t7PLE-RKpY0-00000-00000014-00000308 the sisters of Providence of st. Mary of t7PLE-RKpY0-00001-00000309-00000530 the woods are an apostolic congregation t7PLE-RKpY0-00002-00000531-00000719 of Catholic women founded by st. t7PLE-RKpY0-00003-00000720-00000919 theodora guerra known colloquially as t7PLE-RKpY0-00004-00000920-00001129 Saint mother Theodore at Saint Mary of t7PLE-RKpY0-00005-00001130-00001453 the woods Indiana in 1840 mother t7PLE-RKpY0-00006-00001454-00001657 Theodore and her companions left the t7PLE-RKpY0-00007-00001659-00001844 sisters of Providence of rule a sir t7PLE-RKpY0-00008-00001845-00002054 lawyer France at the invitation of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00009-00002055-00002300 Bishop of incensed Indiana to found the t7PLE-RKpY0-00010-00002301-00002474 sisters of Providence in the United t7PLE-RKpY0-00011-00002475-00002873 States in 1843 the Indiana congregation t7PLE-RKpY0-00012-00002874-00003047 became independent of the religious t7PLE-RKpY0-00013-00003048-00003241 Institute in Roulet and the rules of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00014-00003242-00003434 congregation were approved by the Holy t7PLE-RKpY0-00015-00003435-00003818 See in 1887 more than 5,200 women have t7PLE-RKpY0-00016-00003819-00003982 entered the sisters of Providence since t7PLE-RKpY0-00017-00003983-00004438 1840 as of 2014 there were nearly 350 t7PLE-RKpY0-00018-00004439-00004691 sisters in the Institute roughly 300 of t7PLE-RKpY0-00019-00004692-00004852 whom live in minister from the mother t7PLE-RKpY0-00020-00004853-00005023 house grounds in Saint Mary of the woods t7PLE-RKpY0-00021-00005024-00005134 Indiana t7PLE-RKpY0-00022-00005135-00005429 other sisters minister in 17 US states t7PLE-RKpY0-00023-00005430-00005645 the District of Columbia and Asia t7PLE-RKpY0-00024-00005646-00005871 currently foreign missions are in Asia t7PLE-RKpY0-00025-00005872-00006136 former foreign missions were in Peru and t7PLE-RKpY0-00026-00006137-00006322 Antigua sisters of Providence are t7PLE-RKpY0-00027-00006323-00006670 designated by the initials SP following t7PLE-RKpY0-00028-00006671-00006905 their name in print the congregation is t7PLE-RKpY0-00029-00006906-00007081 a member of the women of Providence in t7PLE-RKpY0-00030-00007082-00007363 collaboration mother Theodore was t7PLE-RKpY0-00031-00007364-00007735 canonized on October 15 2006 her remains t7PLE-RKpY0-00032-00007736-00007937 are located in her official shrine near t7PLE-RKpY0-00033-00007938-00008066 the Church of the Immaculate Conception t7PLE-RKpY0-00034-00008067-00008333 at Saint Mary of the woods Indiana as t7PLE-RKpY0-00035-00008334-00008539 well as a portion buried in the sisters t7PLE-RKpY0-00036-00008540-00009021 of Providence convent cemetery t7PLE-RKpY0-00037-00009022-00009525 topic history t7PLE-RKpY0-00038-00009526-00009927 topic in 1840 at the invitation of t7PLE-RKpY0-00039-00009928-00010131 Bishop Simon Brut a of the diocese of t7PLE-RKpY0-00040-00010132-00010344 incense Indiana the sisters of t7PLE-RKpY0-00041-00010345-00010563 Providence of rule a sir lawyer France t7PLE-RKpY0-00042-00010564-00010782 sent sister saint theodore Guerra to t7PLE-RKpY0-00043-00010783-00010980 open a school and minister to people in t7PLE-RKpY0-00044-00010981-00011220 the diocese of incense she was t7PLE-RKpY0-00045-00011221-00011457 accompanied by five other sisters sister t7PLE-RKpY0-00046-00011458-00011568 st. Vincent Ferrer t7PLE-RKpY0-00047-00011569-00011808 Victoire Gachet sister bass alight t7PLE-RKpY0-00048-00011809-00012042 Josephine seneschal sister Olympia t7PLE-RKpY0-00049-00012043-00012339 Therese Boyer sister Mary Xavier Frances t7PLE-RKpY0-00050-00012340-00012567 Louise lay ray and sister Mary Liguori t7PLE-RKpY0-00051-00012568-00012894 Louise Frances Pearson after a rough t7PLE-RKpY0-00052-00012894-00013101 journey across the Atlantic Ocean in the t7PLE-RKpY0-00053-00013102-00013238 eastern United States t7PLE-RKpY0-00054-00013240-00013428 the sisters arrived in st. Mary of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00055-00013429-00013863 woods Indiana on October 22nd 1840 they t7PLE-RKpY0-00056-00013863-00014082 stayed with a local family Joseph and t7PLE-RKpY0-00057-00014083-00014283 Sarah thralls this location is now t7PLE-RKpY0-00058-00014284-00014463 honored with a historical marker from t7PLE-RKpY0-00059-00014463-00014661 the Indiana Historical Bureau the t7PLE-RKpY0-00060-00014662-00014856 sisters of Providence of st. Mary of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00061-00014857-00015038 woods were established as a separate t7PLE-RKpY0-00062-00015040-00015231 community than the founding congregation t7PLE-RKpY0-00063-00015232-00015486 in rouler sir lawyer the rules and t7PLE-RKpY0-00064-00015487-00015669 constitutions received final approval t7PLE-RKpY0-00065-00015669-00016263 from the Holy See in 1887 t7PLE-RKpY0-00066-00016263-00016740 pick educational ministry t7PLE-RKpY0-00067-00016741-00017100 topic educators from the beginning the t7PLE-RKpY0-00068-00017101-00017274 sisters began building a school for t7PLE-RKpY0-00069-00017275-00017664 girls called the Academy in 1840 the t7PLE-RKpY0-00070-00017665-00017883 first student at the academy arrived for t7PLE-RKpY0-00071-00017884-00018261 enrollment July 4th 1841 the Academy is t7PLE-RKpY0-00072-00018262-00018405 now known as st. Mary of the woods t7PLE-RKpY0-00073-00018406-00018645 College and is the oldest Roman Catholic t7PLE-RKpY0-00074-00018646-00018831 College for women in the United States t7PLE-RKpY0-00075-00018832-00019221 as early as 1846 a charter was granted t7PLE-RKpY0-00076-00019222-00019422 by the state empowering the institution t7PLE-RKpY0-00077-00019423-00019620 to confer academic honors and collegiate t7PLE-RKpY0-00078-00019621-00019800 degrees the sisters soon found t7PLE-RKpY0-00079-00019801-00019971 themselves in charge of our staffing t7PLE-RKpY0-00080-00019972-00020193 several local schools including st. t7PLE-RKpY0-00081-00020194-00020523 Joseph s parochial Catholic school Saint t7PLE-RKpY0-00082-00020524-00020829 Benedict s German Catholic school and t7PLE-RKpY0-00083-00020830-00021057 st. Patrick's Day school all in nearby t7PLE-RKpY0-00084-00021058-00021369 Terre Haute as their reputation grew the t7PLE-RKpY0-00085-00021370-00021525 sisters of Providence would eventually t7PLE-RKpY0-00086-00021526-00021723 staff schools across Indiana t7PLE-RKpY0-00087-00021724-00021969 they would also extend their ministry t7PLE-RKpY0-00088-00021970-00022176 into Illinois Massachusetts California t7PLE-RKpY0-00089-00022177-00022533 Florida Texas Oklahoma other states and t7PLE-RKpY0-00090-00022534-00022782 the District of Columbia they have also t7PLE-RKpY0-00091-00022783-00023013 staffed schools internationally in China t7PLE-RKpY0-00092-00023014-00023265 Taiwan and at Colegio San Jose in t7PLE-RKpY0-00093-00023266-00023661 Arequipa Peru t7PLE-RKpY0-00094-00023662-00024153 topic civil war t7PLE-RKpY0-00095-00024154-00024552 topic in May 1861 the sisters of t7PLE-RKpY0-00096-00024553-00024744 Providence were asked to take over the t7PLE-RKpY0-00097-00024745-00024933 administration of City Hospital in t7PLE-RKpY0-00098-00024934-00025028 Indianapolis t7PLE-RKpY0-00099-00025029-00025172 when measles broke out in the nearby t7PLE-RKpY0-00100-00025173-00025449 state encampment the United States t7PLE-RKpY0-00101-00025450-00025608 government turned it into a military t7PLE-RKpY0-00102-00025608-00025833 hospital for the duration of the war in t7PLE-RKpY0-00103-00025833-00026223 June 1864 seventy-five indianians from t7PLE-RKpY0-00104-00026224-00026465 Sherman s army were transferred from t7PLE-RKpY0-00105-00026466-00026618 hospitals in Louisville and t7PLE-RKpY0-00106-00026619-00026895 Jeffersonville the hospital also cared t7PLE-RKpY0-00107-00026895-00027168 for wounded Confederate soldiers under t7PLE-RKpY0-00108-00027169-00027426 the direction of Mary Cecilia Bowie the t7PLE-RKpY0-00109-00027427-00027668 sisters took charge of washing cooking t7PLE-RKpY0-00110-00027669-00027762 and cleaning t7PLE-RKpY0-00111-00027763-00028083 several sisters served as nurses in a t7PLE-RKpY0-00112-00028083-00028299 report of the surgeons of the military t7PLE-RKpY0-00113-00028300-00028508 hospital to the Inspector General t7PLE-RKpY0-00114-00028510-00028899 doctors John M kitchen and pH Jamison t7PLE-RKpY0-00115-00028900-00029186 wrote in conclusion we feel that t7PLE-RKpY0-00116-00029187-00029471 whatever success may have attended the t7PLE-RKpY0-00117-00029472-00029696 management of the hospital as do in a t7PLE-RKpY0-00118-00029697-00029873 great degree to the noble and t7PLE-RKpY0-00119-00029874-00030105 self-sacrificing efforts of those meek t7PLE-RKpY0-00120-00030106-00030279 and worthy women the sisters of t7PLE-RKpY0-00121-00030280-00030555 Providence a Confederate prison was also t7PLE-RKpY0-00122-00030556-00030798 located in Indianapolis which held at t7PLE-RKpY0-00123-00030799-00031167 one time 7,000 prisoners according to t7PLE-RKpY0-00124-00031168-00031427 Colonel or on Perry of the 69th Regiment t7PLE-RKpY0-00125-00031428-00031695 of Indiana it is probable that all the t7PLE-RKpY0-00126-00031695-00031905 sisters in the service in the city here t7PLE-RKpY0-00127-00031906-00032273 were at times on duty in this prison t7PLE-RKpY0-00128-00032274-00032525 the sisters were seen everywhere on the t7PLE-RKpY0-00129-00032526-00032729 boats in the barracks in the streets t7PLE-RKpY0-00130-00032730-00032960 always giving the most tender care to t7PLE-RKpY0-00131-00032961-00033170 the soldiers after the Battle of Fort t7PLE-RKpY0-00132-00033171-00033422 Donaldson the Bishop of incents offered t7PLE-RKpY0-00133-00033423-00033632 the use of the seminary for the sick and t7PLE-RKpY0-00134-00033633-00033797 wounded and the assistance of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00135-00033798-00034097 sisters to care for them soldiers of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00136-00034098-00034340 19th Ella Noi regiment were cared for at t7PLE-RKpY0-00137-00034341-00034646 this emergency facility the sisters also t7PLE-RKpY0-00138-00034647-00034928 staffed a contagion ward set up at the t7PLE-RKpY0-00139-00034929-00035138 college at Vincennes at the end of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00140-00035139-00035327 war the hospital was returned to the t7PLE-RKpY0-00141-00035328-00035678 city and the sisters opened Saint John s t7PLE-RKpY0-00142-00035679-00035864 infirmary for those soldiers with no t7PLE-RKpY0-00143-00035865-00036098 place to go but not yet strong enough to t7PLE-RKpY0-00144-00036099-00036410 travel t7PLE-RKpY0-00145-00036411-00036925 topic mission in Asia t7PLE-RKpY0-00146-00036926-00037279 topic the sisters of Providence of st. t7PLE-RKpY0-00147-00037280-00037420 Mary of the woods were the first t7PLE-RKpY0-00148-00037421-00037645 congregation of American women religious t7PLE-RKpY0-00149-00037646-00038058 to establish a mission in China t7PLE-RKpY0-00150-00038059-00038576 topic ministry in KY Fung t7PLE-RKpY0-00151-00038577-00038987 topic in the summer of 1919 Bishop t7PLE-RKpY0-00152-00038988-00039230 Joseph Taccone of Chi Fung China met t7PLE-RKpY0-00153-00039231-00039407 with sisters of Providence general t7PLE-RKpY0-00154-00039408-00039635 superior mother Mary Cleophas fully to t7PLE-RKpY0-00155-00039636-00039821 request sisters for a school for young t7PLE-RKpY0-00156-00039822-00040118 women in Chi Fung sister Marie Gracia t7PLE-RKpY0-00157-00040119-00040318 liuqing led this group of sisters to Chi t7PLE-RKpY0-00158-00040319-00040523 Fung to open an elementary school in a t7PLE-RKpY0-00159-00040524-00040805 junior middle school for girls liuqing t7PLE-RKpY0-00160-00040806-00040993 and her companions arrived in Chi Fung t7PLE-RKpY0-00161-00040994-00041417 on November 24th 1922 naft er arriving t7PLE-RKpY0-00162-00041418-00041608 the sisters opened a medical dispensary t7PLE-RKpY0-00163-00041609-00041807 in the hua Mei school for girls t7PLE-RKpY0-00164-00041808-00042149 the sisters ministered here until 1927 t7PLE-RKpY0-00165-00042150-00042314 when the communist army of Mao Zedong t7PLE-RKpY0-00166-00042315-00042635 reached Chi Fung the sisters were forced t7PLE-RKpY0-00167-00042636-00042779 to leave taking refuge with the t7PLE-RKpY0-00168-00042780-00043180 Maryknoll sisters in Korea in 1929 they t7PLE-RKpY0-00169-00043181-00043349 returned to Chi Fung and opened an t7PLE-RKpY0-00170-00043350-00043535 orphanage as well as a no vitiate for t7PLE-RKpY0-00171-00043536-00043714 women wanting to enter religious life t7PLE-RKpY0-00172-00043715-00044008 this native congregation the providence t7PLE-RKpY0-00173-00044009-00044207 sister catechists received papal t7PLE-RKpY0-00174-00044208-00044530 approval in 1932 ching hai' middle t7PLE-RKpY0-00175-00044531-00045066 school was open September 12 1932 t7PLE-RKpY0-00176-00045067-00045574 Topic World War two t7PLE-RKpY0-00177-00045575-00045942 topic Japan began threatening China by t7PLE-RKpY0-00178-00045943-00046222 1935 and air raids bombings and attacks t7PLE-RKpY0-00179-00046223-00046555 by soldiers became commonplace kaifeng t7PLE-RKpY0-00180-00046556-00046894 was bombed March 25th 1938 soon the t7PLE-RKpY0-00181-00046895-00047104 school and no vitiate became a place of t7PLE-RKpY0-00182-00047105-00047295 refuge for people seeking safe haven t7PLE-RKpY0-00183-00047296-00047551 though Chi Fung fell to the Japanese t7PLE-RKpY0-00184-00047552-00047845 June 6 1938 and life became more t7PLE-RKpY0-00185-00047846-00048025 difficult for the sisters they remained t7PLE-RKpY0-00186-00048026-00048439 in their compound on December 8 1941 the t7PLE-RKpY0-00187-00048440-00048685 sisters compound in Chi Fung was t7PLE-RKpY0-00188-00048686-00048949 attacked by Japanese soldiers the t7PLE-RKpY0-00189-00048950-00049147 sisters from the United States were t7PLE-RKpY0-00190-00049148-00049381 forced to relocate to a Baptist mission t7PLE-RKpY0-00191-00049382-00049677 compound and then a Benedictine sisters t7PLE-RKpY0-00192-00049678-00050119 compound in Chi Fung on March 22nd 1943 t7PLE-RKpY0-00193-00050120-00050317 the sisters of Providence and all other t7PLE-RKpY0-00194-00050318-00050515 US missionaries were interned at the way t7PLE-RKpY0-00195-00050516-00050752 she and compound a concentration camp in t7PLE-RKpY0-00196-00050753-00051010 Shandong five months later u.s. t7PLE-RKpY0-00197-00051011-00051232 internees were again relocated this time t7PLE-RKpY0-00198-00051233-00051400 to Peking where they were placed under t7PLE-RKpY0-00199-00051401-00051579 house arrest with the Spanish daughters t7PLE-RKpY0-00200-00051580-00051982 of Jesus in September 1945 after the war t7PLE-RKpY0-00201-00051983-00052182 had ended the sisters returned to Chi t7PLE-RKpY0-00202-00052183-00052399 Fung and repaired their compound I Ching t7PLE-RKpY0-00203-00052400-00052699 school and the new vitiate however China t7PLE-RKpY0-00204-00052700-00052876 was soon politically plagued by internal t7PLE-RKpY0-00205-00052877-00053074 strife between the Communists and the t7PLE-RKpY0-00206-00053075-00053350 Nationalists as the communist armies t7PLE-RKpY0-00207-00053351-00053563 advanced to Chi Fung the United States t7PLE-RKpY0-00208-00053564-00053797 Consulate General advised u.s. citizens t7PLE-RKpY0-00209-00053798-00054046 to leave the sisters spent some time t7PLE-RKpY0-00210-00054047-00054216 with the religious of the Sacred Heart t7PLE-RKpY0-00211-00054217-00054541 in Shanghai topic Taiwan topic as China t7PLE-RKpY0-00212-00054541-00054804 fell under communist rule 23 Sisters of t7PLE-RKpY0-00213-00054805-00054982 Providence and Providence sister t7PLE-RKpY0-00214-00054983-00055195 catechists moved to Taiwan then known as t7PLE-RKpY0-00215-00055196-00055519 Formosa and settled in Taichung lookking t7PLE-RKpY0-00216-00055520-00055699 and the other sisters began building a t7PLE-RKpY0-00217-00055700-00055936 new college the school now known as t7PLE-RKpY0-00218-00055937-00056241 Providence University opened in 1949 and t7PLE-RKpY0-00219-00056242-00056472 moved to the region of shalu Taichung in t7PLE-RKpY0-00220-00056473-00056722 1987 currently Sisters of Providence t7PLE-RKpY0-00221-00056723-00056997 work in multiple ministries in Taiwan in t7PLE-RKpY0-00222-00056998-00057229 addition to Providence University t7PLE-RKpY0-00223-00057229-00057466 sisters staff multiple facilities for t7PLE-RKpY0-00224-00057466-00057640 care of children and adults with mental t7PLE-RKpY0-00225-00057641-00057871 and/or physical disabilities including t7PLE-RKpY0-00226-00057872-00058087 Saint Teresa opportunity center in you t7PLE-RKpY0-00227-00058088-00058266 chain Reed school in sin chew t7PLE-RKpY0-00228-00058267-00058455 Saint Camilla still Ellis Center for the t7PLE-RKpY0-00229-00058457-00058621 mentally challenged in Penghu and t7PLE-RKpY0-00230-00058622-00058891 miracle place in Tai Shan topic t7PLE-RKpY0-00231-00058891-00058966 spiritual t7PLE-RKpY0-00232-00058966-00059122 the topic according to their mission t7PLE-RKpY0-00233-00059123-00059308 statement sisters of Providence are t7PLE-RKpY0-00234-00059309-00059491 dedicated to the mission of being God's t7PLE-RKpY0-00235-00059491-00059665 providence in the world by committing t7PLE-RKpY0-00236-00059666-00059866 ourselves to works of love mercy and t7PLE-RKpY0-00237-00059866-00060049 justice and service among God's people t7PLE-RKpY0-00238-00060050-00060259 individual sisters are free to worship t7PLE-RKpY0-00239-00060260-00060475 in their own ways and places of ministry t7PLE-RKpY0-00240-00060476-00060741 on the Motherhouse grounds of st. Mary t7PLE-RKpY0-00241-00060742-00060952 of the woods the congregation has daily t7PLE-RKpY0-00242-00060953-00061120 mass available in the Church of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00243-00061121-00061375 Immaculate Conception the grounds are t7PLE-RKpY0-00244-00061376-00061597 also home to numerous shrines and sacred t7PLE-RKpY0-00245-00061598-00061810 places including the Blessed Sacrament t7PLE-RKpY0-00246-00061811-00062029 Chapel the st. and Chell Chapel the t7PLE-RKpY0-00247-00062029-00062209 grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes the t7PLE-RKpY0-00248-00062210-00062350 National Shrine of Our Lady of t7PLE-RKpY0-00249-00062351-00062565 Providence and a walking labyrinth an t7PLE-RKpY0-00250-00062566-00062797 outdoor set of the Stations of the Cross t7PLE-RKpY0-00251-00062798-00062962 leads into the sisters of Providence t7PLE-RKpY0-00252-00062963-00063328 convent cemetery topic current ministry t7PLE-RKpY0-00253-00063329-00063538 stopping sisters of Providence work in t7PLE-RKpY0-00254-00063539-00063778 the areas of education health care peace t7PLE-RKpY0-00255-00063779-00063976 and justice social services and t7PLE-RKpY0-00256-00063977-00064258 spiritual development in addition to the t7PLE-RKpY0-00257-00064259-00064471 individual Ministries of its sisters the t7PLE-RKpY0-00258-00064472-00064672 congregation funds multiple ministry t7PLE-RKpY0-00259-00064673-00064929 organizations topic Provident t7PLE-RKpY0-00260-00064930-00065170 spirituality and conference center topic t7PLE-RKpY0-00261-00065171-00065383 Provident spirituality and Conference t7PLE-RKpY0-00262-00065384-00065557 Center as the welcoming center for t7PLE-RKpY0-00263-00065558-00065737 pilgrims and visitors to the sisters of t7PLE-RKpY0-00264-00065738-00065938 Providence at Saint Mary of the woods t7PLE-RKpY0-00265-00065939-00066253 it offers retreats and other events the t7PLE-RKpY0-00266-00066254-00066442 facility serves as the entrance to the t7PLE-RKpY0-00267-00066443-00066651 shrine of Saint mother Theodore Gera t7PLE-RKpY0-00268-00066652-00066919 also preserved at the center as a set of t7PLE-RKpY0-00269-00066920-00067141 twelve historical dioramas begun by t7PLE-RKpY0-00270-00067142-00067366 honorĂ© marShon and completed by Gregory t7PLE-RKpY0-00271-00067367-00067594 camka there is also a gift shop dining t7PLE-RKpY0-00272-00067595-00067786 services in O'Shaughnessy dining hall t7PLE-RKpY0-00273-00067787-00067975 and the National Shrine of Our Lady of t7PLE-RKpY0-00274-00067976-00068290 Providence topic white violet center for t7PLE-RKpY0-00275-00068291-00068521 eco justice atopic white violet Center t7PLE-RKpY0-00276-00068522-00068743 for eco justice focuses on organic t7PLE-RKpY0-00277-00068744-00068950 agriculture eco justice education t7PLE-RKpY0-00278-00068951-00069246 spiritual ecology and social advocacy t7PLE-RKpY0-00279-00069247-00069583 founded in 1995 the center maintains a t7PLE-RKpY0-00280-00069584-00070006 herd of alpacas 343 acres 1.3 9 square t7PLE-RKpY0-00281-00070007-00070222 kilometers of state certified organic t7PLE-RKpY0-00282-00070223-00070501 farmland beasts a berry patch a farmers t7PLE-RKpY0-00283-00070502-00070558 market t7PLE-RKpY0-00284-00070559-00070834 classified forests and orchards white t7PLE-RKpY0-00285-00070835-00071041 violet Center is considered an engaged t7PLE-RKpY0-00286-00071042-00071278 project by the Yale University forum on t7PLE-RKpY0-00287-00071279-00071617 religion in ecology topic gara outreach t7PLE-RKpY0-00288-00071618-00071818 ministries topic gara outreach t7PLE-RKpY0-00289-00071819-00072016 ministries is made up of two ministries t7PLE-RKpY0-00290-00072017-00072235 Providence Family Services in West t7PLE-RKpY0-00291-00072236-00072358 Humboldt Park t7PLE-RKpY0-00292-00072359-00072538 go and Providence in the desert in t7PLE-RKpY0-00293-00072539-00072784 Southern California these ministries t7PLE-RKpY0-00294-00072785-00073063 provide adult literacy GED instruction t7PLE-RKpY0-00295-00073064-00073219 tutoring for school-aged children t7PLE-RKpY0-00296-00073220-00073425 English as a Second Language classes t7PLE-RKpY0-00297-00073426-00073675 citizenship classes music classes t7PLE-RKpY0-00298-00073676-00073918 computer literacy classes and bilingual t7PLE-RKpY0-00299-00073919-00074348 counseling t7PLE-RKpY0-00300-00074349-00074898 topic peace and justice t7PLE-RKpY0-00301-00074899-00075240 topic the congregation has elected to t7PLE-RKpY0-00302-00075241-00075471 focus on several social justice issues t7PLE-RKpY0-00303-00075472-00075726 women in church society eco justice t7PLE-RKpY0-00304-00075727-00075984 racism nonviolent strategies for peace t7PLE-RKpY0-00305-00075985-00076173 and disarmament immigrant rights and t7PLE-RKpY0-00306-00076174-00076476 persons living in poverty several t7PLE-RKpY0-00307-00076477-00076620 ministries of the sisters of Providence t7PLE-RKpY0-00308-00076621-00076863 address these issues including white t7PLE-RKpY0-00309-00076864-00077085 violet center for eco justice Guerra t7PLE-RKpY0-00310-00077086-00077271 outreach ministries Providence t7PLE-RKpY0-00311-00077272-00077589 self-sufficiency ministries the sisters t7PLE-RKpY0-00312-00077590-00077775 of Providence administer grants to t7PLE-RKpY0-00313-00077776-00077976 not-for-profit systemic change groups t7PLE-RKpY0-00314-00077977-00078177 with limited access to other funding t7PLE-RKpY0-00315-00078178-00078342 through their poverty and justice fund t7PLE-RKpY0-00316-00078343-00078621 they are also a founding congregation t7PLE-RKpY0-00317-00078622-00078783 and sponsoring member of eighth day t7PLE-RKpY0-00318-00078784-00079283 Center for justice based out of Chicago t7PLE-RKpY0-00319-00079284-00079894 topic death penalty and prison reform t7PLE-RKpY0-00320-00079895-00080242 topic numerous sisters of Providence t7PLE-RKpY0-00321-00080243-00080485 participate in prison ministry visiting t7PLE-RKpY0-00322-00080486-00080731 and writing to inmates the general t7PLE-RKpY0-00323-00080732-00080868 counsel of the sisters of Providence t7PLE-RKpY0-00324-00080869-00081100 adopted a public stance against the t7PLE-RKpY0-00325-00081101-00081387 death penalty in 1995 in collaboration t7PLE-RKpY0-00326-00081388-00081543 with the Leadership Conference of women t7PLE-RKpY0-00327-00081544-00081843 religious sisters of Providence plan t7PLE-RKpY0-00328-00081844-00081987 prayer vigils write letters to t7PLE-RKpY0-00329-00081988-00082176 government leaders and provide media t7PLE-RKpY0-00330-00082177-00082474 relations support for this cause the t7PLE-RKpY0-00331-00082475-00082690 only federal execution chamber in the t7PLE-RKpY0-00332-00082691-00082903 United States is located at the Federal t7PLE-RKpY0-00333-00082904-00083122 Correctional Complex just south of Terre t7PLE-RKpY0-00334-00083123-00083353 Haute Indiana only five miles away from t7PLE-RKpY0-00335-00083354-00083485 the mother house of the sisters of t7PLE-RKpY0-00336-00083486-00083653 Providence in Saint Mary of the woods t7PLE-RKpY0-00337-00083654-00084088 Indiana t7PLE-RKpY0-00338-00084089-00084536 EPIK non-violence t7PLE-RKpY0-00339-00084537-00084884 topic the sisters of Providence Andy t7PLE-RKpY0-00340-00084885-00085127 racism team works to dismantle systemic t7PLE-RKpY0-00341-00085128-00085280 racism within the sisters of Providence t7PLE-RKpY0-00342-00085281-00085556 they're sponsored institutions places of t7PLE-RKpY0-00343-00085557-00085826 ministry in the larger society the t7PLE-RKpY0-00344-00085827-00085988 sisters of Providence litany of t7PLE-RKpY0-00345-00085989-00086270 non-violence reads in part deliver us t7PLE-RKpY0-00346-00086271-00086483 from the silence that gives consent to t7PLE-RKpY0-00347-00086484-00086837 abuse war and evil grant us the desire t7PLE-RKpY0-00348-00086838-00087065 and the courage to risk speaking and t7PLE-RKpY0-00349-00087066-00087564 acting for the common good t7PLE-RKpY0-00350-00087565-00088114 topic prisoners of conscience t7PLE-RKpY0-00351-00088115-00088534 topic since 1990 numerous sisters of t7PLE-RKpY0-00352-00088535-00088678 Providence have been involved with t7PLE-RKpY0-00353-00088679-00088906 School of the Americas watch in protest t7PLE-RKpY0-00354-00088907-00089104 of the training of mainly Latin American t7PLE-RKpY0-00355-00089105-00089293 military officers by the United States t7PLE-RKpY0-00356-00089294-00089515 Department of Defense at the School of t7PLE-RKpY0-00357-00089516-00089772 the Americas in Fort Benning Georgia t7PLE-RKpY0-00358-00089773-00090010 several sisters of Providence have t7PLE-RKpY0-00359-00090011-00090232 chosen to take direct action in protest t7PLE-RKpY0-00360-00090233-00090457 facing legal repercussions for crossing t7PLE-RKpY0-00361-00090458-00090631 onto federal property at Fort Benning t7PLE-RKpY0-00362-00090632-00090979 for action in November 2001 sister t7PLE-RKpY0-00363-00090980-00091171 Kathleen de Soto's was convicted of t7PLE-RKpY0-00364-00091172-00091342 federal trespassing and served a t7PLE-RKpY0-00365-00091343-00091546 six-month sentence at the federal prison t7PLE-RKpY0-00366-00091547-00091795 camp in Greenville Illinois other t7PLE-RKpY0-00367-00091796-00091993 sisters have been arrested and sentenced t7PLE-RKpY0-00368-00091994-00092200 to house arrest community service and t7PLE-RKpY0-00369-00092201-00092539 probation t7PLE-RKpY0-00370-00092540-00093076 topic green projects t7PLE-RKpY0-00371-00093077-00093436 topic the sisters of Providence maintain t7PLE-RKpY0-00372-00093437-00093651 a significant recycling program and use t7PLE-RKpY0-00373-00093652-00093850 a sustainable irrigation system for t7PLE-RKpY0-00374-00093851-00094398 their organic gardens and orchards t7PLE-RKpY0-00375-00094399-00094967 topic sisters of Providence t7PLE-RKpY0-00376-00094968-00095331 topic t7PLE-RKpY0-00377-00095332-00095875 topic general superiors t7PLE-RKpY0-00378-00095876-00096200 topic Saint mother Theodore Guerra t7PLE-RKpY0-00379-00096201-00096415 congregation foundress and Roman t7PLE-RKpY0-00380-00096416-00096725 Catholic saint general superior 1842 t7PLE-RKpY0-00381-00096726-00097231 1856 mother mary cecilia bahi 1856 to t7PLE-RKpY0-00382-00097232-00097681 1860 eight mother Anastasio brown 1868 t7PLE-RKpY0-00383-00097682-00098218 to 1874 mother mary ephraim glen 1874 to t7PLE-RKpY0-00384-00098219-00098676 1883 mother you Frazee Hinkle 1883 to t7PLE-RKpY0-00385-00098677-00099034 1889 mother mary Cleophas foley t7PLE-RKpY0-00386-00099035-00099406 1892 1926 inaugurated Saint Mary of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00387-00099407-00099615 woods College and mission in China t7PLE-RKpY0-00388-00099616-00100006 mother Mary Raphael Slattery 1926 to t7PLE-RKpY0-00389-00100007-00100462 1938 mother Mary Bernard Laughlin 1938 t7PLE-RKpY0-00390-00100463-00100842 to 1948 mother Marie Helene affray nee t7PLE-RKpY0-00391-00100843-00101287 1948 to 1953 mother Gertrude Claire t7PLE-RKpY0-00392-00101288-00101913 Owens 1954 to 1960 and EULA Horan 1960 t7PLE-RKpY0-00393-00101914-00102429 to 1966 mother Mary pious Rainier 1966 t7PLE-RKpY0-00394-00102430-00102964 to 1976 sister Loretta Schaefer 1976 to t7PLE-RKpY0-00395-00102965-00103544 1981 sister and Doherty 1981 to 1986 t7PLE-RKpY0-00396-00103545-00104109 sister Nancy Noland 1986 to 1996 sister t7PLE-RKpY0-00397-00104110-00104575 Diane wrist 1996 to 2001 sister and t7PLE-RKpY0-00398-00104576-00105015 Margaret O'Hara 2001 to 2006 sister t7PLE-RKpY0-00399-00105016-00105481 Denise Wilkinson 2006 to 2016 sister Don t7PLE-RKpY0-00400-00105482-00105974 Tomashevsky 2016 t7PLE-RKpY0-00401-00105975-00106492 topic other sisters t7PLE-RKpY0-00402-00106493-00106897 topic sister Judith Bergen professor and t7PLE-RKpY0-00403-00106898-00107278 Fulbright lecturer Uganda 2008 sister t7PLE-RKpY0-00404-00107279-00107503 Cecilia Claire Bogart musician and t7PLE-RKpY0-00405-00107504-00107833 composer for organ and piano sister t7PLE-RKpY0-00406-00107833-00108076 Barbara Doherty educator and theologian t7PLE-RKpY0-00407-00108077-00108247 president of st. Mary of the woods t7PLE-RKpY0-00408-00108248-00108735 College 1984 to 1998 sister Jeanne oral t7PLE-RKpY0-00409-00108736-00108964 author and educator president of st. t7PLE-RKpY0-00410-00108965-00109371 Mary of the woods College 1968 to 1983 t7PLE-RKpY0-00411-00109372-00109621 sister Esther Newport painter art t7PLE-RKpY0-00412-00109622-00109843 educator and founder of the Catholic Art t7PLE-RKpY0-00413-00109844-00110191 Association sister Edith au painter t7PLE-RKpY0-00414-00110192-00110535 sculptor and art educator sister Alexis t7PLE-RKpY0-00415-00110536-00110733 Wells our theologian author and educator t7PLE-RKpY0-00416-00110734-00111293 known for Old Testament criticism t7PLE-RKpY0-00417-00111294-00111813 topic see also t7PLE-RKpY0-00418-00111814-00112483 topic st. Elizabeth Church in school t7PLE-RKpY0-00419-00112483-00113000 topic footnotes t7PLE-RKpY0-00420-00113001-00113394 topic t7PLE-RKpY0-00421-00113395-00113913 topic references t7PLE-RKpY0-00422-00113914-00114456 topic Brown Mary borromeo 1949 history t7PLE-RKpY0-00423-00114457-00114635 of the sisters of Providence of Saint t7PLE-RKpY0-00424-00114636-00114882 Mary of the woods vol 1 st. Mary of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00425-00114883-00114933 woods t7PLE-RKpY0-00426-00114933-00115176 Indiana Sisters of Providence blogan t7PLE-RKpY0-00427-00115177-00115545 Eugenia 1978 history of the sisters of t7PLE-RKpY0-00428-00115546-00115794 Providence of st. Mary of the woods vol t7PLE-RKpY0-00429-00115795-00116111 2 st. Mary of the woods Indiana t7PLE-RKpY0-00430-00116113-00116369 sisters of Providence Maddon Mary Roger t7PLE-RKpY0-00431-00116370-00116727 1991 the path marked out history of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00432-00116728-00116916 sisters of Providence of Saint Mary of t7PLE-RKpY0-00433-00116917-00117231 the woods vol 3 st. Mary of the woods t7PLE-RKpY0-00434-00117232-00117515 indiana sisters of Providence Wolfe and t7PLE-RKpY0-00435-00117516-00117908 Colette 1990 against all odds sisters of t7PLE-RKpY0-00436-00117909-00118176 Providence mission to the Chinese 1922 t7PLE-RKpY0-00437-00118177-00118541 1990 st. Mary of the woods Indiana t7PLE-RKpY0-00438-00118542-00119009 sisters of Providence t7PLE-RKpY0-00439-00119010-00119554 topic external links t7PLE-RKpY0-00440-00119555-00119926 topic sisters of Providence of st. Mary t7PLE-RKpY0-00441-00119927-00120033 of the woods t7PLE-RKpY0-00442-00120033-00120370 Providence center white violet center t7PLE-RKpY0-00443-00120371-00120673 for eco justice constitutions of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00444-00120674-00120871 sisters of Providence of st. Mary of the t7PLE-RKpY0-00445-00120872-00121351 woods Diocese of incents 1897 tr38ratcdZc-00000-00000000-00000433 [Music] tr38ratcdZc-00001-00000434-00000542 [Applause] tr38ratcdZc-00002-00000543-00001228 [Music] tr38ratcdZc-00003-00001229-00001420 tonight I want to tell you a little bit tr38ratcdZc-00004-00001421-00001601 about my secret life which I haven't tr38ratcdZc-00005-00001602-00001787 actually talked a lot about outside of tr38ratcdZc-00006-00001788-00002014 kind of family and friends and that is tr38ratcdZc-00007-00002016-00002275 that I'm a hunter and I realized that tr38ratcdZc-00008-00002276-00002489 when I say I'm a hunter that means tr38ratcdZc-00009-00002490-00002630 certain things to certain people in this tr38ratcdZc-00010-00002631-00002831 room and so before I go any further just tr38ratcdZc-00011-00002832-00003071 a couple of quick clarifications if this tr38ratcdZc-00012-00003072-00003494 works go alright I'm not a trophy hunter tr38ratcdZc-00013-00003495-00003731 and and it's important for me to let you tr38ratcdZc-00014-00003732-00004063 know because I eat what I kill and I tr38ratcdZc-00015-00004064-00004213 believe that that's what we should be tr38ratcdZc-00016-00004214-00004622 doing or hunting I hunt because I want tr38ratcdZc-00017-00004623-00004808 to feed my family healthy organic meat tr38ratcdZc-00018-00004809-00005069 that I know where it came from and I tr38ratcdZc-00019-00005070-00005443 hunt because I'm human and hunting has tr38ratcdZc-00020-00005444-00005881 has pushed me to my physical emotional tr38ratcdZc-00021-00005882-00006245 mental extremes and and through that tr38ratcdZc-00022-00006246-00006454 process through through all of that has tr38ratcdZc-00023-00006455-00006598 allowed me to discover more about Who I tr38ratcdZc-00024-00006600-00006859 am as a human being I also believe that tr38ratcdZc-00025-00006861-00007175 in some of us the act of hunting that tr38ratcdZc-00026-00007176-00007316 the pursuit of things is actually tr38ratcdZc-00027-00007317-00007628 ingrained in human nature and so that's tr38ratcdZc-00028-00007629-00007751 what I mean when I say that I think tr38ratcdZc-00029-00007752-00008038 hunting is something that's quite human tr38ratcdZc-00030-00008039-00008428 I'm also an architect and so and since I tr38ratcdZc-00031-00008429-00008648 was since I was a little kid I had this tr38ratcdZc-00032-00008649-00008855 fascination I guess with how things are tr38ratcdZc-00033-00008856-00009098 put together and how buildings are put tr38ratcdZc-00034-00009099-00009326 together and then how those things turn tr38ratcdZc-00035-00009327-00009506 into these magical spaces that have an tr38ratcdZc-00036-00009507-00009656 impact on the communities that we live tr38ratcdZc-00037-00009657-00009851 in and so I've had the good fortune of tr38ratcdZc-00038-00009852-00010021 being involved with all sorts of designs tr38ratcdZc-00039-00010022-00010271 everything from children's play houses tr38ratcdZc-00040-00010272-00010513 to large-scale kind of community tr38ratcdZc-00041-00010514-00010703 recreation and public buildings and tr38ratcdZc-00042-00010704-00010924 stuff and it's been that's been the tr38ratcdZc-00043-00010925-00011285 other big part of my life but up until tr38ratcdZc-00044-00011286-00011570 now there's been kind of this very clear tr38ratcdZc-00045-00011571-00011759 distinction between Paul the architect tr38ratcdZc-00046-00011760-00012080 and Paul the hunter there was Paul the tr38ratcdZc-00047-00012081-00012220 architect who lived in the city and did tr38ratcdZc-00048-00012221-00012370 kind of dueling stuff with buildings and tr38ratcdZc-00049-00012371-00012569 then there was Paul the hunter who kind tr38ratcdZc-00050-00012570-00012739 of walked up and down mountains and and tr38ratcdZc-00051-00012740-00013019 shot stuff and and those two things were tr38ratcdZc-00052-00013019-00013163 kind of very much in opposition with tr38ratcdZc-00053-00013163-00013283 each other and I think partly tr38ratcdZc-00054-00013284-00013532 because there's also as kind of our tr38ratcdZc-00055-00013533-00013757 world urban eise's and we all kind of tr38ratcdZc-00056-00013758-00013904 moved to cities there's been a growing tr38ratcdZc-00057-00013905-00014087 disconnect between those who live in tr38ratcdZc-00058-00014088-00014279 cities and those who live outside of tr38ratcdZc-00059-00014280-00014533 cities and that manifests itself in all tr38ratcdZc-00060-00014534-00014705 sorts of ways but one of them is kind of tr38ratcdZc-00061-00014706-00014849 a growing disconnection with where our tr38ratcdZc-00062-00014850-00015133 food comes from it's also meant that tr38ratcdZc-00063-00015134-00015355 hunting hasn't necessarily been seen in tr38ratcdZc-00064-00015356-00015536 a in a positive light over the past 20 tr38ratcdZc-00065-00015537-00015872 to 30 years mark made me carry that tr38ratcdZc-00066-00015872-00016108 thing all the way down Hastings Street tr38ratcdZc-00067-00016109-00016355 you have no idea the looks that you get tr38ratcdZc-00068-00016356-00016475 when you carry something like the Hat tr38ratcdZc-00069-00016476-00016640 downtown Hastings Street in broad tr38ratcdZc-00070-00016641-00016922 daylight but I was kind of caught in tr38ratcdZc-00071-00016923-00017141 this in this tension of these two things tr38ratcdZc-00072-00017142-00017333 that were really big passions in my life tr38ratcdZc-00073-00017334-00017555 and not really understanding how I could tr38ratcdZc-00074-00017556-00017843 make those two things one or or make tr38ratcdZc-00075-00017844-00018050 them at least talk to each other and tr38ratcdZc-00076-00018051-00018208 then I started to understand something tr38ratcdZc-00077-00018209-00018410 and and I think it's kind of very much tr38ratcdZc-00078-00018411-00018553 in the spirit of what we're doing here tr38ratcdZc-00079-00018554-00018769 tonight which is that when you have two tr38ratcdZc-00080-00018770-00018911 opposite things there's actually tr38ratcdZc-00081-00018912-00019067 something quite beautiful and magical tr38ratcdZc-00082-00019068-00019283 when you start to allow those things to tr38ratcdZc-00083-00019284-00019511 influence each other and so I set out on tr38ratcdZc-00084-00019512-00019838 a journey to discover how Paul the tr38ratcdZc-00085-00019839-00019994 architect could become influenced by tr38ratcdZc-00086-00019995-00020288 Paul the hunter and started kind of just tr38ratcdZc-00087-00020289-00020497 thinking about how that would happen so tr38ratcdZc-00088-00020498-00020588 I want to talk to you tonight tr38ratcdZc-00089-00020589-00020777 about three things that I've learned tr38ratcdZc-00090-00020778-00021084 from hunting about architecture tr38ratcdZc-00091-00021085-00021475 the first comfort is relative so I hunt tr38ratcdZc-00092-00021476-00021622 a lot with my dad that's him right there tr38ratcdZc-00093-00021623-00021821 he's 60 years old and he still climbs up tr38ratcdZc-00094-00021822-00021938 and down mountains with me which is tr38ratcdZc-00095-00021939-00022219 fanastic and this is in northern BC we tr38ratcdZc-00096-00022220-00022430 were hunting caribou and this this this tr38ratcdZc-00097-00022431-00022678 plateau was was a super hostile place tr38ratcdZc-00098-00022679-00022900 for people it was a place where the wind tr38ratcdZc-00099-00022901-00023119 was literally so strong you could barely tr38ratcdZc-00100-00023120-00023300 walk into it you couldn't even really tr38ratcdZc-00101-00023301-00023509 talk or breathe in when you're facing in tr38ratcdZc-00102-00023510-00023719 the wind it was it was it was cold it tr38ratcdZc-00103-00023720-00023903 was the weather was crazy and the wind tr38ratcdZc-00104-00023904-00024224 and it certainly wasn't a place that was tr38ratcdZc-00105-00024225-00024437 a comfortable place for for a human tr38ratcdZc-00106-00024438-00024703 being to be in now you look at something tr38ratcdZc-00107-00024704-00024875 like this and you see kind of a fairly tr38ratcdZc-00108-00024876-00025081 sort of modest kind of scruffy looking tr38ratcdZc-00109-00025082-00025328 group of trees and I don't think anybody tr38ratcdZc-00110-00025329-00025427 here in the room would say that that's tr38ratcdZc-00111-00025428-00025581 necessarily a comfortable place to be tr38ratcdZc-00112-00025582-00025981 but in that place and in that time that tr38ratcdZc-00113-00025982-00026170 was everything that we needed that was tr38ratcdZc-00114-00026172-00026433 comfort for us that was the Taj Mahal tr38ratcdZc-00115-00026434-00026657 because you're there and it gives you tr38ratcdZc-00116-00026658-00026795 it gives you shelter from the wind and tr38ratcdZc-00117-00026795-00026927 you gotta cut tuck yourself into the tr38ratcdZc-00118-00026927-00027121 branches get up from the rain it gives tr38ratcdZc-00119-00027122-00027262 you that sense of protection and that tr38ratcdZc-00120-00027263-00027608 was all we needed and so when it comes tr38ratcdZc-00121-00027608-00027793 to architecture the interesting thing is tr38ratcdZc-00122-00027794-00028039 that we tend to think about buildings as tr38ratcdZc-00123-00028040-00028192 you're either inside them or you're tr38ratcdZc-00124-00028193-00028277 outside them tr38ratcdZc-00125-00028277-00028489 you're either comfortable inside or tr38ratcdZc-00126-00028490-00028676 you're not comfortable outside but tr38ratcdZc-00127-00028677-00028808 wouldn't it be so much better if we tr38ratcdZc-00128-00028808-00028970 thought of our buildings with a broader tr38ratcdZc-00129-00028970-00029207 range of experience of what it means to tr38ratcdZc-00130-00029208-00029527 be inside or outside this is the the tr38ratcdZc-00131-00029528-00029717 law-courts downtown by the late Arthur tr38ratcdZc-00132-00029718-00029887 Erickson which is a phenomenal building tr38ratcdZc-00133-00029888-00030173 and you open the front door and you go tr38ratcdZc-00134-00030174-00030340 inside and you're under this huge glass tr38ratcdZc-00135-00030341-00030557 roof and it's not very a warm space tr38ratcdZc-00136-00030558-00030764 there's no heating in that space but tr38ratcdZc-00137-00030764-00030929 you're out of the rain and when it pours tr38ratcdZc-00138-00030930-00031093 in Vancouver in the middle of winter and tr38ratcdZc-00139-00031094-00031277 you're underneath that big kind of sheet tr38ratcdZc-00140-00031277-00031414 of glass with the water just kind of tr38ratcdZc-00141-00031415-00031549 cascading down it's one of the most tr38ratcdZc-00142-00031550-00031724 Vancouver spaces that I've ever been in tr38ratcdZc-00143-00031725-00031955 and then you go into kind of the warmer tr38ratcdZc-00144-00031956-00032074 spaces on the inside where it's tr38ratcdZc-00145-00032075-00032227 structured and kind of normal and all tr38ratcdZc-00146-00032228-00032417 and all of that and it's such a it's so tr38ratcdZc-00147-00032418-00032579 much more of a rich experience as a tr38ratcdZc-00148-00032580-00032767 building that we offer to the community tr38ratcdZc-00149-00032768-00032968 so comfort is relative tr38ratcdZc-00150-00032969-00033182 the second thing humans behave like tr38ratcdZc-00151-00033183-00033355 animals so I am I am completely tr38ratcdZc-00152-00033356-00033482 qualified to make this statement because tr38ratcdZc-00153-00033483-00033649 I have three young boys under the age of tr38ratcdZc-00154-00033650-00034083 8 and they are animals I kid you not tr38ratcdZc-00155-00034084-00034330 this is a place where we go mule deer tr38ratcdZc-00156-00034331-00034468 hunting every year that's where that tr38ratcdZc-00157-00034469-00034720 that came from we go there every fall tr38ratcdZc-00158-00034721-00034886 and the interesting thing about this is tr38ratcdZc-00159-00034887-00035140 that the deer in this area they actually tr38ratcdZc-00160-00035141-00035332 hang out in very specific places in this tr38ratcdZc-00161-00035333-00035587 ecosystem and it happens to be the place tr38ratcdZc-00162-00035588-00035833 the intersection between two different tr38ratcdZc-00163-00035834-00036080 things that you've got the fur timber on tr38ratcdZc-00164-00036081-00036218 the right that gives them shelter and tr38ratcdZc-00165-00036219-00036361 you've got the open grasslands on the tr38ratcdZc-00166-00036362-00036487 left that's where they that's where they tr38ratcdZc-00167-00036488-00036721 eat and they feed and they love those tr38ratcdZc-00168-00036722-00036868 kind of boundary zones between two tr38ratcdZc-00169-00036869-00037010 things that's the richest zone of tr38ratcdZc-00170-00037011-00037220 biodiversity you find is when two tr38ratcdZc-00171-00037221-00037480 ecosystem systems meet and so that's tr38ratcdZc-00172-00037481-00037639 where that's where we find animals tr38ratcdZc-00173-00037640-00037793 that's where we those are the places we tr38ratcdZc-00174-00037794-00037924 target because they're very specific tr38ratcdZc-00175-00037925-00038164 structural characteristics around how tr38ratcdZc-00176-00038165-00038504 life kind of is fostered there and the tr38ratcdZc-00177-00038505-00038699 interesting thing is that humans tr38ratcdZc-00178-00038700-00038893 actually respond in a very instinctual tr38ratcdZc-00179-00038894-00039074 way in the same way that animals do to tr38ratcdZc-00180-00039075-00039254 the built environment and if we study tr38ratcdZc-00181-00039255-00039445 animals in the way they react we tr38ratcdZc-00182-00039446-00039595 actually learn more about how humans tr38ratcdZc-00183-00039596-00039705 will react to the built in tr38ratcdZc-00184-00039706-00040086 and to end a space this is the Life tr38ratcdZc-00185-00040087-00040296 Sciences Center at UBC which had this tr38ratcdZc-00186-00040297-00040482 huge they invested in this huge big tr38ratcdZc-00187-00040483-00040689 atrium space right in the middle of the tr38ratcdZc-00188-00040690-00040905 building and I think I think the concept tr38ratcdZc-00189-00040906-00041040 here was that it was sort of this gonna tr38ratcdZc-00190-00041041-00041312 be this thriving social hub of activity tr38ratcdZc-00191-00041313-00041535 thing but when they opened the building tr38ratcdZc-00192-00041536-00041871 up they put three rows of chairs and tr38ratcdZc-00193-00041872-00042072 tables right down the middle and within tr38ratcdZc-00194-00042073-00042303 a week all of those tables and chairs tr38ratcdZc-00195-00042304-00042537 had been moved right to the edge because tr38ratcdZc-00196-00042538-00042702 nobody wants to be in the middle of a tr38ratcdZc-00197-00042703-00042812 fishbowl with everybody looking at you tr38ratcdZc-00198-00042813-00043128 don't feel safe your back is exposed so tr38ratcdZc-00199-00043129-00043265 if we think about this stuff when we tr38ratcdZc-00200-00043266-00043440 build buildings they're going to be so tr38ratcdZc-00201-00043441-00043587 much better for the people that actually tr38ratcdZc-00202-00043588-00043773 live in the buildings which which I tr38ratcdZc-00203-00043774-00044082 happen to think is a good idea the last tr38ratcdZc-00204-00044083-00044328 thing is that hunting connects us and so tr38ratcdZc-00205-00044329-00044664 does architecture this is a the town of tr38ratcdZc-00206-00044665-00044895 Val's in an Alpine Valley in Switzerland tr38ratcdZc-00207-00044896-00045153 and a few years ago an architect named tr38ratcdZc-00208-00045154-00045375 Peter Zampa built a phenomenal building tr38ratcdZc-00209-00045376-00045630 there it's a thermal bath it's a spa and tr38ratcdZc-00210-00045631-00045846 you go there any and he studied the tr38ratcdZc-00211-00045847-00046008 local building techniques when he was tr38ratcdZc-00212-00046009-00046164 when he was designing this building and tr38ratcdZc-00213-00046165-00046338 he kind of he buried it into the slope tr38ratcdZc-00214-00046339-00046496 the same way that the barns in the area tr38ratcdZc-00215-00046497-00046674 were buried in and used a locally tr38ratcdZc-00216-00046675-00046860 quarried stone and abstracted it and tr38ratcdZc-00217-00046861-00047040 really brought its texture and beauty tr38ratcdZc-00218-00047041-00047313 out and when you go into this space you tr38ratcdZc-00219-00047314-00047484 come out from that and you and you feel tr38ratcdZc-00220-00047485-00047715 that stone and you sit there and you tr38ratcdZc-00221-00047716-00047874 look through the valley through these tr38ratcdZc-00222-00047875-00048144 portals of stone you come away from that tr38ratcdZc-00223-00048145-00048387 building having understood more about tr38ratcdZc-00224-00048388-00048690 what that place is and I guess that's tr38ratcdZc-00225-00048691-00048831 the that's the thing that fascinates me tr38ratcdZc-00226-00048832-00049026 about architecture is it has the ability tr38ratcdZc-00227-00049027-00049260 to kind of extract the DNA of a place tr38ratcdZc-00228-00049261-00049512 and then give it to you as an experience tr38ratcdZc-00229-00049513-00049749 that we can all share and I think it's a tr38ratcdZc-00230-00049750-00049890 wonderful thing this building was so tr38ratcdZc-00231-00049891-00050112 important to the Swiss people that a tr38ratcdZc-00232-00050113-00050340 year after it opened they put it on the tr38ratcdZc-00233-00050341-00050844 Heritage registry hunting I think can do tr38ratcdZc-00234-00050845-00051037 the same thing in a different way tr38ratcdZc-00235-00051038-00051371 several years ago my father and I we had tr38ratcdZc-00236-00051372-00051530 the opportunity to hunt mountain goats tr38ratcdZc-00237-00051532-00051833 in northern BC and hunting goats is a tr38ratcdZc-00238-00051834-00051957 tough business you're up and down tr38ratcdZc-00239-00051958-00052115 mountains all day long you're dealing tr38ratcdZc-00240-00052116-00052332 with crappy dehydrated food you're tr38ratcdZc-00241-00052333-00052457 dealing with bears you're dealing with tr38ratcdZc-00242-00052458-00052596 weather and all and all the rest of that tr38ratcdZc-00243-00052597-00052797 stuff and so we were at the at the very tr38ratcdZc-00244-00052798-00052837 end tr38ratcdZc-00245-00052838-00053089 kind of our rope so to speak we got to tr38ratcdZc-00246-00053090-00053205 the end of the trip we hadn't shot him tr38ratcdZc-00247-00053207-00053395 out and goat yet and so we we made one tr38ratcdZc-00248-00053396-00053563 last push and we climbed that one last tr38ratcdZc-00249-00053564-00053719 mountain on the last day and we actually tr38ratcdZc-00250-00053720-00053863 found the mountain goat that we were tr38ratcdZc-00251-00053864-00054127 that we were pursuing and and we got it tr38ratcdZc-00252-00054128-00054613 and this is the part of my talk to be tr38ratcdZc-00253-00054614-00054819 honest that I don't really know how to tr38ratcdZc-00254-00054820-00055051 speak about because it's a it's a tr38ratcdZc-00255-00055052-00055498 difficult thing when you hunting at some tr38ratcdZc-00256-00055499-00055695 point involves the taking of a life and tr38ratcdZc-00257-00055696-00055929 I don't quite know how to put that into tr38ratcdZc-00258-00055930-00056149 words but it's such an integral part of tr38ratcdZc-00259-00056150-00056524 that whole process and I guess when you tr38ratcdZc-00260-00056525-00056746 when you walk up to the animal that you tr38ratcdZc-00261-00056747-00057082 that you've taken and there's this kind tr38ratcdZc-00262-00057083-00057259 of this incredible range of emotions tr38ratcdZc-00263-00057260-00057634 that goes through you and you know when tr38ratcdZc-00264-00057635-00057895 you're when you go up to it and you put tr38ratcdZc-00265-00057896-00058060 your hands on it and you realize you tr38ratcdZc-00266-00058061-00058171 know all of the adrenaline that's been tr38ratcdZc-00267-00058172-00058288 coursing through your veins from the tr38ratcdZc-00268-00058289-00058483 from the pursuit all you're so tight tr38ratcdZc-00269-00058484-00058627 you're so physically exhausted and tired tr38ratcdZc-00270-00058628-00058837 you're euphoric at having finally gotten tr38ratcdZc-00271-00058838-00059091 what you came for and then at the same tr38ratcdZc-00272-00059092-00059248 time you put your hand on that animal tr38ratcdZc-00273-00059249-00059488 and there's this incredible sadness that tr38ratcdZc-00274-00059489-00059829 kind of washes over you and I don't know tr38ratcdZc-00275-00059830-00060066 how to reconcile those feelings but I do tr38ratcdZc-00276-00060067-00060277 know that in that time and in that place tr38ratcdZc-00277-00060278-00060652 I feel so deeply connected to that place tr38ratcdZc-00278-00060653-00060966 to the land it's just unlike any other tr38ratcdZc-00279-00060967-00061099 experience that I've had it's almost tr38ratcdZc-00280-00061100-00061387 like hunting gives me the opportunity to tr38ratcdZc-00281-00061388-00061645 step back and become it takes me from tr38ratcdZc-00282-00061646-00061897 being a passive observer to an active tr38ratcdZc-00283-00061898-00062224 participant in in a land it's almost tr38ratcdZc-00284-00062225-00062416 like we've we've been able to take take tr38ratcdZc-00285-00062416-00062616 our place in this ancient sort of ritual tr38ratcdZc-00286-00062617-00062809 this ancient order of things and how its tr38ratcdZc-00287-00062810-00062989 unfolded for for so many years in the tr38ratcdZc-00288-00062990-00063238 natural world and that's that's all tr38ratcdZc-00289-00063239-00063496 hunting connects me to place connects me tr38ratcdZc-00290-00063497-00063811 to the natural world so my name is Paul tr38ratcdZc-00291-00063812-00063991 and I'm an architect and on the hunter tr38ratcdZc-00292-00063991-00064158 thank you tr38ratcdZc-00293-00064159-00064357 [Applause] tr38ratcdZc-00294-00064358-00064421 [Music] tr38ratcdZc-00295-00064422-00064835 [Applause] tsqHFvWiO0Y-00000-00000096-00000390 oh my goodness gracious richard tsqHFvWiO0Y-00001-00000391-00000599 has done it again wait wait wait wait tsqHFvWiO0Y-00002-00000600-00001015 okay everyone is sleeping on pulsex okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00003-00001016-00001119 we know that paul's chain's gonna be tsqHFvWiO0Y-00004-00001120-00001311 good we know that hex is good richard tsqHFvWiO0Y-00005-00001312-00001574 hart is going insane with this game tsqHFvWiO0Y-00006-00001575-00001695 theory okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00007-00001696-00002030 pulsex what is it it's a decentralized tsqHFvWiO0Y-00008-00002032-00002215 exchange okay why are decentralized tsqHFvWiO0Y-00009-00002216-00002455 exchanges good because tsqHFvWiO0Y-00010-00002456-00002702 it represents everything that's tsqHFvWiO0Y-00011-00002703-00002895 the whole idea of crypto you get rid of tsqHFvWiO0Y-00012-00002896-00003175 middlemen uh they charge you outrageous tsqHFvWiO0Y-00013-00003176-00003454 fees now dexes charge you fees too but tsqHFvWiO0Y-00014-00003455-00003606 it's tsqHFvWiO0Y-00015-00003607-00003783 well under and you're not you're not tsqHFvWiO0Y-00016-00003784-00004063 giving up your keys to anyone else to tsqHFvWiO0Y-00017-00004064-00004319 use so you maintain your trading on the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00018-00004320-00004438 blockchain tsqHFvWiO0Y-00019-00004439-00004670 and it's beautiful decentralized tsqHFvWiO0Y-00020-00004671-00004879 exchange uh unisop was like the first tsqHFvWiO0Y-00021-00004880-00005031 one that came out like two years ago or tsqHFvWiO0Y-00022-00005032-00005127 something tsqHFvWiO0Y-00023-00005128-00005286 and now there's like pancake swap sushi tsqHFvWiO0Y-00024-00005287-00005367 swap tsqHFvWiO0Y-00025-00005368-00005647 it's an open source software tsqHFvWiO0Y-00026-00005648-00005879 pulse x tsqHFvWiO0Y-00027-00005880-00005991 is tsqHFvWiO0Y-00028-00005992-00006183 absolutely crazy so tsqHFvWiO0Y-00029-00006184-00006295 pulse x tsqHFvWiO0Y-00030-00006296-00006454 is the decentralized exchange is the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00031-00006455-00006687 premier decentralized exchange on pulse tsqHFvWiO0Y-00032-00006688-00006767 chain tsqHFvWiO0Y-00033-00006768-00007046 pulse chain has virality baked into okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00034-00007047-00007246 we know this what makes tsqHFvWiO0Y-00035-00007247-00007598 pulsex so much better it's going to be tsqHFvWiO0Y-00036-00007600-00007814 the thickest order books in the world tsqHFvWiO0Y-00037-00007815-00007951 how's it going to do that well we're tsqHFvWiO0Y-00038-00007952-00008159 taking unislop and sushi swap everything tsqHFvWiO0Y-00039-00008159-00008335 from ethereum all all the successful tsqHFvWiO0Y-00040-00008336-00008510 decentralized exchanges we're taking tsqHFvWiO0Y-00041-00008511-00008646 their liquidity tsqHFvWiO0Y-00042-00008647-00008735 okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00043-00008736-00008871 we're taking it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00044-00008872-00009014 and what else are we doing we're tsqHFvWiO0Y-00045-00009015-00009246 building off tsqHFvWiO0Y-00046-00009247-00009414 oh my god i get so excited we're tsqHFvWiO0Y-00047-00009415-00009678 building off of their feet we have less tsqHFvWiO0Y-00048-00009679-00009783 fees tsqHFvWiO0Y-00049-00009784-00009974 okay so we got thicker order books so if tsqHFvWiO0Y-00050-00009975-00010135 you're a whale you're getting less tsqHFvWiO0Y-00051-00010136-00010351 slippage you're getting a better deal tsqHFvWiO0Y-00052-00010352-00010567 and the fees are less so so that's even tsqHFvWiO0Y-00053-00010568-00010727 more incentive why would you not want to tsqHFvWiO0Y-00054-00010728-00010935 use the thickest order book in the world tsqHFvWiO0Y-00055-00010936-00011135 with lower fees tsqHFvWiO0Y-00056-00011136-00011463 pause put a pin in that pulse x the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00057-00011464-00011678 token itself so so that's how it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00058-00011679-00011878 functions right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00059-00011879-00012135 what does the token do tsqHFvWiO0Y-00060-00012136-00012287 excuse me baby tsqHFvWiO0Y-00061-00012288-00012510 what does what does the token do tsqHFvWiO0Y-00062-00012511-00012767 okay it's deflationary right there's tsqHFvWiO0Y-00063-00012768-00012927 only two ways to get it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00064-00012928-00013511 either sacrifice or you mark it by tsqHFvWiO0Y-00065-00013512-00013694 that's the only way you can get it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00066-00013695-00014007 okay it functions as tsqHFvWiO0Y-00067-00014008-00014407 basically a dow dex governance token tsqHFvWiO0Y-00068-00014408-00014830 okay if you hold more pulse x you get to tsqHFvWiO0Y-00069-00014831-00015047 decide where tsqHFvWiO0Y-00070-00015047-00015263 where we put the pause in before right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00071-00015263-00015479 you get to decide how tsqHFvWiO0Y-00072-00015480-00015735 the liquidity providing fees are tsqHFvWiO0Y-00073-00015736-00015886 allocated tsqHFvWiO0Y-00074-00015887-00016119 okay so 76 tsqHFvWiO0Y-00075-00016119-00016327 of the fees which tsqHFvWiO0Y-00076-00016328-00016479 the fee is tsqHFvWiO0Y-00077-00016480-00016591 i don't want to get this wrong i'll put tsqHFvWiO0Y-00078-00016592-00016927 it up on screen uh it's 0.29 tsqHFvWiO0Y-00079-00016928-00017119 nine percent which is lower than anyone tsqHFvWiO0Y-00080-00017120-00017199 else tsqHFvWiO0Y-00081-00017200-00017439 right for every transaction tsqHFvWiO0Y-00082-00017440-00017814 is separated into three categories first tsqHFvWiO0Y-00083-00017815-00017999 one 76 tsqHFvWiO0Y-00084-00018000-00018286 of the fees go to the liquidity tsqHFvWiO0Y-00085-00018287-00018486 providers tsqHFvWiO0Y-00086-00018487-00018694 based on the voting rights of the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00087-00018695-00018927 governance from pulse x tsqHFvWiO0Y-00088-00018928-00019071 okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00089-00019072-00019158 so tsqHFvWiO0Y-00090-00019159-00019399 pulse x holders are incentivized for tsqHFvWiO0Y-00091-00019400-00019863 sustainability and progression uh of tsqHFvWiO0Y-00092-00019864-00020271 the decks itself to reward the most tsqHFvWiO0Y-00093-00020272-00020439 amount of tokens tsqHFvWiO0Y-00094-00020440-00020630 and and fees to tsqHFvWiO0Y-00095-00020631-00020855 the the pairs that get the most volume tsqHFvWiO0Y-00096-00020856-00021047 the liquidity that gets the most volume tsqHFvWiO0Y-00097-00021048-00021303 that's what we want to reward so tsqHFvWiO0Y-00098-00021304-00021527 so they get 76 percent right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00099-00021528-00021830 the other 20 tsqHFvWiO0Y-00100-00021831-00021958 oh let me get this right let me get this tsqHFvWiO0Y-00101-00021959-00022103 right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00102-00022104-00022407 okay so you've got the 0.29 tsqHFvWiO0Y-00103-00022408-00022583 fee right for using the decks on the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00104-00022584-00022791 thickest order book in the world because tsqHFvWiO0Y-00105-00022792-00023039 we've taken and aggregated all of the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00106-00023040-00023303 successful dexes from ethereum dex is tsqHFvWiO0Y-00107-00023304-00023494 what you want to use okay we we know tsqHFvWiO0Y-00108-00023495-00023583 this tsqHFvWiO0Y-00109-00023584-00023694 now tsqHFvWiO0Y-00110-00023695-00023975 you get a point two nine percent fee 76 tsqHFvWiO0Y-00111-00023976-00024127 of the fee tsqHFvWiO0Y-00112-00024128-00024407 goes to the liquidity providers for the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00113-00024408-00024607 highest volume trading pairs that's how tsqHFvWiO0Y-00114-00024608-00024830 it's going to be because pulsex tsqHFvWiO0Y-00115-00024831-00025199 functions as a governance token that's tsqHFvWiO0Y-00116-00025200-00025294 what tsqHFvWiO0Y-00117-00025295-00025463 it's incentivized to do okay you tsqHFvWiO0Y-00118-00025464-00025702 allocate the highest rewards with the lp tsqHFvWiO0Y-00119-00025704-00025950 token so you so it functions as a tsqHFvWiO0Y-00120-00025951-00026062 a two tsqHFvWiO0Y-00121-00026063-00026183 coin tsqHFvWiO0Y-00122-00026183-00026414 system right you've got the governance tsqHFvWiO0Y-00123-00026416-00026662 and you've got the reward okay the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00124-00026663-00026911 reward is inflationary and we don't know tsqHFvWiO0Y-00125-00026912-00027095 all the game theory behind that yet but tsqHFvWiO0Y-00126-00027095-00027502 pulsex is going to be absolutely insane tsqHFvWiO0Y-00127-00027504-00027767 richard hart he doesn't miss he doesn't tsqHFvWiO0Y-00128-00027768-00027958 miss okay so tsqHFvWiO0Y-00129-00027960-00028143 the other 20 tsqHFvWiO0Y-00130-00028144-00028374 the other 21 tsqHFvWiO0Y-00131-00028375-00028607 of the fee tsqHFvWiO0Y-00132-00028608-00028807 is going to buy tsqHFvWiO0Y-00133-00028808-00028967 market by tsqHFvWiO0Y-00134-00028968-00029143 pulse x tsqHFvWiO0Y-00135-00029144-00029607 and burn it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00136-00029608-00029846 it's gonna mark it by pulse x and then tsqHFvWiO0Y-00137-00029847-00030031 burn it okay so there's this concept in tsqHFvWiO0Y-00138-00030032-00030199 sports right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00139-00030200-00030551 when someone when you're okay so say say tsqHFvWiO0Y-00140-00030552-00030774 uh basketball you have the ball right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00141-00030775-00031014 say you miss your shot you turn it over tsqHFvWiO0Y-00142-00031016-00031183 the other team gets it they go back and tsqHFvWiO0Y-00143-00031183-00031502 score how many points did you lose tsqHFvWiO0Y-00144-00031503-00031670 right some people say two tsqHFvWiO0Y-00145-00031672-00031807 you lost two tsqHFvWiO0Y-00146-00031808-00032079 no you lost four right because the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00147-00032080-00032270 points you didn't score and the points tsqHFvWiO0Y-00148-00032272-00032462 that they scored so there's a net swing tsqHFvWiO0Y-00149-00032463-00032790 of four points this is like that tsqHFvWiO0Y-00150-00032791-00032999 but you score twice tsqHFvWiO0Y-00151-00033000-00033215 okay you score twice tsqHFvWiO0Y-00152-00033216-00033455 because it's market buying it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00153-00033456-00033767 on a v2 uniswap fork which is pulse x tsqHFvWiO0Y-00154-00033768-00033911 right where tsqHFvWiO0Y-00155-00033912-00034199 what x times y equals k tsqHFvWiO0Y-00156-00034200-00034415 so if you have a thousand tsqHFvWiO0Y-00157-00034416-00034711 hex and a thousand usdc or switch it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00158-00034712-00034911 switch it we got a thousand usdc and a tsqHFvWiO0Y-00159-00034912-00035167 thousand hex okay say you want to buy tsqHFvWiO0Y-00160-00035168-00035567 right so you put in a thousand more usdc tsqHFvWiO0Y-00161-00035568-00035902 and you buy 500 hex so you've tsqHFvWiO0Y-00162-00035903-00036207 you've quadrupled the price tsqHFvWiO0Y-00163-00036208-00036367 because tsqHFvWiO0Y-00164-00036368-00036590 decentralized exchanges function as a tsqHFvWiO0Y-00165-00036591-00036807 square of the ratio tsqHFvWiO0Y-00166-00036808-00036935 okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00167-00036936-00037335 so so you double the liquidity you half tsqHFvWiO0Y-00168-00037336-00037462 the ratio tsqHFvWiO0Y-00169-00037463-00037583 right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00170-00037584-00037735 so it's so now it's four to one instead tsqHFvWiO0Y-00171-00037736-00038062 of one to one so you 4x the price okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00172-00038063-00038318 so it's a public call function that tsqHFvWiO0Y-00173-00038319-00038511 anyone can actuate tsqHFvWiO0Y-00174-00038512-00038607 right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00175-00038608-00038887 and you pay you pay the gas and the gas tsqHFvWiO0Y-00176-00038888-00039062 is cheap but even if the gas wasn't tsqHFvWiO0Y-00177-00039063-00039318 cheap it's still you you're most likely tsqHFvWiO0Y-00178-00039319-00039662 going to get a reward of the lp token to tsqHFvWiO0Y-00179-00039663-00039846 then make it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00180-00039847-00039935 uh tsqHFvWiO0Y-00181-00039936-00040095 profitable so at a certain point it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00182-00040096-00040343 reaches parity or above and beyond and tsqHFvWiO0Y-00183-00040344-00040527 then you say okay it's worth it for me tsqHFvWiO0Y-00184-00040528-00040839 to actuate this function for tsqHFvWiO0Y-00185-00040840-00041174 the the bot to buy back tsqHFvWiO0Y-00186-00041175-00041415 mark it by the pulse x tsqHFvWiO0Y-00187-00041416-00041630 and then burn it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00188-00041631-00041830 you score twice tsqHFvWiO0Y-00189-00041831-00042079 okay the other three percent goes to a tsqHFvWiO0Y-00190-00042080-00042367 wallet that we have no expectations of tsqHFvWiO0Y-00191-00042368-00042558 standard practice right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00192-00042559-00042662 standard tsqHFvWiO0Y-00193-00042663-00042887 standard issue tsqHFvWiO0Y-00194-00042888-00043095 this people are sleeping on this there's tsqHFvWiO0Y-00195-00043096-00043318 only and if you haven't watched uh k4k tsqHFvWiO0Y-00196-00043319-00043655 crypto go watch his video okay because tsqHFvWiO0Y-00197-00043656-00043879 it took me a while tsqHFvWiO0Y-00198-00043880-00043999 to kind of tsqHFvWiO0Y-00199-00044000-00044207 like get this to click okay i was like tsqHFvWiO0Y-00200-00044208-00044358 ah pulse x tsqHFvWiO0Y-00201-00044359-00044567 you know it might be good this is going tsqHFvWiO0Y-00202-00044568-00044895 to be insane why because uniswap does tsqHFvWiO0Y-00203-00044896-00045135 about 80 percent of the volume the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00204-00045136-00045439 trading volume uh on aetherium tsqHFvWiO0Y-00205-00045440-00045607 we're going to use we're going to use uh tsqHFvWiO0Y-00206-00045608-00045862 sushi swap as an example tsqHFvWiO0Y-00207-00045863-00046190 sushi swap did about 150 billion dollars tsqHFvWiO0Y-00208-00046191-00046367 in trading volume in a year and a half tsqHFvWiO0Y-00209-00046368-00046574 how much does that come up come out to tsqHFvWiO0Y-00210-00046575-00046823 if you if you how much how much market tsqHFvWiO0Y-00211-00046824-00047079 buy and burn is that going to be tsqHFvWiO0Y-00212-00047080-00047439 it's 90 billion excuse me excuse me tsqHFvWiO0Y-00213-00047440-00047751 it's 90 million dollars tsqHFvWiO0Y-00214-00047752-00047990 90 million dollars in constant buying tsqHFvWiO0Y-00215-00047991-00048230 pressure right and that's if we do okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00216-00048231-00048543 right that's if we do 20 tsqHFvWiO0Y-00217-00048544-00048790 or so 15 to 20 tsqHFvWiO0Y-00218-00048791-00049039 uh equivalence to ethereum trading tsqHFvWiO0Y-00219-00049040-00049302 volume on it on a decentralized exchange tsqHFvWiO0Y-00220-00049303-00049471 on the thickest order book in the world tsqHFvWiO0Y-00221-00049472-00049679 with the lowest fees tsqHFvWiO0Y-00222-00049680-00049830 where tsqHFvWiO0Y-00223-00049831-00050030 piggy backing off tsqHFvWiO0Y-00224-00050031-00050223 the built-in tsqHFvWiO0Y-00225-00050224-00050502 virality of pulse chain where you just tsqHFvWiO0Y-00226-00050503-00050846 find out that you have more coins tsqHFvWiO0Y-00227-00050847-00051007 right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00228-00051008-00051199 so you're getting the largest air drop tsqHFvWiO0Y-00229-00051200-00051358 you don't think that's going to increase tsqHFvWiO0Y-00230-00051359-00051654 volume tsqHFvWiO0Y-00231-00051655-00051838 say say we do even better than that say tsqHFvWiO0Y-00232-00051839-00052102 we say like uniswap or if you can tsqHFvWiO0Y-00233-00052103-00052311 combine all of them i it did one tsqHFvWiO0Y-00234-00052312-00052550 trillion dollars tsqHFvWiO0Y-00235-00052551-00052838 in a year and a half you never do never tsqHFvWiO0Y-00236-00052839-00053063 do math on on a tsqHFvWiO0Y-00237-00053064-00053438 on a video but uh okay one trillion tsqHFvWiO0Y-00238-00053439-00053679 okay so if we did a trillion dollars in tsqHFvWiO0Y-00239-00053679-00053838 trading volume tsqHFvWiO0Y-00240-00053839-00054150 we have a buying pressure of 600 million tsqHFvWiO0Y-00241-00054151-00054335 dollars tsqHFvWiO0Y-00242-00054336-00054438 okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00243-00054439-00054823 and that's what's already been done tsqHFvWiO0Y-00244-00054824-00055142 to put that in perspective hex has about tsqHFvWiO0Y-00245-00055144-00055271 uh tsqHFvWiO0Y-00246-00055272-00055591 20 million dollars in liquidity so tsqHFvWiO0Y-00247-00055591-00055830 if we have about the same liquidity as tsqHFvWiO0Y-00248-00055832-00055991 hex and actually been around two years tsqHFvWiO0Y-00249-00055991-00056150 and it's the most appreciative asset tsqHFvWiO0Y-00250-00056151-00056399 that's ever existed right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00251-00056400-00056591 i mean it's gone up tsqHFvWiO0Y-00252-00056591-00056911 a million percent in a year and a half tsqHFvWiO0Y-00253-00056912-00057047 okay so tsqHFvWiO0Y-00254-00057048-00057254 if we're getting that type of buying tsqHFvWiO0Y-00255-00057255-00057391 pressure tsqHFvWiO0Y-00256-00057391-00057623 what do you think when you operate on a tsqHFvWiO0Y-00257-00057624-00057919 v2 fork like pulse x decentralized tsqHFvWiO0Y-00258-00057920-00058199 exchange tsqHFvWiO0Y-00259-00058200-00058542 right remember this okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00260-00058544-00058807 it's gonna go berserk tsqHFvWiO0Y-00261-00058808-00059238 this might this and people people tsqHFvWiO0Y-00262-00059239-00059382 aren't really getting it i watched the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00263-00059383-00059566 k4k crypto if you haven't seen it go tsqHFvWiO0Y-00264-00059567-00059782 watch that it's going to be absolutely tsqHFvWiO0Y-00265-00059783-00060015 nuts this buying pressure if no one did tsqHFvWiO0Y-00266-00060016-00060182 anything tsqHFvWiO0Y-00267-00060183-00060542 right but trade on the system on the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00268-00060544-00060887 network that has virality baked into it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00269-00060888-00060982 okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00270-00060983-00061166 there's going to be trading volume so if tsqHFvWiO0Y-00271-00061167-00061399 we did about half a million trading tsqHFvWiO0Y-00272-00061400-00061542 volume on tsqHFvWiO0Y-00273-00061544-00061679 pulsex tsqHFvWiO0Y-00274-00061679-00061950 the decentralized exchange a day right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00275-00061951-00062094 it would take about tsqHFvWiO0Y-00276-00062095-00062263 three days tsqHFvWiO0Y-00277-00062264-00062542 to hit a million dollars in buy and burn tsqHFvWiO0Y-00278-00062544-00062791 so every month we have 10 million tsqHFvWiO0Y-00279-00062791-00062911 dollars tsqHFvWiO0Y-00280-00062912-00063623 in buying pressure tsqHFvWiO0Y-00281-00063624-00063903 richard does not miss this is going to tsqHFvWiO0Y-00282-00063904-00064206 be absolutely insane tsqHFvWiO0Y-00283-00064207-00064375 so tsqHFvWiO0Y-00284-00064376-00064503 i was hesitant to make this video tsqHFvWiO0Y-00285-00064504-00064719 because you know tsqHFvWiO0Y-00286-00064720-00064919 i want to be the only one who sacrifices tsqHFvWiO0Y-00287-00064920-00065087 and be the whale tsqHFvWiO0Y-00288-00065088-00065279 um but tsqHFvWiO0Y-00289-00065279-00065454 i felt like i had to tsqHFvWiO0Y-00290-00065455-00065526 so tsqHFvWiO0Y-00291-00065527-00065663 the sacrifice is gonna happen in the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00292-00065664-00065935 next day or two right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00293-00065936-00066111 because i was watching all of i watched tsqHFvWiO0Y-00294-00066112-00066375 all of richard's streams um and i was tsqHFvWiO0Y-00295-00066376-00066615 like kind of getting it i was like okay tsqHFvWiO0Y-00296-00066616-00066815 right they changed up you know the game tsqHFvWiO0Y-00297-00066816-00066982 theory a little bit there's the two tsqHFvWiO0Y-00298-00066983-00067119 token system tsqHFvWiO0Y-00299-00067120-00067311 right tsqHFvWiO0Y-00300-00067312-00067623 so now like i said pulsex functioning as tsqHFvWiO0Y-00301-00067624-00067791 a governance dow tsqHFvWiO0Y-00302-00067792-00067887 dex tsqHFvWiO0Y-00303-00067888-00068031 where we vote tsqHFvWiO0Y-00304-00068032-00068175 on the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00305-00068176-00068471 highest traded volume pairs tsqHFvWiO0Y-00306-00068472-00068791 to distribute and allocate the reward tsqHFvWiO0Y-00307-00068792-00069087 which is the second token and the other tsqHFvWiO0Y-00308-00069088-00069294 portion of the fees tsqHFvWiO0Y-00309-00069295-00069582 are a market buy and burn the price of tsqHFvWiO0Y-00310-00069583-00069726 pulsex tsqHFvWiO0Y-00311-00069727-00069919 is going to go tsqHFvWiO0Y-00312-00069920-00070159 bananas this has never been done before tsqHFvWiO0Y-00313-00070160-00070335 the game theory is tsqHFvWiO0Y-00314-00070336-00070582 impeccable richard hart just wins he tsqHFvWiO0Y-00315-00070583-00070823 just wins harder we're gonna be in our tsqHFvWiO0Y-00316-00070824-00071135 own ecosystem we don't need anybody else tsqHFvWiO0Y-00317-00071136-00071382 okay if we need it we build it and tsqHFvWiO0Y-00318-00071383-00071623 that's what it is peace and love uh tsqHFvWiO0Y-00319-00071624-00071799 let's learn from each other tsqHFvWiO0Y-00320-00071800-00072103 comment down below subscribe uh all that tsqHFvWiO0Y-00321-00072104-00072231 stuff hit the bell tsqHFvWiO0Y-00322-00072232-00072494 um i need i need i need to put on more tsqHFvWiO0Y-00323-00072495-00072847 videos but this i just could not tsqHFvWiO0Y-00324-00072848-00073038 not put out a video because this is tsqHFvWiO0Y-00325-00073039-00073287 absolutely insane so look for the pulse tsqHFvWiO0Y-00326-00073288-00073503 x sacrifice it's going to be absolutely tsqHFvWiO0Y-00327-00073504-00073703 and say it might break crypto tsqHFvWiO0Y-00328-00073704-00073943 it might be and i love hex i think hex tsqHFvWiO0Y-00329-00073944-00074215 is nobel prize worthy because no other tsqHFvWiO0Y-00330-00074216-00074447 financial instrument has ever gotten tsqHFvWiO0Y-00331-00074448-00074703 people to lock up their money for longer tsqHFvWiO0Y-00332-00074704-00074982 and enjoy tsqHFvWiO0Y-00333-00074983-00075238 the reward of delayed gratification tsqHFvWiO0Y-00334-00075239-00075535 right you're getting yield tsqHFvWiO0Y-00335-00075536-00075806 okay it's just it's so beautiful the the tsqHFvWiO0Y-00336-00075807-00076047 mathematics of hex is absolutely amazing tsqHFvWiO0Y-00337-00076048-00076231 and you got pulse chain with virality tsqHFvWiO0Y-00338-00076232-00076431 baked into it that's also deflationary tsqHFvWiO0Y-00339-00076432-00076711 token and you got pulse x with tsqHFvWiO0Y-00340-00076712-00077023 the craziest game theory and constant by tsqHFvWiO0Y-00341-00077024-00077238 pressure that anyone has ever seen no tsqHFvWiO0Y-00342-00077239-00077535 other coin does this tsqHFvWiO0Y-00343-00077536-00078143 it buys itself and then burns it tsqHFvWiO0Y-00344-00078144-00078391 the only thing that matters when talking tsqHFvWiO0Y-00345-00078392-00078623 about a coin is that more people buy tsqHFvWiO0Y-00346-00078624-00078919 than sell tsqHFvWiO0Y-00347-00078920-00079055 and it's constantly market buying and tsqHFvWiO0Y-00348-00079056-00079231 taking it off take it off taking out a tsqHFvWiO0Y-00349-00079232-00079535 circulating supply tsqHFvWiO0Y-00350-00079536-00079719 so you score twice tsqHFvWiO0Y-00351-00079720-00079926 right you score tsqHFvWiO0Y-00352-00079927-00080111 and then there's less tsqHFvWiO0Y-00353-00080112-00080326 available to buy so you score again tsqHFvWiO0Y-00354-00080327-00080726 because it's it's more rare tsqHFvWiO0Y-00355-00080727-00080943 i'm i'm super excited this is going to tsqHFvWiO0Y-00356-00080944-00081206 be nuts uh tsqHFvWiO0Y-00357-00081207-00081503 and i hope i wanted to explain it as uh tsqHFvWiO0Y-00358-00081504-00081726 concisely as possible because i wasn't tsqHFvWiO0Y-00359-00081727-00081991 getting it uh initially and then i saw tsqHFvWiO0Y-00360-00081992-00082335 the k4k crypto video and i put things tsqHFvWiO0Y-00361-00082336-00082471 into perspective of tsqHFvWiO0Y-00362-00082472-00082703 how much buying pressure is going to be tsqHFvWiO0Y-00363-00082704-00082911 on this on this coin so tsqHFvWiO0Y-00364-00082912-00083023 uh tsqHFvWiO0Y-00365-00083024-00083498 love you guys thanks like comment tsqHFvWiO0Y-00366-00083499-00084116 [Music] tsxUj4gew6U-00000-00000000-00000214 the release date for the part 2 of the tsxUj4gew6U-00001-00000215-00000383 South Korean Revenge drama the glory tsxUj4gew6U-00002-00000384-00000587 which premiered on Netflix on 30th of tsxUj4gew6U-00003-00000588-00000790 December has been confirmed the glory tsxUj4gew6U-00004-00000791-00001043 centers on mundong un which is played by tsxUj4gew6U-00005-00001044-00001223 Song Hye Kyo who is shown as a shattered tsxUj4gew6U-00006-00001224-00001433 Omen who experienced abuse as a young tsxUj4gew6U-00007-00001434-00001684 child dong-un devotes her adult life to tsxUj4gew6U-00008-00001685-00001882 hatching cunning plans of retaliation tsxUj4gew6U-00009-00001884-00002141 against the offenders Lee do Hyun plays tsxUj4gew6U-00010-00002142-00002392 juyo Chung a character with mysterious tsxUj4gew6U-00011-00002393-00002597 past in the glory originally included tsxUj4gew6U-00012-00002598-00002891 are Lim jiyon sung Hoon Park Jung hiran tsxUj4gew6U-00013-00002892-00003107 and sung IL Zhang against her all tsxUj4gew6U-00014-00003108-00003322 tormentors and the peoples who watched tsxUj4gew6U-00015-00003323-00003490 and did nothing the Glorious summary tsxUj4gew6U-00016-00003492-00003706 states that when mundong was a senior in tsxUj4gew6U-00017-00003707-00003845 high school she wanted to be an tsxUj4gew6U-00018-00003846-00004061 architect but however mundong moon is tsxUj4gew6U-00019-00004061-00004253 forced to leave school after enduring a tsxUj4gew6U-00020-00004254-00004445 vicious attack from her bully years tsxUj4gew6U-00021-00004446-00004643 later the bully married a has a child tsxUj4gew6U-00022-00004644-00004829 and attends the same Elementary School tsxUj4gew6U-00023-00004830-00005075 where Moon dong un now works as the tsxUj4gew6U-00024-00005076-00005243 homeroom teacher after years uploading tsxUj4gew6U-00025-00005244-00005441 mundong begins her revenge plan again tsxUj4gew6U-00026-00005442-00005675 who stood by and let it happen the glory tsxUj4gew6U-00027-00005676-00005938 is held by filmmaker Angel who tsxUj4gew6U-00028-00005939-00006161 previously work on memories of the tsxUj4gew6U-00029-00006162-00006413 Alhambra and record of Youth on missing tsxUj4gew6U-00030-00006414-00006653 in the top 10 non-english Global Netflix tsxUj4gew6U-00031-00006654-00006910 rankings for three weeks in a row with tsxUj4gew6U-00032-00006911-00007169 148 million hours of Total Global tsxUj4gew6U-00033-00007170-00007355 viewing the glory part 2 is not only tsxUj4gew6U-00034-00007356-00007559 confirmed but it has already been shot tsxUj4gew6U-00035-00007559-00007781 and is ready to release claims director tsxUj4gew6U-00036-00007781-00008069 Angel season 1 was launched on 3rd of tsxUj4gew6U-00037-00008070-00008285 December and season 2 will be launched tsxUj4gew6U-00038-00008286-00008591 on 10th of March gilhaus said at a press tsxUj4gew6U-00039-00008592-00008777 conference in December while announcing tsxUj4gew6U-00040-00008778-00008957 the news he said I asked for your tsxUj4gew6U-00041-00008958-00009167 affection and interest Netflix announced tsxUj4gew6U-00042-00009168-00009353 a March 10 release date for the second tsxUj4gew6U-00043-00009354-00009581 installment on 18th of January according tsxUj4gew6U-00044-00009582-00009778 to Netflix press release tripwriter tsxUj4gew6U-00045-00009779-00009995 kimun Suk said of the new season if you tsxUj4gew6U-00046-00009996-00010187 have watched part 1 you won't be able to tsxUj4gew6U-00047-00010188-00010414 resist part 2 part 2 is chargingly tsxUj4gew6U-00048-00010415-00010685 intense and reviewingly fulfilling so tsxUj4gew6U-00049-00010686-00010889 are you excited for season 2 let me know tsxUj4gew6U-00050-00010890-00011063 in this comment section down below so tsxUj4gew6U-00051-00011064-00011188 let us know what do you think in this tsxUj4gew6U-00052-00011189-00011351 comment section down below and I will tsxUj4gew6U-00053-00011352-00011537 get back to you with a response so guys tsxUj4gew6U-00054-00011538-00011699 that's all for today I hope you enjoyed tsxUj4gew6U-00055-00011700-00011837 this video do give a thumbs up to this tsxUj4gew6U-00056-00011838-00012035 video also subscribe to the channel hit tsxUj4gew6U-00057-00012036-00012191 the notification Bell because this tsxUj4gew6U-00058-00012192-00012353 really makes me motivate to make new tsxUj4gew6U-00059-00012354-00012533 videos for you so if you want to know tsxUj4gew6U-00060-00012534-00012737 what happened with Lee jong-suk during tsxUj4gew6U-00061-00012738-00012952 his fan me then do watch this video tsxUj4gew6U-00062-00012953-00013225 right now ttmlYC5OWJk-00000-00000097-00000728 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00001-00000729-00001100 yo como la given wha the a Kakuna ttmlYC5OWJk-00002-00001101-00001440 cherita politically me llamo coffer ttmlYC5OWJk-00003-00001441-00001857 Lagoona Adele you one and only some of ttmlYC5OWJk-00004-00001857-00002428 other table and check it out ttmlYC5OWJk-00005-00002429-00003188 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00006-00003189-00004082 you it on my mind uncle fund every day ttmlYC5OWJk-00007-00004083-00004766 you lose myself fear time desert ttmlYC5OWJk-00008-00004767-00005536 thinking of your face and got only know ttmlYC5OWJk-00009-00005537-00006095 what is taking me so long to let my ttmlYC5OWJk-00010-00006096-00006965 doubts come you the only one a no one I ttmlYC5OWJk-00011-00006966-00007334 don't know why I'm scare I'm the he ttmlYC5OWJk-00012-00007334-00007784 before every feeling every word I'm he ttmlYC5OWJk-00013-00007784-00008249 paid you know on you never know if you ttmlYC5OWJk-00014-00008250-00008705 never try before give you best and ttmlYC5OWJk-00015-00008706-00009205 simply be mine ttmlYC5OWJk-00016-00009206-00009651 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00017-00009652-00010121 [Applause] ttmlYC5OWJk-00018-00010122-00010909 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00019-00010910-00011264 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00020-00011265-00011392 change ttmlYC5OWJk-00021-00011393-00013390 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00022-00013391-00014006 uau laughy what I say you lose yourself ttmlYC5OWJk-00023-00014007-00014855 you tight and lays it on my layer will I ttmlYC5OWJk-00024-00014856-00014966 ever ttmlYC5OWJk-00025-00014966-00015763 oh how do you feel - are you close ttmlYC5OWJk-00026-00015765-00016391 and if you tell me Dave we do know that ttmlYC5OWJk-00027-00016392-00016919 it's you two alone I run away and scare ttmlYC5OWJk-00028-00016920-00017309 gals I ve before have you feeling ttmlYC5OWJk-00029-00017310-00017891 everyone slimy baby don't you never know ttmlYC5OWJk-00030-00017892-00018428 if you never try to forgive you bet ttmlYC5OWJk-00031-00018429-00018907 and she'll be mad ttmlYC5OWJk-00032-00018908-00019045 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00033-00019046-00019931 - let me be it you want it all I ttmlYC5OWJk-00034-00019932-00020807 probably somewhere in your laugh so come ttmlYC5OWJk-00035-00020808-00021488 on baby please give me that change the ttmlYC5OWJk-00036-00021489-00021682 one who ttmlYC5OWJk-00037-00021683-00022871 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00038-00022872-00024676 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00039-00024677-00025575 Oh easy easy giving up your heart ttmlYC5OWJk-00040-00025576-00026408 how easy giving up your heart ttmlYC5OWJk-00041-00026408-00027023 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00042-00027024-00027460 if your heart ttmlYC5OWJk-00043-00027461-00029077 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00044-00029079-00030850 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00045-00030851-00032921 you can't beat that change the one who ttmlYC5OWJk-00046-00032922-00033549 care ttmlYC5OWJk-00047-00033550-00034255 I'm okay ttmlYC5OWJk-00048-00034256-00034365 change ttmlYC5OWJk-00049-00034366-00036066 [Music] ttmlYC5OWJk-00050-00036067-00036418 ah ttmlYC5OWJk-00051-00036419-00036625 you tvlEb7WK62o-00000-00000003-00000340 we see array Mobilia some Herc's price tvlEb7WK62o-00001-00000341-00000749 for Calvin meter high return of market tvlEb7WK62o-00002-00000750-00000829 strategy tvlEb7WK62o-00003-00000830-00001187 hoity mine will see iron in the fab 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where tvlEb7WK62o-00169-00049828-00050189 people billion fest over our fear tvlEb7WK62o-00170-00050190-00050565 special emo billion DM verbum Oh billion tvlEb7WK62o-00171-00050566-00050805 sector rhombus it'll send special tvlEb7WK62o-00172-00050806-00051072 acoustic piston salesman on the steamer tvlEb7WK62o-00173-00051073-00051381 Beaumont Alicia scientists Riperton mere tvlEb7WK62o-00174-00051382-00051761 indeed which often can also eigen team tvlEb7WK62o-00175-00051762-00052191 over our cons specificity many poor tvlEb7WK62o-00176-00052192-00052398 corrosion tvlEb7WK62o-00177-00052399-00052707 senators on pavement parks fried tvlEb7WK62o-00178-00052708-00053084 supports Kinta frontier parks tvlEb7WK62o-00179-00053085-00053305 I'm gonna throw at rent king the fried tvlEb7WK62o-00180-00053306-00053528 some perks oh gosh I wish to Tenten tvlEb7WK62o-00181-00053529-00053776 Jaime absolutely escape this loss was tvlEb7WK62o-00182-00053777-00054047 alters I wish to Denton one high mass in tvlEb7WK62o-00183-00054048-00054250 church bone and a brow comb be not so on tvlEb7WK62o-00184-00054251-00054560 and from alters on stallion I'm gone tvlEb7WK62o-00185-00054561-00054884 snowy Foreman this to summon Laban so tvlEb7WK62o-00186-00054885-00055132 that was money English do you instantly tvlEb7WK62o-00187-00055133-00055287 Elliston tvlEb7WK62o-00188-00055288-00055713 in male in general joelandfi an tvlEb7WK62o-00189-00055714-00055912 old tvlEb7WK62o-00190-00055913-00056251 concept soon sell foreign a real chopped tvlEb7WK62o-00191-00056252-00056591 and may indeed in and mark their tvlEb7WK62o-00192-00056591-00056912 sensitive and eaten speaking the efforts tvlEb7WK62o-00193-00056913-00057074 all and wasn't a sphere and eaten I'm tvlEb7WK62o-00194-00057075-00057416 poor by feeding as we have no hostile tvlEb7WK62o-00195-00057416-00057574 Tasmin Mitchell tvlEb7WK62o-00196-00057575-00057925 Taemin peace to see pins even come off tvlEb7WK62o-00197-00057926-00058496 retained Pluto and each after my African tvlEb7WK62o-00198-00058497-00058685 was not release air into the scientists tvlEb7WK62o-00199-00058686-00058993 fear own sorry Internet's an alicorn tvlEb7WK62o-00200-00058994-00059263 chopped our only Horan Deaton's is in tvlEb7WK62o-00201-00059264-00059626 owned these are indeed cineast market tvlEb7WK62o-00202-00059627-00059849 Beethoven's is in need of hanging from tvlEb7WK62o-00203-00059850-00060105 the Burroughs Americans in localized tvlEb7WK62o-00204-00060106-00060568 rockin yeah good in NSO completed melt tvlEb7WK62o-00205-00060569-00060817 with 0 at 11 is always meter wonderful tvlEb7WK62o-00206-00060818-00060973 knowledge tvlEb7WK62o-00207-00060974-00061341 over in an function earring and marked tvlEb7WK62o-00208-00061342-00061766 is this is the correlation it airtight tvlEb7WK62o-00209-00061766-00061975 amino relative getting switch Nemo tvlEb7WK62o-00210-00061976-00062263 billion marked own own personal very tvlEb7WK62o-00211-00062264-00062437 materially mobile I can gain for tvlEb7WK62o-00212-00062438-00062668 schenken motion mountain hopes price are tvlEb7WK62o-00213-00062669-00062924 chillin Valen done healthful million tvlEb7WK62o-00214-00062925-00063174 gallon if I'm off market for cows tvlEb7WK62o-00215-00063175-00063590 family offices calf and fast nor of tvlEb7WK62o-00216-00063591-00063935 market house we parts my home that I tvlEb7WK62o-00217-00063936-00064180 also meant in family offices souvenir tvlEb7WK62o-00218-00064181-00064612 DME announced T to Aramaic masca tvlEb7WK62o-00219-00064613-00065021 Schneider person nor Dom it quarantine tvlEb7WK62o-00220-00065022-00065315 Susie honey Ramos lava chrome meet tvlEb7WK62o-00221-00065316-00065737 international and solvent and - Ferrari tvlEb7WK62o-00222-00065738-00066074 direct the conduct of a mere Maron CD tvlEb7WK62o-00223-00066075-00066278 know no fear and feel fear science tvlEb7WK62o-00224-00066279-00066458 five-year fear no fear tvlEb7WK62o-00225-00066459-00066698 order contact even see me Romani mail tvlEb7WK62o-00226-00066699-00067106 address so tight happen we historical tvlEb7WK62o-00227-00067107-00067448 price a detox did take again Salton Sea tvlEb7WK62o-00228-00067449-00067631 and and stuff this interesting happens tvlEb7WK62o-00229-00067632-00067916 of a coffin so you can see niche too tvlEb7WK62o-00230-00067917-00068246 long a sign Z line compliancy rise is tvlEb7WK62o-00231-00068247-00068590 ranging and I venture in a talk tvlEb7WK62o-00232-00068591-00069367 [Music] twHH_INLuIU-00000-00000075-00000231 [Music] twHH_INLuIU-00001-00000231-00000430 hello prodigy campers this is the twHH_INLuIU-00002-00000431-00000678 prodigy tutor theo peters coming at you twHH_INLuIU-00003-00000679-00000911 all the way from alberta canada with twHH_INLuIU-00004-00000911-00001166 some hints for multiplying now before we twHH_INLuIU-00005-00001167-00001303 get started uh there's something you can twHH_INLuIU-00006-00001304-00001503 do to help this make a lot more sense to twHH_INLuIU-00007-00001504-00001775 you i'm going to want you to collect 30 twHH_INLuIU-00008-00001776-00001942 objects for me just little things that twHH_INLuIU-00009-00001943-00002095 we can put into groups if you do this twHH_INLuIU-00010-00002096-00002407 multiplying could be coins cubes twHH_INLuIU-00011-00002408-00002671 cheerios hatchimals little figures twHH_INLuIU-00012-00002672-00002815 anything you can kind of get in a group twHH_INLuIU-00013-00002816-00003023 on the table in front of you and put twHH_INLuIU-00014-00003024-00003247 into groups so nothing big no elephants twHH_INLuIU-00015-00003247-00003438 no sports cars something kind of smaller twHH_INLuIU-00016-00003439-00003631 and easier to work with so pause the twHH_INLuIU-00017-00003632-00003911 video go and find yourself 30 objects twHH_INLuIU-00018-00003911-00004294 and come back on here when you're ready twHH_INLuIU-00019-00004295-00004567 [Music] twHH_INLuIU-00020-00004568-00004767 wow that didn't take you long at all twHH_INLuIU-00021-00004768-00004919 let's jump in twHH_INLuIU-00022-00004920-00005038 the first thing to understand about twHH_INLuIU-00023-00005039-00005238 multiplication that it's all about twHH_INLuIU-00024-00005239-00005335 groups twHH_INLuIU-00025-00005336-00005551 so if someone asks you what 3 times 3 is twHH_INLuIU-00026-00005552-00005783 what they're really asking is if i have twHH_INLuIU-00027-00005784-00006031 three groups with three things in each twHH_INLuIU-00028-00006032-00006270 group how much do i have twHH_INLuIU-00029-00006271-00006559 so three times three three groups of twHH_INLuIU-00030-00006559-00006646 three twHH_INLuIU-00031-00006647-00006767 so we're going to go through the number twHH_INLuIU-00032-00006768-00007134 zero to ten not in order but uh in maybe twHH_INLuIU-00033-00007136-00007446 a more helpful multiplication order twHH_INLuIU-00034-00007447-00007678 and look at some tips for how to twHH_INLuIU-00035-00007679-00007878 multiply these numbers twHH_INLuIU-00036-00007879-00008142 okay we're going to start with the zeros twHH_INLuIU-00037-00008143-00008374 so if i have zero times something means twHH_INLuIU-00038-00008375-00008687 i have zero groups of something or zero twHH_INLuIU-00039-00008688-00008974 in a group so i dare you try to make twHH_INLuIU-00040-00008975-00009278 zero groups of five with your objects twHH_INLuIU-00041-00009279-00009478 can do it how do you make a zero group twHH_INLuIU-00042-00009479-00009599 of five twHH_INLuIU-00043-00009600-00009806 uh and now try and make three groups twHH_INLuIU-00044-00009807-00010110 with nothing in them twHH_INLuIU-00045-00010111-00010399 there's just nothing so anything times twHH_INLuIU-00046-00010400-00010583 zero is zero because it means there's twHH_INLuIU-00047-00010584-00010742 nothing in a group twHH_INLuIU-00048-00010743-00011014 or no groups now multiplying by ones is twHH_INLuIU-00049-00011015-00011310 almost as easy as multiplying by zeros twHH_INLuIU-00050-00011311-00011583 one means you've got one group or one in twHH_INLuIU-00051-00011584-00011823 each group so go ahead make eight groups twHH_INLuIU-00052-00011824-00011935 of one twHH_INLuIU-00053-00011936-00012103 how many in total twHH_INLuIU-00054-00012104-00012278 you're right eight we're counting by twHH_INLuIU-00055-00012279-00012551 ones one two three four five six seven twHH_INLuIU-00056-00012552-00012638 eight twHH_INLuIU-00057-00012639-00012871 now make one group of six twHH_INLuIU-00058-00012872-00013046 well you just got those six in that twHH_INLuIU-00059-00013047-00013327 group to count up so multiplying by one twHH_INLuIU-00060-00013328-00013494 is just the same as counting by ones and twHH_INLuIU-00061-00013495-00013783 we've done that forever so whatever twHH_INLuIU-00062-00013784-00013991 number you multiply by one that's the twHH_INLuIU-00063-00013991-00014279 number you still have so eight times one twHH_INLuIU-00064-00014280-00014655 is eight and one times six is six twHH_INLuIU-00065-00014656-00014894 pretty simple stuff now multiplying by twHH_INLuIU-00066-00014895-00015111 two means you have two groups of twHH_INLuIU-00067-00015112-00015383 something or two in each group so why twHH_INLuIU-00068-00015384-00015566 don't you make two groups of six with twHH_INLuIU-00069-00015568-00015758 your objects you've got there what do twHH_INLuIU-00070-00015759-00015871 you get twHH_INLuIU-00071-00015872-00015966 twelve twHH_INLuIU-00072-00015968-00016303 looks like you've got two sixes one six twHH_INLuIU-00073-00016304-00016615 second six it's the same as doubling two twHH_INLuIU-00074-00016616-00016919 times six or six times two is the same twHH_INLuIU-00075-00016920-00017230 as six plus six you've got two sixes six twHH_INLuIU-00076-00017231-00017486 plus six is twelve we know our doubles twHH_INLuIU-00077-00017487-00017743 six plus six is twelve easy peasy twHH_INLuIU-00078-00017744-00018022 now let's make three groups of six twHH_INLuIU-00079-00018023-00018263 it's kinda like skip counting by two twHH_INLuIU-00080-00018264-00018630 three times two four six twHH_INLuIU-00081-00018631-00018847 and since three times two and two times twHH_INLuIU-00082-00018848-00019030 three are the same thing we can do that twHH_INLuIU-00083-00019031-00019214 double thing again you can see that my twHH_INLuIU-00084-00019215-00019527 two times three here looks the same as twHH_INLuIU-00085-00019528-00019679 two groups of three twHH_INLuIU-00086-00019680-00019935 three plus three is six boom twHH_INLuIU-00087-00019936-00020207 when we multiply by two it's the same as twHH_INLuIU-00088-00020208-00020471 doubling something so two times two is twHH_INLuIU-00089-00020472-00020719 four three times two is six twHH_INLuIU-00090-00020720-00020950 ten times two is twenty we just double twHH_INLuIU-00091-00020951-00021294 that number super easy multiplying by twHH_INLuIU-00092-00021295-00021503 four means you've got four groups or twHH_INLuIU-00093-00021504-00021735 four in a group now yes i know we're twHH_INLuIU-00094-00021736-00021975 skipping threes for now we'll come back twHH_INLuIU-00095-00021976-00022167 there because