iSYEU4fCbbu-00000-00000496-00000639 my name's steve robinson and i'm the iSYEU4fCbbu-00001-00000640-00000847 pastor of cornerstone church in iSYEU4fCbbu-00002-00000848-00000999 liverpool which is on the northwest iSYEU4fCbbu-00003-00001000-00001111 coast iSYEU4fCbbu-00004-00001112-00001303 of england three years ago we had the iSYEU4fCbbu-00005-00001304-00001566 privilege of partnering with a small iSYEU4fCbbu-00006-00001567-00001791 struggling brethren church who'd come to iSYEU4fCbbu-00007-00001792-00001951 the the conclusion that if they didn't iSYEU4fCbbu-00008-00001952-00002199 do something and make some major changes iSYEU4fCbbu-00009-00002200-00002391 that the gospel witness there was was iSYEU4fCbbu-00010-00002392-00002495 gonna die iSYEU4fCbbu-00011-00002496-00002615 and by god's grace we were able to iSYEU4fCbbu-00012-00002616-00002791 partner with them and replant the church iSYEU4fCbbu-00013-00002792-00002958 and we've seen growth and people come to iSYEU4fCbbu-00014-00002959-00003215 christ and people to love and know jesus iSYEU4fCbbu-00015-00003215-00003454 more and we're hoping to train guys and iSYEU4fCbbu-00016-00003455-00004015 plant more churches across the region iSYEU4fCbbu-00017-00004015-00004279 liverpool is a city that has a deep iSYEU4fCbbu-00018-00004280-00004454 history with the gospel iSYEU4fCbbu-00019-00004455-00004670 and lots of churches have been planted iSYEU4fCbbu-00020-00004671-00004870 especially in the early parts of last iSYEU4fCbbu-00021-00004871-00004975 century iSYEU4fCbbu-00022-00004976-00005286 and but because of the number of things iSYEU4fCbbu-00023-00005287-00005511 the churches are struggling some of them iSYEU4fCbbu-00024-00005512-00005702 have even closed and it's our heart to iSYEU4fCbbu-00025-00005703-00005911 see those churches revitalized and new iSYEU4fCbbu-00026-00005912-00006222 churches planted around liverpool has a iSYEU4fCbbu-00027-00006223-00006439 great culture when it comes to music and iSYEU4fCbbu-00028-00006440-00006751 sport and we're looking to to engage and iSYEU4fCbbu-00029-00006752-00006895 to show people that the gospel is iSYEU4fCbbu-00030-00006895-00007583 relevant in in the context of our city iSYEU4fCbbu-00031-00007584-00007791 we've been involved with acts 29 for iSYEU4fCbbu-00032-00007792-00007967 about three years and it's been a real iSYEU4fCbbu-00033-00007968-00008183 preliminary privilege to to work with iSYEU4fCbbu-00034-00008184-00008510 guys who who who who love the gospel iSYEU4fCbbu-00035-00008511-00008687 that love the lost that love the church iSYEU4fCbbu-00036-00008688-00008863 and are planting churches in different iSYEU4fCbbu-00037-00008864-00009246 contexts it's been a real uh point of iSYEU4fCbbu-00038-00009247-00009374 learning care for me where i've been iSYEU4fCbbu-00039-00009375-00009774 able to to have dialogue uh discussions iSYEU4fCbbu-00040-00009775-00009959 uh and some level disagreements that iSYEU4fCbbu-00041-00009960-00010199 have sharpened me regarding church iSYEU4fCbbu-00042-00010200-00010367 planting and church leadership and iSYEU4fCbbu-00043-00010368-00010591 different theological uh discussions iSYEU4fCbbu-00044-00010592-00010831 which has been a real real real blessing iSYEU4fCbbu-00045-00010832-00010999 for my wife and i the whole assessment iSYEU4fCbbu-00046-00011000-00011191 process was something that iSYEU4fCbbu-00047-00011192-00011367 that we regularly go back to all the iSYEU4fCbbu-00048-00011368-00011559 time to remind us of of the things that iSYEU4fCbbu-00049-00011560-00011878 these godly wise guys uh pointed out to iSYEU4fCbbu-00050-00011879-00012070 us and have helped us develop in that iSYEU4fCbbu-00051-00012071-00012191 way iSYEU4fCbbu-00052-00012192-00012342 i would encourage anybody that is iSYEU4fCbbu-00053-00012343-00012510 looking to plant a church or if you are iSYEU4fCbbu-00054-00012511-00012727 a church leader that is that is part of iSYEU4fCbbu-00055-00012728-00012966 a church that wants to train people and iSYEU4fCbbu-00056-00012967-00013191 plant more churches in your context to iSYEU4fCbbu-00057-00013191-00013587 get involved with acts 29 iTBegsxxOsc-00000-00000008-00000151 the modern world is becoming iTBegsxxOsc-00001-00000152-00000407 increasingly complex with environmental iTBegsxxOsc-00002-00000408-00000663 hazards growing at an unpredictable rate iTBegsxxOsc-00003-00000664-00000847 as our earth system undergoes iTBegsxxOsc-00004-00000848-00001103 considerable change iTBegsxxOsc-00005-00001104-00001350 it is becoming increasingly vital for iTBegsxxOsc-00006-00001351-00001614 business decision makers and investors iTBegsxxOsc-00007-00001616-00001791 to include environmental and iTBegsxxOsc-00008-00001792-00002023 sustainability risks into their plans in iTBegsxxOsc-00009-00002023-00002302 order to identify opportunities manage iTBegsxxOsc-00010-00002303-00002534 risks and guide their businesses through iTBegsxxOsc-00011-00002535-00002750 tumultuous times iTBegsxxOsc-00012-00002751-00003039 at terra link research our goal is to iTBegsxxOsc-00013-00003040-00003199 bring science and engineering to iTBegsxxOsc-00014-00003200-00003383 management consultants and business iTBegsxxOsc-00015-00003384-00003615 decision makers in environment iTBegsxxOsc-00016-00003615-00003863 social and governance risk analysis and iTBegsxxOsc-00017-00003864-00004015 consulting iTBegsxxOsc-00018-00004015-00004215 we offer specialized services to the iTBegsxxOsc-00019-00004216-00004431 world's business executives and iTBegsxxOsc-00020-00004432-00004567 strategists iTBegsxxOsc-00021-00004568-00004759 assisting them in navigating today's iTBegsxxOsc-00022-00004760-00004975 unpredictable environmental context in iTBegsxxOsc-00023-00004976-00005247 order to generate future value iTBegsxxOsc-00024-00005248-00005479 talk to us today about how we can value iTBegsxxOsc-00025-00005480-00006710 ad to your business iTBegsxxOsc-00026-00006711-00006920 you iUi7FIruLJu-00000-00001476-00002649 [Music] iUi7FIruLJu-00001-00002650-00002767 [Music] iUi7FIruLJu-00002-00002768-00002976 you iUq3evgKnEE-00000-00000024-00000630 [Music] iUq3evgKnEE-00001-00000631-00000663 hi iUq3evgKnEE-00002-00000664-00000854 everyone i'm brian salt from salt haven iUq3evgKnEE-00003-00000855-00001087 wildlife we are celebrating a wonderful iUq3evgKnEE-00004-00001088-00001311 mark today on instagram iUq3evgKnEE-00005-00001312-00001623 we have just arrived at 5 000 supporters iUq3evgKnEE-00006-00001623-00001830 and followers on instagram iUq3evgKnEE-00007-00001832-00002095 we're grateful for our supporters it iUq3evgKnEE-00008-00002096-00002287 helps us to get the word out there and iUq3evgKnEE-00009-00002288-00002455 let people know about the plight of iUq3evgKnEE-00010-00002456-00002591 canadian wildlife iUq3evgKnEE-00011-00002592-00002758 also i should mention that we are iUq3evgKnEE-00012-00002759-00002999 approaching 14 000 followers on iUq3evgKnEE-00013-00003000-00003215 facebook so the word is getting out iUq3evgKnEE-00014-00003215-00003375 we're grateful for everyone who does iUq3evgKnEE-00015-00003376-00003503 follow salthaven iUq3evgKnEE-00016-00003504-00003767 and especially grateful for your support iUq3evgKnEE-00017-00003768-00003959 that allows us to do the things that we iUq3evgKnEE-00018-00003960-00004111 do here at salthaven and getting iUq3evgKnEE-00019-00004112-00004191 wildlife iUq3evgKnEE-00020-00004192-00004438 back into their natural environment i'm iUq3evgKnEE-00021-00004439-00004567 brian salt helping you iUq3evgKnEE-00022-00004568-00005847 to keep the wild and wildlife iUq3evgKnEE-00023-00005848-00006055 you iUsmdS5u7Cy-00000-00000075-00000327 [Music] iUsmdS5u7Cy-00001-00000328-00000543 i'm carrie and i run costume camry and i iUsmdS5u7Cy-00002-00000544-00000894 make sheep's milk cheese and yogurt iUsmdS5u7Cy-00003-00000896-00001070 i'm completely passionate about cheese iUsmdS5u7Cy-00004-00001071-00001543 and also passionate about local produce iUsmdS5u7Cy-00005-00001544-00001695 i would not have been able to do this iUsmdS5u7Cy-00006-00001696-00001855 without the help of the food and iUsmdS5u7Cy-00007-00001855-00002102 technology centre in clangevi they iUsmdS5u7Cy-00008-00002103-00002263 really helped me through that first iUsmdS5u7Cy-00009-00002264-00002479 initial period and for that i'm very iUsmdS5u7Cy-00010-00002480-00002595 grateful iUsmdS5u7Cy-00011-00002596-00002799 [Music] iUsmdS5u7Cy-00012-00002800-00003102 i can use milk from a series of small iUsmdS5u7Cy-00013-00003103-00003399 farms and transform it into high quality iUsmdS5u7Cy-00014-00003400-00003631 products that are going to really bring iUsmdS5u7Cy-00015-00003632-00003863 an important income not only to me but iUsmdS5u7Cy-00016-00003864-00004022 back to the farms to help make this iUsmdS5u7Cy-00017-00004023-00004286 sustainable iUsmdS5u7Cy-00018-00004287-00004447 the milk for my predibach the little iUsmdS5u7Cy-00019-00004448-00004727 soft lactic cheeses comes from a flock iUsmdS5u7Cy-00020-00004728-00004959 of clean news and as far as i'm aware iUsmdS5u7Cy-00021-00004960-00005175 that's the only flock of clean news in iUsmdS5u7Cy-00022-00005176-00005422 the uk which probably means the world so iUsmdS5u7Cy-00023-00005423-00005683 we're dealing with a completely unique iUsmdS5u7Cy-00024-00005684-00006054 product i make my yogurts in glass jars iUsmdS5u7Cy-00025-00006055-00006270 that are returnable i get an over 60 iUsmdS5u7Cy-00026-00006271-00006454 percent return rate which you know i iUsmdS5u7Cy-00027-00006455-00006695 think it's pretty good iUsmdS5u7Cy-00028-00006695-00006959 i wrap all my cheese in deli paper there iUsmdS5u7Cy-00029-00006959-00007103 is a bit of a cost to that because it iUsmdS5u7Cy-00030-00007104-00007327 means my shelf life isn't as long but i iUsmdS5u7Cy-00031-00007328-00007487 would rather give up a little bit of iUsmdS5u7Cy-00032-00007488-00007655 shelf life in order to have cheese iUsmdS5u7Cy-00033-00007656-00007768 wrapped properly iUsmdS5u7Cy-00034-00007769-00007895 [Music] iUsmdS5u7Cy-00035-00007895-00008127 i'm absolutely delighted to be you know iUsmdS5u7Cy-00036-00008128-00008383 working on a new dairy with eventually a iUsmdS5u7Cy-00037-00008384-00008646 little cafe over the top as well it's iUsmdS5u7Cy-00038-00008647-00008910 triple insulated all over iUsmdS5u7Cy-00039-00008911-00009135 we're putting in a heat recovery system iUsmdS5u7Cy-00040-00009136-00009374 so that all the energy expended in the iUsmdS5u7Cy-00041-00009375-00009639 refrigeration we're using to heat in hot iUsmdS5u7Cy-00042-00009640-00009903 water iUsmdS5u7Cy-00043-00009904-00010046 mean basically all i want to do is to iUsmdS5u7Cy-00044-00010047-00010246 make cheese and i would not have been iUsmdS5u7Cy-00045-00010247-00010431 able to do it without the help from the iUsmdS5u7Cy-00046-00010432-00010727 food business investment scheme grant iUsmdS5u7Cy-00047-00010728-00010846 so i'm iUsmdS5u7Cy-00048-00010847-00011027 massively grateful iUsmdS5u7Cy-00049-00011028-00011471 [Music] iUsmdS5u7Cy-00050-00011472-00011679 you iVbltOg0p64-00000-00000000-00000424 fasting is when you stop introducing iVbltOg0p64-00001-00000425-00000790 food or nutrients into stuff digestive iVbltOg0p64-00002-00000791-00001160 system that's when the fast begins the iVbltOg0p64-00003-00001161-00001520 fastest way to reintroduce food and iVbltOg0p64-00004-00001521-00001622 nutrients iVbltOg0p64-00005-00001623-00002041 [Music] iVbltOg0p64-00006-00002042-00002410 we've been talking about fasting this is iVbltOg0p64-00007-00002411-00002672 the third in the series that we've been iVbltOg0p64-00008-00002673-00002837 doing on fasting so I hope that you've iVbltOg0p64-00009-00002838-00002990 been joining us you've been iVbltOg0p64-00010-00002991-00003197 participating Jesus possibly even iVbltOg0p64-00011-00003198-00003497 planning on how to do this because we iVbltOg0p64-00012-00003497-00003686 can get good at this we can get good at iVbltOg0p64-00013-00003686-00003895 fasting it's just another discipline iVbltOg0p64-00014-00003896-00004151 that's been given to us that can help us iVbltOg0p64-00015-00004152-00004454 increase in the things of God we've iVbltOg0p64-00016-00004455-00004691 previously established in the other two iVbltOg0p64-00017-00004692-00005191 messages that you should fast Matthew 6 iVbltOg0p64-00018-00005192-00005708 16 jesus said when you fast he didn't iVbltOg0p64-00019-00005709-00005977 say if you fast he said when you fast iVbltOg0p64-00020-00005978-00006238 which means by implication that is not iVbltOg0p64-00021-00006239-00006520 an if we're gonna fast when you fast and iVbltOg0p64-00022-00006520-00006938 then Jesus said in mark 2:18 iVbltOg0p64-00023-00006939-00007244 he said when we would fast when was that iVbltOg0p64-00024-00007245-00007580 when he would go away he said there'd be iVbltOg0p64-00025-00007581-00007859 a day when he'd be taken away and when iVbltOg0p64-00026-00007859-00008128 he's taken away that would be a day in iVbltOg0p64-00027-00008129-00008485 which the disciples would fast what day iVbltOg0p64-00028-00008486-00008749 are we in we're in that day we're in the iVbltOg0p64-00029-00008750-00008984 age of the Holy Ghost the dispensation iVbltOg0p64-00030-00008985-00009194 of the Holy Ghost where Jesus isn't here iVbltOg0p64-00031-00009195-00009410 but the Holy Ghost is here and that is iVbltOg0p64-00032-00009411-00009653 the day when Jesus and we would fast so iVbltOg0p64-00033-00009654-00010031 in our day in our discipline we are to iVbltOg0p64-00034-00010032-00010321 include fasting as part of our iVbltOg0p64-00035-00010322-00010559 discipline and our way that we walk with iVbltOg0p64-00036-00010560-00010864 God and if we do those things then we'll iVbltOg0p64-00037-00010865-00011092 be able to increase and go farther than iVbltOg0p64-00038-00011093-00011330 we could without it in fact I said this iVbltOg0p64-00039-00011331-00011612 both other times in fact you won't be iVbltOg0p64-00040-00011613-00011920 able to walk with the Holy Ghost in this iVbltOg0p64-00041-00011921-00012185 dispensation in the way that you should iVbltOg0p64-00042-00012186-00012424 as effectively as you should iVbltOg0p64-00043-00012425-00012724 without this discipline of fasting well iVbltOg0p64-00044-00012725-00013040 I don't like that who does but you can iVbltOg0p64-00045-00013041-00013265 get better at it you can get better iVbltOg0p64-00046-00013266-00013438 the discipline of fasting you can know iVbltOg0p64-00047-00013440-00013682 how these things operate and get good at iVbltOg0p64-00048-00013683-00013919 it so you're not going to be able to do iVbltOg0p64-00049-00013919-00014075 it as if you know you'll be able to walk iVbltOg0p64-00050-00014076-00014249 with the Holy Ghost as effectively iVbltOg0p64-00051-00014250-00014561 without fasting and you won't be able to iVbltOg0p64-00052-00014562-00014828 participate in the open rewards that iVbltOg0p64-00053-00014829-00014912 you're promised iVbltOg0p64-00054-00014913-00015272 without that discipline of fasting all iVbltOg0p64-00055-00015272-00015316 right iVbltOg0p64-00056-00015318-00015518 we've previously established those at iVbltOg0p64-00057-00015519-00015805 more at length in the other two episodes iVbltOg0p64-00058-00015806-00016115 we've also established that this is one iVbltOg0p64-00059-00016116-00016652 of God's chosen methods he chose this iVbltOg0p64-00060-00016653-00016910 method of fasting in order to get you to iVbltOg0p64-00061-00016911-00017087 be able to go someplace that you iVbltOg0p64-00062-00017088-00017324 couldn't go without it so we need to iVbltOg0p64-00063-00017325-00017762 choose to go in God's Way that he chose iVbltOg0p64-00064-00017763-00017984 for us now this will be foolishness to iVbltOg0p64-00065-00017985-00018215 some I mean you bring up the you talk iVbltOg0p64-00066-00018216-00018338 about fasting some people they think iVbltOg0p64-00067-00018339-00018524 it's completely ridiculous completely iVbltOg0p64-00068-00018525-00018803 foolish well preaching is foolishness to iVbltOg0p64-00069-00018804-00018950 those who don't understand iVbltOg0p64-00070-00018951-00019142 fasting is foolishness to those who iVbltOg0p64-00071-00019143-00019355 haven't been there and know how to get iVbltOg0p64-00072-00019356-00019622 there and do it anyway it's God's chosen iVbltOg0p64-00073-00019623-00019805 method you know on many times if you're iVbltOg0p64-00074-00019806-00020012 gonna follow God you'll look like a fool iVbltOg0p64-00075-00020013-00020222 to some people in the end run in the iVbltOg0p64-00076-00020223-00020510 long run we come out ahead all right so iVbltOg0p64-00077-00020511-00021032 let's look at Daniel chapter 10 what I'd iVbltOg0p64-00078-00021033-00021353 like to cover this week is what fasting iVbltOg0p64-00079-00021354-00021659 is not sometimes you need to in order to iVbltOg0p64-00080-00021660-00021902 establish what a certain thing is it's iVbltOg0p64-00081-00021903-00022163 best to go and establish what it isn't iVbltOg0p64-00082-00022164-00022331 because so many people have so many iVbltOg0p64-00083-00022332-00022535 ideas about what fasting is or isn't iVbltOg0p64-00084-00022536-00022718 today oh this is what I do and this is iVbltOg0p64-00085-00022719-00022853 what I do well I really don't care what iVbltOg0p64-00086-00022854-00023168 you do what does the Bible say so we're iVbltOg0p64-00087-00023169-00023408 talking about biblical fasting the way iVbltOg0p64-00088-00023409-00023591 to do it the way the Bible says if you iVbltOg0p64-00089-00023592-00023885 want the Bible results you got to do the iVbltOg0p64-00090-00023886-00024155 Bible method that God chose otherwise iVbltOg0p64-00091-00024156-00024328 you aren't going to get the Bible result iVbltOg0p64-00092-00024329-00024653 so what fasting isn't let's look at iVbltOg0p64-00093-00024654-00025049 Daniel chapter 10 and this is one of iVbltOg0p64-00094-00025050-00025232 those verses of scripture that people iVbltOg0p64-00095-00025233-00025655 like to use to to come up with a way iVbltOg0p64-00096-00025656-00025939 that they can fast without having to iVbltOg0p64-00097-00025941-00026306 stop eating food again there's really no iVbltOg0p64-00098-00026307-00026519 way that you can fast and believe me iVbltOg0p64-00099-00026520-00026637 I've tried every way you could pass iVbltOg0p64-00100-00026638-00026817 think of the eat a little something you iVbltOg0p64-00101-00026818-00027008 know but if you're eating something iVbltOg0p64-00102-00027010-00027358 you're not fasting we'll get into this iVbltOg0p64-00103-00027360-00027825 Daniel chapter 10 and let's look at iVbltOg0p64-00104-00027826-00028467 verse two in those days in those days I iVbltOg0p64-00105-00028468-00028923 Daniel was mourning three full weeks now iVbltOg0p64-00106-00028924-00029169 three-foot mourning here we understand iVbltOg0p64-00107-00029170-00029277 he's talking about fasting other iVbltOg0p64-00108-00029277-00029520 translations talk about that and he tell iVbltOg0p64-00109-00029520-00029645 you in a second that that's what he iVbltOg0p64-00110-00029647-00029945 means when he says three full weeks it iVbltOg0p64-00111-00029947-00030237 means it was the fullness of those three iVbltOg0p64-00112-00030238-00030483 four weeks he could have said I was in iVbltOg0p64-00113-00030483-00030908 mourning or I fasted two full days well iVbltOg0p64-00114-00030910-00031164 two full days would mean that he was iVbltOg0p64-00115-00031164-00031542 fasting for those two full days not you iVbltOg0p64-00116-00031543-00031794 know at the end of the day he ate a iVbltOg0p64-00117-00031795-00031983 little something in the next day then it iVbltOg0p64-00118-00031983-00032158 would have just been well I fasted iVbltOg0p64-00119-00032160-00032586 almost the whole day well that's not iVbltOg0p64-00120-00032587-00032835 what this is saying here let's read it iVbltOg0p64-00121-00032836-00033123 again in those days I Daniel was iVbltOg0p64-00122-00033124-00033486 mourning three full weeks well how many iVbltOg0p64-00123-00033487-00033717 days is that three weeks seven seven iVbltOg0p64-00124-00033718-00033783 days in a week iVbltOg0p64-00125-00033784-00034074 that's twenty-one days so Daniel was iVbltOg0p64-00126-00034075-00034353 fasting didn't eat for three full weeks iVbltOg0p64-00127-00034354-00034644 twenty-one days right how did he know it iVbltOg0p64-00128-00034645-00034803 was three full weeks while he counted iVbltOg0p64-00129-00034804-00035055 the days in which he didn't eat and oh iVbltOg0p64-00130-00035056-00035400 the combined total of he had in one week iVbltOg0p64-00131-00035401-00035565 to the next week to the next week not iVbltOg0p64-00132-00035566-00035787 eating any any of that period of time so iVbltOg0p64-00133-00035788-00036021 it was twenty-one days in which he iVbltOg0p64-00134-00036022-00036231 didn't eat let's read on I know the song iVbltOg0p64-00135-00036232-00036396 you know people go sounds ridiculous iVbltOg0p64-00136-00036397-00036564 well you know everybody wants a little iVbltOg0p64-00137-00036565-00036747 wiggle room and if I leave a little iVbltOg0p64-00138-00036748-00036921 wiggle room they're gonna come up with iVbltOg0p64-00139-00036922-00037242 some way to say that they did a full iVbltOg0p64-00140-00037243-00037485 fast of a certain amount of time when iVbltOg0p64-00141-00037486-00037668 the reality is they didn't they did iVbltOg0p64-00142-00037669-00037941 something else let's read verse two iVbltOg0p64-00143-00037942-00038274 again in those days I Daniel was morning iVbltOg0p64-00144-00038275-00038838 three full weeks I ate no and this is iVbltOg0p64-00145-00038839-00038916 where the key is iVbltOg0p64-00146-00038917-00039462 he ate no no he ate nothing he ate zero iVbltOg0p64-00147-00039463-00039768 things and so if you're gonna say I I iVbltOg0p64-00148-00039769-00039883 fasted three iVbltOg0p64-00149-00039884-00040117 days that means from the beginning of iVbltOg0p64-00150-00040118-00040365 the day that you began fasting till the iVbltOg0p64-00151-00040366-00040555 end of the third day iVbltOg0p64-00152-00040556-00041014 you ate no biblical fasting I ate no but iVbltOg0p64-00153-00041015-00041185 you know people will go well they take iVbltOg0p64-00154-00041186-00041440 this one next word here and they try to iVbltOg0p64-00155-00041441-00041707 say that they could eat a little iVbltOg0p64-00156-00041708-00041787 something iVbltOg0p64-00157-00041788-00041986 believe me you know there's your your iVbltOg0p64-00158-00041987-00042160 mind is always gonna try to come up with iVbltOg0p64-00159-00042161-00042298 some way that you could eat something iVbltOg0p64-00160-00042299-00042523 during that and then include that into iVbltOg0p64-00161-00042524-00042762 the three full let's look at here how do iVbltOg0p64-00162-00042763-00043036 you know this you got to know who you're iVbltOg0p64-00163-00043037-00043105 talking to iVbltOg0p64-00164-00043106-00043255 I've tried to come up with every iVbltOg0p64-00165-00043256-00043450 possible way you think of but it doesn't iVbltOg0p64-00166-00043451-00043828 qualify as a biblical fast there's three iVbltOg0p64-00167-00043829-00044392 I ate no Pleasant bread ah ah si si si iVbltOg0p64-00168-00044393-00044671 he didn't eat any Pleasant bread so he iVbltOg0p64-00169-00044672-00044857 ate the unpleasant bread that's what iVbltOg0p64-00170-00044858-00045229 love people love to imply that is it and iVbltOg0p64-00171-00045230-00045367 this is where they come up and they'll iVbltOg0p64-00172-00045368-00045546 even they'll call it this you can read iVbltOg0p64-00173-00045547-00045949 books on it the Daniel Fast and when you iVbltOg0p64-00174-00045950-00046177 see somebody talking about the Daniel iVbltOg0p64-00175-00046178-00046594 Fast they're talking about a fast what iVbltOg0p64-00176-00046595-00046798 they call the fast in which they just iVbltOg0p64-00177-00046799-00047164 don't eat pleasant things and most of iVbltOg0p64-00178-00047165-00047536 them mean they just eat vegetables well iVbltOg0p64-00179-00047537-00047707 I got news for you vegetables are iVbltOg0p64-00180-00047708-00048205 pleasant right then I go I don't eat me iVbltOg0p64-00181-00048206-00048457 meat for those three four you know for iVbltOg0p64-00182-00048458-00048676 three weeks I didn't eat me meat but I iVbltOg0p64-00183-00048677-00048987 ate vegetables and some bananas well I iVbltOg0p64-00184-00048988-00049210 Got News for you you didn't fast don't iVbltOg0p64-00185-00049211-00049456 call it a fast that is simply calorie iVbltOg0p64-00186-00049457-00049773 restriction that is simply a diet iVbltOg0p64-00187-00049774-00050052 fasting isn't when you say oh I'm not iVbltOg0p64-00188-00050053-00050358 gonna eat this I fasted chocolate for a iVbltOg0p64-00189-00050359-00050557 whole year you fasted for a whole year iVbltOg0p64-00190-00050558-00050836 how are you alive well no you just iVbltOg0p64-00191-00050837-00051162 stopped eating chocolate you didn't fast iVbltOg0p64-00192-00051163-00051439 fasting is when you stop putting food in iVbltOg0p64-00193-00051440-00051613 your mouth too when you start putting iVbltOg0p64-00194-00051614-00051852 food in your mouth why do you have to be iVbltOg0p64-00195-00051853-00052032 so adamant about this because there's so iVbltOg0p64-00196-00052033-00052182 many people that are gonna try to come iVbltOg0p64-00197-00052183-00052375 up with some way to say they're iVbltOg0p64-00198-00052376-00052594 biblically fasting when they're not iVbltOg0p64-00199-00052595-00052834 they're simply kind of they're trying to iVbltOg0p64-00200-00052835-00053098 put something else in there I ate this iVbltOg0p64-00201-00053099-00053263 says I ate no Pleasant bread iVbltOg0p64-00202-00053264-00053488 and really that word means desire it iVbltOg0p64-00203-00053489-00053832 means he desired bread but he'd need it iVbltOg0p64-00204-00053833-00054085 for three want me I guarantee you over iVbltOg0p64-00205-00054086-00054298 the course of three full weeks you're iVbltOg0p64-00206-00054299-00054490 gonna desire to eat some bread well you iVbltOg0p64-00207-00054491-00054727 have a desire sir for some food yeah you iVbltOg0p64-00208-00054728-00055216 didn't do it the point is I ate no no iVbltOg0p64-00209-00055216-00055444 bread and then he goes on neither came iVbltOg0p64-00210-00055445-00055723 flesh into my mouth nor wine into my iVbltOg0p64-00211-00055724-00056266 mouth I ate no neither nor so he ate all iVbltOg0p64-00212-00056266-00056500 of those things no neither ignore so as iVbltOg0p64-00213-00056501-00056791 much no you want and as much neither as iVbltOg0p64-00214-00056791-00057010 you want and as much nor as you want iVbltOg0p64-00215-00057011-00057232 have that but you can't have any food iVbltOg0p64-00216-00057233-00057514 welcome to fasting but you can have as iVbltOg0p64-00217-00057515-00057697 much water as you want the wonderful iVbltOg0p64-00218-00057698-00057930 thing I ain't no Pleasant bread neither iVbltOg0p64-00219-00057932-00058150 came flesh nor wine in my mouth neither iVbltOg0p64-00220-00058151-00058453 did I anoint myself till the three whole iVbltOg0p64-00221-00058454-00058839 weeks were fulfilled so he ate nothing iVbltOg0p64-00222-00058840-00059152 no neither in nor for three full weeks iVbltOg0p64-00223-00059153-00059551 until it was fulfilled then he ate some iVbltOg0p64-00224-00059552-00059977 Pleasant bread right okay now a lot of iVbltOg0p64-00225-00059978-00060172 people would like to apply this to what iVbltOg0p64-00226-00060173-00060429 the children of Israel um Shadrach iVbltOg0p64-00227-00060430-00060630 Meshach and Abednego remember them let's iVbltOg0p64-00228-00060632-00060976 just flip back there real quick Daniel iVbltOg0p64-00229-00060977-00061324 chapter one now let's look at verse iVbltOg0p64-00230-00061325-00061639 eight Daniel chapter 1 verse 8 but I iVbltOg0p64-00231-00061640-00061834 Daniel purposed this in my heart that I iVbltOg0p64-00232-00061835-00061987 would not defile himself with the iVbltOg0p64-00233-00061988-00062215 portion of the Kings meat see now people iVbltOg0p64-00234-00062216-00062529 are gonna try to interpret what happened iVbltOg0p64-00235-00062530-00062947 in Daniel chapter 10 with what happened iVbltOg0p64-00236-00062948-00063208 in January after one but they're two iVbltOg0p64-00237-00063209-00063583 completely different things in one in iVbltOg0p64-00238-00063584-00063937 Daniel Daniel chapter 10 he was fasting iVbltOg0p64-00239-00063938-00064372 in January after one verse eight he was iVbltOg0p64-00240-00064373-00064612 just trying not to defile himself with iVbltOg0p64-00241-00064613-00064813 food that was offered unto idols right iVbltOg0p64-00242-00064814-00065029 okay but Daniel purposed in his heart iVbltOg0p64-00243-00065029-00065194 that he would not defile himself with iVbltOg0p64-00244-00065195-00065338 the portion of the Kings meat nor with a iVbltOg0p64-00245-00065339-00065521 wine which he drank therefore he iVbltOg0p64-00246-00065522-00065674 requested of the Prince of the eunuchs iVbltOg0p64-00247-00065675-00065902 that he might not defile himself verse iVbltOg0p64-00248-00065903-00066103 nine but God had brought Daniel into iVbltOg0p64-00249-00066104-00066241 favor with tender love with the Prince iVbltOg0p64-00250-00066242-00066418 of the eunuchs and the Prince of the iVbltOg0p64-00251-00066419-00066614 eunuchs said unto Daniel I fear my lord iVbltOg0p64-00252-00066615-00066806 king who has appointed your meat in your iVbltOg0p64-00253-00066807-00067031 drink for why should he see your faces iVbltOg0p64-00254-00067032-00067295 likened to the children which are of iVbltOg0p64-00255-00067296-00067604 your sorts and then shall make me iVbltOg0p64-00256-00067605-00067823 endangered of my head to the king I know iVbltOg0p64-00257-00067824-00067955 I'm reading this fast but you know I iVbltOg0p64-00258-00067956-00068261 gotta get through this verse 11 then iVbltOg0p64-00259-00068262-00068546 said Daniel two mouths are whom the iVbltOg0p64-00260-00068547-00068678 Prince of the eunuchs had set over iVbltOg0p64-00261-00068679-00069079 Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah iVbltOg0p64-00262-00069080-00069368 prove thy servants I beseech thee 10 iVbltOg0p64-00263-00069369-00069635 days and let them give us pulse to eat iVbltOg0p64-00264-00069636-00070010 and water to drink okay a Daniel fast iVbltOg0p64-00265-00070011-00070190 what they were say us at Daniel fast iVbltOg0p64-00266-00070191-00070388 they just eat pulse and water meaning iVbltOg0p64-00267-00070389-00070637 pulse and we know that that's vegetables iVbltOg0p64-00268-00070638-00070874 just let us eat vegetables and drink iVbltOg0p64-00269-00070875-00071141 water that's not a fast iVbltOg0p64-00270-00071142-00071357 that's simply eating vegetables and iVbltOg0p64-00271-00071358-00071762 drinking water then let verse 13 then iVbltOg0p64-00272-00071763-00071900 let our countenances be looked upon iVbltOg0p64-00273-00071901-00072098 before thee and the countenance of the iVbltOg0p64-00274-00072099-00072380 children of the that eat the portion of iVbltOg0p64-00275-00072381-00072593 the Kings meat and as thou see SDY iVbltOg0p64-00276-00072594-00072779 servants so you can scent it with them iVbltOg0p64-00277-00072780-00072911 in this manner improve them 10 days iVbltOg0p64-00278-00072912-00073151 verse 15 and at the end of the ten days iVbltOg0p64-00279-00073152-00073346 their countenance appeared fatter and iVbltOg0p64-00280-00073347-00073739 fairer in flesh than all the children iVbltOg0p64-00281-00073740-00073925 that did eat the meat of the king the iVbltOg0p64-00282-00073926-00074087 Kings meat the portion of the Kings meat iVbltOg0p64-00283-00074088-00074330 they got fatter they put on weight I've iVbltOg0p64-00284-00074331-00074626 got I'm telling you that when you fast iVbltOg0p64-00285-00074627-00074954 you don't put on weight they were not iVbltOg0p64-00286-00074955-00075125 fasting they were just trying not to iVbltOg0p64-00287-00075126-00075401 defile themselves and I've got news for iVbltOg0p64-00288-00075402-00075581 you there's plenty of scriptures iVbltOg0p64-00289-00075582-00075785 especially in the Old Testament if you iVbltOg0p64-00290-00075786-00075998 were under the law where God said don't iVbltOg0p64-00291-00075999-00076559 eat this right but he never said that if iVbltOg0p64-00292-00076560-00076778 you don't eat that that you were fasting iVbltOg0p64-00293-00076779-00076979 because long time well I don't say don't iVbltOg0p64-00294-00076980-00077348 eat pork well I don't eat pork so I'm on iVbltOg0p64-00295-00077349-00077719 the pork fast hey what is that iVbltOg0p64-00296-00077720-00077888 that means I eat everything I want iVbltOg0p64-00297-00077889-00078082 anytime I want but I don't eat pork so iVbltOg0p64-00298-00078083-00078332 I'm fasting that is not a fast it's not iVbltOg0p64-00299-00078333-00078578 a biblical fast God never calls that a iVbltOg0p64-00300-00078579-00078779 fast if he says don't eat something in iVbltOg0p64-00301-00078780-00079016 the new testimony he encourages us not iVbltOg0p64-00302-00079017-00079256 to eat anything offered on to idols well iVbltOg0p64-00303-00079257-00079478 if I don't think eat things offered unto iVbltOg0p64-00304-00079479-00079727 idols That's not me fasting iVbltOg0p64-00305-00079728-00079919 that's just not me eating something iVbltOg0p64-00306-00079920-00080252 offered unto idols you see they were iVbltOg0p64-00307-00080253-00080474 eating in fact it said they were eating iVbltOg0p64-00308-00080475-00080807 they're eating pulse and water does a iVbltOg0p64-00309-00080808-00080969 vegetable thing probably a mushy iVbltOg0p64-00310-00080970-00081233 vegetable stones doesn't sound very iVbltOg0p64-00311-00081234-00081530 delightful but anyway when Daniel was iVbltOg0p64-00312-00081531-00082070 fasting he ate no food for until the 21 iVbltOg0p64-00313-00082071-00082322 days was finished so we're trying to get iVbltOg0p64-00314-00082323-00082616 across here what biblical fasting is so iVbltOg0p64-00315-00082617-00082799 that we can do it in the right way and iVbltOg0p64-00316-00082800-00083024 we can go what fasting is not and what iVbltOg0p64-00317-00083025-00083561 fasting is how you seeing this I hope so iVbltOg0p64-00318-00083562-00083756 I mean sometimes I feel like I'm going iVbltOg0p64-00319-00083757-00083936 on and on but you know these these are iVbltOg0p64-00320-00083937-00084095 the places where people have wiggle room iVbltOg0p64-00321-00084096-00084332 they they say well I've been fasting 10 iVbltOg0p64-00322-00084333-00084518 days but and I haven't got any benefits iVbltOg0p64-00323-00084519-00084776 out of it well have you stopped eating iVbltOg0p64-00324-00084777-00085006 food for 10 days no I've been eating iVbltOg0p64-00325-00085007-00085424 vegetables and you know you're not gonna iVbltOg0p64-00326-00085425-00085679 get the same benefits it's not fasting iVbltOg0p64-00327-00085680-00086108 fasting is when you stop introducing iVbltOg0p64-00328-00086109-00086414 food or nutrients into your digestive iVbltOg0p64-00329-00086415-00086840 system that's when the fast begins the iVbltOg0p64-00330-00086841-00087200 fast ends when you reintroduce food and iVbltOg0p64-00331-00087201-00087662 nutrients into your digest digestive iVbltOg0p64-00332-00087663-00087845 system you see that that's a biblical iVbltOg0p64-00333-00087846-00088396 fast fasting is not calorie restriction iVbltOg0p64-00334-00088397-00088711 okay I'm just gonna restrict myself to a iVbltOg0p64-00335-00088712-00089007 1,500 calories a day iVbltOg0p64-00336-00089008-00089675 that's a diet that's not a fast the done iVbltOg0p64-00337-00089676-00089888 the Bible talks a lot about you know not iVbltOg0p64-00338-00089889-00090086 eating certain things so okay well I'm iVbltOg0p64-00339-00090087-00090311 dieting I'm not gonna eat that thing but iVbltOg0p64-00340-00090312-00090628 it's certainly not fasting all right iVbltOg0p64-00341-00090629-00090845 fasting begins the moment you cease iVbltOg0p64-00342-00090846-00091057 putting food in your mouth and it ends iVbltOg0p64-00343-00091058-00091199 when you begin putting food back in your iVbltOg0p64-00344-00091200-00091379 mouth it's pretty simple so if you're iVbltOg0p64-00345-00091380-00091568 gonna do a three-day fast iVbltOg0p64-00346-00091569-00091807 it begins when you stop putting food in iVbltOg0p64-00347-00091808-00092015 your mouth and then at the end of three iVbltOg0p64-00348-00092016-00092228 days you get to put more food back in iVbltOg0p64-00349-00092229-00092467 your mouth that's a three day fast iVbltOg0p64-00350-00092468-00092837 remember Daniel said for three full iVbltOg0p64-00351-00092838-00093186 weeks I ate iVbltOg0p64-00352-00093187-00093457 all right you guys here you know uh iVbltOg0p64-00353-00093458-00093716 there's a and is have you've heard of iVbltOg0p64-00354-00093717-00094138 the Ramadan from the Islamic Ramadan not iVbltOg0p64-00355-00094139-00094432 a scriptural fast what they do is they iVbltOg0p64-00356-00094433-00094760 don't eat all day until sundown at which iVbltOg0p64-00357-00094761-00095053 point at sundown they have a feast iVbltOg0p64-00358-00095054-00095317 that's like having Thanksgiving every iVbltOg0p64-00359-00095318-00095909 day at sundown and they say they say we iVbltOg0p64-00360-00095910-00096260 fasted 30 days we fast for 30 days I'm iVbltOg0p64-00361-00096261-00096463 telling you they're not fasting for 30 iVbltOg0p64-00362-00096464-00096647 days they're just not eating during the iVbltOg0p64-00363-00096648-00096913 day and then they binge at night and you iVbltOg0p64-00364-00096914-00097273 can eat way more calories you can eat iVbltOg0p64-00365-00097274-00097594 your 2,000 plus calories at night that's iVbltOg0p64-00366-00097595-00097906 not fasting that's just waiting to eat iVbltOg0p64-00367-00097907-00098066 there's plenty of people who eat one iVbltOg0p64-00368-00098067-00098263 meal a day I do it all the time you get iVbltOg0p64-00369-00098264-00098540 busy during the day you do stuff and you iVbltOg0p64-00370-00098541-00098759 just don't have time say I don again and iVbltOg0p64-00371-00098760-00098846 I'll eat later iVbltOg0p64-00372-00098847-00099290 am i fasting no because I ate you see iVbltOg0p64-00373-00099291-00099712 just because the sun goes down anyways iVbltOg0p64-00374-00099713-00100036 and it's certainly not 30 days fasting iVbltOg0p64-00375-00100037-00100267 that's sort of 30 days of eating iVbltOg0p64-00376-00100268-00100628 Thanksgiving when the Sun Goes Down you iVbltOg0p64-00377-00100629-00100816 need to put on you can put on weight iVbltOg0p64-00378-00100817-00101080 with that kind of fasting well you don't iVbltOg0p64-00379-00101081-00101242 put on weight when you when you're iVbltOg0p64-00380-00101243-00101690 really fasting why are you talking about iVbltOg0p64-00381-00101691-00101822 it so much because you have to iVbltOg0p64-00382-00101823-00102041 understand you have to see you I have a iVbltOg0p64-00383-00102042-00102250 place I need to go here in this message iVbltOg0p64-00384-00102251-00102446 today but you have to understand what iVbltOg0p64-00385-00102447-00102725 true biblical fasting is before you can iVbltOg0p64-00386-00102726-00103033 do it right it's not what people would iVbltOg0p64-00387-00103034-00103226 call the Daniel fast really all they're iVbltOg0p64-00388-00103227-00103378 talking about this is the Daniel diet iVbltOg0p64-00389-00103379-00103574 they're saying oh well you know there's iVbltOg0p64-00390-00103575-00103969 plenty of vegetarians there's plenty of iVbltOg0p64-00391-00103970-00104174 vegetarians that have been fasting for iVbltOg0p64-00392-00104175-00104458 years in light of that they're not iVbltOg0p64-00393-00104459-00104707 eating any meat and they're not drinking iVbltOg0p64-00394-00104708-00105076 any you know Pleasant milk so they're iVbltOg0p64-00395-00105077-00105272 they've been fasting oh my goodness iVbltOg0p64-00396-00105273-00105476 vegetarians they're fasting they've been iVbltOg0p64-00397-00105477-00105926 fasting since the 60s not right enough iVbltOg0p64-00398-00105927-00105952 of that iVbltOg0p64-00399-00105953-00106217 I hope I'm getting this cross iVbltOg0p64-00400-00106218-00106454 so Dania said I fasted three four weeks iVbltOg0p64-00401-00106455-00107026 and we have long we have plenty of time iVbltOg0p64-00402-00107027-00107270 time allotment seen in the Bible we've iVbltOg0p64-00403-00107271-00107489 got the one day fast we've got the three iVbltOg0p64-00404-00107490-00107567 days fast iVbltOg0p64-00405-00107568-00107774 we got a ten day fast all these things iVbltOg0p64-00406-00107775-00108005 spoken about the vile Daniels 21-day iVbltOg0p64-00407-00108006-00108071 fast iVbltOg0p64-00408-00108072-00108323 we got Jesus is 40 if Jesus and Moses is iVbltOg0p64-00409-00108324-00108605 40 day fast for us what does that mean iVbltOg0p64-00410-00108606-00108920 for 40 days yeah that when the Sun went iVbltOg0p64-00411-00108921-00109151 down he ate Thanksgiving no that means iVbltOg0p64-00412-00109152-00109349 when the Sun went down he probably went iVbltOg0p64-00413-00109350-00109808 to bed right he didn't eat until the iVbltOg0p64-00414-00109808-00110134 thrill the forty days were over he iVbltOg0p64-00415-00110135-00110228 stopped eating iVbltOg0p64-00416-00110229-00110417 he drank as much water as he wanted and iVbltOg0p64-00417-00110418-00110606 he didn't eat until forty days were over iVbltOg0p64-00418-00110607-00110816 if it was 21-day fast he didn't eat till iVbltOg0p64-00419-00110817-00111211 the 21 days is over no wiggle room no no iVbltOg0p64-00420-00111213-00111409 because if you wiggle and order that's iVbltOg0p64-00421-00111410-00111586 we're gonna get two then you're going to iVbltOg0p64-00422-00111588-00111824 take away the benefits that come to you iVbltOg0p64-00423-00111825-00112100 through that period of rest there's iVbltOg0p64-00424-00112101-00112241 really what happens is your body your iVbltOg0p64-00425-00112242-00112558 whole your your internal system that's iVbltOg0p64-00426-00112559-00112745 used so much of our energy is used to iVbltOg0p64-00427-00112746-00113003 digest this food yours it's able to rest iVbltOg0p64-00428-00113004-00113144 and your body goes into this whole iVbltOg0p64-00429-00113145-00113438 different state anyway iVbltOg0p64-00430-00113439-00113819 fasting is not a diet fasting is the iVbltOg0p64-00431-00113820-00114116 cessation of eating any food for a iVbltOg0p64-00432-00114117-00114419 specific period of time no food zero iVbltOg0p64-00433-00114420-00114671 food the cessation of introducing iVbltOg0p64-00434-00114672-00114842 nutrients into your digestive tract iVbltOg0p64-00435-00114843-00115084 which means that your digestive tract iVbltOg0p64-00436-00115085-00115442 can enter a period of rest I hope you're iVbltOg0p64-00437-00115443-00115718 getting this fasting is not a diet iVbltOg0p64-00438-00115719-00116225 fasting is not calorie restriction it's iVbltOg0p64-00439-00116226-00116563 not just cutting out one kind of food oh iVbltOg0p64-00440-00116564-00116849 I'm fasting cuz I stopped eating iVbltOg0p64-00441-00116850-00117233 spaghetti it's like I said you know iVbltOg0p64-00442-00117233-00117476 that's not a biblical fast so it's not iVbltOg0p64-00443-00117477-00117665 dieting it's not calorie restriction iVbltOg0p64-00444-00117666-00117896 it's not one meal a day that's not iVbltOg0p64-00445-00117897-00118118 fasting that's eating one meal a day a iVbltOg0p64-00446-00118119-00118376 lot of people do that and I'm not trying iVbltOg0p64-00447-00118377-00118565 to be an idiot here I'm simply trying to iVbltOg0p64-00448-00118566-00118778 draw the line and what is a biblical iVbltOg0p64-00449-00118779-00119030 fast so we can follow the Bible and do iVbltOg0p64-00450-00119031-00119450 it God's Way and get God's results or iVbltOg0p64-00451-00119451-00119621 we can just come up with all these goofy iVbltOg0p64-00452-00119622-00119846 things and try to interpret it let we iVbltOg0p64-00453-00119847-00120208 can maybe you know eat lettuce if we iVbltOg0p64-00454-00120209-00120422 want to i'll show you and we'll get the iVbltOg0p64-00455-00120423-00120572 more we get this will make more sense as iVbltOg0p64-00456-00120573-00120758 we get into this but you need to really iVbltOg0p64-00457-00120758-00121094 enter a period of rest where your body iVbltOg0p64-00458-00121095-00121307 and your mind everything can just enter iVbltOg0p64-00459-00121308-00121697 into a completely different space and if iVbltOg0p64-00460-00121698-00121853 you don't do it that way then you won't iVbltOg0p64-00461-00121854-00122027 enter that place and you won't get the iVbltOg0p64-00462-00122028-00122508 benefits that God chose for you to have iVbltOg0p64-00463-00122509-00122777 Hebrews chapter four and let's look at iVbltOg0p64-00464-00122778-00123431 verse 11 let us labor therefore to enter iVbltOg0p64-00465-00123432-00124013 into that rest lest any man fall after iVbltOg0p64-00466-00124014-00124261 the same example of unbelief now I get iVbltOg0p64-00467-00124263-00124550 it he's talking here about entering iVbltOg0p64-00468-00124551-00124763 laboring to enter into a place of faith iVbltOg0p64-00469-00124764-00125152 well part of our faith now part of our iVbltOg0p64-00470-00125153-00125458 the way we walk with God in the earth iVbltOg0p64-00471-00125459-00125669 today it one of those things those iVbltOg0p64-00472-00125670-00125986 disciplines is fasting and it's a labor iVbltOg0p64-00473-00125988-00126197 it's work it's something you have to iVbltOg0p64-00474-00126198-00126407 strive for it's nothing that just iVbltOg0p64-00475-00126408-00126725 happens labor doesn't just happen it's iVbltOg0p64-00476-00126726-00127046 something you have to work at you can iVbltOg0p64-00477-00127047-00127298 get better at it but it doesn't just iVbltOg0p64-00478-00127299-00127745 happen let us labor or work or strive to iVbltOg0p64-00479-00127746-00128108 enter into that rest that rest that I'm iVbltOg0p64-00480-00128108-00128335 talking about here is that rest that iVbltOg0p64-00481-00128336-00128659 your physical body enters into when you iVbltOg0p64-00482-00128660-00128983 stop feeding it food and there's names iVbltOg0p64-00483-00128984-00129176 for that and there you get open to iVbltOg0p64-00484-00129177-00129422 rewards that you don't get if you don't iVbltOg0p64-00485-00129423-00129755 enter into that rest that's the problem iVbltOg0p64-00486-00129756-00130082 with reintroducing food every day is iVbltOg0p64-00487-00130083-00130394 your body never able is able to go into iVbltOg0p64-00488-00130395-00130715 that place of rest and what it does is iVbltOg0p64-00489-00130716-00131078 your body begins to now convert waste in iVbltOg0p64-00490-00131079-00131390 your body your body begins to burn up iVbltOg0p64-00491-00131391-00132062 toxins damaged cells old cells fat iVbltOg0p64-00492-00132063-00132401 stores it begins to take those kind of iVbltOg0p64-00493-00132402-00132667 things and convert them into ketones iVbltOg0p64-00494-00132668-00132839 when does that happen iVbltOg0p64-00495-00132840-00133076 happens about about the second at the iVbltOg0p64-00496-00133077-00133225 end of the second day for women iVbltOg0p64-00497-00133226-00133496 generally and about the third day for iVbltOg0p64-00498-00133497-00133772 men that your body transitions over from iVbltOg0p64-00499-00133773-00133988 from using up the glucose in the food iVbltOg0p64-00500-00133989-00134285 that you've been eating and then it iVbltOg0p64-00501-00134286-00134588 begins to convert on that third day to iVbltOg0p64-00502-00134589-00134858 where your body's producing ketones and iVbltOg0p64-00503-00134859-00135332 you're in a state of ketosis that means iVbltOg0p64-00504-00135333-00135676 your body's no longer using that giant iVbltOg0p64-00505-00135677-00135998 intestinal system that it uses to iVbltOg0p64-00506-00135999-00136256 produce to to take food and and get iVbltOg0p64-00507-00136257-00136451 glucose out of your food that just iVbltOg0p64-00508-00136452-00136727 completely shuts down and then your body iVbltOg0p64-00509-00136728-00137027 begins to metabolize all of those those iVbltOg0p64-00510-00137028-00137339 bad things those toxins those damaged iVbltOg0p64-00511-00137340-00137696 cells it even begins to eat plaque iVbltOg0p64-00512-00137697-00138071 that's in your arteries which is why iVbltOg0p64-00513-00138072-00138347 most people almost died in all the iVbltOg0p64-00514-00138348-00138554 studies all the medical studies almost a iVbltOg0p64-00515-00138555-00138755 hundred percent of the people had their iVbltOg0p64-00516-00138756-00139022 blood pressure normalized at the end of iVbltOg0p64-00517-00139023-00139433 the fast God has a method for every iVbltOg0p64-00518-00139434-00139610 single person to have their blood iVbltOg0p64-00519-00139611-00139832 pressure lowered and normal to where iVbltOg0p64-00520-00139833-00140015 they don't need any more medication for iVbltOg0p64-00521-00140016-00140183 their blood pressure and it's called iVbltOg0p64-00522-00140184-00140414 fasting but they need to enter into iVbltOg0p64-00523-00140415-00140690 ketosis at the end of the third day and iVbltOg0p64-00524-00140691-00140951 then stay there until their body has iVbltOg0p64-00525-00140952-00141242 enough time to rid themselves of all iVbltOg0p64-00526-00141243-00141536 that waste and garbage this is God's iVbltOg0p64-00527-00141537-00141770 method if this is where you start to iVbltOg0p64-00528-00141771-00142136 reap the open rewards of fasting which iVbltOg0p64-00529-00142137-00142436 is God's method he built it into you you iVbltOg0p64-00530-00142437-00142649 just have to partake of it that's one of iVbltOg0p64-00531-00142650-00142793 the one of the reasons why I said early iVbltOg0p64-00532-00142794-00143099 on this is like a catch-all I mean iVbltOg0p64-00533-00143100-00143285 there's so many things that that happens iVbltOg0p64-00534-00143286-00143585 during this fast and one of them is the iVbltOg0p64-00535-00143586-00143801 mixture your health spring forth iVbltOg0p64-00536-00143802-00144146 speedily anyway so he begins to clean iVbltOg0p64-00537-00144147-00144401 house now remember your body is not just iVbltOg0p64-00538-00144402-00144611 your body it's the temple of the Holy iVbltOg0p64-00539-00144612-00144803 Ghost it's one of the reasons that he iVbltOg0p64-00540-00144804-00145061 chose this method because he's wants to iVbltOg0p64-00541-00145062-00145433 clean house clean up his house get rid iVbltOg0p64-00542-00145434-00145670 of the toxin get rid of all the poison iVbltOg0p64-00543-00145671-00145928 and then your body can be renewed to iVbltOg0p64-00544-00145929-00146035 your youth is iVbltOg0p64-00545-00146036-00146323 renewed and God can have a a really good iVbltOg0p64-00546-00146324-00146599 clean renewed body that he can live in iVbltOg0p64-00547-00146600-00146725 we'll get it more to this next week iVbltOg0p64-00548-00146726-00146923 thank you for listening and god bless iVbltOg0p64-00549-00146924-00146959 you iVbltOg0p64-00550-00146960-00147091 let me pray for your Holy Ghost thank iVbltOg0p64-00551-00147092-00147262 you these people are beginning to iVbltOg0p64-00552-00147263-00147445 lighten up and things are beginning to iVbltOg0p64-00553-00147446-00147601 happen to them and they're beginning to iVbltOg0p64-00554-00147602-00147816 have a great desire to learn about the iVbltOg0p64-00555-00147817-00148089 fast and then they can go on fasts of iVbltOg0p64-00556-00148090-00148396 three days and ten days and even some iVbltOg0p64-00557-00148397-00148621 people 21 days and see the great and iVbltOg0p64-00558-00148622-00148873 glorious benefits that God has chosen iVbltOg0p64-00559-00148874-00149125 for them to live in be blessed in Jesus iVbltOg0p64-00560-00149126-00149314 name iVbltOg0p64-00561-00149315-00149634 [Music] iVbltOg0p64-00562-00149635-00150814 Oh God today Oh God iVbltOg0p64-00563-00150815-00151061 [Music] 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iXdA0zDrD2y-00004-00001013-00001331 natural or man-made every system is iXdA0zDrD2y-00005-00001332-00001535 delineated by its spatial and temporal iXdA0zDrD2y-00006-00001536-00001793 boundaries surrounded and influenced by iXdA0zDrD2y-00007-00001794-00001993 its environment described by its iXdA0zDrD2y-00008-00001994-00002185 structure and purpose or nature and iXdA0zDrD2y-00009-00002186-00002489 expressed in its functioning in terms of iXdA0zDrD2y-00010-00002490-00002708 its effects a system can be more than iXdA0zDrD2y-00011-00002709-00002902 the sum of its parts if it expresses iXdA0zDrD2y-00012-00002903-00003224 synergy or emergent behavior changing iXdA0zDrD2y-00013-00003225-00003449 one part of the system usually effects iXdA0zDrD2y-00014-00003450-00003644 other parts in the whole system with iXdA0zDrD2y-00015-00003645-00003931 predictable patterns of behavior for iXdA0zDrD2y-00016-00003932-00004129 systems that are self learning and self iXdA0zDrD2y-00017-00004130-00004340 adapting the positive growth and iXdA0zDrD2y-00018-00004341-00004568 adaptation depend upon how well the iXdA0zDrD2y-00019-00004569-00004806 system is adjusted with its environment iXdA0zDrD2y-00020-00004807-00005086 some systems function mainly to support iXdA0zDrD2y-00021-00005087-00005272 other systems by aiding in the iXdA0zDrD2y-00022-00005273-00005450 maintenance of the other system to iXdA0zDrD2y-00023-00005451-00005738 prevent failure the goal of Systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00024-00005739-00005966 Theory is systematically discovering a iXdA0zDrD2y-00025-00005967-00006281 systems dynamics constraints conditions iXdA0zDrD2y-00026-00006282-00006511 and elucidating principles purpose iXdA0zDrD2y-00027-00006512-00006898 measure methods tools etc that can be iXdA0zDrD2y-00028-00006900-00007081 discerned and applied to systems at iXdA0zDrD2y-00029-00007083-00007295 every level of nesting and in every iXdA0zDrD2y-00030-00007295-00007489 field for achieving optimized equal iXdA0zDrD2y-00031-00007490-00007745 finality general Systems Theory is about iXdA0zDrD2y-00032-00007745-00007945 broadly applicable concepts and iXdA0zDrD2y-00033-00007947-00008192 principles as opposed to concepts and iXdA0zDrD2y-00034-00008193-00008417 principles applicable to one domain of iXdA0zDrD2y-00035-00008418-00008738 knowledge it distinguishes dynamic or iXdA0zDrD2y-00036-00008739-00008974 active systems from static or passive iXdA0zDrD2y-00037-00008975-00009260 systems active systems or activity iXdA0zDrD2y-00038-00009261-00009460 structures or components that interact iXdA0zDrD2y-00039-00009461-00009778 in behaviors and processes passive iXdA0zDrD2y-00040-00009779-00009985 systems are structures and components iXdA0zDrD2y-00041-00009986-00010298 that are being processed eg a program is iXdA0zDrD2y-00042-00010299-00010499 passive when it is a disk file and iXdA0zDrD2y-00043-00010500-00010796 active when it runs in memory the field iXdA0zDrD2y-00044-00010797-00010991 is related to systems thinking and iXdA0zDrD2y-00045-00010992-00011596 systems engineering iXdA0zDrD2y-00046-00011597-00012020 topic key concepts iXdA0zDrD2y-00047-00012021-00012214 you iXdA0zDrD2y-00048-00012215-00012506 system an organized entity made up of iXdA0zDrD2y-00049-00012507-00012802 interrelated and interdependent parts iXdA0zDrD2y-00050-00012803-00013102 boundaries barriers that define a system iXdA0zDrD2y-00051-00013103-00013310 and distinguish it from other systems in iXdA0zDrD2y-00052-00013311-00013715 the environment homeostasis the tendency iXdA0zDrD2y-00053-00013716-00013904 of a system to be resilient towards iXdA0zDrD2y-00054-00013905-00014132 external factors and maintain its key iXdA0zDrD2y-00055-00014133-00014343 characteristics iXdA0zDrD2y-00056-00014344-00014587 adaptation the tendency of a self iXdA0zDrD2y-00057-00014588-00014785 adapting system to make the internal iXdA0zDrD2y-00058-00014786-00015001 changes needed to protect itself and iXdA0zDrD2y-00059-00015002-00015352 keep fulfilling its purpose reciprocal iXdA0zDrD2y-00060-00015353-00015607 transactions circular or cyclically iXdA0zDrD2y-00061-00015608-00015844 interactions that systems engage in such iXdA0zDrD2y-00062-00015844-00016147 that they influence one another feedback iXdA0zDrD2y-00063-00016147-00016399 loop the process by which systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00064-00016400-00016615 self-correct based on reactions from iXdA0zDrD2y-00065-00016616-00016878 other systems in the environment iXdA0zDrD2y-00066-00016879-00017152 throughput rate of energy transfer iXdA0zDrD2y-00067-00017153-00017284 between the system and its environment iXdA0zDrD2y-00068-00017285-00017668 during the time it is functioning micro iXdA0zDrD2y-00069-00017669-00017994 system the system closest to the client iXdA0zDrD2y-00070-00017995-00018268 mesosystem relationships among the iXdA0zDrD2y-00071-00018269-00018637 systems in an environment EXO system a iXdA0zDrD2y-00072-00018638-00018868 relationship between two systems that iXdA0zDrD2y-00073-00018869-00019169 has an indirect effect on a third system iXdA0zDrD2y-00074-00019170-00019453 macro system a larger system that iXdA0zDrD2y-00075-00019454-00019725 influences clients such as policies iXdA0zDrD2y-00076-00019726-00019957 administration of entitlement programs iXdA0zDrD2y-00077-00019958-00020338 and culture Crono system a system iXdA0zDrD2y-00078-00020339-00020563 composed of significant life events that iXdA0zDrD2y-00079-00020564-00021216 can affect adaptation iXdA0zDrD2y-00080-00021217-00021814 topic origin of the term iXdA0zDrD2y-00081-00021815-00022155 the term general Systems Theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00082-00022156-00022408 originates from bertalanffy Cyril iXdA0zDrD2y-00083-00022409-00022747 systems theory GST his ideas were iXdA0zDrD2y-00084-00022748-00022972 adopted by others including Kenneth E iXdA0zDrD2y-00085-00022973-00023239 bolding William Ross Ashby and Anatol iXdA0zDrD2y-00086-00023240-00023453 Rapoport working in mathematics iXdA0zDrD2y-00087-00023454-00023752 psychology biology game theory and iXdA0zDrD2y-00088-00023753-00024160 social network analysis sociological iXdA0zDrD2y-00089-00024161-00024391 systems thinking started earlier in the iXdA0zDrD2y-00090-00024392-00024925 19th century stich way states since its iXdA0zDrD2y-00091-00024926-00025168 beginnings the social sciences were an iXdA0zDrD2y-00092-00025169-00025390 important part of the establishment of iXdA0zDrD2y-00093-00025391-00025642 Systems Theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00094-00025643-00025942 the two most influential suggestions iXdA0zDrD2y-00095-00025943-00026187 were the comprehensive sociological iXdA0zDrD2y-00096-00026188-00026410 versions of Systems Theory which were iXdA0zDrD2y-00097-00026411-00026670 proposed by Talcott Parsons since the iXdA0zDrD2y-00098-00026670-00026982 1950s and by niklas lemons since the iXdA0zDrD2y-00099-00026983-00027433 1970s references include Parsons action iXdA0zDrD2y-00100-00027433-00028158 theory and lemons social systems theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00101-00028158-00028714 topic overview iXdA0zDrD2y-00102-00028714-00028976 contemporary ideas from Systems Theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00103-00028977-00029168 have grown with diverse areas iXdA0zDrD2y-00104-00029169-00029420 exemplified by the work of biologist iXdA0zDrD2y-00105-00029420-00029695 ludwig von bertalanffy linguist bela h iXdA0zDrD2y-00106-00029697-00029986 banoffee sociologist talcott parsons iXdA0zDrD2y-00107-00029987-00030257 ecological systems with Howard T Odum iXdA0zDrD2y-00108-00030258-00030489 Eugen Odom and Fritjof Capra iXdA0zDrD2y-00109-00030491-00030713 organizational theory and management iXdA0zDrD2y-00110-00030714-00030958 with individuals such as Peter Senge iXdA0zDrD2y-00111-00030958-00031193 interdisciplinary study with areas like iXdA0zDrD2y-00112-00031194-00031406 human resource development from the work iXdA0zDrD2y-00113-00031407-00031652 of Richard a Swanson and insights from iXdA0zDrD2y-00114-00031652-00031864 educators such as Deborah Hammond and iXdA0zDrD2y-00115-00031866-00032245 Alfonso Montori as a transdisciplinary iXdA0zDrD2y-00116-00032245-00032435 interdisciplinary and multi-perspective iXdA0zDrD2y-00117-00032436-00032657 all domain the area brings together iXdA0zDrD2y-00118-00032658-00032917 principles and concepts from ontology iXdA0zDrD2y-00119-00032918-00033221 philosophy of science physics computer iXdA0zDrD2y-00120-00033222-00033485 science biology and engineering as well iXdA0zDrD2y-00121-00033486-00033874 as geography sociology political science iXdA0zDrD2y-00122-00033875-00034103 psychotherapy with in family systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00123-00034104-00034402 therapy and economics among others iXdA0zDrD2y-00124-00034403-00034661 Systems Theory thus serves as a bridge iXdA0zDrD2y-00125-00034662-00034871 for interdisciplinary dialogue between iXdA0zDrD2y-00126-00034872-00035117 autonomous areas of study as well as iXdA0zDrD2y-00127-00035118-00035312 within the area of systems science iXdA0zDrD2y-00128-00035313-00035636 itself in this respect with the iXdA0zDrD2y-00129-00035637-00035888 possibility of misinterpretations von iXdA0zDrD2y-00130-00035889-00036107 bertalanffy believed a general theory of iXdA0zDrD2y-00131-00036108-00036395 systems should be an important regulate iXdA0zDrD2y-00132-00036396-00036728 of device in science to guard against iXdA0zDrD2y-00133-00036729-00037004 superficial analogies that are useless iXdA0zDrD2y-00134-00037005-00037214 in science and harmful in their iXdA0zDrD2y-00135-00037215-00037547 practical consequences others remain iXdA0zDrD2y-00136-00037548-00037805 closer to the direct systems concepts iXdA0zDrD2y-00137-00037806-00038135 developed by the original theorists for iXdA0zDrD2y-00138-00038136-00038327 example Ilya Prigogine iXdA0zDrD2y-00139-00038328-00038522 of the Center for complex quantum iXdA0zDrD2y-00140-00038523-00038714 systems at the University of Texas iXdA0zDrD2y-00141-00038715-00039005 Austin has studied emergent properties iXdA0zDrD2y-00142-00039006-00039233 suggesting that they offer analogs for iXdA0zDrD2y-00143-00039234-00039527 living systems the theories of Otto iXdA0zDrD2y-00144-00039528-00039791 poiesis of Francisco Varela and Humberto iXdA0zDrD2y-00145-00039792-00040031 Maturana represent further developments iXdA0zDrD2y-00146-00040032-00040307 in this field important names in iXdA0zDrD2y-00147-00040308-00040526 contemporary systems science include iXdA0zDrD2y-00148-00040527-00040823 Russell akov Rosanna beachy Bela H iXdA0zDrD2y-00149-00040824-00041093 banoffee Gregory Badis an Anthony iXdA0zDrD2y-00150-00041094-00041345 Stafford beer peter checkland barbara iXdA0zDrD2y-00151-00041346-00041690 gross brian wilson robert L flood Elena iXdA0zDrD2y-00152-00041691-00041750 Leonard iXdA0zDrD2y-00153-00041751-00042038 Radhika Nagpal Fritjof Capra iXdA0zDrD2y-00154-00042039-00042308 in McCulloch Kathleen Carly Michael C iXdA0zDrD2y-00155-00042309-00042575 Jackson Katya Sakura and Edgar Morin iXdA0zDrD2y-00156-00042576-00042926 among others with the modern foundations iXdA0zDrD2y-00157-00042927-00043100 for a general theory of systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00158-00043101-00043379 following World War one Ervin Laszlo in iXdA0zDrD2y-00159-00043380-00043562 the preface for bertalanffy book iXdA0zDrD2y-00160-00043563-00043802 perspectives on general system theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00161-00043803-00044006 points out that the translation of iXdA0zDrD2y-00162-00044007-00044360 general Systems Theory from German into iXdA0zDrD2y-00163-00044361-00044636 English has write a certain amount of iXdA0zDrD2y-00164-00044637-00044818 havoc iXdA0zDrD2y-00165-00044819-00045091 it general system theory was criticized iXdA0zDrD2y-00166-00045092-00045313 as pseudoscience and said to be nothing iXdA0zDrD2y-00167-00045314-00045514 more than an admonishment to attend to iXdA0zDrD2y-00168-00045515-00045859 things in a holistic way such criticisms iXdA0zDrD2y-00169-00045860-00046018 would have lost their point had it been iXdA0zDrD2y-00170-00046019-00046255 recognized that von bertalanffy general iXdA0zDrD2y-00171-00046256-00046453 system theory as a perspective or iXdA0zDrD2y-00172-00046454-00046699 paradigm and that such basic conceptual iXdA0zDrD2y-00173-00046700-00046888 frameworks play a key role in the iXdA0zDrD2y-00174-00046889-00047151 development of exact scientific theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00175-00047152-00047458 alga - system theory is not directly iXdA0zDrD2y-00176-00047459-00047683 consistent with an interpretation often iXdA0zDrD2y-00177-00047684-00047953 put on general system theory to wit that iXdA0zDrD2y-00178-00047954-00048253 it is a scientific theory of general iXdA0zDrD2y-00179-00048254-00048571 systems to criticize it as such as to iXdA0zDrD2y-00180-00048572-00048790 shoot at straw men von bertalanffy iXdA0zDrD2y-00181-00048791-00049027 opened up something much broader and of iXdA0zDrD2y-00182-00049028-00049243 much greater significance than a single iXdA0zDrD2y-00183-00049244-00049510 theory which as we now know can always iXdA0zDrD2y-00184-00049511-00049708 be falsified and has usually an iXdA0zDrD2y-00185-00049709-00049945 ephemeral existence he created a new iXdA0zDrD2y-00186-00049946-00050155 paradigm for the development of theories iXdA0zDrD2y-00187-00050156-00050748 theory or Blair just as Wissenschaft iXdA0zDrD2y-00188-00050749-00051025 translated scholarship has a much iXdA0zDrD2y-00189-00051026-00051223 broader meaning in German than the iXdA0zDrD2y-00190-00051224-00051636 closest English words theory and science iXdA0zDrD2y-00191-00051637-00051958 these ideas refer to an organized body iXdA0zDrD2y-00192-00051959-00052230 of knowledge and any systematically iXdA0zDrD2y-00193-00052232-00052477 presented set of concepts whether iXdA0zDrD2y-00194-00052478-00052773 empirically axiomatically or iXdA0zDrD2y-00195-00052774-00053134 philosophically represented while many iXdA0zDrD2y-00196-00053135-00053497 associate layer with theory and science iXdA0zDrD2y-00197-00053498-00053707 in the etymology of general systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00198-00053708-00053914 though it also does not translate from iXdA0zDrD2y-00199-00053915-00054199 the German very well its closest iXdA0zDrD2y-00200-00054200-00054636 equivalent translates as teaching but iXdA0zDrD2y-00201-00054637-00055039 sounds dogmatic and off the mark while iXdA0zDrD2y-00202-00055040-00055339 the idea of a general Systems Theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00203-00055340-00055576 might have lost many of its root iXdA0zDrD2y-00204-00055577-00055807 meanings in the translation by defining iXdA0zDrD2y-00205-00055808-00056032 a new way of thinking about science and iXdA0zDrD2y-00206-00056033-00056287 scientific paradigms Systems Theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00207-00056288-00056485 became a widespread term used for iXdA0zDrD2y-00208-00056486-00056710 instance to describe the interdependence iXdA0zDrD2y-00209-00056711-00056880 of relationships created in iXdA0zDrD2y-00210-00056882-00057244 organizations a system in this frame of iXdA0zDrD2y-00211-00057245-00057429 reference can contain regularly iXdA0zDrD2y-00212-00057430-00057652 interacting or interrelating groups of iXdA0zDrD2y-00213-00057653-00057966 activities for example in noting the iXdA0zDrD2y-00214-00057967-00058210 influence in organizational psychology iXdA0zDrD2y-00215-00058211-00058395 as the field evolved from an iXdA0zDrD2y-00216-00058396-00058651 individually oriented industrial iXdA0zDrD2y-00217-00058652-00058858 psychology to a systems and iXdA0zDrD2y-00218-00058859-00059134 developmentally oriented organizational iXdA0zDrD2y-00219-00059135-00059505 psychology some theorists recognize that iXdA0zDrD2y-00220-00059507-00059713 organizations have complex social iXdA0zDrD2y-00221-00059714-00059944 systems separating the parts from the iXdA0zDrD2y-00222-00059945-00060145 whole reduces the overall effectiveness iXdA0zDrD2y-00223-00060146-00060484 of organizations this difference from iXdA0zDrD2y-00224-00060485-00060670 conventional models that Center on iXdA0zDrD2y-00225-00060671-00060961 individuals structures departments and iXdA0zDrD2y-00226-00060962-00061183 units separates in part from the whole iXdA0zDrD2y-00227-00061184-00061348 instead of recognizing the iXdA0zDrD2y-00228-00061349-00061530 interdependence between groups of iXdA0zDrD2y-00229-00061532-00061738 individuals structures and processes iXdA0zDrD2y-00230-00061739-00062037 that enable an organization to function iXdA0zDrD2y-00231-00062038-00062304 lászló explains that the new systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00232-00062305-00062587 view of organized complexity went one iXdA0zDrD2y-00233-00062588-00062815 step beyond the Newtonian view of iXdA0zDrD2y-00234-00062816-00063129 organized simplicity which reduced the iXdA0zDrD2y-00235-00063130-00063328 parts from the whole or understood the iXdA0zDrD2y-00236-00063329-00063619 whole without relation to the parts the iXdA0zDrD2y-00237-00063620-00063838 relationship between organizations and iXdA0zDrD2y-00238-00063839-00064024 their environments can be seen as the iXdA0zDrD2y-00239-00064025-00064216 foremost source of complexity and iXdA0zDrD2y-00240-00064216-00064558 interdependence in most cases the whole iXdA0zDrD2y-00241-00064559-00064771 has properties that cannot be known from iXdA0zDrD2y-00242-00064772-00065004 analysis of the constituent elements in iXdA0zDrD2y-00243-00065005-00065379 isolation bela h panneti who argued iXdA0zDrD2y-00244-00065380-00065617 along with the founders of the system iXdA0zDrD2y-00245-00065618-00066013 society that the benefit of humankind is iXdA0zDrD2y-00246-00066014-00066256 the purpose of science has made iXdA0zDrD2y-00247-00066257-00066405 significant and far-reaching iXdA0zDrD2y-00248-00066406-00066619 contributions to the area of systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00249-00066620-00066976 theory for the primer group at ISS s iXdA0zDrD2y-00250-00066977-00067189 banoffee defines a perspective that iXdA0zDrD2y-00251-00067190-00067528 iterates this view the system's view as iXdA0zDrD2y-00252-00067529-00067708 a worldview that is based on the iXdA0zDrD2y-00253-00067709-00068017 discipline of system inquiry central to iXdA0zDrD2y-00254-00068018-00068263 systems inquiry as the concept of system iXdA0zDrD2y-00255-00068264-00068569 in the most general sense system means a iXdA0zDrD2y-00256-00068570-00068779 configuration of parts connected and iXdA0zDrD2y-00257-00068780-00068926 joined together by a web of iXdA0zDrD2y-00258-00068927-00069247 relationships the primer group defines iXdA0zDrD2y-00259-00069248-00069460 system as a family of relationships iXdA0zDrD2y-00260-00069461-00069751 among the members acting as a whole von iXdA0zDrD2y-00261-00069752-00070060 bertalanffy defines system as elements iXdA0zDrD2y-00262-00070061-00070474 in standing relationship similar ideas iXdA0zDrD2y-00263-00070475-00070642 are found in learning theories that iXdA0zDrD2y-00264-00070643-00070819 developed from the same fundamental iXdA0zDrD2y-00265-00070820-00071047 concepts emphasizing how understanding iXdA0zDrD2y-00266-00071048-00071302 results from knowing concepts both in iXdA0zDrD2y-00267-00071303-00071494 part and as a whole iXdA0zDrD2y-00268-00071495-00071704 in fact bertalanffy organismic iXdA0zDrD2y-00269-00071705-00071907 psychology paralleled the learning iXdA0zDrD2y-00270-00071908-00072225 theory of Jean Piaget some consider iXdA0zDrD2y-00271-00072226-00072454 interdisciplinary perspectives critical iXdA0zDrD2y-00272-00072455-00072649 in breaking away from Industrial Age iXdA0zDrD2y-00273-00072650-00072871 models and thinking where in history iXdA0zDrD2y-00274-00072872-00073096 represents history and math represents iXdA0zDrD2y-00275-00073097-00073291 math while the Arts and Sciences iXdA0zDrD2y-00276-00073292-00073512 specialization remains separate and many iXdA0zDrD2y-00277-00073513-00073690 treat teaching as behaviorist iXdA0zDrD2y-00278-00073691-00073978 conditioning the contemporary work of iXdA0zDrD2y-00279-00073979-00074218 Peter Senge provides detailed discussion iXdA0zDrD2y-00280-00074219-00074368 of the commonplace critique of iXdA0zDrD2y-00281-00074369-00074562 educational systems grounded in iXdA0zDrD2y-00282-00074563-00074730 conventional assumptions about learning iXdA0zDrD2y-00283-00074731-00074982 including the problems with fragmented iXdA0zDrD2y-00284-00074983-00075184 knowledge and lack of holistic learning iXdA0zDrD2y-00285-00075185-00075481 from the Machine Age thinking that iXdA0zDrD2y-00286-00075482-00075799 became a model of school separated from iXdA0zDrD2y-00287-00075800-00076131 daily life in this way some systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00288-00076132-00076281 theorists attempt to provide iXdA0zDrD2y-00289-00076282-00076549 alternatives to and evolved ideation iXdA0zDrD2y-00290-00076550-00076731 from Orthodox theories which have iXdA0zDrD2y-00291-00076732-00076921 grounds in classical assumptions iXdA0zDrD2y-00292-00076922-00077181 including individuals such as Max Weber iXdA0zDrD2y-00293-00077182-00077422 and Emile Durkheim in sociology and iXdA0zDrD2y-00294-00077423-00077659 Frederick Winslow Taylor in scientific iXdA0zDrD2y-00295-00077660-00077976 management the theorists at holistic iXdA0zDrD2y-00296-00077977-00078223 methods by developing systems concepts iXdA0zDrD2y-00297-00078224-00078385 that could integrate with different iXdA0zDrD2y-00298-00078386-00078730 areas some may view the contradiction of iXdA0zDrD2y-00299-00078731-00078943 reductionism in conventional theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00300-00078944-00079174 which has is its subject a single part iXdA0zDrD2y-00301-00079175-00079381 as simply an example of changing iXdA0zDrD2y-00302-00079382-00079690 assumptions the emphasis with Systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00303-00079691-00079867 Theory shifts from parts to the iXdA0zDrD2y-00304-00079868-00080104 organization of parts recognizing iXdA0zDrD2y-00305-00080105-00080329 interactions of the parts is not static iXdA0zDrD2y-00306-00080330-00080674 and constant but dynamic processes some iXdA0zDrD2y-00307-00080675-00080848 questioned the conventional closed iXdA0zDrD2y-00308-00080849-00081037 systems with the development of open iXdA0zDrD2y-00309-00081038-00081316 systems perspectives the shift iXdA0zDrD2y-00310-00081317-00081562 originated from absolute and universal iXdA0zDrD2y-00311-00081563-00081760 authoritative principles and knowledge iXdA0zDrD2y-00312-00081761-00081985 to relative and general conceptual and iXdA0zDrD2y-00313-00081986-00082186 perceptual knowledge and still remains iXdA0zDrD2y-00314-00082187-00082354 in the tradition of theorists that iXdA0zDrD2y-00315-00082355-00082500 sought to provide means to organize iXdA0zDrD2y-00316-00082501-00082642 human life iXdA0zDrD2y-00317-00082643-00082932 in other words theorists rethought the iXdA0zDrD2y-00318-00082933-00083169 preceding history of ideas they did not iXdA0zDrD2y-00319-00083170-00083271 lose them iXdA0zDrD2y-00320-00083272-00083512 mechanistic thinking was particularly iXdA0zDrD2y-00321-00083513-00083767 critiqued especially the Industrial Age iXdA0zDrD2y-00322-00083768-00083980 mechanistic metaphor for the mind from iXdA0zDrD2y-00323-00083981-00084166 interpretations of Newtonian mechanics iXdA0zDrD2y-00324-00084167-00084423 by enlightenment philosophers and later iXdA0zDrD2y-00325-00084424-00084651 psychologists that laid the foundations iXdA0zDrD2y-00326-00084652-00084872 of modern organizational theory and iXdA0zDrD2y-00327-00084873-00085606 management by the late 19th century iXdA0zDrD2y-00328-00085607-00086629 topic examples of applications iXdA0zDrD2y-00329-00086630-00087054 topic system dynamics iXdA0zDrD2y-00330-00087055-00087239 you iXdA0zDrD2y-00331-00087240-00087488 system dynamics as an approach to iXdA0zDrD2y-00332-00087489-00087695 understanding the nonlinear behavior of iXdA0zDrD2y-00333-00087696-00087944 complex systems over time using stocks iXdA0zDrD2y-00334-00087945-00088256 flows internal feedback loops and time iXdA0zDrD2y-00335-00088257-00088805 delays iXdA0zDrD2y-00336-00088806-00089243 topic systems biology iXdA0zDrD2y-00337-00089244-00089423 you iXdA0zDrD2y-00338-00089424-00089707 systems biology as a movement that draws iXdA0zDrD2y-00339-00089708-00090036 on several trends in bioscience research iXdA0zDrD2y-00340-00090037-00090337 proponents describe systems biology as a iXdA0zDrD2y-00341-00090338-00090596 biology based interdisciplinary study iXdA0zDrD2y-00342-00090597-00090791 field that focuses on complex iXdA0zDrD2y-00343-00090792-00091018 interactions in biological systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00344-00091019-00091216 claiming that it uses a new perspective iXdA0zDrD2y-00345-00091217-00091535 holism instead of reduction particularly iXdA0zDrD2y-00346-00091536-00091754 from the year 2000 onwards the iXdA0zDrD2y-00347-00091755-00091999 Biosciences use the term widely and in a iXdA0zDrD2y-00348-00092000-00092326 variety of contexts an often stated iXdA0zDrD2y-00349-00092327-00092557 ambition of systems biology as the iXdA0zDrD2y-00350-00092558-00092747 modeling and discovery of emergent iXdA0zDrD2y-00351-00092748-00092950 properties which represents properties iXdA0zDrD2y-00352-00092951-00093118 of a system whose theoretical iXdA0zDrD2y-00353-00093119-00093341 description requires the only possible iXdA0zDrD2y-00354-00093342-00093529 useful techniques to fall under the iXdA0zDrD2y-00355-00093530-00093841 remit of systems biology it is thought iXdA0zDrD2y-00356-00093842-00094048 that ludwig von bertalanffy may have iXdA0zDrD2y-00357-00094049-00094899 created the term systems biology in 1928 iXdA0zDrD2y-00358-00094900-00095318 topic systems ecology iXdA0zDrD2y-00359-00095319-00095502 you iXdA0zDrD2y-00360-00095503-00095748 systems ecology as an interdisciplinary iXdA0zDrD2y-00361-00095749-00096027 field of ecology a subset of Earth iXdA0zDrD2y-00362-00096028-00096243 System science that takes a holistic iXdA0zDrD2y-00363-00096244-00096468 approach to the study of ecological iXdA0zDrD2y-00364-00096469-00096849 systems especially ecosystems systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00365-00096850-00097098 ecology can be seen as an application of iXdA0zDrD2y-00366-00097099-00097373 general Systems Theory to ecology iXdA0zDrD2y-00367-00097374-00097656 central to the systems ecology approach iXdA0zDrD2y-00368-00097657-00097875 is the idea that an ecosystem as a iXdA0zDrD2y-00369-00097876-00098094 complex system exhibiting emergent iXdA0zDrD2y-00370-00098095-00098448 properties systems ecology focuses on iXdA0zDrD2y-00371-00098449-00098676 interactions and transactions within and iXdA0zDrD2y-00372-00098677-00098838 between biological and ecological iXdA0zDrD2y-00373-00098839-00099132 systems and is especially concerned with iXdA0zDrD2y-00374-00099133-00099276 the way the functioning of ecosystems iXdA0zDrD2y-00375-00099277-00099572 can be influenced by human interventions iXdA0zDrD2y-00376-00099573-00099893 it uses and extends concepts from iXdA0zDrD2y-00377-00099894-00100089 thermodynamics and develops other iXdA0zDrD2y-00378-00100090-00100323 macroscopic descriptions of complex iXdA0zDrD2y-00379-00100324-00100876 systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00380-00100877-00101307 topic systems engineering iXdA0zDrD2y-00381-00101308-00101478 you iXdA0zDrD2y-00382-00101479-00101683 systems engineering is an iXdA0zDrD2y-00383-00101684-00101902 interdisciplinary approach and means for iXdA0zDrD2y-00384-00101903-00102097 enabling the realization and deployment iXdA0zDrD2y-00385-00102098-00102418 of successful systems it can be viewed iXdA0zDrD2y-00386-00102419-00102556 as the application of engineering iXdA0zDrD2y-00387-00102557-00102766 techniques to the engineering of systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00388-00102767-00103051 as well as the application of a systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00389-00103052-00103381 approach to engineering efforts systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00390-00103382-00103603 engineering integrates other disciplines iXdA0zDrD2y-00391-00103604-00103809 and specialty groups into a team effort iXdA0zDrD2y-00392-00103810-00104068 forming a structured development process iXdA0zDrD2y-00393-00104069-00104257 that proceeds from concept to production iXdA0zDrD2y-00394-00104258-00104602 to operation and disposal systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00395-00104603-00104818 engineering considers both the business iXdA0zDrD2y-00396-00104819-00105025 and the technical needs of all customers iXdA0zDrD2y-00397-00105026-00105205 with the goal of providing a quality iXdA0zDrD2y-00398-00105206-00105924 product that meets the users needs iXdA0zDrD2y-00399-00105925-00106360 topic systems psychology iXdA0zDrD2y-00400-00106361-00106541 you iXdA0zDrD2y-00401-00106542-00106786 systems psychology as a branch of iXdA0zDrD2y-00402-00106788-00107021 psychology that studies human behavior iXdA0zDrD2y-00403-00107022-00107342 and experience in complex systems it iXdA0zDrD2y-00404-00107343-00107594 received inspiration from Systems Theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00405-00107595-00107809 and systems thinking as well as the iXdA0zDrD2y-00406-00107810-00108017 basics of theoretical work from roger iXdA0zDrD2y-00407-00108018-00108286 barker gregory baddest 'n Humberto iXdA0zDrD2y-00408-00108288-00108610 Maturana and others it makes an approach iXdA0zDrD2y-00409-00108611-00108833 in psychology in which groups and iXdA0zDrD2y-00410-00108833-00109049 individuals receive consideration as iXdA0zDrD2y-00411-00109050-00109373 systems in homeostasis systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00412-00109374-00109613 psychology includes the domain of iXdA0zDrD2y-00413-00109614-00109865 engineering psychology but in addition iXdA0zDrD2y-00414-00109866-00110123 seems more concerned with societal iXdA0zDrD2y-00415-00110124-00110284 systems and with the study of iXdA0zDrD2y-00416-00110285-00110584 motivational affective cognitive and iXdA0zDrD2y-00417-00110585-00110774 group behavior that holds the name iXdA0zDrD2y-00418-00110775-00111131 engineering psychology in system iXdA0zDrD2y-00419-00111132-00111382 psychology characteristics of iXdA0zDrD2y-00420-00111383-00111631 organizational behavior for example iXdA0zDrD2y-00421-00111632-00111794 individual needs iXdA0zDrD2y-00422-00111795-00112139 rewards expectations and attributes of iXdA0zDrD2y-00423-00112140-00112349 the people interacting with the system's iXdA0zDrD2y-00424-00112350-00112619 considers this process in order to iXdA0zDrD2y-00425-00112620-00113359 create an effective system iXdA0zDrD2y-00426-00113360-00113894 topic history iXdA0zDrD2y-00427-00113895-00114148 whether considering the first systems of iXdA0zDrD2y-00428-00114149-00114340 written communication with Sumerian iXdA0zDrD2y-00429-00114341-00114593 cuneiform to Mayan numerals or the feats iXdA0zDrD2y-00430-00114594-00114760 of engineering with the Egyptian iXdA0zDrD2y-00431-00114761-00115007 pyramids systems-thinking can date back iXdA0zDrD2y-00432-00115008-00115333 to antiquity differentiated from Western iXdA0zDrD2y-00433-00115334-00115595 rationalist traditions of philosophy see iXdA0zDrD2y-00434-00115596-00115825 West churchmen often identified with the iXdA0zDrD2y-00435-00115826-00116057 I Ching as a systems approach sharing a iXdA0zDrD2y-00436-00116058-00116231 frame of reference similar to pre iXdA0zDrD2y-00437-00116232-00116570 Socratic philosophy and Heraclitus von iXdA0zDrD2y-00438-00116571-00116839 bertalanffy traced systems concepts to iXdA0zDrD2y-00439-00116840-00117122 the philosophy of GW Leibniz and iXdA0zDrD2y-00440-00117123-00117320 Nicklaus of couse is coincidental iXdA0zDrD2y-00441-00117321-00117589 opposite Oram while modern systems can iXdA0zDrD2y-00442-00117590-00117760 seem considerably more complicated iXdA0zDrD2y-00443-00117761-00118031 today's systems may embed themselves in iXdA0zDrD2y-00444-00118032-00118140 history iXdA0zDrD2y-00445-00118141-00118447 figures like James Joule and sadi carnot iXdA0zDrD2y-00446-00118448-00118678 represent an important step to introduce iXdA0zDrD2y-00447-00118679-00118837 the system's approach into the iXdA0zDrD2y-00448-00118838-00118915 rationalist iXdA0zDrD2y-00449-00118916-00119197 hard sciences of the 19th century also iXdA0zDrD2y-00450-00119198-00119495 known as the energy transformation then iXdA0zDrD2y-00451-00119496-00119747 the thermodynamics of this century by iXdA0zDrD2y-00452-00119748-00119866 Rudolf Clausius iXdA0zDrD2y-00453-00119867-00120148 Josiah Gibbs and others established the iXdA0zDrD2y-00454-00120149-00120344 system reference model as a formal iXdA0zDrD2y-00455-00120345-00120671 scientific object the Society for iXdA0zDrD2y-00456-00120672-00120901 general systems research specifically iXdA0zDrD2y-00457-00120902-00121172 catalyzed Systems Theory as an area of iXdA0zDrD2y-00458-00121173-00121372 study which developed following the iXdA0zDrD2y-00459-00121373-00121573 world wars from the work of ludwig von iXdA0zDrD2y-00460-00121574-00121879 bertalanffy Anatol Rapoport Kenneth II iXdA0zDrD2y-00461-00121880-00122173 bolding William Ross Ashby Margaret Mead iXdA0zDrD2y-00462-00122174-00122471 Gregory Badis --n c West churchmen and iXdA0zDrD2y-00463-00122472-00122744 others in the 1950s had specifically iXdA0zDrD2y-00464-00122745-00123109 catalyzed by collaboration in cognizant iXdA0zDrD2y-00465-00123110-00123322 of advances in science that questioned iXdA0zDrD2y-00466-00123323-00123472 classical assumptions in the iXdA0zDrD2y-00467-00123473-00123727 organizational sciences bertalanffy the iXdA0zDrD2y-00468-00123728-00123944 idea to develop a theory of systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00469-00123945-00124156 began as early as the interwar period iXdA0zDrD2y-00470-00124157-00124435 publishing an outline for general iXdA0zDrD2y-00471-00124436-00124697 Systems Theory in the British Journal iXdA0zDrD2y-00472-00124698-00124990 for the philosophy of science volume 1 iXdA0zDrD2y-00473-00124991-00125420 number 2 by 1950 where assumptions in iXdA0zDrD2y-00474-00125421-00125623 Western science from Greek thought with iXdA0zDrD2y-00475-00125624-00125809 Plato and Aristotle to Newton's iXdA0zDrD2y-00476-00125810-00126034 Principia have historically influenced iXdA0zDrD2y-00477-00126035-00126223 all areas from the hard to social iXdA0zDrD2y-00478-00126224-00126475 sciences see David Easton seminal iXdA0zDrD2y-00479-00126476-00126754 development of the political system as iXdA0zDrD2y-00480-00126755-00127070 an analytical construct the original iXdA0zDrD2y-00481-00127071-00127274 theorists explored the implication iXdA0zDrD2y-00482-00127275-00127493 of twentieth century advances in terms iXdA0zDrD2y-00483-00127494-00127865 of systems people have studied subjects iXdA0zDrD2y-00484-00127866-00128110 like complexity self-organization iXdA0zDrD2y-00485-00128111-00128357 connectionism and adaptive systems in iXdA0zDrD2y-00486-00128358-00128756 the 1940s and 1950s in fields like iXdA0zDrD2y-00487-00128757-00129017 cybernetics researchers such as Norbert iXdA0zDrD2y-00488-00129018-00129281 Wiener William Ross Ashby John von iXdA0zDrD2y-00489-00129282-00129548 Neumann and Heinz von Forrester examined iXdA0zDrD2y-00490-00129549-00129899 complex systems mathematically john von iXdA0zDrD2y-00491-00129900-00130145 neumann discovered cellular automata and iXdA0zDrD2y-00492-00130146-00130415 self reproducing systems again with only iXdA0zDrD2y-00493-00130416-00130748 pencil and paper Aleksandr Leppa knov iXdA0zDrD2y-00494-00130749-00130982 and Jules Unruh Poincare a worked on the iXdA0zDrD2y-00495-00130983-00131216 foundations of chaos theory without any iXdA0zDrD2y-00496-00131217-00131528 computer at all at the same time Howard iXdA0zDrD2y-00497-00131529-00131804 T Odum known as a radiation ecologist iXdA0zDrD2y-00498-00131805-00132023 recognized that the study of general iXdA0zDrD2y-00499-00132024-00132221 systems required a language that could iXdA0zDrD2y-00500-00132222-00132482 depict energetics thermodynamics and iXdA0zDrD2y-00501-00132483-00132785 kinetics at any system scale Odum iXdA0zDrD2y-00502-00132786-00133046 developed a general system or universal iXdA0zDrD2y-00503-00133047-00133250 language based on the circuit language iXdA0zDrD2y-00504-00133251-00133472 of electronics to fulfill this role iXdA0zDrD2y-00505-00133473-00133732 known as the energy systems language iXdA0zDrD2y-00506-00133733-00134177 between 1929 to 1951 robert maynard iXdA0zDrD2y-00507-00134178-00134366 hutchins at the University of Chicago iXdA0zDrD2y-00508-00134367-00134591 had undertaken efforts to encourage iXdA0zDrD2y-00509-00134592-00134780 innovation and interdisciplinary iXdA0zDrD2y-00510-00134781-00135041 research in the social sciences aided by iXdA0zDrD2y-00511-00135042-00135185 the Ford Foundation with the iXdA0zDrD2y-00512-00135186-00135404 interdisciplinary division of the Social iXdA0zDrD2y-00513-00135405-00135791 Sciences established in 1931 numerous iXdA0zDrD2y-00514-00135792-00135995 scholars had actively engaged in these iXdA0zDrD2y-00515-00135996-00136280 ideas before technology by Alexander iXdA0zDrD2y-00516-00136281-00136673 Bogdanov published in 1912 to 1917 is a iXdA0zDrD2y-00517-00136674-00137021 remarkable example but in 1937 von iXdA0zDrD2y-00518-00137022-00137237 bertalanffy presented the general theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00519-00137238-00137411 of systems at a conference at the iXdA0zDrD2y-00520-00137412-00137774 University of Chicago the system's view iXdA0zDrD2y-00521-00137775-00138011 was based on several fundamental ideas iXdA0zDrD2y-00522-00138012-00138284 first all phenomena can be viewed as a iXdA0zDrD2y-00523-00138285-00138524 web of relationships among elements or a iXdA0zDrD2y-00524-00138525-00138863 system second all systems whether iXdA0zDrD2y-00525-00138864-00139175 electrical biological or social have iXdA0zDrD2y-00526-00139176-00139463 common patterns behaviors and properties iXdA0zDrD2y-00527-00139464-00139682 that the observer can analyze and use to iXdA0zDrD2y-00528-00139683-00139859 develop greater insight into the iXdA0zDrD2y-00529-00139860-00140081 behavior of complex phenomena and to iXdA0zDrD2y-00530-00140082-00140264 move closer toward a unity of the iXdA0zDrD2y-00531-00140265-00140657 sciences system philosophy methodology iXdA0zDrD2y-00532-00140658-00140866 an application are complementary to this iXdA0zDrD2y-00533-00140867-00141265 science by 1956 theorists established iXdA0zDrD2y-00534-00141266-00141502 the Society for general systems research iXdA0zDrD2y-00535-00141503-00141703 which they renamed the International iXdA0zDrD2y-00536-00141704-00142114 Society for systems science in 1988 the iXdA0zDrD2y-00537-00142115-00142339 Cold War affected the research project iXdA0zDrD2y-00538-00142340-00142571 for Systems Theory in ways that sorely iXdA0zDrD2y-00539-00142572-00142741 disappointed many of the seminal iXdA0zDrD2y-00540-00142742-00143060 theorists some began to recognize that iXdA0zDrD2y-00541-00143061-00143270 theories defined in association with iXdA0zDrD2y-00542-00143271-00143500 Systems Theory had deviated from the iXdA0zDrD2y-00543-00143501-00143837 initial general Systems Theory GST view iXdA0zDrD2y-00544-00143838-00144170 the economist Kenneth Boulding an early iXdA0zDrD2y-00545-00144171-00144383 researcher in Systems Theory had iXdA0zDrD2y-00546-00144384-00144572 concerns over the manipulation of iXdA0zDrD2y-00547-00144573-00144913 systems concepts folding concluded from iXdA0zDrD2y-00548-00144914-00145126 the effects of the Cold War that abuses iXdA0zDrD2y-00549-00145127-00145363 of power always proved consequential and iXdA0zDrD2y-00550-00145364-00145571 that Systems Theory might address such iXdA0zDrD2y-00551-00145572-00145900 issues since the end of the Cold War a iXdA0zDrD2y-00552-00145901-00146108 renewed interest in systems theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00553-00146109-00146302 emerged combined with efforts to iXdA0zDrD2y-00554-00146303-00146462 strengthen an ethical view on the iXdA0zDrD2y-00555-00146463-00147044 subject iXdA0zDrD2y-00556-00147045-00147973 topic developments iXdA0zDrD2y-00557-00147974-00148304 topic general systems research and iXdA0zDrD2y-00558-00148305-00148744 systems inquiry iXdA0zDrD2y-00559-00148745-00149017 many early systems theorists aimed at iXdA0zDrD2y-00560-00149018-00149224 finding a general Systems Theory that iXdA0zDrD2y-00561-00149225-00149431 could explain all systems in all fields iXdA0zDrD2y-00562-00149432-00149731 of science the term goes back to iXdA0zDrD2y-00563-00149732-00150034 bertalanffy book titled general system iXdA0zDrD2y-00564-00150035-00150342 theory foundations development iXdA0zDrD2y-00565-00150343-00150826 applications from 1968 he developed the iXdA0zDrD2y-00566-00150827-00151222 alga - system ler general Systems Theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00567-00151223-00151546 first via lectures beginning in 1937 and iXdA0zDrD2y-00568-00151547-00151849 then via publications beginning in 1946 iXdA0zDrD2y-00569-00151850-00152074 von bertalanffy the objective was to iXdA0zDrD2y-00570-00152075-00152260 bring together under one heading the iXdA0zDrD2y-00571-00152261-00152485 organism excites he had observed in his iXdA0zDrD2y-00572-00152486-00152827 work as a biologist his desire was to iXdA0zDrD2y-00573-00152828-00153040 use the word system for those principles iXdA0zDrD2y-00574-00153041-00153301 that are common to systems in general in iXdA0zDrD2y-00575-00153302-00153790 GST he writes there exist models iXdA0zDrD2y-00576-00153791-00154000 principles and laws that apply to iXdA0zDrD2y-00577-00154001-00154239 generalized systems or their subclasses iXdA0zDrD2y-00578-00154240-00154465 irrespective of their particular kind iXdA0zDrD2y-00579-00154466-00154684 the nature of their component elements iXdA0zDrD2y-00580-00154685-00155032 and the relationships are forces between iXdA0zDrD2y-00581-00155033-00155290 them it seems legitimate to ask for a iXdA0zDrD2y-00582-00155291-00155509 theory not of systems of a more or less iXdA0zDrD2y-00583-00155510-00155740 special kind but of universal principles iXdA0zDrD2y-00584-00155741-00156018 applying to systems in general iXdA0zDrD2y-00585-00156019-00156274 Ervin Laszlo in the preface of von iXdA0zDrD2y-00586-00156275-00156472 bertalanffy spoke perspectives on iXdA0zDrD2y-00587-00156473-00156802 general system theory thus when von iXdA0zDrD2y-00588-00156803-00157033 bertalanffy spoke of alga - system iXdA0zDrD2y-00589-00157034-00157237 theory it was consistent with his view iXdA0zDrD2y-00590-00157238-00157405 that he was proposing a new perspective iXdA0zDrD2y-00591-00157406-00157762 a new way of doing science it was not iXdA0zDrD2y-00592-00157763-00157924 directly consistent with an iXdA0zDrD2y-00593-00157925-00158197 interpretation often put on general iXdA0zDrD2y-00594-00158198-00158467 system theory to wit that it is a iXdA0zDrD2y-00595-00158468-00158881 scientific theory of general systems to iXdA0zDrD2y-00596-00158882-00159085 criticize it as such as to shoot at iXdA0zDrD2y-00597-00159086-00159352 straw men von bertalanffy opened up iXdA0zDrD2y-00598-00159353-00159523 something much broader and of much iXdA0zDrD2y-00599-00159524-00159715 greater significance than a single iXdA0zDrD2y-00600-00159716-00159982 theory which as we now know can always iXdA0zDrD2y-00601-00159983-00160183 be falsified and has usually an iXdA0zDrD2y-00602-00160184-00160417 ephemeral existence he created a new iXdA0zDrD2y-00603-00160418-00160698 paradigm for the development of theories iXdA0zDrD2y-00604-00160699-00161008 ludwig von bertalanffy outlines systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00605-00161009-00161223 inquiry into three major domains iXdA0zDrD2y-00606-00161224-00161641 philosophy science and technology in his iXdA0zDrD2y-00607-00161642-00161845 work with the primer group bela h iXdA0zDrD2y-00608-00161846-00162076 panneti generalized the domains into iXdA0zDrD2y-00609-00162077-00162109 four iXdA0zDrD2y-00610-00162110-00162384 integratable domains of systemic inquiry iXdA0zDrD2y-00611-00162385-00162619 these operate in a recursive iXdA0zDrD2y-00612-00162620-00162714 relationship iXdA0zDrD2y-00613-00162715-00163041 he explained integrating philosophy and iXdA0zDrD2y-00614-00163042-00163237 theory as knowledge and method and iXdA0zDrD2y-00615-00163238-00163503 application as action systems inquiry iXdA0zDrD2y-00616-00163504-00164153 then as knowledgeable action iXdA0zDrD2y-00617-00164154-00164511 topic cybernetics iXdA0zDrD2y-00618-00164512-00164739 you iXdA0zDrD2y-00619-00164740-00164933 cybernetics is the study of the iXdA0zDrD2y-00620-00164934-00165143 communication and control of regulatory iXdA0zDrD2y-00621-00165144-00165374 feedback both in living and lifeless iXdA0zDrD2y-00622-00165375-00165734 systems organisms organizations machines iXdA0zDrD2y-00623-00165735-00166114 and in combinations of those its focuses iXdA0zDrD2y-00624-00166115-00166366 how anything digital mechanical or iXdA0zDrD2y-00625-00166367-00166595 biological controls its behavior iXdA0zDrD2y-00626-00166596-00166852 processes information reacts to iXdA0zDrD2y-00627-00166853-00167060 information and changes or can be iXdA0zDrD2y-00628-00167061-00167261 changed to better accomplish those three iXdA0zDrD2y-00629-00167262-00167735 primary tasks the terms Systems Theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00630-00167736-00168190 and cybernetics have been widely used as iXdA0zDrD2y-00631-00168191-00168449 synonyms some authors use the term iXdA0zDrD2y-00632-00168450-00168679 cybernetic systems to denote a proper iXdA0zDrD2y-00633-00168680-00168896 subset of the class of general systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00634-00168897-00169090 namely those systems that include iXdA0zDrD2y-00635-00169091-00169239 feedback loops iXdA0zDrD2y-00636-00169240-00169523 however Gordon pasts differences of iXdA0zDrD2y-00637-00169524-00169748 eternal interacting actor loops that iXdA0zDrD2y-00638-00169749-00170002 produce finite products makes general iXdA0zDrD2y-00639-00170003-00170296 systems a proper subset of cybernetics iXdA0zDrD2y-00640-00170297-00170600 according to Jackson 2000 von iXdA0zDrD2y-00641-00170601-00170831 bertalanffy promoted an embryonic form iXdA0zDrD2y-00642-00170832-00171166 of general system theory GST as early as iXdA0zDrD2y-00643-00171167-00171506 the 1920s and 1930s but it was not until iXdA0zDrD2y-00644-00171507-00171754 the early 1950s it became more widely iXdA0zDrD2y-00645-00171755-00172118 known in scientific circles threads of iXdA0zDrD2y-00646-00172119-00172409 cybernetics began in the late 1800s that iXdA0zDrD2y-00647-00172410-00172595 led toward the publishing of seminal iXdA0zDrD2y-00648-00172596-00172643 works iXdA0zDrD2y-00649-00172644-00173018 eg wieners cybernetics in 1948 and von iXdA0zDrD2y-00650-00173019-00173269 bertalanffy general Systems Theory in iXdA0zDrD2y-00651-00173270-00173651 1968 cybernetics arose more from iXdA0zDrD2y-00652-00173652-00173945 engineering fields in GST from biology iXdA0zDrD2y-00653-00173946-00174238 if anything it appears that although the iXdA0zDrD2y-00654-00174239-00174454 two probably mutually influenced each iXdA0zDrD2y-00655-00174455-00174494 other iXdA0zDrD2y-00656-00174495-00174745 cybernetics had the greater influence iXdA0zDrD2y-00657-00174746-00175193 von bertalanffy 1969 specifically makes iXdA0zDrD2y-00658-00175194-00175376 the point of distinguishing between the iXdA0zDrD2y-00659-00175377-00175559 areas in noting the influence of iXdA0zDrD2y-00660-00175560-00175895 cybernetics Systems Theory is frequently iXdA0zDrD2y-00661-00175896-00176168 identified with cybernetics and control iXdA0zDrD2y-00662-00176169-00176478 theory this again is incorrect iXdA0zDrD2y-00663-00176479-00176728 cybernetics is the theory of control iXdA0zDrD2y-00664-00176729-00176989 mechanisms in technology and nature is iXdA0zDrD2y-00665-00176990-00177176 founded on the concepts of information iXdA0zDrD2y-00666-00177177-00177454 and feedback but as part of a general iXdA0zDrD2y-00667-00177455-00177901 theory of systems then reiterates the iXdA0zDrD2y-00668-00177902-00178070 model is of wide iXdA0zDrD2y-00669-00178071-00178300 but should not be identified with iXdA0zDrD2y-00670-00178301-00178662 Systems Theory in general and that iXdA0zDrD2y-00671-00178663-00178951 warning is necessary against its iXdA0zDrD2y-00672-00178952-00179200 incautious expansion to fields for which iXdA0zDrD2y-00673-00179201-00179671 its concepts are not made 17 to 23 iXdA0zDrD2y-00674-00179672-00179785 Jackson iXdA0zDrD2y-00675-00179786-00180073 2000 also claims von bertalanffy was iXdA0zDrD2y-00676-00180074-00180281 informed by Alexander Bogdanov's iXdA0zDrD2y-00677-00180282-00180487 three-volume technology that was iXdA0zDrD2y-00678-00180488-00180745 published in Russia between 1912 and iXdA0zDrD2y-00679-00180746-00181062 1917 and was translated into German in iXdA0zDrD2y-00680-00181063-00181423 1928 he also states it is clear to iXdA0zDrD2y-00681-00181424-00181835 Gorelick 1975 that the conceptual part iXdA0zDrD2y-00682-00181836-00182236 of general system theory GST had first iXdA0zDrD2y-00683-00182237-00182522 been put in place by Bogdanov the iXdA0zDrD2y-00684-00182523-00182870 similar position is held by Madison 1978 iXdA0zDrD2y-00685-00182871-00183264 and Capra 1996 ludwig von bertalanffy iXdA0zDrD2y-00686-00183265-00183541 never even mentioned Bogdanov in his iXdA0zDrD2y-00687-00183542-00184153 works which Capra 1996 finds surprising iXdA0zDrD2y-00688-00184154-00184460 cybernetics catastrophe theory chaos iXdA0zDrD2y-00689-00184461-00184691 theory and complexity theory have the iXdA0zDrD2y-00690-00184692-00184934 common goal to explain complex systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00691-00184935-00185102 that consist of a large number of iXdA0zDrD2y-00692-00185103-00185315 mutually interacting and interrelated iXdA0zDrD2y-00693-00185316-00185587 parts in terms of those interactions iXdA0zDrD2y-00694-00185588-00185942 cellular automata see a neural networks iXdA0zDrD2y-00695-00185943-00186290 and n artificial intelligence AI and iXdA0zDrD2y-00696-00186291-00186548 artificial life a life are related iXdA0zDrD2y-00697-00186549-00186761 fields but they do not try to describe iXdA0zDrD2y-00698-00186762-00187061 general Universal complex singular iXdA0zDrD2y-00699-00187062-00187409 systems the best context to compare the iXdA0zDrD2y-00700-00187410-00187745 different C theories about complex iXdA0zDrD2y-00701-00187746-00187994 systems is historical which emphasizes iXdA0zDrD2y-00702-00187995-00188243 different tools and methodologies from iXdA0zDrD2y-00703-00188244-00188438 pure mathematics in the beginning to iXdA0zDrD2y-00704-00188439-00188729 pure computer science now since the iXdA0zDrD2y-00705-00188730-00188885 beginning of chaos theory iXdA0zDrD2y-00706-00188886-00189077 when Edward Lorenz accidentally iXdA0zDrD2y-00707-00189078-00189263 discovered a strange attractor with his iXdA0zDrD2y-00708-00189264-00189470 computer computers have become an iXdA0zDrD2y-00709-00189471-00189782 indispensable source of information one iXdA0zDrD2y-00710-00189783-00189989 could not imagine the study of complex iXdA0zDrD2y-00711-00189990-00190193 systems without the use of computers iXdA0zDrD2y-00712-00190194-00190727 today iXdA0zDrD2y-00713-00190728-00191396 topic complex adaptive systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00714-00191397-00191804 complex adaptive systems CAS are special iXdA0zDrD2y-00715-00191805-00192096 cases of complex systems they are iXdA0zDrD2y-00716-00192097-00192288 complex in that they are diverse and iXdA0zDrD2y-00717-00192289-00192454 composed of multiple interconnected iXdA0zDrD2y-00718-00192455-00192704 elements they are adaptive in that they iXdA0zDrD2y-00719-00192705-00192894 have the capacity to change and learn iXdA0zDrD2y-00720-00192895-00193233 from experience in contrast to control iXdA0zDrD2y-00721-00193234-00193428 systems in which negative feedback iXdA0zDrD2y-00722-00193429-00193740 dampens and reverses disequilibrium CAS iXdA0zDrD2y-00723-00193741-00193962 are often subject to positive feedback iXdA0zDrD2y-00724-00193963-00194238 which magnifies and perpetuates changes iXdA0zDrD2y-00725-00194239-00194469 converting local irregularities into iXdA0zDrD2y-00726-00194470-00194796 global features another mechanism dual iXdA0zDrD2y-00727-00194797-00195051 phase evolution arises when connections iXdA0zDrD2y-00728-00195052-00195231 between elements repeatedly changed iXdA0zDrD2y-00729-00195232-00195479 shifting the system between phases of iXdA0zDrD2y-00730-00195480-00195678 variation and selection that reshaped iXdA0zDrD2y-00731-00195679-00195927 the system differently from beer iXdA0zDrD2y-00732-00195928-00196188 management cybernetics cultural agency iXdA0zDrD2y-00733-00196189-00196466 Theory cat provides a modeling approach iXdA0zDrD2y-00734-00196467-00196722 to explore predefined contexts and can iXdA0zDrD2y-00735-00196723-00197088 be adapted to reflect those contexts the iXdA0zDrD2y-00736-00197089-00197328 term complex adaptive system was coined iXdA0zDrD2y-00737-00197329-00197516 at the interdisciplinary Santa Fe iXdA0zDrD2y-00738-00197517-00197856 Institute SFI by John H Holland Murray iXdA0zDrD2y-00739-00197857-00198159 gell-mann and others an alternative iXdA0zDrD2y-00740-00198160-00198372 conception of complex adaptive and iXdA0zDrD2y-00741-00198373-00198621 learning systems methodological e at the iXdA0zDrD2y-00742-00198622-00198846 interface between natural and social iXdA0zDrD2y-00743-00198847-00199074 science has been presented by Krista iXdA0zDrD2y-00744-00199075-00199395 Ivanov in terms of hyper systems this iXdA0zDrD2y-00745-00199396-00199644 concept intends to offer a theoretical iXdA0zDrD2y-00746-00199645-00199877 basis for understanding and implementing iXdA0zDrD2y-00747-00199878-00200264 participation of users decisions makers iXdA0zDrD2y-00748-00200265-00200532 designers and affected actors in the iXdA0zDrD2y-00749-00200533-00200712 development or maintenance of self iXdA0zDrD2y-00750-00200713-00200993 learning systems iXdA0zDrD2y-00751-00200994-00201377 equals equals see also iaZm7jCYq2Q-00000-00000003-00001031 I am a conqueror film a spirit like iaZm7jCYq2Q-00001-00001032-00001345 Shiva the destroyer come on baby feeling iaZm7jCYq2Q-00002-00001346-00001660 people looking at me like I'm killing it iaZm7jCYq2Q-00003-00001661-00001960 and boom boom this beat take a terrorist iaZm7jCYq2Q-00004-00001961-00002255 bomb to sink with the carpet everybody iaZm7jCYq2Q-00005-00002256-00002606 look out DK filled the house Chicano iaZm7jCYq2Q-00006-00002607-00002690 hockey iaZm7jCYq2Q-00007-00002691-00003041 Turkish rappers drinking raki weak boy iaZm7jCYq2Q-00008-00003042-00003293 it's surrounded by wannabes everybody iaZm7jCYq2Q-00009-00003294-00003520 knows that hills have the scenes come on iaZm7jCYq2Q-00010-00003521-00003983 man and pick the scene green I am NOT iaZm7jCYq2Q-00011-00003984-00004301 spirit the Shiva the destroyer iaZm7jCYq2Q-00012-00004302-00004694 call me you feel it I am relieved of my iaZm7jCYq2Q-00013-00004695-00005077 spirit that Shiva the destroyer taunt me iaZm7jCYq2Q-00014-00005078-00005356 you feeling my face is so clean never iaZm7jCYq2Q-00015-00005357-00005659 lost not a house being I'm a will me iaZm7jCYq2Q-00016-00005660-00006013 budget up hasn't even felt my heat I am iaZm7jCYq2Q-00017-00006014-00006383 tired of University if KFC bucket iaZm7jCYq2Q-00018-00006384-00006644 Miley culture just got wrecked by the iaZm7jCYq2Q-00019-00006645-00006920 ruler line force of skull crusher none iaZm7jCYq2Q-00020-00006920-00007298 other than ki KEK the soul brother tika iaZm7jCYq2Q-00021-00007298-00007514 tells you to never quit push-ups on iaZm7jCYq2Q-00022-00007515-00007751 repeat box to the beat lips be sweet iaZm7jCYq2Q-00023-00007752-00007999 Hanratty neat heart beating but the iaZm7jCYq2Q-00024-00008000-00008102 honkers iaZm7jCYq2Q-00025-00008103-00008353 ready I've got hot respect to mr. ha iaZm7jCYq2Q-00026-00008354-00008663 slap disrespected humble still odd stop iaZm7jCYq2Q-00027-00008664-00008908 making noise living in a laboratory iaZm7jCYq2Q-00028-00008909-00009349 working on Toronto's main streets main iaZm7jCYq2Q-00029-00009350-00009959 streets baby means means I am free of my iaZm7jCYq2Q-00030-00009960-00010280 spirit let Shiva the destroyer iaZm7jCYq2Q-00031-00010281-00010652 come on maybe feeling I am relieved of iaZm7jCYq2Q-00032-00010653-00011024 my spirit the Shiva the destroyer come iaZm7jCYq2Q-00033-00011025-00011645 on baby feeling my new lifestyle bro not iaZm7jCYq2Q-00034-00011646-00011924 what they're caught in going in my hands iaZm7jCYq2Q-00035-00011925-00012638 as I decide that it will be real life iaZm7jCYq2Q-00036-00012639-00012941 all right look at the sky free of mine iaZm7jCYq2Q-00037-00012941-00013253 fly like an eagle hi it's not Kavi iaZm7jCYq2Q-00038-00013254-00013421 primus TK time iaZm7jCYq2Q-00039-00013422-00013721 jiu-jitsu gwenna and reveal this age iaZm7jCYq2Q-00040-00013722-00014009 look at the markets of coffee without iaZm7jCYq2Q-00041-00014010-00014263 even drinking tea is intermittent iaZm7jCYq2Q-00042-00014265-00014413 fasting and drinking iaZm7jCYq2Q-00043-00014413-00014728 the the spirit Bombay Sapphire for the iaZm7jCYq2Q-00044-00014729-00015016 house party guy tone hey garnish card iaZm7jCYq2Q-00045-00015016-00015385 only every day is a Sunday 500 push-ups iaZm7jCYq2Q-00046-00015386-00015655 Uday fight for your life jump into the iaZm7jCYq2Q-00047-00015656-00015943 valley people spiritual rally but mister iaZm7jCYq2Q-00048-00015944-00016210 tikka shipment is Kali friends called me iaZm7jCYq2Q-00049-00016211-00016564 baahubali wish I could write and Swahili iaZm7jCYq2Q-00050-00016565-00016972 for do live in my alley so many colors iaZm7jCYq2Q-00051-00016973-00017224 and tastes anatoly's look at me have iaZm7jCYq2Q-00052-00017225-00017469 live been gloriously staying strong and iaZm7jCYq2Q-00053-00017470-00017818 free like the Statue of Liberty don't iaZm7jCYq2Q-00054-00017819-00018094 give in to judgments of an aunty and RT iaZm7jCYq2Q-00055-00018095-00018379 will always be an auntie I'll keep iaZm7jCYq2Q-00056-00018380-00018622 trippin like Humpty Dumpty my wallet is iaZm7jCYq2Q-00057-00018623-00018904 never empty I dare you to hustle a iaZm7jCYq2Q-00058-00018905-00019306 pickpocket me a new hand is what you iaZm7jCYq2Q-00059-00019307-00019494 need it once I camera lock and throw iaZm7jCYq2Q-00060-00019495-00019891 away the key w fi w you see because what iaZm7jCYq2Q-00061-00019892-00020185 you feel is what you see when they no iaZm7jCYq2Q-00062-00020186-00020443 pleasure Just Breathe curl up with that iaZm7jCYq2Q-00063-00020444-00020665 body heat fireplace and some whiskey iaZm7jCYq2Q-00064-00020666-00020959 under the starry sky we are relaxing iaZm7jCYq2Q-00065-00020960-00021268 cracking jokes of relaxing build a cup iaZm7jCYq2Q-00066-00021269-00021565 made for the UFC smarter that PhD iaZm7jCYq2Q-00067-00021566-00021819 running a business without a degree iaZm7jCYq2Q-00068-00021820-00022096 without any pride and literacy iaZm7jCYq2Q-00069-00022097-00022380 Lions are proud you see you never iaZm7jCYq2Q-00070-00022381-00022650 understand how they feel listen to up DJ iaZm7jCYq2Q-00071-00022651-00022947 treat or head up for LP produce like iaZm7jCYq2Q-00072-00022948-00023328 nazy Map Reduce at Apache grab an ice iaZm7jCYq2Q-00073-00023329-00023664 cap from Timmy's spiritual hostage me iaZm7jCYq2Q-00074-00023665-00024103 thank me for being a revolutionary cream iaZm7jCYq2Q-00075-00024104-00024384 like repeat every meal is a feast iaZm7jCYq2Q-00076-00024385-00024739 festivities songs have been released my iaZm7jCYq2Q-00077-00024740-00025024 fire shall not it sees a wave wall on iaZm7jCYq2Q-00078-00025025-00025336 disease podium grief verses my bunk I iaZm7jCYq2Q-00079-00025337-00025614 will be and she doesn't text back I will iaZm7jCYq2Q-00080-00025616-00025912 go over interstellar peace if she does iaZm7jCYq2Q-00081-00025913-00026257 call back I know she can't have a time iaZm7jCYq2Q-00082-00026258-00026482 every drum beat my work tastes so sweet iaZm7jCYq2Q-00083-00026483-00026737 I'm like a shepherd my discipline she iaZm7jCYq2Q-00084-00026738-00027012 likes it but not me I keep scenes pretty iaZm7jCYq2Q-00085-00027013-00027252 so that my family doesn't face the main iaZm7jCYq2Q-00086-00027253-00027514 streets I'm the protector I am the iaZm7jCYq2Q-00087-00027514-00027676 shield I am iaZm7jCYq2Q-00088-00027677-00028033 for goddes passing if6q60vgsvY-00000-00001536-00002295 [Music] if6q60vgsvY-00001-00002296-00002803 so if6q60vgsvY-00002-00002804-00005111 [Music] if6q60vgsvY-00004-00022487-00022695 you igdLhlxbswo-00000-00000052-00000515 okay so I'm good evening on Wednesdays igdLhlxbswo-00001-00000516-00001277 I'm answering questions so you're igdLhlxbswo-00002-00001278-00001550 welcome to listen these are questions igdLhlxbswo-00003-00001551-00001864 that have been asked through the website igdLhlxbswo-00004-00001864-00002149 so it try to keep them about meditation igdLhlxbswo-00005-00002150-00002429 practice and it should be interesting igdLhlxbswo-00006-00002430-00002542 for you here igdLhlxbswo-00007-00002543-00003073 practicing in our Center tonight's igdLhlxbswo-00008-00003074-00003484 question is about the role or the place igdLhlxbswo-00009-00003485-00004249 of thinking about your practice igdLhlxbswo-00010-00004250-00005395 reflecting analyzing thinking about igdLhlxbswo-00011-00005396-00005836 whether you're doing your practice right igdLhlxbswo-00012-00005837-00006242 analyzing your practice that sort of igdLhlxbswo-00013-00006243-00006731 thing and of course there is room for igdLhlxbswo-00014-00006731-00007031 this this is something that you even see igdLhlxbswo-00015-00007031-00007427 in the text where the Buddha the igdLhlxbswo-00016-00007428-00007613 Bodhisattva when he was trying to become igdLhlxbswo-00017-00007614-00007837 enlightened he had the thing to himself igdLhlxbswo-00018-00007838-00008066 wait what if I were to do it this way igdLhlxbswo-00019-00008067-00008516 instead to correct his practice he had igdLhlxbswo-00020-00008517-00008971 to think and you see this about the igdLhlxbswo-00021-00008972-00009217 monks like Anand who had to correct his igdLhlxbswo-00022-00009218-00010201 practice for the general igdLhlxbswo-00023-00010202-00010444 there's a general sense that it's part igdLhlxbswo-00024-00010445-00010830 of our practice our practice isn't just igdLhlxbswo-00025-00010831-00011128 mindfulness of course there are many igdLhlxbswo-00026-00011129-00011758 other qualities like ethics and just igdLhlxbswo-00027-00011759-00011968 even than learning the technique of the igdLhlxbswo-00028-00011969-00012294 practice and that sort of thing igdLhlxbswo-00029-00012295-00012526 there are many practicalities like igdLhlxbswo-00030-00012527-00012752 livelihood how are you going to eat igdLhlxbswo-00031-00012753-00013177 where are you going to sleep what are igdLhlxbswo-00032-00013178-00013774 you gonna wear one of these igdLhlxbswo-00033-00013775-00014169 practicalities is the correcting of igdLhlxbswo-00034-00014170-00014497 one's practice the analysis of one's igdLhlxbswo-00035-00014497-00014788 practice its cause among among some igdLhlxbswo-00036-00014788-00015187 means wisdom really but habit in regards igdLhlxbswo-00037-00015188-00015535 to a task that you undertake amongst a igdLhlxbswo-00038-00015536-00015946 means the ability to discern right from igdLhlxbswo-00039-00015947-00016312 wrong and and proper improper effective igdLhlxbswo-00040-00016313-00016627 ineffective that sort of thing being igdLhlxbswo-00041-00016628-00016867 able to correct your activities even igdLhlxbswo-00042-00016868-00017110 whether it's meditation or not you need igdLhlxbswo-00043-00017111-00017368 to be able to analyze and refine and igdLhlxbswo-00044-00017369-00017755 correct in order to succeed in whatever igdLhlxbswo-00045-00017756-00018153 you do you can't just push plow ahead igdLhlxbswo-00046-00018154-00018430 right sometimes there's correcting that igdLhlxbswo-00047-00018431-00018859 needs to be done so in regards to igdLhlxbswo-00048-00018860-00019186 thinking about meditation and correcting igdLhlxbswo-00049-00019187-00019591 your meditation there are I would say igdLhlxbswo-00050-00019592-00020031 three things that are the criteria for igdLhlxbswo-00051-00020032-00020269 for answering whether you can and you igdLhlxbswo-00052-00020270-00020803 should think about your practice the igdLhlxbswo-00053-00020804-00020941 first one is that there is something igdLhlxbswo-00054-00020942-00021483 wrong so so what often happens is igdLhlxbswo-00055-00021484-00021894 meditators feel like there's something igdLhlxbswo-00056-00021895-00022081 wrong or perceived that there's igdLhlxbswo-00057-00022082-00022243 something wrong with their practice when igdLhlxbswo-00058-00022244-00022516 there actually isn't or they miss igdLhlxbswo-00059-00022517-00022693 perceived then this is wrong with their igdLhlxbswo-00060-00022694-00022849 practice but and said they say that is igdLhlxbswo-00061-00022850-00023068 wrong with their practice what I mean is igdLhlxbswo-00062-00023069-00023230 for example they feel pain and they igdLhlxbswo-00063-00023231-00023315 think that's some igdLhlxbswo-00064-00023316-00023585 wrong or their mind is chaotic and they igdLhlxbswo-00065-00023586-00023780 think that's something wrong or they igdLhlxbswo-00066-00023781-00023948 can't control their breath their igdLhlxbswo-00067-00023949-00024242 stomachs a and that's something wrong igdLhlxbswo-00068-00024243-00024443 and those aren't wrong those are igdLhlxbswo-00069-00024444-00025148 actually insights or observations that igdLhlxbswo-00070-00025149-00025396 we want to make about reality that it is igdLhlxbswo-00071-00025397-00025950 him in constant impermanent igdLhlxbswo-00072-00025951-00026288 unpredictable that it is unpleasant at igdLhlxbswo-00073-00026289-00026687 times unsatisfying really all the time igdLhlxbswo-00074-00026688-00027698 and uncontrollable but there are wrong igdLhlxbswo-00075-00027699-00028052 practice wrong practice would be when igdLhlxbswo-00076-00028052-00028627 you're not being mindful when you're igdLhlxbswo-00077-00028627-00028958 being mindful of some things but not igdLhlxbswo-00078-00028958-00029387 being mindful of something else of igdLhlxbswo-00079-00029388-00029527 course they're the problems that our igdLhlxbswo-00080-00029529-00029816 practice our or the what's wrong is when igdLhlxbswo-00081-00029817-00029977 we're practicing with a anger like igdLhlxbswo-00082-00029979-00030206 boredom for example when we're igdLhlxbswo-00083-00030207-00030575 practicing with doubt confusion worry igdLhlxbswo-00084-00030576-00031007 fear craving when we're practicing out igdLhlxbswo-00085-00031008-00031331 of desire for Pleasant States or desire igdLhlxbswo-00086-00031332-00031622 for enlightenment focusing on even the igdLhlxbswo-00087-00031623-00032077 goal if you obsess about it about igdLhlxbswo-00088-00032079-00032227 enlightenment or clinging to igdLhlxbswo-00089-00032229-00032515 enlightenment well even that becomes an igdLhlxbswo-00090-00032516-00032948 object of distraction diversion and igdLhlxbswo-00091-00032949-00033106 [Music] igdLhlxbswo-00092-00033107-00033850 drags you down away from enlightenment igdLhlxbswo-00093-00033851-00034078 there has to be a problem it can't be igdLhlxbswo-00094-00034079-00034936 that the practice is unpleasant or or or igdLhlxbswo-00095-00034937-00035164 saw an event later Kent we have to be igdLhlxbswo-00096-00035165-00035473 clear that our experiences are not going igdLhlxbswo-00097-00035474-00035596 to be a problem they're not going igdLhlxbswo-00098-00035597-00035824 there's nothing wrong with the practice igdLhlxbswo-00099-00035825-00035956 just because of what we experience igdLhlxbswo-00100-00035957-00036142 what's wrong with the practice is how igdLhlxbswo-00101-00036143-00036412 we're relating to it most often not igdLhlxbswo-00102-00036413-00036565 being mindful of something and that igdLhlxbswo-00103-00036566-00036832 leads to the second aspect of what you igdLhlxbswo-00104-00036833-00036979 should think about your practice and igdLhlxbswo-00105-00036980-00037303 that is that not only there has to be igdLhlxbswo-00106-00037304-00037561 something wrong but you have to be aware igdLhlxbswo-00107-00037562-00037924 of what's wrong so this is another thing igdLhlxbswo-00108-00037925-00038215 that goes wrong with practices we don't igdLhlxbswo-00109-00038216-00038463 realize and this is where I think igdLhlxbswo-00110-00038464-00038668 thinking about your practice can be igdLhlxbswo-00111-00038669-00038956 quite valuable because if you're igdLhlxbswo-00112-00038957-00039163 practicing being mindful trying to be igdLhlxbswo-00113-00039164-00039435 mindful of the stomach and the foot and igdLhlxbswo-00114-00039436-00039829 feelings and so on you just plow ahead igdLhlxbswo-00115-00039830-00039988 and be mindful of what you know to be igdLhlxbswo-00116-00039989-00040237 mindful of it's quite common for you to igdLhlxbswo-00117-00040238-00040465 start to miss something you start to igdLhlxbswo-00118-00040466-00040639 feel bored for example and you're trying igdLhlxbswo-00119-00040640-00040777 to be mindful me you're so bored that igdLhlxbswo-00120-00040778-00041236 it's hard right or or you have a lot of igdLhlxbswo-00121-00041237-00041614 doubt you're trying to push as much and igdLhlxbswo-00122-00041615-00041764 do as much as you can but you really igdLhlxbswo-00123-00041765-00041890 can't put the effort in because you're igdLhlxbswo-00124-00041891-00042169 bored or because you're sorry because igdLhlxbswo-00125-00042170-00042478 you don't you're not convinced that it's igdLhlxbswo-00126-00042479-00042949 useful or you really want to want to do igdLhlxbswo-00127-00042950-00043410 it and you like to do it but you're lazy igdLhlxbswo-00128-00043411-00043831 and so you're ignoring some part of the igdLhlxbswo-00129-00043832-00044016 practice is quite common ignoring igdLhlxbswo-00130-00044017-00044362 disliking of pain boredom of the igdLhlxbswo-00131-00044363-00044800 practice craving for something and we're igdLhlxbswo-00132-00044801-00044944 not mindful of those things maybe even igdLhlxbswo-00133-00044945-00045151 just the liking of the practice if it igdLhlxbswo-00134-00045152-00045361 feels good and you like it but you igdLhlxbswo-00135-00045362-00045571 ignore the liking and you're mindful of igdLhlxbswo-00136-00045572-00045901 everything else your mindfulness is igdLhlxbswo-00137-00045902-00046072 reduced and eventually becomes igdLhlxbswo-00138-00046073-00046204 ineffective and you're not really being igdLhlxbswo-00139-00046205-00046380 mind because you're just enjoying igdLhlxbswo-00140-00046381-00046824 to the enjoyment bills and of course igdLhlxbswo-00141-00046825-00047040 leads to disappointment when and if when igdLhlxbswo-00142-00047041-00047400 eventually the objects and the igdLhlxbswo-00143-00047401-00047823 experience changes so think stepping igdLhlxbswo-00144-00047824-00047954 back and thinking about your practice igdLhlxbswo-00145-00047955-00048348 often gives you the perspective to say igdLhlxbswo-00146-00048349-00048699 oh yes there I was meditating but I was igdLhlxbswo-00147-00048700-00048861 missing the boredom where I was missing igdLhlxbswo-00148-00048862-00049115 the downer I was a mindful of usually igdLhlxbswo-00149-00049116-00049530 the five hindrances someone or another igdLhlxbswo-00150-00049531-00050061 of them becomes a real drag on your igdLhlxbswo-00151-00050062-00050784 practice and the third qualities that