value for dAYQCQt6Iyo-00417-00117905-00118327 money of consumers other than that what dAYQCQt6Iyo-00418-00118328-00118734 else affordability well obviously if you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00419-00118735-00119009 come if you actually have let's say dAYQCQt6Iyo-00420-00119010-00119338 1,000 pesos you can only get one MVPs dAYQCQt6Iyo-00421-00119339-00119602 here that's how bad it is that's 22 dAYQCQt6Iyo-00422-00119603-00119811 about around $22 and that's very dAYQCQt6Iyo-00423-00119813-00120121 expensive considering the you know that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00424-00120122-00120424 we are developing in the country and you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00425-00120425-00120783 wouldn't let's say if you if you are a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00426-00120784-00121030 little dividual a common a common dAYQCQt6Iyo-00427-00121031-00121456 internet users you have let's say so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00428-00121457-00121639 you're making 20 thousand pesos a month dAYQCQt6Iyo-00429-00121640-00121969 for example who would you spend 1,000 dAYQCQt6Iyo-00430-00121970-00122266 pesos just to get one ndps so then dAYQCQt6Iyo-00431-00122267-00122433 there's definitely something wrong in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00432-00122434-00122806 that picture so I'm going to ask Chris dAYQCQt6Iyo-00433-00122807-00122992 now to talk about the any initiatives dAYQCQt6Iyo-00434-00122993-00123223 that Mozilla might have in in terms of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00435-00123224-00123490 improving internet access sure so let me dAYQCQt6Iyo-00436-00123491-00123631 put this into context a little bit I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00437-00123632-00123931 think we talked about a lot of the I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00438-00123932-00124129 think the most important and the most dAYQCQt6Iyo-00439-00124130-00124406 high-profile aspects of the broader dAYQCQt6Iyo-00440-00124407-00124600 challenge of improving access we've dAYQCQt6Iyo-00441-00124601-00124834 talked about infrastructure which is one dAYQCQt6Iyo-00442-00124835-00125002 of the most important one of the hardest dAYQCQt6Iyo-00443-00125003-00125236 we've talked about government role in a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00444-00125237-00125458 couple respects on in censorship and one dAYQCQt6Iyo-00445-00125459-00125693 in sort of subsidization and provision dAYQCQt6Iyo-00446-00125694-00125902 regulations and we started to talk a bit dAYQCQt6Iyo-00447-00125903-00126058 about the economies of scale through the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00448-00126059-00126221 references to zero rating so this is a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00449-00126222-00126407 good landscape I want to help flesh it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00450-00126408-00126598 out a little bit by talking about a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00451-00126599-00126724 couple of the things that Mozilla is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00452-00126725-00126949 doing working with with many carriers in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00453-00126950-00127252 Southeast Asia and others as well so the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00454-00127253-00127576 first one is the idea that we don't just dAYQCQt6Iyo-00455-00127577-00127783 want to connect people to the Internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-00456-00127784-00128089 we want to empower them to create and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00457-00128090-00128353 control their internet experience so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00458-00128354-00128611 what does that require in practice well dAYQCQt6Iyo-00459-00128612-00128747 the way that we think about this is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00460-00128748-00128950 people need to have smartphones a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00461-00128951-00129241 feature phone is not a good device for dAYQCQt6Iyo-00462-00129242-00129473 generating Internet content we're really dAYQCQt6Iyo-00463-00129474-00129644 taking advantage of the full benefits dAYQCQt6Iyo-00464-00129645-00129814 the Internet has to offer if it's all dAYQCQt6Iyo-00465-00129815-00129998 you can get it's still a good tool you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00466-00129999-00130141 can still communicate with it you can dAYQCQt6Iyo-00467-00130142-00130421 load certain apps users and websites but dAYQCQt6Iyo-00468-00130422-00130576 to really take advantage of the internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-00469-00130577-00130729 and to help try to close the digital dAYQCQt6Iyo-00470-00130730-00130919 divide people need to have smartphones dAYQCQt6Iyo-00471-00130920-00131108 so we've been working on this for a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00472-00131109-00131321 couple of years we wrote our an dAYQCQt6Iyo-00473-00131322-00131468 operating system the Firefox OS dAYQCQt6Iyo-00474-00131469-00131716 operating system from scratch its web dAYQCQt6Iyo-00475-00131717-00131929 powered and we've been working with dAYQCQt6Iyo-00476-00131930-00132131 device partners and carriers to deliver dAYQCQt6Iyo-00477-00132132-00132379 inexpensive smartphones to as many dAYQCQt6Iyo-00478-00132380-00132569 countries as well as we can it all goes dAYQCQt6Iyo-00479-00132570-00132790 through the carrier partners so in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00480-00132791-00132944 Philippines working with cherry mobile dAYQCQt6Iyo-00481-00132945-00133244 we have a $23 Firefox OS powered dAYQCQt6Iyo-00482-00133245-00133585 smartphone which were very proud of but dAYQCQt6Iyo-00483-00133586-00133741 it's not just about giving people cones dAYQCQt6Iyo-00484-00133742-00133922 either it's not just about the devices dAYQCQt6Iyo-00485-00133923-00134191 it's also about letting them create dAYQCQt6Iyo-00486-00134192-00134479 content letting them generate locally dAYQCQt6Iyo-00487-00134480-00134749 relevant content so that they perceive dAYQCQt6Iyo-00488-00134750-00134945 that it's their internet and that it's dAYQCQt6Iyo-00489-00134946-00135313 not just Western world or just American dAYQCQt6Iyo-00490-00135314-00135538 apps and content that they can dAYQCQt6Iyo-00491-00135539-00135700 appreciate but it can really be theirs dAYQCQt6Iyo-00492-00135701-00135916 so we can tap into things like Joe dAYQCQt6Iyo-00493-00135917-00136126 Karzai XP in Indonesia where they've dAYQCQt6Iyo-00494-00136127-00136279 done a terrific job for generating dAYQCQt6Iyo-00495-00136280-00136448 mobile content but in many other dAYQCQt6Iyo-00496-00136449-00136588 countries in Southeast Asian many dAYQCQt6Iyo-00497-00136589-00136760 countries in Africa they don't have that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00498-00136761-00136973 experience and so there's ways that we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00499-00136974-00137191 need to think about and work together to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00500-00137192-00137302 try to do that and that's why the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00501-00137303-00137546 Mozilla has our web maker dAYQCQt6Iyo-00502-00137547-00137826 we have built tools for people to make dAYQCQt6Iyo-00503-00137827-00138012 it easier for them to generate web pages dAYQCQt6Iyo-00504-00138013-00138189 and to generate content and to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00505-00138190-00138363 communicate with each other in hopes dAYQCQt6Iyo-00506-00138364-00138546 that we can build out of every community dAYQCQt6Iyo-00507-00138547-00138714 in the world something like what we have dAYQCQt6Iyo-00508-00138715-00138942 in Indonesia with this plethora of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00509-00138943-00139194 content and the last piece and I won't dAYQCQt6Iyo-00510-00139195-00139311 go into great detail illness because dAYQCQt6Iyo-00511-00139312-00139485 Raja are just on a panel that was mostly dAYQCQt6Iyo-00512-00139486-00139758 about this issue is is how do you deal dAYQCQt6Iyo-00513-00139759-00139962 with subsidization and the economies of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00514-00139963-00140193 scale here so what we announced about dAYQCQt6Iyo-00515-00140194-00140406 three weeks ago and we're going to be dAYQCQt6Iyo-00516-00140407-00140628 deploying Firefox OS phones through the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00517-00140629-00140886 telco orange in 13 countries in Africa dAYQCQt6Iyo-00518-00140887-00141126 we're in those countries you will pay 40 dAYQCQt6Iyo-00519-00141127-00141360 US dollars you will get a Firefox OS dAYQCQt6Iyo-00520-00141361-00141603 smartphone and you will get six months dAYQCQt6Iyo-00521-00141604-00141954 of free voice text and data up to 500 dAYQCQt6Iyo-00522-00141955-00142134 megabytes of data a month so this isn't dAYQCQt6Iyo-00523-00142135-00142371 see your rating this is subsidized dAYQCQt6Iyo-00524-00142372-00142620 internet access amen and there's a lot dAYQCQt6Iyo-00525-00142621-00142767 of different reasons why that's dAYQCQt6Iyo-00526-00142768-00142983 happening this is not we're not dAYQCQt6Iyo-00527-00142984-00143202 subsidizing this this is orange dAYQCQt6Iyo-00528-00143203-00143352 subsidizing this and part of this is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00529-00143353-00143538 that the people in order to really do dAYQCQt6Iyo-00530-00143539-00143805 want to help connect the next billion dAYQCQt6Iyo-00531-00143806-00144033 users and part of it is that they want dAYQCQt6Iyo-00532-00144034-00144249 to bootstrap these markets oh I don't dAYQCQt6Iyo-00533-00144250-00144408 want to get into economies of scale and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00534-00144409-00144669 much depth but there's a high fixed cost dAYQCQt6Iyo-00535-00144670-00144900 to building out a mobile network and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00536-00144901-00145098 then the additional marginal cost of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00537-00145099-00145326 each user after that is relatively low dAYQCQt6Iyo-00538-00145327-00145602 so the idea is to subsidize people up dAYQCQt6Iyo-00539-00145603-00145794 from get a bunch of users on the network dAYQCQt6Iyo-00540-00145795-00146007 and hopefully a bunch of them will dAYQCQt6Iyo-00541-00146008-00146343 continue to pay and by starting with dAYQCQt6Iyo-00542-00146344-00146562 that larger number you don't have to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00543-00146563-00146826 charge them as much as you did if you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00544-00146827-00146994 started with a smaller number because dAYQCQt6Iyo-00545-00146995-00147189 the fixed costs can be distributed a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00546-00147190-00147384 little bit more evenly so there's both a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00547-00147385-00147603 sort of a mission here of let's try to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00548-00147604-00147759 connect and exploiting people and also dAYQCQt6Iyo-00549-00147760-00148106 just a realistic like costs in economy dAYQCQt6Iyo-00550-00148107-00148362 economics argument about how do you get dAYQCQt6Iyo-00551-00148363-00148542 to the point where the network makes dAYQCQt6Iyo-00552-00148543-00148764 sense and where people can hopefully pay dAYQCQt6Iyo-00553-00148765-00149058 less to get their data so different dAYQCQt6Iyo-00554-00149059-00149226 things different pieces as possible i dAYQCQt6Iyo-00555-00149227-00149358 think complimenting me the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00556-00149359-00149493 infrastructure in the government whole dAYQCQt6Iyo-00557-00149494-00149814 narrative so as we've tried to talk dAYQCQt6Iyo-00558-00149815-00150186 about EDC initiatives yeah and when I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00559-00150187-00150408 want to bring here is the more dAYQCQt6Iyo-00560-00150409-00150621 experience outside of the region we do dAYQCQt6Iyo-00561-00150622-00150815 work individually um dAYQCQt6Iyo-00562-00150816-00151095 that's death also it's a member APC but dAYQCQt6Iyo-00563-00151096-00151274 one of the things there's two things I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00564-00151275-00151482 guess I want to look at one is in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00565-00151483-00151782 relation to digital migration so the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00566-00151783-00151997 policy is what we do is we do research dAYQCQt6Iyo-00567-00151998-00152247 around digital migration for example one dAYQCQt6Iyo-00568-00152248-00152433 of the things we did in Africa is sort dAYQCQt6Iyo-00569-00152434-00152631 of a comparative study of what the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00570-00152632-00152934 country's policies are in migrating from dAYQCQt6Iyo-00571-00152935-00153171 analog to digital and what what are the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00572-00153172-00153401 costs and what are the public