we want to build on our twHH_INLuIU-00096-00022168-00022319 two's knowledge to help us with our twHH_INLuIU-00097-00022320-00022407 fours twHH_INLuIU-00098-00022408-00022719 so remember that two times two is four twHH_INLuIU-00099-00022720-00022950 two groups of two is four two plus two twHH_INLuIU-00100-00022951-00023150 two doubled is four we'll just check twHH_INLuIU-00101-00023151-00023255 quick if you don't believe me use your twHH_INLuIU-00102-00023256-00023430 objects there but that means that twHH_INLuIU-00103-00023431-00023663 multiplying by four is the same as twHH_INLuIU-00104-00023664-00023935 multiplying by two twice twHH_INLuIU-00105-00023936-00024086 remember multiplying by two we could twHH_INLuIU-00106-00024087-00024263 just double the number so now we're twHH_INLuIU-00107-00024264-00024519 going to double it twice well let's make twHH_INLuIU-00108-00024520-00024694 four groups of five user objects make twHH_INLuIU-00109-00024695-00024863 four groups of five twHH_INLuIU-00110-00024864-00025039 so let's see here i got my first five twHH_INLuIU-00111-00025040-00025230 i'm going to double that and that gives twHH_INLuIU-00112-00025231-00025542 me 10. i'm going to double that again twHH_INLuIU-00113-00025543-00025831 that gives me 20. so 4 times 5 is 20. if twHH_INLuIU-00114-00025832-00026022 we counted all our objects we'd see twHH_INLuIU-00115-00026023-00026262 there's 20 of them there so we can twHH_INLuIU-00116-00026263-00026623 double that 5 twice 5 to 10 double again twHH_INLuIU-00117-00026624-00026751 10 to 20. twHH_INLuIU-00118-00026752-00026990 what about three groups of four well use twHH_INLuIU-00119-00026991-00027199 your objects go ahead and make that twHH_INLuIU-00120-00027200-00027551 okay it's 12. let's double three twice twHH_INLuIU-00121-00027552-00027807 three plus three is six easy twHH_INLuIU-00122-00027808-00028079 six plus six is twelve whoa same thing twHH_INLuIU-00123-00028080-00028174 again twHH_INLuIU-00124-00028175-00028351 so when we multiply by four we're twHH_INLuIU-00125-00028352-00028574 actually doubling it twice and you can twHH_INLuIU-00126-00028575-00028767 see with your object you can kind of see twHH_INLuIU-00127-00028768-00029007 how you've got one line then there's two twHH_INLuIU-00128-00029008-00029174 lines and there's two more lines so it's twHH_INLuIU-00129-00029175-00029318 doubling twice twHH_INLuIU-00130-00029319-00029487 easy peasy twHH_INLuIU-00131-00029488-00029727 multiplying by eight means you have twHH_INLuIU-00132-00029727-00029967 eight groups of something or eight in a twHH_INLuIU-00133-00029968-00030214 group now why are we jumping from four twHH_INLuIU-00134-00030216-00030407 to eight just skipped a bunch of numbers twHH_INLuIU-00135-00030408-00030583 there phil what are you doing well it's twHH_INLuIU-00136-00030583-00030790 all gonna make sense remember that two twHH_INLuIU-00137-00030791-00030967 times two is four twHH_INLuIU-00138-00030968-00031167 well if we multiply that by one more two twHH_INLuIU-00139-00031168-00031311 that gets eight twHH_INLuIU-00140-00031312-00031543 so for two as we double once twHH_INLuIU-00141-00031544-00031831 for fours we double twice for eights we twHH_INLuIU-00142-00031832-00032079 can double it three times twHH_INLuIU-00143-00032080-00032223 let's check twHH_INLuIU-00144-00032224-00032390 take your objects and make eight times twHH_INLuIU-00145-00032391-00032623 three for me so eight rows of three it's twHH_INLuIU-00146-00032624-00032790 a pretty big number but it's gonna show twHH_INLuIU-00147-00032791-00033046 our point here so let's double three one twHH_INLuIU-00148-00033047-00033367 time okay three plus three six easy twHH_INLuIU-00149-00033368-00033590 let's double that again six plus six twHH_INLuIU-00150-00033591-00033695 twelve twHH_INLuIU-00151-00033696-00033846 so far so good twHH_INLuIU-00152-00033847-00034143 12 plus 12 is 24 that's our third time twHH_INLuIU-00153-00034144-00034246 doubling twHH_INLuIU-00154-00034247-00034535 so 8 times 3 is 24. let's count up our twHH_INLuIU-00155-00034536-00034655 objects twHH_INLuIU-00156-00034656-00034887 24 as well so we can double a number twHH_INLuIU-00157-00034888-00035102 three times that's the same as twHH_INLuIU-00158-00035103-00035327 multiplying it by eight twHH_INLuIU-00159-00035328-00035527 well let's try something else what if we twHH_INLuIU-00160-00035528-00035790 had two groups of eight well we could twHH_INLuIU-00161-00035791-00035983 use our two thing and just double eight twHH_INLuIU-00162-00035984-00036230 ones to get sixteen let's practice our twHH_INLuIU-00163-00036231-00036479 eights one okay let's double two three twHH_INLuIU-00164-00036480-00036823 times okay two plus two four twHH_INLuIU-00165-00036824-00037007 four plus four eight twHH_INLuIU-00166-00037008-00037302 a plus eight sixteen wow works like a twHH_INLuIU-00167-00037303-00037599 charm so multiplying by eight is the twHH_INLuIU-00168-00037600-00037927 same as doubling something three times twHH_INLuIU-00169-00037928-00038127 there's another great strategy for you twHH_INLuIU-00170-00038128-00038390 for multiplying numbers okay we're gonna twHH_INLuIU-00171-00038391-00038583 take a step back and catch those ones twHH_INLuIU-00172-00038584-00038790 we've missed so far so we're gonna go twHH_INLuIU-00173-00038791-00038935 back to our threes twHH_INLuIU-00174-00038936-00039118 multiplying by threes means you have twHH_INLuIU-00175-00039119-00039502 three groups or three in a group now twHH_INLuIU-00176-00039503-00039671 threes are fun to work with but there twHH_INLuIU-00177-00039672-00039895 aren't as many easy tricks to use for twHH_INLuIU-00178-00039896-00040230 them i do have one at my sleeve however twHH_INLuIU-00179-00040231-00040374 let's make three groups of five with twHH_INLuIU-00180-00040375-00040495 your objects twHH_INLuIU-00181-00040496-00040695 what if we doubled five well that would twHH_INLuIU-00182-00040696-00040807 give us 10 twHH_INLuIU-00183-00040808-00041079 and since we have three groups we need twHH_INLuIU-00184-00041080-00041223 one more twHH_INLuIU-00185-00041224-00041583 group of 5 over that 10 that's 15. so we twHH_INLuIU-00186-00041584-00041871 multiply by 3 we double the number and twHH_INLuIU-00187-00041872-00042111 then add one more of that number so 5 twHH_INLuIU-00188-00042112-00042343 doubled as 10 plus one more five is twHH_INLuIU-00189-00042344-00042511 fifteen twHH_INLuIU-00190-00042512-00042751 let's try seven groups of three twHH_INLuIU-00191-00042752-00042902 oh that one looks a little bit weird but twHH_INLuIU-00192-00042903-00043207 i bet we can still handle it okay so if twHH_INLuIU-00193-00043208-00043471 we kind of look at these as uh twHH_INLuIU-00194-00043472-00043687 three times seven because actually seven twHH_INLuIU-00195-00043688-00043871 times three and three times seven look twHH_INLuIU-00196-00043872-00043999 the same twHH_INLuIU-00197-00044000-00044255 uh we can double seven once that's twHH_INLuIU-00198-00044256-00044374 fourteen twHH_INLuIU-00199-00044375-00044639 add one more seven twenty one our twHH_INLuIU-00200-00044640-00044790 picture matches up with what we're twHH_INLuIU-00201-00044791-00045046 talking about that's amazing so for twHH_INLuIU-00202-00045047-00045407 threes we double and add one more group twHH_INLuIU-00203-00045408-00045662 now you'll be a king or queen of twHH_INLuIU-00204-00045663-00045911 multiplying threes when we first learn twHH_INLuIU-00205-00045912-00046127 skip counting we learn how to skip count twHH_INLuIU-00206-00046128-00046335 by twos fives and tens that means that twHH_INLuIU-00207-00046336-00046502 multiplying by five is actually pretty twHH_INLuIU-00208-00046503-00046727 easy because we're just skip counting twHH_INLuIU-00209-00046728-00046902 so multiplying by five means we have twHH_INLuIU-00210-00046903-00047239 five groups or five in a group twHH_INLuIU-00211-00047240-00047311 so twHH_INLuIU-00212-00047312-00047535 if i was going to skip count by five i twHH_INLuIU-00213-00047536-00047711 could do those things really quick twHH_INLuIU-00214-00047712-00047871 and we also know that anything we skip twHH_INLuIU-00215-00047872-00048286 count by 5 is going to be 5 10 15 20 25 twHH_INLuIU-00216-00048287-00048511 30. always gonna have a five or a zero twHH_INLuIU-00217-00048512-00048815 in that one spot well let's try one here twHH_INLuIU-00218-00048816-00049158 okay so what about five times two twHH_INLuIU-00219-00049159-00049462 okay well let's skip count by five twice twHH_INLuIU-00220-00049463-00049839 five ten boom five times two is ten what twHH_INLuIU-00221-00049840-00050062 if we did five groups of five five times twHH_INLuIU-00222-00050063-00050327 five try it again five ten fifteen twHH_INLuIU-00223-00050328-00050615 twenty twenty five and twenty 25 has a 5 twHH_INLuIU-00224-00050616-00050790 in the ones column so again we're twHH_INLuIU-00225-00050791-00051071 getting it so multiplying by 5 skip twHH_INLuIU-00226-00051072-00051207 counting by 5 twHH_INLuIU-00227-00051208-00051350 super easy twHH_INLuIU-00228-00051351-00051575 even easier than multiplying by 5 is twHH_INLuIU-00229-00051576-00051790 multiplying by 10 because now we're skip twHH_INLuIU-00230-00051791-00051975 counting by tens twHH_INLuIU-00231-00051976-00052175 so multiplying by 10 means you've got 10 twHH_INLuIU-00232-00052176-00052471 groups or 10 in a group so you just skip twHH_INLuIU-00233-00052472-00052694 count 10 20 30 40 50 60 whatever we're twHH_INLuIU-00234-00052695-00053038 getting to so 10 times 2 we'll use your twHH_INLuIU-00235-00053039-00053223 objects and build that one twHH_INLuIU-00236-00053224-00053335 that would be twHH_INLuIU-00237-00053336-00053711 20 10 20. we're both 3 times 10 we're twHH_INLuIU-00238-00053712-00053942 gonna use all our objects for this one twHH_INLuIU-00239-00053944-00054319 10 20 30. perfect and use your objects twHH_INLuIU-00240-00054320-00054503 make those things make it easy to learn twHH_INLuIU-00241-00054504-00054726 if you want to pause the video to do so twHH_INLuIU-00242-00054727-00054959 please do it multiplying by nine means twHH_INLuIU-00243-00054960-00055238 you have nine groups or nine in a group twHH_INLuIU-00244-00055239-00055415 now nine is kind of a strange number to twHH_INLuIU-00245-00055416-00055566 work with we're going to borrow from the twHH_INLuIU-00246-00055567-00055807 three strategy to help us here so the twHH_INLuIU-00247-00055808-00055959 three is we would double a number and twHH_INLuIU-00248-00055960-00056087 add one more group now we're going to twHH_INLuIU-00249-00056088-00056294 actually multiply by 10 and take one twHH_INLuIU-00250-00056295-00056447 group away twHH_INLuIU-00251-00056448-00056671 for example 9 times 2. twHH_INLuIU-00252-00056672-00056838 kind of tough we could build our objects twHH_INLuIU-00253-00056839-00056966 and count them up but to get quicker twHH_INLuIU-00254-00056967-00057271 than that let's try doing 10 times 2. twHH_INLuIU-00255-00057272-00057623 well 10 times 2 is 10 20. super easy but twHH_INLuIU-00256-00057624-00057838 i only want nine groups of two so i'm twHH_INLuIU-00257-00057839-00058030 gonna take one of those groups of two twHH_INLuIU-00258-00058032-00058126 away twHH_INLuIU-00259-00058127-00058430 twenty minus two is eighteen twHH_INLuIU-00260-00058432-00058735 awesome what if we did three times nine twHH_INLuIU-00261-00058736-00058919 again a little bit tough to work with twHH_INLuIU-00262-00058920-00059142 there's no easy doubling or anything but twHH_INLuIU-00263-00059144-00059350 if i did 3 times 10 twHH_INLuIU-00264-00059351-00059742 10 20 30 nights then i take one of those twHH_INLuIU-00265-00059744-00059926 groups of three away because i only need twHH_INLuIU-00266-00059927-00060142 nine i don't need the full ten well 30 twHH_INLuIU-00267-00060144-00060479 minus three is 27 so there you go when twHH_INLuIU-00268-00060479-00060694 you multiply by nines twHH_INLuIU-00269-00060695-00060887 you multiply by 10 and just take one of twHH_INLuIU-00270-00060888-00061126 those groups away twHH_INLuIU-00271-00061127-00061382 could it be any easier multiplying by 6 twHH_INLuIU-00272-00061383-00061654 means you have 6 groups or 6 in a group twHH_INLuIU-00273-00061655-00061806 multiplying by seven means you have twHH_INLuIU-00274-00061807-00062038 seven groups or seven in a group twHH_INLuIU-00275-00062039-00062175 now six and sevens are some of the twHH_INLuIU-00276-00062176-00062359 trickiest numbers to multiply i know twHH_INLuIU-00277-00062360-00062535 most kids have a little bit of trouble twHH_INLuIU-00278-00062536-00062703 in this area twHH_INLuIU-00279-00062704-00062871 but usually they're being multiplied by twHH_INLuIU-00280-00062872-00063047 another number we've talked about if you twHH_INLuIU-00281-00063048-00063238 look at this multiplication chart here twHH_INLuIU-00282-00063239-00063487 you can see that for all these white twHH_INLuIU-00283-00063488-00063615 spaces twHH_INLuIU-00284-00063616-00063854 we can use another strategy so if i was twHH_INLuIU-00285-00063855-00063999 doing two times seven now we're about twHH_INLuIU-00286-00064000-00064182 seven so i can just double seven with twHH_INLuIU-00287-00064183-00064287 the two twHH_INLuIU-00288-00064288-00064463 things like that the only ones i really twHH_INLuIU-00289-00064464-00064654 have trouble to write this middle spot twHH_INLuIU-00290-00064655-00064966 here where i've got six times six twHH_INLuIU-00291-00064967-00065111 seven times seven twHH_INLuIU-00292-00065112-00065335 six times seven which is the same as twHH_INLuIU-00293-00065336-00065479 seven times six twHH_INLuIU-00294-00065479-00065726 so these are kind of these three four twHH_INLuIU-00295-00065727-00065991 ones that we kind of work extra hard to twHH_INLuIU-00296-00065992-00066135 memorize so i'd encourage you to twHH_INLuIU-00297-00066136-00066406 practice these ones um and i'm sure twHH_INLuIU-00298-00066407-00066503 after a little while they'll stick in twHH_INLuIU-00299-00066504-00066863 your head really easy so 6 times 6 is 36 twHH_INLuIU-00300-00066864-00067231 7 times 7 is 49 and 7 times 6 twHH_INLuIU-00301-00067232-00067582 same as 6 times 7 is 42. look at you twHH_INLuIU-00302-00067583-00067799 campers you're like math multiplying twHH_INLuIU-00303-00067800-00067911 machines twHH_INLuIU-00304-00067912-00068071 i hope this video has given you some new twHH_INLuIU-00305-00068072-00068247 strategies or help you review some you twHH_INLuIU-00306-00068248-00068431 already knew now get out there and twHH_INLuIU-00307-00068432-00068843 grapple with those gobs of groups twHH_INLuIU-00308-00068844-00069166 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00000-00000294-00000653 lots of Wonders on what twcyEag7rxQ-00001-00000654-00000839 can twcyEag7rxQ-00002-00000840-00001408 a laptop that was left overnight twcyEag7rxQ-00003-00001409-00001660 can do twcyEag7rxQ-00004-00001661-00001841 disconnecting your internet somewhere twcyEag7rxQ-00005-00001842-00001997 else I mean especially around steam twcyEag7rxQ-00006-00001998-00002099 because I thought steam is down twcyEag7rxQ-00007-00002100-00002255 something else but twcyEag7rxQ-00008-00002256-00002429 apparently not I just restarted my twcyEag7rxQ-00009-00002430-00002633 laptop and twcyEag7rxQ-00010-00002634-00002758 voila twcyEag7rxQ-00011-00002759-00002950 if you want to say it that way twcyEag7rxQ-00012-00002951-00003226 congratulations to Marvin who managed to twcyEag7rxQ-00013-00003227-00003575 get an extra scrap a hidden scrap and twcyEag7rxQ-00014-00003576-00003725 the twcyEag7rxQ-00015-00003726-00003997 first Power Network twcyEag7rxQ-00016-00003997-00004253 that the top right room apparently has twcyEag7rxQ-00017-00004254-00004601 ships can add that's ridiculous which is twcyEag7rxQ-00018-00004602-00004720 amazing twcyEag7rxQ-00019-00004721-00004991 technically he could also like try to twcyEag7rxQ-00020-00004992-00005272 power the drift the rooms twcyEag7rxQ-00021-00005273-00005495 address the ship I mean with chip scan twcyEag7rxQ-00022-00005496-00005651 as well but twcyEag7rxQ-00023-00005652-00005872 I can understand it's gonna be really twcyEag7rxQ-00024-00005873-00006065 tough to do that especially when your twcyEag7rxQ-00025-00006066-00006304 ribs were surrounded by slime twcyEag7rxQ-00026-00006305-00006628 let's say it that way and twcyEag7rxQ-00027-00006629-00006983 yeah I think no one is going to beat him twcyEag7rxQ-00028-00006984-00007181 just yet just twcyEag7rxQ-00029-00007181-00007403 very very cool twcyEag7rxQ-00030-00007404-00007559 do you think you had to take some damage twcyEag7rxQ-00031-00007559-00007703 though twcyEag7rxQ-00032-00007704-00007919 oh yeah can you slam it on purpose this twcyEag7rxQ-00033-00007920-00008177 is what he said twcyEag7rxQ-00034-00008178-00008664 33. twcyEag7rxQ-00035-00008665-00008891 all right twcyEag7rxQ-00036-00008892-00008974 um twcyEag7rxQ-00037-00008975-00009173 stuff for today root power I gotta keep twcyEag7rxQ-00038-00009174-00009299 that in mind transported for The twcyEag7rxQ-00039-00009300-00009503 Scouting up in Starship upgrade holy twcyEag7rxQ-00040-00009504-00009791 crap that's what I got for reading the twcyEag7rxQ-00041-00009792-00009964 stealth part first instead of the ship twcyEag7rxQ-00042-00009965-00010349 upgrade bot twcyEag7rxQ-00043-00010350-00010601 now that works there you go twcyEag7rxQ-00044-00010602-00010864 because that would that that did that twcyEag7rxQ-00045-00010865-00011081 didn't work yesterday all right uh so twcyEag7rxQ-00046-00011082-00011687 much okay twcyEag7rxQ-00047-00011688-00011969 um twcyEag7rxQ-00048-00011970-00012233 yeah Savage B this is gonna be pretty twcyEag7rxQ-00049-00012234-00012467 small I think twcyEag7rxQ-00050-00012468-00013229 that's four two two go like this twcyEag7rxQ-00051-00013230-00013643 well that already leads to the open door twcyEag7rxQ-00052-00013644-00013930 oh never mind why do I do that twcyEag7rxQ-00053-00013931-00014794 okay twcyEag7rxQ-00054-00014795-00015425 um twcyEag7rxQ-00055-00015426-00015736 okay I gotta remember I have root power twcyEag7rxQ-00056-00015737-00016001 which means I can use this one now I twcyEag7rxQ-00057-00016002-00016127 want to twcyEag7rxQ-00058-00016128-00016486 uh you know what yeah for the like for a twcyEag7rxQ-00059-00016487-00016799 bit of confirmation twcyEag7rxQ-00060-00016800-00017135 gotta do this now twcyEag7rxQ-00061-00017136-00017494 boost twcyEag7rxQ-00062-00017495-00017635 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00063-00017636-00017927 oh okay wait wait wait twcyEag7rxQ-00064-00017928-00018136 this is true twcyEag7rxQ-00065-00018137-00018521 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00066-00018522-00018677 yeah twcyEag7rxQ-00067-00018678-00018737 okay twcyEag7rxQ-00068-00018738-00019014 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00069-00019015-00019253 problem's gone twcyEag7rxQ-00070-00019254-00019547 God damn it God damn it twcyEag7rxQ-00071-00019548-00019894 hey wait what the hell twcyEag7rxQ-00072-00019895-00020093 there's a scrap down here literally but twcyEag7rxQ-00073-00020094-00020276 I can't take it twcyEag7rxQ-00074-00020277-00020464 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00075-00020465-00020599 ah twcyEag7rxQ-00076-00020600-00020886 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00077-00020887-00021161 I have no idea what's with the religion twcyEag7rxQ-00078-00021162-00021224 taking man twcyEag7rxQ-00079-00021225-00021544 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00080-00021545-00021767 I feel stuck with this game for some twcyEag7rxQ-00081-00021768-00022600 reason wait what the heck is going on twcyEag7rxQ-00082-00022601-00022805 I should be able to pass it through yes twcyEag7rxQ-00083-00022806-00023189 thank you twcyEag7rxQ-00084-00023190-00023395 oh my God twcyEag7rxQ-00085-00023396-00023525 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00086-00023526-00023903 ah okay stealth first the 10 back one twcyEag7rxQ-00087-00023904-00024478 twelve twcyEag7rxQ-00088-00024479-00025109 um wrong direction whatever I guess twcyEag7rxQ-00089-00025110-00026062 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00090-00026063-00026417 okay okay twcyEag7rxQ-00091-00026418-00026717 nothing I can try to check that room but twcyEag7rxQ-00092-00026718-00027262 uh leaper something something twcyEag7rxQ-00093-00027263-00027535 that twcyEag7rxQ-00094-00027536-00027757 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00095-00027758-00028061 oh yeah I will need to speak this too twcyEag7rxQ-00096-00028062-00028174 eventually twcyEag7rxQ-00097-00028175-00028349 11. twcyEag7rxQ-00098-00028350-00028611 like one oh transport twcyEag7rxQ-00099-00028612-00029974 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00100-00029975-00030358 okay this should work too twcyEag7rxQ-00101-00030360-00030545 um twcyEag7rxQ-00102-00030545-00031631 oh twcyEag7rxQ-00103-00031632-00032014 pressure lab swap the stability twcyEag7rxQ-00104-00032016-00032255 but instead twcyEag7rxQ-00105-00032256-00032717 okay twcyEag7rxQ-00106-00032718-00032974 if that's been activated twcyEag7rxQ-00107-00032975-00033251 under my position types twcyEag7rxQ-00108-00033252-00034489 um twcyEag7rxQ-00109-00034490-00034793 when you do not know where the airlock twcyEag7rxQ-00110-00034794-00034937 is it's gonna be just as slow as twcyEag7rxQ-00111-00034938-00036029 everyone else twcyEag7rxQ-00112-00036030-00036293 oh thank you I can see like that drone twcyEag7rxQ-00113-00036294-00036424 like there twcyEag7rxQ-00114-00036425-00036665 let's do this mode and I don't even need twcyEag7rxQ-00115-00036666-00037031 the freaking twcyEag7rxQ-00116-00037032-00037259 go by my own here or something but I twcyEag7rxQ-00117-00037260-00037396 don't need it anyway twcyEag7rxQ-00118-00037397-00037679 oh let's wrap the rooms twcyEag7rxQ-00119-00037680-00038218 well this only Powers turns that's fancy twcyEag7rxQ-00120-00038219-00038437 what the hell twcyEag7rxQ-00121-00038438-00038777 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00122-00038778-00039005 okay that's on oh boy twcyEag7rxQ-00123-00039006-00039221 another leaper uh with the field twcyEag7rxQ-00124-00039222-00039535 accessory too twcyEag7rxQ-00125-00039536-00039827 but it's just yet twcyEag7rxQ-00126-00039828-00039996 hmm twcyEag7rxQ-00127-00039997-00040974 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00128-00040975-00041387 do not go to D7 though I want you to go twcyEag7rxQ-00129-00041388-00042217 to room six my friend twcyEag7rxQ-00130-00042218-00042429 oh I know what to do twcyEag7rxQ-00131-00042430-00042577 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00132-00042578-00042877 oh what the hell twcyEag7rxQ-00133-00042878-00043439 no no do not go 87 this could be long I twcyEag7rxQ-00134-00043440-00043595 can't wait twcyEag7rxQ-00135-00043596-00043642 foreign twcyEag7rxQ-00136-00043643-00043961 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00137-00043962-00044229 two twcyEag7rxQ-00138-00044230-00045287 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00139-00045288-00045462 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00140-00045463-00045802 okay my question has been answered now twcyEag7rxQ-00141-00045803-00046045 to twcyEag7rxQ-00142-00046046-00046379 make you go here there you say you want twcyEag7rxQ-00143-00046380-00046546 to go there right twcyEag7rxQ-00144-00046547-00047201 yeah have added you silly goose twcyEag7rxQ-00145-00047202-00047501 now this time it takes longer eh twcyEag7rxQ-00146-00047502-00047729 lower did I say longer yeah I said twcyEag7rxQ-00147-00047730-00048240 longer twcyEag7rxQ-00148-00048241-00048539 wow you're so useless when I want you to twcyEag7rxQ-00149-00048540-00048887 actually move twcyEag7rxQ-00150-00048888-00049727 there you go screw you two that's why twcyEag7rxQ-00151-00049728-00050240 oh okay twcyEag7rxQ-00152-00050241-00050377 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00153-00050378-00050633 I'm gonna wait for this still to twcyEag7rxQ-00154-00050634-00050963 recharge fast well just a bit twcyEag7rxQ-00155-00050964-00051870 [Music] twcyEag7rxQ-00156-00051871-00052108 and um twcyEag7rxQ-00157-00052109-00052240 yeah that's it twcyEag7rxQ-00158-00052241-00052523 there uh We're not gonna get that twcyEag7rxQ-00159-00052524-00052823 ship upgrade uh twcyEag7rxQ-00160-00052824-00053111 room with transport receiver in it so twcyEag7rxQ-00161-00053112-00053404 that's all we can do in this one 10 30 twcyEag7rxQ-00162-00053405-00054000 in total and twcyEag7rxQ-00163-00054001-00054376 oh my God twcyEag7rxQ-00164-00054377-00054967 well in this one I do fear for lb speed t-qNaJTWI0o-00000-00000006-00000335 for an early lead t-qNaJTWI0o-00001-00000336-00000580 ER Messi t-qNaJTWI0o-00002-00000581-00001081 always Center Stage t-qNaJTWI0o-00003-00001082-00001423 Lionel Messi Messi's t-qNaJTWI0o-00004-00001424-00001636 that's what they came for you are t-qNaJTWI0o-00005-00001637-00001793 leaving a man forward who needs uh t-qNaJTWI0o-00006-00001794-00002021 attention t-qNaJTWI0o-00007-00002022-00002471 oh sweet thing wonderful t-qNaJTWI0o-00008-00002472-00002734 dark blue kicking from left to right t-qNaJTWI0o-00009-00002735-00002968 here's Molina to drive it across turn t-qNaJTWI0o-00010-00002969-00003203 towards go t-qNaJTWI0o-00011-00003204-00003556 Fernandez t-qNaJTWI0o-00012-00003557-00003803 chance for the shot t-qNaJTWI0o-00013-00003804-00003859 it's t-qNaJTWI0o-00014-00003860-00004325 a second goal for Argentina Messi t-qNaJTWI0o-00015-00004326-00004600 McAllister Messi t-qNaJTWI0o-00016-00004601-00005272 [Applause] t-qNaJTWI0o-00017-00005273-00005470 well Ryan's got into trouble and it's t-qNaJTWI0o-00018-00005471-00005563 custom t-qNaJTWI0o-00019-00005564-00005872 fasterly taken by Messi wiggling away t-qNaJTWI0o-00020-00005873-00006077 from Mackay I'm fiddling through a t-qNaJTWI0o-00021-00006078-00006281 beautiful pass it's a wonderful t-qNaJTWI0o-00022-00006282-00006503 Argentina goal t-qNaJTWI0o-00023-00006504-00006659 they're not messy t-qNaJTWI0o-00024-00006659-00006796 [Applause] t-qNaJTWI0o-00025-00006797-00007014 reaches out for more history t-qNaJTWI0o-00026-00007015-00007205 [Applause] t-qNaJTWI0o-00027-00007206-00007709 little messy Embraces his moment again t-qNaJTWI0o-00028-00007709-00007960 and he is not alone and he keeps on t-qNaJTWI0o-00029-00007961-00008501 plowing holy and Alvarez t-qNaJTWI0o-00030-00008502-00008705 is he held up by cardio t-qNaJTWI0o-00031-00008706-00008999 Messi away from Guardian t-qNaJTWI0o-00032-00009000-00009280 Argentina oh but in the final t-qNaJTWI0o-00033-00009281-00009531 [Applause] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00000-00000072-00000162 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00001-00000163-00000405 oh my God t_p9lJIMPjQ-00002-00000407-00000688 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00003-00000689-00000846 as they're making Vibes again t_p9lJIMPjQ-00004-00000847-00001147 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00005-00001148-00001373 boy you're crazy t_p9lJIMPjQ-00006-00001374-00003197 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00007-00003198-00003581 foreign t_p9lJIMPjQ-00008-00003582-00006370 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00009-00006371-00006497 foreign t_p9lJIMPjQ-00010-00006498-00009463 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00011-00009464-00009593 all right t_p9lJIMPjQ-00012-00009594-00010819 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00013-00010820-00010974 you're crazy t_p9lJIMPjQ-00014-00010975-00012667 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00015-00012668-00013021 all right t_p9lJIMPjQ-00016-00013022-00014879 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00017-00014880-00015088 boy you're crazy t_p9lJIMPjQ-00018-00015088-00016007 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00019-00016008-00016450 tonight t_p9lJIMPjQ-00020-00016451-00017664 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00021-00017665-00017925 are you crazy t_p9lJIMPjQ-00022-00017926-00019069 [Music] t_p9lJIMPjQ-00023-00019070-00019370 all right t_OSyJ2j664-00000-00000000-00000521 don't open the door I've never really t_OSyJ2j664-00001-00000522-00000716 told this story at least not completely t_OSyJ2j664-00002-00000717-00000983 but it's something that I still think t_OSyJ2j664-00003-00000984-00001223 about from time to time it kind of t_OSyJ2j664-00004-00001224-00001466 haunts me I used to work as a manager of t_OSyJ2j664-00005-00001467-00001732 a fast food place in a rather seedy part t_OSyJ2j664-00006-00001734-00001982 of a medium-sized city I'd worked at the t_OSyJ2j664-00007-00001982-00002213 nicer location until they decided to t_OSyJ2j664-00008-00002214-00002425 transfer me and there were rumors that t_OSyJ2j664-00009-00002426-00002705 the location I ended up getting center t_OSyJ2j664-00010-00002706-00002924 was going to be shut down which did end t_OSyJ2j664-00011-00002925-00003191 up happening a few years after I finally t_OSyJ2j664-00012-00003192-00003335 left anyway t_OSyJ2j664-00013-00003336-00003560 the point is that the place wasn't being t_OSyJ2j664-00014-00003561-00003706 well taken care of t_OSyJ2j664-00015-00003707-00003917 the dining room was dated and old and t_OSyJ2j664-00016-00003918-00004127 the owners were certainly not updating t_OSyJ2j664-00017-00004128-00004340 or maintaining the place well they were t_OSyJ2j664-00018-00004341-00004568 just barely maintaining the very basic t_OSyJ2j664-00019-00004569-00004760 safety requirements and sometimes they t_OSyJ2j664-00020-00004761-00004994 weren't at all for example I often t_OSyJ2j664-00021-00004995-00005225 worked the closing shift which for this t_OSyJ2j664-00022-00005226-00005468 location at the time was 4:00 p.m. to t_OSyJ2j664-00023-00005469-00005722 midnight between 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 t_OSyJ2j664-00024-00005723-00005954 p.m. it was me running the drive-through t_OSyJ2j664-00025-00005955-00006191 and front counter by myself and one t_OSyJ2j664-00026-00006192-00006436 employee running the kitchen at 11:00 t_OSyJ2j664-00027-00006437-00006638 p.m. that other employee would go home t_OSyJ2j664-00028-00006639-00006941 and I was left by myself to tidy up and t_OSyJ2j664-00029-00006942-00007153 do the deposit between 11:00 p.m. and t_OSyJ2j664-00030-00007154-00007453 12:00 p.m. this isn't really safe and t_OSyJ2j664-00031-00007454-00007688 I'm not sure it was even entirely legal t_OSyJ2j664-00032-00007689-00007919 at the time this was over a decade ago t_OSyJ2j664-00033-00007920-00008203 so who knows just to provide a little t_OSyJ2j664-00034-00008204-00008456 context and background here I'm a girl t_OSyJ2j664-00035-00008457-00008627 but I'm not what you would consider t_OSyJ2j664-00036-00008628-00008981 small I'm six feet zero and during this t_OSyJ2j664-00037-00008982-00009221 time I think people would probably say I t_OSyJ2j664-00038-00009222-00009406 came across as more than a little Stern t_OSyJ2j664-00039-00009407-00009664 I was younger but I'd already spent t_OSyJ2j664-00040-00009665-00009889 years working in fast food getting t_OSyJ2j664-00041-00009890-00010096 treated like crap by customers and t_OSyJ2j664-00042-00010097-00010352 having drinks and food thrown at me the t_OSyJ2j664-00043-00010353-00010556 location I worked it was a swarm with t_OSyJ2j664-00044-00010557-00010714 junkies and drug dealers and just t_OSyJ2j664-00045-00010715-00010991 general scary behavior all this to say I t_OSyJ2j664-00046-00010992-00011219 didn't get ruffled that easily and I t_OSyJ2j664-00047-00011220-00011462 took a lot of things in stride however t_OSyJ2j664-00048-00011463-00011689 on this night I was working the night t_OSyJ2j664-00049-00011690-00011927 shift with a new guy the new guy had t_OSyJ2j664-00050-00011928-00012124 probably been working there for no more t_OSyJ2j664-00051-00012125-00012341 than a few weeks I'd worked with him a t_OSyJ2j664-00052-00012342-00012592 few times before but never the closing t_OSyJ2j664-00053-00012593-00012860 shift and from the first time I'd meet t_OSyJ2j664-00054-00012861-00012899 him t_OSyJ2j664-00055-00012900-00013102 I'd always gotten a strange vibe from t_OSyJ2j664-00056-00013103-00013188 him t_OSyJ2j664-00057-00013188-00013416 again I'm not someone who at the time t_OSyJ2j664-00058-00013416-00013743 got ruffled easily prior to this I'd t_OSyJ2j664-00059-00013744-00013955 worked with a night janitor at the other t_OSyJ2j664-00060-00013956-00014196 location who'd had another all addiction t_OSyJ2j664-00061-00014197-00014409 and rather unpredictable and scary rates t_OSyJ2j664-00062-00014410-00014604 problem and some creepy insult kid who t_OSyJ2j664-00063-00014605-00014816 barely spoke more than two words at time t_OSyJ2j664-00064-00014818-00015036 and when he did it was always something t_OSyJ2j664-00065-00015037-00015258 about how much he disliked women and me t_OSyJ2j664-00066-00015259-00015494 in particular not an exaggeration but t_OSyJ2j664-00067-00015495-00015729 this guy this new dude he was a whole t_OSyJ2j664-00068-00015730-00015969 different level of weird he had a kid t_OSyJ2j664-00069-00015969-00016238 and professed to be a single father he'd t_OSyJ2j664-00070-00016240-00016394 brought the kid around during the day t_OSyJ2j664-00071-00016395-00016596 and the kid and his clothing were always t_OSyJ2j664-00072-00016597-00016922 really dirty like really dirty and not t_OSyJ2j664-00073-00016923-00017166 only that but the kid also occasionally t_OSyJ2j664-00074-00017167-00017412 had bruises on his head and arms the kid t_OSyJ2j664-00075-00017413-00017661 was a toddler and I know that toddlers t_OSyJ2j664-00076-00017662-00017877 can get into things but one look at that t_OSyJ2j664-00077-00017878-00018111 kid and I knew that those bruises were t_OSyJ2j664-00078-00018112-00018275 not from just a little kid messing t_OSyJ2j664-00079-00018276-00018519 around I never saw the new guy behave t_OSyJ2j664-00080-00018520-00018753 aggressively towards his kid at all but t_OSyJ2j664-00081-00018754-00018939 I don't know it was just a feeling and t_OSyJ2j664-00082-00018940-00019182 that backquote feeling translated into t_OSyJ2j664-00083-00019183-00019449 other things I don't know he was just t_OSyJ2j664-00084-00019450-00019713 creepy it wasn't one thing in particular t_OSyJ2j664-00085-00019714-00019994 it was just a feeling I got when I was t_OSyJ2j664-00086-00019995-00020283 around him he was a medium height stocky t_OSyJ2j664-00087-00020284-00020544 young guy he was totally average in t_OSyJ2j664-00088-00020545-00020763 every way but he just had a vibe about t_OSyJ2j664-00089-00020764-00021053 him he was always friendly never rude or t_OSyJ2j664-00090-00021054-00021258 aggressive but his eyes were just t_OSyJ2j664-00091-00021259-00021521 lifeless for lack of a better descriptor t_OSyJ2j664-00092-00021522-00021816 anyway on this night I think he might t_OSyJ2j664-00093-00021817-00022044 have been called in to cover a shift for t_OSyJ2j664-00094-00022045-00022272 someone else I was in charge of making t_OSyJ2j664-00095-00022273-00022503 the schedules most of the time and I'm t_OSyJ2j664-00096-00022504-00022683 pretty sure I wouldn't have scheduled t_OSyJ2j664-00097-00022684-00022911 him to work a closing with me since I t_OSyJ2j664-00098-00022912-00023153 found him so off-putting the first part t_OSyJ2j664-00099-00023154-00023385 of the night was fairly normal I ran the t_OSyJ2j664-00100-00023386-00023565 drive-through and the front counter and t_OSyJ2j664-00101-00023566-00023744 he ran the kitchen between 8:00 to 11:00 t_OSyJ2j664-00102-00023745-00024069 p.m. he was talking to me on and on off t_OSyJ2j664-00103-00024070-00024360 between orders telling me about his ex t_OSyJ2j664-00104-00024361-00024585 and how he'd come to be a single father t_OSyJ2j664-00105-00024586-00024869 apparently the mother of his child had a t_OSyJ2j664-00106-00024870-00025167 drug problem in hindsight I think a lot t_OSyJ2j664-00107-00025168-00025353 of what he said was meant to inspire t_OSyJ2j664-00108-00025354-00025596 sympathy he really laid the troubled t_OSyJ2j664-00109-00025597-00025869 tale of him and his son on thick but at t_OSyJ2j664-00110-00025870-00026130 the time I just felt a little bad for t_OSyJ2j664-00111-00026131-00026385 both of them especially his kid who I t_OSyJ2j664-00112-00026386-00026572 suspected was being abused t_OSyJ2j664-00113-00026573-00026883 but despite being seen astern and I was t_OSyJ2j664-00114-00026885-00027102 definitely still young and naive when it t_OSyJ2j664-00115-00027104-00027361 came to manipulative people he told me t_OSyJ2j664-00116-00027362-00027526 that he'd moved to the city and t_OSyJ2j664-00117-00027527-00027733 immediately had trouble finding work t_OSyJ2j664-00118-00027733-00027927 prior to getting the job at the place we t_OSyJ2j664-00119-00027929-00028152 worked at he said he'd been running out t_OSyJ2j664-00120-00028154-00028414 of money and was behind on rent bills t_OSyJ2j664-00121-00028414-00028618 and didn't have any formula for his son t_OSyJ2j664-00122-00028619-00028906 at the time I think I just empathized t_OSyJ2j664-00123-00028907-00029155 with him and said that bad sucked we t_OSyJ2j664-00124-00029156-00029380 were both working in fast food and I t_OSyJ2j664-00125-00029381-00029583 thought it was obvious that neither of t_OSyJ2j664-00126-00029585-00029680 us had any money t_OSyJ2j664-00127-00029681-00029905 the place was bare-bones minimum wage t_OSyJ2j664-00128-00029906-00030157 and I was barely getting by with three t_OSyJ2j664-00129-00030158-00030327 roommates and only pretty much eating t_OSyJ2j664-00130-00030329-00030477 the free meal I was given from the t_OSyJ2j664-00131-00030479-00030754 restaurant every day anyway he laid it t_OSyJ2j664-00132-00030755-00031000 on thick all night but I don't know that t_OSyJ2j664-00133-00031001-00031168 I was really paying all that much t_OSyJ2j664-00134-00031169-00031429 attention to it people tended to ramble t_OSyJ2j664-00135-00031430-00031627 when working the late shift and I'd t_OSyJ2j664-00136-00031627-00031795 gotten used to listening to people t_OSyJ2j664-00137-00031795-00032005 spontaneously talk about their personal t_OSyJ2j664-00138-00032006-00032287 problems I had a habit of just listening t_OSyJ2j664-00139-00032288-00032542 and not really reciprocating the sharing t_OSyJ2j664-00140-00032543-00032767 and I guess this didn't really go over t_OSyJ2j664-00141-00032768-00033013 very well with the new guy at some point t_OSyJ2j664-00142-00033014-00033208 the new guy said something to the effect t_OSyJ2j664-00143-00033209-00033463 of you don't talk much do you t_OSyJ2j664-00144-00033464-00033697 I'm telling you my whole life story here t_OSyJ2j664-00145-00033698-00033958 and you've got nothing to say I don't t_OSyJ2j664-00146-00033959-00034213 know if it was just that I was coming t_OSyJ2j664-00147-00034214-00034486 across as unsympathetic or more likely t_OSyJ2j664-00148-00034487-00034669 that he was frustrated t_OSyJ2j664-00149-00034670-00034885 that I wasn't successfully manipulating t_OSyJ2j664-00150-00034886-00035098 me into giving up personal details about t_OSyJ2j664-00151-00035099-00035428 myself as far as I was concerned he was t_OSyJ2j664-00152-00035429-00035647 just someone I was working with and I t_OSyJ2j664-00153-00035648-00035887 didn't know him I didn't really want him t_OSyJ2j664-00154-00035888-00036106 to know me and certainly I wasn't about t_OSyJ2j664-00155-00036107-00036283 to start telling him anything that t_OSyJ2j664-00156-00036284-00036529 wasn't surface level chitchat but the t_OSyJ2j664-00157-00036530-00036757 guy was really intimidating something t_OSyJ2j664-00158-00036758-00036997 about his tone was off it definitely t_OSyJ2j664-00159-00036998-00037156 wasn't a jokey accusation or t_OSyJ2j664-00160-00037157-00037384 off-the-cuff comment I can't remember t_OSyJ2j664-00161-00037385-00037555 exactly what I said t_OSyJ2j664-00162-00037556-00037762 that I remember that I just tried to t_OSyJ2j664-00163-00037763-00037996 play it off somehow he didn't say t_OSyJ2j664-00164-00037997-00038215 anything more about it but after that t_OSyJ2j664-00165-00038216-00038383 the silence between us seemed a little t_OSyJ2j664-00166-00038384-00038725 tense at 11:00 p.m. it was time for him t_OSyJ2j664-00167-00038726-00038815 to go home t_OSyJ2j664-00168-00038816-00039031 the normal procedure was that the t_OSyJ2j664-00169-00039032-00039250 kitchen closer would tidy their area and t_OSyJ2j664-00170-00039251-00039454 an actual kitchen cleaner would come in t_OSyJ2j664-00171-00039455-00039640 a few hours later to deep clean things t_OSyJ2j664-00172-00039641-00039758 in our t_OSyJ2j664-00173-00039759-00039998 it was a husband-and-wife team who did t_OSyJ2j664-00174-00039999-00040214 several locations but they didn't t_OSyJ2j664-00175-00040215-00040410 usually come in until a few hours after t_OSyJ2j664-00176-00040411-00040694 I left so this guy was only tasked with t_OSyJ2j664-00177-00040695-00040935 a basic tidy and then I would let him t_OSyJ2j664-00178-00040936-00041165 out after which I would stay behind to t_OSyJ2j664-00179-00041166-00041387 prepare the deposit but instead of this t_OSyJ2j664-00180-00041388-00041591 happening smoothly this guy goes into t_OSyJ2j664-00181-00041592-00041829 the staff bathroom and stays there for a t_OSyJ2j664-00182-00041830-00042086 long while like almost 20 minutes or t_OSyJ2j664-00183-00042087-00042329 something I did not know what was going t_OSyJ2j664-00184-00042330-00042557 on nor did I know exactly how to handle t_OSyJ2j664-00185-00042558-00042798 the situation it had honestly never t_OSyJ2j664-00186-00042799-00043052 happened before people usually could not t_OSyJ2j664-00187-00043053-00043226 get out of there fast enough at the end t_OSyJ2j664-00188-00043227-00043482 of the night was he sick did he fall t_OSyJ2j664-00189-00043483-00043787 asleep I didn't know but I honestly just t_OSyJ2j664-00190-00043788-00043964 wanted to get my work done and go home t_OSyJ2j664-00191-00043965-00044273 he finally emerged and quickly walked to t_OSyJ2j664-00192-00044274-00044555 the door and left I was relieved it was t_OSyJ2j664-00193-00044556-00044792 weird that I just shrugged it off and t_OSyJ2j664-00194-00044793-00045038 hurried back to the office to get done t_OSyJ2j664-00195-00045039-00045285 what I needed to get done not 10 minutes t_OSyJ2j664-00196-00045286-00045518 later I start to hear a banging at the t_OSyJ2j664-00197-00045519-00045707 back door of the restaurant loud t_OSyJ2j664-00198-00045708-00046007 repeated banging normally I would ignore t_OSyJ2j664-00199-00046008-00046254 this the back door faced an alley and t_OSyJ2j664-00200-00046255-00046467 was right next to a street full of bars t_OSyJ2j664-00201-00046468-00046700 and pubs people leaving the bars and t_OSyJ2j664-00202-00046701-00046958 pubs often got the idea that banging on t_OSyJ2j664-00203-00046959-00047120 the door would get them after-hours food t_OSyJ2j664-00204-00047121-00047460 service because well they were drunk so t_OSyJ2j664-00205-00047461-00047702 this wasn't necessarily uncommon so I t_OSyJ2j664-00206-00047703-00047960 just ignored it and keep trying to get t_OSyJ2j664-00207-00047961-00048206 things done but the banging did not stop t_OSyJ2j664-00208-00048207-00048389 and it somehow just seemed to get louder t_OSyJ2j664-00209-00048390-00048680 and louder and more urgent so I finally t_OSyJ2j664-00210-00048681-00048902 got up and went to look out the peephole t_OSyJ2j664-00211-00048903-00049220 to see who was there at this point I was t_OSyJ2j664-00212-00049221-00049433 definitely on edge and they said Gina t_OSyJ2j664-00213-00049434-00049664 swelled into full-out anxiety attack t_OSyJ2j664-00214-00049665-00049883 when I see that it's the new guy t_OSyJ2j664-00215-00049884-00050168 standing at the back door now my first t_OSyJ2j664-00216-00050169-00050360 thought was to not open the door I t_OSyJ2j664-00217-00050361-00050612 really didn't want to open the door but t_OSyJ2j664-00218-00050613-00050867 I knew that in you that I was in there t_OSyJ2j664-00219-00050868-00051152 what if he forgot something inside what t_OSyJ2j664-00220-00051153-00051401 if it was his house keys car keys or t_OSyJ2j664-00221-00051402-00051617 something I was going to have to leave t_OSyJ2j664-00222-00051618-00051806 the building by that same door at some t_OSyJ2j664-00223-00051807-00052016 point so there really seemed to be no t_OSyJ2j664-00224-00052017-00052331 escaping him so reluctantly and very t_OSyJ2j664-00225-00052332-00052763 stupidly yes trust me I know I opened t_OSyJ2j664-00226-00052764-00052979 the door what I opened the daughter was t_OSyJ2j664-00227-00052980-00053117 quite frankly t_OSyJ2j664-00228-00053119-00053346 terrifying to me he said he left his t_OSyJ2j664-00229-00053347-00053582 jacket or his keys maybe I can't t_OSyJ2j664-00230-00053583-00053825 remember inside and I told him to tell t_OSyJ2j664-00231-00053826-00054086 me where and I'd go get them I didn't t_OSyJ2j664-00232-00054087-00054332 want him to come inside if this had been t_OSyJ2j664-00233-00054333-00054530 any other person I worked with regularly t_OSyJ2j664-00234-00054531-00054806 this would be no big deal I'd let them t_OSyJ2j664-00235-00054807-00055019 back in let them get whatever they left t_OSyJ2j664-00236-00055020-00055254 behind and they'd take off but I t_OSyJ2j664-00237-00055254-00055449 instinctively knew I didn't want this t_OSyJ2j664-00238-00055450-00055694 dude back inside in the dark empty t_OSyJ2j664-00239-00055695-00055931 restaurant with me but new dude was not t_OSyJ2j664-00240-00055932-00056172 having it he pushed past me and said t_OSyJ2j664-00241-00056173-00056429 he'd get it himself then he proceeded to t_OSyJ2j664-00242-00056430-00056624 shut himself in the bathroom again t_OSyJ2j664-00243-00056625-00056857 and at this point I just panicked t_OSyJ2j664-00244-00056858-00057084 instead of just staying there by the t_OSyJ2j664-00245-00057085-00057350 door which in hindsight I should have I t_OSyJ2j664-00246-00057351-00057638 rushed back to the office stupid girl t_OSyJ2j664-00247-00057639-00057854 that's me had left some of the cash I t_OSyJ2j664-00248-00057855-00058011 was counting for the deposit out t_OSyJ2j664-00249-00058012-00058241 question what dummy would answer the t_OSyJ2j664-00250-00058242-00058424 back door at night at all and especially t_OSyJ2j664-00251-00058425-00058710 with the till out well this girl t_OSyJ2j664-00252-00058711-00058929 I guess this dumb girl I managed to t_OSyJ2j664-00253-00058929-00059121 stuff the cash in the safe and lock it t_OSyJ2j664-00254-00059122-00059393 before he came to find me the office was t_OSyJ2j664-00255-00059394-00059594 dark it was summer and the air t_OSyJ2j664-00256-00059595-00059862 conditioning was on full blast but this t_OSyJ2j664-00257-00059863-00060096 dude was sweating a lot I was taller t_OSyJ2j664-00258-00060097-00060344 than him and I'm not a small girl but t_OSyJ2j664-00259-00060345-00060573 somehow I just knew that this guy was t_OSyJ2j664-00260-00060574-00060861 about to hurt me he was keyed up as I t_OSyJ2j664-00261-00060862-00061059 watched his eyes dart around the office t_OSyJ2j664-00262-00061060-00061296 I grabbed my jacket hanging on the hook t_OSyJ2j664-00263-00061297-00061566 next to me I hadn't finished my deposit t_OSyJ2j664-00264-00061566-00061809 but I was getting out of there I didn't t_OSyJ2j664-00265-00061810-00061998 care how much poop I got into in the t_OSyJ2j664-00266-00061999-00062225 morning for my work not being done I t_OSyJ2j664-00267-00062226-00062525 smiled and told him that I was just t_OSyJ2j664-00268-00062526-00062744 leaving and that he could walk me out I t_OSyJ2j664-00269-00062745-00063015 was really just trying to not show my t_OSyJ2j664-00270-00063016-00063303 panic whatever he had planned I wanted t_OSyJ2j664-00271-00063304-00063479 to give him an out for him to rethink it t_OSyJ2j664-00272-00063480-00063842 so I smiled grabbed my purse and started t_OSyJ2j664-00273-00063843-00064122 to move towards the door new guy who was t_OSyJ2j664-00274-00064123-00064325 standing in the doorway did not budge t_OSyJ2j664-00275-00064326-00064584 though he started talking though about t_OSyJ2j664-00276-00064585-00064793 his son about the money trouble he'd t_OSyJ2j664-00277-00064794-00065010 been having and kept the whole story off t_OSyJ2j664-00278-00065011-00065249 with a request for a loan from the tone t_OSyJ2j664-00279-00065250-00065507 of his voice it was clear this was not t_OSyJ2j664-00280-00065508-00065799 alone he was demanding money from me he t_OSyJ2j664-00281-00065800-00066026 said he would pay me back as soon as he t_OSyJ2j664-00282-00066027-00066254 got paid and that I'd really be helping t_OSyJ2j664-00283-00066255-00066465 him out I didn't know what to t_OSyJ2j664-00284-00066466-00066741 he had me trapped I wasn't leaving the t_OSyJ2j664-00285-00066742-00066948 office of a building unless he allowed t_OSyJ2j664-00286-00066949-00067269 it or at this point at least I wasn't t_OSyJ2j664-00287-00067270-00067410 leaving without a fight t_OSyJ2j664-00288-00067411-00067638 something told me that despite my height t_OSyJ2j664-00289-00067639-00067908 difference I wasn't going to win so I t_OSyJ2j664-00290-00067909-00068235 gave him money from my wallet $50 I t_OSyJ2j664-00291-00068236-00068517 think when I gave it to him he said t_OSyJ2j664-00292-00068518-00068778 thanks you're really helping me and my t_OSyJ2j664-00293-00068779-00068982 son out I won't forget it t_OSyJ2j664-00294-00068983-00069222 but when he said it he had no expression t_OSyJ2j664-00295-00069223-00069576 no smile no speech effect at all he t_OSyJ2j664-00296-00069577-00069801 didn't seem grateful or even relieved t_OSyJ2j664-00297-00069802-00070125 just dead eyes arms limp at his sides t_OSyJ2j664-00298-00070126-00070440 it was terrifying to this day I don't t_OSyJ2j664-00299-00070441-00070647 remember how I got him to the door all I t_OSyJ2j664-00300-00070648-00070881 remember was shutting the door behind t_OSyJ2j664-00301-00070882-00071118 him making sure the door was securely t_OSyJ2j664-00302-00071119-00071328 locked and rushing into the office to t_OSyJ2j664-00303-00071329-00071601 burst into tears I didn't finish my work t_OSyJ2j664-00304-00071602-00071838 but I stayed in there until I could t_OSyJ2j664-00305-00071839-00072036 force myself to leave out of the same t_OSyJ2j664-00306-00072037-00072291 door I was sure he was going to jump me t_OSyJ2j664-00307-00072292-00072495 when I left the thought never occurred t_OSyJ2j664-00308-00072496-00072765 to me to call the cops I don't know why t_OSyJ2j664-00309-00072766-00073050 I guess I just felt like nothing serious t_OSyJ2j664-00310-00073051-00073281 had happened yet he'd asked me for money t_OSyJ2j664-00311-00073282-00073476 and I'd willingly given it to him t_OSyJ2j664-00312-00073477-00073758 despite the fact that I felt I had not t_OSyJ2j664-00313-00073759-00074025 choice and had been scared shitless I t_OSyJ2j664-00314-00074026-00074250 only saw him one more time after that t_OSyJ2j664-00315-00074251-00074490 but neither of us ever mentioned that t_OSyJ2j664-00316-00074491-00074748 night or the money I don't know why I t_OSyJ2j664-00317-00074749-00075015 didn't ask for it back I think I was t_OSyJ2j664-00318-00075016-00075258 embarrassed or scared or both I don't t_OSyJ2j664-00319-00075259-00075507 know I don't think I've ever told anyone t_OSyJ2j664-00320-00075508-00075804 in my life this story or at least if I t_OSyJ2j664-00321-00075805-00076008 have I definitely left out the part t_OSyJ2j664-00322-00076009-00076287 where I gave him money and never got it t_OSyJ2j664-00323-00076288-00076548 back pretty quickly after that he t_OSyJ2j664-00324-00076549-00076776 stopped showing up to his shifts and I t_OSyJ2j664-00325-00076777-00077025 never saw him again I don't believe in t_OSyJ2j664-00326-00077026-00077256 throwing words like Psychopaths around t_OSyJ2j664-00327-00077257-00077490 I think people overuse psychological t_OSyJ2j664-00328-00077491-00077664 terms like that making them just t_OSyJ2j664-00329-00077665-00077862 synonymous with anyone who has just t_OSyJ2j664-00330-00077863-00078069 horribly behaved and there are a lot t_OSyJ2j664-00331-00078070-00078285 varying degrees of terribly behaved t_OSyJ2j664-00332-00078286-00078594 people in this world unfortunately but t_OSyJ2j664-00333-00078595-00078816 after taking a lot of abnormal psych t_OSyJ2j664-00334-00078817-00079056 classes I can say that there was t_OSyJ2j664-00335-00079057-00079233 definitely something about this guy's t_OSyJ2j664-00336-00079234-00079497 effect that was just wrong for lack of a t_OSyJ2j664-00337-00079498-00079800 better term I'd smile he'd smile t_OSyJ2j664-00338-00079801-00080094 I'd frown he'd frown it was almost like t_OSyJ2j664-00339-00080095-00080328 talking to someone pantomiming emotions t_OSyJ2j664-00340-00080329-00080586 maybe I'm just remembering it that way t_OSyJ2j664-00341-00080587-00080775 because it was such a terrifying t_OSyJ2j664-00342-00080776-00081051 experience for me but the truth is that t_OSyJ2j664-00343-00081052-00081252 I've never been comfortable talking t_OSyJ2j664-00344-00081253-00081510 about this event and to this day when I t_OSyJ2j664-00345-00081511-00081717 do think about it I feel just as t_OSyJ2j664-00346-00081718-00081894 uncomfortable as I did the day it t_OSyJ2j664-00347-00081895-00082224 happened more than a decade ago so to t_OSyJ2j664-00348-00082225-00082611 the new guy let's never meet again tAmNqV4eNCu-00000-00000304-00000478 oh hello tAmNqV4eNCu-00001-00000479-00000559 um tAmNqV4eNCu-00002-00000560-00000927 i'm just on my way out so um tAmNqV4eNCu-00003-00000927-00001103 damn i should do a video tAmNqV4eNCu-00004-00001104-00001576 well okay then um come come join me tAmNqV4eNCu-00005-00001577-00003535 [Music] tAmNqV4eNCu-00006-00003536-00003759 i think it's been a pretty good year tAmNqV4eNCu-00007-00003760-00004159 in terms of what we've been able to do tAmNqV4eNCu-00008-00004160-00004283 lots of tAmNqV4eNCu-00009-00004284-00004583 features and a lot of work done tAmNqV4eNCu-00010-00004584-00004831 which is great i'm very proud of a lot tAmNqV4eNCu-00011-00004832-00004943 of the work that we've managed to get tAmNqV4eNCu-00012-00004944-00005235 done together tAmNqV4eNCu-00013-00005236-00005422 [Music] tAmNqV4eNCu-00014-00005423-00005686 it's been a hard year and so i'm happy tAmNqV4eNCu-00015-00005687-00006199 to take off the next two weeks tAmNqV4eNCu-00016-00006200-00006478 i think that's uh it's healthy for tAmNqV4eNCu-00017-00006479-00006678 burnout because you can start to feel it tAmNqV4eNCu-00018-00006679-00007095 after a while tAmNqV4eNCu-00019-00007095-00007351 all the youtubers who have who put out tAmNqV4eNCu-00020-00007352-00007542 regular videos say that you do get onto tAmNqV4eNCu-00021-00007543-00007767 a bit of a treadmill tAmNqV4eNCu-00022-00007768-00007887 and uh tAmNqV4eNCu-00023-00007888-00008127 the the videos that i make tAmNqV4eNCu-00024-00008128-00008471 not any effort but uh tAmNqV4eNCu-00025-00008472-00008583 you know trying to make sure that tAmNqV4eNCu-00026-00008584-00008783 there's code available that's uh tAmNqV4eNCu-00027-00008784-00008991 improving escape every week tAmNqV4eNCu-00028-00008992-00009142 that's hard tAmNqV4eNCu-00029-00009143-00009478 even if it's uh just the odd feature or tAmNqV4eNCu-00030-00009479-00009678 you know fix tAmNqV4eNCu-00031-00009679-00009895 so yeah we've had a good year tAmNqV4eNCu-00032-00009896-00010039 a lot of good features tAmNqV4eNCu-00033-00010040-00010263 a lot of work tAmNqV4eNCu-00034-00010264-00010687 a lot to be thankful for tAmNqV4eNCu-00035-00010688-00010935 sponsorships are trending up which is tAmNqV4eNCu-00036-00010936-00011206 good tAmNqV4eNCu-00037-00011207-00011559 but as much as these videos sort of say tAmNqV4eNCu-00038-00011560-00011878 how much work i'm putting into the code tAmNqV4eNCu-00039-00011879-00012278 i have to be honest the real work is not tAmNqV4eNCu-00040-00012279-00012495 uh the escape code base tAmNqV4eNCu-00041-00012496-00012742 it's um tAmNqV4eNCu-00042-00012743-00012935 it's actually the the work of trying to tAmNqV4eNCu-00043-00012936-00013063 convince tAmNqV4eNCu-00044-00013063-00013455 people to make a change tAmNqV4eNCu-00045-00013456-00013727 to change from tAmNqV4eNCu-00046-00013728-00014103 not being involved to being involved tAmNqV4eNCu-00047-00014104-00014383 and um for those who are already inside tAmNqV4eNCu-00048-00014384-00014679 of an open source project to convince tAmNqV4eNCu-00049-00014680-00014766 them tAmNqV4eNCu-00050-00014768-00015175 to let people be involved tAmNqV4eNCu-00051-00015176-00015447 which is always hard because tAmNqV4eNCu-00052-00015447-00015671 you know contributions tAmNqV4eNCu-00053-00015672-00015950 have to fit within a project tAmNqV4eNCu-00054-00015951-00016150 um but making that change that that tAmNqV4eNCu-00055-00016151-00016366 cultural shift so that tAmNqV4eNCu-00056-00016368-00016575 users have a place to go when they need tAmNqV4eNCu-00057-00016576-00016775 to get stuff done tAmNqV4eNCu-00058-00016776-00016927 and tAmNqV4eNCu-00059-00016928-00017119 programmers are not are not tAmNqV4eNCu-00060-00017120-00017455 gate keep keeping tAmNqV4eNCu-00061-00017456-00017703 stopping the pro project from having tAmNqV4eNCu-00062-00017704-00017886 more contributors that are doing more tAmNqV4eNCu-00063-00017887-00017958 and tAmNqV4eNCu-00064-00017959-00018103 interesting things tAmNqV4eNCu-00065-00018104-00018271 so yeah it's been a it's been a busy tAmNqV4eNCu-00066-00018272-00018511 year i think we are on track on track tAmNqV4eNCu-00067-00018512-00018775 with inkscape 1.2 i hope hope you all tAmNqV4eNCu-00068-00018776-00019039 enjoy it tAmNqV4eNCu-00069-00019040-00019294 we're on track i think for making the tAmNqV4eNCu-00070-00019295-00019494 escape project itself tAmNqV4eNCu-00071-00019495-00019750 stronger and more tAmNqV4eNCu-00072-00019751-00019847 capable tAmNqV4eNCu-00073-00019848-00020119 project that's more welcoming to a tAmNqV4eNCu-00074-00020120-00020375 greater number of tAmNqV4eNCu-00075-00020376-00020686 different kinds of contributors tAmNqV4eNCu-00076-00020687-00020783 um tAmNqV4eNCu-00077-00020784-00020991 you know we're going to keep tAmNqV4eNCu-00078-00020992-00021286 going trying to fix the administrative tAmNqV4eNCu-00079-00021287-00021694 and operational problems that we have tAmNqV4eNCu-00080-00021695-00021894 we're going to keep trying to make and tAmNqV4eNCu-00081-00021895-00022143 improve the financial situation that we tAmNqV4eNCu-00082-00022144-00022414 have tAmNqV4eNCu-00083-00022415-00022607 i'm personally going to try and keep tAmNqV4eNCu-00084-00022608-00022919 going with the with the with the patreon tAmNqV4eNCu-00085-00022920-00023286 with the contracting tAmNqV4eNCu-00086-00023287-00023591 trying to make sure that um you know if tAmNqV4eNCu-00087-00023592-00023783 if users need tAmNqV4eNCu-00088-00023784-00023999 something done that they feel confident tAmNqV4eNCu-00089-00024000-00024214 there is somebody listening to to them tAmNqV4eNCu-00090-00024215-00024463 that can actually do the work tAmNqV4eNCu-00091-00024464-00024822 yeah i was quite a hike up this mountain tAmNqV4eNCu-00092-00024823-00025150 so you can't see a lot of it tAmNqV4eNCu-00093-00025151-00025335 sort of uh tAmNqV4eNCu-00094-00025336-00025631 see i'm here out on um tAmNqV4eNCu-00095-00025632-00025934 blue hills which is a mountain range tAmNqV4eNCu-00096-00025935-00026311 sometimes they do skiing around here tAmNqV4eNCu-00097-00026312-00026455 it's a bit of a hike tAmNqV4eNCu-00098-00026456-00026683 but not a big tAmNqV4eNCu-00099-00026683-00027239 hike nice though tAmNqV4eNCu-00100-00027239-00027367 this is the kind of thing that i want to tAmNqV4eNCu-00101-00027368-00027646 be doing for the next two two weeks just tAmNqV4eNCu-00102-00027647-00027839 relaxing tAmNqV4eNCu-00103-00027839-00028039 not having to think too much about too tAmNqV4eNCu-00104-00028039-00028958 many things tAmNqV4eNCu-00105-00028960-00029231 what have i actually done this week tAmNqV4eNCu-00106-00029232-00029518 just to get this out of the way tAmNqV4eNCu-00107-00029519-00029823 uh there was a couple of uh scurs uh tAmNqV4eNCu-00108-00029824-00030102 possible blockers people raising issues tAmNqV4eNCu-00109-00030103-00030270 that should be fixed tAmNqV4eNCu-00110-00030272-00030479 um an issue with inkscape that had tAmNqV4eNCu-00111-00030480-00030607 actually it turned out had been there tAmNqV4eNCu-00112-00030608-00030846 for many many years and um tAmNqV4eNCu-00113-00030847-00031046 i got a fix in but i don't know whether tAmNqV4eNCu-00114-00031047-00031311 it will actually make it to 1.2 tAmNqV4eNCu-00115-00031312-00031527 um if it's been there for a long time tAmNqV4eNCu-00116-00031527-00031702 then i can't see why tAmNqV4eNCu-00117-00031703-00031870 you know people clearly haven't noticed tAmNqV4eNCu-00118-00031872-00031935 it tAmNqV4eNCu-00119-00031936-00032118 not to say it shouldn't be fixed but tAmNqV4eNCu-00120-00032119-00032311 just uh tAmNqV4eNCu-00121-00032312-00032502 there's risks right you want to risk tAmNqV4eNCu-00122-00032503-00032879 breaking it even worse by accident tAmNqV4eNCu-00123-00032880-00033062 um tAmNqV4eNCu-00124-00033063-00033302 i did the the welcome screens translated tAmNqV4eNCu-00125-00033303-00033535 them all so that they i took all the tAmNqV4eNCu-00126-00033536-00033671 translations that tAmNqV4eNCu-00127-00033672-00033831 people had done and actually created tAmNqV4eNCu-00128-00033832-00034015 each of the graphics tAmNqV4eNCu-00129-00034016-00034279 i see use the multi-page feature to lay tAmNqV4eNCu-00130-00034280-00034415 out each of the tAmNqV4eNCu-00131-00034416-00034590 languages tAmNqV4eNCu-00132-00034591-00034759 and then export them tAmNqV4eNCu-00133-00034760-00035046 all at the same time to an svg tAmNqV4eNCu-00134-00035047-00035279 an svg each tAmNqV4eNCu-00135-00035280-00035518 so uh so that was pretty cool because uh tAmNqV4eNCu-00136-00035519-00035702 yeah got to use the tAmNqV4eNCu-00137-00035703-00035902 my own feature to to help my own work tAmNqV4eNCu-00138-00035903-00036135 which was nice tAmNqV4eNCu-00139-00036136-00036223 um tAmNqV4eNCu-00140-00036224-00036623 a couple of fixes a lot of talking some tAmNqV4eNCu-00141-00036624-00036790 meetings tAmNqV4eNCu-00142-00036791-00036918 um tAmNqV4eNCu-00143-00036919-00037087 continuing to try and get the tAmNqV4eNCu-00144-00037088-00037311 administrator position filled tAmNqV4eNCu-00145-00037312-00037430 um tAmNqV4eNCu-00146-00037431-00037559 helping with the tAmNqV4eNCu-00147-00037560-00037887 hiring committee tAmNqV4eNCu-00148-00037888-00038111 so yeah it's been a busy week i would tAmNqV4eNCu-00149-00038112-00038407 say but tAmNqV4eNCu-00150-00038408-00039030 so i'll be off the next two weeks tAmNqV4eNCu-00151-00039031-00039262 and then i will come back and we'll do tAmNqV4eNCu-00152-00039263-00039543 some features together tAmNqV4eNCu-00153-00039544-00039743 that'd be nice tAmNqV4eNCu-00154-00039744-00039983 it was very pleasant um tAmNqV4eNCu-00155-00039984-00040159 thank you for joining me on this tAmNqV4eNCu-00156-00040160-00040335 mountainside tAmNqV4eNCu-00157-00040336-00040527 on this beautiful tAmNqV4eNCu-00158-00040528-00041671 saturday morning tAmNqV4eNCu-00159-00041672-00042390 morning tAmNqV4eNCu-00160-00042391-00042600 i tAeaU_lmWK8-00000-00000136-00000271 now i will illustrate a couple of tAeaU_lmWK8-00001-00000272-00000455 examples of finding the norton's tAeaU_lmWK8-00002-00000456-00001687 equivalent of a circuit tAeaU_lmWK8-00003-00001688-00003134 lets take a very simple circuit tAeaU_lmWK8-00004-00003135-00003719 and we want to find tAeaU_lmWK8-00005-00003720-00003990 the equivalent tAeaU_lmWK8-00006-00003992-00004335 model in this form with a norton current tAeaU_lmWK8-00007-00004336-00004575 source and a norton resistance in tAeaU_lmWK8-00008-00004576-00004854 parallel tAeaU_lmWK8-00009-00004855-00005095 to find the norton current source tAeaU_lmWK8-00010-00005096-00005270 we have to short circuit these two tAeaU_lmWK8-00011-00005271-00005454 terminals and find the current going tAeaU_lmWK8-00012-00005455-00006270 through the short circuit tAeaU_lmWK8-00013-00006271-00006550 so i will short circuit this tAeaU_lmWK8-00014-00006551-00006655 then tAeaU_lmWK8-00015-00006656-00006839 you clearly see that this five volt tAeaU_lmWK8-00016-00006840-00007110 appears entirely across this one kilo tAeaU_lmWK8-00017-00007111-00007406 ohm ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00018-00007408-00007631 so here we have five volts tAeaU_lmWK8-00019-00007631-00007878 and five volts across one kilo ohms tAeaU_lmWK8-00020-00007879-00008134 results in a current of five milli amps tAeaU_lmWK8-00021-00008136-00008310 and that goes through the short circuit tAeaU_lmWK8-00022-00008311-00008471 remember this four kilo ohm is across tAeaU_lmWK8-00023-00008472-00008639 the short circuit so all of the current tAeaU_lmWK8-00024-00008640-00008831 will go into the short circuit not the tAeaU_lmWK8-00025-00008832-00009087 four kilo ohm resistor tAeaU_lmWK8-00026-00009088-00009231 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00027-00009232-00009399 so it will be five milli amp in that tAeaU_lmWK8-00028-00009400-00009559 direction tAeaU_lmWK8-00029-00009560-00009823 so i n which is the current going from tAeaU_lmWK8-00030-00009824-00010078 one to one prime tAeaU_lmWK8-00031-00010079-00010414 obviously if you tAeaU_lmWK8-00032-00010415-00010591 short circuited this tAeaU_lmWK8-00033-00010592-00010783 you would have all of i n going from one tAeaU_lmWK8-00034-00010784-00011014 to one prime so tAeaU_lmWK8-00035-00011015-00011342 i n in this case is simply five milli tAeaU_lmWK8-00036-00011343-00011567 amperes tAeaU_lmWK8-00037-00011568-00011806 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00038-00011807-00012151 and to find r n we have to deactivate tAeaU_lmWK8-00039-00012152-00012319 this voltage source and find the tAeaU_lmWK8-00040-00012320-00012559 resistance looking back between one and tAeaU_lmWK8-00041-00012560-00013094 one prime tAeaU_lmWK8-00042-00013095-00013343 i short circuit the five volt source by tAeaU_lmWK8-00043-00013344-00013503 nulling it tAeaU_lmWK8-00044-00013504-00013943 and i have these two resistors tAeaU_lmWK8-00045-00013944-00014319 one kilo ohm and four kilo ohm tAeaU_lmWK8-00046-00014319-00014607 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00047-00014608-00014822 and if i tAeaU_lmWK8-00048-00014823-00015022 apply a tAeaU_lmWK8-00049-00015023-00015383 test voltage tAeaU_lmWK8-00050-00015384-00015703 i can find the current take the ratio to tAeaU_lmWK8-00051-00015704-00015911 find the resistance in this case its tAeaU_lmWK8-00052-00015912-00016086 very easy you see that this one kilo ohm tAeaU_lmWK8-00053-00016087-00016271 and four kilo ohm are in parallel tAeaU_lmWK8-00054-00016272-00016486 which is drawn in a convoluted way but tAeaU_lmWK8-00055-00016487-00016647 both the one kilo ohm resistor and the tAeaU_lmWK8-00056-00016648-00016822 four kilo ohm resistor are connected tAeaU_lmWK8-00057-00016823-00017039 between these two terminals tAeaU_lmWK8-00058-00017040-00017311 so the equivalent resistance rn is tAeaU_lmWK8-00059-00017312-00017511 simply the parallel combination which is tAeaU_lmWK8-00060-00017512-00017775 four times one by tAeaU_lmWK8-00061-00017776-00018222 four plus one kilo ohms which gives you tAeaU_lmWK8-00062-00018223-00018511 zero point eight kilo ohms or tAeaU_lmWK8-00063-00018512-00018711 eight hundred ohms tAeaU_lmWK8-00064-00018712-00018822 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00065-00018823-00018983 the norton equivalent of this circuit tAeaU_lmWK8-00066-00018984-00019183 consists of a five milli amp current tAeaU_lmWK8-00067-00019184-00019358 source in parallel with an eight hundred tAeaU_lmWK8-00068-00019359-00019750 ohm resistor ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00069-00019751-00019991 now just for completeness if we evaluate tAeaU_lmWK8-00070-00019992-00020358 the thevenin equivalent tAeaU_lmWK8-00071-00020359-00020558 the thevenin resistance will be the same tAeaU_lmWK8-00072-00020559-00020703 as this tAeaU_lmWK8-00073-00020704-00020807 it will be tAeaU_lmWK8-00074-00020808-00020991 800 ohms tAeaU_lmWK8-00075-00020992-00021127 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00076-00021128-00021367 and the thevenin voltage will be i n tAeaU_lmWK8-00077-00021368-00021639 times r n as we evaluated earlier tAeaU_lmWK8-00078-00021640-00021767 you can also tAeaU_lmWK8-00079-00021768-00021991 reduce that by computing the open tAeaU_lmWK8-00080-00021992-00022175 circuit voltage between tAeaU_lmWK8-00081-00022176-00022358 one and one prime tAeaU_lmWK8-00082-00022359-00022719 so using the voltage divider expression tAeaU_lmWK8-00083-00022720-00022878 the voltage between these two is four tAeaU_lmWK8-00084-00022879-00023055 kilo ohm divided by the total resistance tAeaU_lmWK8-00085-00023056-00023222 five kilo ohms times five volts so that tAeaU_lmWK8-00086-00023223-00023478 is four volts so that also confirms the tAeaU_lmWK8-00087-00023479-00023735 formula that we derived earlier tAeaU_lmWK8-00088-00023736-00024022 so this will be a four volt source in tAeaU_lmWK8-00089-00024023-00024271 series with 800 ohms tAeaU_lmWK8-00090-00024272-00024414 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00091-00024415-00024758 so very simple example tAeaU_lmWK8-00093-00028832-00029158 this has a one kilo ohm resistor tAeaU_lmWK8-00094-00029160-00029279 i will define tAeaU_lmWK8-00095-00029280-00029439 v x like this tAeaU_lmWK8-00096-00029439-00029558 and this tAeaU_lmWK8-00097-00029560-00029695 voltage controlled current source tAeaU_lmWK8-00098-00029695-00029823 happens to be tAeaU_lmWK8-00099-00029824-00030270 point five millisiemens times v x tAeaU_lmWK8-00100-00030272-00030670 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00101-00030672-00030918 as one and one prime tAeaU_lmWK8-00102-00030919-00031087 so first i have to find the short tAeaU_lmWK8-00103-00031088-00031390 circuit current tAeaU_lmWK8-00104-00031391-00031518 so i tAeaU_lmWK8-00105-00031519-00031774 form a short circuit between these two tAeaU_lmWK8-00106-00031775-00032007 so then tAeaU_lmWK8-00107-00032008-00032246 you can clearly see that this 10 volt tAeaU_lmWK8-00108-00032247-00032446 source appears directly across this one tAeaU_lmWK8-00109-00032447-00032614 kilo ohm resistor tAeaU_lmWK8-00110-00032616-00032871 and the polarity is like that thats ten tAeaU_lmWK8-00111-00032872-00033015 volts tAeaU_lmWK8-00112-00033016-00033327 so this v x is minus ten volts tAeaU_lmWK8-00113-00033328-00033423 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00114-00033424-00033727 so first of all this ten volt across the tAeaU_lmWK8-00115-00033728-00033846 resistor tAeaU_lmWK8-00116-00033847-00033983 causes tAeaU_lmWK8-00117-00033984-00034255 a current of tAeaU_lmWK8-00118-00034256-00034543 10 milliamp in that direction tAeaU_lmWK8-00119-00034544-00034887 and this v x is minus 10 tAeaU_lmWK8-00120-00034888-00035135 volts tAeaU_lmWK8-00121-00035136-00035318 so we have tAeaU_lmWK8-00122-00035319-00035639 minus point five millisiemens times tAeaU_lmWK8-00123-00035640-00035783 ah ten volts tAeaU_lmWK8-00124-00035784-00035990 that is tAeaU_lmWK8-00125-00035991-00036246 minus five milliamp in that direction or tAeaU_lmWK8-00126-00036247-00036535 five milli amp flowing upwards tAeaU_lmWK8-00127-00036536-00036662 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00128-00036663-00036871 the current i n here tAeaU_lmWK8-00129-00036872-00037167 is the negative sum of ten milliamps and tAeaU_lmWK8-00130-00037168-00037415 minus five milli amps so tAeaU_lmWK8-00131-00037416-00037839 it is equal to minus five milli amperes tAeaU_lmWK8-00132-00037840-00038046 ok the short circuit current i n is tAeaU_lmWK8-00133-00038047-00038327 minus 5 milli amperes in this case tAeaU_lmWK8-00134-00038328-00038607 now to find the norton resistance tAeaU_lmWK8-00135-00038608-00038799 we have to short circuit the voltage tAeaU_lmWK8-00136-00038800-00038911 source tAeaU_lmWK8-00137-00038912-00039143 we have to null it which means its a tAeaU_lmWK8-00138-00039144-00039487 short circuit tAeaU_lmWK8-00139-00039488-00039943 and tAeaU_lmWK8-00140-00039944-00040246 we have to find tAeaU_lmWK8-00141-00040247-00040559 the resistance between one and one prime tAeaU_lmWK8-00142-00040560-00041271 as usual we apply a test voltage tAeaU_lmWK8-00143-00041272-00041535 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00144-00041536-00042151 and tAeaU_lmWK8-00145-00042152-00042295 find the tAeaU_lmWK8-00146-00042296-00042551 current tAeaU_lmWK8-00147-00042552-00042727 flowing that way tAeaU_lmWK8-00148-00042728-00042839 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00149-00042840-00043079 so now this is v x tAeaU_lmWK8-00150-00043080-00043487 right and v x simply equals minus tAeaU_lmWK8-00151-00043488-00043679 v test tAeaU_lmWK8-00152-00043680-00043879 we also observe that this v test appears tAeaU_lmWK8-00153-00043880-00044079 directly across this one kilo ohm tAeaU_lmWK8-00154-00044080-00044230 resistor tAeaU_lmWK8-00155-00044231-00044462 with this polarity that is tAeaU_lmWK8-00156-00044463-00044623 v test tAeaU_lmWK8-00157-00044624-00045007 so first of all here we have a current tAeaU_lmWK8-00158-00045008-00045271 v test divided by one kilo ohm tAeaU_lmWK8-00159-00045272-00045383 and tAeaU_lmWK8-00160-00045384-00045695 in this direction we have a current tAeaU_lmWK8-00161-00045696-00045815 minus tAeaU_lmWK8-00162-00045816-00046102 point five millisiemens times tAeaU_lmWK8-00163-00046103-00046262 v tAeaU_lmWK8-00164-00046263-00046502 test tAeaU_lmWK8-00165-00046503-00046783 so the total current i test flowing that tAeaU_lmWK8-00166-00046784-00047127 way tAeaU_lmWK8-00167-00047128-00047743 is the sum of this and that one which tAeaU_lmWK8-00168-00047744-00047807 v is tAeaU_lmWK8-00169-00047808-00048167 by one kilo ohm minus tAeaU_lmWK8-00170-00048168-00048471 point five millisiemens times tAeaU_lmWK8-00171-00048472-00048695 v test which is equal to tAeaU_lmWK8-00172-00048696-00049007 point five millisiemens times v tAeaU_lmWK8-00173-00049008-00049199 test tAeaU_lmWK8-00174-00049200-00049351 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00175-00049352-00049574 so the ratio tAeaU_lmWK8-00176-00049575-00049846 r n tAeaU_lmWK8-00177-00049847-00050127 which is the ratio v test by tAeaU_lmWK8-00178-00050128-00050335 i test tAeaU_lmWK8-00179-00050336-00050471 equals tAeaU_lmWK8-00180-00050472-00050727 two kilo ohms tAeaU_lmWK8-00181-00050728-00050862 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00182-00050863-00051599 so this entire circuit is equivalent to tAeaU_lmWK8-00183-00051600-00051758 a tAeaU_lmWK8-00184-00051759-00051926 minus five milli amp source in this tAeaU_lmWK8-00185-00051927-00052054 direction tAeaU_lmWK8-00186-00052055-00052190 and tAeaU_lmWK8-00187-00052191-00052454 at two kilo ohm tAeaU_lmWK8-00188-00052455-00052607 resistance in tAeaU_lmWK8-00189-00052608-00052719 parallel tAeaU_lmWK8-00190-00052720-00052807 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00191-00052808-00052999 so thats the equivalent source and tAeaU_lmWK8-00192-00053000-00053142 considering the direction of the current tAeaU_lmWK8-00193-00053144-00053350 you could also write it as tAeaU_lmWK8-00194-00053351-00053615 a five milli amp current source pointing tAeaU_lmWK8-00195-00053616-00054142 downwards tAeaU_lmWK8-00196-00054144-00054287 and tAeaU_lmWK8-00197-00054288-00054654 two kilo ohms with one and one prime tAeaU_lmWK8-00198-00054655-00054735 ok tAeaU_lmWK8-00199-00054736-00054942 again what i want to emphasize here is tAeaU_lmWK8-00200-00054944-00055159 that the method of finding the tAeaU_lmWK8-00201-00055160-00055391 equivalent is always the same tAeaU_lmWK8-00202-00055391-00055630 you form a short circuit between tAeaU_lmWK8-00203-00055632-00055815 the terminals one and one prime find the tAeaU_lmWK8-00204-00055816-00055959 short circuit current in the right tAeaU_lmWK8-00205-00055960-00056079 direction tAeaU_lmWK8-00206-00056079-00056254 and then you deactivate all the tAeaU_lmWK8-00207-00056255-00056471 independent sources in the circuit the tAeaU_lmWK8-00208-00056472-00056647 dependent sources remain what they are tAeaU_lmWK8-00209-00056648-00056863 with their controlling quantities also tAeaU_lmWK8-00210-00056864-00057038 as they should be tAeaU_lmWK8-00211-00057039-00057311 and you find the resistance looking back tAeaU_lmWK8-00212-00057312-00057479 into the two terminals that gives you tAeaU_lmWK8-00213-00057479-00057932 the norton resistance ok tBEzChfv0Ao-00000-00000325-00000790 okay all right so let's get started tBEzChfv0Ao-00001-00000791-00000857 um tBEzChfv0Ao-00002-00000858-00001162 Paul cbua represents member libraries tBEzChfv0Ao-00003-00001163-00001415 across the region all of whom sit on the tBEzChfv0Ao-00004-00001416-00001630 unseated and territorial traditional tBEzChfv0Ao-00005-00001632-00001829 territories of First Peoples in tBEzChfv0Ao-00006-00001830-00002009 Newfoundland and Labrador our libraries tBEzChfv0Ao-00007-00002010-00002237 sit on the homelands of the Inuit of tBEzChfv0Ao-00008-00002238-00002542 nanatsuvit and nunut and the Inu of tBEzChfv0Ao-00009-00002543-00002771 natasanan the biathic and the migma tBEzChfv0Ao-00010-00002772-00003017 peoples in Prince Edward Island and Nova tBEzChfv0Ao-00011-00003018-00003179 Scotia we find our friends and tBEzChfv0Ao-00012-00003180-00003370 colleagues situated on the territory of tBEzChfv0Ao-00013-00003371-00003622 the Mikvah in New Brunswick libraries tBEzChfv0Ao-00014-00003623-00003883 are found on the land of the Alaska tBEzChfv0Ao-00015-00003884-00004247 migma and pass mcquadian peoples we at tBEzChfv0Ao-00016-00004248-00004356 call tBEzChfv0Ao-00017-00004357-00004625 cbua wish to express our sincerest tBEzChfv0Ao-00018-00004626-00004811 gratitude to the first peoples who share tBEzChfv0Ao-00019-00004812-00005069 their ancestral homelands with us tBEzChfv0Ao-00020-00005070-00005285 so good afternoon my name is Erin tBEzChfv0Ao-00021-00005286-00005465 McPherson and I'm the research and tBEzChfv0Ao-00022-00005466-00005668 instruction librarian at Dalhousie tBEzChfv0Ao-00023-00005669-00005993 University on the McRae campus intro on tBEzChfv0Ao-00024-00005994-00006233 behalf of call cbua the digital tBEzChfv0Ao-00025-00006234-00006472 preservation stewardship committee and tBEzChfv0Ao-00026-00006473-00006737 our partners acenet and Andrea Portage I tBEzChfv0Ao-00027-00006738-00006923 would like to welcome you to the 2021 tBEzChfv0Ao-00028-00006923-00007139 call cbua research data management tBEzChfv0Ao-00029-00007140-00007301 series tBEzChfv0Ao-00030-00007302-00007619 the Frank franchization of the events is tBEzChfv0Ao-00031-00007620-00007792 made possible through the collaboration tBEzChfv0Ao-00032-00007793-00008009 of the members of the research data tBEzChfv0Ao-00033-00008009-00008177 management working group of the Bureau tBEzChfv0Ao-00034-00008178-00008585 of cooperation into universitel BCI tBEzChfv0Ao-00035-00008586-00008764 special thanks to our organizers tBEzChfv0Ao-00036-00008765-00009185 Margaret Vale Saint FX Cynthia Elise u q tBEzChfv0Ao-00037-00009186-00009646 u a m Cynthia Holt call cdua Luis Gillis tBEzChfv0Ao-00038-00009647-00009971 Dell Allison Farrell mon Lydia tBEzChfv0Ao-00039-00009972-00010289 vermidden basenet Jennifer Abel Andrew tBEzChfv0Ao-00040-00010290-00010633 Jonathan Dory inrs and Victoria tBEzChfv0Ao-00041-00010634-00010937 volcanova you de Moncton the sessions tBEzChfv0Ao-00042-00010938-00011081 being recorded and will be available tBEzChfv0Ao-00043-00011082-00011345 after the presentation on the call cbua tBEzChfv0Ao-00044-00011346-00011459 website tBEzChfv0Ao-00045-00011460-00011717 attendees will be muted upon joining we tBEzChfv0Ao-00046-00011718-00011945 ask that you do remain muted when not tBEzChfv0Ao-00047-00011946-00012191 speaking if you have technical problems tBEzChfv0Ao-00048-00012192-00012371 please put them in the chat box during tBEzChfv0Ao-00049-00012372-00012617 the main presentation tBEzChfv0Ao-00050-00012618-00012922 at the bottom of the screen or maybe at tBEzChfv0Ao-00051-00012923-00013115 the top of your screen it's the top of tBEzChfv0Ao-00052-00013116-00013188 mine tBEzChfv0Ao-00053-00013190-00013438 are options to control your microphone tBEzChfv0Ao-00054-00013440-00013721 camera and to access the chat you can tBEzChfv0Ao-00055-00013722-00013943 also come on closed captioning by tBEzChfv0Ao-00056-00013944-00014230 clicking on the three dots and selecting tBEzChfv0Ao-00057-00014231-00014405 this captioning tBEzChfv0Ao-00058-00014406-00014627 please be remember to be kind courteous tBEzChfv0Ao-00059-00014628-00014836 and respectful of the presenters and tBEzChfv0Ao-00060-00014837-00014993 other attendees tBEzChfv0Ao-00061-00014994-00015221 I now like to introduce Margaret Vale tBEzChfv0Ao-00062-00015222-00015461 who will be speaking on where to deposit tBEzChfv0Ao-00063-00015462-00015919 your data dataverse further or other tBEzChfv0Ao-00064-00015919-00016186 Margaret Vale is the systems librarian tBEzChfv0Ao-00065-00016187-00016517 at San fax University tBEzChfv0Ao-00066-00016518-00016955 um and she's joining us today tBEzChfv0Ao-00067-00016956-00017194 thank you Aaron um are you able to hear tBEzChfv0Ao-00068-00017195-00017530 me and see my first slide tBEzChfv0Ao-00069-00017531-00017921 yes okay thank you uh so hi as Aaron tBEzChfv0Ao-00070-00017922-00018113 mentioned my name is Margaret Vale and I tBEzChfv0Ao-00071-00018114-00018250 am the systems and data services tBEzChfv0Ao-00072-00018251-00018472 librarian at St Francis Xavier tBEzChfv0Ao-00073-00018473-00018736 University today I will be talking to tBEzChfv0Ao-00074-00018737-00018899 you about where you can deposit your tBEzChfv0Ao-00075-00018900-00019150 data this is the third webinar in the tBEzChfv0Ao-00076-00019151-00019535 call research data management series tBEzChfv0Ao-00077-00019536-00019841 I will go over in today's presentation I tBEzChfv0Ao-00078-00019842-00020039 will go over what is a research data tBEzChfv0Ao-00079-00020040-00020158 Repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00080-00020159-00020500 data repository types how to choose a tBEzChfv0Ao-00081-00020501-00020771 data repository special types of data tBEzChfv0Ao-00082-00020772-00020975 data repositories at your institution tBEzChfv0Ao-00083-00020976-00021233 and resources and at the very top of my tBEzChfv0Ao-00084-00021234-00021479 outline I forgot to mention a brief tBEzChfv0Ao-00085-00021480-00021869 mention of the try agency policy tBEzChfv0Ao-00086-00021870-00022127 so call stands for the Council of tBEzChfv0Ao-00087-00022128-00022325 Atlantic University libraries and is tBEzChfv0Ao-00088-00022326-00022541 comprised of all academic libraries in tBEzChfv0Ao-00089-00022542-00022786 Atlantic Canada this is a list of our tBEzChfv0Ao-00090-00022787-00023105 call member institutions tBEzChfv0Ao-00091-00023106-00023363 I would also like to extend Welcome to tBEzChfv0Ao-00092-00023364-00023614 our colleagues from across Canada this tBEzChfv0Ao-00093-00023615-00023807 is just a selection of people of tBEzChfv0Ao-00094-00023808-00024005 Universe of Institutions and tBEzChfv0Ao-00095-00024006-00024233 universities where people have tBEzChfv0Ao-00096-00024234-00024419 registered to attend today's event so if tBEzChfv0Ao-00097-00024420-00025036 I missed yours I apologize tBEzChfv0Ao-00098-00025037-00025372 uh the try agency RDM policy has been tBEzChfv0Ao-00099-00025373-00025667 coming for several years now we first tBEzChfv0Ao-00100-00025668-00026008 heard about this in 2016 when the tBEzChfv0Ao-00101-00026010-00026267 tri-agency released a statement of tBEzChfv0Ao-00102-00026268-00026537 principles on digital data management tBEzChfv0Ao-00103-00026538-00026945 in 2018 they released a draft policy tBEzChfv0Ao-00104-00026945-00027239 um and then consulted with various tBEzChfv0Ao-00105-00027239-00027502 stakeholders and communities in 2018 as tBEzChfv0Ao-00106-00027504-00027581 well tBEzChfv0Ao-00107-00027582-00027940 in March 2021 the tri-in agency released tBEzChfv0Ao-00108-00027941-00028211 their final research data management tBEzChfv0Ao-00109-00028212-00028540 policy tBEzChfv0Ao-00110-00028541-00028924 the release policy includes three tBEzChfv0Ao-00111-00028925-00029137 components institutional strategy tBEzChfv0Ao-00112-00029138-00029357 institutional strategies tBEzChfv0Ao-00113-00029358-00029614 uh data management plans and data tBEzChfv0Ao-00114-00029616-00029939 deposit the institutional strategies tBEzChfv0Ao-00115-00029939-00030214 will be written by every uh institution tBEzChfv0Ao-00116-00030216-00030461 that receives try agency grant funding tBEzChfv0Ao-00117-00030462-00030724 and the deadline for that will be March tBEzChfv0Ao-00118-00030725-00031127 1st 2023. some grants already require tBEzChfv0Ao-00119-00031127-00031408 the data management plans and Aaron tBEzChfv0Ao-00120-00031410-00031618 McPherson and Louise Gillis kindly tBEzChfv0Ao-00121-00031619-00031823 talked about data management plans in tBEzChfv0Ao-00122-00031824-00032135 their uh in the second webinar in this tBEzChfv0Ao-00123-00032136-00032393 series so you can go back to the call tBEzChfv0Ao-00124-00032394-00032687 website and view the recording hopefully tBEzChfv0Ao-00125-00032688-00032887 within a few days tBEzChfv0Ao-00126-00032888-00033202 and the third component is data deposit tBEzChfv0Ao-00127-00033203-00033389 and this is what I am going to be tBEzChfv0Ao-00128-00033390-00033557 talking to you about today tBEzChfv0Ao-00129-00033558-00033833 there is currently no deadline on when tBEzChfv0Ao-00130-00033834-00034099 data deposit is going to be tBEzChfv0Ao-00131-00034100-00034596 mandatory uh the try agencies plan on uh tBEzChfv0Ao-00132-00034597-00034865 re-investigating this when the tBEzChfv0Ao-00133-00034866-00035051 institutional strategies are completed tBEzChfv0Ao-00134-00035052-00035574 for March 1st 2023. tBEzChfv0Ao-00135-00035575-00035873 and this is just me highlighting that tBEzChfv0Ao-00136-00035874-00036112 today's presentation is focusing on data tBEzChfv0Ao-00137-00036113-00036335 deposit tBEzChfv0Ao-00138-00036336-00036701 so what is a research data Repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00139-00036702-00036917 let's begin by considering the research tBEzChfv0Ao-00140-00036918-00037301 data life cycle where we will plan tBEzChfv0Ao-00141-00037302-00037624 create process analyze disseminate tBEzChfv0Ao-00142-00037625-00037943 preserve and reuse data tBEzChfv0Ao-00143-00037944-00038129 during the planning phase you want to tBEzChfv0Ao-00144-00038130-00038362 decide on an appropriate research data tBEzChfv0Ao-00145-00038363-00038512 Repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00146-00038513-00038717 you should also consider when choosing tBEzChfv0Ao-00147-00038718-00039059 that repository on what data or how much tBEzChfv0Ao-00148-00039060-00039329 data you will deposit and how you will tBEzChfv0Ao-00149-00039330-00039499 prepare that data for sharing tBEzChfv0Ao-00150-00039500-00039985 preservation and reuse tBEzChfv0Ao-00151-00039986-00040307 a repository is an online database tBEzChfv0Ao-00152-00040308-00040559 service an archive that manages the tBEzChfv0Ao-00153-00040560-00040727 long-term storage and preservation of tBEzChfv0Ao-00154-00040728-00040943 digital resources and provides a catalog tBEzChfv0Ao-00155-00040944-00041299 for Discovery and access tBEzChfv0Ao-00156-00041300-00041596 research data repositories provide sound tBEzChfv0Ao-00157-00041597-00041801 data management throughout the data tBEzChfv0Ao-00158-00041802-00042095 lifecycle by storing and enabling access tBEzChfv0Ao-00159-00042096-00042323 to deposited data sets in a range of tBEzChfv0Ao-00160-00042324-00042580 formats which are also curated to enable tBEzChfv0Ao-00161-00042581-00042989 the discovery and reuse tBEzChfv0Ao-00162-00042990-00043211 the network of the National Library of tBEzChfv0Ao-00163-00043212-00043474 Medicine defines a data repository as a tBEzChfv0Ao-00164-00043475-00043685 place that stores data makes data tBEzChfv0Ao-00165-00043686-00043961 available for use and organizes data in tBEzChfv0Ao-00166-00043962-00044111 a logical manner tBEzChfv0Ao-00167-00044112-00044380 a data repository can be a general or tBEzChfv0Ao-00168-00044381-00044596 subject-specific location where research tBEzChfv0Ao-00169-00044597-00044849 researchers can deposit their data with tBEzChfv0Ao-00170-00044850-00045035 the intent to share and or preserve the tBEzChfv0Ao-00171-00045036-00045401 data tBEzChfv0Ao-00172-00045402-00045635 some funders such as the tri-agency tBEzChfv0Ao-00173-00045636-00045929 require or will require data from funded tBEzChfv0Ao-00174-00045930-00046229 research to be to be deposited in a data tBEzChfv0Ao-00175-00046230-00046529 repository and some Journal Publishers tBEzChfv0Ao-00176-00046530-00046745 require the data associated with a tBEzChfv0Ao-00177-00046746-00046949 published Journal article also be made tBEzChfv0Ao-00178-00046950-00047305 available in a data Repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00179-00047306-00047608 so why do we want to use a data tBEzChfv0Ao-00180-00047609-00047927 repository instead of other data storage tBEzChfv0Ao-00181-00047928-00048221 methods well unlike file hosting tBEzChfv0Ao-00182-00048222-00048437 services such as Dropbox tBEzChfv0Ao-00183-00048438-00048743 or hosting data on a website research tBEzChfv0Ao-00184-00048744-00049043 data repositories do things to help make tBEzChfv0Ao-00185-00049044-00049265 research data accessible and usable for tBEzChfv0Ao-00186-00049266-00049379 the long term tBEzChfv0Ao-00187-00049380-00049643 for example data repositories have a tBEzChfv0Ao-00188-00049644-00049883 mandate and plan for preservation even tBEzChfv0Ao-00189-00049884-00050135 if the repository stops operating or tBEzChfv0Ao-00190-00050136-00050357 file formats become obsolete tBEzChfv0Ao-00191-00050358-00050590 they offer information about the data tBEzChfv0Ao-00192-00050591-00050783 set that enables people to discover and tBEzChfv0Ao-00193-00050784-00051058 learn about the data they provide either tBEzChfv0Ao-00194-00051059-00051292 direct access or information on access tBEzChfv0Ao-00195-00051294-00051538 conditions to potential users of the tBEzChfv0Ao-00196-00051539-00051808 data and they ensure each data set has a tBEzChfv0Ao-00197-00051809-00052007 persistent web link that will always tBEzChfv0Ao-00198-00052008-00052216 take people to information about the tBEzChfv0Ao-00199-00052217-00052402 data set which can be cited in tBEzChfv0Ao-00200-00052403-00052816 Publications tBEzChfv0Ao-00201-00052817-00053050 some additional benefits of using a tBEzChfv0Ao-00202-00053051-00053238 research repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00203-00053239-00053537 is long-term access and preservation tBEzChfv0Ao-00204-00053538-00053813 many repositories can store data and tBEzChfv0Ao-00205-00053814-00054035 make it available over the long term tBEzChfv0Ao-00206-00054036-00054316 Discovery and reuse other researchers tBEzChfv0Ao-00207-00054317-00054544 can find and reuse your data more more tBEzChfv0Ao-00208-00054545-00054947 easily data citations in DOI both you tBEzChfv0Ao-00209-00054948-00055138 and other researchers can easily cite tBEzChfv0Ao-00210-00055139-00055416 your data with the persistent identifier tBEzChfv0Ao-00211-00055417-00055697 it also meets funding and Publishing tBEzChfv0Ao-00212-00055698-00055882 requirements as many funders and tBEzChfv0Ao-00213-00055883-00056092 Publishers now require data to be tBEzChfv0Ao-00214-00056094-00056729 deposited in a repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00215-00056729-00056969 there are many reasons why there are tBEzChfv0Ao-00216-00056970-00057107 different types of research data tBEzChfv0Ao-00217-00057108-00057419 repositories some of these are different tBEzChfv0Ao-00218-00057420-00057665 repositories reflect the interests and tBEzChfv0Ao-00219-00057666-00057838 needs of their communities tBEzChfv0Ao-00220-00057839-00058097 some repositories specialize in specific tBEzChfv0Ao-00221-00058098-00058337 types of research data for example tBEzChfv0Ao-00222-00058338-00058619 quantitative data qualitative data or tBEzChfv0Ao-00223-00058620-00058753 source code tBEzChfv0Ao-00224-00058754-00058991 repositories have different restrictions tBEzChfv0Ao-00225-00058991-00059250 on sharing data such as commercial tBEzChfv0Ao-00226-00059251-00059603 repositories versus open repositories tBEzChfv0Ao-00227-00059604-00059813 they have different restrictions on tBEzChfv0Ao-00228-00059814-00060161 metadata file size format tBEzChfv0Ao-00229-00060162-00060376 Etc and they have different restrictions tBEzChfv0Ao-00230-00060377-00060550 on the length of time they will preserve tBEzChfv0Ao-00231-00060551-00060815 the data not every repository will store tBEzChfv0Ao-00232-00060816-00061030 the data indefinitely Or have a tBEzChfv0Ao-00233-00061032-00061294 preservation layer tBEzChfv0Ao-00234-00061295-00061819 foreign tBEzChfv0Ao-00235-00061820-00062099 positories like figshare or zenodo are tBEzChfv0Ao-00236-00062100-00062309 General repositories that accept a range tBEzChfv0Ao-00237-00062310-00062591 of data other repositories may have tBEzChfv0Ao-00238-00062591-00062825 different policies on what they accept tBEzChfv0Ao-00239-00062826-00063100 a disciplinary specific repositories tBEzChfv0Ao-00240-00063101-00063388 cover a specific subject area like tBEzChfv0Ao-00241-00063389-00063682 social science data location specific tBEzChfv0Ao-00242-00063683-00063941 repositories collect data on or by tBEzChfv0Ao-00243-00063941-00064157 researchers from a particular country or tBEzChfv0Ao-00244-00064158-00064259 region tBEzChfv0Ao-00245-00064260-00064511 and other repositories May focus on tBEzChfv0Ao-00246-00064512-00064756 specific types of data such as audio or tBEzChfv0Ao-00247-00064757-00064979 video tBEzChfv0Ao-00248-00064979-00065237 so the main types of research data tBEzChfv0Ao-00249-00065238-00065550 repositories are institutional National tBEzChfv0Ao-00250-00065551-00065803 discipline specific source code tBEzChfv0Ao-00251-00065804-00066432 multi-disciplinary and Project Specific tBEzChfv0Ao-00252-00066433-00066719 institutional data repositories are used tBEzChfv0Ao-00253-00066720-00066947 by researchers who are affiliated with a tBEzChfv0Ao-00254-00066948-00067229 specific institution such as the tBEzChfv0Ao-00255-00067230-00067456 University or government they store a tBEzChfv0Ao-00256-00067457-00067732 wide variety of research data types they tBEzChfv0Ao-00257-00067733-00067888 may include analysis and other tBEzChfv0Ao-00258-00067889-00068137 supplementary information and they meet tBEzChfv0Ao-00259-00068138-00068387 funder guidelines tBEzChfv0Ao-00260-00068388-00068632 so some examples in Canada of tBEzChfv0Ao-00261-00068633-00068849 institutional data repositories would be tBEzChfv0Ao-00262-00068850-00069059 the University of Prince Edward Islands tBEzChfv0Ao-00263-00069060-00069299 data tBEzChfv0Ao-00264-00069300-00069605 University of New Brunswick uses tBEzChfv0Ao-00265-00069606-00069743 dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00266-00069744-00070150 and Scholars portal is a dataverse that tBEzChfv0Ao-00267-00070151-00070300 I will talk a bit more about later tBEzChfv0Ao-00268-00070301-00070625 that's based out of the Ontario tBEzChfv0Ao-00269-00070626-00070925 University Library collaboration and has tBEzChfv0Ao-00270-00070926-00071249 expanded beyond that to cover many tBEzChfv0Ao-00271-00071250-00071579 universities across Canada tBEzChfv0Ao-00272-00071580-00072144 foreign tBEzChfv0Ao-00273-00072145-00072425 repository that you may already be tBEzChfv0Ao-00274-00072426-00072719 familiar with is institutional research tBEzChfv0Ao-00275-00072720-00072893 repositories and I put research in tBEzChfv0Ao-00276-00072894-00073091 Brackets here because institutional tBEzChfv0Ao-00277-00073092-00073373 repositories have traditionally been tBEzChfv0Ao-00278-00073374-00073625 separate from data you can still use tBEzChfv0Ao-00279-00073626-00073823 them to deposit data but their main tBEzChfv0Ao-00280-00073824-00074087 purpose is to collect the intellectual tBEzChfv0Ao-00281-00074088-00074387 research output of that institution so tBEzChfv0Ao-00282-00074388-00074555 some examples that you might be familiar tBEzChfv0Ao-00283-00074556-00074837 with would be Dow space at Dalhousie tBEzChfv0Ao-00284-00074838-00075100 University t space at the University of tBEzChfv0Ao-00285-00075101-00075400 Toronto statefx recently launched Santa tBEzChfv0Ao-00286-00075401-00075731 Fe scholar in the last few years UBC has tBEzChfv0Ao-00287-00075732-00076471 circled and upei has Island scholar tBEzChfv0Ao-00288-00076472-00076787 National Data repositories are for tBEzChfv0Ao-00289-00076788-00076973 researchers who are affiliated with a tBEzChfv0Ao-00290-00076974-00077225 specific country so for example Canada tBEzChfv0Ao-00291-00077226-00077537 the United Kingdom Australia they store tBEzChfv0Ao-00292-00077538-00077753 a wide variety of research data types tBEzChfv0Ao-00293-00077754-00077950 and they may include analysis and other tBEzChfv0Ao-00294-00077951-00078209 supplementary information these National tBEzChfv0Ao-00295-00078210-00078497 repositories often meet funder tBEzChfv0Ao-00296-00078498-00078712 guidelines as well so some examples tBEzChfv0Ao-00297-00078713-00078923 would be the Australian National data tBEzChfv0Ao-00298-00078924-00079187 service the UK data service and in tBEzChfv0Ao-00299-00079188-00079391 Canada we have ferder which is the tBEzChfv0Ao-00300-00079392-00079900 Federated research data Repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00301-00079901-00080117 um some disciplines have discipline tBEzChfv0Ao-00302-00080118-00080405 specific repositories usually these tBEzChfv0Ao-00303-00080406-00080729 disciplines have had these repositories tBEzChfv0Ao-00304-00080730-00081076 around for a lot longer than funders tBEzChfv0Ao-00305-00081077-00081491 have been requiring data repositories so tBEzChfv0Ao-00306-00081492-00081731 they can be smaller in scope but they tBEzChfv0Ao-00307-00081732-00081917 are broadly supported and recognized in tBEzChfv0Ao-00308-00081918-00082150 their respective research