igdLhlxbswo-00152-00050785-00051114 you have to you have to correct the igdLhlxbswo-00153-00051115-00051462 practice and and where this is most igdLhlxbswo-00154-00051463-00051683 important is not just you have to do igdLhlxbswo-00155-00051684-00051821 something about it but you have to do igdLhlxbswo-00156-00051822-00052058 the correct thing because it's quite igdLhlxbswo-00157-00052059-00052302 common as well once we perceive a igdLhlxbswo-00158-00052303-00052509 problem with their practice as something igdLhlxbswo-00159-00052510-00052766 wrong with our practice we correct it in igdLhlxbswo-00160-00052767-00052904 the wrong way or we do something that's igdLhlxbswo-00161-00052905-00053187 actually not only ineffective but often igdLhlxbswo-00162-00053188-00053511 problematic like if you're born for igdLhlxbswo-00163-00053512-00053757 example well then maybe I'll go and igdLhlxbswo-00164-00053758-00054159 enjoy myself or I'll find some way to be igdLhlxbswo-00165-00054160-00054309 more pleasant or go and talk to someone igdLhlxbswo-00166-00054310-00054554 I'm bored so I'll take a break and going igdLhlxbswo-00167-00054555-00054822 no avoiding the challenge of dealing igdLhlxbswo-00168-00054823-00055004 with boredom which is actually just a igdLhlxbswo-00169-00055005-00055188 version it's and it's an anger based igdLhlxbswo-00170-00055189-00055655 line state have you have your doubt well igdLhlxbswo-00171-00055657-00055841 I'll go and read something or that sort igdLhlxbswo-00172-00055842-00056064 of thing rather than challenging igdLhlxbswo-00173-00056065-00056232 yourself facing the DAO attending igdLhlxbswo-00174-00056233-00057063 mindful of it so I know it is of course igdLhlxbswo-00175-00057064-00057254 possible that we just ignore it we have igdLhlxbswo-00176-00057255-00057498 a problem we ignore it that's right but igdLhlxbswo-00177-00057499-00057800 it's also possible that we try to solve igdLhlxbswo-00178-00057801-00058037 trying to fix our practice and do igdLhlxbswo-00179-00058038-00058505 everything wrong so I would say there igdLhlxbswo-00180-00058507-00058722 are sort of three ways you can fix your igdLhlxbswo-00181-00058723-00059117 practice and that is they are the ways igdLhlxbswo-00182-00059119-00059439 that are problematic that actually make igdLhlxbswo-00183-00059440-00059744 it worse ways that are igdLhlxbswo-00184-00059745-00060116 provisionally useful and ways that are igdLhlxbswo-00185-00060117-00060336 all and hand of fixing of your practice igdLhlxbswo-00186-00060337-00060912 that's ultimately useful so ways that igdLhlxbswo-00187-00060913-00061251 are actually making it worse is where igdLhlxbswo-00188-00061252-00061674 you avoid the problem or you attack one igdLhlxbswo-00189-00061675-00061848 problem with another problem like you're igdLhlxbswo-00190-00061849-00062100 really negative about the practice so igdLhlxbswo-00191-00062101-00062267 you try to find a way to make it more igdLhlxbswo-00192-00062269-00062529 enjoyable right you don't like some igdLhlxbswo-00193-00062529-00062640 things when you try to find a way to igdLhlxbswo-00194-00062641-00063021 like it or you have doubts igdLhlxbswo-00195-00063022-00063362 so you find ways to build up confidence igdLhlxbswo-00196-00063363-00063711 no actually that that isn't so bad I'll igdLhlxbswo-00197-00063712-00063903 talk about that sort of a provisional igdLhlxbswo-00198-00063904-00064722 way but you might well you might force igdLhlxbswo-00199-00064723-00065198 yourself to believe for example we might igdLhlxbswo-00200-00065199-00065640 very commonly avoiding is in this igdLhlxbswo-00201-00065641-00066033 category so you have disliking of pain igdLhlxbswo-00202-00066034-00066231 so you find ways to not have pain for igdLhlxbswo-00203-00066232-00066543 example you don't like walking igdLhlxbswo-00204-00066544-00066890 meditation so you just sit all the time igdLhlxbswo-00205-00066891-00067326 that sort of thing but I think what's igdLhlxbswo-00206-00067327-00067440 really interesting are they're igdLhlxbswo-00207-00067441-00067848 provisionally useful means of fixing igdLhlxbswo-00208-00067849-00068046 your practice and I think that's what a igdLhlxbswo-00209-00068047-00068301 lot of people often are curious about igdLhlxbswo-00210-00068302-00068708 because the ultimately ultimately igdLhlxbswo-00211-00068709-00068976 beneficial ways is of course just to be igdLhlxbswo-00212-00068977-00069188 mindful of what your not being mindful igdLhlxbswo-00213-00069189-00069414 when you step back and look and you igdLhlxbswo-00214-00069415-00069699 realize a how well the problem is I'm igdLhlxbswo-00215-00069700-00069978 ignoring this one so really the the igdLhlxbswo-00216-00069979-00070563 ultimate solution to to wrong practice igdLhlxbswo-00217-00070564-00070848 that you should use this introspection igdLhlxbswo-00218-00070849-00071043 sort of stepping back and analyzing your igdLhlxbswo-00219-00071044-00071481 practice to to pinpoint to identify the igdLhlxbswo-00220-00071482-00071844 the solution is to be mindful of that igdLhlxbswo-00221-00071845-00072147 that's it it's quite simple but there igdLhlxbswo-00222-00072148-00072321 are many many sort of provisionally igdLhlxbswo-00223-00072322-00072852 useful techniques and they involve not igdLhlxbswo-00224-00072853-00073075 trying to fix the pro igdLhlxbswo-00225-00073076-00073372 or avoid the problem but to make the igdLhlxbswo-00226-00073373-00073678 problem more bearable or more endurable igdLhlxbswo-00227-00073679-00074130 or less severe so if you're very angry igdLhlxbswo-00228-00074131-00074512 love can be sending love and compassion igdLhlxbswo-00229-00074513-00074734 can be a very useful sort of provisional igdLhlxbswo-00230-00074735-00075010 tool it doesn't help you learn about igdLhlxbswo-00231-00075011-00075253 anger but it can make the anger more igdLhlxbswo-00232-00075254-00075471 manageable if you have lust or desire igdLhlxbswo-00233-00075472-00075768 you can look at the body and the parts igdLhlxbswo-00234-00075769-00075943 of the body and think about them and igdLhlxbswo-00235-00075944-00076228 that's quite useful but provisionally it igdLhlxbswo-00236-00076229-00076399 doesn't help you learn about lust and igdLhlxbswo-00237-00076400-00076654 desire doesn't help you understand that igdLhlxbswo-00238-00076655-00076990 reality it isn't the same as for example igdLhlxbswo-00239-00076991-00077212 thing liking liking or wanting one thing igdLhlxbswo-00240-00077213-00077461 or observing the the object of your igdLhlxbswo-00241-00077462-00077668 desire scene seeing or hearing or igdLhlxbswo-00242-00077669-00078213 thinking if you have doubt you can think igdLhlxbswo-00243-00078214-00078507 about the Buddha or fear as well people igdLhlxbswo-00244-00078508-00078772 have fear living in the forest afraid of igdLhlxbswo-00245-00078773-00079099 ghosts or monsters or animals you can igdLhlxbswo-00246-00079100-00079222 think about the Buddha and it gives you igdLhlxbswo-00247-00079223-00079605 courage it gives you energy it gives you igdLhlxbswo-00248-00079606-00080031 faith and confidence in yourself but igdLhlxbswo-00249-00080032-00080226 provisionally it doesn't help you learn igdLhlxbswo-00250-00080227-00080428 about doubt and learn about the states igdLhlxbswo-00251-00080429-00080587 that lead to doubt and that sort of igdLhlxbswo-00252-00080588-00080862 thing which the Buddha talked about in igdLhlxbswo-00253-00080863-00081580 the satipatthana suit igdLhlxbswo-00254-00081581-00081945 there are rather provisionally useful igdLhlxbswo-00255-00081946-00082153 techniques to deal with things like igdLhlxbswo-00256-00082154-00082423 being tired so if you're tired you can igdLhlxbswo-00257-00082424-00082657 get up and do walking meditation of igdLhlxbswo-00258-00082658-00082876 course but you can also look at the igdLhlxbswo-00259-00082877-00083242 light or go outside splash water on your igdLhlxbswo-00260-00083243-00083659 face the there are so there are I would igdLhlxbswo-00261-00083660-00084010 say an infinite ideas you can ways you igdLhlxbswo-00262-00084011-00084276 can come up with to support your igdLhlxbswo-00263-00084277-00084631 practice but it comes down to your igdLhlxbswo-00264-00084632-00084823 reasoning for doing these things if your igdLhlxbswo-00265-00084824-00085144 reason is to avoid the problem then you igdLhlxbswo-00266-00085145-00085588 end up creating a habit of avoidance so igdLhlxbswo-00267-00085589-00085963 they should never be when you when you igdLhlxbswo-00268-00085964-00086086 step back and look at your practice you igdLhlxbswo-00269-00086087-00086197 should never been looking for a way to igdLhlxbswo-00270-00086198-00086563 fix and get away from the problem you igdLhlxbswo-00271-00086564-00086719 should be looking for a way to manage it igdLhlxbswo-00272-00086720-00087021 and and like a strategist read igdLhlxbswo-00273-00087022-00087520 strategist like a war warlord I'm Marcia igdLhlxbswo-00274-00087521-00087832 and when you call a general in the war igdLhlxbswo-00275-00087833-00088036 you have to look at the battlefield and igdLhlxbswo-00276-00088037-00088321 not just rush in but you have to figure igdLhlxbswo-00277-00088322-00088557 out strategically when to retreat and igdLhlxbswo-00278-00088558-00088834 when to move forward and which ways to igdLhlxbswo-00279-00088835-00089002 move forward because our goal in the igdLhlxbswo-00280-00089003-00089221 meditation is ultimately to just be igdLhlxbswo-00281-00089222-00089416 mindful of the objects but if there's a igdLhlxbswo-00282-00089417-00089793 lot of pain for example you don't say igdLhlxbswo-00283-00089794-00090106 I'll make it so there's no pain but you igdLhlxbswo-00284-00090107-00090364 say I'll retreat and I'll make it so igdLhlxbswo-00285-00090365-00090526 that the pain is manageable and I can igdLhlxbswo-00286-00090527-00090760 actually be mindful of it with the idea igdLhlxbswo-00287-00090761-00090925 in mind that eventually I just sit igdLhlxbswo-00288-00090926-00091441 through the pain even at full force if igdLhlxbswo-00289-00091442-00091684 you have anger and you say well I can't igdLhlxbswo-00290-00091685-00091921 deal with this anger it's too much then igdLhlxbswo-00291-00091922-00092152 you step back and you send love for a igdLhlxbswo-00292-00092153-00092394 bit and you find that the anger is igdLhlxbswo-00293-00092395-00092536 reduced and then you can deal with it igdLhlxbswo-00294-00092537-00092815 and eventually your goal as the generals igdLhlxbswo-00295-00092816-00093037 goal in the war is eventually to defeat igdLhlxbswo-00296-00093038-00093310 the enemy not to always be retreating igdLhlxbswo-00297-00093311-00093478 but sometimes you have to retreat and igdLhlxbswo-00298-00093479-00093819 come back at it from a different angle igdLhlxbswo-00299-00093820-00094440 so absolutely there is room for igdLhlxbswo-00300-00094441-00094675 forethought for thinking about your igdLhlxbswo-00301-00094676-00094753 practice igdLhlxbswo-00302-00094754-00095209 but it should not be as a means to fix igdLhlxbswo-00303-00095210-00095605 and to to change things so that you igdLhlxbswo-00304-00095606-00095904 don't have to deal with your problems igdLhlxbswo-00305-00095905-00096213 and the other thing I guess I would say igdLhlxbswo-00306-00096214-00096481 is that if you're going to think about igdLhlxbswo-00307-00096482-00096688 your practice thinking itself can igdLhlxbswo-00308-00096689-00096853 obviously become a problem and I think igdLhlxbswo-00309-00096854-00097081 this is the person I ask the question igdLhlxbswo-00310-00097082-00097318 was fairly well aware of this and this igdLhlxbswo-00311-00097319-00097551 can be a problem where you actually igdLhlxbswo-00312-00097552-00097855 substitute practice with thinking about igdLhlxbswo-00313-00097856-00098011 the practice and it becomes a habit igdLhlxbswo-00314-00098012-00098290 where you're constantly analyzing and as igdLhlxbswo-00315-00098291-00098584 a result doubting I would say where it igdLhlxbswo-00316-00098585-00098842 becomes a problem you'll be able to see igdLhlxbswo-00317-00098843-00099118 if you're mindful because the problems igdLhlxbswo-00318-00099119-00099445 arise the it it arises in the same way igdLhlxbswo-00319-00099446-00099625 as it wouldn't the practice you'll start igdLhlxbswo-00320-00099626-00099886 to incorporate doubt not only are you igdLhlxbswo-00321-00099887-00100018 thinking about your practice but you're igdLhlxbswo-00322-00100019-00100198 doubting or you're confused or you're igdLhlxbswo-00323-00100199-00100659 worried or your one thing you're igdLhlxbswo-00324-00100660-00100900 desiring you start to get into a habit igdLhlxbswo-00325-00100901-00101017 of thinking about your practice because igdLhlxbswo-00326-00101018-00101194 I'm going to find the right way I'm igdLhlxbswo-00327-00101195-00101340 going to find a way to make it better igdLhlxbswo-00328-00101341-00101539 I'm going to find a way to make it igdLhlxbswo-00329-00101540-00102076 perfect so thinking about your practice igdLhlxbswo-00330-00102077-00102267 is useful it should be done within igdLhlxbswo-00331-00102268-00102534 fairly strict parameters understanding igdLhlxbswo-00332-00102535-00102894 that ultimately the solution is the igdLhlxbswo-00333-00102895-00103054 ultimate solution you should come to us igdLhlxbswo-00334-00103055-00103257 be mindful of those things that you igdLhlxbswo-00335-00103258-00103603 catch that you are being mindful you're igdLhlxbswo-00336-00103604-00103816 thinking about the practice allows you igdLhlxbswo-00337-00103817-00104149 to pinpoint those objects those aspects igdLhlxbswo-00338-00104150-00104401 of your experience that you were igdLhlxbswo-00339-00104402-00104793 ignoring that you were avoiding so igdLhlxbswo-00340-00104794-00105076 that's an answer to that question the igdLhlxbswo-00341-00105077-00105457 question of whether and where and how it igdLhlxbswo-00342-00105458-00105622 would extend thinking about your igdLhlxbswo-00343-00105623-00105705 practice igdLhlxbswo-00344-00105706-00106288 it is useful and beneficial thank you ijjfFzfjZKo-00000-00000440-00000862 oh probably some chicken alfredo ijjfFzfjZKo-00001-00000863-00000983 probably ribs ijjfFzfjZKo-00002-00000984-00001174 i'm definitely gonna miss every friday ijjfFzfjZKo-00003-00001175-00001491 night we make pizza ijjfFzfjZKo-00004-00001492-00001695 dumplings noodles ijjfFzfjZKo-00005-00001696-00002383 they're stir fries they're really good ijjfFzfjZKo-00006-00002384-00002623 mac and cheese ijjfFzfjZKo-00007-00002624-00002831 lasagna ijjfFzfjZKo-00008-00002832-00003175 i just have too many i guess but ijjfFzfjZKo-00009-00003176-00003406 my mom makes some southwestern lasagna ijjfFzfjZKo-00010-00003407-00003631 i'm gonna miss that ijjfFzfjZKo-00011-00003632-00003822 uh my mom makes this really really good ijjfFzfjZKo-00012-00003823-00004215 broccoli soup ijjfFzfjZKo-00013-00004216-00006047 maybe venison say it again venison ijjfFzfjZKo-00014-00006048-00006446 probably the snowboard ijjfFzfjZKo-00015-00006447-00006606 air ijjfFzfjZKo-00016-00006608-00006767 my dream catchers ijjfFzfjZKo-00017-00006768-00006975 i'm i guess that's kind of weird yeah i ijjfFzfjZKo-00018-00006976-00007295 have dream catcher earrings ijjfFzfjZKo-00019-00007295-00007510 my skateboard ijjfFzfjZKo-00020-00007511-00007719 ice cream ijjfFzfjZKo-00021-00007720-00007942 a lot of things ijjfFzfjZKo-00022-00007943-00008134 i mean yeah my phone and my laptop ijjfFzfjZKo-00023-00008136-00008399 definitely i can't live without music ijjfFzfjZKo-00024-00008400-00008710 my pillows i can't live without pillows ijjfFzfjZKo-00025-00008711-00008878 feather pillows ijjfFzfjZKo-00026-00008879-00008999 my pillows ijjfFzfjZKo-00027-00009000-00009542 love myself ijjfFzfjZKo-00028-00009543-00009735 uh just location ijjfFzfjZKo-00029-00009736-00009883 it was in a pretty good ijjfFzfjZKo-00030-00009884-00010078 location um well for one thing it's ijjfFzfjZKo-00031-00010079-00010214 beautiful just looking over at the ijjfFzfjZKo-00032-00010215-00010503 mountains over there close to home ijjfFzfjZKo-00033-00010504-00010671 to be honest you guys gave me the most ijjfFzfjZKo-00034-00010672-00010783 money ijjfFzfjZKo-00035-00010784-00010983 the location ijjfFzfjZKo-00036-00010984-00011142 i really like the atmosphere of the ijjfFzfjZKo-00037-00011143-00011287 school ijjfFzfjZKo-00038-00011288-00011495 and also i'm close by i'm only an hour ijjfFzfjZKo-00039-00011496-00011623 and a half away ijjfFzfjZKo-00040-00011624-00011814 my sister went to uvm i don't know i ijjfFzfjZKo-00041-00011815-00012063 like i came on campus and i knew right ijjfFzfjZKo-00042-00012064-00012246 away that i was swimming because i just ijjfFzfjZKo-00043-00012247-00012431 felt at home and you guys have lake ijjfFzfjZKo-00044-00012432-00012623 champlain but i wanted the mountains too ijjfFzfjZKo-00045-00012624-00012919 my dad went here so he's been you know ijjfFzfjZKo-00046-00012919-00013127 mentioning it ever since i was little ijjfFzfjZKo-00047-00013128-00013343 throwing in little snippets about how ijjfFzfjZKo-00048-00013344-00014199 great it is ijjfFzfjZKo-00049-00014200-00014408 you ijvtQYeaas8-00000-00000024-00001045 foreign ijvtQYeaas8-00001-00001046-00001343 with a weekly planning that we have ijvtQYeaas8-00002-00001344-00001523 prepared every Friday so we know all the ijvtQYeaas8-00003-00001524-00001667 tasks that we are going to do for the ijvtQYeaas8-00004-00001668-00001901 next week we perform quality control of ijvtQYeaas8-00005-00001902-00002326 the vaccines products a RSV covet and ijvtQYeaas8-00006-00002327-00002597 now we are moving through lentivirus my ijvtQYeaas8-00007-00002598-00002921 delitas are uplc hplc those are a ijvtQYeaas8-00008-00002922-00003083 separation techniques we also perform ijvtQYeaas8-00009-00003084-00003515 elizas and different kinds of PCR ijvtQYeaas8-00010-00003515-00003719 what surprised me when I started working ijvtQYeaas8-00011-00003720-00003904 at the answer is that it is such a big ijvtQYeaas8-00012-00003905-00004199 company it's a global company with so ijvtQYeaas8-00013-00004200-00004463 many people involved and you're also ijvtQYeaas8-00014-00004464-00004636 interacting with so many people from all ijvtQYeaas8-00015-00004637-00004931 around the world I'm learning day by day ijvtQYeaas8-00016-00004932-00005129 different techniques a different ijvtQYeaas8-00017-00005130-00005356 approach to different problematics that ijvtQYeaas8-00018-00005357-00005549 we solve every day and it doesn't feel ijvtQYeaas8-00019-00005550-00005795 like systematically every day doing one ijvtQYeaas8-00020-00005796-00006047 thing so I'm very have a lot of variety ijvtQYeaas8-00021-00006048-00006383 in my daily tasks as a laboratory ijvtQYeaas8-00022-00006384-00006605 technician I see my future at Johnson as ijvtQYeaas8-00023-00006606-00006833 a scientist or growing in into the ijvtQYeaas8-00024-00006834-00007139 analyst path I think that that is what I ijvtQYeaas8-00025-00007140-00007475 want to do in this company this is the ijvtQYeaas8-00026-00007476-00007684 path that most is more attractive to me ijvtQYeaas8-00027-00007686-00007877 at the moment but okay it's just eight ijvtQYeaas8-00028-00007878-00008123 months so a lot can change ijvtQYeaas8-00029-00008123-00008285 what I would tell somebody is starting ijvtQYeaas8-00030-00008286-00008519 to work is really that they can gain so ijvtQYeaas8-00031-00008520-00008723 much here in terms of training and ijvtQYeaas8-00032-00008724-00008927 experience and they really give you the ijvtQYeaas8-00033-00008928-00009346 the tools to learn a lot of new topics ijvtQYeaas8-00034-00009347-00009539 what are you doing tomorrow are you ijvtQYeaas8-00035-00009540-00009842 gonna be my new colleague ikAINgXyODQ-00000-00000111-00000438 Scientology terminology consists of a ikAINgXyODQ-00001-00000438-00000785 complex assortment of jargon used by ikAINgXyODQ-00002-00000786-00001040 Scientologists in conjunction with the ikAINgXyODQ-00003-00001041-00001298 practice of Scientology and in their ikAINgXyODQ-00004-00001299-00001682 everyday lives it is difficult if not ikAINgXyODQ-00005-00001684-00002027 impossible to understand Scientology ikAINgXyODQ-00006-00002028-00002307 without understanding its terminology ikAINgXyODQ-00007-00002308-00002657 the way Hubbard defines it l ron Hubbard ikAINgXyODQ-00008-00002658-00002955 the founder of the Church of Scientology ikAINgXyODQ-00009-00002956-00003272 created a large number of jargon terms ikAINgXyODQ-00010-00003274-00003603 or Scientology's to refer to various ikAINgXyODQ-00011-00003604-00003915 concepts in Scientology and the related ikAINgXyODQ-00012-00003915-00004329 practice of Dianetics by the time he ikAINgXyODQ-00013-00004330-00004737 died in 1986 he had devised a thicket of ikAINgXyODQ-00014-00004738-00005028 language or nomenclature by means of ikAINgXyODQ-00015-00005029-00005312 which one and all are indoctrinated in ikAINgXyODQ-00016-00005313-00005585 Scientology religious law Hubbard's ikAINgXyODQ-00017-00005586-00005916 scientology terminology consists of two ikAINgXyODQ-00018-00005917-00006354 types of terms existing english terms ikAINgXyODQ-00019-00006355-00006606 given an additional scientology ikAINgXyODQ-00020-00006606-00007026 definition for instance the word valence ikAINgXyODQ-00021-00007027-00007295 has various existing meanings in ikAINgXyODQ-00022-00007296-00007646 chemistry linguistics psychology and ikAINgXyODQ-00023-00007647-00007926 mathematics generally referring to the ikAINgXyODQ-00024-00007927-00008327 capacity or value of something Hubbard ikAINgXyODQ-00025-00008328-00008658 redefines it to mean an identity ikAINgXyODQ-00026-00008659-00009030 complete with bank mass or mental image ikAINgXyODQ-00027-00009031-00009327 picture mass of somebody other than the ikAINgXyODQ-00028-00009328-00009842 identity selected by oneself thus the ikAINgXyODQ-00029-00009843-00010067 new member is immersed in the new ikAINgXyODQ-00030-00010068-00010316 doctrine and gradually placed under ikAINgXyODQ-00031-00010317-00010527 control with the help of a new ikAINgXyODQ-00032-00010528-00010770 vocabulary in which the terms are ikAINgXyODQ-00033-00010771-00011037 exactly defined with no shades of gray ikAINgXyODQ-00034-00011038-00011378 allowed or personal interpretations as ikAINgXyODQ-00035-00011379-00011791 is usual in ordinary language ikAINgXyODQ-00036-00011792-00012149 neologisms Hubbard invented many wholly ikAINgXyODQ-00037-00012150-00012488 new terms such as FET and to refer to ikAINgXyODQ-00038-00012489-00012760 his conception of a spiritual being ikAINgXyODQ-00039-00012761-00012874 Scientology ikAINgXyODQ-00040-00012875-00013172 terminology is defined in the Dianetics ikAINgXyODQ-00041-00013172-00013513 and Scientology technical dictionary ikAINgXyODQ-00042-00013515-00013853 ISBN oh eight eight four oh four OH ikAINgXyODQ-00043-00013854-00014149 three seven two and modern management ikAINgXyODQ-00044-00014150-00014528 technology defined ISBN oh eight eight ikAINgXyODQ-00045-00014529-00014990 four oh four oh four oh to the latter is ikAINgXyODQ-00046-00014991-00015302 known colloquially within Scientology as ikAINgXyODQ-00047-00015303-00015749 the admin dictionary between 'm the two ikAINgXyODQ-00048-00015750-00016116 volumes reportedly define over 3000 ikAINgXyODQ-00049-00016118-00016589 Scientology terms in over 1,100 pages of ikAINgXyODQ-00050-00016590-00017240 definitions ikAINgXyODQ-00051-00017241-00017933 topic objectives and usage ikAINgXyODQ-00052-00017934-00018197 Hubbard explained the purpose of ikAINgXyODQ-00053-00018198-00018500 creating new terms in the forward to the ikAINgXyODQ-00054-00018501-00018805 Dianetics and Scientology technical ikAINgXyODQ-00055-00018806-00019300 dictionary philosophy has always had the ikAINgXyODQ-00056-00019301-00019649 liability of gathering to itself a great ikAINgXyODQ-00057-00019650-00020129 many new words and labels the reason for ikAINgXyODQ-00058-00020130-00020380 this is that the philosopher finds ikAINgXyODQ-00059-00020381-00020719 phenomena in the physical universe or in ikAINgXyODQ-00060-00020720-00021017 the mind or humanities which have not ikAINgXyODQ-00061-00021018-00021322 hitherto been observed or properly ikAINgXyODQ-00062-00021323-00021769 identified each one of these tends to ikAINgXyODQ-00063-00021770-00022085 require a new word for its description ikAINgXyODQ-00064-00022086-00022555 in fact this cycle of new observations ikAINgXyODQ-00065-00022556-00022903 requiring new labels is probably the ikAINgXyODQ-00066-00022904-00023350 growth of language itself language is ikAINgXyODQ-00067-00023351-00023618 obviously the product of unsung ikAINgXyODQ-00068-00023619-00023987 observers who then popularized a word to ikAINgXyODQ-00069-00023988-00024416 describe what had been observed the ikAINgXyODQ-00070-00024417-00024672 system which has been followed in ikAINgXyODQ-00071-00024673-00025022 Dianetics and Scientology in labeling ikAINgXyODQ-00072-00025023-00025313 phenomena or observed things was ikAINgXyODQ-00073-00025314-00025667 originally to make verbs into nouns or ikAINgXyODQ-00074-00025668-00026065 vice-versa the practice of developing ikAINgXyODQ-00075-00026066-00026423 new nomenclature was actually held to a ikAINgXyODQ-00076-00026424-00026861 minimum however it was found that many ikAINgXyODQ-00077-00026862-00027114 old words in the field of philosophy ikAINgXyODQ-00078-00027116-00027500 when used conveyed to people an entirely ikAINgXyODQ-00079-00027501-00028001 new idea the exactness of Dianetics and ikAINgXyODQ-00080-00028002-00028327 Scientology required a more precise ikAINgXyODQ-00081-00028328-00028700 approach this approach was achieved by ikAINgXyODQ-00082-00028701-00028987 special naming with an eye to minimal ikAINgXyODQ-00083-00028988-00029327 confusion with already supposed or known ikAINgXyODQ-00084-00029327-00029768 phenomena the early approach is apparent ikAINgXyODQ-00085-00029769-00030130 in Hubbard's use of the suffix Ness to ikAINgXyODQ-00086-00030131-00030526 turn arbitrary concepts into qualities ikAINgXyODQ-00087-00030527-00031039 having ngerous living this reeling this ikAINgXyODQ-00088-00031040-00031390 as is Ness ikAINgXyODQ-00089-00031391-00031696 Hubbard's terminology is used so ikAINgXyODQ-00090-00031697-00031982 thoroughly in Scientology as to render ikAINgXyODQ-00091-00031983-00032248 many church materials incomprehensible ikAINgXyODQ-00092-00032249-00032570 under a standard English reading using ikAINgXyODQ-00093-00032570-00033018 only an English dictionary as reference ikAINgXyODQ-00094-00033019-00033277 Scientologists will study hard to learn ikAINgXyODQ-00095-00033278-00033545 all this terminology since one of ikAINgXyODQ-00096-00033546-00033910 Hubbard's teachings is that ikAINgXyODQ-00097-00033911-00034293 dot the only reason a person gives up a ikAINgXyODQ-00098-00034294-00034636 study or becomes confused or unable to ikAINgXyODQ-00099-00034637-00035040 learn is because he or she has gone past ikAINgXyODQ-00100-00035041-00035476 a word that was not understood it is ikAINgXyODQ-00101-00035477-00035795 also used extensively in offshoots of ikAINgXyODQ-00102-00035796-00036073 Scientology such as the Narconon drug ikAINgXyODQ-00103-00036074-00036379 rehabilitation program or the applied ikAINgXyODQ-00104-00036380-00036780 scholastics education program ikAINgXyODQ-00105-00036781-00037077 Scientologists often use scientology ikAINgXyODQ-00106-00037078-00037426 terminology in non Scientology contexts ikAINgXyODQ-00107-00037427-00037723 as well such as in social or office ikAINgXyODQ-00108-00037724-00038139 situations this can actually wreak havoc ikAINgXyODQ-00109-00038140-00038383 for a member of the public hears the ikAINgXyODQ-00110-00038384-00038771 word communication coming from a ikAINgXyODQ-00111-00038772-00038983 Scientologist and he thinks he ikAINgXyODQ-00112-00038984-00039439 understands what communication means but ikAINgXyODQ-00113-00039440-00039910 the word communication in Scientology is ikAINgXyODQ-00114-00039911-00040345 a highly technical term which has very ikAINgXyODQ-00115-00040346-00040570 little to do with what is generally ikAINgXyODQ-00116-00040571-00040930 considered communication communication ikAINgXyODQ-00117-00040931-00041262 is not the only word that has a special ikAINgXyODQ-00118-00041263-00041565 meaning in Scientology but it is the ikAINgXyODQ-00119-00041566-00041917 most important one there are other words ikAINgXyODQ-00120-00041918-00042564 such as technology administration logic ikAINgXyODQ-00121-00042565-00043176 ethics control etc that have especially ikAINgXyODQ-00122-00043177-00043495 unique meaning in Scientology some ikAINgXyODQ-00123-00043496-00043798 critics of Scientology such as bent ikAINgXyODQ-00124-00043799-00044101 Corydon assert that the use of loaded ikAINgXyODQ-00125-00044102-00044635 language e.g criticizing scientology ikAINgXyODQ-00126-00044636-00045049 equals hidden crimes is a manipulation ikAINgXyODQ-00127-00045050-00045426 tool psychiatrist robert jay lifton ikAINgXyODQ-00128-00045427-00045892 defines loaded language as a technique ikAINgXyODQ-00129-00045893-00046210 used in brainwashing the structured ikAINgXyODQ-00130-00046211-00046518 language places more requirements on the ikAINgXyODQ-00131-00046519-00046776 student to learn concepts and words ikAINgXyODQ-00132-00046777-00047094 shifting responsibility away from the ikAINgXyODQ-00133-00047095-00047287 top administration and the ikAINgXyODQ-00134-00047288-00047545 creator of Scientology as well as ikAINgXyODQ-00135-00047546-00047806 inhibiting the students own personal ikAINgXyODQ-00136-00047807-00048073 power of choice in thinking since he ikAINgXyODQ-00137-00048074-00048285 cannot make his own personal ikAINgXyODQ-00138-00048286-00048589 interpretations of the meaning only ikAINgXyODQ-00139-00048590-00048976 Hubbard's meaning is valid period ikAINgXyODQ-00140-00048977-00049393 so the indoctrination boils down to do ikAINgXyODQ-00141-00049394-00050145 what Ron says equals ikAINgXyODQ-00142-00050146-00050880 topic Scientology nomenclature ikAINgXyODQ-00143-00050881-00051404 equals nomenclature begins in Dianetics ikAINgXyODQ-00144-00051405-00051699 where Hubbard uses basic English and ikAINgXyODQ-00145-00051700-00051989 some adjectives as nouns to obviate the ikAINgXyODQ-00146-00051990-00052260 necessity of having to explain the old ikAINgXyODQ-00147-00052261-00052659 to understand the new with the exception ikAINgXyODQ-00148-00052660-00052938 of the biology definition of the word in ikAINgXyODQ-00149-00052939-00053157 Graham which differs from the commonly ikAINgXyODQ-00150-00053158-00053475 accepted medical definition most terms ikAINgXyODQ-00151-00053476-00053778 used in book 1 do not have existing ikAINgXyODQ-00152-00053779-00054320 meanings in English the word percept ikAINgXyODQ-00153-00054321-00054632 exists in the English language but the ikAINgXyODQ-00154-00054633-00055026 word a sceptic seems to be unique to ikAINgXyODQ-00155-00055027-00055382 Scientology as in the superpower / ikAINgXyODQ-00156-00055383-00055754 septics rundown a series of procedures ikAINgXyODQ-00157-00055755-00056094 designed to enhance a person's ability ikAINgXyODQ-00158-00056095-00056364 to perceive as a spiritual being while ikAINgXyODQ-00159-00056365-00056865 exterior to the physical body OBE when ikAINgXyODQ-00160-00056866-00057067 developing the nomenclature of ikAINgXyODQ-00161-00057069-00057360 Scientology Hubbard tended to use the ikAINgXyODQ-00162-00057361-00057707 same words used by the general public ikAINgXyODQ-00163-00057708-00058385 e.g affinity reality communication ikAINgXyODQ-00164-00058386-00058875 knowledge responsibility quote comma ikAINgXyODQ-00165-00058876-00059277 quote control etc with a new definition ikAINgXyODQ-00166-00059278-00059582 and a meaning which is peculiar and ikAINgXyODQ-00167-00059583-00060003 exclusively Scientology the British ikAINgXyODQ-00168-00060004-00060261 philosopher and logician Bertrand ikAINgXyODQ-00169-00060262-00060567 Russell asserts ikAINgXyODQ-00170-00060569-00060950 provided our use of words is consistent ikAINgXyODQ-00171-00060951-00061300 it matters little how we define them ikAINgXyODQ-00172-00061301-00061922 however L Susan stepping declares dot ikAINgXyODQ-00173-00061923-00062191 Burt the use of a word already familiar ikAINgXyODQ-00174-00062192-00062486 in a certain sense to express a sense ikAINgXyODQ-00175-00062487-00062741 different from its original meaning and ikAINgXyODQ-00176-00062741-00063026 liable to be confused with it is apt to ikAINgXyODQ-00177-00063027-00063440 lead to unfortunate consequences it is ikAINgXyODQ-00178-00063441-00063644 difficult not to slip back to the ikAINgXyODQ-00179-00063645-00063887 original meaning and thus to perplex ikAINgXyODQ-00180-00063888-00064148 oneself and others with apparent ikAINgXyODQ-00181-00064149-00064490 paradoxes and even to fall into obvious ikAINgXyODQ-00182-00064491-00064778 falsities jou8GJjFFIU-00000-00000008-00000287 how it feels to chew 5 gum jou8GJjFFIU-00001-00000288-00000854 [Music] jou8GJjFFIU-00002-00000855-00001007 new 5 gum jou8GJjFFIU-00003-00001008-00001380 stimulate your senses j18CGuYISwQ-00000-00000000-00000179 my name is Max shall I am a continuing j18CGuYISwQ-00001-00000180-00000316 lecturer here at the Palmer Avila j18CGuYISwQ-00002-00000317-00000547 business so since Candice was such a new j18CGuYISwQ-00003-00000548-00000817 new implementation that we did here on j18CGuYISwQ-00004-00000818-00001043 campus a lot of little problems happened j18CGuYISwQ-00005-00001044-00001247 every now and then but oh aitee has been j18CGuYISwQ-00006-00001248-00001406 very helpful that as soon as the problem j18CGuYISwQ-00007-00001407-00001570 comes up typically as I'm designing j18CGuYISwQ-00008-00001571-00001723 something or I can't figure out what to j18CGuYISwQ-00009-00001725-00002021 do with something I will email OIC or j18CGuYISwQ-00010-00002022-00002249 I'll call them and they took get a very j18CGuYISwQ-00011-00002250-00002377 quick answer to me and they helped me j18CGuYISwQ-00012-00002378-00002597 solve my problem another problem that j18CGuYISwQ-00013-00002598-00002785 comes up often when were in canvas is j18CGuYISwQ-00014-00002786-00002992 students when they're using the campus j18CGuYISwQ-00015-00002993-00003182 itself they'll have some problems we've j18CGuYISwQ-00016-00003183-00003335 encouraged them to directly communicate j18CGuYISwQ-00017-00003336-00003586 with oh I see a triple e support to get j18CGuYISwQ-00018-00003588-00003854 the solutions there sometimes problems j18CGuYISwQ-00019-00003854-00004010 happen right in the middle of a quiz j18CGuYISwQ-00020-00004011-00004265 that students happen as the students get j18CGuYISwQ-00021-00004266-00004561 what we come to do is email me email one j18CGuYISwQ-00022-00004562-00004808 of my TAS immediately and between two or j18CGuYISwQ-00023-00004809-00004961 three of us one of us is going to catch j18CGuYISwQ-00024-00004962-00005204 that email right now so if we have to j18CGuYISwQ-00025-00005205-00005377 reset a quiz because their internet j18CGuYISwQ-00026-00005378-00005581 dropped and restart them or we need to j18CGuYISwQ-00027-00005582-00005717 grant them an extra try because j18CGuYISwQ-00028-00005718-00005845 something happened in the middle of a j18CGuYISwQ-00029-00005846-00006038 quiz and it's very easy to do with a j18CGuYISwQ-00030-00006039-00006487 setting on the quiz function of canvas j1M05dJDH0g-00000-00000017-00000761 foreign j1M05dJDH0g-00001-00000762-00002968 [Music] j1M05dJDH0g-00002-00002969-00003293 foreign j1M05dJDH0g-00003-00003294-00006268 foreign j1M05dJDH0g-00004-00006269-00009059 foreign j1M05dJDH0g-00005-00009060-00009485 foreign j1M05dJDH0g-00007-00013404-00013601 cup of tea j1M05dJDH0g-00008-00013602-00015136 is j1M05dJDH0g-00009-00015137-00016085 Hindi j1M05dJDH0g-00010-00016086-00016685 foreign j1M05dJDH0g-00013-00023034-00025762 foreign j1M05dJDH0g-00014-00025763-00026333 foreign j1M05dJDH0g-00016-00031958-00032164 God bless you all j1M05dJDH0g-00017-00032166-00032408 foreign j5hsq8KGngM-00000-00000000-00000353 I chose antiox MBA program because it j5hsq8KGngM-00001-00000354-00000601 was not the traditional NBA I had looked j5hsq8KGngM-00002-00000602-00000784 at other mba programs and they were j5hsq8KGngM-00003-00000785-00000952 pretty much the same focusing on j5hsq8KGngM-00004-00000953-00001127 business international relations I j5hsq8KGngM-00005-00001128-00001333 wanted something more wanted something j5hsq8KGngM-00006-00001334-00001591 where I could give back to the community j5hsq8KGngM-00007-00001592-00001904 this program has helped me stay relevant j5hsq8KGngM-00008-00001905-00002092 and competent at the job that I already j5hsq8KGngM-00009-00002093-00002293 have but it's also opening doors for j5hsq8KGngM-00010-00002294-00002527 more than I can do there the other thing j5hsq8KGngM-00011-00002528-00002798 I really have enjoyed is the social j5hsq8KGngM-00012-00002799-00003023 responsibility emphasis I've brought it j5hsq8KGngM-00013-00003024-00003302 back to my company through my capstone j5hsq8KGngM-00014-00003303-00003527 project here Antioch we have very small j5hsq8KGngM-00015-00003528-00003863 class sizes at most 20 individuals these j5hsq8KGngM-00016-00003864-00004070 individuals are some of the greatest and j5hsq8KGngM-00017-00004071-00004229 smartest and most fashion people I've j5hsq8KGngM-00018-00004230-00004556 ever met we're a perfect group we are so j5hsq8KGngM-00019-00004557-00004826 diverse I just really treasure that j5hsq8KGngM-00020-00004827-00005056 group of people so fun I'm keeping them j5hsq8KGngM-00021-00005057-00005243 forever another great benefit with j5hsq8KGngM-00022-00005244-00005413 Antioch Sen VA program is what's called j5hsq8KGngM-00023-00005414-00005570 a project class where we spend a whole j5hsq8KGngM-00024-00005571-00005834 program in a project developing an idea j5hsq8KGngM-00025-00005835-00006041 it forces me to do things that I've j5hsq8KGngM-00026-00006042-00006167 never done before made me get out of my j5hsq8KGngM-00027-00006168-00006532 bubble I am developing a formal j5hsq8KGngM-00028-00006533-00006701 corporate social responsibility program j5hsq8KGngM-00029-00006702-00006950 in the company we're designing more j5hsq8KGngM-00030-00006951-00007153 sustainable packaging because we ship j5hsq8KGngM-00031-00007154-00007348 product all over the world because of an j5hsq8KGngM-00032-00007350-00007556 TFS MBA program I was able to get a j5hsq8KGngM-00033-00007556-00007730 promotion that normally would take six j5hsq8KGngM-00034-00007731-00007958 months I did it in two this has just j5hsq8KGngM-00035-00007959-00008153 opened more doors for me I don't know j5hsq8KGngM-00036-00008154-00008369 what the future holds but antioch's MBA j5hsq8KGngM-00037-00008370-00008564 program gave me the confidence I need it j5hsq8KGngM-00038-00008565-00008803 no matter what path I go I j5hsq8KGngM-00039-00008804-00009157 I will be successful j6H179CWl6o-00000-00000000-00000010 [Music] j6H179CWl6o-00001-00000011-00000413 don't ya okay the worst thing the worst j6H179CWl6o-00002-00000413-00000641 thing out of don't we ever know j6H179CWl6o-00003-00000642-00000857 customers remix okay j6H179CWl6o-00004-00000858-00001232 yeah there's story house y'all keyboard j6H179CWl6o-00005-00001233-00001655 a mouse yeah yeah heard the click I j6H179CWl6o-00006-00001655-00001982 can't get on PC no come on give me a j6H179CWl6o-00007-00001982-00002026 boost j6H179CWl6o-00008-00002027-00003073 give me a boost you need no Jake my eyes j6H179CWl6o-00009-00003074-00003356 you you have a word track together hallo j6H179CWl6o-00010-00003357-00003593 do you like my pizza Martin what the j6H179CWl6o-00011-00003594-00003786 [__] you're short j6H179CWl6o-00012-00003787-00005435 how did you do king are you use Hitler j6H179CWl6o-00013-00005436-00005708 we gotta say now the short loser j6H179CWl6o-00014-00005709-00006343 we got pressing pegleg do weirdo hey I'm j6H179CWl6o-00015-00006344-00006623 Peggy they ought to do okay so and then j6H179CWl6o-00016-00006623-00007013 we got we got a Beverly became an j6H179CWl6o-00017-00007014-00007189 official name to what's in the house or j6H179CWl6o-00018-00007190-00007316 Riley what should we call it j6H179CWl6o-00019-00007317-00007823 I say we call it well monstrosity flow j6H179CWl6o-00020-00007823-00008102 bride 3 must travel Tom let's just call j6H179CWl6o-00021-00008103-00009749 it the Chad yet epic Chad dude is king j6H179CWl6o-00022-00009750-00010153 and joiners king like afraid oh my god j6H179CWl6o-00023-00010154-00010414 that it's a sexy skirt bend over who's j6H179CWl6o-00024-00010415-00010645 been oh whoa-oh-oh j6H179CWl6o-00025-00010646-00011242 erections it's still humble walk so it's j6H179CWl6o-00026-00011243-00011423 not really curvy I rather have curves j6H179CWl6o-00027-00011424-00011987 that just straight I love you so much j6H179CWl6o-00028-00011988-00012439 daddy no sobbing oh no you wanna go it's j6H179CWl6o-00029-00012440-00012821 not it's not inviting shut up shut up j6H179CWl6o-00030-00012822-00013363 okay oh by the way give my inside j6H179CWl6o-00031-00013363-00014641 I already invited you guys I have a tail j6H179CWl6o-00032-00014641-00014869 I'm a furry for you God j6H179CWl6o-00033-00014869-00015805 okay I love this evil speak no evil [__] j6H179CWl6o-00034-00015806-00016927 you oh there's my naked skin love just j6H179CWl6o-00035-00016928-00017353 so much trash to scroll through speak no j6H179CWl6o-00036-00017354-00017557 evil and they hear no evil and the see j6H179CWl6o-00037-00017558-00017844 no evil look at this look at this that's j6H179CWl6o-00038-00017845-00018403 actually pretty cool that's the three j6H179CWl6o-00039-00018404-00018597 skins that go with this yeah I love this j6H179CWl6o-00040-00018598-00018829 three skin pack it's in like a skin pack j6H179CWl6o-00041-00018830-00019030 like from the these are like the j6H179CWl6o-00043-00022367-00023209 just walking for females attention okay j6H179CWl6o-00044-00023210-00023828 everyone let's just go no eyes your j6H179CWl6o-00045-00023829-00024153 brain is not home but someone else is j6H179CWl6o-00046-00024154-00024733 we're in your son yes all the way okay j6H179CWl6o-00047-00024734-00024972 now we have to do a lot of things find a j6H179CWl6o-00048-00024973-00025237 weapon an attic everyone go to the Attic j6H179CWl6o-00049-00025238-00027039 I find the tightest I'm afraid of j6H179CWl6o-00050-00027041-00027181 turning the corner and just getting j6H179CWl6o-00051-00027182-00028951 [__] ass she I said King not he or j6H179CWl6o-00052-00028952-00029200 she by the way it teleports guys just j6H179CWl6o-00053-00029201-00029644 saying I saw it I saw it I saw it it's j6H179CWl6o-00054-00029645-00029845 coming it's coming it's my heart is j6H179CWl6o-00055-00029845-00030097 beating so fast I played on this year j6H179CWl6o-00056-00030098-00030339 before I played on this before and it's j6H179CWl6o-00057-00030341-00030676 still scary oh my god guys I got to know j6H179CWl6o-00058-00030677-00030820 I got the note find the old teddy bear j6H179CWl6o-00059-00030820-00030945 in the Attic we need to go back to the j6H179CWl6o-00060-00030947-00031843 Attic there's spiders there spiders j6H179CWl6o-00061-00031844-00032433 don't worry I don't get to the Attic go j6H179CWl6o-00062-00032435-00033129 I'm in the Attic right now where's the j6H179CWl6o-00063-00033130-00033415 you guys are actually scared I'm scared j6H179CWl6o-00064-00033416-00033565 too I'm not offended I got the teddy j6H179CWl6o-00065-00033566-00033799 bear try using the telephone where's the j6H179CWl6o-00066-00033800-00034701 telephone j6H179CWl6o-00067-00034702-00034996 by the way your turn your to head to the j6H179CWl6o-00068-00034997-00035419 thing to hide oh yeah she's in the j6H179CWl6o-00069-00035420-00035794 basement dying um should I be telling j6H179CWl6o-00070-00035795-00036538 you I will sir scared me one other way j6H179CWl6o-00071-00036539-00036700 you're the way neck did can you join j6H179CWl6o-00072-00036701-00037015 back no yeah I can join back why did I j6H179CWl6o-00073-00037016-00037342 get resurrected I don't know I really j6H179CWl6o-00074-00037343-00037486 will be smaller back in the same place I j6H179CWl6o-00075-00037487-00038131 was I found that the doll are using the j6H179CWl6o-00076-00038132-00038287 telephone you never found the telephone j6H179CWl6o-00077-00038288-00038532 oh I found it j6H179CWl6o-00078-00038533-00038863 silence fine the house that occurs by j6H179CWl6o-00079-00038864-00040003 the way we win we're about to win yeah j6H179CWl6o-00080-00040004-00040414 it's I saw it's great I'm still here I'm j6H179CWl6o-00081-00040415-00040552 still here I'm still in the same spot j6H179CWl6o-00082-00040553-00040768 this was like way easier than like the j6H179CWl6o-00083-00040769-00040909 first time what do I need it's in the j6H179CWl6o-00084-00040910-00041571 rafters right oh man what is lives here j6H179CWl6o-00085-00041572-00041938 bro where do we go this is the second j6H179CWl6o-00086-00041939-00042096 time around I feel we believe white j6H179CWl6o-00087-00042097-00042292 people I smell is totally not made for j6H179CWl6o-00088-00042293-00042490 five people because then you can't like j6H179CWl6o-00089-00042491-00042658 you know you can't really see the j6H179CWl6o-00090-00042659-00043363 monster as often okay we have yes so j6H179CWl6o-00091-00043364-00043971 we'll just once they're kind of Goblet j6H179CWl6o-00092-00043972-00044190 [__] somebody come pick me of me attic j6H179CWl6o-00093-00044191-00044386 in the closet dancers I'm scared I don't j6H179CWl6o-00094-00044387-00044940 know yeah a little bit Oh guys guys up j6H179CWl6o-00095-00044941-00045301 here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you find j6H179CWl6o-00096-00045302-00045799 that key don't do not take fall damage j6H179CWl6o-00097-00045800-00046467 do not take fall damage you'll be one j6H179CWl6o-00098-00046468-00047176 xscape guys j6H179CWl6o-00099-00047177-00047976 get down oh I'm out I'm out I'm out too j6H179CWl6o-00100-00047977-00048449 you in the blank will go hungry today j6H179CWl6o-00101-00048450-00048868 you have escaped for now brah hey [__] j6H179CWl6o-00102-00048869-00048943 late guys j6H179CWl6o-00103-00048944-00049264 let's restart yes let's go let's go j6H179CWl6o-00104-00049265-00049630 I'll fight in the closet again we're j6H179CWl6o-00105-00049631-00049761 just gonna play this over and over again j6H179CWl6o-00106-00049762-00050296 until we lose we're gonna look at [__] j6H179CWl6o-00107-00050297-00050533 there's really no good but we are j6H179CWl6o-00108-00050534-00050671 looking for after mods I know there's j6H179CWl6o-00109-00050672-00050860 like a quiet place mod that I have j6H179CWl6o-00110-00050861-00051333 oh the quiet places like where you can't j6H179CWl6o-00111-00051334-00051526 talk like one movie because like the j6H179CWl6o-00112-00051527-00051867 monsters focus on like sound I am not j6H179CWl6o-00113-00051869-00051956 even scared j6H179CWl6o-00114-00051957-00052329 I'm just chill I'm just chilling you j6H179CWl6o-00115-00052330-00053059 guys are screaming little girls I hate j6H179CWl6o-00116-00053060-00053284 the basement the basement is the worst j6H179CWl6o-00118-00056907-00058984 turn off the kitchen screaming how did j6H179CWl6o-00119-00058985-00059179 my voice is so scratching like five j6H179CWl6o-00120-00059179-00059289 minutes j6H179CWl6o-00121-00059290-00059996 I see it I [__] see it you dirty [__] j6H179CWl6o-00122-00059997-00060551 you're still alive where are you guys oh j6H179CWl6o-00123-00060552-00062116 I'm not dead but hearing now is alive j6H179CWl6o-00124-00062117-00062486 Riley are you watching my stream Oh j6H179CWl6o-00125-00062487-00062685 why'd you ask me if anybody you're j6H179CWl6o-00126-00062686-00063266 screaming it's not scary I just don't j6H179CWl6o-00127-00063267-00065147 want to die okay you can't kill it j6H179CWl6o-00128-00065148-00065730 I'm with King yeah we're both dead I go j6H179CWl6o-00129-00065731-00066242 where's a quiet place next won't [__] me j6H179CWl6o-00130-00066243-00066669 where's King like I know you don't see j6H179CWl6o-00131-00066670-00066879 very forever and then you see it and j6H179CWl6o-00132-00066880-00067149 then you die j8U0gcbILOI-00000-00000006-00000374 in mathematics a graded vector space is j8U0gcbILOI-00001-00000375-00000566 a vector space that has the extra j8U0gcbILOI-00002-00000567-00000757 structure of a grading or a gradation j8U0gcbILOI-00003-00000758-00000998 which is a decomposition of the vector j8U0gcbILOI-00004-00000999-00001202 space into a direct sum of vector j8U0gcbILOI-00005-00001203-00002518 subspaces topic graded vector spaces let j8U0gcbILOI-00006-00002519-00003199 n display style math bound n be the set j8U0gcbILOI-00007-00003200-00003803 of non-negative integers and n text j8U0gcbILOI-00008-00003804-00004186 style math bound n graded vector space j8U0gcbILOI-00009-00004187-00004429 often called simply a graded vector j8U0gcbILOI-00010-00004430-00004952 space without the prefix n display style j8U0gcbILOI-00011-00004953-00005347 math bound n is a vector space V which j8U0gcbILOI-00012-00005348-00005716 decomposes into a direct sum of the form j8U0gcbILOI-00013-00005717-00006973 v equals n element of n V n display j8U0gcbILOI-00014-00006973-00007260 style V equals Big O plus underscore n j8U0gcbILOI-00015-00007261-00007695 in math bound n V underscore n where j8U0gcbILOI-00016-00007697-00008407 each V n display style v underscore n is j8U0gcbILOI-00017-00008408-00008827 a vector space for a given n the j8U0gcbILOI-00018-00008828-00009454 elements of V n display style V j8U0gcbILOI-00019-00009455-00009808 underscore n are then called homogeneous j8U0gcbILOI-00020-00009809-00010195 elements of degree n graded vector j8U0gcbILOI-00021-00010196-00010468 spaces are common for example this set j8U0gcbILOI-00022-00010469-00010654 of all polynomials in one or several j8U0gcbILOI-00023-00010655-00010933 variables forms a graded vector space j8U0gcbILOI-00024-00010934-00011170 where the homogeneous elements of degree j8U0gcbILOI-00025-00011171-00011416 n are exactly the linear combinations of j8U0gcbILOI-00026-00011417-00012289 monomials of degree n topic general I j8U0gcbILOI-00027-00012290-00012966 graded vector spaces the subspaces of a j8U0gcbILOI-00028-00012967-00013168 great adventure' space need not be j8U0gcbILOI-00029-00013169-00013378 indexed by the set of natural numbers j8U0gcbILOI-00030-00013379-00013597 and may be indexed by the elements of j8U0gcbILOI-00031-00013597-00013866 any set I and I graded vector space V is j8U0gcbILOI-00032-00013868-00014083 a vector space that can be written as it j8U0gcbILOI-00033-00014084-00014311 direct sum of subspaces indexed by j8U0gcbILOI-00034-00014312-00015027 elements I have said I V equals I j8U0gcbILOI-00035-00015028-00015862 element of i v-- i display style V j8U0gcbILOI-00036-00015863-00016153 equals Big O plus underscore I in I the j8U0gcbILOI-00037-00016154-00016390 underscore I j8U0gcbILOI-00038-00016391-00016942 therefore and n display style math bound j8U0gcbILOI-00039-00016943-00017338 n graded vector space as defined above j8U0gcbILOI-00040-00017339-00017599 is just an I graded vector space where j8U0gcbILOI-00041-00017600-00018127 the said I is n display style math bound j8U0gcbILOI-00042-00018128-00018628 n the set of natural numbers the case j8U0gcbILOI-00043-00018629-00019462 where I is the ring Z 2 Z display style j8U0gcbILOI-00044-00019463-00019948 math bound Z 2 math bound Z the elements j8U0gcbILOI-00045-00019949-00020197 0 & 1 is particularly important in j8U0gcbILOI-00046-00020198-00021163 physics a Z - Z displaced our math bound j8U0gcbILOI-00047-00021164-00021619 Z - math bound Zed graded vector space j8U0gcbILOI-00048-00021620-00022401 is also known as a super vector space j8U0gcbILOI-00049-00022402-00022954 topic homomorphisms j8U0gcbILOI-00050-00022955-00023285 for general index sets.i a linear map j8U0gcbILOI-00051-00023286-00023614 between two I graded vector spaces fvw j8U0gcbILOI-00052-00023615-00023830 is called a graded linear map if it j8U0gcbILOI-00053-00023831-00024025 preserves the grading of homogeneous j8U0gcbILOI-00054-00024026-00024353 elements a graded linear map is also j8U0gcbILOI-00055-00024354-00024614 called a homomorphism or morphism of j8U0gcbILOI-00056-00024615-00024872 graded vector spaces or homogeneous j8U0gcbILOI-00057-00024873-00026030 linear map f v i w i display style f v j8U0gcbILOI-00058-00026031-00026401 underscore i subsets ik w underscore i j8U0gcbILOI-00059-00026402-00026720 for all i in i for a fixed field and a j8U0gcbILOI-00060-00026720-00026962 fixed index set the graded vector spaces j8U0gcbILOI-00061-00026963-00027218 former category whose morphisms are the j8U0gcbILOI-00062-00027219-00027520 graded linear maps when i is a j8U0gcbILOI-00063-00027522-00027752 commutative monoid such as the natural j8U0gcbILOI-00064-00027752-00027943 numbers then one may more generally j8U0gcbILOI-00065-00027944-00028139 define linear maps that are homogeneous j8U0gcbILOI-00066-00028139-00028798 of any degree i in i by the property f v j8U0gcbILOI-00067-00028799-00029939 j w i plus j display style FV underscore j8U0gcbILOI-00068-00029939-00030427 j subsets ik w underscore i plus j for j8U0gcbILOI-00069-00030428-00030755 all j unites where plus denotes the j8U0gcbILOI-00070-00030756-00031061 monoid operation if moreover i satisfies j8U0gcbILOI-00071-00031062-00031307 the cancellation property so that it can j8U0gcbILOI-00072-00031308-00031520 be embedded into a commutative group a j8U0gcbILOI-00073-00031520-00031736 which it generates for instance the j8U0gcbILOI-00074-00031737-00031933 integers if i is the natural numbers j8U0gcbILOI-00075-00031934-00032174 then one may also define linear maps j8U0gcbILOI-00076-00032175-00032395 that are homogeneous of degree i in up j8U0gcbILOI-00077-00032397-00032658 by the same property but now plus j8U0gcbILOI-00078-00032659-00032945 denotes the group operation in a in j8U0gcbILOI-00079-00032946-00033239 particular for ini a linear map will be j8U0gcbILOI-00080-00033240-00034362 homogeneous of degree minus AF f v i+ j j8U0gcbILOI-00081-00034363-00035051 w j display style f v underscore i plus j8U0gcbILOI-00082-00035052-00035498 j subsets ik w underscore j for all j j8U0gcbILOI-00083-00035499-00035979 and i while f v j8U0gcbILOI-00084-00035980-00036727 J equals zero display style FV j8U0gcbILOI-00085-00036728-00037204 underscore J equals 0 if J minus I is j8U0gcbILOI-00086-00037205-00037387 not in I'd just as the set of linear j8U0gcbILOI-00087-00037388-00037660 maps from a vector space to itself forms j8U0gcbILOI-00088-00037661-00037896 an associative algebra the algebra of j8U0gcbILOI-00089-00037897-00038140 endomorphisms of the vector space the j8U0gcbILOI-00090-00038141-00038368 sets of homogeneous linear maps from a j8U0gcbILOI-00091-00038369-00038581 space to itself either restricting j8U0gcbILOI-00092-00038582-00038827 degrees to I or allowing any degrees in j8U0gcbILOI-00093-00038828-00039061 the group a form associative graded j8U0gcbILOI-00094-00039062-00039903 algebras over those index sets topic j8U0gcbILOI-00095-00039904-00040630 operations on graded vector spaces some j8U0gcbILOI-00096-00040631-00040858 operations on vector spaces can be j8U0gcbILOI-00097-00040859-00041166 defined for graded vector spaces as well j8U0gcbILOI-00098-00041167-00041521 given to I graded vector spaces V and W j8U0gcbILOI-00099-00041522-00041770 they're direct sum has underlying vector j8U0gcbILOI-00100-00041771-00042295 space V W with gradation VW I equals VI j8U0gcbILOI-00101-00042296-00042583 Y if I is a semi group then the tensor j8U0gcbILOI-00102-00042584-00042847 product of two I graded vector spaces V j8U0gcbILOI-00103-00042848-00043353 and W is another I graded vector space V j8U0gcbILOI-00104-00043354-00043984 W display style V o times W with j8U0gcbILOI-00105-00043985-00045672 gradation V W I equals J okay J plus K j8U0gcbILOI-00106-00045673-00046939 equals i v j w k display style v o times j8U0gcbILOI-00107-00046940-00047233 w underscore i equals Big O plus j8U0gcbILOI-00108-00047234-00047605 underscore left-left j k right J plus K j8U0gcbILOI-00109-00047606-00047950 equals I write V underscore j o times W j8U0gcbILOI-00110-00047951-00048700 underscore K topic j8U0gcbILOI-00111-00048701-00049501 see also graded mathematics graded j8U0gcbILOI-00112-00049502-00050005 algebra Hilbert Poincare series Co j8U0gcbILOI-00113-00050006-00050455 module graded module little word j8U0gcbILOI-00114-00050456-00050737 Richardson rule j9P-90ecPdU-00002-00032288-00033683 regarding j9P-90ecPdU-00004-00037884-00040683 um j9P-90ecPdU-00007-00053576-00053832 okay jtnNzm6Py7U-00000-00002521-00002764 hello my name is Kevin saris I'm from jtnNzm6Py7U-00001-00002765-00002971 air hairdressing in Malvern today I'm jtnNzm6Py7U-00002-00002972-00003127 going to take you through some long hair jtnNzm6Py7U-00003-00003128-00003454 up techniques and the style I'm going to jtnNzm6Py7U-00004-00003454-00003631 show you on Jess's hair today is more of jtnNzm6Py7U-00005-00003632-00003895 a 50s inspired look I'm going to put the jtnNzm6Py7U-00006-00003896-00004267 back section up into a ponytail I'm jtnNzm6Py7U-00007-00004268-00004396 going to put a quiff through the front jtnNzm6Py7U-00008-00004397-00004603 and then with the size I'm going to jtnNzm6Py7U-00009-00004604-00004852 dress that back into into the back jtnNzm6Py7U-00010-00004853-00005628 ponytail okay so for starters jtnNzm6Py7U-00011-00005629-00006000 use my cushion brush just to put the jtnNzm6Py7U-00012-00006001-00006671 hair up into a ponytail ponytail is a jtnNzm6Py7U-00013-00006672-00007073 key feature the 1950s and also the quiff jtnNzm6Py7U-00014-00007073-00009149 so going to use that as our inspiration jtnNzm6Py7U-00015-00009150-00009945 again I got my covered elastic band jtnNzm6Py7U-00016-00009946-00011305 twist again then twist again one more jtnNzm6Py7U-00017-00011306-00012160 time jtnNzm6Py7U-00018-00012161-00012484 we're going on to get some tension on jtnNzm6Py7U-00019-00012485-00012894 the ponytail that split it in two and jtnNzm6Py7U-00020-00012896-00014228 pull that back to the scalp and what I'm jtnNzm6Py7U-00021-00014229-00014438 going to need to do is we need to cover jtnNzm6Py7U-00022-00014438-00014716 this band so how we achieve this is jtnNzm6Py7U-00023-00014718-00015461 literally take a section spray with the jtnNzm6Py7U-00024-00015462-00016693 hairspray and then just cover the band jtnNzm6Py7U-00025-00016694-00017620 just pull it around jtnNzm6Py7U-00026-00017621-00017945 remember the Kirby grip I'm going to go jtnNzm6Py7U-00027-00017946-00018035 it's going to push that through the jtnNzm6Py7U-00028-00018036-00020022 ponytail one I don't know that jtnNzm6Py7U-00029-00020023-00021060 and that covers our bad hair spray jtnNzm6Py7U-00030-00021061-00021307 to give it that 50s look we're going to jtnNzm6Py7U-00031-00021308-00021427 initially just tongue over some of these jtnNzm6Py7U-00032-00021428-00021568 sections with a little bit of curl in jtnNzm6Py7U-00033-00021569-00022156 there again when you want to be quite jtnNzm6Py7U-00034-00022157-00024675 loose jtnNzm6Py7U-00035-00024676-00025060 let's split the ponytail down got making jtnNzm6Py7U-00036-00025061-00025305 sure to evenly cover the hair with jtnNzm6Py7U-00037-00025306-00025801 hairspray jtnNzm6Py7U-00038-00025802-00027101 to take it from roots to ends jtnNzm6Py7U-00039-00027102-00028152 can take another section and meet either jtnNzm6Py7U-00040-00028152-00028419 hat or to the hair so all I'm really jtnNzm6Py7U-00041-00028420-00028554 doing is just splitting the ponytail jtnNzm6Py7U-00042-00028555-00029054 down roots to ends then curl back jtnNzm6Py7U-00043-00029055-00029232 usually if you probably notice I'm just jtnNzm6Py7U-00044-00029233-00029427 touching the hair alot you just want to jtnNzm6Py7U-00045-00029427-00029714 feel the heat through there and you know jtnNzm6Py7U-00046-00029716-00029856 it's ready just just waiting for some of jtnNzm6Py7U-00047-00029857-00030214 the hairspray to evaporate off the hair jtnNzm6Py7U-00048-00030216-00030516 very easy kind of Tong work your best jtnNzm6Py7U-00049-00030517-00030648 using a hairspray that's slightly jtnNzm6Py7U-00050-00030649-00030908 moistens the hair first and like then jtnNzm6Py7U-00051-00030910-00031023 you'll know it's going to stay in for jtnNzm6Py7U-00052-00031024-00031344 you so kind of just release that again jtnNzm6Py7U-00053-00031345-00032269 it gives you that nice soft curl jtnNzm6Py7U-00054-00032270-00032627 and then we just release that so there jtnNzm6Py7U-00055-00032627-00033272 we've got our kill okay all right so the jtnNzm6Py7U-00056-00033273-00033422 next phase of the hair up so we've jtnNzm6Py7U-00057-00033423-00033569 bought our ponytail we've put our curl jtnNzm6Py7U-00058-00033570-00034462 in now we're going to put our quicken jtnNzm6Py7U-00059-00034463-00034658 so for this we're going to take this jtnNzm6Py7U-00060-00034659-00035021 quick back so we need to get create a jtnNzm6Py7U-00061-00035022-00035135 little bit of texture in the hair first jtnNzm6Py7U-00062-00035136-00035995 of all so the way we do that is we back jtnNzm6Py7U-00063-00035996-00036662 okay to take a section hair up jtnNzm6Py7U-00064-00036663-00036851 most people think backcombing is jtnNzm6Py7U-00065-00036852-00036983 starting at the top of the hair and jtnNzm6Py7U-00066-00036984-00037313 frantically start moving the comb down jtnNzm6Py7U-00067-00037314-00037562 the hair but as if there's a lot more jtnNzm6Py7U-00068-00037563-00037784 effective method than that take the fine jtnNzm6Py7U-00069-00037785-00038476 end of the cove initially one two three jtnNzm6Py7U-00070-00038477-00039440 yeah another section jtnNzm6Py7U-00071-00039441-00040599 one two three okay intersection jtnNzm6Py7U-00072-00040600-00043081 find out of the comb one two okay jtnNzm6Py7U-00073-00043082-00044014 okay then when our cushion brush again jtnNzm6Py7U-00074-00044015-00044797 let's meet over the half jtnNzm6Py7U-00075-00044798-00047076 cut our hairspray jtnNzm6Py7U-00076-00047077-00047255 we just turn the Chairman so you can see jtnNzm6Py7U-00077-00047256-00047937 we're going to do that literally open jtnNzm6Py7U-00078-00047938-00048964 this down take a Kirby grip jtnNzm6Py7U-00079-00048965-00049686 okay one side jtnNzm6Py7U-00080-00049687-00050751 I have to get through the other side jtnNzm6Py7U-00081-00050752-00051133 push the excess hair up into there into jtnNzm6Py7U-00082-00051134-00054032 the cliff is the more hairspray jtnNzm6Py7U-00083-00054033-00054558 okay so with our side sections and I'm jtnNzm6Py7U-00084-00054559-00054924 going to start to take this back see our jtnNzm6Py7U-00085-00054925-00056279 side sections jtnNzm6Py7U-00086-00056279-00057083 so I'm going to use my cushion brush a jtnNzm6Py7U-00087-00057084-00058647 sprite jtnNzm6Py7U-00088-00058648-00058909 I'm going to wrap this round so take jtnNzm6Py7U-00089-00058910-00060018 that start to wrap it round I'm going to jtnNzm6Py7U-00090-00060019-00060949 grip it first section jtnNzm6Py7U-00091-00060950-00062232 and on this side jtnNzm6Py7U-00092-00062233-00063712 you can use my cuddle brush again jtnNzm6Py7U-00093-00063713-00064817 and wrap that right jtnNzm6Py7U-00094-00064819-00065338 left our curls up take that round jtnNzm6Py7U-00095-00065339-00065779 ponytail again we'll give it again the jtnNzm6Py7U-00096-00065780-00068542 secure look until ok we grab jtnNzm6Py7U-00097-00068543-00070142 again on the slide you'll see keeping jtnNzm6Py7U-00098-00070143-00070958 plenty attention lots actually I'm just jtnNzm6Py7U-00099-00070959-00072628 going to wrap that round jtnNzm6Py7U-00100-00072629-00072811 and then I'm just going to grip that jtnNzm6Py7U-00101-00072812-00073723 underneath so what I'm doing now is I'm jtnNzm6Py7U-00102-00073724-00073855 literally just tidying up any little jtnNzm6Py7U-00103-00073856-00074113 areas the front on the per side of the jtnNzm6Py7U-00104-00074114-00076579 back jtnNzm6Py7U-00105-00076580-00076934 okay and then we have our 50s inspired jtnNzm6Py7U-00107-00080694-00080900 you ju_HiXG_m2Q-00000-00000033-00000049 [Music] ju_HiXG_m2Q-00001-00000050-00000364 I came out the streets came on the ju_HiXG_m2Q-00002-00000365-00000558 street ju_HiXG_m2Q-00003-00000559-00000647 [Music] ju_HiXG_m2Q-00004-00000648-00000781 s ju_HiXG_m2Q-00005-00000782-00001097 when most of these [__] I didn't sleep ju_HiXG_m2Q-00006-00001098-00001289 now I'll do a [__] running back up in a ju_HiXG_m2Q-00007-00001290-00001693 week running back up in a week yeah yeah ju_HiXG_m2Q-00008-00001694-00001930 nobody [__] with me I got back on my ju_HiXG_m2Q-00009-00001932-00002087 feet now they don't want to be cause I ju_HiXG_m2Q-00010-00002088-00002218 came on the streets but most of these ju_HiXG_m2Q-00011-00002219-00002268 [__] ju_HiXG_m2Q-00012-00002269-00002923 [Music] ju_HiXG_m2Q-00013-00002924-00003120 On My Feet ju_HiXG_m2Q-00014-00003121-00003738 on my feet now they don't want to be ju_HiXG_m2Q-00015-00003739-00004100 fishing and my [__] juGQCum1_GA-00000-00000418-00000658 voting is one of the most fundamental juGQCum1_GA-00001-00000659-00001006 acts of citizenship and really we're so juGQCum1_GA-00002-00001007-00001302 blessed to live in a constitutional juGQCum1_GA-00003-00001303-00001651 system that relies on the participation juGQCum1_GA-00004-00001652-00001984 of its if its democratic base to be a juGQCum1_GA-00005-00001985-00002194 voter is a tremendous amount of power juGQCum1_GA-00006-00002195-00002308 and a tremendous amount of juGQCum1_GA-00007-00002309-00002623 responsibility and it requires of juGQCum1_GA-00008-00002624-00002818 citizens that they inform themselves juGQCum1_GA-00009-00002819-00003018 about the issues that are at stake juGQCum1_GA-00010-00003019-00003285 really it's it's a huge responsibility juGQCum1_GA-00011-00003286-00003586 it's not something to take to take juGQCum1_GA-00012-00003586-00003840 lightly and just to wake up one Tuesday juGQCum1_GA-00013-00003842-00004134 morning and go as the mood might move us juGQCum1_GA-00014-00004135-00004329 we really have a responsibility to know juGQCum1_GA-00015-00004330-00004486 the issues to know what's at stake to juGQCum1_GA-00016-00004487-00004741 know what what it means when we vote for juGQCum1_GA-00017-00004742-00004932 a particular candidate because that will juGQCum1_GA-00018-00004933-00005205 affect the world that we live in I think juGQCum1_GA-00019-00005206-00005425 as an institution oh you tries very hard juGQCum1_GA-00020-00005426-00005664 to provide a variety of different ways juGQCum1_GA-00021-00005665-00005925 that students can be civically engaged juGQCum1_GA-00022-00005926-00006150 and can become more informed juGQCum1_GA-00023-00006151-00006330 participants in the democratic process juGQCum1_GA-00024-00006331-00006553 some of that's curricular it happens in juGQCum1_GA-00025-00006554-00006664 the classroom some of its juGQCum1_GA-00026-00006665-00006817 extracurricular it happens in the juGQCum1_GA-00027-00006818-00007059 residential halls it happens in student juGQCum1_GA-00028-00007061-00007356 organizations and it happens in places juGQCum1_GA-00029-00007357-00007524 like the libraries I'm really grateful juGQCum1_GA-00030-00007525-00007858 that university libraries is seizing the juGQCum1_GA-00031-00007859-00008199 opportunity to help use its resources to juGQCum1_GA-00032-00008200-00008439 to help students become more informed juGQCum1_GA-00033-00008440-00008685 voters and one place where they can do juGQCum1_GA-00034-00008686-00009052 that is a guide 0u edu slash oh you juGQCum1_GA-00035-00009053-00009384 votes 2016 we're all kinds of resources juGQCum1_GA-00036-00009385-00009759 to help to help citizens become more juGQCum1_GA-00037-00009760-00009996 informed about the issues and the juGQCum1_GA-00038-00009997-00010191 candidates in this election are juGQCum1_GA-00039-00010192-00010557 available for exploration jweM8RQMpn4-00000-00000024-00000323 it reportedly happened in northwest jweM8RQMpn4-00001-00000324-00000540 Pakistan early Saturday morning jweM8RQMpn4-00002-00000541-00000781 Pakistani military officials say at jweM8RQMpn4-00003-00000782-00001120 least 26 of their soldiers were killed jweM8RQMpn4-00004-00001121-00001432 by NATO helicopters based across the jweM8RQMpn4-00005-00001433-00001739 border in Afghanistan CNN's Reza Sayah jweM8RQMpn4-00006-00001739-00001975 is covering the story for us from CNN jweM8RQMpn4-00007-00001976-00002282 Islamabad first of all Reza what are you jweM8RQMpn4-00008-00002283-00002489 hearing from the government of pakistan jweM8RQMpn4-00009-00002490-00002945 about this well they're not happy Nataly jweM8RQMpn4-00010-00002946-00003190 this could be a very ugly and damaging jweM8RQMpn4-00011-00003191-00003359 incident when it comes to u.s. and jweM8RQMpn4-00012-00003360-00003707 Pakistani relations we're already seeing jweM8RQMpn4-00013-00003708-00003869 the fallout Pakistan's prime minister jweM8RQMpn4-00014-00003870-00004184 Yousaf Raza Gillani Golani condemning jweM8RQMpn4-00015-00004185-00004325 this incident releasing a statement jweM8RQMpn4-00016-00004326-00004610 saying he's cutting short a trip that he jweM8RQMpn4-00017-00004611-00004763 was on planning to come back to jweM8RQMpn4-00018-00004764-00004946 Islamabad tonight he scheduled an jweM8RQMpn4-00019-00004947-00005135 emergency meeting with government jweM8RQMpn4-00020-00005136-00005309 officials the government here has jweM8RQMpn4-00021-00005310-00005705 already shut down both NATO's supply jweM8RQMpn4-00022-00005706-00005882 routes that go from Pakistan to jweM8RQMpn4-00023-00005883-00006145 Afghanistan that means roughly 40% of jweM8RQMpn4-00024-00006146-00006421 non-lethal NATO supplies that usually go jweM8RQMpn4-00025-00006422-00006656 from Pakistan to Afghanistan are sitting jweM8RQMpn4-00026-00006656-00006806 in a parking lot somewhere not clear jweM8RQMpn4-00027-00006806-00007052 when they're gonna start moving again so jweM8RQMpn4-00028-00007053-00007256 clearly the government not happy here jweM8RQMpn4-00029-00007256-00007430 let's give you some of the details that jweM8RQMpn4-00030-00007431-00007588 we have confirmed that it's important to jweM8RQMpn4-00031-00007589-00007828 note these are from Pakistani officials jweM8RQMpn4-00032-00007829-00007973 only we have yet to have this jweM8RQMpn4-00033-00007973-00008234 information corroborated by NATO or jweM8RQMpn4-00034-00008235-00008419 eyesalve officials but they say jweM8RQMpn4-00035-00008420-00008692 Pakistani military officials say 26 jweM8RQMpn4-00036-00008693-00008941 soldiers killed in an attack by NATO jweM8RQMpn4-00037-00008942-00009230 helicopters at a check post at moment jweM8RQMpn4-00038-00009231-00009559 agency this is a district in Pakistan's jweM8RQMpn4-00039-00009560-00009778 border region the tribal region right jweM8RQMpn4-00040-00009779-00010009 next to the Afghan border a lot of jweM8RQMpn4-00041-00010010-00010267 militants activity there NATO troops jweM8RQMpn4-00042-00010268-00010520 often carry out operations there but jweM8RQMpn4-00043-00010521-00010821 they have to stick to Afghan soil only jweM8RQMpn4-00044-00010822-00011080 Pakistani military officials say somehow jweM8RQMpn4-00045-00011081-00011276 these NATO choppers crossed into jweM8RQMpn4-00046-00011277-00011587 Pakistani airspace and hits this check jweM8RQMpn4-00047-00011588-00012008 post leaving 26 Pakistani soldiers dead jweM8RQMpn4-00048-00012009-00012326 Natalie and Reza as there been any jweM8RQMpn4-00049-00012327-00012727 official reaction yet from the United jweM8RQMpn4-00050-00012728-00013144 States on what has happened jweM8RQMpn4-00051-00013144-00013418 we did in the past couple of hours get a jweM8RQMpn4-00052-00013419-00013727 statement from the US Embassy not a lot jweM8RQMpn4-00053-00013728-00013949 of details in the embassy from the jweM8RQMpn4-00054-00013950-00014113 embassy in this statement it was from jweM8RQMpn4-00055-00014115-00014300 the Ambassador Cameron Munter it was jweM8RQMpn4-00056-00014301-00014696 conciliatory but without confirming the jweM8RQMpn4-00057-00014697-00014944 details the statement read I regret the jweM8RQMpn4-00058-00014945-00015215 loss of life of any Pakistani servicemen jweM8RQMpn4-00059-00015216-00015425 and pledged that the United States will jweM8RQMpn4-00060-00015426-00015628 work closely with Pakistan to jweM8RQMpn4-00061-00015629-00015890 investigate this incident so it's a jweM8RQMpn4-00062-00015891-00016105 statement again that's conciliatory but jweM8RQMpn4-00063-00016106-00016355 doesn't corroborate the account that jweM8RQMpn4-00064-00016356-00016547 we're getting from Pakistani military jweM8RQMpn4-00065-00016548-00016858 officials but certainly this is a matter jweM8RQMpn4-00066-00016859-00017030 that's serious enough that US officials jweM8RQMpn4-00067-00017031-00017315 NATO officials are taking a very close jweM8RQMpn4-00068-00017316-00017497 look at it and it's certainly an jweM8RQMpn4-00069-00017498-00017774 incident that could heighten tensions in jweM8RQMpn4-00070-00017775-00017942 an already fragile relationship between jweM8RQMpn4-00071-00017943-00018097 Islamabad and Washington jweM8RQMpn4-00072-00018098-00018328 absolutely comes at a at a really jweM8RQMpn4-00073-00018329-00018586 difficult difficult time Reza Sayah jweM8RQMpn4-00074-00018587-00018797 thank you so much for that NATO's top jweM8RQMpn4-00075-00018798-00019025 commander in Afghanistan has promised an jweM8RQMpn4-00076-00019026-00019289 investigation and offered condolences to jweM8RQMpn4-00077-00019290-00019502 the families of those killed CNN's Nick jweM8RQMpn4-00078-00019503-00019765 Paton Walsh joins us now from Kabul with jweM8RQMpn4-00079-00019766-00020015 more on NATO's response Nick what are jweM8RQMpn4-00080-00020016-00020489 you hearing well I mean General John jweM8RQMpn4-00081-00020490-00020672 Allen was very interesting in what he jweM8RQMpn4-00082-00020673-00020828 said because he didn't actually express jweM8RQMpn4-00083-00020829-00021058 condolences for anyone killed he said he jweM8RQMpn4-00084-00021059-00021244 was sorry if anybody may have been jweM8RQMpn4-00085-00021245-00021406 killed a really important difference jweM8RQMpn4-00086-00021407-00021622 there because at this point I staff are jweM8RQMpn4-00087-00021623-00021878 exceptionally cautious to stay away from jweM8RQMpn4-00088-00021879-00022058 saying anything which might suggest the jweM8RQMpn4-00089-00022059-00022289 Pakistani version of events is accurate jweM8RQMpn4-00090-00022290-00022465 now they're not disputing it but they jweM8RQMpn4-00091-00022466-00022690 seem to be as registers conciliatory at jweM8RQMpn4-00092-00022691-00022828 this point let's listen to what their jweM8RQMpn4-00093-00022829-00023165 spokesman had to say the International jweM8RQMpn4-00094-00023166-00023315 Security Assistance Force is jweM8RQMpn4-00095-00023316-00023497 investigating an incident that occurred jweM8RQMpn4-00096-00023498-00023702 in the early hours of this morning in jweM8RQMpn4-00097-00023703-00023903 the border area of Afghanistan and jweM8RQMpn4-00098-00023904-00024122 Pakistan the commander of the jweM8RQMpn4-00099-00024123-00024293 International Security Assistance Force jweM8RQMpn4-00100-00024294-00024562 has stated that he is personally paying jweM8RQMpn4-00101-00024563-00024758 the highest attention to this matter and jweM8RQMpn4-00102-00024759-00024974 that he is committed to thoroughly jweM8RQMpn4-00103-00024975-00025277 investigate and determine the facts he jweM8RQMpn4-00104-00025278-00025522 expresses his sincere and personal jweM8RQMpn4-00105-00025523-00025742 heartfelt condolences to the families jweM8RQMpn4-00106-00025743-00025943 and loved ones of any member of the jweM8RQMpn4-00107-00025944-00026177 Pakistan security forces who may have jweM8RQMpn4-00108-00026177-00026377 been killed or injured jweM8RQMpn4-00109-00026379-00026614 the iaf leadership remains committed to jweM8RQMpn4-00110-00026616-00026801 improving security relations with jweM8RQMpn4-00111-00026802-00027077 Pakistan including coordination of jweM8RQMpn4-00112-00027077-00027368 operations along border regions in our jweM8RQMpn4-00113-00027369-00027848 United fight against terrorism jweM8RQMpn4-00114-00027849-00028039 that's important to remember what a jweM8RQMpn4-00115-00028039-00028292 complicated messy at times area this is jweM8RQMpn4-00116-00028293-00028489 many American troops I've spent time jweM8RQMpn4-00117-00028491-00028676 with their and ever short really where jweM8RQMpn4-00118-00028677-00028952 Afghanistan ends and Pakistan begins on jweM8RQMpn4-00119-00028952-00029198 this poorly delineated border an jweM8RQMpn4-00120-00029199-00029368 operation we understand from Afghan jweM8RQMpn4-00121-00029369-00029593 border police officials going on on the jweM8RQMpn4-00122-00029594-00029786 Afghan side of that border near where jweM8RQMpn4-00123-00029787-00029896 this incident took place on the jweM8RQMpn4-00124-00029897-00030092 Pakistani side to try and root out jweM8RQMpn4-00125-00030093-00030355 Taliban not necessarily at this point jweM8RQMpn4-00126-00030356-00030539 linked to the instance in Pakistan but jweM8RQMpn4-00127-00030539-00030752 perhaps an indication of how violent and jweM8RQMpn4-00128-00030752-00030995 volatile things are there but certainly jweM8RQMpn4-00129-00030995-00031208 their suspicions on both sides American jweM8RQMpn4-00130-00031208-00031390 troops never quite sure whether the fire jweM8RQMpn4-00131-00031391-00031537 they're getting is coming from inside jweM8RQMpn4-00132-00031538-00031751 Pakistan or from insurgents on the jweM8RQMpn4-00133-00031752-00031933 Afghan side of the border and deeply jweM8RQMpn4-00134-00031934-00032158 suspicious of the Pakistani military on jweM8RQMpn4-00135-00032159-00032345 the other side whereas the Pakistani jweM8RQMpn4-00136-00032345-00032549 military themselves often considering at jweM8RQMpn4-00137-00032550-00032699 this point that the Americans aren't jweM8RQMpn4-00138-00032700-00032849 doing enough sometimes to stop jweM8RQMpn4-00139-00032850-00032992 insurgents from the Afghan side jweM8RQMpn4-00140-00032993-00033254 attacking Pakistani troops so deep jweM8RQMpn4-00141-00033255-00033449 animosity on both sides the border and jweM8RQMpn4-00142-00033450-00033599 an incident like this with an enormous jweM8RQMpn4-00143-00033600-00033770 loss of life according to Pakistani jweM8RQMpn4-00144-00033771-00034165 officials will do nothing to better that jyf6GFij5C8-00000-00000040-00000223 you know you want replacement windows jyf6GFij5C8-00001-00000224-00000423 for your house and really what is it jyf6GFij5C8-00002-00000424-00000630 that you want you want to know the price jyf6GFij5C8-00003-00000631-00000831 right i mean do you want somebody in jyf6GFij5C8-00004-00000832-00000991 your home for a couple of hours to jyf6GFij5C8-00005-00000992-00001207 lecture to you to preach to you jyf6GFij5C8-00006-00001208-00001391 to tell you how great their windows are jyf6GFij5C8-00007-00001392-00001582 and to do everything in their power to jyf6GFij5C8-00008-00001583-00001830 get you to buy right then jyf6GFij5C8-00009-00001832-00002047 no nobody wants that jyf6GFij5C8-00010-00002048-00002271 i don't think my name is dan hatcher and jyf6GFij5C8-00011-00002272-00002502 my company is in windows of austin you jyf6GFij5C8-00012-00002503-00002750 want replacement windows right well what jyf6GFij5C8-00013-00002751-00003007 color do you want you want white beige jyf6GFij5C8-00014-00003008-00003231 white okay great you want grids or no jyf6GFij5C8-00015-00003232-00003431 grids grids great do you have any jyf6GFij5C8-00016-00003432-00003622 special shapes or anything special about jyf6GFij5C8-00017-00003623-00003838 the windows that we need to know no jyf6GFij5C8-00018-00003839-00004022 they're all just you know double hungs jyf6GFij5C8-00019-00004023-00004263 or sliders or what have you great jyf6GFij5C8-00020-00004264-00004463 okay well here's your price jyf6GFij5C8-00021-00004464-00004647 is it really that simple jyf6GFij5C8-00022-00004648-00004943 yes it's really that simple jyf6GFij5C8-00023-00004944-00005086 one of the things that people really jyf6GFij5C8-00024-00005087-00005247 like about the way we do business is jyf6GFij5C8-00025-00005248-00005559 that we never take any money up front jyf6GFij5C8-00026-00005560-00005702 we don't collect any money until your jyf6GFij5C8-00027-00005703-00005911 windows are installed and you're 100 jyf6GFij5C8-00028-00005912-00006151 happy with them and what that does that jyf6GFij5C8-00029-00006152-00006318 really puts the pressure on me to jyf6GFij5C8-00030-00006319-00006414 deliver jyf6GFij5C8-00031-00006415-00006583 if you decide you want the windows the jyf6GFij5C8-00032-00006584-00006814 process is pretty simple you just let us jyf6GFij5C8-00033-00006815-00007023 know i'm going to have my installation jyf6GFij5C8-00034-00007023-00007198 form and give you a call and set up a jyf6GFij5C8-00035-00007200-00007383 time to come measure your windows and jyf6GFij5C8-00036-00007384-00007583 then he's going to order them about two jyf6GFij5C8-00037-00007584-00007719 to three weeks later they're going to jyf6GFij5C8-00038-00007720-00007887 come in and he's going to call you to jyf6GFij5C8-00039-00007888-00008295 set up a convenient time to install them jyf6GFij5C8-00040-00008296-00008423 done jyf6GFij5C8-00041-00008424-00008559 so if you're looking for replacement jyf6GFij5C8-00042-00008560-00008663 windows jyf6GFij5C8-00043-00008664-00008831 what are you waiting for just give us a jyf6GFij5C8-00044-00008832-00009119 call or fill out the form on the website jyf6GFij5C8-00045-00009120-00009310 give you a quote five minutes later jyf6GFij5C8-00046-00009311-00009660 simple as that j-KA8tJRMt4-00000-00001739-00002621 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00001-00002622-00005243 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00002-00005244-00008195 YouTube j-KA8tJRMt4-00005-00018187-00019829 party school resume j-KA8tJRMt4-00006-00019830-00020969 songs j-KA8tJRMt4-00007-00020970-00023680 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00009-00027175-00027796 electric talk j-KA8tJRMt4-00010-00027797-00028566 s yesterday j-KA8tJRMt4-00011-00028567-00030179 [Music] j-KA8tJRMt4-00012-00030180-00032457 reality j-KA8tJRMt4-00013-00032458-00032783 [Music] j-KA8tJRMt4-00014-00032784-00034331 um j-KA8tJRMt4-00015-00034332-00036893 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00016-00036894-00039124 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00018-00042786-00045433 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00019-00045434-00045617 Armenia j-KA8tJRMt4-00020-00045618-00046295 yeah j-KA8tJRMt4-00021-00046296-00046938 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00023-00051239-00052942 um j-KA8tJRMt4-00024-00052944-00054838 [Music] j-KA8tJRMt4-00025-00054839-00055386 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00026-00055387-00058349 [Music] j-KA8tJRMt4-00027-00058350-00058732 soda j-KA8tJRMt4-00028-00058733-00060472 says j-KA8tJRMt4-00029-00060473-00061129 [Music] j-KA8tJRMt4-00030-00061129-00062065 [Music] j-KA8tJRMt4-00031-00062066-00062237 thank you j-KA8tJRMt4-00032-00062238-00064944 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00033-00064945-00065442 you know j-KA8tJRMt4-00034-00065444-00066318 because j-KA8tJRMt4-00035-00066319-00066847 [Music] j-KA8tJRMt4-00036-00066848-00069365 that is j-KA8tJRMt4-00038-00073020-00075821 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00039-00075822-00077447 energy j-KA8tJRMt4-00041-00080783-00083173 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00042-00083174-00085499 [Music] j-KA8tJRMt4-00043-00085500-00088241 Italian j-KA8tJRMt4-00044-00088242-00091006 everybody j-KA8tJRMt4-00045-00091007-00093521 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00047-00097230-00099844 foreign j-KA8tJRMt4-00048-00099845-00100306 exactly j-KA8tJRMt4-00049-00100307-00102378 Monaco j-KA8tJRMt4-00050-00102379-00103703 [Music] j-KA8tJRMt4-00051-00103704-00104608 available j-KA8tJRMt4-00052-00104609-00105636 um j-KA8tJRMt4-00053-00105638-00107501 [Music] j-KA8tJRMt4-00056-00114029-00114305 yesterday j-KA8tJRMt4-00058-00117758-00118111 very rooms jDGBF22fTrg-00000-00001048-00001306 Google Drive tips and tricks for a jDGBF22fTrg-00001-00001307-00001620 teacher's toolbox Google Drive is most jDGBF22fTrg-00002-00001621-00001888 frequently associated with collaboration jDGBF22fTrg-00003-00001889-00002233 in a classroom however it provides also jDGBF22fTrg-00004-00002234-00002524 valuable tools to plan organize and jDGBF22fTrg-00005-00002525-00002995 execute your lessons and materials there jDGBF22fTrg-00006-00002996-00003174 is certainly no lack of commercial jDGBF22fTrg-00007-00003175-00003460 teacher tools in particular for the ipad jDGBF22fTrg-00008-00003461-00003861 and some of them are very pricey however jDGBF22fTrg-00009-00003863-00004126 you can do more without additional costs jDGBF22fTrg-00010-00004127-00004417 with Google Drive what's more you can jDGBF22fTrg-00011-00004418-00004711 also work conveniently as you can work jDGBF22fTrg-00012-00004712-00004900 across devices such as laptops jDGBF22fTrg-00013-00004901-00005233 smartphones and tablets and you are not jDGBF22fTrg-00014-00005234-00005716 restricted to using a single device you jDGBF22fTrg-00015-00005717-00005917 can create your own teachers toolbox jDGBF22fTrg-00016-00005918-00006163 application just by linking two jDGBF22fTrg-00017-00006164-00006367 different documents and materials in jDGBF22fTrg-00018-00006368-00006562 your Google Drive I have set up jDGBF22fTrg-00019-00006563-00006831 basically two documents lesson planner jDGBF22fTrg-00020-00006833-00007087 which is a dock and the grade book which jDGBF22fTrg-00021-00007088-00007548 is spreadsheet I have created a shortcut jDGBF22fTrg-00022-00007550-00007762 of the lesson planner file on my tablet jDGBF22fTrg-00023-00007763-00008070 so that I can have fast access to it I jDGBF22fTrg-00024-00008072-00008413 also chose to keep on device option so jDGBF22fTrg-00025-00008414-00008725 that I can reference the file even when jDGBF22fTrg-00026-00008726-00009016 there is no law in my collection in my jDGBF22fTrg-00027-00009017-00009202 lesson planner I do not only keep my jDGBF22fTrg-00028-00009203-00009397 lesson plans but I also linked to jDGBF22fTrg-00029-00009398-00009654 various files which I might need before jDGBF22fTrg-00030-00009655-00010096 during or after lessons I open the jDGBF22fTrg-00031-00010097-00010300 gradebook by tapping on the link and jDGBF22fTrg-00032-00010301-00010614 choose following the link takes me to a jDGBF22fTrg-00033-00010615-00010837 spreadsheet in which I keep track of jDGBF22fTrg-00034-00010838-00011161 homework and exam grades attendance and jDGBF22fTrg-00035-00011162-00011695 the summary for each student of course I jDGBF22fTrg-00036-00011696-00011878 can also link to different materials jDGBF22fTrg-00037-00011879-00012130 which I can use for preparing my class jDGBF22fTrg-00038-00012131-00012412 or to read along during a class on my jDGBF22fTrg-00039-00012413-00012763 tablet I like to keep my detailed lesson jDGBF22fTrg-00040-00012764-00013083 plans in a presentation which also used jDGBF22fTrg-00041-00013084-00013432 during the class again I can link to jDGBF22fTrg-00042-00013433-00013611 different materials I need during the jDGBF22fTrg-00043-00013612-00013999 class in this case I need audio files jDGBF22fTrg-00044-00014000-00014428 sending exercise I use my tablet mostly jDGBF22fTrg-00045-00014429-00014674 for reference only and to most of the jDGBF22fTrg-00046-00014675-00014991 typing on a pc or on my chromebook which jDGBF22fTrg-00047-00014993-00015355 i take along to each clause in case you jDGBF22fTrg-00048-00015356-00015568 prefer using a tablet in the classroom jDGBF22fTrg-00049-00015569-00015816 you can make use of Google Forms to jDGBF22fTrg-00050-00015818-00016183 enter data which reduces typing eg by jDGBF22fTrg-00051-00016184-00016411 using a multiple choice question when jDGBF22fTrg-00052-00016412-00016678 entering grades or as in this case by jDGBF22fTrg-00053-00016679-00017031 using checkboxes for attendance lists as jDGBF22fTrg-00054-00017032-00017322 mentioned before I mostly use my drive jDGBF22fTrg-00055-00017323-00017563 through the Chrome browser here is my jDGBF22fTrg-00056-00017564-00017791 lesson planner once again and a link to jDGBF22fTrg-00057-00017792-00018336 the gradebook for each of my classes in jDGBF22fTrg-00058-00018337-00018640 my grade book file I have got one sheet jDGBF22fTrg-00059-00018641-00018880 for homework and grapes and the final jDGBF22fTrg-00060-00018881-00019222 grades of course two functions in Google jDGBF22fTrg-00061-00019223-00019419 sheets are particularly useful for grade jDGBF22fTrg-00062-00019420-00019693 books in Google sheets one is data jDGBF22fTrg-00063-00019694-00020032 validation here you can redefine values jDGBF22fTrg-00064-00020033-00020305 for cells this is useful for entering jDGBF22fTrg-00065-00020306-00020605 grades for example then you can simply jDGBF22fTrg-00066-00020606-00020956 use the grades from a drop-down list the jDGBF22fTrg-00067-00020957-00021133 other useful function is conditional jDGBF22fTrg-00068-00021134-00021361 formatting which allows you to highlight jDGBF22fTrg-00069-00021362-00021637 different values EG particularly good jDGBF22fTrg-00070-00021638-00022050 grades or fail grades i have chosen the jDGBF22fTrg-00071-00022051-00022309 great expression esta to the nation for jDGBF22fTrg-00072-00022310-00022591 my attendance form one nice thing about jDGBF22fTrg-00073-00022592-00022843 Google Forms here is that you don't need jDGBF22fTrg-00074-00022844-00023097 to enter the date for each class as each jDGBF22fTrg-00075-00023098-00023338 form automatically assigns a timestamp jDGBF22fTrg-00076-00023339-00023856 to each entry the next step is to copy jDGBF22fTrg-00077-00023857-00024085 the data to a separate sheet where you jDGBF22fTrg-00078-00024086-00024286 can calculate the absence for each jDGBF22fTrg-00079-00024287-00024622 student first formula simply console jDGBF22fTrg-00080-00024623-00024886 each student has been absent if you're jDGBF22fTrg-00081-00024887-00025102 not familiar with the formula you can jDGBF22fTrg-00082-00025103-00025469 simply pause this video and copy it then jDGBF22fTrg-00083-00025470-00025719 you have to count the number of classes jDGBF22fTrg-00084-00025720-00025995 finally you calculate the percentage of jDGBF22fTrg-00085-00025997-00026275 attendance you do this dividing a number jDGBF22fTrg-00086-00026276-00026536 of absences but a number of classes and jDGBF22fTrg-00087-00026537-00026825 then subtracting from jDGBF22fTrg-00088-00026826-00027187 finally you use the percent data format jDGBF22fTrg-00089-00027188-00027525 if you wish you can also create a chart jDGBF22fTrg-00090-00027526-00027983 from your data finally I've got a jDGBF22fTrg-00091-00027985-00028233 summary sheet in which a copy the grades jDGBF22fTrg-00092-00028233-00028427 and attendance columns from the jDGBF22fTrg-00093-00028429-00028827 respective sheets I also employed jDGBF22fTrg-00094-00028827-00029076 presentation topics and dates from a jDGBF22fTrg-00095-00029077-00029289 separate file which I share with my jDGBF22fTrg-00096-00029289-00029535 students so that they can enter the data jDGBF22fTrg-00097-00029536-00029973 themselves the formula here is important jDGBF22fTrg-00098-00029974-00030389 then the key of the spreadsheet which jDGBF22fTrg-00099-00030391-00030708 you can copy from the URL link and the jDGBF22fTrg-00100-00030708-00030942 sheet as well as the column if you want jDGBF22fTrg-00101-00030943-00031164 to keep the spreadsheet to Heidi you can jDGBF22fTrg-00102-00031164-00031337 create a separate document for notes jDGBF22fTrg-00103-00031338-00031605 behavior and so on if you want to use jDGBF22fTrg-00104-00031606-00031827 photographs with your students a table jDGBF22fTrg-00105-00031827-00031998 in a document is easier to work with jDGBF22fTrg-00106-00031999-00032277 than a spreadsheet you can link to part jDGBF22fTrg-00107-00032277-00032529 of a document like here by using an jDGBF22fTrg-00108-00032530-00032829 anchor I do this by creating a table of jDGBF22fTrg-00109-00032830-00033126 content and copying the link of them jDGBF22fTrg-00110-00033127-00033477 they're back in my lesson planner it's jDGBF22fTrg-00111-00033478-00033654 always a good thing to have fast access jDGBF22fTrg-00112-00033655-00033927 to your teaching materials so that you jDGBF22fTrg-00113-00033928-00034077 can quickly find them in the classroom jDGBF22fTrg-00114-00034078-00034385 or print them out for your students in jDGBF22fTrg-00115-00034386-00034704 general I prefer to keep my detailed jDGBF22fTrg-00116-00034705-00034883 lesson plans inside a Google slide jDGBF22fTrg-00117-00034884-00035133 presentation I use slides is a jDGBF22fTrg-00118-00035134-00035390 whiteboard to show solutions or jDGBF22fTrg-00119-00035391-00035607 Corrections and again to link to jDGBF22fTrg-00120-00035608-00035898 materials such as videos and audio files jDGBF22fTrg-00121-00035899-00036225 in my drive you can also link to a jDGBF22fTrg-00122-00036226-00036498 specific slide in a presentation just by jDGBF22fTrg-00123-00036499-00036831 copying the current URL of course this jDGBF22fTrg-00124-00036832-00037062 is just meant for inspiration and I hope jDGBF22fTrg-00125-00037063-00037233 that you won't find it hard to create jDGBF22fTrg-00126-00037234-00037482 your personal teacher tool with Google jDGBF22fTrg-00127-00037483-00037611 Drive jDGBF22fTrg-00128-00037612-00037818 you jIQYG1cJHJg-00000-00000592-00000711 hello jIQYG1cJHJg-00001-00000712-00000983 ladies and gentlemen how many does this jIQYG1cJHJg-00002-00000984-00001150 my dragonite b box finally came in the jIQYG1cJHJg-00003-00001151-00001350 mail i'm going to be opening it in this jIQYG1cJHJg-00004-00001351-00001454 video jIQYG1cJHJg-00005-00001455-00001814 without further scooby doo let's get it jIQYG1cJHJg-00006-00001816-00001991 all right so jIQYG1cJHJg-00007-00001992-00002318 in front of the on the front of the box jIQYG1cJHJg-00008-00002319-00002495 you get a preview of the contents that jIQYG1cJHJg-00009-00002496-00002639 are inside jIQYG1cJHJg-00010-00002640-00002783 he's dragging that in the corner waving jIQYG1cJHJg-00011-00002784-00003003 hello jIQYG1cJHJg-00012-00003004-00003279 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00013-00003279-00003422 and jIQYG1cJHJg-00014-00003423-00003615 on the back jIQYG1cJHJg-00015-00003615-00003783 you're gonna have v-box lead the dragon jIQYG1cJHJg-00016-00003784-00004151 touch the victory with dragon knight b jIQYG1cJHJg-00017-00004152-00004270 i'll leave you on the screen for a jIQYG1cJHJg-00018-00004271-00004415 second you guys can pause it if you want jIQYG1cJHJg-00019-00004416-00004559 to read it there anything else i don't jIQYG1cJHJg-00020-00004560-00004711 know that's it jIQYG1cJHJg-00021-00004712-00004806 right jIQYG1cJHJg-00022-00004807-00005015 so let's get cracking jIQYG1cJHJg-00023-00005016-00005511 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00024-00005512-00006559 and this one is jIQYG1cJHJg-00025-00006559-00006710 forget to watch me make funny faces jIQYG1cJHJg-00026-00006711-00007014 while i'm opening this box too i guess jIQYG1cJHJg-00027-00007015-00007159 all right jIQYG1cJHJg-00028-00007159-00007726 flip this over jIQYG1cJHJg-00029-00007727-00008207 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00030-00008208-00008423 and get jIQYG1cJHJg-00031-00008424-00008623 getting rain really voltage if almost jIQYG1cJHJg-00032-00008624-00008855 guys and a rebel crash jIQYG1cJHJg-00033-00008856-00009151 i have no idea what double cash jIQYG1cJHJg-00034-00009152-00009246 holds jIQYG1cJHJg-00035-00009247-00009383 so jIQYG1cJHJg-00036-00009384-00009471 uh jIQYG1cJHJg-00037-00009472-00009614 as always jIQYG1cJHJg-00038-00009615-00009883 double crash jIQYG1cJHJg-00039-00009884-00010142 lost i'll say chilling range second to jIQYG1cJHJg-00040-00010143-00010414 the most vivid voltage jIQYG1cJHJg-00041-00010415-00010695 just leave it like that that one there jIQYG1cJHJg-00042-00010696-00011055 you get your jumbo card jIQYG1cJHJg-00043-00011056-00011255 dragonite doing an aggressive jIQYG1cJHJg-00044-00011256-00011823 nudge jIQYG1cJHJg-00045-00011824-00012014 so dragonite there jIQYG1cJHJg-00046-00012015-00012423 let's put it down here jIQYG1cJHJg-00047-00012424-00012815 how do you take out the dragonite jIQYG1cJHJg-00048-00012816-00013263 there you go jIQYG1cJHJg-00049-00013263-00014127 there is your code card jIQYG1cJHJg-00050-00014128-00014399 and there is your dragonite the more jIQYG1cJHJg-00051-00014400-00014599 beauty jIQYG1cJHJg-00052-00014600-00015015 what a beauty with the nudge jIQYG1cJHJg-00053-00015016-00015215 entering is jIQYG1cJHJg-00054-00015216-00015553 off on this side jIQYG1cJHJg-00055-00015554-00015727 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00056-00015728-00015935 yep jIQYG1cJHJg-00057-00015936-00016079 everything jIQYG1cJHJg-00058-00016080-00016303 centering is perfect jIQYG1cJHJg-00059-00016304-00016550 all right so i'll leave you jIQYG1cJHJg-00060-00016551-00016906 this right here jIQYG1cJHJg-00061-00016907-00017022 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00062-00017023-00017807 i didn't even have sleeves crap jIQYG1cJHJg-00063-00017808-00017983 i ran out of my normal sleeves so i have jIQYG1cJHJg-00064-00017984-00018247 to go back to normal penny sleeves now jIQYG1cJHJg-00065-00018248-00018463 i should have some more of those jIQYG1cJHJg-00066-00018464-00018679 evolution sleeves coming jIQYG1cJHJg-00067-00018680-00018935 in the mail soon hopefully jIQYG1cJHJg-00068-00018936-00019079 let me what jIQYG1cJHJg-00069-00019080-00019222 what in the hell i don't know if it's jIQYG1cJHJg-00070-00019223-00019335 you know jIQYG1cJHJg-00071-00019336-00019471 look how crease that is hopefully that jIQYG1cJHJg-00072-00019472-00019839 didn't impact the cards jIQYG1cJHJg-00073-00019840-00020694 all right crystal pokemon time jIQYG1cJHJg-00074-00020695-00020999 this is a dragonite v-box jIQYG1cJHJg-00075-00021000-00021422 will i be pulling dragonite old hop jIQYG1cJHJg-00076-00021423-00021593 and evolving skies pack jIQYG1cJHJg-00077-00021594-00022478 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00078-00022479-00022711 no way jIQYG1cJHJg-00079-00022712-00022903 you're gonna lie to me jIQYG1cJHJg-00080-00022904-00023124 you're lying jIQYG1cJHJg-00081-00023125-00023271 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00082-00023272-00023447 so apparently jIQYG1cJHJg-00083-00023448-00023614 in my dragon iv books i'm getting a jIQYG1cJHJg-00084-00023615-00023742 dragonite oh jIQYG1cJHJg-00085-00023743-00023927 nice jIQYG1cJHJg-00086-00023928-00024071 oh let's jIQYG1cJHJg-00087-00024072-00024525 get into them jIQYG1cJHJg-00088-00024526-00025071 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00089-00025072-00025271 as of me making this video guys i'm jIQYG1cJHJg-00090-00025272-00025439 currently 4 subscribers jIQYG1cJHJg-00091-00025440-00025750 away from my 50 subscriber mini jIQYG1cJHJg-00092-00025751-00025902 milestone jIQYG1cJHJg-00093-00025904-00026143 if you're enjoying my content jIQYG1cJHJg-00094-00026144-00026343 and you're liking the videos please jIQYG1cJHJg-00095-00026344-00026607 leave a like subscribe for notifications jIQYG1cJHJg-00096-00026608-00026695 on jIQYG1cJHJg-00097-00026695-00026911 let me hit that little milestone and i jIQYG1cJHJg-00098-00026912-00027095 very much appreciate it jIQYG1cJHJg-00099-00027095-00027335 girl if vp jIQYG1cJHJg-00100-00027336-00027495 over jIQYG1cJHJg-00101-00027495-00027790 verse 9 that was jIQYG1cJHJg-00102-00027791-00027947 that's a nice card jIQYG1cJHJg-00103-00027948-00028070 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00104-00028072-00028227 that is a nice chord jIQYG1cJHJg-00105-00028229-00028455 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00106-00028456-00028662 oh that is nice jIQYG1cJHJg-00107-00028663-00028958 all right and final chord jIQYG1cJHJg-00108-00028960-00029135 wow reverse nine tails and then a jIQYG1cJHJg-00109-00029136-00029518 regular red nine that was nice jIQYG1cJHJg-00110-00029519-00029943 that's a nice quad wow jIQYG1cJHJg-00111-00029944-00030190 people don't know much about this set jIQYG1cJHJg-00112-00030191-00030407 all right jIQYG1cJHJg-00113-00030408-00030567 put this right jIQYG1cJHJg-00114-00030568-00030918 leave it vote each time jIQYG1cJHJg-00115-00030919-00031087 what would be nicer this obviously would jIQYG1cJHJg-00116-00031088-00031318 be the trunk or tube jIQYG1cJHJg-00117-00031319-00031974 that's pretty much all i know jIQYG1cJHJg-00118-00031975-00032431 one two jIQYG1cJHJg-00119-00032432-00032623 fire energy jIQYG1cJHJg-00120-00032624-00032831 move those aside jIQYG1cJHJg-00121-00032832-00033079 and face jIQYG1cJHJg-00122-00033080-00033343 floating energy holding energy jIQYG1cJHJg-00123-00033344-00033455 charcoal jIQYG1cJHJg-00124-00033456-00033607 rock rock jIQYG1cJHJg-00125-00033608-00033774 pixel jIQYG1cJHJg-00126-00033775-00033911 yiddle jIQYG1cJHJg-00127-00033912-00034071 parasite jIQYG1cJHJg-00128-00034072-00034239 dna jIQYG1cJHJg-00129-00034240-00034574 reverse larger and jIQYG1cJHJg-00130-00034575-00034687 a normal jIQYG1cJHJg-00131-00034688-00034967 new canon jIQYG1cJHJg-00132-00034968-00035439 okay so here we go the jIQYG1cJHJg-00133-00035440-00035743 killing rain jIQYG1cJHJg-00134-00035744-00036399 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00135-00036400-00036895 one two three four jIQYG1cJHJg-00136-00036896-00037079 fuel energy jIQYG1cJHJg-00137-00037080-00037374 popular geek patron jIQYG1cJHJg-00138-00037375-00037502 later on jIQYG1cJHJg-00139-00037503-00037607 weedle jIQYG1cJHJg-00140-00037608-00037759 learn from edge jIQYG1cJHJg-00141-00037760-00037887 fast form jIQYG1cJHJg-00142-00037888-00038135 alvesta double jIQYG1cJHJg-00143-00038136-00038590 a doctor and jIQYG1cJHJg-00144-00038591-00039143 a novel thunderous follow jIQYG1cJHJg-00145-00039144-00039283 oh jIQYG1cJHJg-00146-00039284-00039574 we i think my luck run out guys my locks jIQYG1cJHJg-00147-00039575-00040215 run out for these special boxes jIQYG1cJHJg-00148-00040216-00040439 oh the evolving skies bless me lost jIQYG1cJHJg-00149-00040440-00042895 black magic last black magic jIQYG1cJHJg-00150-00042896-00043030 and jIQYG1cJHJg-00151-00043031-00043109 wow jIQYG1cJHJg-00152-00043110-00043358 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00153-00043359-00043502 nothing jIQYG1cJHJg-00154-00043503-00043646 from these boxes jIQYG1cJHJg-00155-00043647-00043902 so for the first time jIQYG1cJHJg-00156-00043903-00044095 in a special box jIQYG1cJHJg-00157-00044096-00044358 i've got nothing guys jIQYG1cJHJg-00158-00044359-00044630 oh wow a disappointing disappointing jIQYG1cJHJg-00159-00044631-00044883 disappointing jIQYG1cJHJg-00160-00044884-00045079 box jIQYG1cJHJg-00161-00045080-00045615 so to recap jIQYG1cJHJg-00162-00045616-00045887 on that disappointing bombshell guys jIQYG1cJHJg-00163-00045888-00046223 it is time to open up jIQYG1cJHJg-00164-00046224-00046327 seven jIQYG1cJHJg-00165-00046328-00046543 evolving skies booster packs jIQYG1cJHJg-00166-00046544-00046774 i bought these randomly jIQYG1cJHJg-00167-00046775-00046886 just jIQYG1cJHJg-00168-00046887-00047127 buy them randomly i guess from um jIQYG1cJHJg-00169-00047128-00047358 another online retailer jIQYG1cJHJg-00170-00047359-00047518 at the same time i did it so that i can jIQYG1cJHJg-00171-00047519-00047639 get the jIQYG1cJHJg-00172-00047640-00047846 jumbo cards for jIQYG1cJHJg-00173-00047847-00048015 water virgin jIQYG1cJHJg-00174-00048016-00048146 joto you know jIQYG1cJHJg-00175-00048147-00048383 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00176-00048384-00048630 i don't remember the region but yeah jIQYG1cJHJg-00177-00048631-00048855 so we've got an extra seven chances of jIQYG1cJHJg-00178-00048856-00049030 pause jIQYG1cJHJg-00179-00049031-00049239 all right so getting into the first pack jIQYG1cJHJg-00180-00049240-00049446 sylvia jIQYG1cJHJg-00181-00049447-00049590 hopefully i can get something out of jIQYG1cJHJg-00182-00049591-00049758 these packs because if i don't get jIQYG1cJHJg-00183-00049759-00049871 anything out of these bugs this whole jIQYG1cJHJg-00184-00049872-00050118 video is just jIQYG1cJHJg-00185-00050119-00050367 i'll chop jIQYG1cJHJg-00186-00050368-00051830 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00187-00051832-00052582 pikachu jIQYG1cJHJg-00188-00052583-00052887 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00189-00052888-00053023 again jIQYG1cJHJg-00190-00053024-00053319 another reverse holo that i need jIQYG1cJHJg-00191-00053320-00053566 i swear i get happier over getting jIQYG1cJHJg-00192-00053567-00053735 reverses than i do jIQYG1cJHJg-00193-00053736-00053903 anything else if anything jIQYG1cJHJg-00194-00053904-00053938 and jIQYG1cJHJg-00195-00053939-00054682 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00196-00054683-00054926 yeah double hitter right there on the jIQYG1cJHJg-00197-00054927-00055254 first pack i no this i mean it's not the jIQYG1cJHJg-00198-00055255-00055366 same jIQYG1cJHJg-00199-00055367-00055503 it's not from the box which was jIQYG1cJHJg-00200-00055504-00055775 disappointing but jIQYG1cJHJg-00201-00055776-00056038 dudes dude finally jIQYG1cJHJg-00202-00056039-00056230 my ludicola which i need to complete my jIQYG1cJHJg-00203-00056232-00056379 regular set jIQYG1cJHJg-00204-00056379-00056615 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00205-00056616-00056775 and i don't can you guessing let me put jIQYG1cJHJg-00206-00056776-00057023 the string down there for now jIQYG1cJHJg-00207-00057024-00057396 hopefully you guys can see on there jIQYG1cJHJg-00208-00057397-00057991 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00209-00057991-00058238 in person it's like hollow bleed jIQYG1cJHJg-00210-00058239-00058742 something jIQYG1cJHJg-00211-00058744-00059542 anyway let me sleeve you up jIQYG1cJHJg-00212-00059544-00059654 yes jIQYG1cJHJg-00213-00059655-00059782 this is not a disappointing jIQYG1cJHJg-00214-00059783-00059999 disappointing video guys this is not jIQYG1cJHJg-00215-00060000-00060254 disappointing video jIQYG1cJHJg-00216-00060255-00060750 that makes up for all of it really jIQYG1cJHJg-00217-00060751-00060950 are these packs jIQYG1cJHJg-00218-00060951-00061599 they save them jIQYG1cJHJg-00219-00061600-00061975 one two three four jIQYG1cJHJg-00220-00061976-00062175 water energy jIQYG1cJHJg-00221-00062176-00062319 i'm still cleared jIQYG1cJHJg-00222-00062320-00062447 i have a log jIQYG1cJHJg-00223-00062448-00062582 no leaf badge jIQYG1cJHJg-00224-00062583-00062679 lil jIQYG1cJHJg-00225-00062679-00062791 bird might jIQYG1cJHJg-00226-00062791-00063254 drowsy scraggy lagoon reverse stoutland jIQYG1cJHJg-00227-00063255-00063471 and jIQYG1cJHJg-00228-00063472-00064230 hippo jIQYG1cJHJg-00229-00064232-00064438 if you guys are currently enjoying my jIQYG1cJHJg-00230-00064439-00064615 pokemon content and would like to see jIQYG1cJHJg-00231-00064616-00064726 more jIQYG1cJHJg-00232-00064727-00064919 please leave a like subscribe turn jIQYG1cJHJg-00233-00064920-00065103 notifications on jIQYG1cJHJg-00234-00065104-00065359 i'd very much appreciate it jIQYG1cJHJg-00235-00065360-00065575 it would also help me jIQYG1cJHJg-00236-00065576-00067287 to reach my mini subscriber goal of 50. jIQYG1cJHJg-00237-00067288-00067758 l jIQYG1cJHJg-00238-00067759-00068294 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00239-00068295-00068719 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00240-00068720-00069182 oh come on jIQYG1cJHJg-00241-00069183-00069227 um jIQYG1cJHJg-00242-00069228-00069343 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00243-00069344-00069694 i mean as of now i don't think jIQYG1cJHJg-00244-00069695-00069935 i'm going to be stopping the evolving jIQYG1cJHJg-00245-00069936-00070119 skies as much as long as i can actually jIQYG1cJHJg-00246-00070120-00070335 find product open jIQYG1cJHJg-00247-00070336-00070655 until i can get my chase cards jIQYG1cJHJg-00248-00070656-00070799 right there jIQYG1cJHJg-00249-00070800-00071159 right there jIQYG1cJHJg-00250-00071160-00071311 i'll keep opening jIQYG1cJHJg-00251-00071312-00071606 until i get six out of six chase cards jIQYG1cJHJg-00252-00071607-00071767 keep opening jIQYG1cJHJg-00253-00071768-00072231 they lie but yes wait oh shh jIQYG1cJHJg-00254-00072232-00072543 okay so tentacle reverse which i need jIQYG1cJHJg-00255-00072544-00072750 beautiful jIQYG1cJHJg-00256-00072751-00072911 and jIQYG1cJHJg-00257-00072912-00073047 arterial jIQYG1cJHJg-00258-00073048-00073447 let's just get rid of fire energy jIQYG1cJHJg-00259-00073448-00073631 there you go get the cold chinese i'll jIQYG1cJHJg-00260-00073632-00074135 put you down there jIQYG1cJHJg-00261-00074136-00075343 you're all alone jIQYG1cJHJg-00262-00075344-00075582 might be the only one i get jIQYG1cJHJg-00263-00075583-00075767 in this practice jIQYG1cJHJg-00264-00075768-00076431 video might be the only hit that i get jIQYG1cJHJg-00265-00076432-00076759 squabbling jIQYG1cJHJg-00266-00076760-00076879 reverse jIQYG1cJHJg-00267-00076880-00077038 kind of thing jIQYG1cJHJg-00268-00077039-00077279 feedback jIQYG1cJHJg-00269-00077280-00077494 the requires the ones that normally give jIQYG1cJHJg-00270-00077495-00078919 me the hit jIQYG1cJHJg-00271-00078920-00079055 lightning energy jIQYG1cJHJg-00272-00079056-00079391 hold up you shake your bomby jIQYG1cJHJg-00273-00079392-00079591 global murray jIQYG1cJHJg-00274-00079592-00079703 drowsy jIQYG1cJHJg-00275-00079704-00079806 spragy jIQYG1cJHJg-00276-00079807-00080047 beavers rough blood reverse jIQYG1cJHJg-00277-00080048-00080231 and the jump off polo jIQYG1cJHJg-00278-00080232-00080386 so there's another hollow jIQYG1cJHJg-00279-00080387-00080999 [Music] jIQYG1cJHJg-00280-00081000-00081231 off pack magic channel me that look guys jIQYG1cJHJg-00281-00081232-00081438 hang on me that look let me get lost by jIQYG1cJHJg-00282-00081439-00081726 magic jIQYG1cJHJg-00283-00081727-00082191 one two four jIQYG1cJHJg-00284-00082192-00082367 lightning energy again jIQYG1cJHJg-00285-00082368-00082862 something senko adios jIQYG1cJHJg-00286-00082863-00082999 and the cool jIQYG1cJHJg-00287-00083000-00083135 puppet jIQYG1cJHJg-00288-00083136-00083375 they know reverse rescue carrier i don't jIQYG1cJHJg-00289-00083376-00083494 know if i need that one and i don't jIQYG1cJHJg-00290-00083495-00083687 think i do jIQYG1cJHJg-00291-00083688-00083926 and jIQYG1cJHJg-00292-00083927-00084359 a regular emoji jIQYG1cJHJg-00293-00084360-00084606 wow jIQYG1cJHJg-00294-00084607-00084838 my first video with jIQYG1cJHJg-00295-00084839-00085087 nothing guys jIQYG1cJHJg-00296-00085088-00085206 looks like my luck right now i'm not jIQYG1cJHJg-00297-00085207-00085518 even bringing home doom bring me the lot jIQYG1cJHJg-00298-00085519-00085815 yes it was reverse jIQYG1cJHJg-00299-00085816-00086143 all right so recap then i guess jIQYG1cJHJg-00300-00086144-00086311 the only two things i could actually say jIQYG1cJHJg-00301-00086312-00086535 that are worth anything mentioning jIQYG1cJHJg-00302-00086536-00086894 3d polo only to complete my regular set jIQYG1cJHJg-00303-00086895-00087199 and the dragon iv jIQYG1cJHJg-00304-00087200-00087406 on that note guys jIQYG1cJHJg-00305-00087407-00087535 if you stayed with me to the end of this jIQYG1cJHJg-00306-00087536-00087638 video jIQYG1cJHJg-00307-00087639-00087903 if you liked the video enjoyed it please jIQYG1cJHJg-00308-00087904-00088055 leave a like subscribe turn jIQYG1cJHJg-00309-00088056-00088191 notifications on jIQYG1cJHJg-00310-00088192-00088415 and i'm looking forward to shouting you jIQYG1cJHJg-00311-00088416-00088687 out in the next video if i hit that 50 jIQYG1cJHJg-00312-00088688-00088887 50 subscriber milestone jIQYG1cJHJg-00313-00088888-00088975 so jIQYG1cJHJg-00314-00088976-00089135 i know jIQYG1cJHJg-00315-00089136-00090294 see you on the next one jIQYG1cJHJg-00316-00090295-00090504 you jKiekUV4xFM-00000-00000092-00000397 card number jKiekUV4xFM-00001-00000398-00000574 32. jKiekUV4xFM-00002-00000575-00000904 card number 32. jKiekUV4xFM-00003-00000905-00001320 Mafia Kingfish who is this jKiekUV4xFM-00004-00001321-00001739 Mafia kingfish jKiekUV4xFM-00005-00001739-00002368 what a Trippy portrait jKiekUV4xFM-00006-00002369-00004081 what a Trippy portrait jKiekUV4xFM-00007-00004082-00004303 Carlos jKiekUV4xFM-00008-00004304-00004601 Marcelo Marcelo jKiekUV4xFM-00009-00004602-00004936 Carlos Marcelo oh yeah let's check out jKiekUV4xFM-00010-00004937-00005333 the text let's see if the same jKiekUV4xFM-00011-00005334-00005933 check out the text jKiekUV4xFM-00012-00005934-00006491 let's see jKiekUV4xFM-00013-00006492-00006827 New Orleans Mafia yeah jKiekUV4xFM-00014-00006828-00007378 you got 69 a month yeah in 1961 okay jKiekUV4xFM-00015-00007379-00007739 what have we got Lee Oswald Lee Oswald jKiekUV4xFM-00016-00007740-00008020 let's find Lee Oswald and then kill the jKiekUV4xFM-00017-00008022-00008381 president to kill the president jKiekUV4xFM-00018-00008382-00008992 where are we jKiekUV4xFM-00019-00008993-00009209 huh jKiekUV4xFM-00020-00009210-00009523 kill the president this one says but jKiekUV4xFM-00021-00009524-00009785 Oswald wood jKiekUV4xFM-00022-00009786-00010006 have been jKiekUV4xFM-00023-00010007-00010606 what four so that looks to be the same jKiekUV4xFM-00024-00010607-00011081 marciado 1960 1994. jKiekUV4xFM-00025-00011082-00011213 okay we're gonna read the original jKiekUV4xFM-00026-00011214-00011381 because it's the same it's just though jKiekUV4xFM-00027-00011382-00011603 one words change but jKiekUV4xFM-00028-00011604-00011788 uh instead of Lee Holland Hillsborough jKiekUV4xFM-00029-00011789-00012023 would happen for you know what let's jKiekUV4xFM-00030-00012024-00012167 read uh jKiekUV4xFM-00031-00012168-00012442 let's read the revised version of this jKiekUV4xFM-00032-00012443-00012749 one okay let's read the revised version jKiekUV4xFM-00033-00012750-00013421 Mafia kingfish jKiekUV4xFM-00034-00013422-00013625 card number jKiekUV4xFM-00035-00013626-00013944 32 Carlos jKiekUV4xFM-00036-00013945-00014321 Marcello New Orleans Mafia Dawn Carlos jKiekUV4xFM-00037-00014322-00014821 Marcelo born Giro jKiekUV4xFM-00038-00014822-00015016 minnow core jKiekUV4xFM-00039-00015018-00015486 was a protege of New York mob boss Frank jKiekUV4xFM-00040-00015487-00015816 Castello in 1963 jKiekUV4xFM-00041-00015818-00016138 Marcelo ran a multi-million dollar crime jKiekUV4xFM-00042-00016140-00016277 Empire jKiekUV4xFM-00043-00016278-00016565 spread over several States yet New jKiekUV4xFM-00044-00016566-00016967 Orleans FBI agent Regis Kennedy stated jKiekUV4xFM-00045-00016968-00017303 he was a tomato salesman who earned jKiekUV4xFM-00046-00017304-00017917 sixteen hundred dollars a month jKiekUV4xFM-00047-00017918-00018347 in 1961 Attorney General Robert Kennedy jKiekUV4xFM-00048-00018348-00018600 aware that Marcelo jKiekUV4xFM-00049-00018601-00019171 Marcelo held only a questionable uh jKiekUV4xFM-00050-00019172-00019517 Guatemalan passport had him abduct jKiekUV4xFM-00051-00019518-00019800 abducted flown to gwara jKiekUV4xFM-00052-00019801-00020236 Guatemala City an un and unceremoniously jKiekUV4xFM-00053-00020237-00020572 dumped after sneaking back to the U.S jKiekUV4xFM-00054-00020573-00020755 via Miami jKiekUV4xFM-00055-00020756-00021149 Marcelo Marcelo Was Heard making threats jKiekUV4xFM-00056-00021150-00021480 against Robert Kennedy a Marcelo jKiekUV4xFM-00057-00021481-00021757 associate told the jKiekUV4xFM-00058-00021758-00022319 hsca that in 1962 Marcelo had said quote jKiekUV4xFM-00059-00022320-00022607 don't worry about that little Bobby son jKiekUV4xFM-00060-00022608-00022907 of a he's going to be taken care jKiekUV4xFM-00061-00022908-00023261 of and quote he also reportedly spoke of jKiekUV4xFM-00062-00023262-00023657 using a nut in quotes jKiekUV4xFM-00063-00023658-00023921 someone who jKiekUV4xFM-00064-00023922-00024197 couldn't be traced back to him to kill jKiekUV4xFM-00065-00024198-00024328 the president jKiekUV4xFM-00066-00024329-00024635 Lee Oswald would have been a poor jKiekUV4xFM-00067-00024636-00025049 untraceable knot in quotes for Marcelo jKiekUV4xFM-00068-00025050-00025342 to use because his uncle and surrogate jKiekUV4xFM-00069-00025343-00025428 father jKiekUV4xFM-00070-00025429-00025837 dots Moret was a bookie for Marcelo jKiekUV4xFM-00071-00025838-00026185 Marcelo Lieutenant no feo jKiekUV4xFM-00072-00026186-00026345 pecora jKiekUV4xFM-00073-00026345-00026705 furthermore all's Walt's associate David jKiekUV4xFM-00074-00026706-00027107 Ferry had helped plan legal strategy for jKiekUV4xFM-00075-00027108-00027455 marcelo's deportation hearings and was jKiekUV4xFM-00076-00027456-00027712 with him in court the morning of the jKiekUV4xFM-00077-00027713-00027839 assassination jKiekUV4xFM-00078-00027839-00028174 Marcelo also had strong ties to Jack jKiekUV4xFM-00079-00028175-00028564 Ruby's friend Dallas Mafia Chief Joo jKiekUV4xFM-00080-00028566-00028824 chevello jKiekUV4xFM-00081-00028825-00029005 marcelos jKiekUV4xFM-00082-00029006-00029545 operations benefited greatly from the uh jKiekUV4xFM-00083-00029545-00029958 largest largest of mafia's Teamster jKiekUV4xFM-00084-00029960-00030557 Pension funds in 1965 to 67 with help jKiekUV4xFM-00085-00030558-00030970 from lobbyist Irving Davidson and one jKiekUV4xFM-00086-00030972-00031240 million dollars donated by his mob jKiekUV4xFM-00087-00031241-00031607 friend Marcelo spearheaded the quote jKiekUV4xFM-00088-00031608-00031949 save Havana and code movement later to jKiekUV4xFM-00089-00031950-00032189 become the spring jKiekUV4xFM-00090-00032189-00032501 spring Hoffa in cold movement jKiekUV4xFM-00091-00032502-00032818 currently serving time for wire and mail jKiekUV4xFM-00092-00032819-00033083 fraud and reportedly suffering from jKiekUV4xFM-00093-00033084-00033335 Alzheimer's disease he is due to be jKiekUV4xFM-00094-00033336-00033821 released in 1994. jKiekUV4xFM-00095-00033822-00034109 he's alone gold jKiekUV4xFM-00096-00034110-00034967 long gone Mafia kingfish jKiekUV4xFM-00097-00034968-00035330 Carlos Marcelo jNLdErOn2JI-00000-00000077-00000566 Chandragupta Maurya rain 321 to 298 BCE jNLdErOn2JI-00001-00000567-00000797 was the founder of the Maurya Empire in jNLdErOn2JI-00002-00000798-00001045 ancient India he was born in a humble jNLdErOn2JI-00003-00001046-00001289 family orphan and abandoned raised as a jNLdErOn2JI-00004-00001290-00001495 son by another pastoral family was jNLdErOn2JI-00005-00001496-00001643 picked up taught and counseled by jNLdErOn2JI-00006-00001644-00001923 Chanakya the author of the arthashastra jNLdErOn2JI-00007-00001925-00002147 Chandragupta thereafter built one of the jNLdErOn2JI-00008-00002148-00002335 largest empires ever on the Indian jNLdErOn2JI-00009-00002336-00002624 subcontinent according to Jane sources jNLdErOn2JI-00010-00002625-00002807 he then renounced it all and became a jNLdErOn2JI-00011-00002808-00002995 monk in the Jain tradition jNLdErOn2JI-00012-00002996-00003229 Chandragupta is claimed by the historic jNLdErOn2JI-00013-00003230-00003452 Jain texts to have followed Jainism in jNLdErOn2JI-00014-00003453-00003644 his life by first renouncing all his jNLdErOn2JI-00015-00003645-00003838 wealth and power going away with Jaina jNLdErOn2JI-00016-00003839-00004006 monks into the Deccan region now jNLdErOn2JI-00017-00004007-00004220 Karnataka and ultimately performing jNLdErOn2JI-00018-00004221-00004451 sallekhana the Jain religious ritual of jNLdErOn2JI-00019-00004452-00004634 peacefully welcoming death by fasting jNLdErOn2JI-00020-00004635-00004936 his grandson was emperor Ashoka famous jNLdErOn2JI-00021-00004937-00005104 for his historic pillars and for his jNLdErOn2JI-00022-00005105-00005302 role in helping spread Buddhism outside jNLdErOn2JI-00023-00005303-00005597 of ancient India Chandragupta sly fanned jNLdErOn2JI-00024-00005598-00005774 accomplishments are described in ancient jNLdErOn2JI-00025-00005775-00006017 Hindu Buddhist and Greek texts but they jNLdErOn2JI-00026-00006018-00006218 vary significantly in details from the jNLdErOn2JI-00027-00006219-00006491 Jaina accounts Megas themes served as a jNLdErOn2JI-00028-00006492-00006703 Greek ambassador in his court for four jNLdErOn2JI-00029-00006704-00006977 years in Greek and Latin accounts jNLdErOn2JI-00030-00006978-00007192 Chandragupta is known as sandro Kato's jNLdErOn2JI-00031-00007193-00007384 and andrew curtis Chandragupta Maurya jNLdErOn2JI-00032-00007386-00007595 was a pivotal figure in the history of jNLdErOn2JI-00033-00007595-00007645 India jNLdErOn2JI-00034-00007647-00007891 prior to his consolidation of power jNLdErOn2JI-00035-00007892-00008114 Alexander the Great had invaded the jNLdErOn2JI-00036-00008115-00008303 Northwest Indian subcontinent then jNLdErOn2JI-00037-00008304-00008596 abandoned further campaigning in 324 BCE jNLdErOn2JI-00038-00008597-00008774 leaving a legacy of Indian jNLdErOn2JI-00039-00008775-00008948 sub-continental regions ruled by jNLdErOn2JI-00040-00008949-00009239 indo-greek and local rulers the region jNLdErOn2JI-00041-00009240-00009464 was divided into mahajanapadas while the jNLdErOn2JI-00042-00009465-00009641 Nanda Empire dominated the indo-gangetic jNLdErOn2JI-00043-00009642-00009977 plain Chandragupta with the counsel of jNLdErOn2JI-00044-00009978-00010187 his chief minister Chanakya the Brahmin jNLdErOn2JI-00045-00010188-00010406 also known as catelleya created a new jNLdErOn2JI-00046-00010407-00010588 Empire applied the principles of jNLdErOn2JI-00047-00010589-00010792 statecraft built a large army and jNLdErOn2JI-00048-00010793-00010952 continued expanding the boundaries of jNLdErOn2JI-00049-00010953-00011273 his empire Greek rulers such as Seleucus jNLdErOn2JI-00050-00011274-00011488 the first Nicator avoided war with him jNLdErOn2JI-00051-00011489-00011689 entered into a marriage alliance instead jNLdErOn2JI-00052-00011690-00011884 and retreated into Persia jNLdErOn2JI-00053-00011885-00012152 Chandragupta Empire extended from Bengal jNLdErOn2JI-00054-00012153-00012292 to most of the Indian subcontinent jNLdErOn2JI-00055-00012293-00012530 except the southernmost regions now jNLdErOn2JI-00056-00012531-00012815 Tamil Nadu Kerala and nearby in Kalinga jNLdErOn2JI-00057-00012816-00013040 now a disarray j'en after unifying much jNLdErOn2JI-00058-00013041-00013105 of India jNLdErOn2JI-00059-00013106-00013319 Chandragupta and Chanakya passed jNLdErOn2JI-00060-00013319-00013486 series of major economic and political jNLdErOn2JI-00061-00013487-00013825 reforms he established a strong central jNLdErOn2JI-00062-00013826-00014021 administration from Pataliputra jNLdErOn2JI-00063-00014022-00014225 now Patna patterned after Chanakya is jNLdErOn2JI-00064-00014226-00014425 texts on governance in politics the jNLdErOn2JI-00065-00014426-00014716 arthashastra Chandragupta scindia was jNLdErOn2JI-00066-00014718-00014908 characterized by an efficient and highly jNLdErOn2JI-00067-00014909-00015158 organized structure the Empire built jNLdErOn2JI-00068-00015159-00015308 infrastructure such as irrigation jNLdErOn2JI-00069-00015309-00015575 temples mines and roads leading to a jNLdErOn2JI-00070-00015576-00015836 strong economy with internal and jNLdErOn2JI-00071-00015837-00016055 external trade thriving and agriculture jNLdErOn2JI-00072-00016056-00016271 flourishing the Empire built a large and jNLdErOn2JI-00073-00016272-00016472 trained permanent army to help expand jNLdErOn2JI-00074-00016473-00016657 and protect its boundaries jNLdErOn2JI-00075-00016658-00016903 Chandragupta strain as well the dynasty jNLdErOn2JI-00076-00016904-00017087 that followed him was an era when many jNLdErOn2JI-00077-00017088-00017312 religions thrived in India with Buddhism jNLdErOn2JI-00078-00017313-00017506 