access dAYQCQt6Iyo-00573-00153402-00153674 issues where you're looking at migration dAYQCQt6Iyo-00574-00153675-00153918 so that I think it's useful for other dAYQCQt6Iyo-00575-00153919-00154127 countries Philippines is also I mean all dAYQCQt6Iyo-00576-00154128-00154286 countries like we are moving towards dAYQCQt6Iyo-00577-00154287-00154613 that um cool so I think there definitely dAYQCQt6Iyo-00578-00154614-00155236 are consultation issues in relation to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00579-00155237-00155585 whose voices should be included in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00580-00155586-00155757 policy-making and as well as public dAYQCQt6Iyo-00581-00155758-00156002 access the pizza be including that end dAYQCQt6Iyo-00582-00156003-00156272 costs as well and the other thing is if dAYQCQt6Iyo-00583-00156273-00156519 question around connecting them then dAYQCQt6Iyo-00584-00156520-00156773 next billion one of the things also that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00585-00156774-00157181 were involved it is in in an IP use dAYQCQt6Iyo-00586-00157182-00157458 broadband Commission which looks at dAYQCQt6Iyo-00587-00157459-00157794 policies again around laying out dAYQCQt6Iyo-00588-00157795-00158111 broadband and and they are fun of the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00589-00158112-00158387 area they focus on gender in broadband dAYQCQt6Iyo-00590-00158388-00158660 and no line of the mobile operators now dAYQCQt6Iyo-00591-00158661-00158982 are looking at women's mark and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00592-00158983-00159179 realizing that while you know if been dAYQCQt6Iyo-00593-00159180-00159362 saying this all along right that more dAYQCQt6Iyo-00594-00159363-00159599 women are not connected there's there's dAYQCQt6Iyo-00595-00159600-00159776 sort of this equality around that but dAYQCQt6Iyo-00596-00159777-00160037 now they've seen us really a market for dAYQCQt6Iyo-00597-00160038-00160409 for these some push around mobiles and I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00598-00160410-00160604 think when you think about this in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00599-00160605-00160799 relation to looking at Polly's interview dAYQCQt6Iyo-00600-00160800-00161203 program and and you know how to how to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00601-00161204-00161418 program that I think the field also dAYQCQt6Iyo-00602-00161419-00161769 beyond just women being markets because dAYQCQt6Iyo-00603-00161770-00161948 they really are other issues that you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00604-00161949-00162149 need to think of in relation to to act dAYQCQt6Iyo-00605-00162150-00162503 women's APIs and related to that would dAYQCQt6Iyo-00606-00162504-00162674 be around language for example I mean dAYQCQt6Iyo-00607-00162675-00162950 you're singing out as internet that that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00608-00162951-00163194 you're joining power people around the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00609-00163195-00163446 kind of the internet and that we own the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00610-00163447-00163644 infinite you look at language as well dAYQCQt6Iyo-00611-00163645-00163883 it's not just about the device but it's dAYQCQt6Iyo-00612-00163884-00164137 also if we're talking about content dAYQCQt6Iyo-00613-00164138-00164299 just happen to have this sheet of paper dAYQCQt6Iyo-00614-00164300-00164614 with me you know it with a pretty know dAYQCQt6Iyo-00615-00164615-00165070 in terms of a percentage of content on dAYQCQt6Iyo-00616-00165071-00165394 the internet and English is fifty-five dAYQCQt6Iyo-00617-00165395-00165780 percent guess what the next language is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00618-00165781-00166171 the next 12 55 five percent eager to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00619-00166172-00166468 stop me yeah you'd think right well what dAYQCQt6Iyo-00620-00166469-00166681 I have here is Russian it's six percent dAYQCQt6Iyo-00621-00166682-00166993 so it doesn't make sense in terms of so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00622-00166994-00167161 you what were you going to see it's muy dAYQCQt6Iyo-00623-00167162-00167338 muy muy more English and what does that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00624-00167339-00167551 mean in relation to access and the kind dAYQCQt6Iyo-00625-00167552-00167764 of fun and then the Internet in you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-00626-00167765-00168205 that you want so I'm going to ask our dAYQCQt6Iyo-00627-00168206-00168955 chance to talk about I saw thank you so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00628-00168956-00169090 it was interesting hearing on the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00629-00169091-00169216 various perspectives the country dAYQCQt6Iyo-00630-00169217-00169405 perspectives as well of course Chris dAYQCQt6Iyo-00631-00169406-00169597 that I had a interesting session just dAYQCQt6Iyo-00632-00169598-00169762 before so it's quite what slightly dAYQCQt6Iyo-00633-00169763-00169900 surprised to hear technicality as well dAYQCQt6Iyo-00634-00169901-00170029 as you're ready come up in this panel dAYQCQt6Iyo-00635-00170030-00170338 but okay internet right or not in terms dAYQCQt6Iyo-00636-00170339-00170494 of what I saw best so I sup there's a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00637-00170495-00170704 lot of things around the world in terms dAYQCQt6Iyo-00638-00170705-00170929 of you know again just picking on what dAYQCQt6Iyo-00639-00170930-00171115 I've good some of the things that we've dAYQCQt6Iyo-00640-00171116-00171259 been pushing one is local content dAYQCQt6Iyo-00641-00171260-00171508 vertically lenses other than English or dAYQCQt6Iyo-00642-00171509-00171661 whatever the waste stream language dAYQCQt6Iyo-00643-00171662-00171994 design and that's actually been a bit of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00644-00171995-00172198 a challenge but Italy in this region in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00645-00172199-00172324 one particular country where she's from dAYQCQt6Iyo-00646-00172325-00172597 I asked the question in a panel that you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00647-00172598-00172996 know doing me websites etc etc in this dAYQCQt6Iyo-00648-00172997-00173263 country to be in English Oh in other dAYQCQt6Iyo-00649-00173264-00173481 languages this is about three years ago dAYQCQt6Iyo-00650-00173482-00173791 and the response from the room more or dAYQCQt6Iyo-00651-00173792-00174001 less was none of us begin mission which dAYQCQt6Iyo-00652-00174002-00174292 is fine no this isn't daily mind dAYQCQt6Iyo-00653-00174293-00174550 yourself okay so in that context and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00654-00174551-00174778 there were a couple of web developers in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00655-00174779-00174919 the room and I asked them the same dAYQCQt6Iyo-00656-00174920-00175060 question and they came back with the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00657-00175061-00175243 same answer because the money is in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00658-00175244-00175513 English so just as an interesting dAYQCQt6Iyo-00659-00175514-00175707 perspective the other there for a change dAYQCQt6Iyo-00660-00175708-00175996 in terms of getting costs down costs of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00661-00175997-00176287 course is always a big big issue one of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00662-00176288-00176581 the ways that we've been pushing from a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00663-00176582-00176746 technical level at least something my dAYQCQt6Iyo-00664-00176747-00176959 friend here is doing is looking at dAYQCQt6Iyo-00665-00176960-00177503 neutral IXPs southeast asian nations in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00666-00177504-00177846 are very very goodly of this problem yes dAYQCQt6Iyo-00667-00177847-00178025 in fact we released one of our papers on dAYQCQt6Iyo-00668-00178026-00178197 this studying Southeast Asian dAYQCQt6Iyo-00669-00178198-00178412 infrastructure when you see you in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00670-00178413-00178541 Southeast Asian particularly is that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00671-00178542-00178853 there's a laser but it's hardly any dAYQCQt6Iyo-00672-00178854-00179198 carrier hardly any neutral IXPs we are dAYQCQt6Iyo-00673-00179199-00179437 lots of my HPS but they all basically dAYQCQt6Iyo-00674-00179438-00179658 nails done with a particular carrier of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00675-00179659-00179946 particular tempo etc etc the problem dAYQCQt6Iyo-00676-00179947-00180140 with that is it becomes this is my dAYQCQt6Iyo-00677-00180141-00180391 network I'll decide what I do what we do dAYQCQt6Iyo-00678-00180392-00180657 with the neutral ixb you know everyone dAYQCQt6Iyo-00679-00180658-00180785 is free to connect there's a very dAYQCQt6Iyo-00680-00180786-00181175 transparent way in which that we the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00681-00181176-00181458 Bering happens between the providers and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00682-00181459-00181622 ultimately that brings down the cost dAYQCQt6Iyo-00683-00181623-00181760 because then you don't have to trombone dAYQCQt6Iyo-00684-00181761-00181956 trombone is in a cell for example from dAYQCQt6Iyo-00685-00181957-00182138 the Philippines it sends stuff off the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00686-00182139-00182411 Hong Kong to get to the next ice cube in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00687-00182412-00182641 the Philippines which is crazy dAYQCQt6Iyo-00688-00182642-00182816 particular when we start talking about dAYQCQt6Iyo-00689-00182817-00182975 international transit bus which is very dAYQCQt6Iyo-00690-00182976-00183166 expensive in some parts of this region dAYQCQt6Iyo-00691-00183167-00183410 and it's crazy but this still happens dAYQCQt6Iyo-00692-00183411-00183677 you know happens here it happens in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00693-00183678-00183909 Indonesia happens in Thailand it happens dAYQCQt6Iyo-00694-00183910-00184115 everywhere so these are very basic steps dAYQCQt6Iyo-00695-00184116-00184269 we could tell you but the problem is you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00696-00184270-00184436 know I think are typically from the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00697-00184437-00184616 telecom perspective and just as a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00698-00184617-00184835 disclaimer i come from the telecom dAYQCQt6Iyo-00699-00184836-00184988 warner used to be I'm a reformed tell dAYQCQt6Iyo-00700-00184989-00185370 voice my friends tell me we the issue dAYQCQt6Iyo-00701-00185371-00185573 has been denied always been protecting dAYQCQt6Iyo-00702-00185574-00185803 your investments your network you owe dAYQCQt6Iyo-00703-00185804-00186120 your thing right but business models dAYQCQt6Iyo-00704-00186121-00186302 have evolved and I think we need to look dAYQCQt6Iyo-00705-00186303-00186575 at how the larger business models that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00706-00186576-00186831 make things work the telcos the mobile dAYQCQt6Iyo-00707-00186832-00187083 homes etc etc we need to infrastructure dAYQCQt6Iyo-00708-00187084-00187281 sharing is another one that we really dAYQCQt6Iyo-00709-00187282-00187577 need to look hard into and you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-00710-00187578-00187731 there's been a lot a paradigm shift dAYQCQt6Iyo-00711-00187732-00187937 because of the Internet another before dAYQCQt6Iyo-00712-00187938-00188102 technologies and services that have come dAYQCQt6Iyo-00713-00188103-00188354 about I think it's also high time we had dAYQCQt6Iyo-00714-00188355-00188552 a hard look and you know this is where dAYQCQt6Iyo-00715-00188553-00188714 backs government can play a very dAYQCQt6Iyo-00716-00188715-00188986 important role in trying to facilitate dAYQCQt6Iyo-00717-00188987-00189270 foster encourage infrastructure sharing dAYQCQt6Iyo-00718-00189271-00189558 spectrum sharing looking at things like dAYQCQt6Iyo-00719-00189559-00189752 you know for example here in Southeast dAYQCQt6Iyo-00720-00189753-00190131 Asia we moving to a common market here dAYQCQt6Iyo-00721-00190132-00190241 the Asia dAYQCQt6Iyo-00722-00190242-00190526 suppose you can cut this year let's see dAYQCQt6Iyo-00723-00190527-00190743 how that goes but one of the ideas can dAYQCQt6Iyo-00724-00190744-00190904 and of course is that it's one big free dAYQCQt6Iyo-00725-00190905-00191228 markets and that Europe arm back in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00726-00191229-00191354 itself is going to have many challenges dAYQCQt6Iyo-00727-00191355-00191552 in this region if you look at the end dAYQCQt6Iyo-00728-00191553-00191726 might one end at singapore the other end dAYQCQt6Iyo-00729-00191727-00192021 that's a huge diversity in every dAYQCQt6Iyo-00730-00192022-00192200 category you can take