communities uh tBEzChfv0Ao-00309-00082151-00082300 usually because they have been well tBEzChfv0Ao-00310-00082301-00082553 established for many years they attract tBEzChfv0Ao-00311-00082554-00082823 an audience in a particular field and tBEzChfv0Ao-00312-00082824-00083044 the data curation and preservation tBEzChfv0Ao-00313-00083045-00083255 depends on that specific area of tBEzChfv0Ao-00314-00083256-00083621 research so some examples would be pin tBEzChfv0Ao-00315-00083622-00083794 Pangea which is the Earth and tBEzChfv0Ao-00316-00083795-00084125 environmental science data repository AG tBEzChfv0Ao-00317-00084126-00084347 econ which is Agricultural and applied tBEzChfv0Ao-00318-00084348-00084682 economics and I think it says arctics tBEzChfv0Ao-00319-00084683-00084905 might be how they say it and it's a tBEzChfv0Ao-00320-00084906-00085223 repository for physics data and I also tBEzChfv0Ao-00321-00085224-00085612 believe arcfix also does um tBEzChfv0Ao-00322-00085613-00086176 Journal articles as well tBEzChfv0Ao-00323-00086177-00086285 um if you come from a technical tBEzChfv0Ao-00324-00086286-00086537 background you may already be familiar tBEzChfv0Ao-00325-00086538-00086873 with source code repositories they are tBEzChfv0Ao-00326-00086874-00087185 used a lot by software development tBEzChfv0Ao-00327-00087186-00087437 companies and Technical companies but tBEzChfv0Ao-00328-00087438-00087721 they are also can be really useful for tBEzChfv0Ao-00329-00087722-00088097 research as well if you are writing code tBEzChfv0Ao-00330-00088098-00088523 to develop or to analyze your data this tBEzChfv0Ao-00331-00088524-00088799 is a really good repository option since tBEzChfv0Ao-00332-00088800-00089050 they have special features specifically tBEzChfv0Ao-00333-00089051-00089291 for code such as Version Control and Bug tBEzChfv0Ao-00334-00089292-00089597 tracking and these also allow for allow tBEzChfv0Ao-00335-00089598-00089794 for easy collaboration not only between tBEzChfv0Ao-00336-00089795-00090011 team members but with the outside tBEzChfv0Ao-00337-00090012-00090382 Community as well because anyone if you tBEzChfv0Ao-00338-00090383-00090694 leave your code open anyone else can tBEzChfv0Ao-00339-00090695-00091091 copy your code and continue to add on to tBEzChfv0Ao-00340-00091092-00091462 it or expand it for their own needs tBEzChfv0Ao-00341-00091463-00091750 source code repositories often use the tBEzChfv0Ao-00342-00091751-00092087 freemium model which means that the a tBEzChfv0Ao-00343-00092088-00092279 lot of Base features are available for tBEzChfv0Ao-00344-00092280-00092543 free but they charge for their Advanced tBEzChfv0Ao-00345-00092544-00092843 features and even higher storage tBEzChfv0Ao-00346-00092844-00093011 capacity tBEzChfv0Ao-00347-00093012-00093173 so some examples of source code tBEzChfv0Ao-00348-00093174-00093497 repositories would be GitHub GeForce and tBEzChfv0Ao-00349-00093498-00093929 bitbucket I'm sorry G Forge tBEzChfv0Ao-00350-00093930-00094105 in addition there's also tBEzChfv0Ao-00351-00094106-00094453 multi-disciplinary repositories tBEzChfv0Ao-00352-00094454-00094768 some examples would be fake share lab tBEzChfv0Ao-00353-00094769-00095206 archives erzanodo tBEzChfv0Ao-00354-00095207-00095429 um other data repositories out there tBEzChfv0Ao-00355-00095430-00095644 would be commercial repositories and tBEzChfv0Ao-00356-00095645-00095938 they provide a fee-based service based tBEzChfv0Ao-00357-00095939-00096137 on factors such as the size of the data tBEzChfv0Ao-00358-00096138-00096359 stored and there's also Project Specific tBEzChfv0Ao-00359-00096360-00096593 data repositories and they are intended tBEzChfv0Ao-00360-00096594-00096862 for data pertaining to a specific tBEzChfv0Ao-00361-00096863-00097218 research project uh the the example tBEzChfv0Ao-00362-00097219-00097517 provided in my notes is since Scientific tBEzChfv0Ao-00363-00097518-00097811 Drilling database but there's also some tBEzChfv0Ao-00364-00097812-00098099 more local databases or local data tBEzChfv0Ao-00365-00098100-00098332 repositories such as the ocean tracking tBEzChfv0Ao-00366-00098333-00098779 Network out of Dalhousie University tBEzChfv0Ao-00367-00098780-00099065 so now that we know that there are many tBEzChfv0Ao-00368-00099066-00099323 different types of data repositories how tBEzChfv0Ao-00369-00099324-00099641 do we choose a data repository for your tBEzChfv0Ao-00370-00099642-00099821 data tBEzChfv0Ao-00371-00099822-00100061 well before choosing a data repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00372-00100062-00100243 ask yourself the following questions tBEzChfv0Ao-00373-00100244-00100523 what options if any does my institution tBEzChfv0Ao-00374-00100524-00100697 already have tBEzChfv0Ao-00375-00100698-00100924 all of your institutions either have tBEzChfv0Ao-00376-00100925-00101111 somebody that's already familiar with tBEzChfv0Ao-00377-00101112-00101381 research data management and data tBEzChfv0Ao-00378-00101382-00101567 deposit options or they are developing tBEzChfv0Ao-00379-00101568-00101903 that capacity so if you're not sure who tBEzChfv0Ao-00380-00101904-00102035 you should contact I have some tBEzChfv0Ao-00381-00102036-00102244 information further down the slides but tBEzChfv0Ao-00382-00102245-00102544 contacting your academic library is a tBEzChfv0Ao-00383-00102545-00102742 great place to start as well as maybe tBEzChfv0Ao-00384-00102743-00103049 the research office tBEzChfv0Ao-00385-00103050-00103289 um who is the audience for your data tBEzChfv0Ao-00386-00103290-00103468 are there any Grant limitations or tBEzChfv0Ao-00387-00103469-00103625 obligations tBEzChfv0Ao-00388-00103626-00103918 and is this data is this a trusted data tBEzChfv0Ao-00389-00103919-00104166 Repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00390-00104167-00104399 are there any institution country tBEzChfv0Ao-00391-00104400-00104608 specific requirements for my data when tBEzChfv0Ao-00392-00104609-00104716 collaborating with International tBEzChfv0Ao-00393-00104717-00105233 researchers tBEzChfv0Ao-00394-00105233-00105557 is the data repository fair and this was tBEzChfv0Ao-00395-00105558-00105797 mentioned this was talked more about in tBEzChfv0Ao-00396-00105798-00106145 the first a webinar in this series fair tBEzChfv0Ao-00397-00106146-00106451 is findable accessible interoperable and tBEzChfv0Ao-00398-00106452-00106721 reusable fare contains a set of 15 tBEzChfv0Ao-00399-00106722-00106913 guiding principles that defines the tBEzChfv0Ao-00400-00106914-00107363 properties of data and metadata tBEzChfv0Ao-00401-00107364-00107597 um they're also based on a set of 14 tBEzChfv0Ao-00402-00107598-00107801 metrics have that that have been defined tBEzChfv0Ao-00403-00107802-00108293 to quantify levels of fairness in data tBEzChfv0Ao-00404-00108294-00108652 is the data repository trustworthy tBEzChfv0Ao-00405-00108653-00108797 and I hope everyone's grown you because tBEzChfv0Ao-00406-00108798-00108952 I did that on purpose tBEzChfv0Ao-00407-00108953-00109186 uh trust describes the characteristics tBEzChfv0Ao-00408-00109188-00109366 of data repositories that are tBEzChfv0Ao-00409-00109367-00109595 responsible for storing data over a long tBEzChfv0Ao-00410-00109596-00109865 period of time these characteristics are tBEzChfv0Ao-00411-00109866-00110177 transparency responsibility user Focus tBEzChfv0Ao-00412-00110178-00110557 sustainability and Technology tBEzChfv0Ao-00413-00110558-00110760 foreign tBEzChfv0Ao-00414-00110761-00111097 tips for defining fair and trustworthy tBEzChfv0Ao-00415-00111098-00111365 repositories you want to look for a tBEzChfv0Ao-00416-00111366-00111607 defined policy or terms of use tBEzChfv0Ao-00417-00111608-00111934 citation creation if they're using tBEzChfv0Ao-00418-00111935-00112199 persistent identifiers such as DOI tBEzChfv0Ao-00419-00112200-00112463 another type of persistent identifier tBEzChfv0Ao-00420-00112464-00112715 that you may hear about is also called tBEzChfv0Ao-00421-00112716-00112843 handle tBEzChfv0Ao-00422-00112844-00113190 for example a lot of d space instances tBEzChfv0Ao-00423-00113191-00113501 for institutional repositories we'll use tBEzChfv0Ao-00424-00113502-00113849 a handle instead of a DOI they are both tBEzChfv0Ao-00425-00113850-00114202 persistent identifiers and equally good tBEzChfv0Ao-00426-00114203-00114371 options tBEzChfv0Ao-00427-00114372-00114557 uh you want to make sure that there are tBEzChfv0Ao-00428-00114558-00114857 standard metadata access controls are tBEzChfv0Ao-00429-00114858-00114949 available tBEzChfv0Ao-00430-00114950-00115325 licensing options so some data some tBEzChfv0Ao-00431-00115326-00115495 research data tBEzChfv0Ao-00432-00115496-00115733 repositories will let you choose a tBEzChfv0Ao-00433-00115733-00115931 licensing option and there are a few tBEzChfv0Ao-00434-00115932-00116352 that will say anything deposited in our tBEzChfv0Ao-00435-00116353-00116669 repository has to have like a create a tBEzChfv0Ao-00436-00116670-00116916 common zero license which means that tBEzChfv0Ao-00437-00116917-00117184 anyone can access and use reuse your tBEzChfv0Ao-00438-00117185-00117413 data for any reason so it is important tBEzChfv0Ao-00439-00117414-00117671 to take a look at what licensing options tBEzChfv0Ao-00440-00117672-00117928 are available for the repositories that tBEzChfv0Ao-00441-00117929-00118054 you're interested in tBEzChfv0Ao-00442-00118055-00118384 and they also include metrics and the tBEzChfv0Ao-00443-00118385-00118666 ability to index the data tBEzChfv0Ao-00444-00118667-00119243 um to assist with discovery tBEzChfv0Ao-00445-00119244-00119465 other considerations that I wanted to tBEzChfv0Ao-00446-00119466-00119621 talk more about tBEzChfv0Ao-00447-00119622-00120040 um but this is still a very new area for tBEzChfv0Ao-00448-00120041-00120358 a lot of people is sensitive data which tBEzChfv0Ao-00449-00120359-00120599 includes personally identifiable data tBEzChfv0Ao-00450-00120600-00120995 indigenous data and Health Data a lot of tBEzChfv0Ao-00451-00120996-00121289 the data repositories that exist right tBEzChfv0Ao-00452-00121290-00121558 now are not capable of handling tBEzChfv0Ao-00453-00121559-00121858 sensitive data so you would be tBEzChfv0Ao-00454-00121859-00122099 responsible for de-identifying the data tBEzChfv0Ao-00455-00122100-00122549 before it is added to the repository and tBEzChfv0Ao-00456-00122550-00122731 again this is something that is tBEzChfv0Ao-00457-00122732-00123107 currently really big in the research tBEzChfv0Ao-00458-00123108-00123352 data management community and a lot of tBEzChfv0Ao-00459-00123353-00123539 people and a lot of working groups have tBEzChfv0Ao-00460-00123540-00123731 been struck to try and identify tBEzChfv0Ao-00461-00123732-00124078 solutions for sensitive data tBEzChfv0Ao-00462-00124079-00124265 um qualitative data is also another tBEzChfv0Ao-00463-00124266-00124715 consideration a lot of the current and tBEzChfv0Ao-00464-00124716-00125015 older data repositories are designed to tBEzChfv0Ao-00465-00125016-00125207 work really well with quantitative data tBEzChfv0Ao-00466-00125208-00125381 it doesn't mean that you can't put tBEzChfv0Ao-00467-00125382-00125645 qualitative data in it but you just also tBEzChfv0Ao-00468-00125646-00125902 need to be more careful of sensitive tBEzChfv0Ao-00469-00125903-00126004 data when you're working with tBEzChfv0Ao-00470-00126005-00126595 qualitative data as well tBEzChfv0Ao-00471-00126596-00126893 when you're depositing your data within tBEzChfv0Ao-00472-00126894-00127084 a resource data repository the tBEzChfv0Ao-00473-00127085-00127421 repository will outline what you what tBEzChfv0Ao-00474-00127422-00127625 your data should deposit should include tBEzChfv0Ao-00475-00127626-00127978 in general you want your data deposit to tBEzChfv0Ao-00476-00127979-00128249 include the data itself but you want to tBEzChfv0Ao-00477-00128250-00128428 make sure that the files will be stored tBEzChfv0Ao-00478-00128429-00128639 in widely adopted well-documented and tBEzChfv0Ao-00479-00128640-00128908 non-proprietary formats so an example tBEzChfv0Ao-00480-00128909-00129328 would be if you are using an Excel tBEzChfv0Ao-00481-00129329-00129695 spreadsheet to work on your data that tBEzChfv0Ao-00482-00129696-00129958 the expel the Excel spreadsheet would be tBEzChfv0Ao-00483-00129959-00130307 a proprietary data form format so you tBEzChfv0Ao-00484-00130308-00130540 would want to convert your data into a tBEzChfv0Ao-00485-00130541-00130823 CSV or a text file tBEzChfv0Ao-00486-00130824-00131152 uh there's also a lot more examples of tBEzChfv0Ao-00487-00131153-00131345 that too like with Word documents and tBEzChfv0Ao-00488-00131346-00131447 then tBEzChfv0Ao-00489-00131448-00131675 um the word file being the proprietary tBEzChfv0Ao-00490-00131676-00131914 even tBEzChfv0Ao-00491-00131915-00132161 there's even become a lot of issues with tBEzChfv0Ao-00492-00132162-00132413 PDFs and pdfas tBEzChfv0Ao-00493-00132414-00132683 um being a proprietary format tBEzChfv0Ao-00494-00132684-00132985 um so it's always best practice to tBEzChfv0Ao-00495-00132986-00133283 have different your data available in tBEzChfv0Ao-00496-00133284-00133475 different formats tBEzChfv0Ao-00497-00133476-00133607 you want to make sure that your tBEzChfv0Ao-00498-00133608-00133925 documentation is well developed you want tBEzChfv0Ao-00499-00133926-00134183 to have code books user guides and tBEzChfv0Ao-00500-00134184-00134387 readme files to help users understand tBEzChfv0Ao-00501-00134388-00134789 and be able to reuse your data correctly tBEzChfv0Ao-00502-00134790-00135035 and you want to make sure that there is tBEzChfv0Ao-00503-00135036-00135269 good descriptive metadata so that it tBEzChfv0Ao-00504-00135270-00135535 will help people find and use your data tBEzChfv0Ao-00505-00135536-00135754 this information is required to tBEzChfv0Ao-00506-00135755-00136078 understand the data and use the data to tBEzChfv0Ao-00507-00136079-00136337 create citations on the project scope tBEzChfv0Ao-00508-00136338-00136747 and terms use licensing information tBEzChfv0Ao-00509-00136748-00137075 a lot of the Librarians are here at all tBEzChfv0Ao-00510-00137076-00137357 of your institutions are here to help tBEzChfv0Ao-00511-00137358-00137578 you with the descriptive metadata so if tBEzChfv0Ao-00512-00137579-00137752 you find that you need assistance in tBEzChfv0Ao-00513-00137753-00137987 this area please feel free to contact tBEzChfv0Ao-00514-00137988-00138185 your library your resource data tBEzChfv0Ao-00515-00138186-00138497 management librarian or the the general tBEzChfv0Ao-00516-00138498-00138664 library to find out who you should be tBEzChfv0Ao-00517-00138665-00138916 talking to and I do have a slide further tBEzChfv0Ao-00518-00138917-00139247 down on how you can find these tBEzChfv0Ao-00519-00139248-00139378 appropriate people at your own tBEzChfv0Ao-00520-00139379-00139516 institutions tBEzChfv0Ao-00521-00139517-00139837 foreign tBEzChfv0Ao-00522-00139838-00140128 that being said there are a couple tBEzChfv0Ao-00523-00140129-00140345 different types of data repositories tBEzChfv0Ao-00524-00140346-00140590 that I want to focus on tBEzChfv0Ao-00525-00140591-00141185 um the first one is dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00526-00141186-00141364 and the reason why I'm focusing on tBEzChfv0Ao-00527-00141365-00141701 dataverse is that a large portion of tBEzChfv0Ao-00528-00141702-00141989 attendees at this event are from tBEzChfv0Ao-00529-00141990-00142277 institutions that are using a dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00530-00142278-00142571 data Repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00531-00142572-00142877 uh what is dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00532-00142878-00143104 dataverse is built with open source tBEzChfv0Ao-00533-00143105-00143369 software and allows users to share data tBEzChfv0Ao-00534-00143370-00143675 openly it has tools to allow users to tBEzChfv0Ao-00535-00143676-00143897 visualize and explore data to explore tBEzChfv0Ao-00536-00143898-00144071 summaries and visualizations of tBEzChfv0Ao-00537-00144072-00144323 variables within a data set tBEzChfv0Ao-00538-00144324-00144611 all within the web browser dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00539-00144612-00144863 supports the creation of custom terms of tBEzChfv0Ao-00540-00144864-00145054 use and restrictions in order to control tBEzChfv0Ao-00541-00145055-00145343 access to research data it facilitates tBEzChfv0Ao-00542-00145344-00145595 long-term access persistent identifiers tBEzChfv0Ao-00543-00145596-00145816 and preservation by storing a backup tBEzChfv0Ao-00544-00145817-00146159 copy for safekeeping by depositing in tBEzChfv0Ao-00545-00146160-00146340 dataverse researchers can receive tBEzChfv0Ao-00546-00146341-00146614 academic credit credit and recognition tBEzChfv0Ao-00547-00146615-00146807 by making data more discoverable to the tBEzChfv0Ao-00548-00146808-00147077 research Community users can collaborate tBEzChfv0Ao-00549-00147078-00147340 in teams and track changes as dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00550-00147341-00147539 provides increased user control over tBEzChfv0Ao-00551-00147540-00148235 managing changes to a project tBEzChfv0Ao-00552-00148236-00148547 so the question is who uses dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00553-00148548-00148751 and I actually find this a very tBEzChfv0Ao-00554-00148752-00148966 interesting question because I've given tBEzChfv0Ao-00555-00148967-00149183 a similar presentation for the past tBEzChfv0Ao-00556-00149184-00149363 three years tBEzChfv0Ao-00557-00149364-00149663 and every time I go to the dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00558-00149664-00149843 metric website tBEzChfv0Ao-00559-00149844-00150202 the most popular subject area that uses tBEzChfv0Ao-00560-00150203-00150437 dataverse has changed tBEzChfv0Ao-00561-00150438-00150814 so in 2011 the most popular field that tBEzChfv0Ao-00562-00150815-00151013 use dataverse was medicine health and tBEzChfv0Ao-00563-00151014-00151349 Life Sciences in 2020 it was genetic tBEzChfv0Ao-00564-00151350-00151654 resources and in 2019 it is social tBEzChfv0Ao-00565-00151655-00151943 sciences so you can see that tBEzChfv0Ao-00566-00151944-00152225 pretty much every discipline uses tBEzChfv0Ao-00567-00152226-00152563 dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00568-00152564-00152909 and I also wanted to throw in some more tBEzChfv0Ao-00569-00152910-00153143 statistics as well tBEzChfv0Ao-00570-00153144-00153461 um so we have medicine in 2021 we have tBEzChfv0Ao-00571-00153462-00153690 medicine and Health Sciences at 55 tBEzChfv0Ao-00572-00153691-00154066 social sciences at 18 Arts and tBEzChfv0Ao-00573-00154067-00154271 Humanities at nine percent Earth tBEzChfv0Ao-00574-00154272-00154654 environmental Sciences at 5.5 law which tBEzChfv0Ao-00575-00154655-00154816 is a new one because it hadn't appeared tBEzChfv0Ao-00576-00154817-00155116 in the previous years at 2.6 tBEzChfv0Ao-00577-00155117-00155321 um Agricultural Science computer and tBEzChfv0Ao-00578-00155322-00155519 information engineering physics tBEzChfv0Ao-00579-00155520-00155740 chemistry tBEzChfv0Ao-00580-00155741-00156004 uh the other really interesting thing to tBEzChfv0Ao-00581-00156005-00156190 come out of this is that I also have tBEzChfv0Ao-00582-00156191-00156401 some back numbers from previous years so tBEzChfv0Ao-00583-00156402-00156581 you can really see how these have tBEzChfv0Ao-00584-00156582-00156899 changed so although social sciences in tBEzChfv0Ao-00585-00156900-00157037 2020 tBEzChfv0Ao-00586-00157038-00157366 um had 18 and oh it's still 18 this year tBEzChfv0Ao-00587-00157367-00157697 but they had 22.8 tBEzChfv0Ao-00588-00157698-00158002 000 data sets in 2020 and this year they tBEzChfv0Ao-00589-00158003-00158243 have increased it by almost 10 000 data tBEzChfv0Ao-00590-00158244-00158428 sets to 33.2 tBEzChfv0Ao-00591-00158429-00158633 so I'm not going to go into too much of tBEzChfv0Ao-00592-00158634-00158825 these details but if it's interesting to tBEzChfv0Ao-00593-00158826-00159059 you I put it in the slides and you can tBEzChfv0Ao-00594-00159060-00159421 take a look at it yourself after tBEzChfv0Ao-00595-00159422-00159713 Margaret this is Erin sorry to interrupt tBEzChfv0Ao-00596-00159714-00159851 um can I just ask a quick question are tBEzChfv0Ao-00597-00159852-00160078 those metrics for uh dataverse in Canada tBEzChfv0Ao-00598-00160079-00160307 or for internationally tBEzChfv0Ao-00599-00160308-00160516 uh that's a very good question I did get tBEzChfv0Ao-00600-00160517-00160745 this from the Harvard dataverse site so tBEzChfv0Ao-00601-00160746-00161159 it is the statistics for dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00602-00161160-00161431 um across the world and I believe that tBEzChfv0Ao-00603-00161432-00161831 dataverse on the Harvard site uses these tBEzChfv0Ao-00604-00161832-00162131 metrics from and harvest them from other tBEzChfv0Ao-00605-00162132-00162407 dataverse institutions does that sound tBEzChfv0Ao-00606-00162408-00162611 right to you Aaron tBEzChfv0Ao-00607-00162612-00162790 yes tBEzChfv0Ao-00608-00162791-00163216 thanks tBEzChfv0Ao-00609-00163217-00163378 I do want to talk a little bit about tBEzChfv0Ao-00610-00163379-00163595 dataverse terminology because if you're tBEzChfv0Ao-00611-00163596-00163811 one of those institutions that are using tBEzChfv0Ao-00612-00163812-00164087 dataverse the terminology is the most tBEzChfv0Ao-00613-00164088-00164543 confusing part tBEzChfv0Ao-00614-00164544-00164728 so tBEzChfv0Ao-00615-00164729-00164981 you will hear the word dataverse all the tBEzChfv0Ao-00616-00164982-00165154 time so that's why I kind of came up tBEzChfv0Ao-00617-00165155-00165335 with this title dataverse versus tBEzChfv0Ao-00618-00165336-00165490 dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00619-00165491-00165766 so we have the deja first project which tBEzChfv0Ao-00620-00165767-00166001 is the open source software created at tBEzChfv0Ao-00621-00166002-00166325 Harvest Harvard University tBEzChfv0Ao-00622-00166326-00166661 and then inside dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00623-00166662-00166883 which is the software you have tBEzChfv0Ao-00624-00166884-00167681 collections also called a dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00625-00167682-00168011 so let's use Scholars portal dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00626-00168012-00168202 as an example tBEzChfv0Ao-00627-00168203-00168269 um tBEzChfv0Ao-00628-00168270-00168671 Scholars portal is Ontario's tBEzChfv0Ao-00629-00168672-00169019 um tBEzChfv0Ao-00630-00169020-00169193 of course I'm going to draw a blank but tBEzChfv0Ao-00631-00169194-00169519 it's Ontario's Association of University tBEzChfv0Ao-00632-00169520-00169937 libraries have come together to develop tBEzChfv0Ao-00633-00169938-00170328 their own Technology Group to support tBEzChfv0Ao-00634-00170329-00170573 Technologies within their institutions tBEzChfv0Ao-00635-00170574-00170849 instead of replicating all of the tBEzChfv0Ao-00636-00170850-00171151 technological tBEzChfv0Ao-00637-00171152-00171413 requirements at every single institution tBEzChfv0Ao-00638-00171414-00171713 so we have Scholars portal which has a tBEzChfv0Ao-00639-00171714-00171899 dataverse and that dataverse is a tBEzChfv0Ao-00640-00171900-00172102 software and it's also the name of the tBEzChfv0Ao-00641-00172103-00172385 website tBEzChfv0Ao-00642-00172386-00172643 and we also have dataverses within tBEzChfv0Ao-00643-00172644-00172864 Scholars portal dataverse so we have tBEzChfv0Ao-00644-00172865-00173063 Cape Bracken University dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00645-00173064-00173309 Dalhousie University dataverse Memorial tBEzChfv0Ao-00646-00173310-00173711 University dataverse and stfx dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00647-00173712-00173981 and this is why it gets really confusing tBEzChfv0Ao-00648-00173982-00174293 because all of these dataverses exist tBEzChfv0Ao-00649-00174294-00174797 Within Scholars portal dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00650-00174798-00175559 and versus dataverse again tBEzChfv0Ao-00651-00175560-00175799 so data versus themselves can have more tBEzChfv0Ao-00652-00175800-00175985 dataverses so Kate Bracken University tBEzChfv0Ao-00653-00175986-00176285 can have a research project or team tBEzChfv0Ao-00654-00176286-00176525 dataverse number one uh number two and tBEzChfv0Ao-00655-00176526-00176723 number three tBEzChfv0Ao-00656-00176724-00177052 um to number n Memorial University can tBEzChfv0Ao-00657-00177053-00177604 also have sub data versus tBEzChfv0Ao-00658-00177605-00177845 to recap I try thinking about it like tBEzChfv0Ao-00659-00177846-00178104 this you have dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00660-00178105-00178366 dataverse dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00661-00178367-00178643 or you can consider it the software name tBEzChfv0Ao-00662-00178644-00178937 or the website the collection and then tBEzChfv0Ao-00663-00178938-00179254 the sub collection tBEzChfv0Ao-00664-00179255-00179754 that all have the same name tBEzChfv0Ao-00665-00179755-00180109 and this is the official diagram that tBEzChfv0Ao-00666-00180110-00180433 dataverse has on their website so tBEzChfv0Ao-00667-00180434-00180688 dataverse is a container for data sets tBEzChfv0Ao-00668-00180689-00180935 and or additional dataverses so it's tBEzChfv0Ao-00669-00180936-00181247 container for a data set or dataverse as tBEzChfv0Ao-00670-00181248-00181433 a sub collection tBEzChfv0Ao-00671-00181434-00181619 um the data set is the container for tBEzChfv0Ao-00672-00181620-00182531 your data documentation and code tBEzChfv0Ao-00673-00182532-00182987 so more about Scholars portal dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00674-00182988-00183119 um tBEzChfv0Ao-00675-00183120-00183352 some features include tBEzChfv0Ao-00676-00183353-00183599 Canadian hosting Scholars portal tBEzChfv0Ao-00677-00183600-00183887 dataverse is completely hosted on tBEzChfv0Ao-00678-00183888-00184090 servers at the University of Toronto tBEzChfv0Ao-00679-00184091-00184204 libraries tBEzChfv0Ao-00680-00184205-00184601 they have visualization tools available tBEzChfv0Ao-00681-00184602-00184751 for tBEzChfv0Ao-00682-00184752-00185057 looking at tabular data files and it tBEzChfv0Ao-00683-00185058-00185225 allows you to explore the full list of tBEzChfv0Ao-00684-00185226-00185416 variables conveniently through your web tBEzChfv0Ao-00685-00185417-00185740 browser without any extra software tBEzChfv0Ao-00686-00185741-00186011 it provides persistent identifiers to tBEzChfv0Ao-00687-00186012-00186161 help increase the impact of your tBEzChfv0Ao-00688-00186162-00186419 research dataverse assigns digital tBEzChfv0Ao-00689-00186420-00186731 object identifiers or dois provided tBEzChfv0Ao-00690-00186732-00186940 through data site Canada to your tBEzChfv0Ao-00691-00186941-00187133 research data tBEzChfv0Ao-00692-00187134-00187409 Scholars portal dataverse is tBEzChfv0Ao-00693-00187410-00187697 discoverable and it feeds into the share tBEzChfv0Ao-00694-00187698-00187883 notification system to increase tBEzChfv0Ao-00695-00187884-00188147 discoverability of your data set and tBEzChfv0Ao-00696-00188148-00188387 dataverse also connects with orcid tBEzChfv0Ao-00697-00188388-00188621 identifiers to link your data to your tBEzChfv0Ao-00698-00188622-00188878 online scholarly record tBEzChfv0Ao-00699-00188879-00189095 data versus bilingual so it's available tBEzChfv0Ao-00700-00189096-00189299 I'm sorry Scholars portal data versus tBEzChfv0Ao-00701-00189300-00189473 filing also it's available in both tBEzChfv0Ao-00702-00189474-00189916 English and French and it's also tBEzChfv0Ao-00703-00189917-00190102 um tBEzChfv0Ao-00704-00190103-00190366 it also is used for many institutional tBEzChfv0Ao-00705-00190367-00190661 dataverses so many data many tBEzChfv0Ao-00706-00190662-00190925 institutions are across Canada use tBEzChfv0Ao-00707-00190926-00191152 dataverse as their institutional data tBEzChfv0Ao-00708-00191153-00191314 repository sorry they use Scholars tBEzChfv0Ao-00709-00191315-00191476 portal dataverse is our institutional tBEzChfv0Ao-00710-00191477-00191771 repository so dataverse is Scholars tBEzChfv0Ao-00711-00191772-00192016 Porter data dataverse is free to you as tBEzChfv0Ao-00712-00192017-00192257 a researcher if you are at a tBEzChfv0Ao-00713-00192258-00192571 participating Institution tBEzChfv0Ao-00714-00192572-00192887 one major flaw of dataverse is that it tBEzChfv0Ao-00715-00192888-00193193 cannot hold confidential private or tBEzChfv0Ao-00716-00193194-00193409 other legally protected information such tBEzChfv0Ao-00717-00193410-00193693 as personally identifiable information tBEzChfv0Ao-00718-00193694-00194087 possibly indigenous data and definitely tBEzChfv0Ao-00719-00194088-00194369 Health Data if there's any personal tBEzChfv0Ao-00720-00194370-00194938 identified information in it tBEzChfv0Ao-00721-00194939-00195361 so I went through the list of all of the tBEzChfv0Ao-00722-00195362-00195652 universities that use the scholars tBEzChfv0Ao-00723-00195653-00195847 portal dataverse and I compared it to tBEzChfv0Ao-00724-00195848-00196109 attendees who signed up to attend this tBEzChfv0Ao-00725-00196110-00196385 presentation so I just want to highlight tBEzChfv0Ao-00726-00196386-00196757 that in the call institutions we have tBEzChfv0Ao-00727-00196758-00197009 Cape Breton University Dalhousie tBEzChfv0Ao-00728-00197010-00197338 University Memorial University St Mary's tBEzChfv0Ao-00729-00197339-00197566 and Saint effects tBEzChfv0Ao-00730-00197567-00197699 um some other people who are attending tBEzChfv0Ao-00731-00197700-00197921 we have Concordia McGill mcgap Master tBEzChfv0Ao-00732-00197922-00198178 Ontario Tech University Polytechnic tBEzChfv0Ao-00733-00198179-00198485 Montreal Queens University university of tBEzChfv0Ao-00734-00198486-00198875 Laval UBC U of Calgary Guelph Toronto tBEzChfv0Ao-00735-00198876-00199643 Victoria and York University tBEzChfv0Ao-00736-00199644-00200038 another data repository is the Federated tBEzChfv0Ao-00737-00200039-00200333 research data repository or further tBEzChfv0Ao-00738-00200334-00200699 so this is a national repository and tBEzChfv0Ao-00739-00200700-00201202 it's available for any researcher at a tBEzChfv0Ao-00740-00201203-00201959 affiliated with a university in Canada tBEzChfv0Ao-00741-00201960-00202349 um so there is a further was developed tBEzChfv0Ao-00742-00202350-00202583 with a collaboration between Portage tBEzChfv0Ao-00743-00202584-00202775 compute Canada and the Canadian tBEzChfv0Ao-00744-00202776-00203014 Association of research libraries tBEzChfv0Ao-00745-00203015-00203219 it is a single platform for which tBEzChfv0Ao-00746-00203220-00203404 Canadian research can be ingested tBEzChfv0Ao-00747-00203405-00203704 curated preserved discovered cited and tBEzChfv0Ao-00748-00203705-00204299 shared tBEzChfv0Ao-00749-00204300-00204526 if you are a depositor tBEzChfv0Ao-00750-00204527-00204814 you would want to look at further if tBEzChfv0Ao-00751-00204815-00204994 your institution doesn't have a tBEzChfv0Ao-00752-00204996-00205282 dataverse or if your file sizes are tBEzChfv0Ao-00753-00205283-00205523 greater than 2.5 gigabytes tBEzChfv0Ao-00754-00205523-00205696 so in dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00755-00205698-00206123 you are limited to a two each file has tBEzChfv0Ao-00756-00206123-00206627 to be less than 2.5 gigabytes tBEzChfv0Ao-00757-00206628-00206866 you are a data Seeker you want to use tBEzChfv0Ao-00758-00206867-00207257 further if you want to search all data tBEzChfv0Ao-00759-00207258-00207538 in Canadian data repositories further tBEzChfv0Ao-00760-00207539-00207840 not only stores data for tBEzChfv0Ao-00761-00207841-00208121 researchers it also tBEzChfv0Ao-00762-00208121-00208273 um tBEzChfv0Ao-00763-00208273-00208588 collects all of the metadata in Canadian tBEzChfv0Ao-00764-00208589-00208823 data repositories to provide one place tBEzChfv0Ao-00765-00208823-00209207 to search and find all data tBEzChfv0Ao-00766-00209208-00209596 available in Canada tBEzChfv0Ao-00767-00209598-00209879 some other Canadian data repositories I tBEzChfv0Ao-00768-00209880-00210148 did just focus on call institutions for tBEzChfv0Ao-00769-00210150-00210455 this slide is the University of New tBEzChfv0Ao-00770-00210456-00210701 Brunswick uses dataverse but they use a tBEzChfv0Ao-00771-00210702-00210898 self-hosted version and not Scholars tBEzChfv0Ao-00772-00210900-00211139 portal and the University of Prince West tBEzChfv0Ao-00773-00211140-00211481 Prince Edward Island is using an tBEzChfv0Ao-00774-00211482-00211853 islandora variety for a research data tBEzChfv0Ao-00775-00211854-00212082 Repository tBEzChfv0Ao-00776-00212083-00212413 foreign tBEzChfv0Ao-00777-00212414-00212669 just a little comparison chart so that tBEzChfv0Ao-00778-00212669-00212992 we can see more information about all of tBEzChfv0Ao-00779-00212994-00213251 these repositories tBEzChfv0Ao-00780-00213252-00213491 um you're in your University dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00781-00213492-00213760 will have no cost to you as the tBEzChfv0Ao-00782-00213761-00214067 researcher or the user there is the 2.5 tBEzChfv0Ao-00783-00214067-00214396 gigabytes per file limit but you cannot tBEzChfv0Ao-00784-00214398-00214751 you can upload multiple files tBEzChfv0Ao-00785-00214752-00215032 and if you're working with tBEzChfv0Ao-00786-00215033-00215417 um just text files or just numeric data tBEzChfv0Ao-00787-00215417-00215723 you likely will not encounter that 2.5 tBEzChfv0Ao-00788-00215723-00216042 gigabyte per file limit tBEzChfv0Ao-00789-00216044-00216298 is free for researchers affiliated with tBEzChfv0Ao-00790-00216300-00216587 the Canadian institution if you don't tBEzChfv0Ao-00791-00216588-00216863 know whether to use uh your local tBEzChfv0Ao-00792-00216864-00217019 University tBEzChfv0Ao-00793-00217019-00217282 um data repository or further tBEzChfv0Ao-00794-00217283-00217463 um a great option would be to talk to tBEzChfv0Ao-00795-00217464-00217648 the appropriate librarian at your tBEzChfv0Ao-00796-00217650-00217853 institution and they should be tBEzChfv0Ao-00797-00217854-00218092 knowledgeable enough to provide you with tBEzChfv0Ao-00798-00218094-00218471 advice or if they are still learning tBEzChfv0Ao-00799-00218471-00218596 about the research data management tBEzChfv0Ao-00800-00218598-00218867 process they will be familiar with tBEzChfv0Ao-00801-00218867-00219101 people that they can ask and help tBEzChfv0Ao-00802-00219102-00219269 provide you with the information you tBEzChfv0Ao-00803-00219269-00219442 need tBEzChfv0Ao-00804-00219444-00219575 um some of the tBEzChfv0Ao-00805-00219576-00219658 um tBEzChfv0Ao-00806-00219659-00219977 other services such as dryad fig share tBEzChfv0Ao-00807-00219978-00220169 and zenodo tBEzChfv0Ao-00808-00220169-00220463 um have fee systems tBEzChfv0Ao-00809-00220464-00220625 or tBEzChfv0Ao-00810-00220626-00220973 uh yeah they a lot of these they have to tBEzChfv0Ao-00811-00220973-00221105 make money somewhere so they either tBEzChfv0Ao-00812-00221106-00221273 charge fees tBEzChfv0Ao-00813-00221273-00221458 um I believe when I re-looked at Triad tBEzChfv0Ao-00814-00221459-00221794 they may not charge fees for if you are tBEzChfv0Ao-00815-00221796-00221956 participating at a participating tBEzChfv0Ao-00816-00221957-00222142 institution which I believe were mainly tBEzChfv0Ao-00817-00222144-00222455 American or if you were depositing data tBEzChfv0Ao-00818-00222456-00222748 that was related to a journal for a tBEzChfv0Ao-00819-00222750-00223042 particular publication tBEzChfv0Ao-00820-00223044-00223306 um fake share allows you to deposit tBEzChfv0Ao-00821-00223307-00223360 um tBEzChfv0Ao-00822-00223361-00223751 one gig of data for no cost tBEzChfv0Ao-00823-00223752-00223979 and each individual file can be no tBEzChfv0Ao-00824-00223980-00224237 larger than 250 megabytes for the no tBEzChfv0Ao-00825-00224238-00224531 cost option and then they begin to tBEzChfv0Ao-00826-00224532-00224855 charge fees to be able to sustain the tBEzChfv0Ao-00827-00224856-00225082 service tBEzChfv0Ao-00828-00225083-00225419 uh zenodo has no fees and they do have a tBEzChfv0Ao-00829-00225419-00225798 50 gigabyte per data set limit they do tBEzChfv0Ao-00830-00225800-00226079 encourage donations towards tBEzChfv0Ao-00831-00226080-00226451 sustainability of their service tBEzChfv0Ao-00832-00226452-00226801 foreign tBEzChfv0Ao-00833-00226802-00227113 data repositories is tBEzChfv0Ao-00834-00227114-00227513 33data.org it provides a comprehensive tBEzChfv0Ao-00835-00227514-00227758 database of research data repositories tBEzChfv0Ao-00836-00227759-00228034 across the world and you can search or tBEzChfv0Ao-00837-00228035-00228334 Browse by subject area by geographic tBEzChfv0Ao-00838-00228335-00228605 location by licensing Rules by a lot of tBEzChfv0Ao-00839-00228606-00229146 the things that we talked about today tBEzChfv0Ao-00840-00229148-00229421 so I'm going to quickly go over how you tBEzChfv0Ao-00841-00229421-00229751 can find your RDM contact tBEzChfv0Ao-00842-00229752-00230092 at Acadia University they do not have tBEzChfv0Ao-00843-00230094-00230273 their own data repository but they tBEzChfv0Ao-00844-00230273-00230513 recommend that they're at the moment tBEzChfv0Ao-00845-00230514-00230717 it's possible they will in the future I tBEzChfv0Ao-00846-00230717-00230915 apologize I didn't ask that so I haven't tBEzChfv0Ao-00847-00230916-00231010 clarified tBEzChfv0Ao-00848-00231011-00231137 um but they recommend that their tBEzChfv0Ao-00849-00231138-00231346 researchers use further tBEzChfv0Ao-00850-00231348-00231658 um their RDM contact is Mike Beasley tBEzChfv0Ao-00851-00231659-00231917 Cape Breton University uses Scholars tBEzChfv0Ao-00852-00231917-00232175 portal dataverse and the RDM contact is tBEzChfv0Ao-00853-00232176-00232321 Jasmine Hoover tBEzChfv0Ao-00854-00232321-00232519 Dalhousie University tBEzChfv0Ao-00855-00232519-00232823 uses Scholars portal dataverse and they tBEzChfv0Ao-00856-00232823-00233092 have an RDM team that share an email tBEzChfv0Ao-00857-00233094-00233458 address that you can contact tBEzChfv0Ao-00858-00233459-00233782 Memorial University uses Scholars portal tBEzChfv0Ao-00859-00233783-00234029 dataverse and their RDM contact is tBEzChfv0Ao-00860-00234030-00234275 Allison Farrell tBEzChfv0Ao-00861-00234276-00234569 St Mary's University also uses Scholars tBEzChfv0Ao-00862-00234569-00234934 portal dataverse there are DM contact is tBEzChfv0Ao-00863-00234935-00235337 a team of people at St Mary's and tBEzChfv0Ao-00864-00235338-00235601 you can email them directly tBEzChfv0Ao-00865-00235602-00235925 at stfx we also use Scholars portal tBEzChfv0Ao-00866-00235926-00236381 dataverse and I'm the RDM contact tBEzChfv0Ao-00867-00236382-00236627 uh University of New Brunswick hosts tBEzChfv0Ao-00868-00236628-00236825 their own dataverse instance and they tBEzChfv0Ao-00869-00236826-00237196 have an RDM team to manage it University tBEzChfv0Ao-00870-00237198-00237484 of Prince Edward Island uses the island tBEzChfv0Ao-00871-00237485-00237773 Dora research data repository and their tBEzChfv0Ao-00872-00237773-00238141 contact is kimiers tBEzChfv0Ao-00873-00238142-00238444 I have not contacted all of the call tBEzChfv0Ao-00874-00238446-00238739 institutions but the ones that I did we tBEzChfv0Ao-00875-00238740-00238967 have at Mount St Vincent you can contact tBEzChfv0Ao-00876-00238967-00239177 Sanders sawchuck at NOVA scotian tBEzChfv0Ao-00877-00239178-00239471 community college uh Trish LeBlanc at tBEzChfv0Ao-00878-00239471-00239884 University Victoria volcanova tBEzChfv0Ao-00879-00239885-00240173 and Portage Network also maintains a tBEzChfv0Ao-00880-00240173-00240448 list of contacts at universities across tBEzChfv0Ao-00881-00240450-00240706 RDM contacts at universities across tBEzChfv0Ao-00882-00240707-00240875 Canada so if you're not in a call tBEzChfv0Ao-00883-00240876-00241103 institution you can please just take a tBEzChfv0Ao-00884-00241104-00241301 look at this link and find out who you tBEzChfv0Ao-00885-00241302-00241534 should contact at your own tBEzChfv0Ao-00886-00241535-00242219 Institution tBEzChfv0Ao-00887-00242219-00242584 um so let's go through a demo of the tBEzChfv0Ao-00888-00242585-00242782 scholars portal dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00889-00242783-00242944 I'm just going to point out some things tBEzChfv0Ao-00890-00242946-00243263 that you may find interesting and useful tBEzChfv0Ao-00891-00243264-00243448 um when you are tBEzChfv0Ao-00892-00243450-00243706 um looking at data repositories or tBEzChfv0Ao-00893-00243707-00243875 evaluating them tBEzChfv0Ao-00894-00243876-00244084 or if you do want to go ahead and use tBEzChfv0Ao-00895-00244085-00244498 Scholars portal dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00896-00244500-00244865 so this is what the um what a list of tBEzChfv0Ao-00897-00244866-00245182 Scholars portal dataverse looks like tBEzChfv0Ao-00898-00245183-00245401 and if you go directly to their web page tBEzChfv0Ao-00899-00245402-00245765 and you will be given this page and then tBEzChfv0Ao-00900-00245766-00245956 if you click on explore dataverse you tBEzChfv0Ao-00901-00245957-00246125 take into the tBEzChfv0Ao-00902-00246126-00246323 um dataverse for you to browse tBEzChfv0Ao-00903-00246323-00246503 you can also find out more information tBEzChfv0Ao-00904-00246504-00246706 about dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00905-00246707-00246994 explore as I mentioned or search tBEzChfv0Ao-00906-00246996-00247192 dataverse for a specific tBEzChfv0Ao-00907-00247194-00247619 information tBEzChfv0Ao-00908-00247619-00247871 there is a top Banner that shows you all tBEzChfv0Ao-00909-00247871-00248105 of the participating institutions so you tBEzChfv0Ao-00910-00248106-00248315 can scroll through and find your own tBEzChfv0Ao-00911-00248316-00248542 institution or one that you're tBEzChfv0Ao-00912-00248544-00248819 particularly interested in you can again tBEzChfv0Ao-00913-00248819-00248965 you can search tBEzChfv0Ao-00914-00248966-00249239 this is a search for this dataverse so tBEzChfv0Ao-00915-00249240-00249431 that since we're at the top level it tBEzChfv0Ao-00916-00249432-00249634 will search all of tBEzChfv0Ao-00917-00249635-00249881 the date of all of the content in the tBEzChfv0Ao-00918-00249882-00250060 entirety of Scholars portal dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00919-00250061-00250241 however if you were on a lower level tBEzChfv0Ao-00920-00250242-00250403 such as looking at Cape Breton tBEzChfv0Ao-00921-00250404-00250637 University's dataverse you would search tBEzChfv0Ao-00922-00250638-00250955 from that level and below tBEzChfv0Ao-00923-00250956-00251165 there is an advanced search feature tBEzChfv0Ao-00924-00251166-00251429 which allows you to fill in more tBEzChfv0Ao-00925-00251430-00251615 specific information tBEzChfv0Ao-00926-00251616-00251837 there is Filters along the left hand tBEzChfv0Ao-00927-00251838-00252539 side to help you refine your data tBEzChfv0Ao-00928-00252540-00252853 how you can sort based on tBEzChfv0Ao-00929-00252854-00253151 name newest tBEzChfv0Ao-00930-00253152-00253606 oldest you can view metrics so this tBEzChfv0Ao-00931-00253607-00254032 would be when Aaron asked earlier about tBEzChfv0Ao-00932-00254033-00254260 um what my metrics were before these tBEzChfv0Ao-00933-00254261-00254560 metrics are specific to the scholars tBEzChfv0Ao-00934-00254561-00254896 portal dataverse whereas before tBEzChfv0Ao-00935-00254898-00255148 um the metrics were for tBEzChfv0Ao-00936-00255150-00255708 all data versus across the world tBEzChfv0Ao-00937-00255709-00256103 so this data set was taken last year so tBEzChfv0Ao-00938-00256104-00256342 last year you can see that Carlton tBEzChfv0Ao-00939-00256344-00256594 University had the highest number of tBEzChfv0Ao-00940-00256596-00256756 data verses followed by the University tBEzChfv0Ao-00941-00256757-00256931 of Toronto and then the University of tBEzChfv0Ao-00942-00256932-00257203 British Columbia tBEzChfv0Ao-00943-00257204-00257591 uh University of Toronto had the largest tBEzChfv0Ao-00944-00257592-00257873 amount of disk space used at 650 tBEzChfv0Ao-00945-00257873-00258275 gigabytes followed by Carlton University tBEzChfv0Ao-00946-00258276-00258592 um between 550 to 600 gigabytes tBEzChfv0Ao-00947-00258594-00258827 it also shows you you can also see like tBEzChfv0Ao-00948-00258828-00259175 what file types are in the repository so tBEzChfv0Ao-00949-00259176-00259408 here we can see that we have text is the tBEzChfv0Ao-00950-00259409-00259632 biggest proportion followed by PDF tBEzChfv0Ao-00951-00259633-00259984 applications images video zip files tBEzChfv0Ao-00952-00259985-00260339 Excel tBEzChfv0Ao-00953-00260340-00260548 and then we can also see a breakdown of tBEzChfv0Ao-00954-00260550-00260675 categories tBEzChfv0Ao-00955-00260676-00260944 so in the scholars portal dataverse last tBEzChfv0Ao-00956-00260946-00261058 year tBEzChfv0Ao-00957-00261059-00261473 um 42 of categories subjects used was tBEzChfv0Ao-00958-00261473-00261892 social sciences tBEzChfv0Ao-00959-00261894-00262115 so now this we are looking at the tBEzChfv0Ao-00960-00262116-00262403 Carlton University dataverse so we're tBEzChfv0Ao-00961-00262404-00262637 thinking about Carleton University as tBEzChfv0Ao-00962-00262638-00262823 being a collection within Scholars tBEzChfv0Ao-00963-00262824-00262906 portal tBEzChfv0Ao-00964-00262907-00263158 we have contact information to contact tBEzChfv0Ao-00965-00263159-00263753 someone at Carleton University tBEzChfv0Ao-00966-00263754-00264010 and we can also see the sub collections tBEzChfv0Ao-00967-00264011-00265363 within Carlton University's dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-00968-00265364-00265619 again I mentioned that you can search tBEzChfv0Ao-00969-00265620-00265829 you're going to search from Carlton if tBEzChfv0Ao-00970-00265830-00265984 you use this search box we will search tBEzChfv0Ao-00971-00265985-00266267 from Carlton University and Below again tBEzChfv0Ao-00972-00266268-00266719 we have filters and sort in the list tBEzChfv0Ao-00973-00266720-00266980 dataverses will be orange so this would tBEzChfv0Ao-00974-00266981-00267310 be a sub collection and data sets are tBEzChfv0Ao-00975-00267311-00267551 blue tBEzChfv0Ao-00976-00267552-00267827 I if you have permission you can add tBEzChfv0Ao-00977-00267828-00268301 data some data Librarians will provide tBEzChfv0Ao-00978-00268302-00268565 direct access tBEzChfv0Ao-00979-00268566-00268889 um for researchers to ingest their own tBEzChfv0Ao-00980-00268890-00269129 data and some tBEzChfv0Ao-00981-00269130-00269434 research data Librarians will provide a tBEzChfv0Ao-00982-00269435-00269608 curation service so it's always best to tBEzChfv0Ao-00983-00269609-00269849 check with the research data library at tBEzChfv0Ao-00984-00269850-00270005 your institution to find out what is tBEzChfv0Ao-00985-00270006-00270460 available tBEzChfv0Ao-00986-00270461-00270610 um there's also custom branding tBEzChfv0Ao-00987-00270611-00270784 available you can provide project tBEzChfv0Ao-00988-00270785-00271006 descriptions and this again is that you tBEzChfv0Ao-00989-00271007-00271199 can search filter and sort tBEzChfv0Ao-00990-00271200-00271415 um within the sub collection of Carlton tBEzChfv0Ao-00991-00271416-00271649 University tBEzChfv0Ao-00992-00271650-00271877 this is what a data set looks like so we tBEzChfv0Ao-00993-00271878-00272143 have the title uh the citation tBEzChfv0Ao-00994-00272144-00272458 each data set can also collect its own tBEzChfv0Ao-00995-00272459-00272795 metrics so if you wanted to know how tBEzChfv0Ao-00996-00272796-00273047 popular your data set is you can come to tBEzChfv0Ao-00997-00273048-00273275 the record for your data set and see tBEzChfv0Ao-00998-00273276-00273629 that it in this case has 15 downloads We tBEzChfv0Ao-00999-00273630-00273869 have description subject keywords tBEzChfv0Ao-01000-00273870-00274145 related publication so if your data is tBEzChfv0Ao-01001-00274146-00274384 related to a published article you can tBEzChfv0Ao-01002-00274385-00274625 add that citation information or link to tBEzChfv0Ao-01003-00274626-00274817 the article tBEzChfv0Ao-01004-00274818-00274979 um and you can see the files that are tBEzChfv0Ao-01005-00274980-00275093 available tBEzChfv0Ao-01006-00275094-00275351 if the data is available in a tabular tBEzChfv0Ao-01007-00275352-00275573 format you can click on explore which tBEzChfv0Ao-01008-00275574-00275815 lets you look through the tabular data tBEzChfv0Ao-01009-00275816-00276034 inside the web browser without tBEzChfv0Ao-01010-00276035-00276287 downloading it to your computer but if tBEzChfv0Ao-01011-00276288-00276484 you wish to download it in other formats tBEzChfv0Ao-01012-00276485-00276808 and that is available as well tBEzChfv0Ao-01013-00276809-00277103 the metadata tab contains more tBEzChfv0Ao-01014-00277104-00277201 information tBEzChfv0Ao-01015-00277202-00277606 and the terms tab will show you the tBEzChfv0Ao-01016-00277607-00277932 rules on reuse of that tBEzChfv0Ao-01017-00277933-00278225 data set so in this case this one is tBEzChfv0Ao-01018-00278226-00278495 using Creative Commons license zero tBEzChfv0Ao-01019-00278496-00278710 which means that anyone can use the data tBEzChfv0Ao-01020-00278711-00278980 for any purpose and they do not have to tBEzChfv0Ao-01021-00278981-00279256 cite your data although citing data is tBEzChfv0Ao-01022-00279257-00279575 always best practice tBEzChfv0Ao-01023-00279576-00279755 this chart is just showing you a quick tBEzChfv0Ao-01024-00279756-00279947 overview of the different types of tBEzChfv0Ao-01025-00279948-00280199 created common licenses so you can see tBEzChfv0Ao-01026-00280200-00280589 that cc0 public domain has permissions tBEzChfv0Ao-01027-00280590-00280847 to copy they don't need to attribute tBEzChfv0Ao-01028-00280848-00281045 they can use it for commercial use they tBEzChfv0Ao-01029-00281046-00281243 can modify your data and they can even tBEzChfv0Ao-01030-00281244-00281465 change the license tBEzChfv0Ao-01031-00281466-00281730 foreign tBEzChfv0Ao-01032-00281731-00281993 dataverse also has the option to collect tBEzChfv0Ao-01033-00281994-00282232 a get to collect information about the tBEzChfv0Ao-01034-00282233-00282491 people using your data so if you if that tBEzChfv0Ao-01035-00282492-00282695 was something you're interested in uh tBEzChfv0Ao-01036-00282696-00282923 you can create a guest book and in the tBEzChfv0Ao-01037-00282924-00283187 guest book you can say what kind of tBEzChfv0Ao-01038-00283188-00283360 information you would like to collect tBEzChfv0Ao-01039-00283361-00283541 from the people downloading it are you tBEzChfv0Ao-01040-00283542-00283841 interested in their institution uh their tBEzChfv0Ao-01041-00283842-00284032 name their email their position you can tBEzChfv0Ao-01042-00284033-00284177 ask them what are they intending to use tBEzChfv0Ao-01043-00284178-00284375 the data for and this could just could tBEzChfv0Ao-01044-00284376-00284591 be useful metrics for yourself if you're tBEzChfv0Ao-01045-00284592-00285010 trying to collect information maybe for tBEzChfv0Ao-01046-00285011-00285077 um tBEzChfv0Ao-01047-00285078-00285629 tenure and promotion tBEzChfv0Ao-01048-00285630-00285856 you can restrict files within dataverse tBEzChfv0Ao-01049-00285857-00286079 but just because a file is restricted tBEzChfv0Ao-01050-00286080-00286439 does not mean that it is a good option tBEzChfv0Ao-01051-00286440-00286660 for your personally identifiable tBEzChfv0Ao-01052-00286661-00286955 information so even if the data is tBEzChfv0Ao-01053-00286956-00287129 restricted it is not necessarily tBEzChfv0Ao-01054-00287130-00287447 protected so please keep that in mind I tBEzChfv0Ao-01055-00287448-00287710 mean protected from tBEzChfv0Ao-01056-00287711-00287932 as in that it's safe to store personally tBEzChfv0Ao-01057-00287933-00288113 identifiable information it's still tBEzChfv0Ao-01058-00288114-00288317 really safe but tBEzChfv0Ao-01059-00288318-00288569 just the rules for personally identified tBEzChfv0Ao-01060-00288570-00288869 information are so strict that you don't tBEzChfv0Ao-01061-00288870-00289055 want to put them in dataverse as it is tBEzChfv0Ao-01062-00289056-00289145 now tBEzChfv0Ao-01063-00289146-00289408 you can also keep track of versions so tBEzChfv0Ao-01064-00289409-00289595 if you update your data a year from now tBEzChfv0Ao-01065-00289596-00289780 or a few weeks from now and you want to tBEzChfv0Ao-01066-00289781-00289984 put in the most latest version of your tBEzChfv0Ao-01067-00289985-00290267 data you have that availability and you tBEzChfv0Ao-01068-00290268-00290495 can even add notes and set new version tBEzChfv0Ao-01069-00290496-00290669 numbers and keep the older versions tBEzChfv0Ao-01070-00290670-00291163 available as well tBEzChfv0Ao-01071-00291164-00291577 it even has a a nice handy tBEzChfv0Ao-01072-00291578-00291827 feature where you can even view the tBEzChfv0Ao-01073-00291828-00291989 differences between your data and what tBEzChfv0Ao-01074-00291990-00292199 you've changed in this case it looks tBEzChfv0Ao-01075-00292200-00292480 like the change was in the description tBEzChfv0Ao-01076-00292481-00292834 metadata so you can see how the metadata tBEzChfv0Ao-01077-00292835-00293321 change between the two versions tBEzChfv0Ao-01078-00293322-00293549 um this is some of my references I have tBEzChfv0Ao-01079-00293550-00293758 to admit that I did not probably get tBEzChfv0Ao-01080-00293759-00293969 them all into the slides so I apologize tBEzChfv0Ao-01081-00293970-00294082 for that tBEzChfv0Ao-01082-00294083-00294227 and tBEzChfv0Ao-01083-00294228-00294406 now I'm ready to take any of your tBEzChfv0Ao-01084-00294407-00294719 questions tBEzChfv0Ao-01085-00294720-00295025 so thank you Margaret for your tBEzChfv0Ao-01086-00295026-00295175 presentation tBEzChfv0Ao-01087-00295176-00295355 um if you have questions for Margaret tBEzChfv0Ao-01088-00295356-00295541 you can type them into the chat panel or tBEzChfv0Ao-01089-00295542-00295739 you can use your your human your real tBEzChfv0Ao-01090-00295740-00295871 voice tBEzChfv0Ao-01091-00295872-00295984 um tBEzChfv0Ao-01092-00295985-00296273 so thanks Margaret I had there was one tBEzChfv0Ao-01093-00296274-00296495 in the chat um I answered part of it but tBEzChfv0Ao-01094-00296496-00296645 I wanted to see if you had anything to tBEzChfv0Ao-01095-00296646-00296777 add tBEzChfv0Ao-01096-00296778-00297034 um oh yes you will get the slides after tBEzChfv0Ao-01097-00297035-00297293 actually the video as well tBEzChfv0Ao-01098-00297294-00297508 um so uh Karen asked is there any value tBEzChfv0Ao-01099-00297509-00297719 or point in depositing in more than one tBEzChfv0Ao-01100-00297720-00297958 repository I did provide a brief answer tBEzChfv0Ao-01101-00297959-00298301 like uh repositories like further index tBEzChfv0Ao-01102-00298302-00298493 data from other repositories so they're tBEzChfv0Ao-01103-00298494-00298708 more discoverable I'm not sure about tBEzChfv0Ao-01104-00298709-00298943 depositing in multiple repositories tBEzChfv0Ao-01105-00298944-00299069 because then you'd get tBEzChfv0Ao-01106-00299070-00299419 two separate persistent identifiers tBEzChfv0Ao-01107-00299420-00299693 yes I don't think there would be any tBEzChfv0Ao-01108-00299694-00299891 reason to deposit in more than one tBEzChfv0Ao-01109-00299892-00300053 repository tBEzChfv0Ao-01110-00300054-00300215 um you would likely just want to spend tBEzChfv0Ao-01111-00300216-00300484 more time up front to decide which is tBEzChfv0Ao-01112-00300485-00300671 the best repository and some of the tBEzChfv0Ao-01113-00300672-00300887 considerations that you would want to tBEzChfv0Ao-01114-00300888-00301027 take into tBEzChfv0Ao-01115-00301028-00301530 consideration is if that repository is tBEzChfv0Ao-01116-00301531-00301793 indexed by tBEzChfv0Ao-01117-00301794-00302080 other repositories so like Aaron tBEzChfv0Ao-01118-00302081-00302363 mentioned further indexes data from tBEzChfv0Ao-01119-00302364-00302543 other data repositories so that they're tBEzChfv0Ao-01120-00302544-00302734 more discoverable tBEzChfv0Ao-01121-00302735-00302999 um I believe that there are more indexes tBEzChfv0Ao-01122-00303000-00303269 in development to find these tBEzChfv0Ao-01123-00303270-00303629 and I think even data is starting to be tBEzChfv0Ao-01124-00303630-00303797 indexed by Google now it's really hard tBEzChfv0Ao-01125-00303798-00304013 to find them through Google but tBEzChfv0Ao-01126-00304014-00304295 it is still possible if you put in your tBEzChfv0Ao-01127-00304296-00304541 exact Citation for it to come up tBEzChfv0Ao-01128-00304542-00304804 but I would not recommend doing it in tBEzChfv0Ao-01129-00304805-00305021 more than one place unless you had a tBEzChfv0Ao-01130-00305022-00305273 specific reason to tBEzChfv0Ao-01131-00305274-00305525 yeah and um Margaret if I can just add tBEzChfv0Ao-01132-00305526-00305729 to that as well um one of the things tBEzChfv0Ao-01133-00305730-00305951 that's great about using a repository tBEzChfv0Ao-01134-00305952-00306113 like dataverse is that you get that tBEzChfv0Ao-01135-00306114-00306317 persistent identifier so if you have a tBEzChfv0Ao-01136-00306318-00306503 researcher profile like Orchid or tBEzChfv0Ao-01137-00306504-00306641 something like that you can put it in tBEzChfv0Ao-01138-00306642-00306851 there and promote it and really kind of tBEzChfv0Ao-01139-00306852-00307025 get it out there tBEzChfv0Ao-01140-00307026-00307253 um that way and it will link back to tBEzChfv0Ao-01141-00307254-00307529 dataverse and so downloads you'll still tBEzChfv0Ao-01142-00307530-00307889 be able to track your downloads that way tBEzChfv0Ao-01143-00307890-00308153 so Dan thanks that was a great question tBEzChfv0Ao-01144-00308154-00308297 um are there any other questions you can tBEzChfv0Ao-01145-00308298-00309065 type them in or or feel free to just ask tBEzChfv0Ao-01146-00309066-00309293 foreign tBEzChfv0Ao-01147-00309294-00309634 I do really appreciate having fellow tBEzChfv0Ao-01148-00309635-00309839 data research data Librarians on the tBEzChfv0Ao-01149-00309840-00310139 call to help answer questions tBEzChfv0Ao-01150-00310140-00310330 well it was pretty exciting to see tBEzChfv0Ao-01151-00310331-00310703 people from all across Canada too tBEzChfv0Ao-01152-00310704-00310793 um tBEzChfv0Ao-01153-00310794-00310930 so I tBEzChfv0Ao-01154-00310931-00311171 I guess Margaret if you I don't see any tBEzChfv0Ao-01155-00311172-00311332 other questions tBEzChfv0Ao-01156-00311333-00311458 um tBEzChfv0Ao-01157-00311459-00311704 are you okay if we we wrap is everyone tBEzChfv0Ao-01158-00311705-00312089 okay if we wrap up or yep okay tBEzChfv0Ao-01159-00312090-00312382 um okay so thank you everyone oh share tBEzChfv0Ao-01160-00312383-00312743 the link to the demo dataverse yes tBEzChfv0Ao-01161-00312744-00313091 we can do that tBEzChfv0Ao-01162-00313092-00313265 oh maybe there's a few more questions tBEzChfv0Ao-01163-00313266-00313541 coming tBEzChfv0Ao-01164-00313542-00313804 oh Trish is so fast oh no that's tBEzChfv0Ao-01165-00313805-00313997 different that's the Google data set tBEzChfv0Ao-01166-00313998-00314441 search that's great tBEzChfv0Ao-01167-00314442-00314741 so uh yes the um tBEzChfv0Ao-01168-00314742-00314927 Margaret would you mind putting the demo tBEzChfv0Ao-01169-00314928-00315149 dataverse one in the chat oh yeah I did tBEzChfv0Ao-01170-00315150-00315358 already tBEzChfv0Ao-01171-00315359-00315515 um yeah so if you're using Scholars tBEzChfv0Ao-01172-00315516-00315665 portal there is a link to the demo tBEzChfv0Ao-01173-00315666-00315965 dataverse on the uh the the home page tBEzChfv0Ao-01174-00315966-00316097 kind of tBEzChfv0Ao-01175-00316098-00316223 um but Margaret's going to put that in tBEzChfv0Ao-01176-00316224-00316456 the chat now but again thank you tBEzChfv0Ao-01177-00316457-00316721 everyone for attending and we have one tBEzChfv0Ao-01178-00316722-00317110 more uh webinar in our series and it is tBEzChfv0Ao-01179-00317111-00317458 on uh leveraging Advanced Digital tBEzChfv0Ao-01180-00317459-00317632 research infrastructure to support tBEzChfv0Ao-01181-00317633-00317915 research data management and that is tBEzChfv0Ao-01182-00317916-00318137 Thursday November 18th and I'm just tBEzChfv0Ao-01183-00318138-00318329 going to put that in the chat tBEzChfv0Ao-01184-00318330-00318532 and there was another question from tBEzChfv0Ao-01185-00318533-00319163 Sophie about anywhere to store databases tBEzChfv0Ao-01186-00319164-00319354 in the chat tBEzChfv0Ao-01187-00319355-00319804 yeah well you can store a database if it tBEzChfv0Ao-01188-00319805-00320117 um if your database is stored as a flat tBEzChfv0Ao-01189-00320118-00320501 file so you can usually export your tBEzChfv0Ao-01190-00320502-00320680 database from whatever system you're tBEzChfv0Ao-01191-00320681-00320903 hosting it in so if you were using MySQL tBEzChfv0Ao-01192-00320904-00321137 there's an option to export that tBEzChfv0Ao-01193-00321138-00321419 database into a flat file which can be tBEzChfv0Ao-01194-00321420-00321760 imported into a new database system you tBEzChfv0Ao-01195-00321761-00321958 can install you can store that flat file tBEzChfv0Ao-01196-00321959-00322175 which is just essentially tBEzChfv0Ao-01197-00322176-00322241 um tBEzChfv0Ao-01198-00322242-00322630 text Data into any data repository as tBEzChfv0Ao-01199-00322631-00322858 long as it meets the file size and the tBEzChfv0Ao-01200-00322859-00322993 requirements tBEzChfv0Ao-01201-00322994-00323303 again we usually recommend using your I tBEzChfv0Ao-01202-00323304-00323447 don't know if this came through but it's tBEzChfv0Ao-01203-00323448-00323645 probably recommended to talk to your tBEzChfv0Ao-01204-00323646-00323845 institutional data research data tBEzChfv0Ao-01205-00323846-00324143 librarian because tBEzChfv0Ao-01206-00324144-00324377 your institutional repository is most tBEzChfv0Ao-01207-00324378-00324623 likely to be the best place to store tBEzChfv0Ao-01208-00324624-00324856 that information and if it's not they'll tBEzChfv0Ao-01209-00324857-00325084 be able to help you select a more tBEzChfv0Ao-01210-00325085-00325589 appropriate place tBEzChfv0Ao-01211-00325590-00325906 thank you thanks Margaret and just add tBEzChfv0Ao-01212-00325907-00326063 to that if we can't help you we have tBEzChfv0Ao-01213-00326064-00326225 lots of colleagues across Canada who tBEzChfv0Ao-01214-00326226-00326441 were regularly in contact with some of tBEzChfv0Ao-01215-00326442-00326699 who are on this call also tBEzChfv0Ao-01216-00326700-00326951 so okay all right well thank you very tBEzChfv0Ao-01217-00326952-00327160 much and I just put a link to our next tBEzChfv0Ao-01218-00327161-00327413 session on November 18th in the chat and tBEzChfv0Ao-01219-00327414-00327629 hope to see a lot of you there so have a tBEzChfv0Ao-01220-00327630-00327904 great afternoon thanks thanks Aaron tBEzChfv0Ao-01221-00327905-00328259 thanks everyone bye tCtS0dGYHR4-00000-00000008-00000271 [Music] tCtS0dGYHR4-00001-00000272-00000775 from loners to animal lovers tCtS0dGYHR4-00002-00000776-00001031 step into the sanctuaries of friendly tCtS0dGYHR4-00003-00001032-00001315 strangers tCtS0dGYHR4-00004-00001316-00001848 they're Havens away from troubles tCtS0dGYHR4-00005-00001850-00002317 and homes full of Hope tCtS0dGYHR4-00006-00002318-00002587 can I follow you home season three tCtS0dGYHR4-00007-00002588-00003122 Mondays at 7 50 p.m on gem tEiUfN2qp5I-00000-00000008-00000325 your lungs get ready tEiUfN2qp5I-00001-00000326-00000438 [Music] tEiUfN2qp5I-00002-00000440-00002511 one two three tEiUfN2qp5I-00003-00002512-00003329 [Applause] tEiUfN2qp5I-00004-00003329-00004283 [Applause] tEiUfN2qp5I-00005-00004284-00006631 foreign tEiUfN2qp5I-00006-00006631-00007278 come on kim tEiUfN2qp5I-00007-00007279-00008951 give him a hand now folks tEiUfN2qp5I-00008-00008952-00010303 come on tEiUfN2qp5I-00009-00010304-00010564 [Applause] tEiUfN2qp5I-00010-00010565-00010692 [Music] tEiUfN2qp5I-00011-00010693-00011283 [Applause] tEiUfN2qp5I-00012-00011284-00011516 oh tEiUfN2qp5I-00013-00011517-00012135 [Applause] tEiUfN2qp5I-00014-00012136-00012827 the world championships tEiUfN2qp5I-00015-00012828-00013463 [Applause] tEiUfN2qp5I-00016-00013463-00014074 [Applause] tEiUfN2qp5I-00017-00014075-00014711 [Applause] tEiUfN2qp5I-00018-00014712-00016883 very close for a second tEiUfN2qp5I-00019-00016884-00017335 exactly tEiUfN2qp5I-00020-00017336-00017493 [Music] tEiUfN2qp5I-00021-00017494-00018083 [Applause] tEiUfN2qp5I-00022-00018084-00018384 it tJpJIGwXsPE-00000-00000049-00002026 [Music] tJpJIGwXsPE-00001-00002027-00002121 [Applause] tJpJIGwXsPE-00002-00002122-00003367 [Music] tJpJIGwXsPE-00003-00003368-00003495 i have a few remarks i'm going to read tJpJIGwXsPE-00004-00003496-00003631 them because i want to make sure i tJpJIGwXsPE-00005-00003632-00003822 i hit the notes i wanted to hit so let tJpJIGwXsPE-00006-00003823-00004031 me just introduce kashona to you all tJpJIGwXsPE-00007-00004032-00004263 so kishona dr kishona gray is assistant tJpJIGwXsPE-00008-00004264-00004447 professor in communication tJpJIGwXsPE-00009-00004448-00004599 and gender and women's studies at the tJpJIGwXsPE-00010-00004600-00004863 university of illinois at chicago tJpJIGwXsPE-00011-00004864-00005079 she is a faculty associate at harvard's tJpJIGwXsPE-00012-00005080-00005199 berkman center tJpJIGwXsPE-00013-00005200-00005391 and was previously a recipient of the tJpJIGwXsPE-00014-00005392-00005591 mlk visiting professor position tJpJIGwXsPE-00015-00005592-00005806 here at mit so i think a number of you tJpJIGwXsPE-00016-00005807-00006015 got a chance to know cashona personally tJpJIGwXsPE-00017-00006016-00006175 if you hadn't before then tJpJIGwXsPE-00018-00006176-00006359 um she's also been a faculty visitor tJpJIGwXsPE-00019-00006360-00006470 with our friends down the road at tJpJIGwXsPE-00020-00006472-00006559 microsoft tJpJIGwXsPE-00021-00006559-00006798 new england the social media collective tJpJIGwXsPE-00022-00006800-00006927 casino is the author tJpJIGwXsPE-00023-00006928-00007159 uh or co-editor of numerous books and tJpJIGwXsPE-00024-00007159-00007446 articles including her foundational 2014 tJpJIGwXsPE-00025-00007447-00007510 work tJpJIGwXsPE-00026-00007511-00007867 race gender and deviance and xbox live tJpJIGwXsPE-00027-00007868-00008159 2018's edited collections woke gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-00028-00008159-00008335 and feminism and play tJpJIGwXsPE-00029-00008336-00008639 and recently intersectional tech which i tJpJIGwXsPE-00030-00008640-00008863 was very excited to get my physical copy tJpJIGwXsPE-00031-00008864-00009006 of the other day tJpJIGwXsPE-00032-00009007-00009303 black users in digital gaming and she tJpJIGwXsPE-00033-00009304-00009519 also has a book currently under contract tJpJIGwXsPE-00034-00009520-00009614 with nyu tJpJIGwXsPE-00035-00009615-00009887 entitled black cyber feminism or how tJpJIGwXsPE-00036-00009888-00010095 intersectionality went viral which i tJpJIGwXsPE-00037-00010096-00010214 know tJpJIGwXsPE-00038-00010215-00010510 all of us are really excited for um tJpJIGwXsPE-00039-00010511-00010727 kashona is a highly sought after speaker tJpJIGwXsPE-00040-00010728-00010871 as i'm sure many of you know tJpJIGwXsPE-00041-00010872-00011063 and we're lucky to have her today and tJpJIGwXsPE-00042-00011064-00011271 she regularly addresses both academic tJpJIGwXsPE-00043-00011272-00011446 and industry audiences such as the game tJpJIGwXsPE-00044-00011447-00011591 developers conference tJpJIGwXsPE-00045-00011592-00011767 she's the winner of a number of awards tJpJIGwXsPE-00046-00011768-00011974 over the years most recently tJpJIGwXsPE-00047-00011975-00012255 the evelyn gilbert unsung hero award tJpJIGwXsPE-00048-00012256-00012383 from the academy of tJpJIGwXsPE-00049-00012384-00012623 criminal justice sciences and when i tJpJIGwXsPE-00050-00012624-00012807 read that i thought oh i think that tJpJIGwXsPE-00051-00012808-00013038 heroicness is increasingly sung and i tJpJIGwXsPE-00052-00013039-00013279 hope even more so tJpJIGwXsPE-00053-00013280-00013535 because she is an amazing scholar and tJpJIGwXsPE-00054-00013536-00013607 person tJpJIGwXsPE-00055-00013608-00013822 any of us who know kashona know that she tJpJIGwXsPE-00056-00013823-00014079 is not only a vibrant intellectual force tJpJIGwXsPE-00057-00014080-00014271 doing some of truly the best work out tJpJIGwXsPE-00058-00014272-00014463 there but one of the most generous and tJpJIGwXsPE-00059-00014463-00014630 collaborative people we've met tJpJIGwXsPE-00060-00014631-00014894 and i really say that from my heart um tJpJIGwXsPE-00061-00014895-00015038 let me just say a few more words about tJpJIGwXsPE-00062-00015040-00015222 the impact her research has been making tJpJIGwXsPE-00063-00015223-00015455 over the years i first met kashona tJpJIGwXsPE-00064-00015456-00015647 through our shared interest in gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-00065-00015647-00015847 and was really immediately struck tJpJIGwXsPE-00066-00015847-00016071 by how generative her work was it was a tJpJIGwXsPE-00067-00016072-00016222 really important tJpJIGwXsPE-00068-00016223-00016422 moment in my own intellectual trajectory tJpJIGwXsPE-00069-00016423-00016703 to engage with her research tJpJIGwXsPE-00070-00016704-00016894 and it has affected game studies in tJpJIGwXsPE-00071-00016895-00017079 profoundly important ways centering tJpJIGwXsPE-00072-00017080-00017167 issues of race tJpJIGwXsPE-00073-00017168-00017471 gender intersectionality and justice tJpJIGwXsPE-00074-00017472-00017743 she's inspired scholars both old and new tJpJIGwXsPE-00075-00017744-00017935 to expand what we're tackling and i i tJpJIGwXsPE-00076-00017936-00017983 really tJpJIGwXsPE-00077-00017984-00018183 feel like i mean especially i meet so tJpJIGwXsPE-00078-00018184-00018407 many junior scholars for whom kashona is tJpJIGwXsPE-00079-00018408-00018599 just such an important waypoint in their tJpJIGwXsPE-00080-00018600-00018735 trajectory and i think tJpJIGwXsPE-00081-00018736-00018903 i know i'm really grateful to have her tJpJIGwXsPE-00082-00018904-00019047 in the field for that tJpJIGwXsPE-00083-00019048-00019255 i consider her one of the key people tJpJIGwXsPE-00084-00019256-00019414 pushing the field and doing some of the tJpJIGwXsPE-00085-00019415-00019455 most tJpJIGwXsPE-00086-00019456-00019663 truly most important work out there tJpJIGwXsPE-00087-00019664-00019847 she's always beautifully balancing what tJpJIGwXsPE-00088-00019848-00020063 i think of as an attention to structures tJpJIGwXsPE-00089-00020064-00020239 of oppression and exclusion tJpJIGwXsPE-00090-00020240-00020471 but with the vibrant and lived ways tJpJIGwXsPE-00091-00020472-00020703 people resist survive and thrive and tJpJIGwXsPE-00092-00020704-00020935 that is a delicate balance to try to do tJpJIGwXsPE-00093-00020936-00021214 in in really good work i want to know tJpJIGwXsPE-00094-00021215-00021343 too that kashona tJpJIGwXsPE-00095-00021344-00021519 is as much a scholar of media and tJpJIGwXsPE-00096-00021520-00021775 technology as she is of games tJpJIGwXsPE-00097-00021776-00021967 she's written on social media as well as tJpJIGwXsPE-00098-00021968-00022183 critical theories of race and technology tJpJIGwXsPE-00099-00022184-00022358 i think she does an amazing job tJpJIGwXsPE-00100-00022359-00022550 situating games within a broader tJpJIGwXsPE-00101-00022551-00022655 conversation tJpJIGwXsPE-00102-00022656-00022799 and that is in fact one of the things i tJpJIGwXsPE-00103-00022800-00022991 so value about her work and tJpJIGwXsPE-00104-00022992-00023214 in fact i consider this most recent book tJpJIGwXsPE-00105-00023215-00023342 in particular and i'm going to show it tJpJIGwXsPE-00106-00023343-00023471 to plug it again tJpJIGwXsPE-00107-00023472-00023663 really a kindred to the kind of work tJpJIGwXsPE-00108-00023664-00023807 we're seeing from people like ruja tJpJIGwXsPE-00109-00023808-00023894 benjamin tJpJIGwXsPE-00110-00023895-00024111 andre brock and safia noble in their tJpJIGwXsPE-00111-00024112-00024247 recent monographs tJpJIGwXsPE-00112-00024248-00024447 so i really see her contributions as tJpJIGwXsPE-00113-00024448-00024671 vital not just for game studies and tJpJIGwXsPE-00114-00024672-00024847 people interested in games but anyone tJpJIGwXsPE-00115-00024848-00025063 thinking about critical media studies tJpJIGwXsPE-00116-00025064-00025311 and technology studies and so if you tJpJIGwXsPE-00117-00025312-00025399 can't tell i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-00118-00025400-00025678 a huge fan girl and very honored to be tJpJIGwXsPE-00119-00025679-00025846 able to introduce her today so tJpJIGwXsPE-00120-00025847-00026183 dr gray tia you're going to have me tJpJIGwXsPE-00121-00026183-00026302 crying tJpJIGwXsPE-00122-00026304-00026511 it thank you tl that was such a tJpJIGwXsPE-00123-00026512-00026702 beautiful and generous tJpJIGwXsPE-00124-00026704-00027039 introduct introduction um tJpJIGwXsPE-00125-00027039-00027207 i i think you know sometimes you know we tJpJIGwXsPE-00126-00027208-00027399 don't take like a moment and like sit tJpJIGwXsPE-00127-00027400-00027535 with you know like the impact that we tJpJIGwXsPE-00128-00027536-00027631 might have like tJpJIGwXsPE-00129-00027632-00027895 on on people and like on fields and i tJpJIGwXsPE-00130-00027895-00028039 think that was um tJpJIGwXsPE-00131-00028039-00028279 after hearing you know your words tl and tJpJIGwXsPE-00132-00028280-00028431 you know you've expressed this like tJpJIGwXsPE-00133-00028432-00028558 before like tJpJIGwXsPE-00134-00028560-00028799 i'm just i i often like say like i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-00135-00028800-00028951 just here so i don't get fined right you tJpJIGwXsPE-00136-00028952-00029102 know i'm just here doing the things just tJpJIGwXsPE-00137-00029104-00029207 so i can tJpJIGwXsPE-00138-00029208-00029399 you know get tenure and like i think i tJpJIGwXsPE-00139-00029400-00029599 get caught in like the tJpJIGwXsPE-00140-00029600-00029790 the routine of just like the academic tJpJIGwXsPE-00141-00029791-00029951 grind of like we're doing things okay i tJpJIGwXsPE-00142-00029952-00030118 did this to get a promotion we do this tJpJIGwXsPE-00143-00030119-00030270 like so i can be marketable i'll do this tJpJIGwXsPE-00144-00030272-00030351 so i can get a job tJpJIGwXsPE-00145-00030352-00030599 do this so i can get 10 you know and and tJpJIGwXsPE-00146-00030600-00030670 you know i think i tJpJIGwXsPE-00147-00030672-00030862 i had to just like stop for like a tJpJIGwXsPE-00148-00030863-00031031 moment and just like say hey tJpJIGwXsPE-00149-00031032-00031239 like i've especially with this book and tJpJIGwXsPE-00150-00031239-00031383 like how everybody is just like tJpJIGwXsPE-00151-00031383-00031543 like engaged with it and like it's just tJpJIGwXsPE-00152-00031544-00031702 like ella it's tJpJIGwXsPE-00153-00031703-00031887 it's really humbling you know i don't i tJpJIGwXsPE-00154-00031888-00032031 don't have any more words like beyond tJpJIGwXsPE-00155-00032032-00032158 that to just say that it's very tJpJIGwXsPE-00156-00032160-00032462 um humbling thank you so much um tl and tJpJIGwXsPE-00157-00032463-00032607 thank you you know to like the mit tJpJIGwXsPE-00158-00032608-00032935 community for um tJpJIGwXsPE-00159-00032936-00033246 inviting me like to to to come and share tJpJIGwXsPE-00160-00033247-00033399 and to learn from you all and tJpJIGwXsPE-00161-00033400-00033535 you know we learned from each other and tJpJIGwXsPE-00162-00033536-00033655 i think it was just like released like tJpJIGwXsPE-00163-00033656-00033718 such a i tJpJIGwXsPE-00164-00033719-00033871 i enjoy my time and i know it was a tJpJIGwXsPE-00165-00033872-00034087 stressful time you know like whenever tJpJIGwXsPE-00166-00034088-00034311 i was i was there and and it was one of tJpJIGwXsPE-00167-00034312-00034462 those things i didn't really like tJpJIGwXsPE-00168-00034463-00034711 take in like just like how significant tJpJIGwXsPE-00169-00034712-00034823 that moment tJpJIGwXsPE-00170-00034824-00035031 was like to be there like in that space tJpJIGwXsPE-00171-00035032-00035190 like you know and then whenever i tell tJpJIGwXsPE-00172-00035191-00035343 people they're like hey like you were at tJpJIGwXsPE-00173-00035344-00035535 mit for you i'm like yeah and in my mind tJpJIGwXsPE-00174-00035536-00035646 you know because you all are just like tJpJIGwXsPE-00175-00035647-00035839 regular ass people to me i'm like yeah tJpJIGwXsPE-00176-00035840-00035879 they're tJpJIGwXsPE-00177-00035880-00035974 they're like wait a minute you were tJpJIGwXsPE-00178-00035975-00036167 there you know like with these amazing tJpJIGwXsPE-00179-00036168-00036230 scholars these tJpJIGwXsPE-00180-00036231-00036407 like with sasha i'm like yeah sasha's tJpJIGwXsPE-00181-00036408-00036630 cold tl's cool like you know i think tJpJIGwXsPE-00182-00036631-00036887 i didn't like i i took it for granted tJpJIGwXsPE-00183-00036888-00037030 you know just how tJpJIGwXsPE-00184-00037031-00037230 powerful that time was and just you know tJpJIGwXsPE-00185-00037231-00037383 how much you all like you know thought tJpJIGwXsPE-00186-00037384-00037527 of me and my work like to be able to tJpJIGwXsPE-00187-00037528-00037718 join you all like in that space so tJpJIGwXsPE-00188-00037719-00037918 i'm i'm i'm forever grateful and i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-00189-00037919-00038071 humbled and and tJpJIGwXsPE-00190-00038072-00038343 the other thing you know um writing tJpJIGwXsPE-00191-00038344-00038487 books is interesting i'm gonna get to it tJpJIGwXsPE-00192-00038488-00038590 i'm so sorry i have so much to talk tJpJIGwXsPE-00193-00038591-00038702 about i need to like shut up and just tJpJIGwXsPE-00194-00038703-00038759 like just tJpJIGwXsPE-00195-00038760-00038911 get to what uh my words this is why i tJpJIGwXsPE-00196-00038912-00039062 have to write stuff down now i've tJpJIGwXsPE-00197-00039063-00039190 reached a point in my career where i tJpJIGwXsPE-00198-00039191-00039311 have to write it down because i just tJpJIGwXsPE-00199-00039312-00039407 started thinking about all these things tJpJIGwXsPE-00200-00039408-00039527 that i want to talk about tJpJIGwXsPE-00201-00039528-00039655 but i think this is something especially tJpJIGwXsPE-00202-00039656-00039790 like for junior folks people who are tJpJIGwXsPE-00203-00039791-00039935 like thinking about like writing books tJpJIGwXsPE-00204-00039936-00039967 and tJpJIGwXsPE-00205-00039968-00040111 you know like for students who are like tJpJIGwXsPE-00206-00040112-00040302 in this space it's so interesting tJpJIGwXsPE-00207-00040303-00040455 because you spend so much time tJpJIGwXsPE-00208-00040456-00040655 intimately like connected to this work tJpJIGwXsPE-00209-00040656-00040774 right like so i've been writing this tJpJIGwXsPE-00210-00040775-00040807 book tJpJIGwXsPE-00211-00040808-00041039 for a while now right and it's like out tJpJIGwXsPE-00212-00041040-00041255 there in the world and it's so brand new tJpJIGwXsPE-00213-00041256-00041383 for everybody tJpJIGwXsPE-00214-00041384-00041535 like for me like i'm ready to go on to tJpJIGwXsPE-00215-00041536-00041695 the next thing you know i don't want to tJpJIGwXsPE-00216-00041696-00041974 talk about the book anymore you know tJpJIGwXsPE-00217-00041975-00042158 um but you know so i always say that tJpJIGwXsPE-00218-00042159-00042295 because i still i don't know how to do tJpJIGwXsPE-00219-00042296-00042446 like a book talk i kind of approach this tJpJIGwXsPE-00220-00042447-00042567 as like a book talk so tJpJIGwXsPE-00221-00042568-00042718 you know what i'm gonna do it'll be like tJpJIGwXsPE-00222-00042719-00042935 an overview of like you know where i've tJpJIGwXsPE-00223-00042936-00043079 come from you know i can tJpJIGwXsPE-00224-00043080-00043223 give you like brief snippets like from tJpJIGwXsPE-00225-00043224-00043518 the book but i i also want to like talk tJpJIGwXsPE-00226-00043519-00043727 about let me share the screen tJpJIGwXsPE-00227-00043728-00043935 i also wanted to um let make sure i tJpJIGwXsPE-00228-00043936-00044127 share the right thing and i'm not sure tJpJIGwXsPE-00229-00044128-00044343 if you all will be able to see me still tJpJIGwXsPE-00230-00044344-00044495 hopefully you can still see me somewhere tJpJIGwXsPE-00231-00044496-00044599 on the screen tJpJIGwXsPE-00232-00044600-00044735 and you can see okay thumbs up thank you tJpJIGwXsPE-00233-00044736-00045015 thank you so much um tJpJIGwXsPE-00234-00045016-00045367 i was in the when i was thinking about tJpJIGwXsPE-00235-00045368-00045423 putting this tJpJIGwXsPE-00236-00045424-00045743 this talk together there was a quote tJpJIGwXsPE-00237-00045744-00045927 from it was like an accidental interview tJpJIGwXsPE-00238-00045928-00046143 that i did right so last summer tJpJIGwXsPE-00239-00046144-00046358 i started you know uh you know most of tJpJIGwXsPE-00240-00046359-00046486 you know i've got kids i've got two kids tJpJIGwXsPE-00241-00046487-00046623 you know they're seven and nine now so tJpJIGwXsPE-00242-00046624-00046790 we library hop right you know we spend tJpJIGwXsPE-00243-00046791-00046918 most of our days you know kind of like tJpJIGwXsPE-00244-00046919-00047007 exploring tJpJIGwXsPE-00245-00047008-00047158 the different libraries and we did that tJpJIGwXsPE-00246-00047159-00047302 while we were in boston you know we did tJpJIGwXsPE-00247-00047303-00047479 that like when we were in phoenix tJpJIGwXsPE-00248-00047480-00047630 and now you know there's like an amazing tJpJIGwXsPE-00249-00047631-00047815 network of like you know public library tJpJIGwXsPE-00250-00047816-00048023 so you know we spent some time you know tJpJIGwXsPE-00251-00048024-00048199 last summer you know we wanted to um tJpJIGwXsPE-00252-00048200-00048383 uh on the libraries like on the south tJpJIGwXsPE-00253-00048384-00048662 side and i was paying attention to these tJpJIGwXsPE-00254-00048663-00048983 young folks that were gaming right they tJpJIGwXsPE-00255-00048984-00049102 i don't think they were supposed to be tJpJIGwXsPE-00256-00049103-00049230 gaming but i think they had there was tJpJIGwXsPE-00257-00049231-00049358 like some planned programming they were tJpJIGwXsPE-00258-00049359-00049462 supposed to be doing but they had their tJpJIGwXsPE-00259-00049463-00049567 phones out right tJpJIGwXsPE-00260-00049568-00049679 and i could tell they were they were tJpJIGwXsPE-00261-00049680-00049839 playing fortnite in these phones right tJpJIGwXsPE-00262-00049840-00049902 and so tJpJIGwXsPE-00263-00049903-00050095 i started like these conversations like tJpJIGwXsPE-00264-00050096-00050318 with these with these young folks and tJpJIGwXsPE-00265-00050319-00050446 i just want to say you know just what tJpJIGwXsPE-00266-00050447-00050727 they were doing really was just so tJpJIGwXsPE-00267-00050728-00050918 uh such a powerful example of what i tJpJIGwXsPE-00268-00050919-00051071 mean by like this concept of inter tJpJIGwXsPE-00269-00051072-00051223 intersectional tech let me tJpJIGwXsPE-00270-00051224-00051399 let me let me get let me read this quote tJpJIGwXsPE-00271-00051400-00051590 right let me let me just also just read tJpJIGwXsPE-00272-00051591-00051799 what i've written intersectional tech tJpJIGwXsPE-00273-00051800-00051999 was born out of the desire to elevate tJpJIGwXsPE-00274-00052000-00052182 the innovative cultural production of tJpJIGwXsPE-00275-00052183-00052366 black users inside tech tJpJIGwXsPE-00276-00052367-00052575 often being touted as poster children tJpJIGwXsPE-00277-00052576-00052719 for the digital divide tJpJIGwXsPE-00278-00052720-00052903 the technical capabilities of black tJpJIGwXsPE-00279-00052904-00053054 folks are often overlooked tJpJIGwXsPE-00280-00053055-00053247 as they may not fit within traditional tJpJIGwXsPE-00281-00053248-00053463 modes of engaging with technology tJpJIGwXsPE-00282-00053464-00053638 now i'm not interested in exploring tJpJIGwXsPE-00283-00053639-00053807 reasons for the digital divide tJpJIGwXsPE-00284-00053808-00053935 my work could care less about the tJpJIGwXsPE-00285-00053936-00054135 digital divide why tJpJIGwXsPE-00286-00054136-00054382 because it begins from a deficit model tJpJIGwXsPE-00287-00054383-00054463 without ever tJpJIGwXsPE-00288-00054464-00054671 interrogating how marginalized folks may tJpJIGwXsPE-00289-00054672-00054854 engage differently because of a lack of tJpJIGwXsPE-00290-00054855-00055079 resources or lack of access tJpJIGwXsPE-00291-00055079-00055271 now moving away from this deficit model tJpJIGwXsPE-00292-00055272-00055438 of what people don't have tJpJIGwXsPE-00293-00055439-00055630 it is necessary to explore the ways tJpJIGwXsPE-00294-00055632-00055791 black users create hybrid tJpJIGwXsPE-00295-00055791-00055894 infrastructures tJpJIGwXsPE-00296-00055895-00056087 recognizing the importance of physical tJpJIGwXsPE-00297-00056088-00056223 and digital spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-00298-00056224-00056463 and their technological innovativeness tJpJIGwXsPE-00299-00056464-00056615 so i want to engage with this quote so tJpJIGwXsPE-00300-00056616-00056766 back here i told you all like this story tJpJIGwXsPE-00301-00056767-00056926 about me being at these libraries so i tJpJIGwXsPE-00302-00056927-00057054 started talking with these young folks tJpJIGwXsPE-00303-00057055-00057103 and this tJpJIGwXsPE-00304-00057104-00057399 quote stuck with me right ain't no tJpJIGwXsPE-00305-00057400-00057519 internet at home tJpJIGwXsPE-00306-00057520-00057847 ain't no wifi i stole this galaxy tJpJIGwXsPE-00307-00057848-00058079 if i wasn't here in the public library tJpJIGwXsPE-00308-00058079-00058254 there's no telling what i'd be doing tJpJIGwXsPE-00309-00058255-00058535 damn show wouldn't be fortnite at tJpJIGwXsPE-00310-00058536-00058726 hearing or reading these words tJpJIGwXsPE-00311-00058727-00058879 what might you first direct your tJpJIGwXsPE-00312-00058879-00059103 attention to now if i provide you with tJpJIGwXsPE-00313-00059104-00059142 the tJpJIGwXsPE-00314-00059144-00059326 additional context that this youth is a tJpJIGwXsPE-00315-00059327-00059526 he's a black boy he's from englewood tJpJIGwXsPE-00316-00059527-00059703 it's a neighborhood on chicago's south tJpJIGwXsPE-00317-00059704-00059935 side he's from a single parent household tJpJIGwXsPE-00318-00059936-00059975 his tJpJIGwXsPE-00319-00059976-00060182 older brother recently died from gun tJpJIGwXsPE-00320-00060183-00060279 violence tJpJIGwXsPE-00321-00060279-00060494 now traditional methods for researching tJpJIGwXsPE-00322-00060495-00060679 would automatically pathologize his tJpJIGwXsPE-00323-00060679-00060775 experience tJpJIGwXsPE-00324-00060776-00060975 the deficit deficit model would want to tJpJIGwXsPE-00325-00060976-00061166 engage the individual reasons for his tJpJIGwXsPE-00326-00061167-00061303 family's realities tJpJIGwXsPE-00327-00061304-00061487 maybe a concerned researcher wouldn't tJpJIGwXsPE-00328-00061488-00061638 want to engage the structural barriers tJpJIGwXsPE-00329-00061639-00061799 leading to his exclusion tJpJIGwXsPE-00330-00061800-00061975 some scholars would totally ignore these tJpJIGwXsPE-00331-00061976-00062142 realities and say that all he needs is tJpJIGwXsPE-00332-00062144-00062326 access to the internet that'll solve his tJpJIGwXsPE-00333-00062327-00062430 problems tJpJIGwXsPE-00334-00062432-00062615 some might focus on the criminal aspect tJpJIGwXsPE-00335-00062616-00062838 of stealing and trying to find resources tJpJIGwXsPE-00336-00062839-00062935 so he can avoid tJpJIGwXsPE-00337-00062936-00063230 this life of crime most of us would turn tJpJIGwXsPE-00338-00063232-00063415 on that white savior complex and tJpJIGwXsPE-00339-00063416-00063591 activate our white guilt and feel bad tJpJIGwXsPE-00340-00063591-00063750 for this kid because we have more tJpJIGwXsPE-00341-00063751-00063942 privileges than he does tJpJIGwXsPE-00342-00063944-00064135 what we would fail to do is explore how tJpJIGwXsPE-00343-00064136-00064279 in spite of all of this tJpJIGwXsPE-00344-00064279-00064463 this young human has found a way to tJpJIGwXsPE-00345-00064464-00064582 still participate tJpJIGwXsPE-00346-00064583-00064775 and engage in the space that gives him a tJpJIGwXsPE-00347-00064776-00065023 temporary break from his realities tJpJIGwXsPE-00348-00065024-00065199 the question that i immediately asked tJpJIGwXsPE-00349-00065200-00065415 myself when darius made this comment tJpJIGwXsPE-00350-00065416-00065879 was what could i learn from him tJpJIGwXsPE-00351-00065880-00066038 what can i learn from what he has tJpJIGwXsPE-00352-00066039-00066294 created and designed and constructed tJpJIGwXsPE-00353-00066295-00066463 and this question allows me to engage in tJpJIGwXsPE-00354-00066464-00066663 his realities it allows me to engage in tJpJIGwXsPE-00355-00066664-00066806 the structural barriers the tJpJIGwXsPE-00356-00066807-00066999 institutional oversight and the public tJpJIGwXsPE-00357-00067000-00067103 neglect tJpJIGwXsPE-00358-00067104-00067287 it also forces me to engage in his tJpJIGwXsPE-00359-00067288-00067431 intersecting identities tJpJIGwXsPE-00360-00067432-00067663 and this is intersectional tech through tJpJIGwXsPE-00361-00067664-00067750 this framework tJpJIGwXsPE-00362-00067751-00067959 i explore the ways that our identities tJpJIGwXsPE-00363-00067960-00068175 intersect with technological tools tJpJIGwXsPE-00364-00068176-00068350 artifacts and systems that have been tJpJIGwXsPE-00365-00068351-00068559 mobilized to draw connections between tJpJIGwXsPE-00366-00068560-00068631 digital tJpJIGwXsPE-00367-00068632-00068919 and physical spaces and realities gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-00368-00068920-00069111 has become the glue that binds my tJpJIGwXsPE-00369-00069112-00069263 projects where i explore tJpJIGwXsPE-00370-00069264-00069519 how black users engage with physical and tJpJIGwXsPE-00371-00069520-00069582 visual tJpJIGwXsPE-00372-00069583-00069831 textual and oral practices to illustrate tJpJIGwXsPE-00373-00069832-00070055 how gaming can be used as a catalyst tJpJIGwXsPE-00374-00070056-00070382 for educating and supporting other users tJpJIGwXsPE-00375-00070383-00070615 of digital technologies tJpJIGwXsPE-00376-00070616-00070847 gaming is often a medium that's outside tJpJIGwXsPE-00377-00070848-00071006 of conversations on blackness and tJpJIGwXsPE-00378-00071007-00071119 digital practices tJpJIGwXsPE-00379-00071120-00071255 and it's one that's becoming more tJpJIGwXsPE-00380-00071256-00071431 visible viable and tJpJIGwXsPE-00381-00071432-00071615 legible in making sense of black tJpJIGwXsPE-00382-00071616-00071799 technoculture tJpJIGwXsPE-00383-00071800-00071982 intersectional attack implores us to tJpJIGwXsPE-00384-00071983-00072215 make visible the force of discursive tJpJIGwXsPE-00385-00072216-00072303 practices tJpJIGwXsPE-00386-00072304-00072543 that position practices within tJpJIGwXsPE-00387-00072544-00072638 disorderly tJpJIGwXsPE-00388-00072639-00072911 social hierarchies and arrangements the tJpJIGwXsPE-00389-00072912-00073079 explicit formulations tJpJIGwXsPE-00390-00073080-00073262 of the normative order are sometimes in tJpJIGwXsPE-00391-00073263-00073462 disagreement with the concrete human tJpJIGwXsPE-00392-00073463-00073559 condition tJpJIGwXsPE-00393-00073560-00073726 as well as inconsistent with the tJpJIGwXsPE-00394-00073727-00073935 consumption and production practices tJpJIGwXsPE-00395-00073936-00074047 that constitute tJpJIGwXsPE-00396-00074048-00074262 black digital labor but also our tJpJIGwXsPE-00397-00074263-00074838 pleasure and our desires tJpJIGwXsPE-00398-00074839-00075015 so you know what intersectional tech is tJpJIGwXsPE-00399-00075016-00075175 but how did i get here tJpJIGwXsPE-00400-00075176-00075359 the development of this project has been tJpJIGwXsPE-00401-00075360-00075526 a decade in the making tJpJIGwXsPE-00402-00075527-00075694 but using the words of black creator tJpJIGwXsPE-00403-00075695-00075959 khalif adams in 202014 was the tJpJIGwXsPE-00404-00075960-00076135 proverbial backbreaking straw tJpJIGwXsPE-00405-00076136-00076367 read this quote i felt like both the tJpJIGwXsPE-00406-00076368-00076543 gaming space in the real world had hit tJpJIGwXsPE-00407-00076544-00076703 this level of toxicity tJpJIGwXsPE-00408-00076704-00076903 that was unsustainable and for the first tJpJIGwXsPE-00409-00076904-00077006 time in a long time tJpJIGwXsPE-00410-00077007-00077191 i didn't know what or how to express how tJpJIGwXsPE-00411-00077192-00077319 i felt about them tJpJIGwXsPE-00412-00077320-00077535 so i sat down thought about what good tJpJIGwXsPE-00413-00077536-00077687 could we do in the gaming space tJpJIGwXsPE-00414-00077688-00077847 how we could affect change in whatever tJpJIGwXsPE-00415-00077848-00078047 small way we could as an entity tJpJIGwXsPE-00416-00078048-00078215 then the eric garner incident happened tJpJIGwXsPE-00417-00078216-00078482 and it was the proverbial back-breaking tJpJIGwXsPE-00418-00078483-00078750 straw many black users around games tJpJIGwXsPE-00419-00078751-00078943 often remark that they have a moral tJpJIGwXsPE-00420-00078944-00079038 obligation tJpJIGwXsPE-00421-00079039-00079247 to serve their community and mobilize tJpJIGwXsPE-00422-00079248-00079479 their platforms for community support tJpJIGwXsPE-00423-00079480-00079815 especially because they just play games tJpJIGwXsPE-00424-00079816-00080006 take the death of eric garner by the new tJpJIGwXsPE-00425-00080007-00080206 york police department for example tJpJIGwXsPE-00426-00080207-00080462 eric garner succumbed to the state state tJpJIGwXsPE-00427-00080463-00080615 state sanctioned chokehold tJpJIGwXsPE-00428-00080616-00080823 by officer daniel pantaleo for selling tJpJIGwXsPE-00429-00080824-00080935 loose cigarettes tJpJIGwXsPE-00430-00080936-00081159 his death captured on video catapulted tJpJIGwXsPE-00431-00081160-00081335 the already invigorated tJpJIGwXsPE-00432-00081336-00081503 black lives matter movement often tJpJIGwXsPE-00433-00081504-00081743 signaled by the phrase i can't breathe tJpJIGwXsPE-00434-00081744-00081950 there was a plethora of responses to the tJpJIGwXsPE-00435-00081951-00082111 unarmed black men dying at the hands of tJpJIGwXsPE-00436-00082112-00082199 the police tJpJIGwXsPE-00437-00082200-00082343 including responses from the gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-00438-00082344-00082526 communities tJpJIGwXsPE-00439-00082527-00082791 khalif adams co-creator of the gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-00440-00082792-00082918 podcast spawn on me tJpJIGwXsPE-00441-00082919-00083143 stated that he wanted to use his gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-00442-00083144-00083318 and podcasting platforms to bring tJpJIGwXsPE-00443-00083319-00083487 awareness to deaths of the unarmed by tJpJIGwXsPE-00444-00083488-00083582 the police tJpJIGwXsPE-00445-00083583-00083775 his spawn for good initiative was one of tJpJIGwXsPE-00446-00083776-00083943 the first to censor gaming technologies tJpJIGwXsPE-00447-00083944-00083999 to discuss tJpJIGwXsPE-00448-00084000-00084255 black lives matter he used twitch to tJpJIGwXsPE-00449-00084256-00084406 stream messages about the racist tJpJIGwXsPE-00450-00084407-00084535 treatment of black people by law tJpJIGwXsPE-00451-00084536-00084606 enforcement tJpJIGwXsPE-00452-00084607-00084775 and generated funds to help the family tJpJIGwXsPE-00453-00084776-00085015 of eric garner cover burial cause tJpJIGwXsPE-00454-00085016-00085206 during the two-day event khalif also tJpJIGwXsPE-00455-00085207-00085399 provided information on other cases of tJpJIGwXsPE-00456-00085400-00085535 police abuse of power tJpJIGwXsPE-00457-00085536-00085838 including mike brown and ezell ford tJpJIGwXsPE-00458-00085839-00086047 there was constant backlash and tJpJIGwXsPE-00459-00086048-00086238 resistance by gamers who suggested that tJpJIGwXsPE-00460-00086239-00086415 twitch was not the platform tJpJIGwXsPE-00461-00086416-00086606 to express support for black lives tJpJIGwXsPE-00462-00086607-00086862 matter but khalif adams affirmed that he tJpJIGwXsPE-00463-00086863-00087023 streams for those who want to be the tJpJIGwXsPE-00464-00087024-00087287 change they wish to see in the world tJpJIGwXsPE-00465-00087288-00087479 i offer this example as one of many that tJpJIGwXsPE-00466-00087480-00087662 can be interrogated through a lens of tJpJIGwXsPE-00467-00087663-00088047 intersectional techno culture tJpJIGwXsPE-00468-00088048-00088231 while public discussions around gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-00469-00088232-00088423 culture often focus on the toxic tJpJIGwXsPE-00470-00088424-00088503 elements tJpJIGwXsPE-00471-00088504-00088750 negatively impacting the marginalized tJpJIGwXsPE-00472-00088751-00088967 there are thriving groups utilizing tJpJIGwXsPE-00473-00088968-00089167 online environments and their related tJpJIGwXsPE-00474-00089168-00089382 tools to sustain their communities tJpJIGwXsPE-00475-00089383-00089567 trolls and other toxic actors may tJpJIGwXsPE-00476-00089568-00089767 dominate certain conversations in public tJpJIGwXsPE-00477-00089768-00089887 and private spheres tJpJIGwXsPE-00478-00089888-00090055 however we must begin to focus on the tJpJIGwXsPE-00479-00090056-00090238 communities that black bodies in tJpJIGwXsPE-00480-00090239-00090526 particular create and sustain tJpJIGwXsPE-00481-00090527-00090847 gamers who live stream on twitch mixer tJpJIGwXsPE-00482-00090848-00090999 youtube i don't even think mixer is a tJpJIGwXsPE-00483-00091000-00091215 thing anymore while experiencing racism tJpJIGwXsPE-00484-00091216-00091262 and tJpJIGwXsPE-00485-00091263-00091479 harassment also expressed that they are tJpJIGwXsPE-00486-00091480-00091726 able to create networks of black gamers tJpJIGwXsPE-00487-00091727-00091879 streamers and others others tJpJIGwXsPE-00488-00091880-00092047 demonstrating the innovativeness tJpJIGwXsPE-00489-00092048-00092238 of black digital practices in gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-00490-00092239-00092382 context tJpJIGwXsPE-00491-00092383-00092582 from