Jainism and aheh Vica gaining prominence jNLdErOn2JI-00079-00017507-00017746 along with the brahmanism traditions a jNLdErOn2JI-00080-00017747-00018038 memorial to Chandragupta Maurya exists jNLdErOn2JI-00081-00018039-00018215 on the chandragiri hill along with a jNLdErOn2JI-00082-00018216-00018452 seventh century hagiographic inscription jNLdErOn2JI-00083-00018453-00018590 on one of the two hills in jNLdErOn2JI-00084-00018591-00019267 shravanabelagola karna cotta jNLdErOn2JI-00085-00019268-00019863 topic biographic sources jNLdErOn2JI-00086-00019864-00020097 the sources which described the life of jNLdErOn2JI-00087-00020098-00020340 Chandragupta Maurya vary in details and jNLdErOn2JI-00088-00020341-00020556 are found in jane buddhist brahmanic jNLdErOn2JI-00089-00020557-00020901 Hindu Latin and Greek literature james jNLdErOn2JI-00090-00020902-00021123 sources are Bhadra ba whose Kalpa sutra jNLdErOn2JI-00091-00021124-00021341 and Hema Chandra's parisi sh2 Parvin jNLdErOn2JI-00092-00021342-00021624 Hindu sources are the piranhas Chanakya jNLdErOn2JI-00093-00021625-00021840 is arthashastra vishakha dad is mud jNLdErOn2JI-00094-00021841-00022119 Rakshasa soma Davis cthis Eretz Agra and jNLdErOn2JI-00095-00022120-00022428 chime Endres BRE Hakata Manjari Buddhist jNLdErOn2JI-00096-00022429-00022698 sources are deep hamza maha vamsa maha jNLdErOn2JI-00097-00022699-00023013 vamsa tika and maha bodhi hamsa Greek jNLdErOn2JI-00098-00023014-00023208 and Latin sources include those by jNLdErOn2JI-00099-00023209-00023469 nearchus 1z krytus Aristo bolus jNLdErOn2JI-00100-00023470-00023793 Strabo mega Steen's Diodorus aryan Pliny jNLdErOn2JI-00101-00023794-00024480 the Elder Plutarch and Justin jNLdErOn2JI-00102-00024481-00025025 topic early life jNLdErOn2JI-00103-00025026-00025272 Chandragupta Sansa Street birth year and jNLdErOn2JI-00104-00025273-00025491 family as well as early life are unclear jNLdErOn2JI-00105-00025492-00025767 this contrasts with abundant historical jNLdErOn2JI-00106-00025768-00025977 records both in Indian and classical jNLdErOn2JI-00107-00025977-00026193 European sources that describe his reign jNLdErOn2JI-00108-00026194-00026402 and Empire the Greek and Latin jNLdErOn2JI-00109-00026404-00026616 literature phonetically transcribed jNLdErOn2JI-00110-00026617-00026814 Chandragupta referring to him with the jNLdErOn2JI-00111-00026814-00027214 names Sandro condos or and religious jNLdErOn2JI-00112-00027216-00027567 according to Ron takumu Mukherjee the jNLdErOn2JI-00113-00027568-00027758 Greek sources are the oldest recorded jNLdErOn2JI-00114-00027760-00027936 versions available and mentioned his jNLdErOn2JI-00115-00027937-00028410 rise in 322 321st BCE after Alexander jNLdErOn2JI-00116-00028411-00028712 the Great ended his campaign in 325 BCE jNLdErOn2JI-00117-00028713-00028995 these sources state Chandragupta to be jNLdErOn2JI-00118-00028995-00029226 of non princely and non warrior ancestry jNLdErOn2JI-00119-00029227-00029499 to be of a humble commoner birth the jNLdErOn2JI-00120-00029500-00029706 Buddhist sources written centuries later jNLdErOn2JI-00121-00029707-00029916 claimed that both Chandragupta and his jNLdErOn2JI-00122-00029917-00030129 grandson the great patron of Buddhism jNLdErOn2JI-00123-00030130-00030432 called Ashoka were of noble lineage some jNLdErOn2JI-00124-00030433-00030624 texts linked him to the same family of jNLdErOn2JI-00125-00030625-00030839 sakis from which the Buddha came adding jNLdErOn2JI-00126-00030841-00031104 that his epithet Moria Sanskrit Moria jNLdErOn2JI-00127-00031105-00031347 Myra comes from mora which in poly means jNLdErOn2JI-00128-00031348-00031644 peacock most Buddhist texts state that jNLdErOn2JI-00129-00031645-00031842 Chandragupta was a cash shot Rhea the jNLdErOn2JI-00130-00031843-00032055 Hindu warrior class in magadha and a jNLdErOn2JI-00131-00032056-00032333 student of Chanakya the Buddhist texts jNLdErOn2JI-00132-00032335-00032499 are inconsistent with some including jNLdErOn2JI-00133-00032500-00032718 legends about a city named Moria and jNLdErOn2JI-00134-00032719-00032775 Agora jNLdErOn2JI-00135-00032776-00032988 where all buildings were made of bricks jNLdErOn2JI-00136-00032989-00033177 colored like the Peacocks resplendent jNLdErOn2JI-00137-00033178-00033471 neck the Jain sources also written jNLdErOn2JI-00138-00033472-00033693 centuries later claimed Chandragupta to jNLdErOn2JI-00139-00033694-00033882 be the son of a village chief a village jNLdErOn2JI-00140-00033883-00034176 known for raising peacocks the Hindu jNLdErOn2JI-00141-00034177-00034340 sources are similarly from later jNLdErOn2JI-00142-00034341-00034587 centuries they state that Chandragupta jNLdErOn2JI-00143-00034588-00034797 was a student of Chanakya also called jNLdErOn2JI-00144-00034798-00035082 cotillion of humble birth the Puranas jNLdErOn2JI-00145-00035083-00035265 composed after about the third century jNLdErOn2JI-00146-00035266-00035463 CE II mentioned that cotillion is a jNLdErOn2JI-00147-00035464-00035661 Brahman praise catelleya mentioned jNLdErOn2JI-00148-00035662-00035862 Chandragupta but most are silent about jNLdErOn2JI-00149-00035863-00036195 his lineage or origins a few Hindu texts jNLdErOn2JI-00150-00036196-00036393 state that he was born to a sudra woman jNLdErOn2JI-00151-00036394-00036590 alternatively in a peacock rearing jNLdErOn2JI-00152-00036591-00036762 family a profession that is neither jNLdErOn2JI-00153-00036763-00037038 priestly nor warrior and a Shulkin jNLdErOn2JI-00154-00037039-00037224 pillar discovered and excavated in jNLdErOn2JI-00155-00037225-00037449 nandan gar suggests that a peacock was jNLdErOn2JI-00156-00037450-00037674 the emblem of Maurya dynasty and likely jNLdErOn2JI-00157-00037675-00037881 linked to the dynastic lineage according jNLdErOn2JI-00158-00037882-00038088 to kasha Croix both Chandragupta Maurya jNLdErOn2JI-00159-00038089-00038143 and jNLdErOn2JI-00160-00038144-00038362 and a dynasty he replaced were of Shudra jNLdErOn2JI-00161-00038363-00038623 lineage after his birth he was orphaned jNLdErOn2JI-00162-00038624-00038848 and abandoned raised as a son by a cow jNLdErOn2JI-00163-00038849-00039061 herding pastoral family then according jNLdErOn2JI-00164-00039062-00039251 to Buddhist texts was picked up taught jNLdErOn2JI-00165-00039252-00039526 and counseled by Chanakya the buddhist jNLdErOn2JI-00166-00039527-00039736 literature which places the mauryas in jNLdErOn2JI-00167-00039737-00039932 the same royal dynasty as the buddha jNLdErOn2JI-00168-00039933-00040139 states that Chandragupta doe born near jNLdErOn2JI-00169-00040140-00040382 Patna Bihar in magadha was taken by jNLdErOn2JI-00170-00040383-00040598 Chanakya for his training and education jNLdErOn2JI-00171-00040599-00040814 to Taxila a town in what is now northern jNLdErOn2JI-00172-00040815-00041071 Pakistan there he studied for eight jNLdErOn2JI-00173-00041072-00041332 years the Greek and Hindu texts state jNLdErOn2JI-00174-00041333-00041557 that catelleya Chanakya was a native of jNLdErOn2JI-00175-00041558-00041743 the Northwest Indian subcontinent and jNLdErOn2JI-00176-00041744-00041948 Chandragupta was his resident student jNLdErOn2JI-00177-00041949-00042497 for eight years jNLdErOn2JI-00178-00042498-00043042 topic youth in the northwest jNLdErOn2JI-00179-00043043-00043288 the buddhist literature which places the jNLdErOn2JI-00180-00043289-00043504 mauryas in the same royal dynasty as the jNLdErOn2JI-00181-00043505-00043702 buddha states that Chandragupta though jNLdErOn2JI-00182-00043703-00043936 born near Patna Bihar in magadha was jNLdErOn2JI-00183-00043937-00044143 taken by Chanakya for his training and jNLdErOn2JI-00184-00044144-00044371 education to Taxila a town in what is jNLdErOn2JI-00185-00044372-00044644 now northern Pakistan there he studied jNLdErOn2JI-00186-00044645-00044908 for eight years the Greek and Hindu text jNLdErOn2JI-00187-00044909-00045112 state that cotillion Chanakya was a jNLdErOn2JI-00188-00045113-00045250 native of the Northwest Indian jNLdErOn2JI-00189-00045251-00045469 subcontinent and Chandragupta was his jNLdErOn2JI-00190-00045470-00045655 resident student at the University of jNLdErOn2JI-00191-00045656-00045857 taxila for eight years according to jNLdErOn2JI-00192-00045858-00046054 Plutarch in his life of Alexander jNLdErOn2JI-00193-00046055-00046345 Chandragupta and roca Dez met with jNLdErOn2JI-00194-00046346-00046531 Alexander the Great when he was a young jNLdErOn2JI-00195-00046532-00046798 man and Drogo Dez when he was a jNLdErOn2JI-00196-00046799-00047038 stripling saw Alexander himself and we jNLdErOn2JI-00197-00047039-00047204 are told that he often said in later jNLdErOn2JI-00198-00047205-00047404 times that Alexander narrowly missed jNLdErOn2JI-00199-00047405-00047593 making himself master of the country jNLdErOn2JI-00200-00047594-00047812 since its King was hated and despised on jNLdErOn2JI-00201-00047813-00048495 account of his baseness and low birth jNLdErOn2JI-00202-00048496-00049059 topic building the Empire jNLdErOn2JI-00203-00049060-00049284 according to the Buddhist texts maha jNLdErOn2JI-00204-00049285-00049518 vamsa tika Chandragupta and his guru jNLdErOn2JI-00205-00049519-00049740 Chanakya began recruiting an army after jNLdErOn2JI-00206-00049741-00049968 he completed his studies at Taxila now jNLdErOn2JI-00207-00049969-00050262 in Pakistan this was a period of Wars jNLdErOn2JI-00208-00050263-00050448 given that Alexander the Great had jNLdErOn2JI-00209-00050449-00050640 invaded the Northwest subcontinent from jNLdErOn2JI-00210-00050641-00050862 Caucasus indicus also called paratha jNLdErOn2JI-00211-00050863-00051084 Misa day in ancient texts now called the jNLdErOn2JI-00212-00051085-00051383 Hindukush mountain range Alexander and jNLdErOn2JI-00213-00051384-00051570 the Greeks abandoned further campaigns jNLdErOn2JI-00214-00051571-00051890 of expansion in 325 BCE and began to jNLdErOn2JI-00215-00051891-00052098 retreat to Babylon leaving a legacy of jNLdErOn2JI-00216-00052099-00052332 Indian subcontinent regions ruled by new jNLdErOn2JI-00217-00052333-00052541 Greek governors and local rulers a jNLdErOn2JI-00218-00052541-00052817 supply of warriors was already in place jNLdErOn2JI-00219-00052819-00052995 and the future Emperor and his teacher jNLdErOn2JI-00220-00052996-00053196 chose to build alliances with local jNLdErOn2JI-00221-00053197-00053397 rulers in a small mercenary army of jNLdErOn2JI-00222-00053398-00053453 their own jNLdErOn2JI-00223-00053454-00053741 Chanakya also identified talent for jNLdErOn2JI-00224-00053742-00054132 future administration by 323 BCE within jNLdErOn2JI-00225-00054133-00054336 two years of Alexander's retreat this jNLdErOn2JI-00226-00054337-00054549 newly formed group had defeated some of jNLdErOn2JI-00227-00054550-00054732 the Greek ruled cities in the northwest jNLdErOn2JI-00228-00054733-00054992 subcontinent each victory led to an jNLdErOn2JI-00229-00054994-00055182 expanded army and territory jNLdErOn2JI-00230-00055183-00055404 Chanakya provided the strategy jNLdErOn2JI-00231-00055404-00055623 Chandragupta the execution and together jNLdErOn2JI-00232-00055624-00055812 they began expanding eastward towards jNLdErOn2JI-00233-00055813-00056451 magadha Gangetic Plains jNLdErOn2JI-00234-00056452-00056769 topic eastward expansion and the end of jNLdErOn2JI-00235-00056770-00057187 Nanda Empire jNLdErOn2JI-00236-00057188-00057422 historically reliable details of jNLdErOn2JI-00237-00057423-00057667 Chandragupta scam pain into Pataliputra jNLdErOn2JI-00238-00057669-00057751 are unavailable jNLdErOn2JI-00239-00057752-00057944 the legends written centuries later are jNLdErOn2JI-00240-00057945-00058229 inconsistent according to Buddhist texts jNLdErOn2JI-00241-00058229-00058409 such as Melinda Panna which states jNLdErOn2JI-00242-00058410-00058625 Chandragupta descended from saki 'as the jNLdErOn2JI-00243-00058626-00058844 family of the buddha ligado was ruled by jNLdErOn2JI-00244-00058845-00059015 the evil nanda dynasty which jNLdErOn2JI-00245-00059016-00059225 Chandragupta with Chanakya council jNLdErOn2JI-00246-00059226-00059457 easily conquered to restore dhamma in jNLdErOn2JI-00247-00059458-00059755 contrast Hindu and Jain records suggest jNLdErOn2JI-00248-00059757-00059915 that campaign was bitterly fought jNLdErOn2JI-00249-00059916-00060076 because the Nanda dynasty had a jNLdErOn2JI-00250-00060077-00060288 well-trained powerful army jNLdErOn2JI-00251-00060289-00060494 Chandragupta and Chanakya built jNLdErOn2JI-00252-00060495-00060713 alliances in a formidable army of their jNLdErOn2JI-00253-00060714-00060955 own first the mud Rakshasa of vishakha jNLdErOn2JI-00254-00060957-00061141 dada as well as the jain work parish jNLdErOn2JI-00255-00061142-00061346 department for example state that jNLdErOn2JI-00256-00061347-00061496 Chandragupta allied with a Himalayan jNLdErOn2JI-00257-00061497-00061804 king called parvata it is noted in the jNLdErOn2JI-00258-00061805-00062009 chandra gupta katha that Chandragupta jNLdErOn2JI-00259-00062010-00062198 and Chanakya were initially rebuffed by jNLdErOn2JI-00260-00062199-00062482 the nanda forces regardless in the jNLdErOn2JI-00261-00062483-00062690 ensuing war Chandragupta faced off jNLdErOn2JI-00262-00062691-00062873 against Bhadra Sala the commander of jNLdErOn2JI-00263-00062874-00063137 Dona Nanda's armies he was eventually jNLdErOn2JI-00264-00063138-00063353 able to defeat Bhadra Sala and Don jNLdErOn2JI-00265-00063354-00063497 Amanda in a series of battles jNLdErOn2JI-00266-00063498-00063719 culminating in the siege of the capital jNLdErOn2JI-00267-00063720-00063950 city Pataliputra in the conquest of the jNLdErOn2JI-00268-00063951-00064337 Nanda Empire around 322 BCE with the end jNLdErOn2JI-00269-00064338-00064538 of the nanda dynasty and possessing the jNLdErOn2JI-00270-00064539-00064724 resources of the Gangetic Plains jNLdErOn2JI-00271-00064725-00064904 Chandragupta put to work the statecraft jNLdErOn2JI-00272-00064904-00065225 strategies of Chanakya in his efforts to jNLdErOn2JI-00273-00065226-00065450 expand and consolidate an empire jNLdErOn2JI-00274-00065451-00065630 Chandragupta may have allied with the jNLdErOn2JI-00275-00065631-00065834 king of Simha pura in Rajputana and jNLdErOn2JI-00276-00065835-00066074 Gajapati king of kalinga modern-day jNLdErOn2JI-00277-00066075-00066313 odessa the conquest was fictionalized in jNLdErOn2JI-00278-00066314-00066419 mud raksasa jNLdErOn2JI-00279-00066420-00066611 a political drama in sanskrit by jNLdErOn2JI-00280-00066612-00066875 vishakha dada composed 600 years later jNLdErOn2JI-00281-00066876-00067151 probably sometime between 300 seee and jNLdErOn2JI-00282-00067152-00067499 700 seee in another work questions of jNLdErOn2JI-00283-00067500-00067718 melinda ba de Sala is named as Ananda jNLdErOn2JI-00284-00067719-00067988 General during the conquest Plutarch jNLdErOn2JI-00285-00067989-00068201 does not discuss this conquest but does jNLdErOn2JI-00286-00068202-00068399 estimate that Chandragupta czar me would jNLdErOn2JI-00287-00068400-00068660 later number 600,000 by the time it had jNLdErOn2JI-00288-00068661-00068885 subdued all of India an estimate also jNLdErOn2JI-00289-00068886-00069203 given by plenty plenty and Plutarch also jNLdErOn2JI-00290-00069204-00069404 estimated the nanda army strength in the jNLdErOn2JI-00291-00069405-00069725 east is 200,000 infantry 80,000 cavalry jNLdErOn2JI-00292-00069726-00070025 8,000 chariots and 6,000 war elephants jNLdErOn2JI-00293-00070026-00070282 these estimates were based in part of jNLdErOn2JI-00294-00070283-00070432 the earlier work of the Seleucid jNLdErOn2JI-00295-00070433-00070547 ambassador to the moor jNLdErOn2JI-00296-00070548-00070760 riah mega steams in the fictional work jNLdErOn2JI-00297-00070761-00070973 of doubtful historic city mud Rakshasa jNLdErOn2JI-00298-00070974-00071162 Chandragupta was said to have first jNLdErOn2JI-00299-00071163-00071396 acquired punjab and then combined forces jNLdErOn2JI-00300-00071397-00071618 with a local king named paar vaca under jNLdErOn2JI-00301-00071619-00071843 the advice of Chanakya and advanced upon jNLdErOn2JI-00302-00071844-00071988 the Nanda Empire jNLdErOn2JI-00303-00071989-00072238 Chandragupta laid siege to Kusum opera jNLdErOn2JI-00304-00072239-00072518 or Pataliputra now Patna the capital of jNLdErOn2JI-00305-00072519-00072706 magadha with the help of mercenaries jNLdErOn2JI-00306-00072707-00072896 from areas already conquered and by jNLdErOn2JI-00307-00072897-00073193 deploying guerrilla warfare methods PK jNLdErOn2JI-00308-00073194-00073373 Bhattacharya states that the Empire was jNLdErOn2JI-00309-00073374-00073622 built by a gradual conquest of provinces jNLdErOn2JI-00310-00073623-00073805 after the initial consolidation of jNLdErOn2JI-00311-00073806-00074329 magadha jNLdErOn2JI-00312-00074330-00074641 topic conquest of Seleucid northwest jNLdErOn2JI-00313-00074642-00075019 regions jNLdErOn2JI-00314-00075020-00075370 after Alexander's death in 323 BCE jNLdErOn2JI-00315-00075371-00075598 Chandragupta and his Brahmin councillor jNLdErOn2JI-00316-00075599-00075808 and chief minister Chanakya began their jNLdErOn2JI-00317-00075809-00075979 empire building in the northwestern jNLdErOn2JI-00318-00075980-00076260 Indian subcontinent modern-day Pakistan jNLdErOn2JI-00319-00076261-00076522 Alexander had left satrapies described jNLdErOn2JI-00320-00076523-00076870 as prefect in classical Western sources jNLdErOn2JI-00321-00076871-00077190 in place in 324 BCE jNLdErOn2JI-00322-00077191-00077395 Chandragupta Smurfs and Aires may have jNLdErOn2JI-00323-00077396-00077563 assassinated two of his governors jNLdErOn2JI-00324-00077564-00077845 Nicanor and Philip thus a trapeze he jNLdErOn2JI-00325-00077846-00078058 thought probably included you Thomas who jNLdErOn2JI-00326-00078059-00078394 left the territory in 317 BCE and Pathan jNLdErOn2JI-00327-00078395-00078562 governing cities near the Indus River jNLdErOn2JI-00328-00078563-00078897 until he too left for Babylon in 316 BCE jNLdErOn2JI-00329-00078898-00079246 the Roman historian Justin about 500 jNLdErOn2JI-00330-00079247-00079537 years later described how wild lions and jNLdErOn2JI-00331-00079538-00079819 elephants instinctively revered him and jNLdErOn2JI-00332-00079820-00080092 how he conquered the northwest while he jNLdErOn2JI-00333-00080093-00080293 Sandro Geddes Chandragupta was lying jNLdErOn2JI-00334-00080294-00080539 asleep after his fatigue a lion of great jNLdErOn2JI-00335-00080540-00080728 size having come up to him licked off jNLdErOn2JI-00336-00080729-00080866 with his tongue the sweat that was jNLdErOn2JI-00337-00080867-00081061 running from him and after gently waking jNLdErOn2JI-00338-00081062-00081319 him left him being first prompted by jNLdErOn2JI-00339-00081320-00081532 this prodigy to conceive hopes of royal jNLdErOn2JI-00340-00081533-00081724 dignity he drew together a band of jNLdErOn2JI-00341-00081725-00081922 robbers and solicited the Indians to jNLdErOn2JI-00342-00081923-00082183 support his new sovereignty sometime jNLdErOn2JI-00343-00082184-00082375 after as he was going to war with the jNLdErOn2JI-00344-00082376-00082621 generals of Alexander a wild elephant of jNLdErOn2JI-00345-00082622-00082825 great bulk presented itself before him jNLdErOn2JI-00346-00082826-00083035 of its own accord and as if tamed down jNLdErOn2JI-00347-00083036-00083230 to gentleness took him on its back and jNLdErOn2JI-00348-00083231-00083356 became his guide in the war jNLdErOn2JI-00349-00083357-00083677 inconspicuous in fields of battle Sandro jNLdErOn2JI-00350-00083678-00083890 Curtis having thus acquired a throne was jNLdErOn2JI-00351-00083891-00084109 in possession of India when Salukis was jNLdErOn2JI-00352-00084110-00084280 laying the foundations of his future jNLdErOn2JI-00353-00084281-00084478 greatness who after making a league with jNLdErOn2JI-00354-00084479-00084667 him and settling his affairs in the East jNLdErOn2JI-00355-00084668-00084859 proceeded to join in the war against jNLdErOn2JI-00356-00084860-00085111 Antigonus as soon as the forces jNLdErOn2JI-00357-00085112-00085297 therefore of all the Confederates were jNLdErOn2JI-00358-00085298-00085486 united a battle was fought in which jNLdErOn2JI-00359-00085487-00085672 Antigonus was slain and his son jNLdErOn2JI-00360-00085673-00086276 demetrius put to flight jNLdErOn2JI-00361-00086277-00086569 topic war and marriage alliance with jNLdErOn2JI-00362-00086570-00086951 Seleucus jNLdErOn2JI-00363-00086952-00087171 Seleucus the first nick later a jNLdErOn2JI-00364-00087172-00087426 Macedonian General of Alexander who in jNLdErOn2JI-00365-00087427-00087744 312 BCE established the Seleucid Kingdom jNLdErOn2JI-00366-00087745-00087960 with its capital at Babylon reconquered jNLdErOn2JI-00367-00087961-00088185 most of Alexander's former Empire in jNLdErOn2JI-00368-00088186-00088380 Asia and put under his own authority the jNLdErOn2JI-00369-00088381-00088623 eastern territories as far as Bactria in jNLdErOn2JI-00370-00088624-00088845 the Indus Appian history of Rome the jNLdErOn2JI-00371-00088846-00089184 Syrian war is 55 and in 305 BCE jNLdErOn2JI-00372-00089185-00089325 he entered into conflict with jNLdErOn2JI-00373-00089326-00089570 Chandragupta in greek sandro curtis jNLdErOn2JI-00374-00089571-00089781 always lying in wait for the jNLdErOn2JI-00375-00089782-00089988 neighbouring nations strong and arms and jNLdErOn2JI-00376-00089989-00090171 persuasive and council he acquired jNLdErOn2JI-00377-00090172-00090465 mesopotamia armenia Seleucid cappadocia jNLdErOn2JI-00378-00090466-00090819 versus parthia Bactria Arabia tap oriya jNLdErOn2JI-00379-00090820-00091107 satya iraq osha Hyrcania and other jNLdErOn2JI-00380-00091108-00091287 adjacent peoples that had been subdued jNLdErOn2JI-00381-00091288-00091533 by alexander as far as the river indus jNLdErOn2JI-00382-00091534-00091695 so that the boundaries of his empire jNLdErOn2JI-00383-00091696-00091893 were the most extensive in asia after jNLdErOn2JI-00384-00091894-00092160 that of Alexander the whole region from jNLdErOn2JI-00385-00092161-00092343 Phrygia to the Indus was subject to jNLdErOn2JI-00386-00092344-00092619 Seleucus he crossed the Indus and waged jNLdErOn2JI-00387-00092620-00092862 war with sandro to dismiss king of the jNLdErOn2JI-00388-00092863-00093036 indians who dwelt on the banks of that jNLdErOn2JI-00389-00093037-00093171 stream until they came to an jNLdErOn2JI-00390-00093172-00093318 understanding with each other and jNLdErOn2JI-00391-00093319-00093585 contracted a marriage relationship some jNLdErOn2JI-00392-00093586-00093759 of these exploits were performed before jNLdErOn2JI-00393-00093760-00093927 the death of Antigonus and some jNLdErOn2JI-00394-00093928-00094028 afterward jNLdErOn2JI-00395-00094029-00094311 according to RC Majumdar and didi jNLdErOn2JI-00396-00094312-00094536 Kosambi Seleucus appears to have fared jNLdErOn2JI-00397-00094537-00094755 poorly having seated large territories jNLdErOn2JI-00398-00094756-00095007 west of the indus to Chandragupta the jNLdErOn2JI-00399-00095008-00095241 maurya empire added a rack osha modern jNLdErOn2JI-00400-00095242-00095496 kandahar Gaudreau jie modern baluchistan jNLdErOn2JI-00401-00095497-00095748 parappa mesa de or Gandhara according to jNLdErOn2JI-00402-00095749-00095799 Strabo jNLdErOn2JI-00403-00095800-00096006 Chandragupta engaged in a marital jNLdErOn2JI-00404-00096007-00096213 alliance with Seleucus to formalize the jNLdErOn2JI-00405-00096214-00096534 peace treaty the Indians occupy in part jNLdErOn2JI-00406-00096535-00096714 some of the countries situated along the jNLdErOn2JI-00407-00096715-00096915 Indus which formerly belonged to the jNLdErOn2JI-00408-00096916-00097146 Persians Alexander deprived the Arianny jNLdErOn2JI-00409-00097147-00097281 of them and established their jNLdErOn2JI-00410-00097282-00097524 settlements of his own but Seleucus jNLdErOn2JI-00411-00097525-00097725 Nicator gave them to Sandro Cadiz in jNLdErOn2JI-00412-00097726-00097871 consequence of a marriage contract jNLdErOn2JI-00413-00097872-00098184 epidemia Greek epidemia and received in jNLdErOn2JI-00414-00098185-00098538 return 500 elephants the details of the jNLdErOn2JI-00415-00098539-00098730 engagement treaty are not known but jNLdErOn2JI-00416-00098731-00098940 since the extensive sources available on jNLdErOn2JI-00417-00098941-00099120 Seleucus never mentioned an Indian jNLdErOn2JI-00418-00099121-00099315 princess it is thought that the marital jNLdErOn2JI-00419-00099316-00099450 alliance went the other way with jNLdErOn2JI-00420-00099451-00099645 Chandragupta himself or his son jNLdErOn2JI-00421-00099646-00099876 Bindusara marrying a Seleucid princess jNLdErOn2JI-00422-00099877-00100065 in accordance with contemporary greek jNLdErOn2JI-00423-00100066-00100146 practices jNLdErOn2JI-00424-00100147-00100425 form dynastic alliances an Indian jNLdErOn2JI-00425-00100426-00100653 Puranic source the producer gap Arve of jNLdErOn2JI-00426-00100654-00100845 the bhavishya purana described the jNLdErOn2JI-00427-00100846-00101010 marriage of Chandragupta with a greek jNLdErOn2JI-00428-00101011-00101111 Yavana jNLdErOn2JI-00429-00101112-00101388 princess daughter of Seleucus before jNLdErOn2JI-00430-00101389-00101574 accurately detailing early mori and jNLdErOn2JI-00431-00101575-00101880 genealogy Chandragupta married with a jNLdErOn2JI-00432-00101881-00101988 daughter of Saluja jNLdErOn2JI-00433-00101989-00102303 the yvonne de king of pasa thus he mixed jNLdErOn2JI-00434-00102304-00102519 the Buddhists in the Ivana's he ruled jNLdErOn2JI-00435-00102520-00102801 for sixty years from him Bindusara was jNLdErOn2JI-00436-00102802-00102978 born and ruled for the same number of jNLdErOn2JI-00437-00102979-00103254 years as his father his son was Ashoka jNLdErOn2JI-00438-00103255-00103605 in a return gesture Chandragupta sent jNLdErOn2JI-00439-00103606-00103806 five hundred war elephants which played jNLdErOn2JI-00440-00103807-00104019 a key role in the victory of Seleucus at jNLdErOn2JI-00441-00104020-00104111 the battle of ipsus jNLdErOn2JI-00442-00104113-00104388 in addition to this treaty Seleucus jNLdErOn2JI-00443-00104389-00104636 dispatched an ambassador mega Steen's to jNLdErOn2JI-00444-00104638-00104853 Chandragupta and later antiochos sent jNLdErOn2JI-00445-00104854-00105083 dime echoes to his son Bindusara at the jNLdErOn2JI-00446-00105084-00105345 Moriya court at Pataliputra modern Patna jNLdErOn2JI-00447-00105346-00105522 in Bihar State according to Greek jNLdErOn2JI-00448-00105523-00105717 sources the two rulers maintained jNLdErOn2JI-00449-00105718-00105888 friendly relations and presence jNLdErOn2JI-00450-00105889-00106097 continued to be exchanged between them jNLdErOn2JI-00451-00106098-00106326 classical sources have recorded that jNLdErOn2JI-00452-00106327-00106440 following their treaty jNLdErOn2JI-00453-00106441-00106647 Chandragupta and Seleucus exchanged jNLdErOn2JI-00454-00106648-00106869 presents such as when Chandragupta sent jNLdErOn2JI-00455-00106870-00107153 various aphrodisiacs to Seleucus and jNLdErOn2JI-00456-00107154-00107360 Theophrastus says that some contrivance jNLdErOn2JI-00457-00107361-00107556 azar of wondrous efficacy in such jNLdErOn2JI-00458-00107557-00107721 matters as to make people more amorous jNLdErOn2JI-00459-00107722-00107997 and full arches confirms him by jNLdErOn2JI-00460-00107998-00108168 reference to some of the presents which jNLdErOn2JI-00461-00108169-00108357 sandra cuttest the king of the indians jNLdErOn2JI-00462-00108358-00108560 sent to Seleucus which were to act like jNLdErOn2JI-00463-00108561-00108768 charms in producing a wonderful degree jNLdErOn2JI-00464-00108769-00108959 of affection while some on the contrary jNLdErOn2JI-00465-00108960-00109259 were to banish love quote athenaeus of jNLdErOn2JI-00466-00109260-00110058 na cratis the dyke no jNLdErOn2JI-00467-00110059-00110606 topic southern conquest jNLdErOn2JI-00468-00110607-00110873 after annexing Seleucus provinces west jNLdErOn2JI-00469-00110874-00110969 of the indus river jNLdErOn2JI-00470-00110970-00111221 Chandragupta had a vast empire extending jNLdErOn2JI-00471-00111222-00111395 across the northern parts of the Indian jNLdErOn2JI-00472-00111396-00111602 subcontinent from the Bay of Bengal to jNLdErOn2JI-00473-00111603-00111748 the Arabian Sea jNLdErOn2JI-00474-00111749-00111974 Chandragupta then began expanding his jNLdErOn2JI-00475-00111975-00112172 empire further south beyond the barrier jNLdErOn2JI-00476-00112173-00112358 of the Vindhya range and into the Deccan jNLdErOn2JI-00477-00112358-00112649 Plateau by the time his conquests were jNLdErOn2JI-00478-00112650-00112898 complete chandragupta's empire extended jNLdErOn2JI-00479-00112899-00113074 over most of the Indian subcontinent jNLdErOn2JI-00480-00113075-00113414 Moria war in south has referred three jNLdErOn2JI-00481-00113415-00113627 times in the tamil work Ahana Nehru and jNLdErOn2JI-00482-00113628-00113911 once in piranha Nehru these mention how jNLdErOn2JI-00483-00113913-00114109 Moria army chariots cut through rocks jNLdErOn2JI-00484-00114110-00114293 but it is unclear if this refers to jNLdErOn2JI-00485-00114294-00114515 Chandragupta Maurya or the mauryas in jNLdErOn2JI-00486-00114516-00114661 the Deccan region of the fifth century jNLdErOn2JI-00487-00114663-00115208 CE II jNLdErOn2JI-00488-00115208-00115710 topic army jNLdErOn2JI-00489-00115711-00115897 Chandragupta czar me was large jNLdErOn2JI-00490-00115898-00116093 well-trained and paid directly by the jNLdErOn2JI-00491-00116094-00116294 state as suggested by his counselor jNLdErOn2JI-00492-00116295-00116584 Chanakya it was estimated at hundreds of jNLdErOn2JI-00493-00116585-00116785 thousands of soldiers in greek accounts jNLdErOn2JI-00494-00116786-00117064 for example his army is mentioned to jNLdErOn2JI-00495-00117065-00117301 have 400,000 soldiers according to jNLdErOn2JI-00496-00117302-00117598 Strabo mega steams was in the camp of jNLdErOn2JI-00497-00117599-00117802 sandro curtis which consisted of four jNLdErOn2JI-00498-00117803-00118087 hundred thousand men plenty the elder jNLdErOn2JI-00499-00118088-00118285 who also drew from mega steams work jNLdErOn2JI-00500-00118286-00118513 gives even larger numbers of 600 jNLdErOn2JI-00501-00118514-00118750 thousand infantry 30,000 cavalry and jNLdErOn2JI-00502-00118751-00119077 nine thousand war elephants mud Rakshasa jNLdErOn2JI-00503-00119078-00119251 mentions that chandragupta's army jNLdErOn2JI-00504-00119252-00119479 consisted of Sakas Yavanas greeks jNLdErOn2JI-00505-00119480-00119773 kuratas Cambodia's paris iike symbolic jNLdErOn2JI-00506-00119774-00120301 Asst jNLdErOn2JI-00507-00120302-00120964 topic rule succession and death jNLdErOn2JI-00508-00120965-00121159 Chandragupta Maurya applied the jNLdErOn2JI-00509-00121160-00121360 statecraft and economic policies jNLdErOn2JI-00510-00121361-00121571 described in Chanakya Zartha Shastra jNLdErOn2JI-00511-00121572-00121781 there are varying accounts in the jNLdErOn2JI-00512-00121782-00122008 historic legendary and hagiographic jNLdErOn2JI-00513-00122009-00122177 literature of various indian religions jNLdErOn2JI-00514-00122178-00122381 about Chandragupta but these claims jNLdErOn2JI-00515-00122382-00122552 state option and roc jNLdErOn2JI-00516-00122553-00122807 are suspect they add that the evidence jNLdErOn2JI-00517-00122808-00123050 is however not limited to texts but jNLdErOn2JI-00518-00123051-00123176 include those discovered at jNLdErOn2JI-00519-00123177-00123395 archaeological sites epigraphy in the jNLdErOn2JI-00520-00123396-00123535 centuries that followed in the jNLdErOn2JI-00521-00123536-00123818 numismatic data end one cannot let be jNLdErOn2JI-00522-00123819-00124058 struck by the many close correspondences jNLdErOn2JI-00523-00124058-00124298 between the hindu arthashastra and the jNLdErOn2JI-00524-00124299-00124505 two other major sources the buddhist jNLdErOn2JI-00525-00124506-00124763 Asaka inscriptions and greek megasthenes jNLdErOn2JI-00526-00124764-00125120 texts the Moria rule was a structured jNLdErOn2JI-00527-00125121-00125330 administration where Chandragupta had a jNLdErOn2JI-00528-00125331-00125447 Council of Ministers jNLdErOn2JI-00529-00125448-00125686 Amata the Empire was organized into jNLdErOn2JI-00530-00125688-00125897 territories Jana pada centers of jNLdErOn2JI-00531-00125898-00126104 regional power were protected with forts jNLdErOn2JI-00532-00126105-00126323 durga state operations funded with jNLdErOn2JI-00533-00126324-00126903 treasury cosa jNLdErOn2JI-00534-00126904-00127304 topic infrastructure projects jNLdErOn2JI-00535-00127305-00127495 you jNLdErOn2JI-00536-00127496-00127783 ancient epigraphic 11 suggests that jNLdErOn2JI-00537-00127783-00127993 Chandragupta Maurya under counsel from jNLdErOn2JI-00538-00127994-00128211 Chanakya started and completed many jNLdErOn2JI-00539-00128213-00128404 irrigation reservoirs and networks jNLdErOn2JI-00540-00128405-00128614 across the Indian subcontinent in order jNLdErOn2JI-00541-00128615-00128821 to ensure food supplies for civilian jNLdErOn2JI-00542-00128822-00129019 population in the Army a practice jNLdErOn2JI-00543-00129020-00129252 continued by his dynastic successors jNLdErOn2JI-00544-00129253-00129526 regional prosperity and agriculture was jNLdErOn2JI-00545-00129527-00129708 one of the required duties of his state jNLdErOn2JI-00546-00129709-00129994 officials Rudra demon inscriptions found jNLdErOn2JI-00547-00129995-00130189 in Gujarat mentioned that it repaired jNLdErOn2JI-00548-00130190-00130410 and enlarged 400 years later the jNLdErOn2JI-00549-00130411-00130594 irrigation infrastructure built by jNLdErOn2JI-00550-00130595-00130819 Chandragupta and enhanced by ahsoka jNLdErOn2JI-00551-00130820-00131029 Chandragupta state also started mines jNLdErOn2JI-00552-00131030-00131257 centers to produce goods and networks jNLdErOn2JI-00553-00131258-00131494 for trading these goods his rule jNLdErOn2JI-00554-00131495-00131656 developed land routes for goods jNLdErOn2JI-00555-00131657-00131824 transportation within the Indian jNLdErOn2JI-00556-00131825-00132120 subcontinent disfavoring water transport jNLdErOn2JI-00557-00132121-00132421 Chandragupta expanded roads suitable for jNLdErOn2JI-00558-00132422-00132667 cards preferring these over those narrow jNLdErOn2JI-00559-00132668-00132930 tracks that allowed only pack animals jNLdErOn2JI-00560-00132931-00133171 according to kasha Croix the Maurya jNLdErOn2JI-00561-00133172-00133345 dynasty rulers beginning with jNLdErOn2JI-00562-00133346-00133611 Chandragupta were great road builders jNLdErOn2JI-00563-00133612-00133834 this was a tradition the Greek jNLdErOn2JI-00564-00133835-00134038 ambassador mega steams credited to jNLdErOn2JI-00565-00134039-00134218 Chandragupta with the completion of a jNLdErOn2JI-00566-00134219-00134398 thousand mile long highway connecting jNLdErOn2JI-00567-00134399-00134626 Chandragupta capital Pataliputra in jNLdErOn2JI-00568-00134627-00134842 Bihar to taxila in the northwest where jNLdErOn2JI-00569-00134843-00135067 he studied the other major strategic jNLdErOn2JI-00570-00135068-00135289 road infrastructure credited to this jNLdErOn2JI-00571-00135290-00135502 tradition spread from Pataliputra in jNLdErOn2JI-00572-00135503-00135709 various directions one connecting it to jNLdErOn2JI-00573-00135710-00136012 Nepal Kapilavastu kalsi now Dehradun jNLdErOn2JI-00574-00136013-00136312 Sasaram now mirza / Kalinga now Odessa jNLdErOn2JI-00575-00136313-00136618 Andhra and Karnataka this infrastructure jNLdErOn2JI-00576-00136619-00136798 not only boosted trade and commerce jNLdErOn2JI-00577-00136799-00137047 states Roy but also helped move his jNLdErOn2JI-00578-00137048-00137248 armies rapidly and more efficiently than jNLdErOn2JI-00579-00137249-00137482 ever before Chandragupta and his council jNLdErOn2JI-00580-00137483-00137698 Chanakya ceded weapon manufacturing jNLdErOn2JI-00581-00137699-00137881 centers and kept it a monopoly of the jNLdErOn2JI-00582-00137882-00138136 state however the state encouraged jNLdErOn2JI-00583-00138137-00138331 competing private parties to operate jNLdErOn2JI-00584-00138332-00138577 mines and supply these centres they jNLdErOn2JI-00585-00138578-00138772 considered economic prosperity is jNLdErOn2JI-00586-00138773-00138946 essential to the pursuit of Dharma jNLdErOn2JI-00587-00138947-00139201 morality adopting a policy of avoiding jNLdErOn2JI-00588-00139202-00139411 war with diplomacy yet continuously jNLdErOn2JI-00589-00139412-00139621 preparing the army for war to defend its jNLdErOn2JI-00590-00139622-00139786 interests and other ideas in the jNLdErOn2JI-00591-00139787-00140018 arthashastra jNLdErOn2JI-00592-00140019-00140339 you jNLdErOn2JI-00593-00140340-00140897 topic arts and architecture jNLdErOn2JI-00594-00140898-00141080 the evidence of arts and architecture jNLdErOn2JI-00595-00141081-00141329 during Chandragupta steam is limited jNLdErOn2JI-00596-00141330-00141527 predominantly texts such as those by jNLdErOn2JI-00597-00141528-00141736 mega steams in cotillion arthashastra jNLdErOn2JI-00598-00141737-00142022 the evict inscriptions and carvings on jNLdErOn2JI-00599-00142023-00142229 monumental pillars are attributed to his jNLdErOn2JI-00600-00142230-00142532 grandson Ashoka the texts implies city's jNLdErOn2JI-00601-00142533-00142763 public works and prosperous architecture jNLdErOn2JI-00602-00142764-00142940 but the historic city of these is in jNLdErOn2JI-00603-00142941-00143171 question archaeological discoveries in jNLdErOn2JI-00604-00143172-00143399 the modern age such as did Ergon Jia she jNLdErOn2JI-00605-00143400-00143654 discovered in 1917 buried beneath the jNLdErOn2JI-00606-00143655-00143834 banks of the river Ganges suggest jNLdErOn2JI-00607-00143835-00144107 exceptional artisanal accomplishment it jNLdErOn2JI-00608-00144108-00144326 has been dated to the third century BCE jNLdErOn2JI-00609-00144327-00144560 by many scholars but later dates such as jNLdErOn2JI-00610-00144561-00144875 second century BCE or the Kushan era 1st jNLdErOn2JI-00611-00144876-00145088 4th century CE II have also been jNLdErOn2JI-00612-00145089-00145355 proposed the competing theories are that jNLdErOn2JI-00613-00145356-00145559 the arts linked to chandragupta maurya's jNLdErOn2JI-00614-00145560-00145748 dynasty was learned from the Greeks in jNLdErOn2JI-00615-00145749-00145952 West Asia in the years Alexander the jNLdErOn2JI-00616-00145953-00146150 Great waged war while the other credits jNLdErOn2JI-00617-00146151-00146371 more ancient indigenous Indian tradition jNLdErOn2JI-00618-00146372-00146654 according to Frederick Asher we cannot jNLdErOn2JI-00619-00146655-00146876 pretend to have definitive answers and jNLdErOn2JI-00620-00146877-00147104 perhaps as with most art we must jNLdErOn2JI-00621-00147105-00147311 recognize that there is no single answer jNLdErOn2JI-00622-00147312-00147967 or explanation jNLdErOn2JI-00623-00147968-00148464 topic succession jNLdErOn2JI-00624-00148465-00148722 after Chandragupta sri nunciature his jNLdErOn2JI-00625-00148723-00148935 son Bindusara succeeded as the Moriya jNLdErOn2JI-00626-00148936-00149229 emperor he maintained friendly relations jNLdErOn2JI-00627-00149230-00149426 with greek governors in asia and egypt jNLdErOn2JI-00628-00149427-00149694 bindusara son ashoka became one of the jNLdErOn2JI-00629-00149695-00149879 most influential rulers in India's jNLdErOn2JI-00630-00149880-00150057 history due to his extension of the jNLdErOn2JI-00631-00150058-00150240 Empire to the entire Indian subcontinent jNLdErOn2JI-00632-00150241-00150435 as well as his role in the worldwide jNLdErOn2JI-00633-00150436-00151058 propagation of Buddhism jNLdErOn2JI-00634-00151059-00151510 topic death jNLdErOn2JI-00635-00151511-00151738 according to Jane accounts written more jNLdErOn2JI-00636-00151739-00152044 than 1,200 years later such as those in jNLdErOn2JI-00637-00152045-00152377 Britta Cathy cosa 931 C e of hora Sheena jNLdErOn2JI-00638-00152378-00152716 Bhadra bahu querida 1450 C e of rattmann jNLdErOn2JI-00639-00152717-00153073 on D mu navamsa budaya 1680 c e and Raja jNLdErOn2JI-00640-00153074-00153286 Valley kata Chandragupta renounced his jNLdErOn2JI-00641-00153287-00153484 throne and followed Jane teacher Bhadra jNLdErOn2JI-00642-00153485-00153739 ba who to South India he is said to have jNLdErOn2JI-00643-00153740-00153891 lived as an ascetic at shravanabelagola jNLdErOn2JI-00644-00153892-00154153 for several years before fasting to jNLdErOn2JI-00645-00154154-00154327 death as per the jain practice of jNLdErOn2JI-00646-00154328-00154588 sallekhana along with texts several jain jNLdErOn2JI-00647-00154589-00154783 monumental inscriptions dating from the jNLdErOn2JI-00648-00154784-00155040 17th century referred to Bhadra ba who jNLdErOn2JI-00649-00155041-00155293 and Chandragupta in conjunction while jNLdErOn2JI-00650-00155294-00155446 this evidence is very late and jNLdErOn2JI-00651-00155447-00155640 anachronistic there is no evidence to jNLdErOn2JI-00652-00155641-00155841 disprove that Chandragupta converted to jNLdErOn2JI-00653-00155842-00156145 Jainism in his later life mukherjee in jNLdErOn2JI-00654-00156146-00156331 his book quotes Vincent Smith and jNLdErOn2JI-00655-00156332-00156511 concludes that conversion to jain monk jNLdErOn2JI-00656-00156512-00156697 provides adequate explanation to jNLdErOn2JI-00657-00156698-00156891 Chandragupta Zab dication and sudden jNLdErOn2JI-00658-00156892-00157090 exit at a relatively young age and at jNLdErOn2JI-00659-00157091-00157309 the height of his power the hill on jNLdErOn2JI-00660-00157310-00157503 which Chandragupta is stated in Jain jNLdErOn2JI-00661-00157504-00157687 tradition to have performed asceticism jNLdErOn2JI-00662-00157688-00157915 as now known as Chandra Giri Hill and jNLdErOn2JI-00663-00157916-00158107 there is a temple named Chandragupta by jNLdErOn2JI-00664-00158108-00158323 sati there the Hindu texts acknowledge jNLdErOn2JI-00665-00158324-00158509 the close relationship between the Jain jNLdErOn2JI-00666-00158510-00158719 community in Pataliputra in the royal jNLdErOn2JI-00667-00158720-00158865 court and that the champion of jNLdErOn2JI-00668-00158866-00159073 Brahmanism Chanakya him self-employed jNLdErOn2JI-00669-00159074-00159343 James as his emissaries this also jNLdErOn2JI-00670-00159344-00159523 indirectly confirms the possible jNLdErOn2JI-00671-00159524-00159658 influence of Jain thought on jNLdErOn2JI-00672-00159659-00159868 Chandragupta according to kasia croix jNLdErOn2JI-00673-00159869-00160075 Chandragupta renounced his wealth and jNLdErOn2JI-00674-00160076-00160282 power crowned his son as his successor jNLdErOn2JI-00675-00160283-00160824 about 298 BCE and died about 297 BCE jNLdErOn2JI-00676-00160825-00161128 topic in popular culture D Elroy wrote a jNLdErOn2JI-00677-00161129-00161368 bengali drama named Chandragupta based jNLdErOn2JI-00678-00161369-00161644 on the life of Chandragupta the story of jNLdErOn2JI-00679-00161645-00161818 the play is loosely borrowed from the jNLdErOn2JI-00680-00161819-00161985 Puranas in the Greek history jNLdErOn2JI-00681-00161986-00162250 Chanakya is role in the formation of the jNLdErOn2JI-00682-00162251-00162429 Maurya Empire as the essence of a jNLdErOn2JI-00683-00162430-00162658 historical spiritual novel the courtesan jNLdErOn2JI-00684-00162659-00162900 and the sadhu by dr. Mysore and Prakash jNLdErOn2JI-00685-00162901-00163210 the story of Chanakya and Chandragupta jNLdErOn2JI-00686-00163211-00163519 was made into a film in Telugu in 1977 jNLdErOn2JI-00687-00163520-00163810 titled Chanakya Chandragupta Akkineni jNLdErOn2JI-00688-00163811-00163978 Nageswara Rao played the role of jNLdErOn2JI-00689-00163979-00164239 Chanakya while NT Rama Rao portrayed jNLdErOn2JI-00690-00164240-00164506 Chandragupta the television series jNLdErOn2JI-00691-00164507-00164707 Chanakya as an account of the life and jNLdErOn2JI-00692-00164708-00164864 times of Chanakya based on jNLdErOn2JI-00693-00164865-00165101 play mudra Rakshasa the signet ring of jNLdErOn2JI-00694-00165102-00165458 Rakshasa in 2011 a television series jNLdErOn2JI-00695-00165459-00165686 called Chandragupta Maurya was telecast jNLdErOn2JI-00696-00165687-00165902 on imagined TV in which the titular role jNLdErOn2JI-00697-00165903-00166136 was played by raja raja par and ashish jNLdErOn2JI-00698-00166137-00166376 sharma in 2016 jNLdErOn2JI-00699-00166377-00166589 television series Chandra Nandini a jNLdErOn2JI-00700-00166590-00166796 fictionalized version of Chandragupta jNLdErOn2JI-00701-00166797-00166967 and fictional character Nandini's jNLdErOn2JI-00702-00166968-00167294 romance saga in real life Chandragupta jNLdErOn2JI-00703-00167295-00167498 married only twice first to dirt hara jNLdErOn2JI-00704-00167499-00167702 who died while giving birth to Bindusara jNLdErOn2JI-00705-00167703-00167945 in 17 years after his wife's death to jNLdErOn2JI-00706-00167946-00168131 helen daughter of Seleucus the first jNLdErOn2JI-00707-00168132-00168398 nikkei der in a peace treaty fictional jNLdErOn2JI-00708-00168399-00168605 Nandini as per show as described as jNLdErOn2JI-00709-00168606-00168791 daughter of mahapadma nanda which is jNLdErOn2JI-00710-00168792-00168980 completely untrue as there exists no jNLdErOn2JI-00711-00168981-00169277 evidence in any historical texts the jNLdErOn2JI-00712-00169278-00169502 role of Chandragupta Maurya is played by jNLdErOn2JI-00713-00169503-00169793 actor Rajat togas in 2018 a television jNLdErOn2JI-00714-00169794-00169982 series called Chandragupta Maurya jNLdErOn2JI-00715-00169983-00170207 portrays the life of Chandragupta Maurya jNLdErOn2JI-00716-00170208-00170390 where the titular role is played by jNLdErOn2JI-00717-00170391-00170564 Karthik email via and the role of jNLdErOn2JI-00718-00170565-00170822 Chanakya is played by Tarun Khanna actor jNLdErOn2JI-00719-00170823-00171089 the Indian Postal Service issued a jNLdErOn2JI-00720-00171090-00171260 commemorative postage stamp honoring jNLdErOn2JI-00721-00171261-00171599 Chandragupta Maurya in 2001 he is a jNLdErOn2JI-00722-00171600-00171809 leader of the Indian civilization in the jNLdErOn2JI-00723-00171810-00172557 civilization v expansion rise and fall jNLdErOn2JI-00724-00172558-00173089 topic see also jNLdErOn2JI-00725-00173090-00173446 equals equals nodes jp5Pbu3WUdu-00000-00000104-00000366 pantheism or pandeism is a theological jp5Pbu3WUdu-00001-00000367-00000582 doctrine first delineated in the 18th jp5Pbu3WUdu-00002-00000583-00000767 century which combines aspects of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00003-00000768-00001015 pantheism with aspects of deism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00004-00001016-00001215 it holds that the creator deity became jp5Pbu3WUdu-00005-00001216-00001415 the universe pantheism and ceased to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00006-00001416-00001623 exist as a separate and conscious entity jp5Pbu3WUdu-00007-00001623-00001791 deism holding that god does not jp5Pbu3WUdu-00008-00001792-00001959 interfere with the universe after its jp5Pbu3WUdu-00009-00001960-00002087 creation jp5Pbu3WUdu-00010-00002088-00002318 pandeism is proposed to explain as it jp5Pbu3WUdu-00011-00002319-00002542 relates to deism why god would create a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00012-00002543-00002734 universe and then appear to abandon it jp5Pbu3WUdu-00013-00002735-00002926 and as to pantheism the origin and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00014-00002927-00003087 purpose of the universe the word jp5Pbu3WUdu-00015-00003088-00003295 pandeism is a hybrid blend of the root jp5Pbu3WUdu-00016-00003296-00003511 words pantheism and deism combining jp5Pbu3WUdu-00017-00003511-00003735 ancient greek pan-translit jp5Pbu3WUdu-00018-00003736-00004070 pan lit all with latin deus which means jp5Pbu3WUdu-00019-00004071-00004183 god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00020-00004184-00004351 it was perhaps first coined in the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00021-00004352-00004599 present meaning in 1859 by moritz jp5Pbu3WUdu-00022-00004600-00005118 lazarus and haman steinthal jp5Pbu3WUdu-00023-00005119-00005743 topic a pantheistic form of deism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00024-00005744-00005951 pandeyism falls within the traditional jp5Pbu3WUdu-00025-00005952-00006159 hierarchy of menistic and nontheistic jp5Pbu3WUdu-00026-00006160-00006343 philosophies addressing the nature of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00027-00006344-00006446 god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00028-00006447-00006767 it is one of several subsets of deism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00029-00006768-00006942 over time there have been other schools jp5Pbu3WUdu-00030-00006943-00007119 of thought formed under the umbrella of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00031-00007120-00007359 deism including christian deism belief jp5Pbu3WUdu-00032-00007359-00007551 in deistic principles coupled with the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00033-00007552-00007767 moral teachings of jesus of nazareth and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00034-00007768-00007991 pandeism a belief that god became the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00035-00007992-00008207 entire universe and no longer exists as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00036-00008208-00008374 a separate being jp5Pbu3WUdu-00037-00008375-00008542 for the history of the root words jp5Pbu3WUdu-00038-00008543-00008767 pantheism and deism see the overview of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00039-00008768-00009006 deism section and history of pantheism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00040-00009007-00009119 section jp5Pbu3WUdu-00041-00009120-00009327 the earliest use of the term pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00042-00009328-00009583 appears to have been 1787 with another jp5Pbu3WUdu-00043-00009584-00009871 use related in 1838 a first appearance jp5Pbu3WUdu-00044-00009872-00010167 in a dictionary in 1849 in german as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00045-00010168-00010487 pandeyismus and pandiastish and an 1859 jp5Pbu3WUdu-00046-00010488-00010814 usage of pandeism possibly in contrast jp5Pbu3WUdu-00047-00010815-00011038 to both pantheism and deism by moritz jp5Pbu3WUdu-00048-00011039-00011271 lazarus and heyman steinthal jp5Pbu3WUdu-00049-00011272-00011503 physicist and philosopher max bernhard jp5Pbu3WUdu-00050-00011504-00011751 weinstein in his 1910 work welt une jp5Pbu3WUdu-00051-00011752-00011974 lebanson chaungan her vorjagang announce jp5Pbu3WUdu-00052-00011975-00012246 religion philosophy und naturakenness jp5Pbu3WUdu-00053-00012247-00012470 world and life views emerging from jp5Pbu3WUdu-00054-00012471-00012683 religion philosophy and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00055-00012684-00012943 nature presented the broadest and most jp5Pbu3WUdu-00056-00012944-00013166 far-reaching examination of pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00057-00013168-00013351 written up to that point jp5Pbu3WUdu-00058-00013352-00013551 weinstein noted the distinction between jp5Pbu3WUdu-00059-00013552-00013830 pantheism and pandeism stating even if jp5Pbu3WUdu-00060-00013831-00014127 only by a letter d in place of th we jp5Pbu3WUdu-00061-00014128-00014335 fundamentally differ pandeism from jp5Pbu3WUdu-00062-00014336-00014494 pantheism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00063-00014495-00014638 but it has been noted that some jp5Pbu3WUdu-00064-00014640-00014847 pantheists have identified themselves as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00065-00014847-00015079 pandists as well to underscore that they jp5Pbu3WUdu-00066-00015080-00015311 share with the deists the idea that god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00067-00015312-00015550 is not a personal god who desires to be jp5Pbu3WUdu-00068-00015551-00015735 worshipped jp5Pbu3WUdu-00069-00015736-00015927 noting that victorian scholar george jp5Pbu3WUdu-00070-00015928-00016166 levine has suggested that secularism can jp5Pbu3WUdu-00071-00016168-00016350 bring the fullness jp5Pbu3WUdu-00072-00016351-00016663 which religion has always promised jp5Pbu3WUdu-00073-00016664-00016919 other authors have since observed jp5Pbu3WUdu-00074-00016920-00017158 for others this fullness jp5Pbu3WUdu-00075-00017159-00017375 is present in more religious-oriented jp5Pbu3WUdu-00076-00017376-00017607 pantheistic or pandeistic belief systems jp5Pbu3WUdu-00077-00017608-00017814 with in the latter case the inclusion of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00078-00017815-00018022 god is the ever-unfolding expression of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00079-00018023-00018247 a complex universe with an identifiable jp5Pbu3WUdu-00080-00018248-00018471 beginning but no teleological direction jp5Pbu3WUdu-00081-00018472-00018686 necessarily present jp5Pbu3WUdu-00082-00018687-00018839 this is classed within a general jp5Pbu3WUdu-00083-00018840-00019079 tendency of postmodernity to be a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00084-00019080-00019327 stunning amalgamation of the views of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00085-00019328-00019591 william james and max weber representing jp5Pbu3WUdu-00086-00019592-00019799 the movement away from self-denial jp5Pbu3WUdu-00087-00019800-00020127 toward a denial of the supernatural jp5Pbu3WUdu-00088-00020128-00020391 which promises to fundamentally alter jp5Pbu3WUdu-00089-00020392-00020647 future geographies of mind and being by jp5Pbu3WUdu-00090-00020648-00020871 shifting the locus of causality from an jp5Pbu3WUdu-00091-00020872-00021247 exalted godhead to the domain of nature jp5Pbu3WUdu-00092-00021248-00021494 it has also been suggested that many jp5Pbu3WUdu-00093-00021495-00021719 religions may classify themselves as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00094-00021720-00021871 pantheistic jp5Pbu3WUdu-00095-00021872-00022078 but fit more essentially under the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00096-00022079-00022271 description of panentheistic or jp5Pbu3WUdu-00097-00022272-00022814 pandeistic jp5Pbu3WUdu-00098-00022815-00023255 progression jp5Pbu3WUdu-00099-00023256-00023750 topic the ancient world jp5Pbu3WUdu-00100-00023751-00023991 the earliest seeds of pandeism coincide jp5Pbu3WUdu-00101-00023992-00024175 with notions of monotheism which jp5Pbu3WUdu-00102-00024176-00024335 generally can be traced back to the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00103-00024336-00024567 atenism of akhenaten and the babylonian jp5Pbu3WUdu-00104-00024568-00024719 era marduk jp5Pbu3WUdu-00105-00024720-00024942 weinstein in particular identified the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00106-00024943-00025158 idea of primary matter derived from an jp5Pbu3WUdu-00107-00025159-00025350 original spirit as found by the ancient jp5Pbu3WUdu-00108-00025351-00025622 egyptians to be a form of pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00109-00025623-00025855 weinstein similarly found varieties of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00110-00025856-00026070 pandeism in the religious views held in jp5Pbu3WUdu-00111-00026072-00026311 china especially with respect to taoism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00112-00026312-00026583 as expressed by lao zee india especially jp5Pbu3WUdu-00113-00026583-00026767 in the hindu bhagavad-gita and among jp5Pbu3WUdu-00114-00026768-00027079 various greek and roman philosophers jp5Pbu3WUdu-00115-00027080-00027358 6th century bc philosopher xenophanes of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00116-00027360-00027551 calaphan has also been considered a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00117-00027552-00027735 pantheistic thinker jp5Pbu3WUdu-00118-00027736-00027951 weinstein wrote that xenophanes spoke as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00119-00027952-00028118 a pantheist in stating that there was jp5Pbu3WUdu-00120-00028119-00028358 one god which abideth ever in the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00121-00028360-00028631 selfsame place moving not at all jp5Pbu3WUdu-00122-00028632-00028918 and yet sees all over thinks all over jp5Pbu3WUdu-00123-00028919-00029127 and hears all over jp5Pbu3WUdu-00124-00029127-00029311 he similarly found that ideas of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00125-00029312-00029518 pandeism were reflected in the ideas of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00126-00029519-00029767 heraclitus and of the stoics jp5Pbu3WUdu-00127-00029768-00029983 weinstein also wrote that pandeism was jp5Pbu3WUdu-00128-00029983-00030167 especially expressed by the later jp5Pbu3WUdu-00129-00030168-00030367 students of the platonic pythagoreans jp5Pbu3WUdu-00130-00030368-00030567 and the pythagorean platonists and among jp5Pbu3WUdu-00131-00030568-00030807 them specifically identified 3rd century jp5Pbu3WUdu-00132-00030808-00031039 bc philosopher chrysippus who affirmed jp5Pbu3WUdu-00133-00031039-00031302 that the universe itself is god and the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00134-00031303-00031614 universal outpouring of its soul jp5Pbu3WUdu-00135-00031616-00031846 as a pantheist as well religious studies jp5Pbu3WUdu-00136-00031847-00032102 professor f e peters however found that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00137-00032103-00032367 w hat appeared jp5Pbu3WUdu-00138-00032368-00032527 at the center of the pythagorean jp5Pbu3WUdu-00139-00032527-00032735 tradition in philosophy is another view jp5Pbu3WUdu-00140-00032736-00032902 of psyche that seems to owe little or jp5Pbu3WUdu-00141-00032903-00033151 nothing to the pan vitalism or pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00142-00033152-00033399 that is the legacy of the malaysians jp5Pbu3WUdu-00143-00033400-00033615 amongst the malesians english historian jp5Pbu3WUdu-00144-00033616-00033823 of philosophy andrew gregory notes in jp5Pbu3WUdu-00145-00033824-00034079 particular that some construction using jp5Pbu3WUdu-00146-00034080-00034374 pan whether it be pantheism pandeism or jp5Pbu3WUdu-00147-00034375-00034615 pancubarnism describes anaximunder jp5Pbu3WUdu-00148-00034616-00034807 reasonably well jp5Pbu3WUdu-00149-00034808-00034983 though he does go on to question whether jp5Pbu3WUdu-00150-00034984-00035159 anaximander's view of the distinction jp5Pbu3WUdu-00151-00035160-00035367 between appearan and cosmos makes these jp5Pbu3WUdu-00152-00035368-00035630 labels technically relevant at all jp5Pbu3WUdu-00153-00035631-00035943 gottfried gro in his 1787 interpretation jp5Pbu3WUdu-00154-00035944-00036159 of pliny the elder's natural history jp5Pbu3WUdu-00155-00036160-00036407 describes pliny a first century figure jp5Pbu3WUdu-00156-00036408-00036679 as if not a spinozist then perhaps a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00157-00036680-00037111 pantheist jp5Pbu3WUdu-00158-00037112-00037311 topic from medieval times to the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00159-00037312-00037727 enlightenment jp5Pbu3WUdu-00160-00037728-00037974 weinstein examines the philosophy of 9th jp5Pbu3WUdu-00161-00037975-00038174 century theologian johannes scotus jp5Pbu3WUdu-00162-00038175-00038430 ariujina who proposed that god has jp5Pbu3WUdu-00163-00038431-00038695 created the world out of his own being jp5Pbu3WUdu-00164-00038696-00038879 and identifies this as a form of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00165-00038880-00039087 pandeism noting in particular that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00166-00039088-00039302 arugina's vision of god was one which jp5Pbu3WUdu-00167-00039303-00039487 does not know what it is and learns this jp5Pbu3WUdu-00168-00039488-00039662 through the process of existing as its jp5Pbu3WUdu-00169-00039663-00039783 creation jp5Pbu3WUdu-00170-00039784-00040007 in his great work de division nattora jp5Pbu3WUdu-00171-00040008-00040199 also called peripheran probably jp5Pbu3WUdu-00172-00040200-00040511 completed around 867 a.d ariujina jp5Pbu3WUdu-00173-00040512-00040702 proposed that the nature of the universe jp5Pbu3WUdu-00174-00040703-00041015 is divisible into four distinct classes jp5Pbu3WUdu-00175-00041016-00041183 one that which creates and is not jp5Pbu3WUdu-00176-00041184-00041335 created jp5Pbu3WUdu-00177-00041336-00041623 two that which is created and creates jp5Pbu3WUdu-00178-00041624-00041807 three that which is created and does not jp5Pbu3WUdu-00179-00041808-00041951 create jp5Pbu3WUdu-00180-00041952-00042151 for that which neither is created nor jp5Pbu3WUdu-00181-00042152-00042367 creates the first stage is god as the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00182-00042368-00042558 ground or origin of all things the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00183-00042559-00042767 second is the world of platonic ideals jp5Pbu3WUdu-00184-00042768-00042974 or forms the third is the holy physical jp5Pbu3WUdu-00185-00042975-00043230 manifestation of our universe which does jp5Pbu3WUdu-00186-00043231-00043527 not create the last is god as the final jp5Pbu3WUdu-00187-00043528-00043702 end or goal of all things that into jp5Pbu3WUdu-00188-00043703-00043871 which the world of created things jp5Pbu3WUdu-00189-00043872-00044062 ultimately returns to completeness with jp5Pbu3WUdu-00190-00044063-00044207 the additional knowledge of having jp5Pbu3WUdu-00191-00044208-00044390 experienced this world jp5Pbu3WUdu-00192-00044391-00044615 a contemporary statement of this idea is jp5Pbu3WUdu-00193-00044616-00044871 that since god is not a being he is jp5Pbu3WUdu-00194-00044872-00045199 therefore not intelligible jp5Pbu3WUdu-00195-00045200-00045399 this means not only that we cannot jp5Pbu3WUdu-00196-00045400-00045630 understand him but also that he cannot jp5Pbu3WUdu-00197-00045631-00045846 understand himself jp5Pbu3WUdu-00198-00045847-00046087 creation is a kind of divine effort by jp5Pbu3WUdu-00199-00046088-00046343 god to understand himself to see himself jp5Pbu3WUdu-00200-00046344-00046518 in a mirror jp5Pbu3WUdu-00201-00046519-00046718 french journalist jean-jacques gabbett jp5Pbu3WUdu-00202-00046719-00046990 agreed writing that a certain pantheism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00203-00046991-00047262 or rather pandeism emerges from his work jp5Pbu3WUdu-00204-00047263-00047535 where neo-platonic inspiration perfectly jp5Pbu3WUdu-00205-00047536-00047711 complements the strict christian jp5Pbu3WUdu-00206-00047712-00047895 orthodoxy jp5Pbu3WUdu-00207-00047896-00048151 weinstein also found that 13th century jp5Pbu3WUdu-00208-00048152-00048367 catholic thinker bonaventure who jp5Pbu3WUdu-00209-00048368-00048543 championed the platonic doctrine that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00210-00048544-00048783 ideas do not exist in rarum natura but jp5Pbu3WUdu-00211-00048784-00048983 as ideals exemplified by the divine jp5Pbu3WUdu-00212-00048984-00049167 being according to which actual things jp5Pbu3WUdu-00213-00049168-00049423 were formed showed strong pantheistic jp5Pbu3WUdu-00214-00049424-00049567 inclinations jp5Pbu3WUdu-00215-00049568-00049751 of nicholas of cusa who wrote of the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00216-00049752-00049951 unfolding of creation in god and the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00217-00049952-00050143 unfolding of the divine human mind in jp5Pbu3WUdu-00218-00050144-00050351 creation weinstein wrote that he was to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00219-00050352-00050655 a certain extent a pantheist and as to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00220-00050656-00050902 franciscus mercurius van helmont who had jp5Pbu3WUdu-00221-00050903-00051127 written a kabbalistical dialogue latin jp5Pbu3WUdu-00222-00051128-00051242 version first jp5Pbu3WUdu-00223-00051244-00051614 1677 in english 1682 placing matter and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00224-00051615-00051814 spirit on a continuum and describing jp5Pbu3WUdu-00225-00051815-00052102 matter as a coalition of monads jp5Pbu3WUdu-00226-00052103-00052302 weinstein also found this to be a kind jp5Pbu3WUdu-00227-00052303-00052447 of pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00228-00052448-00052638 weinstein found that pandeism was jp5Pbu3WUdu-00229-00052639-00052815 strongly expressed in the teachings of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00230-00052816-00053047 jordano bruno who envisioned a deity jp5Pbu3WUdu-00231-00053048-00053254 which had no particular relation to one jp5Pbu3WUdu-00232-00053255-00053438 part of the infinite universe more than jp5Pbu3WUdu-00233-00053439-00053654 any other and was imminent as present on jp5Pbu3WUdu-00234-00053655-00053838 earth as in the heavens subsuming in jp5Pbu3WUdu-00235-00053839-00054111 itself the multiplicity of existence jp5Pbu3WUdu-00236-00054112-00054319 this was reiterated by others including jp5Pbu3WUdu-00237-00054320-00054550 discover editor corey s powell who wrote jp5Pbu3WUdu-00238-00054551-00054823 that bruno's cosmology was a tool for jp5Pbu3WUdu-00239-00054824-00055030 advancing an animist or pandeist jp5Pbu3WUdu-00240-00055032-00055247 theology jp5Pbu3WUdu-00241-00055248-00055575 in the 1820s to 1830s pandeism received jp5Pbu3WUdu-00242-00055576-00055759 some mention in italy jp5Pbu3WUdu-00243-00055760-00056087 in 1834 publisher giovanni silvestri jp5Pbu3WUdu-00244-00056088-00056279 posthumously published a volume of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00245-00056279-00056542 sermons of italian padre filippo nanetti jp5Pbu3WUdu-00246-00056544-00056871 d bibulano a.k.a il filippo nani padre jp5Pbu3WUdu-00247-00056872-00057107 da lohano jp5Pbu3WUdu-00248-00057108-00057359 1759-1829 who named pandeism as being jp5Pbu3WUdu-00249-00057360-00057550 among beliefs he condemned railing jp5Pbu3WUdu-00250-00057551-00057942 against jews muslims gentiles shasmatics jp5Pbu3WUdu-00251-00057944-00058238 heretics pandists beasts and troubled jp5Pbu3WUdu-00252-00058239-00058454 restless spirits jp5Pbu3WUdu-00253-00058455-00058687 nanati further specifically criticized jp5Pbu3WUdu-00254-00058688-00059007 pandeism declaring to you fatal pandeist jp5Pbu3WUdu-00255-00059008-00059182 the laws that create nature are jp5Pbu3WUdu-00256-00059183-00059430 contingent and mutable not another being jp5Pbu3WUdu-00257-00059432-00059638 in substance with forces driven by jp5Pbu3WUdu-00258-00059639-00059871 motions and developments jp5Pbu3WUdu-00259-00059872-00060071 within a few years thereafter came the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00260-00060072-00060311 1838 publication of an anonymous jp5Pbu3WUdu-00261-00060312-00060550 treatise ill legato d un vecchio i jp5Pbu3WUdu-00262-00060551-00060847 jovani della s.u.a patria the legacy of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00263-00060848-00061054 an old man to the young people of his jp5Pbu3WUdu-00264-00061055-00061206 country jp5Pbu3WUdu-00265-00061207-00061399 whose author discussing the theory of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00266-00061400-00061647 religion presented by jim batista vico a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00267-00061648-00061863 century earlier news that when man first jp5Pbu3WUdu-00268-00061864-00062087 saw meteor showers his robust jp5Pbu3WUdu-00269-00062088-00062335 imagination recognized the effects as a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00270-00062336-00062615 cause then deifying natural phenomena he jp5Pbu3WUdu-00271-00062616-00062830 became a pandeist an instructor of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00272-00062832-00063159 mythology a priest an augur jp5Pbu3WUdu-00273-00063160-00063430 neither nanetti nor the 1838 author jp5Pbu3WUdu-00274-00063432-00063647 defines pandeism distinctly enough to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00275-00063648-00063863 cleanly distinguish it from pantheism or jp5Pbu3WUdu-00276-00063864-00064054 possibly polytheism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00277-00064055-00064326 but again in 1838 another italian jp5Pbu3WUdu-00278-00064327-00064566 phrenologist luigi furis in memory jp5Pbu3WUdu-00279-00064567-00064806 rigardantila datrina phrenologica jp5Pbu3WUdu-00280-00064807-00064975 thoughts regarding the doctrine of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00281-00064976-00065126 phrenology jp5Pbu3WUdu-00282-00065127-00065303 critically described victor cousin's jp5Pbu3WUdu-00283-00065304-00065567 philosophy as a doctrine which locates jp5Pbu3WUdu-00284-00065568-00065767 reason outside the human person jp5Pbu3WUdu-00285-00065768-00065982 declaring man a fragment of god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00286-00065983-00066182 introducing a sword of spiritual jp5Pbu3WUdu-00287-00066183-00066455 pandeyism absurd for us and injurious to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00288-00066456-00066655 the supreme being jp5Pbu3WUdu-00289-00066656-00066950 the 1859 german work zeitschrift fur jp5Pbu3WUdu-00290-00066951-00067199 volcker psychology une spratchusenschaft jp5Pbu3WUdu-00291-00067200-00067359 by philosophers and frequent jp5Pbu3WUdu-00292-00067360-00067591 collaborators moritz lazarus and heyman jp5Pbu3WUdu-00293-00067592-00067791 steinthall distinguished pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00294-00067792-00068071 unequivocally declaring mann stelle s jp5Pbu3WUdu-00295-00068072-00068382 also den denkern fry ob sci theistan jp5Pbu3WUdu-00296-00068383-00069038 pantheistan atheistan deistan und waram jp5Pbu3WUdu-00297-00069039-00069215 man leaves it to the philosophers jp5Pbu3WUdu-00298-00069216-00069406 whether they are theists pantheists jp5Pbu3WUdu-00299-00069407-00069615 atheists deists and why not also jp5Pbu3WUdu-00300-00069616-00069823 pandists jp5Pbu3WUdu-00301-00069824-00070055 literary critic hayden kuruth said of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00302-00070056-00070335 18th century figure alexander pope that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00303-00070336-00070494 it was jp5Pbu3WUdu-00304-00070495-00070703 pope's rationalism and pandeism with jp5Pbu3WUdu-00305-00070704-00070871 which he wrote the greatest mock epoch jp5Pbu3WUdu-00306-00070872-00071159 in english literature quote according to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00307-00071160-00071494 american philosophy an encyclopedia jp5Pbu3WUdu-00308-00071495-00071703 later unitarian christians such as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00309-00071704-00071843 william ellery channing jp5Pbu3WUdu-00310-00071844-00072071 transcendentalists such as ralph waldo jp5Pbu3WUdu-00311-00072072-00072311 emerson and henry david thoreau writers jp5Pbu3WUdu-00312-00072312-00072455 such as walt whitman and some jp5Pbu3WUdu-00313-00072456-00072687 pragmatists such as william james took a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00314-00072688-00072894 more pantheist or pantiest approach by jp5Pbu3WUdu-00315-00072895-00073094 rejecting views of god as separate from jp5Pbu3WUdu-00316-00073095-00073375 the world quote dot the belgian poet jp5Pbu3WUdu-00317-00073376-00073615 robert vivier wrote of the pantheism to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00318-00073616-00073855 be found in the works of 19th century jp5Pbu3WUdu-00319-00073856-00074159 novelist and poet victor hugo jp5Pbu3WUdu-00320-00074160-00074415 similarly in the 19th century poet jp5Pbu3WUdu-00321-00074416-00074703 alfred tennyson revealed that his jp5Pbu3WUdu-00322-00074704-00074950 religious beliefs also defied convention jp5Pbu3WUdu-00323-00074951-00075223 leaning towards agnosticism and pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00324-00075224-00075471 quote dot charles darwin has been jp5Pbu3WUdu-00325-00075472-00075735 described as having views that were jp5Pbu3WUdu-00326-00075736-00075975 a good match for deism or possibly for jp5Pbu3WUdu-00327-00075976-00076199 pandeism friedrich engels has also been jp5Pbu3WUdu-00328-00076200-00076415 described by historian tristrum hunt as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00329-00076416-00076887 having pantheistic views jp5Pbu3WUdu-00330-00076888-00077543 topic post-enlightenment philosophy jp5Pbu3WUdu-00331-00077544-00077991 in asian philosophy jp5Pbu3WUdu-00332-00077992-00078167 weinstein asserted the presence of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00333-00078168-00078415 pandeism in china including in lao zee's jp5Pbu3WUdu-00334-00078416-00078631 taoism and in india especially in the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00335-00078632-00078823 hindu bhagavad-gita jp5Pbu3WUdu-00336-00078824-00079031 other philosophers have also pointed to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00337-00079032-00079215 pandeism as having a presence in the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00338-00079216-00079382 cultures of asia jp5Pbu3WUdu-00339-00079383-00079671 in 1833 religionist godfrey higgins jp5Pbu3WUdu-00340-00079672-00079855 theorized in his anacolypsis that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00341-00079856-00080055 pandiaism was a doctrine which had been jp5Pbu3WUdu-00342-00080056-00080391 received both by buddhists and brahmanas jp5Pbu3WUdu-00343-00080392-00080831 quote in 1896 historian gustavo uzieli jp5Pbu3WUdu-00344-00080832-00081047 described the world's population as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00345-00081048-00081206 influenced jp5Pbu3WUdu-00346-00081207-00081471 by a superhuman idealism in christianity jp5Pbu3WUdu-00347-00081472-00081687 by an anti-human nihilism in buddhism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00348-00081688-00081847 and by an incipient but growing jp5Pbu3WUdu-00349-00081848-00082135 pandiaism in indian brahmanism quote but jp5Pbu3WUdu-00350-00082136-00082350 the following year the reverend henry jp5Pbu3WUdu-00351-00082351-00082550 gratton guinness wrote critically that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00352-00082551-00082718 in india jp5Pbu3WUdu-00353-00082719-00082950 god is everything and everything is god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00354-00082951-00083294 and therefore everything may be adored jp5Pbu3WUdu-00355-00083295-00083582 her pandeism is a pandemonium likewise jp5Pbu3WUdu-00356-00083583-00083879 20 years earlier in 1877 jp5Pbu3WUdu-00357-00083880-00084143 peruvian scholar and historian carlos jp5Pbu3WUdu-00358-00084144-00084343 wiese porta carrero had written in an jp5Pbu3WUdu-00359-00084344-00084591 essay titled philosophical systems of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00360-00084592-00084838 india that in that country jp5Pbu3WUdu-00361-00084839-00085023 metaphysics is pantheistic and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00362-00085024-00085255 degenerates into idealism german jp5Pbu3WUdu-00363-00085256-00085494 political philosopher jurgen hartmann jp5Pbu3WUdu-00364-00085495-00085694 observes that hindu pandeism has jp5Pbu3WUdu-00365-00085695-00085862 contributed to friction with jp5Pbu3WUdu-00366-00085863-00086182 monotheistic islam pandeism in chinese jp5Pbu3WUdu-00367-00086183-00086462 fan zi ranchin loon was described by wen jp5Pbu3WUdu-00368-00086463-00086743 kai in a p king university lecture as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00369-00086744-00086911 embodying jp5Pbu3WUdu-00370-00086912-00087150 a major feature of chinese philosophical jp5Pbu3WUdu-00371-00087151-00087391 thought in that there is a harmony jp5Pbu3WUdu-00372-00087392-00087582 between man and the divine and they are jp5Pbu3WUdu-00373-00087583-00087911 equal zhong dao kui zhong dao kui of the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00374-00087912-00088182 china three gorgas university proposed jp5Pbu3WUdu-00375-00088183-00088382 that the art of china's three gorgas jp5Pbu3WUdu-00376-00088383-00088631 area is influenced by jp5Pbu3WUdu-00377-00088632-00088855 a representation of the romantic essence jp5Pbu3WUdu-00378-00088856-00089038 that is created when integrating rugged jp5Pbu3WUdu-00379-00089039-00089215 simplicity with the natural beauty jp5Pbu3WUdu-00380-00089216-00089494 spoken about by pandeism literary critic jp5Pbu3WUdu-00381-00089495-00089711 wang zheng kang wang zhen kong has jp5Pbu3WUdu-00382-00089712-00089935 written that in chinese folk religion is jp5Pbu3WUdu-00383-00089936-00090143 conveyed in the early novels of noted jp5Pbu3WUdu-00384-00090144-00090326 folk writer yi mei jp5Pbu3WUdu-00385-00090327-00090567 yee mi the romantic spirit of pandiaism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00386-00090568-00090806 can be seen everywhere wang jungkang jp5Pbu3WUdu-00387-00090807-00090975 additionally writes of yeme's jp5Pbu3WUdu-00388-00090976-00091118 descriptions of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00389-00091119-00091294 the worship of reproduction under jp5Pbu3WUdu-00390-00091295-00091518 pandeism as demonstrated in romantic jp5Pbu3WUdu-00391-00091519-00091726 songs sung by village people to show the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00392-00091727-00091950 strong impulse of vitality and humanity jp5Pbu3WUdu-00393-00091951-00092223 and the beauty of wildness quote it has jp5Pbu3WUdu-00394-00092224-00092455 been noted that author shen conghwun has jp5Pbu3WUdu-00395-00092456-00092775 attributed a kind of hysteria that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00396-00092776-00092967 afflicts those young girls who commit jp5Pbu3WUdu-00397-00092968-00093311 suicide by jumping into caves luao dung jp5Pbu3WUdu-00398-00093312-00093615 luo dong 2. the repressive local jp5Pbu3WUdu-00399-00093616-00093823 military culture that imposes strict jp5Pbu3WUdu-00400-00093824-00093991 sexual codes on women and to the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00401-00093992-00094262 influence of pandeism among meow people jp5Pbu3WUdu-00402-00094263-00094359 since jp5Pbu3WUdu-00403-00094360-00094582 for a nymphomaniac jumping into a cave jp5Pbu3WUdu-00404-00094583-00094767 leads to the ultimate union with the god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00405-00094768-00094894 of the cave jp5Pbu3WUdu-00406-00094895-00095103 weinstein similarly found the views of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00407-00095104-00095367 17th century japanese neo-confucian jp5Pbu3WUdu-00408-00095368-00095631 philosopher yamazaki ansai who espoused jp5Pbu3WUdu-00409-00095632-00095831 a cosmology of universal mutual jp5Pbu3WUdu-00410-00095832-00096015 interconnectedness to be especially jp5Pbu3WUdu-00411-00096016-00096511 consonant with pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00412-00096512-00096959 in western philosophy jp5Pbu3WUdu-00413-00096960-00097118 in the pilgrimage from deism to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00414-00097119-00097382 agnosticism manquer daniel conway stated jp5Pbu3WUdu-00415-00097383-00097599 that the term pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00416-00097600-00097911 is an unscholarly combination jp5Pbu3WUdu-00417-00097912-00098135 opmar hegemon described the new jp5Pbu3WUdu-00418-00098136-00098431 catholicism of franz mock as actually a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00419-00098432-00098743 form of pandeism in 1905 a few years jp5Pbu3WUdu-00420-00098744-00098959 before weinstein's own extensive review jp5Pbu3WUdu-00421-00098960-00099199 was published in 1910 jp5Pbu3WUdu-00422-00099200-00099399 a critique of pandeism similar to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00423-00099400-00099638 conways as an unsightly combination of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00424-00099639-00099847 greek and latin was made in a review of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00425-00099848-00100103 weinstein's discussion of pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00426-00100104-00100271 the reviewer further criticizes jp5Pbu3WUdu-00427-00100272-00100503 weinstein's broad assertions that scotus jp5Pbu3WUdu-00428-00100504-00100759 ariujina anselm of canterbury nicholas jp5Pbu3WUdu-00429-00100760-00101031 of cusa jordano bruno mendelsohn and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00430-00101032-00101206 lessing all were pandists are leaned jp5Pbu3WUdu-00431-00101207-00101374 towards pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00432-00101375-00101606 towards the beginning of world war 1 an jp5Pbu3WUdu-00433-00101607-00101799 article in the yale sheffield monthly jp5Pbu3WUdu-00434-00101800-00101974 published by the yale university jp5Pbu3WUdu-00435-00101975-00102191 sheffield scientific school commented on jp5Pbu3WUdu-00436-00102192-00102423 speculation that the war means the death jp5Pbu3WUdu-00437-00102424-00102694 of christianity and an era of pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00438-00102695-00102918 or perhaps even the destruction of all jp5Pbu3WUdu-00439-00102919-00103151 which we call modern civilization and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00440-00103152-00103310 culture jp5Pbu3WUdu-00441-00103311-00103551 the following year early 19th century jp5Pbu3WUdu-00442-00103552-00103758 german philosopher paul friedrich kohler jp5Pbu3WUdu-00443-00103759-00104023 wrote that pantheism pandeism monism and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00444-00104024-00104223 dualism all refer to the same god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00445-00104224-00104406 illuminated in different ways and that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00446-00104407-00104590 whatever the label the human soul jp5Pbu3WUdu-00447-00104591-00104806 emanates from this god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00448-00104807-00105031 pandeism was noted by literary critic jp5Pbu3WUdu-00449-00105032-00105263 martin ludki as a philosophy expressed jp5Pbu3WUdu-00450-00105264-00105502 by early 20th century portuguese poet jp5Pbu3WUdu-00451-00105503-00105734 fernando pessoa especially as to those jp5Pbu3WUdu-00452-00105735-00105895 writings made under the pseudonym of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00453-00105896-00106054 alberto carro jp5Pbu3WUdu-00454-00106055-00106286 pantism was likewise noted by authors jp5Pbu3WUdu-00455-00106288-00106478 like brazilian journalist and writer jp5Pbu3WUdu-00456-00106479-00106727 ottavio de faria and british scholar and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00457-00106728-00106902 translator of portuguese fiction jp5Pbu3WUdu-00458-00106903-00107151 giovanni pontiero among others to be an jp5Pbu3WUdu-00459-00107152-00107310 influence on the writings of noted jp5Pbu3WUdu-00460-00107311-00107558 mid-20th century brazilian poet carlos jp5Pbu3WUdu-00461-00107559-00107799 naher of whom de faria wrote that the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00462-00107800-00107999 pantheism of nahur is one of the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00463-00108000-00108223 strongest poetic ideas that we have jp5Pbu3WUdu-00464-00108224-00108495 reached in the world of poetry jp5Pbu3WUdu-00465-00108496-00108751 pandeism was also examined by theologian jp5Pbu3WUdu-00466-00108752-00108919 charles harchan one of the chief jp5Pbu3WUdu-00467-00108920-00109151 disciples of process philosopher alfred jp5Pbu3WUdu-00468-00109152-00109295 north whitehead jp5Pbu3WUdu-00469-00109296-00109534 in his process theology an extension of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00470-00109535-00109710 whitehead's work harshern preferred jp5Pbu3WUdu-00471-00109711-00109983 pandeism to pantheism explaining that it jp5Pbu3WUdu-00472-00109983-00110151 is not really the theos that is jp5Pbu3WUdu-00473-00110152-00110302 described jp5Pbu3WUdu-00474-00110303-00110510 however he specifically rejected jp5Pbu3WUdu-00475-00110511-00110734 pandeism early on finding that a god who jp5Pbu3WUdu-00476-00110735-00111047 had absolute perfection in some respects jp5Pbu3WUdu-00477-00111048-00111319 relative perfection in all others jp5Pbu3WUdu-00478-00111320-00111590 was able consistently to embrace all jp5Pbu3WUdu-00479-00111591-00111807 that is positive in either deism or jp5Pbu3WUdu-00480-00111808-00111983 pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00481-00111983-00112143 hercharn accepted the label of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00482-00112144-00112351 panentheism for his beliefs declaring jp5Pbu3WUdu-00483-00112352-00112631 that panentheistic doctrine contains all jp5Pbu3WUdu-00484-00112632-00112854 of deism and pandeism except their jp5Pbu3WUdu-00485-00112855-00113102 arbitrary negations jp5Pbu3WUdu-00486-00113103-00113286 several theologians examined the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00487-00113288-00113471 relationship between the catholic church jp5Pbu3WUdu-00488-00113472-00113727 and pandeism charles anselm bolton jp5Pbu3WUdu-00489-00113728-00113999 states in a 1963 article beyond the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00490-00114000-00114286 ecumenical pandeism that he first came jp5Pbu3WUdu-00491-00114288-00114527 upon this extension of ecumenism into jp5Pbu3WUdu-00492-00114528-00114775 pandeism among some roman catholic jp5Pbu3WUdu-00493-00114776-00114999 scholars interested primarily in the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00494-00115000-00115286 reunion of the churches roman orthodox jp5Pbu3WUdu-00495-00115288-00115454 anglican jp5Pbu3WUdu-00496-00115455-00115686 and wondered what is the ultimate aim of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00497-00115688-00115919 the curia in promoting the pan-deist jp5Pbu3WUdu-00498-00115920-00116071 movement jp5Pbu3WUdu-00499-00116072-00116327 bolton noted that to unite with hindus jp5Pbu3WUdu-00500-00116328-00116543 and buddhists christians should explore jp5Pbu3WUdu-00501-00116544-00116719 the hidden reality jp5Pbu3WUdu-00502-00116720-00116958 the ultimate reality the infinite the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00503-00116959-00117151 absolute the everlasting the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00504-00117152-00117351 all-pervading spirit that marks the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00505-00117352-00117647 religious experience of the orient jp5Pbu3WUdu-00506-00117648-00117823 the impact of this line of thought on jp5Pbu3WUdu-00507-00117824-00118071 christianity was examined by russes john jp5Pbu3WUdu-00508-00118072-00118343 rush dooney who wrote in his 1971 the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00509-00118344-00118495 one and the many studies in the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00510-00118496-00118702 philosophy of order and ultimacy that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00511-00118703-00118919 the position of pope paul came close to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00512-00118920-00119143 being a pandeism and pandeism is the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00513-00119144-00119327 logical development of the virus of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00514-00119328-00119495 hellenic thought and further that a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00515-00119496-00119758 sincere idealist implicitly pandeist in jp5Pbu3WUdu-00516-00119759-00119958 faith deeply concerned with the problems jp5Pbu3WUdu-00517-00119959-00120119 of the world and of time can be a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00518-00120120-00120319 gibboline pope and dante's gibbeleens jp5Pbu3WUdu-00519-00120320-00120623 have at last triumphed quote theologian jp5Pbu3WUdu-00520-00120624-00120983 bird b beach wrote in 1974 that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00521-00120983-00121158 during the vatican council there was jp5Pbu3WUdu-00522-00121159-00121495 criticism from wcc circles to the effect jp5Pbu3WUdu-00523-00121496-00121775 that ecumenism was being contaminated by jp5Pbu3WUdu-00524-00121776-00122007 pandeist and syncretistic tendencies jp5Pbu3WUdu-00525-00122008-00122143 robert a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00526-00122144-00122383 heinlein especially enjoyed this idea jp5Pbu3WUdu-00527-00122383-00122647 and raised it in several of his works jp5Pbu3WUdu-00528-00122648-00122847 literary critic dan schneider wrote of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00529-00122848-00123047 hinland's stranger in a strange land jp5Pbu3WUdu-00530-00123048-00123247 that jubal harshaw's belief in his own jp5Pbu3WUdu-00531-00123248-00123519 free will was one which mike jill and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00532-00123520-00123727 the phosterites misinterpret as a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00533-00123728-00124031 pantheistic urge thou art god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00534-00124032-00124302 heinlein himself in his aphorisms of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00535-00124303-00124654 lazarus long in his 1973 book time jp5Pbu3WUdu-00536-00124655-00124927 enough for love wrote god split himself jp5Pbu3WUdu-00537-00124928-00125134 into a myriad parts that he might have jp5Pbu3WUdu-00538-00125135-00125271 friends jp5Pbu3WUdu-00539-00125272-00125575 this may not be true but it sounds good jp5Pbu3WUdu-00540-00125576-00125751 and is no sillier than any other jp5Pbu3WUdu-00541-00125752-00125927 theology jp5Pbu3WUdu-00542-00125928-00126214 a 1995 news article quoted this use of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00543-00126215-00126471 the term by jim garvin a vietnam veteran jp5Pbu3WUdu-00544-00126472-00126663 who became a trappist monk in the holy jp5Pbu3WUdu-00545-00126664-00126927 cross abbey of berivel virginia jp5Pbu3WUdu-00546-00126928-00127151 garvin described his spiritual position jp5Pbu3WUdu-00547-00127152-00127471 as pandeism or pan and deism something jp5Pbu3WUdu-00548-00127472-00127671 very close to the native american jp5Pbu3WUdu-00549-00127672-00127878 concept of the all-pervading great jp5Pbu3WUdu-00550-00127879-00128119 spirit jp5Pbu3WUdu-00551-00128120-00128343 the following year pastor bob borage of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00552-00128344-00128527 the genevan institute for reformed jp5Pbu3WUdu-00553-00128528-00128734 studies wrote that if god was the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00554-00128735-00128951 proximate cause of every act it would jp5Pbu3WUdu-00555-00128952-00129190 make all events to be jp5Pbu3WUdu-00556-00129191-00129502 god in motion quote dot that is nothing jp5Pbu3WUdu-00557-00129503-00129766 less than pantheism or more exactly jp5Pbu3WUdu-00558-00129767-00129943 pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00559-00129944-00130183 borage rejects this model observing that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00560-00130183-00130447 in christianity the creator is distinct jp5Pbu3WUdu-00561-00130448-00130695 from his creation the reality of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00562-00130696-00130919 secondary causes is what separates jp5Pbu3WUdu-00563-00130920-00131207 christian theism from pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00564-00131208-00131439 borage concludes by challenging that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00565-00131440-00131727 calling god the author of sin demand s a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00566-00131728-00131911 pantheistic understanding of the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00567-00131912-00132095 universe effectively removing the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00568-00132096-00132766 reality of sin and moral law jp5Pbu3WUdu-00569-00132767-00133287 21st century developments jp5Pbu3WUdu-00570-00133288-00133511 more recently pandeism has been classed jp5Pbu3WUdu-00571-00133512-00133702 as a logical derivation of german jp5Pbu3WUdu-00572-00133703-00133935 philosopher gottfried wilhelm leibniz's jp5Pbu3WUdu-00573-00133936-00134119 proposition that ours was the best of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00574-00134120-00134302 all possible worlds jp5Pbu3WUdu-00575-00134303-00134695 in 2010 author william c contended that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00576-00134696-00134902 if divine becoming were complete god's jp5Pbu3WUdu-00577-00134903-00135119 canosis god's self emptying for the sake jp5Pbu3WUdu-00578-00135120-00135295 of love would be total jp5Pbu3WUdu-00579-00135296-00135527 in this pantheistic view nothing of god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00580-00135528-00135695 would remain separate and apart from jp5Pbu3WUdu-00581-00135696-00135863 what god would become jp5Pbu3WUdu-00582-00135864-00136071 any separate divine existence would be jp5Pbu3WUdu-00583-00136072-00136247 inconsistent with god's unreserved jp5Pbu3WUdu-00584-00136248-00136463 participation in the lives and fortunes jp5Pbu3WUdu-00585-00136464-00136702 of the actualized phenomena jp5Pbu3WUdu-00586-00136703-00136895 acknowledging that american philosopher jp5Pbu3WUdu-00587-00136896-00137135 william rowe has raised a powerful jp5Pbu3WUdu-00588-00137136-00137351 evidential argument against ethical jp5Pbu3WUdu-00589-00137352-00137463 theism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00590-00137464-00137671 lane further contended that pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00591-00137672-00137854 offers an escape from the evidential jp5Pbu3WUdu-00592-00137855-00138047 argument from evil jp5Pbu3WUdu-00593-00138048-00138214 however it does not count against jp5Pbu3WUdu-00594-00138215-00138343 pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00595-00138344-00138590 in pandeism god is no superintending jp5Pbu3WUdu-00596-00138591-00138790 heavenly power capable of hourly jp5Pbu3WUdu-00597-00138791-00139039 intervention into earthly affairs jp5Pbu3WUdu-00598-00139040-00139287 no longer existing above jp5Pbu3WUdu-00599-00139288-00139487 god cannot intervene from above and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00600-00139488-00139766 cannot be blamed for failing to do so jp5Pbu3WUdu-00601-00139767-00139983 instead god bears all suffering whether jp5Pbu3WUdu-00602-00139984-00140239 the fawns or anyone else's jp5Pbu3WUdu-00603-00140240-00140502 even so a skeptic might ask why must jp5Pbu3WUdu-00604-00140503-00140751 there be so much suffering why could not jp5Pbu3WUdu-00605-00140752-00140966 the world's design omit or modify the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00606-00140967-00141183 events that cause it jp5Pbu3WUdu-00607-00141184-00141383 in pantheism the reason is clear to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00608-00141384-00141583 remain unified a world must convey jp5Pbu3WUdu-00609-00141584-00141814 information through transactions jp5Pbu3WUdu-00610-00141815-00142054 reliable conveyance requires relatively jp5Pbu3WUdu-00611-00142055-00142319 simple uniform laws laws designed to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00612-00142320-00142535 skip around suffering-causing events or jp5Pbu3WUdu-00613-00142536-00142783 to alter their natural consequences i.e jp5Pbu3WUdu-00614-00142784-00142990 their consequences under simple laws jp5Pbu3WUdu-00615-00142991-00143199 would need to be vastly complicated or jp5Pbu3WUdu-00616-00143200-00143366 equivalently to contain numerous jp5Pbu3WUdu-00617-00143367-00143526 exceptions jp5Pbu3WUdu-00618-00143527-00143743 cartoonist and pundit scott adams has jp5Pbu3WUdu-00619-00143744-00143935 written two books on religion god's jp5Pbu3WUdu-00620-00143936-00144302 debris 2001 and the religion war 2004 of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00621-00144303-00144511 which god's debris lays out a theory of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00622-00144512-00144751 pandeism in which god blows itself up to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00623-00144752-00144919 see what will happen which becomes the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00624-00144920-00145111 cause of our universe jp5Pbu3WUdu-00625-00145112-00145343 in god's debris adams suggests that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00626-00145344-00145551 followers of theistic religions such as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00627-00145552-00145775 christianity and islam are inherently jp5Pbu3WUdu-00628-00145776-00145926 subconsciously aware that their jp5Pbu3WUdu-00629-00145927-00146087 religions are false and that this jp5Pbu3WUdu-00630-00146088-00146231 awareness is reflected in their jp5Pbu3WUdu-00631-00146232-00146439 consistently acting like these religions jp5Pbu3WUdu-00632-00146440-00146575 and their threats of damnation for jp5Pbu3WUdu-00633-00146576-00146751 sinners are false jp5Pbu3WUdu-00634-00146752-00147014 in a 2017 interview adams said these jp5Pbu3WUdu-00635-00147015-00147335 books would be his ultimate legacy in jp5Pbu3WUdu-00636-00147336-00147614 2010 german astrophysicist and popular jp5Pbu3WUdu-00637-00147615-00147799 scientist harold lesch observed in a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00638-00147800-00148102 debate on the role of faith in science jp5Pbu3WUdu-00639-00148103-00148223 suppose we would find the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00640-00148224-00148423 all-encompassing law of nature we are jp5Pbu3WUdu-00641-00148424-00148575 looking for so that finally we could jp5Pbu3WUdu-00642-00148576-00148759 assure proudly the world is built up jp5Pbu3WUdu-00643-00148760-00148966 this way and no differently immediately jp5Pbu3WUdu-00644-00148967-00149151 it would create a new question what is jp5Pbu3WUdu-00645-00149152-00149351 behind this law why is the world set up jp5Pbu3WUdu-00646-00149352-00149463 just so jp5Pbu3WUdu-00647-00149464-00149631 this leads us beyond the limits of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00648-00149632-00149854 science in the field of religion jp5Pbu3WUdu-00649-00149855-00150087 as an expert a physicist should respond jp5Pbu3WUdu-00650-00150088-00150335 we do not know we'll never know jp5Pbu3WUdu-00651-00150336-00150519 others would say that god authored this jp5Pbu3WUdu-00652-00150520-00150751 law that created the universe jp5Pbu3WUdu-00653-00150752-00150902 a pantheist might say that the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00654-00150903-00151166 all-encompassing law is god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00655-00151167-00151439 in 2011 social scientist niall douglas jp5Pbu3WUdu-00656-00151440-00151695 wrote that in pandiaism god is growth jp5Pbu3WUdu-00657-00151696-00151911 god is structure knowledge god is jp5Pbu3WUdu-00658-00151912-00152223 everything and nothing simultaneously jp5Pbu3WUdu-00659-00152224-00152471 and rather heretically for the abrahamic jp5Pbu3WUdu-00660-00152472-00152775 religions to perceive i.e to cognate i.e jp5Pbu3WUdu-00661-00152776-00153007 to be of matter i.e to be structured jp5Pbu3WUdu-00662-00153008-00153263 energy generating a gravimetric field as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00663-00153264-00153495 an aspect of god relating to another jp5Pbu3WUdu-00664-00153496-00153711 aspect of god through light which is of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00665-00153712-00153871 course god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00666-00153872-00154102 in this the underlying metaphysics are jp5Pbu3WUdu-00667-00154103-00154326 most definitely pandeyist jp5Pbu3WUdu-00668-00154327-00154614 alan daw's 2011 book the god franchise jp5Pbu3WUdu-00669-00154615-00154814 though mentioning pandeism in passing as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00670-00154815-00154999 one of numerous extant theological jp5Pbu3WUdu-00671-00155000-00155335 theories declines to adopt any ism as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00672-00155336-00155502 encompassing his view though daw's jp5Pbu3WUdu-00673-00155503-00155711 theory includes the human experience as jp5Pbu3WUdu-00674-00155712-00155926 being a temporarily segregated sliver of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00675-00155927-00156119 the experience of god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00676-00156120-00156359 this aspect of the theology of pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00677-00156360-00156583 along with pantheism and panentheism has jp5Pbu3WUdu-00678-00156584-00156719 been compared to the biblical jp5Pbu3WUdu-00679-00156720-00157023 exhortation in acts chapter 17 verse 28 jp5Pbu3WUdu-00680-00157024-00157254 that in him we live and move and have jp5Pbu3WUdu-00681-00157255-00157375 our being jp5Pbu3WUdu-00682-00157376-00157583 while the wycliffe bible encyclopedia jp5Pbu3WUdu-00683-00157584-00157863 had in 1975 described the religion of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00684-00157864-00158175 babylon as clearly a type of pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00685-00158176-00158414 formed from a synthesis of christianity jp5Pbu3WUdu-00686-00158415-00158623 and paganism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00687-00158624-00158854 another christian theologian graham ward jp5Pbu3WUdu-00688-00158855-00159119 insists that attention to christ and the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00689-00159120-00159351 spirit delivers us from pantheism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00690-00159352-00159687 pandeism and process theology jp5Pbu3WUdu-00691-00159688-00159902 and catholic author all cresta observes jp5Pbu3WUdu-00692-00159903-00160039 that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00693-00160040-00160383 new age cosmologies reject materialism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00694-00160384-00160599 naturalism and physicalism they are jp5Pbu3WUdu-00695-00160600-00160871 commonly pantheistic or pandeistic they jp5Pbu3WUdu-00696-00160872-00161054 frequently try to commandeer quantum jp5Pbu3WUdu-00697-00161055-00161231 physics and consciousness studies to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00698-00161232-00161383 illustrate their conception of the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00699-00161384-00161519 cosmos jp5Pbu3WUdu-00700-00161520-00161735 renegade priest paul cramer has deemed jp5Pbu3WUdu-00701-00161736-00161990 pope francis a pantheist who does not jp5Pbu3WUdu-00702-00161991-00162183 believe in the transcendent god and jp5Pbu3WUdu-00703-00162184-00162399 creator of catholicism but in the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00704-00162400-00162654 imminent divine principle of paganism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00705-00162655-00162919 the life-giving world soul anima mundi jp5Pbu3WUdu-00706-00162920-00163135 within the universe jp5Pbu3WUdu-00707-00163136-00163383 describing this as a creed remarkably jp5Pbu3WUdu-00708-00163384-00163607 like a synthesis of the belief systems jp5Pbu3WUdu-00709-00163608-00163847 of lord shaftesbury sikh friedrich jp5Pbu3WUdu-00710-00163848-00164126 schlaermacher benedict spinoza auguste jp5Pbu3WUdu-00711-00164127-00164487 compta and pierre tailhard de chardan jp5Pbu3WUdu-00712-00164488-00164751 also in 2011 in a study of germany's jp5Pbu3WUdu-00713-00164752-00164975 hesse region german sociologist of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00714-00164976-00165159 religion and theologian michael n jp5Pbu3WUdu-00715-00165160-00165359 ebberts and german television presenter jp5Pbu3WUdu-00716-00165360-00165559 and author meinhard schmidt degenhardt jp5Pbu3WUdu-00717-00165560-00165863 concluded that six religious orientation jp5Pbu3WUdu-00718-00165864-00166087 types can be distinguished jp5Pbu3WUdu-00719-00166088-00166195 christians jp5Pbu3WUdu-00720-00166196-00166531 quote-quote non-christian theists jp5Pbu3WUdu-00721-00166532-00166683 quote-quote jp5Pbu3WUdu-00722-00166684-00166966 cosmotheists quote-quote jp5Pbu3WUdu-00723-00166967-00167183 beasts pandists and polytheists jp5Pbu3WUdu-00724-00167184-00167351 quote-quote jp5Pbu3WUdu-00725-00167352-00167475 atheists jp5Pbu3WUdu-00726-00167476-00167714 quote-quote others jp5Pbu3WUdu-00727-00167715-00167990 quote.quote pandeism has also been jp5Pbu3WUdu-00728-00167991-00168263 described as one of the older spiritual jp5Pbu3WUdu-00729-00168264-00168471 and religious traditions jp5Pbu3WUdu-00730-00168472-00168663 whose elements are incorporated into the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00731-00168664-00168871 new age movement but also as among the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00732-00168872-00169111 handful of spiritual beliefs which are jp5Pbu3WUdu-00733-00169112-00169375 compatible with modern science jp5Pbu3WUdu-00734-00169376-00169638 in 2013 australian religious studies jp5Pbu3WUdu-00735-00169639-00169902 scholar rafael lataster proposed that jp5Pbu3WUdu-00736-00169903-00170126 pandeism could be the most likely god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00737-00170127-00170302 concept of all jp5Pbu3WUdu-00738-00170303-00170551 in january 2016 a kickstarter jp5Pbu3WUdu-00739-00170552-00170766 fundraising effort successfully funded a jp5Pbu3WUdu-00740-00170767-00171031 book titled pandeism an anthology set to jp5Pbu3WUdu-00741-00171032-00171214 contain articles from over a dozen jp5Pbu3WUdu-00742-00171215-00171414 different writers examining pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00743-00171415-00171599 from many different points of view thus jp5Pbu3WUdu-00744-00171600-00171783 being the broadest examination of the jp5Pbu3WUdu-00745-00171784-00171943 theory yet made jp5Pbu3WUdu-00746-00171944-00172159 the book includes writings by bernardo jp5Pbu3WUdu-00747-00172160-00172431 castrop raphael lataister anthony peake jp5Pbu3WUdu-00748-00172432-00172711 michael arnheim zoltan istvan robert g jp5Pbu3WUdu-00749-00172712-00172943 brown and william walker atkinson father jp5Pbu3WUdu-00750-00172944-00173095 of the philosophy of the law of jp5Pbu3WUdu-00751-00173096-00173575 attraction jp5Pbu3WUdu-00752-00173576-00173766 notable pandists and pandeyistic jp5Pbu3WUdu-00753-00173767-00174207 thinkers jp5Pbu3WUdu-00754-00174208-00174438 alfred lord tennyson jp5Pbu3WUdu-00755-00174439-00174647 robert a heinlein jp5Pbu3WUdu-00756-00174648-00175083 bruce perry jp5Pbu3WUdu-00757-00175084-00175631 topic see also jp5Pbu3WUdu-00758-00175632-00175831 advaita vedanta jp5Pbu3WUdu-00759-00175832-00176095 catholic church and pandaism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00760-00176096-00176335 creative evolution by henri bergson jp5Pbu3WUdu-00761-00176336-00176502 chapter 4 jp5Pbu3WUdu-00762-00176503-00176702 deus otiosis jp5Pbu3WUdu-00763-00176703-00176966 god's debris by scott adams jp5Pbu3WUdu-00764-00176967-00177135 ayatsism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00765-00177136-00177343 lila hinduism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00766-00177344-00177487 omnism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00767-00177488-00177663 panentheism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00768-00177664-00178271 tat tv am asi jp5Pbu3WUdu-00769-00178272-00178766 notes jp5Pbu3WUdu-00770-00178767-00179231 external links jp5Pbu3WUdu-00771-00179232-00179519 institute for pandeism studies jp5Pbu3WUdu-00772-00179520-00179831 the pandeast theorem by robert g brown jp5Pbu3WUdu-00773-00179832-00180135 excerpt from a theorem concerning god jp5Pbu3WUdu-00774-00180136-00180431 the parallels of pandeism by bernardo jp5Pbu3WUdu-00775-00180432-00180575 castro jp5Pbu3WUdu-00776-00180576-00180854 coylas a pantheistic religion jp5Pbu3WUdu-00777-00180855-00181151 pantheism an anthology website jp5Pbu3WUdu-00778-00181152-00181287 pandeism jp5Pbu3WUdu-00779-00181288-00181495 info compares pandeism to related jp5Pbu3WUdu-00780-00181496-00181671 philosophies jp5Pbu3WUdu-00781-00181672-00181863 discussion of creative evolution from jp5Pbu3WUdu-00782-00181864-00182324 the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy jP8MdyBCyso-00000-00000028-00000455 [Music] jP8MdyBCyso-00001-00000456-00000511 hello jP8MdyBCyso-00002-00000512-00000671 in this video you'll learn how to use jP8MdyBCyso-00003-00000672-00000815 library resources for finding jP8MdyBCyso-00004-00000816-00000999 information on your individual there are jP8MdyBCyso-00005-00001000-00001166 two primary resources that can help you jP8MdyBCyso-00006-00001167-00001207 out jP8MdyBCyso-00007-00001208-00001391 the first is a little bit more basic and jP8MdyBCyso-00008-00001392-00001543 background research in the form of jP8MdyBCyso-00009-00001544-00001718 encyclopedias and dictionaries jP8MdyBCyso-00010-00001719-00001879 and the second we'll jump into the noble jP8MdyBCyso-00011-00001880-00002047 catalogue for searching for books on jP8MdyBCyso-00012-00002048-00002223 your particular individuals there are jP8MdyBCyso-00013-00002224-00002383 two background resources i want to show jP8MdyBCyso-00014-00002384-00002407 you jP8MdyBCyso-00015-00002408-00002583 both of them are online resources jP8MdyBCyso-00016-00002584-00002791 accessible at jen's library the first jP8MdyBCyso-00017-00002792-00003047 is dale in context biography and the jP8MdyBCyso-00018-00003048-00003263 second is credo reference to access both jP8MdyBCyso-00019-00003264-00003447 of these start from the library homepage jP8MdyBCyso-00020-00003447-00003590 at jP8MdyBCyso-00021-00003592-00003743 library scroll down to the search the jP8MdyBCyso-00022-00003744-00003895 library section and click on the jP8MdyBCyso-00023-00003896-00004086 databases tab then click on the link jP8MdyBCyso-00024-00004087-00004143 that says jP8MdyBCyso-00025-00004144-00004351 view all databases from here you're jP8MdyBCyso-00026-00004352-00004551 looking at an alphabetical list of all jP8MdyBCyso-00027-00004552-00004702 of the library databases we have jP8MdyBCyso-00028-00004703-00004806 available at j jP8MdyBCyso-00029-00004807-00005031 let's start with gale in context click jP8MdyBCyso-00030-00005032-00005231 on the g and then in our list of gale jP8MdyBCyso-00031-00005232-00005351 and context resources jP8MdyBCyso-00032-00005352-00005622 find the biography one gale in context jP8MdyBCyso-00033-00005623-00005854 databases are great resources because jP8MdyBCyso-00034-00005855-00006063 one of the primary purposes jP8MdyBCyso-00035-00006064-00006263 is to help connect you to multiple jP8MdyBCyso-00036-00006264-00006439 different kinds of information jP8MdyBCyso-00037-00006440-00006614 you might see background information jP8MdyBCyso-00038-00006615-00006791 like encyclopedias or dictionaries jP8MdyBCyso-00039-00006792-00007070 you might see news articles or videos jP8MdyBCyso-00040-00007072-00007231 multiple things like this to help get jP8MdyBCyso-00041-00007231-00007398 you connected to the research that you jP8MdyBCyso-00042-00007400-00007439 need jP8MdyBCyso-00043-00007440-00007574 we're going to start by searching for a jP8MdyBCyso-00044-00007575-00007751 particular individual jP8MdyBCyso-00045-00007752-00007967 i'm going to use as an example george jP8MdyBCyso-00046-00007968-00008078 boole jP8MdyBCyso-00047-00008079-00008351 now does anybody know why as a librarian jP8MdyBCyso-00048-00008352-00008527 i would choose george boole we're going jP8MdyBCyso-00049-00008528-00008710 to go ahead and take a look at some of jP8MdyBCyso-00050-00008711-00008863 the information that we're finding to jP8MdyBCyso-00051-00008864-00009039 help answer that particular question jP8MdyBCyso-00052-00009040-00009278 so notice i enter in mine's individual jP8MdyBCyso-00053-00009279-00009439 name as my keyword and then i'm going to jP8MdyBCyso-00054-00009440-00009574 go ahead and click search so jP8MdyBCyso-00055-00009575-00009846 if you're able to find a reference for jP8MdyBCyso-00056-00009847-00010014 your particular individual in jP8MdyBCyso-00057-00010015-00010231 gale in context biography you'll see a jP8MdyBCyso-00058-00010232-00010383 little topic page come up jP8MdyBCyso-00059-00010384-00010542 and you can go ahead and click on the jP8MdyBCyso-00060-00010543-00010703 read more option to read additional jP8MdyBCyso-00061-00010704-00010799 information about jP8MdyBCyso-00062-00010800-00011046 your individual or notice if you scroll jP8MdyBCyso-00063-00011047-00011191 down on this page jP8MdyBCyso-00064-00011192-00011303 there's a whole bunch of different jP8MdyBCyso-00065-00011304-00011495 options here we actually have a hit for jP8MdyBCyso-00066-00011496-00011678 11 different biographies on this jP8MdyBCyso-00067-00011679-00011806 individual in different jP8MdyBCyso-00068-00011807-00012031 encyclopedias and dictionaries and we jP8MdyBCyso-00069-00012032-00012183 also see we've got jP8MdyBCyso-00070-00012184-00012399 a link to at least one magazine article jP8MdyBCyso-00071-00012400-00012583 a website a couple of images jP8MdyBCyso-00072-00012584-00012815 and a few new stories as well so a lot jP8MdyBCyso-00073-00012816-00013022 of information that we're able to see jP8MdyBCyso-00074-00013023-00013199 and over here in the corner we can jP8MdyBCyso-00075-00013200-00013335 actually see a quick facts jP8MdyBCyso-00076-00013336-00013543 who was this particular person what time jP8MdyBCyso-00077-00013544-00013679 period was he living in jP8MdyBCyso-00078-00013680-00013871 what was his occupation and we see he jP8MdyBCyso-00079-00013872-00014055 was indeed a mathematician jP8MdyBCyso-00080-00014056-00014191 let's go ahead and click on the read jP8MdyBCyso-00081-00014191-00014351 more option so what we're essentially jP8MdyBCyso-00082-00014352-00014543 looking at is an encyclopedia entry jP8MdyBCyso-00083-00014544-00014711 which is a great way to first begin jP8MdyBCyso-00084-00014712-00014855 reading a little bit about your jP8MdyBCyso-00085-00014856-00014991 individual one of the things that we jP8MdyBCyso-00086-00014991-00015030 already jP8MdyBCyso-00087-00015031-00015191 noticed if we were to keep reading this jP8MdyBCyso-00088-00015191-00015391 is that george bull is considered one of jP8MdyBCyso-00089-00015391-00015607 the father of mathematic logic in jP8MdyBCyso-00090-00015608-00015686 particular jP8MdyBCyso-00091-00015687-00015879 boolean logic that's where we get the jP8MdyBCyso-00092-00015880-00016127 name boolean search operators jP8MdyBCyso-00093-00016128-00016319 our boolean search operators are really jP8MdyBCyso-00094-00016319-00016463 important when we think about jP8MdyBCyso-00095-00016464-00016694 how we search within libraries it's how jP8MdyBCyso-00096-00016695-00016871 we connect our keywords and terms jP8MdyBCyso-00097-00016872-00017030 together so that our resources can jP8MdyBCyso-00098-00017031-00017111 understand jP8MdyBCyso-00099-00017112-00017343 and that's particularly why a librarian jP8MdyBCyso-00100-00017344-00017527 is interested in george wool let's go jP8MdyBCyso-00101-00017528-00017686 back to the library database page jP8MdyBCyso-00102-00017687-00017855 and this time we're going to find credo jP8MdyBCyso-00103-00017856-00018039 reference click on c jP8MdyBCyso-00104-00018040-00018207 and then find credo reference in the jP8MdyBCyso-00105-00018208-00018358 list jP8MdyBCyso-00106-00018359-00018622 credo reference functions very similarly jP8MdyBCyso-00107-00018623-00018679 to jP8MdyBCyso-00108-00018680-00018958 the gale in context biography but it's jP8MdyBCyso-00109-00018959-00019143 searching across a variety of different jP8MdyBCyso-00110-00019144-00019230 subject areas jP8MdyBCyso-00111-00019231-00019383 so the information is going to be a jP8MdyBCyso-00112-00019384-00019543 little bit different again jP8MdyBCyso-00113-00019544-00019686 we'll start with the keyword of the jP8MdyBCyso-00114-00019687-00019847 individual's name jP8MdyBCyso-00115-00019848-00020022 go ahead and click search and we see a jP8MdyBCyso-00116-00020023-00020214 similar kind of set of search results jP8MdyBCyso-00117-00020215-00020399 first we have a topics page that credo jP8MdyBCyso-00118-00020400-00020527 is providing us here jP8MdyBCyso-00119-00020528-00020663 and then if we scroll down we have a jP8MdyBCyso-00120-00020664-00020830 whole bunch of different encyclopedia jP8MdyBCyso-00121-00020831-00020894 entries jP8MdyBCyso-00122-00020895-00021127 on this particular person of particular jP8MdyBCyso-00123-00021128-00021207 interest as well jP8MdyBCyso-00124-00021208-00021414 is this mind map over here in the corner jP8MdyBCyso-00125-00021415-00021583 where it helps connect you to your jP8MdyBCyso-00126-00021584-00021703 individuals jP8MdyBCyso-00127-00021704-00021991 and the different uh ideas that this jP8MdyBCyso-00128-00021992-00022071 person was jP8MdyBCyso-00129-00022072-00022303 a founder of or a part of or the other jP8MdyBCyso-00130-00022304-00022486 people that may have been influential in jP8MdyBCyso-00131-00022487-00022622 their particular thoughts jP8MdyBCyso-00132-00022623-00022799 this might be further areas for jP8MdyBCyso-00133-00022800-00022958 exploration or discussion jP8MdyBCyso-00134-00022959-00023127 as you continue to explore your jP8MdyBCyso-00135-00023128-00023350 individual so galen context biography jP8MdyBCyso-00136-00023351-00023542 and credo reference were two examples of jP8MdyBCyso-00137-00023543-00023614 high-level jP8MdyBCyso-00138-00023615-00023791 overview information but let's say we jP8MdyBCyso-00139-00023792-00023935 actually need to take this a step jP8MdyBCyso-00140-00023936-00023999 further jP8MdyBCyso-00141-00024000-00024158 how can we find books about your jP8MdyBCyso-00142-00024159-00024358 individual let's jump over to the novel jP8MdyBCyso-00143-00024359-00024558 catalog to access the noble catalog jP8MdyBCyso-00144-00024559-00024711 again let's return to the library jP8MdyBCyso-00145-00024712-00024886 homepage at jP8MdyBCyso-00146-00024887-00025047 library scroll down to the search the jP8MdyBCyso-00147-00025048-00025255 library section and the first tab is jP8MdyBCyso-00148-00025256-00025455 called noble catalog click on jP8MdyBCyso-00149-00025456-00025662 more catalog search options to open the jP8MdyBCyso-00150-00025663-00025878 full catalog this opens up the full jP8MdyBCyso-00151-00025879-00026022 search catalog jP8MdyBCyso-00152-00026023-00026206 and just like we've been seeing we're jP8MdyBCyso-00153-00026207-00026327 going to continue to use jP8MdyBCyso-00154-00026327-00026543 our individual's name as our primary jP8MdyBCyso-00155-00026544-00026711 keyword in to finding books jP8MdyBCyso-00156-00026712-00026911 on this particular person go ahead and jP8MdyBCyso-00157-00026912-00027039 click search once you've entered your jP8MdyBCyso-00158-00027039-00027151 individual jP8MdyBCyso-00159-00027152-00027367 now depending on who you're looking at jP8MdyBCyso-00160-00027368-00027487 you're going to see a mixture of things jP8MdyBCyso-00161-00027488-00027614 in your search results jP8MdyBCyso-00162-00027616-00027814 you might see books by your particular jP8MdyBCyso-00163-00027816-00027990 individual in the case of this one if we jP8MdyBCyso-00164-00027991-00028087 were to scroll down jP8MdyBCyso-00165-00028088-00028255 eventually we'll get to the works that jP8MdyBCyso-00166-00028256-00028399 are about george boole jP8MdyBCyso-00167-00028400-00028535 so we can see there's one called the jP8MdyBCyso-00168-00028536-00028711 life and works of george poole jP8MdyBCyso-00169-00028712-00028958 the logician and the engineer all sorts jP8MdyBCyso-00170-00028960-00029062 of different things that we can jP8MdyBCyso-00171-00029063-00029239 potentially explore for this particular jP8MdyBCyso-00172-00029239-00029311 person jP8MdyBCyso-00173-00029312-00029462 let's go ahead and jump into one and jP8MdyBCyso-00174-00029463-00029614 take a look at an example jP8MdyBCyso-00175-00029616-00029790 once we're on the particular book's jP8MdyBCyso-00176-00029791-00029967 record we can learn a little bit more jP8MdyBCyso-00177-00029968-00030167 about how we actually access it jP8MdyBCyso-00178-00030168-00030374 in the case of this one this is an ebook jP8MdyBCyso-00179-00030375-00030535 so to access the ebook we'll just click jP8MdyBCyso-00180-00030536-00030623 on the link that says jP8MdyBCyso-00181-00030624-00030870 access for gordon college via ebscohost jP8MdyBCyso-00182-00030872-00031031 ebooks are great because they can be jP8MdyBCyso-00183-00031032-00031143 accessed anywhere jP8MdyBCyso-00184-00031144-00031295 at any time as long as you have an jP8MdyBCyso-00185-00031295-00031487 internet connection notice that when we jP8MdyBCyso-00186-00031488-00031623 clicked on that link we're essentially jP8MdyBCyso-00187-00031624-00031823 looking at the full ebook right away jP8MdyBCyso-00188-00031824-00031958 and we can see the full table of jP8MdyBCyso-00189-00031960-00032127 contents here so we could click into the jP8MdyBCyso-00190-00032127-00032311 sections that will be most useful to us jP8MdyBCyso-00191-00032312-00032439 as we're learning a little bit more jP8MdyBCyso-00192-00032439-00032614 about our individual let's go back to jP8MdyBCyso-00193-00032616-00032751 that book records here jP8MdyBCyso-00194-00032752-00032879 one of the other things that i'd like to jP8MdyBCyso-00195-00032880-00033071 draw your attention to is this subject jP8MdyBCyso-00196-00033072-00033215 area down at the bottom jP8MdyBCyso-00197-00033216-00033390 you'll see that the subject of this book jP8MdyBCyso-00198-00033391-00033487 has actually been tagged with jP8MdyBCyso-00199-00033488-00033711 mathematics great britain biography it's jP8MdyBCyso-00200-00033712-00033807 interesting to click jP8MdyBCyso-00201-00033808-00034023 on this particular heading especially if jP8MdyBCyso-00202-00034024-00034223 you're struggling to find a book about jP8MdyBCyso-00203-00034224-00034367 your particular author jP8MdyBCyso-00204-00034368-00034527 for example if we were to click on jP8MdyBCyso-00205-00034528-00034695 mathematicians great britain jP8MdyBCyso-00206-00034696-00034911 biographies we are essentially looking jP8MdyBCyso-00207-00034912-00035151 at all the biographies within jenks jP8MdyBCyso-00208-00035152-00035207 library jP8MdyBCyso-00209-00035208-00035423 that have been tagged with this same jP8MdyBCyso-00210-00035424-00035583 subject headings so we might find jP8MdyBCyso-00211-00035584-00035774 additional information about some of the jP8MdyBCyso-00212-00035775-00035983 people that you're interested exploring jP8MdyBCyso-00213-00035984-00036215 or maybe you're not necessarily sure who jP8MdyBCyso-00214-00036216-00036359 you want to explore yet jP8MdyBCyso-00215-00036360-00036511 you could use the subject one of these jP8MdyBCyso-00216-00036512-00036695 particular subject headings to see jP8MdyBCyso-00217-00036696-00036855 what are all the mathematician jP8MdyBCyso-00218-00036856-00037039 biographies that we have within our jP8MdyBCyso-00219-00037040-00037102 library jP8MdyBCyso-00220-00037103-00037262 some of you may be wondering is you jP8MdyBCyso-00221-00037263-00037455 doing your particular searches either jP8MdyBCyso-00222-00037456-00037511 within jP8MdyBCyso-00223-00037512-00037799 credo or scale in context or across the jP8MdyBCyso-00224-00037800-00037911 noble catalog jP8MdyBCyso-00225-00037912-00038095 what do you do if you cannot find a book jP8MdyBCyso-00226-00038096-00038279 about your particular topic jP8MdyBCyso-00227-00038280-00038446 that's the opportunity where you can jP8MdyBCyso-00228-00038447-00038662 actually look beyond gordon one way that jP8MdyBCyso-00229-00038663-00038862 you can look beyond gordon is by using jP8MdyBCyso-00230-00038863-00039062 other noble libraries let's go back to jP8MdyBCyso-00231-00039063-00039230 the noble catalog jP8MdyBCyso-00232-00039231-00039390 and again we're going to type in the jP8MdyBCyso-00233-00039391-00039599 keyword george boole but this time jP8MdyBCyso-00234-00039600-00039727 