dBTuDIpq3gQ-00000-00000710-00001639 [Music] dBTuDIpq3gQ-00001-00001639-00001910 can a christian have a homosexual habit dBTuDIpq3gQ-00002-00001911-00002151 yes in capital letters dBTuDIpq3gQ-00003-00002152-00002407 it's like somebody says i have anger dBTuDIpq3gQ-00004-00002408-00002687 issues i am working on it it's the same dBTuDIpq3gQ-00005-00002688-00003047 thing he has homosexual issue he is also dBTuDIpq3gQ-00006-00003048-00003359 working on it i have anger issues i know dBTuDIpq3gQ-00007-00003360-00003638 i am saved i know i am born again i am dBTuDIpq3gQ-00008-00003639-00003927 working on it yes the homosexual has dBTuDIpq3gQ-00009-00003928-00004247 homosexual issues he's born again he is dBTuDIpq3gQ-00010-00004248-00004519 saved he is working on it it's not any dBTuDIpq3gQ-00011-00004520-00004791 crisis the question is if such people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00012-00004792-00004975 are saved and they go and change their dBTuDIpq3gQ-00013-00004976-00005199 order will they be in heaven yes they dBTuDIpq3gQ-00014-00005200-00005343 will be in heaven but they will have dBTuDIpq3gQ-00015-00005344-00005631 deadly shortages homosexuality is in the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00016-00005632-00005791 same class with lies and it's in the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00017-00005792-00005951 same class with anger and it's in the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00018-00005952-00006134 same class without forgiveness it's all dBTuDIpq3gQ-00019-00006135-00006446 in your head that is big dBTuDIpq3gQ-00020-00006447-00006591 dr damien what's your take on dBTuDIpq3gQ-00021-00006592-00006831 homosexuals and all the bisexuals and dBTuDIpq3gQ-00022-00006831-00007023 all the different sexuals i say god dBTuDIpq3gQ-00023-00007023-00007175 loves all of them say should they come dBTuDIpq3gQ-00024-00007176-00007463 to church yes where else should they go dBTuDIpq3gQ-00025-00007464-00007614 church is where they should come they dBTuDIpq3gQ-00026-00007615-00007839 are having crisis in their mind and only dBTuDIpq3gQ-00027-00007840-00008063 the gospel can rewind the mind it's just dBTuDIpq3gQ-00028-00008064-00008263 identity crisis they don't know who they dBTuDIpq3gQ-00029-00008264-00008439 are and when a man doesn't know who he dBTuDIpq3gQ-00030-00008440-00008623 is he can become a dog he can become a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00031-00008624-00008846 cow he can become anything so the gospel dBTuDIpq3gQ-00032-00008847-00009087 will fix you by revealing you to you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00033-00009088-00009342 once you know who you are you will put dBTuDIpq3gQ-00034-00009343-00009535 off the wrong identity and put on the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00035-00009536-00009759 right idea am i talking to somebody here dBTuDIpq3gQ-00036-00009760-00009959 so we love them we love them almost we dBTuDIpq3gQ-00037-00009960-00010183 love them lesbians we love all of them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00038-00010184-00010431 the greatest problem of mankind is dBTuDIpq3gQ-00039-00010432-00010583 identity crisis dBTuDIpq3gQ-00040-00010584-00010791 that is why the solution to man's dBTuDIpq3gQ-00041-00010792-00011078 problem is the revelation of jesus when dBTuDIpq3gQ-00042-00011079-00011431 you see jesus in jesus you see yourself dBTuDIpq3gQ-00043-00011432-00011742 once you see yourself crisis ends or dBTuDIpq3gQ-00044-00011743-00011959 like never before that's our monday to dBTuDIpq3gQ-00045-00011960-00012119 re-introduce dBTuDIpq3gQ-00046-00012120-00012391 jesus to this generation equipping the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00047-00012392-00012631 believer to know who you are in christ dBTuDIpq3gQ-00048-00012632-00012902 what you have in christ and what christ dBTuDIpq3gQ-00049-00012903-00013071 can do through you that's what we're dBTuDIpq3gQ-00050-00013072-00013351 about as a church and i declare unto you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00051-00013352-00013622 you will proclaim this gospel so man dBTuDIpq3gQ-00052-00013623-00013903 with man is a seed not as seen in a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00053-00013904-00014238 special book of the bible not is seen in dBTuDIpq3gQ-00054-00014240-00014455 a special book of the bible to say i'm a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00055-00014456-00014647 homosexual it's like saying i'm a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00056-00014647-00014815 prostitute it's like saying i'm a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00057-00014816-00015030 fornicator it's like saying i'm a liar dBTuDIpq3gQ-00058-00015031-00015263 it's the same thing so if you're lying dBTuDIpq3gQ-00059-00015263-00015483 and still speaking then a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00060-00015484-00015694 homosexual can be killing thoughts and dBTuDIpq3gQ-00061-00015695-00015886 living worship he's suffering from dBTuDIpq3gQ-00062-00015887-00016022 identity dBTuDIpq3gQ-00063-00016023-00016558 crisis dBTuDIpq3gQ-00064-00016559-00016711 all these guys will say i feel like a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00065-00016712-00016815 woman dBTuDIpq3gQ-00066-00016816-00016958 sin dBTuDIpq3gQ-00067-00016959-00017143 is judged dBTuDIpq3gQ-00068-00017144-00017575 after faith is rejected jesus never dBTuDIpq3gQ-00069-00017576-00018030 singled out anybody's sin dBTuDIpq3gQ-00070-00018031-00018607 jesus never singled out anybody's seen dBTuDIpq3gQ-00071-00018608-00019111 what jesus singled out was unbelief dBTuDIpq3gQ-00072-00019112-00019550 what jesus singled out was unbelief dBTuDIpq3gQ-00073-00019551-00019775 you can't deal with it but jesus has dBTuDIpq3gQ-00074-00019776-00020030 dealt with it you can't handle it hey dBTuDIpq3gQ-00075-00020031-00020191 brother get out of the way you are not dBTuDIpq3gQ-00076-00020192-00020430 the savior of the world jesus will take dBTuDIpq3gQ-00077-00020431-00020686 care of the mother let jesus do what dBTuDIpq3gQ-00078-00020687-00020975 only he can do in people's life stop dBTuDIpq3gQ-00079-00020976-00021199 being the registrar of heaven and stop dBTuDIpq3gQ-00080-00021200-00021422 being the secretary of heaven give way dBTuDIpq3gQ-00081-00021423-00021694 my friend you cannot say they fly let dBTuDIpq3gQ-00082-00021695-00021991 jesus do what he alone can do leave the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00083-00021992-00022222 man with jesus two of them will sort dBTuDIpq3gQ-00084-00022223-00022399 themselves out dBTuDIpq3gQ-00085-00022400-00022639 am i talking to somebody here dBTuDIpq3gQ-00086-00022640-00022919 mendo la bayata stop looking for dBTuDIpq3gQ-00087-00022920-00023150 people's shortcomings you do you have dBTuDIpq3gQ-00088-00023151-00023486 your own concentrate on your own and dBTuDIpq3gQ-00089-00023487-00023742 serve your own jesus knows what to do dBTuDIpq3gQ-00090-00023743-00023921 with them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00091-00023922-00024613 [Music] dBTuDIpq3gQ-00092-00024614-00025107 [Music] dBTuDIpq3gQ-00093-00025108-00025399 homosexuality is a sin don't be scared dBTuDIpq3gQ-00094-00025400-00025655 of it somebody says i'm the homosexual i dBTuDIpq3gQ-00095-00025656-00025983 blood of jesus stand there no dBTuDIpq3gQ-00096-00025983-00026062 no dBTuDIpq3gQ-00097-00026063-00026287 it's a sin like every other sin for the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00098-00026288-00026583 wrath of god is revealed from heaven dBTuDIpq3gQ-00099-00026583-00026799 against all ungodliness and dBTuDIpq3gQ-00100-00026800-00027031 unrighteousness of men who hold the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00101-00027032-00027327 truth in unrighteousness wherefore god dBTuDIpq3gQ-00102-00027327-00027711 also gave them up to uncleanness through dBTuDIpq3gQ-00103-00027712-00027990 the loss of their own hearts to dishonor dBTuDIpq3gQ-00104-00027991-00028270 their own bodies between themselves on dBTuDIpq3gQ-00105-00028272-00028502 the line that to dishonor their own dBTuDIpq3gQ-00106-00028504-00028758 bodies between themselves who change the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00107-00028760-00029127 truth of god into a lion they change the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00108-00029127-00029479 truth of god a man goes to hospital dBTuDIpq3gQ-00109-00029480-00029846 removes his organ as a man and wears a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00110-00029847-00030127 woman's organ who changed the truth of dBTuDIpq3gQ-00111-00030127-00030487 god into a lie a man looking for another dBTuDIpq3gQ-00112-00030488-00030790 man to sleep with in a world of so many dBTuDIpq3gQ-00113-00030791-00031031 women that humorously within the week i dBTuDIpq3gQ-00114-00031032-00031246 even had as a nation where their dBTuDIpq3gQ-00115-00031247-00031487 president said every man should marry dBTuDIpq3gQ-00116-00031488-00031727 two wives because the women are too much dBTuDIpq3gQ-00117-00031727-00032055 so in a world of so many women a man dBTuDIpq3gQ-00118-00032056-00032511 chasing man bro dBTuDIpq3gQ-00119-00032512-00032695 some of them say that's how i was born dBTuDIpq3gQ-00120-00032695-00032887 that's a lie you're changing the truth dBTuDIpq3gQ-00121-00032888-00033135 of god into a lie nobody was born like dBTuDIpq3gQ-00122-00033136-00033318 that you're just suffering from identity dBTuDIpq3gQ-00123-00033319-00033535 crisis you don't know yourself you're dBTuDIpq3gQ-00124-00033536-00033743 lost and you can never know yourself dBTuDIpq3gQ-00125-00033744-00033935 until you know christ all of these dBTuDIpq3gQ-00126-00033936-00034239 lesbians homosexuals be dBTuDIpq3gQ-00127-00034240-00034835 just given to bestiality all of these dBTuDIpq3gQ-00128-00034836-00035102 bisexuals all of them are victims of dBTuDIpq3gQ-00129-00035103-00035374 identity crisis they exposed themselves dBTuDIpq3gQ-00130-00035375-00035695 to an information that programmed and dBTuDIpq3gQ-00131-00035696-00035951 configured their feelings dr damien dBTuDIpq3gQ-00132-00035952-00036151 what's your take on homosexuals and all dBTuDIpq3gQ-00133-00036152-00036351 the bisexuals and all the different dBTuDIpq3gQ-00134-00036352-00036567 sexuals i said god loves all of them say dBTuDIpq3gQ-00135-00036568-00036695 should they come to church yes where dBTuDIpq3gQ-00136-00036696-00036895 else should they go dBTuDIpq3gQ-00137-00036896-00037062 church is where they should come because dBTuDIpq3gQ-00138-00037063-00037207 they are not normal they are having dBTuDIpq3gQ-00139-00037208-00037430 crisis in their mind and only the gospel dBTuDIpq3gQ-00140-00037431-00037671 can rewind the mind it's just identity dBTuDIpq3gQ-00141-00037672-00037855 crisis they don't know who they are and dBTuDIpq3gQ-00142-00037856-00038046 when a man doesn't know who he is he can dBTuDIpq3gQ-00143-00038047-00038223 become a dog he can become a cow he can dBTuDIpq3gQ-00144-00038224-00038446 become anything so the gospel will fix dBTuDIpq3gQ-00145-00038447-00038702 you by revealing you to you once you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00146-00038703-00038918 know who you are you will put off the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00147-00038919-00039143 wrong identity and put on the right idea dBTuDIpq3gQ-00148-00039144-00039359 am i talking to somebody here so we love dBTuDIpq3gQ-00149-00039360-00039551 them we love them homos we love them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00150-00039552-00039783 lesbians we love all of them oh yes we dBTuDIpq3gQ-00151-00039784-00039983 love them and we are not playing we dBTuDIpq3gQ-00152-00039984-00040239 genuinely love them and we feel for dBTuDIpq3gQ-00153-00040240-00040430 their condition and we want to be of dBTuDIpq3gQ-00154-00040431-00040623 help we have people back in nigeria who dBTuDIpq3gQ-00155-00040624-00040839 are homosexuals and lesbians who just by dBTuDIpq3gQ-00156-00040840-00040990 following my ministry have gotten out of dBTuDIpq3gQ-00157-00040991-00041118 all that and they have realized who dBTuDIpq3gQ-00158-00041119-00041295 truly they are and they are free from it dBTuDIpq3gQ-00159-00041296-00041462 people that were bound by pornography dBTuDIpq3gQ-00160-00041463-00041655 totally liberated and set free by the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00161-00041656-00041871 gospel they hear nobody condemning them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00162-00041872-00042030 just bringing their realities to them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00163-00042031-00042215 bringing their realities to them once dBTuDIpq3gQ-00164-00042216-00042446 their reality is done on them they will dBTuDIpq3gQ-00165-00042447-00042630 recover their senses the prodigal son dBTuDIpq3gQ-00166-00042631-00042830 say what am i doing here what am i but dBTuDIpq3gQ-00167-00042831-00042974 before that he thought he was doing the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00168-00042975-00043102 right thing but when he says he came dBTuDIpq3gQ-00169-00043103-00043279 back he said what am i doing i'm eating dBTuDIpq3gQ-00170-00043280-00043479 with pigs i will arise in my father's dBTuDIpq3gQ-00171-00043480-00043687 house even servants have enough to eat i dBTuDIpq3gQ-00172-00043688-00043839 will go back home and i will say to my dBTuDIpq3gQ-00173-00043840-00044007 father make me a servant but you know dBTuDIpq3gQ-00174-00044008-00044199 what he came and the father says my son dBTuDIpq3gQ-00175-00044200-00044390 that is lost his back dBTuDIpq3gQ-00176-00044391-00044574 but he had to come back to his senses so dBTuDIpq3gQ-00177-00044575-00044718 what the gospel does is to bring you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00178-00044719-00044895 back to your senses dBTuDIpq3gQ-00179-00044896-00045135 they are suffering from identity dBTuDIpq3gQ-00180-00045136-00045383 the greatest problem of mankind is dBTuDIpq3gQ-00181-00045384-00045679 identity crisis that is why the solution dBTuDIpq3gQ-00182-00045680-00045918 to man's problem is the revelation of dBTuDIpq3gQ-00183-00045919-00046287 jesus when you see jesus in jesus you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00184-00046288-00046527 see yourself once you see yourself dBTuDIpq3gQ-00185-00046528-00046823 crisis ends or like never before that's dBTuDIpq3gQ-00186-00046824-00047071 our monday to re-introduce dBTuDIpq3gQ-00187-00047072-00047351 jesus to this generation equipping the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00188-00047352-00047590 believer to know who you are in christ dBTuDIpq3gQ-00189-00047591-00047862 what you have in christ and what christ dBTuDIpq3gQ-00190-00047863-00048030 can do through you that's what we're dBTuDIpq3gQ-00191-00048031-00048302 about as a church and i declare unto you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00192-00048303-00048511 you will proclaim this gospel dBTuDIpq3gQ-00193-00048512-00048830 festivity 110 for warmongers for them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00194-00048831-00049111 that defile themselves with mankind that dBTuDIpq3gQ-00195-00049112-00049446 defiled themselves with mankind that dBTuDIpq3gQ-00196-00049447-00049718 defiled themselves with mankind is a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00197-00049719-00050039 greek word it means man with man to dBTuDIpq3gQ-00198-00050040-00050327 defile with mankind mean man going after dBTuDIpq3gQ-00199-00050328-00050662 man as a scene romans 1 27 again you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00200-00050663-00050911 will see it there and likewise also the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00201-00050912-00051223 men living the natural use of the woman dBTuDIpq3gQ-00202-00051224-00051526 born in their laws one toward another dBTuDIpq3gQ-00203-00051527-00051775 men with men working there which is dBTuDIpq3gQ-00204-00051776-00052046 unseemly and receiving in themselves dBTuDIpq3gQ-00205-00052047-00052342 that recompense of their arrow which was dBTuDIpq3gQ-00206-00052344-00052519 meet men dBTuDIpq3gQ-00207-00052520-00052950 with men working that which is on simile dBTuDIpq3gQ-00208-00052951-00053382 however it is a scene that is washed dBTuDIpq3gQ-00209-00053383-00053766 homosexually it's a scene that is washed dBTuDIpq3gQ-00210-00053767-00054071 in first corinthians 6 11 and such we dBTuDIpq3gQ-00211-00054072-00054430 are some of you but you are washed you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00212-00054432-00054775 are sanctified you are justified in the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00213-00054776-00055023 name of the lord jesus and by the spirit dBTuDIpq3gQ-00214-00055024-00055279 of our god you are washed so the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00215-00055279-00055591 homosexual man the lying man and those dBTuDIpq3gQ-00216-00055591-00055879 who are not in such habits all of them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00217-00055879-00056119 require faith in christ to be saved the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00218-00056120-00056382 homosexual the liar and those that don't dBTuDIpq3gQ-00219-00056383-00056726 have those habitual bondages both day dBTuDIpq3gQ-00220-00056727-00057047 and day require faith in christ to be dBTuDIpq3gQ-00221-00057048-00057366 saved so man with man is a sin not as dBTuDIpq3gQ-00222-00057367-00057671 seen in a special book of the bible not dBTuDIpq3gQ-00223-00057672-00057959 a scene in a special book of the bible dBTuDIpq3gQ-00224-00057960-00058175 to say i'm a homosexual it's like saying dBTuDIpq3gQ-00225-00058176-00058375 i'm a prostitute it's like saying i'm a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00226-00058376-00058591 fornicator it's like saying i'm a liar dBTuDIpq3gQ-00227-00058591-00058775 it's the same thing should a person who dBTuDIpq3gQ-00228-00058776-00059079 claimed to be a holy to be holy ghost dBTuDIpq3gQ-00229-00059079-00059166 field dBTuDIpq3gQ-00230-00059167-00059415 be a homosexual and lead the worship dBTuDIpq3gQ-00231-00059416-00059623 team in worship oh yes it's possible dBTuDIpq3gQ-00232-00059624-00059799 possible homosexuality does not allow a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00233-00059800-00059966 man from receiving the holy ghost just dBTuDIpq3gQ-00234-00059967-00060175 like the sins of men didn't stop jesus dBTuDIpq3gQ-00235-00060176-00060423 from dying homosexuality is in the same dBTuDIpq3gQ-00236-00060424-00060582 class with lies and it's in the same dBTuDIpq3gQ-00237-00060583-00060742 class with anger and it's in the same dBTuDIpq3gQ-00238-00060744-00060919 class with unforgiveness it's all in dBTuDIpq3gQ-00239-00060920-00061615 your head that is big dBTuDIpq3gQ-00240-00061616-00061847 but before god sin is sin dBTuDIpq3gQ-00241-00061848-00062094 there's no classification dBTuDIpq3gQ-00242-00062095-00062287 so if you're lying and you still speak dBTuDIpq3gQ-00243-00062288-00062535 in tongues then a homosexual can be dBTuDIpq3gQ-00244-00062536-00062775 killing thoughts and living worship he's dBTuDIpq3gQ-00245-00062776-00063063 suffering from identity dBTuDIpq3gQ-00246-00063064-00063606 as he dBTuDIpq3gQ-00247-00063607-00063863 i feel like a woman this identity crisis dBTuDIpq3gQ-00248-00063864-00064094 is in the mind your emotions are dBTuDIpq3gQ-00249-00064095-00064350 controlled by them you follow my series dBTuDIpq3gQ-00250-00064351-00065559 i'm following the word witness yes dBTuDIpq3gQ-00251-00065560-00065823 can a christian have a homosexual habit dBTuDIpq3gQ-00252-00065824-00066143 yes in capital letters so how can dBTuDIpq3gQ-00253-00066144-00066438 somebody imagine that god destroys dBTuDIpq3gQ-00254-00066439-00066799 homosexuals god does not destroy anybody dBTuDIpq3gQ-00255-00066800-00067103 people choose destruction when they dBTuDIpq3gQ-00256-00067104-00067494 reject god's salvation people choose dBTuDIpq3gQ-00257-00067495-00067791 destruction when they reject god's dBTuDIpq3gQ-00258-00067792-00068015 salvation and we don't stigmatize people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00259-00068016-00068182 no we love all of them we love all of dBTuDIpq3gQ-00260-00068183-00068367 them we have no problem with them the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00261-00068368-00068567 gospel accepts everybody the way they dBTuDIpq3gQ-00262-00068568-00068775 are don't change before you come come dBTuDIpq3gQ-00263-00068776-00068982 the way you are don't try to change dBTuDIpq3gQ-00264-00068983-00069150 because you'll be a hypocrite come the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00265-00069151-00069359 way you are the gospel will bring the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00266-00069360-00069623 power that will change you is the power dBTuDIpq3gQ-00267-00069624-00069943 of god untoward salvation dBTuDIpq3gQ-00268-00069944-00070182 god saves the homosexuals just like he dBTuDIpq3gQ-00269-00070183-00070406 sells the fearful just like he saves the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00270-00070407-00070655 bagbiters just like he says people with dBTuDIpq3gQ-00271-00070656-00070950 strife and anger and all sins dBTuDIpq3gQ-00272-00070951-00071087 sin dBTuDIpq3gQ-00273-00071088-00071271 is judged dBTuDIpq3gQ-00274-00071272-00071655 after faith is rejected jesus dBTuDIpq3gQ-00275-00071656-00072159 never singled out anybody's sin dBTuDIpq3gQ-00276-00072160-00072735 jesus never singled out anybody's sin dBTuDIpq3gQ-00277-00072736-00073247 what jesus singled out was unbelief dBTuDIpq3gQ-00278-00073248-00073862 what jesus singled out was unbelief dBTuDIpq3gQ-00279-00073863-00074126 so if sonoma and gomorrah was destroyed dBTuDIpq3gQ-00280-00074127-00074326 is the same thing that they did that dBTuDIpq3gQ-00281-00074327-00074526 happened in the days of noah dBTuDIpq3gQ-00282-00074527-00074679 unbelief dBTuDIpq3gQ-00283-00074680-00075079 not homosexuality dBTuDIpq3gQ-00284-00075080-00075431 but homosexuality is a sin dBTuDIpq3gQ-00285-00075432-00075738 it is called sexual immorality dBTuDIpq3gQ-00286-00075739-00075967 homosexuality is a sin just like dBTuDIpq3gQ-00287-00075968-00076303 fornication and adultery dBTuDIpq3gQ-00288-00076304-00076615 and lasciviousness dBTuDIpq3gQ-00289-00076616-00076919 they are all sins in the same class dBTuDIpq3gQ-00290-00076920-00076991 so dBTuDIpq3gQ-00291-00076992-00077231 such people are not hopeless such people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00292-00077232-00077511 are not evil such people are not bad dBTuDIpq3gQ-00293-00077512-00077743 they are victims of circumstances they dBTuDIpq3gQ-00294-00077744-00077999 are in their need of help they do not dBTuDIpq3gQ-00295-00078000-00078238 call for our judgment because you have dBTuDIpq3gQ-00296-00078239-00078447 not been where they were maybe if you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00297-00078448-00078591 were where they were you would have been dBTuDIpq3gQ-00298-00078592-00078782 worse than them you've got to be where dBTuDIpq3gQ-00299-00078783-00079119 somebody is first and not be like he is dBTuDIpq3gQ-00300-00079120-00079367 to be able to judge him but if not being dBTuDIpq3gQ-00301-00079368-00079575 you've not been where he is you don't dBTuDIpq3gQ-00302-00079576-00079799 judge him you look for how to help him dBTuDIpq3gQ-00303-00079800-00080038 that's why god doesn't judge us he comes dBTuDIpq3gQ-00304-00080039-00080326 into our circumstances and he helps us dBTuDIpq3gQ-00305-00080327-00080582 out of our circumstances god commended dBTuDIpq3gQ-00306-00080583-00080799 his love towards us in that while we dBTuDIpq3gQ-00307-00080800-00081079 were yet seen as christ didn't judge us dBTuDIpq3gQ-00308-00081080-00081350 god sent not his son into the world to dBTuDIpq3gQ-00309-00081351-00081615 judge the world but that through him the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00310-00081616-00081799 world might be saved so when you see dBTuDIpq3gQ-00311-00081800-00082047 people in certain very uncomfortable dBTuDIpq3gQ-00312-00082048-00082318 conditions don't be judgmental because dBTuDIpq3gQ-00313-00082319-00082503 you have not been where they have been dBTuDIpq3gQ-00314-00082504-00082694 so you don't understand what they were dBTuDIpq3gQ-00315-00082695-00082911 exposed to am i talking to somebody here dBTuDIpq3gQ-00316-00082912-00083126 you show some kind you show some dBTuDIpq3gQ-00317-00083127-00083431 understanding show some compassion dBTuDIpq3gQ-00318-00083432-00083711 some love if that's all you do is enough dBTuDIpq3gQ-00319-00083712-00084055 but you can go beyond that and hell dBTuDIpq3gQ-00320-00084056-00084271 to bring such people out we have a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00321-00084272-00084526 ministry of reconciliation not a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00322-00084527-00084726 ministry of destruction dBTuDIpq3gQ-00323-00084727-00084967 teaching good this morning dBTuDIpq3gQ-00324-00084968-00085135 they didn't put themselves into those dBTuDIpq3gQ-00325-00085136-00085287 conditions dBTuDIpq3gQ-00326-00085288-00085438 so that's why you reach out with dBTuDIpq3gQ-00327-00085439-00085694 understanding you reach a bible says if dBTuDIpq3gQ-00328-00085695-00085967 a man be overtaken in a fault you that dBTuDIpq3gQ-00329-00085968-00086262 are spiritual restore such a one in the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00330-00086263-00086567 spirit of meekness not judgmental in the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00331-00086568-00086887 spirit of meekness considering yourself dBTuDIpq3gQ-00332-00086888-00087143 lest you also be tempted meaning that dBTuDIpq3gQ-00333-00087144-00087303 what they are going through you are not dBTuDIpq3gQ-00334-00087304-00087455 better than them maybe if you're in dBTuDIpq3gQ-00335-00087456-00087631 their shoe you will have been worse than dBTuDIpq3gQ-00336-00087632-00087935 them so let there be an understanding as dBTuDIpq3gQ-00337-00087936-00088126 you seek to help people am i teaching dBTuDIpq3gQ-00338-00088127-00088406 good it's like somebody says i have dBTuDIpq3gQ-00339-00088407-00088726 anger issues i am working on it it's the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00340-00088727-00089071 same thing he has homosexual issue he is dBTuDIpq3gQ-00341-00089072-00089279 also working on it it's the same thing i dBTuDIpq3gQ-00342-00089280-00089599 have anger issues i know i am saved i dBTuDIpq3gQ-00343-00089600-00089847 know i am born again i am working on it dBTuDIpq3gQ-00344-00089848-00090206 yes the homosexual has homosexual issues dBTuDIpq3gQ-00345-00090207-00090479 he's born again he is saved he is dBTuDIpq3gQ-00346-00090480-00090671 working on it so what do you do to the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00347-00090672-00090926 homosexual put him on the mirror let him dBTuDIpq3gQ-00348-00090927-00091167 see christ as he begins to look into dBTuDIpq3gQ-00349-00091168-00091447 that perfect law of liberty we all with dBTuDIpq3gQ-00350-00091448-00091735 open face beholding the glory of god as dBTuDIpq3gQ-00351-00091736-00091999 in a mirror we are changed into that dBTuDIpq3gQ-00352-00092000-00092367 same image from glory to glory even as dBTuDIpq3gQ-00353-00092368-00092606 by the spirit of the lord when people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00354-00092607-00092838 look at the mural the change takes place dBTuDIpq3gQ-00355-00092839-00093047 people are not changed by condemnation dBTuDIpq3gQ-00356-00093048-00093287 people are changed by righteousness i dBTuDIpq3gQ-00357-00093288-00093591 work to righteousness and sin not people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00358-00093592-00093759 are not changed by pointing them to dBTuDIpq3gQ-00359-00093760-00093999 their sin people are changed by pointing dBTuDIpq3gQ-00360-00094000-00094159 them to the truth dBTuDIpq3gQ-00361-00094160-00094415 all i do is show you the truth when i dBTuDIpq3gQ-00362-00094416-00094631 give you the truth i leave you with the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00363-00094632-00094879 truth the truth will do what it is best dBTuDIpq3gQ-00364-00094880-00095159 in doing and what does the truth do it dBTuDIpq3gQ-00365-00095160-00095438 sets free we preach the truth we preach dBTuDIpq3gQ-00366-00095439-00095647 the message of christ we leave people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00367-00095648-00095903 with jesus he knows what to do with them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00368-00095904-00096167 you may reject the prostitute but jesus dBTuDIpq3gQ-00369-00096168-00096415 accepts her to kiss his legs you can't dBTuDIpq3gQ-00370-00096416-00096694 deal with it but jesus has dealt with it dBTuDIpq3gQ-00371-00096695-00096926 you can't handle it hey brother get out dBTuDIpq3gQ-00372-00096927-00097071 of the way you are not the savior of the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00373-00097072-00097359 world jesus will take care of the mother dBTuDIpq3gQ-00374-00097360-00097647 let jesus do what only he can do in dBTuDIpq3gQ-00375-00097648-00097887 people's life stop being the registrar dBTuDIpq3gQ-00376-00097888-00098103 of heaven and stop being the secretary dBTuDIpq3gQ-00377-00098104-00098359 of heaven give way my friend you cannot dBTuDIpq3gQ-00378-00098360-00098671 say they fly let jesus do what he alone dBTuDIpq3gQ-00379-00098672-00098950 can do leave the man with jesus two of dBTuDIpq3gQ-00380-00098951-00099199 them will sort themselves out dBTuDIpq3gQ-00381-00099200-00099447 am i talking to somebody here dBTuDIpq3gQ-00382-00099448-00099615 mengo dBTuDIpq3gQ-00383-00099616-00099862 stop looking for people's shortcomings dBTuDIpq3gQ-00384-00099863-00100174 you two you have your own concentrate on dBTuDIpq3gQ-00385-00100175-00100494 your own and serve your own jesus knows dBTuDIpq3gQ-00386-00100495-00100726 what to do with them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00387-00100727-00101015 the gospel is the power of god onto dBTuDIpq3gQ-00388-00101016-00101382 salvation dBTuDIpq3gQ-00389-00101383-00101567 even the issue of transgender is dBTuDIpq3gQ-00390-00101568-00101815 identity crisis how can a man just wake dBTuDIpq3gQ-00391-00101816-00101991 up and say i'm a woman dBTuDIpq3gQ-00392-00101992-00102223 i'm a woman i'm no i'm not a man and he dBTuDIpq3gQ-00393-00102224-00102486 goes to hospital and pays expensively dBTuDIpq3gQ-00394-00102488-00102694 for him to be operated on is that any dBTuDIpq3gQ-00395-00102695-00102966 crisis the question is if such people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00396-00102967-00103151 are saved and they go and change their dBTuDIpq3gQ-00397-00103152-00103375 order will they be in heaven yes they dBTuDIpq3gQ-00398-00103376-00103542 will be in heaven but they will have at dBTuDIpq3gQ-00399-00103543-00103727 least shortages they will have what dBTuDIpq3gQ-00400-00103728-00103999 headless shortages glory to god dBTuDIpq3gQ-00401-00104000-00104158 how do you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00402-00104159-00104527 treat such um situation wherein you have dBTuDIpq3gQ-00403-00104528-00104782 a brother or sister that is homosexual dBTuDIpq3gQ-00404-00104783-00105031 right yep well they said they have dBTuDIpq3gQ-00405-00105032-00105247 accepted the message yes dBTuDIpq3gQ-00406-00105248-00105478 they are gifted yes should we or should dBTuDIpq3gQ-00407-00105479-00105583 we not dBTuDIpq3gQ-00408-00105583-00105871 allow them for example singing the choir dBTuDIpq3gQ-00409-00105872-00105983 play dBTuDIpq3gQ-00410-00105983-00106175 how do you how do you go about dealing dBTuDIpq3gQ-00411-00106176-00106351 with so that is putting the cat before dBTuDIpq3gQ-00412-00106352-00106527 the horse a brother comes to church he's dBTuDIpq3gQ-00413-00106528-00106647 born again and i discover he's a dBTuDIpq3gQ-00414-00106648-00106854 homosexual he needs me to disciple him dBTuDIpq3gQ-00415-00106855-00107031 so i'll draw him close and disciple him dBTuDIpq3gQ-00416-00107032-00107190 in the process of discipleship all that dBTuDIpq3gQ-00417-00107191-00107327 nonsense will come dBTuDIpq3gQ-00418-00107328-00107486 by the time i'm done disciplining him dBTuDIpq3gQ-00419-00107488-00107702 he's fit to be a worship leader yes when dBTuDIpq3gQ-00420-00107703-00107958 you bombard him with proper discipleship dBTuDIpq3gQ-00421-00107959-00108134 that means he has not understood dBTuDIpq3gQ-00422-00108135-00108383 understood the protocol of that church dBTuDIpq3gQ-00423-00108383-00108558 you don't come to church for leadership dBTuDIpq3gQ-00424-00108559-00108783 you come to church to know christ once dBTuDIpq3gQ-00425-00108783-00108966 that culture is established when they're dBTuDIpq3gQ-00426-00108967-00109207 coming they will fit in so you have to dBTuDIpq3gQ-00427-00109208-00109423 emphasize that culture here in this dBTuDIpq3gQ-00428-00109424-00109671 church we don't come here for leadership dBTuDIpq3gQ-00429-00109672-00109983 or service we come here to sit and learn dBTuDIpq3gQ-00430-00109983-00110263 of christ amen that you must establish dBTuDIpq3gQ-00431-00110264-00110431 that yes you talk dBTuDIpq3gQ-00432-00110432-00110678 sorry you say it every service you keep dBTuDIpq3gQ-00433-00110679-00111007 announcing it till it sinks in that this dBTuDIpq3gQ-00434-00111008-00111223 is the culture of this church the first dBTuDIpq3gQ-00435-00111224-00111407 thing you come here to do is to learn dBTuDIpq3gQ-00436-00111408-00111495 christ dBTuDIpq3gQ-00437-00111496-00111710 so don't come here with the thought of dBTuDIpq3gQ-00438-00111711-00111919 service we don't want you to self till dBTuDIpq3gQ-00439-00111920-00112143 you learn christ look at what jesus says dBTuDIpq3gQ-00440-00112144-00112302 matter matter dBTuDIpq3gQ-00441-00112303-00112558 you care and matter about so many things dBTuDIpq3gQ-00442-00112559-00112863 one thing is needful and your sister has dBTuDIpq3gQ-00443-00112864-00113023 chosen the better part what is the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00444-00113024-00113447 better part sit down and take notes dBTuDIpq3gQ-00445-00113448-00113663 so that must be the emphasis dBTuDIpq3gQ-00446-00113664-00113854 once they understand that nobody will dBTuDIpq3gQ-00447-00113855-00114039 think of service and leadership all dBTuDIpq3gQ-00448-00114040-00114175 they'll be thinking of is learning but dBTuDIpq3gQ-00449-00114176-00114351 as they're learning and growing we're dBTuDIpq3gQ-00450-00114352-00114558 appointing leaders among them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00451-00114559-00114895 there was a hand at the back okay dBTuDIpq3gQ-00452-00114896-00115143 praise the lord hallelujah i'm alfreda dBTuDIpq3gQ-00453-00115144-00115423 and my question uh kind of goes in loud dBTuDIpq3gQ-00454-00115424-00115590 with a couple of the questions that was dBTuDIpq3gQ-00455-00115591-00115934 asked earlier today concerning the um dBTuDIpq3gQ-00456-00115935-00116358 gay lesbians homophobic and homosexuals dBTuDIpq3gQ-00457-00116359-00116463 um dBTuDIpq3gQ-00458-00116464-00116775 how can we make sure that we're not dBTuDIpq3gQ-00459-00116776-00117151 signaling people like that out um dBTuDIpq3gQ-00460-00117152-00117383 to cause this fear in them not to come dBTuDIpq3gQ-00461-00117383-00117583 to the church whenever we're asking dBTuDIpq3gQ-00462-00117583-00117902 questions or if we're talking about dBTuDIpq3gQ-00463-00117903-00118078 working in ministry because like you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00464-00118079-00118223 rightly said dBTuDIpq3gQ-00465-00118224-00118454 this the church is where dBTuDIpq3gQ-00466-00118455-00118734 sinners come to to get jesus you know dBTuDIpq3gQ-00467-00118735-00118958 you come here to get understanding so dBTuDIpq3gQ-00468-00118959-00119143 how do we make sure that we're not just dBTuDIpq3gQ-00469-00119144-00119343 pointing those people out because dBTuDIpq3gQ-00470-00119344-00119599 everybody some have something going on dBTuDIpq3gQ-00471-00119600-00119766 just because we don't see it physically dBTuDIpq3gQ-00472-00119767-00119895 doesn't mean dBTuDIpq3gQ-00473-00119896-00120143 we're good very true so how do we make dBTuDIpq3gQ-00474-00120144-00120310 sure we make sure by making sure what dBTuDIpq3gQ-00475-00120311-00120558 did i say we make sure by making sure dBTuDIpq3gQ-00476-00120559-00120727 how dBTuDIpq3gQ-00477-00120728-00120878 we don't preach at them and we don't dBTuDIpq3gQ-00478-00120879-00121158 make them our message dBTuDIpq3gQ-00479-00121159-00121423 we preach the gospel we preach christ we dBTuDIpq3gQ-00480-00121424-00121631 keep revealing christ in the process dBTuDIpq3gQ-00481-00121632-00122031 they will get sorted dBTuDIpq3gQ-00482-00122032-00122339 there's no gospel for homosexuals dBTuDIpq3gQ-00483-00122340-00123063 homosexuality did not stop today dBTuDIpq3gQ-00484-00123064-00123239 long time ago dBTuDIpq3gQ-00485-00123240-00123423 even under the ministry of jesus they dBTuDIpq3gQ-00486-00123424-00123647 were there but jesus never talked about dBTuDIpq3gQ-00487-00123648-00124190 them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00488-00124191-00124383 we don't talk about them the only time dBTuDIpq3gQ-00489-00124383-00124631 you hear me call homosexuals is when i'm dBTuDIpq3gQ-00490-00124632-00124975 doctorally teaching to explain how god dBTuDIpq3gQ-00491-00124976-00125183 views such sins dBTuDIpq3gQ-00492-00125183-00125366 that's the only time otherwise you never dBTuDIpq3gQ-00493-00125367-00125551 hear it in my message dBTuDIpq3gQ-00494-00125552-00125702 never because dBTuDIpq3gQ-00495-00125703-00125854 there's no big deal dBTuDIpq3gQ-00496-00125855-00126086 they're just people who need help dBTuDIpq3gQ-00497-00126088-00126310 so how do we make sure that even in dBTuDIpq3gQ-00498-00126311-00126439 service dBTuDIpq3gQ-00499-00126440-00126695 we do not make them feel unwanted dBTuDIpq3gQ-00500-00126696-00126878 because when it comes to church dBTuDIpq3gQ-00501-00126879-00127054 leadership dBTuDIpq3gQ-00502-00127055-00127295 the prerequisite is you only appoint dBTuDIpq3gQ-00503-00127296-00127514 people whom you know dBTuDIpq3gQ-00504-00127515-00127775 [Music] dBTuDIpq3gQ-00505-00127776-00127910 you've got dBTuDIpq3gQ-00506-00127911-00128199 from exodus moses was appoint people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00507-00128200-00128383 whom he knows dBTuDIpq3gQ-00508-00128383-00128671 in acts chapter 6 select honest men full dBTuDIpq3gQ-00509-00128672-00128831 of the holy ghost dBTuDIpq3gQ-00510-00128832-00129327 from among you that means you know them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00511-00129328-00129495 you know them you know their history you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00512-00129496-00129631 know their testimony you know their dBTuDIpq3gQ-00513-00129632-00129758 lifestyle dBTuDIpq3gQ-00514-00129759-00130078 i can't appoint you a leader under me if dBTuDIpq3gQ-00515-00130079-00130366 i don't know you and it takes me a while dBTuDIpq3gQ-00516-00130367-00130654 to get to know you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00517-00130655-00130847 that sorts the batter dBTuDIpq3gQ-00518-00130848-00130975 so that way dBTuDIpq3gQ-00519-00130976-00131135 nobody's talking about them nobody's dBTuDIpq3gQ-00520-00131136-00131327 looking for their trouble dBTuDIpq3gQ-00521-00131328-00131487 but at the same time dBTuDIpq3gQ-00522-00131488-00131654 we are dBTuDIpq3gQ-00523-00131655-00131911 doctrinally sound to know dBTuDIpq3gQ-00524-00131912-00132254 that we only appoint people into service dBTuDIpq3gQ-00525-00132255-00132390 positions dBTuDIpq3gQ-00526-00132391-00132614 whom we know dBTuDIpq3gQ-00527-00132615-00132854 is that clear yes and some of them by dBTuDIpq3gQ-00528-00132855-00133175 being among us eventually get over that dBTuDIpq3gQ-00529-00133176-00133375 and they become a blessing and we also dBTuDIpq3gQ-00530-00133376-00133623 get to know that they are a blessing and dBTuDIpq3gQ-00531-00133624-00133751 without even knowing that they were dBTuDIpq3gQ-00532-00133752-00133966 there before we appoint them because now dBTuDIpq3gQ-00533-00133967-00134135 we know them and we don't know about the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00534-00134136-00134383 other side because they got over it so dBTuDIpq3gQ-00535-00134384-00134599 you appoint people whom you know you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00536-00134600-00134790 don't go around sniffing dBTuDIpq3gQ-00537-00134791-00134943 are you a homo dBTuDIpq3gQ-00538-00134944-00135135 are you a nurse are you dBTuDIpq3gQ-00539-00135136-00135319 which one are you no we don't go around dBTuDIpq3gQ-00540-00135320-00135647 doing that we just select people whom we dBTuDIpq3gQ-00541-00135648-00135887 know dBTuDIpq3gQ-00542-00135888-00136078 is that clear and i say pastor if you're dBTuDIpq3gQ-00543-00136079-00136278 a good pastor it will be easy for you to dBTuDIpq3gQ-00544-00136279-00136463 know the people you have dBTuDIpq3gQ-00545-00136464-00136702 just by interacting and watching them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00546-00136703-00136902 and talking with them you begin to know dBTuDIpq3gQ-00547-00136903-00137159 them and by giving them responsibilities dBTuDIpq3gQ-00548-00137160-00137327 and watching how they also live their dBTuDIpq3gQ-00549-00137328-00137527 private lives you begin to know them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00550-00137528-00137759 after a while you have an understanding dBTuDIpq3gQ-00551-00137760-00137951 of the kind of person that you have with dBTuDIpq3gQ-00552-00137952-00138199 you a good pastor must be able to pay dBTuDIpq3gQ-00553-00138200-00138407 attention to the people around you and dBTuDIpq3gQ-00554-00138408-00138639 pay attention to how they conduct their dBTuDIpq3gQ-00555-00138640-00138799 lives dBTuDIpq3gQ-00556-00138800-00138999 a pastor must know that dBTuDIpq3gQ-00557-00139000-00139119 if you don't know that you're not a good dBTuDIpq3gQ-00558-00139120-00139614 pastor part of pastoring is to look dBTuDIpq3gQ-00559-00139615-00139766 after your sheep dBTuDIpq3gQ-00560-00139767-00139966 and get to know them sometimes they are dBTuDIpq3gQ-00561-00139967-00140190 getting out of church you sneak behind dBTuDIpq3gQ-00562-00140191-00140343 and watch how they behave in the parking dBTuDIpq3gQ-00563-00140344-00140478 lots dBTuDIpq3gQ-00564-00140479-00140639 oh i do it dBTuDIpq3gQ-00565-00140640-00140847 i do it dBTuDIpq3gQ-00566-00140848-00141078 me dBTuDIpq3gQ-00567-00141079-00141375 my office is up up up up up up dBTuDIpq3gQ-00568-00141376-00141663 okay in the story building and i have dBTuDIpq3gQ-00569-00141664-00141959 transparent glass all over my office dBTuDIpq3gQ-00570-00141960-00142207 so i sit on my table and i watch people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00571-00142208-00142863 as they come to church dBTuDIpq3gQ-00572-00142864-00143014 and when we're closed i'm watching them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00573-00143015-00143183 i'm watching how they talk to each other dBTuDIpq3gQ-00574-00143184-00143326 i'm watching how they greet each other dBTuDIpq3gQ-00575-00143327-00143535 i'm watching those who snub people and dBTuDIpq3gQ-00576-00143536-00143743 those who ignore people i'm watching i'm dBTuDIpq3gQ-00577-00143744-00144078 seeing everybody and i know everybody dBTuDIpq3gQ-00578-00144079-00144335 praise god dBTuDIpq3gQ-00579-00144336-00144511 because a good pastor must know his dBTuDIpq3gQ-00580-00144512-00144702 people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00581-00144703-00144863 you've got to know them dBTuDIpq3gQ-00582-00144864-00145143 sometimes just pay them a visit dBTuDIpq3gQ-00583-00145144-00145383 oh how are you just stop by to to to get dBTuDIpq3gQ-00584-00145384-00145647 to meet you and pray with you let's pray dBTuDIpq3gQ-00585-00145648-00145911 you pray and you're out dBTuDIpq3gQ-00586-00145912-00146199 make your visit pastoral dBTuDIpq3gQ-00587-00146200-00146654 have no casual visits dBTuDIpq3gQ-00588-00146655-00146911 have no casual visit he said i just came dBTuDIpq3gQ-00589-00146912-00147159 to hang out with you hang what dBTuDIpq3gQ-00590-00147160-00147383 are you jobless dBTuDIpq3gQ-00591-00147384-00147654 every visit must be to encourage or to dBTuDIpq3gQ-00592-00147655-00147823 pray and get out dBTuDIpq3gQ-00593-00147824-00148039 have no casual visits so you don't dBTuDIpq3gQ-00594-00148040-00148263 create room for familiarity which will dBTuDIpq3gQ-00595-00148264-00148431 undermine the purpose for which we got dBTuDIpq3gQ-00596-00148432-00148647 to meet each other do you understand dBTuDIpq3gQ-00597-00148648-00148775 what i'm saying dBTuDIpq3gQ-00598-00148776-00148911 so if you're visiting it must be on dBTuDIpq3gQ-00599-00148912-00149111 purpose but even on that purpose you're dBTuDIpq3gQ-00600-00149112-00149302 able to observe dBTuDIpq3gQ-00601-00149303-00149478 you observe the people he hangs out or dBTuDIpq3gQ-00602-00149479-00149614 she hangs out with you observe the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00603-00149615-00149839 environment you observe how life is dBTuDIpq3gQ-00604-00149840-00150031 lived around the person all of that will dBTuDIpq3gQ-00605-00150032-00150326 help you in knowing who you have in your dBTuDIpq3gQ-00606-00150327-00150526 congregation dBTuDIpq3gQ-00607-00150527-00150711 so when leadership time comes it's easy dBTuDIpq3gQ-00608-00150712-00150935 to know who and who to appoint because dBTuDIpq3gQ-00609-00150936-00151166 you have a fair knowledge of the people dBTuDIpq3gQ-00610-00151167-00151414 around you is it clear you will preach dBTuDIpq3gQ-00611-00151415-00151623 this good news you will preach it on the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00612-00151624-00151823 mountain top you will preach it on the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00613-00151824-00152014 housetop you will preach it in the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00614-00152015-00152199 villages you will preach it in the dBTuDIpq3gQ-00615-00152200-00152463 cities you will preach it in your office dBTuDIpq3gQ-00616-00152464-00152639 you will make jesus known to your dBTuDIpq3gQ-00617-00152640-00152999 generation in the name of jesus passion dBTuDIpq3gQ-00618-00153000-00153359 for souls hunger for souls desire for dBTuDIpq3gQ-00619-00153360-00153719 evangelism desire to see sin as saved dBTuDIpq3gQ-00620-00153720-00153951 desire to see the labor of jesus not dBTuDIpq3gQ-00621-00153952-00154247 wasted i command it to consume you in dBTuDIpq3gQ-00622-00154248-00154439 the name of jesus dBTuDIpq3gQ-00623-00154440-00154647 and i declare the grace of god to be dBTuDIpq3gQ-00624-00154648-00154935 abundantly multiplied in your life great dBTuDIpq3gQ-00625-00154936-00155199 grace upon you today throughout this dBTuDIpq3gQ-00626-00155200-00155454 week enjoy the abundance of grace dBTuDIpq3gQ-00627-00155455-00155695 enjoy the gift of righteousness walk in dBTuDIpq3gQ-00628-00155696-00155943 the liberty of sonship walk free from dBTuDIpq3gQ-00629-00155944-00156239 the condemnation of sin in the name of dBTuDIpq3gQ-00630-00156240-00156337 jesus dBTuDIpq3gQ-00631-00156338-00156478 [Applause] dBTuDIpq3gQ-00632-00156479-00156759 father i give you praise dBTuDIpq3gQ-00633-00156760-00157047 father i give you praise dBTuDIpq3gQ-00634-00157048-00157375 father i give you praise dBTuDIpq3gQ-00635-00157376-00157631 in jesus precious name dBTuDIpq3gQ-00636-00157632-00157823 and every believer says that amen like dBTuDIpq3gQ-00637-00157824-00158227 you know what you're talking about dCPvrLJeBz8-00000-00000000-00001108 [Music] dCPvrLJeBz8-00001-00001109-00001730 thank you very much for coming so I know dCPvrLJeBz8-00002-00001730-00001895 deployment of rails is not an dCPvrLJeBz8-00003-00001896-00002198 interesting or exciting or remotely as dCPvrLJeBz8-00004-00002199-00002408 cool as kubernetes and containers and dCPvrLJeBz8-00005-00002409-00002696 docker nowadays so I'm gonna get that dCPvrLJeBz8-00006-00002697-00003131 out of the way but today I thought I'm dCPvrLJeBz8-00007-00003132-00003326 gonna show you what we've built what dCPvrLJeBz8-00008-00003327-00003509 we've got and how we can help you and dCPvrLJeBz8-00009-00003510-00003902 your team do rails deployment but before dCPvrLJeBz8-00010-00003903-00004210 I do that there's a little bit of dCPvrLJeBz8-00011-00004211-00004544 history around why we did this why why dCPvrLJeBz8-00012-00004545-00004822 we ended up doing the real nun dCPvrLJeBz8-00013-00004823-00005104 interesting solved problem of or we dCPvrLJeBz8-00014-00005105-00005279 already have Capistrano what's wrong dCPvrLJeBz8-00015-00005280-00005545 with that kind of problem and how we got dCPvrLJeBz8-00016-00005546-00005915 to where we are so cart 660 started as a dCPvrLJeBz8-00017-00005916-00006116 as a different company with a different dCPvrLJeBz8-00018-00006117-00006329 name doing a different thing and we were dCPvrLJeBz8-00019-00006330-00006545 a rail shall be ciliary rails shop and dCPvrLJeBz8-00020-00006545-00006905 we did this like everybody else we dCPvrLJeBz8-00021-00006906-00007078 started with the past provider our dCPvrLJeBz8-00022-00007079-00007267 friends over there Heroku we used to be dCPvrLJeBz8-00023-00007268-00007484 their customers so like everybody else dCPvrLJeBz8-00024-00007484-00008063 we started at Heroku and the so I've dCPvrLJeBz8-00025-00008064-00008270 been doing this for a long time not dCPvrLJeBz8-00026-00008271-00008402 classics we split up in you know like dCPvrLJeBz8-00027-00008403-00008585 you guys have been doing rails for a dCPvrLJeBz8-00028-00008586-00008744 long time and I've worked in large and dCPvrLJeBz8-00029-00008745-00008984 small companies and every time I started dCPvrLJeBz8-00030-00008985-00009470 Heroku and I leave her now the question dCPvrLJeBz8-00031-00009471-00009796 for me was why why why does why do we dCPvrLJeBz8-00032-00009797-00010224 all love pass like Engine Yard or Heroku dCPvrLJeBz8-00033-00010225-00010541 you know we really like it but why do we dCPvrLJeBz8-00034-00010542-00010903 all leave and and we started asking this dCPvrLJeBz8-00035-00010904-00011056 question as a differ has the different dCPvrLJeBz8-00036-00011057-00011206 company that we where when we started dCPvrLJeBz8-00037-00011207-00011431 thinking about leaving paths we started dCPvrLJeBz8-00038-00011432-00011581 asking this question from other people dCPvrLJeBz8-00039-00011582-00011753 like why do you leave do you start so dCPvrLJeBz8-00040-00011754-00011920 I'm just gonna risk my whole career dCPvrLJeBz8-00041-00011921-00012142 right now I'm gonna ask you who is the dCPvrLJeBz8-00042-00012143-00012305 start at something at Heroku in this dCPvrLJeBz8-00043-00012306-00012742 just trust shop and you guys done Heroku dCPvrLJeBz8-00044-00012743-00013115 before okay and how many projects like dCPvrLJeBz8-00045-00013116-00013313 say you know you start with Heroku and dCPvrLJeBz8-00046-00013313-00013346 you dCPvrLJeBz8-00047-00013347-00013682 not moving out have you guys are you dCPvrLJeBz8-00048-00013683-00013987 still on Heroku or what you started dCPvrLJeBz8-00049-00013988-00014546 you are right okay so this audience dCPvrLJeBz8-00050-00014547-00014719 might be a slightly biased because you dCPvrLJeBz8-00051-00014721-00014972 were here I'm guessing the Shana and so dCPvrLJeBz8-00052-00014972-00015263 that kinds of that question but what we dCPvrLJeBz8-00053-00015263-00015547 see is kind of what I call a pass cliff dCPvrLJeBz8-00054-00015549-00015788 we all start with pairs and we fall off dCPvrLJeBz8-00055-00015788-00015844 of that cliff dCPvrLJeBz8-00056-00015846-00016103 pretty soon and the reasons are kind of dCPvrLJeBz8-00057-00016104-00016301 different a lot of people say cost it dCPvrLJeBz8-00058-00016302-00016583 gets expensive very quickly which is an dCPvrLJeBz8-00059-00016584-00016772 odd one because you know if you're doing dCPvrLJeBz8-00060-00016773-00016901 really well then we should be able to dCPvrLJeBz8-00061-00016902-00017117 pay the bills and but somehow it's not dCPvrLJeBz8-00062-00017118-00017377 sometimes it could be something around dCPvrLJeBz8-00063-00017378-00017732 flexibility a vendor lock-in regardless dCPvrLJeBz8-00064-00017733-00017933 of what that is I've even had cases that dCPvrLJeBz8-00065-00017934-00018080 I used to work in a bank in with harsh dCPvrLJeBz8-00066-00018081-00018236 Bank and you know I wanted to kind of dCPvrLJeBz8-00067-00018237-00018428 put of a proof of concept or like dCPvrLJeBz8-00068-00018429-00018533 something you know just just a dCPvrLJeBz8-00069-00018534-00018740 feasibility study sort of thing project dCPvrLJeBz8-00070-00018741-00018974 together and I did that at Heroku and dCPvrLJeBz8-00071-00018975-00019157 just like go pass it just went out to my dCPvrLJeBz8-00072-00019158-00019280 colleagues and showed it off and I dCPvrLJeBz8-00073-00019281-00019433 really loved and it's great tell me have dCPvrLJeBz8-00074-00019434-00019556 it there's one put sales people on it dCPvrLJeBz8-00075-00019557-00019664 you're gonna sell the hell out of this dCPvrLJeBz8-00076-00019665-00019886 thing of like it's kind of running on dCPvrLJeBz8-00077-00019887-00020231 the past things so ops guys come in and dCPvrLJeBz8-00078-00020232-00020375 they take over and they want to run it dCPvrLJeBz8-00079-00020376-00020572 them like in a kosher way and on all dCPvrLJeBz8-00080-00020573-00020708 sorts of things I'm just like I can dCPvrLJeBz8-00081-00020709-00021097 never gonna start with pass again so we dCPvrLJeBz8-00082-00021098-00021410 jumped and the jump turned out to be a dCPvrLJeBz8-00083-00021411-00021611 different business it actually turned dCPvrLJeBz8-00084-00021612-00021962 out to be our business so this is kind dCPvrLJeBz8-00085-00021963-00022238 of what it looks like you jump and then dCPvrLJeBz8-00086-00022239-00022361 you realize there's a lot of duct tape dCPvrLJeBz8-00087-00022362-00022790 and that kind of stuff involved so today dCPvrLJeBz8-00088-00022791-00022975 I wanted to instead of talking about dCPvrLJeBz8-00089-00022976-00023165 this I wanted to show you what we've dCPvrLJeBz8-00090-00023166-00023336 done and what this jump looked like what dCPvrLJeBz8-00091-00023337-00023738 we had to build ourselves to be able to dCPvrLJeBz8-00092-00023739-00023954 deploy a rails application in a way that dCPvrLJeBz8-00093-00023955-00024119 gives us the same experience that we dCPvrLJeBz8-00094-00024120-00024371 really love about a past provider but we dCPvrLJeBz8-00095-00024372-00024544 are in charge we are in control of the dCPvrLJeBz8-00096-00024545-00024824 cost we benefit from the cost cutting or dCPvrLJeBz8-00097-00024825-00024974 the price wars that are going on between dCPvrLJeBz8-00098-00024975-00025142 say Amazon and Google and they keep dCPvrLJeBz8-00099-00025143-00025427 cutting the cost of every CPU cycle and dCPvrLJeBz8-00100-00025428-00025661 we don't get the benefits of when we're dCPvrLJeBz8-00101-00025662-00025967 running on the past we also wanted to be dCPvrLJeBz8-00102-00025968-00026128 able to experiment with new technologies dCPvrLJeBz8-00103-00026129-00026312 like you know we have time series data dCPvrLJeBz8-00104-00026313-00026474 and then we want to go and use a time dCPvrLJeBz8-00105-00026475-00026623 series database or dCPvrLJeBz8-00106-00026624-00026790 or use bolts or some other cool dCPvrLJeBz8-00107-00026791-00026935 technology that our developers want to dCPvrLJeBz8-00108-00026936-00027124 use and all of a sudden we can't find dCPvrLJeBz8-00109-00027125-00027307 another pass provider so we have to go dCPvrLJeBz8-00110-00027308-00027570 and add it as an external entity into dCPvrLJeBz8-00111-00027572-00027739 the whole deployment and then it creates dCPvrLJeBz8-00112-00027739-00028033 these things called snowflakes and you dCPvrLJeBz8-00113-00028033-00028296 know when you get an email about Amazon dCPvrLJeBz8-00114-00028297-00028493 having a issue with heart bleed or dCPvrLJeBz8-00115-00028494-00028689 meltdown or whatever else and they say dCPvrLJeBz8-00116-00028691-00028858 you know what just shut down your ec2 dCPvrLJeBz8-00117-00028858-00029062 instance and restarted and it moves into dCPvrLJeBz8-00118-00029063-00029218 an improved thing and you go everybody dCPvrLJeBz8-00119-00029219-00029443 goes that's server they want to shut it dCPvrLJeBz8-00120-00029444-00029695 down we have some stuff on that and you dCPvrLJeBz8-00121-00029695-00029908 know it's supposed to be you shut it dCPvrLJeBz8-00122-00029908-00029932 down dCPvrLJeBz8-00123-00029933-00030183 start it run the puppet or a chef script dCPvrLJeBz8-00124-00030184-00030402 again and it should work but we all know dCPvrLJeBz8-00125-00030403-00030805 it doesn't so let me show you a quick dCPvrLJeBz8-00126-00030806-00031417 demo of what we've got won't be built so dCPvrLJeBz8-00127-00031418-00031636 this is classic six dashboard what it dCPvrLJeBz8-00128-00031637-00031987 looks like and on the Left I have one dCPvrLJeBz8-00129-00031988-00032335 container based kubernetes ramp all the dCPvrLJeBz8-00130-00032336-00032602 cool stuff application that I used other dCPvrLJeBz8-00131-00032602-00032773 demos when we're talking about our dCPvrLJeBz8-00132-00032774-00033007 container products we have four products dCPvrLJeBz8-00133-00033008-00033274 two of them are framework rails and node dCPvrLJeBz8-00134-00033275-00033471 and that the other two are skycap and dCPvrLJeBz8-00135-00033472-00033708 maestro which are about building a dCPvrLJeBz8-00136-00033709-00033910 kubernetes cluster and also deploying dCPvrLJeBz8-00137-00033911-00034065 your application into an existing dCPvrLJeBz8-00138-00034066-00034357 communities cluster so maestro builds dCPvrLJeBz8-00139-00034358-00034489 you kubernetes cluster for you and dCPvrLJeBz8-00140-00034490-00034792 skycap deploys your application onto any dCPvrLJeBz8-00141-00034793-00034927 kubernetes cluster that you might have dCPvrLJeBz8-00142-00034928-00035176 but there is maestro or you get it from dCPvrLJeBz8-00143-00035177-00035370 say GK from Google from Amazon or dCPvrLJeBz8-00144-00035371-00035583 whoever else but but the focus of what I dCPvrLJeBz8-00145-00035584-00036012 wanted to show today is on on the rails dCPvrLJeBz8-00146-00036013-00036612 product so how do we start what we dCPvrLJeBz8-00147-00036613-00036849 wanted was we wanted to build something dCPvrLJeBz8-00148-00036850-00037252 that starts from the code and ends up in dCPvrLJeBz8-00149-00037253-00037527 production so if you think about you dCPvrLJeBz8-00150-00037528-00037654 know your pack you a typical past dCPvrLJeBz8-00151-00037655-00037896 experience on one hand you had your code dCPvrLJeBz8-00152-00037897-00038130 and it then goes to production well dCPvrLJeBz8-00153-00038131-00038182 that's great dCPvrLJeBz8-00154-00038183-00038389 and every time you commit and to get it dCPvrLJeBz8-00155-00038390-00038611 builds you know does the table awning dCPvrLJeBz8-00156-00038612-00038710 and all that sort of stuff and then dCPvrLJeBz8-00157-00038711-00039039 rolls it out what we wanted was to just dCPvrLJeBz8-00158-00039040-00039292 slightly modify that image that model dCPvrLJeBz8-00159-00039293-00039535 and say on one side we connect your git dCPvrLJeBz8-00160-00039536-00039720 repository and we get the code on the dCPvrLJeBz8-00161-00039721-00039867 other side you connect dCPvrLJeBz8-00162-00039868-00040032 your cloud provider of your own choice dCPvrLJeBz8-00163-00040033-00040281 under your own account we fire up the dCPvrLJeBz8-00164-00040282-00040524 servers that we need we then configure dCPvrLJeBz8-00165-00040525-00040776 them provision those servers to run your dCPvrLJeBz8-00166-00040777-00040965 application and we do the deployment and dCPvrLJeBz8-00167-00040966-00041265 the catch here was how do we know what dCPvrLJeBz8-00168-00041266-00041471 kind of service we need it's not like a dCPvrLJeBz8-00169-00041472-00041615 generic server that runs everything dCPvrLJeBz8-00170-00041616-00041840 right so if I go and read my rails dCPvrLJeBz8-00171-00041841-00042102 application it says I have dolly so it dCPvrLJeBz8-00172-00042103-00042318 means that I have memcache D and I have dCPvrLJeBz8-00173-00042319-00042555 some sort of reddish gem so I need Redis dCPvrLJeBz8-00174-00042556-00042858 and I Postgres as well then what kind of dCPvrLJeBz8-00175-00042859-00042996 service I'm gonna create I'm gonna dCPvrLJeBz8-00176-00042997-00043182 create all different servers like one dCPvrLJeBz8-00177-00043183-00043415 each or put all of them into one how do dCPvrLJeBz8-00178-00043416-00043686 we go about doing that so this is how a dCPvrLJeBz8-00179-00043687-00043929 flow kind of looks like and these are dCPvrLJeBz8-00180-00043930-00044043 the different products that I mentioned dCPvrLJeBz8-00181-00044044-00044552 so I go to Rails and I'm gonna choose dCPvrLJeBz8-00182-00044553-00044708 one of our sample projects so this is a dCPvrLJeBz8-00183-00044709-00044904 simple rails application as you can see dCPvrLJeBz8-00184-00044905-00045233 there's typical rails app that we put dCPvrLJeBz8-00185-00045234-00045987 together it uses my sequel but you know dCPvrLJeBz8-00186-00045988-00046131 you can see there's a docker file here dCPvrLJeBz8-00187-00046132-00046356 but this is this is not used in this dCPvrLJeBz8-00188-00046357-00046596 demo you can also see there's a classic dCPvrLJeBz8-00189-00046597-00046889 6 folder here with some extensions dCPvrLJeBz8-00190-00046890-00047033 around like you know environment dCPvrLJeBz8-00191-00047034-00047199 valuables that you want to put in you dCPvrLJeBz8-00192-00047200-00047352 don't need to use any of that this is dCPvrLJeBz8-00193-00047353-00047546 not necessarily used use part of this dCPvrLJeBz8-00194-00047547-00047783 app but we'll get to that later so I'm dCPvrLJeBz8-00195-00047784-00048045 gonna just start deploying this take the dCPvrLJeBz8-00196-00048046-00048495 git repository URL go here and use that dCPvrLJeBz8-00197-00048496-00048633 it's a public repository so I'm gonna dCPvrLJeBz8-00198-00048634-00048974 use the HTTP use the branch monster call dCPvrLJeBz8-00199-00048975-00049404 it rails Kampf 3 and I'm running a live dCPvrLJeBz8-00200-00049405-00049587 demo so demo gods are going to help dCPvrLJeBz8-00201-00049588-00050112 hopefully but I have some that I've dCPvrLJeBz8-00202-00050113-00050489 already prepared earlier I don't have a dCPvrLJeBz8-00203-00050490-00050658 video of it so if there's no Wi-Fi I'm dCPvrLJeBz8-00204-00050659-00051071 toast you're gonna have to improvise so dCPvrLJeBz8-00205-00051072-00051206 what happens happening now we're dCPvrLJeBz8-00206-00051207-00051351 connecting to the git repository we pull dCPvrLJeBz8-00207-00051352-00051629 the record out and we look at some you dCPvrLJeBz8-00208-00051630-00051952 know pointers don't fall don't fall long dCPvrLJeBz8-00209-00051953-00052269 database llamó also some other dCPvrLJeBz8-00210-00052270-00052419 configuration files that we all put dCPvrLJeBz8-00211-00052420-00052578 there so the great thing about rails is dCPvrLJeBz8-00212-00052579-00052769 we all knows convention based so you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00213-00052770-00052991 you know deduce a lot of things from dCPvrLJeBz8-00214-00052992-00053201 those conventions so what did we find dCPvrLJeBz8-00215-00053202-00053265 out dCPvrLJeBz8-00216-00053266-00053547 we are using rails in production which dCPvrLJeBz8-00217-00053548-00053733 we specified as the environment dCPvrLJeBz8-00218-00053734-00053994 this is using rails four to eight and dCPvrLJeBz8-00219-00053995-00054432 the Ruby to one five and we've flipped dCPvrLJeBz8-00220-00054433-00054641 everything to run on fusion passenger dCPvrLJeBz8-00221-00054642-00054929 here you can choose to run unicorn kumar dCPvrLJeBz8-00222-00054930-00055086 if you want but that's the default dCPvrLJeBz8-00223-00055087-00055272 setting which means that it runs nginx dCPvrLJeBz8-00224-00055273-00055527 with fusion pad passenger on top of it dCPvrLJeBz8-00225-00055528-00055698 the backend is my sequel obviously dCPvrLJeBz8-00226-00055699-00055916 wasn't like a supergenius thing to find dCPvrLJeBz8-00227-00055917-00056184 out it was in my jump i'll and deploy dCPvrLJeBz8-00228-00056185-00056591 hooks are what we have in the classic dCPvrLJeBz8-00229-00056592-00056763 six folder which basically says i have dCPvrLJeBz8-00230-00056764-00056901 this custom package or when you install dCPvrLJeBz8-00231-00056902-00057102 on a certain type of servers so you kind dCPvrLJeBz8-00232-00057103-00057252 of use it that way and the reason for dCPvrLJeBz8-00233-00057253-00057510 that is instead of you know jumping on a dCPvrLJeBz8-00234-00057511-00057657 server with a bash and just installing dCPvrLJeBz8-00235-00057658-00057789 the thing so the next time you don't dCPvrLJeBz8-00236-00057790-00057909 remember what you've done on the one dCPvrLJeBz8-00237-00057910-00058079 specific sri we're not gonna try and dCPvrLJeBz8-00238-00058080-00058287 knock people into doing it the right way dCPvrLJeBz8-00239-00058288-00058500 and scripting it out instead of doing a dCPvrLJeBz8-00240-00058501-00058754 post deployment we also do support frog dCPvrLJeBz8-00241-00058755-00058995 files which we all know if we abused dCPvrLJeBz8-00242-00058996-00059255 Heroku but it's basically back-end jobs dCPvrLJeBz8-00243-00059257-00059427 and things that run so if you think dCPvrLJeBz8-00244-00059428-00059559 about classic six we do a lot of dCPvrLJeBz8-00245-00059560-00059741 dogfooding we start we install can't dCPvrLJeBz8-00246-00059742-00059919 deploy classics its width out six six dCPvrLJeBz8-00247-00059920-00060205 it's kind of an inception sometimes but dCPvrLJeBz8-00248-00060207-00060600 the idea is that if you think about our dCPvrLJeBz8-00249-00060601-00060801 process and how we manage these things dCPvrLJeBz8-00250-00060802-00061083 so we run rails car six the stack itself dCPvrLJeBz8-00251-00061084-00061308 is rails and the backend jobs on a dCPvrLJeBz8-00252-00061309-00061626 sidekick now if you think about how long dCPvrLJeBz8-00253-00061627-00061838 does it take to get a server from say dCPvrLJeBz8-00254-00061839-00062267 AWS about a minute maybe two then you dCPvrLJeBz8-00255-00062269-00062460 have to install packages on it and then dCPvrLJeBz8-00256-00062461-00062640 reboot it and all sorts of things so end dCPvrLJeBz8-00257-00062641-00062802 to end your deployment might get from dCPvrLJeBz8-00258-00062803-00063017 five minutes to 2025 minutes we have dCPvrLJeBz8-00259-00063019-00063315 customers in about 110 countries there dCPvrLJeBz8-00260-00063316-00063513 are about 12,000 developers on the daily dCPvrLJeBz8-00261-00063514-00063795 basis about 600 of them use cloud 66 to dCPvrLJeBz8-00262-00063796-00063945 deploy about another five to six dCPvrLJeBz8-00263-00063946-00064140 thousand times you do the maths you dCPvrLJeBz8-00264-00064141-00064304 realize that there's no time that any dCPvrLJeBz8-00265-00064305-00064569 sidekick is going to be quiet so how do dCPvrLJeBz8-00266-00064570-00064824 we deploy and that's the kind of the dCPvrLJeBz8-00267-00064825-00064977 thing that we had to build any turn out dCPvrLJeBz8-00268-00064978-00065250 to be a good product as well to grow the dCPvrLJeBz8-00269-00065251-00065565 business around its kind of solving gods dCPvrLJeBz8-00270-00065566-00065814 problems how do you do those things so dCPvrLJeBz8-00271-00065815-00066033 when I mentioned that around truck files dCPvrLJeBz8-00272-00066034-00066219 I wanted to tell you that those are the dCPvrLJeBz8-00273-00066220-00066339 things that I've read we try to take dCPvrLJeBz8-00274-00066340-00066498 care of automatically for you because dCPvrLJeBz8-00275-00066499-00066642 rails is such a great dCPvrLJeBz8-00276-00066643-00066909 a framework that's got lots of opinion dCPvrLJeBz8-00277-00066910-00067191 baked into it here you can add in warmer dCPvrLJeBz8-00278-00067192-00067431 variables if you want I've locked in my dCPvrLJeBz8-00279-00067432-00067704 Ruby version here in my gem file but if dCPvrLJeBz8-00280-00067705-00067901 it wasn't locked I would be given a dCPvrLJeBz8-00281-00067902-00068073 drop-down that I could choose what I dCPvrLJeBz8-00282-00068074-00068376 want as you can see this is a very rare dCPvrLJeBz8-00283-00068377-00068709 specific or has a deep understanding of dCPvrLJeBz8-00284-00068710-00068931 what rails is so you can you know dCPvrLJeBz8-00285-00068932-00069093 understand things like race acid dCPvrLJeBz8-00286-00069094-00069393 pipeline or DB schema loads and things dCPvrLJeBz8-00287-00069394-00069707 like that now on to adding a cloud dCPvrLJeBz8-00288-00069708-00070001 provider we do support but I think dCPvrLJeBz8-00289-00070002-00070371 knowing thinking as well as bringing dCPvrLJeBz8-00290-00070372-00070521 your own service so if you're running on dCPvrLJeBz8-00291-00070522-00070779 any of these cloud providers you are all dCPvrLJeBz8-00292-00070780-00070950 good you can just connect it to your dCPvrLJeBz8-00293-00070951-00071121 account depending on your authentication dCPvrLJeBz8-00294-00071122-00071343 method of that cloud provider if there's dCPvrLJeBz8-00295-00071344-00071535 AWS you can just get the API keys if dCPvrLJeBz8-00296-00071536-00071669 it's digitalocean it's all ours and all dCPvrLJeBz8-00297-00071670-00071835 sorts of things but if you have a to run dCPvrLJeBz8-00298-00071836-00072117 on say hetner or OVH or some bare metal dCPvrLJeBz8-00299-00072118-00072200 provider dCPvrLJeBz8-00300-00072201-00072429 apart from packet which we do support dCPvrLJeBz8-00301-00072430-00072626 here natively you can then bring them in dCPvrLJeBz8-00302-00072627-00072825 with something we call registered dCPvrLJeBz8-00303-00072826-00073134 service which is drop a bash file a bash dCPvrLJeBz8-00304-00073135-00073485 command onto the server it calls back dCPvrLJeBz8-00305-00073486-00073701 home registers itself you need to have a dCPvrLJeBz8-00306-00073702-00073907 bun to on it and that's basically it dCPvrLJeBz8-00307-00073908-00074082 and it becomes part of your what we call dCPvrLJeBz8-00308-00074083-00074351 a cluster so I have added my dissolution dCPvrLJeBz8-00309-00074352-00074721 account here as you can see and I get to dCPvrLJeBz8-00310-00074722-00075162 choose what region of the installation I dCPvrLJeBz8-00311-00075163-00075326 want to deploy to and each region has dCPvrLJeBz8-00312-00075327-00075582 whatever server types that it supports I dCPvrLJeBz8-00313-00075583-00075932 get to choose those so here's the part dCPvrLJeBz8-00314-00075933-00076071 that I was hours I was telling you about dCPvrLJeBz8-00315-00076072-00076350 how do you confer was a topology to use dCPvrLJeBz8-00316-00076351-00076722 a very you know big word but how do you dCPvrLJeBz8-00317-00076723-00076944 actually distribute this app so for us dCPvrLJeBz8-00318-00076945-00077282 the rails part sits on a a server at dCPvrLJeBz8-00319-00077283-00077601 this point and on the other part my dCPvrLJeBz8-00320-00077602-00077739 sequel in this case which is the only dCPvrLJeBz8-00321-00077740-00077880 other component that I have in this dCPvrLJeBz8-00322-00077881-00078111 example you can choose to say share it dCPvrLJeBz8-00323-00078112-00078213 with the rails which is not good dCPvrLJeBz8-00324-00078214-00078344 practice for production but for the dCPvrLJeBz8-00325-00078345-00078504 purpose of this demo I think is fine dCPvrLJeBz8-00326-00078505-00078735 you're gonna forgive me or fire upon you dCPvrLJeBz8-00327-00078736-00078906 server on the same cloud same account dCPvrLJeBz8-00328-00078907-00079071 same datacenter same availability is dCPvrLJeBz8-00329-00079072-00079394 only if you want to or use an external dCPvrLJeBz8-00330-00079395-00079631 server from like you know a registered dCPvrLJeBz8-00331-00079632-00079803 server somewhere else which brings me to dCPvrLJeBz8-00332-00079804-00079943 hybrid dCPvrLJeBz8-00333-00079944-00080180 you can combine multiple clouds with dCPvrLJeBz8-00334-00080181-00080618 this as well as that what you can do dCPvrLJeBz8-00335-00080619-00080939 here is that you start with a small dCPvrLJeBz8-00336-00080940-00081101 skeleton of the application we don't dCPvrLJeBz8-00337-00081102-00081275 want to say tell me everything about dCPvrLJeBz8-00338-00081276-00081446 this up front you have production you dCPvrLJeBz8-00339-00081447-00081551 don't know how many servers you're going dCPvrLJeBz8-00340-00081552-00081734 to need you don't know how it's going to dCPvrLJeBz8-00341-00081735-00081968 actually turn out to be so we start with dCPvrLJeBz8-00342-00081969-00082199 one server of each type if you want and dCPvrLJeBz8-00343-00082200-00082346 then you kind of scale out as you want dCPvrLJeBz8-00344-00082347-00082678 all right so let's just go ahead and dCPvrLJeBz8-00345-00082679-00082919 click the appointment now what's gonna dCPvrLJeBz8-00346-00082920-00083159 happen now so we're gonna connect dCPvrLJeBz8-00347-00083160-00083240 digitalocean dCPvrLJeBz8-00348-00083241-00083480 if I have my dissolution log in still dCPvrLJeBz8-00349-00083481-00084290 log it in right so in a minute that guy dCPvrLJeBz8-00350-00084291-00084550 is going to fire up a digital ocean dCPvrLJeBz8-00351-00084551-00085250 server here there we go so that started dCPvrLJeBz8-00352-00085251-00085454 bad we give it an animal name as you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00353-00085455-00085574 see gazelle Impala dCPvrLJeBz8-00354-00085575-00085724 and also sometimes they come at my dCPvrLJeBz8-00355-00085725-00085889 compassionate pics and some with names dCPvrLJeBz8-00356-00085890-00086282 but I think we're lucky today I'm just dCPvrLJeBz8-00357-00086283-00086537 gonna give this a different name I can dCPvrLJeBz8-00358-00086538-00086729 rename it here I'm just gonna put a long dCPvrLJeBz8-00359-00086730-00086984 here and the reason for that is we have dCPvrLJeBz8-00360-00086985-00087386 a process in the background as you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00361-00087387-00087524 imagine before of a lot of servers on a dCPvrLJeBz8-00362-00087525-00087692 lot of clouds so we call it janitor and dCPvrLJeBz8-00363-00087693-00087893 comes and cleans up all the service dCPvrLJeBz8-00364-00087894-00088025 they'll be fired up if you don't put dCPvrLJeBz8-00365-00088026-00088190 along in there I mean lots of demo the dCPvrLJeBz8-00366-00088191-00088325 server is gonna disappear which is a dCPvrLJeBz8-00367-00088326-00088592 cool thing you'll see how I work but so dCPvrLJeBz8-00368-00088593-00088706 what's gonna happen now we fired the dCPvrLJeBz8-00369-00088707-00089066 server or servers that we we agreed then dCPvrLJeBz8-00370-00089067-00089267 we check for the compatibility based on dCPvrLJeBz8-00371-00089268-00089450 the based best image that's available on dCPvrLJeBz8-00372-00089451-00089579 that cloud provided then we check for dCPvrLJeBz8-00373-00089580-00089789 the kernel if there's a need for a dCPvrLJeBz8-00374-00089790-00090083 kernel update we do that any packages dCPvrLJeBz8-00375-00090084-00090218 that need update is also such things dCPvrLJeBz8-00376-00090219-00090374 setting up automatic updates with dCPvrLJeBz8-00377-00090375-00090644 security you know installation array dCPvrLJeBz8-00378-00090645-00090818 everything or anything that's needed so dCPvrLJeBz8-00379-00090819-00090965 for example in your jump our let's say dCPvrLJeBz8-00380-00090966-00091253 you have image magic then image magic dCPvrLJeBz8-00381-00091254-00091397 requires a bunch of things that you need dCPvrLJeBz8-00382-00091398-00091580 to install we install all those all dCPvrLJeBz8-00383-00091581-00091823 those things if you have any custom dCPvrLJeBz8-00384-00091824-00092003 packages that you need to install that's dCPvrLJeBz8-00385-00092004-00092291 also done and all of that then ends up dCPvrLJeBz8-00386-00092292-00092438 being a server with an IP address that dCPvrLJeBz8-00387-00092439-00092621 then callbacks calls back and then gives dCPvrLJeBz8-00388-00092622-00092866 us the IP address if your cloud provider dCPvrLJeBz8-00389-00092867-00093110 supports private public networks for dCPvrLJeBz8-00390-00093111-00093317 example a private eye in Nick dCPvrLJeBz8-00391-00093318-00093533 and a public Nick we do get those IP dCPvrLJeBz8-00392-00093534-00093746 addresses back the ipv6 and all sorts of dCPvrLJeBz8-00393-00093747-00093893 things around that we get it back you dCPvrLJeBz8-00394-00093894-00094085 get a chance of drilling down into all dCPvrLJeBz8-00395-00094086-00094337 the locks of what preparing for example dCPvrLJeBz8-00396-00094338-00094541 if the server is and here you can see dCPvrLJeBz8-00397-00094542-00094688 you know we installed a ufw as a dCPvrLJeBz8-00398-00094689-00095135 firewall manager also some actually know dCPvrLJeBz8-00399-00095136-00095252 activities that are happening right now dCPvrLJeBz8-00400-00095253-00095633 so let me go back to one that I created dCPvrLJeBz8-00401-00095634-00096155 with the same stack so this is what it dCPvrLJeBz8-00402-00096156-00096398 looks like at the end I've got my server dCPvrLJeBz8-00403-00096399-00096734 created at the top when was it deployed dCPvrLJeBz8-00404-00096735-00096956 just earlier today I have a rail server dCPvrLJeBz8-00405-00096957-00097100 and sequel server and a process server dCPvrLJeBz8-00406-00097101-00097607 which holds my truck files if I go in dCPvrLJeBz8-00407-00097608-00097832 there so there is a worker and a dCPvrLJeBz8-00408-00097833-00098420 scheduler I think they are sidekick that dCPvrLJeBz8-00409-00098421-00098977 are running here and my my sequel server dCPvrLJeBz8-00410-00098978-00099374 yeah I can I can see my my sequel server dCPvrLJeBz8-00411-00099375-00099632 with my sequel things that are running dCPvrLJeBz8-00412-00099633-00099884 on it but it's sharing your server it's dCPvrLJeBz8-00413-00099885-00100103 obviously sharing a server with with my dCPvrLJeBz8-00414-00100104-00100376 rails one okay dCPvrLJeBz8-00415-00100377-00100837 so let's just see what the sites like dCPvrLJeBz8-00416-00100838-00101105 it's just the simple rails app to dump dCPvrLJeBz8-00417-00101106-00101411 whatever you gets in the header if you dCPvrLJeBz8-00418-00101412-00101678 notice here it's a DNS record that's dCPvrLJeBz8-00419-00101679-00101828 created for this and this is quite an dCPvrLJeBz8-00420-00101829-00102089 interesting thing so obviously every dCPvrLJeBz8-00421-00102090-00102293 server that you far up has a public IP dCPvrLJeBz8-00422-00102294-00102443 address we can access that and you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00423-00102444-00102572 block that and say I don't want this dCPvrLJeBz8-00424-00102573-00102716 application to be accessible publicly dCPvrLJeBz8-00425-00102717-00102965 you can do that but we also create a DNS dCPvrLJeBz8-00426-00102966-00103121 record for you the same way that for dCPvrLJeBz8-00427-00103122-00103373 example Oroku does and that is pointing dCPvrLJeBz8-00428-00103374-00103544 to the head of that stack if you have a dCPvrLJeBz8-00429-00103545-00103742 single server it points to that one if dCPvrLJeBz8-00430-00103743-00103883 you add a load balancer that you points dCPvrLJeBz8-00431-00103883-00104030 to the load balancer changes that and dCPvrLJeBz8-00432-00104031-00104276 it's a short response a short TTL to dCPvrLJeBz8-00433-00104277-00104618 point to that server as well as that you dCPvrLJeBz8-00434-00104619-00104756 have you can have a DNS server that dCPvrLJeBz8-00435-00104757-00104933 points to every single of one of those dCPvrLJeBz8-00436-00104933-00105080 servers and you can change your DNS dCPvrLJeBz8-00437-00105081-00105365 record to point to that so ok so now I dCPvrLJeBz8-00438-00105366-00105590 have my stack great now that was a that dCPvrLJeBz8-00439-00105591-00105818 was easy now what else can I do dCPvrLJeBz8-00440-00105819-00106016 so now at this point you have your dCPvrLJeBz8-00441-00106017-00106560 application up and running it's working dCPvrLJeBz8-00442-00106561-00106671 buddy dCPvrLJeBz8-00443-00106672-00107043 looks like this now here you can add a dCPvrLJeBz8-00444-00107044-00107349 load balancer or at your back up back up dCPvrLJeBz8-00445-00107350-00107735 to your databases so as you noticed I dCPvrLJeBz8-00446-00107736-00107895 deployed this on to the ocean and I dCPvrLJeBz8-00447-00107896-00108075 choose to deploy it without the digital dCPvrLJeBz8-00448-00108076-00108201 ocean load balancer I want to have a dCPvrLJeBz8-00449-00108202-00108420 ship proxy I can do that if I were to dCPvrLJeBz8-00450-00108421-00108677 deploy that onto say Amazon then here dCPvrLJeBz8-00451-00108678-00108854 the load balance option would be an ELB dCPvrLJeBz8-00452-00108855-00109074 or an ALP that you can deploy and that dCPvrLJeBz8-00453-00109075-00109302 decouples you from the intricacies of dCPvrLJeBz8-00454-00109303-00109460 that cloud provider which means that you dCPvrLJeBz8-00455-00109461-00109608 can get an application and move it from dCPvrLJeBz8-00456-00109608-00109824 one cloud cover to another one with the dCPvrLJeBz8-00457-00109825-00110022 same topology you can say I have unity dCPvrLJeBz8-00458-00110023-00110238 you know a load balance out of my sequel dCPvrLJeBz8-00459-00110239-00110358 I can just move it from one place to dCPvrLJeBz8-00460-00110358-00110615 another one so you can do that you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00461-00110616-00110799 also create database backups for my dCPvrLJeBz8-00462-00110800-00111029 database so here I can say I want to dCPvrLJeBz8-00463-00111030-00111252 manage backup which means the backups dCPvrLJeBz8-00464-00111253-00111444 taken of your database says all dCPvrLJeBz8-00465-00111445-00111618 databases so if you have like say my dCPvrLJeBz8-00466-00111619-00111756 sequel post course and red is all of dCPvrLJeBz8-00467-00111757-00111941 them as a snapshot are taken at the same dCPvrLJeBz8-00468-00111942-00112143 time the files are then compressed dCPvrLJeBz8-00469-00112144-00112320 encrypted with your passports and the dCPvrLJeBz8-00470-00112321-00112709 shipped the closest s3 region that you dCPvrLJeBz8-00471-00112710-00112851 want or the one that you specifically dCPvrLJeBz8-00472-00112852-00113052 want if you're for example running it in dCPvrLJeBz8-00473-00113053-00113223 say Germany there are data agents and dCPvrLJeBz8-00474-00113224-00113388 residency requirements means that you dCPvrLJeBz8-00475-00113389-00113571 have to move it only to the Frankfurt s3 dCPvrLJeBz8-00476-00113572-00113796 all those things are taken care of how dCPvrLJeBz8-00477-00113797-00113946 frequently you want it when you want it dCPvrLJeBz8-00478-00113947-00114116 a binary one which means it's much dCPvrLJeBz8-00479-00114117-00114345 faster or you want a text one which can dCPvrLJeBz8-00480-00114346-00114479 then inspect manually and you can create dCPvrLJeBz8-00481-00114480-00114953 a backup here so this is stack the one dCPvrLJeBz8-00482-00114954-00115283 that I showed you earlier this one has dCPvrLJeBz8-00483-00115284-00115589 both databases back backed up and load dCPvrLJeBz8-00484-00115590-00115844 balanced and here I can download it or dCPvrLJeBz8-00485-00115845-00116100 restore it and when I say I want to dCPvrLJeBz8-00486-00116101-00116319 restore it it basically goes to all the dCPvrLJeBz8-00487-00116320-00116547 databases that I have Postgres Redis dCPvrLJeBz8-00488-00116548-00116664 everything that I have and it just dCPvrLJeBz8-00489-00116665-00116861 restores that back so if you combine dCPvrLJeBz8-00490-00116863-00117099 that with the code and get ref that is dCPvrLJeBz8-00491-00117100-00117300 deployed you have a time machine you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00492-00117301-00117428 go back and forth back and forth in dCPvrLJeBz8-00493-00117429-00117747 there one note is that you can use this dCPvrLJeBz8-00494-00117748-00118058 with your own database if you want so if dCPvrLJeBz8-00495-00118059-00118332 you're using you know Heroku Postgres or dCPvrLJeBz8-00496-00118333-00118596 a cloud sequel Postgres or RDS from dCPvrLJeBz8-00497-00118597-00118883 amazon you can do that if you wanted you dCPvrLJeBz8-00498-00118884-00119015 don't have to use the databases that dCPvrLJeBz8-00499-00119016-00119181 come here and the same with load dCPvrLJeBz8-00500-00119182-00119397 balancers and last one around here is dCPvrLJeBz8-00501-00119398-00119694 that this is a certificate if you choose dCPvrLJeBz8-00502-00119695-00119844 if you have your own assistant because dCPvrLJeBz8-00503-00119845-00119984 you can add it here and it will add it dCPvrLJeBz8-00504-00119985-00120045 to the load path dCPvrLJeBz8-00505-00120046-00120273 or to the server nginx depending on the dCPvrLJeBz8-00506-00120274-00120420 topology so you just say I want to have dCPvrLJeBz8-00507-00120421-00120666 us a cell and it will add it to the load dCPvrLJeBz8-00508-00120667-00120804 balance that has a lot of an SSL dCPvrLJeBz8-00509-00120805-00120957 termination if you have a note balancer dCPvrLJeBz8-00510-00120958-00121136 if you don't then it will be added to dCPvrLJeBz8-00511-00121138-00121395 the nginx and if you if you say I want dCPvrLJeBz8-00512-00121396-00121515 to start to small and we just want to dCPvrLJeBz8-00513-00121516-00121725 add an SSL certificate to my only server dCPvrLJeBz8-00514-00121726-00121947 that I have at the nginx level and it dCPvrLJeBz8-00515-00121948-00122111 just works and sometimes I do your dCPvrLJeBz8-00516-00122113-00122274 colleague comes and says why is this dCPvrLJeBz8-00517-00122275-00122421 thing running without any load banner so dCPvrLJeBz8-00518-00122422-00122565 they will go and add a load banner so we dCPvrLJeBz8-00519-00122566-00122711 then detect that we move the load dCPvrLJeBz8-00520-00122713-00122967 balancer we move the SSL certificate dCPvrLJeBz8-00521-00122968-00123209 from nginx all the way to back to the to dCPvrLJeBz8-00522-00123210-00123357 the load balancer so it doesn't disrupt dCPvrLJeBz8-00523-00123358-00123483 your service so that is not going to dCPvrLJeBz8-00524-00123483-00123860 break anything and if you choose to go dCPvrLJeBz8-00525-00123861-00124095 with let's encrypt we call let's encrypt dCPvrLJeBz8-00526-00124096-00124317 API we get there so certificated we put dCPvrLJeBz8-00527-00124318-00124446 the reminders in there and we do it dCPvrLJeBz8-00528-00124447-00124629 automatically every three months so you dCPvrLJeBz8-00529-00124630-00124758 have that we are in the process of dCPvrLJeBz8-00530-00124758-00124932 supporting version 2 which has wild card dCPvrLJeBz8-00531-00124933-00125238 as well so that gives me the kind of the dCPvrLJeBz8-00532-00125239-00125493 basic running off the rails how do I set dCPvrLJeBz8-00533-00125494-00125735 it up and also some things now here you dCPvrLJeBz8-00534-00125736-00125921 can see that I have two processes and dCPvrLJeBz8-00535-00125922-00126302 they're running the both green all good dCPvrLJeBz8-00536-00126303-00126606 now database is a little bit more on dCPvrLJeBz8-00537-00126607-00126858 that so here we have a we have a dCPvrLJeBz8-00538-00126858-00126999 database a single database it's my dCPvrLJeBz8-00539-00127000-00127239 sequel what I can do here is I can dCPvrLJeBz8-00540-00127240-00127494 create replication I can simply sell on dCPvrLJeBz8-00541-00127495-00127650 another database server and as dCPvrLJeBz8-00542-00127651-00127806 essentially scaling up the server dCPvrLJeBz8-00543-00127807-00128019 they could be server for me now here dCPvrLJeBz8-00544-00128020-00128294 what we do we natively support dCPvrLJeBz8-00545-00128295-00128669 replication for my sequel Postgres Redis dCPvrLJeBz8-00546-00128670-00129141 memcache the elastic search and I'm a dCPvrLJeBz8-00547-00129142-00129570 MongoDB so we do the replication for dCPvrLJeBz8-00548-00129571-00129710 each one of them the native way they dCPvrLJeBz8-00549-00129711-00129879 actually support so you talk about my dCPvrLJeBz8-00550-00129880-00130119 sequel we do a master slave you want to dCPvrLJeBz8-00551-00130120-00130293 do Postgres we know what writer had dCPvrLJeBz8-00552-00130294-00130488 files and how to sync them all all sorts dCPvrLJeBz8-00553-00130489-00130728 of things and not only do we do the dCPvrLJeBz8-00554-00130729-00130983 replication but the system also supports dCPvrLJeBz8-00555-00130983-00131130 replication verification across dCPvrLJeBz8-00556-00131131-00131289 different data centers so you oftentimes dCPvrLJeBz8-00557-00131290-00131484 when you set up replication you see that dCPvrLJeBz8-00558-00131485-00131610 you have like two different availability dCPvrLJeBz8-00559-00131611-00131784 zones and you want to have like high dCPvrLJeBz8-00560-00131785-00131934 availability so you put the master on dCPvrLJeBz8-00561-00131935-00132093 one side and the read-only slave on dCPvrLJeBz8-00562-00132094-00132288 another datacenter and the connectivity dCPvrLJeBz8-00563-00132289-00132558 sometimes not great if you have a lot of dCPvrLJeBz8-00564-00132559-00132717 throughput in terms of writing a lot of dCPvrLJeBz8-00565-00132718-00133005 inserts the slave might need time to dCPvrLJeBz8-00566-00133006-00133356 catch up and they go out of sync so when dCPvrLJeBz8-00567-00133357-00133539 you set up a replication of a classic dCPvrLJeBz8-00568-00133540-00133803 six rails stack the repetition setup is dCPvrLJeBz8-00569-00133804-00134010 verified and is constantly being checked dCPvrLJeBz8-00570-00134011-00134289 for whether it's in sync or not and we dCPvrLJeBz8-00571-00134290-00134469 keep it up-to-date or if we cannot for dCPvrLJeBz8-00572-00134470-00134655 example you just lose connection between dCPvrLJeBz8-00573-00134656-00134781 the two servers we will let you know dCPvrLJeBz8-00574-00134782-00134964 these are all the things that you had to dCPvrLJeBz8-00575-00134965-00135147 build to just get back to where we we're dCPvrLJeBz8-00576-00135148-00135603 on a path provider and on the other side dCPvrLJeBz8-00577-00135604-00136044 if I go to my source code now dCPvrLJeBz8-00578-00136045-00136329 in this case I had a backup verifier as dCPvrLJeBz8-00579-00136330-00136707 well so this is as you can see it's my dCPvrLJeBz8-00580-00136708-00136920 sequel query what happens is this is a dCPvrLJeBz8-00581-00136921-00137180 backup verifier so if we find that file dCPvrLJeBz8-00582-00137181-00137535 called under that backup verify for my dCPvrLJeBz8-00583-00137536-00137700 sequel for production that specific dCPvrLJeBz8-00584-00137701-00137883 environment it means that every time I dCPvrLJeBz8-00585-00137884-00138108 run a backup I want you to put that ship dCPvrLJeBz8-00586-00138109-00138354 that backup to another server unzip it dCPvrLJeBz8-00587-00138355-00138450 decompress it dCPvrLJeBz8-00588-00138451-00138777 unencrypted it decrypt it and then put dCPvrLJeBz8-00589-00138778-00139110 it into into that specific database then dCPvrLJeBz8-00590-00139111-00139272 run this query and this query should dCPvrLJeBz8-00591-00139273-00139587 return a true or false which means we dCPvrLJeBz8-00592-00139588-00139785 verify the backups every time and you dCPvrLJeBz8-00593-00139786-00139944 get a green tick for the verification of dCPvrLJeBz8-00594-00139945-00140094 the backups as well so it's not only dCPvrLJeBz8-00595-00140095-00140325 about you know whether you have a backup dCPvrLJeBz8-00596-00140326-00140460 but the backup days are going to work dCPvrLJeBz8-00597-00140461-00140598 when you need it because that's the dCPvrLJeBz8-00598-00140599-00140790 worst thing that could happen if it dCPvrLJeBz8-00599-00140791-00141435 didn't now on to the deployments here's dCPvrLJeBz8-00600-00141436-00141708 my deployment and this is the one that's dCPvrLJeBz8-00601-00141709-00141909 live and every deployment that I do is dCPvrLJeBz8-00602-00141910-00142065 going to show up there so I can see the dCPvrLJeBz8-00603-00142066-00142251 commits that have gone into this is that dCPvrLJeBz8-00604-00142252-00142386 gives me a visual history of what's dCPvrLJeBz8-00605-00142387-00142752 happened on configuration files now dCPvrLJeBz8-00606-00142753-00143148 that's an interesting part so this is dCPvrLJeBz8-00607-00143149-00143376 not a you know pass obviously so it's dCPvrLJeBz8-00608-00143377-00143565 not lots of things are hidden but we dCPvrLJeBz8-00609-00143566-00143787 didn't want them to be hidden like for dCPvrLJeBz8-00610-00143788-00144003 example we install nginx we want you to dCPvrLJeBz8-00611-00144004-00144276 be able to shell into the server that dCPvrLJeBz8-00612-00144277-00144477 you were the we've set up for you and dCPvrLJeBz8-00613-00144478-00144669 you look at things you look around and dCPvrLJeBz8-00614-00144670-00144780 kind of feel that you've done it dCPvrLJeBz8-00615-00144781-00144993 yourself is just done for you it's not dCPvrLJeBz8-00616-00144994-00145254 an alien black box as a result for dCPvrLJeBz8-00617-00145255-00145398 example if you think about deploying dCPvrLJeBz8-00618-00145399-00145482 nginx dCPvrLJeBz8-00619-00145483-00145668 what would you do if you were to deploy dCPvrLJeBz8-00620-00145669-00145827 injects yourself you would write the dCPvrLJeBz8-00621-00145828-00145959 configuration file for engineer to the dCPvrLJeBz8-00622-00145960-00146097 POI nginx and apply that configuration dCPvrLJeBz8-00623-00146098-00146424 file and this is what we do here so if dCPvrLJeBz8-00624-00146425-00146562 you're familiar with nginx configuration dCPvrLJeBz8-00625-00146563-00146654 you recognize that dCPvrLJeBz8-00626-00146655-00146985 that as a engineers configuration with a dCPvrLJeBz8-00627-00146986-00147224 small difference of these double curly dCPvrLJeBz8-00628-00147225-00147341 brackets around here dCPvrLJeBz8-00629-00147342-00147618 now if you've used Shopify you know dCPvrLJeBz8-00630-00147619-00147798 about Shopify liquid for example which dCPvrLJeBz8-00631-00147799-00148011 is a rendering where a safe way of dCPvrLJeBz8-00632-00148012-00148221 rendering a markup language if you will dCPvrLJeBz8-00633-00148222-00148466 for footballs and this supports that so dCPvrLJeBz8-00634-00148467-00148668 you can say you know number of worker dCPvrLJeBz8-00635-00148669-00148968 processes comes from this variable or dCPvrLJeBz8-00636-00148969-00149133 you can have if statement for example if dCPvrLJeBz8-00637-00149134-00149559 you want around this what happens here dCPvrLJeBz8-00638-00149560-00149975 is that then we get those base template dCPvrLJeBz8-00639-00149976-00150263 that we have here and then we render it dCPvrLJeBz8-00640-00150264-00150468 with the values that you have and then dCPvrLJeBz8-00641-00150469-00150783 we generate a real executable engine X dCPvrLJeBz8-00642-00150784-00150921 configuration and push it to all the dCPvrLJeBz8-00643-00150922-00151146 servers that we even installed engine X dCPvrLJeBz8-00644-00151147-00151424 on what does that give you one it gives dCPvrLJeBz8-00645-00151425-00151562 you consistency across all the dCPvrLJeBz8-00646-00151563-00151683 components that are installed so there's dCPvrLJeBz8-00647-00151684-00151826 and you don't have these snowballs and dCPvrLJeBz8-00648-00151827-00152039 snowflakes that have one of them's dCPvrLJeBz8-00649-00152040-00152307 engine X is slightly different sometimes dCPvrLJeBz8-00650-00152308-00152493 it happens and this happens to us that dCPvrLJeBz8-00651-00152494-00152654 you know something goes wrong I'm during dCPvrLJeBz8-00652-00152655-00152859 the weekend some UPS guy jumps on a dCPvrLJeBz8-00653-00152860-00153074 server shells into it and fixes that and dCPvrLJeBz8-00654-00153075-00153219 nobody knows what's happened and one of dCPvrLJeBz8-00655-00153220-00153423 the server's go out of sync so we detect dCPvrLJeBz8-00656-00153424-00153587 those differences and we bring it up and dCPvrLJeBz8-00657-00153588-00153735 we show you that there is an issue there dCPvrLJeBz8-00658-00153736-00153957 is one of them is different this not dCPvrLJeBz8-00659-00153958-00154248 just again will nudge us into doing it dCPvrLJeBz8-00660-00154249-00154419 the right way but if you don't you still dCPvrLJeBz8-00661-00154420-00154712 get that notification the second thing dCPvrLJeBz8-00662-00154713-00154904 that it gives you is that it gives you dCPvrLJeBz8-00663-00154905-00155237 kind of a constant update so we did this dCPvrLJeBz8-00664-00155238-00155615 a long time ago I think 2013 if I'm not dCPvrLJeBz8-00665-00155616-00155987 mistaken and right after that the dCPvrLJeBz8-00666-00155988-00156227 Snowden thing happened and they said not dCPvrLJeBz8-00667-00156228-00156519 only NSA reads whatever you say but they dCPvrLJeBz8-00668-00156520-00156800 record their encrypted traffic so if dCPvrLJeBz8-00669-00156801-00156972 they want they can then run something dCPvrLJeBz8-00670-00156973-00157211 afterwards which men all of a sudden all dCPvrLJeBz8-00671-00157212-00157376 of our customers were asking for perfect dCPvrLJeBz8-00672-00157377-00157640 forward secrecy which will prevent that dCPvrLJeBz8-00673-00157641-00157829 from happening so what we did with this dCPvrLJeBz8-00674-00157830-00158024 was this is backward git as you can see dCPvrLJeBz8-00675-00158025-00158165 there is a git repository backing this dCPvrLJeBz8-00676-00158166-00158429 so you don't need to use the web UI if dCPvrLJeBz8-00677-00158430-00158591 you're familiar if you if you have more dCPvrLJeBz8-00678-00158592-00158801 comfortable using git which like I am I dCPvrLJeBz8-00679-00158802-00158978 go to command line clone that git was dCPvrLJeBz8-00680-00158979-00159219 there and do my thing but classic six dCPvrLJeBz8-00681-00159220-00159459 acts as a yet another developer in your dCPvrLJeBz8-00682-00159460-00159752 team so let's say tomorrow Snowden says dCPvrLJeBz8-00683-00159753-00159909 something else and then we're going to dCPvrLJeBz8-00684-00159910-00159986 have to the dCPvrLJeBz8-00685-00159987-00160145 that you're gonna have to go and say you dCPvrLJeBz8-00686-00160146-00160343 know I need to add perfect forward dCPvrLJeBz8-00687-00160344-00160598 secrecy number two to this or there's dCPvrLJeBz8-00688-00160599-00160934 heartbleed or nginx patch we pull that dCPvrLJeBz8-00689-00160935-00161282 repository we make the patch and we try dCPvrLJeBz8-00690-00161283-00161648 to merge it like you you will do and if dCPvrLJeBz8-00691-00161649-00161888 it goes in great you get to choose to dCPvrLJeBz8-00692-00161889-00162065 say I want to deploy that if there's a dCPvrLJeBz8-00693-00162066-00162278 conflict you see the default use you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00694-00162279-00162416 resolve the conflict and then push it in dCPvrLJeBz8-00695-00162417-00162650 that means you get to benefit from all dCPvrLJeBz8-00696-00162651-00162839 the things that happen in our network dCPvrLJeBz8-00697-00162840-00163145 now as I said God six six products rails dCPvrLJeBz8-00698-00163146-00163523 product power is about 2500 unique dCPvrLJeBz8-00699-00163524-00163595 workloads dCPvrLJeBz8-00700-00163596-00163808 something about 5,000 to 6,000 different dCPvrLJeBz8-00701-00163809-00164084 applications with different sizes so dCPvrLJeBz8-00702-00164085-00164273 oftentimes we find ourselves in the dCPvrLJeBz8-00703-00164274-00164393 position of running in front of our dCPvrLJeBz8-00704-00164394-00164555 customers finding out issues like a dCPvrLJeBz8-00705-00164556-00164735 canary in a kind of in a coal mine and dCPvrLJeBz8-00706-00164736-00164918 then we bring it back to our customers dCPvrLJeBz8-00707-00164919-00165203 before they before they face it they see dCPvrLJeBz8-00708-00165204-00165320 that there's a patch for some dCPvrLJeBz8-00709-00165321-00165653 configuration file that's there but if dCPvrLJeBz8-00710-00165654-00165836 you want to manage that yourself you you dCPvrLJeBz8-00711-00165837-00165977 know feel free you can do that and if dCPvrLJeBz8-00712-00165978-00166196 what you do doesn't conflict with any dCPvrLJeBz8-00713-00166197-00166373 patches that are coming in great you're dCPvrLJeBz8-00714-00166374-00166574 gonna benefit from that and as you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00715-00166575-00166781 see this is installed this is available dCPvrLJeBz8-00716-00166782-00167021 to you for all components that are dCPvrLJeBz8-00717-00167022-00167153 installed so it's not just the nginx dCPvrLJeBz8-00718-00167154-00167516 part but also you know any my sequel for dCPvrLJeBz8-00719-00167517-00167834 example has its own native one as well dCPvrLJeBz8-00720-00167835-00167975 as my HF proxy so I can customize dCPvrLJeBz8-00721-00167976-00168131 everything to my hard content if I want dCPvrLJeBz8-00722-00168132-00168779 to now onto the network settings here is dCPvrLJeBz8-00723-00168780-00168938 the the firewall settings that we have dCPvrLJeBz8-00724-00168939-00169202 so from cloud 66 which we have a dCPvrLJeBz8-00725-00169203-00169397 publicly available set of IP addresses dCPvrLJeBz8-00726-00169398-00169646 we open 22 if you want to have a bastion dCPvrLJeBz8-00727-00169647-00169856 server in the middle to lock us out when dCPvrLJeBz8-00728-00169857-00169964 you don't want to when there's no dCPvrLJeBz8-00729-00169965-00170118 deployment happening or you want to have dCPvrLJeBz8-00730-00170119-00170249 a bastion server that we do have access dCPvrLJeBz8-00731-00170250-00170450 to but your ops guys has to give dCPvrLJeBz8-00732-00170451-00170801 permission to devs guys to deploy during dCPvrLJeBz8-00733-00170802-00171014 a certain window of time you can do that dCPvrLJeBz8-00734-00171015-00171224 but these are the kind of statically dCPvrLJeBz8-00735-00171225-00171488 created dynamically created bursts that dCPvrLJeBz8-00736-00171489-00171821 if you applied sort of popular dCPvrLJeBz8-00737-00171822-00171947 configuration files dCPvrLJeBz8-00738-00171948-00172172 sorry firewall rules and here I can dCPvrLJeBz8-00739-00172173-00172532 create the ones that I want for example dCPvrLJeBz8-00740-00172533-00173075 from anywhere to my rails servers I want dCPvrLJeBz8-00741-00173076-00173273 to have TCP on a specific port that I dCPvrLJeBz8-00742-00173274-00173373 have dCPvrLJeBz8-00743-00173374-00173643 now the best thing here that I find is dCPvrLJeBz8-00744-00173644-00174000 this we had a case of a customer who had dCPvrLJeBz8-00745-00174001-00174231 a CRM application managed by one team dCPvrLJeBz8-00746-00174232-00174459 the CRM application had a database the dCPvrLJeBz8-00747-00174460-00174663 database had a list of customers the dCPvrLJeBz8-00748-00174664-00174852 marketing guys has another thing that dCPvrLJeBz8-00749-00174853-00175182 would generate some spam email and send dCPvrLJeBz8-00750-00175183-00175368 it to some of the customers the issue dCPvrLJeBz8-00751-00175369-00175604 would come up the two teams were taking dCPvrLJeBz8-00752-00175605-00175848 care of to those two stacks sometimes dCPvrLJeBz8-00753-00175849-00176028 there was a need for a load too because dCPvrLJeBz8-00754-00176029-00176178 there's a campaign for example going on dCPvrLJeBz8-00755-00176179-00176319 they would scale up the servers on the dCPvrLJeBz8-00756-00176320-00176538 marketing side that will fire up new dCPvrLJeBz8-00757-00176539-00176729 servers will give them new IP addresses dCPvrLJeBz8-00758-00176730-00176868 then those IP addresses don't have dCPvrLJeBz8-00759-00176869-00177045 access to the sequel server on the other dCPvrLJeBz8-00760-00177046-00177486 stack which had the list of customers so dCPvrLJeBz8-00761-00177487-00177702 every time they would Scott scale they dCPvrLJeBz8-00762-00177703-00177840 would have to go to the other UPS after dCPvrLJeBz8-00763-00177841-00178053 the other the other team and say can you dCPvrLJeBz8-00764-00178054-00178290 add this IP address list and worse than dCPvrLJeBz8-00765-00178291-00178545 that they would fall down to scale down dCPvrLJeBz8-00766-00178546-00178800 the stack on the marketing side and then dCPvrLJeBz8-00767-00178801-00179040 their bunch of IP addresses still open dCPvrLJeBz8-00768-00179041-00179259 to the my sequel server of the customer dCPvrLJeBz8-00769-00179260-00179445 list which now with gdpr is that dCPvrLJeBz8-00770-00179446-00179778 actually even worse so and then those dCPvrLJeBz8-00771-00179779-00179934 are creators are you reused by your dCPvrLJeBz8-00772-00179935-00180096 cloud provider for another complete dCPvrLJeBz8-00773-00180097-00180270 client of theirs and that's just a dCPvrLJeBz8-00774-00180271-00180474 security nightmare so what we had to do dCPvrLJeBz8-00775-00180475-00180690 was to say you can create dynamic dCPvrLJeBz8-00776-00180691-00180936 firewall rules you can say from any rail dCPvrLJeBz8-00777-00180937-00181164 server of this stack that I don't have dCPvrLJeBz8-00778-00181165-00181404 access to I don't know what it is to all dCPvrLJeBz8-00779-00181405-00181581 my my sequel servers on this side and dCPvrLJeBz8-00780-00181582-00181878 these are dynamically calculated so as dCPvrLJeBz8-00781-00181879-00182129 you go and scale up your my sequel they dCPvrLJeBz8-00782-00182130-00182406 inherit the right firewall rules as the dCPvrLJeBz8-00783-00182407-00182556 other team goes and scales up their dCPvrLJeBz8-00784-00182557-00182793 worker servers on the other stack then dCPvrLJeBz8-00785-00182794-00183003 whatever rule dynamically is created is dCPvrLJeBz8-00786-00183004-00183123 generated so this is we call a kind of dCPvrLJeBz8-00787-00183124-00183411 an application centric firewall as well dCPvrLJeBz8-00788-00183412-00183713 as that I can I can I can be naughty and dCPvrLJeBz8-00789-00183714-00183951 access the servers directly if I want to dCPvrLJeBz8-00790-00183952-00184146 with having a lease we just opens up dCPvrLJeBz8-00791-00184147-00184332 with 10 to 20 minutes access and it dCPvrLJeBz8-00792-00184333-00184494 shuts it down based on the IP address dCPvrLJeBz8-00793-00184495-00184632 that I have if I want to really get into dCPvrLJeBz8-00794-00184633-00184868 the you know the server's themselves dCPvrLJeBz8-00795-00184869-00185397 traffic redirection rules and and dCPvrLJeBz8-00796-00185398-00185595 traffic access rules you know basic dCPvrLJeBz8-00797-00185596-00185853 things that you that you have there are dCPvrLJeBz8-00798-00185854-00186102 the final things is active protect which dCPvrLJeBz8-00799-00186103-00186464 is luckily I don't have anything there dCPvrLJeBz8-00800-00186465-00186708 what we do is that we monitor your dCPvrLJeBz8-00801-00186709-00186744 server dCPvrLJeBz8-00802-00186745-00186972 for you at different levels a POS level dCPvrLJeBz8-00803-00186973-00187131 at the patch package in pack patch level dCPvrLJeBz8-00804-00187132-00187376 if there are any known vulnerabilities dCPvrLJeBz8-00805-00187377-00187652 that are there as well as that for every dCPvrLJeBz8-00806-00187653-00187775 deployment that you do for every dCPvrLJeBz8-00807-00187776-00187959 component that you add to that there are dCPvrLJeBz8-00808-00187960-00188061 certain files that you want to monitor dCPvrLJeBz8-00809-00188062-00188211 if you add docker for example there are dCPvrLJeBz8-00810-00188212-00188351 some files that you want to monitor if dCPvrLJeBz8-00811-00188352-00188511 there's my sequel you have some files dCPvrLJeBz8-00812-00188512-00188631 that you want to monitor for change dCPvrLJeBz8-00813-00188632-00188852 whether it's change inadvertently or dCPvrLJeBz8-00814-00188853-00189089 maliciously you want to be sure that you dCPvrLJeBz8-00815-00189090-00189225 know you know about that change and dCPvrLJeBz8-00816-00189226-00189543 those things will show up here as well dCPvrLJeBz8-00817-00189544-00189838 as that if there's an attempt for dCPvrLJeBz8-00818-00189839-00190083 brute-force access to your SSH or dCPvrLJeBz8-00819-00190084-00190335 hitting your web servers repeatedly they dCPvrLJeBz8-00820-00190336-00190671 will be blocked and shown here and dCPvrLJeBz8-00821-00190672-00190829 that's the change files that I was I was dCPvrLJeBz8-00822-00190830-00191211 talking about environment variables tree dCPvrLJeBz8-00823-00191212-00191375 pretty much you know self-explanatory dCPvrLJeBz8-00824-00191376-00191789 with a small kind of caveat that you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00825-00191790-00191978 refer to different stacks environment dCPvrLJeBz8-00826-00191979-00192203 variables as well so for example if you dCPvrLJeBz8-00827-00192204-00192360 can in the example of the two stacks dCPvrLJeBz8-00828-00192361-00192537 that I want to talk to each other if you dCPvrLJeBz8-00829-00192538-00192728 need the axe the access credentials to dCPvrLJeBz8-00830-00192729-00192945 my sequel of another stack but you don't dCPvrLJeBz8-00831-00192946-00193112 know the in the passport and it might dCPvrLJeBz8-00832-00193113-00193248 change in the future because of the dCPvrLJeBz8-00833-00193249-00193425 passport rotation you can use the dCPvrLJeBz8-00834-00193426-00193572 embalmer variable coming from another dCPvrLJeBz8-00835-00193573-00193743 stack that you don't have access to and dCPvrLJeBz8-00836-00193744-00194043 it gets rendered and sent over to your dCPvrLJeBz8-00837-00194044-00194232 servers without your developers having dCPvrLJeBz8-00838-00194233-00194429 access to the real passport itself and dCPvrLJeBz8-00839-00194430-00194610 every time it changes on one stack it dCPvrLJeBz8-00840-00194611-00195231 gets changed on the other side and this dCPvrLJeBz8-00841-00195232-00195425 is a basic kind of notifications that dCPvrLJeBz8-00842-00195426-00195802 you can get on slack email web hooks dCPvrLJeBz8-00843-00195803-00196025 about pretty much anything that happens dCPvrLJeBz8-00844-00196026-00196086 in the system dCPvrLJeBz8-00845-00196087-00196536 and lastly live logs so we didn't want dCPvrLJeBz8-00846-00196537-00196719 to build a lock shipping and storage dCPvrLJeBz8-00847-00196720-00196908 facility there are really good solutions dCPvrLJeBz8-00848-00196909-00197225 out there from largely to others that do dCPvrLJeBz8-00849-00197226-00197429 this but we found that oftentimes you dCPvrLJeBz8-00850-00197430-00197682 wanted to take care of just be sure dCPvrLJeBz8-00851-00197683-00197864 what's going on right there as a live dCPvrLJeBz8-00852-00197865-00198081 kind of logging mechanism so every time dCPvrLJeBz8-00853-00198082-00198222 you deploy something new or your dCPvrLJeBz8-00854-00198223-00198456 application the log files for it will be dCPvrLJeBz8-00855-00198457-00198914 added here and you can just look at them dCPvrLJeBz8-00856-00198915-00199098 here you can have a look at the context dCPvrLJeBz8-00857-00199099-00199419 around them if you want or you can have dCPvrLJeBz8-00858-00199420-00199613 kind of a basic search around it and dCPvrLJeBz8-00859-00199614-00199848 this is real time we don't store it it dCPvrLJeBz8-00860-00199849-00200043 just gets shipped as you enable it and dCPvrLJeBz8-00861-00200044-00200079 it dCPvrLJeBz8-00862-00200080-00200277 we shut down after 30 minutes it's a dCPvrLJeBz8-00863-00200278-00200496 very good facility that we found for dCPvrLJeBz8-00864-00200497-00201351 debugging now this this this stack I dCPvrLJeBz8-00865-00201352-00201533 guess I'll have a connectivity issue but dCPvrLJeBz8-00866-00201534-00201810 on the on the ones that I've created as dCPvrLJeBz8-00867-00201811-00201945 you can see I have this tiny thing dCPvrLJeBz8-00868-00201946-00202158 called stacks core here that gives me an dCPvrLJeBz8-00869-00202159-00202539 A to B A to F green to red and of scale dCPvrLJeBz8-00870-00202540-00202800 and if I go there it gives me some hints dCPvrLJeBz8-00871-00202801-00203016 about what's what's wrong so could we do dCPvrLJeBz8-00872-00203017-00203154 some code quality if you want to connect dCPvrLJeBz8-00873-00203155-00203301 it to Clark code climate you can do it dCPvrLJeBz8-00874-00203302-00203478 as well we don't have any backups on dCPvrLJeBz8-00875-00203479-00203625 this production so that's bad that gives dCPvrLJeBz8-00876-00203626-00203943 me an F score connectivity I'm sharing dCPvrLJeBz8-00877-00203944-00204081 on production I'm sharing like a dCPvrLJeBz8-00878-00204082-00204237 database on the front end so that's also dCPvrLJeBz8-00879-00204238-00204474 bad and you can fix all those or ignore dCPvrLJeBz8-00880-00204475-00204759 it if you want and these kind of show dCPvrLJeBz8-00881-00204760-00204936 you and you get emails if you stack dCPvrLJeBz8-00882-00204937-00205296 scores drop or improve as things gonna dCPvrLJeBz8-00883-00205296-00205560 change so that's what I wanted to show dCPvrLJeBz8-00884-00205561-00205827 you dCPvrLJeBz8-00885-00205828-00206064 very quick run on everything that we do dCPvrLJeBz8-00886-00206065-00206336 support obviously you have the basics of dCPvrLJeBz8-00887-00206337-00206583 you know account management as well as dCPvrLJeBz8-00888-00206584-00206816 the teams which are very popular with dCPvrLJeBz8-00889-00206817-00207138 with agencies that we work with if you dCPvrLJeBz8-00890-00207139-00207336 look at the organization's you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00891-00207337-00207504 create multiple organizations that you dCPvrLJeBz8-00892-00207505-00207759 that you have and you can switch between dCPvrLJeBz8-00893-00207760-00207930 different organizations so if you if I dCPvrLJeBz8-00894-00207931-00208148 switch my organization to another one I dCPvrLJeBz8-00895-00208150-00208391 see a completely different set of stacks dCPvrLJeBz8-00896-00208392-00208940 that are there and and you have full dCPvrLJeBz8-00897-00208941-00209088 access control on every single one of dCPvrLJeBz8-00898-00209089-00209304 the actions that you can do give it to dCPvrLJeBz8-00899-00209305-00209505 different team members and we see that dCPvrLJeBz8-00900-00209506-00209640 in especially in agencies you have dCPvrLJeBz8-00901-00209641-00209823 people are assigned to projects and are dCPvrLJeBz8-00902-00209823-00210054 taken off the project or you want to get dCPvrLJeBz8-00903-00210055-00210282 you hand over the keys to one project dCPvrLJeBz8-00904-00210283-00210446 when it's done to your client and the dCPvrLJeBz8-00905-00210448-00210582 client wants to get one of your dCPvrLJeBz8-00906-00210583-00210786 engineers onto their stack again because dCPvrLJeBz8-00907-00210787-00210998 of maintenance or improvement and they dCPvrLJeBz8-00908-00211000-00211173 can invite your engineers into this and dCPvrLJeBz8-00909-00211173-00211341 then take it out take the rights away so dCPvrLJeBz8-00910-00211342-00211496 it's got all those kind of features in dCPvrLJeBz8-00911-00211498-00211737 there built-in as well as that you see dCPvrLJeBz8-00912-00211738-00212085 have a you have audits if you want of dCPvrLJeBz8-00913-00212086-00212346 every action that's happened where did dCPvrLJeBz8-00914-00212346-00212607 that happen and what was the action for dCPvrLJeBz8-00915-00212608-00212709 example they're changing the environment dCPvrLJeBz8-00916-00212710-00212925 variable with the history of almost sort dCPvrLJeBz8-00917-00212926-00213119 of things so it's basically kind of very dCPvrLJeBz8-00918-00213119-00213408 specifically built around rails but with dCPvrLJeBz8-00919-00213409-00213455 some dCPvrLJeBz8-00920-00213456-00213710 good opps practices around it that will dCPvrLJeBz8-00921-00213711-00213929 allow you to around your runn your dCPvrLJeBz8-00922-00213930-00214094 operations the way you used to having a dCPvrLJeBz8-00923-00214094-00214348 pass but it just works much more dCPvrLJeBz8-00924-00214350-00214682 smoothly now I've got about two to two dCPvrLJeBz8-00925-00214683-00214859 or so minutes if there are any questions dCPvrLJeBz8-00926-00214860-00216983 please let me know yes okay so the dCPvrLJeBz8-00927-00216984-00217169 question is how do we manage memory dCPvrLJeBz8-00928-00217169-00217406 spikes or manage your memory memory dCPvrLJeBz8-00929-00217407-00217628 usage of a process that that's running dCPvrLJeBz8-00930-00217629-00217742 on the server there are three things dCPvrLJeBz8-00931-00217742-00218119 here one is that based on heuristics dCPvrLJeBz8-00932-00218121-00218360 that we find to be far up on somewhere dCPvrLJeBz8-00933-00218361-00218609 thousand something serve as a day not dCPvrLJeBz8-00934-00218610-00218767 all of them keep running but you know dCPvrLJeBz8-00935-00218769-00218957 people fire him up and they fold it down dCPvrLJeBz8-00936-00218958-00219125 and based on those we collect a lot of dCPvrLJeBz8-00937-00219126-00219290 metrics about the behavior of the cloud dCPvrLJeBz8-00938-00219291-00219491 provider with a specific component so if dCPvrLJeBz8-00939-00219492-00219727 you run Redis on dish solution dCPvrLJeBz8-00940-00219728-00220042 Netherlands data center AMS one with dCPvrLJeBz8-00941-00220044-00220198 this kind of server this is the kind of dCPvrLJeBz8-00942-00220200-00220396 a footprint that we see and based on dCPvrLJeBz8-00943-00220398-00220553 those those configuration files that you dCPvrLJeBz8-00944-00220554-00220673 saw the custom comfy dCPvrLJeBz8-00945-00220673-00221009 we try to met to change those variables dCPvrLJeBz8-00946-00221010-00221237 the variables that get in that end up in dCPvrLJeBz8-00947-00221238-00221392 the rendering based on those heuristics dCPvrLJeBz8-00948-00221394-00221681 so if you deploy my sequel on to and I'm dCPvrLJeBz8-00949-00221682-00221821 talking about these kind of prepackaged dCPvrLJeBz8-00950-00221823-00222050 processes like my sequel if you deploy dCPvrLJeBz8-00951-00222051-00222292 to AWS and then you take that snack and dCPvrLJeBz8-00952-00222294-00222491 move it to this lotion it might be that dCPvrLJeBz8-00953-00222492-00222644 those variables change you can influence dCPvrLJeBz8-00954-00222644-00222782 it you can fix it to whatever you want dCPvrLJeBz8-00955-00222783-00222983 but we apply those heuristics that we've dCPvrLJeBz8-00956-00222984-00223181 learned onto that to optimize the dCPvrLJeBz8-00957-00223182-00223358 performance of that that's the first one dCPvrLJeBz8-00958-00223359-00223541 the second one is about the spikes and dCPvrLJeBz8-00959-00223542-00223766 everything else so we do collect the dCPvrLJeBz8-00960-00223767-00223948 vital signs of the server by the memory dCPvrLJeBz8-00961-00223948-00224633 the processes and disk and CPU usage dCPvrLJeBz8-00962-00224634-00224848 those are kind of collected and you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00963-00224850-00225002 see it for the past I think six months dCPvrLJeBz8-00964-00225003-00225121 you can see you can have a look at it dCPvrLJeBz8-00965-00225123-00225248 and the disk you can also have a dCPvrLJeBz8-00966-00225248-00225431 threshold and a trigger that gives you dCPvrLJeBz8-00967-00225432-00225623 an email if something goes wrong you can dCPvrLJeBz8-00968-00225623-00225860 get it or you run out of this because dCPvrLJeBz8-00969-00225861-00226016 the operating systems don't really dCPvrLJeBz8-00970-00226017-00226337 gracefully handle this shortages but dCPvrLJeBz8-00971-00226338-00226730 it's a nice based on processes so you dCPvrLJeBz8-00972-00226731-00226823 can get the process dCPvrLJeBz8-00973-00226825-00226938 metrics out so that's gonna from the dCPvrLJeBz8-00974-00226939-00227246 metric side we also allow you to run dCPvrLJeBz8-00975-00227248-00227496 side cars inside processes as well to dCPvrLJeBz8-00976-00227496-00227685 shut down something so for example say dCPvrLJeBz8-00977-00227686-00228051 you have a huge you add a huge asset to dCPvrLJeBz8-00978-00228052-00228387 rails application and the NPM asset dCPvrLJeBz8-00979-00228388-00228579 pipeline compilation just blows up you dCPvrLJeBz8-00980-00228580-00228767 know it gives you an om and just blows dCPvrLJeBz8-00981-00228769-00228960 up the whole thing we can take care of dCPvrLJeBz8-00982-00228961-00229113 those things as well some of them are dCPvrLJeBz8-00983-00229114-00229356 rails specific like we see a lot of that dCPvrLJeBz8-00984-00229357-00229608 around NPM sorry note acid piping dCPvrLJeBz8-00985-00229609-00229821 compilation that we take care of we know dCPvrLJeBz8-00986-00229821-00230013 what it means for rails and stack some dCPvrLJeBz8-00987-00230014-00230148 other word generic he might be a stack dCPvrLJeBz8-00988-00230148-00230304 you know memory leak in your sidekick dCPvrLJeBz8-00989-00230305-00230471 that you have and we take care of that dCPvrLJeBz8-00990-00230473-00230709 by either killing it or you reverting dCPvrLJeBz8-00991-00230710-00230862 back to the old kind of a native OS dCPvrLJeBz8-00992-00230863-00231017 behavior around memory management dCPvrLJeBz8-00993-00231019-00231177 doesn't answer your question dCPvrLJeBz8-00994-00231178-00232458 cool any other question sure yes so the dCPvrLJeBz8-00995-00232459-00233175 question absolutely so the question is dCPvrLJeBz8-00996-00233176-00233417 what's our process for taking a worker dCPvrLJeBz8-00997-00233419-00233652 from my from Heroku for example on to dCPvrLJeBz8-00998-00233653-00233892 classic six there are signs of something dCPvrLJeBz8-00999-00233892-00234030 you know you can see as you know as you dCPvrLJeBz8-01000-00234031-00234183 know we leave it detect for example my dCPvrLJeBz8-01001-00234184-00234390 sequel if you also detect something's dCPvrLJeBz8-01002-00234391-00234636 been running on on Heroku you are signs dCPvrLJeBz8-01003-00234637-00234855 to tell and if we detect those things we dCPvrLJeBz8-01004-00234856-00235101 actually are more proactive we show you dCPvrLJeBz8-01005-00235102-00235302 something in a hurry code purple that dCPvrLJeBz8-01006-00235303-00235404 says it seems that you've been running dCPvrLJeBz8-01007-00235405-00235817 this wow that was efficient you've been dCPvrLJeBz8-01008-00235819-00236016 running this on Heroku here are the dCPvrLJeBz8-01009-00236017-00236144 steps that you can take if we cannot dCPvrLJeBz8-01010-00236146-00236346 find those telltale signs then still dCPvrLJeBz8-01011-00236346-00236556 there's documentation around how to move dCPvrLJeBz8-01012-00236557-00236757 each one of those things around code dCPvrLJeBz8-01013-00236758-00237159 database and traffic alright well thank dCPvrLJeBz8-01014-00237160-00237348 you very much for your time dCPvrLJeBz8-01015-00237348-00237525 I hope you enjoyed it you can check out dCPvrLJeBz8-01016-00237526-00237705 our at classic sitcom we also have a dCPvrLJeBz8-01017-00237706-00237869 booth at the exhibition you can come and dCPvrLJeBz8-01018-00237871-00238094 you ask more questions or you know see dCPvrLJeBz8-01019-00238096-00238266 the project in them demo further things dCPvrLJeBz8-01020-00238267-00238363 as well thank you dCPvrLJeBz8-01021-00238364-00238742 [Applause] dCPvrLJeBz8-01022-00238744-00238950 you dEhuzvzu-RU-00000-00000048-00000248 women's suffrage in the United Kingdom dEhuzvzu-RU-00001-00000249-00000440 was a movement to fight for women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00002-00000441-00000698 right to vote it finally succeeded dEhuzvzu-RU-00003-00000699-00001090 through two laws in 1918 and 1928 it dEhuzvzu-RU-00004-00001091-00001258 became a national movement in the dEhuzvzu-RU-00005-00001259-00001510 Victorian era women were not explicitly dEhuzvzu-RU-00006-00001511-00001664 banned from voting in Great Britain dEhuzvzu-RU-00007-00001664-00002032 until the 1832 Reform Act and the 1835 dEhuzvzu-RU-00008-00002033-00002420 Municipal Corporations Act in 1872 the dEhuzvzu-RU-00009-00002421-00002606 fight for women's suffrage became a dEhuzvzu-RU-00010-00002607-00002800 national movement with the formation of dEhuzvzu-RU-00011-00002801-00002972 the National Society for women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00012-00002973-00003139 suffrage and later the more influential dEhuzvzu-RU-00013-00003140-00003322 National Union of women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00014-00003323-00003697 societies and UW SS as well as in dEhuzvzu-RU-00015-00003698-00003881 England women's suffrage movements in dEhuzvzu-RU-00016-00003882-00004043 Wales in other parts of the United dEhuzvzu-RU-00017-00004044-00004306 Kingdom gained momentum the movements dEhuzvzu-RU-00018-00004307-00004499 shifted sentiments in favour of women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00019-00004500-00004817 suffrage by 1906 it was at this point dEhuzvzu-RU-00020-00004818-00005020 that the militant campaign began with dEhuzvzu-RU-00021-00005021-00005206 the formation of the women's social and dEhuzvzu-RU-00022-00005207-00005413 political union WSPU dEhuzvzu-RU-00023-00005414-00005633 the outbreak of the first world war in dEhuzvzu-RU-00024-00005634-00005941 1914 led to a suspension of all politics dEhuzvzu-RU-00025-00005942-00006113 including the militant suffragettes dEhuzvzu-RU-00026-00006114-00006359 campaigns lobbying did take place dEhuzvzu-RU-00027-00006360-00006665 quietly in 1918 a coalition government dEhuzvzu-RU-00028-00006666-00006905 passed the representation of the People dEhuzvzu-RU-00029-00006906-00007208 Act 1918 in franchising all men as well dEhuzvzu-RU-00030-00007209-00007415 as all women over the age of 30 who met dEhuzvzu-RU-00031-00007416-00007715 minimum property qualifications this act dEhuzvzu-RU-00032-00007716-00007916 was the first to include practically all dEhuzvzu-RU-00033-00007917-00008114 men in the political system and began dEhuzvzu-RU-00034-00008115-00008303 the inclusion of women extending the dEhuzvzu-RU-00035-00008304-00008630 franchise by 5.6 million men and 8.4 dEhuzvzu-RU-00036-00008631-00008975 million women in 1928 the Conservative dEhuzvzu-RU-00037-00008976-00009170 government passed the representation of dEhuzvzu-RU-00038-00009171-00009386 the people equal franchise act giving dEhuzvzu-RU-00039-00009387-00009602 the vote to all women over the age of 21 dEhuzvzu-RU-00040-00009603-00010053 on equal terms with men dEhuzvzu-RU-00041-00010054-00010559 topic background dEhuzvzu-RU-00042-00010560-00010849 until the 1832 great Reform Act dEhuzvzu-RU-00043-00010850-00011099 specified male persons a few women had dEhuzvzu-RU-00044-00011100-00011237 been able to vote in parliamentary dEhuzvzu-RU-00045-00011238-00011417 elections through property ownership dEhuzvzu-RU-00046-00011418-00011671 although this was rare in local dEhuzvzu-RU-00047-00011672-00011855 government elections single women dEhuzvzu-RU-00048-00011856-00012041 ratepayers received the right to vote in dEhuzvzu-RU-00049-00012042-00012395 the municipal franchise Act 1869 this dEhuzvzu-RU-00050-00012396-00012557 right was confirmed in the Local dEhuzvzu-RU-00051-00012558-00012812 Government Act 1894 and extended to dEhuzvzu-RU-00052-00012813-00013141 include some married women by 1900 more dEhuzvzu-RU-00053-00013143-00013313 than 1 million single women were dEhuzvzu-RU-00054-00013313-00013505 registered to vote in local government dEhuzvzu-RU-00055-00013506-00013679 elections in England both before and dEhuzvzu-RU-00056-00013680-00013943 after the 1832 Reform Act there were dEhuzvzu-RU-00057-00013944-00014108 some who advocated that women should dEhuzvzu-RU-00058-00014109-00014252 have the right