console to mobile gaming to tJpJIGwXsPE-00492-00092583-00092687 multiplayer tJpJIGwXsPE-00493-00092688-00092887 and streaming these spaces have become tJpJIGwXsPE-00494-00092888-00093079 increasingly transmediated tJpJIGwXsPE-00495-00093080-00093335 incorporating visual oral and textual tJpJIGwXsPE-00496-00093336-00093406 media tJpJIGwXsPE-00497-00093407-00093711 across technological forms of media the tJpJIGwXsPE-00498-00093712-00093918 concept of transmedia described the way tJpJIGwXsPE-00499-00093919-00094126 that new technologies have been used to tJpJIGwXsPE-00500-00094127-00094359 extend traditional mediated narratives tJpJIGwXsPE-00501-00094360-00094599 to other forms of media and takes into tJpJIGwXsPE-00502-00094600-00094759 account the shifting patterns of tJpJIGwXsPE-00503-00094760-00094823 movement tJpJIGwXsPE-00504-00094824-00095094 by both texts and audiences across tJpJIGwXsPE-00505-00095095-00095359 distinct but interrelated platforms tJpJIGwXsPE-00506-00095360-00095559 acknowledging the physical along with tJpJIGwXsPE-00507-00095560-00095726 the digital tJpJIGwXsPE-00508-00095727-00095999 utilized here i explore the complicated tJpJIGwXsPE-00509-00096000-00096182 relationship that black users have tJpJIGwXsPE-00510-00096183-00096303 within structures tJpJIGwXsPE-00511-00096304-00096567 and how they use these technologies to tJpJIGwXsPE-00512-00096568-00096774 recognize acknowledge and complicate the tJpJIGwXsPE-00513-00096775-00096799 role tJpJIGwXsPE-00514-00096800-00096982 that blackness has had in the everyday tJpJIGwXsPE-00515-00096983-00097615 practices and production of these users tJpJIGwXsPE-00516-00097616-00097926 hopefully this plays for you all tJpJIGwXsPE-00517-00097927-00098415 let's see i might have to go to tJpJIGwXsPE-00518-00098416-00098759 let's see tJpJIGwXsPE-00519-00098760-00099023 is that planned for you all somebody tJpJIGwXsPE-00520-00099024-00099382 give me a thumbs up okay perfect perfect tJpJIGwXsPE-00521-00099383-00099767 all right so take hair now for example tJpJIGwXsPE-00522-00099768-00099935 that's weird because all the screens are tJpJIGwXsPE-00523-00099936-00100055 like up there i don't know how to find tJpJIGwXsPE-00524-00100056-00100231 like my notes anymore but you also y'all tJpJIGwXsPE-00525-00100232-00100303 know here now tJpJIGwXsPE-00526-00100304-00100550 take care now for an example created by tJpJIGwXsPE-00527-00100551-00100662 momo pixel tJpJIGwXsPE-00528-00100663-00100894 hair naw allows players to customize an tJpJIGwXsPE-00529-00100895-00101126 avatar who can smack away as many white tJpJIGwXsPE-00530-00101127-00101247 hands as possible tJpJIGwXsPE-00531-00101248-00101462 as they attempt to touch locks twists tJpJIGwXsPE-00532-00101463-00101679 braids and relaxed black hair tJpJIGwXsPE-00533-00101680-00101903 the game quickly went viral both the tJpJIGwXsPE-00534-00101904-00102079 game and its residents captured a tJpJIGwXsPE-00535-00102080-00102311 convergence of powerful contemporary tJpJIGwXsPE-00536-00102312-00102575 racial and gender dynamics and histories tJpJIGwXsPE-00537-00102576-00102775 from black hair politics to the history tJpJIGwXsPE-00538-00102776-00102894 of white supremacy tJpJIGwXsPE-00539-00102895-00103094 as it relates to the hyper policing and tJpJIGwXsPE-00540-00103095-00103327 surveillance of black women's bodies tJpJIGwXsPE-00541-00103328-00103575 yet the game's power reflects its tJpJIGwXsPE-00542-00103576-00103766 rejection of these histories tJpJIGwXsPE-00543-00103767-00103982 and its embrace of a virtual and tJpJIGwXsPE-00544-00103983-00104175 physical clap back tJpJIGwXsPE-00545-00104176-00104390 the game's intervention centering of tJpJIGwXsPE-00546-00104391-00104630 blackness and embrace of resistance tJpJIGwXsPE-00547-00104631-00104839 all embodies the game's refusal of tJpJIGwXsPE-00548-00104840-00104951 erasure tJpJIGwXsPE-00549-00104952-00105239 from it from its conception to reception tJpJIGwXsPE-00550-00105240-00105471 hair now exemplifies the yearning for tJpJIGwXsPE-00551-00105472-00105615 transformative games tJpJIGwXsPE-00552-00105616-00105815 by centering the experiences of black tJpJIGwXsPE-00553-00105816-00105951 women the exis tJpJIGwXsPE-00554-00105952-00106158 existence of such a game let me make tJpJIGwXsPE-00555-00106159-00106319 sure to go here mobile pixel i want to tJpJIGwXsPE-00556-00106320-00106454 make sure we'll say her name she's the tJpJIGwXsPE-00557-00106455-00106702 creator of her gnome tJpJIGwXsPE-00558-00106703-00106839 by experience by centuring the tJpJIGwXsPE-00559-00106840-00107054 experiences of black women the existence tJpJIGwXsPE-00560-00107055-00107239 of such a game is disruptive tJpJIGwXsPE-00561-00107240-00107454 in itself as it illustrates the power tJpJIGwXsPE-00562-00107455-00107686 and potential to use video games tJpJIGwXsPE-00563-00107688-00107934 online technology and gaming culture to tJpJIGwXsPE-00564-00107935-00108015 highlight tJpJIGwXsPE-00565-00108016-00108223 the experiences of black women and other tJpJIGwXsPE-00566-00108224-00108383 marginalized communities tJpJIGwXsPE-00567-00108383-00108575 resisting and otherwise challenging tJpJIGwXsPE-00568-00108576-00108943 dehumanizing representation tJpJIGwXsPE-00569-00108944-00109207 now i come back to the concept of space tJpJIGwXsPE-00570-00109208-00109486 and making sense excuse me i come back tJpJIGwXsPE-00571-00109488-00109686 to the concept of space and making sense tJpJIGwXsPE-00572-00109688-00109934 of momo pixels contributions tJpJIGwXsPE-00573-00109935-00110215 space does not simply exist as a given tJpJIGwXsPE-00574-00110216-00110351 but it's constructed tJpJIGwXsPE-00575-00110352-00110558 and affects and is affected by those tJpJIGwXsPE-00576-00110559-00110743 with the most power tJpJIGwXsPE-00577-00110744-00110958 in this way space is not just a passive tJpJIGwXsPE-00578-00110959-00111158 backdrop to human behavior but social tJpJIGwXsPE-00579-00111159-00111278 and social action tJpJIGwXsPE-00580-00111279-00111502 but is constantly produced and remade tJpJIGwXsPE-00581-00111503-00111702 within complex relations of culture tJpJIGwXsPE-00582-00111703-00111871 power indifference tJpJIGwXsPE-00583-00111872-00112054 it is this rejection where scholars tJpJIGwXsPE-00584-00112055-00112247 offer a more critical constructionist tJpJIGwXsPE-00585-00112248-00112510 notion of space that informs my work tJpJIGwXsPE-00586-00112511-00112678 in an attempt to make plain the tJpJIGwXsPE-00587-00112679-00112815 importance of space tJpJIGwXsPE-00588-00112816-00112966 and the creation and construction of tJpJIGwXsPE-00589-00112967-00113119 black women's identities tJpJIGwXsPE-00590-00113120-00113310 more specifically this reflection tJpJIGwXsPE-00591-00113311-00113495 explores how black women make sense of tJpJIGwXsPE-00592-00113496-00113654 spaces that they occupy tJpJIGwXsPE-00593-00113655-00113807 especially that they are not that's not tJpJIGwXsPE-00594-00113808-00113990 traditionally crafted or constructed for tJpJIGwXsPE-00595-00113991-00114095 them tJpJIGwXsPE-00596-00114096-00114286 by interrogating the actual back and tJpJIGwXsPE-00597-00114288-00114478 forth travel from digital to physical tJpJIGwXsPE-00598-00114479-00114663 spaces that black women engage tJpJIGwXsPE-00599-00114664-00114839 we are able to see how they sustain tJpJIGwXsPE-00600-00114840-00114975 their identities tJpJIGwXsPE-00601-00114976-00115183 support social movements both online and tJpJIGwXsPE-00602-00115183-00115463 off in a form of discursive activism tJpJIGwXsPE-00603-00115464-00115647 so hair not can be viewed as a form of tJpJIGwXsPE-00604-00115648-00115831 discursive activism which refers to tJpJIGwXsPE-00605-00115832-00115895 speech tJpJIGwXsPE-00606-00115896-00116166 or texts that seek to challenge dominant tJpJIGwXsPE-00607-00116167-00116278 social discourse tJpJIGwXsPE-00608-00116279-00116543 by exposing flawed assumptions or tJpJIGwXsPE-00609-00116544-00116758 representing reality in order to rewrite tJpJIGwXsPE-00610-00116759-00117086 the norms and practices of society tJpJIGwXsPE-00611-00117088-00117278 nancy frazier considers discursive tJpJIGwXsPE-00612-00117279-00117502 politics as an essential strategy of tJpJIGwXsPE-00613-00117503-00117654 political resistance tJpJIGwXsPE-00614-00117655-00117871 this discursive activism disrupts the tJpJIGwXsPE-00615-00117872-00118054 sensibilities of sacred tJpJIGwXsPE-00616-00118055-00118278 symbolic space that has been constructed tJpJIGwXsPE-00617-00118279-00118478 and reimagined by those who restrict tJpJIGwXsPE-00618-00118479-00118719 black women's access into those spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-00619-00118720-00118910 now i explore the everyday practices of tJpJIGwXsPE-00620-00118911-00119063 excluding black women not in a tJpJIGwXsPE-00621-00119064-00119278 traditional sense or why black women are tJpJIGwXsPE-00622-00119279-00119447 excluded based on perceptions of tJpJIGwXsPE-00623-00119448-00119566 inferiority tJpJIGwXsPE-00624-00119567-00119751 but in the progressive landscape of tJpJIGwXsPE-00625-00119752-00119899 white women's feminism tJpJIGwXsPE-00626-00119900-00120151 anti-blackness black men's protectionism tJpJIGwXsPE-00627-00120152-00120247 for black women tJpJIGwXsPE-00628-00120248-00120423 that produces a particular kind of tJpJIGwXsPE-00629-00120424-00120647 domination where there is an idealized tJpJIGwXsPE-00630-00120648-00120831 notion of womanhood and blackness tJpJIGwXsPE-00631-00120832-00121310 and black women are not included tJpJIGwXsPE-00632-00121311-00121527 while not explicitly stated a lot of my tJpJIGwXsPE-00633-00121528-00121695 work provides this revisioning and tJpJIGwXsPE-00634-00121696-00121919 reimagining of black women's rage tJpJIGwXsPE-00635-00121920-00122063 which is typically viewed as a tJpJIGwXsPE-00636-00122064-00122286 destructive emotion offering no value to tJpJIGwXsPE-00637-00122288-00122454 modern society tJpJIGwXsPE-00638-00122455-00122686 lord offers a audrey lord excuse me tJpJIGwXsPE-00639-00122688-00122831 audrey lord offers tJpJIGwXsPE-00640-00122832-00123047 a compelling critique of rage and tJpJIGwXsPE-00641-00123048-00123223 engaging the useful aspects of this tJpJIGwXsPE-00642-00123224-00123383 emotion while also balancing its tJpJIGwXsPE-00643-00123383-00123502 limitations tJpJIGwXsPE-00644-00123503-00123686 the systematic devaluation of black tJpJIGwXsPE-00645-00123688-00123886 womanhood has given rise to not only tJpJIGwXsPE-00646-00123888-00124102 interracial oppression but intra-racial tJpJIGwXsPE-00647-00124103-00124271 practices of devaluation tJpJIGwXsPE-00648-00124272-00124519 and exclusion as well we continue to see tJpJIGwXsPE-00649-00124520-00124663 the proliferation of black women's tJpJIGwXsPE-00650-00124664-00124886 historical misrepresentation tJpJIGwXsPE-00651-00124888-00125134 repackaged in contemporary ways from tJpJIGwXsPE-00652-00125135-00125247 aunt jemima tJpJIGwXsPE-00653-00125248-00125502 to sapphire to the angry black woman tJpJIGwXsPE-00654-00125503-00125719 these caricatures of black women are tJpJIGwXsPE-00655-00125720-00125854 used in attempts to flatten the tJpJIGwXsPE-00656-00125855-00126039 complexity of black womanhood tJpJIGwXsPE-00657-00126040-00126223 simplifying the intricacies of black tJpJIGwXsPE-00658-00126224-00126390 women's anger sexualities and tJpJIGwXsPE-00659-00126391-00126486 relationships tJpJIGwXsPE-00660-00126488-00126719 and rehashing them as stereotypes to try tJpJIGwXsPE-00661-00126720-00126878 to attempt to control black women's tJpJIGwXsPE-00662-00126879-00126983 bodies tJpJIGwXsPE-00663-00126983-00127223 this demonization becomes dangerous as tJpJIGwXsPE-00664-00127224-00127390 these singular narratives delimit tJpJIGwXsPE-00665-00127391-00127623 societal engagement with black women tJpJIGwXsPE-00666-00127624-00127799 there's no holistic understanding of the tJpJIGwXsPE-00667-00127800-00127958 roots of these images tJpJIGwXsPE-00668-00127959-00128158 thus the anger that emerges from black tJpJIGwXsPE-00669-00128159-00128343 women in response to these controlling tJpJIGwXsPE-00670-00128344-00128551 images is loaded with information and tJpJIGwXsPE-00671-00128552-00128702 energy tJpJIGwXsPE-00672-00128703-00128902 the information and energies generated tJpJIGwXsPE-00673-00128903-00129175 from the rage among other emotions tJpJIGwXsPE-00674-00129176-00129439 provide black women with an arsenal to tJpJIGwXsPE-00675-00129440-00129647 transform the rage into advocating tJpJIGwXsPE-00676-00129648-00129823 for liberating and transforming the tJpJIGwXsPE-00677-00129824-00130071 disentrance disenfranchised experiences tJpJIGwXsPE-00678-00130072-00130239 of marginalized folks tJpJIGwXsPE-00679-00130240-00130454 and as audrey lord states we have to use tJpJIGwXsPE-00680-00130455-00130551 that anger tJpJIGwXsPE-00681-00130552-00130727 you know from audre lorde to bell hooks tJpJIGwXsPE-00682-00130728-00130943 their theorizing of black feminine rage tJpJIGwXsPE-00683-00130944-00131127 proves useful as a tool to weave through tJpJIGwXsPE-00684-00131128-00131278 the structures of oppression inside tJpJIGwXsPE-00685-00131279-00131431 gaming technologies tJpJIGwXsPE-00686-00131432-00131647 in these digital spaces crafted by black tJpJIGwXsPE-00687-00131648-00131847 women there is a process to engage with tJpJIGwXsPE-00688-00131848-00132095 the rage so often quelled by society tJpJIGwXsPE-00689-00132096-00132302 we have to undo the haunting of that tJpJIGwXsPE-00690-00132303-00132407 demonization tJpJIGwXsPE-00691-00132408-00132599 that came in response to our rage tJpJIGwXsPE-00692-00132600-00132743 suggesting that our anger has no tJpJIGwXsPE-00693-00132744-00132863 legitimacy tJpJIGwXsPE-00694-00132864-00133039 the black women within the work that tJpJIGwXsPE-00695-00133040-00133199 i've done within intersectional tech and tJpJIGwXsPE-00696-00133200-00133311 the previous um tJpJIGwXsPE-00697-00133312-00133478 work that i've done they mobilized their tJpJIGwXsPE-00698-00133479-00133614 rage in strategic ways tJpJIGwXsPE-00699-00133615-00133823 validating each other's feelings while tJpJIGwXsPE-00700-00133824-00134014 society deems them as destructive and tJpJIGwXsPE-00701-00134015-00134190 inappropriate tJpJIGwXsPE-00702-00134191-00134447 just as audrey lord bell hooks just as tJpJIGwXsPE-00703-00134448-00134623 they did in creating public spaces for tJpJIGwXsPE-00704-00134624-00134775 the expression of black female rage tJpJIGwXsPE-00705-00134776-00134943 especially in academic spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-00706-00134944-00135159 these women too create intersectional tJpJIGwXsPE-00707-00135160-00135271 counterpublics tJpJIGwXsPE-00708-00135272-00135463 their work inside the spaces of digital tJpJIGwXsPE-00709-00135464-00135647 gaming provides spaces to heal tJpJIGwXsPE-00710-00135648-00135839 the intersectional wounds and collective tJpJIGwXsPE-00711-00135840-00136014 traumas from white supremacy black tJpJIGwXsPE-00712-00136015-00136223 patriarchy white feminism and so many tJpJIGwXsPE-00713-00136224-00136295 others tJpJIGwXsPE-00714-00136296-00136478 these spaces validate the rage of black tJpJIGwXsPE-00715-00136479-00136719 women's experiences tJpJIGwXsPE-00716-00136720-00136935 and bell hooks asked the question why is tJpJIGwXsPE-00717-00136936-00137111 the rage of black folks about white tJpJIGwXsPE-00718-00137112-00137214 supremacy tJpJIGwXsPE-00719-00137215-00137502 made to appear ridiculous the centrality tJpJIGwXsPE-00720-00137503-00137687 of bell hooks's question adheres to the tJpJIGwXsPE-00721-00137688-00137863 necessity of black women's rage to tJpJIGwXsPE-00722-00137864-00137935 generate tJpJIGwXsPE-00723-00137936-00138111 the attention needed to begin making tJpJIGwXsPE-00724-00138112-00138375 structural changes to transform lives tJpJIGwXsPE-00725-00138376-00138527 black women in gaming deploy tJpJIGwXsPE-00726-00138528-00138766 storytelling critical theorizing tJpJIGwXsPE-00727-00138767-00139007 and remembrance practices to comprehend tJpJIGwXsPE-00728-00139008-00139190 resist transform and heal tJpJIGwXsPE-00729-00139191-00139390 from the patriarchy the racism the tJpJIGwXsPE-00730-00139391-00139614 colonization and the history of slavery tJpJIGwXsPE-00731-00139615-00139814 and constructing creating and sustaining tJpJIGwXsPE-00732-00139815-00139983 spaces for their for their tJpJIGwXsPE-00733-00139984-00140359 intersectional realities in gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-00734-00140360-00140502 now what does all this have to do with tJpJIGwXsPE-00735-00140503-00140735 darius in his opening quote tJpJIGwXsPE-00736-00140736-00140951 it is necessary to begin exploring the tJpJIGwXsPE-00737-00140952-00141143 contributions of black users through a tJpJIGwXsPE-00738-00141144-00141302 framework that i am calling tJpJIGwXsPE-00739-00141303-00141519 and it's inside intersectional tech it's tJpJIGwXsPE-00740-00141520-00141702 called hybrid infrastructures now i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-00741-00141703-00141839 hearing dings i want to make sure that tJpJIGwXsPE-00742-00141840-00141990 everybody can still hear me give me a tJpJIGwXsPE-00743-00141991-00142231 thumbs up tl if you can okay perfect tJpJIGwXsPE-00744-00142232-00142414 now i want to say before we get back to tJpJIGwXsPE-00745-00142415-00142911 darius i want to share this other story tJpJIGwXsPE-00746-00142912-00143254 on a winter morning in 2014 tJpJIGwXsPE-00747-00143255-00143495 four black women met digitally in an tJpJIGwXsPE-00748-00143496-00143671 online forum to discuss their varied tJpJIGwXsPE-00749-00143672-00143766 experiences tJpJIGwXsPE-00750-00143767-00143943 within the onslaught of the gamergate tJpJIGwXsPE-00751-00143944-00144223 campaign gamergate as most of us know tJpJIGwXsPE-00752-00144224-00144399 began as a problem surrounding ethics tJpJIGwXsPE-00753-00144400-00144639 and video game journalism where intimate tJpJIGwXsPE-00754-00144640-00144839 relationships influence the objectivity tJpJIGwXsPE-00755-00144840-00145007 of video game reviews tJpJIGwXsPE-00756-00145008-00145207 this quickly devolved into a harassment tJpJIGwXsPE-00757-00145208-00145431 campaign against women by mostly men who tJpJIGwXsPE-00758-00145432-00145535 were being forced to tJpJIGwXsPE-00759-00145536-00145743 accept the inclusion of women and tJpJIGwXsPE-00760-00145744-00145839 increased diversity tJpJIGwXsPE-00761-00145840-00146102 in-game narratives these four women who tJpJIGwXsPE-00762-00146103-00146278 identify racially as black mostly tJpJIGwXsPE-00763-00146279-00146519 express their concerns over invisibility tJpJIGwXsPE-00764-00146520-00146687 as they recognize that white women's tJpJIGwXsPE-00765-00146688-00146854 experiences with harassment were tJpJIGwXsPE-00766-00146855-00146975 privileged tJpJIGwXsPE-00767-00146976-00147151 these women employed the hashtag tJpJIGwXsPE-00768-00147152-00147343 solidarity is for white women borrowing tJpJIGwXsPE-00769-00147344-00147511 from mickey kendall's work tJpJIGwXsPE-00770-00147512-00147743 on twitter to express concerns on being tJpJIGwXsPE-00771-00147744-00147935 ignored while experiencing intersecting tJpJIGwXsPE-00772-00147936-00148119 oppressions harassment and hostility tJpJIGwXsPE-00773-00148120-00148263 online tJpJIGwXsPE-00774-00148264-00148519 on a spring morning in 2015 these same tJpJIGwXsPE-00775-00148520-00148607 four women tJpJIGwXsPE-00776-00148608-00148799 met physically in new york city to tJpJIGwXsPE-00777-00148800-00149031 support a rally for rakia boyd tJpJIGwXsPE-00778-00149032-00149207 this movement led to the say her name tJpJIGwXsPE-00779-00149208-00149383 campaign a national call tJpJIGwXsPE-00780-00149384-00149551 of action for black women and girls who tJpJIGwXsPE-00781-00149552-00149743 are victims of police violence tJpJIGwXsPE-00782-00149744-00149911 this specific protest that these four tJpJIGwXsPE-00783-00149912-00150054 women were a part of tJpJIGwXsPE-00784-00150055-00150239 it was heavily criticized for failing to tJpJIGwXsPE-00785-00150240-00150375 generate a critical mind tJpJIGwXsPE-00786-00150376-00150607 mass it was a signal for some of the tJpJIGwXsPE-00787-00150608-00150775 lack of seriousness tJpJIGwXsPE-00788-00150776-00150951 seriousness taken of women as victims of tJpJIGwXsPE-00789-00150952-00151143 police violence the turnout for that tJpJIGwXsPE-00790-00151144-00151199 protest tJpJIGwXsPE-00791-00151200-00151366 in contrast to the one for eric garner tJpJIGwXsPE-00792-00151367-00151551 in the same city or freddie gray in tJpJIGwXsPE-00793-00151552-00151678 baltimore during the same time tJpJIGwXsPE-00794-00151679-00151863 reflects the continued devaluation of tJpJIGwXsPE-00795-00151864-00152111 black women's lives tJpJIGwXsPE-00796-00152112-00152423 as one of the women articulated it's tJpJIGwXsPE-00797-00152424-00152590 like we are out of place tJpJIGwXsPE-00798-00152591-00152863 like we are taking up too much space our tJpJIGwXsPE-00799-00152864-00152959 concerns tJpJIGwXsPE-00800-00152960-00153214 and voices are never heard but we show tJpJIGwXsPE-00801-00153215-00153399 up and show out all the time for black tJpJIGwXsPE-00802-00153400-00153439 men tJpJIGwXsPE-00803-00153440-00153654 we're like space invaders until some tJpJIGwXsPE-00804-00153655-00153766 work needs to be done tJpJIGwXsPE-00805-00153767-00154054 then they call us renisha or tasty tJpJIGwXsPE-00806-00154055-00154199 diamond 21 if you read the book you're tJpJIGwXsPE-00807-00154200-00154431 going to read a lot from tasty diamond tJpJIGwXsPE-00808-00154432-00154647 this point excuse me this concise and tJpJIGwXsPE-00809-00154648-00154814 powerful comment was made after the tJpJIGwXsPE-00810-00154815-00154959 rakia boyd rally tJpJIGwXsPE-00811-00154960-00155231 renisha also known as tasty diamond 21 tJpJIGwXsPE-00812-00155232-00155471 and xbox live sent this facebook message tJpJIGwXsPE-00813-00155472-00155839 message to me uh excuse me sent this tJpJIGwXsPE-00814-00155840-00155999 messenger to me while remarking on how tJpJIGwXsPE-00815-00156000-00156159 few people showed up to the rally tJpJIGwXsPE-00816-00156160-00156319 a stark contrast to the eric garner tJpJIGwXsPE-00817-00156320-00156502 rally in this small statement she tJpJIGwXsPE-00818-00156503-00156654 uttered a common refrain that black tJpJIGwXsPE-00819-00156655-00156814 women hold about their experiences tJpJIGwXsPE-00820-00156815-00157031 within social movements of being ignored tJpJIGwXsPE-00821-00157032-00157302 overworked and undervalued this example tJpJIGwXsPE-00822-00157303-00157487 highlights the continued invisibility of tJpJIGwXsPE-00823-00157488-00157678 black women in social arenas tJpJIGwXsPE-00824-00157679-00157871 this example also highlights the utility tJpJIGwXsPE-00825-00157872-00158054 of multiple modes of communicating and tJpJIGwXsPE-00826-00158055-00158207 engaging for black women in public and tJpJIGwXsPE-00827-00158208-00158343 private spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-00828-00158344-00158543 starting from gaming platforms to their tJpJIGwXsPE-00829-00158544-00158735 physical mobility and urban spaces for tJpJIGwXsPE-00830-00158736-00158814 protests tJpJIGwXsPE-00831-00158815-00158975 i argue that these black women are tJpJIGwXsPE-00832-00158976-00159207 reimagining their public spaces creating tJpJIGwXsPE-00833-00159208-00159431 intersectional hybrid spaces that tJpJIGwXsPE-00834-00159432-00159583 illustrate the fluidicness tJpJIGwXsPE-00835-00159584-00159783 the fluidness of their movements from tJpJIGwXsPE-00836-00159784-00159983 the digital to the physical and often tJpJIGwXsPE-00837-00159984-00160190 back to the digital tJpJIGwXsPE-00838-00160191-00160423 while the intersectional transmediated tJpJIGwXsPE-00839-00160424-00160495 hybrid tJpJIGwXsPE-00840-00160496-00160654 practices in which women engage in tJpJIGwXsPE-00841-00160655-00160854 gaming communities reflects the ways tJpJIGwXsPE-00842-00160855-00160983 that they create meaning out of tJpJIGwXsPE-00843-00160984-00161095 different texts tJpJIGwXsPE-00844-00161096-00161335 cultures practices and spaces bridging tJpJIGwXsPE-00845-00161336-00161551 multiple to create a hybrid summation of tJpJIGwXsPE-00846-00161552-00161743 experiences tJpJIGwXsPE-00847-00161744-00162102 so what does darius have to do with this tJpJIGwXsPE-00848-00162103-00162487 everything let me go back to his quote tJpJIGwXsPE-00849-00162488-00162766 in his short powerful statement darius tJpJIGwXsPE-00850-00162767-00162999 articulated not only his reality but a tJpJIGwXsPE-00851-00163000-00163199 particular future rooted in digital tJpJIGwXsPE-00852-00163200-00163383 blackness and supplemented by physical tJpJIGwXsPE-00853-00163384-00163495 spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-00854-00163496-00163678 the library in his neighborhood is the tJpJIGwXsPE-00855-00163679-00163887 place he can get access to the internet tJpJIGwXsPE-00856-00163888-00164126 he figured that out his reliance on tJpJIGwXsPE-00857-00164127-00164326 mobile technologies has enabled him to tJpJIGwXsPE-00858-00164327-00164438 engage in this tJpJIGwXsPE-00859-00164439-00164607 leisure activity but it also connects tJpJIGwXsPE-00860-00164608-00164814 into the world and he also shared a tJpJIGwXsPE-00861-00164815-00164983 story of not being able to engage in tJpJIGwXsPE-00862-00164984-00165119 pokemon go tJpJIGwXsPE-00863-00165120-00165295 and so he and his friends had to make up tJpJIGwXsPE-00864-00165296-00165431 they made up their own game tJpJIGwXsPE-00865-00165432-00165614 utilizing the ar technologies from tJpJIGwXsPE-00866-00165615-00165807 snapchat to do so tJpJIGwXsPE-00867-00165808-00166119 they also heavily relied on mask an tJpJIGwXsPE-00868-00166120-00166263 organization on the south side of tJpJIGwXsPE-00869-00166264-00166326 chicago tJpJIGwXsPE-00870-00166327-00166526 men and mothers and men against tJpJIGwXsPE-00871-00166527-00166654 senseless killing tJpJIGwXsPE-00872-00166655-00166887 these women occupy physical space so tJpJIGwXsPE-00873-00166888-00167031 their children in their neighborhoods tJpJIGwXsPE-00874-00167032-00167175 can move freely tJpJIGwXsPE-00875-00167176-00167399 without the fear of violence from moving tJpJIGwXsPE-00876-00167400-00167583 from corner to corner tJpJIGwXsPE-00877-00167584-00167783 so what kind of questions am i asking tJpJIGwXsPE-00878-00167784-00167966 now now that i've put darius at the tJpJIGwXsPE-00879-00167967-00168023 center tJpJIGwXsPE-00880-00168024-00168207 and making him the expert in his own tJpJIGwXsPE-00881-00168208-00168390 life what kinds of questions then should tJpJIGwXsPE-00882-00168391-00168759 we be asking tJpJIGwXsPE-00883-00168760-00168990 um hopefully you can see that screen tJpJIGwXsPE-00884-00168991-00169119 there i'll read here so tJpJIGwXsPE-00885-00169120-00169326 i'm gonna i'll switch my energy a little tJpJIGwXsPE-00886-00169327-00169454 bit so you know that was kind of like tJpJIGwXsPE-00887-00169455-00169638 the book talk this is like gonna tJpJIGwXsPE-00888-00169639-00169823 switch gears like until like the future tJpJIGwXsPE-00889-00169824-00170054 work but before i get here i want to tJpJIGwXsPE-00890-00170055-00170135 also tJpJIGwXsPE-00891-00170136-00170319 i want to show you this map i think it's tJpJIGwXsPE-00892-00170320-00170543 important that we kind of like tJpJIGwXsPE-00893-00170544-00170823 see let me go to hopefully this this is tJpJIGwXsPE-00894-00170824-00171087 made bigger on your screen tJpJIGwXsPE-00895-00171088-00171399 i need you all to visualize tJpJIGwXsPE-00896-00171400-00171551 the space that i'm talking about like tJpJIGwXsPE-00897-00171552-00171766 the space that darius resides right tJpJIGwXsPE-00898-00171767-00171975 so here i have just like a screen tJpJIGwXsPE-00899-00171976-00172095 capture of tJpJIGwXsPE-00900-00172096-00172399 a few city blocks right so on the tJpJIGwXsPE-00901-00172400-00172735 left um this is the wi-fi map tJpJIGwXsPE-00902-00172736-00173007 from chicago chicago touts itself as tJpJIGwXsPE-00903-00173008-00173199 being one of the most wired cities in tJpJIGwXsPE-00904-00173200-00173359 the united states right tJpJIGwXsPE-00905-00173360-00173526 now if you see that little blue dot over tJpJIGwXsPE-00906-00173527-00173638 there i'm not sure if you can see my tJpJIGwXsPE-00907-00173639-00173831 cursor but that blue dot indicates the tJpJIGwXsPE-00908-00173832-00174047 closest wi-fi hotspot the publicly tJpJIGwXsPE-00909-00174048-00174126 available tJpJIGwXsPE-00910-00174127-00174390 wi-fi in this neighborhood now i didn't tJpJIGwXsPE-00911-00174391-00174559 provide the comparison map but if we tJpJIGwXsPE-00912-00174560-00174687 were to look on the north side of the tJpJIGwXsPE-00913-00174688-00174831 city if we were to look like at tJpJIGwXsPE-00914-00174832-00174983 lincoln park or if we were to look at tJpJIGwXsPE-00915-00174984-00175183 like magnificent mile or the gold tJpJIGwXsPE-00916-00175184-00175399 coast this map would be full of these tJpJIGwXsPE-00917-00175400-00175590 blue spots okay tJpJIGwXsPE-00918-00175591-00175775 the next map that i want to show you is tJpJIGwXsPE-00919-00175776-00176031 also is the chicago the cpl location tJpJIGwXsPE-00920-00176032-00176207 chicago public schools tJpJIGwXsPE-00921-00176208-00176551 these are um the library excuse me tJpJIGwXsPE-00922-00176552-00176695 libraries these are the libraries that tJpJIGwXsPE-00923-00176696-00176854 are in the they're sitting in the tJpJIGwXsPE-00924-00176855-00176975 neighborhood tJpJIGwXsPE-00925-00176976-00177135 now this is a pretty good number of tJpJIGwXsPE-00926-00177136-00177335 libraries right so a lot of people you tJpJIGwXsPE-00927-00177336-00177511 know often talk about you know how tJpJIGwXsPE-00928-00177512-00177623 you know some youth in certain tJpJIGwXsPE-00929-00177624-00177751 neighborhoods like don't have access to tJpJIGwXsPE-00930-00177752-00177895 the libraries right so we can talk about tJpJIGwXsPE-00931-00177896-00178047 them being under resourced and not tJpJIGwXsPE-00932-00178048-00178214 having like enough adequate staff or not tJpJIGwXsPE-00933-00178215-00178359 having enough like collections and tJpJIGwXsPE-00934-00178360-00178407 volumes tJpJIGwXsPE-00935-00178408-00178559 that's a different conversation but just tJpJIGwXsPE-00936-00178560-00178711 the fact that they have these tJpJIGwXsPE-00937-00178712-00178854 libraries in their neighborhood that tJpJIGwXsPE-00938-00178855-00179023 they can freely access and go to i think tJpJIGwXsPE-00939-00179024-00179135 it's very significant tJpJIGwXsPE-00940-00179136-00179319 okay now the next map that i want to tJpJIGwXsPE-00941-00179320-00179631 show you is the um tJpJIGwXsPE-00942-00179632-00179871 this is the pokemon go stop map right tJpJIGwXsPE-00943-00179872-00179975 i'll tell you the significance of tJpJIGwXsPE-00944-00179976-00180119 pokemon go but just for right now just tJpJIGwXsPE-00945-00180120-00180278 keep in mind this is south side this is tJpJIGwXsPE-00946-00180279-00180495 inglewood if you were to look at the tJpJIGwXsPE-00947-00180496-00180678 north side of chicago if you tJpJIGwXsPE-00948-00180679-00180935 you would see i think i may have a map tJpJIGwXsPE-00949-00180936-00181078 here we go tJpJIGwXsPE-00950-00181079-00181295 you can see that there is a multitude of tJpJIGwXsPE-00951-00181296-00181487 pokey ghost stops tJpJIGwXsPE-00952-00181488-00181807 in in different areas of the city but in tJpJIGwXsPE-00953-00181808-00182014 inglewood there's just these couple and tJpJIGwXsPE-00954-00182015-00182159 it's associated with the park i believe tJpJIGwXsPE-00955-00182160-00182311 there's a statue probably a statue that tJpJIGwXsPE-00956-00182312-00182463 needs to be torn down to be honest i tJpJIGwXsPE-00957-00182464-00182575 don't even know whose this tJpJIGwXsPE-00958-00182576-00182766 is but but it's like associated with tJpJIGwXsPE-00959-00182767-00183031 like a statue of somebody right tJpJIGwXsPE-00960-00183032-00183302 now when these kids were they were they tJpJIGwXsPE-00961-00183303-00183495 were talking to me tJpJIGwXsPE-00962-00183496-00183647 um whenever i was there again this this tJpJIGwXsPE-00963-00183648-00183814 is like some accidental research but it tJpJIGwXsPE-00964-00183815-00183983 just made so much sense you know and i i tJpJIGwXsPE-00965-00183984-00184143 gave these kids like the space to talk tJpJIGwXsPE-00966-00184144-00184287 and what they said was profound they tJpJIGwXsPE-00967-00184288-00184471 have articulated their realities like to tJpJIGwXsPE-00968-00184472-00184511 a t tJpJIGwXsPE-00969-00184512-00184719 right they said that of course they feel tJpJIGwXsPE-00970-00184720-00184831 that the the tJpJIGwXsPE-00971-00184832-00184959 the fact that they're black and live on tJpJIGwXsPE-00972-00184960-00185102 the south side that there's not an tJpJIGwXsPE-00973-00185103-00185278 investment into the structures tJpJIGwXsPE-00974-00185279-00185423 that that exists like within their tJpJIGwXsPE-00975-00185424-00185623 neighborhoods right and so for me i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-00976-00185624-00185790 like oh well we can easily just call up tJpJIGwXsPE-00977-00185791-00185983 these you know whoever makes pokemon go tJpJIGwXsPE-00978-00185984-00186159 niantic we just call them up and figure tJpJIGwXsPE-00979-00186160-00186319 out hey let's get some more poke stops tJpJIGwXsPE-00980-00186320-00186407 down here right tJpJIGwXsPE-00981-00186408-00186614 because surely this is not racism you tJpJIGwXsPE-00982-00186615-00186775 know this is not rooted in legacies of tJpJIGwXsPE-00983-00186776-00186959 like redlining this is not digital tJpJIGwXsPE-00984-00186960-00187111 redlining right this is just you know tJpJIGwXsPE-00985-00187112-00187254 some simple neglect right tJpJIGwXsPE-00986-00187255-00187423 so whenever we tried to like figure out tJpJIGwXsPE-00987-00187424-00187623 how to get more pokey go stops in their tJpJIGwXsPE-00988-00187624-00187711 neighborhood tJpJIGwXsPE-00989-00187712-00187854 we were told that their neighborhood tJpJIGwXsPE-00990-00187855-00188102 probably wasn't ideal because it's not a tJpJIGwXsPE-00991-00188103-00188247 safe neighborhood they don't have tJpJIGwXsPE-00992-00188248-00188350 sidewalks tJpJIGwXsPE-00993-00188351-00188599 um and they they're they needed to have tJpJIGwXsPE-00994-00188600-00188711 like this this um tJpJIGwXsPE-00995-00188712-00189047 this um idea of safety before they tJpJIGwXsPE-00996-00189048-00189175 they just implemented you know these tJpJIGwXsPE-00997-00189176-00189423 pokestops right so we felt structurally tJpJIGwXsPE-00998-00189424-00189543 that there were going to be some there tJpJIGwXsPE-00999-00189544-00189719 were some exclusionary practices tJpJIGwXsPE-01000-00189720-00189847 and but they said that if there were tJpJIGwXsPE-01001-00189848-00190031 significant landmarks then then this tJpJIGwXsPE-01002-00190032-00190199 neighborhood could have some pokey go tJpJIGwXsPE-01003-00190200-00190287 stop so tJpJIGwXsPE-01004-00190288-00190438 what we this is part of the larger tJpJIGwXsPE-01005-00190439-00190559 project that i'm working on we would tJpJIGwXsPE-01006-00190560-00190695 have done it this summer but we didn't tJpJIGwXsPE-01007-00190696-00190878 but what we wanted to do this summer tJpJIGwXsPE-01008-00190879-00191078 was basically say hey there is tJpJIGwXsPE-01009-00191079-00191231 significant history here and i didn't tJpJIGwXsPE-01010-00191232-00191287 want those tJpJIGwXsPE-01011-00191288-00191454 you young folks to feel like that their tJpJIGwXsPE-01012-00191455-00191638 neighborhoods weren't valuable and tJpJIGwXsPE-01013-00191639-00191766 didn't have anything to offer i'm like tJpJIGwXsPE-01014-00191767-00191950 there is significant history here tJpJIGwXsPE-01015-00191951-00192143 so we went to the archives let's see if tJpJIGwXsPE-01016-00192144-00192326 that if that screen is here tJpJIGwXsPE-01017-00192327-00192543 we went we searched up like all kinds of tJpJIGwXsPE-01018-00192544-00192663 archives where these tJpJIGwXsPE-01019-00192664-00192790 young folks could see that they come tJpJIGwXsPE-01020-00192791-00193031 from rich traditions of music traditions tJpJIGwXsPE-01021-00193032-00193166 and sports traditions and tJpJIGwXsPE-01022-00193167-00193295 you know we found out that you know the tJpJIGwXsPE-01023-00193296-00193438 first sears that was in the city of tJpJIGwXsPE-01024-00193439-00193614 chicago was on one of the corners like tJpJIGwXsPE-01025-00193615-00193711 in their neighborhood tJpJIGwXsPE-01026-00193712-00193919 so the students like they were given tJpJIGwXsPE-01027-00193920-00194111 like this sense of like pride tJpJIGwXsPE-01028-00194112-00194231 you know around their neighborhoods tJpJIGwXsPE-01029-00194232-00194375 because all this history had been lost tJpJIGwXsPE-01030-00194376-00194454 to them right tJpJIGwXsPE-01031-00194455-00194599 and so i think i thought it was very tJpJIGwXsPE-01032-00194600-00194719 interesting that we had used like tJpJIGwXsPE-01033-00194720-00194799 pokemon go tJpJIGwXsPE-01034-00194800-00194983 to like you know revive a lot of these tJpJIGwXsPE-01035-00194984-00195150 history and like go through the archives tJpJIGwXsPE-01036-00195151-00195295 you know you know um tJpJIGwXsPE-01037-00195296-00195463 dig through the crates you know like to tJpJIGwXsPE-01038-00195464-00195623 to to so they can see tJpJIGwXsPE-01039-00195624-00195783 that they come from like you know these tJpJIGwXsPE-01040-00195784-00195943 amazing histories right tJpJIGwXsPE-01041-00195944-00196166 um but i want to get back to like the tJpJIGwXsPE-01042-00196167-00196278 questions that we're asking and the tJpJIGwXsPE-01043-00196279-00196454 questions that these these young folks tJpJIGwXsPE-01044-00196455-00196623 really made me start to like dig deeper tJpJIGwXsPE-01045-00196624-00196807 and like think about um so tJpJIGwXsPE-01046-00196808-00196935 you know some of the guiding questions tJpJIGwXsPE-01047-00196936-00197135 that you know that are informing like a tJpJIGwXsPE-01048-00197136-00197271 lot of this future work tJpJIGwXsPE-01049-00197272-00197471 how do geographically isolated youth tJpJIGwXsPE-01050-00197472-00197678 utilize publicly available tools and tJpJIGwXsPE-01051-00197679-00197863 technologies to develop hybrid networks tJpJIGwXsPE-01052-00197864-00198007 across communities tJpJIGwXsPE-01053-00198008-00198183 the their reliance on wi-fi their tJpJIGwXsPE-01054-00198184-00198390 reliance on public spaces their reliance tJpJIGwXsPE-01055-00198391-00198454 on you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01056-00198455-00198614 their these physical spaces needing to tJpJIGwXsPE-01057-00198615-00198775 be safe was very significant tJpJIGwXsPE-01058-00198776-00198902 and i think that that's something that a tJpJIGwXsPE-01059-00198903-00199047 lot of us like digital scholars and tJpJIGwXsPE-01060-00199048-00199207 media scholars like don't contend with tJpJIGwXsPE-01061-00199208-00199263 enough tJpJIGwXsPE-01062-00199264-00199423 you know how important the physical tJpJIGwXsPE-01063-00199424-00199671 space still is um secondly how have tJpJIGwXsPE-01064-00199672-00199838 these hybrid networks influence and tJpJIGwXsPE-01065-00199839-00199966 develop the creation tJpJIGwXsPE-01066-00199967-00200223 of culturally sustaining spaces um so tJpJIGwXsPE-01067-00200224-00200359 i'm sure like the folks you know of tJpJIGwXsPE-01068-00200360-00200502 course you know the folks at niantic are tJpJIGwXsPE-01069-00200503-00200614 like are fantastic tJpJIGwXsPE-01070-00200615-00200775 but they probably didn't even think hey tJpJIGwXsPE-01071-00200776-00200926 when we're deploying these things like tJpJIGwXsPE-01072-00200927-00201111 are there do we have to also contend tJpJIGwXsPE-01073-00201112-00201263 with like the histories and the legacies tJpJIGwXsPE-01074-00201264-00201447 of exclusion and segregation tJpJIGwXsPE-01075-00201448-00201543 you know those are one of the things tJpJIGwXsPE-01076-00201544-00201695 that they didn't anticipate having to tJpJIGwXsPE-01077-00201696-00201750 think about tJpJIGwXsPE-01078-00201751-00201902 about how the different conversations tJpJIGwXsPE-01079-00201903-00202087 that they would need to ensure you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01080-00202088-00202223 equitable access tJpJIGwXsPE-01081-00202224-00202423 them across like the cities how do the tJpJIGwXsPE-01082-00202424-00202559 culturally sustaining tJpJIGwXsPE-01083-00202560-00202783 spaces impact how you develop develop tJpJIGwXsPE-01084-00202784-00202887 computational makers tJpJIGwXsPE-01085-00202888-00203071 maker practices the fact that these tJpJIGwXsPE-01086-00203072-00203287 youth were using these ar technologies tJpJIGwXsPE-01087-00203288-00203343 let me tJpJIGwXsPE-01088-00203344-00203663 slide over to this the fact that these tJpJIGwXsPE-01089-00203664-00203735 youth like tJpJIGwXsPE-01090-00203736-00203887 were able to like utilize like these tJpJIGwXsPE-01091-00203888-00204054 technologies like they were experts at tJpJIGwXsPE-01092-00204055-00204214 it right they had to be experts at it tJpJIGwXsPE-01093-00204215-00204278 because there's tJpJIGwXsPE-01094-00204279-00204511 there's not like a massive stem programs tJpJIGwXsPE-01095-00204512-00204638 that are coming in and like teaching tJpJIGwXsPE-01096-00204639-00204775 them how to do all these things tJpJIGwXsPE-01097-00204776-00204903 and i think that also comes from like tJpJIGwXsPE-01098-00204904-00205071 this deficit model where you know we're tJpJIGwXsPE-01099-00205071-00205206 coming in thinking we're teaching these tJpJIGwXsPE-01100-00205207-00205303 kids these spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-01101-00205304-00205462 i learned so much from these kids i had tJpJIGwXsPE-01102-00205463-00205710 never heard of like any of these like tJpJIGwXsPE-01103-00205711-00205846 tools that they were utilizing on a tJpJIGwXsPE-01104-00205848-00206079 regular basis snapchat was important tJpJIGwXsPE-01105-00206080-00206206 wikitude like tJpJIGwXsPE-01106-00206207-00206375 holy like i didn't even know what these tJpJIGwXsPE-01107-00206376-00206551 things were until they introduced me to tJpJIGwXsPE-01108-00206552-00206590 them tJpJIGwXsPE-01109-00206591-00206790 and what these youth were doing you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01110-00206791-00206934 whenever they were trying to like make tJpJIGwXsPE-01111-00206935-00207062 their spaces significant tJpJIGwXsPE-01112-00207063-00207223 you know they would go in like tell tJpJIGwXsPE-01113-00207223-00207414 stories especially like for them tJpJIGwXsPE-01114-00207415-00207582 especially with masses mothers against tJpJIGwXsPE-01115-00207583-00207758 senseless killing group like they tJpJIGwXsPE-01116-00207759-00207919 develop like beautiful narratives like tJpJIGwXsPE-01117-00207919-00208038 with these women because they spent tJpJIGwXsPE-01118-00208039-00208238 significant time with these women tJpJIGwXsPE-01119-00208239-00208375 um let me know if i'm running out of tJpJIGwXsPE-01120-00208376-00208479 time too because i just get really tJpJIGwXsPE-01121-00208480-00208590 excited about this and i want to make tJpJIGwXsPE-01122-00208591-00208758 sure i've gone off i've gone off the tJpJIGwXsPE-01123-00208759-00208919 my notes i'm just talking now so i can tJpJIGwXsPE-01124-00208919-00209062 easily just go so make sure somebody tJpJIGwXsPE-01125-00209063-00209151 stop me tJpJIGwXsPE-01126-00209152-00209294 but like whenever they were just talking tJpJIGwXsPE-01127-00209296-00209431 to these women they found out you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01128-00209432-00209582 these beautiful stories and these rich tJpJIGwXsPE-01129-00209583-00209710 narratives in history tJpJIGwXsPE-01130-00209711-00209919 and then so they basically they made the tJpJIGwXsPE-01131-00209919-00210094 people like significant tJpJIGwXsPE-01132-00210096-00210303 um significant to the space so you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01133-00210304-00210487 while we we could say okay this is the tJpJIGwXsPE-01134-00210488-00210655 first jazz musician here this is the tJpJIGwXsPE-01135-00210656-00210734 first you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01136-00210735-00210975 you know mississippi blues you know club tJpJIGwXsPE-01137-00210976-00211142 that was here like whatever we do tJpJIGwXsPE-01138-00211144-00211358 that that these youth are keeping people tJpJIGwXsPE-01139-00211359-00211446 at the center tJpJIGwXsPE-01140-00211448-00211631 of what they're doing and really tJpJIGwXsPE-01141-00211632-00211767 highlighting the importance of like the tJpJIGwXsPE-01142-00211767-00211879 women who are like in tJpJIGwXsPE-01143-00211880-00212046 in these spaces i want to finish these tJpJIGwXsPE-01144-00212048-00212182 questions because these are really tJpJIGwXsPE-01145-00212183-00212391 important questions tJpJIGwXsPE-01146-00212392-00212534 what are the everyday activities tJpJIGwXsPE-01147-00212535-00212710 informing youth computational thinking tJpJIGwXsPE-01148-00212711-00212839 and making practices tJpJIGwXsPE-01149-00212840-00212982 and across these different sites you tJpJIGwXsPE-01150-00212983-00213119 know from the things that we're doing tJpJIGwXsPE-01151-00213119-00213271 here you uic tJpJIGwXsPE-01152-00213271-00213479 chicago public libraries and mask what tJpJIGwXsPE-01153-00213480-00213646 are the design principles influencing tJpJIGwXsPE-01154-00213648-00213831 prolonged engagement with the culturally tJpJIGwXsPE-01155-00213832-00214046 sustaining computational maker spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-01156-00214048-00214206 i really i think it's important that you tJpJIGwXsPE-01157-00214207-00214382 know we we start we have more of these tJpJIGwXsPE-01158-00214383-00214575 like collaborative like relationships tJpJIGwXsPE-01159-00214576-00214767 um and really i'm gonna be honest i want tJpJIGwXsPE-01160-00214767-00214910 to utilize like in my institutional tJpJIGwXsPE-01161-00214911-00215055 privileges to give these women some tJpJIGwXsPE-01162-00215056-00215231 money like these women are doing tJpJIGwXsPE-01163-00215232-00215398 i i wish you know i wanted to have some tJpJIGwXsPE-01164-00215400-00215591 video but i didn't i hadn't gotten irb tJpJIGwXsPE-01165-00215592-00215727 approval like for that part yeah to tJpJIGwXsPE-01166-00215728-00215855 basically show you all this tJpJIGwXsPE-01167-00215856-00216015 but you all like should look up like you tJpJIGwXsPE-01168-00216016-00216239 know just how mask it's chicago tJpJIGwXsPE-01169-00216240-00216415 south side these women put their tJpJIGwXsPE-01170-00216416-00216567 physical selves tJpJIGwXsPE-01171-00216567-00216806 on the line to so their young people can tJpJIGwXsPE-01172-00216807-00216871 play tJpJIGwXsPE-01173-00216871-00217046 and i don't think we we take that for tJpJIGwXsPE-01174-00217048-00217215 granted like how you know people tJpJIGwXsPE-01175-00217216-00217423 who are just excluded and then what tJpJIGwXsPE-01176-00217423-00217598 people do to make sure that people tJpJIGwXsPE-01177-00217600-00217831 that they can still participate i think tJpJIGwXsPE-01178-00217832-00217991 that that's that that's something that tJpJIGwXsPE-01179-00217992-00218175 we we don't engage with enough tJpJIGwXsPE-01180-00218176-00218303 just a little bit about this future tJpJIGwXsPE-01181-00218304-00218487 project that i'm working on tJpJIGwXsPE-01182-00218488-00218606 y'all know i've been at multiple tJpJIGwXsPE-01183-00218607-00218758 institutions right and i always try to tJpJIGwXsPE-01184-00218759-00218894 connect with the communities tJpJIGwXsPE-01185-00218896-00219151 um that of these of uh the locations and tJpJIGwXsPE-01186-00219152-00219310 the communities that i'm in tJpJIGwXsPE-01187-00219311-00219575 um and so i you know starting from you tJpJIGwXsPE-01188-00219576-00219663 know working with like tJpJIGwXsPE-01189-00219664-00219894 young young folks in the appalachian tJpJIGwXsPE-01190-00219896-00220023 region whenever i was at eastern tJpJIGwXsPE-01191-00220023-00220103 kentucky tJpJIGwXsPE-01192-00220104-00220239 you know basically you know these young tJpJIGwXsPE-01193-00220240-00220494 folks these poor white kids are excluded tJpJIGwXsPE-01194-00220496-00220679 from from anything that you all could tJpJIGwXsPE-01195-00220680-00220855 think you talking about dial up still tJpJIGwXsPE-01196-00220856-00221023 some of them may have dial up tJpJIGwXsPE-01197-00221023-00221223 there's no broadband there's no fiber tJpJIGwXsPE-01198-00221223-00221382 optic watch there's none of this in the tJpJIGwXsPE-01199-00221383-00221446 hollers tJpJIGwXsPE-01200-00221448-00221663 of eastern kentucky these kids are tJpJIGwXsPE-01201-00221664-00221846 excluded but they are still figuring out tJpJIGwXsPE-01202-00221848-00222046 ways to like participate and still be a tJpJIGwXsPE-01203-00222048-00222103 part tJpJIGwXsPE-01204-00222104-00222231 and i think those things need to be tJpJIGwXsPE-01205-00222232-00222446 illustrated and highlighted um even you tJpJIGwXsPE-01206-00222448-00222567 know whenever i spent you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01207-00222567-00222710 my time in arizona you know like tJpJIGwXsPE-01208-00222711-00222863 connecting to like you know the yaki tJpJIGwXsPE-01209-00222864-00222927 youth and tJpJIGwXsPE-01210-00222928-00223079 you know mexican and mexican-american tJpJIGwXsPE-01211-00223080-00223239 youth there's this town at tJpJIGwXsPE-01212-00223240-00223471 in in phoenix it's called guadalupe now tJpJIGwXsPE-01213-00223471-00223615 you would think that you have just tJpJIGwXsPE-01214-00223616-00223879 like teleported to like some wild west tJpJIGwXsPE-01215-00223880-00224015 past you know there's still dirt tJpJIGwXsPE-01216-00224016-00224206 roads and you know there's maybe like a tJpJIGwXsPE-01217-00224207-00224398 stop sign like it really just seems like tJpJIGwXsPE-01218-00224400-00224567 this old you know town from the wild tJpJIGwXsPE-01219-00224567-00224615 west tJpJIGwXsPE-01220-00224616-00224815 but these youth are just like okay we're tJpJIGwXsPE-01221-00224816-00224991 excluded from a lot of these practices tJpJIGwXsPE-01222-00224992-00225142 we're excluded from these stem fields tJpJIGwXsPE-01223-00225144-00225263 and these stem camps tJpJIGwXsPE-01224-00225264-00225439 you know so we work to bring these tJpJIGwXsPE-01225-00225440-00225639 things like to these kids but we went tJpJIGwXsPE-01226-00225640-00225823 away with learning so much from them tJpJIGwXsPE-01227-00225823-00226023 we didn't teach these kids anything we tJpJIGwXsPE-01228-00226023-00226206 were learning so much from them tJpJIGwXsPE-01229-00226207-00226351 um and also like with the work that i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-01230-00226352-00226575 trying to do like with david david namer tJpJIGwXsPE-01231-00226576-00226703 you know working with like the youth tJpJIGwXsPE-01232-00226704-00226903 looking at favelas and gabriella richard tJpJIGwXsPE-01233-00226904-00226951 you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01234-00226952-00227071 you know she's trying to do the same tJpJIGwXsPE-01235-00227071-00227231 thing like looking at um like youth in tJpJIGwXsPE-01236-00227232-00227398 rural pennsylvania and also looking at tJpJIGwXsPE-01237-00227400-00227551 like youth in philadelphia tJpJIGwXsPE-01238-00227552-00227710 like this really like we're wanting like tJpJIGwXsPE-01239-00227711-00227903 to just to just allow these young folks tJpJIGwXsPE-01240-00227904-00228055 to be like experts in their own lives tJpJIGwXsPE-01241-00228056-00228119 and just tJpJIGwXsPE-01242-00228119-00228303 realize like you know just what they're tJpJIGwXsPE-01243-00228304-00228471 able to do you know from these tJpJIGwXsPE-01244-00228471-00228631 exclusionary practices i feel like i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-01245-00228632-00228703 running out of tJpJIGwXsPE-01246-00228704-00229046 out of time i know i am um let me i tJpJIGwXsPE-01247-00229048-00229175 think there were a few more slides don't tJpJIGwXsPE-01248-00229176-00229294 worry about those slots because i want tJpJIGwXsPE-01249-00229296-00229415 to hear from you all tJpJIGwXsPE-01250-00229416-00229575 um and especially as like you know i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-01251-00229576-00229719 building like this future work and you tJpJIGwXsPE-01252-00229719-00229871 know making it making sure that i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-01253-00229871-00230023 staying connected to like that the tJpJIGwXsPE-01254-00230023-00230215 project of like intersectional tech like tJpJIGwXsPE-01255-00230216-00230423 this future you know um this future work tJpJIGwXsPE-01256-00230423-00230519 is just really like tJpJIGwXsPE-01257-00230519-00230734 um realizing like the potential of like tJpJIGwXsPE-01258-00230735-00230846 you know what this work could be and tJpJIGwXsPE-01259-00230848-00230887 what tJpJIGwXsPE-01260-00230888-00231087 um what what i'm trying to do so i want tJpJIGwXsPE-01261-00231088-00231231 to make sure to make space i think tJpJIGwXsPE-01262-00231232-00231334 i know we're running out of time i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-01263-00231335-00231494 shutting up now okay i'm gonna turn it tJpJIGwXsPE-01264-00231496-00231623 over back over to utl tJpJIGwXsPE-01265-00231623-00231742 i don't know who gets it i'll stop tJpJIGwXsPE-01266-00231744-00232263 sharing right now tJpJIGwXsPE-01267-00232264-00232398 that was great you weren't running out tJpJIGwXsPE-01268-00232400-00232575 of time it was terrific tJpJIGwXsPE-01269-00232576-00232742 i feel like this was over in like 15 tJpJIGwXsPE-01270-00232744-00232934 minutes so i wanted to make sure tJpJIGwXsPE-01271-00232935-00233271 yes oh okay okay you're good all good tJpJIGwXsPE-01272-00233271-00233503 oh good okay there's a lot of stuff we tJpJIGwXsPE-01273-00233504-00233615 can follow up on tJpJIGwXsPE-01274-00233616-00233887 so i think we can open it up um there tJpJIGwXsPE-01275-00233888-00234023 are those of you who are tJpJIGwXsPE-01276-00234023-00234327 mit folks are in the panelists group and tJpJIGwXsPE-01277-00234328-00234494 you can chime in raise your hand tJpJIGwXsPE-01278-00234496-00234671 whatever we'll get it going and tJpJIGwXsPE-01279-00234671-00234846 those of you who are in the attendees tJpJIGwXsPE-01280-00234848-00235039 panel feel free to tJpJIGwXsPE-01281-00235040-00235358 toss a question in the q a and we can tJpJIGwXsPE-01282-00235359-00235758 get that question to kishona um tJpJIGwXsPE-01283-00235759-00235951 i don't know if there's any i can try to tJpJIGwXsPE-01284-00235952-00236103 kick one off while people are putting tJpJIGwXsPE-01285-00236104-00236231 their thoughts together tJpJIGwXsPE-01286-00236232-00236342 i have a question it's a little bit tJpJIGwXsPE-01287-00236344-00236646 maybe of a meta conceptual i tJpJIGwXsPE-01288-00236648-00236855 i was i found the point you were making tJpJIGwXsPE-01289-00236856-00236958 about rage as tJpJIGwXsPE-01290-00236959-00237239 praxis and mobilized rage kind of tJpJIGwXsPE-01291-00237240-00237391 finding a place for that tJpJIGwXsPE-01292-00237392-00237742 in the stories the work we're doing and tJpJIGwXsPE-01293-00237744-00237927 i immediately was thinking about tJpJIGwXsPE-01294-00237928-00238239 andre brock's interventions now tJpJIGwXsPE-01295-00238240-00238527 on pleasure and the libidinal and how we tJpJIGwXsPE-01296-00238528-00238591 start tJpJIGwXsPE-01297-00238592-00238742 how we can sort of start grappling with tJpJIGwXsPE-01298-00238744-00238919 that and i'm just wondering if you think tJpJIGwXsPE-01299-00238919-00238967 like tJpJIGwXsPE-01300-00238967-00239342 what what does the future of critical tJpJIGwXsPE-01301-00239344-00239567 media studies critical internet studies tJpJIGwXsPE-01302-00239567-00239671 look like tJpJIGwXsPE-01303-00239671-00239871 if we really start taking those tJpJIGwXsPE-01304-00239871-00240046 interventions seriously tJpJIGwXsPE-01305-00240048-00240167 is it a methodology you know are they tJpJIGwXsPE-01306-00240167-00240367 methodological interventions is it tJpJIGwXsPE-01307-00240367-00240591 you know conceptual things open up in tJpJIGwXsPE-01308-00240592-00240671 different ways tJpJIGwXsPE-01309-00240671-00240894 sort of yeah absolutely that's a tJpJIGwXsPE-01310-00240896-00241023 fantastic question tJpJIGwXsPE-01311-00241023-00241198 i know me and andre we've had like a lot tJpJIGwXsPE-01312-00241200-00241351 of conversations around this because i tJpJIGwXsPE-01313-00241352-00241423 think we tJpJIGwXsPE-01314-00241423-00241655 approach we have the same end goal but i tJpJIGwXsPE-01315-00241656-00241806 think how we approach it is like a bit tJpJIGwXsPE-01316-00241807-00241887 differently right tJpJIGwXsPE-01317-00241888-00242094 you know he's really you know um tJpJIGwXsPE-01318-00242096-00242294 inspired by you know exploring like you tJpJIGwXsPE-01319-00242296-00242487 know like pleasure and desire and focus tJpJIGwXsPE-01320-00242488-00242606 like on joy and tJpJIGwXsPE-01321-00242607-00242791 going away from that deficit model you tJpJIGwXsPE-01322-00242792-00242942 know i think he would probably root like tJpJIGwXsPE-01323-00242944-00243119 a lot of the work that i do like within tJpJIGwXsPE-01324-00243119-00243175 this tJpJIGwXsPE-01325-00243176-00243446 like afro-pessimism right of how you tJpJIGwXsPE-01326-00243448-00243582 know like a lot of like the tJpJIGwXsPE-01327-00243583-00243782 the jumping off parts and the jumping tJpJIGwXsPE-01328-00243783-00243951 off points of like a lot of my work is tJpJIGwXsPE-01329-00243952-00244071 is rooted like in tJpJIGwXsPE-01330-00244071-00244382 like sexism racism white supremacy right tJpJIGwXsPE-01331-00244383-00244575 and you know and he you know he always tJpJIGwXsPE-01332-00244576-00244734 like he he is like pushing my thinking tJpJIGwXsPE-01333-00244735-00244823 into thinking tJpJIGwXsPE-01334-00244823-00245151 um into like exploring like who tJpJIGwXsPE-01335-00245152-00245358 are we outside of like white supremacy tJpJIGwXsPE-01336-00245359-00245623 right and i unders i appreciate you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01337-00245623-00245815 you know his um his questions and his tJpJIGwXsPE-01338-00245816-00245967 challenges like to that tJpJIGwXsPE-01339-00245967-00246167 but i often say like as much as i would tJpJIGwXsPE-01340-00246167-00246271 like to like look at tJpJIGwXsPE-01341-00246271-00246479 you know folks lives and you know their tJpJIGwXsPE-01342-00246480-00246646 realities outside tJpJIGwXsPE-01343-00246648-00246758 of you know structures of like tJpJIGwXsPE-01344-00246759-00246934 oppression and outside of like white tJpJIGwXsPE-01345-00246935-00247063 supremacy tJpJIGwXsPE-01346-00247064-00247342 um so much of what we do is still is tJpJIGwXsPE-01347-00247344-00247494 intimately like connected to those tJpJIGwXsPE-01348-00247496-00247671 realities right so it's hard tJpJIGwXsPE-01349-00247671-00247919 for me so so i i could easily like you tJpJIGwXsPE-01350-00247919-00248087 know turn that off i'm a pretty tJpJIGwXsPE-01351-00248088-00248255 privileged person i could like say oh tJpJIGwXsPE-01352-00248256-00248439 you know we have these things outside of tJpJIGwXsPE-01353-00248440-00248558 that tJpJIGwXsPE-01354-00248559-00248751 but immediately like for instance if i tJpJIGwXsPE-01355-00248752-00248894 talk to like you know a person like tJpJIGwXsPE-01356-00248896-00249063 named darius and you know he tJpJIGwXsPE-01357-00249064-00249279 expresses all these kinds of things it's tJpJIGwXsPE-01358-00249280-00249455 hard for me to just like ignore that and tJpJIGwXsPE-01359-00249456-00249551 say okay tJpJIGwXsPE-01360-00249552-00249703 but so what that you had to steal that tJpJIGwXsPE-01361-00249704-00249871 phone you've got this you got it now you tJpJIGwXsPE-01362-00249871-00250030 know let's just enjoy it and enjoy the tJpJIGwXsPE-01363-00250031-00250215 nice things and have joy from it right tJpJIGwXsPE-01364-00250216-00250494 like i have to contend with like the tJpJIGwXsPE-01365-00250496-00250646 realities in which tJpJIGwXsPE-01366-00250648-00250942 you know he is he's residing and then tJpJIGwXsPE-01367-00250944-00251167 when he's done with our fancy space and tJpJIGwXsPE-01368-00251167-00251334 all the fancy money that we've brought tJpJIGwXsPE-01369-00251335-00251479 in and all these fancy things that we tJpJIGwXsPE-01370-00251480-00251534 can do tJpJIGwXsPE-01371-00251535-00251839 he has to go back home you know to his tJpJIGwXsPE-01372-00251840-00251982 neighborhood right tJpJIGwXsPE-01373-00251983-00252215 and and so and and i think that it's tJpJIGwXsPE-01374-00252216-00252423 it's important to like for me and my tJpJIGwXsPE-01375-00252423-00252479 work tJpJIGwXsPE-01376-00252480-00252767 because a lot of um you know i don't i tJpJIGwXsPE-01377-00252767-00252798 don't tJpJIGwXsPE-01378-00252800-00252967 i don't try to say like i'm an expert tJpJIGwXsPE-01379-00252967-00253142 like with another of the other folks tJpJIGwXsPE-01380-00253144-00253279 the people who are in these in the tJpJIGwXsPE-01381-00253280-00253406 projects that are they're the experts in tJpJIGwXsPE-01382-00253407-00253542 their own lives they're the narrators tJpJIGwXsPE-01383-00253544-00253639 right tJpJIGwXsPE-01384-00253640-00253887 and one of the things that they often um tJpJIGwXsPE-01385-00253888-00253991 express tJpJIGwXsPE-01386-00253992-00254215 to me is like gratitude for giving them tJpJIGwXsPE-01387-00254216-00254382 like words and language to express tJpJIGwXsPE-01388-00254383-00254558 what's happening around them tJpJIGwXsPE-01389-00254559-00254751 right and i think that that's something tJpJIGwXsPE-01390-00254752-00254934 that like you know early on like tJpJIGwXsPE-01391-00254935-00255303 early in my work like um you know i was tJpJIGwXsPE-01392-00255304-00255439 um in these communities you know with tJpJIGwXsPE-01393-00255440-00255582 these other black women and they you tJpJIGwXsPE-01394-00255583-00255751 know just couldn't understand why tJpJIGwXsPE-01395-00255752-00255934 why they weren't accepted in like you tJpJIGwXsPE-01396-00255935-00256142 know these spaces and why things tJpJIGwXsPE-01397-00256144-00256279 they were being called these words and tJpJIGwXsPE-01398-00256280-00256471 they were being like and so tJpJIGwXsPE-01399-00256471-00256623 and then i gave them like the language tJpJIGwXsPE-01400-00256623-00256775 because it was new to me it was online tJpJIGwXsPE-01401-00256776-00256927 disinhibition which is you know like a tJpJIGwXsPE-01402-00256928-00257071 framework that i had utilized early in tJpJIGwXsPE-01403-00257071-00257167 my work where tJpJIGwXsPE-01404-00257167-00257342 where when people say and do things tJpJIGwXsPE-01405-00257344-00257479 online that they normally wouldn't do in tJpJIGwXsPE-01406-00257480-00257655 person which we know is that's all out tJpJIGwXsPE-01407-00257656-00257815 the water now tJpJIGwXsPE-01408-00257816-00258055 but but they were so pleased like tJpJIGwXsPE-01409-00258056-00258246 learning that and being able to put like tJpJIGwXsPE-01410-00258248-00258342 words and tJpJIGwXsPE-01411-00258344-00258582 language in and frameworks you know to tJpJIGwXsPE-01412-00258583-00258703 what they're experiencing on a tJpJIGwXsPE-01413-00258704-00258798 day-to-day basis tJpJIGwXsPE-01414-00258800-00258958 me introducing them to like a word like tJpJIGwXsPE-01415-00258959-00259151 microaggression you know and it's tJpJIGwXsPE-01416-00259152-00259303 something that i'm not teaching them tJpJIGwXsPE-01417-00259304-00259351 anything tJpJIGwXsPE-01418-00259352-00259534 they know these things but they just tJpJIGwXsPE-01419-00259535-00259719 like having just like the language of tJpJIGwXsPE-01420-00259719-00259894 helping to like make sense like of their tJpJIGwXsPE-01421-00259896-00260023 realities right tJpJIGwXsPE-01422-00260023-00260239 but it also like equips them with like tJpJIGwXsPE-01423-00260240-00260342 the strengths like tJpJIGwXsPE-01424-00260344-00260591 maneuver and to like pivot away and to tJpJIGwXsPE-01425-00260592-00260734 like create you know these tJpJIGwXsPE-01426-00260735-00260958 alternate futures you know that are like tJpJIGwXsPE-01427-00260959-00261175 okay i get it we know white supremacy is tJpJIGwXsPE-01428-00261176-00261334 a thing here sure we have tJpJIGwXsPE-01429-00261335-00261479 you know jumping off points from like tJpJIGwXsPE-01430-00261480-00261646 you know who where what our reality is tJpJIGwXsPE-01431-00261648-00261806 especially for like the reality of like tJpJIGwXsPE-01432-00261807-00262046 being black in america you know too um tJpJIGwXsPE-01433-00262048-00262119 and and so tJpJIGwXsPE-01434-00262119-00262334 i i just think that it's it's important tJpJIGwXsPE-01435-00262335-00262510 that we just acknowledge that we don't tJpJIGwXsPE-01436-00262511-00262567 have to be tJpJIGwXsPE-01437-00262568-00262823 we don't have to succumb to the to the tJpJIGwXsPE-01438-00262824-00262991 the atrocities associated with the tJpJIGwXsPE-01439-00262992-00263158 legacies of like racism and like tJpJIGwXsPE-01440-00263159-00263239 oppression tJpJIGwXsPE-01441-00263240-00263423 but we can be inspired by what we've tJpJIGwXsPE-01442-00263424-00263599 been able to create tJpJIGwXsPE-01443-00263600-00263823 in spite of you know and so i think tJpJIGwXsPE-01444-00263824-00263903 that's that's tJpJIGwXsPE-01445-00263904-00264103 that's the entanglements you know that tJpJIGwXsPE-01446-00264104-00264263 that we often you know find tJpJIGwXsPE-01447-00264264-00264447 ourselves within especially like in tJpJIGwXsPE-01448-00264448-00264582 black media tJpJIGwXsPE-01449-00264583-00264830 among black media scholars you know and tJpJIGwXsPE-01450-00264831-00264958 and and for me you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01451-00264959-00265351 there's nothing that i'm all i'm doing tJpJIGwXsPE-01452-00265352-00265558 is making legible the stuff that's tJpJIGwXsPE-01453-00265559-00265703 already there tJpJIGwXsPE-01454-00265704-00265951 i'm not i haven't created a thing i just tJpJIGwXsPE-01455-00265952-00266143 put a fancy word to something that tJpJIGwXsPE-01456-00266144-00266199 exists tJpJIGwXsPE-01457-00266200-00266415 already right intersectional tech is tJpJIGwXsPE-01458-00266416-00266599 just a fancy way so i can continue i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-01459-00266600-00266743 just here so i don't get fine tJpJIGwXsPE-01460-00266744-00267063 right but i'm not doing anything new tJpJIGwXsPE-01461-00267064-00267351 momo pixel is intersectional tech you tJpJIGwXsPE-01462-00267352-00267510 know these black women in xbox live or tJpJIGwXsPE-01463-00267511-00267591 intersectional today tJpJIGwXsPE-01464-00267592-00267782 darius and his dope ass friend who's tJpJIGwXsPE-01465-00267783-00268023 larping you know making of like pokemon tJpJIGwXsPE-01466-00268024-00268119 go games tJpJIGwXsPE-01467-00268120-00268303 they're intersectional tech because they tJpJIGwXsPE-01468-00268304-00268534 have cobbled together like pieces of tJpJIGwXsPE-01469-00268535-00268743 things that they have access to tJpJIGwXsPE-01470-00268744-00268903 and they have like carved out like a tJpJIGwXsPE-01471-00268904-00269055 little space for them that's tJpJIGwXsPE-01472-00269056-00269287 that's free from from all the things tJpJIGwXsPE-01473-00269288-00269510 that they have to experience you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01474-00269511-00269663 and i think that's you know that's just tJpJIGwXsPE-01475-00269664-00269855 what i want to like make legible to like tJpJIGwXsPE-01476-00269856-00269975 academic audiences tJpJIGwXsPE-01477-00269976-00270167 why does it matter are we gonna like tJpJIGwXsPE-01478-00270168-00270334 transform their lives in like magical tJpJIGwXsPE-01479-00270335-00270551 ways you know we probably aren't tJpJIGwXsPE-01480-00270552-00270767 right but maybe somebody will give me tJpJIGwXsPE-01481-00270768-00270975 some money to make it better for a day tJpJIGwXsPE-01482-00270976-00271134 or to like improve their conditions for tJpJIGwXsPE-01483-00271135-00271279 day right i'm gonna just be all the way tJpJIGwXsPE-01484-00271280-00271351 honest tJpJIGwXsPE-01485-00271352-00271519 you know i use language of like you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01486-00271520-00271703 transformative potential liberatory tJpJIGwXsPE-01487-00271704-00271799 potentials and tJpJIGwXsPE-01488-00271800-00271975 you know but i also like recognize like tJpJIGwXsPE-01489-00271976-00272119 the limits of that you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01490-00272120-00272327 i'm not improving their lives but they tJpJIGwXsPE-01491-00272328-00272447 are thankful tJpJIGwXsPE-01492-00272448-00272655 that for for one that you know so many tJpJIGwXsPE-01493-00272656-00272767 of these kids said you know thank you tJpJIGwXsPE-01494-00272768-00272967 for listening to us you know so many tJpJIGwXsPE-01495-00272968-00273206 other scholars before me have come into tJpJIGwXsPE-01496-00273207-00273358 these spaces and tJpJIGwXsPE-01497-00273359-00273519 didn't didn't think that they had tJpJIGwXsPE-01498-00273520-00273671 anything to offer tJpJIGwXsPE-01499-00273672-00273863 and the fact that you know i'm gonna be tJpJIGwXsPE-01500-00273864-00274030 drawn i'm gonna cry like tJpJIGwXsPE-01501-00274031-00274182 you know these kids thank me for calling tJpJIGwXsPE-01502-00274183-00274375 them experts you know i'm like tJpJIGwXsPE-01503-00274376-00274567 you are the expert like you're living tJpJIGwXsPE-01504-00274568-00274703 these tough lives and tJpJIGwXsPE-01505-00274704-00274887 you've given me a chance just to talk to tJpJIGwXsPE-01506-00274888-00275079 you like i'm honored to be able to be tJpJIGwXsPE-01507-00275080-00275247 here and talk to you for a few minutes i tJpJIGwXsPE-01508-00275248-00275375 just want to make sure that tJpJIGwXsPE-01509-00275376-00275599 other people know how dope y'all are tJpJIGwXsPE-01510-00275600-00275799 yeah tJpJIGwXsPE-01511-00275800-00276006 yeah that's it's it's it's actually a tJpJIGwXsPE-01512-00276007-00276103 beautiful tJpJIGwXsPE-01513-00276104-00276247 thing way to put it because i think that tJpJIGwXsPE-01514-00276248-00276423 one of the things i i really value about tJpJIGwXsPE-01515-00276424-00276543 your work is shona tJpJIGwXsPE-01516-00276544-00276727 and i mean i'm an ethnographer so maybe tJpJIGwXsPE-01517-00276728-00276863 i'm always going to be a little biased tJpJIGwXsPE-01518-00276864-00276951 to that but tJpJIGwXsPE-01519-00276952-00277206 the way you really do show the tJpJIGwXsPE-01520-00277207-00277606 complexity and nuance and tJpJIGwXsPE-01521-00277607-00277751 that people have in their everyday lives tJpJIGwXsPE-01522-00277752-00277927 without diminishing tJpJIGwXsPE-01523-00277928-00278199 the critical structural intervention and tJpJIGwXsPE-01524-00278200-00278255 and tJpJIGwXsPE-01525-00278256-00278455 and making that visible you as i said i tJpJIGwXsPE-01526-00278456-00278567 tried to say you do an tJpJIGwXsPE-01527-00278568-00278830 amazing balancing job of those two tJpJIGwXsPE-01528-00278831-00278927 things so yeah tJpJIGwXsPE-01529-00278928-00279134 yeah thank you yeah i need to stop tJpJIGwXsPE-01530-00279135-00279263 crying damn it tJpJIGwXsPE-01531-00279264-00279391 you're getting some love in the chat i tJpJIGwXsPE-01532-00279392-00279582 know we have oh am i okay tJpJIGwXsPE-01533-00279583-00279782 yeah you are and we have one question in tJpJIGwXsPE-01534-00279783-00280039 the q a and i just kind of scanning tJpJIGwXsPE-01535-00280040-00280327 i don't see a raised hand feature for tJpJIGwXsPE-01536-00280328-00280527 the panelists so if there's one of the tJpJIGwXsPE-01537-00280528-00280855 if there's an mit person who wants to oh tJpJIGwXsPE-01538-00280856-00280934 there is nick tJpJIGwXsPE-01539-00280935-00281079 raised his hand okay so and then i'll tJpJIGwXsPE-01540-00281080-00281263 and then i'll pull the q a question tJpJIGwXsPE-01541-00281264-00281663 after nick goes tJpJIGwXsPE-01542-00281664-00281943 hi sorry for not manifesting visually um tJpJIGwXsPE-01543-00281944-00282063 that's okay tJpJIGwXsPE-01544-00282064-00282295 thanks very much for your talk and i you tJpJIGwXsPE-01545-00282296-00282439 know one of the things i wanted to ask tJpJIGwXsPE-01546-00282440-00282606 about actually the tJpJIGwXsPE-01547-00282607-00282887 the question i have um is related really tJpJIGwXsPE-01548-00282888-00283030 to this other um tJpJIGwXsPE-01549-00283031-00283343 sort of digital divide uh like tJpJIGwXsPE-01550-00283344-00283534 traditional type of media tJpJIGwXsPE-01551-00283535-00283687 um and things that are sort of high tJpJIGwXsPE-01552-00283688-00283903 culturally ratified and then things like tJpJIGwXsPE-01553-00283904-00283967 games tJpJIGwXsPE-01554-00283968-00284230 because to me one of the questions is um tJpJIGwXsPE-01555-00284231-00284430 not to dictate people's media diets or tJpJIGwXsPE-01556-00284431-00284558 what games they play tJpJIGwXsPE-01557-00284559-00284743 but you know darius should know about tJpJIGwXsPE-01558-00284744-00284863 moa pixels tJpJIGwXsPE-01559-00284864-00285119 games and like that that seems to be tJpJIGwXsPE-01560-00285120-00285263 like an important connection and tJpJIGwXsPE-01561-00285264-00285351 intersection tJpJIGwXsPE-01562-00285352-00285606 to be made and one of the issues there tJpJIGwXsPE-01563-00285607-00285687 is tJpJIGwXsPE-01564-00285688-00285887 when you go into the public library tJpJIGwXsPE-01565-00285888-00286063 which is a wonderful resource tJpJIGwXsPE-01566-00286064-00286287 and it's black history month there are tJpJIGwXsPE-01567-00286288-00286375 books tJpJIGwXsPE-01568-00286376-00286615 that are showcased for you you can ask tJpJIGwXsPE-01569-00286616-00286830 uh suggestions of the librarian tJpJIGwXsPE-01570-00286831-00287047 um you can even get this for other for tJpJIGwXsPE-01571-00287048-00287230 comics you can get this or your graphic tJpJIGwXsPE-01572-00287231-00287303 novels tJpJIGwXsPE-01573-00287304-00287615 you can get those suggestions for um tJpJIGwXsPE-01574-00287616-00287910 you know uh dvds although that's tJpJIGwXsPE-01575-00287911-00287999 antiquated tJpJIGwXsPE-01576-00288000-00288263 these days but uh you know there's tJpJIGwXsPE-01577-00288264-00288399 there's lots of media that are made tJpJIGwXsPE-01578-00288400-00288558 available and sort of curated tJpJIGwXsPE-01579-00288559-00288734 and there's there's suggestions for this tJpJIGwXsPE-01580-00288735-00288999 but the librarians are unlikely to know tJpJIGwXsPE-01581-00289000-00289158 about video games reflecting tJpJIGwXsPE-01582-00289159-00289343 african-american experience tJpJIGwXsPE-01583-00289344-00289663 um and so it seems to me like part tJpJIGwXsPE-01584-00289664-00289910 part of the issue and actually that you tJpJIGwXsPE-01585-00289911-00290087 know one of your contributions here tJpJIGwXsPE-01586-00290088-00290375 is making those types of uh connections tJpJIGwXsPE-01587-00290376-00290430 and tJpJIGwXsPE-01588-00290431-00290710 intersections um that by developing tJpJIGwXsPE-01589-00290711-00290863 these lists and raising awareness of tJpJIGwXsPE-01590-00290864-00291047 what people do the people like the tJpJIGwXsPE-01591-00291048-00291287 game devs of color this weekend and such tJpJIGwXsPE-01592-00291288-00291447 um tJpJIGwXsPE-01593-00291448-00291599 and taking up the slack from these tJpJIGwXsPE-01594-00291600-00291758 traditional institutions tJpJIGwXsPE-01595-00291759-00292110 that you're providing more uh awareness tJpJIGwXsPE-01596-00292111-00292239 of what's going on tJpJIGwXsPE-01597-00292240-00292582 in uh game spaces here um are there tJpJIGwXsPE-01598-00292583-00292919 you know how do we further that project tJpJIGwXsPE-01599-00292920-00293247 um you know for all sorts of people who tJpJIGwXsPE-01600-00293248-00293591 don't know about um the the games tJpJIGwXsPE-01601-00293592-00294082 for instance that um deal with their tJpJIGwXsPE-01602-00294083-00294206 lives tJpJIGwXsPE-01603-00294207-00294510 a fantastic fantastic question nick um tJpJIGwXsPE-01604-00294511-00294663 you highlighted a couple things that i tJpJIGwXsPE-01605-00294664-00294910 want to make sure to to like engage with tJpJIGwXsPE-01606-00294911-00295191 and i think one of the one of the the tJpJIGwXsPE-01607-00295192-00295303 benefits of this project tJpJIGwXsPE-01608-00295304-00295447 you just reminded me of like the tJpJIGwXsPE-01609-00295448-00295615 importance of libraries tJpJIGwXsPE-01610-00295616-00295775 right and i think sometimes we take that tJpJIGwXsPE-01611-00295776-00296006 for granted you know like even like tJpJIGwXsPE-01612-00296007-00296182 in my own classes you know i'm always tJpJIGwXsPE-01613-00296183-00296343 like import i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-01614-00296344-00296510 uh i always have a project that's built tJpJIGwXsPE-01615-00296511-00296630 around like going to the library and tJpJIGwXsPE-01616-00296631-00296791 connecting with a librarian and trying tJpJIGwXsPE-01617-00296792-00296967 to find like databases right tJpJIGwXsPE-01618-00296968-00297167 and i think one of the things but but i tJpJIGwXsPE-01619-00297168-00297310 always that always exists outside of tJpJIGwXsPE-01620-00297311-00297430 gaming right tJpJIGwXsPE-01621-00297431-00297599 you know i never you know i always have tJpJIGwXsPE-01622-00297600-00297775 to like you know like identify like a tJpJIGwXsPE-01623-00297776-00297815 project tJpJIGwXsPE-01624-00297816-00297934 related to like history or something tJpJIGwXsPE-01625-00297935-00298071 like more traditional but i think you tJpJIGwXsPE-01626-00298072-00298151 you highlight tJpJIGwXsPE-01627-00298152-00298310 you know this disconnect you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01628-00298311-00298447 between like librarians and like the tJpJIGwXsPE-01629-00298448-00298606 things that like some of us do like you tJpJIGwXsPE-01630-00298607-00298727 know identifying like the gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-01631-00298728-00298871 scholarship and like you know the things tJpJIGwXsPE-01632-00298872-00299079 that like youth can engage in tJpJIGwXsPE-01633-00299080-00299567 and then it it also like you made me um tJpJIGwXsPE-01634-00299568-00299887 it made me think about you know some of tJpJIGwXsPE-01635-00299888-00299934 the con tJpJIGwXsPE-01636-00299935-00300351 the the like tJpJIGwXsPE-01637-00300352-00300543 i don't know if you all know uh liz tJpJIGwXsPE-01638-00300544-00300710 phipps soero do you all remember she's a tJpJIGwXsPE-01639-00300711-00300927 cambridge librarian she's a librarian at tJpJIGwXsPE-01640-00300928-00301039 cambridge sports the kid tJpJIGwXsPE-01641-00301040-00301303 the school that my kids went to i love tJpJIGwXsPE-01642-00301304-00301423 talking about her tJpJIGwXsPE-01643-00301424-00301575 and invoking her name she's the one that tJpJIGwXsPE-01644-00301576-00301751 i guess got in hot water tJpJIGwXsPE-01645-00301752-00301910 with the dr seuss books you remember she tJpJIGwXsPE-01646-00301911-00302095 refused the the the books from you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01647-00302096-00302182 first lady tJpJIGwXsPE-01648-00302183-00302671 melania trump um but she tJpJIGwXsPE-01649-00302672-00302910 unveiled this entire world of like tJpJIGwXsPE-01650-00302911-00303127 librarians and like information science tJpJIGwXsPE-01651-00303128-00303167 and tJpJIGwXsPE-01652-00303168-00303534 how white that space is and i think i i tJpJIGwXsPE-01653-00303535-00303719 wasn't like aware of that tJpJIGwXsPE-01654-00303720-00303934 so i'm not shocked at the disconnect tJpJIGwXsPE-01655-00303935-00304095 like let let me also like fill you in tJpJIGwXsPE-01656-00304096-00304182 like on like a little bit of the tJpJIGwXsPE-01657-00304183-00304319 background like from tJpJIGwXsPE-01658-00304320-00304527 i was only able to like connect with tJpJIGwXsPE-01659-00304528-00304687 darius and like his friend groups tJpJIGwXsPE-01660-00304688-00304839 because the librarians didn't really tJpJIGwXsPE-01661-00304840-00304991 know how to reach them right they were tJpJIGwXsPE-01662-00304992-00305103 in that space tJpJIGwXsPE-01663-00305104-00305319 but they and then i also need to say tJpJIGwXsPE-01664-00305320-00305471 that the librarians were tJpJIGwXsPE-01665-00305472-00305647 also trying to get them to always put tJpJIGwXsPE-01666-00305648-00305799 their phones away too tJpJIGwXsPE-01667-00305800-00306030 right and to like engage in like the tJpJIGwXsPE-01668-00306031-00306247 traditional books and like hey put that tJpJIGwXsPE-01669-00306248-00306327 away this tJpJIGwXsPE-01670-00306328-00306551 that's not reading that's not and so she tJpJIGwXsPE-01671-00306552-00306719 was like diminishing tJpJIGwXsPE-01672-00306720-00306910 like a lot of what these kids were doing tJpJIGwXsPE-01673-00306911-00307087 i'm like and i wanted to say i didn't tJpJIGwXsPE-01674-00307088-00307191 want to like you know because my kids tJpJIGwXsPE-01675-00307192-00307319 were there just participating i wanted tJpJIGwXsPE-01676-00307320-00307463 to be a parent i didn't want to come in tJpJIGwXsPE-01677-00307464-00307654 i'm keyshawn i have a phd i know all tJpJIGwXsPE-01678-00307655-00307799 that i didn't want to do that either tJpJIGwXsPE-01679-00307800-00307895 right tJpJIGwXsPE-01680-00307896-00308071 but it let me know that it was important tJpJIGwXsPE-01681-00308072-00308271 to establish this relationship tJpJIGwXsPE-01682-00308272-00308447 you know with the librarians just so tJpJIGwXsPE-01683-00308448-00308663 they can realize like the potential tJpJIGwXsPE-01684-00308664-00308854 of of them being able to utilize tJpJIGwXsPE-01685-00308855-00309039 traditional library like practices and tJpJIGwXsPE-01686-00309040-00309206 to reach like young folks like darius tJpJIGwXsPE-01687-00309207-00309430 and his friends right tJpJIGwXsPE-01688-00309431-00309599 and then you know so i think one of the tJpJIGwXsPE-01689-00309600-00309830 things her initial like response was um tJpJIGwXsPE-01690-00309831-00309999 like oh well should i find books that tJpJIGwXsPE-01691-00310000-00310182 have like fortnight themes to them or tJpJIGwXsPE-01692-00310183-00310247 something like tJpJIGwXsPE-01693-00310248-00310495 i'm like sure but but but there are some tJpJIGwXsPE-01694-00310496-00310671 games like how about having these kids tJpJIGwXsPE-01695-00310672-00310871 make games so twine was the thing that i tJpJIGwXsPE-01696-00310872-00311030 introduced her to i'm like okay you want tJpJIGwXsPE-01697-00311031-00311191 them to like develop literacy and like tJpJIGwXsPE-01698-00311192-00311310 put words together tJpJIGwXsPE-01699-00311311-00311447 so you know one of the things that we tJpJIGwXsPE-01700-00311448-00311582 did you know during that summer was have tJpJIGwXsPE-01701-00311583-00311782 them like make games like utilizing tJpJIGwXsPE-01702-00311783-00311991 you know twine like the the text based tJpJIGwXsPE-01703-00311992-00312134 game linear you know for folks like who tJpJIGwXsPE-01704-00312135-00312206 don't know tJpJIGwXsPE-01705-00312207-00312351 and so these were like things that she tJpJIGwXsPE-01706-00312352-00312567 really wasn't aware of right so tJpJIGwXsPE-01707-00312568-00312839 you know i i i again it's important to tJpJIGwXsPE-01708-00312840-00313015 establish like you know relationships tJpJIGwXsPE-01709-00313016-00313079 and tJpJIGwXsPE-01710-00313080-00313415 and and and get like i said i didn't tJpJIGwXsPE-01711-00313416-00313582 want to go in there like you know just tJpJIGwXsPE-01712-00313583-00313743 telling her like all these things but i tJpJIGwXsPE-01713-00313744-00313854 think it was just important for her to tJpJIGwXsPE-01714-00313855-00314006 just kind of reframe her thinking a tJpJIGwXsPE-01715-00314007-00314071 little bit tJpJIGwXsPE-01716-00314072-00314279 let's not diminish and devalue you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01717-00314280-00314551 these them with these games let's try to tJpJIGwXsPE-01718-00314552-00314630 use this tJpJIGwXsPE-01719-00314631-00314815 as a jumping off point to get them to tJpJIGwXsPE-01720-00314816-00314943 reach the point that you're trying to tJpJIGwXsPE-01721-00314944-00315030 get them to do tJpJIGwXsPE-01722-00315031-00315206 and like creating stories and writing tJpJIGwXsPE-01723-00315207-00315399 stories you know i had even like tJpJIGwXsPE-01724-00315400-00315527 introduced her to like you know the tJpJIGwXsPE-01725-00315528-00315775 the um like even seeing video games is tJpJIGwXsPE-01726-00315776-00315975 like an actual text you know so tJpJIGwXsPE-01727-00315976-00316151 so like you said you know like nick like tJpJIGwXsPE-01728-00316152-00316295 she wasn't even like aware of like the tJpJIGwXsPE-01729-00316296-00316367 beautiful tJpJIGwXsPE-01730-00316368-00316558 like worlds behind like assassin's creed tJpJIGwXsPE-01731-00316559-00316734 for instance you know there's beautiful tJpJIGwXsPE-01732-00316735-00316919 narratives inside like assassin's creed tJpJIGwXsPE-01733-00316920-00317110 and so it was just a way to get her tJpJIGwXsPE-01734-00317111-00317279 you know like to just think differently tJpJIGwXsPE-01735-00317280-00317527 you know like about what a text could be tJpJIGwXsPE-01736-00317528-00317710 and how we can read different texts and tJpJIGwXsPE-01737-00317711-00317903 i think that was um you know you know to tJpJIGwXsPE-01738-00317904-00318054 your point i think that was like a tJpJIGwXsPE-01739-00318055-00318254 like an important intervention just to tJpJIGwXsPE-01740-00318255-00318423 make sure that if i'm not there like i tJpJIGwXsPE-01741-00318424-00318551 can't be at every library tJpJIGwXsPE-01742-00318552-00318727 you know making sure you know like like tJpJIGwXsPE-01743-00318728-00318927 she recognizes that but i just want to tJpJIGwXsPE-01744-00318928-00319087 you know i think it's been trying to tJpJIGwXsPE-01745-00319088-00319230 like develop like you know have that tJpJIGwXsPE-01746-00319231-00319334 relationship tJpJIGwXsPE-01747-00319335-00319471 you know with some of the the the tJpJIGwXsPE-01748-00319472-00319591 libraries especially the ones on the tJpJIGwXsPE-01749-00319592-00319775 south side and west side of chicago yeah tJpJIGwXsPE-01750-00319776-00319910 there are other questions my bad did tJpJIGwXsPE-01751-00319911-00320039 they answer your question tJpJIGwXsPE-01752-00320040-00320343 sorry i just started talking tJpJIGwXsPE-01753-00320344-00320679 to your question tJpJIGwXsPE-01754-00320680-00320910 yeah he said great together uh maybe tJpJIGwXsPE-01755-00320911-00321095 i'll take the i'll read the one from the tJpJIGwXsPE-01756-00321096-00321327 q a from one of the attendees so this is tJpJIGwXsPE-01757-00321328-00321415 from tJpJIGwXsPE-01758-00321416-00321767 thea silvie silviera dr gray thank you tJpJIGwXsPE-01759-00321768-00322015 so much for this presentation tJpJIGwXsPE-01760-00322016-00322158 how do you think that black women tJpJIGwXsPE-01761-00322159-00322382 journalists and communicators could tJpJIGwXsPE-01762-00322383-00322495 collaborate tJpJIGwXsPE-01763-00322496-00322695 too in this process for more positive tJpJIGwXsPE-01764-00322696-00322863 narratives in the media and digital tJpJIGwXsPE-01765-00322864-00322943 spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-01766-00322944-00323206 and then virtual hugs from brazil they tJpJIGwXsPE-01767-00323207-00323279 add tJpJIGwXsPE-01768-00323280-00323606 oh yes yes yes yes yes um tJpJIGwXsPE-01769-00323607-00323782 that's a fantastic question thank you tJpJIGwXsPE-01770-00323783-00323927 for asking that tJpJIGwXsPE-01771-00323928-00324263 i had i i don't know i don't tJpJIGwXsPE-01772-00324264-00324479 quite know how to do that right i'ma tJpJIGwXsPE-01773-00324480-00324679 talk about a recent conversation that i tJpJIGwXsPE-01774-00324680-00324806 had you know i won't name on this tJpJIGwXsPE-01775-00324807-00325023 person's name but she's like a um tJpJIGwXsPE-01776-00325024-00325215 like a journalist like digital tJpJIGwXsPE-01777-00325216-00325430 storyteller kind of like person tJpJIGwXsPE-01778-00325431-00325743 and you know i think that tJpJIGwXsPE-01779-00325744-00326015 that a lot of journalists come into tJpJIGwXsPE-01780-00326016-00326103 projects with tJpJIGwXsPE-01781-00326104-00326423 an assumption about things already right tJpJIGwXsPE-01782-00326424-00326615 so this particular journalist had a had tJpJIGwXsPE-01783-00326616-00326767 an idea about tJpJIGwXsPE-01784-00326768-00326927 something they wanted me to contribute tJpJIGwXsPE-01785-00326928-00327119 to this project in a particular way tJpJIGwXsPE-01786-00327120-00327327 but they didn't take gaming seriously tJpJIGwXsPE-01787-00327328-00327510 right so you know she's full of like tJpJIGwXsPE-01788-00327511-00327710 assumptions about games you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01789-00327711-00327815 full of like you know some of the tJpJIGwXsPE-01790-00327816-00327999 constructed ideas and images like about tJpJIGwXsPE-01791-00328000-00328071 games tJpJIGwXsPE-01792-00328072-00328351 and so it the relationship didn't start tJpJIGwXsPE-01793-00328352-00328439 on equal tJpJIGwXsPE-01794-00328440-00328647 footing right there was not like an tJpJIGwXsPE-01795-00328648-00328823 equitable like relationship where she's tJpJIGwXsPE-01796-00328824-00328999 like you have something to offer i want tJpJIGwXsPE-01797-00329000-00329119 to hear what it is tJpJIGwXsPE-01798-00329120-00329295 she came at it from like i have this tJpJIGwXsPE-01799-00329296-00329478 particular project i have this story i tJpJIGwXsPE-01800-00329479-00329551 got to do tJpJIGwXsPE-01801-00329552-00329823 can you help me reach my end goal right tJpJIGwXsPE-01802-00329824-00329871 and so tJpJIGwXsPE-01803-00329872-00330087 and that that was a problem right you tJpJIGwXsPE-01804-00330088-00330215 know because she already has it in her tJpJIGwXsPE-01805-00330216-00330375 head and so she's trying to find bits tJpJIGwXsPE-01806-00330376-00330551 and pieces for me to fit into this tJpJIGwXsPE-01807-00330552-00330703 narrative that she's like created tJpJIGwXsPE-01808-00330704-00330782 already tJpJIGwXsPE-01809-00330783-00331095 so i think that we have to like take a tJpJIGwXsPE-01810-00331096-00331167 step back tJpJIGwXsPE-01811-00331168-00331327 that's not the first place that we need tJpJIGwXsPE-01812-00331328-00331503 to start where you have this idea and tJpJIGwXsPE-01813-00331504-00331687 then you find people to fill that in tJpJIGwXsPE-01814-00331688-00331839 i think the relationships have to be tJpJIGwXsPE-01815-00331840-00331999 part of like the foundation what tJpJIGwXsPE-01816-00332000-00332223 we build you know these projects around tJpJIGwXsPE-01817-00332224-00332375 there's another example hopefully you tJpJIGwXsPE-01818-00332376-00332510 don't want to say this you know there's tJpJIGwXsPE-01819-00332511-00332839 um there's been a story that folks from tJpJIGwXsPE-01820-00332840-00333006 abc and good morning america have been tJpJIGwXsPE-01821-00333007-00333223 trying to do for like a long time so tJpJIGwXsPE-01822-00333224-00333415 i've been in communication with this tJpJIGwXsPE-01823-00333416-00333647 lovely person she's a lovely human right tJpJIGwXsPE-01824-00333648-00333791 so i've been in communication with her tJpJIGwXsPE-01825-00333792-00333982 for about six tJpJIGwXsPE-01826-00333983-00334199 years trying to get things off the tJpJIGwXsPE-01827-00334200-00334367 ground and so just last week she was tJpJIGwXsPE-01828-00334368-00334471 like okay tJpJIGwXsPE-01829-00334472-00334647 the producers are finally interested in tJpJIGwXsPE-01830-00334648-00334854 doing this like this this expose tJpJIGwXsPE-01831-00334855-00335134 on like racing gaming right and the tJpJIGwXsPE-01832-00335135-00335319 thing that they want to do tJpJIGwXsPE-01833-00335320-00335599 is to like establish is to like do an tJpJIGwXsPE-01834-00335600-00335695 experiment tJpJIGwXsPE-01835-00335696-00335967 where a black person's like playing a tJpJIGwXsPE-01836-00335968-00336175 game and they get called the n word like tJpJIGwXsPE-01837-00336176-00336223 they tJpJIGwXsPE-01838-00336224-00336471 she wants to to do like that that that tJpJIGwXsPE-01839-00336472-00336630 porn thing you know like the thing where tJpJIGwXsPE-01840-00336631-00336671 we tJpJIGwXsPE-01841-00336672-00336919 like experience you know black people's tJpJIGwXsPE-01842-00336920-00337134 pain right tJpJIGwXsPE-01843-00337135-00337399 now six years ago seven years ago maybe tJpJIGwXsPE-01844-00337400-00337503 i would have been like tJpJIGwXsPE-01845-00337504-00337887 okay sure let's do that tJpJIGwXsPE-01846-00337888-00338191 but for me that story is old that tJpJIGwXsPE-01847-00338192-00338415 story's gone because we know racism tJpJIGwXsPE-01848-00338416-00338654 exists in these games already right tJpJIGwXsPE-01849-00338655-00338863 but because journalism you know hasn't tJpJIGwXsPE-01850-00338864-00339023 really like taken like gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-01851-00339024-00339206 seriously you know because like the tJpJIGwXsPE-01852-00339207-00339382 moment that they did take it seriously tJpJIGwXsPE-01853-00339383-00339503 like on a large scale tJpJIGwXsPE-01854-00339504-00339719 you know uh that it was gamergate and tJpJIGwXsPE-01855-00339720-00339951 the focus was on like hey let's what's tJpJIGwXsPE-01856-00339952-00340095 women's experiences in here they tJpJIGwXsPE-01857-00340096-00340191 couldn't even think tJpJIGwXsPE-01858-00340192-00340454 intersectionally about how much more tJpJIGwXsPE-01859-00340455-00340630 awful like the space could be for women tJpJIGwXsPE-01860-00340631-00340823 of color in particular right tJpJIGwXsPE-01861-00340824-00340967 um so there was like there have been tJpJIGwXsPE-01862-00340968-00341110 like a lot of misses and then like in tJpJIGwXsPE-01863-00341111-00341263 this moment of black ops matter they're tJpJIGwXsPE-01864-00341264-00341295 like tJpJIGwXsPE-01865-00341296-00341543 oh now here we are let's try to like tJpJIGwXsPE-01866-00341544-00341719 make sense of like the racism in the tJpJIGwXsPE-01867-00341720-00341847 space tJpJIGwXsPE-01868-00341848-00342047 now i don't know this is probably bad tJpJIGwXsPE-01869-00342048-00342247 for her because the story is not gonna tJpJIGwXsPE-01870-00342248-00342415 fit what her producers like the people tJpJIGwXsPE-01871-00342416-00342519 at the top thing because they're like tJpJIGwXsPE-01872-00342520-00342703 racism is in game how does racism happen tJpJIGwXsPE-01873-00342704-00342830 in games they're having basic tJpJIGwXsPE-01874-00342831-00343030 conversations that we had decades ago tJpJIGwXsPE-01875-00343031-00343215 already right we're beyond that tJpJIGwXsPE-01876-00343216-00343399 and and for me i was trying to tell i tJpJIGwXsPE-01877-00343400-00343543 was like you know a place that tJpJIGwXsPE-01878-00343544-00343734 that might be more generative to have tJpJIGwXsPE-01879-00343735-00343903 this conversation is to see how the tJpJIGwXsPE-01880-00343904-00344039 technologies have tJpJIGwXsPE-01881-00344040-00344223 advanced in a way to protect people from tJpJIGwXsPE-01882-00344224-00344358 the harassment that they've experienced tJpJIGwXsPE-01883-00344359-00344439 in the space tJpJIGwXsPE-01884-00344440-00344758 like i can curate my space i can curate tJpJIGwXsPE-01885-00344759-00344943 my stream so that there's a bot tJpJIGwXsPE-01886-00344944-00345247 that will you know whip out all of the tJpJIGwXsPE-01887-00345248-00345471 instances of racism and sexism i can tJpJIGwXsPE-01888-00345472-00345599 protect my space tJpJIGwXsPE-01889-00345600-00345839 that's a cool story like what are the tJpJIGwXsPE-01890-00345840-00345991 things that people can do to like tJpJIGwXsPE-01891-00345992-00346167 protect themselves tJpJIGwXsPE-01892-00346168-00346327 the fact that i might be called the n tJpJIGwXsPE-01893-00346328-00346527 word or be asked to make a sandwich like tJpJIGwXsPE-01894-00346528-00346558 that tJpJIGwXsPE-01895-00346559-00346703 that's don't nobody want to do that tJpJIGwXsPE-01896-00346704-00346871 anymore so again to get back to your tJpJIGwXsPE-01897-00346872-00346999 question about how tJpJIGwXsPE-01898-00347000-00347119 i think there has to be like a tJpJIGwXsPE-01899-00347120-00347351 relationship and i think it's far too tJpJIGwXsPE-01900-00347352-00347415 often tJpJIGwXsPE-01901-00347416-00347599 like i said a lot of journalists are tJpJIGwXsPE-01902-00347600-00347743 just coming at it with a particular they tJpJIGwXsPE-01903-00347744-00347863 have a question that they want to answer tJpJIGwXsPE-01904-00347864-00347999 to we all have questions that we don't tJpJIGwXsPE-01905-00348000-00348230 want to answer right but i think those tJpJIGwXsPE-01906-00348231-00348358 questions need to be tJpJIGwXsPE-01907-00348359-00348599 generated in a more collaborative way tJpJIGwXsPE-01908-00348600-00348719 right tJpJIGwXsPE-01909-00348720-00348854 just like for me doing like a research tJpJIGwXsPE-01910-00348855-00349030 project i never go into a research tJpJIGwXsPE-01911-00349031-00349151 project with like research questions tJpJIGwXsPE-01912-00349152-00349343 again especially if they involve human tJpJIGwXsPE-01913-00349344-00349406 others tJpJIGwXsPE-01914-00349407-00349615 like if they involve people i need those tJpJIGwXsPE-01915-00349616-00349767 people on the other end i want to tell tJpJIGwXsPE-01916-00349768-00349934 them hey i'm interested in this what do tJpJIGwXsPE-01917-00349935-00350047 you think about that what if you tJpJIGwXsPE-01918-00350048-00350239 like so in a more of like more of an tJpJIGwXsPE-01919-00350240-00350382 exploratory kind of way tJpJIGwXsPE-01920-00350383-00350551 because the minute that i create a tJpJIGwXsPE-01921-00350552-00350734 research question i'm establishing a tJpJIGwXsPE-01922-00350735-00350839 bias tJpJIGwXsPE-01923-00350840-00351015 i am coming at it already from like a tJpJIGwXsPE-01924-00351016-00351223 particular place where i think something tJpJIGwXsPE-01925-00351224-00351334 in the space and i'm asking the tJpJIGwXsPE-01926-00351335-00351399 questions tJpJIGwXsPE-01927-00351400-00351654 to try to get me to like that end point tJpJIGwXsPE-01928-00351655-00351815 does that does that make sense tJpJIGwXsPE-01929-00351816-00352023 i did a lot of talking on there no it's tJpJIGwXsPE-01930-00352024-00352191 a great yeah tJpJIGwXsPE-01931-00352192-00352343 well the story you're suggesting