off basically and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00731-00192201-00192444 then Philippines Indonesia allow cim dAYQCQt6Iyo-00732-00192445-00192570 odia they're all at different but the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00733-00192571-00192747 three clusters we're headed by where the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00734-00192748-00192914 issues are in the region in terms of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00735-00192915-00193139 foreign countries stand so there's a lot dAYQCQt6Iyo-00736-00193140-00193284 of work to be done and I think this is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00737-00193285-00193419 where the role of government i think is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00738-00193420-00193748 very important where they can you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-00739-00193749-00193979 have the big big big picture look as dAYQCQt6Iyo-00740-00193980-00194298 opposed to having that old school full dAYQCQt6Iyo-00741-00194299-00194504 of how things used to happen because it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00742-00194505-00194658 came out of the post and telecom dAYQCQt6Iyo-00743-00194659-00194835 department which became then comes in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00744-00194836-00195002 calico and then the post office was dAYQCQt6Iyo-00745-00195003-00195207 stood up from them so there's some very dAYQCQt6Iyo-00746-00195208-00195623 brief or not so brief comments think i'd dAYQCQt6Iyo-00747-00195624-00195815 like to also ask you i understand that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00748-00195816-00196098 you have done extensive work also in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00749-00196099-00196395 Africa but this is more on freedom of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00750-00196396-00196581 expression but i'm sure that you've also dAYQCQt6Iyo-00751-00196582-00196853 had a chance to talk to them about the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00752-00196854-00197007 level of internet access and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00753-00197008-00197204 particularly how this release our dAYQCQt6Iyo-00754-00197205-00197397 freedom of expression and human rights dAYQCQt6Iyo-00755-00197398-00197571 in Africa perhaps you can you share some dAYQCQt6Iyo-00756-00197572-00197888 of those thoughts with us in Africa me dAYQCQt6Iyo-00757-00197889-00198323 or in general in general well we think dAYQCQt6Iyo-00758-00198324-00198674 it is one of the Internet freedom we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00759-00198675-00198910 think is very important that we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00760-00198911-00199252 reinitiated the freedom online coalition dAYQCQt6Iyo-00761-00199253-00199526 our country say when we tex I back dAYQCQt6Iyo-00762-00199527-00199746 exactly what we did so in our own dAYQCQt6Iyo-00763-00199747-00199976 country was first sighted to make sure dAYQCQt6Iyo-00764-00199977-00200279 death abuse sense right that you have at dAYQCQt6Iyo-00765-00200280-00200414 least the infrastructure that you can dAYQCQt6Iyo-00766-00200415-00200687 many infrastructures open they grow eyes dAYQCQt6Iyo-00767-00200688-00200895 please know the others you need to be at dAYQCQt6Iyo-00768-00200896-00201060 some instruments through to do that and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00769-00201061-00201251 to create his level playing field dAYQCQt6Iyo-00770-00201252-00201428 because that is important but it's also dAYQCQt6Iyo-00771-00201429-00201716 like maternity and what have you and the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00772-00201717-00202049 and then of course well we have our own dAYQCQt6Iyo-00773-00202050-00202262 committee but also so I we think it is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00774-00202263-00202448 because the wac mean the interesting dAYQCQt6Iyo-00775-00202449-00202623 thing of the worldwide back it is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00776-00202624-00202908 worldwide and that you can share say the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00777-00202909-00203181 information so you can have things in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00778-00203182-00203414 your own country whether the additional dAYQCQt6Iyo-00779-00203415-00203517 value is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00780-00203518-00203781 is worldwide so you have to you have to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00781-00203782-00204168 say I'm Kurtz I worldwide feelings I of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00782-00204169-00204384 access to internet so we going to be dAYQCQt6Iyo-00783-00204385-00204717 freedom along coalition and while he dAYQCQt6Iyo-00784-00204718-00205094 thinks I is access to internet so I is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00785-00205096-00205380 imported freedom and internet governance dAYQCQt6Iyo-00786-00205381-00205632 then that's right what comes from Islam dAYQCQt6Iyo-00787-00205633-00205935 that comes to that you make you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-00788-00205936-00206103 agreements with the other cover you this dAYQCQt6Iyo-00789-00206104-00206391 night you to keep this limited with dAYQCQt6Iyo-00790-00206392-00207179 these freedoms on internet we I mean do dAYQCQt6Iyo-00791-00207180-00207456 so we're not in favor of limitations one dAYQCQt6Iyo-00792-00207457-00207684 of the things also we initiate right now dAYQCQt6Iyo-00793-00207685-00208238 is to make sure that what we have say dAYQCQt6Iyo-00794-00208239-00208605 normally when we have expert both goods dAYQCQt6Iyo-00795-00208606-00208887 which can be made which you can can be dAYQCQt6Iyo-00796-00208888-00209426 used for bad things like well thank next dAYQCQt6Iyo-00797-00209427-00209754 frigates and what have you they have to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00798-00209755-00209994 have an export license from us now what dAYQCQt6Iyo-00799-00209994-00210207 we would like to do as well it's also a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00800-00210208-00210519 your part to to encourage other dAYQCQt6Iyo-00801-00210519-00210954 countries to look into technologies that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00802-00210955-00211221 can prevent people from access to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00803-00211221-00211437 internet or surveillance technology and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00804-00211438-00211737 we think we should you should also have dAYQCQt6Iyo-00805-00211738-00211923 a look at that especially so because dAYQCQt6Iyo-00806-00211923-00212171 sometimes especially when it can be dual dAYQCQt6Iyo-00807-00212173-00212430 use goods as we as we see you know it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00808-00212431-00212628 can be equally good mechanical bad but dAYQCQt6Iyo-00809-00212629-00212864 make sure where you export those dAYQCQt6Iyo-00810-00212865-00213225 technologies to and we think that it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00811-00213226-00213471 contribute to you know at least prevents dAYQCQt6Iyo-00812-00213471-00213992 an easy hindrance to the internet or dAYQCQt6Iyo-00813-00213994-00214200 worldwide surveillance of the internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-00814-00214201-00214698 which cannot be in favor of course so um dAYQCQt6Iyo-00815-00214698-00214977 we've talked about your experiences in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00816-00214978-00215235 terms of on the state of the Internet in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00817-00215236-00215444 your respective countries and how you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00818-00215446-00215819 have undertaken projects to improve the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00819-00215821-00216105 level of access um I'd also like to ask dAYQCQt6Iyo-00820-00216106-00216465 you um for instance we do you are you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00821-00216466-00216632 talked about improving dAYQCQt6Iyo-00822-00216633-00216944 since it by providing wireless access in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00823-00216944-00217136 the communities we see that there is a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00824-00217137-00217514 difference between the need for access dAYQCQt6Iyo-00825-00217515-00218384 to the Internet between rua dAYQCQt6Iyo-00826-00218385-00219110 and in order back areas so the project dAYQCQt6Iyo-00827-00219111-00219264 all we are talking about the violence or dAYQCQt6Iyo-00828-00219265-00219482 committees that the project which we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00829-00219483-00219728 have been implemented as it has a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00830-00219729-00219929 committee ownership kind of attained as dAYQCQt6Iyo-00831-00219930-00220140 well as those which we feel it in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00832-00220141-00220446 two ways that the cut the content should dAYQCQt6Iyo-00833-00220446-00220619 be come from the bottom up approach and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00834-00220621-00220877 the carnet should be given by the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00835-00220878-00221091 committee's instead of what we are dAYQCQt6Iyo-00836-00221092-00221326 forcing the country developed by or dAYQCQt6Iyo-00837-00221327-00221664 csonka and the in our venison an eye on dAYQCQt6Iyo-00838-00221665-00221930 you what we are we know all thing about dAYQCQt6Iyo-00839-00221931-00222162 that we need internet as well as we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00840-00222163-00222380 aware that we need internet but included dAYQCQt6Iyo-00841-00222381-00222749 when you go that we we tell them about dAYQCQt6Iyo-00842-00222750-00222944 the internet al it doesn't make any dAYQCQt6Iyo-00843-00222946-00223175 sense that keep what is bad to the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00844-00223176-00223406 needle internet but when we tell them dAYQCQt6Iyo-00845-00223407-00223617 about internet they are really happy to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00846-00223617-00223876 see the internet as an access or dAYQCQt6Iyo-00847-00223877-00224210 information gathering tools and once you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00848-00224211-00224384 give the device or once you give the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00849-00224385-00224528 technology all once you give the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00850-00224529-00224814 platform to them it's really good to see dAYQCQt6Iyo-00851-00224815-00225044 that they are already coming under way dAYQCQt6Iyo-00852-00225046-00225264 to explore that surrounding our dAYQCQt6Iyo-00853-00225265-00225602 environment they are exploring here what dAYQCQt6Iyo-00854-00225603-00225773 is the need of that internet so the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00855-00225774-00226082 devices ordered it is just a medium on a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00856-00226083-00226362 communication then we talk about it's a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00857-00226363-00226625 carbon all surgical scenario but the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00858-00226626-00226907 need is the same they're going to access dAYQCQt6Iyo-00859-00226908-00227183 the internet or they want the access for dAYQCQt6Iyo-00860-00227184-00227405 the information purpose either it could dAYQCQt6Iyo-00861-00227406-00227541 be a library good on there in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00862-00227542-00227732 agriculture or whatever they both got dAYQCQt6Iyo-00863-00227733-00228007 the same meal there we cannot dAYQCQt6Iyo-00864-00228008-00228398 marginalize them to me little power then dAYQCQt6Iyo-00865-00228399-00228621 they're already in power just there is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00866-00228621-00229085 no deposit and the content is and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00867-00229086-00229349 English is so much sugar there that they dAYQCQt6Iyo-00868-00229350-00229685 don't understand to search the search dAYQCQt6Iyo-00869-00229686-00229967 the internet so dance the content which dAYQCQt6Iyo-00870-00229969-00230132 means with a good by the focus of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00871-00230133-00230573 meetings so that's the difference which dAYQCQt6Iyo-00872-00230574-00230790 we have no wireless for committee dAYQCQt6Iyo-00873-00230791-00231125 secured the program we have awesome dAYQCQt6Iyo-00874-00231126-00231294 people to their own content so it was dAYQCQt6Iyo-00875-00231294-00231458 helpful for ourselves well that does it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00876-00231459-00231671 ever get whatever content we do not need dAYQCQt6Iyo-00877-00231673-00231912 to do anything they were all read dAYQCQt6Iyo-00878-00231913-00232217 everything the time thank you I am dAYQCQt6Iyo-00879-00232219-00232389 picking off from what you said I'd also