to vote in parliamentary dEhuzvzu-RU-00059-00014253-00014519 elections after the enactment of the dEhuzvzu-RU-00060-00014519-00014777 Reform Act the MP Henry hunt argued that dEhuzvzu-RU-00061-00014778-00014999 any woman who was single a tax payer and dEhuzvzu-RU-00062-00015000-00015143 had sufficient property should be dEhuzvzu-RU-00063-00015144-00015416 allowed to vote one such wealthy woman dEhuzvzu-RU-00064-00015416-00015647 Mary Smith was used in this speech as an dEhuzvzu-RU-00065-00015647-00015928 example the Chartist movement which dEhuzvzu-RU-00066-00015929-00016190 began in the late 1830s has also been dEhuzvzu-RU-00067-00016191-00016391 suggested to have included supporters of dEhuzvzu-RU-00068-00016392-00016613 female suffrage there is some evidence dEhuzvzu-RU-00069-00016614-00016825 to suggest William Lovett one of the dEhuzvzu-RU-00070-00016826-00016991 authors of the people's Charter wished dEhuzvzu-RU-00071-00016992-00017192 to include female suffrage as one of the dEhuzvzu-RU-00072-00017193-00017402 campaign's demands but chose not to on dEhuzvzu-RU-00073-00017403-00017528 the grounds that this would delay the dEhuzvzu-RU-00074-00017529-00017789 implementation of the Charter although dEhuzvzu-RU-00075-00017790-00017987 there were female Chartists they largely dEhuzvzu-RU-00076-00017988-00018263 work toward universal male suffrage at dEhuzvzu-RU-00077-00018264-00018431 this time most women did not have dEhuzvzu-RU-00078-00018432-00018728 aspirations to gain the vote there is a dEhuzvzu-RU-00079-00018729-00019019 poll book from 1843 that clearly shows dEhuzvzu-RU-00080-00019020-00019219 30 women's names among those who voted dEhuzvzu-RU-00081-00019220-00019456 these women were playing an active role dEhuzvzu-RU-00082-00019457-00019675 in the election on the role the dEhuzvzu-RU-00083-00019676-00019865 wealthiest female elector was Grace dEhuzvzu-RU-00084-00019866-00020138 Brown a butcher due to the high rates dEhuzvzu-RU-00085-00020139-00020336 that she paid grace brown was entitled dEhuzvzu-RU-00086-00020337-00020569 to four votes Lillie Maxwell cast a dEhuzvzu-RU-00087-00020570-00020837 high-profile vote in Britain in 1867 dEhuzvzu-RU-00088-00020838-00021136 after the great Reform Act of 1832 dEhuzvzu-RU-00089-00021137-00021422 Maxwell a shop owner met the property dEhuzvzu-RU-00090-00021423-00021596 qualifications that otherwise would have dEhuzvzu-RU-00091-00021597-00021758 made her eligible to vote had she been dEhuzvzu-RU-00092-00021759-00022061 male in error however her name had been dEhuzvzu-RU-00093-00022062-00022244 added to the election register and on dEhuzvzu-RU-00094-00022245-00022453 that basis she succeeded in voting in a dEhuzvzu-RU-00095-00022454-00022655 by-election her vote however was later dEhuzvzu-RU-00096-00022656-00022819 declared illegal by the Court of Common dEhuzvzu-RU-00097-00022820-00023122 Pleas the case however gave women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00098-00023123-00023362 suffrage campaigners great publicity dEhuzvzu-RU-00099-00023363-00023581 outside pressure for women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00100-00023582-00023800 was at this time diluted by feminist dEhuzvzu-RU-00101-00023801-00023948 issues in general dEhuzvzu-RU-00102-00023949-00024092 women's rights were becoming dEhuzvzu-RU-00103-00024093-00024356 increasingly prominent in the 1850s as dEhuzvzu-RU-00104-00024357-00024530 some women in higher social spheres dEhuzvzu-RU-00105-00024531-00024689 refused to obey the gender roles dEhuzvzu-RU-00106-00024690-00024971 dictated to them feminist goals at this dEhuzvzu-RU-00107-00024972-00025145 time included the right to sue an dEhuzvzu-RU-00108-00025146-00025363 ex-husband after divorce achieved in dEhuzvzu-RU-00109-00025364-00025613 1857 and the right for married women to dEhuzvzu-RU-00110-00025614-00025844 own property fully achieved in 1882 dEhuzvzu-RU-00111-00025845-00026054 after some concession by the government dEhuzvzu-RU-00112-00026055-00026383 in 1870 the issue of parliamentary dEhuzvzu-RU-00113-00026385-00026579 reform declined along with the Chartists dEhuzvzu-RU-00114-00026580-00026861 after 1848 and only re-emerged with the dEhuzvzu-RU-00115-00026862-00027230 election of John Stuart Mill in 1865 he dEhuzvzu-RU-00116-00027231-00027425 stood for office showing direct support dEhuzvzu-RU-00117-00027426-00027652 for female suffrage and was an MP in the dEhuzvzu-RU-00118-00027654-00028114 run-up to the second reform act dEhuzvzu-RU-00119-00028114-00028722 topic early suffragists societies dEhuzvzu-RU-00120-00028723-00028952 in the same year that John Stuart Mill dEhuzvzu-RU-00121-00028954-00029238 was elected 1865 the first lady's dEhuzvzu-RU-00122-00029239-00029463 discussion society was formed debating dEhuzvzu-RU-00123-00029464-00029622 whether women should be involved in dEhuzvzu-RU-00124-00029623-00029904 public affairs although a Society for dEhuzvzu-RU-00125-00029905-00030099 suffrage was proposed this was turned dEhuzvzu-RU-00126-00030100-00030249 down on the grounds that it might be dEhuzvzu-RU-00127-00030250-00030591 taken over by extremists however later dEhuzvzu-RU-00128-00030592-00030813 that year Lee Smith body Shan formed the dEhuzvzu-RU-00129-00030814-00030987 first women's suffrage committee and dEhuzvzu-RU-00130-00030988-00031254 within a fortnight collected 1,500 dEhuzvzu-RU-00131-00031255-00031437 signatures in favor of female suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00132-00031438-00031764 in advance to the second reform bill the dEhuzvzu-RU-00133-00031764-00031964 Manchester Society for women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00134-00031966-00032325 was founded in February 1867 its dEhuzvzu-RU-00135-00032326-00032552 secretary Lydia Becker wrote letters dEhuzvzu-RU-00136-00032554-00032739 both to Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli dEhuzvzu-RU-00137-00032739-00033003 and to the spectator she was also dEhuzvzu-RU-00138-00033004-00033171 involved with the London group and dEhuzvzu-RU-00139-00033172-00033321 organized the collection of more dEhuzvzu-RU-00140-00033322-00033654 signatures however in June the London dEhuzvzu-RU-00141-00033655-00033855 group split partly a result of Party dEhuzvzu-RU-00142-00033856-00034026 Allegiance and partly the result of dEhuzvzu-RU-00143-00034027-00034308 tactical issues conservative members dEhuzvzu-RU-00144-00034309-00034512 wish to move slowly to avoid alarming dEhuzvzu-RU-00145-00034513-00034719 public opinion while liberals generally dEhuzvzu-RU-00146-00034720-00034884 opposed this apparent dilution of dEhuzvzu-RU-00147-00034885-00035148 political conviction as a result dEhuzvzu-RU-00148-00035149-00035358 Helen Taylor founded the London National dEhuzvzu-RU-00149-00035359-00035571 Society for women's suffrage which set dEhuzvzu-RU-00150-00035572-00035757 up strong links with Manchester and dEhuzvzu-RU-00151-00035758-00035997 Edinburgh in Scotland one of the dEhuzvzu-RU-00152-00035998-00036189 earliest societies was the Edinburgh dEhuzvzu-RU-00153-00036190-00036381 National Society for women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00154-00036382-00036576 although these early splits left the dEhuzvzu-RU-00155-00036577-00036735 movement divided and sometimes dEhuzvzu-RU-00156-00036736-00036939 leaderless it allowed Lydia Becker to dEhuzvzu-RU-00157-00036940-00037143 have a stronger influence the dEhuzvzu-RU-00158-00037144-00037278 suffragists were known as the dEhuzvzu-RU-00159-00037279-00037587 parliamentary x' in ireland the dublin dEhuzvzu-RU-00160-00037588-00037764 women's suffrage association was dEhuzvzu-RU-00161-00037765-00038091 established in 1874 as well as dEhuzvzu-RU-00162-00038092-00038262 campaigning for women's suffrage it dEhuzvzu-RU-00163-00038263-00038442 sought to advance women's position in dEhuzvzu-RU-00164-00038443-00038784 local government in 1898 it changed its dEhuzvzu-RU-00165-00038785-00038976 name to the Irish women's suffrage and dEhuzvzu-RU-00166-00038977-00039432 Local Government Association dEhuzvzu-RU-00167-00039433-00040062 topic formation of a national movement dEhuzvzu-RU-00168-00040063-00040618 topic women's political groups dEhuzvzu-RU-00169-00040619-00040843 although women's political party groups dEhuzvzu-RU-00170-00040844-00040993 were not formed with the aim to achieve dEhuzvzu-RU-00171-00040994-00041194 women's suffrage they did have two key dEhuzvzu-RU-00172-00041195-00041476 effects firstly they showed women who dEhuzvzu-RU-00173-00041477-00041629 were members to be competent in the dEhuzvzu-RU-00174-00041630-00041830 political arena and as this became clear dEhuzvzu-RU-00175-00041831-00042037 secondly it brought the concept of dEhuzvzu-RU-00176-00042038-00042495 female suffrage closer to acceptance dEhuzvzu-RU-00177-00042496-00042986 topic the Primrose League dEhuzvzu-RU-00178-00042987-00043190 the Primrose League was set up to dEhuzvzu-RU-00179-00043191-00043358 promote conservative values through dEhuzvzu-RU-00180-00043359-00043520 social events and supporting the dEhuzvzu-RU-00181-00043521-00043781 community as women were able to join dEhuzvzu-RU-00182-00043782-00043996 this gave females of all classes the dEhuzvzu-RU-00183-00043997-00044198 ability to mix with local and national dEhuzvzu-RU-00184-00044199-00044462 political figures many also had dEhuzvzu-RU-00185-00044463-00044662 important roles such as bringing voters dEhuzvzu-RU-00186-00044663-00044962 to the polls this removed segregation dEhuzvzu-RU-00187-00044963-00045167 and promoted political literacy amongst dEhuzvzu-RU-00188-00045168-00045395 women the league however did not promote dEhuzvzu-RU-00189-00045396-00045539 women's suffrage as one of its dEhuzvzu-RU-00190-00045540-00045968 objectives dEhuzvzu-RU-00191-00045969-00046442 the women's liberal associations dEhuzvzu-RU-00192-00046443-00046628 although there is evidence to suggest dEhuzvzu-RU-00193-00046629-00046808 that they were originally formed to dEhuzvzu-RU-00194-00046809-00047033 promote female franchise the first being dEhuzvzu-RU-00195-00047034-00047366 in Bristol in 1881 WLA s often did not dEhuzvzu-RU-00196-00047367-00047606 hold such an agenda they did however dEhuzvzu-RU-00197-00047607-00047807 operate independently from the male dEhuzvzu-RU-00198-00047808-00048047 groups they became more active when they dEhuzvzu-RU-00199-00048048-00048203 came under the control of the women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00200-00048204-00048392 liberal Federation and canvassed all dEhuzvzu-RU-00201-00048393-00048560 classes for support of women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00202-00048561-00048833 and against domination there was dEhuzvzu-RU-00203-00048834-00049010 significant support for women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00204-00049011-00049220 in the Liberal Party which was in power dEhuzvzu-RU-00205-00049221-00049496 after 1905 but a handful of leaders dEhuzvzu-RU-00206-00049497-00049733 especially HH Asquith blocked all dEhuzvzu-RU-00207-00049734-00050114 efforts in Parliament dEhuzvzu-RU-00208-00050115-00050629 topic pressure groups dEhuzvzu-RU-00209-00050630-00050851 the campaign first developed into a dEhuzvzu-RU-00210-00050852-00051184 national movement in the 1870s at this dEhuzvzu-RU-00211-00051185-00051394 point all campaigners were suffragists dEhuzvzu-RU-00212-00051395-00051700 not suffragettes up until 1903 all dEhuzvzu-RU-00213-00051701-00051898 campaigning took the constitutional dEhuzvzu-RU-00214-00051899-00052144 approach it was after the defeat of the dEhuzvzu-RU-00215-00052145-00052327 first women's suffrage bill that the dEhuzvzu-RU-00216-00052328-00052516 Manchester and London committees joined dEhuzvzu-RU-00217-00052516-00052779 together to gain wider support the main dEhuzvzu-RU-00218-00052780-00052945 methods of doing so at this time dEhuzvzu-RU-00219-00052946-00053164 involved lobbying MPs to put forward dEhuzvzu-RU-00220-00053165-00053452 private member's bills however such dEhuzvzu-RU-00221-00053453-00053667 bills rarely pass and so this was an dEhuzvzu-RU-00222-00053669-00053854 ineffective way of actually achieving dEhuzvzu-RU-00223-00053854-00054199 the vote in 1868 local groups dEhuzvzu-RU-00224-00054200-00054400 amalgamated to form a series of close dEhuzvzu-RU-00225-00054401-00054555 knit groups with the founding of the dEhuzvzu-RU-00226-00054557-00054747 National Society for women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00227-00054748-00055090 NSW s this is notable as the first dEhuzvzu-RU-00228-00055091-00055291 attempt to create a unified front to dEhuzvzu-RU-00229-00055291-00055477 propose women's suffrage but had little dEhuzvzu-RU-00230-00055478-00055641 effect due to several splits dEhuzvzu-RU-00231-00055642-00055912 once again weakening the campaign up dEhuzvzu-RU-00232-00055913-00056200 until 1897 the campaign's stayed at this dEhuzvzu-RU-00233-00056201-00056482 relatively ineffective level campaigners dEhuzvzu-RU-00234-00056483-00056650 came predominantly from the landed dEhuzvzu-RU-00235-00056651-00056848 classes and joined together on a small dEhuzvzu-RU-00236-00056849-00057204 scale only however 1897 saw the dEhuzvzu-RU-00237-00057205-00057394 foundation of the National Union of dEhuzvzu-RU-00238-00057395-00057685 women's suffrage societies and UW SS by dEhuzvzu-RU-00239-00057686-00057970 Millicent Fawcett this society linked dEhuzvzu-RU-00240-00057971-00058171 smaller groups together and also put dEhuzvzu-RU-00241-00058172-00058399 pressure on non supportive MPs using dEhuzvzu-RU-00242-00058400-00058813 various peaceful methods dEhuzvzu-RU-00243-00058814-00059373 topic Pankhurst's in suffragettes dEhuzvzu-RU-00244-00059374-00059704 founded in 1903 the women's social and dEhuzvzu-RU-00245-00059704-00059913 political union WSPU dEhuzvzu-RU-00246-00059914-00060091 was tightly controlled by the three dEhuzvzu-RU-00247-00060091-00060421 Pankhurst's Emmeline Pankhurst 1858 to dEhuzvzu-RU-00248-00060422-00060649 1928 and her daughter's Christabel dEhuzvzu-RU-00249-00060650-00060969 Pankhurst 1880 to 1958 and Sylvia dEhuzvzu-RU-00250-00060970-00061425 Pankhurst 1882 to 1960 it specialized in dEhuzvzu-RU-00251-00061426-00061654 highly visible publicity campaigns such dEhuzvzu-RU-00252-00061654-00061897 as large parades this had the effect of dEhuzvzu-RU-00253-00061898-00062062 energizing all dimensions of the dEhuzvzu-RU-00254-00062063-00062269 suffrage movement while there was a dEhuzvzu-RU-00255-00062270-00062461 majority of support for suffrage in dEhuzvzu-RU-00256-00062462-00062650 Parliament the ruling Liberal Party dEhuzvzu-RU-00257-00062651-00062850 refused to allow a vote on the issue the dEhuzvzu-RU-00258-00062851-00063034 result of which was an escalation in the dEhuzvzu-RU-00259-00063035-00063361 suffragettes campaign the WSPU in dEhuzvzu-RU-00260-00063362-00063574 contrast to its allies embarked on a dEhuzvzu-RU-00261-00063575-00063763 campaign of violence to publicize the dEhuzvzu-RU-00262-00063764-00063963 issue even to the detriment of its own dEhuzvzu-RU-00263-00063964-00064188 aims the cat-and-mouse Act was passed by dEhuzvzu-RU-00264-00064189-00064350 Parliament in an attempt to prevent dEhuzvzu-RU-00265-00064351-00064537 suffragettes from becoming martyrs in dEhuzvzu-RU-00266-00064538-00064786 prison it provided for the release of dEhuzvzu-RU-00267-00064787-00064956 those whose hunger strikes and forced dEhuzvzu-RU-00268-00064957-00065110 feeding had brought them sickness as dEhuzvzu-RU-00269-00065111-00065287 well as their reimprisonment once they dEhuzvzu-RU-00270-00065288-00065524 had recovered the result was even dEhuzvzu-RU-00271-00065525-00065706 greater publicity for the cause the dEhuzvzu-RU-00272-00065707-00065968 tactics of the WSPU included shouting dEhuzvzu-RU-00273-00065969-00066181 down speakers hunger strikes stone dEhuzvzu-RU-00274-00066182-00066393 throwing windows smashing an arson of dEhuzvzu-RU-00275-00066394-00066656 unoccupied churches and country houses dEhuzvzu-RU-00276-00066657-00066969 historian Martin Pugh says militancy dEhuzvzu-RU-00277-00066970-00067297 clearly damaged the cause Whitfield says dEhuzvzu-RU-00278-00067298-00067546 the overall effect of the suffragettes dEhuzvzu-RU-00279-00067547-00067798 militancy however was to set back the dEhuzvzu-RU-00280-00067799-00068104 cause of women's suffrage historian dEhuzvzu-RU-00281-00068105-00068331 Harold Smith citing historian Sandra dEhuzvzu-RU-00282-00068332-00068694 Holton has argued that by 1913 WSPU gave dEhuzvzu-RU-00283-00068695-00068890 priority to militancy rather than dEhuzvzu-RU-00284-00068891-00069103 obtaining the vote their battle with dEhuzvzu-RU-00285-00069104-00069369 Liberals had become a kind of holy war dEhuzvzu-RU-00286-00069370-00069582 so important that it could not be called dEhuzvzu-RU-00287-00069583-00069787 off even if continuing it prevented dEhuzvzu-RU-00288-00069788-00070117 suffrage reform this preoccupation with dEhuzvzu-RU-00289-00070118-00070405 the struggle distinguished the WSPU from dEhuzvzu-RU-00290-00070406-00070666 that by the nu WSS which remained dEhuzvzu-RU-00291-00070667-00070931 focused on obtaining women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00292-00070932-00071185 Smith concludes dEhuzvzu-RU-00293-00071186-00071380 although none historians often assume dEhuzvzu-RU-00294-00071381-00071656 that WSPU was primarily responsible for dEhuzvzu-RU-00295-00071657-00071869 obtaining women's suffrage historians dEhuzvzu-RU-00296-00071870-00072031 are much more skeptical about its dEhuzvzu-RU-00297-00072032-00072298 contribution it is generally agreed that dEhuzvzu-RU-00298-00072299-00072553 the WSPU revitalized the suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00299-00072554-00072709 campaign initially but that it is dEhuzvzu-RU-00300-00072710-00072967 escalation of militancy after 1912 dEhuzvzu-RU-00301-00072968-00073222 impeded reform recent studies have dEhuzvzu-RU-00302-00073223-00073482 shifted from claiming that the WSPU was dEhuzvzu-RU-00303-00073483-00073672 responsible for women's suffrage to dEhuzvzu-RU-00304-00073673-00073837 portraying it as an early form of dEhuzvzu-RU-00305-00073838-00074038 radical feminism that sought to liberate dEhuzvzu-RU-00306-00074039-00074538 women from male centered gender system dEhuzvzu-RU-00307-00074539-00075085 topic First World War dEhuzvzu-RU-00308-00075086-00075316 the greater suffrage efforts halted with dEhuzvzu-RU-00309-00075317-00075523 the outbreak of World War one while some dEhuzvzu-RU-00310-00075524-00075784 activity continued with the Nu WS s dEhuzvzu-RU-00311-00075785-00075991 continuing to lobby peacefully Emmeline dEhuzvzu-RU-00312-00075992-00076210 Pankhurst convinced that Germany posed a dEhuzvzu-RU-00313-00076211-00076417 danger to all humanity persuaded the dEhuzvzu-RU-00314-00076418-00076663 WSPU to halt all militant suffragettes dEhuzvzu-RU-00315-00076664-00077037 if 'ti dEhuzvzu-RU-00316-00077038-00077653 topic Parliament expands suffrage 1918 dEhuzvzu-RU-00317-00077654-00077875 during the war a select group of dEhuzvzu-RU-00318-00077876-00078055 parliamentary leaders decided on a dEhuzvzu-RU-00319-00078056-00078250 policy that would expand the suffrage to dEhuzvzu-RU-00320-00078251-00078544 all men and to most women Prime Minister dEhuzvzu-RU-00321-00078545-00078748 asked with an opponent was replaced in dEhuzvzu-RU-00322-00078749-00079021 late 1916 by David Lloyd George a dEhuzvzu-RU-00323-00079022-00079248 longtime supporter of women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00324-00079249-00079513 during the war a serious shortage of dEhuzvzu-RU-00325-00079514-00079840 able-bodied men manpower occurred and dEhuzvzu-RU-00326-00079841-00080032 women were required to take on many of dEhuzvzu-RU-00327-00080033-00080275 the traditional male roles with the dEhuzvzu-RU-00328-00080276-00080521 approval of the labor unions dilution dEhuzvzu-RU-00329-00080522-00080842 was agreed upon complicated factory jobs dEhuzvzu-RU-00330-00080843-00081058 handled by skilled men were diluted or dEhuzvzu-RU-00331-00081059-00081244 simplified so that they could be handled dEhuzvzu-RU-00332-00081245-00081514 by less skilled men and women the result dEhuzvzu-RU-00333-00081515-00081705 was a large increase in women workers dEhuzvzu-RU-00334-00081706-00081946 concentrated in munitions industries of dEhuzvzu-RU-00335-00081947-00082216 highest priority to winning the war this dEhuzvzu-RU-00336-00082217-00082402 led to a new view of what a woman was dEhuzvzu-RU-00337-00082403-00082600 capable of doing at the same time the dEhuzvzu-RU-00338-00082601-00082783 ante suffrage hostility caused by dEhuzvzu-RU-00339-00082784-00083050 pre-war militant Tactics declined all dEhuzvzu-RU-00340-00083051-00083254 the major women's groups strongly dEhuzvzu-RU-00341-00083255-00083473 supported the war effort pacifism dEhuzvzu-RU-00342-00083474-00083659 existed on the left of politics dEhuzvzu-RU-00343-00083660-00083878 especially in the trade unions but did dEhuzvzu-RU-00344-00083879-00084043 not play a major role in creating dEhuzvzu-RU-00345-00084044-00084334 opposition to women's suffrage until now dEhuzvzu-RU-00346-00084335-00084532 suffrage was based on occupational dEhuzvzu-RU-00347-00084533-00084676 qualifications of men dEhuzvzu-RU-00348-00084677-00084880 millions of women were now meeting those dEhuzvzu-RU-00349-00084881-00085111 occupational qualifications which in any dEhuzvzu-RU-00350-00085112-00085273 case were so old fashioned that the dEhuzvzu-RU-00351-00085274-00085555 consensus was to remove them for example dEhuzvzu-RU-00352-00085556-00085744 a male voter who joined the army might dEhuzvzu-RU-00353-00085745-00085903 lose the right to vote which was an dEhuzvzu-RU-00354-00085904-00086233 intolerable result in early 1916 dEhuzvzu-RU-00355-00086234-00086452 suffragists organizations privately dEhuzvzu-RU-00356-00086453-00086632 agreed to downplay their differences and dEhuzvzu-RU-00357-00086633-00086851 resolve that any legislation increasing dEhuzvzu-RU-00358-00086852-00086971 the number of votes should also dEhuzvzu-RU-00359-00086972-00087247 enfranchise women local government dEhuzvzu-RU-00360-00087248-00087460 officials proposed a simplification of dEhuzvzu-RU-00361-00087461-00087634 the old system of franchise and dEhuzvzu-RU-00362-00087635-00087826 registration and the labor cabinet dEhuzvzu-RU-00363-00087827-00087970 member in the new coalition government dEhuzvzu-RU-00364-00087971-00088219 Arthur Henderson called for universal dEhuzvzu-RU-00365-00088220-00088456 suffrage with an age cutoff of 21 for dEhuzvzu-RU-00366-00088457-00088759 men and 25 for women most male political dEhuzvzu-RU-00367-00088760-00088984 leaders showed anxiety about having a dEhuzvzu-RU-00368-00088985-00089199 female majority in the new electorate dEhuzvzu-RU-00369-00089200-00089422 Parliament turned over the issue to a dEhuzvzu-RU-00370-00089423-00089620 new speaker's conference a special dEhuzvzu-RU-00371-00089621-00089761 committee from all parties from both dEhuzvzu-RU-00372-00089762-00089953 houses chaired by the speaker dEhuzvzu-RU-00373-00089954-00090274 they began meeting in October 1916 in dEhuzvzu-RU-00374-00090275-00090589 secret a majority of 15 to 6 supported dEhuzvzu-RU-00375-00090590-00090811 votes for some women by 12 to 10 it dEhuzvzu-RU-00376-00090812-00091045 agreed on a higher age cutoff for women dEhuzvzu-RU-00377-00091046-00091312 women leaders accepted a cut-off age of dEhuzvzu-RU-00378-00091313-00091504 30 in order to get the vote for most dEhuzvzu-RU-00379-00091505-00091782 women finally in 1918 parliament passed dEhuzvzu-RU-00380-00091783-00091984 an act granting the vote to women over dEhuzvzu-RU-00381-00091985-00092197 the age of 30 who were householders the dEhuzvzu-RU-00382-00092198-00092398 wives of householders occupiers of dEhuzvzu-RU-00383-00092399-00092575 property with an annual rent of five dEhuzvzu-RU-00384-00092576-00092749 pounds and graduates of British dEhuzvzu-RU-00385-00092750-00093073 universities about 8.4 million women dEhuzvzu-RU-00386-00093074-00093379 gained the vote in November 1918 the dEhuzvzu-RU-00387-00093380-00093582 Parliament qualification of Women Act dEhuzvzu-RU-00388-00093583-00093856 1918 was passed allowing women to be dEhuzvzu-RU-00389-00093857-00094105 elected into the House of Commons by dEhuzvzu-RU-00390-00094106-00094372 1928 the consensus was that votes for dEhuzvzu-RU-00391-00094373-00094615 women had been successful with the dEhuzvzu-RU-00392-00094616-00094824 Conservative Party in full control in dEhuzvzu-RU-00393-00094825-00095110 1928 it passed the representation of the dEhuzvzu-RU-00394-00095111-00095368 people equal franchise act that extended dEhuzvzu-RU-00395-00095369-00095551 the voting franchise to all women over dEhuzvzu-RU-00396-00095552-00095803 the age of 21 granting women the vote on dEhuzvzu-RU-00397-00095804-00095976 the same terms as men although one dEhuzvzu-RU-00398-00095977-00096181 conservative opponent of the bill warned dEhuzvzu-RU-00399-00096182-00096340 that it risked splitting the party for dEhuzvzu-RU-00400-00096341-00096701 years to come dEhuzvzu-RU-00401-00096702-00097303 topic women in prominent roles dEhuzvzu-RU-00402-00097304-00097522 Emmeline Pankhurst was a key figure dEhuzvzu-RU-00403-00097523-00097729 gaining intense media coverage of the dEhuzvzu-RU-00404-00097730-00097969 women's suffrage movement Pankhurst dEhuzvzu-RU-00405-00097970-00098188 alongside her two daughters Christabel dEhuzvzu-RU-00406-00098189-00098389 and sylvia founded and led the women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00407-00098390-00098554 social and political union an dEhuzvzu-RU-00408-00098555-00098776 organization that was focused on direct dEhuzvzu-RU-00409-00098777-00099013 action to win the vote her husband dEhuzvzu-RU-00410-00099014-00099253 Richard Pankhurst also supported women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00411-00099254-00099430 suffrage ideas since he was the author dEhuzvzu-RU-00412-00099431-00099640 of the first British woman suffrage bill dEhuzvzu-RU-00413-00099641-00099838 and the married women's Property Act in dEhuzvzu-RU-00414-00099839-00100207 1870 and 1880 - after her husband's dEhuzvzu-RU-00415-00100208-00100237 death dEhuzvzu-RU-00416-00100238-00100402 Emmeline decided to move to the dEhuzvzu-RU-00417-00100403-00100645 forefront of the suffrage battle along dEhuzvzu-RU-00418-00100646-00100738 with her two daughters dEhuzvzu-RU-00419-00100739-00100927 Christabel Pankhurst and Sylvia dEhuzvzu-RU-00420-00100928-00101134 Pankhurst she joined the National Union dEhuzvzu-RU-00421-00101135-00101421 of women's suffrage societies and UW SS dEhuzvzu-RU-00422-00101422-00101632 with her experience with this dEhuzvzu-RU-00423-00101633-00101716 organization dEhuzvzu-RU-00424-00101717-00101914 Emmeline founded the women's franchise dEhuzvzu-RU-00425-00101915-00102160 League in 1889 and the women's social dEhuzvzu-RU-00426-00102161-00102567 and political union WSPU in 1903 dEhuzvzu-RU-00427-00102568-00102793 frustrated with years of government and dEhuzvzu-RU-00428-00102794-00103038 activity and false promises the WSPU dEhuzvzu-RU-00429-00103039-00103308 adopted a militant stance which was so dEhuzvzu-RU-00430-00103309-00103501 influential it was later imported into dEhuzvzu-RU-00431-00103502-00103686 suffrage struggles worldwide most dEhuzvzu-RU-00432-00103688-00103888 notably by Alice Paul in the United dEhuzvzu-RU-00433-00103889-00104160 States after many years of struggle and dEhuzvzu-RU-00434-00104161-00104401 adversity women finally gained suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00435-00104402-00104590 but Emmeline died shortly after this dEhuzvzu-RU-00436-00104591-00104823 another key figure was Millicent Fawcett dEhuzvzu-RU-00437-00104824-00105067 she had a peaceful approach to issues dEhuzvzu-RU-00438-00105068-00105274 presented to the organizations and the dEhuzvzu-RU-00439-00105275-00105568 way to get points across to society she dEhuzvzu-RU-00440-00105569-00105754 supported the married women's Property dEhuzvzu-RU-00441-00105755-00106042 Act and the social purity campaign two dEhuzvzu-RU-00442-00106043-00106233 events influenced her to become even dEhuzvzu-RU-00443-00106234-00106414 more involved her husband's death and dEhuzvzu-RU-00444-00106415-00106540 the division of the suffrage movement dEhuzvzu-RU-00445-00106541-00106744 over the issue of affiliation with dEhuzvzu-RU-00446-00106745-00106996 political parties Millicent who dEhuzvzu-RU-00447-00106997-00107158 supported staying independent of dEhuzvzu-RU-00448-00107158-00107338 political parties made sure that the dEhuzvzu-RU-00449-00107339-00107539 parts separated came together to become dEhuzvzu-RU-00450-00107540-00107803 stronger by working together because of dEhuzvzu-RU-00451-00107804-00107992 her actions she was made president of dEhuzvzu-RU-00452-00107993-00108421 the Nu w SS in 1910 to 1912 she dEhuzvzu-RU-00453-00108422-00108625 supported a bill to give vote rights to dEhuzvzu-RU-00454-00108626-00108783 single and widowed females of a dEhuzvzu-RU-00455-00108784-00109048 household by supporting the British in dEhuzvzu-RU-00456-00109049-00109258 World War one she thought women would be dEhuzvzu-RU-00457-00109258-00109458 recognized as a prominent part of Europe dEhuzvzu-RU-00458-00109459-00109695 and deserved basic rights such as voting dEhuzvzu-RU-00459-00109696-00109915 Millicent Fawcett came from a radical dEhuzvzu-RU-00460-00109916-00110200 family her sister was Elizabeth Garret dEhuzvzu-RU-00461-00110201-00110365 Anderson an English physician and dEhuzvzu-RU-00462-00110366-00110542 feminist and the first woman to gain a dEhuzvzu-RU-00463-00110543-00110744 medical qualification in dEhuzvzu-RU-00464-00110745-00110991 Elizabeth was elected mayor of aldeburgh dEhuzvzu-RU-00465-00110992-00111240 in 1908 and gave speeches for suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00466-00111241-00111447 Emily Davies became an editor of a dEhuzvzu-RU-00467-00111448-00111648 feminist publication English Woman's dEhuzvzu-RU-00468-00111649-00111939 Journal she expressed her feminist ideas dEhuzvzu-RU-00469-00111940-00112170 on paper and was also a major supporter dEhuzvzu-RU-00470-00112171-00112374 an influential figure during the 20th dEhuzvzu-RU-00471-00112375-00112647 century in addition to suffrage she dEhuzvzu-RU-00472-00112648-00112830 supported more rights for women such as dEhuzvzu-RU-00473-00112831-00113142 access to education she wrote works and dEhuzvzu-RU-00474-00113143-00113271 had power with words dEhuzvzu-RU-00475-00113272-00113496 she wrote texts such as thoughts on some dEhuzvzu-RU-00476-00113497-00113754 questions relating to women in 1910 and dEhuzvzu-RU-00477-00113755-00114141 higher education for women in 1866 she dEhuzvzu-RU-00478-00114142-00114333 was a large supporter in the times where dEhuzvzu-RU-00479-00114333-00114498 organizations were trying to reach dEhuzvzu-RU-00480-00114499-00114729 people for a change with her was a dEhuzvzu-RU-00481-00114730-00114954 friend named Barbara body Shan who also dEhuzvzu-RU-00482-00114955-00115155 published articles and books such as dEhuzvzu-RU-00483-00115156-00115470 women in work 1857 enfranchisement of dEhuzvzu-RU-00484-00115471-00115740 women 1866 and objections to the dEhuzvzu-RU-00485-00115741-00116007 enfranchisement of women 1866 an dEhuzvzu-RU-00486-00116008-00116355 American diary in 1872 Mariga Thorpe was dEhuzvzu-RU-00487-00116356-00116538 an early suffragette who left teaching dEhuzvzu-RU-00488-00116539-00116793 to fight for women's voting rights she dEhuzvzu-RU-00489-00116794-00116973 was imprisoned after heckling Winston dEhuzvzu-RU-00490-00116974-00117195 Churchill she left England after her dEhuzvzu-RU-00491-00117196-00117386 release eventually emigrating to the dEhuzvzu-RU-00492-00117388-00117591 United States and settling in New York dEhuzvzu-RU-00493-00117592-00117804 she worked in the trade union movement dEhuzvzu-RU-00494-00117805-00118101 and in 1920 became a full-time official dEhuzvzu-RU-00495-00118102-00118239 of the amalgamated Clothing Workers dEhuzvzu-RU-00496-00118240-00118653 Union in 2003 Mary's nieces donated her dEhuzvzu-RU-00497-00118654-00119121 papers to New York University dEhuzvzu-RU-00498-00119122-00119626 topic legacy dEhuzvzu-RU-00499-00119627-00119851 Whitfield concludes that the militant dEhuzvzu-RU-00500-00119852-00120054 campaign had some positive effects in dEhuzvzu-RU-00501-00120055-00120214 terms of attracting enormous publicity dEhuzvzu-RU-00502-00120215-00120408 and forcing the moderates to better dEhuzvzu-RU-00503-00120409-00120571 organize themselves while also dEhuzvzu-RU-00504-00120572-00120757 stimulating the organization of the dEhuzvzu-RU-00505-00120758-00121147 antis he concludes the overall effect of dEhuzvzu-RU-00506-00121148-00121369 the suffragettes militancy however was dEhuzvzu-RU-00507-00121370-00121509 to set back the cause of women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00508-00121510-00121738 suffrage for women to gain the right to dEhuzvzu-RU-00509-00121739-00121906 vote it was necessary to demonstrate dEhuzvzu-RU-00510-00121907-00122116 that they had public opinion on their dEhuzvzu-RU-00511-00122117-00122283 side to build and consolidate a dEhuzvzu-RU-00512-00122284-00122479 parliamentary majority in favor of dEhuzvzu-RU-00513-00122480-00122653 women's suffrage and to persuade or dEhuzvzu-RU-00514-00122654-00122827 pressure the government to introduce its dEhuzvzu-RU-00515-00122828-00123064 own franchise reform none of these dEhuzvzu-RU-00516-00123065-00123277 objectives was achieved the Emmaline and dEhuzvzu-RU-00517-00123278-00123486 Christabel Pankhurst memorial in london dEhuzvzu-RU-00518-00123488-00123652 was first dedicated to Emmeline dEhuzvzu-RU-00519-00123653-00123904 Pankhurst in 1930 with a plaque added dEhuzvzu-RU-00520-00123905-00124260 for Christabel Pankhurst in 1958 to dEhuzvzu-RU-00521-00124261-00124468 commemorate the 100th anniversary of dEhuzvzu-RU-00522-00124469-00124635 women being given the right to vote a dEhuzvzu-RU-00523-00124636-00124864 statue of Millicent Fawcett was erected dEhuzvzu-RU-00524-00124865-00125418 in Parliament Square London in 2018 dEhuzvzu-RU-00525-00125419-00126168 topic timeline 1818 Jeremy Bentham dEhuzvzu-RU-00526-00126169-00126383 advocates female suffrage in his book a dEhuzvzu-RU-00527-00126384-00126635 plan for parliamentary reform the dEhuzvzu-RU-00528-00126636-00126906 vestries Act 1818 allowed some single dEhuzvzu-RU-00529-00126907-00127026 women to vote in parish vestries dEhuzvzu-RU-00530-00127027-00127436 elections 1832 great reform act dEhuzvzu-RU-00531-00127438-00127623 confirmed the exclusion of women from dEhuzvzu-RU-00532-00127624-00128019 the electorate 1851 the Sheffield female dEhuzvzu-RU-00533-00128020-00128238 political association is founded and dEhuzvzu-RU-00534-00128239-00128424 submits a petition calling for women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00535-00128425-00128820 suffrage to the House of Lords 1864 the dEhuzvzu-RU-00536-00128821-00129011 first contagious disease act is passed dEhuzvzu-RU-00537-00129013-00129201 in England which is intended to control dEhuzvzu-RU-00538-00129202-00129420 venereal disease by having prostitutes dEhuzvzu-RU-00539-00129421-00129624 and women believed to be prostitutes be dEhuzvzu-RU-00540-00129625-00129833 locked away in hospitals for examination dEhuzvzu-RU-00541-00129834-00130098 and treatment when information broke to dEhuzvzu-RU-00542-00130099-00130275 the general public about the shocking dEhuzvzu-RU-00543-00130276-00130482 stories of brutality and Vice in these dEhuzvzu-RU-00544-00130483-00130707 hospitals Josephine Butler launched a dEhuzvzu-RU-00545-00130708-00130968 campaign to get them repealed many have dEhuzvzu-RU-00546-00130969-00131124 since argued that Butler's campaign dEhuzvzu-RU-00547-00131125-00131298 destroyed the conspiracy of silence dEhuzvzu-RU-00548-00131299-00131574 around sexuality and forced women to act dEhuzvzu-RU-00549-00131575-00131778 in protection of others of their sex in dEhuzvzu-RU-00550-00131779-00132066 doing so clear linkages emerged between dEhuzvzu-RU-00551-00132067-00132237 the suffrage movement and Butler's dEhuzvzu-RU-00552-00132238-00132663 campaign 1865 John Stuart Mill elected dEhuzvzu-RU-00553-00132664-00132861 as an MP showing direct support for dEhuzvzu-RU-00554-00132862-00133284 women's suffrage 1867 second Reform Act dEhuzvzu-RU-00555-00133285-00133664 male franchise extended to 2.5 million dEhuzvzu-RU-00556-00133665-00133980 1869 municipal franchise Act gives dEhuzvzu-RU-00557-00133981-00134169 single women ratepayers the right to dEhuzvzu-RU-00558-00134170-00134471 vote in local elections 1883 dEhuzvzu-RU-00559-00134472-00134892 conservative Primrose League formed 1884 dEhuzvzu-RU-00560-00134893-00135126 third reform act male electorate doubled dEhuzvzu-RU-00561-00135127-00135510 to 5 million 1889 women's franchise dEhuzvzu-RU-00562-00135511-00135885 League established 1894 Local Government dEhuzvzu-RU-00563-00135886-00136104 Act women who owned property could vote dEhuzvzu-RU-00564-00136105-00136302 in local elections become poor law dEhuzvzu-RU-00565-00136303-00136716 Guardians act on school boards 1894 the dEhuzvzu-RU-00566-00136717-00137043 publication of CC Stokes's British free dEhuzvzu-RU-00567-00137044-00137232 women staple reading for the suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00568-00137233-00137670 movement for decades 1897 National Union dEhuzvzu-RU-00569-00137671-00137877 of women's suffrage societies and you dEhuzvzu-RU-00570-00137878-00138336 WSS formed led by Millicent Fawcett 1903 dEhuzvzu-RU-00571-00138337-00138636 women's social and political union WSPU dEhuzvzu-RU-00572-00138637-00138813 is formed led by Emmeline dEhuzvzu-RU-00573-00138814-00139299 Pankhurst 1904 militancy begins Emmeline dEhuzvzu-RU-00574-00139300-00139500 Pankhurst interrupts a Liberal Party dEhuzvzu-RU-00575-00139501-00139983 meeting February 1907 and you WSS Mudd dEhuzvzu-RU-00576-00139984-00140274 March largest open-air demonstration dEhuzvzu-RU-00577-00140275-00140523 ever held at that point over 3,000 women dEhuzvzu-RU-00578-00140524-00140781 took part in this year women were dEhuzvzu-RU-00579-00140782-00140967 admitted to the register to vote in and dEhuzvzu-RU-00580-00140968-00141162 stand for election to principle local dEhuzvzu-RU-00581-00141163-00141549 authorities 1907 the artist suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00582-00141550-00141909 League founded 1907 the women's freedom dEhuzvzu-RU-00583-00141910-00142263 League founded 1908 in November of this dEhuzvzu-RU-00584-00142264-00142503 year Elizabeth Garrett Anderson a member dEhuzvzu-RU-00585-00142504-00142710 of the small municipal borough of Albert dEhuzvzu-RU-00586-00142711-00142899 Suffolk was selected as mayor of that dEhuzvzu-RU-00587-00142900-00143276 town the first woman to so sir dEhuzvzu-RU-00588-00143277-00143900 1907 1912 1914 major splits in the WSPU dEhuzvzu-RU-00589-00143901-00144393 1905 1908 1913 three phases of WSPU dEhuzvzu-RU-00590-00144394-00144675 militancy civil disobedience destruction dEhuzvzu-RU-00591-00144676-00144996 of public property arson bombings the dEhuzvzu-RU-00592-00144997-00145287 fifth of July 1909 Marion Wallace Dunlop dEhuzvzu-RU-00593-00145288-00145491 went on the first hunger strike was dEhuzvzu-RU-00594-00145492-00145887 released after 91 hours of fasting 1909 dEhuzvzu-RU-00595-00145888-00146064 the women's tax resistance League dEhuzvzu-RU-00596-00146065-00146439 founded September 1909 force-feeding dEhuzvzu-RU-00597-00146440-00146643 introduced to hunger strikers in English dEhuzvzu-RU-00598-00146644-00146988 prisons 1910 Lady Constance Lytton dEhuzvzu-RU-00599-00146989-00147189 disguised herself as a working class dEhuzvzu-RU-00600-00147190-00147267 seamstress dEhuzvzu-RU-00601-00147268-00147471 Jane worden and was arrested and endured dEhuzvzu-RU-00602-00147472-00147660 force-feeding that cut down her lifespan dEhuzvzu-RU-00603-00147661-00148038 considerably February 1910 cross-party dEhuzvzu-RU-00604-00148039-00148361 conciliation committee 54 MPs dEhuzvzu-RU-00605-00148362-00148599 conciliation bill that would enfranchise dEhuzvzu-RU-00606-00148600-00148791 women past its second reading by a dEhuzvzu-RU-00607-00148792-00149082 majority of 109 but Asquith refused to dEhuzvzu-RU-00608-00149083-00149379 give it more parliamentary time November dEhuzvzu-RU-00609-00149380-00149667 1910 Herbert Henry Asquith changed built dEhuzvzu-RU-00610-00149668-00149915 to enfranchise more men instead of women dEhuzvzu-RU-00611-00149916-00150293 the 18th of November 1910 Black Friday dEhuzvzu-RU-00612-00150294-00150732 October 1912 George Lansbury Labour MP dEhuzvzu-RU-00613-00150733-00150945 resigned his seat in support of women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00614-00150946-00151296 suffrage February 1913 david lloyd dEhuzvzu-RU-00615-00151297-00151545 george's house burned down by WSPU dEhuzvzu-RU-00616-00151546-00151802 despite his support for women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00617-00151803-00152142 April 1913 cat-and-mouse Act passed dEhuzvzu-RU-00618-00152143-00152364 allowing hunger-striking prisoners to be dEhuzvzu-RU-00619-00152365-00152481 released when their health was dEhuzvzu-RU-00620-00152482-00152676 threatened and then reah Rus today had dEhuzvzu-RU-00621-00152677-00153048 recovered the 4th of June 1913 Emily dEhuzvzu-RU-00622-00153049-00153216 Davison walked in front of and was dEhuzvzu-RU-00623-00153217-00153408 subsequently trampled and killed by the dEhuzvzu-RU-00624-00153409-00153720 Kings horse at the Derby the 13th of dEhuzvzu-RU-00625-00153721-00154023 March 1914 Mary Richardson slashed the dEhuzvzu-RU-00626-00154024-00154257 Rokeby Venus painted by Diego Velasquez dEhuzvzu-RU-00627-00154258-00154431 in the National Gallery with an axe dEhuzvzu-RU-00628-00154432-00154596 protesting that she was maiming a dEhuzvzu-RU-00629-00154597-00154788 beautiful woman just as the government dEhuzvzu-RU-00630-00154789-00154950 was maiming Emmeline Pankhurst with dEhuzvzu-RU-00631-00154951-00155301 force feeding the 4th of August 1914 dEhuzvzu-RU-00632-00155302-00155622 World War declared in Britain WSPU dEhuzvzu-RU-00633-00155623-00155958 activity immediately ceased and u w SS dEhuzvzu-RU-00634-00155959-00156159 activity continued peacefully the dEhuzvzu-RU-00635-00156160-00156351 Birmingham branch of the organization dEhuzvzu-RU-00636-00156352-00156534 continued to lobby parliament and write dEhuzvzu-RU-00637-00156535-00156703 letters to MP dEhuzvzu-RU-00638-00156704-00156982 the 6th of February 1918 the dEhuzvzu-RU-00639-00156983-00157249 representation of the People Act of 1918 dEhuzvzu-RU-00640-00157250-00157465 enfranchised women over the age of 30 dEhuzvzu-RU-00641-00157466-00157645 who were either a member or married to a dEhuzvzu-RU-00642-00157646-00157828 member of the local government register dEhuzvzu-RU-00643-00157829-00158184 about 8.4 million women gained the vote dEhuzvzu-RU-00644-00158185-00158584 the 21st of November 1918 the Parliament dEhuzvzu-RU-00645-00158585-00158866 qualification of women Act 1918 was dEhuzvzu-RU-00646-00158867-00159070 passed allowing women to be elected into dEhuzvzu-RU-00647-00159071-00159439 Parliament 1928 women received the vote dEhuzvzu-RU-00648-00159440-00159652 on the same terms as men over the age of dEhuzvzu-RU-00649-00159653-00159904 21 as a result of the representation of dEhuzvzu-RU-00650-00159905-00160454 the People Act 1928 dEhuzvzu-RU-00651-00160455-00161078 topic see also feminism in the united dEhuzvzu-RU-00652-00161079-00161334 kingdom lobbying in the united kingdom dEhuzvzu-RU-00653-00161335-00161709 the women's library london holds an dEhuzvzu-RU-00654-00161710-00161886 extensive collection of material dEhuzvzu-RU-00655-00161887-00162011 relating to the women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00656-00162012-00162294 movement list of suffragists and dEhuzvzu-RU-00657-00162295-00162563 suffragettes list of women's rights dEhuzvzu-RU-00658-00162564-00162932 activists timeline of women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00659-00162933-00163257 Alice Paul women in the House of Commons dEhuzvzu-RU-00660-00163258-00163631 of the United Kingdom anti-suffrage ISM dEhuzvzu-RU-00661-00163632-00164135 suffrage jewelry dEhuzvzu-RU-00662-00164136-00164652 topic references dEhuzvzu-RU-00663-00164653-00165171 topic further reading dEhuzvzu-RU-00664-00165172-00165729 topic primary sources dEhuzvzu-RU-00665-00165730-00166265 topic external links dEhuzvzu-RU-00666-00166266-00166529 the struggle for democracy information dEhuzvzu-RU-00667-00166530-00166682 on the suffragettes at the British dEhuzvzu-RU-00668-00166683-00167069 Library learning website HTTP colon dEhuzvzu-RU-00669-00167070-00167567 slash slash WWF you got UK slash library dEhuzvzu-RU-00670-00167568-00167924 / archives - and - local - studies slash dEhuzvzu-RU-00671-00167925-00168229 research - guides slash women's suffrage dEhuzvzu-RU-00672-00168230-00168494 HTML sources for the study of women's dEhuzvzu-RU-00673-00168495-00168713 suffrage in Sheffield UK produced by dEhuzvzu-RU-00674-00168714-00168923 Sheffield City Council's libraries and dEhuzvzu-RU-00675-00168924-00169355 archives Gladstone William Ewart 1890 - dEhuzvzu-RU-00676-00169356-00169616 female suffrage a letter from the Right dEhuzvzu-RU-00677-00169617-00170159 Hon w/e Gladstone London John Murray dHdCDewtiYI-00000-00000058-00000281 biology appears in fiction especially dHdCDewtiYI-00001-00000282-00000563 but not only in science fiction both in dHdCDewtiYI-00002-00000564-00000736 the shape of real aspects of the science dHdCDewtiYI-00003-00000737-00000994 used as themes or plot devices and in dHdCDewtiYI-00004-00000996-00001162 the form of fictional elements whether dHdCDewtiYI-00005-00001163-00001399 fictional extensions or applications of dHdCDewtiYI-00006-00001400-00001568 biological theory or through the dHdCDewtiYI-00007-00001569-00001855 invention of fictional organisms major dHdCDewtiYI-00008-00001857-00002087 aspects of biology found in fiction dHdCDewtiYI-00009-00002088-00002326 include evolution disease genetics dHdCDewtiYI-00010-00002327-00002615 parasitism and symbiosis mutualism and dHdCDewtiYI-00011-00002616-00002983 ecology speculative evolution enables dHdCDewtiYI-00012-00002984-00003164 authors with sufficient skill to create dHdCDewtiYI-00013-00003165-00003370 what the critic Helen Anne Parker calls dHdCDewtiYI-00014-00003371-00003595 biological parables illuminating the dHdCDewtiYI-00015-00003596-00003840 human condition from an alien viewpoint dHdCDewtiYI-00016-00003842-00004079 fictional alien animals and plants dHdCDewtiYI-00017-00004079-00004292 especially humanoids have frequently dHdCDewtiYI-00018-00004293-00004460 been created simply to provide dHdCDewtiYI-00019-00004461-00004781 entertaining monsters zoologist such as dHdCDewtiYI-00020-00004782-00004985 Sam Levin have argued that driven by dHdCDewtiYI-00021-00004986-00005177 natural selection on other planets dHdCDewtiYI-00022-00005178-00005354 aliens might indeed tend to resemble dHdCDewtiYI-00023-00005355-00005699 humans to some extent major themes of dHdCDewtiYI-00024-00005700-00005900 science fiction include messages of dHdCDewtiYI-00025-00005901-00006118 optimism or pessimism Helen Anne Parker dHdCDewtiYI-00026-00006119-00006347 has noted that in biological fiction dHdCDewtiYI-00027-00006348-00006598 pessimism is by far the dominant outlook dHdCDewtiYI-00028-00006598-00006902 early works such as HG Wells's novels dHdCDewtiYI-00029-00006903-00007084 explored the grim consequences of dHdCDewtiYI-00030-00007086-00007285 Darwinian evolution ruthless competition dHdCDewtiYI-00031-00007286-00007564 and the dark side of human nature Aldous dHdCDewtiYI-00032-00007565-00007771 Huxley's brave new world was similarly dHdCDewtiYI-00033-00007772-00007952 gloomy about the effects of genetic dHdCDewtiYI-00034-00007953-00008324 engineering fictional biology too has dHdCDewtiYI-00035-00008325-00008534 enabled major science fiction authors dHdCDewtiYI-00036-00008535-00008669 like Stanley wine balm dHdCDewtiYI-00037-00008670-00008912 Isaac Asimov John Brunner and Ursula dHdCDewtiYI-00038-00008913-00009095 league in to create what Parker called dHdCDewtiYI-00039-00009096-00009287 biological parables with convincing dHdCDewtiYI-00040-00009288-00009503 portrayal of alien worlds able to dHdCDewtiYI-00041-00009504-00009680 support deep analogies with earth and dHdCDewtiYI-00042-00009681-00010227 humanity dHdCDewtiYI-00043-00010228-00010927 topic aspects of biology aspects of dHdCDewtiYI-00044-00010928-00011125 biology found in fiction include dHdCDewtiYI-00045-00011126-00011401 evolution disease ecology genetics dHdCDewtiYI-00046-00011402-00012279 parasitism and mutualism symbiosis topic dHdCDewtiYI-00047-00012280-00012816 evolution evolution including dHdCDewtiYI-00048-00012816-00013041 speculative evolution has been an dHdCDewtiYI-00049-00013042-00013231 important theme in fiction since the dHdCDewtiYI-00050-00013232-00013525 late 19th century it began however dHdCDewtiYI-00051-00013526-00013744 before Charles Darwin's time and dHdCDewtiYI-00052-00013744-00013938 reflects progressionist and lemarcus dHdCDewtiYI-00053-00013940-00014122 views as in Camille Flammarion dHdCDewtiYI-00054-00014122-00014527 1887 lumen as well as Darwin's Darwinian dHdCDewtiYI-00055-00014528-00014728 evolution is pervasive in literature dHdCDewtiYI-00056-00014729-00014950 whether taken optimistically in terms of dHdCDewtiYI-00057-00014951-00015124 how humanity may evolve towards dHdCDewtiYI-00058-00015125-00015334 perfection or pessimistically in terms dHdCDewtiYI-00059-00015335-00015493 of the dire consequences of the dHdCDewtiYI-00060-00015494-00015672 interaction of human nature and the dHdCDewtiYI-00061-00015674-00015916 struggle for survival other themes dHdCDewtiYI-00062-00015916-00016105 include the replacement of humanity dHdCDewtiYI-00063-00016106-00016285 either by other species or by dHdCDewtiYI-00064-00016286-00017352 intelligent machines topic disease dHdCDewtiYI-00065-00017353-00017638 diseases both real and fictional play a dHdCDewtiYI-00066-00017639-00017863 significant role in both literary and dHdCDewtiYI-00067-00017864-00018058 science fiction some like Huntington's dHdCDewtiYI-00068-00018059-00018292 disease and tuberculosis appearing in dHdCDewtiYI-00069-00018293-00018580 many books and films pandemic plagues dHdCDewtiYI-00070-00018581-00018784 threatening all human life such as the dHdCDewtiYI-00071-00018785-00018975 Andromeda Strain are among the many dHdCDewtiYI-00072-00018976-00019153 fictional diseases described in dHdCDewtiYI-00073-00019154-00019429 literature and film science fiction dHdCDewtiYI-00074-00019430-00019684 takes an interest - in imagined advances dHdCDewtiYI-00075-00019685-00019969 in medicine The Economist suggests that dHdCDewtiYI-00076-00019970-00020131 the abundance of apocalyptic fiction dHdCDewtiYI-00077-00020132-00020392 describing the near annihilation or dHdCDewtiYI-00078-00020393-00020710 total extinction of the human race by dHdCDewtiYI-00079-00020711-00020950 threats including deadly viruses Rises dHdCDewtiYI-00080-00020951-00021268 when general fear and unease as measured dHdCDewtiYI-00081-00021269-00021456 by the Doomsday Clock increased dHdCDewtiYI-00082-00021457-00021688 tuberculosis was a common disease in the dHdCDewtiYI-00083-00021689-00022003 19th century in Russian literature it dHdCDewtiYI-00084-00022004-00022275 appeared in several major works Fyodor dHdCDewtiYI-00085-00022276-00022465 Dostoevsky used the theme of the dHdCDewtiYI-00086-00022466-00022669 consumptive nihilist repeatedly with dHdCDewtiYI-00087-00022670-00022852 Katerina Ivanovna in crime and dHdCDewtiYI-00088-00022853-00022921 punishment dHdCDewtiYI-00089-00022922-00023094 Kira love in the possessed and both dHdCDewtiYI-00090-00023095-00023277 ippolit and Murray in the idiot dHdCDewtiYI-00091-00023278-00023413 turjun Eve dHdCDewtiYI-00092-00023414-00023605 the same with Bazarov and father and dHdCDewtiYI-00093-00023606-00023830 sons in English literature of the dHdCDewtiYI-00094-00023831-00024112 Victorian era major tuberculosis novels dHdCDewtiYI-00095-00024113-00024394 include Charles Dickens's 1848 Dombey dHdCDewtiYI-00096-00024395-00024715 and son Elizabeth Gaskell 1855 north and dHdCDewtiYI-00097-00024716-00024985 south and mrs. Humphrey Ward's 1900 dHdCDewtiYI-00098-00024986-00026092 Eleanor topic genetics aspects of dHdCDewtiYI-00099-00026093-00026264 genetics including mutation or dHdCDewtiYI-00100-00026266-00026490 hybridization cloning as in brave new dHdCDewtiYI-00101-00026491-00026755 world genetic engineering and eugenics dHdCDewtiYI-00102-00026756-00026962 have appeared in fiction since the 19th dHdCDewtiYI-00103-00026963-00027252 century genetics is a young science dHdCDewtiYI-00104-00027254-00027481 having started in 1900 with the dHdCDewtiYI-00105-00027482-00027702 rediscovery of Gregor Mendel's study on dHdCDewtiYI-00106-00027704-00027914 the inheritance of traits in pea plants dHdCDewtiYI-00107-00027916-00028215 during the 20th century it developed to dHdCDewtiYI-00108-00028216-00028420 create new sciences and technologies dHdCDewtiYI-00109-00028420-00028657 including molecular biology DNA dHdCDewtiYI-00110-00028658-00028813 sequencing cloning and genetic dHdCDewtiYI-00111-00028814-00029152 engineering the ethical implications of dHdCDewtiYI-00112-00029152-00029323 modifying humans and all their dHdCDewtiYI-00113-00029324-00029520 descendants were brought into focus with dHdCDewtiYI-00114-00029522-00029808 the eugenics movement since then many dHdCDewtiYI-00115-00029810-00030021 science fiction novels and films have dHdCDewtiYI-00116-00030022-00030244 used aspects of genetics as plot devices dHdCDewtiYI-00117-00030245-00030520 often taking one of two routes a genetic dHdCDewtiYI-00118-00030520-00030745 accident with disastrous consequences or dHdCDewtiYI-00119-00030745-00030967 the feasibility and desirability of a dHdCDewtiYI-00120-00030968-00031258 planned genetic alteration the treatment dHdCDewtiYI-00121-00031258-00031438 of science in these stories has been dHdCDewtiYI-00122-00031439-00031813 uneven an often unrealistic the 1997 dHdCDewtiYI-00123-00031814-00031981 film Gattaca did attempt to portray dHdCDewtiYI-00124-00031982-00032239 science accurately but was criticized by dHdCDewtiYI-00125-00032239-00032626 scientists Michael Crichton's 1990 novel dHdCDewtiYI-00126-00032627-00032833 Jurassic Park portrayed the cloning of dHdCDewtiYI-00127-00032834-00033043 whole dinosaur genomes from fossil dHdCDewtiYI-00128-00033044-00033220 remains of species extinct for millions dHdCDewtiYI-00129-00033221-00033430 of years and they're used to recreate dHdCDewtiYI-00130-00033431-00033628 living animals using what was then known dHdCDewtiYI-00131-00033629-00033859 of genetics and molecular biology to dHdCDewtiYI-00132-00033860-00034080 create an entertaining and dHdCDewtiYI-00133-00034081-00034435 thought-provoking story the lack of dHdCDewtiYI-00134-00034436-00034654 scientific understanding of genetics in dHdCDewtiYI-00135-00034655-00034896 the 19th century did not prevent science dHdCDewtiYI-00136-00034897-00035098 fiction works such as Mary Shelley's dHdCDewtiYI-00137-00035099-00035418 1818 novel Frankenstein and HG Wells's dHdCDewtiYI-00138-00035419-00035704 1896 the island of dr moreau from dHdCDewtiYI-00139-00035705-00035881 exploring themes of biological dHdCDewtiYI-00140-00035882-00036090 experiment mutation and hybridization dHdCDewtiYI-00141-00036091-00036321 with their disastrous consequences dHdCDewtiYI-00142-00036322-00036526 asking serious questions about the dHdCDewtiYI-00143-00036527-00036736 nature of humanity and responsibility dHdCDewtiYI-00144-00036737-00037278 for science dHdCDewtiYI-00145-00037279-00037957 topic parasitism parasites appear dHdCDewtiYI-00146-00037958-00038176 frequently in fiction from ancient times dHdCDewtiYI-00147-00038177-00038377 onwards is seen in mythical figures like dHdCDewtiYI-00148-00038378-00038527 the blood-drinking Lilith with a dHdCDewtiYI-00149-00038528-00038713 flowering in the 19th century dHdCDewtiYI-00150-00038714-00038989 these include intentionally disgusting dHdCDewtiYI-00151-00038990-00039217 alien monsters in science fiction films dHdCDewtiYI-00152-00039218-00039457 though these are sometimes less horrible dHdCDewtiYI-00153-00039458-00039793 than real examples in nature authors and dHdCDewtiYI-00154-00039794-00039979 script writers have to some extent dHdCDewtiYI-00155-00039980-00040252 exploited parasite biology life styles dHdCDewtiYI-00156-00040253-00040483 including parasitoid behavior altering dHdCDewtiYI-00157-00040484-00040717 parasite brood parasite parasitic dHdCDewtiYI-00158-00040718-00040945 castrator and many forms of vampire are dHdCDewtiYI-00159-00040946-00041275 found in books and films some fictional dHdCDewtiYI-00160-00041276-00041503 parasites like the deadly parasite or dHdCDewtiYI-00161-00041504-00041716 xenomorph sin alien have become well dHdCDewtiYI-00162-00041717-00041971 known in their own right terrifying dHdCDewtiYI-00163-00041972-00042160 monsters are clearly alluring writer dHdCDewtiYI-00164-00042161-00042373 Matt Kaplan notes that they induce signs dHdCDewtiYI-00165-00042374-00042565 of stress including raised heart rate dHdCDewtiYI-00166-00042566-00042712 and sweating but people continue dHdCDewtiYI-00167-00042713-00042915 indulging in such works dHdCDewtiYI-00168-00042916-00043261 Kaplan compares this to the masochism of dHdCDewtiYI-00169-00043262-00043573 liking very hot spicy foods which induce dHdCDewtiYI-00170-00043574-00043885 mouth burns sweating and tears the dHdCDewtiYI-00171-00043886-00044116 psychologist Paul Rosen suggests that dHdCDewtiYI-00172-00044117-00044293 there is a pleasure in seeing one's own dHdCDewtiYI-00173-00044294-00044512 body react as if to stress while knowing dHdCDewtiYI-00174-00044513-00045232 that no real harm will result topic dHdCDewtiYI-00175-00045233-00045943 symbiosis symbiosis mutualism appears in dHdCDewtiYI-00176-00045944-00046168 fiction especially science fiction as a dHdCDewtiYI-00177-00046169-00046444 plot device it is distinguished from dHdCDewtiYI-00178-00046445-00046726 parasitism in fiction a similar theme by dHdCDewtiYI-00179-00046727-00046915 the mutual benefit to the organisms dHdCDewtiYI-00180-00046916-00047131 involved whereas the parasite inflict dHdCDewtiYI-00181-00047132-00047428 harm on its host fictional symbionts dHdCDewtiYI-00182-00047429-00047626 often confer special powers on their dHdCDewtiYI-00183-00047627-00047884 hosts after the Second World War dHdCDewtiYI-00184-00047885-00048067 science fiction move towards more dHdCDewtiYI-00185-00048068-00048286 mutualistic relationships as in Ted dHdCDewtiYI-00186-00048287-00048568 Weitz 1970 by Fury's possessed which dHdCDewtiYI-00187-00048569-00048859 viewed aliens positively in the Phantom dHdCDewtiYI-00188-00048860-00048898 Menace dHdCDewtiYI-00189-00048899-00049171 Keegan Ginn says microscopic life-forms dHdCDewtiYI-00190-00049172-00049393 called midi-chlorians inside all living dHdCDewtiYI-00191-00049394-00049597 cells allow characters with enough of dHdCDewtiYI-00192-00049598-00049768 these symbionts in their cells to feel dHdCDewtiYI-00193-00049769-00050333 and use the force dHdCDewtiYI-00194-00050334-00051030 topic ecology ecology the study of the dHdCDewtiYI-00195-00051031-00051237 relationships between organisms in their dHdCDewtiYI-00196-00051238-00051467 environment appears in fiction in novels dHdCDewtiYI-00197-00051469-00051786 such as Frank Herbert's 1965 June Kim dHdCDewtiYI-00198-00051787-00052079 Stanley Robinson's 1992 red Mars and dHdCDewtiYI-00199-00052080-00052421 Margaret Atwood's 2013 matter damn June dHdCDewtiYI-00200-00052422-00052619 brought ecology center stage with a dHdCDewtiYI-00201-00052620-00052776 whole planet struggling with its dHdCDewtiYI-00202-00052777-00052860 environment dHdCDewtiYI-00203-00052861-00053154 its life forms included Giants and worms dHdCDewtiYI-00204-00053154-00053357 for whom water is fatal and mouths like dHdCDewtiYI-00205-00053358-00053562 animals able to survive in the planets dHdCDewtiYI-00206-00053563-00053801 desert conditions the book was dHdCDewtiYI-00207-00053802-00053976 influential on the environmental dHdCDewtiYI-00208-00053977-00054257 movement of the time in the 1970s the dHdCDewtiYI-00209-00054258-00054435 impact of human activity on the dHdCDewtiYI-00210-00054436-00054638 environment stimulated a new kind of dHdCDewtiYI-00211-00054639-00054966 writing eco fiction it has two branches dHdCDewtiYI-00212-00054966-00055224 stories about human impact on nature and dHdCDewtiYI-00213-00055225-00055461 stories about nature rather than humans dHdCDewtiYI-00214-00055462-00055749 it encompasses books written in styles dHdCDewtiYI-00215-00055750-00055974 from modernism to magical realism and in dHdCDewtiYI-00216-00055975-00056178 genres from mainstream to romance and dHdCDewtiYI-00217-00056179-00056579 speculative fiction a 1978 anthology of dHdCDewtiYI-00218-00056580-00056826 eco fiction includes 19th and 20th dHdCDewtiYI-00219-00056827-00057063 century works by authors as diverse as dHdCDewtiYI-00220-00057064-00057317 Ray Bradbury John Steinbeck Edgar Allen dHdCDewtiYI-00221-00057319-00057369 Poe dHdCDewtiYI-00222-00057370-00057648 Daphne du Maurier EB Wyatt Kurt Vonnegut dHdCDewtiYI-00223-00057649-00057951 jr. Frank Herbert H H Munroe JG Ballard dHdCDewtiYI-00224-00057952-00058766 and Isaac Asimov topic fictional dHdCDewtiYI-00225-00058767-00059342 organisms fiction especially science dHdCDewtiYI-00226-00059344-00059559 fiction has created large numbers of dHdCDewtiYI-00227-00059560-00059769 fictional species both alien and dHdCDewtiYI-00228-00059770-00060024 terrestrial one branch of fiction dHdCDewtiYI-00229-00060025-00060234 speculative evolution or speculative dHdCDewtiYI-00230-00060235-00060465 biology consists specifically of the dHdCDewtiYI-00231-00060466-00060663 design of imaginary organisms in dHdCDewtiYI-00232-00060664-00060888 particular scenarios this is sometimes dHdCDewtiYI-00233-00060889-00061647 informed by precise science topic dHdCDewtiYI-00234-00061648-00062282 functions fictional biology serves a dHdCDewtiYI-00235-00062283-00062454 variety of function in film and dHdCDewtiYI-00236-00062454-00062622 literature including the supply of dHdCDewtiYI-00237-00062623-00062835 suitably terrifying monsters the dHdCDewtiYI-00238-00062836-00063017 communication of an author's worldview dHdCDewtiYI-00239-00063019-00063179 and the creation of aliens for dHdCDewtiYI-00240-00063180-00063390 biological parables to illuminate what dHdCDewtiYI-00241-00063391-00063512 it is to be human dHdCDewtiYI-00242-00063513-00063782 real biology such as of infectious dHdCDewtiYI-00243-00063783-00064004 diseases equally provides a variety of dHdCDewtiYI-00244-00064005-00064205 contexts from personal to highly dHdCDewtiYI-00245-00064206-00064397 dystopian that can be exploited in dHdCDewtiYI-00246-00064398-00065467 fiction topic monsters and aliens a dHdCDewtiYI-00247-00065468-00065729 common use of fictional biology in dHdCDewtiYI-00248-00065730-00065946 science fiction is to provide plausible dHdCDewtiYI-00249-00065947-00066167 alien species sometimes simply as dHdCDewtiYI-00250-00066168-00066396 terrifying subjects but sometimes for dHdCDewtiYI-00251-00066397-00066690 more reflective purposes alien species dHdCDewtiYI-00252-00066691-00067016 include HG Wells's Martians in his 1898 dHdCDewtiYI-00253-00067017-00067253 novel the War of the Worlds the bug-eyed dHdCDewtiYI-00254-00067254-00067440 monsters of early twentieth century dHdCDewtiYI-00255-00067441-00067697 science fiction fearsome parasitoids and dHdCDewtiYI-00256-00067698-00067955 a variety of giant insects especially in dHdCDewtiYI-00257-00067956-00068178 early 20th century big bug movies dHdCDewtiYI-00258-00068179-00068450 humanoid roughly human shaped aliens are dHdCDewtiYI-00259-00068451-00068741 common in science fiction one reason is dHdCDewtiYI-00260-00068742-00068936 that authors use the only example of dHdCDewtiYI-00261-00068937-00069154 intelligent life that they know humans dHdCDewtiYI-00262-00069155-00069455 the zoologist Sam Levin points out that dHdCDewtiYI-00263-00069456-00069641 aliens might indeed tend to resemble dHdCDewtiYI-00264-00069642-00069872 humans driven by natural selection dHdCDewtiYI-00265-00069873-00070151 Lewis filets and points out that animals dHdCDewtiYI-00266-00070152-00070355 that move necessarily have a front and a dHdCDewtiYI-00267-00070356-00070560 back as with bilaterally and animals on dHdCDewtiYI-00268-00070561-00070769 earth sense organs tend to gather at the dHdCDewtiYI-00269-00070770-00070961 front as they encounter stimuli they're dHdCDewtiYI-00270-00070962-00071271 forming a head legs reduce friction and dHdCDewtiYI-00271-00071272-00071478 with legs bilateral symmetry makes dHdCDewtiYI-00272-00071479-00071756 coordination easier sentient organisms dHdCDewtiYI-00273-00071757-00072044 will relays and argues likely use tools dHdCDewtiYI-00274-00072045-00072248 in which case they need hands and at dHdCDewtiYI-00275-00072249-00072518 least two other limbs to stand on in dHdCDewtiYI-00276-00072519-00072740 short a generally humanoid shape is dHdCDewtiYI-00277-00072741-00072968 likely though octopus or starfish like dHdCDewtiYI-00278-00072969-00073175 bodies are also possible many fictional dHdCDewtiYI-00279-00073176-00073385 plants were created in the 20th century dHdCDewtiYI-00280-00073386-00073665 including John Wyndham venomous walking dHdCDewtiYI-00281-00073666-00073955 carnivorous Triffids in his 1951 novel dHdCDewtiYI-00282-00073956-00074165 the day of the Triffids the idea of dHdCDewtiYI-00283-00074166-00074318 plants that could attack an incautious dHdCDewtiYI-00284-00074319-00074535 traveler began in the late 19th century dHdCDewtiYI-00285-00074536-00074784 the potatoes in Samuel Butler's air a dHdCDewtiYI-00286-00074785-00075098 faun had low cunning early tales dHdCDewtiYI-00287-00075099-00075365 included Phil Robinson's 1881 the dHdCDewtiYI-00288-00075366-00075575 man-eating tree with its gigantic fly dHdCDewtiYI-00289-00075576-00075897 traps Frank Aubrey's 1897 the devil tree dHdCDewtiYI-00290-00075898-00076169 of Eldorado and Fred White's $18.99 dHdCDewtiYI-00291-00076170-00076265 purple terror dHdCDewtiYI-00292-00076266-00076637 Elgin in black woods 1907 story the dHdCDewtiYI-00293-00076638-00076902 willows powerfully tells of Malev dHdCDewtiYI-00294-00076903-00077558 and trees that manipulate people's minds dHdCDewtiYI-00295-00077559-00078216 topic optimism and pessimism a major dHdCDewtiYI-00296-00078217-00078378 theme of science fiction and of dHdCDewtiYI-00297-00078379-00078579 speculative biology is to convey a dHdCDewtiYI-00298-00078580-00078716 message of optimism or pessimism dHdCDewtiYI-00299-00078717-00078930 according to the author's worldview dHdCDewtiYI-00300-00078931-00079161 where as optimistic visions of dHdCDewtiYI-00301-00079162-00079368 technological progress are common enough dHdCDewtiYI-00302-00079369-00079590 in hard science fiction pessimistic dHdCDewtiYI-00303-00079591-00079800 views of the future of humanity are far dHdCDewtiYI-00304-00079801-00080058 more usual in fiction based on biology a dHdCDewtiYI-00305-00080059-00080262 rare optimistic note is struck by the dHdCDewtiYI-00306-00080263-00080544 evolutionary biologist JBS Haldane in dHdCDewtiYI-00307-00080545-00080823 his tale The Last Judgement in the 1927 dHdCDewtiYI-00308-00080824-00081141 collection possible worlds both arthur dHdCDewtiYI-00309-00081142-00081459 c-- clark street I would send and Brian dHdCDewtiYI-00310-00081460-00081771 Odysseys 1959 galaxies like grains of dHdCDewtiYI-00311-00081772-00081999 sand two optimistically imagine that dHdCDewtiYI-00312-00082000-00082179 humans will evolve godlike mental dHdCDewtiYI-00313-00082180-00082395 capacities the grim possibilities of dHdCDewtiYI-00314-00082396-00082604 Darwinian evolution with its ruthless dHdCDewtiYI-00315-00082605-00082890 survival of the fittest has been dHdCDewtiYI-00316-00082891-00083082 explored repeatedly from the beginnings dHdCDewtiYI-00317-00083083-00083301 of science fiction as in HG Wells's dHdCDewtiYI-00318-00083302-00083640 novels The Time Machine 1895 the island dHdCDewtiYI-00319-00083641-00083925 of dr. Moreau 1896 and the War of the dHdCDewtiYI-00320-00083926-00084213 Worlds 1898 these all pessimistically dHdCDewtiYI-00321-00084214-00084432 explore the possible dire consequences dHdCDewtiYI-00322-00084433-00084636 of the darker sides of human nature in dHdCDewtiYI-00323-00084637-00084864 the struggle for survival Aldous dHdCDewtiYI-00324-00084865-00085173 Huxley's 1931 novel brave new world is dHdCDewtiYI-00325-00085174-00085356 similarly gloomy about the oppressive dHdCDewtiYI-00326-00085357-00085563 consequences of advances in genetic dHdCDewtiYI-00327-00085564-00085722 engineering applied to human dHdCDewtiYI-00328-00085723-00086801 reproduction topic biological parables dHdCDewtiYI-00329-00086802-00087069 the literary critic Helen Anne Parker dHdCDewtiYI-00330-00087070-00087381 suggested in 1977 that speculative dHdCDewtiYI-00331-00087382-00087582 biology could serve as biological dHdCDewtiYI-00332-00087583-00087777 parables which throw light on the human dHdCDewtiYI-00333-00087778-00088080 condition such a parable brings aliens dHdCDewtiYI-00334-00088081-00088293 and humans into contact allowing the dHdCDewtiYI-00335-00088294-00088473 author to view humanity from an alien dHdCDewtiYI-00336-00088474-00088719 perspective she noted that the dHdCDewtiYI-00337-00088720-00088908 difficulty of doing this at length meant dHdCDewtiYI-00338-00088909-00089088 that only a few major authors had dHdCDewtiYI-00339-00089089-00089298 attempted it naming Stanley wine Baum dHdCDewtiYI-00340-00089299-00089553 Isaac Asimov John Brunner and Ursula dHdCDewtiYI-00341-00089554-00089826 league in in her view all four had dHdCDewtiYI-00342-00089827-00090039 impressively four characterizations of dHdCDewtiYI-00343-00090040-00090285 alien beings wine Baum dHdCDewtiYI-00344-00090286-00090542 created her bizarre assortment of dHdCDewtiYI-00345-00090543-00090687 intelligent beings dHdCDewtiYI-00346-00090688-00090894 unlike Brunner's crab-like but extinct dHdCDewtiYI-00347-00090895-00091188 draconians what united all four writers dHdCDewtiYI-00348-00091189-00091392 she argued was that the novel's centered dHdCDewtiYI-00349-00091393-00091590 on the interactions between aliens and dHdCDewtiYI-00350-00091591-00091800 humans creating deep analogies between dHdCDewtiYI-00351-00091801-00091989 the two kinds of life and from there dHdCDewtiYI-00352-00091990-00092175 commenting on humanity now and in the dHdCDewtiYI-00353-00092176-00092220 future dHdCDewtiYI-00354-00092221-00092586 wine bombs 1934 a Martian Odyssey dHdCDewtiYI-00355-00092587-00092784 explored the question of how aliens and dHdCDewtiYI-00356-00092785-00092970 humans could communicate given that dHdCDewtiYI-00357-00092971-00093117 their thought processes were utterly dHdCDewtiYI-00358-00093118-00093227 different dHdCDewtiYI-00359-00093228-00093588 Asimov's 1972 the gods themselves both dHdCDewtiYI-00360-00093589-00093801 makes the aliens major characters and dHdCDewtiYI-00361-00093802-00094037 explores parallel universes dHdCDewtiYI-00362-00094038-00094401 brana's 1974 total eclipse creates a dHdCDewtiYI-00363-00094402-00094596 whole alien world extrapolated from dHdCDewtiYI-00364-00094597-00095028 terrestrial threats in her 1969 the left dHdCDewtiYI-00365-00095029-00095241 hand of darkness leg in presents her dHdCDewtiYI-00366-00095242-00095418 vision of a universe of planets all dHdCDewtiYI-00367-00095419-00095721 inhabited by men descendants from the dHdCDewtiYI-00368-00095722-00095982 planet haines in the book the ambassador dHdCDewtiYI-00369-00095983-00096180 genly AI from the civilized Eckerman dHdCDewtiYI-00370-00096181-00096414 worlds visits the backward and inward dHdCDewtiYI-00371-00096415-00096699 looking people of given only to end up dHdCDewtiYI-00372-00096700-00096894 in danger from which he escapes by dHdCDewtiYI-00373-00096895-00097053 crossing the polar ice cap on a dHdCDewtiYI-00374-00097054-00097257 desperate that will plan to expedition dHdCDewtiYI-00375-00097258-00097416 with an exiled Gethin Ian Lord dHdCDewtiYI-00376-00097417-00097686 Chancellor astrovan they are ambisexual dHdCDewtiYI-00377-00097687-00097929 with no fixed gender and go through dHdCDewtiYI-00378-00097930-00098163 periods of East Rus called Kemmer dHdCDewtiYI-00379-00098164-00098391 at which point an individual comes dHdCDewtiYI-00380-00098392-00098598 temporarily to function as either a male dHdCDewtiYI-00381-00098599-00098796 or a female depending on whether they dHdCDewtiYI-00382-00098797-00098942 first encounter a male or female dHdCDewtiYI-00383-00098943-00099180 functioning partner during their period dHdCDewtiYI-00384-00099181-00099474 of Kemmer the invented biology reflects dHdCDewtiYI-00385-00099475-00099714 and exemplifies according to Parker the dHdCDewtiYI-00386-00099715-00099909 opposing but United Jew a ladies of dHdCDewtiYI-00387-00099910-00100083 Taoism such as light and darkness dHdCDewtiYI-00388-00100084-00100431 maleness and femaleness yin and yang so dHdCDewtiYI-00389-00100432-00100605 to do the opposed characters of dHdCDewtiYI-00390-00100606-00100761 generally AI with his carefully dHdCDewtiYI-00391-00100762-00100956 objective reports and a vest Riven with dHdCDewtiYI-00392-00100957-00101199 his or her highly personal diary as the dHdCDewtiYI-00393-00101200-00101442 story unfolds illuminating humanity dHdCDewtiYI-00394-00101443-00101622 through adventure and science fiction dHdCDewtiYI-00395-00101623-00102778 strangeness topic structure and themes dHdCDewtiYI-00396-00102779-00102952 modern novels sometimes make use of dHdCDewtiYI-00397-00102953-00103224 biology to provide structure and themes dHdCDewtiYI-00398-00103225-00103536 thomas mann's 1912 death in venice dHdCDewtiYI-00399-00103538-00103708 relates the feelings of the protagonist dHdCDewtiYI-00400-00103708-00103903 to the progress of an epidemic of dHdCDewtiYI-00401-00103904-00104085 cholera which eventually kills him dHdCDewtiYI-00402-00104086-00104358 richard Flanagan's 2001 novel gourds dHdCDewtiYI-00403-00104359-00104545 book of fish which makes use of the dHdCDewtiYI-00404-00104546-00104740 illustrations from artist and convict dHdCDewtiYI-00405-00104741-00105007 william Bulow god's book of 26 paintings dHdCDewtiYI-00406-00105008-00105186 of fish for chapter headings and as the dHdCDewtiYI-00407-00105188-00105382 inspiration for the various characters dHdCDewtiYI-00408-00105383-00106501 in the novel topic realism the dHdCDewtiYI-00409-00106502-00106723 geneticist Dan cobalt observes that the dHdCDewtiYI-00410-00106724-00106915 science in science fiction is often dHdCDewtiYI-00411-00106916-00107158 oversimplified reinforcing popular myths dHdCDewtiYI-00412-00107158-00107488 to the point of pure fiction in his own dHdCDewtiYI-00413-00107489-00107736 field he gives as examples the idea that dHdCDewtiYI-00414-00107738-00107926 first-degree relatives have the same dHdCDewtiYI-00415-00107927-00108127 hair eyes and nose as each other and dHdCDewtiYI-00416-00108128-00108331 that a person's future is predicted by dHdCDewtiYI-00417-00108332-00108541 their genetic code as he states in dHdCDewtiYI-00418-00108542-00108823 kataka kobold points out that eye color dHdCDewtiYI-00419-00108824-00109051 changes as children grow up adults with dHdCDewtiYI-00420-00109052-00109252 green or brown eyes often had blue eyes dHdCDewtiYI-00421-00109253-00109477 as babies that brown-eyed parents can dHdCDewtiYI-00422-00109478-00109710 have children with blue eyes and vice dHdCDewtiYI-00423-00109711-00109954 versa and that the brown pigment melanin dHdCDewtiYI-00424-00109955-00110176 is controlled by around ten different dHdCDewtiYI-00425-00110177-00110395 genes so inheritance is along a spectrum dHdCDewtiYI-00426-00110396-00110596 rather than being a blue brown switch dHdCDewtiYI-00427-00110597-00110890 other authors in his edited collection dHdCDewtiYI-00428-00110891-00111084 putting the science in fiction point out dHdCDewtiYI-00429-00111085-00111253 a wide variety of errors in the dHdCDewtiYI-00430-00111254-00111673 portrayal of other biological sciences dIku20GgutU-00000-00000000-00000316 hello use a very easy question is there dIku20GgutU-00001-00000317-00000497 any empirical evidence for the existence dIku20GgutU-00002-00000498-00000757 of God is there an empirical evidence dIku20GgutU-00003-00000758-00001012 for the existence of God I'll let Rodney dIku20GgutU-00004-00001013-00001270 say something about this as well but dIku20GgutU-00005-00001271-00001544 this is a way I would put it i would say dIku20GgutU-00006-00001545-00001880 there can be empirical evidence for a dIku20GgutU-00007-00001880-00002348 premise in an argument leading to a dIku20GgutU-00008-00002349-00002560 conclusion that has theological dIku20GgutU-00009-00002561-00002851 significance let me repeat that there dIku20GgutU-00010-00002852-00003085 can be empirical evidence for a premise dIku20GgutU-00011-00003086-00003443 in a philosophical argument leading to a dIku20GgutU-00012-00003444-00003661 conclusion that has theological dIku20GgutU-00013-00003663-00003902 significance so one isn't postulating dIku20GgutU-00014-00003903-00004234 some sort of god of the gaps to fill up dIku20GgutU-00015-00004235-00004460 scientific gaps in our knowledge but dIku20GgutU-00016-00004461-00004647 rather we r saying that there can be dIku20GgutU-00017-00004648-00004897 scientific empirical evidence for a dIku20GgutU-00018-00004898-00005113 premise in an argument that might lead dIku20GgutU-00019-00005114-00005306 to the conclusion that god exists let me dIku20GgutU-00020-00005307-00005522 give you an example take this argument dIku20GgutU-00021-00005523-00005868 whatever begins to exist has a cause dIku20GgutU-00022-00005869-00006163 premise to the universe began to exist dIku20GgutU-00023-00006164-00006475 three therefore the universe has a cause dIku20GgutU-00024-00006476-00006767 now the second premise the universe dIku20GgutU-00025-00006768-00007028 began to exist is as I've argued tonight dIku20GgutU-00026-00007029-00007301 a premise for which there is good dIku20GgutU-00027-00007302-00007531 scientific evidence this is a statement dIku20GgutU-00028-00007533-00007805 that is religiously neutral and can be dIku20GgutU-00029-00007806-00008017 found in any textbook on astronomy and dIku20GgutU-00030-00008018-00008303 astrophysics it is a premise to which dIku20GgutU-00031-00008304-00008474 scientific or empirical evidence is dIku20GgutU-00032-00008475-00008881 relevant and yet in this philosophical dIku20GgutU-00033-00008882-00009062 argument I think it does lead to a dIku20GgutU-00034-00009063-00009263 conclusion that has great theological dIku20GgutU-00035-00009264-00009626 significance right he sends me a bit dIku20GgutU-00036-00009627-00009814 like you just giving an argument no real dIku20GgutU-00037-00009815-00010019 I say it louder please I it just sounds dIku20GgutU-00038-00010020-00010231 to me that you're giving just a an dIku20GgutU-00039-00010232-00010460 argument not real evidence I mean when I dIku20GgutU-00040-00010461-00010688 when I mean our evidence is just you dIku20GgutU-00041-00010689-00011162 know any facts any any physical anything dIku20GgutU-00042-00011163-00011392 we can notice the only thing I can say dIku20GgutU-00043-00011393-00011669 is you have got a belief but what you dIku20GgutU-00044-00011670-00011878 can argue that God exists if you haven't dIku20GgutU-00045-00011879-00012163 got really you that is not also a belief dIku20GgutU-00046-00012164-00012445 for God mitotic phase but you can prove dIku20GgutU-00047-00012446-00012710 it aside you know well I would invite dIku20GgutU-00048-00012711-00012866 you to think about the argument dIku20GgutU-00049-00012866-00013105 that I just gave well it even exists has dIku20GgutU-00050-00013106-00013307 a cause the universe began to exist that dIku20GgutU-00051-00013308-00013613 leads to the existence of a being beyond dIku20GgutU-00052-00013613-00013844 the universe and then we can deduce some dIku20GgutU-00053-00013844-00014096 of the theological e significant dIku20GgutU-00054-00014097-00014363 properties of this being up you may dIku20GgutU-00055-00014363-00014563 think I'm being overly subtle but what dIku20GgutU-00056-00014565-00014921 I'm trying to do is avoid this common dIku20GgutU-00057-00014922-00015233 accusation of God of the gaps reasoning dIku20GgutU-00058-00015234-00015518 and I think that the way I've dIku20GgutU-00059-00015519-00015791 articulated is is right and there are dIku20GgutU-00060-00015791-00016091 good arguments for God's existence but dIku20GgutU-00061-00016091-00016355 nowadays but know what it is they dIku20GgutU-00062-00016356-00016565 sensitive the evidence is for the dIku20GgutU-00063-00016566-00016903 premises in the argument that leads dIku20GgutU-00064-00016904-00017186 logically to a conclusion that God dIku20GgutU-00065-00017187-00017357 exists let me give you another example dIku20GgutU-00066-00017358-00017633 all right the fine-tuning of the dIku20GgutU-00067-00017634-00017828 universe is due to either physical dIku20GgutU-00068-00017829-00018286 necessity chance or design number two dIku20GgutU-00069-00018287-00018578 the fine-tuning is not due to either dIku20GgutU-00070-00018579-00018844 physical necessity or chance that's what dIku20GgutU-00071-00018845-00019049 Rodney argued tonight from which it dIku20GgutU-00072-00019050-00019253 follows logically and inescapably dIku20GgutU-00073-00019254-00019565 therefore it is due to design it Stephen dIku20GgutU-00074-00019566-00019747 what to say there's a cosmic designer it dIku20GgutU-00075-00019748-00019925 again there's no evidence for fine-tuned dIku20GgutU-00076-00019926-00020237 unit anyway well Robin is I notice that dIku20GgutU-00077-00020238-00020417 question there's no evidence for dIku20GgutU-00078-00020418-00020719 fine-tuning well there's a good heaven dIku20GgutU-00079-00020720-00021134 as a great deal of their very many dIku20GgutU-00080-00021135-00021287 parameters are fine-tuned and the dIku20GgutU-00081-00021288-00021539 classic example comes from Fred Hoyle dIku20GgutU-00082-00021540-00021859 who was an atheist and yet discovered dIku20GgutU-00083-00021860-00022187 that there's a that there had in order dIku20GgutU-00084-00022188-00022531 for carbon and oxygen to be made inside dIku20GgutU-00085-00022532-00022721 stars you need a certain balance of dIku20GgutU-00086-00022722-00023011 forces you need a resonance in the dIku20GgutU-00087-00023012-00023318 carbon atom and so on and and he was dIku20GgutU-00088-00023319-00023513 moved to this atheist was moved to talk dIku20GgutU-00089-00023514-00023722 about a super intellect behind physics dIku20GgutU-00090-00023723-00024074 and and I meant behind the universe dIku20GgutU-00091-00024075-00024239 essentially I know blind forces worth dIku20GgutU-00092-00024240-00024428 speaking about in nature and there are dIku20GgutU-00093-00024429-00024622 multiple multiple examples of that kind dIku20GgutU-00094-00024623-00024805 now what I would say I mean I would dIku20GgutU-00095-00024806-00025241 agree with Professor Lane Craig what way dIku20GgutU-00096-00025242-00025550 you I think you're construing a very dIku20GgutU-00097-00025551-00025811 narrow meaning for evidence you're the dIku20GgutU-00098-00025812-00025993 kind of evidence you find in the lab dIku20GgutU-00099-00025994-00026255 okay well what we're talking about dIku20GgutU-00100-00026256-00026426 that is a comparison lot of different dIku20GgutU-00101-00026427-00026867 scientific hypotheses here but we're dIku20GgutU-00102-00026868-00027383 different metaphysical hypotheses so so dIku20GgutU-00103-00027383-00027599 we're asking a meta question here we're dIku20GgutU-00104-00027600-00027958 not asking well what what are the laws dIku20GgutU-00105-00027960-00028112 of nature and what do they describe what dIku20GgutU-00106-00028113-00028277 predictions can we make of them we're dIku20GgutU-00107-00028277-00028502 asking why are the laws of nature the dIku20GgutU-00108-00028502-00028852 way they are but there and that goes dIku20GgutU-00109-00028854-00029060 into a metaphysical argument of the kind dIku20GgutU-00110-00029061-00029312 that Professor Lane Craig was describing dIku20GgutU-00111-00029313-00029495 but there are plenty of other kinds of dIku20GgutU-00112-00029495-00029845 evidence for the belief that we have as dIku20GgutU-00113-00029847-00029995 Christians there's the evidence from dIku20GgutU-00114-00029997-00030208 religious experience there's the dIku20GgutU-00115-00030210-00030370 evidence that we are in a universe that dIku20GgutU-00116-00030372-00030646 has moral what this religious experience dIku20GgutU-00117-00030647-00030854 sorry what this really is experience so dIku20GgutU-00118-00030855-00031064 it very very very widely and commonly dIku20GgutU-00119-00031064-00031454 shared that people experience a numinous dIku20GgutU-00120-00031455-00031661 presence that of course all these things dIku20GgutU-00121-00031662-00031823 need to be unpacked and you need to go dIku20GgutU-00122-00031824-00031961 into the alternatives is it dIku20GgutU-00123-00031962-00032183 psychological yeah well why not dIku20GgutU-00124-00032183-00032444 supernatural it it it is it yeah yeah dIku20GgutU-00125-00032445-00032671 yeah well most of the kinds of dIku20GgutU-00126-00032672-00032846 experiences in terms of religious dIku20GgutU-00127-00032847-00033299 experience that people have that you dIku20GgutU-00128-00033300-00033521 can't just you can't demolish them any dIku20GgutU-00129-00033522-00033731 more than you can demolish the idea that dIku20GgutU-00130-00033732-00033923 I'm speaking to you now it's the same dIku20GgutU-00131-00033924-00034115 kind of same kind of a br can have to dIku20GgutU-00132-00034116-00034289 move on but thank you very much but then dIku20GgutU-00133-00034290-00034436 you'd come to empirical evidence to do dIku20GgutU-00134-00034437-00034562 with the the life death and resurrection dIku20GgutU-00135-00034563-00034832 of Jesus which is historical evidence so dIku20GgutU-00136-00034833-00035002 there are other kinds of everything well dIku20GgutU-00137-00035003-00035180 I can be broken down by the way well dIku20GgutU-00138-00035181-00035437 come along on a Monday evening yeah it's dIku20GgutU-00139-00035438-00035888 Southampton and you okay before that dJzoh9vvetc-00000-00000520-00000774 thank you hi everyone welcome to this dJzoh9vvetc-00001-00000775-00000983 feedback session on the national impact dJzoh9vvetc-00002-00000984-00001262 agenda also known as leading the change dJzoh9vvetc-00003-00001263-00001391 together dJzoh9vvetc-00004-00001392-00001718 my name is d gao i am senior director of dJzoh9vvetc-00005-00001719-00001918 research and development at the national dJzoh9vvetc-00006-00001919-00002239 trust and today i'm speaking on behalf dJzoh9vvetc-00007-00002240-00002455 of a broader team of national trust dJzoh9vvetc-00008-00002456-00002639 staffers who've been working on this dJzoh9vvetc-00009-00002640-00002855 initiative for the past year dJzoh9vvetc-00010-00002856-00003047 many of whom you'll meet later on dJzoh9vvetc-00011-00003048-00003238 through the breakout groups that will dJzoh9vvetc-00012-00003239-00003415 form the bulk of today's feedback dJzoh9vvetc-00013-00003415-00003575 session dJzoh9vvetc-00014-00003576-00003847 next slide please dJzoh9vvetc-00015-00003847-00004079 you've heard references to the national dJzoh9vvetc-00016-00004079-00004343 impact agenda throughout the conference dJzoh9vvetc-00017-00004344-00004606 this year and during our session today dJzoh9vvetc-00018-00004607-00004822 we hope that you all will feel dJzoh9vvetc-00019-00004823-00005070 comfortable to actively participate and dJzoh9vvetc-00020-00005071-00005295 provide constructive feedback on what dJzoh9vvetc-00021-00005296-00005422 we're hearing and what we're dJzoh9vvetc-00022-00005423-00005718 synthesizing and add your voice to this dJzoh9vvetc-00023-00005719-00005911 strategic vision for change for the dJzoh9vvetc-00024-00005912-00006159 preservation movement dJzoh9vvetc-00025-00006160-00006439 as a preview of what's coming i'll be dJzoh9vvetc-00026-00006440-00006759 giving a brief 15-minute presentation on dJzoh9vvetc-00027-00006759-00006991 the draft framework itself to set the dJzoh9vvetc-00028-00006992-00007183 stage for the smaller breakout dJzoh9vvetc-00029-00007184-00007470 discussions and in those discussions dJzoh9vvetc-00030-00007472-00007727 we'd really love to hear your feedback dJzoh9vvetc-00031-00007728-00007959 and your ideas for positive change in dJzoh9vvetc-00032-00007959-00008463 preservation practice nationally dJzoh9vvetc-00033-00008464-00008646 as a bit of background dJzoh9vvetc-00034-00008647-00009046 according to a 2021 penn praxis survey dJzoh9vvetc-00035-00009047-00009351 on preservation and change which reached dJzoh9vvetc-00036-00009352-00009614 over 2 000 respondents dJzoh9vvetc-00037-00009615-00009895 connected to preservation in some way dJzoh9vvetc-00038-00009896-00010039 84 dJzoh9vvetc-00039-00010040-00010303 of respondents expressed desire for dJzoh9vvetc-00040-00010304-00010527 substantive change in preservation dJzoh9vvetc-00041-00010528-00010655 practice dJzoh9vvetc-00042-00010656-00010935 and staff at the national trust have dJzoh9vvetc-00043-00010936-00011167 heard these calls for change echoed dJzoh9vvetc-00044-00011168-00011359 through many focus groups we've held dJzoh9vvetc-00045-00011360-00011599 over the past year which have reached dJzoh9vvetc-00046-00011600-00011895 over 600 people and counting dJzoh9vvetc-00047-00011896-00012142 and we've been asking people across the dJzoh9vvetc-00048-00012143-00012455 field about their ideas for how we can dJzoh9vvetc-00049-00012456-00012727 achieve the change we want to see in the dJzoh9vvetc-00050-00012728-00012927 field dJzoh9vvetc-00051-00012928-00013207 and in return we've heard a wide range dJzoh9vvetc-00052-00013208-00013455 of perspectives regarding the future of dJzoh9vvetc-00053-00013456-00013671 preservation today dJzoh9vvetc-00054-00013672-00013919 it's worth noting that the engagement dJzoh9vvetc-00055-00013919-00014175 that's at the core of this effort has dJzoh9vvetc-00056-00014176-00014543 been conducted in an all virtual setting dJzoh9vvetc-00057-00014544-00014783 and in the context of a challenging and dJzoh9vvetc-00058-00014784-00015079 polarized time for our country dJzoh9vvetc-00059-00015080-00015399 across many ideas for change we heard dJzoh9vvetc-00060-00015400-00015655 notable disagreements no doubt dJzoh9vvetc-00061-00015656-00015935 but we also found areas of common ground dJzoh9vvetc-00062-00015936-00016191 which have really inspired us and showed dJzoh9vvetc-00063-00016191-00016455 us a more collaborative and better path dJzoh9vvetc-00064-00016456-00016655 forward dJzoh9vvetc-00065-00016656-00016903 this process has expanded our dJzoh9vvetc-00066-00016904-00017158 understanding of what inclusive outreach dJzoh9vvetc-00067-00017159-00017407 means across a national movement that dJzoh9vvetc-00068-00017408-00017607 encompasses so many different practice dJzoh9vvetc-00069-00017608-00017903 areas and communities and identities dJzoh9vvetc-00070-00017904-00017999 and dJzoh9vvetc-00071-00018000-00018230 we recognize that we have more work to dJzoh9vvetc-00072-00018231-00018463 do to revolutionize how we think about dJzoh9vvetc-00073-00018464-00018647 inclusive outreach today dJzoh9vvetc-00074-00018648-00018903 but through this experience dJzoh9vvetc-00075-00018904-00019255 that i've had the honor of partaking in dJzoh9vvetc-00076-00019256-00019494 um in in this effort of facilitating a dJzoh9vvetc-00077-00019495-00019814 national impact agenda we are seeing how dJzoh9vvetc-00078-00019815-00020111 this simple act of creating space dJzoh9vvetc-00079-00020112-00020335 uh for these discussions and connecting dJzoh9vvetc-00080-00020336-00020494 people who don't normally get to talk to dJzoh9vvetc-00081-00020495-00020703 one another across the country is dJzoh9vvetc-00082-00020704-00020903 building bridges across the preservation dJzoh9vvetc-00083-00020904-00021175 movement today and we're very grateful dJzoh9vvetc-00084-00021176-00021391 for all of the hundreds of people who dJzoh9vvetc-00085-00021392-00021678 have participated in this um in this dJzoh9vvetc-00086-00021679-00021847 agenda so far dJzoh9vvetc-00087-00021848-00022055 and want to acknowledge that this work dJzoh9vvetc-00088-00022056-00022319 is just beginning and um is by no means dJzoh9vvetc-00089-00022320-00022399 done dJzoh9vvetc-00090-00022400-00022839 and um we also um published a um a dJzoh9vvetc-00091-00022840-00023078 document on acknowledging all of those dJzoh9vvetc-00092-00023079-00023278 who participated and contributed to this dJzoh9vvetc-00093-00023279-00023599 effort to date and you can see who we dJzoh9vvetc-00094-00023600-00023919 all reached so far um at the link in the dJzoh9vvetc-00095-00023920-00024142 chat by downloading this document that dJzoh9vvetc-00096-00024143-00024399 my colleague amy has provided dJzoh9vvetc-00097-00024400-00024630 so now we'd like to share a distillation dJzoh9vvetc-00098-00024631-00025007 of what we've heard so far dJzoh9vvetc-00099-00025008-00025255 the first topic we sought feedback on dJzoh9vvetc-00100-00025256-00025430 are the principles that guide dJzoh9vvetc-00101-00025431-00025670 preservationists today dJzoh9vvetc-00102-00025672-00026039 and in poll after poll we heard that dJzoh9vvetc-00103-00026039-00026255 people are motivated by a wide range of dJzoh9vvetc-00104-00026256-00026367 principles dJzoh9vvetc-00105-00026368-00026639 from saving tangible and intangible dJzoh9vvetc-00106-00026639-00026846 history for future generations dJzoh9vvetc-00107-00026847-00027135 to advancing social justice and much dJzoh9vvetc-00108-00027136-00027262 more dJzoh9vvetc-00109-00027263-00027470 we also know that the preservation field dJzoh9vvetc-00110-00027472-00027702 is not a monolith and some people are dJzoh9vvetc-00111-00027704-00027895 motivated by many of these principles dJzoh9vvetc-00112-00027895-00028167 and some are motivated by just a few dJzoh9vvetc-00113-00028168-00028439 and we wanted to capture dJzoh9vvetc-00114-00028439-00028711 in this agenda an inclusive list of what dJzoh9vvetc-00115-00028712-00028831 motivates dJzoh9vvetc-00116-00028832-00029070 each of us in our practice areas and dJzoh9vvetc-00117-00029072-00029351 lives every day and we expect this list dJzoh9vvetc-00118-00029352-00029574 to continue to grow and shift as it dJzoh9vvetc-00119-00029575-00029735 already has dJzoh9vvetc-00120-00029736-00029958 as we continue to gather more public dJzoh9vvetc-00121-00029960-00030135 input which is why conversations like dJzoh9vvetc-00122-00030136-00030414 today are so important dJzoh9vvetc-00123-00030416-00030631 based on these seven goals dJzoh9vvetc-00124-00030632-00030855 we asked people what goals the dJzoh9vvetc-00125-00030856-00031070 preservation movement should focus on dJzoh9vvetc-00126-00031072-00031351 collectively over the next five years dJzoh9vvetc-00127-00031352-00031655 and our team has synthesized seven goals dJzoh9vvetc-00128-00031656-00032031 out of the many ideas we've heard dJzoh9vvetc-00129-00032032-00032279 each of these seven goals aspires to dJzoh9vvetc-00130-00032280-00032551 represent a steady state positive dJzoh9vvetc-00131-00032552-00032911 outcome for the preservation field dJzoh9vvetc-00132-00032912-00033135 we tried to focus on what we heard most dJzoh9vvetc-00133-00033136-00033367 frequently across groups from a wide dJzoh9vvetc-00134-00033368-00033599 range of perspectives and we also tried dJzoh9vvetc-00135-00033600-00033839 to create a set of goals that would be dJzoh9vvetc-00136-00033840-00034046 relevant across many sectors in dJzoh9vvetc-00137-00034047-00034279 preservation today whether you work as dJzoh9vvetc-00138-00034280-00034502 an interpretation specialist at a dJzoh9vvetc-00139-00034503-00034823 historic site as a policy maker or are a dJzoh9vvetc-00140-00034824-00034967 community member passionate about dJzoh9vvetc-00141-00034968-00035190 preserving local history we hope that dJzoh9vvetc-00142-00035191-00035374 people from diverse areas within dJzoh9vvetc-00143-00035375-00035574 preservation will be able to see their dJzoh9vvetc-00144-00035575-00035751 priorities reflected dJzoh9vvetc-00145-00035752-00035935 here dJzoh9vvetc-00146-00035936-00036102 i would also note that this draft dJzoh9vvetc-00147-00036103-00036407 framework is available to be downloaded dJzoh9vvetc-00148-00036408-00036574 online which my colleagues have shared dJzoh9vvetc-00149-00036575-00036807 in the chat and i urge you to take a dJzoh9vvetc-00150-00036808-00036983 moment to download it if you haven't dJzoh9vvetc-00151-00036984-00037207 done so already dJzoh9vvetc-00152-00037208-00037367 and i'd like to just briefly walk dJzoh9vvetc-00153-00037368-00037679 through each of these goals um and pause dJzoh9vvetc-00154-00037680-00037862 on them for a second dJzoh9vvetc-00155-00037863-00038071 based on what we've synthesized so far dJzoh9vvetc-00156-00038072-00038255 the first goal growing collaborative dJzoh9vvetc-00157-00038256-00038367 networks dJzoh9vvetc-00158-00038368-00038646 more specifically we heard about the dJzoh9vvetc-00159-00038647-00038935 need to build networks of support for dJzoh9vvetc-00160-00038936-00039223 smaller newer organizations that are at dJzoh9vvetc-00161-00039224-00039430 the grassroots and on the front lines of dJzoh9vvetc-00162-00039431-00039639 change dJzoh9vvetc-00163-00039640-00039935 a representative movement dJzoh9vvetc-00164-00039936-00040230 we heard calls to diversify staff dJzoh9vvetc-00165-00040231-00040462 practitioners as well as the boards and dJzoh9vvetc-00166-00040463-00040727 leadership of preservation organizations dJzoh9vvetc-00167-00040728-00040943 to cultivate true inclusion in the dJzoh9vvetc-00168-00040944-00041230 preservation field dJzoh9vvetc-00169-00041231-00041430 modernize tools dJzoh9vvetc-00170-00041431-00041727 across almost every sector we spoke to dJzoh9vvetc-00171-00041728-00041958 we heard that there were opportunities dJzoh9vvetc-00172-00041959-00042239 to expand and update the tools dJzoh9vvetc-00173-00042240-00042430 that we use to make it easier to dJzoh9vvetc-00174-00042431-00042655 practice the principles that motivate us dJzoh9vvetc-00175-00042656-00042990 in our work dJzoh9vvetc-00176-00042991-00043215 in terms of equitable communities we dJzoh9vvetc-00177-00043216-00043495 continue to hear increased calls for dJzoh9vvetc-00178-00043496-00043743 preservation to be a path toward equity dJzoh9vvetc-00179-00043744-00043935 and for increased accountability to dJzoh9vvetc-00180-00043936-00044174 community needs when preservation has dJzoh9vvetc-00181-00044175-00044662 the power to address them dJzoh9vvetc-00182-00044663-00044871 urgent work is needed to ensure that dJzoh9vvetc-00183-00044872-00045151 preservation is part of the solution in dJzoh9vvetc-00184-00045152-00045383 climate change specifically with regard dJzoh9vvetc-00185-00045384-00045607 to mitigation and disaster preparedness dJzoh9vvetc-00186-00045608-00045815 strategies dJzoh9vvetc-00187-00045816-00046118 and we heard echoed again and again over dJzoh9vvetc-00188-00046119-00046327 the past few days a desire to make dJzoh9vvetc-00189-00046328-00046527 preservation more accessible and dJzoh9vvetc-00190-00046528-00046695 relevant through innovative dJzoh9vvetc-00191-00046696-00046974 communication and storytelling dJzoh9vvetc-00192-00046975-00047239 and last but certainly not least the dJzoh9vvetc-00193-00047240-00047486 need to expand truth-telling dJzoh9vvetc-00194-00047487-00047702 of a multi-layered history and to dJzoh9vvetc-00195-00047703-00047951 harness the power of historic places and dJzoh9vvetc-00196-00047952-00048343 the stories that only they can tell dJzoh9vvetc-00197-00048344-00048623 so we're now at a point where we have dJzoh9vvetc-00198-00048624-00048902 listened and synthesized and are dJzoh9vvetc-00199-00048903-00049086 reflecting out to the field what we've dJzoh9vvetc-00200-00049087-00049279 heard to date so that we can continue to dJzoh9vvetc-00201-00049280-00049574 build on these ideas together dJzoh9vvetc-00202-00049575-00049815 this is an iterative process and we are dJzoh9vvetc-00203-00049816-00050046 receiving new ideas every day for how we dJzoh9vvetc-00204-00050047-00050295 can make these goals more representative dJzoh9vvetc-00205-00050296-00050502 of the priorities of the movement dJzoh9vvetc-00206-00050503-00050767 and i'll take us through a sample of how dJzoh9vvetc-00207-00050768-00051055 we plan to build out each goal dJzoh9vvetc-00208-00051056-00051311 in as the as we continue to build out dJzoh9vvetc-00209-00051312-00051575 the agenda which will live online on dJzoh9vvetc-00210-00051576-00051854 savingplaces.org dJzoh9vvetc-00211-00051855-00052111 the topic of modernizing and creating dJzoh9vvetc-00212-00052112-00052366 new tools and practices came up again dJzoh9vvetc-00213-00052367-00052663 and again in discussions across sectors dJzoh9vvetc-00214-00052664-00052926 and using this goal as an example dJzoh9vvetc-00215-00052927-00053287 you can see that each of the seven goals dJzoh9vvetc-00216-00053288-00053463 will be complemented with four dJzoh9vvetc-00217-00053464-00053615 components dJzoh9vvetc-00218-00053616-00053926 uh goal context which is a description dJzoh9vvetc-00219-00053927-00054150 and an elaboration on the goal itself dJzoh9vvetc-00220-00054151-00054319 case studies that our partners are dJzoh9vvetc-00221-00054320-00054494 leading across the country dJzoh9vvetc-00222-00054495-00054782 crowdsourced ideas for concrete actions dJzoh9vvetc-00223-00054783-00055135 that anyone can take to create change dJzoh9vvetc-00224-00055136-00055311 as well as an articulation of the dJzoh9vvetc-00225-00055312-00055494 national trust's own commitments to dJzoh9vvetc-00226-00055495-00055735 action dJzoh9vvetc-00227-00055736-00055950 each of these components is based on dJzoh9vvetc-00228-00055951-00056215 what we heard would be the most helpful dJzoh9vvetc-00229-00056216-00056415 to the field through our feedback dJzoh9vvetc-00230-00056416-00056630 generally we heard that people dJzoh9vvetc-00231-00056632-00056863 were seeking more direction on where the dJzoh9vvetc-00232-00056864-00057111 national movement is headed dJzoh9vvetc-00233-00057112-00057279 that people wanted to hear their dJzoh9vvetc-00234-00057279-00057503 concrete ideas for change shared more dJzoh9vvetc-00235-00057504-00057791 broadly and that people wanted to know dJzoh9vvetc-00236-00057791-00057982 what the national trust and other dJzoh9vvetc-00237-00057983-00058238 leaders across the field are doing to dJzoh9vvetc-00238-00058239-00058454 follow through to turn these ideas into dJzoh9vvetc-00239-00058455-00058591 action dJzoh9vvetc-00240-00058591-00058838 so the first component is a description dJzoh9vvetc-00241-00058839-00059094 and i won't dwell on that but the second dJzoh9vvetc-00242-00059095-00059359 component is case studies dJzoh9vvetc-00243-00059360-00059599 as hopefully many of you have seen so dJzoh9vvetc-00244-00059600-00059799 many of the incredible sessions at this dJzoh9vvetc-00245-00059800-00060007 conference have demonstrated that dJzoh9vvetc-00246-00060008-00060191 boundary pushing work is taking place dJzoh9vvetc-00247-00060191-00060535 across the country every single day dJzoh9vvetc-00248-00060536-00060782 and these case studies will demonstrate dJzoh9vvetc-00249-00060783-00061023 that progress in each of these dJzoh9vvetc-00250-00061024-00061119 goals dJzoh9vvetc-00251-00061120-00061438 is ongoing and that many way in and dJzoh9vvetc-00252-00061439-00061615 there are many ways in which change is dJzoh9vvetc-00253-00061616-00061782 being led collaboratively across the dJzoh9vvetc-00254-00061783-00061919 field today dJzoh9vvetc-00255-00061920-00062142 here we list some examples dJzoh9vvetc-00256-00062144-00062415 um just a sample of examples that we've dJzoh9vvetc-00257-00062416-00062630 come across that have inspired us from dJzoh9vvetc-00258-00062632-00062911 at the federal regional state and local dJzoh9vvetc-00259-00062912-00063126 levels that really demonstrate the dJzoh9vvetc-00260-00063127-00063415 breadth of work that is um creating dJzoh9vvetc-00261-00063416-00063591 positive change today dJzoh9vvetc-00262-00063591-00063847 and we also feel that by elevating case dJzoh9vvetc-00263-00063848-00064142 studies um it will play an integral part dJzoh9vvetc-00264-00064144-00064326 and how we can demonstrate what dJzoh9vvetc-00265-00064327-00064511 leadership looks like across different dJzoh9vvetc-00266-00064512-00064815 sectors and to help people see their own dJzoh9vvetc-00267-00064816-00065087 role in change no matter where we are in dJzoh9vvetc-00268-00065088-00065559 the preservation movement dJzoh9vvetc-00269-00065560-00065799 in terms of crowdsourced actions this is dJzoh9vvetc-00270-00065800-00066047 where we transition from some of the dJzoh9vvetc-00271-00066048-00066255 more abstract concepts of the goals dJzoh9vvetc-00272-00066256-00066463 themselves to something a bit more dJzoh9vvetc-00273-00066464-00066735 concrete these specific strategies and dJzoh9vvetc-00274-00066736-00066959 tactics that people felt would help dJzoh9vvetc-00275-00066960-00067287 create the change we all want to see dJzoh9vvetc-00276-00067288-00067567 in these concrete ideas for action um we dJzoh9vvetc-00277-00067568-00067750 feel the agenda really begins to come dJzoh9vvetc-00278-00067751-00068015 alive and here are just a few examples dJzoh9vvetc-00279-00068016-00068231 of what some of the crowdsourced actions dJzoh9vvetc-00280-00068232-00068391 we heard are dJzoh9vvetc-00281-00068392-00068582 but i again i would encourage you to dJzoh9vvetc-00282-00068583-00068855 download the framework which is six dJzoh9vvetc-00283-00068856-00069094 pages and contain sample actions for dJzoh9vvetc-00284-00069095-00069343 each of the seven goals dJzoh9vvetc-00285-00069344-00069582 ideas you can see here include how we dJzoh9vvetc-00286-00069583-00069767 can increase equitable access to dJzoh9vvetc-00287-00069768-00070047 resources for smaller organizations and dJzoh9vvetc-00288-00070048-00070231 how we can make preservation guidelines dJzoh9vvetc-00289-00070232-00070391 more flexible dJzoh9vvetc-00290-00070392-00070591 um just to call out a few dJzoh9vvetc-00291-00070592-00070943 and the idea behind um these actions is dJzoh9vvetc-00292-00070944-00071126 we recognize that not all of these dJzoh9vvetc-00293-00071127-00071335 actions will apply to everyone but they dJzoh9vvetc-00294-00071336-00071671 do represent how we can begin to take dJzoh9vvetc-00295-00071672-00071950 steps large and small towards towards dJzoh9vvetc-00296-00071951-00072215 change and by elevating what others are dJzoh9vvetc-00297-00072216-00072438 saying across the field dJzoh9vvetc-00298-00072439-00072671 what others are saying and doing dJzoh9vvetc-00299-00072672-00072887 we hope that we can create a public dJzoh9vvetc-00300-00072888-00073103 resource that will inspire others to dJzoh9vvetc-00301-00073104-00073382 identify further actions and also help dJzoh9vvetc-00302-00073383-00073726 coordinate across silos dJzoh9vvetc-00303-00073727-00073887 the fourth piece dJzoh9vvetc-00304-00073888-00074159 is focused on articulating the national dJzoh9vvetc-00305-00074160-00074382 trust's own commitments to action which dJzoh9vvetc-00306-00074383-00074659 we see as a critical piece of dJzoh9vvetc-00307-00074660-00074982 implementation and accountability and dJzoh9vvetc-00308-00074983-00075279 we while we plan to start by identifying dJzoh9vvetc-00309-00075280-00075447 and putting our own commitments on the dJzoh9vvetc-00310-00075448-00075703 table we would like to encourage others dJzoh9vvetc-00311-00075704-00075959 and other leaders to do the same dJzoh9vvetc-00312-00075960-00076135 some but not all of the national trust dJzoh9vvetc-00313-00076136-00076391 commitments that we can already see dJzoh9vvetc-00314-00076392-00076631 aligning with this framework include our dJzoh9vvetc-00315-00076632-00076831 advocacy around historic tax credits the dJzoh9vvetc-00316-00076832-00077015 growing number of grant programs to tell dJzoh9vvetc-00317-00077016-00077262 a truer story and we're really excited dJzoh9vvetc-00318-00077263-00077487 to see how this emerging framework can dJzoh9vvetc-00319-00077488-00077767 help prioritize existing and future work dJzoh9vvetc-00320-00077768-00078023 and inspire additional actions from dJzoh9vvetc-00321-00078024-00078206 both within the trust and from other dJzoh9vvetc-00322-00078207-00078599 leaders across the country dJzoh9vvetc-00323-00078600-00078919 so before we go into breakout groups um dJzoh9vvetc-00324-00078920-00079119 i would like to share some next steps on dJzoh9vvetc-00325-00079120-00079519 where we're headed uh we aim to um once dJzoh9vvetc-00326-00079520-00079719 we have a chance to integrate all the dJzoh9vvetc-00327-00079720-00079950 feedback that we receive at pass forward dJzoh9vvetc-00328-00079951-00080047 and dJzoh9vvetc-00329-00080048-00080319 beyond we aim to develop a web presence dJzoh9vvetc-00330-00080320-00080559 for the national impact agenda that will dJzoh9vvetc-00331-00080560-00080735 share the four components that we just dJzoh9vvetc-00332-00080736-00080991 talked about but also allow for more dJzoh9vvetc-00333-00080992-00081287 exposure and public input dJzoh9vvetc-00334-00081288-00081582 and a critical component of this project dJzoh9vvetc-00335-00081583-00081918 is follow-through and accountability and dJzoh9vvetc-00336-00081919-00082223 one way we plan to follow through on the dJzoh9vvetc-00337-00082224-00082455 national impact agenda is to continue to dJzoh9vvetc-00338-00082456-00082671 talk about progress toward these goals dJzoh9vvetc-00339-00082672-00082871 and hold each other accountable at dJzoh9vvetc-00340-00082872-00083111 future national trust conferences in dJzoh9vvetc-00341-00083112-00083423 miami and in dc when we're all hopefully dJzoh9vvetc-00342-00083424-00083791 back together in person dJzoh9vvetc-00343-00083792-00083999 so that concludes the presentation dJzoh9vvetc-00344-00084000-00084206 portion of today's session thank you for dJzoh9vvetc-00345-00084207-00084431 listening dJzoh9vvetc-00346-00084432-00084647 and in just a moment we're going to be dJzoh9vvetc-00347-00084648-00084999 inviting you to join um a breakout room dJzoh9vvetc-00348-00085000-00085262 our goal for the breakout sessions is to dJzoh9vvetc-00349-00085263-00085479 hear your general reactions to what dJzoh9vvetc-00350-00085480-00085694 we've been hearing and synthesizing and dJzoh9vvetc-00351-00085695-00085911 to crowdsource some additional ideas for dJzoh9vvetc-00352-00085912-00086126 case studies and concrete actions for dJzoh9vvetc-00353-00086127-00086231 change dJzoh9vvetc-00354-00086232-00086479 and lastly we'd also like to brainstorm dJzoh9vvetc-00355-00086480-00086631 how we can begin to measure this dJzoh9vvetc-00356-00086632-00086815 progress so we can hold each other dJzoh9vvetc-00357-00086816-00086967 accountable dJzoh9vvetc-00358-00086968-00087118 these questions have been dropped in the dJzoh9vvetc-00359-00087119-00087287 chat and they will also be shared with dJzoh9vvetc-00360-00087288-00087494 you um in the breakout sessions dJzoh9vvetc-00361-00087495-00087735 themselves but please please consider dJzoh9vvetc-00362-00087736-00087999 them as we as we begin the kind of dJzoh9vvetc-00363-00088000-00088303 interactive portion so i will see you dJzoh9vvetc-00364-00088304-00088743 back here um in about 35 minutes dJzoh9vvetc-00365-00088744-00088926 and hope you all have some great dJzoh9vvetc-00366-00088927-00089518 discussions dJzoh9vvetc-00367-00089519-00089718 i think we're all back dJzoh9vvetc-00368-00089719-00089871 thanks renee dJzoh9vvetc-00369-00089872-00089959 great dJzoh9vvetc-00370-00089960-00090159 um well thank you all dJzoh9vvetc-00371-00090160-00090375 um for participating today and welcome dJzoh9vvetc-00372-00090376-00090638 back to the main room um we hope you all dJzoh9vvetc-00373-00090639-00090887 had some thought-provoking conversations dJzoh9vvetc-00374-00090888-00091343 in the breakouts and we look forward to dJzoh9vvetc-00375-00091344-00091559 sharing and sifting through dJzoh9vvetc-00376-00091560-00091838 what you all discussed today dJzoh9vvetc-00377-00091839-00092079 we would love to keep the feedback loop dJzoh9vvetc-00378-00092080-00092182 open dJzoh9vvetc-00379-00092183-00092382 and continue to hear your thoughts if dJzoh9vvetc-00380-00092383-00092615 any other ideas come to you that you dJzoh9vvetc-00381-00092616-00092831 would like to make sure are heard please dJzoh9vvetc-00382-00092832-00093047 feel free to get in touch with us in a dJzoh9vvetc-00383-00093048-00093311 number of ways you can email us dJzoh9vvetc-00384-00093312-00093638 at the national impact agenda dJzoh9vvetc-00385-00093639-00093823 sorry national impact agenda at dJzoh9vvetc-00386-00093824-00094047 savingplaces.org dJzoh9vvetc-00387-00094048-00094382 there is also a message board wall dJzoh9vvetc-00388-00094383-00094638 to the left hand side panel on your dJzoh9vvetc-00389-00094639-00094894 screen on the socio platform the virtual dJzoh9vvetc-00390-00094895-00095103 platform for viewing the conference dJzoh9vvetc-00391-00095104-00095287 where there is an active messaging board dJzoh9vvetc-00392-00095288-00095479 where you can access all of the dJzoh9vvetc-00393-00095480-00095671 documents associated with the draft dJzoh9vvetc-00394-00095672-00095879 framework as it stands today and dJzoh9vvetc-00395-00095880-00096103 continue to offer feedback dJzoh9vvetc-00396-00096104-00096255 and of course you can visit dJzoh9vvetc-00397-00096256-00096550 savingplaces.org dJzoh9vvetc-00398-00096551-00096935 impact agenda for continued updates dJzoh9vvetc-00399-00096936-00097143 and we just really want to thank you dJzoh9vvetc-00400-00097144-00097382 again for your thoughtful participation dJzoh9vvetc-00401-00097383-00097718 today and we hope you will join us at dJzoh9vvetc-00402-00097719-00097943 the award ceremony in just a few moments dJzoh9vvetc-00403-00097944-00098135 we would like to give you a brief break dJzoh9vvetc-00404-00098136-00098326 before we all dJzoh9vvetc-00405-00098327-00098567 before we all reconvene there so thank dJzoh9vvetc-00406-00098568-00098718 you all again dJzoh9vvetc-00407-00098719-00098887 and look forward to continuing the dJzoh9vvetc-00408-00098888-00099188 conversation dJFfI-PDlvI-00000-00000014-00000457 the Center for Global initiatives CGI is dJFfI-PDlvI-00001-00000458-00000757 a Research Center at the University of dJFfI-PDlvI-00002-00000758-00001169 North Carolina at Chapel Hill it is part dJFfI-PDlvI-00003-00001170-00001441 of the National Resource Center program dJFfI-PDlvI-00004-00001442-00001868 of the US Department of Education CGI dJFfI-PDlvI-00005-00001869-00002134 offers grants and scholarships to dJFfI-PDlvI-00006-00002135-00002392 students and faculty to travel abroad dJFfI-PDlvI-00007-00002393-00002685 complete internships and develop dJFfI-PDlvI-00008-00002686-00003164 internationally focused courses CGI also dJFfI-PDlvI-00009-00003165-00003397 serves as the home to the Fulbright dJFfI-PDlvI-00010-00003398-00004218 Program at UNC Chapel Hill dJFfI-PDlvI-00011-00004219-00004772 topic history dJFfI-PDlvI-00012-00004773-00005226 CGI was founded as the University Center dJFfI-PDlvI-00013-00005227-00005757 for International Studies in 1993 the dJFfI-PDlvI-00014-00005758-00006153 name was changed in 2007 to center for dJFfI-PDlvI-00015-00006154-00006838 global initiatives dJFfI-PDlvI-00016-00006839-00007058 topic programs dJFfI-PDlvI-00017-00007059-00007442 [Music] dJFfI-PDlvI-00018-00007443-00007814 CGI is the institutional home to the dJFfI-PDlvI-00019-00007815-00008385 following programs dJFfI-PDlvI-00020-00008386-00009182 topic Carolina for Kabira CFK dJFfI-PDlvI-00021-00009183-00009493 a participatory development NGO dJFfI-PDlvI-00022-00009494-00009731 operating in the cabarrus slum of dJFfI-PDlvI-00023-00009732-00010413 Nairobi Kenya dJFfI-PDlvI-00024-00010414-00011086 topic Carolina's navigators dJFfI-PDlvI-00025-00011087-00011413 a k-12 international outreach program dJFfI-PDlvI-00026-00011414-00011644 that serves high schools in North dJFfI-PDlvI-00027-00011645-00012162 Carolina dJFfI-PDlvI-00028-00012163-00012591 topic Jew qnc rotary Center for dJFfI-PDlvI-00029-00012592-00013093 International Studies dJFfI-PDlvI-00030-00013094-00013456 a joint program with Duke University the dJFfI-PDlvI-00031-00013457-00013735 center offers two-year fellowships for dJFfI-PDlvI-00032-00013736-00013978 international students to study at dJFfI-PDlvI-00033-00013979-00014686 either school website dJFfI-PDlvI-00034-00014687-00015512 topic scholars Latino initiative SLI dJFfI-PDlvI-00035-00015513-00015838 a mentoring program that pairs UNC dJFfI-PDlvI-00036-00015840-00016127 Chapel Hill students with Latino high dJFfI-PDlvI-00037-00016128-00016352 school students with the goal of dJFfI-PDlvI-00038-00016353-00017207 increasing college access website dJFfI-PDlvI-00039-00017208-00017912 topic fellowships scholarships dJFfI-PDlvI-00040-00017913-00018230 CGI offers a variety of funding dJFfI-PDlvI-00041-00018231-00018506 opportunities to undergraduate and dJFfI-PDlvI-00042-00018507-00019358 graduate students faculty and staff dJFfI-PDlvI-00043-00019359-00020168 topic Fla s the foreign language an area dJFfI-PDlvI-00044-00020169-00020537 studies Fla s fellowships are federally dJFfI-PDlvI-00045-00020538-00020837 funded academic scholarships designed to dJFfI-PDlvI-00046-00020838-00021119 provide support and funding to graduate dJFfI-PDlvI-00047-00021120-00021386 students studying the languages and dJFfI-PDlvI-00048-00021387-00021653 cultures of specific foreign countries dJFfI-PDlvI-00049-00021654-00021929 in particular those in the strategic dJFfI-PDlvI-00050-00021930-00022682 interest of the United States dJFfI-PDlvI-00051-00022683-00023296 topic fulbright program dJFfI-PDlvI-00052-00023297-00023641 this program provides a 9 to 12 month dJFfI-PDlvI-00053-00023642-00023905 fully funded international research dJFfI-PDlvI-00054-00023906-00024228 study opportunity or an English teaching dJFfI-PDlvI-00055-00024229-00024523 assistantship for recent be a BS dJFfI-PDlvI-00056-00024524-00024781 graduates master's and doctoral dJFfI-PDlvI-00057-00024782-00025033 candidates young professionals or dJFfI-PDlvI-00058-00025034-00025758 artists and musicians dJFfI-PDlvI-00059-00025758-00026505 topic Carolina Global Initiative these dJFfI-PDlvI-00060-00026506-00026708 awards are intended to support dJFfI-PDlvI-00061-00026708-00027036 undergraduate and master's level as well dJFfI-PDlvI-00062-00027037-00027360 as international PhD candidates gain dJFfI-PDlvI-00063-00027361-00027768 global experience especially those with dJFfI-PDlvI-00064-00027769-00028474 little to no prior experience dJFfI-PDlvI-00065-00028475-00029135 topic CV star scholarship dJFfI-PDlvI-00066-00029136-00029507 these scholarships support UNC students dJFfI-PDlvI-00067-00029508-00029764 who demonstrate financial need to dJFfI-PDlvI-00068-00029765-00030037 undertake an independent internationally dJFfI-PDlvI-00069-00030038-00030340 oriented experience they were dJFfI-PDlvI-00070-00030341-00030836 established at UNC in 2004 by a donation dJFfI-PDlvI-00071-00030837-00031181 from the star foundation dN7IL0eUrtE-00000-00000031-00000719 [Music] dN7IL0eUrtE-00001-00000720-00000790 don't dN7IL0eUrtE-00002-00000791-00001150 stay awake for too long don't dN7IL0eUrtE-00003-00001151-00002129 go to bed dN7IL0eUrtE-00004-00002130-00002431 [Music] dN7IL0eUrtE-00005-00002432-00002623 i've been thinking of our future cause dN7IL0eUrtE-00006-00002624-00002839 i'll never see those days i don't know dN7IL0eUrtE-00007-00002840-00003063 why this just happened but i probably dN7IL0eUrtE-00008-00003064-00003175 deserve it dN7IL0eUrtE-00009-00003176-00003415 tried to do my best but you know it i'm dN7IL0eUrtE-00010-00003415-00003590 not perfect i've been praying for dN7IL0eUrtE-00011-00003592-00003799 forgiveness you've been praying for my dN7IL0eUrtE-00012-00003800-00003879 health dN7IL0eUrtE-00013-00003879-00004070 when i leave this earth hoping you'll dN7IL0eUrtE-00014-00004071-00004231 find someone else cause dN7IL0eUrtE-00015-00004232-00004454 yeah we still young there's so much we dN7IL0eUrtE-00016-00004455-00004670 haven't done getting married start a dN7IL0eUrtE-00017-00004671-00004895 family watch my husband with our son dN7IL0eUrtE-00018-00004896-00005143 i wish it could be me but i won't make dN7IL0eUrtE-00019-00005144-00005286 it out this bed dN7IL0eUrtE-00020-00005287-00005511 when i go to heaven hope i'll see you dN7IL0eUrtE-00021-00005512-00005711 once again yeah my life is dN7IL0eUrtE-00022-00005712-00005999 of short but i got so many blessings dN7IL0eUrtE-00023-00006000-00006167 happy you were mine dN7IL0eUrtE-00024-00006168-00006470 sucks that it's all ending don't stay dN7IL0eUrtE-00025-00006472-00006703 away for too long dN7IL0eUrtE-00026-00006704-00007063 don't go to bed i'll make a cup of dN7IL0eUrtE-00027-00007064-00007255 coffee dN7IL0eUrtE-00028-00007256-00007889 [Music] dN7IL0eUrtE-00029-00007890-00008359 [Music] dN7IL0eUrtE-00030-00008360-00008710 i'll make a cup of coffee for your head dN7IL0eUrtE-00031-00008711-00009127 i'll get you up and going out of bed dN7IL0eUrtE-00032-00009128-00009335 yeah i'm happy that you're here with me dN7IL0eUrtE-00033-00009336-00009519 i'm sorry if i tear up dN7IL0eUrtE-00034-00009520-00009751 me you'll be hungry you would always dN7IL0eUrtE-00035-00009752-00009878 make me cheer up dN7IL0eUrtE-00036-00009879-00010119 taking goofy videos or walking through dN7IL0eUrtE-00037-00010120-00010374 the park i would jump into your arms dN7IL0eUrtE-00038-00010375-00010551 every time i heard a bark dN7IL0eUrtE-00039-00010552-00010759 we would cuddle any sheets until you dN7IL0eUrtE-00040-00010760-00010919 sang me sound asleep dN7IL0eUrtE-00041-00010920-00011159 we snuck out of my kitchen at exactly dN7IL0eUrtE-00042-00011160-00011287 one or three dN7IL0eUrtE-00043-00011288-00011510 sundays went to church on mondays dN7IL0eUrtE-00044-00011511-00011719 watching movies soon you'll be dN7IL0eUrtE-00045-00011720-00012006 alone sorry that you have to lose me dN7IL0eUrtE-00046-00012007-00012078 don't dN7IL0eUrtE-00047-00012079-00012438 stay away from don't dN7IL0eUrtE-00048-00012439-00012774 go to bed make a cup dN7IL0eUrtE-00049-00012775-00014007 [Music] dN7IL0eUrtE-00050-00014008-00014351 i'll make a cup of coffee for your head dN7IL0eUrtE-00051-00014352-00015304 i'll get you up and go dplfFqlgzpY-00000-00000079-00000295 so um this brings us to the idea of dplfFqlgzpY-00001-00000296-00000511 earth's magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00002-00000512-00000871 which is generated by motion of dplfFqlgzpY-00003-00000872-00001174 the outer core so let me show you dplfFqlgzpY-00004-00001175-00001383 about magnetic fields and how they're dplfFqlgzpY-00005-00001384-00001478 generated dplfFqlgzpY-00006-00001479-00001574 maybe you've played with an dplfFqlgzpY-00007-00001575-00001807 electromagnet maybe not so this video is dplfFqlgzpY-00008-00001807-00001871 going to just dplfFqlgzpY-00009-00001872-00002071 show you how a magnetic field can be dplfFqlgzpY-00010-00002072-00002334 generated by moving electric charges dplfFqlgzpY-00011-00002335-00002631 so hopefully you should be able to hear dplfFqlgzpY-00012-00002632-00002702 the dplfFqlgzpY-00013-00002703-00003023 sound on this as we play and let me know dplfFqlgzpY-00014-00003024-00003247 if you don't dplfFqlgzpY-00015-00003247-00003606 there we go again dplfFqlgzpY-00016-00003607-00003751 you might already know about regular dplfFqlgzpY-00017-00003752-00003927 magnets they have opposite poles that dplfFqlgzpY-00018-00003928-00004079 attract dplfFqlgzpY-00019-00004079-00004295 similar poles that repel and they can dplfFqlgzpY-00020-00004296-00004479 even attract other metal objects that dplfFqlgzpY-00021-00004480-00004591 don't attract each other dplfFqlgzpY-00022-00004592-00004911 like these paperclips dplfFqlgzpY-00023-00004912-00005079 you can also take a compass which is dplfFqlgzpY-00024-00005080-00005263 itself a small magnet and move it around dplfFqlgzpY-00025-00005264-00005431 near another magnet and the needle will dplfFqlgzpY-00026-00005432-00005683 point in the direction of the magnetic dplfFqlgzpY-00027-00005684-00005815 field dplfFqlgzpY-00028-00005816-00006022 so how does a coil of wire manage to dplfFqlgzpY-00029-00006023-00006327 behave the same way dplfFqlgzpY-00030-00006328-00006486 it turns out that moving electrical dplfFqlgzpY-00031-00006487-00006678 charge or current creates a magnetic dplfFqlgzpY-00032-00006679-00006775 field dplfFqlgzpY-00033-00006776-00006919 watch what happens when i connect this dplfFqlgzpY-00034-00006920-00007167 piece of wire to a battery dplfFqlgzpY-00035-00007168-00007327 it makes the compass needle move just dplfFqlgzpY-00036-00007328-00007503 like a magnet did so we know the wire dplfFqlgzpY-00037-00007504-00007798 must be creating a magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00038-00007800-00007991 this magnetic field takes a circular dplfFqlgzpY-00039-00007992-00008183 shape around the wire like this dplfFqlgzpY-00040-00008184-00008351 however the magnetic field around a dplfFqlgzpY-00041-00008352-00008551 single straight wire is very weak dplfFqlgzpY-00042-00008552-00008703 not enough to pick up even one of these dplfFqlgzpY-00043-00008704-00008863 paperclips dplfFqlgzpY-00044-00008864-00009023 you can make the magnetic field much dplfFqlgzpY-00045-00009024-00009214 stronger by wrapping the wire into a dplfFqlgzpY-00046-00009215-00009399 coil called a solenoid dplfFqlgzpY-00047-00009400-00009574 this causes the fields around each dplfFqlgzpY-00048-00009575-00009774 individual turn of wire to add up to dplfFqlgzpY-00049-00009775-00009942 make a much stronger more uniform dplfFqlgzpY-00050-00009943-00010135 magnetic field similar to that of a bar dplfFqlgzpY-00051-00010136-00010351 magnet like this dplfFqlgzpY-00052-00010352-00010567 okay so what i was trying to illustrate dplfFqlgzpY-00053-00010568-00010823 here is simply that we can use dplfFqlgzpY-00054-00010824-00011087 moving electric charges or current to dplfFqlgzpY-00055-00011088-00011135 create dplfFqlgzpY-00056-00011136-00011342 a magnetic field and this is how the dplfFqlgzpY-00057-00011343-00011527 earth's magnetic field is generated dplfFqlgzpY-00058-00011528-00011742 so i'm going to explain now the shape of dplfFqlgzpY-00059-00011743-00012055 the magnetic field and how that arises dplfFqlgzpY-00060-00012056-00012223 so there's a simulation that you can dplfFqlgzpY-00061-00012224-00012446 play with if you want to