instead of searching for only jP8MdyBCyso-00235-00039728-00039895 information that's accessible to me at jP8MdyBCyso-00236-00039896-00039951 gordon jP8MdyBCyso-00237-00039952-00040143 i'm going to expand this to noble all jP8MdyBCyso-00238-00040144-00040311 libraries and then go ahead and click jP8MdyBCyso-00239-00040312-00040367 search jP8MdyBCyso-00240-00040368-00040559 we have really opened up the potential jP8MdyBCyso-00241-00040560-00040743 resources that are available to us now jP8MdyBCyso-00242-00040744-00040943 we have a lot more books that are by him jP8MdyBCyso-00243-00040944-00041111 but additionally we've opened up some jP8MdyBCyso-00244-00041112-00041246 additional books that we didn't see jP8MdyBCyso-00245-00041247-00041423 before let's pretend you wanted to get jP8MdyBCyso-00246-00041424-00041527 one of these books jP8MdyBCyso-00247-00041528-00041790 uh by george bull sent here for you how jP8MdyBCyso-00248-00041791-00041895 would you do that jP8MdyBCyso-00249-00041896-00042015 i'm gonna go ahead and click on this jP8MdyBCyso-00250-00042016-00042199 title and you can see in place jP8MdyBCyso-00251-00042200-00042367 of the gordon information down here jP8MdyBCyso-00252-00042368-00042535 where it says library we can see the jP8MdyBCyso-00253-00042536-00042679 lending library in this case of jP8MdyBCyso-00254-00042680-00042758 merrimack jP8MdyBCyso-00255-00042759-00042895 and if we want to get this book sent jP8MdyBCyso-00256-00042896-00043087 directly here for us we'll just click on jP8MdyBCyso-00257-00043088-00043255 the place hold with the little green jP8MdyBCyso-00258-00043256-00043351 check mark jP8MdyBCyso-00259-00043352-00043527 go ahead and fill this information out jP8MdyBCyso-00260-00043528-00043671 if you've never done this before jP8MdyBCyso-00261-00043672-00043839 click on the forgot your password to jP8MdyBCyso-00262-00043840-00044007 create a password or a pin the very jP8MdyBCyso-00263-00044008-00044111 first time jP8MdyBCyso-00264-00044112-00044311 log in click submit and the book will be jP8MdyBCyso-00265-00044312-00044471 sent directly here for you jP8MdyBCyso-00266-00044472-00044646 next once you think you found a couple jP8MdyBCyso-00267-00044647-00044887 of ideas head to the stacks and see jP8MdyBCyso-00268-00044888-00045046 can you actually find these books and jP8MdyBCyso-00269-00045047-00045215 maybe you'll discover there's even more jP8MdyBCyso-00270-00045216-00045311 resources jP8MdyBCyso-00271-00045312-00045495 up in the stack levels of jenks once you jP8MdyBCyso-00272-00045496-00045646 get there if you have any questions jP8MdyBCyso-00273-00045647-00045992 remember you can always ask jP8MdyBCyso-00274-00045993-00046283 [Music] jP8MdyBCyso-00275-00046284-00046584 jenks jPtmLdkeToc-00000-00000038-00000302 Fisher Gill barring aquatic Craney eight jPtmLdkeToc-00001-00000303-00000590 animals that lack limbs with digits they jPtmLdkeToc-00002-00000591-00000776 form a sister group to the tunicates jPtmLdkeToc-00003-00000777-00000978 together forming the all factors jPtmLdkeToc-00004-00000980-00001202 included in this definition are the jPtmLdkeToc-00005-00001203-00001361 living hagfish lampreys and jPtmLdkeToc-00006-00001362-00001589 cartilaginous and bony fish as well as jPtmLdkeToc-00007-00001590-00001907 various extinct related groups tetrapods jPtmLdkeToc-00008-00001907-00002132 emerged within lobe-finned fishes so jPtmLdkeToc-00009-00002133-00002314 cladistic lee they are fish as well jPtmLdkeToc-00010-00002315-00002584 however traditionally fish are rendered jPtmLdkeToc-00011-00002585-00002783 paraphyletic by excluding the tetrapods jPtmLdkeToc-00012-00002784-00003098 ie the amphibians reptiles birds and jPtmLdkeToc-00013-00003099-00003269 mammals which all descended from within jPtmLdkeToc-00014-00003270-00003536 the same ancestry because in this manner jPtmLdkeToc-00015-00003536-00003872 the term fish is defined negatively as a jPtmLdkeToc-00016-00003872-00004085 paraphyletic group it is not considered jPtmLdkeToc-00017-00004086-00004283 a formal taxonomic grouping and jPtmLdkeToc-00018-00004284-00004531 systematic biology unless it is used in jPtmLdkeToc-00019-00004532-00004760 the cladistic sense including tetrapods jPtmLdkeToc-00020-00004761-00005072 the traditional term pisces also exceeds jPtmLdkeToc-00021-00005073-00005291 is considered a typological but not a jPtmLdkeToc-00022-00005292-00005624 phylogenetic classification the earliest jPtmLdkeToc-00023-00005625-00005845 organisms that can be classified as fish jPtmLdkeToc-00024-00005846-00006047 were soft bodied chordates that first jPtmLdkeToc-00025-00006048-00006226 appeared during the Cambrian period jPtmLdkeToc-00026-00006227-00006470 although they lacked a true spine they jPtmLdkeToc-00027-00006470-00006653 possess no toe cords which allowed them jPtmLdkeToc-00028-00006654-00006809 to be more agile than their invertebrate jPtmLdkeToc-00029-00006809-00007055 counterparts fish would continue to jPtmLdkeToc-00030-00007056-00007226 evolve through the Paleozoic era jPtmLdkeToc-00031-00007227-00007448 diversifying into a wide variety of jPtmLdkeToc-00032-00007448-00007703 forms many fish of the Paleozoic jPtmLdkeToc-00033-00007704-00007942 developed external armor that protected jPtmLdkeToc-00034-00007943-00008048 them from predators jPtmLdkeToc-00035-00008048-00008314 the first fish with jaws appeared in the jPtmLdkeToc-00036-00008315-00008564 Silurian period after which many such as jPtmLdkeToc-00037-00008565-00008741 sharks became formidable marine jPtmLdkeToc-00038-00008742-00008924 predators rather than just the prey of jPtmLdkeToc-00039-00008925-00009264 arthropods most fish are ectothermic jPtmLdkeToc-00040-00009265-00009478 cold-blooded allowing their body jPtmLdkeToc-00041-00009479-00009671 temperatures to vary as ambient jPtmLdkeToc-00042-00009672-00009851 temperatures change though some of the jPtmLdkeToc-00043-00009852-00010042 large active swimmers like white shark jPtmLdkeToc-00044-00010043-00010202 and tuna can hold a higher core jPtmLdkeToc-00045-00010203-00010388 temperature fish can communicate in jPtmLdkeToc-00046-00010389-00010546 their underwater environments through jPtmLdkeToc-00047-00010547-00010741 the use of acoustic communication jPtmLdkeToc-00048-00010742-00011014 acoustic communication in fish involves jPtmLdkeToc-00049-00011015-00011206 the transmission of acoustic signals jPtmLdkeToc-00050-00011207-00011405 from one individual of a species to jPtmLdkeToc-00051-00011406-00011648 another the production of sounds as a jPtmLdkeToc-00052-00011649-00011858 means of communication among fish is jPtmLdkeToc-00053-00011859-00012038 most often used in the context of jPtmLdkeToc-00054-00012039-00012248 feeding aggression or courtship behavior jPtmLdkeToc-00055-00012249-00012514 the sounds emitted by fish can vary jPtmLdkeToc-00056-00012515-00012710 depending on the species and stimulus jPtmLdkeToc-00057-00012711-00012971 involved they can produce either Striga jPtmLdkeToc-00058-00012972-00013186 Latorre sounds by moving components of jPtmLdkeToc-00059-00013187-00013350 the skeletal system or can jPtmLdkeToc-00060-00013351-00013527 non Stradella Tori sounds by jPtmLdkeToc-00061-00013528-00013736 manipulating specialized organs such as jPtmLdkeToc-00062-00013737-00013928 the swim bladder fish are abundant in jPtmLdkeToc-00063-00013929-00014183 most bodies of water they can be found jPtmLdkeToc-00064-00014184-00014403 in nearly all aquatic environments from jPtmLdkeToc-00065-00014404-00014636 high mountain streams eg char and jPtmLdkeToc-00066-00014637-00014835 gudgeon to the abyssal and even handled jPtmLdkeToc-00067-00014836-00015093 depths of the deepest oceans eg Gulpers jPtmLdkeToc-00068-00015094-00015303 and angler fish although no species has jPtmLdkeToc-00069-00015304-00015569 yet been documented in the deepest 25% jPtmLdkeToc-00070-00015570-00015941 of the ocean with 33600 described jPtmLdkeToc-00071-00015943-00016152 species fish exhibit greater species jPtmLdkeToc-00072-00016153-00016347 diversity than any other group of jPtmLdkeToc-00073-00016347-00016517 vertebrates fish are an important jPtmLdkeToc-00074-00016518-00016709 resource for humans worldwide especially jPtmLdkeToc-00075-00016710-00016989 as food commercial and subsistence jPtmLdkeToc-00076-00016990-00017250 fishers hunt fish in wild fisheries sea jPtmLdkeToc-00077-00017251-00017450 fishing or farm them in ponds or in jPtmLdkeToc-00078-00017451-00017747 cages in the ocean sea aquaculture they jPtmLdkeToc-00079-00017748-00017964 are also caught by recreational fishers jPtmLdkeToc-00080-00017965-00018194 kept as pets raised by fish keepers and jPtmLdkeToc-00081-00018195-00018480 exhibited in public aquarium fish have jPtmLdkeToc-00082-00018481-00018659 had a role in culture through the ages jPtmLdkeToc-00083-00018660-00018900 serving as deities religious symbols and jPtmLdkeToc-00084-00018901-00019619 as the subjects of art books and movies jPtmLdkeToc-00085-00019620-00020306 topic evolution fish do not represent a jPtmLdkeToc-00086-00020307-00020494 monophyletic group and therefore the jPtmLdkeToc-00087-00020495-00020802 evolution of fish is not studied as a jPtmLdkeToc-00088-00020803-00021027 single event early fish from the fossil jPtmLdkeToc-00089-00021028-00021213 record are represented by a group of jPtmLdkeToc-00090-00021214-00021417 small jawless armored fish known as jPtmLdkeToc-00091-00021418-00021708 ostracoda ohm's jawless fish lineages jPtmLdkeToc-00092-00021709-00021966 are mostly extinct an extant clade the jPtmLdkeToc-00093-00021967-00022167 lampreys may approximate ancient pre jPtmLdkeToc-00094-00022168-00022452 jawed fish the first jaws are found in jPtmLdkeToc-00095-00022453-00022689 placa derma fossils the diversity of jPtmLdkeToc-00096-00022690-00022865 jawed vertebrates may indicate the jPtmLdkeToc-00097-00022866-00023067 evolutionary advantage of a jawed mouth jPtmLdkeToc-00098-00023068-00023336 it is unclear if the advantage of a jPtmLdkeToc-00099-00023337-00023528 hinged jaw is greater biting force jPtmLdkeToc-00100-00023529-00023780 improved respiration or a combination of jPtmLdkeToc-00101-00023781-00024069 factors fish may have evolved from a jPtmLdkeToc-00102-00024070-00024261 creature similar to a coral like sea jPtmLdkeToc-00103-00024262-00024458 squirt whose larvae resemble primitive jPtmLdkeToc-00104-00024459-00024708 fish in important ways the first jPtmLdkeToc-00105-00024709-00024905 ancestors of fish may have kept the jPtmLdkeToc-00106-00024906-00025128 larval form into adulthood as some sea jPtmLdkeToc-00107-00025129-00025325 squirts do today although perhaps the jPtmLdkeToc-00108-00025326-00025912 reverse is the case jPtmLdkeToc-00109-00025913-00026567 topic taxonomy fish are a paraphyletic jPtmLdkeToc-00110-00026568-00026795 group that as any clade containing all jPtmLdkeToc-00111-00026795-00027014 fish also contains the tetrapods jPtmLdkeToc-00112-00027014-00027254 which are not fish for this reason jPtmLdkeToc-00113-00027255-00027589 groups such as the class Pisces seen an jPtmLdkeToc-00114-00027590-00027790 older reference works are no longer used jPtmLdkeToc-00115-00027791-00028114 in formal classifications traditional jPtmLdkeToc-00116-00028115-00028342 classification divides fish into three jPtmLdkeToc-00117-00028343-00028552 extant classes and with extinct forms jPtmLdkeToc-00118-00028553-00028751 sometimes classified within the tree jPtmLdkeToc-00119-00028752-00029057 sometimes as their own classes class jPtmLdkeToc-00120-00029058-00029405 Agnetha jawless fish subclass cyclists jPtmLdkeToc-00121-00029406-00029729 Amita hagfish and lampreys subclass jPtmLdkeToc-00122-00029730-00030061 ostracoda me armored jawless fish class jPtmLdkeToc-00123-00030062-00030321 chondrichthyes cartilaginous fish jPtmLdkeToc-00124-00030322-00030520 subclass elasmobranchii jPtmLdkeToc-00125-00030521-00030860 sharks and rays subclass hollow cephalic jPtmLdkeToc-00126-00030861-00031154 Amira's and extinct relatives class jPtmLdkeToc-00127-00031155-00031501 placa der me armored fish classic entity jPtmLdkeToc-00128-00031502-00031849 spiny sharks sometimes classified under jPtmLdkeToc-00129-00031850-00032280 bony fishes class Ostia keys bony fish jPtmLdkeToc-00130-00032281-00032543 subclass Act II no Terra G Rafe in jPtmLdkeToc-00131-00032544-00032914 fishes subclass Sarco Terra G fleshy fin jPtmLdkeToc-00132-00032915-00033185 fishes ancestors of tetrapods the above jPtmLdkeToc-00133-00033186-00033337 scheme as the one most commonly jPtmLdkeToc-00134-00033338-00033560 encountered in non specialist in general jPtmLdkeToc-00135-00033561-00033814 works many of the above groups are jPtmLdkeToc-00136-00033815-00033974 paraphyletic in that they have given jPtmLdkeToc-00137-00033975-00034201 rise to successive groups agna things jPtmLdkeToc-00138-00034202-00034390 are ancestral to chondrichthyes who jPtmLdkeToc-00139-00034391-00034582 again have given rise to a Cambodians jPtmLdkeToc-00140-00034583-00034870 the ancestors of Ostia keys with the jPtmLdkeToc-00141-00034871-00035105 arrival of phylogenetic nomenclature the jPtmLdkeToc-00142-00035106-00035287 fishes has been split up into a more jPtmLdkeToc-00143-00035288-00035476 detailed scheme with the following major jPtmLdkeToc-00144-00035477-00035920 groups class.mixin II hagfish class jPtmLdkeToc-00145-00035921-00036177 Terrace bita Morphy early jawless fish jPtmLdkeToc-00146-00036178-00036580 class stella don t class anise peta jPtmLdkeToc-00147-00036581-00036830 class petrol my zone DITA or high jPtmLdkeToc-00148-00036831-00036912 parotia jPtmLdkeToc-00149-00036913-00037261 petrol my zone Danny lampreys class jPtmLdkeToc-00150-00037262-00037624 conodont conodonts class cephalus padam jPtmLdkeToc-00151-00037625-00037883 or fee early jawless fish jPtmLdkeToc-00152-00037884-00038189 unranked galius peta unranked jPtmLdkeToc-00153-00038190-00038582 petraeus peta unranked osteo stretchy jPtmLdkeToc-00154-00038583-00038826 info phylum neethu stomata jawed jPtmLdkeToc-00155-00038827-00039140 vertebrates class placket Urmi armored jPtmLdkeToc-00156-00039141-00039440 fish class chondrichthyes cartilaginous jPtmLdkeToc-00157-00039441-00039874 fish classic entity spiny sharks jPtmLdkeToc-00158-00039875-00040265 superclass Ostia keys bony fish class jPtmLdkeToc-00159-00040266-00040543 Act II know Terra G ray fin fish jPtmLdkeToc-00160-00040544-00040913 subclass chondros stay order ass upon jPtmLdkeToc-00161-00040914-00041164 sarah forms sturgeons and paddle fishes jPtmLdkeToc-00162-00041165-00041450 order pollock tara forms Reed fishes and jPtmLdkeToc-00163-00041451-00041888 Beshear's subclass mia Terra G infer jPtmLdkeToc-00164-00041889-00041993 class hollow steak jPtmLdkeToc-00165-00041994-00042329 gars and boffins infra class teleost a jPtmLdkeToc-00166-00042330-00042668 many orders of common fish class Sarco jPtmLdkeToc-00167-00042669-00043029 tara g lobe-finned fish subclass actin jPtmLdkeToc-00168-00043030-00043349 estia coelacanths subclass diploid jPtmLdkeToc-00169-00043350-00043618 lungfish indicates extinct taxon some jPtmLdkeToc-00170-00043619-00043811 paleontologists contend that because jPtmLdkeToc-00171-00043812-00043973 kana done to our core dates they are jPtmLdkeToc-00172-00043974-00044249 primitive fish for a fuller treatment of jPtmLdkeToc-00173-00044250-00044482 this taxonomy see the vertebrate article jPtmLdkeToc-00174-00044483-00044762 the position of hagfish in the phylum jPtmLdkeToc-00175-00044763-00045020 Chordata is not settled phylogenetic jPtmLdkeToc-00176-00045021-00045377 research in 1998 and 1999 supported the jPtmLdkeToc-00177-00045378-00045575 idea that the hagfish in the lampreys jPtmLdkeToc-00178-00045576-00045800 form a natural group the cyclist Amida jPtmLdkeToc-00179-00045801-00045935 that as a sister group of the jPtmLdkeToc-00180-00045936-00046133 gnathostoma de the various fish groups jPtmLdkeToc-00181-00046134-00046304 account for more than half of vertebrate jPtmLdkeToc-00182-00046305-00046635 species there are almost 28,000 known jPtmLdkeToc-00183-00046636-00046940 extant species of which almost 27,000 jPtmLdkeToc-00184-00046941-00047255 are bony fish with 970 sharks rays and jPtmLdkeToc-00185-00047256-00047516 chimeras and about 108 hagfish and jPtmLdkeToc-00186-00047517-00047795 lampreys a third of these species fall jPtmLdkeToc-00187-00047796-00047985 within the nine largest families from jPtmLdkeToc-00188-00047986-00048182 largest to smallest these families are jPtmLdkeToc-00189-00048183-00048431 cyprinidae go Beauty sick lady Chara jPtmLdkeToc-00190-00048432-00048710 City lauric area T validity serenity jPtmLdkeToc-00191-00048711-00049130 libera D and Scorpio T about 64 families jPtmLdkeToc-00192-00049131-00049301 are monotypic containing only one jPtmLdkeToc-00193-00049302-00049565 species the final total of extant jPtmLdkeToc-00194-00049566-00050380 species may grow to exceed 30 2500 jPtmLdkeToc-00195-00050381-00050900 topic diversity jPtmLdkeToc-00196-00050901-00051269 the term fish most precisely describes jPtmLdkeToc-00197-00051270-00051539 any non tetrapod Craney 8 ie an animal jPtmLdkeToc-00198-00051540-00051707 with a skull and in most cases a jPtmLdkeToc-00199-00051708-00051902 backbone that has gills throughout life jPtmLdkeToc-00200-00051903-00052103 and whose limbs if any are in the shape jPtmLdkeToc-00201-00052104-00052169 of fins jPtmLdkeToc-00202-00052170-00052421 unlike groupings such as birds or jPtmLdkeToc-00203-00052422-00052649 mammals fish are not a single clay but a jPtmLdkeToc-00204-00052650-00052835 paraphyletic collection of taxa jPtmLdkeToc-00205-00052836-00053102 including hagfishes lampreys sharks and jPtmLdkeToc-00206-00053103-00053345 rays ray-finned fish see like ants and jPtmLdkeToc-00207-00053346-00053648 lung fish indeed lung fish and see like jPtmLdkeToc-00208-00053649-00053840 ants are closer relatives of tetrapods jPtmLdkeToc-00209-00053841-00054164 such as mammals birds amphibians etc jPtmLdkeToc-00210-00054165-00054320 than of other fish such as ray-finned jPtmLdkeToc-00211-00054321-00054551 fish or sharks so the last common jPtmLdkeToc-00212-00054552-00054800 ancestor of all fish is also an ancestor jPtmLdkeToc-00213-00054801-00054890 to tetrapods jPtmLdkeToc-00214-00054891-00055145 as paraphyletic groups are no longer jPtmLdkeToc-00215-00055146-00055409 recognized in modern systematic biology jPtmLdkeToc-00216-00055410-00055697 the use of the term fish as a biological jPtmLdkeToc-00217-00055698-00056048 group must be avoided many types of jPtmLdkeToc-00218-00056049-00056261 aquatic animals commonly referred to as jPtmLdkeToc-00219-00056262-00056566 fish are not fish in the sense given jPtmLdkeToc-00220-00056567-00056765 above examples include shellfish jPtmLdkeToc-00221-00056766-00056992 cuttlefish starfish crayfish and jPtmLdkeToc-00222-00056994-00057287 jellyfish in earlier times even jPtmLdkeToc-00223-00057288-00057482 biologists did not make a distinction jPtmLdkeToc-00224-00057483-00057734 16th century natural historians jPtmLdkeToc-00225-00057735-00058022 classified also seals whales amphibians jPtmLdkeToc-00226-00058023-00058301 crocodiles even hippopotamuses as well jPtmLdkeToc-00227-00058302-00058490 as a host of aquatic invertebrates as jPtmLdkeToc-00228-00058491-00058802 fish however according to the definition jPtmLdkeToc-00229-00058803-00059024 above all mammals including cetaceans jPtmLdkeToc-00230-00059025-00059257 like whales and dolphins are not fish in jPtmLdkeToc-00231-00059258-00059549 some contexts especially in aquaculture jPtmLdkeToc-00232-00059550-00059777 the true fish are referred to as fin jPtmLdkeToc-00233-00059778-00059984 fish or fin fish to distinguish them jPtmLdkeToc-00234-00059985-00060280 from these other animals a typical fish jPtmLdkeToc-00235-00060282-00060482 is ectothermic has a streamlined body jPtmLdkeToc-00236-00060483-00060742 for rapid swimming extracts oxygen from jPtmLdkeToc-00237-00060744-00060974 water using gills or uses an accessory jPtmLdkeToc-00238-00060975-00061166 breathing organ to breathe atmospheric jPtmLdkeToc-00239-00061166-00061373 oxygen has two sets of paired fins jPtmLdkeToc-00240-00061374-00061694 usually one or two rarely 3 dorsal fins jPtmLdkeToc-00241-00061695-00061994 an anal fin and a tail fin has jaws has jPtmLdkeToc-00242-00061995-00062186 skin that is usually covered with scales jPtmLdkeToc-00243-00062187-00062513 and lays eggs each criterion has jPtmLdkeToc-00244-00062514-00062765 exceptions tuna swordfish and some jPtmLdkeToc-00245-00062766-00062984 species of sharks show some warm-blooded jPtmLdkeToc-00246-00062985-00063212 adaptations they can heat their bodies jPtmLdkeToc-00247-00063213-00063389 significantly above ambient water jPtmLdkeToc-00248-00063390-00063671 temperature streamlining and swimming jPtmLdkeToc-00249-00063672-00063857 performance varies from fish such as jPtmLdkeToc-00250-00063858-00064115 tuna salmon and jacks that can cover 10 jPtmLdkeToc-00251-00064116-00064291 to 20 body lengths per second jPtmLdkeToc-00252-00064292-00064492 two species such as eels and rays that jPtmLdkeToc-00253-00064494-00064741 swim no more than 0.5 body lengths per jPtmLdkeToc-00254-00064742-00065012 second many groups of freshwater fish jPtmLdkeToc-00255-00065013-00065249 extract oxygen from the air as well as jPtmLdkeToc-00256-00065250-00065411 from the water using a variety of jPtmLdkeToc-00257-00065412-00065663 different structures lungfish have jPtmLdkeToc-00258-00065664-00065825 paired lungs similar to those of jPtmLdkeToc-00259-00065826-00066038 tetrapods gouramis have a structure jPtmLdkeToc-00260-00066039-00066232 called the labyrinth organ that performs jPtmLdkeToc-00261-00066233-00066431 a similar function while many catfish jPtmLdkeToc-00262-00066432-00066694 such as corydoras extract oxygen via the jPtmLdkeToc-00263-00066695-00066974 intestine or stomach body shape and the jPtmLdkeToc-00264-00066975-00067136 arrangement of the fins is highly jPtmLdkeToc-00265-00067137-00067316 variable covering such seemingly jPtmLdkeToc-00266-00067317-00067571 unfished like forms as seahorses puffer jPtmLdkeToc-00267-00067572-00067886 fish angler fish and Gulpers similarly jPtmLdkeToc-00268-00067887-00068099 the surface of the skin may be naked as jPtmLdkeToc-00269-00068100-00068330 in moray eels or covered with scales of jPtmLdkeToc-00270-00068331-00068504 a variety of different types usually jPtmLdkeToc-00271-00068505-00068747 defined as plaque oyd typical of sharks jPtmLdkeToc-00272-00068748-00068999 and rays Cosmo a fossil lung fish and jPtmLdkeToc-00273-00069000-00069254 coelacanths denote various fossil fish jPtmLdkeToc-00274-00069255-00069461 but also living gars and Beshear's jPtmLdkeToc-00275-00069462-00069694 cycloid and tonight these last two are jPtmLdkeToc-00276-00069695-00069976 found on most bony fish there are even jPtmLdkeToc-00277-00069977-00070172 fish that live mostly on land or lay jPtmLdkeToc-00278-00070173-00070357 their eggs on land near water jPtmLdkeToc-00279-00070358-00070588 mudskippers feed and interact with one jPtmLdkeToc-00280-00070589-00070766 another on mud flats and go underwater jPtmLdkeToc-00281-00070767-00071032 to hide in their burrows a single jPtmLdkeToc-00282-00071033-00071276 undescribed species of Fria tobias has jPtmLdkeToc-00283-00071277-00071576 been called a true land fish as this jPtmLdkeToc-00284-00071577-00071782 worm like catfish strictly lives among jPtmLdkeToc-00285-00071783-00072026 waterlogged leaf litter many species jPtmLdkeToc-00286-00072027-00072218 live in underground lakes underground jPtmLdkeToc-00287-00072219-00072440 rivers or aquifers and are popularly jPtmLdkeToc-00288-00072441-00072653 known as cave fish fish range in size jPtmLdkeToc-00289-00072654-00072926 from the huge 16 meter 52 feet whale jPtmLdkeToc-00290-00072927-00073223 shark to the tiny 8 millimeter 0.3 in jPtmLdkeToc-00291-00073224-00073619 stout infant fish fish species diversity jPtmLdkeToc-00292-00073620-00073801 is roughly divided equally between jPtmLdkeToc-00293-00073802-00074116 marine oceanic and freshwater ecosystems jPtmLdkeToc-00294-00074117-00074319 coral reefs in the indo-pacific jPtmLdkeToc-00295-00074320-00074540 constitute the center of diversity for jPtmLdkeToc-00296-00074541-00074636 marine fishes jPtmLdkeToc-00297-00074637-00074843 whereas continental freshwater fishes jPtmLdkeToc-00298-00074844-00075068 are most diverse in large river basins jPtmLdkeToc-00299-00075069-00075299 of tropical rainforests especially the jPtmLdkeToc-00300-00075300-00075703 Amazon Congo and Mekong basins more than jPtmLdkeToc-00301-00075704-00076010 5,600 fish species inhabit neotropical jPtmLdkeToc-00302-00076011-00076250 fresh waters alone such that neotropical jPtmLdkeToc-00303-00076251-00076469 fishes represent about 10% of all jPtmLdkeToc-00304-00076470-00076672 vertebrate species on the earth jPtmLdkeToc-00305-00076673-00076910 exceptionally rich sites in the Amazon jPtmLdkeToc-00306-00076911-00077138 basin such as Canton State Park can jPtmLdkeToc-00307-00077139-00077321 contain more freshwater fish species jPtmLdkeToc-00308-00077322-00077622 than occur in all of Europe jPtmLdkeToc-00309-00077623-00077973 you jPtmLdkeToc-00310-00077974-00078586 topic Anatomy & physiology jPtmLdkeToc-00311-00078587-00078936 you jPtmLdkeToc-00312-00078937-00079432 topic respiration jPtmLdkeToc-00313-00079433-00079750 you jPtmLdkeToc-00314-00079751-00080212 topic Gill's jPtmLdkeToc-00315-00080213-00080497 most fish exchange gases using gills on jPtmLdkeToc-00316-00080498-00080722 either side of the pharynx gills jPtmLdkeToc-00317-00080723-00080880 consists of thread-like structures jPtmLdkeToc-00318-00080881-00081142 called filaments each filament contains jPtmLdkeToc-00319-00081143-00081330 a capillary network that provides a jPtmLdkeToc-00320-00081331-00081576 large surface area for exchanging oxygen jPtmLdkeToc-00321-00081577-00081874 and carbon dioxide fish exchange gases jPtmLdkeToc-00322-00081875-00082093 by pulling oxygen-rich water through jPtmLdkeToc-00323-00082094-00082243 their mouths and pumping it over their jPtmLdkeToc-00324-00082244-00082573 gills in some fish capillary blood flows jPtmLdkeToc-00325-00082574-00082747 in the opposite direction to the water jPtmLdkeToc-00326-00082748-00083017 causing counter-current exchange the jPtmLdkeToc-00327-00083018-00083218 gills push the oxygen pour water out jPtmLdkeToc-00328-00083219-00083374 through openings in the sides of the jPtmLdkeToc-00329-00083375-00083637 pharynx some fish like sharks and jPtmLdkeToc-00330-00083638-00083876 lampreys possess multiple gill openings jPtmLdkeToc-00331-00083877-00084156 however bony fish have a single gill jPtmLdkeToc-00332-00084157-00084421 opening on each side this opening is jPtmLdkeToc-00333-00084422-00084610 hidden beneath a protective bony cover jPtmLdkeToc-00334-00084611-00084918 called an operculum juvenile Beshear's jPtmLdkeToc-00335-00084919-00085117 have external gills a very primitive jPtmLdkeToc-00336-00085118-00085285 feature that they share with larval jPtmLdkeToc-00337-00085286-00085800 amphibians jPtmLdkeToc-00338-00085801-00086418 topic air-breathing fish from multiple jPtmLdkeToc-00339-00086419-00086583 groups can live out of the water for jPtmLdkeToc-00340-00086584-00086889 extended periods amphibious fish such as jPtmLdkeToc-00341-00086890-00087072 the mudskipper can live and move about jPtmLdkeToc-00342-00087073-00087297 on land for up to several days or live jPtmLdkeToc-00343-00087298-00087522 in stagnant or otherwise oxygen depleted jPtmLdkeToc-00344-00087523-00087834 water many such fish can breathe air via jPtmLdkeToc-00345-00087835-00088071 a variety of mechanisms the skin of jPtmLdkeToc-00346-00088072-00088296 angular eels may absorb oxygen directly jPtmLdkeToc-00347-00088297-00088557 the buccal cavity of the electric eel jPtmLdkeToc-00348-00088558-00088800 may breathe air catfish of the families jPtmLdkeToc-00349-00088801-00089028 laura chiatti collected a and skull jPtmLdkeToc-00350-00089029-00089196 placid ii absorb air through their jPtmLdkeToc-00351-00089197-00089472 digestive tracts lung fish with the jPtmLdkeToc-00352-00089473-00089655 exception of the australian lung fish jPtmLdkeToc-00353-00089656-00089856 and Beshear's have paired lungs similar jPtmLdkeToc-00354-00089857-00090060 to those of tetrapods and must surface jPtmLdkeToc-00355-00090061-00090204 to gulp fresh air through the mouth and jPtmLdkeToc-00356-00090205-00090492 past spent air out through the gills gar jPtmLdkeToc-00357-00090493-00090705 and bow fin have the vascularized swim jPtmLdkeToc-00358-00090706-00090920 bladder that functions in the same way jPtmLdkeToc-00359-00090921-00091188 loaches true hereis and many catfish jPtmLdkeToc-00360-00091189-00091412 breathed by passing air through the gut jPtmLdkeToc-00361-00091413-00091638 mudskippers breathed by absorbing oxygen jPtmLdkeToc-00362-00091639-00091901 across the skin similar to frogs a jPtmLdkeToc-00363-00091902-00092166 number of fish have evolved so called jPtmLdkeToc-00364-00092167-00092373 accessory breathing organs that extract jPtmLdkeToc-00365-00092374-00092682 oxygen from the air labyrinth fish such jPtmLdkeToc-00366-00092683-00092889 as gouramis and Bettis have a labyrinth jPtmLdkeToc-00367-00092890-00093084 organ above the gills that performs this jPtmLdkeToc-00368-00093085-00093324 function a few other fish have jPtmLdkeToc-00369-00093325-00093534 structures resembling labyrinth organs jPtmLdkeToc-00370-00093535-00093765 in form and function most notably snake jPtmLdkeToc-00371-00093766-00094005 heads Pike heads and the clarity catfish jPtmLdkeToc-00372-00094006-00094347 family breathing air is primarily of use jPtmLdkeToc-00373-00094348-00094578 to fish that inhabit shallow seasonally jPtmLdkeToc-00374-00094579-00094800 variable waters where the waters oxygen jPtmLdkeToc-00375-00094801-00094994 concentration may seasonally decline jPtmLdkeToc-00376-00094995-00095256 fish dependent solely on dissolved jPtmLdkeToc-00377-00095257-00095463 oxygen such as perch and cichlids jPtmLdkeToc-00378-00095464-00095661 quickly suffocate while air breathers jPtmLdkeToc-00379-00095662-00095787 survive for much longer jPtmLdkeToc-00380-00095788-00095985 in some cases in water that is little jPtmLdkeToc-00381-00095986-00096246 more than wet mud at the most extreme jPtmLdkeToc-00382-00096247-00096423 some air breathing fish are able to jPtmLdkeToc-00383-00096424-00096609 survive in damp burrows for weeks jPtmLdkeToc-00384-00096610-00096786 without water entering a state of jPtmLdkeToc-00385-00096787-00097032 estivation summertime hibernation until jPtmLdkeToc-00386-00097033-00097347 water returns air breathing fish can be jPtmLdkeToc-00387-00097348-00097539 divided into obligate air breathers and jPtmLdkeToc-00388-00097540-00097848 facultative air breathers obligate air jPtmLdkeToc-00389-00097849-00098052 breathers such as the African lungfish jPtmLdkeToc-00390-00098053-00098256 must breathe air periodically or they jPtmLdkeToc-00391-00098257-00098568 suffocate facultative air breathers such jPtmLdkeToc-00392-00098569-00098751 as the catfish hypo stomas plecostomus jPtmLdkeToc-00393-00098752-00098985 only breathe air if they need to and jPtmLdkeToc-00394-00098986-00099150 will otherwise rely on their gills jPtmLdkeToc-00395-00099151-00099414 oxygen most air-breathing fish are jPtmLdkeToc-00396-00099415-00099618 facultative air breathers that avoid the jPtmLdkeToc-00397-00099619-00099807 energetic cost of rising to the surface jPtmLdkeToc-00398-00099808-00100014 and the fitness cost of exposure to jPtmLdkeToc-00399-00100015-00100587 surface predators jPtmLdkeToc-00400-00100588-00101184 topic Circulation fish have a jPtmLdkeToc-00401-00101185-00101454 closed-loop circulatory system the heart jPtmLdkeToc-00402-00101455-00101610 pumps the blood in a single loop jPtmLdkeToc-00403-00101611-00101882 throughout the body in most fish the jPtmLdkeToc-00404-00101883-00102099 heart consists of four parts including jPtmLdkeToc-00405-00102100-00102291 two chambers and an entrance and exit jPtmLdkeToc-00406-00102292-00102578 the first part is the sinus venosus a jPtmLdkeToc-00407-00102579-00102791 thin walled sac that collects blood from jPtmLdkeToc-00408-00102792-00102965 the fish's veins before allowing it to jPtmLdkeToc-00409-00102966-00103176 flow to the second part the atrium which jPtmLdkeToc-00410-00103177-00103466 is a large muscular chamber the atrium jPtmLdkeToc-00411-00103467-00103698 serves as a one-way antechamber sends jPtmLdkeToc-00412-00103699-00103947 blood to the third part ventricle the jPtmLdkeToc-00413-00103948-00104100 ventricle is another thick walled jPtmLdkeToc-00414-00104101-00104285 muscular chamber and it pumps the blood jPtmLdkeToc-00415-00104286-00104477 first to the fourth part bulbous jPtmLdkeToc-00416-00104478-00104714 arteriosus a large tube and then out of jPtmLdkeToc-00417-00104715-00104970 the heart the bulbous arteriosus jPtmLdkeToc-00418-00104971-00105126 connects to the aorta through which jPtmLdkeToc-00419-00105127-00105824 blood flows to the gills for oxygenation jPtmLdkeToc-00420-00105825-00106325 topic digestion jPtmLdkeToc-00421-00106326-00106598 jaws allow fish to eat a wide variety of jPtmLdkeToc-00422-00106599-00106772 food including plants and other jPtmLdkeToc-00423-00106773-00107059 organisms fish ingest food through the jPtmLdkeToc-00424-00107060-00107219 mouth and break it down in the esophagus jPtmLdkeToc-00425-00107220-00107504 in the stomach food is further digested jPtmLdkeToc-00426-00107505-00107771 and in many fish processed in finger jPtmLdkeToc-00427-00107772-00108029 shaped pouches called pyloric CA e CA jPtmLdkeToc-00428-00108030-00108257 which secrete digestive enzymes and jPtmLdkeToc-00429-00108258-00108515 absorb nutrients organs such as the jPtmLdkeToc-00430-00108516-00108731 liver and pancreas add enzymes and jPtmLdkeToc-00431-00108732-00108905 various chemicals as the food moves jPtmLdkeToc-00432-00108906-00109133 through the digestive tract the jPtmLdkeToc-00433-00109133-00109319 intestine completes the process of jPtmLdkeToc-00434-00109320-00109944 digestion and nutrient absorption jPtmLdkeToc-00435-00109945-00110440 topic excretion jPtmLdkeToc-00436-00110441-00110722 as with many aquatic animals most fish jPtmLdkeToc-00437-00110723-00110902 released their nitrogenous wastes as jPtmLdkeToc-00438-00110903-00111151 ammonia some of the wastes diffuse jPtmLdkeToc-00439-00111152-00111352 through the gills blood wastes are jPtmLdkeToc-00440-00111353-00111667 filtered by the kidneys saltwater fish jPtmLdkeToc-00441-00111668-00111858 tend to lose water because of osmosis jPtmLdkeToc-00442-00111859-00112120 their kidneys return water to the body jPtmLdkeToc-00443-00112121-00112375 the reverse happens in freshwater fish jPtmLdkeToc-00444-00112376-00112559 they tend to gain water osmotically jPtmLdkeToc-00445-00112560-00112849 their kidneys produce dilute urine for jPtmLdkeToc-00446-00112850-00113074 excretion some fish have specially jPtmLdkeToc-00447-00113075-00113281 adapted kidneys that vary in function jPtmLdkeToc-00448-00113282-00113470 allowing them to move from freshwater to jPtmLdkeToc-00449-00113471-00114009 saltwater jPtmLdkeToc-00450-00114010-00114504 topic scales jPtmLdkeToc-00451-00114505-00114729 the scales of fish originated from the jPtmLdkeToc-00452-00114730-00114935 mesoderm skin they may be similar in jPtmLdkeToc-00453-00114936-00115503 structure to T jPtmLdkeToc-00454-00115504-00116075 topic sensory and nervous system jPtmLdkeToc-00455-00116076-00116404 you jPtmLdkeToc-00456-00116405-00116992 topic central nervous system fish jPtmLdkeToc-00457-00116993-00117172 typically have quite small brains jPtmLdkeToc-00458-00117173-00117376 relative to body size compared with jPtmLdkeToc-00459-00117377-00117613 other vertebrates typically 115th the jPtmLdkeToc-00460-00117614-00117834 brain mass of a similarly sized bird or jPtmLdkeToc-00461-00117835-00117885 mammal jPtmLdkeToc-00462-00117886-00118156 however some fish have relatively large jPtmLdkeToc-00463-00118157-00118375 brains most notably more mieux ads and jPtmLdkeToc-00464-00118376-00118543 sharks which have brains about as jPtmLdkeToc-00465-00118544-00118753 massive relative to body weight as birds jPtmLdkeToc-00466-00118754-00118978 and marsupials fish brains are divided jPtmLdkeToc-00467-00118979-00119235 into several regions at the front are jPtmLdkeToc-00468-00119236-00119455 the olfactory lobes a pair of structures jPtmLdkeToc-00469-00119456-00119644 that receive and process signals from jPtmLdkeToc-00470-00119645-00119811 the nostrils via the two olfactory jPtmLdkeToc-00471-00119813-00120103 nerves the olfactory lobes are very jPtmLdkeToc-00472-00120104-00120304 large in fish that hunt primarily by jPtmLdkeToc-00473-00120305-00120611 smell such as hagfish sharks and catfish jPtmLdkeToc-00474-00120613-00120871 behind the olfactory lobes as the two jPtmLdkeToc-00475-00120872-00121066 lobe telencephalon the structural jPtmLdkeToc-00476-00121067-00121231 equivalent to the cerebrum in higher jPtmLdkeToc-00477-00121232-00121543 vertebrates in fish the telencephalon is jPtmLdkeToc-00478-00121544-00121789 concerned mostly with olfaction together jPtmLdkeToc-00479-00121790-00122009 these structures form the forebrain jPtmLdkeToc-00480-00122010-00122227 connecting the forebrain to the midbrain jPtmLdkeToc-00481-00122228-00122464 as the diencephalon in the diagram this jPtmLdkeToc-00482-00122465-00122658 structure is below the optic lobes and jPtmLdkeToc-00483-00122659-00122872 consequently not visible the jPtmLdkeToc-00484-00122873-00123042 diencephalon performs functions jPtmLdkeToc-00485-00123043-00123283 associated with hormones and homeostasis jPtmLdkeToc-00486-00123283-00123550 the pineal body lies just above the jPtmLdkeToc-00487-00123551-00123775 diencephalon this structure detects jPtmLdkeToc-00488-00123776-00123991 light maintains circadian rhythms and jPtmLdkeToc-00489-00123992-00124209 controls color changes the midbrain or jPtmLdkeToc-00490-00124210-00124438 mesencephalon contains the two optic jPtmLdkeToc-00491-00124439-00124726 lobes these are very large in species jPtmLdkeToc-00492-00124727-00124942 that hunt by sight such as rainbow trout jPtmLdkeToc-00493-00124943-00125133 and cichlids the hindbrain or met jPtmLdkeToc-00494-00125134-00125358 encephalon is particularly involved in jPtmLdkeToc-00495-00125359-00125634 swimming and balance the cerebellum is a jPtmLdkeToc-00496-00125635-00125842 single lobe structure that is typically jPtmLdkeToc-00497-00125843-00126097 the biggest part of the brain hagfish jPtmLdkeToc-00498-00126098-00126253 and lampreys have relatively small jPtmLdkeToc-00499-00126254-00126430 cerebelli while the more murud jPtmLdkeToc-00500-00126431-00126619 cerebellum is massive and apparently jPtmLdkeToc-00501-00126620-00126817 involved in their electrical sense the jPtmLdkeToc-00502-00126818-00127042 brain stem or myelin Cephalon is the jPtmLdkeToc-00503-00127043-00127327 brains posterior as well as controlling jPtmLdkeToc-00504-00127328-00127543 some muscles and body organs in bony jPtmLdkeToc-00505-00127544-00127750 fish at least the brainstem governs jPtmLdkeToc-00506-00127751-00128379 respiration and Osmo regulation jPtmLdkeToc-00507-00128380-00128881 topic sense organs jPtmLdkeToc-00508-00128882-00129135 most fish possess highly developed sense jPtmLdkeToc-00509-00129136-00129394 organs nearly all day light fish have jPtmLdkeToc-00510-00129395-00129585 color vision that is at least as good as jPtmLdkeToc-00511-00129586-00129865 a human's see vision and fishes many jPtmLdkeToc-00512-00129866-00130081 fish also have chemoreceptors that are jPtmLdkeToc-00513-00130082-00130303 responsible for extraordinary senses of jPtmLdkeToc-00514-00130304-00130558 taste and smell although they have ears jPtmLdkeToc-00515-00130558-00130852 many fish may not hear very well most jPtmLdkeToc-00516-00130853-00131068 fish have sensitive receptors that form jPtmLdkeToc-00517-00131069-00131257 the lateral line system which detects jPtmLdkeToc-00518-00131258-00131434 gentle currents and vibrations and jPtmLdkeToc-00519-00131435-00131647 senses the motion of nearby fish and jPtmLdkeToc-00520-00131648-00131932 prey some fish such as catfish and jPtmLdkeToc-00521-00131933-00132136 sharks have the ampullae of Lorenzini jPtmLdkeToc-00522-00132137-00132328 organs that detect weak electric jPtmLdkeToc-00523-00132329-00132565 currents on the order of millivolt other jPtmLdkeToc-00524-00132566-00132787 fish like the South American electric jPtmLdkeToc-00525-00132788-00133000 fishes Jim nota forms can produce weak jPtmLdkeToc-00526-00133001-00133168 electric currents which they use in jPtmLdkeToc-00527-00133169-00133486 navigation and social communication fish jPtmLdkeToc-00528-00133487-00133705 orient themselves using landmarks and jPtmLdkeToc-00529-00133706-00133900 may use mental maps based on multiple jPtmLdkeToc-00530-00133901-00134191 landmarks or symbols fish behavior in jPtmLdkeToc-00531-00134192-00134398 mazes reveals that they possess spatial jPtmLdkeToc-00532-00134399-00134998 memory and visual discrimination jPtmLdkeToc-00533-00134999-00135423 topic vision jPtmLdkeToc-00534-00135424-00135678 vision is an important sensory system jPtmLdkeToc-00535-00135679-00135930 for most species of fish fish eyes are jPtmLdkeToc-00536-00135931-00136086 similar to those of terrestrial jPtmLdkeToc-00537-00136087-00136281 vertebrates like birds and mammals but jPtmLdkeToc-00538-00136282-00136545 have a more spherical lens their retinas jPtmLdkeToc-00539-00136546-00136761 generally have both rods and cones for jPtmLdkeToc-00540-00136762-00136983 Scott topic and photopic vision and most jPtmLdkeToc-00541-00136984-00137277 species have color vision some fish can jPtmLdkeToc-00542-00137278-00137445 see ultraviolet and some can see jPtmLdkeToc-00543-00137446-00137718 polarized light amongst jawless fish the jPtmLdkeToc-00544-00137719-00137898 lamprey has well-developed eyes while jPtmLdkeToc-00545-00137899-00138107 the hagfish has only primitive eye spots jPtmLdkeToc-00546-00138108-00138381 fish vision shows adaptation to their jPtmLdkeToc-00547-00138382-00138603 visual environment for example deep-sea jPtmLdkeToc-00548-00138604-00138768 fishes have eyes suited to the dark jPtmLdkeToc-00549-00138769-00139260 environment jPtmLdkeToc-00550-00139261-00139675 topic hearing jPtmLdkeToc-00551-00139676-00139927 hearing is an important sensory system jPtmLdkeToc-00552-00139928-00140173 for most species of fish fish scents jPtmLdkeToc-00553-00140174-00140356 sound using their lateral lines in their jPtmLdkeToc-00554-00140357-00140815 ears jPtmLdkeToc-00555-00140816-00141364 topic capacity for pain jPtmLdkeToc-00556-00141365-00141599 experiments done by William to Volga jPtmLdkeToc-00557-00141600-00141800 provide evidence that fish have pain and jPtmLdkeToc-00558-00141801-00142112 fear responses for instance into volgas jPtmLdkeToc-00559-00142113-00142304 experiments toadfish grunted when jPtmLdkeToc-00560-00142305-00142502 electrically shocked and over time they jPtmLdkeToc-00561-00142503-00142658 came to grunt at the mere sight of an jPtmLdkeToc-00562-00142659-00142970 electrode in 2003 Scottish scientists at jPtmLdkeToc-00563-00142971-00143132 the University of Edinburgh and the jPtmLdkeToc-00564-00143133-00143327 Roslin Institute concluded that rainbow jPtmLdkeToc-00565-00143328-00143573 trout exhibit behaviors often associated jPtmLdkeToc-00566-00143574-00143726 with pain and other animals jPtmLdkeToc-00567-00143727-00144032 bee venom and acetic acid injected into jPtmLdkeToc-00568-00144033-00144227 the lips resulted in fish rocking their jPtmLdkeToc-00569-00144228-00144401 bodies and rubbing their lips along the jPtmLdkeToc-00570-00144402-00144584 sides and floors of their tanks which jPtmLdkeToc-00571-00144585-00144770 the researchers concluded were attempts jPtmLdkeToc-00572-00144771-00144977 to relieve pain similar to what mammals jPtmLdkeToc-00573-00144978-00145238 would do neurons fired in a pattern jPtmLdkeToc-00574-00145239-00145439 resembling human neuronal patterns jPtmLdkeToc-00575-00145440-00145700 professor James D Rose of the University jPtmLdkeToc-00576-00145701-00145895 of Wyoming claimed the study was flood jPtmLdkeToc-00577-00145896-00146090 since it did not provide proof that fish jPtmLdkeToc-00578-00146091-00146357 possess conscious awareness particularly jPtmLdkeToc-00579-00146358-00146609 a kind of awareness that is meaningfully jPtmLdkeToc-00580-00146610-00146960 like ours Rose argues that since fish jPtmLdkeToc-00581-00146961-00147128 brains are so different from human jPtmLdkeToc-00582-00147129-00147347 brains fish are probably not conscious jPtmLdkeToc-00583-00147348-00147494 in the manner humans are so that jPtmLdkeToc-00584-00147495-00147716 reactions similar to human reactions to jPtmLdkeToc-00585-00147717-00148007 pain instead have other causes Rose had jPtmLdkeToc-00586-00148008-00148220 published a study a year earlier arguing jPtmLdkeToc-00587-00148221-00148424 that fish cannot feel pain because their jPtmLdkeToc-00588-00148425-00148582 brains lack in neocortex jPtmLdkeToc-00589-00148583-00148850 however animal behaviorist Temple jPtmLdkeToc-00590-00148851-00149027 Grandin argues that fish could still jPtmLdkeToc-00591-00149028-00149189 have consciousness without a neocortex jPtmLdkeToc-00592-00149190-00149438 because different species can use jPtmLdkeToc-00593-00149439-00149630 different brain structures and systems jPtmLdkeToc-00594-00149631-00149981 to handle the same functions animal jPtmLdkeToc-00595-00149982-00150179 welfare advocates raise concerns about jPtmLdkeToc-00596-00150180-00150389 the possible suffering of fish caused by jPtmLdkeToc-00597-00150390-00150659 angling some countries such as Germany jPtmLdkeToc-00598-00150660-00150881 have been specific types of fishing and jPtmLdkeToc-00599-00150882-00151109 the British are SPCA now formally jPtmLdkeToc-00600-00151110-00151325 prosecutes individuals who are cruel to jPtmLdkeToc-00601-00151326-00151838 fish jPtmLdkeToc-00602-00151839-00152377 topic muscular system jPtmLdkeToc-00603-00152378-00152578 most fish move by alternately jPtmLdkeToc-00604-00152579-00152779 contracting paired sets of muscles on jPtmLdkeToc-00605-00152780-00152995 either side of the backbone these jPtmLdkeToc-00606-00152996-00153214 contractions form s-shaped curves that jPtmLdkeToc-00607-00153215-00153460 move down the body as each curve reaches jPtmLdkeToc-00608-00153461-00153661 the back fin backward force is applied jPtmLdkeToc-00609-00153662-00153856 to the water and in conjunction with the jPtmLdkeToc-00610-00153857-00154144 fins moves the fish forward the fish's jPtmLdkeToc-00611-00154145-00154336 fins function like an airplanes flaps jPtmLdkeToc-00612-00154337-00154627 fins also increase the tail surface area jPtmLdkeToc-00613-00154628-00154903 increasing speed the streamlined body of jPtmLdkeToc-00614-00154904-00155062 the fish decreases the amount of jPtmLdkeToc-00615-00155063-00155305 friction from the water since body jPtmLdkeToc-00616-00155306-00155518 tissue is denser than water fish must jPtmLdkeToc-00617-00155519-00155683 compensate for the difference or they jPtmLdkeToc-00618-00155684-00155935 will sink many bony fish have an jPtmLdkeToc-00619-00155936-00156118 internal organ called a swim bladder jPtmLdkeToc-00620-00156119-00156283 that adjusts their buoyancy through jPtmLdkeToc-00621-00156284-00156869 manipulation of gases jPtmLdkeToc-00622-00156870-00157343 topic endothermy jPtmLdkeToc-00623-00157344-00157561 although most fish are exclusively jPtmLdkeToc-00624-00157562-00157793 ectothermic there are exceptions the jPtmLdkeToc-00625-00157794-00157994 only known bony fishes in for class jPtmLdkeToc-00626-00157995-00158243 teleost a that exhibit endothermy are in jPtmLdkeToc-00627-00158244-00158452 the suborder scombroid a which includes jPtmLdkeToc-00628-00158453-00158669 the bill fishes tunas and the butterfly jPtmLdkeToc-00629-00158670-00158897 king fish a basal species of mackerel jPtmLdkeToc-00630-00158898-00159214 and also the oka the OPA a lamb preform jPtmLdkeToc-00631-00159215-00159461 was demonstrated in 2015 to utilize jPtmLdkeToc-00632-00159462-00159799 whole body endothermy generating heat jPtmLdkeToc-00633-00159800-00159971 with its swimming muscles to warm its jPtmLdkeToc-00634-00159972-00160165 body while counter-current exchange as jPtmLdkeToc-00635-00160166-00160489 in respiration minimizes heat loss it is jPtmLdkeToc-00636-00160490-00160709 able to actively hunt prey such as squid jPtmLdkeToc-00637-00160710-00160912 and swim for long distances due to the jPtmLdkeToc-00638-00160913-00161074 ability to warm its entire body jPtmLdkeToc-00639-00161075-00161273 including its heart which is a trait jPtmLdkeToc-00640-00161274-00161459 typically found in only mammals and jPtmLdkeToc-00641-00161460-00161737 birds in the form of homeo thermy in the jPtmLdkeToc-00642-00161738-00161894 cartilaginous fishes class jPtmLdkeToc-00643-00161895-00162088 chondrichthyes sharks of the families jPtmLdkeToc-00644-00162089-00162337 lambda t porbeagle mackerel salmon and jPtmLdkeToc-00645-00162338-00162557 great white sharks and Alapai d thresher jPtmLdkeToc-00646-00162558-00162860 sharks exhibit endothermy the degree of jPtmLdkeToc-00647-00162861-00163070 endothermy varies from the bill fishes jPtmLdkeToc-00648-00163071-00163283 which warm only their eyes and brain to jPtmLdkeToc-00649-00163284-00163477 the bluefin tuna and the porbeagle shark jPtmLdkeToc-00650-00163478-00163678 which maintain body temperatures in jPtmLdkeToc-00651-00163679-00163985 excess of 20 degrees celsius 68 degrees jPtmLdkeToc-00652-00163986-00164159 fahrenheit above ambient water jPtmLdkeToc-00653-00164160-00164336 temperatures endothermy though jPtmLdkeToc-00654-00164337-00164536 metabolically costly is thought to jPtmLdkeToc-00655-00164537-00164728 provide advantages such as increased jPtmLdkeToc-00656-00164729-00164933 muscle strength higher rates of central jPtmLdkeToc-00657-00164934-00165112 nervous system processing and higher jPtmLdkeToc-00658-00165113-00165695 rates of digestion jPtmLdkeToc-00659-00165696-00166202 topic reproductive system jPtmLdkeToc-00660-00166203-00166464 Fisch reproductive organs include jPtmLdkeToc-00661-00166465-00166708 testicles and ovaries in most species jPtmLdkeToc-00662-00166709-00166953 gonads are paired organs of similar size jPtmLdkeToc-00663-00166954-00167182 which can be partially or totally fused jPtmLdkeToc-00664-00167183-00167451 there may also be a range of secondary jPtmLdkeToc-00665-00167452-00167628 organs that increase reproductive jPtmLdkeToc-00666-00167629-00167908 fitness in terms of spermatogonia jPtmLdkeToc-00667-00167909-00168151 distribution the structure of teleosts jPtmLdkeToc-00668-00168152-00168382 testes has two types in the most common jPtmLdkeToc-00669-00168383-00168576 spermatogonia occur all along the jPtmLdkeToc-00670-00168577-00168769 seminiferous tubules while in a thorough jPtmLdkeToc-00671-00168770-00168937 no more fish they are confined to the jPtmLdkeToc-00672-00168938-00169198 distal portion of these structures fish jPtmLdkeToc-00673-00169199-00169413 can present cystic or semi cystic jPtmLdkeToc-00674-00169414-00169612 spermatogenesis in relation to the jPtmLdkeToc-00675-00169613-00169834 release phase of germ cells insists to jPtmLdkeToc-00676-00169835-00170038 the seminiferous tubules lumen fish jPtmLdkeToc-00677-00170039-00170257 ovaries may be of three types Jim no jPtmLdkeToc-00678-00170258-00170461 Varian secondary Jim no very and her jPtmLdkeToc-00679-00170462-00170715 sister variant in the first type the jPtmLdkeToc-00680-00170716-00170901 oocytes are released directly into the jPtmLdkeToc-00681-00170902-00171112 Kalama cavity and then enter the ostium jPtmLdkeToc-00682-00171113-00171247 then through the oviduct and are jPtmLdkeToc-00683-00171248-00171520 eliminated secondary Jim no Varian jPtmLdkeToc-00684-00171521-00171718 ovaries shed OVA into the coelom from jPtmLdkeToc-00685-00171719-00171895 which they go directly into the oviduct jPtmLdkeToc-00686-00171896-00172150 in the third type the oocytes are jPtmLdkeToc-00687-00172151-00172300 conveyed to the exterior through the jPtmLdkeToc-00688-00172301-00172576 oviduct Jim no berries are the primitive jPtmLdkeToc-00689-00172577-00172791 condition found in lung fish sturgeon jPtmLdkeToc-00690-00172792-00173074 and both in sister varies characterized jPtmLdkeToc-00691-00173075-00173304 most teleosts where the ovary lumen has jPtmLdkeToc-00692-00173305-00173584 continuity with the oviduct secondary jPtmLdkeToc-00693-00173585-00173776 Jim no berries are found in salmonids jPtmLdkeToc-00694-00173777-00174076 and a few other teleosts ogo nia jPtmLdkeToc-00695-00174077-00174295 development in teleosts fish varies jPtmLdkeToc-00696-00174296-00174421 according to the group and the jPtmLdkeToc-00697-00174422-00174639 determination of oogenesis dynamics jPtmLdkeToc-00698-00174640-00174796 allows the understanding of maturation jPtmLdkeToc-00699-00174797-00175150 and fertilization processes changes in jPtmLdkeToc-00700-00175151-00175381 the nucleus oo plasm and the surrounding jPtmLdkeToc-00701-00175382-00175534 layers characterize the oocytes jPtmLdkeToc-00702-00175535-00175762 maturation process post ovulatory jPtmLdkeToc-00703-00175763-00175993 follicles are structures formed after OA jPtmLdkeToc-00704-00175994-00176190 site release they do not have endocrine jPtmLdkeToc-00705-00176191-00176407 function present a wide irregular lumen jPtmLdkeToc-00706-00176408-00176623 and are rapidly reabsorbed in a process jPtmLdkeToc-00707-00176624-00176821 involving the apoptosis of follicular jPtmLdkeToc-00708-00176822-00177109 cells a degenerative process called jPtmLdkeToc-00709-00177110-00177310 follicular atresia reabsorbs via jPtmLdkeToc-00710-00177311-00177544 telegenic oocytes not spawned this jPtmLdkeToc-00711-00177545-00177741 process can also occur but less jPtmLdkeToc-00712-00177742-00177913 frequently in oocytes and other jPtmLdkeToc-00713-00177914-00178140 development stages some fish like the jPtmLdkeToc-00714-00178141-00178351 California sheephead are hermaphrodites jPtmLdkeToc-00715-00178352-00178585 having both testes and ovaries either at jPtmLdkeToc-00716-00178586-00178783 different phases in their lifecycle or jPtmLdkeToc-00717-00178784-00179015 as in Hamlet's have them simultaneously jPtmLdkeToc-00718-00179016-00179425 over 97% of all known fish are oviparous jPtmLdkeToc-00719-00179426-00179602 that is the eggs develop outside the jPtmLdkeToc-00720-00179603-00179905 mother's body examples of oviparous fish jPtmLdkeToc-00721-00179906-00180202 include salmon goldfish cichlids tuna jPtmLdkeToc-00722-00180203-00180454 and eels in the majority of these jPtmLdkeToc-00723-00180455-00180643 species fertilization takes place jPtmLdkeToc-00724-00180644-00180859 outside the mother's body with the male jPtmLdkeToc-00725-00180860-00181024 and female fish shedding their gametes jPtmLdkeToc-00726-00181025-00181336 into the surrounding water however a few jPtmLdkeToc-00727-00181337-00181519 oviparous fish practise internal jPtmLdkeToc-00728-00181520-00181723 fertilization with the male using some jPtmLdkeToc-00729-00181724-00181903 sort of intermittent organ to deliver jPtmLdkeToc-00730-00181904-00182095 sperm into the genital opening of the jPtmLdkeToc-00731-00182096-00182335 female most notably the oviparous sharks jPtmLdkeToc-00732-00182336-00182512 such as the horn shark and oviparous jPtmLdkeToc-00733-00182513-00182848 raised such as skates in these cases the jPtmLdkeToc-00734-00182849-00183040 male is equipped with a pair of modified jPtmLdkeToc-00735-00183041-00183367 pelvic fins known as claspers marine jPtmLdkeToc-00736-00183368-00183556 fish can produce high numbers of eggs jPtmLdkeToc-00737-00183557-00183739 which are often released into the open jPtmLdkeToc-00738-00183740-00183985 water column the eggs have an average jPtmLdkeToc-00739-00183986-00184450 diameter of one millimetre 0.039 in the jPtmLdkeToc-00740-00184451-00184624 newly hatched young of oviparous fish jPtmLdkeToc-00741-00184625-00184804 are called larvae they are usually jPtmLdkeToc-00742-00184805-00185074 poorly formed carry a large yolk sac for jPtmLdkeToc-00743-00185075-00185230 nourishment and are very different in jPtmLdkeToc-00744-00185231-00185383 appearance from juvenile and adult jPtmLdkeToc-00745-00185384-00185692 specimens the larval period in oviparous jPtmLdkeToc-00746-00185693-00185938 fish is relatively short usually only jPtmLdkeToc-00747-00185939-00186166 several weeks and larvae rapidly grow jPtmLdkeToc-00748-00186167-00186358 and change appearance and structure a jPtmLdkeToc-00749-00186359-00186574 process termed metamorphosis to become jPtmLdkeToc-00750-00186575-00186871 juveniles during this transition larvae jPtmLdkeToc-00751-00186872-00187039 must switch from their yolk sack to jPtmLdkeToc-00752-00187040-00187258 feeding on zooplankton prey a process jPtmLdkeToc-00753-00187259-00187462 which depends on typically inadequate jPtmLdkeToc-00754-00187463-00187836 zooplankton density starving many larvae jPtmLdkeToc-00755-00187837-00188090 in ovoviviparous fish the eggs develop jPtmLdkeToc-00756-00188091-00188291 inside the mother's body after internal jPtmLdkeToc-00757-00188292-00188514 fertilization but receive little or no jPtmLdkeToc-00758-00188515-00188676 nourishment directly from the mother jPtmLdkeToc-00759-00188677-00188931 depending instead on the yolk each jPtmLdkeToc-00760-00188932-00189207 embryo develops in its own egg familiar jPtmLdkeToc-00761-00189208-00189444 examples of ovoviviparous fish include jPtmLdkeToc-00762-00189445-00189707 Guppies angel sharks and sea Lacan's jPtmLdkeToc-00763-00189708-00189999 some species of fish are viviparous in jPtmLdkeToc-00764-00190000-00190245 such species the mother retains the eggs jPtmLdkeToc-00765-00190246-00190524 and nourishes the embryos typically jPtmLdkeToc-00766-00190525-00190695 viviparous fish have a structure jPtmLdkeToc-00767-00190696-00190869 analogous to the placenta seen in jPtmLdkeToc-00768-00190870-00191027 mammals connecting the mother's blood jPtmLdkeToc-00769-00191028-00191315 supply with that of the embryo examples jPtmLdkeToc-00770-00191316-00191499 of viviparous fish include the surf jPtmLdkeToc-00771-00191500-00191820 perches split fins and lemon shark some jPtmLdkeToc-00772-00191821-00192069 viviparous fish exhibit ofa G in which jPtmLdkeToc-00773-00192070-00192263 the developing embryos eat other eggs jPtmLdkeToc-00774-00192264-00192503 produced by the mother this has been jPtmLdkeToc-00775-00192504-00192738 observed primarily among sharks such as jPtmLdkeToc-00776-00192739-00192936 the shortfin mako and porbeagle but is jPtmLdkeToc-00777-00192937-00193154 known for a few bony fish as well such jPtmLdkeToc-00778-00193155-00193323 as the HealthBeat no more emphasized our jPtmLdkeToc-00779-00193324-00193640 gie intrauterine cannibalism as an even jPtmLdkeToc-00780-00193641-00193829 more unusual mode of vivvy perry in jPtmLdkeToc-00781-00193830-00194058 which the largest embryos eat weaker and jPtmLdkeToc-00782-00194059-00194351 smaller siblings this behavior is also jPtmLdkeToc-00783-00194352-00194583 most commonly found among sharks such as jPtmLdkeToc-00784-00194584-00194769 the grey nurse shark but has also been jPtmLdkeToc-00785-00194770-00195033 reported for no more emphasized aquarist jPtmLdkeToc-00786-00195034-00195249 SKA manely referred to ovoviviparous and jPtmLdkeToc-00787-00195250-00195911 viviparous fishes live bearers jPtmLdkeToc-00788-00195912-00196579 topic acoustic communication in fish jPtmLdkeToc-00789-00196580-00196859 acoustic communication in fish involves jPtmLdkeToc-00790-00196860-00197048 the transmission of acoustic signals jPtmLdkeToc-00791-00197049-00197243 from one individual of a species to jPtmLdkeToc-00792-00197244-00197489 another the production of sounds as a jPtmLdkeToc-00793-00197490-00197699 means of communication among fish has jPtmLdkeToc-00794-00197700-00197879 most often used in the context of jPtmLdkeToc-00795-00197880-00198106 feeding aggression or courtship behavior jPtmLdkeToc-00796-00198107-00198389 the sounds emitted can vary depending on jPtmLdkeToc-00797-00198390-00198665 the species and stimulus involved fish jPtmLdkeToc-00798-00198666-00198887 can produce either Striga Latorre sounds jPtmLdkeToc-00799-00198888-00199064 by moving components of the skeletal jPtmLdkeToc-00800-00199065-00199283 system or can produce non Stradella Tori jPtmLdkeToc-00801-00199284-00199475 sounds by manipulating specialized jPtmLdkeToc-00802-00199476-00200118 organs such as the swim bladder jPtmLdkeToc-00803-00200119-00200438 topic Striga Latorre sound producing jPtmLdkeToc-00804-00200439-00200809 mechanisms jPtmLdkeToc-00805-00200810-00201037 there are some species of fish that can jPtmLdkeToc-00806-00201038-00201240 produce sounds by rubbing or grinding jPtmLdkeToc-00807-00201241-00201477 their bones together these noise is jPtmLdkeToc-00808-00201478-00201685 produced by bone on bone interactions jPtmLdkeToc-00809-00201686-00201883 are known as Stradella Tori sounds an jPtmLdkeToc-00810-00201884-00202081 example of this as seen in hee mule on jPtmLdkeToc-00811-00202082-00202306 Flavell any item a species commonly jPtmLdkeToc-00812-00202307-00202501 referred to as the French grunt fish as jPtmLdkeToc-00813-00202502-00202699 it produces a grunting noise by grinding jPtmLdkeToc-00814-00202700-00203026 its teeth together this behavior is most jPtmLdkeToc-00815-00203027-00203200 pronounced when the h flavell in the jPtmLdkeToc-00816-00203201-00203458 item is in distressed situations the jPtmLdkeToc-00817-00203459-00203623 grunts produced by this species of jPtmLdkeToc-00818-00203624-00203809 fishes generate a frequency of jPtmLdkeToc-00819-00203810-00204034 approximately 700 Hertz and lasts jPtmLdkeToc-00820-00204035-00204361 approximately 47 milliseconds the H jPtmLdkeToc-00821-00204362-00204571 Flavell in the item does not emit sounds jPtmLdkeToc-00822-00204572-00204799 with frequencies greater than 1000 Hertz jPtmLdkeToc-00823-00204800-00204973 and does not detect sounds that have jPtmLdkeToc-00824-00204973-00205228 frequencies greater than 1000 50 Hertz jPtmLdkeToc-00825-00205229-00205479 in a study conducted by oliveira at all jPtmLdkeToc-00826-00205480-00205764 2014 the longsnout seahorse hippocampus jPtmLdkeToc-00827-00205765-00205992 reading was recorded producing two jPtmLdkeToc-00828-00205994-00206200 different categories of sounds clicks jPtmLdkeToc-00829-00206201-00206494 and growls the sounds emitted by the h jPtmLdkeToc-00830-00206494-00206677 Reedy are accomplished by rubbing their jPtmLdkeToc-00831-00206678-00206881 Coronet bone across the grooved section jPtmLdkeToc-00832-00206882-00207169 of their neurocranium clicking sounds jPtmLdkeToc-00833-00207169-00207336 were found to be primarily produced jPtmLdkeToc-00834-00207337-00207510 during courtship and feeding and the jPtmLdkeToc-00835-00207511-00207679 frequencies of clicks were within the jPtmLdkeToc-00836-00207680-00207976 range of 50 Hertz to 800 Hertz the jPtmLdkeToc-00837-00207977-00208146 frequencies were noted to be on the jPtmLdkeToc-00838-00208148-00208333 higher end of the range during spawning jPtmLdkeToc-00839-00208334-00208542 periods when the female and male fishes jPtmLdkeToc-00840-00208544-00208758 were less than 15 centimeters apart jPtmLdkeToc-00841-00208759-00209019 growl sounds were produced when the h jPtmLdkeToc-00842-00209021-00209233 Reedy encountered stressful situations jPtmLdkeToc-00843-00209234-00209506 such as handling by researchers the jPtmLdkeToc-00844-00209507-00209709 growl sounds consist of a series of jPtmLdkeToc-00845-00209710-00209859 sound pulses and are emitted jPtmLdkeToc-00846-00209860-00210559 simultaneously with body vibrations jPtmLdkeToc-00847-00210560-00210876 topic non Stradella Tori sound-producing jPtmLdkeToc-00848-00210877-00211135 mechanisms jPtmLdkeToc-00849-00211136-00211298 you jPtmLdkeToc-00850-00211300-00211535 some fish species create noise by jPtmLdkeToc-00851-00211536-00211716 engaging specialized muscles that jPtmLdkeToc-00852-00211717-00211869 contract and cause swim bladder jPtmLdkeToc-00853-00211869-00212210 vibrations oyster toadfish produced loud jPtmLdkeToc-00854-00212211-00212427 grunting sounds by contracting muscles jPtmLdkeToc-00855-00212428-00212613 located along the sides of their swim jPtmLdkeToc-00856-00212614-00212937 bladder known as sonic muscles female jPtmLdkeToc-00857-00212938-00213156 and male toad fishes emit short duration jPtmLdkeToc-00858-00213157-00213377 grunts often as a fright response in jPtmLdkeToc-00859-00213378-00213639 addition to short duration grunts male jPtmLdkeToc-00860-00213640-00213854 toad fishes produced boat whistle calls jPtmLdkeToc-00861-00213855-00214140 these calls are longer in duration lower jPtmLdkeToc-00862-00214141-00214358 in frequency and are primarily used to jPtmLdkeToc-00863-00214359-00214641 attract mates the sounds emitted by the jPtmLdkeToc-00864-00214642-00214905 owed ow have frequency range of 140 jPtmLdkeToc-00865-00214906-00215265 Hertz to 260 Hertz the frequencies of jPtmLdkeToc-00866-00215266-00215439 the calls depend on the rate at which jPtmLdkeToc-00867-00215440-00215676 the sonic muscles contract the red drum jPtmLdkeToc-00868-00215677-00215925 psyops ocellatus produces drumming jPtmLdkeToc-00869-00215926-00216160 sounds by vibrating its swim bladder jPtmLdkeToc-00870-00216161-00216378 vibrations are caused by the rapid jPtmLdkeToc-00871-00216379-00216548 contraction of sonic muscles that jPtmLdkeToc-00872-00216550-00216741 surround the dorsal aspect of the swim jPtmLdkeToc-00873-00216742-00217002 bladder these vibrations result in jPtmLdkeToc-00874-00217003-00217196 repeated sounds with frequencies that jPtmLdkeToc-00875-00217198-00217444 range from 100 to greater than 200 Hertz jPtmLdkeToc-00876-00217446-00217694 the s ocellatus can produce different jPtmLdkeToc-00877-00217696-00217953 calls depending on the stimuli involved jPtmLdkeToc-00878-00217954-00218187 the sounds created in courtship jPtmLdkeToc-00879-00218188-00218382 situations are different from those made jPtmLdkeToc-00880-00218383-00218534 during distressing events such as jPtmLdkeToc-00881-00218535-00218683 predatorial attacks jPtmLdkeToc-00882-00218684-00218921 unlike the males of the s ocellatus jPtmLdkeToc-00883-00218923-00219123 species the females of this species jPtmLdkeToc-00884-00219123-00219321 don't produce sounds and lack sound jPtmLdkeToc-00885-00219321-00219990 producing sonic muscles jPtmLdkeToc-00886-00219991-00220467 topic diseases jPtmLdkeToc-00887-00220469-00220735 like other animals fish suffer from jPtmLdkeToc-00888-00220736-00220969 diseases and parasites to prevent jPtmLdkeToc-00889-00220971-00221223 disease they have a variety of Defense's jPtmLdkeToc-00890-00221225-00221465 nonspecific defenses include the skin jPtmLdkeToc-00891-00221466-00221663 and scales as well as the mucus layer jPtmLdkeToc-00892-00221664-00221891 secreted by the epidermis that traps and jPtmLdkeToc-00893-00221892-00222104 inhibits the growth of microorganisms jPtmLdkeToc-00894-00222105-00222398 if pathogens breach these defenses fish jPtmLdkeToc-00895-00222398-00222605 can develop an inflammatory response jPtmLdkeToc-00896-00222606-00222779 that increases blood flow to the jPtmLdkeToc-00897-00222780-00222983 infected region and delivers white blood jPtmLdkeToc-00898-00222984-00223234 cells that attempt to destroy pathogens jPtmLdkeToc-00899-00223235-00223478 specific defenses respond to particular jPtmLdkeToc-00900-00223479-00223733 pathogens recognized by the fish's body jPtmLdkeToc-00901-00223734-00224092 ie an immune response in recent years jPtmLdkeToc-00902-00224094-00224300 vaccines have become widely used in jPtmLdkeToc-00903-00224301-00224480 aquaculture and also with ornamental jPtmLdkeToc-00904-00224481-00224753 fish for example for Uncle osis vaccines jPtmLdkeToc-00905-00224754-00225010 in farmed salmon and koi herpes virus in jPtmLdkeToc-00906-00225011-00225242 koi some species use cleaner fish to jPtmLdkeToc-00907-00225242-00225530 remove external parasites the best known jPtmLdkeToc-00908-00225531-00225683 of these are the Blue Streak cleaner jPtmLdkeToc-00909-00225684-00225898 wrasses of the genus lib Rhodes found on jPtmLdkeToc-00910-00225900-00226052 coral reefs in the Indian and Pacific jPtmLdkeToc-00911-00226053-00226358 Oceans these small fish maintains jPtmLdkeToc-00912-00226359-00226664 so-called cleaning stations where other jPtmLdkeToc-00913-00226665-00226856 fish congregate and perform specific jPtmLdkeToc-00914-00226857-00227059 movements to attract the attention of jPtmLdkeToc-00915-00227060-00227312 the cleaners cleaning behaviors have jPtmLdkeToc-00916-00227313-00227494 been observed in a number of fish groups jPtmLdkeToc-00917-00227496-00227681 including an interesting case between jPtmLdkeToc-00918-00227682-00227930 two cichlids of the same genus etro plus jPtmLdkeToc-00919-00227931-00228121 maculatus the cleaner and the much jPtmLdkeToc-00920-00228123-00228779 larger Etro plus Sura tennis jPtmLdkeToc-00921-00228780-00229296 topic immune system jPtmLdkeToc-00922-00229298-00229583 immune organs vary by type of fish in jPtmLdkeToc-00923-00229584-00229842 the jawless fish lampreys and hagfish jPtmLdkeToc-00924-00229844-00230176 true lymphoid organs are absent these jPtmLdkeToc-00925-00230177-00230398 fish rely on regions of lymphoid tissue jPtmLdkeToc-00926-00230398-00230596 within other organs to produce immune jPtmLdkeToc-00927-00230596-00230869 cells for example erythrocytes jPtmLdkeToc-00928-00230869-00231096 macrophages and plasma cells are jPtmLdkeToc-00929-00231098-00231316 produced in the anterior kidney or prone jPtmLdkeToc-00930-00231317-00231507 afros and some areas of the gut where jPtmLdkeToc-00931-00231508-00231703 granulocytes mature they resemble jPtmLdkeToc-00932-00231704-00231930 primitive bone marrow and hagfish jPtmLdkeToc-00933-00231931-00232225 cartilaginous fish sharks and rays have jPtmLdkeToc-00934-00232226-00232480 a more advanced immune system they have jPtmLdkeToc-00935-00232481-00232692 three specialized organs that are unique jPtmLdkeToc-00936-00232694-00232773 to chondrichthyes jPtmLdkeToc-00937-00232775-00232998 the epicotyl organs lymphoid tissues jPtmLdkeToc-00938-00233000-00233200 similar to mammalian bone that surround jPtmLdkeToc-00939-00233201-00233406 the gonads the latex organ within the jPtmLdkeToc-00940-00233407-00233592 walls of their esophagus and a spiral jPtmLdkeToc-00941-00233594-00233854 valve in their intestine these organs jPtmLdkeToc-00942-00233855-00234094 house typical immune cells granulocytes jPtmLdkeToc-00943-00234094-00234381 lymphocytes and plasma cells they also jPtmLdkeToc-00944-00234382-00234628 possess an identifiable thymus and a jPtmLdkeToc-00945-00234629-00234781 well-developed spleen their most jPtmLdkeToc-00946-00234782-00234976 important immune organ where various jPtmLdkeToc-00947-00234977-00235182 lymphocytes plasma cells and macrophages jPtmLdkeToc-00948-00235183-00235516 develop and are stored condors tea and jPtmLdkeToc-00949-00235517-00235744 fish sturgeons paddlefish and Beshear's jPtmLdkeToc-00950-00235744-00235951 possess a major site for the production jPtmLdkeToc-00951-00235952-00236152 of granulocytes within a mass that is jPtmLdkeToc-00952-00236153-00236365 associated with the meninges membranes jPtmLdkeToc-00953-00236366-00236512 surrounding the central nervous system jPtmLdkeToc-00954-00236513-00236716 their heart is frequently covered with jPtmLdkeToc-00955-00236717-00236878 tissue that contains lymphocytes jPtmLdkeToc-00956-00236879-00237079 reticular cells in a small number of jPtmLdkeToc-00957-00237080-00237384 macrophages the Kandra Stian kidney is jPtmLdkeToc-00958-00237385-00237592 an important hemopoietic organ where jPtmLdkeToc-00959-00237592-00237838 erythrocytes granulocytes lymphocytes jPtmLdkeToc-00960-00237839-00238162 and macrophages develop like Kandra ste jPtmLdkeToc-00961-00238163-00238359 and fish the major immune tissues of jPtmLdkeToc-00962-00238360-00238588 bony fish or teleost a include the jPtmLdkeToc-00963-00238589-00238806 kidney especially the anterior kidney jPtmLdkeToc-00964-00238807-00239007 which houses many different immune cells jPtmLdkeToc-00965-00239008-00239317 in addition teleost fish possesseth jPtmLdkeToc-00966-00239317-00239556 thymus spleen and scattered immune areas jPtmLdkeToc-00967-00239557-00239800 within mucosal tissues eg in the skin jPtmLdkeToc-00968-00239801-00240096 gills gut and gonads much like the jPtmLdkeToc-00969-00240098-00240282 mammalian immune system teleost jPtmLdkeToc-00970-00240283-00240456 erythrocytes neutrophils and jPtmLdkeToc-00971-00240457-00240637 granulocytes are believed to reside in jPtmLdkeToc-00972-00240638-00240826 the spleen whereas lymphocytes are the jPtmLdkeToc-00973-00240827-00241094 major cell type found in the thymus in jPtmLdkeToc-00974-00241096-00241390 2006 a lymphatic system similar to that jPtmLdkeToc-00975-00241391-00241603 in mammals was described in one species jPtmLdkeToc-00976-00241604-00241921 of teleost fish the zebrafish although jPtmLdkeToc-00977-00241921-00242104 not confirmed as yet this system jPtmLdkeToc-00978-00242105-00242256 presumably will be where naive jPtmLdkeToc-00979-00242257-00242494 unstimulated T cells accumulate while jPtmLdkeToc-00980-00242494-00242656 waiting to encounter an antigen jPtmLdkeToc-00981-00242657-00242814 B and t-lymphocytes bearing jPtmLdkeToc-00982-00242815-00243037 immunoglobulins and t-cell receptors jPtmLdkeToc-00983-00243038-00243229 respectively are found in all jawed jPtmLdkeToc-00984-00243230-00243505 fishes indeed the adaptive immune system jPtmLdkeToc-00985-00243506-00243763 as a whole evolved in an ancestor of all jPtmLdkeToc-00986-00243764-00244351 jawed vertebrates jPtmLdkeToc-00987-00244352-00244887 topic conservation jPtmLdkeToc-00988-00244888-00245456 the 2006 IUCN Red List names 1173 fish jPtmLdkeToc-00989-00245457-00245592 species that are threatened with jPtmLdkeToc-00990-00245592-00245882 extinction included her species such as jPtmLdkeToc-00991-00245883-00246082 Atlantic cod Devil's Hole pupfish jPtmLdkeToc-00992-00246083-00246299 coelacanths and great white sharks jPtmLdkeToc-00993-00246300-00246560 because fish live underwater they are jPtmLdkeToc-00994-00246561-00246707 more difficult to study than terrestrial jPtmLdkeToc-00995-00246708-00246959 animals and plants and information about jPtmLdkeToc-00996-00246960-00247171 fish populations is often lacking jPtmLdkeToc-00997-00247172-00247406 however freshwater fish seem jPtmLdkeToc-00998-00247407-00247574 particularly threatened because they jPtmLdkeToc-00999-00247575-00247754 often live in relatively small water jPtmLdkeToc-01000-00247755-00248033 bodies for example The Devil's Hole jPtmLdkeToc-01001-00248034-00248282 pupfish occupies only a single three by jPtmLdkeToc-01002-00248283-00248982 six meters 10 by 20 feet pool jPtmLdkeToc-01003-00248983-00249494 topic overfishing jPtmLdkeToc-01004-00249494-00249748 overfishing is a major threat to edible jPtmLdkeToc-01005-00249750-00250028 fish such as Cod and tuna overfishing jPtmLdkeToc-01006-00250029-00250271 eventually causes population known as jPtmLdkeToc-01007-00250271-00250439 stock collapse because the survivors jPtmLdkeToc-01008-00250440-00250640 cannot produce enough young to replace jPtmLdkeToc-01009-00250641-00250919 those removed such commercial extinction jPtmLdkeToc-01010-00250919-00251090 does not mean that the species is jPtmLdkeToc-01011-00251091-00251264 extinct merely that it can no longer jPtmLdkeToc-01012-00251265-00251567 sustain a fishery one well studied jPtmLdkeToc-01013-00251567-00251758 example of fishery collapse as the jPtmLdkeToc-01014-00251759-00251996 pacific sardine satton op sig ax kuru jPtmLdkeToc-01015-00251996-00252196 lose fishery off the California coast jPtmLdkeToc-01016-00252196-00252691 from a 1937 peak of 790,000 long tons jPtmLdkeToc-01017-00252692-00252979 800,000 T the catch steadily declined to jPtmLdkeToc-01018-00252980-00253456 only 24,000 long tons 24,000 T in 1968 jPtmLdkeToc-01019-00253457-00253652 after which the fishery was no longer jPtmLdkeToc-01020-00253653-00253858 economically viable the main tension jPtmLdkeToc-01021-00253859-00254008 between Fisheries science and the jPtmLdkeToc-01022-00254009-00254198 fishing industry is that the two groups jPtmLdkeToc-01023-00254198-00254390 have different views on the resiliency jPtmLdkeToc-01024-00254391-00254596 of fisheries to intensive fishing in jPtmLdkeToc-01025-00254596-00254876 places such as Scotland Newfoundland and jPtmLdkeToc-01026-00254877-00255085 Alaska the fishing industry as a major jPtmLdkeToc-01027-00255086-00255302 employer so governments are predisposed jPtmLdkeToc-01028-00255303-00255529 to support it on the other hand jPtmLdkeToc-01029-00255530-00255773 scientists and conservationists push for jPtmLdkeToc-01030-00255773-00255955 stringent protection warning that many jPtmLdkeToc-01031-00255956-00256139 stocks could be wiped out within 50 jPtmLdkeToc-01032-00256140-00256653 years jPtmLdkeToc-01033-00256654-00257210 topic habitat destruction jPtmLdkeToc-01034-00257211-00257456 a key stress on both freshwater and jPtmLdkeToc-01035-00257457-00257665 marine ecosystems as habitat degradation jPtmLdkeToc-01036-00257666-00257915 including water pollution the building jPtmLdkeToc-01037-00257916-00258137 of dams removal of water for use by jPtmLdkeToc-01038-00258138-00258191 humans jPtmLdkeToc-01039-00258192-00258367 and the introduction of exotic species jPtmLdkeToc-01040-00258369-00258646 an example of a fish that has become jPtmLdkeToc-01041-00258648-00258875 endangered because of habitat change as jPtmLdkeToc-01042-00258876-00259037 the pallid sturgeon a North American jPtmLdkeToc-01043-00259038-00259271 freshwater fish that lives in rivers jPtmLdkeToc-01044-00259271-00259906 damaged by human activity jPtmLdkeToc-01045-00259907-00260471 topic exotic species jPtmLdkeToc-01046-00260472-00260713 introduction of non-native species has jPtmLdkeToc-01047-00260714-00260943 occurred in many habitats one of the jPtmLdkeToc-01048-00260944-00261093 best studied examples is the jPtmLdkeToc-01049-00261094-00261282 introduction of Nile perch into Lake jPtmLdkeToc-01050-00261283-00261594 Victoria in the 1960s Nile perch jPtmLdkeToc-01051-00261595-00261862 gradually exterminated the lakes 500 jPtmLdkeToc-01052-00261863-00262098 endemic cichlid species some of them jPtmLdkeToc-01053-00262099-00262323 survive now in captive breeding programs jPtmLdkeToc-01054-00262324-00262605 but others are probably extinct carp jPtmLdkeToc-01055-00262606-00262902 snakeheads tilapia European perch brown jPtmLdkeToc-01056-00262903-00263142 trout rainbow trout and sea lampreys are jPtmLdkeToc-01057-00263143-00263331 other examples of fish that have caused jPtmLdkeToc-01058-00263332-00263547 problems by being introduced into alien jPtmLdkeToc-01059-00263548-00264122 environments jPtmLdkeToc-01060-00264123-00264700 topic importance to humans jPtmLdkeToc-01061-00264701-00265039 you jPtmLdkeToc-01062-00265040-00265672 topic economic importance throughout jPtmLdkeToc-01063-00265673-00265909 history humans have utilized fish as a jPtmLdkeToc-01064-00265910-00266185 food source historically and today most jPtmLdkeToc-01065-00266186-00266368 fish protein has come by means of jPtmLdkeToc-01066-00266369-00266490 catching wild fish jPtmLdkeToc-01067-00266491-00266785 however aquaculture or fish farming jPtmLdkeToc-01068-00266786-00267000 which has been practiced since about jPtmLdkeToc-01069-00267001-00267304 3500 BCE in China is becoming jPtmLdkeToc-01070-00267305-00267538 increasingly important in many nations jPtmLdkeToc-01071-00267539-00267805 overall about one sixth of the world's jPtmLdkeToc-01072-00267806-00268009 protein is estimated to be provided by jPtmLdkeToc-01073-00268010-00268289 fish that proportion is considerably jPtmLdkeToc-01074-00268290-00268507 elevated in some developing nations and jPtmLdkeToc-01075-00268508-00268717 regions heavily dependent on the sea in jPtmLdkeToc-01076-00268718-00268981 a similar manner fish have been tied to jPtmLdkeToc-01077-00268982-00269278 trade catching fish for the purpose of jPtmLdkeToc-01078-00269279-00269489 food or sport is known as fishing while jPtmLdkeToc-01079-00269490-00269687 the organized effort by humans to catch jPtmLdkeToc-01080-00269688-00269965 fish is called a fishery fisheries are a jPtmLdkeToc-01081-00269966-00270190 huge global business and provide income jPtmLdkeToc-01082-00270191-00270301 for millions of people jPtmLdkeToc-01083-00270302-00270547 the annual yield from all fisheries jPtmLdkeToc-01084-00270548-00270844 worldwide is about 154 million tonnes jPtmLdkeToc-01085-00270845-00271072 with popular species including herring jPtmLdkeToc-01086-00271073-00271392 cod and Cho V tuna flounder and salmon jPtmLdkeToc-01087-00271393-00271648 however the term fishery is broadly jPtmLdkeToc-01088-00271649-00271889 applied and includes more organisms than jPtmLdkeToc-01089-00271890-00272068 just fish such as mollusks and jPtmLdkeToc-01090-00272069-00272302 crustaceans which are often called fish jPtmLdkeToc-01091-00272303-00272901 when used as food jPtmLdkeToc-01092-00272902-00273504 topic recreation fish have been jPtmLdkeToc-01093-00273505-00273699 recognized as a source of beauty for jPtmLdkeToc-01094-00273700-00273870 almost as long as used for food jPtmLdkeToc-01095-00273871-00274085 appearing in cave art being raised as jPtmLdkeToc-01096-00274086-00274302 ornamental fish in ponds and displayed jPtmLdkeToc-01097-00274303-00274569 in aquariums in homes offices or public jPtmLdkeToc-01098-00274570-00274884 settings recreational fishing is fishing jPtmLdkeToc-01099-00274885-00275103 for pleasure or competition it can be jPtmLdkeToc-01100-00275104-00275301 contrasted with commercial fishing which jPtmLdkeToc-01101-00275302-00275559 is fishing for profit the most common jPtmLdkeToc-01102-00275560-00275742 form of recreational fishing is done jPtmLdkeToc-01103-00275743-00276012 with a rod reel line hooks and any one jPtmLdkeToc-01104-00276013-00276285 of a wide range of baits angling is a jPtmLdkeToc-01105-00276286-00276489 method of fishing specifically the jPtmLdkeToc-01106-00276490-00276696 practice of catching fish by means of n jPtmLdkeToc-01107-00276697-00277035 angle hook anglers must select the right jPtmLdkeToc-01108-00277036-00277251 hook cast accurately and retrieve at the jPtmLdkeToc-01109-00277252-00277449 right speed while considering water and jPtmLdkeToc-01110-00277450-00277701 weather conditions species fish response jPtmLdkeToc-01111-00277702-00278377 time of the day and other factors jPtmLdkeToc-01112-00278378-00278831 topic culture jPtmLdkeToc-01113-00278832-00279069 fish themes have symbolic significance jPtmLdkeToc-01114-00279070-00279393 in many religions in ancient Mesopotamia jPtmLdkeToc-01115-00279394-00279573 fish offerings were made to the gods jPtmLdkeToc-01116-00279574-00279849 from the very earliest times fish were jPtmLdkeToc-01117-00279850-00280086 also a major symbol of Enki the god of jPtmLdkeToc-01118-00280087-00280374 water fish frequently appear as filling jPtmLdkeToc-01119-00280375-00280575 motifs and cylinder seals from the old jPtmLdkeToc-01120-00280576-00280931 babylonian sea 1830 BC see jPtmLdkeToc-01121-00280932-00281424 15:31 BC and neo-assyrian 911 BC - 609 jPtmLdkeToc-01122-00281425-00281739 BC periods starting during the Kassite jPtmLdkeToc-01123-00281740-00282312 period C 1600 BC C 1155 BC and lasting jPtmLdkeToc-01124-00282313-00282633 until the early Persian period 550 BC to jPtmLdkeToc-01125-00282634-00282930 330 BC healers and exorcists dressed in jPtmLdkeToc-01126-00282931-00283122 ritual garb resembling the bodies of jPtmLdkeToc-01127-00283123-00283491 fish during the Seleucid period 312 BC jPtmLdkeToc-01128-00283492-00283806 to 63 BC the legendary Babylonian jPtmLdkeToc-01129-00283807-00284094 culture hero Owens described by Burruss jPtmLdkeToc-01130-00284095-00284241 was said to have dressed in the skin of jPtmLdkeToc-01131-00284242-00284526 a fish fish were sacred to the Syrian jPtmLdkeToc-01132-00284527-00284703 goddess a target us and during her jPtmLdkeToc-01133-00284704-00284877 festivals only her priests were jPtmLdkeToc-01134-00284878-00285126 permitted to eat them in the book of jPtmLdkeToc-01135-00285127-00285312 johna a work of Jewish literature jPtmLdkeToc-01136-00285313-00285564 probably written in the 4th century BC jPtmLdkeToc-01137-00285565-00285801 the central figure a prophet named Jonah jPtmLdkeToc-01138-00285802-00286041 is swallowed by a giant fish after being jPtmLdkeToc-01139-00286042-00286203 thrown overboard by the crew of the ship jPtmLdkeToc-01140-00286204-00286512 he is traveling on the fish later vomits jPtmLdkeToc-01141-00286513-00286770 Jonah out on shore after three days this jPtmLdkeToc-01142-00286771-00286971 book was later included as part of the jPtmLdkeToc-01143-00286972-00287196 Hebrew Bible or Christian Old Testament jPtmLdkeToc-01144-00287197-00287385 and a version of the story it contains jPtmLdkeToc-01145-00287386-00287862 as summarized in Sura 37 to 139 - 148 of jPtmLdkeToc-01146-00287863-00288126 the Quran early Christians used the jPtmLdkeToc-01147-00288127-00288357 ictus a symbol of a fish to represent jPtmLdkeToc-01148-00288358-00288534 Jesus because the Greek word for fish jPtmLdkeToc-01149-00288535-00288744 ate the sickness could be used as an jPtmLdkeToc-01150-00288745-00289014 acronym for iesous christos a Ohio's jPtmLdkeToc-01151-00289015-00289368 odor iesous christos deo Julio's sodor jPtmLdkeToc-01152-00289369-00289722 meaning Jesus Christ son of God Saviour jPtmLdkeToc-01153-00289723-00290082 the Gospels also refer to fishers of men jPtmLdkeToc-01154-00290083-00290358 and feeding the multitude in the Dhamma jPtmLdkeToc-01155-00290359-00290589 of Buddhism the fish symbolize happiness jPtmLdkeToc-01156-00290590-00290733 as they have complete freedom of jPtmLdkeToc-01157-00290734-00290997 movement in the water often drawn in the jPtmLdkeToc-01158-00290998-00291180 form of carp which are regarded in the jPtmLdkeToc-01159-00291181-00291348 Orient is sacred on account of their jPtmLdkeToc-01160-00291349-00291687 elegant beauty size and lifespan among jPtmLdkeToc-01161-00291688-00291867 the deities said to take the form of a jPtmLdkeToc-01162-00291868-00292047 fish or a koroa of the pollen jPtmLdkeToc-01163-00292048-00292257 Asians vagin of various ancient Semitic jPtmLdkeToc-01164-00292258-00292482 people's the shark gods of Hawaii and jPtmLdkeToc-01165-00292483-00292782 Matt SIA of the Hindus the astrological jPtmLdkeToc-01166-00292783-00292944 symbol Pisces is based on a jPtmLdkeToc-01167-00292945-00293151 constellation of the same name but there jPtmLdkeToc-01168-00293152-00293370 is also a second fish constellation in jPtmLdkeToc-01169-00293371-00293583 the night sky Pisgah sauce Trina's fish jPtmLdkeToc-01170-00293584-00293745 feature prominently in art and jPtmLdkeToc-01171-00293746-00293943 literature in movies such as Finding jPtmLdkeToc-01172-00293944-00294126 Nemo and books such as the Old Man and jPtmLdkeToc-01173-00294127-00294456 the sea large fish particularly sharks jPtmLdkeToc-01174-00294457-00294633 have frequently been the subject of jPtmLdkeToc-01175-00294634-00294849 horror movies and thrillers most notably jPtmLdkeToc-01176-00294850-00295056 the novel jaws which spawned a series of jPtmLdkeToc-01177-00295057-00295235 films of the same name that in turn jPtmLdkeToc-01178-00295236-00295470 inspired similar films or parodies such jPtmLdkeToc-01179-00295471-00295682 as shark tail and snake head terror jPtmLdkeToc-01180-00295683-00295932 piranhas are shown in a similar light to jPtmLdkeToc-01181-00295933-00296159 sharks in films such as piranha however jPtmLdkeToc-01182-00296160-00296355 contrary to popular belief the jPtmLdkeToc-01183-00296356-00296532 red-bellied piranha is actually a jPtmLdkeToc-01184-00296533-00296748 generally timid scavenger species that jPtmLdkeToc-01185-00296749-00297030 is unlikely to harm humans legends of jPtmLdkeToc-01186-00297031-00297219 half-human half-fish mermaids have jPtmLdkeToc-01187-00297220-00297390 featured in folklore including the jPtmLdkeToc-01188-00297391-00298085 stories of Hans Christian Andersen jPtmLdkeToc-01189-00298086-00298622 topic terminology jPtmLdkeToc-01190-00298623-00298964 you jPtmLdkeToc-01191-00298965-00299505 topic fish are fishes jPtmLdkeToc-01192-00299506-00299724 though often used interchangeably in jPtmLdkeToc-01193-00299725-00299880 biology these words have different jPtmLdkeToc-01194-00299881-00300177 meanings fish is used as a singular noun jPtmLdkeToc-01195-00300178-00300402 or as a plural to describe multiple jPtmLdkeToc-01196-00300403-00300705 individuals from a single species fishes jPtmLdkeToc-01197-00300706-00300918 is used to describe different species or jPtmLdkeToc-01198-00300919-00301134 species groups thus a pond that jPtmLdkeToc-01199-00301135-00301335 contained a single species might be said jPtmLdkeToc-01200-00301336-00301659 to contain 120 fish but if the pond jPtmLdkeToc-01201-00301660-00301941 contained a total of 120 fish from three jPtmLdkeToc-01202-00301942-00302127 different species it would be said to jPtmLdkeToc-01203-00302128-00302406 contain three fishes the distinction is jPtmLdkeToc-01204-00302407-00302571 similar to that between people and jPtmLdkeToc-01205-00302572-00303067 peoples jPtmLdkeToc-01206-00303068-00303635 topic true fish and fin fish jPtmLdkeToc-01207-00303636-00303888 in biology the term fish is most jPtmLdkeToc-01208-00303889-00304085 strictly used to describe any animal jPtmLdkeToc-01209-00304086-00304220 with a backbone that has gills jPtmLdkeToc-01210-00304221-00304437 throughout life and has limbs if any in jPtmLdkeToc-01211-00304438-00304737 the shape of fins many types of aquatic jPtmLdkeToc-01212-00304738-00304982 animals with common names ending in fish jPtmLdkeToc-01213-00304983-00305193 are not fish in this sense jPtmLdkeToc-01214-00305194-00305420 examples include shellfish cuttlefish jPtmLdkeToc-01215-00305421-00305680 starfish crayfish and jellyfish in jPtmLdkeToc-01216-00305681-00305988 earlier times even biologists did not jPtmLdkeToc-01217-00305989-00306296 make a distinction 16th century natural jPtmLdkeToc-01218-00306297-00306553 historians classified also seals whales jPtmLdkeToc-01219-00306554-00306795 amphibians crocodiles even jPtmLdkeToc-01220-00306796-00306998 hippopotamuses as well as a host of jPtmLdkeToc-01221-00306999-00307238 aquatic invertebrates as fish in jPtmLdkeToc-01222-00307239-00307496 fisheries the term fish is used as a jPtmLdkeToc-01223-00307497-00307703 collective term and includes mollusks jPtmLdkeToc-01224-00307704-00307928 crustaceans and any aquatic animal which jPtmLdkeToc-01225-00307929-00308231 is harvested the strict biological jPtmLdkeToc-01226-00308232-00308459 definition of a fish above is sometimes jPtmLdkeToc-01227-00308460-00308735 called a true fish true fish are also jPtmLdkeToc-01228-00308736-00308957 referred to as fin fish or fin fish to jPtmLdkeToc-01229-00308958-00309141 distinguish them from other aquatic life jPtmLdkeToc-01230-00309142-00309841 harvested in fisheries or aquaculture jPtmLdkeToc-01231-00309842-00310382 topic show lore school jPtmLdkeToc-01232-00310383-00310628 a random assemblage of fish merely using jPtmLdkeToc-01233-00310629-00310841 some localized resource such as food or jPtmLdkeToc-01234-00310842-00311036 nesting sites is known simply as an jPtmLdkeToc-01235-00311037-00311309 aggregation when fish come together in jPtmLdkeToc-01236-00311310-00311516 an interactive social grouping then they jPtmLdkeToc-01237-00311517-00311678 may be forming either a shoal or a jPtmLdkeToc-01238-00311679-00311828 school depending on the degree of jPtmLdkeToc-01239-00311829-00312098 organization a shoal is a loosely jPtmLdkeToc-01240-00312099-00312305 organized group where each fish swims jPtmLdkeToc-01241-00312306-00312500 and forages independently but as jPtmLdkeToc-01242-00312501-00312680 attracted to other members of the group jPtmLdkeToc-01243-00312681-00312872 and adjusts its behavior such as jPtmLdkeToc-01244-00312873-00313067 swimming speed so that it remains close jPtmLdkeToc-01245-00313068-00313225 to the other members of the group jPtmLdkeToc-01246-00313226-00313481 schools of fish are much more tightly jPtmLdkeToc-01247-00313482-00313682 organized synchronizing their swimming jPtmLdkeToc-01248-00313683-00313835 so that all fish move at the same speed jPtmLdkeToc-01249-00313836-00314126 and in the same direction shoaling and jPtmLdkeToc-01250-00314127-00314282 schooling behavior is believed to jPtmLdkeToc-01251-00314283-00314584 provide a variety of advantages examples jPtmLdkeToc-01252-00314585-00314834 cichlids congregating at lekking sites jPtmLdkeToc-01253-00314835-00315128 form an aggregation many minnows and jPtmLdkeToc-01254-00315129-00315437 Karis ins form shoals and Jovi's jPtmLdkeToc-01255-00315438-00315653 herrings and silversides are classic jPtmLdkeToc-01256-00315654-00315839 examples of schooling fish while the jPtmLdkeToc-01257-00315840-00316259 words school and shoal have different jPtmLdkeToc-01258-00316260-00316478 meanings within biology the distinctions jPtmLdkeToc-01259-00316479-00316691 are often ignored by non-specialists who jPtmLdkeToc-01260-00316692-00316829 treat the words as synonyms jPtmLdkeToc-01261-00316830-00317036 thus speakers of British English jPtmLdkeToc-01262-00317037-00317357 commonly use shoal to describe any jPtmLdkeToc-01263-00317358-00317543 grouping of fish and speakers of jPtmLdkeToc-01264-00317544-00317789 American English commonly use school jPtmLdkeToc-01265-00317790-00318416 just as loosely jPtmLdkeToc-01266-00318417-00318949 topic see also jPtmLdkeToc-01267-00318950-00319303 equals equals nodes jQQzg5406AI-00000-00000008-00000335 attention home sellers jQQzg5406AI-00001-00000336-00000638 did you know that you don't get a second jQQzg5406AI-00002-00000639-00000743 chance to make a jQQzg5406AI-00003-00000744-00000935 great first impression with a possible jQQzg5406AI-00004-00000936-00001135 buyer of your home jQQzg5406AI-00005-00001136-00002055 stay tuned jQQzg5406AI-00006-00002056-00002255 welcome to step into the valley with jQQzg5406AI-00007-00002256-00002510 katrina dew at the three-step realty jQQzg5406AI-00008-00002511-00002550 group jQQzg5406AI-00009-00002551-00002718 in today's episode we're going to be jQQzg5406AI-00010-00002719-00002934 talking to you future home jQQzg5406AI-00011-00002935-00003215 sellers who want to put your home on the jQQzg5406AI-00012-00003215-00003270 market jQQzg5406AI-00013-00003271-00003622 because did you know that you don't get jQQzg5406AI-00014-00003623-00003903 a second chance to make a good first jQQzg5406AI-00015-00003904-00003983 impression jQQzg5406AI-00016-00003984-00004359 with that possible buyer for your home jQQzg5406AI-00017-00004360-00004606 and if you're in a seller's market you jQQzg5406AI-00018-00004607-00004719 could be thinking jQQzg5406AI-00019-00004720-00004879 well what does that matter homes are jQQzg5406AI-00020-00004880-00005079 selling so fast as soon as i see my jQQzg5406AI-00021-00005080-00005222 neighbor's house go on the market jQQzg5406AI-00022-00005223-00005511 there's a sold sign on it well it does jQQzg5406AI-00023-00005512-00005583 matter for that jQQzg5406AI-00024-00005584-00005735 and even more so if you're in a buyer's jQQzg5406AI-00025-00005736-00005863 market because you want the buyer's jQQzg5406AI-00026-00005864-00006038 attention on your home jQQzg5406AI-00027-00006039-00006295 now why if you're in a seller's market jQQzg5406AI-00028-00006296-00006414 do you want to make that good first jQQzg5406AI-00029-00006415-00006559 impression because jQQzg5406AI-00030-00006559-00006791 you want all of the buyers attention on jQQzg5406AI-00031-00006792-00006975 you so you can get as many offers as you jQQzg5406AI-00032-00006976-00007046 can jQQzg5406AI-00033-00007047-00007278 and you want that buyer to pay you top jQQzg5406AI-00034-00007279-00007446 dollar regardless of jQQzg5406AI-00035-00007447-00007703 a seller's market or a buyer's market jQQzg5406AI-00036-00007704-00007895 you want top dollar for your home jQQzg5406AI-00037-00007895-00008119 so how do you make that good first jQQzg5406AI-00038-00008120-00008255 impression jQQzg5406AI-00039-00008256-00008614 well first where do buyers very very jQQzg5406AI-00040-00008615-00008967 first see your home online jQQzg5406AI-00041-00008968-00009199 with a picture before they decide they jQQzg5406AI-00042-00009200-00009383 want to come see your home jQQzg5406AI-00043-00009384-00009631 so that would lead us to say your first jQQzg5406AI-00044-00009632-00009799 impression is going to be with those jQQzg5406AI-00045-00009800-00009895 pictures jQQzg5406AI-00046-00009896-00010167 it's really important that what you do jQQzg5406AI-00047-00010168-00010214 is jQQzg5406AI-00048-00010215-00010519 you prepare your home as show ready as jQQzg5406AI-00049-00010520-00010599 possible jQQzg5406AI-00050-00010600-00010759 as if someone's going to walk through jQQzg5406AI-00051-00010760-00010927 your home and get it ready for those jQQzg5406AI-00052-00010928-00011014 pictures jQQzg5406AI-00053-00011015-00011263 that means getting it decluttered jQQzg5406AI-00054-00011264-00011351 getting it jQQzg5406AI-00055-00011352-00011591 prepped getting it clean everything you jQQzg5406AI-00056-00011592-00011727 need to do jQQzg5406AI-00057-00011728-00011991 and then make sure that your real estate jQQzg5406AI-00058-00011992-00012078 broker jQQzg5406AI-00059-00012079-00012246 is bringing in a good quality jQQzg5406AI-00060-00012247-00012383 photographer that's going to take good jQQzg5406AI-00061-00012384-00012455 pictures jQQzg5406AI-00062-00012456-00012670 and they're not just walking around with jQQzg5406AI-00063-00012671-00012838 their phones i mean i know our iphones jQQzg5406AI-00064-00012839-00012958 or smartphones are jQQzg5406AI-00065-00012959-00013199 fantastic but you want a skilled jQQzg5406AI-00066-00013200-00013294 photographer jQQzg5406AI-00067-00013295-00013558 getting the best shots and lighting for jQQzg5406AI-00068-00013559-00013766 your pictures of your home jQQzg5406AI-00069-00013768-00013966 and then of course right now a great jQQzg5406AI-00070-00013968-00014071 thing to do jQQzg5406AI-00071-00014072-00014351 is the 360 virtual tour so buyers get a jQQzg5406AI-00072-00014352-00014415 chance to jQQzg5406AI-00073-00014416-00014719 walk through your home virtually and jQQzg5406AI-00074-00014719-00014863 that's where they start falling in love jQQzg5406AI-00075-00014863-00014983 with your home that's the first jQQzg5406AI-00076-00014984-00015111 impression jQQzg5406AI-00077-00015112-00015263 and then they decide to come to your jQQzg5406AI-00078-00015263-00015438 home or what if jQQzg5406AI-00079-00015440-00015622 they don't see it online and their agent jQQzg5406AI-00080-00015623-00015758 says i want you to see this home and jQQzg5406AI-00081-00015759-00015855 they just take them jQQzg5406AI-00082-00015856-00016079 to your house so your first impression jQQzg5406AI-00083-00016080-00016230 is curb appeal jQQzg5406AI-00084-00016231-00016471 or when they walk in your home make sure jQQzg5406AI-00085-00016472-00016775 it's beautifully ready for them jQQzg5406AI-00086-00016776-00016999 all of your dishes are put away all your jQQzg5406AI-00087-00017000-00017135 laundry is put away and you don't have jQQzg5406AI-00088-00017136-00017286 it hanging out in your wash machine or jQQzg5406AI-00089-00017287-00017527 dryer still running jQQzg5406AI-00090-00017528-00017855 make sure you give the buyer space and jQQzg5406AI-00091-00017856-00018199 of course does the home jQQzg5406AI-00092-00018200-00018511 smell fresh when they walk in jQQzg5406AI-00093-00018512-00018807 it is very important that you give your jQQzg5406AI-00094-00018808-00018855 first jQQzg5406AI-00095-00018856-00019103 impression a great one to that possible jQQzg5406AI-00096-00019104-00019222 buyer for your home jQQzg5406AI-00097-00019223-00019519 that way you can get top dollar for your jQQzg5406AI-00098-00019520-00019567 home jQQzg5406AI-00099-00019568-00019743 no matter what kind of market you're in jQQzg5406AI-00100-00019744-00019871 sellers or buyers jQQzg5406AI-00101-00019872-00020014 so if you're thinking about selling your jQQzg5406AI-00102-00020015-00020239 home give us a call the number below jQQzg5406AI-00103-00020240-00020527 we would be honored to walk you through jQQzg5406AI-00104-00020528-00020599 how to make jQQzg5406AI-00105-00020600-00020903 your home put its best foot forward jQQzg5406AI-00106-00020904-00021078 in the meantime subscribe to our youtube jQQzg5406AI-00107-00021079-00021239 channel because every friday we get a jQQzg5406AI-00108-00021240-00021335 new video out jQQzg5406AI-00109-00021336-00022208 for you jRxv-5GNhug-00000-00000028-00001491 [Music] jRxv-5GNhug-00001-00001492-00001854 so jRxv-5GNhug-00002-00001855-00002079 [Music] jRxv-5GNhug-00003-00002080-00002423 hello students today we are going to the jRxv-5GNhug-00004-00002424-00002799 third portion of the solid state jRxv-5GNhug-00005-00002800-00003007 so in this topic we are going to discuss jRxv-5GNhug-00006-00003008-00003191 about the jRxv-5GNhug-00007-00003192-00003503 lattice crystal lattice and the unit jRxv-5GNhug-00008-00003504-00003590 cell jRxv-5GNhug-00009-00003592-00003927 so what is a crystal lattice so crystal jRxv-5GNhug-00010-00003928-00003990 lattice jRxv-5GNhug-00011-00003992-00004351 is the regular and repeating jRxv-5GNhug-00012-00004352-00004791 a portion of constituent particles jRxv-5GNhug-00013-00004792-00005163 so regular and repeating a portion of jRxv-5GNhug-00014-00005164-00005483 constituent particles in jRxv-5GNhug-00015-00005484-00005767 three-dimensional arrangement is called jRxv-5GNhug-00016-00005768-00006031 as a crystal lattice so we know already jRxv-5GNhug-00017-00006032-00006327 the solid matter can exist in a form jRxv-5GNhug-00018-00006328-00006399 that jRxv-5GNhug-00019-00006400-00006614 all the constraint particles are jRxv-5GNhug-00020-00006615-00006719 arranged in a jRxv-5GNhug-00021-00006720-00007063 regular pattern only so this regular jRxv-5GNhug-00022-00007064-00007151 pattern is jRxv-5GNhug-00023-00007152-00007455 arranged in a three dimensional so that jRxv-5GNhug-00024-00007456-00007519 portion jRxv-5GNhug-00025-00007520-00007870 is named as a crystal lattice jRxv-5GNhug-00026-00007872-00008095 so in the crystal lattice each jRxv-5GNhug-00027-00008095-00008191 constituent jRxv-5GNhug-00028-00008192-00008510 particle is named as a lattice point jRxv-5GNhug-00029-00008511-00008831 or lattice site jRxv-5GNhug-00030-00008832-00009183 when these lattice sides are arranged jRxv-5GNhug-00031-00009184-00009527 or joined by a straight line to bring jRxv-5GNhug-00032-00009528-00009599 out the jRxv-5GNhug-00033-00009600-00009910 total or entire crystal lattice jRxv-5GNhug-00034-00009911-00010206 and the second one unit cell so the jRxv-5GNhug-00035-00010207-00010287 smallest jRxv-5GNhug-00036-00010288-00010591 portion of a crystal lattice the jRxv-5GNhug-00037-00010592-00010735 smallest portion of jRxv-5GNhug-00038-00010736-00011055 a crystal lattice which when jRxv-5GNhug-00039-00011056-00011414 repeated in three dimensional when jRxv-5GNhug-00040-00011415-00011663 repeated in three dimensional generate jRxv-5GNhug-00041-00011664-00011695 the jRxv-5GNhug-00042-00011696-00011999 entire crystal lattice jRxv-5GNhug-00043-00012000-00012327 that smallest portion is named as a jRxv-5GNhug-00044-00012328-00012567 unit cell in the figure we are showing jRxv-5GNhug-00045-00012568-00012863 that a crystal lattice and jRxv-5GNhug-00046-00012863-00013102 a unit cell which is separated from the jRxv-5GNhug-00047-00013103-00013399 crystal lattice or unit cell which is jRxv-5GNhug-00048-00013400-00013711 present in the crystal lattice so in jRxv-5GNhug-00049-00013712-00013815 figure jRxv-5GNhug-00050-00013816-00014255 here the a b c are the edges of a unit jRxv-5GNhug-00051-00014256-00014335 cell jRxv-5GNhug-00052-00014336-00014647 and the alpha beta gamma are the angles jRxv-5GNhug-00053-00014647-00014735 between the jRxv-5GNhug-00054-00014736-00015135 edges so here a b c are the edges of a jRxv-5GNhug-00055-00015136-00015247 unit cell jRxv-5GNhug-00056-00015247-00015479 we are indicated that alpha angle is jRxv-5GNhug-00057-00015480-00015583 present between jRxv-5GNhug-00058-00015584-00015919 bc edge and beta angle present between jRxv-5GNhug-00059-00015919-00016055 ac edge jRxv-5GNhug-00060-00016056-00016463 and gamma angle present between a b h jRxv-5GNhug-00061-00016464-00016950 so these three edges a b c jRxv-5GNhug-00062-00016951-00017286 and the three angles alpha beta jRxv-5GNhug-00063-00017287-00017647 gamma all these six jRxv-5GNhug-00064-00017648-00017983 are named as a parameters of jRxv-5GNhug-00065-00017984-00018350 unit cell so based on the parameters of jRxv-5GNhug-00066-00018351-00018663 unit cell abc edges and jRxv-5GNhug-00067-00018664-00019014 alpha beta gamma angles number of jRxv-5GNhug-00068-00019015-00019358 unit cells are possible generally jRxv-5GNhug-00069-00019359-00019683 unit cells can be divided into four jRxv-5GNhug-00070-00019684-00019799 categories jRxv-5GNhug-00071-00019800-00020094 generally unit cells can be divided into jRxv-5GNhug-00072-00020095-00020239 four categories jRxv-5GNhug-00073-00020240-00020543 the first one is named as a primitive jRxv-5GNhug-00074-00020544-00020855 unit cell which is indicated as a jRxv-5GNhug-00075-00020856-00021158 p and the second one body jRxv-5GNhug-00076-00021159-00021478 centered unit cell which may written as jRxv-5GNhug-00077-00021479-00021630 a bcc jRxv-5GNhug-00078-00021631-00022063 body centered unit cell jRxv-5GNhug-00079-00022064-00022335 and the third one phase centered unit jRxv-5GNhug-00080-00022336-00022535 cell which may indicated as a jRxv-5GNhug-00081-00022536-00022878 fcc and the fourth one end jRxv-5GNhug-00082-00022879-00023167 centered unit cell which may indicate as jRxv-5GNhug-00083-00023168-00023191 a jRxv-5GNhug-00084-00023192-00023607 icc so how these are present jRxv-5GNhug-00085-00023608-00023919 so primitive unit cell so generally unit jRxv-5GNhug-00086-00023920-00024207 cell is looks like a cubic structure jRxv-5GNhug-00087-00024208-00024550 so in a queue we have eight corners jRxv-5GNhug-00088-00024551-00024927 and six faces so just look here jRxv-5GNhug-00089-00024928-00025271 one two three four five six seven jRxv-5GNhug-00090-00025272-00025527 eight these are the eight corners and jRxv-5GNhug-00091-00025528-00025591 the left jRxv-5GNhug-00092-00025592-00025894 one right one jRxv-5GNhug-00093-00025895-00026239 front one back one down one and up jRxv-5GNhug-00094-00026239-00026583 one so these are indicated as a faces jRxv-5GNhug-00095-00026583-00026823 of the unit cell if the constituent jRxv-5GNhug-00096-00026824-00026999 particles are present jRxv-5GNhug-00097-00027000-00027399 at the corners positions only jRxv-5GNhug-00098-00027400-00027695 that type of unit cell is named as a jRxv-5GNhug-00099-00027695-00027774 primitive jRxv-5GNhug-00100-00027775-00028095 unit cell so that indicates jRxv-5GNhug-00101-00028095-00028407 in a primitive unit cell the constituent jRxv-5GNhug-00102-00028408-00028567 particles are present jRxv-5GNhug-00103-00028568-00028902 at the corners of the cube only jRxv-5GNhug-00104-00028904-00029270 or corners of the unit cell only here jRxv-5GNhug-00105-00029272-00029551 shown like this so this is the primitive jRxv-5GNhug-00106-00029552-00029823 units jRxv-5GNhug-00107-00029824-00030135 and the second one body centered unit jRxv-5GNhug-00108-00030136-00030214 cell jRxv-5GNhug-00109-00030216-00030574 so in this type of unit cell jRxv-5GNhug-00110-00030575-00030951 the constant particles present jRxv-5GNhug-00111-00030952-00031223 at the eight corners along with eight jRxv-5GNhug-00112-00031224-00031367 corners jRxv-5GNhug-00113-00031368-00031790 one is present at the center of the cube jRxv-5GNhug-00114-00031791-00032118 so that the name is given as a body jRxv-5GNhug-00115-00032119-00032535 center so the ninth one is present jRxv-5GNhug-00116-00032536-00032815 at the center of the so third one face jRxv-5GNhug-00117-00032816-00032974 centered unit cell jRxv-5GNhug-00118-00032975-00033231 so in this type of unit cell the jRxv-5GNhug-00119-00033232-00033399 constituent particles jRxv-5GNhug-00120-00033400-00033702 present at the eight corners of the jRxv-5GNhug-00121-00033703-00034102 cube and then one constant particle jRxv-5GNhug-00122-00034103-00034446 is present at the center of each face jRxv-5GNhug-00123-00034447-00034695 so we can write the structure like this jRxv-5GNhug-00124-00034696-00034815 so here the left jRxv-5GNhug-00125-00034816-00035262 face the center of one constant particle jRxv-5GNhug-00126-00035263-00035630 here the right face which contains jRxv-5GNhug-00127-00035631-00036039 another constant particle here down face jRxv-5GNhug-00128-00036040-00036415 contains another particle here up face jRxv-5GNhug-00129-00036416-00036671 contains another particle constant jRxv-5GNhug-00130-00036672-00036774 particle jRxv-5GNhug-00131-00036775-00037111 so here front face contains another jRxv-5GNhug-00132-00037112-00037430 particle and here this is back face jRxv-5GNhug-00133-00037431-00037790 contains another particles so all these jRxv-5GNhug-00134-00037791-00037846 are jRxv-5GNhug-00135-00037847-00038223 connected to each of the constant jRxv-5GNhug-00136-00038224-00038543 particle so that jRxv-5GNhug-00137-00038544-00038959 indicates in this face centered jRxv-5GNhug-00138-00038960-00039327 unit cell constituent jRxv-5GNhug-00139-00039328-00039615 particles present at the eight corners jRxv-5GNhug-00140-00039616-00039743 along with the six jRxv-5GNhug-00141-00039744-00040143 phases total fourteen constant particles jRxv-5GNhug-00142-00040144-00040335 or fourteen lattice situs jRxv-5GNhug-00143-00040336-00040687 sites are present in face centered jRxv-5GNhug-00144-00040688-00040999 unit cell and the fourth one jRxv-5GNhug-00145-00041000-00041343 end centered unit cell so in this type jRxv-5GNhug-00146-00041344-00041479 of unit cell jRxv-5GNhug-00147-00041480-00041735 the constituent particles present at the jRxv-5GNhug-00148-00041736-00041895 eight corners jRxv-5GNhug-00149-00041896-00042215 along with any of the two opposite faces jRxv-5GNhug-00150-00042216-00042574 contains two center jRxv-5GNhug-00151-00042575-00042983 constituent particles so consider here jRxv-5GNhug-00152-00042984-00043327 left or right faces or jRxv-5GNhug-00153-00043328-00043671 a face or down face or front face or jRxv-5GNhug-00154-00043672-00043774 back face jRxv-5GNhug-00155-00043775-00044127 any of the two opposite faces contains jRxv-5GNhug-00156-00044128-00044430 a center of constituent particles so jRxv-5GNhug-00157-00044431-00044543 these are the jRxv-5GNhug-00158-00044544-00044871 types of unit cell so based on the six jRxv-5GNhug-00159-00044872-00045158 parameters there are seven primitive jRxv-5GNhug-00160-00045159-00045446 cubic unit cells are present jRxv-5GNhug-00161-00045447-00045871 which are named as a cubic jRxv-5GNhug-00162-00045872-00047143 trigonal orthorhombic jRxv-5GNhug-00163-00047144-00047567 mono clinic and tri clinic jRxv-5GNhug-00164-00047568-00047871 so based on the six parameters jRxv-5GNhug-00165-00047872-00048279 abc and alpha beta gamma jRxv-5GNhug-00166-00048280-00048671 there are 14 unit cells are possible jRxv-5GNhug-00167-00048672-00049030 these 14 unit cells are named as a jRxv-5GNhug-00168-00049031-00050680 14 brave yes lattices jTo4N6haYuy-00000-00002333-00002856 [Music] jTo4N6haYuy-00002-00010112-00012006 yes jTo4N6haYuy-00003-00012007-00013158 [Music] jTo4N6haYuy-00004-00013159-00013408 nylon procedure at some Adonijah jTo4N6haYuy-00005-00013409-00013633 Ortolani homage are only to the typical jTo4N6haYuy-00006-00013634-00013912 mo mo be bullshittin toward optimum and jTo4N6haYuy-00007-00013913-00014275 carbo Musa we do yoga - track en vogue jTo4N6haYuy-00008-00014276-00014488 in Agadir richland which will push it jTo4N6haYuy-00009-00014488-00014832 penis yo corner just pushes the llama jTo4N6haYuy-00010-00014833-00015284 Galligan it Varela walsh con una persona jTo4N6haYuy-00011-00015285-00015874 [Music] jTo4N6haYuy-00012-00015875-00016081 you jYjwQDMxTcE-00000-00000079-00000304 [Music] jYjwQDMxTcE-00001-00000305-00000542 hi I'm fat Hartman at the Topeka and jYjwQDMxTcE-00002-00000543-00000716 Shawnee County Public Library and we're jYjwQDMxTcE-00003-00000717-00000928 excited to offer curbside pickup to all jYjwQDMxTcE-00004-00000929-00001493 of our customers all you need to do is jYjwQDMxTcE-00005-00001494-00001727 place an item on reserve online or give jYjwQDMxTcE-00006-00001728-00001889 us a call and we'll pull something for jYjwQDMxTcE-00007-00001889-00002447 you when the item is ready we'll send jYjwQDMxTcE-00008-00002448-00002590 you an email jYjwQDMxTcE-00009-00002591-00002974 [Music] jYjwQDMxTcE-00010-00002975-00003328 just come to the library give us a call jYjwQDMxTcE-00011-00003329-00003454 when you're here and we'll bring the jYjwQDMxTcE-00012-00003454-00003688 item out to your vehicle for you jYjwQDMxTcE-00013-00003689-00004061 [Music] jYjwQDMxTcE-00014-00004061-00004226 you jYjwQDMxTcE-00015-00004227-00005234 [Music] jZyU_wOzrYA-00000-00000077-00000305 atmospheric pressure chemical ionization jZyU_wOzrYA-00001-00000306-00000703 a PCI is an ionization method used in jZyU_wOzrYA-00002-00000704-00000935 mass spectrometry which utilizes gas jZyU_wOzrYA-00003-00000936-00001190 phase I on Molly cool reactions at jZyU_wOzrYA-00004-00001191-00001511 atmospheric pressure 105 Pascal's jZyU_wOzrYA-00005-00001512-00001676 commonly coupled with high-performance jZyU_wOzrYA-00006-00001677-00002201 liquid chromatography HPLC APC I as a jZyU_wOzrYA-00007-00002202-00002429 soft ionization method similar to jZyU_wOzrYA-00008-00002430-00002711 chemical ionization where primary ions jZyU_wOzrYA-00009-00002712-00003023 are produced on a solvent spray the main jZyU_wOzrYA-00010-00003024-00003290 usage of a PCI is for polar and jZyU_wOzrYA-00011-00003290-00003524 relatively less polar thermally stable jZyU_wOzrYA-00012-00003525-00003722 compounds with molecular weight less jZyU_wOzrYA-00013-00003722-00004181 than 1500 dolphins the application of a jZyU_wOzrYA-00014-00004182-00004490 PCI with HPLC has gained a large jZyU_wOzrYA-00015-00004491-00004778 popularity in trace analysis detection jZyU_wOzrYA-00016-00004779-00005063 such as steroids pesticides and also in jZyU_wOzrYA-00017-00005064-00005822 pharmacology for drug metabolites jZyU_wOzrYA-00018-00005823-00006436 topic instrument structure jZyU_wOzrYA-00019-00006437-00006794 a typical APC I usually consists of jZyU_wOzrYA-00020-00006795-00007076 three main parts a nebulizer probe which jZyU_wOzrYA-00021-00007077-00007409 can be heated to 350 to 500 degrees jZyU_wOzrYA-00022-00007409-00007663 Celsius an ionization region with a jZyU_wOzrYA-00023-00007664-00007898 corona discharge needle and an ion jZyU_wOzrYA-00024-00007898-00008098 transfer region under intermediate jZyU_wOzrYA-00025-00008100-00008405 pressure the analyte in solution is jZyU_wOzrYA-00026-00008406-00008653 introduced from a direct Inlet probe or jZyU_wOzrYA-00027-00008654-00008966 a liquid chromatography LC eluate into a jZyU_wOzrYA-00028-00008967-00009310 pneumatic nebulizer with a flow rate 0.2 jZyU_wOzrYA-00029-00009311-00009667 to 2.0 milliliters per minute in the jZyU_wOzrYA-00030-00009668-00009958 heated nebulizer the analyte coaxially jZyU_wOzrYA-00031-00009959-00010205 flows with nebulizer and to gas to jZyU_wOzrYA-00032-00010206-00010523 produce a mist of fine droplets by the jZyU_wOzrYA-00033-00010524-00010774 combination effects of heat and gas flow jZyU_wOzrYA-00034-00010775-00011038 the emerged mist is converted into a gas jZyU_wOzrYA-00035-00011039-00011353 stream once the gas stream arrives in jZyU_wOzrYA-00036-00011354-00011539 the ionization region under atmospheric jZyU_wOzrYA-00037-00011540-00011858 pressure molecules are ionized at Corona jZyU_wOzrYA-00038-00011859-00012130 discharge which is two to three kilo jZyU_wOzrYA-00039-00012131-00012346 volts potential different to the exit jZyU_wOzrYA-00040-00012347-00012688 counter electrode sample ions then pass jZyU_wOzrYA-00041-00012689-00012910 through a small orifice skimmer into the jZyU_wOzrYA-00042-00012911-00013219 ion transfer region ions may be jZyU_wOzrYA-00043-00013220-00013436 transported through additional skimmer jZyU_wOzrYA-00044-00013437-00013678 or ion focusing lenses into a mass jZyU_wOzrYA-00045-00013679-00014486 analyzer for subsequent mass analysis jZyU_wOzrYA-00046-00014487-00015129 topic ionization mechanism jZyU_wOzrYA-00047-00015130-00015460 ionization in the gas phase by a pci jZyU_wOzrYA-00048-00015461-00015775 follows the sequences sample in solution jZyU_wOzrYA-00049-00015776-00016119 sample vapor and sample ions the jZyU_wOzrYA-00050-00016121-00016414 effluent from the HPLC is evaporated jZyU_wOzrYA-00051-00016415-00016684 completely the mixture of solvent and jZyU_wOzrYA-00052-00016685-00016936 sample vapor is then ionized by ion jZyU_wOzrYA-00053-00016937-00017212 molecule reaction the ionization can jZyU_wOzrYA-00054-00017213-00017413 either be carried out in positive or jZyU_wOzrYA-00055-00017414-00017716 negative ionization mode in the positive jZyU_wOzrYA-00056-00017717-00017995 mode the relative proton affinities of jZyU_wOzrYA-00057-00017996-00018178 the reactant ions and the gaseous jZyU_wOzrYA-00058-00018179-00018421 analyte molecules allow either proton jZyU_wOzrYA-00059-00018422-00018655 transfer or reduction of reactant gas jZyU_wOzrYA-00060-00018656-00018952 ions to produce the ions m plus h plus jZyU_wOzrYA-00061-00018953-00019273 of the molecular species in the negative jZyU_wOzrYA-00062-00019274-00019555 mode m minus h minus ions are produced jZyU_wOzrYA-00063-00019556-00019885 by either proton abstraction or M plus X jZyU_wOzrYA-00064-00019886-00020122 minus ions are produced by an ion jZyU_wOzrYA-00065-00020123-00020220 attachment jZyU_wOzrYA-00066-00020221-00020623 most work on the APC IMS analysis has jZyU_wOzrYA-00067-00020624-00020929 been in positive mode in the positive jZyU_wOzrYA-00068-00020930-00021163 mode when the discharge current of jZyU_wOzrYA-00069-00021164-00021418 Corona discharges one to five micro jZyU_wOzrYA-00070-00021419-00021679 amperes on the nebulized solvent and two jZyU_wOzrYA-00071-00021680-00021937 gas molecules are excited and ionized jZyU_wOzrYA-00072-00021938-00022324 which produce n 4 plus asterisk the jZyU_wOzrYA-00073-00022325-00022600 evaporated mobile phase of LC acts as jZyU_wOzrYA-00074-00022601-00022915 the ionization gas and reactant ions if jZyU_wOzrYA-00075-00022916-00023155 water is the only solvent in the jZyU_wOzrYA-00076-00023156-00023401 evaporated mobile phase the excited jZyU_wOzrYA-00077-00023402-00023674 nitrogen molecular ions n 4 plus jZyU_wOzrYA-00078-00023675-00023980 asterisk would react with h2o molecules jZyU_wOzrYA-00079-00023981-00024346 to produce water cluster ions h plus h2o jZyU_wOzrYA-00080-00024347-00024721 n then analyte molecules em are jZyU_wOzrYA-00081-00024722-00025008 protonated by the water cluster ions jZyU_wOzrYA-00082-00025009-00025369 finally the ionization products M h plus jZyU_wOzrYA-00083-00025370-00025720 h2o M transfer out from the atmospheric jZyU_wOzrYA-00084-00025720-00026109 pressure ion source D clustering removal jZyU_wOzrYA-00085-00026110-00026344 of water molecules from the protonated jZyU_wOzrYA-00086-00026345-00026767 analyte molecule of M H plus h2o M takes jZyU_wOzrYA-00087-00026768-00026964 place at the high vacuum of the mass jZyU_wOzrYA-00088-00026966-00027313 analyzer the analyte molecule ions jZyU_wOzrYA-00089-00027314-00027712 detected by M s are M plus h plus jZyU_wOzrYA-00090-00027713-00027943 the chemical reactions of ionization jZyU_wOzrYA-00091-00027944-00028298 process are shown below primary and jZyU_wOzrYA-00092-00028299-00028567 secondary reagent ion formation in a jZyU_wOzrYA-00093-00028568-00028786 nitrogen atmosphere in the presence of jZyU_wOzrYA-00094-00028787-00029380 water n2 + e + - + + - + - + jZyU_wOzrYA-00095-00029381-00029908 asterisk + - + - + 4 + asterisk + n2 + 4 jZyU_wOzrYA-00096-00029909-00030758 + + h2o h2o + + - n 2 h2o + + h2o h3o jZyU_wOzrYA-00097-00030758-00031489 plus + o h3o plus + h2o + n2 h plus h 2 jZyU_wOzrYA-00098-00031490-00032408 o 2 + n2 h + h2o n1 + h2o + n2 h + h2o + jZyU_wOzrYA-00099-00032408-00033023 + n2 ionization of product ions h + h2o jZyU_wOzrYA-00100-00033024-00033629 + + mm h plus h 2 o m+ NM h 2 o d jZyU_wOzrYA-00101-00033630-00033820 clustering in the high vacuum of the jZyU_wOzrYA-00102-00033821-00034598 mass analyzer MH + h2o mm h + + MH 2 OIF jZyU_wOzrYA-00103-00034599-00034835 the mobile phase contains solvents with jZyU_wOzrYA-00104-00034836-00035030 a higher proton affinity than water jZyU_wOzrYA-00105-00035031-00035273 proton transfer reactions take place jZyU_wOzrYA-00106-00035274-00035515 that lead to protonated the solvent with jZyU_wOzrYA-00107-00035516-00035861 higher proton affinity for example when jZyU_wOzrYA-00108-00035862-00036115 methanol solvent is present the cluster jZyU_wOzrYA-00109-00036116-00036655 solvent ions would be ch3oh 2 plus h2o + jZyU_wOzrYA-00110-00036656-00037117 ch3oh m fragmentation does not normally jZyU_wOzrYA-00111-00037118-00037505 occur inside the APC i source if the jZyU_wOzrYA-00112-00037506-00037724 fragment ion of a sample is observed jZyU_wOzrYA-00113-00037725-00037993 thermal degradation has taken place by jZyU_wOzrYA-00114-00037994-00038249 the heated nebulizer interface followed jZyU_wOzrYA-00115-00038250-00038436 by the ionization of the decomposition jZyU_wOzrYA-00116-00038437-00038672 products jZyU_wOzrYA-00117-00038673-00038894 in a major distinction from chemical jZyU_wOzrYA-00118-00038895-00039149 ionization the electrons needed for the jZyU_wOzrYA-00119-00039150-00039401 primary ionization are not produced by a jZyU_wOzrYA-00120-00039402-00039608 heated filament as a heated filament jZyU_wOzrYA-00121-00039609-00039794 cannot be used under atmospheric jZyU_wOzrYA-00122-00039795-00040157 pressure conditions instead the jZyU_wOzrYA-00123-00040158-00040367 ionization must occur using either jZyU_wOzrYA-00124-00040368-00040613 Corona discharges or beta particle jZyU_wOzrYA-00125-00040614-00040865 emitters which are both electron sources jZyU_wOzrYA-00126-00040866-00041063 capable of handling the presence of jZyU_wOzrYA-00127-00041064-00041814 corrosive or oxidizing gases jZyU_wOzrYA-00128-00041815-00042348 topic history jZyU_wOzrYA-00129-00042349-00042564 the first atmospheric pressure jZyU_wOzrYA-00130-00042565-00042798 ionization source was developed by jZyU_wOzrYA-00131-00042799-00043040 Horning Carol and their Co works in the jZyU_wOzrYA-00132-00043041-00043304 1970s at the Baylor College of Medicine jZyU_wOzrYA-00133-00043305-00043839 Houston TX initially 63 knee foil was jZyU_wOzrYA-00134-00043840-00044087 used as a source of electrons to perform jZyU_wOzrYA-00135-00044088-00044537 ionization laterally in 1975 Corona jZyU_wOzrYA-00136-00044538-00044780 discharge electrode was developed which jZyU_wOzrYA-00137-00044781-00045101 had a larger dynamic response range a jZyU_wOzrYA-00138-00045102-00045432 PCI with the corona discharge electrode jZyU_wOzrYA-00139-00045433-00045654 became the model for modern commercially jZyU_wOzrYA-00140-00045655-00046043 available a PCI interfaces a PCI was jZyU_wOzrYA-00141-00046044-00046332 applied to GC per mega Siemens and LC jZyU_wOzrYA-00142-00046333-00046583 per mega Siemens also by hornings group jZyU_wOzrYA-00143-00046584-00047021 in 1975 analyte in LC eluate was jZyU_wOzrYA-00144-00047022-00047296 vaporized and ionized in a heated block jZyU_wOzrYA-00145-00047297-00047646 high sensitivity and simple mass spectra jZyU_wOzrYA-00146-00047647-00047781 were obtained through this application jZyU_wOzrYA-00147-00047782-00048120 in the later decades the coupling of a jZyU_wOzrYA-00148-00048121-00048435 