tJpJIGwXsPE-01932-00352344-00352551 journalists tell it's a more nuanced tJpJIGwXsPE-01933-00352552-00352630 right and it's tJpJIGwXsPE-01934-00352631-00352839 it also gives agency if agency looks tJpJIGwXsPE-01935-00352840-00352943 different and tJpJIGwXsPE-01936-00352944-00353110 yeah that's right all right kelly kelly tJpJIGwXsPE-01937-00353111-00353382 wagman had her hand up tJpJIGwXsPE-01938-00353383-00353687 hi thank you so much um tJpJIGwXsPE-01939-00353688-00353958 i was wondering it's clearly really tJpJIGwXsPE-01940-00353959-00354127 really important this local tJpJIGwXsPE-01941-00354128-00354303 like very localized work that you're tJpJIGwXsPE-01942-00354304-00354558 doing and i'm kind of curious tJpJIGwXsPE-01943-00354559-00354910 how you connect with people on a tJpJIGwXsPE-01944-00354911-00355103 kind of broader scale who are doing tJpJIGwXsPE-01945-00355104-00355351 similar work in their local communities tJpJIGwXsPE-01946-00355352-00355527 kind of like what kinds of tools do you tJpJIGwXsPE-01947-00355528-00355839 use to connect and do you feel like you tJpJIGwXsPE-01948-00355840-00355999 have the kind of broader support tJpJIGwXsPE-01949-00356000-00356158 community and how does that play into tJpJIGwXsPE-01950-00356159-00356223 them the tJpJIGwXsPE-01951-00356224-00356606 local work um that's a that's a great tJpJIGwXsPE-01952-00356607-00356654 question tJpJIGwXsPE-01953-00356655-00356847 i'll think about how to how to respond tJpJIGwXsPE-01954-00356848-00357095 to that so tJpJIGwXsPE-01955-00357096-00357406 i don't go into these projects tJpJIGwXsPE-01956-00357407-00357743 with a um with tJpJIGwXsPE-01957-00357744-00358063 um assumptions already in mind right tJpJIGwXsPE-01958-00358064-00358239 i the first thing i do is just develop tJpJIGwXsPE-01959-00358240-00358391 relationships so tJpJIGwXsPE-01960-00358392-00358558 people who play games are important to tJpJIGwXsPE-01961-00358559-00358806 me and so i try to go to where they are tJpJIGwXsPE-01962-00358807-00359047 um of course young folk are important to tJpJIGwXsPE-01963-00359048-00359199 me and supporting young folks especially tJpJIGwXsPE-01964-00359200-00359334 like black and brown young folks you tJpJIGwXsPE-01965-00359335-00359503 know underrepresented youth they're very tJpJIGwXsPE-01966-00359504-00359623 important to me tJpJIGwXsPE-01967-00359624-00359806 um you know so that's why so whenever tJpJIGwXsPE-01968-00359807-00359975 like i was working like in kentucky you tJpJIGwXsPE-01969-00359976-00360078 know i just went to where these young tJpJIGwXsPE-01970-00360079-00360191 folks were you know tJpJIGwXsPE-01971-00360192-00360463 you know the um making connection so tJpJIGwXsPE-01972-00360464-00360615 every summer like had a lot i had a tJpJIGwXsPE-01973-00360616-00360775 latino leadership camp like through tJpJIGwXsPE-01974-00360776-00360895 through my lab where tJpJIGwXsPE-01975-00360896-00361063 you know migrant farm workers children tJpJIGwXsPE-01976-00361064-00361230 who you know the young folks who were tJpJIGwXsPE-01977-00361231-00361271 working tJpJIGwXsPE-01978-00361272-00361447 brown youth who were whose parents were tJpJIGwXsPE-01979-00361448-00361575 working on like farms in eastern tJpJIGwXsPE-01980-00361576-00361727 kentucky you know would come and tJpJIGwXsPE-01981-00361728-00361934 you know we would you know just yeah i tJpJIGwXsPE-01982-00361935-00362078 would i would just provide them with tJpJIGwXsPE-01983-00362079-00362175 like a space tJpJIGwXsPE-01984-00362176-00362391 right and i just wanted them to and i tJpJIGwXsPE-01985-00362392-00362527 think the tJpJIGwXsPE-01986-00362528-00362734 the relationships then informed than the tJpJIGwXsPE-01987-00362735-00362863 projects that come out of it tJpJIGwXsPE-01988-00362864-00363095 right um and that's like the same thing tJpJIGwXsPE-01989-00363096-00363247 that i did like on the south side it was tJpJIGwXsPE-01990-00363248-00363382 an accidental tJpJIGwXsPE-01991-00363383-00363695 um project you know because i'm just i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-01992-00363696-00363871 watching and i guess like seo said the tJpJIGwXsPE-01993-00363872-00364039 ethnographer is like we're always like tJpJIGwXsPE-01994-00364040-00364182 watching and observing and then just tJpJIGwXsPE-01995-00364183-00364343 allowing cultures and people to just tJpJIGwXsPE-01996-00364344-00364471 like be and exist tJpJIGwXsPE-01997-00364472-00364767 and then we we just figure out ways to tJpJIGwXsPE-01998-00364768-00364815 um tJpJIGwXsPE-01999-00364816-00364943 to try to leverage those like tJpJIGwXsPE-02000-00364944-00365127 relationships sure for our own research tJpJIGwXsPE-02001-00365128-00365287 but also how we can like just make those tJpJIGwXsPE-02002-00365288-00365382 things like legible to tJpJIGwXsPE-02003-00365383-00365639 other people so while this is yes like a tJpJIGwXsPE-02004-00365640-00365806 very localized like um tJpJIGwXsPE-02005-00365807-00366167 like project i immediately saw the tJpJIGwXsPE-02006-00366168-00366303 connections from the things that i was tJpJIGwXsPE-02007-00366304-00366471 doing while i was in kentucky tJpJIGwXsPE-02008-00366472-00366591 you know to the things that i was doing tJpJIGwXsPE-02009-00366592-00366791 when i was in arizona um tJpJIGwXsPE-02010-00366792-00367015 and and all those i'm still asking the tJpJIGwXsPE-02011-00367016-00367223 same kinds of questions tJpJIGwXsPE-02012-00367224-00367471 how are these folks utilizing like tJpJIGwXsPE-02013-00367472-00367647 technologies like around them to support tJpJIGwXsPE-02014-00367648-00367799 and sustain their communities and what tJpJIGwXsPE-02015-00367800-00367903 does that look like tJpJIGwXsPE-02016-00367904-00368063 you know i think that question has been tJpJIGwXsPE-02017-00368064-00368239 able to travel with me like in tJpJIGwXsPE-02018-00368240-00368478 in all these spaces so you know i know tJpJIGwXsPE-02019-00368479-00368647 you know there's like these um desires tJpJIGwXsPE-02020-00368648-00368806 really to like scale up and i think tJpJIGwXsPE-02021-00368807-00368934 that's the thing that you know whatever tJpJIGwXsPE-02022-00368935-00369071 i'm trying to get money to support these tJpJIGwXsPE-02023-00369072-00369215 projects was tl it's like you don't need tJpJIGwXsPE-02024-00369216-00369334 money just do what you want you don't tJpJIGwXsPE-02025-00369335-00369478 need money you know she's big about that tJpJIGwXsPE-02026-00369479-00369527 right tJpJIGwXsPE-02027-00369528-00369678 i want money i just want money to give tJpJIGwXsPE-02028-00369679-00369806 these folks i want to give them all tJpJIGwXsPE-02029-00369807-00369943 these money i want to take white folks tJpJIGwXsPE-02030-00369944-00370071 money that's what i want to do tJpJIGwXsPE-02031-00370072-00370319 um but i think you know it's it's it's tJpJIGwXsPE-02032-00370320-00370423 really important tJpJIGwXsPE-02033-00370424-00370591 that you know like when folks ask me to tJpJIGwXsPE-02034-00370592-00370775 like scale up like a project and tJpJIGwXsPE-02035-00370776-00371063 how can we like make this um you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02036-00371064-00371271 transportable across different spaces if tJpJIGwXsPE-02037-00371272-00371391 i create like a tJpJIGwXsPE-02038-00371392-00371599 like like a thing can we also implement tJpJIGwXsPE-02039-00371600-00371734 this thing like here tJpJIGwXsPE-02040-00371735-00371919 and and i think that you know the tJpJIGwXsPE-02041-00371920-00372143 ethnographer in me also wants to just tJpJIGwXsPE-02042-00372144-00372271 recognize that there is something tJpJIGwXsPE-02043-00372272-00372495 special to like localized spaces like tJpJIGwXsPE-02044-00372496-00372719 something like the dynamic that's there tJpJIGwXsPE-02045-00372720-00372815 you know in that neighborhood in tJpJIGwXsPE-02046-00372816-00373023 guadalupe like outside of like phoenix tJpJIGwXsPE-02047-00373024-00373182 is different from the dynamics you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02048-00373183-00373302 in inglewood in the south side of tJpJIGwXsPE-02049-00373303-00373487 chicago and that's different you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02050-00373488-00373695 from you know hardin county and kentucky tJpJIGwXsPE-02051-00373696-00373815 you know the ho you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02052-00373816-00373951 those those things are like different tJpJIGwXsPE-02053-00373952-00374127 too and i think it's um the tJpJIGwXsPE-02054-00374128-00374382 um and it's it's important that we just tJpJIGwXsPE-02055-00374383-00374478 make sure that we tJpJIGwXsPE-02056-00374479-00374806 um um approach these projects and allow tJpJIGwXsPE-02057-00374807-00375078 um the uniqueness and of these spaces to tJpJIGwXsPE-02058-00375079-00375271 stay distinct and to be distinct i think tJpJIGwXsPE-02059-00375272-00375367 that's part of like tJpJIGwXsPE-02060-00375368-00375478 you know when i talk a lot about like tJpJIGwXsPE-02061-00375479-00375687 black cyber feminism which is like a tJpJIGwXsPE-02062-00375688-00375878 another project like that distinctness tJpJIGwXsPE-02063-00375879-00376039 of like communities is like very tJpJIGwXsPE-02064-00376040-00376158 important you know i know a lot of folks tJpJIGwXsPE-02065-00376159-00376367 want to generalize and say hey this can tJpJIGwXsPE-02066-00376368-00376582 go here but i i like it's okay tJpJIGwXsPE-02067-00376583-00376743 you know to have like some some of that tJpJIGwXsPE-02068-00376744-00376934 distinctness right um tJpJIGwXsPE-02069-00376935-00377087 hopefully that hopefully that that that tJpJIGwXsPE-02070-00377088-00377247 answer answered your question tJpJIGwXsPE-02071-00377248-00377382 i'm sure it didn't and you're gonna nod tJpJIGwXsPE-02072-00377383-00377943 and say yes because you're a kind person tJpJIGwXsPE-02073-00377944-00378158 uh somebody else the question i'll read tJpJIGwXsPE-02074-00378159-00378327 it there's been a lot of thank you tJpJIGwXsPE-02075-00378328-00378502 comments for the talk but i want to read tJpJIGwXsPE-02076-00378503-00378710 lisa parks the one she just left tJpJIGwXsPE-02077-00378711-00378895 um so it's more comment while people tJpJIGwXsPE-02078-00378896-00379030 think of questions if they want to get tJpJIGwXsPE-02079-00379031-00379078 in here tJpJIGwXsPE-02080-00379079-00379215 thanks kish shona this is from lisa tJpJIGwXsPE-02081-00379216-00379439 parks i appreciate how your analysis tJpJIGwXsPE-02082-00379440-00379599 highlights the unequal digital tJpJIGwXsPE-02083-00379600-00379734 infrastructure across different tJpJIGwXsPE-02084-00379735-00379910 communities but at the same time tJpJIGwXsPE-02085-00379911-00380182 emphasizes the agency eg tJpJIGwXsPE-02086-00380183-00380406 innovation resourcefulness creativity of tJpJIGwXsPE-02087-00380407-00380519 black youth tJpJIGwXsPE-02088-00380520-00380687 hoping we get their expertise to tJpJIGwXsPE-02089-00380688-00380919 challenge the biases and blind spots of tJpJIGwXsPE-02090-00380920-00381071 digital elites tJpJIGwXsPE-02091-00381072-00381239 your work serves as a crucial bridge tJpJIGwXsPE-02092-00381240-00381382 here thanks so much and keep up the tJpJIGwXsPE-02093-00381383-00381558 amazing work thank you lisa just didn't tJpJIGwXsPE-02094-00381559-00381695 want that to get lost in this couple tJpJIGwXsPE-02095-00381696-00381751 days tJpJIGwXsPE-02096-00381752-00381967 absolutely other other questions uh it tJpJIGwXsPE-02097-00381968-00382119 looks like amber tJpJIGwXsPE-02098-00382120-00382678 ambar race tJpJIGwXsPE-02099-00382679-00382910 hi uh i was wondering in your tJpJIGwXsPE-02100-00382911-00383006 perspective tJpJIGwXsPE-02101-00383007-00383327 how can storytellers and cultural tJpJIGwXsPE-02102-00383328-00383510 institutions in general tJpJIGwXsPE-02103-00383511-00383887 can co-create with their own communities tJpJIGwXsPE-02104-00383888-00384127 in order to foster a dialogue about tJpJIGwXsPE-02105-00384128-00384271 their public spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-02106-00384272-00384654 and improvement i'm glad you asked that tJpJIGwXsPE-02107-00384655-00384710 question tJpJIGwXsPE-02108-00384711-00384887 i realized as i was reading this talk tJpJIGwXsPE-02109-00384888-00385039 that i failed tonight like tJpJIGwXsPE-02110-00385040-00385215 the importance of tasty diamond like tJpJIGwXsPE-02111-00385216-00385478 from our research she's a streamer tJpJIGwXsPE-02112-00385479-00385663 and she calls she considers herself like tJpJIGwXsPE-02113-00385664-00385830 a digital storyteller using like just tJpJIGwXsPE-02114-00385831-00386023 like streaming technologies tJpJIGwXsPE-02115-00386024-00386199 and i think it's just so beautiful how tJpJIGwXsPE-02116-00386200-00386391 she has just tJpJIGwXsPE-02117-00386392-00386647 has is adamant about the kinds of tJpJIGwXsPE-02118-00386648-00386799 stories that she's telling on these tJpJIGwXsPE-02119-00386800-00386878 streams right tJpJIGwXsPE-02120-00386879-00387023 so i know you know from the amazing work tJpJIGwXsPE-02121-00387024-00387175 of you know like tl taylor we've got tJpJIGwXsPE-02122-00387176-00387310 like a lot a lot of work away from mia tJpJIGwXsPE-02123-00387311-00387463 can sell but we got like a lot of folks tJpJIGwXsPE-02124-00387464-00387599 who are like like focusing like on tJpJIGwXsPE-02125-00387600-00387687 streaming tJpJIGwXsPE-02126-00387688-00387895 um and the the scholarship that we've tJpJIGwXsPE-02127-00387896-00388023 gotten from a lot of these places you tJpJIGwXsPE-02128-00388024-00388134 know illustrate that tJpJIGwXsPE-02129-00388135-00388271 you know a lot of the desires of tJpJIGwXsPE-02130-00388272-00388447 streamers are to like build you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02131-00388448-00388623 large like you know platforms and they tJpJIGwXsPE-02132-00388624-00388751 get followers and to like tJpJIGwXsPE-02133-00388752-00388943 you know monetize platforms into like tJpJIGwXsPE-02134-00388944-00389087 they're like there's that that tJpJIGwXsPE-02135-00389088-00389223 capitalist desire tJpJIGwXsPE-02136-00389224-00389478 you know for for that right and i think tJpJIGwXsPE-02137-00389479-00389606 that's that's very important tJpJIGwXsPE-02138-00389607-00389871 that's very powerful and something that tJpJIGwXsPE-02139-00389872-00389991 i've witnessed tJpJIGwXsPE-02140-00389992-00390334 one of the um there are tJpJIGwXsPE-02141-00390335-00390534 there's a community of black women that tJpJIGwXsPE-02142-00390535-00390654 i follow tJpJIGwXsPE-02143-00390655-00390934 who have accepted their small niche tJpJIGwXsPE-02144-00390935-00391071 status of you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02145-00391072-00391239 a variety stream boutique stream or tJpJIGwXsPE-02146-00391240-00391447 whatever we we want to call them tJpJIGwXsPE-02147-00391448-00391630 and they realize they just said we're tJpJIGwXsPE-02148-00391631-00391767 just going to talk about this black tJpJIGwXsPE-02149-00391768-00391958 content if people join us they join us tJpJIGwXsPE-02150-00391959-00392134 and if they don't then they don't tJpJIGwXsPE-02151-00392135-00392302 one of the beautiful things that they do tJpJIGwXsPE-02152-00392303-00392478 is like whenever like a game is released tJpJIGwXsPE-02153-00392479-00392678 like a cinematic trailer or something tJpJIGwXsPE-02154-00392679-00392902 they immediately like connect tJpJIGwXsPE-02155-00392903-00393015 you know what they're seeing on the tJpJIGwXsPE-02156-00393016-00393239 screen to actual history and actual tJpJIGwXsPE-02157-00393240-00393471 like traditional um ways of like tJpJIGwXsPE-02158-00393472-00393623 engaging like with content so for tJpJIGwXsPE-02159-00393624-00393782 instance i'm thinking about the example tJpJIGwXsPE-02160-00393783-00393967 do you remember the the the image that i tJpJIGwXsPE-02161-00393968-00394119 had there was a black woman under black tJpJIGwXsPE-02162-00394120-00394230 women's rage tJpJIGwXsPE-02163-00394231-00394430 um that screen i had that that beautiful tJpJIGwXsPE-02164-00394431-00394558 dark-skinned woman tJpJIGwXsPE-02165-00394559-00394710 who was like yelling and screaming like tJpJIGwXsPE-02166-00394711-00394863 we could we could feel her pain in that tJpJIGwXsPE-02167-00394864-00394902 right tJpJIGwXsPE-02168-00394903-00395047 well that was part of the cinematic tJpJIGwXsPE-02169-00395048-00395278 trailer for assassin's creed tJpJIGwXsPE-02170-00395279-00395510 now assassin's creed freedom crime the tJpJIGwXsPE-02171-00395511-00395695 downloadable content not like the main tJpJIGwXsPE-02172-00395696-00395799 game but it was um tJpJIGwXsPE-02173-00395800-00396039 freedom cry where we follow at a wale at tJpJIGwXsPE-02174-00396040-00396247 a walley he's a pirate tJpJIGwXsPE-02175-00396248-00396558 and he happened upon um uh he was the tJpJIGwXsPE-02176-00396559-00396775 story um from the cinematic trailer is tJpJIGwXsPE-02177-00396776-00396902 different from the game content but the tJpJIGwXsPE-02178-00396903-00397023 cinematic trailer tJpJIGwXsPE-02179-00397024-00397254 shows him as a boy shirt from his mom tJpJIGwXsPE-02180-00397255-00397382 and sold into slavery tJpJIGwXsPE-02181-00397383-00397606 at like a young age and so he was free tJpJIGwXsPE-02182-00397607-00397775 he freed himself from slavery tJpJIGwXsPE-02183-00397776-00397919 and he started to be like a pirate on tJpJIGwXsPE-02184-00397920-00398095 the high seas but he happened upon tJpJIGwXsPE-02185-00398096-00398239 you know this small community like in tJpJIGwXsPE-02186-00398240-00398430 haiti where he saw the institution of tJpJIGwXsPE-02187-00398431-00398615 slavery that was still thriving right tJpJIGwXsPE-02188-00398616-00398806 and he said oh hell no i'm not getting tJpJIGwXsPE-02189-00398807-00398951 deal with this and he basically took it tJpJIGwXsPE-02190-00398952-00399158 upon himself to destroy and dismantle he tJpJIGwXsPE-02191-00399159-00399319 killed a lot of white folks right he tJpJIGwXsPE-02192-00399320-00399527 destroyed the institutional slavery tJpJIGwXsPE-02193-00399528-00399623 and it was like you know like the tJpJIGwXsPE-02194-00399624-00399854 precursor of like the haitian revolution tJpJIGwXsPE-02195-00399855-00399902 right tJpJIGwXsPE-02196-00399903-00400023 you know it kind of gave us like some of tJpJIGwXsPE-02197-00400024-00400223 that background but i think that it's tJpJIGwXsPE-02198-00400224-00400334 it's really important tJpJIGwXsPE-02199-00400335-00400575 how how you know tasty diamond in tJpJIGwXsPE-02200-00400576-00400767 particular like utilize like her stream tJpJIGwXsPE-02201-00400768-00400927 and connected to other black women tJpJIGwXsPE-02202-00400928-00401127 to like tell these stories you know she tJpJIGwXsPE-02203-00401128-00401278 said okay a lot of folks are not going tJpJIGwXsPE-02204-00401279-00401343 to learn tJpJIGwXsPE-02205-00401344-00401487 they're going to go like play this game tJpJIGwXsPE-02206-00401488-00401615 and then go read about you know the tJpJIGwXsPE-02207-00401616-00401775 different revolutions that happen tJpJIGwXsPE-02208-00401776-00401934 you know like in the united states or tJpJIGwXsPE-02209-00401935-00402119 north america or south america and so tJpJIGwXsPE-02210-00402120-00402182 she said you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02211-00402183-00402391 we'll do that work for you you know so tJpJIGwXsPE-02212-00402392-00402487 just using that tJpJIGwXsPE-02213-00402488-00402663 that game and that cinematic trailer you tJpJIGwXsPE-02214-00402664-00402823 know she she talked about you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02215-00402824-00402958 different revolutions she talked about tJpJIGwXsPE-02216-00402959-00403095 like nat turner she talked about like tJpJIGwXsPE-02217-00403096-00403223 the different rebellions she talked tJpJIGwXsPE-02218-00403224-00403327 about harper's ferry tJpJIGwXsPE-02219-00403328-00403495 you know we learned so much just from tJpJIGwXsPE-02220-00403496-00403654 her stream because she said most of tJpJIGwXsPE-02221-00403655-00403830 y'all are not getting ready to take no tJpJIGwXsPE-02222-00403831-00403975 african-american experience class in tJpJIGwXsPE-02223-00403976-00404182 college so i'm gonna do that for you so tJpJIGwXsPE-02224-00404183-00404358 that that was a beautiful way that she tJpJIGwXsPE-02225-00404359-00404454 was creating like this tJpJIGwXsPE-02226-00404455-00404702 this this these um like co-creating like tJpJIGwXsPE-02227-00404703-00404871 that that knowledge like with her and tJpJIGwXsPE-02228-00404872-00404910 then tJpJIGwXsPE-02229-00404911-00405054 the folks some of us who were coming tJpJIGwXsPE-02230-00405055-00405182 into the stream you know we were adding tJpJIGwXsPE-02231-00405183-00405302 the things that we knew tJpJIGwXsPE-02232-00405303-00405454 and it really created you know just tJpJIGwXsPE-02233-00405455-00405606 these beautiful spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-02234-00405607-00405751 of just like exploring you know like tJpJIGwXsPE-02235-00405752-00405910 black history through gaming tJpJIGwXsPE-02236-00405911-00406095 and you know like it all like it was the tJpJIGwXsPE-02237-00406096-00406302 jumpstart was that cinematic trailer was tJpJIGwXsPE-02238-00406303-00406447 like okay you're not just going to plop tJpJIGwXsPE-02239-00406448-00406591 down this slave narrative and not give tJpJIGwXsPE-02240-00406592-00406782 us any more context or background tJpJIGwXsPE-02241-00406783-00406919 right we're going to make sure to like tJpJIGwXsPE-02242-00406920-00407063 fill in those blanks and fill in those tJpJIGwXsPE-02243-00407064-00407110 holes tJpJIGwXsPE-02244-00407111-00407327 and let you know what the lasting tJpJIGwXsPE-02245-00407328-00407430 legacies are like tJpJIGwXsPE-02246-00407431-00407623 slavery destroyed black families and tJpJIGwXsPE-02247-00407624-00407791 communities so we want to make sure just tJpJIGwXsPE-02248-00407792-00407823 uh tJpJIGwXsPE-02249-00407824-00408030 just to bring that back so i think tJpJIGwXsPE-02250-00408031-00408182 streaming is like really like the place tJpJIGwXsPE-02251-00408183-00408319 where you can see like a lot of this tJpJIGwXsPE-02252-00408320-00408391 beautiful tJpJIGwXsPE-02253-00408392-00408543 you know digital storytelling and the tJpJIGwXsPE-02254-00408544-00408702 co-creating of like knowledge tJpJIGwXsPE-02255-00408703-00408887 um and telling these local life stories tJpJIGwXsPE-02256-00408888-00408991 i think you know those are really tJpJIGwXsPE-02257-00408992-00409175 beautiful spaces to go see tJpJIGwXsPE-02258-00409176-00409423 um i it's it's interesting i just i'm i tJpJIGwXsPE-02259-00409424-00409639 was i just recently wrote a piece with tJpJIGwXsPE-02260-00409639-00409839 um with my graduate student brian chan tJpJIGwXsPE-02261-00409839-00409991 shout out to brian i'm not sure if he's tJpJIGwXsPE-02262-00409992-00410207 in this space or not but we were looking tJpJIGwXsPE-02263-00410208-00410399 at like the different pathways tJpJIGwXsPE-02264-00410400-00410710 um how like black men like for instance tJpJIGwXsPE-02265-00410712-00410743 they tJpJIGwXsPE-02266-00410743-00410903 a lot of like the most popular black men tJpJIGwXsPE-02267-00410904-00411126 who are streamers they have applied that tJpJIGwXsPE-02268-00411127-00411199 traditional tJpJIGwXsPE-02269-00411200-00411430 like narrative um to their streams they tJpJIGwXsPE-02270-00411431-00411510 want to build tJpJIGwXsPE-02271-00411512-00411663 huge platforms they want a lot of tJpJIGwXsPE-02272-00411664-00411799 followers they do a lot of the tJpJIGwXsPE-02273-00411800-00411966 performative kind of over-the-top kind tJpJIGwXsPE-02274-00411967-00412022 of thing tJpJIGwXsPE-02275-00412023-00412222 hit that like button you know and or you tJpJIGwXsPE-02276-00412223-00412382 know like all that kind of stuff they do tJpJIGwXsPE-02277-00412383-00412534 like a lot of that performative kind of tJpJIGwXsPE-02278-00412535-00412582 thing tJpJIGwXsPE-02279-00412583-00412863 like with their streams um and i think tJpJIGwXsPE-02280-00412864-00413082 some of them tJpJIGwXsPE-02281-00413083-00413414 recognized that they were tJpJIGwXsPE-02282-00413415-00413639 trying to apply this template but tJpJIGwXsPE-02283-00413639-00413734 because tJpJIGwXsPE-02284-00413735-00413991 of the bodies that they're in they would tJpJIGwXsPE-02285-00413992-00414134 never be able to reach tJpJIGwXsPE-02286-00414135-00414463 that potential um of tJpJIGwXsPE-02287-00414464-00414703 like their white male counterparts right tJpJIGwXsPE-02288-00414704-00414799 um so tJpJIGwXsPE-02289-00414800-00414982 and i think that that hit a lot of them tJpJIGwXsPE-02290-00414983-00415151 hard right and some of them tJpJIGwXsPE-02291-00415152-00415278 said you know they they're out here tJpJIGwXsPE-02292-00415279-00415543 being buffoons and engaging in coonery tJpJIGwXsPE-02293-00415543-00415574 and tJpJIGwXsPE-02294-00415575-00415703 you know a lot of you all might not know tJpJIGwXsPE-02295-00415704-00415839 what those words mean but you know they tJpJIGwXsPE-02296-00415839-00415926 were doing some very tJpJIGwXsPE-02297-00415927-00416095 you know performative blackness and tJpJIGwXsPE-02298-00416096-00416278 stereotypical black kind of performances tJpJIGwXsPE-02299-00416279-00416382 like on their streams tJpJIGwXsPE-02300-00416383-00416559 and they didn't feel comfortable with it tJpJIGwXsPE-02301-00416560-00416726 you know like over time like people were tJpJIGwXsPE-02302-00416727-00416847 like expecting tJpJIGwXsPE-02303-00416847-00417039 them to continue like engaging like in tJpJIGwXsPE-02304-00417039-00417174 this in this kind of practice tJpJIGwXsPE-02305-00417175-00417318 like for instance there's one there's tJpJIGwXsPE-02306-00417319-00417495 one streamer who he was just tJpJIGwXsPE-02307-00417496-00417647 like talking regular he didn't have a tJpJIGwXsPE-02308-00417647-00417822 lot of high energy he didn't tJpJIGwXsPE-02309-00417823-00418078 and then people were like like you're tJpJIGwXsPE-02310-00418079-00418230 not funny anymore you're not engaging tJpJIGwXsPE-02311-00418231-00418359 anymore and he was like wait a minute tJpJIGwXsPE-02312-00418360-00418510 why are you here he's there and he tJpJIGwXsPE-02313-00418512-00418670 realized that he's just entertaining tJpJIGwXsPE-02314-00418671-00418734 these people tJpJIGwXsPE-02315-00418735-00419007 so that kind of hit him hard like in a tJpJIGwXsPE-02316-00419008-00419110 way where he's like you know these tJpJIGwXsPE-02317-00419112-00419255 people aren't here for me you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02318-00419256-00419391 it's like the entertainment value that tJpJIGwXsPE-02319-00419392-00419559 is very important there was also another tJpJIGwXsPE-02320-00419560-00419743 streamer in particular tJpJIGwXsPE-02321-00419743-00420039 this black this black man he would um tJpJIGwXsPE-02322-00420039-00420191 mask his voice when he would go into tJpJIGwXsPE-02323-00420192-00420327 these spaces like to talk so tJpJIGwXsPE-02324-00420328-00420479 he had a kind of like a chipmunk kind of tJpJIGwXsPE-02325-00420480-00420670 like theme going like in his space and tJpJIGwXsPE-02326-00420671-00420895 he's funny he's over the top tJpJIGwXsPE-02327-00420896-00421070 he he had never in his early streams he tJpJIGwXsPE-02328-00421071-00421199 never showed his face but there was one tJpJIGwXsPE-02329-00421200-00421383 stream where he did show his face tJpJIGwXsPE-02330-00421384-00421622 and then his followers these loyal tJpJIGwXsPE-02331-00421623-00421718 followers tJpJIGwXsPE-02332-00421719-00421935 like engaged like racism i didn't know tJpJIGwXsPE-02333-00421935-00422118 you were a like that's like one tJpJIGwXsPE-02334-00422119-00422295 of the quotes like he copied he screen tJpJIGwXsPE-02335-00422296-00422366 captured that tJpJIGwXsPE-02336-00422367-00422727 and he he has you know he he it hit him tJpJIGwXsPE-02337-00422728-00422895 hard because he was like i'm just being tJpJIGwXsPE-02338-00422896-00423055 like a funny guy trying to engage in tJpJIGwXsPE-02339-00423056-00423199 folks trying to make a few dollars in tJpJIGwXsPE-02340-00423200-00423318 this space too tJpJIGwXsPE-02341-00423319-00423503 and then but i can't do that because you tJpJIGwXsPE-02342-00423504-00423607 automatically think that there's tJpJIGwXsPE-02343-00423608-00423703 something different tJpJIGwXsPE-02344-00423704-00423870 about me and my content because i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-02345-00423871-00424007 black like that tJpJIGwXsPE-02346-00424008-00424199 that didn't sit well with him either so tJpJIGwXsPE-02347-00424200-00424310 it's really interesting tJpJIGwXsPE-02348-00424312-00424479 how like you know like you know we're i tJpJIGwXsPE-02349-00424480-00424679 don't know how how we look at like waves tJpJIGwXsPE-02350-00424680-00424791 of streaming now tJpJIGwXsPE-02351-00424792-00424959 are we in the second wave or i don't tJpJIGwXsPE-02352-00424960-00425087 know what i don't know what this is to tJpJIGwXsPE-02353-00425088-00425222 you i'll leave tl to like tJpJIGwXsPE-02354-00425223-00425407 help us think about things like that but tJpJIGwXsPE-02355-00425408-00425663 in this new wave of like streaming tJpJIGwXsPE-02356-00425664-00425863 a lot of black men in particular i see tJpJIGwXsPE-02357-00425864-00425999 have been have become tJpJIGwXsPE-02358-00426000-00426263 have gone more internal and you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02359-00426264-00426439 care you know are creating like their tJpJIGwXsPE-02360-00426439-00426599 their spaces like for other people like tJpJIGwXsPE-02361-00426600-00426647 them tJpJIGwXsPE-02362-00426647-00426847 as opposed to you know like the outward tJpJIGwXsPE-02363-00426847-00427031 you know front-facing kind of like tJpJIGwXsPE-02364-00427032-00427239 kind of things because of the racism tJpJIGwXsPE-02365-00427239-00427407 because they realize they they will not tJpJIGwXsPE-02366-00427408-00427487 be able to tJpJIGwXsPE-02367-00427488-00427743 be equals like they'll never be ninja tJpJIGwXsPE-02368-00427743-00427847 you know that's what's not actually tJpJIGwXsPE-02369-00427847-00427879 saying tJpJIGwXsPE-02370-00427880-00427991 i'll never be ninja i'm like you don't tJpJIGwXsPE-02371-00427992-00428143 want to be ninja don't be ninja be tJpJIGwXsPE-02372-00428143-00428407 yourself tJpJIGwXsPE-02373-00428408-00428863 like that don't be ninja tJpJIGwXsPE-02374-00428864-00429143 i want i thought i saw thomas's hand but tJpJIGwXsPE-02375-00429143-00429318 now it's gone tomos did was there a tJpJIGwXsPE-02376-00429319-00429455 glitch are you tJpJIGwXsPE-02377-00429456-00429703 um i think you you answered it but i was tJpJIGwXsPE-02378-00429704-00429831 interested in tJpJIGwXsPE-02379-00429832-00430070 in um so you you talked about your work tJpJIGwXsPE-02380-00430071-00430166 being tJpJIGwXsPE-02381-00430167-00430295 kind of look like in the middle of tJpJIGwXsPE-02382-00430296-00430479 activism on of course research tJpJIGwXsPE-02383-00430480-00430663 and i'm interested if you found out any tJpJIGwXsPE-02384-00430664-00430783 resistance um tJpJIGwXsPE-02385-00430784-00431079 in either of both spaces you know yeah tJpJIGwXsPE-02386-00431080-00431222 absolutely tJpJIGwXsPE-02387-00431223-00431383 so i think a lot of folks they don't tJpJIGwXsPE-02388-00431384-00431535 they don't set out tJpJIGwXsPE-02389-00431535-00431839 with the project of resistance right um tJpJIGwXsPE-02390-00431839-00432175 you know so for even um um i know some tJpJIGwXsPE-02391-00432176-00432310 folks like the women who you know i tJpJIGwXsPE-02392-00432312-00432535 talked about them um meeting up like in tJpJIGwXsPE-02393-00432535-00432718 xbox live and then saying hey we need to tJpJIGwXsPE-02394-00432719-00432910 go show up to like this this rally like tJpJIGwXsPE-02395-00432912-00433166 um to support like rakia boyd and rakia tJpJIGwXsPE-02396-00433167-00433270 boyd's family tJpJIGwXsPE-02397-00433271-00433431 you know they were like accidental tJpJIGwXsPE-02398-00433432-00433607 activists right you know they didn't tJpJIGwXsPE-02399-00433608-00433766 intend they were just saying hey tJpJIGwXsPE-02400-00433767-00433887 we need to show up we need to do tJpJIGwXsPE-02401-00433888-00434055 something even khalif you know khalif tJpJIGwXsPE-02402-00434056-00434199 adams you know didn't set out saying tJpJIGwXsPE-02403-00434200-00434422 hey i'm an activist like in the space tJpJIGwXsPE-02404-00434423-00434559 you know they were just like hey we've tJpJIGwXsPE-02405-00434560-00434710 got these platforms we got to do tJpJIGwXsPE-02406-00434712-00434855 something we just want to like raise tJpJIGwXsPE-02407-00434856-00434966 like awareness tJpJIGwXsPE-02408-00434967-00435135 but i think that's how maybe like a lot tJpJIGwXsPE-02409-00435135-00435359 of even like activism like even happens tJpJIGwXsPE-02410-00435360-00435407 right tJpJIGwXsPE-02411-00435408-00435566 you just happen to be at a particular tJpJIGwXsPE-02412-00435567-00435743 space at a particular time tJpJIGwXsPE-02413-00435743-00435903 you know just think about like the power tJpJIGwXsPE-02414-00435904-00436103 for instance that social media have like tJpJIGwXsPE-02415-00436104-00436287 in the moments in the death after like tJpJIGwXsPE-02416-00436288-00436366 mike brown tJpJIGwXsPE-02417-00436367-00436495 right a lot of these people just had tJpJIGwXsPE-02418-00436496-00436687 phones they were able to like record tJpJIGwXsPE-02419-00436688-00436870 and then they were like okay people are tJpJIGwXsPE-02420-00436871-00437007 watching us we'll give you the tJpJIGwXsPE-02421-00437008-00437127 information we'll give you the story and tJpJIGwXsPE-02422-00437128-00437263 these people you know became the front tJpJIGwXsPE-02423-00437264-00437383 lines of like you know a very tJpJIGwXsPE-02424-00437384-00437527 significant movement like to advocate tJpJIGwXsPE-02425-00437528-00437687 like for black lives right tJpJIGwXsPE-02426-00437688-00437887 and so i think that there's although you tJpJIGwXsPE-02427-00437888-00437991 know tJpJIGwXsPE-02428-00437992-00438151 of course there is you know a lot of tJpJIGwXsPE-02429-00438152-00438295 actual like structural actual like tJpJIGwXsPE-02430-00438296-00438407 intentional work that's behind tJpJIGwXsPE-02431-00438408-00438622 activism too but i think there are a lot tJpJIGwXsPE-02432-00438623-00438759 of folks you know who are just tJpJIGwXsPE-02433-00438760-00439014 who just happen to find themselves like tJpJIGwXsPE-02434-00439015-00439183 so moved by something tJpJIGwXsPE-02435-00439184-00439335 and so immersed in something they're tJpJIGwXsPE-02436-00439335-00439495 like you know i gotta do something you tJpJIGwXsPE-02437-00439496-00439670 know we can't just sit by we can't just tJpJIGwXsPE-02438-00439671-00439759 do this so tJpJIGwXsPE-02439-00439760-00439918 i think you know that's where it's like tJpJIGwXsPE-02440-00439919-00440087 you know a lot of these folks tJpJIGwXsPE-02441-00440088-00440270 don't intend to you know engage in like tJpJIGwXsPE-02442-00440271-00440431 this resistance you know this activist tJpJIGwXsPE-02443-00440432-00440470 work tJpJIGwXsPE-02444-00440471-00440647 but it just kind of it kind of falls tJpJIGwXsPE-02445-00440647-00440847 into their their lap if you will tJpJIGwXsPE-02446-00440847-00441191 um i'm even thinking about like early tJpJIGwXsPE-02447-00441192-00441343 early and like you know dissertation tJpJIGwXsPE-02448-00441343-00441518 days like you know like around like you tJpJIGwXsPE-02449-00441519-00441839 know the late 2000s thing so long ago tJpJIGwXsPE-02450-00441839-00442095 i was yeah like 10 years ago over 10 tJpJIGwXsPE-02451-00442096-00442335 years ago what years is 2020 my goodness tJpJIGwXsPE-02452-00442335-00442655 um well like 2008 2009 tJpJIGwXsPE-02453-00442656-00442879 we were me and the friends that i was tJpJIGwXsPE-02454-00442880-00443079 with like we were trying to like boycott tJpJIGwXsPE-02455-00443080-00443399 um it was one of the lara croft games tJpJIGwXsPE-02456-00443400-00443591 we were boycott i can't remember what tJpJIGwXsPE-02457-00443592-00443735 year was all the uh it's tJpJIGwXsPE-02458-00443735-00443927 so much time's escaping me now but if tJpJIGwXsPE-02459-00443928-00444087 you all remember like the cinematic tJpJIGwXsPE-02460-00444088-00444183 trailer tJpJIGwXsPE-02461-00444184-00444383 um around one of the lara croft games it tJpJIGwXsPE-02462-00444384-00444566 was like alluding to her possibly being tJpJIGwXsPE-02463-00444567-00444735 raped in the game right tJpJIGwXsPE-02464-00444735-00444951 and we were just not okay with that tJpJIGwXsPE-02465-00444952-00445055 framing tJpJIGwXsPE-02466-00445056-00445287 and and although you know it was we tJpJIGwXsPE-02467-00445288-00445479 didn't generate a critical mass you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02468-00445480-00445591 we didn't you know a lot of folks yeah tJpJIGwXsPE-02469-00445592-00445710 we're trying to get people to like show tJpJIGwXsPE-02470-00445712-00445879 up and like game stuff like on tJpJIGwXsPE-02471-00445880-00446031 you know the night that they deployed tJpJIGwXsPE-02472-00446032-00446191 the game it's like hey this is awful tJpJIGwXsPE-02473-00446192-00446359 we're not going to support right now tJpJIGwXsPE-02474-00446360-00446599 we were we were doing the most right but tJpJIGwXsPE-02475-00446600-00446766 and i think like a lot of tJpJIGwXsPE-02476-00446767-00446918 them from that group you know recognize tJpJIGwXsPE-02477-00446919-00447070 like hey even though we don't have the tJpJIGwXsPE-02478-00447071-00447199 bodies or the numbers you know we can tJpJIGwXsPE-02479-00447200-00447366 still do this work like in other ways tJpJIGwXsPE-02480-00447367-00447479 right so a lot of them tJpJIGwXsPE-02481-00447480-00447639 have you know gone to streaming now you tJpJIGwXsPE-02482-00447639-00447791 know they've developed these blogs and tJpJIGwXsPE-02483-00447792-00447943 they've they figured out like other ways tJpJIGwXsPE-02484-00447943-00448095 to like utilize their platform to just tJpJIGwXsPE-02485-00448096-00448247 like raise awareness tJpJIGwXsPE-02486-00448247-00448470 um and i think that those you know those tJpJIGwXsPE-02487-00448471-00448655 um all those small scale you know i tJpJIGwXsPE-02488-00448656-00448791 think those you know kind of hint at tJpJIGwXsPE-02489-00448792-00448951 like resistance like practices and tJpJIGwXsPE-02490-00448952-00449070 activism as well tJpJIGwXsPE-02491-00449071-00449703 yeah thank you have time for tJpJIGwXsPE-02492-00449704-00450103 a few more 30 more questions tJpJIGwXsPE-02493-00450104-00450279 from attendees you can throw something tJpJIGwXsPE-02494-00450280-00450631 in q q a tJpJIGwXsPE-02495-00450632-00451007 bye andrew tJpJIGwXsPE-02496-00451008-00451351 maybe in just oh good uh amber tJpJIGwXsPE-02497-00451352-00451687 yeah god well if anyone if no one wants tJpJIGwXsPE-02498-00451688-00451759 to ask tJpJIGwXsPE-02499-00451760-00451991 uh i was wondering like you already tJpJIGwXsPE-02500-00451992-00452079 mentioned tJpJIGwXsPE-02501-00452080-00452422 that uh in each community is different tJpJIGwXsPE-02502-00452423-00452614 uh and you don't want to generalize tJpJIGwXsPE-02503-00452615-00452807 right but i was wondering tJpJIGwXsPE-02504-00452808-00453247 if uh like what difference did you find tJpJIGwXsPE-02505-00453247-00453607 in like rural areas in like cities tJpJIGwXsPE-02506-00453608-00453918 and how like if they you'd use different tJpJIGwXsPE-02507-00453919-00454118 like the technologies they used in in tJpJIGwXsPE-02508-00454119-00454239 different ways uh tJpJIGwXsPE-02509-00454239-00454503 to approach and also like how different tJpJIGwXsPE-02510-00454504-00454775 it is from the us to brazil for instance tJpJIGwXsPE-02511-00454776-00455079 yeah at the rose of uh working yeah let tJpJIGwXsPE-02512-00455080-00455214 me start with the second part of your tJpJIGwXsPE-02513-00455215-00455270 question tJpJIGwXsPE-02514-00455271-00455447 um especially since you invoked brazil tJpJIGwXsPE-02515-00455447-00455655 there's a community of black men tJpJIGwXsPE-02516-00455656-00455910 um that i've been following for you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02517-00455912-00456110 probably since like 2007. tJpJIGwXsPE-02518-00456112-00456535 um it was it was um tJpJIGwXsPE-02519-00456535-00456775 right after the death of trayvon martin tJpJIGwXsPE-02520-00456776-00456927 there was this group of like black men tJpJIGwXsPE-02521-00456928-00457047 that were talking about you know there's tJpJIGwXsPE-02522-00457047-00457166 their experiences you know their tJpJIGwXsPE-02523-00457167-00457295 experiences with police their tJpJIGwXsPE-02524-00457296-00457527 experiences were like security guards tJpJIGwXsPE-02525-00457528-00457870 and in that group um tJpJIGwXsPE-02526-00457871-00458070 they they came to find out find out tJpJIGwXsPE-02527-00458071-00458214 later that a lot of them were from tJpJIGwXsPE-02528-00458215-00458335 different parts of the world right tJpJIGwXsPE-02529-00458335-00458470 you know we found out that you know some tJpJIGwXsPE-02530-00458471-00458607 of them like you know from the united tJpJIGwXsPE-02531-00458608-00458679 states tJpJIGwXsPE-02532-00458680-00458887 some are from uh some lived in puerto tJpJIGwXsPE-02533-00458888-00459063 rico some from brazil tJpJIGwXsPE-02534-00459064-00459399 somewhere in nigeria some were in um uh tJpJIGwXsPE-02535-00459400-00459743 in uh in the uk now tJpJIGwXsPE-02536-00459743-00459943 this it was very it was a very tJpJIGwXsPE-02537-00459943-00460095 contentious group of folks right now tJpJIGwXsPE-02538-00460096-00460214 these are all black men they all tJpJIGwXsPE-02539-00460215-00460383 identify like racially as black you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02540-00460384-00460551 ethnically you know nationally like tJpJIGwXsPE-02541-00460552-00460814 different identifiers and they the tJpJIGwXsPE-02542-00460815-00460991 initial conversation was that you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02543-00460992-00461127 black men in the united states that tJpJIGwXsPE-02544-00461128-00461279 dominate the conversations about you tJpJIGwXsPE-02545-00461280-00461431 know black men across the world tJpJIGwXsPE-02546-00461432-00461583 and then they like the conversations tJpJIGwXsPE-02547-00461584-00461718 were very contentious i remember even tJpJIGwXsPE-02548-00461719-00461870 like one conversation where you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02549-00461871-00462014 there was a black man that was like tJpJIGwXsPE-02550-00462015-00462166 saying like to the black man in brazil tJpJIGwXsPE-02551-00462167-00462270 it's like well you don't you tJpJIGwXsPE-02552-00462271-00462431 you don't even identify as black only tJpJIGwXsPE-02553-00462432-00462559 when it fits you or only when you want tJpJIGwXsPE-02554-00462560-00462727 to like engage in like that conversation tJpJIGwXsPE-02555-00462728-00462839 around you know like your tJpJIGwXsPE-02556-00462839-00463151 your afro you know identity right um tJpJIGwXsPE-02557-00463152-00463255 and then there was even like tJpJIGwXsPE-02558-00463256-00463431 conversations around like you know like tJpJIGwXsPE-02559-00463432-00463535 accents like for the tJpJIGwXsPE-02560-00463535-00463751 for the men and and the british men so tJpJIGwXsPE-02561-00463752-00463879 they they were making fun like oh you're tJpJIGwXsPE-02562-00463880-00463983 british you british tJpJIGwXsPE-02563-00463984-00464118 like it was it was really bad they were tJpJIGwXsPE-02564-00464119-00464383 like poking fun at one another tJpJIGwXsPE-02565-00464384-00464583 but it was like you know some something tJpJIGwXsPE-02566-00464584-00464887 happened oh i remember the um tJpJIGwXsPE-02567-00464888-00465118 leading up to the olympics in brazil you tJpJIGwXsPE-02568-00465119-00465287 know and a lot of the violence tJpJIGwXsPE-02569-00465288-00465527 that was happening like to you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02570-00465528-00465647 clear spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-02571-00465647-00465847 you know pave the way for all these tJpJIGwXsPE-02572-00465847-00465991 things that they were building tJpJIGwXsPE-02573-00465992-00466127 and then like i think there was a lot of tJpJIGwXsPE-02574-00466128-00466295 like police violence that you know made tJpJIGwXsPE-02575-00466296-00466399 it to like it made it to tJpJIGwXsPE-02576-00466400-00466583 our our media like in the united states tJpJIGwXsPE-02577-00466584-00466766 where we're just seeing and then it was tJpJIGwXsPE-02578-00466767-00466927 it was a comment that somebody said they tJpJIGwXsPE-02579-00466928-00467103 said well i guess the ghetto looks the tJpJIGwXsPE-02580-00467104-00467255 same everywhere that was like one of the tJpJIGwXsPE-02581-00467256-00467414 comments that one of them made tJpJIGwXsPE-02582-00467415-00467639 where they recognize that they they are tJpJIGwXsPE-02583-00467639-00467895 dealing with like similar experiences tJpJIGwXsPE-02584-00467896-00468079 just you know across the board and that tJpJIGwXsPE-02585-00468080-00468287 what what what unifies them was tJpJIGwXsPE-02586-00468288-00468487 the blackness their black masculinity tJpJIGwXsPE-02587-00468488-00468631 you know kind of like unified tJpJIGwXsPE-02588-00468632-00468870 like a lot of their experiences so while tJpJIGwXsPE-02589-00468871-00468999 there were you know of course tJpJIGwXsPE-02590-00469000-00469191 distinct depressions and distinct things tJpJIGwXsPE-02591-00469192-00469335 that are happening you know they just tJpJIGwXsPE-02592-00469335-00469495 realize like the similarities like like tJpJIGwXsPE-02593-00469496-00469655 among all of them right so tJpJIGwXsPE-02594-00469656-00469887 you know i think there will be like like tJpJIGwXsPE-02595-00469888-00470070 the the questions that i would then ask tJpJIGwXsPE-02596-00470071-00470207 you know some of the men like in tJpJIGwXsPE-02597-00470208-00470351 in brazil was different than you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02598-00470352-00470559 what i asked like the men the brown tJpJIGwXsPE-02599-00470560-00470751 and black men like in puerto rico right tJpJIGwXsPE-02600-00470752-00470863 you know their connection to like tJpJIGwXsPE-02601-00470864-00471014 legacies of like slavery tJpJIGwXsPE-02602-00471015-00471151 like are you even like you know are they tJpJIGwXsPE-02603-00471152-00471287 were they even like aware of like the tJpJIGwXsPE-02604-00471288-00471431 legacies of slavery and like what's tJpJIGwXsPE-02605-00471432-00471518 happening you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02606-00471519-00471695 even space in place trying to you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02607-00471696-00471863 making the comparisons between like you tJpJIGwXsPE-02608-00471864-00471903 know tJpJIGwXsPE-02609-00471904-00472063 housing projects like on the south side tJpJIGwXsPE-02610-00472064-00472255 of chicago to like the favelas like tJpJIGwXsPE-02611-00472256-00472431 you know victoria you know so there are tJpJIGwXsPE-02612-00472432-00472631 all these like conversations that were tJpJIGwXsPE-02613-00472632-00472951 that were um um that were tJpJIGwXsPE-02614-00472952-00473175 that were similar um they were different tJpJIGwXsPE-02615-00473176-00473351 but they get us to like similar ends and tJpJIGwXsPE-02616-00473352-00473463 like you know similar tJpJIGwXsPE-02617-00473464-00473783 um uh uh the end the end is similar tJpJIGwXsPE-02618-00473784-00474022 right it's just the pathway to get there tJpJIGwXsPE-02619-00474023-00474110 now tJpJIGwXsPE-02620-00474112-00474663 there it was very challenging um tJpJIGwXsPE-02621-00474664-00474887 the work in eastern kentucky was very tJpJIGwXsPE-02622-00474888-00475199 challenging tJpJIGwXsPE-02623-00475200-00475391 so i had to like you know like i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-02624-00475392-00475535 thinking about the relationships that tJpJIGwXsPE-02625-00475535-00475679 you know i was you know trying to build tJpJIGwXsPE-02626-00475680-00475855 and going to visit like you know like tJpJIGwXsPE-02627-00475856-00476039 like families like you know there will tJpJIGwXsPE-02628-00476039-00476255 be confederate flags outside tJpJIGwXsPE-02629-00476256-00476463 you know their trailer and you know i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-02630-00476464-00476599 trying to say hey you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02631-00476600-00476814 can your can your kid participate like tJpJIGwXsPE-02632-00476815-00477007 in this in this after school group can tJpJIGwXsPE-02633-00477008-00477039 they tJpJIGwXsPE-02634-00477039-00477214 come to richmond you know during the tJpJIGwXsPE-02635-00477215-00477375 summer you know for a couple days and tJpJIGwXsPE-02636-00477376-00477566 like stay in residence in the dorms and tJpJIGwXsPE-02637-00477567-00477822 you know i and so i had to like contend tJpJIGwXsPE-02638-00477823-00477879 with tJpJIGwXsPE-02639-00477880-00478087 what me and this body you know looks tJpJIGwXsPE-02640-00478088-00478287 like like in in this space tJpJIGwXsPE-02641-00478288-00478503 um it's not to deal with like a lot of tJpJIGwXsPE-02642-00478504-00478687 racism you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02643-00478688-00478879 um challenging is a nice way to put it tJpJIGwXsPE-02644-00478880-00478999 that's right kayla you remember tJpJIGwXsPE-02645-00479000-00479343 these stories um i tJpJIGwXsPE-02646-00479343-00479687 i there were and there were different tJpJIGwXsPE-02647-00479688-00479839 conversations that were had right tJpJIGwXsPE-02648-00479839-00479983 but i think that it was all it was tJpJIGwXsPE-02649-00479984-00480151 important because i knew tJpJIGwXsPE-02650-00480152-00480310 how to use like the language to talk tJpJIGwXsPE-02651-00480312-00480518 about like their their class oppression tJpJIGwXsPE-02652-00480519-00480655 that was something that the families tJpJIGwXsPE-02653-00480656-00480855 understood that they knew and that tJpJIGwXsPE-02654-00480856-00481039 it allowed me to start making like the tJpJIGwXsPE-02655-00481039-00481159 connections between like class tJpJIGwXsPE-02656-00481160-00481231 oppression tJpJIGwXsPE-02657-00481232-00481407 and like racial like oppression and like tJpJIGwXsPE-02658-00481408-00481591 talk about like the degrees of whiteness tJpJIGwXsPE-02659-00481592-00481631 and tJpJIGwXsPE-02660-00481632-00481799 you know although i did i wasn't able to tJpJIGwXsPE-02661-00481800-00481999 like go as far as i wanted to like with tJpJIGwXsPE-02662-00482000-00482118 some of those conversations tJpJIGwXsPE-02663-00482119-00482262 but that was also like the moment where tJpJIGwXsPE-02664-00482263-00482503 i i incorporated families and a lot more tJpJIGwXsPE-02665-00482504-00482647 because i think the work needed to be tJpJIGwXsPE-02666-00482647-00482766 done with their families tJpJIGwXsPE-02667-00482767-00482991 around um talking about conversations tJpJIGwXsPE-02668-00482992-00483087 with like race tJpJIGwXsPE-02669-00483088-00483270 um so but i did i wasn't able to do like tJpJIGwXsPE-02670-00483271-00483399 as much as i wanted to i didn't have tJpJIGwXsPE-02671-00483400-00483575 funding i need money tl to do these tJpJIGwXsPE-02672-00483576-00483751 things i didn't have like a lot of the tJpJIGwXsPE-02673-00483752-00483887 funding and like the money tJpJIGwXsPE-02674-00483888-00484070 like to do a lot of this work um but i tJpJIGwXsPE-02675-00484071-00484207 think like a lot of these kids tJpJIGwXsPE-02676-00484208-00484343 like i had to tell some of the kids like tJpJIGwXsPE-02677-00484343-00484527 don't call me colored okay you don't tJpJIGwXsPE-02678-00484528-00484639 have to come please don't call me tJpJIGwXsPE-02679-00484639-00484775 colored honey you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02680-00484776-00484927 like i had to deal with that but that tJpJIGwXsPE-02681-00484928-00485079 didn't stop like the work and then that tJpJIGwXsPE-02682-00485080-00485222 didn't stop me from like seeing really tJpJIGwXsPE-02683-00485223-00485270 like tJpJIGwXsPE-02684-00485271-00485439 the beautiful contributions that these tJpJIGwXsPE-02685-00485439-00485583 poor white kids had you know because i tJpJIGwXsPE-02686-00485584-00485710 recognize you know just like tJpJIGwXsPE-02687-00485712-00485814 you know what they've had to like tJpJIGwXsPE-02688-00485815-00486022 experience and endure you know so tJpJIGwXsPE-02689-00486023-00486159 that didn't live in me i just realized tJpJIGwXsPE-02690-00486160-00486318 that they never had like the pathways to tJpJIGwXsPE-02691-00486319-00486462 like understand you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02692-00486463-00486622 like all they may be poor but there's tJpJIGwXsPE-02693-00486623-00486783 like some white privilege here you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02694-00486784-00486966 there's so there was there was a lot of tJpJIGwXsPE-02695-00486967-00487262 work you know that that that that i tJpJIGwXsPE-02696-00487263-00487335 needed to tJpJIGwXsPE-02697-00487335-00487559 to do there yeah i don't know how else tJpJIGwXsPE-02698-00487560-00487679 to say that i haven't really like tJpJIGwXsPE-02699-00487680-00487751 unpacked tJpJIGwXsPE-02700-00487752-00487918 those experiences in a way that i need tJpJIGwXsPE-02701-00487919-00488062 to that's a future book maybe that's a tJpJIGwXsPE-02702-00488063-00488295 full professor book tJpJIGwXsPE-02703-00488296-00488429 it was wild tJpJIGwXsPE-02704-00488430-00488759 [Laughter] tJpJIGwXsPE-02705-00488760-00488887 i like how you're giving me a hard time tJpJIGwXsPE-02706-00488888-00489095 that money tJpJIGwXsPE-02707-00489096-00489310 i want you to have all the money trust tJpJIGwXsPE-02708-00489312-00489647 me trust me tJpJIGwXsPE-02709-00489647-00489862 all right we're almost approaching 6 30. tJpJIGwXsPE-02710-00489863-00490031 i don't actually know what our formal in tJpJIGwXsPE-02711-00490032-00490214 time is but uh tJpJIGwXsPE-02712-00490215-00490687 are there any other questions any tJpJIGwXsPE-02713-00490688-00490887 i'm just i can see i'm scanning multiple tJpJIGwXsPE-02714-00490888-00491014 monitors and windows tJpJIGwXsPE-02715-00491015-00491303 absolutely i'm here i haven't gone tJpJIGwXsPE-02716-00491304-00491391 through the chat tJpJIGwXsPE-02717-00491392-00491575 at all feel free to look and then i tJpJIGwXsPE-02718-00491576-00491775 think emily is raising her tJpJIGwXsPE-02719-00491776-00491959 i love it it was like actual physical tJpJIGwXsPE-02720-00491960-00492231 hand raise yeah go ahead emily tJpJIGwXsPE-02721-00492232-00492535 um i'm just wondering if you can if you tJpJIGwXsPE-02722-00492535-00492607 notice tJpJIGwXsPE-02723-00492608-00492895 um the people you sort of observe tJpJIGwXsPE-02724-00492896-00493014 talking about tJpJIGwXsPE-02725-00493015-00493214 uh not just sort of piecing together tJpJIGwXsPE-02726-00493215-00493366 different ways of engaging in these tJpJIGwXsPE-02727-00493367-00493527 gaming communities but tJpJIGwXsPE-02728-00493528-00493807 maintaining their um infrastructural tJpJIGwXsPE-02729-00493808-00493918 sort of connection tJpJIGwXsPE-02730-00493919-00494199 like talking about um different like tJpJIGwXsPE-02731-00494200-00494295 mapping out different tJpJIGwXsPE-02732-00494296-00494518 places to find wi-fi or different places tJpJIGwXsPE-02733-00494519-00494791 between certain digital devices like how tJpJIGwXsPE-02734-00494792-00494927 how did they think about that if they tJpJIGwXsPE-02735-00494928-00495191 did absolutely the only reason tJpJIGwXsPE-02736-00495192-00495470 why i have um those maps is because i tJpJIGwXsPE-02737-00495471-00495622 really just couldn't believe tJpJIGwXsPE-02738-00495623-00495927 that there really was no tJpJIGwXsPE-02739-00495928-00496183 access right and that it's not that i tJpJIGwXsPE-02740-00496184-00496327 didn't believe the kids i think it was tJpJIGwXsPE-02741-00496328-00496479 just one of those moments i'm like we're tJpJIGwXsPE-02742-00496480-00496655 in the city of chicago like i don't care tJpJIGwXsPE-02743-00496656-00496775 that this is the south side this is tJpJIGwXsPE-02744-00496776-00496870 chicago tJpJIGwXsPE-02745-00496871-00497055 surely you have wi-fi surely you have tJpJIGwXsPE-02746-00497056-00497239 these things surely there are pokey go tJpJIGwXsPE-02747-00497239-00497310 stops but tJpJIGwXsPE-02748-00497312-00497543 i think that was my naivety and like it tJpJIGwXsPE-02749-00497543-00497695 was like a crash course that i had to tJpJIGwXsPE-02750-00497696-00497775 like you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02751-00497776-00498070 acknowledge my own um ignorance around tJpJIGwXsPE-02752-00498071-00498279 the the racial politics of the city of tJpJIGwXsPE-02753-00498280-00498375 chicago tJpJIGwXsPE-02754-00498376-00498510 and you know i'm from the i'm from the tJpJIGwXsPE-02755-00498512-00498679 south we have different kind of racism tJpJIGwXsPE-02756-00498680-00498735 right tJpJIGwXsPE-02757-00498735-00498999 there's not this residential you know tJpJIGwXsPE-02758-00499000-00499143 racism you know where tJpJIGwXsPE-02759-00499143-00499399 as you know it's it's um i remember as a tJpJIGwXsPE-02760-00499400-00499510 kid you know they were like you know in tJpJIGwXsPE-02761-00499512-00499591 the south tJpJIGwXsPE-02762-00499592-00499759 they don't mind living next to you they tJpJIGwXsPE-02763-00499760-00499895 just don't want to work with you tJpJIGwXsPE-02764-00499896-00500039 but like in the north they don't they tJpJIGwXsPE-02765-00500039-00500183 don't mind working with you they don't tJpJIGwXsPE-02766-00500184-00500310 want to live next to you tJpJIGwXsPE-02767-00500312-00500439 so i think that's one of the things you tJpJIGwXsPE-02768-00500439-00500607 know i got kind of got a sense of this tJpJIGwXsPE-02769-00500608-00500639 like tJpJIGwXsPE-02770-00500639-00500807 in my time in boston realizing like tJpJIGwXsPE-02771-00500808-00500951 seeing real racial tJpJIGwXsPE-02772-00500952-00501151 like segregation residential like tJpJIGwXsPE-02773-00501152-00501255 segregation tJpJIGwXsPE-02774-00501256-00501462 and also like so just being here i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-02775-00501463-00501679 just like and in my mind i'm like well tJpJIGwXsPE-02776-00501680-00501895 hey kids let's go up to millennial park tJpJIGwXsPE-02777-00501896-00502087 let's go up here and like just play tJpJIGwXsPE-02778-00502088-00502399 like pokemon go let's just do it tJpJIGwXsPE-02779-00502400-00502735 and then just seeing tJpJIGwXsPE-02780-00502735-00503095 oh gosh just seeing tJpJIGwXsPE-02781-00503096-00503391 security officers whose job it was to tJpJIGwXsPE-02782-00503392-00503455 keep them tJpJIGwXsPE-02783-00503456-00503807 out of that space that that was kind of tJpJIGwXsPE-02784-00503808-00504022 hard for me to contend with right tJpJIGwXsPE-02785-00504023-00504143 because i'm like here we are we're not tJpJIGwXsPE-02786-00504143-00504287 doing anything we're playing a game tJpJIGwXsPE-02787-00504288-00504439 we're playing pokemon go and that was tJpJIGwXsPE-02788-00504439-00504551 like around the time where a lot of tJpJIGwXsPE-02789-00504552-00504655 people were talking about playing tJpJIGwXsPE-02790-00504656-00504807 pokemon go while black and tJpJIGwXsPE-02791-00504808-00504951 and talking about like how they can't tJpJIGwXsPE-02792-00504952-00505127 just go into like all spaces tJpJIGwXsPE-02793-00505128-00505295 and so this was like in the moments this tJpJIGwXsPE-02794-00505296-00505487 was like brand new to me too where i was tJpJIGwXsPE-02795-00505488-00505614 just like wow tJpJIGwXsPE-02796-00505615-00505951 like these these realities are so still tJpJIGwXsPE-02797-00505952-00506166 ever present like even even in in this tJpJIGwXsPE-02798-00506167-00506279 space so tJpJIGwXsPE-02799-00506280-00506614 i think that um i i'm trying to think tJpJIGwXsPE-02800-00506615-00506743 about making sure that tJpJIGwXsPE-02801-00506743-00507031 that like i i answer your question but i tJpJIGwXsPE-02802-00507032-00507095 think that tJpJIGwXsPE-02803-00507096-00507447 the the realities like just just tJpJIGwXsPE-02804-00507447-00507639 hit me that you know i have to make sure tJpJIGwXsPE-02805-00507639-00507783 and again it was an accidental project tJpJIGwXsPE-02806-00507784-00507887 you know we were just having fun i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-02807-00507888-00508022 like this is giving like the youth like tJpJIGwXsPE-02808-00508023-00508095 something to do tJpJIGwXsPE-02809-00508096-00508247 but it really you know made me realize tJpJIGwXsPE-02810-00508247-00508366 that there was like a lot of like tJpJIGwXsPE-02811-00508367-00508518 background that i needed to do tJpJIGwXsPE-02812-00508519-00508695 um before i even entered in a project tJpJIGwXsPE-02813-00508696-00508879 like i tried to do some but i never want tJpJIGwXsPE-02814-00508880-00508991 to do too much where tJpJIGwXsPE-02815-00508992-00509135 i'm coming at it with like all these tJpJIGwXsPE-02816-00509135-00509303 biases and all these like assumptions tJpJIGwXsPE-02817-00509304-00509375 right tJpJIGwXsPE-02818-00509376-00509655 um and so i just try to keep um just to tJpJIGwXsPE-02819-00509656-00509710 try to tJpJIGwXsPE-02820-00509712-00510103 keep that balance of um tJpJIGwXsPE-02821-00510104-00510431 of and also you know me being in this tJpJIGwXsPE-02822-00510432-00510614 body being an academic researcher trying tJpJIGwXsPE-02823-00510615-00510727 to like approach things like in tJpJIGwXsPE-02824-00510728-00510831 objective ways which tJpJIGwXsPE-02825-00510832-00511007 you know that's not like not true at all tJpJIGwXsPE-02826-00511008-00511183 like it's i try i try to distract that tJpJIGwXsPE-02827-00511184-00511366 balance i hope i've forgotten like your tJpJIGwXsPE-02828-00511367-00511510 question trying to think about tJpJIGwXsPE-02829-00511512-00511695 you know just like that that reality too tJpJIGwXsPE-02830-00511696-00511870 so hopefully hopefully i answered that i tJpJIGwXsPE-02831-00511871-00511991 can't even remember what your question tJpJIGwXsPE-02832-00511992-00512143 was emily i'm so sorry tJpJIGwXsPE-02833-00512143-00512262 i was really just thinking about in the tJpJIGwXsPE-02834-00512263-00512383 moment where the security guard just tJpJIGwXsPE-02835-00512384-00512455 basically said tJpJIGwXsPE-02836-00512456-00512631 no these black kids can't be here and tJpJIGwXsPE-02837-00512632-00512807 they have to go like they kick tJpJIGwXsPE-02838-00512808-00513159 they kicked us out they kicked us out tJpJIGwXsPE-02839-00513160-00513343 hell even in the place where i live tJpJIGwXsPE-02840-00513343-00513503 right now they were trying to kick me tJpJIGwXsPE-02841-00513504-00513607 out of like my own tJpJIGwXsPE-02842-00513608-00513766 own house because we don't live on the tJpJIGwXsPE-02843-00513767-00513966 south side we live on campus right tJpJIGwXsPE-02844-00513967-00514135 and so on the campus you know they have tJpJIGwXsPE-02845-00514135-00514310 been mobilized to like police black tJpJIGwXsPE-02846-00514312-00514391 bodies into tJpJIGwXsPE-02847-00514392-00514518 you know if there's a certain time where tJpJIGwXsPE-02848-00514519-00514655 you know black people just have to go tJpJIGwXsPE-02849-00514656-00514814 you have to get back to the south side tJpJIGwXsPE-02850-00514815-00514943 or go back to the west side tJpJIGwXsPE-02851-00514943-00515103 and because we were here after hours it tJpJIGwXsPE-02852-00515104-00515318 really felt like like sun downtown tJpJIGwXsPE-02853-00515319-00515503 like almost whereas like you know i'm tJpJIGwXsPE-02854-00515504-00515639 we're not welcome here so tJpJIGwXsPE-02855-00515639-00515847 you know i'm married to a big black dude tJpJIGwXsPE-02856-00515847-00515975 and i tell them like no you're not gonna tJpJIGwXsPE-02857-00515976-00516143 go get that pizza from outside at tJpJIGwXsPE-02858-00516143-00516295 eight o'clock at night i'm gonna go down tJpJIGwXsPE-02859-00516296-00516439 there because i know security is just tJpJIGwXsPE-02860-00516439-00516566 right around the corner just waiting to tJpJIGwXsPE-02861-00516567-00516599 like tJpJIGwXsPE-02862-00516600-00516814 you know get you out of this space so tJpJIGwXsPE-02863-00516815-00516927 you know it's i hope tJpJIGwXsPE-02864-00516928-00517055 you don't have to like contend like with tJpJIGwXsPE-02865-00517056-00517247 those realities as well i'm sorry emily tJpJIGwXsPE-02866-00517247-00517510 did i answer your question tJpJIGwXsPE-02867-00517512-00517847 i'm so sorry tJpJIGwXsPE-02868-00517847-00518087 i think i i can't tell emily yeah it tJpJIGwXsPE-02869-00518088-00518199 looks like she's saying thank you tJpJIGwXsPE-02870-00518200-00518535 yeah okay okay all right okay tJpJIGwXsPE-02871-00518535-00518847 well you've given us just a heroic tJpJIGwXsPE-02872-00518847-00518951 amount of time tJpJIGwXsPE-02873-00518952-00519295 and just incredible uh things to think tJpJIGwXsPE-02874-00519296-00519407 about and tJpJIGwXsPE-02875-00519408-00519735 and the answers to the question so uh tJpJIGwXsPE-02876-00519735-00519951 thanks so much kishono give you a round tJpJIGwXsPE-02877-00519952-00520270 of applause tJpJIGwXsPE-02878-00520271-00520535 um yeah it's been great having you here tJpJIGwXsPE-02879-00520535-00520751 to kick us off on a terrific tJpJIGwXsPE-02880-00520752-00521103 terrific new year series um tJpJIGwXsPE-02881-00521104-00521366 i was just pulling up andrew put a link tJpJIGwXsPE-02882-00521367-00521407 to tJpJIGwXsPE-02883-00521408-00521670 the our upcoming events and there's two tJpJIGwXsPE-02884-00521671-00521847 different things happening next thursday tJpJIGwXsPE-02885-00521847-00522062 another of the sessions on deep fakes tJpJIGwXsPE-02886-00522063-00522247 and then our colloquium tJpJIGwXsPE-02887-00522247-00522455 is justin reich speaking on failure to tJpJIGwXsPE-02888-00522456-00522655 disrupt why technology alone can't tJpJIGwXsPE-02889-00522656-00522862 transform education so tJpJIGwXsPE-02890-00522863-00523127 i think we have another another really tJpJIGwXsPE-02891-00523128-00523166 good tJpJIGwXsPE-02892-00523167-00523310 kind of critical intervention tJpJIGwXsPE-02893-00523312-00523510 conversation ahead so tJpJIGwXsPE-02894-00523512-00523751 thanks again kishona um i'll kick it tJpJIGwXsPE-02895-00523752-00523879 back to scott if you tJpJIGwXsPE-02896-00523880-00523983 i don't know if you have any other tJpJIGwXsPE-02897-00523984-00524207 things you want to say to wrap up tJpJIGwXsPE-02898-00524208-00524527 no i mean other than just how how tJpJIGwXsPE-02899-00524528-00524670 delight i am pleased tJpJIGwXsPE-02900-00524671-00524966 and how great your talk was um and just tJpJIGwXsPE-02901-00524967-00525143 a word of housekeeping folk keep an eye tJpJIGwXsPE-02902-00525144-00525199 out tJpJIGwXsPE-02903-00525200-00525343 some of these talks will be live like tJpJIGwXsPE-02904-00525344-00525551 this one some will be pre-recorded tJpJIGwXsPE-02905-00525552-00525679 if they're pre-recorded they'll be tJpJIGwXsPE-02906-00525680-00525862 available at a week before tJpJIGwXsPE-02907-00525863-00526047 you'll need to do you'll need to keep an tJpJIGwXsPE-02908-00526048-00526166 eye out to see tJpJIGwXsPE-02909-00526167-00526422 which is which um if they're tJpJIGwXsPE-02910-00526423-00526566 pre-recorded then they'll just be live tJpJIGwXsPE-02911-00526567-00526614 chat tJpJIGwXsPE-02912-00526615-00526783 at this time of the evening but in any tJpJIGwXsPE-02913-00526784-00526991 case uh again thanks everyone tJpJIGwXsPE-02914-00526992-00527127 for showing up for a great start for tJpJIGwXsPE-02915-00527128-00527359 this program tJpJIGwXsPE-02916-00527360-00528184 bye friday bye take care bye all tLaimHnvkSk-00000-00000039-00000359 hey it's cool to meet you tLaimHnvkSk-00001-00000360-00000567 my name's charlie i'll be your tLaimHnvkSk-00002-00000568-00000886 technician for dr mitchy today tLaimHnvkSk-00003-00000888-00001215 go ahead and take a seat tLaimHnvkSk-00004-00001216-00001782 make yourself nice and comfortable tLaimHnvkSk-00005-00001784-00002055 i'm going to ask you a few questions tLaimHnvkSk-00006-00002056-00002279 confirm a few details tLaimHnvkSk-00007-00002280-00002607 do a few tests and get you all tLaimHnvkSk-00008-00002608-00002950 ready to see dr mitchy tLaimHnvkSk-00009-00002951-00003295 just hit that like button for me tLaimHnvkSk-00010-00003296-00004127 thank you tLaimHnvkSk-00011-00004128-00006183 now what's your name and date of birth tLaimHnvkSk-00012-00006184-00007083 and are you taking any meds or have any tLaimHnvkSk-00013-00007084-00008223 changed tLaimHnvkSk-00014-00008224-00009606 uh have you had any pain or falls tLaimHnvkSk-00015-00009607-00010478 okay okay tLaimHnvkSk-00016-00010479-00011157 all good tLaimHnvkSk-00017-00011158-00011374 [Music] tLaimHnvkSk-00018-00011375-00011846 so i'm gonna cover up your right eye tLaimHnvkSk-00019-00011847-00012206 i'm gonna have you read the second tLaimHnvkSk-00020-00012207-00012822 line can you read the second line for me tLaimHnvkSk-00021-00012823-00013583 okay what about the third line tLaimHnvkSk-00022-00013584-00013822 what about the fifth line can you read tLaimHnvkSk-00023-00013823-00014119 that for me tLaimHnvkSk-00024-00014119-00014463 what about now tLaimHnvkSk-00025-00014463-00015103 good okay let's do your other eye tLaimHnvkSk-00026-00015104-00015799 can you read the third line for me tLaimHnvkSk-00027-00015800-00016471 okay what about the fourth line tLaimHnvkSk-00028-00016472-00016783 okay good the sixth line can you read tLaimHnvkSk-00029-00016784-00017135 that for me tLaimHnvkSk-00030-00017136-00017527 okay now with both eyes tLaimHnvkSk-00031-00017528-00018127 can you read the seventh line tLaimHnvkSk-00032-00018128-00018511 what about the eighth line tLaimHnvkSk-00033-00018512-00019086 and that one's pretty hard tLaimHnvkSk-00034-00019087-00019375 so the next thing i'm gonna do is just tLaimHnvkSk-00035-00019376-00019430 numb tLaimHnvkSk-00036-00019431-00019663 your eyes because then i have this tLaimHnvkSk-00037-00019664-00019927 little device cool little device tLaimHnvkSk-00038-00019928-00020271 i'm gonna touch your eye with it but tLaimHnvkSk-00039-00020272-00020583 they'll be numb no need to worry tLaimHnvkSk-00040-00020584-00020758 we're gonna check the pressure inside tLaimHnvkSk-00041-00020759-00021167 your eyeball tLaimHnvkSk-00042-00021168-00023094 so what's up how you been doing tLaimHnvkSk-00043-00023095-00023422 all right so tilt your head back for me tLaimHnvkSk-00044-00023423-00024214 open up your eyes tLaimHnvkSk-00045-00024215-00024639 okay i might have put too much tLaimHnvkSk-00046-00024640-00024903 your eyes might be numb for a few days tLaimHnvkSk-00047-00024904-00024958 but tLaimHnvkSk-00048-00024959-00025294 it'll go away eventually always does tLaimHnvkSk-00049-00025295-00025567 or so i've heard now let's do the other tLaimHnvkSk-00050-00025568-00026318 eye tLaimHnvkSk-00051-00026319-00027143 oh yeah tLaimHnvkSk-00052-00027144-00027518 i'm gonna take this device tLaimHnvkSk-00053-00027519-00027870 and just touch your eyeball with it tLaimHnvkSk-00054-00027872-00028758 measure the pressure in there tLaimHnvkSk-00055-00028760-00029483 all right okay tLaimHnvkSk-00056-00029483-00029727 okay tLaimHnvkSk-00057-00029727-00030190 now let's do the other eye tLaimHnvkSk-00058-00030191-00030455 no i can't get it open all right there tLaimHnvkSk-00059-00030456-00030607 we go tLaimHnvkSk-00060-00030608-00032135 another eye open tLaimHnvkSk-00061-00032136-00034055 just enter these numbers to the computer tLaimHnvkSk-00062-00034056-00034343 now there's just one more step before tLaimHnvkSk-00063-00034344-00034543 you're ready for dr mitchie tLaimHnvkSk-00064-00034544-00035495 i gotta dilate your eyes tLaimHnvkSk-00065-00035496-00035943 i can't find the drops but tLaimHnvkSk-00066-00035944-00036183 i've got this setting spray that i use tLaimHnvkSk-00067-00036184-00036535 on my face for makeup tLaimHnvkSk-00068-00036536-00036871 they should do the trick tLaimHnvkSk-00069-00036872-00037183 no it shouldn't burn i've used it before tLaimHnvkSk-00070-00037184-00037574 don't tell dr mitchie tLaimHnvkSk-00071-00037575-00037959 my dad would not be happy tLaimHnvkSk-00072-00037960-00038455 okay so just dote your head back for me tLaimHnvkSk-00073-00038456-00038743 just like that i'm gonna open up your tLaimHnvkSk-00074-00038744-00038799 eyes tLaimHnvkSk-00075-00038800-00039283 one more time tLaimHnvkSk-00076-00039284-00040118 okay tLaimHnvkSk-00077-00040119-00041543 okay now let's do the other eye tLaimHnvkSk-00078-00041544-00042774 let's dry you off tLaimHnvkSk-00079-00042775-00043895 okay the other side tLaimHnvkSk-00080-00043896-00044135 well my friend i've had fun hanging out tLaimHnvkSk-00081-00044136-00044295 with you tLaimHnvkSk-00082-00044296-00044574 you look great your eyes look good let tLaimHnvkSk-00083-00044575-00045511 me take one more look tLaimHnvkSk-00084-00045512-00045839 yeah they look perfect and tLaimHnvkSk-00085-00045840-00046271 you were all ready to see dr mitchie tLaimHnvkSk-00086-00046272-00046758 all right you enjoy the rest of your day tLaimHnvkSk-00087-00046759-00047095 hey there i'm dr tLaimHnvkSk-00088-00047096-00047639 mitchy it's a pleasure to meet you tLaimHnvkSk-00089-00047640-00048223 how is charlie did he treat you well tLaimHnvkSk-00090-00048224-00048574 gotta keep an eye on that one my son tLaimHnvkSk-00091-00048575-00048990 likes to take shortcuts sometimes tLaimHnvkSk-00092-00048991-00049383 so when's the last time you tLaimHnvkSk-00093-00049384-00049958 had an eye exam tLaimHnvkSk-00094-00049959-00050295 okay well tLaimHnvkSk-00095-00050296-00050599 we're gonna take real good tLaimHnvkSk-00096-00050600-00051190 care of you how does that sound tLaimHnvkSk-00097-00051191-00051535 good i'm just gonna turn these lights tLaimHnvkSk-00098-00051536-00051623 off tLaimHnvkSk-00099-00051624-00052742 we can take a look deep inside your eyes tLaimHnvkSk-00100-00052744-00053094 let's take a look tLaimHnvkSk-00101-00053095-00053926 take a look take a look take a look tLaimHnvkSk-00102-00053927-00054303 let's tLaimHnvkSk-00103-00054304-00054679 take a look tLaimHnvkSk-00104-00054679-00055647 take tLaimHnvkSk-00105-00055648-00056094 everything looks very good tLaimHnvkSk-00106-00056095-00056503 very good tLaimHnvkSk-00107-00056504-00057482 everything looks healthy inside your tLaimHnvkSk-00108-00057483-00057750 eyes tLaimHnvkSk-00109-00057751-00058287 i'm gonna use my flashlight tLaimHnvkSk-00110-00058288-00059166 to get deeper tLaimHnvkSk-00111-00059167-00059726 yeah just like that look straight ahead tLaimHnvkSk-00112-00059727-00059942 and hold your eyes open as you look tLaimHnvkSk-00113-00059944-00061671 straight ahead tLaimHnvkSk-00114-00061672-00062111 it's very good healthy tLaimHnvkSk-00115-00062112-00062415 yes yes tLaimHnvkSk-00116-00062416-00063847 yes yes yes tLaimHnvkSk-00117-00063848-00064223 vary out the eyes tLaimHnvkSk-00118-00064224-00064575 now i will measure the distance tLaimHnvkSk-00119-00064576-00064919 between your eyes to look tLaimHnvkSk-00120-00064920-00065287 straight ahead straight ahead tLaimHnvkSk-00121-00065288-00066294 straight astray tLaimHnvkSk-00122-00066295-00066687 okay one two tLaimHnvkSk-00123-00066688-00067182 three four five tLaimHnvkSk-00124-00067183-00067638 this looks really good it's perfect tLaimHnvkSk-00125-00067639-00068103 your eyes are perfectly spaced apart tLaimHnvkSk-00126-00068104-00068582 everything is very symmetric wow tLaimHnvkSk-00127-00068583-00069367 very pretty very pretty eyes you have tLaimHnvkSk-00128-00069368-00069838 almost done almost done tLaimHnvkSk-00129-00069839-00070143 perfect now tLaimHnvkSk-00130-00070144-00070471 i'm gonna try these two different lenses tLaimHnvkSk-00131-00070472-00070615 on you and you tell me tLaimHnvkSk-00132-00070616-00070975 which ones are better one tLaimHnvkSk-00133-00070976-00072438 or two this is one tLaimHnvkSk-00134-00072439-00072882 that's one tLaimHnvkSk-00135-00072883-00074282 and this is tLaimHnvkSk-00136-00074283-00074703 too tLaimHnvkSk-00137-00074704-00075015 that's two so which was better tLaimHnvkSk-00138-00075016-00075350 one or two one tLaimHnvkSk-00139-00075351-00075823 or two tLaimHnvkSk-00140-00075824-00076231 perfect well my friend tLaimHnvkSk-00141-00076232-00076735 my friend my friend my friend tLaimHnvkSk-00142-00076736-00077103 your eyes look very healthy tLaimHnvkSk-00143-00077104-00077415 it was a pleasure seeing you i look tLaimHnvkSk-00144-00077416-00077726 forward to our next appointment tLaimHnvkSk-00145-00077727-00078031 oh and leave some feedback for us in the tLaimHnvkSk-00146-00078032-00078159 comments tLaimHnvkSk-00147-00078160-00078462 we love hearing from you tLaimHnvkSk-00148-00078463-00078735 i hope you enjoy the rest of your week tLaimHnvkSk-00149-00078736-00079126 and the rest of your day tLaimHnvkSk-00150-00079127-00079882 all right i'll see you soon tLaimHnvkSk-00151-00079883-00080431 bye tLaimHnvkSk-00152-00080432-00080639 you tNN60GflF_A-00000-00000014-00000254 the pleistocene often colloquially tNN60GflF_A-00001-00000254-00000467 referred to as the ice age is the tNN60GflF_A-00002-00000468-00000680 geological epoch which lasted from about tNN60GflF_A-00003-00000681-00000865 two million five hundred eighty-eight tNN60GflF_A-00004-00000866-00001069 thousand to eleven thousand seven tNN60GflF_A-00005-00001070-00001273 hundred years ago spanning the world's tNN60GflF_A-00006-00001274-00001441 most recent period of repeated tNN60GflF_A-00007-00001442-00001510 glaciations tNN60GflF_A-00008-00001511-00001798 the end of the Pleistocene corresponds tNN60GflF_A-00009-00001800-00001948 with the end of the last glacial period tNN60GflF_A-00010-00001950-00002186 and also with the end of the Paleolithic tNN60GflF_A-00011-00002187-00002419 Age used in archeology the tNN60GflF_A-00012-00002420-00002636 Pleistocene is the first epoch of the tNN60GflF_A-00013-00002637-00002852 quaternary period or sixth epoch of the tNN60GflF_A-00014-00002853-00003188 Cenozoic era in the ICS timescale the tNN60GflF_A-00015-00003189-00003404 Pleistocene is divided into four stages tNN60GflF_A-00016-00003404-00003688 or ages the gelation Calabrian Middle tNN60GflF_A-00017-00003689-00003884 Pleistocene and officially the chiba tNN60GflF_A-00018-00003885-00004097 nyan an upper Pleistocene and officially tNN60GflF_A-00019-00004098-00004325 the tur Andean in addition to this tNN60GflF_A-00020-00004326-00004520 international subdivision various tNN60GflF_A-00021-00004521-00004755 regional subdivisions are often used tNN60GflF_A-00022-00004756-00005020 before a change finally confirmed in tNN60GflF_A-00023-00005021-00005266 2009 by the International Union of tNN60GflF_A-00024-00005267-00005506 geological sciences the time boundary tNN60GflF_A-00025-00005507-00005656 between the Pleistocene and the tNN60GflF_A-00026-00005657-00005872 preceding Pliocene was regarded as being tNN60GflF_A-00027-00005873-00006095 at one point eight zero six million tNN60GflF_A-00028-00006096-00006350 years before present BP as opposed to tNN60GflF_A-00029-00006351-00006638 the currently accepted 2.5 8 8 million tNN60GflF_A-00030-00006639-00006895 years BP publications from the preceding tNN60GflF_A-00031-00006896-00007076 years may use either definition of the tNN60GflF_A-00032-00007077-00007619 period tNN60GflF_A-00033-00007620-00007923 topic etymology tNN60GflF_A-00034-00007923-00008163 you tNN60GflF_A-00035-00008164-00008393 Charles Lyell introduced the term tNN60GflF_A-00036-00008394-00008766 Pleistocene in 1839 to describe strata tNN60GflF_A-00037-00008767-00009030 in Sicily that had at least 70% of their tNN60GflF_A-00038-00009031-00009200 molluscan Fonda's still living today tNN60GflF_A-00039-00009201-00009444 this distinguished it from the older tNN60GflF_A-00040-00009445-00009681 Pliocene epoch which Lyle had originally tNN60GflF_A-00041-00009682-00009843 thought to be the youngest fossil rock tNN60GflF_A-00042-00009844-00010082 layer he constructed the name tNN60GflF_A-00043-00010083-00010596 Pleistocene most new or newest from the tNN60GflF_A-00044-00010597-00010938 Greek police tous police does most and K tNN60GflF_A-00045-00010939-00011199 knows K knows latinized as zenus knew tNN60GflF_A-00046-00011200-00011438 this contrasting with the immediately tNN60GflF_A-00047-00011439-00011790 preceding Pliocene more new or newer tNN60GflF_A-00048-00011791-00012221 from pliant clion more and knose usual tNN60GflF_A-00049-00012222-00012423 spelling Pliocene and the immediately tNN60GflF_A-00050-00012424-00012698 subsequent Holocene wholly new or tNN60GflF_A-00051-00012699-00013091 entirely new from hollows hollows pol tNN60GflF_A-00052-00013092-00013377 and K knows epoch which extends to the tNN60GflF_A-00053-00013378-00013908 present time tNN60GflF_A-00054-00013909-00014402 topic dating tNN60GflF_A-00055-00014403-00014726 the Pleistocene has been dated from 2.58 tNN60GflF_A-00056-00014727-00014980 eight million plus or minus tNN60GflF_A-00057-00014981-00015254 0.005 to eleven thousand seven hundred tNN60GflF_A-00058-00015255-00015500 years BP with the end date expressed in tNN60GflF_A-00059-00015501-00015749 radiocarbon years as 10,000 carbon-14 tNN60GflF_A-00060-00015750-00016085 years BP it covers most of the latest tNN60GflF_A-00061-00016086-00016328 period of repeated glaciation up to and tNN60GflF_A-00062-00016329-00016517 including the Younger Dryas cold spell tNN60GflF_A-00063-00016518-00016781 the end of the Younger Dryas has been tNN60GflF_A-00064-00016782-00017089 dated to about 96 40 BC tNN60GflF_A-00065-00017090-00017441 11650 for calendar years BP the end of tNN60GflF_A-00066-00017442-00017624 the Younger Dryas is the official start tNN60GflF_A-00067-00017625-00017869 of the current Holocene epoch although tNN60GflF_A-00068-00017870-00018068 it is considered an epoch the Holocene tNN60GflF_A-00069-00018069-00018242 is not significantly different from tNN60GflF_A-00070-00018243-00018431 previous interglacial intervals within tNN60GflF_A-00071-00018432-00018617 the Pleistocene it was not until after tNN60GflF_A-00072-00018618-00018824 the development of radiocarbon dating tNN60GflF_A-00073-00018825-00019069 however that Pleistocene archaeological tNN60GflF_A-00074-00019070-00019297 excavations shifted to stratified caves tNN60GflF_A-00075-00019298-00019526 and rock shelters as opposed to open-air tNN60GflF_A-00076-00019527-00019763 River Terrace sites in 2009 the tNN60GflF_A-00077-00019764-00019961 International Union of geological tNN60GflF_A-00078-00019962-00020243 sciences iug s confirmed a change in tNN60GflF_A-00079-00020244-00020459 time period for the Pleistocene changing tNN60GflF_A-00080-00020460-00020657 the start date from one point eight zero tNN60GflF_A-00081-00020658-00020846 six to two point five eight eight tNN60GflF_A-00082-00020847-00021094 million years BP and accepted the base tNN60GflF_A-00083-00021095-00021260 of the Joule Asian as the base of the tNN60GflF_A-00084-00021261-00021469 Pleistocene namely the base of the monte tNN60GflF_A-00085-00021470-00021872 san nicola GS SP the iug s has yet to tNN60GflF_A-00086-00021873-00022085 approve a type section global boundary tNN60GflF_A-00087-00022086-00022403 stratotype sections and point G s SP for tNN60GflF_A-00088-00022404-00022634 the upper Pleistocene policy boundary ie tNN60GflF_A-00089-00022635-00022925 the upper boundary the proposed section tNN60GflF_A-00090-00022926-00023099 as the North Greenland ice core project tNN60GflF_A-00091-00023100-00023468 ice core 75 degrees O 6 and 42 degrees tNN60GflF_A-00092-00023469-00023731 18 w the lower boundary of the tNN60GflF_A-00093-00023732-00023947 Pleistocene series is formally defined tNN60GflF_A-00094-00023948-00024172 magneto stratigraphically as the base of tNN60GflF_A-00095-00024173-00024392 the Matta Yama C 2 R crona's own tNN60GflF_A-00096-00024393-00024764 isotopic stage 103 above this point tNN60GflF_A-00097-00024765-00024925 there are notable extinctions of the tNN60GflF_A-00098-00024926-00025147 calcareous nanna fossils dis coaster tNN60GflF_A-00099-00025148-00025316 Penta radiators and dis coaster tNN60GflF_A-00100-00025317-00025511 circulates the Pleistocene covers the tNN60GflF_A-00101-00025512-00025717 recent period of repeated glaciations tNN60GflF_A-00102-00025718-00026008 the name playa Pleistocene has in the tNN60GflF_A-00103-00026010-00026208 past been used to mean the last ice age tNN60GflF_A-00104-00026210-00026486 the revised definition of the quaternary tNN60GflF_A-00105-00026487-00026695 by pushing back the start date of the tNN60GflF_A-00106-00026697-00026983 Pleistocene to 2.58 ma results in the tNN60GflF_A-00107-00026985-00027167 inclusion of all the recent repeated tNN60GflF_A-00108-00027168-00027495 glaciations within the Pleistocene tNN60GflF_A-00109-00027495-00027845 you tNN60GflF_A-00110-00027847-00028481 topic paleogeography and climate tNN60GflF_A-00111-00028482-00028708 the modern continents were essentially tNN60GflF_A-00112-00028710-00028868 at their present positions during the tNN60GflF_A-00113-00028869-00029057 Pleistocene the plates upon which they tNN60GflF_A-00114-00029058-00029255 sit probably having moved no more than tNN60GflF_A-00115-00029256-00029470 100 kilometers relative to each other tNN60GflF_A-00116-00029472-00029662 since the beginning of the period tNN60GflF_A-00117-00029663-00029885 according to mark Lynas through tNN60GflF_A-00118-00029886-00030107 collected data the Pleistocene overall tNN60GflF_A-00119-00030108-00030281 climate could be characterized as a tNN60GflF_A-00120-00030282-00030518 continuous El Nino with trade winds in tNN60GflF_A-00121-00030519-00030710 the South Pacific weakening or heading tNN60GflF_A-00122-00030711-00030950 east warm air rising near Peru warm tNN60GflF_A-00123-00030951-00031114 waters spreading from the West Pacific tNN60GflF_A-00124-00031116-00031313 in the Indian Ocean to the East Pacific tNN60GflF_A-00125-00031314-00031964 and other El Nino markers tNN60GflF_A-00126-00031964-00032517 topic glacial features tNN60GflF_A-00127-00032518-00032719 pleistocene climate was marked by tNN60GflF_A-00128-00032720-00032908 repeated glacial cycles in which tNN60GflF_A-00129-00032909-00033124 continental glaciers pushed to the 40th tNN60GflF_A-00130-00033125-00033409 parallel in some places it is estimated tNN60GflF_A-00131-00033410-00033706 that at maximum glacial extent 30% of tNN60GflF_A-00132-00033707-00033868 the Earth's surface was covered by ice tNN60GflF_A-00133-00033869-00034132 in addition a zone of permafrost tNN60GflF_A-00134-00034133-00034342 stretched southward from the edge of the tNN60GflF_A-00135-00034343-00034546 Glacial sheet a few hundred kilometers tNN60GflF_A-00136-00034547-00034759 in North America and several hundred in tNN60GflF_A-00137-00034760-00035041 Eurasia the mean annual temperature at tNN60GflF_A-00138-00035042-00035257 the edge of the ice was minus 6 degrees tNN60GflF_A-00139-00035258-00035524 Celsius 21 degrees Fahrenheit at the tNN60GflF_A-00140-00035525-00035725 edge of the permafrost zero degrees tNN60GflF_A-00141-00035726-00036061 Celsius 32 degrees Fahrenheit each tNN60GflF_A-00142-00036062-00036310 glacial advance tied up huge volumes of tNN60GflF_A-00143-00036311-00036640 water in continental ice sheets 1,500 to tNN60GflF_A-00144-00036641-00036844 3,000 meters four thousand nine hundred tNN60GflF_A-00145-00036845-00037042 to nine thousand eight hundred feet tNN60GflF_A-00146-00037043-00037261 thick resulting in temporary sea-level tNN60GflF_A-00147-00037262-00037540 drops of 100 meters 300 feet or more tNN60GflF_A-00148-00037541-00037707 over the entire surface of the earth tNN60GflF_A-00149-00037708-00037993 during interglacial times such as at tNN60GflF_A-00150-00037994-00038203 present drowned coastlines were common tNN60GflF_A-00151-00038204-00038455 mitigated by isostatic or other emergent tNN60GflF_A-00152-00038456-00038746 motion of some regions the effects of tNN60GflF_A-00153-00038747-00039007 glaciation were global Antarctica was tNN60GflF_A-00154-00039008-00039193 ice bound throughout the Pleistocene as tNN60GflF_A-00155-00039194-00039469 well as the preceding Pliocene the Andes tNN60GflF_A-00156-00039470-00039598 were covered in the south by the tNN60GflF_A-00157-00039599-00039883 Patagonian ice cap there were glaciers tNN60GflF_A-00158-00039884-00040132 in New Zealand and Tasmania the current tNN60GflF_A-00159-00040133-00040336 decaying glaciers of Mount Kenya Mount tNN60GflF_A-00160-00040337-00040585 Kilimanjaro and the ruins Horry range in tNN60GflF_A-00161-00040586-00040806 East and Central Africa were larger tNN60GflF_A-00162-00040807-00041041 glaciers existed in the mountains of tNN60GflF_A-00163-00041042-00041242 Ethiopia and to the west in the Atlas tNN60GflF_A-00164-00041243-00041473 Mountains in the northern hemisphere tNN60GflF_A-00165-00041474-00041740 many glaciers fused into one the tNN60GflF_A-00166-00041741-00041920 Cordillera an ice sheet covered the tNN60GflF_A-00167-00041921-00042127 North American Northwest the East was tNN60GflF_A-00168-00042128-00042364 covered by the Laurentide the fenneis tNN60GflF_A-00169-00042365-00042565 candy and ice sheet rested on northern tNN60GflF_A-00170-00042566-00042754 Europe including much of Great Britain tNN60GflF_A-00171-00042755-00042963 the alpine ice sheet on the Alps tNN60GflF_A-00172-00042964-00043222 scattered domes stretched across Siberia tNN60GflF_A-00173-00043223-00043462 in the Arctic shelf the northern seas tNN60GflF_A-00174-00043463-00043578 were ice-covered tNN60GflF_A-00175-00043579-00043819 south of the ice sheets large lakes tNN60GflF_A-00176-00043820-00044026 accumulated because outlets were blocked tNN60GflF_A-00177-00044027-00044215 and the cooler air slowed evaporation tNN60GflF_A-00178-00044216-00044467 when the Laurentide Ice Sheet retreated tNN60GflF_A-00179-00044468-00044704 north central North America was totally tNN60GflF_A-00180-00044705-00044992 covered by lekha gases over a hundred tNN60GflF_A-00181-00044993-00045208 basins now dry or nearly so were tNN60GflF_A-00182-00045209-00045399 overflowing in the North American West tNN60GflF_A-00183-00045400-00045694 Lake Bonneville for example stood where tNN60GflF_A-00184-00045695-00045962 Great Salt Lake now does in Eurasia tNN60GflF_A-00185-00045963-00046196 large lakes developed as a result of the tNN60GflF_A-00186-00046197-00046446 runoff from the glaciers rivers were tNN60GflF_A-00187-00046447-00046680 larger had a more copious flow and were tNN60GflF_A-00188-00046681-00046920 braided African lakes were fuller tNN60GflF_A-00189-00046921-00047136 apparently from decreased evaporation tNN60GflF_A-00190-00047137-00047387 deserts on the other hand were drier and tNN60GflF_A-00191-00047388-00047495 more extensive tNN60GflF_A-00192-00047496-00047711 rainfall was lower because of the tNN60GflF_A-00193-00047712-00047883 decreases in Oceanic and other tNN60GflF_A-00194-00047884-00048192 evaporation it has been estimated that tNN60GflF_A-00195-00048193-00048342 during the Pleistocene the East tNN60GflF_A-00196-00048343-00048527 Antarctic Ice Sheet thinned by at least tNN60GflF_A-00197-00048528-00048743 500 meters and that thinning since the tNN60GflF_A-00198-00048744-00048968 last glacial maximum is less than 50 tNN60GflF_A-00199-00048969-00049173 meters and probably started after sea a tNN60GflF_A-00200-00049174-00049750 14 calm tNN60GflF_A-00201-00049751-00050284 topic major events tNN60GflF_A-00202-00050285-00050542 over 11 major glacial events have been tNN60GflF_A-00203-00050543-00050782 identified as well as many minor glacial tNN60GflF_A-00204-00050783-00051046 events a major glacial event as a tNN60GflF_A-00205-00051047-00051252 general glacial excursion term de tNN60GflF_A-00206-00051253-00051564 glacial glacials are separated by tNN60GflF_A-00207-00051565-00051865 interglacials during a glacial the tNN60GflF_A-00208-00051866-00052096 glacier experiences minor advances and tNN60GflF_A-00209-00052097-00052387 retreats the minor excursion is a stay tNN60GflF_A-00210-00052388-00052627 deal times between stadiums are tNN60GflF_A-00211-00052628-00052829 interstate eels tNN60GflF_A-00212-00052830-00053095 these events are defined differently in tNN60GflF_A-00213-00053096-00053269 different regions of the Glacial range tNN60GflF_A-00214-00053270-00053410 which have their own glacial history tNN60GflF_A-00215-00053411-00053635 depending on latitude terrain and tNN60GflF_A-00216-00053636-00053824 climate there is a general tNN60GflF_A-00217-00053825-00054016 correspondence between glacials in tNN60GflF_A-00218-00054016-00054123 different regions tNN60GflF_A-00219-00054124-00054334 investigators often interchange the tNN60GflF_A-00220-00054335-00054559 names if the glacial geology of a region tNN60GflF_A-00221-00054560-00054732 is in the process of being defined tNN60GflF_A-00222-00054733-00055012 however it is generally incorrect to tNN60GflF_A-00223-00055013-00055183 apply the name of a glacial in one tNN60GflF_A-00224-00055184-00055302 region to another tNN60GflF_A-00225-00055303-00055612 for most of the 20th century only a few tNN60GflF_A-00226-00055613-00055783 regions had been studied and the names tNN60GflF_A-00227-00055784-00056101 were relatively few today the geologists tNN60GflF_A-00228-00056102-00056263 of different nations are taking more of tNN60GflF_A-00229-00056264-00056491 an interest in place to seem glaciology tNN60GflF_A-00230-00056491-00056782 as a consequence the number of names is tNN60GflF_A-00231-00056783-00056971 expanding rapidly and will continue to tNN60GflF_A-00232-00056972-00057283 expand many of the advances and stadiums tNN60GflF_A-00233-00057284-00057544 remain unnamed also the terrestrial tNN60GflF_A-00234-00057545-00057688 evidence for some of them has been tNN60GflF_A-00235-00057689-00057934 erased or obscured by larger ones but tNN60GflF_A-00236-00057935-00058084 evidence remains from the study of tNN60GflF_A-00237-00058085-00058408 cyclically climate changes the glacials tNN60GflF_A-00238-00058409-00058528 in the following tables show tNN60GflF_A-00239-00058529-00058786 historically usages are a simplification tNN60GflF_A-00240-00058787-00058966 of a much more complex cycle of tNN60GflF_A-00241-00058966-00059179 variation in climate and terrain and are tNN60GflF_A-00242-00059179-00059442 generally no longer used these names tNN60GflF_A-00243-00059444-00059641 have been abandoned in favour of numeric tNN60GflF_A-00244-00059641-00059829 data because many of the correlations tNN60GflF_A-00245-00059830-00060013 were found to be either inexact or tNN60GflF_A-00246-00060014-00060172 incorrect and more than four major tNN60GflF_A-00247-00060173-00060379 glacials have been recognized since the tNN60GflF_A-00248-00060379-00060678 historical terminology was established tNN60GflF_A-00249-00060679-00060901 corresponding to the terms glacial and tNN60GflF_A-00250-00060902-00061102 interglacial the terms pluvial and tNN60GflF_A-00251-00061103-00061309 interplay veel are in use latin pluie tNN60GflF_A-00252-00061310-00061636 via rain a pluvial is a warmer period of tNN60GflF_A-00253-00061637-00061842 increased rainfall an interval of tNN60GflF_A-00254-00061844-00062113 decreased rainfall formerly a pluvial tNN60GflF_A-00255-00062114-00062299 was thought to correspond to a glacial tNN60GflF_A-00256-00062300-00062548 in regions not iced and in some cases it tNN60GflF_A-00257-00062549-00062892 does rainfall is cyclically also pluvial tNN60GflF_A-00258-00062894-00063099 and Interpol's are widespread tNN60GflF_A-00259-00063100-00063400 there is no systematic correspondence of tNN60GflF_A-00260-00063401-00063631 pluvial to glacials however tNN60GflF_A-00261-00063632-00063868 over regional pluvial do not correspond tNN60GflF_A-00262-00063869-00064123 to each other globally for example some tNN60GflF_A-00263-00064124-00064391 have used the term risk pluvial in tNN60GflF_A-00264-00064391-00064678 Egyptian contexts any coincidence as an tNN60GflF_A-00265-00064679-00064948 accident of regional factors only a few tNN60GflF_A-00266-00064949-00065143 of the names for pluvial in restricted tNN60GflF_A-00267-00065144-00065303 regions have been stratigraphically tNN60GflF_A-00268-00065304-00065838 defined tNN60GflF_A-00269-00065839-00066369 topic paleo cycles tNN60GflF_A-00270-00066370-00066627 the sum of transient factors acting at tNN60GflF_A-00271-00066628-00066777 the Earth's surface is cyclically tNN60GflF_A-00272-00066778-00066951 climate ocean currents and other tNN60GflF_A-00273-00066952-00067221 movements wind currents temperature etc tNN60GflF_A-00274-00067222-00067485 the wave form response comes from the tNN60GflF_A-00275-00067486-00067710 underlying cyclic emotions of the planet tNN60GflF_A-00276-00067711-00067917 which eventually drag all the transients tNN60GflF_A-00277-00067918-00068142 into harmony with them the repeated tNN60GflF_A-00278-00068143-00068331 glaciations of the Pleistocene were tNN60GflF_A-00279-00068332-00068934 caused by the same factors tNN60GflF_A-00280-00068935-00069492 topic Milankovitch cycles tNN60GflF_A-00281-00069493-00069709 glaciation in the Pleistocene was a tNN60GflF_A-00282-00069710-00069888 series of glacials and interglacials tNN60GflF_A-00283-00069889-00070144 stadiums and Inter stadiums mirroring tNN60GflF_A-00284-00070145-00070417 periodic changes in climate the main tNN60GflF_A-00285-00070418-00070642 factor at work in climate cycling is now tNN60GflF_A-00286-00070643-00070924 believed to be Milankovitch cycles these tNN60GflF_A-00287-00070925-00071167 are periodic variations in regional and tNN60GflF_A-00288-00071168-00071389 Planetary solar radiation reaching the tNN60GflF_A-00289-00071390-00071560 earth caused by several repeating tNN60GflF_A-00290-00071561-00071769 changes in the Earth's motion tNN60GflF_A-00291-00071770-00072016 Milankovitch cycles cannot be the sole tNN60GflF_A-00292-00072017-00072244 factor responsible for the variations in tNN60GflF_A-00293-00072245-00072433 climate since they explain neither the tNN60GflF_A-00294-00072434-00072628 long-term cooling trend over the playa tNN60GflF_A-00295-00072629-00072790 Pleistocene nor the millennial tNN60GflF_A-00296-00072791-00073038 variations in the Greenland ice cores tNN60GflF_A-00297-00073039-00073261 Milankovitch pacing seems to best tNN60GflF_A-00298-00073262-00073441 explain glaciation events with tNN60GflF_A-00299-00073442-00073822 periodicity of 100,000 40,000 and 20,000 tNN60GflF_A-00300-00073823-00074080 years such