dplfFqlgzpY-00062-00012447-00012727 that explores this shape here for how a dplfFqlgzpY-00063-00012728-00012910 bar magnet's magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00064-00012911-00013102 is similar to an electromagnet's dplfFqlgzpY-00065-00013103-00013230 magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00066-00013231-00013471 so if you take you know your compass and dplfFqlgzpY-00067-00013472-00013599 you put it at all the different dplfFqlgzpY-00068-00013600-00013735 locations around a bar dplfFqlgzpY-00069-00013736-00014022 magnet and then you uh just you know dplfFqlgzpY-00070-00014023-00014071 draw an dplfFqlgzpY-00071-00014072-00014303 arrow in the direction that the compass dplfFqlgzpY-00072-00014304-00014375 is pointing dplfFqlgzpY-00073-00014376-00014527 that the red needle of the compass is dplfFqlgzpY-00074-00014528-00014743 pointing at every location dplfFqlgzpY-00075-00014744-00014927 and then you connect all those arrows dplfFqlgzpY-00076-00014928-00015071 this is what it looks like dplfFqlgzpY-00077-00015072-00015311 so there's you know many lines that come dplfFqlgzpY-00078-00015312-00015391 out of the dplfFqlgzpY-00079-00015391-00015671 north magnetic pole wrap around and then dplfFqlgzpY-00080-00015672-00015966 enter back in at the south magnetic pole dplfFqlgzpY-00081-00015968-00016158 all right so you might have seen this dplfFqlgzpY-00082-00016159-00016271 magnetic field shape dplfFqlgzpY-00083-00016272-00016599 before you can demonstrate this directly dplfFqlgzpY-00084-00016600-00016767 i don't have this equipment on hand dplfFqlgzpY-00085-00016768-00016911 otherwise i would show it to you as a dplfFqlgzpY-00086-00016912-00017007 demonstration dplfFqlgzpY-00087-00017008-00017230 but if you have iron filings then you dplfFqlgzpY-00088-00017231-00017350 can put the bar dplfFqlgzpY-00089-00017351-00017671 magnet or the electromagnet in or on top dplfFqlgzpY-00090-00017672-00017799 of those and then dplfFqlgzpY-00091-00017800-00018086 trace out these arcing magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00092-00018087-00018263 lines dplfFqlgzpY-00093-00018264-00018511 and something to notice here is that the dplfFqlgzpY-00094-00018512-00018719 magnetic field is very strong dplfFqlgzpY-00095-00018720-00019022 near the poles of the magnet because dplfFqlgzpY-00096-00019023-00019207 this is where all of the magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00097-00019208-00019255 lines dplfFqlgzpY-00098-00019256-00019558 originate and end in other regions those dplfFqlgzpY-00099-00019559-00019886 magnetic field lines appear less dense dplfFqlgzpY-00100-00019887-00020167 okay so here's the same image just kind dplfFqlgzpY-00101-00020168-00020383 of superimposed on that dplfFqlgzpY-00102-00020384-00020639 iron filing just so you can see the dplfFqlgzpY-00103-00020640-00020807 connection here between dplfFqlgzpY-00104-00020808-00021183 how you know all the magnetic filings dplfFqlgzpY-00105-00021184-00021239 which dplfFqlgzpY-00106-00021240-00021455 act as tiny compass needles orient dplfFqlgzpY-00107-00021456-00021775 themselves in the magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00108-00021776-00022047 all right so the earth's magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00109-00022048-00022230 is basically just like that it's dplfFqlgzpY-00110-00022231-00022558 effectively a huge bar magnet and dplfFqlgzpY-00111-00022559-00022822 the south magnetic pole is actually near dplfFqlgzpY-00112-00022823-00023071 the north geographic pole dplfFqlgzpY-00113-00023072-00023335 and it's actually not aligned perfectly dplfFqlgzpY-00114-00023336-00023542 with earth's spin axis dplfFqlgzpY-00115-00023543-00023855 so the magnetic axis isn't right on dplfFqlgzpY-00116-00023856-00024350 the spin axis the north magnetic pole dplfFqlgzpY-00117-00024351-00024671 drifts around let's see i'm not sure dplfFqlgzpY-00118-00024672-00024822 where it is right now actually dplfFqlgzpY-00119-00024823-00024983 but recently it's been in sort of dplfFqlgzpY-00120-00024984-00025191 northern canada sometimes it's been in dplfFqlgzpY-00121-00025192-00025375 some of the northern parts of russia dplfFqlgzpY-00122-00025376-00025670 so the you know the the magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00123-00025672-00025718 isn't dplfFqlgzpY-00124-00025719-00026014 always um completely fixed in space it dplfFqlgzpY-00125-00026016-00026214 can move the magnetic poles can drift dplfFqlgzpY-00126-00026216-00026270 around dplfFqlgzpY-00127-00026272-00026646 and sometimes it even flips completely dplfFqlgzpY-00128-00026647-00026862 all right and so how is this generated dplfFqlgzpY-00129-00026863-00026999 and how is this similar to an dplfFqlgzpY-00130-00027000-00027167 electromagnet dplfFqlgzpY-00131-00027168-00027367 um this comes down to the idea of dynamo dplfFqlgzpY-00132-00027368-00027607 theory so the idea is that the dplfFqlgzpY-00133-00027608-00027935 the inner core is um very hot and it's dplfFqlgzpY-00134-00027936-00028095 still releasing heat dplfFqlgzpY-00135-00028095-00028374 left over from the planet's formation an dplfFqlgzpY-00136-00028375-00028446 outer core dplfFqlgzpY-00137-00028447-00028743 being a liquid is able to convect this dplfFqlgzpY-00138-00028744-00028790 heat dplfFqlgzpY-00139-00028791-00029095 so just like a boiling pot of water dplfFqlgzpY-00140-00029095-00029407 the hot material rises away and as it dplfFqlgzpY-00141-00029408-00029614 cools then it falls back in this dplfFqlgzpY-00142-00029616-00029735 convection dplfFqlgzpY-00143-00029736-00030111 mixed with the rotation of the earth dplfFqlgzpY-00144-00030112-00030279 causes the dplfFqlgzpY-00145-00030280-00030535 flow of liquid in the outer core to be dplfFqlgzpY-00146-00030536-00030702 organized into these sort of dplfFqlgzpY-00147-00030703-00031007 spiral shaped tubes so dplfFqlgzpY-00148-00031008-00031343 these shapes are quite complicated dplfFqlgzpY-00149-00031344-00031646 and but overall they look you know dplfFqlgzpY-00150-00031647-00031862 generally like the electromagnetic coils dplfFqlgzpY-00151-00031863-00031974 right dplfFqlgzpY-00152-00031975-00032251 and so essentially it's as if you have dplfFqlgzpY-00153-00032252-00032431 electromagnetic coils dplfFqlgzpY-00154-00032432-00032702 in the outer core of the earth and those dplfFqlgzpY-00155-00032703-00032911 are generating the magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00156-00032912-00033159 in the same lines as we see from a bar dplfFqlgzpY-00157-00033160-00033223 magnet dplfFqlgzpY-00158-00033224-00033527 because of the shape of the dplfFqlgzpY-00159-00033528-00033767 moving metallic material that is dplfFqlgzpY-00160-00033768-00033999 generating the field dplfFqlgzpY-00161-00034000-00034231 all right so now you can see also why it dplfFqlgzpY-00162-00034232-00034415 is maybe not a very stable dplfFqlgzpY-00163-00034416-00034631 shape right because it's made from a dplfFqlgzpY-00164-00034632-00034790 moving fluid dplfFqlgzpY-00165-00034791-00035023 and this is liable to change from you dplfFqlgzpY-00166-00035024-00035102 know changes dplfFqlgzpY-00167-00035103-00035471 in how that heat is um convected dplfFqlgzpY-00168-00035472-00035711 out through the outer core and also dplfFqlgzpY-00169-00035712-00035807 changes in dplfFqlgzpY-00170-00035808-00036143 earth's rotation right the axial tilt dplfFqlgzpY-00171-00036144-00036390 also changes well the location of the dplfFqlgzpY-00172-00036391-00036551 axis changes over time dplfFqlgzpY-00173-00036552-00036807 so all this liquid can be redistributed dplfFqlgzpY-00174-00036808-00036935 due to all those dplfFqlgzpY-00175-00036936-00037279 factors okay so this is an image of the dplfFqlgzpY-00176-00037280-00037390 magnetosphere dplfFqlgzpY-00177-00037391-00037574 and the reason that we care so much dplfFqlgzpY-00178-00037575-00037711 about magnetic fields dplfFqlgzpY-00179-00037712-00037862 and want to know if other planets have dplfFqlgzpY-00180-00037863-00038118 them is because it's very protective dplfFqlgzpY-00181-00038119-00038551 for life on earth so the sun generates dplfFqlgzpY-00182-00038552-00038727 not only light but also charged dplfFqlgzpY-00183-00038728-00038999 particles which we call the solar wind dplfFqlgzpY-00184-00039000-00039255 and our magnetic field shields us from dplfFqlgzpY-00185-00039256-00039423 this solar wind dplfFqlgzpY-00186-00039424-00039783 the shape of our magnetosphere is also dplfFqlgzpY-00187-00039784-00039951 shaped by the solar wind so it's dplfFqlgzpY-00188-00039952-00040023 shortest dplfFqlgzpY-00189-00040024-00040262 you know in the direction that the solar dplfFqlgzpY-00190-00040263-00040383 wind is traveling from dplfFqlgzpY-00191-00040384-00040662 and it's kind of swept back in our arc dplfFqlgzpY-00192-00040663-00040743 like dplfFqlgzpY-00193-00040744-00041039 i don't know fluid-like shape um in the dplfFqlgzpY-00194-00041040-00041239 opposite direction dplfFqlgzpY-00195-00041240-00041574 and the effect of the solar wind can be dplfFqlgzpY-00196-00041575-00041623 seen dplfFqlgzpY-00197-00041624-00041830 in the form of aurora which is like the dplfFqlgzpY-00198-00041831-00042023 fake background i have behind me dplfFqlgzpY-00199-00042024-00042262 um and so those aurora are caused when dplfFqlgzpY-00200-00042263-00042446 these charged particles dplfFqlgzpY-00201-00042447-00042758 uh encounter the magnetic field they can dplfFqlgzpY-00202-00042759-00042895 spiral along and dplfFqlgzpY-00203-00042896-00043174 funnel in to the earth along those dplfFqlgzpY-00204-00043175-00043343 magnetic field lines dplfFqlgzpY-00205-00043344-00043662 and they drop down into the atmosphere dplfFqlgzpY-00206-00043663-00043871 and in the atmosphere they can interact dplfFqlgzpY-00207-00043872-00044055 with molecules in the air dplfFqlgzpY-00208-00044056-00044302 causing them to glow so the different dplfFqlgzpY-00209-00044303-00044455 colors that you see dplfFqlgzpY-00210-00044456-00044758 come from different species of air dplfFqlgzpY-00211-00044759-00044911 molecules dplfFqlgzpY-00212-00044912-00045151 and different energies of charged dplfFqlgzpY-00213-00045152-00045374 particles dplfFqlgzpY-00214-00045375-00045727 okay so based on this idea uh just take dplfFqlgzpY-00215-00045728-00045983 one minute to think about this uh dplfFqlgzpY-00216-00045984-00046071 question dplfFqlgzpY-00217-00046072-00046255 and just type your ideas into the chat dplfFqlgzpY-00218-00046256-00046455 don't hit send yet dplfFqlgzpY-00219-00046456-00046727 but the question is why would we have dplfFqlgzpY-00220-00046728-00046774 more dplfFqlgzpY-00221-00046775-00047102 aurorae during or near the polar regions dplfFqlgzpY-00222-00047103-00047407 based on this image dplfFqlgzpY-00223-00047408-00047599 okay good ideas i'm seeing here that dplfFqlgzpY-00224-00047600-00047799 it's due to the amount of the magnetic dplfFqlgzpY-00225-00047800-00048143 field in those regions and this picture dplfFqlgzpY-00226-00048144-00048423 doesn't make it as clear as the our last dplfFqlgzpY-00227-00048424-00048537 picture dplfFqlgzpY-00228-00048538-00048718 [Music] dplfFqlgzpY-00229-00048719-00049062 here that there's a higher density dplfFqlgzpY-00230-00049063-00049423 of field lines near the polar regions dplfFqlgzpY-00231-00049424-00049639 and so you can imagine almost these iron dplfFqlgzpY-00232-00049640-00049823 filings as being dplfFqlgzpY-00233-00049824-00050062 the charged particles from the solar dplfFqlgzpY-00234-00050063-00050151 wind dplfFqlgzpY-00235-00050152-00050318 funneling along those magnetic field dplfFqlgzpY-00236-00050319-00050527 lines if they're free to move here dplfFqlgzpY-00237-00050528-00050662 they're not because you know friction dplfFqlgzpY-00238-00050663-00050751 with the surface dplfFqlgzpY-00239-00050752-00050911 that they're sitting on but if they were dplfFqlgzpY-00240-00050912-00051086 free to move then they they dplfFqlgzpY-00241-00051087-00051279 would all migrate along those magnetic dplfFqlgzpY-00242-00051279-00051535 field lines to the poles dplfFqlgzpY-00243-00051536-00051758 all right so that's why we see more dplfFqlgzpY-00244-00051759-00051935 aurora near the poles because dplfFqlgzpY-00245-00051936-00052126 the magnetic field lines are funneling dplfFqlgzpY-00246-00052127-00052438 all the objects in that direction dplfFqlgzpY-00247-00052439-00052582 there's a high density of field lines dplfFqlgzpY-00248-00052583-00052719 there so there's more particles dplfFqlgzpY-00249-00052720-00052850 available to interact with the dplfFqlgzpY-00250-00052851-00053151 atmosphere dPCYvsoeqbM-00000-00000032-00000342 go dPCYvsoeqbM-00001-00000343-00000671 hello everyone um i'm dPCYvsoeqbM-00002-00000672-00000878 daniel kinser i work for the wikimedia dPCYvsoeqbM-00003-00000880-00000991 foundation in the dPCYvsoeqbM-00004-00000992-00001262 core platform team and today i would dPCYvsoeqbM-00005-00001263-00001327 like dPCYvsoeqbM-00006-00001328-00001599 to talk to you about untangling media dPCYvsoeqbM-00007-00001600-00001823 wiki dPCYvsoeqbM-00008-00001823-00002030 this is really awkward right kind of dPCYvsoeqbM-00009-00002032-00002142 talking to myself dPCYvsoeqbM-00010-00002143-00002302 so i don't even know whether you can dPCYvsoeqbM-00011-00002303-00002583 hear me i sincerely hope that dPCYvsoeqbM-00012-00002584-00002958 someone will tell me if it's not working dPCYvsoeqbM-00013-00002959-00003166 i don't know if there's three people dPCYvsoeqbM-00014-00003167-00003343 still having coffee or if there's dPCYvsoeqbM-00015-00003344-00003743 30 people um eagerly awaiting my words dPCYvsoeqbM-00016-00003744-00004086 so this is a little bit odd um but dPCYvsoeqbM-00017-00004087-00004367 i'll i'll do my best and we'll get dPCYvsoeqbM-00018-00004368-00004783 started dPCYvsoeqbM-00019-00004784-00005159 so this dPCYvsoeqbM-00020-00005160-00005375 this presentation i think is useful dPCYvsoeqbM-00021-00005376-00005502 mostly for people dPCYvsoeqbM-00022-00005503-00005711 who are working on media wiki extensions dPCYvsoeqbM-00023-00005712-00005999 or contributing to media wiki core dPCYvsoeqbM-00024-00006000-00006414 but also to people who may be dPCYvsoeqbM-00025-00006415-00006575 interested just what the foundation is dPCYvsoeqbM-00026-00006576-00006895 up to maybe also dPCYvsoeqbM-00027-00006895-00007214 maybe also to understand what why some dPCYvsoeqbM-00028-00007215-00007398 things are just taking as long as they dPCYvsoeqbM-00029-00007400-00007703 as they do take right so dPCYvsoeqbM-00030-00007704-00007927 yeah over over the years media wiki has dPCYvsoeqbM-00031-00007928-00008070 grown into a big dPCYvsoeqbM-00032-00008072-00008383 ball of mud a big tangle of code dPCYvsoeqbM-00033-00008384-00008807 of classes that all refer to each other dPCYvsoeqbM-00034-00008808-00009135 i have a nice story somewhere dPCYvsoeqbM-00035-00009136-00009471 about how we got where we are dPCYvsoeqbM-00036-00009472-00009687 it involves a winged elephant with a hat dPCYvsoeqbM-00037-00009688-00009823 on unfortunately dPCYvsoeqbM-00038-00009824-00009991 i think we won't have time for that dPCYvsoeqbM-00039-00009992-00010231 today but i'm happy to tell it some dPCYvsoeqbM-00040-00010232-00010503 other time dPCYvsoeqbM-00041-00010504-00010671 so yeah it kind of looks like this dPCYvsoeqbM-00042-00010672-00010806 except it's way worse dPCYvsoeqbM-00043-00010807-00011110 right there's just hundreds and hundreds dPCYvsoeqbM-00044-00011111-00011287 of classes and there is no rhyme or dPCYvsoeqbM-00045-00011288-00011406 reason dPCYvsoeqbM-00046-00011407-00011799 to what depends on what dPCYvsoeqbM-00047-00011800-00012151 and that makes things hard to understand dPCYvsoeqbM-00048-00012152-00012310 it makes it hard to fix it makes it hard dPCYvsoeqbM-00049-00012311-00012406 to predict what dPCYvsoeqbM-00050-00012407-00012559 or what what effects the change will dPCYvsoeqbM-00051-00012560-00012759 have dPCYvsoeqbM-00052-00012760-00012958 so we want to break this up we want to dPCYvsoeqbM-00053-00012959-00013158 break it into components dPCYvsoeqbM-00054-00013159-00013638 and the dPCYvsoeqbM-00055-00013640-00013943 maybe we want to uh separate out dPCYvsoeqbM-00056-00013944-00014127 things that are responsible for our user dPCYvsoeqbM-00057-00014128-00014391 interface or for a search layer dPCYvsoeqbM-00058-00014391-00014622 maybe something for managing page dPCYvsoeqbM-00059-00014623-00014791 content something else for managing dPCYvsoeqbM-00060-00014791-00014871 users dPCYvsoeqbM-00061-00014872-00015286 and so on having things broken into dPCYvsoeqbM-00062-00015287-00015407 components dPCYvsoeqbM-00063-00015408-00015647 is good in general right um it makes dPCYvsoeqbM-00064-00015647-00015822 things easier to understand dPCYvsoeqbM-00065-00015823-00016111 it makes things easier to change it dPCYvsoeqbM-00066-00016112-00016191 makes dPCYvsoeqbM-00067-00016191-00016430 it allows individual parts to be reused dPCYvsoeqbM-00068-00016431-00016671 without depending on the rest dPCYvsoeqbM-00069-00016672-00016935 and um it also provides a way to have dPCYvsoeqbM-00070-00016936-00017319 clear ownership of parts of the code dPCYvsoeqbM-00071-00017320-00017711 so a part of the platform engineering dPCYvsoeqbM-00072-00017712-00017743 team dPCYvsoeqbM-00073-00017744-00018071 set out on an expedition to dPCYvsoeqbM-00074-00018072-00018383 untangle mediawiki core and we call it dPCYvsoeqbM-00075-00018384-00018527 an expedition because we know where we dPCYvsoeqbM-00076-00018528-00018679 want to get to dPCYvsoeqbM-00077-00018680-00018958 we know the rough direction uh we know dPCYvsoeqbM-00078-00018959-00019094 the first few steps dPCYvsoeqbM-00079-00019095-00019343 but we but after that all the details dPCYvsoeqbM-00080-00019344-00019567 are unknown right we we are sure we will dPCYvsoeqbM-00081-00019568-00019830 encounter obstacles and surprises dPCYvsoeqbM-00082-00019831-00020030 maybe we'll get snowed in or hit a dPCYvsoeqbM-00083-00020031-00020207 canyon and have to backtrack dPCYvsoeqbM-00084-00020208-00020391 that's just how it is if you want to dPCYvsoeqbM-00085-00020392-00020575 know more about this dPCYvsoeqbM-00086-00020576-00020767 you can find more information about the dPCYvsoeqbM-00087-00020768-00020878 expedition team dPCYvsoeqbM-00088-00020879-00021222 on mediawiki for the media wiki wiki dPCYvsoeqbM-00089-00021223-00021614 of course so the very first dPCYvsoeqbM-00090-00021615-00021943 step is to break apart big dPCYvsoeqbM-00091-00021944-00022230 classes that kind of straddle the dPCYvsoeqbM-00092-00022231-00022383 boundaries between dPCYvsoeqbM-00093-00022384-00022991 the different components dPCYvsoeqbM-00094-00022992-00023207 and these classes kind of everything dPCYvsoeqbM-00095-00023208-00023407 kind of depends on them and they are big dPCYvsoeqbM-00096-00023408-00023639 themselves and depend on a lot of things dPCYvsoeqbM-00097-00023640-00023830 so they tie everything together into dPCYvsoeqbM-00098-00023831-00023983 this big knot dPCYvsoeqbM-00099-00023984-00024191 they're kind of like the the naughtiest dPCYvsoeqbM-00100-00024192-00024303 bit of the knot dPCYvsoeqbM-00101-00024304-00024494 and if you have ever worked with media dPCYvsoeqbM-00102-00024495-00024727 wiki code you know these classes dPCYvsoeqbM-00103-00024728-00025039 they are called title and user language dPCYvsoeqbM-00104-00025040-00025350 and so on they represent the the core dPCYvsoeqbM-00105-00025351-00025503 concepts we have dPCYvsoeqbM-00106-00025504-00025790 but um because of that they kind of dPCYvsoeqbM-00107-00025791-00025950 encompass everything right everything dPCYvsoeqbM-00108-00025951-00026039 uses them dPCYvsoeqbM-00109-00026039-00026343 and they use everything dPCYvsoeqbM-00110-00026344-00026567 uh and also they are kind of unclear i dPCYvsoeqbM-00111-00026568-00026758 just said that they represent our core dPCYvsoeqbM-00112-00026760-00026855 concepts dPCYvsoeqbM-00113-00026856-00027095 but these concepts have become blurry dPCYvsoeqbM-00114-00027095-00027158 over time dPCYvsoeqbM-00115-00027160-00027479 or have grown in scope so for instance a dPCYvsoeqbM-00116-00027480-00027535 title dPCYvsoeqbM-00117-00027536-00027767 has a page id unless the page doesn't dPCYvsoeqbM-00118-00027768-00027855 exist yet dPCYvsoeqbM-00119-00027856-00028055 and it has a namespace unless it's an dPCYvsoeqbM-00120-00028056-00028167 enter wiki link dPCYvsoeqbM-00121-00028168-00028390 and it has a page name unless it's a dPCYvsoeqbM-00122-00028391-00028639 relative section jump on the same page dPCYvsoeqbM-00123-00028639-00028943 it has it has an associated talk page dPCYvsoeqbM-00124-00028944-00029143 unless it's a special page and there's dPCYvsoeqbM-00125-00029144-00029287 really no part dPCYvsoeqbM-00126-00029288-00029487 of the title that you can be sure that dPCYvsoeqbM-00127-00029488-00029718 it will be there dPCYvsoeqbM-00128-00029719-00029990 similarly a title can be viewed unless dPCYvsoeqbM-00129-00029991-00030095 you send it dPCYvsoeqbM-00130-00030095-00030327 into wikilink then we can maybe redirect dPCYvsoeqbM-00131-00030327-00030495 you but we can show it dPCYvsoeqbM-00132-00030495-00030670 it can be watched in your watchlist dPCYvsoeqbM-00133-00030672-00030839 unless it's a section jump dPCYvsoeqbM-00134-00030839-00031118 right you can rename a title unless it's dPCYvsoeqbM-00135-00031119-00031223 a special page dPCYvsoeqbM-00136-00031224-00031423 so there's really also no operation that dPCYvsoeqbM-00137-00031424-00031535 you can be sure dPCYvsoeqbM-00138-00031536-00031911 you can perform on a title object dPCYvsoeqbM-00139-00031912-00032095 and that makes things really unclear and dPCYvsoeqbM-00140-00032095-00032302 confusing dPCYvsoeqbM-00141-00032303-00032614 and unclear and confusing vocabulary uh dPCYvsoeqbM-00142-00032616-00032935 leads to frustration and bugs dPCYvsoeqbM-00143-00032936-00033183 so our mission is to replace these dPCYvsoeqbM-00144-00033184-00033390 monster classes that bind the code into dPCYvsoeqbM-00145-00033391-00033518 a big knot dPCYvsoeqbM-00146-00033519-00033767 uh with the lightweight vocabulary that dPCYvsoeqbM-00147-00033768-00034079 we can use to communicate between these dPCYvsoeqbM-00148-00034080-00034318 between these components without these dPCYvsoeqbM-00149-00034319-00034390 components dPCYvsoeqbM-00150-00034391-00034559 depending on each other knowing about dPCYvsoeqbM-00151-00034560-00034951 each other dPCYvsoeqbM-00152-00034952-00035215 so we are fighting the monster classes dPCYvsoeqbM-00153-00035216-00035527 the first monster class that got slain dPCYvsoeqbM-00154-00035528-00035790 was revision that actually happened dPCYvsoeqbM-00155-00035791-00035911 quite a while ago dPCYvsoeqbM-00156-00035912-00036230 currently we are using we are working on dPCYvsoeqbM-00157-00036231-00036615 the user class and the title class and dPCYvsoeqbM-00158-00036616-00036895 after that we will look at the language dPCYvsoeqbM-00159-00036896-00037230 class dPCYvsoeqbM-00160-00037231-00037607 for a rough roadmap in media wiki 1.36 dPCYvsoeqbM-00161-00037608-00037927 we have introduced dPCYvsoeqbM-00162-00037928-00038118 a number of new interfaces and value dPCYvsoeqbM-00163-00038119-00038351 objects to represent concepts dPCYvsoeqbM-00164-00038352-00038607 that were previously covered by user and dPCYvsoeqbM-00165-00038608-00038830 title dPCYvsoeqbM-00166-00038831-00039151 in 1.37 we will see dPCYvsoeqbM-00167-00039152-00039399 a lot of old methods and interfaces be dPCYvsoeqbM-00168-00039400-00039623 deprecated dPCYvsoeqbM-00169-00039624-00039935 and in particular in 1.37 we will start dPCYvsoeqbM-00170-00039936-00040135 to migrate hook interfaces away from dPCYvsoeqbM-00171-00040136-00040327 using the old types dPCYvsoeqbM-00172-00040328-00040583 which typically involves replacing the dPCYvsoeqbM-00173-00040584-00040911 hook with a new one unfortunately dPCYvsoeqbM-00174-00040912-00041246 and in 1.38 i hope that we can start to dPCYvsoeqbM-00175-00041247-00041662 delete the old stuff so we can actually dPCYvsoeqbM-00176-00041663-00041974 see the benefits of of replacing them dPCYvsoeqbM-00177-00041975-00042127 as long as we have all the old stuff dPCYvsoeqbM-00178-00042128-00042302 still around for compatibility dPCYvsoeqbM-00179-00042303-00042583 we are just we add kind of like a nice dPCYvsoeqbM-00180-00042584-00042758 alternative to the old tangle but the dPCYvsoeqbM-00181-00042759-00043255 tangle is still there right dPCYvsoeqbM-00182-00043256-00043574 so for the title class we introdu dPCYvsoeqbM-00183-00043575-00043783 a long time ago already we introduced a dPCYvsoeqbM-00184-00043784-00043951 link target interface dPCYvsoeqbM-00185-00043952-00044230 that basically represents whatever you dPCYvsoeqbM-00186-00044231-00044311 can dPCYvsoeqbM-00187-00044312-00044639 put between square brackets um as a wiki dPCYvsoeqbM-00188-00044640-00044846 link dPCYvsoeqbM-00189-00044847-00045246 and now um in addition to that dPCYvsoeqbM-00190-00045247-00045415 we introduced the idea of a page dPCYvsoeqbM-00191-00045416-00045662 reference and the page identity and the dPCYvsoeqbM-00192-00045663-00045743 page record dPCYvsoeqbM-00193-00045744-00045918 not a page page record what happened dPCYvsoeqbM-00194-00045919-00046215 there okay uh i'll fix that later dPCYvsoeqbM-00195-00046216-00046599 um so a page reference is dPCYvsoeqbM-00196-00046600-00046774 also kind of like what you can link to dPCYvsoeqbM-00197-00046775-00046902 in an interwiki link dPCYvsoeqbM-00198-00046903-00047207 except that it's just a simple interview dPCYvsoeqbM-00199-00047208-00047527 sorry what you can link to with a wiki dPCYvsoeqbM-00200-00047528-00047590 link dPCYvsoeqbM-00201-00047591-00047807 but not an interwiki link not a section dPCYvsoeqbM-00202-00047808-00047911 jump dPCYvsoeqbM-00203-00047912-00048143 not all of that just a simple link to a dPCYvsoeqbM-00204-00048144-00048318 page that takes you to a different page dPCYvsoeqbM-00205-00048319-00048486 on the same wiki right dPCYvsoeqbM-00206-00048487-00048815 um page identity is the same but it's dPCYvsoeqbM-00207-00048816-00048990 only for pages in the database so it dPCYvsoeqbM-00208-00048991-00049199 would not be special pages dPCYvsoeqbM-00209-00049200-00049367 just pages that have a page id in the dPCYvsoeqbM-00210-00049368-00049655 talk page and page record would include dPCYvsoeqbM-00211-00049656-00049830 all the meta information like dPCYvsoeqbM-00212-00049831-00049990 when the page was last touched what the dPCYvsoeqbM-00213-00049991-00050518 latest revision is and so on dPCYvsoeqbM-00214-00050519-00050830 user we are breaking apart into dPCYvsoeqbM-00215-00050831-00051023 a user identity that's basically just a dPCYvsoeqbM-00216-00051024-00051190 user id and name dPCYvsoeqbM-00217-00051191-00051423 an authority object that represents dPCYvsoeqbM-00218-00051424-00051526 everything dPCYvsoeqbM-00219-00051527-00051742 that a user can do in the current dPCYvsoeqbM-00220-00051744-00051926 request including dPCYvsoeqbM-00221-00051927-00052135 any restrictions on the ip address or dPCYvsoeqbM-00222-00052136-00052302 any restrictions imposed by dPCYvsoeqbM-00223-00052303-00052703 oauth grants and so on and in the future dPCYvsoeqbM-00224-00052704-00052887 we will probably introduce something dPCYvsoeqbM-00225-00052888-00053087 representing the user account dPCYvsoeqbM-00226-00053088-00053238 with all the metadata about when the dPCYvsoeqbM-00227-00053239-00053575 user joined how many edits they have dPCYvsoeqbM-00228-00053576-00054007 their email address and so on dPCYvsoeqbM-00229-00054008-00054326 over the last few months we have made dPCYvsoeqbM-00230-00054327-00054638 quite a bit of progress the dPCYvsoeqbM-00231-00054639-00054919 yellow and red lines that started up dPCYvsoeqbM-00232-00054920-00055175 start out at the very top of this graph dPCYvsoeqbM-00233-00055176-00055494 represent user and title the the biggest dPCYvsoeqbM-00234-00055495-00055615 monster classes dPCYvsoeqbM-00235-00055616-00055871 and you can see their usage slowly dPCYvsoeqbM-00236-00055872-00056047 declining over time dPCYvsoeqbM-00237-00056048-00056319 while the usage of the alternatives has dPCYvsoeqbM-00238-00056320-00056471 been picking up dPCYvsoeqbM-00239-00056472-00056775 you can watch this progress dPCYvsoeqbM-00240-00056776-00056991 using the link on the slide it's the dPCYvsoeqbM-00241-00056991-00057159 monster monitor dPCYvsoeqbM-00242-00057160-00057471 running on tool forge dPCYvsoeqbM-00243-00057472-00057799 this has been a very useful compass dPCYvsoeqbM-00244-00057800-00058079 i'll say like every measurement right it dPCYvsoeqbM-00245-00058079-00058247 only gives a rough idea of what's dPCYvsoeqbM-00246-00058248-00058342 happening dPCYvsoeqbM-00247-00058344-00058550 but it shows that we are moving in the dPCYvsoeqbM-00248-00058551-00059279 right direction dPCYvsoeqbM-00249-00059279-00059607 so the art here is to dPCYvsoeqbM-00250-00059608-00059863 you know move slowly and avoid breaking dPCYvsoeqbM-00251-00059864-00060015 things dPCYvsoeqbM-00252-00060016-00060350 because media wiki is not just dPCYvsoeqbM-00253-00060351-00060503 you know the software that brings you dPCYvsoeqbM-00254-00060504-00060750 wikipedia is of course a framework that dPCYvsoeqbM-00255-00060751-00060879 others build up on dPCYvsoeqbM-00256-00060879-00061182 and so we have to provide a stable dPCYvsoeqbM-00257-00061183-00061415 interface that people can rely on dPCYvsoeqbM-00258-00061416-00061735 and um we have worked to refine the dPCYvsoeqbM-00259-00061736-00061935 stable interface policy for mediawiki dPCYvsoeqbM-00260-00061936-00061999 quite a bit dPCYvsoeqbM-00261-00062000-00062463 over the last months and years and dPCYvsoeqbM-00262-00062464-00062671 the idea here was to give people more dPCYvsoeqbM-00263-00062672-00062823 certainty what they can rely on dPCYvsoeqbM-00264-00062824-00063023 while at the same time giving core dPCYvsoeqbM-00265-00063024-00063159 developers more freedom dPCYvsoeqbM-00266-00063160-00063447 and more clarity on what they can change dPCYvsoeqbM-00267-00063448-00063606 in general if you're developing an dPCYvsoeqbM-00268-00063607-00063726 extension dPCYvsoeqbM-00269-00063727-00063991 calling things in core is fine right if dPCYvsoeqbM-00270-00063991-00064103 it's public dPCYvsoeqbM-00271-00064104-00064463 you can call it however you should dPCYvsoeqbM-00272-00064464-00064766 in general not be instantiating classes dPCYvsoeqbM-00273-00064767-00065015 you should not extend classes and you dPCYvsoeqbM-00274-00065016-00065215 should not directly dPCYvsoeqbM-00275-00065216-00065447 override methods or implement interfaces dPCYvsoeqbM-00276-00065448-00065631 unless they are marked dPCYvsoeqbM-00277-00065632-00066031 to be safe for this purpose um dPCYvsoeqbM-00278-00066032-00066287 another thing that is worth noting is dPCYvsoeqbM-00279-00066288-00066415 that dPCYvsoeqbM-00280-00066416-00066543 the implementation of the stable dPCYvsoeqbM-00281-00066544-00066775 interface policy relies a lot on the dPCYvsoeqbM-00282-00066776-00066919 code search tool dPCYvsoeqbM-00283-00066920-00067263 so which allows us to search not dPCYvsoeqbM-00284-00067264-00067503 only through core and all the extensions dPCYvsoeqbM-00285-00067504-00067631 maintained by dPCYvsoeqbM-00286-00067632-00067911 uh the foundation but everything else on dPCYvsoeqbM-00287-00067912-00068023 garrett as well dPCYvsoeqbM-00288-00068024-00068350 plus a number of repositories hosted dPCYvsoeqbM-00289-00068351-00068463 elsewhere dPCYvsoeqbM-00290-00068464-00068703 um the mediawiki stakeholder group is dPCYvsoeqbM-00291-00068704-00068915 maintaining a list of dPCYvsoeqbM-00292-00068916-00069343 non-wikimedia foundation extensions dPCYvsoeqbM-00293-00069344-00069582 most of them hosted on github and this dPCYvsoeqbM-00294-00069583-00069726 repository just has dPCYvsoeqbM-00295-00069727-00069911 a list of submodules that list all these dPCYvsoeqbM-00296-00069912-00070079 extensions and everything that is in dPCYvsoeqbM-00297-00070080-00070159 there dPCYvsoeqbM-00298-00070160-00070463 is reachable by code search so dPCYvsoeqbM-00299-00070464-00070703 we know about it when we do refactorings dPCYvsoeqbM-00300-00070704-00070782 so if you're dPCYvsoeqbM-00301-00070783-00071119 if you um develop an extension dPCYvsoeqbM-00302-00071120-00071367 and it's not in garrett and you want us dPCYvsoeqbM-00303-00071368-00071559 to be aware dPCYvsoeqbM-00304-00071560-00071862 of how you use core and what we should dPCYvsoeqbM-00305-00071863-00072047 whether we need to be careful not to dPCYvsoeqbM-00306-00072048-00072223 break your extension when dPCYvsoeqbM-00307-00072224-00072438 making changes you should make sure that dPCYvsoeqbM-00308-00072439-00072559 you get yourself dPCYvsoeqbM-00309-00072560-00072871 into that list which i believe is as dPCYvsoeqbM-00310-00072872-00073023 simple as making a pull request dPCYvsoeqbM-00311-00073024-00073415 on github dPCYvsoeqbM-00312-00073416-00073687 now how do we change things without dPCYvsoeqbM-00313-00073688-00073806 breaking them dPCYvsoeqbM-00314-00073807-00074006 uh there is a little compatibility dance dPCYvsoeqbM-00315-00074007-00074150 that we came up with dPCYvsoeqbM-00316-00074151-00074350 it's explained in detail on the dPCYvsoeqbM-00317-00074351-00074615 expedition page as well dPCYvsoeqbM-00318-00074616-00074791 we basically make we define new dPCYvsoeqbM-00319-00074792-00074926 interfaces we make dPCYvsoeqbM-00320-00074927-00075247 the old class implement these interfaces dPCYvsoeqbM-00321-00075248-00075559 we change dPCYvsoeqbM-00322-00075560-00075838 the method signatures to accept the new dPCYvsoeqbM-00323-00075839-00075991 types dPCYvsoeqbM-00324-00075992-00076343 and then we replace methods that return dPCYvsoeqbM-00325-00076344-00076455 the old classes dPCYvsoeqbM-00326-00076456-00076687 and eventually we can remove the old dPCYvsoeqbM-00327-00076688-00076823 class dPCYvsoeqbM-00328-00076824-00077062 this is very abstract i just wanted this dPCYvsoeqbM-00329-00077063-00077150 to be here dPCYvsoeqbM-00330-00077151-00077455 as a summary i've tried to visualize the dPCYvsoeqbM-00331-00077456-00077735 idea dPCYvsoeqbM-00332-00077736-00078126 here the red circles are in dPCYvsoeqbM-00333-00078127-00078319 okay the the grayish blocks right are dPCYvsoeqbM-00334-00078320-00078511 methods with a with the header dPCYvsoeqbM-00335-00078512-00078831 that defines the method signature and a dPCYvsoeqbM-00336-00078832-00078887 body dPCYvsoeqbM-00337-00078888-00079255 that represents the implementation dPCYvsoeqbM-00338-00079256-00079550 and the circles of course are the dPCYvsoeqbM-00339-00079551-00079671 expected type dPCYvsoeqbM-00340-00079672-00079911 and the red the the dots are whatever is dPCYvsoeqbM-00341-00079912-00080103 actually used dPCYvsoeqbM-00342-00080104-00080471 inside the implementation dPCYvsoeqbM-00343-00080472-00080775 and we start out with just the old types dPCYvsoeqbM-00344-00080776-00080959 being used everywhere right dPCYvsoeqbM-00345-00080960-00081262 and an attractive idea would be to just dPCYvsoeqbM-00346-00081263-00081479 look at one class and just replace dPCYvsoeqbM-00347-00081480-00081871 the old stuff with the new stuff but dPCYvsoeqbM-00348-00081872-00082118 then if we only have the new type and we dPCYvsoeqbM-00349-00082119-00082294 try to use it dPCYvsoeqbM-00350-00082295-00082543 to access some other component some dPCYvsoeqbM-00351-00082544-00082662 other class dPCYvsoeqbM-00352-00082663-00082855 that expects still expects the old type dPCYvsoeqbM-00353-00082856-00083031 then things clash right dPCYvsoeqbM-00354-00083032-00083399 uh that won't work so um dPCYvsoeqbM-00355-00083400-00083582 you would have to find an order where dPCYvsoeqbM-00356-00083583-00083767 you kind of do the basic things dPCYvsoeqbM-00357-00083768-00083926 first that don't depend on anything and dPCYvsoeqbM-00358-00083927-00084087 then build on top of that dPCYvsoeqbM-00359-00084088-00084350 but the very problem we are trying to dPCYvsoeqbM-00360-00084351-00084479 solve is that dPCYvsoeqbM-00361-00084480-00084687 everything is tangled in cycles of dPCYvsoeqbM-00362-00084688-00084806 dependencies dPCYvsoeqbM-00363-00084807-00085038 so there is no such order that would be dPCYvsoeqbM-00364-00085039-00085382 safe dPCYvsoeqbM-00365-00085383-00085703 so what we do instead is we modify dPCYvsoeqbM-00366-00085704-00085926 only the signatures at first and dPCYvsoeqbM-00367-00085927-00086111 internally wherever we need it we dPCYvsoeqbM-00368-00086112-00086206 convert dPCYvsoeqbM-00369-00086207-00086703 from the new type to the old type dPCYvsoeqbM-00370-00086704-00086894 which in most cases is just a cast not dPCYvsoeqbM-00371-00086895-00087223 an actual conversion so it's quick dPCYvsoeqbM-00372-00087224-00087494 and so any calls to other components dPCYvsoeqbM-00373-00087495-00087623 will still work as before dPCYvsoeqbM-00374-00087624-00087982 right and eventually all the signatures dPCYvsoeqbM-00375-00087983-00088294 except the new type dPCYvsoeqbM-00376-00088295-00088447 even if the implementations have not dPCYvsoeqbM-00377-00088448-00088655 been changed dPCYvsoeqbM-00378-00088656-00088871 but at this point we can very easily dPCYvsoeqbM-00379-00088872-00089071 change the implementations one by one or dPCYvsoeqbM-00380-00089072-00089150 all at once dPCYvsoeqbM-00381-00089151-00089335 because we know everything is already dPCYvsoeqbM-00382-00089336-00089503 accepting the new types dPCYvsoeqbM-00383-00089504-00089831 and this also works across component dPCYvsoeqbM-00384-00089832-00090311 boundaries between extension boundaries dPCYvsoeqbM-00385-00090312-00090543 so what we're doing doing is replacing dPCYvsoeqbM-00386-00090544-00090759 the monster classes that bind the code dPCYvsoeqbM-00387-00090760-00090935 into a big knot dPCYvsoeqbM-00388-00090936-00091206 with a lightweight vocabulary of for dPCYvsoeqbM-00389-00091207-00091367 communicating between components dPCYvsoeqbM-00390-00091368-00091950 as i said before without breaking things dPCYvsoeqbM-00391-00091951-00092238 so a little time check here because i dPCYvsoeqbM-00392-00092239-00092311 have dPCYvsoeqbM-00393-00092312-00092599 more information about how exactly we do dPCYvsoeqbM-00394-00092600-00092679 this dPCYvsoeqbM-00395-00092680-00092959 with respect with respect to extensions dPCYvsoeqbM-00396-00092960-00093135 and with respect to dPCYvsoeqbM-00397-00093136-00093438 how the new classes and interfaces dPCYvsoeqbM-00398-00093439-00093591 relate to each other dPCYvsoeqbM-00399-00093592-00093918 but um i only have five minutes left to dPCYvsoeqbM-00400-00093919-00094023 speak dPCYvsoeqbM-00401-00094024-00094159 and i would like to know if there's dPCYvsoeqbM-00402-00094160-00094447 already questions or comments dPCYvsoeqbM-00403-00094448-00094582 so if there's already questions or dPCYvsoeqbM-00404-00094583-00094759 comments let me know dPCYvsoeqbM-00405-00094760-00095111 there are ifp questions i think dPCYvsoeqbM-00406-00095112-00095367 it's gonna be three minutes to answer dPCYvsoeqbM-00407-00095368-00095431 them dPCYvsoeqbM-00408-00095432-00095703 so you can like seven minutes to speak dPCYvsoeqbM-00409-00095704-00095982 more dPCYvsoeqbM-00410-00095983-00096367 okay um dPCYvsoeqbM-00411-00096368-00096591 i think i will skip over the part where dPCYvsoeqbM-00412-00096592-00096862 how we do this in extensions dPCYvsoeqbM-00413-00096863-00097111 if there are questions that relate to dPCYvsoeqbM-00414-00097112-00097391 that we can come back to these slides dPCYvsoeqbM-00415-00097392-00097574 i will talk about the type system a dPCYvsoeqbM-00416-00097575-00097759 little bit because dPCYvsoeqbM-00417-00097760-00098126 if you are observing the changes being dPCYvsoeqbM-00418-00098127-00098238 made to core dPCYvsoeqbM-00419-00098239-00098423 it might be a little bit confusing what dPCYvsoeqbM-00420-00098424-00098703 we are up to there dPCYvsoeqbM-00421-00098704-00099047 as i said we are trying to replace title dPCYvsoeqbM-00422-00099048-00099255 or let's say one aspect of title dPCYvsoeqbM-00423-00099256-00099511 with the idea of a page reference page dPCYvsoeqbM-00424-00099512-00099759 reference is basically anything that dPCYvsoeqbM-00425-00099760-00100135 you can visit as a page on the wiki dPCYvsoeqbM-00426-00100136-00100303 right something that will show up as a dPCYvsoeqbM-00427-00100304-00100582 page title in the url dPCYvsoeqbM-00428-00100583-00100774 it just internally it just has the db dPCYvsoeqbM-00429-00100775-00100903 key so the normalized dPCYvsoeqbM-00430-00100904-00101359 name and the namespace id dPCYvsoeqbM-00431-00101360-00101647 derived from that we have the page dPCYvsoeqbM-00432-00101648-00101718 identity dPCYvsoeqbM-00433-00101719-00102031 which also has a page id dPCYvsoeqbM-00434-00102032-00102326 where the page this doesn't have to dPCYvsoeqbM-00435-00102327-00102463 exist but it dPCYvsoeqbM-00436-00102464-00102623 would need to be something that can be dPCYvsoeqbM-00437-00102624-00102823 created right so it's not a special page dPCYvsoeqbM-00438-00102824-00102958 for instance dPCYvsoeqbM-00439-00102959-00103142 and on top of that we have a page record dPCYvsoeqbM-00440-00103143-00103310 that's always an existing page dPCYvsoeqbM-00441-00103311-00103639 that has all the metadata dPCYvsoeqbM-00442-00103640-00103815 for all for these three interfaces we dPCYvsoeqbM-00443-00103816-00104086 have a an implementation that is just a dPCYvsoeqbM-00444-00104088-00104215 value object dPCYvsoeqbM-00445-00104216-00104439 um that doesn't depend on any services dPCYvsoeqbM-00446-00104440-00104575 and that is not mutable dPCYvsoeqbM-00447-00104576-00104934 so kind of the idea ideal that we want dPCYvsoeqbM-00448-00104935-00105215 problem is how do we get code from using dPCYvsoeqbM-00449-00105216-00105358 title dPCYvsoeqbM-00450-00105359-00105654 to and and wiki page actually um to dPCYvsoeqbM-00451-00105655-00105815 using the new types dPCYvsoeqbM-00452-00105816-00106023 and to allow for the transition in the dPCYvsoeqbM-00453-00106024-00106134 way that i dPCYvsoeqbM-00454-00106135-00106454 uh described earlier we need dPCYvsoeqbM-00455-00106455-00106727 the old classes to be compatible with dPCYvsoeqbM-00456-00106728-00106999 the new interfaces dPCYvsoeqbM-00457-00107000-00107199 for instance title implements page dPCYvsoeqbM-00458-00107200-00107310 identity because dPCYvsoeqbM-00459-00107311-00107702 title can be a page identity right it dPCYvsoeqbM-00460-00107703-00107975 often is unfortunately it's not actually dPCYvsoeqbM-00461-00107976-00108207 always a page identity a title object dPCYvsoeqbM-00462-00108208-00108383 can also just be a relative section john dPCYvsoeqbM-00463-00108383-00108519 born in turkey link dPCYvsoeqbM-00464-00108520-00108831 so making it a page identity dPCYvsoeqbM-00465-00108832-00109110 is well a little bit cheeky right kind dPCYvsoeqbM-00466-00109111-00109375 of a lie dPCYvsoeqbM-00467-00109376-00109686 so what we did is we made title dPCYvsoeqbM-00468-00109688-00110047 implement the page identity dPCYvsoeqbM-00469-00110048-00110247 interface and then we made another dPCYvsoeqbM-00470-00110248-00110486 interface the proper page identity dPCYvsoeqbM-00471-00110488-00110710 that actually provides all the dPCYvsoeqbM-00472-00110711-00110854 guarantees of the page dPCYvsoeqbM-00473-00110855-00111119 actually being able to be created a page dPCYvsoeqbM-00474-00111120-00111215 identity dPCYvsoeqbM-00475-00111216-00111502 looks like something that can be created dPCYvsoeqbM-00476-00111503-00111615 as a page dPCYvsoeqbM-00477-00111616-00111831 but it could still happen that the dPCYvsoeqbM-00478-00111832-00111983 object that you have dPCYvsoeqbM-00479-00111983-00112302 is actually can't be created and if you dPCYvsoeqbM-00480-00112303-00112351 try dPCYvsoeqbM-00481-00112352-00112534 something will explode so you will have dPCYvsoeqbM-00482-00112535-00112799 to check on the page identity dPCYvsoeqbM-00483-00112800-00113078 which you know in this stage things are dPCYvsoeqbM-00484-00113079-00113119 just dPCYvsoeqbM-00485-00113120-00113390 a little bit confusing and you have a dPCYvsoeqbM-00486-00113391-00113647 lot of different interfaces to juggle dPCYvsoeqbM-00487-00113648-00113847 we have a similar situation with wiki dPCYvsoeqbM-00488-00113848-00114054 page dPCYvsoeqbM-00489-00114055-00114295 a page record right page wiki page can dPCYvsoeqbM-00490-00114296-00114615 represent a page that does not yet exist dPCYvsoeqbM-00491-00114616-00114863 and is about to be created so page dPCYvsoeqbM-00492-00114864-00115102 record in that case has all the metadata dPCYvsoeqbM-00493-00115103-00115215 set to null dPCYvsoeqbM-00494-00115216-00115407 and if you try to access it things go dPCYvsoeqbM-00495-00115408-00115607 wrong which is kind of unfortunate dPCYvsoeqbM-00496-00115608-00115839 so we have the existing page record dPCYvsoeqbM-00497-00115840-00115927 interface dPCYvsoeqbM-00498-00115928-00116119 that gives all the entities and of dPCYvsoeqbM-00499-00116120-00116271 course the new dPCYvsoeqbM-00500-00116272-00116615 value objects implement these dPCYvsoeqbM-00501-00116616-00117039 the interfaces that give more guarantees dPCYvsoeqbM-00502-00117040-00117334 but keep in mind that this is temporary dPCYvsoeqbM-00503-00117335-00117447 once all the code dPCYvsoeqbM-00504-00117448-00117766 is dPCYvsoeqbM-00505-00117767-00118015 migrated away from the old types we can dPCYvsoeqbM-00506-00118016-00118134 fix this dPCYvsoeqbM-00507-00118135-00118390 the idea is that the only implementation dPCYvsoeqbM-00508-00118391-00118519 of page identity dPCYvsoeqbM-00509-00118520-00118734 that is not at the same time sorry the dPCYvsoeqbM-00510-00118735-00118902 only implementation of page identity dPCYvsoeqbM-00511-00118903-00118999 that is not dPCYvsoeqbM-00512-00119000-00119247 a proper page identity is the old title dPCYvsoeqbM-00513-00119248-00119343 class dPCYvsoeqbM-00514-00119344-00119551 similarly the only implementation of dPCYvsoeqbM-00515-00119552-00119654 wiki page dPCYvsoeqbM-00516-00119655-00120175 that is not an existing page record dPCYvsoeqbM-00517-00120176-00120502 is sorry the only implementation of page dPCYvsoeqbM-00518-00120503-00120647 record that is not an existing page dPCYvsoeqbM-00519-00120648-00120695 record dPCYvsoeqbM-00520-00120696-00120934 is wiki page so once all the code is dPCYvsoeqbM-00521-00120935-00121127 migrated away from using the old dPCYvsoeqbM-00522-00121128-00121486 types we can make them aliases dPCYvsoeqbM-00523-00121488-00121695 right page identity proper page identity dPCYvsoeqbM-00524-00121696-00121839 will just be the same thing dPCYvsoeqbM-00525-00121840-00121999 existing page record and page record dPCYvsoeqbM-00526-00122000-00122143 will just be the same thing dPCYvsoeqbM-00527-00122144-00122486 because we got rid of the old classes dPCYvsoeqbM-00528-00122488-00122710 that violate these guarantees dPCYvsoeqbM-00529-00122711-00122966 and we will again end up with a clean dPCYvsoeqbM-00530-00122967-00123063 type system dPCYvsoeqbM-00531-00123064-00123366 and we can retire the additional names dPCYvsoeqbM-00532-00123367-00123671 eventually so this is dPCYvsoeqbM-00533-00123672-00124166 how five minutes by the way dPCYvsoeqbM-00534-00124167-00124478 five minute warning okay thank you um dPCYvsoeqbM-00535-00124479-00124863 yeah so this is how we go about dPCYvsoeqbM-00536-00124864-00125358 doing this compatibility dance dPCYvsoeqbM-00537-00125359-00125666 and we are well we are about to release dPCYvsoeqbM-00538-00125667-00125831 1.36 dPCYvsoeqbM-00539-00125832-00126014 we will be doing this for quite a while dPCYvsoeqbM-00540-00126015-00126286 yet i would expect to get to this clean dPCYvsoeqbM-00541-00126288-00126486 situation sorry here dPCYvsoeqbM-00542-00126488-00126958 in perhaps 1.38 dPCYvsoeqbM-00543-00126959-00127183 so we only got started on this dPCYvsoeqbM-00544-00127183-00127454 expedition dPCYvsoeqbM-00545-00127455-00127702 and uh you'll have to bear with us it'll dPCYvsoeqbM-00546-00127703-00127854 take a while but i dPCYvsoeqbM-00547-00127855-00128166 really hope it will be worth it thank dPCYvsoeqbM-00548-00128167-00128295 you that's it from me dPCYvsoeqbM-00549-00128296-00128734 um so what are the questions dPCYvsoeqbM-00550-00128735-00129023 thanks a lot uh let me ask them very dPCYvsoeqbM-00551-00129024-00129214 fast dPCYvsoeqbM-00552-00129215-00129399 will title value die with this dPCYvsoeqbM-00553-00129400-00129790 refactoring dPCYvsoeqbM-00554-00129791-00130166 no title value is the value object dPCYvsoeqbM-00555-00130167-00130295 implementation dPCYvsoeqbM-00556-00130296-00130623 of link target the name is a bit dPCYvsoeqbM-00557-00130624-00130839 unfortunate and i have been dPCYvsoeqbM-00558-00130840-00131063 thinking about renaming it the name dPCYvsoeqbM-00559-00131064-00131239 could be changed to something like dPCYvsoeqbM-00560-00131240-00131559 a link target value but title value dPCYvsoeqbM-00561-00131560-00131935 as an idea will stay dPCYvsoeqbM-00562-00131936-00132327 okay we have three more questions left dPCYvsoeqbM-00563-00132328-00132543 is there a specific place that discuss dPCYvsoeqbM-00564-00132544-00133335 vocabulary used in the api dPCYvsoeqbM-00565-00133336-00133671 not really um i'm trying to think dPCYvsoeqbM-00566-00133672-00133990 um in the api dPCYvsoeqbM-00567-00133991-00134335 oh you mean the web api in terms of just dPCYvsoeqbM-00568-00134336-00134599 the the terms like use page instead of dPCYvsoeqbM-00569-00134600-00135023 title or something like that dPCYvsoeqbM-00570-00135024-00135183 all this refactoring does not really dPCYvsoeqbM-00571-00135184-00135327 touch on the api dPCYvsoeqbM-00572-00135328-00135639 but i can see that it can be confusing dPCYvsoeqbM-00573-00135640-00135847 to use the word title in one place and dPCYvsoeqbM-00574-00135848-00135959 page in the other dPCYvsoeqbM-00575-00135960-00136151 when it means the same thing and dPCYvsoeqbM-00576-00136152-00136614 sometimes it doesn't right dPCYvsoeqbM-00577-00136615-00136799 and another question what is the best dPCYvsoeqbM-00578-00136800-00137039 way to follow this by looking at the dPCYvsoeqbM-00579-00137040-00137366 expedition page updates dPCYvsoeqbM-00580-00137367-00137702 um the best way to follow this is dPCYvsoeqbM-00581-00137703-00137911 probably the fabricator board dPCYvsoeqbM-00582-00137912-00138239 we have there's an expedition tag on dPCYvsoeqbM-00583-00138240-00138487 fabricator dPCYvsoeqbM-00584-00138488-00138687 we are not i have to admit that we are dPCYvsoeqbM-00585-00138688-00138823 not super great dPCYvsoeqbM-00586-00138824-00139102 at tracking every change but you can dPCYvsoeqbM-00587-00139103-00139319 follow the overall progress and the the dPCYvsoeqbM-00588-00139320-00139527 overall epics there dPCYvsoeqbM-00589-00139528-00139775 i can add a link where should i post a dPCYvsoeqbM-00590-00139776-00140119 link dPCYvsoeqbM-00591-00140120-00140478 i can put it um dPCYvsoeqbM-00592-00140479-00140695 sorry you can later put it to telegram dPCYvsoeqbM-00593-00140696-00140863 maybe because i i dPCYvsoeqbM-00594-00140864-00141135 i don't think you have a stream chat dPCYvsoeqbM-00595-00141136-00141254 here dPCYvsoeqbM-00596-00141255-00141502 okay i will do that and will do a dPCYvsoeqbM-00597-00141503-00141735 presentation be published dPCYvsoeqbM-00598-00141736-00142047 this was another question uh yes dPCYvsoeqbM-00599-00142048-00142351 i would very much like uh the dPCYvsoeqbM-00600-00142352-00142566 um well the recording to be published dPCYvsoeqbM-00601-00142567-00142678 and um dPCYvsoeqbM-00602-00142679-00142902 i can also put the slides online i think dPCYvsoeqbM-00603-00142903-00143111 the slides by themselves dPCYvsoeqbM-00604-00143112-00143447 are not super helpful but i can put them dPCYvsoeqbM-00605-00143448-00143735 up on comments anyway okay and the last dPCYvsoeqbM-00606-00143736-00143878 question dPCYvsoeqbM-00607-00143879-00144302 um would a internalized localizable api dPCYvsoeqbM-00608-00144303-00144559 something practicable roughly speaking dPCYvsoeqbM-00609-00144560-00144966 ability to alias classes or methods dPCYvsoeqbM-00610-00144967-00145231 i did not quite understand the question dPCYvsoeqbM-00611-00145232-00145454 an internalized sorry what dPCYvsoeqbM-00612-00145455-00145759 internalized localizable api dPCYvsoeqbM-00613-00145760-00146102 is it something practical practicable dPCYvsoeqbM-00614-00146103-00146431 the question is this a dPCYvsoeqbM-00615-00146432-00146887 localizable api dPCYvsoeqbM-00616-00146888-00147087 i'm trying to think what kind of api is dPCYvsoeqbM-00617-00147088-00147263 meant here i'm not quite sure i dPCYvsoeqbM-00618-00147264-00147447 understand dPCYvsoeqbM-00619-00147448-00147863 is is the idea that we have a web api dPCYvsoeqbM-00620-00147864-00148183 where the uh dPCYvsoeqbM-00621-00148184-00148559 the module names and parameters are in dPCYvsoeqbM-00622-00148560-00148766 are not in english maybe that is the dPCYvsoeqbM-00623-00148767-00148990 idea uh that's really unrelated to this dPCYvsoeqbM-00624-00148991-00149087 refactoring dPCYvsoeqbM-00625-00149088-00149311 but i'm not quite sure i understand we dPCYvsoeqbM-00626-00149312-00149454 can perhaps discuss it dPCYvsoeqbM-00627-00149455-00149831 um on irc or our telegram dPCYvsoeqbM-00628-00149832-00150078 okay and the next the another question dPCYvsoeqbM-00629-00150079-00150319 came where is the expedition page dPCYvsoeqbM-00630-00150320-00150551 so uh you already said you will send it dPCYvsoeqbM-00631-00150552-00150647 to the dPCYvsoeqbM-00632-00150648-00150975 telegram yeah dPCYvsoeqbM-00633-00150976-00151214 yeah i will send i will put links uh dPCYvsoeqbM-00634-00151215-00151414 into into the chat uh dPCYvsoeqbM-00635-00151415-00151590 the expedition page you can just search dPCYvsoeqbM-00636-00151591-00151799 for mediawiki.org for expedition and you dPCYvsoeqbM-00637-00151800-00151966 should find it dPCYvsoeqbM-00638-00151967-00152175 okay now we have to finish this session dPCYvsoeqbM-00639-00152176-00152399 thanks a lot daniel dPCYvsoeqbM-00640-00152400-00152767 thank you bye dQ6sHmhp0JY-00000-00000000-00000461 a sadhu i AST sadhu male sadhvi or sod dQ6sHmhp0JY-00001-00000462-00000703 vine female also spelled sadhu is a dQ6sHmhp0JY-00002-00000704-00000944 religious ascetic mendicant monk or any dQ6sHmhp0JY-00003-00000944-00001181 holy person in Hinduism and Jainism who dQ6sHmhp0JY-00004-00001182-00001345 has renounced the worldly life dQ6sHmhp0JY-00005-00001346-00001549 they are sometimes alternatively dQ6sHmhp0JY-00006-00001550-00001841 referred to as Jogi sannyasi or Vairagya dQ6sHmhp0JY-00007-00001842-00002048 it literally means one who practices at dQ6sHmhp0JY-00008-00002049-00002251 sadhana or keenly follows a path of dQ6sHmhp0JY-00009-00002252-00002492 spiritual discipline although the vast dQ6sHmhp0JY-00010-00002493-00002723 majority of sadhus are Yogi's not all dQ6sHmhp0JY-00011-00002724-00003005 Yogi's are sadhus the sadhu is solely dQ6sHmhp0JY-00012-00003006-00003256 dedicated to achieving moxa liberation dQ6sHmhp0JY-00013-00003257-00003490 the fourth and final Ostrava stage of dQ6sHmhp0JY-00014-00003492-00003635 life through meditation and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00015-00003636-00003913 contemplation of Brahman sadhus often dQ6sHmhp0JY-00016-00003914-00004118 wears simple clothing such saffron dQ6sHmhp0JY-00017-00004119-00004334 colored clothing in Hinduism white or dQ6sHmhp0JY-00018-00004335-00004526 nothing in Jainism symbolizing their dQ6sHmhp0JY-00019-00004527-00004736 sannyasa renunciation of worldly dQ6sHmhp0JY-00020-00004737-00004994 possessions a female mendicant in dQ6sHmhp0JY-00021-00004995-00005213 Hinduism and Jainism is often called a dQ6sHmhp0JY-00022-00005214-00005720 sadhvi or in some texts as Arika dQ6sHmhp0JY-00023-00005721-00006247 topic etymology dQ6sHmhp0JY-00024-00006248-00006556 the term sadhu Sanskrit sadhu appears in dQ6sHmhp0JY-00025-00006556-00006751 Rig Veda and atharvaveda where it means dQ6sHmhp0JY-00026-00006752-00007044 straight right leading straight to goal dQ6sHmhp0JY-00027-00007045-00007315 according to Monier Mounier Williams in dQ6sHmhp0JY-00028-00007316-00007555 the brahmana's layer of Vedic literature dQ6sHmhp0JY-00029-00007556-00007773 the term connotes someone who is well dQ6sHmhp0JY-00030-00007775-00008089 disposed kind willing effective or dQ6sHmhp0JY-00031-00008090-00008395 efficient peaceful secure good virtuous dQ6sHmhp0JY-00032-00008396-00008776 honorable righteous Noble depending on dQ6sHmhp0JY-00033-00008777-00009021 the context in the Hindu epics the term dQ6sHmhp0JY-00034-00009022-00009334 implies someone who is a saint sage seer dQ6sHmhp0JY-00035-00009335-00009696 holy man virtuous chaste honest or right dQ6sHmhp0JY-00036-00009697-00010048 the Sanskrit term sadhu good man and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00037-00010049-00010410 sadhvi good woman refer to renouncers dQ6sHmhp0JY-00038-00010411-00010603 who have chosen to live lives apart from dQ6sHmhp0JY-00039-00010604-00010831 or on the edges of society to focus on dQ6sHmhp0JY-00040-00010832-00011026 their own spiritual practices the words dQ6sHmhp0JY-00041-00011027-00011269 come from the root sod which means reach dQ6sHmhp0JY-00042-00011270-00011671 ones goal make straight or gain power dQ6sHmhp0JY-00043-00011672-00011959 over the same root is used in the word dQ6sHmhp0JY-00044-00011960-00012256 sadhana which means spiritual practice dQ6sHmhp0JY-00045-00012257-00012538 it literally means one who practices at dQ6sHmhp0JY-00046-00012539-00012718 sadhana or a path of spiritual dQ6sHmhp0JY-00047-00012719-00013133 discipline dQ6sHmhp0JY-00048-00013134-00013671 topic demographics and lifestyle dQ6sHmhp0JY-00049-00013672-00013916 there are four to five million sadhus in dQ6sHmhp0JY-00050-00013918-00014061 India today and they are widely dQ6sHmhp0JY-00051-00014062-00014334 respected for their holiness it is also dQ6sHmhp0JY-00052-00014335-00014526 thought that the austere practices of dQ6sHmhp0JY-00053-00014527-00014669 the sadhus helped to burn off their dQ6sHmhp0JY-00054-00014671-00014852 karma and that of the community at large dQ6sHmhp0JY-00055-00014853-00015171 the scene is benefiting society sadhus dQ6sHmhp0JY-00056-00015172-00015351 are supported by donations from many dQ6sHmhp0JY-00057-00015352-00015657 people however reverence of sadhus is by dQ6sHmhp0JY-00058-00015658-00015921 no means universal in India for example dQ6sHmhp0JY-00059-00015922-00016169 math yogi sadhus have been viewed with a dQ6sHmhp0JY-00060-00016171-00016401 certain degree of suspicion particularly dQ6sHmhp0JY-00061-00016402-00016599 amongst the urban populations of India dQ6sHmhp0JY-00062-00016600-00016743 but they have been revered and are dQ6sHmhp0JY-00063-00016744-00016941 popular in rural India there are naked dQ6sHmhp0JY-00064-00016942-00017304 digambara or Skyclad sadhus who wear dQ6sHmhp0JY-00065-00017305-00017463 their hair in thick dreadlocks called dQ6sHmhp0JY-00066-00017464-00017744 Giada sadhus engage in a wide variety of dQ6sHmhp0JY-00067-00017745-00017985 religious practices some practice dQ6sHmhp0JY-00068-00017986-00018240 asceticism and solitary meditation while dQ6sHmhp0JY-00069-00018241-00018456 others prefer group praying chanting or dQ6sHmhp0JY-00070-00018457-00018732 meditating they typically live a simple dQ6sHmhp0JY-00071-00018733-00018921 lifestyle have very few or no dQ6sHmhp0JY-00072-00018922-00019143 possessions survive by food and drinks dQ6sHmhp0JY-00073-00019144-00019338 from leftovers that they beg for or is dQ6sHmhp0JY-00074-00019339-00019635 donated by others many sadhus have rules dQ6sHmhp0JY-00075-00019636-00019833 for alms collection and do not visit the dQ6sHmhp0JY-00076-00019834-00020031 same place twice on different days to dQ6sHmhp0JY-00077-00020032-00020259 avoid bothering the residents they dQ6sHmhp0JY-00078-00020260-00020469 generally walk or travel over distant dQ6sHmhp0JY-00079-00020470-00020672 places homeless visiting temples and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00080-00020673-00020847 pilgrimage centers as a part of their dQ6sHmhp0JY-00081-00020848-00021153 spiritual practice celibacy is common dQ6sHmhp0JY-00082-00021154-00021309 but some sects experiment with dQ6sHmhp0JY-00083-00021310-00021513 consensual tantric sex as a part of dQ6sHmhp0JY-00084-00021514-00021783 their practice sex is viewed by them as dQ6sHmhp0JY-00085-00021784-00021975 a transcendence from a personal intimate dQ6sHmhp0JY-00086-00021976-00022545 act to something impersonal and ascetic dQ6sHmhp0JY-00087-00022546-00023021 topic saddhu sects dQ6sHmhp0JY-00088-00023022-00023499 topic hinduism dQ6sHmhp0JY-00089-00023500-00023788 sheiva Saudis are renunciates devoted to dQ6sHmhp0JY-00090-00023789-00023959 Shiva and Vaishnava sadhus are dQ6sHmhp0JY-00091-00023960-00024163 renouncers devoted to Vishnu or his dQ6sHmhp0JY-00092-00024164-00024409 avatar like Rama or Krishna the dQ6sHmhp0JY-00093-00024410-00024610 Vaishnava sadhus are sometimes referred dQ6sHmhp0JY-00094-00024611-00024886 to as various less numerous are shot two dQ6sHmhp0JY-00095-00024887-00025126 sadhus who are devoted to Shakti within dQ6sHmhp0JY-00096-00025127-00025303 these general divisions are numerous dQ6sHmhp0JY-00097-00025304-00025537 sects and sub sects reflecting different dQ6sHmhp0JY-00098-00025538-00025756 lineages and philosophical schools and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00099-00025757-00025941 traditions often referred to as dQ6sHmhp0JY-00100-00025942-00026159 sampradayas dQ6sHmhp0JY-00101-00026160-00026364 within the Shiva sadhus are many dQ6sHmhp0JY-00102-00026364-00026645 subgroups most Shiva sadhus where a trip dQ6sHmhp0JY-00103-00026646-00026835 and remark on their forehead dress in dQ6sHmhp0JY-00104-00026836-00027068 saffron red or orange color clothes and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00105-00027069-00027368 live a monastic life some sadhus such as dQ6sHmhp0JY-00106-00027369-00027582 the Agora share the practices of ancient dQ6sHmhp0JY-00107-00027583-00027767 capela cos where they beg with a skull dQ6sHmhp0JY-00108-00027768-00027957 smeared their body with ashes from the dQ6sHmhp0JY-00109-00027958-00028145 cremation ground and experiment with dQ6sHmhp0JY-00110-00028146-00028323 substances or practices that are dQ6sHmhp0JY-00111-00028324-00028533 generally abhorred by society the - dQ6sHmhp0JY-00112-00028533-00028736 tsunami sampradaya sadhus belonged to dQ6sHmhp0JY-00113-00028737-00028955 the smarta tradition they are said to dQ6sHmhp0JY-00114-00028956-00029142 have been formed by the philosopher and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00115-00029143-00029367 renunciant Adi Shankara believed to have dQ6sHmhp0JY-00116-00029368-00029558 lived in the 8th century CE II though dQ6sHmhp0JY-00117-00029559-00029748 the full history of the sects formation dQ6sHmhp0JY-00118-00029749-00029990 is not clear among them are the naga dQ6sHmhp0JY-00119-00029991-00030198 subgroups make it sadhu known for dQ6sHmhp0JY-00120-00030199-00030401 carrying weapons like trident swords dQ6sHmhp0JY-00121-00030402-00030695 canes and spears said to have once dQ6sHmhp0JY-00122-00030696-00030867 functioned as an armed order to protect dQ6sHmhp0JY-00123-00030868-00031061 Hindus from the Mughal rulers they were dQ6sHmhp0JY-00124-00031062-00031277 involved in a number of military defense dQ6sHmhp0JY-00125-00031278-00031548 campaigns generally in the ambit of dQ6sHmhp0JY-00126-00031549-00031767 non-violence at present some sections dQ6sHmhp0JY-00127-00031768-00031923 are known to practice wrestling and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00128-00031924-00032177 martial arts their retreats are still dQ6sHmhp0JY-00129-00032178-00032393 called chav nee or armed camps and mock dQ6sHmhp0JY-00130-00032394-00032592 duels are still sometimes held between dQ6sHmhp0JY-00131-00032593-00032943 them female sadhus sadhus exist in many dQ6sHmhp0JY-00132-00032944-00033221 sects in many cases the women that take dQ6sHmhp0JY-00133-00033222-00033414 to the life of renunciation or widows dQ6sHmhp0JY-00134-00033415-00033611 and these types of sod vus often live dQ6sHmhp0JY-00135-00033612-00033924 secluded lives in ascetic compounds sod dQ6sHmhp0JY-00136-00033925-00034124 vests are sometimes regarded by some as dQ6sHmhp0JY-00137-00034125-00034337 manifestations or forms of the goddess dQ6sHmhp0JY-00138-00034338-00034611 or Devi and are honored as such there dQ6sHmhp0JY-00139-00034612-00034824 have been a number of charismatic sadhus dQ6sHmhp0JY-00140-00034825-00035007 that have risen to fame as religious dQ6sHmhp0JY-00141-00035008-00035270 teachers in contemporary India eg dQ6sHmhp0JY-00142-00035271-00035507 anandamayi ma Sarada Devi Mata dQ6sHmhp0JY-00143-00035508-00035987 Amritanandamayi and Karen ma dQ6sHmhp0JY-00144-00035988-00036466 topic Jainism dQ6sHmhp0JY-00145-00036467-00036697 the Jain community has traditionally dQ6sHmhp0JY-00146-00036698-00036889 discussed in its texts with four terms dQ6sHmhp0JY-00147-00036890-00037255 sadhu monks sadhvi or Arika nuns serviço dQ6sHmhp0JY-00148-00037256-00037441 laymen householders and shravaka dQ6sHmhp0JY-00149-00037442-00037756 laylamon householders as in hinduism and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00150-00037757-00037969 buddhism the jain householders support dQ6sHmhp0JY-00151-00037970-00038230 the monastic community the Saudis and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00152-00038231-00038440 sadhus are intertwined with the Jain lay dQ6sHmhp0JY-00153-00038441-00038710 Society performer Tipu huh jina idol dQ6sHmhp0JY-00154-00038711-00038902 worship and lead festive rituals and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00155-00038903-00039049 they are organized in a strongly dQ6sHmhp0JY-00156-00039050-00039259 hierarchical monastic structure there dQ6sHmhp0JY-00157-00039260-00039433 are differences between the digambara dQ6sHmhp0JY-00158-00039434-00039616 and svet embarazada sand sadhvi dQ6sHmhp0JY-00159-00039617-00039925 traditions the digambara sadhus own no dQ6sHmhp0JY-00160-00039926-00040039 clothes as a part of their dQ6sHmhp0JY-00161-00040040-00040237 interpretation of five vows and they dQ6sHmhp0JY-00162-00040238-00040402 live their ascetic austere lives in dQ6sHmhp0JY-00163-00040403-00040687 nakedness the digambara sod vests wear dQ6sHmhp0JY-00164-00040688-00040783 white gloves dQ6sHmhp0JY-00165-00040784-00041029 the svet embarass audicence odd vez both dQ6sHmhp0JY-00166-00041030-00041320 wear white clothes according to a 2009 dQ6sHmhp0JY-00167-00041321-00041584 publication by Harvey J cinema Jain dQ6sHmhp0JY-00168-00041585-00041833 monastic community had 6,000 sod vests dQ6sHmhp0JY-00169-00041834-00042037 of which less than 100 belonged to the dQ6sHmhp0JY-00170-00042038-00042232 digambara tradition and rest - svet dQ6sHmhp0JY-00171-00042233-00042562 Amara dQ6sHmhp0JY-00172-00042563-00043111 topic becoming a sadhu dQ6sHmhp0JY-00173-00043112-00043369 the processes and rituals of becoming a dQ6sHmhp0JY-00174-00043370-00043630 sadhu vary with sect in almost all sects dQ6sHmhp0JY-00175-00043631-00043864 a sadhu is initiated by a guru who dQ6sHmhp0JY-00176-00043865-00044068 bestows upon the initiate a new name as dQ6sHmhp0JY-00177-00044069-00044285 well as a mantra or sacred sound or dQ6sHmhp0JY-00178-00044286-00044476 phrase which is generally known only to dQ6sHmhp0JY-00179-00044477-00044644 the sadhu and the guru and may be dQ6sHmhp0JY-00180-00044645-00044824 repeated by the initiative art of dQ6sHmhp0JY-00181-00044825-00045148 meditative practice becoming a sadhu as dQ6sHmhp0JY-00182-00045149-00045367 a path followed by millions it is dQ6sHmhp0JY-00183-00045368-00045541 supposed to be the fourth phase in a dQ6sHmhp0JY-00184-00045542-00045766 Hindus life after studies being a father dQ6sHmhp0JY-00185-00045767-00045964 and a pilgrim but for most it is not a dQ6sHmhp0JY-00186-00045965-00046232 practical option for a person to become dQ6sHmhp0JY-00187-00046233-00046516 sad who needs Vairagya Vairagya means dQ6sHmhp0JY-00188-00046517-00046717 desire to achieve something by leaving dQ6sHmhp0JY-00189-00046718-00046945 the world cutting familial societal and dQ6sHmhp0JY-00190-00046946-00047155 earthly attachments a person who wants dQ6sHmhp0JY-00191-00047156-00047367 to become sadhu must first seek a guru dQ6sHmhp0JY-00192-00047368-00047674 there he or she must perform giris ava dQ6sHmhp0JY-00193-00047675-00047954 which means service the guru decides dQ6sHmhp0JY-00194-00047955-00048148 whether the person is eligible to take dQ6sHmhp0JY-00195-00048149-00048355 sannyasa by observing the Sitia the dQ6sHmhp0JY-00196-00048356-00048544 person who wants to become a sadhu or dQ6sHmhp0JY-00197-00048545-00048883 sannyasi if the person is eligible guru dQ6sHmhp0JY-00198-00048884-00049102 ooop Adisa which means teachings is done dQ6sHmhp0JY-00199-00049103-00049393 only then the person transforms into dQ6sHmhp0JY-00200-00049394-00049636 sannyasi or sadhu there are different dQ6sHmhp0JY-00201-00049637-00049849 types of sannyasis in india who followed dQ6sHmhp0JY-00202-00049850-00050116 different sampradaya but all scientists dQ6sHmhp0JY-00203-00050117-00050314 have a common goal attaining moksha dQ6sHmhp0JY-00204-00050315-00050764 liberation dQ6sHmhp0JY-00205-00050765-00051234 pick festive gatherings dQ6sHmhp0JY-00206-00051235-00051519 Clou mela a mass gathering of sadhus dQ6sHmhp0JY-00207-00051520-00051704 from all parts of india takes place dQ6sHmhp0JY-00208-00051705-00051917 every three years at one of four points dQ6sHmhp0JY-00209-00051919-00052101 along sacred rivers in India including dQ6sHmhp0JY-00210-00052102-00052473 the holy river Ganges in 2007 it was dQ6sHmhp0JY-00211-00052474-00052758 held in Nasik Maharashtra Peter Owen dQ6sHmhp0JY-00212-00052759-00052979 Jones filmed one episode of extreme dQ6sHmhp0JY-00213-00052980-00053250 pilgrim there during this event it took dQ6sHmhp0JY-00214-00053251-00053571 place again in Haridwar in 2010 sadhus dQ6sHmhp0JY-00215-00053572-00053739 of all sects joined in this reunion dQ6sHmhp0JY-00216-00053740-00054012 millions of non sadhu pilgrims also dQ6sHmhp0JY-00217-00054013-00054207 attend the festivals and the Combe Mela dQ6sHmhp0JY-00218-00054208-00054432 is the largest gathering of human beings dQ6sHmhp0JY-00219-00054433-00054617 for a single religious purpose on the dQ6sHmhp0JY-00220-00054619-00054795 planet the most recent Combe mela dQ6sHmhp0JY-00221-00054796-00055098 started on the 14th of January 2013 at dQ6sHmhp0JY-00222-00055099-00055410 Allahabad at the festival sadhus appear dQ6sHmhp0JY-00223-00055411-00055591 in large numbers including those dQ6sHmhp0JY-00224-00055592-00055878 completely maked with ash smeared bodies dQ6sHmhp0JY-00225-00055879-00056105 who sprint into the chilly waters for a dQ6sHmhp0JY-00226-00056107-00056408 dip at the crack of dawn dQ6sHmhp0JY-00227-00056409-00056826 sadhu dQ6sHmhp0JY-00228-00056827-00057340 topic see also dQ6sHmhp0JY-00229-00057341-00057836 topic notes dQ6sHmhp0JY-00230-00057837-00058354 topic references dQ6sHmhp0JY-00231-00058355-00058870 topic further reading dQ6sHmhp0JY-00232-00058871-00059237 topic external links dQ6sHmhp0JY-00233-00059238-00059416 you dQ6sHmhp0JY-00234-00059417-00059837 one sadhus from India extract from last dQ6sHmhp0JY-00235-00059838-00060275 freemen by jose manuel Novoa interview dQ6sHmhp0JY-00236-00060276-00060491 of a sadhu living inside a cave in the dQ6sHmhp0JY-00237-00060491-00060751 Himalayas episode from Ganga ma a dQ6sHmhp0JY-00238-00060752-00061079 pilgrimage to the source by Pepe ozan dQ6sHmhp0JY-00239-00061079-00061417 and Malita Tchaikovsky dRKByqWUGv4-00000-00000003-00000227 hey guys this is TMF style i'm jose dRKByqWUGv4-00001-00000228-00000374 zuniga and for this week's video we're dRKByqWUGv4-00002-00000375-00000680 gonna be comparing $100 watch to $1,000 dRKByqWUGv4-00003-00000681-00000919 watch now this is derived from a recent dRKByqWUGv4-00004-00000921-00001124 article that I did on the five best dRKByqWUGv4-00005-00001125-00001420 watches under $100 and what I basically dRKByqWUGv4-00006-00001421-00001651 summarized in that article that it dRKByqWUGv4-00007-00001652-00001814 doesn't matter what type of lifestyle dRKByqWUGv4-00008-00001814-00001979 you have if you're a classic man a dRKByqWUGv4-00009-00001980-00002288 rugged man a hipster an active man a dRKByqWUGv4-00010-00002289-00002531 diver whatever it is there is a watch dRKByqWUGv4-00011-00002532-00002710 out there for your lifestyle and you dRKByqWUGv4-00012-00002711-00002906 don't have to spend all that much for it dRKByqWUGv4-00013-00002907-00003211 now to further showcase my point I want dRKByqWUGv4-00014-00003213-00003404 to do a comparison video for you guys dRKByqWUGv4-00015-00003404-00003665 and show you what features are in a dRKByqWUGv4-00016-00003665-00003875 high-end watch and what features are in dRKByqWUGv4-00017-00003876-00004127 a lower-end watch from my own personal dRKByqWUGv4-00018-00004128-00004328 collection so what we're gonna be doing dRKByqWUGv4-00019-00004329-00004508 is we're gonna be comparing a low price dRKByqWUGv4-00020-00004509-00004681 model which would be my armitron dRKByqWUGv4-00021-00004682-00004954 silvertone date-date model and I dRKByqWUGv4-00022-00004955-00005120 actually have talked about this brand dRKByqWUGv4-00023-00005121-00005336 before I have a whole video which I'll dRKByqWUGv4-00024-00005337-00005470 have it on the iCard above me on dRKByqWUGv4-00025-00005471-00005636 affordable watches and why I like the dRKByqWUGv4-00026-00005637-00005831 brand and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna dRKByqWUGv4-00027-00005832-00006029 compare it to my higher-end vintage dRKByqWUGv4-00028-00006030-00006418 Rolex Oyster 6480 now to be fair neither dRKByqWUGv4-00029-00006419-00006610 of these watches are exactly a hundred dRKByqWUGv4-00030-00006611-00006796 or a thousand the Rolex is a little bit dRKByqWUGv4-00031-00006797-00007028 more than a thousand and the armitron is dRKByqWUGv4-00032-00007029-00007210 not a hundred it's actually a little bit dRKByqWUGv4-00033-00007211-00007510 less at around 65 so but for title dRKByqWUGv4-00034-00007511-00007631 purposes I just thought it'd look dRKByqWUGv4-00035-00007631-00007820 cleaner to round it to a hundred and dRKByqWUGv4-00036-00007820-00007994 then just times it by ten and leave it dRKByqWUGv4-00037-00007995-00008189 at that so let's get started with the dRKByqWUGv4-00038-00008190-00008357 video alright guys so here are the two dRKByqWUGv4-00039-00008358-00008524 watches that we're gonna be comparing on dRKByqWUGv4-00040-00008525-00008770 the Left we have the Rolex Oyster dRKByqWUGv4-00041-00008771-00009064 vintage Rolex Oyster and then on the dRKByqWUGv4-00042-00009065-00009344 right we have my Armitron date-date dRKByqWUGv4-00043-00009345-00009539 silvertone model that I was talking dRKByqWUGv4-00044-00009540-00009806 about I tried to keep it as close as dRKByqWUGv4-00045-00009807-00009995 possible in again I was trying to use dRKByqWUGv4-00046-00009996-00010148 things from my own collection they don't dRKByqWUGv4-00047-00010149-00010342 want to buy anything so you know these dRKByqWUGv4-00048-00010343-00010528 are two similar watches that I have dRKByqWUGv4-00049-00010529-00010688 they're both you know very classic dRKByqWUGv4-00050-00010689-00010880 obviously you have you know the two most dRKByqWUGv4-00051-00010881-00011102 obvious things is one has a date-date dRKByqWUGv4-00052-00011103-00011384 one does not and one is a bigger case dRKByqWUGv4-00053-00011385-00011651 than another but in essence is almost dRKByqWUGv4-00054-00011652-00011876 the same style of a classic wristwatch dRKByqWUGv4-00055-00011877-00012074 so first we're gonna start with the dRKByqWUGv4-00056-00012075-00012253 armitron and just for a little bit of dRKByqWUGv4-00057-00012254-00012533 history behind the armitron the Armitron dRKByqWUGv4-00058-00012534-00012734 brand actually has been around for over dRKByqWUGv4-00059-00012735-00013024 50 years it was actually established by dRKByqWUGv4-00060-00013025-00013124 a gentleman named dRKByqWUGv4-00061-00013125-00013487 eugen good luck at around 1956 the cool dRKByqWUGv4-00062-00013488-00013694 thing about that is that they were one dRKByqWUGv4-00063-00013694-00013934 of the first companies to introduce dRKByqWUGv4-00064-00013935-00014228 affordable watches to the mass markets dRKByqWUGv4-00065-00014229-00014384 they made it affordable to men and as dRKByqWUGv4-00066-00014385-00014534 you know today if you've been on dRKByqWUGv4-00067-00014535-00014663 Instagram or anything that's kind of the dRKByqWUGv4-00068-00014663-00014903 trend now you you see a lot of new dRKByqWUGv4-00069-00014904-00015230 startup companies and trying to do just dRKByqWUGv4-00070-00015231-00015522 that produce quality affordable watches dRKByqWUGv4-00071-00015524-00015791 like I said what I like about this brand dRKByqWUGv4-00072-00015791-00015950 is that it's reputable it's a brand dRKByqWUGv4-00073-00015951-00016147 that's been around for a while most of dRKByqWUGv4-00074-00016149-00016325 the production from my understanding is dRKByqWUGv4-00075-00016326-00016631 made in China the movement is Japanese dRKByqWUGv4-00076-00016632-00016787 quartz that's pretty much the best you dRKByqWUGv4-00077-00016788-00016979 can get when it comes to quartz and it dRKByqWUGv4-00078-00016980-00017168 is the most accurate like I have spoken dRKByqWUGv4-00079-00017169-00017369 about before so a little bit about the dRKByqWUGv4-00080-00017370-00017555 specs about this watch that we're gonna dRKByqWUGv4-00081-00017556-00017741 be comparing against the first one so dRKByqWUGv4-00082-00017742-00017924 the first thing is the price this watch dRKByqWUGv4-00083-00017925-00018269 is at $65 free shipping on their website dRKByqWUGv4-00084-00018270-00018452 that's the first thing and one of the dRKByqWUGv4-00085-00018453-00018692 major things I would like to compare the dRKByqWUGv4-00086-00018693-00018851 good thing is that most of this brand is dRKByqWUGv4-00087-00018852-00018994 pretty popular and you can find it in dRKByqWUGv4-00088-00018995-00019181 major retailers I believe you can find dRKByqWUGv4-00089-00019182-00019372 anime C's I know you can find it at dRKByqWUGv4-00090-00019373-00019646 JCPenny I know you can get an Amazon so dRKByqWUGv4-00091-00019647-00019775 you can go to these stores and actually dRKByqWUGv4-00092-00019776-00020030 feel the watches themselves one thing dRKByqWUGv4-00093-00020031-00020222 that I can tell you is that I really dRKByqWUGv4-00094-00020223-00020375 like that the weight of it it doesn't dRKByqWUGv4-00095-00020376-00020582 feel empty or kind of hollow like dRKByqWUGv4-00096-00020583-00020837 cheaper watches do and it has a good dRKByqWUGv4-00097-00020838-00021025 weight and as you know usually weight dRKByqWUGv4-00098-00021026-00021244 means quality materials it doesn't dRKByqWUGv4-00099-00021245-00021475 always mean that but a good weight is dRKByqWUGv4-00100-00021476-00021794 sometimes indicative of quality material dRKByqWUGv4-00101-00021795-00022040 so it does have a nice weight to it and dRKByqWUGv4-00102-00022041-00022265 it doesn't feel very hollow the watch dRKByqWUGv4-00103-00022266-00022499 does come with a full grain brown dRKByqWUGv4-00104-00022500-00022750 leather strap and like I already dRKByqWUGv4-00105-00022751-00023012 mentioned it does have Japanese movement dRKByqWUGv4-00106-00023013-00023294 the casing itself is stainless steel as dRKByqWUGv4-00107-00023295-00023435 you can see in the back and it's dRKByqWUGv4-00108-00023436-00023618 pressure rated on the website because I dRKByqWUGv4-00109-00023619-00023858 wanted to check the exact specs on the dRKByqWUGv4-00110-00023859-00024224 website it says 165 feet on the watch dRKByqWUGv4-00111-00024225-00024374 itself it says a hundred feet dRKByqWUGv4-00112-00024375-00024728 nevertheless a hundred or 165 I think dRKByqWUGv4-00113-00024729-00024853 that should be enough because this is dRKByqWUGv4-00114-00024854-00025022 this isn't really your diaper watch dRKByqWUGv4-00115-00025023-00025300 you're not looking to do you know really dRKByqWUGv4-00116-00025301-00025453 deep diving or you shouldn't at least dRKByqWUGv4-00117-00025454-00025667 with a classic watch like this this is dRKByqWUGv4-00118-00025668-00025903 mostly for you know suit wear and stuff dRKByqWUGv4-00119-00025904-00026047 like that and it's good to know that dRKByqWUGv4-00120-00026048-00026310 it's waterproof you know and it won't dRKByqWUGv4-00121-00026311-00026711 if it does get wet another cool feature dRKByqWUGv4-00122-00026712-00026952 about it is that this model does come dRKByqWUGv4-00123-00026952-00027189 with a day and a date feature on it and dRKByqWUGv4-00124-00027189-00027426 for sixty-five dollars that's an amazing dRKByqWUGv4-00125-00027427-00027587 deal because if you do a lot of dRKByqWUGv4-00126-00027588-00027882 higher-end watch shopping usually models dRKByqWUGv4-00127-00027883-00028130 with a date-date function tend to cost dRKByqWUGv4-00128-00028131-00028380 you a lot more than a model without but dRKByqWUGv4-00129-00028381-00028539 for this model you're getting date-date dRKByqWUGv4-00130-00028539-00028824 and it's at $65 the cool thing is that dRKByqWUGv4-00131-00028825-00029001 if you're a Spanish speaker which out dRKByqWUGv4-00132-00029002-00029145 where I was noticing as I was playing dRKByqWUGv4-00133-00029145-00029304 around with it when I first got it is dRKByqWUGv4-00134-00029305-00029610 that it actually accommodates Spanish dRKByqWUGv4-00135-00029611-00029777 speakers as well so I don't know if you dRKByqWUGv4-00136-00029778-00029927 guys can read let me see if I can get dRKByqWUGv4-00137-00029928-00030974 this and real close all right so you see dRKByqWUGv4-00138-00030975-00031486 how it says Monday there oh wait my bet dRKByqWUGv4-00139-00031487-00031793 took it out too much it's one click for dRKByqWUGv4-00140-00031794-00032168 the date all right so now it says el you dRKByqWUGv4-00141-00032169-00032424 went which that in Spanish is Lunas or dRKByqWUGv4-00142-00032425-00032832 Monday and then if I go again dRKByqWUGv4-00143-00032833-00033307 see it says Tuesday do one more time dRKByqWUGv4-00144-00033308-00033680 it says M AR which is Marcos or Tuesday dRKByqWUGv4-00145-00033681-00033879 in Spanish so if you do set it in dRKByqWUGv4-00146-00033880-00034082 Spanish what the cool thing is it stays dRKByqWUGv4-00147-00034083-00034299 in Spanish right if you set it in dRKByqWUGv4-00148-00034300-00034545 English it stays in English so that's dRKByqWUGv4-00149-00034546-00034704 pretty cool of course it's a cool dRKByqWUGv4-00150-00034705-00034818 feature to have if you're a Spanish dRKByqWUGv4-00151-00034819-00035010 speaker the diameter of the case itself dRKByqWUGv4-00152-00035011-00035246 is 40 millimeters I personally I think dRKByqWUGv4-00153-00035247-00035483 I've mentioned this to you guys before I dRKByqWUGv4-00154-00035484-00035762 don't like any watch over 40 millimeters dRKByqWUGv4-00155-00035763-00035939 from my wrist I have pretty small wrist dRKByqWUGv4-00156-00035940-00036212 and pairing a big watch with the small dRKByqWUGv4-00157-00036213-00036392 wrist just make you makes you look like dRKByqWUGv4-00158-00036393-00036654 you have even smaller wrist furthermore dRKByqWUGv4-00159-00036655-00036980 I only really use big watches on casual dRKByqWUGv4-00160-00036981-00037260 occasions forty Miller forty millimeters dRKByqWUGv4-00161-00037261-00037490 and underneath is my preferred diameter dRKByqWUGv4-00162-00037491-00037670 when I'm wearing suits because I want it dRKByqWUGv4-00163-00037671-00037917 to be small and low-profile that it can dRKByqWUGv4-00164-00037918-00038114 easily tuck on underneath a shirt and I dRKByqWUGv4-00165-00038115-00038301 think that's pretty much the goal for a dRKByqWUGv4-00166-00038302-00038420 lot of men when wearing classic dRKByqWUGv4-00167-00038421-00038514 wristwatches dRKByqWUGv4-00168-00038515-00038777 so that's enough with the armitron and dRKByqWUGv4-00169-00038778-00038979 now I'm going to move on to the rollers dRKByqWUGv4-00170-00038980-00039180 just describe a couple of the history dRKByqWUGv4-00171-00039181-00039417 and the specs and then finally give you dRKByqWUGv4-00172-00039418-00039626 my overall opinion dRKByqWUGv4-00173-00039627-00039896 so I mean there's I don't really have to dRKByqWUGv4-00174-00039897-00040154 say much about Rolex Rolex has a very dRKByqWUGv4-00175-00040155-00040343 rich history and one in the watchmaking dRKByqWUGv4-00176-00040344-00040631 industry so much so that I mean you guys dRKByqWUGv4-00177-00040632-00040817 know if even if you meet somebody that dRKByqWUGv4-00178-00040818-00041060 knows absolutely nothing about watches dRKByqWUGv4-00179-00041061-00041366 whatsoever they know what Rolex is and dRKByqWUGv4-00180-00041367-00041618 the prestige that Rolex has now that's dRKByqWUGv4-00181-00041619-00041870 some seriously strong brand recognition dRKByqWUGv4-00182-00041871-00042077 and that's something you're gonna have dRKByqWUGv4-00183-00042078-00042230 to pay for and I'll discuss that a dRKByqWUGv4-00184-00042231-00042407 little bit later on rollers was dRKByqWUGv4-00185-00042408-00042593 established by its founder his name was dRKByqWUGv4-00186-00042594-00042740 hands will drop and the guy was a dRKByqWUGv4-00187-00042741-00042971 visionary definitely because at that dRKByqWUGv4-00188-00042972-00043223 time wristwatches weren't very popular dRKByqWUGv4-00189-00043224-00043430 and everybody was basically wearing dRKByqWUGv4-00190-00043431-00043724 pocket watches and at that time he saw dRKByqWUGv4-00191-00043725-00043910 the wristwatch as a precise and dRKByqWUGv4-00192-00043911-00044156 functional piece so when he started his dRKByqWUGv4-00193-00044157-00044465 brand at the age of 24 around 1905 all dRKByqWUGv4-00194-00044466-00044801 his efforts went into position he wanted dRKByqWUGv4-00195-00044802-00045071 his Rolex to be precise and he did it dRKByqWUGv4-00196-00045072-00045380 basically five years later Rolex watch dRKByqWUGv4-00197-00045381-00045638 was the first wristwatch in the world to dRKByqWUGv4-00198-00045639-00045857 receive the Swiss certificate of chrono dRKByqWUGv4-00199-00045858-00046169 metric precision so needless to say the dRKByqWUGv4-00200-00046170-00046364 watch itself the brand behind it the dRKByqWUGv4-00201-00046365-00046571 craftsmanship the years of experience dRKByqWUGv4-00202-00046572-00046775 and the prestige are definitely dRKByqWUGv4-00203-00046776-00046994 ingrained in the Rolex brand so now I dRKByqWUGv4-00204-00046995-00047144 want to discuss some of the specs dRKByqWUGv4-00205-00047145-00047420 this is a manual watch at least this dRKByqWUGv4-00206-00047421-00047615 model is and it's not an automatic which dRKByqWUGv4-00207-00047616-00047807 means it won't charge with your movement dRKByqWUGv4-00208-00047808-00048107 you have to manually wind it that's the dRKByqWUGv4-00209-00048108-00048320 one thing this casing has a 34 dRKByqWUGv4-00210-00048321-00048536 millimeter diameter which is pretty dRKByqWUGv4-00211-00048537-00048779 small but I find it favorable like I dRKByqWUGv4-00212-00048780-00049001 mentioned under 40 and underneath is dRKByqWUGv4-00213-00049002-00049163 favorable for me because I have small dRKByqWUGv4-00214-00049164-00049335 wrists and I like it when I'm wearing dRKByqWUGv4-00215-00049336-00049586 suits the original band to the Rolex is dRKByqWUGv4-00216-00049587-00049769 a metal link steel band dRKByqWUGv4-00217-00049770-00050126 I however swapped it for an after dRKByqWUGv4-00218-00050127-00050310 aftermarket leather so there's not the dRKByqWUGv4-00219-00050311-00050519 the the band itself is not Rolex it's dRKByqWUGv4-00220-00050520-00050606 just a timepiece dRKByqWUGv4-00221-00050607-00050915 because I really am NOT a a metal link dRKByqWUGv4-00222-00050916-00051188 fan I like leather better the glass dRKByqWUGv4-00223-00051189-00051479 itself is plexiglass so it's not dRKByqWUGv4-00224-00051480-00051680 sapphire crystal or anything high-end dRKByqWUGv4-00225-00051681-00051983 like that and then finally the casing is dRKByqWUGv4-00226-00051984-00052173 made out of steel so basically the dRKByqWUGv4-00227-00052174-00052382 conclusion which watch is better like I dRKByqWUGv4-00228-00052383-00052538 mentioned you can't take away from dRKByqWUGv4-00229-00052539-00052896 Rolexes quality and position and it's dRKByqWUGv4-00230-00052897-00052991 rich history dRKByqWUGv4-00231-00052992-00053289 it has a lot of brand recognition and dRKByqWUGv4-00232-00053290-00053460 prestige and keep in mind these are dRKByqWUGv4-00233-00053461-00053804 intangible assets that basically jack up dRKByqWUGv4-00234-00053805-00054130 the price 10 to 20 times more and dRKByqWUGv4-00235-00054132-00054420 absolutely do nothing for the wear so in dRKByqWUGv4-00236-00054421-00054624 other words there is no functionality in dRKByqWUGv4-00237-00054625-00054873 those intangible assets other than a dRKByqWUGv4-00238-00054874-00055146 good ego boost like saying yeah I have a dRKByqWUGv4-00239-00055147-00055224 Rolex dRKByqWUGv4-00240-00055225-00055434 but those intangible assets really dRKByqWUGv4-00241-00055435-00055659 aren't functional for the wear so yes dRKByqWUGv4-00242-00055660-00055851 you do have the quality you have the dRKByqWUGv4-00243-00055852-00056091 precision you have the craftsmanship but dRKByqWUGv4-00244-00056091-00056250 you got to keep in mind that Rolex does dRKByqWUGv4-00245-00056251-00056478 also price in their the brand dRKByqWUGv4-00246-00056479-00056694 recognition and the prestige on the dRKByqWUGv4-00247-00056695-00056751 other hand you have dRKByqWUGv4-00248-00056752-00057009 armitron you have 50 years of watch make dRKByqWUGv4-00249-00057010-00057236 you have quality materials you have dRKByqWUGv4-00250-00057237-00057450 precision as well because giving right dRKByqWUGv4-00251-00057451-00057716 well comparing here is quartz movement dRKByqWUGv4-00252-00057717-00057894 and quartz is very precise when it comes dRKByqWUGv4-00253-00057895-00058089 to timekeeping you have quality full dRKByqWUGv4-00254-00058090-00058239 grain material stainless steel dRKByqWUGv4-00255-00058240-00058488 construction japanese movement so dRKByqWUGv4-00256-00058489-00058677 they're all quality pieces and you get dRKByqWUGv4-00257-00058678-00058920 the functionality keep in mind this also dRKByqWUGv4-00258-00058921-00059160 even comes with a date date if I were to dRKByqWUGv4-00259-00059161-00059400 pick a date date model for a Rolex I'd dRKByqWUGv4-00260-00059401-00059604 be easily spending three four five dRKByqWUGv4-00261-00059604-00059841 thousand dollars easily and this you're dRKByqWUGv4-00262-00059841-00059954 getting sixty five and you're getting dRKByqWUGv4-00263-00059955-00060186 that day date feature so that's an extra dRKByqWUGv4-00264-00060187-00060420 feature you're getting still under the dRKByqWUGv4-00265-00060421-00060624 hundred dollar mark so what am I trying dRKByqWUGv4-00266-00060625-00060842 to get here what I'm basically trying to dRKByqWUGv4-00267-00060844-00061029 say is that you don't need to spend a dRKByqWUGv4-00268-00061029-00061304 lot to have a good time piece if you do dRKByqWUGv4-00269-00061305-00061578 your research find a good brand find a dRKByqWUGv4-00270-00061579-00061794 reputable brand one one that has you dRKByqWUGv4-00271-00061795-00061995 know years of experience and it has a dRKByqWUGv4-00272-00061996-00062211 lot of people reviews you can buy dRKByqWUGv4-00273-00062212-00062457 yourself a good classic watch that's dRKByqWUGv4-00274-00062458-00062646 gonna look good on you and it's gonna be dRKByqWUGv4-00275-00062647-00062772 functional you know it's gonna not only dRKByqWUGv4-00276-00062773-00062994 gonna look stylish on you but it's also dRKByqWUGv4-00277-00062995-00063132 gonna function it's gonna give you the dRKByqWUGv4-00278-00063133-00063354 accurate time and you're gonna get that dRKByqWUGv4-00279-00063354-00063522 date date feature that you can just look dRKByqWUGv4-00280-00063523-00063690 at your wrist and know what day it is dRKByqWUGv4-00281-00063691-00063810 instead of having to pull out your dRKByqWUGv4-00282-00063811-00064023 iPhone so basically to sum it up a quick dRKByqWUGv4-00283-00064024-00064437 comparison hands both of them have the dRKByqWUGv4-00284-00064438-00064632 hour the minute and the sweet-bean dRKByqWUGv4-00285-00064633-00064817 seconds movement then we go on to the dRKByqWUGv4-00286-00064819-00065025 movement here we have Japanese quartz dRKByqWUGv4-00287-00065026-00065211 Japanese quartz as you know is the most dRKByqWUGv4-00288-00065212-00065601 accurate movement and basically requires dRKByqWUGv4-00289-00065602-00065844 no upkeep so you don't have to be having dRKByqWUGv4-00290-00065845-00066021 to get it serviced or anything like that dRKByqWUGv4-00291-00066022-00066183 you just have to replace the battery dRKByqWUGv4-00292-00066184-00066267 every dRKByqWUGv4-00293-00066268-00066567 three or five years maybe here you have dRKByqWUGv4-00294-00066568-00066762 the mechanical movement it's not dRKByqWUGv4-00295-00066763-00066918 automatic so it means you have to dRKByqWUGv4-00296-00066919-00067212 manually wind it so that's one thing you dRKByqWUGv4-00297-00067213-00067398 have to keep in mind and it also dRKByqWUGv4-00298-00067399-00067662 requires servicing as for features this dRKByqWUGv4-00299-00067663-00067872 one has a date date feature this one dRKByqWUGv4-00300-00067873-00068115 does not if I were to have picked this dRKByqWUGv4-00301-00068116-00068274 date date feature for a higher-end dRKByqWUGv4-00302-00068275-00068466 timepiece I would probably have to pay a dRKByqWUGv4-00303-00068467-00068643 little bit more well not a little bit dRKByqWUGv4-00304-00068644-00068784 when it when it's were usually with dRKByqWUGv4-00305-00068785-00068951 these higher end brands you have to pay dRKByqWUGv4-00306-00068952-00069285 quite a bit more Casey they're both dRKByqWUGv4-00307-00069286-00069528 stainless steel casings the band like I dRKByqWUGv4-00308-00069529-00069696 mentioned the band for this one was dRKByqWUGv4-00309-00069697-00069876 originally steel this one you're getting dRKByqWUGv4-00310-00069877-00070206 full grain leather glass I'm not sure dRKByqWUGv4-00311-00070207-00070362 what this one is I try to do the dRKByqWUGv4-00312-00070363-00070563 research I couldn't find it if I had to dRKByqWUGv4-00313-00070564-00070809 guess I mean I want to say it's sapphire dRKByqWUGv4-00314-00070810-00071013 crystal but if not then it's it's dRKByqWUGv4-00315-00071014-00071229 definitely plexiglass I tried to find it dRKByqWUGv4-00316-00071230-00071391 but again don't take my word for the dRKByqWUGv4-00317-00071392-00071628 glass cuz I like I tried to find it I dRKByqWUGv4-00318-00071629-00071819 couldn't find exactly what the material dRKByqWUGv4-00319-00071820-00072141 was for this one I know that 6480 model dRKByqWUGv4-00320-00072142-00072393 is plexiglass so it's not it's not dRKByqWUGv4-00321-00072394-00072774 sapphire crystal and finally a fancy dRKByqWUGv4-00322-00072775-00073215 logo you're paying about you know easily dRKByqWUGv4-00323-00073216-00073410 ten times more just because of that logo dRKByqWUGv4-00324-00073411-00073611 and here you don't have that so I'm dRKByqWUGv4-00325-00073612-00073740 curious to see what you guys think would dRKByqWUGv4-00326-00073741-00073863 you spend a little bit more for a dRKByqWUGv4-00327-00073864-00074040 higher-end piece or save yourself money dRKByqWUGv4-00328-00074041-00074244 and remain functional and still stylish dRKByqWUGv4-00329-00074245-00074472 that's basically the essence of what I'm dRKByqWUGv4-00330-00074473-00074661 trying to portray that it doesn't matter dRKByqWUGv4-00331-00074662-00074871 what brand you wear as long as it's good dRKByqWUGv4-00332-00074872-00075101 quality made it's functional it works dRKByqWUGv4-00333-00075102-00075366 for you and it looks good why spend 10 dRKByqWUGv4-00334-00075367-00075588 to 20 times more when you can spend 65 dRKByqWUGv4-00335-00075589-00075792 so that's basically it for this week's dRKByqWUGv4-00336-00075793-00075957 video guys I want to hear your comments dRKByqWUGv4-00337-00075958-00076101 down below if you like the watch that dRKByqWUGv4-00338-00076102-00076164 you saw dRKByqWUGv4-00339-00076165-00076338 I'll have them linked down but well I dRKByqWUGv4-00340-00076339-00076536 can't link the oyster because that is a dRKByqWUGv4-00341-00076537-00076737 vintage one that I mean they don't sell dRKByqWUGv4-00342-00076738-00076776 it anymore dRKByqWUGv4-00343-00076777-00076935 I'm sure you can if you find if you look dRKByqWUGv4-00344-00076936-00077085 around you might be able to find one but dRKByqWUGv4-00345-00077086-00077193 I'll link it down below in the dRKByqWUGv4-00346-00077194-00077361 description so you guys can easily click dRKByqWUGv4-00347-00077362-00077544 it and shop it so thank you guys for dRKByqWUGv4-00348-00077545-00077688 watching if you like this video member dRKByqWUGv4-00349-00077689-00077841 hit up the like button if you found it dRKByqWUGv4-00350-00077842-00077997 helpful and informative remember to dRKByqWUGv4-00351-00077998-00078138 share this video so we can reach and dRKByqWUGv4-00352-00078139-00078452 teach women thank you dRLYr3KeyDA-00000-00000352-00000511 hi i'm cadence and i go dRLYr3KeyDA-00001-00000512-00000782 to the warren school hi i'm warner and i dRLYr3KeyDA-00002-00000783-00000927 go to the warren school dRLYr3KeyDA-00003-00000927-00001183 so the learning lab is a place where dRLYr3KeyDA-00004-00001184-00001343 kids get together dRLYr3KeyDA-00005-00001344-00001623 and we talk about project based learning dRLYr3KeyDA-00006-00001623-00001702 cool dRLYr3KeyDA-00007-00001703-00001823 thing that came to me in the middle of dRLYr3KeyDA-00008-00001823-00002087 the night based on julia's dRLYr3KeyDA-00009-00002088-00002239 connectedness and then i was talking dRLYr3KeyDA-00010-00002240-00002502 yesterday about the interconnectedness dRLYr3KeyDA-00011-00002503-00002775 of the elements of civilization so i dRLYr3KeyDA-00012-00002776-00002918 have a cool thing that i want to try dRLYr3KeyDA-00013-00002919-00003110 with you guys we talk about dRLYr3KeyDA-00014-00003111-00003438 how we could make projects dRLYr3KeyDA-00015-00003439-00003879 and learning more kid led dRLYr3KeyDA-00016-00003879-00004270 so that students can dRLYr3KeyDA-00017-00004271-00004631 do more with their stuff instead of like dRLYr3KeyDA-00018-00004632-00004815 just writing down on a piece of paper dRLYr3KeyDA-00019-00004816-00005015 like with a worksheet dRLYr3KeyDA-00020-00005016-00005286 and we've gone to another school and met dRLYr3KeyDA-00021-00005287-00005359 with another dRLYr3KeyDA-00022-00005360-00005647 learning lab and talked about like what dRLYr3KeyDA-00023-00005648-00005711 we do dRLYr3KeyDA-00024-00005712-00006022 and what they do and dRLYr3KeyDA-00025-00006023-00006238 from that we've like learned what other dRLYr3KeyDA-00026-00006239-00006383 schools do and what we kind of want to dRLYr3KeyDA-00027-00006384-00006478 incorporate dRLYr3KeyDA-00028-00006479-00006798 into our learning like they do this day dRLYr3KeyDA-00029-00006800-00007119 called brainado where they dRLYr3KeyDA-00030-00007120-00007367 get to do like any anything they want dRLYr3KeyDA-00031-00007368-00007551 but it has to be a project dRLYr3KeyDA-00032-00007552-00007831 like one person i think did a mural one dRLYr3KeyDA-00033-00007831-00008055 did like an interpretive dance dRLYr3KeyDA-00034-00008056-00008199 and stuff like that and we kind of dRLYr3KeyDA-00035-00008200-00008431 wanted to do that my name is caroline dRLYr3KeyDA-00036-00008432-00008646 karst and i am in sixth grade dRLYr3KeyDA-00037-00008647-00008863 my name is julia rouse and i'm in sixth dRLYr3KeyDA-00038-00008864-00009039 grade too in learning lab dRLYr3KeyDA-00039-00009040-00009446 we kind of every tuesday and thursday dRLYr3KeyDA-00040-00009447-00009767 mostly we have a meeting at lunch with dRLYr3KeyDA-00041-00009768-00010191 a bunch of kids and we just talk about dRLYr3KeyDA-00042-00010192-00010399 if if we're doing a project how it's dRLYr3KeyDA-00043-00010400-00010542 going to go out dRLYr3KeyDA-00044-00010543-00010887 and or how the teachers can be less dRLYr3KeyDA-00045-00010888-00011078 like telling you what to do how it could dRLYr3KeyDA-00046-00011079-00011214 be more project based dRLYr3KeyDA-00047-00011215-00011559 learning and and we all dRLYr3KeyDA-00048-00011560-00011751 we get to choose what roles we have in dRLYr3KeyDA-00049-00011752-00011910 learning lab heidi will give us all dRLYr3KeyDA-00050-00011911-00012070 these options about what we dRLYr3KeyDA-00051-00012071-00012327 can do and we get to choose and so we dRLYr3KeyDA-00052-00012328-00012527 all get to do different dRLYr3KeyDA-00053-00012528-00012783 jobs every single time like they'll be dRLYr3KeyDA-00054-00012784-00013303 somebody who takes pictures dSHhuXiMPZE-00000-00003255-00003575 okay hello all right can you hear me now dSHhuXiMPZE-00001-00003576-00003975 okay hello everyone are you it's k dSHhuXiMPZE-00002-00003976-00004222 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00003-00004223-00004486 let's start the live stream and uh check dSHhuXiMPZE-00004-00004487-00004695 some charts today together dSHhuXiMPZE-00005-00004696-00004967 and see what's happening right now dSHhuXiMPZE-00006-00004968-00005095 so uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00007-00005096-00005511 yeah so this is the 28th of july 2022 dSHhuXiMPZE-00008-00005512-00005622 and uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00009-00005623-00005991 on thursday dSHhuXiMPZE-00010-00005992-00006263 at 2 p.m utc dSHhuXiMPZE-00011-00006264-00006598 let's check some charts together dSHhuXiMPZE-00012-00006600-00006919 so first as usual i will dSHhuXiMPZE-00013-00006920-00007167 look at the forex dSHhuXiMPZE-00014-00007168-00007463 some frex pairs and see what's happening dSHhuXiMPZE-00015-00007464-00007742 uh but we most likely they are range dSHhuXiMPZE-00016-00007743-00007959 i checked i screened charts a couple of dSHhuXiMPZE-00017-00007959-00008078 hours ago dSHhuXiMPZE-00018-00008079-00008374 but uh it was all range when i checked dSHhuXiMPZE-00019-00008375-00008519 it so dSHhuXiMPZE-00020-00008520-00008678 let's see dSHhuXiMPZE-00021-00008679-00008863 if uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00022-00008864-00009071 if some of these pairs dSHhuXiMPZE-00023-00009072-00009199 are moving dSHhuXiMPZE-00024-00009200-00009527 actively or not if they're not active dSHhuXiMPZE-00025-00009528-00009655 then um dSHhuXiMPZE-00026-00009656-00009823 i think i will talk about dSHhuXiMPZE-00027-00009824-00009974 some other topics dSHhuXiMPZE-00028-00009975-00010238 but um yeah let me start from forex dSHhuXiMPZE-00029-00010239-00010342 pairs dSHhuXiMPZE-00030-00010343-00010727 to screen and analyze first dSHhuXiMPZE-00031-00010728-00010991 okay so uh but again thanks for joining dSHhuXiMPZE-00032-00010992-00011283 everybody great to see you as dSHhuXiMPZE-00033-00011284-00011591 always am back in dubai dSHhuXiMPZE-00034-00011592-00011703 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00035-00011704-00011974 i will be regularly live streaming some dSHhuXiMPZE-00036-00011975-00012078 videos dSHhuXiMPZE-00037-00012079-00012255 on my youtube channel dSHhuXiMPZE-00038-00012256-00012599 every day possibly dSHhuXiMPZE-00039-00012600-00013166 okay so uh yeah let me switch the screen dSHhuXiMPZE-00040-00013168-00013551 okay and as a quick disclaimer as usual dSHhuXiMPZE-00041-00013552-00013838 uh basically the things i say dSHhuXiMPZE-00042-00013840-00014047 in my youtube channel is all dSHhuXiMPZE-00043-00014047-00014351 for educational purposes only so when dSHhuXiMPZE-00044-00014352-00014575 you take trades please do at your own dSHhuXiMPZE-00045-00014576-00014663 risk dSHhuXiMPZE-00046-00014663-00015030 and also this is life so on the chat if dSHhuXiMPZE-00047-00015031-00015222 you can please follow the guidelines and dSHhuXiMPZE-00048-00015223-00015447 rules that would be great dSHhuXiMPZE-00049-00015447-00015679 and also recently there are so many dSHhuXiMPZE-00050-00015680-00015927 spams in social media so please be dSHhuXiMPZE-00051-00015928-00016030 careful dSHhuXiMPZE-00052-00016031-00016271 of people using my name and creating dSHhuXiMPZE-00053-00016272-00016527 their fake accounts of mine and spamming dSHhuXiMPZE-00054-00016528-00016903 others so please be careful dSHhuXiMPZE-00055-00016904-00017094 all right so dSHhuXiMPZE-00056-00017095-00017367 let's see let me say hi to everyone dSHhuXiMPZE-00057-00017368-00017494 quickly dSHhuXiMPZE-00058-00017495-00017743 before i start jump into dSHhuXiMPZE-00059-00017744-00017967 the topics because i know there will be dSHhuXiMPZE-00060-00017968-00018158 more dSHhuXiMPZE-00061-00018159-00018311 participants dSHhuXiMPZE-00062-00018312-00018455 on the way dSHhuXiMPZE-00063-00018456-00018767 so let me start slowly here as usual dSHhuXiMPZE-00064-00018768-00018999 all right oh i see uh one new member dSHhuXiMPZE-00065-00019000-00019271 here from um dSHhuXiMPZE-00066-00019272-00019527 eric alhassan thank you for joining dSHhuXiMPZE-00067-00019528-00019750 on my ichimoku community dSHhuXiMPZE-00068-00019751-00019950 so as you may know dSHhuXiMPZE-00069-00019951-00020150 i have i'm running dSHhuXiMPZE-00070-00020151-00020343 the ichimoku community dSHhuXiMPZE-00071-00020344-00020575 and let me quickly show this to you dSHhuXiMPZE-00072-00020576-00020814 because it's been a while since i dSHhuXiMPZE-00073-00020815-00020975 introduced dSHhuXiMPZE-00074-00020976-00021135 much more community dSHhuXiMPZE-00075-00021136-00021247 last time dSHhuXiMPZE-00076-00021248-00021511 so if you can come to my webpage dSHhuXiMPZE-00077-00021512-00021711 more simply you can click the on the dSHhuXiMPZE-00078-00021712-00021991 link on the below description and there dSHhuXiMPZE-00079-00021992-00022167 is a dSHhuXiMPZE-00080-00022168-00022303 page like this dSHhuXiMPZE-00081-00022304-00022527 which explains everything about dSHhuXiMPZE-00082-00022528-00022814 what i offer in this community dSHhuXiMPZE-00083-00022815-00023007 this is a dSHhuXiMPZE-00084-00023008-00023094 30 dSHhuXiMPZE-00085-00023095-00023399 30 usc dollars per month which is a dSHhuXiMPZE-00086-00023400-00023567 monthly subscription dSHhuXiMPZE-00087-00023568-00023942 but you can get all these contents dSHhuXiMPZE-00088-00023943-00024119 you can get the books i have been dSHhuXiMPZE-00089-00024120-00024375 writing three books each monkey-based dSHhuXiMPZE-00090-00024376-00024686 math book each month basic theories book dSHhuXiMPZE-00091-00024687-00024927 which focuses on the dSHhuXiMPZE-00092-00024928-00025071 three theories dSHhuXiMPZE-00093-00025072-00025535 baby theory price theory and dSHhuXiMPZE-00094-00025536-00025718 yeah time theory dSHhuXiMPZE-00095-00025719-00025974 in this book and each monk basic master dSHhuXiMPZE-00096-00025975-00026318 book focuses on the five lines of each dSHhuXiMPZE-00097-00026319-00026502 mockery the basics of the five lines of dSHhuXiMPZE-00098-00026504-00026623 each moku dSHhuXiMPZE-00099-00026624-00026935 and recently i have released a kyushu dSHhuXiMPZE-00100-00026936-00027167 ashi book dSHhuXiMPZE-00101-00027168-00027439 so you can get all these three books dSHhuXiMPZE-00102-00027439-00027807 as a park and also you get this uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00103-00027808-00027983 customized indicator dSHhuXiMPZE-00104-00027983-00028295 corrected indicator for each moku or mt4 dSHhuXiMPZE-00105-00028295-00028727 md5 and also the ft5 forex tester 5 dSHhuXiMPZE-00106-00028727-00028855 because dSHhuXiMPZE-00107-00028856-00029039 the dSHhuXiMPZE-00108-00029039-00029231 indicator of each moku dSHhuXiMPZE-00109-00029232-00029718 on mt45 and forex tester uh is a bit dSHhuXiMPZE-00110-00029719-00029799 wrong dSHhuXiMPZE-00111-00029800-00030270 i mean the displacement is wrong and um dSHhuXiMPZE-00112-00030272-00030479 yeah the calculation dSHhuXiMPZE-00113-00030480-00030639 uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00114-00030639-00030883 yeah calculation was right i think on dSHhuXiMPZE-00115-00030883-00031062 mt45 dSHhuXiMPZE-00116-00031063-00031479 and ft5 but the displacement of 2 inch dSHhuXiMPZE-00117-00031480-00031702 corspin is a bit off dSHhuXiMPZE-00118-00031703-00032111 so i made a corrected hmoc indicator for dSHhuXiMPZE-00119-00032112-00032358 these platforms dSHhuXiMPZE-00120-00032360-00032623 but the one i show it to you on the dSHhuXiMPZE-00121-00032624-00032831 trading view is correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00122-00032832-00033102 the trading view in terms of each moku dSHhuXiMPZE-00123-00033103-00033423 setting this is the default ichimoku if dSHhuXiMPZE-00124-00033424-00033711 you can go to indicators and simply type dSHhuXiMPZE-00125-00033712-00033918 ichimoku here dSHhuXiMPZE-00126-00033919-00034183 you can find ichimoku cloud this is dSHhuXiMPZE-00127-00034184-00034502 exactly what i'm using each mug cloud dSHhuXiMPZE-00128-00034503-00034871 and i'm using the default settings here dSHhuXiMPZE-00129-00034872-00035239 like 9 26 52 and 26 dSHhuXiMPZE-00130-00035240-00035487 i'm using all default each mock dSHhuXiMPZE-00131-00035488-00035774 indicator in trading view because dSHhuXiMPZE-00132-00035775-00036095 i have dSHhuXiMPZE-00133-00036096-00036287 looked into it and dSHhuXiMPZE-00134-00036288-00036439 they are all correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00135-00036440-00036687 the calculation of the hype five lines dSHhuXiMPZE-00136-00036688-00036943 correct and also the displacement of dSHhuXiMPZE-00137-00036944-00037255 kumon kospan is also correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00138-00037256-00037495 on this default each mongoose dSHhuXiMPZE-00139-00037496-00037774 uh indicator in trading view dSHhuXiMPZE-00140-00037775-00037883 however dSHhuXiMPZE-00141-00037884-00038190 again on mt45 dSHhuXiMPZE-00142-00038191-00038502 and flex tester the displacement is dSHhuXiMPZE-00143-00038503-00038590 wrong dSHhuXiMPZE-00144-00038591-00038751 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00145-00038752-00039039 if you know if you online analyze dSHhuXiMPZE-00146-00039040-00039199 and uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00147-00039200-00039495 screen charts by these platforms uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00148-00039496-00039639 please be careful dSHhuXiMPZE-00149-00039640-00039879 and when you backtest an ft5 dSHhuXiMPZE-00150-00039880-00040111 please be careful because each mock dSHhuXiMPZE-00151-00040112-00040302 indicator is dSHhuXiMPZE-00152-00040303-00040495 the displacement is wrong technically dSHhuXiMPZE-00153-00040496-00040639 speaking dSHhuXiMPZE-00154-00040640-00040902 and this is not only for the platforms dSHhuXiMPZE-00155-00040903-00040983 like dSHhuXiMPZE-00156-00040984-00041279 uh metatrader or the flex tester but dSHhuXiMPZE-00157-00041280-00041702 also like some of the platforms in japan dSHhuXiMPZE-00158-00041703-00042023 actually um have also dSHhuXiMPZE-00159-00042024-00042415 uh incorrect displacement of each module dSHhuXiMPZE-00160-00042416-00042574 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00161-00042575-00042871 yeah it's kind of difficult to find dSHhuXiMPZE-00162-00042872-00043174 the correct each mock setting dSHhuXiMPZE-00163-00043175-00043367 and the correct ichimoku dSHhuXiMPZE-00164-00043368-00043455 uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00165-00043456-00043711 displacement and calculation on the dSHhuXiMPZE-00166-00043712-00043895 platforms so dSHhuXiMPZE-00167-00043896-00044183 yeah whenever you analyze please dSHhuXiMPZE-00168-00044184-00044327 make sure that dSHhuXiMPZE-00169-00044328-00044823 the hmoc that you're using is correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00170-00044824-00045174 yep and also i do live streams and also dSHhuXiMPZE-00171-00045175-00045423 qns sessions there will be um members dSHhuXiMPZE-00172-00045424-00045679 only live after this public dSHhuXiMPZE-00173-00045680-00045799 uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00174-00045800-00045951 i also dSHhuXiMPZE-00175-00045952-00046295 intend to analyze and also i will cover dSHhuXiMPZE-00176-00046296-00046679 the questions i got from the members dSHhuXiMPZE-00177-00046680-00046935 we have a discord group like this dSHhuXiMPZE-00178-00046936-00047246 and uh yeah zoo meetup dSHhuXiMPZE-00179-00047247-00047374 quiz dSHhuXiMPZE-00180-00047375-00047527 and emojis dSHhuXiMPZE-00181-00047528-00047679 are also here dSHhuXiMPZE-00182-00047680-00048079 so uh yeah yeah yeah so ichimoku dSHhuXiMPZE-00183-00048080-00048430 uh community is where i teach dSHhuXiMPZE-00184-00048431-00048807 the basics of each moku and also uh more dSHhuXiMPZE-00185-00048808-00048983 from the dSHhuXiMPZE-00186-00048984-00049286 what's written on the original books dSHhuXiMPZE-00187-00049287-00049607 but due to the copyright i can't dSHhuXiMPZE-00188-00049608-00049774 translate dSHhuXiMPZE-00189-00049775-00050055 directly from japanese english and dSHhuXiMPZE-00190-00050056-00050174 that's why dSHhuXiMPZE-00191-00050175-00050495 based on my own understanding i wrote dSHhuXiMPZE-00192-00050496-00050727 these three books so these are all in dSHhuXiMPZE-00193-00050728-00051015 english these are not japanese dSHhuXiMPZE-00194-00051016-00051214 so these are all in english dSHhuXiMPZE-00195-00051215-00051463 and uh i wrote them myself dSHhuXiMPZE-00196-00051464-00051623 so uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00197-00051624-00051882 yeah and these are not the direct dSHhuXiMPZE-00198-00051883-00052199 translation but you can also still get dSHhuXiMPZE-00199-00052200-00052447 the depth of the chimoku in these three dSHhuXiMPZE-00200-00052448-00052711 books for sure dSHhuXiMPZE-00201-00052712-00053103 so and uh yeah so again tariq al hassan dSHhuXiMPZE-00202-00053104-00053271 thank you for joining dSHhuXiMPZE-00203-00053272-00053550 my hmo community and once you join dSHhuXiMPZE-00204-00053551-00053815 please come to hover over services dSHhuXiMPZE-00205-00053816-00054063 sichua community and click on how to dSHhuXiMPZE-00206-00054064-00054182 join dSHhuXiMPZE-00207-00054183-00054359 over here how to join dSHhuXiMPZE-00208-00054360-00054487 and then dSHhuXiMPZE-00209-00054488-00054782 you will exactly see the instructions of dSHhuXiMPZE-00210-00054783-00054903 how to dSHhuXiMPZE-00211-00054904-00055063 set up your discord dSHhuXiMPZE-00212-00055064-00055254 to get all the perks dSHhuXiMPZE-00213-00055255-00055407 in this webpage dSHhuXiMPZE-00214-00055408-00055503 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00215-00055504-00055703 yeah i will be looking forward to seeing dSHhuXiMPZE-00216-00055704-00055903 you in discord dSHhuXiMPZE-00217-00055904-00056391 and stay gold dSHhuXiMPZE-00218-00056391-00056775 okay so yeah let me say hi to dSHhuXiMPZE-00219-00056776-00057087 everyone else here let me see dSHhuXiMPZE-00220-00057088-00057303 yeah i see many comments now hinata dSHhuXiMPZE-00221-00057304-00057471 thanks for joining james dSHhuXiMPZE-00222-00057472-00057830 and jay wise uh jose butter and luke dSHhuXiMPZE-00223-00057832-00058071 sam thanks for joining dSHhuXiMPZE-00224-00058072-00058223 and uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00225-00058224-00058494 yeah let's see let me see if let me see dSHhuXiMPZE-00226-00058495-00058871 if i can pronounce it correctly um dSHhuXiMPZE-00227-00058872-00059223 uh tami taminae thanks for joining also dSHhuXiMPZE-00228-00059224-00059423 and suleiman good to see you slymon dSHhuXiMPZE-00229-00059424-00059638 thanks for joining as well dSHhuXiMPZE-00230-00059639-00059894 and jorg good to see you too and dSHhuXiMPZE-00231-00059895-00060015 augustine dSHhuXiMPZE-00232-00060016-00060199 thank you for joining us well dSHhuXiMPZE-00233-00060200-00060382 all right gabriel good to see you too dSHhuXiMPZE-00234-00060383-00060535 and uh win dSHhuXiMPZE-00235-00060536-00060735 and wuzz thank you for joining also dSHhuXiMPZE-00236-00060736-00060847 kalev dSHhuXiMPZE-00237-00060848-00061038 yeah yeah good to see you again dica dSHhuXiMPZE-00238-00061039-00061247 thank you for joining us well david dSHhuXiMPZE-00239-00061248-00061535 and than thank for joining dSHhuXiMPZE-00240-00061536-00061863 uh ibrahim in pascal danzan good to see dSHhuXiMPZE-00241-00061864-00061999 you too dSHhuXiMPZE-00242-00062000-00062230 um i have no jet lag right now no jet dSHhuXiMPZE-00243-00062232-00062311 lag dSHhuXiMPZE-00244-00062312-00062582 um i had it yesterday dSHhuXiMPZE-00245-00062583-00063054 i was actually as i slept like at 8 00 8 dSHhuXiMPZE-00246-00063055-00063366 p.m or 9 p.m last night and woke up at dSHhuXiMPZE-00247-00063367-00063526 like 3 a.m dSHhuXiMPZE-00248-00063527-00063775 but i took the melatonin dSHhuXiMPZE-00249-00063776-00064054 and slept again until this morning like dSHhuXiMPZE-00250-00064055-00064223 9 00 am dSHhuXiMPZE-00251-00064224-00064559 so i slept so much last night so i feel dSHhuXiMPZE-00252-00064560-00064806 very fresh today dSHhuXiMPZE-00253-00064807-00065038 yeah yesterday when i was doing the live dSHhuXiMPZE-00254-00065039-00065247 streams to be honest i was beating a jet dSHhuXiMPZE-00255-00065248-00065399 lag a bit a little bit dSHhuXiMPZE-00256-00065400-00065687 so i was still a bit you know not really dSHhuXiMPZE-00257-00065688-00066055 focused but uh right now i'm fully dSHhuXiMPZE-00258-00066056-00066191 back now dSHhuXiMPZE-00259-00066192-00066406 yeah dSHhuXiMPZE-00260-00066407-00066687 yes uh this is kind of a kind of a dSHhuXiMPZE-00261-00066688-00066982 strange feeling but um when i when i go dSHhuXiMPZE-00262-00066983-00067143 from dSHhuXiMPZE-00263-00067144-00067447 dubai to other country i don't usually dSHhuXiMPZE-00264-00067448-00067743 have jet lag but usually when i come dSHhuXiMPZE-00265-00067744-00067919 when i go from japan to some other dSHhuXiMPZE-00266-00067920-00068271 countries i have the jet lag dSHhuXiMPZE-00267-00068272-00068638 it's been like pattern usually so uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00268-00068639-00068887 this time i came back from japan to dSHhuXiMPZE-00269-00068888-00069143 dubai and that's why i have a big jet dSHhuXiMPZE-00270-00069144-00069391 lag but uh now dSHhuXiMPZE-00271-00069392-00069550 i would say dSHhuXiMPZE-00272-00069551-00069799 80 percent adjusted already dSHhuXiMPZE-00273-00069800-00070223 so i'm totally fine now dSHhuXiMPZE-00274-00070224-00070438 yeah and uh hiran thank you for joining dSHhuXiMPZE-00275-00070439-00070831 also good to see you dSHhuXiMPZE-00276-00070832-00071094 uh kitty chai good to see you alexander dSHhuXiMPZE-00277-00071095-00071319 thanks for joining also tai fung to see dSHhuXiMPZE-00278-00071320-00071415 you too dSHhuXiMPZE-00279-00071416-00071631 thank you for joining dSHhuXiMPZE-00280-00071632-00071806 all right dSHhuXiMPZE-00281-00071807-00072103 can you analyze a fake or real span a in dSHhuXiMPZE-00282-00072104-00072255 some pairs dSHhuXiMPZE-00283-00072256-00072711 a fake or real span a means uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00284-00072712-00072935 uh like uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00285-00072936-00073191 cinco span a retrace you mean dSHhuXiMPZE-00286-00073192-00073479 yeah when i screen charts today i will dSHhuXiMPZE-00287-00073480-00073726 also mention about the cinco span a dSHhuXiMPZE-00288-00073727-00073982 so you can get the idea of dSHhuXiMPZE-00289-00073983-00074175 how i see these dSHhuXiMPZE-00290-00074176-00074511 markets based on this kumo senko spam b dSHhuXiMPZE-00291-00074512-00074799 and a today dSHhuXiMPZE-00292-00074800-00075071 yeah and ramen and asthma thank you for dSHhuXiMPZE-00293-00075072-00075311 joining and more good to see you too dSHhuXiMPZE-00294-00075312-00075487 thank you for joining dSHhuXiMPZE-00295-00075488-00075711 also welcome to the community also thank dSHhuXiMPZE-00296-00075712-00075926 you for joining as well dSHhuXiMPZE-00297-00075927-00076262 and tarun good to see you too dSHhuXiMPZE-00298-00076263-00076526 uh tarun says how about ichimoku in dSHhuXiMPZE-00299-00076527-00076847 small time frame uh i don't recommend to dSHhuXiMPZE-00300-00076848-00077103 use each mock in a lower time frame dSHhuXiMPZE-00301-00077104-00077262 because um dSHhuXiMPZE-00302-00077263-00077503 it might be fake dSHhuXiMPZE-00303-00077504-00077767 uh i used to use each mug the part of dSHhuXiMPZE-00304-00077768-00078079 each mocha strategies like um dSHhuXiMPZE-00305-00078080-00078238 like the uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00306-00078239-00078462 the kuma breakout or that coolspawn dSHhuXiMPZE-00307-00078463-00078711 breakout dSHhuXiMPZE-00308-00078712-00078959 in the lower time frames but i've seen dSHhuXiMPZE-00309-00078960-00079038 some dSHhuXiMPZE-00310-00079039-00079271 fake dSHhuXiMPZE-00311-00079272-00079359 fake dSHhuXiMPZE-00312-00079360-00079503 signals dSHhuXiMPZE-00313-00079504-00079767 and that's why i don't use each mock on dSHhuXiMPZE-00314-00079768-00080031 the lower time frames anymore so i don't dSHhuXiMPZE-00315-00080032-00080319 recommend you to use each moku on 5 or dSHhuXiMPZE-00316-00080320-00080655 15 minute time frames in my opinion the dSHhuXiMPZE-00317-00080656-00080887 lowest time frame you can use ichimoku dSHhuXiMPZE-00318-00080888-00081271 is the 30 minute dSHhuXiMPZE-00319-00081272-00081606 a 30 minutes i still see some valid dSHhuXiMPZE-00320-00081607-00081879 uh confirmations by ichimoku so you can dSHhuXiMPZE-00321-00081880-00081999 still use it dSHhuXiMPZE-00322-00082000-00082175 but uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00323-00082176-00082391 ideally speaking each month works the dSHhuXiMPZE-00324-00082392-00082679 best in a daily time frame dSHhuXiMPZE-00325-00082680-00082767 um dSHhuXiMPZE-00326-00082768-00083047 yeah lower time frames are bit spiky and dSHhuXiMPZE-00327-00083048-00083271 choppy usually when there are some dSHhuXiMPZE-00328-00083272-00083399 spikes dSHhuXiMPZE-00329-00083400-00083703 uh you see some long wicks up and down dSHhuXiMPZE-00330-00083704-00083791 and dSHhuXiMPZE-00331-00083792-00084006 as you may know already each mug takes dSHhuXiMPZE-00332-00084007-00084279 high and low for the last certain period dSHhuXiMPZE-00333-00084280-00084391 of time dSHhuXiMPZE-00334-00084392-00084535 and dSHhuXiMPZE-00335-00084536-00084903 because of these spikes high and low dSHhuXiMPZE-00336-00084904-00085094 sometimes this smoke can give you some dSHhuXiMPZE-00337-00085095-00085199 fake dSHhuXiMPZE-00338-00085200-00085482 or some dSHhuXiMPZE-00339-00085483-00085759 some i would say like dSHhuXiMPZE-00340-00085760-00085999 untrusted signals dSHhuXiMPZE-00341-00086000-00086143 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00342-00086144-00086262 yeah i think dSHhuXiMPZE-00343-00086263-00086431 uh the best dSHhuXiMPZE-00344-00086432-00086687 time frame to use ichimoku is on the dSHhuXiMPZE-00345-00086688-00087103 daily timeframe dSHhuXiMPZE-00346-00087104-00087287 okay uh let's see dSHhuXiMPZE-00347-00087288-00087479 why be good to see you camilos also good dSHhuXiMPZE-00348-00087480-00087694 to see you too thanks for joining and dSHhuXiMPZE-00349-00087695-00087926 michael good to see you too dSHhuXiMPZE-00350-00087927-00088111 oh michael says dSHhuXiMPZE-00351-00088112-00088382 what do you mean by displacement the dSHhuXiMPZE-00352-00088383-00088638 displacement means like dSHhuXiMPZE-00353-00088639-00088823 when you look at the trading view for dSHhuXiMPZE-00354-00088824-00088967 example dSHhuXiMPZE-00355-00088968-00089167 um the dSHhuXiMPZE-00356-00089168-00089559 cumulative shifted 26 to the future dSHhuXiMPZE-00357-00089560-00089975 right but um in in this um dSHhuXiMPZE-00358-00089976-00090159 trading view dSHhuXiMPZE-00359-00090160-00090367 if you count dSHhuXiMPZE-00360-00090368-00090759 the number of candles to the future dSHhuXiMPZE-00361-00090760-00090887 to the kumo dSHhuXiMPZE-00362-00090888-00091247 that's exactly 26 you see 26 bars dSHhuXiMPZE-00363-00091248-00091575 and score span is also 26 dSHhuXiMPZE-00364-00091576-00091862 exactly 26 like this dSHhuXiMPZE-00365-00091863-00092191 so these are correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00366-00092192-00092503 kumo shifted 26 to the future dSHhuXiMPZE-00367-00092504-00092647 and dSHhuXiMPZE-00368-00092648-00092903 school span shifted back dSHhuXiMPZE-00369-00092904-00093062 26. dSHhuXiMPZE-00370-00093063-00093206 this is correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00371-00093207-00093423 but on mt4 dSHhuXiMPZE-00372-00093424-00093799 mt5 and forex tester the default dSHhuXiMPZE-00373-00093800-00094118 ichimoku displacement is wrong i think dSHhuXiMPZE-00374-00094119-00094487 it was 25 dSHhuXiMPZE-00375-00094488-00094774 instead of 26. dSHhuXiMPZE-00376-00094775-00094911 so that's what i mean by this dSHhuXiMPZE-00377-00094912-00095038 displacement dSHhuXiMPZE-00378-00095039-00095231 and when you count dSHhuXiMPZE-00379-00095232-00095447 the number of candles like this you have dSHhuXiMPZE-00380-00095448-00095655 to take this as one dSHhuXiMPZE-00381-00095656-00095943 not zero this is also about some trick dSHhuXiMPZE-00382-00095944-00096206 about each moku and this is where this dSHhuXiMPZE-00383-00096207-00096487 is why usually there's some uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00384-00096488-00096687 incorrect displacement dSHhuXiMPZE-00385-00096688-00096887 uh so dSHhuXiMPZE-00386-00096888-00097038 you see this is a current forming dSHhuXiMPZE-00387-00097039-00097174 candlesticks dSHhuXiMPZE-00388-00097175-00097494 this one should be counted as one dSHhuXiMPZE-00389-00097495-00097703 not zero dSHhuXiMPZE-00390-00097704-00097815 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00391-00097816-00098143 whenever i count a candles i count dSHhuXiMPZE-00392-00098144-00098318 number of candles like this in time dSHhuXiMPZE-00393-00098319-00098438 cycles dSHhuXiMPZE-00394-00098439-00098750 or the displacement i dSHhuXiMPZE-00395-00098751-00098926 count this as one dSHhuXiMPZE-00396-00098927-00099215 but let's say in trading view dSHhuXiMPZE-00397-00099216-00099503 the displacement is correct but on this dSHhuXiMPZE-00398-00099504-00099718 let's say this uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00399-00099719-00099855 date dSHhuXiMPZE-00400-00099856-00099974 this uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00401-00099975-00100182 data range dSHhuXiMPZE-00402-00100183-00100391 is a date range dSHhuXiMPZE-00403-00100392-00100615 tool over here dSHhuXiMPZE-00404-00100616-00100894 which is actually over here on the left dSHhuXiMPZE-00405-00100895-00101150 you see this there is a dSHhuXiMPZE-00406-00101151-00101326 date range dSHhuXiMPZE-00407-00101327-00101511 if you take this one dSHhuXiMPZE-00408-00101512-00101694 and dSHhuXiMPZE-00409-00101695-00101982 let's say click exactly on dSHhuXiMPZE-00410-00101983-00102143 this one over here dSHhuXiMPZE-00411-00102144-00102527 then you see this is zero bar dSHhuXiMPZE-00412-00102528-00102863 but as per ichimoku