dAYQCQt6Iyo-00880-00232390-00232694 like to ask Chris recording your project dAYQCQt6Iyo-00881-00232696-00233099 with orange cellco um based on the your dAYQCQt6Iyo-00882-00233100-00233399 presentation earlier I would understand dAYQCQt6Iyo-00883-00233400-00233600 that this would only work because okay dAYQCQt6Iyo-00884-00233601-00234002 quantity 16 so um how how are you able dAYQCQt6Iyo-00885-00234003-00234267 to make this work for rural areas where dAYQCQt6Iyo-00886-00234267-00234601 the population is um not that much and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00887-00234602-00234908 is there any plaintiff limited in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00888-00234909-00235416 last month so that's that's a couple of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00889-00235417-00235627 a question in one I mean I feel like the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00890-00235628-00235944 the the way that we have structured what dAYQCQt6Iyo-00891-00235944-00236169 we're doing with orange it's everywhere dAYQCQt6Iyo-00892-00236169-00236294 it's for everywhere in the country but dAYQCQt6Iyo-00893-00236296-00236575 you're right there's a question whether dAYQCQt6Iyo-00894-00236576-00236867 after the six month period expires how dAYQCQt6Iyo-00895-00236869-00237059 many of those users will sign on and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00896-00237060-00237302 have it as economies work out come and dAYQCQt6Iyo-00897-00237303-00237455 then that's mostly what our carrier dAYQCQt6Iyo-00898-00237456-00237629 partners would deal with me at Mozilla dAYQCQt6Iyo-00899-00237630-00237819 wouldn't get involved in that not dAYQCQt6Iyo-00900-00237819-00238085 particularly but there is no theoretical dAYQCQt6Iyo-00901-00238086-00238328 question there of how to deal with with dAYQCQt6Iyo-00902-00238329-00238703 rural areas where it's it's trickier I dAYQCQt6Iyo-00903-00238704-00239069 mean the the spectrum works differently dAYQCQt6Iyo-00904-00239071-00239234 in different ways and so in rural areas dAYQCQt6Iyo-00905-00239235-00239396 you can use much lower frequency dAYQCQt6Iyo-00906-00239398-00239660 spectrum that has much greater distance dAYQCQt6Iyo-00907-00239661-00239825 that it carries and so you can have dAYQCQt6Iyo-00908-00239826-00240203 fewer cell sites that are cheaper to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00909-00240204-00240458 maintain then the multiplicity of sites dAYQCQt6Iyo-00910-00240459-00240578 that you would need to maintain in an dAYQCQt6Iyo-00911-00240579-00240860 urban area so there are ways to deal dAYQCQt6Iyo-00912-00240861-00241038 with this but it is a very difficult dAYQCQt6Iyo-00913-00241039-00241235 problem and and sometimes I mean it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00914-00241236-00241494 historically the United States the way dAYQCQt6Iyo-00915-00241494-00241678 that we have dealt with that is is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00916-00241679-00241941 effectively through subsidization the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00917-00241942-00242084 Federal Communications Commission takes dAYQCQt6Iyo-00918-00242085-00242330 in universal service fees and implements dAYQCQt6Iyo-00919-00242331-00242579 a federal policy of universal service in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00920-00242580-00242742 order to subsidize the more expensive dAYQCQt6Iyo-00921-00242742-00242933 connections to the more rural areas of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00922-00242934-00243101 the country name that's a framework that dAYQCQt6Iyo-00923-00243102-00243284 we needed to develop in order to try to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00924-00243285-00243492 achieve the vision of universal service dAYQCQt6Iyo-00925-00243492-00243644 and it's tricky and there's a major dAYQCQt6Iyo-00926-00243646-00243809 government role in it in many different dAYQCQt6Iyo-00927-00243810-00244204 countries and will need to be ultimately dAYQCQt6Iyo-00928-00244205-00244508 you mentioned subsidization so I'd also dAYQCQt6Iyo-00929-00244509-00244682 like that except and it is what do you dAYQCQt6Iyo-00930-00244683-00244798 think of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00931-00244800-00245064 interplay between state action to dAYQCQt6Iyo-00932-00245065-00245375 improve internet access versus community dAYQCQt6Iyo-00933-00245376-00245894 action to improve internet access okay dAYQCQt6Iyo-00934-00245896-00246117 there's a yep that's very interesting a dAYQCQt6Iyo-00935-00246117-00246248 very interesting question about the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00936-00246250-00246462 subsidizes because we have a very dAYQCQt6Iyo-00937-00246463-00246674 different experience in Indonesia the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00938-00246675-00246878 government s collect the universal dAYQCQt6Iyo-00939-00246879-00247229 service obligation whatever does with dAYQCQt6Iyo-00940-00247230-00247430 the money whatever they want right in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00941-00247431-00247901 Pakistan right so but what's happening dAYQCQt6Iyo-00942-00247902-00248346 here in our country is we just got sick dAYQCQt6Iyo-00943-00248346-00248616 of that inside and we started building dAYQCQt6Iyo-00944-00248617-00248909 our own I mean really building our own dAYQCQt6Iyo-00945-00248910-00249551 and they simply stopped it just because dAYQCQt6Iyo-00946-00249552-00249905 it isn't in the government's program so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00947-00249906-00250079 everything that isn't a government dAYQCQt6Iyo-00948-00250080-00250440 program does not exist which comes to an dAYQCQt6Iyo-00949-00250441-00250812 answer what you told me the traffic dAYQCQt6Iyo-00950-00250813-00250989 going outside there's a few pictures dAYQCQt6Iyo-00951-00250990-00251126 here I don't know if I'm going to show dAYQCQt6Iyo-00952-00251127-00251426 it there but the Allegiant traffic has dAYQCQt6Iyo-00953-00251427-00251888 never gone through the US since 2001 dAYQCQt6Iyo-00954-00251889-00252144 right but it's not a government project dAYQCQt6Iyo-00955-00252144-00252366 and the government doesn't recognize it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00956-00252367-00252912 hence it doesn't exist so that's kind of dAYQCQt6Iyo-00957-00252913-00253098 true practice I'm yes technically yeah dAYQCQt6Iyo-00958-00253098-00253298 if it isn't your government run it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00959-00253300-00253484 doesn't either so the subsidized we dAYQCQt6Iyo-00960-00253485-00253649 don't need there's even this one case dAYQCQt6Iyo-00961-00253650-00253923 first media had this brilliant I here dAYQCQt6Iyo-00962-00253923-00254126 creating a project ten dollars per month dAYQCQt6Iyo-00963-00254127-00254373 unlimited internet access goes to the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00964-00254373-00254517 house of parliament they declined it dAYQCQt6Iyo-00965-00254517-00254996 because it was sooo cheap so the private dAYQCQt6Iyo-00966-00254998-00255203 sector actually has the money has the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00967-00255204-00255380 technology has the willingness to do dAYQCQt6Iyo-00968-00255381-00255878 that it simply is not allowed that's the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00969-00255879-00256344 case in my country and leases and so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00970-00256344-00257117 yeah here's a they're on a show all dAYQCQt6Iyo-00971-00257119-00257817 right dAYQCQt6Iyo-00972-00257817-00258184 yeah if i can add something while this dAYQCQt6Iyo-00973-00258185-00258388 is being connected we have had some dAYQCQt6Iyo-00974-00258389-00258790 similar situations and pants on with dAYQCQt6Iyo-00975-00258791-00259033 telcos offering really good SMS from dAYQCQt6Iyo-00976-00259034-00259198 Bull's them are free but they're almost dAYQCQt6Iyo-00977-00259198-00259462 free and then there was a plantation in dAYQCQt6Iyo-00978-00259463-00259663 the code saying that by offering free dAYQCQt6Iyo-00979-00259664-00259990 SMS bundles the moral values of the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00980-00259991-00260227 society are being affected because there dAYQCQt6Iyo-00981-00260228-00260512 are too many young people messaging dAYQCQt6Iyo-00982-00260513-00260701 carrying on love affair than what not dAYQCQt6Iyo-00983-00260702-00260884 and then there was a directive by the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00984-00260885-00261064 government to stop offering those dAYQCQt6Iyo-00985-00261065-00261283 bangles specifically those that were dAYQCQt6Iyo-00986-00261284-00261544 like nighttime panels you know 12 a.m. dAYQCQt6Iyo-00987-00261544-00262023 to 12pm unlimited SMS so it's dAYQCQt6Iyo-00988-00262025-00262210 interesting to see how you know these dAYQCQt6Iyo-00989-00262211-00262435 things are offered by the corporate dAYQCQt6Iyo-00990-00262436-00262627 sector not be civil society and yet dAYQCQt6Iyo-00991-00262628-00263032 compound calm down upon on the pretext dAYQCQt6Iyo-00992-00263033-00263406 of ideology or cultural or moral issues dAYQCQt6Iyo-00993-00263407-00263635 it's ok i'm curious to know what the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00994-00263636-00263764 love is didn't know that they lost the dAYQCQt6Iyo-00995-00263765-00264379 SMS i was gonna ask did you use it so dAYQCQt6Iyo-00996-00264380-00264556 yes just a few pictures so this is show dAYQCQt6Iyo-00997-00264557-00264691 you what what's happening in media this dAYQCQt6Iyo-00998-00264692-00264967 is 97 this is the the red warning is dAYQCQt6Iyo-00999-00264968-00265126 seems i'm in exchange like we did this dAYQCQt6Iyo-01000-00265127-00265348 as you can see not all the ICS are dAYQCQt6Iyo-01001-00265349-00265618 connected to it but this is what happens dAYQCQt6Iyo-01002-00265619-00265975 in the next year since 98 right Morais dAYQCQt6Iyo-01003-00265976-00266131 keys are connected derecho indirectly dAYQCQt6Iyo-01004-00266132-00266374 that's 2000 and this is what I told you dAYQCQt6Iyo-01005-00266375-00266746 by 2001 everything is connected the one dAYQCQt6Iyo-01006-00266747-00266917 on the right side is actually connected dAYQCQt6Iyo-01007-00266918-00267103 to a loser in those others connected to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01008-00267104-00267277 the exchange show everyone is connected dAYQCQt6Iyo-01009-00267278-00267622 and this is as more ice please GRU dAYQCQt6Iyo-01010-00267623-00267817 they're all connected to the change and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01011-00267818-00268150 this is 2006 right everything is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01012-00268151-00268438 connected to a single thing that Brent dAYQCQt6Iyo-01013-00268439-00268606 spot in the middle is actually one dAYQCQt6Iyo-01014-00268607-00268879 single device so the whole country is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01015-00268880-00269278 run on one single router nothing from dAYQCQt6Iyo-01016-00269279-00269511 univision Indonesia I say screw the US dAYQCQt6Iyo-01017-00269512-00269890 anymore but since it is not a government dAYQCQt6Iyo-01018-00269891-00270571 program it does not exist okay how are dAYQCQt6Iyo-01019-00270572-00270717 the growth of dAYQCQt6Iyo-01020-00270718-00271326 is this is the data collected in pno dAYQCQt6Iyo-01021-00271327-00271713 2013 right our population has grew too dAYQCQt6Iyo-01022-00271714-00271947 hun 24 to 30 45 instead of uses two dAYQCQt6Iyo-01023-00271948-00272196 million 255 million the peak traffic of dAYQCQt6Iyo-01024-00272197-00272424 the local internet remix to sixty seven dAYQCQt6Iyo-01025-00272425-00272688 point four gigs alright so our dAYQCQt6Iyo-01026-00272689-00272906 population grew by nine percent internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-01027-00272907-00273035 users will buy two thousand six hundred dAYQCQt6Iyo-01028-00273036-00273324 fifty percent our peak traffic grew to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01029-00273325-00273485 two million two hundred forty-six dAYQCQt6Iyo-01030-00273486-00273612 thousand five hundred sixty-seven dAYQCQt6Iyo-01031-00273613-00273852 percent we have a growth of two million dAYQCQt6Iyo-01032-00273853-00274157 local traffic of the internet in 10 dAYQCQt6Iyo-01033-00274158-00274406 years yeah the only problem is it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01034-00274407-00274730 doesn't exist alright so what we're dAYQCQt6Iyo-01035-00274731-00274931 trying to do here in the philippines is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01036-00274932-00275178 philippines is blessed that the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01037-00275179-00275405 government is not that involved so you dAYQCQt6Iyo-01038-00275406-00275909 have this power to do what can be dAYQCQt6Iyo-01039-00275910-00276221 achieved by the community and having dAYQCQt6Iyo-01040-00276222-00276545 Mozilla and the i saw on board right now dAYQCQt6Iyo-01041-00276546-00277038 you make it faster we needed 12 years to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01042-00277039-00277328 do this you can do it in 34 years with dAYQCQt6Iyo-01043-00277329-00277623 the help of