a pattern seems to fit the tNN60GflF_A-00301-00074081-00074287 information on climate change found in tNN60GflF_A-00302-00074288-00074874 oxygen isotope cores tNN60GflF_A-00303-00074875-00075516 topic oxygen isotope ratio cycles tNN60GflF_A-00304-00075517-00075788 in oxygen isotope ratio analysis tNN60GflF_A-00305-00075789-00076140 variations in the ratio of 1802 1602 tNN60GflF_A-00306-00076141-00076385 isotopes of oxygen by mask measured by a tNN60GflF_A-00307-00076386-00076604 mass spectrometer present in the calcite tNN60GflF_A-00308-00076605-00076821 of oceanic core samples is used as a tNN60GflF_A-00309-00076822-00077048 diagnostic of ancient ocean temperature tNN60GflF_A-00310-00077049-00077236 change and therefore a climate change tNN60GflF_A-00311-00077237-00077555 cold oceans are richer in 1800 which is tNN60GflF_A-00312-00077556-00077684 included in the tests of the tNN60GflF_A-00313-00077685-00077942 microorganisms foraminifera contributing tNN60GflF_A-00314-00077943-00078251 the calcite a more recent version of the tNN60GflF_A-00315-00078252-00078455 sampling process makes use of modern tNN60GflF_A-00316-00078456-00078765 glacial ice cores although less rich in tNN60GflF_A-00317-00078766-00078992 80 no than seawater the snow that fell tNN60GflF_A-00318-00078993-00079166 on the glacier year by year nevertheless tNN60GflF_A-00319-00079167-00079448 contained 80 no and 60 no in a ratio tNN60GflF_A-00320-00079449-00079607 that depended on the mean annual tNN60GflF_A-00321-00079608-00079913 temperature temperature and climate tNN60GflF_A-00322-00079914-00080093 change are cyclically when plotted on a tNN60GflF_A-00323-00080094-00080305 graph of temperature versus time tNN60GflF_A-00324-00080306-00080537 temperature coordinates are given in the tNN60GflF_A-00325-00080538-00080726 form of a deviation from today's annual tNN60GflF_A-00326-00080727-00081053 mean temperature taken as zero this sort tNN60GflF_A-00327-00081054-00081266 of graph is based on another of isotope tNN60GflF_A-00328-00081267-00081590 ratio versus time ratios are converted tNN60GflF_A-00329-00081591-00081747 to a percentage difference from the tNN60GflF_A-00330-00081748-00081972 ratio found in standard mean ocean water tNN60GflF_A-00331-00081973-00082105 smow tNN60GflF_A-00332-00082106-00082371 the graph in either form appears as a tNN60GflF_A-00333-00082372-00082625 waveform with overtones one-half of a tNN60GflF_A-00334-00082626-00082872 period as a marine isotopic stage miss tNN60GflF_A-00335-00082873-00083201 it indicates a glacial below zero or an tNN60GflF_A-00336-00083202-00083498 interglacial above zero overtones are tNN60GflF_A-00337-00083499-00083713 stadiums or Inter stadia 'ls tNN60GflF_A-00338-00083714-00083906 according to this evidence earth tNN60GflF_A-00339-00083907-00084194 experienced 102 ms stages beginning at tNN60GflF_A-00340-00084195-00084497 about 2.5 8 8 ma BP in the early tNN60GflF_A-00341-00084498-00084788 Pleistocene till Asian early Pleistocene tNN60GflF_A-00342-00084789-00085016 stages were shallow and frequent the tNN60GflF_A-00343-00085017-00085199 latest were the most intense and most tNN60GflF_A-00344-00085200-00085544 widely spaced by convention stages are tNN60GflF_A-00345-00085545-00085754 numbered from the Holocene which is M is tNN60GflF_A-00346-00085755-00086030 1 glacials receive an even number tNN60GflF_A-00347-00086031-00086276 interglacials odd the first major tNN60GflF_A-00348-00086277-00086663 glacial was M is 2-4 at about 85 to 11 tNN60GflF_A-00349-00086664-00087038 cup BP the largest glacials were to 6 12 tNN60GflF_A-00350-00087039-00087384 and 16 the warmest interglacials 1 5 9 tNN60GflF_A-00351-00087385-00087684 and 11 for matching of MS numbers to tNN60GflF_A-00352-00087685-00087897 named stages see under the Articles for tNN60GflF_A-00353-00087898-00088466 those names tNN60GflF_A-00354-00088467-00088954 topic fauna tNN60GflF_A-00355-00088955-00089203 both marine and continental Fonda's were tNN60GflF_A-00356-00089204-00089392 essentially modern but with many more tNN60GflF_A-00357-00089393-00089590 large land mammals such as mammoths tNN60GflF_A-00358-00089591-00089956 mastodons Diprotodon Smilodon tiger lion tNN60GflF_A-00359-00089957-00090241 or ox short-faced bear giant sloths tNN60GflF_A-00360-00090242-00090568 Gigantopithecus and others isolated tNN60GflF_A-00361-00090569-00090856 places such as Australia Madagascar New tNN60GflF_A-00362-00090857-00091063 Zealand and islands in the Pacific saw tNN60GflF_A-00363-00091064-00091255 the evolution of large birds and even tNN60GflF_A-00364-00091256-00091489 reptiles such as the elephant bird Noah tNN60GflF_A-00365-00091490-00091738 hast Eagle Queen Cana mega lania and tNN60GflF_A-00366-00091739-00092080 Melania the severe climatic changes tNN60GflF_A-00367-00092081-00092299 during the Ice Age had major impacts on tNN60GflF_A-00368-00092300-00092566 the fauna and flora with each advance of tNN60GflF_A-00369-00092567-00092770 the ice large areas of the continents tNN60GflF_A-00370-00092771-00092992 became totally depopulated and plants tNN60GflF_A-00371-00092993-00093172 and animals retreating southwards in tNN60GflF_A-00372-00093173-00093346 front of the advancing glacier faced tNN60GflF_A-00373-00093347-00093637 tremendous stress the most severe stress tNN60GflF_A-00374-00093638-00093877 resulted from drastic climatic changes tNN60GflF_A-00375-00093878-00094105 reduced living space and curtailed food tNN60GflF_A-00376-00094106-00094408 supply a major extinction event of large tNN60GflF_A-00377-00094409-00094618 mammals mega fauna which included tNN60GflF_A-00378-00094619-00094864 mammoths mastodons saber-toothed cats tNN60GflF_A-00379-00094865-00095143 glyptodont the woolly rhinoceros various tNN60GflF_A-00380-00095144-00095341 giraffe odds such as the civet areum tNN60GflF_A-00381-00095342-00095629 ground sloths Irish elk cave bears gum tNN60GflF_A-00382-00095630-00095851 folk their dire wolves and short-faced tNN60GflF_A-00383-00095852-00096055 bears began late in the Pleistocene and tNN60GflF_A-00384-00096056-00096346 continued into the Holocene Neanderthals tNN60GflF_A-00385-00096347-00096550 also became extinct during this period tNN60GflF_A-00386-00096551-00096751 at the end of the last ice age tNN60GflF_A-00387-00096752-00096979 cold-blooded animals smaller mammals tNN60GflF_A-00388-00096980-00097210 like wood mice migratory birds and tNN60GflF_A-00389-00097211-00097399 swifter animals like white-tailed deer tNN60GflF_A-00390-00097400-00097612 had replaced the megafauna and migrated tNN60GflF_A-00391-00097613-00097900 north the extinctions hardly affected tNN60GflF_A-00392-00097901-00098119 Africa but were especially severe in tNN60GflF_A-00393-00098120-00098326 North America where native horses and tNN60GflF_A-00394-00098327-00098475 camels were wiped out tNN60GflF_A-00395-00098476-00098794 Asian land mammal ages Alma include Joe tNN60GflF_A-00396-00098795-00099069 ku dianion me hey William and you Chien tNN60GflF_A-00397-00099070-00099361 European land mammal ages Elma include tNN60GflF_A-00398-00099362-00099892 gelation 2.5 1.8 ma north american land tNN60GflF_A-00399-00099893-00100320 mammal ages nal ma include Blanken 4.75 tNN60GflF_A-00400-00100321-00100633 21.8 earning Tony 'n one point eight to tNN60GflF_A-00401-00100634-00100873 zero point two four and Rancho Lab rien tNN60GflF_A-00402-00100874-00101113 zero point two four two zero point zero tNN60GflF_A-00403-00101114-00101422 one in millions of years the Blanken tNN60GflF_A-00404-00101423-00101608 extends significantly back into the tNN60GflF_A-00405-00101609-00101953 Pliocene south american land mammal ages tNN60GflF_A-00406-00101954-00102232 salma include u Quian two point five to tNN60GflF_A-00407-00102233-00102719 1.5 ensign Aden 1.5 to 0.3 and Luhan Yin tNN60GflF_A-00408-00102720-00103215 0.3 to 0.01 in millions of years the uke tNN60GflF_A-00409-00103216-00103438 wien previously extended significantly tNN60GflF_A-00410-00103439-00103632 back into the Pliocene although the new tNN60GflF_A-00411-00103633-00103854 definition places it entirely within the tNN60GflF_A-00412-00103855-00104125 pleistocene in July 2018 a team of tNN60GflF_A-00413-00104126-00104323 Russian scientists in collaboration with tNN60GflF_A-00414-00104324-00104535 Princeton University announced that they tNN60GflF_A-00415-00104536-00104742 had brought two female nematodes frozen tNN60GflF_A-00416-00104743-00104983 in permafrost from around 42,000 years tNN60GflF_A-00417-00104983-00105298 ago back to life the two nematodes at tNN60GflF_A-00418-00105299-00105453 the time were the oldest confirmed tNN60GflF_A-00419-00105454-00106097 living animals on the planet tNN60GflF_A-00420-00106098-00106583 topic humans tNN60GflF_A-00421-00106583-00106825 the evolution of anatomically modern tNN60GflF_A-00422-00106826-00107033 humans took place during the Pleistocene tNN60GflF_A-00423-00107033-00107214 in the beginning of the Pleistocene tNN60GflF_A-00424-00107215-00107437 Paranthropus species are still present tNN60GflF_A-00425-00107438-00107669 as well as early human ancestors but tNN60GflF_A-00426-00107670-00107824 during the lower Paleolithic they tNN60GflF_A-00427-00107825-00108025 disappeared and the only hominid species tNN60GflF_A-00428-00108026-00108310 found in facilities as Homo erectus for tNN60GflF_A-00429-00108311-00108550 much of the Pleistocene the Chilean tNN60GflF_A-00430-00108551-00108709 lithics appear along with Homo erectus tNN60GflF_A-00431-00108710-00109058 some 1.8 million years ago replacing the tNN60GflF_A-00432-00109058-00109264 more primitive Oldowan industry used by tNN60GflF_A-00433-00109265-00109474 a gari and by the earliest species of tNN60GflF_A-00434-00109475-00109777 Homo the middle Paleolithic saw more tNN60GflF_A-00435-00109778-00110023 varied speciation within homo including tNN60GflF_A-00436-00110024-00110263 the appearance of Homo sapiens about 200 tNN60GflF_A-00437-00110264-00110400 thousand years ago tNN60GflF_A-00438-00110401-00110653 according to mitochondrial timing tNN60GflF_A-00439-00110654-00110854 techniques modern humans migrated from tNN60GflF_A-00440-00110855-00111085 Africa after the risk glaciation in the tNN60GflF_A-00441-00111086-00111262 middle Paleolithic during the Eemian tNN60GflF_A-00442-00111263-00111463 stage spreading all over the ice-free tNN60GflF_A-00443-00111464-00111799 world during the Late Pleistocene a 2005 tNN60GflF_A-00444-00111800-00111988 study posits that humans in this tNN60GflF_A-00445-00111989-00112204 migration interbred with archaic human tNN60GflF_A-00446-00112205-00112418 forms already outside of Africa by the tNN60GflF_A-00447-00112419-00112658 late pleistocene incorporating archaic tNN60GflF_A-00448-00112658-00112864 human genetic material into the modern tNN60GflF_A-00449-00112865-00113464 human gene pool tNN60GflF_A-00450-00113465-00114002 topic deposits tNN60GflF_A-00451-00114003-00114228 pleistocene on marine sediments are tNN60GflF_A-00452-00114229-00114474 found primarily in fluvial deposits lake tNN60GflF_A-00453-00114475-00114710 beds slope and lowest deposits as well tNN60GflF_A-00454-00114711-00114843 as in the large amounts of material tNN60GflF_A-00455-00114844-00115164 moved about by glaciers less common are tNN60GflF_A-00456-00115165-00115398 cave deposits travertines and volcanic tNN60GflF_A-00457-00115399-00115764 deposits alas Ash's Pleistocene marine tNN60GflF_A-00458-00115765-00115977 deposits are found primarily in shallow tNN60GflF_A-00459-00115978-00116202 marine basins mostly but with important tNN60GflF_A-00460-00116203-00116430 exceptions in areas within a few tens of tNN60GflF_A-00461-00116431-00116694 kilometers of the modern shoreline in a tNN60GflF_A-00462-00116695-00116913 few geologically active areas such as tNN60GflF_A-00463-00116914-00117056 the Southern California coast tNN60GflF_A-00464-00117057-00117306 Pleistocene marine deposits may be found tNN60GflF_A-00465-00117307-00118018 at elevations of several hundred meters tNN60GflF_A-00466-00118019-00118562 topic C also tNN60GflF_A-00467-00118563-00118735 climate state tNN60GflF_A-00468-00118736-00118963 geologic timescale tNN60GflF_A-00469-00118964-00119282 Pleistocene megafauna timeline of tNN60GflF_A-00470-00119283-00119393 glaciation tNN60GflF_A-00471-00119394-00119765 equals equals notes tOqIWn3m1ay-00000-00000027-00001039 [Music] tOqIWn3m1ay-00001-00001040-00001258 what is good everybody welcome back to tOqIWn3m1ay-00002-00001259-00001481 another my name toys video today we do tOqIWn3m1ay-00003-00001482-00001684 have these two packages right here then tOqIWn3m1ay-00004-00001685-00001882 we're gonna be unboxing for you guys my tOqIWn3m1ay-00005-00001884-00002176 boys zack flaking jerk yes Flickinger tOqIWn3m1ay-00006-00002177-00002357 I'm not making funny but I think that's tOqIWn3m1ay-00007-00002358-00002527 a great name I think it's just it rolls tOqIWn3m1ay-00008-00002528-00002705 up the tongue he's just flicking Girod I tOqIWn3m1ay-00009-00002706-00002888 think that's fantastic but anyways he tOqIWn3m1ay-00010-00002889-00003050 did send us some fan mail right here tOqIWn3m1ay-00011-00003051-00003197 that I'm very excited for and I thought tOqIWn3m1ay-00012-00003198-00003344 that he was just gonna send me like one tOqIWn3m1ay-00013-00003345-00003565 thing so I don't know what he what else tOqIWn3m1ay-00014-00003567-00003734 he put in here I'm super duper excited tOqIWn3m1ay-00015-00003735-00003899 to find out what we got and in here I tOqIWn3m1ay-00016-00003900-00004100 think this is just some custom powder tOqIWn3m1ay-00017-00004101-00004379 that somebody commissioned a custom AJ tOqIWn3m1ay-00018-00004380-00004559 Styles and this is some of the parts to tOqIWn3m1ay-00019-00004560-00004711 that figure that we're gonna be tOqIWn3m1ay-00020-00004712-00004919 unbagging here today guys but anyways I tOqIWn3m1ay-00021-00004920-00005111 guess we can just dive straight in know tOqIWn3m1ay-00022-00005112-00005345 trusty knife here today nothing crazy as tOqIWn3m1ay-00023-00005346-00005567 usual so we're just going to roll on tOqIWn3m1ay-00024-00005568-00005797 into this thing and open Iran up and tOqIWn3m1ay-00025-00005798-00006029 what we have in here as you guys will tOqIWn3m1ay-00026-00006030-00006334 see the other envelope there we have to tOqIWn3m1ay-00027-00006335-00006527 figure right here and it is just an tOqIWn3m1ay-00028-00006528-00006781 elite WrestleMania 33 Shawn Michaels tOqIWn3m1ay-00029-00006783-00006953 figure but it does have AJ Styles kick tOqIWn3m1ay-00030-00006954-00007120 pads but it looks like these are basic tOqIWn3m1ay-00031-00007122-00007334 kick pads I do believe and it still tOqIWn3m1ay-00032-00007334-00007489 works though you can pop these on to the tOqIWn3m1ay-00033-00007490-00007681 Shawn Michaels body and I think this may tOqIWn3m1ay-00034-00007683-00007880 be painted or no he he had black kick tOqIWn3m1ay-00035-00007881-00007976 pads I don't know what I'm talking about tOqIWn3m1ay-00036-00007977-00008153 but here we go guys it actually looks tOqIWn3m1ay-00037-00008154-00008306 pretty nice I like the way this looks tOqIWn3m1ay-00038-00008307-00008449 I know these are basic so you don't get tOqIWn3m1ay-00039-00008450-00008633 ankle pivot or anything but it's not tOqIWn3m1ay-00040-00008634-00008837 that bad of like hindered articulation tOqIWn3m1ay-00041-00008838-00009005 you literally don't really lose that tOqIWn3m1ay-00042-00009006-00009239 much articulation with the basic kick tOqIWn3m1ay-00043-00009240-00009416 pads in here but this is what we got tOqIWn3m1ay-00044-00009417-00009556 we're going to be turning this into a tOqIWn3m1ay-00045-00009557-00009774 red and black new Japan tOqIWn3m1ay-00046-00009775-00010001 bullet club attire I believe is what tOqIWn3m1ay-00047-00010002-00010109 we're gonna be doing I don't know if he tOqIWn3m1ay-00048-00010110-00010271 wants this torso and we're gonna add the tOqIWn3m1ay-00049-00010272-00010492 AJ decal or if he wants us to switch it tOqIWn3m1ay-00050-00010493-00010646 out for the other torso so I'm not tOqIWn3m1ay-00051-00010647-00010796 exactly sure we're also gonna have to tOqIWn3m1ay-00052-00010797-00010937 add some knee pads and stuff like that tOqIWn3m1ay-00053-00010938-00011117 but none of that stuff is hard to do but tOqIWn3m1ay-00054-00011118-00011260 we do have the nice little base kick tOqIWn3m1ay-00055-00011261-00011446 pads here I think the basic kick pads tOqIWn3m1ay-00056-00011447-00011653 actually look better than the Elite am i tOqIWn3m1ay-00057-00011654-00011810 insane I just I think they may look tOqIWn3m1ay-00058-00011811-00011956 better I don't know again you do lose tOqIWn3m1ay-00059-00011957-00012131 that ankle pivot but you did it I think tOqIWn3m1ay-00060-00012132-00012359 it looks good I'm a fan of it but that tOqIWn3m1ay-00061-00012360-00012473 is what we have in the first package tOqIWn3m1ay-00062-00012474-00012610 guys nothing crazy here just a tOqIWn3m1ay-00063-00012611-00012902 WrestleMania 33 HBK with those basic aj tOqIWn3m1ay-00064-00012903-00013115 boots that looks pretty sweet so now tOqIWn3m1ay-00065-00013116-00013284 we're gonna move on to this bag again I tOqIWn3m1ay-00066-00013285-00013452 know what we got I did go ahead and rip tOqIWn3m1ay-00067-00013453-00013641 it open but I like to be surprised on tOqIWn3m1ay-00068-00013641-00013797 camera just like you guys because that's tOqIWn3m1ay-00069-00013797-00013908 you know that's part of the excitement tOqIWn3m1ay-00070-00013909-00014091 and stuff so we're gonna open this up tOqIWn3m1ay-00071-00014091-00014310 just like we opened up our HBK here and tOqIWn3m1ay-00072-00014311-00014490 it looks like we do have a big old tOqIWn3m1ay-00073-00014491-00014736 baggie full of stuff what is this I do tOqIWn3m1ay-00074-00014737-00014982 see well we got but we have some extras tOqIWn3m1ay-00075-00014983-00015135 in here super excited to find out what tOqIWn3m1ay-00076-00015136-00015336 we got in here it looks like the first tOqIWn3m1ay-00077-00015337-00015687 figure that we have is a Jax deluxe tOqIWn3m1ay-00078-00015688-00015996 aggression of my boy Randy or one of my tOqIWn3m1ay-00079-00015997-00016152 favorites of all time second favorite tOqIWn3m1ay-00080-00016153-00016347 all-time actually and this is some tOqIWn3m1ay-00081-00016347-00016449 figures that I grew up with I think tOqIWn3m1ay-00082-00016450-00016674 these came out and when I was in tOqIWn3m1ay-00083-00016675-00016851 elementary school growing up these these tOqIWn3m1ay-00084-00016852-00017019 were fantastic I mean they're pretty tOqIWn3m1ay-00085-00017020-00017181 much just a larger scale version of tOqIWn3m1ay-00086-00017182-00017406 elite figures guys I mean these were tOqIWn3m1ay-00087-00017407-00017538 great I really like I'm gonna stack it tOqIWn3m1ay-00088-00017539-00017733 up a little bit here that way we can get tOqIWn3m1ay-00089-00017734-00017919 the full figure in here and you guys tOqIWn3m1ay-00090-00017920-00018075 can't see that looks just like Randy tOqIWn3m1ay-00091-00018076-00018219 Orton the head skins were phenomenal tOqIWn3m1ay-00092-00018220-00018444 this is before he was all tatted up it's tOqIWn3m1ay-00093-00018445-00018714 the black and red attire Randy Orton's tOqIWn3m1ay-00094-00018715-00018864 obviously worn all kinds of different tOqIWn3m1ay-00095-00018865-00019005 gears but the same gear that he's always tOqIWn3m1ay-00096-00019006-00019224 had just different colorways again he's tOqIWn3m1ay-00097-00019225-00019449 not all tatted up and I think Jax is one tOqIWn3m1ay-00098-00019450-00019635 of the the deluxe aggression actually tOqIWn3m1ay-00099-00019636-00019821 put it where the skulls actually went tOqIWn3m1ay-00100-00019822-00019977 onto his torso Mattel doesn't do that tOqIWn3m1ay-00101-00019978-00020178 they ended on the shoulder here so it's tOqIWn3m1ay-00102-00020179-00020337 pretty cool that they go onto the torso tOqIWn3m1ay-00103-00020338-00020544 when he updates his tattoos this head tOqIWn3m1ay-00104-00020545-00020670 skin could actually I bet if you tOqIWn3m1ay-00105-00020671-00020847 repainted it you could actually fit it tOqIWn3m1ay-00106-00020848-00021099 on a Mattel figure I bet you could even tOqIWn3m1ay-00107-00021100-00021351 though the Lee 49 or yes Ali 49 Randy tOqIWn3m1ay-00108-00021352-00021561 Orton Legend Killer I think that this tOqIWn3m1ay-00109-00021562-00021720 head skin could work for that if you tOqIWn3m1ay-00110-00021721-00021849 wanted to repaint it even though that tOqIWn3m1ay-00111-00021850-00021990 head skin it's phenomenal maybe you tOqIWn3m1ay-00112-00021991-00022284 could do maybe like a debut Orton or an tOqIWn3m1ay-00113-00022285-00022515 Orton from earlier early on maybe around tOqIWn3m1ay-00114-00022516-00022698 2000 to 2003 you could probably do tOqIWn3m1ay-00115-00022699-00022872 something cool with that no knee pads on tOqIWn3m1ay-00116-00022873-00023004 the guy but that's a really cool Randy tOqIWn3m1ay-00117-00023005-00023205 Orton figure hey looks like we have a tOqIWn3m1ay-00118-00023206-00023448 second figure in here and it's deluxe tOqIWn3m1ay-00119-00023449-00023742 aggression again we got Undertaker and tOqIWn3m1ay-00120-00023743-00023991 look at this head scan I mean my god tOqIWn3m1ay-00121-00023992-00024204 guys look at what Jax was giving us can tOqIWn3m1ay-00122-00024205-00024441 you can you look at this my lord look tOqIWn3m1ay-00123-00024442-00024615 detail the tongue is though look at that tOqIWn3m1ay-00124-00024616-00024795 paint detail and sculpt detail in there tOqIWn3m1ay-00125-00024796-00024987 maybe we could do it tongue transplant tOqIWn3m1ay-00126-00024988-00025134 maybe cut the tongue out and put it on a tOqIWn3m1ay-00127-00025135-00025317 finn bĂ¡lor head skin like BW or tOqIWn3m1ay-00128-00025318-00025446 something but you guys can see this tOqIWn3m1ay-00129-00025447-00025569 under take your fingers pretty nice tOqIWn3m1ay-00130-00025570-00025727 again I actually remember having this tOqIWn3m1ay-00131-00025729-00025932 figure back in the day it was fantastic tOqIWn3m1ay-00132-00025933-00026127 again I think BW actually has a triple tOqIWn3m1ay-00133-00026127-00026239 threat match on his YouTube channel tOqIWn3m1ay-00134-00026241-00026457 using this figure and he goes up tOqIWn3m1ay-00135-00026458-00026633 Theisen job I think it's edge CM Punk tOqIWn3m1ay-00136-00026634-00026846 and Undertaker and here we go you got tOqIWn3m1ay-00137-00026847-00027027 Randy Orton The Legend Killer take it on tOqIWn3m1ay-00138-00027027-00027299 Undertaker here fantastic stuff man love tOqIWn3m1ay-00139-00027300-00027443 these Fey they're really great figures tOqIWn3m1ay-00140-00027444-00027579 guys I mean they were way ahead of their tOqIWn3m1ay-00141-00027580-00027755 time they got great ab crunch and all tOqIWn3m1ay-00142-00027756-00028002 the joints are tight so I can actually tOqIWn3m1ay-00143-00028002-00028170 use these if I wanted to obviously they tOqIWn3m1ay-00144-00028170-00028314 wouldn't be in scale with the pic fed or tOqIWn3m1ay-00145-00028314-00028499 anything but anyways moving on to the tOqIWn3m1ay-00146-00028500-00028779 next figure we have a basic Tommaso tOqIWn3m1ay-00147-00028780-00029045 Champa the NXT champion right here and tOqIWn3m1ay-00148-00029046-00029217 I'm glad he sent this over it gives me tOqIWn3m1ay-00149-00029218-00029439 an extra champ a head skin it also gives tOqIWn3m1ay-00150-00029439-00029627 me some extra knee pads and it gives me tOqIWn3m1ay-00151-00029628-00029811 an extra crowd member so thank you so tOqIWn3m1ay-00152-00029812-00030045 much Zach for the epicness right here I tOqIWn3m1ay-00153-00030045-00030198 can definitely get some usage out of tOqIWn3m1ay-00154-00030199-00030418 this Tommaso so there we have Champa and tOqIWn3m1ay-00155-00030419-00030686 you know the Mattel didn't do too well tOqIWn3m1ay-00156-00030687-00030968 on the first basic or any of the basic tOqIWn3m1ay-00157-00030969-00031176 DIY they didn't do really too well and tOqIWn3m1ay-00158-00031177-00031299 their Elise either they're absolutely tOqIWn3m1ay-00159-00031300-00031493 awful but he is rumored to be in elite tOqIWn3m1ay-00160-00031494-00031764 series 68 or 69 I'm sorry he's rumored tOqIWn3m1ay-00161-00031764-00031961 to be an elite series 69 so hopefully to tOqIWn3m1ay-00162-00031962-00032108 update all his parts and give us some tOqIWn3m1ay-00163-00032109-00032312 good stuff this is one of the things I tOqIWn3m1ay-00164-00032313-00032561 knew would be in here and this is basic tOqIWn3m1ay-00165-00032562-00032795 Seth Rollins knee pads and they are the tOqIWn3m1ay-00166-00032796-00033011 open ones with the gold trim I am using tOqIWn3m1ay-00167-00033012-00033293 these for a specific attire for Seth tOqIWn3m1ay-00168-00033294-00033527 Rollins so I'm very excited to get these tOqIWn3m1ay-00169-00033528-00033686 thank you so much bro this as part of tOqIWn3m1ay-00170-00033687-00033776 our deal here tOqIWn3m1ay-00171-00033777-00033965 so I'm going to be using these for a tOqIWn3m1ay-00172-00033966-00034151 custom so I definitely needed those that tOqIWn3m1ay-00173-00034152-00034337 was part of it and then the second tOqIWn3m1ay-00174-00034338-00034479 figure that was part of it was this tOqIWn3m1ay-00175-00034480-00034779 elite 45 Seth freaking Rollins and you tOqIWn3m1ay-00176-00034780-00034989 guys know how I am I have so many tOqIWn3m1ay-00177-00034990-00035282 severals I think this is my I don't know tOqIWn3m1ay-00178-00035283-00035480 like 55th I'm not even gonna lie to you tOqIWn3m1ay-00179-00035481-00035730 I think this is my 55th elite Seth tOqIWn3m1ay-00180-00035731-00035874 Rollins in my collection we're gonna be tOqIWn3m1ay-00181-00035875-00036107 using this for a fantasy attire I think tOqIWn3m1ay-00182-00036108-00036276 I have like five or six of these figures tOqIWn3m1ay-00183-00036277-00036476 but I like to have some four different tOqIWn3m1ay-00184-00036477-00036642 moments I like to have some for future tOqIWn3m1ay-00185-00036643-00036849 customs and I like to have some for just tOqIWn3m1ay-00186-00036850-00037014 fantasy customs that I want to make so tOqIWn3m1ay-00187-00037015-00037173 that's what this is going to be we're tOqIWn3m1ay-00188-00037174-00037361 going to take this and turn this into a tOqIWn3m1ay-00189-00037362-00037629 fantasy attire Seth Rollins just like we tOqIWn3m1ay-00190-00037630-00037854 always do so this is a fantastic figure tOqIWn3m1ay-00191-00037855-00038070 in the SummerSlam 2015 attire we got the tOqIWn3m1ay-00192-00038071-00038399 elite 45 Seth freaking Rollins looking tOqIWn3m1ay-00193-00038400-00038624 freaking fantastic and now we're gonna tOqIWn3m1ay-00194-00038625-00038789 move on to what else we got in here tOqIWn3m1ay-00195-00038790-00039126 where we go snaps yzma Gap CC sent us a tOqIWn3m1ay-00196-00039127-00039393 stone cold brace knee brace looks great tOqIWn3m1ay-00197-00039394-00039587 it is all black and I like that a lot tOqIWn3m1ay-00198-00039588-00039774 what else we have tOqIWn3m1ay-00199-00039775-00040083 snap he actually threw in another piece tOqIWn3m1ay-00200-00040084-00040251 of equipment right here I always thought tOqIWn3m1ay-00201-00040252-00040443 this is hilarious you can actually shoot tOqIWn3m1ay-00202-00040444-00040764 these out and I don't know exactly like tOqIWn3m1ay-00203-00040765-00040968 what you would use this for it totally tOqIWn3m1ay-00204-00040969-00041136 works for more Jax figures than my tail tOqIWn3m1ay-00205-00041137-00041265 but this is sort of like fantasy like tOqIWn3m1ay-00206-00041266-00041442 obviously if you're shooting dumbbell tOqIWn3m1ay-00207-00041443-00041616 weights and obviously this is way too tOqIWn3m1ay-00208-00041617-00041799 thick guys you ever see a barbell at the tOqIWn3m1ay-00209-00041800-00042120 gym that has this thick of a bar it's tOqIWn3m1ay-00210-00042121-00042270 just not realistic it doesn't even look tOqIWn3m1ay-00211-00042271-00042522 like a dumbbell or a barbell I mean I tOqIWn3m1ay-00212-00042523-00042798 guess this kind of does but I don't know tOqIWn3m1ay-00213-00042799-00042942 I think that's hilarious that this is so tOqIWn3m1ay-00214-00042943-00043080 thick yeah I think you're supposed to tOqIWn3m1ay-00215-00043081-00043362 use this clip you put it on the wrist of tOqIWn3m1ay-00216-00043363-00043575 the figure we'll put it on Sep Rollins tOqIWn3m1ay-00217-00043576-00043890 here and then I guess you put it here tOqIWn3m1ay-00218-00043891-00044049 and then you just shoot it across it's tOqIWn3m1ay-00219-00044050-00044184 actually got a really good spring in tOqIWn3m1ay-00220-00044185-00044286 there whatever they put in there that tOqIWn3m1ay-00221-00044287-00044508 spring actually is pretty loaded it tOqIWn3m1ay-00222-00044509-00044643 freakin shut this thing across the tOqIWn3m1ay-00223-00044644-00044898 frickin arena look at this I mean so tOqIWn3m1ay-00224-00044899-00045090 it's got some range on it there but that tOqIWn3m1ay-00225-00045091-00045234 is the dumbbell I believe that did come tOqIWn3m1ay-00226-00045235-00045399 with the Randy Orton deluxe aggression tOqIWn3m1ay-00227-00045400-00045519 so that's pretty cool he included the tOqIWn3m1ay-00228-00045520-00045714 original accessory that came with that tOqIWn3m1ay-00229-00045715-00045939 figure and the last one that we have is tOqIWn3m1ay-00230-00045940-00046149 this elite I don't remember the Souza's tOqIWn3m1ay-00231-00046150-00046338 at 33 Seth Rollins tOqIWn3m1ay-00232-00046339-00046539 or is it earlier than that I honestly tOqIWn3m1ay-00233-00046540-00046686 can't remember it may be elite that I tOqIWn3m1ay-00234-00046687-00046865 don't know somebody hit me down in the tOqIWn3m1ay-00235-00046866-00047049 comments section below they've only 31 tOqIWn3m1ay-00236-00047050-00047271 or 33 I can't remember but this is tOqIWn3m1ay-00237-00047272-00047487 before my tail knew how to make Seth tOqIWn3m1ay-00238-00047488-00047604 Rollins head scans I mean it's not a tOqIWn3m1ay-00239-00047605-00047784 terrible head skin but compared to like tOqIWn3m1ay-00240-00047785-00048065 his elite 37 compared to the elite 45 tOqIWn3m1ay-00241-00048066-00048300 compared to the true effects top talents tOqIWn3m1ay-00242-00048301-00048521 elite 64 all those different Seth tOqIWn3m1ay-00243-00048522-00048684 Rollins head skins we have nowadays this tOqIWn3m1ay-00244-00048685-00048876 shield one is just not good and this is tOqIWn3m1ay-00245-00048877-00049121 actually something I can use for future tOqIWn3m1ay-00246-00049122-00049359 customs we got another elite shield Seth tOqIWn3m1ay-00247-00049360-00049500 Rollins that I can add into the tOqIWn3m1ay-00248-00049501-00049809 collection and now if it was 55 elite tOqIWn3m1ay-00249-00049810-00050019 Seth Rollins well now it's 56 at least tOqIWn3m1ay-00250-00050020-00050235 Seth Rollins and that is all good thank tOqIWn3m1ay-00251-00050236-00050451 you so much Zach guys I'm gonna check tOqIWn3m1ay-00252-00050452-00050634 this because I thought I saw a note in tOqIWn3m1ay-00253-00050635-00050850 there yes there is a note I want to read tOqIWn3m1ay-00254-00050851-00051093 the note aloud to the class so we're tOqIWn3m1ay-00255-00051094-00051332 gonna open this up my name cause I know tOqIWn3m1ay-00256-00051333-00051530 you were only expecting the kneepads and tOqIWn3m1ay-00257-00051532-00051704 Seth Rollins but I had to add some tOqIWn3m1ay-00258-00051705-00051827 things thank you for everything you do tOqIWn3m1ay-00259-00051828-00051960 for the figure community thank you so tOqIWn3m1ay-00260-00051961-00052110 much brother that means a lot to me and tOqIWn3m1ay-00261-00052111-00052352 personally making me start to collect tOqIWn3m1ay-00262-00052353-00052509 again PS that the looks of Russian tOqIWn3m1ay-00263-00052510-00052707 figures were my first ever figures when tOqIWn3m1ay-00264-00052708-00052934 I was a kid burnin down sincerely Zach tOqIWn3m1ay-00265-00052935-00053098 Flickinger fake tOqIWn3m1ay-00266-00053099-00053290 so much broke this is amazing thank you tOqIWn3m1ay-00267-00053291-00053422 so much for the kind no gonna stick that tOqIWn3m1ay-00268-00053423-00053655 into the MDT fan mail section because I tOqIWn3m1ay-00269-00053657-00053907 like to hold on to them and that's so tOqIWn3m1ay-00270-00053908-00054073 nice of you to say it for the stuff that tOqIWn3m1ay-00271-00054074-00054192 I've done for the community guys I tOqIWn3m1ay-00272-00054194-00054349 wouldn't be anywhere without my tOqIWn3m1ay-00273-00054350-00054586 subscribers and my followers and whoever tOqIWn3m1ay-00274-00054587-00054738 watches me and enjoys the content here tOqIWn3m1ay-00275-00054739-00054844 on the channel wouldn't be anywhere tOqIWn3m1ay-00276-00054845-00055069 wouldn't have any anything without you tOqIWn3m1ay-00277-00055070-00055225 guys so thank you so much for watching tOqIWn3m1ay-00278-00055226-00055363 and making this channel worth it and tOqIWn3m1ay-00279-00055364-00055551 this hobby worth it and everything in tOqIWn3m1ay-00280-00055552-00055723 between but thank you so much for the tOqIWn3m1ay-00281-00055724-00055866 the fan mail here we got all these great tOqIWn3m1ay-00282-00055867-00056011 figures we're gonna set everything up tOqIWn3m1ay-00283-00056012-00056179 and take a look at everything we got tOqIWn3m1ay-00284-00056179-00056362 here today and we're gonna wrap this tOqIWn3m1ay-00285-00056363-00056560 thing up so here's our entire haul all tOqIWn3m1ay-00286-00056561-00056728 lined up guys again queue shut up to tOqIWn3m1ay-00287-00056729-00056899 Zack for the epic package here today we tOqIWn3m1ay-00288-00056900-00057069 got the elite 45 Seth Rollins the two tOqIWn3m1ay-00289-00057070-00057274 deluxe aggression figures of two of my tOqIWn3m1ay-00290-00057275-00057403 favorite wrestlers of all time of course tOqIWn3m1ay-00291-00057404-00057616 The Legend Killer Randy Orton and we do tOqIWn3m1ay-00292-00057616-00057807 have Undertaker we have the other elite tOqIWn3m1ay-00293-00057808-00058032 flash back Seth Rollins we have the tOqIWn3m1ay-00294-00058033-00058326 basic AJ boots on our elite fodder Shawn tOqIWn3m1ay-00295-00058327-00058438 Michaels that we're gonna make into an tOqIWn3m1ay-00296-00058439-00058638 epic AJ Styles custom and then of course tOqIWn3m1ay-00297-00058639-00058849 we have our time also champ up basic NXT tOqIWn3m1ay-00298-00058850-00059041 target exclusive with our knee brace in tOqIWn3m1ay-00299-00059041-00059284 our epic Seth Rollins open basic knee tOqIWn3m1ay-00300-00059285-00059428 pads I wish they would put those on the tOqIWn3m1ay-00301-00059429-00059566 elites it would be so nice to have the tOqIWn3m1ay-00302-00059566-00059737 open white kneepads instead of having to tOqIWn3m1ay-00303-00059738-00059931 track down those basics with the white tOqIWn3m1ay-00304-00059932-00060184 open gold knee pads from SummerSlam it tOqIWn3m1ay-00305-00060185-00060322 would be so nice to have those on the tOqIWn3m1ay-00306-00060323-00060451 elite figures but sometimes you can't tOqIWn3m1ay-00307-00060452-00060613 control the guys thank you so much Zach tOqIWn3m1ay-00308-00060614-00060841 for the nice note and the epic fan mail tOqIWn3m1ay-00309-00060841-00061075 guys go give him a follow on Instagram tOqIWn3m1ay-00310-00061076-00061230 but that pretty much does it for today's tOqIWn3m1ay-00311-00061232-00061419 video guys subscribe to the channel for tOqIWn3m1ay-00312-00061420-00061579 more epic toy w week for your videos tOqIWn3m1ay-00313-00061579-00061731 follow me on instagram and twitter at my tOqIWn3m1ay-00314-00061732-00061926 damn toys and i will see you guys in the tOqIWn3m1ay-00315-00061927-00062836 next video thank you suck it tPqKqGlQU50-00000-00000008-00000351 so my name is jason and today i wanted tPqKqGlQU50-00001-00000352-00000543 to tPqKqGlQU50-00002-00000544-00000815 talk about ai tPqKqGlQU50-00003-00000816-00000983 so here is the thing tPqKqGlQU50-00004-00000984-00001103 um tPqKqGlQU50-00005-00001104-00001295 it's been once said that tPqKqGlQU50-00006-00001296-00001591 war is too serious a business to be left tPqKqGlQU50-00007-00001592-00001871 to the generals and i think ai is too tPqKqGlQU50-00008-00001872-00002079 serious of a business to be left just to tPqKqGlQU50-00009-00002080-00002271 the engineers tPqKqGlQU50-00010-00002272-00002383 so tPqKqGlQU50-00011-00002384-00002639 the way i was started thinking about it tPqKqGlQU50-00012-00002640-00002975 is because i wanted to make an app tPqKqGlQU50-00013-00002976-00003166 that would help tPqKqGlQU50-00014-00003167-00003479 chinese speakers learn english tPqKqGlQU50-00015-00003479-00003854 and this app would be ai driven tPqKqGlQU50-00016-00003855-00004063 at first it would be tPqKqGlQU50-00017-00004064-00004206 speech scoring tPqKqGlQU50-00018-00004207-00004559 using ai but then um you know it it's tPqKqGlQU50-00019-00004560-00004743 just the beginning and i think in 10 tPqKqGlQU50-00020-00004744-00004854 years tPqKqGlQU50-00021-00004855-00005127 education in general is going to change tPqKqGlQU50-00022-00005128-00005318 where we're going to have tPqKqGlQU50-00023-00005319-00005559 ai teachers that are going to be very tPqKqGlQU50-00024-00005560-00005870 patient that are going to be very tPqKqGlQU50-00025-00005871-00006095 adaptable that are going to engage with tPqKqGlQU50-00026-00006096-00006359 the students and and guide them like the tPqKqGlQU50-00027-00006360-00006503 best teachers tPqKqGlQU50-00028-00006504-00006839 uh that you've ever seen or read about tPqKqGlQU50-00029-00006840-00007246 you know like socratic teaching tPqKqGlQU50-00030-00007247-00007478 however what we have now tPqKqGlQU50-00031-00007479-00007806 the the the big question comes in uh you tPqKqGlQU50-00032-00007808-00008046 know these ais are gonna get better the tPqKqGlQU50-00033-00008047-00008263 more information they gather about you tPqKqGlQU50-00034-00008264-00008495 the more you interact with them tPqKqGlQU50-00035-00008496-00008678 so my question is tPqKqGlQU50-00036-00008679-00008927 what is going to be happening with all tPqKqGlQU50-00037-00008928-00009127 this data tPqKqGlQU50-00038-00009128-00009327 who's going to own it how it's going to tPqKqGlQU50-00039-00009328-00009599 be controlled so tPqKqGlQU50-00040-00009600-00009814 because right now what i see is in the tPqKqGlQU50-00041-00009815-00010063 west we have companies like google and tPqKqGlQU50-00042-00010064-00010206 facebook tPqKqGlQU50-00043-00010207-00010327 and tPqKqGlQU50-00044-00010328-00010638 others they just hovering up that data tPqKqGlQU50-00045-00010639-00010831 and they're using it for something tPqKqGlQU50-00046-00010832-00011087 facebook australia was tPqKqGlQU50-00047-00011088-00011351 boasting how it can tPqKqGlQU50-00048-00011352-00011678 predict and find out when a teenager is tPqKqGlQU50-00049-00011679-00011806 feeling low tPqKqGlQU50-00050-00011807-00012063 so that then to saying to advertisers tPqKqGlQU50-00051-00012064-00012231 this is the time for you to advertise tPqKqGlQU50-00052-00012232-00012542 something so that that they can tPqKqGlQU50-00053-00012543-00012919 okay so that they can um tPqKqGlQU50-00054-00012919-00013111 boost their mood tPqKqGlQU50-00055-00013112-00013238 okay tPqKqGlQU50-00056-00013240-00013343 so tPqKqGlQU50-00057-00013344-00013535 my question is tPqKqGlQU50-00058-00013536-00013727 taiwan embarks on the ambitious tPqKqGlQU50-00059-00013728-00013999 bilingual language program tPqKqGlQU50-00060-00014000-00014375 and it's gonna have all its students and tPqKqGlQU50-00061-00014376-00014622 it wants the civil servants tPqKqGlQU50-00062-00014623-00014863 to do it but my question is tPqKqGlQU50-00063-00014863-00015183 uh shouldn't taiwan have its own app tPqKqGlQU50-00064-00015184-00015422 should it have like a way of thinking tPqKqGlQU50-00065-00015423-00015575 about what's going to be happening to tPqKqGlQU50-00066-00015576-00015735 that data tPqKqGlQU50-00067-00015736-00015935 because if there isn't going to be like tPqKqGlQU50-00068-00015936-00016135 a way to think about these things and tPqKqGlQU50-00069-00016136-00016343 who owns the data people are going to be tPqKqGlQU50-00070-00016344-00016583 using all sorts of apps chinese apps tPqKqGlQU50-00071-00016584-00016686 which tPqKqGlQU50-00072-00016687-00016903 for civil servants tPqKqGlQU50-00073-00016904-00017127 that i believe would be a security risk tPqKqGlQU50-00074-00017128-00017263 so tPqKqGlQU50-00075-00017264-00017519 my thing is i think we should all be tPqKqGlQU50-00076-00017520-00017750 thinking about ai because it's going to tPqKqGlQU50-00077-00017751-00017839 change tPqKqGlQU50-00078-00017840-00018111 the future of learning in like 10 years tPqKqGlQU50-00079-00018112-00018523 but it is beginning now tPuQlDMsWrM-00000-00000161-00000551 [Music] tPuQlDMsWrM-00001-00000552-00001335 foreign tPuQlDMsWrM-00002-00001336-00002139 [Music] tPuQlDMsWrM-00003-00002140-00002760 [Music] tPuQlDMsWrM-00004-00002761-00003445 [Music] tPuQlDMsWrM-00005-00003446-00003815 take my jersey off tPuQlDMsWrM-00006-00003815-00004138 would you guys get a mattress 76 tPuQlDMsWrM-00007-00004139-00005572 I have 32. tPuQlDMsWrM-00008-00005573-00006383 are you serious tPuQlDMsWrM-00009-00006384-00006742 no tPuQlDMsWrM-00010-00006743-00007120 no go go go go go go go tPuQlDMsWrM-00011-00007122-00008385 oh tPuQlDMsWrM-00014-00015209-00017302 foreign tPuQlDMsWrM-00015-00017303-00017671 [Music] tQjTFvLOXCY-00000-00001375-00003913 shout out that [__] tQjTFvLOXCY-00001-00003914-00004327 [Music] tQjTFvLOXCY-00002-00004328-00004511 all the youngins they beginning they be tQjTFvLOXCY-00003-00004512-00004702 bucking to the ceiling milly rocket tQjTFvLOXCY-00004-00004703-00004870 where you been and fall off in it just tQjTFvLOXCY-00005-00004871-00005102 to spin it coco tQjTFvLOXCY-00006-00005103-00005263 that what we be getting tQjTFvLOXCY-00007-00005264-00005470 hands up to the ceiling right like you tQjTFvLOXCY-00008-00005471-00005615 be whipping hold them shake till you tQjTFvLOXCY-00009-00005616-00005902 start tipping deep deep get low don't tQjTFvLOXCY-00010-00005903-00006175 slip don't trip you know i got you dog tQjTFvLOXCY-00011-00006176-00006383 if you can't do the dance just chill and tQjTFvLOXCY-00012-00006384-00006670 watch me pause hold and dab hit the foes tQjTFvLOXCY-00013-00006672-00006887 now laughs tQjTFvLOXCY-00014-00006888-00008713 man billy rock this fast home shaking tQjTFvLOXCY-00015-00008714-00009295 [Music] tQjTFvLOXCY-00016-00009296-00009478 my [__] wouldn't help me [__] i'm from tQjTFvLOXCY-00017-00009479-00009719 louisiana you can hear it in my grandma tQjTFvLOXCY-00018-00009720-00010400 my clubs be going hammer big step tQjTFvLOXCY-00020-00013513-00014079 [Music] tQjTFvLOXCY-00021-00014080-00014232 that's tQjTFvLOXCY-00022-00014233-00015097 [Music] tQjTFvLOXCY-00023-00015097-00015204 [Music] tQjTFvLOXCY-00024-00015205-00015360 [Applause] tQjTFvLOXCY-00025-00015361-00015779 [Music] tQjTFvLOXCY-00026-00015780-00016086 [Applause] tQjTFvLOXCY-00027-00016087-00016451 happy new year tYQ_cy7lWb0-00000-00001504-00001734 hi and welcome to mid-american gardener tYQ_cy7lWb0-00001-00001735-00001959 we're really glad that you've joined us tYQ_cy7lWb0-00002-00001960-00002223 we're here to talk about plants and bugs tYQ_cy7lWb0-00003-00002224-00002471 and insects and anything that comes up tYQ_cy7lWb0-00004-00002472-00002687 and we really gear it to what's going on tYQ_cy7lWb0-00005-00002688-00002895 right now hi i'm dianne noland and i tYQ_cy7lWb0-00006-00002896-00003095 teach horticulture at the university of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00007-00003096-00003295 illinois in the crop sciences department tYQ_cy7lWb0-00008-00003296-00003447 college of aces tYQ_cy7lWb0-00009-00003447-00003686 but and so i will talk about landscaping tYQ_cy7lWb0-00010-00003688-00003895 things as well as cut flowers but i have tYQ_cy7lWb0-00011-00003896-00004175 some really great panelists here who tYQ_cy7lWb0-00012-00004176-00004399 know all kinds of stuff i mean tYQ_cy7lWb0-00013-00004400-00004663 horticultural information let's find out tYQ_cy7lWb0-00014-00004664-00004799 who's here and they'll tell you a little tYQ_cy7lWb0-00015-00004800-00005031 bit about their expertise and so direct tYQ_cy7lWb0-00016-00005032-00005247 your questions in that way if you will tYQ_cy7lWb0-00017-00005248-00005438 let's start first with jim schuster hi tYQ_cy7lWb0-00018-00005439-00005783 jim hi i'm a retired extension plant tYQ_cy7lWb0-00019-00005784-00006015 pathologist and i would like to talk tYQ_cy7lWb0-00020-00006016-00006286 about how to plant a steak a tree that's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00021-00006287-00006527 been just planted because a lot of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00022-00006528-00006695 people end up killing them when they're tYQ_cy7lWb0-00023-00006695-00006934 sticking them if you're using one steak tYQ_cy7lWb0-00024-00006936-00007239 it goes to the southwest two states east tYQ_cy7lWb0-00025-00007240-00007359 and west tYQ_cy7lWb0-00026-00007359-00007510 three states tYQ_cy7lWb0-00027-00007511-00007895 northwest southwest and directly east tYQ_cy7lWb0-00028-00007895-00008159 and it has four stakes through the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00029-00008159-00008446 northeast southeast the southwestern end tYQ_cy7lWb0-00030-00008447-00008751 and you need to leave some slack in the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00031-00008752-00008887 rope tYQ_cy7lWb0-00032-00008888-00009087 if you're tying the tree at roughly four tYQ_cy7lWb0-00033-00009088-00009278 to six feet you should have at least tYQ_cy7lWb0-00034-00009279-00009559 three inches of slack between the tree tYQ_cy7lWb0-00035-00009560-00009823 and the steak so that the whole trunk tYQ_cy7lWb0-00036-00009824-00010095 can wiggle from the ground up tYQ_cy7lWb0-00037-00010096-00010295 if you tie them too tight tYQ_cy7lWb0-00038-00010296-00010567 all the bending is at the tie mark tYQ_cy7lWb0-00039-00010568-00010814 and you're prone to having a problem and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00040-00010815-00011087 you should only have it tied one year if tYQ_cy7lWb0-00041-00011088-00011278 you have to tie it for a second year you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00042-00011279-00011478 should change the height of the tying tYQ_cy7lWb0-00043-00011479-00011567 mark tYQ_cy7lWb0-00044-00011568-00011783 and you need to use something that will tYQ_cy7lWb0-00045-00011784-00011878 rot tYQ_cy7lWb0-00046-00011879-00012159 do not use things like tYQ_cy7lWb0-00047-00012160-00012423 nylon rope tYQ_cy7lWb0-00048-00012424-00012719 clothesline with plastic tYQ_cy7lWb0-00049-00012720-00013030 wire or garden hose tYQ_cy7lWb0-00050-00013031-00013263 and and like i say if you don't remember tYQ_cy7lWb0-00051-00013263-00013430 to take it off the trees will try and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00052-00013431-00013527 eat them tYQ_cy7lWb0-00053-00013528-00013703 and if the wind's strong enough it'll tYQ_cy7lWb0-00054-00013704-00013838 stamp the tree tYQ_cy7lWb0-00055-00013840-00014111 off at the time arc tYQ_cy7lWb0-00056-00014112-00014358 wow you have some really interesting tYQ_cy7lWb0-00057-00014359-00014527 specimens there tYQ_cy7lWb0-00058-00014528-00014815 what not to do right oh boy thank you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00059-00014816-00014991 jim you have probably the best tYQ_cy7lWb0-00060-00014991-00015271 show-and-tells you just have a whole oh tYQ_cy7lWb0-00061-00015272-00015447 i got a closet full i was gonna say you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00062-00015447-00015550 most tYQ_cy7lWb0-00063-00015551-00015830 categorize here's how to kill a tree tYQ_cy7lWb0-00064-00015831-00016063 thank you jim very much well we're happy tYQ_cy7lWb0-00065-00016063-00016247 to have candice miller on the show tYQ_cy7lWb0-00066-00016247-00016486 welcome candice thanks for having me tYQ_cy7lWb0-00067-00016487-00016686 my name is candice miller i am a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00068-00016687-00016871 horticulture educator with u of i tYQ_cy7lWb0-00069-00016872-00017079 extension and i actually serve six tYQ_cy7lWb0-00070-00017080-00017327 counties in the northwestern corner uh tYQ_cy7lWb0-00071-00017328-00017471 if you want to know the counties it's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00072-00017472-00017694 joe davis stevenson winnebago and then tYQ_cy7lWb0-00073-00017695-00017919 boondi calvin ogle so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00074-00017920-00018150 as a hort educator i get a variety of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00075-00018151-00018271 questions tYQ_cy7lWb0-00076-00018272-00018439 i'll probably take more of the kind of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00077-00018440-00018711 ornamental landscape vegetable gardening tYQ_cy7lWb0-00078-00018712-00018958 type of questions today excellent tYQ_cy7lWb0-00079-00018959-00019214 okay um i have an email to start out tYQ_cy7lWb0-00080-00019215-00019375 with first tYQ_cy7lWb0-00081-00019376-00019614 this emailer is asking can you identify tYQ_cy7lWb0-00082-00019615-00019855 this bush with little white tYQ_cy7lWb0-00083-00019856-00020158 berries and it's a that's a very nice tYQ_cy7lWb0-00084-00020159-00020327 shot that they sent and this is actually tYQ_cy7lWb0-00085-00020328-00020550 bayberry or northern bay berries another tYQ_cy7lWb0-00086-00020551-00020863 common name miracle pennsylvanica tYQ_cy7lWb0-00087-00020864-00021063 and this is a pretty adaptable tYQ_cy7lWb0-00088-00021064-00021358 shrub pretty easy to grow tYQ_cy7lWb0-00089-00021359-00021527 dan was just mentioning hers is rather tYQ_cy7lWb0-00090-00021528-00021686 large and could use some pruning but the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00091-00021687-00021830 one in the photo looks like it's already tYQ_cy7lWb0-00092-00021831-00022055 been pruned to a little bit of a smaller tYQ_cy7lWb0-00093-00022056-00022175 size tYQ_cy7lWb0-00094-00022176-00022407 one interesting thing about bayberry is tYQ_cy7lWb0-00095-00022408-00022567 that it does have separate male and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00096-00022568-00022750 female plants so if you do want to get tYQ_cy7lWb0-00097-00022751-00022975 the nice white gray tYQ_cy7lWb0-00098-00022976-00023175 berries on there you do need to plant tYQ_cy7lWb0-00099-00023176-00023367 both male and female plants so that you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00100-00023368-00023543 can have that fruit produce but tYQ_cy7lWb0-00101-00023544-00023767 otherwise really nice foliage pretty tYQ_cy7lWb0-00102-00023768-00023886 adaptable tYQ_cy7lWb0-00103-00023887-00024071 pretty easy shrub to grow tYQ_cy7lWb0-00104-00024072-00024247 i was not even trying to do that i tYQ_cy7lWb0-00105-00024248-00024463 evidently have enough bayberry plants tYQ_cy7lWb0-00106-00024464-00024639 that it worked out guess so gosh you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00107-00024640-00024775 learned something everywhere tYQ_cy7lWb0-00108-00024776-00025047 thank you candy so much and now let's go tYQ_cy7lWb0-00109-00025048-00025263 to the bug guy i mean tYQ_cy7lWb0-00110-00025264-00025494 the person next to me dr phil nixon hi tYQ_cy7lWb0-00111-00025495-00025655 phil hello tYQ_cy7lWb0-00112-00025656-00025822 i'm phil nixon i'm an extension tYQ_cy7lWb0-00113-00025823-00025990 entomologist at the university of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00114-00025991-00026102 illinois tYQ_cy7lWb0-00115-00026104-00026431 so i do bugs as dyad mentioned tYQ_cy7lWb0-00116-00026432-00026799 i also will bug you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00117-00026800-00026951 we're going to talk about we have a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00118-00026952-00027102 video and we're going to talk about tYQ_cy7lWb0-00119-00027104-00027311 jumping plant call tYQ_cy7lWb0-00120-00027312-00027423 jumping oak tYQ_cy7lWb0-00121-00027424-00027743 gall i should say and jumping alcohol is tYQ_cy7lWb0-00122-00027744-00027958 galls are formed by actually plant tYQ_cy7lWb0-00123-00027960-00028070 material tYQ_cy7lWb0-00124-00028072-00028311 the instax start feeding on them and the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00125-00028312-00028511 gall will form around them and the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00126-00028512-00028735 jumping oak gall will will produce tYQ_cy7lWb0-00127-00028736-00029023 little pinhead sized tYQ_cy7lWb0-00128-00029024-00029327 lumps on leaves of oak trees tYQ_cy7lWb0-00129-00029327-00029551 about this time of year you can see them tYQ_cy7lWb0-00130-00029552-00029702 and they will tYQ_cy7lWb0-00131-00029704-00029935 they will produce tYQ_cy7lWb0-00132-00029936-00030111 they'll be kind of whitish or they may tYQ_cy7lWb0-00133-00030112-00030255 cause the whole leaf to turn a little tYQ_cy7lWb0-00134-00030256-00030351 reddish tYQ_cy7lWb0-00135-00030352-00030527 but an interesting thing is as they go tYQ_cy7lWb0-00136-00030527-00030758 to mature they will drop off of the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00137-00030760-00030951 plant off of the leaves and fall out of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00138-00030952-00031255 the ground and the larvae inside will tYQ_cy7lWb0-00139-00031256-00031511 will flex their body and make the little tYQ_cy7lWb0-00140-00031512-00031655 galls jump and if they're on a hard tYQ_cy7lWb0-00141-00031656-00031870 surface they can jump up in the air oh a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00142-00031872-00032135 half an inch or so not a whole lot i tYQ_cy7lWb0-00143-00032136-00032311 remember early when in my career i had tYQ_cy7lWb0-00144-00032312-00032439 somebody bring some in they were in a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00145-00032439-00032567 paper sack and they were sitting over in tYQ_cy7lWb0-00146-00032568-00032718 the corner and i kept hearing that it tYQ_cy7lWb0-00147-00032719-00032999 sounded like i had a mouse in the sack tYQ_cy7lWb0-00148-00033000-00033167 but they don't really hurt the tree a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00149-00033168-00033287 whole lot tYQ_cy7lWb0-00150-00033288-00033502 plants with galls will grow about as tYQ_cy7lWb0-00151-00033503-00033759 well as those that do not tYQ_cy7lWb0-00152-00033760-00033902 which is nice because they're almost tYQ_cy7lWb0-00153-00033903-00034127 impossible to prevent but tYQ_cy7lWb0-00154-00034128-00034255 we're going to run through the video and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00155-00034256-00034407 you can see the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00156-00034408-00034583 the little parts that will fall off a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00157-00034584-00034727 leaf onto the ground and they kind of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00158-00034728-00037239 jump around it's kind of neat to look at tYQ_cy7lWb0-00159-00037240-00037415 so they're kind of kind of neat it's one tYQ_cy7lWb0-00160-00037416-00037607 of those little interesting parts of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00161-00037608-00037774 nature that we have tYQ_cy7lWb0-00162-00037775-00037927 again don't get all bent out of shape tYQ_cy7lWb0-00163-00037928-00038199 about them and if you see things jumping tYQ_cy7lWb0-00164-00038200-00038399 around on your on your patio and they're tYQ_cy7lWb0-00165-00038400-00038559 and they're spherical and kind of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00166-00038560-00038767 whitish they're not fleas they're tYQ_cy7lWb0-00167-00038768-00038990 probably jumping alcohols tYQ_cy7lWb0-00168-00038991-00039230 that was a pretty interesting video i tYQ_cy7lWb0-00169-00039231-00039430 guess i have not noticed those before tYQ_cy7lWb0-00170-00039431-00039630 are they occurring every yolk tYQ_cy7lWb0-00171-00039631-00039902 and yes certain varieties um tYQ_cy7lWb0-00172-00039903-00040167 they're mainly on white oak group oaks tYQ_cy7lWb0-00173-00040168-00040271 and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00174-00040272-00040455 and i see them most commonly on white tYQ_cy7lWb0-00175-00040456-00040607 oak itself tYQ_cy7lWb0-00176-00040608-00040839 interesting okay well thank you viewer tYQ_cy7lWb0-00177-00040840-00041079 and phil all right we're going to go to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00178-00041080-00041279 the phone lines next let's start with tYQ_cy7lWb0-00179-00041280-00041495 line one and joe has a question about tYQ_cy7lWb0-00180-00041496-00041815 cleveland pairs hi there joe hi diane tYQ_cy7lWb0-00181-00041816-00042039 hey i was wanting to know if any tree tYQ_cy7lWb0-00182-00042040-00042246 expert there i don't see tYQ_cy7lWb0-00183-00042247-00042423 but anyway if you can answer a question tYQ_cy7lWb0-00184-00042424-00042671 the cleveland pairs have got some tYQ_cy7lWb0-00185-00042672-00042990 dead leaves on them three or four inches tYQ_cy7lWb0-00186-00042991-00043190 and then the new growth comes out at the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00187-00043191-00043287 end tYQ_cy7lWb0-00188-00043288-00043439 and i was wanted to know if you had a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00189-00043440-00043702 solution to the problem tYQ_cy7lWb0-00190-00043703-00043887 yes the leaves turning brown or is the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00191-00043888-00044143 stem also turning brown it turns brown tYQ_cy7lWb0-00192-00044144-00044390 and the stem turns brown it dies you can tYQ_cy7lWb0-00193-00044391-00044607 break it off and it's green and new will tYQ_cy7lWb0-00194-00044608-00044846 come out yeah you have fire blight fire tYQ_cy7lWb0-00195-00044847-00045087 blight yeah and it's a bacterial disease tYQ_cy7lWb0-00196-00045088-00045246 uh generally enters through the flowers tYQ_cy7lWb0-00197-00045247-00045439 and grows and then leaves the flower and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00198-00045440-00045718 comes down the branch a common symptom tYQ_cy7lWb0-00199-00045719-00046046 is the browning and hooking of that twig tYQ_cy7lWb0-00200-00046047-00046158 so it shouldn't look like a shepherd's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00201-00046159-00046374 crook that does not always happen it's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00202-00046375-00046535 only does that about 90 percent of the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00203-00046536-00046918 time the control is when it is dry tYQ_cy7lWb0-00204-00046919-00047183 you should uh prune tYQ_cy7lWb0-00205-00047184-00047502 it off go hot and dry cut it off like tYQ_cy7lWb0-00206-00047503-00047655 six inches below tYQ_cy7lWb0-00207-00047656-00047871 the dead area and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00208-00047872-00048111 trying to also find it near a bud or tYQ_cy7lWb0-00209-00048112-00048351 where shoot may be developed and that's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00210-00048352-00048518 about all you can do tYQ_cy7lWb0-00211-00048519-00048646 there are some tYQ_cy7lWb0-00212-00048647-00048855 bacteria sides tYQ_cy7lWb0-00213-00048856-00048990 i don't like to recommend them for the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00214-00048991-00049174 homeowner because they're often misused tYQ_cy7lWb0-00215-00049175-00049383 and then the back fireplace bacteria tYQ_cy7lWb0-00216-00049384-00049518 becomes resistant to them and we don't tYQ_cy7lWb0-00217-00049519-00049751 have anything left tYQ_cy7lWb0-00218-00049752-00049958 and they might want to sterilize their tYQ_cy7lWb0-00219-00049959-00050111 oh yeah that's right tYQ_cy7lWb0-00220-00050112-00050343 sterilized with a bleach 10 bleach tYQ_cy7lWb0-00221-00050344-00050535 solution or rubbing hot alcohol that you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00222-00050536-00050846 flame off the tool between every single tYQ_cy7lWb0-00223-00050847-00050974 cut tYQ_cy7lWb0-00224-00050975-00051190 is it more prevalent this year we've had tYQ_cy7lWb0-00225-00051191-00051358 a lot it's just like rainy weather i've tYQ_cy7lWb0-00226-00051359-00051535 had some yeah questions this year and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00227-00051536-00051687 we've had a wet spring and so it's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00228-00051688-00051958 running wild so we're happy for the wet tYQ_cy7lWb0-00229-00051959-00052175 yeah but then you get fire blight and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00230-00052176-00052326 weeds tYQ_cy7lWb0-00231-00052327-00052654 and fireplaces really loves pear okay tYQ_cy7lWb0-00232-00052655-00052894 all right well thank you joe for that tYQ_cy7lWb0-00233-00052895-00053119 question and for your answer too let's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00234-00053120-00053279 go to line two then it's another tYQ_cy7lWb0-00235-00053279-00053494 question about pear trees with marlene tYQ_cy7lWb0-00236-00053495-00053807 hi marlene hi how are you doing great tYQ_cy7lWb0-00237-00053808-00053982 thank you so much for taking my call tYQ_cy7lWb0-00238-00053983-00054150 you're welcome and i thought it was tYQ_cy7lWb0-00239-00054151-00054287 interesting that joe had the same tYQ_cy7lWb0-00240-00054288-00054535 question almost but i noticed early this tYQ_cy7lWb0-00241-00054536-00054726 spring it looked like i don't think it's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00242-00054727-00054959 a liter branch but it's a branch that's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00243-00054960-00055126 the main part of the tree and pretty tYQ_cy7lWb0-00244-00055127-00055230 high up tYQ_cy7lWb0-00245-00055232-00055438 and this is about a 40 foot tall tree tYQ_cy7lWb0-00246-00055439-00055654 cleveland pear and that branch just tYQ_cy7lWb0-00247-00055655-00055847 looks completely dead for about three or tYQ_cy7lWb0-00248-00055848-00056015 four feet down tYQ_cy7lWb0-00249-00056016-00056294 and then on the tree at different uh tYQ_cy7lWb0-00250-00056295-00056535 places random places like the tips of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00251-00056536-00056830 the branches the leaves are dying tYQ_cy7lWb0-00252-00056832-00057054 is that the same thing fireblade can tYQ_cy7lWb0-00253-00057055-00057423 kill entire pear tree in one season tYQ_cy7lWb0-00254-00057424-00057575 that's more likely in michigan where tYQ_cy7lWb0-00255-00057576-00057782 they have wetter weather tYQ_cy7lWb0-00256-00057783-00058023 but fire can be and you could also have tYQ_cy7lWb0-00257-00058024-00058254 cankers especially when it's being tYQ_cy7lWb0-00258-00058255-00058471 spotty like that where you're dying in tYQ_cy7lWb0-00259-00058472-00058638 the middle of the branches instead of at tYQ_cy7lWb0-00260-00058639-00058871 the end down i would suspect that you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00261-00058872-00059047 got cankers the way you can check for tYQ_cy7lWb0-00262-00059048-00059319 cankers is take a knife cut into the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00263-00059320-00059623 dairy dinner into the green and if under tYQ_cy7lWb0-00264-00059624-00059807 the dead area you have like a chocolate tYQ_cy7lWb0-00265-00059808-00060054 brown discoloration uh and then you go tYQ_cy7lWb0-00266-00060055-00060191 into the creamy white of the healthy tYQ_cy7lWb0-00267-00060191-00060415 tissue the odds are you got a canker and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00268-00060416-00060719 that cankers are diseases of stress so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00269-00060720-00060982 cold weather drowning drought you name tYQ_cy7lWb0-00270-00060983-00061166 it and we had a drought three years ago tYQ_cy7lWb0-00271-00061167-00061303 and the cankers should be popping up tYQ_cy7lWb0-00272-00061304-00061463 pretty good this year tYQ_cy7lWb0-00273-00061464-00061623 and then the severely cold weather we tYQ_cy7lWb0-00274-00061624-00061823 had last winter we'll increase that yeah tYQ_cy7lWb0-00275-00061824-00062015 right yeah didn't help tYQ_cy7lWb0-00276-00062016-00062215 okay tYQ_cy7lWb0-00277-00062216-00062399 uh pruning is what you got and you can tYQ_cy7lWb0-00278-00062400-00062694 also consider fertilizing in the fall tYQ_cy7lWb0-00279-00062695-00063015 and you prune out all the dead tYQ_cy7lWb0-00280-00063016-00063238 okay starting the show with two pair tYQ_cy7lWb0-00281-00063239-00063511 questions wow okay thank you marlene tYQ_cy7lWb0-00282-00063512-00063782 appreciate it now let's go to line three tYQ_cy7lWb0-00283-00063783-00063991 and sue has a question about a cherry tYQ_cy7lWb0-00284-00063991-00064430 tree hi sue hello um i have a flowering tYQ_cy7lWb0-00285-00064432-00064582 cherry tree i don't remember the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00286-00064583-00064847 particular variety that it is right now tYQ_cy7lWb0-00287-00064848-00065071 but i planted it about four years ago tYQ_cy7lWb0-00288-00065072-00065254 and each year in the spring i get the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00289-00065255-00065479 little flowers and it you know does its tYQ_cy7lWb0-00290-00065479-00065703 beautiful thing but with this past tYQ_cy7lWb0-00291-00065704-00066063 winter it did not bloom flowers and it tYQ_cy7lWb0-00292-00066064-00066303 did not come out with tYQ_cy7lWb0-00293-00066304-00066550 the pretty growth like it usually does tYQ_cy7lWb0-00294-00066551-00066799 and uh but now it's with all this wet tYQ_cy7lWb0-00295-00066800-00067015 we've had it seems to snap out of it and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00296-00067016-00067215 it looks pretty good except i noticed tYQ_cy7lWb0-00297-00067216-00067431 some of the taller new shoots coming at tYQ_cy7lWb0-00298-00067432-00067638 the top of the tree have like tYQ_cy7lWb0-00299-00067639-00067799 bare areas tYQ_cy7lWb0-00300-00067800-00068031 but at the very end i've got all this tYQ_cy7lWb0-00301-00068032-00068150 leaf growth tYQ_cy7lWb0-00302-00068151-00068415 and i got to looking at it this evening tYQ_cy7lWb0-00303-00068416-00068615 real close and i noticed i got millions tYQ_cy7lWb0-00304-00068616-00068855 of these tiny red ants running up and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00305-00068856-00069119 down the tree trunk and all the branches tYQ_cy7lWb0-00306-00069120-00069303 and i did notice one leaf had like tYQ_cy7lWb0-00307-00069304-00069487 insect bites on it but none of the other tYQ_cy7lWb0-00308-00069488-00069663 leaves seem to be affected so i don't tYQ_cy7lWb0-00309-00069664-00069806 know tYQ_cy7lWb0-00310-00069807-00069975 at the why i guess i don't know how to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00311-00069976-00070231 explain the why in the branches you know tYQ_cy7lWb0-00312-00070232-00070391 it branches out the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00313-00070392-00070711 bottom like a v uh there's like a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00314-00070712-00070959 sticky substance a brownish substance of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00315-00070960-00071111 some sort and i don't know if i'm tYQ_cy7lWb0-00316-00071112-00071255 getting in some kind of disease that's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00317-00071256-00071526 attracting the ants to it or what but tYQ_cy7lWb0-00318-00071527-00071935 i've never noticed them there before tYQ_cy7lWb0-00319-00071936-00072103 well tYQ_cy7lWb0-00320-00072104-00072279 some of it may mean how long has tYQ_cy7lWb0-00321-00072280-00072463 treatment in the ground it's been in tYQ_cy7lWb0-00322-00072464-00072671 four years you may have some problem tYQ_cy7lWb0-00323-00072672-00072855 with how it was planted tYQ_cy7lWb0-00324-00072856-00072975 because it sounds like you're in a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00325-00072976-00073175 problem and the bleeding at the crotch tYQ_cy7lWb0-00326-00073176-00073343 made me one of phil's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00327-00073344-00073631 bores yeah that sounds like uh orange tYQ_cy7lWb0-00328-00073632-00073823 and i and i wonder too if the the cold tYQ_cy7lWb0-00329-00073824-00073950 temperatures might have affect the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00330-00073951-00074111 flowering yeah tYQ_cy7lWb0-00331-00074112-00074791 yeah definitely look at why they got the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00332-00074792-00074959 and you know stress plant new to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00333-00074960-00075135 planting and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00334-00075136-00075231 um tYQ_cy7lWb0-00335-00075232-00075406 the drought we had three years ago and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00336-00075407-00075606 all that so yeah you're going to need no tYQ_cy7lWb0-00337-00075607-00075799 water during the droughts and whenever tYQ_cy7lWb0-00338-00075800-00075991 we get a drought this year water every tYQ_cy7lWb0-00339-00075992-00076119 10 days tYQ_cy7lWb0-00340-00076120-00076335 fertilize in the fall to re uh give us tYQ_cy7lWb0-00341-00076336-00076431 some fur tYQ_cy7lWb0-00342-00076432-00076638 nutrients to get regrowth and then you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00343-00076639-00076871 just keep all the dead prune out and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00344-00076872-00077071 anything about the ants is up to fill tYQ_cy7lWb0-00345-00077072-00077294 yeah uh yeah flowering cherries are tYQ_cy7lWb0-00346-00077295-00077462 marginally hearty in the northern half tYQ_cy7lWb0-00347-00077463-00077735 of illinois tYQ_cy7lWb0-00348-00077736-00077871 and so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00349-00077872-00078094 and so particularly depending if tYQ_cy7lWb0-00350-00078095-00078287 if you're even even in tYQ_cy7lWb0-00351-00078288-00078511 in central illinois if you're if you're tYQ_cy7lWb0-00352-00078512-00078694 out in the country we had one and it tYQ_cy7lWb0-00353-00078695-00078926 took about five years to die and it just tYQ_cy7lWb0-00354-00078927-00079215 died a little bit each year uh the uh tYQ_cy7lWb0-00355-00079216-00079335 certainly the flowers would have been tYQ_cy7lWb0-00356-00079336-00079591 due to cold weather and i would suspect tYQ_cy7lWb0-00357-00079592-00079759 that what the ants are being attracted tYQ_cy7lWb0-00358-00079760-00079903 to or that you probably have some tYQ_cy7lWb0-00359-00079904-00080119 cankers on there that are bleeding and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00360-00080120-00080335 they're producing sweet material either tYQ_cy7lWb0-00361-00080336-00080591 from the fungus from from the bacteria tYQ_cy7lWb0-00362-00080592-00080806 and fungus that's in there or actually tYQ_cy7lWb0-00363-00080807-00080975 just the sap itself and that's probably tYQ_cy7lWb0-00364-00080976-00081182 what the ants are attracted to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00365-00081183-00081367 more than that many times at the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00366-00081368-00081606 crotches you're going to get cankers on tYQ_cy7lWb0-00367-00081607-00081759 flowering cherries that are going to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00368-00081760-00081950 bleed and the ants will be attracted to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00369-00081951-00082159 that bleeding associated with it so the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00370-00082160-00082455 answer are are coming to the problem tYQ_cy7lWb0-00371-00082456-00082743 that the plant has has initially and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00372-00082744-00083031 it's uh it's really difficult to keep uh tYQ_cy7lWb0-00373-00083032-00083343 keep a flowering chariot alive very long tYQ_cy7lWb0-00374-00083344-00083455 particularly when we've had a winter tYQ_cy7lWb0-00375-00083456-00083671 like we had last winter tYQ_cy7lWb0-00376-00083672-00083950 okay so not the greatest news but a lot tYQ_cy7lWb0-00377-00083951-00084206 of factors lots going on there thanks so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00378-00084207-00084526 much then let's go now to a special did tYQ_cy7lWb0-00379-00084527-00086879 you know tYQ_cy7lWb0-00380-00086880-00087150 okay we're not quite harvesting onions tYQ_cy7lWb0-00381-00087151-00087415 yet but you can be prepared although tYQ_cy7lWb0-00382-00087416-00087591 refrigerating onions sometimes helps tYQ_cy7lWb0-00383-00087592-00087862 them so not so good not quite so bad tYQ_cy7lWb0-00384-00087863-00088094 well let's go to some emails and i'll tYQ_cy7lWb0-00385-00088095-00088287 throw it back over to you jim okay i tYQ_cy7lWb0-00386-00088288-00088503 have one where they have these mushrooms tYQ_cy7lWb0-00387-00088504-00088671 and actually it's a shelf fungus growing tYQ_cy7lWb0-00388-00088672-00088838 on the side of the tree tYQ_cy7lWb0-00389-00088839-00088935 and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00390-00088936-00089294 they want to know if they can eat them tYQ_cy7lWb0-00391-00089295-00089503 first of all the shelf lining this tells tYQ_cy7lWb0-00392-00089504-00089718 you that your tree is rotting and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00393-00089719-00089918 eventually we'll probably fall down how tYQ_cy7lWb0-00394-00089919-00090087 soon i don't know tYQ_cy7lWb0-00395-00090088-00090382 but i personally do not recommend eating tYQ_cy7lWb0-00396-00090383-00090575 wild mushrooms or tYQ_cy7lWb0-00397-00090576-00090823 chocolate dianette i'm not an expert in tYQ_cy7lWb0-00398-00090824-00091126 it if you want to check for safety you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00399-00091127-00091471 find a really old mushroom hunter you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00400-00091472-00091726 know and they have to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00401-00091727-00091959 have them teach you what it takes to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00402-00091960-00092143 find the healthy because i want to point tYQ_cy7lWb0-00403-00092144-00092350 out to you for everyone that's edible tYQ_cy7lWb0-00404-00092351-00092582 there's a one that'll mimic it that'll tYQ_cy7lWb0-00405-00092583-00092871 either make you very sick or kill you so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00406-00092872-00093062 i really don't like tYQ_cy7lWb0-00407-00093063-00093262 telling people about pictures that's an tYQ_cy7lWb0-00408-00093263-00093471 edible mushroom or shelf blindness or tYQ_cy7lWb0-00409-00093472-00093791 not so find somebody that has tYQ_cy7lWb0-00410-00093792-00094047 done this for a long long time and has a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00411-00094048-00094279 very good safety record tYQ_cy7lWb0-00412-00094280-00094887 have them taste it first tYQ_cy7lWb0-00413-00094888-00095135 okay well thank you and next to you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00414-00095136-00095415 candace okay i have a question here from tYQ_cy7lWb0-00415-00095416-00095599 a gentleman from champaign who has a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00416-00095600-00095871 american sweet gum tree in his yard um tYQ_cy7lWb0-00417-00095872-00096055 about 60 years old he said this year tYQ_cy7lWb0-00418-00096056-00096231 it's leafing out really late it's really tYQ_cy7lWb0-00419-00096232-00096479 sparse and the foliage so he's wondering tYQ_cy7lWb0-00420-00096480-00096671 if this is from the winter is this is tYQ_cy7lWb0-00421-00096672-00096847 this normal what's what's happening and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00422-00096848-00097079 more than likely yes this was from tYQ_cy7lWb0-00423-00097080-00097326 uh the really cold winters we had um tYQ_cy7lWb0-00424-00097327-00097647 american sweet gum is a zone 5b plant so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00425-00097648-00097831 it is kind of marginally tYQ_cy7lWb0-00426-00097832-00098087 hardy here it's kind of on the uh on the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00427-00098088-00098279 edge so there's some of those like that tYQ_cy7lWb0-00428-00098280-00098535 and tulip tree uh red buds were pretty tYQ_cy7lWb0-00429-00098536-00098662 late this year tYQ_cy7lWb0-00430-00098663-00098823 and he noted that they were all similar tYQ_cy7lWb0-00431-00098824-00099047 in his neighborhood so that that kind of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00432-00099048-00099238 lets you know that yep it was it was a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00433-00099239-00099455 cold weather issue so should jump it tYQ_cy7lWb0-00434-00099456-00099679 should be out of it fine by now and next tYQ_cy7lWb0-00435-00099680-00099815 year it'll be tYQ_cy7lWb0-00436-00099816-00099950 fine too so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00437-00099951-00100167 we have a lot of tree questions today tYQ_cy7lWb0-00438-00100168-00100399 that's interesting yeah okay thank you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00439-00100400-00100574 and now i bet you don't have a tree tYQ_cy7lWb0-00440-00100575-00100750 question phil you're next tYQ_cy7lWb0-00441-00100751-00100879 i'm just guessing it kind of looks like tYQ_cy7lWb0-00442-00100880-00101103 a tree okay tYQ_cy7lWb0-00443-00101104-00101391 wesley office of springfield illinois tYQ_cy7lWb0-00444-00101392-00101615 says that he has some asparagus beetles tYQ_cy7lWb0-00445-00101616-00101767 and they either attack the spindly tYQ_cy7lWb0-00446-00101768-00101974 stocks or they cause the stock to be tYQ_cy7lWb0-00447-00101975-00102191 that way should i burn the affected tYQ_cy7lWb0-00448-00102192-00102382 stocks to destroy the eggs or will tYQ_cy7lWb0-00449-00102383-00102575 cutting the affected stocks eliminate tYQ_cy7lWb0-00450-00102576-00102694 the eggs tYQ_cy7lWb0-00451-00102695-00102854 the asparagus beetle comes out very tYQ_cy7lWb0-00452-00102855-00103063 early in the spring as as a beetle which tYQ_cy7lWb0-00453-00103064-00103263 will lay its eggs on the spears coming tYQ_cy7lWb0-00454-00103264-00103358 up tYQ_cy7lWb0-00455-00103359-00103606 from the from the soil and generally as tYQ_cy7lWb0-00456-00103607-00103830 good gardeners what we do is we cut off tYQ_cy7lWb0-00457-00103831-00104063 the damaged part and we eat the rest we tYQ_cy7lWb0-00458-00104064-00104215 would never do that in a store but we do tYQ_cy7lWb0-00459-00104216-00104399 it out of our own garden tYQ_cy7lWb0-00460-00104400-00104478 so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00461-00104479-00104630 so that's what would be recommended tYQ_cy7lWb0-00462-00104631-00104790 there we don't recommend spraying the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00463-00104791-00105023 stalks at all or anything of that nature tYQ_cy7lWb0-00464-00105024-00105183 because the waiting period would be too tYQ_cy7lWb0-00465-00105183-00105358 long your stock would be unedible by the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00466-00105359-00105575 time you could eat it uh they will go tYQ_cy7lWb0-00467-00105576-00105815 ahead and lay eggs on the ferns and and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00468-00105816-00106071 feed on the ferns as larvae the larvae tYQ_cy7lWb0-00469-00106072-00106463 look like uh little black slimy things tYQ_cy7lWb0-00470-00106464-00106639 about up to about a quarter of an inch tYQ_cy7lWb0-00471-00106640-00106734 long tYQ_cy7lWb0-00472-00106735-00106895 beetles are very brightly colored about tYQ_cy7lWb0-00473-00106896-00107023 the same size tYQ_cy7lWb0-00474-00107024-00107239 and they will feed on the ferns and if tYQ_cy7lWb0-00475-00107240-00107399 if they if you allow them to eat a lot tYQ_cy7lWb0-00476-00107400-00107647 of the ferns away that will result in tYQ_cy7lWb0-00477-00107648-00107807 reduced food for the plant and spindly tYQ_cy7lWb0-00478-00107808-00107902 stocks tYQ_cy7lWb0-00479-00107903-00108095 but generally the spindly stocks are due tYQ_cy7lWb0-00480-00108096-00108351 to lack of fertilizer asparagus is a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00481-00108352-00108566 pretty heavy feeder and you need to need tYQ_cy7lWb0-00482-00108567-00108839 to fertilize it well uh you can spray tYQ_cy7lWb0-00483-00108840-00109086 the the ferns to keep the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00484-00109088-00109310 kifa beetles off with either carbaryl tYQ_cy7lWb0-00485-00109311-00109623 soda 7 or spinosad and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00486-00109624-00109799 and bonite makes a product called tYQ_cy7lWb0-00487-00109800-00110031 bullseye that has that spinosad is an tYQ_cy7lWb0-00488-00110032-00110183 organic product tYQ_cy7lWb0-00489-00110183-00110431 seven is about the same toxicity tYQ_cy7lWb0-00490-00110432-00110607 but do not spray the spears just going tYQ_cy7lWb0-00491-00110608-00110758 ahead and cut off the bad parts of the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00492-00110759-00110975 eggs and go on tYQ_cy7lWb0-00493-00110976-00111086 and you're going to talk about the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00494-00111088-00111310 skinny ones may be doing the insects tYQ_cy7lWb0-00495-00111311-00111558 also male spears are smaller thinner tYQ_cy7lWb0-00496-00111559-00111766 than the females and there's a lot more tYQ_cy7lWb0-00497-00111767-00112102 males compared to the female stalks tYQ_cy7lWb0-00498-00112103-00112366 so you might just want to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00499-00112367-00112615 be careful about what what is happening tYQ_cy7lWb0-00500-00112616-00112751 it does depending on the variety my tYQ_cy7lWb0-00501-00112752-00112934 understanding is that there are male tYQ_cy7lWb0-00502-00112935-00113143 only varieties that are bigger stocks so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00503-00113144-00113319 it depends on the variety of asparagus i tYQ_cy7lWb0-00504-00113320-00113454 believe tYQ_cy7lWb0-00505-00113455-00113743 okay so still some asparagus questions tYQ_cy7lWb0-00506-00113744-00113934 thank you viewers and let's go to the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00507-00113935-00114151 phone lines let's start with line six tYQ_cy7lWb0-00508-00114152-00114358 with al and i think it's an irish tYQ_cy7lWb0-00509-00114359-00114551 question hi al tYQ_cy7lWb0-00510-00114552-00114710 yeah i have a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00511-00114711-00114919 that iris tYQ_cy7lWb0-00512-00114920-00115102 probably been blooming 20 years and this tYQ_cy7lWb0-00513-00115103-00115383 year they came out pure white and i have tYQ_cy7lWb0-00514-00115383-00115599 two friends that have had the same tYQ_cy7lWb0-00515-00115600-00115799 experience and i was wondering what to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00516-00115800-00115990 expect next year will they be purple or tYQ_cy7lWb0-00517-00115991-00116615 white or will they be dead tYQ_cy7lWb0-00518-00116616-00116895 wow we cannot lose on that answer yeah tYQ_cy7lWb0-00519-00116896-00117119 so they were purple tYQ_cy7lWb0-00520-00117120-00117302 and now they're going to share their way tYQ_cy7lWb0-00521-00117303-00117463 right tYQ_cy7lWb0-00522-00117464-00117599 hmm tYQ_cy7lWb0-00523-00117600-00117847 mutation that was that's about the only tYQ_cy7lWb0-00524-00117848-00118023 thing it could be yeah yeah plant tYQ_cy7lWb0-00525-00118024-00118223 genetics are very strange they can they tYQ_cy7lWb0-00526-00118224-00118510 can mutate and survive much easier than tYQ_cy7lWb0-00527-00118511-00118847 than than people or animals can do so uh tYQ_cy7lWb0-00528-00118848-00119095 very likely you've had a had a mutation tYQ_cy7lWb0-00529-00119096-00119390 and it depends what part of a quorum is tYQ_cy7lWb0-00530-00119391-00119590 survived and so on that will come up as tYQ_cy7lWb0-00531-00119591-00119783 to whether you're going to have going to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00532-00119783-00120102 have purple iris or or white iris will tYQ_cy7lWb0-00533-00120103-00120319 have a lot to do with that tYQ_cy7lWb0-00534-00120320-00120399 so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00535-00120400-00120543 you know many times tYQ_cy7lWb0-00536-00120544-00120815 uh we get a uh we get a mutation and and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00537-00120816-00121031 it's over for us with with plants they tYQ_cy7lWb0-00538-00121032-00121166 make a different kind of plant when that tYQ_cy7lWb0-00539-00121167-00121286 happens so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00540-00121288-00121478 their genetics is really kind of flimsy tYQ_cy7lWb0-00541-00121479-00121654 and strange compared to that of of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00542-00121655-00121919 animals and so it's probably that sort tYQ_cy7lWb0-00543-00121920-00122183 of thing plants will mutate commonly and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00544-00122183-00122351 it could have been from any variety of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00545-00122352-00122502 things just tYQ_cy7lWb0-00546-00122503-00122790 anywhere from age down to weather or or tYQ_cy7lWb0-00547-00122791-00122951 physical injury anything else that could tYQ_cy7lWb0-00548-00122952-00123086 cause the genetics to go a little tYQ_cy7lWb0-00549-00123088-00123390 haywire it'll be interesting to see tYQ_cy7lWb0-00550-00123391-00123639 how many end up being tYQ_cy7lWb0-00551-00123640-00123871 purple could be a mix next year it could tYQ_cy7lWb0-00552-00123872-00124175 be oh yeah so well you'll have to report tYQ_cy7lWb0-00553-00124176-00124263 back tYQ_cy7lWb0-00554-00124264-00124510 thank you very much al and now on to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00555-00124511-00124775 tom's questions about peony and it's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00556-00124776-00124975 line four hi tom tYQ_cy7lWb0-00557-00124976-00125263 hi i just wanted i had a quick question tYQ_cy7lWb0-00558-00125264-00125343 um tYQ_cy7lWb0-00559-00125344-00125486 some people call them pennies some tYQ_cy7lWb0-00560-00125488-00125678 people don't call them peonies tYQ_cy7lWb0-00561-00125679-00125983 um this year they didn't really get as tYQ_cy7lWb0-00562-00125983-00126166 big as what they usually do tYQ_cy7lWb0-00563-00126167-00126423 but when do i actually after they bloom tYQ_cy7lWb0-00564-00126424-00126558 out tYQ_cy7lWb0-00565-00126559-00126854 when do i actually cut the seed part of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00566-00126855-00127086 it out or do i drop it on the ground or tYQ_cy7lWb0-00567-00127088-00127327 should i just leave it go tYQ_cy7lWb0-00568-00127328-00127575 okay candace yeah that'd be a good one tYQ_cy7lWb0-00569-00127576-00127814 once they're done flowering you could tYQ_cy7lWb0-00570-00127815-00127999 definitely just prune out those those tYQ_cy7lWb0-00571-00128000-00128127 seed pods tYQ_cy7lWb0-00572-00128128-00128327 most of the time they're not going to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00573-00128328-00128534 root for you so the plant kind of wastes tYQ_cy7lWb0-00574-00128535-00128743 energy on the producing the seed so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00575-00128744-00128895 you're better off kind of pruning those tYQ_cy7lWb0-00576-00128896-00129102 out letting the plant focus on making tYQ_cy7lWb0-00577-00129103-00129263 more foliage and making more roots and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00578-00129264-00129423 then next year hopefully you'll have a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00579-00129424-00129510 better tYQ_cy7lWb0-00580-00129511-00129831 um better comeback from the peonies yeah tYQ_cy7lWb0-00581-00129832-00129999 and probably the most important part is tYQ_cy7lWb0-00582-00130000-00130207 you do not move them off tYQ_cy7lWb0-00583-00130208-00130463 yes let the foliage go yeah tYQ_cy7lWb0-00584-00130464-00130631 they need to get that energy stored back tYQ_cy7lWb0-00585-00130632-00130807 into the root system in order to survive tYQ_cy7lWb0-00586-00130808-00130999 for the next year so when i was growing tYQ_cy7lWb0-00587-00131000-00131183 up my father allowed me to mow them off tYQ_cy7lWb0-00588-00131184-00131359 when the leaves were falling off the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00589-00131360-00131502 trees in the fall tYQ_cy7lWb0-00590-00131503-00132071 oh is that right that's a good time to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00591-00132072-00132302 or you could just simply cut them with tYQ_cy7lWb0-00592-00132303-00132511 shears by then but it's much more fun to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00593-00132512-00132719 move tYQ_cy7lWb0-00594-00132720-00132887 around them all summer tYQ_cy7lWb0-00595-00132888-00133007 okay tYQ_cy7lWb0-00596-00133008-00133175 all right well good question about tYQ_cy7lWb0-00597-00133176-00133439 peonies now let's go to a weed question tYQ_cy7lWb0-00598-00133440-00133831 and this is line five with john hi there tYQ_cy7lWb0-00599-00133832-00133951 hi tYQ_cy7lWb0-00600-00133952-00134143 thanks for taking my call just a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00601-00134144-00134271 question about tYQ_cy7lWb0-00602-00134272-00134502 weeds and grass that grow in the cracks tYQ_cy7lWb0-00603-00134503-00134678 of the sidewalk tYQ_cy7lWb0-00604-00134679-00134854 and a neighbor told me that instead of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00605-00134855-00135111 buying like a herbicide she said just tYQ_cy7lWb0-00606-00135112-00135359 dissolve salt water into salt into your tYQ_cy7lWb0-00607-00135360-00135551 water in your sprayer spray it in the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00608-00135552-00135719 cracks and that'll kill the live ones tYQ_cy7lWb0-00609-00135720-00135935 and prevent new ones tYQ_cy7lWb0-00610-00135936-00136175 is that would that work and would it be tYQ_cy7lWb0-00611-00136176-00136431 harmful to the sidewalk do you think tYQ_cy7lWb0-00612-00136432-00136623 to the concrete and i have another tYQ_cy7lWb0-00613-00136624-00136823 question do you have plants then just tYQ_cy7lWb0-00614-00136824-00137087 to each side of your sidewalk tYQ_cy7lWb0-00615-00137088-00137278 no this is just the regular sidewalk tYQ_cy7lWb0-00616-00137279-00137439 that goes parallel to the street you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00617-00137440-00137583 know how they have tYQ_cy7lWb0-00618-00137584-00137751 joints that are pre-made in them and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00619-00137752-00137983 then sometimes they get other cracks and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00620-00137984-00138190 then dirt little fine dirt from the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00621-00138191-00138439 rains gets in there and that in that tYQ_cy7lWb0-00622-00138440-00138759 dirt grows a little line of weed yes tYQ_cy7lWb0-00623-00138760-00138878 okay tYQ_cy7lWb0-00624-00138879-00138990 well tYQ_cy7lWb0-00625-00138991-00139119 panelists tYQ_cy7lWb0-00626-00139120-00139319 what do you think well first of all it's tYQ_cy7lWb0-00627-00139320-00139559 not a legal recommendation no tYQ_cy7lWb0-00628-00139560-00139807 because you're using a salt that's not tYQ_cy7lWb0-00629-00139808-00139990 doesn't have a pesticide label but it tYQ_cy7lWb0-00630-00139991-00140159 does kill tYQ_cy7lWb0-00631-00140160-00140375 and the important thing is is the salt tYQ_cy7lWb0-00632-00140376-00140575 moves with the water tYQ_cy7lWb0-00633-00140576-00140743 and if you've ever been out and seen the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00634-00140744-00140983 bonneville salt flats you can understand tYQ_cy7lWb0-00635-00140984-00141214 how if you put enough salt there you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00636-00141215-00141431 will not have any plants in your yard tYQ_cy7lWb0-00637-00141432-00141711 yeah and the salt and the salt and the tYQ_cy7lWb0-00638-00141712-00141927 salt ruins the soil ruins the saw you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00639-00141928-00142127 are ruining the soil it is not a good tYQ_cy7lWb0-00640-00142128-00142311 thing to do that's why i asked is there tYQ_cy7lWb0-00641-00142312-00142639 anything on either side tYQ_cy7lWb0-00642-00142640-00142823 because that and over time that would tYQ_cy7lWb0-00643-00142824-00143054 build up and in the greenhouse you would tYQ_cy7lWb0-00644-00143055-00143302 just have to leech you know pour water tYQ_cy7lWb0-00645-00143303-00143551 through when you get a high salt buildup tYQ_cy7lWb0-00646-00143552-00143766 and things just a lot of times we would tYQ_cy7lWb0-00647-00143767-00144031 replace the soil yeah yeah that's hard tYQ_cy7lWb0-00648-00144032-00144319 to do yes it will kill but it will tYQ_cy7lWb0-00649-00144320-00144559 build up and kill permanently well all tYQ_cy7lWb0-00650-00144560-00144687 you have to do is look along the roads tYQ_cy7lWb0-00651-00144688-00144839 where they assault us freezing and see tYQ_cy7lWb0-00652-00144840-00145014 all your dead grass and on the corners tYQ_cy7lWb0-00653-00145015-00145223 and all that tYQ_cy7lWb0-00654-00145224-00145439 that moves too and with rain and that so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00655-00145440-00145599 yeah yes tYQ_cy7lWb0-00656-00145600-00145807 okay so thank you for your question tYQ_cy7lWb0-00657-00145808-00146047 about weeds we're going to go to another tYQ_cy7lWb0-00658-00146048-00146287 question on line one and mary has an tYQ_cy7lWb0-00659-00146288-00146502 elderberry question hi there tYQ_cy7lWb0-00660-00146503-00146807 mary hi i'm curious about a couple of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00661-00146808-00146983 elderberry shrubs tYQ_cy7lWb0-00662-00146984-00147263 i've observed wilting leaves on them on tYQ_cy7lWb0-00663-00147264-00147414 a few branches tYQ_cy7lWb0-00664-00147415-00147766 what can you tell me about that tYQ_cy7lWb0-00665-00147767-00147975 there is a borer that will get into them tYQ_cy7lWb0-00666-00147976-00148159 it's a beetle borer that will tunnel tYQ_cy7lWb0-00667-00148160-00148463 into the stem of elderberry and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00668-00148464-00148775 and so it could be the possibility of a tYQ_cy7lWb0-00669-00148776-00149063 reason for it uh you can you can cut tYQ_cy7lWb0-00670-00149064-00149399 those off apart there and split the stem tYQ_cy7lWb0-00671-00149400-00149607 and see if there is a white larva in tYQ_cy7lWb0-00672-00149608-00149871 there and the control for it is to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00673-00149872-00150126 is to prune off those particular stems tYQ_cy7lWb0-00674-00150127-00150214 that are tYQ_cy7lWb0-00675-00150215-00150447 that are dying back associated with it tYQ_cy7lWb0-00676-00150448-00150631 there we don't recommend any uh tYQ_cy7lWb0-00677-00150632-00150895 insecticide control usually elderberries tYQ_cy7lWb0-00678-00150896-00151078 grow fast enough and strong enough that tYQ_cy7lWb0-00679-00151079-00151302 once you prune that off and destroy tYQ_cy7lWb0-00680-00151303-00151447 the larva in there not only do you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00681-00151448-00151614 reduce the number for next year but to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00682-00151615-00151759 bet the bush will come back in good tYQ_cy7lWb0-00683-00151760-00151911 shape tYQ_cy7lWb0-00684-00151912-00152159 they are tough yeah it'll go like crazy tYQ_cy7lWb0-00685-00152160-00152287 but you wouldn't want to cut that and tYQ_cy7lWb0-00686-00152288-00152463 just put it down yeah you don't want to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00687-00152464-00152639 just drop it on the ground the larva tYQ_cy7lWb0-00688-00152640-00152814 might be old enough to pupate and come tYQ_cy7lWb0-00689-00152815-00153031 out as beetles and and still continue to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00690-00153032-00153247 attack your bush tYQ_cy7lWb0-00691-00153248-00153439 so but i haven't seen that this year tYQ_cy7lWb0-00692-00153440-00153590 that's interesting tYQ_cy7lWb0-00693-00153591-00153863 so and you really can't kill elderberry tYQ_cy7lWb0-00694-00153864-00154023 so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00695-00154024-00154159 i'm interested tYQ_cy7lWb0-00696-00154160-00154295 i just if i see it i don't want to see tYQ_cy7lWb0-00697-00154296-00154519 it in my own yard let's see let's see tYQ_cy7lWb0-00698-00154520-00154614 about that tYQ_cy7lWb0-00699-00154615-00154911 wow doesn't the show go fast we had lots tYQ_cy7lWb0-00700-00154912-00155087 of trees questions and really a lot of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00701-00155088-00155302 insect disease questions so tYQ_cy7lWb0-00702-00155303-00155463 i think we're seeing a little bit of tYQ_cy7lWb0-00703-00155464-00155814 cold weather and wet spring tYQ_cy7lWb0-00704-00155815-00155975 evidence from your questions we want to tYQ_cy7lWb0-00705-00155976-00156135 thank you for being the best viewers tYQ_cy7lWb0-00706-00156136-00156326 thanks so much for watching thank you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00707-00156327-00156502 for your expertise to the three of you tYQ_cy7lWb0-00708-00156503-00156711 we appreciate it hope you have a great tYQ_cy7lWb0-00709-00156712-00156911 week gardening we'll see you next time tYQ_cy7lWb0-00711-00161120-00161327 you tbaPHnc2FfA-00000-00000000-00000278 I kanji as a free pictographic tbaPHnc2FfA-00001-00000279-00000509 communication system based on an open tbaPHnc2FfA-00002-00000509-00000722 visual vocabulary of characters with tbaPHnc2FfA-00003-00000723-00000914 built in translations for most major tbaPHnc2FfA-00004-00000915-00001298 languages in May 2010 I kanji messenger tbaPHnc2FfA-00005-00001299-00001483 was released with support for Apple iOS tbaPHnc2FfA-00006-00001484-00001860 iPhone iPad iPod and most web browsers tbaPHnc2FfA-00007-00001861-00002062 messenger enables point-to-point tbaPHnc2FfA-00008-00002063-00002333 communication in a manner similar to SMS tbaPHnc2FfA-00009-00002334-00002606 in December 2010 I kanji social was tbaPHnc2FfA-00010-00002607-00002816 released as a web application only with tbaPHnc2FfA-00011-00002817-00002996 support for Facebook and Twitter as a tbaPHnc2FfA-00012-00002997-00003317 broadcast medium the application icon G