this should be one dSHhuXiMPZE-00413-00102864-00103206 number one not zero dSHhuXiMPZE-00414-00103207-00103351 so that's why dSHhuXiMPZE-00415-00103352-00103710 i make this as one and how i do is dSHhuXiMPZE-00416-00103711-00103927 again i take this tool dSHhuXiMPZE-00417-00103928-00104215 and i shift one previous dSHhuXiMPZE-00418-00104216-00104358 so that dSHhuXiMPZE-00419-00104359-00104734 this one becomes number one dSHhuXiMPZE-00420-00104735-00105031 and then dSHhuXiMPZE-00421-00105032-00105431 count to the future and this is 26 this dSHhuXiMPZE-00422-00105432-00105695 is correct this is a correct way dSHhuXiMPZE-00423-00105696-00105854 to count dSHhuXiMPZE-00424-00105855-00105999 number of candles dSHhuXiMPZE-00425-00106000-00106239 in each moku dSHhuXiMPZE-00426-00106240-00106463 and same same is true for that school dSHhuXiMPZE-00427-00106464-00106654 span which spawn cospan you have to dSHhuXiMPZE-00428-00106655-00106902 count this as one not zero and that's dSHhuXiMPZE-00429-00106903-00107239 why i start from one to the future so dSHhuXiMPZE-00430-00107240-00107423 that this one becomes one dSHhuXiMPZE-00431-00107424-00107678 and then count back dSHhuXiMPZE-00432-00107679-00107823 26 dSHhuXiMPZE-00433-00107824-00108110 and that's exactly where that crossband dSHhuXiMPZE-00434-00108111-00108358 is dSHhuXiMPZE-00435-00108359-00108599 so this is about the displacement this dSHhuXiMPZE-00436-00108600-00108863 is the small tiny thing just one dSHhuXiMPZE-00437-00108864-00109110 candlestick difference but uh sometimes dSHhuXiMPZE-00438-00109111-00109319 it makes a huge difference huge dSHhuXiMPZE-00439-00109320-00109727 difference uh in a kuma angle or um dSHhuXiMPZE-00440-00109728-00110054 that could touch crossbone break dSHhuXiMPZE-00441-00110055-00110166 uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00442-00110167-00110423 sometimes it makes a big difference dSHhuXiMPZE-00443-00110424-00110695 and that's why um it's always better to dSHhuXiMPZE-00444-00110696-00110895 have the uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00445-00110896-00111119 the the correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00446-00111120-00111510 setup collects setting of each mochu dSHhuXiMPZE-00447-00111511-00111783 yeah and that's why i i like trading dSHhuXiMPZE-00448-00111783-00112031 view trading view default dSHhuXiMPZE-00449-00112032-00112286 each month indicator already have a dSHhuXiMPZE-00450-00112288-00112390 correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00451-00112391-00112566 displacement correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00452-00112567-00112686 calculation dSHhuXiMPZE-00453-00112688-00112983 so that's why i use i start to use this dSHhuXiMPZE-00454-00112983-00113431 in my live streams dSHhuXiMPZE-00455-00113432-00113575 yeah because uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00456-00113576-00113854 previously uh if you know if you know me dSHhuXiMPZE-00457-00113855-00114286 like two years ago i was still using mt5 dSHhuXiMPZE-00458-00114288-00114647 to to analyze in in the live stream dSHhuXiMPZE-00459-00114648-00114902 and i was actually using the corrected dSHhuXiMPZE-00460-00114903-00115310 ichimoku indicator but uh some people um dSHhuXiMPZE-00461-00115311-00115454 just uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00462-00115455-00115654 some people just watch me dSHhuXiMPZE-00463-00115655-00116102 in the live using mt5 ichimoku and they dSHhuXiMPZE-00464-00116103-00116295 think they thought that i'm using the dSHhuXiMPZE-00465-00116296-00116463 default ichimoku dSHhuXiMPZE-00466-00116464-00116743 and i had to explain over and over again dSHhuXiMPZE-00467-00116744-00116975 that i'm using corrected each mochu and dSHhuXiMPZE-00468-00116976-00117239 that was a bit difficult to explain dSHhuXiMPZE-00469-00117240-00117358 every time dSHhuXiMPZE-00470-00117359-00117631 and that's why i started to use dSHhuXiMPZE-00471-00117632-00117790 trading view actually that's one of the dSHhuXiMPZE-00472-00117791-00118078 reasons why i started to use trading dSHhuXiMPZE-00473-00118079-00118207 view dSHhuXiMPZE-00474-00118208-00118575 um because it has the correct ichimoku dSHhuXiMPZE-00475-00118576-00119119 indicator in this dSHhuXiMPZE-00476-00119120-00119343 okay dSHhuXiMPZE-00477-00119344-00119478 uh yeah dSHhuXiMPZE-00478-00119479-00119783 in some platforms i think ichimoku is dSHhuXiMPZE-00479-00119783-00119878 correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00480-00119879-00120078 but make sure dSHhuXiMPZE-00481-00120079-00120375 that the calculation the calculation of dSHhuXiMPZE-00482-00120376-00120863 senko spam b dSHhuXiMPZE-00483-00120864-00120966 are correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00484-00120967-00121254 and also displacement is correct dSHhuXiMPZE-00485-00121255-00121583 in your platform dSHhuXiMPZE-00486-00121583-00121758 all right yeah yeah thank you for dSHhuXiMPZE-00487-00121759-00121999 joining everybody benjamin and mark one dSHhuXiMPZE-00488-00122000-00122231 good to see you dSHhuXiMPZE-00489-00122232-00122399 all right so dSHhuXiMPZE-00490-00122400-00122639 it's a little bit of a recap of in terms dSHhuXiMPZE-00491-00122640-00122719 of dSHhuXiMPZE-00492-00122720-00123295 the the displacement and the calculation dSHhuXiMPZE-00493-00123296-00123614 yeah all right yeah good to see you in dSHhuXiMPZE-00494-00123615-00123743 tony gold dSHhuXiMPZE-00495-00123744-00123934 thank you for joining also jose good to dSHhuXiMPZE-00496-00123935-00124134 see you too again dSHhuXiMPZE-00497-00124135-00124271 the vowel dSHhuXiMPZE-00498-00124272-00124614 to see you uh state bank enjoy dSHhuXiMPZE-00499-00124615-00124854 india patriot vinod dSHhuXiMPZE-00500-00124855-00125223 all right uh sarawit good to see you too dSHhuXiMPZE-00501-00125224-00125447 michael aldo dSHhuXiMPZE-00502-00125448-00125766 and uh bassam also again see you too all dSHhuXiMPZE-00503-00125767-00126023 right so let me start let me start dSHhuXiMPZE-00504-00126024-00126310 the analysis i think it's enough dSHhuXiMPZE-00505-00126311-00126431 about dSHhuXiMPZE-00506-00126432-00127071 this ichimoku basics for now dSHhuXiMPZE-00507-00127072-00127190 okay dSHhuXiMPZE-00508-00127191-00127566 so um yeah so let me see dSHhuXiMPZE-00509-00127567-00127823 what's happening in the frax first and dSHhuXiMPZE-00510-00127824-00128207 then i have some requests of the bitcoin dSHhuXiMPZE-00511-00128208-00128414 and also uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00512-00128415-00128783 okay armor says uh au 200 i will check dSHhuXiMPZE-00513-00128783-00128927 that later dSHhuXiMPZE-00514-00128928-00129134 and some other pairs euro jpy i will dSHhuXiMPZE-00515-00129135-00129502 check the sum yeah so let me check these dSHhuXiMPZE-00516-00129503-00129790 markets so first i will dSHhuXiMPZE-00517-00129791-00130151 check again euro pairs euro usd's range dSHhuXiMPZE-00518-00130152-00130383 and the daily chart still non-trends dSHhuXiMPZE-00519-00130383-00130543 euro auds dSHhuXiMPZE-00520-00130544-00130831 uh orthodoxy there's no dSHhuXiMPZE-00521-00130832-00131087 there's no uh trend today dSHhuXiMPZE-00522-00131088-00131543 yesterday was a was a pin bar and dSHhuXiMPZE-00523-00131544-00131831 yeah i think i remember that i mentioned dSHhuXiMPZE-00524-00131832-00132071 about this pair uh if dSHhuXiMPZE-00525-00132072-00132351 this kind of close becomes below dSHhuXiMPZE-00526-00132352-00132527 the previous low dSHhuXiMPZE-00527-00132528-00132775 then i think that will be bearish but dSHhuXiMPZE-00528-00132776-00132990 looks like yesterday dSHhuXiMPZE-00529-00132991-00133295 it didn't close below it actually closed dSHhuXiMPZE-00530-00133296-00133431 within dSHhuXiMPZE-00531-00133432-00133743 the high and low of the previous bar dSHhuXiMPZE-00532-00133744-00134014 and so this is called inside bar this is dSHhuXiMPZE-00533-00134015-00134295 called inside dSHhuXiMPZE-00534-00134296-00134375 in dSHhuXiMPZE-00535-00134376-00134599 in candlestick dSHhuXiMPZE-00536-00134600-00134839 and we have doji here dSHhuXiMPZE-00537-00134840-00135223 so this is showing the market is ranging dSHhuXiMPZE-00538-00135224-00135535 in no direction for the last two days dSHhuXiMPZE-00539-00135536-00135631 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00540-00135632-00135975 the market may retrace dSHhuXiMPZE-00541-00135976-00136183 i don't think the market will go down dSHhuXiMPZE-00542-00136184-00136383 soon when i see this dSHhuXiMPZE-00543-00136384-00136607 so i will simply dSHhuXiMPZE-00544-00136608-00136990 yeah focus on that appears dSHhuXiMPZE-00545-00136991-00137366 the kumo is looking good kumo is down dSHhuXiMPZE-00546-00137367-00137647 is also down which calls uh skullspawn dSHhuXiMPZE-00547-00137648-00137895 below kendall still priced below the dSHhuXiMPZE-00548-00137896-00138166 tenkan cent so this is bearish in the dSHhuXiMPZE-00549-00138167-00138295 long term dSHhuXiMPZE-00550-00138296-00138543 but on this short term for the last two dSHhuXiMPZE-00551-00138544-00138766 days this is now range dSHhuXiMPZE-00552-00138767-00138919 no direction dSHhuXiMPZE-00553-00138920-00139127 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00554-00139128-00139359 yeah the market may range even if you dSHhuXiMPZE-00555-00139360-00139478 sell dSHhuXiMPZE-00556-00139479-00139751 it may not really go down very soon dSHhuXiMPZE-00557-00139752-00139975 so it's not really time efficient dSHhuXiMPZE-00558-00139976-00140071 to dSHhuXiMPZE-00559-00140072-00140351 make profits in this situation dSHhuXiMPZE-00560-00140352-00140719 so i think i will check some other pairs dSHhuXiMPZE-00561-00140720-00140935 that are more active and more stable dSHhuXiMPZE-00562-00140936-00141031 trends dSHhuXiMPZE-00563-00141032-00141295 than this dSHhuXiMPZE-00564-00141296-00141483 so i do look at these dSHhuXiMPZE-00565-00141484-00141654 candles dSHhuXiMPZE-00566-00141655-00141863 along with the ichimoku lines dSHhuXiMPZE-00567-00141864-00142119 to decide which one to trade or not dSHhuXiMPZE-00568-00142120-00142454 just give an example like this dSHhuXiMPZE-00569-00142455-00142887 and uh euro pound is uh was breaking the dSHhuXiMPZE-00570-00142888-00143214 support european broke the support it dSHhuXiMPZE-00571-00143215-00143454 actually closed below the support dSHhuXiMPZE-00572-00143455-00143583 yesterday dSHhuXiMPZE-00573-00143584-00143759 and i think this is dSHhuXiMPZE-00574-00143760-00144071 downtrend this is much better than euro dSHhuXiMPZE-00575-00144072-00144183 aud dSHhuXiMPZE-00576-00144184-00144335 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00577-00144336-00144614 i put down a roll i will continuously dSHhuXiMPZE-00578-00144615-00144863 looking for the cell chance but today dSHhuXiMPZE-00579-00144864-00145095 there is no there's no trend dSHhuXiMPZE-00580-00145096-00145287 this is not really dSHhuXiMPZE-00581-00145288-00145559 down today so i'm kind of staying away dSHhuXiMPZE-00582-00145560-00145783 still dSHhuXiMPZE-00583-00145784-00146007 yeah i think i will dSHhuXiMPZE-00584-00146008-00146151 monitor this one dSHhuXiMPZE-00585-00146152-00146414 there was a previous support here too dSHhuXiMPZE-00586-00146415-00146526 looks like dSHhuXiMPZE-00587-00146527-00146663 due to this dSHhuXiMPZE-00588-00146664-00147087 the port 0.8364 dSHhuXiMPZE-00589-00147088-00147335 the market is a bit range dSHhuXiMPZE-00590-00147336-00147614 but uh i can still see that there is dSHhuXiMPZE-00591-00147615-00147790 more setters than buyers dSHhuXiMPZE-00592-00147791-00147990 so i think the market will go down dSHhuXiMPZE-00593-00147991-00148447 continuously is my expectation dSHhuXiMPZE-00594-00148448-00148735 so that's the euro pound dSHhuXiMPZE-00595-00148736-00148895 um and dSHhuXiMPZE-00596-00148896-00149199 uh let's see as bassam's request that's dSHhuXiMPZE-00597-00149200-00149614 a euro jpy euro jpi is strongly bearish dSHhuXiMPZE-00598-00149615-00150007 today it broke it's breaking the support dSHhuXiMPZE-00599-00150008-00150143 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00600-00150144-00150447 this is going down dSHhuXiMPZE-00601-00150448-00150719 in terms of the ichimoku lines kumo is dSHhuXiMPZE-00602-00150720-00150902 still flat dSHhuXiMPZE-00603-00150903-00151087 almost looking flat dSHhuXiMPZE-00604-00151088-00151575 kijunsen is down but um dSHhuXiMPZE-00605-00151576-00151759 above the kimono that means this is dSHhuXiMPZE-00606-00151760-00151983 still not really a dSHhuXiMPZE-00607-00151984-00152254 uh you know uh it's not really dSHhuXiMPZE-00608-00152255-00152407 downtrend yet dSHhuXiMPZE-00609-00152408-00152519 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00610-00152520-00152878 when i see this flat kimono and kijunsan dSHhuXiMPZE-00611-00152879-00153111 that means this may not break the dSHhuXiMPZE-00612-00153112-00153223 support dSHhuXiMPZE-00613-00153224-00153383 it may retrace dSHhuXiMPZE-00614-00153384-00153511 back dSHhuXiMPZE-00615-00153512-00153911 as uh what i expect dSHhuXiMPZE-00616-00153912-00154126 so i have to wait for this candle to dSHhuXiMPZE-00617-00154127-00154239 close dSHhuXiMPZE-00618-00154240-00154414 on the daily time frame dSHhuXiMPZE-00619-00154415-00154671 and again if this closes below the dSHhuXiMPZE-00620-00154672-00155126 support then it may go down continuously dSHhuXiMPZE-00621-00155127-00155247 i think dSHhuXiMPZE-00622-00155248-00155551 this is on the daily time frame but you dSHhuXiMPZE-00623-00155552-00155871 can also look at the four hour chart dSHhuXiMPZE-00624-00155872-00156143 on the forward chart this is now looking dSHhuXiMPZE-00625-00156144-00156271 bearish dSHhuXiMPZE-00626-00156272-00156423 it looks much better than the daily dSHhuXiMPZE-00627-00156424-00156695 chart so in this case i follow dSHhuXiMPZE-00628-00156696-00156790 the dSHhuXiMPZE-00629-00156791-00157039 four hour time frame dSHhuXiMPZE-00630-00157040-00157151 but uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00631-00157152-00157423 yeah again this is very close to the dSHhuXiMPZE-00632-00157424-00157583 support dSHhuXiMPZE-00633-00157584-00157926 port level 130 136.86 dSHhuXiMPZE-00634-00157927-00158175 this is still very close dSHhuXiMPZE-00635-00158176-00158383 so i would wait for the four hour dSHhuXiMPZE-00636-00158384-00158566 candlestick close dSHhuXiMPZE-00637-00158567-00158775 not the daily but a four hour can dSHhuXiMPZE-00638-00158776-00158919 candlestick close dSHhuXiMPZE-00639-00158920-00159447 below the support 130 136.86 dSHhuXiMPZE-00640-00159448-00159607 and then dSHhuXiMPZE-00641-00159608-00159975 prepare to sell afterwards dSHhuXiMPZE-00642-00159976-00160190 so this kind of tickets are closed in dSHhuXiMPZE-00643-00160191-00160302 about dSHhuXiMPZE-00644-00160303-00160471 two and a half hours dSHhuXiMPZE-00645-00160472-00160623 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00646-00160624-00160895 yeah i will come back mostly like three dSHhuXiMPZE-00647-00160896-00161031 hours later dSHhuXiMPZE-00648-00161032-00161399 and then see if it closes below dSHhuXiMPZE-00649-00161400-00161599 so this is a very effective wait we have dSHhuXiMPZE-00650-00161600-00161863 to be patient in this case dSHhuXiMPZE-00651-00161864-00162095 sometimes you see this dSHhuXiMPZE-00652-00162096-00162278 and uh you may think that this is a dSHhuXiMPZE-00653-00162279-00162487 breakout so you jump in dSHhuXiMPZE-00654-00162488-00162678 in the market reverse dSHhuXiMPZE-00655-00162679-00162919 i think you may have that trade before dSHhuXiMPZE-00656-00162920-00163239 because uh and i did also i did also dSHhuXiMPZE-00657-00163240-00163519 take the trade sell and then reverse dSHhuXiMPZE-00658-00163520-00163823 backwards and i used to have these you dSHhuXiMPZE-00659-00163824-00164214 know big drawdowns because of this dSHhuXiMPZE-00660-00164215-00164375 um dSHhuXiMPZE-00661-00164376-00164495 and dSHhuXiMPZE-00662-00164496-00164735 in the mistake was dSHhuXiMPZE-00663-00164736-00164943 not to wait for the conduct candlestick dSHhuXiMPZE-00664-00164944-00165126 close dSHhuXiMPZE-00665-00165127-00165535 although kumo is down cajun dSHhuXiMPZE-00666-00165536-00165831 below candles because the price is near dSHhuXiMPZE-00667-00165832-00165943 support dSHhuXiMPZE-00668-00165944-00166183 we have to wait for the close dSHhuXiMPZE-00669-00166184-00166414 because uh if it doesn't close below if dSHhuXiMPZE-00670-00166415-00166647 it closes above dSHhuXiMPZE-00671-00166648-00166911 here for example and what happens will dSHhuXiMPZE-00672-00166912-00167007 be dSHhuXiMPZE-00673-00167008-00167359 uh this is going to be hold on let me dSHhuXiMPZE-00674-00167360-00167559 enlarge dSHhuXiMPZE-00675-00167560-00167799 if it closes above dSHhuXiMPZE-00676-00167800-00168083 yeah then that will be a bootish dSHhuXiMPZE-00677-00168084-00168319 candlestick right now dSHhuXiMPZE-00678-00168320-00168463 this is forming dSHhuXiMPZE-00679-00168464-00168566 bearish dSHhuXiMPZE-00680-00168567-00168807 but if it closes above the open price dSHhuXiMPZE-00681-00168808-00169023 that will be the bullish candlestick dSHhuXiMPZE-00682-00169024-00169271 and you will see the long week dSHhuXiMPZE-00683-00169272-00169478 pointing down as a result dSHhuXiMPZE-00684-00169479-00169863 and when the market see this dSHhuXiMPZE-00685-00169864-00170159 uh then in the next four hours or next dSHhuXiMPZE-00686-00170160-00170295 eight hours dSHhuXiMPZE-00687-00170296-00170511 buyers may come in and the market dSHhuXiMPZE-00688-00170512-00170711 retraces this way dSHhuXiMPZE-00689-00170712-00171151 and as a result the kuma dSHhuXiMPZE-00690-00171152-00171390 are becoming fake dSHhuXiMPZE-00691-00171391-00171631 so this is where i wait i wait for the dSHhuXiMPZE-00692-00171632-00171766 clothes dSHhuXiMPZE-00693-00171767-00171926 especially right now this is like dSHhuXiMPZE-00694-00171927-00172111 forming like the pin bar dSHhuXiMPZE-00695-00172112-00172223 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00696-00172224-00172711 i will be sure to wait for the close dSHhuXiMPZE-00697-00172712-00172966 but uh so i will just mark this one just dSHhuXiMPZE-00698-00172967-00173095 in case dSHhuXiMPZE-00699-00173096-00173375 so we me you remember uh which one i dSHhuXiMPZE-00700-00173376-00173695 talked about dSHhuXiMPZE-00701-00173696-00173943 so but this is a very important a very dSHhuXiMPZE-00702-00173944-00174151 important point dSHhuXiMPZE-00703-00174152-00174471 um to uh which one to wait dSHhuXiMPZE-00704-00174472-00174647 for the close which one you don't have dSHhuXiMPZE-00705-00174648-00175078 to wait dSHhuXiMPZE-00706-00175079-00175319 yeah so let's see let me quickly screen dSHhuXiMPZE-00707-00175320-00175463 some other charts dSHhuXiMPZE-00708-00175464-00175863 um euro cad is continuously near support dSHhuXiMPZE-00709-00175864-00176166 so simply i'm waiting for the break dSHhuXiMPZE-00710-00176167-00176454 your sis frank uh is dSHhuXiMPZE-00711-00176455-00176743 oh your front is still bearish dSHhuXiMPZE-00712-00176744-00176951 it's uh it's breaking the support so i dSHhuXiMPZE-00713-00176952-00177159 think this one is also good dSHhuXiMPZE-00714-00177160-00177390 to look for the selling edge dSHhuXiMPZE-00715-00177391-00177614 a daily chart i like this skimmer dSHhuXiMPZE-00716-00177615-00177702 because dSHhuXiMPZE-00717-00177703-00177902 it's getting thickness dSHhuXiMPZE-00718-00177903-00178111 it's getting thicker and thicker dSHhuXiMPZE-00719-00178112-00178199 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00720-00178200-00178407 that shows that dSHhuXiMPZE-00721-00178408-00178535 the market is dSHhuXiMPZE-00722-00178536-00178654 stably dSHhuXiMPZE-00723-00178655-00179071 and strongly downtrend in the long term dSHhuXiMPZE-00724-00179072-00179190 yeah dSHhuXiMPZE-00725-00179191-00179311 and then dSHhuXiMPZE-00726-00179312-00179487 if i look at the four hour chart four dSHhuXiMPZE-00727-00179488-00179695 hour also looks good dSHhuXiMPZE-00728-00179696-00179878 it has been dSHhuXiMPZE-00729-00179879-00180119 a nicely consecutive dSHhuXiMPZE-00730-00180120-00180431 bearish in the waves like this dSHhuXiMPZE-00731-00180432-00180663 so i think this downtrend will be dSHhuXiMPZE-00732-00180664-00180919 persistent dSHhuXiMPZE-00733-00180920-00181183 yeah i think euro system looks dSHhuXiMPZE-00734-00181184-00181511 very good dSHhuXiMPZE-00735-00181512-00181711 let me check one hour dSHhuXiMPZE-00736-00181712-00181863 okay dSHhuXiMPZE-00737-00181864-00182087 one hour does not dSHhuXiMPZE-00738-00182088-00182278 really look good dSHhuXiMPZE-00739-00182279-00182366 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00740-00182367-00182535 when i screen charts dSHhuXiMPZE-00741-00182536-00183047 i first screen based on a daily or four dSHhuXiMPZE-00742-00183048-00183254 and see um dSHhuXiMPZE-00743-00183255-00183535 whether one of these time frames dSHhuXiMPZE-00744-00183536-00183790 is trending in this case i can see the dSHhuXiMPZE-00745-00183791-00184031 daily is trending down nicely the common dSHhuXiMPZE-00746-00184032-00184190 looks good dSHhuXiMPZE-00747-00184191-00184383 kuma looks better than the four hour dSHhuXiMPZE-00748-00184384-00184511 kumo dSHhuXiMPZE-00749-00184512-00184663 because four hour kimono looks like it dSHhuXiMPZE-00750-00184664-00184814 is a bit small dSHhuXiMPZE-00751-00184815-00185135 but daily kimono looks bigger so that dSHhuXiMPZE-00752-00185136-00185278 means dSHhuXiMPZE-00753-00185279-00185583 the market has been respecting the daily dSHhuXiMPZE-00754-00185584-00185783 downtrend in this case dSHhuXiMPZE-00755-00185784-00186087 so i follow i decide to follow the daily dSHhuXiMPZE-00756-00186088-00186423 time frame but i can't just sell just dSHhuXiMPZE-00757-00186424-00186663 because the market's going down i have dSHhuXiMPZE-00758-00186664-00186775 to dSHhuXiMPZE-00759-00186776-00187102 be precise on the entry timing dSHhuXiMPZE-00760-00187103-00187495 and then uh to to capture that dSHhuXiMPZE-00761-00187496-00187814 first i look at the one hour to make dSHhuXiMPZE-00762-00187815-00187911 sure that dSHhuXiMPZE-00763-00187912-00188175 make sure that the one hour is also dSHhuXiMPZE-00764-00188176-00188326 trending down dSHhuXiMPZE-00765-00188327-00188695 but looks like one hour is not really dSHhuXiMPZE-00766-00188696-00188926 down anymore it was down dSHhuXiMPZE-00767-00188927-00189119 like one hour ago dSHhuXiMPZE-00768-00189120-00189319 but now this is forming buddhist dSHhuXiMPZE-00769-00189320-00189543 candlestick jung sen is now becoming dSHhuXiMPZE-00770-00189544-00189799 flat so it may retrace dSHhuXiMPZE-00771-00189800-00189983 back to kijunsen dSHhuXiMPZE-00772-00189984-00190438 and also kumo is about to twist buddhish dSHhuXiMPZE-00773-00190439-00190711 still this is bearish more technically dSHhuXiMPZE-00774-00190712-00190966 but it's about to twist bullish dSHhuXiMPZE-00775-00190967-00191519 so that means the market may retrace dSHhuXiMPZE-00776-00191520-00191614 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00777-00191615-00191895 in this case i simply wait for dSHhuXiMPZE-00778-00191896-00192126 the break dSHhuXiMPZE-00779-00192127-00192375 another breakout dSHhuXiMPZE-00780-00192376-00192463 of dSHhuXiMPZE-00781-00192464-00192743 one hour dSHhuXiMPZE-00782-00192744-00193102 at 0.9707 dSHhuXiMPZE-00783-00193103-00193575 and prepare to sell dSHhuXiMPZE-00784-00193576-00193799 i also checked the 30 and 30 is also dSHhuXiMPZE-00785-00193800-00193990 flat this is now dSHhuXiMPZE-00786-00193991-00194231 looking like engulfing inside bar dSHhuXiMPZE-00787-00194232-00194431 so yeah dSHhuXiMPZE-00788-00194432-00194663 in this situation because a market is dSHhuXiMPZE-00789-00194664-00194919 ranging there is no more sellers dSHhuXiMPZE-00790-00194920-00195190 in the market i wait for the break dSHhuXiMPZE-00791-00195191-00195414 of the support dSHhuXiMPZE-00792-00195415-00195543 and uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00793-00195544-00195750 yeah simply look for the third chance dSHhuXiMPZE-00794-00195751-00195895 afterwards dSHhuXiMPZE-00795-00195896-00196471 that's the euro 6 rank dSHhuXiMPZE-00796-00196472-00196671 yeah but looks like uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00797-00196672-00196935 euros is frank looks good i think this dSHhuXiMPZE-00798-00196936-00197031 would be dSHhuXiMPZE-00799-00197032-00197463 continuously downtrend in the long term dSHhuXiMPZE-00800-00197464-00197871 and uh let me see oh looks like so jpy dSHhuXiMPZE-00801-00197872-00198078 has been really dSHhuXiMPZE-00802-00198079-00198326 wrong today dSHhuXiMPZE-00803-00198327-00198431 uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00804-00198432-00198911 all the jpi pairs are retracing back dSHhuXiMPZE-00805-00198912-00199102 pound jpy is dSHhuXiMPZE-00806-00199103-00199366 yeah also retracing dSHhuXiMPZE-00807-00199367-00199566 still within the p wave dSHhuXiMPZE-00808-00199567-00199647 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00809-00199648-00199919 no direction on pound jpy dSHhuXiMPZE-00810-00199920-00200102 but uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00811-00200103-00200471 yeah we'll see which way it breaks dSHhuXiMPZE-00812-00200472-00200878 and pound carries range pound auds also dSHhuXiMPZE-00813-00200879-00201054 yeah this one is retracing back to dSHhuXiMPZE-00814-00201055-00201190 kijunsan dSHhuXiMPZE-00815-00201191-00201375 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00816-00201376-00201719 yeah again this pound aud pound aud is dSHhuXiMPZE-00817-00201720-00201969 retracing back to kijunsen so dSHhuXiMPZE-00818-00201970-00202119 [Music] dSHhuXiMPZE-00819-00202120-00202278 if you want to buy dSHhuXiMPZE-00820-00202279-00202614 and target will be the daily kitchen dSHhuXiMPZE-00821-00202615-00203007 which is 1.7513 dSHhuXiMPZE-00822-00203008-00203326 and how i do this how i dSHhuXiMPZE-00823-00203327-00203566 uh follow dSHhuXiMPZE-00824-00203567-00203743 the uptrend is dSHhuXiMPZE-00825-00203744-00204014 based on the lower time frame so in this dSHhuXiMPZE-00826-00204015-00204263 case i think i will follow one hour dSHhuXiMPZE-00827-00204264-00204438 chart dSHhuXiMPZE-00828-00204439-00204735 yeah one hour shows dSHhuXiMPZE-00829-00204736-00204871 bullish dSHhuXiMPZE-00830-00204871-00205110 right now this is forming a buddhist dSHhuXiMPZE-00831-00205111-00205246 candlestick dSHhuXiMPZE-00832-00205248-00205486 but i wait for the break of this dSHhuXiMPZE-00833-00205487-00206134 resistance on one hour which is 1.7424 dSHhuXiMPZE-00834-00206135-00206319 and then target to dSHhuXiMPZE-00835-00206319-00206455 the daily dSHhuXiMPZE-00836-00206456-00206614 youngsen dSHhuXiMPZE-00837-00206615-00207158 again 1.7513 dSHhuXiMPZE-00838-00207159-00207327 yeah so dSHhuXiMPZE-00839-00207328-00207551 again i wait for the break dSHhuXiMPZE-00840-00207552-00207798 of this resistance dSHhuXiMPZE-00841-00207800-00208023 and then target to dSHhuXiMPZE-00842-00208023-00208238 the daily kitchen like this it looks dSHhuXiMPZE-00843-00208239-00208623 like this in one hour time frame dSHhuXiMPZE-00844-00208623-00208710 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00845-00208711-00208903 yeah i will just mark this one also dSHhuXiMPZE-00846-00208904-00209382 because it's about to break dSHhuXiMPZE-00847-00209383-00209558 yeah and then dSHhuXiMPZE-00848-00209559-00209887 let me check some of the charts um dSHhuXiMPZE-00849-00209888-00210151 oh let me check the pound pairs dSHhuXiMPZE-00850-00210152-00210398 and this front has been ranging dSHhuXiMPZE-00851-00210400-00210687 no direction dSHhuXiMPZE-00852-00210688-00210967 yeah aud usc is going into kumo dSHhuXiMPZE-00853-00210967-00211087 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00854-00211088-00211375 not really a good timing to dSHhuXiMPZE-00855-00211376-00211615 trade dSHhuXiMPZE-00856-00211616-00211951 adc id is very similar to aud usd it's dSHhuXiMPZE-00857-00211952-00212175 going back to kumo on the daily time dSHhuXiMPZE-00858-00212176-00212287 frame dSHhuXiMPZE-00859-00212288-00212631 and the aud jpy is retracing back dSHhuXiMPZE-00860-00212632-00212806 to kijunsan dSHhuXiMPZE-00861-00212807-00213039 no direction dSHhuXiMPZE-00862-00213040-00213319 audc's rank is also dSHhuXiMPZE-00863-00213319-00213446 ranging dSHhuXiMPZE-00864-00213448-00213631 c8d jpy is dSHhuXiMPZE-00865-00213632-00213927 retracing back it broke the support the dSHhuXiMPZE-00866-00213928-00214158 previous support looks like it's going dSHhuXiMPZE-00867-00214159-00214342 down to kumo dSHhuXiMPZE-00868-00214344-00214519 but this one is also dSHhuXiMPZE-00869-00214519-00214782 retracing back dSHhuXiMPZE-00870-00214783-00215031 looks like all the jpr pairs are going dSHhuXiMPZE-00871-00215032-00215351 down today dSHhuXiMPZE-00872-00215352-00215655 and the c86 rank has been ranging and dSHhuXiMPZE-00873-00215656-00215919 since frank's jpui is also retracing dSHhuXiMPZE-00874-00215919-00216294 back because of the strong jpy today but dSHhuXiMPZE-00875-00216296-00216487 uh yeah so so far dSHhuXiMPZE-00876-00216488-00216823 as a screen charts today i think the dSHhuXiMPZE-00877-00216823-00217063 euro six franc is dSHhuXiMPZE-00878-00217064-00217431 very good this is stably downtrend dSHhuXiMPZE-00879-00217432-00217710 on the daily time frame dSHhuXiMPZE-00880-00217711-00217958 and then pound aud dSHhuXiMPZE-00881-00217959-00218375 is retracing back to the daily kijunsan dSHhuXiMPZE-00882-00218376-00218479 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00883-00218480-00218703 once the market breaks one hour dSHhuXiMPZE-00884-00218704-00218863 resistance dSHhuXiMPZE-00885-00218864-00219358 which is 1.74 before dSHhuXiMPZE-00886-00219359-00219487 we can come in dSHhuXiMPZE-00887-00219488-00219815 and take a bye and target to dSHhuXiMPZE-00888-00219816-00220063 the daily kitchen dSHhuXiMPZE-00889-00220064-00220398 but uh the rest of the pairs um dSHhuXiMPZE-00890-00220400-00220671 look to be range so i think i will just dSHhuXiMPZE-00891-00220671-00220991 stay away from the other ones dSHhuXiMPZE-00892-00220992-00221294 but basically that's how i screen charts dSHhuXiMPZE-00893-00221296-00221582 and decide which one to trade or not dSHhuXiMPZE-00894-00221583-00221791 so right now dSHhuXiMPZE-00895-00221792-00222071 unfortunately there is no good setups we dSHhuXiMPZE-00896-00222071-00222342 have to wait for either support break dSHhuXiMPZE-00897-00222344-00222534 resistance break dSHhuXiMPZE-00898-00222535-00222671 but dSHhuXiMPZE-00899-00222671-00222871 yeah so in this case i don't usually dSHhuXiMPZE-00900-00222871-00223071 monitor i don't just sit down the pc dSHhuXiMPZE-00901-00223071-00223382 monitor i don't do that but i will dSHhuXiMPZE-00902-00223383-00223639 simply leave charts and come back couple dSHhuXiMPZE-00903-00223640-00223910 hours later maybe two hours three hours dSHhuXiMPZE-00904-00223911-00224206 later and see if if the breakout is dSHhuXiMPZE-00905-00224207-00224358 happening dSHhuXiMPZE-00906-00224359-00224606 and if i confirm the breakout breakouts dSHhuXiMPZE-00907-00224607-00224846 are happening then um dSHhuXiMPZE-00908-00224848-00225310 i decided to take trade dSHhuXiMPZE-00909-00225311-00225694 yeah and that is my routine usually dSHhuXiMPZE-00910-00225696-00225967 okay so let me check the dSHhuXiMPZE-00911-00225967-00226079 as a dSHhuXiMPZE-00912-00226080-00226303 amar rom dSHhuXiMPZE-00913-00226304-00226439 fox dSHhuXiMPZE-00914-00226440-00226694 request let me check the dSHhuXiMPZE-00915-00226696-00227087 aos 200 oz 200 dSHhuXiMPZE-00916-00227088-00227351 which is an index of dSHhuXiMPZE-00917-00227352-00227567 australia dSHhuXiMPZE-00918-00227567-00227871 first let me check the daily timeframe dSHhuXiMPZE-00919-00227871-00228110 okay so looks like the market is going dSHhuXiMPZE-00920-00228111-00228263 into kumo dSHhuXiMPZE-00921-00228264-00228367 and dSHhuXiMPZE-00922-00228367-00228615 whenever the market goes into kumal this dSHhuXiMPZE-00923-00228616-00228855 is becoming a bit spiky dSHhuXiMPZE-00924-00228856-00229046 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00925-00229048-00229263 but this is bullish now it broke the dSHhuXiMPZE-00926-00229264-00229491 resistance of a dSHhuXiMPZE-00927-00229492-00229671 6804.1 dSHhuXiMPZE-00928-00229671-00229927 and it was ascending p wave dSHhuXiMPZE-00929-00229928-00230255 and the breakout just happened yesterday dSHhuXiMPZE-00930-00230256-00230342 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00931-00230344-00230519 in terms of the price action this is dSHhuXiMPZE-00932-00230519-00230646 bullish dSHhuXiMPZE-00933-00230648-00230871 but it may be resisted at the previous dSHhuXiMPZE-00934-00230871-00231103 supports which is around dSHhuXiMPZE-00935-00231104-00231310 this level over here dSHhuXiMPZE-00936-00231311-00231431 69 dSHhuXiMPZE-00937-00231432-00231719 or 8.3 dSHhuXiMPZE-00938-00231719-00231982 so the market could range could be range dSHhuXiMPZE-00939-00231983-00232103 a little bit dSHhuXiMPZE-00940-00232104-00232294 so we have to wait for the break dSHhuXiMPZE-00941-00232296-00232482 of the of the previous dSHhuXiMPZE-00942-00232483-00232798 supports but then to be safer uh dSHhuXiMPZE-00943-00232800-00233055 you want to wait for the breakout dSHhuXiMPZE-00944-00233056-00233358 of the kumo on the daily timeframe and dSHhuXiMPZE-00945-00233359-00233575 then finally buy dSHhuXiMPZE-00946-00233576-00233894 because uh it may range like this dSHhuXiMPZE-00947-00233896-00234094 within the kumo dSHhuXiMPZE-00948-00234096-00234246 it may range dSHhuXiMPZE-00949-00234248-00234446 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00950-00234448-00234694 yeah i would wait for the common break dSHhuXiMPZE-00951-00234696-00234855 at least dSHhuXiMPZE-00952-00234856-00235134 and then um dSHhuXiMPZE-00953-00235135-00235623 follow up trend afterwards dSHhuXiMPZE-00954-00235623-00235903 because of the because again the market dSHhuXiMPZE-00955-00235904-00236239 is exactly into kumo and there are two dSHhuXiMPZE-00956-00236240-00236455 supports in the past dSHhuXiMPZE-00957-00236456-00236727 and plus um whenever you see the price dSHhuXiMPZE-00958-00236728-00237023 the market is exactly into kumo and when dSHhuXiMPZE-00959-00237023-00237271 the kuma is very thick like this dSHhuXiMPZE-00960-00237271-00237527 then the market also can be very spiky dSHhuXiMPZE-00961-00237528-00237727 on the lower timeframes dSHhuXiMPZE-00962-00237728-00237871 so dSHhuXiMPZE-00963-00237871-00238079 even if you buy dSHhuXiMPZE-00964-00238080-00238334 it may not really be time efficient dSHhuXiMPZE-00965-00238335-00238631 to make profits to run profits dSHhuXiMPZE-00966-00238632-00239310 along the way dSHhuXiMPZE-00967-00239311-00239423 okay dSHhuXiMPZE-00968-00239423-00239611 yeah yeah so let me see dSHhuXiMPZE-00969-00239612-00239815 [Music] dSHhuXiMPZE-00970-00239816-00240263 okay so let me check the bitcoin dSHhuXiMPZE-00971-00240264-00240479 so btc usd dSHhuXiMPZE-00972-00240480-00240703 is continuously range dSHhuXiMPZE-00973-00240704-00240951 no direction as i mentioned yesterday dSHhuXiMPZE-00974-00240952-00241239 the market is going into kumon now so we dSHhuXiMPZE-00975-00241240-00241494 have to wait for the coma break dSHhuXiMPZE-00976-00241496-00241582 to dSHhuXiMPZE-00977-00241583-00241855 buy dSHhuXiMPZE-00978-00241856-00242255 so i will put up arrow above the kumo dSHhuXiMPZE-00979-00242256-00242575 because again whenever you see that dSHhuXiMPZE-00980-00242576-00242782 whenever you see the market it markets dSHhuXiMPZE-00981-00242783-00242998 exactly into common that's dSHhuXiMPZE-00982-00243000-00243198 become spiky dSHhuXiMPZE-00983-00243200-00243446 if you look at here too dSHhuXiMPZE-00984-00243448-00243663 when you see the markets into kumo you dSHhuXiMPZE-00985-00243664-00243919 see doji you see so many weeks up and dSHhuXiMPZE-00986-00243919-00244063 down spikes dSHhuXiMPZE-00987-00244064-00244327 so becomes very tricky dSHhuXiMPZE-00988-00244328-00244446 and then dSHhuXiMPZE-00989-00244448-00244663 once the market went down below the dSHhuXiMPZE-00990-00244664-00245087 kimono below kijunsen and then yesterday dSHhuXiMPZE-00991-00245088-00245391 bitcomas boat and it went up dSHhuXiMPZE-00992-00245392-00245775 very much dSHhuXiMPZE-00993-00245776-00246087 uh yeah i will wait for the common break dSHhuXiMPZE-00994-00246088-00246279 in this case too until dSHhuXiMPZE-00995-00246280-00246415 like more break dSHhuXiMPZE-00996-00246416-00246679 i think i will simply stay away from dSHhuXiMPZE-00997-00246680-00247046 this dSHhuXiMPZE-00998-00247048-00247439 yep and uh also let me review gold dSHhuXiMPZE-00999-00247440-00247919 because gold is also strongly bullish dSHhuXiMPZE-01000-00247919-00248246 um for the last two days dSHhuXiMPZE-01001-00248248-00248455 it has been bullish dSHhuXiMPZE-01002-00248456-00248734 on gold there is no more downtrend dSHhuXiMPZE-01003-00248735-00249030 so i will delete the down arrow dSHhuXiMPZE-01004-00249031-00249271 and looks like it's going up to the dSHhuXiMPZE-01005-00249271-00249727 daily kijunsen dSHhuXiMPZE-01006-00249728-00249991 yeah so if you're buying gold dSHhuXiMPZE-01007-00249992-00250215 a target is dSHhuXiMPZE-01008-00250216-00250575 on the daily kijunsen again dSHhuXiMPZE-01009-00250576-00250934 1762.84 dSHhuXiMPZE-01010-00250935-00251151 but um dSHhuXiMPZE-01011-00251152-00251423 yeah and the market has been dSHhuXiMPZE-01012-00251423-00251671 a bit below the kizunsen dSHhuXiMPZE-01013-00251671-00251798 for more than dSHhuXiMPZE-01014-00251800-00251879 uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01015-00251880-00252094 26 days dSHhuXiMPZE-01016-00252096-00252415 and like i mentioned yesterday on on the dSHhuXiMPZE-01017-00252416-00252534 live dSHhuXiMPZE-01018-00252535-00252734 uh when you see the price below the dSHhuXiMPZE-01019-00252735-00253046 kijunsen for more than 26 candles or dSHhuXiMPZE-01020-00253048-00253255 more than 26 days dSHhuXiMPZE-01021-00253256-00253367 then um dSHhuXiMPZE-01022-00253367-00253598 it tends to reverse dSHhuXiMPZE-01023-00253600-00253782 and that's exactly what's happening dSHhuXiMPZE-01024-00253783-00253879 today dSHhuXiMPZE-01025-00253880-00254191 so most likely today and tomorrow dSHhuXiMPZE-01026-00254192-00254423 the market will reach dSHhuXiMPZE-01027-00254423-00254758 the daily kijunsan dSHhuXiMPZE-01028-00254759-00255039 and once it reaches kijunsan dSHhuXiMPZE-01029-00255040-00255310 what may happen is dSHhuXiMPZE-01030-00255311-00255455 the market dSHhuXiMPZE-01031-00255456-00255679 may break the kijunsan dSHhuXiMPZE-01032-00255680-00255894 and then goes up to dSHhuXiMPZE-01033-00255896-00256030 the kimmel dSHhuXiMPZE-01034-00256031-00256487 or it may be resisted dSHhuXiMPZE-01035-00256488-00256591 and dSHhuXiMPZE-01036-00256592-00256846 goes down this way dSHhuXiMPZE-01037-00256848-00256967 so dSHhuXiMPZE-01038-00256967-00257230 there will be two scenarios dSHhuXiMPZE-01039-00257231-00257471 once the market reaches back to dSHhuXiMPZE-01040-00257471-00257623 the kijunsen dSHhuXiMPZE-01041-00257623-00257742 so um dSHhuXiMPZE-01042-00257744-00257919 you can target to dSHhuXiMPZE-01043-00257919-00258134 the daily kijunsan if you're buying gold dSHhuXiMPZE-01044-00258135-00258230 right now dSHhuXiMPZE-01045-00258231-00258551 but um dSHhuXiMPZE-01046-00258552-00258742 if you want if you don't want to lose dSHhuXiMPZE-01047-00258744-00258830 these dSHhuXiMPZE-01048-00258831-00259079 potential profits i recommend you to dSHhuXiMPZE-01049-00259080-00259263 take profit dSHhuXiMPZE-01050-00259264-00259551 and then wait for the candlestick dSHhuXiMPZE-01051-00259552-00259806 will become above or below dSHhuXiMPZE-01052-00259807-00260015 the kitchens and afterwards dSHhuXiMPZE-01053-00260016-00260215 if the candle sticks below dSHhuXiMPZE-01054-00260216-00260423 the kijun senda means the market was dSHhuXiMPZE-01055-00260423-00260558 resisted dSHhuXiMPZE-01056-00260559-00260830 so you you don't want to buy anymore dSHhuXiMPZE-01057-00260831-00260951 but if dSHhuXiMPZE-01058-00260952-00261094 the price dSHhuXiMPZE-01059-00261096-00261342 closes above the kitchen dSHhuXiMPZE-01060-00261344-00261575 then most likely the monkey goes up to dSHhuXiMPZE-01061-00261576-00261687 kumo dSHhuXiMPZE-01062-00261688-00261830 so um dSHhuXiMPZE-01063-00261831-00262303 you can prepare to buy afterwards dSHhuXiMPZE-01064-00262304-00262495 yeah that's dSHhuXiMPZE-01065-00262496-00262927 that will be the scenario in this case dSHhuXiMPZE-01066-00262928-00263271 but yeah gold is retracing back to dSHhuXiMPZE-01067-00263272-00263863 the daily dSHhuXiMPZE-01068-00263864-00264215 okay yeah so that's uh yeah that's dSHhuXiMPZE-01069-00264216-00264510 gold dSHhuXiMPZE-01070-00264511-00264710 oh dSHhuXiMPZE-01071-00264711-00265143 yeah let me come back some comments now dSHhuXiMPZE-01072-00265144-00265334 so again thank you for joining everybody dSHhuXiMPZE-01073-00265335-00265655 great to see you dSHhuXiMPZE-01074-00265656-00265903 yeah great to see you again dSHhuXiMPZE-01075-00265904-00266647 thank you for joining dSHhuXiMPZE-01076-00266648-00267303 okay dSHhuXiMPZE-01077-00267304-00267534 let me see let me check some comments dSHhuXiMPZE-01078-00267535-00268310 now dSHhuXiMPZE-01079-00268311-00268406 um dSHhuXiMPZE-01080-00268407-00268599 okay vinod says dSHhuXiMPZE-01081-00268600-00268743 how does dSHhuXiMPZE-01082-00268744-00268975 the fate reserve banks dSHhuXiMPZE-01083-00268976-00269206 interest rate affects the market dSHhuXiMPZE-01084-00269207-00269455 obviously when the rate is increased dSHhuXiMPZE-01085-00269456-00269623 then the currency dSHhuXiMPZE-01086-00269624-00269847 tends to be bold dSHhuXiMPZE-01087-00269848-00269991 so if dSHhuXiMPZE-01088-00269992-00270255 u.s keeps increasing dSHhuXiMPZE-01089-00270256-00270358 the rate dSHhuXiMPZE-01090-00270359-00270487 then dSHhuXiMPZE-01091-00270488-00270679 in theory dSHhuXiMPZE-01092-00270680-00270823 the usd dSHhuXiMPZE-01093-00270824-00271439 will continuously be built dSHhuXiMPZE-01094-00271440-00271734 that's the norm that's dSHhuXiMPZE-01095-00271735-00272247 the dSHhuXiMPZE-01096-00272248-00272479 let me see yeah i have already covered dSHhuXiMPZE-01097-00272480-00272815 gold gold is now retracing back to dSHhuXiMPZE-01098-00272816-00273279 the daily kitchen now dSHhuXiMPZE-01099-00273280-00273415 let's say uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01100-00273416-00273551 is price dSHhuXiMPZE-01101-00273552-00273871 consolidation same as price equilibrium dSHhuXiMPZE-01102-00273872-00274167 uh no it's different it's different dSHhuXiMPZE-01103-00274168-00274439 um equilibrium is dSHhuXiMPZE-01104-00274440-00274647 in each mockup dSHhuXiMPZE-01105-00274648-00274751 means dSHhuXiMPZE-01106-00274752-00275006 tenkang sen dSHhuXiMPZE-01107-00275007-00275287 and kijunsen dSHhuXiMPZE-01108-00275288-00275551 and um cinco spam b dSHhuXiMPZE-01109-00275552-00275775 these are the equivalents dSHhuXiMPZE-01110-00275776-00275958 of the short term dSHhuXiMPZE-01111-00275959-00276047 and dSHhuXiMPZE-01112-00276048-00276199 midterm dSHhuXiMPZE-01113-00276200-00276479 and long term dSHhuXiMPZE-01114-00276480-00276758 so they are different from dSHhuXiMPZE-01115-00276759-00277223 the consolidation or the range dSHhuXiMPZE-01116-00277224-00277319 simply dSHhuXiMPZE-01117-00277320-00277495 when so this dSHhuXiMPZE-01118-00277496-00277655 can consent shows dSHhuXiMPZE-01119-00277656-00277943 the short-term equilibrium dSHhuXiMPZE-01120-00277944-00278191 so that means if the price is exactly on dSHhuXiMPZE-01121-00278192-00278382 the ten counts and that means dSHhuXiMPZE-01122-00278383-00278558 the market is dSHhuXiMPZE-01123-00278559-00278879 in equilibrium in the short term but dSHhuXiMPZE-01124-00278880-00279134 still sellers dominant on the midterm to dSHhuXiMPZE-01125-00279135-00279303 long term dSHhuXiMPZE-01126-00279304-00279623 and if the price is dSHhuXiMPZE-01127-00279624-00279791 on dSHhuXiMPZE-01128-00279792-00280103 the kizoons and that means dSHhuXiMPZE-01129-00280104-00280343 the market is in equilibrium in the dSHhuXiMPZE-01130-00280344-00280447 midterm dSHhuXiMPZE-01131-00280448-00280599 that means dSHhuXiMPZE-01132-00280600-00280855 buyers and sellers are 50 50 dSHhuXiMPZE-01133-00280856-00280991 power level dSHhuXiMPZE-01134-00280992-00281134 in the midterm dSHhuXiMPZE-01135-00281135-00281391 but the price above the 10 thousand dSHhuXiMPZE-01136-00281392-00281567 that means in the short term it's dSHhuXiMPZE-01137-00281568-00281671 bullish dSHhuXiMPZE-01138-00281672-00282119 long term it's bearish dSHhuXiMPZE-01139-00282120-00282255 and dSHhuXiMPZE-01140-00282256-00282423 when the market is dSHhuXiMPZE-01141-00282424-00282639 on the single spam b dSHhuXiMPZE-01142-00282640-00282791 that means dSHhuXiMPZE-01143-00282792-00283047 uh the market is in equilibrium dSHhuXiMPZE-01144-00283048-00283223 50 50 dSHhuXiMPZE-01145-00283224-00283406 buyers and sellers dSHhuXiMPZE-01146-00283407-00283630 and uh in the long term dSHhuXiMPZE-01147-00283631-00283903 in mid to short term most likely it's dSHhuXiMPZE-01148-00283904-00284175 bullish if the price above dSHhuXiMPZE-01149-00284176-00284527 uh kitchens and 10 consent dSHhuXiMPZE-01150-00284528-00284823 that means the market is bullish dSHhuXiMPZE-01151-00284824-00285110 buyers are dominant considers dSHhuXiMPZE-01152-00285111-00285415 in the mid to short term dSHhuXiMPZE-01153-00285416-00285487 so dSHhuXiMPZE-01154-00285488-00285727 yeah technically speaking it's different dSHhuXiMPZE-01155-00285728-00285847 from dSHhuXiMPZE-01156-00285848-00286310 a consolidation dSHhuXiMPZE-01157-00286311-00286527 because ichimoku is all about dSHhuXiMPZE-01158-00286528-00286695 the equilibrium dSHhuXiMPZE-01159-00286696-00286958 and all about what the short term dSHhuXiMPZE-01160-00286959-00287279 participants are doing a mid-term dSHhuXiMPZE-01161-00287280-00287487 participants doing and long-term dSHhuXiMPZE-01162-00287488-00288047 participants are doing dSHhuXiMPZE-01163-00288048-00288127 so dSHhuXiMPZE-01164-00288128-00288310 in at a glance dSHhuXiMPZE-01165-00288311-00288430 you can dSHhuXiMPZE-01166-00288431-00288534 get the dSHhuXiMPZE-01167-00288535-00288854 correct situation of the market in one dSHhuXiMPZE-01168-00288855-00289503 single time frame dSHhuXiMPZE-01169-00289504-00289591 yeah dSHhuXiMPZE-01170-00289592-00290406 all right dSHhuXiMPZE-01171-00290407-00290630 okay uh let's see um dSHhuXiMPZE-01172-00290631-00290734 l dSHhuXiMPZE-01173-00290735-00291119 says i have a method of trading um senko dSHhuXiMPZE-01174-00291120-00291454 span i think cinco span right uh yeah dSHhuXiMPZE-01175-00291455-00291679 you can write me an email and i can have dSHhuXiMPZE-01176-00291680-00291887 a look dSHhuXiMPZE-01177-00291888-00292334 sure sure dSHhuXiMPZE-01178-00292335-00292534 okay so dSHhuXiMPZE-01179-00292535-00292863 yes pound jpy is going down in the short dSHhuXiMPZE-01180-00292864-00293110 term but in the long term it's range dSHhuXiMPZE-01181-00293111-00293495 so i will simply stay away dSHhuXiMPZE-01182-00293496-00293606 and uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01183-00293607-00293734 let's see dSHhuXiMPZE-01184-00293735-00293854 okay dSHhuXiMPZE-01185-00293855-00293982 john harris says may you check dSHhuXiMPZE-01186-00293983-00294271 commodities silver platinum copper gold dSHhuXiMPZE-01187-00294272-00294503 wheat dSHhuXiMPZE-01188-00294504-00294671 i can pick one dSHhuXiMPZE-01189-00294672-00294958 let's see let me check the silver dSHhuXiMPZE-01190-00294959-00295471 i reject gold so let me check silver dSHhuXiMPZE-01191-00295472-00295767 let's see silver is okay this one is dSHhuXiMPZE-01192-00295768-00296023 retracing back to kijunsen dSHhuXiMPZE-01193-00296024-00296295 now so this one is more stronger than dSHhuXiMPZE-01194-00296296-00296495 gold you can see dSHhuXiMPZE-01195-00296496-00296775 let me split the window dSHhuXiMPZE-01196-00296776-00296903 and uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01197-00296904-00297063 on the left dSHhuXiMPZE-01198-00297064-00297287 i put the gold on the left on the right dSHhuXiMPZE-01199-00297288-00297487 i put the silver dSHhuXiMPZE-01200-00297488-00297734 exactly the same time frame dSHhuXiMPZE-01201-00297735-00298023 and uh you can see some different dSHhuXiMPZE-01202-00298024-00298223 situation in terms of dSHhuXiMPZE-01203-00298224-00298327 is dSHhuXiMPZE-01204-00298328-00298606 ichimoku lines dSHhuXiMPZE-01205-00298607-00298903 yeah they are very much identical dSHhuXiMPZE-01206-00298904-00299119 but uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01207-00299120-00299351 the location the price dSHhuXiMPZE-01208-00299352-00299839 is still below the kitchen on xa usc but dSHhuXiMPZE-01209-00299840-00300015 uh silver is dSHhuXiMPZE-01210-00300016-00300119 touching dSHhuXiMPZE-01211-00300120-00300375 the question so dSHhuXiMPZE-01212-00300376-00300534 i think server dSHhuXiMPZE-01213-00300535-00300847 if the price if the market closes above dSHhuXiMPZE-01214-00300848-00301406 the kijunsan it can go up to the kumo dSHhuXiMPZE-01215-00301407-00301558 so i think dSHhuXiMPZE-01216-00301559-00301727 if you buy dSHhuXiMPZE-01217-00301728-00301958 silver will look better dSHhuXiMPZE-01218-00301959-00302630 and time efficient than gold to buy dSHhuXiMPZE-01219-00302631-00302919 yeah all right um let me see i think i'm dSHhuXiMPZE-01220-00302920-00303095 kind of reading some old comments so let dSHhuXiMPZE-01221-00303096-00303247 me dSHhuXiMPZE-01222-00303248-00303439 catch up dSHhuXiMPZE-01223-00303440-00303647 okay wti dSHhuXiMPZE-01224-00303648-00304015 wti let me see this is the range yeah dSHhuXiMPZE-01225-00304016-00304206 wti is dSHhuXiMPZE-01226-00304207-00304415 still a range but it's retracing back dSHhuXiMPZE-01227-00304416-00304543 also dSHhuXiMPZE-01228-00304544-00304791 oh kind of looking like the hold on dSHhuXiMPZE-01229-00304792-00304910 sorry dSHhuXiMPZE-01230-00304911-00305206 yeah this is the bti sorry i was gold dSHhuXiMPZE-01231-00305207-00305567 every ti is still ranging now but still dSHhuXiMPZE-01232-00305568-00305727 below dSHhuXiMPZE-01233-00305728-00305854 this uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01234-00305855-00306063 below the descending trend line dSHhuXiMPZE-01235-00306064-00306303 but for me this is still bearish dSHhuXiMPZE-01236-00306304-00306510 i think the market still may break the dSHhuXiMPZE-01237-00306511-00307030 support and continuously go down dSHhuXiMPZE-01238-00307031-00307287 all right so um let me dSHhuXiMPZE-01239-00307288-00307527 check some other comments i think i will dSHhuXiMPZE-01240-00307528-00307782 end the live in a few minutes dSHhuXiMPZE-01241-00307783-00308023 but let me quickly check some of the dSHhuXiMPZE-01242-00308024-00308151 comments dSHhuXiMPZE-01243-00308152-00308239 all right dSHhuXiMPZE-01244-00308240-00308351 but again thank you for joining dSHhuXiMPZE-01245-00308352-00308551 everybody great to see you dSHhuXiMPZE-01246-00308552-00308734 if you liked the live stream so far dSHhuXiMPZE-01247-00308735-00308854 please press dSHhuXiMPZE-01248-00308855-00309006 the like button before leave that would dSHhuXiMPZE-01249-00309007-00309482 be great dSHhuXiMPZE-01250-00309483-00309823 oh yeah when it comes to live streams i dSHhuXiMPZE-01251-00309824-00310079 really feel home in dubai because i have dSHhuXiMPZE-01252-00310080-00310406 all the setups here on the pc dSHhuXiMPZE-01253-00310407-00310606 yeah it was i found that it was a bit dSHhuXiMPZE-01254-00310607-00310815 difficult to dSHhuXiMPZE-01255-00310816-00311199 live stream my laptop now dSHhuXiMPZE-01256-00311200-00311487 especially in one single screen dSHhuXiMPZE-01257-00311488-00311647 um dSHhuXiMPZE-01258-00311648-00311982 live stream is a bit difficult to do dSHhuXiMPZE-01259-00311983-00312143 but now dSHhuXiMPZE-01260-00312144-00312310 i'm so afraid to do dSHhuXiMPZE-01261-00312311-00312495 live streams dSHhuXiMPZE-01262-00312496-00312758 i have three screens now so dSHhuXiMPZE-01263-00312759-00313327 it's really nice to do it dSHhuXiMPZE-01264-00313328-00313495 okay dSHhuXiMPZE-01265-00313496-00313654 let's see let's see all right thank you dSHhuXiMPZE-01266-00313655-00313830 for joining everybody great to see you i dSHhuXiMPZE-01267-00313831-00314182 see many comments dSHhuXiMPZE-01268-00314183-00314367 all right you're welcome you're welcome dSHhuXiMPZE-01269-00314368-00314479 everyone dSHhuXiMPZE-01270-00314480-00314623 i see dSHhuXiMPZE-01271-00314624-00314806 thank you comments so dSHhuXiMPZE-01272-00314807-00315606 i say you're welcome to everyone dSHhuXiMPZE-01273-00315607-00315710 okay dSHhuXiMPZE-01274-00315711-00315769 um dSHhuXiMPZE-01275-00315770-00315895 [Music] dSHhuXiMPZE-01276-00315896-00316230 oh i i found one interesting comment pop dSHhuXiMPZE-01277-00316231-00316510 apollo he says in your trade peer price dSHhuXiMPZE-01278-00316511-00316871 section k and my answer is yes dSHhuXiMPZE-01279-00316872-00317079 i can trade it by the peer price action dSHhuXiMPZE-01280-00317080-00317351 too yes i don't have to use the ichimoku dSHhuXiMPZE-01281-00317352-00317495 to trade dSHhuXiMPZE-01282-00317496-00317695 um i can dSHhuXiMPZE-01283-00317696-00317882 just use dSHhuXiMPZE-01284-00317883-00318215 candlesticks and uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01285-00318216-00318343 x-rays dSHhuXiMPZE-01286-00318344-00318543 take entries and exits dSHhuXiMPZE-01287-00318544-00318703 that's possible dSHhuXiMPZE-01288-00318704-00319039 but each mooc can give you some dSHhuXiMPZE-01289-00319040-00319215 extra confirmations dSHhuXiMPZE-01290-00319216-00319415 in different views about the markets dSHhuXiMPZE-01291-00319416-00319567 that we cannot see dSHhuXiMPZE-01292-00319568-00319734 in candlesticks dSHhuXiMPZE-01293-00319735-00320030 and that's why i use each moku dSHhuXiMPZE-01294-00320031-00320158 yeah and dSHhuXiMPZE-01295-00320159-00320447 each monkey plus price action then you dSHhuXiMPZE-01296-00320448-00320975 don't need any other indicators dSHhuXiMPZE-01297-00320976-00321119 yeah it's really dSHhuXiMPZE-01298-00321120-00321263 uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01299-00321264-00321430 it's really uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01300-00321431-00321591 efficient dSHhuXiMPZE-01301-00321592-00321758 in price action dSHhuXiMPZE-01302-00321759-00322143 and each month only dSHhuXiMPZE-01303-00322144-00322334 okay so dSHhuXiMPZE-01304-00322335-00322767 yeah i guess i will be ending live dSHhuXiMPZE-01305-00322768-00322958 and then a switch to the ichimoku dSHhuXiMPZE-01306-00322959-00323175 membership live dSHhuXiMPZE-01307-00323176-00323343 so again dSHhuXiMPZE-01308-00323344-00323543 thank you for joining everybody great to dSHhuXiMPZE-01309-00323544-00323767 see you it was really nice dSHhuXiMPZE-01310-00323768-00323999 seeing you on a chat always dSHhuXiMPZE-01311-00324000-00324199 and i also dSHhuXiMPZE-01312-00324200-00324327 appreciate dSHhuXiMPZE-01313-00324328-00324534 your participation even if you don't dSHhuXiMPZE-01314-00324535-00324623 type dSHhuXiMPZE-01315-00324624-00324719 chat dSHhuXiMPZE-01316-00324720-00324919 i always appreciate your dSHhuXiMPZE-01317-00324920-00325079 participation dSHhuXiMPZE-01318-00325080-00325230 and uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01319-00325231-00325510 i appreciate your emails also dSHhuXiMPZE-01320-00325511-00325695 i get many comments many positive dSHhuXiMPZE-01321-00325696-00326039 feedbacks on my youtube channel and also dSHhuXiMPZE-01322-00326040-00326151 what i do dSHhuXiMPZE-01323-00326152-00326503 on the live streams so again dSHhuXiMPZE-01324-00326504-00326679 i really thank you for your support dSHhuXiMPZE-01325-00326680-00326815 because dSHhuXiMPZE-01326-00326816-00327015 yeah if there is no support then i dSHhuXiMPZE-01327-00327016-00327295 wouldn't be able to do lives every day dSHhuXiMPZE-01328-00327296-00327527 on my youtube channel so dSHhuXiMPZE-01329-00327528-00327719 yeah it's been my honor dSHhuXiMPZE-01330-00327720-00327934 to be able to share dSHhuXiMPZE-01331-00327935-00328119 what i know dSHhuXiMPZE-01332-00328120-00328367 about each mock about the markets dSHhuXiMPZE-01333-00328368-00328615 about the price actions dSHhuXiMPZE-01334-00328616-00329054 and share with you so that you can also dSHhuXiMPZE-01335-00329055-00329319 learn something new at least dSHhuXiMPZE-01336-00329320-00329558 from what i say dSHhuXiMPZE-01337-00329559-00329719 so um dSHhuXiMPZE-01338-00329720-00329839 yeah again dSHhuXiMPZE-01339-00329840-00330175 um thank you for joining everybody and i dSHhuXiMPZE-01340-00330176-00330399 hope you have a great great dSHhuXiMPZE-01341-00330400-00330478 uh dSHhuXiMPZE-01342-00330479-00330647 rest of the day dSHhuXiMPZE-01343-00330648-00330895 and i will see you soon again dSHhuXiMPZE-01344-00330896-00331167 so until i see you next time please stay dSHhuXiMPZE-01345-00331168-00331263 healthy dSHhuXiMPZE-01346-00331264-00331415 and stay safe dSHhuXiMPZE-01347-00331416-00331606 and a gold dSHhuXiMPZE-01348-00331607-00331791 all right bye for now dSHhuXiMPZE-01350-00335488-00335696 you dU24U3HP1sc-00000-00000024-00000238 howdy howdy howdy my darling sagittarius dU24U3HP1sc-00001-00000239-00000407 how are you doing my name is simply dU24U3HP1sc-00002-00000408-00000526 velka and today we're going to be dU24U3HP1sc-00003-00000527-00000711 getting into sagittarius your weekly dU24U3HP1sc-00004-00000712-00001062 tarot reading for july 2022 of course dU24U3HP1sc-00005-00001063-00001327 right uh but darling sagittarius if you dU24U3HP1sc-00006-00001328-00001478 enjoy this weekly tarot reading be sure dU24U3HP1sc-00007-00001479-00001599 to check out my monthly chair reading dU24U3HP1sc-00008-00001600-00001743 that i did for you i'll leave a link to dU24U3HP1sc-00009-00001744-00001895 somewhere around here darling if you dU24U3HP1sc-00010-00001896-00002007 enjoy this though let me know in the dU24U3HP1sc-00011-00002007-00002126 comments below how this cheer reading dU24U3HP1sc-00012-00002127-00002302 resonates give this video a like and dU24U3HP1sc-00013-00002303-00002463 subscribe sagittarius it's completely dU24U3HP1sc-00014-00002464-00002671 free to do and it helps me out a lot and dU24U3HP1sc-00015-00002672-00002902 i really appreciate it charlie dU24U3HP1sc-00016-00002903-00003110 all right now sagittarius keep in mind dU24U3HP1sc-00017-00003111-00003247 when you're consuming general terror dU24U3HP1sc-00018-00003247-00003447 readings don't just go by your one dU24U3HP1sc-00019-00003447-00003686 zodiac sign darling sagittarius right go dU24U3HP1sc-00020-00003688-00003847 by your sub moon rising as well as your dU24U3HP1sc-00021-00003847-00003990 venus sign that's how you make these dU24U3HP1sc-00022-00003992-00004222 general tarot readings work out the best dU24U3HP1sc-00023-00004223-00004454 for you especially on youtube dU24U3HP1sc-00024-00004455-00004615 so let's just jump right into this dU24U3HP1sc-00025-00004616-00004767 here's aji dU24U3HP1sc-00026-00004768-00004895 we're going to be doing three rows for dU24U3HP1sc-00027-00004896-00005086 you your first row is going to be in dU24U3HP1sc-00028-00005087-00005270 regards to your career and financial dU24U3HP1sc-00029-00005271-00005438 situation darling dU24U3HP1sc-00030-00005439-00005543 all right dU24U3HP1sc-00031-00005544-00005751 and then in your second row we are going dU24U3HP1sc-00032-00005752-00005991 to be tapping into your social life now dU24U3HP1sc-00033-00005992-00006143 sagittarius that could be in regards to dU24U3HP1sc-00034-00006144-00006391 your platonic relationships romantic dU24U3HP1sc-00035-00006392-00006639 career family honey all right it just it dU24U3HP1sc-00036-00006640-00006791 don't matter it's your social life all dU24U3HP1sc-00037-00006792-00007078 right and then in the last row sagi dU24U3HP1sc-00038-00007079-00007231 we're gonna be just getting into some dU24U3HP1sc-00039-00007231-00007375 general terror messages that y'all need dU24U3HP1sc-00040-00007376-00007639 to be hearing at this time all right dU24U3HP1sc-00041-00007640-00007942 but enough of those rambles sagittarius dU24U3HP1sc-00042-00007943-00008078 let's get into this here back of the dU24U3HP1sc-00043-00008079-00008335 deck energy the overall theme for all dU24U3HP1sc-00044-00008336-00008551 three of your rows here is the four of dU24U3HP1sc-00045-00008552-00008639 cups dU24U3HP1sc-00046-00008640-00008863 don't miss out on this don't miss out on dU24U3HP1sc-00047-00008864-00009039 this opportunity don't miss out on this dU24U3HP1sc-00048-00009040-00009231 connection here dU24U3HP1sc-00049-00009232-00009391 you know what this makes me think of dU24U3HP1sc-00050-00009392-00009606 sagittarius this makes me think of you dU24U3HP1sc-00051-00009607-00009895 know in zelda um the one the last one i dU24U3HP1sc-00052-00009896-00010063 played was in ocarina of time so i don't dU24U3HP1sc-00053-00010064-00010214 know if it's in relevant for any other dU24U3HP1sc-00054-00010215-00010487 ones um oh newer ones but i think about dU24U3HP1sc-00055-00010488-00010678 like that little wisp i don't remember dU24U3HP1sc-00056-00010679-00010887 the sprites little name that was always dU24U3HP1sc-00057-00010888-00011191 by uh link and it always would go hey dU24U3HP1sc-00058-00011192-00011367 listen i feel like that's the message dU24U3HP1sc-00059-00011368-00011542 here for you just like hey listen don't dU24U3HP1sc-00060-00011543-00011719 miss out on this opportunity don't miss dU24U3HP1sc-00061-00011720-00011910 don't don't ignore this dU24U3HP1sc-00062-00011911-00012087 right you have that four cups here the dU24U3HP1sc-00063-00012088-00012270 four of cups is this individual who is dU24U3HP1sc-00064-00012271-00012510 sitting under a tree dU24U3HP1sc-00065-00012511-00012799 arms crossed eyes are closed because of dU24U3HP1sc-00066-00012800-00012910 their current situation they're dU24U3HP1sc-00067-00012911-00013046 frustrated with it they don't know how dU24U3HP1sc-00068-00013047-00013335 to really get out of it here um and so dU24U3HP1sc-00069-00013336-00013591 they're just very closed off but they dU24U3HP1sc-00070-00013591-00013783 don't see the opportunity that spirits dU24U3HP1sc-00071-00013784-00013951 trying to lend to them this full cup dU24U3HP1sc-00072-00013952-00014207 here all right so don't miss out on this dU24U3HP1sc-00073-00014208-00014383 ask yourself here where you're keeping dU24U3HP1sc-00074-00014384-00014575 this four of cups energy in your life dU24U3HP1sc-00075-00014576-00014694 all right dU24U3HP1sc-00076-00014695-00014935 so now sagittarius let's get into uh uh dU24U3HP1sc-00077-00014936-00015175 into your weekly tarot reading now for dU24U3HP1sc-00078-00015176-00015319 your career dU24U3HP1sc-00079-00015319-00015671 sajin let's see what's going on here dU24U3HP1sc-00080-00015672-00015903 okay darling so you have the three of dU24U3HP1sc-00081-00015904-00016191 wands page of swords with the dU24U3HP1sc-00082-00016191-00016455 seven of cups here dU24U3HP1sc-00083-00016456-00016663 all right consider your consider more dU24U3HP1sc-00084-00016664-00016886 options i feel as if you could really be dU24U3HP1sc-00085-00016887-00017086 successful at diversifying yourself dU24U3HP1sc-00086-00017087-00017335 sagittarius if you were to be more open dU24U3HP1sc-00087-00017336-00017519 it's like for you like you have all dU24U3HP1sc-00088-00017520-00017767 these ideas in your head dU24U3HP1sc-00089-00017768-00017983 but you never take action towards it but dU24U3HP1sc-00090-00017984-00018175 i feel like you're also seeing signs of dU24U3HP1sc-00091-00018176-00018367 it as well right where it's just like dU24U3HP1sc-00092-00018368-00018622 you're feeling so guided towards like dU24U3HP1sc-00093-00018623-00018791 you know doing tarot readings for dU24U3HP1sc-00094-00018792-00019014 example you're feeling so guided to do dU24U3HP1sc-00095-00019015-00019167 there's like something in your career dU24U3HP1sc-00096-00019168-00019399 that you feel like dU24U3HP1sc-00097-00019400-00019614 that interests you but it's like you're dU24U3HP1sc-00098-00019615-00019767 not following in that interest you're dU24U3HP1sc-00099-00019768-00019983 not being open-minded so this is dU24U3HP1sc-00100-00019984-00020158 literally like so fitting for you right dU24U3HP1sc-00101-00020159-00020286 seven of cups here like you're not dU24U3HP1sc-00102-00020287-00020478 considering your options this seven of dU24U3HP1sc-00103-00020479-00020647 cups here is literally dU24U3HP1sc-00104-00020648-00020863 sagittarius the epitome dU24U3HP1sc-00105-00020864-00021150 like it's like this but magnified when dU24U3HP1sc-00106-00021151-00021343 you have this kind of combination all dU24U3HP1sc-00107-00021344-00021567 right sagittarius so keep this in mind dU24U3HP1sc-00108-00021568-00021807 all right something big something major dU24U3HP1sc-00109-00021808-00022167 for your career would be so successful dU24U3HP1sc-00110-00022168-00022375 if you were to just follow the trail if dU24U3HP1sc-00111-00022376-00022535 you were to just follow the hints and dU24U3HP1sc-00112-00022536-00022767 clues that spirit's leading you to and dU24U3HP1sc-00113-00022768-00022950 they're guiding you by your interest dU24U3HP1sc-00114-00022951-00023150 they're guiding you by your dU24U3HP1sc-00115-00023151-00023263 um dU24U3HP1sc-00116-00023264-00023447 just leaving those clues darling all dU24U3HP1sc-00117-00023448-00023542 right so dU24U3HP1sc-00118-00023543-00023630 really dU24U3HP1sc-00119-00023631-00023830 for those sagittarius that catch on to dU24U3HP1sc-00120-00023831-00024022 that you're going to be extremely dU24U3HP1sc-00121-00024023-00024183 successful dU24U3HP1sc-00122-00024184-00024391 you'll be extremely successful if you dU24U3HP1sc-00123-00024392-00024614 learn to listen all right if you learn dU24U3HP1sc-00124-00024615-00024719 to listen dU24U3HP1sc-00125-00024720-00024878 so now sagittarius let's get into your dU24U3HP1sc-00126-00024879-00025127 social life here you have here the dU24U3HP1sc-00127-00025128-00025439 strength chariot as well as the six of dU24U3HP1sc-00128-00025440-00025902 pentacles stepping forward to you dU24U3HP1sc-00129-00025904-00026127 all right so sagittarius i feel as if dU24U3HP1sc-00130-00026127-00026311 someone wants to there's like this sense dU24U3HP1sc-00131-00026312-00026543 of remorse here sagittarius it's the dU24U3HP1sc-00132-00026544-00026687 sense of where i don't know if he dU24U3HP1sc-00133-00026688-00026887 recently got into an argument or a fight dU24U3HP1sc-00134-00026888-00027135 perhaps uh or perhaps there's like this dU24U3HP1sc-00135-00027136-00027295 sense of like dU24U3HP1sc-00136-00027295-00027518 distancing where someone stops trying so dU24U3HP1sc-00137-00027519-00027751 much when it comes to communicating dU24U3HP1sc-00138-00027752-00027902 i feel like that's gonna be coming to a dU24U3HP1sc-00139-00027904-00028167 close i feel as if for you sagittarius dU24U3HP1sc-00140-00028168-00028358 there's someone that you're going to be dU24U3HP1sc-00141-00028360-00028558 strengthening strengthening your bond dU24U3HP1sc-00142-00028560-00028743 with i get like this sense for some of dU24U3HP1sc-00143-00028744-00028958 you guys you're feeling a little bit sad dU24U3HP1sc-00144-00028960-00029118 or bummed out about the distance you're dU24U3HP1sc-00145-00029119-00029311 noticing between you and like your best dU24U3HP1sc-00146-00029312-00029511 friend or like you're noticing the dU24U3HP1sc-00147-00029512-00029718 distance i feel and so that's going to dU24U3HP1sc-00148-00029719-00029943 be closing out for you this uh week dU24U3HP1sc-00149-00029944-00030046 where it's going to be building that dU24U3HP1sc-00150-00030047-00030262 momentum don't freak out too much such a dU24U3HP1sc-00151-00030263-00030414 terrorist right you might be noticing dU24U3HP1sc-00152-00030416-00030583 that sense of just like distancing apart dU24U3HP1sc-00153-00030583-00030743 but you all will be finding your way dU24U3HP1sc-00154-00030744-00030935 back to one another all right it's dU24U3HP1sc-00155-00030936-00031151 you're not there's no closure there i dU24U3HP1sc-00156-00031152-00031335 mean we say this now but the clarifiers dU24U3HP1sc-00157-00031336-00031655 honey could tell call me a liar dU24U3HP1sc-00158-00031656-00031855 right but um now sagittarius your dU24U3HP1sc-00159-00031856-00032095 general terror message is here dU24U3HP1sc-00160-00032095-00032407 ten of pentacles the hermit energy with dU24U3HP1sc-00161-00032408-00032702 the devil dU24U3HP1sc-00162-00032703-00032862 okay dU24U3HP1sc-00163-00032863-00033167 so for you sagittarius i feel like you dU24U3HP1sc-00164-00033168-00033455 guys for probably for a few weeks now dU24U3HP1sc-00165-00033456-00033623 i'm willing to bet you guys have been dU24U3HP1sc-00166-00033624-00033895 feeling extremely lonely isolated dU24U3HP1sc-00167-00033896-00034127 whether by choice or dU24U3HP1sc-00168-00034128-00034279 maybe some of you guys just have felt dU24U3HP1sc-00169-00034280-00034502 abandoned with that devil energy but i dU24U3HP1sc-00170-00034503-00034751 feel like it's during this time of dU24U3HP1sc-00171-00034752-00035031 solitude that has really dU24U3HP1sc-00172-00035032-00035246 allowed you to reflect and realize the dU24U3HP1sc-00173-00035247-00035462 devils that you need to be working on or dU24U3HP1sc-00174-00035463-00035751 taking care of the devil could be dU24U3HP1sc-00175-00035752-00035943 coming in in the shape of an addiction dU24U3HP1sc-00176-00035944-00036087 it could be coming in in the shape of dU24U3HP1sc-00177-00036088-00036223 for many of you guys it would be like dU24U3HP1sc-00178-00036224-00036495 this like an addiction or like a habit dU24U3HP1sc-00179-00036496-00036695 bad habit for others of you might be dU24U3HP1sc-00180-00036696-00036871 coming in as the shape of a person where dU24U3HP1sc-00181-00036872-00037007 just like you're realizing that there's dU24U3HP1sc-00182-00037008-00037295 a snake in your garden ten of pentacles dU24U3HP1sc-00183-00037296-00037455 and you're just like how do i take care dU24U3HP1sc-00184-00037456-00037727 of that right it's like a lot of things dU24U3HP1sc-00185-00037728-00038135 you're going to be getting a lot of uh dU24U3HP1sc-00186-00038136-00038311 a much by the end of this week you'll dU24U3HP1sc-00187-00038312-00038567 have a much clearer idea sagittarius of dU24U3HP1sc-00188-00038568-00038718 how you want to be managing certain dU24U3HP1sc-00189-00038719-00038974 things and keep in mind sagittarius the dU24U3HP1sc-00190-00038975-00039311 heart of the spread here in general dU24U3HP1sc-00191-00039312-00039590 is the cherry energy all right so things dU24U3HP1sc-00192-00039591-00039767 are going to be fixing themselves up dU24U3HP1sc-00193-00039768-00039895 sooner than you dU24U3HP1sc-00194-00039896-00039974 uh dU24U3HP1sc-00195-00039975-00040262 realize like i personally i know i know dU24U3HP1sc-00196-00040263-00040383 i know i know dU24U3HP1sc-00197-00040384-00040543 the cherry energy is associated with dU24U3HP1sc-00198-00040544-00040823 cancer but i also personally associate dU24U3HP1sc-00199-00040824-00041039 the cherry energy with sagittarius i dU24U3HP1sc-00200-00041040-00041230 mean sue me honey but don't actually i dU24U3HP1sc-00201-00041231-00041351 mean you can't honey but you're gonna dU24U3HP1sc-00202-00041352-00041502 get nothing honey you'll get a rubber dU24U3HP1sc-00203-00041503-00041823 duck if you sue me honey dU24U3HP1sc-00204-00041824-00042062 i already had one of these stolen at the dU24U3HP1sc-00205-00042063-00042271 airport though so i mean i guess she is dU24U3HP1sc-00206-00042272-00042558 worth something honey miss janet dU24U3HP1sc-00207-00042559-00042662 so now dU24U3HP1sc-00208-00042663-00042815 sagittarius let's start getting into dU24U3HP1sc-00209-00042816-00043055 your clarifying cards here as a reminder dU24U3HP1sc-00210-00043056-00043167 we're gonna start getting into your dU24U3HP1sc-00211-00043168-00043271 career dU24U3HP1sc-00212-00043272-00043462 and your dU24U3HP1sc-00213-00043463-00043679 financial situation and those cards were dU24U3HP1sc-00214-00043680-00043935 the page of swords three of wands with dU24U3HP1sc-00215-00043936-00044239 the seven of cups all right so one last dU24U3HP1sc-00216-00044240-00044415 shuffle here honey dU24U3HP1sc-00217-00044416-00044687 all right so the full energy i like to dU24U3HP1sc-00218-00044688-00044879 see that queen of cups dU24U3HP1sc-00219-00044880-00045135 with the page of cups here back of the dU24U3HP1sc-00220-00045136-00045423 deck is the seven of swords coming in dU24U3HP1sc-00221-00045424-00045607 here dU24U3HP1sc-00222-00045608-00045958 all right the seven of swords dU24U3HP1sc-00223-00045959-00046158 let's take this in here darling let's dU24U3HP1sc-00224-00046159-00046695 take this in here dU24U3HP1sc-00225-00046696-00046879 you guys sagittarius are going to be dU24U3HP1sc-00226-00046880-00047046 getting an opera i feel like for so many dU24U3HP1sc-00227-00047047-00047223 of you guys dU24U3HP1sc-00228-00047224-00047415 if you were to entertain this page of dU24U3HP1sc-00229-00047416-00047599 cups this offer because paycheck cups dU24U3HP1sc-00230-00047600-00047767 represents receiving an offer in this dU24U3HP1sc-00231-00047768-00048015 dynamic here alright dU24U3HP1sc-00232-00048016-00048279 don't give up on your dU24U3HP1sc-00233-00048280-00048439 some of you guys might have given up on dU24U3HP1sc-00234-00048440-00048662 your dream or this desire or something dU24U3HP1sc-00235-00048663-00048807 all right don't talk yourself out of dU24U3HP1sc-00236-00048808-00048983 this there's like some opportunity if dU24U3HP1sc-00237-00048984-00049230 you were to be open-minded sagittarius dU24U3HP1sc-00238-00049231-00049535 that really it's a new journey yes so dU24U3HP1sc-00239-00049536-00049695 it's not completely like out of your dU24U3HP1sc-00240-00049696-00049918 comfort zone here but it would be so dU24U3HP1sc-00241-00049919-00050071 rewarding for you i feel like it'd just dU24U3HP1sc-00242-00050072-00050246 be so fulfilling if you were to just dU24U3HP1sc-00243-00050247-00050551 take action in regards to it but again dU24U3HP1sc-00244-00050552-00050735 there's like this sense of where dU24U3HP1sc-00245-00050736-00051015 um you choose to not take action dU24U3HP1sc-00246-00051016-00051197 you choose to not um dU24U3HP1sc-00247-00051198-00051335 [Music] dU24U3HP1sc-00248-00051336-00051519 do certain things because perhaps with i dU24U3HP1sc-00249-00051520-00051646 mean with the seven of swords you might dU24U3HP1sc-00250-00051647-00051838 just have a lot on your plate and i dU24U3HP1sc-00251-00051839-00051975 understand that right i'm not trying to dU24U3HP1sc-00252-00051976-00052135 dismiss that but i am just simply a dU24U3HP1sc-00253-00052136-00052319 messenger such a terrorist right so i dU24U3HP1sc-00254-00052320-00052519 can let you know what energy's coming dU24U3HP1sc-00255-00052520-00052830 your way right what energies um around dU24U3HP1sc-00256-00052832-00053038 you but it doesn't mean you have to dU24U3HP1sc-00257-00053039-00053271 but um i feel like for again for those dU24U3HP1sc-00258-00053272-00053430 sagittarius that make the time and dU24U3HP1sc-00259-00053432-00053623 energy for it like dU24U3HP1sc-00260-00053624-00053799 i said it once i feel like i'm gonna say dU24U3HP1sc-00261-00053800-00053959 it again like you will be successful dU24U3HP1sc-00262-00053960-00054223 sagittarius dU24U3HP1sc-00263-00054224-00054415 all right darling so now dU24U3HP1sc-00264-00054416-00054663 uh saji let's take a look at your dU24U3HP1sc-00265-00054664-00054919 social life again clarifiers with the dU24U3HP1sc-00266-00054920-00055199 strength and chariot as well as the six dU24U3HP1sc-00267-00055200-00055511 of pentacles dU24U3HP1sc-00268-00055512-00055766 all right five of cups coming in here dU24U3HP1sc-00269-00055767-00055975 queen of swords dU24U3HP1sc-00270-00055976-00056463 with the nine of pentacles dU24U3HP1sc-00271-00056464-00056679 forgiveness seems to just keep on coming dU24U3HP1sc-00272-00056679-00056926 out here sagittarius like forgiveness dU24U3HP1sc-00273-00056927-00057079 what does the back of the deck say dU24U3HP1sc-00274-00057079-00057238 magician energy dU24U3HP1sc-00275-00057239-00057407 yeah it's like the sense of forgiveness dU24U3HP1sc-00276-00057408-00057711 i feel like someone's might um that's a dU24U3HP1sc-00277-00057712-00057887 specific message dU24U3HP1sc-00278-00057888-00058063 some of you sagittariuses might be dU24U3HP1sc-00279-00058064-00058271 having someone in your personal life dU24U3HP1sc-00280-00058272-00058503 have health concerns and it's like dU24U3HP1sc-00281-00058504-00058647 through those health concerns someone's dU24U3HP1sc-00282-00058648-00058879 like opens up or like through concerns dU24U3HP1sc-00283-00058879-00059094 like something triggers this somebody dU24U3HP1sc-00284-00059095-00059294 like something happens to this person dU24U3HP1sc-00285-00059295-00059438 you're dealing with sagittarius that dU24U3HP1sc-00286-00059439-00059694 triggers for them to just appreciate dU24U3HP1sc-00287-00059695-00059911 things in life and they come forward to dU24U3HP1sc-00288-00059912-00060142 you with either like an apology it's dU24U3HP1sc-00289-00060144-00060359 like acknowledging that five of cups dU24U3HP1sc-00290-00060360-00060487 it's like that sense of being like hey dU24U3HP1sc-00291-00060488-00060671 like i'm sorry i was like such a crappy dU24U3HP1sc-00292-00060672-00060942 parent i'm sorry it was such a crappy dU24U3HP1sc-00293-00060944-00061119 like whatever it is dU24U3HP1sc-00294-00061120-00061254 like dU24U3HP1sc-00295-00061255-00061454 i feel like you're just not anticipating dU24U3HP1sc-00296-00061455-00061559 it because i feel like it's somebody dU24U3HP1sc-00297-00061560-00061766 that because with this queen of swords dU24U3HP1sc-00298-00061767-00061919 queen of swords here at the nine of dU24U3HP1sc-00299-00061920-00062159 pentacles there's this sense of like dU24U3HP1sc-00300-00062160-00062406 a lot of responsibility that was placed dU24U3HP1sc-00301-00062407-00062582 on you because of the sense of like dU24U3HP1sc-00302-00062583-00062759 whatever happened with that queen uh dU24U3HP1sc-00303-00062760-00063015 five of cups maybe it's like abandoned dU24U3HP1sc-00304-00063016-00063191 you betrayed you like whatever it's like dU24U3HP1sc-00305-00063191-00063342 you felt high and dry and then you have dU24U3HP1sc-00306-00063344-00063542 to like you won't you could only rely on dU24U3HP1sc-00307-00063544-00063694 yourself maybe this person really dU24U3HP1sc-00308-00063695-00063982 instilled some trust issues in you but i dU24U3HP1sc-00309-00063983-00064079 feel like they're going to be coming dU24U3HP1sc-00310-00064079-00064319 like something is going on with them dU24U3HP1sc-00311-00064320-00064599 sagittarius that causes for them to at dU24U3HP1sc-00312-00064600-00064847 the very least be thinking about you if dU24U3HP1sc-00313-00064848-00065030 not taking action dU24U3HP1sc-00314-00065032-00065263 all right that's a very specific message dU24U3HP1sc-00315-00065264-00065423 i haven't gotten that type of message dU24U3HP1sc-00316-00065424-00065543 before dU24U3HP1sc-00317-00065544-00065831 uh continuing on sagittarius dU24U3HP1sc-00318-00065832-00065999 let's get into your general messages dU24U3HP1sc-00319-00066000-00066255 here clarifying that as a reminder ten dU24U3HP1sc-00320-00066256-00066431 of pentacles hermit with the devil dU24U3HP1sc-00321-00066432-00066623 energy was in that row so we're dU24U3HP1sc-00322-00066624-00067006 clarifying that dU24U3HP1sc-00323-00067007-00067279 five of swords honey dU24U3HP1sc-00324-00067280-00067503 knight of swords here dU24U3HP1sc-00325-00067504-00067743 with the two of cups magician energy dU24U3HP1sc-00326-00067744-00068031 making its appearance once again here dU24U3HP1sc-00327-00068032-00068182 you know this would make now that i got dU24U3HP1sc-00328-00068183-00068399 that message in your social aspect dU24U3HP1sc-00329-00068400-00068582 sagittarius when you think about it it dU24U3HP1sc-00330-00068583-00068831 kind of makes this dU24U3HP1sc-00331-00068832-00068999 it kind of makes this energy make even dU24U3HP1sc-00332-00069000-00069191 more sense some of you guys are going to dU24U3HP1sc-00333-00069192-00069415 be having like a family member dU24U3HP1sc-00334-00069416-00069535 that dU24U3HP1sc-00335-00069536-00069726 just wronged you dU24U3HP1sc-00336-00069727-00069919 when you were growing up like something dU24U3HP1sc-00337-00069920-00070087 they're going to have like either like dU24U3HP1sc-00338-00070088-00070215 i'm not trying to say that they're gonna dU24U3HP1sc-00339-00070216-00070343 have a health concern or something but dU24U3HP1sc-00340-00070344-00070511 like something dU24U3HP1sc-00341-00070512-00070767 makes them realize like where they need dU24U3HP1sc-00342-00070768-00070991 to like make amends right you know like dU24U3HP1sc-00343-00070992-00071199 or just getting right getting right with dU24U3HP1sc-00344-00071200-00071479 gwad honey you know dU24U3HP1sc-00345-00071480-00071655 i don't mean to like make a joke out of dU24U3HP1sc-00346-00071656-00071943 it but i mean um dU24U3HP1sc-00347-00071944-00072111 darling this is my personality honey dU24U3HP1sc-00348-00072112-00072262 like i would be making a joke at my own dU24U3HP1sc-00349-00072263-00072455 feed roll honey so i mean if the dU24U3HP1sc-00350-00072456-00072687 triggers deal oh well but um yeah i'm dU24U3HP1sc-00351-00072688-00072935 just kind of noticing that correlation dU24U3HP1sc-00352-00072936-00073119 anyways two of cups nine of swords with dU24U3HP1sc-00353-00073120-00073447 that five as well dU24U3HP1sc-00354-00073448-00073662 yeah i get like this sense of reunion dU24U3HP1sc-00355-00073663-00073799 with somebody it's like a change of dU24U3HP1sc-00356-00073800-00073950 heart like this knight of swords this is dU24U3HP1sc-00357-00073951-00074182 somebody that um dU24U3HP1sc-00358-00074183-00074415 bipolar maybe i dU24U3HP1sc-00359-00074416-00074591 i kind of associate this energy here dU24U3HP1sc-00360-00074592-00074791 sometimes it's like someone that dU24U3HP1sc-00361-00074792-00074967 really just struggles with their mental dU24U3HP1sc-00362-00074968-00075247 health sometimes or just as like their dU24U3HP1sc-00363-00075248-00075511 their head space is just kind of like dU24U3HP1sc-00364-00075512-00075735 self-sabotaging here you guys dU24U3HP1sc-00365-00075736-00076015 sagittarius just be expecting somebody dU24U3HP1sc-00366-00076016-00076159 like trying to make amends and dU24U3HP1sc-00367-00076160-00076350 apologizing for what it is that they did dU24U3HP1sc-00368-00076351-00076511 or said to you because again like the dU24U3HP1sc-00369-00076512-00076694 story writes itself drawing it's really dU24U3HP1sc-00370-00076695-00076950 interesting here um dU24U3HP1sc-00371-00076951-00077191 i get for the majority of you guys uh dU24U3HP1sc-00372-00077192-00077406 it's like a family member dU24U3HP1sc-00373-00077407-00077575 maybe that's my own personal projection dU24U3HP1sc-00374-00077576-00077823 on it family member i i mean maybe for a dU24U3HP1sc-00375-00077824-00078006 select few it's like a dU24U3HP1sc-00376-00078007-00078206 old romantic connection but i feel like dU24U3HP1sc-00377-00078207-00078399 it's like more so plasonic i feel like dU24U3HP1sc-00378-00078400-00078662 it's family or maybe like an old boss i dU24U3HP1sc-00379-00078663-00078862 was just like yeah i used to be a dU24U3HP1sc-00380-00078863-00078950 or dU24U3HP1sc-00381-00078951-00079167 um dU24U3HP1sc-00382-00079168-00079367 old friend dU24U3HP1sc-00383-00079368-00079519 i don't know dU24U3HP1sc-00384-00079520-00079679 so let's get into your oracle cards to dU24U3HP1sc-00385-00079680-00079806 wrap up your weekly tara reading dU24U3HP1sc-00386-00079807-00080062 sagittarius you have the last quarter dU24U3HP1sc-00387-00080063-00080262 moon coming in here darling which is dU24U3HP1sc-00388-00080263-00080391 probably going to make you eye roll the dU24U3HP1sc-00389-00080392-00080606 message dU24U3HP1sc-00390-00080607-00080815 which is saying lighten up dU24U3HP1sc-00391-00080816-00081038 all right lighten up here such a terrace dU24U3HP1sc-00392-00081039-00081175 when's the last time that you opened up dU24U3HP1sc-00393-00081176-00081350 the curtains all alright some of you dU24U3HP1sc-00394-00081351-00081582 guys need to get out and get more sun i dU24U3HP1sc-00395-00081583-00081703 hear dU24U3HP1sc-00396-00081704-00081950 stop yourself from getting into a spiral dU24U3HP1sc-00397-00081951-00082150 is what i hear as well some of you guys dU24U3HP1sc-00398-00082151-00082318 well it's like one thing to just like dU24U3HP1sc-00399-00082319-00082423 feel dU24U3HP1sc-00400-00082424-00082615 it's like there's a sense of where dU24U3HP1sc-00401-00082616-00082750 you're licking your wounds or just dU24U3HP1sc-00402-00082751-00082894 whatever it is like you're feeling your dU24U3HP1sc-00403-00082895-00083062 feelings right your feelings are valid dU24U3HP1sc-00404-00083063-00083215 your feelings are extremely valid dU24U3HP1sc-00405-00083216-00083415 obviously darling who the heck am i to dU24U3HP1sc-00406-00083416-00083543 be saying that your feelings are not dU24U3HP1sc-00407-00083544-00083726 valid darling i have so many videos dU24U3HP1sc-00408-00083727-00083999 breaking down right sagittarius but it's dU24U3HP1sc-00409-00084000-00084159 a sense of where it's like experience dU24U3HP1sc-00410-00084160-00084311 your feelings dU24U3HP1sc-00411-00084312-00084503 but don't have that those feelings that dU24U3HP1sc-00412-00084504-00084735 you're feeling just be your whole entire dU24U3HP1sc-00413-00084736-00084943 reality all right how many times can i dU24U3HP1sc-00414-00084944-00085118 say feelings dU24U3HP1sc-00415-00085119-00085247 that's going to make sense for whoever dU24U3HP1sc-00416-00085248-00085431 it needs to make sense for dU24U3HP1sc-00417-00085432-00085711 or am i just saying that because i dU24U3HP1sc-00418-00085712-00086038 want to just finish saying that dU24U3HP1sc-00419-00086039-00086159 you know when you say something that dU24U3HP1sc-00420-00086160-00086279 don't make sense to be like you know dU24U3HP1sc-00421-00086280-00086511 what it's meant to be for the one person dU24U3HP1sc-00422-00086512-00086655 honey it's gonna find the right person dU24U3HP1sc-00423-00086656-00086782 if it doesn't make sense for you it just dU24U3HP1sc-00424-00086783-00087143 means it wasn't for you right dU24U3HP1sc-00425-00087144-00087391 anyway sagittarius your animal oracle dU24U3HP1sc-00426-00087392-00087599 card is the experiences you're presently dU24U3HP1sc-00427-00087600-00087743 going through are dU24U3HP1sc-00428-00087744-00087982 uh your initiation into fulfilling your dU24U3HP1sc-00429-00087983-00088199 purpose as a healer now anytime i pull dU24U3HP1sc-00430-00088200-00088335 this tarot card i feel like i need to dU24U3HP1sc-00431-00088336-00088511 unpack this a little bit here because dU24U3HP1sc-00432-00088512-00088671 when you initially read it it's just dU24U3HP1sc-00433-00088672-00088847 kind of like okay that sounds really dU24U3HP1sc-00434-00088848-00089062 like intense right dU24U3HP1sc-00435-00089063-00089311 or overly deep sometimes for what it is dU24U3HP1sc-00436-00089312-00089503 that we're currently dealing with but in dU24U3HP1sc-00437-00089504-00089687 the sense here it's just this you see dU24U3HP1sc-00438-00089688-00089911 the initiation as a healer but more so dU24U3HP1sc-00439-00089912-00090150 in a sense of where it's this influence dU24U3HP1sc-00440-00090151-00090311 of like overall healing i kind of dU24U3HP1sc-00441-00090312-00090479 associate this energy as like shadow dU24U3HP1sc-00442-00090480-00090671 work like the experiences you're going dU24U3HP1sc-00443-00090672-00090999 through um is healing like i want to say dU24U3HP1sc-00444-00091000-00091238 like inner child here again i get like i dU24U3HP1sc-00445-00091239-00091399 really i've never gotten something like dU24U3HP1sc-00446-00091400-00091567 this before sagittarius but i really dU24U3HP1sc-00447-00091568-00091718 feel so strongly that some of you guys dU24U3HP1sc-00448-00091719-00091903 are going to be hearing like dU24U3HP1sc-00449-00091904-00092094 an apology or something like that from dU24U3HP1sc-00450-00092095-00092287 someone from your childhood that wrong i dU24U3HP1sc-00451-00092288-00092559 don't know honey i don't know girl y'all dU24U3HP1sc-00452-00092560-00092655 gonna have to keep me up to date dU24U3HP1sc-00453-00092656-00092847 sagittarius dU24U3HP1sc-00454-00092848-00092991 anyways dU24U3HP1sc-00455-00092992-00093118 that's the weekly tear reading that i dU24U3HP1sc-00456-00093119-00093303 have for you darling if you enjoyed this dU24U3HP1sc-00457-00093304-00093423 let me know in the comments below and dU24U3HP1sc-00458-00093424-00093615 again be sure to comment honey if you dU24U3HP1sc-00459-00093616-00093767 all get that closure honey i want to dU24U3HP1sc-00460-00093768-00093903 hear about it all right give me the dU24U3HP1sc-00461-00093904-00094126 gossip all right sagittarius but if you dU24U3HP1sc-00462-00094127-00094247 want to book a private reading with me dU24U3HP1sc-00463-00094248-00094467 my website's linked down below dU24U3HP1sc-00464-00094468-00094662 simplyfalcon.com remember if you want a dU24U3HP1sc-00465-00094663-00094879 book uh rather if you if you enjoy this dU24U3HP1sc-00466-00094880-00095023 weekly reading be sure to check out your dU24U3HP1sc-00467-00095024-00095174 monthly tarot reading as well i'll leave dU24U3HP1sc-00468-00095175-00095335 a link somewhere above here as well as dU24U3HP1sc-00469-00095336-00095606 down below um but as well if you want to dU24U3HP1sc-00470-00095607-00095831 connect with me the uh sagittarius on a dU24U3HP1sc-00471-00095832-00096143 more personal level uh then my tick tock dU24U3HP1sc-00472-00096144-00096279 and instagram are always available dU24U3HP1sc-00473-00096280-00096487 simply welcome same as your darling but dU24U3HP1sc-00474-00096488-00096647 i love you so much sagittarius and dU24U3HP1sc-00475-00096648-00096759 hopefully i can connect with you dU24U3HP1sc-00476-00096760-00096903 sometime in the near future i don't know dU24U3HP1sc-00477-00096904-00097055 why but i feel the urge all of a sudden dU24U3HP1sc-00478-00097056-00097255 to keep on saying leo so some of you all dU24U3HP1sc-00479-00097256-00097423 might be having a family member that's a dU24U3HP1sc-00480-00097424-00097574 leo i don't know girl i'm gonna end this dU24U3HP1sc-00481-00097575-00097735 now bye dU24U3HP1sc-00482-00097736-00098132 girl there we go bye sagittarius dUkIS4COrpM-00000-00000577-00000877 what is good everybody and welcome back dUkIS4COrpM-00001-00000878-00001100 to another might have toys video today dUkIS4COrpM-00002-00001101-00001307 we have another episode of My Damn hauls dUkIS4COrpM-00003-00001308-00001541 and you already know what it is we have dUkIS4COrpM-00004-00001542-00001688 an unboxing here from the good old dUkIS4COrpM-00005-00001689-00001967 sponsor ring side collectibles where you dUkIS4COrpM-00006-00001968-00002227 can get all of your epic WWE figures go dUkIS4COrpM-00007-00002228-00002432 over there use the promo code MD toys dUkIS4COrpM-00008-00002433-00002692 you will say 10% check out you already dUkIS4COrpM-00009-00002693-00002915 know what we do here we got a massive dUkIS4COrpM-00010-00002916-00003095 box from them and I'm so excited guys dUkIS4COrpM-00011-00003096-00003256 because they hit me up and told me that dUkIS4COrpM-00012-00003257-00003449 this is a mystery box I have no idea dUkIS4COrpM-00013-00003450-00003635 what's in here I'm very excited dUkIS4COrpM-00014-00003636-00003800 hopefully we got some new figures in dUkIS4COrpM-00015-00003801-00003983 here maybe some older ones as well but dUkIS4COrpM-00016-00003984-00004178 we will only see if we crack the box dUkIS4COrpM-00017-00004179-00004349 open so let's go ahead and get started dUkIS4COrpM-00018-00004350-00004526 alright guys let's go ahead and get dUkIS4COrpM-00019-00004527-00004766 straight into it a very freaking sight dUkIS4COrpM-00020-00004767-00004981 for this hopefully we got some brand new dUkIS4COrpM-00021-00004982-00005240 figures in here I know that Elite 57 is dUkIS4COrpM-00022-00005241-00005441 a very tight set so hopefully we got dUkIS4COrpM-00023-00005442-00005675 some from over there maybe they send dUkIS4COrpM-00024-00005676-00005845 some older ones as well I'm not exactly dUkIS4COrpM-00025-00005846-00006118 sure but ringside collectibles is the dUkIS4COrpM-00026-00006119-00006322 best sponsor of the channel so it's dUkIS4COrpM-00027-00006323-00006496 never known what they're gonna send man dUkIS4COrpM-00028-00006497-00006758 they always send us great stuff and here dUkIS4COrpM-00029-00006759-00006934 we go we're cracking this thing open and dUkIS4COrpM-00030-00006934-00007703 it looks like we have okay so what we dUkIS4COrpM-00031-00007704-00008149 got here is some brand new elite figures dUkIS4COrpM-00032-00008150-00008405 and the first one we have right here is dUkIS4COrpM-00033-00008406-00008735 the elite 56 AJ Styles okay I did not dUkIS4COrpM-00034-00008736-00008987 pick this up so I'm very happy the one dUkIS4COrpM-00035-00008988-00009212 that I got was for bTW so I'm very happy dUkIS4COrpM-00036-00009213-00009566 that we got that one next up we have the dUkIS4COrpM-00037-00009567-00009953 brand new elite 57 trash korban with his dUkIS4COrpM-00038-00009954-00010094 Money in the Bank briefcase that he dUkIS4COrpM-00039-00010095-00010409 failed to cash in so sucks for him we dUkIS4COrpM-00040-00010410-00010667 have the brand new elite 57 Scotty 2 dUkIS4COrpM-00041-00010668-00010892 hotty looking fresh in his camo pants I dUkIS4COrpM-00042-00010893-00011006 know a lot of people probably don't know dUkIS4COrpM-00043-00011007-00011246 who he is but he was freaking amazing he dUkIS4COrpM-00044-00011247-00011438 had a lot of cares a lot of charisma dUkIS4COrpM-00045-00011439-00011674 when he was coming up in the Attitude dUkIS4COrpM-00046-00011675-00011894 Era I always loved Scotty 2 hotty we dUkIS4COrpM-00047-00011895-00012149 have the brand new elite 57 that Seth dUkIS4COrpM-00048-00012150-00012328 freaking Rollins looking beautiful in dUkIS4COrpM-00049-00012329-00012630 his WrestleMania 33 gear and then dUkIS4COrpM-00050-00012631-00012987 have the perfect tin tie Dillinger in dUkIS4COrpM-00051-00012988-00013244 his beautiful fuchsia pink colorway dUkIS4COrpM-00052-00013245-00013422 honest trunks they're looking amazing so dUkIS4COrpM-00053-00013422-00013566 what I want to do is take a better look dUkIS4COrpM-00054-00013566-00013733 at these things guys I'm not gonna unbox dUkIS4COrpM-00055-00013734-00013902 any of them but I want to get a better dUkIS4COrpM-00056-00013903-00014049 look so I'm gonna change our camera view dUkIS4COrpM-00057-00014050-00014244 alright guys now that we've change the dUkIS4COrpM-00058-00014244-00014405 shot here's like a little overview of dUkIS4COrpM-00059-00014406-00014663 everything we got the new elite 57 trash dUkIS4COrpM-00060-00014665-00014982 Corbyn the brand new AJ Styles I missed dUkIS4COrpM-00061-00014983-00015135 out on my last time so I'm very very dUkIS4COrpM-00062-00015136-00015372 sight to pick that up I cannot wait to dUkIS4COrpM-00063-00015372-00015618 get the fix-up going with that brand new dUkIS4COrpM-00064-00015619-00015903 WrestleMania 33 Seth Rollins brand new dUkIS4COrpM-00065-00015904-00016053 first time in the line will the first dUkIS4COrpM-00066-00016054-00016272 time in they line elite line not really dUkIS4COrpM-00067-00016272-00016478 the basic we had that target exclusive dUkIS4COrpM-00068-00016479-00016628 but we have ty Dillon jure and then of dUkIS4COrpM-00069-00016629-00016824 course Scotty 2 hotty which I believe dUkIS4COrpM-00070-00016825-00016974 this is the first time in the line for dUkIS4COrpM-00071-00016975-00017292 him but I was hoping that we were gonna dUkIS4COrpM-00072-00017293-00017535 get the Elite 57 Jeff Hardy but we did dUkIS4COrpM-00073-00017536-00017760 get all of these amazing figures so we dUkIS4COrpM-00074-00017761-00017982 will get Jeff Hardy in due time but dUkIS4COrpM-00075-00017983-00018158 these figures are so incredible I'm so dUkIS4COrpM-00076-00018159-00018350 happy to pick these up you know what I dUkIS4COrpM-00077-00018351-00018546 may do I may do a free figure giveaway dUkIS4COrpM-00078-00018547-00018830 on the trash Corbyn so stay tuned for dUkIS4COrpM-00079-00018831-00018953 that but that's gonna do it for this dUkIS4COrpM-00080-00018954-00019103 video guys thank you so much for dUkIS4COrpM-00081-00019104-00019409 watching subscribe for more epic WWE WWE dUkIS4COrpM-00082-00019410-00019572 figure elated videos and I will see you dUkIS4COrpM-00083-00019573-00020007 guys in the next video thank you dWsju8jnGFY-00000-00000046-00000380 Panama listen Panama Spanish Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00001-00000381-00000611 Panama officially the Republic of Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00002-00000612-00000916 Spanish república de Panama is a country dWsju8jnGFY-00003-00000917-00001129 in Central America bordered by Costa dWsju8jnGFY-00004-00001130-00001316 Rica to the west Colombia to the dWsju8jnGFY-00005-00001317-00001504 southeast the Caribbean Sea to the north dWsju8jnGFY-00006-00001505-00001777 and the Pacific Ocean to the south the dWsju8jnGFY-00007-00001778-00002000 capital and largest city is Panama's dWsju8jnGFY-00008-00002001-00002242 city whose metropolitan area is home to dWsju8jnGFY-00009-00002243-00002408 nearly half the country's four million dWsju8jnGFY-00010-00002409-00002602 people Panama was inhabited by dWsju8jnGFY-00011-00002603-00002785 indigenous tribes before Spanish dWsju8jnGFY-00012-00002786-00003089 colonists arrived in the 16th century it dWsju8jnGFY-00013-00003090-00003379 broke away from Spain in 1821 and joined dWsju8jnGFY-00014-00003380-00003613 the republic of Gran Colombia a union of dWsju8jnGFY-00015-00003614-00003868 nueva Granada Ecuador and Venezuela dWsju8jnGFY-00016-00003869-00004190 after Gran Colombia dissolved in 1831 dWsju8jnGFY-00017-00004191-00004445 Panama and nueva Granada eventually dWsju8jnGFY-00018-00004446-00004697 became the Republic of Colombia with the dWsju8jnGFY-00019-00004698-00004910 backing of the United States Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00020-00004911-00005204 seceded from Colombia in 1903 allowing dWsju8jnGFY-00021-00005205-00005384 the construction of the Panama Canal dWsju8jnGFY-00022-00005385-00005591 to be completed by the US Army Corps of dWsju8jnGFY-00023-00005592-00006116 Engineers between 1904 and 1914 the 1977 dWsju8jnGFY-00024-00006117-00006311 Torrijos Carter treaties led to the dWsju8jnGFY-00025-00006312-00006500 transfer of the canal from the United dWsju8jnGFY-00026-00006501-00006823 States to Panama on December 31st 1999 dWsju8jnGFY-00027-00006825-00007076 revenue from canal tolls continues to dWsju8jnGFY-00028-00007077-00007253 represent a significant portion of dWsju8jnGFY-00029-00007254-00007531 Panama's GDP although commerce banking dWsju8jnGFY-00030-00007533-00007748 and tourism are major in growing sectors dWsju8jnGFY-00031-00007748-00008120 in 2015 Panama ranked 60th in the world dWsju8jnGFY-00032-00008120-00008344 in terms of the Human Development Index dWsju8jnGFY-00033-00008345-00008666 since 2010 Panama has been the second dWsju8jnGFY-00034-00008667-00008824 most competitive economy in Latin dWsju8jnGFY-00035-00008825-00009031 America according to the World Economic dWsju8jnGFY-00036-00009032-00009301 Forum's Global Competitiveness Index dWsju8jnGFY-00037-00009302-00009560 covering around 40 percent of its land dWsju8jnGFY-00038-00009561-00009614 area dWsju8jnGFY-00039-00009615-00009776 Panama's jungles are home to an dWsju8jnGFY-00040-00009777-00009985 abundance of tropical plants and animals dWsju8jnGFY-00041-00009986-00010156 some of them found nowhere else on the dWsju8jnGFY-00042-00010157-00010430 planet Panama is a founding member of dWsju8jnGFY-00043-00010431-00010574 the United Nations and other dWsju8jnGFY-00044-00010575-00010810 international organizations such as OHS dWsju8jnGFY-00045-00010811-00011642 liya g77 w-h-o and mom dWsju8jnGFY-00046-00011643-00012178 topic etymology dWsju8jnGFY-00047-00012179-00012421 the definite origin of the name Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00048-00012422-00012643 is ultimately unknown there are several dWsju8jnGFY-00049-00012644-00012901 theories one postulates that the country dWsju8jnGFY-00050-00012902-00013116 was named after a commonly found species dWsju8jnGFY-00051-00013118-00013327 of tree stare kulia a petal on the dWsju8jnGFY-00052-00013328-00013572 Panama tree another that the first dWsju8jnGFY-00053-00013574-00013797 settlers arrived in Panama in August dWsju8jnGFY-00054-00013799-00013978 when butterflies abound and that the dWsju8jnGFY-00055-00013979-00014299 name means many butterflies in one or dWsju8jnGFY-00056-00014300-00014476 several of indigenous Amerindian dWsju8jnGFY-00057-00014477-00014632 languages that were spoken in the dWsju8jnGFY-00058-00014633-00014865 territory prior to Spanish colonization dWsju8jnGFY-00059-00014866-00015178 most scientifically corroborated theory dWsju8jnGFY-00060-00015179-00015409 that by Panamanian linguists states that dWsju8jnGFY-00061-00015410-00015613 the word is a Hispanic Asian of Kuna dWsju8jnGFY-00062-00015613-00015982 language word banaba which means distant dWsju8jnGFY-00063-00015983-00016375 or far away a commonly relayed legend in dWsju8jnGFY-00064-00016376-00016552 Panama is that there was a fishing dWsju8jnGFY-00065-00016553-00016819 village that bore the name Panama which dWsju8jnGFY-00066-00016820-00017074 purportedly meant an abundance of fish dWsju8jnGFY-00067-00017075-00017356 when the Spanish colonizers first landed dWsju8jnGFY-00068-00017357-00017593 in the area the exact location of the dWsju8jnGFY-00069-00017594-00017833 village is unspecified the legend is dWsju8jnGFY-00070-00017834-00018058 usually corroborated by captain Antonio dWsju8jnGFY-00071-00018059-00018301 Telo de Guzman's diary entries who dWsju8jnGFY-00072-00018302-00018469 reports landing at an unnamed village dWsju8jnGFY-00073-00018470-00018672 while exploring the Pacific coast of dWsju8jnGFY-00074-00018673-00018967 Panama in 1515 he only describes the dWsju8jnGFY-00075-00018968-00019177 village as a same small indigenous dWsju8jnGFY-00076-00019178-00019624 fishing town in 1517 Don Gaspar de dWsju8jnGFY-00077-00019625-00019885 Espinosa a Spanish lieutenant decided to dWsju8jnGFY-00078-00019886-00020065 settle a post in the same location dWsju8jnGFY-00079-00020066-00020431 Guzman described in 1519 Pedroia's dWsju8jnGFY-00080-00020432-00020653 Davila decided to establish the Spanish dWsju8jnGFY-00081-00020654-00020941 Empire specific port at the site the new dWsju8jnGFY-00082-00020942-00021193 settlement replaced Santa Maria Antigua dWsju8jnGFY-00083-00021194-00021372 del Darren which had lost its function dWsju8jnGFY-00084-00021373-00021583 within the Crown's global plan after the dWsju8jnGFY-00085-00021584-00021772 Spanish exploitation of the riches in dWsju8jnGFY-00086-00021773-00022054 the Pacific began the official dWsju8jnGFY-00087-00022055-00022234 definition and origin of the name is dWsju8jnGFY-00088-00022235-00022414 promoted by Panama's ministry of dWsju8jnGFY-00089-00022415-00022708 education as the abundance of fish trees dWsju8jnGFY-00090-00022709-00022975 and butterflies this is the usual dWsju8jnGFY-00091-00022976-00023169 description given in social studies dWsju8jnGFY-00092-00023170-00023730 textbooks dWsju8jnGFY-00093-00023731-00024235 topic history dWsju8jnGFY-00094-00024236-00024415 at the time of the arrival of the dWsju8jnGFY-00095-00024416-00024646 Spanish in the 16th century the known dWsju8jnGFY-00096-00024647-00024847 inhabitants of Panama included the dWsju8jnGFY-00097-00024848-00025111 Cuevas and the Koch late tribes these dWsju8jnGFY-00098-00025112-00025306 people have nearly disappeared as they dWsju8jnGFY-00099-00025307-00025519 had no immunity from European infectious dWsju8jnGFY-00100-00025520-00026058 diseases dWsju8jnGFY-00101-00026060-00026619 topic pre-columbian period dWsju8jnGFY-00102-00026620-00026858 the Isthmus of Panama was formed about dWsju8jnGFY-00103-00026860-00027054 three million years ago when the land dWsju8jnGFY-00104-00027055-00027267 bridge between North and South America dWsju8jnGFY-00105-00027268-00027477 finally became complete and plants and dWsju8jnGFY-00106-00027477-00027657 animals gradually crossed it in both dWsju8jnGFY-00107-00027658-00027914 directions the existence of the Isthmus dWsju8jnGFY-00108-00027916-00028110 affected the dispersal of people dWsju8jnGFY-00109-00028111-00028308 agriculture and technology throughout dWsju8jnGFY-00110-00028308-00028452 the American continent from the dWsju8jnGFY-00111-00028452-00028620 appearance of the first hunters & dWsju8jnGFY-00112-00028620-00028788 collectors to the era of villages and dWsju8jnGFY-00113-00028789-00029037 cities the earliest discovered artifacts dWsju8jnGFY-00114-00029038-00029252 of indigenous peoples in Panama include dWsju8jnGFY-00115-00029254-00029535 paleo-indian projectile points later dWsju8jnGFY-00116-00029536-00029736 Central Panama was home to some of the dWsju8jnGFY-00117-00029737-00029961 first pottery making in the Americas for dWsju8jnGFY-00118-00029962-00030144 example the cultures at Mon agrea dWsju8jnGFY-00119-00030145-00030491 which date back to to 500 one 700 BC dWsju8jnGFY-00120-00030492-00030732 these evolved into significant dWsju8jnGFY-00121-00030733-00030902 populations best known through their dWsju8jnGFY-00122-00030904-00031254 spectacular burials dating to see 500 to dWsju8jnGFY-00123-00031255-00031548 900 AD at the mana grille archaeological dWsju8jnGFY-00124-00031549-00031731 site and their beautiful Grand Coe clay dWsju8jnGFY-00125-00031732-00032004 style polychrome pottery the monumental dWsju8jnGFY-00126-00032005-00032202 monolithic sculptures at the burials dWsju8jnGFY-00127-00032202-00032451 Chiriqui site are also important traces dWsju8jnGFY-00128-00032452-00032651 of these ancient Isthmian cultures dWsju8jnGFY-00129-00032652-00032937 before Europeans arrived Panama was dWsju8jnGFY-00130-00032938-00033168 widely settled by chipton Chacoan and dWsju8jnGFY-00131-00033169-00033447 cueva peoples the largest group were the dWsju8jnGFY-00132-00033448-00033618 Cueva whose specific language dWsju8jnGFY-00133-00033619-00033894 affiliation is poorly documented the dWsju8jnGFY-00134-00033895-00034101 size of the indigenous population of the dWsju8jnGFY-00135-00034102-00034215 Isthmus at the time of European dWsju8jnGFY-00136-00034216-00034427 colonization is uncertain dWsju8jnGFY-00137-00034428-00034662 estimates range as high as two million dWsju8jnGFY-00138-00034663-00034866 people but more recent studies place dWsju8jnGFY-00139-00034867-00035138 that number closer to 200,000 dWsju8jnGFY-00140-00035139-00035391 archaeological finds and testimonials by dWsju8jnGFY-00141-00035392-00035589 early European explorers described dWsju8jnGFY-00142-00035590-00035757 diverse native Isthmian groups dWsju8jnGFY-00143-00035758-00035949 exhibiting cultural variety and dWsju8jnGFY-00144-00035950-00036165 suggesting people developed by regular dWsju8jnGFY-00145-00036166-00036477 regional routes of Commerce when Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00146-00036478-00036684 was colonized the indigenous peoples dWsju8jnGFY-00147-00036685-00036917 fled into the forest and nearby islands dWsju8jnGFY-00148-00036918-00037167 scholars believe that infectious disease dWsju8jnGFY-00149-00037168-00037383 was the primary cause of the population dWsju8jnGFY-00150-00037384-00037614 decline of American natives the dWsju8jnGFY-00151-00037615-00037788 indigenous peoples had no acquired dWsju8jnGFY-00152-00037789-00037971 immunity to diseases which had been dWsju8jnGFY-00153-00037972-00038172 chronic in Eurasian populations for dWsju8jnGFY-00154-00038173-00038706 centuries dWsju8jnGFY-00155-00038707-00039468 topic conquest to 1799 Rodrigo de dWsju8jnGFY-00156-00039469-00039687 Bastidas sailed westward from Venezuela dWsju8jnGFY-00157-00039688-00039975 in 1501 in search of gold and became the dWsju8jnGFY-00158-00039976-00040176 first European to explore the Isthmus of dWsju8jnGFY-00159-00040177-00040245 Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00160-00040246-00040488 a year later Christopher Columbus dWsju8jnGFY-00161-00040489-00040683 visited the Isthmus and established a dWsju8jnGFY-00162-00040684-00040874 short-lived settlement in the darién dWsju8jnGFY-00163-00040875-00041178 Vasco núñez de Balboa is tortuous trek dWsju8jnGFY-00164-00041179-00041445 from the Atlantic to the Pacific in 1513 dWsju8jnGFY-00165-00041446-00041646 demonstrated that the Isthmus was indeed dWsju8jnGFY-00166-00041647-00041847 the path between the Seas and Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00167-00041848-00042018 quickly became the crossroads and dWsju8jnGFY-00168-00042019-00042231 marketplace of Spain's Empire in the new dWsju8jnGFY-00169-00042232-00042486 world gold and silver were brought by dWsju8jnGFY-00170-00042487-00042693 ship from South America hauled across dWsju8jnGFY-00171-00042694-00042891 the Isthmus and loaded aboard ships for dWsju8jnGFY-00172-00042892-00043131 Spain the route became known as the dWsju8jnGFY-00173-00043132-00043365 Camino Real or Royal Road although it dWsju8jnGFY-00174-00043366-00043548 was more commonly known as camino de dWsju8jnGFY-00175-00043549-00043758 Cruces wrote of crosses because of the dWsju8jnGFY-00176-00043759-00043973 number of grave sites along the way dWsju8jnGFY-00177-00043974-00044253 Panama was under Spanish rule for almost dWsju8jnGFY-00178-00044254-00044358 300 years dWsju8jnGFY-00179-00044359-00044703 15:38 to 1821 and became part of the dWsju8jnGFY-00180-00044704-00044907 Viceroyalty of Peru along with all other dWsju8jnGFY-00181-00044908-00045129 Spanish possessions in South America dWsju8jnGFY-00182-00045130-00045432 from the outset Panamanian identity was dWsju8jnGFY-00183-00045433-00045693 based on a sense of geographic destiny dWsju8jnGFY-00184-00045694-00045978 and Panamanian fortunes fluctuated with dWsju8jnGFY-00185-00045979-00046146 the geopolitical importance of the dWsju8jnGFY-00186-00046147-00046398 Isthmus the colonial experience spawned dWsju8jnGFY-00187-00046399-00046629 Panamanian nationalism and a racially dWsju8jnGFY-00188-00046630-00046866 complex and highly stratified society dWsju8jnGFY-00189-00046867-00047070 the source of internal conflicts that dWsju8jnGFY-00190-00047071-00047262 ran counter to the unifying force of dWsju8jnGFY-00191-00047263-00047523 nationalism in 1538 the real Audiencia dWsju8jnGFY-00192-00047524-00047811 of panama was established initially with dWsju8jnGFY-00193-00047812-00048021 jurisdiction from nicaragua to Cape Horn dWsju8jnGFY-00194-00048022-00048294 until the conquest of Peru a real dWsju8jnGFY-00195-00048295-00048519 Audiencia was a judicial district that dWsju8jnGFY-00196-00048520-00048747 functioned as an appeals court each dWsju8jnGFY-00197-00048748-00048969 audience iya had annoyed or Spanish dWsju8jnGFY-00198-00048970-00049329 hearer a judge Spanish authorities had dWsju8jnGFY-00199-00049330-00049476 little control over much of the dWsju8jnGFY-00200-00049477-00049767 territory of Panama large sections dWsju8jnGFY-00201-00049768-00049980 managed to resist conquest and mission dWsju8jnGFY-00202-00049981-00050172 ization until very late in the colonial dWsju8jnGFY-00203-00050173-00050490 era because of this indigenous people of dWsju8jnGFY-00204-00050491-00050655 the area were often referred to as dWsju8jnGFY-00205-00050656-00050967 indios de guerra war Indians who dWsju8jnGFY-00206-00050968-00051150 resisted Spanish attempts to conquer dWsju8jnGFY-00207-00051151-00051446 them or mission eyes them however Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00208-00051447-00051615 was enormous ly important to Spain dWsju8jnGFY-00209-00051616-00051777 strategically because it was the easiest dWsju8jnGFY-00210-00051778-00052102 way to transship silver mined in Peru dWsju8jnGFY-00211-00052103-00052385 silver cargos were landed at Panama and dWsju8jnGFY-00212-00052386-00052579 then taken overland to Portobello or dWsju8jnGFY-00213-00052580-00052787 nombre de Dios on the Caribbean side of dWsju8jnGFY-00214-00052788-00053074 the Isthmus for further shipment because dWsju8jnGFY-00215-00053075-00053317 of incomplete Spanish control the Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00216-00053319-00053474 route was vulnerable to attack from dWsju8jnGFY-00217-00053475-00053735 pirates mostly Dutch in English and from dWsju8jnGFY-00218-00053736-00053850 New World dWsju8jnGFY-00219-00053851-00054098 Africans called Simran's who had freed dWsju8jnGFY-00220-00054099-00054290 themselves from enslavement and lived in dWsju8jnGFY-00221-00054291-00054497 communes or palenque's around the Camino dWsju8jnGFY-00222-00054498-00054734 Real in Panama's interior and on some of dWsju8jnGFY-00223-00054735-00054937 the islands off Panama's Pacific coast dWsju8jnGFY-00224-00054938-00055235 one such famous community amounted to a dWsju8jnGFY-00225-00055236-00055462 small Kingdom under bayano which emerged dWsju8jnGFY-00226-00055463-00055904 in the 1552 to 1558 Sir Francis Drake's dWsju8jnGFY-00227-00055904-00056305 famous raids on Panama in 1570 to 273 dWsju8jnGFY-00228-00056306-00056491 and John oxen um's crossing to the dWsju8jnGFY-00229-00056492-00056692 Pacific Ocean were aided by Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00230-00056694-00056765 Simran's dWsju8jnGFY-00231-00056766-00056954 and Spanish authorities were only able dWsju8jnGFY-00232-00056954-00057151 to bring them under control by making an dWsju8jnGFY-00233-00057152-00057311 alliance with them that guaranteed their dWsju8jnGFY-00234-00057312-00057509 freedom in exchange for military support dWsju8jnGFY-00235-00057510-00057809 in 1582 the prosperity enjoyed during dWsju8jnGFY-00236-00057810-00058154 the first two centuries 1540 to 1740 dWsju8jnGFY-00237-00058154-00058337 while contributing to colonial growth dWsju8jnGFY-00238-00058338-00058529 the placing of extensive regional dWsju8jnGFY-00239-00058529-00058754 judicial authority real Audiencia as dWsju8jnGFY-00240-00058754-00058961 part of its jurisdiction and the pivotal dWsju8jnGFY-00241-00058962-00059107 role it played at the height of the dWsju8jnGFY-00242-00059108-00059341 Spanish Empire the first modern global dWsju8jnGFY-00243-00059342-00059525 Empire helped to find a distinctive dWsju8jnGFY-00244-00059526-00059719 sense of autonomy and of regional or dWsju8jnGFY-00245-00059720-00059924 national identity within Panama well dWsju8jnGFY-00246-00059925-00060200 before the rest of the colonies the end dWsju8jnGFY-00247-00060201-00060406 of the encomienda system in is where Oh dWsju8jnGFY-00248-00060407-00060619 however sparked the conquest of virag dWsju8jnGFY-00249-00060620-00060836 was in that same year under the dWsju8jnGFY-00250-00060837-00061046 leadership of Francisco vásquez the dWsju8jnGFY-00251-00061047-00061207 region of virag was passed into dWsju8jnGFY-00252-00061208-00061553 Castilian rule in 1558 in the newly dWsju8jnGFY-00253-00061554-00061738 conquered region the old system of dWsju8jnGFY-00254-00061739-00062036 encomienda was imposed on the other hand dWsju8jnGFY-00255-00062037-00062200 the Panamanian movement for independence dWsju8jnGFY-00256-00062201-00062429 can be indirectly attributed to the dWsju8jnGFY-00257-00062429-00062641 abolition of the encomienda system in dWsju8jnGFY-00258-00062642-00062842 Mia's we're open insula set forth by the dWsju8jnGFY-00259-00062843-00063106 Spanish crown in 1558 because of dWsju8jnGFY-00260-00063107-00063325 repeated protests by locals against the dWsju8jnGFY-00261-00063326-00063538 mistreatment of the native population in dWsju8jnGFY-00262-00063539-00063805 its stead a system of medium and smaller dWsju8jnGFY-00263-00063806-00064016 sized land ownership was promoted thus dWsju8jnGFY-00264-00064016-00064174 taking away the power from the large dWsju8jnGFY-00265-00064175-00064373 landowners and into the hands of medium dWsju8jnGFY-00266-00064374-00064703 and small sized proprietors Panama was dWsju8jnGFY-00267-00064704-00064906 the site of the ill-fated Darian scheme dWsju8jnGFY-00268-00064907-00065096 which set up a Scottish colony in the dWsju8jnGFY-00269-00065097-00065435 region in 1698 this failed for a number dWsju8jnGFY-00270-00065436-00065501 of reasons dWsju8jnGFY-00271-00065502-00065690 and the ensuing debt contributed to the dWsju8jnGFY-00272-00065691-00065992 union of England and Scotland in 1707 in dWsju8jnGFY-00273-00065993-00066338 1671 the privateer Henry Morgan licensed dWsju8jnGFY-00274-00066339-00066512 by the English government sacked and dWsju8jnGFY-00275-00066513-00066704 burned the city of Panama the second dWsju8jnGFY-00276-00066705-00066896 most important city in the Spanish new dWsju8jnGFY-00277-00066897-00067219 world at the time in 1717 the dWsju8jnGFY-00278-00067220-00067430 Viceroyalty of New Granada northern dWsju8jnGFY-00279-00067431-00067679 South America was created in response to dWsju8jnGFY-00280-00067680-00067853 other Europeans trying to take Spanish dWsju8jnGFY-00281-00067854-00068126 territory in the Caribbean region the dWsju8jnGFY-00282-00068127-00068330 Isthmus of Panama was placed under its dWsju8jnGFY-00283-00068331-00068576 jurisdiction however the remoteness of dWsju8jnGFY-00284-00068577-00068834 new Grenada's capital Santa Fe de Bogota dWsju8jnGFY-00285-00068835-00069065 the modern capital of Colombia proved a dWsju8jnGFY-00286-00069066-00069260 greater obstacle than the Spanish crown dWsju8jnGFY-00287-00069261-00069461 anticipated as the authority of New dWsju8jnGFY-00288-00069462-00069656 Granada was contested by the seniority dWsju8jnGFY-00289-00069657-00069907 closer proximity and previous ties to dWsju8jnGFY-00290-00069908-00070097 the Viceroyalty of Lima and even by dWsju8jnGFY-00291-00070098-00070340 Panama's own initiative this uneasy dWsju8jnGFY-00292-00070341-00070586 relationship between Panama and Bogota dWsju8jnGFY-00293-00070587-00070730 would persist for centuries dWsju8jnGFY-00294-00070731-00071192 in 1744 bishop francisco javier de luna dWsju8jnGFY-00295-00071193-00071396 victoria de castro established the dWsju8jnGFY-00296-00071397-00071632 college of san ignacio de loyola and on dWsju8jnGFY-00297-00071633-00071810 june 3rd 17:49 dWsju8jnGFY-00298-00071811-00072074 founded la real y Pontificia Universidad dWsju8jnGFY-00299-00072075-00072356 de San Xavier by this time however dWsju8jnGFY-00300-00072357-00072581 Panama's importance and influence had dWsju8jnGFY-00301-00072582-00072776 become insignificant as Spain's power dWsju8jnGFY-00302-00072777-00072968 dwindled in Europe and advances in dWsju8jnGFY-00303-00072969-00073136 navigation technique increasingly dWsju8jnGFY-00304-00073137-00073328 permitted ships to round Cape Horn in dWsju8jnGFY-00305-00073329-00073562 order to reach the Pacific while the dWsju8jnGFY-00306-00073563-00073778 Panama route was short it was also labor dWsju8jnGFY-00307-00073779-00073979 intensive and expensive because of the dWsju8jnGFY-00308-00073980-00074159 loading and unloading and Laden down dWsju8jnGFY-00309-00074160-00074360 Trek required to get from the one coast dWsju8jnGFY-00310-00074361-00074879 to the other dWsju8jnGFY-00311-00074880-00075387 topic 1800s dWsju8jnGFY-00312-00075388-00075612 as the Spanish American wars of dWsju8jnGFY-00313-00075613-00075798 Independence were heating up all across dWsju8jnGFY-00314-00075799-00076047 Latin America Panama City was preparing dWsju8jnGFY-00315-00076048-00076251 for independence however their plans dWsju8jnGFY-00316-00076252-00076476 were accelerated by the unilateral grito dWsju8jnGFY-00317-00076477-00076701 de la vía de los santos cry from the dWsju8jnGFY-00318-00076702-00076910 town of saints issued on November 10th dWsju8jnGFY-00319-00076911-00077148 1821 by the residents of is where Oh dWsju8jnGFY-00320-00077149-00077352 without backing from Panama City to dWsju8jnGFY-00321-00077353-00077493 declare their separation from the dWsju8jnGFY-00322-00077494-00077787 Spanish Empire in both virag juez and dWsju8jnGFY-00323-00077788-00077937 the capital this act was met with dWsju8jnGFY-00324-00077938-00078222 disdain although on differing levels to dWsju8jnGFY-00325-00078223-00078417 viroqua's it was the ultimate act of dWsju8jnGFY-00326-00078418-00078618 treason while to the capital it was seen dWsju8jnGFY-00327-00078619-00078786 as inefficient and irregular and dWsju8jnGFY-00328-00078787-00078969 furthermore forced them to accelerate dWsju8jnGFY-00329-00078970-00079070 their plans dWsju8jnGFY-00330-00079071-00079326 nevertheless the Greedo was an event dWsju8jnGFY-00331-00079327-00079524 that shook the Isthmus to its very core dWsju8jnGFY-00332-00079525-00079740 it was a sign on the part of the dWsju8jnGFY-00333-00079741-00079893 residents of his Guero of their dWsju8jnGFY-00334-00079894-00080076 antagonism toward the independence dWsju8jnGFY-00335-00080077-00080313 movement in the capital those in the dWsju8jnGFY-00336-00080314-00080526 Capital Region in turn regarded the is dWsju8jnGFY-00337-00080527-00080721 werein movement with contempt since the dWsju8jnGFY-00338-00080722-00080943 separatists in Panama City believed that dWsju8jnGFY-00339-00080944-00081111 their counterparts in as Guero were dWsju8jnGFY-00340-00081112-00081291 fighting not only for independence from dWsju8jnGFY-00341-00081292-00081453 Spain but also for their right to dWsju8jnGFY-00342-00081454-00081693 self-rule apart from Panama City once dWsju8jnGFY-00343-00081694-00081954 the Spaniards were gone it was an dWsju8jnGFY-00344-00081955-00082167 incredibly brave move on the part of as dWsju8jnGFY-00345-00082168-00082230 Guero dWsju8jnGFY-00346-00082231-00082413 which lived in fear of Colonel Jose dWsju8jnGFY-00347-00082414-00082689 Pedro Antonio de fàbregas y de las dWsju8jnGFY-00348-00082690-00083120 cuevas 1774 to 1841 and with good reason dWsju8jnGFY-00349-00083121-00083403 the colonel was a staunch loyalist and dWsju8jnGFY-00350-00083404-00083598 had all of the Isthmus military supplies dWsju8jnGFY-00351-00083599-00083826 in his hands they feared quick dWsju8jnGFY-00352-00083827-00083982 retaliation and swift retribution dWsju8jnGFY-00353-00083983-00084303 against the separatists what they had dWsju8jnGFY-00354-00084304-00084525 counted on however was the influence of dWsju8jnGFY-00355-00084526-00084756 the separatists in the capital ever dWsju8jnGFY-00356-00084757-00085035 since October 1821 when the former dWsju8jnGFY-00357-00085036-00085242 governor-general juan de la cruz merge dWsju8jnGFY-00358-00085243-00085449 in left the Isthmus on a campaign in dWsju8jnGFY-00359-00085450-00085662 quito and left a colonel in charge the dWsju8jnGFY-00360-00085663-00085851 separatists had been slowly converting dWsju8jnGFY-00361-00085852-00085929 wife Abrego dWsju8jnGFY-00362-00085930-00086211 to the separatist side so by November dWsju8jnGFY-00363-00086212-00086415 10th de braga was now a supporter of the dWsju8jnGFY-00364-00086416-00086664 independence movement soon after the dWsju8jnGFY-00365-00086665-00086874 separatist declaration of los santos dWsju8jnGFY-00366-00086875-00087102 fabric convened every organization in dWsju8jnGFY-00367-00087103-00087288 the capital with separatist interests dWsju8jnGFY-00368-00087289-00087468 and formally declared the city's support dWsju8jnGFY-00369-00087469-00087686 for independence no military dWsju8jnGFY-00370-00087687-00087876 repercussions occurred because of dWsju8jnGFY-00371-00087877-00088510 skillful bribing of royalist troops dWsju8jnGFY-00372-00088511-00089084 topic postcolonial Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00373-00089085-00089293 in the first 80 years following dWsju8jnGFY-00374-00089294-00089500 independence from Spain Panama was a dWsju8jnGFY-00375-00089501-00089737 department of Colombia after voluntarily dWsju8jnGFY-00376-00089738-00090097 joining at the end of 1821 the people of dWsju8jnGFY-00377-00090098-00090271 the Isthmus made several attempts to dWsju8jnGFY-00378-00090272-00090565 secede and came close to success in 1831 dWsju8jnGFY-00379-00090566-00090778 then again during the thousand days war dWsju8jnGFY-00380-00090779-00091123 of 1899 to 1902 understood among dWsju8jnGFY-00381-00091124-00091346 indigenous Panamanians as a struggle for dWsju8jnGFY-00382-00091347-00091504 land rights under the leadership of dWsju8jnGFY-00383-00091505-00091753 Victoriano lorenzo the u.s. intent to dWsju8jnGFY-00384-00091754-00091990 influence the area especially the Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00385-00091991-00092218 canal's construction and control led to dWsju8jnGFY-00386-00092219-00092419 the separation of Panama from Colombia dWsju8jnGFY-00387-00092420-00092653 in 1903 and its establishment as a dWsju8jnGFY-00388-00092654-00092896 nation when the Senate of Colombia dWsju8jnGFY-00389-00092897-00093115 rejected the hey heron treaty On January dWsju8jnGFY-00390-00093116-00093490 22nd 1903 the United States decided to dWsju8jnGFY-00391-00093491-00093682 support and encourage the Panamanian dWsju8jnGFY-00392-00093683-00093907 separatist movement in November 1903 dWsju8jnGFY-00393-00093908-00094144 Panama proclaimed its independence and dWsju8jnGFY-00394-00094145-00094334 concluded the hey bunau-varilla treaty dWsju8jnGFY-00395-00094335-00094573 with the United States the treaty dWsju8jnGFY-00396-00094574-00094780 granted rights to the United States as dWsju8jnGFY-00397-00094781-00095092 if it were sovereign in a zone roughly dWsju8jnGFY-00398-00095093-00095359 16 kilometers 10 miles wide and 80 dWsju8jnGFY-00399-00095360-00095692 kilometres 50 miles long in that zone dWsju8jnGFY-00400-00095693-00095887 the US would build a canal then dWsju8jnGFY-00401-00095888-00096115 administer fortify and defend it in dWsju8jnGFY-00402-00096116-00096373 perpetuity dWsju8jnGFY-00403-00096374-00096673 in 1914 the United States completed the dWsju8jnGFY-00404-00096674-00096949 existing 83 kilometers long 52 mile dWsju8jnGFY-00405-00096950-00097417 canal from 1903 to 1968 Panama was a dWsju8jnGFY-00406-00097418-00097663 constitutional democracy dominated by a dWsju8jnGFY-00407-00097664-00097957 commercially oriented oligarchy during dWsju8jnGFY-00408-00097958-00098245 the 1950's the Panamanian military began dWsju8jnGFY-00409-00098246-00098434 to challenge the oligarchies political dWsju8jnGFY-00410-00098435-00098782 hegemony the early 1960s saw also the dWsju8jnGFY-00411-00098783-00098953 beginning of sustained pressure in dWsju8jnGFY-00412-00098954-00099172 Panama for the renegotiation of the hey dWsju8jnGFY-00413-00099173-00099394 bunau-varilla treaty including riots dWsju8jnGFY-00414-00099395-00099682 that broke out in early 1964 resulting dWsju8jnGFY-00415-00099683-00099865 in widespread looting and dozens of dWsju8jnGFY-00416-00099866-00100030 deaths and the evacuation of the dWsju8jnGFY-00417-00100031-00100152 American Embassy dWsju8jnGFY-00418-00100153-00100459 amid negotiations for the Robles