PCI with LC per mega Siemens became jZyU_wOzrYA-00149-00048436-00048740 famous and caught a lot attention the jZyU_wOzrYA-00150-00048741-00049074 introduction of a PCI and LCMS had jZyU_wOzrYA-00151-00049075-00049296 expanded dramatically the role of mass jZyU_wOzrYA-00152-00049297-00049482 spectrometry in the pharmaceutical jZyU_wOzrYA-00153-00049483-00049774 industry in the area of drug development jZyU_wOzrYA-00154-00049775-00050145 the sensitivity of a PCI combined with jZyU_wOzrYA-00155-00050146-00050420 the sensitivity and specificity of LC jZyU_wOzrYA-00156-00050421-00050589 per mega Siemens and liquid jZyU_wOzrYA-00157-00050590-00050818 chromatography tandem mass spectrometry jZyU_wOzrYA-00158-00050819-00051158 LC mega Siemens per mega Siemens makes jZyU_wOzrYA-00159-00051159-00051316 it the method of choice for the jZyU_wOzrYA-00160-00051317-00051494 quantification of drugs and drug jZyU_wOzrYA-00161-00051495-00052133 metabolites jZyU_wOzrYA-00162-00052134-00052700 topic advantages jZyU_wOzrYA-00163-00052701-00052980 ionization of the substrate is very jZyU_wOzrYA-00164-00052982-00053146 efficient as it occurs at atmospheric jZyU_wOzrYA-00165-00053147-00053428 pressure and thus has a high collision jZyU_wOzrYA-00166-00053429-00053757 frequency additionally a PCI jZyU_wOzrYA-00167-00053758-00053976 considerably reduces the thermal jZyU_wOzrYA-00168-00053977-00054207 decomposition of the analyte because of jZyU_wOzrYA-00169-00054208-00054448 the rapid desolvation and vaporization jZyU_wOzrYA-00170-00054449-00054666 of the droplets in the initial stages of jZyU_wOzrYA-00171-00054667-00054975 the ionization this combination of jZyU_wOzrYA-00172-00054976-00055210 factors most typically results in the jZyU_wOzrYA-00173-00055211-00055372 production of ions of the molecular jZyU_wOzrYA-00174-00055373-00055636 species with fewer fragmentations than jZyU_wOzrYA-00175-00055637-00055893 many other ionization methods making it jZyU_wOzrYA-00176-00055894-00056116 a soft ionization method another jZyU_wOzrYA-00177-00056116-00056388 advantage to using a PCI over other jZyU_wOzrYA-00178-00056389-00056641 ionization methods as that it allows for jZyU_wOzrYA-00179-00056641-00056866 the high flow rates typical of standard jZyU_wOzrYA-00180-00056866-00057328 Bor HPLC 0.2 to 2.0 milliliters per jZyU_wOzrYA-00181-00057329-00057571 minute to be used directly often without jZyU_wOzrYA-00182-00057572-00057780 diverting the larger fraction of volume jZyU_wOzrYA-00183-00057782-00058222 to waste additionally a PCI can often be jZyU_wOzrYA-00184-00058223-00058587 performed in a modified ESI source the jZyU_wOzrYA-00185-00058588-00058806 ionization occurs in the gas phase jZyU_wOzrYA-00186-00058807-00059086 unlike ESI where the ionization occurs jZyU_wOzrYA-00187-00059087-00059391 in the liquid phase a potential jZyU_wOzrYA-00188-00059392-00059641 advantage of a PCI is that it is jZyU_wOzrYA-00189-00059641-00059887 possible to use a non-polar solvent as a jZyU_wOzrYA-00190-00059888-00060109 mobile phase solution instead of the jZyU_wOzrYA-00191-00060110-00060325 polar solvent because the solvent and jZyU_wOzrYA-00192-00060326-00060550 molecules of interest are converted to a jZyU_wOzrYA-00193-00060551-00060775 gaseous state before reaching the corona jZyU_wOzrYA-00194-00060776-00061101 discharge needle because of a PCI jZyU_wOzrYA-00195-00061102-00061375 involves a gas phase chemistry there is jZyU_wOzrYA-00196-00061376-00061603 no need to use special conditions such jZyU_wOzrYA-00197-00061604-00062112 as solvents conductivity pH for LC a PCI jZyU_wOzrYA-00198-00062113-00062376 appeared to be more versatile LC per jZyU_wOzrYA-00199-00062377-00062562 mega Siemens interface and more jZyU_wOzrYA-00200-00062563-00062817 compatible with reversed-phase LC than jZyU_wOzrYA-00201-00062819-00063394 ESI jZyU_wOzrYA-00202-00063395-00063963 topic application jZyU_wOzrYA-00203-00063964-00064275 a PCI is sweet for thermal stable jZyU_wOzrYA-00204-00064276-00064550 samples with low to medium less than jZyU_wOzrYA-00205-00064551-00064824 1,500 Dalton's molecular weight and jZyU_wOzrYA-00206-00064825-00065173 medium to high polarity the application jZyU_wOzrYA-00207-00065174-00065485 area of a PCI is the analysis of drugs jZyU_wOzrYA-00208-00065486-00065773 nonpolar lipids natural compounds jZyU_wOzrYA-00209-00065774-00066066 pesticides and various organic compounds jZyU_wOzrYA-00210-00066067-00066259 but limited to the analysis of jZyU_wOzrYA-00211-00066260-00066567 biopolymers organometallics ionic jZyU_wOzrYA-00212-00066568-00067328 compounds and other labile analytes jZyU_wOzrYA-00213-00067329-00067897 topic see also jZyU_wOzrYA-00214-00067898-00068412 chemical ionization Corona discharge jZyU_wOzrYA-00215-00068413-00068810 electrospray ionisation jaMVIQbtqKk-00000-00000096-00000335 an abstemious plural of stemi is one who jaMVIQbtqKk-00001-00000336-00000495 cannot take wine without risk of jaMVIQbtqKk-00002-00000496-00000607 vomiting jaMVIQbtqKk-00003-00000608-00000831 as therefore the consecration at mass jaMVIQbtqKk-00004-00000832-00001039 must be effected in both species of jaMVIQbtqKk-00005-00001040-00001223 bread and wine and abstemious is jaMVIQbtqKk-00006-00001224-00001759 consequently irregular jaMVIQbtqKk-00007-00001760-00002375 de jure de vino vs canonical law jaMVIQbtqKk-00008-00002376-00002583 saint alphonsus ligouri following the jaMVIQbtqKk-00009-00002584-00002783 opinion of suarez teaches that such jaMVIQbtqKk-00010-00002784-00003063 irregularity as de jure de vino latin of jaMVIQbtqKk-00011-00003064-00003327 divine law and that therefore the pope jaMVIQbtqKk-00012-00003328-00003575 cannot dispense from it the term is also jaMVIQbtqKk-00013-00003576-00003775 applied to one who has a strong distaste jaMVIQbtqKk-00014-00003776-00003959 for wine though able to take a small jaMVIQbtqKk-00015-00003960-00004079 quantity jaMVIQbtqKk-00016-00004079-00004263 a distaste of this nature does not jaMVIQbtqKk-00017-00004264-00004470 constitute irregularity but a papal jaMVIQbtqKk-00018-00004471-00004695 dispensation is required in order to jaMVIQbtqKk-00019-00004696-00004854 excuse from the use of wine at the jaMVIQbtqKk-00020-00004855-00005031 purification of the chalice and the jaMVIQbtqKk-00021-00005032-00005199 ablution of the priest's fingers at the jaMVIQbtqKk-00022-00005200-00005359 end of a mass celebrated in the jaMVIQbtqKk-00023-00005360-00005527 tridentine mass jaMVIQbtqKk-00024-00005528-00005718 in these cases the use of wine is a jaMVIQbtqKk-00025-00005719-00005918 canonical law from whose observance the jaMVIQbtqKk-00026-00005919-00006143 church has power to dispense jaMVIQbtqKk-00027-00006144-00006351 a decree of the sacred congregation for jaMVIQbtqKk-00028-00006352-00006534 the propagation of the faith dated jaMVIQbtqKk-00029-00006536-00006919 january 13 1665 grants a dispensation in jaMVIQbtqKk-00030-00006920-00007127 this sense to missionaries in china on jaMVIQbtqKk-00031-00007128-00007334 account of the scarcity of wine various jaMVIQbtqKk-00032-00007336-00007503 similar rulings are to be found in the jaMVIQbtqKk-00033-00007504-00007678 collection of the decrees of the sacred jaMVIQbtqKk-00034-00007679-00008151 congregation of rites jaMVIQbtqKk-00035-00008152-00008695 topic views of heretics jaMVIQbtqKk-00036-00008696-00008895 abstention from the use of wine has jaMVIQbtqKk-00037-00008896-00009103 occasionally been declared obligatory by jaMVIQbtqKk-00038-00009104-00009231 heretics jaMVIQbtqKk-00039-00009232-00009431 it was one of the tenets of gnosticism jaMVIQbtqKk-00040-00009432-00009623 in the second century jaMVIQbtqKk-00041-00009624-00009806 tatian the founder of the sect known as jaMVIQbtqKk-00042-00009807-00010023 the incratites forbade the use of wine jaMVIQbtqKk-00043-00010024-00010214 and his adherents refused to make use of jaMVIQbtqKk-00044-00010215-00010406 it even in the sacrament of the altar in jaMVIQbtqKk-00045-00010407-00010614 its place they used water jaMVIQbtqKk-00046-00010615-00010783 these heretics mentioned by saint jaMVIQbtqKk-00047-00010784-00011110 irenaeus adversus heresies i xxx are jaMVIQbtqKk-00048-00011111-00011359 known as hydroporostase aquarians and in jaMVIQbtqKk-00049-00011360-00011519 cretites jaMVIQbtqKk-00050-00011520-00011727 the great manichaean heresy followed a jaMVIQbtqKk-00051-00011728-00011967 few years later these heretics in their jaMVIQbtqKk-00052-00011968-00012151 turn professed the greatest possible jaMVIQbtqKk-00053-00012152-00012351 aversion to wine as one of the sources jaMVIQbtqKk-00054-00012352-00012470 of sin jaMVIQbtqKk-00055-00012471-00012655 saint augustine in his book against jaMVIQbtqKk-00056-00012656-00013022 heresies ch xlvi says of them venom jaMVIQbtqKk-00057-00013023-00013271 non-biben descents essie fell principum jaMVIQbtqKk-00058-00013272-00013383 tenebraram jaMVIQbtqKk-00059-00013384-00013638 quote they drink no wine for they say it jaMVIQbtqKk-00060-00013640-00013943 is the gall of the princes of darkness jaMVIQbtqKk-00061-00013944-00014151 they made use of water in celebrating jaMVIQbtqKk-00062-00014152-00014286 mass jaMVIQbtqKk-00063-00014287-00014471 abstemi on a somewhat different jaMVIQbtqKk-00064-00014472-00014647 principle have appeared in more recent jaMVIQbtqKk-00065-00014647-00014766 times jaMVIQbtqKk-00066-00014768-00014966 these are total abstainers who maintain jaMVIQbtqKk-00067-00014968-00015111 that the use of stimulants is jaMVIQbtqKk-00068-00015112-00015286 essentially sinful and allege that the jaMVIQbtqKk-00069-00015287-00015503 wine used by christ and his disciples at jaMVIQbtqKk-00070-00015504-00015694 the supper was unfermented jaMVIQbtqKk-00071-00015695-00015855 they accordingly communicate in the jaMVIQbtqKk-00072-00015856-00016407 unfermented juice of the grape jaMVIQbtqKk-00073-00016408-00016647 topic controversy over the reception of jaMVIQbtqKk-00074-00016648-00017086 both species jaMVIQbtqKk-00075-00017087-00017271 at the beginning of the reformation one jaMVIQbtqKk-00076-00017272-00017447 of the grievances alleged against the jaMVIQbtqKk-00077-00017448-00017599 church was that she did not allow the jaMVIQbtqKk-00078-00017600-00017839 faithful to communicate under both kinds jaMVIQbtqKk-00079-00017840-00018030 we excuse the church jaMVIQbtqKk-00080-00018031-00018263 so runs the augsburg confession which jaMVIQbtqKk-00081-00018264-00018455 has suffered the injustice of only jaMVIQbtqKk-00082-00018456-00018694 receiving under one kind not being able jaMVIQbtqKk-00083-00018695-00018911 to have both but we do not excuse the jaMVIQbtqKk-00084-00018912-00019127 authors of this injustice who maintain jaMVIQbtqKk-00085-00019128-00019271 that it was right to forbid the jaMVIQbtqKk-00086-00019272-00019583 administering of the complete sacrament jaMVIQbtqKk-00087-00019584-00019758 how then were those to be admitted to jaMVIQbtqKk-00088-00019759-00019919 the lord's table who were unable to jaMVIQbtqKk-00089-00019920-00020158 communicate under the species of wine jaMVIQbtqKk-00090-00020159-00020375 a decree of the synod of poitiers in jaMVIQbtqKk-00091-00020376-00020599 1560 reads the bread of the lord's jaMVIQbtqKk-00092-00020600-00020767 supper shall be administered to those jaMVIQbtqKk-00093-00020768-00020967 who cannot drink the wine on condition jaMVIQbtqKk-00094-00020968-00021119 that they shall declare that they do not jaMVIQbtqKk-00095-00021120-00021319 abstain out of contempt jaMVIQbtqKk-00096-00021320-00021567 quote other protestant synods also lay jaMVIQbtqKk-00097-00021568-00021743 down the rule that persons unable to jaMVIQbtqKk-00098-00021744-00021903 take wine shall be admitted to the jaMVIQbtqKk-00099-00021904-00022078 lord's table on condition that they jaMVIQbtqKk-00100-00022079-00022247 shall at least touch with their lips the jaMVIQbtqKk-00101-00022248-00022439 cup which holds the species of wine jaMVIQbtqKk-00102-00022440-00022655 giriyu on the other hand starting from jaMVIQbtqKk-00103-00022656-00022839 the principle that christ has founded jaMVIQbtqKk-00104-00022840-00023007 the essence of the eucharist on the two jaMVIQbtqKk-00105-00023008-00023222 species held that an absthemius does not jaMVIQbtqKk-00106-00023223-00023375 receive the sacrament because it jaMVIQbtqKk-00107-00023376-00023575 consists of two parts and he receives jaMVIQbtqKk-00108-00023576-00023694 only one jaMVIQbtqKk-00109-00023695-00023886 a great controversy ensued among the jaMVIQbtqKk-00110-00023887-00024103 protestants themselves on this point jaMVIQbtqKk-00111-00024104-00024303 boswet held that communion under both jaMVIQbtqKk-00112-00024304-00024519 kinds could not be of divine obligation jaMVIQbtqKk-00113-00024520-00024694 since many would thereby be deprived of jaMVIQbtqKk-00114-00024695-00024855 the sacrament owing to a natural jaMVIQbtqKk-00115-00024856-00025327 weakness jaMVIQbtqKk-00116-00025328-00025767 see also jaMVIQbtqKk-00117-00025768-00025911 eucharist jaMVIQbtqKk-00118-00025912-00026558 canonical impediments and irregularities jaMVIQbtqKk-00119-00026560-00027014 references jaMVIQbtqKk-00120-00027016-00027231 attribution this article incorporates jaMVIQbtqKk-00121-00027232-00027414 text from a publication now in the jaMVIQbtqKk-00122-00027416-00027790 public domain herbermann charles ed 1913 jaMVIQbtqKk-00123-00027791-00027935 abstemi jaMVIQbtqKk-00124-00027936-00028207 catholic encyclopedia new york robert jaMVIQbtqKk-00125-00028208-00028508 appleton jbsBnU9Ngik-00000-00000053-00000419 created in December 1949 the United jbsBnU9Ngik-00001-00000420-00000634 Nations Relief and Works Agency for jbsBnU9Ngik-00002-00000635-00000857 Palestine refugees in the near East jbsBnU9Ngik-00003-00000858-00001043 unruhe is a relief and Human Development jbsBnU9Ngik-00004-00001044-00001316 Agency which supports more than 5 jbsBnU9Ngik-00005-00001317-00001556 million registered Palestinian refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-00006-00001557-00001754 and their patrilineal descendants who jbsBnU9Ngik-00007-00001755-00001907 fled or were expelled from their homes jbsBnU9Ngik-00008-00001907-00002246 during the 1948 Palestine war as well as jbsBnU9Ngik-00009-00002247-00002432 those who fled or were expelled during jbsBnU9Ngik-00010-00002433-00002788 and following the 1967 six-day war jbsBnU9Ngik-00011-00002789-00003050 originally intended to provide jobs on jbsBnU9Ngik-00012-00003051-00003286 public works projects and direct relief jbsBnU9Ngik-00013-00003288-00003335 today jbsBnU9Ngik-00014-00003336-00003593 unruhe provides education healthcare and jbsBnU9Ngik-00015-00003594-00003820 social services to the population it jbsBnU9Ngik-00016-00003821-00004151 supports aid is provided in five areas jbsBnU9Ngik-00017-00004152-00004463 of operation Jordan Lebanon Syria the jbsBnU9Ngik-00018-00004464-00004643 Gaza Strip and the West Bank including jbsBnU9Ngik-00019-00004644-00004906 East Jerusalem aid for Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00020-00004907-00005141 refugees outside these five areas as jbsBnU9Ngik-00021-00005142-00005422 provided by UNHCR it also provided jbsBnU9Ngik-00022-00005423-00005642 relief to Jewish and Arab Palestine jbsBnU9Ngik-00023-00005643-00005827 refugees inside the State of Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-00024-00005828-00006143 following the 1948 conflict until the jbsBnU9Ngik-00025-00006144-00006286 Israeli government took over jbsBnU9Ngik-00026-00006287-00006534 responsibility for Jewish refugees in jbsBnU9Ngik-00027-00006536-00006944 1952 in the absence of a solution to the jbsBnU9Ngik-00028-00006945-00007214 Palestine refugee problem the UN General jbsBnU9Ngik-00029-00007215-00007495 Assembly has repeatedly renewed UN our W jbsBnU9Ngik-00030-00007497-00007742 A's mandate most recently extending it jbsBnU9Ngik-00031-00007743-00008074 until the 30th of June 2020 Jared jbsBnU9Ngik-00032-00008075-00008324 Kushner senior advisor to the President jbsBnU9Ngik-00033-00008325-00008524 of the United States and the u.s. broker jbsBnU9Ngik-00034-00008525-00008824 for peace talks has advocated a sincere jbsBnU9Ngik-00035-00008825-00009110 effort to disrupt Unruh as part of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00036-00009111-00009328 Trump administration's proposals for the jbsBnU9Ngik-00037-00009329-00009530 Middle East since according to kuschner jbsBnU9Ngik-00038-00009531-00009845 it perpetuates a status quo is corrupt jbsBnU9Ngik-00039-00009846-00010123 inefficient and doesn't help peace jbsBnU9Ngik-00040-00010124-00010451 unruhe is the only UN agency dedicated jbsBnU9Ngik-00041-00010452-00010624 to helping refugees from a specific jbsBnU9Ngik-00042-00010625-00010862 region or conflict and a separate from jbsBnU9Ngik-00043-00010863-00011378 UNHCR formed in 1950 UNHCR as the main jbsBnU9Ngik-00044-00011379-00011633 UN refugee agency which is responsible jbsBnU9Ngik-00045-00011634-00011881 for aiding other refugees all over the jbsBnU9Ngik-00046-00011882-00011935 world jbsBnU9Ngik-00047-00011936-00012295 unlike Unruh UNHCR has a specific jbsBnU9Ngik-00048-00012296-00012533 mandate to aid its refugees to eliminate jbsBnU9Ngik-00049-00012534-00012716 their refugee status by local jbsBnU9Ngik-00050-00012717-00012860 integration in current country jbsBnU9Ngik-00051-00012861-00013072 resettlement in a third country or jbsBnU9Ngik-00052-00013073-00013315 repatriation when possible jbsBnU9Ngik-00053-00013316-00013540 unruhe allows refugee status to be jbsBnU9Ngik-00054-00013541-00013774 inherited by descendants of male refugee jbsBnU9Ngik-00055-00013775-00014141 including legally adopted children jbsBnU9Ngik-00056-00014141-00014508 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00057-00014509-00015091 topic history and mandate jbsBnU9Ngik-00058-00015093-00015319 unruhe was established following the jbsBnU9Ngik-00059-00015320-00015578 1948 arab-israeli war by the United jbsBnU9Ngik-00060-00015579-00015788 Nations General Assembly under jbsBnU9Ngik-00061-00015788-00016153 resolution 302 IV of the 8th of December jbsBnU9Ngik-00062-00016154-00016499 1949 this resolution reaffirmed jbsBnU9Ngik-00063-00016500-00016802 paragraph 11 concerning refugees of UN jbsBnU9Ngik-00064-00016803-00017212 General Assembly resolution 194 1948 jbsBnU9Ngik-00065-00017213-00017422 adopted and passed unopposed jbsBnU9Ngik-00066-00017423-00017627 supported by Israel and the Arab state jbsBnU9Ngik-00067-00017628-00017839 with only the Soviet bloc in South jbsBnU9Ngik-00068-00017840-00017977 Africa abstaining jbsBnU9Ngik-00069-00017978-00018239 unruhe is a subsidiary organ of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00070-00018240-00018472 United Nations General Assembly and its jbsBnU9Ngik-00071-00018473-00018724 mandate is renewed every three years jbsBnU9Ngik-00072-00018725-00018961 unruhe has had to develop a working jbsBnU9Ngik-00073-00018962-00019292 definition of refugee to allow it to jbsBnU9Ngik-00074-00019293-00019553 provide humanitarian assistance its jbsBnU9Ngik-00075-00019554-00019884 definition does not cover final status jbsBnU9Ngik-00076-00019885-00020140 palestine refugees are defined as jbsBnU9Ngik-00077-00020141-00020422 persons whose regular place of residence jbsBnU9Ngik-00078-00020423-00020686 was palestine during the period the 1st jbsBnU9Ngik-00079-00020687-00021169 of june 1946 to the 15th of may 1948 and jbsBnU9Ngik-00080-00021170-00021361 who lost both home and means of jbsBnU9Ngik-00081-00021362-00021640 livelihood as a result of the 1948 jbsBnU9Ngik-00082-00021641-00021853 conflict jbsBnU9Ngik-00083-00021854-00022118 unruhe services are available to all jbsBnU9Ngik-00084-00022119-00022343 those living in its area of operations jbsBnU9Ngik-00085-00022344-00022514 who meet this definition who are jbsBnU9Ngik-00086-00022515-00022717 registered with the agency and who need jbsBnU9Ngik-00087-00022718-00023008 assistance the descendants of palestine jbsBnU9Ngik-00088-00023009-00023249 refugee males including adopted children jbsBnU9Ngik-00089-00023250-00023500 are also eligible for registration as jbsBnU9Ngik-00090-00023501-00023783 refugees when the agency began jbsBnU9Ngik-00091-00023784-00024100 operations in 1950 it was responding to jbsBnU9Ngik-00092-00024101-00024397 the needs of about 750,000 palestine jbsBnU9Ngik-00093-00024398-00024836 refugees 2014 some 5 million palestine jbsBnU9Ngik-00094-00024837-00025072 refugees were registered as eligible for jbsBnU9Ngik-00095-00025073-00025364 Unruh services unruhe provides jbsBnU9Ngik-00096-00025365-00025669 facilities in 59 recognized refugee jbsBnU9Ngik-00097-00025670-00025958 camps in Jordan Lebanon Syria the West jbsBnU9Ngik-00098-00025958-00026158 Bank and the Gaza Strip and in other jbsBnU9Ngik-00099-00026159-00026395 areas where large numbers of registered jbsBnU9Ngik-00100-00026397-00026596 palestine refugees live outside of jbsBnU9Ngik-00101-00026597-00026893 recognized camps for a camp to be jbsBnU9Ngik-00102-00026894-00027101 recognized by Unruh there must be an jbsBnU9Ngik-00103-00027102-00027254 agreement between the host government jbsBnU9Ngik-00104-00027255-00027479 and Unruh governing use of the camp jbsBnU9Ngik-00105-00027480-00027790 unruhe does not itself run camps has no jbsBnU9Ngik-00106-00027791-00028045 police powers or administrative role but jbsBnU9Ngik-00107-00028046-00028290 simply provides services in the camp jbsBnU9Ngik-00108-00028291-00028448 refugee camps jbsBnU9Ngik-00109-00028449-00028627 which developed from tent cities to jbsBnU9Ngik-00110-00028628-00028817 dense urban dwellings similar to their jbsBnU9Ngik-00111-00028818-00029030 urban surroundings house around one jbsBnU9Ngik-00112-00029031-00029227 third of all registered Palestine jbsBnU9Ngik-00113-00029228-00029820 refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-00114-00029820-00030373 topic organization jbsBnU9Ngik-00115-00030374-00030618 unruhe is the largest agency of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00116-00030619-00030889 United Nations employing over 30,000 jbsBnU9Ngik-00117-00030889-00031170 staff 99% of which are locally recruited jbsBnU9Ngik-00118-00031172-00031495 Palestinians you nrw as headquarters are jbsBnU9Ngik-00119-00031495-00031708 divided between the Gaza Strip and Amman jbsBnU9Ngik-00120-00031708-00032017 its operations are organized into five jbsBnU9Ngik-00121-00032018-00032340 fields Jordan Syria Lebanon West Bank jbsBnU9Ngik-00122-00032341-00032686 and Gaza you nrw A's Commissioner jbsBnU9Ngik-00123-00032687-00032926 general as the Swiss Pierre crumble who jbsBnU9Ngik-00124-00032927-00033142 succeeded Italian national Filippo jbsBnU9Ngik-00125-00033143-00033496 grandi on the 30th of March 2014 the jbsBnU9Ngik-00126-00033497-00033702 Commissioner general is responsible for jbsBnU9Ngik-00127-00033703-00034033 managing U n RW as overall activities in jbsBnU9Ngik-00128-00034034-00034348 each area where Unruh operates there is jbsBnU9Ngik-00129-00034349-00034536 a director in charge of distributing jbsBnU9Ngik-00130-00034537-00034798 humanitarian aid and overseeing general jbsBnU9Ngik-00131-00034799-00035280 Unruh the public face of Unruh as jbsBnU9Ngik-00132-00035281-00035902 spokesman chris Gunness jbsBnU9Ngik-00133-00035903-00036502 topic Advisory Commission jbsBnU9Ngik-00134-00036503-00036923 UN resolution 302 IV adopted on the 8th jbsBnU9Ngik-00135-00036924-00037243 of December 1949 created an advisory jbsBnU9Ngik-00136-00037244-00037448 commission tasked with advising and jbsBnU9Ngik-00137-00037449-00037621 assisting the Commissioner General of jbsBnU9Ngik-00138-00037622-00037810 Unruh in carrying out the agency's jbsBnU9Ngik-00139-00037811-00038117 mandate it is not a governing body as jbsBnU9Ngik-00140-00038118-00038371 many other UN agencies maintain but jbsBnU9Ngik-00141-00038372-00038652 serves in a purely advisory capacity jbsBnU9Ngik-00142-00038653-00038902 consisting of five members when it was jbsBnU9Ngik-00143-00038903-00039112 first created the Advisory Commission jbsBnU9Ngik-00144-00039113-00039415 addcom currently has 27 members and jbsBnU9Ngik-00145-00039416-00039763 three observers the addcom meets twice a jbsBnU9Ngik-00146-00039764-00040012 year usually in June and November to jbsBnU9Ngik-00147-00040013-00040245 discuss issues of importance to Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-00148-00040246-00040474 members and observers meet more jbsBnU9Ngik-00149-00040475-00040807 regularly through subcommittee meetings jbsBnU9Ngik-00150-00040808-00041149 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00151-00041150-00041801 topic members of the Advisory Commission jbsBnU9Ngik-00152-00041802-00042023 membership in the Advisory Commission jbsBnU9Ngik-00153-00042024-00042218 has obtained through resolution of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00154-00042219-00042518 UN General Assembly all countries jbsBnU9Ngik-00155-00042519-00042710 considered as hosts of Palestine jbsBnU9Ngik-00156-00042711-00043037 refugees Jordan Syria Lebanon sit on the jbsBnU9Ngik-00157-00043038-00043301 Advisory Commission in 24 countries who jbsBnU9Ngik-00158-00043302-00043463 are major supporters sit on the jbsBnU9Ngik-00159-00043464-00043514 Commission jbsBnU9Ngik-00160-00043515-00043868 in addition Palestine the European Union jbsBnU9Ngik-00161-00043869-00044054 and the League of Arab states have had jbsBnU9Ngik-00162-00044055-00044264 observer status on the Commission since jbsBnU9Ngik-00163-00044265-00044564 2005 the full list of addcom members jbsBnU9Ngik-00164-00044565-00044741 including the year they joined are jbsBnU9Ngik-00165-00044742-00045302 Australia 2005 Belgium 1953 Brazil 2014 jbsBnU9Ngik-00166-00045303-00045827 Canada 2005 Denmark 2005 Egypt 1949 jbsBnU9Ngik-00167-00045828-00046355 Finland 2008 France 1949 Germany 2005 jbsBnU9Ngik-00168-00046356-00046907 Ireland 2008 Italy 2005 Japan 1973 jbsBnU9Ngik-00169-00046908-00047465 Jordan 1949 Kazakhstan 2013 Kuwait 2010 jbsBnU9Ngik-00170-00047466-00047900 Lebanon 1953 Luxembourg 2012 Netherlands jbsBnU9Ngik-00171-00047901-00048469 2005 Norway 2005 Saudi Arabia 2005 Spain jbsBnU9Ngik-00172-00048470-00049019 2005 Sweden 2005 Switzerland 2005 Syrian jbsBnU9Ngik-00173-00049020-00049499 Arab Republic 1949 Turkey 1949 United jbsBnU9Ngik-00174-00049500-00049907 Arab Emirates 2014 United Kingdom 1949 jbsBnU9Ngik-00175-00049908-00050306 United States 1949 jbsBnU9Ngik-00176-00050307-00050670 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00177-00050671-00051179 topic funding jbsBnU9Ngik-00178-00051180-00051664 in 2009 un RW a's total budget was 1.2 jbsBnU9Ngik-00179-00051665-00051889 billion United States dollars for which jbsBnU9Ngik-00180-00051890-00052129 the agency received nine hundred forty jbsBnU9Ngik-00181-00052130-00052423 eight million United States dollars in jbsBnU9Ngik-00182-00052424-00052705 2009 the retiring commissioner general jbsBnU9Ngik-00183-00052707-00052907 spoke of a two hundred million dollar jbsBnU9Ngik-00184-00052908-00053215 shortfall in un RW AIDS budgets jbsBnU9Ngik-00185-00053216-00053530 officials in 2009 spoke of a dire jbsBnU9Ngik-00186-00053532-00053819 financial crisis in 2010 the biggest jbsBnU9Ngik-00187-00053820-00054013 donors for its regular budget were the jbsBnU9Ngik-00188-00054014-00054142 United States and the European jbsBnU9Ngik-00189-00054144-00054492 Commission with 248 million dollars and jbsBnU9Ngik-00190-00054494-00054890 165 million dollars respectively Sweden jbsBnU9Ngik-00191-00054891-00055229 47 million dollars the United Kingdom 45 jbsBnU9Ngik-00192-00055229-00055460 million dollars Norway 40 million jbsBnU9Ngik-00193-00055461-00055691 dollars and the Netherlands 29 million jbsBnU9Ngik-00194-00055691-00055963 dollars are also important donors in jbsBnU9Ngik-00195-00055964-00056182 addition to its regular budget jbsBnU9Ngik-00196-00056183-00056365 unruhe receives funding for emergency jbsBnU9Ngik-00197-00056366-00056810 activities and special projects in 2011 jbsBnU9Ngik-00198-00056811-00057035 the United States was the largest single jbsBnU9Ngik-00199-00057036-00057279 donor with a total contribution of over jbsBnU9Ngik-00200-00057280-00057548 239 million dollars followed by the jbsBnU9Ngik-00201-00057549-00057838 european commission's 175 million jbsBnU9Ngik-00202-00057839-00058054 dollars contribution according to World jbsBnU9Ngik-00203-00058055-00058274 Bank data for all countries receiving jbsBnU9Ngik-00204-00058275-00058436 more than two billion dollars jbsBnU9Ngik-00205-00058437-00058715 international aid in 2012 Gaza and the jbsBnU9Ngik-00206-00058716-00058928 West Bank received a per capita aid jbsBnU9Ngik-00207-00058929-00059126 budget over double the next largest jbsBnU9Ngik-00208-00059127-00059329 recipient at a rate of four hundred jbsBnU9Ngik-00209-00059330-00059680 ninety five dollars in 2013 1.1 billion jbsBnU9Ngik-00210-00059682-00059938 dollars was donated to Unruh of which jbsBnU9Ngik-00211-00059939-00060212 294 million dollars was contributed by jbsBnU9Ngik-00212-00060213-00060544 the United States until 2018 most of un jbsBnU9Ngik-00213-00060545-00060791 RW a's funding came from European jbsBnU9Ngik-00214-00060791-00061121 countries in the United States in 2016 jbsBnU9Ngik-00215-00061122-00061484 the United States donated 368 million jbsBnU9Ngik-00216-00061485-00061769 dollars to the agency and 350 million jbsBnU9Ngik-00217-00061770-00062113 dollars in 2017 in August 20 18 the jbsBnU9Ngik-00218-00062114-00062291 United States stopped giving aid to jbsBnU9Ngik-00219-00062291-00062551 Unruh representing a cut of 300 million jbsBnU9Ngik-00220-00062552-00062837 United States dollars in the 1.2 billion jbsBnU9Ngik-00221-00062838-00063041 United States Dollars budget and jbsBnU9Ngik-00222-00063041-00063256 contributing to an overall deficit of jbsBnU9Ngik-00223-00063257-00063563 440 six million United States dollars jbsBnU9Ngik-00224-00063564-00063737 which was then covered with increased jbsBnU9Ngik-00225-00063738-00063923 contributions from elsewhere the jbsBnU9Ngik-00226-00063924-00064178 situation for 2019 and beyond was jbsBnU9Ngik-00227-00064179-00064456 discussed at a ministerial strategic jbsBnU9Ngik-00228-00064457-00064565 dialogue jbsBnU9Ngik-00229-00064566-00064804 attended by representatives from Egypt jbsBnU9Ngik-00230-00064805-00065126 France Germany Japan Kuwait Norway jbsBnU9Ngik-00231-00065127-00065363 United Kingdom the European external jbsBnU9Ngik-00232-00065364-00065546 Action Service and the European jbsBnU9Ngik-00233-00065547-00065749 Commission jbsBnU9Ngik-00234-00065750-00066116 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00235-00066117-00066673 topic operations jbsBnU9Ngik-00236-00066674-00066932 services provided by Unruh include jbsBnU9Ngik-00237-00066933-00067226 healthcare education relief and social jbsBnU9Ngik-00238-00067227-00067466 services and microcredit loan programs jbsBnU9Ngik-00239-00067467-00067811 in the following you nrw a zone jbsBnU9Ngik-00240-00067812-00068172 descriptions of itself are summarized jbsBnU9Ngik-00241-00068173-00068514 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00242-00068515-00069087 topic education program jbsBnU9Ngik-00243-00069088-00069279 unruhe operates one of the largest jbsBnU9Ngik-00244-00069280-00069618 school systems in the Middle East it has jbsBnU9Ngik-00245-00069619-00069792 been the main provider of basic jbsBnU9Ngik-00246-00069793-00070011 education to Palestinian refugee jbsBnU9Ngik-00247-00070012-00070356 children since 1950 the education jbsBnU9Ngik-00248-00070357-00070665 program as you nrw a's largest area of jbsBnU9Ngik-00249-00070666-00070863 activity accounting for half of its jbsBnU9Ngik-00250-00070864-00071150 regular budget and 70% of its staff jbsBnU9Ngik-00251-00071151-00071412 basic education is available to all jbsBnU9Ngik-00252-00071413-00071643 registered refugee children free of jbsBnU9Ngik-00253-00071644-00071990 charge up to around the age of 15 in the jbsBnU9Ngik-00254-00071991-00072108 1960s jbsBnU9Ngik-00255-00072109-00072303 unruhe schools became the first in the jbsBnU9Ngik-00256-00072304-00072504 region to achieve full gender equality jbsBnU9Ngik-00257-00072505-00072786 half the palestine refugee population as jbsBnU9Ngik-00258-00072787-00073058 under 25 overcrowded classrooms jbsBnU9Ngik-00259-00073059-00073353 containing 40 or even 50 pupils are jbsBnU9Ngik-00260-00073354-00073608 common almost three-quarters run on a jbsBnU9Ngik-00261-00073609-00073839 double shift system where two separate jbsBnU9Ngik-00262-00073840-00074034 groups of pupils and teachers share the jbsBnU9Ngik-00263-00074035-00074253 same buildings thus reducing teaching jbsBnU9Ngik-00264-00074254-00074496 time the school year is often jbsBnU9Ngik-00265-00074497-00074700 interrupted by conflicts and children jbsBnU9Ngik-00266-00074701-00074958 are often marked by trauma key 2014 jbsBnU9Ngik-00267-00074959-00075255 figures four hundred seventy six jbsBnU9Ngik-00268-00075256-00075414 thousand three hundred twenty three jbsBnU9Ngik-00269-00075415-00075782 students seven hundred three schools jbsBnU9Ngik-00270-00075783-00076088 fifty percent female students jbsBnU9Ngik-00271-00076089-00076281 twenty-three thousand three hundred jbsBnU9Ngik-00272-00076282-00076782 sixty-six educational staff 755 United jbsBnU9Ngik-00273-00076783-00076977 States dollars annual cost per student jbsBnU9Ngik-00274-00076978-00077268 Unruh also operates nine vocational and jbsBnU9Ngik-00275-00077269-00077451 technical training colleges two jbsBnU9Ngik-00276-00077452-00077697 educational science faculties and two jbsBnU9Ngik-00277-00077698-00077924 teacher training institutes for jbsBnU9Ngik-00278-00077925-00078177 long-standing agreement unruhe schools jbsBnU9Ngik-00279-00078178-00078357 follow the curriculum of their host jbsBnU9Ngik-00280-00078358-00078666 countries this allows Unruh pupils to jbsBnU9Ngik-00281-00078667-00078852 progress to further education or jbsBnU9Ngik-00282-00078853-00079073 employment holding locally recognised jbsBnU9Ngik-00283-00079074-00079281 qualifications and complies with the jbsBnU9Ngik-00284-00079282-00079467 sovereignty requirements of countries jbsBnU9Ngik-00285-00079468-00079782 hosting refugees wherever possible jbsBnU9Ngik-00286-00079783-00079998 unruhe students take national exams jbsBnU9Ngik-00287-00079999-00080307 conducted by the host governments pupils jbsBnU9Ngik-00288-00080308-00080511 at Unruh schools often outperform jbsBnU9Ngik-00289-00080512-00080709 government school pupils in these state jbsBnU9Ngik-00290-00080710-00080967 exams not all refugee children attend jbsBnU9Ngik-00291-00080968-00081249 Unruh schools in Jordan and Syria jbsBnU9Ngik-00292-00081250-00081507 children have full access to government jbsBnU9Ngik-00293-00081508-00081708 schools and many attend those because jbsBnU9Ngik-00294-00081709-00082031 they are close to where they reside jbsBnU9Ngik-00295-00082032-00082373 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00296-00082374-00083077 topic relief and social services program jbsBnU9Ngik-00297-00083078-00083395 in Palestinian refugee society families jbsBnU9Ngik-00298-00083396-00083575 without a male breadwinner are often jbsBnU9Ngik-00299-00083576-00083866 very vulnerable those headed by a widow jbsBnU9Ngik-00300-00083867-00083992 a divorcee jbsBnU9Ngik-00301-00083993-00084226 or a disabled father often live in dire jbsBnU9Ngik-00302-00084227-00084445 poverty these families are considered jbsBnU9Ngik-00303-00084446-00084799 hardship cases and constitute less than jbsBnU9Ngik-00304-00084800-00085213 6% of Unruh beneficiaries Unruh provides jbsBnU9Ngik-00305-00085214-00085468 food aid cash assistance and help with jbsBnU9Ngik-00306-00085469-00085698 shelter repairs to these families in jbsBnU9Ngik-00307-00085699-00085966 addition children from special hardship jbsBnU9Ngik-00308-00085967-00086137 case families are given preferential jbsBnU9Ngik-00309-00086138-00086383 access to the agency's vocational jbsBnU9Ngik-00310-00086384-00086581 training centers while women in such jbsBnU9Ngik-00311-00086582-00086845 families are encouraged to join UN are W jbsBnU9Ngik-00312-00086846-00087145 A's women's program centers in these jbsBnU9Ngik-00313-00087146-00087385 centers training advice and childcare jbsBnU9Ngik-00314-00087386-00087595 are available to encourage female jbsBnU9Ngik-00315-00087596-00087940 refugees Social Development unruhe has jbsBnU9Ngik-00316-00087941-00088192 created community-based organizations jbsBnU9Ngik-00317-00088193-00088447 CBO's to target women refugees with jbsBnU9Ngik-00318-00088448-00088648 disabilities and to look after the needs jbsBnU9Ngik-00319-00088649-00088945 of children the CBO's now have their own jbsBnU9Ngik-00320-00088946-00089119 management committees staffed by jbsBnU9Ngik-00321-00089120-00089301 volunteers from the community jbsBnU9Ngik-00322-00089302-00089566 unruhe provides them with technical and jbsBnU9Ngik-00323-00089567-00089727 small sums of targeted financial jbsBnU9Ngik-00324-00089728-00089995 assistance but many have formed links of jbsBnU9Ngik-00325-00089996-00090156 their own with local and international jbsBnU9Ngik-00326-00090157-00090432 NGOs jbsBnU9Ngik-00327-00090433-00090776 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00328-00090777-00091307 topic health program jbsBnU9Ngik-00329-00091308-00091613 since 1950 unruhe has been the main jbsBnU9Ngik-00330-00091614-00091817 health care provider for palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00331-00091818-00092108 refugees basic health needs are met jbsBnU9Ngik-00332-00092109-00092276 through a network of primary care jbsBnU9Ngik-00333-00092277-00092519 clinics providing access to secondary jbsBnU9Ngik-00334-00092520-00092738 treatment in hospitals food aid to jbsBnU9Ngik-00335-00092739-00092936 vulnerable groups and environmental jbsBnU9Ngik-00336-00092937-00093290 health in refugee camps key figures for jbsBnU9Ngik-00337-00093291-00093776 2014 are 139 primary health facilities jbsBnU9Ngik-00338-00093777-00094189 based in our near on resettlement camps jbsBnU9Ngik-00339-00094190-00094714 3107 health staff 3 million 134 thousand jbsBnU9Ngik-00340-00094715-00095174 732 refugees accessing health services 9 jbsBnU9Ngik-00341-00095175-00095453 million 290 thousand one hundred ninety jbsBnU9Ngik-00342-00095454-00095660 seven annual patient visits the health jbsBnU9Ngik-00343-00095661-00095918 of palestine refugees has long resembled jbsBnU9Ngik-00344-00095919-00096134 that of many populations in transition jbsBnU9Ngik-00345-00096135-00096353 from developing world to developed world jbsBnU9Ngik-00346-00096354-00096614 status however there is now a jbsBnU9Ngik-00347-00096615-00096959 demographic transition people are living jbsBnU9Ngik-00348-00096960-00097145 longer and developing different needs jbsBnU9Ngik-00349-00097146-00097352 particularly those related to non jbsBnU9Ngik-00350-00097353-00097490 communicable diseases jbsBnU9Ngik-00351-00097491-00097742 n cds and chronic conditions that jbsBnU9Ngik-00352-00097743-00097994 require lifelong care such as diabetes jbsBnU9Ngik-00353-00097995-00098351 hypertension and cancer a healthy life jbsBnU9Ngik-00354-00098352-00098591 as a continuum of phases from infancy to jbsBnU9Ngik-00355-00098592-00098801 old age each of which has unique jbsBnU9Ngik-00356-00098802-00099038 specific needs and our program therefore jbsBnU9Ngik-00357-00099039-00099281 takes a lifecycle approach to providing jbsBnU9Ngik-00358-00099282-00099485 its package of preventive and curative jbsBnU9Ngik-00359-00099486-00099815 health services to address the changing jbsBnU9Ngik-00360-00099816-00100061 needs of palestine refugees we undertook jbsBnU9Ngik-00361-00100062-00100403 a major reform initiative in 2011 we jbsBnU9Ngik-00362-00100404-00100670 introduced the family health team fht jbsBnU9Ngik-00363-00100671-00100859 approach based on the World Health jbsBnU9Ngik-00364-00100860-00101129 Organization indicated values of primary jbsBnU9Ngik-00365-00101130-00101321 health care in our primary health jbsBnU9Ngik-00366-00101322-00101735 facilities pH FS the fht offers jbsBnU9Ngik-00367-00101736-00101930 comprehensive primary health care jbsBnU9Ngik-00368-00101931-00102158 services based on holistic care of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00369-00102159-00102257 entire family jbsBnU9Ngik-00370-00102258-00102485 emphasizing long term provider' patient jbsBnU9Ngik-00371-00102486-00102635 relationships and ensuring jbsBnU9Ngik-00372-00102636-00102833 person-centeredness comprehensiveness jbsBnU9Ngik-00373-00102834-00103229 and continuity moreover the fht helps jbsBnU9Ngik-00374-00103230-00103422 address intersectional issues that jbsBnU9Ngik-00375-00103423-00103631 impact health such as diet and physical jbsBnU9Ngik-00376-00103632-00103919 activity education gender-based violence jbsBnU9Ngik-00377-00103920-00104207 child protection poverty and Community jbsBnU9Ngik-00378-00104208-00104346 Development jbsBnU9Ngik-00379-00104347-00104624 medical services include outpatient care jbsBnU9Ngik-00380-00104625-00104874 dental treatment and rehabilitation for jbsBnU9Ngik-00381-00104875-00105144 the physically disabled maternal and jbsBnU9Ngik-00382-00105145-00105428 child health care MCH is a priority for jbsBnU9Ngik-00383-00105429-00105809 un rwa s health program school health jbsBnU9Ngik-00384-00105810-00106058 teams and camp medical officers visit jbsBnU9Ngik-00385-00106059-00106289 unruhe schools to examine new pupils to jbsBnU9Ngik-00386-00106290-00106463 aid early detection of childhood jbsBnU9Ngik-00387-00106464-00106799 diseases all Unruh clinics offer family jbsBnU9Ngik-00388-00106800-00107003 planning services with counseling that jbsBnU9Ngik-00389-00107004-00107189 emphasizes the importance of birth jbsBnU9Ngik-00390-00107190-00107406 spacing as a factor in maternal and jbsBnU9Ngik-00391-00107407-00107678 child health agency clinics also jbsBnU9Ngik-00392-00107679-00107919 supervise the provision of food aid to jbsBnU9Ngik-00393-00107920-00108113 nursing and pregnant mothers who need it jbsBnU9Ngik-00394-00108114-00108335 and six clinics in the Gaza Strip have jbsBnU9Ngik-00395-00108336-00108599 their own maternity units infant jbsBnU9Ngik-00396-00108600-00108798 mortality rates have for some time been jbsBnU9Ngik-00397-00108799-00109023 lower among refugees than the World jbsBnU9Ngik-00398-00109024-00109229 Health Organization's benchmark for the jbsBnU9Ngik-00399-00109230-00109378 developing world jbsBnU9Ngik-00400-00109379-00109676 unruhe provides refugees with assistance jbsBnU9Ngik-00401-00109677-00109899 in meeting the costs of hospitalization jbsBnU9Ngik-00402-00109900-00110114 either by partially reimbursing them or jbsBnU9Ngik-00403-00110115-00110354 by negotiating contracts with government jbsBnU9Ngik-00404-00110355-00110810 NGOs and private hospitals U n RW a's jbsBnU9Ngik-00405-00110811-00111041 environmental health services program jbsBnU9Ngik-00406-00111042-00111246 controls the quality of drinking water jbsBnU9Ngik-00407-00111247-00111479 provide sanitation and carries out jbsBnU9Ngik-00408-00111480-00111704 vector and rodent control in refugee jbsBnU9Ngik-00409-00111705-00111887 camps thus reducing the risk of jbsBnU9Ngik-00410-00111888-00112109 epidemics jbsBnU9Ngik-00411-00112110-00112452 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00412-00112453-00113097 topic under a microfinance Department jbsBnU9Ngik-00413-00113098-00113508 UNR lwas microfinance Department MD aims jbsBnU9Ngik-00414-00113508-00113718 to alleviate poverty and support jbsBnU9Ngik-00415-00113719-00113919 economic development in the refugee jbsBnU9Ngik-00416-00113920-00114104 community by providing capital jbsBnU9Ngik-00417-00114105-00114321 investment in working capital loans at jbsBnU9Ngik-00418-00114322-00114627 commercial rates the program seeks to be jbsBnU9Ngik-00419-00114628-00114852 as close to self-supporting as possible jbsBnU9Ngik-00420-00114853-00115107 it has a strong record of creating jbsBnU9Ngik-00421-00115108-00115320 employment generating income and jbsBnU9Ngik-00422-00115321-00115638 empowering refugees the microfinance jbsBnU9Ngik-00423-00115639-00115881 department as an autonomous financial jbsBnU9Ngik-00424-00115882-00116196 unit within Unruh established in 1991 to jbsBnU9Ngik-00425-00116197-00116403 provide microfinance services to jbsBnU9Ngik-00426-00116404-00116643 palestine refugees as well as poor or jbsBnU9Ngik-00427-00116644-00116847 marginal groups living and working in jbsBnU9Ngik-00428-00116848-00117156 close proximity to them with operations jbsBnU9Ngik-00429-00117157-00117408 in three countries the m.d currently has jbsBnU9Ngik-00430-00117408-00117590 the broadest regional coverage of any jbsBnU9Ngik-00431-00117591-00117815 microfinance institution in the Middle jbsBnU9Ngik-00432-00117816-00118119 East having begun its operations in the jbsBnU9Ngik-00433-00118120-00118358 Palestinian territories it remains the jbsBnU9Ngik-00434-00118359-00118608 largest non-bank financial intermediary jbsBnU9Ngik-00435-00118608-00118799 in the West Bank in Gaza jbsBnU9Ngik-00436-00118800-00119260 key figures cumulative as of 2014 are jbsBnU9Ngik-00437-00119261-00119909 320 4994 number of loans awarded 368 jbsBnU9Ngik-00438-00119910-00120266 United States dollars 1 million value of jbsBnU9Ngik-00439-00120267-00120849 loans awarded 33% youth outreach 38% jbsBnU9Ngik-00440-00120850-00121340 women outreach jbsBnU9Ngik-00441-00121341-00121947 topic emergency operations jbsBnU9Ngik-00442-00121948-00122238 unruhe takes a wide variety of action to jbsBnU9Ngik-00443-00122239-00122445 mitigate the effects of emergencies on jbsBnU9Ngik-00444-00122446-00122702 the lives of palestine refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-00445-00122703-00122949 particularly in the West Bank and the jbsBnU9Ngik-00446-00122950-00123168 Gaza Strip occupied Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00447-00123169-00123366 territory opted there has been ongoing jbsBnU9Ngik-00448-00123367-00123701 intervention made necessary by eg the jbsBnU9Ngik-00449-00123702-00123999 1967 war as well as the first and second jbsBnU9Ngik-00450-00124000-00124422 intifadas and the 2014 Gaza war up until jbsBnU9Ngik-00451-00124423-00124629 this point the reconstruction work at jbsBnU9Ngik-00452-00124630-00124886 Nahr el bared palestine refugee camp in jbsBnU9Ngik-00453-00124888-00125030 Lebanon has been the largest jbsBnU9Ngik-00454-00125031-00125217 reconstruction project ever undertaken jbsBnU9Ngik-00455-00125218-00125682 by Unruh this work began in 2009 and was jbsBnU9Ngik-00456-00125683-00125856 made necessary when the camp was jbsBnU9Ngik-00457-00125857-00126039 destroyed in the fighting between the jbsBnU9Ngik-00458-00126040-00126249 Lebanese Armed Forces and Fatah al-islam jbsBnU9Ngik-00459-00126250-00126717 in 2007 unruhe evaluates the ongoing jbsBnU9Ngik-00460-00126718-00126933 conflict in Syria as one of the most jbsBnU9Ngik-00461-00126933-00127103 serious challenges ever jbsBnU9Ngik-00462-00127104-00127401 unruhe supports Palestinians refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-00463-00127402-00127626 both those displaced within Syria and jbsBnU9Ngik-00464-00127627-00127736 those who have fled to neighboring jbsBnU9Ngik-00465-00127738-00127968 countries within the Unruh areas of jbsBnU9Ngik-00466-00127969-00128325 operations services range from supplying jbsBnU9Ngik-00467-00128326-00128592 temporary shelter water food clothing jbsBnU9Ngik-00468-00128593-00128853 and blankets to temporary job creation jbsBnU9Ngik-00469-00128854-00129078 and help for rebuilding there is jbsBnU9Ngik-00470-00129079-00129270 extensive cooperation with other jbsBnU9Ngik-00471-00129271-00130040 international NGOs and local actors jbsBnU9Ngik-00472-00130041-00130379 topic infrastructure and camp settlement jbsBnU9Ngik-00473-00130380-00130783 improvement jbsBnU9Ngik-00474-00130783-00130993 about one-third of the 5 million jbsBnU9Ngik-00475-00130994-00131248 refugees registered with the agency live jbsBnU9Ngik-00476-00131249-00131473 in recognized camps settlements in jbsBnU9Ngik-00477-00131474-00131754 Jordan Lebanon Syria the West Bank and jbsBnU9Ngik-00478-00131755-00132043 the Gaza Strip to date unruhe has jbsBnU9Ngik-00479-00132044-00132472 participated in rebuilding 5223 homes in jbsBnU9Ngik-00480-00132473-00132678 Nahr el bared in northern Lebanon and jbsBnU9Ngik-00481-00132679-00132835 has initiated a recovery and jbsBnU9Ngik-00482-00132836-00133036 reconstruction plan for Gaza including jbsBnU9Ngik-00483-00133037-00133335 clinics schools and housing units jbsBnU9Ngik-00484-00133336-00133576 special funding has been provided by jbsBnU9Ngik-00485-00133577-00133858 Saudi Arabia Japan the Netherlands and jbsBnU9Ngik-00486-00133859-00134530 the United Arab Emirates jbsBnU9Ngik-00487-00134531-00135039 topic praised jbsBnU9Ngik-00488-00135040-00135462 in the timeframe 1998 to 2009 some of jbsBnU9Ngik-00489-00135463-00135636 the most notable praise and appreciation jbsBnU9Ngik-00490-00135637-00135882 has been expressed by the Nobel Peace jbsBnU9Ngik-00491-00135883-00136104 Laureates Mairead corrigan maguire and jbsBnU9Ngik-00492-00136105-00136296 Kofi Annan by the president of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00493-00136297-00136461 General Assembly of the United Nations jbsBnU9Ngik-00494-00136462-00136797 by UN secretary-general ban ki-moon and jbsBnU9Ngik-00495-00136798-00137007 by representatives from the European jbsBnU9Ngik-00496-00137008-00137250 Union the United States the Netherlands jbsBnU9Ngik-00497-00137251-00137619 Japan Bangladesh Cyprus Jordan Ghana and jbsBnU9Ngik-00498-00137620-00137994 Norway among others in 2007 the jbsBnU9Ngik-00499-00137995-00138186 permanent representative of Norway to jbsBnU9Ngik-00500-00138187-00138423 the United Nations described his country jbsBnU9Ngik-00501-00138424-00138747 as a strong supporter of Unruh which jbsBnU9Ngik-00502-00138748-00139086 acts as a safety net for the Palestine jbsBnU9Ngik-00503-00139087-00139341 refugees providing them with immediate jbsBnU9Ngik-00504-00139342-00139551 relief basic services and the jbsBnU9Ngik-00505-00139552-00139926 possibility of a life in dignity the jbsBnU9Ngik-00506-00139927-00140160 same day the representative of Iceland jbsBnU9Ngik-00507-00140161-00140415 praised the fact that despite times of jbsBnU9Ngik-00508-00140416-00140637 exceptional hardship and suffering in jbsBnU9Ngik-00509-00140638-00140850 the region unruhe has been able to jbsBnU9Ngik-00510-00140851-00141165 deliver substantial results on the jbsBnU9Ngik-00511-00141166-00141309 humanitarian front jbsBnU9Ngik-00512-00141310-00141546 unruhe played a central role in easing jbsBnU9Ngik-00513-00141547-00141756 the suffering of both refugees and jbsBnU9Ngik-00514-00141757-00142014 Lebanese civilians during its emergency jbsBnU9Ngik-00515-00142015-00142257 operations in Lebanon and on the Gaza jbsBnU9Ngik-00516-00142258-00142557 Strip under often life-threatening jbsBnU9Ngik-00517-00142558-00142881 conditions un RWA staff showed jbsBnU9Ngik-00518-00142882-00143141 relentless dedication to the agency's jbsBnU9Ngik-00519-00143142-00143652 responsibilities in 2007 Gershon Kedar jbsBnU9Ngik-00520-00143653-00143829 israel's delegate to the fourth jbsBnU9Ngik-00521-00143830-00144054 Committee confirmed israel's support for jbsBnU9Ngik-00522-00144055-00144267 the Unruh my delegation wishes to inform jbsBnU9Ngik-00523-00144268-00144480 the committee that despite our concerns jbsBnU9Ngik-00524-00144481-00144693 regarding the politicization of Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-00525-00144694-00144942 israel supports its humanitarian mission jbsBnU9Ngik-00526-00144943-00145143 and will continue to work in a spirit of jbsBnU9Ngik-00527-00145144-00145395 dialogue in cooperation with the agency jbsBnU9Ngik-00528-00145396-00145575 under the leadership of its commissioner jbsBnU9Ngik-00529-00145576-00145923 general karin honing abu zaid jbsBnU9Ngik-00530-00145924-00146266 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00531-00146267-00146905 topic mo PA and assessment jbsBnU9Ngik-00532-00146906-00147211 in 2011 unruhe agreed to be assessed as jbsBnU9Ngik-00533-00147212-00147400 a multilateral organization by the jbsBnU9Ngik-00534-00147401-00147634 multilateral organization performance jbsBnU9Ngik-00535-00147635-00148090 assessment network M OPA n mo PA Anna's jbsBnU9Ngik-00536-00148091-00148306 network of donor countries with a common jbsBnU9Ngik-00537-00148307-00148519 interest in assessing the organizational jbsBnU9Ngik-00538-00148520-00148681 effectiveness of multilateral jbsBnU9Ngik-00539-00148682-00149080 organizations M OPA n was established in jbsBnU9Ngik-00540-00149081-00149377 2002 in response to international fora jbsBnU9Ngik-00541-00149378-00149584 on aid effectiveness and calls for jbsBnU9Ngik-00542-00149585-00149758 greater donor harmonization and jbsBnU9Ngik-00543-00149759-00150196 coordination today 2011 M OPA n is made jbsBnU9Ngik-00544-00150197-00150423 up of sixteen donor countries Australia jbsBnU9Ngik-00545-00150424-00150784 Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland jbsBnU9Ngik-00546-00150785-00151060 France Germany Ireland the Netherlands jbsBnU9Ngik-00547-00151061-00151384 Norway Republic of Korea Spain Sweden jbsBnU9Ngik-00548-00151385-00151728 Switzerland and the United Kingdom jbsBnU9Ngik-00549-00151729-00152010 mo PA and assessments provide a snapshot jbsBnU9Ngik-00550-00152011-00152238 of four dimensions of organizational jbsBnU9Ngik-00551-00152239-00152422 effectiveness strategic management jbsBnU9Ngik-00552-00152423-00152659 operational management relationship jbsBnU9Ngik-00553-00152660-00152952 management and knowledge management MO jbsBnU9Ngik-00554-00152953-00153222 PA n does not examine an organization's jbsBnU9Ngik-00555-00153223-00153619 development results the mo PA n report jbsBnU9Ngik-00556-00153620-00153785 evaluated a number of criteria jbsBnU9Ngik-00557-00153786-00154212 positively in UNR waz response the jbsBnU9Ngik-00558-00154213-00154432 agency was pleased to note that many of jbsBnU9Ngik-00559-00154433-00154599 the challenges highlighted in the report jbsBnU9Ngik-00560-00154600-00154824 reflect challenges within most if not jbsBnU9Ngik-00561-00154825-00155220 all multilateral organizations jbsBnU9Ngik-00562-00155221-00155586 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00563-00155587-00156241 topic criticism and controversies jbsBnU9Ngik-00564-00156242-00156545 after 65 years unruhe may have become a jbsBnU9Ngik-00565-00156546-00156850 nation and subculture unto itself as jbsBnU9Ngik-00566-00156851-00157058 Emanuel marks and nitzan Acme has jbsBnU9Ngik-00567-00157059-00157409 pointed out in 2004 most of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00568-00157410-00157624 criticism concerns Unruh showing the jbsBnU9Ngik-00569-00157625-00157966 pathology ax aging including symptoms of jbsBnU9Ngik-00570-00157967-00158203 inflexibility resistance to adjust to jbsBnU9Ngik-00571-00158204-00158398 the changing political environment and jbsBnU9Ngik-00572-00158399-00158625 refusal to phase out and transfer its jbsBnU9Ngik-00573-00158626-00158834 responsibilities to the Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00574-00158835-00158940 Authority jbsBnU9Ngik-00575-00158941-00159214 unruhe initiated a reform programme jbsBnU9Ngik-00576-00159215-00159439 based on organizational development to jbsBnU9Ngik-00577-00159440-00159743 improve efficiency in 2007 as mentioned jbsBnU9Ngik-00578-00159744-00159845 in another section jbsBnU9Ngik-00579-00159846-00160133 unruhe participated in a 2011 review of jbsBnU9Ngik-00580-00160134-00160445 its internal practices no follow up can jbsBnU9Ngik-00581-00160446-00160649 be identified jbsBnU9Ngik-00582-00160650-00160850 in addition to challenges in internal jbsBnU9Ngik-00583-00160851-00161043 operations there are some more difficult jbsBnU9Ngik-00584-00161044-00161225 issues which have been pointed out jbsBnU9Ngik-00585-00161226-00161489 especially but not solely by Israel and jbsBnU9Ngik-00586-00161490-00161659 pro-israel groups jbsBnU9Ngik-00587-00161660-00161933 unruhe has been accused of hiring known jbsBnU9Ngik-00588-00161934-00162158 militants perpetuating Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00589-00162159-00162381 dependency demonizing Israel and jbsBnU9Ngik-00590-00162382-00162587 funneling money from Western governments jbsBnU9Ngik-00591-00162588-00162773 to line the pockets of the Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00592-00162774-00162962 Authority and purchasing arms for jbsBnU9Ngik-00593-00162963-00163181 terrorists jbsBnU9Ngik-00594-00163182-00163522 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00595-00163523-00164522 topic mandate related controversies jbsBnU9Ngik-00596-00164523-00164849 topic the mandate itself including the jbsBnU9Ngik-00597-00164850-00165339 definition of refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-00598-00165340-00165582 the Unruh definition is meant solely to jbsBnU9Ngik-00599-00165583-00165777 determine eligibility for Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-00600-00165778-00166089 assistance however some argue it serves jbsBnU9Ngik-00601-00166090-00166365 to perpetuate the conflict under General jbsBnU9Ngik-00602-00166366-00166701 Assembly resolution 194 three of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00603-00166702-00167031 11th of December 1948 other persons may jbsBnU9Ngik-00604-00167032-00167256 be eligible for repatriation and/or jbsBnU9Ngik-00605-00167257-00167435 compensation but are not necessarily jbsBnU9Ngik-00606-00167436-00167727 eligible for relief under the UN our W jbsBnU9Ngik-00607-00167728-00168018 A's working definition jbsBnU9Ngik-00608-00168019-00168360 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00609-00168361-00168687 topic creating dependency rather than jbsBnU9Ngik-00610-00168688-00169162 resettling refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-00611-00169163-00169477 although you nrw A's mandate his only jbsBnU9Ngik-00612-00169478-00169699 relief and works the Wall Street Journal jbsBnU9Ngik-00613-00169700-00169921 Europe edition published an op-ed by a jbsBnU9Ngik-00614-00169922-00170221 saw fro murasky and Alexander H Jaffa in jbsBnU9Ngik-00615-00170222-00170574 April 2011 saying that despite UNR lwas jbsBnU9Ngik-00616-00170575-00170869 purported goal it is hard to claim that jbsBnU9Ngik-00617-00170870-00171121 the Unruh has created any Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00618-00171122-00171364 institutions that foster a genuinely jbsBnU9Ngik-00619-00171365-00171733 civil society ideally the Unruh would be jbsBnU9Ngik-00620-00171734-00171979 disbanded and Palestinians given the jbsBnU9Ngik-00621-00171980-00172219 freedom and the responsibility to build jbsBnU9Ngik-00622-00172220-00172567 their own society the High Commission is jbsBnU9Ngik-00623-00172568-00172786 mandated to help refugees get on with jbsBnU9Ngik-00624-00172787-00172993 their lives as quickly as possible and jbsBnU9Ngik-00625-00172994-00173182 works to settle them rapidly most jbsBnU9Ngik-00626-00173183-00173380 frequently in countries other than those jbsBnU9Ngik-00627-00173381-00173722 they fled unruhe policy however states jbsBnU9Ngik-00628-00173723-00173917 that the Palestinian Arabs who fled from jbsBnU9Ngik-00629-00173918-00174169 Israel in the course of the 1948 war jbsBnU9Ngik-00630-00174170-00174391 plus all their descendants are to be jbsBnU9Ngik-00631-00174392-00174610 considered refugees until a just and jbsBnU9Ngik-00632-00174611-00174796 durable solution can be found by jbsBnU9Ngik-00633-00174797-00175102 political actors Unruh was specifically jbsBnU9Ngik-00634-00175103-00175285 designed not to prescribe how the jbsBnU9Ngik-00635-00175286-00175489 outcome of an agreement would take shape jbsBnU9Ngik-00636-00175490-00175777 James G Lindsay a former Unruh general jbsBnU9Ngik-00637-00175778-00175969 counsel and fellow researcher for jbsBnU9Ngik-00638-00175970-00176146 Washington Institute for Near East jbsBnU9Ngik-00639-00176147-00176476 policy published a report for WI NDP in jbsBnU9Ngik-00640-00176477-00176752 2009 in which he criticized Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-00641-00176753-00177046 practices one of his conclusions was jbsBnU9Ngik-00642-00177047-00177379 that un r w a s failure to match UNHCR jbsBnU9Ngik-00643-00177380-00177706 success in resettling refugees obviously jbsBnU9Ngik-00644-00177707-00177946 represents a political decision on the jbsBnU9Ngik-00645-00177947-00178291 part of the agency and seems to favor jbsBnU9Ngik-00646-00178292-00178534 the strain of Palestinian political jbsBnU9Ngik-00647-00178535-00178780 thought espoused by those who are intent jbsBnU9Ngik-00648-00178781-00179005 on a return to the land that is now jbsBnU9Ngik-00649-00179006-00179380 Israel however Unruh has never been jbsBnU9Ngik-00650-00179381-00179541 given a mandate by the UN General jbsBnU9Ngik-00651-00179542-00179852 Assembly to resettle refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-00652-00179853-00180215 in 2010 John Jing head of Unruh Gaza had jbsBnU9Ngik-00653-00180216-00180395 stated that he was disappointed in jbsBnU9Ngik-00654-00180396-00180632 Linda's criticisms of Unruh for failure jbsBnU9Ngik-00655-00180633-00180950 to resettle refugees Jing argued that jbsBnU9Ngik-00656-00180951-00181250 there are no basis to say that it is un jbsBnU9Ngik-00657-00181251-00181538 RW A's decision because our mandate is jbsBnU9Ngik-00658-00181539-00181844 given to us I agree that it is a jbsBnU9Ngik-00659-00181845-00182075 political failure but we don't set up jbsBnU9Ngik-00660-00182076-00182321 the mandate we are only the implementers jbsBnU9Ngik-00661-00182322-00182735 in 2006 the Unruh drew criticism from jbsBnU9Ngik-00662-00182736-00182936 the u.s. congressman Mark Kirk and jbsBnU9Ngik-00663-00182937-00183218 Stephen Rothman their letter sent to the jbsBnU9Ngik-00664-00183219-00183473 US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice jbsBnU9Ngik-00665-00183474-00183743 stated in part after an exhaustive jbsBnU9Ngik-00666-00183744-00184025 review of the UN's own audit it is clear jbsBnU9Ngik-00667-00184026-00184210 unruhe is wrought by mismanagement jbsBnU9Ngik-00668-00184211-00184490 ineffective policies and failure to jbsBnU9Ngik-00669-00184491-00184877 secure its finances we must upgrade U n jbsBnU9Ngik-00670-00184878-00185240 RW A's financial controls management and jbsBnU9Ngik-00671-00185241-00185501 enforcement of US law that bars any jbsBnU9Ngik-00672-00185502-00185720 taxpayer dollars from supporting jbsBnU9Ngik-00673-00185721-00186062 terrorists unruhe responded by showing jbsBnU9Ngik-00674-00186063-00186257 the results of its school students in jbsBnU9Ngik-00675-00186258-00186479 Syria and Jordan who outperform their jbsBnU9Ngik-00676-00186480-00186685 peers in host government schools jbsBnU9Ngik-00677-00186686-00186929 unruhe also mentioned the difficult jbsBnU9Ngik-00678-00186930-00187124 conditions in which it operates its jbsBnU9Ngik-00679-00187125-00187364 refugee load increased much faster than jbsBnU9Ngik-00680-00187365-00187538 its budget while the tightening of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00681-00187539-00187727 closure regime since the Second Intifada jbsBnU9Ngik-00682-00187728-00187964 deeply affected the humanitarian jbsBnU9Ngik-00683-00187965-00188210 situation in the former Israeli occupied jbsBnU9Ngik-00684-00188211-00188462 territories senator kit bond our MOU jbsBnU9Ngik-00685-00188463-00188675 said that unruhe is an example of a jbsBnU9Ngik-00686-00188676-00188912 United Nations anti-israel bias and that jbsBnU9Ngik-00687-00188913-00189137 palestine refugees should be treated the jbsBnU9Ngik-00688-00189138-00189347 same as all others with refugee status jbsBnU9Ngik-00689-00189348-00189839 around the world in 2011 on respond us jbsBnU9Ngik-00690-00189840-00190076 wrote Palestinian refugees continued to jbsBnU9Ngik-00691-00190077-00190274 be refugees because the issues which jbsBnU9Ngik-00692-00190275-00190504 caused their exile remain outstanding jbsBnU9Ngik-00693-00190505-00190778 only by addressing in a just and durable jbsBnU9Ngik-00694-00190779-00190988 fashion the underlying causes of jbsBnU9Ngik-00695-00190989-00191186 conflict and by doing so in accordance jbsBnU9Ngik-00696-00191187-00191405 with international law and the rights of jbsBnU9Ngik-00697-00191406-00191639 refugees can the refugee issue be laid jbsBnU9Ngik-00698-00191640-00191933 to rest this is the responsibility of jbsBnU9Ngik-00699-00191934-00192128 the parties and international political jbsBnU9Ngik-00700-00192129-00192335 actors it is wishful jbsBnU9Ngik-00701-00192336-00192499 cynical thinking to suppose that jbsBnU9Ngik-00702-00192500-00192806 Palestinian refugees can be made to go jbsBnU9Ngik-00703-00192807-00193094 away by dispersing them around the globe jbsBnU9Ngik-00704-00193095-00193233 or by dissolving the jbsBnU9Ngik-00705-00193234-00193476 agency established to protect Ana system jbsBnU9Ngik-00706-00193477-00193691 pending a just and lasting solution to jbsBnU9Ngik-00707-00193692-00194000 their plight source Huffington Post in jbsBnU9Ngik-00708-00194001-00194262 2014 basa mead director of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00709-00194263-00194465 Palestinian human rights monitoring jbsBnU9Ngik-00710-00194466-00194694 group accused Unruh of perpetuating the jbsBnU9Ngik-00711-00194695-00195014 refugee status of Palestinians he wrote jbsBnU9Ngik-00712-00195015-00195285 Unruh to continue its operation depends jbsBnU9Ngik-00713-00195286-00195474 on death and the visual suffering of jbsBnU9Ngik-00714-00195475-00195699 five million Palestinians who continue jbsBnU9Ngik-00715-00195700-00195837 to languish in and around jbsBnU9Ngik-00716-00195838-00196056 unruhe facilities he concluded in the jbsBnU9Ngik-00717-00196057-00196190 eyes of the Palestinians jbsBnU9Ngik-00718-00196191-00196391 unruhe axis state with its own foreign jbsBnU9Ngik-00719-00196392-00196688 policy and that foreign policy does not jbsBnU9Ngik-00720-00196689-00196857 serve the best interests of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00721-00196858-00197085 Palestinian refugees Abe's article jbsBnU9Ngik-00722-00197086-00197268 however has been the subject of jbsBnU9Ngik-00723-00197269-00197400 criticism for its widespread jbsBnU9Ngik-00724-00197401-00197600 inaccuracies and almost verbatim jbsBnU9Ngik-00725-00197601-00197849 paraphrasing of another Unruh critic jbsBnU9Ngik-00726-00197850-00198113 according to McGill University political jbsBnU9Ngik-00727-00198114-00198393 science professor Rex Brennan one could jbsBnU9Ngik-00728-00198394-00198660 go on picking holes in the e2 op-ed for jbsBnU9Ngik-00729-00198661-00199016 some considerable time however what was jbsBnU9Ngik-00730-00199017-00199238 also striking was the extent to which jbsBnU9Ngik-00731-00199239-00199476 his piece seemed to simply paraphrase jbsBnU9Ngik-00732-00199477-00199731 points that were made back in October by jbsBnU9Ngik-00733-00199732-00200019 perennial anti Unruh gadfly David Bodine jbsBnU9Ngik-00734-00200020-00200226 of the right-wing air at Sheva News jbsBnU9Ngik-00735-00200227-00200523 Service also published in The Jerusalem jbsBnU9Ngik-00736-00200524-00200799 Post Unruh rejected claims that it jbsBnU9Ngik-00737-00200800-00201053 supports extremism or as anti-israel and jbsBnU9Ngik-00738-00201054-00201246 defended its record on the effectiveness jbsBnU9Ngik-00739-00201247-00201571 of our efforts on neutrality jbsBnU9Ngik-00740-00201572-00201914 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00741-00201915-00202906 topic execution related controversies jbsBnU9Ngik-00742-00202907-00203582 topic protection of Palestinian refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-00743-00203583-00203904 ASEM Khalil associate professor of law jbsBnU9Ngik-00744-00203905-00204120 at Burt sight University and Dean of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00745-00204121-00204296 Faculty of Law and public administration jbsBnU9Ngik-00746-00204297-00204597 has focused on human rights issues for jbsBnU9Ngik-00747-00204598-00204881 Palestinians in host countries after jbsBnU9Ngik-00748-00204882-00205101 systematically documenting the human jbsBnU9Ngik-00749-00205102-00205326 rights situation for Palestinians in jbsBnU9Ngik-00750-00205327-00205596 Egypt Jordan Lebanon and Syria he jbsBnU9Ngik-00751-00205596-00205884 concludes the point this approach is jbsBnU9Ngik-00752-00205885-00206127 stresses I believe is not that unruhe is jbsBnU9Ngik-00753-00206128-00206336 not necessary or that Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00754-00206337-00206561 refugee hood is not unique and special jbsBnU9Ngik-00755-00206562-00206765 but rather that Unruh is not currently jbsBnU9Ngik-00756-00206766-00207011 capable of ensuring necessary protection jbsBnU9Ngik-00757-00207012-00207236 for Palestinian refugees and that host jbsBnU9Ngik-00758-00207237-00207471 Arab states cannot use the uniqueness of jbsBnU9Ngik-00759-00207471-00207689 Palestinian refugee hood to continue jbsBnU9Ngik-00760-00207690-00207896 upholding discriminatory laws and jbsBnU9Ngik-00761-00207898-00208289 policies towards Palestinian refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-00762-00208290-00208538 the global financial crisis may result jbsBnU9Ngik-00763-00208539-00208751 in decreasing international funds to jbsBnU9Ngik-00764-00208752-00208955 Unruh and Unruh may be pushed towards jbsBnU9Ngik-00765-00208956-00209264 reducing its services such a scenario jbsBnU9Ngik-00766-00209265-00209516 will be felt by Palestinian refugees in jbsBnU9Ngik-00767-00209517-00209738 particular ways seeing the absence of jbsBnU9Ngik-00768-00209739-00209948 alternative sources of income and the jbsBnU9Ngik-00769-00209948-00210182 restrictive laws and policies that exist jbsBnU9Ngik-00770-00210183-00210482 in some host countries unruhe is a main jbsBnU9Ngik-00771-00210483-00210677 service provider for Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00772-00210678-00210986 refugees in host countries it provides jbsBnU9Ngik-00773-00210987-00211277 jobs for thousands of refugees education jbsBnU9Ngik-00774-00211278-00211487 health care and various other services jbsBnU9Ngik-00775-00211488-00211696 that are extremely valuable and jbsBnU9Ngik-00776-00211698-00211883 necessary jbsBnU9Ngik-00777-00211884-00212138 the issue at stake here is that Unruh is jbsBnU9Ngik-00778-00212139-00212327 not enough but the alternative is not jbsBnU9Ngik-00779-00212328-00212714 the replacement of Unruh by UNHCR jbsBnU9Ngik-00780-00212715-00212923 rather the enhancement of the protection jbsBnU9Ngik-00781-00212925-00213110 role of Unruh or the extension of jbsBnU9Ngik-00782-00213111-00213458 protection mandate of UNHCR to jbsBnU9Ngik-00783-00213459-00213719 Palestinian refugees besides not instead jbsBnU9Ngik-00784-00213719-00213917 existing agencies dealing with jbsBnU9Ngik-00785-00213917-00214304 Palestinian refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-00786-00214305-00214617 you jbsBnU9Ngik-00787-00214619-00215185 topic textbook controversy jbsBnU9Ngik-00788-00215186-00215506 in 2005 Nathan Brown professor of jbsBnU9Ngik-00789-00215507-00215716 political science at George Washington jbsBnU9Ngik-00790-00215717-00215887 University wrote a short but jbsBnU9Ngik-00791-00215888-00216073 comprehensive review article about jbsBnU9Ngik-00792-00216073-00216348 textbooks used by Palestinians focusing jbsBnU9Ngik-00793-00216350-00216681 especially on changes starting in 1994 jbsBnU9Ngik-00794-00216682-00216964 the Oslo agreements resulted in the jbsBnU9Ngik-00795-00216965-00217146 dismantling of the Israeli office jbsBnU9Ngik-00796-00217148-00217461 responsible for censorship of textbooks jbsBnU9Ngik-00797-00217462-00217696 administration of the education system jbsBnU9Ngik-00798-00217696-00217921 for all Palestinian students in the West jbsBnU9Ngik-00799-00217921-00218125 Bank and Gaza was taken over by the jbsBnU9Ngik-00800-00218126-00218416 Palestinian Authority PA other jbsBnU9Ngik-00801-00218417-00218646 Palestinian schools administered by jbsBnU9Ngik-00802-00218648-00218821 Unruh in neighboring countries were jbsBnU9Ngik-00803-00218821-00219055 unaffected with the end of UNESCO jbsBnU9Ngik-00804-00219056-00219187 monitoring of the books jbsBnU9Ngik-00805-00219188-00219388 unruhe moved to develop supplementary jbsBnU9Ngik-00806-00219389-00219577 materials to teach tolerance in the jbsBnU9Ngik-00807-00219578-00219889 school's it administered it as the PA jbsBnU9Ngik-00808-00219890-00220138 textbooks used in Unruh schools in the jbsBnU9Ngik-00809-00220139-00220384 West Bank Gaza and East Jerusalem that jbsBnU9Ngik-00810-00220385-00220663 have been most extensively studied the jbsBnU9Ngik-00811-00220664-00220842 following discussions cannot be jbsBnU9Ngik-00812-00220844-00221056 generalized to Unruh schools elsewhere jbsBnU9Ngik-00813-00221057-00221410 in the beginning the PA used books from jbsBnU9Ngik-00814-00221411-00221742 Jordan and Egypt in 2000 it started jbsBnU9Ngik-00815-00221744-00221977 issuing its own books Nathan Brown jbsBnU9Ngik-00816-00221978-00222202 investigated the differences between the jbsBnU9Ngik-00817-00222203-00222433 new PA books and the ones being replaced jbsBnU9Ngik-00818-00222434-00222628 regarding the Palestinian Authority's jbsBnU9Ngik-00819-00222629-00222969 new textbooks he states the new books jbsBnU9Ngik-00820-00222971-00223183 have removed the anti-semitism present jbsBnU9Ngik-00821-00223184-00223339 in the older books while they tell jbsBnU9Ngik-00822-00223340-00223567 history from a Palestinian point of view jbsBnU9Ngik-00823-00223567-00223789 they do not seek to erase Israel D jbsBnU9Ngik-00824-00223790-00224067 legitimize it or replace it with a state jbsBnU9Ngik-00825-00224069-00224350 of Palestine each book contains a jbsBnU9Ngik-00826-00224351-00224551 foreword describing the West Bank and jbsBnU9Ngik-00827-00224552-00224823 Gaza as the two parts of the homeland jbsBnU9Ngik-00828-00224825-00225106 the maps show some awkwardness but do jbsBnU9Ngik-00829-00225107-00225412 sometimes indicate the 1967 line and jbsBnU9Ngik-00830-00225413-00225567 take some other measures to avoid jbsBnU9Ngik-00831-00225569-00225805 indicating borders in this respect they jbsBnU9Ngik-00832-00225806-00225979 are actually more forthcoming than jbsBnU9Ngik-00833-00225980-00226204 Israeli Maps the books avoid treating jbsBnU9Ngik-00834-00226205-00226405 Israel at length but do indeed mention jbsBnU9Ngik-00835-00226406-00226627 it by name the new books must be seen as jbsBnU9Ngik-00836-00226628-00226837 a tremendous improvement from a Jewish jbsBnU9Ngik-00837-00226838-00227086 Israeli and humanitarian view they do jbsBnU9Ngik-00838-00227087-00227326 not compare unfavorably to the material jbsBnU9Ngik-00839-00227327-00227515 my son was given as a fourth grade jbsBnU9Ngik-00840-00227516-00227796 student in a school in Tel Aviv jbsBnU9Ngik-00841-00227798-00228016 Browne has pointed out that research jbsBnU9Ngik-00842-00228017-00228262 into Palestinian textbooks conducted by jbsBnU9Ngik-00843-00228263-00228459 the center for monitoring the impact of jbsBnU9Ngik-00844-00228460-00228759 peace in 1998 is misleading because it jbsBnU9Ngik-00845-00228760-00229035 evaluates the old books and in 2000 its jbsBnU9Ngik-00846-00229036-00229342 research mixed old and new books in 2002 jbsBnU9Ngik-00847-00229342-00229584 the united states congress requested the jbsBnU9Ngik-00848-00229585-00229762 United States Department of State to jbsBnU9Ngik-00849-00229763-00230041 Commission a reputable NGO to conduct a jbsBnU9Ngik-00850-00230042-00230263 review of the new Palestinian curriculum jbsBnU9Ngik-00851-00230264-00230581 the Israel Palestine Centre for research jbsBnU9Ngik-00852-00230582-00230784 and information IP CRI jbsBnU9Ngik-00853-00230785-00230982 was thereby commissioned by the US jbsBnU9Ngik-00854-00230983-00231234 Embassy in Tel Aviv in the u.s. Consul jbsBnU9Ngik-00855-00231235-00231439 General in Jerusalem to review the jbsBnU9Ngik-00856-00231440-00231732 Palestinian Authority's textbooks its jbsBnU9Ngik-00857-00231733-00232039 report was completed in March 2003 and jbsBnU9Ngik-00858-00232040-00232209 delivered to the State Department for jbsBnU9Ngik-00859-00232210-00232504 submission to Congress its executive jbsBnU9Ngik-00860-00232505-00232809 summary states the overall orientation jbsBnU9Ngik-00861-00232810-00233034 of the curriculum is peaceful despite jbsBnU9Ngik-00862-00233035-00233254 the harsh and violent realities on the jbsBnU9Ngik-00863-00233255-00233619 ground it does not openly incite against jbsBnU9Ngik-00864-00233621-00233919 Israel and the Jews it does not openly jbsBnU9Ngik-00865-00233921-00234262 incite hatred and violence religious and jbsBnU9Ngik-00866-00234263-00234514 political tolerance is emphasized in a jbsBnU9Ngik-00867-00234515-00234769 good number of textbooks and in multiple jbsBnU9Ngik-00868-00234769-00235005 contexts jbsBnU9Ngik-00869-00235006-00235442 I PC our eyes June 2004 follow-up report jbsBnU9Ngik-00870-00235444-00235680 notes that except for calls for jbsBnU9Ngik-00871-00235681-00235944 resisting occupation and oppression no jbsBnU9Ngik-00872-00235944-00236130 signs were detected of outright jbsBnU9Ngik-00873-00236131-00236369 promotion of hatred towards Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-00874-00236371-00236846 Judaism or Zionism and that tolerance as jbsBnU9Ngik-00875-00236848-00237164 a concept runs across the new textbooks jbsBnU9Ngik-00876-00237165-00237525 the report also stated that textbooks jbsBnU9Ngik-00877-00237526-00237744 revealed numerous instances that jbsBnU9Ngik-00878-00237744-00237987 introduce and promote the universal and jbsBnU9Ngik-00879-00237988-00238260 religious values and concepts of respect jbsBnU9Ngik-00880-00238261-00238521 of other cultures religions and ethnic jbsBnU9Ngik-00881-00238521-00238809 groups peace human rights freedom of jbsBnU9Ngik-00882-00238810-00239117 speech justice compassion diversity jbsBnU9Ngik-00883-00239119-00239433 plurality tolerance respect of law and jbsBnU9Ngik-00884-00239434-00239780 environmental awareness jbsBnU9Ngik-00885-00239781-00240129 however the IPC ri noted a number of jbsBnU9Ngik-00886-00240130-00240419 deficiencies in the curriculum the jbsBnU9Ngik-00887-00240421-00240678 practice of appropriating cites areas jbsBnU9Ngik-00888-00240679-00241008 localities geographic regions etc inside jbsBnU9Ngik-00889-00241009-00241215 the territory of the state of israel as jbsBnU9Ngik-00890-00241216-00241452 palestine palestinian observed in our jbsBnU9Ngik-00891-00241453-00241683 previous review remains a feature of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00892-00241684-00241896 newly published textbooks fourth and jbsBnU9Ngik-00893-00241896-00242112 ninth grade laying substantive grounds jbsBnU9Ngik-00894-00242113-00242301 to the contention that the Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00895-00242302-00242517 Authority did not in fact recognize jbsBnU9Ngik-00896-00242517-00242869 Israel as the state of the Jewish people jbsBnU9Ngik-00897-00242871-00243067 the summary also states that the jbsBnU9Ngik-00898-00243069-00243280 curriculum asserts a historical Arab jbsBnU9Ngik-00899-00243281-00243571 presence in the region while the Jewish jbsBnU9Ngik-00900-00243573-00243794 connection to the region in general and jbsBnU9Ngik-00901-00243794-00244057 the Holy Land in particular is virtually jbsBnU9Ngik-00902-00244058-00244313 missing this lack of reference is jbsBnU9Ngik-00903-00244314-00244534 perceived as tantamount to a denial of jbsBnU9Ngik-00904-00244535-00244739 such a connection although no direct jbsBnU9Ngik-00905-00244740-00244928 evidence is found for such a denial jbsBnU9Ngik-00906-00244929-00245300 quote it also notes that terms and jbsBnU9Ngik-00907-00245301-00245477 passages used to describe some jbsBnU9Ngik-00908-00245478-00245644 historical events are sometimes jbsBnU9Ngik-00909-00245646-00245819 offensive in nature and could be jbsBnU9Ngik-00910-00245819-00246017 construed as reflecting hatred of and jbsBnU9Ngik-00911-00246017-00246282 discrimination against Jews and Judaism jbsBnU9Ngik-00912-00246283-00246571 the US State Department has similarly jbsBnU9Ngik-00913-00246573-00246781 raised concerns about the content of jbsBnU9Ngik-00914-00246782-00247180 textbooks used in PA schools in its 2009 jbsBnU9Ngik-00915-00247181-00247403 Human Rights report the US State jbsBnU9Ngik-00916-00247404-00247646 Department wrote that after a 2006 jbsBnU9Ngik-00917-00247646-00247904 revision of textbooks by the PA ministry jbsBnU9Ngik-00918-00247905-00248054 of education and higher education jbsBnU9Ngik-00919-00248055-00248332 international academics concluded that jbsBnU9Ngik-00920-00248333-00248546 books did not incite violence against jbsBnU9Ngik-00921-00248546-00248782 Jews but showed imbalance bias and jbsBnU9Ngik-00922-00248783-00249079 inaccuracy the examples given were jbsBnU9Ngik-00923-00249080-00249371 similar to those given by IP CRI the jbsBnU9Ngik-00924-00249371-00249553 center for monitoring the impact of jbsBnU9Ngik-00925-00249554-00249800 peace was reconstituted as the institute jbsBnU9Ngik-00926-00249801-00249982 for monitoring peace and cultural jbsBnU9Ngik-00927-00249983-00250255 tolerance in school education impact se jbsBnU9Ngik-00928-00250256-00250417 and seems to have improved the quality jbsBnU9Ngik-00929-00250419-00250729 of its work it has published a number of jbsBnU9Ngik-00930-00250730-00251005 evaluations of PA textbooks the latest jbsBnU9Ngik-00931-00251006-00251276 evaluation from 2011 concludes that the jbsBnU9Ngik-00932-00251277-00251516 situation had not significantly improved jbsBnU9Ngik-00933-00251517-00251678 and that there were in fact many jbsBnU9Ngik-00934-00251679-00251884 examples of incitement to hatred and jbsBnU9Ngik-00935-00251885-00252121 demonization of Israel conclusions not jbsBnU9Ngik-00936-00252123-00252527 widely shared by other experts in 2013 jbsBnU9Ngik-00937-00252528-00252733 the results of a rigorous study which jbsBnU9Ngik-00938-00252734-00252979 also compared Israeli textbooks to PA jbsBnU9Ngik-00939-00252980-00253277 textbooks came out the study was jbsBnU9Ngik-00940-00253278-00253466 launched by the Council for religious jbsBnU9Ngik-00941-00253467-00253667 institutions in the Holy Land an jbsBnU9Ngik-00942-00253667-00253871 interfaith Association of Jewish jbsBnU9Ngik-00943-00253871-00254078 Christian and Muslim leaders in Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-00944-00254079-00254398 and the occupied territories the study jbsBnU9Ngik-00945-00254400-00254600 was overseen by an international jbsBnU9Ngik-00946-00254601-00254852 scientific advisory panel and funded by jbsBnU9Ngik-00947-00254853-00255050 the United States State Department the jbsBnU9Ngik-00948-00255051-00255307 council published a report victims of jbsBnU9Ngik-00949-00255308-00255566 our own narratives portrayal of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00950-00255567-00255803 other in Israeli and Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00951-00255804-00255966 schoolbooks jbsBnU9Ngik-00952-00255967-00256215 most books were found to be factually jbsBnU9Ngik-00953-00256216-00256410 accurate except for example through jbsBnU9Ngik-00954-00256411-00256611 presenting maps that present the area jbsBnU9Ngik-00955-00256612-00256773 from the river to the sea as either jbsBnU9Ngik-00956-00256773-00257115 Palestine or Israel Israeli schoolbooks jbsBnU9Ngik-00957-00257116-00257352 were deemed superior to Palestinian ones jbsBnU9Ngik-00958-00257353-00257544 with regard to preparing children for jbsBnU9Ngik-00959-00257544-00257778 peace although various depictions of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00960-00257779-00258153 other as enemy occurred in 75 percent of jbsBnU9Ngik-00961-00258154-00258432 Israeli and in 81 percent of Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00962-00258433-00258681 textbooks the study praised both Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-00963-00258682-00258869 and the Palestinian Authority for jbsBnU9Ngik-00964-00258871-00259083 producing textbooks almost completely jbsBnU9Ngik-00965-00259084-00259335 unblemished by dehumanizing and jbsBnU9Ngik-00966-00259336-00259575 demonizing characterizations of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00967-00259576-00259896 other yet many troubling examples were jbsBnU9Ngik-00968-00259896-00260127 given of both sides failing to represent jbsBnU9Ngik-00969-00260128-00260286 each other in a positive or even jbsBnU9Ngik-00970-00260287-00260583 adequate way and the problem was more jbsBnU9Ngik-00971-00260584-00260931 pronounced in PA textbooks neutral jbsBnU9Ngik-00972-00260932-00261231 depictions of the other were found in jbsBnU9Ngik-00973-00261232-00261494 four percent of Israeli and 15 percent jbsBnU9Ngik-00974-00261496-00261755 of Palestinian textbooks jbsBnU9Ngik-00975-00261756-00261964 overall negative or very negative jbsBnU9Ngik-00976-00261965-00262202 representations of Palestinians occurred jbsBnU9Ngik-00977-00262203-00262385 forty-nine percent of the time in jbsBnU9Ngik-00978-00262386-00262730 Israeli state schoolbooks 73% in Haredi jbsBnU9Ngik-00979-00262731-00262949 schoolbooks and in 84 percent of jbsBnU9Ngik-00980-00262950-00263308 Palestinian textbooks highly negative jbsBnU9Ngik-00981-00263309-00263561 characterizations were discerned in 26 jbsBnU9Ngik-00982-00263562-00263771 percent of Israeli state school books jbsBnU9Ngik-00983-00263772-00263978 and fifty percent of the Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-00984-00263979-00264434 ones harsh critics of PA textbooks give jbsBnU9Ngik-00985-00264435-00264635 similar examples but wait them more jbsBnU9Ngik-00986-00264636-00264905 heavily than IP CRI the US State jbsBnU9Ngik-00987-00264906-00265112 Department and the Council for religious jbsBnU9Ngik-00988-00265113-00265345 institutions in the Holy Land do in jbsBnU9Ngik-00989-00265346-00265616 addition the critics point to subtle jbsBnU9Ngik-00990-00265617-00265873 examples not picked up by these studies jbsBnU9Ngik-00991-00265874-00266189 dr. Arnon gross as perhaps the strongest jbsBnU9Ngik-00992-00266190-00266444 academic critic he had in the past jbsBnU9Ngik-00993-00266445-00266666 conducted an independent research of jbsBnU9Ngik-00994-00266667-00266924 palestinian egyptian syrian saudi jbsBnU9Ngik-00995-00266925-00267203 arabian tunisian and Iranian schoolbooks jbsBnU9Ngik-00996-00267204-00267464 between 2000 and 2010 and was thus jbsBnU9Ngik-00997-00267465-00267608 appointed to be a member of the jbsBnU9Ngik-00998-00267609-00267842 scientific advisory panel for the study jbsBnU9Ngik-00999-00267843-00268001 from the Council for religious jbsBnU9Ngik-01000-00268002-00268274 institutions in the Holy Land he jbsBnU9Ngik-01001-00268275-00268493 criticized the study and its results for jbsBnU9Ngik-01002-00268494-00268763 the following selection of the study jbsBnU9Ngik-01003-00268764-00269051 material highly demonizing pieces were jbsBnU9Ngik-01004-00269052-00269303 not included under the pretext that they jbsBnU9Ngik-01005-00269304-00269708 were not explicit enough explicit denial jbsBnU9Ngik-01006-00269709-00270044 dot was not included to jbsBnU9Ngik-01007-00270045-00270350 categorization methods real cases of jbsBnU9Ngik-01008-00270351-00270575 ignoring the other deliberately without jbsBnU9Ngik-01009-00270576-00270868 degrading him slipped away from scrutiny jbsBnU9Ngik-01010-00270869-00271274 false positive descriptions the quality jbsBnU9Ngik-01011-00271275-00271508 and depth of the analysis there is no jbsBnU9Ngik-01012-00271509-00271757 attempt to study the quotes more deeply jbsBnU9Ngik-01013-00271758-00272096 and draw conclusions the report jbsBnU9Ngik-01014-00272097-00272372 considers jihad and martyrdom as values jbsBnU9Ngik-01015-00272373-00272648 which is acceptable academically but it jbsBnU9Ngik-01016-00272649-00272885 fails to evaluate their impact on the jbsBnU9Ngik-01017-00272886-00273269 issues of war and peace grows concluded jbsBnU9Ngik-01018-00273270-00273554 that the main question namely to what jbsBnU9Ngik-01019-00273555-00273821 extent as this or that party engaged in jbsBnU9Ngik-01020-00273822-00274121 actual education for peace if at all has jbsBnU9Ngik-01021-00274122-00274543 not been answered by the report itself jbsBnU9Ngik-01022-00274544-00274732 all-in-all there seems to be broad jbsBnU9Ngik-01023-00274733-00274900 agreement that there is continual jbsBnU9Ngik-01024-00274901-00275101 improvement in the textbooks used by jbsBnU9Ngik-01025-00275102-00275371 Unruh but very strong disagreement about jbsBnU9Ngik-01026-00275372-00275601 whether the improvement is sufficient in jbsBnU9Ngik-01027-00275602-00275881 response to a critical report written in jbsBnU9Ngik-01028-00275882-00276175 2009 by former Unruh general counsel jbsBnU9Ngik-01029-00276176-00276433 James G Lindsay fellow researcher for jbsBnU9Ngik-01030-00276434-00276598 Washington Institute for Near East jbsBnU9Ngik-01031-00276599-00276913 policy John Jing head of Unruh Gaza said jbsBnU9Ngik-01032-00276914-00277225 as for our schools we use textbooks of jbsBnU9Ngik-01033-00277226-00277507 the Palestinian Authority are they jbsBnU9Ngik-01034-00277508-00277828 perfect no they're not I can't defend jbsBnU9Ngik-01035-00277829-00277953 the indefensible jbsBnU9Ngik-01036-00277954-00278233 unruhe has taken many steps since the jbsBnU9Ngik-01037-00278234-00278443 year 2000 to supplement the PA jbsBnU9Ngik-01038-00278444-00278680 curriculum with concepts of human rights jbsBnU9Ngik-01039-00278681-00278911 nonviolent conflict resolution and jbsBnU9Ngik-01040-00278912-00279249 tolerance according to the Unruh website jbsBnU9Ngik-01041-00279250-00279520 we have been delivering human rights jbsBnU9Ngik-01042-00279521-00279838 education in our schools since 2000 to jbsBnU9Ngik-01043-00279839-00280039 promote non-violence healthy jbsBnU9Ngik-01044-00280040-00280285 communication skills peaceful conflict jbsBnU9Ngik-01045-00280286-00280594 resolution human rights tolerance and jbsBnU9Ngik-01046-00280595-00281035 good citizenship in May 2012 the agency jbsBnU9Ngik-01047-00281036-00281305 endorsed its new Human Rights conflict jbsBnU9Ngik-01048-00281306-00281698 resolution and tolerance HRC RT policy jbsBnU9Ngik-01049-00281699-00281887 to further strengthen Human Rights jbsBnU9Ngik-01050-00281888-00282253 education in Unruh this policy builds jbsBnU9Ngik-01051-00282254-00282550 upon past successes but also draws from jbsBnU9Ngik-01052-00282551-00282799 international best practices and paves jbsBnU9Ngik-01053-00282800-00283036 the way to better integrate Human Rights jbsBnU9Ngik-01054-00283037-00283495 education in all our schools the HRC RT jbsBnU9Ngik-01055-00283496-00283753 policy reflects the Unruh mandate of jbsBnU9Ngik-01056-00283754-00284011 quality education for palestine refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-01057-00284012-00284311 and sets out a common approach among all jbsBnU9Ngik-01058-00284312-00284512 unruhe schools for the teaching and jbsBnU9Ngik-01059-00284513-00284722 learning of human rights conflict jbsBnU9Ngik-01060-00284723-00285052 resolution and tolerance the vision of jbsBnU9Ngik-01061-00285053-00285373 the policy as to provide Human Rights jbsBnU9Ngik-01062-00285374-00285589 education that empowers palestine jbsBnU9Ngik-01063-00285590-00285829 refugee students to enjoy and exercise jbsBnU9Ngik-01064-00285830-00286042 their rights uphold human rights values jbsBnU9Ngik-01065-00286043-00286246 be proud of their Palestinian identity jbsBnU9Ngik-01066-00286247-00286474 and contribute positively to their jbsBnU9Ngik-01067-00286475-00286825 society in the global community quote jbsBnU9Ngik-01068-00286826-00287318 quote jbsBnU9Ngik-01069-00287319-00287919 topic relationship with Hamas jbsBnU9Ngik-01070-00287920-00288225 in April 2013 Palestinian journalist jbsBnU9Ngik-01071-00288226-00288434 Hassan Volusia summed up years of jbsBnU9Ngik-01072-00288435-00288782 tension between Unruh and Hamas agency jbsBnU9Ngik-01073-00288783-00289041 in Gaza faces increasing difficulty in jbsBnU9Ngik-01074-00289042-00289263 carrying out its work as the Hamas led jbsBnU9Ngik-01075-00289264-00289422 government claims some of its activities jbsBnU9Ngik-01076-00289423-00289689 are not in line with the strip's Islamic jbsBnU9Ngik-01077-00289690-00289935 culture and values jbsBnU9Ngik-01078-00289936-00290184 according to the Guardian Hamas has in jbsBnU9Ngik-01079-00290185-00290419 some cases threatened UN staff in Gaza jbsBnU9Ngik-01080-00290420-00290631 the former Unruh chief in Gaza jbsBnU9Ngik-01081-00290632-00290855 John Jing has survived two assassination jbsBnU9Ngik-01082-00290856-00291228 attempts Peter Hansen u n RW A's former jbsBnU9Ngik-01083-00291229-00291616 commissioner general 1996 to 2005 caused jbsBnU9Ngik-01084-00291617-00291933 controversy in Canada in October 2004 jbsBnU9Ngik-01085-00291934-00292195 when he said in an interview with CBC TV jbsBnU9Ngik-01086-00292196-00292509 oh I am sure that there are Hamas jbsBnU9Ngik-01087-00292510-00292704 members on the unrep a role and I don't jbsBnU9Ngik-01088-00292705-00293038 see that as a crime Hamas as a political jbsBnU9Ngik-01089-00293039-00293242 organization does not mean that every jbsBnU9Ngik-01090-00293243-00293443 member as a militant and we do not do jbsBnU9Ngik-01091-00293444-00293623 political vetting and exclude people jbsBnU9Ngik-01092-00293624-00293873 from one persuasion as against another jbsBnU9Ngik-01093-00293874-00294159 we demand of our staff whatever their jbsBnU9Ngik-01094-00294160-00294360 political persuasion is that they behave jbsBnU9Ngik-01095-00294361-00294589 in accordance with UN standards and jbsBnU9Ngik-01096-00294590-00294882 norms for neutrality Hansen later jbsBnU9Ngik-01097-00294883-00295090 specified that he had been referring not jbsBnU9Ngik-01098-00295091-00295312 to active Hamas members but to Hamas jbsBnU9Ngik-01099-00295313-00295602 sympathizers within Unruh in a letter to jbsBnU9Ngik-01100-00295603-00295864 the agency's major donors he said he was jbsBnU9Ngik-01101-00295865-00296049 attempting to be honest because Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-01102-00296050-00296344 has over 8,000 200 employees in the Gaza jbsBnU9Ngik-01103-00296345-00296644 Strip given the 30 percent support of jbsBnU9Ngik-01104-00296645-00296955 Hamas in Gaza at the time and UN RW a's jbsBnU9Ngik-01105-00296956-00297234 workforce of 11,000 Palestinians at jbsBnU9Ngik-01106-00297235-00297429 least some Hamas sympathizers were jbsBnU9Ngik-01107-00297430-00297651 likely to be among you n RW A's jbsBnU9Ngik-01108-00297652-00297964 employees the important thing he wrote jbsBnU9Ngik-01109-00297965-00298243 was that UN rwa strict rules and jbsBnU9Ngik-01110-00298244-00298434 regulations ensured that its staff jbsBnU9Ngik-01111-00298435-00298762 remained impartial UN servants however jbsBnU9Ngik-01112-00298763-00298980 he was retired from United Nations jbsBnU9Ngik-01113-00298981-00299229 service against his will on the 31st of jbsBnU9Ngik-01114-00299230-00299572 March 2005 James G Lindsay a former jbsBnU9Ngik-01115-00299573-00299751 Unruh general counsel and fellow jbsBnU9Ngik-01116-00299752-00299958 researcher for Washington Institute for jbsBnU9Ngik-01117-00299959-00300214 Near East policy published a report for jbsBnU9Ngik-01118-00300215-00300579 WI NDP in 2009 in which he criticized jbsBnU9Ngik-01119-00300580-00300852 Unruh practices one of his conclusions jbsBnU9Ngik-01120-00300853-00301114 was that Unruh is not ousting terrorists jbsBnU9Ngik-01121-00301115-00301229 from its ranks jbsBnU9Ngik-01122-00301230-00301509 unruhe has taken very few steps to jbsBnU9Ngik-01123-00301510-00301707 detect and eliminate terrorists from the jbsBnU9Ngik-01124-00301708-00301902 ranks of its staff or its beneficiaries jbsBnU9Ngik-01125-00301903-00302148 and no steps at all to prevent members jbsBnU9Ngik-01126-00302149-00302376 of organizations such as Hamas from jbsBnU9Ngik-01127-00302377-00302647 joining its staff unruhe has no jbsBnU9Ngik-01128-00302648-00302859 pre-employment security checks and does jbsBnU9Ngik-01129-00302860-00303094 not monitor off-time behavior to ensure jbsBnU9Ngik-01130-00303095-00303272 compliance with the organization jbsBnU9Ngik-01131-00303273-00303593 anti-terror rules no justification jbsBnU9Ngik-01132-00303594-00303788 exists for millions of dollars in jbsBnU9Ngik-01133-00303789-00304019 humanitarian aid going to those who can jbsBnU9Ngik-01134-00304020-00304430 afford to pay for Unruh services in 2013 jbsBnU9Ngik-01135-00304431-00304652 lieutenant call Rhett Jonathan de howa jbsBnU9Ngik-01136-00304653-00304715 Halevi jbsBnU9Ngik-01137-00304716-00304928 senior researcher of the Middle East and jbsBnU9Ngik-01138-00304929-00305147 radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center jbsBnU9Ngik-01139-00305148-00305351 for Public Affairs asserted that the jbsBnU9Ngik-01140-00305352-00305555 Unruh Workers Union has been controlled jbsBnU9Ngik-01141-00305556-00305768 in practice by Hamas for many years jbsBnU9Ngik-01142-00305769-00305984 according to the Jerusalem Post and Fox jbsBnU9Ngik-01143-00305985-00306263 News Hamas won a teachers union election jbsBnU9Ngik-01144-00306264-00306665 for UN schools in Gaza in 2009 unruhe jbsBnU9Ngik-01145-00306666-00306863 has strongly denied this and notes that jbsBnU9Ngik-01146-00306864-00307136 staff elections are conducted on an jbsBnU9Ngik-01147-00307137-00307418 individual not party list basis for jbsBnU9Ngik-01148-00307419-00307613 unions that handle normal labor jbsBnU9Ngik-01149-00307614-00307974 relations not political issues jbsBnU9Ngik-01150-00307975-00308256 in addition John Jane the Gaza head of jbsBnU9Ngik-01151-00308257-00308478 operations said in a letter dated the jbsBnU9Ngik-01152-00308479-00308805 29th of March 2009 that employees must jbsBnU9Ngik-01153-00308806-00309045 not be under the influence of any jbsBnU9Ngik-01154-00309046-00309273 political party in the conduct of their jbsBnU9Ngik-01155-00309274-00309591 work it has also been claimed that in jbsBnU9Ngik-01156-00309592-00309978 2012 the Hamas professional list again jbsBnU9Ngik-01157-00309979-00310245 won a staff union election in Unruh the jbsBnU9Ngik-01158-00310246-00310443 professional list is led by alleged jbsBnU9Ngik-01159-00310444-00310718 senior Hamas activists Suhail al hein jbsBnU9Ngik-01160-00310719-00311103 more than 9,500 Unruh employees in the jbsBnU9Ngik-01161-00311104-00311367 Gaza Strip participated this represented jbsBnU9Ngik-01162-00311368-00311619 more than 80 percent turnout the jbsBnU9Ngik-01163-00311620-00311862 professional list 1/3 Unruh workers jbsBnU9Ngik-01164-00311863-00312078 groups the employees teachers and jbsBnU9Ngik-01165-00312079-00312354 services unions jbsBnU9Ngik-01166-00312355-00312696 you jbsBnU9Ngik-01167-00312697-00313199 topic schools jbsBnU9Ngik-01168-00313200-00313435 it has been reported that Hamas has jbsBnU9Ngik-01169-00313436-00313625 interfered with curriculum and textbooks jbsBnU9Ngik-01170-00313626-00314015 in unrest for example in 2009 it caused jbsBnU9Ngik-01171-00314016-00314233 Unruh to suspend a decision to introduce jbsBnU9Ngik-01172-00314234-00314492 Holocaust Studies in its schools one of jbsBnU9Ngik-01173-00314493-00314768 you nrw as flagships has been gender jbsBnU9Ngik-01174-00314769-00315044 equality and integration but Hamas jbsBnU9Ngik-01175-00315045-00315259 militants have firebombed under a mixed jbsBnU9Ngik-01176-00315260-00315535 gender summer camps and in 2013 Hamas jbsBnU9Ngik-01177-00315536-00315731 passed a law requiring gender jbsBnU9Ngik-01178-00315732-00315989 segregation in schools for all pupils 9 jbsBnU9Ngik-01179-00315990-00316295 years of age and older in Gaza the law jbsBnU9Ngik-01180-00316296-00316633 does not apply to Unruh schools l Hahn jbsBnU9Ngik-01181-00316634-00316856 and Miller Arab affairs reporter for The jbsBnU9Ngik-01182-00316857-00317120 Times of Israel wrote in February 2014 jbsBnU9Ngik-01183-00317121-00317573 that Hamas was bashing U n RW as human jbsBnU9Ngik-01184-00317574-00317750 rights curriculum saying that it jbsBnU9Ngik-01185-00317751-00317981 included too many examples and values jbsBnU9Ngik-01186-00317982-00318197 foreign to Palestinian culture and had jbsBnU9Ngik-01187-00318198-00318385 too much emphasis on peaceful resistance jbsBnU9Ngik-01188-00318386-00318704 rather than armed resistance in this jbsBnU9Ngik-01189-00318705-00318907 case unruhe refused to be swayed jbsBnU9Ngik-01190-00318908-00319268 spokesman Chris Gunness Unruh has no jbsBnU9Ngik-01191-00319269-00319493 plans to change its education programs jbsBnU9Ngik-01192-00319494-00319871 in Gaza human rights are taught in all jbsBnU9Ngik-01193-00319872-00320090 unruhe schools from grades 1 through 9 jbsBnU9Ngik-01194-00320091-00320330 discussing the Universal Declaration of jbsBnU9Ngik-01195-00320331-00320777 Human Rights UN our waz education system jbsBnU9Ngik-01196-00320778-00320993 takes as its basis the curriculum taught jbsBnU9Ngik-01197-00320994-00321296 by the PA and so we use PA textbooks in jbsBnU9Ngik-01198-00321297-00321512 preparing children in Gaza for public jbsBnU9Ngik-01199-00321513-00321789 examinations jbsBnU9Ngik-01200-00321790-00321996 addition we enrich our education jbsBnU9Ngik-01201-00321997-00322224 programs in Gaza with an agreed human jbsBnU9Ngik-01202-00322225-00322389 rights curriculum which has been jbsBnU9Ngik-01203-00322390-00322551 developed with the communities we serve jbsBnU9Ngik-01204-00322552-00322805 with educationalists parents groups jbsBnU9Ngik-01205-00322806-00323078 teachers associations staff members and jbsBnU9Ngik-01206-00323079-00323340 others we have done our utmost in jbsBnU9Ngik-01207-00323341-00323517 developing these materials to be jbsBnU9Ngik-01208-00323518-00323724 sensitive to local values while also jbsBnU9Ngik-01209-00323725-00323957 being true to the universal values that jbsBnU9Ngik-01210-00323958-00324224 underpin the work of the United Nations jbsBnU9Ngik-01211-00324225-00324891 however after a few days unreconciled in jbsBnU9Ngik-01212-00324892-00325160 grade 7 to 9 continuing to use the books jbsBnU9Ngik-01213-00325161-00325406 used in grades 1 to 6 pending further jbsBnU9Ngik-01214-00325407-00325959 discussions jbsBnU9Ngik-01215-00325960-00326491 topic camps and sports jbsBnU9Ngik-01216-00326492-00326743 Hamas has denounced Unruh and Jing jbsBnU9Ngik-01217-00326744-00326923 accusing them of using their summer jbsBnU9Ngik-01218-00326924-00327085 camps to corrupt the morals of jbsBnU9Ngik-01219-00327086-00327400 Palestinian youth Hamas also advised jbsBnU9Ngik-01220-00327401-00327637 Unruh to re-examine its curriculum to jbsBnU9Ngik-01221-00327638-00327862 ensure its suitability for Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-01222-00327863-00328096 society due to the mixing of genders at jbsBnU9Ngik-01223-00328097-00328438 the camp's in September 2011 it was jbsBnU9Ngik-01224-00328439-00328642 reported that under pressure from Hamas jbsBnU9Ngik-01225-00328643-00328870 Unruh has made all its summer camps jbsBnU9Ngik-01226-00328871-00329122 single-sex Hamas has its own network of jbsBnU9Ngik-01227-00329123-00329326 summer camps and the two organizations jbsBnU9Ngik-01228-00329327-00329530 are regarded to be vying for influence jbsBnU9Ngik-01229-00329531-00329854 with Gaza youth Islamic Jihad has also jbsBnU9Ngik-01230-00329855-00330091 run summer camps since 2013 jbsBnU9Ngik-01231-00330092-00330322 unruhe did not operate at summer camps jbsBnU9Ngik-01232-00330323-00330640 for summer 2012 and summer 2014 due to a jbsBnU9Ngik-01233-00330641-00330940 lack of available funding Hamas has jbsBnU9Ngik-01234-00330941-00331150 filled this void and now is the direct jbsBnU9Ngik-01235-00331151-00331377 provider of summer activities for about jbsBnU9Ngik-01236-00331378-00331738 100,000 children and use in 2013 unruhe jbsBnU9Ngik-01237-00331739-00331945 canceled its planned marathon in Gaza jbsBnU9Ngik-01238-00331946-00332203 after Hamas rulers prohibited women from jbsBnU9Ngik-01239-00332204-00332461 participating in the race in 2013 jbsBnU9Ngik-01240-00332462-00332683 Israeli media outlets aired a video jbsBnU9Ngik-01241-00332684-00332929 documenting Unruh funded summer camps jbsBnU9Ngik-01242-00332930-00333100 where children are being taught to jbsBnU9Ngik-01243-00333101-00333382 engage in violence with Israelis the jbsBnU9Ngik-01244-00333383-00333655 video air speakers telling campers with jbsBnU9Ngik-01245-00333656-00333883 God's help and our own strength we will jbsBnU9Ngik-01246-00333884-00334243 wage war and with education and jihad we jbsBnU9Ngik-01247-00334244-00334549 will return to our homes a student is jbsBnU9Ngik-01248-00334550-00334825 also shown on camera describing that the jbsBnU9Ngik-01249-00334826-00335053 summer camp teaches us that we have to jbsBnU9Ngik-01250-00335054-00335338 liberate Palestine unruhe denies that jbsBnU9Ngik-01251-00335339-00335587 the video shows Unruh summer camps and jbsBnU9Ngik-01252-00335588-00335800 instead shows footage of camps that were jbsBnU9Ngik-01253-00335801-00336073 not operated by Unruh following the jbsBnU9Ngik-01254-00336074-00336178 release of the film jbsBnU9Ngik-01255-00336179-00336388 unruhe released a statement that read in jbsBnU9Ngik-01256-00336389-00336721 part unruhe has conducted a lengthy and jbsBnU9Ngik-01257-00336722-00336949 detailed investigation into the film and jbsBnU9Ngik-01258-00336950-00337168 we categorically reject the allegations jbsBnU9Ngik-01259-00337169-00337429 it contains the film is grossly jbsBnU9Ngik-01260-00337430-00337654 misleading and we regret the damage it jbsBnU9Ngik-01261-00337655-00337834 has caused to Unruh in the united jbsBnU9Ngik-01262-00337835-00338164 nations the filmmaker concerned has a jbsBnU9Ngik-01263-00338165-00338383 history of making baseless claims about jbsBnU9Ngik-01264-00338384-00338623 Unruh all of which we have investigated jbsBnU9Ngik-01265-00338624-00338929 and demonstrated to be patently false it jbsBnU9Ngik-01266-00338930-00339097 has long been the practice of the jbsBnU9Ngik-01267-00339098-00339331 filmmaker to show non Unruh activities jbsBnU9Ngik-01268-00339332-00339606 and portray them as activities of Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-01269-00339607-00339816 he has done this again and we again jbsBnU9Ngik-01270-00339817-00340068 reject his allegations our repeated jbsBnU9Ngik-01271-00340069-00340281 rejection of his falsehoods as a matter jbsBnU9Ngik-01272-00340282-00340403 of public record jbsBnU9Ngik-01273-00340404-00340695 the main accusation in the film is that jbsBnU9Ngik-01274-00340696-00340911 incitement is promoted during unrest jbsBnU9Ngik-01275-00340912-00341208 summer camps that summer camp shown in jbsBnU9Ngik-01276-00341209-00341415 the West Bank was not affiliated with or jbsBnU9Ngik-01277-00341416-00341742 organized by Unruh the only Unruh summer jbsBnU9Ngik-01278-00341743-00341967 activities actually depicted are those jbsBnU9Ngik-01279-00341968-00342083 shot in Gaza jbsBnU9Ngik-01280-00342084-00342363 however our investigation of the film jbsBnU9Ngik-01281-00342364-00342552 has revealed that absolutely nothing jbsBnU9Ngik-01282-00342553-00342825 anti-semitic or inflammatory was done or jbsBnU9Ngik-01283-00342826-00343097 said in the scenes filmed in Gaza in jbsBnU9Ngik-01284-00343098-00343350 addition those interviewed in the film jbsBnU9Ngik-01285-00343351-00343506 are presented with captions that jbsBnU9Ngik-01286-00343507-00343733 identify them as Unruh staff members jbsBnU9Ngik-01287-00343734-00344046 however only one of those interviewed as jbsBnU9Ngik-01288-00344047-00344358 an unrest after the comment she makes jbsBnU9Ngik-01289-00344359-00344655 does not violate UN r:w A's neutrality jbsBnU9Ngik-01290-00344656-00344961 policy unrest committed to fostering jbsBnU9Ngik-01291-00344962-00345198 human rights and tolerance and teaches jbsBnU9Ngik-01292-00345199-00345384 these values through the curriculum in jbsBnU9Ngik-01293-00345385-00345467 its schools jbsBnU9Ngik-01294-00345468-00345738 unruhe is one of the few organizations jbsBnU9Ngik-01295-00345739-00345936 that has implemented human rights and jbsBnU9Ngik-01296-00345937-00346122 conflict resolution training for jbsBnU9Ngik-01297-00346123-00346329 millions of palestine refugee children jbsBnU9Ngik-01298-00346330-00346569 in the complex political environment of jbsBnU9Ngik-01299-00346570-00346922 the Middle East for over 12 years jbsBnU9Ngik-01300-00346923-00347238 you jbsBnU9Ngik-01301-00347239-00347592 topic unruhe facilities being abused by jbsBnU9Ngik-01302-00347593-00348013 hamas militants jbsBnU9Ngik-01303-00348014-00348367 in 2003 Israel released two newspapers jbsBnU9Ngik-01304-00348368-00348613 what the New York Times called a damning jbsBnU9Ngik-01305-00348614-00348868 intelligence report citing jbsBnU9Ngik-01306-00348869-00349084 interrogations of suspected militants jbsBnU9Ngik-01307-00349085-00349255 the document claims that Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-01308-00349256-00349450 operations being used as cover for jbsBnU9Ngik-01309-00349451-00349621 Palestinian terrorists including jbsBnU9Ngik-01310-00349622-00349906 smuggling arms in un ambulances and jbsBnU9Ngik-01311-00349907-00350101 hosting meetings of tanzy in UN jbsBnU9Ngik-01312-00350102-00350410 buildings UN officials responded jbsBnU9Ngik-01313-00350411-00350665 according to the NY Times by saying that jbsBnU9Ngik-01314-00350666-00350881 it is Israel that has lost its jbsBnU9Ngik-01315-00350882-00351160 objectivity and begun regarding anyone jbsBnU9Ngik-01316-00351161-00351418 who extends a hand to a Palestinian as jbsBnU9Ngik-01317-00351419-00351739 an enemy the Israel Defense Forces jbsBnU9Ngik-01318-00351740-00352024 released a video from May 2004 in which jbsBnU9Ngik-01319-00352025-00352264 armed Palestinian militants carry an jbsBnU9Ngik-01320-00352265-00352474 injured colleague into an unraveling jbsBnU9Ngik-01321-00352475-00352750 before boarding with him the ambulance jbsBnU9Ngik-01322-00352751-00352936 driver requested that the armed men jbsBnU9Ngik-01323-00352937-00353122 leave but was threatened and told to jbsBnU9Ngik-01324-00353123-00353428 drive to a hospital unruhe issued a plea jbsBnU9Ngik-01325-00353429-00353614 to all parties to respect the neutrality jbsBnU9Ngik-01326-00353615-00354018 of its ambulances on the 1st of October jbsBnU9Ngik-01327-00354019-00354337 2004 Israel again lodged accusations jbsBnU9Ngik-01328-00354338-00354631 against Unruh the video documentation jbsBnU9Ngik-01329-00354632-00354847 was not convincing and the Israeli jbsBnU9Ngik-01330-00354848-00355042 military changed some of its earlier jbsBnU9Ngik-01331-00355043-00355264 statements and conceded the possibility jbsBnU9Ngik-01332-00355265-00355441 that the object could have indeed been a jbsBnU9Ngik-01333-00355442-00355669 stretcher but did not offer the apology jbsBnU9Ngik-01334-00355670-00355882 Hansen had demanded the Israeli army jbsBnU9Ngik-01335-00355883-00356158 circulates footage taken on the 29th of jbsBnU9Ngik-01336-00356159-00356437 October 2007 showing three militants jbsBnU9Ngik-01337-00356438-00356686 firing mortars from Unruh boys school in jbsBnU9Ngik-01338-00356687-00357007 Beit Hanoun Gaza the militants were able jbsBnU9Ngik-01339-00357008-00357193 to enter due to the fact that the school jbsBnU9Ngik-01340-00357194-00357406 was evacuated at the time because of the jbsBnU9Ngik-01341-00357407-00357607 war according to former Israeli jbsBnU9Ngik-01342-00357608-00357820 ambassador to the United Nations Dore jbsBnU9Ngik-01343-00357821-00358135 gold although education was one of the jbsBnU9Ngik-01344-00358136-00358330 fields in which Unruh was supposed to jbsBnU9Ngik-01345-00358331-00358567 provide aid the agency did nothing to jbsBnU9Ngik-01346-00358568-00358816 alter Palestinian educational texts that jbsBnU9Ngik-01347-00358817-00359041 glorified violence and continuing war jbsBnU9Ngik-01348-00359042-00359332 against Israel this has been found to be jbsBnU9Ngik-01349-00359333-00359572 false in several US State Department jbsBnU9Ngik-01350-00359573-00359866 reports such as Brown and P I CR I cited jbsBnU9Ngik-01351-00359867-00360253 above on the 4th of February 2009 jbsBnU9Ngik-01352-00360254-00360469 unruhe halted aid shipments into the jbsBnU9Ngik-01353-00360470-00360697 Gaza Strip after it accused Hamas of jbsBnU9Ngik-01354-00360698-00360904 breaking into a UN warehouse and jbsBnU9Ngik-01355-00360905-00361126 stealing tons of blankets and food which jbsBnU9Ngik-01356-00361127-00361375 had been earmarked for needy families jbsBnU9Ngik-01357-00361376-00361651 a few days later the UN resumed aid jbsBnU9Ngik-01358-00361652-00361825 after the missing supplies had been jbsBnU9Ngik-01359-00361826-00362146 returned on the 5th of August 2009 the jbsBnU9Ngik-01360-00362147-00362385 IDF accused Hamas of stealing three jbsBnU9Ngik-01361-00362386-00362539 ambulances that had just been jbsBnU9Ngik-01362-00362540-00362740 transferred through Israel to the Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-01363-00362741-00363037 the Unruh spokesman denied the claim a jbsBnU9Ngik-01364-00363038-00363268 week later Hamas confirmed it jbsBnU9Ngik-01365-00363269-00363475 confiscated the ambulances due to jbsBnU9Ngik-01366-00363476-00363931 bureaucratic reasons a unresponsive it's jbsBnU9Ngik-01367-00363932-00364150 enriched acted this admission and denied jbsBnU9Ngik-01368-00364151-00364405 the incident even publicizing a photo it jbsBnU9Ngik-01369-00364406-00364597 claimed was of one it's officials with jbsBnU9Ngik-01370-00364598-00364842 the ambulances jbsBnU9Ngik-01371-00364843-00365159 you jbsBnU9Ngik-01372-00365160-00365724 topic alfajores islands jbsBnU9Ngik-01373-00365725-00366072 on the 7th of January 2009 unruhe jbsBnU9Ngik-01374-00366073-00366291 officials alleged that the prior day in jbsBnU9Ngik-01375-00366292-00366510 the course of the Gaza war the Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-01376-00366511-00366708 Defense Forces shelled the area outside jbsBnU9Ngik-01377-00366709-00367005 of Unruh school in Jabalia Gaza killing jbsBnU9Ngik-01378-00367006-00367137 more than 40 people jbsBnU9Ngik-01379-00367138-00367398 the IDF initially claimed it was jbsBnU9Ngik-01380-00367399-00367632 responding to an attack by hamas gunmen jbsBnU9Ngik-01381-00367633-00367815 hiding in the compound but upon jbsBnU9Ngik-01382-00367816-00368103 re-examination said that in errand shell jbsBnU9Ngik-01383-00368104-00368427 had hit the school maxwell gaylord the jbsBnU9Ngik-01384-00368428-00368700 UN humanitarian coordinator stated that jbsBnU9Ngik-01385-00368701-00368958 the UN would like to clarify that the jbsBnU9Ngik-01386-00368959-00369198 shelling and all of the fatalities took jbsBnU9Ngik-01387-00369199-00369417 place outside rather than inside the jbsBnU9Ngik-01388-00369418-00369527 school jbsBnU9Ngik-01389-00369528-00369795 unruhe has consistently rejected the jbsBnU9Ngik-01390-00369796-00369981 allegation that militants used the jbsBnU9Ngik-01391-00369982-00370182 agency's installations during the Gaza jbsBnU9Ngik-01392-00370183-00370641 war in 2008-2009 these accusations have jbsBnU9Ngik-01393-00370642-00370794 been published by some media outlets jbsBnU9Ngik-01394-00370795-00371099 although they are sometimes retracted in jbsBnU9Ngik-01395-00371100-00371403 2012 when on two occasions Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-01396-00371404-00371697 channel 2 TV the most popular network in jbsBnU9Ngik-01397-00371698-00371895 Israel apologized and issued a jbsBnU9Ngik-01398-00371896-00372099 retraction of these allegations during jbsBnU9Ngik-01399-00372100-00372396 the 2014 Israel Gaza conflict unrest jbsBnU9Ngik-01400-00372397-00372627 Postman reported in July that weapons jbsBnU9Ngik-01401-00372628-00372807 were found in three vacant unruhe jbsBnU9Ngik-01402-00372808-00372993 schools which had been closed for the jbsBnU9Ngik-01403-00372994-00373046 summer jbsBnU9Ngik-01404-00373047-00373317 unruhe strongly condemned the activity jbsBnU9Ngik-01405-00373318-00373548 as a flagrant violation of the jbsBnU9Ngik-01406-00373549-00373782 inviolability of its premises under jbsBnU9Ngik-01407-00373783-00374100 international law an under a staff were jbsBnU9Ngik-01408-00374101-00374343 withdrawn from the premises it appears jbsBnU9Ngik-01409-00374344-00374583 however that Unruh returned weapons to jbsBnU9Ngik-01410-00374584-00374790 the local government meaning hamas in jbsBnU9Ngik-01411-00374791-00375102 july 2014 three israeli soldiers died jbsBnU9Ngik-01412-00375103-00375414 from a booby trap in a clinic initially jbsBnU9Ngik-01413-00375415-00375774 it was reported to be an unruly there jbsBnU9Ngik-01414-00375775-00375975 after retracted the claim thought it was jbsBnU9Ngik-01415-00375976-00376266 noted that it had an unrefined on it the jbsBnU9Ngik-01416-00376267-00376485 Unruh sign on the building therefore may jbsBnU9Ngik-01417-00376486-00376650 have been stolen and placed there by jbsBnU9Ngik-01418-00376651-00376872 someone perhaps seeking to protect the jbsBnU9Ngik-01419-00376873-00377034 building even though the claim of the jbsBnU9Ngik-01420-00377035-00377121 booby-trapped jbsBnU9Ngik-01421-00377122-00377340 unruhe clinic proved to be false it has jbsBnU9Ngik-01422-00377341-00377547 been repeated on several occasions by jbsBnU9Ngik-01423-00377548-00377763 vocal Unruh opponents including at an jbsBnU9Ngik-01424-00377764-00377925 official hearing of the US House jbsBnU9Ngik-01425-00377926-00378132 Committee on Foreign Affairs on the 9th jbsBnU9Ngik-01426-00378133-00378465 of september 2014 during the hearing jbsBnU9Ngik-01427-00378466-00378809 Hamas benefactors a network of terror jbsBnU9Ngik-01428-00378810-00379059 johnathan Schanzer from the foundation jbsBnU9Ngik-01429-00379060-00379095 for jbsBnU9Ngik-01430-00379096-00379293 offensive democracies told the committee jbsBnU9Ngik-01431-00379294-00379557 that Unruh was allowing for the building jbsBnU9Ngik-01432-00379558-00379776 of tunnels these commando tunnels jbsBnU9Ngik-01433-00379777-00379962 underneath their facilities in my jbsBnU9Ngik-01434-00379963-00380184 opinion very much needs to be jbsBnU9Ngik-01435-00380185-00380496 investigated it is unclear whether jbsBnU9Ngik-01436-00380497-00380679 Schanzer knew he was misleading the jbsBnU9Ngik-01437-00380680-00380862 committee though he also repeated the jbsBnU9Ngik-01438-00380863-00381039 assertion at an event hosted by the jbsBnU9Ngik-01439-00381040-00381264 foundation for defense of democracies jbsBnU9Ngik-01440-00381265-00381522 entitled the israeli-palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-01441-00381523-00381837 conflict on the 13th of August 2014 jbsBnU9Ngik-01442-00381838-00382062 where he stated there was at least one jbsBnU9Ngik-01443-00382063-00382272 booby-trapped tunnel under one of its jbsBnU9Ngik-01444-00382273-00382495 facilities jbsBnU9Ngik-01445-00382496-00382811 you jbsBnU9Ngik-01446-00382812-00383425 topic social media and incitement jbsBnU9Ngik-01447-00383426-00383680 according to UN watch at least 10 jbsBnU9Ngik-01448-00383681-00383887 different Unruh employees used social jbsBnU9Ngik-01449-00383888-00384166 media in October 2015 to incite jbsBnU9Ngik-01450-00384167-00384322 Palestinian stabbing and shooting jbsBnU9Ngik-01451-00384323-00384550 attacks against Israelis with one jbsBnU9Ngik-01452-00384551-00384909 calling on Facebook to stab Zionist dogs jbsBnU9Ngik-01453-00384910-00385240 un secretary-general spokesperson said jbsBnU9Ngik-01454-00385241-00385423 that more than 90 Facebook pages jbsBnU9Ngik-01455-00385424-00385681 violating Unruh social media rules were jbsBnU9Ngik-01456-00385682-00385966 removed some of the posts were made by jbsBnU9Ngik-01457-00385967-00386215 imposters or former Unruh employees and jbsBnU9Ngik-01458-00386216-00386488 some by current Unruh staff in addition jbsBnU9Ngik-01459-00386489-00386737 an unresponsive was quoted in the jbsBnU9Ngik-01460-00386738-00386941 foreword as saying that staff members jbsBnU9Ngik-01461-00386942-00387190 had been sanctioned including loss of jbsBnU9Ngik-01462-00387191-00387463 pay and that remaining allegations were jbsBnU9Ngik-01463-00387464-00387793 under assessment he also noted that in jbsBnU9Ngik-01464-00387794-00387988 some cases we have determined the jbsBnU9Ngik-01465-00387989-00388192 alleged Unruh staff are not in fact jbsBnU9Ngik-01466-00388193-00388432 Unruh employees or are no longer Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-01467-00388433-00388652 employees jbsBnU9Ngik-01468-00388653-00389020 you jbsBnU9Ngik-01469-00389021-00389338 topic investigations and calls for jbsBnU9Ngik-01470-00389339-00389898 accountability and/or reform jbsBnU9Ngik-01471-00389899-00390153 many critics of Unruh recognized that jbsBnU9Ngik-01472-00390154-00390359 the refugees registered with Unruh need jbsBnU9Ngik-01473-00390360-00390621 massive help they realized that the jbsBnU9Ngik-01474-00390622-00390912 agency needs support with more oversight jbsBnU9Ngik-01475-00390913-00391116 and coordination with the Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-01476-00391117-00391320 Authority and they believe that jbsBnU9Ngik-01477-00391321-00391575 disbanding Unruh at this time or in the jbsBnU9Ngik-01478-00391576-00391847 very near future is not a relevant goal jbsBnU9Ngik-01479-00391848-00392106 writing in the Middle East monitor in jbsBnU9Ngik-01480-00392107-00392229 April 2012 jbsBnU9Ngik-01481-00392230-00392430 Karen coning Abouzeid a former jbsBnU9Ngik-01482-00392431-00392684 commissioner general of the Unruh 2005 jbsBnU9Ngik-01483-00392685-00393057 to 2009 argued that Unruh needs support jbsBnU9Ngik-01484-00393058-00393567 not brickbats she concludes even those jbsBnU9Ngik-01485-00393568-00393777 who scrutinize it most closely and jbsBnU9Ngik-01486-00393778-00393981 challenge it most severely are those who jbsBnU9Ngik-01487-00393982-00394197 also ensure that its programs receive jbsBnU9Ngik-01488-00394198-00394479 adequate funding they like others who jbsBnU9Ngik-01489-00394480-00394731 view the agency more positively realize jbsBnU9Ngik-01490-00394732-00394944 that Unruh makes a major contribution to jbsBnU9Ngik-01491-00394945-00395268 stability in the Middle East writing in jbsBnU9Ngik-01492-00395269-00395507 The Times of Israel on the 31st of July jbsBnU9Ngik-01493-00395508-00395616 2014 jbsBnU9Ngik-01494-00395617-00395880 David Horovitz concludes in his analysis jbsBnU9Ngik-01495-00395881-00396102 that although Israel has many complaints jbsBnU9Ngik-01496-00396103-00396308 against Unruh it is not interested in jbsBnU9Ngik-01497-00396309-00396618 abolishing it already at that point less jbsBnU9Ngik-01498-00396619-00396897 than four weeks into the 2014 war there jbsBnU9Ngik-01499-00396898-00397191 were 225 thousand displaced persons jbsBnU9Ngik-01500-00397192-00397457 within Gaza and nobody to help them in a jbsBnU9Ngik-01501-00397458-00397740 major way except Unruh and Horovitz jbsBnU9Ngik-01502-00397741-00398060 notes Israel takes into account that jbsBnU9Ngik-01503-00398061-00398226 unwrapped like all international jbsBnU9Ngik-01504-00398227-00398490 organizations operating in Gaza is being jbsBnU9Ngik-01505-00398491-00398724 closely watched by Hamas for signs that jbsBnU9Ngik-01506-00398725-00398904 it is not sufficiently critical of jbsBnU9Ngik-01507-00398905-00399041 Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-01508-00399042-00399299 credible calls for accountability and/or jbsBnU9Ngik-01509-00399300-00399491 reform tend to follow this line of jbsBnU9Ngik-01510-00399492-00399893 reasoning as exemplified below 2004 jbsBnU9Ngik-01511-00399894-00400060 investigation by the United States jbsBnU9Ngik-01512-00400061-00400405 Congress the United States government jbsBnU9Ngik-01513-00400406-00400708 financed a programa operations support jbsBnU9Ngik-01514-00400709-00400981 officers part of whose job is to make jbsBnU9Ngik-01515-00400982-00401192 random and unannounced inspections of jbsBnU9Ngik-01516-00401193-00401369 