these guys so that's dAYQCQt6Iyo-01044-00277624-00277962 actually when I should go you all right dAYQCQt6Iyo-01045-00277963-00278289 so yeah right so just on to that so in dAYQCQt6Iyo-01046-00278290-00278459 June we try to do something on that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01047-00278460-00278790 right here yes and and what we're doing dAYQCQt6Iyo-01048-00278791-00278952 now is actually connecting the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01049-00278953-00279158 Philippine exchange the new reservation dAYQCQt6Iyo-01050-00279159-00279399 the PlayStation not going to we've dAYQCQt6Iyo-01051-00279400-00279632 actually connected the exchange right dAYQCQt6Iyo-01052-00279633-00279900 and that isn't also recognized by the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01053-00279901-00280128 government so now they're having this dAYQCQt6Iyo-01054-00280129-00280338 project called the ASEAN exchange dAYQCQt6Iyo-01055-00280339-00280783 project which we have done two years ago dAYQCQt6Iyo-01056-00280784-00281219 who's reading we also a stressful no one dAYQCQt6Iyo-01057-00281220-00281581 it's the internet it's supposed to be a dAYQCQt6Iyo-01058-00281582-00281897 connectivity of everyone no one controls dAYQCQt6Iyo-01059-00281898-00282182 internet everyone has a say on the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01060-00282183-00282474 internet and that's what the open ID is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01061-00282475-00282765 there is no single body that controls dAYQCQt6Iyo-01062-00282766-00282953 the open eyes p it isn't under any dAYQCQt6Iyo-01063-00282954-00283212 organization it is other government it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01064-00283213-00283505 isn't under any commercial entity it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01065-00283506-00283848 belongs to everyone that is on the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01066-00283849-00283959 internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-01067-00283960-00284211 and the ASEAN exchange what we think is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01068-00284212-00284661 also under that same mindset that bit dAYQCQt6Iyo-01069-00284662-00284940 belongs to the axion community not no dAYQCQt6Iyo-01070-00284941-00285276 one single country has a dominant power dAYQCQt6Iyo-01071-00285277-00285858 over it are you I don't know they don't dAYQCQt6Iyo-01072-00285859-00287187 like let me out much yes I think so but dAYQCQt6Iyo-01073-00287188-00287712 uh going to the Philippines I think it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01074-00287713-00288384 can be actually replicated here our dAYQCQt6Iyo-01075-00288385-00288609 telcos here would like us to believe dAYQCQt6Iyo-01076-00288610-00288834 that we are unique so in one of the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01077-00288835-00289070 Senate hearings that I offended because dAYQCQt6Iyo-01078-00289071-00289374 there is an ongoing Senate investigation dAYQCQt6Iyo-01079-00289375-00289554 on white philippine internet is slow and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01080-00289555-00289797 expensive and i've attended all of them dAYQCQt6Iyo-01081-00289798-00290010 month because i was invited by the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01082-00290011-00290232 telephones i just wanted to be there to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01083-00290233-00290481 make sure that civil society it you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-01084-00290482-00290619 research organizations are they dAYQCQt6Iyo-01085-00290620-00291012 represented so they kept he kept telling dAYQCQt6Iyo-01086-00291013-00291228 us your unique your unique then i told dAYQCQt6Iyo-01087-00291229-00291651 them indonesia for 17,000 islands Ten dAYQCQt6Iyo-01088-00291652-00291771 Thousand Islands more than the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01089-00291772-00292011 Philippines and all of them all calicos dAYQCQt6Iyo-01090-00292012-00292146 and ISPs there are one hundred percent dAYQCQt6Iyo-01091-00292147-00292359 connected with just one internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-01092-00292360-00292665 exchange point and then liquid they were dAYQCQt6Iyo-01093-00292666-00293013 quite after that so just that just dAYQCQt6Iyo-01094-00293014-00293457 actually shows how when when we stop dAYQCQt6Iyo-01095-00293458-00293796 questioning you know private companies dAYQCQt6Iyo-01096-00293797-00293970 like telcos in the case of the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01097-00293971-00294285 Philippines about why the service is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01098-00294286-00294545 like this why you know internet services dAYQCQt6Iyo-01099-00294546-00294783 expensive why is it that we only have dAYQCQt6Iyo-01100-00294784-00295059 less than forty percent of the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01101-00295060-00295320 population with internet access then dAYQCQt6Iyo-01102-00295321-00295527 they'll just keep telling us all the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01103-00295528-00295839 cliche answers and you know because we dAYQCQt6Iyo-01104-00295840-00296118 just have to keep pushing also the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01105-00296119-00296466 government to help we have to help the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01106-00296467-00296640 government actually understand the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01107-00296641-00296904 situation and then look for you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-01108-00296905-00297117 champions within the government because dAYQCQt6Iyo-01109-00297118-00297359 there are there are you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-01110-00297360-00297740 gems within the government that you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-01111-00297741-00298064 who would carry carry on this and on dAYQCQt6Iyo-01112-00298065-00298430 this history form so I'm sure there are dAYQCQt6Iyo-01113-00298431-00298544 also some people in the audience dAYQCQt6Iyo-01114-00298545-00298847 wondering if their unique anybody wants dAYQCQt6Iyo-01115-00298848-00299848 to ask the question from our families dAYQCQt6Iyo-01116-00299849-00300263 may be a bit I have a question to you dAYQCQt6Iyo-01117-00300264-00300659 you just showed your Sullivan a champion dAYQCQt6Iyo-01118-00300660-00300896 for the one Roger of course this week dAYQCQt6Iyo-01119-00300897-00301046 the question of how phone roles or dAYQCQt6Iyo-01120-00301047-00301711 network singapore Napoleon we pray Allah dAYQCQt6Iyo-01121-00301712-00302095 it is vulnerable but it becomes it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01122-00302096-00302474 Gentiles is very political it's hard dAYQCQt6Iyo-01123-00302475-00302762 enough to get the telcos to connect to a dAYQCQt6Iyo-01124-00302763-00302972 single exchange if you have multiple dAYQCQt6Iyo-01125-00302973-00303335 browsers in different locations for dAYQCQt6Iyo-01126-00303336-00303605 redundancy they simply just won't earn dAYQCQt6Iyo-01127-00303606-00303836 them to the redundant server tell you dAYQCQt6Iyo-01128-00303837-00304196 runnin router that's that's that's the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01129-00304197-00304463 answer because it's it's a matter of dAYQCQt6Iyo-01130-00304464-00304838 pride no I'm telkom of Indonesia now i dAYQCQt6Iyo-01131-00304839-00305195 could buy by Rho your rule once I'm this dAYQCQt6Iyo-01132-00305196-00305354 big giant company and your guests are dAYQCQt6Iyo-01133-00305355-00305612 nobody to hurt now you're telling me to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01134-00305613-00305945 connect there they just sick if you dAYQCQt6Iyo-01135-00305946-00306377 don't do it so it's not we couldn't make dAYQCQt6Iyo-01136-00306378-00306911 a redundant router it's hard because of dAYQCQt6Iyo-01137-00306912-00307424 the pride of the telcos so just a very dAYQCQt6Iyo-01138-00307425-00307541 quick follow-up question you don't dAYQCQt6Iyo-01139-00307542-00307676 provide international connectivity dAYQCQt6Iyo-01140-00307677-00307939 through your head so if you're our died dAYQCQt6Iyo-01141-00307940-00308183 they the network would still be dAYQCQt6Iyo-01142-00308184-00308300 technically connected it's just dAYQCQt6Iyo-01143-00308301-00308486 everybody would go be a Hong Kong yes I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01144-00308487-00309212 get to eat stuff so more like much much dAYQCQt6Iyo-01145-00309213-00309392 ever present it's a big traffic now is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01146-00309393-00309728 actually 180 gigs alright so back in two dAYQCQt6Iyo-01147-00309729-00309919 thousand one man going to the US was dAYQCQt6Iyo-01148-00309920-00310196 88,000 US dollars per month so divide dAYQCQt6Iyo-01149-00310197-00310478 multiply benefits now one thing why I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01150-00310479-00310639 was invited to what she dAYQCQt6Iyo-01151-00310640-00310927 which means this Akamai study said in dAYQCQt6Iyo-01152-00310928-00311138 the medium has risen in terms of quality dAYQCQt6Iyo-01153-00311139-00311434 forty-four percent last year and my dAYQCQt6Iyo-01154-00311435-00311738 answer was they were wrong I mean it's dAYQCQt6Iyo-01155-00311739-00311944 always been like this the problem is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01156-00311945-00312226 atomized algorithm always calculated how dAYQCQt6Iyo-01157-00312227-00312437 much how fast the traffic is going dAYQCQt6Iyo-01158-00312438-00312619 through their CD ends which goes outside dAYQCQt6Iyo-01159-00312620-00313003 but is a hundred of 80 gigs of data that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01160-00313004-00313393 a cell phone user Indonesia connects to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01161-00313394-00313585 a local content provider in amnesia dAYQCQt6Iyo-01162-00313586-00313798 going through the overnight see is never dAYQCQt6Iyo-01163-00313799-00314197 calculated by Akamai so I think they've dAYQCQt6Iyo-01164-00314198-00314363 realized that there was something wrong dAYQCQt6Iyo-01165-00314364-00314639 and the only reason the only way late in dAYQCQt6Iyo-01167-00320078-00320477 you're probably run from me run sorry I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01168-00320478-00320834 can try any problem for problem my kind dAYQCQt6Iyo-01169-00320835-00320984 of experience remember I told you will dAYQCQt6Iyo-01170-00320985-00321114 not under the government and everything dAYQCQt6Iyo-01171-00321115-00321304 so that's that's the way we protect our dAYQCQt6Iyo-01172-00321305-00321653 human rights the government has no case dAYQCQt6Iyo-01173-00321654-00321908 and no power to see what passes through dAYQCQt6Iyo-01174-00321909-00322245 the local exchange so that's the power dAYQCQt6Iyo-01175-00322246-00322499 that we have I know for a fact that both dAYQCQt6Iyo-01176-00322500-00322641 of the government's that I know in this dAYQCQt6Iyo-01177-00322642-00322824 region always says we need to protect dAYQCQt6Iyo-01178-00322825-00323016 the internet pornography night they put dAYQCQt6Iyo-01179-00323017-00323447 these little devices to wheel dAYQCQt6Iyo-01180-00323448-00323627 pornography but there is not a single dAYQCQt6Iyo-01181-00323628-00323828 country that I know that has that power dAYQCQt6Iyo-01182-00323829-00324072 of filtering pornography that has never dAYQCQt6Iyo-01183-00324073-00324437 used it to block their political rivals dAYQCQt6Iyo-01184-00324438-00324993 so yes do that but the control has still dAYQCQt6Iyo-01185-00324994-00325325 to be with the people if there's dAYQCQt6Iyo-01186-00325326-00325512 something going on and run there's no dAYQCQt6Iyo-01187-00325513-00325670 way the government should be able to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01188-00325671-00326156 switch off your internet the another dAYQCQt6Iyo-01189-00326157-00326412 thing is to go sleep it is still dAYQCQt6Iyo-01190-00326413-00326691 connected to the internet to the World dAYQCQt6Iyo-01191-00326692-00326882 Wide Web it's not site completely dAYQCQt6Iyo-01192-00326883-00327182 isolated yeah that is the other thing as dAYQCQt6Iyo-01193-00327183-00327434 well I mean as you said as well if they dAYQCQt6Iyo-01194-00327435-00327722 if they so I emailed them then dAYQCQt6Iyo-01195-00327723-00327963 everybody's still connected for they dAYQCQt6Iyo-01196-00327964-00328274 have to freeway let me just add sort of dAYQCQt6Iyo-01197-00328275-00328505 a 3rd regional reference or comparison dAYQCQt6Iyo-01198-00328506-00328767 point here and that's Europe so in dAYQCQt6Iyo-01199-00328768-00328947 Europe there are a lot of conversations dAYQCQt6Iyo-01200-00328948-00329112 now about the concept of a European dAYQCQt6Iyo-01201-00329113-00329456 cloud so we've got only talked to two dAYQCQt6Iyo-01202-00329457-00329732 people in the Commission and Parliament dAYQCQt6Iyo-01203-00329733-00329898 about this and our point of view is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01204-00329899-00330096 always you want to build a cloud dAYQCQt6Iyo-01205-00330097-00330291 infrastructure in the new Europe great dAYQCQt6Iyo-01206-00330292-00330624 