Johnson dWsju8jnGFY-00419-00100460-00100840 treaty Panama held elections in 1968 the dWsju8jnGFY-00420-00100841-00101197 candidates were dr. Arnulfo arias Madrid dWsju8jnGFY-00421-00101198-00101335 Union Nacional dWsju8jnGFY-00422-00101336-00101562 National Union dWsju8jnGFY-00423-00101563-00101805 Antonio Gonzales Rivia democracia dWsju8jnGFY-00424-00101806-00102147 Christiana Christian Democrats dWsju8jnGFY-00425-00102148-00102438 engineer david psalm you do a leanza del dWsju8jnGFY-00426-00102439-00102731 pueblo peoples alliance who had the dWsju8jnGFY-00427-00102732-00102927 government support Arya's madrid was dWsju8jnGFY-00428-00102928-00103094 declared the winner of elections that dWsju8jnGFY-00429-00103095-00103296 were marked by violence and accusations dWsju8jnGFY-00430-00103297-00103561 of fraud against Alianza del pueblo on dWsju8jnGFY-00431-00103563-00103803 october 1st 1968 dWsju8jnGFY-00432-00103804-00103979 Arya's madrid took office as president dWsju8jnGFY-00433-00103980-00104238 of panama promising to lead a government dWsju8jnGFY-00434-00104239-00104492 of national union that would end the dWsju8jnGFY-00435-00104493-00104640 reigning corruption and paved the way dWsju8jnGFY-00436-00104641-00104913 for a new Panama a week and a half later dWsju8jnGFY-00437-00104914-00105266 on October 11th 1968 the National Guard dWsju8jnGFY-00438-00105267-00105519 Guardia Nacional now stood Arrius and dWsju8jnGFY-00439-00105520-00105710 initiated the downward spiral that would dWsju8jnGFY-00440-00105711-00105854 culminate with the United States dWsju8jnGFY-00441-00105855-00106224 invasion in 1989 Arya's who had promised dWsju8jnGFY-00442-00106225-00106422 to respect the hierarchy of the National dWsju8jnGFY-00443-00106423-00106626 Guard broke the pact and started a large dWsju8jnGFY-00444-00106627-00106878 restructuring of the guard to preserve dWsju8jnGFY-00445-00106879-00107066 the guards interests Lieutenant Colonel dWsju8jnGFY-00446-00107067-00107333 Omar Torrijos Herrera and major Boris dWsju8jnGFY-00447-00107334-00107520 Martinez commanded the first military dWsju8jnGFY-00448-00107521-00107741 coup against a civilian government in dWsju8jnGFY-00449-00107742-00107952 Panamanian Republican history the dWsju8jnGFY-00450-00107953-00108177 military justified itself by declaring dWsju8jnGFY-00451-00108178-00108372 that Arya's Madrid was trying to install dWsju8jnGFY-00452-00108373-00108594 a dictatorship and promised a return to dWsju8jnGFY-00453-00108595-00108882 constitutional rule in the meantime the dWsju8jnGFY-00454-00108883-00109065 guard began a series of populist dWsju8jnGFY-00455-00109066-00109233 measures that would gain support for the dWsju8jnGFY-00456-00109233-00109278 coup dWsju8jnGFY-00457-00109279-00109623 among them were price freezing on food dWsju8jnGFY-00458-00109624-00109857 medicine and other goods until January dWsju8jnGFY-00459-00109858-00110418 31st 1969 rent level freeze legalization dWsju8jnGFY-00460-00110419-00110601 of the permanence of squatting families dWsju8jnGFY-00461-00110602-00110808 in burrows surrounding the historic site dWsju8jnGFY-00462-00110808-00111033 of panama viejo parallel to this the dWsju8jnGFY-00463-00111033-00111249 military began a policy of repression dWsju8jnGFY-00464-00111250-00111426 against the opposition who were labeled dWsju8jnGFY-00465-00111427-00111699 communists the military appointed a dWsju8jnGFY-00466-00111700-00111890 provisional government Hinda that was to dWsju8jnGFY-00467-00111891-00112152 arrange new elections however the dWsju8jnGFY-00468-00112153-00112299 National Guard would prove to be very dWsju8jnGFY-00469-00112300-00112508 reluctant to abandon power and soon dWsju8jnGFY-00470-00112509-00112671 began calling itself el gobierno dWsju8jnGFY-00471-00112672-00112947 Revolucionario the revolutionary dWsju8jnGFY-00472-00112948-00113468 government dWsju8jnGFY-00473-00113469-00114035 topic post one nine seven dWsju8jnGFY-00474-00114036-00114300 under Omar Torrijos as control the dWsju8jnGFY-00475-00114301-00114513 military transformed the political and dWsju8jnGFY-00476-00114514-00114658 economic structure of the country dWsju8jnGFY-00477-00114659-00114900 initiating massive coverage of social dWsju8jnGFY-00478-00114901-00115109 security services and expanding public dWsju8jnGFY-00479-00115110-00115413 education the Constitution was changed dWsju8jnGFY-00480-00115414-00115713 in 1972 for the reform to the dWsju8jnGFY-00481-00115714-00115950 Constitution the military created a new dWsju8jnGFY-00482-00115951-00116178 organization the Assembly of korah gimmi dWsju8jnGFY-00483-00116179-00116384 until representatives which replaced the dWsju8jnGFY-00484-00116385-00116660 National Assembly the new assembly also dWsju8jnGFY-00485-00116661-00116936 known as the poder popular power of the dWsju8jnGFY-00486-00116938-00117198 people was composed of five hundred five dWsju8jnGFY-00487-00117199-00117416 members selected by the military with no dWsju8jnGFY-00488-00117417-00117606 participation from political parties dWsju8jnGFY-00489-00117607-00117809 which the military had eliminated the dWsju8jnGFY-00490-00117810-00118079 new constitution proclaimed Omar dWsju8jnGFY-00491-00118080-00118316 Torrijos de maximum leader of the dWsju8jnGFY-00492-00118317-00118614 Panamanian Revolution and conceded him dWsju8jnGFY-00493-00118615-00118811 unlimited power for six years although dWsju8jnGFY-00494-00118813-00119076 to keep a facade of constitutionality de dWsju8jnGFY-00495-00119077-00119283 metrio be lakas was appointed president dWsju8jnGFY-00496-00119283-00119523 for the same period pizzorno gallows in dWsju8jnGFY-00497-00119524-00119748 arauz estudios sobre el panama dWsju8jnGFY-00498-00119749-00120168 republicano 541 in 1981 Torrijos died in dWsju8jnGFY-00499-00120169-00120468 a plane crash Torrijos death altered the dWsju8jnGFY-00500-00120469-00120675 tone of Panama's political evolution dWsju8jnGFY-00501-00120676-00120954 despite the 1983 constitutional dWsju8jnGFY-00502-00120955-00121160 amendments which prescribed a political dWsju8jnGFY-00503-00121161-00121389 role for the military the Panama Defense dWsju8jnGFY-00504-00121390-00121593 Force PDF as they were then known dWsju8jnGFY-00505-00121594-00121784 continued to dominate Panamanian dWsju8jnGFY-00506-00121785-00122060 political life by this time general dWsju8jnGFY-00507-00122061-00122301 Manuel Antonio Noriega was firmly in dWsju8jnGFY-00508-00122302-00122529 control of both the PDF and the civilian dWsju8jnGFY-00509-00122530-00122874 government in the 1984 elections the dWsju8jnGFY-00510-00122875-00123183 candidates were Nicholas R dito Barletta dWsju8jnGFY-00511-00123183-00123426 Valerie no supported by the military in dWsju8jnGFY-00512-00123427-00123804 a union called u na de Arnulfo arias dWsju8jnGFY-00513-00123805-00124111 Madrid for the opposition Union adieu dWsju8jnGFY-00514-00124113-00124346 ex-general Ruben Dario Paredes who had dWsju8jnGFY-00515-00124347-00124526 been forced to an early retirement by dWsju8jnGFY-00516-00124527-00124742 Noriega running for party donation a dWsju8jnGFY-00517-00124743-00125048 list of popular PNP popular nationalist dWsju8jnGFY-00518-00125049-00125432 party carlos ivan Zuniga running for dWsju8jnGFY-00519-00125433-00125683 party de acción popular Papo meaning dWsju8jnGFY-00520-00125684-00125983 popular action party Barletta was dWsju8jnGFY-00521-00125984-00126158 declared the winner of elections that dWsju8jnGFY-00522-00126158-00126433 had been clearly won by Madrid are Dido dWsju8jnGFY-00523-00126434-00126626 Barletta inherited a country in economic dWsju8jnGFY-00524-00126627-00126833 ruin and hugely indebted to the dWsju8jnGFY-00525-00126833-00127043 International Monetary Fund in the World dWsju8jnGFY-00526-00127044-00127103 Bank dWsju8jnGFY-00527-00127104-00127373 amid the economic crisis and Barlet his dWsju8jnGFY-00528-00127374-00127556 efforts to come the country's creditors dWsju8jnGFY-00529-00127557-00127781 Street protests arose and so did dWsju8jnGFY-00530-00127782-00128093 military repression meanwhile Noriega's dWsju8jnGFY-00531-00128094-00128273 regime had fostered a well-hidden dWsju8jnGFY-00532-00128274-00128480 criminal economy that operated as a dWsju8jnGFY-00533-00128481-00128657 parallel source of income for the dWsju8jnGFY-00534-00128658-00128849 military and their allies providing dWsju8jnGFY-00535-00128850-00129055 revenues from drugs and money laundering dWsju8jnGFY-00536-00129056-00129259 toward the end of the military dWsju8jnGFY-00537-00129260-00129458 dictatorship a new wave of Chinese dWsju8jnGFY-00538-00129458-00129638 migrants arrived on the isthmus in the dWsju8jnGFY-00539-00129639-00129821 hope of migrating to the United States dWsju8jnGFY-00540-00129822-00130091 the smuggling of Chinese became an dWsju8jnGFY-00541-00130092-00130292 enormous business with revenues of up to dWsju8jnGFY-00542-00130293-00130547 200 million dollars for Noriega's regime dWsju8jnGFY-00543-00130548-00130919 seamen 167 the military dictatorship at dWsju8jnGFY-00544-00130920-00131107 that time supported by the United States dWsju8jnGFY-00545-00131108-00131318 perpetrated the assassination and dWsju8jnGFY-00546-00131319-00131564 torture of more than 100 panamanians and dWsju8jnGFY-00547-00131565-00131696 forced at least a hundred more dWsju8jnGFY-00548-00131697-00131921 dissidents into exile seized are a day dWsju8jnGFY-00549-00131922-00131990 15 dWsju8jnGFY-00550-00131991-00132284 Noriega also began playing a double role dWsju8jnGFY-00551-00132285-00132476 in Central America under the supervision dWsju8jnGFY-00552-00132477-00132605 of the CIA dWsju8jnGFY-00553-00132606-00132827 while the contador a group conducted dWsju8jnGFY-00554-00132828-00133028 diplomatic efforts to achieve peace in dWsju8jnGFY-00555-00133029-00133100 the region dWsju8jnGFY-00556-00133101-00133349 Noriega supplied Nicaraguan Contras and dWsju8jnGFY-00557-00133350-00133511 other guerrillas in the region with dWsju8jnGFY-00558-00133512-00133829 weapons and ammunition On June 6 1987 dWsju8jnGFY-00559-00133830-00134063 the recently retired colonel Roberto dWsju8jnGFY-00560-00134064-00134309 Diaz Herrera resentful that Noriega had dWsju8jnGFY-00561-00134310-00134618 broken the agreed-upon Torrijos plan of dWsju8jnGFY-00562-00134619-00134786 succession that would have made him the dWsju8jnGFY-00563-00134787-00134987 chief of the military after Noriega dWsju8jnGFY-00564-00134988-00135251 decided to denounce the regime he dWsju8jnGFY-00565-00135252-00135443 revealed details of electoral fraud dWsju8jnGFY-00566-00135444-00135692 accused Noriega of planning Torrijos his dWsju8jnGFY-00567-00135693-00135881 death and declared that Torrijos had dWsju8jnGFY-00568-00135882-00136058 received 12 million dollars from the dWsju8jnGFY-00569-00136059-00136247 Shah of Iran forgiving the exiled dWsju8jnGFY-00570-00136248-00136544 Iranian leader Asylum he also accused dWsju8jnGFY-00571-00136545-00136724 Noriega of the assassination by dWsju8jnGFY-00572-00136725-00136928 decapitation of then opposition leader dWsju8jnGFY-00573-00136929-00137264 dr. Hugo Spadafora on the night of June dWsju8jnGFY-00574-00137265-00137489 9th 1987 the Cruz dWsju8jnGFY-00575-00137490-00137852 civil ista civic crusade was created and dWsju8jnGFY-00576-00137853-00138035 began organizing actions of civil dWsju8jnGFY-00577-00138036-00138272 disobedience the crusade called for a dWsju8jnGFY-00578-00138273-00138545 general strike in response the military dWsju8jnGFY-00579-00138546-00138749 suspended constitutional rights and dWsju8jnGFY-00580-00138750-00138926 declared a state of emergency in the dWsju8jnGFY-00581-00138927-00139229 country on July 10 the civic crusade dWsju8jnGFY-00582-00139230-00139430 called for a massive demonstration that dWsju8jnGFY-00583-00139431-00139670 was violently repressed by the Dobermans dWsju8jnGFY-00584-00139671-00139976 the military's special riot control unit dWsju8jnGFY-00585-00139977-00140258 that day later known as el viernes negro dWsju8jnGFY-00586-00140259-00140645 black friday left 600 people injured and dWsju8jnGFY-00587-00140646-00140873 another 600 detained many of whom were dWsju8jnGFY-00588-00140874-00141095 later tortured and raped United States dWsju8jnGFY-00589-00141096-00141314 President Ronald Reagan began a series dWsju8jnGFY-00590-00141315-00141505 of sanctions against the military regime dWsju8jnGFY-00591-00141506-00141809 the United States froze economic and dWsju8jnGFY-00592-00141810-00142019 military assistance to Panama in the dWsju8jnGFY-00593-00142020-00142265 middle of 1987 in response to the dWsju8jnGFY-00594-00142266-00142499 domestic political crisis in Panama and dWsju8jnGFY-00595-00142500-00142757 an attack on the US Embassy these dWsju8jnGFY-00596-00142758-00142934 sanctions did little to overthrow dWsju8jnGFY-00597-00142935-00143003 Noriega dWsju8jnGFY-00598-00143004-00143222 but severely damaged Panama's economy dWsju8jnGFY-00599-00143223-00143459 the sanctions hit the Panamanian dWsju8jnGFY-00600-00143460-00143657 population hard and caused the gross dWsju8jnGFY-00601-00143658-00143945 domestic product GDP to decline almost dWsju8jnGFY-00602-00143946-00144353 25 percent between 1987 and 1989 see dWsju8jnGFY-00603-00144354-00144665 Acosta and Pia on February 5th 1988 dWsju8jnGFY-00604-00144666-00144887 general Manuel Antonio Noriega was dWsju8jnGFY-00605-00144888-00145091 accused of drug trafficking by federal dWsju8jnGFY-00606-00145092-00145487 juries in Tampa and Miami in April 1988 dWsju8jnGFY-00607-00145488-00145739 US President Ronald Reagan invoked the dWsju8jnGFY-00608-00145740-00145940 international emergency economic Powers dWsju8jnGFY-00609-00145941-00146129 Act freezing Panamanian government dWsju8jnGFY-00610-00146130-00146486 assets in all US organizations in May dWsju8jnGFY-00611-00146487-00146741 1989 Panamanians voted overwhelmingly dWsju8jnGFY-00612-00146742-00147059 for the anti Noriega candidates the dWsju8jnGFY-00613-00147060-00147257 Noriega regime promptly annulled the dWsju8jnGFY-00614-00147258-00147443 election and embarked on a new round of dWsju8jnGFY-00615-00147444-00147954 repression dWsju8jnGFY-00616-00147955-00148596 topic US invasion 1989 dWsju8jnGFY-00617-00148597-00148811 the United States government said dWsju8jnGFY-00618-00148812-00149024 operation Just Cause which began on dWsju8jnGFY-00619-00149025-00149387 December 20th 1989 was necessary to dWsju8jnGFY-00620-00149388-00149624 safeguard the lives of US citizens in dWsju8jnGFY-00621-00149625-00149886 Panama defend democracy and human rights dWsju8jnGFY-00622-00149887-00150171 combat drug trafficking and secure the dWsju8jnGFY-00623-00150172-00150386 neutrality of the Panama Canal as dWsju8jnGFY-00624-00150387-00150661 required by the Torrijos Carter treaties dWsju8jnGFY-00625-00150662-00150989 New York Times a transcript of President dWsju8jnGFY-00626-00150990-00151304 Bush's address n P Human Rights Watch dWsju8jnGFY-00627-00151305-00151611 wrote in its 1989 report Washington dWsju8jnGFY-00628-00151612-00151874 turned a blind eye to abuses in Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00629-00151875-00152111 for many years until concern over drug dWsju8jnGFY-00630-00152112-00152334 trafficking prompted indictments of the dWsju8jnGFY-00631-00152335-00152591 general Noriega by two grand juries in dWsju8jnGFY-00632-00152592-00153033 Florida in February 1988 the u.s. dWsju8jnGFY-00633-00153034-00153389 reported 23 servicemen killed and 324 dWsju8jnGFY-00634-00153390-00153599 wounded with Panamanian casualties dWsju8jnGFY-00635-00153600-00153950 estimated around 450 described as a dWsju8jnGFY-00636-00153951-00154149 surgical maneuver the action led to dWsju8jnGFY-00637-00154150-00154379 estimates of civilian death from 200 to dWsju8jnGFY-00638-00154380-00154581 4,000 during the two weeks of armed dWsju8jnGFY-00639-00154582-00154872 activities the United Nations put the dWsju8jnGFY-00640-00154873-00155126 Panamanian civilian death toll at 500 dWsju8jnGFY-00641-00155127-00155366 the United States gave a figure of 200 dWsju8jnGFY-00642-00155367-00155576 to civilians killed and former US dWsju8jnGFY-00643-00155577-00155808 Attorney General Ramsey Clark estimated dWsju8jnGFY-00644-00155809-00156104 4,000 deaths it represented the largest dWsju8jnGFY-00645-00156105-00156369 United States military operation since dWsju8jnGFY-00646-00156370-00156650 the end of the Vietnam War carpi as 22 dWsju8jnGFY-00647-00156651-00156921 the number of u.s. civilians and their dWsju8jnGFY-00648-00156922-00157112 dependents who had worked for the Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00649-00157113-00157335 Canal Commission and the US military and dWsju8jnGFY-00650-00157336-00157497 were killed by the Panamanian Defense dWsju8jnGFY-00651-00157498-00157813 Forces has never been fully disclosed on dWsju8jnGFY-00652-00157814-00158099 December 29th the United Nations General dWsju8jnGFY-00653-00158100-00158346 Assembly approved a resolution calling dWsju8jnGFY-00654-00158347-00158576 the intervention in Panama flagrant dWsju8jnGFY-00655-00158577-00158825 violation of international line of the dWsju8jnGFY-00656-00158826-00159086 independence sovereignty and territorial dWsju8jnGFY-00657-00159087-00159428 integrity of the States a similar dWsju8jnGFY-00658-00159429-00159638 resolution was vetoed in the Security dWsju8jnGFY-00659-00159639-00159843 Council by the United States the United dWsju8jnGFY-00660-00159844-00160052 Kingdom and France the urban population dWsju8jnGFY-00661-00160053-00160316 many living below the poverty level was dWsju8jnGFY-00662-00160317-00160514 greatly affected by the 1989 dWsju8jnGFY-00663-00160515-00160872 intervention as pointed out in 1995 by a dWsju8jnGFY-00664-00160873-00161073 UN technical assistance mission to dWsju8jnGFY-00665-00161074-00161252 Panama the bombardments during the dWsju8jnGFY-00666-00161253-00161559 invasion displaced 20,000 people the dWsju8jnGFY-00667-00161560-00161733 most heavily affected district was dWsju8jnGFY-00668-00161734-00161934 impoverished el chorrillo where several dWsju8jnGFY-00669-00161935-00161980 blah dWsju8jnGFY-00670-00161981-00162166 of apartments were completely destroyed dWsju8jnGFY-00671-00162167-00162442 el chorrillo had been built in days of dWsju8jnGFY-00672-00162443-00162640 canal construction a series of wooden dWsju8jnGFY-00673-00162641-00162847 barracks which easily caught fire under dWsju8jnGFY-00674-00162848-00163117 the United States attack the economic dWsju8jnGFY-00675-00163118-00163306 damage caused by the intervention has dWsju8jnGFY-00676-00163307-00163504 been estimated between one point five dWsju8jnGFY-00677-00163505-00163816 and two billion dollars NP most dWsju8jnGFY-00678-00163817-00164459 Panamanian supported the intervention dWsju8jnGFY-00679-00164460-00165018 topic post-intervention era dWsju8jnGFY-00680-00165019-00165258 Panama's Electoral Tribunal moved dWsju8jnGFY-00681-00165259-00165416 quickly to restore civilian dWsju8jnGFY-00682-00165417-00165645 constitutional government reinstated the dWsju8jnGFY-00683-00165646-00165885 results of the May 1989 election on dWsju8jnGFY-00684-00165886-00166199 December 27 1989 and confirmed the dWsju8jnGFY-00685-00166200-00166395 victory of President Guillermo and ara dWsju8jnGFY-00686-00166396-00166613 and vice presidents Guillermo Ford and dWsju8jnGFY-00687-00166614-00166913 Ricardo arias called her own during its dWsju8jnGFY-00688-00166914-00167099 five-year term the often fractious dWsju8jnGFY-00689-00167100-00167232 government struggled to meet the dWsju8jnGFY-00690-00167233-00167499 public's high expectations its new dWsju8jnGFY-00691-00167500-00167678 police force was a major improvement dWsju8jnGFY-00692-00167679-00167903 over its predecessor but was not fully dWsju8jnGFY-00693-00167904-00168231 able to deter crime Ernesto Perez Boulud dWsju8jnGFY-00694-00168232-00168423 RS was sworn in as president on dWsju8jnGFY-00695-00168424-00168672 September 1st 1994 after an dWsju8jnGFY-00696-00168673-00168849 internationally monitored election dWsju8jnGFY-00697-00168850-00169178 campaign Perez ballad RS ran as the dWsju8jnGFY-00698-00169179-00169344 candidate for a three party coalition dWsju8jnGFY-00699-00169345-00169524 dominated by the Democratic dWsju8jnGFY-00700-00169525-00169802 Revolutionary Party PRD the erstwhile dWsju8jnGFY-00701-00169803-00170049 political arm of military dictatorship dWsju8jnGFY-00702-00170050-00170339 Perez ballad rs worked skillfully during dWsju8jnGFY-00703-00170340-00170556 the campaign to rehabilitate the PR DS dWsju8jnGFY-00704-00170557-00170784 image emphasizing the party's populist dWsju8jnGFY-00705-00170785-00170936 Torrijos roots rather than its dWsju8jnGFY-00706-00170937-00171200 association with Noriega he won the dWsju8jnGFY-00707-00171201-00171411 election with only 33 percent of the dWsju8jnGFY-00708-00171412-00171641 vote when the major non PRD forces dWsju8jnGFY-00709-00171642-00171911 splintered into competing factions his dWsju8jnGFY-00710-00171912-00172119 administration carried out economic dWsju8jnGFY-00711-00172120-00172304 reforms and often worked closely with dWsju8jnGFY-00712-00172305-00172524 the US on implementation of the canal dWsju8jnGFY-00713-00172525-00172838 treaties on September 1st 1999 Mireya dWsju8jnGFY-00714-00172839-00173075 Moscoso the widow of former president dWsju8jnGFY-00715-00173076-00173312 Arnulfo arias Madrid took office after dWsju8jnGFY-00716-00173313-00173586 defeating PRD candidate Martine Torrijos dWsju8jnGFY-00717-00173587-00173813 son of Omar Torrijos in a free and fair dWsju8jnGFY-00718-00173814-00174037 election during her administration dWsju8jnGFY-00719-00174038-00174302 Moscoso attempted to strengthen social dWsju8jnGFY-00720-00174303-00174531 programs especially for child in youth dWsju8jnGFY-00721-00174532-00174725 development protection and general dWsju8jnGFY-00722-00174726-00175004 welfare Moscow Zoe's administration dWsju8jnGFY-00723-00175005-00175185 successfully handled the Panama Canal dWsju8jnGFY-00724-00175186-00175371 transfer and was effective in the dWsju8jnGFY-00725-00175372-00175688 administration of the canal the PR D's dWsju8jnGFY-00726-00175689-00175920 Martin Torrijos won the presidency and a dWsju8jnGFY-00727-00175921-00176073 legislative majority in the National dWsju8jnGFY-00728-00176074-00176448 Assembly in 2004 Torrijos ran his dWsju8jnGFY-00729-00176449-00176639 campaign on a platform of among other dWsju8jnGFY-00730-00176640-00176934 pledges a zero tolerance for corruption dWsju8jnGFY-00731-00176935-00177203 a problem endemic to the Moscoso and dWsju8jnGFY-00732-00177204-00177411 Perez Boulud RS administrations dWsju8jnGFY-00733-00177412-00177696 after taking office Torrijos passed a dWsju8jnGFY-00734-00177697-00177873 number of laws which made the government dWsju8jnGFY-00735-00177874-00178136 more transparent he formed a National dWsju8jnGFY-00736-00178137-00178391 anti-corruption Council whose members dWsju8jnGFY-00737-00178392-00178577 the highest levels of government and dWsju8jnGFY-00738-00178578-00178826 civil society labor organizations and dWsju8jnGFY-00739-00178827-00179118 religious leadership in addition many of dWsju8jnGFY-00740-00179119-00179327 his closest cabinet ministers were non dWsju8jnGFY-00741-00179328-00179508 political technocrats known for their dWsju8jnGFY-00742-00179509-00179690 support for the Torrijos government's dWsju8jnGFY-00743-00179691-00179824 anti-corruption aims dWsju8jnGFY-00744-00179825-00180084 despite the Torrijos administration's dWsju8jnGFY-00745-00180085-00180275 public stance on corruption many dWsju8jnGFY-00746-00180276-00180483 high-profile cases particularly dWsju8jnGFY-00747-00180484-00180681 involving political or business elites dWsju8jnGFY-00748-00180682-00180984 were never acted upon conservative dWsju8jnGFY-00749-00180985-00181206 supermarket magnate Ricardo Martinelli dWsju8jnGFY-00750-00181207-00181422 was elected to succeed Martin Torrijos dWsju8jnGFY-00751-00181423-00181673 with a landslide victory in the May 2009 dWsju8jnGFY-00752-00181674-00181949 presidential election Martinelli's dWsju8jnGFY-00753-00181950-00182172 business credentials drew voters worried dWsju8jnGFY-00754-00182173-00182327 by slowing growth due to the world dWsju8jnGFY-00755-00182328-00182622 financial crisis standing for the four dWsju8jnGFY-00756-00182623-00182823 party opposition alliance for Change dWsju8jnGFY-00757-00182824-00183048 Martinelli gained 60 percent of the vote dWsju8jnGFY-00758-00183049-00183309 against 37 percent for the candidate of dWsju8jnGFY-00759-00183310-00183479 the governing left-wing Democratic dWsju8jnGFY-00760-00183480-00183899 Revolutionary Party on May 4 2014 1 dWsju8jnGFY-00761-00183900-00184175 carlos varela won the 2014 presidential dWsju8jnGFY-00762-00184176-00184415 election with over 39 percent of the dWsju8jnGFY-00763-00184416-00184454 votes dWsju8jnGFY-00764-00184455-00184610 against the party of his former dWsju8jnGFY-00765-00184611-00184802 political partner Ricardo Martinelli dWsju8jnGFY-00766-00184803-00185054 cambio Democratic Oh and their candidate dWsju8jnGFY-00767-00185055-00185354 Jose Domingo arias he was sworn in on dWsju8jnGFY-00768-00185355-00185985 July 1st 2014 dWsju8jnGFY-00769-00185986-00186508 topic geography dWsju8jnGFY-00770-00186509-00186751 Panama is located in Central America dWsju8jnGFY-00771-00186752-00186997 bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the dWsju8jnGFY-00772-00186998-00187216 Pacific Ocean between Colombia and Costa dWsju8jnGFY-00773-00187217-00187468 Rica it mostly lies between latitudes dWsju8jnGFY-00774-00187469-00187741 seven degrees and ten degrees north and dWsju8jnGFY-00775-00187742-00188071 longitude 77 degrees and 83 degrees west dWsju8jnGFY-00776-00188072-00188461 a small area lies west of 83 degrees its dWsju8jnGFY-00777-00188462-00188656 location on the Isthmus of Panama is dWsju8jnGFY-00778-00188657-00188977 strategic by 2000 Panama controlled the dWsju8jnGFY-00779-00188978-00189193 Panama Canal which connects the Atlantic dWsju8jnGFY-00780-00189194-00189385 Ocean and the Caribbean Sea to the north dWsju8jnGFY-00781-00189386-00189507 of the Pacific Ocean dWsju8jnGFY-00782-00189508-00189772 Panama's total area is seventy four dWsju8jnGFY-00783-00189773-00189988 thousand one hundred seventy seven point dWsju8jnGFY-00784-00189989-00190195 three square kilometers the dominant dWsju8jnGFY-00785-00190196-00190396 feature of Panama's geography as the dWsju8jnGFY-00786-00190397-00190564 central spine of mountains and hills dWsju8jnGFY-00787-00190565-00190822 that forms the continental divide the dWsju8jnGFY-00788-00190823-00190990 divide does not form part of the great dWsju8jnGFY-00789-00190991-00191191 mountain chains of North America and dWsju8jnGFY-00790-00191192-00191368 only near the Colombian border are there dWsju8jnGFY-00791-00191369-00191557 highlands related to the Andean system dWsju8jnGFY-00792-00191558-00191818 of South America the spine that forms dWsju8jnGFY-00793-00191819-00192028 the divide as the highly eroded arch of dWsju8jnGFY-00794-00192029-00192211 an uplift from the sea bottom in which dWsju8jnGFY-00795-00192212-00192453 Peaks were formed by volcanic intrusions dWsju8jnGFY-00796-00192454-00192706 the mountain range of the divide has dWsju8jnGFY-00797-00192707-00192904 called the cordillera de talamanca near dWsju8jnGFY-00798-00192905-00193177 the Costa Rican border farther east it dWsju8jnGFY-00799-00193178-00193396 becomes the sarony edita Becerra and the dWsju8jnGFY-00800-00193397-00193606 portion of it closer to the lower saddle dWsju8jnGFY-00801-00193607-00193807 of the Isthmus where the Panama Canal is dWsju8jnGFY-00802-00193808-00194011 located is often called the sierra de dWsju8jnGFY-00803-00194012-00194281 ver aguas as a whole the range between dWsju8jnGFY-00804-00194282-00194506 Costa Rica and the canal is generally dWsju8jnGFY-00805-00194507-00194674 referred to by geographers as the dWsju8jnGFY-00806-00194675-00194974 Cordillera Central the highest point in dWsju8jnGFY-00807-00194975-00195139 the country is the volcan baru dWsju8jnGFY-00808-00195140-00195652 which rises to 3000 475 meters 11400 1 dWsju8jnGFY-00809-00195653-00195961 feet a nearly impenetrable jungle forms dWsju8jnGFY-00810-00195962-00196153 the daran gap between Panama and dWsju8jnGFY-00811-00196154-00196351 Colombia where Colombian guerrillas and dWsju8jnGFY-00812-00196352-00196570 drug dealers operate and sometimes take dWsju8jnGFY-00813-00196571-00196873 hostages this and unrest and forest dWsju8jnGFY-00814-00196874-00197074 protection movements create a break in dWsju8jnGFY-00815-00197075-00197266 the pan-american highway which otherwise dWsju8jnGFY-00816-00197267-00197473 forms a complete Road from Alaska to dWsju8jnGFY-00817-00197474-00197794 Patagonia Panama's wildlife is the most dWsju8jnGFY-00818-00197795-00198058 diverse in Central America it is home to dWsju8jnGFY-00819-00198059-00198271 many South American species as well as dWsju8jnGFY-00820-00198272-00198906 to North American wildlife dWsju8jnGFY-00821-00198907-00199394 topic Waterways dWsju8jnGFY-00822-00199395-00199697 nearly 500 rivers laced Panama's rugged dWsju8jnGFY-00823-00199698-00199951 landscape mostly unnavigable many dWsju8jnGFY-00824-00199952-00200140 originate as swift highland streams dWsju8jnGFY-00825-00200141-00200362 meander in valleys and form coastal dWsju8jnGFY-00826-00200363-00200422 deltas dWsju8jnGFY-00827-00200423-00200713 however the Rio jaggers shaggers River dWsju8jnGFY-00828-00200714-00200962 located in central Panama is one of the dWsju8jnGFY-00829-00200963-00201163 few wide rivers and a source of enormous dWsju8jnGFY-00830-00201164-00201446 hydroelectric power the central part of dWsju8jnGFY-00831-00201447-00201620 the river is dammed by the Gatton dam dWsju8jnGFY-00832-00201621-00201841 and forms gatun lake an artificial lake dWsju8jnGFY-00833-00201842-00202022 that constitutes part of the Panama dWsju8jnGFY-00834-00202023-00202274 Canal the lake was created by the dWsju8jnGFY-00835-00202275-00202460 construction of the Gatton dam across dWsju8jnGFY-00836-00202461-00202793 the Rio jaggers between 1907 and 1913 dWsju8jnGFY-00837-00202794-00203084 once created gatun lake was the largest dWsju8jnGFY-00838-00203085-00203285 man-made lake in the world and the dam dWsju8jnGFY-00839-00203286-00203500 was the largest earth dam the river dWsju8jnGFY-00840-00203501-00203764 drains northwest into the Caribbean the dWsju8jnGFY-00841-00203765-00203987 Campea and Madan Lakes also filled from dWsju8jnGFY-00842-00203988-00204209 the Rio jaggers provide hydroelectricity dWsju8jnGFY-00843-00204210-00204388 for the area of the former Canal Zone dWsju8jnGFY-00844-00204389-00204715 the Rio Chepo another source of dWsju8jnGFY-00845-00204716-00204919 hydroelectric power is one of the more dWsju8jnGFY-00846-00204921-00205106 than 300 rivers emptying into the dWsju8jnGFY-00847-00205107-00205406 Pacific these pacific oriented rivers dWsju8jnGFY-00848-00205407-00205580 are longer and slower running than those dWsju8jnGFY-00849-00205581-00205846 on the Caribbean side their basins are dWsju8jnGFY-00850-00205848-00206089 also more extensive one of the longest dWsju8jnGFY-00851-00206090-00206303 is the Rio 2 era which flows into the dWsju8jnGFY-00852-00206304-00206506 golfo de San Miguel and is the nation's dWsju8jnGFY-00853-00206507-00206713 only River that is navigable by larger dWsju8jnGFY-00854-00206714-00207246 vessels dWsju8jnGFY-00855-00207246-00207728 topic harbors dWsju8jnGFY-00856-00207729-00207953 the Caribbean coastline is marked by dWsju8jnGFY-00857-00207954-00208211 several good natural harbors however dWsju8jnGFY-00858-00208212-00208438 Cristobal at the Caribbean terminus of dWsju8jnGFY-00859-00208439-00208642 the canal had the only important port dWsju8jnGFY-00860-00208644-00208925 facilities in the late-1980s the dWsju8jnGFY-00861-00208926-00209146 numerous islands of the archipelago to dWsju8jnGFY-00862-00209148-00209369 Bocas del Toro near the beaches of Costa dWsju8jnGFY-00863-00209369-00209552 Rica provide an extensive natural dWsju8jnGFY-00864-00209553-00209771 roadstead and shield the banana port of dWsju8jnGFY-00865-00209771-00210116 almirante the more than 350 san blas dWsju8jnGFY-00866-00210117-00210308 islands near Colombia are strung out dWsju8jnGFY-00867-00210309-00210638 over more than 160 kilometers 99 miles dWsju8jnGFY-00868-00210639-00210867 along the sheltered Caribbean coastline dWsju8jnGFY-00869-00210869-00211160 the terminal ports located at each end dWsju8jnGFY-00870-00211161-00211376 of the Panama Canal namely the port of dWsju8jnGFY-00871-00211377-00211583 Cristobal and the port of Balboa are dWsju8jnGFY-00872-00211584-00211790 ranked 2nd and third respectively in dWsju8jnGFY-00873-00211791-00211982 Latin America in terms of numbers of dWsju8jnGFY-00874-00211983-00212246 containers units teu handled dWsju8jnGFY-00875-00212246-00212606 the port of Balboa covers 182 hectares dWsju8jnGFY-00876-00212607-00212825 and contains four berths for containers dWsju8jnGFY-00877-00212826-00213125 in two multi-purpose berths in total the dWsju8jnGFY-00878-00213126-00213417 berths are over 2,400 meters dWsju8jnGFY-00879-00213419-00213689 7900 feet long with alongside depth of dWsju8jnGFY-00880-00213690-00214069 15 meters 49 feet the port of Balboa has dWsju8jnGFY-00881-00214071-00214361 18 super post-panamax and Panamax key dWsju8jnGFY-00882-00214362-00214703 cranes and 44 gantry cranes the Port of dWsju8jnGFY-00883-00214704-00215067 Balboa also contains 2100 square meters dWsju8jnGFY-00884-00215069-00215296 23,000 square feet of warehouse space dWsju8jnGFY-00885-00215298-00215552 the ports of Cristobal encompassing the dWsju8jnGFY-00886-00215553-00215753 container terminals of Panama ports dWsju8jnGFY-00887-00215754-00215969 Cristobal Manzanillo International dWsju8jnGFY-00888-00215969-00216128 Terminal and colon Container Terminal dWsju8jnGFY-00889-00216129-00216362 handled two million two hundred ten dWsju8jnGFY-00890-00216363-00216619 thousand seven hundred twenty teu in dWsju8jnGFY-00891-00216621-00216905 2009 second only to the Port of Santos dWsju8jnGFY-00892-00216906-00217135 Brazil in Latin America dWsju8jnGFY-00893-00217136-00217400 excellent deepwater ports capable of dWsju8jnGFY-00894-00217401-00217667 accommodating large VLC see very large dWsju8jnGFY-00895-00217667-00217921 crude oil carriers are located at Charco dWsju8jnGFY-00896-00217923-00218162 Azul Chiriqui Pacific and Chiriqui dWsju8jnGFY-00897-00218163-00218426 Grande Bocas del Toro Atlantic near dWsju8jnGFY-00898-00218427-00218654 Panama's western border with Costa Rica dWsju8jnGFY-00899-00218655-00219029 the trans Panama pipeline running 131 dWsju8jnGFY-00900-00219030-00219209 kilometres dWsju8jnGFY-00901-00219210-00219458 the assist has operated between Charco dWsju8jnGFY-00902-00219459-00220248 Azul and Chiriqui Grande since 1979 dWsju8jnGFY-00903-00220250-00220710 topic climate dWsju8jnGFY-00904-00220711-00220942 Panama has a tropical climate dWsju8jnGFY-00905-00220942-00221239 temperatures are uniformly high as is dWsju8jnGFY-00906-00221240-00221440 the relative humidity and there is dWsju8jnGFY-00907-00221441-00221740 little seasonal variation diurnal ranges dWsju8jnGFY-00908-00221741-00221971 are low on a typical dry season day in dWsju8jnGFY-00909-00221971-00222153 the capital city the early morning dWsju8jnGFY-00910-00222154-00222501 minimum may be 24 degrees Celsius 75.2 dWsju8jnGFY-00911-00222502-00222694 degrees Fahrenheit and the afternoon dWsju8jnGFY-00912-00222694-00223002 maximum 30 degrees Celsius 80 6.0 dWsju8jnGFY-00913-00223003-00223251 degrees Fahrenheit the temperature dWsju8jnGFY-00914-00223252-00223524 seldom exceeds 32 degrees Celsius eighty dWsju8jnGFY-00915-00223525-00223752 nine point six degrees Fahrenheit for dWsju8jnGFY-00916-00223753-00224001 more than a short time temperatures on dWsju8jnGFY-00917-00224002-00224164 the Pacific side of the Isthmus are dWsju8jnGFY-00918-00224165-00224341 somewhat lower than on the Caribbean and dWsju8jnGFY-00919-00224342-00224559 breezes tend to rise after dusk in most dWsju8jnGFY-00920-00224560-00224815 parts of the country temperatures are dWsju8jnGFY-00921-00224816-00225006 markedly cooler in the higher parts of dWsju8jnGFY-00922-00225007-00225217 the mountain ranges and Frost's occur in dWsju8jnGFY-00923-00225217-00225415 the cordillera de talamanca in western dWsju8jnGFY-00924-00225416-00225735 Panama climatic regions are determined dWsju8jnGFY-00925-00225736-00225942 less on the basis of temperature than on dWsju8jnGFY-00926-00225944-00226155 rainfall which varies regionally from dWsju8jnGFY-00927-00226156-00226308 less than one thousand three hundred dWsju8jnGFY-00928-00226309-00226650 millimetres 51.2 in to more than 3,000 dWsju8jnGFY-00929-00226651-00226931 millimetres 118 point 1 in per year dWsju8jnGFY-00930-00226932-00227188 almost all of the rain falls during the dWsju8jnGFY-00931-00227189-00227413 rainy season which is usually from April dWsju8jnGFY-00932-00227414-00227592 to December but varies in length from dWsju8jnGFY-00933-00227594-00227904 seven to nine months in general rainfall dWsju8jnGFY-00934-00227905-00228094 is much heavier on the Caribbean than on dWsju8jnGFY-00935-00228094-00228267 the Pacific side of the Continental dWsju8jnGFY-00936-00228269-00228571 Divide the annual average in Panama City dWsju8jnGFY-00937-00228571-00228739 is little more than half of that in dWsju8jnGFY-00938-00228740-00228796 Cologne dWsju8jnGFY-00939-00228796-00229047 although rainy season thunderstorms are dWsju8jnGFY-00940-00229048-00229213 common the country is outside the dWsju8jnGFY-00941-00229214-00229341 hurricane belt dWsju8jnGFY-00942-00229342-00229608 Panama's tropical environment supports dWsju8jnGFY-00943-00229609-00229875 an abundance of plants forests dominate dWsju8jnGFY-00944-00229876-00230100 interrupted in places by grasslands dWsju8jnGFY-00945-00230101-00230464 scrub and crops although nearly 40% of dWsju8jnGFY-00946-00230465-00230713 Panama is still wooded deforestation as dWsju8jnGFY-00947-00230714-00230898 a continuing threat to the rain-drenched dWsju8jnGFY-00948-00230899-00231187 woodlands tree cover has been reduced by dWsju8jnGFY-00949-00231188-00231494 more than 50 percent since the 1940s dWsju8jnGFY-00950-00231496-00231732 subsistence farming widely practiced dWsju8jnGFY-00951-00231733-00231909 from the northeastern jungles to the dWsju8jnGFY-00952-00231910-00232117 southwestern grasslands consists largely dWsju8jnGFY-00953-00232117-00232476 of corn bean and tuber plots mangrove dWsju8jnGFY-00954-00232477-00232704 swamps occur along parts of both coasts dWsju8jnGFY-00955-00232705-00232891 with banana plantations occupying dWsju8jnGFY-00956-00232892-00233221 Delta's near Costa Rica in many places a dWsju8jnGFY-00957-00233221-00233454 multi canopy drain forest abuts the dWsju8jnGFY-00958-00233455-00233641 swamp on one side of the country and dWsju8jnGFY-00959-00233642-00233826 extends to the lower reaches of slopes dWsju8jnGFY-00960-00233827-00234392 on the other dWsju8jnGFY-00961-00234394-00234909 topic politics dWsju8jnGFY-00962-00234910-00235161 Panama's politics take place in a dWsju8jnGFY-00963-00235162-00235287 framework of a presidential dWsju8jnGFY-00964-00235288-00235506 representative Democratic Republic dWsju8jnGFY-00965-00235507-00235725 whereby the president of Panama is both dWsju8jnGFY-00966-00235726-00235911 head of state and head of government and dWsju8jnGFY-00967-00235912-00236198 of a multi-party system executive power dWsju8jnGFY-00968-00236200-00236381 is exercised by the government dWsju8jnGFY-00969-00236382-00236619 legislative power is vested in both the dWsju8jnGFY-00970-00236619-00236858 government and the National Assembly the dWsju8jnGFY-00971-00236859-00237066 judiciary is independent of the dWsju8jnGFY-00972-00237067-00237384 executive and the legislature national dWsju8jnGFY-00973-00237385-00237596 elections are universal and mandatory dWsju8jnGFY-00974-00237598-00237851 for all citizens 18 years and older dWsju8jnGFY-00975-00237852-00238113 national elections for the executive and dWsju8jnGFY-00976-00238114-00238326 legislative branches take place every dWsju8jnGFY-00977-00238327-00238587 five years members of the judicial dWsju8jnGFY-00978-00238588-00238782 branch justices are appointed by the dWsju8jnGFY-00979-00238783-00238871 head of state dWsju8jnGFY-00980-00238871-00239139 Panama's National Assembly is elected by dWsju8jnGFY-00981-00239140-00239361 proportional representation in fixed dWsju8jnGFY-00982-00239362-00239565 electoral districts so many smaller dWsju8jnGFY-00983-00239566-00239846 parties are represented presidential dWsju8jnGFY-00984-00239848-00240075 elections requires a simple majority out dWsju8jnGFY-00985-00240076-00240276 of the five last presidents only ex dWsju8jnGFY-00986-00240277-00240504 President Ricardo Martinelli has managed dWsju8jnGFY-00987-00240505-00240698 to be elected with over 50 percent of dWsju8jnGFY-00988-00240700-00241269 the popular vote dWsju8jnGFY-00989-00241271-00241773 topic political culture dWsju8jnGFY-00990-00241773-00241998 since the end of Manuel Noriega's dWsju8jnGFY-00991-00242000-00242344 military dictatorship in 1989 Panama has dWsju8jnGFY-00992-00242344-00242544 successfully completed five peaceful dWsju8jnGFY-00993-00242546-00242737 transfers of power to opposing political dWsju8jnGFY-00994-00242738-00243046 factions the political landscape is dWsju8jnGFY-00995-00243046-00243277 dominated by two major parties and many dWsju8jnGFY-00996-00243278-00243469 smaller parties many of which are driven dWsju8jnGFY-00997-00243469-00243631 by individual leaders more than dWsju8jnGFY-00998-00243632-00243931 ideologies former president Martine dWsju8jnGFY-00999-00243932-00244117 Torrijos as the son of General Omar dWsju8jnGFY-01000-00244117-00244194 Torrijos dWsju8jnGFY-01001-00244196-00244483 he succeeded Maria Moscoso the widow of dWsju8jnGFY-01002-00244484-00244759 Arnulfo arias Panama's most recent dWsju8jnGFY-01003-00244760-00244969 national elections occurred on May 4th dWsju8jnGFY-01004-00244969-00245251 2014 with incumbent vice president Juan dWsju8jnGFY-01005-00245252-00245923 Carlos Varela declared the victor dWsju8jnGFY-01006-00245925-00246313 topic foreign relations dWsju8jnGFY-01007-00246314-00246458 you dWsju8jnGFY-01008-00246459-00246692 the United States cooperates with the dWsju8jnGFY-01009-00246692-00246869 Panamanian government in promoting dWsju8jnGFY-01010-00246869-00247136 economic political security and Social dWsju8jnGFY-01011-00247137-00247334 Development through US and international dWsju8jnGFY-01012-00247335-00247610 agencies cultural ties between the two dWsju8jnGFY-01013-00247611-00247781 countries are strong and many dWsju8jnGFY-01014-00247782-00247952 panamanians come to the United States dWsju8jnGFY-01015-00247953-00248165 for higher education and advanced dWsju8jnGFY-01016-00248166-00248681 training dWsju8jnGFY-01017-00248682-00249176 topic military dWsju8jnGFY-01018-00249177-00249421 the Panamanian public forces are the dWsju8jnGFY-01019-00249423-00249638 national security forces of Panama dWsju8jnGFY-01020-00249639-00249863 Panama is the second country in Latin dWsju8jnGFY-01021-00249864-00250088 America the other being Costa Rica to dWsju8jnGFY-01022-00250089-00250300 permanently abolish its standing army dWsju8jnGFY-01023-00250301-00250529 Panama maintains armed police and dWsju8jnGFY-01024-00250530-00250757 security forces and small air and dWsju8jnGFY-01025-00250758-00251039 maritime forces they are tasked with law dWsju8jnGFY-01026-00251040-00251234 enforcement and can perform limited dWsju8jnGFY-01027-00251235-00251821 military actions dWsju8jnGFY-01028-00251821-00252401 topic administrative divisions dWsju8jnGFY-01029-00252402-00252644 Panama is divided into ten provinces dWsju8jnGFY-01030-00252644-00252860 with their respective local authorities dWsju8jnGFY-01031-00252861-00253160 governors each is divided into districts dWsju8jnGFY-01032-00253161-00253423 and Cora Guinea Antos townships also dWsju8jnGFY-01033-00253425-00253601 there are five ko Marcos literally dWsju8jnGFY-01034-00253602-00253901 shires populated by a variety of dWsju8jnGFY-01035-00253902-00254113 indigenous groups dWsju8jnGFY-01036-00254114-00254791 provinces regions embera Kuna Yala knob dWsju8jnGFY-01037-00254792-00255156 a bug lake amarka Khun Adama do Gandhi dWsju8jnGFY-01038-00255157-00255752 Kuna dewar Gandhi dWsju8jnGFY-01039-00255753-00256265 topic economy dWsju8jnGFY-01040-00256266-00256541 according to the CIA World Factbook as dWsju8jnGFY-01041-00256542-00256798 of 2012 Panama had an unemployment rate dWsju8jnGFY-01042-00256800-00257144 of 2.7 percent a food surplus was dWsju8jnGFY-01043-00257144-00257441 registered in August 2008 on the Human dWsju8jnGFY-01044-00257442-00257702 Development Index Panama ranked 60th in dWsju8jnGFY-01045-00257703-00257960 2015 in recent years dWsju8jnGFY-01046-00257961-00258185 Panama's economy has experienced a boom dWsju8jnGFY-01047-00258186-00258326 with growth in real gross domestic dWsju8jnGFY-01048-00258327-00258677 product GDP averaging over 10 point four dWsju8jnGFY-01049-00258678-00258952 percent in 2006 to 2008 dWsju8jnGFY-01050-00258953-00259190 Panama's economy has been among the dWsju8jnGFY-01051-00259191-00259379 fastest growing and Best Managed in dWsju8jnGFY-01052-00259380-00259628 Latin America the Latin Business dWsju8jnGFY-01053-00259629-00259835 Chronicle predicted that Panama would be dWsju8jnGFY-01054-00259836-00260044 the fastest growing economy in Latin dWsju8jnGFY-01055-00260046-00260252 America during the five-year period from dWsju8jnGFY-01056-00260253-00260576 2010 to 14 matching Brazil's 10% rate dWsju8jnGFY-01057-00260577-00260780 the expansion project on the Panama dWsju8jnGFY-01058-00260781-00260984 Canal and the free trade agreement with dWsju8jnGFY-01059-00260985-00261179 the United States are expected to boost dWsju8jnGFY-01060-00261180-00261410 and extend economic expansion for some dWsju8jnGFY-01061-00261411-00261452 time dWsju8jnGFY-01062-00261453-00261641 despite Panama's upper middle per-capita dWsju8jnGFY-01063-00261642-00261908 GDP it remains a country of stark dWsju8jnGFY-01064-00261909-00262123 contrasts perpetuated by dramatic dWsju8jnGFY-01065-00262125-00262484 educational disparities over 25% of dWsju8jnGFY-01066-00262485-00262718 Panama's population lived in poverty in dWsju8jnGFY-01067-00262719-00262922 2013 and 3 percent of the population dWsju8jnGFY-01068-00262923-00263198 lives in extreme poverty according to dWsju8jnGFY-01069-00263199-00263810 reports by the World Bank dWsju8jnGFY-01070-00263811-00264352 topic economic sectors dWsju8jnGFY-01071-00264353-00264604 Panama's economy because of its key dWsju8jnGFY-01072-00264605-00264835 geographic location is mainly based on dWsju8jnGFY-01073-00264836-00264991 the well-developed service sector dWsju8jnGFY-01074-00264992-00265246 especially Commerce tourism and trading dWsju8jnGFY-01075-00265247-00265510 the handover of the canal and military dWsju8jnGFY-01076-00265511-00265726 installations by the United States has dWsju8jnGFY-01077-00265727-00265885 given rise to large construction dWsju8jnGFY-01078-00265886-00266236 projects a project to build a third set dWsju8jnGFY-01079-00266237-00266440 of locks for the Panama Canal a was dWsju8jnGFY-01080-00266441-00266644 overwhelmingly approved in a referendum dWsju8jnGFY-01081-00266645-00266830 with low voter turnout however on dWsju8jnGFY-01082-00266831-00267265 October 22nd 2006 the official estimated dWsju8jnGFY-01083-00267266-00267466 cost of the project is five point two dWsju8jnGFY-01084-00267467-00267694 five billion dollars but the canal is of dWsju8jnGFY-01085-00267695-00267883 major economic importance because it dWsju8jnGFY-01086-00267884-00268072 provides millions of dollars of toll dWsju8jnGFY-01087-00268073-00268252 revenue to the national economy and dWsju8jnGFY-01088-00268253-00268546 provides massive employment transfer of dWsju8jnGFY-01089-00268547-00268744 control of the canal to the Panamanian dWsju8jnGFY-01090-00268745-00269038 government completed in 1999 after 85 dWsju8jnGFY-01091-00269039-00269362 years of US control copper and gold dWsju8jnGFY-01092-00269363-00269572 deposits are being developed by foreign dWsju8jnGFY-01093-00269573-00269740 investors to the dismay of some dWsju8jnGFY-01094-00269741-00269920 environmental groups as all of the dWsju8jnGFY-01095-00269921-00270121 projects are located within protected dWsju8jnGFY-01096-00270122-00270647 areas dWsju8jnGFY-01097-00270648-00271219 topic Panama is an IFC dWsju8jnGFY-01098-00271220-00271550 since the early 20th century Panama has dWsju8jnGFY-01099-00271551-00271724 with the revenues from the canal built dWsju8jnGFY-01100-00271725-00271928 the largest regional financial center dWsju8jnGFY-01101-00271929-00272228 IFC in Central America with consolidated dWsju8jnGFY-01102-00272229-00272435 assets more than three times Panama's dWsju8jnGFY-01103-00272436-00272788 GDP the banking sector employs more than dWsju8jnGFY-01104-00272789-00273077 24,000 people directly financial dWsju8jnGFY-01105-00273078-00273317 intermediation contributed 9.3 percent dWsju8jnGFY-01106-00273318-00273662 of GDP stability has been a key strength dWsju8jnGFY-01107-00273663-00273851 of Panama's financial sector which has dWsju8jnGFY-01108-00273852-00274061 benefited from the country's favorable dWsju8jnGFY-01109-00274062-00274337 economic and business climate banking dWsju8jnGFY-01110-00274338-00274556 institutions report sound growth and dWsju8jnGFY-01111-00274557-00274793 solid financial earnings the banking dWsju8jnGFY-01112-00274794-00275036 supervisory regime is largely compliant dWsju8jnGFY-01113-00275037-00275204 with the basel core principles for dWsju8jnGFY-01114-00275205-00275363 effective Banking Supervision dWsju8jnGFY-01115-00275364-00275654 as a regional financial center panama dWsju8jnGFY-01116-00275655-00275894 exports some banking services mainly to dWsju8jnGFY-01117-00275895-00276092 latin america and plays an important dWsju8jnGFY-01118-00276093-00276341 role in the country's economy however dWsju8jnGFY-01119-00276342-00276566 panama still cannot compare to the dWsju8jnGFY-01120-00276567-00276737 position held by Hong Kong or Singapore dWsju8jnGFY-01121-00276738-00277106 as financial centres in Asia Panama dWsju8jnGFY-01122-00277107-00277316 still has a reputation worldwide for dWsju8jnGFY-01123-00277317-00277493 being a tax haven but has agreed to dWsju8jnGFY-01124-00277494-00277733 enhance transparency especially since dWsju8jnGFY-01125-00277734-00278053 the release in 2016 of the Panama papers dWsju8jnGFY-01126-00278054-00278279 significant progress has been made to dWsju8jnGFY-01127-00278280-00278471 improve full compliance with anti-money dWsju8jnGFY-01128-00278472-00278753 laundering recommendations Panama was dWsju8jnGFY-01129-00278754-00279035 removed from the FA TFG a fi grey list dWsju8jnGFY-01130-00279036-00279215 in February 2016 dWsju8jnGFY-01131-00279216-00279464 however efforts remain to be made and dWsju8jnGFY-01132-00279465-00279686 the IMF repeatedly mentions the need to dWsju8jnGFY-01133-00279687-00279878 strengthen financial transparency and dWsju8jnGFY-01134-00279879-00280451 fiscal structure dWsju8jnGFY-01135-00280452-00280971 topic transportation dWsju8jnGFY-01136-00280972-00281244 Panama is home to toka man International dWsju8jnGFY-01137-00281245-00281421 Airport Central America's largest dWsju8jnGFY-01138-00281422-00281706 airport additionally there are more than dWsju8jnGFY-01139-00281707-00281976 20 smaller airfields in the country see dWsju8jnGFY-01140-00281977-00282191 list of airports in Panama dWsju8jnGFY-01141-00282192-00282408 Panama's roads traffic and dWsju8jnGFY-01142-00282409-00282579 transportation systems are generally dWsju8jnGFY-01143-00282580-00282801 safe though night driving is difficult dWsju8jnGFY-01144-00282802-00283017 and in many cases restricted by local dWsju8jnGFY-01145-00283018-00283259 authorities this usually occurs in dWsju8jnGFY-01146-00283260-00283535 informal settlements traffic in Panama dWsju8jnGFY-01147-00283536-00283716 moves on the right and Panamanian law dWsju8jnGFY-01148-00283717-00283934 requires that drivers and passengers dWsju8jnGFY-01149-00283935-00284220 wear seatbelts highways are generally dWsju8jnGFY-01150-00284221-00284355 well developed for a latin-american dWsju8jnGFY-01151-00284356-00284748 country currently Panama City has modern dWsju8jnGFY-01152-00284749-00284967 buses known as Metro buses along with a dWsju8jnGFY-01153-00284968-00285240 metro line formerly the system was dWsju8jnGFY-01154-00285241-00285474 dominated by colorfully painted Diablos dWsju8jnGFY-01155-00285475-00285801 rojos a few remain a Diablo Rojo is dWsju8jnGFY-01156-00285802-00285999 usually customized or painted with dWsju8jnGFY-01157-00286000-00286184 bright colors usually depicting famous dWsju8jnGFY-01158-00286185-00286524 actors politicians or singers panama dWsju8jnGFY-01159-00286525-00286704 city streets experienced frequent dWsju8jnGFY-01160-00286705-00286929 traffic jams due to poor planning for dWsju8jnGFY-01161-00286930-00287616 now extensive private vehicle ownership dWsju8jnGFY-01162-00287617-00288094 topic tourism dWsju8jnGFY-01163-00288095-00288413 tourism in Panama is rapidly growing it dWsju8jnGFY-01164-00288414-00288578 has maintained its growth over the past dWsju8jnGFY-01165-00288579-00288803 five years due to government tax and dWsju8jnGFY-01166-00288804-00288992 price discounts to foreign guests and dWsju8jnGFY-01167-00288993-00289292 retirees these economic incentives have dWsju8jnGFY-01168-00289293-00289466 caused Panama to be regarded as a dWsju8jnGFY-01169-00289467-00289754 relatively good place to retire real dWsju8jnGFY-01170-00289755-00289958 estate developers in Panama have dWsju8jnGFY-01171-00289959-00290111 increased the number of tourism dWsju8jnGFY-01172-00290112-00290276 destinations in the past five years dWsju8jnGFY-01173-00290277-00290474 because of interest in these visitor dWsju8jnGFY-01174-00290475-00290660 incentives the number of tourists from dWsju8jnGFY-01175-00290661-00290855 Europe grew by twenty three point one dWsju8jnGFY-01176-00290856-00291041 percent during the first nine months of dWsju8jnGFY-01177-00291042-00291326 2008 according to the tourism authority dWsju8jnGFY-01178-00291327-00291629 of Panama ATP from January to September dWsju8jnGFY-01179-00291630-00292052 70 1150 for tourists from Europe entered dWsju8jnGFY-01180-00292053-00292430 Panama 13,000 373 more than in same dWsju8jnGFY-01181-00292431-00292688 period the previous year most of the dWsju8jnGFY-01182-00292689-00292927 European tourists were Spaniards dWsju8jnGFY-01183-00292928-00293393 14800 20 followed by Italians 13,000 216 dWsju8jnGFY-01184-00293394-00293450 French dWsju8jnGFY-01185-00293451-00294085 10,000 174 and British 8833 there were dWsju8jnGFY-01186-00294086-00294389 6997 from Germany the most populous dWsju8jnGFY-01187-00294390-00294608 country in the European Union Europe has dWsju8jnGFY-01188-00294609-00294794 become one of the key markets to promote dWsju8jnGFY-01189-00294795-00295172 Panama as a tourist destination in 2012 dWsju8jnGFY-01190-00295173-00295397 four point three four five point five dWsju8jnGFY-01191-00295398-00295580 million entered into the Panamanian dWsju8jnGFY-01192-00295581-00295853 economy as a result of tourism this dWsju8jnGFY-01193-00295854-00296063 accounted for nine point five percent of dWsju8jnGFY-01194-00296064-00296213 the gross domestic product of the dWsju8jnGFY-01195-00296214-00296270 country dWsju8jnGFY-01196-00296271-00296558 surpassing other productive sectors the dWsju8jnGFY-01197-00296559-00296756 number of tourists who arrived that year dWsju8jnGFY-01198-00296757-00297176 was 2.2 million Panama enacted Llano 80 dWsju8jnGFY-01199-00297177-00297437 in 2012 to promote foreign investment in dWsju8jnGFY-01200-00297438-00297719 tourism law ad replaced an older law 8 dWsju8jnGFY-01201-00297720-00298127 of 1994 law ad provides 100% exemption dWsju8jnGFY-01202-00298128-00298376 from income tax and real estate taxes dWsju8jnGFY-01203-00298377-00298610 for 15 years duty-free imports for dWsju8jnGFY-01204-00298611-00298817 construction materials and equipment for dWsju8jnGFY-01205-00298818-00298991 five years and a capital gains tax dWsju8jnGFY-01206-00298992-00299630 exemption for five years dWsju8jnGFY-01207-00299631-00300119 topic currency dWsju8jnGFY-01208-00300120-00300371 the Panamanian currency is officially dWsju8jnGFY-01209-00300372-00300602 the Balboa fixed at a rate of one to one dWsju8jnGFY-01210-00300603-00300781 with the United States dollar since dWsju8jnGFY-01211-00300782-00301066 Panamanian independence in 1903 in dWsju8jnGFY-01212-00301067-00301180 practice dWsju8jnGFY-01213-00301181-00301445 Panama's dollarized US Dollars are legal dWsju8jnGFY-01214-00301446-00301649 tender and used for all paper currency dWsju8jnGFY-01215-00301650-00301940 while Panama has its own coinage because dWsju8jnGFY-01216-00301941-00302162 of the tide to u.s. dollars Panama has dWsju8jnGFY-01217-00302163-00302353 traditionally had low inflation dWsju8jnGFY-01218-00302354-00302603 according to the Economic Commission for dWsju8jnGFY-01219-00302604-00302777 Latin America and the Caribbean dWsju8jnGFY-01220-00302778-00303089 Panama's inflation in 2006 was 2.0 dWsju8jnGFY-01221-00303090-00303253 percent as measured by a weighted dWsju8jnGFY-01222-00303254-00303497 Consumer Price Index the Balboa replaced dWsju8jnGFY-01223-00303498-00303737 the Colombian peso in 1904 after dWsju8jnGFY-01224-00303738-00304046 Panama's independence Balboa banknotes dWsju8jnGFY-01225-00304047-00304306 were printed in 1941 by President dWsju8jnGFY-01226-00304307-00304595 Arnulfo arias they were recalled several dWsju8jnGFY-01227-00304596-00304783 days later giving them the name the dWsju8jnGFY-01228-00304784-00305059 seven day dollar the notes were burned dWsju8jnGFY-01229-00305060-00305233 by the new government but occasionally dWsju8jnGFY-01230-00305234-00305450 balboa notes can be found in collections dWsju8jnGFY-01231-00305451-00305693 these were the only banknotes ever dWsju8jnGFY-01232-00305694-00305921 issued by Panama and us notes have dWsju8jnGFY-01233-00305922-00306589 circulated both before and since dWsju8jnGFY-01234-00306590-00307135 topic international trade dWsju8jnGFY-01235-00307136-00307387 the high levels of Panamanian trade are dWsju8jnGFY-01236-00307388-00307561 in large part from the Cologne free dWsju8jnGFY-01237-00307562-00307783 trade zone the largest free trade zone dWsju8jnGFY-01238-00307784-00307921 in the Western Hemisphere dWsju8jnGFY-01239-00307922-00308197 last year the zone accounted for 92 dWsju8jnGFY-01240-00308198-00308455 percent of Panama's exports and 64 dWsju8jnGFY-01241-00308456-00308650 percent of its imports according to an dWsju8jnGFY-01242-00308651-00308854 analysis of figures from the : zone dWsju8jnGFY-01243-00308855-00309040 management and estimates of Panama's dWsju8jnGFY-01244-00309041-00309208 trade by the United Nations Economic dWsju8jnGFY-01245-00309209-00309421 Commission for Latin America and the dWsju8jnGFY-01246-00309422-00309730 Caribbean Panama's economy is also very dWsju8jnGFY-01247-00309731-00309937 much supported by the trade and export dWsju8jnGFY-01248-00309938-00310102 of coffee and other agricultural dWsju8jnGFY-01249-00310103-00310330 products the bilateral investment treaty dWsju8jnGFY-01250-00310331-00310483 bit between the governments of the dWsju8jnGFY-01251-00310484-00310690 United States and Panama was signed on dWsju8jnGFY-01252-00310691-00311119 October 27 1982 the treaty protects us dWsju8jnGFY-01253-00311120-00311341 investment and assists Panama in its dWsju8jnGFY-01254-00311342-00311524 efforts to develop its economy by dWsju8jnGFY-01255-00311525-00311713 creating conditions more favorable for dWsju8jnGFY-01256-00311714-00311917 US private investment and thereby dWsju8jnGFY-01257-00311918-00312073 strengthening the development of its dWsju8jnGFY-01258-00312074-00312328 private sector the bit was the first dWsju8jnGFY-01259-00312329-00312523 such treaty signed by the u.s. in the dWsju8jnGFY-01260-00312524-00312796 Western Hemisphere a Panama United dWsju8jnGFY-01261-00312797-00313060 States trade promotion agreement TPA was dWsju8jnGFY-01262-00313061-00313342 signed in 2007 approved by Panama on dWsju8jnGFY-01263-00313343-00313684 July 11 2007 and by US President Obama dWsju8jnGFY-01264-00313685-00313987 on October 21st 2011 and the agreement dWsju8jnGFY-01265-00313988-00314784 entered into force on October 31st 2012 dWsju8jnGFY-01266-00314785-00315298 topic society dWsju8jnGFY-01267-00315299-00315639 you dWsju8jnGFY-01268-00315640-00316153 topic demographics dWsju8jnGFY-01269-00316154-00316459 Panama had an estimated population of 4 dWsju8jnGFY-01270-00316460-00316969 million 30 4119 in 2016 the proportion dWsju8jnGFY-01271-00316970-00317203 of the population aged less than 15 in dWsju8jnGFY-01272-00317204-00317764 2010 was 29% 64.5% of the population was dWsju8jnGFY-01273-00317765-00318067 between 15 and 65 with six point six dWsju8jnGFY-01274-00318068-00318328 percent of the population 65 years or dWsju8jnGFY-01275-00318329-00318472 older more than half the population dWsju8jnGFY-01276-00318473-00318688 lives in the Panama City cologne dWsju8jnGFY-01277-00318689-00318886 metropolitan corridor which spans dWsju8jnGFY-01278-00318887-00319204 several cities Panama's urban population dWsju8jnGFY-01279-00319205-00319528 exceeds 75% making Panama's population dWsju8jnGFY-01280-00319529-00320204 the most urbanized in Central America dWsju8jnGFY-01281-00320205-00320720 topic ethnic groups dWsju8jnGFY-01282-00320721-00321122 in 2010 the population was 65% mestizo dWsju8jnGFY-01283-00321123-00321424 mixed white native-american 12.3% dWsju8jnGFY-01284-00321425-00321776 native-american 9.2% black or african dWsju8jnGFY-01285-00321777-00322196 descent 6.8% mulatto and 6.7% white dWsju8jnGFY-01286-00322197-00322442 ethnic groups in Panama include mestizo dWsju8jnGFY-01287-00322443-00322646 people who have a mix of European and dWsju8jnGFY-01288-00322647-00322952 Native ancestry black afro Panamanians dWsju8jnGFY-01289-00322953-00323168 account for 15 to 20 percent of the dWsju8jnGFY-01290-00323169-00323506 population most afro Panamanians live on dWsju8jnGFY-01291-00323507-00323750 the Panama cologne metropolitan area the dWsju8jnGFY-01292-00323751-00323969 Darien Province La Palma and Bocas del dWsju8jnGFY-01293-00323970-00324299 Toro neighborhoods in Panama City that dWsju8jnGFY-01294-00324300-00324505 have large black populations include dWsju8jnGFY-01295-00324506-00324800 karoon do el chorrillo Rio Abajo san dWsju8jnGFY-01296-00324801-00325060 joaquin el marrón Yan San Miguelito and dWsju8jnGFY-01297-00325061-00325328 Santa Ana Black Panamanians are dWsju8jnGFY-01298-00325329-00325529 descendants of African slaves brought to dWsju8jnGFY-01299-00325530-00325717 the Americas in the Atlantic slave trade dWsju8jnGFY-01300-00325718-00325988 the second way that black people brought dWsju8jnGFY-01301-00325989-00326189 to Panama came from the Caribbean during dWsju8jnGFY-01302-00326190-00326379 the construction of the Panama Canal dWsju8jnGFY-01303-00326380-00326702 Panama also has a considerable Chinese dWsju8jnGFY-01304-00326703-00326912 and Indian India population brought to dWsju8jnGFY-01305-00326913-00327031 work on the canal during its dWsju8jnGFY-01306-00327032-00327326 construction most chinese Panamanians dWsju8jnGFY-01307-00327327-00327517 reside in the province of Cherokee dWsju8jnGFY-01308-00327518-00327752 Europeans and white Panamanians are a dWsju8jnGFY-01309-00327753-00328052 minority in Panama Panama is also home dWsju8jnGFY-01310-00328053-00328234 to a small Arab community that has dWsju8jnGFY-01311-00328235-00328463 mosques practices Islam as well as a dWsju8jnGFY-01312-00328464-00328787 Jewish community in many synagogues the dWsju8jnGFY-01313-00328788-00329005 Amerindian population includes seven dWsju8jnGFY-01314-00329006-00329284 ethnic groups the nabe Kuna guna Umbra dWsju8jnGFY-01315-00329285-00329573 bug lay Moonen naso charity Torrey Bay dWsju8jnGFY-01316-00329574-00330145 and bri-bri dWsju8jnGFY-01317-00330146-00330470 topic languages dWsju8jnGFY-01318-00330471-00330649 you dWsju8jnGFY-01319-00330650-00330874 Spanish is the official and dominant dWsju8jnGFY-01320-00330875-00331147 language the Spanish spoken in Panama is dWsju8jnGFY-01321-00331148-00331498 known as Panamanian Spanish about 93% of dWsju8jnGFY-01322-00331499-00331678 the population speaks Spanish as their dWsju8jnGFY-01323-00331679-00331966 first language many citizens who hold dWsju8jnGFY-01324-00331967-00332158 jobs at international levels or at dWsju8jnGFY-01325-00332159-00332380 business corporations speak both English dWsju8jnGFY-01326-00332381-00332713 and Spanish native languages such as na dWsju8jnGFY-01327-00332714-00332902 bear are spoken throughout the country dWsju8jnGFY-01328-00332903-00333088 mostly in their native territories dWsju8jnGFY-01329-00333089-00333412 over 400,000 panamanians keep their dWsju8jnGFY-01330-00333413-00333655 native languages and customs some new dWsju8jnGFY-01331-00333656-00333856 statistics show that a second language dWsju8jnGFY-01332-00333857-00334192 English is spoken by 10% French by 4% in dWsju8jnGFY-01333-00334193-00334801 Arabic by 1% dWsju8jnGFY-01334-00334802-00335322 topic largest cities dWsju8jnGFY-01335-00335323-00335562 these are the ten largest Panamanian dWsju8jnGFY-01336-00335563-00335799 cities and towns most of Panama's dWsju8jnGFY-01337-00335800-00335997 largest cities are part of the Panama dWsju8jnGFY-01338-00335998-00336625 City metropolitan area dWsju8jnGFY-01339-00336626-00337106 topic religion dWsju8jnGFY-01340-00337107-00337313 the government of Panama does not dWsju8jnGFY-01341-00337314-00337484 collect statistics on the religious dWsju8jnGFY-01342-00337485-00337691 affiliation of citizens but various dWsju8jnGFY-01343-00337692-00338021 sources estimate that 75 to 85% of the dWsju8jnGFY-01344-00338022-00338255 population identifies itself as Roman dWsju8jnGFY-01345-00338256-00338654 Catholic and 15 to 25% as Protestant the dWsju8jnGFY-01346-00338655-00338861 Baha'i faith community of Panama is dWsju8jnGFY-01347-00338862-00339134 estimated at 2.00 percent of the dWsju8jnGFY-01348-00339135-00339401 national population or about 60,000 dWsju8jnGFY-01349-00339402-00339593 including about 10% of the graeme dWsju8jnGFY-01350-00339594-00339833 population the Church of Jesus Christ of dWsju8jnGFY-01351-00339834-00339932 latter-day saints dWsju8jnGFY-01352-00339933-00340190 LDS Church claims more than 40,000 dWsju8jnGFY-01353-00340191-00340487 members smaller religious groups include dWsju8jnGFY-01354-00340488-00340685 seventh-day adventists Jehovah's dWsju8jnGFY-01355-00340686-00340901 Witnesses Episcopalians with between dWsju8jnGFY-01356-00340902-00341195 7,000 and 10,000 members Jewish and dWsju8jnGFY-01357-00341196-00341393 Muslim communities with approximately dWsju8jnGFY-01358-00341394-00341669 10,000 members each Hindus Buddhists and dWsju8jnGFY-01359-00341670-00341948 other Christians indigenous religions dWsju8jnGFY-01360-00341949-00342164 include I borgin among Kuna and Mama dWsju8jnGFY-01361-00342165-00342209 Tata dWsju8jnGFY-01362-00342210-00342491 among nabe there are also a small number dWsju8jnGFY-01363-00342492-00343051 of Rastafarians dWsju8jnGFY-01364-00343052-00343544 topic education dWsju8jnGFY-01365-00343545-00343823 during the sixteenth century education dWsju8jnGFY-01366-00343824-00344147 in Panama was provided by Jesuits public dWsju8jnGFY-01367-00344148-00344351 education began as a national and dWsju8jnGFY-01368-00344352-00344678 governmental institution in 1903 the dWsju8jnGFY-01369-00344679-00344855 principle underlying the early education dWsju8jnGFY-01370-00344856-00345056 system was that children should receive dWsju8jnGFY-01371-00345057-00345248 different types of education in dWsju8jnGFY-01372-00345249-00345431 accordance with their social class and dWsju8jnGFY-01373-00345432-00345554 therefore the position they were dWsju8jnGFY-01374-00345555-00345899 expected to occupy in society public dWsju8jnGFY-01375-00345900-00346154 education began in Panama soon after it dWsju8jnGFY-01376-00346155-00346499 seceded from Colombia in 1903 the first dWsju8jnGFY-01377-00346500-00346673 efforts were guided by an extremely dWsju8jnGFY-01378-00346674-00346856 paternalistic view of the goals of dWsju8jnGFY-01379-00346857-00347078 education as evidenced in comments made dWsju8jnGFY-01380-00347079-00347273 in a 1913 meeting of the first dWsju8jnGFY-01381-00347274-00347510 Panamanian educational assembly the dWsju8jnGFY-01382-00347511-00347714 cultural heritage given to the child dWsju8jnGFY-01383-00347715-00347888 should be determined by the social dWsju8jnGFY-01384-00347889-00348227 position he will or should occupy for dWsju8jnGFY-01385-00348228-00348404 this reason education should be dWsju8jnGFY-01386-00348405-00348602 different in accordance with the social dWsju8jnGFY-01387-00348603-00348770 class to which the student should be dWsju8jnGFY-01388-00348771-00349094 related this elitist focus changed dWsju8jnGFY-01389-00349095-00349376 rapidly under US influence in 2010 it dWsju8jnGFY-01390-00349377-00349655 was estimated that 94.1 percent of the dWsju8jnGFY-01391-00349656-00349988 population was literate 94.7% of males dWsju8jnGFY-01392-00349989-00350447 in 93.5% of females education in panama dWsju8jnGFY-01393-00350448-00350645 is compulsory for the children between 6 dWsju8jnGFY-01394-00350646-00350972 and 18 in recent decades school dWsju8jnGFY-01395-00350973-00351152 enrolment at all levels but especially dWsju8jnGFY-01396-00351153-00351335 at upper levels has increased dWsju8jnGFY-01397-00351336-00351656 significantly panama used to participate dWsju8jnGFY-01398-00351657-00351871 in the Pisa exams but due to debts and dWsju8jnGFY-01399-00351872-00352073 unsatisfactory exam results as dWsju8jnGFY-01400-00352074-00352840 postponing participation until 2018 dWsju8jnGFY-01401-00352841-00353352 topic culture dWsju8jnGFY-01402-00353353-00353568 the culture of Panama derives from dWsju8jnGFY-01403-00353569-00353775 European music art and traditions dWsju8jnGFY-01404-00353776-00353963 brought by the Spanish to Panama dWsju8jnGFY-01405-00353964-00354237 hegemonic forces have created hybrid dWsju8jnGFY-01406-00354238-00354405 forms blending African and Native dWsju8jnGFY-01407-00354406-00354630 American culture with European culture dWsju8jnGFY-01408-00354631-00354933 for example the tamborrada as a Spanish dWsju8jnGFY-01409-00354934-00355140 dance with African rhythms themes and dWsju8jnGFY-01410-00355141-00355215 dance moves dWsju8jnGFY-01411-00355216-00355419 dances typical of the diverse cultures dWsju8jnGFY-01412-00355420-00355692 in Panama the local folklore can be dWsju8jnGFY-01413-00355693-00355902 experienced at a multitude of festivals dWsju8jnGFY-01414-00355903-00356088 through dances and traditions handed dWsju8jnGFY-01415-00356089-00356382 down from generation to generation local dWsju8jnGFY-01416-00356383-00356610 cities host live reggae and espanol dWsju8jnGFY-01417-00356611-00356877 reggaeton hi Cheyenne Oh Compass jazz dWsju8jnGFY-01418-00356878-00357177 blues salsa reggae and rock music dWsju8jnGFY-01419-00357178-00357731 performances dWsju8jnGFY-01420-00357732-00358237 topic handycraft dWsju8jnGFY-01421-00358238-00358540 outside Panama City regional festivals dWsju8jnGFY-01422-00358541-00358717 take place throughout the year featuring dWsju8jnGFY-01423-00358718-00358905 local musicians and dancers dWsju8jnGFY-01424-00358906-00359182 Panama's blended culture is reflected in dWsju8jnGFY-01425-00359183-00359368 traditional products such as wood dWsju8jnGFY-01426-00359369-00359632 carvings ceremonial masks and pottery as dWsju8jnGFY-01427-00359633-00359866 well as in Panama's architecture cuisine dWsju8jnGFY-01428-00359867-00360178 and festivals in earlier times baskets dWsju8jnGFY-01429-00360179-00360412 were woven for utilitarian uses but now dWsju8jnGFY-01430-00360413-00360643 many villages rely almost exclusively on dWsju8jnGFY-01431-00360644-00360823 income from the baskets they produce for dWsju8jnGFY-01432-00360824-00361117 tourists an example of undisturbed dWsju8jnGFY-01433-00361118-00361363 unique culture in Panama is that of the dWsju8jnGFY-01434-00361364-00361600 goona who are known for mullahs mullah dWsju8jnGFY-01435-00361601-00361801 as the goona word for blouse but the dWsju8jnGFY-01436-00361802-00361942 term mullah has come to mean the dWsju8jnGFY-01437-00361943-00362131 elaborate embroidered panels made by dWsju8jnGFY-01438-00362132-00362326 goona women that make up the front and dWsju8jnGFY-01439-00362327-00362581 back of a goona woman's blouse there are dWsju8jnGFY-01440-00362582-00362797 several layers of cloth varying in color dWsju8jnGFY-01441-00362798-00362995 that are loosely stitched together made dWsju8jnGFY-01442-00362996-00363671 using a reverse applique process dWsju8jnGFY-01443-00363672-00364254 topic holidays and festivities dWsju8jnGFY-01444-00364255-00364485 the Christmas parade known as el desfile dWsju8jnGFY-01445-00364486-00364758 de Navidad is celebrated in the capital dWsju8jnGFY-01446-00364759-00365013 Panama City this holiday is celebrated dWsju8jnGFY-01447-00365014-00365304 on December 25th the floats in the dWsju8jnGFY-01448-00365305-00365508 parade are decorated in the Panamanian dWsju8jnGFY-01449-00365509-00365703 colors and women wear dresses called dWsju8jnGFY-01450-00365704-00365913 Polara and men dress in traditional dWsju8jnGFY-01451-00365914-00366219 Montuna in addition the marching band in dWsju8jnGFY-01452-00366220-00366426 the parade consisting of drummers keeps dWsju8jnGFY-01453-00366427-00366711 crowds entertained in the city a big dWsju8jnGFY-01454-00366712-00366888 Christmas tree is lit with Christmas dWsju8jnGFY-01455-00366889-00367089 lights and everybody surrounds the tree dWsju8jnGFY-01456-00367090-00367711 and sings Christmas carols dWsju8jnGFY-01457-00367712-00368368 topic traditional cuisine since Panama's dWsju8jnGFY-01458-00368369-00368560 cultural heritage is influenced by many dWsju8jnGFY-01459-00368561-00368791 ethnicities the traditional cuisine of dWsju8jnGFY-01460-00368792-00368968 the country includes ingredients from dWsju8jnGFY-01461-00368969-00369201 many cultures from all over the world a dWsju8jnGFY-01462-00369202-00369475 mix of African Spanish and Native dWsju8jnGFY-01463-00369476-00369661 American techniques dishes and dWsju8jnGFY-01464-00369662-00369856 ingredients reflecting its diverse dWsju8jnGFY-01465-00369857-00370168 population since Panama is a land bridge dWsju8jnGFY-01466-00370169-00370372 between two continents it has a large dWsju8jnGFY-01467-00370373-00370612 variety of tropical fruits vegetables dWsju8jnGFY-01468-00370613-00370765 and herbs that are used in native dWsju8jnGFY-01469-00370766-00371050 cooking the famous fish market known as dWsju8jnGFY-01470-00371051-00371401 the mercado de mariscos offers fresh dWsju8jnGFY-01471-00371402-00371707 seafood in ceviche a seafood dish small dWsju8jnGFY-01472-00371708-00371881 shops along the street which are called dWsju8jnGFY-01473-00371882-00372099 kiosk oh and empanada which is a typical dWsju8jnGFY-01474-00372100-00372322 latin-american pastry including a dWsju8jnGFY-01475-00372323-00372511 variety of different ingredients either dWsju8jnGFY-01476-00372512-00372759 with meat or vegetarian mostly fried dWsju8jnGFY-01477-00372760-00373036 another kind of pastry is the pastelito dWsju8jnGFY-01478-00373037-00373240 with the only difference in comparison dWsju8jnGFY-01479-00373241-00373396 to empanadas as that they are bigger dWsju8jnGFY-01480-00373397-00373612 typical Panamanian foods are mild dWsju8jnGFY-01481-00373613-00373816 flavored without the pungency of some of dWsju8jnGFY-01482-00373817-00373990 Panama's Latin American and Caribbean dWsju8jnGFY-01483-00373991-00374263 neighbors common ingredients are maize dWsju8jnGFY-01484-00374264-00374596 rice wheat flour plantains yuca cassava dWsju8jnGFY-01485-00374597-00375302 beef chicken pork and seafood dWsju8jnGFY-01486-00375303-00375853 topic traditional clothing dWsju8jnGFY-01487-00375854-00376091 panamanian men's traditional clothing dWsju8jnGFY-01488-00376092-00376310 called montuno consists of white cotton dWsju8jnGFY-01489-00376311-00376670 shirts trousers and woven straw hats the dWsju8jnGFY-01490-00376671-00376847 traditional women's clothing is the dWsju8jnGFY-01491-00376848-00376895 Polara dWsju8jnGFY-01492-00376896-00377114 it originated in Spain in the 16th dWsju8jnGFY-01493-00377115-00377402 century and by the early 1800s it was dWsju8jnGFY-01494-00377403-00377612 typical in Panama worn by female dWsju8jnGFY-01495-00377613-00377879 servants especially wet nurses de Zarate dWsju8jnGFY-01496-00377880-00378191 five later it was adopted by upper-class dWsju8jnGFY-01497-00378192-00378581 women apple era is made of cambric or dWsju8jnGFY-01498-00378582-00379070 fine linen Baker 177 it is white and is dWsju8jnGFY-01499-00379071-00379309 usually about thirteen yards of material dWsju8jnGFY-01500-00379310-00379586 the original Polara consists of a dWsju8jnGFY-01501-00379587-00379766 ruffled blouse worn off the shoulders dWsju8jnGFY-01502-00379767-00380030 and a skirt with gold buttons the skirt dWsju8jnGFY-01503-00380031-00380201 is also ruffled so that when it is dWsju8jnGFY-01504-00380202-00380387 lifted up it looks like a peacocks tail dWsju8jnGFY-01505-00380388-00380705 or a Mantia fan the designs on the skirt dWsju8jnGFY-01506-00380706-00380935 and blouse are usually flowers or birds dWsju8jnGFY-01507-00380936-00381248 two large matching pom-poms Moda dWsju8jnGFY-01508-00381249-00381425 are on the front and back for ribbons dWsju8jnGFY-01509-00381426-00381578 hang from the front and back from the dWsju8jnGFY-01510-00381579-00381824 waist five gold chains cabers trios hang dWsju8jnGFY-01511-00381825-00382001 from the neck to the waist a gold cross dWsju8jnGFY-01512-00382002-00382217 or medallion on a black ribbon as worn dWsju8jnGFY-01513-00382218-00382436 as a choker and a silk purse is worn at dWsju8jnGFY-01514-00382437-00382625 the waistline earrings dWsju8jnGFY-01515-00382626-00382859 Zehra solos are usually gold or coral dWsju8jnGFY-01516-00382860-00383090 slippers usually match the color of the dWsju8jnGFY-01517-00383091-00383147 Polara dWsju8jnGFY-01518-00383148-00383399 hair is usually worn in a bun held by dWsju8jnGFY-01519-00383400-00383612 three large gold combs that have pearls dWsju8jnGFY-01520-00383613-00383900 10 blacks worn like a crown quality dWsju8jnGFY-01521-00383901-00384170 Polara can cost up to $10,000 and may dWsju8jnGFY-01522-00384171-00384467 take a year to complete today there are dWsju8jnGFY-01523-00384468-00384683 different types of Polaris the Polara do dWsju8jnGFY-01524-00384684-00384905 gala consists of a short sleeved ruffle dWsju8jnGFY-01525-00384906-00385115 skirt blouse two full-length skirts and dWsju8jnGFY-01526-00385116-00385379 a petticoat girls wear temp Lexx in dWsju8jnGFY-01527-00385380-00385592 their hair gold coins and jewelry are dWsju8jnGFY-01528-00385593-00385853 added to the outfit the Polara Montuna dWsju8jnGFY-01529-00385854-00386078 is a daily dress with a blouse a skirt dWsju8jnGFY-01530-00386079-00386294 with a solid color a single gold chain dWsju8jnGFY-01531-00386295-00386474 and pendant earrings and a natural dWsju8jnGFY-01532-00386475-00386708 flower in the hair instead of an dWsju8jnGFY-01533-00386709-00386888 off-the-shoulder blouse it is worn with dWsju8jnGFY-01534-00386889-00387083 a fitted white jacket that has shoulder dWsju8jnGFY-01535-00387084-00387272 pleats and a flared hem traditional dWsju8jnGFY-01536-00387273-00387452 clothing in Panama can be worn in dWsju8jnGFY-01537-00387453-00387656 parades where the females and males do dWsju8jnGFY-01538-00387657-00387962 at traditional dance females gently sway dWsju8jnGFY-01539-00387963-00388145 and twirl their skirts while men hold dWsju8jnGFY-01540-00388146-00388292 their hats in their hands and dance dWsju8jnGFY-01541-00388293-00388873 behind the females dWsju8jnGFY-01542-00388874-00389365 topic literature dWsju8jnGFY-01543-00389366-00389614 the first literature relating to Panama dWsju8jnGFY-01544-00389615-00389872 can be dated to 1535 with a modern dWsju8jnGFY-01545-00389873-00390054 literary movement appearing from the mid dWsju8jnGFY-01546-00390055-00390595 19th century onwards dWsju8jnGFY-01547-00390596-00391079 topic sports dWsju8jnGFY-01548-00391080-00391355 the US influence in Panama can be seen dWsju8jnGFY-01549-00391356-00391619 in the country sports baseball as dWsju8jnGFY-01550-00391620-00391826 Panama's national sport and the country dWsju8jnGFY-01551-00391827-00392027 has regional teams and a national team dWsju8jnGFY-01552-00392028-00392174 that represents it in international dWsju8jnGFY-01553-00392175-00392567 events at least 140 Panamanian players dWsju8jnGFY-01554-00392568-00392774 have played professional baseball in the dWsju8jnGFY-01555-00392775-00392948 United States more than any other dWsju8jnGFY-01556-00392949-00393242 Central American country notable players dWsju8jnGFY-01557-00393243-00393509 include Bruce Chen Rod Carew Mariano dWsju8jnGFY-01558-00393510-00393770 Rivera Carlos Lee Manny sanguillen and dWsju8jnGFY-01559-00393771-00394151 Carlos Ruiz in boxing for Panamanians dWsju8jnGFY-01560-00394152-00394331 are in the International Boxing Hall of dWsju8jnGFY-01561-00394332-00394604 Fame Roberto Duran Eusebio Pedroza dWsju8jnGFY-01562-00394605-00394885 ismael laguna and panama al Brown in dWsju8jnGFY-01563-00394886-00395216 August 2016 Panama had two reigning dWsju8jnGFY-01564-00395217-00395360 world boxing champions dWsju8jnGFY-01565-00395361-00395612 Guillermo Jones and on Selma morena dWsju8jnGFY-01566-00395613-00395862 since the end of the 20th century dWsju8jnGFY-01567-00395863-00396083 association football has become more dWsju8jnGFY-01568-00396084-00396363 popular in Panama the top tier of dWsju8jnGFY-01569-00396364-00396569 domestic Panamanian Football League a dWsju8jnGFY-01570-00396570-00396865 panamania de futbol was founded in 1988 dWsju8jnGFY-01571-00396866-00397139 the national team appeared at the FIFA dWsju8jnGFY-01572-00397140-00397376 World Cup for the first time in 2018 dWsju8jnGFY-01573-00397377-00397610 appearing in Group G facing Belgium dWsju8jnGFY-01574-00397611-00397739 England and Tunisia dWsju8jnGFY-01575-00397740-00397979 however the team lost all three games dWsju8jnGFY-01576-00397980-00398245 failing to advance past the group stage dWsju8jnGFY-01577-00398246-00398487 notable players for the national team dWsju8jnGFY-01578-00398488-00398735 include Luis Ernesto Tapia Rommel dWsju8jnGFY-01579-00398736-00398957 Fernandez the Delhi Valdez brothers dWsju8jnGFY-01580-00398958-00399251 armando julio and jorge and more recent dWsju8jnGFY-01581-00399252-00399494 players as Jamie Panetta Felipe Beloit dWsju8jnGFY-01582-00399495-00399803 Lewis Toyota Blas Paris Roman Torres and dWsju8jnGFY-01583-00399804-00400115 Harold Cummings basketball is also dWsju8jnGFY-01584-00400116-00400343 popular in Panama there are regional dWsju8jnGFY-01585-00400344-00400539 teams as well as a squad that competes dWsju8jnGFY-01586-00400540-00400784 internationally two of Panama's dWsju8jnGFY-01587-00400785-00401021 prominent basketball players are Rolando dWsju8jnGFY-01588-00401022-00401273 Blackmon a four-time NBA all-star and dWsju8jnGFY-01589-00401274-00401492 Kevin Daley a 10-year captain and dWsju8jnGFY-01590-00401493-00401651 showman of the Harlem Globetrotters dWsju8jnGFY-01591-00401652-00401951 other remarkable players who represented dWsju8jnGFY-01592-00401952-00402191 Panama internationally are Mario Butler dWsju8jnGFY-01593-00402192-00402518 and Rolando Fraser other popular sports dWsju8jnGFY-01594-00402519-00402800 include volleyball Taekwondo golf and dWsju8jnGFY-01595-00402801-00403079 tennis a long-distance hiking trail dWsju8jnGFY-01596-00403080-00403277 called the trance Panama Trail as being dWsju8jnGFY-01597-00403278-00403580 built from Colombia to Costa Rica other dWsju8jnGFY-01598-00403581-00403739 non-traditional sports in the country dWsju8jnGFY-01599-00403740-00403952 have had great importance such as the dWsju8jnGFY-01600-00403953-00404108 triathlon that has captured the dWsju8jnGFY-01601-00404109-00404313 attention of many athletes nationwide dWsju8jnGFY-01602-00404314-00404460 and the country has hosted dWsju8jnGFY-01603-00404461-00404754 international competitions flag football dWsju8jnGFY-01604-00404755-00404964 has also been growing in popularity in dWsju8jnGFY-01605-00404965-00405120 both men and women and with dWsju8jnGFY-01606-00405121-00405339 international participation in world of dWsju8jnGFY-01607-00405340-00405483 this discipline being among the best dWsju8jnGFY-01608-00405484-00405666 teams in the world the sport was dWsju8jnGFY-01609-00405667-00405870 introduced by Americans residing in the dWsju8jnGFY-01610-00405871-00406104 Canal Zone for veterans and retirees who dWsju8jnGFY-01611-00406105-00406281 even had a festival called the turkey dWsju8jnGFY-01612-00406282-00406572 ball other popular sports are American dWsju8jnGFY-01613-00406573-00406863 football rugby hockey softball and other dWsju8jnGFY-01614-00406864-00407076 amateur sports including skateboarding dWsju8jnGFY-01615-00407077-00407316 BMX and surfing because the many beaches dWsju8jnGFY-01616-00407317-00407544 of Panama such as Santa Catalina and dWsju8jnGFY-01617-00407545-00407748 vinod that have hosted events the likes dWsju8jnGFY-01618-00407749-00408090 of Isa World Surfing Games long jumper dWsju8jnGFY-01619-00408091-00408258 Irving Saladino became the first dWsju8jnGFY-01620-00408259-00408552 Panamanian Olympic gold medalist in 2008 dWsju8jnGFY-01621-00408553-00408818 in 2012 eight different athletes dWsju8jnGFY-01622-00408819-00409071 represented Panama in the London 2012 dWsju8jnGFY-01623-00409072-00409320 Olympics Irving Saladino in the long dWsju8jnGFY-01624-00409321-00409584 jump alonso edward and andrea ferris in dWsju8jnGFY-01625-00409585-00409797 track and field diego castillo in dWsju8jnGFY-01626-00409797-00409964 swimming and the youngest on the team dWsju8jnGFY-01627-00409966-00410226 karolina Karstens who was 16 competing dWsju8jnGFY-01628-00410227-00410457 in taekwondo she was the first dWsju8jnGFY-01629-00410458-00410676 representative to compete for Panama in dWsju8jnGFY-01630-00410677-00411232 that sport dWsju8jnGFY-01631-00411233-00411764 topic see also dWsju8jnGFY-01632-00411765-00412160 index of Panama related articles outline dWsju8jnGFY-01633-00412162-00412425 of Panama dWaWGXD4iVI-00000-00000552-00003535 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00002-00007031-00007142 ok so dWaWGXD4iVI-00003-00007143-00007310 lets continue with dWaWGXD4iVI-00004-00007311-00007519 our discussion on algebraic geometry so dWaWGXD4iVI-00005-00007520-00007655 you know ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00006-00007656-00007919 so let me recall dWaWGXD4iVI-00007-00007920-00008046 what we have dWaWGXD4iVI-00008-00008047-00008271 seen until last until the last time dWaWGXD4iVI-00009-00008272-00008510 so broadly algebraic geometry the study dWaWGXD4iVI-00010-00008511-00008871 of the geometry of the set of common dWaWGXD4iVI-00011-00008872-00009078 zeros of a bunch of polynomials so what dWaWGXD4iVI-00012-00009079-00009335 we do is we take k dWaWGXD4iVI-00013-00009336-00010303 to be an algebraically closed field dWaWGXD4iVI-00014-00010304-00010510 and of course dWaWGXD4iVI-00015-00010511-00010678 what is the significance of dWaWGXD4iVI-00016-00010679-00010806 of this is dWaWGXD4iVI-00017-00010807-00011191 well dWaWGXD4iVI-00018-00011192-00011351 significance is that dWaWGXD4iVI-00019-00011352-00011599 you have dWaWGXD4iVI-00020-00011600-00011791 the null stolen such dWaWGXD4iVI-00021-00011792-00012046 which tells you that dWaWGXD4iVI-00022-00012047-00012255 zeros of common zeros of a bunch of dWaWGXD4iVI-00023-00012256-00012591 polynomials dWaWGXD4iVI-00024-00012592-00012742 is this the set of common zeros of a dWaWGXD4iVI-00025-00012743-00012886 bunch of polynomials is not going to be dWaWGXD4iVI-00026-00012887-00013007 an empty set dWaWGXD4iVI-00027-00013008-00013135 provided the dWaWGXD4iVI-00028-00013136-00013335 the set of uh those bunch of that bunch dWaWGXD4iVI-00029-00013336-00013511 of polynomials does not dWaWGXD4iVI-00030-00013512-00013671 generate dWaWGXD4iVI-00031-00013672-00013894 the whole ring okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00032-00013895-00013991 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00033-00013991-00014127 that is the reason why you choose an dWaWGXD4iVI-00034-00014128-00014303 algebraic equals field dWaWGXD4iVI-00035-00014304-00014558 and what we have is basically dWaWGXD4iVI-00036-00014559-00014799 we have this dWaWGXD4iVI-00037-00014800-00014975 you know there is a dictionary dWaWGXD4iVI-00038-00014976-00015255 or we rather try to set up a dictionary dWaWGXD4iVI-00039-00015256-00015575 on one side which is the geometric side dWaWGXD4iVI-00040-00015576-00015743 on the other side dWaWGXD4iVI-00041-00015744-00015975 being the competitive algebra side so dWaWGXD4iVI-00042-00015976-00016119 what we have dWaWGXD4iVI-00043-00016119-00016215 in the dWaWGXD4iVI-00044-00016216-00016783 on the geometric side dWaWGXD4iVI-00045-00016784-00016883 side dWaWGXD4iVI-00046-00016884-00017063 is dWaWGXD4iVI-00047-00017064-00017494 the the affine space dWaWGXD4iVI-00048-00017495-00017607 over k dWaWGXD4iVI-00049-00017608-00017830 which is actually dWaWGXD4iVI-00050-00017831-00018399 k n namely k cross k cross k dWaWGXD4iVI-00051-00018400-00018703 n copies dWaWGXD4iVI-00052-00018704-00018807 this is the dWaWGXD4iVI-00053-00018808-00019030 cartesian product of k taken with itself dWaWGXD4iVI-00054-00019031-00019222 in n times dWaWGXD4iVI-00055-00019223-00019350 of course n is greater than or equal to dWaWGXD4iVI-00056-00019351-00019486 one dWaWGXD4iVI-00057-00019487-00019711 and it is k n dWaWGXD4iVI-00058-00019712-00019975 not just k n but it is with dWaWGXD4iVI-00059-00019976-00020143 with dWaWGXD4iVI-00060-00020144-00020886 the the so called sariski topology dWaWGXD4iVI-00061-00020887-00020975 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00062-00020976-00021263 well if you just look at k n dWaWGXD4iVI-00063-00021264-00021414 you would normally think of it as n dWaWGXD4iVI-00064-00021415-00021694 dimensional vector space over k okay but dWaWGXD4iVI-00065-00021695-00021807 the point is dWaWGXD4iVI-00066-00021808-00021886 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00067-00021887-00022175 and and in a vector space zero is a very dWaWGXD4iVI-00068-00022176-00022367 special vector okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00069-00022368-00022463 but dWaWGXD4iVI-00070-00022464-00022630 we want we do not want to think of it as dWaWGXD4iVI-00071-00022631-00022750 a vector space dWaWGXD4iVI-00072-00022751-00022991 we want to think of it as affine space dWaWGXD4iVI-00073-00022992-00023222 so 0 does not have the point 0 does not dWaWGXD4iVI-00074-00023223-00023439 have any special dWaWGXD4iVI-00075-00023440-00023599 meaning dWaWGXD4iVI-00076-00023600-00023727 in the case of vectors it does have a dWaWGXD4iVI-00077-00023728-00023935 special meaning because a dWaWGXD4iVI-00078-00023936-00024039 vector dWaWGXD4iVI-00079-00024040-00024175 always needs an initial point and a dWaWGXD4iVI-00080-00024176-00024303 terminal point and we always take the dWaWGXD4iVI-00081-00024304-00024439 initial point with dWaWGXD4iVI-00082-00024440-00024727 the origin okay but here in affine space dWaWGXD4iVI-00083-00024728-00024942 any two points are literally the same dWaWGXD4iVI-00084-00024943-00025111 except that only the coordinates have dWaWGXD4iVI-00085-00025112-00025283 changed ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00086-00025284-00025463 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00087-00025464-00025670 but more importantly dWaWGXD4iVI-00088-00025672-00025774 what is imp dWaWGXD4iVI-00089-00025775-00026006 what we have is not just a set it is not dWaWGXD4iVI-00090-00026007-00026199 just the cartesian product dWaWGXD4iVI-00091-00026200-00026414 this cartesian product base is it dWaWGXD4iVI-00092-00026416-00026711 consists of n tuples of elements of k dWaWGXD4iVI-00093-00026712-00026887 okay it's not just dWaWGXD4iVI-00094-00026888-00027095 the cartesian product as i said but dWaWGXD4iVI-00095-00027095-00027262 there is a so-called dWaWGXD4iVI-00096-00027263-00027414 what is that javascript apology it comes dWaWGXD4iVI-00097-00027416-00027583 from the it rather comes from dWaWGXD4iVI-00098-00027583-00027839 competitive algebra side so let me put dWaWGXD4iVI-00099-00027839-00028070 that on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-00100-00028072-00029087 this is the commutative algebra side dWaWGXD4iVI-00101-00029088-00029231 on this side we have dWaWGXD4iVI-00102-00029232-00029423 the polynomial ring dWaWGXD4iVI-00103-00029424-00029567 in n variables dWaWGXD4iVI-00104-00029568-00029687 over k dWaWGXD4iVI-00105-00029688-00029911 so x one through x n dWaWGXD4iVI-00106-00029912-00030087 are n ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00107-00030088-00030343 indeterminants or n variables and dWaWGXD4iVI-00108-00030344-00030543 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00109-00030544-00030695 ah of course this is the polynomial dWaWGXD4iVI-00110-00030695-00030927 technion variables ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00111-00030927-00031102 so these are polynomials in these n dWaWGXD4iVI-00112-00031103-00031335 variables with coefficients coming from dWaWGXD4iVI-00113-00031336-00031567 the field k ok and dWaWGXD4iVI-00114-00031568-00031718 how do you get the zareski topology you dWaWGXD4iVI-00115-00031719-00031902 get the zersky topology dWaWGXD4iVI-00116-00031903-00032158 ah by prescribing of course any topology dWaWGXD4iVI-00117-00032160-00032358 is given by either prescribing dWaWGXD4iVI-00118-00032360-00032511 a collection of closed sets or a dWaWGXD4iVI-00119-00032512-00032679 collection of open sets and these two dWaWGXD4iVI-00120-00032680-00032815 are complementary to each other because dWaWGXD4iVI-00121-00032816-00032967 a close set is a complement of an open dWaWGXD4iVI-00122-00032968-00033190 set and vice versa so the approach to dWaWGXD4iVI-00123-00033191-00033399 this risky topology is by specifying a dWaWGXD4iVI-00124-00033400-00033639 collection of close sets and how do you dWaWGXD4iVI-00125-00033640-00033774 specify this collection of close sets dWaWGXD4iVI-00126-00033775-00034079 what you do is well you take any subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00127-00034080-00034199 of dWaWGXD4iVI-00128-00034200-00034287 of this dWaWGXD4iVI-00129-00034288-00034479 polynomial ring which means you are just dWaWGXD4iVI-00130-00034480-00034671 taking a bunch of polynomials dWaWGXD4iVI-00131-00034672-00034871 in n variables with k coefficients and dWaWGXD4iVI-00132-00034872-00035143 what you do is associate to that subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00133-00035144-00035279 the dWaWGXD4iVI-00134-00035280-00035479 set of zeros dWaWGXD4iVI-00135-00035480-00035615 of dWaWGXD4iVI-00136-00035616-00035790 the set of common zeroes dWaWGXD4iVI-00137-00035791-00035918 of that subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00138-00035919-00036015 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00139-00036016-00036262 this set this subset here will be all dWaWGXD4iVI-00140-00036263-00036527 those n tuples dWaWGXD4iVI-00141-00036528-00036862 which satisfy each and every polynomial dWaWGXD4iVI-00142-00036863-00037087 in this collection in this subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00143-00037088-00037271 ok and dWaWGXD4iVI-00144-00037272-00037383 we dWaWGXD4iVI-00145-00037384-00037615 we declare sets like this dWaWGXD4iVI-00146-00037616-00037846 to be the closed sets so they given a dWaWGXD4iVI-00147-00037847-00038055 name they are called algebraic sets dWaWGXD4iVI-00148-00038056-00038255 because they are the dWaWGXD4iVI-00149-00038256-00038487 they are the common zero locus of dWaWGXD4iVI-00150-00038488-00038727 a bunch of algebraic equations dWaWGXD4iVI-00151-00038728-00038823 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00152-00038824-00038974 solutions to a bunch of algebraic dWaWGXD4iVI-00153-00038975-00039239 equations you can think of ah the the dWaWGXD4iVI-00154-00039240-00039351 equation corresponding to each dWaWGXD4iVI-00155-00039352-00039527 polynomial as a polynomial being equated dWaWGXD4iVI-00156-00039528-00039623 to zero dWaWGXD4iVI-00157-00039624-00039759 and then the solutions are nothing but dWaWGXD4iVI-00158-00039760-00040071 the zeros of the polynomial ok so dWaWGXD4iVI-00159-00040072-00040374 the algebraic sets are sets like this dWaWGXD4iVI-00160-00040375-00040511 and they are dWaWGXD4iVI-00161-00040512-00040711 if you declare them as closed sets dWaWGXD4iVI-00162-00040712-00040879 then you see that they satisfy the dWaWGXD4iVI-00163-00040880-00041062 axioms for close sets dWaWGXD4iVI-00164-00041063-00041255 and therefore this dWaWGXD4iVI-00165-00041256-00041639 sets of subsets of this kind dWaWGXD4iVI-00166-00041640-00041815 taken as close sets does define a dWaWGXD4iVI-00167-00041816-00041958 topology dWaWGXD4iVI-00168-00041959-00042127 on on these dWaWGXD4iVI-00169-00042128-00042311 on the set k n and along with this dWaWGXD4iVI-00170-00042312-00042446 topology dWaWGXD4iVI-00171-00042447-00042695 we call k n as the affine space in dWaWGXD4iVI-00172-00042696-00042902 dimensional affine space over k we use dWaWGXD4iVI-00173-00042903-00043183 this special symbol dWaWGXD4iVI-00174-00043184-00043423 and we call this topology as risky dWaWGXD4iVI-00175-00043424-00043662 topology okay in order of dWaWGXD4iVI-00176-00043663-00043895 oscar zareski who is you whom you could dWaWGXD4iVI-00177-00043896-00043990 say dWaWGXD4iVI-00178-00043991-00044135 is a founding dWaWGXD4iVI-00179-00044136-00044439 father of algebraic geometry ah from the dWaWGXD4iVI-00180-00044440-00044558 from the viewpoint of competitive dWaWGXD4iVI-00181-00044559-00044743 algebra ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00182-00044744-00044935 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00183-00044936-00045311 and then i told you that ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00184-00045312-00045543 the dWaWGXD4iVI-00185-00045544-00045662 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00186-00045663-00046351 yeah so there was a there was a dWaWGXD4iVI-00187-00046352-00046599 so on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-00188-00046600-00046799 we have dWaWGXD4iVI-00189-00046800-00047007 a collection of nice sets namely the dWaWGXD4iVI-00190-00047008-00047215 algebraic sets which are the closed sets dWaWGXD4iVI-00191-00047216-00047374 but on this side you seem to only have dWaWGXD4iVI-00192-00047375-00047558 subsets of the dWaWGXD4iVI-00193-00047559-00047767 of the of the polynomial ring dWaWGXD4iVI-00194-00047768-00047871 but then dWaWGXD4iVI-00195-00047872-00048007 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00196-00048008-00048311 subset ah does not make sense as a sub dWaWGXD4iVI-00197-00048312-00048423 object dWaWGXD4iVI-00198-00048424-00048590 of the polynomial and the right sub dWaWGXD4iVI-00199-00048591-00048807 objects are ideals ok and of course dWaWGXD4iVI-00200-00048808-00049030 these everything here is commutative the dWaWGXD4iVI-00201-00049031-00049174 case of course dWaWGXD4iVI-00202-00049175-00049343 always accommodative field we are in dWaWGXD4iVI-00203-00049344-00049455 this course we are only worried about dWaWGXD4iVI-00204-00049456-00049607 competitive rings dWaWGXD4iVI-00205-00049608-00049711 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00206-00049712-00049974 ah and therefore you know ideals are dWaWGXD4iVI-00207-00049975-00050239 always two sided ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00208-00050240-00050471 so the point is dWaWGXD4iVI-00209-00050472-00050646 you if you want the right objects on dWaWGXD4iVI-00210-00050647-00050758 this side dWaWGXD4iVI-00211-00050759-00050935 ah more interesting than the subsets are dWaWGXD4iVI-00212-00050936-00051151 the ideals and how do you pass from dWaWGXD4iVI-00213-00051152-00051375 subset to one ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00214-00051376-00051590 this is a very general dWaWGXD4iVI-00215-00051591-00051782 yoga it is a general philosophy that you dWaWGXD4iVI-00216-00051783-00052111 can always take the smallest dWaWGXD4iVI-00217-00052112-00052358 sub object which contains your subset in dWaWGXD4iVI-00218-00052359-00052503 any mathematical structure if you have a dWaWGXD4iVI-00219-00052504-00052615 subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00220-00052616-00052807 which is not a sub object dWaWGXD4iVI-00221-00052808-00052950 then how do you get a sub object you dWaWGXD4iVI-00222-00052951-00053150 just look at a small the smaller sub dWaWGXD4iVI-00223-00053151-00053311 object which contains that subset it is dWaWGXD4iVI-00224-00053312-00053463 called the sub object generated by the dWaWGXD4iVI-00225-00053464-00053687 subset okay so in this case you can take dWaWGXD4iVI-00226-00053688-00053887 the ideal the sub objects we which are dWaWGXD4iVI-00227-00053888-00054111 interested in our ideals of course you dWaWGXD4iVI-00228-00054112-00054191 know dWaWGXD4iVI-00229-00054191-00054391 you can think of sub rings also as sub dWaWGXD4iVI-00230-00054391-00054679 objects ok but sub rings are not going dWaWGXD4iVI-00231-00054679-00054991 to help because the point is the moment dWaWGXD4iVI-00232-00054991-00055079 this dWaWGXD4iVI-00233-00055079-00055294 set contains a unit dWaWGXD4iVI-00234-00055295-00055415 then dWaWGXD4iVI-00235-00055416-00055647 the zero set will become empty dWaWGXD4iVI-00236-00055648-00055735 okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00237-00055736-00056023 because the dWaWGXD4iVI-00238-00056024-00056182 a unit has to be just a constant dWaWGXD4iVI-00239-00056183-00056359 polynomial which is non-zero dWaWGXD4iVI-00240-00056360-00056535 okay and that constant polynomial is dWaWGXD4iVI-00241-00056536-00056711 never going to vanish anywhere so the dWaWGXD4iVI-00242-00056712-00056919 the zero set will become empty so dWaWGXD4iVI-00243-00056920-00057135 certainly you are not interested in dWaWGXD4iVI-00244-00057136-00057366 sets like this which which contain one dWaWGXD4iVI-00245-00057367-00057638 or which can generate one so basically dWaWGXD4iVI-00246-00057639-00057830 you are only interested in so so that dWaWGXD4iVI-00247-00057832-00057935 tells you that you are not interested in dWaWGXD4iVI-00248-00057936-00058079 sub rings dWaWGXD4iVI-00249-00058079-00058271 and what other objects ah sub objects dWaWGXD4iVI-00250-00058272-00058503 can you think of you can think of ideas dWaWGXD4iVI-00251-00058504-00058823 and why ideals because ideals are really dWaWGXD4iVI-00252-00058824-00058982 nice sub objects because the nice dWaWGXD4iVI-00253-00058983-00059199 objects are the ones ah which can give dWaWGXD4iVI-00254-00059200-00059359 you quotient objects dWaWGXD4iVI-00255-00059360-00059582 ok so you know if you have ring and you dWaWGXD4iVI-00256-00059583-00059815 have an ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00257-00059816-00060054 then you can get the caution tree dWaWGXD4iVI-00258-00060055-00060175 okay whereas of course if you have a dWaWGXD4iVI-00259-00060176-00060335 ring and a sub ring dWaWGXD4iVI-00260-00060336-00060599 i am not going to get any quotient ok so dWaWGXD4iVI-00261-00060600-00060742 from the point of view of dWaWGXD4iVI-00262-00060744-00061015 a sub object being the right one if it dWaWGXD4iVI-00263-00061016-00061223 gives a decent quotient object you see dWaWGXD4iVI-00264-00061224-00061319 that dWaWGXD4iVI-00265-00061320-00061479 ideals are preferred dWaWGXD4iVI-00266-00061479-00061671 ok ideals are the right choice and sub dWaWGXD4iVI-00267-00061672-00061806 rings are not but anyway we do not want dWaWGXD4iVI-00268-00061807-00061999 sub brings because this is going to end dWaWGXD4iVI-00269-00062000-00062199 up as a as a null set if you are going dWaWGXD4iVI-00270-00062200-00062342 to take dWaWGXD4iVI-00271-00062344-00062582 a sub ring ok so dWaWGXD4iVI-00272-00062583-00062671 so the dWaWGXD4iVI-00273-00062672-00062966 upshot of all this is that you look at dWaWGXD4iVI-00274-00062967-00063447 the the ideal generated dWaWGXD4iVI-00275-00063448-00063559 by this dWaWGXD4iVI-00276-00063560-00063911 by the subset which i put as bracket s dWaWGXD4iVI-00277-00063912-00064079 and then you see that dWaWGXD4iVI-00278-00064079-00064223 the if you take the dWaWGXD4iVI-00279-00064224-00064550 zero set of the ideal generated by s dWaWGXD4iVI-00280-00064551-00064638 okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00281-00064639-00064782 that turns out to be the same as the dWaWGXD4iVI-00282-00064783-00065015 zero set generated by s dWaWGXD4iVI-00283-00065016-00065294 i mean the the the zero set of s the dWaWGXD4iVI-00284-00065295-00065438 zero set of the ideal generated ways is dWaWGXD4iVI-00285-00065439-00065606 the same as zero set of s so what it dWaWGXD4iVI-00286-00065607-00065759 tells you is that if you replace a set dWaWGXD4iVI-00287-00065760-00065831 by dWaWGXD4iVI-00288-00065832-00066055 the ideal it generates you are not going dWaWGXD4iVI-00289-00066056-00066335 to change anything here okay so we so dWaWGXD4iVI-00290-00066336-00066487 the advantage of all this is on this dWaWGXD4iVI-00291-00066488-00066655 side on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-00292-00066656-00066871 you have close subsets on this side you dWaWGXD4iVI-00293-00066872-00067055 have you have ideals dWaWGXD4iVI-00294-00067056-00067263 okay and not just subsets dWaWGXD4iVI-00295-00067264-00067447 and what is a prescription dWaWGXD4iVI-00296-00067448-00067719 though we started out with subsets dWaWGXD4iVI-00297-00067720-00067919 we dWaWGXD4iVI-00298-00067920-00068119 always take the ideal generated by the dWaWGXD4iVI-00299-00068120-00068431 subset and work with that ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00300-00068432-00068559 and dWaWGXD4iVI-00301-00068560-00068671 that does not change anything on this dWaWGXD4iVI-00302-00068672-00068982 side ok because of this equality dWaWGXD4iVI-00303-00068983-00069447 now dWaWGXD4iVI-00304-00069448-00069631 so as i told you dWaWGXD4iVI-00305-00069632-00069711 the dWaWGXD4iVI-00306-00069712-00069831 the dWaWGXD4iVI-00307-00069832-00069950 you know dWaWGXD4iVI-00308-00069951-00070150 the whole purpose of algebraic geometry dWaWGXD4iVI-00309-00070151-00070247 is to dWaWGXD4iVI-00310-00070248-00070391 look at this dWaWGXD4iVI-00311-00070392-00070606 these two sides of the picture okay and dWaWGXD4iVI-00312-00070607-00070831 go from one side to the other dWaWGXD4iVI-00313-00070832-00071071 and keep translating what properties on dWaWGXD4iVI-00314-00071072-00071311 one side mean on the other side so dWaWGXD4iVI-00315-00071312-00071511 geometric properties on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-00316-00071512-00071638 should mean dWaWGXD4iVI-00317-00071639-00071767 they should give rise to some ring dWaWGXD4iVI-00318-00071768-00071887 theoretic properties which means they dWaWGXD4iVI-00319-00071888-00072006 give rise to some ideal theoretic dWaWGXD4iVI-00320-00072007-00072143 properties dWaWGXD4iVI-00321-00072144-00072279 more generally they might give rise to dWaWGXD4iVI-00322-00072280-00072479 module theoretic properties on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-00323-00072480-00072591 and dWaWGXD4iVI-00324-00072592-00072703 conversely dWaWGXD4iVI-00325-00072704-00072815 some dWaWGXD4iVI-00326-00072816-00072959 module theoretic or ideal theoretic dWaWGXD4iVI-00327-00072960-00073103 properties or ring theoretic properties dWaWGXD4iVI-00328-00073104-00073255 on this side will correspond to dWaWGXD4iVI-00329-00073256-00073455 geometric properties on this thing and dWaWGXD4iVI-00330-00073456-00073599 and our and the aim of algebraic dWaWGXD4iVI-00331-00073600-00073847 geometry is to is to discover this dWaWGXD4iVI-00332-00073848-00073959 relationship dWaWGXD4iVI-00333-00073960-00074047 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00334-00074048-00074282 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00335-00074283-00074631 so the first thing i wanted to say is ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00336-00074632-00074975 you know dWaWGXD4iVI-00337-00074976-00075126 well but dWaWGXD4iVI-00338-00075127-00075255 there are two points i have to mention dWaWGXD4iVI-00339-00075256-00075431 so the first point is dWaWGXD4iVI-00340-00075432-00075647 ah so let me again recall dWaWGXD4iVI-00341-00075648-00075799 you know an algebraically close field is dWaWGXD4iVI-00342-00075800-00075903 a field dWaWGXD4iVI-00343-00075904-00076126 in which if you take a polynomial of one dWaWGXD4iVI-00344-00076127-00076375 variable in ah in one variable over that dWaWGXD4iVI-00345-00076376-00076535 field dWaWGXD4iVI-00346-00076536-00076782 and if it is non-constant dWaWGXD4iVI-00347-00076783-00076967 then all its zeros are there in that dWaWGXD4iVI-00348-00076968-00077206 field ok so normally field theory tells dWaWGXD4iVI-00349-00077207-00077326 you that if you have a polynomial or a dWaWGXD4iVI-00350-00077327-00077519 field then you may have to go to an dWaWGXD4iVI-00351-00077520-00077750 extension field to find the zeros of the dWaWGXD4iVI-00352-00077751-00078031 polynomial okay and in fact field theory dWaWGXD4iVI-00353-00078032-00078206 gives you what is called as a splitting dWaWGXD4iVI-00354-00078207-00078455 field for a given polynomial which is a dWaWGXD4iVI-00355-00078456-00078559 kind of dWaWGXD4iVI-00356-00078560-00078838 smallest field extension over which the dWaWGXD4iVI-00357-00078839-00078999 polynomial completely splits into linear dWaWGXD4iVI-00358-00079000-00079103 factors dWaWGXD4iVI-00359-00079104-00079223 but you know you do not have to worry dWaWGXD4iVI-00360-00079224-00079494 about such things dWaWGXD4iVI-00361-00079495-00079575 i mean dWaWGXD4iVI-00362-00079576-00079687 if you are working with an algebraic dWaWGXD4iVI-00363-00079688-00079782 close field dWaWGXD4iVI-00364-00079783-00079919 because the definition of algebraic dWaWGXD4iVI-00365-00079920-00080111 close field tells you that if you have a dWaWGXD4iVI-00366-00080112-00080359 polynomial already split into linear dWaWGXD4iVI-00367-00080360-00080535 factors that means all the which is dWaWGXD4iVI-00368-00080536-00080694 equivalent to saying that all the zeros dWaWGXD4iVI-00369-00080695-00080855 of the polynomial are already elements dWaWGXD4iVI-00370-00080856-00081111 of this field okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00371-00081112-00081343 but the story does not end there dWaWGXD4iVI-00372-00081344-00081462 this the dWaWGXD4iVI-00373-00081463-00081543 the dWaWGXD4iVI-00374-00081544-00081711 the important thing is dWaWGXD4iVI-00375-00081712-00081871 the when you define algebraically close dWaWGXD4iVI-00376-00081872-00082135 field is only for one variable ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00377-00082136-00082247 but dWaWGXD4iVI-00378-00082248-00082399 when we do algebraic geometry in this dWaWGXD4iVI-00379-00082400-00082599 general sense we are worried about dWaWGXD4iVI-00380-00082600-00082782 polynomials not in just one variable we dWaWGXD4iVI-00381-00082783-00082903 have worried about polynomials and dWaWGXD4iVI-00382-00082904-00083103 several variables and then the question dWaWGXD4iVI-00383-00083104-00083287 that arises is dWaWGXD4iVI-00384-00083288-00083423 if you give me a dWaWGXD4iVI-00385-00083424-00083694 you know ah subset of polynomials dWaWGXD4iVI-00386-00083695-00083831 or for that matter the ideal that it dWaWGXD4iVI-00387-00083832-00084047 generates and look at the zero set dWaWGXD4iVI-00388-00084048-00084287 what is the condition that this zero set dWaWGXD4iVI-00389-00084288-00084415 is non empty dWaWGXD4iVI-00390-00084416-00084647 okay and dWaWGXD4iVI-00391-00084648-00084991 the hilbert null stalin starts dWaWGXD4iVI-00392-00084992-00085238 ah tells you that dWaWGXD4iVI-00393-00085239-00085455 this will be non empty so long as dWaWGXD4iVI-00394-00085456-00085718 this ideal is really a proper ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00395-00085719-00085838 so long as this dWaWGXD4iVI-00396-00085839-00086094 ideal is not the whole ring or the unit dWaWGXD4iVI-00397-00086095-00086311 ideal okay so in other words it should dWaWGXD4iVI-00398-00086312-00086479 not contain a unit dWaWGXD4iVI-00399-00086480-00086662 we all know that if it contains a unit dWaWGXD4iVI-00400-00086663-00086815 if s contains a unit it is very clear dWaWGXD4iVI-00401-00086816-00086903 that dWaWGXD4iVI-00402-00086904-00087223 this is empty okay and the hilbert knoll dWaWGXD4iVI-00403-00087224-00087375 still and such say tells you that that dWaWGXD4iVI-00404-00087376-00087606 is the only case when it is empty dWaWGXD4iVI-00405-00087607-00087806 so long as this does not contain a unit dWaWGXD4iVI-00406-00087807-00088047 and of course it is very important that dWaWGXD4iVI-00407-00088048-00088255 you know dWaWGXD4iVI-00408-00088256-00088431 well i should correct my statement a dWaWGXD4iVI-00409-00088432-00088535 little dWaWGXD4iVI-00410-00088536-00088694 ah this may not contain unit but this dWaWGXD4iVI-00411-00088695-00088950 might generate a unit okay so dWaWGXD4iVI-00412-00088951-00089175 to be very strict this ideal should not dWaWGXD4iVI-00413-00089176-00089350 be dWaWGXD4iVI-00414-00089351-00089494 this idea should not contain a unit dWaWGXD4iVI-00415-00089495-00089615 which is the same as saying this ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00416-00089616-00089847 should not be the whole ring okay in dWaWGXD4iVI-00417-00089848-00090111 that case and then and only then will dWaWGXD4iVI-00418-00090112-00090382 the zero set dWaWGXD4iVI-00419-00090383-00090599 be non-empty okay and that assurance is dWaWGXD4iVI-00420-00090600-00090855 given to you by the hilbert nonsense dWaWGXD4iVI-00421-00090856-00090991 okay that is one important thing then dWaWGXD4iVI-00422-00090992-00091182 the other thing is the other important dWaWGXD4iVI-00423-00091183-00091559 theorem that comes dWaWGXD4iVI-00424-00091560-00091687 is the dWaWGXD4iVI-00425-00091688-00091926 the hilbert's basis theorem or amy's dWaWGXD4iVI-00426-00091927-00092191 amino ether okay so dWaWGXD4iVI-00427-00092192-00092279 you see dWaWGXD4iVI-00428-00092280-00092567 you already see the impact dWaWGXD4iVI-00429-00092568-00092726 results on this side which means dWaWGXD4iVI-00430-00092727-00092926 something on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-00431-00092927-00093071 you see the dWaWGXD4iVI-00432-00093072-00093215 the fact that dWaWGXD4iVI-00433-00093216-00093455 the hilbert's null stats is basically a dWaWGXD4iVI-00434-00093456-00093631 result which comes from this side of the dWaWGXD4iVI-00435-00093632-00093823 diagram okay if you want to if you want dWaWGXD4iVI-00436-00093824-00093991 to think of competitive algebra also as dWaWGXD4iVI-00437-00093992-00094150 involving field theory for that matter dWaWGXD4iVI-00438-00094151-00094382 because you know fields come dWaWGXD4iVI-00439-00094383-00094503 because dWaWGXD4iVI-00440-00094504-00094735 you know you start with a ring dWaWGXD4iVI-00441-00094736-00094879 basically you start with dWaWGXD4iVI-00442-00094880-00095047 rings which are integral domains and dWaWGXD4iVI-00443-00095048-00095255 then if you go to the quotient field or dWaWGXD4iVI-00444-00095256-00095487 the field of fractions then you know dWaWGXD4iVI-00445-00095488-00095647 studying things over that already leads dWaWGXD4iVI-00446-00095648-00095935 you into ah field theory okay and so you dWaWGXD4iVI-00447-00095936-00096055 know null surveillance is a kind of dWaWGXD4iVI-00448-00096056-00096238 result that you know dWaWGXD4iVI-00449-00096239-00096494 ah comes in on this side of the picture dWaWGXD4iVI-00450-00096495-00096831 but geometrically it means that dWaWGXD4iVI-00451-00096832-00096950 you know the zeros that you are working dWaWGXD4iVI-00452-00096951-00097031 with dWaWGXD4iVI-00453-00097032-00097199 gives you conditions dWaWGXD4iVI-00454-00097200-00097326 when the zeros that you are working with dWaWGXD4iVI-00455-00097327-00097599 is not empty okay that's that's already dWaWGXD4iVI-00456-00097600-00097759 that's also that's already a translation dWaWGXD4iVI-00457-00097760-00097982 from a result on this side to this side dWaWGXD4iVI-00458-00097983-00098094 okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00459-00098095-00098343 and ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00460-00098344-00098494 but the way i have given it i have dWaWGXD4iVI-00461-00098495-00098743 already given it on this side okay i i dWaWGXD4iVI-00462-00098744-00098959 want i haven't told you the commutative dWaWGXD4iVI-00463-00098960-00099159 algebraic version of the neuroscience dWaWGXD4iVI-00464-00099160-00099382 which i will do okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00465-00099383-00099582 and the the other statement that i am dWaWGXD4iVI-00466-00099583-00099774 worried about is dWaWGXD4iVI-00467-00099775-00099982 that i want to dWaWGXD4iVI-00468-00099983-00100255 talk about is about the dWaWGXD4iVI-00469-00100256-00100406 the hilbert basis theorem or the amino dWaWGXD4iVI-00470-00100407-00100655 acid theorem what does it say it says dWaWGXD4iVI-00471-00100656-00100806 well it says that dWaWGXD4iVI-00472-00100807-00100999 if you start with the ring r a dWaWGXD4iVI-00473-00101000-00101215 competitive ring ah of course you know dWaWGXD4iVI-00474-00101216-00101359 you must always remember that we always dWaWGXD4iVI-00475-00101360-00101503 work only with commutative rings with dWaWGXD4iVI-00476-00101504-00101743 one and we always assume that all ring dWaWGXD4iVI-00477-00101744-00101967 homophobisms take one to one ok so if dWaWGXD4iVI-00478-00101968-00102126 you start with the dWaWGXD4iVI-00479-00102127-00102463 no ethereum combination ring okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00480-00102464-00102751 which means ring is which means that the dWaWGXD4iVI-00481-00102752-00102942 ring satisfies the property that every dWaWGXD4iVI-00482-00102943-00103247 ideal is finitely generated dWaWGXD4iVI-00483-00103248-00103454 then if you take a polynomial ring in dWaWGXD4iVI-00484-00103455-00103694 finitely many variables over that ring dWaWGXD4iVI-00485-00103695-00104023 the polymer ring also becomes noisy ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00486-00104024-00104334 so if you take for the ring a field dWaWGXD4iVI-00487-00104335-00104510 you know field is always no ethereum dWaWGXD4iVI-00488-00104511-00104702 because it has only two ideals namely dWaWGXD4iVI-00489-00104703-00104878 the zero ideal and the full field which dWaWGXD4iVI-00490-00104879-00105023 is the unit ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00491-00105024-00105254 so it is my theorem and ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00492-00105255-00105575 now if you apply hilbert's dWaWGXD4iVI-00493-00105576-00105815 basis theorem or amino ethos theorem you dWaWGXD4iVI-00494-00105816-00106078 get that this ring is now ethereum dWaWGXD4iVI-00495-00106079-00106223 what it means is therefore that every dWaWGXD4iVI-00496-00106224-00106483 ideal is finitely generated ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00497-00106483-00106686 now what is the importance of saying dWaWGXD4iVI-00498-00106688-00106878 that an ideal is finitely generated the dWaWGXD4iVI-00499-00106879-00107023 importance is that dWaWGXD4iVI-00500-00107024-00107175 every element dWaWGXD4iVI-00501-00107176-00107439 in this ideal can be written as dWaWGXD4iVI-00502-00107440-00107639 a finite linear combination of a fixed dWaWGXD4iVI-00503-00107640-00107807 number of elements dWaWGXD4iVI-00504-00107808-00107975 with ring coefficients that's what it dWaWGXD4iVI-00505-00107976-00108054 means dWaWGXD4iVI-00506-00108055-00108278 but what it really means is that dWaWGXD4iVI-00507-00108279-00108623 you can take for this generating set dWaWGXD4iVI-00508-00108624-00108902 only a finite set of polynomials dWaWGXD4iVI-00509-00108903-00109223 and what it means therefore is dWaWGXD4iVI-00510-00109224-00109495 even though you start with a set which dWaWGXD4iVI-00511-00109496-00109783 is probably infinite dWaWGXD4iVI-00512-00109783-00109958 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00513-00109959-00110215 or you start with an ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00514-00110216-00110366 which is infinite dWaWGXD4iVI-00515-00110367-00110527 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00516-00110528-00110831 in fact an ideal will be infinite dWaWGXD4iVI-00517-00110832-00111110 because ah even if it has one elements dWaWGXD4iVI-00518-00111111-00111343 ah one element then dWaWGXD4iVI-00519-00111344-00111495 it will contain all multiples of that dWaWGXD4iVI-00520-00111496-00111719 element by three elements and this is dWaWGXD4iVI-00521-00111720-00111886 going to this is an there are infinitely dWaWGXD4iVI-00522-00111888-00112078 many elements here dWaWGXD4iVI-00523-00112079-00112319 because k is a any algebraically close dWaWGXD4iVI-00524-00112320-00112519 field is infinite thats a result from dWaWGXD4iVI-00525-00112520-00112815 field theory ok and this polynomial is dWaWGXD4iVI-00526-00112816-00113039 also infinite so all these ideals are dWaWGXD4iVI-00527-00113040-00113190 all going to have infinitely many dWaWGXD4iVI-00528-00113191-00113295 elements dWaWGXD4iVI-00529-00113296-00113510 and your when you look at the common dWaWGXD4iVI-00530-00113511-00113727 zeros of dWaWGXD4iVI-00531-00113728-00113975 elements in the ideal you seem to dWaWGXD4iVI-00532-00113976-00114110 be looking for common zeros for dWaWGXD4iVI-00533-00114111-00114343 infinitely many polynomials dWaWGXD4iVI-00534-00114344-00114486 but then what dWaWGXD4iVI-00535-00114488-00114590 the dWaWGXD4iVI-00536-00114591-00114695 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00537-00114696-00114847 hilbert's basis theorem tells you is dWaWGXD4iVI-00538-00114848-00115054 that that's not what is happening really dWaWGXD4iVI-00539-00115055-00115183 what is really happening is you are just dWaWGXD4iVI-00540-00115183-00115351 looking at the zero set of finitely many dWaWGXD4iVI-00541-00115352-00115558 polynomials so what it tells you is that dWaWGXD4iVI-00542-00115559-00115823 even if s is infinite dWaWGXD4iVI-00543-00115824-00116039 in any case dWaWGXD4iVI-00544-00116040-00116166 any idea like this will always be dWaWGXD4iVI-00545-00116167-00116286 infinite dWaWGXD4iVI-00546-00116288-00116478 that ideal is the same as the ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00547-00116479-00116919 generated by finitely many polynomials dWaWGXD4iVI-00548-00116920-00117271 ok and therefore the zero set is just dWaWGXD4iVI-00549-00117272-00117543 the common zeros of this finitely many dWaWGXD4iVI-00550-00117544-00118063 polynomials dWaWGXD4iVI-00551-00118064-00118263 and in fact this is a set this is the dWaWGXD4iVI-00552-00118264-00118551 same as the intersection of the dWaWGXD4iVI-00553-00118552-00118686 zero sets dWaWGXD4iVI-00554-00118688-00118966 of the individual polynomials dWaWGXD4iVI-00555-00118967-00119239 ok z of f i is just the dWaWGXD4iVI-00556-00119240-00119310 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00557-00119311-00119502 zero the zeros of f i dWaWGXD4iVI-00558-00119503-00119678 okay and then if you dWaWGXD4iVI-00559-00119679-00119790 if you take the intersection you will dWaWGXD4iVI-00560-00119791-00119966 get the points which are zeros of all dWaWGXD4iVI-00561-00119967-00120119 the f i's which is exactly what this dWaWGXD4iVI-00562-00120120-00120295 means this this is the set of common dWaWGXD4iVI-00563-00120296-00120534 zeros of all the f s dWaWGXD4iVI-00564-00120535-00120823 and of course dWaWGXD4iVI-00565-00120824-00121071 this tells you that dWaWGXD4iVI-00566-00121072-00121254 you're always only going to solve dWaWGXD4iVI-00567-00121255-00121431 finitely many equations dWaWGXD4iVI-00568-00121432-00121639 okay and why this is why this is dWaWGXD4iVI-00569-00121640-00121790 important is it's also important for dWaWGXD4iVI-00570-00121791-00121943 computation dWaWGXD4iVI-00571-00121944-00122134 okay because dWaWGXD4iVI-00572-00122135-00122351 once you have finitely many things dWaWGXD4iVI-00573-00122352-00122478 to deal with dWaWGXD4iVI-00574-00122479-00122710 you can have inductive procedures dWaWGXD4iVI-00575-00122711-00122934 you based on some ordering for example dWaWGXD4iVI-00576-00122935-00123207 you can do lot of computations dWaWGXD4iVI-00577-00123208-00123558 in commutative algebra ah using software dWaWGXD4iVI-00578-00123559-00123758 and all this is possible just because of dWaWGXD4iVI-00579-00123759-00123951 this this result dWaWGXD4iVI-00580-00123952-00124095 that you are only dealing with finitely dWaWGXD4iVI-00581-00124096-00124327 many polynomials at a time okay so that dWaWGXD4iVI-00582-00124328-00124471 is the importance of dWaWGXD4iVI-00583-00124472-00124734 these two very basic but very important dWaWGXD4iVI-00584-00124735-00124839 theorems dWaWGXD4iVI-00585-00124840-00125063 one is the hilbert noel sterling stars dWaWGXD4iVI-00586-00125064-00125247 and the other is the ah the hilbert dWaWGXD4iVI-00587-00125248-00125543 bases here okay fine so that is the dWaWGXD4iVI-00588-00125544-00125743 that's the setup now so dWaWGXD4iVI-00589-00125744-00125927 what i want to do is dWaWGXD4iVI-00590-00125928-00126083 i want to give you dWaWGXD4iVI-00591-00126083-00126263 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00592-00126264-00126447 something that goes in both directions dWaWGXD4iVI-00593-00126448-00126775 okay so already i have i have dWaWGXD4iVI-00594-00126776-00126983 this z dWaWGXD4iVI-00595-00126983-00127183 which associates to every subset or dWaWGXD4iVI-00596-00127183-00127366 every idea on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-00597-00127367-00127839 the common zero locus on this side okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00598-00127840-00127990 i also want to give something on this in dWaWGXD4iVI-00599-00127991-00128199 this direction dWaWGXD4iVI-00600-00128200-00128366 ok i want to give something in this dWaWGXD4iVI-00601-00128367-00128495 direction dWaWGXD4iVI-00602-00128496-00128575 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00603-00128576-00128839 ah so when i go from this direction dWaWGXD4iVI-00604-00128840-00129151 so from how do i go from here to there dWaWGXD4iVI-00605-00129152-00129310 so you know if dWaWGXD4iVI-00606-00129311-00129519 so let dWaWGXD4iVI-00607-00129520-00129678 t dWaWGXD4iVI-00608-00129679-00129799 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00609-00129800-00130214 be a subset of a n dWaWGXD4iVI-00610-00130215-00130607 ok and mind you this is just a subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00611-00130608-00131023 is just some collection of points ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00612-00131024-00131247 i am not requiring that it is dWaWGXD4iVI-00613-00131248-00131431 closed or open or something like that i dWaWGXD4iVI-00614-00131432-00131614 am just taking any subset and what i do dWaWGXD4iVI-00615-00131615-00131847 is dWaWGXD4iVI-00616-00131848-00132151 from here i associate it i associate to dWaWGXD4iVI-00617-00132152-00132231 t dWaWGXD4iVI-00618-00132232-00132454 i of t which is called the ideal of t dWaWGXD4iVI-00619-00132455-00132975 okay this is the ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00620-00132976-00133175 ok and what is ideal of t this is a set dWaWGXD4iVI-00621-00133176-00133359 of all polynomials dWaWGXD4iVI-00622-00133360-00133487 in the dWaWGXD4iVI-00623-00133488-00133919 in the polynomial ring dWaWGXD4iVI-00624-00133920-00134047 such that dWaWGXD4iVI-00625-00134048-00134207 f of dWaWGXD4iVI-00626-00134208-00134447 uh dWaWGXD4iVI-00627-00134448-00134575 f of ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00628-00134576-00134743 ok so let me write it like this f of t dWaWGXD4iVI-00629-00134744-00135023 equal to zero for every t in small in dWaWGXD4iVI-00630-00135024-00135223 capital t dWaWGXD4iVI-00631-00135224-00135302 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00632-00135303-00135607 this is called the ideal of a subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00633-00135608-00135839 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00634-00135840-00135943 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00635-00135944-00136119 there are two statements i want i want dWaWGXD4iVI-00636-00136120-00136254 you to understand dWaWGXD4iVI-00637-00136255-00136399 first thing is dWaWGXD4iVI-00638-00136400-00136583 i am defining a set and i am calling it dWaWGXD4iVI-00639-00136584-00136759 an ideal ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00640-00136760-00137039 in general thats not correct dWaWGXD4iVI-00641-00137040-00137247 i can define a set then i have to verify dWaWGXD4iVI-00642-00137248-00137559 its an ideal ok so the fact is that dWaWGXD4iVI-00643-00137560-00137775 but if you that if you really look at dWaWGXD4iVI-00644-00137776-00138014 this definitions obvious its an ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00645-00138015-00138390 because you see if you take two such dWaWGXD4iVI-00646-00138391-00138478 f's dWaWGXD4iVI-00647-00138479-00138678 say f one and f two dWaWGXD4iVI-00648-00138679-00138775 then dWaWGXD4iVI-00649-00138776-00139023 if f one and f two both vanish at every dWaWGXD4iVI-00650-00139024-00139311 point of t then so does the sum dWaWGXD4iVI-00651-00139312-00139423 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00652-00139424-00139647 and of course zero vanishes to every dWaWGXD4iVI-00653-00139648-00139839 point of t so zero is there so this dWaWGXD4iVI-00654-00139840-00140071 closed under addition this f zero and of dWaWGXD4iVI-00655-00140072-00140319 course for that matter if when if f dWaWGXD4iVI-00656-00140320-00140478 vanishes at every point of t so does dWaWGXD4iVI-00657-00140479-00140623 minus f dWaWGXD4iVI-00658-00140624-00140711 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00659-00140712-00141014 and also if f vanishes at every point of dWaWGXD4iVI-00660-00141015-00141127 capital t dWaWGXD4iVI-00661-00141128-00141327 then multiplying f by a g dWaWGXD4iVI-00662-00141328-00141543 will also vanish at every point capital dWaWGXD4iVI-00663-00141544-00141711 t so this is an ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00664-00141712-00141943 so it is in fact an ideal and this dWaWGXD4iVI-00665-00141944-00142102 called the ideal corresponding to the dWaWGXD4iVI-00666-00142103-00142199 subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00667-00142200-00142631 ok and so you see now we have ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00668-00142632-00142902 so basically what is happening is that dWaWGXD4iVI-00669-00142903-00143199 to us subset here dWaWGXD4iVI-00670-00143200-00143447 we are we associate a dWaWGXD4iVI-00671-00143448-00143599 set here dWaWGXD4iVI-00672-00143600-00143790 which is actually closed dWaWGXD4iVI-00673-00143791-00144078 okay it is an algebraic set dWaWGXD4iVI-00674-00144079-00144326 and in fact for an ideal here also dWaWGXD4iVI-00675-00144327-00144526 we can associate dWaWGXD4iVI-00676-00144527-00144743 a subset here which is actually closed dWaWGXD4iVI-00677-00144744-00144975 okay and in this direction dWaWGXD4iVI-00678-00144976-00145311 given a subset you associate an idea dWaWGXD4iVI-00679-00145312-00145902 ok so you can see more or less that dWaWGXD4iVI-00680-00145903-00146078 on this side you are dWaWGXD4iVI-00681-00146079-00146302 worried about close sets dWaWGXD4iVI-00682-00146303-00146454 ok and on this side you are worried dWaWGXD4iVI-00683-00146455-00146623 about ideals dWaWGXD4iVI-00684-00146624-00146831 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00685-00146832-00147023 so lets explore dWaWGXD4iVI-00686-00147024-00147247 the properties of these two ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00687-00147248-00147399 these two dWaWGXD4iVI-00688-00147400-00147543 associations dWaWGXD4iVI-00689-00147544-00147823 many of them are quite ah you know dWaWGXD4iVI-00690-00147824-00147990 quite straight forward so the first dWaWGXD4iVI-00691-00147991-00148295 thing is dWaWGXD4iVI-00692-00148296-00148495 so let us look at dWaWGXD4iVI-00693-00148496-00148702 the ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00694-00148703-00148863 associated in this direction okay that dWaWGXD4iVI-00695-00148864-00149039 associates to every dWaWGXD4iVI-00696-00149040-00149223 subset ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00697-00149224-00149407 the zero set of that subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00698-00149408-00149559 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00699-00149560-00149735 the the dWaWGXD4iVI-00700-00149736-00149966 the fact i want to put is that this dWaWGXD4iVI-00701-00149967-00150111 association dWaWGXD4iVI-00702-00150112-00150302 ah is actually dWaWGXD4iVI-00703-00150303-00150535 inclusion reversing dWaWGXD4iVI-00704-00150536-00150735 okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00705-00150736-00150895 on this see on both sides we have dWaWGXD4iVI-00706-00150896-00150999 subsets dWaWGXD4iVI-00707-00151000-00151159 only thing is here the special subsets dWaWGXD4iVI-00708-00151160-00151263 that we are interested in are close dWaWGXD4iVI-00709-00151264-00151471 subsets and here the subsets that we are dWaWGXD4iVI-00710-00151472-00151726 interested in are ideals okay but dWaWGXD4iVI-00711-00151727-00151966 nevertheless inclusion makes sense on dWaWGXD4iVI-00712-00151967-00152239 both sides as a partial order okay and dWaWGXD4iVI-00713-00152240-00152463 what i want to say is that both of these dWaWGXD4iVI-00714-00152464-00152599 associations dWaWGXD4iVI-00715-00152600-00152854 they they just invert dWaWGXD4iVI-00716-00152855-00153047 the they are not order previous dWaWGXD4iVI-00717-00153048-00153271 preserving but they are order reversing dWaWGXD4iVI-00718-00153272-00153495 ok so what it means is that you know if dWaWGXD4iVI-00719-00153496-00153607 s one dWaWGXD4iVI-00720-00153608-00153895 ah so let me write that down as a lemma dWaWGXD4iVI-00721-00153896-00154095 is pretty easy to see dWaWGXD4iVI-00722-00154096-00154447 if s 1 is subset of s 2 dWaWGXD4iVI-00723-00154448-00154559 then dWaWGXD4iVI-00724-00154560-00154678 well dWaWGXD4iVI-00725-00154679-00154911 z of s 1 dWaWGXD4iVI-00726-00154912-00155023 contains dWaWGXD4iVI-00727-00155024-00155366 z of s 2 dWaWGXD4iVI-00728-00155367-00156271 the second thing is dWaWGXD4iVI-00729-00156272-00156454 the second thing is dWaWGXD4iVI-00730-00156455-00156687 the corresponding result on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-00731-00156688-00156831 if dWaWGXD4iVI-00732-00156832-00157071 t1 is contained in t two dWaWGXD4iVI-00733-00157072-00157407 then ideal of t two dWaWGXD4iVI-00734-00157408-00157535 contains dWaWGXD4iVI-00735-00157536-00157766 ideal of t one dWaWGXD4iVI-00736-00157767-00158199 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00737-00158200-00158335 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00738-00158336-00158423 it's dWaWGXD4iVI-00739-00158424-00158599 if you look at it it's pretty easy to dWaWGXD4iVI-00740-00158600-00158695 understand dWaWGXD4iVI-00741-00158696-00158951 you see if you start with s one dWaWGXD4iVI-00742-00158952-00159119 inside s two dWaWGXD4iVI-00743-00159120-00159335 ah probably ah i'm making a mistake dWaWGXD4iVI-00744-00159336-00159519 somewhere ok i probably am making some dWaWGXD4iVI-00745-00159520-00159695 obvious mistake so dWaWGXD4iVI-00746-00159696-00159847 let me let me dWaWGXD4iVI-00747-00159848-00160047 let me talk through this ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00748-00160048-00160166 so you see dWaWGXD4iVI-00749-00160167-00160439 s 1 dWaWGXD4iVI-00750-00160440-00160663 s 2 has more equations than s 1 dWaWGXD4iVI-00751-00160664-00161143 ok so dWaWGXD4iVI-00752-00161144-00161254 a solution dWaWGXD4iVI-00753-00161255-00161526 ah a point of the affine space which dWaWGXD4iVI-00754-00161527-00161783 satisfies every equation s two dWaWGXD4iVI-00755-00161784-00161999 will always satisfy every equation in s dWaWGXD4iVI-00756-00162000-00162111 one dWaWGXD4iVI-00757-00162112-00162287 so this is correct dWaWGXD4iVI-00758-00162288-00162439 right i think there isn't anything wrong dWaWGXD4iVI-00759-00162440-00162543 there dWaWGXD4iVI-00760-00162544-00162743 and look at this dWaWGXD4iVI-00761-00162744-00162878 if t one dWaWGXD4iVI-00762-00162879-00163143 ah contains t two ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00763-00163144-00163414 then if you take a function which dWaWGXD4iVI-00764-00163415-00163654 vanishes at every point of t two dWaWGXD4iVI-00765-00163655-00163799 then it will vanish at every point of t dWaWGXD4iVI-00766-00163800-00163943 one therefore probably this has to be dWaWGXD4iVI-00767-00163944-00164175 the other way around dWaWGXD4iVI-00768-00164176-00164366 ok so probably that was the mistake you dWaWGXD4iVI-00769-00164367-00164583 were dWaWGXD4iVI-00770-00164584-00164814 pointing out yeah so dWaWGXD4iVI-00771-00164815-00165007 if t 1 is contained in t 2 dWaWGXD4iVI-00772-00165008-00165207 then the ideal of t 2 is contained in dWaWGXD4iVI-00773-00165208-00165399 ideal of t 1 because the way i first dWaWGXD4iVI-00774-00165400-00165566 wrote it it it seems to be order dWaWGXD4iVI-00775-00165567-00165783 preserving which is not correct ok fine dWaWGXD4iVI-00776-00165784-00165983 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00777-00165984-00166143 so this is quite obvious dWaWGXD4iVI-00778-00166144-00166287 but what is not dWaWGXD4iVI-00779-00166288-00166390 not dWaWGXD4iVI-00780-00166391-00166663 directly obvious is the following thing dWaWGXD4iVI-00781-00166664-00166966 you see what happens if you go and come dWaWGXD4iVI-00782-00166967-00167087 back dWaWGXD4iVI-00783-00167088-00167495 ok so if i start with the t dWaWGXD4iVI-00784-00167496-00167743 on this side okay then i take the ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00785-00167744-00167911 of that dWaWGXD4iVI-00786-00167912-00168126 and then i take the 0 of that dWaWGXD4iVI-00787-00168127-00168383 what do i get dWaWGXD4iVI-00788-00168384-00168502 so this is a dWaWGXD4iVI-00789-00168503-00168631 this is something that one has to worry dWaWGXD4iVI-00790-00168632-00168743 about dWaWGXD4iVI-00791-00168744-00168895 and then dWaWGXD4iVI-00792-00168896-00169135 the other one is the other way around dWaWGXD4iVI-00793-00169136-00169399 if i start with dWaWGXD4iVI-00794-00169400-00169638 well i said dWaWGXD4iVI-00795-00169639-00169871 a subset here dWaWGXD4iVI-00796-00169872-00170135 i take the zero set of that dWaWGXD4iVI-00797-00170136-00170326 then i take the ideal of that dWaWGXD4iVI-00798-00170327-00170702 what do i get dWaWGXD4iVI-00799-00170703-00170807 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00800-00170808-00170878 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00801-00170879-00171119 this is what we want to ah we want to dWaWGXD4iVI-00802-00171120-00171375 investigate and the answer to that is dWaWGXD4iVI-00803-00171376-00171607 well the answer to this is that you get dWaWGXD4iVI-00804-00171608-00171854 the closure of t dWaWGXD4iVI-00805-00171855-00172054 okay mind you dWaWGXD4iVI-00806-00172055-00172295 i started the set t dWaWGXD4iVI-00807-00172296-00172559 they said t need not be closed dWaWGXD4iVI-00808-00172560-00172726 but when i take i of t it becomes an dWaWGXD4iVI-00809-00172727-00172878 ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00810-00172879-00173151 and when i take z of y of t dWaWGXD4iVI-00811-00173152-00173366 it is a close set because z of anything dWaWGXD4iVI-00812-00173367-00173590 is closed by definition therefore what i dWaWGXD4iVI-00813-00173591-00173719 am going to get is a closed set which dWaWGXD4iVI-00814-00173720-00173878 contains t dWaWGXD4iVI-00815-00173879-00174151 t is of course going to be here dWaWGXD4iVI-00816-00174152-00174278 but it is very clear dWaWGXD4iVI-00817-00174279-00174583 any any point of capital t dWaWGXD4iVI-00818-00174584-00174823 will be a common zero of dWaWGXD4iVI-00819-00174824-00175023 all the functions which vanish on all of dWaWGXD4iVI-00820-00175024-00175143 t dWaWGXD4iVI-00821-00175144-00175302 and therefore it is going to be here so dWaWGXD4iVI-00822-00175303-00175559 it is clear that this contains t dWaWGXD4iVI-00823-00175560-00175726 and it is a closed set containing t but dWaWGXD4iVI-00824-00175727-00175935 the fact is it is a smallest close set dWaWGXD4iVI-00825-00175936-00176095 which contains c and d and therefore it dWaWGXD4iVI-00826-00176096-00176231 is t closure dWaWGXD4iVI-00827-00176232-00176502 okay and then as for as this is dWaWGXD4iVI-00828-00176503-00176735 concerned this is dWaWGXD4iVI-00829-00176736-00176838 literally dWaWGXD4iVI-00830-00176839-00177095 the dWaWGXD4iVI-00831-00177096-00177311 involves the dWaWGXD4iVI-00832-00177312-00177487 the commutative algebra version of the dWaWGXD4iVI-00833-00177488-00177702 null silences so what it says is this is dWaWGXD4iVI-00834-00177703-00177790 just dWaWGXD4iVI-00835-00177791-00178023 this is just the radical of the ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00836-00178024-00178190 generated bias dWaWGXD4iVI-00837-00178191-00178295 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00838-00178296-00178399 and dWaWGXD4iVI-00839-00178400-00178511 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00840-00178512-00178671 the ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00841-00178672-00179054 so as for the proof dWaWGXD4iVI-00842-00179055-00179166 i think dWaWGXD4iVI-00843-00179167-00179383 1 and 2 dWaWGXD4iVI-00844-00179384-00179711 are obvious dWaWGXD4iVI-00845-00179712-00179959 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00846-00179960-00180063 they quite dWaWGXD4iVI-00847-00180064-00180287 straight forward ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00848-00180288-00180454 the question is dWaWGXD4iVI-00849-00180455-00180543 with dWaWGXD4iVI-00850-00180544-00180663 3 and 4 dWaWGXD4iVI-00851-00180664-00181047 all right so if you look at three dWaWGXD4iVI-00852-00181048-00181343 so let's prove three dWaWGXD4iVI-00853-00181344-00181423 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00854-00181424-00181678 clearly dWaWGXD4iVI-00855-00181679-00181766 t dWaWGXD4iVI-00856-00181767-00182247 is contained in instead of i of t dWaWGXD4iVI-00857-00182248-00182343 right dWaWGXD4iVI-00858-00182344-00182543 thats very clear dWaWGXD4iVI-00859-00182544-00182671 because dWaWGXD4iVI-00860-00182672-00182951 ah every point of t dWaWGXD4iVI-00861-00182952-00183190 is a common zero of dWaWGXD4iVI-00862-00183191-00183351 all those functions which vanish at dWaWGXD4iVI-00863-00183352-00183647 every point of t thats what it says i of dWaWGXD4iVI-00864-00183648-00183878 t is all those functions dWaWGXD4iVI-00865-00183879-00184143 which manage at every point of capital t dWaWGXD4iVI-00866-00184144-00184319 and z of i of t is dWaWGXD4iVI-00867-00184320-00184543 all those points dWaWGXD4iVI-00868-00184544-00184895 at which all these functions vanish dWaWGXD4iVI-00869-00184896-00185175 okay and therefore t contained in z of y dWaWGXD4iVI-00870-00185176-00185326 of t is obvious dWaWGXD4iVI-00871-00185327-00185631 but more importantly dWaWGXD4iVI-00872-00185632-00185831 if dWaWGXD4iVI-00873-00185832-00186014 p is contained in dWaWGXD4iVI-00874-00186015-00186119 f dWaWGXD4iVI-00875-00186120-00186607 and f is closed dWaWGXD4iVI-00876-00186608-00186719 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00877-00186720-00186871 then what will happen is that you will dWaWGXD4iVI-00878-00186872-00186959 see dWaWGXD4iVI-00879-00186960-00187223 that dWaWGXD4iVI-00880-00187224-00187671 it will follow dWaWGXD4iVI-00881-00187672-00188063 that dWaWGXD4iVI-00882-00188064-00188414 z of i of t dWaWGXD4iVI-00883-00188415-00188750 is contained in f dWaWGXD4iVI-00884-00188751-00188847 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00885-00188848-00188999 what this means dWaWGXD4iVI-00886-00189000-00189095 is that dWaWGXD4iVI-00887-00189096-00189343 z of i of t because z of it is i of t is dWaWGXD4iVI-00888-00189344-00189543 already closed it means that z of i f t dWaWGXD4iVI-00889-00189544-00189678 is the smallest closed set which dWaWGXD4iVI-00890-00189679-00189807 contains t dWaWGXD4iVI-00891-00189808-00190031 it's a close set which contains t dWaWGXD4iVI-00892-00190032-00190135 and dWaWGXD4iVI-00893-00190136-00190302 z of i f t is a close set which contains dWaWGXD4iVI-00894-00190303-00190502 t and whenever some other close set dWaWGXD4iVI-00895-00190503-00190726 contains t dWaWGXD4iVI-00896-00190727-00190895 that close set also contains that of y dWaWGXD4iVI-00897-00190896-00191143 of t so this this implies dWaWGXD4iVI-00898-00191144-00191487 that z of i of t dWaWGXD4iVI-00899-00191488-00191638 is equal to dWaWGXD4iVI-00900-00191639-00191783 t bar dWaWGXD4iVI-00901-00191784-00191959 because by definition dWaWGXD4iVI-00902-00191960-00192135 the closure of a subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00903-00192136-00192231 is dWaWGXD4iVI-00904-00192232-00192423 the smallest closed set dWaWGXD4iVI-00905-00192424-00192654 which contains that subset and which you dWaWGXD4iVI-00906-00192655-00192750 can obtain dWaWGXD4iVI-00907-00192751-00192902 theoretically as the intersection of all dWaWGXD4iVI-00908-00192903-00193023 the close sets dWaWGXD4iVI-00909-00193024-00193183 which contain that subset dWaWGXD4iVI-00910-00193184-00193375 okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00911-00193376-00193463 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00912-00193464-00193623 so i think it is dWaWGXD4iVI-00913-00193624-00193759 so i have written it will follow that it dWaWGXD4iVI-00914-00193760-00193871 is something that you can very easily dWaWGXD4iVI-00915-00193872-00194087 check ok and dWaWGXD4iVI-00916-00194088-00194159 the dWaWGXD4iVI-00917-00194160-00194278 as for the dWaWGXD4iVI-00918-00194279-00194438 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00919-00194439-00194614 proof of dWaWGXD4iVI-00920-00194615-00194750 4 dWaWGXD4iVI-00921-00194751-00194847 well dWaWGXD4iVI-00922-00194848-00194959 um dWaWGXD4iVI-00923-00194960-00195175 so dWaWGXD4iVI-00924-00195176-00195423 one way is kind of ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00925-00195424-00195583 obvious and it is the other way which is dWaWGXD4iVI-00926-00195584-00195743 not obvious and which involves inverse dWaWGXD4iVI-00927-00195744-00195983 sensors ok so dWaWGXD4iVI-00928-00195984-00196471 you can see that i of z of s dWaWGXD4iVI-00929-00196472-00196647 is the same as i of dWaWGXD4iVI-00930-00196648-00197007 z of ideal generated by s dWaWGXD4iVI-00931-00197008-00197159 because dWaWGXD4iVI-00932-00197160-00197366 z of s and z of ideal generated by s are dWaWGXD4iVI-00933-00197367-00197463 the same dWaWGXD4iVI-00934-00197464-00197543 okay dWaWGXD4iVI-00935-00197544-00197647 and dWaWGXD4iVI-00936-00197648-00198014 i think dWaWGXD4iVI-00937-00198015-00198207 it is very it should be very clear dWaWGXD4iVI-00938-00198208-00198535 that dWaWGXD4iVI-00939-00198536-00198854 this contains dWaWGXD4iVI-00940-00198855-00199199 radical of s dWaWGXD4iVI-00941-00199200-00199343 this should be very clear dWaWGXD4iVI-00942-00199344-00199623 because you see dWaWGXD4iVI-00943-00199624-00199854 you what is an element of the radical of dWaWGXD4iVI-00944-00199855-00199975 s dWaWGXD4iVI-00945-00199976-00200150 ah radical of the ideal generated bias dWaWGXD4iVI-00946-00200151-00200335 it means dWaWGXD4iVI-00947-00200336-00200566 it is an element whose power dWaWGXD4iVI-00948-00200567-00200766 is in the ideal generated bias dWaWGXD4iVI-00949-00200767-00200887 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00950-00200888-00200990 and dWaWGXD4iVI-00951-00200991-00201190 that but any element in the ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00952-00201191-00201399 generated by s dWaWGXD4iVI-00953-00201400-00201502 will dWaWGXD4iVI-00954-00201503-00201759 be in this ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-00955-00201760-00201847 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00956-00201848-00202207 and therefore dWaWGXD4iVI-00957-00202208-00202343 it will be essentially an element that dWaWGXD4iVI-00958-00202344-00202495 will vanish dWaWGXD4iVI-00959-00202496-00202735 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00960-00202736-00202919 at every point of dWaWGXD4iVI-00961-00202920-00203071 z of s dWaWGXD4iVI-00962-00203072-00203271 ok and therefore dWaWGXD4iVI-00963-00203272-00203438 the element whose dWaWGXD4iVI-00964-00203439-00203702 you started with will also vanish dWaWGXD4iVI-00965-00203703-00203878 at dWaWGXD4iVI-00966-00203879-00204031 the points of zfs dWaWGXD4iVI-00967-00204032-00204238 so this will be obvious dWaWGXD4iVI-00968-00204239-00204438 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-00969-00204439-00204759 what is what is dWaWGXD4iVI-00970-00204760-00205014 what is more difficult is the other way dWaWGXD4iVI-00971-00205015-00205503 around dWaWGXD4iVI-00972-00205504-00205662 namely dWaWGXD4iVI-00973-00205663-00205871 if you started the function dWaWGXD4iVI-00974-00205871-00206119 which vanishes dWaWGXD4iVI-00975-00206119-00206319 at every point dWaWGXD4iVI-00976-00206319-00206519 of z of s dWaWGXD4iVI-00977-00206519-00206734 then some power of the function is dWaWGXD4iVI-00978-00206735-00206927 actually in the ideal generated bias dWaWGXD4iVI-00979-00206928-00207151 that is the non-trivial part and that is dWaWGXD4iVI-00980-00207152-00207303 precisely the dWaWGXD4iVI-00981-00207304-00207455 commutative algebra version of the dWaWGXD4iVI-00982-00207456-00207719 hilbert muslin sets ok so so let me dWaWGXD4iVI-00983-00207719-00207886 write that ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00984-00207887-00208271 this is this is obvious dWaWGXD4iVI-00985-00208271-00208486 since dWaWGXD4iVI-00986-00208487-00208846 f belongs to root of i mean ideal of dWaWGXD4iVI-00987-00208848-00208990 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00988-00208991-00209190 radical ideal generated by s dWaWGXD4iVI-00989-00209191-00209375 means dWaWGXD4iVI-00990-00209376-00209486 f power dWaWGXD4iVI-00991-00209487-00209791 r belongs to f power m dWaWGXD4iVI-00992-00209792-00209910 belongs to dWaWGXD4iVI-00993-00209911-00210191 radial ideal generated by s dWaWGXD4iVI-00994-00210192-00210342 this implies dWaWGXD4iVI-00995-00210344-00211106 which which implies dWaWGXD4iVI-00996-00211107-00211655 that um dWaWGXD4iVI-00997-00211656-00211951 f for m dWaWGXD4iVI-00998-00211952-00212279 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-00999-00212280-00212527 belongs to dWaWGXD4iVI-01000-00212528-00212942 to i of z of s dWaWGXD4iVI-01001-00212944-00213110 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01002-00213111-00213910 and dWaWGXD4iVI-01003-00213911-00214094 so in fact i should say dWaWGXD4iVI-01004-00214096-00214239 more importantly dWaWGXD4iVI-01005-00214240-00214542 not only this what it means is that dWaWGXD4iVI-01006-00214544-00214710 f power m belongs to dWaWGXD4iVI-01007-00214711-00214815 ok so dWaWGXD4iVI-01008-00214816-00215239 ah f prime vanishes dWaWGXD4iVI-01009-00215240-00215639 on on z of s dWaWGXD4iVI-01010-00215640-00215982 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01011-00215983-00216103 which dWaWGXD4iVI-01012-00216104-00216375 means dWaWGXD4iVI-01013-00216376-00216663 f vanishes dWaWGXD4iVI-01014-00216664-00217006 on z of x dWaWGXD4iVI-01015-00217007-00217334 ok so so so this this means dWaWGXD4iVI-01016-00217335-00217406 that dWaWGXD4iVI-01017-00217407-00217542 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-01018-00217544-00217710 i mean this means that if you start with dWaWGXD4iVI-01019-00217711-00217831 an f dWaWGXD4iVI-01020-00217832-00218103 in the radical of the ideal generated by dWaWGXD4iVI-01021-00218104-00218239 s dWaWGXD4iVI-01022-00218240-00218358 it has to be dWaWGXD4iVI-01023-00218359-00218551 in the ideal of z of s dWaWGXD4iVI-01024-00218552-00218806 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01025-00218807-00219151 so this is kind of dWaWGXD4iVI-01026-00219152-00219391 this is kind of obvious what is not dWaWGXD4iVI-01027-00219392-00219631 obvious is the following dWaWGXD4iVI-01028-00219632-00220071 conversely dWaWGXD4iVI-01029-00220071-00220310 ah if dWaWGXD4iVI-01030-00220311-00220406 f dWaWGXD4iVI-01031-00220407-00220839 is an i of z of s dWaWGXD4iVI-01032-00220840-00221006 that is dWaWGXD4iVI-01033-00221007-00221303 f vanishes dWaWGXD4iVI-01034-00221304-00221534 on z of s dWaWGXD4iVI-01035-00221535-00221719 then dWaWGXD4iVI-01036-00221719-00221846 f power m dWaWGXD4iVI-01037-00221848-00222046 belongs to s dWaWGXD4iVI-01038-00222048-00222446 for so let me add for some dWaWGXD4iVI-01039-00222448-00222551 m dWaWGXD4iVI-01040-00222552-00222855 greater than zero dWaWGXD4iVI-01041-00222856-00222991 due to the commutative algebraic version dWaWGXD4iVI-01042-00222992-00223303 of the hilbert services ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01043-00223304-00223415 so dWaWGXD4iVI-01044-00223416-00223519 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-01045-00223519-00223831 they so dWaWGXD4iVI-01046-00223832-00223975 so what is the community algebraic dWaWGXD4iVI-01047-00223976-00224279 question let me let me expand on that so dWaWGXD4iVI-01048-00224280-00224406 here is dWaWGXD4iVI-01049-00224407-00224663 filbert's dWaWGXD4iVI-01050-00224664-00225175 millstone sides dWaWGXD4iVI-01051-00225176-00225375 ah so this is the dWaWGXD4iVI-01052-00225376-00225655 this is what is called the strong form dWaWGXD4iVI-01053-00225656-00225831 strong form dWaWGXD4iVI-01054-00225832-00226967 commutative algebraic dWaWGXD4iVI-01055-00226967-00228171 ah if k is an algebraically close field dWaWGXD4iVI-01056-00228171-00228591 and ah dWaWGXD4iVI-01057-00228592-00228751 i dWaWGXD4iVI-01058-00228752-00228919 in k dWaWGXD4iVI-01059-00228919-00229239 x one etcetera x n dWaWGXD4iVI-01060-00229240-00229751 is a proper ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01061-00229752-00229846 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01062-00229848-00230231 then dWaWGXD4iVI-01063-00230232-00230406 the dWaWGXD4iVI-01064-00230407-00230534 ideal of dWaWGXD4iVI-01065-00230535-00230831 z of i dWaWGXD4iVI-01066-00230832-00231406 is contained in radii dWaWGXD4iVI-01067-00231407-00231551 this is the dWaWGXD4iVI-01068-00231552-00231782 this is the community algebra equation dWaWGXD4iVI-01069-00231783-00231894 in fact dWaWGXD4iVI-01070-00231896-00232094 we often say it as i of z phi equal to dWaWGXD4iVI-01071-00232096-00232263 rad i ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01072-00232264-00232439 but the fact that i of z of i contains dWaWGXD4iVI-01073-00232440-00232551 rad i dWaWGXD4iVI-01074-00232552-00232798 is something that is dWaWGXD4iVI-01075-00232800-00232942 obvious dWaWGXD4iVI-01076-00232944-00233039 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01077-00233040-00233239 but what is not obvious is dWaWGXD4iVI-01078-00233240-00233575 that i of z is contained in radii namely dWaWGXD4iVI-01079-00233576-00233806 if there is a function dWaWGXD4iVI-01080-00233807-00234063 which vanishes on z of i dWaWGXD4iVI-01081-00234064-00234334 then some power of the function dWaWGXD4iVI-01082-00234335-00234623 is in i dWaWGXD4iVI-01083-00234623-00234927 because radical of an ideal is just dWaWGXD4iVI-01084-00234928-00235191 all those elements some power of which dWaWGXD4iVI-01085-00235192-00235382 some positive integral power of which is dWaWGXD4iVI-01086-00235383-00235575 in the ideal and you can check that dWaWGXD4iVI-01087-00235576-00235951 thats a bigger ideal in fact ok and dWaWGXD4iVI-01088-00235952-00236151 what this says is that dWaWGXD4iVI-01089-00236152-00236391 if a function vanishes on the zero locus dWaWGXD4iVI-01090-00236392-00236542 of an ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01091-00236544-00236671 then dWaWGXD4iVI-01092-00236671-00236823 some power of the function has to be in dWaWGXD4iVI-01093-00236823-00237023 the ideal which means that function has dWaWGXD4iVI-01094-00237023-00237158 to be in there it may not be in the dWaWGXD4iVI-01095-00237159-00237271 ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01096-00237271-00237415 but some power is in the ideal therefore dWaWGXD4iVI-01097-00237416-00237534 the function is in the radical of the dWaWGXD4iVI-01098-00237535-00237631 idea dWaWGXD4iVI-01099-00237632-00237703 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01100-00237704-00237887 so if you think of the radical as dWaWGXD4iVI-01101-00237888-00238087 trying to expand the ideal by trying to dWaWGXD4iVI-01102-00238088-00238423 take all possible nth routes dWaWGXD4iVI-01103-00238423-00238767 of elements in the idea okay dWaWGXD4iVI-01104-00238767-00238894 so this is the hilbert's knowledge and dWaWGXD4iVI-01105-00238896-00239055 sets this is the community algebraic dWaWGXD4iVI-01106-00239056-00239142 form dWaWGXD4iVI-01107-00239144-00239534 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01108-00239535-00239846 oh yeah so ah as as one of the students dWaWGXD4iVI-01109-00239848-00240351 rightly points out ah maybe dWaWGXD4iVI-01110-00240352-00240423 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01111-00240423-00240591 so let me make the correction right from dWaWGXD4iVI-01112-00240592-00240671 here dWaWGXD4iVI-01113-00240671-00240830 let me call this dWaWGXD4iVI-01114-00240831-00241087 let me use a script i dWaWGXD4iVI-01115-00241088-00241167 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01116-00241167-00241263 for the dWaWGXD4iVI-01117-00241264-00241382 for going from this direction to this dWaWGXD4iVI-01118-00241383-00241671 direction so i will change this script i dWaWGXD4iVI-01119-00241671-00241782 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01120-00241783-00241958 so that dWaWGXD4iVI-01121-00241959-00242215 things become far better so this changes dWaWGXD4iVI-01122-00242216-00242446 to script i dWaWGXD4iVI-01123-00242448-00242742 this changes to script type dWaWGXD4iVI-01124-00242744-00243046 and this changes the script type dWaWGXD4iVI-01125-00243048-00243534 so does this dWaWGXD4iVI-01126-00243535-00243742 yeah so dWaWGXD4iVI-01127-00243744-00243863 its dWaWGXD4iVI-01128-00243864-00244303 it its a dWaWGXD4iVI-01129-00244304-00244439 lot more helpful to have this kind of dWaWGXD4iVI-01130-00244440-00244646 notation which does not confuse dWaWGXD4iVI-01131-00244648-00245894 so i change it everywhere dWaWGXD4iVI-01132-00245896-00246087 yeah of course the statement here that f dWaWGXD4iVI-01133-00246088-00246391 power m is in the ideal generated by s dWaWGXD4iVI-01134-00246392-00246655 for some m greater than zero is another dWaWGXD4iVI-01135-00246656-00246798 way of saying that f is in the radical dWaWGXD4iVI-01136-00246800-00247006 ideal generated by s which is what we dWaWGXD4iVI-01137-00247007-00247246 want for the other for the other ah dWaWGXD4iVI-01138-00247248-00247430 inclusion ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01139-00247431-00247655 and here let me dWaWGXD4iVI-01140-00247656-00247958 let me put script right here so that dWaWGXD4iVI-01141-00247959-00248127 it becomes better dWaWGXD4iVI-01142-00248128-00248239 to read dWaWGXD4iVI-01143-00248240-00248382 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01144-00248383-00248694 and you know dWaWGXD4iVI-01145-00248696-00248958 you see i i gave a so called weak form dWaWGXD4iVI-01146-00248959-00249167 of the hilbert north sunsets dWaWGXD4iVI-01147-00249167-00249375 ok what was the weak form the weak form dWaWGXD4iVI-01148-00249376-00249494 was dWaWGXD4iVI-01149-00249496-00249727 the assurance that so long as an ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01150-00249728-00249982 is not the unit ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01151-00249983-00250175 the zero set defined by the ideal is dWaWGXD4iVI-01152-00250176-00250358 going to be non empty dWaWGXD4iVI-01153-00250359-00250446 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01154-00250448-00250630 and that weak form can be deduced from dWaWGXD4iVI-01155-00250631-00251030 this strong form as follows dWaWGXD4iVI-01156-00251031-00251191 if an ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01157-00251192-00251367 is not the unit ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01158-00251367-00251542 then that translates dWaWGXD4iVI-01159-00251544-00251679 to the fact that the radical of the dWaWGXD4iVI-01160-00251680-00251927 ideal is not also a unit ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01161-00251928-00252127 ok and ideal is you you can check that dWaWGXD4iVI-01162-00252128-00252358 the ideal is a is a unit ideal an ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01163-00252359-00252591 is a unit ideal namely the whole ring if dWaWGXD4iVI-01164-00252592-00252758 and only if the radical of the ideal is dWaWGXD4iVI-01165-00252759-00253103 also a unit l the reason is because if dWaWGXD4iVI-01166-00253104-00253246 because of the fact that if a power of dWaWGXD4iVI-01167-00253248-00253398 an element is unit dWaWGXD4iVI-01168-00253400-00253551 then that element itself has to be a dWaWGXD4iVI-01169-00253552-00253671 unit dWaWGXD4iVI-01170-00253671-00253934 okay so dWaWGXD4iVI-01171-00253935-00254046 i dWaWGXD4iVI-01172-00254048-00254239 not being the unit ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01173-00254240-00254455 ah i being the dWaWGXD4iVI-01174-00254456-00254687 i being the ideal is the same as radical dWaWGXD4iVI-01175-00254688-00254855 five being the unit ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01176-00254856-00254951 okay dWaWGXD4iVI-01177-00254952-00255175 and dWaWGXD4iVI-01178-00255176-00255303 then of course dWaWGXD4iVI-01179-00255304-00255663 you see dWaWGXD4iVI-01180-00255664-00255951 if e z of i dWaWGXD4iVI-01181-00255952-00256167 is empty dWaWGXD4iVI-01182-00256167-00256406 okay if set of i is empty then the ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01183-00256407-00256694 of the empty set is a whole ring dWaWGXD4iVI-01184-00256696-00256903 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01185-00256904-00257151 so if you assume that dWaWGXD4iVI-01186-00257152-00257439 i is not a unit not a unit ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01187-00257440-00257567 then you will get a contradiction from dWaWGXD4iVI-01188-00257567-00257839 this if z of i is empty so you should dWaWGXD4iVI-01189-00257840-00258015 read it dWaWGXD4iVI-01190-00258016-00258175 in fact dWaWGXD4iVI-01191-00258176-00258734 you should read it with equality dWaWGXD4iVI-01192-00258735-00258975 ok because the other inclusion is dWaWGXD4iVI-01193-00258976-00259110 obvious dWaWGXD4iVI-01194-00259111-00259455 so this strong form of the ah dWaWGXD4iVI-01195-00259456-00259727 hilbert snool silencers does ensure that dWaWGXD4iVI-01196-00259728-00259927 you know so long as i is not the unit dWaWGXD4iVI-01197-00259928-00260030 ideal dWaWGXD4iVI-01198-00260031-00260246 the the zero set is non empty dWaWGXD4iVI-01199-00260248-00260567 ok so that is how the strong form dWaWGXD4iVI-01200-00260567-00260767 gives the so called weak form dWaWGXD4iVI-01201-00260767-00260934 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01202-00260935-00261223 so what one needs to know is dWaWGXD4iVI-01203-00261223-00261406 you know since you have dWaWGXD4iVI-01204-00261407-00261646 two associations going in two directions dWaWGXD4iVI-01205-00261648-00261839 you would like to make this dWaWGXD4iVI-01206-00261840-00262039 ah into you would like to see this as a dWaWGXD4iVI-01207-00262040-00262343 bijective you know equivalence dWaWGXD4iVI-01208-00262344-00262534 and its obvious that you will have to dWaWGXD4iVI-01209-00262535-00262679 restrict the subsets here and the dWaWGXD4iVI-01210-00262680-00262855 subsets there dWaWGXD4iVI-01211-00262856-00263079 and what we are going to do next is dWaWGXD4iVI-01212-00263080-00263215 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-01213-00263216-00263463 is to to go towards that dWaWGXD4iVI-01214-00263464-00263623 ok so dWaWGXD4iVI-01215-00263624-00264175 the dWaWGXD4iVI-01216-00264176-00264471 see the problem is on both sides dWaWGXD4iVI-01217-00264472-00264703 the arrows are not injected dWaWGXD4iVI-01218-00264704-00264871 the associations are not injected for dWaWGXD4iVI-01219-00264872-00264975 example dWaWGXD4iVI-01220-00264976-00265167 you know if i take dWaWGXD4iVI-01221-00265168-00265415 an ideal i dWaWGXD4iVI-01222-00265416-00265687 and if i take the radical of the ideal i dWaWGXD4iVI-01223-00265688-00265934 they both go to the same thing here dWaWGXD4iVI-01224-00265935-00266279 ok so if i if i take i here dWaWGXD4iVI-01225-00266280-00266534 ah if i take i here which is contained dWaWGXD4iVI-01226-00266535-00266767 in its radical every ideal is of course dWaWGXD4iVI-01227-00266768-00266919 contained in its radical dWaWGXD4iVI-01228-00266920-00267095 okay dWaWGXD4iVI-01229-00267096-00267295 then both of these things they go to the dWaWGXD4iVI-01230-00267296-00267471 same thing dWaWGXD4iVI-01231-00267472-00268279 the zero sets are the same dWaWGXD4iVI-01232-00268280-00268479 the zero sets are the same dWaWGXD4iVI-01233-00268480-00268710 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01234-00268711-00268879 so you have two different things going dWaWGXD4iVI-01235-00268880-00269134 to the same thing here ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01236-00269135-00269303 so to avoid this dWaWGXD4iVI-01237-00269304-00269455 what you will expect is that on this dWaWGXD4iVI-01238-00269456-00269710 side you should replace dWaWGXD4iVI-01239-00269711-00269910 ideals by radical ideas dWaWGXD4iVI-01240-00269911-00270143 ok not just look at all ideas first of dWaWGXD4iVI-01241-00270144-00270406 all not look at all subsets dWaWGXD4iVI-01242-00270407-00270591 you pass from subsets to ideals and then dWaWGXD4iVI-01243-00270592-00270727 do not just look at ideals look at dWaWGXD4iVI-01244-00270728-00271055 radical ideas dWaWGXD4iVI-01245-00271056-00271143 then dWaWGXD4iVI-01246-00271144-00271263 you see dWaWGXD4iVI-01247-00271264-00271430 that you can expect that this kind of a dWaWGXD4iVI-01248-00271431-00271623 thing does not happen ok so on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-01249-00271624-00271903 you put radical ideals right dWaWGXD4iVI-01250-00271904-00272182 and on this side you put close sides dWaWGXD4iVI-01251-00272183-00272415 then the then it is a fact that this is dWaWGXD4iVI-01252-00272416-00272487 a dWaWGXD4iVI-01253-00272488-00272734 its a bijective correspondence dWaWGXD4iVI-01254-00272735-00272839 so dWaWGXD4iVI-01255-00272840-00273055 radical ideals on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-01256-00273056-00273375 and close subsets on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-01257-00273376-00273551 is the first layer of the dWaWGXD4iVI-01258-00273552-00273727 bijective correspondence dWaWGXD4iVI-01259-00273728-00273839 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01260-00273840-00274055 and dWaWGXD4iVI-01261-00274056-00274247 the other important thing is dWaWGXD4iVI-01262-00274248-00274375 you know dWaWGXD4iVI-01263-00274376-00274463 this dWaWGXD4iVI-01264-00274464-00274679 this statement about dWaWGXD4iVI-01265-00274680-00274919 inclusions being reversed dWaWGXD4iVI-01266-00274920-00275206 what it tells you is that dWaWGXD4iVI-01267-00275207-00275430 as the ideals become bigger the zero dWaWGXD4iVI-01268-00275431-00275606 sets become smaller dWaWGXD4iVI-01269-00275607-00275751 ok so dWaWGXD4iVI-01270-00275752-00275934 in fact dWaWGXD4iVI-01271-00275935-00276103 when i say ideas become bigger it is dWaWGXD4iVI-01272-00276104-00276310 with respect to inclusion and you know dWaWGXD4iVI-01273-00276311-00276447 the biggest ideas with respect to the dWaWGXD4iVI-01274-00276448-00276606 inclusion non-trivial ideas with respect dWaWGXD4iVI-01275-00276607-00276775 to inclusion are the maximal ideals so dWaWGXD4iVI-01276-00276776-00276975 what you can imagine is that the biggest dWaWGXD4iVI-01277-00276976-00277215 ones on this side are the maximal ideals dWaWGXD4iVI-01278-00277216-00277510 and they will correspond to the smallest dWaWGXD4iVI-01279-00277511-00277703 sets on this side and what do you expect dWaWGXD4iVI-01280-00277704-00277943 them to be they will be points dWaWGXD4iVI-01281-00277944-00278143 okay so what will happen is dWaWGXD4iVI-01282-00278144-00278223 that dWaWGXD4iVI-01283-00278224-00278319 the dWaWGXD4iVI-01284-00278320-00278471 the biggest ideals here the maximum dWaWGXD4iVI-01285-00278472-00278663 ideals they correspond to the smaller dWaWGXD4iVI-01286-00278664-00278958 sets here which are the points dWaWGXD4iVI-01287-00278959-00279079 and it is again dWaWGXD4iVI-01288-00279080-00279158 ah dWaWGXD4iVI-01289-00279159-00279391 corollary of the hilbert multistats and dWaWGXD4iVI-01290-00279392-00279582 all all this machinery that we have dWaWGXD4iVI-01291-00279583-00279782 built up that dWaWGXD4iVI-01292-00279783-00279982 the set of points dWaWGXD4iVI-01293-00279983-00280127 in the find space dWaWGXD4iVI-01294-00280128-00280295 can be simply identified to the set of dWaWGXD4iVI-01295-00280296-00280463 maximal ideals dWaWGXD4iVI-01296-00280464-00280575 in the dWaWGXD4iVI-01297-00280576-00280758 in this competitive ring dWaWGXD4iVI-01298-00280759-00280910 ok dWaWGXD4iVI-01299-00280911-00281151 and dWaWGXD4iVI-01300-00281152-00281327 the beautiful thing is so therefore you dWaWGXD4iVI-01301-00281328-00281430 know dWaWGXD4iVI-01302-00281431-00281687 you are able to see the set of points dWaWGXD4iVI-01303-00281688-00281830 here dWaWGXD4iVI-01304-00281831-00281975 which is geometric dWaWGXD4iVI-01305-00281976-00282151 as again dWaWGXD4iVI-01306-00282152-00282334 a set of points there dWaWGXD4iVI-01307-00282335-00282606 but these are not actually points here dWaWGXD4iVI-01308-00282607-00282743 you have to form dWaWGXD4iVI-01309-00282744-00282991 another space called the maximal dWaWGXD4iVI-01310-00282992-00283110 spectrum dWaWGXD4iVI-01311-00283111-00283319 the maximal spectrum of ring dWaWGXD4iVI-01312-00283320-00283495 is a set which contains all the maximal dWaWGXD4iVI-01313-00283496-00283679 ideals of the ring dWaWGXD4iVI-01314-00283680-00283887 and dWaWGXD4iVI-01315-00283888-00284006 the fact is dWaWGXD4iVI-01316-00284007-00284327 if you take the maximal spectrum of this dWaWGXD4iVI-01317-00284328-00284519 polynomial ring what you get back is a dWaWGXD4iVI-01318-00284520-00284639 fine space dWaWGXD4iVI-01319-00284640-00284967 ok but this is getting it back as a set dWaWGXD4iVI-01320-00284968-00285247 the truth is it does not stop there dWaWGXD4iVI-01321-00285248-00285430 the truth is that on this maximal dWaWGXD4iVI-01322-00285431-00285575 spectrum here dWaWGXD4iVI-01323-00285576-00285863 there is a zero esc topology dWaWGXD4iVI-01324-00285864-00286206 and if you take that zerusky topology dWaWGXD4iVI-01325-00286207-00286471 and and give that topological structure dWaWGXD4iVI-01326-00286472-00286671 to the maximum spectrum then that dWaWGXD4iVI-01327-00286672-00286839 topological space becomes homeomorphic dWaWGXD4iVI-01328-00286840-00286999 to this dWaWGXD4iVI-01329-00287000-00287158 so its not just a dWaWGXD4iVI-01330-00287159-00287382 bijective correspondence dWaWGXD4iVI-01331-00287383-00287582 but its a topological homium option so dWaWGXD4iVI-01332-00287583-00287671 you see dWaWGXD4iVI-01333-00287672-00287767 the dWaWGXD4iVI-01334-00287768-00288006 in conclusion what is happening is that dWaWGXD4iVI-01335-00288007-00288182 you have finally managed dWaWGXD4iVI-01336-00288183-00288495 to completely rub off the geometric side dWaWGXD4iVI-01337-00288496-00288630 and obtain it completely using dWaWGXD4iVI-01338-00288631-00288830 competitiveness so you see your affine dWaWGXD4iVI-01339-00288831-00288934 space dWaWGXD4iVI-01340-00288935-00289239 along with this rsk topology dWaWGXD4iVI-01341-00289240-00289391 can be completely forgotten and you can dWaWGXD4iVI-01342-00289392-00289591 recover it only from the competitive dWaWGXD4iVI-01343-00289592-00289734 algebra side dWaWGXD4iVI-01344-00289735-00289882 by doing what dWaWGXD4iVI-01345-00289883-00290199 by taking the so called maximal spectrum dWaWGXD4iVI-01346-00290200-00290358 of this commutative ring dWaWGXD4iVI-01347-00290359-00290487 which means take the set of all its dWaWGXD4iVI-01348-00290488-00290791 maximal ideals and on that maximal dWaWGXD4iVI-01349-00290792-00290975 spectrum impose the so called zerisky dWaWGXD4iVI-01350-00290976-00291134 topology there is a zerosky topology on dWaWGXD4iVI-01351-00291135-00291263 this side there is something called dWaWGXD4iVI-01352-00291264-00291487 ascii topology on any ring in on any dWaWGXD4iVI-01353-00291488-00291647 community ring which you would have come dWaWGXD4iVI-01354-00291648-00291767 across in a course in competitive dWaWGXD4iVI-01355-00291768-00292015 algebra but anyway i will recall it and dWaWGXD4iVI-01356-00292016-00292151 if you the fact is if you put the dWaWGXD4iVI-01357-00292152-00292303 topology on this dWaWGXD4iVI-01358-00292304-00292503 on the maximum spectrum dWaWGXD4iVI-01359-00292504-00292710 amazingly you get back your find space dWaWGXD4iVI-01360-00292711-00292879 so the beauty you see the beauty of the dWaWGXD4iVI-01361-00292880-00293015 dictionary is that i am able to see the dWaWGXD4iVI-01362-00293016-00293191 affine space on this side dWaWGXD4iVI-01363-00293192-00293430 without ever going to that side dWaWGXD4iVI-01364-00293431-00293758 so you see this is the kind of dWaWGXD4iVI-01365-00293759-00293879 you know dWaWGXD4iVI-01366-00293880-00294087 translation that one is able to do dWaWGXD4iVI-01367-00294088-00294279 and then there are there are there are dWaWGXD4iVI-01368-00294280-00294454 many more things that happen on this dWaWGXD4iVI-01369-00294455-00294710 side that that can be seen here and vice dWaWGXD4iVI-01370-00294711-00294958 versa ok so this discussion will will dWaWGXD4iVI-01371-00294959-00295134 proceed in that direction okay so i will dWaWGXD4iVI-01372-00295135-00295679 continue in the next lecture dWaWGXD4iVI-01373-00295680-00295888 you dXmcmKSm-EA-00000-00000006-00000179 is there anything you want to tell me dXmcmKSm-EA-00001-00000180-00000374 about her something bothering you in dXmcmKSm-EA-00002-00000375-00000668 some way like what head have you done dXmcmKSm-EA-00003-00000669-00000788 anything you might be embarrassed about dXmcmKSm-EA-00004-00000789-00001203 her have you done things bad recently dXmcmKSm-EA-00005-00001204-00001478 anything wrong wrong dXmcmKSm-EA-00006-00001479-00001735 yes doin wrong you remember right and dXmcmKSm-EA-00007-00001736-00001852 wrong the difference between the two dXmcmKSm-EA-00008-00001853-00002234 page one of how to be a Catholic dXsxuRwTKxU-00000-00000050-00000391 Split Rock Lighthouse State Park is a dXsxuRwTKxU-00001-00000392-00000668 state park of Minnesota on the north dXsxuRwTKxU-00002-00000669-00001087 shore of Lake Superior it is best known dXsxuRwTKxU-00003-00001088-00001291 for the picturesque Split Rock dXsxuRwTKxU-00004-00001292-00001584 Lighthouse one of the most photographed dXsxuRwTKxU-00005-00001585-00002042 lighthouses in the United States built dXsxuRwTKxU-00006-00002043-00002335 by the United States lighthouse service dXsxuRwTKxU-00007-00002336-00002696 in 1910 the lighthouse and some adjacent dXsxuRwTKxU-00008-00002697-00002968 buildings have been restored and the dXsxuRwTKxU-00009-00002969-00003290 Minnesota Historical Society operates dXsxuRwTKxU-00010-00003290-00003913 them as a museum the 2,200 acre 890 dXsxuRwTKxU-00011-00003914-00004295 hectares State Park offers a unique cart dXsxuRwTKxU-00012-00004296-00004601 in campground and scenic trails for dXsxuRwTKxU-00013-00004602-00004854 hiking cross-country skiing and dXsxuRwTKxU-00014-00004855-00005508 bicycling dXsxuRwTKxU-00015-00005509-00006144 topic Natural History dXsxuRwTKxU-00016-00006145-00006488 you dXsxuRwTKxU-00017-00006489-00007070 topic geography dXsxuRwTKxU-00018-00007072-00007345 Split Rock Lighthouse State Park dXsxuRwTKxU-00019-00007347-00007737 encompasses about four miles 6.4 dXsxuRwTKxU-00020-00007738-00008052 kilometres of rocky shoreline on Lake dXsxuRwTKxU-00021-00008053-00008295 Superior with several prominent dXsxuRwTKxU-00022-00008296-00008679 headlands named features of the shore dXsxuRwTKxU-00023-00008680-00008994 from Southwest to Northeast are the dXsxuRwTKxU-00024-00008995-00009306 mouth of the Split Rock River split rock dXsxuRwTKxU-00025-00009307-00009690 point crazy Bay corundum point the mouth dXsxuRwTKxU-00026-00009691-00010053 of split Rock Creek day hill little to dXsxuRwTKxU-00027-00010054-00010353 harbors Stony Point site of the dXsxuRwTKxU-00028-00010354-00010668 lighthouse and gold rock point the name dXsxuRwTKxU-00029-00010669-00010926 little to harbors comes from the dXsxuRwTKxU-00030-00010927-00011213 division of the inlet by a small island dXsxuRwTKxU-00031-00011214-00011562 formerly a tombolo and refers to the dXsxuRwTKxU-00032-00011563-00011835 city of Two Harbors farther down the dXsxuRwTKxU-00033-00011836-00012243 shore there are two shallow sea caves at dXsxuRwTKxU-00034-00012244-00012528 the base of Stoney Point the east and dXsxuRwTKxU-00035-00012529-00012789 west branches of the Split Rock River dXsxuRwTKxU-00036-00012790-00013125 not to be confused with split Rock Creek dXsxuRwTKxU-00037-00013126-00013476 join in the park there are ten dXsxuRwTKxU-00038-00013477-00013761 waterfalls on the river although because dXsxuRwTKxU-00039-00013762-00014034 they can only be reached by a moderate dXsxuRwTKxU-00040-00014035-00014355 hike on the superior hiking trail and dXsxuRwTKxU-00041-00014356-00014625 are not marked on park maps they are dXsxuRwTKxU-00042-00014626-00015265 lightly visited dXsxuRwTKxU-00043-00015266-00015835 topic geology dXsxuRwTKxU-00044-00015836-00016150 much of the shore of Lake Superior as dXsxuRwTKxU-00045-00016151-00016408 made of basalt erupted from the Mid dXsxuRwTKxU-00046-00016409-00016705 Continent rift system when the middle of dXsxuRwTKxU-00047-00016706-00017004 the North American plate began to crack dXsxuRwTKxU-00048-00017005-00017491 1.1 billion years ago in a small tract dXsxuRwTKxU-00049-00017492-00017800 that include Split Rock Lighthouse State dXsxuRwTKxU-00050-00017801-00018127 Park additional magma intruded into the dXsxuRwTKxU-00051-00018128-00018412 basalt and cooled underground into a dXsxuRwTKxU-00052-00018413-00018826 harder rock called diabase these flows dXsxuRwTKxU-00053-00018827-00019120 also carried with them blocks of a North dXsxuRwTKxU-00054-00019121-00019429 asite an even harder rock from the base dXsxuRwTKxU-00055-00019430-00019666 of the Earth's crust which became dXsxuRwTKxU-00056-00019667-00020019 interspersed randomly in the diabase dXsxuRwTKxU-00057-00020020-00020338 three large blocks of an ortho site dXsxuRwTKxU-00058-00020339-00020692 formed corundum point day Hill and stony dXsxuRwTKxU-00059-00020693-00021031 point beneath the lighthouse in the dXsxuRwTKxU-00060-00021032-00021322 southwest portion of the park another dXsxuRwTKxU-00061-00021323-00021699 eruption formed a layer of red rhyolite dXsxuRwTKxU-00062-00021700-00022051 the rhyolite has eroded into several dXsxuRwTKxU-00063-00022052-00022375 natural pillars and forms the walls of dXsxuRwTKxU-00064-00022376-00022690 the Split Rock River Gorge beginning two dXsxuRwTKxU-00065-00022691-00022972 million years ago a series of glacial dXsxuRwTKxU-00066-00022973-00023293 periods repeatedly covered the region dXsxuRwTKxU-00067-00023294-00023563 with ice scouring the bedrock and dXsxuRwTKxU-00068-00023564-00023962 scooping out a Great Basin the glaciers dXsxuRwTKxU-00069-00023963-00024271 and later meltwater wore away less dXsxuRwTKxU-00070-00024272-00024604 resistant rock leaving behind hills and dXsxuRwTKxU-00071-00024605-00024868 ridges of the harder' diabase and the dXsxuRwTKxU-00072-00024869-00025213 north the site at the end of the last dXsxuRwTKxU-00073-00025214-00025516 glacial period the basin filled with dXsxuRwTKxU-00074-00025517-00025933 meltwater the water level fluctuated dXsxuRwTKxU-00075-00025933-00026269 significantly over time due to blockages dXsxuRwTKxU-00076-00026270-00026677 of the outlet and post-glacial rebound dXsxuRwTKxU-00077-00026679-00026947 the high-water glacial Lake Duluth dXsxuRwTKxU-00078-00026948-00027275 deposited clay sediments inland while dXsxuRwTKxU-00079-00027276-00027625 later lower precursors of Lake Superior dXsxuRwTKxU-00080-00027626-00028461 eroded Bluffs and beach terraces dXsxuRwTKxU-00081-00028462-00029070 topic flora and fauna dXsxuRwTKxU-00082-00029071-00029391 the park was originally forested with dXsxuRwTKxU-00083-00029392-00029760 red and white pine however these were dXsxuRwTKxU-00084-00029761-00029994 heavily logged at the beginning of the dXsxuRwTKxU-00085-00029995-00030300 20th century and wildfires sweeping dXsxuRwTKxU-00086-00030301-00030510 through the cutover land dXsxuRwTKxU-00087-00030511-00030760 killed many of the remaining saplings dXsxuRwTKxU-00088-00030761-00031197 and seedlings today the vegetation is dXsxuRwTKxU-00089-00031198-00031554 primarily birch with some spruce fir and dXsxuRwTKxU-00090-00031555-00031866 ash trees mammals found in the park dXsxuRwTKxU-00091-00031867-00032181 include white-tailed deer moose dXsxuRwTKxU-00092-00032182-00032592 black bears raccoons snowshoe hares red dXsxuRwTKxU-00093-00032593-00033068 foxes Bobcats and Canadian Lynx's a dXsxuRwTKxU-00094-00033069-00033390 colony of beavers lives on the split dXsxuRwTKxU-00095-00033391-00033754 rock river birds include herring gulls dXsxuRwTKxU-00096-00033755-00034220 common loons and a variety of songbirds dXsxuRwTKxU-00097-00034221-00034548 peregrine falcons nest on the lakeside dXsxuRwTKxU-00098-00034549-00035127 cliffs dXsxuRwTKxU-00099-00035128-00035766 topic cultural history dXsxuRwTKxU-00100-00035767-00036109 you dXsxuRwTKxU-00101-00036110-00036709 topic early history dXsxuRwTKxU-00102-00036710-00037009 several vestiges of early twentieth dXsxuRwTKxU-00103-00037010-00037371 century industry are visible in the park dXsxuRwTKxU-00104-00037372-00037717 the first white settlement in the split dXsxuRwTKxU-00105-00037718-00038020 rock area was little to harbors a dXsxuRwTKxU-00106-00038021-00038314 commercial fishing village populated dXsxuRwTKxU-00107-00038315-00038740 largely by Norwegian immigrants the men dXsxuRwTKxU-00108-00038741-00038956 of the village fished for trout dXsxuRwTKxU-00109-00038957-00039382 whitefish and herring from 16 to 18 foot dXsxuRwTKxU-00110-00039383-00039793 skiffs in the fall and winter little too dXsxuRwTKxU-00111-00039794-00040156 harbors was inhabited until 1925 dXsxuRwTKxU-00112-00040157-00040474 although in later years only four or dXsxuRwTKxU-00113-00040475-00040815 five residents lived there year-round dXsxuRwTKxU-00114-00040816-00041173 cement foundations of houses and fish dXsxuRwTKxU-00115-00041174-00041497 processing buildings remain a logging dXsxuRwTKxU-00116-00041498-00041803 camp known as split rock existed at the dXsxuRwTKxU-00117-00041804-00042148 mouth of the split rock river from 1899 dXsxuRwTKxU-00118-00042149-00042709 to 1906 pilings from their Dam and Wharf dXsxuRwTKxU-00119-00042710-00043038 are still visible jutting from the water dXsxuRwTKxU-00120-00043039-00043390 the meril logging trail follows the dXsxuRwTKxU-00121-00043391-00043711 route of their 10-mile 16 kilometers dXsxuRwTKxU-00122-00043712-00044239 rail line in 1901 a prospector from dXsxuRwTKxU-00123-00044240-00044560 Duluth miss identified the outcrops of dXsxuRwTKxU-00124-00044561-00044791 the North the site as corundum an dXsxuRwTKxU-00125-00044792-00045124 extremely hard mineral valuable as an dXsxuRwTKxU-00126-00045125-00045505 industrial abrasive three years later dXsxuRwTKxU-00127-00045506-00045820 the North Shore abrasives company set up dXsxuRwTKxU-00128-00045821-00046192 mining operations on corundum point but dXsxuRwTKxU-00129-00046193-00046528 abandoned the site in 1908 when their dXsxuRwTKxU-00130-00046529-00046815 product was found to be inadequate dXsxuRwTKxU-00131-00046816-00047158 they're crushing house burned down in a dXsxuRwTKxU-00132-00047159-00047515 forest fire in 1910 but it's concrete dXsxuRwTKxU-00133-00047516-00047830 footings remain another remnant from dXsxuRwTKxU-00134-00047831-00048075 this period as a finely crafted dXsxuRwTKxU-00135-00048076-00048427 freestanding stone fireplace atop day dXsxuRwTKxU-00136-00048428-00048829 hill according to local legend it was dXsxuRwTKxU-00137-00048830-00049183 the start of a house built around 1900 dXsxuRwTKxU-00138-00049184-00049513 by Frank day a businessman from Duluth dXsxuRwTKxU-00139-00049514-00049819 for himself and his sweetheart but dXsxuRwTKxU-00140-00049820-00050038 abandoned when she did not risk dXsxuRwTKxU-00141-00050039-00050686 Brigade his love dXsxuRwTKxU-00142-00050687-00051350 topic Split Rock Lighthouse dXsxuRwTKxU-00143-00051351-00051667 three violent storms struck the Great dXsxuRwTKxU-00144-00051669-00052168 Lakes in November 1905 killing 116 dXsxuRwTKxU-00145-00052169-00052598 sailors one the Mott office storm of dXsxuRwTKxU-00146-00052599-00053017 November 28th damaged nearly 30 ships on dXsxuRwTKxU-00147-00053019-00053362 Lake Superior two ships were wrecked dXsxuRwTKxU-00148-00053363-00053701 against the future parks shore the steel dXsxuRwTKxU-00149-00053702-00054023 steamboat William Eden born and a barge dXsxuRwTKxU-00150-00054024-00054430 it was towing the Madeira the Eden born dXsxuRwTKxU-00151-00054432-00054712 was beached far ashore at the mouth of dXsxuRwTKxU-00152-00054713-00055018 the Split Rock River and later salvaged dXsxuRwTKxU-00153-00055019-00055328 but one of the 25 crew members was dXsxuRwTKxU-00154-00055329-00055717 killed the Madeira with ten men aboard dXsxuRwTKxU-00155-00055719-00056024 drifted North East until violent waves dXsxuRwTKxU-00156-00056025-00056338 began smashing her against the cliffs of dXsxuRwTKxU-00157-00056339-00056719 gold Rock point crewmen Fred Benson dXsxuRwTKxU-00158-00056720-00057053 managed to leap onto the rocks and scale dXsxuRwTKxU-00159-00057054-00057357 the cliff in the midst of the snowstorm dXsxuRwTKxU-00160-00057358-00057728 the first mate was swept overboard and dXsxuRwTKxU-00161-00057729-00058037 drowned but Benson was able to lower a dXsxuRwTKxU-00162-00058038-00058304 rope and pull the other eight crew to dXsxuRwTKxU-00163-00058304-00058736 safety the Madeira sank in pieces at the dXsxuRwTKxU-00164-00058737-00058985 foot of gold rock while the crewmen dXsxuRwTKxU-00165-00058986-00059266 suffering from exposure and frostbite dXsxuRwTKxU-00166-00059267-00059585 found shelter with local fishermen and dXsxuRwTKxU-00167-00059586-00059996 loggers both crews were picked up two dXsxuRwTKxU-00168-00059997-00060473 days later by the tugboat Edna gee the dXsxuRwTKxU-00169-00060474-00060700 shipping companies that had sustained dXsxuRwTKxU-00170-00060701-00061034 losses in the storms lobbied the federal dXsxuRwTKxU-00171-00061035-00061306 government for an expanded system of dXsxuRwTKxU-00172-00061307-00061666 navigational aids on the Great Lakes dXsxuRwTKxU-00173-00061666-00061979 besides the Eden born and the Madeira dXsxuRwTKxU-00174-00061979-00062297 five other ships had been damaged within dXsxuRwTKxU-00175-00062298-00062662 a dozen miles of the Split Rock River a dXsxuRwTKxU-00176-00062663-00063001 signal in that area was at the top of dXsxuRwTKxU-00177-00063002-00063320 the industry's list of demands dXsxuRwTKxU-00178-00063321-00063602 the site ultimately selected for the dXsxuRwTKxU-00179-00063603-00064045 lighthouse and fog signal was 2.5 miles dXsxuRwTKxU-00180-00064046-00064415 4.0 kilometers northeast of the Split dXsxuRwTKxU-00181-00064416-00064847 Rock River on Stoney Point there were no dXsxuRwTKxU-00182-00064848-00065080 roads yet up the North Shore dXsxuRwTKxU-00183-00065082-00065348 so all construction materials were dXsxuRwTKxU-00184-00065349-00065639 brought in by barge and hoisted up the dXsxuRwTKxU-00185-00065640-00065876 cliff with a derrick and a steam-powered dXsxuRwTKxU-00186-00065877-00066362 hoist by mid summer 1910 work was dXsxuRwTKxU-00187-00066363-00066572 complete on the lighthouse dXsxuRwTKxU-00188-00066573-00066887 foghorn building and three houses for dXsxuRwTKxU-00189-00066888-00067118 the lighthouse keepers the derrick dXsxuRwTKxU-00190-00067119-00067382 remained the only way to bring supplies dXsxuRwTKxU-00191-00067383-00067676 up the cliff until the lighthouse staff dXsxuRwTKxU-00192-00067677-00068261 built a tramway in 1915 16 the station dXsxuRwTKxU-00193-00068262-00068624 finally became accessible by a road now dXsxuRwTKxU-00194-00068625-00069043 Minnesota State Highway 61 completed in dXsxuRwTKxU-00195-00069044-00069530 1929 five years later a crew from the dXsxuRwTKxU-00196-00069531-00069866 Civilian Conservation Corps built a new dXsxuRwTKxU-00197-00069867-00070163 access road and lighthouse tenders were dXsxuRwTKxU-00198-00070164-00070403 provided with a truck to bring in dXsxuRwTKxU-00199-00070404-00070595 supplies by land dXsxuRwTKxU-00200-00070596-00070871 so the tramway was dismantled the dXsxuRwTKxU-00201-00070872-00071243 picturesque lighthouse perched on a 130 dXsxuRwTKxU-00202-00071244-00071492 foot cliff overlooking the world's dXsxuRwTKxU-00203-00071493-00071771 largest lake began attracting small dXsxuRwTKxU-00204-00071772-00072059 numbers of visitors within weeks of its dXsxuRwTKxU-00205-00072060-00072425 opening however the completion of dXsxuRwTKxU-00206-00072426-00072740 highway 61 opened the floodgates to dXsxuRwTKxU-00207-00072741-00073309 tourism in 1938 it was estimated that dXsxuRwTKxU-00208-00073310-00073661 100,000 visitors stopped by five times dXsxuRwTKxU-00209-00073662-00073918 more than any other federally operated dXsxuRwTKxU-00210-00073919-00074246 lighthouse some of the lighthouse dXsxuRwTKxU-00211-00074247-00074615 keepers children opened a souvenir stand dXsxuRwTKxU-00212-00074616-00074914 just outside the station entrance in dXsxuRwTKxU-00213-00074915-00075133 1941 dXsxuRwTKxU-00214-00075134-00075460 both the u.s. lighthouse service and the dXsxuRwTKxU-00215-00075461-00075886 US Coast Guard which absorbed it in 1939 dXsxuRwTKxU-00216-00075887-00076216 were obliged to add seasonal staff to dXsxuRwTKxU-00217-00076217-00076753 help conduct tours topic State Park dXsxuRwTKxU-00218-00076754-00077215 creation in 1945 Clarence our Magni a dXsxuRwTKxU-00219-00077216-00077530 former mayor of duluth turned Associate dXsxuRwTKxU-00220-00077531-00077812 Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court dXsxuRwTKxU-00221-00077813-00078118 noticed a sign near the baptism river dXsxuRwTKxU-00222-00078119-00078442 reading lake and river frontages for dXsxuRwTKxU-00223-00078443-00078790 sale a staunch advocate of public lands dXsxuRwTKxU-00224-00078791-00078928 on the North Shore dXsxuRwTKxU-00225-00078929-00079210 Magne determined to protect some of this dXsxuRwTKxU-00226-00079211-00079476 land from the development boom that dXsxuRwTKxU-00227-00079477-00079757 would accompany the end of World War two dXsxuRwTKxU-00228-00079758-00080170 at this time gooseberry Falls was the dXsxuRwTKxU-00229-00080171-00080440 only Minnesota state park on Lake dXsxuRwTKxU-00230-00080441-00080935 Superior a bill promoted by Magni easily dXsxuRwTKxU-00231-00080936-00081204 passed in the Minnesota Legislature dXsxuRwTKxU-00232-00081205-00081544 creating both Baptism River State Park dXsxuRwTKxU-00233-00081545-00081850 now Teddy goosh State Park and split dXsxuRwTKxU-00234-00081851-00082417 Rock State Scenic wayside the 35-acre 14 dXsxuRwTKxU-00235-00082418-00082750 hectares wayside consisted of a hill dXsxuRwTKxU-00236-00082751-00082951 offering a view of the Split Rock dXsxuRwTKxU-00237-00082952-00083293 Lighthouse due to its popularity with dXsxuRwTKxU-00238-00083294-00083554 tourists the lighthouse was kept dXsxuRwTKxU-00239-00083555-00083859 operating well after radar and other dXsxuRwTKxU-00240-00083860-00084216 technology had rendered it obsolete dXsxuRwTKxU-00241-00084217-00084697 however by 1967 the Coast Guard was dXsxuRwTKxU-00242-00084698-00084993 considering decommissioning the station dXsxuRwTKxU-00243-00084994-00085381 the state legislature acted to expand dXsxuRwTKxU-00244-00085382-00085684 the wayside into a full-fledged state dXsxuRwTKxU-00245-00085685-00086110 park including the lighthouse itself the dXsxuRwTKxU-00246-00086111-00086506 station was officially closed in 1969 dXsxuRwTKxU-00247-00086507-00086956 after 59 years of service under the dXsxuRwTKxU-00248-00086957-00087253 surplus property act the grounds and dXsxuRwTKxU-00249-00087254-00087507 buildings were transferred to the state dXsxuRwTKxU-00250-00087508-00087838 of Minnesota for free to be operated as dXsxuRwTKxU-00251-00087839-00088140 a Historic Site the state parks division dXsxuRwTKxU-00252-00088141-00088435 developed an entrance station dXsxuRwTKxU-00253-00088436-00088831 NIC grounds roads and trails the dXsxuRwTKxU-00254-00088832-00089157 Minnesota Historical Society took over dXsxuRwTKxU-00255-00089158-00089501 management of the lighthouse station in dXsxuRwTKxU-00256-00089502-00089994 1976 over the next decade they restored dXsxuRwTKxU-00257-00089995-00090286 several buildings to their 1920 dXsxuRwTKxU-00258-00090287-00090634 appearance and constructed a 1.2 million dXsxuRwTKxU-00259-00090635-00091100 dollars History Center meanwhile from dXsxuRwTKxU-00260-00091101-00091551 1984 to 1990 the State Park spent five dXsxuRwTKxU-00261-00091552-00091861 hundred fifty five thousand dollars to dXsxuRwTKxU-00262-00091862-00092119 improve the recreational facilities dXsxuRwTKxU-00263-00092120-00092500 including a new access road picnic area dXsxuRwTKxU-00264-00092501-00092794 and all season trail shelter and an dXsxuRwTKxU-00265-00092795-00093132 expanded trail system they also dXsxuRwTKxU-00266-00093133-00093486 developed the park's first campground an dXsxuRwTKxU-00267-00093487-00093790 unconventional design in which campers dXsxuRwTKxU-00268-00093791-00094048 wheel their equipment to their sites in dXsxuRwTKxU-00269-00094049-00094354 carts provided by the park the split dXsxuRwTKxU-00270-00094355-00094675 rock trading post just outside and dXsxuRwTKxU-00271-00094676-00094917 unaffiliated with the state park dXsxuRwTKxU-00272-00094918-00095440 operated from 1960 up to 1999 when it dXsxuRwTKxU-00273-00095441-00095848 burned down in a fire in addition to a dXsxuRwTKxU-00274-00095849-00096190 kitschy gift shop this tourist trap once dXsxuRwTKxU-00275-00096191-00096550 boasted live bears in cages the anchor dXsxuRwTKxU-00276-00096551-00096775 of the Madeira and a wooden Tower dXsxuRwTKxU-00277-00096776-00097017 offering a view of the lighthouse dXsxuRwTKxU-00278-00097018-00097354 goldrock point the headland just north dXsxuRwTKxU-00279-00097355-00097630 of the lighthouse was not originally dXsxuRwTKxU-00280-00097631-00098149 part of the State Park in 1997 it was dXsxuRwTKxU-00281-00098150-00098418 purchased from its private owners by the dXsxuRwTKxU-00282-00098419-00098790 parks and trails Council of Minnesota an dXsxuRwTKxU-00283-00098791-00099109 organization founded by Clarence Magni dXsxuRwTKxU-00284-00099110-00099424 among others to buy and hold worthy dXsxuRwTKxU-00285-00099425-00099750 properties until state legislation can dXsxuRwTKxU-00286-00099751-00100088 authorize their public acquisition dXsxuRwTKxU-00287-00100089-00100444 the next year Nadine Blacklock a nature dXsxuRwTKxU-00288-00100445-00100727 photographer and president of the parks dXsxuRwTKxU-00289-00100728-00101051 and trails Council was killed in a car dXsxuRwTKxU-00290-00101052-00101351 accident just outside the north end of dXsxuRwTKxU-00291-00101352-00101717 the park the council and the black clock dXsxuRwTKxU-00292-00101718-00102086 nature sanctuary an art and conservation dXsxuRwTKxU-00293-00102087-00102383 nonprofit organization she and her dXsxuRwTKxU-00294-00102384-00102707 family had founded jointly purchased ad dXsxuRwTKxU-00295-00102708-00103111 acres 32 hectares of land around the dXsxuRwTKxU-00296-00103113-00103706 accident site 43 acres 17 hectares were dXsxuRwTKxU-00297-00103707-00103979 transferred to the State Park while the dXsxuRwTKxU-00298-00103980-00104270 remainder with an existing one-bedroom dXsxuRwTKxU-00299-00104271-00104608 cabin is managed by the Blacklock nature dXsxuRwTKxU-00300-00104609-00105014 sanctuary as an artist's retreat the dXsxuRwTKxU-00301-00105015-00105266 additions were developed with access dXsxuRwTKxU-00302-00105267-00105569 features for Madeira rect divers and the dXsxuRwTKxU-00303-00105570-00105848 get she gammy State Trail a paved dXsxuRwTKxU-00304-00105849-00106166 bicycling route in development along the dXsxuRwTKxU-00305-00106167-00106794 North Shore dXsxuRwTKxU-00306-00106795-00107394 topic recreation dXsxuRwTKxU-00307-00107395-00107733 Split Rock Lighthouse State Park has a dXsxuRwTKxU-00308-00107733-00108252 unique cart in campground with 26 and a dXsxuRwTKxU-00309-00108253-00108621 modern restroom campers leave their dXsxuRwTKxU-00310-00108622-00108935 vehicles in a parking lot and used two dXsxuRwTKxU-00311-00108936-00109230 wheeled carts provided by the park to dXsxuRwTKxU-00312-00109231-00109484 carry their equipment a short distance dXsxuRwTKxU-00313-00109485-00109848 to their site there are four backpack dXsxuRwTKxU-00314-00109849-00110193 campsites along the shore two accessible dXsxuRwTKxU-00315-00110194-00110630 to sea kayakers conventional drive-in dXsxuRwTKxU-00316-00110631-00110916 campgrounds managed by the State Park dXsxuRwTKxU-00317-00110917-00111240 are available in two state forests in dXsxuRwTKxU-00318-00111241-00111633 the area an expansion of the state park dXsxuRwTKxU-00319-00111633-00111966 campground to include sixty drive-in dXsxuRwTKxU-00320-00111967-00112310 sites has been approved and construction dXsxuRwTKxU-00321-00112311-00112634 may begin in summer 2010 the park dXsxuRwTKxU-00322-00112635-00113051 contains 14.5 miles dXsxuRwTKxU-00323-00113052-00113420 23.3 kilometers of trails for hiking dXsxuRwTKxU-00324-00113421-00113756 bicycling and cross-country skiing dXsxuRwTKxU-00325-00113757-00114096 there are several overlooks providing dXsxuRwTKxU-00326-00114097-00114306 views of the lighthouse and Lake dXsxuRwTKxU-00327-00114307-00114705 Superior a paved section of the geechie dXsxuRwTKxU-00328-00114706-00115017 Gami State Trail runs through the park dXsxuRwTKxU-00329-00115018-00115302 near the shore while the superior hiking dXsxuRwTKxU-00330-00115303-00115650 trail runs inland and skirts both the dXsxuRwTKxU-00331-00115651-00115979 Split Rock River and split Rock Creek dXsxuRwTKxU-00332-00115980-00116370 there is a lakeshore picnic area and two dXsxuRwTKxU-00333-00116371-00116635 picnic shelters one open year-round dXsxuRwTKxU-00334-00116636-00117054 water recreation includes boating sea dXsxuRwTKxU-00335-00117055-00117321 kayaking and fishing for lake trout dXsxuRwTKxU-00336-00117322-00117681 salmon and brown trout dXsxuRwTKxU-00337-00117682-00117978 the park also provides scuba-diving dXsxuRwTKxU-00338-00117979-00118296 access to the Madeira wreck which is on dXsxuRwTKxU-00339-00118297-00118688 the National Register of Historic Places dXsxuRwTKxU-00340-00118689-00119036 divers can also see parts of the Madeira dXsxuRwTKxU-00341-00119038-00119307 in little - harbors where they were dXsxuRwTKxU-00342-00119308-00119745 dumped in 1974 after an aborted salvage dXsxuRwTKxU-00343-00119746-00120185 operation underwater artifacts from the dXsxuRwTKxU-00344-00120186-00120461 settlements of split Rock and little - dXsxuRwTKxU-00345-00120463-00120732 harbours can be seen in their respective dXsxuRwTKxU-00346-00120733-00120990 bays dZj6G4bSq8Y-00000-00000000-00000245 hi everyone today I would like to show dZj6G4bSq8Y-00001-00000246-00000419 you the industrial Solutions with gum dZj6G4bSq8Y-00002-00000420-00000743 from estimate Electronics SC recently dZj6G4bSq8Y-00003-00000744-00000928 released in the market to families of dZj6G4bSq8Y-00004-00000930-00001195 system in package based on government dZj6G4bSq8Y-00005-00001196-00001511 family having two gun transistors enough dZj6G4bSq8Y-00006-00001512-00001739 Bridge configuration and embedded dZj6G4bSq8Y-00007-00001739-00002051 Outreach driver in BCD technology to dZj6G4bSq8Y-00008-00002052-00002249 approach power conversion topologies dZj6G4bSq8Y-00009-00002250-00002542 like resonant LLC converters or active dZj6G4bSq8Y-00010-00002543-00002873 plan flyback and Viper gun family being dZj6G4bSq8Y-00011-00002874-00003076 offline converters for quasi resonant dZj6G4bSq8Y-00012-00003077-00003311 flyback with gun switch and patroller in dZj6G4bSq8Y-00013-00003311-00003472 Loosely technology dZj6G4bSq8Y-00014-00003473-00003749 both these families are suitable also dZj6G4bSq8Y-00015-00003750-00004054 for offline usbpd Chargers since gun dZj6G4bSq8Y-00016-00004055-00004253 technology enables to increase the dZj6G4bSq8Y-00017-00004254-00004433 switching frequency allowing dZj6G4bSq8Y-00018-00004434-00004727 miniaturization still keeping very high dZj6G4bSq8Y-00019-00004728-00005081 efficiency today at pcim we show the new dZj6G4bSq8Y-00020-00005082-00005501 140 watt usbpd 3.1 charger whose power dZj6G4bSq8Y-00021-00005502-00005722 supply primary stage is an Arctic plane dZj6G4bSq8Y-00022-00005723-00005963 flyback with Master gun 1. the control dZj6G4bSq8Y-00023-00005964-00006334 is realized by our sd-1 HP an all-in-one dZj6G4bSq8Y-00024-00006335-00006539 digital controller it manages both dZj6G4bSq8Y-00025-00006540-00006731 primary side and secondary side of the dZj6G4bSq8Y-00026-00006731-00006953 power supply thanks to embedded the dZj6G4bSq8Y-00027-00006954-00007228 galvanic isolation but also the usbpd dZj6G4bSq8Y-00028-00007229-00007583 stack the solution achieves 25 watts per dZj6G4bSq8Y-00029-00007584-00007828 cubic inch power density and more than dZj6G4bSq8Y-00030-00007829-00008056 94 efficiency dZj6G4bSq8Y-00031-00008058-00008333 Viper gun family is versatile and can be dZj6G4bSq8Y-00032-00008334-00008531 used also use the compact industrial dZj6G4bSq8Y-00033-00008532-00008849 power supplies up to 100 Watts here you dZj6G4bSq8Y-00034-00008850-00009053 can see a 50 watt quasi resonant power dZj6G4bSq8Y-00035-00009054-00009292 supply with gun based on our Viper gun dZj6G4bSq8Y-00036-00009293-00009706 50. last but not least Electronics is dZj6G4bSq8Y-00037-00009707-00009964 strongly investing to have a wide family dZj6G4bSq8Y-00038-00009965-00010264 of discrete gun fats power gun family dZj6G4bSq8Y-00039-00010265-00010564 and dedicated gun drivers both have dZj6G4bSq8Y-00040-00010565-00010841 Bridge drivers have to drive G6 family dZj6G4bSq8Y-00041-00010842-00011135 and single isolated drivers as the Gap dZj6G4bSq8Y-00042-00011136-00011363 2G family in order to give the full dZj6G4bSq8Y-00043-00011364-00011542 flexibility to address different dZj6G4bSq8Y-00044-00011543-00011837 applications topologies and Power Ranges dZj6G4bSq8Y-00045-00011838-00012185 here at pcim we show a 1.2 kilowatt dZj6G4bSq8Y-00046-00012186-00012413 totem pole PFC working in continuous dZj6G4bSq8Y-00047-00012414-00012664 conduction mode operation with our 65 dZj6G4bSq8Y-00048-00012665-00012929 million gun fat and isolated driver as dZj6G4bSq8Y-00049-00012930-00013291 the Gap 2gn with close to 99 efficiency dZj6G4bSq8Y-00050-00013291-00013565 and also a three-phase out breach with dZj6G4bSq8Y-00051-00013566-00013805 our gun fat and our Outreach driver dZj6G4bSq8Y-00052-00013806-00014165 forgan acid drive g611 to test the dZj6G4bSq8Y-00053-00014166-00014447 benefits of gun also in motive control dZj6G4bSq8Y-00054-00014447-00014956 foreign dZj6G4bSq8Y-00055-00014957-00015271 [Music] dZj6G4bSq8Y-00056-00015272-00015776 office talk to you soon bye dZLpVS9DXFk-00000-00000300-00000688 hey hello everybody do you hear me do dZLpVS9DXFk-00001-00000689-00001043 you see me dZLpVS9DXFk-00002-00001044-00001378 so welcome after the Christmas break uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00003-00001379-00001625 today the room was only open dZLpVS9DXFk-00004-00001626-00001943 briefly before the dZLpVS9DXFk-00005-00001944-00002176 the class that's why we had a little dZLpVS9DXFk-00006-00002177-00002273 delay dZLpVS9DXFk-00007-00002274-00002525 so I hope you are doing well dZLpVS9DXFk-00008-00002526-00002795 thank you Florian I have a number of dZLpVS9DXFk-00009-00002796-00003071 collaborators who helped me here dZLpVS9DXFk-00010-00003072-00003215 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00011-00003215-00003575 we are in lecture number 10. dZLpVS9DXFk-00012-00003576-00004120 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00013-00004121-00004399 our title is still dZLpVS9DXFk-00014-00004400-00004901 differential equations dZLpVS9DXFk-00015-00004902-00005117 actually I think I never told you what dZLpVS9DXFk-00016-00005118-00005363 function means here dZLpVS9DXFk-00017-00005364-00005602 but this is to increase the dZLpVS9DXFk-00018-00005603-00005815 excitement dZLpVS9DXFk-00019-00005816-00006469 and we are in number 10 dZLpVS9DXFk-00020-00006470-00006646 January dZLpVS9DXFk-00021-00006647-00007109 today the 12th dZLpVS9DXFk-00022-00007109-00007360 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00023-00007361-00007505 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00024-00007506-00007787 what is the program today we will talk dZLpVS9DXFk-00025-00007788-00007901 about dZLpVS9DXFk-00026-00007902-00008063 Peak curvature dZLpVS9DXFk-00027-00008064-00008327 characteristic p and characteristic zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00028-00008328-00008633 and we will revise a little bit what we dZLpVS9DXFk-00029-00008634-00008789 have done up to now dZLpVS9DXFk-00030-00008790-00008963 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00031-00008964-00009323 what is the setting we have as always we dZLpVS9DXFk-00032-00009324-00009605 have k a field dZLpVS9DXFk-00033-00009606-00009863 at the beginning k will be arbitrary but dZLpVS9DXFk-00034-00009864-00010013 later dZLpVS9DXFk-00035-00010014-00010327 we will take either key dZLpVS9DXFk-00036-00010328-00010691 or k equals Q Alpha dZLpVS9DXFk-00037-00010692-00011046 a number field dZLpVS9DXFk-00038-00011047-00011387 so this will be the characteristic zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00039-00011388-00011801 situation dZLpVS9DXFk-00040-00011802-00012017 or dZLpVS9DXFk-00041-00012018-00012227 K is dZLpVS9DXFk-00042-00012228-00012455 f p dZLpVS9DXFk-00043-00012456-00012833 or extension dZLpVS9DXFk-00044-00012834-00013313 of FP and this would be characteristic dZLpVS9DXFk-00045-00013313-00013535 p dZLpVS9DXFk-00046-00013536-00013888 so whenever we have a Q we may reduce dZLpVS9DXFk-00047-00013890-00014171 modulo P provided that all involve dZLpVS9DXFk-00048-00014172-00014513 denominators are not divisible by P and dZLpVS9DXFk-00049-00014513-00014836 that's what we are going to do dZLpVS9DXFk-00050-00014837-00015227 Okay so dZLpVS9DXFk-00051-00015228-00015413 let me lb dZLpVS9DXFk-00052-00015413-00015571 so I will dZLpVS9DXFk-00053-00015572-00015988 I will work just in this polynomial or dZLpVS9DXFk-00054-00015990-00016222 rational coefficients dZLpVS9DXFk-00055-00016223-00016408 there dZLpVS9DXFk-00056-00016409-00016636 we could also think here of power series dZLpVS9DXFk-00057-00016637-00016913 but we don't need it we write as always dZLpVS9DXFk-00058-00016914-00017494 L equals a n Del n plus a n minus 1 we dZLpVS9DXFk-00059-00017495-00017741 have seen this now 25 times dZLpVS9DXFk-00060-00017742-00018208 plus A1 Del plus a zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00061-00018209-00018713 a i in k x dZLpVS9DXFk-00062-00018714-00019036 our differential operator dZLpVS9DXFk-00063-00019037-00019403 differential operator dZLpVS9DXFk-00064-00019404-00019600 of order dZLpVS9DXFk-00065-00019601-00019750 n dZLpVS9DXFk-00066-00019751-00020080 okay and then we get from this dZLpVS9DXFk-00067-00020081-00020386 differential equation dZLpVS9DXFk-00068-00020387-00020717 l y equals 0 and we are interested in dZLpVS9DXFk-00069-00020718-00020950 the solutions dZLpVS9DXFk-00070-00020951-00021257 Solutions dZLpVS9DXFk-00071-00021258-00021580 y equals y of x dZLpVS9DXFk-00072-00021581-00021899 and of course we have to dZLpVS9DXFk-00073-00021900-00022169 we know that the space of solutions is a dZLpVS9DXFk-00074-00022170-00022289 vector space dZLpVS9DXFk-00075-00022290-00022655 but we have to be careful uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00076-00022656-00023728 over what field so the solution space dZLpVS9DXFk-00077-00023729-00023891 is dZLpVS9DXFk-00078-00023892-00024286 a vector space dZLpVS9DXFk-00079-00024287-00024713 of dimension dZLpVS9DXFk-00080-00024714-00025013 typically if you look at the right space dZLpVS9DXFk-00081-00025014-00025313 of functions of Dimension N is a vector dZLpVS9DXFk-00082-00025314-00025558 space over dZLpVS9DXFk-00083-00025559-00025744 the field dZLpVS9DXFk-00084-00025745-00026140 of constants dZLpVS9DXFk-00085-00026141-00026357 and dZLpVS9DXFk-00086-00026358-00026590 we know already that we have to allow dZLpVS9DXFk-00087-00026591-00026758 policy Solutions and maybe even dZLpVS9DXFk-00088-00026760-00027089 logarithms so the constants are very dZLpVS9DXFk-00089-00027089-00027281 different according to the dZLpVS9DXFk-00090-00027282-00027724 characteristic so in characteristic zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00091-00027725-00028096 this is just K but in positive dZLpVS9DXFk-00092-00028097-00028312 characteristic dZLpVS9DXFk-00093-00028313-00028679 we can take power series dZLpVS9DXFk-00094-00028680-00028924 n x to the p dZLpVS9DXFk-00095-00028925-00029062 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00096-00029063-00029429 here I don't consider the Z yet dZLpVS9DXFk-00097-00029430-00029662 without dZLpVS9DXFk-00098-00029663-00030040 eye for the moment dZLpVS9DXFk-00099-00030041-00030305 you remember that I played the role of dZLpVS9DXFk-00100-00030306-00030545 the logarithms okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00101-00030545-00030773 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00102-00030774-00031018 this is the outset dZLpVS9DXFk-00103-00031019-00031324 and as you have certainly already heard dZLpVS9DXFk-00104-00031325-00031714 and maybe seen in other occasions dZLpVS9DXFk-00105-00031716-00032152 you can rewrite your differential dZLpVS9DXFk-00106-00032154-00032458 equation also as a system of first order dZLpVS9DXFk-00107-00032460-00032639 equation so dZLpVS9DXFk-00108-00032639-00033011 associate dZLpVS9DXFk-00109-00033012-00033293 to l y equals zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00110-00033294-00033677 A first order system dZLpVS9DXFk-00111-00033678-00033881 I think I did this at the beginning of dZLpVS9DXFk-00112-00033882-00034151 the class but I never did it in detail dZLpVS9DXFk-00113-00034152-00034535 the first order system now I will write dZLpVS9DXFk-00114-00034536-00035135 y Prime capital Y A times y dZLpVS9DXFk-00115-00035136-00035509 where dZLpVS9DXFk-00116-00035510-00035789 Y is now dZLpVS9DXFk-00117-00035790-00036131 a vector of variables dZLpVS9DXFk-00118-00036132-00036383 and I take it as a column to have this dZLpVS9DXFk-00119-00036384-00036652 matrix multiplication dZLpVS9DXFk-00120-00036653-00036802 vector dZLpVS9DXFk-00121-00036803-00037211 of variables dZLpVS9DXFk-00122-00037212-00037415 and a dZLpVS9DXFk-00123-00037416-00037835 is an N by n Matrix dZLpVS9DXFk-00124-00037836-00038099 with coefficients polynomials or dZLpVS9DXFk-00125-00038100-00038261 rational functions dZLpVS9DXFk-00126-00038262-00038651 okay Matrix dZLpVS9DXFk-00127-00038652-00039118 now how do you go from L to a dZLpVS9DXFk-00128-00039119-00039496 so sometimes I will write this as a sub dZLpVS9DXFk-00129-00039497-00040343 L and call it the companion Matrix dZLpVS9DXFk-00130-00040344-00040565 of L dZLpVS9DXFk-00131-00040566-00040852 so let's trick you have seen in your dZLpVS9DXFk-00132-00040853-00041093 Elementary classes on differential dZLpVS9DXFk-00133-00041094-00041629 equations you take y1 equals y dZLpVS9DXFk-00134-00041630-00041945 Y2 equals y Prime dZLpVS9DXFk-00135-00041946-00042449 and capital y n equals y n minus 1 dZLpVS9DXFk-00136-00042450-00042959 and then the Al has a following shape dZLpVS9DXFk-00137-00042960-00043246 you will have zeros dZLpVS9DXFk-00138-00043247-00043559 here then on the first diagonal you have dZLpVS9DXFk-00139-00043560-00043973 once you have zero above dZLpVS9DXFk-00140-00043974-00044212 and below dZLpVS9DXFk-00141-00044213-00044405 here you have I think I wrote this dZLpVS9DXFk-00142-00044406-00044537 already dZLpVS9DXFk-00143-00044538-00044735 how do I want to write it I want to dZLpVS9DXFk-00144-00044736-00044933 write it b0 dZLpVS9DXFk-00145-00044934-00045473 up to b n minus 1. dZLpVS9DXFk-00146-00045474-00045821 and the bi are just you have to take dZLpVS9DXFk-00147-00045822-00046007 care if you count the coefficients dZLpVS9DXFk-00148-00046008-00046355 starting with n over zero but here if dZLpVS9DXFk-00149-00046356-00046693 I'm not mistaken the bi dZLpVS9DXFk-00150-00046694-00047261 is minus a i over a n dZLpVS9DXFk-00151-00047262-00047621 okay so this is again an element in dZLpVS9DXFk-00152-00047622-00047962 cakes of course a n is non-zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00153-00047963-00048274 so this is a very special shape of dZLpVS9DXFk-00154-00048275-00048407 Matrix dZLpVS9DXFk-00155-00048408-00048623 and of course whenever you have a dZLpVS9DXFk-00156-00048624-00049007 solution of L of y equals zero you will dZLpVS9DXFk-00157-00049008-00049373 get a solution of y capital Y Prime dZLpVS9DXFk-00158-00049374-00050099 equals a y so clear dZLpVS9DXFk-00159-00050100-00050285 every dZLpVS9DXFk-00160-00050286-00050512 solution dZLpVS9DXFk-00161-00050513-00050645 of dZLpVS9DXFk-00162-00050646-00050939 l y equals zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00163-00050940-00051275 will yield dZLpVS9DXFk-00164-00051276-00051616 a solution dZLpVS9DXFk-00165-00051617-00051779 of dZLpVS9DXFk-00166-00051779-00052199 y Prime equals a y I I will use the dZLpVS9DXFk-00167-00052200-00052390 system a little bit later on that's why dZLpVS9DXFk-00168-00052391-00052547 I introduce it again dZLpVS9DXFk-00169-00052548-00052666 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00170-00052667-00053141 now dZLpVS9DXFk-00171-00053141-00053338 we have taken here this very special dZLpVS9DXFk-00172-00053339-00053537 Matrix dZLpVS9DXFk-00173-00053538-00053807 uh but of course we could think of this dZLpVS9DXFk-00174-00053808-00054125 equation here y Prime equals a y for any dZLpVS9DXFk-00175-00054126-00054400 Matrix a with dZLpVS9DXFk-00176-00054401-00054766 entries rational functions no dZLpVS9DXFk-00177-00054767-00054988 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00178-00054989-00055253 uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00179-00055254-00055925 more generally dZLpVS9DXFk-00180-00055926-00056123 take dZLpVS9DXFk-00181-00056124-00056459 any a in MN dZLpVS9DXFk-00182-00056460-00056879 KX dZLpVS9DXFk-00183-00056879-00057413 and consider dZLpVS9DXFk-00184-00057414-00057947 y Prime equals a y dZLpVS9DXFk-00185-00057948-00058180 as a system dZLpVS9DXFk-00186-00058182-00058600 as a first order dZLpVS9DXFk-00187-00058601-00058876 system can you read here let me check dZLpVS9DXFk-00188-00058877-00059399 yeah yeah approximately okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00189-00059400-00059669 so some of you have been already in my dZLpVS9DXFk-00190-00059670-00059987 class two years ago so we were did this dZLpVS9DXFk-00191-00059988-00060215 and I will put it in the notes with dZLpVS9DXFk-00192-00060216-00060563 with more details I will just sketch dZLpVS9DXFk-00193-00060564-00060766 here what is going on dZLpVS9DXFk-00194-00060767-00060982 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00195-00060983-00061313 we seize it from the this I call l y dZLpVS9DXFk-00196-00061314-00061619 equals zero let me call this a scalar dZLpVS9DXFk-00197-00061620-00062104 differential equation excuse me do dZLpVS9DXFk-00198-00062105-00062453 did you have a wine Prime equals a y dZLpVS9DXFk-00199-00062454-00062579 here dZLpVS9DXFk-00200-00062579-00062879 is there a line in the Rings because if dZLpVS9DXFk-00201-00062879-00063041 so I can see dZLpVS9DXFk-00202-00063041-00063335 yes as a first order system it is dZLpVS9DXFk-00203-00063336-00063671 written we it's not so necessary so you dZLpVS9DXFk-00204-00063672-00063923 I will yeah dZLpVS9DXFk-00205-00063924-00064115 thank you dZLpVS9DXFk-00206-00064116-00064300 you just consider this system of dZLpVS9DXFk-00207-00064301-00064726 equation yeah so dZLpVS9DXFk-00208-00064727-00064925 the question is if you take now is this dZLpVS9DXFk-00209-00064926-00065182 a general system like this whether it dZLpVS9DXFk-00210-00065183-00065500 comes from this color equation now dZLpVS9DXFk-00211-00065501-00065626 uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00212-00065627-00065885 if we look at this here dZLpVS9DXFk-00213-00065886-00066163 we get an operator dZLpVS9DXFk-00214-00066164-00066575 our node dZLpVS9DXFk-00215-00066576-00067021 if we write dZLpVS9DXFk-00216-00067022-00067450 Del minus a dZLpVS9DXFk-00217-00067451-00067738 we can have this act let's take trust dZLpVS9DXFk-00218-00067739-00068063 power series but vectors of power series dZLpVS9DXFk-00219-00068064-00068200 and dZLpVS9DXFk-00220-00068201-00068500 or Laura series dZLpVS9DXFk-00221-00068501-00068644 and dZLpVS9DXFk-00222-00068645-00068981 let me call this gamma dZLpVS9DXFk-00223-00068982-00069755 excuse me dZLpVS9DXFk-00224-00069756-00070241 so this map here is linear dZLpVS9DXFk-00225-00070242-00070475 and it is called dZLpVS9DXFk-00226-00070476-00070756 is called dZLpVS9DXFk-00227-00070757-00071171 a connection dZLpVS9DXFk-00228-00071172-00071323 on dZLpVS9DXFk-00229-00071324-00071537 the k dZLpVS9DXFk-00230-00071538-00072137 X module dZLpVS9DXFk-00231-00072138-00072341 KX dZLpVS9DXFk-00232-00072342-00072509 to the end dZLpVS9DXFk-00233-00072510-00072899 what is the definition of connection dZLpVS9DXFk-00234-00072900-00073019 uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00235-00073020-00073187 if you take dZLpVS9DXFk-00236-00073188-00073475 G dZLpVS9DXFk-00237-00073476-00073799 in KX dZLpVS9DXFk-00238-00073800-00074099 and as a vector dZLpVS9DXFk-00239-00074100-00074291 of this module dZLpVS9DXFk-00240-00074292-00074513 then gamma dZLpVS9DXFk-00241-00074514-00074741 of G times f dZLpVS9DXFk-00242-00074742-00075149 is you just to Del here now acts on each dZLpVS9DXFk-00243-00075150-00075400 component and a is matrix multiplication dZLpVS9DXFk-00244-00075401-00075719 so you get G Prime f dZLpVS9DXFk-00245-00075720-00075965 plus G dZLpVS9DXFk-00246-00075966-00076385 the gamma of f easy to check dZLpVS9DXFk-00247-00076386-00076582 I leave it to you dZLpVS9DXFk-00248-00076583-00077009 that's a linear map a k linear map dZLpVS9DXFk-00249-00077010-00077182 with this property is called the dZLpVS9DXFk-00250-00077183-00077369 connection on this module dZLpVS9DXFk-00251-00077370-00077567 and then you know already from linear dZLpVS9DXFk-00252-00077568-00077705 algebra dZLpVS9DXFk-00253-00077706-00077926 you don't want to look at these modules dZLpVS9DXFk-00254-00077927-00078173 with a given basis here we have dZLpVS9DXFk-00255-00078174-00078449 considered with y1 up to y n the dZLpVS9DXFk-00256-00078450-00078694 standard basis we could take any basis dZLpVS9DXFk-00257-00078695-00078982 here so if we take any basis dZLpVS9DXFk-00258-00078983-00079144 then dZLpVS9DXFk-00259-00079145-00079529 we in some sense we our map here becomes dZLpVS9DXFk-00260-00079530-00079894 basis independent and the following dZLpVS9DXFk-00261-00079895-00079997 happens dZLpVS9DXFk-00262-00079998-00080219 uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00263-00080220-00080687 if we apply here a base change dZLpVS9DXFk-00264-00080688-00080981 very strange dZLpVS9DXFk-00265-00080982-00081100 in dZLpVS9DXFk-00266-00081101-00081875 k x to the N corresponds dZLpVS9DXFk-00267-00081876-00082397 to a matrix P which is p of x dZLpVS9DXFk-00268-00082398-00082661 of Lorax here is GL dZLpVS9DXFk-00269-00082662-00082919 n k dZLpVS9DXFk-00270-00082920-00083081 X dZLpVS9DXFk-00271-00083082-00083279 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00272-00083280-00083561 just multiplication by this Matrix dZLpVS9DXFk-00273-00083562-00083753 but then dZLpVS9DXFk-00274-00083754-00084029 our differential equation will also dZLpVS9DXFk-00275-00084030-00084161 change dZLpVS9DXFk-00276-00084162-00084305 this dZLpVS9DXFk-00277-00084306-00084676 changes dZLpVS9DXFk-00278-00084677-00085169 y Prime equals e y because we multiply y dZLpVS9DXFk-00279-00085170-00085511 the vector y with p dZLpVS9DXFk-00280-00085512-00085756 under dZLpVS9DXFk-00281-00085757-00085955 replacing dZLpVS9DXFk-00282-00085956-00086243 I hope you can read why dZLpVS9DXFk-00283-00086244-00086512 by P times y dZLpVS9DXFk-00284-00086513-00086849 that's an allowed change here whenever dZLpVS9DXFk-00285-00086850-00087143 we look at the solutions okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00286-00087144-00087455 so how does this affect your our dZLpVS9DXFk-00287-00087456-00087659 differential equation dZLpVS9DXFk-00288-00087660-00088468 so I will erase only half of it dZLpVS9DXFk-00289-00088469-00088726 it's a this is a very famous dZLpVS9DXFk-00290-00088727-00088973 transformation of dZLpVS9DXFk-00291-00088974-00089165 differential equation which is called dZLpVS9DXFk-00292-00089166-00089597 gauge transformation dZLpVS9DXFk-00293-00089598-00089932 so let me write it down the formula is dZLpVS9DXFk-00294-00089933-00090917 not very difficult dZLpVS9DXFk-00295-00090918-00091103 but dZLpVS9DXFk-00296-00091104-00091306 even though the formula is not very dZLpVS9DXFk-00297-00091307-00091535 difficult the background is quite dZLpVS9DXFk-00298-00091536-00092423 complicated dZLpVS9DXFk-00299-00092424-00092555 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00300-00092556-00092968 the new equation dZLpVS9DXFk-00301-00092969-00093418 again a system will be y Prime equals B dZLpVS9DXFk-00302-00093419-00093587 times y dZLpVS9DXFk-00303-00093588-00093791 where dZLpVS9DXFk-00304-00093792-00093953 B dZLpVS9DXFk-00305-00093954-00094306 B is almost the conjugation dZLpVS9DXFk-00306-00094307-00094565 of a by P dZLpVS9DXFk-00307-00094566-00095087 so it will be P inverse a p but then we dZLpVS9DXFk-00308-00095088-00095441 have an additional term dZLpVS9DXFk-00309-00095442-00095818 an additive term which is p in P inverse dZLpVS9DXFk-00310-00095819-00096071 P Prime recall dZLpVS9DXFk-00311-00096072-00096329 he has entries dZLpVS9DXFk-00312-00096330-00096605 in power series Lawrence here so we can dZLpVS9DXFk-00313-00096606-00096725 derive it dZLpVS9DXFk-00314-00096726-00097006 so this kind of Matrix transformation dZLpVS9DXFk-00315-00097007-00097162 this is again dZLpVS9DXFk-00316-00097163-00097438 in m n k dZLpVS9DXFk-00317-00097439-00097811 X dZLpVS9DXFk-00318-00097812-00097955 is dZLpVS9DXFk-00319-00097956-00098897 the gate transformation dZLpVS9DXFk-00320-00098898-00099005 of dZLpVS9DXFk-00321-00099006-00099293 a with respect dZLpVS9DXFk-00322-00099294-00099523 to P dZLpVS9DXFk-00323-00099524-00099853 okay so that's dZLpVS9DXFk-00324-00099854-00100241 very unusual in invariant theory you dZLpVS9DXFk-00325-00100242-00100493 usually have trust conjugations but here dZLpVS9DXFk-00326-00100494-00100637 you have a dZLpVS9DXFk-00327-00100638-00100871 derivation inside and this makes things dZLpVS9DXFk-00328-00100872-00101044 complicated dZLpVS9DXFk-00329-00101045-00101344 so now if you start with an arbitrary dZLpVS9DXFk-00330-00101345-00101668 Matrix a dZLpVS9DXFk-00331-00101669-00102106 request will be dZLpVS9DXFk-00332-00102107-00102335 given dZLpVS9DXFk-00333-00102336-00102832 y Prime equals a y dZLpVS9DXFk-00334-00102833-00103103 with a dZLpVS9DXFk-00335-00103104-00103349 in k dZLpVS9DXFk-00336-00103350-00103558 X dZLpVS9DXFk-00337-00103559-00104008 n times n matrices okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00338-00104009-00104573 can we find dZLpVS9DXFk-00339-00104574-00104747 p dZLpVS9DXFk-00340-00104748-00105149 in gln K of x dZLpVS9DXFk-00341-00105150-00105593 such that dZLpVS9DXFk-00342-00105594-00105910 if we take the transform dZLpVS9DXFk-00343-00105911-00106415 uh let me now call it a tilde dZLpVS9DXFk-00344-00106416-00106931 equals P inverse a p plus dZLpVS9DXFk-00345-00106932-00107440 P inverse P Prime equals dZLpVS9DXFk-00346-00107441-00108371 a l the companion Matrix dZLpVS9DXFk-00347-00108372-00108581 for some dZLpVS9DXFk-00348-00108582-00108910 differential operator dZLpVS9DXFk-00349-00108911-00109049 l dZLpVS9DXFk-00350-00109050-00109277 in k dZLpVS9DXFk-00351-00109278-00109493 yeah so dZLpVS9DXFk-00352-00109494-00109643 I still want to have it with dZLpVS9DXFk-00353-00109644-00109763 coefficients dZLpVS9DXFk-00354-00109764-00110008 maybe I should allow here something like dZLpVS9DXFk-00355-00110009-00110165 that I should allow coefficients which dZLpVS9DXFk-00356-00110166-00110477 are formal power series dZLpVS9DXFk-00357-00110478-00110993 and the answer is yes dZLpVS9DXFk-00358-00110994-00111328 but the proof is not very satisfying dZLpVS9DXFk-00359-00111329-00111604 because it goes a detour dZLpVS9DXFk-00360-00111605-00111778 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00361-00111779-00111965 if you Google dZLpVS9DXFk-00362-00111966-00112631 cyclic Vector Lemma dZLpVS9DXFk-00363-00112632-00112889 then you will find the construction not dZLpVS9DXFk-00364-00112890-00113165 of P but the procedure which dZLpVS9DXFk-00365-00113166-00113423 algorithmically produces this dZLpVS9DXFk-00366-00113424-00113536 transformation dZLpVS9DXFk-00367-00113538-00114208 okay so this is the upshot is dZLpVS9DXFk-00368-00114209-00114652 nth order dZLpVS9DXFk-00369-00114653-00114977 color equations dZLpVS9DXFk-00370-00114978-00115139 one has to take a little bit of care dZLpVS9DXFk-00371-00115140-00115369 where you take them dZLpVS9DXFk-00372-00115370-00115675 but if you if you allow coefficients dZLpVS9DXFk-00373-00115676-00115931 laurencia is formally or holomorphic dZLpVS9DXFk-00374-00115932-00116158 functional neuromorphic functions not a dZLpVS9DXFk-00375-00116159-00116819 problem our equivalent dZLpVS9DXFk-00376-00116820-00117239 to first order dZLpVS9DXFk-00377-00117240-00117502 systems dZLpVS9DXFk-00378-00117503-00117743 so some authors prefer to work with the dZLpVS9DXFk-00379-00117744-00118049 scalar equation so this would be here l dZLpVS9DXFk-00380-00118050-00118516 y equals zero and here we have a dZLpVS9DXFk-00381-00118517-00118751 sorry dZLpVS9DXFk-00382-00118752-00119423 y Prime equals a times y dZLpVS9DXFk-00383-00119424-00119758 so you can play on both sides now we dZLpVS9DXFk-00384-00119759-00120023 have done mostly the Scala side local dZLpVS9DXFk-00385-00120024-00120460 exponent singularities uh normal forms dZLpVS9DXFk-00386-00120461-00120797 uh we did not work with the system site dZLpVS9DXFk-00387-00120798-00121025 okay but you can do it and I will Define dZLpVS9DXFk-00388-00121026-00121523 the peak curvature in both settings okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00389-00121524-00121757 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00390-00121758-00122099 we have several exercises so first you dZLpVS9DXFk-00391-00122100-00122351 could try to prove the existence of such dZLpVS9DXFk-00392-00122352-00122621 a p uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00393-00122622-00122999 but I want to give you another exercise dZLpVS9DXFk-00394-00123000-00123365 which is a dZLpVS9DXFk-00395-00123366-00123599 on the Scala side we defined the dZLpVS9DXFk-00396-00123600-00123858 singularities and the local exponents dZLpVS9DXFk-00397-00123859-00124163 and I want you or I would like to invite dZLpVS9DXFk-00398-00124164-00124301 you to dZLpVS9DXFk-00399-00124302-00124601 see how to compute the local exponents dZLpVS9DXFk-00400-00124602-00124871 of the scalar equations in terms of the dZLpVS9DXFk-00401-00124872-00125075 Matrix a dZLpVS9DXFk-00402-00125076-00125375 Express dZLpVS9DXFk-00403-00125376-00125933 the singularities dZLpVS9DXFk-00404-00125933-00126515 and local exponents dZLpVS9DXFk-00405-00126516-00126649 of dZLpVS9DXFk-00406-00126650-00126983 l y equals zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00407-00126983-00127199 in terms dZLpVS9DXFk-00408-00127200-00127625 of The Matrix dZLpVS9DXFk-00409-00127626-00127816 a n dZLpVS9DXFk-00410-00127817-00128183 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00411-00128183-00128423 it's not very difficult but it is dZLpVS9DXFk-00412-00128424-00128645 very useful to do it dZLpVS9DXFk-00413-00128646-00129052 okay any questions so far dZLpVS9DXFk-00414-00129053-00129286 so I apologize if some of you are dZLpVS9DXFk-00415-00129288-00129664 already familiar with this material dZLpVS9DXFk-00416-00129665-00129857 so I want to give you a third dZLpVS9DXFk-00417-00129858-00130243 interpretation of differential equations dZLpVS9DXFk-00418-00130244-00131081 which goes by linear occurrences dZLpVS9DXFk-00419-00131082-00131261 now dZLpVS9DXFk-00420-00131262-00131669 this only works dZLpVS9DXFk-00421-00131670-00131981 for power series Solutions dZLpVS9DXFk-00422-00131982-00132395 formal or convergent dZLpVS9DXFk-00423-00132396-00132899 but it it goes uh quite straightforward dZLpVS9DXFk-00424-00132900-00133223 you do an answer dZLpVS9DXFk-00425-00133224-00133595 to solve now I'm back to dZLpVS9DXFk-00426-00133596-00133823 the Scala situation dZLpVS9DXFk-00427-00133824-00134183 l y equals zero a dZLpVS9DXFk-00428-00134184-00134459 h dZLpVS9DXFk-00429-00134460-00134759 apply dZLpVS9DXFk-00430-00134760-00134993 an unknown dZLpVS9DXFk-00431-00134994-00135533 answers dZLpVS9DXFk-00432-00135534-00135790 I have never know whether you're right dZLpVS9DXFk-00433-00135791-00136121 German words in English with capital dZLpVS9DXFk-00434-00136122-00136414 letters or small letters I do it with a dZLpVS9DXFk-00435-00136415-00136547 capital letter dZLpVS9DXFk-00436-00136548-00136978 so you were right of Y of x equals sum c dZLpVS9DXFk-00437-00136979-00137314 k x to the K so here we don't consider a dZLpVS9DXFk-00438-00137315-00137549 logarithmic Solutions we just dZLpVS9DXFk-00439-00137550-00137743 do Elementary dZLpVS9DXFk-00440-00137744-00138161 combinatorics 0 to Infinity dZLpVS9DXFk-00441-00138162-00138478 so we plug it in dZLpVS9DXFk-00442-00138479-00138659 plug it dZLpVS9DXFk-00443-00138660-00139264 into the equation dZLpVS9DXFk-00444-00139265-00139571 and so here dZLpVS9DXFk-00445-00139572-00140290 whenever we do this I will assume that l dZLpVS9DXFk-00446-00140291-00140566 that L has polynomial or rational dZLpVS9DXFk-00447-00140567-00140866 coefficients so dZLpVS9DXFk-00448-00140867-00141040 you can always assume when you have dZLpVS9DXFk-00449-00141041-00141190 rational functions dZLpVS9DXFk-00450-00141191-00141454 to put them into dZLpVS9DXFk-00451-00141455-00141652 polynomials by multiplying with the dZLpVS9DXFk-00452-00141653-00141802 denominator dZLpVS9DXFk-00453-00141803-00142439 to plug it into the equation and get dZLpVS9DXFk-00454-00142440-00143075 a linear occurrence dZLpVS9DXFk-00455-00143076-00143290 so c k dZLpVS9DXFk-00456-00143291-00143537 will be dZLpVS9DXFk-00457-00143538-00143723 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00458-00143724-00144190 let me write it like this P1 of k c k dZLpVS9DXFk-00459-00144191-00144407 minus 1 so this is a preceding dZLpVS9DXFk-00460-00144408-00144671 coefficient of our power series dZLpVS9DXFk-00461-00144672-00145073 plus and this goes down dZLpVS9DXFk-00462-00145074-00145385 to some p d of K dZLpVS9DXFk-00463-00145386-00145673 c key K minus d dZLpVS9DXFk-00464-00145674-00145864 so this is a linear occurrence of order dZLpVS9DXFk-00465-00145865-00146393 d dZLpVS9DXFk-00466-00146394-00146675 and the dZLpVS9DXFk-00467-00146676-00147004 as dZLpVS9DXFk-00468-00147005-00147323 as our dZLpVS9DXFk-00469-00147324-00147737 L has polynomial coefficients dZLpVS9DXFk-00470-00147738-00147923 this here dZLpVS9DXFk-00471-00147924-00148445 these will be polynomials in p dZLpVS9DXFk-00472-00148446-00148775 in case sorry dZLpVS9DXFk-00473-00148776-00149002 pi dZLpVS9DXFk-00474-00149003-00149164 small pi dZLpVS9DXFk-00475-00149165-00149537 polynomials dZLpVS9DXFk-00476-00149538-00149999 in k dZLpVS9DXFk-00477-00150000-00150316 that's very easy to show and to go back dZLpVS9DXFk-00478-00150317-00150647 you have to do a little bit more but so dZLpVS9DXFk-00479-00150648-00150833 this is equivalent dZLpVS9DXFk-00480-00150834-00151175 if you're just restrict to power series dZLpVS9DXFk-00481-00151176-00151585 Solutions okay so this is now dZLpVS9DXFk-00482-00151586-00152002 uh the CK are called to form a peer dZLpVS9DXFk-00483-00152003-00152237 recursive sequence dZLpVS9DXFk-00484-00152238-00152476 so that's something which is mostly dZLpVS9DXFk-00485-00152477-00152716 considered in combinatorics dZLpVS9DXFk-00486-00152717-00152999 you take sequences of numbers dZLpVS9DXFk-00487-00153000-00153251 and you have some recurrence in between dZLpVS9DXFk-00488-00153252-00154019 them dZLpVS9DXFk-00489-00154020-00154775 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00490-00154776-00155285 definition dZLpVS9DXFk-00491-00155286-00155525 sequences dZLpVS9DXFk-00492-00155526-00155873 C K K and N dZLpVS9DXFk-00493-00155874-00156251 as before dZLpVS9DXFk-00494-00156252-00156647 are called dZLpVS9DXFk-00495-00156648-00157414 P recursive P for polynomial recursive dZLpVS9DXFk-00496-00157415-00157661 or dZLpVS9DXFk-00497-00157662-00158021 D finite dZLpVS9DXFk-00498-00158022-00158639 or holonomic dZLpVS9DXFk-00499-00158640-00158890 so and dZLpVS9DXFk-00500-00158891-00159209 so D final is mostly reserved dZLpVS9DXFk-00501-00159210-00159635 to the generating function Series so y dZLpVS9DXFk-00502-00159636-00159839 of x dZLpVS9DXFk-00503-00159840-00160211 c k x to the K is dZLpVS9DXFk-00504-00160212-00160589 regenerating dZLpVS9DXFk-00505-00160590-00160871 series dZLpVS9DXFk-00506-00160872-00161416 of c k k in it now you can dZLpVS9DXFk-00507-00161417-00161728 you can just start with this sequence of dZLpVS9DXFk-00508-00161729-00161921 cks and dZLpVS9DXFk-00509-00161922-00162154 and then go through the differential dZLpVS9DXFk-00510-00162155-00162311 equation dZLpVS9DXFk-00511-00162312-00162461 now dZLpVS9DXFk-00512-00162462-00162773 important case when this D which is dZLpVS9DXFk-00513-00162774-00163078 called the order of the recurrence dZLpVS9DXFk-00514-00163079-00163216 if dZLpVS9DXFk-00515-00163217-00163697 D is one dZLpVS9DXFk-00516-00163698-00163973 okay I forgot something dZLpVS9DXFk-00517-00163974-00164326 I think I want to put here x excuse me I dZLpVS9DXFk-00518-00164327-00164681 want to put a polynomial effect of P0 of dZLpVS9DXFk-00519-00164682-00164963 K dZLpVS9DXFk-00520-00164964-00165143 in front dZLpVS9DXFk-00521-00165144-00165466 I hope you can read it let me check dZLpVS9DXFk-00522-00165467-00165701 it's not very nice but dZLpVS9DXFk-00523-00165702-00166043 maybe I raised a little bit sorry dZLpVS9DXFk-00524-00166044-00167213 to have it properly written dZLpVS9DXFk-00525-00167214-00167452 so this is a linear dZLpVS9DXFk-00526-00167453-00167693 recurrence dZLpVS9DXFk-00527-00167694-00167849 and here we have dZLpVS9DXFk-00528-00167850-00168028 P0 dZLpVS9DXFk-00529-00168029-00168239 k dZLpVS9DXFk-00530-00168240-00168502 c k dZLpVS9DXFk-00531-00168503-00168761 and P0 is also a polynomial you could dZLpVS9DXFk-00532-00168762-00168935 put it also on the other side to have dZLpVS9DXFk-00533-00168936-00169193 rational functions but you see already dZLpVS9DXFk-00534-00169194-00169493 when P0 of K vanishes we have a problem dZLpVS9DXFk-00535-00169494-00169835 I will come back to this in a moment if dZLpVS9DXFk-00536-00169836-00170131 D equals 1 dZLpVS9DXFk-00537-00170132-00170561 as a y of X or the sequence is called dZLpVS9DXFk-00538-00170562-00170764 hyper dramatic dZLpVS9DXFk-00539-00170765-00171149 C K K and N dZLpVS9DXFk-00540-00171150-00171569 and Y of x dZLpVS9DXFk-00541-00171570-00171749 are called dZLpVS9DXFk-00542-00171750-00172487 hypergeometric dZLpVS9DXFk-00543-00172488-00172637 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00544-00172638-00173075 so you just step down one step to dZLpVS9DXFk-00545-00173076-00173333 express CK in terms of the preceding one dZLpVS9DXFk-00546-00173334-00173549 so for instance if you're going out your dZLpVS9DXFk-00547-00173550-00173825 sequence which goes back two steps dZLpVS9DXFk-00548-00173826-00174226 is not hyper dramatic okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00549-00174227-00174671 are called hypergeometric so dZLpVS9DXFk-00550-00174672-00175085 whenever dZLpVS9DXFk-00551-00175086-00175625 K is such that dZLpVS9DXFk-00552-00175626-00175997 P0 of k equals zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00553-00175998-00176201 one has dZLpVS9DXFk-00554-00176202-00176452 to impose dZLpVS9DXFk-00555-00176453-00177251 initial conditions dZLpVS9DXFk-00556-00177252-00177709 prescribing dZLpVS9DXFk-00557-00177710-00178090 the value dZLpVS9DXFk-00558-00178091-00178271 of c k dZLpVS9DXFk-00559-00178272-00178649 okay so that's an extra input but dZLpVS9DXFk-00560-00178650-00178840 don't worry too much about it for dZLpVS9DXFk-00561-00178841-00179099 instance if P0 has no integer Solutions dZLpVS9DXFk-00562-00179100-00179387 then you don't care about this okay now dZLpVS9DXFk-00563-00179388-00180125 exercise dZLpVS9DXFk-00564-00180126-00180364 here appears this order D and it should dZLpVS9DXFk-00565-00180365-00180647 be related to our differential equation dZLpVS9DXFk-00566-00180648-00180983 L to our differential operator dZLpVS9DXFk-00567-00180984-00181307 compute dZLpVS9DXFk-00568-00181308-00181445 the dZLpVS9DXFk-00569-00181446-00181678 in terms dZLpVS9DXFk-00570-00181679-00181913 of L dZLpVS9DXFk-00571-00181914-00182164 and it has nothing to do with the order dZLpVS9DXFk-00572-00182165-00182525 of L but it has to do with dZLpVS9DXFk-00573-00182526-00182771 the shifts dZLpVS9DXFk-00574-00182772-00182921 of L dZLpVS9DXFk-00575-00182922-00183095 use dZLpVS9DXFk-00576-00183096-00183376 the shifts dZLpVS9DXFk-00577-00183377-00183514 of L dZLpVS9DXFk-00578-00183515-00183683 so recall dZLpVS9DXFk-00579-00183684-00183923 the shifts were the differences of the dZLpVS9DXFk-00580-00183924-00184271 exponents of X and of Del dZLpVS9DXFk-00581-00184272-00184835 okay I minus J dZLpVS9DXFk-00582-00184836-00185087 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00583-00185088-00185231 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00584-00185232-00185447 this is a little bit more special than dZLpVS9DXFk-00585-00185448-00185626 arbitrary differential equations because dZLpVS9DXFk-00586-00185627-00185764 we only have dZLpVS9DXFk-00587-00185765-00186131 we only have power series Solutions but dZLpVS9DXFk-00588-00186132-00186437 we are also happy like this dZLpVS9DXFk-00589-00186438-00186713 because it gives us a more combinatorial dZLpVS9DXFk-00590-00186714-00186851 flavor dZLpVS9DXFk-00591-00186852-00187271 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00592-00187272-00187733 now we can do the same for our system dZLpVS9DXFk-00593-00187734-00187997 uh similarly dZLpVS9DXFk-00594-00187998-00188423 so for systems dZLpVS9DXFk-00595-00188424-00188590 if we have dZLpVS9DXFk-00596-00188591-00188969 y Prime equals a times y dZLpVS9DXFk-00597-00188970-00189238 and we have a solution of capital Y then dZLpVS9DXFk-00598-00189239-00189521 we can write y again in our right dZLpVS9DXFk-00599-00189522-00189826 capital c k dZLpVS9DXFk-00600-00189827-00190199 x to the K again as a power series but dZLpVS9DXFk-00601-00190200-00190559 now a matrix of power series k equals dZLpVS9DXFk-00602-00190560-00190943 zero to Infinity dZLpVS9DXFk-00603-00190944-00191290 CK now in dZLpVS9DXFk-00604-00191291-00191825 MN K matrices dZLpVS9DXFk-00605-00191826-00192059 and again dZLpVS9DXFk-00606-00192060-00192211 we get dZLpVS9DXFk-00607-00192212-00192478 by just plugging in dZLpVS9DXFk-00608-00192479-00192731 we get now a system dZLpVS9DXFk-00609-00192732-00192893 of recur dZLpVS9DXFk-00610-00192894-00193259 so a system of recurrences for the CK dZLpVS9DXFk-00611-00193260-00193787 similarly dZLpVS9DXFk-00612-00193788-00194243 we obtain dZLpVS9DXFk-00613-00194244-00194909 a linear recurrence dZLpVS9DXFk-00614-00194910-00195035 for dZLpVS9DXFk-00615-00195036-00195209 the CK dZLpVS9DXFk-00616-00195210-00195604 now as matrices dZLpVS9DXFk-00617-00195605-00195802 and you can play around to go from one dZLpVS9DXFk-00618-00195803-00196375 to the other side I don't do this yes dZLpVS9DXFk-00619-00196376-00196673 instead of matrices dZLpVS9DXFk-00620-00196674-00197057 ah yeah sure sure sure thank you Rafael dZLpVS9DXFk-00621-00197058-00197609 very attentive dZLpVS9DXFk-00622-00197610-00197801 I don't want to erase because I always dZLpVS9DXFk-00623-00197802-00197951 have to use the machine and that's dZLpVS9DXFk-00624-00197952-00198454 annoying dZLpVS9DXFk-00625-00198455-00198797 but this is in K to the end of course dZLpVS9DXFk-00626-00198798-00199109 yeah dZLpVS9DXFk-00627-00199110-00199397 it does dZLpVS9DXFk-00628-00199398-00199547 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00629-00199548-00199883 so essentially we have now dZLpVS9DXFk-00630-00199884-00200104 uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00631-00200105-00200357 four different ways to play around dZLpVS9DXFk-00632-00200358-00200543 we can dZLpVS9DXFk-00633-00200544-00200759 look at the scalar equation we can look dZLpVS9DXFk-00634-00200760-00200945 at the system of first order equation we dZLpVS9DXFk-00635-00200946-00201131 can look at linear recurrences for this dZLpVS9DXFk-00636-00201132-00201400 color equation linear requires this for dZLpVS9DXFk-00637-00201401-00201671 the matrices so for the vectors and then dZLpVS9DXFk-00638-00201672-00202061 we can also directly talk about uh what dZLpVS9DXFk-00639-00202062-00202228 is called differential modules I dZLpVS9DXFk-00640-00202229-00202378 mentioned this I think in one of the dZLpVS9DXFk-00641-00202379-00202613 first lectures at the beginning dZLpVS9DXFk-00642-00202614-00203716 just for completeness dZLpVS9DXFk-00643-00203717-00203945 so there's a big Theory called the dZLpVS9DXFk-00644-00203946-00204154 theory of D modules dZLpVS9DXFk-00645-00204155-00204545 and of micro local analysis dZLpVS9DXFk-00646-00204546-00204719 treating dZLpVS9DXFk-00647-00204720-00204979 all this business from a much more dZLpVS9DXFk-00648-00204980-00205336 eczematic and general viewpoint dZLpVS9DXFk-00649-00205337-00205666 and dZLpVS9DXFk-00650-00205667-00205948 a brief indication about differential dZLpVS9DXFk-00651-00205950-00206116 modules dZLpVS9DXFk-00652-00206117-00206675 alternative dZLpVS9DXFk-00653-00206676-00206914 you could look at dZLpVS9DXFk-00654-00206915-00207473 now let me take again dZLpVS9DXFk-00655-00207473-00207682 differential operators with coefficients dZLpVS9DXFk-00656-00207683-00207977 power series or Laura series dZLpVS9DXFk-00657-00207978-00208366 you can factor out l so all multiples dZLpVS9DXFk-00658-00208367-00209008 this is a ideal the the left ideal dZLpVS9DXFk-00659-00209009-00209392 left ideal dZLpVS9DXFk-00660-00209394-00209753 generated dZLpVS9DXFk-00661-00209754-00209951 by L dZLpVS9DXFk-00662-00209952-00210484 so this is just R times l dZLpVS9DXFk-00663-00210485-00210965 R in k x dZLpVS9DXFk-00664-00210966-00211139 there dZLpVS9DXFk-00665-00211140-00211948 and this is called differential module dZLpVS9DXFk-00666-00211950-00212146 or dZLpVS9DXFk-00667-00212148-00212453 D module dZLpVS9DXFk-00668-00212454-00212758 so the whole books on D modules dZLpVS9DXFk-00669-00212759-00213034 and this captures all information we dZLpVS9DXFk-00670-00213035-00213208 need about dZLpVS9DXFk-00671-00213209-00213508 about our scalar equation dZLpVS9DXFk-00672-00213509-00213934 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00673-00213935-00214306 kept us all relevant dZLpVS9DXFk-00674-00214307-00214896 information dZLpVS9DXFk-00675-00214898-00215194 in a more dZLpVS9DXFk-00676-00215196-00215719 general setting dZLpVS9DXFk-00677-00215719-00216203 okay and actually one can describe dZLpVS9DXFk-00678-00216204-00216598 the solutions of l y equals zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00679-00216600-00216892 completely in terms of this dZLpVS9DXFk-00680-00216894-00217217 module so if you want to dZLpVS9DXFk-00681-00217217-00217492 don't worry about this as a dZLpVS9DXFk-00682-00217494-00218003 a famous book by Bjork dZLpVS9DXFk-00683-00218004-00218375 called D modules dZLpVS9DXFk-00684-00218376-00218717 and then there is also a nice anecdote dZLpVS9DXFk-00685-00218717-00218998 the big boss okay not but that's not dZLpVS9DXFk-00686-00219000-00219275 maybe not right to say it like this but dZLpVS9DXFk-00687-00219276-00219439 one of the dZLpVS9DXFk-00688-00219440-00219713 protagonists of the theory of demos is dZLpVS9DXFk-00689-00219714-00220325 kashivara dZLpVS9DXFk-00690-00220326-00220625 and kashibara became famous already for dZLpVS9DXFk-00691-00220626-00221098 his master thesis dZLpVS9DXFk-00692-00221100-00221525 which revolutionized this field dZLpVS9DXFk-00693-00221526-00221927 it's very hard to read dZLpVS9DXFk-00694-00221928-00222113 of course he has many more papers than dZLpVS9DXFk-00695-00222114-00222305 his masterpiece dZLpVS9DXFk-00696-00222306-00222605 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00697-00222606-00222719 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00698-00222719-00222958 maybe I can add here something to the dZLpVS9DXFk-00699-00222959-00223289 hyper dramatic case so they are in the dZLpVS9DXFk-00700-00223290-00223631 habitable case there are two versions if dZLpVS9DXFk-00701-00223632-00223877 the differential operator has ordered dZLpVS9DXFk-00702-00223878-00224092 two then this is usually called Gauss dZLpVS9DXFk-00703-00224094-00224446 hypergeometric okay maybe I can add this dZLpVS9DXFk-00704-00224448-00224741 here dZLpVS9DXFk-00705-00224742-00225196 Gauss hypergeometric dZLpVS9DXFk-00706-00225198-00225365 corresponds to dZLpVS9DXFk-00707-00225366-00225832 order of L equals two and three singular dZLpVS9DXFk-00708-00225833-00226132 points dZLpVS9DXFk-00709-00226133-00226475 yeah let me just dZLpVS9DXFk-00710-00226476-00226648 keep it like this dZLpVS9DXFk-00711-00226650-00226817 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00712-00226817-00227446 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00713-00227448-00227548 um dZLpVS9DXFk-00714-00227550-00227855 let me just make a short Excursion to dZLpVS9DXFk-00715-00227856-00228275 girls dZLpVS9DXFk-00716-00228276-00228665 so we consider dZLpVS9DXFk-00717-00228666-00228779 l dZLpVS9DXFk-00718-00228780-00228905 in dZLpVS9DXFk-00719-00228906-00229356 K now I'm back to polynomial or rational dZLpVS9DXFk-00720-00229357-00229667 coefficients there dZLpVS9DXFk-00721-00229667-00229948 order two dZLpVS9DXFk-00722-00229950-00230548 hypergeometric dZLpVS9DXFk-00723-00230550-00230734 so hyper dramatic for the differential dZLpVS9DXFk-00724-00230735-00231341 operator means that uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00725-00231342-00231575 this is again an exercise but I'll write dZLpVS9DXFk-00726-00231576-00232096 you down the answer L is l0 plus L1 dZLpVS9DXFk-00727-00232098-00232991 both Euler l0 L1 Euler operators dZLpVS9DXFk-00728-00232992-00233315 and the shift dZLpVS9DXFk-00729-00233316-00233621 of l0 is zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00730-00233621-00233831 and the shift dZLpVS9DXFk-00731-00233832-00234179 of L1 is 1. dZLpVS9DXFk-00732-00234180-00234425 okay so this is a translation from the dZLpVS9DXFk-00733-00234426-00234598 recurrences back to the differential dZLpVS9DXFk-00734-00234600-00235301 operator this is an exercise dZLpVS9DXFk-00735-00235302-00235456 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00736-00235457-00235696 not very hard to show and I hope that I dZLpVS9DXFk-00737-00235698-00235853 can also put it in the notes but if you dZLpVS9DXFk-00738-00235854-00236063 sent me the exercise I'll be happy to dZLpVS9DXFk-00739-00236064-00236284 quote you dZLpVS9DXFk-00740-00236285-00236537 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00741-00236538-00236842 we have dZLpVS9DXFk-00742-00236844-00237748 with three singular points dZLpVS9DXFk-00743-00237750-00238198 in now as we as is classical in this dZLpVS9DXFk-00744-00238200-00238721 Theory you also look at Infinity so dZLpVS9DXFk-00745-00238721-00239237 P1 of K and here think of k equals c for dZLpVS9DXFk-00746-00239238-00239471 the moment okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00747-00239471-00239687 in the protective line dZLpVS9DXFk-00748-00239688-00239855 so now dZLpVS9DXFk-00749-00239856-00240071 you have the action of Mobile's dZLpVS9DXFk-00750-00240071-00240539 Transformations on P1 k dZLpVS9DXFk-00751-00240540-00240887 maybe this transformations dZLpVS9DXFk-00752-00240888-00241529 transformation Z goes to a z plus b dZLpVS9DXFk-00753-00241530-00241823 c z plus v dZLpVS9DXFk-00754-00241823-00242051 on P1 dZLpVS9DXFk-00755-00242052-00242632 is 3 transitive dZLpVS9DXFk-00756-00242633-00242927 what does three transitive means that dZLpVS9DXFk-00757-00242928-00243292 any three District points can be sent by dZLpVS9DXFk-00758-00243294-00243496 a Migos transformation to any other dZLpVS9DXFk-00759-00243498-00243760 three distinct point dZLpVS9DXFk-00760-00243761-00243989 okay I repeat dZLpVS9DXFk-00761-00243990-00244306 three transitive means any point can be dZLpVS9DXFk-00762-00244307-00244577 moved anywhere but three transicles that dZLpVS9DXFk-00763-00244578-00244846 can move triples to any other triples dZLpVS9DXFk-00764-00244848-00245069 provided the entrance of the triples are dZLpVS9DXFk-00765-00245069-00245225 distinct dZLpVS9DXFk-00766-00245226-00245771 so the three singular points in P Bond k dZLpVS9DXFk-00767-00245771-00245975 so you can move them by moving dZLpVS9DXFk-00768-00245976-00246173 transformation which does not change the dZLpVS9DXFk-00769-00246173-00246431 quality of your differential equation to dZLpVS9DXFk-00770-00246432-00246689 special positions dZLpVS9DXFk-00771-00246690-00246898 hence dZLpVS9DXFk-00772-00246900-00247246 allows us dZLpVS9DXFk-00773-00247248-00247565 to move dZLpVS9DXFk-00774-00247566-00248189 the singular points dZLpVS9DXFk-00775-00248190-00248621 to 0 1 infinity dZLpVS9DXFk-00776-00248621-00248848 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00777-00248850-00249094 that's the first step and apparently dZLpVS9DXFk-00778-00249096-00249317 this was already done by Gauss dZLpVS9DXFk-00779-00249317-00249725 and then he even gave a normal form a dZLpVS9DXFk-00780-00249726-00249917 different type of normal form than we dZLpVS9DXFk-00781-00249917-00250055 were talking about dZLpVS9DXFk-00782-00250056-00250301 uh I get dZLpVS9DXFk-00783-00250302-00250781 normal form dZLpVS9DXFk-00784-00250782-00251177 for l y equals zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00785-00251178-00251369 you have certainly or many of you have dZLpVS9DXFk-00786-00251369-00251665 seen this dZLpVS9DXFk-00787-00251666-00252023 oh these maybe I should call these Alpha dZLpVS9DXFk-00788-00252023-00252287 Beta Gamma Delta dZLpVS9DXFk-00789-00252288-00252532 it doesn't matter no dZLpVS9DXFk-00790-00252533-00252869 so we have x times x minus 1 dZLpVS9DXFk-00791-00252869-00253217 y double prime plus dZLpVS9DXFk-00792-00253217-00253582 C minus a plus b dZLpVS9DXFk-00793-00253583-00253937 plus one this is nothing to do so maybe dZLpVS9DXFk-00794-00253938-00254134 I should yeah dZLpVS9DXFk-00795-00254135-00254387 these are new ABCs dZLpVS9DXFk-00796-00254388-00254584 forget about them call them these dZLpVS9DXFk-00797-00254585-00254741 tilders dZLpVS9DXFk-00798-00254742-00255113 sorry times x dZLpVS9DXFk-00799-00255114-00255863 y prime plus a b y equals zero now in a dZLpVS9DXFk-00800-00255864-00256271 book of cuts which I maybe a couple of dZLpVS9DXFk-00801-00256271-00256498 years ago I looked before I entered in dZLpVS9DXFk-00802-00256500-00256606 this topic dZLpVS9DXFk-00803-00256607-00256871 I opened the book of cuts and he started dZLpVS9DXFk-00804-00256871-00257071 with this equation without explanation dZLpVS9DXFk-00805-00257071-00257381 why this is relevant and I thought dZLpVS9DXFk-00806-00257382-00257525 that's very special dZLpVS9DXFk-00807-00257526-00257873 but by the argument I just gave this is dZLpVS9DXFk-00808-00257873-00258046 the most General dZLpVS9DXFk-00809-00258048-00258371 situation because up to movies dZLpVS9DXFk-00810-00258371-00258569 Transformations you can bring it in this dZLpVS9DXFk-00811-00258569-00258994 form with dZLpVS9DXFk-00812-00258996-00259506 a b c the parameters dZLpVS9DXFk-00813-00259507-00259708 in C dZLpVS9DXFk-00814-00259709-00259956 now dZLpVS9DXFk-00815-00259957-00260267 in most cases one reduces two rational dZLpVS9DXFk-00816-00260267-00260441 parameters dZLpVS9DXFk-00817-00260442-00260903 most often dZLpVS9DXFk-00818-00260904-00261196 a b c dZLpVS9DXFk-00819-00261198-00261610 are rational numbers and for reasons dZLpVS9DXFk-00820-00261611-00261898 I'll explain in a moment dZLpVS9DXFk-00821-00261900-00262165 one assumes that dZLpVS9DXFk-00822-00262166-00262582 is not a negative integer or zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00823-00262583-00262763 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00824-00262764-00262984 and that's the classical version of the dZLpVS9DXFk-00825-00262985-00263230 Gauss hyper dramatic differential dZLpVS9DXFk-00826-00263231-00263345 equation