tbaPHnc2FfA-00013-00003318-00003533 social supported delivery of icon G tbaPHnc2FfA-00014-00003534-00003869 enhanced messages via email icon G tbaPHnc2FfA-00015-00003870-00004129 debuted with 1183 unique characters tbaPHnc2FfA-00016-00004130-00004397 known as the lexicon G vocabulary called tbaPHnc2FfA-00017-00004398-00004604 from base words used in common daily tbaPHnc2FfA-00018-00004605-00004822 communications word frequency lists tbaPHnc2FfA-00019-00004823-00005011 often used mathematical and logical tbaPHnc2FfA-00020-00005012-00005258 symbols punctuation symbols and the tbaPHnc2FfA-00021-00005259-00005534 flags of all nations the process of tbaPHnc2FfA-00022-00005535-00005713 assembling a message from I kanji tbaPHnc2FfA-00023-00005714-00005938 characters is called icons ization see tbaPHnc2FfA-00024-00005939-00006079 screenshot at right tbaPHnc2FfA-00025-00006080-00006331 since most characters represent an tbaPHnc2FfA-00026-00006332-00006535 entire word or concept rather than a tbaPHnc2FfA-00027-00006536-00006767 single letter or character icon G has tbaPHnc2FfA-00028-00006768-00006938 the potential to be a more efficient tbaPHnc2FfA-00029-00006939-00007277 communication system than SMS the usual tbaPHnc2FfA-00030-00007278-00007439 jumble of text and confusing tbaPHnc2FfA-00031-00007440-00007648 abbreviations can often be replaced by a tbaPHnc2FfA-00032-00007650-00007849 short string of colorful icons that tbaPHnc2FfA-00033-00007850-00008114 convey the identical meaning with the tbaPHnc2FfA-00034-00008115-00008363 icon G messenger and icon G social apps tbaPHnc2FfA-00035-00008364-00008576 characters are displayed at a resolution tbaPHnc2FfA-00036-00008577-00008951 of 32 by 32 pixels using color PNG s tbaPHnc2FfA-00037-00008952-00009116 with transparency to round the corners tbaPHnc2FfA-00038-00009117-00009403 as all eye kanji characters are tbaPHnc2FfA-00039-00009404-00009623 developed first as vector graphics this tbaPHnc2FfA-00040-00009624-00009781 allows essentially infinite scalability tbaPHnc2FfA-00041-00009782-00010031 whether for producing new online or tbaPHnc2FfA-00042-00010032-00010277 smartphone apps or full-size posters for tbaPHnc2FfA-00043-00010278-00010463 printed graphic applications such as tbaPHnc2FfA-00044-00010464-00010841 signs or electronic displays thus future tbaPHnc2FfA-00045-00010842-00011071 icon G applications from in-house or tbaPHnc2FfA-00046-00011072-00011242 outside developers may incorporate tbaPHnc2FfA-00047-00011243-00011456 larger or smaller versions of the tbaPHnc2FfA-00048-00011457-00011594 characters using the freely available tbaPHnc2FfA-00049-00011595-00012046 icon G API in December 2012 further tbaPHnc2FfA-00050-00012047-00012253 development of icon G was brought to a tbaPHnc2FfA-00051-00012254-00012813 close tbaPHnc2FfA-00052-00012814-00013327 topic overview tbaPHnc2FfA-00053-00013328-00013605 Khai Stotts founder and former CEO of tbaPHnc2FfA-00054-00013606-00013882 terra soft solutions original developer tbaPHnc2FfA-00055-00013883-00014172 of yellow dog linux ydl was motivated to tbaPHnc2FfA-00056-00014174-00014368 create a new communication system that tbaPHnc2FfA-00057-00014369-00014572 combined the speed of SMS with the tbaPHnc2FfA-00058-00014572-00014737 richness and linguistic depth of a tbaPHnc2FfA-00059-00014738-00015004 global art project his intent was to tbaPHnc2FfA-00060-00015005-00015208 provide a means for communication that tbaPHnc2FfA-00061-00015209-00015472 could bridge cultural divides thus I tbaPHnc2FfA-00062-00015472-00015703 kanji as a pictographic communication tbaPHnc2FfA-00063-00015704-00015985 system not a spoken language the tbaPHnc2FfA-00064-00015986-00016186 characters themselves are evocative of tbaPHnc2FfA-00065-00016187-00016333 their meanings and designed to be as tbaPHnc2FfA-00066-00016334-00016585 cross-cultural as possible it is a tbaPHnc2FfA-00067-00016586-00016780 difficult task to even attempt to make tbaPHnc2FfA-00068-00016781-00016984 pictographic symbols Universal in their tbaPHnc2FfA-00069-00016985-00017247 meaning further not all cultures read tbaPHnc2FfA-00070-00017248-00017467 symbols or text from left to right which tbaPHnc2FfA-00071-00017468-00017758 is the standard for AI kanji in addition tbaPHnc2FfA-00072-00017759-00017947 some linguistic concepts are too tbaPHnc2FfA-00073-00017948-00018217 abstract to represent graphically the tbaPHnc2FfA-00074-00018218-00018382 first row in the image above the eye tbaPHnc2FfA-00075-00018383-00018634 kanji user interface on an ipod shows tbaPHnc2FfA-00076-00018635-00018880 characters for the pronouns I you we tbaPHnc2FfA-00077-00018881-00019240 he/she/it them and the tilde which is tbaPHnc2FfA-00078-00019241-00019513 defined as to be and it's numerous tbaPHnc2FfA-00079-00019514-00019771 conjugations is our was will be and so tbaPHnc2FfA-00080-00019772-00020089 on these abstract concepts represent a tbaPHnc2FfA-00081-00020090-00020281 significant barrier to universal tbaPHnc2FfA-00082-00020282-00020472 pictographic representation but the tbaPHnc2FfA-00083-00020473-00020665 ability to read a translation in one's tbaPHnc2FfA-00084-00020666-00020856 native language if needed can help tbaPHnc2FfA-00085-00020857-00021109 bridge that gap the character at far tbaPHnc2FfA-00086-00021110-00021385 right is the null and can be used as a tbaPHnc2FfA-00087-00021386-00021634 space a placeholder or a container for tbaPHnc2FfA-00088-00021635-00021937 metadata unique to AI kanji as its tbaPHnc2FfA-00089-00021938-00022125 inclusion of both an inferred meaning tbaPHnc2FfA-00090-00022126-00022344 suggested by the pictographs themselves tbaPHnc2FfA-00091-00022345-00022522 and the translations that accompany each tbaPHnc2FfA-00092-00022523-00022840 character at the close of 2010 these tbaPHnc2FfA-00093-00022841-00023065 translations included English French tbaPHnc2FfA-00094-00023066-00023392 German Hindi Italian Japanese polish tbaPHnc2FfA-00095-00023393-00023700 Spanish Swahili Swedish and Tokyo poni tbaPHnc2FfA-00096-00023701-00023950 there is no practical limit to the tbaPHnc2FfA-00097-00023951-00024094 number of languages that could be tbaPHnc2FfA-00098-00024095-00024415 translated and included likewise there tbaPHnc2FfA-00099-00024416-00024603 is no limit to the number of individual tbaPHnc2FfA-00100-00024604-00024765 characters that could be incorporated tbaPHnc2FfA-00101-00024766-00025066 the AI kanji vocabulary is open to tbaPHnc2FfA-00102-00025067-00025267 revision anyone in the world may design tbaPHnc2FfA-00103-00025268-00025486 and contribute new characters for use in tbaPHnc2FfA-00104-00025487-00025752 global communications through the artist tbaPHnc2FfA-00105-00025753-00025944 community users are able to add their tbaPHnc2FfA-00106-00025945-00026149 own characters to the lexicon G with tbaPHnc2FfA-00107-00026150-00026364 approval or revise existing character tbaPHnc2FfA-00108-00026365-00026508 icons they feel could be better tbaPHnc2FfA-00109-00026509-00026675 represented graphically tbaPHnc2FfA-00110-00026676-00027152 you tbaPHnc2FfA-00111-00027152-00027695 topic implementation tbaPHnc2FfA-00112-00027697-00027963 the screenshot above shows most features tbaPHnc2FfA-00113-00027964-00028139 and functionality of the icon G tbaPHnc2FfA-00114-00028141-00028419 application starting at top right the tbaPHnc2FfA-00115-00028420-00028658 search icon magnifying glass opens a tbaPHnc2FfA-00116-00028660-00028860 text field in the dark blue window that tbaPHnc2FfA-00117-00028861-00029033 allows a text search for specific tbaPHnc2FfA-00118-00029035-00029408 characters below that is the - field tbaPHnc2FfA-00119-00029410-00029607 where the recipient can be inserted from tbaPHnc2FfA-00120-00029608-00029880 a built in address book below that is tbaPHnc2FfA-00121-00029881-00030089 another field where selected I kanji tbaPHnc2FfA-00122-00030091-00030252 characters can be assembled into a tbaPHnc2FfA-00123-00030252-00030414 string to compose the message I tbaPHnc2FfA-00124-00030414-00030729 conjugation the next section down as a tbaPHnc2FfA-00125-00030730-00030951 six by nine matrix of characters from tbaPHnc2FfA-00126-00030952-00031089 which the user can select specific tbaPHnc2FfA-00127-00031089-00031445 characters in the iOS applications this tbaPHnc2FfA-00128-00031447-00031644 is accomplished by a finger tap in the tbaPHnc2FfA-00129-00031645-00031836 browser application by a point-and-click tbaPHnc2FfA-00130-00031837-00032163 in both cases a hover pops up a small tbaPHnc2FfA-00131-00032164-00032352 box displaying the definition of the tbaPHnc2FfA-00132-00032352-00032567 character in the users declared language tbaPHnc2FfA-00133-00032568-00032850 the bottom most line consists of what tbaPHnc2FfA-00134-00032851-00033030 are called buckets each user tbaPHnc2FfA-00135-00033031-00033306 customizable bucket contains another 54 tbaPHnc2FfA-00136-00033307-00033480 characters that can be grouped by type tbaPHnc2FfA-00137-00033481-00033789 or frequency of use the 7th bucket tbaPHnc2FfA-00138-00033790-00034077 contains 54 commonly used mathematical tbaPHnc2FfA-00139-00034078-00034361 and logical symbols the eighth bucket us tbaPHnc2FfA-00140-00034362-00034638 bottomless and serves as a repository tbaPHnc2FfA-00141-00034639-00034884 for all other characters with no limit tbaPHnc2FfA-00142-00034885-00035133 to the number contained selecting that tbaPHnc2FfA-00143-00035134-00035340 bucket generates a scrollable list of tbaPHnc2FfA-00144-00035341-00035540 those characters it is the users tbaPHnc2FfA-00145-00035541-00035721 customization of these buckets that tbaPHnc2FfA-00146-00035722-00036027 enables icon G to rival or exceed SMS in tbaPHnc2FfA-00147-00036028-00036692 terms of efficiency and speed tbaPHnc2FfA-00148-00036693-00037231 topic inflections tbaPHnc2FfA-00149-00037232-00037507 a few other modern pictographic systems tbaPHnc2FfA-00150-00037508-00037696 use inflection symbols to expand tbaPHnc2FfA-00151-00037697-00037951 meanings for example blissymbolics icon tbaPHnc2FfA-00152-00037952-00038182 G includes inflections for present past tbaPHnc2FfA-00153-00038183-00038428 or future tense verbs adjectives adverbs tbaPHnc2FfA-00154-00038429-00038761 and possessives the user can also add tbaPHnc2FfA-00155-00038762-00038974 metadata if desired to clarify the tbaPHnc2FfA-00156-00038975-00039157 meaning or include additional text tbaPHnc2FfA-00157-00039158-00039457 content all inflections are indicated as tbaPHnc2FfA-00158-00039458-00039652 glyphs at standardized positions around tbaPHnc2FfA-00159-00039653-00039877 the base and top of the icon G character tbaPHnc2FfA-00160-00039878-00040159 in most cases the inflection should be tbaPHnc2FfA-00161-00040160-00040378 apparent from context but for messages tbaPHnc2FfA-00162-00040379-00040609 where ambiguity could arise inflections tbaPHnc2FfA-00163-00040610-00040836 provide a means to remove that ambiguity tbaPHnc2FfA-00164-00040837-00041152 for example the gallery below shows four tbaPHnc2FfA-00165-00041153-00041350 inflected variations of the character tbaPHnc2FfA-00166-00041351-00041770 defined us start to start many I kanji tbaPHnc2FfA-00167-00041771-00041947 characters followed this noun + tbaPHnc2FfA-00168-00041948-00042151 infinitive verb format to enable tbaPHnc2FfA-00169-00042152-00042352 unambiguous translation from its base tbaPHnc2FfA-00170-00042353-00042634 English into other languages given the tbaPHnc2FfA-00171-00042635-00042820 widely varying conventions for verb tbaPHnc2FfA-00172-00042821-00043021 conjugation found in other languages tbaPHnc2FfA-00173-00043022-00043237 this is arguably the most flexible way tbaPHnc2FfA-00174-00043238-00043895 to present a base definition tbaPHnc2FfA-00175-00043896-00044418 topic examples tbaPHnc2FfA-00176-00044419-00044664 the sample icons ization shown on the tbaPHnc2FfA-00177-00044665-00044976 screenshot translates as follows this tbaPHnc2FfA-00178-00044977-00045177 demonstrates clearly how meaning can be tbaPHnc2FfA-00179-00045178-00045324 conveyed using a minimal number of tbaPHnc2FfA-00180-00045325-00045583 characters the fourth character is tbaPHnc2FfA-00181-00045584-00045901 formally defined as clock time but would tbaPHnc2FfA-00182-00045902-00046198 be interpreted as a clock when used in tbaPHnc2FfA-00183-00046199-00046440 this context if the sender and receiver tbaPHnc2FfA-00184-00046441-00046630 usually meet for coffee at the same tbaPHnc2FfA-00185-00046631-00046839 location no other information is needed tbaPHnc2FfA-00186-00046840-00047118 if the intended location is different tbaPHnc2FfA-00187-00047119-00047317 from the usual the icons ization could tbaPHnc2FfA-00188-00047318-00047589 be changed to here the triangular tbaPHnc2FfA-00189-00047590-00047785 inflection mark on the second character tbaPHnc2FfA-00190-00047786-00047976 that indicates the presence of metadata tbaPHnc2FfA-00191-00047977-00048276 in that character metadata can be added tbaPHnc2FfA-00192-00048277-00048514 or accessed via a text box pop-up by tbaPHnc2FfA-00193-00048515-00048667 clicking on the character and could tbaPHnc2FfA-00194-00048668-00048921 include a business name address GPS tbaPHnc2FfA-00195-00048922-00049142 coordinates or other information tbaPHnc2FfA-00196-00049143-00049383 alternatively the sender can convey more tbaPHnc2FfA-00197-00049384-00049617 specific location instructions using the tbaPHnc2FfA-00198-00049618-00049823 characters themselves for example in tbaPHnc2FfA-00199-00049824-00050142 this example the third character I me tbaPHnc2FfA-00200-00050143-00050326 has been inflected with the possessive tbaPHnc2FfA-00201-00050327-00050643 modifier changing the meaning to my the tbaPHnc2FfA-00202-00050644-00050935 two instances of the at character are tbaPHnc2FfA-00203-00050936-00051132 included for grammatical clarity but tbaPHnc2FfA-00204-00051133-00051282 could likely be excluded without tbaPHnc2FfA-00205-00051283-00051535 changing the interpreted meaning in all tbaPHnc2FfA-00206-00051536-00051712 of these examples the recipients tbaPHnc2FfA-00207-00051713-00051925 response could be similarly concise as tbaPHnc2FfA-00208-00051926-00052242 the following three examples show in the tbaPHnc2FfA-00209-00052244-00052462 first response we see the flexibility of tbaPHnc2FfA-00210-00052463-00052638 the I kanji system as well as some tbaPHnc2FfA-00211-00052639-00052948 wordplay the first character is formally tbaPHnc2FfA-00212-00052949-00053260 defined as sound audio and can thus be tbaPHnc2FfA-00213-00053261-00053517 used in many contexts the second tbaPHnc2FfA-00214-00053519-00053797 character is formally defined as angelic tbaPHnc2FfA-00215-00053798-00054091 saintly good implying the overall tbaPHnc2FfA-00216-00054091-00054336 meaning sounds good tbaPHnc2FfA-00217-00054337-00054549 in the second response additional tbaPHnc2FfA-00218-00054550-00054756 information is returned by the recipient tbaPHnc2FfA-00219-00054757-00055017 requesting the sender to arrive early tbaPHnc2FfA-00220-00055018-00055305 using the adverb modifier on early tbaPHnc2FfA-00221-00055306-00055563 whether the adverb modifier is really tbaPHnc2FfA-00222-00055564-00055740 needed as a matter of questions since tbaPHnc2FfA-00223-00055741-00055923 between frequent users certain tbaPHnc2FfA-00224-00055924-00056106 conventions will become established by tbaPHnc2FfA-00225-00056107-00056391 previous usage in the final and most tbaPHnc2FfA-00226-00056392-00056652 concise response only a single character tbaPHnc2FfA-00227-00056653-00057349 yes is returned by the recipient tbaPHnc2FfA-00228-00057350-00057907 topic artists community tbaPHnc2FfA-00229-00057908-00058222 in February 2011 I kanji launched its tbaPHnc2FfA-00230-00058223-00058468 artist community anyone who saw the need tbaPHnc2FfA-00231-00058469-00058669 for a new character or a better version tbaPHnc2FfA-00232-00058670-00058867 of an existing character was encouraged tbaPHnc2FfA-00233-00058868-00059080 to create and submit a unique design tbaPHnc2FfA-00234-00059081-00059296 there were several criteria for tbaPHnc2FfA-00235-00059297-00059500 acceptance of a submitted character but tbaPHnc2FfA-00236-00059501-00059719 the process was made simple using freely tbaPHnc2FfA-00237-00059720-00059908 available online graphic templates tbaPHnc2FfA-00238-00059909-00060235 instructions and examples character tbaPHnc2FfA-00239-00060236-00060457 icons were created as vector graphics tbaPHnc2FfA-00240-00060458-00060652 and tools such as Adobe Illustrator tbaPHnc2FfA-00241-00060653-00060841 coral draw or the free online tbaPHnc2FfA-00242-00060842-00061189 application SVG edit alternatively the tbaPHnc2FfA-00243-00061190-00061372 proposed character icon could be tbaPHnc2FfA-00244-00061373-00061666 hand-drawn scanned as a 300 dpi bitmap tbaPHnc2FfA-00245-00061667-00061885 and converted to vector graphics format tbaPHnc2FfA-00246-00061886-00062077 before being submitted as a potential tbaPHnc2FfA-00247-00062078-00062346 addition to the AI kanji vocabulary tbaPHnc2FfA-00248-00062347-00062557 definitions for the characters also tbaPHnc2FfA-00249-00062558-00062746 follow a strict format and where tbaPHnc2FfA-00250-00062747-00062962 ambiguities could exist need to follow a tbaPHnc2FfA-00251-00062963-00063148 format that utilizes extended tbaPHnc2FfA-00252-00063149-00063316 definitions to remove those ambiguities tbaPHnc2FfA-00253-00063317-00063622 both for users and translators for tbaPHnc2FfA-00254-00063623-00063940 example miss the salutation for an tbaPHnc2FfA-00255-00063941-00064237 unmarried female miss the feeling of tbaPHnc2FfA-00256-00064238-00064417 sorrow resulting from someone or tbaPHnc2FfA-00257-00064418-00064732 something lost miss to miss the act of tbaPHnc2FfA-00258-00064733-00064903 not connecting with a target or goal tbaPHnc2FfA-00259-00064904-00065128 note how the last example again defaults tbaPHnc2FfA-00260-00065129-00065356 to the noun plus infinitive verb format tbaPHnc2FfA-00261-00065357-00065662 mentioned above the artist also had the tbaPHnc2FfA-00262-00065663-00065890 opportunity if desired to associate tbaPHnc2FfA-00263-00065891-00066091 metadata with their character explaining tbaPHnc2FfA-00264-00066092-00066271 the story behind the design who they are tbaPHnc2FfA-00265-00066272-00066526 and their country of residence once tbaPHnc2FfA-00266-00066527-00066688 accepted the character was made tbaPHnc2FfA-00267-00066689-00066877 available for use globally by all I tbaPHnc2FfA-00268-00066878-00067186 kanji users the artist had the ability tbaPHnc2FfA-00269-00067187-00067336 to track the use of their character tbaPHnc2FfA-00270-00067337-00067582 using the icon G Explorer application on tbaPHnc2FfA-00271-00067583-00067824 the icon G website no longer maintained tbaPHnc2FfA-00272-00067825-00068161 the first icon G communications workshop tbaPHnc2FfA-00273-00068162-00068398 was held at Colorado State University on tbaPHnc2FfA-00274-00068399-00068728 April 7 2011 40 participants tbaPHnc2FfA-00275-00068729-00068935 representing a dozen countries convened tbaPHnc2FfA-00276-00068936-00069151 to discuss the cross-cultural potential tbaPHnc2FfA-00277-00069152-00069478 of this pictographic system over 100 new tbaPHnc2FfA-00278-00069479-00069667 pictographs were designed and entered tbaPHnc2FfA-00279-00069668-00070345 into the eye kanji vocabulary tbaPHnc2FfA-00280-00070346-00070861 topic precedence tbaPHnc2FfA-00281-00070862-00071086 there has been no shortage of attempts tbaPHnc2FfA-00282-00071087-00071281 to create a new and better universal tbaPHnc2FfA-00283-00071282-00071533 language an exhaustive account of these tbaPHnc2FfA-00284-00071534-00071707 efforts can be found in the book in the tbaPHnc2FfA-00285-00071708-00071926 land of invented languages by a Rico tbaPHnc2FfA-00286-00071927-00071985 cracked tbaPHnc2FfA-00287-00071986-00072253 according to Okrent in the last thousand tbaPHnc2FfA-00288-00072254-00072469 years more than 900 languages have been tbaPHnc2FfA-00289-00072470-00072661 invented often by individuals who tbaPHnc2FfA-00290-00072662-00072826 believe they had a universal solution tbaPHnc2FfA-00291-00072827-00073087 for global cross-cultural communication tbaPHnc2FfA-00292-00073088-00073339 most attempts at creating a new language tbaPHnc2FfA-00293-00073340-00073582 failed due to overly ambitious goals or tbaPHnc2FfA-00294-00073583-00073852 eccentricities of their inventor many tbaPHnc2FfA-00295-00073853-00074041 attempts have been based on pictograms tbaPHnc2FfA-00296-00074042-00074263 or laga graham's including AI kanji in tbaPHnc2FfA-00297-00074264-00074512 the following of all the recently tbaPHnc2FfA-00298-00074513-00074680 invented pictographic systems tbaPHnc2FfA-00299-00074681-00074902 blissymbolics is the most successful to tbaPHnc2FfA-00300-00074903-00075199 date it is used to assist communications tbaPHnc2FfA-00301-00075200-00075403 challenged individuals providing them a tbaPHnc2FfA-00302-00075404-00075559 structured means by which they may tbaPHnc2FfA-00303-00075560-00075742 convey concepts and more recently tbaPHnc2FfA-00304-00075743-00075946 providing a point-and-click software tbaPHnc2FfA-00305-00075947-00076252 interface the noun project is another tbaPHnc2FfA-00306-00076253-00076450 effort to establish cross-cultural tbaPHnc2FfA-00307-00076451-00076654 communication it purports to be a tbaPHnc2FfA-00308-00076655-00076894 repository of universal icons but tbaPHnc2FfA-00309-00076895-00077127 suffers the same ambiguities as previous tbaPHnc2FfA-00310-00077128-00077485 universal language attempts the icons tbaPHnc2FfA-00311-00077486-00077701 therein are primarily from public domain tbaPHnc2FfA-00312-00077702-00077956 icon databases for example restroom tbaPHnc2FfA-00313-00077957-00078238 traffic mall and airport icons not all tbaPHnc2FfA-00314-00078239-00078517 of which translate across cultures the tbaPHnc2FfA-00315-00078518-00078718 collection does include icons designed tbaPHnc2FfA-00316-00078719-00078907 by individuals but currently lacks tbaPHnc2FfA-00317-00078908-00079078 guidelines for design beyond their tbaPHnc2FfA-00318-00079079-00079372 stated desire for scale proportion and tbaPHnc2FfA-00319-00079373-00079693 shape also of note as emoji based on a tbaPHnc2FfA-00320-00079694-00080074 vocabulary of 722 emoticons and popular tbaPHnc2FfA-00321-00080075-00080260 in electronic communications throughout tbaPHnc2FfA-00322-00080261-00080569 Japan emoji icons are heavily slanted tbaPHnc2FfA-00323-00080570-00080821 toward conveying emotional punctuation tbaPHnc2FfA-00324-00080822-00081136 and more useful in augmenting SMS than tbaPHnc2FfA-00325-00081137-00081322 in communicating complete standalone tbaPHnc2FfA-00326-00081323-00081658 messages other pictographic systems have tbaPHnc2FfA-00327-00081659-00081847 been less successful as described here tbaPHnc2FfA-00328-00081848-00082132 list of writing systems there have also tbaPHnc2FfA-00329-00082133-00082354 been many attempts to create Universal tbaPHnc2FfA-00330-00082355-00082558 spoken languages the most notable of tbaPHnc2FfA-00331-00082559-00082882 which is Esperanto for more examples see tbaPHnc2FfA-00332-00082883-00083188 universal language tczkeLI-kQ4-00000-00000224-00000509 you might think an apple is just an tczkeLI-kQ4-00001-00000509-00000719 apple but here with us from how does it tczkeLI-kQ4-00002-00000720-00000919 grow is Nicole and she's gonna tell us a tczkeLI-kQ4-00003-00000921-00001066 lot of things about apples you didn't tczkeLI-kQ4-00004-00001067-00001232 know yet yes because we don't know tczkeLI-kQ4-00005-00001233-00001466 anything about apples right Nicole if tczkeLI-kQ4-00006-00001467-00001834 you better believe it I have a bunch of tczkeLI-kQ4-00007-00001835-00002051 apple facts that will blow your mind are tczkeLI-kQ4-00008-00002052-00002312 you ready yes let's say I'm okay so tczkeLI-kQ4-00009-00002313-00002534 first you might think that the seed tczkeLI-kQ4-00010-00002535-00002729 inside your Apple would grow the same tczkeLI-kQ4-00011-00002730-00003020 kind of Apple right well each apple seed tczkeLI-kQ4-00012-00003021-00003226 is genetically unique it will grow a tczkeLI-kQ4-00013-00003227-00003415 completely different apple from the one tczkeLI-kQ4-00014-00003417-00003668 it came out of and that's sort of like tczkeLI-kQ4-00015-00003669-00003931 how humans don't clone themselves right tczkeLI-kQ4-00016-00003932-00004202 well apples don't either which brings me tczkeLI-kQ4-00017-00004203-00004493 to my second fact which is when you go tczkeLI-kQ4-00018-00004494-00004670 shopping right you see maybe half a tczkeLI-kQ4-00019-00004671-00005042 dozen types of apples well really there tczkeLI-kQ4-00020-00005043-00005431 are a whopping 7,500 varieties of apples tczkeLI-kQ4-00021-00005432-00005638 in the world can you believe it so tczkeLI-kQ4-00022-00005639-00005801 there's a lot more than just the Granny tczkeLI-kQ4-00023-00005802-00006086 Smith yes yes and that's for sure and tczkeLI-kQ4-00024-00006087-00006409 it's really just a simple explanation of tczkeLI-kQ4-00025-00006411-00006716 supply and demand okay yeah makes sense tczkeLI-kQ4-00026-00006717-00007228 hey okay so um how do you think an apple tczkeLI-kQ4-00027-00007229-00007510 grows on a tree um it starts out small tczkeLI-kQ4-00028-00007511-00007889 and then goes bigger okay so do it tczkeLI-kQ4-00029-00007890-00008195 starts out as a flower actually and once tczkeLI-kQ4-00030-00008196-00008524 it's pollinated by a bee or an insect it tczkeLI-kQ4-00031-00008525-00008749 turns into fruit and in fact I have an tczkeLI-kQ4-00032-00008750-00008917 apple here and if you look at the tczkeLI-kQ4-00033-00008918-00009167 underside of any apple you'll see what tczkeLI-kQ4-00034-00009168-00009362 looks like kind of tiny petals and tczkeLI-kQ4-00035-00009363-00009628 that's really the remnant of the flower tczkeLI-kQ4-00036-00009629-00009960 that this apple used to be and of course tczkeLI-kQ4-00037-00009961-00010241 most vegetables and fruits start out as tczkeLI-kQ4-00038-00010242-00010406 flowers and once they're pollinated they tczkeLI-kQ4-00039-00010407-00010859 turn into food but but back to apples so tczkeLI-kQ4-00040-00010860-00011134 the last fact effect i have for you is tczkeLI-kQ4-00041-00011135-00011444 you know how we get to eat apples year tczkeLI-kQ4-00042-00011445-00011753 round but the harvest actually only tczkeLI-kQ4-00043-00011754-00011978 happens between late summer and late tczkeLI-kQ4-00044-00011979-00012274 fall so how are we able to do that well tczkeLI-kQ4-00045-00012275-00012553 most farmers put their apples into low tczkeLI-kQ4-00046-00012554-00012835 oxygen storage which slows down the tczkeLI-kQ4-00047-00012836-00013033 ripening process and sort of puts the tczkeLI-kQ4-00048-00013034-00013329 apples to sleep so they can show tczkeLI-kQ4-00049-00013330-00013509 apples all year round to the grocery tczkeLI-kQ4-00050-00013510-00013728 stores so these could be potentially tczkeLI-kQ4-00051-00013729-00014085 really old absolutely hopefully within a tczkeLI-kQ4-00052-00014086-00014391 year old okay thank you nicole for tczkeLI-kQ4-00053-00014391-00014594 sharing with us again and for more tczkeLI-kQ4-00054-00014596-00014793 stories about food and how it grows tczkeLI-kQ4-00055-00014794-00015165 check out interconnection com tgS7NEjahnM-00000-00000005-00000703 [Music] tgS7NEjahnM-00001-00000704-00000886 apple's next big product tgS7NEjahnM-00002-00000888-00001166 apple glasses rumors surrounding apple's tgS7NEjahnM-00003-00001167-00001327 ar glasses have been circulating tgS7NEjahnM-00004-00001328-00001495 throughout the tech world for years tgS7NEjahnM-00005-00001496-00001695 despite such speculations spanning over tgS7NEjahnM-00006-00001696-00001871 a period that feels like a lifetime it tgS7NEjahnM-00007-00001872-00002023 seems that we might be finally on the tgS7NEjahnM-00008-00002023-00002271 cusp of apple's next big product release tgS7NEjahnM-00009-00002272-00002439 a recent leak has revealed the most tgS7NEjahnM-00010-00002440-00002607 in-depth look to date at apple's tgS7NEjahnM-00011-00002608-00002791 potential wearable ar device tgS7NEjahnM-00012-00002792-00002934 although the majority of leaks should be tgS7NEjahnM-00013-00002935-00003095 taken with a pinch of salt in current tgS7NEjahnM-00014-00003096-00003142 times tgS7NEjahnM-00015-00003143-00003311 these have come from a highly respected tgS7NEjahnM-00016-00003311-00003511 and credible source so here's what we tgS7NEjahnM-00017-00003511-00003631 know so far tgS7NEjahnM-00018-00003632-00003831 apple's ar glasses will be known simply tgS7NEjahnM-00019-00003832-00004031 as apple glass which is a rather fitting tgS7NEjahnM-00020-00004032-00004183 title given the apple watch tgS7NEjahnM-00021-00004184-00004343 however this name is incredibly tgS7NEjahnM-00022-00004344-00004527 reminiscent of google glass which was tgS7NEjahnM-00023-00004528-00004727 google's attempt at a similar device tgS7NEjahnM-00024-00004728-00004911 apple glass is said to be the final name tgS7NEjahnM-00025-00004912-00005079 for the glasses however i wouldn't put tgS7NEjahnM-00026-00005080-00005270 it past apple to change the label last tgS7NEjahnM-00027-00005271-00005335 minute tgS7NEjahnM-00028-00005336-00005486 eyeglass would be especially in line tgS7NEjahnM-00029-00005487-00005638 with the brand and might make more sense tgS7NEjahnM-00030-00005639-00005767 when we look at how the glasses will tgS7NEjahnM-00031-00005768-00005806 operate tgS7NEjahnM-00032-00005807-00006022 but we'll get to that later in the video tgS7NEjahnM-00033-00006023-00006222 design wise apple glass which is what we tgS7NEjahnM-00034-00006223-00006375 will label them for the time being tgS7NEjahnM-00035-00006376-00006591 is expected to be as sleek and stylish tgS7NEjahnM-00036-00006592-00006734 as any other offering from the tech tgS7NEjahnM-00037-00006736-00006806 giant tgS7NEjahnM-00038-00006808-00006998 leaked prototypes look very much like a tgS7NEjahnM-00039-00007000-00007142 traditional pair of glasses tgS7NEjahnM-00040-00007143-00007310 friendly and approachable as opposed to tgS7NEjahnM-00041-00007311-00007503 overly futuristic in an attempt to tgS7NEjahnM-00042-00007504-00007655 really appeal to the masses tgS7NEjahnM-00043-00007656-00007839 prototypes are being manufactured in tgS7NEjahnM-00044-00007840-00007959 black and white plastic tgS7NEjahnM-00045-00007959-00008110 although this material is likely to be tgS7NEjahnM-00046-00008111-00008263 swapped out for something more premium tgS7NEjahnM-00047-00008264-00008431 such as aluminium or some sort of tgS7NEjahnM-00048-00008432-00008599 composite as we near closer towards tgS7NEjahnM-00049-00008600-00008687 production tgS7NEjahnM-00050-00008688-00008863 it's also a possibility that apple will tgS7NEjahnM-00051-00008864-00009023 offer multiple frame materials for tgS7NEjahnM-00052-00009024-00009127 buyers to choose from tgS7NEjahnM-00053-00009128-00009255 similar to what is offered with the tgS7NEjahnM-00054-00009256-00009406 apple watch in the form of different tgS7NEjahnM-00055-00009407-00009503 straps tgS7NEjahnM-00056-00009504-00009663 all of the house tech will fit tgS7NEjahnM-00057-00009664-00009823 seamlessly into the frames of apple tgS7NEjahnM-00058-00009824-00009991 glass with the most notable being the tgS7NEjahnM-00059-00009992-00010159 lidar sensor which will sit atop the tgS7NEjahnM-00060-00010160-00010335 right hand side of the glasses tgS7NEjahnM-00061-00010336-00010487 for those of you who are not familiar tgS7NEjahnM-00062-00010488-00010646 lidar at the most basic level tgS7NEjahnM-00063-00010647-00010838 is a system that can 3d map an tgS7NEjahnM-00064-00010839-00011031 environment by calculating the distance tgS7NEjahnM-00065-00011032-00011159 between different points tgS7NEjahnM-00066-00011160-00011303 the lineup found inside of apple's tgS7NEjahnM-00067-00011304-00011471 latest products gives us a great look as tgS7NEjahnM-00068-00011472-00011646 to what we can expect to find inside the tgS7NEjahnM-00069-00011647-00011814 first gen of apple plus tgS7NEjahnM-00070-00011815-00012006 advanced lidar technology will make tgS7NEjahnM-00071-00012007-00012142 using apple glass ar tgS7NEjahnM-00072-00012143-00012310 a breeze with no need to scan your tgS7NEjahnM-00073-00012311-00012478 environment before placing objects tgS7NEjahnM-00074-00012479-00012687 measuring or virtually visualizing tgS7NEjahnM-00075-00012688-00012863 making for seamless interactions between tgS7NEjahnM-00076-00012863-00013038 the wearer and their surroundings tgS7NEjahnM-00077-00013039-00013222 lidar will also take care of things like tgS7NEjahnM-00078-00013223-00013422 reading hand gestures and translating qr tgS7NEjahnM-00079-00013423-00013630 codes into three-dimensional images tgS7NEjahnM-00080-00013631-00013863 on the latest ipad pro the lidar scanner tgS7NEjahnM-00081-00013863-00014063 and pair of cameras work hand-in-hand tgS7NEjahnM-00082-00014063-00014119 however tgS7NEjahnM-00083-00014119-00014319 apple glass is not expected to house any tgS7NEjahnM-00084-00014319-00014503 camera or photographic features tgS7NEjahnM-00085-00014504-00014663 the general thinking behind this is that tgS7NEjahnM-00086-00014663-00014847 people will take negatively to talking tgS7NEjahnM-00087-00014847-00015030 face to face with someone wearing a face tgS7NEjahnM-00088-00015031-00015215 mounted camera that may or may not be tgS7NEjahnM-00089-00015216-00015294 recording tgS7NEjahnM-00090-00015295-00015430 this is something that i can certainly tgS7NEjahnM-00091-00015431-00015622 relate to however i can't help but tgS7NEjahnM-00092-00015623-00015783 imagine how cool it would be to have an tgS7NEjahnM-00093-00015784-00015943 eye level camera that can record what tgS7NEjahnM-00094-00015944-00016103 you see whenever you please tgS7NEjahnM-00095-00016104-00016255 some are saying that cameras might start tgS7NEjahnM-00096-00016256-00016407 to make their way onto the apple glass tgS7NEjahnM-00097-00016408-00016575 as they become more popular and widely tgS7NEjahnM-00098-00016576-00016719 accepted but this is strictly tgS7NEjahnM-00099-00016720-00016950 speculation so only time will tell tgS7NEjahnM-00100-00016951-00017086 charging of the batteries of the apple tgS7NEjahnM-00101-00017087-00017230 glass is said to happen through the use tgS7NEjahnM-00102-00017231-00017399 of a designated charging stand tgS7NEjahnM-00103-00017400-00017527 or through the use of a wireless tgS7NEjahnM-00104-00017528-00017727 charging case both would be a suitable tgS7NEjahnM-00105-00017728-00017855 companion to the glasses tgS7NEjahnM-00106-00017856-00018007 and seeing as the first models are tgS7NEjahnM-00107-00018008-00018150 expected to have a battery life on the tgS7NEjahnM-00108-00018151-00018222 shorter side tgS7NEjahnM-00109-00018223-00018399 having a convenient charging dock or tgS7NEjahnM-00110-00018400-00018558 carry case would be a much welcomed tgS7NEjahnM-00111-00018559-00018639 addition tgS7NEjahnM-00112-00018640-00018847 in regards to audio apple glass is not tgS7NEjahnM-00113-00018848-00019022 expected to have any built-in speakers tgS7NEjahnM-00114-00019023-00019111 or headphones tgS7NEjahnM-00115-00019112-00019263 apple's recent developments with their tgS7NEjahnM-00116-00019264-00019455 must-have air pod pros suggest that tgS7NEjahnM-00117-00019456-00019614 their converted wireless in-ear tgS7NEjahnM-00118-00019615-00019783 headphones would instead be pushed as tgS7NEjahnM-00119-00019784-00019911 part of the experience tgS7NEjahnM-00120-00019912-00020079 this might seem as if apple is doing all tgS7NEjahnM-00121-00020080-00020271 they can to snag an extra product sale tgS7NEjahnM-00122-00020272-00020471 however including any kind of built-in tgS7NEjahnM-00123-00020472-00020639 headphone will most definitely ruin the tgS7NEjahnM-00124-00020640-00020767 everyday wearable design tgS7NEjahnM-00125-00020768-00020958 not to mention add unnecessary weight to tgS7NEjahnM-00126-00020959-00021175 the product now getting to the important tgS7NEjahnM-00127-00021176-00021327 bits you might be wondering how the tgS7NEjahnM-00128-00021328-00021535 glasses are actually going to function tgS7NEjahnM-00129-00021536-00021727 the majority of data processing is said tgS7NEjahnM-00130-00021728-00021903 to take place on a partnered iphone tgS7NEjahnM-00131-00021904-00022055 which will not only reduce the physical tgS7NEjahnM-00132-00022056-00022239 footprint of the glasses but will also tgS7NEjahnM-00133-00022240-00022455 significantly reduce their cost overall tgS7NEjahnM-00134-00022456-00022647 to facilitate this we're expected to see tgS7NEjahnM-00135-00022648-00022807 some sort of short-range wi-fi tgS7NEjahnM-00136-00022808-00022991 capability to be built into the iphone tgS7NEjahnM-00137-00022992-00023039 12 tgS7NEjahnM-00138-00023040-00023263 and future iphones thereafter older tgS7NEjahnM-00139-00023264-00023455 devices will likely be supported as well tgS7NEjahnM-00140-00023456-00023599 but are predicted to offer limited tgS7NEjahnM-00141-00023600-00023839 capabilities or reduced performance tgS7NEjahnM-00142-00023840-00024047 as technology improves over time we may tgS7NEjahnM-00143-00024048-00024247 eventually see all processing take place tgS7NEjahnM-00144-00024248-00024422 independently within the classes but tgS7NEjahnM-00145-00024423-00024591 this will probably take a few versions tgS7NEjahnM-00146-00024592-00024767 as it did with the apple watch tgS7NEjahnM-00147-00024768-00024967 despite a few people being hands-on with tgS7NEjahnM-00148-00024968-00025158 the apple glass prototypes there is very tgS7NEjahnM-00149-00025159-00025319 little known about the glasses user tgS7NEjahnM-00150-00025320-00025399 interface tgS7NEjahnM-00151-00025400-00025567 what we do know is that starboard is tgS7NEjahnM-00152-00025568-00025743 supposedly going to be the interface's tgS7NEjahnM-00153-00025744-00025878 name which is not all that different tgS7NEjahnM-00154-00025879-00026127 from ios's springboard ui tgS7NEjahnM-00155-00026127-00026279 what most are expecting to see is a tgS7NEjahnM-00156-00026280-00026502 slimmed down version of the basic ios tgS7NEjahnM-00157-00026504-00026639 that we are all familiar with tgS7NEjahnM-00158-00026639-00026799 again somewhat reminiscent of what we tgS7NEjahnM-00159-00026800-00027007 can see on apple watch but with physical tgS7NEjahnM-00160-00027008-00027167 interactions being replaced with hand tgS7NEjahnM-00161-00027168-00027351 gestures and voice command tgS7NEjahnM-00162-00027352-00027502 a massive feature that is incredibly tgS7NEjahnM-00163-00027504-00027695 exciting is that apple glass is expected tgS7NEjahnM-00164-00027695-00027887 to be released with embedded displays in tgS7NEjahnM-00165-00027888-00027943 each lens tgS7NEjahnM-00166-00027944-00028095 as opposed to projected ones that were tgS7NEjahnM-00167-00028095-00028318 seen in google glass the result of this tgS7NEjahnM-00168-00028319-00028502 should amount to far crisper visuals and tgS7NEjahnM-00169-00028504-00028718 a more immersive experience overall tgS7NEjahnM-00170-00028719-00028902 the display is also said to only be tgS7NEjahnM-00171-00028904-00029046 visible to the wearer and will be tgS7NEjahnM-00172-00029047-00029239 completely invisible to any outside tgS7NEjahnM-00173-00029239-00029318 viewers tgS7NEjahnM-00174-00029319-00029455 now i'm sure that you're all wondering tgS7NEjahnM-00175-00029456-00029646 how much a pair of these ar glasses are tgS7NEjahnM-00176-00029647-00029735 going to cost tgS7NEjahnM-00177-00029736-00029887 so let me put you out your misery and tgS7NEjahnM-00178-00029888-00030039 tell you that it's probably a lot less tgS7NEjahnM-00179-00030039-00030143 than you might think tgS7NEjahnM-00180-00030144-00030302 the first gen apple glass is set to tgS7NEjahnM-00181-00030303-00030479 retail at a rather reasonable price of tgS7NEjahnM-00182-00030480-00030670 just 499 tgS7NEjahnM-00183-00030672-00030799 excluding the price of optional tgS7NEjahnM-00184-00030800-00030990 prescription lenses this is still a tgS7NEjahnM-00185-00030991-00031167 premium for a device that relies heavily tgS7NEjahnM-00186-00031168-00031374 upon another much more expensive device tgS7NEjahnM-00187-00031375-00031535 but it's still low enough to be widely tgS7NEjahnM-00188-00031536-00031702 adopted and to gain traction as a tgS7NEjahnM-00189-00031703-00031879 popular mainstream purchase tgS7NEjahnM-00190-00031880-00032046 apple has had very little to say about tgS7NEjahnM-00191-00032047-00032246 apple glass as a whole so speculation tgS7NEjahnM-00192-00032247-00032399 surrounding its release date is to be tgS7NEjahnM-00193-00032400-00032470 expected tgS7NEjahnM-00194-00032472-00032623 whilst we may finally be given an tgS7NEjahnM-00195-00032624-00032758 official announcement by apple tgS7NEjahnM-00196-00032760-00032967 introducing apple glass as early as this tgS7NEjahnM-00197-00032968-00033015 year tgS7NEjahnM-00198-00033016-00033151 it's highly likely that we won't see tgS7NEjahnM-00199-00033152-00033351 them available to purchase until q4 tgS7NEjahnM-00200-00033352-00033583 2021 at the earliest and may even tgS7NEjahnM-00201-00033584-00033984 stretch into 2022. tiPIRia4IIu-00000-00000548-00000931 [Music] tiPIRia4IIu-00001-00000932-00001384 so say in Hindu mythology tiPIRia4IIu-00002-00001385-00001789 they say that the world is the drama of tiPIRia4IIu-00003-00001791-00002125 God God is not something in Hindu tiPIRia4IIu-00004-00002126-00002431 mythology with a white beard that sits tiPIRia4IIu-00005-00002432-00002677 on a throne that has royal prerogatives tiPIRia4IIu-00006-00002678-00003106 God in in Indian mythology is the self tiPIRia4IIu-00007-00003107-00003464 satchitananda which means Sat that which tiPIRia4IIu-00008-00003465-00003764 is chit that which is consciousness that tiPIRia4IIu-00009-00003765-00004028 which is Ananda is bliss and in other tiPIRia4IIu-00010-00004029-00004457 words read them that what exists reality tiPIRia4IIu-00011-00004458-00004660 itself is tiPIRia4IIu-00012-00004661-00005069 gorgeous it is the plenum the fullness tiPIRia4IIu-00013-00005070-00005254 of total joy tiPIRia4IIu-00014-00005255-00005524 while we tiPIRia4IIu-00015-00005525-00005749 and all those stars if you look out at tiPIRia4IIu-00016-00005750-00005938 the sky as a firework display like you tiPIRia4IIu-00017-00005939-00006130 see on the 4th of July which is a great tiPIRia4IIu-00018-00006131-00006354 occasion for celebration the universe is tiPIRia4IIu-00019-00006355-00006592 a celebration is a firework show to tiPIRia4IIu-00020-00006593-00006896 celebrate that existence is tiPIRia4IIu-00021-00006897-00007215 we tiPIRia4IIu-00022-00007216-00007477 don't you realize that sitting around tiPIRia4IIu-00023-00007478-00007673 here in this room tiPIRia4IIu-00024-00007675-00007945 with our ordinary everyday faces and tiPIRia4IIu-00025-00007945-00008200 clothes and personalities we are sitting tiPIRia4IIu-00026-00008201-00008377 smack in the middle of the beatific tiPIRia4IIu-00027-00008378-00008671 vision and that this is infinity and tiPIRia4IIu-00028-00008672-00009174 eternity precisely it is it and this is tiPIRia4IIu-00029-00009175-00009502 the beatific vision tiPIRia4IIu-00030-00009503-00009810 this is gone tiPIRia4IIu-00031-00009811-00010065 but Confucius once said a man who tiPIRia4IIu-00032-00010066-00010305 understands the Dow in the morning can tiPIRia4IIu-00033-00010306-00010553 die contentedly in the evening tiPIRia4IIu-00034-00010554-00010803 that is to say if you have ever lived tiPIRia4IIu-00035-00010804-00011028 one complete moment tiPIRia4IIu-00036-00011029-00011174 [Music] tiPIRia4IIu-00037-00011175-00011637 you can be ready to die you can say well tiPIRia4IIu-00038-00011638-00011864 that does it that was the good that I tiPIRia4IIu-00039-00011865-00011996 had it tiPIRia4IIu-00040-00011997-00012293 what you are basically tiPIRia4IIu-00041-00012294-00012879 deep deep down far far in is simply the tiPIRia4IIu-00042-00012880-00013276 fabric and structure of existence itself tiPIRia4IIu-00043-00013277-00013587 everybody is I you all know you are you tiPIRia4IIu-00044-00013588-00013885 and wheresoever beings exist throughout tiPIRia4IIu-00045-00013886-00014053 all galaxies it doesn't make any tiPIRia4IIu-00046-00014054-00014286 difference you are all up and you tiPIRia4IIu-00047-00014287-00014682 suddenly good heavens tiPIRia4IIu-00048-00014683-00015038 what was I making on that first amount tiPIRia4IIu-00049-00015040-00015275 because here we are tiPIRia4IIu-00050-00015276-00015461 so what we've been looking for all the tiPIRia4IIu-00051-00015462-00015572 time tiPIRia4IIu-00052-00015572-00015958 it's writing them and tiPIRia4IIu-00053-00015959-00016168 that's it that's the thing tiPIRia4IIu-00054-00016169-00019059 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00000-00000059-00000137 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00001-00000138-00000611 new boot shop on South Congress tk4LX8lNuvU-00002-00000612-00000857 the moment of truth tk4LX8lNuvU-00003-00000858-00001282 yay tk4LX8lNuvU-00004-00001283-00001739 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00005-00001739-00002201 I made King a potato Masala for Puri tk4LX8lNuvU-00006-00002202-00002557 I cook my potato always in the microwave tk4LX8lNuvU-00007-00002558-00002957 so I like to grate it tk4LX8lNuvU-00008-00002958-00003269 into slices then I can mash it really tk4LX8lNuvU-00009-00003270-00003509 well tk4LX8lNuvU-00010-00003510-00003820 I have company coming so I'm grating a tk4LX8lNuvU-00011-00003821-00004133 lot of potatoes this is my microwave tk4LX8lNuvU-00012-00004134-00004379 container I love this tk4LX8lNuvU-00013-00004380-00004699 I put water in the bottom then I put the tk4LX8lNuvU-00014-00004700-00005086 potatoes in the container and cover it tk4LX8lNuvU-00015-00005087-00005393 and since I have four potatoes I may tk4LX8lNuvU-00016-00005394-00006101 need to cook it for 12 minutes tk4LX8lNuvU-00017-00006102-00006322 some oil in it tk4LX8lNuvU-00018-00006323-00006539 and supposed to put Curry leaves in it tk4LX8lNuvU-00019-00006540-00006809 too if you have everything is optional tk4LX8lNuvU-00020-00006809-00006964 admin tk4LX8lNuvU-00021-00006965-00007096 what is this tk4LX8lNuvU-00022-00007097-00007403 mustard seed tk4LX8lNuvU-00023-00007404-00007846 and the Mustard Seed pops I'll add my tk4LX8lNuvU-00024-00007847-00008117 green chili and the ginger little bit of tk4LX8lNuvU-00025-00008118-00008545 ginger tk4LX8lNuvU-00026-00008546-00009163 is very spicy tk4LX8lNuvU-00027-00009164-00010228 you need more onion okay tk4LX8lNuvU-00028-00010229-00010553 for the color I'm adding a little tomato tk4LX8lNuvU-00029-00010554-00011045 to it tk4LX8lNuvU-00030-00011046-00011314 I'm not a professional cook or anything tk4LX8lNuvU-00031-00011315-00011645 so I'm only adding turmeric and cumin to tk4LX8lNuvU-00032-00011646-00011927 this tk4LX8lNuvU-00033-00011928-00012328 dish tk4LX8lNuvU-00034-00012329-00012808 you don't need a whole lot of ice to do tk4LX8lNuvU-00035-00012809-00012977 something tk4LX8lNuvU-00036-00012978-00013657 cumin and a little black pepper tk4LX8lNuvU-00037-00013658-00014003 coriander leaves tk4LX8lNuvU-00038-00014004-00014393 came out of the oven microwave microwave tk4LX8lNuvU-00039-00014394-00014686 oven tk4LX8lNuvU-00040-00014687-00015827 um I'm gonna add it to the mix tk4LX8lNuvU-00041-00015828-00017063 and add some salt tk4LX8lNuvU-00042-00017064-00017303 a little loose I'm going to add some hot tk4LX8lNuvU-00043-00017304-00018461 water to it tk4LX8lNuvU-00044-00018462-00018725 so as the final touch I'm going to add tk4LX8lNuvU-00045-00018726-00019236 just a little lemon tk4LX8lNuvU-00046-00019237-00019457 is ready tk4LX8lNuvU-00047-00019458-00020753 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00048-00020754-00020921 hey y'all what's up my name is Dolly tk4LX8lNuvU-00049-00020922-00021179 welcome to a new Vlog we are exploring tk4LX8lNuvU-00050-00021180-00021436 Laguna Beach we actually went to the OC tk4LX8lNuvU-00051-00021437-00021617 for La trip and we're visiting my tk4LX8lNuvU-00052-00021618-00021869 grandma in Irvine but today we wanted to tk4LX8lNuvU-00053-00021870-00021983 do a little beach day because it's tk4LX8lNuvU-00054-00021984-00022163 finally sunny and a little bit warmer tk4LX8lNuvU-00055-00022164-00022391 than all the other days so let's do it tk4LX8lNuvU-00056-00022392-00022547 we're starting off the day at Driftwood tk4LX8lNuvU-00057-00022548-00022769 kitchen there's a little Ocean Front tk4LX8lNuvU-00058-00022770-00022991 breakfast I made a reservation this tk4LX8lNuvU-00059-00022992-00023069 morning tk4LX8lNuvU-00060-00023070-00023474 so it's pretty easy to get in here tk4LX8lNuvU-00061-00023475-00024269 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00062-00024270-00024472 French toast and then I got the Laguna tk4LX8lNuvU-00063-00024473-00025618 omelette and this hasco cheese tk4LX8lNuvU-00064-00025619-00025877 should we cross tk4LX8lNuvU-00065-00025877-00027962 it's a really good day for the beach tk4LX8lNuvU-00066-00027963-00028314 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00067-00028316-00028529 set up shop tk4LX8lNuvU-00068-00028530-00028877 put our towels out it's so calm I was tk4LX8lNuvU-00069-00028877-00029027 actually expecting so many more people tk4LX8lNuvU-00070-00029027-00029152 to be on the beach tk4LX8lNuvU-00071-00029154-00029470 but I think that way is the castle tk4LX8lNuvU-00072-00029472-00029729 this is Victoria Beach tk4LX8lNuvU-00073-00029730-00029933 one so I had the same pair of rainbows tk4LX8lNuvU-00074-00029933-00030179 from ninth grade until like maybe three tk4LX8lNuvU-00075-00030180-00030281 weeks ago tk4LX8lNuvU-00076-00030282-00030485 so I brought my new pair and I always tk4LX8lNuvU-00077-00030486-00030617 had this kind of tradition where I dunk tk4LX8lNuvU-00078-00030618-00030796 it in the water and let them dry out in tk4LX8lNuvU-00079-00030797-00030995 the sun why do you do that uh kind of tk4LX8lNuvU-00080-00030995-00031217 breaks it in better my old hair feels tk4LX8lNuvU-00081-00031218-00031420 like amazing I did it ever went to the tk4LX8lNuvU-00082-00031422-00031661 beach uh some commissioning with these I tk4LX8lNuvU-00083-00031662-00031817 guess today put them in the water let tk4LX8lNuvU-00084-00031818-00032033 them dry out very exciting wow isn't it tk4LX8lNuvU-00085-00032033-00032237 how'd you keep them for so long they tk4LX8lNuvU-00086-00032238-00032531 literally never got ruined or broke tk4LX8lNuvU-00087-00032532-00032939 mostly tk4LX8lNuvU-00088-00032940-00033107 yeah because people just like take them tk4LX8lNuvU-00089-00033108-00033785 at the beach tk4LX8lNuvU-00090-00033786-00034049 good luck yeah I want to put my feet in tk4LX8lNuvU-00091-00034050-00034577 the water tk4LX8lNuvU-00092-00034578-00034949 let's see oh my gosh tk4LX8lNuvU-00093-00034950-00035261 cold tk4LX8lNuvU-00094-00035262-00035501 look at that big piece of Driftwood so tk4LX8lNuvU-00095-00035502-00035771 cool tk4LX8lNuvU-00096-00035772-00036527 but the water's so blue it's beautiful tk4LX8lNuvU-00097-00036528-00037702 yay tk4LX8lNuvU-00098-00037703-00037861 get them saturated tk4LX8lNuvU-00099-00037862-00038165 apparently my battery is dying I didn't tk4LX8lNuvU-00100-00038166-00038446 think that it would but we did a little tk4LX8lNuvU-00101-00038447-00038759 photo shoot on the beach and Ryan is tk4LX8lNuvU-00102-00038760-00038921 such a good photographer he just gets tk4LX8lNuvU-00103-00038922-00039109 better and better tk4LX8lNuvU-00104-00039110-00039467 but we definitely took a little nap that tk4LX8lNuvU-00105-00039468-00039767 felt really nice no oh you didn't no oh tk4LX8lNuvU-00106-00039768-00040975 I passed out and it was very nice tk4LX8lNuvU-00107-00040976-00041652 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00108-00041653-00041953 thank you tk4LX8lNuvU-00109-00041954-00043378 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00110-00043379-00043715 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00111-00043716-00043943 we've found another battery in my bag tk4LX8lNuvU-00112-00043944-00044158 I'm so excited because I love vlogging tk4LX8lNuvU-00113-00044159-00044321 on this camera but we took some really tk4LX8lNuvU-00114-00044322-00044579 cool pictures with my newest camera tk4LX8lNuvU-00115-00044580-00044939 which is the Fuji film x100b tk4LX8lNuvU-00116-00044940-00045173 shit's pricey but like holy crap all of tk4LX8lNuvU-00117-00045174-00045424 the photos are so good and it has film tk4LX8lNuvU-00118-00045425-00045652 simulations in it so basically it has tk4LX8lNuvU-00119-00045653-00045887 these like custom presets that you can tk4LX8lNuvU-00120-00045888-00046085 customize tk4LX8lNuvU-00121-00046086-00046330 um but it looks like film photos so I tk4LX8lNuvU-00122-00046331-00046511 love this camera it's just a lot more tk4LX8lNuvU-00123-00046512-00046685 compact than this one that I'm Vlogging tk4LX8lNuvU-00124-00046686-00046840 on right now the beach was so pretty tk4LX8lNuvU-00125-00046841-00047068 yeah usually Sandy though I stopped tk4LX8lNuvU-00126-00047069-00047296 standing everywhere yeah but that's a tk4LX8lNuvU-00127-00047297-00047440 given that's like the worst part of the tk4LX8lNuvU-00128-00047441-00047668 beach there's no hose or anything after tk4LX8lNuvU-00129-00047669-00047849 the stairs yeah that's true a lot of tk4LX8lNuvU-00130-00047850-00048143 stairs too yeah the water was so blue I tk4LX8lNuvU-00131-00048144-00048268 just feel like I don't remember it being tk4LX8lNuvU-00132-00048269-00048539 this blue when I came here growing up tk4LX8lNuvU-00133-00048540-00048695 like I would always come here during the tk4LX8lNuvU-00134-00048696-00048808 Summers tk4LX8lNuvU-00135-00048809-00048946 um but we also didn't really like go to tk4LX8lNuvU-00136-00048947-00049151 Laguna I guess it was more recent that tk4LX8lNuvU-00137-00049152-00049487 we started going to the speech but we tk4LX8lNuvU-00138-00049488-00049721 are going to get gelato and we tried tk4LX8lNuvU-00139-00049722-00049865 this place with my cousin last time we tk4LX8lNuvU-00140-00049866-00050099 were here and it was so so good I think tk4LX8lNuvU-00141-00050100-00050315 it's called gelato Paradiso so we're tk4LX8lNuvU-00142-00050316-00050440 gonna go get some ice cream and then tk4LX8lNuvU-00143-00050441-00050627 we'll head back to my grandma's house I tk4LX8lNuvU-00144-00050628-00050789 know she's cooking some I think it's tk4LX8lNuvU-00145-00050790-00050968 like pork curry or chicken curry but the tk4LX8lNuvU-00146-00050969-00051335 other one sounds really good tk4LX8lNuvU-00147-00051336-00053291 foreign tk4LX8lNuvU-00148-00053292-00054623 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00149-00054624-00055344 so good so creamy not icy at all tk4LX8lNuvU-00150-00055345-00055559 we are in a store called the t-shirt tk4LX8lNuvU-00151-00055560-00055835 company I wanted to get Laguna hat even tk4LX8lNuvU-00152-00055836-00056015 though I had like a million trucker hats tk4LX8lNuvU-00153-00056016-00056225 by now but I also found this t-shirt and tk4LX8lNuvU-00154-00056226-00056597 I just want more sleeps so we think I tk4LX8lNuvU-00155-00056598-00056723 feel like it's very basic but I kind of tk4LX8lNuvU-00156-00056724-00056861 like it and it's not that expensive all tk4LX8lNuvU-00157-00056862-00057029 right never mind I just found this yeah tk4LX8lNuvU-00158-00057029-00057265 and I kind of want this now tk4LX8lNuvU-00159-00057266-00057526 what do you think I mean at least I'll tk4LX8lNuvU-00160-00057527-00057707 wear this like out like I'm sure I tk4LX8lNuvU-00161-00057708-00057904 probably won't wear out you know I might tk4LX8lNuvU-00162-00057905-00058609 want to get smaller size nowhere now tk4LX8lNuvU-00163-00058610-00059015 like that big tk4LX8lNuvU-00164-00059016-00059326 and I'll wear that if you uh tk4LX8lNuvU-00165-00059327-00061055 to make your choice tk4LX8lNuvU-00166-00061057-00061511 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00167-00061512-00061721 what are you making tk4LX8lNuvU-00168-00061722-00062015 I'm making a snack for you some pork tk4LX8lNuvU-00169-00062016-00062315 curry tk4LX8lNuvU-00170-00062316-00062476 I'm back home tk4LX8lNuvU-00171-00062477-00062735 and pooped from the beach getting a tk4LX8lNuvU-00172-00062736-00063394 snack from Emma Ryan say hi everybody tk4LX8lNuvU-00173-00063395-00063986 yes yeah it's going on my YouTube tk4LX8lNuvU-00174-00063987-00064052 [Laughter] tk4LX8lNuvU-00175-00064053-00064330 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00176-00064332-00064516 it's probably the most awkward turn to a tk4LX8lNuvU-00177-00064517-00064594 vlog tk4LX8lNuvU-00178-00064595-00064744 but I forgot to start it while I was in tk4LX8lNuvU-00179-00064745-00064894 the car it's so rainy here in Austin tk4LX8lNuvU-00180-00064895-00065242 like this past week even oh disgusting tk4LX8lNuvU-00181-00065244-00065429 weather and we are going to breakfast tk4LX8lNuvU-00182-00065429-00065621 with my friend Catherine at Summer House tk4LX8lNuvU-00183-00065622-00065747 planning on trying out some new tk4LX8lNuvU-00184-00065748-00065975 restaurants here in Austin and just tk4LX8lNuvU-00185-00065976-00066125 chilling this weekend it's Masters tk4LX8lNuvU-00186-00066126-00066293 weekend so I know Ryan's going to be tk4LX8lNuvU-00187-00066294-00066919 attached to the couch and TV tk4LX8lNuvU-00188-00066920-00067138 and we just got our food it actually tk4LX8lNuvU-00189-00067139-00067426 took so long but it looks good it looks tk4LX8lNuvU-00190-00067427-00067756 amazing look at this these hash browns tk4LX8lNuvU-00191-00067757-00067900 wow tk4LX8lNuvU-00192-00067901-00068293 those are really pretty hash browns tk4LX8lNuvU-00193-00068294-00068537 Catherine just went home but I wanted to tk4LX8lNuvU-00194-00068538-00068800 stop into Freebird it's like this new tk4LX8lNuvU-00195-00068801-00069005 booze Shop on South Congress tk4LX8lNuvU-00196-00069006-00069236 so let's go see what they have tk4LX8lNuvU-00197-00069237-00069887 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00198-00069888-00070061 okay so I'm thinking maybe I'll get tk4LX8lNuvU-00199-00070062-00070306 brown boots because those are the ones tk4LX8lNuvU-00200-00070307-00070517 that need a little update for an upgrade tk4LX8lNuvU-00201-00070518-00070697 I feel like I got my first ever cowboy tk4LX8lNuvU-00202-00070698-00070979 boots in high school so that was a while tk4LX8lNuvU-00203-00070980-00071267 ago but I've also been thinking about tk4LX8lNuvU-00204-00071268-00071459 maybe some black ones tk4LX8lNuvU-00205-00071460-00071711 see I also think these gold ones are tk4LX8lNuvU-00206-00071712-00071885 really cool they have like a very like tk4LX8lNuvU-00207-00071886-00072281 subtle Sheen so it kind of could go like tk4LX8lNuvU-00208-00072282-00072485 brown or gold tk4LX8lNuvU-00209-00072486-00072803 this is our famous back trick tk4LX8lNuvU-00210-00072804-00073037 yes you just push it in yes and then tk4LX8lNuvU-00211-00073038-00073199 slide the bags out tk4LX8lNuvU-00212-00073200-00073505 and then you have your cowboy boot on tk4LX8lNuvU-00213-00073506-00073888 right oh so cute so overwhelming there's tk4LX8lNuvU-00214-00073889-00074147 so much to choose from but I think this tk4LX8lNuvU-00215-00074148-00074393 might be my favorite so far and it has a tk4LX8lNuvU-00216-00074394-00074699 four inch heel and I'm trying to like tk4LX8lNuvU-00217-00074700-00074879 not do many heels these days because I tk4LX8lNuvU-00218-00074880-00075065 just feel like not a lot of them are tk4LX8lNuvU-00219-00075066-00075238 very comfortable but I feel like four tk4LX8lNuvU-00220-00075239-00075431 inches is my max they're just so cute tk4LX8lNuvU-00221-00075432-00075599 and I'm starting to wear a lot more tk4LX8lNuvU-00222-00075600-00075941 blocks so I might go with these I sized tk4LX8lNuvU-00223-00075942-00076138 up on the black ones with the heels and tk4LX8lNuvU-00224-00076139-00076343 they feel so much better and they look tk4LX8lNuvU-00225-00076344-00076571 so cute I mean I don't know with this tk4LX8lNuvU-00226-00076572-00076853 outfit but I actually really like them tk4LX8lNuvU-00227-00076854-00077099 but then I saw a longer pair actually tk4LX8lNuvU-00228-00077100-00077332 like long like that so I think I'm gonna tk4LX8lNuvU-00229-00077333-00077549 try them on in blocks the longer version tk4LX8lNuvU-00230-00077550-00077753 let's compare and see like how much tk4LX8lNuvU-00231-00077754-00077903 longer tk4LX8lNuvU-00232-00077904-00078125 it's not that much longer right oh tk4LX8lNuvU-00233-00078126-00078293 actually let's get a bit longer but tk4LX8lNuvU-00234-00078294-00078467 these punches yeah these one don't have tk4LX8lNuvU-00235-00078468-00078737 the heel I like these ones too so okay tk4LX8lNuvU-00236-00078738-00078935 let's do it okay guys we decided to go tk4LX8lNuvU-00237-00078936-00079325 with the long boots they're so cute I've tk4LX8lNuvU-00238-00079326-00079505 been back home for the past two hours tk4LX8lNuvU-00239-00079506-00079937 and I filmed a brand campaign I just do tk4LX8lNuvU-00240-00079938-00080141 like a real Vision on it so got that tk4LX8lNuvU-00241-00080142-00080488 done did my hair curl my hair I love the tk4LX8lNuvU-00242-00080489-00080705 way my hair has been turning out because tk4LX8lNuvU-00243-00080706-00081041 my bangs are at the perfect like spot tk4LX8lNuvU-00244-00081042-00081185 you know when you just get your bangs tk4LX8lNuvU-00245-00081186-00081365 cut and then they just don't curl as tk4LX8lNuvU-00246-00081366-00081562 well I like they're curling like tk4LX8lNuvU-00247-00081563-00081755 perfectly now so I'm very happy about tk4LX8lNuvU-00248-00081756-00082000 that and I've actually been using a tk4LX8lNuvU-00249-00082001-00082156 curling wand lately because I did it tk4LX8lNuvU-00250-00082157-00082379 recently and I was in love with the way tk4LX8lNuvU-00251-00082380-00082517 it turned out so I'm gonna have a tick tk4LX8lNuvU-00252-00082518-00082787 tock going up that explains how I do it tk4LX8lNuvU-00253-00082788-00083082 but I wanted to style an outfit around tk4LX8lNuvU-00254-00083083-00083338 my new boots that I got I feel like this tk4LX8lNuvU-00255-00083339-00083494 weekend is a very awesome weekend tk4LX8lNuvU-00256-00083495-00083711 started off with going up boot shopping tk4LX8lNuvU-00257-00083712-00083962 and I told you guys we are doing a lot tk4LX8lNuvU-00258-00083963-00084094 of tk4LX8lNuvU-00259-00084095-00084341 eating out this weekend at least today tk4LX8lNuvU-00260-00084342-00084605 so we actually have a reservation early tk4LX8lNuvU-00261-00084606-00084823 reservation because that's all they had tk4LX8lNuvU-00262-00084824-00085193 at fukumoto and I am always craving tk4LX8lNuvU-00263-00085194-00085511 Sushi like I eat it tk4LX8lNuvU-00264-00085512-00085750 one or two times a week at least we tk4LX8lNuvU-00265-00085751-00086003 actually haven't tried this place yet tk4LX8lNuvU-00266-00086004-00086321 um so we are going tonight and it's tk4LX8lNuvU-00267-00086322-00086500 right on the east side which I love when tk4LX8lNuvU-00268-00086501-00086632 things are on the east side because I tk4LX8lNuvU-00269-00086633-00086812 live over here and I'll set anything tk4LX8lNuvU-00270-00086813-00087011 else is that far away even the other day tk4LX8lNuvU-00271-00087012-00087197 when I got invited to like some brand tk4LX8lNuvU-00272-00087198-00087532 event I like put in the address on my tk4LX8lNuvU-00273-00087533-00087755 phone and it was like in East Austin tk4LX8lNuvU-00274-00087756-00088012 it's like amazing I didn't even know tk4LX8lNuvU-00275-00088013-00088138 this place exists I feel like tk4LX8lNuvU-00276-00088139-00088421 everything's so Compact and it's also tk4LX8lNuvU-00277-00088422-00088582 just like booming over here so there's tk4LX8lNuvU-00278-00088583-00088744 so many new things I feel like there's a tk4LX8lNuvU-00279-00088745-00088912 couple new cocktail bars that open up tk4LX8lNuvU-00280-00088913-00089188 like in the past week so definitely have tk4LX8lNuvU-00281-00089189-00089393 some exploring to do and that's like my tk4LX8lNuvU-00282-00089394-00089567 favorite thing about Austin is that tk4LX8lNuvU-00283-00089568-00089699 you're never done exploring because tk4LX8lNuvU-00284-00089700-00089891 there's like so much more to do so the tk4LX8lNuvU-00285-00089892-00090118 boots were really tight on my calves and tk4LX8lNuvU-00286-00090119-00090262 honestly I didn't think I had that big tk4LX8lNuvU-00287-00090263-00090485 of calves but lately I've been trying on tk4LX8lNuvU-00288-00090486-00090618 some boots and tk4LX8lNuvU-00289-00090619-00090826 they are large and in charge tk4LX8lNuvU-00290-00090827-00091018 unfortunately tk4LX8lNuvU-00291-00091019-00091223 um but she said that they're going to tk4LX8lNuvU-00292-00091224-00091444 like stretch to your foot and your tk4LX8lNuvU-00293-00091445-00091667 calves so I'm gonna stretch them out tk4LX8lNuvU-00294-00091668-00091865 tonight I guess it is crazy to me how tk4LX8lNuvU-00295-00091866-00092075 cold it is today because I just didn't tk4LX8lNuvU-00296-00092076-00092356 think we would get any more like cold tk4LX8lNuvU-00297-00092357-00092518 days here in Austin tk4LX8lNuvU-00298-00092519-00092800 oh my gosh I'm wearing checkered vans tk4LX8lNuvU-00299-00092801-00092938 today tk4LX8lNuvU-00300-00092939-00093275 to propose tonight Ryan shut up they're tk4LX8lNuvU-00301-00093276-00093461 gonna hate you for that I can take it tk4LX8lNuvU-00302-00093462-00093767 out no I'm gonna leave it in I'm gonna tk4LX8lNuvU-00303-00093768-00093862 hate you what do you mean the joke tk4LX8lNuvU-00304-00093863-00094085 earlier tk4LX8lNuvU-00305-00094086-00094247 just scared and propose with the ugly tk4LX8lNuvU-00306-00094248-00094439 outfit on you weird haircut tk4LX8lNuvU-00307-00094440-00094991 [Laughter] tk4LX8lNuvU-00308-00094992-00095309 uh tk4LX8lNuvU-00309-00095310-00095803 damn yeah tk4LX8lNuvU-00310-00095804-00096143 I'm currently obsessed with Wasabi under tk4LX8lNuvU-00311-00096144-00096425 my nigiri and it just like is that tk4LX8lNuvU-00312-00096426-00096562 little kick like I feel like I'm tk4LX8lNuvU-00313-00096563-00096767 maturing because I actually am starting tk4LX8lNuvU-00314-00096768-00096976 to like spicy foods which is nice tk4LX8lNuvU-00315-00096977-00097217 because when I was little I would always tk4LX8lNuvU-00316-00097218-00097409 ask my grandma to put sugar in my butter tk4LX8lNuvU-00317-00097410-00097582 chicken no not butter chicken chicken tk4LX8lNuvU-00318-00097583-00097967 curry and then like eat sugar with rotis tk4LX8lNuvU-00319-00097968-00098279 oh my God wait Roti with butter and tk4LX8lNuvU-00320-00098280-00098561 sugar slaps I also need to go to the tk4LX8lNuvU-00321-00098562-00098723 Indian store because I need to pick up tk4LX8lNuvU-00322-00098724-00098968 more rotis and they just have like a tk4LX8lNuvU-00323-00098969-00099238 stack this big and it's so cheap when we tk4LX8lNuvU-00324-00099239-00099544 ordered Indian like right before our tk4LX8lNuvU-00325-00099545-00099682 trip tk4LX8lNuvU-00326-00099683-00100000 if you want we can yeah but let's go to tk4LX8lNuvU-00327-00100001-00100174 the Indian store and get our own nons tk4LX8lNuvU-00328-00100175-00100337 because what I was trying to say is that tk4LX8lNuvU-00329-00100338-00100606 the nons they sell are so expensive for tk4LX8lNuvU-00330-00100607-00100762 no dang reason you can literally get tk4LX8lNuvU-00331-00100763-00101068 Frozen on at Trader Joe's and it's like tk4LX8lNuvU-00332-00101069-00101297 it's good pretty much so we'll probably tk4LX8lNuvU-00333-00101298-00101579 do that tomorrow but what's on today or tk4LX8lNuvU-00334-00101580-00101806 what's on this weekend the Masters is tk4LX8lNuvU-00335-00101807-00101915 finally here tk4LX8lNuvU-00336-00101916-00102118 in Brooks kepka actually I don't know I tk4LX8lNuvU-00337-00102119-00102203 don't know the leaderboard right now tk4LX8lNuvU-00338-00102204-00102365 when I left the first step goes in the tk4LX8lNuvU-00339-00102366-00102430 lead tk4LX8lNuvU-00340-00102431-00102682 nice and that's who I told you to pick I tk4LX8lNuvU-00341-00102683-00102875 know he was asking me who to pick or tk4LX8lNuvU-00342-00102876-00103025 were you actually filming or were you tk4LX8lNuvU-00343-00103026-00103127 asking me tk4LX8lNuvU-00344-00103128-00103342 I asked you before I think oh well he tk4LX8lNuvU-00345-00103343-00103475 was just like reading off all these tk4LX8lNuvU-00346-00103476-00103642 names it was like Ryan tk4LX8lNuvU-00347-00103643-00104032 I don't care I was like Brooks okay tk4LX8lNuvU-00348-00104033-00104171 let's pick that one because that's the tk4LX8lNuvU-00349-00104172-00104386 only really name I know Billy won last tk4LX8lNuvU-00350-00104388-00104575 week and live but he hasn't played well tk4LX8lNuvU-00351-00104576-00105265 for a while tk4LX8lNuvU-00352-00105266-00105593 so I made plans tomorrow because I just tk4LX8lNuvU-00353-00105594-00105701 thought Ryan would be on the couch tk4LX8lNuvU-00354-00105702-00105947 watching the Masters all day tk4LX8lNuvU-00355-00105948-00106307 um oh shoot sorry sorry I'm just the tk4LX8lNuvU-00356-00106308-00106613 passenger princess tk4LX8lNuvU-00357-00106614-00106775 be around here tk4LX8lNuvU-00358-00106776-00106984 foreign tk4LX8lNuvU-00359-00106985-00108184 [Music] tk4LX8lNuvU-00360-00108185-00108527 happy Saturday today I slept in until 11 tk4LX8lNuvU-00361-00108528-00108808 which never really happens it actually tk4LX8lNuvU-00362-00108809-00109001 kind of felt nice but last night I was tk4LX8lNuvU-00363-00109002-00109295 on Tick Tock till 2am so yeah I tk4LX8lNuvU-00364-00109296-00109421 definitely needed to sleep in a little tk4LX8lNuvU-00365-00109422-00109540 bit after months of being on the tk4LX8lNuvU-00366-00109541-00109804 waitlist I finally caught the drop of tk4LX8lNuvU-00367-00109805-00110104 this siegelman stable hats and the one I tk4LX8lNuvU-00368-00110105-00110273 really wanted wasn't in stock by the tk4LX8lNuvU-00369-00110274-00110471 time I got to the site I got the black tk4LX8lNuvU-00370-00110472-00110671 and brown was just telling it Piper from tk4LX8lNuvU-00371-00110672-00110945 Freebirds yesterday that I had this tk4LX8lNuvU-00372-00110946-00111166 stage during like covet I feel like when tk4LX8lNuvU-00373-00111167-00111473 covet first started that I like got rid tk4LX8lNuvU-00374-00111474-00111683 of all my black I only wore neutrals tk4LX8lNuvU-00375-00111683-00111977 never wore black and now I'm getting tk4LX8lNuvU-00376-00111978-00112145 back into it I think it just looks so tk4LX8lNuvU-00377-00112146-00112307 Sleek I feel like ever since I visited tk4LX8lNuvU-00378-00112308-00112469 New York in December everyone wears tk4LX8lNuvU-00379-00112470-00112613 black in New York and they all just look tk4LX8lNuvU-00380-00112614-00112907 so Chic and I love like their outfits tk4LX8lNuvU-00381-00112908-00113081 and I don't know I always just thought tk4LX8lNuvU-00382-00113082-00113236 it like Blended in with my hair but I've tk4LX8lNuvU-00383-00113238-00113410 really been liking it lately so that's tk4LX8lNuvU-00384-00113411-00113669 why I got the hot and black but this tk4LX8lNuvU-00385-00113670-00113854 morning I'm gonna go on a walk with my tk4LX8lNuvU-00386-00113855-00114101 friend Maddie at Auditorium Shores we're tk4LX8lNuvU-00387-00114102-00114286 gonna do the little Loop to get some tk4LX8lNuvU-00388-00114288-00114521 coffee at Manana and I'm probably going tk4LX8lNuvU-00389-00114522-00114719 to take soapy because I think she needs tk4LX8lNuvU-00390-00114720-00114845 to get out she's getting a little Cabin tk4LX8lNuvU-00391-00114846-00115097 Fever where are you oh there you are tk4LX8lNuvU-00392-00115098-00115433 hello okay let's go over to Auditorium tk4LX8lNuvU-00393-00115433-00115643 Shores with Natty we are walking the tk4LX8lNuvU-00394-00115644-00115936 trail and we're about to get some time tk4LX8lNuvU-00395-00115938-00116128 coffee at Mañana tk4LX8lNuvU-00396-00116129-00116404 um but this morning I went to my car tk4LX8lNuvU-00397-00116405-00116597 and it wouldn't start like the battery tk4LX8lNuvU-00398-00116598-00116873 was completely dead and sometimes I have tk4LX8lNuvU-00399-00116874-00117023 to like wiggle my battery around to like tk4LX8lNuvU-00400-00117024-00117257 get it to like work but I tried that and tk4LX8lNuvU-00401-00117258-00117377 it would not tk4LX8lNuvU-00402-00117378-00117563 start and I was just having a ride and tk4LX8lNuvU-00403-00117564-00117827 he was like yeah that's dead dead tk4LX8lNuvU-00404-00117828-00118115 so I just took Ryan's car first time tk4LX8lNuvU-00405-00118116-00118354 driving his new car kind of terrifying tk4LX8lNuvU-00406-00118355-00118565 but I kind of like it so is that just tk4LX8lNuvU-00407-00118566-00119566 you tk4LX8lNuvU-00408-00119567-00119827 know tk4LX8lNuvU-00409-00119828-00120016 what do you guys think should I keep tk4LX8lNuvU-00410-00120017-00120184 Ryan around tk4LX8lNuvU-00411-00120185-00120527 he fixed my car tk4LX8lNuvU-00412-00120528-00120833 was it easy uh I'm actually this is tk4LX8lNuvU-00413-00120833-00121001 actually really bad I had to go use the tk4LX8lNuvU-00414-00121002-00121402 temperature oh well thank you babe tk4LX8lNuvU-00415-00121403-00121649 yay and it was my first time driving tk4LX8lNuvU-00416-00121650-00121823 Ryan's car I told him I really liked it tk4LX8lNuvU-00417-00121824-00122134 and I want his car now tk4LX8lNuvU-00418-00122135-00122423 for now this will do I do need to clean tk4LX8lNuvU-00419-00122424-00122621 out my car one of these days tk4LX8lNuvU-00420-00122622-00122747 I've been saying that since the tk4LX8lNuvU-00421-00122748-00122951 beginning of the year though so tk4LX8lNuvU-00422-00122952-00123173 we'll see when that happens tk4LX8lNuvU-00423-00123174-00123571 the moment of truth tk4LX8lNuvU-00424-00123572-00124181 yay thanks babe tk4LX8lNuvU-00425-00124182-00124463 uh oh still on tk4LX8lNuvU-00426-00124464-00124727 so I have to take it to the shop I hate tk4LX8lNuvU-00427-00124728-00125093 car shops tk4LX8lNuvU-00428-00125094-00125221 I wonder what happened tk4LX8lNuvU-00429-00125222-00127217 [Music] tk6rkCP3cpc-00000-00000104-00000327 welcome to the spoken tutorial on tk6rkCP3cpc-00001-00000328-00000607 linking calc data tk6rkCP3cpc-00002-00000608-00000902 in this tutorial we will learn tk6rkCP3cpc-00003-00000903-00001207 how to reference other sheets tk6rkCP3cpc-00004-00001208-00001623 and insert hyperlinks in calc this tk6rkCP3cpc-00005-00001623-00001895 tutorial is recorded using tk6rkCP3cpc-00006-00001896-00002407 ubuntu linux os version 18.04 tk6rkCP3cpc-00007-00002408-00002895 and libreoffice suite version 6.3.5 tk6rkCP3cpc-00008-00002896-00003199 libreoffice calc allows you to reference tk6rkCP3cpc-00009-00003200-00003470 a cell from sheet to a cell in another tk6rkCP3cpc-00010-00003471-00003599 sheet tk6rkCP3cpc-00011-00003600-00003903 a cell from another spreadsheet tk6rkCP3cpc-00012-00003904-00004167 let's open personal finance tracker dot tk6rkCP3cpc-00013-00004168-00004399 ods file tk6rkCP3cpc-00014-00004400-00004647 this file has been provided to you in tk6rkCP3cpc-00015-00004648-00004870 the code files link on this tutorial tk6rkCP3cpc-00016-00004871-00005095 page tk6rkCP3cpc-00017-00005096-00005495 please download and extract the file tk6rkCP3cpc-00018-00005496-00005902 make its copy and use it for practicing tk6rkCP3cpc-00019-00005903-00006191 now let us find the sum total of the tk6rkCP3cpc-00020-00006192-00006470 components under spent tk6rkCP3cpc-00021-00006472-00006695 and received tk6rkCP3cpc-00022-00006695-00006998 click on the cell c8 tk6rkCP3cpc-00023-00007000-00007278 click on the little box that is visible tk6rkCP3cpc-00024-00007279-00007703 at the bottom right corner of the cell tk6rkCP3cpc-00025-00007704-00008023 drag it till cell e8 and release the tk6rkCP3cpc-00026-00008023-00008207 mouse button tk6rkCP3cpc-00027-00008208-00008519 now we will display the total balance tk6rkCP3cpc-00028-00008520-00008831 under cost and spent on a different tk6rkCP3cpc-00029-00008832-00008991 sheet tk6rkCP3cpc-00030-00008992-00009399 we will do this using cell referencing tk6rkCP3cpc-00031-00009400-00009703 let's go to sheet3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00032-00009704-00010055 now click on cell a1 and type the tk6rkCP3cpc-00033-00010056-00010503 heading as component inside it tk6rkCP3cpc-00034-00010504-00010823 click on cell b1 and type the heading tk6rkCP3cpc-00035-00010824-00011110 balance inside it tk6rkCP3cpc-00036-00011111-00011327 now let's type the names of the tk6rkCP3cpc-00037-00011328-00011703 components under this heading tk6rkCP3cpc-00038-00011704-00012031 click on the cell a3 and type tk6rkCP3cpc-00039-00012032-00012399 cost and press enter tk6rkCP3cpc-00040-00012400-00012710 below cost let's type the next component tk6rkCP3cpc-00041-00012711-00013102 as spent in cell a4 tk6rkCP3cpc-00042-00013103-00013183 now tk6rkCP3cpc-00043-00013184-00013366 click on the empty cell tk6rkCP3cpc-00044-00013368-00013599 b3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00045-00013600-00013983 the cells b3 and b4 will have the total tk6rkCP3cpc-00046-00013984-00014279 balance under the headings cost and tk6rkCP3cpc-00047-00014280-00014503 spent tk6rkCP3cpc-00048-00014504-00014903 it has already been calculated in sheet1 tk6rkCP3cpc-00049-00014904-00015311 this will be done by referencing tk6rkCP3cpc-00050-00015312-00015791 let's make the cell reference in cell b3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00051-00015791-00015999 click on the equal to sign tk6rkCP3cpc-00052-00016000-00016415 named formula next to the input line tk6rkCP3cpc-00053-00016416-00016999 now on the sheet tab click on sheet1 tk6rkCP3cpc-00054-00017000-00017350 in this sheet we will click on cell c8 tk6rkCP3cpc-00055-00017351-00017703 which contains the total for cost tk6rkCP3cpc-00056-00017704-00017935 notice that in the input line the tk6rkCP3cpc-00057-00017936-00018047 statement tk6rkCP3cpc-00058-00018048-00018167 dollar sheet tk6rkCP3cpc-00059-00018168-00018279 1 dot tk6rkCP3cpc-00060-00018280-00018599 c8 is displayed tk6rkCP3cpc-00061-00018600-00018943 now click on the check mark named accept tk6rkCP3cpc-00062-00018944-00019207 next to the input line tk6rkCP3cpc-00063-00019208-00019694 notice that we redirected back to sheet3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00064-00019695-00019943 and the grand total in sheet1 is tk6rkCP3cpc-00065-00019944-00020303 automatically filled in cell b3 of tk6rkCP3cpc-00066-00020304-00020503 sheet3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00067-00020504-00020791 similarly we can enter the grand totals tk6rkCP3cpc-00068-00020792-00021494 of other components through referencing tk6rkCP3cpc-00069-00021495-00021799 referencing is very useful to summarize tk6rkCP3cpc-00070-00021800-00022214 data if there are many sheets tk6rkCP3cpc-00071-00022215-00022511 now let's learn how to insert hyperlinks tk6rkCP3cpc-00072-00022512-00022799 in calc sheets tk6rkCP3cpc-00073-00022800-00023135 hyperlink within documents are words or tk6rkCP3cpc-00074-00023136-00023503 phrases that can be clicked tk6rkCP3cpc-00075-00023504-00023758 on clicking them we jump to tk6rkCP3cpc-00076-00023759-00023999 a new document tk6rkCP3cpc-00077-00024000-00024247 or a new section within the current tk6rkCP3cpc-00078-00024248-00024399 document tk6rkCP3cpc-00079-00024400-00024799 or even to a web page tk6rkCP3cpc-00080-00024800-00025167 in this file our main data is in sheet 1 tk6rkCP3cpc-00081-00025168-00025606 and the rest of the content in sheet3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00082-00025607-00025918 let's say we want to jump from sheet1 to tk6rkCP3cpc-00083-00025919-00026111 sheet3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00084-00026112-00026502 first click on the sheet1 tab tk6rkCP3cpc-00085-00026504-00026870 here let's click on cell b10 and type tk6rkCP3cpc-00086-00026872-00027111 sheet3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00087-00027112-00027367 you see that the name sheet3 is tk6rkCP3cpc-00088-00027368-00027711 displayed on the input line tk6rkCP3cpc-00089-00027712-00028046 now select the text sheet 3 in the input tk6rkCP3cpc-00090-00028047-00028199 line tk6rkCP3cpc-00091-00028200-00028431 after selecting the text click on the tk6rkCP3cpc-00092-00028432-00028687 insert hyperlink icon in the standard tk6rkCP3cpc-00093-00028688-00028999 toolbar tk6rkCP3cpc-00094-00029000-00029399 the hyperlink dialog box appears tk6rkCP3cpc-00095-00029400-00029807 on the left side click on document tk6rkCP3cpc-00096-00029808-00030046 under target in document section tk6rkCP3cpc-00097-00030047-00030495 click on the circle icon to the right tk6rkCP3cpc-00098-00030495-00030911 the target in document list box opens tk6rkCP3cpc-00099-00030912-00031190 expand sheets by clicking on the arrow tk6rkCP3cpc-00100-00031191-00031511 and select sheet 3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00101-00031512-00031783 click on the apply button and then on tk6rkCP3cpc-00102-00031783-00031999 close button tk6rkCP3cpc-00103-00032000-00032199 in the hyperlink dialog box in the tk6rkCP3cpc-00104-00032200-00032599 target field we see the text sheet3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00105-00032600-00032918 we also see that the path of sheet3 gets tk6rkCP3cpc-00106-00032919-00033302 inserted in the url field tk6rkCP3cpc-00107-00033303-00033423 at the bottom tk6rkCP3cpc-00108-00033424-00033687 click on the apply button first and then tk6rkCP3cpc-00109-00033688-00033895 on the close button tk6rkCP3cpc-00110-00033896-00034174 now the text sheet 3 is highlighted in tk6rkCP3cpc-00111-00034175-00034390 the cell tk6rkCP3cpc-00112-00034391-00034646 click anywhere outside to deselect the tk6rkCP3cpc-00113-00034647-00034799 cell tk6rkCP3cpc-00114-00034800-00035083 keep the cursor on the word sheet tk6rkCP3cpc-00115-00035084-00035431 3. and press the ctrl key and the left tk6rkCP3cpc-00116-00035432-00035702 mouse button together tk6rkCP3cpc-00117-00035703-00036095 we have been redirected to sheet3 tk6rkCP3cpc-00118-00036096-00036390 let us go back to sheet1 tk6rkCP3cpc-00119-00036391-00036615 to remove the hyperlink first click on tk6rkCP3cpc-00120-00036616-00037007 the cell b10 in sheet1 tk6rkCP3cpc-00121-00037008-00037295 right click on the cell and select clear tk6rkCP3cpc-00122-00037296-00037695 direct formatting from the context menu tk6rkCP3cpc-00123-00037696-00037974 alternatively we can click on the clear tk6rkCP3cpc-00124-00037975-00038215 direct formatting icon in the standard tk6rkCP3cpc-00125-00038216-00038399 toolbar tk6rkCP3cpc-00126-00038400-00038695 the text is no longer hyperlinked tk6rkCP3cpc-00127-00038696-00038951 it is just like any normal text in the tk6rkCP3cpc-00128-00038952-00039199 spreadsheet tk6rkCP3cpc-00129-00039200-00039430 next we will learn how to create a tk6rkCP3cpc-00130-00039431-00039807 hyperlink to an external file tk6rkCP3cpc-00131-00039808-00040039 for this demonstration i will be using tk6rkCP3cpc-00132-00040040-00040599 the file contact hyphen details dot ods tk6rkCP3cpc-00133-00040600-00040823 the same is available in the code files tk6rkCP3cpc-00134-00040824-00040999 link tk6rkCP3cpc-00135-00041000-00041199 please download and save it in the tk6rkCP3cpc-00136-00041200-00041455 folder where you have saved personal tk6rkCP3cpc-00137-00041456-00041807 finance tracker.ods tk6rkCP3cpc-00138-00041808-00041958 let's go back to personal tk6rkCP3cpc-00139-00041959-00042295 financetracker.ods tk6rkCP3cpc-00140-00042296-00042599 click on cell b10 and type contact tk6rkCP3cpc-00141-00042600-00042807 details tk6rkCP3cpc-00142-00042808-00043102 now select the text contact details in tk6rkCP3cpc-00143-00043103-00043302 the input line tk6rkCP3cpc-00144-00043303-00043518 after selecting the text click on the tk6rkCP3cpc-00145-00043519-00043767 insert hyperlink icon in the standard tk6rkCP3cpc-00146-00043768-00043999 toolbar tk6rkCP3cpc-00147-00044000-00044390 the hyperlink dialog box appears tk6rkCP3cpc-00148-00044391-00044590 to create a hyperlink to another tk6rkCP3cpc-00149-00044591-00044830 spreadsheet or document click on the tk6rkCP3cpc-00150-00044831-00045095 document option tk6rkCP3cpc-00151-00045096-00045327 click on the folder icon on the right of tk6rkCP3cpc-00152-00045328-00045607 the path field tk6rkCP3cpc-00153-00045608-00045902 select desktop location tk6rkCP3cpc-00154-00045903-00046071 scroll down and locate the new tk6rkCP3cpc-00155-00046072-00046351 spreadsheet contactdetails.ods tk6rkCP3cpc-00156-00046352-00046607 which we had saved tk6rkCP3cpc-00157-00046608-00046811 now double click on the contact tk6rkCP3cpc-00158-00046812-00047102 details.ods file tk6rkCP3cpc-00159-00047103-00047383 we see that the path to the file gets tk6rkCP3cpc-00160-00047384-00047702 inserted in the path field tk6rkCP3cpc-00161-00047703-00047943 at the bottom click on the apply button tk6rkCP3cpc-00162-00047944-00048311 first and then on the close button tk6rkCP3cpc-00163-00048312-00048558 now the text contact details is tk6rkCP3cpc-00164-00048559-00048799 highlighted in the cell tk6rkCP3cpc-00165-00048800-00049083 click anywhere outside to deselect the tk6rkCP3cpc-00166-00049084-00049430 cell we see that the text contact tk6rkCP3cpc-00167-00049431-00049799 details is blue in color tk6rkCP3cpc-00168-00049800-00050199 which means the text is now a hyperlink tk6rkCP3cpc-00169-00050200-00050407 keep the cursor on the word contact tk6rkCP3cpc-00170-00050408-00050607 details tk6rkCP3cpc-00171-00050608-00050807 and press the ctrl key and the left tk6rkCP3cpc-00172-00050808-00051102 mouse button together tk6rkCP3cpc-00173-00051103-00051390 we see that the file contact details dot tk6rkCP3cpc-00174-00051391-00051599 ods opens up tk6rkCP3cpc-00175-00051600-00051830 click on the x icon at the top right tk6rkCP3cpc-00176-00051832-00052102 corner to close this file tk6rkCP3cpc-00177-00052103-00052399 let us undo these changes tk6rkCP3cpc-00178-00052400-00052799 hyperlinking to a web page is similar tk6rkCP3cpc-00179-00052800-00053199 click on cell b10 and type spoken tk6rkCP3cpc-00180-00053200-00053487 now select the text spoken in the input tk6rkCP3cpc-00181-00053488-00053703 line tk6rkCP3cpc-00182-00053704-00053935 after selecting the text click on the tk6rkCP3cpc-00183-00053936-00054199 insert hyperlink icon in the standard tk6rkCP3cpc-00184-00054200-00054399 toolbar tk6rkCP3cpc-00185-00054400-00054682 the hyperlink dialog box tk6rkCP3cpc-00186-00054683-00055007 appears in the hyperlink dialog box by tk6rkCP3cpc-00187-00055008-00055287 default the internet section is selected tk6rkCP3cpc-00188-00055288-00055494 in the left pane tk6rkCP3cpc-00189-00055495-00055759 in the hyperlink type section the web tk6rkCP3cpc-00190-00055760-00056103 radio button is also selected tk6rkCP3cpc-00191-00056104-00056354 now in the url field type tk6rkCP3cpc-00192-00056355-00056599 https colon tk6rkCP3cpc-00193-00056600-00057103 slash spoken hyphen tutorial dot org tk6rkCP3cpc-00194-00057104-00057359 at the bottom click on the apply button tk6rkCP3cpc-00195-00057360-00057694 and then on the close button tk6rkCP3cpc-00196-00057695-00057919 click anywhere outside to deselect the tk6rkCP3cpc-00197-00057920-00058103 cell tk6rkCP3cpc-00198-00058104-00058423 observe that the text spoken becomes a tk6rkCP3cpc-00199-00058424-00058703 hyperlinked text tk6rkCP3cpc-00200-00058704-00058911 for the next part of this demonstration tk6rkCP3cpc-00201-00058912-00059207 you will need internet connectivity tk6rkCP3cpc-00202-00059208-00059607 if you don't have it then skip this part tk6rkCP3cpc-00203-00059608-00059815 by holding the ctrl key click on the tk6rkCP3cpc-00204-00059816-00060094 hyperlinked text tk6rkCP3cpc-00205-00060095-00060326 we will be redirected to the relevant tk6rkCP3cpc-00206-00060327-00060494 url tk6rkCP3cpc-00207-00060495-00060687 so these are the different methods to tk6rkCP3cpc-00208-00060688-00061006 create hyperlinks in calc tk6rkCP3cpc-00209-00061007-00061166 this brings us to the end of this tk6rkCP3cpc-00210-00061167-00061279 tutorial tk6rkCP3cpc-00211-00061279-00061511 let us summarize tk6rkCP3cpc-00212-00061512-00061830 in this tutorial we learnt to add tk6rkCP3cpc-00213-00061832-00062103 reference to other sheets tk6rkCP3cpc-00214-00062104-00062182 and tk6rkCP3cpc-00215-00062183-00062503 insert hyperlinks in calc tk6rkCP3cpc-00216-00062504-00062654 as an assignment tk6rkCP3cpc-00217-00062655-00062911 open spreadsheet hyphen practice.ods tk6rkCP3cpc-00218-00062912-00063094 file tk6rkCP3cpc-00219-00063095-00063350 find out the sum total of salary in tk6rkCP3cpc-00220-00063351-00063599 sheet 1 tk6rkCP3cpc-00221-00063600-00063838 use sum total to display it on a tk6rkCP3cpc-00222-00063839-00064206 different sheet using cell referencing tk6rkCP3cpc-00223-00064207-00064454 use the hyperlink icon and link tk6rkCP3cpc-00224-00064455-00064791 libreoffice website tk6rkCP3cpc-00225-00064791-00064959 the video at the following link tk6rkCP3cpc-00226-00064960-00065294 summarizes the spoken tutorial project tk6rkCP3cpc-00227-00065295-00065599 please download and watch it tk6rkCP3cpc-00228-00065600-00065806 we conduct workshops using spoken tk6rkCP3cpc-00229-00065807-00066191 tutorials and give certificates tk6rkCP3cpc-00230-00066192-00066582 for more details please write to us tk6rkCP3cpc-00231-00066583-00066806 please post your timed queries in this tk6rkCP3cpc-00232-00066807-00066999 forum tk6rkCP3cpc-00233-00067000-00067282 spoken tutorial project is funded by tk6rkCP3cpc-00234-00067283-00067591 mhrd government of india tk6rkCP3cpc-00235-00067592-00067831 this tutorial was originally contributed tk6rkCP3cpc-00236-00067832-00068119 by the sigru solutions private limited tk6rkCP3cpc-00237-00068120-00068399 in 2011. tk6rkCP3cpc-00238-00068400-00068575 this is arvind along with the spoken tk6rkCP3cpc-00239-00068576-00068975 tutorial tv from iit bombay signing off tk6rkCP3cpc-00240-00068976-00069332 thank you for watching tkm53KoTEoQ-00000-00000039-00000511 [Music] tkm53KoTEoQ-00001-00000512-00000686 i can build tkm53KoTEoQ-00002-00000687-00001054 i can see my alphabet i can count tkm53KoTEoQ-00003-00001055-00001223 i can pretend tkm53KoTEoQ-00004-00001224-00001374 i can read tkm53KoTEoQ-00005-00001375-00001543 there is a place for your child here in tkm53KoTEoQ-00006-00001544-00001775 castleberry isd where we are now tkm53KoTEoQ-00007-00001776-00002030 offering open enrollment for pre-k our tkm53KoTEoQ-00008-00002032-00002295 free full-day program will prepare your tkm53KoTEoQ-00009-00002296-00002479 child for early success tkm53KoTEoQ-00010-00002480-00002942 i can write i can start i can spell tkm53KoTEoQ-00011-00002943-00003142 register your child today go to tkm53KoTEoQ-00012-00003143-00003415 casselberryisd.net tkm53KoTEoQ-00013-00003415-00003735 family pre-k to get started tkm53KoTEoQ-00014-00003736-00004215 and remember it's free and full day tkm53KoTEoQ-00015-00004216-00004370 see you soon tkm53KoTEoQ-00016-00004371-00004678 [Music] tmynjhO8baE-00000-00000325-00001761 [Music] tmynjhO8baE-00001-00001762-00002975 [Music] tmynjhO8baE-00002-00002976-00003184 foreign tnLXdRNJE9U-00000-00000016-00000206 two things that i think are making most tnLXdRNJE9U-00001-00000208-00000591 people unhappy and unfulfilled in life tnLXdRNJE9U-00002-00000592-00000703 number one tnLXdRNJE9U-00003-00000704-00000991 they need to be understood tnLXdRNJE9U-00004-00000992-00001374 number two the desire to be right tnLXdRNJE9U-00005-00001375-00001591 boy everyone wants to be right in this tnLXdRNJE9U-00006-00001592-00001879 world particularly in the western world tnLXdRNJE9U-00007-00001880-00002239 everyone wants to be understood tnLXdRNJE9U-00008-00002240-00002502 it's okay to not be understood tnLXdRNJE9U-00009-00002503-00002799 we are not entitled tnLXdRNJE9U-00010-00002800-00003071 to be understood people don't have to tnLXdRNJE9U-00011-00003072-00003343 understand us and we can let go tnLXdRNJE9U-00012-00003344-00003583 of being understood it's okay tnLXdRNJE9U-00013-00003584-00003806 after i make my case tnLXdRNJE9U-00014-00003807-00003999 nobody in the room seems to understand tnLXdRNJE9U-00015-00004000-00004215 me it's all right let it fly and it's tnLXdRNJE9U-00016-00004216-00004511 okay to not be right it's okay tnLXdRNJE9U-00017-00004512-00004831 to have people think you're so wrong tnLXdRNJE9U-00018-00004832-00005031 when you think you're right it doesn't tnLXdRNJE9U-00019-00005032-00005359 change the facts the facts still remain tnLXdRNJE9U-00020-00005360-00005527 if you're truly right tnLXdRNJE9U-00021-00005528-00005686 then you're wrong and if you're truly tnLXdRNJE9U-00022-00005687-00005870 wrong then they're right tnLXdRNJE9U-00023-00005871-00006175 it's not worth fighting over tnLXdRNJE9U-00024-00006176-00006406 just let it go tnLXdRNJE9U-00025-00006408-00006606 too many young people are tnLXdRNJE9U-00026-00006608-00006791 fighting so hard tnLXdRNJE9U-00027-00006792-00006951 to be right tnLXdRNJE9U-00028-00006952-00007142 husbands want to be right tnLXdRNJE9U-00029-00007143-00007342 wives want to be right tnLXdRNJE9U-00030-00007343-00007574 each of them wants to be right wants to tnLXdRNJE9U-00031-00007575-00007798 be understood the marriage hates rock tnLXdRNJE9U-00032-00007800-00007903 bottom tnLXdRNJE9U-00033-00007904-00008134 right parents want to be right children tnLXdRNJE9U-00034-00008136-00008374 want to be understood just let it go if tnLXdRNJE9U-00035-00008375-00008655 you can let go of the need and the tnLXdRNJE9U-00036-00008656-00009103 desire to be right and understood tnLXdRNJE9U-00037-00009104-00009263 i can guarantee you you're going to tnLXdRNJE9U-00038-00009264-00009406 achieve a lot more you're going to be tnLXdRNJE9U-00039-00009407-00009710 living a much more fulfilling life tnLXdRNJE9U-00040-00009711-00009959 than you are currently tnLXdRNJE9U-00041-00009960-00010184 yeah uoOnpZ243Ak-00000-00000005-00001491 [Music] uoOnpZ243Ak-00001-00001492-00001920 oh uoOnpZ243Ak-00002-00001921-00002883 [Music] uoOnpZ243Ak-00003-00002884-00003184 wow u0pXbSmfePU-00000-00001432-00002550 do u0pXbSmfePU-00001-00002551-00003147 so u0pXbSmfePU-00002-00003148-00003375 [__] song u0pXbSmfePU-00003-00003376-00003479 god u0pXbSmfePU-00004-00003479-00003806 damn [__] song u0pXbSmfePU-00005-00003807-00003919 god u0pXbSmfePU-00006-00003920-00004467 damn [__] song u0pXbSmfePU-00007-00004468-00004735 [__] song u0pXbSmfePU-00008-00004736-00004919 i've u0pXbSmfePU-00009-00004920-00005199 got to do my u0pXbSmfePU-00010-00005200-00005351 goddamn u0pXbSmfePU-00011-00005352-00005551 [__] u0pXbSmfePU-00012-00005552-00006383 [__] u0pXbSmfePU-00013-00006384-00006787 [__] song u0pXbSmfePU-00014-00006788-00007470 [__] song u0pXbSmfePU-00015-00007472-00008682 [__] u0pXbSmfePU-00016-00008683-00008962 [Music] u3JvDIPLYKk-00000-00001259-00001480 we'll leave you with Tim we're going to u3JvDIPLYKk-00001-00001481-00002529 talk to you about upcoming up apocalypse u3JvDIPLYKk-00002-00002530-00002901 so thanks for coming to the so now let's u3JvDIPLYKk-00003-00002902-00003099 get started u3JvDIPLYKk-00004-00003100-00003538 so imagine imagine this scene it's the u3JvDIPLYKk-00005-00003539-00004106 year 2025 you open the wooden box and u3JvDIPLYKk-00006-00004107-00004534 take the relic out carefully hold it in u3JvDIPLYKk-00007-00004535-00004915 your hands and then you try to press the u3JvDIPLYKk-00008-00004916-00004960 button u3JvDIPLYKk-00009-00004961-00005308 and you flick as briefly but at any cost u3JvDIPLYKk-00010-00005309-00005377 dark again u3JvDIPLYKk-00011-00005378-00005758 and the last iPhone on earth has died u3JvDIPLYKk-00012-00005759-00006241 forever so that's sort of like the mood u3JvDIPLYKk-00013-00006242-00006483 like I want to set for this talk and u3JvDIPLYKk-00014-00006484-00007124 there's three main points I want to make u3JvDIPLYKk-00015-00007125-00008020 effect yeah okay let's just do it like u3JvDIPLYKk-00016-00008020-00008344 this there's three main points I want to u3JvDIPLYKk-00017-00008345-00008662 make so a our current civilization u3JvDIPLYKk-00018-00008663-00008967 though we take it for granted is much u3JvDIPLYKk-00019-00008968-00009412 much more fragile than it seems the u3JvDIPLYKk-00020-00009413-00009663 second point is if we think about u3JvDIPLYKk-00021-00009664-00009867 survival we have to think about a u3JvDIPLYKk-00022-00009868-00010092 long-term survival not immediate u3JvDIPLYKk-00023-00010093-00010434 survival and the third point I want to u3JvDIPLYKk-00024-00010435-00010785 make is well the best time to start u3JvDIPLYKk-00025-00010786-00011088 preparing and to start experimenting is u3JvDIPLYKk-00026-00011089-00011481 of course right now okay u3JvDIPLYKk-00027-00011482-00012012 so first let's look at fragility so u3JvDIPLYKk-00028-00012013-00012231 there's a lot of things that could go u3JvDIPLYKk-00029-00012232-00012528 wrong right maybe you say yeah but will u3JvDIPLYKk-00030-00012529-00012783 it really have that big of an impact u3JvDIPLYKk-00031-00012784-00013038 well I can give you a few examples what u3JvDIPLYKk-00032-00013039-00013471 could potentially happen it could be u3JvDIPLYKk-00033-00013472-00013687 something external it could for example u3JvDIPLYKk-00034-00013688-00014011 be something like a large asteroid u3JvDIPLYKk-00035-00014012-00014292 strike or a large meteorite strike right u3JvDIPLYKk-00036-00014293-00014574 we have craters we have found craters u3JvDIPLYKk-00037-00014575-00014853 in the earth in the crust of the earth u3JvDIPLYKk-00038-00014854-00015072 and if something on this scale what u3JvDIPLYKk-00039-00015072-00015438 happened again then well okay it's u3JvDIPLYKk-00040-00015438-00015647 obvious that nothing can survive in the u3JvDIPLYKk-00041-00015649-00015941 immediate impact zone right so you're u3JvDIPLYKk-00042-00015943-00016110 saying okay maybe if it happens in u3JvDIPLYKk-00043-00016111-00016335 Australia it's not so bad over here well u3JvDIPLYKk-00044-00016336-00016629 it will be because basically basically u3JvDIPLYKk-00045-00016630-00016914 what happens is a lot of when the impact u3JvDIPLYKk-00046-00016915-00017385 happens a lot of a lot of stuff is swept u3JvDIPLYKk-00047-00017386-00017661 up into the atmosphere and the whole u3JvDIPLYKk-00048-00017662-00017862 earth will go dark and in a very short u3JvDIPLYKk-00049-00017863-00018087 time and when the earth goes dark when u3JvDIPLYKk-00050-00018088-00018258 the sunlight is blocked all the plants u3JvDIPLYKk-00051-00018259-00018555 will die all the animals will die and we u3JvDIPLYKk-00052-00018556-00018789 will also die so that's one possible u3JvDIPLYKk-00053-00018790-00019026 scenario it could also be something