please do you want to mandate that all dAYQCQt6Iyo-01207-00330625-00330849 European citizen data be stored in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01208-00330850-00331041 air pink cloud and not in non-european dAYQCQt6Iyo-01209-00331042-00331304 clouds that breaks the global open web dAYQCQt6Iyo-01210-00331305-00331604 so it's really about whether you are dAYQCQt6Iyo-01211-00331605-00331880 additive to the network or whether you dAYQCQt6Iyo-01212-00331881-00333108 are closing it in what you're doing dAYQCQt6Iyo-01213-00333109-00333551 I'm with the Allison's and so we dAYQCQt6Iyo-01214-00333552-00333784 struggle a lot with the kill switch and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01215-00333785-00334060 network this connectivity is on any dAYQCQt6Iyo-01216-00334061-00334466 protector of security of course like I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01217-00334467-00334688 recently just yesterday we had the box dAYQCQt6Iyo-01218-00334689-00334922 and a parade and the mobile networks in dAYQCQt6Iyo-01219-00334923-00335078 Sabah have been switched off for the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01220-00335079-00335402 whole week for extended three hours so dAYQCQt6Iyo-01221-00335403-00335612 it was two hours a week five and three dAYQCQt6Iyo-01222-00335613-00335828 hours and six hours and it's not dAYQCQt6Iyo-01223-00335829-00336176 something that it's not a unique dAYQCQt6Iyo-01224-00336177-00336416 happening it happens usually at times dAYQCQt6Iyo-01225-00336417-00336641 when people are most vulnerable and then dAYQCQt6Iyo-01226-00336642-00336835 they're suddenly without mobile and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01227-00336836-00337156 Internet and we have been doing this dAYQCQt6Iyo-01228-00337157-00337408 research thinking that okay this has to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01229-00337409-00337616 be the worst thing happening ever and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01230-00337617-00337858 then found power happens in other dAYQCQt6Iyo-01231-00337859-00338083 countries essa so for people who are dAYQCQt6Iyo-01232-00338084-00338315 sitting on a panel like I she will be dAYQCQt6Iyo-01233-00338316-00338615 have you experienced this in different dAYQCQt6Iyo-01234-00338616-00338852 countries and then how do you go about dAYQCQt6Iyo-01235-00338853-00339020 actually dealing with a pending dAYQCQt6Iyo-01236-00339021-00339323 government comes up with a legit reasons dAYQCQt6Iyo-01237-00339324-00339658 for you know shutting it down saying oh dAYQCQt6Iyo-01238-00339659-00340046 mobile to bomb trigger and would you dAYQCQt6Iyo-01239-00340047-00340247 rather die or be without decimals for a dAYQCQt6Iyo-01240-00340248-00340906 few hours right that actually happened dAYQCQt6Iyo-01241-00340907-00341131 recently in Manila because the Pope was dAYQCQt6Iyo-01242-00341132-00341665 here so all of a sudden all mobile dAYQCQt6Iyo-01243-00341666-00342062 subscribers lost connection basically dAYQCQt6Iyo-01244-00342063-00342355 lost signal and we thought it was just a dAYQCQt6Iyo-01245-00342356-00342737 downtime but no it was revealed while it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01246-00342738-00343009 was happening and we received an SMS dAYQCQt6Iyo-01247-00343010-00343328 said look it was the government it was dAYQCQt6Iyo-01248-00343329-00343601 an order by the government for cellular dAYQCQt6Iyo-01249-00343602-00343822 all cellular companies to shut down dAYQCQt6Iyo-01250-00343823-00344189 basically shut down mobile services dAYQCQt6Iyo-01251-00344190-00344639 because to protect the Pope so I there dAYQCQt6Iyo-01252-00344640-00345029 was a mix there's sorry yeah it was like dAYQCQt6Iyo-01253-00345030-00345425 oh god yes and we are eighty-three dAYQCQt6Iyo-01254-00345426-00346045 percent cackling so we all complied so dAYQCQt6Iyo-01255-00346046-00346475 so that said this is very relevant and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01256-00346476-00346637 interesting question I actually don't dAYQCQt6Iyo-01257-00346638-00346865 know how to answer it because for me we dAYQCQt6Iyo-01258-00346866-00347024 calculate I wanted to protect the Pope dAYQCQt6Iyo-01259-00347025-00347387 of course but but at what expense and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01260-00347388-00347657 why are we not informed because everyone dAYQCQt6Iyo-01261-00347658-00347840 was saying of course you were informed dAYQCQt6Iyo-01262-00347841-00347993 because then you would have also dAYQCQt6Iyo-01263-00347994-00348224 informed the earth whoever wanted to do dAYQCQt6Iyo-01264-00348225-00348407 something bad to the poem okay that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01265-00348408-00348770 makes sense so but so what how about the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01266-00348771-00349229 at what cause we are we willing to put dAYQCQt6Iyo-01267-00349230-00349865 tech you know citizens and why why is it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01268-00349866-00350297 that why is it that the telcos get it is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01269-00350298-00350486 easily shut about their you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-01270-00350487-00350861 services but when it's in terms of the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01271-00350862-00351083 clamor of people to make your services dAYQCQt6Iyo-01272-00351084-00351383 better than we going to anything about dAYQCQt6Iyo-01273-00351384-00351605 it so it's actually a very tricky dAYQCQt6Iyo-01274-00351606-00351950 question so I just wanted to add one dAYQCQt6Iyo-01275-00351951-00352148 reference point this didn't it happens dAYQCQt6Iyo-01276-00352149-00352313 in many many places all around the world dAYQCQt6Iyo-01277-00352314-00352550 it happen in Oakland California about dAYQCQt6Iyo-01278-00352551-00352811 three years ago there were part protests dAYQCQt6Iyo-01279-00352812-00353090 going on just normal normal minor dAYQCQt6Iyo-01280-00353091-00353240 protests about public transportation dAYQCQt6Iyo-01281-00353241-00353426 systems and the Oakland Police dAYQCQt6Iyo-01282-00353427-00353728 Department put pressure on the local dAYQCQt6Iyo-01283-00353729-00353990 cellular network operator to temporarily dAYQCQt6Iyo-01284-00353991-00354212 shut down and cellular network to make dAYQCQt6Iyo-01285-00354213-00354425 it harder for people to coordinate and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01286-00354426-00354620 to protest it was a ridiculous incident dAYQCQt6Iyo-01287-00354621-00354779 there was a lot of public pressure in dAYQCQt6Iyo-01288-00354780-00355019 the u.s. against that but I mean I did I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01289-00355020-00355235 can give you a framework of what what I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01290-00355236-00355391 believe the answer to be to this which dAYQCQt6Iyo-01291-00355392-00355643 is democratic processes that develop dAYQCQt6Iyo-01292-00355644-00355871 rules and processes that governments dAYQCQt6Iyo-01293-00355872-00356072 must go through in order to decide dAYQCQt6Iyo-01294-00356073-00356252 whether to do something like this and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01295-00356253-00356435 then the most important part in the park dAYQCQt6Iyo-01296-00356436-00356621 that almost ever exists in practice is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01297-00356622-00356888 accountability after the fact so that if dAYQCQt6Iyo-01298-00356889-00357149 they didn't follow their own rules they dAYQCQt6Iyo-01299-00357150-00357305 need to be held accountable and no one dAYQCQt6Iyo-01300-00357306-00357791 should be above the law also in I was dAYQCQt6Iyo-01301-00357792-00358157 until a frico in March and I know last dAYQCQt6Iyo-01302-00358158-00358445 month and it did happen and because dAYQCQt6Iyo-01303-00358446-00358736 though but it's actually security that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01304-00358737-00359115 it was there was a protest against dAYQCQt6Iyo-01305-00359116-00359691 then again three NC and there was it was dAYQCQt6Iyo-01306-00359692-00359940 being covered inside the Parliament in dAYQCQt6Iyo-01307-00359941-00360314 the signals went off completely and also dAYQCQt6Iyo-01308-00360315-00360966 the slogan was in protest of media wants dAYQCQt6Iyo-01309-00360967-00361239 to bring back the signal the brain but dAYQCQt6Iyo-01310-00361240-00361368 because that's why they teach your daily dAYQCQt6Iyo-01311-00361369-00361659 sort of kill that at that point I said I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01312-00361660-00361925 guess it's for different reasons ringing dAYQCQt6Iyo-01313-00361926-00362307 all right so because this is a human dAYQCQt6Iyo-01314-00362308-00362739 rights thing you know so what happened dAYQCQt6Iyo-01315-00362740-00362892 in the media is this is very interesting dAYQCQt6Iyo-01316-00362893-00363219 we have ehh i told you so practically dAYQCQt6Iyo-01317-00363220-00363570 logically after 911 everyone came over dAYQCQt6Iyo-01318-00363571-00364128 to gauge as i mentioned i don't really dAYQCQt6Iyo-01319-00364129-00364254 like working with the governor I don't dAYQCQt6Iyo-01320-00364255-00364503 play well with others is the river so dAYQCQt6Iyo-01321-00364504-00364791 I'm civilly disobedient so they came up dAYQCQt6Iyo-01322-00364792-00365004 here okay there are people are dying now dAYQCQt6Iyo-01323-00365005-00365223 you have to let us in we have to see all dAYQCQt6Iyo-01324-00365224-00365400 the traffic that's fighting thru da dAYQCQt6Iyo-01325-00365401-00365625 change so we can get the bad guys and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01326-00365626-00365883 one thing is logical that's choose but dAYQCQt6Iyo-01327-00365884-00366039 second thing is now I don't really feel dAYQCQt6Iyo-01328-00366040-00366294 comfortable with it so I thought in two dAYQCQt6Iyo-01329-00366295-00366630 thousand even our peak traffic was 30 dAYQCQt6Iyo-01330-00366631-00366915 years ago three days or something 1111 dAYQCQt6Iyo-01331-00366916-00367170 Giga right so they came with this device dAYQCQt6Iyo-01332-00367171-00367479 which was a hundred base they couldn't dAYQCQt6Iyo-01333-00367480-00367815 get the traffic of one game so I said dAYQCQt6Iyo-01334-00367816-00368061 yeah please come back I'll pass all the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01335-00368062-00368517 traffic to you to your 100 Meg link now dAYQCQt6Iyo-01336-00368518-00368673 the next year they came up with a one dAYQCQt6Iyo-01337-00368674-00368949 gig device trying to get all the traffic dAYQCQt6Iyo-01338-00368950-00369401 and our traffic was 30 gigs right so now dAYQCQt6Iyo-01339-00369402-00369648 technically a cisco router you can only dAYQCQt6Iyo-01340-00369649-00370136 do port mirroring to a physical dAYQCQt6Iyo-01341-00370137-00370356 interface so the biggest physical dAYQCQt6Iyo-01342-00370357-00370545 interface now is a 10 game so now dAYQCQt6Iyo-01343-00370546-00370683 they've come up with a ton great device dAYQCQt6Iyo-01344-00370684-00371091 and my traffic is 180 gigs right so we dAYQCQt6Iyo-01345-00371092-00371445 left them we'd let them see the traffic dAYQCQt6Iyo-01346-00371446-00371882 we just made more and more traffic to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01347-00371883-00371997 confuse dAYQCQt6Iyo-01348-00371998-00372266 them they couldn't see anything you know dAYQCQt6Iyo-01349-00372267-00372753 attend big traffic on a 180 cake peak so dAYQCQt6Iyo-01350-00372754-00373092 yes I am abiding what the government or dAYQCQt6Iyo-01351-00373093-00373394 weak intelligence community is asking me dAYQCQt6Iyo-01352-00373395-00373725 but I'm trying not to let them see dAYQCQt6Iyo-01353-00373726-00374117 anyway so yeah you can try and do that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01354-00374118-00374775 maybe yeah any more questions okay I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01355-00374776-00374943 think we've already come full circle dAYQCQt6Iyo-01356-00374944-00375258 from the problem of access to be having dAYQCQt6Iyo-01357-00375259-00375528 access I didn't having it taken away so dAYQCQt6Iyo-01358-00375529-00376044 I I like to ask our speakers if make dAYQCQt6Iyo-01359-00376045-00376274 some recommendations that they think dAYQCQt6Iyo-01360-00376275-00376662 others could take all in order to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01361-00376663-00376806 improve internet access on the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01362-00376807-00377457 respective countries I thinks I wanna me dAYQCQt6Iyo-01363-00377458-00377640 wonder would you vote for would say all dAYQCQt6Iyo-01364-00377641-00377805 the problem things are being this close dAYQCQt6Iyo-01365-00377806-00378105 to make juice in as well please say the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01366-00378106-00378294 internet of course seems like a whole dAYQCQt6Iyo-01367-00378295-00378485 different world and in a sense it is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01368-00378486-00378720 when it comes to you know to human life dAYQCQt6Iyo-01369-00378721-00378984 justice it's not and so the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01370-00378985-00379251 accountability you