Unruh facilities to ensure their jbsBnU9Ngik-01517-00401370-00401658 sanctity from militant operations in jbsBnU9Ngik-01518-00401659-00401969 2004 the US Congress asked the General jbsBnU9Ngik-01519-00401970-00402191 Accounting Office to investigate media jbsBnU9Ngik-01520-00402192-00402419 claims that taxpayers dollars given to jbsBnU9Ngik-01521-00402420-00402559 Unruh had been used to support jbsBnU9Ngik-01522-00402560-00402781 individuals involved in militant jbsBnU9Ngik-01523-00402782-00403084 activities during its investigation the jbsBnU9Ngik-01524-00403085-00403325 GAO discovered several irregularities in jbsBnU9Ngik-01525-00403326-00403520 its processing and employment history jbsBnU9Ngik-01526-00403521-00403946 James G Lindsay on the basis of his 2009 jbsBnU9Ngik-01527-00403947-00404270 analyses for WI NEP referred to in jbsBnU9Ngik-01528-00404271-00404387 previous sections jbsBnU9Ngik-01529-00404388-00404626 former Unruh general counsel James G jbsBnU9Ngik-01530-00404627-00404819 Lindsay and fellow researcher for jbsBnU9Ngik-01531-00404820-00404977 Washington Institute for Near East jbsBnU9Ngik-01532-00404978-00405197 policy made the following suggestions jbsBnU9Ngik-01533-00405198-00405333 for improvement jbsBnU9Ngik-01534-00405334-00405532 unruhe should make the following jbsBnU9Ngik-01535-00405533-00405716 operational changes called it's jbsBnU9Ngik-01536-00405717-00405944 one-sided political statements and limit jbsBnU9Ngik-01537-00405945-00406124 itself to comments on humanitarian jbsBnU9Ngik-01538-00406125-00406370 issues take additional steps to ensure jbsBnU9Ngik-01539-00406371-00406619 the agency is not employing or providing jbsBnU9Ngik-01540-00406620-00406838 benefits to terrorists and criminals and jbsBnU9Ngik-01541-00406839-00407107 allow the UN Educational Scientific and jbsBnU9Ngik-01542-00407108-00407369 Cultural Organization UNESCO or some jbsBnU9Ngik-01543-00407370-00407602 other neutral entity to provide balanced jbsBnU9Ngik-01544-00407603-00407809 and discrimination free textbooks for jbsBnU9Ngik-01545-00407810-00408178 unrest Andrew Whitley director of the jbsBnU9Ngik-01546-00408179-00408376 Unruh representative office at UN jbsBnU9Ngik-01547-00408377-00408649 headquarters in New York said the agency jbsBnU9Ngik-01548-00408650-00408890 has disappointed by the findings of the jbsBnU9Ngik-01549-00408891-00409118 study found it to be tendentious and jbsBnU9Ngik-01550-00409119-00409370 partial and regrets in particular the jbsBnU9Ngik-01551-00409371-00409805 narrow range of sources used U n RW aids jbsBnU9Ngik-01552-00409806-00410068 Jerusalem spoke asan Chris gonna stated jbsBnU9Ngik-01553-00410069-00410282 that Unruh rejects Lindsey's report in jbsBnU9Ngik-01554-00410283-00410464 its findings and claimed that the study jbsBnU9Ngik-01555-00410465-00410687 was inaccurate and misleading since it jbsBnU9Ngik-01556-00410688-00410974 makes selective use of source material jbsBnU9Ngik-01557-00410975-00411205 and fails to paint a truthful portrait jbsBnU9Ngik-01558-00411206-00411507 of Unruh and its operations today jbsBnU9Ngik-01559-00411508-00411747 in response to the criticism of his jbsBnU9Ngik-01560-00411749-00412078 report from Unruh Lindsay writes despite jbsBnU9Ngik-01561-00412079-00412282 repeated requests from the author the jbsBnU9Ngik-01562-00412283-00412518 agency declined to identify the alleged jbsBnU9Ngik-01563-00412520-00412741 weaknesses on the grounds that our views jbsBnU9Ngik-01564-00412742-00413152 and understanding of U n RW A's role the jbsBnU9Ngik-01565-00413153-00413518 refugees and even US policy are too far jbsBnU9Ngik-01566-00413518-00413734 apart for us to take time time that we jbsBnU9Ngik-01567-00413735-00413917 do not have to enter into an exchange jbsBnU9Ngik-01568-00413918-00414154 with little likelihood of influencing a jbsBnU9Ngik-01569-00414155-00414376 narrative which so substantially differs jbsBnU9Ngik-01570-00414377-00414577 from our own thus the paper has not jbsBnU9Ngik-01571-00414578-00414775 benefited from any input by Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-01572-00414776-00414970 whether a discussion of policy or even jbsBnU9Ngik-01573-00414971-00415314 correction of alleged errors Canadian jbsBnU9Ngik-01574-00415316-00415504 redirection of funds from unread to jbsBnU9Ngik-01575-00415505-00415947 specific PA projects in January 2010 the jbsBnU9Ngik-01576-00415949-00416139 Government of Canada announced that it jbsBnU9Ngik-01577-00416141-00416374 was redirecting aid previously earmarked jbsBnU9Ngik-01578-00416375-00416638 to Unruh to specific projects in the jbsBnU9Ngik-01579-00416639-00416868 Palestinian Authority that will ensure jbsBnU9Ngik-01580-00416870-00417139 accountability and foster democracy in jbsBnU9Ngik-01581-00417139-00417496 the PA Victor tabes the president of jbsBnU9Ngik-01582-00417497-00417766 Canada's Treasury board stated overall jbsBnU9Ngik-01583-00417767-00418021 Canada is not reducing the amount of jbsBnU9Ngik-01584-00418022-00418260 money given to the PA but it is now jbsBnU9Ngik-01585-00418262-00418471 being redirected in accordance with jbsBnU9Ngik-01586-00418472-00418792 Canadian values this will ensure jbsBnU9Ngik-01587-00418793-00419064 accountability and foster democracy in jbsBnU9Ngik-01588-00419066-00419425 the PA previously Canada provided Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-01589-00419426-00419662 with 11% of its budget at ten million jbsBnU9Ngik-01590-00419663-00420001 dollars Canadian annually the decision jbsBnU9Ngik-01591-00420002-00420175 came despite positive internal jbsBnU9Ngik-01592-00420176-00420451 evaluations of the agency by CIDA jbsBnU9Ngik-01593-00420452-00420772 officials the Canadian decision put it jbsBnU9Ngik-01594-00420772-00420993 very much at odds with the US and EU jbsBnU9Ngik-01595-00420995-00421210 which maintained or increased their jbsBnU9Ngik-01596-00421210-00421492 levels of funding some suggested that jbsBnU9Ngik-01597-00421493-00421684 the decision also cost Canada jbsBnU9Ngik-01598-00421685-00421867 international support in its failed jbsBnU9Ngik-01599-00421868-00422143 October 2010 effort to obtain a seat on jbsBnU9Ngik-01600-00422143-00422380 the UN Security Council documents jbsBnU9Ngik-01601-00422381-00422554 obtained from the Canadian International jbsBnU9Ngik-01602-00422555-00422770 Development Agency revealed that even jbsBnU9Ngik-01603-00422771-00422977 the government of Israel opposed the jbsBnU9Ngik-01604-00422978-00423189 Canadian move and had asked Ottawa to jbsBnU9Ngik-01605-00423191-00423505 resume contributions to un rwa s general jbsBnU9Ngik-01606-00423506-00423550 fund jbsBnU9Ngik-01607-00423551-00423856 unruhe reform initiative an initiative jbsBnU9Ngik-01608-00423857-00424047 to reform unruhe was announced by the jbsBnU9Ngik-01609-00424049-00424285 Center for Near East Policy Research in jbsBnU9Ngik-01610-00424285-00424537 March 2014 the center carries out jbsBnU9Ngik-01611-00424538-00424813 research and through its israel resource jbsBnU9Ngik-01612-00424814-00424897 news 8 jbsBnU9Ngik-01613-00424898-00425156 see investigative journalism and jbsBnU9Ngik-01614-00425157-00425362 research in cooperation with a wide jbsBnU9Ngik-01615-00425363-00425612 variety of organizations and researchers jbsBnU9Ngik-01616-00425613-00425833 such as the Middle East forum which has jbsBnU9Ngik-01617-00425834-00426043 published an entire issue of Middle East jbsBnU9Ngik-01618-00426044-00426245 quarterly discussing the challenges jbsBnU9Ngik-01619-00426246-00426445 facing Unruh the main thrust of the jbsBnU9Ngik-01620-00426446-00426645 Unruh reform initiative is to present jbsBnU9Ngik-01621-00426646-00426883 documentation of problems with Unruh to jbsBnU9Ngik-01622-00426884-00427100 sponsor nations and organizations with jbsBnU9Ngik-01623-00427101-00427300 the aim of increasing sponsor demands jbsBnU9Ngik-01624-00427301-00427422 for accountability jbsBnU9Ngik-01625-00427423-00427708 unruhe has stated on multiple occasions jbsBnU9Ngik-01626-00427709-00427868 that the head of this initiative jbsBnU9Ngik-01627-00427868-00428108 David boudin fabricates the information jbsBnU9Ngik-01628-00428109-00428333 he publishes point two zero one four jbsBnU9Ngik-01629-00428334-00428743 call for us investigation in August 2014 jbsBnU9Ngik-01630-00428744-00428977 US senators demanded an impartial jbsBnU9Ngik-01631-00428978-00429277 investigation into UN RWA s alleged jbsBnU9Ngik-01632-00429278-00429587 participation in the 2014 Gaza Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-01633-00429588-00429779 conflict accusing Unruh of being jbsBnU9Ngik-01634-00429780-00430087 complicit with Hamas members of the jbsBnU9Ngik-01635-00430088-00430285 United States Senate are demanding an jbsBnU9Ngik-01636-00430286-00430495 independent investigation into the role jbsBnU9Ngik-01637-00430496-00430685 of the United Nations Relief and Works jbsBnU9Ngik-01638-00430685-00430958 Agency during Israel's most recent war jbsBnU9Ngik-01639-00430959-00431226 in Gaza with Hamas jbsBnU9Ngik-01640-00431227-00431430 while the letter does not call on the jbsBnU9Ngik-01641-00431431-00431649 State Department to cut aid the senators jbsBnU9Ngik-01642-00431650-00431826 write that the American taxpayers jbsBnU9Ngik-01643-00431827-00432110 deserve to know if Unruh is fulfilling jbsBnU9Ngik-01644-00432112-00432342 its mission or taking sides in this jbsBnU9Ngik-01645-00432343-00432689 tragic conflict jbsBnU9Ngik-01646-00432689-00432900 responding to the letter a State jbsBnU9Ngik-01647-00432901-00433122 Department spokesman said that the UN is jbsBnU9Ngik-01648-00433122-00433397 taking proactive steps to address this jbsBnU9Ngik-01649-00433399-00433701 problem including deploying munitions jbsBnU9Ngik-01650-00433702-00433908 experts to the strip in search of more jbsBnU9Ngik-01651-00433909-00434222 weapons caches the international jbsBnU9Ngik-01652-00434224-00434435 community cannot accept a situation jbsBnU9Ngik-01653-00434437-00434747 where the United Nations its facilities jbsBnU9Ngik-01654-00434749-00435035 staff and those it is protecting are jbsBnU9Ngik-01655-00435037-00435260 used as shields for militants and jbsBnU9Ngik-01656-00435262-00435582 terrorist groups state department's jbsBnU9Ngik-01657-00435583-00435789 focus on Edgar Vasquez told The jbsBnU9Ngik-01658-00435789-00436082 Jerusalem Post we remain in intensive jbsBnU9Ngik-01659-00436083-00436343 consultations with UN leadership about jbsBnU9Ngik-01660-00436345-00436695 the UN's response jbsBnU9Ngik-01661-00436696-00436843 you jbsBnU9Ngik-01662-00436843-00437110 there are few good solutions given the jbsBnU9Ngik-01663-00437110-00437350 exceptionally difficult situation in jbsBnU9Ngik-01664-00437351-00437685 Gaza vasquez continued but nonetheless jbsBnU9Ngik-01665-00437687-00437875 we are in contact with the United jbsBnU9Ngik-01666-00437876-00438139 Nations other Unruh donors and concerned jbsBnU9Ngik-01667-00438139-00438484 parties including Israel on identifying jbsBnU9Ngik-01668-00438485-00438670 better options for protecting the jbsBnU9Ngik-01669-00438671-00438931 neutrality of UN facilities and ensuring jbsBnU9Ngik-01670-00438932-00439102 that weapons discovered are handled jbsBnU9Ngik-01671-00439103-00439300 appropriately and do not find their way jbsBnU9Ngik-01672-00439301-00439693 back to Hamas or other terrorist groups jbsBnU9Ngik-01673-00439693-00440058 you jbsBnU9Ngik-01674-00440059-00440664 topic relations with Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-01675-00440665-00440929 after Israel captured the West Bank in jbsBnU9Ngik-01676-00440930-00441274 Gaza in the June 1967 six-day war Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-01677-00441275-00441493 requested that the Unruh continue its jbsBnU9Ngik-01678-00441493-00441666 operations there and agreed to jbsBnU9Ngik-01679-00441667-00441910 facilitate them since then the jbsBnU9Ngik-01680-00441910-00442120 relationship has been characterized as jbsBnU9Ngik-01681-00442121-00442326 an uneasy marriage of convenience jbsBnU9Ngik-01682-00442327-00442641 between two unlikely bedfellows that has jbsBnU9Ngik-01683-00442642-00442882 helped perpetuate the problem both have jbsBnU9Ngik-01684-00442883-00443227 allegedly sought to resolve immediately jbsBnU9Ngik-01685-00443228-00443487 following the six-day war on the 14th of jbsBnU9Ngik-01686-00443488-00443697 June unruhe commissioner general dr jbsBnU9Ngik-01687-00443698-00443889 laurence Mikkel Moore and political jbsBnU9Ngik-01688-00443890-00444109 adviser to the Israeli Foreign Minister jbsBnU9Ngik-01689-00444110-00444328 Michael koumei exchanged letters that jbsBnU9Ngik-01690-00444329-00444516 has since served as much of the basis jbsBnU9Ngik-01691-00444517-00444724 for the relationship between Israel and jbsBnU9Ngik-01692-00444725-00445003 Unruh commonly referred to the comb a jbsBnU9Ngik-01693-00445004-00445195 Mickle more exchange of letters the jbsBnU9Ngik-01694-00445196-00445345 initial letter from Mikkel Moore jbsBnU9Ngik-01695-00445346-00445558 reiterates a verbal conversation between jbsBnU9Ngik-01696-00445559-00445891 the two stating that at the request of jbsBnU9Ngik-01697-00445892-00446002 the Israel government jbsBnU9Ngik-01698-00446003-00446200 unruhe would continue its assistance to jbsBnU9Ngik-01699-00446201-00446395 the Palestine refugees with the full jbsBnU9Ngik-01700-00446396-00446626 cooperation of the Israel authorities in jbsBnU9Ngik-01701-00446627-00446950 the West Bank and Gaza Strip areas for jbsBnU9Ngik-01702-00446951-00447130 its part the Israel government will jbsBnU9Ngik-01703-00447131-00447349 facilitate the task of Unruh to the best jbsBnU9Ngik-01704-00447350-00447529 of its ability subject only to jbsBnU9Ngik-01705-00447530-00447754 regulations or arrangements which may be jbsBnU9Ngik-01706-00447755-00447966 necessitated by considerations of jbsBnU9Ngik-01707-00447967-00448184 military security jbsBnU9Ngik-01708-00448185-00448477 in his responding letter koumei wrote I jbsBnU9Ngik-01709-00448478-00448714 agree that your letter and this reply jbsBnU9Ngik-01710-00448716-00448910 constitute a provisional agreement jbsBnU9Ngik-01711-00448910-00449072 between Unruh and the government of jbsBnU9Ngik-01712-00449072-00449321 Israel to remain in force until replaced jbsBnU9Ngik-01713-00449322-00449642 or canceled unruhe has been criticized jbsBnU9Ngik-01714-00449643-00449804 by the Israeli government and jbsBnU9Ngik-01715-00449805-00450026 politicians for alleged involvement with jbsBnU9Ngik-01716-00450027-00450233 Palestinian militant groups such as jbsBnU9Ngik-01717-00450234-00450530 Hamas Israel has stated that Peter jbsBnU9Ngik-01718-00450531-00450821 Hansen U n RW A's former commissioner jbsBnU9Ngik-01719-00450822-00451235 general 1996 to 2005 consistently jbsBnU9Ngik-01720-00451235-00451492 adopted a trenchant anti-israel line jbsBnU9Ngik-01721-00451493-00451814 which resulted in biased and exaggerated jbsBnU9Ngik-01722-00451814-00452141 reports against Israel unruhe has also jbsBnU9Ngik-01723-00452142-00452489 lodged complaints for example al-aqsa jbsBnU9Ngik-01724-00452489-00452771 Intifada 2000 allegations of Israeli jbsBnU9Ngik-01725-00452772-00452963 interference with Unruh operations jbsBnU9Ngik-01726-00452964-00453160 during the al-aqsa Intifada which jbsBnU9Ngik-01727-00453162-00453407 started in late 2000 Unruh often jbsBnU9Ngik-01728-00453408-00453610 complained that israeli road closures jbsBnU9Ngik-01729-00453612-00453827 curfews and checkpoints in the West Bank jbsBnU9Ngik-01730-00453828-00454007 and Gaza have interfered with its jbsBnU9Ngik-01731-00454008-00454208 ability to carry out its humanitarian jbsBnU9Ngik-01732-00454209-00454541 mandate the agency has also complained jbsBnU9Ngik-01733-00454542-00454763 that large-scale house demolitions in jbsBnU9Ngik-01734-00454764-00455012 the Gaza Strip have left over 30,000 jbsBnU9Ngik-01735-00455013-00455321 people homeless Israel justifies the jbsBnU9Ngik-01736-00455322-00455584 demolitions as anti-terror measures jbsBnU9Ngik-01737-00455585-00455897 November 2002 allegation that an Israeli jbsBnU9Ngik-01738-00455897-00456017 sniper killed jbsBnU9Ngik-01739-00456018-00456332 unruhe employee November 2002 Ian Hook a jbsBnU9Ngik-01740-00456333-00456554 British employee of Unruh was shot and jbsBnU9Ngik-01741-00456555-00456806 killed by an IDF sniper while working in jbsBnU9Ngik-01742-00456807-00456989 the Jenin refugee camp during an jbsBnU9Ngik-01743-00456989-00457202 operation to locate a Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-01744-00457203-00457412 militant suspected of masterminding a jbsBnU9Ngik-01745-00457413-00457625 suicide bombing that killed 14 people jbsBnU9Ngik-01746-00457626-00458027 earlier in 2002 Peter Hansen head of jbsBnU9Ngik-01747-00458028-00458249 Unruh at the time criticized the killing jbsBnU9Ngik-01748-00458250-00458560 Israeli snipers had sites they would jbsBnU9Ngik-01749-00458562-00458771 have known who the two internationals jbsBnU9Ngik-01750-00458772-00459047 non Palestinians were jbsBnU9Ngik-01751-00459047-00459352 they did not dress like Palestinians jbsBnU9Ngik-01752-00459353-00459659 death of Unruh staff member in Qalandia jbsBnU9Ngik-01753-00459660-00459889 refugee camp in August 2013 jbsBnU9Ngik-01754-00459891-00460106 unruhe released a statement that accused jbsBnU9Ngik-01755-00460107-00460285 Israel of killing one of its staff jbsBnU9Ngik-01756-00460287-00460468 members and injuring another in the jbsBnU9Ngik-01757-00460470-00460720 Qalandia refugee camp during a raid jbsBnU9Ngik-01758-00460721-00460991 according to the release from the 26th jbsBnU9Ngik-01759-00460992-00461129 of August 2013 jbsBnU9Ngik-01760-00461130-00461351 unruhe deeply regrets to confirm that jbsBnU9Ngik-01761-00461352-00461606 one of its staff members a 34 year old jbsBnU9Ngik-01762-00461607-00461855 father of four was shot dead by Israeli jbsBnU9Ngik-01763-00461856-00462041 forces and killed instantly in an jbsBnU9Ngik-01764-00462042-00462293 operation in Qalandia refugee camp in jbsBnU9Ngik-01765-00462293-00462491 the West Bank at approximately 7:00 jbsBnU9Ngik-01766-00462492-00462767 o'clock this morning credible reports jbsBnU9Ngik-01767-00462768-00462977 say that he was on his way to work and jbsBnU9Ngik-01768-00462978-00463214 was not engaged in any violent activity jbsBnU9Ngik-01769-00463214-00463442 he was shot in the chest jbsBnU9Ngik-01770-00463443-00463703 another Unruh staff member a sanitation jbsBnU9Ngik-01771-00463704-00463925 labourer was shot in the leg during the jbsBnU9Ngik-01772-00463926-00464122 same operation and as in a stable jbsBnU9Ngik-01773-00464124-00464462 condition 2014 Israel Gaza conflict jbsBnU9Ngik-01774-00464463-00464722 during the 2014 Israel Gaza conflict jbsBnU9Ngik-01775-00464724-00464968 there were many accusations by Israel jbsBnU9Ngik-01776-00464970-00465287 and many rebuttals by unruhe for example jbsBnU9Ngik-01777-00465288-00465527 Israel's channel 2 claimed in a report jbsBnU9Ngik-01778-00465528-00465755 that an unraveling was used to transport jbsBnU9Ngik-01779-00465756-00466079 militants it later retracted that claim jbsBnU9Ngik-01780-00466080-00466229 after being confronted with jbsBnU9Ngik-01781-00466230-00466435 incontrovertible evidence in the words jbsBnU9Ngik-01782-00466437-00466667 of Unruh Israel damaged or destroyed a jbsBnU9Ngik-01783-00466668-00466892 number of Unruh facilities claiming that jbsBnU9Ngik-01784-00466893-00467099 they were used for war purposes and thus jbsBnU9Ngik-01785-00467100-00467405 legitimate targets according to a UN jbsBnU9Ngik-01786-00467406-00467668 report Israel struck seven Gaza shelters jbsBnU9Ngik-01787-00467670-00467939 which led to at least 44 Palestinians jbsBnU9Ngik-01788-00467939-00468322 killed and at least 227 injured it also jbsBnU9Ngik-01789-00468324-00468547 said Palestinian groups stored weapons jbsBnU9Ngik-01790-00468549-00468755 in three schools and likely fired jbsBnU9Ngik-01791-00468756-00469097 rockets from two of them UN section ban jbsBnU9Ngik-01792-00469097-00469346 ki-moon condemned the use of shelters as jbsBnU9Ngik-01793-00469347-00469618 a weapons depot on rules and personnel jbsBnU9Ngik-01794-00469620-00469820 were in the line of fire during the war jbsBnU9Ngik-01795-00469821-00470099 even as 290 thousand people were staying jbsBnU9Ngik-01796-00470100-00470353 in Unruh schools being used as shelters jbsBnU9Ngik-01797-00470354-00470614 during one of the many cease fires in jbsBnU9Ngik-01798-00470616-00470822 the war unruhe announced nine Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-01799-00470822-00471022 staff members were killed in israeli jbsBnU9Ngik-01800-00471024-00471374 shelling of shelters 2017 calls for jbsBnU9Ngik-01801-00471375-00471566 dismantlement following tunnel under jbsBnU9Ngik-01802-00471567-00471845 schools in June 2017 unruhe employees jbsBnU9Ngik-01803-00471846-00472025 discovered a tunnel running underneath jbsBnU9Ngik-01804-00472026-00472285 the magazi elementary boys a and b jbsBnU9Ngik-01805-00472286-00472495 school and the magazi preparatory boys jbsBnU9Ngik-01806-00472496-00472883 school according to un rwa spokesperson jbsBnU9Ngik-01807-00472884-00473086 the tunnel had no entry points in the jbsBnU9Ngik-01808-00473087-00473281 school premise but runs underneath the jbsBnU9Ngik-01809-00473282-00473579 school unrest stated it intended to seal jbsBnU9Ngik-01810-00473580-00473756 the tunnel and that is protested to jbsBnU9Ngik-01811-00473757-00474091 Hamas Hamas denied it was involved and jbsBnU9Ngik-01812-00474092-00474289 requested clarifications from other jbsBnU9Ngik-01813-00474290-00474460 armed factions that denied involvement jbsBnU9Ngik-01814-00474461-00474715 as well following the tunnel discovery jbsBnU9Ngik-01815-00474716-00474877 Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin jbsBnU9Ngik-01816-00474878-00475135 Netanyahu has stated that Unruh should jbsBnU9Ngik-01817-00475136-00475342 be dismantled and reincorporated in jbsBnU9Ngik-01818-00475343-00475731 other UN agencies in response UN rwa jbsBnU9Ngik-01819-00475732-00475960 spokesperson said only the United jbsBnU9Ngik-01820-00475961-00476188 Nations General Assembly could change UN jbsBnU9Ngik-01821-00476189-00476458 our lwas mandate and further stated in jbsBnU9Ngik-01822-00476459-00476692 Hebrew on Israeli radio that if Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-01823-00476693-00476875 has gone from Gaza that two million jbsBnU9Ngik-01824-00476876-00477121 people will turn into US Islamic state jbsBnU9Ngik-01825-00477122-00477325 supporters the peace initiative between jbsBnU9Ngik-01826-00477326-00477554 Israel and Palestine promoted by the jbsBnU9Ngik-01827-00477555-00477781 Trump administration and overseen by the jbsBnU9Ngik-01828-00477782-00477961 president's nephew Jared Kushner jbsBnU9Ngik-01829-00477962-00478189 advocates the winding down of Unruh jbsBnU9Ngik-01830-00478190-00478381 through a campaign to disrupt it and jbsBnU9Ngik-01831-00478382-00478573 aims to strip Palestinians of their jbsBnU9Ngik-01832-00478574-00478789 refugee status according to emails jbsBnU9Ngik-01833-00478790-00479004 leaked to foreign policy magazine jbsBnU9Ngik-01834-00479005-00479302 according to Kushner Unruh perpetuates a jbsBnU9Ngik-01835-00479303-00479545 status quo is corrupt inefficient and jbsBnU9Ngik-01836-00479546-00479833 doesn't help peace monies to Unruh would jbsBnU9Ngik-01837-00479834-00480004 be reach annulled to Arab countries in jbsBnU9Ngik-01838-00480005-00480220 the area in the expectation that they jbsBnU9Ngik-01839-00480221-00480436 would eventually absorb the Palestinian jbsBnU9Ngik-01840-00480437-00480731 refugees resident in their states both jbsBnU9Ngik-01841-00480732-00480929 Kushner and nikki Haley proposed a jbsBnU9Ngik-01842-00480930-00481117 cut-off of u.s. funding for the jbsBnU9Ngik-01843-00481118-00481348 organization a proposal opposed by the jbsBnU9Ngik-01844-00481349-00481591 State Department the Pentagon and the US jbsBnU9Ngik-01845-00481592-00481808 intelligence community on the grounds jbsBnU9Ngik-01846-00481809-00481996 that any such move would only fuel jbsBnU9Ngik-01847-00481997-00482299 violence in the Middle East jbsBnU9Ngik-01848-00482300-00482663 you jbsBnU9Ngik-01849-00482664-00483213 topic see also jbsBnU9Ngik-01850-00483214-00483433 list of Directors and commissioners jbsBnU9Ngik-01851-00483434-00483654 General of the United Nations Relief and jbsBnU9Ngik-01852-00483655-00483915 Works Agency for Palestine refugees in jbsBnU9Ngik-01853-00483916-00484373 the near East 2014 Israel Gaza conflict jbsBnU9Ngik-01854-00484374-00484827 Israel Palestine and the United Nations jbsBnU9Ngik-01855-00484828-00485243 israeli-palestinian conflict nor albert jbsBnU9Ngik-01856-00485244-00485720 palestine refugee palestinian people jbsBnU9Ngik-01857-00485721-00486120 palestinian textbook controversy united jbsBnU9Ngik-01858-00486121-00486331 nations fact-finding mission on the Gaza jbsBnU9Ngik-01859-00486332-00486821 conflict jbsBnU9Ngik-01860-00486822-00487382 topic bibliography jbsBnU9Ngik-01861-00487383-00487883 unruhe UNHCR 2007 the United Nations and jbsBnU9Ngik-01862-00487884-00488588 Palestinian refugees PDF UN dpi 2008 the jbsBnU9Ngik-01863-00488589-00488839 question of Palestine and the United jbsBnU9Ngik-01864-00488841-00489682 Nations PDF dpi 2499 Gunness Chris 2011 jbsBnU9Ngik-01865-00489683-00489842 exploding the myths jbsBnU9Ngik-01866-00489843-00490282 unruhe UNHCR and the Palestine refugees jbsBnU9Ngik-01867-00490283-00490700 Monde news agency jcg2W1BnE4A-00000-00000088-00002702 [Music] jcg2W1BnE4A-00001-00002703-00003062 oh jcg2W1BnE4A-00003-00006352-00006562 so jcg2W1BnE4A-00005-00009792-00010231 very very jcg2W1BnE4A-00006-00010232-00010499 foreign jcg2W1BnE4A-00007-00010500-00013055 [Music] jcg2W1BnE4A-00008-00013056-00013390 ah jcg2W1BnE4A-00010-00017359-00017800 baby jcg2W1BnE4A-00011-00017801-00020239 [Music] jcg2W1BnE4A-00012-00020240-00020433 um jcg2W1BnE4A-00014-00023848-00024046 so jcg2W1BnE4A-00015-00024047-00026679 [Music] jcg2W1BnE4A-00016-00026680-00026872 me jcg2W1BnE4A-00017-00026873-00029039 [Music] jcg2W1BnE4A-00018-00029039-00029229 on jcg2W1BnE4A-00019-00029230-00030646 [Music] jcg2W1BnE4A-00020-00030647-00031236 oh jcg2W1BnE4A-00021-00031237-00031655 [Music] jcg2W1BnE4A-00022-00031656-00031864 foreign jcg2W1BnE4A-00024-00035080-00035186 my jcg2W1BnE4A-00025-00035187-00035679 [Music] jcg2W1BnE4A-00026-00035680-00035939 foreign jcg2W1BnE4A-00027-00035940-00038153 [Music] jcg2W1BnE4A-00029-00042752-00042959 you jc_4E--36jU-00000-00000104-00000342 all right welcome everybody to this jc_4E--36jU-00001-00000343-00000511 episode of top speakers jc_4E--36jU-00002-00000512-00000751 now today i've got a very very special jc_4E--36jU-00003-00000752-00000831 guest jc_4E--36jU-00004-00000832-00001079 uh we've got rich bond trigger or as he jc_4E--36jU-00005-00001080-00001174 has known jc_4E--36jU-00006-00001175-00001454 uh online rich trigger bond trigger he jc_4E--36jU-00007-00001455-00001671 is nowadays a leadership slash jc_4E--36jU-00008-00001672-00001942 speaking coach and he's very special jc_4E--36jU-00009-00001943-00002110 he's unique he has more than jc_4E--36jU-00010-00002111-00002391 25 years in our experience as a keynote jc_4E--36jU-00011-00002392-00002471 speaker jc_4E--36jU-00012-00002472-00002695 and storyteller he is also a jc_4E--36jU-00013-00002696-00002775 professional jc_4E--36jU-00014-00002776-00003102 broadcaster and super cool a church jc_4E--36jU-00015-00003103-00003231 planter assessor jc_4E--36jU-00016-00003232-00003567 he also has very very fascinating and jc_4E--36jU-00017-00003568-00003743 also scary life events jc_4E--36jU-00018-00003744-00003999 like going through a liver transplant jc_4E--36jU-00019-00004000-00004286 surviving a fire accident as a kid jc_4E--36jU-00020-00004287-00004527 and such so many more things like jc_4E--36jU-00021-00004528-00004743 working in a comic book store jc_4E--36jU-00022-00004744-00005015 is a very interesting person so welcome jc_4E--36jU-00023-00005016-00005095 rich it's jc_4E--36jU-00024-00005096-00005318 really nice to have you on uh on this jc_4E--36jU-00025-00005319-00005535 podcast and this episode here today jc_4E--36jU-00026-00005536-00005679 and i'm really excited to talk with you jc_4E--36jU-00027-00005680-00005927 about public speaking and how we can jc_4E--36jU-00028-00005928-00006127 make it better especially now in this jc_4E--36jU-00029-00006128-00006302 time during the coronavirus jc_4E--36jU-00030-00006303-00006559 where we are online and where we are jc_4E--36jU-00031-00006559-00006814 stuck to our laptops and computers jc_4E--36jU-00032-00006815-00006959 well thank you for having me on i love jc_4E--36jU-00033-00006959-00007198 being on these episodes i love being on jc_4E--36jU-00034-00007200-00007478 sharing uh taking my broadcasting career jc_4E--36jU-00035-00007479-00007614 as you talked about jc_4E--36jU-00036-00007615-00007751 and bringing that together with the jc_4E--36jU-00037-00007752-00007919 virtual world that we're all now jc_4E--36jU-00038-00007920-00008134 having to jump on to it it's not that we jc_4E--36jU-00039-00008136-00008319 want to a lot of people are now being jc_4E--36jU-00040-00008320-00008407 forced to jc_4E--36jU-00041-00008408-00008583 and the biggest question i often hear jc_4E--36jU-00042-00008584-00008807 number one is what do i do with this so jc_4E--36jU-00043-00008808-00008910 i'm having a blast jc_4E--36jU-00044-00008911-00009046 going on shows like this and helping jc_4E--36jU-00045-00009047-00009278 people out to uh really rock the stage jc_4E--36jU-00046-00009279-00009367 better jc_4E--36jU-00047-00009368-00009519 right right and you've been doing it jc_4E--36jU-00048-00009520-00009727 since a long time since you've been jc_4E--36jU-00049-00009728-00009855 broadcasting jc_4E--36jU-00050-00009856-00010167 with doing it virtually yeah um actually jc_4E--36jU-00051-00010168-00010367 i've been a broadcaster for 30 years now jc_4E--36jU-00052-00010368-00010574 that bio is outdated which is great jc_4E--36jU-00053-00010575-00010799 uh time flies when you're having fun uh jc_4E--36jU-00054-00010800-00011063 i've been in radio i've done some tv jc_4E--36jU-00055-00011064-00011303 but a lot of it now the streaming age jc_4E--36jU-00056-00011304-00011487 started to come about the podcasting age jc_4E--36jU-00057-00011488-00011599 or the pop-up jc_4E--36jU-00058-00011600-00011791 and so a lot of the stuff from radio jc_4E--36jU-00059-00011792-00011927 started to drop onto jc_4E--36jU-00060-00011928-00012110 the internet and we were streaming all jc_4E--36jU-00061-00012111-00012303 of our football basketball games jc_4E--36jU-00062-00012304-00012470 that way all my interview shows rather jc_4E--36jU-00063-00012471-00012719 be streaming so i started to learn about jc_4E--36jU-00064-00012720-00012767 this jc_4E--36jU-00065-00012768-00013022 before it became the big thing that it jc_4E--36jU-00066-00013023-00013111 is now jc_4E--36jU-00067-00013112-00013343 uh so thankfully i've got a leg up on it jc_4E--36jU-00068-00013344-00013494 and i just want to help people jc_4E--36jU-00069-00013495-00013663 do better and better because i don't jc_4E--36jU-00070-00013663-00013871 think the stage is going away jc_4E--36jU-00071-00013872-00014151 the live stage will come back but i jc_4E--36jU-00072-00014152-00014415 think the virtual stage is here to stay jc_4E--36jU-00073-00014416-00014735 right right and we see it for example me jc_4E--36jU-00074-00014736-00014958 myself and many of my listeners jc_4E--36jU-00075-00014959-00015238 um we we discussed it right now our jc_4E--36jU-00076-00015240-00015438 toastmaster members and most host master jc_4E--36jU-00077-00015440-00015558 meetings around the world jc_4E--36jU-00078-00015559-00015727 are being done online which is super jc_4E--36jU-00079-00015728-00015975 cool because it connects people jc_4E--36jU-00080-00015976-00016230 i can attend meetings in hong kong today jc_4E--36jU-00081-00016231-00016358 and at the same time jc_4E--36jU-00082-00016359-00016519 later in the day i can go to the us and jc_4E--36jU-00083-00016520-00016703 attend meetings there but it's all on jc_4E--36jU-00084-00016704-00016775 zoom jc_4E--36jU-00085-00016776-00017022 and what i notice a lot with jc_4E--36jU-00086-00017023-00017294 inexperienced people also like myself jc_4E--36jU-00087-00017295-00017591 um is when we use zoom meetings many jc_4E--36jU-00088-00017592-00017679 things jc_4E--36jU-00089-00017680-00018022 go not so smooth for example jc_4E--36jU-00090-00018023-00018294 the microphone the internet connection jc_4E--36jU-00091-00018295-00018543 um we don't look into the camera et jc_4E--36jU-00092-00018544-00018703 cetera et cetera jc_4E--36jU-00093-00018704-00018886 so what would you say is from your jc_4E--36jU-00094-00018887-00019030 expertise your experience jc_4E--36jU-00095-00019031-00019263 what what uh if somebody wants to start jc_4E--36jU-00096-00019264-00019430 with giving presentations jc_4E--36jU-00097-00019431-00019663 or publishing there is so much and and jc_4E--36jU-00098-00019664-00019807 that's a great setup because there are jc_4E--36jU-00099-00019808-00019975 so many things spinning around now that jc_4E--36jU-00100-00019976-00020014 are jc_4E--36jU-00101-00020015-00020175 so different first of all the live jc_4E--36jU-00102-00020176-00020358 audience used to feed you jc_4E--36jU-00103-00020359-00020575 um if you've been on any live stage you jc_4E--36jU-00104-00020576-00020711 play off the crowd you play out their jc_4E--36jU-00105-00020712-00020807 body language jc_4E--36jU-00106-00020808-00021078 you play out their laughter um it's jc_4E--36jU-00107-00021079-00021263 different because i tell people now jc_4E--36jU-00108-00021264-00021527 everyone's in the front row there there jc_4E--36jU-00109-00021528-00021671 are no back seats in these zoom calls jc_4E--36jU-00110-00021672-00021719 anymore jc_4E--36jU-00111-00021720-00021878 everyone's like front and center you see jc_4E--36jU-00112-00021879-00022047 their face you see if they're on their jc_4E--36jU-00113-00022048-00022167 phone you skip they're playing with jc_4E--36jU-00114-00022168-00022247 their kid jc_4E--36jU-00115-00022248-00022407 you see if your wife walks through the jc_4E--36jU-00116-00022408-00022614 background uh you see jc_4E--36jU-00117-00022615-00022830 things that you would never see before jc_4E--36jU-00118-00022831-00023007 so there's a different way now of jc_4E--36jU-00119-00023008-00023119 presenting jc_4E--36jU-00120-00023120-00023222 because you have to bring the same jc_4E--36jU-00121-00023223-00023486 energy uh one of the biggest things jc_4E--36jU-00122-00023487-00023607 about this is jc_4E--36jU-00123-00023608-00023839 people are shrinking smaller because the jc_4E--36jU-00124-00023840-00024047 camera box is smaller jc_4E--36jU-00125-00024048-00024358 it's actually a very big stage if you jc_4E--36jU-00126-00024359-00024439 bring it jc_4E--36jU-00127-00024440-00024607 like a real stage and that's the biggest jc_4E--36jU-00128-00024608-00024855 thing treat this like a real stage jc_4E--36jU-00129-00024856-00025022 not like you're sitting at your desk so jc_4E--36jU-00130-00025023-00025239 the number one tip the number one tip is jc_4E--36jU-00131-00025240-00025358 if you're presenting jc_4E--36jU-00132-00025359-00025655 stand up and present like you would jc_4E--36jU-00133-00025656-00025783 stand up in a live jc_4E--36jU-00134-00025783-00026111 arena get out of your desk and use jc_4E--36jU-00135-00026112-00026351 your body like you would in a normal jc_4E--36jU-00136-00026352-00026574 presentation jc_4E--36jU-00137-00026575-00026758 right right i love that because i'm jc_4E--36jU-00138-00026760-00026911 sitting right now i actually feel like jc_4E--36jU-00139-00026912-00026958 if i'm jc_4E--36jU-00140-00026960-00027151 standing out automatically i'm more in a jc_4E--36jU-00141-00027152-00027287 speaker mode right jc_4E--36jU-00142-00027288-00027439 right what do you think about because jc_4E--36jU-00143-00027439-00027631 the camera can only grab so much of my jc_4E--36jU-00144-00027632-00027670 body jc_4E--36jU-00145-00027672-00027902 the upper part when i when i stand up jc_4E--36jU-00146-00027904-00028055 when i do the body language jc_4E--36jU-00147-00028056-00028343 how can i fit that to zoom meetings so jc_4E--36jU-00148-00028344-00028462 that well jc_4E--36jU-00149-00028463-00028727 one other thing is is you can step back jc_4E--36jU-00150-00028727-00028783 um jc_4E--36jU-00151-00028783-00028943 get a lapel mic get them when those over jc_4E--36jU-00152-00028944-00029167 the ear mics make it so you're more jc_4E--36jU-00153-00029168-00029318 hands-free wireless right now i'm using jc_4E--36jU-00154-00029319-00029455 my broadcast studio mic jc_4E--36jU-00155-00029456-00029655 you know i'm used to doing that uh but i jc_4E--36jU-00156-00029656-00029823 do have other material that i can go all jc_4E--36jU-00157-00029824-00029918 the way back jc_4E--36jU-00158-00029919-00030158 and step up like a real stage and then jc_4E--36jU-00159-00030160-00030343 i'm free to use my full body jc_4E--36jU-00160-00030344-00030479 you can go all the way down to the waist jc_4E--36jU-00161-00030480-00030670 that's usually what people want and so jc_4E--36jU-00162-00030672-00030870 you get a full body versus jc_4E--36jU-00163-00030872-00031207 uh this headshot thing uh the other jc_4E--36jU-00164-00031208-00031367 thing is that most people are doing this jc_4E--36jU-00165-00031368-00031623 honestly is their head is barely on jc_4E--36jU-00166-00031624-00031790 camera and they're talking like this jc_4E--36jU-00167-00031791-00032014 and they think it's really no you you jc_4E--36jU-00168-00032016-00032223 need to at least get from waist jc_4E--36jU-00169-00032224-00032462 up on camera so pull back from the chair jc_4E--36jU-00170-00032463-00032590 a little bit bring your mic back with jc_4E--36jU-00171-00032591-00032655 you jc_4E--36jU-00172-00032656-00032959 or if you can stand up stand up and jc_4E--36jU-00173-00032960-00033135 really use it so jc_4E--36jU-00174-00033136-00033327 seventy percent of our communication is jc_4E--36jU-00175-00033328-00033462 body language jc_4E--36jU-00176-00033463-00033639 yeah we're on these zoom calls like you jc_4E--36jU-00177-00033640-00033815 just said you're like a little puppet jc_4E--36jU-00178-00033816-00033967 with your arms and there's no body jc_4E--36jU-00179-00033968-00034239 language it makes it a lot tougher jc_4E--36jU-00180-00034240-00034551 right right yeah 70 i i remember that jc_4E--36jU-00181-00034552-00034862 you you posted it on the linkedin uh yes jc_4E--36jU-00182-00034863-00035255 was it 70 body language uh tonality was jc_4E--36jU-00183-00035256-00035439 uh how much was it i don't remember jc_4E--36jU-00184-00035440-00035655 exactly well like verbal communication jc_4E--36jU-00185-00035656-00035902 is one way but the body language is 70 jc_4E--36jU-00186-00035903-00036295 we hear see sense we communicate from jc_4E--36jU-00187-00036296-00036479 the way we stand whether we fold our jc_4E--36jU-00188-00036480-00036679 arms the way we look at people jc_4E--36jU-00189-00036680-00036846 that there's so many different body cues jc_4E--36jU-00190-00036847-00037015 that we pick up are they engaged or not jc_4E--36jU-00191-00037016-00037079 engaged jc_4E--36jU-00192-00037080-00037223 when you're all sitting at a desk one of jc_4E--36jU-00193-00037224-00037407 the biggest struggles early on jc_4E--36jU-00194-00037408-00037695 through coven was you cannot tell who's jc_4E--36jU-00195-00037696-00037943 checked in who's checked out jc_4E--36jU-00196-00037944-00038143 these are all sitting at their desk and jc_4E--36jU-00197-00038144-00038279 the more people are now getting up and jc_4E--36jU-00198-00038280-00038439 interacting the more people are seeing jc_4E--36jU-00199-00038440-00038607 oh steve has checked in jc_4E--36jU-00200-00038608-00038839 susie's completely checked out because jc_4E--36jU-00201-00038840-00038999 you're reading the room differently now jc_4E--36jU-00202-00039000-00039199 but for a while you could not tell jc_4E--36jU-00203-00039200-00039359 who was really in with you and who was jc_4E--36jU-00204-00039360-00039559 not right jc_4E--36jU-00205-00039560-00039767 yeah yeah one of the things that you jc_4E--36jU-00206-00039768-00039959 also said about standing up jc_4E--36jU-00207-00039960-00040174 and acting like it is a state treating jc_4E--36jU-00208-00040175-00040295 it like a stage jc_4E--36jU-00209-00040296-00040599 one of the things that i i have as a jc_4E--36jU-00210-00040600-00040767 question when i think about that is that jc_4E--36jU-00211-00040768-00040846 most jc_4E--36jU-00212-00040847-00041079 people behind the laptop it's harder to jc_4E--36jU-00213-00041080-00041158 reach them jc_4E--36jU-00214-00041159-00041367 right than in a live stage because it's jc_4E--36jU-00215-00041368-00041558 just not the same jc_4E--36jU-00216-00041559-00041855 connection so how can i when i stand up jc_4E--36jU-00217-00041856-00041895 how jc_4E--36jU-00218-00041896-00042255 how should i adjust my energy level um jc_4E--36jU-00219-00042256-00042567 or my behavior to to get that connection jc_4E--36jU-00220-00042568-00042823 like i would in a live audience first of jc_4E--36jU-00221-00042824-00042887 all i jc_4E--36jU-00222-00042888-00043023 always ask people what do you do before jc_4E--36jU-00223-00043024-00043190 you go on stage if you're going on the jc_4E--36jU-00224-00043191-00043246 real jc_4E--36jU-00225-00043247-00043374 to a real stage what do you do to get jc_4E--36jU-00226-00043375-00043607 yourself amped up i know people slam red jc_4E--36jU-00227-00043608-00043767 bulls just get all amped up i know jc_4E--36jU-00228-00043768-00043815 people jc_4E--36jU-00229-00043816-00043958 that put on their headphones like the jc_4E--36jU-00230-00043959-00044143 athletes and they're rocking to their jc_4E--36jU-00231-00044144-00044311 favorite songs they're getting in this jc_4E--36jU-00232-00044312-00044367 mood jc_4E--36jU-00233-00044368-00044558 i do that i actually jam up my music jc_4E--36jU-00234-00044559-00044758 really good before i go on any show jc_4E--36jU-00235-00044759-00044990 so i'm already powered up and then you jc_4E--36jU-00236-00044991-00045199 bring that on to the stage so jc_4E--36jU-00237-00045200-00045367 the first thing of any stage whether jc_4E--36jU-00238-00045368-00045527 it's live or virtual jc_4E--36jU-00239-00045528-00045823 you need to own the stage you step up on jc_4E--36jU-00240-00045824-00045958 and i coaches all the time jc_4E--36jU-00241-00045959-00046230 you need to step out look to the crowd jc_4E--36jU-00242-00046231-00046318 you need to play jc_4E--36jU-00243-00046319-00046535 them right away and own the stage we're jc_4E--36jU-00244-00046536-00046646 on these zoom calls jc_4E--36jU-00245-00046647-00046855 we're turning them on we're fumbling on jc_4E--36jU-00246-00046856-00047046 the settings we're not prepared jc_4E--36jU-00247-00047047-00047199 if you're using green screen it's not jc_4E--36jU-00248-00047200-00047383 the right green screen jc_4E--36jU-00249-00047384-00047662 there's just so much that's not stage jc_4E--36jU-00250-00047663-00047830 ready so when you're gonna be stage jc_4E--36jU-00251-00047831-00047943 ready jc_4E--36jU-00252-00047944-00048262 step up and own the stage right away jc_4E--36jU-00253-00048263-00048390 and then then that makes it more jc_4E--36jU-00254-00048391-00048574 engaging the crowd right away is grabbed jc_4E--36jU-00255-00048575-00048646 by you jc_4E--36jU-00256-00048647-00048990 because you're grabbing the crowd jc_4E--36jU-00257-00048991-00049302 yes right and in terms of jc_4E--36jU-00258-00049303-00049567 engaging with the crowd within live jc_4E--36jU-00259-00049568-00049711 audiences sometimes jc_4E--36jU-00260-00049712-00050079 easy to to just if you for example if i jc_4E--36jU-00261-00050080-00050151 make a joke jc_4E--36jU-00262-00050152-00050415 right the worst thing on zoom is when jc_4E--36jU-00263-00050416-00050599 people have their cameras shut off and jc_4E--36jU-00264-00050600-00050735 i'm making a joke and all jc_4E--36jU-00265-00050736-00050951 everybody's muted and i don't hear jc_4E--36jU-00266-00050952-00051071 anything i don't know jc_4E--36jU-00267-00051072-00051375 if they got it it's funny right that's jc_4E--36jU-00268-00051376-00051446 one of the worst jc_4E--36jU-00269-00051447-00051782 is that is this some way we can we can jc_4E--36jU-00270-00051783-00052023 shut that off that fear or that problem jc_4E--36jU-00271-00052024-00052094 and make it jc_4E--36jU-00272-00052095-00052270 like a more like a live audience or is jc_4E--36jU-00273-00052271-00052399 it just yeah actually there's jc_4E--36jU-00274-00052400-00052550 there's some new creative things coming jc_4E--36jU-00275-00052551-00052759 out so on zoom there are little icons jc_4E--36jU-00276-00052760-00052887 you can go down you can activate the jc_4E--36jU-00277-00052888-00052975 hand clap jc_4E--36jU-00278-00052976-00053150 the hand wave so if something does jc_4E--36jU-00279-00053151-00053294 something really cool you train your jc_4E--36jU-00280-00053295-00053511 audience to participate that way jc_4E--36jU-00281-00053512-00053742 give me a thumbs up if you like that jc_4E--36jU-00282-00053744-00053879 point thumbs up jc_4E--36jU-00283-00053879-00054119 hey if you really like that idea give me jc_4E--36jU-00284-00054120-00054223 a jc_4E--36jU-00285-00054224-00054503 high five now this is one that i've used jc_4E--36jU-00286-00054504-00054671 now that stole it from somebody else jc_4E--36jU-00287-00054672-00054823 that they did it on my show jc_4E--36jU-00288-00054824-00055038 but if you put your hands up right now jc_4E--36jU-00289-00055039-00055230 just put them up in the air with me jc_4E--36jU-00290-00055232-00055535 now put your hands up to the side and jc_4E--36jU-00291-00055536-00055687 flap them jc_4E--36jU-00292-00055688-00055830 now if you were in one of those zoom jc_4E--36jU-00293-00055832-00055999 calls that looks like the brady bunch jc_4E--36jU-00294-00056000-00056142 with all the different boxes jc_4E--36jU-00295-00056144-00056279 you would be slapping hands with their jc_4E--36jU-00296-00056279-00056463 neighbor next to you jc_4E--36jU-00297-00056464-00056630 and the people down below you could slap jc_4E--36jU-00298-00056632-00056775 hands with the people down below you and jc_4E--36jU-00299-00056776-00056815 then jc_4E--36jU-00300-00056816-00057038 you know they can go up so as you play jc_4E--36jU-00301-00057039-00057215 the audience you figure out interactive jc_4E--36jU-00302-00057216-00057447 techniques to engage them like that like jc_4E--36jU-00303-00057448-00057615 hey that was really cool guys let's all jc_4E--36jU-00304-00057616-00057759 get a high five for steve jc_4E--36jU-00305-00057760-00057975 steve really rocked this seminar today jc_4E--36jU-00306-00057976-00058142 and everyone gives steve a high five and jc_4E--36jU-00307-00058144-00058263 you're virtually jc_4E--36jU-00308-00058264-00058526 slapping hands around the world when jc_4E--36jU-00309-00058527-00058623 i've done that now jc_4E--36jU-00310-00058624-00058766 people have been laughing they're jc_4E--36jU-00311-00058767-00058991 smiling and i get also jc_4E--36jU-00312-00058991-00059263 replies that's the coolest thing to turn jc_4E--36jU-00313-00059264-00059391 into interactive jc_4E--36jU-00314-00059391-00059542 um there's also a way to use people jc_4E--36jU-00315-00059544-00059703 names now when you're in a live audience jc_4E--36jU-00316-00059704-00059775 you cannot use jc_4E--36jU-00317-00059776-00059942 names right you can pick up the guy in jc_4E--36jU-00318-00059944-00060119 the red shirt the lady with the blonde jc_4E--36jU-00319-00060120-00060335 hair in the back and you could do that jc_4E--36jU-00320-00060336-00060542 but you can actually look at their names jc_4E--36jU-00321-00060544-00060726 and you can say hey steve jc_4E--36jU-00322-00060727-00060950 what do you think of that and now you're jc_4E--36jU-00323-00060951-00061119 engaging steve one-on-one you're pulling jc_4E--36jU-00324-00061120-00061150 them jc_4E--36jU-00325-00061151-00061375 into your conversation it's not a jc_4E--36jU-00326-00061376-00061630 monologue it's an interaction jc_4E--36jU-00327-00061632-00061799 so there's there's things like that that jc_4E--36jU-00328-00061800-00062094 you can do uh to engage people you can jc_4E--36jU-00329-00062095-00062319 also use slides you can use videos jc_4E--36jU-00330-00062320-00062550 so you can integrate things because your jc_4E--36jU-00331-00062551-00062694 powerpoint used to be up on the wall jc_4E--36jU-00332-00062695-00062847 people look at the wall jc_4E--36jU-00333-00062848-00063063 you can actually bring it into this talk jc_4E--36jU-00334-00063064-00063206 over the very thing and they will jc_4E--36jU-00335-00063207-00063494 see it full screen and then you go back jc_4E--36jU-00336-00063495-00063647 to you being on camera jc_4E--36jU-00337-00063648-00063782 that's where the broadcast technique jc_4E--36jU-00338-00063783-00063919 comes in broadcast has been doing this jc_4E--36jU-00339-00063920-00064047 for years jc_4E--36jU-00340-00064048-00064254 we now get to do it on all of our jc_4E--36jU-00341-00064255-00064471 interactive calls jc_4E--36jU-00342-00064472-00064759 i see i see wow that's cool what kind of jc_4E--36jU-00343-00064760-00064894 tools apart from jc_4E--36jU-00344-00064895-00065175 the the background these fl by the way i jc_4E--36jU-00345-00065176-00065263 love this jc_4E--36jU-00346-00065264-00065415 clapping technique and i will definitely jc_4E--36jU-00347-00065416-00065663 use it in one of the toastmaster events jc_4E--36jU-00348-00065664-00065726 so jc_4E--36jU-00349-00065727-00065919 people i mean i i laughed when you just jc_4E--36jU-00350-00065920-00066063 said that i didn't realize what what jc_4E--36jU-00351-00066064-00066206 this was about in the beginning jc_4E--36jU-00352-00066207-00066455 but right we're creative and yeah and jc_4E--36jU-00353-00066456-00066599 then and that's kind of the way you jc_4E--36jU-00354-00066600-00066759 teach it you you don't tell them what jc_4E--36jU-00355-00066760-00066838 they're doing jc_4E--36jU-00356-00066839-00067031 that that breaks it you just get people jc_4E--36jU-00357-00067032-00067247 to participate you coach them jc_4E--36jU-00358-00067248-00067399 and as you coach them they'll start jc_4E--36jU-00359-00067400-00067591 looking around on their zoom call and jc_4E--36jU-00360-00067592-00067679 see these people jc_4E--36jU-00361-00067680-00067903 it looks really silly but it also makes jc_4E--36jU-00362-00067904-00068150 it fun and interactive so part of us jc_4E--36jU-00363-00068151-00068375 needs to coach people we need to teach jc_4E--36jU-00364-00068376-00068575 people but don't spoil it jc_4E--36jU-00365-00068576-00068726 it's like taking the gag line away from jc_4E--36jU-00366-00068727-00069006 a good joke don't tell them jc_4E--36jU-00367-00069007-00069126 take them through it and the joke jc_4E--36jU-00368-00069127-00069367 becomes look how silly and crazy but how jc_4E--36jU-00369-00069368-00069479 cool it is jc_4E--36jU-00370-00069480-00069775 and people like that awesome awesome so jc_4E--36jU-00371-00069776-00069975 engaging the audience actually jc_4E--36jU-00372-00069976-00070143 is different but it's not harder it's jc_4E--36jU-00373-00070144-00070294 just a little bit different and we can jc_4E--36jU-00374-00070295-00070359 do it in jc_4E--36jU-00375-00070360-00070606 very creative ways i love that um do you jc_4E--36jU-00376-00070607-00070767 have any advice for jc_4E--36jU-00377-00070768-00071079 somebody who like me i don't have my my jc_4E--36jU-00378-00071080-00071247 setup i don't have a microphone jc_4E--36jU-00379-00071248-00071519 i don't have a green screen yet um but i jc_4E--36jU-00380-00071520-00071662 don't want to invest like one one jc_4E--36jU-00381-00071663-00071799 thousand dollars just in a jc_4E--36jU-00382-00071800-00072135 maybe low budget like 100 200 um jc_4E--36jU-00383-00072136-00072326 what what are the things that you say jc_4E--36jU-00384-00072327-00072455 are the most important jc_4E--36jU-00385-00072456-00072694 to get to to be to build that connection jc_4E--36jU-00386-00072695-00072879 to get everything clear jc_4E--36jU-00387-00072880-00073103 there's probably four basic tools one of jc_4E--36jU-00388-00073104-00073247 them is kind of a bonus jc_4E--36jU-00389-00073248-00073535 but number one you want a good camera jc_4E--36jU-00390-00073536-00073726 now most laptops you can grab your jc_4E--36jU-00391-00073727-00073943 iphone uh mostly current iphones have a jc_4E--36jU-00392-00073944-00074062 really great jc_4E--36jU-00393-00074063-00074343 camera high definition so you can use jc_4E--36jU-00394-00074344-00074503 this and use it with a zoom call now it jc_4E--36jU-00395-00074504-00074719 does have limitations that a laptop or jc_4E--36jU-00396-00074720-00074950 a tower does not have but you can use jc_4E--36jU-00397-00074951-00075087 this very effectively jc_4E--36jU-00398-00075088-00075462 um also uh your laptop camera will work jc_4E--36jU-00399-00075463-00075582 just fine but if you go jc_4E--36jU-00400-00075583-00075950 order a usb high definition jc_4E--36jU-00401-00075951-00076294 camera that's got like 10 uh 1080 for jc_4E--36jU-00402-00076295-00076455 the way that it pulls the pictures jc_4E--36jU-00403-00076456-00076567 they're really not that expensive jc_4E--36jU-00404-00076568-00076711 they've come way down jc_4E--36jU-00405-00076712-00076911 you can get a 1080 high definition jc_4E--36jU-00406-00076912-00077143 camera i just upgraded recently myself jc_4E--36jU-00407-00077144-00077375 to a nice mid-level one between fifty jc_4E--36jU-00408-00077376-00077550 dollars and a hundred dollars jc_4E--36jU-00409-00077551-00077735 oh wow and they also have a built-in jc_4E--36jU-00410-00077736-00077887 microphone if you wanna go that way out jc_4E--36jU-00411-00077888-00078094 so it increases your microphone jc_4E--36jU-00412-00078095-00078255 they're high definition a lot of them jc_4E--36jU-00413-00078256-00078462 have the wide angle ability so jc_4E--36jU-00414-00078463-00078623 again i can go back and it's going to jc_4E--36jU-00415-00078624-00078838 catch everything um jc_4E--36jU-00416-00078839-00079071 so and they clip on they go usb and jc_4E--36jU-00417-00079072-00079199 they're very adjustable jc_4E--36jU-00418-00079200-00079438 and they're portable so you can also get jc_4E--36jU-00419-00079439-00079638 attachments to go to your phone whatever jc_4E--36jU-00420-00079639-00079894 so that's a great upgrade uh as a jc_4E--36jU-00421-00079895-00080094 broadcaster my microphone is my living i jc_4E--36jU-00422-00080095-00080199 have been living in front of a jc_4E--36jU-00423-00080200-00080447 microphone for over 30 years jc_4E--36jU-00424-00080448-00080687 i have to have a good mic now this one jc_4E--36jU-00425-00080688-00080767 um jc_4E--36jU-00426-00080768-00080991 is a strong condenser mic it's very jc_4E--36jU-00427-00080992-00081103 directional jc_4E--36jU-00428-00081104-00081350 uh it's got the boom arm but there's jc_4E--36jU-00429-00081351-00081511 something you can put on a stand jc_4E--36jU-00430-00081512-00081687 again you get the lapel mic you get the jc_4E--36jU-00431-00081688-00081903 over the ear mic now those are wireless jc_4E--36jU-00432-00081904-00081999 packs so they're going to be a little jc_4E--36jU-00433-00082000-00082150 bit more expensive but if you want to jc_4E--36jU-00434-00082151-00082271 stage perform jc_4E--36jU-00435-00082272-00082479 you go that way but if you want to get jc_4E--36jU-00436-00082480-00082671 off your laptop microphone those are not jc_4E--36jU-00437-00082672-00082871 made to be professional jc_4E--36jU-00438-00082872-00083071 they're good but you usually have a jc_4E--36jU-00439-00083072-00083271 tinny sound you have that backroom echo jc_4E--36jU-00440-00083272-00083367 gets in there jc_4E--36jU-00441-00083368-00083694 it captures more of the room this really jc_4E--36jU-00442-00083695-00083815 isolates jc_4E--36jU-00443-00083816-00084087 and changes your voice so much to your jc_4E--36jU-00444-00084088-00084206 true voice jc_4E--36jU-00445-00084207-00084399 um the third thing would be give it a jc_4E--36jU-00446-00084400-00084550 good light jc_4E--36jU-00447-00084551-00084862 uh i'm using a ring light right now uh jc_4E--36jU-00448-00084863-00085079 but the the cheap way around this the jc_4E--36jU-00449-00085080-00085223 really easiest way around jc_4E--36jU-00450-00085224-00085431 lighting is if you can sit in front of a jc_4E--36jU-00451-00085432-00085543 window jc_4E--36jU-00452-00085544-00085750 natural light is the best thing for on jc_4E--36jU-00453-00085751-00085862 camera jc_4E--36jU-00454-00085863-00085999 so if you don't want to spend the money jc_4E--36jU-00455-00086000-00086206 on a light you don't have to open up the jc_4E--36jU-00456-00086207-00086294 shades jc_4E--36jU-00457-00086295-00086503 sit in front of it and put your camera jc_4E--36jU-00458-00086504-00086671 so your face in the window jc_4E--36jU-00459-00086672-00086855 and you'll get a natural glow that the jc_4E--36jU-00460-00086856-00087031 camera will pick up jc_4E--36jU-00461-00087032-00087206 right otherwise these ring lights are jc_4E--36jU-00462-00087207-00087455 really great they're inexpensive again jc_4E--36jU-00463-00087456-00087591 this one has multiple settings for jc_4E--36jU-00464-00087592-00087759 different colors different hues jc_4E--36jU-00465-00087760-00087967 brightness so i can adjust this to the jc_4E--36jU-00466-00087968-00088103 room that i'm in jc_4E--36jU-00467-00088104-00088231 and then of course the final thing would jc_4E--36jU-00468-00088232-00088423 be a green screen if jc_4E--36jU-00469-00088424-00088567 you want to go virtual if you want to jc_4E--36jU-00470-00088568-00088767 change your atmosphere i i jc_4E--36jU-00471-00088768-00089015 coach people on creating an environment jc_4E--36jU-00472-00089016-00089071 so jc_4E--36jU-00473-00089072-00089311 back to our words our descriptions our jc_4E--36jU-00474-00089312-00089423 emotions jc_4E--36jU-00475-00089424-00089687 the environment that you are on jc_4E--36jU-00476-00089688-00089871 communicates jc_4E--36jU-00477-00089872-00090191 doesn't look like you're in your garage jc_4E--36jU-00478-00090192-00090382 but you want to look professional it jc_4E--36jU-00479-00090383-00090535 doesn't look like i actually had a guy jc_4E--36jU-00480-00090536-00090718 that was in his man cave and his jc_4E--36jU-00481-00090719-00090903 the big air conditioning conduit was jc_4E--36jU-00482-00090904-00091031 going right over his head jc_4E--36jU-00483-00091032-00091238 now for our conversation that worked we jc_4E--36jU-00484-00091239-00091391 were talking about men being men and jc_4E--36jU-00485-00091392-00091511 having a good time jc_4E--36jU-00486-00091512-00091647 if you're in a business executive jc_4E--36jU-00487-00091648-00091855 setting you do not want the pipe over jc_4E--36jU-00488-00091856-00091982 your head jc_4E--36jU-00489-00091983-00092159 the virtual screens allow you to jc_4E--36jU-00490-00092160-00092335 literally be anywhere jc_4E--36jU-00491-00092336-00092526 create your environment it helps jc_4E--36jU-00492-00092527-00092662 communicate a vibe jc_4E--36jU-00493-00092663-00092823 um so those are probably the four jc_4E--36jU-00494-00092824-00093150 biggest things to start with jc_4E--36jU-00495-00093151-00093367 amazing amazing so i got it um just for jc_4E--36jU-00496-00093368-00093518 the listeners to resume it jc_4E--36jU-00497-00093519-00093879 again so camera good camera um jc_4E--36jU-00498-00093880-00094199 then a a good lighting right jc_4E--36jU-00499-00094200-00094543 good microphone sound and a green screen jc_4E--36jU-00500-00094544-00094831 right at these four things right and jc_4E--36jU-00501-00094832-00094894 that jc_4E--36jU-00502-00094895-00095135 coupled with new methods to engage the jc_4E--36jU-00503-00095136-00095247 audience like jc_4E--36jU-00504-00095248-00095518 being creative standing up treating it jc_4E--36jU-00505-00095519-00095567 like an jc_4E--36jU-00506-00095568-00095935 actual stage um having the energy levels jc_4E--36jU-00507-00095936-00096103 that we would have on a normal level as jc_4E--36jU-00508-00096104-00096167 well jc_4E--36jU-00509-00096168-00096494 engaging the audience right um anything jc_4E--36jU-00510-00096495-00096567 else any jc_4E--36jU-00511-00096568-00096887 any other things that people would would jc_4E--36jU-00512-00096888-00097062 like to have would be a jc_4E--36jU-00513-00097063-00097423 kind of like a hack cheat code jc_4E--36jU-00514-00097424-00097655 zoom meetings well if you're doing zoom jc_4E--36jU-00515-00097656-00097926 in zoom is upgrading so fast right now jc_4E--36jU-00516-00097927-00097982 they are jc_4E--36jU-00517-00097983-00098215 doing the security upgrades if you're jc_4E--36jU-00518-00098216-00098335 gonna be a host if you're gonna do a jc_4E--36jU-00519-00098336-00098526 podcast webinar you need to upgrade you jc_4E--36jU-00520-00098527-00098687 need to stay on top of this jc_4E--36jU-00521-00098688-00098887 i've run meetings where the upgrade jc_4E--36jU-00522-00098888-00099071 happened literally half hour before my jc_4E--36jU-00523-00099072-00099126 show jc_4E--36jU-00524-00099127-00099255 and people had problems getting in jc_4E--36jU-00525-00099256-00099503 because they didn't upgrade i upgraded jc_4E--36jU-00526-00099504-00099647 so one thing i tell people is you need jc_4E--36jU-00527-00099648-00099862 to inform your audience jc_4E--36jU-00528-00099863-00100031 so when you send out your request for jc_4E--36jU-00529-00100032-00100174 your show you want people to come jump jc_4E--36jU-00530-00100175-00100350 on board and be in the audience jc_4E--36jU-00531-00100351-00100535 what you want to do is you want to jc_4E--36jU-00532-00100536-00100735 remind them update jc_4E--36jU-00533-00100736-00100974 sign in early and with zoom they're jc_4E--36jU-00534-00100975-00101126 going to what's called the waiting room jc_4E--36jU-00535-00101127-00101271 the first show i did jc_4E--36jU-00536-00101272-00101567 uh post corona they had just instituted jc_4E--36jU-00537-00101568-00101679 the waiting room jc_4E--36jU-00538-00101680-00101823 they didn't quite tell everybody what jc_4E--36jU-00539-00101824-00102031 this was so half my crowd was in a jc_4E--36jU-00540-00102032-00102206 waiting room the very first show i was jc_4E--36jU-00541-00102207-00102271 doing jc_4E--36jU-00542-00102272-00102415 and i had no idea but i have these jc_4E--36jU-00543-00102416-00102599 little things popping up and i jc_4E--36jU-00544-00102600-00102878 answer them one by one to let them in jc_4E--36jU-00545-00102879-00103023 there's a way now that jc_4E--36jU-00546-00103024-00103199 if you know the list and if you can see jc_4E--36jU-00547-00103200-00103390 the list you can bring them all in at jc_4E--36jU-00548-00103391-00103510 one time jc_4E--36jU-00549-00103511-00103671 but you need to know your security jc_4E--36jU-00550-00103672-00103775 setting because you don't want to have a jc_4E--36jU-00551-00103776-00103886 great event jc_4E--36jU-00552-00103888-00104039 think that no one's really there but jc_4E--36jU-00553-00104040-00104199 they really are there but they can't get jc_4E--36jU-00554-00104200-00104286 in jc_4E--36jU-00555-00104288-00104518 uh it loses credibility it affects your jc_4E--36jU-00556-00104519-00104647 initial you're going to do jc_4E--36jU-00557-00104648-00104886 so as a virtual person you need to stay jc_4E--36jU-00558-00104888-00105047 up on the virtual world jc_4E--36jU-00559-00105048-00105343 read articles read blogs uh keep track jc_4E--36jU-00560-00105344-00105471 of zoom jc_4E--36jU-00561-00105472-00105743 it's really important because we have jc_4E--36jU-00562-00105744-00105910 technical errors on live stage all the jc_4E--36jU-00563-00105911-00106071 time i've had microphones i've had jc_4E--36jU-00564-00106072-00106295 video screens dying me you gotta be jc_4E--36jU-00565-00106296-00106447 ready to adjust jc_4E--36jU-00566-00106448-00106671 on the virtual stage really fast just as jc_4E--36jU-00567-00106672-00106758 well jc_4E--36jU-00568-00106759-00106934 right right yeah now that you mentioned jc_4E--36jU-00569-00106935-00107166 it this this happened to me as well i jc_4E--36jU-00570-00107167-00107207 want jc_4E--36jU-00571-00107208-00107431 i i went to the i wanted to do a jc_4E--36jU-00572-00107432-00107615 presentation online jc_4E--36jU-00573-00107616-00107807 i didn't know how to share my screen at jc_4E--36jU-00574-00107808-00107966 that time and it was jc_4E--36jU-00575-00107967-00108158 i i prepared the presentation but i jc_4E--36jU-00576-00108159-00108278 didn't think about jc_4E--36jU-00577-00108279-00108447 how can i share it i don't know why i jc_4E--36jU-00578-00108448-00108639 didn't think about it but on the spot i jc_4E--36jU-00579-00108640-00108807 was like oh can somebody actually tell jc_4E--36jU-00580-00108808-00108951 me how it is and then jc_4E--36jU-00581-00108952-00109119 it was like 10 minutes back and forth jc_4E--36jU-00582-00109120-00109263 back and forth jc_4E--36jU-00583-00109264-00109663 so yes no no no no the platform master jc_4E--36jU-00584-00109664-00109927 master zoom and less is more right now jc_4E--36jU-00585-00109928-00110086 one of the mysterious things that have jc_4E--36jU-00586-00110088-00110247 happened on this whole thing is jc_4E--36jU-00587-00110248-00110399 uh you can go really slick and really jc_4E--36jU-00588-00110400-00110631 polished but because of intimacy and jc_4E--36jU-00589-00110632-00110823 people want to build relationships jc_4E--36jU-00590-00110824-00111047 sometimes it's being stripped down like jc_4E--36jU-00591-00111048-00111327 the acoustic band sets that jc_4E--36jU-00592-00111328-00111527 uh artists are doing just simply jc_4E--36jU-00593-00111528-00111639 unplugged jc_4E--36jU-00594-00111640-00111839 there's something intimate uh one of my jc_4E--36jU-00595-00111840-00112054 favorite rock groups of sticks jc_4E--36jU-00596-00112055-00112334 tommy shaw during covet was inviting you jc_4E--36jU-00597-00112335-00112447 into his home jc_4E--36jU-00598-00112448-00112734 in his pajamas with a guitar singing to jc_4E--36jU-00599-00112735-00112831 his wife jc_4E--36jU-00600-00112832-00113031 some of his biggest hits we're in his jc_4E--36jU-00601-00113032-00113183 living room jc_4E--36jU-00602-00113183-00113415 it's very intimate you can create that jc_4E--36jU-00603-00113416-00113527 same thing jc_4E--36jU-00604-00113528-00113695 sometimes you want to change it up jc_4E--36jU-00605-00113696-00113854 change your environment make it more jc_4E--36jU-00606-00113855-00114078 intimate by just stripping it down and jc_4E--36jU-00607-00114079-00114183 saying hi folks jc_4E--36jU-00608-00114183-00114486 here we are and keep it simple jc_4E--36jU-00609-00114488-00114671 don't you don't have to do all the bells jc_4E--36jU-00610-00114672-00114847 and whistles especially if you're not jc_4E--36jU-00611-00114848-00114958 ready to do them yet jc_4E--36jU-00612-00114959-00115158 just do what you do really well really jc_4E--36jU-00613-00115159-00115399 sharp and it will pay off jc_4E--36jU-00614-00115400-00115631 right right creating that intimacy yeah jc_4E--36jU-00615-00115632-00115799 it doesn't have to be too jc_4E--36jU-00616-00115800-00116015 too many gadgets and stuff right just jc_4E--36jU-00617-00116016-00116127 down to out okay jc_4E--36jU-00618-00116128-00116495 i love that well i think for for myself jc_4E--36jU-00619-00116496-00116590 it is already a lot jc_4E--36jU-00620-00116591-00116919 to do on my checklist um i think that jc_4E--36jU-00621-00116920-00117031 the rest is going to be jc_4E--36jU-00622-00117032-00117254 i've seen people who even buy extra jc_4E--36jU-00623-00117255-00117390 gadgets where they can jc_4E--36jU-00624-00117391-00117751 have zoom shortcuts um so i see that jc_4E--36jU-00625-00117752-00117919 there's many more things jc_4E--36jU-00626-00117920-00118190 i think for for the audience listening jc_4E--36jU-00627-00118191-00118351 to this or actually most professional jc_4E--36jU-00628-00118352-00118454 speakers even jc_4E--36jU-00629-00118455-00118727 for what they need really i think good jc_4E--36jU-00630-00118728-00118815 mic jc_4E--36jU-00631-00118816-00118999 i'm gonna do this so guys everybody jc_4E--36jU-00632-00119000-00119158 listen to this the last time you'll hear jc_4E--36jU-00633-00119159-00119223 me without jc_4E--36jU-00634-00119224-00119639 a microphone should be arriving tomorrow jc_4E--36jU-00635-00119640-00119990 and um right i think most of the things jc_4E--36jU-00636-00119991-00120143 we discussed jc_4E--36jU-00637-00120144-00120310 one other question one last question jc_4E--36jU-00638-00120311-00120510 which i'm curious about is jc_4E--36jU-00639-00120511-00120847 do you ask your audience to open the jc_4E--36jU-00640-00120848-00120910 camera jc_4E--36jU-00641-00120911-00121190 or are you fine with what they do i jc_4E--36jU-00642-00121191-00121319 really encourage people to open the jc_4E--36jU-00643-00121320-00121486 camera that's where the intimacy that's jc_4E--36jU-00644-00121488-00121663 where the engagement happens jc_4E--36jU-00645-00121664-00122014 uh people are afraid of it uh cyber jc_4E--36jU-00646-00122015-00122102 attacks happen jc_4E--36jU-00647-00122103-00122383 things happen but overall zoom's high jc_4E--36jU-00648-00122383-00122486 security jc_4E--36jU-00649-00122488-00122686 overall people really want to interact jc_4E--36jU-00650-00122688-00122839 they want to see the face jc_4E--36jU-00651-00122840-00123039 um and it's part of getting to know jc_4E--36jU-00652-00123040-00123199 people if you want to be a jc_4E--36jU-00653-00123200-00123302 speaker if you want to be in jc_4E--36jU-00654-00123303-00123439 toastmasters you want to get on the jc_4E--36jU-00655-00123440-00123534 stage jc_4E--36jU-00656-00123535-00123734 you have to get over the fear of who you jc_4E--36jU-00657-00123735-00123863 are and what you are jc_4E--36jU-00658-00123864-00124007 and you need to engage so i'm actually jc_4E--36jU-00659-00124008-00124158 in the zoom meetings with other speakers jc_4E--36jU-00660-00124159-00124263 other leaders jc_4E--36jU-00661-00124264-00124414 i turn on my camera because they want to jc_4E--36jU-00662-00124415-00124614 know who rich is they want to know if jc_4E--36jU-00663-00124615-00124854 this trigger guy is anything good or bad jc_4E--36jU-00664-00124855-00124999 and the same thing for everyone else in jc_4E--36jU-00665-00125000-00125183 your audience right it's part of jc_4E--36jU-00666-00125183-00125278 breaking the ice jc_4E--36jU-00667-00125279-00125502 and building that new community because jc_4E--36jU-00668-00125503-00125654 as you said during the introduction jc_4E--36jU-00669-00125655-00125943 this is global um i've been in germany jc_4E--36jU-00670-00125944-00126151 i've been in kazakhstan on meetings i've jc_4E--36jU-00671-00126152-00126239 been jc_4E--36jU-00672-00126240-00126534 in hawaii on meetings yeah the cool jc_4E--36jU-00673-00126535-00126607 thing is you get to jc_4E--36jU-00674-00126608-00126863 meet people all over the world take off jc_4E--36jU-00675-00126864-00126999 the camera lens jc_4E--36jU-00676-00127000-00127239 turn on your picture and be a part of jc_4E--36jU-00677-00127240-00127383 what's going on because it's really jc_4E--36jU-00678-00127383-00127471 powerful jc_4E--36jU-00679-00127472-00127710 if it does become personal and it jc_4E--36jU-00680-00127711-00127902 expands your network jc_4E--36jU-00681-00127903-00128254 globally now you are on global stage you jc_4E--36jU-00682-00128255-00128447 could never have this before so jc_4E--36jU-00683-00128448-00128695 enjoy it that's right yeah because it's jc_4E--36jU-00684-00128696-00128758 not gonna jc_4E--36jU-00685-00128759-00128951 it's not gonna last like it's right now jc_4E--36jU-00686-00128952-00129078 most of the things will go jc_4E--36jU-00687-00129079-00129327 back to normal or at least part of it jc_4E--36jU-00688-00129328-00129383 eventually jc_4E--36jU-00689-00129383-00129566 but right now it's really easy to meet jc_4E--36jU-00690-00129567-00129695 people online so it's a jc_4E--36jU-00691-00129696-00129895 it's a great opportunity and if we're jc_4E--36jU-00692-00129896-00130054 stuck in this then why not master it jc_4E--36jU-00693-00130055-00130158 right jc_4E--36jU-00694-00130159-00130366 exactly i don't think it's going away jc_4E--36jU-00695-00130367-00130543 the live stage will come back jc_4E--36jU-00696-00130544-00130799 but every uh event producer that i've jc_4E--36jU-00697-00130800-00130847 talked to jc_4E--36jU-00698-00130848-00131039 has said there will be a virtual element jc_4E--36jU-00699-00131040-00131335 now so if you're not the big rock stars jc_4E--36jU-00700-00131336-00131519 that get five thousand dollars per per jc_4E--36jU-00701-00131520-00131702 speaking gig or ten thousand dollars jc_4E--36jU-00702-00131703-00131935 they will always get the live stage jc_4E--36jU-00703-00131936-00132047 crowd jc_4E--36jU-00704-00132048-00132223 what you will get now is the invite will jc_4E--36jU-00705-00132224-00132431 you be one of our virtual speakers jc_4E--36jU-00706-00132432-00132566 you'll get on the screen you might jc_4E--36jU-00707-00132567-00132766 attend the conference itself be in the jc_4E--36jU-00708-00132767-00132919 crowd and still be virtual jc_4E--36jU-00709-00132920-00133071 then you can do a breakout session then jc_4E--36jU-00710-00133072-00133231 you can do in those interactive q and jc_4E--36jU-00711-00133232-00133327 a's you can do a jc_4E--36jU-00712-00133328-00133614 breakout seminar that can also go live jc_4E--36jU-00713-00133615-00133790 it can be live with your studio audience jc_4E--36jU-00714-00133791-00133919 there's so many different ways to do jc_4E--36jU-00715-00133920-00133975 this jc_4E--36jU-00716-00133976-00134207 so the virtual stage is now a part of jc_4E--36jU-00717-00134208-00134366 the speaking world it's not going to jc_4E--36jU-00718-00134367-00134471 disappear jc_4E--36jU-00719-00134472-00134647 uh so it is on those things you have to jc_4E--36jU-00720-00134648-00134799 learn now uh jc_4E--36jU-00721-00134800-00135023 to advance your career you have to do jc_4E--36jU-00722-00135024-00135151 the live stage jc_4E--36jU-00723-00135152-00135343 and you have to do the video stage and jc_4E--36jU-00724-00135344-00135519 they're really one and the same jc_4E--36jU-00725-00135520-00135678 you have to learn how to play to the jc_4E--36jU-00726-00135679-00135895 camera welcome to the broadcast world jc_4E--36jU-00727-00135896-00135959 everybody jc_4E--36jU-00728-00135960-00136199 you are now a broadcaster and you're on jc_4E--36jU-00729-00136200-00136407 camera of going around the world jc_4E--36jU-00730-00136408-00136735 i love that that's a perfect uh outro jc_4E--36jU-00731-00136736-00136766 for jc_4E--36jU-00732-00136767-00137054 our for our episode today so is is there jc_4E--36jU-00733-00137055-00137143 any jc_4E--36jU-00734-00137144-00137454 way that my listeners can reach you if jc_4E--36jU-00735-00137455-00137590 they're more interested jc_4E--36jU-00736-00137591-00137775 in finding out how they can learn from jc_4E--36jU-00737-00137776-00137990 you i know you have a youtube channel jc_4E--36jU-00738-00137991-00138366 i know you are on linkedin yes um jc_4E--36jU-00739-00138367-00138559 or email as well so what what is the jc_4E--36jU-00740-00138560-00138695 best way for jc_4E--36jU-00741-00138696-00138887 people if they want to reach out to you jc_4E--36jU-00742-00138888-00139007 yeah really the best way would be jc_4E--36jU-00743-00139008-00139175 lincoln's really easy i'm using linkedin jc_4E--36jU-00744-00139176-00139335 all the time that's how we connected jc_4E--36jU-00745-00139336-00139487 right we're on there all the time it's jc_4E--36jU-00746-00139488-00139663 one of the best business platforms right jc_4E--36jU-00747-00139664-00139727 now jc_4E--36jU-00748-00139728-00139951 um you can send me a direct email and i jc_4E--36jU-00749-00139952-00140095 will send you a free jc_4E--36jU-00750-00140096-00140311 booklet about how to rock the virtual jc_4E--36jU-00751-00140312-00140431 stage this gives you tips jc_4E--36jU-00752-00140432-00140623 links insights and some of the things we jc_4E--36jU-00753-00140624-00140863 talked about here today absolutely free jc_4E--36jU-00754-00140864-00141131 just send it to rich at jc_4E--36jU-00755-00141132-00141287 jc_4E--36jU-00756-00141288-00141454 it'll come directly to me not to an jc_4E--36jU-00757-00141455-00141614 assistant or anything like that and i jc_4E--36jU-00758-00141615-00141759 will send you this directly back jc_4E--36jU-00759-00141760-00141863 absolutely for free jc_4E--36jU-00760-00141864-00142054 and it will help you rock the stage even jc_4E--36jU-00761-00142055-00142231 better it's a great resource jc_4E--36jU-00762-00142232-00142439 uh so that's kind of my gift to your jc_4E--36jU-00763-00142440-00142551 people here today jc_4E--36jU-00764-00142552-00142863 oh an aim into that that's amazing jc_4E--36jU-00765-00142864-00143135 okay thank you so much um rich it was it jc_4E--36jU-00766-00143136-00143239 was very insightful jc_4E--36jU-00767-00143240-00143359 it was a pleasure and thank you for jc_4E--36jU-00768-00143360-00143566 taking your time and jc_4E--36jU-00769-00143567-00143759 showing us your your insights your jc_4E--36jU-00770-00143760-00143919 tricks on how to rock jc_4E--36jU-00771-00143920-00144151 the virtual stage thanks for having me jc_4E--36jU-00772-00144152-00144351 on i love being here today thanks again jc_4E--36jU-00773-00144352-00144744 thank you a lot rich all right jgR-xUmBbCU-00000-00000527-00000587 let's see jgR-xUmBbCU-00001-00000588-00000759 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00002-00000760-00000919 i'm hoping to get a perk where you can jgR-xUmBbCU-00003-00000919-00000999 kill jgR-xUmBbCU-00004-00001000-00001223 i want the perk jgR-xUmBbCU-00005-00001224-00001399 and then i've heard ghostface he's got a jgR-xUmBbCU-00006-00001400-00001710 good kill jgR-xUmBbCU-00007-00001711-00001834 he gets camera jgR-xUmBbCU-00008-00001835-00002239 [Laughter] jgR-xUmBbCU-00009-00002240-00003175 supposed to be a good one jgR-xUmBbCU-00010-00003176-00003367 oh nice they took us to my favorite jgR-xUmBbCU-00011-00003368-00003559 place jgR-xUmBbCU-00012-00003560-00004895 this is where he was born for jgR-xUmBbCU-00013-00004896-00005031 i've done a lot on this one the other jgR-xUmBbCU-00014-00005032-00005295 day well yesterday last night jgR-xUmBbCU-00015-00005296-00005470 yeah not done too bad so we'll see what jgR-xUmBbCU-00016-00005471-00005647 we do today but we'll see because that jgR-xUmBbCU-00017-00005648-00005847 looks like quite a strong team jgR-xUmBbCU-00018-00005848-00006015 it's not jgR-xUmBbCU-00019-00006016-00006206 i don't think i see any prestige jgR-xUmBbCU-00020-00006207-00006414 characters so we will see jgR-xUmBbCU-00021-00006415-00006623 dingming jgR-xUmBbCU-00022-00006623-00007623 rupa of the century so we'll see jgR-xUmBbCU-00023-00007623-00008399 we will see but we'll be uh jgR-xUmBbCU-00024-00008400-00008895 i mean jgR-xUmBbCU-00025-00008896-00010303 oh yeah jgR-xUmBbCU-00026-00010304-00012703 hmm jgR-xUmBbCU-00027-00012704-00012999 been a good day so far good stream good jgR-xUmBbCU-00028-00013000-00013207 fun i'm having a laugh jgR-xUmBbCU-00029-00013208-00013407 yeah daddy's got up getting annoyed with jgR-xUmBbCU-00030-00013408-00013503 it because i've got not the right jgR-xUmBbCU-00031-00013504-00013599 weapons jgR-xUmBbCU-00032-00013600-00013822 oh gotta work out how i get back to the jgR-xUmBbCU-00033-00013823-00013983 campsite jgR-xUmBbCU-00034-00013984-00014383 it starts on on the quest the mission jgR-xUmBbCU-00035-00014384-00014615 which is hard jgR-xUmBbCU-00036-00014616-00015135 damn hard jgR-xUmBbCU-00037-00015136-00016311 damn hard man oh yes great fantastic jgR-xUmBbCU-00038-00016312-00017455 one two three four five six right jgR-xUmBbCU-00039-00017456-00019115 where are you zombies jgR-xUmBbCU-00040-00019116-00019719 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00041-00019720-00020167 that one jgR-xUmBbCU-00042-00020168-00020830 that one down there jgR-xUmBbCU-00043-00020831-00021983 i got already jgR-xUmBbCU-00044-00021984-00023567 don't go upstairs just yet jgR-xUmBbCU-00045-00023568-00024142 nothing jgR-xUmBbCU-00046-00024143-00024542 i'll take that thanks jgR-xUmBbCU-00047-00024543-00024758 why what was the point of that there's jgR-xUmBbCU-00048-00024759-00024967 no point in that is it jgR-xUmBbCU-00049-00024968-00025247 i can still see your [__] jgR-xUmBbCU-00050-00025248-00025430 yeah they want me to want me to chase jgR-xUmBbCU-00051-00025431-00026190 him jgR-xUmBbCU-00052-00026191-00026674 wants me to chase him jgR-xUmBbCU-00053-00026675-00027272 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00054-00027273-00027511 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00055-00027512-00028446 i see you jgR-xUmBbCU-00056-00028447-00029943 oh jgR-xUmBbCU-00057-00029944-00030543 i knew he was here jgR-xUmBbCU-00058-00030544-00030751 all right jgR-xUmBbCU-00059-00030752-00033702 there you go zombie jgR-xUmBbCU-00060-00033703-00033895 oh i missed stuff jgR-xUmBbCU-00061-00033896-00034127 oh no there's a wall in the way not jgR-xUmBbCU-00062-00034128-00036823 there that wall getting away jgR-xUmBbCU-00063-00036824-00037575 ugh jgR-xUmBbCU-00064-00037576-00038030 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00065-00038031-00039599 ugh jgR-xUmBbCU-00066-00039600-00040007 i'm getting you dwight jgR-xUmBbCU-00067-00040008-00042823 yeah you're getting [__] killed jgR-xUmBbCU-00068-00042824-00042951 look at that he's quite good at wiggly jgR-xUmBbCU-00069-00042952-00043334 wiggly jgR-xUmBbCU-00070-00043335-00044751 [Applause] jgR-xUmBbCU-00071-00044752-00045072 oh there jgR-xUmBbCU-00072-00045073-00045998 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00073-00045999-00046318 [Applause] jgR-xUmBbCU-00074-00046319-00046495 yeah jgR-xUmBbCU-00075-00046496-00046783 come on dwight jgR-xUmBbCU-00076-00046784-00047462 let's go jgR-xUmBbCU-00077-00047463-00048246 you wanna immediately didn't yeah jgR-xUmBbCU-00079-00051744-00051976 yes jgR-xUmBbCU-00080-00051977-00052607 [Laughter] jgR-xUmBbCU-00081-00052608-00053607 yeah you don't do it on the floor jgR-xUmBbCU-00082-00053608-00053766 oh yes jgR-xUmBbCU-00083-00053767-00054292 i have to say that's [__] awesome jgR-xUmBbCU-00084-00054294-00055238 [Laughter] jgR-xUmBbCU-00085-00055239-00055511 this character i play was made for this jgR-xUmBbCU-00086-00055512-00055719 level jgR-xUmBbCU-00087-00055720-00056566 yes jgR-xUmBbCU-00088-00056567-00056750 all right they boom toned jgR-xUmBbCU-00089-00056751-00057223 boomy boomy jgR-xUmBbCU-00090-00057224-00057487 they totaled a boom jgR-xUmBbCU-00091-00057488-00058164 they boom to their tote jgR-xUmBbCU-00092-00058165-00059007 [Applause] jgR-xUmBbCU-00093-00059008-00059103 uh jgR-xUmBbCU-00094-00059104-00059196 steve jgR-xUmBbCU-00095-00059197-00059903 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00096-00059904-00060030 you think i don't know where these jgR-xUmBbCU-00097-00060032-00061559 totems are jgR-xUmBbCU-00098-00061560-00062575 this is a good character to play jgR-xUmBbCU-00099-00062576-00062926 oh no jgR-xUmBbCU-00100-00062927-00063071 oh no jgR-xUmBbCU-00101-00063072-00063742 i lost him oh jgR-xUmBbCU-00102-00063744-00063887 oh well jgR-xUmBbCU-00103-00063888-00064471 never die jgR-xUmBbCU-00104-00064472-00064687 he really done it again jgR-xUmBbCU-00105-00064688-00066730 he's done boom totem jgR-xUmBbCU-00106-00066731-00066975 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00107-00066976-00067423 he jgR-xUmBbCU-00108-00067424-00067647 someone out next to me as well jgR-xUmBbCU-00109-00067648-00068608 there's someone next to me jgR-xUmBbCU-00110-00068609-00070167 [Applause] jgR-xUmBbCU-00111-00070168-00071206 you've done this one as well jgR-xUmBbCU-00112-00071207-00071935 bye bye jgR-xUmBbCU-00113-00071936-00072150 it isn't good fun this game it's good jgR-xUmBbCU-00114-00072151-00072231 fun jgR-xUmBbCU-00115-00072232-00072882 good jgR-xUmBbCU-00116-00072883-00073071 fun all right jgR-xUmBbCU-00117-00073072-00073303 so we've got jgR-xUmBbCU-00118-00073304-00073526 that one there jgR-xUmBbCU-00119-00073527-00073815 that one there and that one there jgR-xUmBbCU-00120-00073816-00074991 they kind of regen themselves jgR-xUmBbCU-00121-00074992-00076382 [Applause] jgR-xUmBbCU-00122-00076383-00076655 oh i can only kill one of them jgR-xUmBbCU-00123-00076656-00077199 that's a shame jgR-xUmBbCU-00124-00077200-00077447 this one's a bit more uh trained jgR-xUmBbCU-00125-00077448-00078415 in the art of escape jgR-xUmBbCU-00126-00078416-00078550 i bet you wish you didn't use that now jgR-xUmBbCU-00127-00078551-00078726 didn't you jgR-xUmBbCU-00128-00078727-00078943 [__] div jgR-xUmBbCU-00129-00078944-00080438 ah i am the nemesis master jgR-xUmBbCU-00130-00080439-00081806 ah jgR-xUmBbCU-00131-00081807-00081999 oh man jgR-xUmBbCU-00132-00082000-00082831 they're pretty good these ones jgR-xUmBbCU-00133-00082832-00083094 ugh jgR-xUmBbCU-00134-00083095-00085791 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00135-00085792-00085918 oh hello jgR-xUmBbCU-00136-00085919-00087150 hello my little friend jgR-xUmBbCU-00137-00087151-00087782 hello jgR-xUmBbCU-00138-00087783-00088007 i'll leave you here jgR-xUmBbCU-00139-00088008-00089038 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00140-00089039-00089182 oh yes jgR-xUmBbCU-00141-00089183-00090838 all right so you got that one jgR-xUmBbCU-00142-00090839-00092479 hello jgR-xUmBbCU-00143-00092480-00093447 ah jgR-xUmBbCU-00144-00093448-00093591 oh no jgR-xUmBbCU-00145-00093592-00094503 where'd you go jgR-xUmBbCU-00146-00094504-00094655 i found you jgR-xUmBbCU-00147-00094656-00097118 i have found you jgR-xUmBbCU-00148-00097119-00097774 oh no jgR-xUmBbCU-00149-00097775-00099247 oh yeah jgR-xUmBbCU-00150-00099248-00099638 oh man jgR-xUmBbCU-00151-00099639-00100206 what's going on here jgR-xUmBbCU-00152-00100207-00100447 loopy me to get the last gen yeah jgR-xUmBbCU-00153-00100448-00100655 i don't care i'm getting points jgR-xUmBbCU-00154-00100656-00101726 it's all about fun fun fun jgR-xUmBbCU-00155-00101727-00102576 i can hear you jgR-xUmBbCU-00156-00102577-00103775 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00157-00103776-00103951 so you're there jgR-xUmBbCU-00158-00103952-00104210 go down there jgR-xUmBbCU-00159-00104211-00104830 [Applause] jgR-xUmBbCU-00160-00104831-00105447 i can hear a thingy as well jgR-xUmBbCU-00161-00105448-00105886 can hear a thingy jgR-xUmBbCU-00162-00105888-00106007 oh man jgR-xUmBbCU-00163-00106008-00106975 who is it jgR-xUmBbCU-00164-00106976-00108247 hmm jgR-xUmBbCU-00165-00108248-00108599 coming in jgR-xUmBbCU-00166-00108600-00109166 what are you trying to do jgR-xUmBbCU-00167-00109167-00109766 i'm liking this game jgR-xUmBbCU-00168-00109767-00109951 obviously that wild person now is hiding jgR-xUmBbCU-00169-00109952-00110502 to get the escape jgR-xUmBbCU-00170-00110503-00111078 or to go down jgR-xUmBbCU-00171-00111079-00112015 or to go down the hatch jgR-xUmBbCU-00172-00112016-00112400 oh wait here shall i jgR-xUmBbCU-00173-00112401-00112663 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00174-00112664-00113671 oh i don't know jgR-xUmBbCU-00175-00113672-00113999 got this one first jgR-xUmBbCU-00176-00114000-00114207 i've had a good game jgR-xUmBbCU-00177-00114208-00114654 i've had a good game jgR-xUmBbCU-00178-00114655-00114951 good game good game as i said back in jgR-xUmBbCU-00179-00114952-00115383 the 80s jgR-xUmBbCU-00180-00115383-00116275 good game good game jgR-xUmBbCU-00181-00116276-00116551 [Music] jgR-xUmBbCU-00182-00116552-00116647 oh jgR-xUmBbCU-00183-00116648-00116831 what a good that was good fun jgR-xUmBbCU-00184-00116832-00117071 that was a fun game jgR-xUmBbCU-00185-00117072-00117286 i enjoyed it jgR-xUmBbCU-00186-00117288-00117519 i'm liking kilo a lot a lot jgR-xUmBbCU-00187-00117520-00117823 more then i do survive jgR-xUmBbCU-00188-00117824-00118007 it's just sometimes you get proper jgR-xUmBbCU-00189-00118008-00118566 sweats jgR-xUmBbCU-00190-00118567-00119286 all right prophet sweats jgR-xUmBbCU-00191-00119288-00120934 but it's part of the game i say jgR-xUmBbCU-00192-00120935-00121119 i got a 4k jgR-xUmBbCU-00193-00121120-00121254 yeah jgR-xUmBbCU-00194-00121255-00121358 yeah jgR-xUmBbCU-00195-00121359-00121631 and i got a kill yeah jgR-xUmBbCU-00196-00121632-00121775 yeah jgR-xUmBbCU-00197-00121776-00122115 yeah jgR-xUmBbCU-00198-00122116-00123054 [Laughter] jgR-xUmBbCU-00199-00123055-00123199 that me jgR-xUmBbCU-00200-00123200-00123527 i don't know why jgR-xUmBbCU-00201-00123528-00123678 culture this this level is for the jgR-xUmBbCU-00202-00123679-00123807 character he's more of an indoor jgR-xUmBbCU-00203-00123808-00123951 character jgR-xUmBbCU-00204-00123952-00124110 i don't know what when i'm indoors it's jgR-xUmBbCU-00205-00124111-00124214 outdoors jgR-xUmBbCU-00206-00124215-00124383 struggle a bit when i'm on outdoor jgR-xUmBbCU-00207-00124383-00124695 outdoor games jgR-xUmBbCU-00208-00124696-00124814 once i get certain perks i'll be all jgR-xUmBbCU-00209-00124815-00125463 right jgR-xUmBbCU-00210-00125464-00126063 i've got 97 000 points for that jgR-xUmBbCU-00211-00126064-00126327 holy [__] jgR-xUmBbCU-00212-00126328-00126758 don't clip that jgR-xUmBbCU-00213-00126759-00127039 that's mad jgR-xUmBbCU-00214-00127040-00127223 that's that's [__] mad all right give jgR-xUmBbCU-00215-00127224-00127423 me two secs jgR-xUmBbCU-00216-00127424-00127878 need to make sure jgR-xUmBbCU-00217-00127879-00128078 please make sure it's only people jgR-xUmBbCU-00218-00128079-00128263 just bear with me jgR-xUmBbCU-00219-00128264-00128895 just bear with me jgR-xUmBbCU-00220-00128896-00129319 yep got the clips jgR-xUmBbCU-00221-00129320-00129527 nice jgR-xUmBbCU-00222-00129528-00129710 i'm happy with that i'm so happy with jgR-xUmBbCU-00223-00129711-00129817 the clips jgR-xUmBbCU-00224-00129818-00129990 [Laughter] jgR-xUmBbCU-00225-00129991-00130286 all right got me first kill got my first jgR-xUmBbCU-00226-00130288-00130527 actual assassination kill jgR-xUmBbCU-00227-00130528-00130623 and jgR-xUmBbCU-00228-00130624-00130839 after four killed the entire great thing jgR-xUmBbCU-00229-00130840-00130958 in the entire jgR-xUmBbCU-00230-00130959-00131175 the entire game oh you know what i'm jgR-xUmBbCU-00231-00131176-00131447 going to mark that jgR-xUmBbCU-00232-00131448-00131807 what is it what are we jgR-xUmBbCU-00233-00131808-00132166 oh 46 mark jgR-xUmBbCU-00234-00132167-00132383 yeah so i can now go back and have a jgR-xUmBbCU-00235-00132384-00132519 look and that jgR-xUmBbCU-00236-00132520-00132711 the gameplay that was a fantastic jgR-xUmBbCU-00237-00132712-00132919 gameplay if i don't say so myself i jgR-xUmBbCU-00238-00132920-00133183 really enjoyed that as a killer that i jgR-xUmBbCU-00239-00133184-00133743 found that quite good 30 grand though jgR-xUmBbCU-00240-00133744-00134543 how did i get 97 000 points thousand jgR-xUmBbCU-00241-00134544-00135883 how did i get jgR-xUmBbCU-00242-00135884-00136863 that damn jgR-xUmBbCU-00243-00136864-00137063 who wins with a few points each time you jgR-xUmBbCU-00244-00137064-00137143 find jgR-xUmBbCU-00245-00137144-00137407 and also win points jgR-xUmBbCU-00246-00137408-00137790 with a chase jgR-xUmBbCU-00247-00137791-00138023 it's going good i'm having fun i'm jgR-xUmBbCU-00248-00138024-00138302 playing killer um i wanna i want our jgR-xUmBbCU-00249-00138303-00138639 main nemesis but he's only an indoor jgR-xUmBbCU-00250-00138640-00138854 killer at the moment because i need more jgR-xUmBbCU-00251-00138855-00138959 perks jgR-xUmBbCU-00252-00138960-00139166 but the game is great and thanks for jgR-xUmBbCU-00253-00139167-00139287 joining jgR-xUmBbCU-00254-00139288-00139431 thanks thanks for coming thanks for jgR-xUmBbCU-00255-00139432-00139647 watching i'm loving it i just clipped a jgR-xUmBbCU-00256-00139648-00139775 few clips and stuff like that because i jgR-xUmBbCU-00257-00139776-00139999 got my first assassination kill uh i've jgR-xUmBbCU-00258-00140000-00140127 got 4k jgR-xUmBbCU-00259-00140128-00140263 and they were tormenting me jgR-xUmBbCU-00260-00140264-00140447 flashlighting me flickering going chase jgR-xUmBbCU-00261-00140448-00140654 me chase me so i chased them and the one jgR-xUmBbCU-00262-00140655-00140814 that well the one that was uh being a jgR-xUmBbCU-00263-00140815-00140943 pain in the ass jgR-xUmBbCU-00264-00140944-00141214 i squashed his head jgR-xUmBbCU-00265-00141215-00141682 so i was chuffed jgR-xUmBbCU-00266-00141683-00141887 [Laughter] jgR-xUmBbCU-00267-00141888-00142159 israel but i was having proper fun is jgR-xUmBbCU-00268-00142160-00142447 that look i got i nearly got 100 grand jgR-xUmBbCU-00269-00142448-00142743 in this game look 100 grand jgR-xUmBbCU-00270-00142744-00143039 that's how much fun i was having jgR-xUmBbCU-00271-00143040-00143319 [Laughter] jgR-xUmBbCU-00272-00143320-00143495 so jgR-xUmBbCU-00273-00143496-00143702 and they were probably tormenting me so jgR-xUmBbCU-00274-00143703-00143887 that i i kept finding their boom tokens jgR-xUmBbCU-00275-00143888-00144078 as well because they took me to raccoon jgR-xUmBbCU-00276-00144079-00144283 city which this character is built for jgR-xUmBbCU-00277-00144284-00144614 so it was just i know and plus i know jgR-xUmBbCU-00278-00144615-00144751 where all the tokens are and they can jgR-xUmBbCU-00279-00144752-00144854 see jgR-xUmBbCU-00280-00144855-00145039 so they're booming it they boomed all jgR-xUmBbCU-00281-00145040-00145159 four of them and i just kept going jgR-xUmBbCU-00282-00145160-00145343 around taking them down and jgR-xUmBbCU-00283-00145344-00145678 they losing their perks and that was it jgR-xUmBbCU-00284-00145679-00145911 that was all good lovely jobly jgR-xUmBbCU-00285-00145912-00146039 all right let's go and uh level this jgR-xUmBbCU-00286-00146040-00146343 couch up a bit more jgR-xUmBbCU-00287-00146344-00146551 yeah i was having fun so jgR-xUmBbCU-00288-00146552-00146678 i loved it jgR-xUmBbCU-00289-00146679-00146847 but yeah so if you like what you see i jgR-xUmBbCU-00290-00146848-00147007 do go a bit crazy and i make funny jgR-xUmBbCU-00291-00147008-00147143 voices and stuff while i'm playing it's jgR-xUmBbCU-00292-00147144-00147254 just me jgR-xUmBbCU-00293-00147255-00147623 um jgR-xUmBbCU-00294-00147624-00147775 you know what to do give us a follow jgR-xUmBbCU-00295-00147776-00148079 i've got other jhLEOwu6Nfc-00000-00000079-00000342 master and you are still struggling to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00001-00000343-00000559 do your first deal because you don't jhLEOwu6Nfc-00002-00000560-00000790 have the funding and you can't find the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00003-00000791-00000991 money for your deals or jhLEOwu6Nfc-00004-00000992-00001239 are you a wholesaler and you've received jhLEOwu6Nfc-00005-00001240-00001423 some assignment fees but there's some jhLEOwu6Nfc-00006-00001424-00001687 deals you want to stay in but you simply jhLEOwu6Nfc-00007-00001688-00001814 haven't been able to stay in the deals jhLEOwu6Nfc-00008-00001816-00002039 because you don't have the money or the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00009-00002039-00002295 funding or are you a seasoned real jhLEOwu6Nfc-00010-00002296-00002558 estate investor and you've done a ton of jhLEOwu6Nfc-00011-00002559-00002702 deals but you're sick and tired of jhLEOwu6Nfc-00012-00002703-00002871 paying high interest rates and you want jhLEOwu6Nfc-00013-00002872-00003047 to be in control of your business and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00014-00003048-00003263 you just want to get some more cheap jhLEOwu6Nfc-00015-00003264-00003486 money really really fast well if you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00016-00003488-00003679 answered yes to any of those three jhLEOwu6Nfc-00017-00003679-00003919 questions don't go anywhere because i'm jhLEOwu6Nfc-00018-00003920-00004143 getting ready to plug you into the money jhLEOwu6Nfc-00019-00004144-00004300 right now jhLEOwu6Nfc-00020-00004301-00005911 [Music] jhLEOwu6Nfc-00021-00005912-00006151 well hello and welcome to another jhLEOwu6Nfc-00022-00006152-00006446 episode of the private money academy jhLEOwu6Nfc-00023-00006447-00006767 podcast i'm jay connor the private money jhLEOwu6Nfc-00024-00006768-00007006 authority i'm the host of the show jhLEOwu6Nfc-00025-00007008-00007223 and i want to welcome you here to the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00026-00007223-00007431 show here on the private money academy jhLEOwu6Nfc-00027-00007431-00007727 podcast we obviously always talk about jhLEOwu6Nfc-00028-00007728-00007919 private money and getting deals funded jhLEOwu6Nfc-00029-00007920-00008134 uh uh getting money for your deals but jhLEOwu6Nfc-00030-00008136-00008278 in addition to that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00031-00008279-00008583 i typically have an amazing guest and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00032-00008584-00008831 expert to join me here on the show and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00033-00008832-00009071 today is no exception but before i jhLEOwu6Nfc-00034-00009072-00009303 introduce you to my good friend and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00035-00009304-00009655 expert in this area of self-storage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00036-00009656-00009871 that you're going to find amazing i've jhLEOwu6Nfc-00037-00009872-00010071 got a free gift for you for just being jhLEOwu6Nfc-00038-00010072-00010271 here on the show and that is i just jhLEOwu6Nfc-00039-00010272-00010591 recently released my new book which is jhLEOwu6Nfc-00040-00010592-00010927 titled where to get the money now jhLEOwu6Nfc-00041-00010928-00011063 subtitle jhLEOwu6Nfc-00042-00011064-00011223 how and where to get money for your real jhLEOwu6Nfc-00043-00011224-00011399 estate deals without relying on jhLEOwu6Nfc-00044-00011400-00011710 traditional or hard money lenders so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00045-00011711-00011935 here's the deal folks i just released jhLEOwu6Nfc-00046-00011936-00012191 this book hit number one on amazon jhLEOwu6Nfc-00047-00012192-00012487 and this book will show you step by step jhLEOwu6Nfc-00048-00012488-00012719 how i went from having no funding from jhLEOwu6Nfc-00049-00012720-00012943 deals to over 2 million dollars in less jhLEOwu6Nfc-00050-00012944-00013207 than 90 days and how you can get plugged jhLEOwu6Nfc-00051-00013208-00013479 into money as well we're not talking jhLEOwu6Nfc-00052-00013480-00013615 about traditional money we're not jhLEOwu6Nfc-00053-00013616-00013822 talking about institutional lenders how jhLEOwu6Nfc-00054-00013823-00014055 to get money very very fast that super jhLEOwu6Nfc-00055-00014056-00014294 cheap low interest rates and i'm glad to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00056-00014295-00014511 send this book to you for free just jhLEOwu6Nfc-00057-00014512-00014751 cover delivery you can get the book for jhLEOwu6Nfc-00058-00014752-00014938 free at jhLEOwu6Nfc-00059-00014940-00015430 www.jayconnor jhLEOwu6Nfc-00060-00015431-00015647 forward slash book jhLEOwu6Nfc-00061-00015647-00015815 again you can get the book we'll ship it jhLEOwu6Nfc-00062-00015816-00016250 right out to you at jhLEOwu6Nfc-00063-00016251-00016383 forward jhLEOwu6Nfc-00064-00016384-00016655 slash book and we'll get you plugged jhLEOwu6Nfc-00065-00016656-00016879 into the funding for your deals right jhLEOwu6Nfc-00066-00016880-00016967 away jhLEOwu6Nfc-00067-00016968-00017199 well as i mentioned i've got an amazing jhLEOwu6Nfc-00068-00017200-00017407 guest and a very very close personal jhLEOwu6Nfc-00069-00017408-00017630 friend of mine on the show with me today jhLEOwu6Nfc-00070-00017631-00017775 a little bit about him before i bring jhLEOwu6Nfc-00071-00017776-00017935 him on jhLEOwu6Nfc-00072-00017936-00018071 he and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00073-00018072-00018383 his affiliated companies they focus in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00074-00018384-00018630 this area on the acquisition the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00075-00018631-00018955 development and the syndicating of jhLEOwu6Nfc-00076-00018956-00019214 self-storage facilities jhLEOwu6Nfc-00077-00019215-00019399 nationwide now jhLEOwu6Nfc-00078-00019400-00019639 my guest currently owns and he operates jhLEOwu6Nfc-00079-00019640-00019983 over check this out two million two jhLEOwu6Nfc-00080-00019984-00020167 hundred thousand jhLEOwu6Nfc-00081-00020168-00020503 my lands square feet and over thirteen jhLEOwu6Nfc-00082-00020504-00020871 thousand units that he's got nationwide jhLEOwu6Nfc-00083-00020872-00021055 well not only does he do the business jhLEOwu6Nfc-00084-00021056-00021335 but he also teaches and coaches other jhLEOwu6Nfc-00085-00021336-00021550 real estate investors that want to learn jhLEOwu6Nfc-00086-00021551-00021791 about self storage and how that works jhLEOwu6Nfc-00087-00021792-00022103 his education company is jhLEOwu6Nfc-00088-00022104-00022227 self jhLEOwu6Nfc-00089-00022228-00022463 and it provides jhLEOwu6Nfc-00090-00022464-00022807 courses and tools and live events jhLEOwu6Nfc-00091-00022808-00023063 coaching and mentoring to help others jhLEOwu6Nfc-00092-00023064-00023383 launch like you self storage businesses jhLEOwu6Nfc-00093-00023384-00023583 to enjoy the lifestyle and you know as jhLEOwu6Nfc-00094-00023584-00023791 my guest and good friend has known to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00095-00023792-00024111 say many many times get in this business jhLEOwu6Nfc-00096-00024112-00024327 and you'll be free from tenants free jhLEOwu6Nfc-00097-00024328-00024663 from toilets and free from trash well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00098-00024664-00024830 you know one thing that he and i talk jhLEOwu6Nfc-00099-00024831-00025055 about and he and i are in a high-end jhLEOwu6Nfc-00100-00025056-00025311 mastermind group together his various jhLEOwu6Nfc-00101-00025312-00025702 companies are also very mission focused jhLEOwu6Nfc-00102-00025704-00025894 he's got a heart of gold he's got a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00103-00025895-00026039 servant's heart jhLEOwu6Nfc-00104-00026039-00026295 and he is so far to date he's funded the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00105-00026295-00026623 construction of 12 houses and i'm very jhLEOwu6Nfc-00106-00026624-00026774 very familiar with this project 12 jhLEOwu6Nfc-00107-00026775-00027039 houses down in mexico and the dominican jhLEOwu6Nfc-00108-00027039-00027262 republic by taking his staff his jhLEOwu6Nfc-00109-00027263-00027414 partners his friends his business jhLEOwu6Nfc-00110-00027416-00027783 associates on their all-expense paid jhLEOwu6Nfc-00111-00027783-00027990 mission trip to do houses for these jhLEOwu6Nfc-00112-00027991-00028279 people wow what a sermon's heart with jhLEOwu6Nfc-00113-00028280-00028367 that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00114-00028368-00028727 my good friend scott myers welcome to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00115-00028727-00028895 the podcast jhLEOwu6Nfc-00116-00028895-00029167 hey jay it is a good to see you again my jhLEOwu6Nfc-00117-00029168-00029295 friend how are you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00118-00029295-00029583 i am doing fantastic i know we've got a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00119-00029583-00029783 mastermind meeting coming up pretty soon jhLEOwu6Nfc-00120-00029783-00030007 out there in scottsdale are you gonna jhLEOwu6Nfc-00121-00030008-00030223 make that one or you don't know yet jhLEOwu6Nfc-00122-00030224-00030439 uh i am looking forward to it and i will jhLEOwu6Nfc-00123-00030439-00030655 attend any and all of those that will be jhLEOwu6Nfc-00124-00030656-00030895 held in arizona because now i have a two jhLEOwu6Nfc-00125-00030895-00031079 kiddos that are going to grand canyon jhLEOwu6Nfc-00126-00031080-00031255 university in phoenix and so uh we're jhLEOwu6Nfc-00127-00031256-00031390 going to be spending a lot of time out jhLEOwu6Nfc-00128-00031391-00031567 in arizona jhLEOwu6Nfc-00129-00031568-00031831 that's great well carol joy and i we've jhLEOwu6Nfc-00130-00031832-00032039 already got our plane tickets we've got jhLEOwu6Nfc-00131-00032039-00032311 our hotel reservations so i look forward jhLEOwu6Nfc-00132-00032312-00032574 to seeing you in scottsdale in just a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00133-00032575-00032799 few short weeks right around the corner jhLEOwu6Nfc-00134-00032800-00032983 likewise can't wait jhLEOwu6Nfc-00135-00032984-00033239 absolutely well scott uh as i told jhLEOwu6Nfc-00136-00033240-00033415 everybody in the introduction i mean jhLEOwu6Nfc-00137-00033416-00033743 your expertise your wheelhouse is jhLEOwu6Nfc-00138-00033744-00034031 storage and self storage facilities um jhLEOwu6Nfc-00139-00034032-00034335 but before we get into that world and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00140-00034336-00034567 your arena uh first of all just tell jhLEOwu6Nfc-00141-00034568-00034846 everybody how you got into real estate jhLEOwu6Nfc-00142-00034847-00035071 yeah wow i think probably like most jhLEOwu6Nfc-00143-00035072-00035215 people out there started with the single jhLEOwu6Nfc-00144-00035216-00035543 family house and i learned from and many jhLEOwu6Nfc-00145-00035544-00035751 folks on here will recognize this name jhLEOwu6Nfc-00146-00035752-00035990 and a whole lot won't uh carlton sheets jhLEOwu6Nfc-00147-00035991-00036255 um who was one of the grandfathers along jhLEOwu6Nfc-00148-00036256-00036423 with uh ron legrand and some of the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00149-00036424-00036527 others that taught people how to get jhLEOwu6Nfc-00150-00036528-00036662 into real estate so i followed this jhLEOwu6Nfc-00151-00036663-00036879 program uh to buy houses rehab them jhLEOwu6Nfc-00152-00036880-00037030 refund and some jhLEOwu6Nfc-00153-00037031-00037246 rent them out and then replicate and do jhLEOwu6Nfc-00154-00037247-00037374 that over and over again so the bur jhLEOwu6Nfc-00155-00037375-00037559 method before it was called the bur jhLEOwu6Nfc-00156-00037560-00037783 method and so that's how we got started jhLEOwu6Nfc-00157-00037784-00037974 i bought a single-family house um this jhLEOwu6Nfc-00158-00037975-00038207 was back in 1993 was the first one that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00159-00038208-00038439 i ever bought it had an assumable va jhLEOwu6Nfc-00160-00038440-00038551 mortgage on it which i don't think jhLEOwu6Nfc-00161-00038552-00038711 there's any of those left out there any jhLEOwu6Nfc-00162-00038712-00038887 longer and allowed me to get in and just jhLEOwu6Nfc-00163-00038888-00039030 assume that mortgage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00164-00039031-00039255 with a very little experience in the way jhLEOwu6Nfc-00165-00039256-00039446 of even credit history at the time was a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00166-00039447-00039623 pretty young guy at the time jhLEOwu6Nfc-00167-00039624-00039839 as you can tell by my age now and doing jhLEOwu6Nfc-00168-00039840-00040023 the math so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00169-00040024-00040167 that's how it started and then we moved jhLEOwu6Nfc-00170-00040168-00040390 on to buying up more we refinanced jhLEOwu6Nfc-00171-00040391-00040543 bought two more houses then we fix them jhLEOwu6Nfc-00172-00040544-00040718 up refinance and buy more so we had jhLEOwu6Nfc-00173-00040719-00041079 about 75 i think 76 houses and um didn't jhLEOwu6Nfc-00174-00041080-00041295 really have the cash flow and the the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00175-00041296-00041455 you know the freedom that we wanted that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00176-00041456-00041599 carlton sheets had mentioned in the home jhLEOwu6Nfc-00177-00041600-00041751 study system so we thought well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00178-00041752-00041943 economies of scale we'll fix this so we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00179-00041944-00042062 started getting into apartments and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00180-00042063-00042295 buying um several complexes around jhLEOwu6Nfc-00181-00042296-00042462 central indiana jhLEOwu6Nfc-00182-00042463-00042583 but same thing it just kind of brought jhLEOwu6Nfc-00183-00042584-00042783 us more tenants towards trash headaches jhLEOwu6Nfc-00184-00042784-00042999 and the business model just wasn't right jhLEOwu6Nfc-00185-00043000-00043199 for us we wanted to have time we wanted jhLEOwu6Nfc-00186-00043200-00043430 the the freedom that real estate brings jhLEOwu6Nfc-00187-00043431-00043639 and so and to do that in real estate jhLEOwu6Nfc-00188-00043640-00043855 that means no tenants no toilets so it's jhLEOwu6Nfc-00189-00043856-00044071 either parking lots or self-storage and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00190-00044072-00044246 you can't really build a lot of value in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00191-00044247-00044446 in parking lots that we found but once i jhLEOwu6Nfc-00192-00044447-00044679 dug into self storage i realized that ah jhLEOwu6Nfc-00193-00044680-00044927 this is this is the place i need to be jhLEOwu6Nfc-00194-00044928-00045071 people don't pay rent you lock them out jhLEOwu6Nfc-00195-00045072-00045215 and you sell their stuff off and get jhLEOwu6Nfc-00196-00045216-00045318 paid jhLEOwu6Nfc-00197-00045319-00045511 you turn it around by taking a blower jhLEOwu6Nfc-00198-00045512-00045702 and you blow the unit out no paint no jhLEOwu6Nfc-00199-00045703-00046023 carpet no extensive clean out or repairs jhLEOwu6Nfc-00200-00046024-00046262 and once i more the more i looked into jhLEOwu6Nfc-00201-00046263-00046446 the business i i really saw the light jhLEOwu6Nfc-00202-00046447-00046599 and decided that um this is the path i jhLEOwu6Nfc-00203-00046600-00046718 wanted to take jhLEOwu6Nfc-00204-00046719-00046807 so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00205-00046808-00046990 solar houses our apartments and now jhLEOwu6Nfc-00206-00046991-00047183 we've gone just yet 100 into jhLEOwu6Nfc-00207-00047184-00047327 self-storage you made that transition jhLEOwu6Nfc-00208-00047328-00047630 about 2005 to where we are now today jhLEOwu6Nfc-00209-00047631-00047823 which is uh where you mentioned jay we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00210-00047824-00048046 we buy existing facilities still that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00211-00048047-00048327 same model is in place we also convert jhLEOwu6Nfc-00212-00048328-00048502 industrial buildings grocery stores jhLEOwu6Nfc-00213-00048503-00048662 anything that is uh can be repurposed jhLEOwu6Nfc-00214-00048663-00048790 into soft storage we'll buy it and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00215-00048791-00048951 convert it and then we build from the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00216-00048952-00049167 ground up and we do a lot of this by jhLEOwu6Nfc-00217-00049168-00049343 partnering and doing joint ventures and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00218-00049344-00049574 then syndicating the private equity uh jhLEOwu6Nfc-00219-00049575-00049735 which is where you come in jay and now jhLEOwu6Nfc-00220-00049736-00049895 you know all too well what that looks jhLEOwu6Nfc-00221-00049896-00050062 like and and how we can leverage other jhLEOwu6Nfc-00222-00050063-00050183 people's money jhLEOwu6Nfc-00223-00050184-00050343 and bring them along as limited partners jhLEOwu6Nfc-00224-00050344-00050511 to enjoy in the growth and this jhLEOwu6Nfc-00225-00050512-00050695 incredible business so i hope that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00226-00050696-00050807 wasn't longer than what you were looking jhLEOwu6Nfc-00227-00050808-00050999 for but that's that's my story jhLEOwu6Nfc-00228-00051000-00051319 no that was perfect well tell us uh the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00229-00051320-00051750 story about your very first self-storage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00230-00051751-00052038 facility uh that you got into jhLEOwu6Nfc-00231-00052039-00052199 and um jhLEOwu6Nfc-00232-00052200-00052430 and what lessons did you learn from that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00233-00052432-00052550 first deal jhLEOwu6Nfc-00234-00052551-00052638 yeah jhLEOwu6Nfc-00235-00052639-00052815 so the the very first facility that i jhLEOwu6Nfc-00236-00052816-00053030 got into was a that we were sending out jhLEOwu6Nfc-00237-00053032-00053279 mailers um to facility owners just like jhLEOwu6Nfc-00238-00053279-00053454 we all do in real estate to the asset jhLEOwu6Nfc-00239-00053455-00053623 class that we're interested in and we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00240-00053624-00053807 ran across some business owners and they jhLEOwu6Nfc-00241-00053808-00053975 were getting a business of divorce they jhLEOwu6Nfc-00242-00053976-00054271 were partners in a concrete business and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00243-00054272-00054382 things weren't going so well and they jhLEOwu6Nfc-00244-00054383-00054599 wanted they were parting ways and this jhLEOwu6Nfc-00245-00054600-00054823 facility they owned together as well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00246-00054824-00055063 well they um as what happens jhLEOwu6Nfc-00247-00055064-00055271 unfortunately in divorces the other one jhLEOwu6Nfc-00248-00055272-00055407 one side wants to hurt the other and the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00249-00055408-00055550 other one definitely wants to destroy jhLEOwu6Nfc-00250-00055551-00055671 the other one and so that's what they jhLEOwu6Nfc-00251-00055672-00055782 were doing and they were destroying the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00252-00055783-00055982 value of the facility in the meantime jhLEOwu6Nfc-00253-00055983-00056175 and so what that meant is we were able jhLEOwu6Nfc-00254-00056176-00056463 to get into this facility for uh it was jhLEOwu6Nfc-00255-00056464-00056630 it appraised for eight hundred thousand jhLEOwu6Nfc-00256-00056632-00056815 dollars more than what the selling price jhLEOwu6Nfc-00257-00056816-00056935 was and they just had to get out from jhLEOwu6Nfc-00258-00056936-00057094 under the note because those two had jhLEOwu6Nfc-00259-00057095-00057247 done such a good job of fighting each jhLEOwu6Nfc-00260-00057248-00057447 other that uh the bank was about ready jhLEOwu6Nfc-00261-00057448-00057638 to uh take the facility back jhLEOwu6Nfc-00262-00057639-00057815 so i partnered uh i partnered up with jhLEOwu6Nfc-00263-00057816-00057919 the gentleman jhLEOwu6Nfc-00264-00057920-00058215 we came in 5050 cash and both on the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00265-00058216-00058399 balance sheet excuse me on the loan jhLEOwu6Nfc-00266-00058400-00058494 request jhLEOwu6Nfc-00267-00058495-00058735 and um ended up moving forward on this jhLEOwu6Nfc-00268-00058736-00058903 first property by jhLEOwu6Nfc-00269-00058904-00059199 taking the existing tenants and raising jhLEOwu6Nfc-00270-00059200-00059366 the rates which they hadn't been raised jhLEOwu6Nfc-00271-00059367-00059663 in 10 years uh we let them man well let jhLEOwu6Nfc-00272-00059664-00059815 me see we didn't let her we freed up her jhLEOwu6Nfc-00273-00059816-00059950 future to pursue other career jhLEOwu6Nfc-00274-00059951-00060142 opportunities and put a kiosk in place jhLEOwu6Nfc-00275-00060144-00060287 because we don't have to manage these jhLEOwu6Nfc-00276-00060288-00060494 facilities with a person on site and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00277-00060495-00060663 then we bought the land next door and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00278-00060664-00060830 expanded and then built that up and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00279-00060832-00060991 leased that up as well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00280-00060991-00061191 um so i sold off to my partner jhLEOwu6Nfc-00281-00061191-00061463 eventually and that leads to i guess the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00282-00061464-00061630 the second part of your question jay jhLEOwu6Nfc-00283-00061632-00061863 which is what did i learn from this um jhLEOwu6Nfc-00284-00061864-00062030 well first of all i i understood the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00285-00062032-00062159 power of jhLEOwu6Nfc-00286-00062160-00062350 leveraging and bringing partners in to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00287-00062351-00062575 projects but i also the lesson i learned jhLEOwu6Nfc-00288-00062576-00062782 is that um i really want to be in that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00289-00062783-00062942 manager position i wanted to have that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00290-00062944-00063215 control rather than 50 50 and it's not a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00291-00063216-00063359 control issue it's just that you know jhLEOwu6Nfc-00292-00063360-00063503 once i learn about syndication and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00293-00063504-00063766 moving on to other projects that i can jhLEOwu6Nfc-00294-00063767-00063942 be this indicator the promoter and the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00295-00063944-00064135 person who is calling the shots and i jhLEOwu6Nfc-00296-00064136-00064342 can bring in limited partners for jhLEOwu6Nfc-00297-00064344-00064494 sometimes their balance sheets to sign jhLEOwu6Nfc-00298-00064495-00064671 on the loan as well but mostly for the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00299-00064672-00064887 equity that is a that is required to get jhLEOwu6Nfc-00300-00064888-00065063 into a facility so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00301-00065064-00065215 that was probably the biggest lesson and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00302-00065216-00065399 i also learned uh sometimes um you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00303-00065400-00065526 shouldn't bring people that are close to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00304-00065527-00065719 you or friends into a business uh as jhLEOwu6Nfc-00305-00065720-00065894 well sometimes it doesn't always turn jhLEOwu6Nfc-00306-00065895-00066103 out well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00307-00066104-00066319 yes i've been i've been down that road jhLEOwu6Nfc-00308-00066320-00066479 myself as well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00309-00066480-00066743 so uh to make sure everybody understands jhLEOwu6Nfc-00310-00066744-00066935 what you're talking about what do you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00311-00066936-00067199 mean by syndication what's that look jhLEOwu6Nfc-00312-00067200-00067463 like and what's the benefits of it jhLEOwu6Nfc-00313-00067464-00067726 yeah so in the true sec definition and i jhLEOwu6Nfc-00314-00067727-00067935 am paraphrasing anytime you bring two or jhLEOwu6Nfc-00315-00067936-00068231 more people together into a project and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00316-00068232-00068367 in this instance a real estate jhLEOwu6Nfc-00317-00068368-00068671 investment where one person is is active jhLEOwu6Nfc-00318-00068672-00068847 doing all the heavy lifting doing all jhLEOwu6Nfc-00319-00068848-00068999 the work and the other person is jhLEOwu6Nfc-00320-00069000-00069159 bringing money and they're passive they jhLEOwu6Nfc-00321-00069160-00069375 don't have a hand in making decisions or jhLEOwu6Nfc-00322-00069376-00069559 you know doing any of the the project jhLEOwu6Nfc-00323-00069560-00069799 management in a project then then you've jhLEOwu6Nfc-00324-00069800-00069950 created a security and then is governed jhLEOwu6Nfc-00325-00069951-00070079 by the securities and exchange jhLEOwu6Nfc-00326-00070080-00070287 commission and so they state that you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00327-00070288-00070463 have to file that and you have to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00328-00070464-00070806 register uh with a depending on the fund jhLEOwu6Nfc-00329-00070807-00070950 or the entity that you set up that has jhLEOwu6Nfc-00330-00070951-00071262 to be registered so for us that that is jhLEOwu6Nfc-00331-00071263-00071479 a true definition so for us there's one jhLEOwu6Nfc-00332-00071480-00071662 person as i just mentioned me that i am jhLEOwu6Nfc-00333-00071663-00071950 the promoter i am the active person on jhLEOwu6Nfc-00334-00071951-00072247 the investment whereas i bring in then a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00335-00072248-00072494 lot of private equity a lot of limited jhLEOwu6Nfc-00336-00072495-00072703 partners that come into the project they jhLEOwu6Nfc-00337-00072704-00072950 don't lend a hand they're not involved jhLEOwu6Nfc-00338-00072951-00073126 in the decision-making process what jhLEOwu6Nfc-00339-00073127-00073262 they're lending is money into the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00340-00073263-00073415 project they're investing into the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00341-00073416-00073671 project with me and so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00342-00073672-00073831 their role and responsibility is is to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00343-00073832-00073982 wire the funds to close the project and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00344-00073983-00074119 my responsibility is to do everything jhLEOwu6Nfc-00345-00074120-00074382 else report back to them the progress jhLEOwu6Nfc-00346-00074383-00074638 show the projections and how we are jhLEOwu6Nfc-00347-00074639-00074919 exceeding hopefully meeting or if we are jhLEOwu6Nfc-00348-00074920-00075055 underperforming on our projections and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00349-00075056-00075238 then send out k-1s at the end of the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00350-00075239-00075399 year because they do become jhLEOwu6Nfc-00351-00075400-00075606 owners of this entity and they get to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00352-00075607-00075911 participate in the upside as well as um jhLEOwu6Nfc-00353-00075912-00076126 in the depreciation as well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00354-00076127-00076311 so that um and i guess a limited sense jhLEOwu6Nfc-00355-00076312-00076462 without getting too far in the weeds jay jhLEOwu6Nfc-00356-00076463-00076671 is um is the definition of a syndication jhLEOwu6Nfc-00357-00076672-00076815 and how we go about approaching the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00358-00076816-00076959 market jhLEOwu6Nfc-00359-00076960-00077167 yeah so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00360-00077168-00077406 you know in the world of single-family jhLEOwu6Nfc-00361-00077407-00077750 houses um there's multiple jhLEOwu6Nfc-00362-00077751-00077950 exit strategies there's multiple jhLEOwu6Nfc-00363-00077951-00078191 strategies of what someone's going to do jhLEOwu6Nfc-00364-00078192-00078399 with that property after they invest in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00365-00078400-00078743 it you know you can you can buy a single jhLEOwu6Nfc-00366-00078744-00078950 