dZLpVS9DXFk-00827-00263346-00263789 and this C different from a negative dZLpVS9DXFk-00828-00263790-00264130 number of zero ensures that the solution dZLpVS9DXFk-00829-00264131-00264323 of these equations involves no dZLpVS9DXFk-00830-00264324-00264755 logarithms okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00831-00264756-00265037 no logs dZLpVS9DXFk-00832-00265038-00265295 in solution dZLpVS9DXFk-00833-00265296-00265489 now how does this solution look like dZLpVS9DXFk-00834-00265490-00265745 although this is classical we have two dZLpVS9DXFk-00835-00265746-00266008 solutions maybe I erase here so I have a dZLpVS9DXFk-00836-00266009-00267167 little bit more space dZLpVS9DXFk-00837-00267168-00267629 and I I invite you to dZLpVS9DXFk-00838-00267630-00267821 to compute dZLpVS9DXFk-00839-00267822-00268343 the linear recurrence related to dZLpVS9DXFk-00840-00268344-00268601 the hyper dramatic equation it's not dZLpVS9DXFk-00841-00268602-00268708 very difficult dZLpVS9DXFk-00842-00268709-00269405 [Music] dZLpVS9DXFk-00843-00269406-00269525 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00844-00269526-00270106 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00845-00270107-00270784 so these ABC are called the parameters dZLpVS9DXFk-00846-00270785-00271117 of the hypertramatic equation and dZLpVS9DXFk-00847-00271118-00271601 we have y1 is dZLpVS9DXFk-00848-00271602-00272110 now this notation is also standard 2f1 a dZLpVS9DXFk-00849-00272111-00272321 b dZLpVS9DXFk-00850-00272322-00272543 C dZLpVS9DXFk-00851-00272544-00272705 X dZLpVS9DXFk-00852-00272706-00273089 sometimes written two f one dZLpVS9DXFk-00853-00273090-00273353 a b c dZLpVS9DXFk-00854-00273354-00273563 and X dZLpVS9DXFk-00855-00273564-00274030 and that's the hyper dramatic series dZLpVS9DXFk-00856-00274031-00274432 k equals 0 to Infinity dZLpVS9DXFk-00857-00274433-00274925 a k Rising factorial b k Rising dZLpVS9DXFk-00858-00274926-00275069 factorial dZLpVS9DXFk-00859-00275070-00275471 c k Rising factorial one dZLpVS9DXFk-00860-00275472-00275789 K Rising factorial x to the k dZLpVS9DXFk-00861-00275790-00276119 so where dZLpVS9DXFk-00862-00276120-00276334 a k dZLpVS9DXFk-00863-00276335-00276845 is a times a plus one dZLpVS9DXFk-00864-00276846-00277265 up to a plus K minus one so we have K dZLpVS9DXFk-00865-00277266-00277493 factors dZLpVS9DXFk-00866-00277494-00278069 okay Rising factorial dZLpVS9DXFk-00867-00278070-00278387 so many authors write instead of this dZLpVS9DXFk-00868-00278388-00278806 you also see a sub K but I think dZLpVS9DXFk-00869-00278807-00279053 this bar over the case also very dZLpVS9DXFk-00870-00279054-00279521 suggestive so and of course the 1K dZLpVS9DXFk-00871-00279522-00279797 is just K factorial dZLpVS9DXFk-00872-00279798-00280006 so this has notational reasons why you dZLpVS9DXFk-00873-00280007-00280408 include here A K factorial okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00874-00280409-00280625 this is the first solution dZLpVS9DXFk-00875-00280626-00280919 and the second one dZLpVS9DXFk-00876-00280920-00281291 Y2 is just essentially effective with dZLpVS9DXFk-00877-00281292-00281699 different parameters to F1 but now you dZLpVS9DXFk-00878-00281700-00281993 have to take different parameters a plus dZLpVS9DXFk-00879-00281994-00282293 1 plus a minus C dZLpVS9DXFk-00880-00282294-00282706 1 plus B minus C dZLpVS9DXFk-00881-00282707-00283060 and then 2 minus C dZLpVS9DXFk-00882-00283061-00283201 and X dZLpVS9DXFk-00883-00283202-00283810 okay and here you we use let's see dZLpVS9DXFk-00884-00283811-00284429 is not in Z that's number one okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00885-00284430-00284729 so that's a very beautiful and explicit dZLpVS9DXFk-00886-00284730-00284849 Theory dZLpVS9DXFk-00887-00284850-00285077 in combinatorics with many identities dZLpVS9DXFk-00888-00285078-00285460 and all kind of business so we have I dZLpVS9DXFk-00889-00285461-00285982 give you the list of exponents dZLpVS9DXFk-00890-00285983-00286205 at zero dZLpVS9DXFk-00891-00286206-00286679 we have zero and one minus C dZLpVS9DXFk-00892-00286680-00286997 at one dZLpVS9DXFk-00893-00286998-00287447 we have zero and C minus a minus B so dZLpVS9DXFk-00894-00287448-00287699 often one also assume that c minus a dZLpVS9DXFk-00895-00287700-00287951 minus B is not dZLpVS9DXFk-00896-00287952-00288137 an integer dZLpVS9DXFk-00897-00288138-00288317 uh the dZLpVS9DXFk-00898-00288318-00288617 remember if the exponents differ by an dZLpVS9DXFk-00899-00288618-00288713 integer dZLpVS9DXFk-00900-00288714-00289193 then we may get logarithms at Infinity dZLpVS9DXFk-00901-00289194-00289739 we just get a and B okay so I don't dZLpVS9DXFk-00902-00289740-00289991 write down some extra conditions but you dZLpVS9DXFk-00903-00289992-00290213 see the flavor okay dZLpVS9DXFk-00904-00290214-00290489 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00905-00290490-00290632 uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00906-00290633-00290830 this was a little bit on hyper dramatic dZLpVS9DXFk-00907-00290831-00291041 functions I will come back to this dZLpVS9DXFk-00908-00291042-00291287 but before doing so we will have a short dZLpVS9DXFk-00909-00291288-00291527 five minutes break I can take some water dZLpVS9DXFk-00910-00291528-00291755 you can also dZLpVS9DXFk-00911-00291756-00291947 relax a little bit and we meet dZLpVS9DXFk-00912-00291948-00292439 immediately again dZLpVS9DXFk-00913-00292440-00292601 okay hello dZLpVS9DXFk-00914-00292602-00292829 so I think we can continue dZLpVS9DXFk-00915-00292830-00293003 and dZLpVS9DXFk-00916-00293004-00293206 we now come dZLpVS9DXFk-00917-00293207-00293560 after this small side step to hyper dZLpVS9DXFk-00918-00293561-00293705 dramatic functions and they will appear dZLpVS9DXFk-00919-00293706-00293867 again later on dZLpVS9DXFk-00920-00293868-00294749 we come to the P curvature dZLpVS9DXFk-00921-00294750-00295099 all righty briefly talked about the peak dZLpVS9DXFk-00922-00295100-00295456 Associated by growth and decent dZLpVS9DXFk-00923-00295457-00296651 elaborated by cats dZLpVS9DXFk-00924-00296652-00296855 but I want to insist a little bit more dZLpVS9DXFk-00925-00296856-00297155 and give you a couple of results mostly dZLpVS9DXFk-00926-00297156-00297365 without pools dZLpVS9DXFk-00927-00297366-00297510 and dZLpVS9DXFk-00928-00297511-00297863 I want to Define it now in all different dZLpVS9DXFk-00929-00297864-00298060 settings so you see dZLpVS9DXFk-00930-00298061-00298223 uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00931-00298224-00298427 whenever you need you can work on the dZLpVS9DXFk-00932-00298428-00298697 side of Scala equations or systems dZLpVS9DXFk-00933-00298698-00298906 that's quite convenient so I will give dZLpVS9DXFk-00934-00298907-00299147 you several equivalent definitions dZLpVS9DXFk-00935-00299148-00299267 yeah dZLpVS9DXFk-00936-00299268-00299525 so dZLpVS9DXFk-00937-00299526-00299699 let's now dZLpVS9DXFk-00938-00299700-00299939 K have dZLpVS9DXFk-00939-00299940-00300221 positive characteristic dZLpVS9DXFk-00940-00300222-00300419 p dZLpVS9DXFk-00941-00300420-00300767 and dZLpVS9DXFk-00942-00300768-00301187 consider dZLpVS9DXFk-00943-00301188-00301432 the Ring of differential operators so K dZLpVS9DXFk-00944-00301433-00301679 now we strictly dZLpVS9DXFk-00945-00301680-00302027 restrict to polynomial coefficients dZLpVS9DXFk-00946-00302028-00302153 as dZLpVS9DXFk-00947-00302154-00302813 a non-commutative ring dZLpVS9DXFk-00948-00302814-00302993 with dZLpVS9DXFk-00949-00302994-00303251 now you have again here a euclidean dZLpVS9DXFk-00950-00303252-00303419 division but you have to distinguish dZLpVS9DXFk-00951-00303420-00303665 between right and left dZLpVS9DXFk-00952-00303666-00303851 euclidean division dZLpVS9DXFk-00953-00303852-00304247 that's right dZLpVS9DXFk-00954-00304248-00304480 and left dZLpVS9DXFk-00955-00304481-00304691 euclidean dZLpVS9DXFk-00956-00304692-00305206 division dZLpVS9DXFk-00957-00305207-00305437 so if you have dZLpVS9DXFk-00958-00305438-00305656 m l dZLpVS9DXFk-00959-00305657-00305915 in KX dZLpVS9DXFk-00960-00305916-00306089 Del dZLpVS9DXFk-00961-00306090-00306503 then you can write m equals R times L dZLpVS9DXFk-00962-00306504-00306706 and this is just dZLpVS9DXFk-00963-00306707-00306929 as Maps it's the composition of the dZLpVS9DXFk-00964-00306930-00307108 differential operators dZLpVS9DXFk-00965-00307109-00307265 plus s dZLpVS9DXFk-00966-00307266-00307582 and the condition is dZLpVS9DXFk-00967-00307583-00307817 the order of s dZLpVS9DXFk-00968-00307818-00307997 is strictly smaller dZLpVS9DXFk-00969-00307998-00308321 than the order of M dZLpVS9DXFk-00970-00308322-00308663 and this is unique dZLpVS9DXFk-00971-00308664-00308789 foreign dZLpVS9DXFk-00972-00308790-00309034 division dZLpVS9DXFk-00973-00309035-00309263 but of course you have to take care dZLpVS9DXFk-00974-00309264-00309575 between the right and left so maybe you dZLpVS9DXFk-00975-00309576-00309721 I will give you dZLpVS9DXFk-00976-00309722-00310084 one example where you can see how this dZLpVS9DXFk-00977-00310085-00310667 works but uh dZLpVS9DXFk-00978-00310668-00310882 it's tedious to compute dZLpVS9DXFk-00979-00310883-00311123 so in particular we have here this dZLpVS9DXFk-00980-00311124-00311651 composition for example dZLpVS9DXFk-00981-00311652-00311801 not very dZLpVS9DXFk-00982-00311802-00312054 uh not very dZLpVS9DXFk-00983-00312055-00312377 exciting I just compute the product of dZLpVS9DXFk-00984-00312378-00312634 two operators because I will have a dZLpVS9DXFk-00985-00312635-00312779 certain significance dZLpVS9DXFk-00986-00312780-00313054 x minus one dZLpVS9DXFk-00987-00313055-00313415 problem Del first order dZLpVS9DXFk-00988-00313416-00313727 Plus 66x dZLpVS9DXFk-00989-00313728-00314104 minus 36 and L2 dZLpVS9DXFk-00990-00314105-00314537 equals Del Plus dZLpVS9DXFk-00991-00314538-00314830 1 over 6 x dZLpVS9DXFk-00992-00314831-00315053 so I allow here dZLpVS9DXFk-00993-00315054-00315384 if you would like you could also take L3 dZLpVS9DXFk-00994-00315385-00315743 equals x Del plus one over six if you dZLpVS9DXFk-00995-00315744-00315953 prefer if you want to have polynomial dZLpVS9DXFk-00996-00315954-00316249 coefficients and then dZLpVS9DXFk-00997-00316250-00316817 what do we get if we compose these two dZLpVS9DXFk-00998-00316818-00317356 so you get 36 x x minus 1 dZLpVS9DXFk-00999-00317357-00317543 Del Square dZLpVS9DXFk-01000-00317544-00317777 plus 6 dZLpVS9DXFk-01001-00317778-00318263 12x minus 7 Del Plus 5. dZLpVS9DXFk-01002-00318264-00318515 now this I give you this example not dZLpVS9DXFk-01003-00318516-00318749 just because you can multiply dZLpVS9DXFk-01004-00318750-00318880 but dZLpVS9DXFk-01005-00318881-00319180 this is now what is called the reducible dZLpVS9DXFk-01006-00319181-00319349 operator because it just has a dZLpVS9DXFk-01007-00319350-00319493 factorization dZLpVS9DXFk-01008-00319494-00320110 L is a reducible operator dZLpVS9DXFk-01009-00320111-00320363 reducible dZLpVS9DXFk-01010-00320364-00320699 operator dZLpVS9DXFk-01011-00320700-00321527 and hypergeometric dZLpVS9DXFk-01012-00321528-00322043 so of order two dZLpVS9DXFk-01013-00322044-00322445 yeah because if you look here you have dZLpVS9DXFk-01014-00322446-00322841 the dZLpVS9DXFk-01015-00322842-00323230 the shift here is -1 and 0. dZLpVS9DXFk-01016-00323231-00323753 okay the only shifts dZLpVS9DXFk-01017-00323754-00324089 oh minus one and zero dZLpVS9DXFk-01018-00324090-00324287 of course if you multiply dZLpVS9DXFk-01019-00324288-00324493 if you divide by X you would get shift dZLpVS9DXFk-01020-00324494-00324754 zero and one okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01021-00324755-00325163 uh to this hyper dramatic dZLpVS9DXFk-01022-00325164-00325708 with parameters dZLpVS9DXFk-01023-00325709-00326087 a equals dZLpVS9DXFk-01024-00326088-00326458 1 6 b equals five over six dZLpVS9DXFk-01025-00326459-00326782 C equals seven over six dZLpVS9DXFk-01026-00326783-00326939 at zero dZLpVS9DXFk-01027-00326940-00327221 of course this is local dZLpVS9DXFk-01028-00327222-00327604 so now the interesting thing is that l y dZLpVS9DXFk-01029-00327605-00327829 equals zero dZLpVS9DXFk-01030-00327830-00328110 has two dZLpVS9DXFk-01031-00328111-00329008 very different solutions dZLpVS9DXFk-01032-00329009-00329147 namely dZLpVS9DXFk-01033-00329148-00329410 y one dZLpVS9DXFk-01034-00329411-00329632 is just dZLpVS9DXFk-01035-00329633-00329879 x to the dZLpVS9DXFk-01036-00329880-00330203 minus one second so this is one over the dZLpVS9DXFk-01037-00330204-00330371 sixth root of x dZLpVS9DXFk-01038-00330372-00330845 so this is an algebraic dZLpVS9DXFk-01039-00330846-00331373 so you could say it is a long monomial dZLpVS9DXFk-01040-00331374-00331517 even dZLpVS9DXFk-01041-00331518-00331787 monomial dZLpVS9DXFk-01042-00331788-00331973 if you allow dZLpVS9DXFk-01043-00331974-00332201 rational exponents dZLpVS9DXFk-01044-00332202-00332549 and why to this is actually dZLpVS9DXFk-01045-00332550-00332789 also a hyper dramatic function as well dZLpVS9DXFk-01046-00332790-00333239 as such rational monomials and the dZLpVS9DXFk-01047-00333240-00333677 second one is 2f1 dZLpVS9DXFk-01048-00333678-00334025 precisely of our parameters five over dZLpVS9DXFk-01049-00334026-00334169 six dZLpVS9DXFk-01050-00334170-00334379 seven over six dZLpVS9DXFk-01051-00334380-00335332 X and this one is Transcendental dZLpVS9DXFk-01052-00335333-00335454 so dZLpVS9DXFk-01053-00335455-00335860 not algebraic dZLpVS9DXFk-01054-00335861-00336082 which you can prove dZLpVS9DXFk-01055-00336083-00336504 by using the asymptotics dZLpVS9DXFk-01056-00336505-00336689 here dZLpVS9DXFk-01057-00336690-00337163 the asymptotics dZLpVS9DXFk-01058-00337164-00337541 give you this okay now dZLpVS9DXFk-01059-00337542-00337913 this is interesting because dZLpVS9DXFk-01060-00337914-00338297 whenever the operator is irreducible dZLpVS9DXFk-01061-00338298-00338765 and has one algebraic solution then all dZLpVS9DXFk-01062-00338766-00339106 other Solutions are dZLpVS9DXFk-01063-00339107-00339365 algebraic dZLpVS9DXFk-01064-00339366-00339695 this is something Michael Singer told me dZLpVS9DXFk-01065-00339696-00340091 so remark dZLpVS9DXFk-01066-00340092-00340571 El irreducible dZLpVS9DXFk-01067-00340572-00341015 in the sense prescribed before dZLpVS9DXFk-01068-00341016-00341153 with dZLpVS9DXFk-01069-00341154-00341303 one dZLpVS9DXFk-01070-00341304-00341471 algebraic dZLpVS9DXFk-01071-00341472-00341656 solution dZLpVS9DXFk-01072-00341657-00341956 y1 of x dZLpVS9DXFk-01073-00341957-00342287 then all other dZLpVS9DXFk-01074-00342288-00342865 Solutions dZLpVS9DXFk-01075-00342866-00343439 also like your bike dZLpVS9DXFk-01076-00343440-00343913 okay so this dZLpVS9DXFk-01077-00343914-00344123 I will put it in the note it's not very dZLpVS9DXFk-01078-00344124-00344303 difficult to prove dZLpVS9DXFk-01079-00344304-00344537 but it's kind of surprising dZLpVS9DXFk-01080-00344538-00344897 that the the quality of the solutions dZLpVS9DXFk-01081-00344898-00345221 could be quite different okay now of dZLpVS9DXFk-01082-00345222-00345460 course the irreducibility is something dZLpVS9DXFk-01083-00345461-00345779 tough because it's in general it's very dZLpVS9DXFk-01084-00345780-00345941 hard to check whether an operator is dZLpVS9DXFk-01085-00345942-00346108 irreducible or not dZLpVS9DXFk-01086-00346109-00346330 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01087-00346331-00346643 so this was the preparation for the peak dZLpVS9DXFk-01088-00346644-00346780 curvature dZLpVS9DXFk-01089-00346781-00347015 so now definition dZLpVS9DXFk-01090-00347016-00347356 how am I running with the time yeah dZLpVS9DXFk-01091-00347357-00347680 number one today I have a fantastic pen dZLpVS9DXFk-01092-00347681-00348377 I'm happy with it the big curvature dZLpVS9DXFk-01093-00348378-00348923 of L in k x Del dZLpVS9DXFk-01094-00348924-00349193 a dZLpVS9DXFk-01095-00349194-00349582 the remainder dZLpVS9DXFk-01096-00349583-00349697 n dZLpVS9DXFk-01097-00349698-00349919 of the dZLpVS9DXFk-01098-00349920-00350717 euclidean division dZLpVS9DXFk-01099-00350718-00350860 you divide dZLpVS9DXFk-01100-00350861-00351137 Del to the power p dZLpVS9DXFk-01101-00351138-00351371 R times l dZLpVS9DXFk-01102-00351372-00351551 plus n dZLpVS9DXFk-01103-00351552-00351875 so the order of n dZLpVS9DXFk-01104-00351876-00352343 is less than the order of L dZLpVS9DXFk-01105-00352344-00352439 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01106-00352440-00352684 because that's very strange dZLpVS9DXFk-01107-00352685-00353117 because it's just algebra you know dZLpVS9DXFk-01108-00353118-00353410 to This n should have some significance dZLpVS9DXFk-01109-00353411-00353554 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01110-00353555-00353717 of course you can Define whatever you dZLpVS9DXFk-01111-00353718-00353873 want but you have to show once in a dZLpVS9DXFk-01112-00353874-00354215 while that it is useful and interesting dZLpVS9DXFk-01113-00354216-00354569 number two dZLpVS9DXFk-01114-00354570-00354760 for today I just give you these dZLpVS9DXFk-01115-00354761-00354917 definitions without a further dZLpVS9DXFk-01116-00354918-00355127 explanation dZLpVS9DXFk-01117-00355128-00355637 the peak habitat dZLpVS9DXFk-01118-00355638-00355795 of dZLpVS9DXFk-01119-00355796-00356506 Y Prime equals a y a in MN dZLpVS9DXFk-01120-00356507-00356758 kicks dZLpVS9DXFk-01121-00356759-00357041 is dZLpVS9DXFk-01122-00357042-00357895 defined recursively dZLpVS9DXFk-01123-00357896-00358295 we take A1 equals a dZLpVS9DXFk-01124-00358296-00358697 2 equals a prime dZLpVS9DXFk-01125-00358698-00358865 Plus dZLpVS9DXFk-01126-00358866-00359327 A1 times a which is A1 square and then dZLpVS9DXFk-01127-00359328-00359489 we continue dZLpVS9DXFk-01128-00359490-00359632 a dZLpVS9DXFk-01129-00359633-00360256 K plus 1 is a k prime plus A1 dZLpVS9DXFk-01130-00360257-00360551 a k dZLpVS9DXFk-01131-00360552-00360917 taking dZLpVS9DXFk-01132-00360918-00361108 then dZLpVS9DXFk-01133-00361109-00361384 a p dZLpVS9DXFk-01134-00361385-00361673 in k dZLpVS9DXFk-01135-00361674-00361984 okay again dZLpVS9DXFk-01136-00361985-00362182 giving the definition like this one does dZLpVS9DXFk-01137-00362183-00362413 not see anything dZLpVS9DXFk-01138-00362414-00362775 yes it is dZLpVS9DXFk-01139-00362776-00363310 [Music] dZLpVS9DXFk-01140-00363311-00363653 here dZLpVS9DXFk-01141-00363654-00364043 a it is a k Prime you cannot there dZLpVS9DXFk-01142-00364044-00364189 should be uh dZLpVS9DXFk-01143-00364190-00364319 [Music] dZLpVS9DXFk-01144-00364320-00364517 in the second term dZLpVS9DXFk-01145-00364518-00364637 this is dZLpVS9DXFk-01146-00364638-00364780 this is dZLpVS9DXFk-01147-00364781-00365051 room dZLpVS9DXFk-01148-00365052-00365393 I think can you maybe you maybe can you dZLpVS9DXFk-01149-00365394-00365717 read the whole line until here dZLpVS9DXFk-01150-00365718-00365867 um uh dZLpVS9DXFk-01151-00365868-00366299 um the line for me and with the third a dZLpVS9DXFk-01152-00366300-00366563 uh let's see if there is oh so I write dZLpVS9DXFk-01153-00366564-00366910 it again right dZLpVS9DXFk-01154-00366911-00367045 so dZLpVS9DXFk-01155-00367046-00367415 a k prime plus A1 dZLpVS9DXFk-01156-00367416-00367660 a k dZLpVS9DXFk-01157-00367661-00367795 yeah dZLpVS9DXFk-01158-00367796-00368069 thank you yeah do I have to take care dZLpVS9DXFk-01159-00368070-00368356 here yes so you but you are an expert in dZLpVS9DXFk-01160-00368357-00368591 P Carpenters so I don't have to tell you dZLpVS9DXFk-01161-00368592-00368867 the formula in any case Okay so this is dZLpVS9DXFk-01162-00368868-00369287 our AP and one has to take that these dZLpVS9DXFk-01163-00369288-00369641 two correspond to each other of course dZLpVS9DXFk-01164-00369642-00369737 hmm dZLpVS9DXFk-01165-00369738-00370067 so I give you a third definition dZLpVS9DXFk-01166-00370068-00370391 but I have to dZLpVS9DXFk-01167-00370392-00371303 use again dZLpVS9DXFk-01168-00371304-00371747 so for the students dZLpVS9DXFk-01169-00371748-00372004 those who are maybe at the beginning of dZLpVS9DXFk-01170-00372005-00372341 their career whenever you you are in a dZLpVS9DXFk-01171-00372342-00372556 class or in a dZLpVS9DXFk-01172-00372557-00372713 in a lecture dZLpVS9DXFk-01173-00372714-00372982 where such definitions are given dZLpVS9DXFk-01174-00372983-00373275 and they are just given formally dZLpVS9DXFk-01175-00373276-00373775 [Music] dZLpVS9DXFk-01176-00373776-00374099 you can always interrupt and ask why do dZLpVS9DXFk-01177-00374100-00374404 you define this like this no I mean the dZLpVS9DXFk-01178-00374405-00374578 algebraic definition doesn't tell you dZLpVS9DXFk-01179-00374579-00374782 anything if you don't really work with dZLpVS9DXFk-01180-00374783-00374915 it okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01181-00374916-00375077 so we will work with it a little bit dZLpVS9DXFk-01182-00375078-00375334 later number three or maybe I can even dZLpVS9DXFk-01183-00375335-00375484 write it here dZLpVS9DXFk-01184-00375485-00376103 three now we take m equals k x n the dZLpVS9DXFk-01185-00376104-00376301 module the D module dZLpVS9DXFk-01186-00376302-00376780 with connection dZLpVS9DXFk-01187-00376781-00377134 any connection gamma but think of dZLpVS9DXFk-01188-00377135-00377530 Del minus a dZLpVS9DXFk-01189-00377531-00377867 then dZLpVS9DXFk-01190-00377868-00378160 we can take this dZLpVS9DXFk-01191-00378161-00378503 gamma and compose it P times with itself dZLpVS9DXFk-01192-00378504-00378713 so this will be dZLpVS9DXFk-01193-00378714-00379115 a map from M to m a map between cakes dZLpVS9DXFk-01194-00379116-00379378 modules okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01195-00379379-00379901 and this is of course linear K linear dZLpVS9DXFk-01196-00379902-00380237 and it will involve differentiation but dZLpVS9DXFk-01197-00380238-00380693 as a p foil differentiation Del p dZLpVS9DXFk-01198-00380694-00381047 gives you zero in characteristic P this dZLpVS9DXFk-01199-00381048-00381395 is even dZLpVS9DXFk-01200-00381396-00381953 k x linear dZLpVS9DXFk-01201-00381954-00382253 exercise dZLpVS9DXFk-01202-00382254-00382408 I hope you dZLpVS9DXFk-01203-00382409-00382703 you enjoyed those exercises and you do dZLpVS9DXFk-01204-00382704-00382823 them dZLpVS9DXFk-01205-00382824-00383099 this is even cakes Denia and as we have dZLpVS9DXFk-01206-00383100-00383297 a free cakes module dZLpVS9DXFk-01207-00383298-00383777 corresponding dZLpVS9DXFk-01208-00383778-00384328 to a matrix dZLpVS9DXFk-01209-00384329-00384701 okay let's do it right here no maybe dZLpVS9DXFk-01210-00384702-00384845 to a dZLpVS9DXFk-01211-00384846-00385060 Matrix dZLpVS9DXFk-01212-00385061-00385547 a p and this is the same as in two dZLpVS9DXFk-01213-00385548-00385960 it's Pikachu dZLpVS9DXFk-01214-00385961-00386206 so I think it's always nice to have dZLpVS9DXFk-01215-00386207-00386495 several definitions of the same object dZLpVS9DXFk-01216-00386496-00386632 and then dZLpVS9DXFk-01217-00386633-00386891 also to have the equivalents which I dZLpVS9DXFk-01218-00386892-00387125 skipped here because of lack of time and dZLpVS9DXFk-01219-00387126-00387401 lack of energy but I will put them in dZLpVS9DXFk-01220-00387402-00387563 the notes and you can try it meanwhile dZLpVS9DXFk-01221-00387564-00387875 on your own okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01222-00387876-00388265 so dZLpVS9DXFk-01223-00388266-00389201 so what is the significance dZLpVS9DXFk-01224-00389202-00389567 uh there are various interpretations and dZLpVS9DXFk-01225-00389568-00389777 for instance why it is called curvature dZLpVS9DXFk-01226-00389778-00390125 but one way to see that this is an dZLpVS9DXFk-01227-00390126-00390347 interesting object is dZLpVS9DXFk-01228-00390348-00390767 uh dZLpVS9DXFk-01229-00390768-00391325 we are now in a fixed characteristic p dZLpVS9DXFk-01230-00391326-00391937 whenever AP is zero dZLpVS9DXFk-01231-00391938-00392123 one can dZLpVS9DXFk-01232-00392124-00392399 solve dZLpVS9DXFk-01233-00392400-00392704 the linear dZLpVS9DXFk-01234-00392705-00393125 recurrences dZLpVS9DXFk-01235-00393126-00393443 so I will give you dZLpVS9DXFk-01236-00393444-00393760 I will give you in terms of matrices dZLpVS9DXFk-01237-00393761-00394127 so if you have y as before capital dZLpVS9DXFk-01238-00394128-00394319 c k dZLpVS9DXFk-01239-00394320-00394582 x to the k dZLpVS9DXFk-01240-00394583-00394739 c k dZLpVS9DXFk-01241-00394740-00394913 in k dZLpVS9DXFk-01242-00394914-00395141 to the N vectors dZLpVS9DXFk-01243-00395142-00395560 okay solution dZLpVS9DXFk-01244-00395561-00395999 of Y Prime equals a y dZLpVS9DXFk-01245-00396000-00396372 then dZLpVS9DXFk-01246-00396373-00396767 [Music] dZLpVS9DXFk-01247-00396768-00397084 the the recursion dZLpVS9DXFk-01248-00397085-00397289 which I'm not going to write down in dZLpVS9DXFk-01249-00397290-00397769 detail involves these matrices a k dZLpVS9DXFk-01250-00397770-00398171 so you get in the recursion K times dZLpVS9DXFk-01251-00398172-00398465 c k and this will be now a function dZLpVS9DXFk-01252-00398466-00398687 which I call H Maybe dZLpVS9DXFk-01253-00398688-00398830 h of dZLpVS9DXFk-01254-00398831-00399280 C 0 up to CN I think not all c k minus dZLpVS9DXFk-01255-00399281-00399352 one dZLpVS9DXFk-01256-00399353-00399634 not all are involved dZLpVS9DXFk-01257-00399635-00400171 becomes dZLpVS9DXFk-01258-00400172-00400882 zero equal something whenever dZLpVS9DXFk-01259-00400883-00401482 P divides k dZLpVS9DXFk-01260-00401483-00401608 so dZLpVS9DXFk-01261-00401609-00401921 the term you have here this is the right dZLpVS9DXFk-01262-00401922-00402256 hand side dZLpVS9DXFk-01263-00402257-00402443 if this one is not zero you get a dZLpVS9DXFk-01264-00402444-00402551 contradiction dZLpVS9DXFk-01265-00402552-00402689 so dZLpVS9DXFk-01266-00402690-00402928 the dZLpVS9DXFk-01267-00402929-00403378 right hand side equals zero dZLpVS9DXFk-01268-00403379-00403649 I'm going to check this dZLpVS9DXFk-01269-00403650-00403954 is equivalent to say that AP is a p dZLpVS9DXFk-01270-00403955-00404437 curve it has zero dZLpVS9DXFk-01271-00404438-00404723 okay so it dZLpVS9DXFk-01272-00404724-00404987 The Vanishing of dZLpVS9DXFk-01273-00404988-00405125 the dZLpVS9DXFk-01274-00405126-00405569 Peak coveta ensures that you can solve dZLpVS9DXFk-01275-00405570-00405778 your recurrence and then you get power dZLpVS9DXFk-01276-00405779-00406210 steering Solutions dZLpVS9DXFk-01277-00406211-00406487 get dZLpVS9DXFk-01278-00406488-00406865 power Theory Solutions dZLpVS9DXFk-01279-00406866-00407345 and no logarithms okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01280-00407346-00407639 very good so I have a little oh I'm dZLpVS9DXFk-01281-00407640-00407813 running out of time I wanted to give you dZLpVS9DXFk-01282-00407814-00407999 some examples dZLpVS9DXFk-01283-00408000-00408215 but in any case we will have our class dZLpVS9DXFk-01284-00408216-00408456 on Tuesday dZLpVS9DXFk-01285-00408457-00408695 yeah I'm not going to talk about the dZLpVS9DXFk-01286-00408696-00408934 limiter this will come on Tuesday but dZLpVS9DXFk-01287-00408935-00409349 let me just give uh where do I have dZLpVS9DXFk-01288-00409350-00409822 a nice example dZLpVS9DXFk-01289-00409823-00410399 uh yes examples dZLpVS9DXFk-01290-00410400-00410687 and here I have to dZLpVS9DXFk-01291-00410688-00411432 to give credit to Sergey yokevic dZLpVS9DXFk-01292-00411433-00411797 and Florian films in dZLpVS9DXFk-01293-00411797-00412078 who compute lots of examples and I just dZLpVS9DXFk-01294-00412079-00412357 give you the first one we will see more dZLpVS9DXFk-01295-00412358-00412618 on Tuesday dZLpVS9DXFk-01296-00412619-00412864 very harmless dZLpVS9DXFk-01297-00412866-00413170 differential operator x square plus one dZLpVS9DXFk-01298-00413171-00413645 Del minus one so we saw if l y equals dZLpVS9DXFk-01299-00413646-00413824 zero dZLpVS9DXFk-01300-00413825-00414007 so this means dZLpVS9DXFk-01301-00414008-00414343 y Prime is dZLpVS9DXFk-01302-00414343-00414737 y x square plus 1 dZLpVS9DXFk-01303-00414738-00414995 and this already suggested an arc dZLpVS9DXFk-01304-00414996-00415493 tangent should appear solution dZLpVS9DXFk-01305-00415493-00415714 y of x dZLpVS9DXFk-01306-00415716-00416405 is the exponential of the arc tangent dZLpVS9DXFk-01307-00416406-00416513 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01308-00416514-00416849 which is dZLpVS9DXFk-01309-00416850-00417041 the Power Sphere is now I'm again in dZLpVS9DXFk-01310-00417042-00417322 characteristic zero at the beginning dZLpVS9DXFk-01311-00417323-00417922 transcendental dZLpVS9DXFk-01312-00417923-00418103 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01313-00418104-00418570 now we can reduce mod P dZLpVS9DXFk-01314-00418571-00418828 mod P dZLpVS9DXFk-01315-00418829-00419501 the P converters are dZLpVS9DXFk-01316-00419502-00419675 now this will depend dZLpVS9DXFk-01317-00419676-00419897 on P dZLpVS9DXFk-01318-00419897-00420443 so if you take P equal 5 13 dZLpVS9DXFk-01319-00420443-00420607 17 dZLpVS9DXFk-01320-00420608-00421018 29 37 and so on dZLpVS9DXFk-01321-00421019-00421643 then we get equal zero dZLpVS9DXFk-01322-00421643-00421972 and if we take P equals the remaining dZLpVS9DXFk-01323-00421973-00422327 ones 2 3 5 dZLpVS9DXFk-01324-00422328-00423064 7 11 19 and so on then the P curvature dZLpVS9DXFk-01325-00423065-00423335 now expressed in terms of the remainder dZLpVS9DXFk-01326-00423335-00423472 n dZLpVS9DXFk-01327-00423473-00423916 equals just an operator of order zero dZLpVS9DXFk-01328-00423917-00424355 now like you I have to continue here dZLpVS9DXFk-01329-00424356-00424660 to the equals dZLpVS9DXFk-01330-00424662-00425170 2 divided by x square plus one dZLpVS9DXFk-01331-00425171-00425470 to the power p dZLpVS9DXFk-01332-00425471-00425597 okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01333-00425597-00425897 so very strange Behavior dZLpVS9DXFk-01334-00425897-00426263 that for essentially half of the prime dZLpVS9DXFk-01335-00426264-00426575 numbers you get P curve to zero and for dZLpVS9DXFk-01336-00426576-00426814 the other half you get always the same dZLpVS9DXFk-01337-00426815-00427051 to the power p dZLpVS9DXFk-01338-00427052-00427357 and so it's not always zero especially dZLpVS9DXFk-01339-00427358-00427822 it's non-zero for infinitely many Primes dZLpVS9DXFk-01340-00427823-00428153 and this will appear in the golden teak dZLpVS9DXFk-01341-00428154-00428501 P curvature conjecture saying that dZLpVS9DXFk-01342-00428502-00428891 when the pivoters are zero for almost dZLpVS9DXFk-01343-00428892-00429227 all P which means for all but finitely dZLpVS9DXFk-01344-00429228-00429683 many P then the solutions are algebraic dZLpVS9DXFk-01345-00429684-00429916 so you see it does not suffice to have P dZLpVS9DXFk-01346-00429917-00430103 curve it to zero for infinitely many dZLpVS9DXFk-01347-00430104-00430403 primes you need it for almost all okay dZLpVS9DXFk-01348-00430404-00430720 so this is a very critical example and dZLpVS9DXFk-01349-00430721-00431120 nice to see The Substitute of the dZLpVS9DXFk-01350-00431121-00431322 [Music] dZLpVS9DXFk-01351-00431323-00431705 number five is is twice yes that's dZLpVS9DXFk-01352-00431706-00431827 correct dZLpVS9DXFk-01353-00431828-00432131 yeah no it's not twice of course you're dZLpVS9DXFk-01354-00432132-00432364 right I've made a mistake now you can dZLpVS9DXFk-01355-00432365-00432647 guess where it is wrong here it is wrong dZLpVS9DXFk-01356-00432647-00433018 yes thank you yes thank you this was an dZLpVS9DXFk-01357-00433019-00433522 obvious mistake but I missed it okay so dZLpVS9DXFk-01358-00433523-00433763 I think we are already almost over time dZLpVS9DXFk-01359-00433764-00434093 so I will stop here for today dZLpVS9DXFk-01360-00434093-00434513 so I hope you can enjoy a little bit so dZLpVS9DXFk-01361-00434514-00434722 on Tuesday I will give you several dZLpVS9DXFk-01362-00434723-00434968 results relating the peak curvature the dZLpVS9DXFk-01363-00434969-00435407 nil potence of the pic curvature and uh dZLpVS9DXFk-01364-00435408-00435755 and I'm not going to give you a very dZLpVS9DXFk-01365-00435756-00436049 long or difficult proofs I will mostly dZLpVS9DXFk-01366-00436050-00436270 sketch the ideas because otherwise we dZLpVS9DXFk-01367-00436271-00436379 will end dZLpVS9DXFk-01368-00436380-00436745 not before Easter so we have next week dZLpVS9DXFk-01369-00436746-00437039 one class and then the week afterwards dZLpVS9DXFk-01370-00437039-00437399 we finish already so I hope to to give dZLpVS9DXFk-01371-00437400-00437866 you a nice and interesting final dZLpVS9DXFk-01372-00437867-00438239 part of this course and for today I say dZLpVS9DXFk-01373-00438239-00438353 goodbye dZLpVS9DXFk-01374-00438354-00438647 and I wish you a wonderful evening and dZLpVS9DXFk-01375-00438647-00438887 please look at the exercises I will put dZLpVS9DXFk-01376-00438888-00439139 them on the website soon as for the dZLpVS9DXFk-01377-00439139-00439397 notes I'm delayed I'm horribly delayed dZLpVS9DXFk-01378-00439397-00439516 but dZLpVS9DXFk-01379-00439517-00439777 but I will complete them in due time dZLpVS9DXFk-01380-00439778-00440020 hopefully before Easter dZLpVS9DXFk-01381-00440021-00440213 and dZLpVS9DXFk-01382-00440214-00440399 please really try to do the exercise dZLpVS9DXFk-01383-00440400-00440639 because then you will and you will have dZLpVS9DXFk-01384-00440639-00440914 more fun and capture better the ideas dZLpVS9DXFk-01385-00440915-00441337 okay see you next time bye bye dZLpVS9DXFk-01386-00441338-00441537 and see you next time dZLpVS9DXFk-01387-00441538-00441914 [Music] daFwQjwgUMY-00000-00000000-00000039 foreign daFwQjwgUMY-00002-00005839-00006060 my time daFwQjwgUMY-00003-00006061-00006575 [Music] daFwQjwgUMY-00005-00010824-00011377 foreign daFwQjwgUMY-00006-00011378-00012279 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00000-00001492-00001630 concierge dfa-hvE_LXE-00001-00001632-00002799 oh no dfa-hvE_LXE-00002-00002800-00003676 oh no dfa-hvE_LXE-00003-00003677-00003867 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00004-00003868-00004283 [Applause] dfa-hvE_LXE-00005-00004284-00004682 congo dfa-hvE_LXE-00006-00004683-00005683 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00007-00005684-00007083 so dfa-hvE_LXE-00008-00007084-00009883 day dfa-hvE_LXE-00009-00009884-00010206 oh dfa-hvE_LXE-00010-00010207-00010814 [Applause] dfa-hvE_LXE-00011-00010815-00011283 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00012-00011284-00012683 conso2 dfa-hvE_LXE-00013-00012684-00014083 wow dfa-hvE_LXE-00014-00014084-00015511 concierge dfa-hvE_LXE-00015-00015512-00017295 oh dfa-hvE_LXE-00016-00017296-00017910 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00017-00017911-00018014 [Applause] dfa-hvE_LXE-00018-00018015-00018183 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00019-00018184-00018399 gone by dfa-hvE_LXE-00020-00018400-00019844 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00021-00019845-00020515 [Applause] dfa-hvE_LXE-00022-00020516-00021083 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00023-00021084-00021427 day dfa-hvE_LXE-00024-00021428-00022483 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00025-00022484-00023883 oh dfa-hvE_LXE-00026-00023884-00024279 oh dfa-hvE_LXE-00027-00024280-00024801 [Applause] dfa-hvE_LXE-00028-00024802-00025283 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00029-00025284-00026445 confident dfa-hvE_LXE-00030-00026447-00027783 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00031-00027783-00029018 oh no dfa-hvE_LXE-00032-00029019-00030612 oh no dfa-hvE_LXE-00033-00030613-00030883 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00034-00030883-00031069 ah dfa-hvE_LXE-00035-00031070-00031431 [Applause] dfa-hvE_LXE-00036-00031432-00032882 come now dfa-hvE_LXE-00037-00032883-00033683 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00038-00033684-00034587 oh dfa-hvE_LXE-00039-00034588-00034911 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00040-00034912-00035383 oh no dfa-hvE_LXE-00041-00035384-00035983 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00042-00035984-00037883 oh no dfa-hvE_LXE-00043-00037884-00038340 great dfa-hvE_LXE-00044-00038341-00039283 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00045-00039284-00039805 kanye dfa-hvE_LXE-00046-00039806-00040683 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00047-00040684-00041046 day dfa-hvE_LXE-00048-00041047-00043483 oh no dfa-hvE_LXE-00049-00043484-00043872 oh dfa-hvE_LXE-00050-00043873-00044150 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00051-00044151-00044685 [Applause] dfa-hvE_LXE-00052-00044686-00044883 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00053-00044884-00045079 um dfa-hvE_LXE-00054-00045080-00046283 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00055-00046284-00047683 me dfa-hvE_LXE-00056-00047684-00049083 day dfa-hvE_LXE-00057-00049084-00050483 oh dfa-hvE_LXE-00058-00050484-00050949 oh dfa-hvE_LXE-00059-00050950-00051424 [Applause] dfa-hvE_LXE-00060-00051425-00051882 [Music] dfa-hvE_LXE-00061-00051883-00052894 convey dfa-hvE_LXE-00062-00052895-00053104 you dimh3K6jDrI-00000-00000146-00000582 live from New York it's the Jews dimh3K6jDrI-00001-00000583-00000958 covering AWS global summit 2019 dimh3K6jDrI-00002-00000959-00001369 brought to you by Amazon Web Services dimh3K6jDrI-00003-00001370-00001595 welcome back here in New York City I'm dimh3K6jDrI-00004-00001596-00001880 Stu minimun my co-host is Corey Quinn in dimh3K6jDrI-00005-00001880-00002042 the keynote this morning Werner Vogel's dimh3K6jDrI-00006-00002043-00002240 made some new announcements what they're dimh3K6jDrI-00007-00002241-00002438 doing and also brought out a couple of dimh3K6jDrI-00008-00002439-00002669 customers who are local and really dimh3K6jDrI-00009-00002670-00002840 thrilled and excited to have on the dimh3K6jDrI-00010-00002841-00003284 program the CIO and EVP from FINRA here dimh3K6jDrI-00011-00003285-00003361 in New York City dimh3K6jDrI-00012-00003362-00003532 Steve Brandon thanks so much for joining dimh3K6jDrI-00013-00003533-00003730 us Steve you're welcome thank you all dimh3K6jDrI-00014-00003731-00003964 right so you know quite impressive you dimh3K6jDrI-00015-00003965-00004141 know when I say one of those dimh3K6jDrI-00016-00004142-00004343 misunderstood words out there she talked dimh3K6jDrI-00017-00004344-00004588 about scale and you talk about speed and dimh3K6jDrI-00018-00004589-00004750 you know you were you know I'm taking dimh3K6jDrI-00019-00004751-00004921 you have so many notes in your keynote dimh3K6jDrI-00020-00004922-00005143 this morning 500,000 compute nodes 7 dimh3K6jDrI-00021-00005144-00005384 terabytes worth of new data daily with dimh3K6jDrI-00022-00005385-00005659 half a trillion validation checks per dimh3K6jDrI-00023-00005660-00005932 day some pretty impressive scale and dimh3K6jDrI-00024-00005933-00006218 therefore you know it's I t's not the dimh3K6jDrI-00025-00006219-00006439 org that kind of sits in the basement dimh3K6jDrI-00026-00006440-00006602 and the business doesn't think about it dimh3K6jDrI-00027-00006603-00006838 the business and IT need to be in lop dimh3K6jDrI-00028-00006839-00007169 stack so you know I think most people dimh3K6jDrI-00029-00007170-00007316 are familiar with FINRA but maybe give dimh3K6jDrI-00030-00007317-00007544 us the kind of bumper sticker as to what dimh3K6jDrI-00031-00007545-00007826 finner is today and you know the the IT dimh3K6jDrI-00032-00007827-00007991 organization yeah when I started at dimh3K6jDrI-00033-00007992-00008359 FINRA in 2013 I thought I was going to dimh3K6jDrI-00034-00008360-00008570 come into a typical regulator which is dimh3K6jDrI-00035-00008571-00008876 as you alluded to technology's kind of dimh3K6jDrI-00036-00008877-00009080 in the basement not very important not dimh3K6jDrI-00037-00009081-00009535 strategic and I realized very quickly dimh3K6jDrI-00038-00009536-00009788 two things number one the team was dimh3K6jDrI-00039-00009789-00010120 absolutely talented a lot of the people dimh3K6jDrI-00040-00010121-00010339 that we've got on her team came from dimh3K6jDrI-00041-00010340-00010484 startups and all their technology dimh3K6jDrI-00042-00010485-00010769 companies atypical and financial dimh3K6jDrI-00043-00010770-00011023 services and the second thing is we had dimh3K6jDrI-00044-00011024-00011330 a major Big Data challenge on our hands dimh3K6jDrI-00045-00011331-00011576 and so the decision to go to the cloud dimh3K6jDrI-00046-00011577-00011914 and I started in March in 2013 by July dimh3K6jDrI-00047-00011915-00012070 of that year I was already having dimh3K6jDrI-00048-00012071-00012227 dialogue with our board of directors dimh3K6jDrI-00049-00012228-00012502 about having to go to the cloud in order dimh3K6jDrI-00050-00012503-00012788 to handle the data yeah so you know big dimh3K6jDrI-00051-00012789-00012965 data was supposed to be that bit flip dimh3K6jDrI-00052-00012966-00013163 that turned that oh my god I have so dimh3K6jDrI-00053-00013163-00013293 much data to Oh dimh3K6jDrI-00054-00013294-00013497 yeah I can monetize and do things with dimh3K6jDrI-00055-00013497-00013671 our data so give us a little bit of that dimh3K6jDrI-00056-00013672-00013941 that data journey and what that that you dimh3K6jDrI-00057-00013941-00014193 talked about the flywheel effect that dimh3K6jDrI-00058-00014194-00014516 you've got inside FINRA yeah so we knew dimh3K6jDrI-00059-00014518-00014741 that we needed the you know we were dimh3K6jDrI-00060-00014743-00015041 running at that time on data warehouse dimh3K6jDrI-00061-00015043-00015453 appliances from EMC and IBM and which dimh3K6jDrI-00062-00015454-00015657 data warehouse appliance you know you go dimh3K6jDrI-00063-00015658-00015930 back 10 15 years that was where big data dimh3K6jDrI-00064-00015931-00016182 was running but those machines are dimh3K6jDrI-00065-00016183-00016422 vertically scalable and when you hit the dimh3K6jDrI-00066-00016423-00016665 top of the scale then you've got to buy dimh3K6jDrI-00067-00016666-00016848 another bigger one which might not be dimh3K6jDrI-00068-00016849-00017169 available so public cloud computing is dimh3K6jDrI-00069-00017170-00017421 all about horizontal scale at commodity dimh3K6jDrI-00070-00017422-00017706 prices to things that those those day at dimh3K6jDrI-00071-00017707-00017847 data warehouse appliance didn't have dimh3K6jDrI-00072-00017848-00018018 they were vertical and proprietary and dimh3K6jDrI-00073-00018019-00018396 expensive and so the the key thing was dimh3K6jDrI-00074-00018397-00018648 to come up to select a cloud vendor you dimh3K6jDrI-00075-00018649-00018867 know between Google IBM you know the dimh3K6jDrI-00076-00018868-00019164 usual suspects and to architect our dimh3K6jDrI-00077-00019165-00019419 applications properly so that we dimh3K6jDrI-00078-00019420-00019635 wouldn't be overly vendor dependent on dimh3K6jDrI-00079-00019636-00019905 the cloud provider and locked in if you dimh3K6jDrI-00080-00019906-00020190 will and that we could have flexibility dimh3K6jDrI-00081-00020191-00020538 to use commodity software so we dimh3K6jDrI-00082-00020539-00020766 standardized in conjunction with our dimh3K6jDrI-00083-00020767-00021036 move to the public cloud on open source dimh3K6jDrI-00084-00021037-00021255 software which we continue today dimh3K6jDrI-00085-00021256-00021569 so no proprietary software for the most dimh3K6jDrI-00086-00021570-00021846 part running in the cloud and we were dimh3K6jDrI-00087-00021847-00022149 just very smart about architecting our dimh3K6jDrI-00088-00022150-00022392 systems at that point in time to make dimh3K6jDrI-00089-00022393-00022710 sure that those opportunities prevailed dimh3K6jDrI-00090-00022711-00022919 and then the other thing I would say and dimh3K6jDrI-00091-00022920-00023130 this is kind of the the secret of our of dimh3K6jDrI-00092-00023131-00023385 our success is it because we were such dimh3K6jDrI-00093-00023386-00023613 early adopters we were in the financial dimh3K6jDrI-00094-00023614-00023916 services industry and a regulator to dimh3K6jDrI-00095-00023917-00024300 boot that we had engineering access to dimh3K6jDrI-00096-00024301-00024605 the cloud providers and dimh3K6jDrI-00097-00024606-00024905 big a big data open-source software dimh3K6jDrI-00098-00024906-00025110 vendors so we actually had the dimh3K6jDrI-00099-00025111-00025367 engineer's from AWS and other firms dimh3K6jDrI-00100-00025368-00025637 coming in to help us learn how to do it dimh3K6jDrI-00101-00025638-00025952 to do it right and that's been part of dimh3K6jDrI-00102-00025954-00026126 our culture ever since dimh3K6jDrI-00103-00026127-00026379 one thing that was I guess a very dimh3K6jDrI-00104-00026380-00026564 welcome surprise is normally these dimh3K6jDrI-00105-00026566-00026745 keynotes tend to fall into almost dimh3K6jDrI-00106-00026745-00026927 reductive tropes where first we're gonna dimh3K6jDrI-00107-00026929-00027114 have some Twitter for pet style startup dimh3K6jDrI-00108-00027114-00027285 talking about all the higher level stuff dimh3K6jDrI-00109-00027286-00027440 they're doing and then we're gonna have dimh3K6jDrI-00110-00027441-00027669 a large more serious company come in and dimh3K6jDrI-00111-00027670-00027906 talk about how we move to vm from our dimh3K6jDrI-00112-00027907-00028122 data center into the cloud yeah everyone dimh3K6jDrI-00113-00028123-00028370 clap instead there was it was very cool dimh3K6jDrI-00114-00028372-00028530 you're using higher level much higher dimh3K6jDrI-00115-00028531-00028745 level services on top of other cloud dimh3K6jDrI-00116-00028747-00028956 provider it's not just running VM dimh3K6jDrI-00117-00028957-00029118 somewhere else in the same way you would dimh3K6jDrI-00118-00029119-00029376 on premise was that a transitional step dimh3K6jDrI-00119-00029377-00029520 that you went through or did you dimh3K6jDrI-00120-00029520-00029708 effectively when you went all in start dimh3K6jDrI-00121-00029710-00029846 leveraging those higher services ok dimh3K6jDrI-00122-00029847-00030052 that's a great question and a dimh3K6jDrI-00123-00030054-00030383 differentiator for us versus a lot a lot dimh3K6jDrI-00124-00030385-00030651 of the large organizations with a legacy dimh3K6jDrI-00125-00030652-00030993 footprint that would not be practical to dimh3K6jDrI-00126-00030994-00031398 rewrite we had out sourced IT entirely dimh3K6jDrI-00127-00031399-00031683 in the 90s to EDS and it was brought dimh3K6jDrI-00128-00031683-00032027 back in source in house early in this dimh3K6jDrI-00129-00032029-00032252 decade and so we had kind of a fresh dimh3K6jDrI-00130-00032253-00032726 fresh environment fresh people no legacy dimh3K6jDrI-00131-00032727-00032925 really other than the data warehouse dimh3K6jDrI-00132-00032926-00033159 appliances so we had a spring a dimh3K6jDrI-00133-00033160-00033561 springboard to rewrite our apps in an dimh3K6jDrI-00134-00033562-00033902 agile way to be fully cloud enabled so dimh3K6jDrI-00135-00033903-00034155 we work with AWS we work with cloud era dimh3K6jDrI-00136-00034156-00034311 we work with Hortonworks work with all dimh3K6jDrI-00137-00034312-00034584 the the key vendors at that time and dimh3K6jDrI-00138-00034585-00034836 space to figure out how to write our dimh3K6jDrI-00139-00034837-00035067 apps so that they could take most dimh3K6jDrI-00140-00035068-00035259 advantage of what the cloud was offering dimh3K6jDrI-00141-00035260-00035484 at that time and that continues to dimh3K6jDrI-00142-00035485-00035799 prevail today yeah that's a great point dimh3K6jDrI-00143-00035800-00036077 because you know so often it's that dimh3K6jDrI-00144-00036078-00036227 journey to cloud but it's that dimh3K6jDrI-00145-00036228-00036384 application modernization that that's a dimh3K6jDrI-00146-00036385-00036636 tough journey right so it bring us in a dimh3K6jDrI-00147-00036637-00036798 little inside there is you know how it dimh3K6jDrI-00148-00036799-00037029 is you know what expertise did FINRA dimh3K6jDrI-00149-00037030-00037206 have there I mean you don't want to be dimh3K6jDrI-00150-00037207-00037419 building applications it is the open dimh3K6jDrI-00151-00037420-00037626 stuff source the thing was it dimh3K6jDrI-00152-00037627-00037824 mature enough how much did they have to dimh3K6jDrI-00153-00037825-00038058 help work you know would you call it you dimh3K6jDrI-00154-00038059-00038289 know coke collaboration oh yeah the dimh3K6jDrI-00155-00038290-00038490 first year was hard because I would have dimh3K6jDrI-00156-00038491-00038760 you know every high performance database dimh3K6jDrI-00157-00038761-00038952 vendor and I see a number of them here dimh3K6jDrI-00158-00038953-00039132 today I'm sure they're paddling their dimh3K6jDrI-00159-00039133-00039444 AWS version now but they had a pride of dimh3K6jDrI-00160-00039445-00039660 pride a proprietary database version dimh3K6jDrI-00161-00039661-00039816 they're saying if you want to handle the dimh3K6jDrI-00162-00039817-00039945 volumes that you're seeing and dimh3K6jDrI-00163-00039946-00040182 predicting you really need a proprietary dimh3K6jDrI-00164-00040183-00040359 they wouldn't call it proprietary but it dimh3K6jDrI-00165-00040360-00040668 was essentially a very unique solution dimh3K6jDrI-00166-00040669-00040815 and point solution that would cause dimh3K6jDrI-00167-00040816-00041118 vendor dependency and so and then and dimh3K6jDrI-00168-00041119-00041352 then my architects internally were dimh3K6jDrI-00169-00041353-00041655 saying no we we want to go open-source dimh3K6jDrI-00170-00041656-00041898 because that's where the innovation and dimh3K6jDrI-00171-00041899-00042072 evolution is gonna be fastest and we're dimh3K6jDrI-00172-00042073-00042281 not going to have vendor lock-in that dimh3K6jDrI-00173-00042282-00042567 decision that bat took about a year to dimh3K6jDrI-00174-00042568-00042843 solidify but once we went that way we dimh3K6jDrI-00175-00042844-00043104 never look back so from that standpoint dimh3K6jDrI-00176-00043105-00043329 that was a good bat and it made sense dimh3K6jDrI-00177-00043330-00043548 the other element of your question is dimh3K6jDrI-00178-00043549-00043731 how much do of this did we do on our own dimh3K6jDrI-00179-00043732-00044067 versus rely on vendors again the the dimh3K6jDrI-00180-00044068-00044232 kind of dirty little secret of our dimh3K6jDrI-00181-00044233-00044523 beginnings here is that we leverage the dimh3K6jDrI-00182-00044524-00044751 engineer you know so typically a firm dimh3K6jDrI-00183-00044752-00045015 would get the sales staff right we got dimh3K6jDrI-00184-00045016-00045213 the engineers we insisted on it in order dimh3K6jDrI-00185-00045214-00045471 to have them teach our engineers how to dimh3K6jDrI-00186-00045472-00045858 do these RER c't xers to do it right and dimh3K6jDrI-00187-00045859-00046014 we use that because we're in the dimh3K6jDrI-00188-00046015-00046191 financial services industry as a dimh3K6jDrI-00189-00046192-00046482 regulator right so they viewed us as a dimh3K6jDrI-00190-00046483-00046638 reference table account that would be dimh3K6jDrI-00191-00046639-00046885 very valuable in their portfolio so in dimh3K6jDrI-00192-00046886-00047110 many regards that was we you know we dimh3K6jDrI-00193-00047111-00047391 scratch each other's back but ultimately dimh3K6jDrI-00194-00047392-00047598 the point is that that their engineers dimh3K6jDrI-00195-00047599-00047820 trained our engineers who trained other dimh3K6jDrI-00196-00047821-00048144 engineers and so when I when I did the dimh3K6jDrI-00197-00048145-00048537 the keynote at the reinvent in 2016 one dimh3K6jDrI-00198-00048538-00048852 of my the pillars of our success was dimh3K6jDrI-00199-00048853-00049131 that we didn't rely overly on vendors in dimh3K6jDrI-00200-00049132-00049347 the end we trained five to six hundred dimh3K6jDrI-00201-00049348-00049682 of our own staff on how to do cloud dimh3K6jDrI-00202-00049683-00050013 architectures correctly it's I think at dimh3K6jDrI-00203-00050014-00050196 this point it's very clear that you're dimh3K6jDrI-00204-00050197-00050403 something of an extreme outlier in that dimh3K6jDrI-00205-00050404-00050554 you integrate by the nature of what you dimh3K6jDrI-00206-00050555-00050760 do with very large fine dimh3K6jDrI-00207-00050761-00050987 institutions and these historically have dimh3K6jDrI-00208-00050988-00051161 not been firms that have embraced the dimh3K6jDrI-00209-00051162-00051350 cloud with the speed and enthusiasm that dimh3K6jDrI-00210-00051351-00051602 FINRA has have you found yourself as dimh3K6jDrI-00211-00051603-00051794 you're going in this all in on the cloud dimh3K6jDrI-00212-00051795-00051975 approach that you're having trouble dimh3K6jDrI-00213-00051976-00052208 getting some of those other larger dimh3K6jDrI-00214-00052209-00052451 financial firms to meet you there or is dimh3K6jDrI-00215-00052452-00052587 that not really been a concern based dimh3K6jDrI-00216-00052588-00052710 upon fenders position within the dimh3K6jDrI-00217-00052711-00053196 ecosystem I would say that five years dimh3K6jDrI-00218-00053197-00053666 ago very rare I would say you know we've dimh3K6jDrI-00219-00053667-00053904 hit up I made a conscious effort to be dimh3K6jDrI-00220-00053904-00054078 very loud and the process in that dimh3K6jDrI-00221-00054079-00054291 conference is about our journey because dimh3K6jDrI-00222-00054291-00054600 it's it has helped us attract talent dimh3K6jDrI-00223-00054601-00054813 people are coming to work for us as a dimh3K6jDrI-00224-00054814-00055116 fin yer a financial services regulator dimh3K6jDrI-00225-00055116-00055287 that wouldn't have considered it five dimh3K6jDrI-00226-00055288-00055449 years ago and they're doing it because dimh3K6jDrI-00227-00055450-00055619 they want to be part of this experience dimh3K6jDrI-00228-00055620-00055848 that we're having but it's a byproduct dimh3K6jDrI-00229-00055849-00056100 of being loud and the press means that a dimh3K6jDrI-00230-00056101-00056310 lot of firms are saying well look at dimh3K6jDrI-00231-00056311-00056478 what FINRA's doing in the cloud let's go dimh3K6jDrI-00232-00056479-00056709 talk to them so we've had probably at dimh3K6jDrI-00233-00056710-00056910 this point 200 firms that have come to dimh3K6jDrI-00234-00056911-00057147 FINRA to learn from our experience we've dimh3K6jDrI-00235-00057148-00057423 got this two-hour presentation that kind dimh3K6jDrI-00236-00057424-00057597 of goes through all the aspects of how dimh3K6jDrI-00237-00057598-00057879 to do it right but what to avoid etc etc dimh3K6jDrI-00238-00057879-00058280 and you know I would say now the dimh3K6jDrI-00239-00058282-00058517 companies that are coming into us almost dimh3K6jDrI-00240-00058519-00058761 universally believe that it's the right dimh3K6jDrI-00241-00058762-00058962 direction they're having trouble whether dimh3K6jDrI-00242-00058963-00059271 it's political issues technology debt dimh3K6jDrI-00243-00059272-00059490 you know you name it for making the dimh3K6jDrI-00244-00059491-00059780 momentum that we've made but unlike four dimh3K6jDrI-00245-00059782-00059993 or five years ago all of them recognize dimh3K6jDrI-00246-00059994-00060206 that it's the it's the direction to go dimh3K6jDrI-00247-00060207-00060401 that that's almost undisputed at this dimh3K6jDrI-00248-00060402-00060672 point and and your opening comment yeah dimh3K6jDrI-00249-00060673-00060849 we're very much an outlier we've moved dimh3K6jDrI-00250-00060850-00061205 97 plus percent of our apps 99 plus dimh3K6jDrI-00251-00061207-00061434 percent of our data we are I mean the dimh3K6jDrI-00252-00061435-00061587 only thing that hasn't really been moved dimh3K6jDrI-00253-00061588-00061815 to the cloud at this point our conscious dimh3K6jDrI-00254-00061816-00062016 decisions because those applications you dimh3K6jDrI-00255-00062016-00062172 are gonna die on the vine in the data dimh3K6jDrI-00256-00062173-00062393 center or they don't make sense to move dimh3K6jDrI-00257-00062394-00062647 to the cloud for whatever reason okay dimh3K6jDrI-00258-00062648-00062892 you've got almost all your data in the dimh3K6jDrI-00259-00062894-00063082 cloud and you're using open source dimh3K6jDrI-00260-00063083-00063379 technology as Cory said if I was dimh3K6jDrI-00261-00063379-00063547 listening to a traditional financial dimh3K6jDrI-00262-00063548-00063780 services company you know they're dimh3K6jDrI-00263-00063782-00063958 telling me all the reasons that for dimh3K6jDrI-00264-00063959-00064129 governance and compliance that they're dimh3K6jDrI-00265-00064129-00064483 not going to do it so you know why do dimh3K6jDrI-00266-00064484-00064779 you feel safe putting your your data in dimh3K6jDrI-00267-00064780-00065415 the cloud while we've looked at it so dimh3K6jDrI-00268-00065416-00065791 I've spent my first year at FINRA 2013 dimh3K6jDrI-00269-00065792-00066199 early 2014 but mostly 2013 convincing dimh3K6jDrI-00270-00066200-00066457 our board of directors that moving our dimh3K6jDrI-00271-00066458-00066748 most critical applications to the public dimh3K6jDrI-00272-00066749-00067042 cloud was going to be no worse from an dimh3K6jDrI-00273-00067043-00067228 information security standpoint than dimh3K6jDrI-00274-00067229-00067351 what we were doing in our private data dimh3K6jDrI-00275-00067352-00067627 centers that presentation ultimately dimh3K6jDrI-00276-00067628-00067969 made it to other regulators major firms dimh3K6jDrI-00277-00067970-00068320 on the street industry lobbyists groups dimh3K6jDrI-00278-00068321-00068554 like SIF MA and FIF got a lot of airtime dimh3K6jDrI-00279-00068555-00068896 and it basically made the point using dimh3K6jDrI-00280-00068897-00069091 logic and reasoning that going to the dimh3K6jDrI-00281-00069092-00069376 cloud and doing it right not doing it dimh3K6jDrI-00282-00069377-00069604 wrong but doing it right is at least as dimh3K6jDrI-00283-00069605-00069748 secure from a physical and logical dimh3K6jDrI-00284-00069749-00069916 standpoint as what we were previously dimh3K6jDrI-00285-00069917-00070177 doing and then we went down that route I dimh3K6jDrI-00286-00070178-00070483 got the board approval in 2015 dimh3K6jDrI-00287-00070484-00070717 we started looking at it and realizing dimh3K6jDrI-00288-00070718-00070897 it wait a minute what we're doing here dimh3K6jDrI-00289-00070898-00071065 encrypting everything using micro dimh3K6jDrI-00290-00071066-00071317 segmentation we would never and aren't dimh3K6jDrI-00291-00071318-00071476 doing this in our private data center dimh3K6jDrI-00292-00071477-00071677 it's more secure and at that point in dimh3K6jDrI-00293-00071678-00071962 time a lot of the analysts in our dimh3K6jDrI-00294-00071963-00072193 industry like gardener foresters started dimh3K6jDrI-00295-00072194-00072340 coming out with papers that basically dimh3K6jDrI-00296-00072341-00072430 said hey wait a minute dimh3K6jDrI-00297-00072431-00072604 this perception that public cloud is not dimh3K6jDrI-00298-00072605-00072901 as safe as on trim that's wrong and now dimh3K6jDrI-00299-00072902-00073087 we look at it and like I can't imagine dimh3K6jDrI-00300-00073088-00073309 doing what we're doing now in a private dimh3K6jDrI-00301-00073310-00073552 data center there's no scale it's not as dimh3K6jDrI-00302-00073553-00073894 secure etc etc etc and to some extent dimh3K6jDrI-00303-00073895-00074035 when you're dealing with banks and for a dimh3K6jDrI-00304-00074036-00074209 start-up perspective now and they say oh dimh3K6jDrI-00305-00074210-00074377 we don't necessarily trust the cloud dimh3K6jDrI-00306-00074378-00074596 well that's interesting your regulator dimh3K6jDrI-00307-00074597-00074824 does in other cases some tax authorities dimh3K6jDrI-00308-00074825-00075011 do you provided it tremendous dimh3K6jDrI-00309-00075012-00075242 value just by being as public as you dimh3K6jDrI-00310-00075243-00075425 have been that really starts taking the dimh3K6jDrI-00311-00075426-00075605 wind out of the sails of the old fear dimh3K6jDrI-00312-00075606-00075749 uncertainty and doubt arguments around dimh3K6jDrI-00313-00075750-00076076 cloud yeah I mean the doubts around it's dimh3K6jDrI-00314-00076077-00076321 not secure I don't have control over it dimh3K6jDrI-00315-00076322-00076651 if you do it right those are those are dimh3K6jDrI-00316-00076652-00076871 manageable risks I would argue in some dimh3K6jDrI-00317-00076872-00077120 cases you've got more risk not doing it dimh3K6jDrI-00318-00077121-00077324 but I will caution everything needs to dimh3K6jDrI-00319-00077325-00077486 be on the condition that you've got to dimh3K6jDrI-00320-00077487-00077534 do it right dimh3K6jDrI-00321-00077535-00077792 sloppy migration and the cloud could dimh3K6jDrI-00322-00077793-00078020 make you less secure so there there are dimh3K6jDrI-00323-00078021-00078281 principles that need to be followed as dimh3K6jDrI-00324-00078282-00078601 part of this all right so Steve doing it dimh3K6jDrI-00325-00078602-00078656 right dimh3K6jDrI-00326-00078657-00078869 you haven't been sitting still one of dimh3K6jDrI-00327-00078870-00078989 the things that really caught my dimh3K6jDrI-00328-00078990-00079178 attention in the keynote was you said in dimh3K6jDrI-00329-00079179-00079301 the last four years you've done three dimh3K6jDrI-00330-00079302-00079651 three architectures and what I want to dimh3K6jDrI-00331-00079652-00079769 understand you said each time you've got dimh3K6jDrI-00332-00079770-00079940 better price performance you know you do dimh3K6jDrI-00333-00079941-00080120 think so how do you make sure you do it dimh3K6jDrI-00334-00080121-00080318 right yet have flexibility both in an dimh3K6jDrI-00335-00080319-00080519 architecture standpoint and you know dimh3K6jDrI-00336-00080520-00080660 don't you have to do a three-year dimh3K6jDrI-00337-00080661-00080810 reserves instance for some of these how dimh3K6jDrI-00338-00080811-00080942 do you make sure that you have the dimh3K6jDrI-00339-00080943-00081107 flexibility to be able to take advantage dimh3K6jDrI-00340-00081108-00081311 of as you said the innovation in dimh3K6jDrI-00341-00081312-00081506 automation yeah as meson keeps moving dimh3K6jDrI-00342-00081507-00081776 forward with that's a that's a deep dimh3K6jDrI-00343-00081777-00081950 technical question so I'm gonna answer dimh3K6jDrI-00344-00081951-00082247 it simply and say that we've architected dimh3K6jDrI-00345-00082248-00082631 the the software and hardware stack such dimh3K6jDrI-00346-00082632-00082814 there's not a lot of codependency dimh3K6jDrI-00347-00082815-00083129 between them and that's natural IT 101 dimh3K6jDrI-00348-00083130-00083348 principle but it's easier to do in the dimh3K6jDrI-00349-00083349-00083632 cloud particularly with an AWS who kind dimh3K6jDrI-00350-00083633-00083780 of covers the whole stack so you're not dimh3K6jDrI-00351-00083781-00083932 going to different vendors that aren't dimh3K6jDrI-00352-00083933-00084206 integrated that helps a lot but you also dimh3K6jDrI-00353-00084207-00084431 have to architect it right and then once dimh3K6jDrI-00354-00084432-00084632 you do that and then you automate your dimh3K6jDrI-00355-00084633-00084866 software development lifecycle process dimh3K6jDrI-00356-00084867-00085262 it makes switching out any one component dimh3K6jDrI-00357-00085263-00085567 of that stack pretty easy to do and dimh3K6jDrI-00358-00085568-00085793 highly automate it in some cases dimh3K6jDrI-00359-00085794-00086111 completely automated and so when new dimh3K6jDrI-00360-00086112-00086423 services or new versions of products new dimh3K6jDrI-00361-00086424-00086714 classes of machines become available we dimh3K6jDrI-00362-00086715-00086860 just slip them in dimh3K6jDrI-00363-00086861-00087051 and the term I used this morning marked dimh3K6jDrI-00364-00087052-00087219 America with Moore's law that's what we dimh3K6jDrI-00365-00087220-00087472 had aspire to do to have the highest dimh3K6jDrI-00366-00087473-00087699 levels of price performance achievable dimh3K6jDrI-00367-00087700-00087897 at the time that it's made available dimh3K6jDrI-00368-00087898-00088224 that wasn't possible previously because dimh3K6jDrI-00369-00088225-00088569 you would go buy a hardware kit and then dimh3K6jDrI-00370-00088570-00088737 you would depreciate it for five years dimh3K6jDrI-00371-00088738-00088944 on your books at the end of those five dimh3K6jDrI-00372-00088945-00089160 years it would get kind of have scale dimh3K6jDrI-00373-00089161-00089416 and reliability problems and then you go dimh3K6jDrI-00374-00089417-00089655 spend tens of millions of dollars on a dimh3K6jDrI-00375-00089656-00089868 new kit and the whole cycle would start dimh3K6jDrI-00376-00089869-00090129 over again that's not the case here yeah dimh3K6jDrI-00377-00090130-00090405 machine learning something you've been dimh3K6jDrI-00378-00090406-00090594 dipping into tell us the impact what dimh3K6jDrI-00379-00090595-00090753 that has and what you see going forward dimh3K6jDrI-00380-00090754-00091053 it's early but we're big believers in dimh3K6jDrI-00381-00091054-00091303 machine learning and there's a lot of dimh3K6jDrI-00382-00091304-00091569 applications for at FINRA and our dimh3K6jDrI-00383-00091570-00091793 various investigatory and regulatory dimh3K6jDrI-00384-00091794-00092253 functions again it's early but I'm a big dimh3K6jDrI-00385-00092254-00092661 believer that the that the compute and dimh3K6jDrI-00386-00092662-00092916 storage scale commodity costs in the dimh3K6jDrI-00387-00092917-00093231 public cloud can be tapped into and dimh3K6jDrI-00388-00093232-00093522 levered to make AI and machine learning dimh3K6jDrI-00389-00093523-00093772 achieve what everybody's been talking dimh3K6jDrI-00390-00093773-00093954 about and hoping to achieve in the last dimh3K6jDrI-00391-00093955-00094244 several decades we're using it dimh3K6jDrI-00392-00094245-00094459 specifically right now in our dimh3K6jDrI-00393-00094460-00094734 surveillance for market manipulation and dimh3K6jDrI-00394-00094735-00095123 and fraud so fraudsters coming in and dimh3K6jDrI-00395-00095124-00095422 manipulating prices in the stock markets dimh3K6jDrI-00396-00095423-00095734 to take advantage of trading early days dimh3K6jDrI-00397-00095735-00096003 but very promising in terms of what it's dimh3K6jDrI-00398-00096004-00096387 delivered so far Steve want to give you dimh3K6jDrI-00399-00096388-00096669 the final word you know you're thank you dimh3K6jDrI-00400-00096670-00096885 first of all for being vocal on this it dimh3K6jDrI-00401-00096886-00097026 sounds like there's a lot of ways for dimh3K6jDrI-00402-00097027-00097278 people to understand and see you know dimh3K6jDrI-00403-00097279-00097540 what FINRA has done and really be a you dimh3K6jDrI-00404-00097541-00097842 know an early indicator so you know give dimh3K6jDrI-00405-00097843-00097947 us a little bit look forward you know dimh3K6jDrI-00406-00097948-00098203 what more where is FINRA going next on dimh3K6jDrI-00407-00098204-00098385 their journey and what do you want to dimh3K6jDrI-00408-00098386-00098616 see more from you know Amazon and the dimh3K6jDrI-00409-00098617-00098901 ecosystem around them to make you know dimh3K6jDrI-00410-00098902-00099024 your life and life of your peers better dimh3K6jDrI-00411-00099025-00099319 yes so some of the kind of dimh3K6jDrI-00412-00099320-00099665 that Amazon is working with us in dimh3K6jDrI-00413-00099666-00100060 partnering us on is getting a more dimh3K6jDrI-00414-00100061-00100684 automated intra-regional fell over our dimh3K6jDrI-00415-00100685-00101098 our industry is a little bit queasy dimh3K6jDrI-00416-00101099-00101416 about having everything run with a dimh3K6jDrI-00417-00101417-00101686 relatively tight proximity in the East dimh3K6jDrI-00418-00101687-00101932 Coast region and while we replicate our dimh3K6jDrI-00419-00101933-00102304 data to the to the other east region we dimh3K6jDrI-00420-00102305-00102577 think a more co-production environment dimh3K6jDrI-00421-00102578-00102757 like we have across the availability dimh3K6jDrI-00422-00102758-00103153 zones within the East would be looked dimh3K6jDrI-00423-00103154-00103780 upon with a more you know advocacy of dimh3K6jDrI-00424-00103781-00104065 that architecture from a regulatory dimh3K6jDrI-00425-00104066-00104293 standpoint that would be one another one dimh3K6jDrI-00426-00104294-00104827 would be one of the big objections to dimh3K6jDrI-00427-00104828-00105194 moving to a public cloud vendor like dimh3K6jDrI-00428-00105195-00105548 Amazon is the vendor dependency and so dimh3K6jDrI-00429-00105549-00105845 making sure that we're not overly dimh3K6jDrI-00430-00105846-00106043 technically dependent on them is dimh3K6jDrI-00431-00106044-00106247 something that I think is a shared dimh3K6jDrI-00432-00106248-00106496 responsibility the view that you can go dimh3K6jDrI-00433-00106497-00106745 and run a single application across dimh3K6jDrI-00434-00106746-00106984 multiple cloud vendors I don't think dimh3K6jDrI-00435-00106985-00107168 anybody's been able to successfully do dimh3K6jDrI-00436-00107169-00107377 that because of the differences between dimh3K6jDrI-00437-00107378-00107600 the providers you can run one dimh3K6jDrI-00438-00107601-00107791 application in one vendor and another dimh3K6jDrI-00439-00107792-00107945 application in another vendor that's dimh3K6jDrI-00440-00107946-00108190 fine but that doesn't really achieve the dimh3K6jDrI-00441-00108191-00108636 vendor dependency question and then dimh3K6jDrI-00442-00108638-00109001 going forward for FINRA I mean the real dimh3K6jDrI-00443-00109002-00109208 beauty is if you architected your dimh3K6jDrI-00444-00109208-00109501 applications right without really doing dimh3K6jDrI-00445-00109502-00109627 any work at all you're going to dimh3K6jDrI-00446-00109628-00109888 continuously get the benefits of price dimh3K6jDrI-00447-00109889-00110053 performance as they go forward you're dimh3K6jDrI-00448-00110054-00110326 not kind of locked into a status quo so dimh3K6jDrI-00449-00110327-00110539 even without doing much of any new work dimh3K6jDrI-00450-00110540-00110795 on our applications we're going to dimh3K6jDrI-00451-00110796-00110941 continue to get the benefits that's dimh3K6jDrI-00452-00110942-00111275 probably outside of the elastic massive dimh3K6jDrI-00453-00111276-00111533 scale that we take advantage dimh3K6jDrI-00454-00111534-00111708 that's probably the biggest benefit of dimh3K6jDrI-00455-00111708-00111921 this whole journey well Steve Rand it's dimh3K6jDrI-00456-00111922-00112071 really appreciated thank you so much for dimh3K6jDrI-00457-00112072-00112313 sharing the journey of FINRA alright for dimh3K6jDrI-00458-00112314-00112466 Cory claims to minimun back with lots dimh3K6jDrI-00459-00112467-00112668 more here from AWS summit in New York dimh3K6jDrI-00460-00112669-00113015 City thanks for watching the cube djrtrkRg9DY-00000-00000003-00000224 hey there friends and welcome back to djrtrkRg9DY-00001-00000225-00000419 strange rebel gaming I'm Briana white djrtrkRg9DY-00002-00000420-00000596 for those of you who don't know I'm the djrtrkRg9DY-00003-00000597-00000802 voice of Erath and Final Fantasy 7 djrtrkRg9DY-00004-00000803-00001040 remake that's why today is so exciting djrtrkRg9DY-00005-00001041-00001172 because we're gonna be watching the new djrtrkRg9DY-00006-00001173-00001507 trailer the trailer dropped today on the djrtrkRg9DY-00007-00001508-00001697 anniversary of the original Final djrtrkRg9DY-00008-00001698-00001976 Fantasy 7 and it is a theme song trailer djrtrkRg9DY-00009-00001977-00002207 I have no idea what's in it but people djrtrkRg9DY-00010-00002208-00002372 are really excited about it so I thought djrtrkRg9DY-00011-00002373-00002755 I'd film a reaction let's get on to it djrtrkRg9DY-00012-00002756-00003155 so what did you want to talk about djrtrkRg9DY-00013-00003156-00003440 when spring comes I'm leaving town I'm djrtrkRg9DY-00014-00003440-00003844 going to Midgard I'm gonna be a soldier djrtrkRg9DY-00015-00003845-00004052 the best of the best djrtrkRg9DY-00016-00004053-00004299 like Sephiroth djrtrkRg9DY-00017-00004300-00005213 I already have children djrtrkRg9DY-00018-00005214-00005411 tell me djrtrkRg9DY-00019-00005412-00005722 is it really Hugh djrtrkRg9DY-00020-00005723-00006004 are we on schedule please mr. president djrtrkRg9DY-00021-00006005-00006409 I am asking you to reconsider no begging djrtrkRg9DY-00022-00006409-00006718 director to restate the stench of the djrtrkRg9DY-00023-00006719-00006961 directors cowardice fills the room yet djrtrkRg9DY-00024-00006962-00007234 again motto supersaturation confirmed djrtrkRg9DY-00025-00007234-00007426 engaging material culling to reduce djrtrkRg9DY-00026-00007427-00007717 temperature I am director you have a djrtrkRg9DY-00027-00007718-00008053 meeting shortly Jones oh stop your djrtrkRg9DY-00028-00008054-00008650 timing is impeccable atrocious a man of djrtrkRg9DY-00029-00008651-00009135 my refined tastes running out of butter djrtrkRg9DY-00030-00009136-00009666 welcome to the high-end line true beauty djrtrkRg9DY-00031-00009667-00009883 is an expression of the heart oh my gosh djrtrkRg9DY-00032-00009884-00010088 you guys a thing without chains djrtrkRg9DY-00033-00010089-00010977 situation is a borderline perfection no djrtrkRg9DY-00034-00010978-00011655 but you're so pretty djrtrkRg9DY-00035-00011656-00011937 which one of you said djrtrkRg9DY-00036-00011938-00012353 you got a mouth on you djrtrkRg9DY-00037-00012354-00012548 we having a wonderful time kicking the djrtrkRg9DY-00038-00012549-00012838 hornet's nest you know what I want a djrtrkRg9DY-00039-00012839-00013162 second day just the two of us djrtrkRg9DY-00040-00013163-00013484 so what the hell is it a fascinating djrtrkRg9DY-00041-00013485-00013913 question I am that what you see before djrtrkRg9DY-00042-00013913-00013982 you djrtrkRg9DY-00043-00013983-00014169 nothing more djrtrkRg9DY-00044-00014169-00014415 [Applause] djrtrkRg9DY-00045-00014416-00014982 a touching reunion djrtrkRg9DY-00046-00014983-00015388 [Music] djrtrkRg9DY-00047-00015388-00015700 very very good djrtrkRg9DY-00048-00015701-00016006 and thus is a hypothesis proven correct djrtrkRg9DY-00049-00016007-00016405 I can only hope you will continue not to djrtrkRg9DY-00050-00016406-00016539 disappoint djrtrkRg9DY-00051-00016540-00018137 [Laughter] djrtrkRg9DY-00052-00018138-00018458 [Music] djrtrkRg9DY-00053-00018459-00018743 we're here to rescue Aaron remember we djrtrkRg9DY-00054-00018744-00018854 don't need more attention than what djrtrkRg9DY-00055-00018855-00019180 we're gonna get yeah djrtrkRg9DY-00056-00019181-00019615 oh my gosh yes I'm so excited for that djrtrkRg9DY-00057-00019616-00019871 [Music] djrtrkRg9DY-00058-00019872-00020093 I know these people and I know they're djrtrkRg9DY-00059-00020094-00020216 never gonna let Aerith go djrtrkRg9DY-00060-00020217-00020414 she's the last living ancient on the djrtrkRg9DY-00061-00020415-00020609 planet think about what that means - djrtrkRg9DY-00062-00020610-00021041 Oh scientists this is the source of djrtrkRg9DY-00063-00021042-00021169 everything djrtrkRg9DY-00064-00021170-00022641 Jenova djrtrkRg9DY-00065-00022642-00023147 [Music] djrtrkRg9DY-00066-00023148-00023464 the Shinra Electric Power Company isn't djrtrkRg9DY-00067-00023465-00023615 the real enemy djrtrkRg9DY-00068-00023616-00023795 unless you there's a much bigger threat djrtrkRg9DY-00069-00023796-00024053 I just want to do everything in my power djrtrkRg9DY-00070-00024054-00025225 to help all of you and the planet djrtrkRg9DY-00071-00025226-00026156 wow you guys um take a second um Wow um djrtrkRg9DY-00072-00026157-00026564 so who that made me really emotional djrtrkRg9DY-00073-00026564-00026936 that trailer um if I can just talk djrtrkRg9DY-00074-00026937-00027806 through why that is I I you know I can't djrtrkRg9DY-00075-00027807-00027976 believe I get to be a part of this djrtrkRg9DY-00076-00027977-00028252 halfway through the trailer I just I was djrtrkRg9DY-00077-00028254-00028454 hit by that I can't believe I get to be djrtrkRg9DY-00078-00028455-00028645 a part of this I still don't believe it djrtrkRg9DY-00079-00028647-00029164 truly that that that's something that's djrtrkRg9DY-00080-00029166-00029594 my voice which is cool because there is djrtrkRg9DY-00081-00029595-00029833 a lot of magic that happens I think from djrtrkRg9DY-00082-00029835-00030158 when you know the sound comes out of me djrtrkRg9DY-00083-00030158-00030427 and then goes through the microphone and djrtrkRg9DY-00084-00030429-00030572 then goes through editing and goes djrtrkRg9DY-00085-00030573-00030782 through a polish and refinement and just djrtrkRg9DY-00086-00030783-00031148 makes it sound different to me in in a djrtrkRg9DY-00087-00031149-00031424 good way because then I get to enjoy it djrtrkRg9DY-00088-00031425-00031667 in a way that's separate from myself but djrtrkRg9DY-00089-00031668-00031902 even as I'm watching it I'm remembering djrtrkRg9DY-00090-00031904-00032348 recording these lines and and then djrtrkRg9DY-00091-00032349-00032543 seeing it all come together like this is djrtrkRg9DY-00092-00032544-00033164 so stunning it's so incredibly beautiful djrtrkRg9DY-00093-00033165-00033584 and and I think it's so well done djrtrkRg9DY-00094-00033585-00034046 the song is obviously so moving and so djrtrkRg9DY-00095-00034047-00034493 emotional and so beautiful and getting djrtrkRg9DY-00096-00034494-00034736 to see all of these characters is so djrtrkRg9DY-00097-00034737-00035264 exciting oh man it's so cool that we djrtrkRg9DY-00098-00035265-00035426 finally get to talk about these things djrtrkRg9DY-00099-00035427-00035654 with you got we meaning the people who djrtrkRg9DY-00100-00035655-00035855 are a part of the team of making it that djrtrkRg9DY-00101-00035856-00036044 I already knew these things and now we djrtrkRg9DY-00102-00036045-00036227 can finally share these moments with you djrtrkRg9DY-00103-00036228-00036590 you got the cloud in the dress scene and djrtrkRg9DY-00104-00036591-00036643 not djrtrkRg9DY-00105-00036644-00036901 like a screenshot of him in the dress djrtrkRg9DY-00106-00036902-00037085 like you got to see like the making of djrtrkRg9DY-00107-00037086-00037264 and how cool is that you guys have been djrtrkRg9DY-00108-00037265-00037592 so waiting for that moment see a little djrtrkRg9DY-00109-00037593-00037780 bit more of Don Cornejo I know you guys djrtrkRg9DY-00110-00037781-00038261 love that to see red oh I know you guys djrtrkRg9DY-00111-00038262-00038486 are so excited about that to see ho Joe djrtrkRg9DY-00112-00038487-00038818 he looks so sinister and calculating and djrtrkRg9DY-00113-00038819-00039223 so good some more combat some Leviathan djrtrkRg9DY-00114-00039224-00039565 I can't I'm so excited to talk about djrtrkRg9DY-00115-00039566-00039757 this trailer with you guys I want to djrtrkRg9DY-00116-00039758-00039952 know what your favorite part is please djrtrkRg9DY-00117-00039953-00040174 tell me please communicate with me in djrtrkRg9DY-00118-00040175-00040348 the comments please talk with me about djrtrkRg9DY-00119-00040349-00040682 it because I am so excited and it's so djrtrkRg9DY-00120-00040683-00040942 it's gosh it's like a double-edged sword djrtrkRg9DY-00121-00040943-00041132 for me to even say that because I am so djrtrkRg9DY-00122-00041133-00041330 excited to finally talk about some of djrtrkRg9DY-00123-00041331-00041512 these things but there's still so much djrtrkRg9DY-00124-00041513-00041717 that I can't talk about and that's so djrtrkRg9DY-00125-00041718-00042023 hard to freak me because I just want to djrtrkRg9DY-00126-00042024-00042214 like I want to experience the game so djrtrkRg9DY-00127-00042215-00042467 badly with you guys and I want to share djrtrkRg9DY-00128-00042468-00042817 all of all of it all of the hard work djrtrkRg9DY-00129-00042818-00043045 that we've put in and all of the things djrtrkRg9DY-00130-00043046-00043304 that you have been desperately wondering djrtrkRg9DY-00131-00043305-00043462 is this gonna be a part of it is this djrtrkRg9DY-00132-00043463-00043588 gonna be the same is this gonna be like djrtrkRg9DY-00133-00043589-00043864 how I imagined it and I just I just want djrtrkRg9DY-00134-00043865-00044161 to share every bit of that with you I I djrtrkRg9DY-00135-00044162-00044536 this experience is so overwhelming for djrtrkRg9DY-00136-00044537-00044836 me in like the coolest freaking way djrtrkRg9DY-00137-00044837-00045151 I wish I could explain it to you better djrtrkRg9DY-00138-00045152-00045205 than that djrtrkRg9DY-00139-00045206-00045680 but this trailer is awesome and and it djrtrkRg9DY-00140-00045681-00045994 is very Aerith focused I mean the way djrtrkRg9DY-00141-00045995-00046523 that cloud talks about her who makes me djrtrkRg9DY-00142-00046524-00046886 emotional again because because she is djrtrkRg9DY-00143-00046887-00047332 so central to the story and I again djrtrkRg9DY-00144-00047333-00047620 can't believe I get to be a part of that djrtrkRg9DY-00145-00047621-00048167 that is so cool she is such an amazing djrtrkRg9DY-00146-00048168-00048571 character and this story is so amazing I djrtrkRg9DY-00147-00048572-00048721 don't have to tell you guys that much djrtrkRg9DY-00148-00048722-00048911 how amazing this story is and how these djrtrkRg9DY-00149-00048912-00049069 characters are I don't really have to djrtrkRg9DY-00150-00049070-00049276 repeat any of that to you guys because djrtrkRg9DY-00151-00049277-00049529 you guys have taught me that if nothing djrtrkRg9DY-00152-00049530-00050027 else and it's just really cool djrtrkRg9DY-00153-00050028-00050165 just really cool it I get to be a part djrtrkRg9DY-00154-00050166-00050339 of it oh how to take a second to compose djrtrkRg9DY-00155-00050340-00050516 myself but I hope you guys really like djrtrkRg9DY-00156-00050517-00050822 this reaction video and I'm so excited djrtrkRg9DY-00157-00050823-00051047 to see more I cannot wait for the game djrtrkRg9DY-00158-00051048-00051389 to come out in April and what else can I djrtrkRg9DY-00159-00051390-00051439 say djrtrkRg9DY-00160-00051440-00051646 if you don't know already I am playing djrtrkRg9DY-00161-00051647-00051883 through the original Final Fantasy 7 on djrtrkRg9DY-00162-00051884-00052192 my channel we did have special guest djrtrkRg9DY-00163-00052194-00052379 John Eric Bentley the voice of Barret djrtrkRg9DY-00164-00052379-00052586 join us for the first few episodes and djrtrkRg9DY-00165-00052587-00052775 so the first episode is already up a djrtrkRg9DY-00166-00052776-00053003 link to that in the description and in a djrtrkRg9DY-00167-00053004-00053348 card as well for you mobile users it's a djrtrkRg9DY-00168-00053349-00053489 really fun play through I'm really djrtrkRg9DY-00169-00053490-00053735 enjoying it and even just because I had djrtrkRg9DY-00170-00053736-00053915 never played the original Final Fantasy djrtrkRg9DY-00171-00053916-00054362 7 for a lot of reasons but being able to djrtrkRg9DY-00172-00054363-00054641 see what I've played through so far come djrtrkRg9DY-00173-00054641-00054827 to life and this trailer has already djrtrkRg9DY-00174-00054828-00055157 been pretty mind-blowing and I haven't djrtrkRg9DY-00175-00055158-00055366 even played through the whole game so I djrtrkRg9DY-00176-00055367-00055637 cannot imagine how this must be for you djrtrkRg9DY-00177-00055638-00055826 guys I'm just really looking forward to djrtrkRg9DY-00178-00055827-00055991 doing the original playthrough justice djrtrkRg9DY-00179-00055991-00056123 on my channel and I hope you're djrtrkRg9DY-00180-00056124-00056387 interested in joining me for that and I djrtrkRg9DY-00181-00056388-00056641 hope you guys love it so that's all I'm djrtrkRg9DY-00182-00056642-00056822 gonna say for now thank you guys for djrtrkRg9DY-00183-00056823-00056996 watching don't forget to comment don't djrtrkRg9DY-00184-00056997-00057146 forget to like the video if you enjoyed djrtrkRg9DY-00185-00057147-00057329 it share it with all your friends so djrtrkRg9DY-00186-00057329-00057505 they can enjoy it too and don't forget djrtrkRg9DY-00187-00057507-00057782 to subscribe to strange rebel gaming and djrtrkRg9DY-00188-00057783-00057977 hit the notification bell if you are so djrtrkRg9DY-00189-00057978-00058379 inclined oh taken some more deep breaths djrtrkRg9DY-00190-00058379-00058745 because what is my life I love you all djrtrkRg9DY-00191-00058746-00059017 so much um thank you to everybody who djrtrkRg9DY-00192-00059019-00059270 who tweeted me starting at like 4 a.m. djrtrkRg9DY-00193-00059271-00059588 this morning might I'm all excited about djrtrkRg9DY-00194-00059589-00059771 this trailer and asking me to watch it djrtrkRg9DY-00195-00059772-00060365 and just heaps of nice things that you djrtrkRg9DY-00196-00060366-00060650 guys are saying about my work and that's djrtrkRg9DY-00197-00060651-00061129 really cool just thank you all I love djrtrkRg9DY-00198-00061130-00061595 you all so much that's all I love you djrtrkRg9DY-00199-00061596-00061816 guys djrtrkRg9DY-00200-00061817-00063153 [Music] djesrXfOkPc-00000-00000052-00001807 [Music] djesrXfOkPc-00001-00001807-00001934 well thanks for inviting me djesrXfOkPc-00002-00001935-00002142 to the triseq talks and i'm very happy djesrXfOkPc-00003-00002143-00002239 to talk about djesrXfOkPc-00004-00002240-00002447 uh some of the recent findings on djesrXfOkPc-00005-00002448-00002542 challenges of djesrXfOkPc-00006-00002543-00002895 active perception so what is active djesrXfOkPc-00007-00002896-00002966 perception djesrXfOkPc-00008-00002967-00003270 uh let me start with an example so djesrXfOkPc-00009-00003271-00003431 multisensor networks are everywhere djesrXfOkPc-00010-00003432-00003575 nowadays um djesrXfOkPc-00011-00003576-00003838 if we walk in a public space it's common djesrXfOkPc-00012-00003839-00003919 to assume djesrXfOkPc-00013-00003920-00004167 that we are being monitored by a djesrXfOkPc-00014-00004168-00004254 multi-camera djesrXfOkPc-00015-00004255-00004559 surveillance system a key challenge djesrXfOkPc-00016-00004560-00004767 in design of such system is efficient djesrXfOkPc-00017-00004768-00004967 allocation of space resources djesrXfOkPc-00018-00004968-00005238 for example computational power so in djesrXfOkPc-00019-00005239-00005406 many cases it is not possible djesrXfOkPc-00020-00005407-00005622 to process the signal collected by all djesrXfOkPc-00021-00005623-00005711 the sensors djesrXfOkPc-00022-00005712-00005943 or in case of multi-camera systems to djesrXfOkPc-00023-00005944-00006167 apply sophisticated object detection djesrXfOkPc-00024-00006168-00006311 algorithms djesrXfOkPc-00025-00006312-00006575 on images collected from all the cameras djesrXfOkPc-00026-00006576-00006639 in fact djesrXfOkPc-00027-00006640-00006863 in many cases even if there is only a djesrXfOkPc-00028-00006864-00006975 single camera djesrXfOkPc-00029-00006976-00007263 as i show on the image on the right even djesrXfOkPc-00030-00007264-00007495 then it is not possible to apply djesrXfOkPc-00031-00007495-00007703 object detection algorithm on all djesrXfOkPc-00032-00007704-00007878 locations that are covered djesrXfOkPc-00033-00007879-00008070 in the image captured by this one single djesrXfOkPc-00034-00008072-00008239 camera djesrXfOkPc-00035-00008240-00008463 so this resource allocation gives rise djesrXfOkPc-00036-00008464-00008614 to sensor selection problem djesrXfOkPc-00037-00008615-00008846 where an agent must select a subset of djesrXfOkPc-00038-00008847-00008927 sensors djesrXfOkPc-00039-00008928-00009095 that it should allocate the skills the djesrXfOkPc-00040-00009096-00009295 scarce resources djesrXfOkPc-00041-00009296-00009510 sensor selection is an example of an djesrXfOkPc-00042-00009511-00009655 active perception task djesrXfOkPc-00043-00009656-00009863 where an agent must take actions to djesrXfOkPc-00044-00009864-00010046 reduce its uncertainty djesrXfOkPc-00045-00010047-00010255 about its environment while reasoning djesrXfOkPc-00046-00010256-00010391 about its limitation djesrXfOkPc-00047-00010392-00010599 and the limitations imposed on it by the djesrXfOkPc-00048-00010600-00010727 environment djesrXfOkPc-00049-00010728-00010895 and in general active perception djesrXfOkPc-00050-00010896-00011206 encompass a broad spectrum of concepts djesrXfOkPc-00051-00011207-00011359 with multiple applications such as djesrXfOkPc-00052-00011360-00011591 visual attention control of memory djesrXfOkPc-00053-00011592-00011806 active sensing sense of selection or djesrXfOkPc-00054-00011807-00011951 even question answering system djesrXfOkPc-00055-00011952-00012159 where an agent must ask a series of djesrXfOkPc-00056-00012160-00012310 questions and then djesrXfOkPc-00057-00012311-00012519 get answers to them and then stitch djesrXfOkPc-00058-00012520-00012638 those answers together djesrXfOkPc-00059-00012639-00012958 to come up to a final conclusion so what djesrXfOkPc-00060-00012959-00013086 are the common characteristics or djesrXfOkPc-00061-00013087-00013247 challenges that are associated with this djesrXfOkPc-00062-00013247-00013335 task djesrXfOkPc-00063-00013336-00013583 so first this is a sequential decision djesrXfOkPc-00064-00013584-00013743 making task where the agent djesrXfOkPc-00065-00013744-00013999 is for the final aim of the agent is to djesrXfOkPc-00066-00014000-00014094 compute djesrXfOkPc-00067-00014095-00014351 a policy which is a sequence of action djesrXfOkPc-00068-00014352-00014583 the agent should be able to model djesrXfOkPc-00069-00014584-00014807 the stochasticity and partial of the djesrXfOkPc-00070-00014808-00014991 observability in the environment that it djesrXfOkPc-00071-00014991-00015094 is acting djesrXfOkPc-00072-00015095-00015294 furthermore it should be able to reason djesrXfOkPc-00073-00015295-00015494 long term that is it should be able to djesrXfOkPc-00074-00015495-00015638 reason about the consequences of the djesrXfOkPc-00075-00015640-00015847 action that it takes right now djesrXfOkPc-00076-00015847-00016199 in the future in order to compare djesrXfOkPc-00077-00016200-00016247 between djesrXfOkPc-00078-00016247-00016439 what might be a good action and what not djesrXfOkPc-00079-00016440-00016575 it should be able to associate an djesrXfOkPc-00080-00016576-00016679 objective value djesrXfOkPc-00081-00016680-00016943 to its estimate of uncertainty or djesrXfOkPc-00082-00016944-00017103 information djesrXfOkPc-00083-00017104-00017358 find finally in many cases the action djesrXfOkPc-00084-00017359-00017486 space of the agent djesrXfOkPc-00085-00017487-00017830 is it is in itself is a subset of djesrXfOkPc-00086-00017831-00018111 a available set of sensors so the agent djesrXfOkPc-00087-00018112-00018247 must be able to deal with djesrXfOkPc-00088-00018248-00018439 a combinatorial action space where if djesrXfOkPc-00089-00018440-00018607 the number of sensors increases djesrXfOkPc-00090-00018608-00018783 the number of options that the agent has djesrXfOkPc-00091-00018784-00018927 to select from also increases djesrXfOkPc-00092-00018928-00019047 combinatorial djesrXfOkPc-00093-00019048-00019230 and finally it may be desired that the djesrXfOkPc-00094-00019231-00019447 agent must learn from its past mistakes djesrXfOkPc-00095-00019448-00019607 so maybe the agent should also have the djesrXfOkPc-00096-00019608-00019807 capability of learning to perceive djesrXfOkPc-00097-00019808-00019927 activity djesrXfOkPc-00098-00019928-00020222 we address these challenges using at djesrXfOkPc-00099-00020223-00020399 least a combination of four different djesrXfOkPc-00100-00020400-00020463 approaches djesrXfOkPc-00101-00020464-00020711 decision theoretic planning information djesrXfOkPc-00102-00020712-00020775 theory djesrXfOkPc-00103-00020776-00021071 sub-modularity and reinforcement a few djesrXfOkPc-00104-00021072-00021230 of which i am going to talk about in the djesrXfOkPc-00105-00021231-00021271 next djesrXfOkPc-00106-00021272-00021583 few seconds djesrXfOkPc-00107-00021584-00021775 so how do we model the world in order to djesrXfOkPc-00108-00021776-00021958 capture the stochasticity and partial of djesrXfOkPc-00109-00021959-00022071 the weight djesrXfOkPc-00110-00022072-00022247 partially observable mark of decision djesrXfOkPc-00111-00022248-00022463 process provide a decision theoretic djesrXfOkPc-00112-00022464-00022767 framework to do so in a pomdp model of djesrXfOkPc-00113-00022768-00022847 the world djesrXfOkPc-00114-00022848-00023111 an agent maintains a belief at every djesrXfOkPc-00115-00023112-00023239 time step djesrXfOkPc-00116-00023240-00023463 about the world that it is trying to djesrXfOkPc-00117-00023464-00023607 observe djesrXfOkPc-00118-00023608-00023767 and depending on this belief the agent djesrXfOkPc-00119-00023768-00023958 takes an action and the world keeps djesrXfOkPc-00120-00023959-00024022 evolving djesrXfOkPc-00121-00024023-00024350 in according to a particular dynamics djesrXfOkPc-00122-00024351-00024527 as the agent takes an action it receives djesrXfOkPc-00123-00024528-00024686 a partial observation about what is djesrXfOkPc-00124-00024687-00024791 going on in the world djesrXfOkPc-00125-00024792-00025007 and using this information it maintains djesrXfOkPc-00126-00025008-00025103 a belief djesrXfOkPc-00127-00025104-00025335 or it updates its belief about what is djesrXfOkPc-00128-00025336-00025494 currently going on djesrXfOkPc-00129-00025495-00025662 in general the observation is correlated djesrXfOkPc-00130-00025663-00025911 with the true state of the world djesrXfOkPc-00131-00025912-00026087 the idea is using this model of the djesrXfOkPc-00132-00026088-00026343 world the agent can compute long-term djesrXfOkPc-00133-00026344-00026431 policies djesrXfOkPc-00134-00026432-00026679 that tells the agent what might be djesrXfOkPc-00135-00026680-00026807 informative action and what djesrXfOkPc-00136-00026808-00027031 night what might not be or in general djesrXfOkPc-00137-00027032-00027183 the agent can use this model of the djesrXfOkPc-00138-00027183-00027295 world djesrXfOkPc-00139-00027295-00027639 to compute a policy that can maximize a djesrXfOkPc-00140-00027639-00027918 long-term notion of removal djesrXfOkPc-00141-00027919-00028102 in case of active perception this reward djesrXfOkPc-00142-00028104-00028287 is defined as the information gain of an djesrXfOkPc-00143-00028288-00028335 engine djesrXfOkPc-00144-00028336-00028511 which is an objective way to measure djesrXfOkPc-00145-00028512-00028774 information that has its roots djesrXfOkPc-00146-00028775-00029214 in the information djesrXfOkPc-00147-00029216-00029399 however we also talked about another djesrXfOkPc-00148-00029400-00029623 challenge where the action space of the djesrXfOkPc-00149-00029624-00029823 agent itself is combinatory djesrXfOkPc-00150-00029824-00030023 so while the action while the agent can djesrXfOkPc-00151-00030024-00030183 select a sequence of action djesrXfOkPc-00152-00030183-00030446 each action in itself can be a tedious djesrXfOkPc-00153-00030447-00030583 task in itself djesrXfOkPc-00154-00030583-00030895 so how do we tackle that so we tackle djesrXfOkPc-00155-00030895-00030935 that djesrXfOkPc-00156-00030936-00031095 by exploiting the property of djesrXfOkPc-00157-00031095-00031295 sub-modularity some modularity djesrXfOkPc-00158-00031295-00031543 formalizes the notion of elimination djesrXfOkPc-00159-00031544-00031807 what it means loosely speaking is that djesrXfOkPc-00160-00031808-00031846 as djesrXfOkPc-00161-00031847-00032127 i add more and more element to a set the djesrXfOkPc-00162-00032127-00032174 value djesrXfOkPc-00163-00032175-00032374 of a function of that set it starts to djesrXfOkPc-00164-00032375-00032558 decrease as more and more elements are djesrXfOkPc-00165-00032560-00032711 added and maybe i can explain that djesrXfOkPc-00166-00032712-00032774 better djesrXfOkPc-00167-00032775-00033087 with this example image on the right so djesrXfOkPc-00168-00033088-00033127 here djesrXfOkPc-00169-00033128-00033327 i have a smaller subset of the yellow djesrXfOkPc-00170-00033328-00033471 sensor and djesrXfOkPc-00171-00033472-00033639 i have a bigger subset of yellow and djesrXfOkPc-00172-00033640-00033839 purple sensor and to both of them i djesrXfOkPc-00173-00033840-00034143 add the blue sensor the increase caused djesrXfOkPc-00174-00034144-00034335 by the addition of the blue sensor to djesrXfOkPc-00175-00034336-00034518 the smaller subset here djesrXfOkPc-00176-00034519-00034767 is clearly greater than the increase djesrXfOkPc-00177-00034768-00034831 caused djesrXfOkPc-00178-00034832-00034990 in the area covered by the addition of djesrXfOkPc-00179-00034991-00035167 the blue sensor to the bigger sister djesrXfOkPc-00180-00035168-00035399 due to the overlap and this basically is djesrXfOkPc-00181-00035400-00035495 an illustration djesrXfOkPc-00182-00035496-00035751 of the property of submodularity and why djesrXfOkPc-00183-00035752-00035862 this property is useful djesrXfOkPc-00184-00035863-00036199 or helpful is because if a function is djesrXfOkPc-00185-00036200-00036295 submodular djesrXfOkPc-00186-00036296-00036502 then we can use greedy maximization djesrXfOkPc-00187-00036503-00036702 instead of an exact maximization and djesrXfOkPc-00188-00036703-00036830 greedy maximization djesrXfOkPc-00189-00036831-00037111 is computationally very cheaper than a djesrXfOkPc-00190-00037112-00037223 full maximization djesrXfOkPc-00191-00037224-00037455 now fortunately for us information gain djesrXfOkPc-00192-00037456-00037662 is the modulus djesrXfOkPc-00193-00037663-00037830 so we can now directly apply djesrXfOkPc-00194-00037831-00038071 submodularity and a planning method djesrXfOkPc-00195-00038072-00038159 based on djesrXfOkPc-00196-00038160-00038430 form dps to compute a policy just as a djesrXfOkPc-00197-00038431-00038615 side note some modularity in general is djesrXfOkPc-00198-00038616-00038767 a very useful property djesrXfOkPc-00199-00038768-00039071 and it has applications image text djesrXfOkPc-00200-00039072-00039359 data summarization and in fact recently djesrXfOkPc-00201-00039360-00039543 a couple of my students used it djesrXfOkPc-00202-00039544-00039702 to do grocery list planning for their djesrXfOkPc-00203-00039703-00039974 master thesis djesrXfOkPc-00204-00039975-00040151 so here's an example of the algorithm we djesrXfOkPc-00205-00040152-00040279 developed using djesrXfOkPc-00206-00040280-00040527 the pomdp formulation and sub modularity djesrXfOkPc-00207-00040528-00040655 and here's a small demo djesrXfOkPc-00208-00040656-00040902 of this algorithm so what you see here djesrXfOkPc-00209-00040903-00040958 is djesrXfOkPc-00210-00040959-00041207 that the agent is trying to select 40 djesrXfOkPc-00211-00041208-00041407 out of 5000 pixel boxes that are djesrXfOkPc-00212-00041408-00041655 possible in this image and it is trying djesrXfOkPc-00213-00041656-00041718 to djesrXfOkPc-00214-00041719-00041967 do so in really quick time but also to djesrXfOkPc-00215-00041968-00042151 track the five blue dots which djesrXfOkPc-00216-00042152-00042399 actually represent people in this scene djesrXfOkPc-00217-00042400-00042462 and djesrXfOkPc-00218-00042463-00042767 it does so so that the red boxes drag djesrXfOkPc-00219-00042768-00042823 the people djesrXfOkPc-00220-00042824-00043111 but also so that it also looks for new djesrXfOkPc-00221-00043112-00043190 people that djesrXfOkPc-00222-00043191-00043511 may appear in this scene so as you can djesrXfOkPc-00223-00043512-00043543 see djesrXfOkPc-00224-00043544-00043727 the selections are made really quickly djesrXfOkPc-00225-00043728-00043902 and the agent is able to actually track djesrXfOkPc-00226-00043903-00044143 these people djesrXfOkPc-00227-00044144-00044390 quantitatively speaking we showed that djesrXfOkPc-00228-00044391-00044758 we can actually maintain 80 percent of djesrXfOkPc-00229-00044759-00044974 10 percent of the resources so here djesrXfOkPc-00230-00044975-00045207 selecting 40 items out of 5000 djesrXfOkPc-00231-00045208-00045358 is already a really big number and we djesrXfOkPc-00232-00045359-00045535 were able to achieve it in less than djesrXfOkPc-00233-00045536-00045607 millisecond djesrXfOkPc-00234-00045608-00045839 so on the x axis you see the time taken djesrXfOkPc-00235-00045840-00046046 to compute the solution and on y axis djesrXfOkPc-00236-00046047-00046118 you see djesrXfOkPc-00237-00046119-00046390 the total performance of this algorithm djesrXfOkPc-00238-00046391-00046502 and the djesrXfOkPc-00239-00046503-00046774 flat line saying bd performance means djesrXfOkPc-00240-00046775-00046990 brute force detection which means djesrXfOkPc-00241-00046991-00047215 the performance of the algorithm that djesrXfOkPc-00242-00047216-00047311 would have resulted djesrXfOkPc-00243-00047312-00047615 if we had applied the detector on all djesrXfOkPc-00244-00047616-00048046 possible locations in this image djesrXfOkPc-00245-00048047-00048302 and the blue dots here are the party max djesrXfOkPc-00246-00048303-00048502 algorithm that i represented and ideally djesrXfOkPc-00247-00048503-00048671 we want the blue dots to be as far djesrXfOkPc-00248-00048672-00049174 as left top as possible djesrXfOkPc-00249-00049175-00049479 okay so in that case the final challenge djesrXfOkPc-00250-00049480-00049567 that i talked about djesrXfOkPc-00251-00049568-00049790 which is learning so recently we also djesrXfOkPc-00252-00049791-00049918 proposed a djesrXfOkPc-00253-00049919-00050151 deep rl based method for solving the djesrXfOkPc-00254-00050152-00050358 form dp that we formulated djesrXfOkPc-00255-00050359-00050511 and it called and it is called as deep djesrXfOkPc-00256-00050512-00050718 anticipatory network and our idea here djesrXfOkPc-00257-00050719-00050767 is djesrXfOkPc-00258-00050768-00050958 to use deep reinforcement learning djesrXfOkPc-00259-00050959-00051079 methods to djesrXfOkPc-00260-00051080-00051294 directly learn what might be a good or djesrXfOkPc-00261-00051295-00051430 bad policy djesrXfOkPc-00262-00051432-00051790 without having to model the world djesrXfOkPc-00263-00051791-00052079 so here deep anticipatory network so dan djesrXfOkPc-00264-00052079-00052254 consists of djesrXfOkPc-00265-00052255-00052463 two neural network one is called as q djesrXfOkPc-00266-00052464-00052607 network and the other is called as djesrXfOkPc-00267-00052608-00052926 m the role of the queue network is to djesrXfOkPc-00268-00052927-00053150 take actions and collect observation djesrXfOkPc-00269-00053151-00053399 so for example it can select a camera djesrXfOkPc-00270-00053400-00053599 and then the observation from the camera djesrXfOkPc-00271-00053600-00053854 is collected this observation and action djesrXfOkPc-00272-00053855-00054054 is passed to the m network djesrXfOkPc-00273-00054055-00054287 whose job is to actually predict what is djesrXfOkPc-00274-00054288-00054415 going on in the world djesrXfOkPc-00275-00054416-00054623 and as time goes on the q network djesrXfOkPc-00276-00054624-00054815 collects more and more observations and djesrXfOkPc-00277-00054816-00054999 m network is trained to make its djesrXfOkPc-00278-00055000-00055238 prediction better and better djesrXfOkPc-00279-00055239-00055479 and if the m network correctly predicts djesrXfOkPc-00280-00055479-00055575 what is going on djesrXfOkPc-00281-00055576-00055719 then the queue network in turn is djesrXfOkPc-00282-00055720-00055919 rewarded and ideally djesrXfOkPc-00283-00055920-00056079 both of them are actually trying to djesrXfOkPc-00284-00056079-00056254 accomplish a joint task djesrXfOkPc-00285-00056255-00056575 and they are able to actually djesrXfOkPc-00286-00056576-00056735 help each other or improve each other's djesrXfOkPc-00287-00056736-00056959 behavior and we finally show that the djesrXfOkPc-00288-00056960-00057038 queue agent djesrXfOkPc-00289-00057039-00057207 or the queue network here is able to djesrXfOkPc-00290-00057208-00057382 learn to select djesrXfOkPc-00291-00057383-00057679 observations that are most useful or djesrXfOkPc-00292-00057679-00057791 most relevant for the djesrXfOkPc-00293-00057791-00057966 network to predict the hidden state of djesrXfOkPc-00294-00057967-00058223 the world djesrXfOkPc-00295-00058224-00058407 we apply this algorithm on a multi-uh djesrXfOkPc-00296-00058408-00058535 person tracking system djesrXfOkPc-00297-00058536-00058759 and here in green we show our algorithm djesrXfOkPc-00298-00058760-00058847 which is dan djesrXfOkPc-00299-00058848-00059166 and we compare it to coverage and random djesrXfOkPc-00300-00059167-00059375 selection and in this case these both djesrXfOkPc-00301-00059376-00059550 baselines are quite strong djesrXfOkPc-00302-00059551-00059735 so actually random in this case would djesrXfOkPc-00303-00059736-00059919 correspond to any machine learning djesrXfOkPc-00304-00059920-00060079 system that we see nowadays djesrXfOkPc-00305-00060079-00060447 where a data is sampled randomly or id djesrXfOkPc-00306-00060448-00060654 so that is already a very strong djesrXfOkPc-00307-00060655-00060775 baseline and we djesrXfOkPc-00308-00060776-00061094 and we show that then actually djesrXfOkPc-00309-00061095-00061215 outperforms them djesrXfOkPc-00310-00061216-00061575 uh by a bit also djesrXfOkPc-00311-00061576-00061759 we compare it to a coverage based djesrXfOkPc-00312-00061760-00061959 baseline the idea behind which djesrXfOkPc-00313-00061960-00062191 is to try to cover as many people as djesrXfOkPc-00314-00062191-00062406 possible so select cameras that cover as djesrXfOkPc-00315-00062407-00062566 many people as possible djesrXfOkPc-00316-00062567-00062791 and why it does not necessarily perform djesrXfOkPc-00317-00062791-00062911 the best is because djesrXfOkPc-00318-00062912-00063103 in many cases we don't even need to have djesrXfOkPc-00319-00063104-00063263 an observation to find out where people djesrXfOkPc-00320-00063264-00063438 are djesrXfOkPc-00321-00063439-00063599 and there for a very long time it's djesrXfOkPc-00322-00063600-00063782 better to rather look at djesrXfOkPc-00323-00063783-00064079 a more dynamic place where people where djesrXfOkPc-00324-00064079-00064223 there is a constant crowd of moving djesrXfOkPc-00325-00064224-00064454 people djesrXfOkPc-00326-00064455-00064838 and dan is able to exploit such insights djesrXfOkPc-00327-00064839-00065054 finally we also applied on an mnist djesrXfOkPc-00328-00065055-00065223 object detection task and here on the djesrXfOkPc-00329-00065224-00065342 right i show djesrXfOkPc-00330-00065344-00065511 the glimpses that are selected by the djesrXfOkPc-00331-00065512-00065655 algorithm in order djesrXfOkPc-00332-00065656-00065847 to predict what is the underlying digit djesrXfOkPc-00333-00065848-00066038 in two separate instances djesrXfOkPc-00334-00066039-00066215 and you can already see that the djesrXfOkPc-00335-00066216-00066406 algorithm starts with select glimpses djesrXfOkPc-00336-00066407-00066663 that turn out to be more informative so djesrXfOkPc-00337-00066664-00066806 that it can predict what the underlying djesrXfOkPc-00338-00066807-00067175 digit djesrXfOkPc-00339-00067176-00067375 so here i would like to draw conclusion djesrXfOkPc-00340-00067376-00067559 to my toss to my talk djesrXfOkPc-00341-00067560-00067726 what i tried to present was an djesrXfOkPc-00342-00067727-00067863 introduction to active perception and djesrXfOkPc-00343-00067864-00068038 the challenges associated with it djesrXfOkPc-00344-00068039-00068263 i also tried to present a planning and djesrXfOkPc-00345-00068264-00068367 learning algorithm djesrXfOkPc-00346-00068368-00068631 that addresses some of those challenges djesrXfOkPc-00347-00068632-00068694 however djesrXfOkPc-00348-00068695-00068863 i also think that it raises more djesrXfOkPc-00349-00068864-00068999 questions than answers djesrXfOkPc-00350-00069000-00069279 as in um i presented result on sensor djesrXfOkPc-00351-00069280-00069375 selection tasks djesrXfOkPc-00352-00069376-00069591 but what about navigation what if we djesrXfOkPc-00353-00069592-00069711 have a mobile robot djesrXfOkPc-00354-00069712-00070038 and what if uh having that djesrXfOkPc-00355-00070039-00070303 mobility violates the property of some djesrXfOkPc-00356-00070304-00070399 modularity djesrXfOkPc-00357-00070400-00070567 so how can we answer questions like djesrXfOkPc-00358-00070568-00070726 those how can djesrXfOkPc-00359-00070727-00071055 an agent help djesrXfOkPc-00360-00071056-00071238 its navigation with active perception djesrXfOkPc-00361-00071239-00071479 and can learning to navigate djesrXfOkPc-00362-00071480-00071719 or knowing better navigation help and djesrXfOkPc-00363-00071720-00071894 help an agent perceive its environment djesrXfOkPc-00364-00071895-00071982 more but djesrXfOkPc-00365-00071983-00072247 that's again something that introduces a djesrXfOkPc-00366-00072248-00072294 cyclic djesrXfOkPc-00367-00072295-00072550 structure and a question that i haven't djesrXfOkPc-00368-00072551-00072719 answered particularly in this talk djesrXfOkPc-00369-00072720-00072855 but there are answers to this question djesrXfOkPc-00370-00072856-00073031 in a specific setting it would be nice djesrXfOkPc-00371-00073032-00073182 to know if there are general answers to djesrXfOkPc-00372-00073183-00073255 this djesrXfOkPc-00373-00073256-00073431 finally what can we say about djesrXfOkPc-00374-00073432-00073615 reinforcement learning djesrXfOkPc-00375-00073616-00073838 uh does active perception present a djesrXfOkPc-00376-00073839-00073982 harder or easier set djesrXfOkPc-00377-00073983-00074238 of problems for rl and what about the djesrXfOkPc-00378-00074239-00074415 sample efficiency djesrXfOkPc-00379-00074416-00074615 so i would like to draw into my talk djesrXfOkPc-00380-00074616-00075800 here with these questions dl_rwICHlLg-00000-00000475-00000755 hello hello welcome everybody dl_rwICHlLg-00001-00000756-00001169 another episode of sarcasm and orgasm dl_rwICHlLg-00002-00001170-00001366 I'm your host will and I want to thank dl_rwICHlLg-00003-00001367-00001684 you for listening and tuning in now on dl_rwICHlLg-00004-00001685-00001913 today's podcast I have a very special dl_rwICHlLg-00005-00001914-00002068 guest dl_rwICHlLg-00006-00002069-00002333 um I have listened to her from what she dl_rwICHlLg-00007-00002334-00002687 says what she's telling me but she is a dl_rwICHlLg-00008-00002688-00002873 really really good one that she is into dl_rwICHlLg-00009-00002874-00003076 with not only our herself but also dl_rwICHlLg-00010-00003077-00003281 things that is going on with her and dl_rwICHlLg-00011-00003282-00003556 just how how things are she is a dl_rwICHlLg-00012-00003557-00003767 intellectual an intellectual woman she's dl_rwICHlLg-00013-00003768-00004072 very bright very intelligent dl_rwICHlLg-00014-00004073-00004331 um and I've learned a lot when I came in dl_rwICHlLg-00015-00004332-00004579 contact with her through her podcast so dl_rwICHlLg-00016-00004580-00004949 uh it took a little a little brownie to dl_rwICHlLg-00017-00004950-00005129 say hey would you like to come on and be dl_rwICHlLg-00018-00005130-00005399 I guess on my podcast and she uh dl_rwICHlLg-00019-00005400-00005602 accepted which I'm grateful for so I dl_rwICHlLg-00020-00005603-00005897 would love love to welcome my guest of dl_rwICHlLg-00021-00005898-00006167 the hour from Chronicles of a Virgo dl_rwICHlLg-00022-00006168-00006763 podcast Miss Shakira Johnson dl_rwICHlLg-00023-00006764-00007027 thank you for that intro dl_rwICHlLg-00024-00007028-00007295 yes thank you thank you so much for dl_rwICHlLg-00025-00007295-00007456 joining I appreciate it how are you dl_rwICHlLg-00026-00007458-00007660 doing I'm doing well how are you doing dl_rwICHlLg-00027-00007661-00007919 today you know I can't complain I got to dl_rwICHlLg-00028-00007920-00008291 wake up see the beautiful but boring dl_rwICHlLg-00029-00008292-00008477 sites of Upstate New York so I can't dl_rwICHlLg-00030-00008478-00008633 complain dl_rwICHlLg-00031-00008634-00008855 yeah I mean you know my situation dl_rwICHlLg-00032-00008856-00009089 yesterday I'm in Baltimore and we've dl_rwICHlLg-00033-00009090-00009341 been having some bad storms today I mean dl_rwICHlLg-00034-00009342-00009569 I think it rained on and off but it was dl_rwICHlLg-00035-00009570-00009796 just like that dry humidity but dl_rwICHlLg-00036-00009797-00009983 otherwise today's been a pretty just dl_rwICHlLg-00037-00009984-00010127 Road Show day dl_rwICHlLg-00038-00010128-00010373 yeah I could say that too because I went dl_rwICHlLg-00039-00010374-00010660 out and did a nice walk and it was about dl_rwICHlLg-00040-00010661-00010901 as dry as conversations at the bar so I dl_rwICHlLg-00041-00010902-00011242 understand dl_rwICHlLg-00042-00011243-00011645 yeah yes so I know about you but please dl_rwICHlLg-00043-00011646-00011788 for the listeners as well as the dl_rwICHlLg-00044-00011789-00011981 Watchers tell them a little about you dl_rwICHlLg-00045-00011982-00012337 and all things Chronicles of America dl_rwICHlLg-00046-00012338-00012719 so like will said my name is Shaquita dl_rwICHlLg-00047-00012720-00013030 Johnson and I am the host and creator of dl_rwICHlLg-00048-00013031-00013366 Chronicles of a Virgo podcast I am from dl_rwICHlLg-00049-00013368-00013936 and I still live in Baltimore Maryland dl_rwICHlLg-00050-00013937-00014213 um so yeah like I work in the mental dl_rwICHlLg-00051-00014213-00014422 health and medical profession now so dl_rwICHlLg-00052-00014423-00014683 podcast is like my little dl_rwICHlLg-00053-00014684-00015035 like second hand thing that I've gotten dl_rwICHlLg-00054-00015036-00015305 into wrong because it really just came dl_rwICHlLg-00055-00015306-00015563 up spared a moment for me dl_rwICHlLg-00056-00015563-00015838 um but overall like my show is more of a dl_rwICHlLg-00057-00015840-00016127 personal and self-development platform dl_rwICHlLg-00058-00016128-00016343 um my intentions of the platform was to dl_rwICHlLg-00059-00016344-00016583 help other people grow inhale into that dl_rwICHlLg-00060-00016584-00016913 better versions of themselves because dl_rwICHlLg-00061-00016914-00017050 um that's what I'm doing and I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00062-00017051-00017249 continuing to do it on a daily basis dl_rwICHlLg-00063-00017250-00017513 because healing is something that we all dl_rwICHlLg-00064-00017514-00017872 need and it's very important so with my dl_rwICHlLg-00065-00017873-00018203 show I talk and motivate other people to dl_rwICHlLg-00066-00018204-00018377 be better and I bring on different dl_rwICHlLg-00067-00018378-00018605 guests um so I just wrapped up my first dl_rwICHlLg-00068-00018606-00018643 season dl_rwICHlLg-00069-00018644-00018785 [Music] dl_rwICHlLg-00070-00018786-00019061 um about a week ago so I just been kind dl_rwICHlLg-00071-00019062-00019421 of just trying to regroup and get my own dl_rwICHlLg-00072-00019422-00019619 mental health together and my physical dl_rwICHlLg-00073-00019620-00019811 health and stuff so I can come back with dl_rwICHlLg-00074-00019812-00020044 my second season and you know do some dl_rwICHlLg-00075-00020045-00020194 more networking and some more great dl_rwICHlLg-00076-00020195-00020303 shows dl_rwICHlLg-00077-00020304-00020650 yes yes uh seeing a couple of them I dl_rwICHlLg-00078-00020651-00020878 remember I think last time I had seen dl_rwICHlLg-00079-00020879-00021317 you is you did uh live on Instagram dl_rwICHlLg-00080-00021318-00021643 um if I forget what her name is but dl_rwICHlLg-00081-00021644-00021875 yes so I was there for a majority of dl_rwICHlLg-00082-00021876-00022030 video were talking it was a great dl_rwICHlLg-00083-00022031-00022367 episode so uh kudos to you shout out to dl_rwICHlLg-00084-00022368-00022630 her y'all did a phenomenal phenomenal dl_rwICHlLg-00085-00022631-00022867 job so thank you so much dl_rwICHlLg-00086-00022868-00023141 yeah that was about a week ago I think dl_rwICHlLg-00087-00023142-00023422 we um we it was a mental health episode dl_rwICHlLg-00088-00023423-00023728 so we just did like a brief recap and dl_rwICHlLg-00089-00023729-00023891 just offered like some dl_rwICHlLg-00090-00023892-00024064 you know some positive advice for dl_rwICHlLg-00091-00024065-00024280 anybody that may had been in need of it dl_rwICHlLg-00092-00024281-00024467 at that time so thank you for checking dl_rwICHlLg-00093-00024468-00024839 us out though yeah I did because I was I dl_rwICHlLg-00094-00024840-00024964 don't know why I was on Instagram but dl_rwICHlLg-00095-00024965-00025199 reluctantly it came up in my feed and I dl_rwICHlLg-00096-00025200-00025355 went and checked it out and I was dl_rwICHlLg-00097-00025356-00025517 sitting there listening and you know dl_rwICHlLg-00098-00025518-00025834 making like notes for my next episodes dl_rwICHlLg-00099-00025835-00026056 my shows I've been together so it was it dl_rwICHlLg-00100-00026057-00026255 was really good it helped me and then he dl_rwICHlLg-00101-00026256-00026620 even gave me the idea to do a nice live dl_rwICHlLg-00102-00026622-00026908 for the episode that I did that I did dl_rwICHlLg-00103-00026910-00027118 the other night which was great it was dl_rwICHlLg-00104-00027119-00027245 phenomenal dl_rwICHlLg-00105-00027245-00027496 um and it's almost like when you talk dl_rwICHlLg-00106-00027497-00027701 about mental people people almost want dl_rwICHlLg-00107-00027702-00027899 to get that that look on her face dl_rwICHlLg-00108-00027900-00028096 like they don't want to talk about it dl_rwICHlLg-00109-00028097-00028427 it's almost taboo and I think it should dl_rwICHlLg-00110-00028427-00028624 be talked about in the same breath like dl_rwICHlLg-00111-00028625-00028895 people want to talk about sex if it's so dl_rwICHlLg-00112-00028895-00029105 open but people want to be so close dl_rwICHlLg-00113-00029106-00029296 about it and I think that is so wrong dl_rwICHlLg-00114-00029297-00029573 because you're almost stifling people to dl_rwICHlLg-00115-00029574-00029770 talk about their traumas that's going on dl_rwICHlLg-00116-00029772-00030089 with them so I say to you thank you so dl_rwICHlLg-00117-00030089-00030401 much for trying trying trying to have an dl_rwICHlLg-00118-00030402-00030562 Open Candid conversation with people dl_rwICHlLg-00119-00030563-00030743 about their own Mental Health dl_rwICHlLg-00120-00030744-00031079 yeah and I think that you just dl_rwICHlLg-00121-00031080-00031390 was exactly what I was prior to me dl_rwICHlLg-00122-00031391-00031631 getting to the point of being so open dl_rwICHlLg-00123-00031632-00031937 and honest because it takes honesty to dl_rwICHlLg-00124-00031938-00032135 really dive into your mental health dl_rwICHlLg-00125-00032136-00032279 because dl_rwICHlLg-00126-00032280-00032470 you are focusing on yourself you're dl_rwICHlLg-00127-00032472-00032651 turning that mirror around and you are dl_rwICHlLg-00128-00032652-00032843 taking accountability for different dl_rwICHlLg-00129-00032844-00033101 aspects of life that you may not have dl_rwICHlLg-00130-00033102-00033293 thought that you played a part in and dl_rwICHlLg-00131-00033294-00033515 just a part in just like moving forward dl_rwICHlLg-00132-00033516-00033887 right so yeah like one of the you know dl_rwICHlLg-00133-00033888-00034168 cliche things from a black dl_rwICHlLg-00134-00034169-00034337 um growing up in a black household is dl_rwICHlLg-00135-00034338-00034493 you know the things that happen in this dl_rwICHlLg-00136-00034494-00034696 house stay in this house yes and I feel dl_rwICHlLg-00137-00034697-00034871 like with that type of stigma a lot of dl_rwICHlLg-00138-00034872-00035099 people are closed off from speaking dl_rwICHlLg-00139-00035100-00035374 so me working in the mental health like dl_rwICHlLg-00140-00035375-00035639 I became more open with talking about my dl_rwICHlLg-00141-00035640-00035885 own struggles and helping people like dl_rwICHlLg-00142-00035886-00036046 that's all I've known to do is help dl_rwICHlLg-00143-00036047-00036317 everybody else and didn't realize that I dl_rwICHlLg-00144-00036318-00036605 was neglecting myself in so many ways so dl_rwICHlLg-00145-00036606-00036833 yeah as long as I have a voice you know dl_rwICHlLg-00146-00036834-00037018 that's what I want to do be out here dl_rwICHlLg-00147-00037019-00037277 encouraging and motivating people to you dl_rwICHlLg-00148-00037278-00037552 know seek help if they need it and do it dl_rwICHlLg-00149-00037553-00037762 like unapologetically and not worry dl_rwICHlLg-00150-00037763-00037955 about the stigma that's placed around it dl_rwICHlLg-00151-00037956-00038230 or not worry about getting validation dl_rwICHlLg-00152-00038231-00038585 from anybody else you know yes and it dl_rwICHlLg-00153-00038586-00038993 it's it's hard and it's almost like we dl_rwICHlLg-00154-00038994-00039274 as the black people we're opening about dl_rwICHlLg-00155-00039275-00039473 everything because it's like everything dl_rwICHlLg-00156-00039474-00039707 happens to us that's one thing that we dl_rwICHlLg-00157-00039708-00039893 don't really want to talk about so dl_rwICHlLg-00158-00039894-00040139 openly and so honestly it's our own dl_rwICHlLg-00159-00040140-00040367 mental health our own struggles our own dl_rwICHlLg-00160-00040368-00040793 reason as to why we can't go to the next dl_rwICHlLg-00161-00040794-00040996 person saying I'm this way because of dl_rwICHlLg-00162-00040997-00041237 that because it's almost like we're dl_rwICHlLg-00163-00041238-00041446 going to get shunned away it's like oh dl_rwICHlLg-00164-00041447-00041602 boy you playing nobody want to hear that dl_rwICHlLg-00165-00041603-00041879 go somewhere with that and it's like we dl_rwICHlLg-00166-00041880-00042058 continuously hear that over and over dl_rwICHlLg-00167-00042059-00042323 again so as we begin to develop into our dl_rwICHlLg-00168-00042324-00042677 adulthood we hold that we we suppress dl_rwICHlLg-00169-00042678-00042952 that energy to where we just never let dl_rwICHlLg-00170-00042953-00043252 it come out because we don't know dl_rwICHlLg-00171-00043253-00043612 um who is willing to hear you know these dl_rwICHlLg-00172-00043613-00043955 these who's going to hear these scars dl_rwICHlLg-00173-00043956-00044224 that we carry that we so deeply try to dl_rwICHlLg-00174-00044225-00044429 cover up with everything else that we dl_rwICHlLg-00175-00044430-00044579 got going on dl_rwICHlLg-00176-00044580-00044867 yeah and like you said one thing that dl_rwICHlLg-00177-00044868-00045112 people deal with is who's going to be dl_rwICHlLg-00178-00045113-00045371 not only willing to listen but who's dl_rwICHlLg-00179-00045372-00045617 going to be able to dl_rwICHlLg-00180-00045618-00045833 um not necessarily protect me but just dl_rwICHlLg-00181-00045834-00046085 handle me with care right if I'm coming dl_rwICHlLg-00182-00046086-00046324 to you and I'm already vulnerable in dl_rwICHlLg-00183-00046325-00046667 itself so me having to seek help or just dl_rwICHlLg-00184-00046668-00046883 be able to get to a space of being able dl_rwICHlLg-00185-00046884-00047111 to vent that's a big thing for a lot of dl_rwICHlLg-00186-00047112-00047386 people and it really does take putting dl_rwICHlLg-00187-00047387-00047585 your pride aside because us black folks dl_rwICHlLg-00188-00047586-00047861 we're very prideful we feel like people dl_rwICHlLg-00189-00047862-00048089 you know people are going to judge us dl_rwICHlLg-00190-00048090-00048317 people are going to project their dl_rwICHlLg-00191-00048318-00048623 opinions and perspectives onto us and a dl_rwICHlLg-00192-00048624-00048857 lot of people it closes us off and I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00193-00048858-00049067 saying us because I still deal with that dl_rwICHlLg-00194-00049068-00049480 sometimes too but what I realized is the dl_rwICHlLg-00195-00049481-00049768 more that I continue to speak on like my dl_rwICHlLg-00196-00049769-00050033 personal struggles or help other people dl_rwICHlLg-00197-00050034-00050158 be able to get to a point of dl_rwICHlLg-00198-00050159-00050399 communicating it is very deliberating dl_rwICHlLg-00199-00050400-00050633 you know you feel like this something dl_rwICHlLg-00200-00050634-00050939 lifted off of your shoulder and another dl_rwICHlLg-00201-00050940-00051118 thing with discussing mental health why dl_rwICHlLg-00202-00051119-00051280 I think it's a lot difficult for people dl_rwICHlLg-00203-00051282-00051413 is because dl_rwICHlLg-00204-00051414-00051580 let's be real a lot of us have been dl_rwICHlLg-00205-00051582-00051785 through a lot of trauma a lot of places dl_rwICHlLg-00206-00051786-00052013 we don't want to relive again a lot of dl_rwICHlLg-00207-00052014-00052229 experiences that really have dl_rwICHlLg-00208-00052229-00052565 broke us and we may have stifled through dl_rwICHlLg-00209-00052566-00052835 those things however we felt was good at dl_rwICHlLg-00210-00052836-00053069 that time so having to go back and dl_rwICHlLg-00211-00053070-00053285 address the things that were done to us dl_rwICHlLg-00212-00053286-00053644 or people that hurt us it makes us feel dl_rwICHlLg-00213-00053645-00053837 small in some sense and it's just like dl_rwICHlLg-00214-00053838-00054059 okay no I don't want to go back to that dl_rwICHlLg-00215-00054060-00054353 point but you know if you conjure up dl_rwICHlLg-00216-00054354-00054557 this stuff too you'll realize like okay dl_rwICHlLg-00217-00054558-00054754 even though I'm going back to these dl_rwICHlLg-00218-00054755-00054997 hurtful things and moments that may have dl_rwICHlLg-00219-00054998-00055385 caused me a lot of pain and Trauma once dl_rwICHlLg-00220-00055386-00055529 I'm talking these things I'm working dl_rwICHlLg-00221-00055529-00055829 through them it puts you in a better you dl_rwICHlLg-00222-00055829-00056087 know peaceful space in life well that's dl_rwICHlLg-00223-00056088-00056291 what I get from it that's what I have dl_rwICHlLg-00224-00056291-00056465 gotten from it and a lot of people that dl_rwICHlLg-00225-00056466-00056699 I know that are in therapy and things dl_rwICHlLg-00226-00056700-00056885 like that now that's what you know dl_rwICHlLg-00227-00056886-00057011 they're working their way through now dl_rwICHlLg-00228-00057012-00057154 and getting towards dl_rwICHlLg-00229-00057155-00057635 yeah uh therapy can be very healing to dl_rwICHlLg-00230-00057636-00057863 be very therapeutic it can be dl_rwICHlLg-00231-00057864-00058073 eye-opening and even through my own dl_rwICHlLg-00232-00058074-00058409 traumas that I had I learned that you dl_rwICHlLg-00233-00058410-00058594 know we hold and recent price on a lot dl_rwICHlLg-00234-00058595-00058859 of things that we never know is there dl_rwICHlLg-00235-00058860-00059188 until we actually open up the book you dl_rwICHlLg-00236-00059189-00059399 know pull back the scabs and really look dl_rwICHlLg-00237-00059400-00059680 at the scars that we have for our own dl_rwICHlLg-00238-00059682-00059957 self internally so therapy is very dl_rwICHlLg-00239-00059958-00060166 rewarding if you let it be like you have dl_rwICHlLg-00240-00060167-00060388 to let therapy work you just can't go in dl_rwICHlLg-00241-00060389-00060623 there start talking and think oh yeah I dl_rwICHlLg-00242-00060624-00060815 feel better afterwards I said no you dl_rwICHlLg-00243-00060816-00061006 need at least two