have say in your real dAYQCQt6Iyo-01371-00379252-00379494 actions you also have on the internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-01372-00379495-00379685 and should be there on the internet that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01373-00379686-00379899 suddenly there are different rules then dAYQCQt6Iyo-01374-00379900-00380187 on say that an online or the same rule dAYQCQt6Iyo-01375-00380188-00380346 smart and it's also comes from dAYQCQt6Iyo-01376-00380347-00381114 government program notes and a day dAYQCQt6Iyo-01377-00381115-00381430 so the the take home that I or the the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01378-00381431-00381660 point that I would deliver here is it's dAYQCQt6Iyo-01379-00381661-00381880 not just about not only is it not just dAYQCQt6Iyo-01380-00381881-00382054 about connecting to facebook I would dAYQCQt6Iyo-01381-00382055-00382210 argue it's not just about connecting to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01382-00382211-00382327 the internet it's really about dAYQCQt6Iyo-01383-00382328-00382507 connecting to the web and the reason I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01384-00382508-00382705 make that distinction is that it's not dAYQCQt6Iyo-01385-00382706-00382891 just about connecting it's not just dAYQCQt6Iyo-01386-00382892-00383160 about putting content in front of people dAYQCQt6Iyo-01387-00383161-00383347 so that they can consume it it's really dAYQCQt6Iyo-01388-00383348-00383542 a very important part of this that I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01389-00383543-00383698 want to make sure that we never lose is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01390-00383699-00383953 that the Internet is us it's made of dAYQCQt6Iyo-01391-00383954-00384160 cost it's built by us and the things dAYQCQt6Iyo-01392-00384161-00384376 that we do and that we create and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01393-00384377-00384607 contribute to it and that's a really dAYQCQt6Iyo-01394-00384608-00384898 important part of this ecosystem and of dAYQCQt6Iyo-01395-00384899-00385344 how we build and support access and why dAYQCQt6Iyo-01396-00385345-00385633 so you know just sort of leading on from dAYQCQt6Iyo-01397-00385634-00385849 that what I would say is that I think dAYQCQt6Iyo-01398-00385850-00385990 you don't mention is to go anyway Chris dAYQCQt6Iyo-01399-00385991-00386290 that you know when someone goes on like dAYQCQt6Iyo-01400-00386291-00386473 the new billions for example billion dAYQCQt6Iyo-01401-00386474-00386619 billions depending on how you look at it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01402-00386620-00387007 they go in s condemn canoes but really I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01403-00387008-00387205 think we kept it low but keeping their dAYQCQt6Iyo-01404-00387206-00387360 that they need to be content creators dAYQCQt6Iyo-01405-00387361-00387649 and we need to provide them with an dAYQCQt6Iyo-01406-00387650-00387829 environment that will that bet Forge dAYQCQt6Iyo-01407-00387830-00388035 which I don't think we do very well in dAYQCQt6Iyo-01408-00388036-00388207 some places to do something I think it's dAYQCQt6Iyo-01409-00388208-00388426 more known and yes on that so that could dAYQCQt6Iyo-01410-00388427-00388621 be good the kill switch is a really bad dAYQCQt6Iyo-01411-00388622-00388915 idea oh I don't know when examples dAYQCQt6Iyo-01412-00388916-00389095 already yeah killed it'll switch because dAYQCQt6Iyo-01413-00389096-00389302 you know putting in the surveillance dAYQCQt6Iyo-01414-00389303-00389623 device is great on the law enforcement dAYQCQt6Iyo-01415-00389624-00389866 perspective but the problem is depending dAYQCQt6Iyo-01416-00389867-00390103 on who's in power when what the device dAYQCQt6Iyo-01417-00390104-00390250 will be used for we have no control over dAYQCQt6Iyo-01418-00390251-00390478 so that's why jahar so it was quite dAYQCQt6Iyo-01419-00390479-00390667 interesting sure give you the Kennedy dAYQCQt6Iyo-01420-00390668-00390885 come with a hundred next year but come dAYQCQt6Iyo-01421-00390886-00391063 up to you you know what kind of it is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01422-00391064-00391615 only now so good luck for that and you dAYQCQt6Iyo-01423-00391616-00391959 know finally the internet and I think dAYQCQt6Iyo-01424-00391960-00392212 will potentially agree 3d transform dAYQCQt6Iyo-01425-00392213-00392460 lives and people over the last two dAYQCQt6Iyo-01426-00392461-00392740 decades that it's become mainstream but dAYQCQt6Iyo-01427-00392741-00393133 this still a whole lot to come here this dAYQCQt6Iyo-01428-00393134-00393259 is just a preview that's the way I look dAYQCQt6Iyo-01429-00393260-00393442 at you know the mailing it shows it is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01430-00393443-00393712 about to begin so whatever actions we do dAYQCQt6Iyo-01431-00393713-00393931 individually collectively be from the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01432-00393932-00394156 policy side be from regulatory side lead dAYQCQt6Iyo-01433-00394157-00394297 from private sector dAYQCQt6Iyo-01434-00394298-00394513 society activism said we need to ensure dAYQCQt6Iyo-01435-00394514-00394720 that you know we don't put a damper on dAYQCQt6Iyo-01436-00394721-00394894 the internet it needs to continue dAYQCQt6Iyo-01437-00394895-00395158 growing evolving and basically having a dAYQCQt6Iyo-01438-00395159-00395338 life of its own because that's what it's dAYQCQt6Iyo-01439-00395339-00395575 had to did and it's big pretty it's been dAYQCQt6Iyo-01440-00395576-00396159 a pretty good damage over coming from dAYQCQt6Iyo-01441-00396160-00396466 that yes actually we were taught any dAYQCQt6Iyo-01442-00396467-00396601 media that means that belongs to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01443-00396602-00396781 everyone and we built into that in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01444-00396782-00397000 early 90s Cisco tales and a handstand dAYQCQt6Iyo-01445-00397001-00397312 together to have every access so now we dAYQCQt6Iyo-01446-00397313-00397492 come in part by coming to a study dAYQCQt6Iyo-01447-00397493-00397627 committee can actually build internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-01448-00397628-00397819 and we successfully done that is the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01449-00397820-00398119 group indonesia so my only suggestion is dAYQCQt6Iyo-01450-00398120-00398331 for the big corporates like Facebook and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01451-00398332-00398644 everyone else know to build the internet dAYQCQt6Iyo-01452-00398645-00398902 the government isn't the only one you're dAYQCQt6Iyo-01453-00398903-00399202 supposed to talk to or you're not only dAYQCQt6Iyo-01454-00399203-00399406 supposed to talk to the big corporates dAYQCQt6Iyo-01455-00399407-00399691 which is what is happening now in this dAYQCQt6Iyo-01456-00399692-00399960 region so they kind of forgot what they dAYQCQt6Iyo-01457-00399961-00400209 taught us in the 90s so we're here to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01458-00400210-00401020 remind you to empowerment rather than dAYQCQt6Iyo-01459-00401021-00401535 just access and what we're doing good I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01460-00401536-00401704 don't know whether it's a suggestion dAYQCQt6Iyo-01461-00401705-00402064 it's an experiment that we're doing box dAYQCQt6Iyo-01462-00402065-00402277 on and it's like small movements dAYQCQt6Iyo-01463-00402278-00402517 starting around since all do is on dAYQCQt6Iyo-01464-00402518-00402676 national language and the script is very dAYQCQt6Iyo-01465-00402677-00402823 different from English and we're still dAYQCQt6Iyo-01466-00402824-00403150 struggling with font compatibility so dAYQCQt6Iyo-01467-00403151-00403372 for now their thoughts about kind of dAYQCQt6Iyo-01468-00403373-00403621 standardizing the Roman or do and Roman dAYQCQt6Iyo-01469-00403622-00403785 or do is like when you use English dAYQCQt6Iyo-01470-00403786-00403945 alphabets to thai food and there is no dAYQCQt6Iyo-01471-00403946-00404119 standardization obviously you can't dAYQCQt6Iyo-01472-00404120-00404359 ready salad so I don't know it's a good dAYQCQt6Iyo-01473-00404360-00404695 thing or a bad thing but I constantly dAYQCQt6Iyo-01474-00404696-00404859 hearing talks from really different dAYQCQt6Iyo-01475-00404860-00405025 groups Alec oh there's romance in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01476-00405026-00405205 anti-roman Punjabi and there's Roman dAYQCQt6Iyo-01477-00405206-00405510 home to Ari and I'm not really dAYQCQt6Iyo-01478-00405511-00405700 comfortable with this but I like the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01479-00405701-00406033 idea that people are experimenting we dAYQCQt6Iyo-01480-00406034-00406243 are also exploiting some of the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01481-00406244-00406528 loopholes and we just got a funding for dAYQCQt6Iyo-01482-00406529-00406710 putting up a mesh network we don't have dAYQCQt6Iyo-01483-00406711-00406849 the Commission for but then there's dAYQCQt6Iyo-01484-00406850-00407113 nothing borrowing us so it's technically dAYQCQt6Iyo-01485-00407114-00407278 not legal but technically it's not dAYQCQt6Iyo-01486-00407279-00407602 illegal either we don't know where to go dAYQCQt6Iyo-01487-00407603-00407794 but I think it's time that we start dAYQCQt6Iyo-01488-00407795-00408073 pushing some boundaries and making the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01489-00408074-00408268 government see that okay if you are not dAYQCQt6Iyo-01490-00408269-00408559 being proactive civil society other dAYQCQt6Iyo-01491-00408560-00408805 actors are going to step in and you just dAYQCQt6Iyo-01492-00408806-00408967 need to get into this debate now you dAYQCQt6Iyo-01493-00408968-00409192 need to start getting serious about it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01494-00409193-00409402 otherwise think you might happen that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01495-00409403-00409687 you are not really comfortable with so dAYQCQt6Iyo-01496-00409688-00409932 kind of forcing both goals and through dAYQCQt6Iyo-01497-00409933-00410172 solving initiatives that are technically dAYQCQt6Iyo-01498-00410174-00410580 not illegal but without comments that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01499-00410581-00410767 might be one of the way to get the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01500-00410768-00410941 engagement that we have been getting so dAYQCQt6Iyo-01501-00410942-00411510 far for like in India what we have been dAYQCQt6Iyo-01502-00411512-00411753 doing is it later providing the access dAYQCQt6Iyo-01503-00411754-00411984 on the implementation side we believe dAYQCQt6Iyo-01504-00411985-00412209 that key information access to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01505-00412210-00412489 information is a major source to make dAYQCQt6Iyo-01506-00412489-00412822 that empower everyone so so that's how dAYQCQt6Iyo-01507-00412822-00413046 all which we are doing here so is not dAYQCQt6Iyo-01508-00413047-00413278 connecting is my third solution is that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01509-00413279-00413472 what kind of information they want to dAYQCQt6Iyo-01510-00413474-00413728 receive it I also that we see it as a dAYQCQt6Iyo-01511-00413729-00414271 solution and apart from that click what dAYQCQt6Iyo-01512-00414272-00414555 we have be seen that there India is a dAYQCQt6Iyo-01513-00414556-00414751 lot of things in our digital India dAYQCQt6Iyo-01514-00414752-00414976 mission and there's a lot of campaigns dAYQCQt6Iyo-01515-00414977-00415234 from the government side on the contrary dAYQCQt6Iyo-01516-00415235-00415443 side there have been a blockages there dAYQCQt6Iyo-01517-00415445-00415747 are happier it the dissenter 32 website dAYQCQt6Iyo-01518-00415747-00415888 have me blocked by the government dAYQCQt6Iyo-01519-00415889-00416289 including the websites which happy just dAYQCQt6Iyo-01520-00416291-00416578 is a bean your website from a poem by dAYQCQt6Iyo-01521-00416579-00416902 YouTube was drawn by it and then the fls dAYQCQt6Iyo-01522-00416903-00417196 blockages and is happening also in hot dAYQCQt6Iyo-01523-00417197-00417502 legs so looking at the perspective from dAYQCQt6Iyo-01524-00417503-00417705 the side of her key India is providing dAYQCQt6Iyo-01525-00417706-00418012 is a free space everything's free but dAYQCQt6Iyo-01526-00418013-00418270 all the other side there is a blockage dAYQCQt6Iyo-01527-00418271-00418477 and the content of this on the side so dAYQCQt6Iyo-01528-00418478-00418657 telling them about being an dAYQCQt6Iyo-01529-00418658-00418846 evidence-based approach halim sell that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01530-00418847-00419032 TV to the model there are you see models dAYQCQt6Iyo-01531-00419033-00419209 and these are the models which we can dAYQCQt6Iyo-01532-00419210-00419506 bring it up into the something and from dAYQCQt6Iyo-01533-00419507-00419695 the for government if you cannot do the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01534-00419696-00419887 same we are ready to doing it we are dAYQCQt6Iyo-01535-00419888-00420067 