family house you can fix it up you can jhLEOwu6Nfc-00367-00078951-00079062 flip it jhLEOwu6Nfc-00368-00079063-00079455 uh you can wholesale houses and you know jhLEOwu6Nfc-00369-00079456-00079638 wholesale houses out to other real jhLEOwu6Nfc-00370-00079639-00079782 estate investors jhLEOwu6Nfc-00371-00079783-00080111 you can buy houses and you can jhLEOwu6Nfc-00372-00080112-00080423 fix them up and you can hold them you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00373-00080424-00080567 know for the long term jhLEOwu6Nfc-00374-00080568-00080671 so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00375-00080672-00080943 compare self storage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00376-00080944-00081119 to what i just did with single family jhLEOwu6Nfc-00377-00081120-00081231 houses jhLEOwu6Nfc-00378-00081232-00081415 um are there all these different jhLEOwu6Nfc-00379-00081416-00081638 strategies as to how you can go about jhLEOwu6Nfc-00380-00081639-00081838 the self storage business jhLEOwu6Nfc-00381-00081839-00082079 and second part of that question is if jhLEOwu6Nfc-00382-00082080-00082311 there are different strategies how do jhLEOwu6Nfc-00383-00082312-00082655 you decide which one you're going to do jhLEOwu6Nfc-00384-00082656-00082831 yeah i'd say property is property you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00385-00082832-00082967 know in a general sense and you can do jhLEOwu6Nfc-00386-00082968-00083167 all of the above you know we buy them jhLEOwu6Nfc-00387-00083168-00083311 and wholesale them or sometimes a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00388-00083312-00083487 wholesale without us ever taking jhLEOwu6Nfc-00389-00083488-00083775 ownership or taking deed to the property jhLEOwu6Nfc-00390-00083776-00083943 you can buy them you can fix them up jhLEOwu6Nfc-00391-00083944-00084167 turn around and and flip them you can jhLEOwu6Nfc-00392-00084168-00084303 bind them and and turn them around jhLEOwu6Nfc-00393-00084304-00084503 partially and then sell them off and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00394-00084504-00084655 call it a flip or non you sell them to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00395-00084656-00084838 the next person down the road that's jhLEOwu6Nfc-00396-00084839-00085006 going to take it the rest of the way jhLEOwu6Nfc-00397-00085007-00085199 um the way that we do it is and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00398-00085200-00085375 typically we're a longer term hold on jhLEOwu6Nfc-00399-00085376-00085599 three to five years that gives us time jhLEOwu6Nfc-00400-00085600-00085806 to in an existing facility really turn jhLEOwu6Nfc-00401-00085807-00085950 it around raise rates make the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00402-00085951-00086215 improvements and um reduce the expenses jhLEOwu6Nfc-00403-00086216-00086423 as much as possible to maximize the net jhLEOwu6Nfc-00404-00086424-00086591 operating income and then sell it for jhLEOwu6Nfc-00405-00086592-00086806 maximum dollar our conversions and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00406-00086807-00086959 development you know those projects take jhLEOwu6Nfc-00407-00086960-00087231 roughly four to five years to either buy jhLEOwu6Nfc-00408-00087232-00087406 a building say a vacant grocery store jhLEOwu6Nfc-00409-00087407-00087550 and convert it to self-storage and then jhLEOwu6Nfc-00410-00087551-00087718 start from ground zero jhLEOwu6Nfc-00411-00087719-00088055 and lease it up to 80 85 occupancy and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00412-00088056-00088271 and bring in our limited partners and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00413-00088272-00088599 allow them to have a payday and an exit jhLEOwu6Nfc-00414-00088600-00088847 that is comparable to if they were to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00415-00088848-00089111 invest in any other type of entity or a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00416-00089112-00089326 business over that time and and really jhLEOwu6Nfc-00417-00089327-00089535 focusing on the internal rate of return jhLEOwu6Nfc-00418-00089536-00089759 and the same goes for development so in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00419-00089760-00089982 terms of an exit strategy jhLEOwu6Nfc-00420-00089983-00090223 it's a little more difficult uh in in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00421-00090224-00090367 the way that we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00422-00090368-00090567 head into those larger projects with our jhLEOwu6Nfc-00423-00090568-00090750 partners and that we can't do a 1031 jhLEOwu6Nfc-00424-00090751-00090959 unless everybody decides to go along jhLEOwu6Nfc-00425-00090960-00091118 with us into the next project which jhLEOwu6Nfc-00426-00091119-00091287 obviously they're not going to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00427-00091288-00091559 so at that point um we will sell jhLEOwu6Nfc-00428-00091560-00091687 and then we will take our profits off jhLEOwu6Nfc-00429-00091688-00091862 the table and then we will move into the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00430-00091863-00092126 next project for our limited partners jhLEOwu6Nfc-00431-00092127-00092294 for the most part they are investing jhLEOwu6Nfc-00432-00092295-00092494 through a retirement vehicle like a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00433-00092495-00092711 self-directed ira or a solo or real jhLEOwu6Nfc-00434-00092712-00092943 estate 401k so they don't really have jhLEOwu6Nfc-00435-00092944-00093231 those tax consequences at the exit jhLEOwu6Nfc-00436-00093232-00093462 uh we also are looking at in terms of an jhLEOwu6Nfc-00437-00093463-00093623 exit strategy and i guess to back up a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00438-00093624-00093838 step you know jay i think you and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00439-00093839-00093959 hopefully everybody on this call jhLEOwu6Nfc-00440-00093960-00094071 recognizes jhLEOwu6Nfc-00441-00094072-00094255 that you you should always look at the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00442-00094256-00094415 exit strategy or determine what your jhLEOwu6Nfc-00443-00094416-00094550 exit strategy is before you get into a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00444-00094551-00094662 project jhLEOwu6Nfc-00445-00094663-00094879 it's not a good plan to just uh say well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00446-00094880-00094982 there's a good deal i'm just gonna buy jhLEOwu6Nfc-00447-00094983-00095159 and figure it out later um you can find jhLEOwu6Nfc-00448-00095160-00095335 yourself maybe you do not you know i jhLEOwu6Nfc-00449-00095336-00095518 don't want or later on down the road or jhLEOwu6Nfc-00450-00095519-00095638 you sit back and take a look at your jhLEOwu6Nfc-00451-00095639-00095791 empire and you realize what a mess i jhLEOwu6Nfc-00452-00095792-00095918 can't even manage this because i never jhLEOwu6Nfc-00453-00095919-00096111 paid any attention to what i was doing jhLEOwu6Nfc-00454-00096112-00096294 so every time we hit into a project you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00455-00096295-00096543 know we identify if it's a good deal are jhLEOwu6Nfc-00456-00096544-00096655 we going to keep it jhLEOwu6Nfc-00457-00096656-00096743 you know if we're going to flip this jhLEOwu6Nfc-00458-00096744-00096911 thing in a year then we've got some you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00459-00096912-00097062 know capital short-term capital gains jhLEOwu6Nfc-00460-00097063-00097318 taxes that's a consideration if we own jhLEOwu6Nfc-00461-00097319-00097543 it um solely then we can do a 1031 into jhLEOwu6Nfc-00462-00097544-00097735 something else on do we want to do that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00463-00097736-00097911 three years from now um and i'm saying jhLEOwu6Nfc-00464-00097912-00098055 at any point in time do we want to do jhLEOwu6Nfc-00465-00098056-00098231 that two or three years from now where jhLEOwu6Nfc-00466-00098232-00098391 what are the interest rates going to be jhLEOwu6Nfc-00467-00098392-00098582 and what are cap rates going to be and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00468-00098583-00098743 how do we expect the market and the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00469-00098744-00098887 economy what's it going to look like so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00470-00098888-00099159 we're always looking six months a year jhLEOwu6Nfc-00471-00099160-00099374 down the road five years down the road jhLEOwu6Nfc-00472-00099375-00099574 and anticipating what's going on with jhLEOwu6Nfc-00473-00099575-00099774 the market meaning interest rates and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00474-00099775-00099935 our capitalization rates which is how we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00475-00099936-00100215 value these facilities and then overall jhLEOwu6Nfc-00476-00100216-00100343 does this really fit in our business jhLEOwu6Nfc-00477-00100344-00100615 plan um i i suffer like everybody from jhLEOwu6Nfc-00478-00100616-00100862 shiny objectitis and i want to buy them jhLEOwu6Nfc-00479-00100863-00101023 all you know if somebody else buys a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00480-00101024-00101182 self storage facility or develop this jhLEOwu6Nfc-00481-00101183-00101311 one and i'm going down the road are just jhLEOwu6Nfc-00482-00101312-00101503 like that should have been mine i should jhLEOwu6Nfc-00483-00101504-00101638 have built that i should have bought jhLEOwu6Nfc-00484-00101639-00101743 that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00485-00101744-00102015 and um it's a real struggle but jhLEOwu6Nfc-00486-00102016-00102150 if we get into that you know we can jhLEOwu6Nfc-00487-00102151-00102287 paint ourselves into a corner if we get jhLEOwu6Nfc-00488-00102288-00102415 into that situation where we just you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00489-00102416-00102534 know every once in a while we have to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00490-00102535-00102686 say no jhLEOwu6Nfc-00491-00102688-00102999 yeah for sure so uh just to make sure jhLEOwu6Nfc-00492-00103000-00103271 everybody uh knows before anybody's got jhLEOwu6Nfc-00493-00103272-00103454 to jump off uh listening here to the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00494-00103455-00103799 podcast um how can people get in contact jhLEOwu6Nfc-00495-00103800-00104094 with you and your companies scott to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00496-00104095-00104366 learn more about uh what you do and how jhLEOwu6Nfc-00497-00104367-00104678 you can help them in this area of self jhLEOwu6Nfc-00498-00104679-00104790 storage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00499-00104791-00104871 sure jhLEOwu6Nfc-00500-00104872-00105031 so we uh jhLEOwu6Nfc-00501-00105032-00105239 go to you know jhLEOwu6Nfc-00502-00105240-00105454 that is the the mothership and there's a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00503-00105455-00105686 links to our other websites that focus jhLEOwu6Nfc-00504-00105688-00105910 on the passive investing side of the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00505-00105911-00105995 business but uh self jhLEOwu6Nfc-00506-00105996-00106223 is um really the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00507-00106224-00106375 mothership and and this is where we've jhLEOwu6Nfc-00508-00106376-00106534 been at this longer than anybody in in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00509-00106535-00106734 the business uh teaching people the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00510-00106735-00106895 right way to go about investing in that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00511-00106896-00107078 self storage um just in hopes that once jhLEOwu6Nfc-00512-00107079-00107358 again you know a rising tide raises all jhLEOwu6Nfc-00513-00107359-00107558 ships and so that we want everybody to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00514-00107559-00107790 be as educated as possible to go out jhLEOwu6Nfc-00515-00107791-00107927 into the marketplace before they do this jhLEOwu6Nfc-00516-00107928-00108127 to avoid any mistakes and then also you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00517-00108128-00108254 know that just that that kind of makes jhLEOwu6Nfc-00518-00108255-00108415 it more difficult for the rest of us if jhLEOwu6Nfc-00519-00108416-00108590 there are a lot of gunslingers out there jhLEOwu6Nfc-00520-00108591-00108751 that aren't really doing their due jhLEOwu6Nfc-00521-00108752-00108958 diligence and doing things the right way jhLEOwu6Nfc-00522-00108959-00109031 so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00523-00109032-00109263 um that is our our main purpose in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00524-00109264-00109407 educating people in the business because jhLEOwu6Nfc-00525-00109408-00109558 it just makes it easier for all of us to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00526-00109559-00109686 conduct business in this incredible jhLEOwu6Nfc-00527-00109688-00109831 niche jhLEOwu6Nfc-00528-00109832-00110102 exactly so if you're remotely interested jhLEOwu6Nfc-00529-00110103-00110327 folks and connecting with scott and his jhLEOwu6Nfc-00530-00110328-00110407 team jhLEOwu6Nfc-00531-00110408-00111110 that website again is www dot self jhLEOwu6Nfc-00532-00111111-00111439 jhLEOwu6Nfc-00533-00111440-00111631 um we're coming out here hopefully on jhLEOwu6Nfc-00534-00111632-00111854 the other side of covet and the pandemic jhLEOwu6Nfc-00535-00111855-00112054 and all that stuff what are you seeing jhLEOwu6Nfc-00536-00112055-00112183 in the self jhLEOwu6Nfc-00537-00112183-00112510 industry i mean overall nationwide jhLEOwu6Nfc-00538-00112511-00112919 is the industry growing um how has covid jhLEOwu6Nfc-00539-00112920-00113166 affected self-storage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00540-00113167-00113327 yeah self-storage is on a tear right now jhLEOwu6Nfc-00541-00113328-00113543 i mean if you look at the asset classes jhLEOwu6Nfc-00542-00113544-00113775 in real estate no matter what stat you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00543-00113776-00113990 look at in terms of you know which asset jhLEOwu6Nfc-00544-00113991-00114143 class has done well of course i'm biased jhLEOwu6Nfc-00545-00114144-00114358 but the stats don't lie jhLEOwu6Nfc-00546-00114359-00114527 self storage and industrial are right up jhLEOwu6Nfc-00547-00114528-00114719 at the top i think data centers may be jhLEOwu6Nfc-00548-00114720-00114854 up there as well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00549-00114855-00115054 industrial has done really well with jhLEOwu6Nfc-00550-00115055-00115278 amazon expanding and and these jhLEOwu6Nfc-00551-00115279-00115527 supporters of amazon and the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00552-00115528-00115766 distribution centers that are now coming jhLEOwu6Nfc-00553-00115767-00116047 down to the smaller market size and and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00554-00116048-00116223 as as we see unfortunately the slow jhLEOwu6Nfc-00555-00116224-00116463 death of retail the the industrial side jhLEOwu6Nfc-00556-00116464-00116623 and the industrial sector has benefited jhLEOwu6Nfc-00557-00116624-00116878 greatly and self storage uh because we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00558-00116879-00116999 are heading into a time where we're jhLEOwu6Nfc-00559-00117000-00117190 heading into a recession again we also jhLEOwu6Nfc-00560-00117191-00117383 seen people come home jhLEOwu6Nfc-00561-00117383-00117671 from work and they had to clear out jhLEOwu6Nfc-00562-00117672-00117895 the dining room the spare bedroom the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00563-00117896-00118054 spare family room or living room and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00564-00118055-00118310 create a workspace for one of the income jhLEOwu6Nfc-00565-00118311-00118566 earners and sometimes two they also last jhLEOwu6Nfc-00566-00118567-00118719 year during the lockdown you know when jhLEOwu6Nfc-00567-00118720-00118902 everybody was sent home from school uh jhLEOwu6Nfc-00568-00118903-00119134 the colleges shut down and the kids had jhLEOwu6Nfc-00569-00119135-00119295 to put all their stuff into storage uh jhLEOwu6Nfc-00570-00119296-00119558 again uh until they were able to go back jhLEOwu6Nfc-00571-00119559-00119815 the kids that were in k-12 came home and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00572-00119816-00120023 we also had to make room in our homes to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00573-00120024-00120207 do school at home as well so clearing jhLEOwu6Nfc-00574-00120208-00120390 out more furniture to make all of that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00575-00120391-00120575 happen and then unfortunately there's a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00576-00120576-00120734 whole lot of businesses that immediately jhLEOwu6Nfc-00577-00120735-00120910 when when the lockdown started it just jhLEOwu6Nfc-00578-00120911-00121151 went under because you know customers go jhLEOwu6Nfc-00579-00121152-00121254 figure are the lifeblood of their jhLEOwu6Nfc-00580-00121255-00121366 business and if they couldn't do it jhLEOwu6Nfc-00581-00121367-00121463 online jhLEOwu6Nfc-00582-00121464-00121663 and they went under and so their jhLEOwu6Nfc-00583-00121664-00121983 inventory machinery and furniture jhLEOwu6Nfc-00584-00121983-00122151 business furniture went into storage and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00585-00122152-00122463 so you know we see this was jhLEOwu6Nfc-00586-00122464-00122614 somewhat of a microcosm of what we see jhLEOwu6Nfc-00587-00122615-00122783 during a recession and self-storage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00588-00122783-00123007 really benefits during a recession jhLEOwu6Nfc-00589-00123008-00123231 because businesses downsize and put jhLEOwu6Nfc-00590-00123232-00123439 their things in storage individuals down jhLEOwu6Nfc-00591-00123440-00123599 size during a recession they may have to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00592-00123600-00123783 move in with somebody else a friend or jhLEOwu6Nfc-00593-00123783-00123910 move back home jhLEOwu6Nfc-00594-00123911-00124071 and so their extra stuff goes into jhLEOwu6Nfc-00595-00124072-00124223 storage and so we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00596-00124224-00124471 we storage traditionally has always done jhLEOwu6Nfc-00597-00124472-00124678 better you know we go up to the right jhLEOwu6Nfc-00598-00124679-00124839 during good times people buy more stuff jhLEOwu6Nfc-00599-00124840-00124975 and they store more stuff that's the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00600-00124976-00125134 nature of what we do here in this jhLEOwu6Nfc-00601-00125135-00125375 country and if that's you on behalf of jhLEOwu6Nfc-00602-00125376-00125566 the industry i thank you for that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00603-00125567-00125783 mentality in this country jhLEOwu6Nfc-00604-00125783-00126007 but during a recession you know we get jhLEOwu6Nfc-00605-00126008-00126214 the hockey stick effect and that's when jhLEOwu6Nfc-00606-00126215-00126407 banks slow down development slows down jhLEOwu6Nfc-00607-00126408-00126534 of all sorts jhLEOwu6Nfc-00608-00126535-00126734 and then demand for self-storage goes up jhLEOwu6Nfc-00609-00126735-00126927 and so that's what we saw during the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00610-00126928-00127207 pandemic last year and 2020 was an jhLEOwu6Nfc-00611-00127208-00127510 absolute banner year for our industry jhLEOwu6Nfc-00612-00127511-00127639 we have been jhLEOwu6Nfc-00613-00127640-00127839 we have been contactless and touchless jhLEOwu6Nfc-00614-00127840-00127990 since before it was cool to be jhLEOwu6Nfc-00615-00127991-00128199 contactless and touchless uh using jhLEOwu6Nfc-00616-00128200-00128431 kiosks to rent a unit jhLEOwu6Nfc-00617-00128432-00128614 much like a kiosk because self-storage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00618-00128615-00128902 uh you know renting a unit is a very low jhLEOwu6Nfc-00619-00128903-00129119 labor intensive transaction that can be jhLEOwu6Nfc-00620-00129120-00129383 done uh over the internet and um it can jhLEOwu6Nfc-00621-00129383-00129614 be done by way of a cell phone jhLEOwu6Nfc-00622-00129615-00129814 well access to our facility our software jhLEOwu6Nfc-00623-00129815-00129999 getting a gate code and even a key fob jhLEOwu6Nfc-00624-00130000-00130254 and access on the phone to access a unit jhLEOwu6Nfc-00625-00130255-00130502 can all be done by way of a smartphone jhLEOwu6Nfc-00626-00130503-00130647 as well so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00627-00130648-00130839 uh jay we don't we don't celebrate jhLEOwu6Nfc-00628-00130840-00131127 recessions um personally nor my company jhLEOwu6Nfc-00629-00131128-00131351 we don't celebrate pandemics for gosh jhLEOwu6Nfc-00630-00131352-00131607 sakes but our industry i'm thankful for jhLEOwu6Nfc-00631-00131608-00131790 the industry that we're in because we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00632-00131791-00131990 have benefited with a huge wind in our jhLEOwu6Nfc-00633-00131991-00132087 sail jhLEOwu6Nfc-00634-00132088-00132247 not only during a recession as we're jhLEOwu6Nfc-00635-00132248-00132414 going to head into again but then the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00636-00132415-00132623 pandemic which kind of accelerated that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00637-00132624-00132887 has really benefited our industry jhLEOwu6Nfc-00638-00132888-00133207 well you know no business thrives unless jhLEOwu6Nfc-00639-00133208-00133639 it's solving a lot of people's problems jhLEOwu6Nfc-00640-00133640-00133783 and that's what and that's what you and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00641-00133784-00134031 your company and the industry is doing i jhLEOwu6Nfc-00642-00134032-00134247 mean due to the pandemic you got all jhLEOwu6Nfc-00643-00134248-00134527 this in increased demand jhLEOwu6Nfc-00644-00134528-00134766 of for people needing to put their stuff jhLEOwu6Nfc-00645-00134767-00134990 somewhere and unless your industry comes jhLEOwu6Nfc-00646-00134991-00135190 along and provides jhLEOwu6Nfc-00647-00135191-00135366 a place to put their stuff jhLEOwu6Nfc-00648-00135367-00135535 then you know you're not you're not jhLEOwu6Nfc-00649-00135536-00135687 solving that problem jhLEOwu6Nfc-00650-00135688-00135895 um so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00651-00135896-00136207 what is so let's say someone is and i jhLEOwu6Nfc-00652-00136208-00136343 tell you it's the same thing as going jhLEOwu6Nfc-00653-00136344-00136487 around here it's like jhLEOwu6Nfc-00654-00136488-00136711 here in my little area where carol joy jhLEOwu6Nfc-00655-00136712-00136831 and i live jhLEOwu6Nfc-00656-00136832-00137223 total total area of only 40 000 people jhLEOwu6Nfc-00657-00137224-00137439 i know of four jhLEOwu6Nfc-00658-00137440-00137590 brand new jhLEOwu6Nfc-00659-00137591-00137790 self-storage facilities that are under jhLEOwu6Nfc-00660-00137791-00137951 construction jhLEOwu6Nfc-00661-00137952-00138247 right now four of them and we already jhLEOwu6Nfc-00662-00138248-00138471 got them everywhere it's like my lands jhLEOwu6Nfc-00663-00138472-00138614 people must have a whole bunch more jhLEOwu6Nfc-00664-00138615-00138831 stuff but i mean it's just like it's jhLEOwu6Nfc-00665-00138832-00139119 crazy it's crazy are you um jhLEOwu6Nfc-00666-00139120-00139287 are you doing new construction these jhLEOwu6Nfc-00667-00139288-00139543 days are you still focusing on existing jhLEOwu6Nfc-00668-00139544-00139711 uh facilities jhLEOwu6Nfc-00669-00139712-00140007 a little bit of both um we are we were jhLEOwu6Nfc-00670-00140008-00140287 really focused in 2020 on construction jhLEOwu6Nfc-00671-00140288-00140423 we had some projects already in the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00672-00140424-00140647 pipeline and then also picked up some jhLEOwu6Nfc-00673-00140648-00140895 others from some folks that um well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00674-00140896-00141007 we're just kind of taking the ball the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00675-00141008-00141151 rest way down the field some folks that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00676-00141152-00141319 had some stalls jhLEOwu6Nfc-00677-00141320-00141590 due to coven and some funding issues and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00678-00141591-00141775 so absolutely we've been developing for jhLEOwu6Nfc-00679-00141776-00141927 a number of years now jhLEOwu6Nfc-00680-00141928-00142143 uh we've got the team we've got the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00681-00142144-00142319 experience we're in several markets jhLEOwu6Nfc-00682-00142320-00142526 where we know where the demand is and uh jhLEOwu6Nfc-00683-00142527-00142735 we just know it's a business model that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00684-00142736-00142943 we can replicate um over and over again jhLEOwu6Nfc-00685-00142944-00143183 that allows us to look at a market and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00686-00143184-00143366 and jay if i could just jhLEOwu6Nfc-00687-00143367-00143543 the reason why we see um so many jhLEOwu6Nfc-00688-00143544-00143726 opportunities and why you're seeing say jhLEOwu6Nfc-00689-00143727-00143943 four facilities going up in your town is jhLEOwu6Nfc-00690-00143944-00144135 a lot of folks will think well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00691-00144136-00144271 wait i see these things everywhere isn't jhLEOwu6Nfc-00692-00144272-00144439 the market saturated and you know how jhLEOwu6Nfc-00693-00144440-00144639 can we possibly you know have enough jhLEOwu6Nfc-00694-00144640-00144847 demand for this well you know when we go jhLEOwu6Nfc-00695-00144848-00145078 into a market um and we're looking at it jhLEOwu6Nfc-00696-00145079-00145302 in a place that potentially may be jhLEOwu6Nfc-00697-00145303-00145487 good for developing a self-storage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00698-00145488-00145647 facility there's a lot of research that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00699-00145648-00145823 goes into that first of all our market jhLEOwu6Nfc-00700-00145824-00146007 is really five mile radius that's all jhLEOwu6Nfc-00701-00146008-00146111 the further people are going to travel jhLEOwu6Nfc-00702-00146112-00146239 to a self storage facility from their jhLEOwu6Nfc-00703-00146240-00146399 home is about five miles and so within jhLEOwu6Nfc-00704-00146400-00146607 that five miles if the facilities the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00705-00146608-00146871 one two three four facilities are full jhLEOwu6Nfc-00706-00146872-00146990 have a waiting list and they're raising jhLEOwu6Nfc-00707-00146991-00147175 rates every three or four months jhLEOwu6Nfc-00708-00147176-00147278 then jhLEOwu6Nfc-00709-00147279-00147487 we know what equilibrium is in a market jhLEOwu6Nfc-00710-00147488-00147647 it's you know anywhere from five and a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00711-00147648-00147823 half to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00712-00147824-00147999 six and a half jhLEOwu6Nfc-00713-00148000-00148158 um jhLEOwu6Nfc-00714-00148159-00148343 [Music] jhLEOwu6Nfc-00715-00148344-00148526 to five and a half to six and a half jhLEOwu6Nfc-00716-00148527-00148759 square foot per person and any time that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00717-00148760-00148951 we're below that if there's only three jhLEOwu6Nfc-00718-00148952-00149102 or four square foot per person we know jhLEOwu6Nfc-00719-00149103-00149239 that there's a lot of demand in that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00720-00149240-00149351 market so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00721-00149352-00149519 that and rental rates will dictate when jhLEOwu6Nfc-00722-00149520-00149654 we're going to go into build so it's not jhLEOwu6Nfc-00723-00149655-00149814 a build it and they will come or hope jhLEOwu6Nfc-00724-00149815-00149943 that they will come jhLEOwu6Nfc-00725-00149944-00150166 and just you know i hope it's not a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00726-00150167-00150319 strategy and we spend millions of jhLEOwu6Nfc-00727-00150320-00150535 dollars on these facilities and so that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00728-00150536-00150671 is the reason why we're seeing a lot jhLEOwu6Nfc-00729-00150672-00150863 about construction so we absolutely are jhLEOwu6Nfc-00730-00150864-00151095 bullish because of all the factors that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00731-00151096-00151214 i just mentioned that are that are jhLEOwu6Nfc-00732-00151215-00151390 occurring in the market right now which jhLEOwu6Nfc-00733-00151391-00151575 is creating a huge surge in demand for jhLEOwu6Nfc-00734-00151576-00151726 storage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00735-00151727-00152047 if someone is brand new to self storage jhLEOwu6Nfc-00736-00152048-00152223 and they're really interested in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00737-00152224-00152463 exploring it and you know really want to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00738-00152464-00152678 see if this makes sense for them jhLEOwu6Nfc-00739-00152679-00152847 what's the best way for a brand new jhLEOwu6Nfc-00740-00152848-00153063 person to even get started where do they jhLEOwu6Nfc-00741-00153064-00153223 start looking jhLEOwu6Nfc-00742-00153224-00153311 well jhLEOwu6Nfc-00743-00153312-00153502 i think it starts with um with learning jhLEOwu6Nfc-00744-00153503-00153663 so that they know what they are looking jhLEOwu6Nfc-00745-00153664-00153854 for and so no shameless plug but we just jhLEOwu6Nfc-00746-00153855-00153983 got a lot of free resources on our jhLEOwu6Nfc-00747-00153984-00154159 website again just to help people you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00748-00154160-00154311 have to spend a dime on it just so you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00749-00154312-00154423 know what you're looking at and looking jhLEOwu6Nfc-00750-00154424-00154711 for then begin to seek out if you're jhLEOwu6Nfc-00751-00154712-00154911 part of a real estate investor group in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00752-00154912-00155071 your city and there's people that are in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00753-00155072-00155375 storage then strike up a conversation um jhLEOwu6Nfc-00754-00155376-00155623 i i'd ask you to ask them to go out to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00755-00155624-00155847 lunch to pick their brain but um we know jhLEOwu6Nfc-00756-00155848-00155943 that there's a whole lot of folks that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00757-00155944-00156087 maybe aren't interested in doing that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00758-00156088-00156247 these days but if you can strike up a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00759-00156248-00156399 friendship get into a conversation or jhLEOwu6Nfc-00760-00156400-00156590 even a subgroup in some of these other jhLEOwu6Nfc-00761-00156591-00156863 real estate investor circles or online jhLEOwu6Nfc-00762-00156864-00157151 with several meetups around your area jhLEOwu6Nfc-00763-00157152-00157278 then that's the best way to get plugged jhLEOwu6Nfc-00764-00157279-00157431 in and just sit back and be a consumer jhLEOwu6Nfc-00765-00157432-00157654 of the information and to be a student jhLEOwu6Nfc-00766-00157655-00157895 of the industry to know what's going on jhLEOwu6Nfc-00767-00157896-00158119 there's uh i was in single-family homes jhLEOwu6Nfc-00768-00158120-00158207 for a number of years i was in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00769-00158208-00158302 commercial real estate being jhLEOwu6Nfc-00770-00158303-00158478 multi-family and although a lot of that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00771-00158479-00158751 skill set applies and looking at jhLEOwu6Nfc-00772-00158752-00158966 leverage and cap rates and underwriting jhLEOwu6Nfc-00773-00158967-00159126 it's a different business and so to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00774-00159127-00159319 understand the nuances jhLEOwu6Nfc-00775-00159320-00159495 is really key before you take a take jhLEOwu6Nfc-00776-00159496-00159711 that next and first step jhLEOwu6Nfc-00777-00159712-00159926 we've seen as you can imagine in in our jhLEOwu6Nfc-00778-00159927-00160054 on the education side of our business jhLEOwu6Nfc-00779-00160055-00160190 we've seen a lot of folks that have jhLEOwu6Nfc-00780-00160191-00160319 taken that first step and they and they jhLEOwu6Nfc-00781-00160320-00160495 stepped in a lot of doo-doo and and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00782-00160496-00160647 created a lot of mistakes and messes for jhLEOwu6Nfc-00783-00160648-00160759 themselves jhLEOwu6Nfc-00784-00160760-00160975 and uh men have come to us to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00785-00160976-00161214 help them unwind it get out of it or or jhLEOwu6Nfc-00786-00161215-00161407 to you know survive that one you know jhLEOwu6Nfc-00787-00161408-00161607 lose the battle but uh win the war by jhLEOwu6Nfc-00788-00161608-00161823 understanding what it takes to succeed jhLEOwu6Nfc-00789-00161824-00162031 on the next one so jhLEOwu6Nfc-00790-00162032-00162254 um and then temper that with you know jhLEOwu6Nfc-00791-00162255-00162447 don't don't analyze too much or you know jhLEOwu6Nfc-00792-00162448-00162726 analysis and paralysis by analysis and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00793-00162727-00162951 an analysis that causes paralysis um uh jhLEOwu6Nfc-00794-00162952-00163166 you you know the saying to spend too jhLEOwu6Nfc-00795-00163167-00163326 much time researching before you do jhLEOwu6Nfc-00796-00163327-00163526 actually pull the trigger so learn about jhLEOwu6Nfc-00797-00163527-00163687 the business get some good advisors and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00798-00163688-00163863 mentors around you before you know to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00799-00163864-00164007 put some eyeballs on your underwriting jhLEOwu6Nfc-00800-00164008-00164190 and your offers and obviously a good jhLEOwu6Nfc-00801-00164191-00164390 legal team or or a an attorney to look jhLEOwu6Nfc-00802-00164391-00164566 at your uh contracts before moving jhLEOwu6Nfc-00803-00164567-00164654 forward jhLEOwu6Nfc-00804-00164655-00164863 those are probably the best ways to to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00805-00164864-00165111 avoid getting into a catastrophe jhLEOwu6Nfc-00806-00165112-00165335 my good friend and guest today is scott jhLEOwu6Nfc-00807-00165336-00165543 myers founder of self jhLEOwu6Nfc-00808-00165544-00165783 jhLEOwu6Nfc-00809-00165784-00165975 be sure and check out his website for jhLEOwu6Nfc-00810-00165976-00166151 the free training and resources that he jhLEOwu6Nfc-00811-00166152-00166359 has there one last question for you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00812-00166360-00166471 scott jhLEOwu6Nfc-00813-00166472-00166607 and that is jhLEOwu6Nfc-00814-00166608-00166943 what are the most common mistakes or jhLEOwu6Nfc-00815-00166944-00167183 some of the most common mistakes that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00816-00167184-00167343 new real estate investors in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00817-00167344-00167502 self-storage make jhLEOwu6Nfc-00818-00167503-00167678 yeah i'm writing a book on it as we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00819-00167679-00167823 speak that's going to be out before long jhLEOwu6Nfc-00820-00167824-00168007 so um i got 101 of them because that's jhLEOwu6Nfc-00821-00168008-00168231 the title of the book so i'll focus on jhLEOwu6Nfc-00822-00168232-00168431 how about the overarching one jhLEOwu6Nfc-00823-00168432-00168695 and that is um i i think jhLEOwu6Nfc-00824-00168696-00168854 and perhaps i'm guilty of this and we've jhLEOwu6Nfc-00825-00168855-00168983 been teaching and training people how to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00826-00168984-00169238 do this for 16 years and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00827-00169239-00169438 you know we we state that it is a very jhLEOwu6Nfc-00828-00169439-00169638 simple and predictable business model jhLEOwu6Nfc-00829-00169639-00169799 because it's compared to other jhLEOwu6Nfc-00830-00169800-00169966 businesses it is it's a simpler and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00831-00169967-00170151 predictable business model you know we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00832-00170152-00170278 know the numbers we know the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00833-00170279-00170543 equilibriums and we can go into a an jhLEOwu6Nfc-00834-00170544-00170695 existing facility or a development jhLEOwu6Nfc-00835-00170696-00170790 project jhLEOwu6Nfc-00836-00170791-00170999 and make our projections and darn near jhLEOwu6Nfc-00837-00171000-00171214 hit our marks and and beat them almost jhLEOwu6Nfc-00838-00171215-00171343 every time jhLEOwu6Nfc-00839-00171344-00171638 um but so i i say that i'm i'm a product jhLEOwu6Nfc-00840-00171639-00171807 of that and that is i think people have jhLEOwu6Nfc-00841-00171808-00171935 heard that enough and they've heard that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00842-00171936-00172071 you know this is a simple less moving jhLEOwu6Nfc-00843-00172072-00172238 parts you know you don't have the rehabs jhLEOwu6Nfc-00844-00172239-00172375 you know you lock them out they don't jhLEOwu6Nfc-00845-00172376-00172495 pay their money and then you just blow jhLEOwu6Nfc-00846-00172496-00172607 it out you're done you move on to the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00847-00172608-00172838 next and all that's true jhLEOwu6Nfc-00848-00172839-00172975 but it's not a hobby i mean this is a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00849-00172976-00173102 business and you have to treat it as jhLEOwu6Nfc-00850-00173103-00173214 such and you have to walk the four jhLEOwu6Nfc-00851-00173215-00173414 corners of your business and you have to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00852-00173415-00173647 understand it before you get in um you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00853-00173648-00173799 as most people know that are in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00854-00173800-00173990 commercial real estate you make a ten jhLEOwu6Nfc-00855-00173991-00174102 thousand dollar mistake in your jhLEOwu6Nfc-00856-00174103-00174254 underwriting meaning you missed some jhLEOwu6Nfc-00857-00174255-00174454 expenses by 5 000 and you missed them jhLEOwu6Nfc-00858-00174455-00174726 you know they overstated the income um jhLEOwu6Nfc-00859-00174727-00174887 for late fees and other things that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00860-00174888-00175054 shouldn't have been counted well ten jhLEOwu6Nfc-00861-00175055-00175223 thousand dollar mistake in underwriting jhLEOwu6Nfc-00862-00175224-00175390 um is a hundred to a hundred twenty jhLEOwu6Nfc-00863-00175391-00175583 thousand dollars in value that you would jhLEOwu6Nfc-00864-00175584-00175854 overpay for a facility so you need to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00865-00175855-00176071 understand the nuances how to value them jhLEOwu6Nfc-00866-00176072-00176247 how to underwrite them before um putting jhLEOwu6Nfc-00867-00176248-00176375 offers in jhLEOwu6Nfc-00868-00176376-00176551 understanding how to analyze a market jhLEOwu6Nfc-00869-00176552-00176695 and then for gosh sakes um you don't jhLEOwu6Nfc-00870-00176696-00176878 take your hands off the wheel and assume jhLEOwu6Nfc-00871-00176879-00177038 that this is a mailbox business because jhLEOwu6Nfc-00872-00177039-00177214 no rental businesses i don't care who jhLEOwu6Nfc-00873-00177215-00177559 you listen to or or who says it it's not jhLEOwu6Nfc-00874-00177560-00177711 it's a business and a business needs to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00875-00177712-00177990 be tended so uh long wouldn't answer to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00876-00177991-00178159 your question jay but jhLEOwu6Nfc-00877-00178160-00178343 um the mistake that people make is that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00878-00178344-00178519 they think and they hear and assume that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00879-00178520-00178663 this is a simple business because it's jhLEOwu6Nfc-00880-00178664-00178878 simpler than what they were doing before jhLEOwu6Nfc-00881-00178879-00179119 um but it means that they have to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00882-00179120-00179319 understand it and they have to tend it jhLEOwu6Nfc-00883-00179320-00179551 and and you do have to farm the business jhLEOwu6Nfc-00884-00179552-00179735 once you own it and constantly be jhLEOwu6Nfc-00885-00179736-00179911 working looking at ways to grow jhLEOwu6Nfc-00886-00179912-00180078 occupancy to grow rates and reduce jhLEOwu6Nfc-00887-00180079-00180287 expenses and that is perpetual and that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00888-00180288-00180511 is on a regular basis jhLEOwu6Nfc-00889-00180512-00180783 in other words folks don't start doing jhLEOwu6Nfc-00890-00180784-00181023 this business without joining hips with jhLEOwu6Nfc-00891-00181024-00181263 somebody that knows what they're doing jhLEOwu6Nfc-00892-00181264-00181535 right and of course scott myers jhLEOwu6Nfc-00893-00181536-00181847 is the expert in this arena uh scott jhLEOwu6Nfc-00894-00181848-00182159 final comments and advice jhLEOwu6Nfc-00895-00182160-00182311 final comments just good to see you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00896-00182312-00182454 again my friend i can't wait to uh to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00897-00182455-00182590 see each other i can't hold that back jhLEOwu6Nfc-00898-00182591-00182759 it's all you always make me smile and uh jhLEOwu6Nfc-00899-00182760-00182863 looking forward to hopefully getting jhLEOwu6Nfc-00900-00182864-00183007 together and having dinner together as jhLEOwu6Nfc-00901-00183008-00183151 well with you and carol joy and maybe we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00902-00183152-00183278 can get that old gray hair gentlemen to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00903-00183279-00183471 pay our bill next time again too that jhLEOwu6Nfc-00904-00183472-00183654 might be nice jhLEOwu6Nfc-00905-00183655-00183759 um jhLEOwu6Nfc-00906-00183760-00183999 and aside from that um gang it's an jhLEOwu6Nfc-00907-00184000-00184254 exciting time to be in in real estate jhLEOwu6Nfc-00908-00184255-00184383 there's certainly a lot of changes and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00909-00184384-00184551 there's some potential threats that are jhLEOwu6Nfc-00910-00184552-00184702 out there but it's when everybody's jhLEOwu6Nfc-00911-00184703-00184878 running out that you should be not just jhLEOwu6Nfc-00912-00184879-00185038 running in again and shooting from the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00913-00185039-00185135 hip jhLEOwu6Nfc-00914-00185136-00185343 but understanding you know what it means jhLEOwu6Nfc-00915-00185344-00185551 to be in the real estate asset class and jhLEOwu6Nfc-00916-00185552-00185719 and investing the way and where you jhLEOwu6Nfc-00917-00185720-00185919 should be investing but now is jhLEOwu6Nfc-00918-00185920-00186126 absolutely an exciting time to be doing jhLEOwu6Nfc-00919-00186127-00186495 so so uh with that um it just great to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00920-00186496-00186759 be here um thankful for the industry of jhLEOwu6Nfc-00921-00186760-00186950 the real estate in industry and self jhLEOwu6Nfc-00922-00186951-00187159 storage and uh happy to help and assist jhLEOwu6Nfc-00923-00187160-00187359 anyone anywhere along the way that we jhLEOwu6Nfc-00924-00187360-00187647 can and uh just be kind uh just just jhLEOwu6Nfc-00925-00187648-00187847 choose to be kind how's that aft after a jhLEOwu6Nfc-00926-00187848-00188078 long week so far and it's only tuesday jhLEOwu6Nfc-00927-00188079-00188214 um i've had some difficult uh jhLEOwu6Nfc-00928-00188215-00188423 conversations so uh how about i leave it jhLEOwu6Nfc-00929-00188424-00188559 with uh let's just choose to be kind to jhLEOwu6Nfc-00930-00188560-00188807 one another i love it there you have it jhLEOwu6Nfc-00931-00188808-00188999 folks my good friend and expert in self jhLEOwu6Nfc-00932-00189000-00189238 storage scott myers visit him at jhLEOwu6Nfc-00933-00189239-00189831 jhLEOwu6Nfc-00934-00189832-00190023 was so glad to have everyone here on the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00935-00190024-00190207 show i'm jay connor the private money jhLEOwu6Nfc-00936-00190208-00190407 authority wishing you all the best jhLEOwu6Nfc-00937-00190408-00190623 here's to taking your business to the jhLEOwu6Nfc-00938-00190624-00190887 next level and we'll see you right here jhLEOwu6Nfc-00939-00190888-00191214 on the next private money academy jhLEOwu6Nfc-00940-00191215-00191423 podcast jhLEOwu6Nfc-00941-00191424-00192073 [Music] jkneWJzYOe8-00000-00000925-00001173 Christene bleh see Ford who has accused jkneWJzYOe8-00001-00001174-00001407 judge Brett M Kavanaugh of sexually jkneWJzYOe8-00002-00001408-00001581 assaulting her when they were teenagers jkneWJzYOe8-00003-00001582-00001823 said on Saturday that she was willing to jkneWJzYOe8-00004-00001825-00002049 testify next week before the Senate jkneWJzYOe8-00005-00002050-00002298 Judiciary Committee but asked for more jkneWJzYOe8-00006-00002299-00002543 time to continue negotiating the details jkneWJzYOe8-00007-00002544-00002927 of her appearance lacy 51 is a research jkneWJzYOe8-00008-00002928-00003180 psychologist in Northern California dot jkneWJzYOe8-00009-00003181-00003461 Senator Charles Grassley the chairman of jkneWJzYOe8-00010-00003462-00003699 the Judiciary Committee to decide to jkneWJzYOe8-00011-00003700-00003965 grant the extra time the hearing set jkneWJzYOe8-00012-00003967-00004247 2:30 p.m. Saturday as a final deadline jkneWJzYOe8-00013-00004248-00004506 for dr. Blay C to agree or decline to jkneWJzYOe8-00014-00004507-00004746 appear jmytw5LNxay-00000-00000056-00000409 albinism as the congenital absence of jmytw5LNxay-00001-00000410-00000679 any pigmentation or coloration in a jmytw5LNxay-00002-00000680-00000971 person animal or plant resulting in jmytw5LNxay-00003-00000972-00001292 white hair feathers scales and skin and jmytw5LNxay-00004-00001293-00001544 pink eyes in mammals birds reptiles jmytw5LNxay-00005-00001545-00001882 amphibians and fish and other small jmytw5LNxay-00006-00001884-00002249 invertebrates as well varied use and jmytw5LNxay-00007-00002250-00002471 interpretation of the terms mean that jmytw5LNxay-00008-00002472-00002687 written reports of Alban istic animals jmytw5LNxay-00009-00002688-00003043 can be difficult to verify albinism can jmytw5LNxay-00010-00003044-00003277 reduce the survivability of an animal jmytw5LNxay-00011-00003278-00003518 for example it has been suggested that jmytw5LNxay-00012-00003519-00003739 albino alligators have an average jmytw5LNxay-00013-00003740-00004066 survival span of only 24 hours due to jmytw5LNxay-00014-00004067-00004297 the lack of protection from UV and their jmytw5LNxay-00015-00004298-00004563 lack of camouflage to avoid predators jmytw5LNxay-00016-00004564-00004886 albino animals have characteristic pink jmytw5LNxay-00017-00004887-00005122 or red eyes because the lack of pigment jmytw5LNxay-00018-00005123-00005362 in the iris allows the blood vessels of jmytw5LNxay-00019-00005363-00005693 the retina to be visible familiar albino jmytw5LNxay-00020-00005694-00005941 animals include inbred strains of jmytw5LNxay-00021-00005942-00006266 laboratory animals rats mice guinea pigs jmytw5LNxay-00022-00006267-00006536 and rabbits but populations of naturally jmytw5LNxay-00023-00006537-00006791 occurring albino animals exist in the jmytw5LNxay-00024-00006792-00006845 wild jmytw5LNxay-00025-00006845-00007295 eg Mexican cave Tetra albinism as a well jmytw5LNxay-00026-00007295-00007565 recognized phenomenon in mollusks both jmytw5LNxay-00027-00007566-00007814 in the shell and in the soft parts it jmytw5LNxay-00028-00007815-00008125 has been claimed by some eg that jmytw5LNxay-00029-00008126-00008438 albinism can occur for a number of jmytw5LNxay-00030-00008439-00008714 reasons aside from inheritance including jmytw5LNxay-00031-00008715-00009011 genetic mutations diet living conditions jmytw5LNxay-00032-00009012-00009428 age disease or injury however this is jmytw5LNxay-00033-00009429-00009629 contrary to definitions where the jmytw5LNxay-00034-00009630-00009850 condition is inherited jmytw5LNxay-00035-00009851-00010141 in plants albinism is characterized by jmytw5LNxay-00036-00010142-00010396 partial or complete loss of chlorophyll jmytw5LNxay-00037-00010397-00010642 pigment and incomplete differentiation jmytw5LNxay-00038-00010643-00010978 of chloroplast membranes albinism in jmytw5LNxay-00039-00010979-00011221 plants interferes with photosynthesis jmytw5LNxay-00040-00011222-00011500 which can reduce survivability some jmytw5LNxay-00041-00011501-00011725 plant variations may have white flowers jmytw5LNxay-00042-00011726-00012067 or other parts however these plants are jmytw5LNxay-00043-00012068-00012343 not totally devoid of chlorophyll terms jmytw5LNxay-00044-00012344-00012577 associated with this phenomenon are jmytw5LNxay-00045-00012578-00013471 hyper chromia end alba flora jmytw5LNxay-00046-00013472-00014150 topic biological coloration jmytw5LNxay-00047-00014151-00014394 biological pigments are substances jmytw5LNxay-00048-00014394-00014634 produced by living organisms that have a jmytw5LNxay-00049-00014635-00014856 color resulting from selective color jmytw5LNxay-00050-00014857-00015269 absorption what we perceive as color are jmytw5LNxay-00051-00015271-00015491 the wavelengths of light that are not jmytw5LNxay-00052-00015493-00015726 absorbed by the pigment but instead are jmytw5LNxay-00053-00015727-00016062 reflected biological pigments include jmytw5LNxay-00054-00016063-00016744 plant pigments and flower pigments jmytw5LNxay-00055-00016745-00017330 topic animal coloration jmytw5LNxay-00056-00017331-00017600 animals can appear color due to two jmytw5LNxay-00057-00017601-00017816 mechanisms pigments and structural jmytw5LNxay-00058-00017817-00018179 colors animals may have both biological jmytw5LNxay-00059-00018180-00018389 pigments and structural colors for jmytw5LNxay-00060-00018390-00018611 example some butterflies with white jmytw5LNxay-00061-00018612-00019142 wings jmytw5LNxay-00062-00019143-00019623 topic pigments jmytw5LNxay-00063-00019624-00019959 many animal body parts such as skin eyes jmytw5LNxay-00064-00019960-00020322 feathers fur hair scales and cuticles jmytw5LNxay-00065-00020323-00020571 contain pigments and specialized cells jmytw5LNxay-00066-00020572-00020877 called chromatophores these cells are jmytw5LNxay-00067-00020878-00021078 found in a wide range of animals jmytw5LNxay-00068-00021079-00021347 including amphibians fish reptiles jmytw5LNxay-00069-00021348-00021723 crustaceans and cephalopods mammals and jmytw5LNxay-00070-00021724-00021996 birds in contrast of a class of cells jmytw5LNxay-00071-00021997-00022326 called melanocytes for coloration the jmytw5LNxay-00072-00022327-00022542 term chromatophore can also refer to jmytw5LNxay-00073-00022543-00022815 coloured membrane associated vesicles jmytw5LNxay-00074-00022816-00023061 found in some forms of photosynthetic jmytw5LNxay-00075-00023062-00023358 bacteria chromatophores are largely jmytw5LNxay-00076-00023359-00023619 responsible for generating skin and eye jmytw5LNxay-00077-00023620-00023865 color in Pula thermic animals and are jmytw5LNxay-00078-00023866-00024081 generated in the neural crest during jmytw5LNxay-00079-00024082-00024360 embryonic development mature jmytw5LNxay-00080-00024361-00024516 chromatophores are grouped into jmytw5LNxay-00081-00024517-00024747 subclasses based on their color under jmytw5LNxay-00082-00024748-00025116 white light xantho fours yellow contain jmytw5LNxay-00083-00025117-00025299 yellow pigments in the forms of jmytw5LNxay-00084-00025300-00025677 carotenoids erythro fours red contain jmytw5LNxay-00085-00025677-00025922 reddish pigments such as carotenoids and jmytw5LNxay-00086-00025923-00026039 Terra Dean jmytw5LNxay-00087-00026039-00026382 Milana fours black brown contain black jmytw5LNxay-00088-00026383-00026607 and brown pigments such as the melanin jmytw5LNxay-00089-00026608-00026681 s' jmytw5LNxay-00090-00026682-00027014 cyan ofourse blue limited taxonomic jmytw5LNxay-00091-00027016-00027192 range but found in some fish and jmytw5LNxay-00092-00027193-00027674 amphibians jmytw5LNxay-00093-00027675-00028220 topic structural colors jmytw5LNxay-00094-00028222-00028502 animals can also appear colored due to jmytw5LNxay-00095-00028504-00028755 structural color the result of coherent jmytw5LNxay-00096-00028756-00029070 scattering perceived as a red ascent the jmytw5LNxay-00097-00029070-00029255 structures themselves are colorless jmytw5LNxay-00098-00029256-00029552 light typically passes through multiple jmytw5LNxay-00099-00029554-00029786 layers and is reflected more than once jmytw5LNxay-00100-00029787-00030102 the multiple reflections compound one jmytw5LNxay-00101-00030102-00030329 another and intensify the colors jmytw5LNxay-00102-00030330-00030570 structural color differs according to jmytw5LNxay-00103-00030570-00030816 the observers position whereas pigments jmytw5LNxay-00104-00030817-00031014 appear the same regardless of the angle jmytw5LNxay-00105-00031014-00031352 of view animals that show a red essence jmytw5LNxay-00106-00031354-00031608 include mother-of-pearl seashells fish jmytw5LNxay-00107-00031608-00031899 and peacocks these are just a few jmytw5LNxay-00108-00031900-00032130 examples of animals with this quality jmytw5LNxay-00109-00032131-00032343 but it is most pronounced in the jmytw5LNxay-00110-00032344-00032730 butterfly family iridophores reflective jmytw5LNxay-00111-00032731-00033077 iridescent sometimes called Guana force jmytw5LNxay-00112-00033078-00033309 reflect light using plates of jmytw5LNxay-00113-00033310-00033501 crystalline kheema chromes made from jmytw5LNxay-00114-00033502-00033744 guanine luka fors jmytw5LNxay-00115-00033745-00033960 reflective white found in some fish jmytw5LNxay-00116-00033961-00034209 utilize crystalline purines often jmytw5LNxay-00117-00034210-00034446 guanine to produce a reflective shiny jmytw5LNxay-00118-00034447-00035044 white color jmytw5LNxay-00119-00035045-00035614 topic plant coloration jmytw5LNxay-00120-00035615-00035863 the primary function of pigments in jmytw5LNxay-00121-00035864-00036133 plants as photosynthesis which uses the jmytw5LNxay-00122-00036134-00036343 green pigment chlorophyll along with jmytw5LNxay-00123-00036344-00036511 several red and yellow pigments jmytw5LNxay-00124-00036512-00036768 including porphyrins carotenoids jmytw5LNxay-00125-00036769-00037493 anthocyanins and betalains jmytw5LNxay-00126-00037494-00038055 topic definition jmytw5LNxay-00127-00038056-00038320 definitions of albinism vary and are jmytw5LNxay-00128-00038321-00038583 inconsistent whilst they are clear and jmytw5LNxay-00129-00038584-00038755 precise for humans and other mammals jmytw5LNxay-00130-00038756-00039027 this is because the majority of mammals jmytw5LNxay-00131-00039028-00039339 have only one pigment melanin many jmytw5LNxay-00132-00039340-00039577 animals have pigments other than melanin jmytw5LNxay-00133-00039578-00039821 and some also have structural colors jmytw5LNxay-00134-00039822-00040117 some definitions of albinism whilst jmytw5LNxay-00135-00040118-00040380 taking most taxa into account ignore jmytw5LNxay-00136-00040381-00040810 others so a person or animal with very jmytw5LNxay-00137-00040811-00041124 pale skin white hair or fur and pink jmytw5LNxay-00138-00041125-00041376 eyes caused by a medical condition that jmytw5LNxay-00139-00041377-00041796 they were born with and a person or jmytw5LNxay-00140-00041797-00042064 animal with white skin and hair and pink jmytw5LNxay-00141-00042065-00042483 eyes do not include feathers scales or jmytw5LNxay-00142-00042484-00042770 cuticles of birds fish and invertebrates jmytw5LNxay-00143-00042771-00043095 nor do they include plants some jmytw5LNxay-00144-00043096-00043317 definitions are too broad to be of much jmytw5LNxay-00145-00043318-00043692 use eg an animal or plant with a marked jmytw5LNxay-00146-00043693-00043992 deficiency in pigmentation other jmytw5LNxay-00147-00043993-00044271 definitions of albinism encompass most jmytw5LNxay-00148-00044272-00044526 of the major animal taxa but ignore the jmytw5LNxay-00149-00044527-00044676 several other pigments that jmytw5LNxay-00150-00044677-00044914 non-mammalian animals have and also jmytw5LNxay-00151-00044915-00045060 structural coloration jmytw5LNxay-00152-00045061-00045405 for example absence of the pigment jmytw5LNxay-00153-00045406-00045783 melanin in the eyes skin hair scales or jmytw5LNxay-00154-00045784-00046149 feathers refers only to the pigment jmytw5LNxay-00155-00046150-00046308 melanin jmytw5LNxay-00156-00046309-00046548 because of the various uses of different jmytw5LNxay-00157-00046549-00046806 terms applied to coloration some authors jmytw5LNxay-00158-00046807-00046998 have indicated that the color of the jmytw5LNxay-00159-00046999-00047235 eyes is the defining characteristic of jmytw5LNxay-00160-00047236-00047558 albinism eg this leads to a good jmytw5LNxay-00161-00047559-00047796 diagnostic feature with which to jmytw5LNxay-00162-00047797-00048021 distinguish leucistic and albino jmytw5LNxay-00163-00048022-00048414 individuals the color of the eye the jmytw5LNxay-00164-00048415-00048834 term partial albino is sometimes used in jmytw5LNxay-00165-00048835-00049053 the literature however it has been jmytw5LNxay-00166-00049054-00049386 stated that a common misnomer as partial jmytw5LNxay-00167-00049387-00049644 albino this is not possible since jmytw5LNxay-00168-00049645-00049920 albinism affects the whole plumage of a jmytw5LNxay-00169-00049921-00050315 bird not just part and the definition of jmytw5LNxay-00170-00050316-00050552 albinism precludes the possibility of jmytw5LNxay-00171-00050553-00050928 partial albinism in which a mostly white jmytw5LNxay-00172-00050929-00051135 bird shows some form of melanin jmytw5LNxay-00173-00051136-00051382 pigmentation it is simply impossible jmytw5LNxay-00174-00051383-00051779 just like being partially pregnant one jmytw5LNxay-00175-00051780-00052110 definition states that albinism from the jmytw5LNxay-00176-00052111-00052480 latin Albus meaning white hereditary jmytw5LNxay-00177-00052482-00052779 condition characterized by the absence jmytw5LNxay-00178-00052779-00053129 of pigment in the eyes skin hair scales jmytw5LNxay-00179-00053130-00053502 or feathers however this does not jmytw5LNxay-00180-00053503-00053724 encompass invertebrates nor does it jmytw5LNxay-00181-00053725-00054060 include plants furthermore it could be jmytw5LNxay-00182-00054061-00054307 interpreted that jmytw5LNxay-00183-00054308-00054664 absence of pigment jmytw5LNxay-00184-00054665-00054879 does not include an absence of jmytw5LNxay-00185-00054880-00055095 structural colors jmytw5LNxay-00186-00055096-00055329 the lack of clarity about the term is jmytw5LNxay-00187-00055329-00055494 furthered when the name of an animal jmytw5LNxay-00188-00055495-00055872 includes the term albino although the jmytw5LNxay-00189-00055873-00056073 animals clearly do not have the jmytw5LNxay-00190-00056074-00056373 condition for example the albino gower jmytw5LNxay-00191-00056374-00056610 has this name because it is ash gray jmytw5LNxay-00192-00056611-00056882 whereas other gower are almost black and jmytw5LNxay-00193-00056883-00057144 the American albino horse as a chestnut jmytw5LNxay-00194-00057145-00057465 with a dilution gene a clear definition jmytw5LNxay-00195-00057466-00057829 appears to be congenital absence of any jmytw5LNxay-00196-00057830-00058119 pigmentation or coloration in a person jmytw5LNxay-00197-00058120-00058440 animal or plant resulting in white hair jmytw5LNxay-00198-00058441-00058809 and pink eyes in mammals whilst this jmytw5LNxay-00199-00058810-00059004 does not state specifically that jmytw5LNxay-00200-00059004-00059259 non-mammalian albino animals or plants jmytw5LNxay-00201-00059260-00059636 are white this can be inferred from jmytw5LNxay-00202-00059637-00059910 absence of any pigmentation or jmytw5LNxay-00203-00059911-00060180 coloration jmytw5LNxay-00204-00060182-00060460 due to the varied use and interpretation jmytw5LNxay-00205-00060461-00060808 of the term albino written reports of jmytw5LNxay-00206-00060809-00061051 Alban istic organisms can often not be jmytw5LNxay-00207-00061052-00061605 verified jmytw5LNxay-00208-00061607-00062266 topic mechanism and frequency jmytw5LNxay-00209-00062266-00062505 melanin as an organic pigment that jmytw5LNxay-00210-00062507-00062737 produces most of the color seen in jmytw5LNxay-00211-00062738-00063070 mammals depending on how it is created jmytw5LNxay-00212-00063071-00063352 melanin comes in two color ranges you jmytw5LNxay-00213-00063353-00063589 melanin producing dark Browns and blacks jmytw5LNxay-00214-00063590-00063853 and pheomelanin producing light reddish jmytw5LNxay-00215-00063854-00064155 tans and blondes the dark and light jmytw5LNxay-00216-00064157-00064354 melanin 's have their influence either jmytw5LNxay-00217-00064354-00064605 alone or in conjunction making either jmytw5LNxay-00218-00064607-00064996 plain or multicolored coats sometimes in jmytw5LNxay-00219-00064997-00065215 a condition called agouti they make jmytw5LNxay-00220-00065216-00065539 multicolored individual hairs the jmytw5LNxay-00221-00065540-00065731 production of melanin occurs in jmytw5LNxay-00222-00065732-00065938 melanocytes in a complex process jmytw5LNxay-00223-00065939-00066325 involving the enzyme tyrosinase mammals jmytw5LNxay-00224-00066326-00066550 have a gene that codes for the presence jmytw5LNxay-00225-00066551-00066808 of tyrosinase in cells called the tear jmytw5LNxay-00226-00066809-00067150 gene if this gene is altered or damaged jmytw5LNxay-00227-00067151-00067441 melanin cannot be reliably produced and jmytw5LNxay-00228-00067442-00067644 the mammal becomes an albino jmytw5LNxay-00229-00067645-00067933 besides the tear gene several other jmytw5LNxay-00230-00067934-00068242 genes can cause albinism this is because jmytw5LNxay-00231-00068243-00068470 other hormones and proteins are involved jmytw5LNxay-00232-00068471-00068713 in melanin production the presence of jmytw5LNxay-00233-00068714-00069028 which as genetically determined in mice jmytw5LNxay-00234-00069029-00069313 a total of 100 genes are known to affect jmytw5LNxay-00235-00069314-00069568 albinism all the genetic traits for jmytw5LNxay-00236-00069569-00069907 albinism or recessive trait this means jmytw5LNxay-00237-00069908-00070093 that their influence is hidden when jmytw5LNxay-00238-00070094-00070372 paired with stronger traits for the jmytw5LNxay-00239-00070373-00070612 recessive albino trait to be expressed jmytw5LNxay-00240-00070613-00070864 in a mammal the offspring must inherit a jmytw5LNxay-00241-00070865-00071044 recessive gene from both parents jmytw5LNxay-00242-00071045-00071296 albinism occurs throughout the animal jmytw5LNxay-00243-00071297-00071596 kingdom the condition is most commonly jmytw5LNxay-00244-00071597-00071878 seen in birds reptiles and amphibians jmytw5LNxay-00245-00071879-00072109 but more rarely seen in mammals and jmytw5LNxay-00246-00072110-00072406 other taxa it is often difficult to jmytw5LNxay-00247-00072407-00072607 explain occasional occurrences jmytw5LNxay-00248-00072608-00072856 especially when only one documented jmytw5LNxay-00249-00072857-00073075 incidents has occurred such as only one jmytw5LNxay-00250-00073076-00073419 albino gorilla and one albino koala in jmytw5LNxay-00251-00073420-00073747 mammals albinism occurs once in every jmytw5LNxay-00252-00073748-00074026 10,000 births but in birds the rate is jmytw5LNxay-00253-00074027-00074491 once in every 1764 births some species jmytw5LNxay-00254-00074492-00074752 such as white peacocks swans and geese jmytw5LNxay-00255-00074753-00075028 are not believed to be true albinos as jmytw5LNxay-00256-00075029-00075265 they do not have red eyes rather their jmytw5LNxay-00257-00075266-00075475 coloration is suggested to be the jmytw5LNxay-00258-00075476-00075663 expression of a white fur jmytw5LNxay-00259-00075664-00076390 feather Jean not a lack of melanin jmytw5LNxay-00260-00076391-00076977 topic consequences jmytw5LNxay-00261-00076978-00077253 melanin has several functions in most jmytw5LNxay-00262-00077254-00077469 mammals and other animals these are jmytw5LNxay-00263-00077470-00078121 disrupted by albinism jmytw5LNxay-00264-00078122-00078438 topic abnormal eye development jmytw5LNxay-00265-00078439-00078863 and appearance jmytw5LNxay-00266-00078864-00079085 melanin functions in the normal jmytw5LNxay-00267-00079086-00079286 development of various parts of the eye jmytw5LNxay-00268-00079287-00079574 including the iris retina eye muscles jmytw5LNxay-00269-00079575-00079904 and optic nerve the absence of melanin jmytw5LNxay-00270-00079905-00080144 results in abnormal development of eyes jmytw5LNxay-00271-00080145-00080396 and leads to problems with focusing and jmytw5LNxay-00272-00080397-00080707 depth perception the eyes of albino jmytw5LNxay-00273-00080708-00080969 animals appear red because the color of jmytw5LNxay-00274-00080970-00081206 the red blood cells in the retina can be jmytw5LNxay-00275-00081207-00081410 seen through the iris which has no jmytw5LNxay-00276-00081411-00081731 pigment to obscure this some albino jmytw5LNxay-00277-00081732-00082013 animals may have pale blue eyes due to jmytw5LNxay-00278-00082014-00082367 other color generating processes albino jmytw5LNxay-00279-00082368-00082606 vertebrates exposed to intense light jmytw5LNxay-00280-00082607-00082859 typically lose photoreceptors due to jmytw5LNxay-00281-00082860-00083156 apoptosis in all albino mammals studied jmytw5LNxay-00282-00083157-00083309 the center of the retina is jmytw5LNxay-00283-00083310-00083528 underdeveloped and there is a deficit of jmytw5LNxay-00284-00083529-00083771 Rod cells the central ganglion cell jmytw5LNxay-00285-00083772-00084065 density is approximately 25% below jmytw5LNxay-00286-00084066-00084319 normal except for the grey squirrel in jmytw5LNxay-00287-00084320-00084611 nearly all mammals the overwhelming jmytw5LNxay-00288-00084612-00084844 majority of photoreceptors or rods jmytw5LNxay-00289-00084845-00085231 rather than cones albinism specifically jmytw5LNxay-00290-00085232-00085468 affects the rod cells but the number and jmytw5LNxay-00291-00085469-00085724 distribution of the cones is unaffected jmytw5LNxay-00292-00085725-00086066 in contrast the retina of birds as cone jmytw5LNxay-00293-00086067-00086281 rich meaning that the vision of albino jmytw5LNxay-00294-00086282-00086510 birds is affected less than albino jmytw5LNxay-00295-00086511-00087081 mammals jmytw5LNxay-00296-00087082-00087745 topic reduced protection from sunlight jmytw5LNxay-00297-00087746-00087943 melanin protects the skin from jmytw5LNxay-00298-00087944-00088194 ultraviolet radiation in sunlight jmytw5LNxay-00299-00088195-00088449 mallanna Soames block harmful jmytw5LNxay-00300-00088450-00088693 electromagnetic radiation from the Sun jmytw5LNxay-00301-00088694-00088948 while allowing beneficial frequencies to jmytw5LNxay-00302-00088949-00089539 enter the body jmytw5LNxay-00303-00089540-00090169 topic survival disadvantages jmytw5LNxay-00304-00090170-00090442 many animals with albinism lack their jmytw5LNxay-00305-00090443-00090637 protective camouflage and are therefore jmytw5LNxay-00306-00090638-00090889 less able to conceal themselves from jmytw5LNxay-00307-00090890-00091120 their predators or prey the survival jmytw5LNxay-00308-00091121-00091327 rate of animals with albinism in the jmytw5LNxay-00309-00091328-00091582 wild can be low however it has been jmytw5LNxay-00310-00091583-00091828 stated that in studies where animals had jmytw5LNxay-00311-00091829-00091981 many places to hide jmytw5LNxay-00312-00091982-00092227 predators captured albino and normally jmytw5LNxay-00313-00092228-00092457 colored animals at the same rate jmytw5LNxay-00314-00092458-00092722 furthermore albino animals may be jmytw5LNxay-00315-00092723-00092965 excluded from families or other groups jmytw5LNxay-00316-00092966-00093208 or rejected as mates the novelty of jmytw5LNxay-00317-00093209-00093484 albino animals has occasionally led to jmytw5LNxay-00318-00093485-00093679 their protection by groups such as the jmytw5LNxay-00319-00093680-00093883 albino squirrel Preservation Society jmytw5LNxay-00320-00093884-00094180 they have also been protected in studies jmytw5LNxay-00321-00094181-00094867 on their ecology and behavior jmytw5LNxay-00322-00094868-00095482 topic reduced viability jmytw5LNxay-00323-00095483-00095773 Studies on medaka fish in the laboratory jmytw5LNxay-00324-00095774-00096034 ie with no predators sufficient food jmytw5LNxay-00325-00096035-00096351 supply controlled temperatures etc found jmytw5LNxay-00326-00096352-00096586 that albinos had considerably reduced jmytw5LNxay-00327-00096587-00096937 viability from 800 albino embryos only jmytw5LNxay-00328-00096938-00097300 29 survived to full adulthood early jmytw5LNxay-00329-00097301-00097537 studies on fish led some researchers to jmytw5LNxay-00330-00097538-00097857 describe albinism as a semi lethal jmytw5LNxay-00331-00097858-00098431 mutation jmytw5LNxay-00332-00098432-00099005 topic hearing disorders jmytw5LNxay-00333-00099006-00099288 pigmentation disorders such as albinism jmytw5LNxay-00334-00099289-00099534 are occasionally associated with hearing jmytw5LNxay-00335-00099535-00099795 impairments and mice rats guinea pigs jmytw5LNxay-00336-00099796-00100400 and cats jmytw5LNxay-00337-00100401-00100966 topic in mammals jmytw5LNxay-00338-00100967-00101299 you jmytw5LNxay-00339-00101300-00101927 topic artificially selected jmytw5LNxay-00340-00101928-00102183 intentionally bred alban istic strains jmytw5LNxay-00341-00102184-00102447 of some animal species are commonly used jmytw5LNxay-00342-00102448-00102672 as model organisms in biomedical jmytw5LNxay-00343-00102673-00103017 research and also as pets examples jmytw5LNxay-00344-00103018-00103332 include the balb c mouse and with star jmytw5LNxay-00345-00103333-00103521 and Sprague Dawley rat strains jmytw5LNxay-00346-00103522-00103784 laboratory rabbits guinea pigs and jmytw5LNxay-00347-00103785-00104178 ferrets albino axolotl an amphibian are jmytw5LNxay-00348-00104179-00104418 also used widely in the laboratory as jmytw5LNxay-00349-00104419-00104598 their transparent skin allows jmytw5LNxay-00350-00104599-00104838 observation of the underlying tissues jmytw5LNxay-00351-00104839-00105114 during limb regeneration some jmytw5LNxay-00352-00105115-00105315 researchers have argued that albino jmytw5LNxay-00353-00105316-00105531 animals are not always the best choice jmytw5LNxay-00354-00105532-00105768 for scientific studies due to the jmytw5LNxay-00355-00105769-00106058 consequences of albinism eg hearing and jmytw5LNxay-00356-00106059-00106286 visual impairments many individual jmytw5LNxay-00357-00106288-00106542 albino mammals are in captivity and were jmytw5LNxay-00358-00106543-00106827 caught as youngsters it is doubtful jmytw5LNxay-00359-00106828-00107004 whether these individuals would have jmytw5LNxay-00360-00107005-00107210 survived to become adults without the jmytw5LNxay-00361-00107211-00107411 protection and care they receive in jmytw5LNxay-00362-00107413-00107989 captivity jmytw5LNxay-00363-00107990-00108559 topic naturally occurring jmytw5LNxay-00364-00108560-00108875 it has been claimed that squirrels are jmytw5LNxay-00365-00108876-00109156 the only known albino mammal to survive jmytw5LNxay-00366-00109157-00109438 successfully in the wild jmytw5LNxay-00367-00109439-00109717 in all albino mammals studied the eye jmytw5LNxay-00368-00109718-00109986 color is green blue or red due to jmytw5LNxay-00369-00109988-00110211 absence of you melanin in the iris and jmytw5LNxay-00370-00110213-00110356 the center of the retina is jmytw5LNxay-00371-00110357-00110566 underdeveloped with a deficit of Rod jmytw5LNxay-00372-00110567-00110842 cells the central ganglion cell density jmytw5LNxay-00373-00110843-00111168 is approximately 25% below normal in jmytw5LNxay-00374-00111169-00111463 nearly all mammals the overwhelming jmytw5LNxay-00375-00111464-00111697 majority of photoreceptors are rods jmytw5LNxay-00376-00111698-00112083 rather than cones albinism specifically jmytw5LNxay-00377-00112084-00112321 affects the rod cells but the number and jmytw5LNxay-00378-00112322-00112554 distribution of the cones is unaffected jmytw5LNxay-00379-00112555-00112825 the retina of the squirrel sciurus jmytw5LNxay-00380-00112826-00113131 Carolyn Ensis is unusual for mammals as jmytw5LNxay-00381-00113132-00113436 it is rich in cones central cell jmytw5LNxay-00382-00113438-00113685 densities are less than 5 percent lower jmytw5LNxay-00383-00113686-00113944 in albino squirrels than in pigmented jmytw5LNxay-00384-00113945-00114244 individuals this relatively minor jmytw5LNxay-00385-00114245-00114433 disruption to vision as thought to jmytw5LNxay-00386-00114433-00114670 assist in the survivability of albino jmytw5LNxay-00387-00114671-00114994 squirrels in the wild this is supported jmytw5LNxay-00388-00114995-00115216 by observations that the behavior of jmytw5LNxay-00389-00115217-00115504 albinos in the wild eg leaping from jmytw5LNxay-00390-00115505-00115771 branch to branch is similar to pigmented jmytw5LNxay-00391-00115772-00116005 squirrels a 2012 survey of the jmytw5LNxay-00392-00116006-00116227 literature reported that in India there jmytw5LNxay-00393-00116228-00116479 were several records of albino mammals jmytw5LNxay-00394-00116480-00116719 including the tiger lesser rat tailed jmytw5LNxay-00395-00116720-00117013 bat chat all common palm civet northern jmytw5LNxay-00396-00117014-00117285 palm squirrel 5 striped palm squirrel jmytw5LNxay-00397-00117286-00117550 and wild boar albino macaques have been jmytw5LNxay-00398-00117551-00117757 reported in several occasions including jmytw5LNxay-00399-00117758-00118075 a toque macaque M Seneca rhesus macaque jmytw5LNxay-00400-00118076-00118396 M mulatto and bonnet macaque M radiata jmytw5LNxay-00401-00118397-00118686 albinism was observed in jungle cats jmytw5LNxay-00402-00118688-00118948 felis chouse and jackals canis aureus jmytw5LNxay-00403-00118949-00119146 along the coastline of the southern jmytw5LNxay-00404-00119147-00119401 Western Ghats Kerala and Kanyakumari jmytw5LNxay-00405-00119402-00119764 coast India albinism was observed in jmytw5LNxay-00406-00119765-00120022 jungle cats from the amar Vila Aria of jmytw5LNxay-00407-00120023-00120297 Trivandrum district in the Kerala State jmytw5LNxay-00408-00120298-00120589 albinism in jackals was observed from jmytw5LNxay-00409-00120590-00120853 the Pelini area in Malappuram district jmytw5LNxay-00410-00120854-00121102 and chalean area of Calicut district jmytw5LNxay-00411-00121103-00121441 kerala as albinism is observed in those jmytw5LNxay-00412-00121442-00121678 areas where the density of these mammals jmytw5LNxay-00413-00121679-00121911 as comparatively low it is concluded jmytw5LNxay-00414-00121913-00122136 that continuous inbreeding could be the jmytw5LNxay-00415-00122138-00122358 reason for expression of albinism a jmytw5LNxay-00416-00122359-00122563 study on alban istic prairie voles jmytw5LNxay-00417-00122564-00122782 microdisk okra gaster jmytw5LNxay-00418-00122783-00123009 that albinism in this species conferred jmytw5LNxay-00419-00123010-00123228 an advantage for the male's compared to jmytw5LNxay-00420-00123229-00123483 the wild-type albino males had higher jmytw5LNxay-00421-00123484-00123729 mount frequencies than wild-type males jmytw5LNxay-00422-00123730-00124069 in addition the albinos had greater jmytw5LNxay-00423-00124070-00124288 differential fertilizing capacity jmytw5LNxay-00424-00124289-00124566 albinism can also occur in marsupials jmytw5LNxay-00425-00124567-00124807 and monotremes as well such as a kidness jmytw5LNxay-00426-00124808-00125151 kangaroos koalas opossums Wallabies and jmytw5LNxay-00427-00125152-00125758 wombats as well jmytw5LNxay-00428-00125759-00126318 topic marine mammals jmytw5LNxay-00429-00126319-00126611 the costs of albinism for marine mammals jmytw5LNxay-00430-00126613-00126867 may include reduced heat absorption in jmytw5LNxay-00431-00126868-00127095 colder waters poor camouflage from jmytw5LNxay-00432-00127096-00127305 predators increased sensitivity to jmytw5LNxay-00433-00127306-00127494 sunlight and impaired visual jmytw5LNxay-00434-00127495-00127833 communication despite the costs some jmytw5LNxay-00435-00127833-00128070 individuals do reach adult age and jmytw5LNxay-00436-00128071-00128319 breeding status albino dolphins were jmytw5LNxay-00437-00128320-00128584 first sighted in the Gulf of Mexico in jmytw5LNxay-00438-00128585-00129015 1962 since 1994 three further jmytw5LNxay-00439-00129016-00129308 individuals have been seen these tend to jmytw5LNxay-00440-00129309-00129546 be pink in color due to blood vessels jmytw5LNxay-00441-00129547-00129678 showing through the blubber and jmytw5LNxay-00442-00129679-00130068 unpigmented skin a report published in jmytw5LNxay-00443-00130069-00130376 2008 stated that in marine mammals jmytw5LNxay-00444-00130377-00130719 anomalously white individuals have been jmytw5LNxay-00445-00130720-00131058 reported for 21 cetacean species and 7 jmytw5LNxay-00446-00131058-00131289 pinniped species but there were no known jmytw5LNxay-00447-00131290-00131541 reports of anomalously white sea otters jmytw5LNxay-00448-00131542-00131814 in Hydra Lutra s-- or Cyrenians whales jmytw5LNxay-00449-00131815-00132063 and dolphins also may appear white if jmytw5LNxay-00450-00132064-00132273 extensively scarred or covered with a jmytw5LNxay-00451-00132274-00132549 fungus such as lobos disease also known jmytw5LNxay-00452-00132550-00133272 as lobo mycosis jmytw5LNxay-00453-00133273-00133886 topic famous albino mammals jmytw5LNxay-00454-00133887-00134283 famous albino mammals include Bigelow a jmytw5LNxay-00455-00134284-00134550 humpback whale living off the coast of jmytw5LNxay-00456-00134551-00134802 Australia pinky a bottlenose dolphin jmytw5LNxay-00457-00134803-00135057 living in and around in Calcasieu Lake jmytw5LNxay-00458-00135058-00135477 Louisiana Carolina's snowball a popular jmytw5LNxay-00459-00135478-00135738 albino bottlenose dolphin displayed at jmytw5LNxay-00460-00135739-00136082 the Miami Seaquarium in the early 1960s jmytw5LNxay-00461-00136083-00136530 snowflake a Barcelona Zoo gorilla end ma jmytw5LNxay-00462-00136531-00137031 pia ska su for white cloud a buffalo in jmytw5LNxay-00463-00137032-00137343 Jamestown North Dakota the inspiration jmytw5LNxay-00464-00137344-00137565 for Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick jmytw5LNxay-00465-00137566-00138327 was a sperm whale known as mocha dick jmytw5LNxay-00466-00138328-00138887 topic in birds jmytw5LNxay-00467-00138888-00139091 the most important pigments that jmytw5LNxay-00468-00139092-00139337 determine plumage coloration and birds jmytw5LNxay-00469-00139338-00139649 are melon Eames and carotenoids the jmytw5LNxay-00470-00139650-00139856 latter are ingested in food and jmytw5LNxay-00471-00139857-00140066 transformed into color pigments by jmytw5LNxay-00472-00140067-00140444 enzymes aberrations in this pigmentation jmytw5LNxay-00473-00140445-00140681 are mostly caused by food deficiencies jmytw5LNxay-00474-00140682-00140983 and usually do not have a genetic basis jmytw5LNxay-00475-00140984-00141281 well-known examples are flamingos which jmytw5LNxay-00476-00141282-00141485 oh they're distinct pink color to the jmytw5LNxay-00477-00141486-00141689 presence of red carotenoids in their jmytw5LNxay-00478-00141690-00142013 natural food when these carotenoids are jmytw5LNxay-00479-00142014-00142112 in short supply jmytw5LNxay-00480-00142113-00142358 these birds appear white after the next jmytw5LNxay-00481-00142359-00142682 molt mutations causing changes in jmytw5LNxay-00482-00142683-00142940 carotenoid based color pigments are rare jmytw5LNxay-00483-00142941-00143165 melanin mutations occur much more jmytw5LNxay-00484-00143166-00143486 frequently two types of melanin jmytw5LNxay-00485-00143487-00143747 eumelanin and pheomelanin are present in jmytw5LNxay-00486-00143748-00144065 birds in the skin and eyes only you jmytw5LNxay-00487-00144066-00144362 melanin is present in some bird species jmytw5LNxay-00488-00144363-00144629 the color is completely caused by you jmytw5LNxay-00489-00144630-00144872 melanin however both types of melanin jmytw5LNxay-00490-00144873-00145193 are found in most species in birds jmytw5LNxay-00491-00145194-00145523 albinism has been defined as a total jmytw5LNxay-00492-00145524-00145778 lack of both melanin zin feathers eyes jmytw5LNxay-00493-00145779-00146054 and skin as a result of an inherited jmytw5LNxay-00494-00146055-00146327 absence of tyrosinase jmytw5LNxay-00495-00146328-00146579 however this ignores the effects of jmytw5LNxay-00496-00146580-00146895 other pigments and structural colors jmytw5LNxay-00497-00146896-00147162 an albino bird has a white beak white jmytw5LNxay-00498-00147163-00147435 plumage non coloured skin white talons jmytw5LNxay-00499-00147436-00147815 and pink or red eyes albinism has only jmytw5LNxay-00500-00147816-00148189 seen in about one of every 1800 Birds jmytw5LNxay-00501-00148190-00148521 the two most common species of albino jmytw5LNxay-00502-00148522-00148763 birds are the common house Mardan in the jmytw5LNxay-00503-00148764-00149094 American Robin famous albino birds jmytw5LNxay-00504-00149095-00149484 include snowdrop a Bristol Zoo penguin jmytw5LNxay-00505-00149485-00149777 in one study albinism in Birds has been jmytw5LNxay-00506-00149778-00150002 categorized according to the extent of jmytw5LNxay-00507-00150003-00150324 pigment absence total albinism a jmytw5LNxay-00508-00150325-00150602 simultaneous complete absence of melanin jmytw5LNxay-00509-00150603-00150957 from the eyes skin and feathers this is jmytw5LNxay-00510-00150958-00151541 the rarest form only 7% of 1847 cases of jmytw5LNxay-00511-00151542-00151886 avian albinism examined was this type jmytw5LNxay-00512-00151887-00152201 incomplete albinism when melanin is not jmytw5LNxay-00513-00152202-00152487 simultaneously absent from the eyes skin jmytw5LNxay-00514-00152488-00152850 and feathers imperfect albinism when jmytw5LNxay-00515-00152851-00153096 melanin is reduced in the eyes skin and jmytw5LNxay-00516-00153097-00153264 feathers jmytw5LNxay-00517-00153265-00153525 partial albinism when albinism is jmytw5LNxay-00518-00153526-00153753 localized to certain areas of the body jmytw5LNxay-00519-00153754-00153996 however it has been argued that the jmytw5LNxay-00520-00153997-00154218 definition of albinism precludes the jmytw5LNxay-00521-00154219-00154587 possibility of partial albinism in which jmytw5LNxay-00522-00154588-00154833 a mostly white bird shows some form of jmytw5LNxay-00523-00154834-00155139 melanin pigmentation it is simply jmytw5LNxay-00524-00155140-00155379 impossible just like being partially jmytw5LNxay-00525-00155380-00155919 pregnant jmytw5LNxay-00526-00155920-00156463 topic in fish jmytw5LNxay-00527-00156464-00156736 as with other animals it has been stated jmytw5LNxay-00528-00156737-00156967 that for fish to be properly described jmytw5LNxay-00529-00156968-00157330 as albino they must have a white body jmytw5LNxay-00530-00157331-00157951 and pink or red eyes jmytw5LNxay-00531-00157952-00158366 topic artificially selected jmytw5LNxay-00532-00158367-00158551 you jmytw5LNxay-00533-00158552-00158847 several types of aquarium fish are half jmytw5LNxay-00534-00158848-00159204 albino in their names eg albino jmytw5LNxay-00535-00159205-00159535 driftwood catfish albino festival albino jmytw5LNxay-00536-00159536-00159844 red-tailed shark an albino tiger shark jmytw5LNxay-00537-00159845-00160084 however photographs of these four fish jmytw5LNxay-00538-00160085-00160321 indicate that the latter three have dark jmytw5LNxay-00539-00160322-00160576 eyes and/or pigmented fins zebrafish jmytw5LNxay-00540-00160577-00160797 have three types of chromatophores jmytw5LNxay-00541-00160798-00161139 iridophores mulana force and xanthus jmytw5LNxay-00542-00161140-00161437 which produce silver black and yellow jmytw5LNxay-00543-00161438-00161800 pigmentation respectively zebrafish that jmytw5LNxay-00544-00161801-00162010 lack iridophores are known as roy jmytw5LNxay-00545-00162011-00162235 mutants those that lack mallanna force jmytw5LNxay-00546-00162236-00162463 as albino mutants and those which lack jmytw5LNxay-00547-00162464-00162712 both mallanna for xin iridophores are jmytw5LNxay-00548-00162713-00163041 ruby mutant the gross eye morphology jmytw5LNxay-00549-00163042-00163273 feeding and swimming behaviors between jmytw5LNxay-00550-00163274-00163541 wild type and albino zebrafish were jmytw5LNxay-00551-00163542-00163786 indistinguishable except under dim or jmytw5LNxay-00552-00163787-00164161 bright light or low contrast in mammals jmytw5LNxay-00553-00164162-00164446 albinism is occasionally associated with jmytw5LNxay-00554-00164447-00164752 hearing impairments however when tested jmytw5LNxay-00555-00164753-00164986 there was no differences in responses jmytw5LNxay-00556-00164987-00165208 between wild-type and Alban istic jmytw5LNxay-00557-00165209-00165496 European wels catfish Siler as Glennis jmytw5LNxay-00558-00165497-00165715 and South American bronze catfish jmytw5LNxay-00559-00165716-00166126 corydoras aeneas similarly mexican blind jmytw5LNxay-00560-00166127-00166411 cave fish Astyanax mexican as' do not jmytw5LNxay-00561-00166412-00166633 differ in hearing sensitivity from the jmytw5LNxay-00562-00166634-00166786 normally pigmented and eyed jmytw5LNxay-00563-00166787-00167131 surface-dwelling populations fish lack jmytw5LNxay-00564-00167132-00167284 melanin in the inner ear jmytw5LNxay-00565-00167285-00167515 meaning that hearing in fishes is less jmytw5LNxay-00566-00167516-00167761 likely to be affected by albinism than jmytw5LNxay-00567-00167762-00168331 in mammals jmytw5LNxay-00568-00168332-00168907 topic naturally occurring jmytw5LNxay-00569-00168908-00169137 there are several reports of total jmytw5LNxay-00570-00169138-00169350 albinism in both freshwater and marine jmytw5LNxay-00571-00169351-00169672 fish however frequently captured albino jmytw5LNxay-00572-00169673-00169914 fish are only reported in aquarium jmytw5LNxay-00573-00169915-00170158 magazines and local newspapers the jmytw5LNxay-00574-00170159-00170335 incidence of albinism can be jmytw5LNxay-00575-00170336-00170553 artificially increased in fish by jmytw5LNxay-00576-00170554-00170794 exposing the eggs to heavy metals eg jmytw5LNxay-00577-00170795-00171153 arsenic cadmium copper mercury selenium jmytw5LNxay-00578-00171154-00171477 zinc in the wild albinism is reasonably jmytw5LNxay-00579-00171478-00171733 common in the teleosts especially the jmytw5LNxay-00580-00171734-00171963 pleura neck two forms flatfish however jmytw5LNxay-00581-00171964-00172149 it is rarely reported in the jmytw5LNxay-00582-00172150-00172503 elasmobranch albinism has been reported jmytw5LNxay-00583-00172504-00172809 in hagfish lampreys sharks rays and jmytw5LNxay-00584-00172810-00173100 numerous teleost fishes eg catfishes jmytw5LNxay-00585-00173101-00173711 grunts or supra needs jmytw5LNxay-00586-00173712-00174272 topic in Act II no Tara G jmytw5LNxay-00587-00174273-00174569 albino and normally pigmented channel jmytw5LNxay-00588-00174570-00174836 catfish ik Dolores Punk tardes differ in jmytw5LNxay-00589-00174837-00175163 their characteristics normal individuals jmytw5LNxay-00590-00175164-00175436 of this species are superior to albinos jmytw5LNxay-00591-00175437-00175784 and body weight and total length albinos jmytw5LNxay-00592-00175785-00176081 crossed with other albinos require 11 jmytw5LNxay-00593-00176082-00176315 days longer to spawn and produce smaller jmytw5LNxay-00594-00176316-00176684 egg masses these masses contain eggs of jmytw5LNxay-00595-00176685-00176903 lighter weight with poorer hatch ability jmytw5LNxay-00596-00176904-00177101 than crosses of normal fish jmytw5LNxay-00597-00177102-00177401 the albino fish have lower survival jmytw5LNxay-00598-00177402-00177640 rates than normal fish but dress out jmytw5LNxay-00599-00177641-00177923 percentages are nearly equal some wild jmytw5LNxay-00600-00177924-00178133 cave fish have populations that are jmytw5LNxay-00601-00178134-00178475 alban istic the mexican cave tetra is a jmytw5LNxay-00602-00178476-00178716 species that has evolved specialized jmytw5LNxay-00603-00178717-00178913 characteristics in a series of jmytw5LNxay-00604-00178914-00179219 independent caves one of these is jmytw5LNxay-00605-00179220-00179552 albinism link to the oca2 gene unknown jmytw5LNxay-00606-00179553-00179828 pigmentation gene this trait has evolved jmytw5LNxay-00607-00179829-00180534 independently in at least two caves jmytw5LNxay-00608-00180535-00181075 topic in chondrichthyes jmytw5LNxay-00609-00181076-00181333 in the class chondrichthyes several jmytw5LNxay-00610-00181334-00181566 species of naturally occurring albino jmytw5LNxay-00611-00181567-00181827 rays and sharks have been recorded jmytw5LNxay-00612-00181828-00182149 furthermore an albino individual spotted jmytw5LNxay-00613-00182150-00182401 rat fish hydral agus Kali a from the jmytw5LNxay-00614-00182402-00182658 order to me reforms has been reported jmytw5LNxay-00615-00182659-00182947 Albin istic individuals of the following jmytw5LNxay-00616-00182948-00183328 shark species have been reported basking jmytw5LNxay-00617-00183329-00183751 shark sadhana's Maximus two cases broad jmytw5LNxay-00618-00183752-00184003 nose sevengill shark no drink asipi jmytw5LNxay-00619-00184004-00184290 tienes great white shark jmytw5LNxay-00620-00184291-00184638 carcharodon Carcharias grey Smoothhound jmytw5LNxay-00621-00184639-00185007 mostella californica s-- two cases jmytw5LNxay-00622-00185008-00185275 japanese top shark hemi trio keys jmytw5LNxay-00623-00185276-00185458 japonica jmytw5LNxay-00624-00185459-00185700 japanese wobbegong or a tall abyss jmytw5LNxay-00625-00185701-00186063 japonicus java shark car Karina's jmytw5LNxay-00626-00186064-00186445 amboinensis leopard shark triacus semi jmytw5LNxay-00627-00186446-00186849 fachada narrow nose Smoothhound mostella jmytw5LNxay-00628-00186850-00187203 Schmidty pig eye shark car Karina's jmytw5LNxay-00629-00187204-00187664 amboinensis porbeagle lambda gnosis jmytw5LNxay-00630-00187665-00187926 scalloped hammerhead sharks fern allah jmytw5LNxay-00631-00187927-00188378 weenie spiny dogfish scuola siq anthias jmytw5LNxay-00632-00188379-00188565 thani nurse shark jmytw5LNxay-00633-00188566-00188910 Neb Ria's forage aeneas tiger shark jmytw5LNxay-00634-00188911-00189246 galio certo Cuvier embryo jmytw5LNxay-00635-00189247-00189510 white-spotted bamboo shark cello cilium jmytw5LNxay-00636-00189511-00189804 play geo some zebra shark jmytw5LNxay-00637-00189805-00190017 steggy stoma fasciae t'm a study jmytw5LNxay-00638-00190018-00190341 published in 2006 reported alban istic jmytw5LNxay-00639-00190342-00190530 individuals of the following race jmytw5LNxay-00640-00190531-00190878 species bat-ray Malaya baddest jmytw5LNxay-00641-00190879-00191384 californica common skate Rajab at ease jmytw5LNxay-00642-00191385-00191784 common stingray - yachties pastinaca jmytw5LNxay-00643-00191785-00192171 common torpedo torpedo torpedo jmytw5LNxay-00644-00192172-00192599 cownose ray Rhino Terrebonne Isis giant jmytw5LNxay-00645-00192600-00192974 electric ray narsing intima door giant jmytw5LNxay-00646-00192975-00193312 oceanic manta ray manta burrow stris jmytw5LNxay-00647-00193313-00193506 oscillate spots gate jmytw5LNxay-00648-00193507-00193869 Okami icon oh yay southern stingray jmytw5LNxay-00649-00193870-00194322 Dacia DS Americana thornback ray Rajic jmytw5LNxay-00650-00194323-00194492 lavada jmytw5LNxay-00651-00194493-00194979 rajae Nevis jmytw5LNxay-00652-00194980-00195506 topic in hi Portia jmytw5LNxay-00653-00195507-00195746 there are several reports of albino jmytw5LNxay-00654-00195747-00195974 lampreys and it has been estimated that jmytw5LNxay-00655-00195975-00196228 this occurs at a frequency of one in jmytw5LNxay-00656-00196229-00196932 100,000 normal individuals jmytw5LNxay-00657-00196933-00197495 topic in Sarco Terra ji jmytw5LNxay-00658-00197496-00197771 albinism in the African lungfish has jmytw5LNxay-00659-00197772-00198545 been reported on at least two occasions jmytw5LNxay-00660-00198546-00199126 topic in reptiles jmytw5LNxay-00661-00199127-00199441 many reptiles labeled as albino are in jmytw5LNxay-00662-00199442-00199711 fact not completely lacking an all color jmytw5LNxay-00663-00199712-00200026 pigment they are actually a melanistic jmytw5LNxay-00664-00200027-00200389 not albino reptiles often possess at jmytw5LNxay-00665-00200390-00200686 least two pigments among the most common jmytw5LNxay-00666-00200687-00200935 are xanthine yellow and ether in red an jmytw5LNxay-00667-00200936-00201295 a melanistic reptile therefore may still jmytw5LNxay-00668-00201296-00201511 have pale yellow orange or red jmytw5LNxay-00669-00201512-00201886 pigmentation the California Academy of jmytw5LNxay-00670-00201887-00202159 Science in the Steinhart aquarium as of jmytw5LNxay-00671-00202160-00202507 2015 has on display an albino American jmytw5LNxay-00672-00202508-00202891 alligator named Claude the alligator is jmytw5LNxay-00673-00202892-00203079 partially blind because of lack of jmytw5LNxay-00674-00203080-00203452 pigment in its eyes the albino alligator jmytw5LNxay-00675-00203453-00203794 hatched from the egg in 1995 in Florida jmytw5LNxay-00676-00203795-00204090 and was brought to the Academy in 2008 jmytw5LNxay-00677-00204091-00204385 this alligator would not have survived jmytw5LNxay-00678-00204386-00204598 in the wild because its whiteness would jmytw5LNxay-00679-00204599-00204910 have made it too easy a prey object the jmytw5LNxay-00680-00204911-00205159 only known albino alligators are in jmytw5LNxay-00681-00205160-00205446 captivity while extremely rare white jmytw5LNxay-00682-00205448-00205689 colored crocodiles and alligators do jmytw5LNxay-00683-00205690-00206053 exist in other places however most of jmytw5LNxay-00684-00206054-00206269 these animals are leucistic given that jmytw5LNxay-00685-00206269-00206476 they have a general loss of pigmentation jmytw5LNxay-00686-00206477-00206691 with some color tinges remaining on jmytw5LNxay-00687-00206692-00206884 their bodies although looking at first jmytw5LNxay-00688-00206885-00207100 like other albino creatures thus jmytw5LNxay-00689-00207101-00207294 creating the misconception that the jmytw5LNxay-00690-00207296-00207553 reptiles are albino themselves when they jmytw5LNxay-00691-00207554-00207894 are not for such alligators are kept at jmytw5LNxay-00692-00207896-00208110 the Gator land theme park in the US jmytw5LNxay-00693-00208111-00208410 state of Florida in Australia a jmytw5LNxay-00694-00208411-00208758 crocodile believed to be part albino and jmytw5LNxay-00695-00208759-00209039 nicknamed by people in the area as jmytw5LNxay-00696-00209040-00209388 Michael Jackson attacked and killed a jmytw5LNxay-00697-00209389-00209683 man in snakes partial absence of pigment jmytw5LNxay-00698-00209684-00209925 as more common than absolute albinism jmytw5LNxay-00699-00209926-00210229 for snakes that are usually patterned in jmytw5LNxay-00700-00210230-00210487 colors they appear as a faint blue peach jmytw5LNxay-00701-00210488-00210817 or yellowish in these cases there has jmytw5LNxay-00702-00210817-00211054 been a genetic mutation in the melanin jmytw5LNxay-00703-00211055-00211335 and pigment delivery the appearance jmytw5LNxay-00704-00211336-00211573 comes from the inability for full colors jmytw5LNxay-00705-00211573-00211842 to be present such as black red brown jmytw5LNxay-00706-00211844-00212152 and others the eyes of an albino snake jmytw5LNxay-00707-00212153-00212517 are typically red or pink albino snake jmytw5LNxay-00708-00212519-00212728 can remain in the sunlight for several jmytw5LNxay-00709-00212729-00213069 hours with minimal harm corn snakes and jmytw5LNxay-00710-00213071-00213337 snakes of larger types such as a boa or jmytw5LNxay-00711-00213338-00213577 Diamondback snakes are the most commonly jmytw5LNxay-00712-00213578-00213838 affected by albinism often appearing to jmytw5LNxay-00713-00213839-00214035 be a pinkish or yellowish color jmytw5LNxay-00714-00214036-00214248 albino tortoises and turtles are jmytw5LNxay-00715-00214250-00214516 uncommon sulcata tortoise azar the most jmytw5LNxay-00716-00214517-00214723 likely type of turtle to express jmytw5LNxay-00717-00214723-00215023 albinism the shells have an almost jmytw5LNxay-00718-00215023-00215239 yellow coloration and they have pink jmytw5LNxay-00719-00215240-00215596 eyes for turtles a pure white color as jmytw5LNxay-00720-00215596-00215873 nearly impossible even with albinism jmytw5LNxay-00721-00215875-00216135 albino turtles can have a longer jmytw5LNxay-00722-00216136-00216376 lifespan than many other albino animals jmytw5LNxay-00723-00216377-00216601 their hard shells help to prevent jmytw5LNxay-00724-00216602-00216805 predation and other environmental jmytw5LNxay-00725-00216806-00217146 challenges vision and sensory organs are jmytw5LNxay-00726-00217148-00217405 slightly affected an albino anole has jmytw5LNxay-00727-00217406-00217801 been reported and photographed in 2007 jmytw5LNxay-00728-00217802-00218058 it was reported that an albino stumpy jmytw5LNxay-00729-00218059-00218278 tail lizard possibly a shingle back jmytw5LNxay-00730-00218279-00218556 lizard approximately 12 centimeters long jmytw5LNxay-00731-00218557-00218817 and about one year old had been found in jmytw5LNxay-00732-00218819-00219246 Victoria Australia also see one there jmytw5LNxay-00733-00219248-00219592 are three known albino strains of jmytw5LNxay-00734-00219592-00219834 leopard gecko however breeders state jmytw5LNxay-00735-00219835-00220098 that albinos are generally recognized by jmytw5LNxay-00736-00220100-00220305 their lack of black pigment and having jmytw5LNxay-00737-00220306-00220506 red eyes as not a requirement to be jmytw5LNxay-00738-00220507-00220848 considered an albino these three strains jmytw5LNxay-00739-00220850-00221235 are called Tremper albinos rainwater jmytw5LNxay-00740-00221236-00222130 albinos End bail albinos jmytw5LNxay-00741-00222131-00222716 topic in amphibians jmytw5LNxay-00742-00222717-00223031 as with reptiles many amphibians labeled jmytw5LNxay-00743-00223032-00223313 as albino are in fact not completely jmytw5LNxay-00744-00223314-00223610 lacking in all color pigment they are jmytw5LNxay-00745-00223611-00223894 actually a melanistic not albino jmytw5LNxay-00746-00223894-00224108 amphibians have six types of jmytw5LNxay-00747-00224109-00224369 chromatophore in their skin ie Melania jmytw5LNxay-00748-00224369-00224708 fors Zanta fors erythro fours Luca fors jmytw5LNxay-00749-00224709-00225038 sy anaphors and iridophores and a jmytw5LNxay-00750-00225039-00225302 melanistic amphibian therefore may still jmytw5LNxay-00751-00225303-00225575 have various pigmentation jmytw5LNxay-00752-00225576-00225806 the incidence of albinism in frogs jmytw5LNxay-00753-00225807-00226046 salamanders and newts as relatively jmytw5LNxay-00754-00226046-00226337 higher than other taxa it has been jmytw5LNxay-00755-00226338-00226583 estimated that one in 400 of these jmytw5LNxay-00756-00226584-00226967 animals as albino when albino tadpoles jmytw5LNxay-00757-00226967-00227260 hatch they are almost transparent this jmytw5LNxay-00758-00227261-00227438 may help camouflage them initially jmytw5LNxay-00759-00227439-00227729 however after 2 weeks when their hind jmytw5LNxay-00760-00227730-00227998 legs begin to emerge they become milky jmytw5LNxay-00761-00228000-00228407 white a survey in 2001 found hundreds of jmytw5LNxay-00762-00228408-00228680 tiny albino Plains leopard frogs but jmytw5LNxay-00763-00228681-00228869 when the researcher returned a few jmytw5LNxay-00764-00228869-00228959 months later jmytw5LNxay-00765-00228960-00229198 not a single albino adult could be found jmytw5LNxay-00766-00229200-00229490 in European salamander t albinism has jmytw5LNxay-00767-00229491-00229712 been recorded in the fire salamander jmytw5LNxay-00768-00229713-00229964 salamandra salamandra gold striped jmytw5LNxay-00769-00229965-00230284 salamander egg la salut satanica italian jmytw5LNxay-00770-00230285-00230555 crested newt traitorous carnufex marbled jmytw5LNxay-00771-00230556-00230789 newt try dura smarm aratus iberian jmytw5LNxay-00772-00230790-00231038 ribbed Newt Laura deals Walt ol Alpine jmytw5LNxay-00773-00231039-00231278 Newt ik Thea Sora ALPA stris and two jmytw5LNxay-00774-00231279-00231506 subspecies of the smooth Newt lissa jmytw5LNxay-00775-00231507-00231734 Triton vulgaris vulgaris and Lissa jmytw5LNxay-00776-00231735-00232460 triton vulgaris meridian Alice jmytw5LNxay-00777-00232461-00233038 topic in invertebrates jmytw5LNxay-00778-00233039-00233332 albinism in mollusks has been recognized jmytw5LNxay-00779-00233333-00233584 to be a hereditary phenomenon at least jmytw5LNxay-00780-00233585-00233983 since 1900 albinism in mollusks can jmytw5LNxay-00781-00233984-00234304 exist to a variable degree sometimes an jmytw5LNxay-00782-00234305-00234517 individual snail has a normally jmytw5LNxay-00783-00234517-00234694 pigmented body but the shell is jmytw5LNxay-00784-00234694-00234871 completely without the normal jmytw5LNxay-00785-00234871-00235105 pigmentation because of a defect in the jmytw5LNxay-00786-00235106-00235402 cells of the mantle shells of certain jmytw5LNxay-00787-00235403-00235663 mollusk species can be translucent when jmytw5LNxay-00788-00235664-00236351 they lack the normal pigmentation jmytw5LNxay-00789-00236352-00236892 topic in insects jmytw5LNxay-00790-00236892-00237177 the neurohormone his seven Corazon jmytw5LNxay-00791-00237178-00237426 induces darkening of the cuticle of La jmytw5LNxay-00792-00237427-00237771 Costa migratory ax the okinawa strain of jmytw5LNxay-00793-00237771-00238019 this species is deficient in his seven jmytw5LNxay-00794-00238021-00238344 Corazon inand as albino one of the jmytw5LNxay-00795-00238344-00238530 typical features of lock used to jmytw5LNxay-00796-00238531-00238764 migratory area that they are gregarious jmytw5LNxay-00797-00238765-00239148 locusts however the albino strain shows jmytw5LNxay-00798-00239148-00239352 more solitarius behavior jmytw5LNxay-00799-00239353-00239589 the yellow mutation in fruit flies as a jmytw5LNxay-00800-00239590-00239835 mutation causing a congenital lack of jmytw5LNxay-00801-00239836-00240021 normal pigment it is a similar jmytw5LNxay-00802-00240021-00240210 phenomenon to albinism in other jmytw5LNxay-00803-00240211-00240796 organisms jmytw5LNxay-00804-00240796-00241352 topic in echinoderms jmytw5LNxay-00805-00241353-00241676 the Japanese sea cucumber a pasta tapas jmytw5LNxay-00806-00241677-00241901 japonicus is in a kinda term that is jmytw5LNxay-00807-00241902-00242120 caught in the wild are cultivated for jmytw5LNxay-00808-00242121-00242522 food normal Japanese sea cucumbers start jmytw5LNxay-00809-00242523-00242732 to develop pigmentation when they are jmytw5LNxay-00810-00242733-00243074 about one centimeter long the upper side jmytw5LNxay-00811-00243075-00243353 becomes a dull yellowish brown to maroon jmytw5LNxay-00812-00243354-00243671 and the underside a light brown the body jmytw5LNxay-00813-00243672-00243944 walls of adult albino Japanese sea jmytw5LNxay-00814-00243945-00244349 cucumbers contain only 0.24% melanin jmytw5LNxay-00815-00244350-00244817 compared to 3.1 2% in normal adults the jmytw5LNxay-00816-00244818-00245042 difference in melanin content becomes jmytw5LNxay-00817-00245043-00245414 visually apparent at 60 days of age the jmytw5LNxay-00818-00245415-00245675 epidermis as thinner in the albinos and jmytw5LNxay-00819-00245676-00245960 contains fewer melanocytes albino jmytw5LNxay-00820-00245961-00246173 individuals are similar to normal jmytw5LNxay-00821-00246174-00246428 individuals in growth rate digestion jmytw5LNxay-00822-00246429-00246695 rate and fertility astaxanthin as the jmytw5LNxay-00823-00246696-00246938 main carotenoid in marine crustaceans jmytw5LNxay-00824-00246939-00247262 and fish it has been shown that adding jmytw5LNxay-00825-00247263-00247493 astaxanthin to the feed can improve the jmytw5LNxay-00826-00247494-00247682 skin and muscle color of marine jmytw5LNxay-00827-00247683-00247913 organisms and thereby increase their jmytw5LNxay-00828-00247914-00248610 commercial and ornamental value jmytw5LNxay-00829-00248611-00249205 topic in arachnids jmytw5LNxay-00830-00249206-00249533 depigmented arthropods have been found jmytw5LNxay-00831-00249534-00249982 usually in cave populations albino jmytw5LNxay-00832-00249983-00250265 individuals of normally red citrus red jmytw5LNxay-00833-00250266-00250519 mites pannonica satori occasionally jmytw5LNxay-00834-00250521-00250769 appear in laboratory colonies however jmytw5LNxay-00835-00250769-00251006 these still contain green and yellow jmytw5LNxay-00836-00251007-00251339 pigments this albinism does not affect jmytw5LNxay-00837-00251340-00251910 mortality jmytw5LNxay-00838-00251911-00252567 topic related pigment disorders jmytw5LNxay-00839-00252567-00252878 in some animals albinism like conditions jmytw5LNxay-00840-00252879-00253101 may affect other pigments or pigment jmytw5LNxay-00841-00253102-00253338 production mechanisms jmytw5LNxay-00842-00253339-00253656 Whiteface a condition that affects some jmytw5LNxay-00843-00253657-00253890 parrot species is caused by a lack of jmytw5LNxay-00844-00253891-00254280 cytokines as an thism is a condition jmytw5LNxay-00845-00254281-00254517 common in reptiles and amphibians in jmytw5LNxay-00846-00254517-00254781 witches antha for metabolism is affected jmytw5LNxay-00847-00254782-00254969 rather than synthesis of melanin jmytw5LNxay-00848-00254971-00255237 resulting in reduction or absence of red jmytw5LNxay-00849-00255238-00255582 and yellow tara dean pigments leucism jmytw5LNxay-00850-00255583-00255783 differs from albinism in that the jmytw5LNxay-00851-00255784-00256029 melanin has at least partially absent jmytw5LNxay-00852-00256030-00256271 but the eyes retained their usual color jmytw5LNxay-00853-00256271-00256590 some leucistic animals are white or pale jmytw5LNxay-00854-00256591-00256827 because of chromatophore pigment cell jmytw5LNxay-00855-00256828-00257232 defects and do not lack melanin melanism jmytw5LNxay-00856-00257233-00257510 as the direct opposite of albinism an jmytw5LNxay-00857-00257511-00257744 unusually high level of melanin jmytw5LNxay-00858-00257746-00257994 pigmentation and sometimes absence of jmytw5LNxay-00859-00257994-00258228 other types of pigment in species that jmytw5LNxay-00860-00258229-00258414 have more than one result in an jmytw5LNxay-00861-00258415-00258617 appearance darker than non melanistic jmytw5LNxay-00862-00258619-00259382 specimens from the same gene pool jmytw5LNxay-00863-00259383-00259937 topic in plants jmytw5LNxay-00864-00259938-00260246 in plants albinism is characterized by jmytw5LNxay-00865-00260246-00260504 partial or complete loss of chlorophyll jmytw5LNxay-00866-00260505-00260746 pigments and incomplete differentiation jmytw5LNxay-00867-00260748-00261080 of chloroplasts membranes albinism in jmytw5LNxay-00868-00261081-00261319 plants interferes with photosynthesis jmytw5LNxay-00869-00261321-00261598 which can reduce survivability some jmytw5LNxay-00870-00261600-00261827 plant variations may have white flowers jmytw5LNxay-00871-00261828-00262166 or other parts however these plants are jmytw5LNxay-00872-00262167-00262442 not totally devoid of chlorophyll terms jmytw5LNxay-00873-00262443-00262679 associated with this phenomenon are jmytw5LNxay-00874-00262680-00263168 hyper chromia end alba flora plants that jmytw5LNxay-00875-00263169-00263387 are pale simply from being in the dark jmytw5LNxay-00876-00263388-00263789 are termed etiolated albino redwoods are jmytw5LNxay-00877-00263790-00264041 rare examples of an albino tree with jmytw5LNxay-00878-00264042-00264224 white needles despite its lack of jmytw5LNxay-00879-00264225-00264479 chlorophyll it may grow to substantial jmytw5LNxay-00880-00264480-00264737 size as a parasite usually on the base jmytw5LNxay-00881-00264738-00264986 of the normal redwood tree from which it jmytw5LNxay-00882-00264987-00265349 first grew only about 60 examples of jmytw5LNxay-00883-00265350-00265649 albino redwoods are known additionally jmytw5LNxay-00884-00265650-00265927 an even smaller number of chimeric jmytw5LNxay-00885-00265928-00266219 redwood trees have both normal and white jmytw5LNxay-00886-00266220-00266603 needles albinism has frequently occurred jmytw5LNxay-00887-00266604-00266876 in progeny of black Tartarian being and jmytw5LNxay-00888-00266877-00267059 Hetal thing and varieties of sweet jmytw5LNxay-00889-00267060-00267650 cherry jmytw5LNxay-00890-00267651-00268251 topic in human culture jmytw5LNxay-00891-00268252-00268506 the albino squirrel Preservation Society jmytw5LNxay-00892-00268507-00268809 was founded at the University of Texas jmytw5LNxay-00893-00268810-00269220 at Austin in 2001 members of the Society jmytw5LNxay-00894-00269221-00269396 at the University of North Texas jmytw5LNxay-00895-00269397-00269643 petitioned for an election to name their jmytw5LNxay-00896-00269644-00269868 albino squirrel as the university's jmytw5LNxay-00897-00269869-00270192 secondary mascot the University of jmytw5LNxay-00898-00270193-00270410 Louisville in Kentucky also has a jmytw5LNxay-00899-00270411-00270639 documented population of albino jmytw5LNxay-00900-00270640-00270933 squirrels albino animals are often kept jmytw5LNxay-00901-00270934-00271005 as pets jmytw5LNxay-00902-00271006-00271269 for example African clawed frog guinea jmytw5LNxay-00903-00271270-00271928 pigs and peacocks jmytw5LNxay-00904-00271929-00272498 topic see also jmytw5LNxay-00905-00272499-00272998 albinism in humans albinism in chickens jmytw5LNxay-00906-00272999-00273556 albino and white squirrels a melanism jmytw5LNxay-00907-00273557-00273901 chromia arisen unusually red jmytw5LNxay-00908-00273902-00274449 pigmentation Isabelle anism leucism jmytw5LNxay-00909-00274450-00274892 melanism piebald ISM patchy alternating jmytw5LNxay-00910-00274893-00275114 loss of in concentrations of dermal jmytw5LNxay-00911-00275115-00275476 pigmentation xantho chromosome and as an jmytw5LNxay-00912-00275477-00275755 thism unusually yellow pigmentation and jmytw5LNxay-00913-00275756-00276172 lack of yellow pigment respectively jn7nO-YNTBy-00000-00014456-00014663 you koqJdyI5Cc4-00000-00000204-00000886 [Music] koqJdyI5Cc4-00001-00000886-00001355 [Applause] koqJdyI5Cc4-00002-00001356-00004143 [Music] koqJdyI5Cc4-00003-00004144-00004392 bye k1OnZd0WvSE-00000-00000035-00000401 down here k1OnZd0WvSE-00001-00000401-00000719 drain for the washer k1OnZd0WvSE-00002-00000720-00000881 it's more storage for the washer and k1OnZd0WvSE-00003-00000882-00001073 dryer k1OnZd0WvSE-00004-00001074-00001366 he can opt to get more storage here but k1OnZd0WvSE-00005-00001367-00001745 I has enough storage plus we go riding k1OnZd0WvSE-00006-00001746-00001913 and stuff so k1OnZd0WvSE-00007-00001914-00002068 it's nice to have washer and dryer to k1OnZd0WvSE-00008-00002069-00002195 wash your clothes so you don't have to k1OnZd0WvSE-00009-00002196-00002579 bring tons of clothes k1OnZd0WvSE-00010-00002580-00003023 this side k1OnZd0WvSE-00011-00003024-00003142 here's me k1OnZd0WvSE-00012-00003143-00003419 you're probably uh I don't know two or k1OnZd0WvSE-00013-00003420-00003695 three feet back there so as a top and a k1OnZd0WvSE-00014-00003696-00004001 bottom k1OnZd0WvSE-00015-00004002-00004229 then it would have been nice in here for k1OnZd0WvSE-00016-00004230-00004522 it to be lit up k1OnZd0WvSE-00017-00004523-00004606 um k1OnZd0WvSE-00018-00004607-00004895 that's okay though k1OnZd0WvSE-00019-00004896-00005327 it's got a pantry storage k1OnZd0WvSE-00020-00005328-00005518 but what's very nice Renegade is that k1OnZd0WvSE-00021-00005519-00005681 they didn't put these drawers up there k1OnZd0WvSE-00022-00005682-00006185 because you can't really reach anything k1OnZd0WvSE-00023-00006186-00006436 so yeah good place to put the cereal or k1OnZd0WvSE-00024-00006437-00006598 something k1OnZd0WvSE-00025-00006600-00006856 and the Campbell Soup k1OnZd0WvSE-00026-00006858-00007091 so here's your first pocket door I want k1OnZd0WvSE-00027-00007092-00007895 to point that out k1OnZd0WvSE-00028-00007895-00008296 always nice here's a rear vent k1OnZd0WvSE-00029-00008297-00008824 padded walls all throughout this coach k1OnZd0WvSE-00030-00008825-00009041 Outlets Galore I mean Outlets are k1OnZd0WvSE-00031-00009042-00009160 everywhere you don't have to worry about k1OnZd0WvSE-00032-00009161-00009335 plugging in your phone so here's the k1OnZd0WvSE-00033-00009336-00009485 bunks k1OnZd0WvSE-00034-00009486-00009749 um on a powershade Model you'd have k1OnZd0WvSE-00035-00009750-00009964 another switch somewhere over here k1OnZd0WvSE-00036-00009965-00010163 uh where you put down your shade but k1OnZd0WvSE-00037-00010164-00010546 it's as easy as going like this k1OnZd0WvSE-00038-00010547-00010960 you can't do that you got issues k1OnZd0WvSE-00039-00010961-00011303 top and bottom two one light up there no k1OnZd0WvSE-00040-00011304-00011531 no pretty nice deal you got three k1OnZd0WvSE-00041-00011532-00011735 cabinets down here k1OnZd0WvSE-00042-00011736-00012256 very deep too k1OnZd0WvSE-00043-00012257-00012533 got to do a nice smear here I just want k1OnZd0WvSE-00044-00012534-00013013 to point out tons of storage k1OnZd0WvSE-00045-00013013-00013205 hold on one second k1OnZd0WvSE-00046-00013206-00013294 okay k1OnZd0WvSE-00047-00013295-00013666 yeah Mom k1OnZd0WvSE-00048-00013668-00014027 okay k1OnZd0WvSE-00049-00014028-00014249 got it k1OnZd0WvSE-00050-00014250-00015047 I'm in here in the RV k1OnZd0WvSE-00051-00015047-00015269 okay see ya k1OnZd0WvSE-00052-00015269-00015677 drive safe k1OnZd0WvSE-00053-00015678-00015988 sorry about that guys k1OnZd0WvSE-00054-00015990-00016169 it's uh mom and dad k1OnZd0WvSE-00055-00016169-00016427 yeah k1OnZd0WvSE-00056-00016428-00016703 let's see k1OnZd0WvSE-00057-00016704-00017075 oh yeah also do your slides on this k1OnZd0WvSE-00058-00017076-00017225 nice k1OnZd0WvSE-00059-00017226-00017303 um k1OnZd0WvSE-00060-00017304-00017591 front master k1OnZd0WvSE-00061-00017592-00017825 so that's kind of cool in the rear k1OnZd0WvSE-00062-00017826-00018221 master k1OnZd0WvSE-00063-00018222-00018563 pretty nice k1OnZd0WvSE-00064-00018564-00018833 little window right here and uh k1OnZd0WvSE-00065-00018834-00019289 full bath so this is a full bath k1OnZd0WvSE-00066-00019290-00019553 got a big shower so we had a 2023 k1OnZd0WvSE-00067-00019554-00019750 Renegade Explorer k1OnZd0WvSE-00068-00019751-00019930 same uh k1OnZd0WvSE-00069-00019931-00020189 this is the same size showers in the k1OnZd0WvSE-00070-00020190-00020435 Explorer k1OnZd0WvSE-00071-00020436-00020758 different toilet in these one big design k1OnZd0WvSE-00072-00020759-00020975 flaw though if you keep this toilet seat k1OnZd0WvSE-00073-00020976-00021785 up right here k1OnZd0WvSE-00074-00021786-00022228 tons of storage k1OnZd0WvSE-00075-00022229-00022493 down there for trash can or something k1OnZd0WvSE-00076-00022494-00022869 foreign k1OnZd0WvSE-00077-00022870-00023527 [Music] k1OnZd0WvSE-00078-00023528-00023957 shade model your day Shades uh will k1OnZd0WvSE-00079-00023958-00024161 still be manual so k1OnZd0WvSE-00080-00024162-00024322 it's another thing k1OnZd0WvSE-00081-00024323-00024989 step in the shower real quick k1OnZd0WvSE-00082-00024990-00025600 here I am five seven and a half k1OnZd0WvSE-00083-00025601-00025793 so not too bad in here k1OnZd0WvSE-00084-00025794-00025906 um k1OnZd0WvSE-00085-00025907-00026423 that's where the ceiling is k1OnZd0WvSE-00086-00026424-00026795 so yeah I could I take good shower on in k1OnZd0WvSE-00087-00026795-00026974 here yep k1OnZd0WvSE-00088-00026975-00027455 so not too shabby k1OnZd0WvSE-00089-00027456-00027893 now dad who's 511 and uh k1OnZd0WvSE-00090-00027894-00028007 yeah k1OnZd0WvSE-00091-00028008-00028217 it's time for him to take a shower in k1OnZd0WvSE-00092-00028218-00028390 that shower k1OnZd0WvSE-00093-00028391-00028618 so that was one major downfall of our k1OnZd0WvSE-00094-00028619-00028745 Explorer k1OnZd0WvSE-00095-00028745-00029152 but our explorer was a 45 Erb or not a k1OnZd0WvSE-00096-00029154-00029470 4540 Erb and k1OnZd0WvSE-00097-00029472-00029729 oh k1OnZd0WvSE-00098-00029730-00029902 and k1OnZd0WvSE-00099-00029904-00030107 I don't know that was just really the k1OnZd0WvSE-00100-00030108-00030262 only downside we loved our Explorer k1OnZd0WvSE-00101-00030263-00030370 though k1OnZd0WvSE-00102-00030372-00031355 so right here some more pocket doors k1OnZd0WvSE-00103-00031356-00031505 so k1OnZd0WvSE-00104-00031506-00032393 it's your second pair of pocket doors k1OnZd0WvSE-00105-00032394-00032508 oh k1OnZd0WvSE-00106-00032510-00033029 cars here guys but you know it works k1OnZd0WvSE-00107-00033030-00033779 foreign k1OnZd0WvSE-00108-00033780-00033965 okay k1OnZd0WvSE-00109-00033966-00034367 so that's our mid area k1OnZd0WvSE-00110-00034368-00034709 also there's two events for the AC k1OnZd0WvSE-00111-00034710-00035051 um just how do I print that out k1OnZd0WvSE-00112-00035052-00035201 we're a fan k1OnZd0WvSE-00113-00035202-00035381 AC right there k1OnZd0WvSE-00114-00035382-00035543 um k1OnZd0WvSE-00115-00035544-00035795 let's see 43 inch television in the k1OnZd0WvSE-00116-00035796-00036035 bedroom k1OnZd0WvSE-00117-00036036-00036389 massive pass-through Closet in here oh k1OnZd0WvSE-00118-00036390-00036611 there is a light right there k1OnZd0WvSE-00119-00036612-00036761 it's nice k1OnZd0WvSE-00120-00036762-00037061 full touch if you do open these there is k1OnZd0WvSE-00121-00037062-00037229 no light k1OnZd0WvSE-00122-00037230-00037457 but light here too so k1OnZd0WvSE-00123-00037458-00037649 kind of a nice stretch you know put a k1OnZd0WvSE-00124-00037650-00037840 dead body in here or something just k1OnZd0WvSE-00125-00037841-00038015 kidding k1OnZd0WvSE-00126-00038016-00038452 all my Cedar lined wood k1OnZd0WvSE-00127-00038453-00038801 smells great k1OnZd0WvSE-00128-00038802-00039161 tons of storage you know shoes for you k1OnZd0WvSE-00129-00039162-00039467 girls k1OnZd0WvSE-00130-00039468-00039749 more storage k1OnZd0WvSE-00131-00039750-00040289 so yeah k1OnZd0WvSE-00132-00040290-00040649 and then here's your Blu-ray player and k1OnZd0WvSE-00133-00040650-00041021 hook up for uh satellite TV this has a k1OnZd0WvSE-00134-00041022-00041368 wineguard internet and wineguard uh k1OnZd0WvSE-00135-00041369-00041633 HD satellite system on k1OnZd0WvSE-00136-00041634-00041807 yeah k1OnZd0WvSE-00137-00041808-00042005 so this is not a king size and it's not k1OnZd0WvSE-00138-00042006-00042167 a Sleep Number bed k1OnZd0WvSE-00139-00042168-00042359 if you don't have Sleep Number bed I k1OnZd0WvSE-00140-00042360-00042502 don't know what the Sleep Numbers are k1OnZd0WvSE-00141-00042503-00042659 like but if you do not have a Sleep k1OnZd0WvSE-00142-00042660-00042779 Number bed k1OnZd0WvSE-00143-00042780-00043001 just put a cushion one of those little k1OnZd0WvSE-00144-00043002-00043174 one inch uh k1OnZd0WvSE-00145-00043175-00043540 mattress toppers memory foam k1OnZd0WvSE-00146-00043541-00043762 I mean k1OnZd0WvSE-00147-00043763-00044351 looks great so k1OnZd0WvSE-00148-00044352-00044608 more storage there k1OnZd0WvSE-00149-00044609-00044764 tons of storage k1OnZd0WvSE-00150-00044765-00044902 [Music] k1OnZd0WvSE-00151-00044903-00045112 but you would be surprised how quickly k1OnZd0WvSE-00152-00045113-00045293 you can fill up the storage k1OnZd0WvSE-00153-00045294-00046043 this is your third and final pocket door k1OnZd0WvSE-00154-00046044-00046390 what's up lots and lots of doors and k1OnZd0WvSE-00155-00046391-00046727 privacy k1OnZd0WvSE-00156-00046728-00047027 but this is also a last bath k1OnZd0WvSE-00157-00047028-00047471 so k1OnZd0WvSE-00158-00047472-00047911 more storage storage k1OnZd0WvSE-00159-00047912-00048215 I don't like this part I do not like k1OnZd0WvSE-00160-00048216-00048299 that k1OnZd0WvSE-00161-00048300-00048407 um k1OnZd0WvSE-00162-00048408-00048568 they could have mounted it somewhere k1OnZd0WvSE-00163-00048569-00048785 else maybe here but you know I'm not k1OnZd0WvSE-00164-00048786-00048917 sure k1OnZd0WvSE-00165-00048918-00049102 yeah right there would have worked k1OnZd0WvSE-00166-00049103-00049289 that would have been a little better but k1OnZd0WvSE-00167-00049290-00049577 yeah that's not too bad except to reach k1OnZd0WvSE-00168-00049578-00050105 your toilet paper k1OnZd0WvSE-00169-00050106-00050339 storage k1OnZd0WvSE-00170-00050340-00050812 usable guys k1OnZd0WvSE-00171-00050813-00050940 yeah k1OnZd0WvSE-00172-00050941-00051304 all right here's the master shower k1OnZd0WvSE-00173-00051305-00051796 big shower you can have a party so yeah k1OnZd0WvSE-00174-00051797-00052007 you can me and my dad can both fit in k1OnZd0WvSE-00175-00052008-00052120 here k1OnZd0WvSE-00176-00052121-00052342 not take a shower but k1OnZd0WvSE-00177-00052344-00052691 we can both sit in here comfortably so k1OnZd0WvSE-00178-00052691-00053199 great for taking shower though k1OnZd0WvSE-00179-00053200-00053453 [Music] k1OnZd0WvSE-00180-00053454-00053650 I think it does have an upgraded pump k1OnZd0WvSE-00181-00053651-00053825 guys k1OnZd0WvSE-00182-00053826-00054076 um no one really ever says that but I k1OnZd0WvSE-00183-00054077-00054221 think it does because the pump doesn't k1OnZd0WvSE-00184-00054222-00054371 act like it's working real hard when the k1OnZd0WvSE-00185-00054372-00054635 shower's on our Explorer it was working k1OnZd0WvSE-00186-00054636-00054971 hard k1OnZd0WvSE-00187-00054972-00055132 I think that's to accommodate for both k1OnZd0WvSE-00188-00055133-00055426 showers k1OnZd0WvSE-00189-00055427-00055685 anyways k1OnZd0WvSE-00190-00055686-00056309 very nice rig k1OnZd0WvSE-00191-00056310-00056482 I don't think I missed anything k1OnZd0WvSE-00192-00056483-00056800 if I did though guys uh please like And k1OnZd0WvSE-00193-00056801-00057023 subscribe comment down below if I missed k1OnZd0WvSE-00194-00057024-00057238 anything or if you need me to do k1OnZd0WvSE-00195-00057239-00057497 anything else but thank you for watching k1OnZd0WvSE-00196-00057498-00057761 guys uh please like And subscribe I'm k1OnZd0WvSE-00197-00057762-00057971 not gonna put a thumbnail in this video k1OnZd0WvSE-00198-00057972-00058313 I may thank you guys have a great day k1OnZd0WvSE-00199-00058314-00058555 