or three to really dl_rwICHlLg-00244-00061007-00061211 start digging deep at least that's what dl_rwICHlLg-00245-00061212-00061391 I believe most definitely and you have dl_rwICHlLg-00246-00061391-00061600 to like find the person that's for you dl_rwICHlLg-00247-00061601-00061816 like kind of like when you're dating dl_rwICHlLg-00248-00061817-00062056 right some of us some people are just dl_rwICHlLg-00249-00062057-00062375 very free spirited they're they date dl_rwICHlLg-00250-00062376-00062573 around until they find that person that dl_rwICHlLg-00251-00062574-00062788 really checks all their boxes when it dl_rwICHlLg-00252-00062789-00062956 comes to therapy there's just nobody out dl_rwICHlLg-00253-00062957-00063140 here dl_rwICHlLg-00254-00063141-00063276 [Music] dl_rwICHlLg-00255-00063277-00063587 but along with therapy it's the same way dl_rwICHlLg-00256-00063588-00063863 you know a lot of people are very afraid dl_rwICHlLg-00257-00063864-00064103 to go tell people their deepest darkest dl_rwICHlLg-00258-00064104-00064319 fears and secrets and stuff and with dl_rwICHlLg-00259-00064320-00064516 therapy you find you have to dl_rwICHlLg-00260-00064517-00064721 shop around till you find the right dl_rwICHlLg-00261-00064722-00064894 person and I mean sometimes it'll take dl_rwICHlLg-00262-00064895-00065104 you about two or three people dl_rwICHlLg-00263-00065105-00065315 but at least you did the work to find a dl_rwICHlLg-00264-00065316-00065488 person that's for you dl_rwICHlLg-00265-00065489-00065861 I mean I agree but then I also disagree dl_rwICHlLg-00266-00065862-00066041 because I remember when I went to my dl_rwICHlLg-00267-00066042-00066256 first therapist she was a white lady and dl_rwICHlLg-00268-00066257-00066515 like I said on the episode I did she dl_rwICHlLg-00269-00066516-00066676 didn't understand nothing I was going dl_rwICHlLg-00270-00066677-00066881 through she was just there I felt like dl_rwICHlLg-00271-00066882-00067049 she was just collecting that check for dl_rwICHlLg-00272-00067050-00067421 my insurance just because but but then dl_rwICHlLg-00273-00067422-00067685 when I really started thinking like this dl_rwICHlLg-00274-00067686-00067882 whole ain't helping me like I think it's dl_rwICHlLg-00275-00067883-00068099 somebody else and I don't really be so dl_rwICHlLg-00276-00068100-00068243 candid about it but we're going to be dl_rwICHlLg-00277-00068244-00068459 real let's be real it's like if we're dl_rwICHlLg-00278-00068460-00068675 going to deal with you know mental dl_rwICHlLg-00279-00068676-00068867 health from a therapist let's deal with dl_rwICHlLg-00280-00068868-00069125 it with evil a black man or a black dl_rwICHlLg-00281-00069126-00069335 woman one of the two because it's almost dl_rwICHlLg-00282-00069336-00069575 like not only can they acknowledge but dl_rwICHlLg-00283-00069576-00069875 they can also really help you sift dl_rwICHlLg-00284-00069876-00070073 through the good and the bad a white dl_rwICHlLg-00285-00070074-00070217 person is not going to do that just dl_rwICHlLg-00286-00070218-00070493 you're like okay I understand yeah yeah dl_rwICHlLg-00287-00070494-00070738 yeah and it's almost like those cartoons dl_rwICHlLg-00288-00070739-00070985 you see them sitting there drawing and dl_rwICHlLg-00289-00070986-00071219 doodling as if they're not really doing dl_rwICHlLg-00290-00071220-00071555 nothing so it's just like why why the dl_rwICHlLg-00291-00071556-00071855 hell did I even bother but then when you dl_rwICHlLg-00292-00071856-00072047 really start to get together and really dl_rwICHlLg-00293-00072048-00072197 start to think about it's like you want dl_rwICHlLg-00294-00072198-00072394 someone you can really confide in and dl_rwICHlLg-00295-00072395-00072647 have that that level of like you said dl_rwICHlLg-00296-00072648-00072862 vulnerability and comfortability with to dl_rwICHlLg-00297-00072863-00073121 where you're almost you're allowing dl_rwICHlLg-00298-00073122-00073391 yourself to talk to this person like if dl_rwICHlLg-00299-00073392-00073588 there's somebody you actually know and dl_rwICHlLg-00300-00073589-00073799 that's a feeling that I would like to dl_rwICHlLg-00301-00073800-00074056 have when you know I have my therapist dl_rwICHlLg-00302-00074057-00074219 when I went to her she was like yeah dl_rwICHlLg-00303-00074220-00074393 well we can talk about eating everything dl_rwICHlLg-00304-00074394-00074771 but you have to talk I'm just here I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00305-00074772-00074921 just here to help you but I can't help dl_rwICHlLg-00306-00074922-00075043 you if you're not gonna help yourself dl_rwICHlLg-00307-00075044-00075353 and I almost like that level of honesty dl_rwICHlLg-00308-00075354-00075556 because it says dl_rwICHlLg-00309-00075557-00075815 that we can work together when you feel dl_rwICHlLg-00310-00075816-00075959 like doing it sort of like a dl_rwICHlLg-00311-00075960-00076162 relationship but we all know that never dl_rwICHlLg-00312-00076163-00076321 happens dl_rwICHlLg-00313-00076322-00076606 I mean hey things happen how you put dl_rwICHlLg-00314-00076607-00076756 your mind into it so if you go into dl_rwICHlLg-00315-00076757-00076997 things thinking it's not going to work dl_rwICHlLg-00316-00076998-00077165 it's not gonna be beneficial to your dl_rwICHlLg-00317-00077166-00077429 needs and check those boxes off then dl_rwICHlLg-00318-00077430-00077567 that's exactly what it's going to be dl_rwICHlLg-00319-00077568-00077717 because that is the perspective and you dl_rwICHlLg-00320-00077718-00077987 went into it with right right I mean I dl_rwICHlLg-00321-00077988-00078185 say that now a couple years ago I wasn't dl_rwICHlLg-00322-00078186-00078359 thinking that way at all I was thinking dl_rwICHlLg-00323-00078360-00078544 the same things that you were thinking dl_rwICHlLg-00324-00078545-00078755 whether it was dealing with people a dl_rwICHlLg-00325-00078756-00078905 dating relationship therapist or dl_rwICHlLg-00326-00078906-00079121 whatever when it comes to having the dl_rwICHlLg-00327-00079122-00079276 right therapist I have been through dl_rwICHlLg-00328-00079277-00079661 numerous therapists black white Puerto dl_rwICHlLg-00329-00079662-00080044 Rican Latina like you name it not men I dl_rwICHlLg-00330-00080045-00080255 just had a I don't know what it was I dl_rwICHlLg-00331-00080256-00080406 just didn't dl_rwICHlLg-00332-00080407-00080662 have the a good vibe about going to a dl_rwICHlLg-00333-00080663-00080812 men's therapist like I felt like as a dl_rwICHlLg-00334-00080813-00080987 woman I needed someone that was going to dl_rwICHlLg-00335-00080988-00081173 be able to relate to me you know when a dl_rwICHlLg-00336-00081174-00081521 woman type of thing and especially no dl_rwICHlLg-00337-00081522-00081844 like I don't need to be I don't mean to dl_rwICHlLg-00338-00081845-00082187 sound that way but like okay let me say dl_rwICHlLg-00339-00082188-00082349 it this way the things that I need I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00340-00082350-00082576 messing with you right now because I I dl_rwICHlLg-00341-00082577-00082715 don't want nobody to get offended dl_rwICHlLg-00342-00082716-00082900 nothing the things that I needed to work dl_rwICHlLg-00343-00082901-00083273 on my my like traumas and stuff I didn't dl_rwICHlLg-00344-00083274-00083500 feel comfortable talking about those dl_rwICHlLg-00345-00083501-00083638 things with a man dl_rwICHlLg-00346-00083639-00083987 right what I will say is now dl_rwICHlLg-00347-00083988-00084311 um my therapist now she is not black dl_rwICHlLg-00348-00084312-00084562 she's not actually I had a black dl_rwICHlLg-00349-00084563-00084749 therapist I've been seeing her uh I dl_rwICHlLg-00350-00084750-00084965 started seeing her back in 2017 and I dl_rwICHlLg-00351-00084966-00085168 just stopped seeing her uh the beginning dl_rwICHlLg-00352-00085169-00085553 of uh 2021 and it wasn't that she was dl_rwICHlLg-00353-00085554-00085835 bad for me but like she did not dl_rwICHlLg-00354-00085836-00085991 challenge me in ways that I needed to be dl_rwICHlLg-00355-00085992-00086303 challenged and she's good like I don't dl_rwICHlLg-00356-00086304-00086429 recommend her to friends and different dl_rwICHlLg-00357-00086430-00086585 things like that but for me what the dl_rwICHlLg-00358-00086586-00086743 type of therapies that I needed because dl_rwICHlLg-00359-00086744-00087088 there are different types of therapy dl_rwICHlLg-00360-00087089-00087244 um she just wasn't dl_rwICHlLg-00361-00087245-00087491 she wasn't giving it and I did a lot of dl_rwICHlLg-00362-00087492-00087659 research and of course I was like I need dl_rwICHlLg-00363-00087660-00087923 another black therapist but um I did dl_rwICHlLg-00364-00087924-00088138 hear your last uh episodes y'all did dl_rwICHlLg-00365-00088139-00088541 about mental health and you made a very dl_rwICHlLg-00366-00088542-00088768 um interesting point that when you were dl_rwICHlLg-00367-00088769-00088906 seeing dl_rwICHlLg-00368-00088907-00089117 um a white I guess a psychiatrist and dl_rwICHlLg-00369-00089118-00089297 you were on meds and stuff you felt like dl_rwICHlLg-00370-00089298-00089435 they were just giving you a whole bunch dl_rwICHlLg-00371-00089436-00089675 of meds and not really caring if it like dl_rwICHlLg-00372-00089676-00090017 really worked so when I was going to my dl_rwICHlLg-00373-00090018-00090221 black therapist and I was seeing a black dl_rwICHlLg-00374-00090222-00090473 psychiatrist that is what I was getting dl_rwICHlLg-00375-00090474-00090785 but now that I'm seeing like a white dl_rwICHlLg-00376-00090786-00091000 therapist and I'm not on any medication dl_rwICHlLg-00377-00091001-00091217 or anything but that is not the first dl_rwICHlLg-00378-00091218-00091462 thing that we resort to when Shakita is dl_rwICHlLg-00379-00091463-00091667 being triggered or when Shaquita is dl_rwICHlLg-00380-00091668-00091900 going through different things like we dl_rwICHlLg-00381-00091901-00092176 my treatment has been amazing like these dl_rwICHlLg-00382-00092177-00092405 last couple almost a year I started dl_rwICHlLg-00383-00092406-00092644 seeing her September of last year so we dl_rwICHlLg-00384-00092645-00092938 cycled through so much and dl_rwICHlLg-00385-00092939-00093185 I have a toolbox of different resources dl_rwICHlLg-00386-00093186-00093479 opposed to my only resource being a pill dl_rwICHlLg-00387-00093480-00093779 or pills you know like she's helping me dl_rwICHlLg-00388-00093780-00094091 meditate more and we do things more on a dl_rwICHlLg-00389-00094092-00094391 holistic side with an approach that if dl_rwICHlLg-00390-00094392-00094594 something else was to come up of course dl_rwICHlLg-00391-00094595-00094912 like we would take other you know uh dl_rwICHlLg-00392-00094913-00095123 options but for me that's just not what dl_rwICHlLg-00393-00095124-00095411 I want for myself and like you said I dl_rwICHlLg-00394-00095412-00095574 did challenge her because I'm like okay dl_rwICHlLg-00395-00095575-00095824 I need to see where your mind is and can dl_rwICHlLg-00396-00095825-00096106 you I know you cannot relate to me as a dl_rwICHlLg-00397-00096107-00096388 black woman but as long as you meet me dl_rwICHlLg-00398-00096389-00096767 had at least halfway right and like I dl_rwICHlLg-00399-00096768-00096929 mean she shocked me dl_rwICHlLg-00400-00096930-00097211 as far as just like her awareness you dl_rwICHlLg-00401-00097212-00097300 know dl_rwICHlLg-00402-00097301-00097553 for the black community and people of dl_rwICHlLg-00403-00097554-00097805 color and she explained to me why she dl_rwICHlLg-00404-00097806-00098099 makes it a a goal in her life to dl_rwICHlLg-00405-00098100-00098344 continue to educate herself about our dl_rwICHlLg-00406-00098345-00098656 culture in other cultures and you dl_rwICHlLg-00407-00098657-00098818 know she shares some things with me and dl_rwICHlLg-00408-00098819-00098987 that just made me more comfortable you dl_rwICHlLg-00409-00098988-00099221 know yeah I heard that and dl_rwICHlLg-00410-00099222-00099538 when my therapist said dl_rwICHlLg-00411-00099539-00099809 and and it it was almost within the dl_rwICHlLg-00412-00099810-00100000 first conversation of her and I haven't dl_rwICHlLg-00413-00100001-00100144 she was like yeah well I think we should dl_rwICHlLg-00414-00100145-00100355 put you on meds and at the time I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00415-00100356-00100571 thinking okay well that's fine maybe dl_rwICHlLg-00416-00100572-00100871 it's part of the treatment plan but then dl_rwICHlLg-00417-00100872-00101135 as I'm progressing in the treatment plan dl_rwICHlLg-00418-00101136-00101356 that I'm going I'm starting to like I dl_rwICHlLg-00419-00101357-00101656 said feel lessened of myself because you dl_rwICHlLg-00420-00101657-00101885 know the best they have me on Wellbutrin dl_rwICHlLg-00421-00101886-00102143 which is I really think it's a weight dl_rwICHlLg-00422-00102144-00102311 loss pill I don't even think it has dl_rwICHlLg-00423-00102312-00102490 nothing to do with your mental whether dl_rwICHlLg-00424-00102491-00102713 you have an imbalance or not that is a dl_rwICHlLg-00425-00102714-00102952 weight loss pill because I lost dl_rwICHlLg-00426-00102953-00103163 so much weight it was like I wish I had dl_rwICHlLg-00427-00103164-00103384 to go back to that way not that it's dl_rwICHlLg-00428-00103385-00103751 always a bad thing no but it's not but dl_rwICHlLg-00429-00103752-00103873 still like dl_rwICHlLg-00430-00103874-00104052 it's just dl_rwICHlLg-00431-00104053-00104344 we we almost live in anxiety to where dl_rwICHlLg-00432-00104345-00104590 we're over medicated but we're under dl_rwICHlLg-00433-00104591-00104886 under their therapy eyes dl_rwICHlLg-00434-00104888-00105154 if that's the word how I use it right dl_rwICHlLg-00435-00105155-00105389 but yeah we're they're pushing so many dl_rwICHlLg-00436-00105390-00105533 mesomes to where they're not really dl_rwICHlLg-00437-00105533-00105719 finding out the problem finding out the dl_rwICHlLg-00438-00105720-00105971 issue because nobody wants to talk and dl_rwICHlLg-00439-00105972-00106127 that's really crippling it's really dl_rwICHlLg-00440-00106128-00106297 demoralizing to the spirit because dl_rwICHlLg-00441-00106298-00106601 someone just really needs to talk and dl_rwICHlLg-00442-00106602-00106834 that's it because we have so much trauma dl_rwICHlLg-00443-00106835-00107104 and triggers going on to where why are dl_rwICHlLg-00444-00107105-00107284 you just pushing mess down my throat or dl_rwICHlLg-00445-00107285-00107452 just sending me out the door like you dl_rwICHlLg-00446-00107453-00107645 just want to go to the store and say hey dl_rwICHlLg-00447-00107646-00107836 give me all your money I don't care dl_rwICHlLg-00448-00107838-00108163 about this I really don't dl_rwICHlLg-00449-00108164-00108466 yeah and that's the unfortunate part and dl_rwICHlLg-00450-00108467-00108766 like yeah people do need to talk so and dl_rwICHlLg-00451-00108767-00108928 I had to learn this when it came to dl_rwICHlLg-00452-00108929-00109157 therapy too because I'm gonna go you dl_rwICHlLg-00453-00109158-00109373 know weekly about weekly however I dl_rwICHlLg-00454-00109374-00109702 decided that I needed to go and I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00455-00109703-00109925 saying all this stuff I'm talking but I dl_rwICHlLg-00456-00109926-00110213 need direction I need you to help me dl_rwICHlLg-00457-00110214-00110410 stifle through these emotions and things dl_rwICHlLg-00458-00110411-00110633 but I also had to realize that this is a dl_rwICHlLg-00459-00110633-00110813 relationship like we're in a dl_rwICHlLg-00460-00110814-00111065 relationship now right so I'm coming to dl_rwICHlLg-00461-00111066-00111304 you weekly and I'm telling you dl_rwICHlLg-00462-00111305-00111454 everything and you know what my trip dl_rwICHlLg-00463-00111455-00111628 like I have these triggers and I keep dl_rwICHlLg-00464-00111629-00111845 cycling back to the old things how am I dl_rwICHlLg-00465-00111846-00112054 supposed to get forward you know so that dl_rwICHlLg-00466-00112055-00112252 means you have to help help me move dl_rwICHlLg-00467-00112253-00112583 along but then I also have to implement dl_rwICHlLg-00468-00112583-00112834 more healthy boundaries in my life and dl_rwICHlLg-00469-00112835-00113069 more healthy resources that I can move dl_rwICHlLg-00470-00113070-00113357 forward and for me I mean it was I mean dl_rwICHlLg-00471-00113358-00113771 hey I'm gonna be real because I'm always dl_rwICHlLg-00472-00113772-00114016 I wouldn't be me if I wasn't real like I dl_rwICHlLg-00473-00114017-00114190 was always resulting back to negative dl_rwICHlLg-00474-00114191-00114460 stuff and blaming it on everybody else dl_rwICHlLg-00475-00114461-00114823 like nobody Shakita never did nothing dl_rwICHlLg-00476-00114824-00115177 got passive aggressive dl_rwICHlLg-00477-00115178-00115451 everybody did everything to me dl_rwICHlLg-00478-00115452-00115654 everything was always happening to me I dl_rwICHlLg-00479-00115655-00115834 never took no part in it you know I dl_rwICHlLg-00480-00115835-00116021 would get riled up get my friends riled dl_rwICHlLg-00481-00116022-00116213 up and we would just be like it's on dl_rwICHlLg-00482-00116214-00116699 site until I had to be sit down it takes dl_rwICHlLg-00483-00116700-00116927 sometimes it takes one situation to dl_rwICHlLg-00484-00116928-00117101 knock you all the way down on your face dl_rwICHlLg-00485-00117102-00117401 for you to realize like all right dl_rwICHlLg-00486-00117402-00117521 something has to happen and dl_rwICHlLg-00487-00117522-00117766 unfortunately for me that is what dl_rwICHlLg-00488-00117767-00117910 happened dl_rwICHlLg-00489-00117911-00118127 that's what happens wow dl_rwICHlLg-00490-00118128-00118421 wow so uh let's let's transition a dl_rwICHlLg-00491-00118422-00118589 little bit because this is probably all dl_rwICHlLg-00492-00118590-00119021 day with you all day so as as far as dl_rwICHlLg-00493-00119022-00119315 podcasting goes like how did you get dl_rwICHlLg-00494-00119316-00119560 into how did you find out about it where dl_rwICHlLg-00495-00119561-00119884 now you run the most successful or this dl_rwICHlLg-00496-00119885-00120143 podcast ever dl_rwICHlLg-00497-00120144-00120293 oh thank you very because we're gonna dl_rwICHlLg-00498-00120294-00120497 speak that in existence dl_rwICHlLg-00499-00120498-00120708 um you are I just said it dl_rwICHlLg-00500-00120709-00121001 well like honestly like when I started dl_rwICHlLg-00501-00121002-00121175 like my own personal healing Journey dl_rwICHlLg-00502-00121176-00121414 Back In 2019 I started listening to dl_rwICHlLg-00503-00121415-00121608 therapy for black girls dl_rwICHlLg-00504-00121609-00121907 and it was a couple other shows that I dl_rwICHlLg-00505-00121908-00122099 had had found and I just started dl_rwICHlLg-00506-00122100-00122284 listening to these shows and things and dl_rwICHlLg-00507-00122285-00122554 I started a Blog because I like to write dl_rwICHlLg-00508-00122555-00122752 and I was journaling stuff but I just dl_rwICHlLg-00509-00122753-00122981 started blogging my thoughts and you dl_rwICHlLg-00510-00122982-00123184 know I started getting a little crowded dl_rwICHlLg-00511-00123185-00123299 and different things so I just continue dl_rwICHlLg-00512-00123300-00123478 to do that and within that I was like I dl_rwICHlLg-00513-00123479-00123731 want to put out a podcast but my dl_rwICHlLg-00514-00123732-00123940 confidence was not where it is now I dl_rwICHlLg-00515-00123941-00124097 didn't think that no one was going to dl_rwICHlLg-00516-00124098-00124223 want to hear the things that I had to dl_rwICHlLg-00517-00124224-00124457 say I didn't know anything about it dl_rwICHlLg-00518-00124458-00124601 besides the fact that I listened to dl_rwICHlLg-00519-00124602-00124919 these other successful speakers Arthurs dl_rwICHlLg-00520-00124920-00125140 just different people and back in dl_rwICHlLg-00521-00125141-00125393 January of this year dl_rwICHlLg-00522-00125394-00125639 um I was on clubhouse and I literally dl_rwICHlLg-00523-00125640-00125921 like heard this song plan on about this dl_rwICHlLg-00524-00125922-00126233 guy and it was like Jay-Z encore and for dl_rwICHlLg-00525-00126233-00126460 some reason that gave me this weird dl_rwICHlLg-00526-00126461-00126743 stamina right because I was I had some dl_rwICHlLg-00527-00126744-00126910 stuff going on at that particular time dl_rwICHlLg-00528-00126911-00127216 and I just started it and when I started dl_rwICHlLg-00529-00127217-00127493 I had no idea it was going to be a as dl_rwICHlLg-00530-00127494-00127799 demanding as it could be you know dl_rwICHlLg-00531-00127800-00127997 despite me trying to like maintain my dl_rwICHlLg-00532-00127998-00128297 own personal life gym life relationships dl_rwICHlLg-00533-00128298-00128536 and work you know I just knew that I dl_rwICHlLg-00534-00128538-00128760 wanted to do it I had to figure it out dl_rwICHlLg-00535-00128761-00129064 and like yeah I just started like doing dl_rwICHlLg-00536-00129065-00129304 research I started finding you know good dl_rwICHlLg-00537-00129305-00129628 well some good groups and different dl_rwICHlLg-00538-00129629-00129827 things on social media and I've met some dl_rwICHlLg-00539-00129828-00129995 really nice people including yourself dl_rwICHlLg-00540-00129996-00130164 you know dl_rwICHlLg-00541-00130165-00130457 that I learned from whether y'all know dl_rwICHlLg-00542-00130458-00130690 it or not but yeah I feel like we all dl_rwICHlLg-00543-00130691-00131008 take something from each other and dl_rwICHlLg-00544-00131009-00131219 um I felt like I was like okay I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00545-00131220-00131447 really stepping into my purpose you know dl_rwICHlLg-00546-00131448-00131687 I've been trying to find who Shaquita dl_rwICHlLg-00547-00131688-00131939 really is and I knew what the theme of dl_rwICHlLg-00548-00131940-00132178 my podcast was so I just continue to dl_rwICHlLg-00549-00132179-00132359 Just Go With It dl_rwICHlLg-00550-00132360-00132647 wow and so how rewarding has it been dl_rwICHlLg-00551-00132648-00132790 with you through the people that you've dl_rwICHlLg-00552-00132791-00132995 come in contact with like what is dl_rwICHlLg-00553-00132996-00133211 something that you know now that you dl_rwICHlLg-00554-00133212-00133402 wish you learned back when you first dl_rwICHlLg-00555-00133403-00133552 started dl_rwICHlLg-00556-00133553-00133799 hmm dl_rwICHlLg-00557-00133800-00134128 um I wish that I had maybe the dl_rwICHlLg-00558-00134129-00134233 confidence dl_rwICHlLg-00559-00134234-00134477 the nouns that I have back then I wish I dl_rwICHlLg-00560-00134478-00134807 had liked the confidence because I like dl_rwICHlLg-00561-00134808-00135013 I feel like a lot of times we really dl_rwICHlLg-00562-00135014-00135293 don't know our true power or we don't dl_rwICHlLg-00563-00135294-00135485 believe in our true capability and I dl_rwICHlLg-00564-00135486-00135743 knew that okay I would get on you know dl_rwICHlLg-00565-00135744-00135911 my phone the microphone have a record dl_rwICHlLg-00566-00135912-00136157 episodes and put things out but I really dl_rwICHlLg-00567-00136158-00136390 didn't know if the message was getting dl_rwICHlLg-00568-00136391-00136601 across to people you know I'm like well dl_rwICHlLg-00569-00136602-00136871 damn I shot my myself sometime my family dl_rwICHlLg-00570-00136872-00137075 my friends like don't just tell me stuff dl_rwICHlLg-00571-00137076-00137254 to be nice you know I needed to hear dl_rwICHlLg-00572-00137255-00137537 other people and then I just start dl_rwICHlLg-00573-00137538-00137825 having people like email me people in my dl_rwICHlLg-00574-00137826-00138119 DMs and I'm like okay they are really dl_rwICHlLg-00575-00138120-00138323 listening like people are really taking dl_rwICHlLg-00576-00138324-00138557 heat on what I'm saying so I'm like okay dl_rwICHlLg-00577-00138558-00138857 you know I'm doing my job not job but dl_rwICHlLg-00578-00138858-00139127 you know I'm fulfilling my purpose and dl_rwICHlLg-00579-00139128-00139349 not those type of things make me feel dl_rwICHlLg-00580-00139350-00139552 more fulfilled you know because it's dl_rwICHlLg-00581-00139553-00139769 like let's be real we can listen to dl_rwICHlLg-00582-00139770-00139990 stuff sometimes and it does not resonate dl_rwICHlLg-00583-00139991-00140219 with us but it just meant something to dl_rwICHlLg-00584-00140220-00140561 me that someone was resonating with dl_rwICHlLg-00585-00140562-00140759 the things that I had to say or the dl_rwICHlLg-00586-00140760-00140885 guests that I was bringing on and dl_rwICHlLg-00587-00140886-00141028 telling their stories or just talking dl_rwICHlLg-00588-00141029-00141190 with me dl_rwICHlLg-00589-00141191-00141575 absolutely and I can even say for me dl_rwICHlLg-00590-00141576-00141839 um it's been kind of tough because it's dl_rwICHlLg-00591-00141840-00142043 almost like I just straight wanted to do dl_rwICHlLg-00592-00142044-00142390 the stream so all I want to do is just dl_rwICHlLg-00593-00142391-00142601 you know write my scripts edit them dl_rwICHlLg-00594-00142602-00142864 record them and just put them out and I dl_rwICHlLg-00595-00142865-00143171 remember I was I forget which group that dl_rwICHlLg-00596-00143172-00143375 I was in I was talking to somebody it dl_rwICHlLg-00597-00143376-00143578 was like well you have something here dl_rwICHlLg-00598-00143579-00143825 but you just need more than the 15 20 dl_rwICHlLg-00599-00143826-00144190 minutes you need gas and I'm thinking I dl_rwICHlLg-00600-00144191-00144352 really don't want to do that I don't dl_rwICHlLg-00601-00144353-00144611 want to talk to people because I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00602-00144612-00144881 comfortable with it just being me but I dl_rwICHlLg-00603-00144882-00145054 it's almost like I found that balance dl_rwICHlLg-00604-00145055-00145240 now like I enjoy you know talking to dl_rwICHlLg-00605-00145241-00145421 people such as yourself and then still dl_rwICHlLg-00606-00145422-00145654 doing my solos and then now it's like dl_rwICHlLg-00607-00145655-00145909 now having panels of people dl_rwICHlLg-00608-00145910-00146171 hearing different ones every so often dl_rwICHlLg-00609-00146172-00146423 it's like well people have things to say dl_rwICHlLg-00610-00146424-00146693 just like you on so many different dl_rwICHlLg-00611-00146694-00146885 levels that you just don't know you just dl_rwICHlLg-00612-00146886-00147095 gotta put yourself out there and that's dl_rwICHlLg-00613-00147096-00147251 what I'm learning putting yourself out dl_rwICHlLg-00614-00147252-00147407 there in space that that might be dl_rwICHlLg-00615-00147408-00147640 uncomfortable but once you do it enough dl_rwICHlLg-00616-00147641-00147851 time it's like you can do it any dl_rwICHlLg-00617-00147852-00148193 anywhere with no type of uh hesitation dl_rwICHlLg-00618-00148194-00148601 so I understand that completely I do dl_rwICHlLg-00619-00148602-00148864 um because I'm not gonna say podcast is dl_rwICHlLg-00620-00148865-00149147 easy it can be but it's hard to a dl_rwICHlLg-00621-00149148-00149314 certain level because you have to do so dl_rwICHlLg-00622-00149315-00149531 many things all in one time for it to be dl_rwICHlLg-00623-00149532-00149740 so great in the way you want to be dl_rwICHlLg-00624-00149741-00150089 because it's a representation of you oh dl_rwICHlLg-00625-00150090-00150497 my gosh yes and like you said dl_rwICHlLg-00626-00150498-00150676 um the whole thing was like you just dl_rwICHlLg-00627-00150677-00150839 being comfortable in your space and dl_rwICHlLg-00628-00150840-00151025 during your recordings and shows by dl_rwICHlLg-00629-00151026-00151264 yourself I was the same way you know I dl_rwICHlLg-00630-00151265-00151421 would get people reaching out saying hey dl_rwICHlLg-00631-00151422-00151576 if you need gas I'll come on I'm like dl_rwICHlLg-00632-00151577-00151835 well how do you do that and then my dl_rwICHlLg-00633-00151836-00152026 whole biggest thing I'm curious I didn't dl_rwICHlLg-00634-00152027-00152314 know how none of this stuff I did it I dl_rwICHlLg-00635-00152315-00152543 understand trust me and I didn't want to dl_rwICHlLg-00636-00152544-00152669 be that one person in some of these dl_rwICHlLg-00637-00152670-00152837 groups that asked because they probably dl_rwICHlLg-00638-00152838-00153004 like seriously you got a podcast and you dl_rwICHlLg-00639-00153005-00153149 don't know this stuff so I was like wait dl_rwICHlLg-00640-00153150-00153461 until people ask certain questions but dl_rwICHlLg-00641-00153462-00153731 when uh I just that's how I learned like dl_rwICHlLg-00642-00153732-00153989 I really did and then shout out to dl_rwICHlLg-00643-00153990-00154228 um podcasting for the culture dl_rwICHlLg-00644-00154229-00154409 um Angel and Nikki like they put their dl_rwICHlLg-00645-00154410-00154685 own you know the group together and dl_rwICHlLg-00646-00154686-00154961 honestly I've connected with most of the dl_rwICHlLg-00647-00154962-00155273 people that I know and network with in dl_rwICHlLg-00648-00155274-00155471 that group compared to like all these dl_rwICHlLg-00649-00155472-00155626 other groups it's just like more of like dl_rwICHlLg-00650-00155627-00155849 a personable you're you're in there so dl_rwICHlLg-00651-00155850-00156083 you know more person a personal space dl_rwICHlLg-00652-00156084-00156263 but and my biggest thing was I didn't dl_rwICHlLg-00653-00156264-00156552 want to show my face dl_rwICHlLg-00654-00156553-00156740 [Music] dl_rwICHlLg-00655-00156741-00157211 [Applause] dl_rwICHlLg-00656-00157212-00157361 let's see what I'm doing like you don't dl_rwICHlLg-00657-00157362-00157571 know if I'm messing up or whatever but dl_rwICHlLg-00658-00157572-00157775 being on camera showing my face it just dl_rwICHlLg-00659-00157776-00158026 gives it a different feel and I don't dl_rwICHlLg-00660-00158027-00158302 know like I just had a big dl_rwICHlLg-00661-00158303-00158554 big nerves about it until someone hit me dl_rwICHlLg-00662-00158555-00158752 up like hey can you come do my YouTube dl_rwICHlLg-00663-00158753-00159061 show and I'm like oh my goodness dl_rwICHlLg-00664-00159062-00159376 and I didn't and and then after that dl_rwICHlLg-00665-00159377-00159497 someone was like hey can you go live dl_rwICHlLg-00666-00159498-00159652 with me on Instagram you talking I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00667-00159653-00159731 like dl_rwICHlLg-00668-00159732-00160031 okay and I did it and after that things dl_rwICHlLg-00669-00160032-00160235 I just started to get more comfortable dl_rwICHlLg-00670-00160236-00160504 you know so we'll see what happens with dl_rwICHlLg-00671-00160505-00160739 that though yeah I remember when I did dl_rwICHlLg-00672-00160740-00161093 my first live I was nervous as hell and dl_rwICHlLg-00673-00161094-00161357 it was nice because the people that I dl_rwICHlLg-00674-00161358-00161687 had on anybody that I do lives with I dl_rwICHlLg-00675-00161688-00161914 have to do a one-on-one with you first dl_rwICHlLg-00676-00161915-00162178 that way I have a good feel I know who dl_rwICHlLg-00677-00162179-00162461 I'm getting into I just don't like just dl_rwICHlLg-00678-00162462-00162593 throwing you to the Wolves because dl_rwICHlLg-00679-00162594-00162797 people say oh I'm looking for four or dl_rwICHlLg-00680-00162798-00162971 five guests and you don't know what dl_rwICHlLg-00681-00162972-00163187 they're capable of like people are crazy dl_rwICHlLg-00682-00163188-00163397 out here and then if you go listen to dl_rwICHlLg-00683-00163398-00163564 their podcast they're even more dl_rwICHlLg-00684-00163565-00163799 eccentric so I try to almost like dl_rwICHlLg-00685-00163800-00164057 mitigate that and break that up because dl_rwICHlLg-00686-00164058-00164333 I want to make sure that you fit with dl_rwICHlLg-00687-00164334-00164525 the people that I put you with and it's dl_rwICHlLg-00688-00164526-00164759 a nice mixture I don't like having that dl_rwICHlLg-00689-00164760-00165071 oil and vinegar type of podcast I really dl_rwICHlLg-00690-00165072-00165287 don't like I try to be a perfectionist dl_rwICHlLg-00691-00165288-00165533 as much as I possibly can and then have dl_rwICHlLg-00692-00165534-00165790 a nice controlled environment I Don't dl_rwICHlLg-00693-00165791-00165947 Need No One popping off on each other dl_rwICHlLg-00694-00165948-00166283 and then just the goes goes to hell dl_rwICHlLg-00695-00166284-00166559 no that's important that is important dl_rwICHlLg-00696-00166560-00166847 you know and like I have I started doing dl_rwICHlLg-00697-00166848-00167014 like these little things called Candid dl_rwICHlLg-00698-00167015-00167278 conversations and I wanted to do them dl_rwICHlLg-00699-00167279-00167585 every month just bring on friends of dl_rwICHlLg-00700-00167586-00167723 mine training conversation with friends dl_rwICHlLg-00701-00167724-00167897 friends of mine and different people I dl_rwICHlLg-00702-00167898-00168125 have met and dl_rwICHlLg-00703-00168126-00168497 um I don't like I I have meshed other dl_rwICHlLg-00704-00168498-00168701 people with my friend Circle right dl_rwICHlLg-00705-00168702-00169031 because I know my friends right you know dl_rwICHlLg-00706-00169032-00169283 I just know my friends and they're dl_rwICHlLg-00707-00169284-00169457 really good on filling people out and dl_rwICHlLg-00708-00169458-00169678 just being respectful and one thing that dl_rwICHlLg-00709-00169679-00169937 one thing that I always tell people dl_rwICHlLg-00710-00169938-00170225 even when I do my individual episodes dl_rwICHlLg-00711-00170226-00170507 we all have an opinion all of our dl_rwICHlLg-00712-00170508-00170747 opinions and feelings is our value are dl_rwICHlLg-00713-00170748-00170999 are valuable and they should be value dl_rwICHlLg-00714-00171000-00171226 however everybody don't value other dl_rwICHlLg-00715-00171227-00171419 people's opinions I will never argue dl_rwICHlLg-00716-00171420-00171659 with a person about your opinion your dl_rwICHlLg-00717-00171660-00171947 beliefs but something that's factual and dl_rwICHlLg-00718-00171948-00172169 stats you know like that receipts about dl_rwICHlLg-00719-00172170-00172426 that can be proven like I will so it's dl_rwICHlLg-00720-00172427-00172595 the difference like and I never want dl_rwICHlLg-00721-00172596-00172871 anybody to feel like they listen to dl_rwICHlLg-00722-00172872-00173104 something that I say or a guest say and dl_rwICHlLg-00723-00173105-00173273 they may disagree and think that I'll dl_rwICHlLg-00724-00173274-00173483 get mad like that is your opinion you dl_rwICHlLg-00725-00173484-00173735 know I'ma always promote you to be dl_rwICHlLg-00726-00173736-00173938 better and to be positive in your best dl_rwICHlLg-00727-00173939-00174107 self but if you disagree with something dl_rwICHlLg-00728-00174108-00174335 that I say I'm perfectly fine with that dl_rwICHlLg-00729-00174336-00174563 if you want to have a discussion that's dl_rwICHlLg-00730-00174564-00174899 cool so like you said it's important to dl_rwICHlLg-00731-00174900-00175199 like not mix those like oil and vinegar dl_rwICHlLg-00732-00175200-00175361 I think that's what you said together dl_rwICHlLg-00733-00175362-00175709 however sometimes I realize it can also dl_rwICHlLg-00734-00175710-00175954 make room and open up the door for a dl_rwICHlLg-00735-00175955-00175975 more dl_rwICHlLg-00736-00175976-00176140 [Music] dl_rwICHlLg-00737-00176141-00176401 well go ahead I'm good dl_rwICHlLg-00738-00176402-00176663 we can make it can make room for more dl_rwICHlLg-00739-00176664-00176878 like engagement and conversation because dl_rwICHlLg-00740-00176879-00177064 I had a couple of my candid dl_rwICHlLg-00741-00177065-00177214 conversations dl_rwICHlLg-00742-00177215-00177437 getting it feisty but it just was like dl_rwICHlLg-00743-00177438-00177587 okay I feel like I'm being attacked dl_rwICHlLg-00744-00177588-00177826 right now like unconsciously and you dl_rwICHlLg-00745-00177827-00178216 know but it is what it is yes it is what dl_rwICHlLg-00746-00178217-00178516 it is and I agree with you and I say dl_rwICHlLg-00747-00178517-00178763 this as a rebuttal like there is nothing dl_rwICHlLg-00748-00178764-00178985 wrong with being with bringing people dl_rwICHlLg-00749-00178986-00179249 who are different but I don't want them dl_rwICHlLg-00750-00179250-00179423 to be so different to where they become dl_rwICHlLg-00751-00179424-00179669 volatile and then it almost puts a dl_rwICHlLg-00752-00179670-00179825 damper on what you're trying to do dl_rwICHlLg-00753-00179826-00179963 because there's nothing wrong with dl_rwICHlLg-00754-00179964-00180119 canning conversations there's nothing dl_rwICHlLg-00755-00180120-00180347 wrong with people who bring different dl_rwICHlLg-00756-00180348-00180635 opinions but sometimes those opinions dl_rwICHlLg-00757-00180636-00180875 have might have some type of repress or dl_rwICHlLg-00758-00180876-00181133 feelings so if you push the wrong button dl_rwICHlLg-00759-00181134-00181349 that person whether it be man or woman dl_rwICHlLg-00760-00181350-00181607 is going to not only go off on you but dl_rwICHlLg-00761-00181608-00181864 the whole panel is entirely and then it dl_rwICHlLg-00762-00181865-00182051 just brings down the mood and we don't dl_rwICHlLg-00763-00182052-00182278 need move Killers we don't we got enough dl_rwICHlLg-00764-00182279-00182519 going on in this world where people are dl_rwICHlLg-00765-00182520-00182752 already on edge and we just try to like dl_rwICHlLg-00766-00182753-00182926 you and I have a nice space to where dl_rwICHlLg-00767-00182927-00183131 people could just have a good time be dl_rwICHlLg-00768-00183132-00183328 able to speak what they want want to and dl_rwICHlLg-00769-00183329-00183575 then we all learn from someone so there dl_rwICHlLg-00770-00183576-00183785 are these volatile guests out here that dl_rwICHlLg-00771-00183786-00184169 just mean you no good like I've had a dl_rwICHlLg-00772-00184170-00184402 few of them myself that I would never dl_rwICHlLg-00773-00184403-00184571 forget this one interview I did with dl_rwICHlLg-00774-00184572-00185052 this one guy dl_rwICHlLg-00775-00185053-00185273 you can watch all you want I don't give dl_rwICHlLg-00776-00185274-00185428 a damn I'm gonna say it but we'll say dl_rwICHlLg-00777-00185429-00185740 his name I always do pre-screens I have dl_rwICHlLg-00778-00185741-00185914 to it's just it's better that way dl_rwICHlLg-00779-00185915-00186107 because I know what I'm dealing with dl_rwICHlLg-00780-00186108-00186335 when I get involved to you whether we do dl_rwICHlLg-00781-00186336-00186550 a soul or one-on-one or we do a panel dl_rwICHlLg-00782-00186551-00186850 and he was just so short one word did dl_rwICHlLg-00783-00186851-00187187 and I'm talking to you as if well I dl_rwICHlLg-00784-00187188-00187390 checked out your stuff you got a good dl_rwICHlLg-00785-00187391-00187619 following every day I'm just trying to dl_rwICHlLg-00786-00187620-00187816 network with you be with you make those dl_rwICHlLg-00787-00187817-00188045 relationships and it just seems like he dl_rwICHlLg-00788-00188046-00188213 wasn't interested and I'm thinking dl_rwICHlLg-00789-00188214-00188459 myself well why did you answer my post dl_rwICHlLg-00790-00188460-00188807 say okay let's work for you to just act dl_rwICHlLg-00791-00188808-00189011 like oh whatever I'm just going to show dl_rwICHlLg-00792-00189012-00189316 up when that's not even the case but I dl_rwICHlLg-00793-00189317-00189497 always try to be respectful say okay no dl_rwICHlLg-00794-00189498-00189671 problem I'll get back to you with you dl_rwICHlLg-00795-00189672-00189863 know my links so you can do it dl_rwICHlLg-00796-00189864-00190109 and never talk to him again and then I dl_rwICHlLg-00797-00190110-00190373 see him get on one podcast and he jump dl_rwICHlLg-00798-00190374-00190595 on it and he's just like life of the dl_rwICHlLg-00799-00190596-00190823 party bundle of energy so that's what I dl_rwICHlLg-00800-00190824-00190949 don't like about some of these dl_rwICHlLg-00801-00190950-00191188 podcasters is they make it seem like dl_rwICHlLg-00802-00191189-00191326 they're one way when they're really dl_rwICHlLg-00803-00191327-00191633 another another when they're not me you dl_rwICHlLg-00804-00191634-00191849 see me this is how I am this is how I am dl_rwICHlLg-00805-00191850-00192121 with everybody I always give you my 100 dl_rwICHlLg-00806-00192122-00192425 because I would want the same energy in dl_rwICHlLg-00807-00192426-00192611 return and that's almost the problem dl_rwICHlLg-00808-00192612-00192838 with podcasting it's like there's a dl_rwICHlLg-00809-00192839-00193037 level of redundancy that people keep dl_rwICHlLg-00810-00193038-00193325 placating over and over again to where dl_rwICHlLg-00811-00193326-00193583 it's almost crippling to the spirit dl_rwICHlLg-00812-00193584-00193702 because you don't know what you're dl_rwICHlLg-00813-00193703-00194100 getting from somebody you really don't dl_rwICHlLg-00814-00194101-00194375 yeah I haven't dl_rwICHlLg-00815-00194376-00194663 um really run into any of those and I dl_rwICHlLg-00816-00194664-00194963 really hope not to I mean I feel like dl_rwICHlLg-00817-00194964-00195190 when you let people in and this is just dl_rwICHlLg-00818-00195191-00195454 speaking of people in general when you dl_rwICHlLg-00819-00195455-00195773 meet people in one environment and you dl_rwICHlLg-00820-00195774-00195976 try to create a relationship or dl_rwICHlLg-00821-00195977-00196247 friendship out of that you invite them dl_rwICHlLg-00822-00196248-00196445 into your life and what I think people dl_rwICHlLg-00823-00196446-00196733 need to be open-minded is like people dl_rwICHlLg-00824-00196734-00197057 live life and have life experiences and dl_rwICHlLg-00825-00197058-00197416 situations that go on so one day you may dl_rwICHlLg-00826-00197417-00197621 see me and I may be happy go lucky and dl_rwICHlLg-00827-00197622-00197938 the next day I may not be responsive or dl_rwICHlLg-00828-00197939-00198100 want to be bothered but that doesn't dl_rwICHlLg-00829-00198101-00198502 make you know anybody a bad person so dl_rwICHlLg-00830-00198503-00198695 you just have to be dl_rwICHlLg-00831-00198696-00198881 um very conscious and protected about dl_rwICHlLg-00832-00198882-00199033 who you're inviting to your space dl_rwICHlLg-00833-00199034-00199319 including your podcast because this is dl_rwICHlLg-00834-00199320-00199535 your brand you know like you said it's dl_rwICHlLg-00835-00199536-00199804 representation of you and even though dl_rwICHlLg-00836-00199805-00200009 you can't control your guests and stuff dl_rwICHlLg-00837-00200010-00200261 when they're on your platform they kind dl_rwICHlLg-00838-00200262-00200543 of aren't representation of you and dl_rwICHlLg-00839-00200544-00200795 whatever the message is in dialogue that dl_rwICHlLg-00840-00200796-00200926 you're trying to give off to your dl_rwICHlLg-00841-00200927-00201323 listeners you know so when I I don't run dl_rwICHlLg-00842-00201324-00201509 a scripted show anybody that's ever been dl_rwICHlLg-00843-00201510-00201749 on will tell you that I don't I don't I dl_rwICHlLg-00844-00201750-00201988 mean to an extent I see why people do it dl_rwICHlLg-00845-00201989-00202259 I don't I will have a topic and I will dl_rwICHlLg-00846-00202260-00202595 have topic um points and my guests they dl_rwICHlLg-00847-00202596-00202787 are sent this information before they dl_rwICHlLg-00848-00202788-00203069 come on if they have any pushback when dl_rwICHlLg-00849-00203070-00203290 anything they have the space to do that dl_rwICHlLg-00850-00203291-00203590 you know overall the show is about them dl_rwICHlLg-00851-00203591-00203788 and I want to make them as comfortable dl_rwICHlLg-00852-00203789-00204028 as ever because I can be wild and dl_rwICHlLg-00853-00204029-00204287 chaotic whatever and you because I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00854-00204288-00204437 trying to actually you get well right dl_rwICHlLg-00855-00204438-00204905 now so let's go listen I'm listening but dl_rwICHlLg-00856-00204906-00205242 everyone watch at the same time dl_rwICHlLg-00857-00205244-00205523 but no so listen you can make me lose my dl_rwICHlLg-00858-00205523-00205727 train of thought but you understand what dl_rwICHlLg-00859-00205728-00205912 I'm saying like you want to create dl_rwICHlLg-00860-00205913-00206206 comfortability but still have fun get dl_rwICHlLg-00861-00206207-00206386 the message across you know all that dl_rwICHlLg-00862-00206387-00206705 stuff so within doing that dl_rwICHlLg-00863-00206706-00206938 I don't do the pre-screening I mean dl_rwICHlLg-00864-00206939-00207166 everyone that I have had on whether I dl_rwICHlLg-00865-00207167-00207316 knew them on a personal level where I dl_rwICHlLg-00866-00207317-00207436 connected with them listen to their dl_rwICHlLg-00867-00207437-00207664 shows we have conversated maybe like dl_rwICHlLg-00868-00207665-00207916 five to ten minutes before recording and dl_rwICHlLg-00869-00207917-00208186 then we just just let things roll dl_rwICHlLg-00870-00208187-00208534 hey that's on you everybody's process is dl_rwICHlLg-00871-00208535-00208816 different my work is easier for me I dl_rwICHlLg-00872-00208817-00208996 send them a link I talk to them first dl_rwICHlLg-00873-00208998-00209248 then we make the podcast dl_rwICHlLg-00874-00209250-00209488 um and that's okay with me because it dl_rwICHlLg-00875-00209489-00209723 works and it's for me it's almost like dl_rwICHlLg-00876-00209723-00209860 having a level of professionalism dl_rwICHlLg-00877-00209861-00210137 because not only am I sure you know I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00878-00210138-00210310 accountable I want you to be accountable dl_rwICHlLg-00879-00210311-00210532 too and if you don't show up then I just dl_rwICHlLg-00880-00210533-00210773 move on it just says that you didn't dl_rwICHlLg-00881-00210773-00210917 want to do it dl_rwICHlLg-00882-00210917-00211091 um and then I always like to do a nice dl_rwICHlLg-00883-00211092-00211282 little follow-up just to see what their dl_rwICHlLg-00884-00211283-00211601 thoughts were after everything happened dl_rwICHlLg-00885-00211602-00211865 um but it just it shows that you know dl_rwICHlLg-00886-00211866-00212158 you can be serious about this but still dl_rwICHlLg-00887-00212159-00212405 have fun with it and that's I think dl_rwICHlLg-00888-00212406-00212621 that's the line that people Miss is like dl_rwICHlLg-00889-00212621-00212921 no one wants to no one wants to be fine dl_rwICHlLg-00890-00212921-00213089 about it no one let's have a good time dl_rwICHlLg-00891-00213090-00213305 everybody's like oh you gotta do mine dl_rwICHlLg-00892-00213306-00213544 you gotta listen to myself and you gotta dl_rwICHlLg-00893-00213546-00213767 follow me like whoa whoa bro let's let's dl_rwICHlLg-00894-00213767-00214084 talk first and for now I'm gonna want to dl_rwICHlLg-00895-00214085-00214367 do all that but I hear you and you know dl_rwICHlLg-00896-00214367-00214642 everybody's process is different so but dl_rwICHlLg-00897-00214644-00214981 it's just how you are Miss Johnson dl_rwICHlLg-00898-00214982-00215206 now let me ask you a question though dl_rwICHlLg-00899-00215207-00215453 because you you kind of like you like dl_rwICHlLg-00900-00215454-00215681 made a point and I want your opinion on dl_rwICHlLg-00901-00215682-00216005 it so what is your opinion about people dl_rwICHlLg-00902-00216006-00216239 that like scheduled to do a show with dl_rwICHlLg-00903-00216240-00216389 someone right dl_rwICHlLg-00904-00216390-00216779 and something comes up like my situation dl_rwICHlLg-00905-00216780-00217091 things that you cannot control the dl_rwICHlLg-00906-00217092-00217246 person has to like back out or dl_rwICHlLg-00907-00217248-00217451 reschedule like how do you and I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00908-00217452-00217613 asking you even already know but like dl_rwICHlLg-00909-00217614-00217901 how do you look at that situation or dl_rwICHlLg-00910-00217902-00218237 that person I look at it as of a dl_rwICHlLg-00911-00218238-00218465 situation in person if you let someone dl_rwICHlLg-00912-00218466-00218794 know what's going on say and we'll just dl_rwICHlLg-00913-00218796-00218939 say for instance like you were supposed dl_rwICHlLg-00914-00218940-00219196 to be on you know the mental health dl_rwICHlLg-00915-00219198-00219431 episode that I have and you was telling dl_rwICHlLg-00916-00219432-00219641 me well I don't know if I can make it dl_rwICHlLg-00917-00219642-00219892 things are going on and I was like okay dl_rwICHlLg-00918-00219894-00220198 no problem I get that you're telling me dl_rwICHlLg-00919-00220200-00220432 ahead of time but if you're gonna wait dl_rwICHlLg-00920-00220433-00220756 almost 10 15 minutes before showing dl_rwICHlLg-00921-00220757-00220967 before we started recording and you dl_rwICHlLg-00922-00220967-00221255 don't say two words not nothing and I'm dl_rwICHlLg-00923-00221256-00221506 waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting and then dl_rwICHlLg-00924-00221507-00221734 it's like whatever then you start dl_rwICHlLg-00925-00221735-00222041 thinking okay well then this person's on dl_rwICHlLg-00926-00222175-00222298 [Music] dl_rwICHlLg-00927-00222300-00222598 so but it's a different thing when you dl_rwICHlLg-00928-00222600-00222767 let someone know ahead of time even a dl_rwICHlLg-00929-00222767-00223001 half an hour like I might be late I dl_rwICHlLg-00930-00223002-00223205 might not make it I just suck their dl_rwICHlLg-00931-00223206-00223342 things going on like you ain't gotta dl_rwICHlLg-00932-00223344-00223529 tell everybody everything but just let dl_rwICHlLg-00933-00223530-00223721 them know something it's just a level of dl_rwICHlLg-00934-00223721-00224044 professionalism and that's okay that dl_rwICHlLg-00935-00224046-00224260 just shows that you're serious about it dl_rwICHlLg-00936-00224261-00224423 you want to come but you might not be dl_rwICHlLg-00937-00224423-00224825 able to so it's just heavy and this huge dl_rwICHlLg-00938-00224826-00225046 thing amongst everybody having that line dl_rwICHlLg-00939-00225048-00225227 of communication and telling someone dl_rwICHlLg-00940-00225228-00225382 something whether it's through phone dl_rwICHlLg-00941-00225383-00225665 text email whatever it might be I mean dl_rwICHlLg-00942-00225666-00225953 we all can hit someone up and let them dl_rwICHlLg-00943-00225954-00226181 know something and whatever it might be dl_rwICHlLg-00944-00226182-00226396 so it just it really depends on the dl_rwICHlLg-00945-00226398-00226594 person honestly and like for my like dl_rwICHlLg-00946-00226596-00226829 like my situation like you mentioned I dl_rwICHlLg-00947-00226830-00227056 was not about to go live in the dark dl_rwICHlLg-00948-00227057-00227503 okay storming thundering like dl_rwICHlLg-00949-00227504-00227837 is she okay so like something like that dl_rwICHlLg-00950-00227838-00228119 like is I get it but like you said I've dl_rwICHlLg-00951-00228119-00228334 seen people posting groups before where dl_rwICHlLg-00952-00228335-00228605 like people like drop out of shows or dl_rwICHlLg-00953-00228606-00228844 just they don't confirm dl_rwICHlLg-00954-00228846-00229084 5 10 15 minutes before and I'm just like dl_rwICHlLg-00955-00229085-00229319 damn like has it you know it makes you dl_rwICHlLg-00956-00229319-00229475 just wonder how everyone goes forward dl_rwICHlLg-00957-00229476-00229696 handling things like thankfully I never dl_rwICHlLg-00958-00229698-00229948 had that experience but you know I think dl_rwICHlLg-00959-00229950-00230087 people dl_rwICHlLg-00960-00230088-00230284 considering you need to be understanding dl_rwICHlLg-00961-00230285-00230615 that life happens sometimes you know and dl_rwICHlLg-00962-00230616-00230860 hey life happens people got kids people dl_rwICHlLg-00963-00230861-00231119 get sick people power go out from storms dl_rwICHlLg-00964-00231119-00231323 you know so dl_rwICHlLg-00965-00231323-00231415 is dl_rwICHlLg-00966-00231416-00231869 if it is but it's just it's being honest dl_rwICHlLg-00967-00231869-00232031 with yourself like if you're really dl_rwICHlLg-00968-00232032-00232248 serious about being a guest on someone dl_rwICHlLg-00969-00232250-00232715 that you that you signed up for it's not dl_rwICHlLg-00970-00232716-00233105 like I hit you up even if I did and you dl_rwICHlLg-00971-00233106-00233351 say hey Will I want to be a guest I'd be dl_rwICHlLg-00972-00233352-00233656 like okay okay that's fine pick a day at dl_rwICHlLg-00973-00233657-00233813 a time and we'll do it you'd be like dl_rwICHlLg-00974-00233814-00234046 cool and you went out your way to pick dl_rwICHlLg-00975-00234048-00234341 the day that was good for you and then dl_rwICHlLg-00976-00234342-00234617 you just don't show up it's like you dl_rwICHlLg-00977-00234617-00234946 really wasted your own time by setting dl_rwICHlLg-00978-00234948-00235192 time time decide to do it so and that's dl_rwICHlLg-00979-00235194-00235313 the one thing I don't think people dl_rwICHlLg-00980-00235314-00235751 understand is like you do this you make dl_rwICHlLg-00981-00235752-00236003 you make um you make time for what you dl_rwICHlLg-00982-00236004-00236171 want and then the things you don't want dl_rwICHlLg-00983-00236171-00236351 you'll just be like it I don't care dl_rwICHlLg-00984-00236352-00236621 I'll do whatever and so it's in like dl_rwICHlLg-00985-00236621-00236825 okay well I'll never have you back and dl_rwICHlLg-00986-00236826-00236975 then you will have the nerve in the dl_rwICHlLg-00987-00236976-00237179 audacity to say Hey you think we can dl_rwICHlLg-00988-00237180-00237556 redo that again I'd be like hell no it's dl_rwICHlLg-00989-00237557-00237832 not happening like she gotta be out your dl_rwICHlLg-00990-00237833-00238055 rabbit ass by the thing I'm gonna set dl_rwICHlLg-00991-00238056-00238294 myself up again for you to come back and dl_rwICHlLg-00992-00238296-00238492 say okay I'm serious let's try this dl_rwICHlLg-00993-00238494-00238691 again and then you pull the same stuff dl_rwICHlLg-00994-00238692-00239003 no no I might be born in the day but I dl_rwICHlLg-00995-00239004-00239177 was born yesterday it's not happening dl_rwICHlLg-00996-00239178-00239434 it's just like it's just like a dl_rwICHlLg-00997-00239435-00239651 relationship though right well kind of dl_rwICHlLg-00998-00239652-00239951 like a relationship like yeah you know dl_rwICHlLg-00999-00239952-00240155 if they wanted knew they would and if dl_rwICHlLg-01000-00240156-00240317 they don't that is a personal choice dl_rwICHlLg-01001-00240317-00240473 that they are making not to do something dl_rwICHlLg-01002-00240473-00240730 you know that's how I look at it even dl_rwICHlLg-01003-00240731-00240941 though like with podcasting guests like dl_rwICHlLg-01004-00240942-00241055 of course we're not in a relationship dl_rwICHlLg-01005-00241056-00241342 but we're making we're committed to this dl_rwICHlLg-01006-00241344-00241727 together you know if they wanted to they dl_rwICHlLg-01007-00241728-00242044 would and she was like uh fool me once dl_rwICHlLg-01008-00242046-00242375 shame on uh you fool me twice that's dl_rwICHlLg-01009-00242376-00242632 shame on me like I give you two times dl_rwICHlLg-01010-00242633-00242891 and you still doing the same thing you dl_rwICHlLg-01011-00242892-00242998 might not even make it to the second dl_rwICHlLg-01012-00243000-00243292 chance so I don't even want to give you dl_rwICHlLg-01013-00243294-00243527 one time because there's is that 50 50 dl_rwICHlLg-01014-00243528-00243701 chance that you're just going to screw dl_rwICHlLg-01015-00243702-00243892 begins entirety I'm like okay I don't dl_rwICHlLg-01016-00243894-00244073 know if I can do this but I still try to dl_rwICHlLg-01017-00244073-00244223 give you the benefit of Doubt and I'm dl_rwICHlLg-01018-00244223-00244415 just saying as for instance like your dl_rwICHlLg-01019-00244416-00244655 situation I completely understood just dl_rwICHlLg-01020-00244656-00244829 like I told you if you can make it fine dl_rwICHlLg-01021-00244830-00245119 if you can't that's fine too the more dl_rwICHlLg-01022-00245119-00245375 important issues is you're saved because dl_rwICHlLg-01023-00245376-00245615 I didn't want you sitting there you'd be dl_rwICHlLg-01024-00245616-00245855 talking recorded and they said you know dl_rwICHlLg-01025-00245856-00246080 you get shocked at your power dl_rwICHlLg-01026-00246081-00247260 [Music] dl_rwICHlLg-01027-00247261-00247487 thunder and lightning and everybody dl_rwICHlLg-01028-00247488-00247601 would have been looking at the screen dl_rwICHlLg-01029-00247602-00247980 like what is going on dl_rwICHlLg-01030-00247981-00248284 but yes it always is a good feeling that dl_rwICHlLg-01031-00248285-00248608 you you know to to have like-minded dl_rwICHlLg-01032-00248609-00248813 conversations with people not only that dl_rwICHlLg-01033-00248814-00249010 people would just be understanding you dl_rwICHlLg-01034-00249011-00249310 know that's like very I don't know you dl_rwICHlLg-01035-00249311-00249551 do that for me just have compassion of dl_rwICHlLg-01036-00249552-00249827 like my situation or just for people dl_rwICHlLg-01037-00249828-00250001 like that's a check in my book because dl_rwICHlLg-01038-00250002-00250210 that lets me know that like you may just dl_rwICHlLg-01039-00250211-00250444 be a good person I may want to continue dl_rwICHlLg-01040-00250446-00250708 working with you I know right and it's dl_rwICHlLg-01041-00250709-00250942 hard to find good compassionate thought dl_rwICHlLg-01042-00250944-00251213 people because everybody is just like dl_rwICHlLg-01043-00251214-00251446 they have a hidden model some type of dl_rwICHlLg-01044-00251448-00251723 agenda and that you don't know and even dl_rwICHlLg-01045-00251723-00251969 when you try to put your put yourself dl_rwICHlLg-01046-00251969-00252275 amongst the goodness of a good you still dl_rwICHlLg-01047-00252276-00252529 have that little bit of self-doubt like dl_rwICHlLg-01048-00252530-00252941 I don't know I'm still you know gonna dl_rwICHlLg-01049-00252942-00253229 like to be on my p's and q's but you dl_rwICHlLg-01050-00253230-00253342 know you always want to give someone dl_rwICHlLg-01051-00253344-00253673 like I said the benefit of Doubt and you dl_rwICHlLg-01052-00253673-00253913 know I I care enough like still ask dl_rwICHlLg-01053-00253914-00254117 questions like are you okay like I had dl_rwICHlLg-01054-00254117-00254273 checked on you to make sure you're okay dl_rwICHlLg-01055-00254273-00254494 everything was good but I still want you dl_rwICHlLg-01056-00254496-00254729 to know that you know are we still gonna dl_rwICHlLg-01057-00254730-00254908 do a podcast is I was still interested dl_rwICHlLg-01058-00254909-00255119 would still sitting down and talking dl_rwICHlLg-01059-00255119-00255437 with you because you know it's this is dl_rwICHlLg-01060-00255438-00255689 like what we're trying to do so it's dl_rwICHlLg-01061-00255690-00255821 more like still having compassion dl_rwICHlLg-01062-00255821-00255982 because at the end of the day you're a dl_rwICHlLg-01063-00255983-00256258 person so am I and you just you have to dl_rwICHlLg-01064-00256259-00256571 try to be you have to try to pursue dl_rwICHlLg-01065-00256571-00256751 yourself in the way it was like I'm good dl_rwICHlLg-01066-00256752-00256979 no matter what all I care about is dl_rwICHlLg-01067-00256980-00257225 someone being okay when things are dl_rwICHlLg-01068-00257226-00257315 happening dl_rwICHlLg-01069-00257316-00257525 period dl_rwICHlLg-01070-00257526-00257837 absolutely uh so a few more things if I dl_rwICHlLg-01071-00257838-00257987 get you out of here dl_rwICHlLg-01072-00257988-00258101 um dl_rwICHlLg-01073-00258102-00258437 um has there like when it comes to your dl_rwICHlLg-01074-00258438-00258832 format and you doing podcasts was there dl_rwICHlLg-01075-00258833-00259006 something that you started doing in the dl_rwICHlLg-01076-00259007-00259234 beginning to where you changed now or dl_rwICHlLg-01077-00259235-00259469 have you had the same recording format dl_rwICHlLg-01078-00259469-00259637 when it comes to you speaking with gas dl_rwICHlLg-01079-00259638-00259882 and you picking your topics and so forth dl_rwICHlLg-01080-00259883-00260075 because I know I've changed my format a dl_rwICHlLg-01081-00260076-00260332 whole lot of times a whole bunch dl_rwICHlLg-01082-00260333-00260465 um dl_rwICHlLg-01083-00260466-00260819 I try to keep things dl_rwICHlLg-01084-00260819-00261041 um consistent and as structured as I dl_rwICHlLg-01085-00261042-00261346 could however for me there is a dl_rwICHlLg-01086-00261348-00261508 difference when working with someone dl_rwICHlLg-01087-00261509-00261844 opposed to by myself right so like you dl_rwICHlLg-01088-00261846-00262073 know you can record your well you do dl_rwICHlLg-01089-00262073-00262265 YouTube but dl_rwICHlLg-01090-00262266-00262595 for a person that started off just doing dl_rwICHlLg-01091-00262596-00262793 um the audio you can record from your dl_rwICHlLg-01092-00262794-00263015 phone like it's real simple no it's not dl_rwICHlLg-01093-00263016-00263356 it's not well I started a way that I dl_rwICHlLg-01094-00263357-00263525 started off recording my phone and let dl_rwICHlLg-01095-00263526-00263753 me tell you that was the absolute worst dl_rwICHlLg-01096-00263754-00264101 experience ever ever you must got an dl_rwICHlLg-01097-00264102-00264425 Obama phone no I I got an iPhone I got dl_rwICHlLg-01098-00264426-00264791 an iPhone but at the time you know I've dl_rwICHlLg-01099-00264792-00264977 started with anchor and I'm I don't mean dl_rwICHlLg-01100-00264978-00265306 to overtake you but this is It's always dl_rwICHlLg-01101-00265307-00265534 funny because when my brother told me dl_rwICHlLg-01102-00265535-00265715 about anchor about recording podcast I dl_rwICHlLg-01103-00265716-00265960 was like cool I can do it anywhere and I dl_rwICHlLg-01104-00265961-00266141 remember I started recording at work dl_rwICHlLg-01105-00266142-00266351 because I travel for work to different dl_rwICHlLg-01106-00266352-00266621 hospitals and I was sitting in the break dl_rwICHlLg-01107-00266622-00266830 room recording and I recorded a 20 dl_rwICHlLg-01108-00266831-00267106 minute episode 20 minutes never forget dl_rwICHlLg-01109-00267107-00267371 it and then when I got back to my hotel dl_rwICHlLg-01110-00267372-00267545 room I'm listening it and I couldn't dl_rwICHlLg-01111-00267546-00267982 hear not nothing nothing yes and and I dl_rwICHlLg-01112-00267983-00268223 can remember I'm sitting here like this dl_rwICHlLg-01113-00268224-00268469 holding it to my phone and you know what dl_rwICHlLg-01114-00268470-00268756 happened I never pressed record never dl_rwICHlLg-01115-00268757-00268955 personal oh my God dl_rwICHlLg-01116-00268956-00269410 so so that good ass topic that I did I dl_rwICHlLg-01117-00269411-00269663 was like where the hell did it go and dl_rwICHlLg-01118-00269664-00269830 then I couldn't even remember because I dl_rwICHlLg-01119-00269831-00270058 came up with a whole new one and then dl_rwICHlLg-01120-00270059-00270280 that's where it started to where my dl_rwICHlLg-01121-00270281-00270491 first episode I ever did was stupid dl_rwICHlLg-01122-00270492-00270701 people and then it just went from there dl_rwICHlLg-01123-00270702-00271121 so yes seriously that today that is my dl_rwICHlLg-01124-00271122-00271384 best episode when it comes from an dl_rwICHlLg-01125-00271385-00271582 overall standpoint of just straight dl_rwICHlLg-01126-00271583-00271901 ranting about people and their complete dl_rwICHlLg-01127-00271902-00272369 utterly stupidity so yeah yeah dl_rwICHlLg-01128-00272370-00272699 um I thank goodness I haven't had any um dl_rwICHlLg-01129-00272700-00272939 problems recording no anger dl_rwICHlLg-01130-00272940-00273239 um I also used to use podbean sometimes dl_rwICHlLg-01131-00273240-00273347 to do dl_rwICHlLg-01132-00273348-00273527 um my recordings because they have a dl_rwICHlLg-01133-00273528-00273737 very good audible system on their app dl_rwICHlLg-01134-00273738-00274001 like it's a it's amazing dl_rwICHlLg-01135-00274002-00274199 um you can and you can do a lot from dl_rwICHlLg-01136-00274200-00274403 their app like you can go live do live dl_rwICHlLg-01137-00274404-00274577 shows and you can get tips and a whole dl_rwICHlLg-01138-00274578-00274949 bunch of stuff but anyway so like yeah dl_rwICHlLg-01139-00274950-00275177 it's it's definitely dl_rwICHlLg-01140-00275178-00275399 decent like I will say that you it's dl_rwICHlLg-01141-00275400-00275549 just you got to watch your space that's dl_rwICHlLg-01142-00275550-00275806 the only thing with them like if you go dl_rwICHlLg-01143-00275807-00276006 over your space it will cut your episode dl_rwICHlLg-01144-00276007-00276287 I had done I did have that happen I was dl_rwICHlLg-01145-00276288-00276569 recording and I didn't realize it until dl_rwICHlLg-01146-00276570-00276856 the upload that it cut the last ended dl_rwICHlLg-01147-00276857-00277067 piece of my episode out but it had to do dl_rwICHlLg-01148-00277068-00277403 with space but otherwise when I started dl_rwICHlLg-01149-00277404-00277673 doing things like when I do my guess I dl_rwICHlLg-01150-00277674-00278003 do things through Zoom dl_rwICHlLg-01151-00278004-00278399 so I had to learn all you know like that dl_rwICHlLg-01152-00278400-00278567 and that learn to downloading and dl_rwICHlLg-01153-00278568-00278687 uploading and different things because dl_rwICHlLg-01154-00278688-00278897 I'm I'm tech savvy but not that tech dl_rwICHlLg-01155-00278898-00279179 savvy I didn't know all that stuff so dl_rwICHlLg-01156-00279180-00279317 for the most part I tried to keep dl_rwICHlLg-01157-00279318-00279665 everything structured and consistent dl_rwICHlLg-01158-00279666-00280001 although the more people I have met I've dl_rwICHlLg-01159-00280002-00280151 learned different things and picked up dl_rwICHlLg-01160-00280152-00280451 different ideas from them so I tried to dl_rwICHlLg-01161-00280452-00280649 maneuver things around a little bit as dl_rwICHlLg-01162-00280650-00280919 far as my topics go yeah some of my dl_rwICHlLg-01163-00280920-00281141 topics do just come off the top of my dl_rwICHlLg-01164-00281142-00281315 head at times dl_rwICHlLg-01165-00281316-00281519 um but for me because I'm a person that dl_rwICHlLg-01166-00281520-00281806 overthinks a lot and I'm I try not to be dl_rwICHlLg-01167-00281807-00282101 such a perfectionist it's the Virgo in dl_rwICHlLg-01168-00282102-00282305 me honestly it is dl_rwICHlLg-01169-00282306-00282580 it is the verbal Emmy um I had to really dl_rwICHlLg-01170-00282581-00282803 like get a notebook I had to get and dl_rwICHlLg-01171-00282804-00282995 just write start writing things and like dl_rwICHlLg-01172-00282996-00283319 be very I'm very specific about how I dl_rwICHlLg-01173-00283320-00283541 want things carried out dl_rwICHlLg-01174-00283542-00283823 and um yeah so I just started writing dl_rwICHlLg-01175-00283824-00283991 down different topics and things that I dl_rwICHlLg-01176-00283992-00284267 wanted to uh do discussions about even dl_rwICHlLg-01177-00284268-00284506 now like my friends and different guests dl_rwICHlLg-01178-00284507-00284656 that I want to have on for like my dl_rwICHlLg-01179-00284657-00284843 upcoming next season and stuff with my dl_rwICHlLg-01180-00284844-00285082 candy conversations people send me stuff dl_rwICHlLg-01181-00285083-00285263 all the time I'm like okay hold on to dl_rwICHlLg-01182-00285264-00285454 this like people want to dive into a dl_rwICHlLg-01183-00285455-00285634 whole bunch of different topics people dl_rwICHlLg-01184-00285635-00285803 want me to speak on a lot of stuff so I dl_rwICHlLg-01185-00285804-00286006 try to hold on to it so I won't forget dl_rwICHlLg-01186-00286007-00286247 it trying to remember dl_rwICHlLg-01187-00286248-00286439 um one thing I will say is I've learned dl_rwICHlLg-01188-00286440-00286582 and seen a lot of people talk about dl_rwICHlLg-01189-00286583-00286949 rebranding not being a bad thing dl_rwICHlLg-01190-00286950-00287356 um so I'm definitely open to suggestions dl_rwICHlLg-01191-00287357-00287573 moving towards like my second season dl_rwICHlLg-01192-00287574-00287797 which is not coming anytime soon dl_rwICHlLg-01193-00287798-00288167 after this after my birthday but um I'm dl_rwICHlLg-01194-00288168-00288371 open to like suggestions and I'm always dl_rwICHlLg-01195-00288372-00288599 open to criticism and opinions because I dl_rwICHlLg-01196-00288600-00288743 just feel like those things just make me dl_rwICHlLg-01197-00288744-00289217 better you know true and I know for me I dl_rwICHlLg-01198-00289218-00289558 when I started on anchor I was good dl_rwICHlLg-01199-00289559-00289799 um and then like I said I had that dl_rwICHlLg-01200-00289800-00289949 conversation with a person telling me I dl_rwICHlLg-01201-00289950-00290201 need to get uh guests so I was like okay dl_rwICHlLg-01202-00290202-00290399 where did I get guests from I don't know dl_rwICHlLg-01203-00290400-00290656 where to go so I started like dl_rwICHlLg-01204-00290657-00290903 researching and then I remember my first dl_rwICHlLg-01205-00290904-00291143 guest she's my very first one her name dl_rwICHlLg-01206-00291144-00291395 is Merrell Kim Lowe I think I said her dl_rwICHlLg-01207-00291396-00291671 name out shout out to her she is from dl_rwICHlLg-01208-00291672-00291869 the West Coast from San Diego she was my dl_rwICHlLg-01209-00291870-00292139 first guest we had a great conversation dl_rwICHlLg-01210-00292140-00292301 um and then they just spiraled from dl_rwICHlLg-01211-00292302-00292375 there dl_rwICHlLg-01212-00292376-00292684 but the bad thing about that was I was dl_rwICHlLg-01213-00292685-00292967 using an interface called Riverside and dl_rwICHlLg-01214-00292968-00293303 Riverside absolutely sucks I hate it I dl_rwICHlLg-01215-00293304-00293591 thank you someone understands I'll never dl_rwICHlLg-01216-00293592-00293891 forget I it was Merrell and then I did dl_rwICHlLg-01217-00293892-00294160 another episode with tort or a sip talk dl_rwICHlLg-01218-00294161-00294413 with toy B shout out to to my favorite dl_rwICHlLg-01219-00294414-00294773 ladies we did an episode was great great dl_rwICHlLg-01220-00294774-00295006 conversation and the problem with that dl_rwICHlLg-01221-00295007-00295391 was be her her audio and video dl_rwICHlLg-01222-00295392-00295804 downloaded instantly toy if I go back to dl_rwICHlLg-01223-00295805-00296069 her right now it is still at 49 and we dl_rwICHlLg-01224-00296070-00296267 recorded that back in April oh my dl_rwICHlLg-01225-00296268-00296627 goodness yes yes so I was still was dl_rwICHlLg-01226-00296628-00296897 using it and you know trying and I was dl_rwICHlLg-01227-00296898-00297137 always having problems because then when dl_rwICHlLg-01228-00297138-00297310 I would download the audio and then dl_rwICHlLg-01229-00297311-00297527 bring it over to Anchor so I can put it dl_rwICHlLg-01230-00297528-00297634 together dl_rwICHlLg-01231-00297635-00297856 I would like I would get chopped dl_rwICHlLg-01232-00297857-00298037 versions it was like I would have to dl_rwICHlLg-01233-00298038-00298277 download one part then get the other dl_rwICHlLg-01234-00298278-00298595 listen to it splice it back together so dl_rwICHlLg-01235-00298596-00298901 it would run and then try to do that I dl_rwICHlLg-01236-00298902-00299273 was like I can't do this and then I got dl_rwICHlLg-01237-00299274-00299741 on one podcast uh CL from talks dl_rwICHlLg-01238-00299742-00299987 and she told me about yes that's the dl_rwICHlLg-01239-00299988-00300215 name of her yeah I think I've seen I dl_rwICHlLg-01240-00300216-00300545 think yeah she she's great she's very dl_rwICHlLg-01241-00300546-00300730 very intimate I love her dl_rwICHlLg-01242-00300731-00300929 um she told me about streamer which one dl_rwICHlLg-01243-00300930-00301132 now and I've never had a problem with it dl_rwICHlLg-01244-00301133-00301529 never I tried Zoom but it's like you dl_rwICHlLg-01245-00301530-00301745 want me to keep it under 40 minutes but dl_rwICHlLg-01246-00301746-00301991 then you want me to pay like forty dl_rwICHlLg-01247-00301992-00302219 dollars no bro that that that's a no-go dl_rwICHlLg-01248-00302220-00302495 I like my nice thirty dollars a month I dl_rwICHlLg-01249-00302496-00302758 can have up to 10 people here I can put dl_rwICHlLg-01250-00302759-00302945 any and everything I want with no dl_rwICHlLg-01251-00302946-00303191 problem no bandwidth well no extra dl_rwICHlLg-01252-00303192-00303515 bandwidth so yeah I've uh I've had my dl_rwICHlLg-01253-00303516-00303713 experiences but it's come to these dl_rwICHlLg-01254-00303714-00303910 interfaces and then there's been other dl_rwICHlLg-01255-00303911-00304108 ones people told me about but this is dl_rwICHlLg-01256-00304109-00304253 the one I've been most comfortable with dl_rwICHlLg-01257-00304254-00304456 because it's nice and easy especially dl_rwICHlLg-01258-00304457-00304679 from you know like a guest perspective dl_rwICHlLg-01259-00304680-00304925 to where you can just punch it in it'll dl_rwICHlLg-01260-00304926-00305110 take you straight through and you have dl_rwICHlLg-01261-00305111-00305267 no problems there's nothing that you dl_rwICHlLg-01262-00305268-00305537 need to download Riverside I remember I dl_rwICHlLg-01263-00305538-00305729 did an interview with one person and it dl_rwICHlLg-01264-00305730-00305837 was like well it's telling me to dl_rwICHlLg-01265-00305838-00306113 download I'm like well downloaded then dl_rwICHlLg-01266-00306114-00306413 what what you want me to do I can't I dl_rwICHlLg-01267-00306414-00306682 can't talk to you you download the dl_rwICHlLg-01268-00306683-00306971 software as necessary so it's just dl_rwICHlLg-01269-00306972-00307163 I've had my ups and downs but I hate dl_rwICHlLg-01270-00307164-00307408 Riverside absolutely hate it I still get dl_rwICHlLg-01271-00307409-00307613 on every once in a while to see if dl_rwICHlLg-01272-00307614-00307849 that's fully download nope still at 40 dl_rwICHlLg-01273-00307850-00308201 still I did I did another I did this dl_rwICHlLg-01274-00308202-00308519 girl's show on Riverside and um I had dl_rwICHlLg-01275-00308520-00308771 the app but it was like sending she I dl_rwICHlLg-01276-00308772-00309077 guess like I entered the room it was a dl_rwICHlLg-01277-00309078-00309317 five second countdown or something like dl_rwICHlLg-01278-00309318-00309653 that yep it that was a very I still have dl_rwICHlLg-01279-00309654-00309904 yet to this day to get a copy of that dl_rwICHlLg-01280-00309905-00310219 episode dl_rwICHlLg-01281-00310220-00310456 you know I think I don't know what dl_rwICHlLg-01282-00310457-00310745 happened to the girl like dl_rwICHlLg-01283-00310746-00310967 I'm really curious though like now that dl_rwICHlLg-01284-00310968-00311110 I think about it but like it was just dl_rwICHlLg-01285-00311111-00311297 like she's like wait it's 35 seconds I'm dl_rwICHlLg-01286-00311298-00311443 like oh my gosh like we didn't review dl_rwICHlLg-01287-00311444-00311729 anything like there was not a lot of dl_rwICHlLg-01288-00311730-00311897 communication I knew what the topic was dl_rwICHlLg-01289-00311898-00312191 but like and I just felt like I was dl_rwICHlLg-01290-00312192-00312401 running it was real weird but that whole dl_rwICHlLg-01291-00312402-00312604 system was just like Jinky as I don't dl_rwICHlLg-01292-00312605-00312803 know what so ever since then I was like dl_rwICHlLg-01293-00312804-00313019 yeah it's not gonna work for me Zoom I dl_rwICHlLg-01294-00313020-00313229 do know it cuts you off at 45 minutes I dl_rwICHlLg-01295-00313230-00313499 have a paid account so I don't even you dl_rwICHlLg-01296-00313500-00313660 know it doesn't matter but I have been dl_rwICHlLg-01297-00313661-00313943 when they first decided on cutting it at dl_rwICHlLg-01298-00313944-00314213 45 minutes I had been dl_rwICHlLg-01299-00314214-00314321 um dl_rwICHlLg-01300-00314322-00314549 I have been on someone's show and they dl_rwICHlLg-01301-00314550-00314927 did not know and it cut us off at 45 so dl_rwICHlLg-01302-00314928-00315143 we had it like run it back but he was dl_rwICHlLg-01303-00315144-00315389 like you know you can like he when he dl_rwICHlLg-01304-00315390-00315610 edited he meshed it together or whatever dl_rwICHlLg-01305-00315611-00315839 see I don't edit dl_rwICHlLg-01306-00315840-00316030 I'll edit my shows dl_rwICHlLg-01307-00316031-00316229 no and there's some medicine I don't do dl_rwICHlLg-01308-00316230-00316451 like therapy if like it was really good dl_rwICHlLg-01309-00316452-00316660 only thing I need to really do for her dl_rwICHlLg-01310-00316661-00316865 to just put the beginning and ending dl_rwICHlLg-01311-00316866-00317129 intro and that's it there's no editing dl_rwICHlLg-01312-00317130-00317345 in between because if it's a good dl_rwICHlLg-01313-00317346-00317543 conversation straight through why do you dl_rwICHlLg-01314-00317544-00317819 need to really mess it up when it was a dl_rwICHlLg-01315-00317820-00318065 nice you know great transition between dl_rwICHlLg-01316-00318066-00318347 everything but they're just there's some dl_rwICHlLg-01317-00318348-00318713 interviews I did to where I have to do a dl_rwICHlLg-01318-00318714-00318947 lot of doctoring because I've had some dl_rwICHlLg-01319-00318948-00319180 boring ones I really have so that's why dl_rwICHlLg-01320-00319181-00319360 I have to put like those funny memes in dl_rwICHlLg-01321-00319361-00319523 there just to keep their attention going dl_rwICHlLg-01322-00319524-00320167 like I'm sorry dl_rwICHlLg-01323-00320168-00320477 and it's like the memes that you use dl_rwICHlLg-01324-00320478-00320717 it it flows in with the conversation dl_rwICHlLg-01325-00320718-00321010 like it's so funny so shout out to you dl_rwICHlLg-01326-00321011-00321154 because I'll be seeing you in the groups dl_rwICHlLg-01327-00321155-00321365 like you do really good job like trying dl_rwICHlLg-01328-00321366-00321604 to network and connect with people like dl_rwICHlLg-01329-00321605-00321839 just making people like hey drop you you dl_rwICHlLg-01330-00321840-00322030 know who wants to come on or talk about dl_rwICHlLg-01331-00322031-00322210 this and drop your lane so like shout dl_rwICHlLg-01332-00322211-00322360 out like definitely keep doing your dl_rwICHlLg-01333-00322361-00322558 thing because I don't know it brought me dl_rwICHlLg-01334-00322559-00322834 out of my little like nest because I'm dl_rwICHlLg-01335-00322835-00323110 like I'm not dropping no more links I'm dl_rwICHlLg-01336-00323111-00323308 not doing you know too many more shows dl_rwICHlLg-01337-00323309-00323471 but I was like what the hell what what dl_rwICHlLg-01338-00323472-00323795 you know what what bad can happen so hey dl_rwICHlLg-01339-00323796-00324065 you know what I and I see that and I dl_rwICHlLg-01340-00324066-00324239 think about it and I look back at it and dl_rwICHlLg-01341-00324240-00324413 it's just like you don't see anybody dl_rwICHlLg-01342-00324414-00324641 else doing anything like you just pick a dl_rwICHlLg-01343-00324642-00324827 random dig like it's Network Tuesday dl_rwICHlLg-01344-00324828-00325187 drop your links uh YouTube IG or dl_rwICHlLg-01345-00325188-00325415 whatever it might be and then it'll be dl_rwICHlLg-01346-00325416-00325558 up for three days and you don't see dl_rwICHlLg-01347-00325559-00325745 nobody else doing that so it's almost dl_rwICHlLg-01348-00325746-00326069 like no one is even taking none of the dl_rwICHlLg-01349-00326070-00326327 initiatives to just try to get yourself dl_rwICHlLg-01350-00326328-00326680 out there and then I I do that because I dl_rwICHlLg-01351-00326681-00326915 was just I was at work one day it was a dl_rwICHlLg-01352-00326916-00327101 boring day we had nothing going on over dl_rwICHlLg-01353-00327102-00327347 I'm just like okay let's see if I can dl_rwICHlLg-01354-00327348-00327647 get some followers and I did but then dl_rwICHlLg-01355-00327648-00327845 again I didn't because it's almost like dl_rwICHlLg-01356-00327846-00328084 you follow somebody then they'll follow dl_rwICHlLg-01357-00328085-00328217 you but then they'll drop their dl_rwICHlLg-01358-00328218-00328415 followers like what the hell was that dl_rwICHlLg-01359-00328416-00328649 for why even bother doing that but I dl_rwICHlLg-01360-00328650-00328877 still like it because you never know who dl_rwICHlLg-01361-00328878-00329069 you're going to interact with you might dl_rwICHlLg-01362-00329070-00329254 come across the same people but there dl_rwICHlLg-01363-00329255-00329447 might be different people that you can dl_rwICHlLg-01364-00329448-00329795 go and check out so I just I like to try dl_rwICHlLg-01365-00329796-00330245 to get as many things going in different dl_rwICHlLg-01366-00330246-00330443 lanes because you just never know what dl_rwICHlLg-01367-00330444-00330665 you're going to come across and then dl_rwICHlLg-01368-00330666-00330880 here we are because me and you dl_rwICHlLg-01369-00330881-00331091 interacted and so the rest is history dl_rwICHlLg-01370-00331092-00331367 yes and I'm it's just it's trial and dl_rwICHlLg-01371-00331368-00331678 error you know I don't I don't really dl_rwICHlLg-01372-00331679-00331930 believe in like giving up at things you dl_rwICHlLg-01373-00331931-00332147 know sometimes you just have to keep dl_rwICHlLg-01374-00332148-00332363 trying and maybe you have to try a dl_rwICHlLg-01375-00332364-00332639 different way me me I'm all about dl_rwICHlLg-01376-00332640-00332860 meeting people and just like I do be dl_rwICHlLg-01377-00332861-00332956 like in the listening to different dl_rwICHlLg-01378-00332957-00333143 people's shows and stuff and if it's if dl_rwICHlLg-01379-00333144-00333293 it's a connection I feel like it's worth dl_rwICHlLg-01380-00333294-00333532 making then I'll I always you know most dl_rwICHlLg-01381-00333533-00333701 times will take the initiative to make dl_rwICHlLg-01382-00333702-00333910 the step moving forward but like this dl_rwICHlLg-01383-00333911-00334097 was my first season so it was just a lot dl_rwICHlLg-01384-00334098-00334313 of learning different things you know dl_rwICHlLg-01385-00334314-00334499 and like I said learning from people dl_rwICHlLg-01386-00334500-00334949 that like you that I talk to or like dl_rwICHlLg-01387-00334950-00335189 Zion and Norm from like the all or all dl_rwICHlLg-01388-00335190-00335369 of them you know just different people dl_rwICHlLg-01389-00335370-00335728 and you know you just learn an angel a dl_rwICHlLg-01390-00335729-00335884 toy and be dl_rwICHlLg-01391-00335885-00336151 oh man I have so many different things dl_rwICHlLg-01392-00336152-00336484 when I see people like a lot of us you dl_rwICHlLg-01393-00336485-00336737 know if we come out of certain groups dl_rwICHlLg-01394-00336738-00336923 like we follow a lot of the same people dl_rwICHlLg-01395-00336924-00337175 right and then it's just like so many dl_rwICHlLg-01396-00337176-00337367 like people I've connected with like you dl_rwICHlLg-01397-00337368-00337643 haven't it's just podcasting the field dl_rwICHlLg-01398-00337644-00337973 of the environment is so large like this dl_rwICHlLg-01399-00337974-00338195 is so large there's so many people I dl_rwICHlLg-01400-00338196-00338477 actually went to a podcast and party dl_rwICHlLg-01401-00338478-00338734 um last weekend here in Baltimore I had dl_rwICHlLg-01402-00338735-00338969 no idea it was that many people in dl_rwICHlLg-01403-00338970-00339223 Baltimore that had freaking shows dl_rwICHlLg-01404-00339224-00339545 so yeah I just you know hey it's it's dl_rwICHlLg-01405-00339546-00339934 it's space for everybody for real well I dl_rwICHlLg-01406-00339935-00340223 didn't know it was so big because dl_rwICHlLg-01407-00340224-00340469 I I just I didn't know like my my dl_rwICHlLg-01408-00340470-00340673 brother told me about this I was just dl_rwICHlLg-01409-00340674-00341003 doing it because at the time I was in dl_rwICHlLg-01410-00341004-00341171 Nashville so I was in Nashville for dl_rwICHlLg-01411-00341172-00341393 Christmas and I was just chilling there dl_rwICHlLg-01412-00341394-00341621 and he was like yeah bro just go ahead dl_rwICHlLg-01413-00341622-00341782 and start recording and put it up you dl_rwICHlLg-01414-00341783-00341903 know you got some things to talk about dl_rwICHlLg-01415-00341904-00342251 and I just I I fell in love with the art dl_rwICHlLg-01416-00342252-00342532 of podcasting and all the nuances that dl_rwICHlLg-01417-00342533-00342754 go into it but then I started noticing dl_rwICHlLg-01418-00342755-00342923 like there's more things behind the dl_rwICHlLg-01419-00342924-00343139 scenes when it comes to podcasting that dl_rwICHlLg-01420-00343140-00343373 can make it so much more rewarding if dl_rwICHlLg-01421-00343374-00343606 you just put in a time and effort and dl_rwICHlLg-01422-00343607-00343882 since then it's just it's not a struggle dl_rwICHlLg-01423-00343883-00344182 it's a everyday enjoyable experience dl_rwICHlLg-01424-00344183-00344506 like it might be a struggle just you dl_rwICHlLg-01425-00344507-00344687 know wanting to talk to people be like I dl_rwICHlLg-01426-00344688-00344956 just want to be solo for a week or I dl_rwICHlLg-01427-00344957-00345167 just want to do interviews for a week I dl_rwICHlLg-01428-00345168-00345328 want to mix it up but it's always dl_rwICHlLg-01429-00345329-00345580 something new and exciting and I enjoy dl_rwICHlLg-01430-00345581-00345701 it dl_rwICHlLg-01431-00345702-00345928 um but these groups where these these dl_rwICHlLg-01432-00345929-00346169 people after people but it seems like dl_rwICHlLg-01433-00346170-00346456 everybody has has to say podcast that's dl_rwICHlLg-01434-00346457-00346787 what really bothers me everybody has the dl_rwICHlLg-01435-00346788-00347045 same podcast and I like to say this and dl_rwICHlLg-01436-00347046-00347254 please don't take offense to it uh dl_rwICHlLg-01437-00347255-00347404 because like I said mental health is dl_rwICHlLg-01438-00347405-00347584 important so that's one thing that dl_rwICHlLg-01439-00347585-00347854 should never be you know made fun of dl_rwICHlLg-01440-00347855-00348053 because we all need someone to talk dl_rwICHlLg-01441-00348054-00348269 about mental health but when it comes to dl_rwICHlLg-01442-00348270-00348634 sports relationships gossip it's like dl_rwICHlLg-01443-00348635-00348767 everybody wants to see me talk about dl_rwICHlLg-01444-00348768-00348977 those three things and it's very very dl_rwICHlLg-01445-00348978-00349228 redundant it is and it's dl_rwICHlLg-01446-00349229-00349504 you need to find something else I ain't dl_rwICHlLg-01447-00349505-00349810 gonna lie I really for a second I really dl_rwICHlLg-01448-00349811-00350104 was like do I gotta switch up what I'm dl_rwICHlLg-01449-00350105-00350369 talking about because like you said that dl_rwICHlLg-01450-00350370-00350621 at some point that is all you saw dl_rwICHlLg-01451-00350622-00350819 especially with the relationships and dl_rwICHlLg-01452-00350820-00351047 like just other stuff that I'm not going dl_rwICHlLg-01453-00351048-00351187 to discuss dl_rwICHlLg-01454-00351188-00351580 on my platform I'm just like maybe is dl_rwICHlLg-01455-00351581-00351737 this what the people want to hear but dl_rwICHlLg-01456-00351738-00351977 then I just realized like no like dl_rwICHlLg-01457-00351978-00352210 standing toes down you feel like you dl_rwICHlLg-01458-00352211-00352427 want to discuss bring on the people that dl_rwICHlLg-01459-00352428-00352606 you feel like you can engage in dl_rwICHlLg-01460-00352607-00352853 um these type of conversations now I dl_rwICHlLg-01461-00352854-00353056 have stepped off the Box more digging dl_rwICHlLg-01462-00353057-00353197 into like dl_rwICHlLg-01463-00353198-00353393 relationships and different things but dl_rwICHlLg-01464-00353394-00353639 it it still stays under like my theme dl_rwICHlLg-01465-00353640-00353993 you know so like you said yeah it is it dl_rwICHlLg-01466-00353994-00354232 I definitely saw it too but yeah like dl_rwICHlLg-01467-00354233-00354413 don't it's okay to switch up things dl_rwICHlLg-01468-00354414-00354745 sometimes you know but I can't see like dl_rwICHlLg-01469-00354746-00355013 me personally having a show where I just dl_rwICHlLg-01470-00355014-00355223 focused on like hot topics all the time dl_rwICHlLg-01471-00355224-00355384 like I'm tired of hearing about Kanye dl_rwICHlLg-01472-00355385-00355619 and Kim and Patrician and all of them dl_rwICHlLg-01473-00355620-00355751 like you know I want to talk about some dl_rwICHlLg-01474-00355752-00355975 other stuff like dl_rwICHlLg-01475-00355976-00356182 that's why I like to come up with the dl_rwICHlLg-01476-00356183-00356434 topics like I do it it's just it's easy dl_rwICHlLg-01477-00356435-00356680 because that way you can shy away from dl_rwICHlLg-01478-00356681-00356908 it and you can really find out who a dl_rwICHlLg-01479-00356909-00357130 person is from what we're talking about dl_rwICHlLg-01480-00357131-00357473 because then there there is not this uh dl_rwICHlLg-01481-00357474-00357737 level of security that they have like oh dl_rwICHlLg-01482-00357738-00357910 let's talk about other people's problems dl_rwICHlLg-01483-00357911-00358132 no let's talk about you and what you dl_rwICHlLg-01484-00358133-00358337 think when I say that's the topic it dl_rwICHlLg-01485-00358338-00358499 them kids what do you think about dl_rwICHlLg-01486-00358500-00358697 the kids do you really care don't you dl_rwICHlLg-01487-00358698-00358867 care dl_rwICHlLg-01488-00358868-00359327 yeah it's like you said earlier like you dl_rwICHlLg-01489-00359328-00359506 like deal with people that dl_rwICHlLg-01490-00359507-00359777 are they're real authentic selves and I dl_rwICHlLg-01491-00359778-00359939 get it a lot of times what you see on dl_rwICHlLg-01492-00359940-00360251 camera is not really with your but that dl_rwICHlLg-01493-00360252-00360521 real person but I feel like you'll dl_rwICHlLg-01494-00360522-00360725 you'll get to feel out of a person like dl_rwICHlLg-01495-00360726-00360851 because you can listen to a person's dl_rwICHlLg-01496-00360852-00361019 stuff and be like well they don't they dl_rwICHlLg-01497-00361020-00361241 dope as soon as you initiate that dl_rwICHlLg-01498-00361242-00361456 conversation you like nah like you just dl_rwICHlLg-01499-00361457-00361691 I just get like a bad Vibe and then you dl_rwICHlLg-01500-00361692-00362027 just move away from it but no you you dl_rwICHlLg-01501-00362028-00362171 want to continue to be around dl_rwICHlLg-01502-00362172-00362404 like-minded and fun people people that dl_rwICHlLg-01503-00362405-00362591 you can bring out that show and they can dl_rwICHlLg-01504-00362592-00362813 bring you out your show and you can have dl_rwICHlLg-01505-00362814-00363034 those engaging learning fun dl_rwICHlLg-01506-00363035-00363154 conversations dl_rwICHlLg-01507-00363155-00363395 definitely definitely you know like even dl_rwICHlLg-01508-00363396-00363634 even times y'all may not you know dl_rwICHlLg-01509-00363635-00363934 um agree on certain things like and I I dl_rwICHlLg-01510-00363935-00364078 know he gonna get mad he ain't gonna get dl_rwICHlLg-01511-00364079-00364217 mad I called him out because you know dl_rwICHlLg-01512-00364218-00364613 Zion I was like look if you drag Beyonce dl_rwICHlLg-01513-00364614-00364847 like everybody else is we will have dl_rwICHlLg-01514-00364848-00365104 problems okay and we had like a little dl_rwICHlLg-01515-00365105-00365332 but that makes things fun and we wasn't dl_rwICHlLg-01516-00365333-00365530 live during that it was just like a side dl_rwICHlLg-01517-00365531-00365777 conversation you know but like I said dl_rwICHlLg-01518-00365778-00366058 you draw in people like you create you dl_rwICHlLg-01519-00366059-00366239 create your own tribe you know that's dl_rwICHlLg-01520-00366240-00366521 all that matters yeah and sometimes you dl_rwICHlLg-01521-00366522-00366719 need to pick people out that try but you dl_rwICHlLg-01522-00366720-00367465 just don't want no more so dl_rwICHlLg-01523-00367466-00367678 one more thing dl_rwICHlLg-01524-00367679-00367997 um so even though it's like I remember dl_rwICHlLg-01525-00367998-00368297 we talking he was like I don't know if I dl_rwICHlLg-01526-00368298-00368441 want to come on but what was it about dl_rwICHlLg-01527-00368442-00368693 you saying okay I'm interested in like dl_rwICHlLg-01528-00368694-00368945 doing your podcast because I know this dl_rwICHlLg-01529-00368946-00369184 sarcasm orgasm but it's just it's not dl_rwICHlLg-01530-00369185-00369473 what you think it is it's really not so dl_rwICHlLg-01531-00369474-00369754 what Got Your Love Of Interest yeah I dl_rwICHlLg-01532-00369755-00369941 was like listen dl_rwICHlLg-01533-00369942-00370234 can we keep this appropriate you know dl_rwICHlLg-01534-00370235-00370630 that's just that's just me like I'm not dl_rwICHlLg-01535-00370631-00370828 like and I hope I didn't come off like dl_rwICHlLg-01536-00370829-00371015 judgmental or anything like that you dl_rwICHlLg-01537-00371016-00371153 know it's just a comfort level talking dl_rwICHlLg-01538-00371154-00371458 about stuff so what made me be like you dl_rwICHlLg-01539-00371459-00371728 know what cool is because I saw that all dl_rwICHlLg-01540-00371729-00372028 your topics are not around sorry like dl_rwICHlLg-01541-00372029-00372328 orgasms and sarcasm that's in everybody dl_rwICHlLg-01542-00372329-00372634 we all have a sarcastic side but I think dl_rwICHlLg-01543-00372635-00372928 that if you just look at things one way dl_rwICHlLg-01544-00372929-00373210 without doing your own research then you dl_rwICHlLg-01545-00373211-00373384 can miss out on a good opportunity you dl_rwICHlLg-01546-00373385-00373528 know it's kind of like judging a book by dl_rwICHlLg-01547-00373529-00373732 its character you know and the more that dl_rwICHlLg-01548-00373733-00374008 we had like conversation and got to know dl_rwICHlLg-01549-00374009-00374278 each other and things and I just like dl_rwICHlLg-01550-00374279-00374578 okay he's cool like we're gonna have dl_rwICHlLg-01551-00374579-00374734 this like-minded conversation and just dl_rwICHlLg-01552-00374735-00374891 go from there and then like I said I dl_rwICHlLg-01553-00374892-00375052 watch some of your other stuff and then dl_rwICHlLg-01554-00375053-00375352 I did watch you know last night dl_rwICHlLg-01555-00375353-00375647 so I was like okay you want someone you dl_rwICHlLg-01556-00375648-00375749 want to connect with someone that's dl_rwICHlLg-01557-00375750-00376019 creating a safe and I want to say dl_rwICHlLg-01558-00376020-00376258 positive environment yeah but dl_rwICHlLg-01559-00376259-00376558 comfortability so yeah because at first dl_rwICHlLg-01560-00376559-00376673 I was like dl_rwICHlLg-01561-00376674-00377071 um we'll be talking about dl_rwICHlLg-01562-00377072-00377399 and that's and and when I have put it to dl_rwICHlLg-01563-00377400-00377519 you I was like we could talk about dl_rwICHlLg-01564-00377520-00377747 whatever you want everyone it's you're dl_rwICHlLg-01565-00377748-00378010 the guest and like you said I want you dl_rwICHlLg-01566-00378011-00378191 to feel comfortable when you come on I dl_rwICHlLg-01567-00378192-00378491 don't want there to be a environment dl_rwICHlLg-01568-00378492-00378743 where you feel a little off to where you dl_rwICHlLg-01569-00378744-00378856 just don't know what's going to happen dl_rwICHlLg-01570-00378857-00379097 and that's what I've always tried to dl_rwICHlLg-01571-00379098-00379271 create that's what I continue to create dl_rwICHlLg-01572-00379272-00379541 and I like having guests like-minded dl_rwICHlLg-01573-00379542-00379930 such as yourself because if I can't if I dl_rwICHlLg-01574-00379931-00380201 if I'm just doing all solos then I dl_rwICHlLg-01575-00380202-00380465 really never build I really never expand dl_rwICHlLg-01576-00380466-00380699 my Horizon because it's just only me dl_rwICHlLg-01577-00380700-00380921 talking and after a while it's almost dl_rwICHlLg-01578-00380922-00381151 like our listeners they get sick of dl_rwICHlLg-01579-00381152-00381401 one-sided conversations you need dl_rwICHlLg-01580-00381402-00381695 somebody else on that other end to dl_rwICHlLg-01581-00381696-00382030 really keep the flow going so dl_rwICHlLg-01582-00382031-00382308 um I was always I was happy when you dl_rwICHlLg-01583-00382309-00382589 reluctantly I want to say that in dl_rwICHlLg-01584-00382590-00382817 quotations when you were lucky to say dl_rwICHlLg-01585-00382818-00383063 yeah well I'm down to do it because it dl_rwICHlLg-01586-00383064-00383273 was not like I was trying to enforce you dl_rwICHlLg-01587-00383274-00383428 but I was just trying to get you to see dl_rwICHlLg-01588-00383429-00383651 this like just because you see the name dl_rwICHlLg-01589-00383652-00383908 does not mean that's what it's going to dl_rwICHlLg-01590-00383909-00384256 be I'm just a regular person like you I dl_rwICHlLg-01591-00384257-00384652 am I'm nothing special uh I just I like dl_rwICHlLg-01592-00384653-00384856 to have intelligent conversations I like dl_rwICHlLg-01593-00384857-00385151 to have open and dl_rwICHlLg-01594-00385152-00385445 um fun fun conversations with people who dl_rwICHlLg-01595-00385446-00385697 we can laugh and joke and just have a dl_rwICHlLg-01596-00385698-00385919 good time because that's what podcasting dl_rwICHlLg-01597-00385920-00386225 is really about and yeah like we all dl_rwICHlLg-01598-00386226-00386423 have our comfortability level and like dl_rwICHlLg-01599-00386424-00386693 no shade to anybody that feels like they dl_rwICHlLg-01600-00386694-00386951 are just more fluent and open about dl_rwICHlLg-01601-00386952-00387197 talking about things maybe when it deals dl_rwICHlLg-01602-00387198-00387401 with like relationships or sexual body dl_rwICHlLg-01603-00387402-00387695 or whatever the case is everyone is not dl_rwICHlLg-01604-00387696-00387934 you know what I'm saying so I think this dl_rwICHlLg-01605-00387935-00388127 was like a learning experience for me dl_rwICHlLg-01606-00388128-00388565 too you know not to always assume dl_rwICHlLg-01607-00388566-00388751 like things are what they are like do dl_rwICHlLg-01608-00388752-00389008 further research and different stuff and dl_rwICHlLg-01609-00389009-00389160 um like I said that's what I had to do dl_rwICHlLg-01610-00389161-00389428 but also don't be afraid to ask those dl_rwICHlLg-01611-00389429-00389560 questions because you've seen I was like dl_rwICHlLg-01612-00389561-00389699 what are you talking about what's the dl_rwICHlLg-01613-00389700-00389939 topics give me a you know just because dl_rwICHlLg-01614-00389940-00390125 at the end of the day you don't want to dl_rwICHlLg-01615-00390126-00390352 set yourself up to walk into a space dl_rwICHlLg-01616-00390353-00390641 blindsided because I've heard stories of dl_rwICHlLg-01617-00390642-00390745 people dl_rwICHlLg-01618-00390746-00391073 unfortunately that happened incident but dl_rwICHlLg-01619-00391074-00391327 now like I appreciate you for being kind dl_rwICHlLg-01620-00391328-00391727 and you know engaging so if anybody out dl_rwICHlLg-01621-00391728-00392017 there listening come connect with him dl_rwICHlLg-01622-00392018-00392254 as well as go connect with her because dl_rwICHlLg-01623-00392255-00392567 she got she has a lot especially from dl_rwICHlLg-01624-00392568-00392752 like she said earlier she works in dl_rwICHlLg-01625-00392753-00393095 mental health and it even works with her dl_rwICHlLg-01626-00393096-00393280 having her own problems her own triggers dl_rwICHlLg-01627-00393281-00393677 she can definitely relate so we all know dl_rwICHlLg-01628-00393678-00393808 um at the end of the day when it comes dl_rwICHlLg-01629-00393809-00393977 down to it we always want someone we can dl_rwICHlLg-01630-00393978-00394204 feel comfortable talking to her and I'm dl_rwICHlLg-01631-00394205-00394367 telling you when you go check out her dl_rwICHlLg-01632-00394368-00394577 podcast you would definitely feel dl_rwICHlLg-01633-00394578-00394763 comfortable that's why I've reached out dl_rwICHlLg-01634-00394764-00394949 the way I did because dl_rwICHlLg-01635-00394950-00395302 not only is she emotionally intelligent dl_rwICHlLg-01636-00395303-00395519 but she is also physically intelligent dl_rwICHlLg-01637-00395520-00395687 because she was willing to see the good dl_rwICHlLg-01638-00395688-00395884 and the bad of things that are going on dl_rwICHlLg-01639-00395885-00396293 so I I completely say this honestly dl_rwICHlLg-01640-00396294-00396449 thank you so much for what you're doing dl_rwICHlLg-01641-00396450-00396634 and how you're doing it because you dl_rwICHlLg-01642-00396635-00396821 definitely make a change and you make a dl_rwICHlLg-01643-00396822-00396952 difference dl_rwICHlLg-01644-00396953-00397241 I appreciate that and trust me the more dl_rwICHlLg-01645-00397242-00397510 work I continue doing on my own self and dl_rwICHlLg-01646-00397511-00397732 just holding myself accountable I'm dl_rwICHlLg-01647-00397733-00397913 going to continue to pour that out to dl_rwICHlLg-01648-00397914-00398177 other people and hopefully it makes a dl_rwICHlLg-01649-00398178-00398387 positive impact on them so I appreciate dl_rwICHlLg-01650-00398388-00398706 that and when Chronicles of a Virgo dl_rwICHlLg-01651-00398707-00399052 resumes I want to have you on so we can dl_rwICHlLg-01652-00399053-00399419 have you know it may not be dl_rwICHlLg-01653-00399420-00399743 um a mental healthy conversation but you dl_rwICHlLg-01654-00399744-00399906 know it'd be um dl_rwICHlLg-01655-00399907-00400330 I I am open and I am open to being dl_rwICHlLg-01656-00400331-00400504 challenged like I don't mind being dl_rwICHlLg-01657-00400505-00400697 challenged that's that's the great thing dl_rwICHlLg-01658-00400698-00401002 about learning when it comes from people dl_rwICHlLg-01659-00401003-00401308 you if someone can challenge you then it dl_rwICHlLg-01660-00401309-00401591 pushes your own intellect to no more dl_rwICHlLg-01661-00401592-00401908 seek more and do more and be better as dl_rwICHlLg-01662-00401909-00402119 best as you can so you should always dl_rwICHlLg-01663-00402120-00402371 challenge people no matter what but for dl_rwICHlLg-01664-00402372-00402502 the good and the better man never dl_rwICHlLg-01665-00402503-00402658 challenge someone in a bad way to where dl_rwICHlLg-01666-00402659-00402941 they feel like they're being rude so if dl_rwICHlLg-01667-00402942-00403091 you want to have me on top mental health dl_rwICHlLg-01668-00403092-00403295 fine if you want to talk relationships dl_rwICHlLg-01669-00403296-00403582 fine but just have me on that that's dl_rwICHlLg-01670-00403583-00403810 fine with me all right I'll take him dl_rwICHlLg-01671-00403811-00404047 take you up on that offer dl_rwICHlLg-01672-00404048-00404284 if you want to talk about relationships dl_rwICHlLg-01673-00404285-00404434 now before I get you out of here you dl_rwICHlLg-01674-00404435-00404645 can't I don't mind dl_rwICHlLg-01675-00404646-00404999 hey let's go for it okay so dl_rwICHlLg-01676-00405000-00405293 um I say this with you dealing with your dl_rwICHlLg-01677-00405294-00405575 own trauma on your own triggers how has dl_rwICHlLg-01678-00405576-00405830 it affected you when it comes to dating dl_rwICHlLg-01679-00405831-00406139 [Music] dl_rwICHlLg-01680-00406140-00406528 in the past very negatively dl_rwICHlLg-01681-00406529-00406889 because I made choices based upon my ego dl_rwICHlLg-01682-00406890-00407213 I was a and I'm again gonna be honest I dl_rwICHlLg-01683-00407214-00407501 was a very egotistic person you know dl_rwICHlLg-01684-00407502-00407849 like the the world revolved around dl_rwICHlLg-01685-00407850-00408167 Shakita like I did not I don't want to dl_rwICHlLg-01686-00408168-00408310 say I didn't consider other people's dl_rwICHlLg-01687-00408311-00408515 feelings and emotions but like I was dl_rwICHlLg-01688-00408516-00408827 just over I had to be over everybody and dl_rwICHlLg-01689-00408828-00409030 honestly the people that came in contact dl_rwICHlLg-01690-00409031-00409330 with when dating they literally bowled dl_rwICHlLg-01691-00409331-00409547 at my feet for the most part which was dl_rwICHlLg-01692-00409548-00409822 not always yeah but it wasn't always dl_rwICHlLg-01693-00409823-00410237 good because that just pushed a more of dl_rwICHlLg-01694-00410238-00410560 a I don't know a condescending thought dl_rwICHlLg-01695-00410562-00410759 in my head that like I didn't have to do dl_rwICHlLg-01696-00410760-00411095 certain stuff and whatever and dl_rwICHlLg-01697-00411096-00411310 um I lived my life and dated and been in dl_rwICHlLg-01698-00411312-00411628 relationships like back there for a long dl_rwICHlLg-01699-00411629-00411874 time and even with my last relationship dl_rwICHlLg-01700-00411875-00412193 that was in I almost was married we were dl_rwICHlLg-01701-00412193-00412414 engaged in everything and that was like dl_rwICHlLg-01702-00412415-00412624 the most serious serious relationship dl_rwICHlLg-01703-00412625-00412882 that I had been in however dl_rwICHlLg-01704-00412883-00413034 foreign dl_rwICHlLg-01705-00413035-00413357 it just did not end well it like it was dl_rwICHlLg-01706-00413358-00413632 a very bad breakup and that is dl_rwICHlLg-01707-00413633-00413863 um really what pushed me to dl_rwICHlLg-01708-00413864-00414137 force me to go through therapy more dl_rwICHlLg-01709-00414138-00414413 force me into my healing Journey forced dl_rwICHlLg-01710-00414414-00414557 me to dl_rwICHlLg-01711-00414558-00414832 um deal with my trauma forced me to look dl_rwICHlLg-01712-00414833-00415072 in the mirror and be like you got dl_rwICHlLg-01713-00415073-00415378 problems like excuse my language like no dl_rwICHlLg-01714-00415379-00415655 no yeah like it's like you're speaking dl_rwICHlLg-01715-00415656-00415895 to me the same thing happened to me I dl_rwICHlLg-01716-00415896-00416399 was I was with uh I was with yeah I was dl_rwICHlLg-01717-00416400-00416597 almost married myself we were engaged we dl_rwICHlLg-01718-00416597-00416830 have four years we're engaged for almost dl_rwICHlLg-01719-00416831-00417191 a year and then it just it spiraled out dl_rwICHlLg-01720-00417192-00417455 of control I remember we went like a dl_rwICHlLg-01721-00417456-00417634 nice little weekend getaway we went to dl_rwICHlLg-01722-00417635-00417922 Vegas the whole time from the moment we dl_rwICHlLg-01723-00417923-00418120 got to the turnstile because we went dl_rwICHlLg-01724-00418121-00418414 from Detroit to Vegas we were fighting dl_rwICHlLg-01725-00418415-00418630 like the only time we did fight was when dl_rwICHlLg-01726-00418631-00418882 we was on the plane because she screwed dl_rwICHlLg-01727-00418883-00419093 up it got us different he didn't want to dl_rwICHlLg-01728-00419093-00419332 blame me like it was my fault but then dl_rwICHlLg-01729-00419333-00419549 we got off we wait for the Uber she's dl_rwICHlLg-01730-00419550-00419795 yelling at me because I've made the dl_rwICHlLg-01731-00419796-00420275 mistake of the um the uh the rental car dl_rwICHlLg-01732-00420276-00420557 because I use a debit card instead of my dl_rwICHlLg-01733-00420558-00420772 credit card and I didn't know that and dl_rwICHlLg-01734-00420773-00420983 then it was like dl_rwICHlLg-01735-00420984-00421283 that last year it just get screwed up dl_rwICHlLg-01736-00421284-00421607 and it just it put me in a bad bad bad dl_rwICHlLg-01737-00421608-00421913 place to where I moved away and I went I dl_rwICHlLg-01738-00421914-00422075 got therapy and I was like the third dl_rwICHlLg-01739-00422076-00422291 time in life I got therapy that really dl_rwICHlLg-01740-00422292-00422566 worked so when you saying like it really dl_rwICHlLg-01741-00422567-00422920 started to get therapy you you deal with dl_rwICHlLg-01742-00422921-00423160 a negative person over and over again dl_rwICHlLg-01743-00423162-00423401 whether you be a negative or it's them dl_rwICHlLg-01744-00423402-00423701 it does something to you it shows you dl_rwICHlLg-01745-00423702-00423959 that sometimes in a relationship you dl_rwICHlLg-01746-00423960-00424145 could be the perfect person but that dl_rwICHlLg-01747-00424146-00424313 perfect person that you're mixing dl_rwICHlLg-01748-00424314-00424499 yourself with it don't sit right with dl_rwICHlLg-01749-00424500-00424751 your spirit it really with your dl_rwICHlLg-01750-00424752-00424949 mental it really with your energy dl_rwICHlLg-01751-00424950-00425164 that you just don't know and then when dl_rwICHlLg-01752-00425165-00425416 you go do your own healing you find out dl_rwICHlLg-01753-00425417-00425633 that you added to it and you just don't dl_rwICHlLg-01754-00425634-00425975 know in the mix of it so getting getting dl_rwICHlLg-01755-00425976-00426341 therapy after a tumultuous relationship dl_rwICHlLg-01756-00426342-00426610 can really help a lot of people it dl_rwICHlLg-01757-00426612-00426863 really can because then the next person dl_rwICHlLg-01758-00426864-00427163 you give get with it's like you'll be a dl_rwICHlLg-01759-00427164-00427372 complete Angel for them and they won't dl_rwICHlLg-01760-00427373-00427687 even know it just saying dl_rwICHlLg-01761-00427688-00428020 I'm just saying don't judge me no no no dl_rwICHlLg-01762-00428021-00428303 judgments I I get what you're saying I dl_rwICHlLg-01763-00428304-00428591 feel like like you said if you are a dl_rwICHlLg-01764-00428592-00428849 person that does seek extra assistance dl_rwICHlLg-01765-00428850-00429016 that whether it's therapy or even life dl_rwICHlLg-01766-00429017-00429191 coaching because you have some good life dl_rwICHlLg-01767-00429192-00429503 coaches out here too after like a bad dl_rwICHlLg-01768-00429504-00429760 relationship or a breakup or something dl_rwICHlLg-01769-00429762-00430085 um the ball is in your corner like the dl_rwICHlLg-01770-00430085-00430216 direction you're going to go in because dl_rwICHlLg-01771-00430217-00430499 some people seek these assistants for dl_rwICHlLg-01772-00430500-00430903 bad you know bad reasons right for me dl_rwICHlLg-01773-00430904-00431237 because it was a huge accountability dl_rwICHlLg-01774-00431238-00431663 piece and like me versus my ego it was dl_rwICHlLg-01775-00431664-00432070 hard and when I you know when I say I dl_rwICHlLg-01776-00432071-00432214 had a lot of mental health like dl_rwICHlLg-01777-00432215-00432460 depression and stuff after that I almost dl_rwICHlLg-01778-00432462-00432653 committed suicide dl_rwICHlLg-01779-00432654-00432868 like I had a that was the first time dl_rwICHlLg-01780-00432869-00433199 that I had a plan drawn out and again I dl_rwICHlLg-01781-00433200-00433439 wanted to commit suicide yep I had a dl_rwICHlLg-01782-00433439-00433793 plan I wrote letters I started to see my dl_rwICHlLg-01783-00433793-00434099 my goodbyes and my friends and my family dl_rwICHlLg-01784-00434100-00434405 they didn't know what I was doing dl_rwICHlLg-01785-00434406-00434663 um but it didn't it didn't get carried dl_rwICHlLg-01786-00434664-00434920 out like I feel like God literally dl_rwICHlLg-01787-00434921-00435185 placed my sister at my door for a reason dl_rwICHlLg-01788-00435185-00435407 that particular day when I was going to dl_rwICHlLg-01789-00435408-00435691 do that now all like fast forward now to dl_rwICHlLg-01790-00435692-00435977 this year when I think about it I talk dl_rwICHlLg-01791-00435978-00436222 about it I'm just like man I can't dl_rwICHlLg-01792-00436223-00436553 believe I was in that space that I was dl_rwICHlLg-01793-00436554-00436901 in and I feel like you know all that dl_rwICHlLg-01794-00436902-00437231 wasn't caused by my my breakup you know dl_rwICHlLg-01795-00437232-00437501 it was just a lot of different parts of dl_rwICHlLg-01796-00437502-00437795 that but moving on to like getting back dl_rwICHlLg-01797-00437796-00438125 into the dating scene and things now dl_rwICHlLg-01798-00438126-00438545 like I just know I know myself you know dl_rwICHlLg-01799-00438546-00438797 and I respect myself probably more than dl_rwICHlLg-01800-00438797-00439049 I ever have done in the past so I just I dl_rwICHlLg-01801-00439050-00439349 won't tolerate a lot of things that I dl_rwICHlLg-01802-00439350-00439625 have in the past I may still have that dl_rwICHlLg-01803-00439626-00439931 egotistic mindset a little bit you know dl_rwICHlLg-01804-00439932-00440272 a little bit but I'm not that toxic dl_rwICHlLg-01805-00440273-00440453 controversial dl_rwICHlLg-01806-00440454-00440699 as much controversial person that I was dl_rwICHlLg-01807-00440700-00440914 back then because I've seen I've done dl_rwICHlLg-01808-00440915-00441293 the healing work okay so what did you dl_rwICHlLg-01809-00441293-00441527 learn from yourself now that you didn't dl_rwICHlLg-01810-00441528-00441695 know that dl_rwICHlLg-01811-00441696-00442277 [Music] dl_rwICHlLg-01812-00442278-00442645 that I was problematic dl_rwICHlLg-01813-00442646-00442883 and I'm gonna be honest because you dl_rwICHlLg-01814-00442884-00443164 don't hear a lot of women being honest dl_rwICHlLg-01815-00443165-00443345 about the parts they played in dl_rwICHlLg-01816-00443346-00443693 relationships everybody for the most dl_rwICHlLg-01817-00443693-00443825 part some people they leave with a dl_rwICHlLg-01818-00443826-00444010 victim mentality and that was me I told dl_rwICHlLg-01819-00444012-00444209 you like I was a victim to everybody and dl_rwICHlLg-01820-00444210-00444395 everything like I never did anything dl_rwICHlLg-01821-00444396-00444689 even though I know I may have pushed you dl_rwICHlLg-01822-00444689-00444929 over the edge to make you cuss me out or dl_rwICHlLg-01823-00444930-00445175 like whatever to me you know like you dl_rwICHlLg-01824-00445176-00445283 shouldn't be talking to me like that you dl_rwICHlLg-01825-00445284-00445409 shouldn't be coming at me like that even dl_rwICHlLg-01826-00445410-00445666 though I edged it on right and I'm never dl_rwICHlLg-01827-00445667-00445949 gonna make it um excuses for the part dl_rwICHlLg-01828-00445950-00446153 that anybody else in my past have played dl_rwICHlLg-01829-00446154-00446447 I only can stand on my own ten toes and dl_rwICHlLg-01830-00446447-00446735 hold myself accountable yes I had some dl_rwICHlLg-01831-00446735-00447041 toxic traits I did dl_rwICHlLg-01832-00447042-00447485 um but like the uh the rude awakening I dl_rwICHlLg-01833-00447485-00447731 had was when I dug deeper into my dl_rwICHlLg-01834-00447732-00448018 therapy and addressed my trauma for the dl_rwICHlLg-01835-00448019-00448229 first time I realized that my childhood dl_rwICHlLg-01836-00448230-00448522 trauma had a lot to do with the adult dl_rwICHlLg-01837-00448523-00448751 decisions I was making and that was very dl_rwICHlLg-01838-00448752-00449033 disgusting for me because I'm like I dl_rwICHlLg-01839-00449034-00449201 cannot believe that this stuff that dl_rwICHlLg-01840-00449202-00449477 happened to me all these years ago are dl_rwICHlLg-01841-00449478-00449675 still controlling me not only is the dl_rwICHlLg-01842-00449676-00449963 situation control me but the person that dl_rwICHlLg-01843-00449964-00450118 did these things to me dl_rwICHlLg-01844-00450119-00450407 still has power over me like this dl_rwICHlLg-01845-00450408-00450743 and after that I just had to continue to dl_rwICHlLg-01846-00450743-00450959 just dig deep and do the work because I dl_rwICHlLg-01847-00450960-00451193 did not like that person I was at all dl_rwICHlLg-01848-00451193-00451468 like I I didn't and I had to really work dl_rwICHlLg-01849-00451469-00451918 hard to change so Ben this version of dl_rwICHlLg-01850-00451919-00452099 Shaquita now that's continuing to grow dl_rwICHlLg-01851-00452100-00452491 into my higher and better self I cannot dl_rwICHlLg-01852-00452492-00452741 Revolt back to the things that I used to dl_rwICHlLg-01853-00452742-00452993 do I cannot let people come into my dl_rwICHlLg-01854-00452993-00453287 space and disrespect me and disturb my dl_rwICHlLg-01855-00453288-00453497 peace yeah sometimes I may let you get dl_rwICHlLg-01856-00453497-00453899 one up you know only because dl_rwICHlLg-01857-00453900-00454145 I had to really let my pride down and dl_rwICHlLg-01858-00454146-00454325 know that I can't control people and I dl_rwICHlLg-01859-00454326-00454522 can't control situations I have to just dl_rwICHlLg-01860-00454523-00454745 surrender to things and just let things dl_rwICHlLg-01861-00454746-00455093 be and even if it's a person that really dl_rwICHlLg-01862-00455093-00455351 um disrespect me or get out of pocket dl_rwICHlLg-01863-00455352-00455591 and I may want to really just curse them dl_rwICHlLg-01864-00455592-00455801 out in a moment because I am human I dl_rwICHlLg-01865-00455802-00456001 still have human feelings and dl_rwICHlLg-01866-00456002-00456341 experiences I know that I'm not going to dl_rwICHlLg-01867-00456342-00456575 get nothing out of that so some things dl_rwICHlLg-01868-00456576-00456887 you have to let fly and I feel like the dl_rwICHlLg-01869-00456888-00457043 person I was before dl_rwICHlLg-01870-00457043-00457301 I won't let not fly oh you wanna you dl_rwICHlLg-01871-00457302-00457607 wanna argue let's go like I'm just I dl_rwICHlLg-01872-00457608-00457775 don't have time for that I I really dl_rwICHlLg-01873-00457776-00457901 don't I don't know if it's coming with dl_rwICHlLg-01874-00457902-00458170 the healing with age or what I just do dl_rwICHlLg-01875-00458171-00458477 not have time for it it's probably a dl_rwICHlLg-01876-00458478-00458693 picture of both because you know when dl_rwICHlLg-01877-00458693-00458872 we've done our own healing we've done dl_rwICHlLg-01878-00458873-00458970 our own dl_rwICHlLg-01879-00458971-00459257 self-reflection and we know who we are dl_rwICHlLg-01880-00459258-00459455 it's like shedding new skin it's almost dl_rwICHlLg-01881-00459456-00459653 like like you said we're not going to dl_rwICHlLg-01882-00459654-00459893 deal with certain things in terms of dl_rwICHlLg-01883-00459893-00460235 level of disrespect so if I tell you dl_rwICHlLg-01884-00460235-00460522 don't don't cross me in that way we can dl_rwICHlLg-01885-00460523-00460739 be we can be the best of friends the dl_rwICHlLg-01886-00460739-00461033 best of lover whoever it might be but if dl_rwICHlLg-01887-00461034-00461309 I say this is my trigger don't hit my dl_rwICHlLg-01888-00461310-00461543 triggers or you're gonna get what you dl_rwICHlLg-01889-00461543-00461710 don't want and people still push you dl_rwICHlLg-01890-00461712-00462101 it's like okay I warned you like that's dl_rwICHlLg-01891-00462102-00462203 what people don't seem to understand dl_rwICHlLg-01892-00462204-00462389 everybody wants to push that envelope dl_rwICHlLg-01893-00462389-00462622 but when they push the envelope oh my dl_rwICHlLg-01894-00462623-00462827 God why are you blowing up like I gave dl_rwICHlLg-01895-00462828-00463193 you a warning what is your problem so it dl_rwICHlLg-01896-00463193-00463570 it's it's a mixture of both and it's dl_rwICHlLg-01897-00463571-00463793 problematic when people don't adhere to dl_rwICHlLg-01898-00463793-00464063 the warning that you give them they can dl_rwICHlLg-01899-00464064-00464285 be a big ass warning label across your dl_rwICHlLg-01900-00464285-00464483 forehead and say don't cross me in this dl_rwICHlLg-01901-00464484-00464716 way and they're still going to peel it dl_rwICHlLg-01902-00464717-00464920 back and look behind you and see oh it's dl_rwICHlLg-01903-00464921-00465149 a real yeah is real when I go off dl_rwICHlLg-01904-00465150-00465443 on you and then you get mad so I hear dl_rwICHlLg-01905-00465443-00465814 you I do yeah and like it takes a lot of dl_rwICHlLg-01906-00465815-00466135 self-control like dl_rwICHlLg-01907-00466135-00466499 oh like it it does because like I said I dl_rwICHlLg-01908-00466500-00466822 I just believe if I have worked my way dl_rwICHlLg-01909-00466823-00467183 out of a lot of different like dl_rwICHlLg-01910-00467184-00467333 um characteristics and things that I dl_rwICHlLg-01911-00467334-00467620 didn't like about myself I cannot let dl_rwICHlLg-01912-00467621-00467914 other people dictate my reactions right dl_rwICHlLg-01913-00467915-00468095 because I may not be able to control dl_rwICHlLg-01914-00468096-00468389 what you do or how you say something to dl_rwICHlLg-01915-00468389-00468653 me because I I just can't I only can dl_rwICHlLg-01916-00468654-00468887 control me so I can't control if I'm dl_rwICHlLg-01917-00468888-00469037 going to slap you in your face and dl_rwICHlLg-01918-00469038-00469168 control if I'm going to curse you out dl_rwICHlLg-01919-00469169-00469445 but like and don't get me wrong some dl_rwICHlLg-01920-00469446-00469666 things are warranted to that like let's dl_rwICHlLg-01921-00469667-00469883 be real we see it all the time however dl_rwICHlLg-01922-00469884-00470170 like I I'm more conscious now to think dl_rwICHlLg-01923-00470171-00470707 like think before I react because before dl_rwICHlLg-01924-00470708-00471022 I didn't think I would just speak and it dl_rwICHlLg-01925-00471023-00471197 was like dl_rwICHlLg-01926-00471197-00471425 look if I'm not throwing the hands and dl_rwICHlLg-01927-00471426-00471593 not fighting because I'm not a fighter dl_rwICHlLg-01928-00471593-00471833 you know but I will cut you with my my dl_rwICHlLg-01929-00471834-00472120 words and I was I know I was destroying dl_rwICHlLg-01930-00472121-00472403 people who I was destroying people but dl_rwICHlLg-01931-00472404-00472516 again dl_rwICHlLg-01932-00472517-00472816 I'm not like that no more you know I can dl_rwICHlLg-01933-00472817-00472960 Resort back to things but I just don't dl_rwICHlLg-01934-00472962-00473122 give nobody dl_rwICHlLg-01935-00473123-00473387 that time or power to even get me to dl_rwICHlLg-01936-00473388-00473566 that point like for what dl_rwICHlLg-01937-00473567-00473843 yeah wow dl_rwICHlLg-01938-00473843-00473989 yeah dl_rwICHlLg-01939-00473989-00474322 you really are and you're intriguing on dl_rwICHlLg-01940-00474323-00474533 a lot of different levels and I dl_rwICHlLg-01941-00474534-00474868 appreciate you coming having some great dl_rwICHlLg-01942-00474869-00475055 candid conversations some open dl_rwICHlLg-01943-00475056-00475307 conversations and just dl_rwICHlLg-01944-00475308-00475516 being real and I appreciate that thank dl_rwICHlLg-01945-00475517-00475691 you so much for joining me I really dl_rwICHlLg-01946-00475692-00475889 appreciate it not a problem like I said dl_rwICHlLg-01947-00475889-00476075 we're gonna do this again and thank you dl_rwICHlLg-01948-00476076-00476291 for creating dl_rwICHlLg-01949-00476292-00476525 um this safe and comfortable platform I dl_rwICHlLg-01950-00476526-00476710 think this was the first platform I've dl_rwICHlLg-01951-00476712-00476903 ever talked about like just dl_rwICHlLg-01952-00476904-00477070 relationships so you definitely took me dl_rwICHlLg-01953-00477071-00477293 out of my comfort zone some but thank dl_rwICHlLg-01954-00477293-00477479 you for that you gotta get out of your dl_rwICHlLg-01955-00477480-00477610 comfort zone you're never going to learn dl_rwICHlLg-01956-00477612-00477910 I'm working on it I'm working on it I dl_rwICHlLg-01957-00477912-00478264 know but um when it comes to your own dl_rwICHlLg-01958-00478265-00478481 comfort zone please let the people know dl_rwICHlLg-01959-00478482-00478931 where and how they can find you so I am dl_rwICHlLg-01960-00478932-00479159 on Instagram dl_rwICHlLg-01961-00479160-00479572 Chronicles of a Virgo podcast and I have dl_rwICHlLg-01962-00479573-00479789 a Facebook group but my Facebook group dl_rwICHlLg-01963-00479789-00480095 is uh it's more of a safe positive space dl_rwICHlLg-01964-00480096-00480305 just myself and other people just dl_rwICHlLg-01965-00480306-00480479 engaged in dl_rwICHlLg-01966-00480480-00480689 um positive conversations uplifting and dl_rwICHlLg-01967-00480689-00480862 motivating people dl_rwICHlLg-01968-00480863-00481103 um on a daily basis so that's Chronicles dl_rwICHlLg-01969-00481104-00481270 of a Virgo podcast for right now I think dl_rwICHlLg-01970-00481271-00481516 I'm gonna change the name at some point dl_rwICHlLg-01971-00481517-00481877 um yeah and my podcast is on all dl_rwICHlLg-01972-00481878-00482303 streaming sites Amazon Apple Spotify dl_rwICHlLg-01973-00482304-00482639 Google everywhere and yeah I'm on dl_rwICHlLg-01974-00482639-00482903 Twitter too so if you can find me you dl_rwICHlLg-01975-00482904-00483214 can come follow me dl_rwICHlLg-01976-00483215-00483472 well thank you so much Akita I dl_rwICHlLg-01977-00483473-00483622 appreciate it dl_rwICHlLg-01978-00483623-00483868 um I I enjoyed this I really did because dl_rwICHlLg-01979-00483869-00484210 I got to learn more from just talking to dl_rwICHlLg-01980-00484212-00484510 you as opposed to listening because you dl_rwICHlLg-01981-00484512-00484727 only tell just a fraction of yourself dl_rwICHlLg-01982-00484728-00484841 because you're always speaking about dl_rwICHlLg-01983-00484842-00485099 something else so I appreciate this dl_rwICHlLg-01984-00485100-00485320 openness that you have with me dl_rwICHlLg-01985-00485321-00485549 um thank you so much that that uh that dl_rwICHlLg-01986-00485550-00485735 means a lot I really appreciate it for dl_rwICHlLg-01987-00485735-00485831 sure dl_rwICHlLg-01988-00485832-00486125 okay well people remember you can find dl_rwICHlLg-01989-00486126-00486395 her everywhere at Chronicles of a Virgo dl_rwICHlLg-01990-00486396-00486610 podcast unless you said if you could dl_rwICHlLg-01991-00486612-00486766 find her on Twitter you can follow her dl_rwICHlLg-01992-00486767-00486922 but good luck because I'm still trying dl_rwICHlLg-01993-00486923-00487320 to look so dl_rwICHlLg-01994-00487321-00487745 so this has been another oh another dl_rwICHlLg-01995-00487746-00488087 great episode of a sarcasm orgasm dl_rwICHlLg-01996-00488088-00488291 remember to like comment subscribe to dl_rwICHlLg-01997-00488292-00488549 the channel also go follow her on all dl_rwICHlLg-01998-00488550-00488855 her podcast platforms between wherever dl_rwICHlLg-01999-00488856-00489041 she might be she's everywhere so you'll dl_rwICHlLg-02000-00489042-00489310 find her um and also go check this out dl_rwICHlLg-02001-00489312-00489466 wherever it's going to be published at dl_rwICHlLg-02002-00489467-00489725 so thank you so much to my guests from dl_rwICHlLg-02003-00489726-00489941 Chronicle podcast this has been will dl_rwICHlLg-02004-00489942-00490199 another episode of sarcasm orgasm y'all dl_rwICHlLg-02005-00490200-00490468 take care and I will talk to y'all all dl_rwICHlLg-02006-00490469-00490742 soon foreign