already doing it if you cannot adopt dAYQCQt6Iyo-01536-00420068-00420235 this model we are already doing this dAYQCQt6Iyo-01537-00420235-00420514 morning so what's the city then they dAYQCQt6Iyo-01538-00420514-00420758 might come and if I coaches dAYQCQt6Iyo-01539-00420759-00421470 I just want to say two things first I dAYQCQt6Iyo-01540-00421471-00421730 think God we should stop saying that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01541-00421731-00421939 internet is a human right if you don't dAYQCQt6Iyo-01542-00421940-00422197 really mean it like in little italy dAYQCQt6Iyo-01543-00422198-00422410 government officials keep saying dAYQCQt6Iyo-01544-00422411-00422608 politicians internets is human rights dAYQCQt6Iyo-01545-00422609-00422870 etc etc and then they put up all these dAYQCQt6Iyo-01546-00422871-00423206 barriers to entry so that you know the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01547-00423207-00423428 only two telcos will operate and the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01548-00423429-00423677 local governments will keep saying that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01549-00423678-00423881 kic understand Internet's humanoid and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01550-00423882-00424210 then they would impose 40 permits before dAYQCQt6Iyo-01551-00424211-00424475 a telco can put up one single base dAYQCQt6Iyo-01552-00424476-00424789 station or tower so you know if you if dAYQCQt6Iyo-01553-00424790-00424955 you believe that internet is truly a dAYQCQt6Iyo-01554-00424956-00425203 human right then you have to facilitate dAYQCQt6Iyo-01555-00425204-00425504 basically access and you have to ensure dAYQCQt6Iyo-01556-00425505-00425818 that the market structure is it such a dAYQCQt6Iyo-01557-00425819-00426305 way that very the provider skin can dAYQCQt6Iyo-01558-00426306-00426539 offer affordable service and that's dAYQCQt6Iyo-01559-00426539-00426841 quite a particular level of quality that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01560-00426842-00427049 is acceptable and then the second thing dAYQCQt6Iyo-01561-00427050-00427376 is that citizens can do something in the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01562-00427377-00427585 Philippines actually democracy that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01563-00427586-00427858 method eh where's as it is one of our dAYQCQt6Iyo-01564-00427859-00428129 moderator is one of the founders they dAYQCQt6Iyo-01565-00428130-00428420 drafted a bill all the Magna Carta for dAYQCQt6Iyo-01566-00428421-00428606 Philippine internet freedom and they dAYQCQt6Iyo-01567-00428607-00428875 drafted that out of personal advocacy dAYQCQt6Iyo-01568-00428876-00429266 they did not know what will happen when dAYQCQt6Iyo-01569-00429267-00429497 they drafted it they they crowd-sourced dAYQCQt6Iyo-01570-00429497-00429797 the bill so when it was finished they dAYQCQt6Iyo-01571-00429797-00430087 lobbied to several legislators and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01572-00430088-00430372 fortunately to legislate two senators dAYQCQt6Iyo-01573-00430373-00430766 and one congresswoman filed the bill so dAYQCQt6Iyo-01574-00430767-00431093 it can happen there are initiatives that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01575-00431093-00431507 citizens individuals can join and we're dAYQCQt6Iyo-01576-00431508-00431866 actually I'm actually very supportive of dAYQCQt6Iyo-01577-00431867-00432168 this bill because it looks at ICTSI dAYQCQt6Iyo-01578-00432169-00432431 ecosystem and not just you know looking dAYQCQt6Iyo-01579-00432432-00432599 at it from an instructor point of view dAYQCQt6Iyo-01580-00432600-00432962 or from from a pricing or marketing part dAYQCQt6Iyo-01581-00432963-00433304 point of view so we need to seek out dAYQCQt6Iyo-01582-00433305-00433564 these initiatives and support them and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01583-00433565-00433843 really take the time how to do something dAYQCQt6Iyo-01584-00433844-00434141 and not just wait for the dAYQCQt6Iyo-01585-00434142-00434558 with companies to provide access or wait dAYQCQt6Iyo-01586-00434559-00434759 for the government to do something um dAYQCQt6Iyo-01587-00434760-00435362 there are things we can do just short dAYQCQt6Iyo-01588-00435363-00435514 point I think one of the things that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01589-00435516-00435728 most excited me in their land few month dAYQCQt6Iyo-01590-00435729-00436031 is Wireless going back to completely dAYQCQt6Iyo-01591-00436032-00436304 wireless networks it's a way to be able dAYQCQt6Iyo-01592-00436305-00436724 to answer that question that done our dAYQCQt6Iyo-01593-00436725-00436964 friend from Iran asked you know if it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01594-00436964-00437197 really is a guess we need to get get out dAYQCQt6Iyo-01595-00437198-00437483 there and we need to keep to confirm it dAYQCQt6Iyo-01596-00437484-00437678 to share information but I think there's dAYQCQt6Iyo-01597-00437679-00437852 also strengthening the community and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01598-00437853-00438122 sharing them access and I think that dAYQCQt6Iyo-01599-00438122-00438407 more than really helps will really make dAYQCQt6Iyo-01600-00438408-00438568 a difference it can actually make a dAYQCQt6Iyo-01601-00438569-00438803 difference in in terms of improving and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01602-00438804-00438995 place making it more affordable and dAYQCQt6Iyo-01603-00438996-00439147 actually strengthen core strengthening dAYQCQt6Iyo-01604-00439148-00439435 communities in a real way and getting us dAYQCQt6Iyo-01605-00439437-00439768 to talk to each other again in loca dAYQCQt6Iyo-01606-00439768-00440047 Thank You Chad and they get all of our dAYQCQt6Iyo-01607-00440048-00440243 panelists thank everyone for joining us dAYQCQt6Iyo-01608-00440243-00440477 this afternoon dB6PlER_dM8-00000-00000760-00000950 since the beginning of time pregnant dB6PlER_dM8-00001-00000951-00001127 women have been known to suffer nausea dB6PlER_dM8-00002-00001128-00001407 and vomiting during pregnancy the term dB6PlER_dM8-00003-00001408-00001630 morning sickness is actually misleading dB6PlER_dM8-00004-00001632-00001871 since women can feel sick dB6PlER_dM8-00005-00001872-00002030 all day long dB6PlER_dM8-00006-00002032-00002199 and sometimes it can get so serious dB6PlER_dM8-00007-00002200-00002502 women have to be hospitalized dB6PlER_dM8-00008-00002503-00002655 researchers at harvard's brigham and dB6PlER_dM8-00009-00002656-00002902 women's hospital found that saturated dB6PlER_dM8-00010-00002903-00003175 fat seems to be a primary dietary risk dB6PlER_dM8-00011-00003176-00003447 factor for severe sickness five times dB6PlER_dM8-00012-00003447-00003703 the odds for each 15 grams intake of dB6PlER_dM8-00013-00003704-00003919 saturated fat like a quarter pound dB6PlER_dM8-00014-00003920-00004143 cheeseburger's worth dB6PlER_dM8-00015-00004144-00004359 the reason saturated fat intake may be dB6PlER_dM8-00016-00004360-00004591 such a strong risk factor could be dB6PlER_dM8-00017-00004592-00004783 through its effect on estrogen as dB6PlER_dM8-00018-00004784-00004975 saturated fat has been shown to increase dB6PlER_dM8-00019-00004976-00005238 circulating levels of estrogen dB6PlER_dM8-00020-00005239-00005399 why would we evolve to have such a dB6PlER_dM8-00021-00005400-00005686 negative reaction to saturated fat why dB6PlER_dM8-00022-00005687-00005934 would we evolve to get sick at all dB6PlER_dM8-00023-00005935-00006143 pregnancy sickness is a universal dB6PlER_dM8-00024-00006144-00006302 phenomenon with nausea and vomiting dB6PlER_dM8-00025-00006303-00006542 affecting 70 to 85 percent of all dB6PlER_dM8-00026-00006543-00006759 pregnant women if you include food dB6PlER_dM8-00027-00006759-00006942 aversions in the definition then the dB6PlER_dM8-00028-00006943-00007223 incidence is more like a hundred percent dB6PlER_dM8-00029-00007223-00007423 because pregnancy sickness is such a dB6PlER_dM8-00030-00007423-00007663 common phenomenon one must question why dB6PlER_dM8-00031-00007664-00007903 is this so is there a purpose for such a dB6PlER_dM8-00032-00007904-00008151 potentially devastating condition dB6PlER_dM8-00033-00008152-00008359 well in the past pregnancy sickness was dB6PlER_dM8-00034-00008360-00008599 dismissed as all in just in women's dB6PlER_dM8-00035-00008600-00008759 heads but recent studies have dB6PlER_dM8-00036-00008760-00008967 reconsidered pregnancy sickness as an dB6PlER_dM8-00037-00008968-00009255 embryo protective mechanism an dB6PlER_dM8-00038-00009256-00009599 evolutionary adaptation to protect the dB6PlER_dM8-00039-00009600-00009774 baby dB6PlER_dM8-00040-00009775-00009983 protect the baby from what dB6PlER_dM8-00041-00009984-00010183 maybe from dB6PlER_dM8-00042-00010184-00010295 meat dB6PlER_dM8-00043-00010296-00010487 meat is the principal source of dB6PlER_dM8-00044-00010488-00010703 pathogens for humans meat is also the dB6PlER_dM8-00045-00010704-00010903 most common type of food avoided by dB6PlER_dM8-00046-00010904-00011127 pregnant women so the development of an dB6PlER_dM8-00047-00011128-00011327 aversion to meat during pregnancy could dB6PlER_dM8-00048-00011328-00011478 be protective dB6PlER_dM8-00049-00011479-00011623 as meat may have toxins that are dB6PlER_dM8-00050-00011624-00011951 mutagenic carcinogenic and teratogenic dB6PlER_dM8-00051-00011952-00012223 meaning birth defect causing dB6PlER_dM8-00052-00012224-00012470 tainted meat may also be contaminated by dB6PlER_dM8-00053-00012471-00012695 pathogens and pregnancy is a time of dB6PlER_dM8-00054-00012696-00012927 relative immunosuppression you know dB6PlER_dM8-00055-00012928-00013183 normally we can fend off most meat dB6PlER_dM8-00056-00013184-00013351 pathogens however dB6PlER_dM8-00057-00013352-00013535 by design pregnant women are dB6PlER_dM8-00058-00013536-00013686 immunosuppressed dB6PlER_dM8-00059-00013687-00013886 to not reject the developing embryo dB6PlER_dM8-00060-00013887-00014030 since you know half the baby from the dB6PlER_dM8-00061-00014031-00014294 father's side is foreign dB6PlER_dM8-00062-00014295-00014503 so maybe morning sickness evolved as a dB6PlER_dM8-00063-00014504-00014735 way to get us to stay away from meat dB6PlER_dM8-00064-00014736-00015015 during this vulnerable time dB6PlER_dM8-00065-00015016-00015271 this would be consistent with a profound dB6PlER_dM8-00066-00015272-00015550 over representation of taboos against dB6PlER_dM8-00067-00015551-00015791 meat eating during pregnancy in sample dB6PlER_dM8-00068-00015791-00016071 societies around the world dB6PlER_dM8-00069-00016072-00016358 if this theory is true dB6PlER_dM8-00070-00016359-00016599 then we should be able to make five dB6PlER_dM8-00071-00016600-00016807 predictions if nausea and vomiting dB6PlER_dM8-00072-00016808-00017086 pregnancy is there to be protective then dB6PlER_dM8-00073-00017087-00017311 women who have it should have better dB6PlER_dM8-00074-00017312-00017591 pregnancy outcomes and indeed women who dB6PlER_dM8-00075-00017592-00017758 experience nausea and vomiting are dB6PlER_dM8-00076-00017759-00018039 significantly less likely to miscarry or dB6PlER_dM8-00077-00018040-00018230 suffer stillbirth dB6PlER_dM8-00078-00018231-00018463 prediction number two dB6PlER_dM8-00079-00018464-00018663 would be that the triggering foods dB6PlER_dM8-00080-00018664-00018822 contain things that could be dB6PlER_dM8-00081-00018823-00019022 particularly harmful to the baby and dB6PlER_dM8-00082-00019023-00019319 indeed of all food types animal protein dB6PlER_dM8-00083-00019320-00019503 including meat poultry eggs and seafood dB6PlER_dM8-00084-00019504-00019711 is the most dangerous dB6PlER_dM8-00085-00019712-00019911 meat is the source of a wide range of dB6PlER_dM8-00086-00019912-00020135 pathogens that pose a grave threat to dB6PlER_dM8-00087-00020136-00020327 pregnant women and their developing dB6PlER_dM8-00088-00020328-00020511 babies dB6PlER_dM8-00089-00020512-00020663 nausea and vomiting pregnancy should dB6PlER_dM8-00090-00020664-00020935 also coincide with when the embryo is dB6PlER_dM8-00091-00020936-00021094 most vulnerable dB6PlER_dM8-00092-00021095-00021471 that's between like you know weeks 5 and dB6PlER_dM8-00093-00021472-00021663 15 when all the critical organ dB6PlER_dM8-00094-00021664-00021878 structures are being formed dB6PlER_dM8-00095-00021879-00022078 which is right when nausea and vomiting dB6PlER_dM8-00096-00022079-00022222 is peaking dB6PlER_dM8-00097-00022223-00022463 which is right when pregnant women find dB6PlER_dM8-00098-00022464-00022678 meats fish poultry and eggs most dB6PlER_dM8-00099-00022679-00022871 aversive dB6PlER_dM8-00100-00022872-00023014 and finally dB6PlER_dM8-00101-00023015-00023199 if this theory is true one would expect dB6PlER_dM8-00102-00023200-00023399 a lower frequency of morning sickness dB6PlER_dM8-00103-00023400-00023839 among plant-based populations and yes dB6PlER_dM8-00104-00023840-00024071 the few societies where you don't see dB6PlER_dM8-00105-00024072-00024247 such morning sickness problems are the dB6PlER_dM8-00106-00024248-00024527 ones that tend to have only plants as dB6PlER_dM8-00107-00024528-00027007 dietary staples rather than meat dB6PlER_dM8-00108-00027008-00027216 you