Logan k5VjX2r3B7E-00000-00000668-00000886 in this lesson you're going to learn how k5VjX2r3B7E-00001-00000888-00001012 to change the settings on your video k5VjX2r3B7E-00002-00001013-00001178 transmitter now you should be able to do k5VjX2r3B7E-00003-00001179-00001333 it while the top fit is on but for k5VjX2r3B7E-00004-00001334-00001493 demonstration purposes I'm going to k5VjX2r3B7E-00005-00001494-00001702 unscrew this so we can clearly see what k5VjX2r3B7E-00006-00001703-00002630 we're working with alright now that k5VjX2r3B7E-00007-00002631-00002968 we've got those out let's remove the top k5VjX2r3B7E-00008-00002969-00003395 light come up and you'll probably need k5VjX2r3B7E-00009-00003396-00003749 to take off one of these tubes just to k5VjX2r3B7E-00010-00003750-00004036 have access there's that little cable k5VjX2r3B7E-00011-00004037-00004463 back through the end there we go and now k5VjX2r3B7E-00012-00004464-00005060 I have access to our video transmitter k5VjX2r3B7E-00013-00005061-00005329 this is the selection button and this is k5VjX2r3B7E-00014-00005330-00005642 the indicator lights I'm going to plug k5VjX2r3B7E-00015-00005643-00005822 in the battery and you're gonna see how k5VjX2r3B7E-00016-00005823-00006445 they light up by the way those tones you k5VjX2r3B7E-00017-00006447-00006608 hear are coming from the es es and those k5VjX2r3B7E-00018-00006609-00006833 are diagnostic tones we can try to talk k5VjX2r3B7E-00019-00006834-00006914 about those later k5VjX2r3B7E-00020-00006915-00007118 I've dimmed the lights so you can better k5VjX2r3B7E-00021-00007119-00007313 see the blinking indicator notice that k5VjX2r3B7E-00022-00007314-00007556 dot is blinking alternately on and off k5VjX2r3B7E-00023-00007556-00007808 with the number alternately I'm going to k5VjX2r3B7E-00024-00007809-00008003 explain that better in a moment over k5VjX2r3B7E-00025-00008004-00008144 here is the selection button and I'm k5VjX2r3B7E-00026-00008145-00008288 going to press and hold that for two k5VjX2r3B7E-00027-00008289-00008702 seconds notice now the number is a solid k5VjX2r3B7E-00028-00008703-00008935 floor we have eight channels to choose k5VjX2r3B7E-00029-00008936-00009137 for we're on four which again is the k5VjX2r3B7E-00030-00009138-00009457 default and we can cycle back to eight k5VjX2r3B7E-00031-00009458-00010066 back to one two three four five six k5VjX2r3B7E-00032-00010067-00010376 seven eight and if I want to channel one k5VjX2r3B7E-00033-00010377-00010745 now I'm on channel one press and hold k5VjX2r3B7E-00034-00010746-00011060 the button again for two seconds this is k5VjX2r3B7E-00035-00011061-00011293 my frequency high of five frequencies k5VjX2r3B7E-00036-00011294-00011941 five one two three four and five I'm k5VjX2r3B7E-00037-00011942-00012185 going to go back the frequency for which k5VjX2r3B7E-00038-00012186-00012446 is the fat shark frequency because k5VjX2r3B7E-00039-00012447-00012635 that's what all my goggles are set for k5VjX2r3B7E-00040-00012636-00012835 I'm going to press this again for two k5VjX2r3B7E-00041-00012836-00012963 seconds k5VjX2r3B7E-00042-00012964-00013277 now I'm at my power settings one is the k5VjX2r3B7E-00043-00013278-00013516 lowest setting which is 25 millivolts k5VjX2r3B7E-00044-00013518-00013708 and that's good for clothes and flying k5VjX2r3B7E-00045-00013709-00013838 where you are going to be physically k5VjX2r3B7E-00046-00013838-00014044 standing close to the quadcopter if k5VjX2r3B7E-00047-00014045-00014255 you're in a crowded race where there's a k5VjX2r3B7E-00048-00014256-00014594 lot of pilots more pilots can fly at 25 k5VjX2r3B7E-00049-00014594-00014753 milliwatts then they can't at the next k5VjX2r3B7E-00050-00014754-00014960 higher power hold the button again k5VjX2r3B7E-00051-00014961-00015163 quickly k5VjX2r3B7E-00052-00015165-00015436 now I'm at setting two which is 200 k5VjX2r3B7E-00053-00015437-00015613 millivolts this is what I call the k5VjX2r3B7E-00054-00015615-00015869 general purpose power setting and this k5VjX2r3B7E-00055-00015869-00016115 is for general flying in a clear field k5VjX2r3B7E-00056-00016116-00016375 or even race flying where you have a set k5VjX2r3B7E-00057-00016376-00016732 number of pilots now the next setting is k5VjX2r3B7E-00058-00016733-00017080 3 that's 600 milliwatts that's mostly k5VjX2r3B7E-00059-00017081-00017288 for freestyle flying where you gonna be k5VjX2r3B7E-00060-00017289-00017486 flying behind trees and perhaps behind k5VjX2r3B7E-00061-00017487-00017567 walls k5VjX2r3B7E-00062-00017568-00017797 you need more video output power to k5VjX2r3B7E-00063-00017798-00018028 punch through obstacles generally you k5VjX2r3B7E-00064-00018029-00018269 don't really need to be on 600 because k5VjX2r3B7E-00065-00018270-00018497 if you were flying at 600 and someone k5VjX2r3B7E-00066-00018498-00018737 else was flying at 25 milliwatts or 200 k5VjX2r3B7E-00067-00018738-00018919 milliwatts you could stomp on their k5VjX2r3B7E-00068-00018920-00019127 video signal line them and cause them to k5VjX2r3B7E-00069-00019128-00019497 crash so generally I would cycle back to k5VjX2r3B7E-00070-00019498-00019878 2 and leave that at 200 milliwatts k5VjX2r3B7E-00071-00019879-00020111 pressing and holding the button again k5VjX2r3B7E-00072-00020112-00020471 for a third time bring this back to call k5VjX2r3B7E-00073-00020472-00020899 today 1 & 4 so the 1 tells me I am on k5VjX2r3B7E-00074-00020900-00021244 channel 1 and the docked for means I am k5VjX2r3B7E-00075-00021245-00021542 on frequency for it doesn't show you the k5VjX2r3B7E-00076-00021543-00021775 power setting I'm going to go back to k5VjX2r3B7E-00077-00021776-00021992 the default setting again press and hold k5VjX2r3B7E-00078-00021993-00022291 the button for 2 seconds press that back k5VjX2r3B7E-00079-00022292-00022871 to 4 press it again and hold Fatshark 4 k5VjX2r3B7E-00080-00022872-00023249 with the dot press it again and hold 200 k5VjX2r3B7E-00081-00023250-00023430 milliwatts like that k5VjX2r3B7E-00082-00023431-00023774 press and hold again and we're back to k5VjX2r3B7E-00083-00023775-00024194 flashing 4 and 4 dot which is perfect k5VjX2r3B7E-00084-00024195-00024322 the band is Fatshark k5VjX2r3B7E-00085-00024323-00024644 the frequency and or if you like band is k5VjX2r3B7E-00086-00024645-00024925 Fatshark and the channel setting is 4 k5VjX2r3B7E-00087-00024926-00025387 which is 5,800 and with that we're ready k5VjX2r3B7E-00088-00025388-00025708 to button this back up k7HKo5-LQho-00000-00000003-00000323 welcome to headline news 24/7 please k7HKo5-LQho-00001-00000324-00000711 click like and subscribe k7HKo5-LQho-00002-00000712-00001008 Trump overrules Diane Feinstein answered k7HKo5-LQho-00003-00001009-00001278 judicial reign of terror President Trump k7HKo5-LQho-00004-00001279-00001419 is following through on his pledge to k7HKo5-LQho-00005-00001420-00001695 remake the federal judiciary he has been k7HKo5-LQho-00006-00001696-00001887 wildly successful while facing stiff k7HKo5-LQho-00007-00001888-00002133 resistance from the Democrats they have k7HKo5-LQho-00008-00002134-00002327 used many parliamentary tricks to delay k7HKo5-LQho-00009-00002328-00002502 and even block some of trumps judges k7HKo5-LQho-00010-00002503-00002781 including the blue slip process that k7HKo5-LQho-00011-00002782-00002993 process allows home state senators to k7HKo5-LQho-00012-00002994-00003141 block judges and has given Dianne k7HKo5-LQho-00013-00003142-00003345 Feinstein outsized influence over the k7HKo5-LQho-00014-00003346-00003684 picks but that is all over now from Fox k7HKo5-LQho-00015-00003685-00003903 News the Senate is poised this week to k7HKo5-LQho-00016-00003904-00004083 consider two more conservative nominees k7HKo5-LQho-00017-00004084-00004266 selected by President Trump to sit on k7HKo5-LQho-00018-00004267-00004431 the left-leaning 9th Circuit Court of k7HKo5-LQho-00019-00004432-00004626 Appeals and the top Democrat on the k7HKo5-LQho-00020-00004627-00004824 Judiciary Committee isn't happy about it k7HKo5-LQho-00021-00004825-00005112 that's because the nominees Ken Lee and k7HKo5-LQho-00022-00005113-00005295 Dan Collins were picked without any k7HKo5-LQho-00023-00005296-00005495 input from either Dianne Feinstein or k7HKo5-LQho-00024-00005496-00005711 Kamala Harris California's two Democrat k7HKo5-LQho-00025-00005712-00005958 senators traditionally the white house k7HKo5-LQho-00026-00005959-00006192 seeks to obtain a so-called blue slip or k7HKo5-LQho-00027-00006193-00006417 approval from a judicial nominees to k7HKo5-LQho-00028-00006418-00006615 home state senators before pressing on k7HKo5-LQho-00029-00006616-00006845 with their nominations but the Trump k7HKo5-LQho-00030-00006847-00007023 administration which has successfully k7HKo5-LQho-00031-00007023-00007254 nominated several conservative judges to k7HKo5-LQho-00032-00007255-00007458 the Ninth Circuit already has pointedly k7HKo5-LQho-00033-00007459-00007665 disregarded that process as it continues k7HKo5-LQho-00034-00007666-00007841 its push to transform the appellate k7HKo5-LQho-00035-00007842-00008016 court that the president repeatedly has k7HKo5-LQho-00036-00008017-00008199 derided as hopelessly biased and k7HKo5-LQho-00037-00008200-00008412 disgraceful I take it that without k7HKo5-LQho-00038-00008413-00008619 notice or discussion the blue slip is k7HKo5-LQho-00039-00008620-00008871 essentially dead fine Steen the ranking k7HKo5-LQho-00040-00008872-00009030 member on the Senate Judiciary Committee k7HKo5-LQho-00041-00009031-00009285 said in televised remarks on Thursday k7HKo5-LQho-00042-00009286-00009530 this change in practice not only harms k7HKo5-LQho-00043-00009531-00009687 the Senate it harms the federal k7HKo5-LQho-00044-00009688-00009924 judiciary and I wish we could have had k7HKo5-LQho-00045-00009925-00010137 an opportunity to discuss it I really k7HKo5-LQho-00046-00010138-00010251 believe it's a mistake k7HKo5-LQho-00047-00010252-00010530 fine Steen went on before President k7HKo5-LQho-00048-00010531-00010730 Trump took office the blue slip had been k7HKo5-LQho-00049-00010731-00010902 a Senate practice for nearly one century k7HKo5-LQho-00050-00010903-00011210 and during the past 100 years before k7HKo5-LQho-00051-00011211-00011408 this presidency the Senate confirmed k7HKo5-LQho-00052-00011409-00011624 only five judges with only one blue slip k7HKo5-LQho-00053-00011625-00011966 and the last one was in 1989 and in 100 k7HKo5-LQho-00054-00011967-00012126 years the Senate had never confirmed a k7HKo5-LQho-00055-00012127-00012380 judge without two blue slips but since k7HKo5-LQho-00056-00012381-00012599 President Trump took office fines teen k7HKo5-LQho-00057-00012600-00012797 charged Republicans have held hearings k7HKo5-LQho-00058-00012798-00013010 for 12 Circuit Court nominees and voted k7HKo5-LQho-00059-00013011-00013283 to confirm 7-7 over the objection of k7HKo5-LQho-00060-00013284-00013511 home state Democrats among those k7HKo5-LQho-00061-00013512-00013688 nominees was Seattle attorney Eric k7HKo5-LQho-00062-00013690-00013863 Miller who was confirmed to the Ninth k7HKo5-LQho-00063-00013863-00014066 Circuit in February by a vote of 50 k7HKo5-LQho-00064-00014068-00014328 three to 46 progressives fiercely k7HKo5-LQho-00065-00014329-00014502 attacked Miller as a corporate lawyer in k7HKo5-LQho-00066-00014503-00014703 Federalist Society member whose career k7HKo5-LQho-00067-00014704-00014874 supposedly had been hostile to Native k7HKo5-LQho-00068-00014875-00015147 American rights Feinstein continued k7HKo5-LQho-00069-00015147-00015308 there is no justification for k7HKo5-LQho-00070-00015309-00015505 disregarding Democratic blue slips k7HKo5-LQho-00071-00015506-00015702 Democratic senators have made and k7HKo5-LQho-00072-00015703-00015884 continue to make good-faith efforts to k7HKo5-LQho-00073-00015885-00016064 find consensus picks for the circuit k7HKo5-LQho-00074-00016065-00016295 courts as Senator Harris and I have made k7HKo5-LQho-00075-00016296-00016491 clear we've been willing to work from k7HKo5-LQho-00076-00016492-00016655 the start with this president to choose k7HKo5-LQho-00077-00016656-00016875 consensus mainstream nominees to the k7HKo5-LQho-00078-00016876-00017139 Ninth Circuit Feinstein added one of the k7HKo5-LQho-00079-00017140-00017312 things I've learned is what goes around k7HKo5-LQho-00080-00017313-00017589 comes around I had hoped that we would k7HKo5-LQho-00081-00017590-00017721 be able to work in a very cooperative k7HKo5-LQho-00082-00017722-00018059 way in January Feinstein and Harris k7HKo5-LQho-00083-00018060-00018206 lashed out at the White House with a k7HKo5-LQho-00084-00018207-00018380 similar statement we are deeply k7HKo5-LQho-00085-00018381-00018542 disappointed that the White House has k7HKo5-LQho-00086-00018543-00018708 chosen to read AMA Nate Daniel Collins k7HKo5-LQho-00087-00018709-00018924 and Kenneth Lee to the Ninth Circuit we k7HKo5-LQho-00088-00018925-00019064 made clear our opposition to these k7HKo5-LQho-00089-00019065-00019253 individuals and told the White House we k7HKo5-LQho-00090-00019254-00019400 wanted to work together to come to k7HKo5-LQho-00091-00019401-00019783 consensus on a new package of nominees k7HKo5-LQho-00092-00019784-00020002 that was the news we thought you might k7HKo5-LQho-00093-00020003-00020163 be interested in knowing about this k7HKo5-LQho-00094-00020164-00020580 please click like and subscribe thank k7HKo5-LQho-00095-00020581-00020809 you k7XlOAvP0Ny-00000-00000051-00000291 breakfast is typically the first meal of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00001-00000292-00000357 a day k7XlOAvP0Ny-00002-00000358-00000578 the word in English refers to breaking k7XlOAvP0Ny-00003-00000579-00000755 the fasting period of the prior night k7XlOAvP0Ny-00004-00000756-00001029 there is a strong tendency for one or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00005-00001030-00001419 more typical or traditional breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00006-00001420-00001647 menus to exist in most places but the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00007-00001648-00001845 composition of this varies widely from k7XlOAvP0Ny-00008-00001846-00002037 place to place and has varied over time k7XlOAvP0Ny-00009-00002038-00002267 so that globally a very wide range of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00010-00002268-00002441 preparations and ingredients are now k7XlOAvP0Ny-00011-00002442-00003087 associated with breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00012-00003088-00003590 topic history k7XlOAvP0Ny-00013-00003590-00003821 the old English word for dinner dinner k7XlOAvP0Ny-00014-00003822-00004054 means to break a fast and was the first k7XlOAvP0Ny-00015-00004056-00004244 meal even in the day until its meaning k7XlOAvP0Ny-00016-00004245-00004529 shifted in the mid 13th century it was k7XlOAvP0Ny-00017-00004530-00004700 not until the 15th century that k7XlOAvP0Ny-00018-00004701-00004883 breakfast came into use in written k7XlOAvP0Ny-00019-00004884-00005096 English to describe a morning meal which k7XlOAvP0Ny-00020-00005097-00005267 literally means to break the fasting k7XlOAvP0Ny-00021-00005268-00005477 period of the prior night in Old English k7XlOAvP0Ny-00022-00005478-00005681 the term was morgan meat meaning morning k7XlOAvP0Ny-00023-00005682-00006215 meal k7XlOAvP0Ny-00024-00006216-00006758 topic effect on health k7XlOAvP0Ny-00025-00006759-00006983 while breakfast is commonly referred to k7XlOAvP0Ny-00026-00006984-00007267 as the most important meal of the day k7XlOAvP0Ny-00027-00007268-00007559 some epidemiological research indicates k7XlOAvP0Ny-00028-00007559-00007738 that having breakfast high and rapidly k7XlOAvP0Ny-00029-00007739-00007960 available carbohydrates increases the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00030-00007961-00008221 risk of metabolic syndrome present k7XlOAvP0Ny-00031-00008222-00008435 professional opinion is largely in favor k7XlOAvP0Ny-00032-00008436-00008630 of eating breakfast but some can test k7XlOAvP0Ny-00033-00008631-00008866 the positive implications of its most k7XlOAvP0Ny-00034-00008867-00009152 important status the influence of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00035-00009153-00009344 breakfast on managing body weight is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00036-00009345-00009870 unclear k7XlOAvP0Ny-00037-00009871-00010383 topic Africa k7XlOAvP0Ny-00038-00010384-00010646 breakfast in Africa varies greatly from k7XlOAvP0Ny-00039-00010647-00011173 region to region k7XlOAvP0Ny-00040-00011174-00011644 topic Egypt k7XlOAvP0Ny-00041-00011645-00011869 most Egyptians begin the day with a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00042-00011870-00012114 light breakfast ful medames dish of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00043-00012115-00012331 cooked fava beans one of Egypt's several k7XlOAvP0Ny-00044-00012332-00012595 national dishes is typical it is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00045-00012596-00012787 seasoned with salt and cumin garnished k7XlOAvP0Ny-00046-00012788-00012985 with vegetable oil and optionally with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00047-00012986-00013210 tahini chopped parsley chopped tomato k7XlOAvP0Ny-00048-00013211-00013486 garlic onion lemon juice chili pepper k7XlOAvP0Ny-00049-00013487-00013675 and often served topped with a boiled k7XlOAvP0Ny-00050-00013676-00013930 egg it is scooped up and eaten with the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00051-00013931-00014137 staple whole-wheat pita bread called H k7XlOAvP0Ny-00052-00014138-00014380 Mussoorie or H baladi Egyptian Arabic k7XlOAvP0Ny-00053-00014381-00014662 Ishi modern Standard Arabic eyes and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00054-00014663-00014929 usually accompanied by Tom ayah Egyptian k7XlOAvP0Ny-00055-00014930-00015100 Arabic teammate which is the local k7XlOAvP0Ny-00056-00015101-00015325 variant of falafel made with fava beans k7XlOAvP0Ny-00057-00015326-00015547 fresh cut homemade french fries and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00058-00015547-00015736 various fresh or pickled vegetables k7XlOAvP0Ny-00059-00015737-00016027 called tor she several kinds of cheeses k7XlOAvP0Ny-00060-00016028-00016275 are popular including Jeb Nevada or doe k7XlOAvP0Ny-00061-00016276-00016525 meiotic cheese Jeb Narumi Roman cheese k7XlOAvP0Ny-00062-00016526-00016759 which is similar to pecorino romano or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00063-00016760-00017002 manchego an Istanbul each eats a brined k7XlOAvP0Ny-00064-00017003-00017178 white cheese with peppers added to the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00065-00017179-00017458 brine which makes it spicy fried eggs k7XlOAvP0Ny-00066-00017459-00017632 with piste Irma's is also common k7XlOAvP0Ny-00067-00017633-00018213 breakfast foods in Egypt k7XlOAvP0Ny-00068-00018214-00018834 topic morocco for breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00069-00018835-00019101 many Moroccans eat bread Harsha semolina k7XlOAvP0Ny-00070-00019102-00019368 griddle cakes or M semen oiled pancakes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00071-00019369-00019605 with olive oil tea and different kinds k7XlOAvP0Ny-00072-00019606-00020180 of Moroccan crepes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00073-00020181-00020688 topic Nigeria k7XlOAvP0Ny-00074-00020689-00021025 Nigeria has over 250 different ethnic k7XlOAvP0Ny-00075-00021026-00021223 groups with a corresponding variety of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00076-00021224-00021484 cuisines for the house of northern k7XlOAvP0Ny-00077-00021485-00021727 Nigeria a typical breakfast consists of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00078-00021728-00021952 cosig cakes made from ground beans which k7XlOAvP0Ny-00079-00021953-00022174 are then fried or funky so wheat flour k7XlOAvP0Ny-00080-00022175-00022366 soaked for a day then fried and served k7XlOAvP0Ny-00081-00022367-00022447 with sugar k7XlOAvP0Ny-00082-00022448-00022669 both of these cakes can be served with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00083-00022670-00022960 porridge and sugar known as cocoa for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00084-00022961-00023221 the southwestern Yoruba people la Yoruba k7XlOAvP0Ny-00085-00023222-00023413 one of the most common breakfasts as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00086-00023414-00023692 Oggy a porridge made from corn usually k7XlOAvP0Ny-00087-00023693-00023950 served with evaporated milk o ghee is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00088-00023951-00024241 even with a courage a acara or muah-muah k7XlOAvP0Ny-00089-00024242-00024433 both are made from ground bean paste k7XlOAvP0Ny-00090-00024434-00024715 takara is fried in oil and wawas wrapped k7XlOAvP0Ny-00091-00024716-00024906 in leaves her foil and then steamed k7XlOAvP0Ny-00092-00024907-00025168 oogie can also be steamed in leaves to k7XlOAvP0Ny-00093-00025169-00025336 harden it and even with a cara or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00094-00025337-00025624 muah-muah for breakfast English tea or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00095-00025625-00025797 Malta is served as a breakfast drink k7XlOAvP0Ny-00096-00025798-00026056 another popular option in southwest k7XlOAvP0Ny-00097-00026057-00026271 Nigeria is gari which is eaten like a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00098-00026272-00026614 cereal gari known in brazil as farofa is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00099-00026614-00026854 made from the root of cassava for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00100-00026855-00027039 breakfast it is soaked in water and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00101-00027041-00027614 sweetened with sugar k7XlOAvP0Ny-00102-00027614-00028110 topic Senegal k7XlOAvP0Ny-00103-00028111-00028370 breakfast typically consists of cafe k7XlOAvP0Ny-00104-00028372-00028608 tuba spiced coffee with abundant sugar k7XlOAvP0Ny-00105-00028608-00028824 sometimes consumed with dried milk or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00106-00028825-00029133 king kaliba T small beignets and fresh k7XlOAvP0Ny-00107-00029133-00029361 fruit including mangos and bananas are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00108-00029362-00029574 often part of a simple breakfast and are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00109-00029575-00029751 accompanied by baguette with various k7XlOAvP0Ny-00110-00029752-00030011 spreads chakalaka a Nutella equivalent k7XlOAvP0Ny-00111-00030012-00030230 made from peanuts butter or processed k7XlOAvP0Ny-00112-00030231-00030787 mild cheese k7XlOAvP0Ny-00113-00030788-00031292 topic Somalia k7XlOAvP0Ny-00114-00031293-00031570 breakfast crack is an important meal for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00115-00031572-00031762 Somalis who often start the day with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00116-00031763-00032057 some style of tea Shah the main dish is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00117-00032058-00032279 typically a pancake like bread kenjiro k7XlOAvP0Ny-00118-00032280-00032576 Kenji Lau it might also be even with a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00119-00032577-00032909 stew or soup Mrak laho is a pancake like k7XlOAvP0Ny-00120-00032910-00033182 bread originating in Somalia Djibouti in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00121-00033183-00033233 Yemen k7XlOAvP0Ny-00122-00033234-00033473 it is often eaten along with honey and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00123-00033474-00033680 ghee or beef jerky makhmud and washed k7XlOAvP0Ny-00124-00033681-00033986 down with a cup of tea during lunch laho k7XlOAvP0Ny-00125-00033987-00034658 is sometimes consumed with soup or stew k7XlOAvP0Ny-00126-00034659-00035178 topic Tunisia k7XlOAvP0Ny-00127-00035179-00035358 LeBlanc is a common and popular k7XlOAvP0Ny-00128-00035359-00035912 breakfast stew k7XlOAvP0Ny-00129-00035913-00036400 topic Uganda k7XlOAvP0Ny-00130-00036401-00036616 in Uganda most tribes have different k7XlOAvP0Ny-00131-00036617-00036865 cuisines but the most popular breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00132-00036866-00037141 dishes are porridge in Kath ago porridge k7XlOAvP0Ny-00133-00037142-00037351 is made by mixing maize flour or millet k7XlOAvP0Ny-00134-00037352-00037507 flour with water and bringing the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00135-00037508-00037795 mixture to a boil while Kath ago is made k7XlOAvP0Ny-00136-00037796-00038035 from Mitaka green bananas peeled and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00137-00038036-00038236 cooked in the same pot with a sauce beef k7XlOAvP0Ny-00138-00038237-00038491 peanuts beans or greens Kath ago is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00139-00038492-00038785 served with tea or juice both dishes are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00140-00038786-00039442 popular in all regions of Uganda k7XlOAvP0Ny-00141-00039443-00039720 topic Asia k7XlOAvP0Ny-00142-00039721-00039944 you k7XlOAvP0Ny-00143-00039945-00040176 breakfasts vary widely throughout Asia k7XlOAvP0Ny-00144-00040177-00040452 in Arab countries breakfast is often a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00145-00040453-00040665 quick meal consisting of bread and dairy k7XlOAvP0Ny-00146-00040666-00040910 products with tea and sometimes Jam k7XlOAvP0Ny-00147-00040911-00041179 flatbread with olive oil and sitar is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00148-00041180-00041718 also popular k7XlOAvP0Ny-00149-00041719-00042177 topic China k7XlOAvP0Ny-00150-00042178-00042423 as mainland China is made up of many k7XlOAvP0Ny-00151-00042424-00042615 distinct provinces each with their own k7XlOAvP0Ny-00152-00042616-00042849 unique cuisine breakfast in China can k7XlOAvP0Ny-00153-00042850-00043023 vary significantly from province to k7XlOAvP0Ny-00154-00043024-00043317 province in general basic choices k7XlOAvP0Ny-00155-00043318-00043530 include sweet or salty pancakes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00156-00043531-00043719 soup deep-fried bread sticks or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00157-00043720-00043836 doughnuts UT ow k7XlOAvP0Ny-00158-00043837-00044124 buns mantou porridge congee and fried or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00159-00044125-00044394 soup based noodles these options are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00160-00044395-00044592 often accompanied by tea or sweetened k7XlOAvP0Ny-00161-00044593-00044685 soybean milk k7XlOAvP0Ny-00162-00044686-00044915 however condiments for porridge and the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00163-00044916-00045105 soup base tend to vary between provinces k7XlOAvP0Ny-00164-00045106-00045387 and regions the types of teas that are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00165-00045388-00045590 served and spices that are used can also k7XlOAvP0Ny-00166-00045591-00045756 differ significantly between the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00167-00045757-00046267 provinces k7XlOAvP0Ny-00168-00046268-00046746 topic Hongkong k7XlOAvP0Ny-00169-00046747-00047001 due to its near two centuries history as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00170-00047002-00047199 a British colony and proximity to k7XlOAvP0Ny-00171-00047200-00047395 China's Canton region both English and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00172-00047396-00047617 traditional Cantonese style breakfasts k7XlOAvP0Ny-00173-00047618-00047817 are of somewhat equal popularity in Hong k7XlOAvP0Ny-00174-00047818-00048012 Kong as well as the hybrid form of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00175-00048013-00048220 breakfast commonly offered in cha chaan k7XlOAvP0Ny-00176-00048221-00048511 Teng cha chaan Teng breakfasts often k7XlOAvP0Ny-00177-00048512-00048693 include Hong Kong style milk tea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00178-00048694-00048930 pan-fried egg bread Cantonese noodles k7XlOAvP0Ny-00179-00048931-00049211 our Hong Kong style macaroni and soup k7XlOAvP0Ny-00180-00049212-00049440 traditional Cantonese breakfast may k7XlOAvP0Ny-00181-00049441-00049632 include dim sum which include a variety k7XlOAvP0Ny-00182-00049633-00049812 of different ingredients and are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00183-00049813-00049992 prepared in numerous different forms k7XlOAvP0Ny-00184-00049993-00050170 from delicately wrapped baby shrimp k7XlOAvP0Ny-00185-00050171-00050335 steamed dumplings to sweet water k7XlOAvP0Ny-00186-00050336-00050617 chestnut cake each dish is designed to k7XlOAvP0Ny-00187-00050618-00050796 be sampled and diners can go through a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00188-00050797-00050949 large selection of dim sum k7XlOAvP0Ny-00189-00050950-00051151 quickly accompanied by a generous amount k7XlOAvP0Ny-00190-00051152-00051408 of good tea tieguanyin is the most k7XlOAvP0Ny-00191-00051409-00051610 common accompaniment but other teas such k7XlOAvP0Ny-00192-00051611-00051912 as pure in along are also common fried k7XlOAvP0Ny-00193-00051913-00052107 and rice based noodles and cakes are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00194-00052108-00052411 also popular in modern times dim sum is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00195-00052412-00052603 commonly prepared and served in young k7XlOAvP0Ny-00196-00052604-00052767 Chow restaurants rather than at home k7XlOAvP0Ny-00197-00052769-00052915 because of the skill and efforts k7XlOAvP0Ny-00198-00052916-00053521 involved in the preparation k7XlOAvP0Ny-00199-00053522-00054026 topic Bangladesh k7XlOAvP0Ny-00200-00054027-00054254 the typical Bangladeshi breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00201-00054254-00054485 consists of flour based flat breads such k7XlOAvP0Ny-00202-00054486-00054742 as chapati roti or parantha served with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00203-00054744-00055010 a curry usually the curry can be k7XlOAvP0Ny-00204-00055011-00055213 vegetable home fried potatoes or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00205-00055214-00055478 scrambled eggs the breakfast varies k7XlOAvP0Ny-00206-00055479-00055646 according to location in the eaters k7XlOAvP0Ny-00207-00055647-00055925 income in villages in rural areas rice k7XlOAvP0Ny-00208-00055926-00056138 is mostly preferred by day laborers in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00209-00056139-00056444 the city sliced bread with jam or jelly k7XlOAvP0Ny-00210-00056445-00056691 as chosen due to time efficiency in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00211-00056692-00056926 Bangladesh tea is preferred to coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00212-00056927-00057101 and as an essential part of most k7XlOAvP0Ny-00213-00057102-00057413 breakfasts having toasted biscuits bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00214-00057414-00057619 or puffed rice with tea is also very k7XlOAvP0Ny-00215-00057620-00058161 popular k7XlOAvP0Ny-00216-00058162-00058636 topic India k7XlOAvP0Ny-00217-00058637-00058846 in all there are at least twenty five k7XlOAvP0Ny-00218-00058847-00059025 types of Indian breakfasts each k7XlOAvP0Ny-00219-00059026-00059250 consisting of a choice of over 100 k7XlOAvP0Ny-00220-00059251-00059536 different food items each state in India k7XlOAvP0Ny-00221-00059537-00059748 has different specialties and items for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00222-00059749-00059959 breakfast thus there is no single k7XlOAvP0Ny-00223-00059960-00060150 standard Indian breakfast with items k7XlOAvP0Ny-00224-00060151-00060441 changing with regions however one can k7XlOAvP0Ny-00225-00060442-00060663 broadly classify breakfast varieties in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00226-00060664-00060898 India into two types North Indian and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00227-00060899-00061119 South Indian the eastern and western k7XlOAvP0Ny-00228-00061120-00061362 parts of India also have individual k7XlOAvP0Ny-00229-00061363-00061512 breakfast items unique to their cultures k7XlOAvP0Ny-00230-00061513-00061854 and States a typical South Indian k7XlOAvP0Ny-00231-00061855-00062100 breakfast consists of idli vada or dosa k7XlOAvP0Ny-00232-00062101-00062371 coupled with chutney and sambar many k7XlOAvP0Ny-00233-00062372-00062598 variations of these dishes exist such as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00234-00062599-00062844 rava idli they year vadai yogurt vada k7XlOAvP0Ny-00235-00062845-00063150 sambar vada and masala dosa other k7XlOAvP0Ny-00236-00063151-00063397 popular South Indian breakfast items are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00237-00063398-00063691 Pongal Bizzy Bella bath sambar rice upma k7XlOAvP0Ny-00238-00063691-00063985 and poori the state of Kerala has some k7XlOAvP0Ny-00239-00063986-00064200 special breakfast items such as a p'm k7XlOAvP0Ny-00240-00064201-00064263 perotta k7XlOAvP0Ny-00241-00064264-00064524 Pitou idiyappam and palapa a typical k7XlOAvP0Ny-00242-00064525-00064704 North Indian breakfast may either be a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00243-00064705-00064905 type of paratha or ot served with a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00244-00064906-00065185 vegetable curry curd and pickles there k7XlOAvP0Ny-00245-00065186-00065371 are several varieties of parathas k7XlOAvP0Ny-00246-00065372-00065523 available depending on the type of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00247-00065524-00065748 stuffing such as aloo paratha paneer k7XlOAvP0Ny-00248-00065749-00065971 cottage cheese paratha muli paratha k7XlOAvP0Ny-00249-00065972-00066336 radish paratha etc other popular k7XlOAvP0Ny-00250-00066337-00066523 breakfast items in the north are poori k7XlOAvP0Ny-00251-00066524-00066853 bhaji poha and bindi bhujiya among k7XlOAvP0Ny-00252-00066854-00067068 bangles roti and curry are the general k7XlOAvP0Ny-00253-00067069-00067311 variants in breakfast the menu may also k7XlOAvP0Ny-00254-00067312-00067632 include indian french toast which is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00255-00067633-00067986 also known as Bombay toast char Baja k7XlOAvP0Ny-00256-00067987-00068223 flaked rice fried in oil with salt added k7XlOAvP0Ny-00257-00068224-00068529 to taste and boiled eggs in western k7XlOAvP0Ny-00258-00068530-00068754 India a gujarati household may serve k7XlOAvP0Ny-00259-00068755-00068955 dhoklas khakhras or theplas for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00260-00068956-00069136 breakfast the most popular of which is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00261-00069137-00069423 methi thepla in Mangalore the breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00262-00069424-00069699 dish Indies may be served in Maharashtra k7XlOAvP0Ny-00263-00069700-00069942 the typical breakfast masta consists of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00264-00069943-00070248 candy poha upma Akkad and thalipeeth k7XlOAvP0Ny-00265-00070249-00070524 sometimes chapati bhaji or a chapati k7XlOAvP0Ny-00266-00070525-00071156 roll with tea becomes breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00267-00071157-00071638 topic Iran k7XlOAvP0Ny-00268-00071639-00071905 breakfast in Iran generally consists of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00269-00071906-00072097 different kinds of flatbread such as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00270-00072098-00072381 Barbary Taftan sangguk lavash white k7XlOAvP0Ny-00271-00072382-00072622 cheese butter jam and marmalade murabba k7XlOAvP0Ny-00272-00072623-00072784 honey clotted cream k7XlOAvP0Ny-00273-00072785-00073012 sorry shear nuts and fresh dried fruits k7XlOAvP0Ny-00274-00073013-00073185 and black tea or coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00275-00073186-00073431 frequently breakfast can be as simple as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00276-00073432-00073644 butter and jam on bread with tea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00277-00073645-00073894 Iranians prefer to drink their hot black k7XlOAvP0Ny-00278-00073895-00074143 tea with sugar traditional cooked dishes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00279-00074144-00074356 for breakfast include Halim wheat and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00280-00074357-00074554 chicken lamb turkey porridge eaten with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00281-00074555-00074751 cinnamon or kale patched sheep's feet k7XlOAvP0Ny-00282-00074752-00074986 stomach and other offal odyssic green k7XlOAvP0Ny-00283-00074987-00075213 lentil soup fried boiled soft-boiled k7XlOAvP0Ny-00284-00075214-00075953 eggs omelet eggs cooked in tomato sauce k7XlOAvP0Ny-00285-00075954-00076435 topic Israel k7XlOAvP0Ny-00286-00076436-00076653 the Israeli breakfast is a mix of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00287-00076654-00076842 culinary influences from Eastern Europe k7XlOAvP0Ny-00288-00076843-00077112 agrarian yeesh of culture North African k7XlOAvP0Ny-00289-00077113-00077406 cuisine and Levantine cuisine it usually k7XlOAvP0Ny-00290-00077407-00077596 consists of a range of cheeses along k7XlOAvP0Ny-00291-00077597-00077823 with sliced vegetables scrambled eggs or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00292-00077824-00078103 another kind of fried egg and bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00293-00078104-00078324 served with spreads like butter jam or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00294-00078325-00078612 honey the most commonly used vegetables k7XlOAvP0Ny-00295-00078613-00078828 are cucumbers tomatoes and red bell k7XlOAvP0Ny-00296-00078829-00079068 peppers carrots onions and radishes may k7XlOAvP0Ny-00297-00079069-00079360 also be included cheese's include at the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00298-00079361-00079575 very least cottage cheese cork or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00299-00079576-00079788 fromage blanc and a local variety of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00300-00079789-00080140 eden yellow cheese and often tzfat eden k7XlOAvP0Ny-00301-00080141-00080418 labna two side dishes including pickled k7XlOAvP0Ny-00302-00080419-00080610 olives and herring may also be served k7XlOAvP0Ny-00303-00080611-00080847 typical middle-eastern mez such as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00304-00080848-00081105 Israeli salad hummus tahini and baba k7XlOAvP0Ny-00305-00081106-00081300 ghanoush as well as Shakshouka and a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00306-00081301-00081591 variety of salads may be served the meal k7XlOAvP0Ny-00307-00081592-00081825 is most often accompanied by coffee tea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00308-00081826-00081910 and orange juice k7XlOAvP0Ny-00309-00081911-00082182 a typical Israeli meal could be either k7XlOAvP0Ny-00310-00082183-00082404 dairy or meat based but not both k7XlOAvP0Ny-00311-00082405-00082615 only certain types of meat are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00312-00082616-00082984 considered kosher Israeli hotels usually k7XlOAvP0Ny-00313-00082985-00083151 present this type of breakfast as a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00314-00083152-00083418 buffet restaurants may prefer a preset k7XlOAvP0Ny-00315-00083419-00084135 Israeli breakfast menu item k7XlOAvP0Ny-00316-00084136-00084626 topic Japan k7XlOAvP0Ny-00317-00084627-00084848 breakfast in modern Japanese households k7XlOAvP0Ny-00318-00084849-00085126 comes in two major variations Japanese k7XlOAvP0Ny-00319-00085127-00085324 style and western-style k7XlOAvP0Ny-00320-00085325-00085541 japanese-style breakfasts are even k7XlOAvP0Ny-00321-00085542-00085748 widely in Japan but often only on k7XlOAvP0Ny-00322-00085749-00086024 weekends and non-working days younger k7XlOAvP0Ny-00323-00086025-00086188 Japanese couples may prefer k7XlOAvP0Ny-00324-00086189-00086381 western-style breakfasts because they k7XlOAvP0Ny-00325-00086382-00086561 are generally less time consuming to k7XlOAvP0Ny-00326-00086562-00086855 prepare the standard Japanese breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00327-00086856-00087094 consists of steamed white rice a bowl of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00328-00087095-00087323 miso soup and Japanese styled pickles k7XlOAvP0Ny-00329-00087324-00087632 like takuan or umeboshi a raw egg and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00330-00087633-00087844 nori are often served the raw egg is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00331-00087845-00088040 beaten in a small bowl and poured on the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00332-00088041-00088259 hot rice to make golden colored tamago k7XlOAvP0Ny-00333-00088260-00088469 kake Gohan whilst the nori sheets of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00334-00088470-00088669 dried seaweed is used to wrap rice k7XlOAvP0Ny-00335-00088670-00088943 grilled fish and Japanese green tea are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00336-00088944-00089138 often served as well western-style k7XlOAvP0Ny-00337-00089139-00089360 breakfasts in Japanese households are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00338-00089361-00089584 similar to those in the United States k7XlOAvP0Ny-00339-00089585-00089822 Japanese children often eat cornflakes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00340-00089823-00090050 and drink milk hot chocolate or fruit k7XlOAvP0Ny-00341-00090051-00090368 juice Japanese adults especially younger k7XlOAvP0Ny-00342-00090369-00090572 ones tend to have toast with butter or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00343-00090573-00090887 jam eggs and slices of vegetables they k7XlOAvP0Ny-00344-00090888-00091096 often drink coffee or orange juice k7XlOAvP0Ny-00345-00091097-00091361 traditional Japanese ins like ryokan k7XlOAvP0Ny-00346-00091362-00091563 serve complete traditional breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00347-00091564-00091831 western-style hotels and restaurants in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00348-00091832-00092026 Japan generally offer a mix of the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00349-00092027-00092665 Western and Japanese styles k7XlOAvP0Ny-00350-00092666-00093160 topic Korea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00351-00093161-00093413 traditionally Korean breakfasts consist k7XlOAvP0Ny-00352-00093414-00093596 mainly of rice and soup dishes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00353-00093597-00093821 these can include small amounts of fish k7XlOAvP0Ny-00354-00093822-00094070 or beef and some form of broth stew or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00355-00094071-00094376 porridge like all Korean meals breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00356-00094377-00094595 is usually served with banshan or side k7XlOAvP0Ny-00357-00094596-00094772 dishes consisting of kimchi k7XlOAvP0Ny-00358-00094773-00095526 Guyer and jjim steamed eggs and tofu k7XlOAvP0Ny-00359-00095527-00096017 topic Myanmar k7XlOAvP0Ny-00360-00096018-00096314 in Burma the traditional breakfast is HT k7XlOAvP0Ny-00361-00096315-00096581 Amin jaw fried rice with boiled peas pay k7XlOAvP0Ny-00362-00096582-00096845 Baruch and Yei n wage an green tea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00363-00096846-00097121 especially among the poor glutinous rice k7XlOAvP0Ny-00364-00097122-00097349 or cow nyan is steamed and wrapped in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00365-00097350-00097556 banana leaf often served with peas as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00366-00097557-00097772 cani in bong with a sprinkle of crushed k7XlOAvP0Ny-00367-00097773-00098048 and salted toasted sesame equally k7XlOAvP0Ny-00368-00098049-00098255 popular as the purple variety of rice k7XlOAvP0Ny-00369-00098256-00098429 known as not check which has cooked the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00370-00098430-00098723 same way and called not check pong seed k7XlOAvP0Ny-00371-00098724-00098885 a man as sticky rice cooked with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00372-00098886-00099104 turmeric and onions in peanut oil which k7XlOAvP0Ny-00373-00099105-00099272 is served with crushed and salted k7XlOAvP0Ny-00374-00099273-00099520 toasted sesame and crisp fried onions k7XlOAvP0Ny-00375-00099521-00099800 assorted fritters such as bay a JA urad k7XlOAvP0Ny-00376-00099801-00100130 dal are often served as a compliment nan k7XlOAvP0Ny-00377-00100131-00100391 bya or non Indian style flat breads k7XlOAvP0Ny-00378-00100392-00100622 again with pay Baruch or simply buttered k7XlOAvP0Ny-00379-00100623-00100901 is served with Indian tea or coffee it k7XlOAvP0Ny-00380-00100902-00101087 goes well with shake soup mutton soup k7XlOAvP0Ny-00381-00101088-00101357 fried chip ah tea blistered like nan bya k7XlOAvP0Ny-00382-00101358-00101594 but crispy with pay Baruch and crispy k7XlOAvP0Ny-00383-00101595-00101827 fried onions as a popular alternative k7XlOAvP0Ny-00384-00101828-00102269 htat tah yah lit a hundred layers his k7XlOAvP0Ny-00385-00102270-00102473 flaky multi-layered fried parantha k7XlOAvP0Ny-00386-00102474-00102650 served with either pay Baruch or a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00387-00102651-00102767 sprinkle of sugar k7XlOAvP0Ny-00388-00102768-00103111 ee j egg way chinese style fried bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00389-00103113-00103336 sticks ru t au with indian tea or coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00390-00103338-00103633 as another favourite it mohinga perhaps k7XlOAvP0Ny-00391-00103634-00103868 the most popular of all now available as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00392-00103869-00104185 in all-day breakfast in many towns and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00393-00104186-00104426 cities is rice vermicelli in fish broth k7XlOAvP0Ny-00394-00104427-00104642 kept on the boil with chickpea flour or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00395-00104643-00104882 crushed toasted rice lemongrass sliced k7XlOAvP0Ny-00396-00104883-00105170 banana stem onions garlic ginger pepper k7XlOAvP0Ny-00397-00105171-00105368 and fish paste and served with crispy k7XlOAvP0Ny-00398-00105369-00105563 fried onions crushed dried chilli k7XlOAvP0Ny-00399-00105564-00105842 coriander fish sauce and lime add k7XlOAvP0Ny-00400-00105843-00106079 fritters such as split chickpea page and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00401-00106080-00106379 jaw urad dal bay a jaw or gourd boo jaw k7XlOAvP0Ny-00402-00106380-00107157 boiled egg and fried fish cake na HP jaw k7XlOAvP0Ny-00403-00107158-00107660 topic Philippines k7XlOAvP0Ny-00404-00107661-00107922 a traditional Filipino breakfast might k7XlOAvP0Ny-00405-00107923-00108129 include pandas all small bread rolls k7XlOAvP0Ny-00406-00108130-00108372 kosong pootie white cheese champurrado k7XlOAvP0Ny-00407-00108373-00108657 chocolate rice porridge synagogue garlic k7XlOAvP0Ny-00408-00108658-00108911 fried rice and meat such as tapa k7XlOAvP0Ny-00409-00108913-00109194 longganisa tocino carne Norte corned k7XlOAvP0Ny-00410-00109195-00109491 beef or fish such as Dogma bangus salted k7XlOAvP0Ny-00411-00109492-00109746 and dried milk fish or Alagna Pula k7XlOAvP0Ny-00412-00109747-00110088 salted duck eggs coffee is also commonly k7XlOAvP0Ny-00413-00110089-00110325 served particularly köppen Baraka a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00414-00110326-00110510 variety of coffee produced in the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00415-00110511-00110711 mountains of Batangas noted for having a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00416-00110713-00110997 strong flavour certain port man Dias in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00417-00110998-00111209 Filipino have come into use to describe k7XlOAvP0Ny-00418-00111210-00111423 popular combinations of items in a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00419-00111424-00111723 Filipino breakfast one is tap see an k7XlOAvP0Ny-00420-00111724-00111945 order of tapa and Sina knock other k7XlOAvP0Ny-00421-00111946-00112170 examples include variations using k7XlOAvP0Ny-00422-00112171-00112293 assilex k7XlOAvP0Ny-00423-00112294-00112488 usually some kind of meat served with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00424-00112489-00112784 synagogue in it log egg the three most k7XlOAvP0Ny-00425-00112785-00113001 commonly seen sill logs are taps log k7XlOAvP0Ny-00426-00113002-00113214 having tapa as the meat portion toss a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00427-00113215-00113424 log having tocino as the meat portion k7XlOAvP0Ny-00428-00113425-00113649 and long sigh log having longanisa as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00429-00113650-00113925 the meat portion other sill logs include k7XlOAvP0Ny-00430-00113926-00114141 hot side log with a hot dog banks I k7XlOAvP0Ny-00431-00114142-00114383 logged with bangus milk fish dongs I log k7XlOAvP0Ny-00432-00114384-00114603 with danggit rabbit fish spams a log k7XlOAvP0Ny-00433-00114604-00114870 with spam a dose I log with adobo choice k7XlOAvP0Ny-00434-00114871-00115089 I log with chorizo chicks a log with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00435-00115090-00115314 chicken corn Cylon with corned beef and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00436-00115315-00115614 litsa logged with legend Blitzen panco k7XlOAvP0Ny-00437-00115615-00115821 plug is slang for a breakfast consisting k7XlOAvP0Ny-00438-00115822-00116097 of Panda Saul cop a coffee and a log egg k7XlOAvP0Ny-00439-00116098-00116376 an establishment that specializes in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00440-00116377-00116636 such meals is called a tapsa Han or taps k7XlOAvP0Ny-00441-00116638-00117169 lugan k7XlOAvP0Ny-00442-00117170-00117661 topic Singapore k7XlOAvP0Ny-00443-00117663-00117908 a traditional Singaporean breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00444-00117908-00118154 contains kaya toast coconut milk Jam k7XlOAvP0Ny-00445-00118155-00118396 with bread half boiled eggs and copii k7XlOAvP0Ny-00446-00118397-00118655 locals usually dip the toast into the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00447-00118656-00119335 eggs mixed with soya sauce and pepper k7XlOAvP0Ny-00448-00119336-00119817 topic turkey k7XlOAvP0Ny-00449-00119818-00120081 in Turkish cuisine a typical breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00450-00120082-00120333 consists of bread cheese by his painter k7XlOAvP0Ny-00451-00120333-00120651 Kassar etc butter olives eggs tomatoes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00452-00120652-00121038 cucumbers jam honey and KY mac sucuk k7XlOAvP0Ny-00453-00121039-00121259 spicy Turkish sausage pasta k7XlOAvP0Ny-00454-00121260-00121508 boric simit pill gotcha and soups are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00455-00121509-00121706 eaten as a morning meal in Turkey a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00456-00121707-00121971 common Turkish specialty for breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00457-00121972-00122169 is called minimun which is prepared with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00458-00122170-00122427 tomatoes green peppers onion olive oil k7XlOAvP0Ny-00459-00122428-00122742 and eggs various soups CORBA are also k7XlOAvP0Ny-00460-00122743-00122970 very common and traditional for Turkish k7XlOAvP0Ny-00461-00122971-00123192 breakfast mainly chicken broth lentil k7XlOAvP0Ny-00462-00123193-00123420 soup and a national delicacy tarhun a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00463-00123421-00123657 soup Turkish cereal food consisting of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00464-00123658-00123864 flour yogurt and vegetables fermented k7XlOAvP0Ny-00465-00123865-00124080 then dried it is consumed as a soup by k7XlOAvP0Ny-00466-00124081-00124283 mixing it with stock or water our most k7XlOAvP0Ny-00467-00124284-00124590 well known soups tripe soup Trotter soup k7XlOAvP0Ny-00468-00124591-00124815 sheep's head soup are also traditionally k7XlOAvP0Ny-00469-00124816-00124985 very common all over Turkey for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00470-00124986-00125046 breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00471-00125047-00125328 the Turkish word for breakfast kaval tea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00472-00125329-00125733 means before coffee cavae coffee all tea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00473-00125733-00125931 under but since after the first world k7XlOAvP0Ny-00474-00125932-00126147 war during which the Ottoman Empire lost k7XlOAvP0Ny-00475-00126148-00126383 its coffee producing territories tea has k7XlOAvP0Ny-00476-00126384-00126579 displaced coffee as the everyday hot k7XlOAvP0Ny-00477-00126580-00126908 drink in Turkey in circuit district of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00478-00126909-00127643 istanbul pita is a popular morning meal k7XlOAvP0Ny-00479-00127644-00128253 topic australia/oceania k7XlOAvP0Ny-00480-00128254-00128603 you k7XlOAvP0Ny-00481-00128604-00129104 topic Australia k7XlOAvP0Ny-00482-00129105-00129329 prior to the Second World War in the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00483-00129330-00129506 widespread adoption of household k7XlOAvP0Ny-00484-00129507-00129713 refrigerators the traditional Australian k7XlOAvP0Ny-00485-00129714-00129929 breakfast consisted of grilled steaks k7XlOAvP0Ny-00486-00129930-00130124 and fried eggs mainly because of the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00487-00130125-00130319 ready availability of beefsteak during k7XlOAvP0Ny-00488-00130320-00130568 that period although this is still eaten k7XlOAvP0Ny-00489-00130569-00130790 in the bush very few urban Australians k7XlOAvP0Ny-00490-00130791-00131008 today would recall this breakfast format k7XlOAvP0Ny-00491-00131008-00131303 the majority of urban Australians eat k7XlOAvP0Ny-00492-00131304-00131480 commercially prepared cereal with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00493-00131481-00131678 pasteurized milk or yogurt and toast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00494-00131679-00131861 with preserves such as marmalade or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00495-00131862-00132116 Vegemite for breakfast two of the most k7XlOAvP0Ny-00496-00132117-00132353 common cereals are cornflakes and a type k7XlOAvP0Ny-00497-00132354-00132554 of biscuit made from compressed toasted k7XlOAvP0Ny-00498-00132555-00132848 flakes of wheat called weet-bix fruit is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00499-00132849-00133049 also common at breakfast either on the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00500-00133050-00133316 cereal or even separately while not k7XlOAvP0Ny-00501-00133317-00133517 unusual a cooked breakfast is more k7XlOAvP0Ny-00502-00133518-00133700 likely to be eaten on weekends or on k7XlOAvP0Ny-00503-00133701-00133916 special occasions either at home or at a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00504-00133917-00134195 cafe a cooked breakfast can include k7XlOAvP0Ny-00505-00134196-00134477 sausage bacon breakfast steaks mushrooms k7XlOAvP0Ny-00506-00134478-00134777 tomato hash browns and pancakes similar k7XlOAvP0Ny-00507-00134778-00134963 to both the British and American cooked k7XlOAvP0Ny-00508-00134964-00135242 breakfast breakfast habits differ more k7XlOAvP0Ny-00509-00135243-00135428 between age groups or families than k7XlOAvP0Ny-00510-00135429-00135992 between cities k7XlOAvP0Ny-00511-00135993-00136470 topic Fiji k7XlOAvP0Ny-00512-00136471-00136746 in ethnically Fijian villages breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00513-00136747-00136968 maybe tea served with milk and sugar and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00514-00136969-00137228 food made out of flour tovo or baba cow k7XlOAvP0Ny-00515-00137229-00137496 a type of fried dough pancakes bread or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00516-00137497-00137765 biscuits with butter sometimes a starch k7XlOAvP0Ny-00517-00137766-00138045 such as cassava taro in coconut milk or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00518-00138046-00138381 rice is served instead leftover fish or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00519-00138382-00138554 meat from the previous night's meal may k7XlOAvP0Ny-00520-00138555-00138819 be served as well tea made from lemon k7XlOAvP0Ny-00521-00138820-00139028 leaves called drana moly and fruits such k7XlOAvP0Ny-00522-00139029-00139308 as pineapple banana papaya plantain and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00523-00139309-00139521 watermelon are also occasionally served k7XlOAvP0Ny-00524-00139522-00139835 in urban households tea and cereals are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00525-00139836-00140085 often consumed breakfast foods eaten by k7XlOAvP0Ny-00526-00140086-00140315 Fiji Indians often include a vegetable k7XlOAvP0Ny-00527-00140316-00140508 curry with roti and sometimes differ k7XlOAvP0Ny-00528-00140509-00140772 from the above phidian's living in red k7XlOAvP0Ny-00529-00140773-00141023 Touma sometimes eat and euq a fish in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00530-00141024-00141258 taro taro fermented coconut yogurt with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00531-00141259-00141861 fresh tropical fruits k7XlOAvP0Ny-00532-00141862-00142372 topic New Zealand k7XlOAvP0Ny-00533-00142373-00142606 breakfast in New Zealand is very similar k7XlOAvP0Ny-00534-00142607-00142861 to the Australian breakfast the range of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00535-00142862-00143098 processed breakfast cereals is vast and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00536-00143099-00143257 children are more likely to eat those k7XlOAvP0Ny-00537-00143258-00143538 that contain added sugar New Zealanders k7XlOAvP0Ny-00538-00143539-00143766 particularly in winter are likely to eat k7XlOAvP0Ny-00539-00143767-00143994 a hot oat cereal called porridge k7XlOAvP0Ny-00540-00143995-00144256 porridge is typically served with milk k7XlOAvP0Ny-00541-00144257-00144588 sugar fruit or yogurt sliced bread which k7XlOAvP0Ny-00542-00144589-00144724 has been toasted and topped with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00543-00144725-00144903 preserves or spreads as a common k7XlOAvP0Ny-00544-00144904-00145171 alternative breakfast eating breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00545-00145172-00145362 at a restaurant was unheard of until the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00546-00145363-00145606 1990s however cafes which serve k7XlOAvP0Ny-00547-00145607-00145812 breakfast until midday or all day are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00548-00145813-00146083 now common the big breakfast is the main k7XlOAvP0Ny-00549-00146084-00146299 item at cafes which is similar to the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00550-00146300-00146485 British cooked breakfast except that k7XlOAvP0Ny-00551-00146486-00146734 it's seldom includes black pudding other k7XlOAvP0Ny-00552-00146735-00146959 common menu items are eggs done how you k7XlOAvP0Ny-00553-00146960-00147160 like eggs benedict beans on toast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00554-00147161-00147468 pancakes cereal and yogurt and smoothies k7XlOAvP0Ny-00555-00147469-00147724 breakfast nearly always includes coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00556-00147725-00147949 tea or both with children drinking milk k7XlOAvP0Ny-00557-00147950-00148159 either on their cereal in a glass or hot k7XlOAvP0Ny-00558-00148160-00148435 milo recent concern has been raised k7XlOAvP0Ny-00559-00148436-00148638 about the cost of milk and some families k7XlOAvP0Ny-00560-00148639-00148839 being unable to afford it New Zealand k7XlOAvP0Ny-00561-00148840-00149011 chains of the fast food franchise k7XlOAvP0Ny-00562-00149012-00149287 McDonald's opera Kiwi big breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00563-00149288-00149575 which includes two sausages hash brown k7XlOAvP0Ny-00564-00149576-00149814 scrambled eggs toasted muffin and choice k7XlOAvP0Ny-00565-00149815-00149991 of a small filter coffee hot chocolate k7XlOAvP0Ny-00566-00149992-00150387 or tea some NGOs and charities such as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00567-00150388-00150562 the New Zealand Red Cross provide k7XlOAvP0Ny-00568-00150563-00150733 breakfast to underclass primary k7XlOAvP0Ny-00569-00150734-00151006 schoolchildren survey results released k7XlOAvP0Ny-00570-00151007-00151258 in 2013 claimed that nearly half of all k7XlOAvP0Ny-00571-00151259-00151425 New Zealanders skipped breakfast at k7XlOAvP0Ny-00572-00151426-00151614 least once a week with almost a third of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00573-00151615-00151786 those skipping breakfast up to three k7XlOAvP0Ny-00574-00151787-00152366 times a week k7XlOAvP0Ny-00575-00152367-00152859 topic Europe k7XlOAvP0Ny-00576-00152860-00153066 according to merriam-webster a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00577-00153067-00153273 continental breakfast usually includes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00578-00153274-00153336 coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00579-00153337-00153576 jam fruit and baked goods such as bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00580-00153577-00153804 and pastries items chosen because they k7XlOAvP0Ny-00581-00153805-00153981 are shelf-stable and can be served in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00582-00153982-00154170 portion sizes that are appropriate for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00583-00154171-00154407 large groups of people the term k7XlOAvP0Ny-00584-00154408-00154626 originated in Britain in the mid 19th k7XlOAvP0Ny-00585-00154627-00154911 century first used in 1896 public k7XlOAvP0Ny-00586-00154912-00155112 hygiene book the sanitarian in which k7XlOAvP0Ny-00587-00155113-00155385 continent refers to the countries of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00588-00155386-00155577 mainland Europe though the idea had been k7XlOAvP0Ny-00589-00155578-00155790 around for a few decades as American k7XlOAvP0Ny-00590-00155791-00155952 hotels endeavored to appeal to the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00591-00155953-00156114 changing tastes of the emerging middle k7XlOAvP0Ny-00592-00156115-00156327 class and European travelers visiting k7XlOAvP0Ny-00593-00156328-00156612 America the term refers to the type of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00594-00156613-00156831 breakfast found in places such as France k7XlOAvP0Ny-00595-00156832-00157011 in the Mediterranean which is lighter k7XlOAvP0Ny-00596-00157012-00157206 and more delicate than the typical full k7XlOAvP0Ny-00597-00157207-00157422 English breakfast which tends to consist k7XlOAvP0Ny-00598-00157423-00157626 of a large plate of eggs bacon sausage k7XlOAvP0Ny-00599-00157627-00157941 toast beans and roasted mushrooms and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00600-00157942-00158127 tomatoes and American breakfasts k7XlOAvP0Ny-00601-00158128-00158355 featuring eggs breakfast meats pancakes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00602-00158356-00158646 potatoes and toast continental k7XlOAvP0Ny-00603-00158647-00158859 breakfasts are also more cost-effective k7XlOAvP0Ny-00604-00158860-00159015 for the establishment serving them k7XlOAvP0Ny-00605-00159016-00159192 because they require less staff to k7XlOAvP0Ny-00606-00159193-00159375 prepare them in Southeast Europe in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00607-00159376-00159594 countries such as Bulgaria Bosnia k7XlOAvP0Ny-00608-00159595-00159846 Montenegro Macedonia and parts of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00609-00159847-00160077 Croatia breakfast usually consists of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00610-00160078-00160317 various kinds of savory or sweet pastry k7XlOAvP0Ny-00611-00160318-00160605 with cheese meat or jam filling the most k7XlOAvP0Ny-00612-00160606-00160830 typical breakfast consists of two slices k7XlOAvP0Ny-00613-00160831-00161142 of beric in a glass of yogurt breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00614-00161143-00161379 also often consists of open sandwiches k7XlOAvP0Ny-00615-00161380-00161604 the sandwich is buttered with margarine k7XlOAvP0Ny-00616-00161605-00161784 with toppings such as prosciutto and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00617-00161785-00162338 yellow cheese k7XlOAvP0Ny-00618-00162339-00162838 topic Albania k7XlOAvP0Ny-00619-00162839-00163114 in Albania the breakfast often consists k7XlOAvP0Ny-00620-00163115-00163437 of a scone milk tea eggs Jam or cheese k7XlOAvP0Ny-00621-00163438-00163657 meat is not preferred during the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00622-00163658-00163876 breakfast and it is usually substituted k7XlOAvP0Ny-00623-00163877-00164086 for seafood such as canned sardines or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00624-00164087-00164251 tuna which is typically served with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00625-00164252-00164490 condiments such as mustard or mayonnaise k7XlOAvP0Ny-00626-00164491-00164749 whole-grain cereals and pastries are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00627-00164750-00165335 mostly consumed by children k7XlOAvP0Ny-00628-00165336-00165828 topic Croatia k7XlOAvP0Ny-00629-00165829-00166074 in Croatia the base is a continental k7XlOAvP0Ny-00630-00166075-00166269 breakfast with a variety of pastries k7XlOAvP0Ny-00631-00166270-00166440 with or without fillings marmalade k7XlOAvP0Ny-00632-00166441-00166737 chocolate cheese ham nuts poppy and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00633-00166738-00166974 fermented milk products yogurt soured k7XlOAvP0Ny-00634-00166975-00167281 milk soured cream cold cuts such as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00635-00167282-00167583 prosciutto ham salami coolin bacon and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00636-00167584-00167883 various cheeses are also favored fried k7XlOAvP0Ny-00637-00167884-00168102 eggs are omelet and Vienna sausage with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00638-00168103-00168312 mayonnaise mustard or ajvar are very k7XlOAvP0Ny-00639-00168313-00168612 often consumed in continental parts sir k7XlOAvP0Ny-00640-00168613-00168909 IV rh nje cottage cheese with soured k7XlOAvP0Ny-00641-00168910-00169122 cream and some spices is traditional k7XlOAvP0Ny-00642-00169123-00169422 coffee is much preferred over tea mostly k7XlOAvP0Ny-00643-00169423-00169930 herbal tea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00644-00169931-00170414 topic Denmark k7XlOAvP0Ny-00645-00170415-00170696 a typical breakfast in Denmark consists k7XlOAvP0Ny-00646-00170697-00170912 of slices of rye bread Rud broad with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00647-00170913-00171161 yellow cheese a soft-boiled egg or more k7XlOAvP0Ny-00648-00171162-00171422 rarely ham salami or liver spread lever k7XlOAvP0Ny-00649-00171423-00171641 post a or it may consist of breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00650-00171642-00171854 cereals such as oatmeal cornflakes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00651-00171855-00172184 yogurt being popular options white bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00652-00172185-00172421 or bread rolls run steiker with yellow k7XlOAvP0Ny-00653-00172422-00172595 cheese and different kinds of jams k7XlOAvP0Ny-00654-00172596-00172814 usually made from berries or citrus k7XlOAvP0Ny-00655-00172815-00173015 fruits and other toppings accompanied by k7XlOAvP0Ny-00656-00173016-00173360 coffee or tea weekends or festive k7XlOAvP0Ny-00657-00173361-00173576 occasions may call for Danish pastries k7XlOAvP0Ny-00658-00173577-00173822 Weiner broad chocolate or a bitters such k7XlOAvP0Ny-00659-00173823-00174398 as Gamal dansk k7XlOAvP0Ny-00660-00174399-00174660 topic Finland k7XlOAvP0Ny-00661-00174661-00174871 you k7XlOAvP0Ny-00662-00174872-00175147 breakfast usually consists of coffee or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00663-00175148-00175405 tea with open sandwiches the sandwich is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00664-00175406-00175567 often buttered with margarine with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00665-00175568-00175759 toppings such as hard cheese or cold k7XlOAvP0Ny-00666-00175760-00176071 cuts Finns usually do not have sweets on k7XlOAvP0Ny-00667-00176072-00176268 their breads such as jam or chocolate k7XlOAvP0Ny-00668-00176269-00176557 sour milk products such as yogurt or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00669-00176558-00176764 viele are also common breakfast foods k7XlOAvP0Ny-00670-00176765-00176992 usually served in a bowl with cereals k7XlOAvP0Ny-00671-00176993-00177247 such as cornflakes muesli and sometimes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00672-00177248-00177568 with sugar fruit or jam oatmeal or mixed k7XlOAvP0Ny-00673-00177569-00177739 grain porridge may also be served k7XlOAvP0Ny-00674-00177740-00178367 usually topped with butter k7XlOAvP0Ny-00675-00178368-00178855 topic France k7XlOAvP0Ny-00676-00178856-00179134 in France a typical domestic breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00677-00179135-00179308 consists of a cup of coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00678-00179309-00179493 often cafe au lait or hot chocolate k7XlOAvP0Ny-00679-00179494-00179725 sometimes accompanied by a glass of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00680-00179726-00180010 orange or grapefruit juice the main food k7XlOAvP0Ny-00681-00180011-00180238 consists of sweet products such as tart k7XlOAvP0Ny-00682-00180239-00180472 teens slices of baguette or other breads k7XlOAvP0Ny-00683-00180473-00180676 spread with butter jam or chocolate k7XlOAvP0Ny-00684-00180677-00180903 paste sometimes dunked in the hot drink k7XlOAvP0Ny-00685-00180904-00181165 brioches and other pastries such as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00686-00181166-00181402 croissants pains au chocolat chocolatine k7XlOAvP0Ny-00687-00181403-00181582 and pains aux raisins are also k7XlOAvP0Ny-00688-00181583-00181756 traditional but more of a weekend k7XlOAvP0Ny-00689-00181757-00182011 special treat other projects such as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00690-00182012-00182269 breakfast cereals fruit compote fromage k7XlOAvP0Ny-00691-00182270-00182428 blanc and yogurt are becoming k7XlOAvP0Ny-00692-00182429-00182632 increasingly common as part of the meal k7XlOAvP0Ny-00693-00182633-00182908 a traditional French breakfast does not k7XlOAvP0Ny-00694-00182909-00183133 include any savory product but breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00695-00183134-00183346 buffets in hotels often include ham k7XlOAvP0Ny-00696-00183347-00183929 cheese and eggs k7XlOAvP0Ny-00697-00183930-00184483 topic Germany and Austria k7XlOAvP0Ny-00698-00184484-00184740 the typical German breakfast consists of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00699-00184741-00184998 bread or bread rolls butter jam ham k7XlOAvP0Ny-00700-00184999-00185286 cheese's meat spreads cold cuts harder k7XlOAvP0Ny-00701-00185287-00185528 soft-boiled eggs and coffee or tea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00702-00185529-00185809 cereals have become popular and regional k7XlOAvP0Ny-00703-00185810-00186058 variation is significant yogurt granola k7XlOAvP0Ny-00704-00186059-00186319 and fruit fresh or stewed may appear as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00705-00186320-00186520 well as eggs cooked to order usually at k7XlOAvP0Ny-00706-00186521-00186764 smaller hotels or bed and breakfasts a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00707-00186765-00187036 second breakfast is traditional in parts k7XlOAvP0Ny-00708-00187037-00187261 of Germany notably Bavaria where it is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00709-00187262-00187982 called brats site literally bread time k7XlOAvP0Ny-00710-00187983-00188456 topic Greece k7XlOAvP0Ny-00711-00188457-00188677 --home breakfasts in greece include k7XlOAvP0Ny-00712-00188678-00188873 bread with butter honey or marmalade k7XlOAvP0Ny-00713-00188874-00189161 with coffee or milk breakfast cereals k7XlOAvP0Ny-00714-00189162-00189427 are also eaten children also eat Nutella k7XlOAvP0Ny-00715-00189428-00189683 type cream on bread no breakfast at all k7XlOAvP0Ny-00716-00189684-00189976 is common various kinds of savory pastry k7XlOAvP0Ny-00717-00189977-00190244 tyro pita spanakopita and bougatsa are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00718-00190245-00190462 also eaten for breakfast also by those k7XlOAvP0Ny-00719-00190463-00190631 eating out usually accompanied with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00720-00190632-00190894 Greek coffee or frappe coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00721-00190895-00191137 traditional Greek breakfast hot milk k7XlOAvP0Ny-00722-00191138-00191387 fresh bread butter and honey or yogurt k7XlOAvP0Ny-00723-00191388-00191650 was also available in special milk shops k7XlOAvP0Ny-00724-00191651-00191957 in Greek galacto pelea galacto pelea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00725-00191958-00192209 galacto Polio milk shops were phased out k7XlOAvP0Ny-00726-00192210-00192536 between 1970 and 1990 there are very few k7XlOAvP0Ny-00727-00192537-00192743 left one is in Athens and some in small k7XlOAvP0Ny-00728-00192744-00193270 towns k7XlOAvP0Ny-00729-00193271-00193755 topic Hungary k7XlOAvP0Ny-00730-00193756-00194007 in Hungary people usually have a large k7XlOAvP0Ny-00731-00194008-00194283 breakfast Hungarian breakfast generally k7XlOAvP0Ny-00732-00194284-00194490 is an open sandwich with fresh bread or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00733-00194491-00194715 a toast butter cheese or different cream k7XlOAvP0Ny-00734-00194716-00194955 cheeses Toro cheese or Korres it lifts k7XlOAvP0Ny-00735-00194956-00195072 our cheese spread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00736-00195073-00195315 cold cuts such as ham liver pate called k7XlOAvP0Ny-00737-00195316-00195624 my creme or kinoma has bacon salami beef k7XlOAvP0Ny-00738-00195625-00195861 tongue mortadella dis now sat head k7XlOAvP0Ny-00739-00195862-00196101 cheese different Hungarian sausages or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00740-00196102-00196437 coal bass even eggs fried scrambled or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00741-00196438-00196668 boiled french toast called Bundys kenya k7XlOAvP0Ny-00742-00196669-00196884 and vegetables like peppers bell peppers k7XlOAvP0Ny-00743-00196885-00197151 tomatoes radish scallion and cucumber k7XlOAvP0Ny-00744-00197152-00197360 are part of the hungarian breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00745-00197361-00197649 sometimes breakfast is a cup of milk tea k7XlOAvP0Ny-00746-00197650-00197880 or coffee with pastries bread rolls or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00747-00197881-00198093 crescent shaped bread chiefly toast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00748-00198094-00198324 pastries with different fillings sweet k7XlOAvP0Ny-00749-00198325-00198564 and salty as well butter jam or honey k7XlOAvP0Ny-00750-00198565-00198780 and a bun or a strudel or cereal like k7XlOAvP0Ny-00751-00198781-00199520 muesli yogurt kefir and perhaps fruit k7XlOAvP0Ny-00752-00199521-00199991 topic Italy k7XlOAvP0Ny-00753-00199992-00200213 the traditional breakfast in Italy k7XlOAvP0Ny-00754-00200214-00200459 simply consists of a cafe latte hot k7XlOAvP0Ny-00755-00200460-00200648 coffee with milk with bread or rolls k7XlOAvP0Ny-00756-00200649-00200873 butter and jam known as prima colazione k7XlOAvP0Ny-00757-00200874-00201224 er just colazione e fat biscuit at a a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00758-00201225-00201419 cookie like hard bread often eaten with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00759-00201420-00201629 hazelnut chocolate spread or butter and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00760-00201630-00201848 jam and biscotti cookies are commonly k7XlOAvP0Ny-00761-00201849-00202106 eaten hot coffee may be sometimes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00762-00202107-00202301 replaced by hot tea depending on k7XlOAvP0Ny-00763-00202302-00202414 personal tastes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00764-00202415-00202685 children often drink hot chocolate plain k7XlOAvP0Ny-00765-00202686-00202928 milk hot milk with barley coffee or hot k7XlOAvP0Ny-00766-00202929-00203213 milk with very little coffee cereals k7XlOAvP0Ny-00767-00203214-00203453 yogurt and fruit juices are also common k7XlOAvP0Ny-00768-00203454-00203693 if breakfast is even in a bar coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00769-00203694-00203927 shop it is composed of cappuccino and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00770-00203928-00204164 Cornetto froth hot milk with coffee and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00771-00204165-00204494 a pastry it is not uncommon for Italians k7XlOAvP0Ny-00772-00204495-00204677 to have a quick breakfast snack during k7XlOAvP0Ny-00773-00204678-00205194 the morning k7XlOAvP0Ny-00774-00205196-00205683 topic Latvia k7XlOAvP0Ny-00775-00205684-00205938 typical Latvian breakfast usually k7XlOAvP0Ny-00776-00205939-00206117 consists of open sandwiches with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00777-00206119-00206373 toppings made of vegetables fish eggs or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00778-00206373-00206642 cheese just like Finland it is often k7XlOAvP0Ny-00779-00206644-00206871 buttered with margarine curd mixed with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00780-00206871-00207051 vegetables and salt as well as other k7XlOAvP0Ny-00781-00207052-00207269 sour milk products are very popular as k7XlOAvP0Ny-00782-00207271-00207546 well very often light oat porridge is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00783-00207546-00207798 eaten too in general light sour and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00784-00207798-00208014 salty tasting food is common for morning k7XlOAvP0Ny-00785-00208015-00208302 meal Latvians usually drink coffee for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00786-00208303-00208812 breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00787-00208813-00209285 topic Malta k7XlOAvP0Ny-00788-00209286-00209501 on the island of Malta breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00789-00209502-00209690 integrates both British and continental k7XlOAvP0Ny-00790-00209691-00209998 elements usually the Maltese start their k7XlOAvP0Ny-00791-00210000-00210182 day with a bowl of cereal mixed with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00792-00210183-00210389 milk sometimes with a cup of coffee or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00793-00210390-00210571 tea marmalade k7XlOAvP0Ny-00794-00210573-00210794 jams or even chocolate spreads are also k7XlOAvP0Ny-00795-00210794-00211096 common on bread or toast today cereal k7XlOAvP0Ny-00796-00211098-00211298 bars are also becoming a common type of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00797-00211298-00211573 breakfast on the island the traditional k7XlOAvP0Ny-00798-00211575-00211808 English breakfast of eggs sausages and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00799-00211809-00212023 fried bacon was also popular among the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00800-00212025-00212276 Maltese especially on Sundays due to the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00801-00212277-00212467 strong British influence on the island k7XlOAvP0Ny-00802-00212469-00212606 but this has diminished almost k7XlOAvP0Ny-00803-00212607-00212825 completely as locals have rediscovered a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00804-00212826-00213026 more Mediterranean and continental diet k7XlOAvP0Ny-00805-00213027-00213329 over the recent years hotels usually k7XlOAvP0Ny-00806-00213330-00213521 serve both a continental as well as a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00807-00213521-00213809 full English breakfast prayers are often k7XlOAvP0Ny-00808-00213810-00214004 said before breakfast in order to bless k7XlOAvP0Ny-00809-00214005-00214525 the meal k7XlOAvP0Ny-00810-00214526-00215137 topic Netherlands and Belgium for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00811-00215138-00215350 breakfast Dutch and Belgians typically k7XlOAvP0Ny-00812-00215351-00215503 eat sliced bread with butter or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00813-00215504-00215689 margarine and various choices of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00814-00215690-00215887 toppings dairy products numerous k7XlOAvP0Ny-00815-00215888-00216144 variations of cheese a variety of cured k7XlOAvP0Ny-00816-00216146-00216376 and sliced meats or sweet or semi-sweet k7XlOAvP0Ny-00817-00216377-00216621 products such as Jam syrup from sugar k7XlOAvP0Ny-00818-00216623-00216754 beets or fruit honey k7XlOAvP0Ny-00819-00216755-00216969 caucus bread a coconut product that is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00820-00216971-00217167 served thinly sliced like sliced cheese k7XlOAvP0Ny-00821-00217169-00217462 or peanut butter another type of sweet k7XlOAvP0Ny-00822-00217463-00217657 toppings are the chocolate toppings the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00823-00217658-00217825 Dutch have chocolate toppings in all k7XlOAvP0Ny-00824-00217826-00217990 variations haggle slag k7XlOAvP0Ny-00825-00217991-00218209 chocolate sprinkles chocolate of lockin k7XlOAvP0Ny-00826-00218210-00218409 chocolate flakes both typically Dutch k7XlOAvP0Ny-00827-00218410-00218640 and chocolate a pasta chocolate spread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00828-00218641-00218953 tea drip alator coffee milk and juice k7XlOAvP0Ny-00829-00218954-00219194 are the most popular breakfast beverages k7XlOAvP0Ny-00830-00219196-00219451 breakfast may also include raisin bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00831-00219452-00219715 and fried or boiled eggs on special k7XlOAvP0Ny-00832-00219716-00219931 occasions such as Easter Christmas k7XlOAvP0Ny-00833-00219932-00220198 Mother's Day etc breakfast is usually k7XlOAvP0Ny-00834-00220198-00220375 the same but with a wider range of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00835-00220376-00220663 choices ie premium cheeses special ham k7XlOAvP0Ny-00836-00220664-00221098 hot buns croissants etc a 2012 opinion k7XlOAvP0Ny-00837-00221098-00221275 poll concluded that the Dutch believed k7XlOAvP0Ny-00838-00221276-00221407 that breakfast should be a more k7XlOAvP0Ny-00839-00221408-00221592 important meal than it is and that more k7XlOAvP0Ny-00840-00221594-00221755 time should be spent on it almost k7XlOAvP0Ny-00841-00221756-00221941 three-quarters of those polled ate their k7XlOAvP0Ny-00842-00221942-00222163 sandwiches in less than 15 minutes and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00843-00222164-00222340 blamed for an all too quick breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00844-00222341-00222673 was placed on fast breakfast products a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00845-00222673-00223009 perfect weekend breakfast for the Dutch k7XlOAvP0Ny-00846-00223010-00223231 contained coffee or tea fresh-baked k7XlOAvP0Ny-00847-00223232-00223459 bread rolls and croissants and a boiled k7XlOAvP0Ny-00848-00223460-00223746 egg the poll also concluded that men are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00849-00223748-00223915 more interested than women in having k7XlOAvP0Ny-00850-00223916-00224512 breakfast with their partner k7XlOAvP0Ny-00851-00224513-00225217 topic Norway 80% of Norwegians eat k7XlOAvP0Ny-00852-00225217-00225466 breakfast fro Coast daily mostly at home k7XlOAvP0Ny-00853-00225467-00225717 the most common breakfast has open k7XlOAvP0Ny-00854-00225719-00225792 sandwiches k7XlOAvP0Ny-00855-00225794-00226017 superb rod often whole-wheat bread with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00856-00226019-00226267 cheese often Jarlsberg nor vahue or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00857-00226267-00226592 brunost cold cuts lever post a jam etc k7XlOAvP0Ny-00858-00226594-00226885 common drinks are water various types of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00859-00226886-00227140 coffee such as French press cafe latte k7XlOAvP0Ny-00860-00227141-00227428 or espresso milk and juice another k7XlOAvP0Ny-00861-00227429-00227644 common breakfast is breakfast cereals k7XlOAvP0Ny-00862-00227644-00227866 like cornflakes even with milk colter k7XlOAvP0Ny-00863-00227867-00228130 milk or yogurt whole grain porridges k7XlOAvP0Ny-00864-00228131-00228307 with regular milk or butter are also k7XlOAvP0Ny-00865-00228308-00228613 eaten by some more ample breakfasts may k7XlOAvP0Ny-00866-00228614-00228829 include fish a diverse array of cheese k7XlOAvP0Ny-00867-00228830-00229009 eggs bacon breads k7XlOAvP0Ny-00868-00229010-00229240 and hot and cold cereals even in various k7XlOAvP0Ny-00869-00229241-00229537 combinations pastries such as croissants k7XlOAvP0Ny-00870-00229538-00229714 or panda show Cola have become k7XlOAvP0Ny-00871-00229715-00230437 increasingly common since the 1990s k7XlOAvP0Ny-00872-00230438-00230912 topic Poland k7XlOAvP0Ny-00873-00230913-00231142 the traditional polish breakfast is a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00874-00231144-00231335 large spread with a variety of sides k7XlOAvP0Ny-00875-00231336-00231635 even with bread or toast sides include k7XlOAvP0Ny-00876-00231636-00231863 various cold cuts meat spreads the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00877-00231864-00232123 Polish sausage kielbasa tomatoes Swiss k7XlOAvP0Ny-00878-00232125-00232427 cheese and sliced pickles taurog a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00879-00232428-00232655 Polish cheese is the breakfast classic k7XlOAvP0Ny-00880-00232656-00232942 and comes in many forms taurog can be k7XlOAvP0Ny-00881-00232944-00233192 eaten plain with salt sugar or honey or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00882-00233192-00233387 it can be mixed with chives into a cream k7XlOAvP0Ny-00883-00233388-00233651 cheese like spread eggs are served often k7XlOAvP0Ny-00884-00233652-00233846 as the main breakfast item mostly k7XlOAvP0Ny-00885-00233846-00234121 soft-boiled or scrambled for a quick k7XlOAvP0Ny-00886-00234123-00234298 winter breakfast hot oatmeal k7XlOAvP0Ny-00887-00234300-00234496 - which cocoa is sometimes added is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00888-00234498-00234803 often served Jam spreads are popular for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00889-00234804-00234994 a quick breakfast including plum k7XlOAvP0Ny-00890-00234996-00235214 raspberry and black or red currant k7XlOAvP0Ny-00891-00235215-00235487 spreads breakfast drinks include coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00892-00235488-00235867 milk hot cocoa or tea traditionally the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00893-00235869-00236051 poles avoid heavy cooked foods for k7XlOAvP0Ny-00894-00236052-00236279 breakfast for the most part one will not k7XlOAvP0Ny-00895-00236280-00236510 see fried meats or potatoes in a classic k7XlOAvP0Ny-00896-00236511-00236798 Polish breakfast emphasis is placed on a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00897-00236798-00237011 large variety of foods to satisfy k7XlOAvP0Ny-00898-00237012-00237642 everyone at the breakfast table k7XlOAvP0Ny-00899-00237644-00238130 topic Romania k7XlOAvP0Ny-00900-00238131-00238379 the traditional Romanian breakfast is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00901-00238380-00238594 milk tea or coffee alongside toasted k7XlOAvP0Ny-00902-00238596-00238766 bread with butter or margarine and on k7XlOAvP0Ny-00903-00238767-00238952 top of it honey or fruit jams or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00904-00238953-00239219 preserves sometimes the buttered bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00905-00239219-00239435 has served savory instead of sweet in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00906-00239436-00239654 which case the Romanians add cured meats k7XlOAvP0Ny-00907-00239655-00239966 salami or cheese another option is to k7XlOAvP0Ny-00908-00239967-00240148 spread on a slice of bread some liver k7XlOAvP0Ny-00909-00240150-00240482 pate in recent years Romanians have also k7XlOAvP0Ny-00910-00240483-00240667 started to serve cereal with dried k7XlOAvP0Ny-00911-00240669-00240823 fruits and milk instead of the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00912-00240825-00240989 traditional breakfast though that is not k7XlOAvP0Ny-00913-00240990-00241310 yet very widespread according to a 2014 k7XlOAvP0Ny-00914-00241311-00241640 study 35% of Romanians eat cooked dishes k7XlOAvP0Ny-00915-00241641-00241898 such as omelette or fried eggs and 15% k7XlOAvP0Ny-00916-00241898-00242221 eat sandwiches most people drink coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00917-00242223-00242477 and 67 percent served Turkish coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00918-00242478-00242666 made in an e-brake though more and more k7XlOAvP0Ny-00919-00242667-00242840 people are starting to use drip or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00920-00242841-00243113 filter coffee while crepes served with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00921-00243114-00243323 fruit preserves jams or cheese have k7XlOAvP0Ny-00922-00243323-00243527 traditionally been served as desserts in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00923-00243528-00243710 the recent years more Romanians have k7XlOAvP0Ny-00924-00243711-00243869 started to have them as breakfast during k7XlOAvP0Ny-00925-00243869-00244412 weekends k7XlOAvP0Ny-00926-00244413-00244894 topic Russia k7XlOAvP0Ny-00927-00244894-00245101 traditional Russian breakfast are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00928-00245102-00245323 concentrated on cautious or porridges k7XlOAvP0Ny-00929-00245324-00245530 the most important staple in Russian k7XlOAvP0Ny-00930-00245531-00245725 nutritional culture with buckwheat and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00931-00245726-00245942 oat as well as semolina serving as the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00932-00245942-00246133 three most important basis of such k7XlOAvP0Ny-00933-00246134-00246362 dishes usually cooked on water or milk k7XlOAvP0Ny-00934-00246363-00246603 as well as consumed with or without milk k7XlOAvP0Ny-00935-00246604-00246892 breakfast foods also include pancakes or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00936-00246894-00247156 ala dusky Ola dusky are made from flour k7XlOAvP0Ny-00937-00247157-00247439 and rise on yeast blini or crêpes are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00938-00247440-00247654 also popular for breakfast and are also k7XlOAvP0Ny-00939-00247655-00247845 made with flour but without the yeast k7XlOAvP0Ny-00940-00247846-00248152 sir neatly is a cheese form of pancake k7XlOAvP0Ny-00941-00248153-00248431 sir Nicky are made of TV or OGG cork k7XlOAvP0Ny-00942-00248432-00248596 cheese which can be eaten separately k7XlOAvP0Ny-00943-00248597-00248917 with honey for breakfast also a popular k7XlOAvP0Ny-00944-00248919-00249140 dishes beuter broad open sandwiches with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00945-00249141-00249740 cold cuts and cheese's k7XlOAvP0Ny-00946-00249741-00250230 topic Serbia k7XlOAvP0Ny-00947-00250231-00250513 in Serbia breakfast may include eggs in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00948-00250514-00250599 different forms k7XlOAvP0Ny-00949-00250600-00250830 eg omelet with bacon onion and feta k7XlOAvP0Ny-00950-00250831-00251089 cheese can fish or open sandwiches with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00951-00251090-00251338 prosciutto or ham feta cheese and salad k7XlOAvP0Ny-00952-00251339-00251625 eg pickles different types of pies and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00953-00251626-00251931 pastry with various filings eg proyecta k7XlOAvP0Ny-00954-00251932-00252126 Banach etheric are also served as the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00955-00252127-00252390 main dish yogurt and coffee are k7XlOAvP0Ny-00956-00252391-00252967 preferred breakfast drinks k7XlOAvP0Ny-00957-00252969-00253444 topic Spain k7XlOAvP0Ny-00958-00253446-00253679 in central Spain there is a special k7XlOAvP0Ny-00959-00253680-00253844 breakfast known as chocolate con churros k7XlOAvP0Ny-00960-00253844-00254063 hot chocolate with Spanish style k7XlOAvP0Ny-00961-00254064-00254254 fritters which are extruded sticks of k7XlOAvP0Ny-00962-00254255-00254392 donut like dough with a star-shaped k7XlOAvP0Ny-00963-00254394-00254707 profile covered in sugar the chocolate k7XlOAvP0Ny-00964-00254708-00254905 drink is made very thick and sweet in k7XlOAvP0Ny-00965-00254906-00255167 Madrid churros are somewhat smaller and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00966-00255167-00255419 shaped like a charity ribbon this meal k7XlOAvP0Ny-00967-00255419-00255653 is normally served in cafeterias but it k7XlOAvP0Ny-00968-00255654-00255866 is not a regular or usual breakfast at k7XlOAvP0Ny-00969-00255867-00256154 Madrid homes the usual one is the same k7XlOAvP0Ny-00970-00256155-00256364 as in the rest of Spain coffee with milk k7XlOAvP0Ny-00971-00256365-00256628 or Cola sau orange juice biscuits or k7XlOAvP0Ny-00972-00256629-00256925 toasts with butter and jam in the north k7XlOAvP0Ny-00973-00256926-00257134 east and west it is more common to have k7XlOAvP0Ny-00974-00257135-00257228 a cup of coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-00975-00257229-00257453 usually with milk or Cola sau and a k7XlOAvP0Ny-00976-00257454-00257644 toast with a choice of olive oil and k7XlOAvP0Ny-00977-00257646-00257905 salt tomato and olive oil butter jam k7XlOAvP0Ny-00978-00257906-00258200 pate jamon serrano cured ham and other k7XlOAvP0Ny-00979-00258201-00258425 options like so Brasada a rock cured k7XlOAvP0Ny-00980-00258426-00258626 spiced sausage that is easy to spread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00981-00258627-00258904 and in Andalusia pringle freshly k7XlOAvP0Ny-00982-00258905-00259084 squeezed orange juice is widely k7XlOAvP0Ny-00983-00259085-00259258 available in most places as an k7XlOAvP0Ny-00984-00259259-00259531 alternative for coffee the breakfast is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00985-00259532-00259715 not often larger than these two items k7XlOAvP0Ny-00986-00259716-00259916 because usually in late morning there is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00987-00259917-00260110 a break known as almuerzo when there is k7XlOAvP0Ny-00988-00260111-00260410 a snack sometimes toast is replaced with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00989-00260411-00260594 galletas a type of cookie made with k7XlOAvP0Ny-00990-00260594-00260860 flour sugar oil and vanilla flavor k7XlOAvP0Ny-00991-00260861-00261071 Magdalena's a Spanish version of the k7XlOAvP0Ny-00992-00261071-00261269 French Madeleine made with oil instead k7XlOAvP0Ny-00993-00261269-00261867 of butter or buns k7XlOAvP0Ny-00994-00261867-00262349 topic Sweden k7XlOAvP0Ny-00995-00262350-00262616 breakfast in Sweden is usually an open k7XlOAvP0Ny-00996-00262617-00262823 sandwich of soft bread or crisp bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-00997-00262824-00263030 cold cuts Smorgasburg k7XlOAvP0Ny-00998-00263031-00263288 keys cottage cheese cream cheese eggs k7XlOAvP0Ny-00999-00263289-00263588 scrambled or boiled pate lever paste a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01000-00263589-00263789 with pickled cucumber tomatoes or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01001-00263790-00264008 cucumber or a toast with marmalade or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01002-00264009-00264281 maybe honey juices coffee hot chocolate k7XlOAvP0Ny-01003-00264282-00264590 or tea breakfast cereals are muesli with k7XlOAvP0Ny-01004-00264591-00264808 milk yogurt or fill mold currants and k7XlOAvP0Ny-01005-00264809-00265007 fruits are popular or warm whole grain k7XlOAvP0Ny-01006-00265008-00265226 porridge with milk and jam for example k7XlOAvP0Ny-01007-00265227-00265532 lingonberry jam bilberry soup blab bar k7XlOAvP0Ny-01008-00265533-00265781 SOPA and rose hip soup are also possible k7XlOAvP0Ny-01009-00265782-00266383 breakfast alternatives k7XlOAvP0Ny-01010-00266384-00266879 topic Switzerland k7XlOAvP0Ny-01011-00266880-00267125 Swiss breakfasts are often similar to k7XlOAvP0Ny-01012-00267126-00267253 those eaten in neighboring countries k7XlOAvP0Ny-01013-00267254-00267584 traditionally zoth or Zuffa is eaten on k7XlOAvP0Ny-01014-00267585-00267776 Sunday mornings and New Year's Day k7XlOAvP0Ny-01015-00267777-00268073 a notable breakfast food of Swiss origin k7XlOAvP0Ny-01016-00268074-00268277 now found throughout Europe is muesli k7XlOAvP0Ny-01017-00268278-00268409 Bircher muesli in Swiss German k7XlOAvP0Ny-01018-00268410-00268742 introduced in 1900 by Maximilian Bircher k7XlOAvP0Ny-01019-00268743-00269394 Benner for patients in his hospital k7XlOAvP0Ny-01020-00269395-00269991 topic United Kingdom and Ireland k7XlOAvP0Ny-01021-00269992-00270254 in the contemporary UK and Ireland a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01022-00270255-00270471 weekday breakfast may involve a cereal k7XlOAvP0Ny-01023-00270472-00270720 dish such as muesli porridge or cereal k7XlOAvP0Ny-01024-00270721-00270956 or toast or simply bread spread with jam k7XlOAvP0Ny-01025-00270957-00271226 or marmalade tea and coffee remain k7XlOAvP0Ny-01026-00271227-00271488 equally popular accompaniments marmalade k7XlOAvP0Ny-01027-00271489-00271725 originally a Portuguese confection had k7XlOAvP0Ny-01028-00271726-00271925 been a popular British spread to consume k7XlOAvP0Ny-01029-00271926-00272118 in the evening before the Scots moved it k7XlOAvP0Ny-01030-00272119-00272282 to the breakfast table in the 18th k7XlOAvP0Ny-01031-00272283-00272555 century it is however becoming very k7XlOAvP0Ny-01032-00272556-00272790 common to skip breakfast entirely or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01033-00272791-00272975 take coffee or pastries on the morning k7XlOAvP0Ny-01034-00272976-00273031 commute k7XlOAvP0Ny-01035-00273032-00273294 portable quick snacks such as granola k7XlOAvP0Ny-01036-00273295-00273522 bars ready cut fruit and warm takeaway k7XlOAvP0Ny-01037-00273523-00273734 foods are becoming increasingly commonly k7XlOAvP0Ny-01038-00273735-00273932 consumed away from home and are sold at k7XlOAvP0Ny-01039-00273933-00274109 commuting points and news agents and k7XlOAvP0Ny-01040-00274110-00274409 local shops in all urban areas the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01041-00274410-00274617 traditional breakfast most associated k7XlOAvP0Ny-01042-00274618-00274826 with Britain and Ireland remains however k7XlOAvP0Ny-01043-00274827-00275118 the full breakfast of eggs fried k7XlOAvP0Ny-01044-00275119-00275349 scrambled or poached with bacon and k7XlOAvP0Ny-01045-00275350-00275613 sausages usually with mushrooms tomatoes k7XlOAvP0Ny-01046-00275614-00275882 baked beans fried bread black pudding or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01047-00275883-00276141 white pudding and toast dating from a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01048-00276142-00276345 time when hard labor was more common k7XlOAvP0Ny-01049-00276346-00276645 calorie intake swear elite I and servant k7XlOAvP0Ny-01050-00276646-00276827 labor was more available it is nowadays k7XlOAvP0Ny-01051-00276828-00277049 regarded as a meal for the weekend or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01052-00277050-00277239 holidays when time is available for k7XlOAvP0Ny-01053-00277240-00277433 preparation prepared by parents to k7XlOAvP0Ny-01054-00277434-00277599 welcome children or as a special k7XlOAvP0Ny-01055-00277600-00277757 occasion such as a birthday or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01056-00277758-00277958 anniversary or following a night of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01057-00277959-00278201 drinking a healthy and nutritious k7XlOAvP0Ny-01058-00278202-00278408 version consists of grilling the protein k7XlOAvP0Ny-01059-00278409-00278603 and using poached rather than fried eggs k7XlOAvP0Ny-01060-00278604-00278847 and variations based on one egg one k7XlOAvP0Ny-01061-00278848-00279128 protein and toast abound it remains by k7XlOAvP0Ny-01062-00279129-00279324 far the most common choice on brunch k7XlOAvP0Ny-01063-00279325-00279530 menus and breakfast cafes across the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01064-00279531-00279915 region the full Scottish breakfast tends k7XlOAvP0Ny-01065-00279916-00280106 to omit pork sausages and have beef k7XlOAvP0Ny-01066-00280107-00280409 sausages or lamb haggis instead at its k7XlOAvP0Ny-01067-00280410-00280607 most extensive it consists of eggs k7XlOAvP0Ny-01068-00280608-00280850 Square sausage fried dumpling potato k7XlOAvP0Ny-01069-00280851-00281142 scone tomato mushrooms bacon beef links k7XlOAvP0Ny-01070-00281143-00281394 and fried bread originating in the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01071-00281395-00281595 British Isles during the Victorian era k7XlOAvP0Ny-01072-00281596-00281777 the full breakfast as among the most k7XlOAvP0Ny-01073-00281778-00281967 internationally recognized British k7XlOAvP0Ny-01074-00281968-00282162 dishes another traditional British k7XlOAvP0Ny-01075-00282163-00282366 breakfast consists of porridge although k7XlOAvP0Ny-01076-00282367-00282578 now associated with Scotland it has been k7XlOAvP0Ny-01077-00282579-00282779 consumed across Britain as a staple food k7XlOAvP0Ny-01078-00282780-00283025 since at least the Middle Ages the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01079-00283026-00283250 breakfast cereal Scots porridge oats was k7XlOAvP0Ny-01080-00283251-00283378 produced in Glasgow k7XlOAvP0Ny-01081-00283379-00283633 in 1880 before the arrival of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01082-00283634-00283855 american-style breakfast cereals in the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01083-00283856-00284107 early 20th century dried bread soaked in k7XlOAvP0Ny-01084-00284108-00284338 hot milk or tea and porridge boiled oats k7XlOAvP0Ny-01085-00284339-00284545 was the common daily breakfast while k7XlOAvP0Ny-01086-00284546-00284767 leftover vegetables often cabbage and k7XlOAvP0Ny-01087-00284768-00284977 potatoes not even the night before were k7XlOAvP0Ny-01088-00284978-00285199 often served refried becoming bubble and k7XlOAvP0Ny-01089-00285200-00285394 squeak in Ireland the dish is known as k7XlOAvP0Ny-01090-00285395-00285492 colcannon k7XlOAvP0Ny-01091-00285493-00285715 traditionally breakfast would be served k7XlOAvP0Ny-01092-00285716-00285910 with a small amount of fruit such as a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01093-00285911-00286102 slice of orange believed to prevent the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01094-00286103-00286420 onset of scurvy also traditional but now k7XlOAvP0Ny-01095-00286421-00286663 less popular breakfasts included fish in k7XlOAvP0Ny-01096-00286664-00286864 the form of kippers smoked herring with k7XlOAvP0Ny-01097-00286865-00287026 poached egg and toast and kedgeree k7XlOAvP0Ny-01098-00287027-00287266 Escoto Indian smoked haddock egg and k7XlOAvP0Ny-01099-00287267-00287484 rice dish originating in colonial India k7XlOAvP0Ny-01100-00287485-00287749 most British breakfasts are consumed k7XlOAvP0Ny-01101-00287750-00287980 with tea coffee or fruit juice in Old k7XlOAvP0Ny-01102-00287981-00288178 English breakfast was known as morgan k7XlOAvP0Ny-01103-00288179-00288477 meat meaning morning meal k7XlOAvP0Ny-01104-00288478-00288720 a continental breakfast in UK and Irish k7XlOAvP0Ny-01105-00288721-00288966 hotels normally consists of baked goods k7XlOAvP0Ny-01106-00288967-00289212 fresh bread toast pastries such as k7XlOAvP0Ny-01107-00289213-00289443 croissants or pano Chocolat cetera k7XlOAvP0Ny-01108-00289444-00289692 slices of cheese and cold meat cereal k7XlOAvP0Ny-01109-00289693-00289944 yogurts fruit and drinks like coffee tea k7XlOAvP0Ny-01110-00289945-00290184 or fruit juices although this is the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01111-00290185-00290370 traditional breakfast in parts of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01112-00290371-00290532 continental Europe elsewhere these k7XlOAvP0Ny-01113-00290533-00290700 breakfasts are common only in the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01114-00290701-00290913 hospitality sector particularly in k7XlOAvP0Ny-01115-00290914-00291144 economy and limited service hotels with k7XlOAvP0Ny-01116-00291145-00291324 no restaurant as they require little k7XlOAvP0Ny-01117-00291325-00291889 preparation k7XlOAvP0Ny-01118-00291890-00292432 topic north america k7XlOAvP0Ny-01119-00292433-00292633 as with other continents around the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01120-00292634-00292852 world breakfasts in North America vary k7XlOAvP0Ny-01121-00292853-00293500 widely from country to country k7XlOAvP0Ny-01122-00293501-00293984 topic Canada k7XlOAvP0Ny-01123-00293985-00294218 breakfast in Canada is similar to that k7XlOAvP0Ny-01124-00294219-00294473 of the u.s. traditional breakfast foods k7XlOAvP0Ny-01125-00294474-00294719 include pork sausages or bacon fried k7XlOAvP0Ny-01126-00294720-00295058 potatoes eggs toast cereals pancakes or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01127-00295059-00295277 french toast and maple syrup or hot k7XlOAvP0Ny-01128-00295278-00295547 oatmeal coffee and tea are both widely k7XlOAvP0Ny-01129-00295548-00296194 consumed in Canada during breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-01130-00296195-00296708 topic Costa Rica k7XlOAvP0Ny-01131-00296709-00296972 in Costa Rica the most common breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-01132-00296973-00297312 is called gallo pinto which basically is k7XlOAvP0Ny-01133-00297313-00297527 made up of rice and beans red or black k7XlOAvP0Ny-01134-00297528-00297840 previously cooked sauteed in a pan with k7XlOAvP0Ny-01135-00297841-00298073 chili onions culantro and herb k7XlOAvP0Ny-01136-00298074-00298271 typical to the region and bean stock for k7XlOAvP0Ny-01137-00298272-00298523 color it is accompanied with fried egg k7XlOAvP0Ny-01138-00298524-00298743 cheese and fried plantain door cooking k7XlOAvP0Ny-01139-00298744-00299013 plantain black coffee as well as with k7XlOAvP0Ny-01140-00299014-00299255 milk our traditional drinks as this is k7XlOAvP0Ny-01141-00299256-00299444 the most common breakfast of the country k7XlOAvP0Ny-01142-00299445-00299643 in Lamone province they prepare gallo k7XlOAvP0Ny-01143-00299644-00299845 pinto with coconut milk instead k7XlOAvP0Ny-01144-00299846-00300110 another popular breakfast food is de k7XlOAvP0Ny-01145-00300111-00300417 correo des which are basically savory k7XlOAvP0Ny-01146-00300418-00300551 sweet corn pancakes k7XlOAvP0Ny-01147-00300552-00300728 they are usually accompanied with cheese k7XlOAvP0Ny-01148-00300729-00301478 or a type of sour cream called Nadia k7XlOAvP0Ny-01149-00301479-00301958 topic Cuba k7XlOAvP0Ny-01150-00301959-00302214 breakfast in urban areas traditionally k7XlOAvP0Ny-01151-00302215-00302435 consists of Cafe con Leche that is k7XlOAvP0Ny-01152-00302436-00302647 sweetened and includes a pinch of salt k7XlOAvP0Ny-01153-00302648-00302882 toasted buttered Cuban bread cut into k7XlOAvP0Ny-01154-00302883-00303176 lengths is dunked in the coffee in rural k7XlOAvP0Ny-01155-00303177-00303455 Cuba farmers eat roasted pork beans and k7XlOAvP0Ny-01156-00303456-00303687 white rice cafe con leche and queixada k7XlOAvP0Ny-01157-00303688-00304291 sweetened with caramel k7XlOAvP0Ny-01158-00304292-00304833 topic Dominican Republic k7XlOAvP0Ny-01159-00304834-00305067 in the Dominican Republic breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-01160-00305068-00305283 varies depending on the region in the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01161-00305284-00305484 interior of the island it is accustomed k7XlOAvP0Ny-01162-00305485-00305654 to have breakfast with a side of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01163-00305655-00305961 vegetables the green plantain or cooking k7XlOAvP0Ny-01164-00305962-00306237 plantain being the most popular it is k7XlOAvP0Ny-01165-00306238-00306456 served boiled or mashed known as mango k7XlOAvP0Ny-01166-00306457-00306759 in the capital breakfast is more light k7XlOAvP0Ny-01167-00306760-00306999 it includes coffee with milk or hot k7XlOAvP0Ny-01168-00307000-00307065 chocolate k7XlOAvP0Ny-01169-00307066-00307274 along with bread butter and cheese k7XlOAvP0Ny-01170-00307275-00307539 normally accompanied by orange juice and k7XlOAvP0Ny-01171-00307540-00307725 other juices of fruits typical to the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01172-00307726-00308064 region milk punch milk egg nutmeg and k7XlOAvP0Ny-01173-00308065-00308331 malt boiled eggs with karina de Negrita k7XlOAvP0Ny-01174-00308332-00308585 or some other type of corn starch k7XlOAvP0Ny-01175-00308586-00308781 traditional breakfast bread is a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01176-00308782-00309330 water-based bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-01177-00309331-00309831 topic Guatemala k7XlOAvP0Ny-01178-00309832-00310110 in Guatemala breakfast consists of one k7XlOAvP0Ny-01179-00310111-00310347 or two eggs either fried scrambled or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01180-00310348-00310545 boiled accompanied by baked fried beans k7XlOAvP0Ny-01181-00310546-00310830 with coffee with this comes fresh cream k7XlOAvP0Ny-01182-00310831-00311049 fresh cheese and fried plantains or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01183-00311050-00311331 cooking plantain it is common to add hot k7XlOAvP0Ny-01184-00311332-00311643 sauce made out of chilled taps a type of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01185-00311644-00311839 pepper they are prepared raw or boiled k7XlOAvP0Ny-01186-00311840-00312021 then they are ground with some vinegar k7XlOAvP0Ny-01187-00312022-00312249 chopped onions and chopped cilantro to k7XlOAvP0Ny-01188-00312250-00312514 make the hot sauce a traditional egg k7XlOAvP0Ny-01189-00312515-00312702 dish prepared with both green and red k7XlOAvP0Ny-01190-00312703-00312988 sauces is called huevos divorcee Otto's k7XlOAvP0Ny-01191-00312989-00313264 in the eastern part of the country k7XlOAvP0Ny-01192-00313265-00313506 specifically in Zacapa you can find k7XlOAvP0Ny-01193-00313507-00313827 huevos a caballo or eggs on a horse k7XlOAvP0Ny-01194-00313828-00314046 which is basically two fried eggs over k7XlOAvP0Ny-01195-00314047-00314362 roasted steak other types of breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-01196-00314363-00314607 include milk cereals the most common k7XlOAvP0Ny-01197-00314608-00314808 drinks are orange juice or other fruits k7XlOAvP0Ny-01198-00314809-00315057 milk ATOL the milk pudding with k7XlOAvP0Ny-01199-00315058-00315201 chocolate and cornstarch k7XlOAvP0Ny-01200-00315202-00315463 the coffee is normally served with sweet k7XlOAvP0Ny-01201-00315464-00315747 bread also called panda Manteca or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01202-00315748-00316295 butter bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-01203-00316296-00316790 topic Honduras k7XlOAvP0Ny-01204-00316791-00317045 in Honduras it is typical to start the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01205-00317046-00317251 day with homemade bread with coffee or a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01206-00317252-00317546 glass of milk then a plate of food with k7XlOAvP0Ny-01207-00317547-00317731 beans alongside eggs that can be k7XlOAvP0Ny-01208-00317732-00317945 scrambled or sunny-side up slivers of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01209-00317946-00318208 fried plantain or cooking plantain corn k7XlOAvP0Ny-01210-00318209-00318526 tortillas cheese and butter versions of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01211-00318527-00318764 egg preparation vary estrella dough's k7XlOAvP0Ny-01212-00318765-00319000 which consists of just cracking the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01213-00319001-00319316 shell in torta or omelet beaten with k7XlOAvP0Ny-01214-00319317-00319571 some salt scrambled or boiled another k7XlOAvP0Ny-01215-00319572-00319769 typical breakfast are the ballet audas k7XlOAvP0Ny-01216-00319770-00319967 and tortillas with cheese sometimes k7XlOAvP0Ny-01217-00319968-00320134 they're fried together with cheese in k7XlOAvP0Ny-01218-00320135-00320530 between in the Garifuna culture coffee k7XlOAvP0Ny-01219-00320531-00320846 is accompanied by minimo bread banana k7XlOAvP0Ny-01220-00320847-00321454 bread or coconut bread k7XlOAvP0Ny-01221-00321455-00321939 topic Jamaica k7XlOAvP0Ny-01222-00321940-00322194 a Jamaican breakfast includes ackee and k7XlOAvP0Ny-01223-00322195-00322454 saltfish season callaloo boiled green k7XlOAvP0Ny-01224-00322455-00323100 bananas and fried dumplings k7XlOAvP0Ny-01225-00323101-00323597 topic Mexico k7XlOAvP0Ny-01226-00323598-00323882 a traditional Mexican breakfast consists k7XlOAvP0Ny-01227-00323883-00324041 of eggs prepared in different ways like k7XlOAvP0Ny-01228-00324042-00324299 huevos rancheros accompanied by beans k7XlOAvP0Ny-01229-00324300-00324581 with chili and tortillas also very k7XlOAvP0Ny-01230-00324582-00324812 traditional or chilaquiles pieces of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01231-00324813-00325001 corn tortilla with a cheese and chili k7XlOAvP0Ny-01232-00325002-00325244 sauce and in Toma Tadas a variation of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01233-00325245-00325845 the spicy enchiladas k7XlOAvP0Ny-01234-00325846-00326351 topic Nicaragua k7XlOAvP0Ny-01235-00326352-00326585 in Nicaragua the typical breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-01236-00326586-00326921 consists of gallo pinto national dish k7XlOAvP0Ny-01237-00326922-00327119 made out of red beans and rice eggs k7XlOAvP0Ny-01238-00327120-00327344 cheese corn tortillas and sweet k7XlOAvP0Ny-01239-00327345-00327638 plantains meals are normally accompanied k7XlOAvP0Ny-01240-00327639-00327910 by different juices in coffee on Sundays k7XlOAvP0Ny-01241-00327911-00328091 macadam al azhar the traditional k7XlOAvP0Ny-01242-00328092-00328322 breakfast these consist of a mass of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01243-00328323-00328544 corn with rice potatoes pork or chicken k7XlOAvP0Ny-01244-00328545-00328769 and sliced onions wrapped in plantain k7XlOAvP0Ny-01245-00328770-00328946 leaves and is usually accompanied by k7XlOAvP0Ny-01246-00328947-00329539 cacao as a drink k7XlOAvP0Ny-01247-00329540-00330027 topic Panama k7XlOAvP0Ny-01248-00330028-00330279 in Panama breakfast as a heavy meal k7XlOAvP0Ny-01249-00330280-00330456 especially in the interior of the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01250-00330457-00330744 country where hard labor requires it it k7XlOAvP0Ny-01251-00330745-00330972 always includes black coffee Tinto or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01252-00330973-00331176 with milk called pintado with any of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01253-00331177-00331404 these sides corn tortillas traditional k7XlOAvP0Ny-01254-00331405-00331632 white cheese or caso del pays another k7XlOAvP0Ny-01255-00331633-00331962 type of tortillas or tor reiha's made of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01256-00331963-00332280 wheat flour known as hoe holders another k7XlOAvP0Ny-01257-00332281-00332616 traditional breakfast side us boyo made k7XlOAvP0Ny-01258-00332617-00332841 out of either corn white corn or coconut k7XlOAvP0Ny-01259-00332842-00333060 that is wrapped in corn leaves in pren k7XlOAvP0Ny-01260-00333061-00333264 yeah meaning with child k7XlOAvP0Ny-01261-00333265-00333411 that means it's filled with some type of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01262-00333412-00333750 meat as protein a large serving of beef k7XlOAvP0Ny-01263-00333751-00333981 liver with onion scrambled or fried eggs k7XlOAvP0Ny-01264-00333982-00334308 beef stew or tasajo a type of beef k7XlOAvP0Ny-01265-00334309-00334539 jerkey pork rinds and different kinds of k7XlOAvP0Ny-01266-00334540-00334761 sausages like chorizo or morcilla are k7XlOAvP0Ny-01267-00334762-00334974 the most popular these are also k7XlOAvP0Ny-01268-00334975-00335217 accompanied by slices of green plantain k7XlOAvP0Ny-01269-00335218-00335535 or cooking plantain pata Kony's double k7XlOAvP0Ny-01270-00335536-00335772 fried plantain Caramon yola's yuca k7XlOAvP0Ny-01271-00335773-00335943 filled with meat as well as different k7XlOAvP0Ny-01272-00335944-00336170 bread pastries both savory and sweet k7XlOAvP0Ny-01273-00336171-00336429 these large breakfasts are normally k7XlOAvP0Ny-01274-00336430-00336606 reserved for special occasions while k7XlOAvP0Ny-01275-00336607-00336798 everyday breakfasts consist of more k7XlOAvP0Ny-01276-00336799-00336972 traditional food from the West like k7XlOAvP0Ny-01277-00336973-00337383 toast ham cheese jam etc it is important k7XlOAvP0Ny-01278-00337384-00337539 to mention that the prolonged us k7XlOAvP0Ny-01279-00337540-00337767 presence has also influenced urban areas k7XlOAvP0Ny-01280-00337768-00337965 of Panama by introducing meals like k7XlOAvP0Ny-01281-00337966-00338169 cereal with milk as well as pancakes k7XlOAvP0Ny-01282-00338170-00338346 with syrup as traditional breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-01283-00338347-00338867 meals k7XlOAvP0Ny-01284-00338868-00339401 topic United States k7XlOAvP0Ny-01285-00339402-00339650 the average starting time for breakfasts k7XlOAvP0Ny-01286-00339651-00339836 in the United States has been found to k7XlOAvP0Ny-01287-00339837-00340142 be 8:12 a.m. and varies from 808 a.m. in k7XlOAvP0Ny-01288-00340143-00340396 the south to 817 a.m. in the West k7XlOAvP0Ny-01289-00340397-00340610 breakfast often consists of a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01290-00340611-00340844 combination of hot or cold cereals eggs k7XlOAvP0Ny-01291-00340845-00341057 breakfast meats and breakfast quick k7XlOAvP0Ny-01292-00341058-00341276 breads such as pancakes waffles or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01293-00341277-00341567 biscuits variants of the full breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-01294-00341568-00341729 and continental breakfast are also k7XlOAvP0Ny-01295-00341730-00342011 common in the southeastern United States k7XlOAvP0Ny-01296-00342012-00342188 grits and biscuits and gravy are k7XlOAvP0Ny-01297-00342189-00342455 popularly eaten at breakfast in many k7XlOAvP0Ny-01298-00342456-00342662 regions around the country bagels are a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01299-00342663-00342851 common breakfast item and are often k7XlOAvP0Ny-01300-00342852-00343082 served sliced in half toasted and spread k7XlOAvP0Ny-01301-00343083-00343256 with butter or cream cheese or other k7XlOAvP0Ny-01302-00343257-00343547 toppings another popular breakfast item k7XlOAvP0Ny-01303-00343548-00343763 in the United States are donuts which k7XlOAvP0Ny-01304-00343764-00343943 are often consumed exclusive of other k7XlOAvP0Ny-01305-00343944-00344213 breakfast foods coffee is a common k7XlOAvP0Ny-01306-00344214-00344405 beverage as as tea and orange juice k7XlOAvP0Ny-01307-00344406-00344657 tomato juice and other fruit juices are k7XlOAvP0Ny-01308-00344658-00344939 consumed by people of all ages in the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01309-00344940-00345035 United States k7XlOAvP0Ny-01310-00345036-00345332 65% of coffee is drunk during breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-01311-00345333-00345668 hours milk is also widely consumed drunk k7XlOAvP0Ny-01312-00345669-00345881 either plain or prepared with various k7XlOAvP0Ny-01313-00345882-00346052 flavorings such as chocolate or k7XlOAvP0Ny-01314-00346053-00346373 strawberry across the country breakfast k7XlOAvP0Ny-01315-00346374-00346565 sandwiches are a common choice for the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01316-00346566-00346832 first meal of the day a typical sandwich k7XlOAvP0Ny-01317-00346833-00347063 is composed of egg cheese and cooked k7XlOAvP0Ny-01318-00347064-00347249 breakfast meat such as bacon or sausage k7XlOAvP0Ny-01319-00347250-00347357 on a roll k7XlOAvP0Ny-01320-00347358-00347543 although regional varietals are common k7XlOAvP0Ny-01321-00347544-00347702 in New Jersey k7XlOAvP0Ny-01322-00347703-00347861 bacon is often swapped out of the k7XlOAvP0Ny-01323-00347862-00348041 breakfast sandwich and replaced with a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01324-00348042-00348263 processed meat called pork roll also k7XlOAvP0Ny-01325-00348264-00348545 known as Taylor ham other areas alter k7XlOAvP0Ny-01326-00348546-00348710 the breakfast sandwich medium with k7XlOAvP0Ny-01327-00348711-00348923 regional favorites in New York bagels k7XlOAvP0Ny-01328-00348924-00349180 are popular and in the south biscuits a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01329-00349181-00349436 variation is the breakfast burrito which k7XlOAvP0Ny-01330-00349437-00349643 originates from southwestern and tex-mex k7XlOAvP0Ny-01331-00349644-00350226 cuisines k7XlOAvP0Ny-01332-00350227-00350767 topic South America k7XlOAvP0Ny-01333-00350768-00351107 you k7XlOAvP0Ny-01334-00351108-00351622 topic Argentina k7XlOAvP0Ny-01335-00351623-00351874 in Argentina breakfast is simple k7XlOAvP0Ny-01336-00351875-00352107 tostadas her media Lunas usually served k7XlOAvP0Ny-01337-00352108-00352741 with coffee and orange juice k7XlOAvP0Ny-01338-00352742-00353225 topic Brazil k7XlOAvP0Ny-01339-00353226-00353459 breakfast in Brazil tends to be lighter k7XlOAvP0Ny-01340-00353460-00353729 as Brazilians consider lunch to be a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01341-00353730-00354044 more important meal it is called Cafe k7XlOAvP0Ny-01342-00354045-00354296 domina in Portuguese which translates to k7XlOAvP0Ny-01343-00354297-00354491 morning coffee and consists of a k7XlOAvP0Ny-01344-00354492-00354707 combination of bread fruits cheese k7XlOAvP0Ny-01345-00354708-00354965 cereal powder kaizo cakes k7XlOAvP0Ny-01346-00354966-00355277 coffee milk and fruit juice regional k7XlOAvP0Ny-01347-00355278-00355880 differences also exist k7XlOAvP0Ny-01348-00355881-00356384 topic gallery k7XlOAvP0Ny-01349-00356385-00356753 you k7XlOAvP0Ny-01350-00356754-00357302 topic see also k7XlOAvP0Ny-01351-00357303-00357848 breakfast portal equals equals notes