that u3JvDIPLYKk-00054-00019027-00019173 is not external but it could be u3JvDIPLYKk-00055-00019174-00019332 something that we caused ourselves right u3JvDIPLYKk-00056-00019333-00019569 is like nuclear war it's always an u3JvDIPLYKk-00057-00019570-00020037 option maybe even becoming more of an u3JvDIPLYKk-00058-00020038-00020262 option at the end of this year we don't u3JvDIPLYKk-00059-00020263-00020433 know right but it's really there's like u3JvDIPLYKk-00060-00020434-00020613 three thousand nukes on the earth right u3JvDIPLYKk-00061-00020614-00020982 now I think and just not even we don't u3JvDIPLYKk-00062-00020983-00021156 even need three thousand right just a u3JvDIPLYKk-00063-00021157-00021333 couple of them let's say late where 10 u3JvDIPLYKk-00064-00021334-00021630 20 would have the same effect there's u3JvDIPLYKk-00065-00021631-00021888 total annihilation where they strike but u3JvDIPLYKk-00066-00021889-00022209 then in the aftermath there is darkness u3JvDIPLYKk-00067-00022210-00022772 and widespread chaos well then there's u3JvDIPLYKk-00068-00022773-00022899 other options if you're still not u3JvDIPLYKk-00069-00022900-00023049 convinced right there I have other u3JvDIPLYKk-00070-00023050-00023328 options for you I could offer a deadly u3JvDIPLYKk-00071-00023329-00023547 virus that breaks out this is also u3JvDIPLYKk-00072-00023548-00023730 something that could actually this could u3JvDIPLYKk-00073-00023731-00023903 just be happening right now we don't u3JvDIPLYKk-00074-00023904-00024168 know right just a virus that mutates in u3JvDIPLYKk-00075-00024169-00024456 a way that it has a long incubation u3JvDIPLYKk-00076-00024457-00024702 period but is at the same time quite u3JvDIPLYKk-00077-00024703-00025014 badly or quite dangerous then it would u3JvDIPLYKk-00078-00025015-00025308 immediately spread I mean we have this u3JvDIPLYKk-00079-00025309-00025425 is the nice thing like we have u3JvDIPLYKk-00080-00025426-00025587 everything is connected normally it's a u3JvDIPLYKk-00081-00025588-00025721 good thing but in this case it's a very u3JvDIPLYKk-00082-00025722-00025899 bad thing because it would mean the u3JvDIPLYKk-00083-00025900-00026177 virus would basically reach everybody on u3JvDIPLYKk-00084-00026179-00026457 your whole earth except maybe some u3JvDIPLYKk-00085-00026458-00026661 disconnected tribes in the Amazon or u3JvDIPLYKk-00086-00026662-00027170 something right so um u3JvDIPLYKk-00087-00027170-00027462 why does this why do I say that u3JvDIPLYKk-00088-00027463-00027639 civilization is more fragile than it u3JvDIPLYKk-00089-00027639-00027936 seems well okay so these things that u3JvDIPLYKk-00090-00027937-00028133 could potentially happen but then the u3JvDIPLYKk-00091-00028135-00028275 other thing we have to take into account u3JvDIPLYKk-00092-00028276-00028749 is that we are very much at the set u3JvDIPLYKk-00093-00028750-00028920 everything is interconnected right now u3JvDIPLYKk-00094-00028920-00029193 right if you look at the immediate evil u3JvDIPLYKk-00095-00029194-00029580 a medieval town a medieval village it is u3JvDIPLYKk-00096-00029581-00029700 maybe not a hundred percent u3JvDIPLYKk-00097-00029701-00029864 self-sufficient but is pretty u3JvDIPLYKk-00098-00029866-00030051 self-sufficient whereas on the other u3JvDIPLYKk-00099-00030052-00030245 hand we are anything but right we need u3JvDIPLYKk-00100-00030247-00030497 for example to make the iPhone right u3JvDIPLYKk-00101-00030498-00030798 this is like it's if you really look at u3JvDIPLYKk-00102-00030799-00030954 all the thing that goes into an iPhone u3JvDIPLYKk-00103-00030955-00031133 where do all the raw materials they have u3JvDIPLYKk-00104-00031135-00031431 to be fetched from Africa and smelt it u3JvDIPLYKk-00105-00031432-00031677 somewhere I'm transported again turned u3JvDIPLYKk-00106-00031677-00031944 into parts turned into sub assemblies u3JvDIPLYKk-00107-00031945-00032142 turned into the final assembly and it's u3JvDIPLYKk-00108-00032143-00032343 it's it's mind-boggling right this is u3JvDIPLYKk-00109-00032344-00032508 the whole earth is collaborating to make u3JvDIPLYKk-00110-00032508-00032904 just this one this one this one magical u3JvDIPLYKk-00111-00032905-00033102 object and I can hold it in my hand u3JvDIPLYKk-00112-00033103-00033300 finally but this is not just for the u3JvDIPLYKk-00113-00033301-00033434 iPhone right the same is also true for u3JvDIPLYKk-00114-00033435-00033732 most kinds of foods most kinds of u3JvDIPLYKk-00115-00033733-00034197 machines that we use and so the problem u3JvDIPLYKk-00116-00034198-00034527 and that is if let's say I'm from u3JvDIPLYKk-00117-00034528-00034800 Germany right I would I would say in the u3JvDIPLYKk-00118-00034801-00035061 whole of Germany 80 million people there u3JvDIPLYKk-00119-00035062-00035319 is there's not a hundred people that u3JvDIPLYKk-00120-00035320-00035577 could make an axe from scratch probably u3JvDIPLYKk-00121-00035578-00035721 maybe there's more I I don't know right u3JvDIPLYKk-00122-00035722-00035979 but we can make what we can make is like u3JvDIPLYKk-00123-00035980-00036285 specialized motors for cars specialized u3JvDIPLYKk-00124-00036286-00036642 parts for rockets everything right but u3JvDIPLYKk-00125-00036643-00036783 we can't do that u3JvDIPLYKk-00126-00036784-00037113 well we a we won't have to do that but u3JvDIPLYKk-00127-00037114-00037398 be this is not like this is this we can u3JvDIPLYKk-00128-00037399-00037533 only do because the parts are coming u3JvDIPLYKk-00129-00037534-00037704 from China the products are coming are u3JvDIPLYKk-00130-00037705-00037866 being assembled and Vietnam everything u3JvDIPLYKk-00131-00037867-00038130 right so everything is connected so even u3JvDIPLYKk-00132-00038131-00038313 even if it's not the total global u3JvDIPLYKk-00133-00038314-00038592 catastrophe even if it's a local u3JvDIPLYKk-00134-00038593-00038967 catastrophe local that takes out most of u3JvDIPLYKk-00135-00038968-00039363 Asia we are still we still have a u3JvDIPLYKk-00136-00039364-00039608 problem it's a real problem u3JvDIPLYKk-00137-00039609-00039912 ok so this is um u3JvDIPLYKk-00138-00039913-00040210 this is part number one that why I think u3JvDIPLYKk-00139-00040211-00040411 the civilization is quiet quiet more u3JvDIPLYKk-00140-00040412-00040635 fragile than it seems u3JvDIPLYKk-00141-00040636-00041098 second part if we are if we were serious u3JvDIPLYKk-00142-00041099-00041448 about survival in such a case what would u3JvDIPLYKk-00143-00041449-00041652 we have to do what would we have to look u3JvDIPLYKk-00144-00041653-00041860 at and then there is like there these u3JvDIPLYKk-00145-00041861-00042312 people called Preppers they they always u3JvDIPLYKk-00146-00042313-00042514 get very excited when the world is about u3JvDIPLYKk-00147-00042515-00042745 to end like in the year 2000 right and u3JvDIPLYKk-00148-00042746-00042876 then they come out and make preparations u3JvDIPLYKk-00149-00042877-00043249 they they go to Walmart and buy I don't u3JvDIPLYKk-00150-00043250-00043845 know 1,000 cans of beans right and 22 u3JvDIPLYKk-00151-00043846-00044074 tons of flour right and this is all nice u3JvDIPLYKk-00152-00044075-00044226 and good and it would actually probably u3JvDIPLYKk-00153-00044227-00044482 help in the first year but after that u3JvDIPLYKk-00154-00044483-00044739 when all the beans are eaten right what u3JvDIPLYKk-00155-00044740-00044937 do you do then right so this is u3JvDIPLYKk-00156-00044938-00045136 short-term survival this is and this is u3JvDIPLYKk-00157-00045137-00045351 not so interesting to me this is also u3JvDIPLYKk-00158-00045352-00045495 very it's more like you're concerned u3JvDIPLYKk-00159-00045496-00045714 with yourself right I want to survive u3JvDIPLYKk-00160-00045715-00046255 whereas I think well at Iger in another u3JvDIPLYKk-00161-00046256-00046449 talk he put it like this the humanity u3JvDIPLYKk-00162-00046450-00046707 currently it's like the nervous system u3JvDIPLYKk-00163-00046708-00047098 of the planet and so we should not think u3JvDIPLYKk-00164-00047099-00047395 about how can I survive but how can we u3JvDIPLYKk-00165-00047396-00047571 how can we make sure that this nervous u3JvDIPLYKk-00166-00047572-00047830 system and in some in some form or other u3JvDIPLYKk-00167-00047831-00048240 can survive right so that's that's what u3JvDIPLYKk-00168-00048241-00048471 I mean with long term thinking in u3JvDIPLYKk-00169-00048472-00048855 survival the short term of course first u3JvDIPLYKk-00170-00048856-00049030 some some people have to survive short u3JvDIPLYKk-00171-00049031-00049201 term of course otherwise we can do it u3JvDIPLYKk-00172-00049202-00049386 but I'm more interested in what would we u3JvDIPLYKk-00173-00049387-00049582 have to do if we expect to do this long u3JvDIPLYKk-00174-00049583-00049896 term and I think we need three kinds of u3JvDIPLYKk-00175-00049897-00050238 things to make this work long term the u3JvDIPLYKk-00176-00050239-00050473 first one is seeds the second one is u3JvDIPLYKk-00177-00050474-00050820 tools and the third one is knowledge so u3JvDIPLYKk-00178-00050821-00050998 seeds is pretty obvious because this is u3JvDIPLYKk-00179-00050999-00051168 something we cannot manufacture right u3JvDIPLYKk-00180-00051169-00051507 seeds either we have them and we don't u3JvDIPLYKk-00181-00051508-00051661 have any then then we're u3JvDIPLYKk-00182-00051662-00052038 but I hear you saying okay so I will u3JvDIPLYKk-00183-00052039-00052194 just go to the next field and take some u3JvDIPLYKk-00184-00052195-00052387 wheat and there are my seats right I'm u3JvDIPLYKk-00185-00052388-00052563 done why do I have to prepare for that u3JvDIPLYKk-00186-00052564-00052891 well the problem is the kind of wheat u3JvDIPLYKk-00187-00052891-00053059 that's growing in the fields this is not u3JvDIPLYKk-00188-00053060-00053266 the kinds of seeds you want u3JvDIPLYKk-00189-00053266-00053538 there's this hybrid seat this will if u3JvDIPLYKk-00190-00053539-00053809 you cede it and grow it the next year it u3JvDIPLYKk-00191-00053810-00054117 will produce very different plants from u3JvDIPLYKk-00192-00054119-00054255 what you're seeing right now in the u3JvDIPLYKk-00193-00054257-00054640 field and it would take several like it u3JvDIPLYKk-00194-00054641-00054787 would take like ten years to grow this u3JvDIPLYKk-00195-00054788-00055056 into even if you know how to do it it u3JvDIPLYKk-00196-00055057-00055273 would take a longer time to grow this u3JvDIPLYKk-00197-00055274-00055569 into a viable seed again so what we u3JvDIPLYKk-00198-00055570-00056013 actually want is the kinds of like u3JvDIPLYKk-00199-00056014-00056238 what's called heirloom seeds seeds that u3JvDIPLYKk-00200-00056239-00056628 are still in the original form not bred u3JvDIPLYKk-00201-00056629-00057172 into a hybrid form and well there is u3JvDIPLYKk-00202-00057173-00057363 happily there is a large store of these u3JvDIPLYKk-00203-00057364-00057666 seeds it's the salt box wallboard Sigma u3JvDIPLYKk-00204-00057667-00058090 a seat so swell bird seed vault if you u3JvDIPLYKk-00205-00058091-00058260 have heard about it u3JvDIPLYKk-00206-00058261-00058600 it is in Svalbard this is a man island u3JvDIPLYKk-00207-00058601-00058816 and in its better be in the middle u3JvDIPLYKk-00208-00058816-00059115 between Iceland and and the North Pole u3JvDIPLYKk-00209-00059116-00059406 so the seeds are very well protected u3JvDIPLYKk-00210-00059407-00059644 there that's the good the good thing the u3JvDIPLYKk-00211-00059645-00059896 bad thing is we would have to go there u3JvDIPLYKk-00212-00059897-00060066 and fetch them if you want to use them u3JvDIPLYKk-00213-00060067-00060271 right so it is not really I mean this is u3JvDIPLYKk-00214-00060272-00060618 of course it is also meant as a backup u3JvDIPLYKk-00215-00060619-00060743 as a plan-b u3JvDIPLYKk-00216-00060744-00061050 but it right now it is mainly a backup u3JvDIPLYKk-00217-00061051-00061226 for seed banks that put your stuff there u3JvDIPLYKk-00218-00061227-00061557 basically put a backup copy there and to u3JvDIPLYKk-00219-00061558-00061684 fetch it again if they're local u3JvDIPLYKk-00220-00061685-00061861 collected them the working copy is u3JvDIPLYKk-00221-00061862-00062137 destroyed but we could use it but even u3JvDIPLYKk-00222-00062138-00062365 better we should have em distributed u3JvDIPLYKk-00223-00062366-00062763 seeds seed banks basically everywhere to u3JvDIPLYKk-00224-00062764-00063155 maximize the chance that wherever like u3JvDIPLYKk-00225-00063157-00063480 wherever people are able to survive then u3JvDIPLYKk-00226-00063482-00063843 they have seeds readily available and u3JvDIPLYKk-00227-00063844-00064254 that yeah that is that is the first u3JvDIPLYKk-00228-00064255-00064704 thing seeds tools tools are in a way u3JvDIPLYKk-00229-00064705-00065079 also something like seeds right because u3JvDIPLYKk-00230-00065079-00065391 tools are what allow us to make new u3JvDIPLYKk-00231-00065392-00066093 things so an anvil and a hammer this is u3JvDIPLYKk-00232-00066094-00066466 quite a small thing still allows me u3JvDIPLYKk-00233-00066467-00066640 potentially to make u3JvDIPLYKk-00234-00066641-00066853 hundreds and thousands of other tools u3JvDIPLYKk-00235-00066854-00067153 that I can use then to bootstrap other u3JvDIPLYKk-00236-00067154-00067344 parts of society there so needing tools u3JvDIPLYKk-00237-00067345-00067581 right so I think it's it's more viable u3JvDIPLYKk-00238-00067582-00067731 to concentrate on the tools that are u3JvDIPLYKk-00239-00067732-00068023 yeah that are compact tools that tools u3JvDIPLYKk-00240-00068024-00068382 for making other tools and then let's u3JvDIPLYKk-00241-00068383-00068601 say we have seeds we have tools now the u3JvDIPLYKk-00242-00068602-00068874 most important part still missing is u3JvDIPLYKk-00243-00068875-00069460 know how its knowledge is I mean me with u3JvDIPLYKk-00244-00069461-00069574 a hammer and an anvil u3JvDIPLYKk-00245-00069575-00069835 I could start poking around and trying u3JvDIPLYKk-00246-00069836-00069951 to figure it out but it would be much u3JvDIPLYKk-00247-00069952-00070192 better if I had already done the u3JvDIPLYKk-00248-00070193-00070378 workshop that's happening this evening u3JvDIPLYKk-00249-00070379-00070587 for example right and then I had stuff u3JvDIPLYKk-00250-00070588-00070840 like a head start on on doing something u3JvDIPLYKk-00251-00070841-00070937 useful u3JvDIPLYKk-00252-00070938-00071175 and the same is true for everything else u3JvDIPLYKk-00253-00071176-00071586 there's like the same is true for u3JvDIPLYKk-00254-00071587-00071832 agriculture like if you have never had a u3JvDIPLYKk-00255-00071833-00072000 garden and you just read about it it u3JvDIPLYKk-00256-00072001-00072166 sounds or everything sounds very nice u3JvDIPLYKk-00257-00072167-00072444 and easy but when you try it it's not u3JvDIPLYKk-00258-00072445-00072893 that easy - unforeseen complications and u3JvDIPLYKk-00259-00072894-00073261 so my feeling is it's better to work out u3JvDIPLYKk-00260-00073262-00073575 all the kinks like right now then later u3JvDIPLYKk-00261-00073576-00073729 when we don't have the time right maybe u3JvDIPLYKk-00262-00073730-00073891 did you just have this one harvest and u3JvDIPLYKk-00263-00073892-00074337 it has to work either it works or you're u3JvDIPLYKk-00264-00074338-00074387 dead u3JvDIPLYKk-00265-00074388-00074641 so I in this case I would rather prefer u3JvDIPLYKk-00266-00074642-00074803 to have it done already a few times u3JvDIPLYKk-00267-00074804-00075156 beforehand right so in the third part I u3JvDIPLYKk-00268-00075157-00075351 was good I wanted to show a few examples u3JvDIPLYKk-00269-00075352-00075876 of of things that me and others have u3JvDIPLYKk-00270-00075877-00076246 been trying experimenting with and I u3JvDIPLYKk-00271-00076247-00076701 call this approach seed banking so like u3JvDIPLYKk-00272-00076702-00076962 I said we need seeds tools are also u3JvDIPLYKk-00273-00076963-00077319 seeds in a way knowledge is also a seed u3JvDIPLYKk-00274-00077320-00077529 as that doesn't have to be complete we u3JvDIPLYKk-00275-00077530-00077742 can generate new knowledge but we need u3JvDIPLYKk-00276-00077743-00078178 the starting point so together we need u3JvDIPLYKk-00277-00078179-00078411 these seeds and we have to store them in u3JvDIPLYKk-00278-00078412-00078768 a way that they are readily available in u3JvDIPLYKk-00279-00078769-00079111 a distributed fashion so what I've been u3JvDIPLYKk-00280-00079112-00079435 doing personally I've been working on on u3JvDIPLYKk-00281-00079436-00079624 I haven't actually build it but I have u3JvDIPLYKk-00282-00079625-00079854 constructed a seed bank was just like a u3JvDIPLYKk-00283-00079855-00080038 readily as justice and u3JvDIPLYKk-00284-00080039-00080365 box literally just in sandbox because it u3JvDIPLYKk-00285-00080366-00080479 doesn't have it has to be refrigerated u3JvDIPLYKk-00286-00080480-00080668 right if you make it deep enough let's u3JvDIPLYKk-00287-00080669-00080998 say half a meter and put the glasses the u3JvDIPLYKk-00288-00080999-00081355 jars with seeds on the bottom then I u3JvDIPLYKk-00289-00081356-00081532 think and maybe even cover the whole u3JvDIPLYKk-00290-00081533-00081745 thing with ports or something I will u3JvDIPLYKk-00291-00081746-00081988 think this will hopefully this will stay u3JvDIPLYKk-00292-00081989-00082243 like it quite a uniform temperature all u3JvDIPLYKk-00293-00082244-00082450 over the year it would be best if it was u3JvDIPLYKk-00294-00082451-00082618 refrigerated like it let it it would be u3JvDIPLYKk-00295-00082619-00082855 best if Germany had permafrost soil but u3JvDIPLYKk-00296-00082856-00083296 it doesn't yet so that's that's one u3JvDIPLYKk-00297-00083297-00083455 thing I'm working on then I'm working on u3JvDIPLYKk-00298-00083456-00083632 growing potatoes very and it sounds u3JvDIPLYKk-00299-00083633-00083938 banal but it is actually like I said you u3JvDIPLYKk-00300-00083939-00084127 read about it it sounds simple you do it u3JvDIPLYKk-00301-00084128-00084523 then Oh mmm haha okay I didn't foresee u3JvDIPLYKk-00302-00084524-00084757 that so i'm i will i'm looking forward u3JvDIPLYKk-00303-00084758-00084997 to harvest my first crop this this fall u3JvDIPLYKk-00304-00084998-00085282 and let's see the only potato i've taken u3JvDIPLYKk-00305-00085283-00085531 out of the ground so far is like this u3JvDIPLYKk-00306-00085532-00085768 yeah but the growing season isn't isn't u3JvDIPLYKk-00307-00085769-00086341 over yet right what else oh yeah there's u3JvDIPLYKk-00308-00086342-00086488 this i was going to show you a few u3JvDIPLYKk-00309-00086489-00086713 screenshots there's this there's a guy u3JvDIPLYKk-00310-00086714-00087175 in Australia and he has a YouTube u3JvDIPLYKk-00311-00087176-00087514 channel and it's called primitive u3JvDIPLYKk-00312-00087515-00087987 technology google it and then watch it u3JvDIPLYKk-00313-00087988-00088252 because it's awesome and so he's like he u3JvDIPLYKk-00314-00088253-00088552 has this hobby there's less of a he's u3JvDIPLYKk-00315-00088553-00088765 just like he thinks it's fun it's fun to u3JvDIPLYKk-00316-00088766-00089020 go into the woods with empty hands and u3JvDIPLYKk-00317-00089021-00089424 start making things so there's one video u3JvDIPLYKk-00318-00089425-00089809 ways battery is literally starting with u3JvDIPLYKk-00319-00089810-00090019 empty hands and he's making a house with u3JvDIPLYKk-00320-00090020-00090310 a tiled roof okay so what does it do u3JvDIPLYKk-00321-00090311-00090625 right he goes and and grabs a stick and u3JvDIPLYKk-00322-00090626-00090913 a suitable stone and makes a stone axe u3JvDIPLYKk-00323-00090914-00091156 then he starts felling trees with his u3JvDIPLYKk-00324-00091157-00091552 stone axe then he's erecting the the u3JvDIPLYKk-00325-00091553-00091867 beams for the house and I don't know u3JvDIPLYKk-00326-00091868-00092116 what he's just choosing stuff right that u3JvDIPLYKk-00327-00092117-00092377 he finds there and then he's making the u3JvDIPLYKk-00328-00092378-00092703 tiles from clay he builds a little oven u3JvDIPLYKk-00329-00092704-00093061 to fire tiles puts the tiles on the roof u3JvDIPLYKk-00330-00093062-00093334 and that in this video basically it's u3JvDIPLYKk-00331-00093335-00093426 like it's like u3JvDIPLYKk-00332-00093427-00093693 he shows everything but of course like u3JvDIPLYKk-00333-00093694-00093882 the video is 15 minutes it probably took u3JvDIPLYKk-00334-00093883-00094125 him like I would say a month or so to do u3JvDIPLYKk-00335-00094126-00094255 the whole thing right it's just a hobby u3JvDIPLYKk-00336-00094256-00094435 he has a full-time job he lives in a u3JvDIPLYKk-00337-00094436-00094650 normal house he just does this for fun u3JvDIPLYKk-00338-00094651-00094972 and he has like tons of other stuff and u3JvDIPLYKk-00339-00094973-00095300 I Julie encourage you to check that out u3JvDIPLYKk-00340-00095301-00095422 mmm u3JvDIPLYKk-00341-00095423-00096000 I can't remember there were two other u3JvDIPLYKk-00342-00096001-00096701 examples I was going to to bring up oh u3JvDIPLYKk-00343-00096702-00097009 yes oh yes in Germany we have children's u3JvDIPLYKk-00344-00097010-00097218 like now once you have this mindset u3JvDIPLYKk-00345-00097219-00097413 right once you have this mindset and and u3JvDIPLYKk-00346-00097414-00097585 watching out for stuff that could be u3JvDIPLYKk-00347-00097586-00097840 useful you see it everywhere like this u3JvDIPLYKk-00348-00097841-00098073 on German children's television there's u3JvDIPLYKk-00349-00098074-00098373 a very famous program called centimetre u3JvDIPLYKk-00350-00098374-00098838 Mouse and they have like comic stuff and u3JvDIPLYKk-00351-00098839-00099010 then they always they have one topic u3JvDIPLYKk-00352-00099011-00099436 each each week but I show how something u3JvDIPLYKk-00353-00099437-00099705 is made so they go to factories they u3JvDIPLYKk-00354-00099706-00099918 show how the biscuit is made or whatever u3JvDIPLYKk-00355-00099919-00100117 and then they had this like a few weeks u3JvDIPLYKk-00356-00100118-00100536 a few weeks back they had how our u3JvDIPLYKk-00357-00100537-00100893 ancestors made iron and this totally u3JvDIPLYKk-00358-00100894-00101124 blew my mind this was so awesome like I u3JvDIPLYKk-00359-00101125-00101319 learned that there is a form of iron ore u3JvDIPLYKk-00360-00101320-00101485 did it just be that you can just pick up u3JvDIPLYKk-00361-00101486-00101560 from a field u3JvDIPLYKk-00362-00101561-00101899 it's called BOC iron ore and it's u3JvDIPLYKk-00363-00101900-00102211 created by bacteria that my mind was u3JvDIPLYKk-00364-00102212-00102367 already blown at this point right I was u3JvDIPLYKk-00365-00102368-00102567 like okay I'm Irina or is something you u3JvDIPLYKk-00366-00102568-00102717 find in the inner deep in the mountain u3JvDIPLYKk-00367-00102718-00102882 no they're just lucky the show actually u3JvDIPLYKk-00368-00102883-00103086 there's like a plow going over the field u3JvDIPLYKk-00369-00103088-00103246 and then you can pick up some of like Oh u3JvDIPLYKk-00370-00103247-00103501 stones yeah this is the iron oh okay and u3JvDIPLYKk-00371-00103502-00104004 then I go and just on the lawn they make u3JvDIPLYKk-00372-00104005-00104347 a very primitive oven to smelt the iron u3JvDIPLYKk-00373-00104348-00104577 ore they put in the or they put in u3JvDIPLYKk-00374-00104578-00104916 charcoal they put in and this is so u3JvDIPLYKk-00375-00104917-00105094 simple right but it is like it looks u3JvDIPLYKk-00376-00105095-00105264 very simple in the video maybe they u3JvDIPLYKk-00377-00105265-00105563 practiced a few times I don't know and u3JvDIPLYKk-00378-00105564-00105786 but it's also a lot of work like this u3JvDIPLYKk-00379-00105788-00106065 the the the oven the comb that they u3JvDIPLYKk-00380-00106066-00106426 build was like I think it was like 2 u3JvDIPLYKk-00381-00106427-00106588 meters high or two and a half meters u3JvDIPLYKk-00382-00106589-00106795 from clay this took several u3JvDIPLYKk-00383-00106796-00107058 days and they had to fire it for I don't u3JvDIPLYKk-00384-00107059-00107310 know a day or two and the end day they u3JvDIPLYKk-00385-00107311-00107502 push it actually they push it over to u3JvDIPLYKk-00386-00107503-00107701 get at the iron that is on the bottom u3JvDIPLYKk-00387-00107702-00108003 and then they have to still have to work u3JvDIPLYKk-00388-00108004-00108322 out all the like mmm as menu of the u3JvDIPLYKk-00389-00108323-00108619 impurities that I can and in the end u3JvDIPLYKk-00390-00108620-00108834 they have like I don't know like maybe u3JvDIPLYKk-00391-00108835-00109024 the size of an iPhone right that is that u3JvDIPLYKk-00392-00109025-00109176 is the amount of iron that produced in a u3JvDIPLYKk-00393-00109177-00109608 week so but still right still it's kind u3JvDIPLYKk-00394-00109609-00109866 of useful to know how to do it and I u3JvDIPLYKk-00395-00109867-00110160 would I would have loved so envious that u3JvDIPLYKk-00396-00110161-00110308 I was not there when they did it right I u3JvDIPLYKk-00397-00110308-00110451 would have loved to just be there and u3JvDIPLYKk-00398-00110452-00110656 and watch instead of having this video u3JvDIPLYKk-00399-00110657-00111331 but the video is so cool so to sum it up u3JvDIPLYKk-00400-00111332-00111718 I think civilization is more fragile u3JvDIPLYKk-00401-00111719-00112266 than we normally think and so if we if u3JvDIPLYKk-00402-00112267-00112554 we reflect on this fact and and think u3JvDIPLYKk-00403-00112555-00112851 about it and it is even if I'm not u3JvDIPLYKk-00404-00112852-00112969 saying that something bad is happening u3JvDIPLYKk-00405-00112970-00113188 next year or in the next ten years and u3JvDIPLYKk-00406-00113189-00113310 I'm not going to predict the future u3JvDIPLYKk-00407-00113311-00113529 right but just because there is I think u3JvDIPLYKk-00408-00113530-00113736 a nonzero possibility of something like u3JvDIPLYKk-00409-00113738-00114033 this happening it's quite rational to do u3JvDIPLYKk-00410-00114034-00114360 to do some kind of preparation for this u3JvDIPLYKk-00411-00114361-00114838 case and if we think about it then the u3JvDIPLYKk-00412-00114839-00115164 only like I'm arguing the best thing we u3JvDIPLYKk-00413-00115165-00115543 can do is long term preparation we can u3JvDIPLYKk-00414-00115544-00115906 we can try to make sure that seeds seeds u3JvDIPLYKk-00415-00115907-00116208 are all seeds are basically distributed u3JvDIPLYKk-00416-00116209-00116626 all over the earth and in the let's say u3JvDIPLYKk-00417-00116627-00116826 it is just like maybe just Nicaragua so u3JvDIPLYKk-00418-00116827-00117033 Nicaragua survives nothing else survives u3JvDIPLYKk-00419-00117034-00117256 right but even then they should have u3JvDIPLYKk-00420-00117257-00117585 seeds that they can use right maybe they u3JvDIPLYKk-00421-00117586-00117718 would have something anyway they would u3JvDIPLYKk-00422-00117719-00118026 have something like random stuff but I u3JvDIPLYKk-00423-00118027-00118506 want it to be a little bit more focused u3JvDIPLYKk-00424-00118507-00118941 yeah and well the final my final thought u3JvDIPLYKk-00425-00118942-00119344 is um if you think yeah this is I don't u3JvDIPLYKk-00426-00119345-00119518 buy it right I don't buy the whole story u3JvDIPLYKk-00427-00119519-00119869 then still it's a nice framework it's a u3JvDIPLYKk-00428-00119870-00120181 nice it is it's it's just a lot of fun u3JvDIPLYKk-00429-00120182-00120333 playing around with stuff right and this u3JvDIPLYKk-00430-00120334-00120583 is what I see when people are doing this u3JvDIPLYKk-00431-00120583-00120778 all over the place without this u3JvDIPLYKk-00432-00120779-00121000 framework so why not why not just have u3JvDIPLYKk-00433-00121001-00121198 this in the back of your mind while you u3JvDIPLYKk-00434-00121199-00121495 tinker with stuff and I set up a Google u3JvDIPLYKk-00435-00121496-00121785 Group if anybody's interested it's empty u3JvDIPLYKk-00436-00121786-00121966 but it has the slides so there's an u3JvDIPLYKk-00437-00121967-00122385 incentive you can you can go there and u3JvDIPLYKk-00438-00122386-00122581 then you can check out the slides and u3JvDIPLYKk-00439-00122582-00123086 see what I forgot to tell and it's u3JvDIPLYKk-00440-00123088-00124254 tinyurl.com slash seat banking thank you u3JvDIPLYKk-00441-00124255-00124669 thank you very impressive to do that u3JvDIPLYKk-00442-00124670-00124966 without slides or anything you will have u3JvDIPLYKk-00443-00124967-00125149 four minutes for questions if you want u3JvDIPLYKk-00444-00125150-00125542 to take questions sure if you want to u3JvDIPLYKk-00445-00125543-00125719 ask questions please raise your hand and u3JvDIPLYKk-00446-00125720-00126526 I will bring the mic to you hi you were u3JvDIPLYKk-00447-00126527-00126783 saying that there were three stages that u3JvDIPLYKk-00448-00126784-00126964 you had to plan the seating the tools u3JvDIPLYKk-00449-00126965-00127318 and the knowledge but what about u3JvDIPLYKk-00450-00127319-00127483 material would that come under the u3JvDIPLYKk-00451-00127483-00127657 knowledge of say you were saying u3JvDIPLYKk-00452-00127658-00127732 blacksmithing u3JvDIPLYKk-00453-00127733-00127990 would you say the knowledge of learning u3JvDIPLYKk-00454-00127991-00128220 what Steel's you could use in a u3JvDIPLYKk-00455-00128221-00128565 apocalypse situation would that be u3JvDIPLYKk-00456-00128566-00128782 classed as knowledge or would you put u3JvDIPLYKk-00457-00128783-00128971 that in sort like the seed banking you u3JvDIPLYKk-00458-00128972-00129331 stockpile a small amount of metal steel u3JvDIPLYKk-00459-00129332-00129748 for tools in a future date yes so for u3JvDIPLYKk-00460-00129749-00129978 the knowledge I think it ideally I u3JvDIPLYKk-00461-00129979-00130185 envision something like recipes a u3JvDIPLYKk-00462-00130186-00130720 collection of recipes and I mean we we u3JvDIPLYKk-00463-00130721-00130894 should not assume that the earth is in u3JvDIPLYKk-00464-00130895-00131071 the state of 2000 years ago we should u3JvDIPLYKk-00465-00131072-00131245 assume the earth is the current stage so u3JvDIPLYKk-00466-00131246-00131506 if I maybe I would not start with Bach u3JvDIPLYKk-00467-00131507-00131695 Irene all right maybe I would start with u3JvDIPLYKk-00468-00131696-00131980 how do I melt or lamppost what's the u3JvDIPLYKk-00469-00131981-00132184 best way to melt down a lamppost u3JvDIPLYKk-00470-00132185-00132340 because it will be give me a lot of iron u3JvDIPLYKk-00471-00132341-00132915 quickly versus much more slowly right so u3JvDIPLYKk-00472-00132916-00133128 stuff like that u3JvDIPLYKk-00473-00133129-00133533 practical stuff hi I have a question I'm u3JvDIPLYKk-00474-00133534-00133725 interested in what do you think are the u3JvDIPLYKk-00475-00133726-00134007 pros and cons of decentralized and u3JvDIPLYKk-00476-00134008-00134424 centralized prepping strategies well as u3JvDIPLYKk-00477-00134425-00134607 there's so much uncertainty what can u3JvDIPLYKk-00478-00134608-00134838 happen I would argue it's pretty clear u3JvDIPLYKk-00479-00134839-00135018 that's decentralized this is much u3JvDIPLYKk-00480-00135019-00135249 superior alright because let's say this u3JvDIPLYKk-00481-00135250-00135510 forward sigma seed hold it's it's it's u3JvDIPLYKk-00482-00135511-00135783 it's awesome it has 1.2 million u3JvDIPLYKk-00483-00135784-00136038 different kinds of seeds but if it's u3JvDIPLYKk-00484-00136039-00136287 taken out then it's gone right so this u3JvDIPLYKk-00485-00136288-00136719 is sort of like the that is always the u3JvDIPLYKk-00486-00136720-00137063 point against a centralized approach u3JvDIPLYKk-00487-00137064-00137256 higher higher u3JvDIPLYKk-00488-00137257-00137493 it was quite a quite an optimistic talk u3JvDIPLYKk-00489-00137494-00137724 I think very good to talked about buying u3JvDIPLYKk-00490-00137725-00137955 holiday food and a crossbow we wish to u3JvDIPLYKk-00491-00137956-00138156 protect it and you look a lot of u3JvDIPLYKk-00492-00138157-00138345 Apocalypse TV programs like Walking Dead u3JvDIPLYKk-00493-00138346-00138501 the threat often comes from other people u3JvDIPLYKk-00494-00138502-00138732 do you think there is a any kind of u3JvDIPLYKk-00495-00138733-00138939 value in preparing sort of to defend u3JvDIPLYKk-00496-00138940-00139077 yourself against other people who are u3JvDIPLYKk-00497-00139078-00139320 coming for your seeds and blacksmithing u3JvDIPLYKk-00498-00139321-00139421 equipment and so on u3JvDIPLYKk-00499-00139422-00139770 yes certainly I mean I think there's u3JvDIPLYKk-00500-00139771-00139932 more more missing right this is more u3JvDIPLYKk-00501-00139933-00140118 like the technology side and then the u3JvDIPLYKk-00502-00140119-00140316 whole part like the whole organizational u3JvDIPLYKk-00503-00140317-00140496 side this is also something I was u3JvDIPLYKk-00504-00140497-00140751 thinking about if just like what's even u3JvDIPLYKk-00505-00140752-00140907 needed to make a camp like this work u3JvDIPLYKk-00506-00140908-00141363 right you need yeah just it this is not u3JvDIPLYKk-00507-00141364-00141522 this is there's order and it's not u3JvDIPLYKk-00508-00141523-00141765 spontaneous right there's this plant u3JvDIPLYKk-00509-00141766-00142116 order in a camp and we would even we u3JvDIPLYKk-00510-00142117-00142329 need something like that and on an even u3JvDIPLYKk-00511-00142330-00142521 bigger scale of course to organize the u3JvDIPLYKk-00512-00142522-00142887 survivors and deal with yeah also deal u3JvDIPLYKk-00513-00142888-00143040 with people who are playing to other u3JvDIPLYKk-00514-00143041-00143244 rules right yes u3JvDIPLYKk-00515-00143245-00144102 one last question hi have you thought u3JvDIPLYKk-00516-00144103-00144399 about like keep storing bacterial u3JvDIPLYKk-00517-00144400-00144648 colonies for making medicines or u3JvDIPLYKk-00518-00144649-00145128 anything like that like sorry oh yes but u3JvDIPLYKk-00519-00145129-00145461 yeah that kind of seeding now that's u3JvDIPLYKk-00520-00145462-00145629 that's that's a very good point u3JvDIPLYKk-00521-00145630-00145947 no I haven't that's a bit more tricky u3JvDIPLYKk-00522-00145948-00146106 everything that's living is motoric like u3JvDIPLYKk-00523-00146107-00146340 I would also like to ensure that we have u3JvDIPLYKk-00524-00146341-00146394 goats u3JvDIPLYKk-00525-00146395-00146646 and cowls but how do we do that right we u3JvDIPLYKk-00526-00146647-00147200 can't freeze-dry a cow we could we could u3JvDIPLYKk-00527-00147201-00147656 ya know I'm if you have good ideas then u3JvDIPLYKk-00528-00147657-00148091 yeah let's talk so we're out of time u3JvDIPLYKk-00529-00148092-00148391 thank you if you have more question I u3JvDIPLYKk-00530-00148392-00148775 suppose you might be available yeah yes u3JvDIPLYKk-00531-00148776-00149328 thank you thanks u3JvDIPLYKk-00532-00149329-00149536 you u6YcGm6BQGg-00000-00000008-00000158 what's up dark ladies what's up u6YcGm6BQGg-00001-00000159-00000423 nerdlings do you nerd for mail and mail u6YcGm6BQGg-00002-00000424-00000543 better yet u6YcGm6BQGg-00003-00000544-00000759 do you nerd for win u6YcGm6BQGg-00004-00000760-00001309 you won u6YcGm6BQGg-00005-00001310-00002287 [Music] u6YcGm6BQGg-00006-00002288-00002887 that is right nerdlings we won a contest u6YcGm6BQGg-00007-00002888-00003191 well u6YcGm6BQGg-00008-00003192-00003335 okay so u6YcGm6BQGg-00009-00003336-00003622 drink and games with josh u6YcGm6BQGg-00010-00003623-00004063 just hit the 200 subscriber mark u6YcGm6BQGg-00011-00004064-00004335 he had an awesome contest and we had the u6YcGm6BQGg-00012-00004336-00004679 chance to win a ps4 game the u6YcGm6BQGg-00013-00004680-00004935 first winner was do you nerd u6YcGm6BQGg-00014-00004936-00005295 the runner-up was lime supra and the u6YcGm6BQGg-00015-00005296-00005606 third person that i spun was for bladtez u6YcGm6BQGg-00016-00005607-00005783 now u6YcGm6BQGg-00017-00005784-00006015 very big ps4 games that's what i was u6YcGm6BQGg-00018-00006016-00006206 thinking i was like i thought it was u6YcGm6BQGg-00019-00006207-00006383 going to be a standard one clearly it's u6YcGm6BQGg-00020-00006384-00006614 one for giants honestly when you said u6YcGm6BQGg-00021-00006615-00006839 ps4 and i saw the size of the box i u6YcGm6BQGg-00022-00006840-00007087 thought literally we won a ps4 jeez i u6YcGm6BQGg-00023-00007088-00007359 hope u6YcGm6BQGg-00024-00007359-00007495 put the system in there thinking well u6YcGm6BQGg-00025-00007495-00007734 they might need the system to play it on u6YcGm6BQGg-00026-00007736-00008095 but yeah uh first of all congrats on 200 u6YcGm6BQGg-00027-00008095-00008471 subs that is awesome here's to many many u6YcGm6BQGg-00028-00008472-00008807 many more nerdlings if you have not yet u6YcGm6BQGg-00029-00008808-00009055 checked out drinking games with josh you u6YcGm6BQGg-00030-00009056-00009374 need to a fun channel doing unboxings u6YcGm6BQGg-00031-00009375-00009599 doing pickups and you know what else he u6YcGm6BQGg-00032-00009600-00009927 does he enjoys a good beverage from time u6YcGm6BQGg-00033-00009928-00010199 to time andrew is a good brewski now he u6YcGm6BQGg-00034-00010200-00010455 has some fantastic local ones that i'm u6YcGm6BQGg-00035-00010456-00010710 always very very jealous of i don't have u6YcGm6BQGg-00036-00010711-00010991 anything special here this is a fugu u6YcGm6BQGg-00037-00010992-00011319 horchata cold brew cocktail so it's not u6YcGm6BQGg-00038-00011320-00011646 that special but i was very interesting u6YcGm6BQGg-00039-00011647-00012014 it is fugu vodka with cold brew coffee u6YcGm6BQGg-00040-00012015-00012287 i like my vodka cream liqueur cinnamon u6YcGm6BQGg-00041-00012288-00012774 and vanilla bean flavor why yes please u6YcGm6BQGg-00042-00012775-00013102 look at that coloring yes u6YcGm6BQGg-00043-00013103-00013294 that looks like coffee well that smells u6YcGm6BQGg-00044-00013295-00013535 delightful i noticed there's no head on u6YcGm6BQGg-00045-00013536-00013775 it that's an interesting thing u6YcGm6BQGg-00046-00013776-00014158 very very smooth very very creamy u6YcGm6BQGg-00047-00014159-00014391 we have had some uh some horchata in the u6YcGm6BQGg-00048-00014391-00014558 past u6YcGm6BQGg-00049-00014559-00014775 and it's it's definitely got that flavor u6YcGm6BQGg-00050-00014776-00015127 going for it yes the coffee it is there u6YcGm6BQGg-00051-00015128-00015350 it is not overpowering so if you don't u6YcGm6BQGg-00052-00015351-00015591 like a whole lot of coffee flavor you're u6YcGm6BQGg-00053-00015591-00015783 not going to get that i get a latte u6YcGm6BQGg-00054-00015784-00016086 flavor from this a latte flavor and u6YcGm6BQGg-00055-00016087-00016303 think of that cream liqueur like it u6YcGm6BQGg-00056-00016304-00016575 ramachada yeah if you have a latte and u6YcGm6BQGg-00057-00016576-00016743 you put some rum chat in there you put u6YcGm6BQGg-00058-00016744-00016935 some baileys maybe a splash of kahlua or u6YcGm6BQGg-00059-00016936-00017167 something that's kind of the the flavor u6YcGm6BQGg-00060-00017168-00017335 that i'm getting on that u6YcGm6BQGg-00061-00017336-00017503 it needs more rum chatter u6YcGm6BQGg-00062-00017504-00017783 everything needs more rum chatter u6YcGm6BQGg-00063-00017784-00018167 what about port i prefer rum rum's good u6YcGm6BQGg-00064-00018168-00018311 okay so u6YcGm6BQGg-00065-00018312-00018511 we've got our beverage now let's get u6YcGm6BQGg-00066-00018512-00018750 into this box u6YcGm6BQGg-00067-00018751-00018975 i hit him up after this arrived and i u6YcGm6BQGg-00068-00018976-00019135 was like can i at least reimburse you u6YcGm6BQGg-00069-00019136-00019303 for the shipping this is a big box this u6YcGm6BQGg-00070-00019304-00019471 is a heavy box u6YcGm6BQGg-00071-00019472-00019655 he won't let us u6YcGm6BQGg-00072-00019656-00019839 but we'll have to get back at them we u6YcGm6BQGg-00073-00019840-00020175 always get our revenge u6YcGm6BQGg-00074-00020176-00020414 oh hey check it out he uh printed off u6YcGm6BQGg-00075-00020415-00020703 his logo for us to drink games with josh u6YcGm6BQGg-00076-00020704-00020927 uh u6YcGm6BQGg-00077-00020928-00021207 yes one too many donkey kong's missing a u6YcGm6BQGg-00078-00021208-00021375 tooth u6YcGm6BQGg-00079-00021376-00021703 i love that that is adorable i love it u6YcGm6BQGg-00080-00021704-00021863 that's great u6YcGm6BQGg-00081-00021864-00022143 oh he he thought ahead for us safe to u6YcGm6BQGg-00082-00022144-00022391 read on camera if you decide to u6YcGm6BQGg-00083-00022392-00022686 don't mind the paper ran out ha ha josh u6YcGm6BQGg-00084-00022687-00023081 so carol orthopedic specialist u6YcGm6BQGg-00085-00023082-00023230 [Laughter] u6YcGm6BQGg-00086-00023231-00023439 tom and lacey congratulations on winning u6YcGm6BQGg-00087-00023440-00023678 the main prize from my 200 subscriber u6YcGm6BQGg-00088-00023679-00023886 giveaway thank you both for supporting u6YcGm6BQGg-00089-00023887-00024303 my midlife crisis here on youtube u6YcGm6BQGg-00090-00024304-00024463 when i started a channel at the end of u6YcGm6BQGg-00091-00024464-00024639 last year i never expected to connect u6YcGm6BQGg-00092-00024640-00024807 with so many awesome people around the u6YcGm6BQGg-00093-00024808-00024983 world and even though i haven't had the u6YcGm6BQGg-00094-00024984-00025167 chance to meet most of them in real life u6YcGm6BQGg-00095-00025168-00025335 i feel like i've made a bunch of new u6YcGm6BQGg-00096-00025336-00025550 friends i know the giveaway was for the u6YcGm6BQGg-00097-00025551-00025718 one game but i wanted to have a little u6YcGm6BQGg-00098-00025719-00025918 more fun with it i hope you enjoy the u6YcGm6BQGg-00099-00025919-00026134 game and find something else in this box u6YcGm6BQGg-00100-00026135-00026318 that you like too i wish i could have u6YcGm6BQGg-00101-00026319-00026511 sent some cold ones your way as well if u6YcGm6BQGg-00102-00026512-00026655 i come across any more that i think you u6YcGm6BQGg-00103-00026656-00026862 will like i will send it your way cheers u6YcGm6BQGg-00104-00026863-00026958 josh u6YcGm6BQGg-00105-00026960-00027174 well we got the cold one right here so u6YcGm6BQGg-00106-00027175-00027281 cheers thank you u6YcGm6BQGg-00107-00027282-00027470 [Laughter] u6YcGm6BQGg-00108-00027472-00027670 what's in there u6YcGm6BQGg-00109-00027672-00028007 i see bubble wrap u6YcGm6BQGg-00110-00028008-00028335 i love the bubble wrap he's laughing u6YcGm6BQGg-00111-00028336-00028495 look at these u6YcGm6BQGg-00112-00028495-00028655 oh my gosh u6YcGm6BQGg-00113-00028656-00028983 what happened warriors u6YcGm6BQGg-00114-00028983-00029158 series u6YcGm6BQGg-00115-00029160-00029231 so u6YcGm6BQGg-00116-00029232-00029462 we have wonder woman wonder woman and u6YcGm6BQGg-00117-00029463-00029751 ryan reynolds u6YcGm6BQGg-00118-00029752-00029902 and please don't make the super suit u6YcGm6BQGg-00119-00029904-00030039 green u6YcGm6BQGg-00120-00030039-00030287 or animated i knew she was gonna say u6YcGm6BQGg-00121-00030288-00030679 ryan reynolds that is so cute oh u6YcGm6BQGg-00122-00030680-00030951 and fidgety fun wow these are perfect u6YcGm6BQGg-00123-00030952-00031167 for are characters you already like u6YcGm6BQGg-00124-00031168-00031439 poseable and fidgety she's yeah she's a u6YcGm6BQGg-00125-00031439-00032631 fidgeter i am u6YcGm6BQGg-00126-00032632-00032943 and it's got a whole dc line here i know u6YcGm6BQGg-00127-00032944-00033159 the joker and harley would be fun to get u6YcGm6BQGg-00128-00033160-00033335 you know this is exactly the kind of u6YcGm6BQGg-00129-00033336-00033487 thing that we would see at a lot of our u6YcGm6BQGg-00130-00033488-00033590 local u6YcGm6BQGg-00131-00033591-00033823 events and conventions and stuff that u6YcGm6BQGg-00132-00033824-00034023 people would have homemade mm-hmm so u6YcGm6BQGg-00133-00034024-00034446 this is very neat u6YcGm6BQGg-00134-00034447-00034902 [Music] u6YcGm6BQGg-00135-00034903-00035007 don't you hate it when that happens u6YcGm6BQGg-00136-00035008-00035174 let's go u6YcGm6BQGg-00137-00035175-00035390 i want to play with him u6YcGm6BQGg-00138-00035391-00035679 oh patches oh nice oh u6YcGm6BQGg-00139-00035680-00035911 so we got miss marvel u6YcGm6BQGg-00140-00035912-00036215 and doctor strange and storm u6YcGm6BQGg-00141-00036216-00036439 you know for being fabric patches too u6YcGm6BQGg-00142-00036440-00037046 the they look u6YcGm6BQGg-00143-00037047-00037359 what is that you guys deserve this way u6YcGm6BQGg-00144-00037360-00037559 more than i did u6YcGm6BQGg-00145-00037560-00037887 what u6YcGm6BQGg-00146-00037888-00038246 it's the medal that leia gives han u6YcGm6BQGg-00147-00038247-00038527 screw you chewie u6YcGm6BQGg-00148-00038528-00038743 medals for their royal duty han and u6YcGm6BQGg-00149-00038744-00038890 luffa if not chewy u6YcGm6BQGg-00150-00038891-00038940 [Music] u6YcGm6BQGg-00151-00038941-00039095 [Laughter] u6YcGm6BQGg-00152-00039096-00039302 if you have a chewy u6YcGm6BQGg-00153-00039303-00039615 we will display this with chewbacca and u6YcGm6BQGg-00154-00039616-00040102 he will have his medal u6YcGm6BQGg-00155-00040103-00040351 you were totally like u6YcGm6BQGg-00156-00040352-00040567 who cares that he did most of the saving u6YcGm6BQGg-00157-00040568-00041065 that's why he was yelling at u6YcGm6BQGg-00158-00041066-00041727 [Laughter] u6YcGm6BQGg-00159-00041728-00041958 here it is here's the game oh ps3 i u6YcGm6BQGg-00160-00041959-00042118 thought it was ps4 because of the blue u6YcGm6BQGg-00161-00042119-00042511 spine so this is drakken guard three she u6YcGm6BQGg-00162-00042512-00042735 looks cool she looks very is that like a u6YcGm6BQGg-00163-00042736-00042967 serpent behind her or is that a dragon u6YcGm6BQGg-00164-00042968-00043199 with a long tail so we have a square u6YcGm6BQGg-00165-00043200-00043374 enix game and did you notice he sent u6YcGm6BQGg-00166-00043375-00043735 this sealed yeah carnage has never u6YcGm6BQGg-00167-00043736-00044055 looked so beautiful spill blood to enter u6YcGm6BQGg-00168-00044056-00044318 the frenzied in toner mode mount your u6YcGm6BQGg-00169-00044319-00044599 dragon for air and land assault fight u6YcGm6BQGg-00170-00044600-00044911 alongside four unique disciples u6YcGm6BQGg-00171-00044912-00045074 so this looked like a very u6YcGm6BQGg-00172-00045075-00045279 action-oriented game and it looks u6YcGm6BQGg-00173-00045280-00045535 absolutely funny too yeah so i was u6YcGm6BQGg-00174-00045536-00045702 really excited when he put this up as u6YcGm6BQGg-00175-00045703-00045815 one of the prizes u6YcGm6BQGg-00176-00045816-00046079 i was like well if nobody's claimed that u6YcGm6BQGg-00177-00046080-00047223 i don't know take that u6YcGm6BQGg-00178-00047224-00047399 i know it's like he watches us and u6YcGm6BQGg-00179-00047400-00047583 listens to what we say u6YcGm6BQGg-00180-00047584-00048007 that is so cool the best of she-ra and u6YcGm6BQGg-00181-00048008-00048262 it looks like it includes a feature film u6YcGm6BQGg-00182-00048263-00048430 the secret sword and then the best of u6YcGm6BQGg-00183-00048431-00048711 shira and look at that embossed shira's u6YcGm6BQGg-00184-00048712-00048935 all sticking out there u6YcGm6BQGg-00185-00048936-00049199 oh nice look when you open it up you're u6YcGm6BQGg-00186-00049200-00049327 getting shot u6YcGm6BQGg-00187-00049328-00049535 watch out for hordak u6YcGm6BQGg-00188-00049536-00049711 nice u6YcGm6BQGg-00189-00049712-00049951 and it comes with some goodies too i've u6YcGm6BQGg-00190-00049952-00050174 got uh kind of the booklet talking about u6YcGm6BQGg-00191-00050175-00050343 the episodes and everything giving them u6YcGm6BQGg-00192-00050344-00050558 a little synopsis and breaking them down u6YcGm6BQGg-00193-00050559-00050846 then you get some like postcards really u6YcGm6BQGg-00194-00050847-00050983 cool u6YcGm6BQGg-00195-00050984-00051311 those are cool those are really awesome u6YcGm6BQGg-00196-00051312-00051623 yeah and some information on the artists u6YcGm6BQGg-00197-00051624-00051838 on the back that is so neat if you like u6YcGm6BQGg-00198-00051839-00052102 what you saw on the front check them out u6YcGm6BQGg-00199-00052103-00052423 follow their work u6YcGm6BQGg-00200-00052424-00052687 [Music] u6YcGm6BQGg-00201-00052688-00052823 what happened u6YcGm6BQGg-00202-00052824-00053119 i'm so dizzy you just hang out there for u6YcGm6BQGg-00203-00053120-00053204 a while u6YcGm6BQGg-00204-00053205-00053326 [Music] u6YcGm6BQGg-00205-00053327-00053519 he must know u6YcGm6BQGg-00206-00053520-00053830 we like our guides our books we got u6YcGm6BQGg-00207-00053832-00054166 cheat code explosion for handhelds u6YcGm6BQGg-00208-00054167-00054399 two books and one oh and u6YcGm6BQGg-00209-00054400-00054726 for guitar hero games on the other side u6YcGm6BQGg-00210-00054727-00054911 that's kind of neat i didn't know you u6YcGm6BQGg-00211-00054912-00055150 could cheat on guitar hero u6YcGm6BQGg-00212-00055151-00055366 well if you're playing on one end and u6YcGm6BQGg-00213-00055367-00055750 somebody else is doing the fret bars u6YcGm6BQGg-00214-00055751-00055887 kind of like how you used to cheat with u6YcGm6BQGg-00215-00055888-00056126 that with the olympia game from the nes u6YcGm6BQGg-00216-00056127-00056279 when you just sat on the floor and just u6YcGm6BQGg-00217-00056279-00056535 used your hands u6YcGm6BQGg-00218-00056536-00056703 well this is cool and this is a really u6YcGm6BQGg-00219-00056704-00057007 nice shape it is really good shape nice u6YcGm6BQGg-00220-00057008-00057294 do some uh some cheating on the ds i u6YcGm6BQGg-00221-00057295-00057479 think about the farthest we ever got to u6YcGm6BQGg-00222-00057479-00057742 cheating on the nintendo ds was maybe a u6YcGm6BQGg-00223-00057744-00058103 device called the r4 i loved the r4 u6YcGm6BQGg-00224-00058104-00058215 awesome u6YcGm6BQGg-00225-00058216-00058375 honestly i loved the r4 more for the u6YcGm6BQGg-00226-00058376-00058535 fact that it allowed me to read comics u6YcGm6BQGg-00227-00058536-00058847 on the go before the comic app came out u6YcGm6BQGg-00228-00058848-00059119 so that was my favorite thing about it u6YcGm6BQGg-00229-00059120-00059335 for lady lacey u6YcGm6BQGg-00230-00059336-00059575 oh look it is joker and harley and it's u6YcGm6BQGg-00231-00059576-00059854 a coloring book i love these a coloring u6YcGm6BQGg-00232-00059855-00060142 comic box oh that's cool that is neat i u6YcGm6BQGg-00233-00060144-00060375 have never seen a coloring comic book u6YcGm6BQGg-00234-00060376-00060615 before yeah that's an incredible idea u6YcGm6BQGg-00235-00060616-00060830 now that to me is a brilliant idea u6YcGm6BQGg-00236-00060832-00061047 because i do love adult coloring books u6YcGm6BQGg-00237-00061048-00061271 and everything but after the fact you u6YcGm6BQGg-00238-00061272-00061382 know it's like u6YcGm6BQGg-00239-00061383-00061566 i don't necessarily know what to do with u6YcGm6BQGg-00240-00061567-00061719 it after that i mean i guess i could go u6YcGm6BQGg-00241-00061720-00061838 give it to my mom to put on the u6YcGm6BQGg-00242-00061839-00062047 refrigerator u6YcGm6BQGg-00243-00062048-00062326 but like this you have a comic and so u6YcGm6BQGg-00244-00062327-00062550 you color it in and then you've got a u6YcGm6BQGg-00245-00062551-00062759 great comic to read and keep u6YcGm6BQGg-00246-00062760-00063038 that is awesome this is exciting it's u6YcGm6BQGg-00247-00063039-00063142 one of those things like even if you u6YcGm6BQGg-00248-00063144-00063247 didn't want to color it and you still u6YcGm6BQGg-00249-00063248-00063526 have an awesome commentary true yeah u6YcGm6BQGg-00250-00063527-00063726 well speaking of uh comics three this u6YcGm6BQGg-00251-00063727-00064015 one has a note too for tom i need you a u6YcGm6BQGg-00252-00064016-00064175 little uh devil u6YcGm6BQGg-00253-00064176-00064342 nice u6YcGm6BQGg-00254-00064344-00064615 oh but little do you know i'm the one u6YcGm6BQGg-00255-00064616-00064871 who collects grim fairy tales honestly u6YcGm6BQGg-00256-00064872-00065087 she is she's the one that first spotted u6YcGm6BQGg-00257-00065088-00065303 them out in the wild and whenever we u6YcGm6BQGg-00258-00065304-00065526 would go to comic shops or conventions u6YcGm6BQGg-00259-00065527-00065775 and she was drawn in immediately i love u6YcGm6BQGg-00260-00065776-00066119 them the zenscape series of comics they u6YcGm6BQGg-00261-00066120-00066438 always have such awesome usually pin-up u6YcGm6BQGg-00262-00066439-00066759 themed covers and we love our pinups u6YcGm6BQGg-00263-00066760-00066982 yeah and there's so many that have like u6YcGm6BQGg-00264-00066983-00067215 a parody take to this that's why i loved u6YcGm6BQGg-00265-00067216-00067375 the grim so much is because you know it u6YcGm6BQGg-00266-00067376-00067647 was fun reading you know fables that you u6YcGm6BQGg-00267-00067648-00067855 already know about but they've changed u6YcGm6BQGg-00268-00067856-00068023 them in some ways right that's the other u6YcGm6BQGg-00269-00068024-00068263 thing it's not just the uh you know the u6YcGm6BQGg-00270-00068264-00068494 pretty face on the cover they do have u6YcGm6BQGg-00271-00068495-00068726 fun stories because as you said changing u6YcGm6BQGg-00272-00068727-00068991 out those fables so is this the college u6YcGm6BQGg-00273-00068992-00069215 center full oh nice are you uh new u6YcGm6BQGg-00274-00069216-00069871 orleans or louisiana fans u6YcGm6BQGg-00275-00069872-00070438 better put that away until later u6YcGm6BQGg-00276-00070439-00070791 that's lewd u6YcGm6BQGg-00277-00070792-00071135 oh wolverine so we have a sealed graphic u6YcGm6BQGg-00278-00071136-00071247 novel here u6YcGm6BQGg-00279-00071248-00071582 wolverine japan's most wanted and this u6YcGm6BQGg-00280-00071583-00071926 is an intense cover oh logan here has u6YcGm6BQGg-00281-00071927-00072191 taken some serious damage u6YcGm6BQGg-00282-00072192-00072455 he's scratched up he's got arrows poking u6YcGm6BQGg-00283-00072456-00072655 out of him everywhere that looks like u6YcGm6BQGg-00284-00072656-00072926 the scene right out of his movie oh yeah u6YcGm6BQGg-00285-00072927-00073582 yeah it really does u6YcGm6BQGg-00286-00073583-00073855 it's blood blades and bullet trains bub u6YcGm6BQGg-00287-00073856-00074062 when wolverine runs the gauntlet as u6YcGm6BQGg-00288-00074063-00074350 japan's most wanted u6YcGm6BQGg-00289-00074351-00074743 you can't get much more marvel than the u6YcGm6BQGg-00290-00074744-00075038 x-men and wolverine so this is a u6YcGm6BQGg-00291-00075039-00075238 fantastic ad and you know what's really u6YcGm6BQGg-00292-00075239-00075526 cool is the size of this thing too yeah u6YcGm6BQGg-00293-00075527-00075694 it's a pretty big one so this is going u6YcGm6BQGg-00294-00075695-00075919 to have some great artwork in it already u6YcGm6BQGg-00295-00075920-00076119 i know i'm excited because i like the u6YcGm6BQGg-00296-00076120-00076511 stores but i also like the pictures too u6YcGm6BQGg-00297-00076512-00076726 and you're in luck a digital edition u6YcGm6BQGg-00298-00076727-00077079 bonus digital edition included u6YcGm6BQGg-00299-00077080-00077343 that is clever that is something i like u6YcGm6BQGg-00300-00077344-00077575 for a comic yeah because i mean i don't u6YcGm6BQGg-00301-00077576-00077815 get me wrong i love my physical comics u6YcGm6BQGg-00302-00077816-00078055 and i still collect physical comics but u6YcGm6BQGg-00303-00078056-00078223 when you travel a lot you don't want to u6YcGm6BQGg-00304-00078224-00078375 take your comics with you and damage u6YcGm6BQGg-00305-00078376-00078550 them or then you've got that weight u6YcGm6BQGg-00306-00078551-00078735 after you've read them so that's i mean u6YcGm6BQGg-00307-00078736-00078919 i know i'm i'm pushing that at but i u6YcGm6BQGg-00308-00078920-00079199 love that app it's so great and dc has u6YcGm6BQGg-00309-00079200-00079599 one just like the marvel one u6YcGm6BQGg-00310-00079600-00079903 here we have layu smart u6YcGm6BQGg-00311-00079904-00080167 wrist strap for nintendo switch is that u6YcGm6BQGg-00312-00080168-00080326 like if you do like a boxing game or u6YcGm6BQGg-00313-00080327-00080479 something maybe u6YcGm6BQGg-00314-00080480-00080711 it may be because it looks like you hold u6YcGm6BQGg-00315-00080712-00080911 the joy-con and just free your hand to u6YcGm6BQGg-00316-00080912-00081006 dance u6YcGm6BQGg-00317-00081007-00081119 nice u6YcGm6BQGg-00318-00081120-00081350 so okay anytime you're using the motion u6YcGm6BQGg-00319-00081351-00081535 control so like for the dance games or u6YcGm6BQGg-00320-00081536-00081791 anything cool i wonder if something like u6YcGm6BQGg-00321-00081792-00081991 this would work for uh some of the like u6YcGm6BQGg-00322-00081992-00082167 workout games and everything yeah i mean u6YcGm6BQGg-00323-00082168-00082326 i know like you got the ring fit and u6YcGm6BQGg-00324-00082327-00082567 everything but this could come in handy u6YcGm6BQGg-00325-00082568-00082703 too that way u6YcGm6BQGg-00326-00082704-00082847 you could still you know like do your u6YcGm6BQGg-00327-00082848-00083023 air punches and stuff and you're not u6YcGm6BQGg-00328-00083024-00083215 getting your joy cons all like sweaty u6YcGm6BQGg-00329-00083216-00083655 and you crying gross u6YcGm6BQGg-00330-00083656-00084926 [Music] u6YcGm6BQGg-00331-00084927-00085326 some good stuff in here u6YcGm6BQGg-00332-00085327-00085567 well there's one more thing u6YcGm6BQGg-00333-00085568-00085679 but i know u6YcGm6BQGg-00334-00085680-00085935 she's eyeballing this bubble wrap so we u6YcGm6BQGg-00335-00085936-00086350 can't disappoint jen u6YcGm6BQGg-00336-00086351-00087031 there's so much of it u6YcGm6BQGg-00337-00087032-00087255 is that your favorite uh-huh u6YcGm6BQGg-00338-00087256-00087535 i do u6YcGm6BQGg-00339-00087536-00087964 because they [__] u6YcGm6BQGg-00340-00087965-00088438 [Music] u6YcGm6BQGg-00341-00088439-00088567 what's in there what's in there oh my u6YcGm6BQGg-00342-00088568-00088879 goodness what's in there u6YcGm6BQGg-00343-00088880-00089038 centipede u6YcGm6BQGg-00344-00089039-00089382 and it's a board game nice that is u6YcGm6BQGg-00345-00089383-00089582 awesome u6YcGm6BQGg-00346-00089583-00089662 now u6YcGm6BQGg-00347-00089663-00089950 this one here has been collecting i do u6YcGm6BQGg-00348-00089951-00090159 yes and i think isn't i think we have u6YcGm6BQGg-00349-00090160-00090399 the original centipede yeah double check u6YcGm6BQGg-00350-00090400-00090679 yeah but uh the arcade yeah board games u6YcGm6BQGg-00351-00090680-00090862 yeah you've got quite a few i do u6YcGm6BQGg-00352-00090863-00091118 absolutely yeah so this is like pac-man u6YcGm6BQGg-00353-00091119-00091318 and donkey kong zelda u6YcGm6BQGg-00354-00091319-00091559 so this is a more modern take on the u6YcGm6BQGg-00355-00091560-00091823 centipede board game limited edition u6YcGm6BQGg-00356-00091824-00092167 embroidered patch inside nice u6YcGm6BQGg-00357-00092168-00092423 that looks awesome oh my god look at the u6YcGm6BQGg-00358-00092424-00092662 board it looks just like the arcade the u6YcGm6BQGg-00359-00092663-00092935 board is set up like the screen all of u6YcGm6BQGg-00360-00092936-00093191 the pieces look like all the sprites u6YcGm6BQGg-00361-00093192-00093367 from the mushrooms to the centipede to u6YcGm6BQGg-00362-00093368-00093518 the spider everything that you're going u6YcGm6BQGg-00363-00093519-00093838 to see in the game and even has this uh u6YcGm6BQGg-00364-00093839-00094047 this layout at the bottom u6YcGm6BQGg-00365-00094048-00094294 that looks like you're at the arcade u6YcGm6BQGg-00366-00094295-00094455 machine itself u6YcGm6BQGg-00367-00094456-00094687 that is really clever u6YcGm6BQGg-00368-00094688-00094887 so for one side a player controls the u6YcGm6BQGg-00369-00094888-00095071 gnome exploring the forest on the other u6YcGm6BQGg-00370-00095072-00095238 side the centipede player eager to u6YcGm6BQGg-00371-00095239-00095423 destroy the gnome must wiggle their way u6YcGm6BQGg-00372-00095424-00095655 to the other end of the board u6YcGm6BQGg-00373-00095656-00095918 that's cool so it's a it's a very much a u6YcGm6BQGg-00374-00095919-00096094 competitive game u6YcGm6BQGg-00375-00096095-00096247 like you're going head-to-head with u6YcGm6BQGg-00376-00096248-00096359 someone u6YcGm6BQGg-00377-00096360-00096638 but in an arcade sense u6YcGm6BQGg-00378-00096639-00096862 that's really clever that's neat you u6YcGm6BQGg-00379-00096863-00097047 know so it's not like u6YcGm6BQGg-00380-00097048-00097294 we're racing to see who finishes yeah u6YcGm6BQGg-00381-00097295-00097367 yeah u6YcGm6BQGg-00382-00097368-00097535 you and i u6YcGm6BQGg-00383-00097536-00098062 face off boom u6YcGm6BQGg-00384-00098063-00098423 face off holy cow wow this is a little u6YcGm6BQGg-00385-00098424-00098743 bit more than just winning a game oh man u6YcGm6BQGg-00386-00098744-00098871 we u6YcGm6BQGg-00387-00098872-00099143 we have either got to figure out exactly u6YcGm6BQGg-00388-00099144-00099262 what to u6YcGm6BQGg-00389-00099263-00099535 put in a box and send back your way or u6YcGm6BQGg-00390-00099536-00099694 you've got to let us know what u6YcGm6BQGg-00391-00099695-00099862 convention you're going to be at u6YcGm6BQGg-00392-00099863-00100023 hopefully it's one that we can make it u6YcGm6BQGg-00393-00100024-00100094 to u6YcGm6BQGg-00394-00100095-00100335 and we'll have to uh settle things u6YcGm6BQGg-00395-00100336-00100735 settle things there mono amato you know u6YcGm6BQGg-00396-00100736-00100935 maybe at least start with buying you a u6YcGm6BQGg-00397-00100936-00101279 drink because this was an incredible u6YcGm6BQGg-00398-00101280-00101382 prize u6YcGm6BQGg-00399-00101383-00101567 yeah u6YcGm6BQGg-00400-00101568-00101831 i won i won u6YcGm6BQGg-00401-00101832-00102006 and to think u6YcGm6BQGg-00402-00102007-00102206 i just thought we were winning a game u6YcGm6BQGg-00403-00102207-00102359 but he u6YcGm6BQGg-00404-00102360-00102615 he knocked it out of the park i know u6YcGm6BQGg-00405-00102616-00102966 so much cool stuff seriously once again u6YcGm6BQGg-00406-00102967-00103230 drinking games with josh check out this u6YcGm6BQGg-00407-00103231-00103478 amazing channel he just passed the 200 u6YcGm6BQGg-00408-00103479-00103682 subscriber mark let's see if we can u6YcGm6BQGg-00409-00103683-00103934 start jettisoning him into the u6YcGm6BQGg-00410-00103935-00104247 stratosphere of subs so he can hit u6YcGm6BQGg-00411-00104248-00104415 milestone after milestone after u6YcGm6BQGg-00412-00104416-00104654 milestone so one last time josh u6YcGm6BQGg-00413-00104655-00104863 congratulations again u6YcGm6BQGg-00414-00104864-00105158 subs many many more to come thank you so u6YcGm6BQGg-00415-00105159-00105423 much for hosting a cool contest yeah to u6YcGm6BQGg-00416-00105424-00105590 give something back to the community and u6YcGm6BQGg-00417-00105591-00105831 then upping the antsy by giving so much u6YcGm6BQGg-00418-00105832-00105951 back to us u6YcGm6BQGg-00419-00105952-00106247 that is way way too sweet of you you are u6YcGm6BQGg-00420-00106248-00106558 a sweetheart and we are going to have so u6YcGm6BQGg-00421-00106559-00106807 much fun with all this i know i got toys u6YcGm6BQGg-00422-00106808-00106966 to play with i got things to color i got u6YcGm6BQGg-00423-00106967-00107199 things to read and watch u6YcGm6BQGg-00424-00107200-00107447 i don't know what to do play so much fun u6YcGm6BQGg-00425-00107448-00107671 give the video a like if you want to u6YcGm6BQGg-00426-00107672-00107854 leave some comments down below make sure u6YcGm6BQGg-00427-00107855-00108054 you subscribe and hit that notification u6YcGm6BQGg-00428-00108055-00108375 bell and then go over to josh's page u6YcGm6BQGg-00429-00108376-00108639 drink and games with josh do all of that u6YcGm6BQGg-00430-00108640-00108983 again keep up with him and don't forget u6YcGm6BQGg-00431-00108983-00109151 to like us on facebook twitter and u6YcGm6BQGg-00432-00109152-00109334 instagram go over to t public because u6YcGm6BQGg-00433-00109335-00109527 we've got merchandise over there hit us u6YcGm6BQGg-00434-00109528-00109686 up on the retro refresh because we'd u6YcGm6BQGg-00435-00109688-00109895 love to talk to you there too and u6YcGm6BQGg-00436-00109896-00110239 nerdlings if we like it we nerd it and u6YcGm6BQGg-00437-00110240-00110527 that includes giving wookies the medals u6YcGm6BQGg-00438-00110528-00110751 they deserve thanks to josh better late u6YcGm6BQGg-00439-00110752-00110958 than never u6YcGm6BQGg-00440-00110959-00111639 bye bye nerdlings u6YcGm6BQGg-00441-00111640-00111863 got any warning u6YcGm6BQGg-00442-00111864-00112457 all right and now a wind pose we won u6YcGm6BQGg-00443-00112458-00113295 [Laughter] u6YcGm6BQGg-00444-00113296-00113710 not afraid of you u6YcGm6BQGg-00445-00113711-00113919 i will cut off your whiskers braid them u6YcGm6BQGg-00446-00113920-00114158 together and whip you with them u6YcGm6BQGg-00447-00114159-00114358 wow u6YcGm6BQGg-00448-00114359-00114719 carnage has never looked so beautiful u6YcGm6BQGg-00449-00114720-00114910 well i mean u6YcGm6BQGg-00450-00114911-00115102 he's got some nice red and black going u6YcGm6BQGg-00451-00115103-00115302 on there so yeah carnage can look pretty u6YcGm6BQGg-00452-00115303-00115495 pretty if he wants to i'm gonna play u6YcGm6BQGg-00453-00115496-00115967 with my wonder woman now u6YcGm6BQGg-00454-00115968-00117016 [Music] u6YcGm6BQGg-00455-00117017-00118583 [Music] u6YcGm6BQGg-00456-00118583-00118791 you u7QgYiGeX5U-00000-00000003-00000409 we explain creativity in the workplace u7QgYiGeX5U-00001-00000409-00000730 this is Shawn a product manager working u7QgYiGeX5U-00002-00000731-00000940 on the launch of a new sailboat the u7QgYiGeX5U-00003-00000941-00001157 presentation has to be ready by 9:00 u7QgYiGeX5U-00004-00001158-00001265 a.m. tomorrow u7QgYiGeX5U-00005-00001266-00001523 Shawn feels stressed because he's u7QgYiGeX5U-00006-00001524-00001789 missing the big idea u7QgYiGeX5U-00007-00001789-00002075 Shawn's supervisor Vincent wants to help u7QgYiGeX5U-00008-00002076-00002330 him he's read that creative spaces lead u7QgYiGeX5U-00009-00002331-00002743 to creative work so Vincent decides to u7QgYiGeX5U-00010-00002744-00002968 build the best work place on earth with u7QgYiGeX5U-00011-00002969-00003206 open-plan offices common areas and u7QgYiGeX5U-00012-00003207-00003410 wellness areas were Shawn to be u7QgYiGeX5U-00013-00003411-00003679 resourceful but Shawn still doesn't feel u7QgYiGeX5U-00014-00003680-00004124 creative when he's at work Shawn has his u7QgYiGeX5U-00015-00004125-00004358 best ideas outside the office while u7QgYiGeX5U-00016-00004359-00004610 running chatting with friends listening u7QgYiGeX5U-00017-00004611-00005029 to music or having a shower like Shawn u7QgYiGeX5U-00018-00005030-00005293 the majority of people are not creative u7QgYiGeX5U-00019-00005294-00005581 on Mirjana the main reasons are too many u7QgYiGeX5U-00020-00005582-00005867 distractions having no time being too u7QgYiGeX5U-00021-00005868-00006143 focused or feeling stressed so is it u7QgYiGeX5U-00022-00006144-00006370 ever possible to have outstanding ideas u7QgYiGeX5U-00023-00006371-00006781 at work this is Lisa u7QgYiGeX5U-00024-00006783-00007019 Vincent's daughter Lisa works on her u7QgYiGeX5U-00025-00007020-00007260 startup in a garage with her two friends u7QgYiGeX5U-00026-00007261-00007580 surprisingly lisa has her best ideas in u7QgYiGeX5U-00027-00007581-00007803 the garage u7QgYiGeX5U-00028-00007804-00008237 Vincent wonders why the garage isn't the u7QgYiGeX5U-00029-00008238-00008501 best work place on earth furthermore he u7QgYiGeX5U-00030-00008502-00008756 knows Lisa is stressed too being an u7QgYiGeX5U-00031-00008757-00008933 entrepreneur is like jumping from a u7QgYiGeX5U-00032-00008934-00009164 plane without a parachute and trying to u7QgYiGeX5U-00033-00009165-00009323 figure out how to make wine on the way u7QgYiGeX5U-00034-00009324-00009767 down so why does Lisa have her best u7QgYiGeX5U-00035-00009768-00010060 ideas in the garage what matters most u7QgYiGeX5U-00036-00010061-00010378 for Lisa is her team one they inspire u7QgYiGeX5U-00037-00010379-00010489 her every day u7QgYiGeX5U-00038-00010490-00010676 they share their thoughts openly and u7QgYiGeX5U-00039-00010677-00011084 have respect for their expertise - there u7QgYiGeX5U-00040-00011085-00011345 was a creative atmosphere it's okay to u7QgYiGeX5U-00041-00011346-00011546 be yourself and do whatever you want u7QgYiGeX5U-00042-00011547-00011874 sing out loud do a workout or daydream u7QgYiGeX5U-00043-00011875-00012233 three they know creativity is required u7QgYiGeX5U-00044-00012234-00012590 for their startup to survive and grow u7QgYiGeX5U-00045-00012591-00012894 how can Vincent help his employees to be u7QgYiGeX5U-00046-00012894-00012963 creative u7QgYiGeX5U-00047-00012963-00013212 he works in a big corporate balloon u7QgYiGeX5U-00048-00013213-00013482 Vincent realizes that creativity in the u7QgYiGeX5U-00049-00013483-00013740 workplace depends more on the people and u7QgYiGeX5U-00050-00013741-00013926 the energy between them that on the u7QgYiGeX5U-00051-00013927-00014229 environment he identifies four key u7QgYiGeX5U-00052-00014230-00014583 elements behind Lisa's creativity first u7QgYiGeX5U-00053-00014584-00014822 surround yourself with people on your u7QgYiGeX5U-00054-00014824-00015033 wavelength folks you would like to go u7QgYiGeX5U-00055-00015034-00015246 sailing with these are people you are u7QgYiGeX5U-00056-00015247-00015468 more likely to communicate with which u7QgYiGeX5U-00057-00015469-00015762 builds trust Trust is a major element u7QgYiGeX5U-00058-00015763-00016005 for creativity because people are more u7QgYiGeX5U-00059-00016006-00016227 likely to give honest feedback and come u7QgYiGeX5U-00060-00016228-00016713 up with daring ideas second allow time u7QgYiGeX5U-00061-00016714-00017085 to not focus under extreme time pressure u7QgYiGeX5U-00062-00017086-00017340 people are likely to focus too hard and u7QgYiGeX5U-00063-00017341-00017679 hold on to a narrow point not focusing u7QgYiGeX5U-00064-00017680-00017946 helps to widen the horizon for instance u7QgYiGeX5U-00065-00017947-00018207 informal talks with colleagues help to u7QgYiGeX5U-00066-00018208-00018357 see problems from a bird's eye view u7QgYiGeX5U-00067-00018358-00018672 offer different perspectives and thereby u7QgYiGeX5U-00068-00018673-00019103 open the horizon for unusual solutions u7QgYiGeX5U-00069-00019104-00019551 third demand creativity to accelerate u7QgYiGeX5U-00070-00019552-00019803 creative thinking get a genius on board u7QgYiGeX5U-00071-00019804-00020058 a genius places high standards on u7QgYiGeX5U-00072-00020059-00020322 himself is passionate about his job and u7QgYiGeX5U-00073-00020323-00020565 inspires others to deliver creative u7QgYiGeX5U-00074-00020566-00021042 excellence to and finally have a common u7QgYiGeX5U-00075-00021043-00021306 purpose if people are driven by the same u7QgYiGeX5U-00076-00021307-00021549 goal they help each other to have great u7QgYiGeX5U-00077-00021550-00021895 ideas u7QgYiGeX5U-00078-00021896-00022278 six months later Shawn Vincent and his u7QgYiGeX5U-00079-00022279-00022536 new colleagues go on a sailing trip to u7QgYiGeX5U-00080-00022537-00022758 test drive the new boat like good u7QgYiGeX5U-00081-00022759-00022967 friends they have the time of their life u7QgYiGeX5U-00082-00022968-00023300 and they keep one promise what happens u7QgYiGeX5U-00083-00023301-00023756 on the sailboat stays on the sailboat urmCxgpZUlk-00000-00000119-00000327 are considered the best noise cancelling urmCxgpZUlk-00001-00000328-00000495 headphones on the market right now or at urmCxgpZUlk-00002-00000496-00000655 least they were before the release of urmCxgpZUlk-00003-00000656-00000878 the newer headphones like the xm5 so are urmCxgpZUlk-00004-00000880-00001054 these headphones still one of the best urmCxgpZUlk-00005-00001055-00001239 in noise cancelling if so is that the urmCxgpZUlk-00006-00001240-00001447 only good thing about them and also urmCxgpZUlk-00007-00001448-00001599 who's it for and how does it sound like urmCxgpZUlk-00008-00001600-00001767 and what can you expect after you get urmCxgpZUlk-00009-00001768-00001910 them or should you just spring for a urmCxgpZUlk-00010-00001911-00002087 newer model let's find out well for urmCxgpZUlk-00011-00002088-00002271 starters the appearance of the xm4s are urmCxgpZUlk-00012-00002272-00002495 minimalistic and classy the ear cups and urmCxgpZUlk-00013-00002496-00002647 the headphones are designed to give you urmCxgpZUlk-00014-00002648-00002783 the desired fit that you were looking urmCxgpZUlk-00015-00002784-00002983 for without looking too large and urmCxgpZUlk-00016-00002984-00003126 sticking too far on the side the urmCxgpZUlk-00017-00003127-00003303 headband itself can be adjusted nice and urmCxgpZUlk-00018-00003304-00003447 easy with the adjustable slider on the urmCxgpZUlk-00019-00003447-00003638 side the headphone is comfortable and urmCxgpZUlk-00020-00003639-00003815 lightweight for the user and is very urmCxgpZUlk-00021-00003815-00004015 much expandable for any kind of head urmCxgpZUlk-00022-00004015-00004167 size the technique of pulling the ear urmCxgpZUlk-00023-00004168-00004367 cups inwards works fantastic for travel urmCxgpZUlk-00024-00004368-00004527 as well all the manual controls are on urmCxgpZUlk-00025-00004528-00004686 the left side of the ear cup as well it urmCxgpZUlk-00026-00004687-00004831 works excellent and comes with two urmCxgpZUlk-00027-00004832-00004991 control buttons one button controls the urmCxgpZUlk-00028-00004992-00005143 power and pairing of the headphone while urmCxgpZUlk-00029-00005144-00005335 on the other side it takes control of urmCxgpZUlk-00030-00005336-00005527 the voice cancelling feature as well a urmCxgpZUlk-00031-00005528-00005727 big major downside to this headset is urmCxgpZUlk-00032-00005728-00005886 that they're not waterproof at all urmCxgpZUlk-00033-00005887-00006070 though the comfort range offered by the urmCxgpZUlk-00034-00006071-00006286 xm4 is excellent and matchless the urmCxgpZUlk-00035-00006287-00006534 earcups are soft and the fit is exactly urmCxgpZUlk-00036-00006536-00006727 almost any tightness the softness of the urmCxgpZUlk-00037-00006728-00006846 ear cups also allow you to wear the urmCxgpZUlk-00038-00006847-00007055 headphones for a very long time without urmCxgpZUlk-00039-00007056-00007246 any discomfort all credit goes to the urmCxgpZUlk-00040-00007247-00007398 sponge material that are around the ear urmCxgpZUlk-00041-00007400-00007606 cups and the headphones the sponging urmCxgpZUlk-00042-00007608-00007855 material makes it nice and soft so it urmCxgpZUlk-00043-00007856-00008006 stays the same range of comfort on top urmCxgpZUlk-00044-00008008-00008151 of your head as well as on the side and urmCxgpZUlk-00045-00008152-00008319 it's lightweight and its premium design urmCxgpZUlk-00046-00008320-00008455 is going to make you want to wear this urmCxgpZUlk-00047-00008456-00008639 for a long time the only major downside urmCxgpZUlk-00048-00008640-00008799 is the ventilation on the headset it's urmCxgpZUlk-00049-00008800-00009031 going to get quite warm on that headset urmCxgpZUlk-00050-00009032-00009214 because there's no ventilation because urmCxgpZUlk-00051-00009215-00009351 they had to take up the space for the urmCxgpZUlk-00052-00009352-00009542 drivers for the noise cancelling but urmCxgpZUlk-00053-00009543-00009687 we'll get to why the noise canceling is urmCxgpZUlk-00054-00009688-00009831 important a little later on in this urmCxgpZUlk-00055-00009832-00010014 video it works ideally when it comes to urmCxgpZUlk-00056-00010015-00010223 the audio and performance of the xm4 the urmCxgpZUlk-00057-00010224-00010406 regions of the upper base and mid base urmCxgpZUlk-00058-00010407-00010583 are found to be elevated separation of urmCxgpZUlk-00059-00010584-00010759 vocal sounds and instrumental tracks is urmCxgpZUlk-00060-00010760-00010951 also satisfactory it renders good urmCxgpZUlk-00061-00010952-00011110 quality sound without disruptions that urmCxgpZUlk-00062-00011111-00011327 most music lovers will love another urmCxgpZUlk-00063-00011328-00011495 impressive feature of the xm4 is the urmCxgpZUlk-00064-00011496-00011735 noise canceling feature the xm4 works urmCxgpZUlk-00065-00011736-00011903 better in cancelling externally urmCxgpZUlk-00066-00011904-00012103 generated noise when compared to most urmCxgpZUlk-00067-00012104-00012310 upper headphones when operating the xm4 urmCxgpZUlk-00068-00012311-00012510 in the transparency mode no latency is urmCxgpZUlk-00069-00012511-00012719 observed the work is excellent and urmCxgpZUlk-00070-00012720-00012894 noteworthy an issue with latency is that urmCxgpZUlk-00071-00012895-00013063 some families are witness while watching urmCxgpZUlk-00072-00013063-00013230 videos which is enhanced when paired up urmCxgpZUlk-00073-00013231-00013430 with another device another not great urmCxgpZUlk-00074-00013431-00013591 quality is the mic because you expect urmCxgpZUlk-00075-00013591-00013703 the quality to be better than it urmCxgpZUlk-00076-00013704-00013911 actually is some audio might get a urmCxgpZUlk-00077-00013912-00014071 little shoddy while you're talking on urmCxgpZUlk-00078-00014072-00014215 the phone or while you're on a discord urmCxgpZUlk-00079-00014216-00014415 call even it can be slightly improved urmCxgpZUlk-00080-00014416-00014566 when you adjust the mic settings but urmCxgpZUlk-00081-00014568-00014791 it's still not that great the urmCxgpZUlk-00082-00014791-00014983 connectivity does render very smoothly urmCxgpZUlk-00083-00014984-00015103 though no matter what kind of thing urmCxgpZUlk-00084-00015104-00015279 you're running into either your console urmCxgpZUlk-00085-00015280-00015486 your phone or your gaming pc or laptop urmCxgpZUlk-00086-00015487-00015647 it'll still run pretty smoothly and you urmCxgpZUlk-00087-00015647-00015838 won't have any audio lag the adaptive urmCxgpZUlk-00088-00015840-00015999 sound control feature present in the app urmCxgpZUlk-00089-00016000-00016150 lets you control the level of noise urmCxgpZUlk-00090-00016151-00016286 cancellation respecting to your urmCxgpZUlk-00091-00016287-00016430 surroundings you can also regulate the urmCxgpZUlk-00092-00016431-00016591 coming in noise using the ambient sound urmCxgpZUlk-00093-00016592-00016799 button option on the headset itself it urmCxgpZUlk-00094-00016800-00016975 has multiple device pairing options this urmCxgpZUlk-00095-00016976-00017111 feature is one of the most significant urmCxgpZUlk-00096-00017112-00017294 features they can use multiple users on urmCxgpZUlk-00097-00017295-00017447 the same device at the same time which urmCxgpZUlk-00098-00017448-00017607 is pretty cool another big feature of urmCxgpZUlk-00099-00017608-00017791 the xm4 is the wear detection the urmCxgpZUlk-00100-00017792-00017943 optimal sensor will detect if the urmCxgpZUlk-00101-00017944-00018191 headset is in rest or in operation it is urmCxgpZUlk-00102-00018192-00018311 in the left earcup but it doesn't urmCxgpZUlk-00103-00018312-00018479 provide any discomfort to the user you urmCxgpZUlk-00104-00018480-00018655 don't even notice it's there another big urmCxgpZUlk-00105-00018656-00018814 feature on this is the speak to chat a urmCxgpZUlk-00106-00018815-00018967 song will stop when it all suddenly urmCxgpZUlk-00107-00018968-00019158 texts the user speaking which is also urmCxgpZUlk-00108-00019159-00019383 really cool because how many headsets urmCxgpZUlk-00109-00019384-00019494 will stop when you see here's you urmCxgpZUlk-00110-00019495-00019567 talking when you're having a urmCxgpZUlk-00111-00019568-00019719 conversation that's awesome it's a urmCxgpZUlk-00112-00019720-00019847 pretty impressive piece of tech in my urmCxgpZUlk-00113-00019848-00020022 opinion and it doesn't come in very many urmCxgpZUlk-00114-00020023-00020175 other headsets as well the average urmCxgpZUlk-00115-00020176-00020358 battery life of the xm4 is claimed to be urmCxgpZUlk-00116-00020359-00020567 around 30 hours realistically though urmCxgpZUlk-00117-00020568-00020767 it's probably around 25 hours with all urmCxgpZUlk-00118-00020768-00020886 the features running on before the urmCxgpZUlk-00119-00020887-00021039 battery will run out now it does have urmCxgpZUlk-00120-00021040-00021214 fast charging it says you can get five urmCxgpZUlk-00121-00021215-00021375 hours of usage if you just charge it for urmCxgpZUlk-00122-00021376-00021527 10 minutes if not used all day the urmCxgpZUlk-00123-00021528-00021686 battery can be longer than the estimated urmCxgpZUlk-00124-00021687-00021903 time range as well all in all the xm4 is urmCxgpZUlk-00125-00021904-00022103 one of the best noise canceling urmCxgpZUlk-00126-00022104-00022214 headphones and one of the most cost urmCxgpZUlk-00127-00022215-00022367 effective in my opinion they're urmCxgpZUlk-00128-00022368-00022567 lightweight and classic design and urmCxgpZUlk-00129-00022568-00022735 they're comfortable as well they have a urmCxgpZUlk-00130-00022736-00022903 ton of features as well like multiple urmCxgpZUlk-00131-00022904-00023111 pairing picture chat and wear detection urmCxgpZUlk-00132-00023112-00023247 but they do have some drawbacks of not urmCxgpZUlk-00133-00023248-00023430 being waterproof and average mic quality urmCxgpZUlk-00134-00023431-00023583 but if none of that bothers you then the urmCxgpZUlk-00135-00023584-00023791 xm4 is one of the must haves for you urmCxgpZUlk-00136-00023792-00023935 especially if you're a traveler or you urmCxgpZUlk-00137-00023936-00024199 just love music even with the newer xm5z urmCxgpZUlk-00138-00024200-00024350 with some better features these are urmCxgpZUlk-00139-00024351-00024542 still one of the top of the class in urmCxgpZUlk-00140-00024543-00025527 wireless headphones urmCxgpZUlk-00141-00025528-00026770 [Music] urmCxgpZUlk-00142-00026770-00027855 [Music] urmCxgpZUlk-00143-00027856-00028063 you uukpH2n8SXI-00000-00000159-00000511 hello guys uukpH2n8SXI-00001-00000512-00000767 hello uukpH2n8SXI-00002-00000768-00000902 you really definitely wouldn't come up uukpH2n8SXI-00003-00000903-00001215 with another series yes marty look look uukpH2n8SXI-00004-00001216-00001303 at it uukpH2n8SXI-00005-00001304-00001491 beautiful uukpH2n8SXI-00006-00001492-00001871 one i thought about these in things uukpH2n8SXI-00007-00001872-00001959 you know uukpH2n8SXI-00008-00001960-00002287 a wee bit past the first half uukpH2n8SXI-00009-00002288-00002383 of it uukpH2n8SXI-00010-00002384-00002726 then chattery is on its way you're uukpH2n8SXI-00011-00002727-00002966 releasing soon and then uukpH2n8SXI-00012-00002967-00003150 should do it here uukpH2n8SXI-00013-00003151-00003279 so uukpH2n8SXI-00014-00003279-00003422 before we uukpH2n8SXI-00015-00003423-00003606 before we started let's go over the uukpH2n8SXI-00016-00003607-00003886 rules uukpH2n8SXI-00017-00003887-00004119 all right so uukpH2n8SXI-00018-00004120-00005711 anyway birthday uukpH2n8SXI-00019-00005712-00005975 ending but then we'll switch where uukpH2n8SXI-00020-00005976-00006102 i will uukpH2n8SXI-00021-00006103-00006263 write the ending you will write them out uukpH2n8SXI-00022-00006264-00006503 and design like basically we want to uukpH2n8SXI-00023-00006504-00006806 switch positions at every map okay uukpH2n8SXI-00024-00006808-00007159 i think i should rate the maps and uukpH2n8SXI-00025-00007159-00007342 of design uukpH2n8SXI-00026-00007343-00007606 and you should break the routes and the uukpH2n8SXI-00027-00007608-00007839 endings because i don't really uukpH2n8SXI-00028-00007840-00008159 all the endings mostly look uukpH2n8SXI-00029-00008159-00008503 like they're the same level of uukpH2n8SXI-00030-00008504-00008727 detailedness for me uukpH2n8SXI-00031-00008728-00008903 also uukpH2n8SXI-00032-00008904-00009135 also this time things have changed uukpH2n8SXI-00033-00009136-00009319 you're gonna also be ranking the math uukpH2n8SXI-00034-00009320-00009574 and terms up fairness uukpH2n8SXI-00035-00009575-00009703 they're gonna also be bringing you uukpH2n8SXI-00036-00009704-00009863 tonight because of fairness and uukpH2n8SXI-00037-00009864-00010071 difficulty uukpH2n8SXI-00038-00010072-00010271 and after the math you can use your uukpH2n8SXI-00039-00010272-00010423 opinion uukpH2n8SXI-00040-00010424-00010638 international give it all right uukpH2n8SXI-00041-00010639-00010871 anything you want to still have one uukpH2n8SXI-00042-00010872-00011231 picture one out of ten uukpH2n8SXI-00043-00011232-00011359 and it's uukpH2n8SXI-00044-00011360-00011535 perfectly good uukpH2n8SXI-00045-00011536-00011783 if it's five it's not bad uukpH2n8SXI-00046-00011784-00011967 and if it's not one uukpH2n8SXI-00047-00011968-00012095 no uukpH2n8SXI-00048-00012096-00012871 just know get out of here uukpH2n8SXI-00049-00012872-00013183 why don't we starting uukpH2n8SXI-00050-00013184-00013399 now we don't know what the rules uukpH2n8SXI-00051-00013400-00013647 josh why don't you do this uukpH2n8SXI-00052-00013647-00013838 and i'm not going to box you around and uukpH2n8SXI-00053-00013840-00014063 just tell you what you think of the map uukpH2n8SXI-00054-00014063-00014207 i'm just going to let you review it on uukpH2n8SXI-00055-00014208-00014319 your own uukpH2n8SXI-00056-00014319-00014415 well uukpH2n8SXI-00057-00014416-00014583 i think uukpH2n8SXI-00058-00014584-00014719 it's uukpH2n8SXI-00059-00014719-00015007 it deserves uukpH2n8SXI-00060-00015008-00015311 probably an average because uukpH2n8SXI-00061-00015312-00015663 it doesn't really have any good design uukpH2n8SXI-00062-00015663-00015911 it's just a basic uukpH2n8SXI-00063-00015912-00016183 design piggy map uukpH2n8SXI-00064-00016184-00016358 because uukpH2n8SXI-00065-00016359-00016622 well uukpH2n8SXI-00066-00016623-00016847 it just doesn't have much design uukpH2n8SXI-00067-00016848-00017167 features to it uukpH2n8SXI-00068-00017168-00017383 yeah uukpH2n8SXI-00069-00017384-00017558 now the cutscene uukpH2n8SXI-00070-00017559-00017943 does not seem interesting uukpH2n8SXI-00071-00017944-00018103 overall uukpH2n8SXI-00072-00018104-00018183 that uukpH2n8SXI-00073-00018184-00018527 has rashes appearing added that you have uukpH2n8SXI-00074-00018528-00018703 another base uukpH2n8SXI-00075-00018704-00018958 however it was due to uukpH2n8SXI-00076-00018959-00019263 the creation of a new infection uukpH2n8SXI-00077-00019264-00019471 that's gone like that uukpH2n8SXI-00078-00019472-00019639 okay um uukpH2n8SXI-00079-00019640-00019879 we get more into detail into that uukpH2n8SXI-00080-00019880-00020143 and you find find out more about in the uukpH2n8SXI-00081-00020144-00020358 later chapters so we just have to do a uukpH2n8SXI-00082-00020359-00020719 reveal a lot about him uukpH2n8SXI-00083-00020720-00020911 but for now we don't know anything and uukpH2n8SXI-00084-00020912-00021247 plus they just deserve a story here uukpH2n8SXI-00085-00021248-00021439 so of course chapter one uukpH2n8SXI-00086-00021440-00021558 and uukpH2n8SXI-00087-00021559-00021703 you don't have to make chapter one uukpH2n8SXI-00088-00021704-00021927 actually outstanding but the mountains uukpH2n8SXI-00089-00021928-00022078 are gonna get way better uukpH2n8SXI-00090-00022079-00022271 as we move on uukpH2n8SXI-00091-00022272-00023239 anyway overall what would you do uukpH2n8SXI-00092-00023240-00023503 the map on a skill of one to ten how uukpH2n8SXI-00093-00023504-00023655 would you rank it uukpH2n8SXI-00094-00023656-00023942 i would give it for five out of ten uukpH2n8SXI-00095-00023943-00024286 and i'm giving a 7 out of 10 per story i uukpH2n8SXI-00096-00024287-00024486 mean it's i'm only going to get 7 out of uukpH2n8SXI-00097-00024487-00024663 10 for 4 you guys uukpH2n8SXI-00098-00024664-00024822 it only just started we don't know uukpH2n8SXI-00099-00024823-00024983 anything yet but no he's going to get uukpH2n8SXI-00100-00024984-00025214 way more interest uukpH2n8SXI-00101-00025215-00025655 all right so chapter two uukpH2n8SXI-00102-00025656-00025831 josh uukpH2n8SXI-00103-00025832-00026183 i think i'm looking to rub you there uukpH2n8SXI-00104-00026183-00026558 right now uukpH2n8SXI-00105-00026560-00026790 chapter two now chapter two is uukpH2n8SXI-00106-00026791-00027062 definitely step-by-step yes definitely uukpH2n8SXI-00107-00027063-00027262 it's definitely a step up from chapter uukpH2n8SXI-00108-00027263-00027518 or one it has no it's a lot more unique uukpH2n8SXI-00109-00027519-00027718 design uukpH2n8SXI-00110-00027719-00027935 it should probably go in astronomical uukpH2n8SXI-00111-00027936-00028151 but not uukpH2n8SXI-00112-00028152-00028318 so outstanding we go uukpH2n8SXI-00113-00028319-00028518 on to getting into more detail about uukpH2n8SXI-00114-00028519-00028718 what we think the map what does that uukpH2n8SXI-00115-00028719-00028983 strong astronomical uukpH2n8SXI-00116-00028983-00029143 typically mean uukpH2n8SXI-00117-00029144-00029558 it means that um it means basically uukpH2n8SXI-00118-00029560-00029646 that uukpH2n8SXI-00119-00029647-00029895 it's a very good uukpH2n8SXI-00120-00029895-00030095 map but uukpH2n8SXI-00121-00030095-00030367 it's not but it still has some minor uukpH2n8SXI-00122-00030368-00030639 balls that that's still putting um into uukpH2n8SXI-00123-00030639-00030758 one uukpH2n8SXI-00124-00030760-00030895 down below uukpH2n8SXI-00125-00030895-00031262 oh i was standing uukpH2n8SXI-00126-00031263-00031383 because even uukpH2n8SXI-00127-00031383-00031670 some of these well designed and balanced uukpH2n8SXI-00128-00031672-00031918 that can have an issue uukpH2n8SXI-00129-00031919-00032358 they're not going to be perfect you know uukpH2n8SXI-00130-00032360-00032614 anyway let's get into further detail uukpH2n8SXI-00131-00032616-00032774 you aren't you can explain about the uukpH2n8SXI-00132-00032775-00032974 design uukpH2n8SXI-00133-00032975-00033279 right now uukpH2n8SXI-00134-00033280-00033551 wait what you can rank the map in terms uukpH2n8SXI-00135-00033552-00033927 of design now why isn't astronomical uukpH2n8SXI-00136-00033928-00034031 because uukpH2n8SXI-00137-00034032-00034118 well uukpH2n8SXI-00138-00034119-00034407 it's a step up from the previous uukpH2n8SXI-00139-00034408-00034711 designs of the map it's not a major step uukpH2n8SXI-00140-00034712-00034862 but it's enough uukpH2n8SXI-00141-00034863-00035102 to take it from an average to an uukpH2n8SXI-00142-00035103-00035279 astronaut uukpH2n8SXI-00143-00035280-00035407 the thing is uukpH2n8SXI-00144-00035408-00035543 that uukpH2n8SXI-00145-00035544-00035711 the design uukpH2n8SXI-00146-00035712-00036279 and the design has sucked up uukpH2n8SXI-00147-00036280-00036599 it is a little more uukpH2n8SXI-00148-00036600-00036671 it uukpH2n8SXI-00149-00036672-00036951 the one thing that made the design step uukpH2n8SXI-00150-00036952-00037062 up is uukpH2n8SXI-00151-00037063-00037343 that the place is actually labeled with uukpH2n8SXI-00152-00037344-00037511 notes uukpH2n8SXI-00153-00037512-00037783 it's one of the ways and uukpH2n8SXI-00154-00037784-00038230 there are a few others uukpH2n8SXI-00155-00038231-00038423 now the ending of uukpH2n8SXI-00156-00038424-00038639 if you don't remember me uukpH2n8SXI-00157-00038640-00038887 that bunny calls you on the radio on the uukpH2n8SXI-00158-00038888-00039062 previous chapter uukpH2n8SXI-00159-00039063-00039255 and he she tells you that she's gonna uukpH2n8SXI-00160-00039256-00039487 send someone to help you uukpH2n8SXI-00161-00039488-00039711 however you didn't do an argument with uukpH2n8SXI-00162-00039712-00039823 lilo uukpH2n8SXI-00163-00039824-00040023 you don't need something that she didn't uukpH2n8SXI-00164-00040024-00040295 trust she didn't trust them uukpH2n8SXI-00165-00040296-00040446 and when uukpH2n8SXI-00166-00040447-00040615 she's being uukpH2n8SXI-00167-00040616-00040862 like a person who's trying to stand up uukpH2n8SXI-00168-00040863-00041190 for us and protect them think that hey uukpH2n8SXI-00169-00041191-00041423 hey guys we don't even know these people uukpH2n8SXI-00170-00041424-00041727 we don't even know if we can trust them uukpH2n8SXI-00171-00041728-00042055 we don't know what they can do to us uukpH2n8SXI-00172-00042056-00042215 we don't even know if he could be lying uukpH2n8SXI-00173-00042216-00042407 or not hey uukpH2n8SXI-00174-00042408-00042590 basically trying to protect us because uukpH2n8SXI-00175-00042591-00042887 somebody wants that you the player or uukpH2n8SXI-00176-00042888-00043183 doesn't even really think uukpH2n8SXI-00177-00043184-00043471 he is seeing a confused sign doesn't uukpH2n8SXI-00178-00043472-00043567 really uukpH2n8SXI-00179-00043568-00043799 agree with anything uukpH2n8SXI-00180-00043800-00044295 but the where doesn't they understand it uukpH2n8SXI-00181-00044296-00044783 and the danger uukpH2n8SXI-00182-00044784-00044943 however uukpH2n8SXI-00183-00044944-00045174 her buddy uukpH2n8SXI-00184-00045175-00045758 pony actually means to stop the army uukpH2n8SXI-00185-00045759-00045887 it does not mean uukpH2n8SXI-00186-00045888-00046190 he he caught a thing got a single one uukpH2n8SXI-00187-00046191-00046351 radio uukpH2n8SXI-00188-00046352-00046599 basically many times has that helmet uukpH2n8SXI-00189-00046600-00046839 that i'm not a person not trying to help uukpH2n8SXI-00190-00046840-00047127 with an officer doggy uukpH2n8SXI-00191-00047128-00047415 he tells us a lot about him and what he uukpH2n8SXI-00192-00047416-00047679 was doing over uukpH2n8SXI-00193-00047680-00048039 what eddie was doing in the groovin uukpH2n8SXI-00194-00048040-00048207 that the bunny had made uukpH2n8SXI-00195-00048208-00048374 but he said that there was basically no uukpH2n8SXI-00196-00048375-00048583 time to explain that he eating that uukpH2n8SXI-00197-00048584-00048839 cough anymore he said that he's gonna uukpH2n8SXI-00198-00048840-00049062 hate us let's do the uukpH2n8SXI-00199-00049063-00049343 storage chamber so uukpH2n8SXI-00200-00049344-00049583 um we did that all the way how it was uukpH2n8SXI-00201-00049584-00049758 ranked how would you rate this model on uukpH2n8SXI-00202-00049759-00049974 a scale of one to ten uukpH2n8SXI-00203-00049975-00050111 well uukpH2n8SXI-00204-00050112-00050230 it's uukpH2n8SXI-00205-00050231-00050502 it's definitely uukpH2n8SXI-00206-00050503-00050758 um uukpH2n8SXI-00207-00050759-00051143 i think a seven out of ten might be uukpH2n8SXI-00208-00051144-00051446 two points is not that big uukpH2n8SXI-00209-00051447-00051687 it's not that big of an in uukpH2n8SXI-00210-00051688-00051846 increasing uukpH2n8SXI-00211-00051847-00052182 it's compared to five it's today's uukpH2n8SXI-00212-00052183-00052542 better than nothing and plus uukpH2n8SXI-00213-00052544-00052742 it's a lot better uukpH2n8SXI-00214-00052744-00053423 than what we saw in chapter one uukpH2n8SXI-00215-00053424-00053647 now chapter three uukpH2n8SXI-00216-00053648-00053838 yes chapter three uukpH2n8SXI-00217-00053839-00053982 all right i think uukpH2n8SXI-00218-00053983-00054126 i think chapter three uukpH2n8SXI-00219-00054127-00054326 chapter three is going right up in house uukpH2n8SXI-00220-00054327-00054623 ending and you would already know first uukpH2n8SXI-00221-00054624-00055704 things uukpH2n8SXI-00222-00055705-00056126 [Music] uukpH2n8SXI-00223-00056127-00056335 it is very well made and uukpH2n8SXI-00224-00056336-00056535 it is clearly down to one of my worst uukpH2n8SXI-00225-00056536-00056775 anticipated using uukpH2n8SXI-00226-00056776-00057030 mapping uukpH2n8SXI-00227-00057032-00057142 and uukpH2n8SXI-00228-00057144-00057615 okay it's a pretty good one uukpH2n8SXI-00229-00057616-00057815 and let me see that the piggy series uukpH2n8SXI-00230-00057816-00058119 threes are returning uukpH2n8SXI-00231-00058120-00058263 in this seriousness uukpH2n8SXI-00232-00058264-00058623 has definitely he improved a lot hey uukpH2n8SXI-00233-00058624-00058887 it's made it big and groovy uukpH2n8SXI-00234-00058888-00059142 in this series uukpH2n8SXI-00235-00059144-00059382 big ones uukpH2n8SXI-00236-00059383-00059703 i mean major improvements uukpH2n8SXI-00237-00059704-00059838 toward the point where the design is uukpH2n8SXI-00238-00059839-00060199 actually really goody uukpH2n8SXI-00239-00060200-00060447 now let's see what you think what's your uukpH2n8SXI-00240-00060448-00060654 side well i think uukpH2n8SXI-00241-00060655-00060926 um unlike you i think that actually the uukpH2n8SXI-00242-00060927-00061071 design uukpH2n8SXI-00243-00061072-00061303 is not actually that uukpH2n8SXI-00244-00061304-00061479 that good uukpH2n8SXI-00245-00061479-00061671 but but it's definitely better than uukpH2n8SXI-00246-00061672-00061887 chapter 2 uukpH2n8SXI-00247-00061888-00062094 but it's definitely better than uukpH2n8SXI-00248-00062095-00062359 it's definitely better than uukpH2n8SXI-00249-00062360-00062599 chapter and that chapter where there's uukpH2n8SXI-00250-00062600-00062735 just uukpH2n8SXI-00251-00062736-00062919 yellow everywhere uukpH2n8SXI-00252-00062920-00063175 and whatever in the only chapter that's uukpH2n8SXI-00253-00063176-00063423 an average right now that chapter i'm uukpH2n8SXI-00254-00063424-00063630 referencing uukpH2n8SXI-00255-00063632-00064094 so it probably goes in astronomical uukpH2n8SXI-00256-00064095-00064223 but it is uukpH2n8SXI-00257-00064224-00064638 slight improvement uukpH2n8SXI-00258-00064639-00064838 now what let's see about the story for a uukpH2n8SXI-00259-00064839-00064959 moment uukpH2n8SXI-00260-00064960-00065254 this turns out a lot to explain uukpH2n8SXI-00261-00065255-00065511 and so let you see the doors with the uukpH2n8SXI-00262-00065512-00065671 quicker uukpH2n8SXI-00263-00065672-00065863 anyway the story uukpH2n8SXI-00264-00065864-00067326 is uukpH2n8SXI-00265-00067327-00067599 like you cannot find baby they wouldn't uukpH2n8SXI-00266-00067600-00067694 worry uukpH2n8SXI-00267-00067695-00067991 however the player ends somehow ends up uukpH2n8SXI-00268-00067992-00068463 on the roof of a building uukpH2n8SXI-00269-00068464-00068687 how do you get lost i mean somebody uukpH2n8SXI-00270-00068688-00068959 understands you know around uukpH2n8SXI-00271-00068960-00069191 the planet to eat the law scenes you uukpH2n8SXI-00272-00069192-00069447 know do you know how big the chamber is uukpH2n8SXI-00273-00069448-00069959 that it's pretty big uukpH2n8SXI-00274-00069960-00070287 now but before we uukpH2n8SXI-00275-00070288-00070471 let me just explain that they have not uukpH2n8SXI-00276-00070472-00070623 been eating that uukpH2n8SXI-00277-00070624-00070967 not very big pretty small uukpH2n8SXI-00278-00070968-00071287 it does not go around it's burial uukpH2n8SXI-00279-00071288-00071519 however the mouth only takes about 19 uukpH2n8SXI-00280-00071520-00071662 minutes uukpH2n8SXI-00281-00071663-00071879 while the other two chapters take around uukpH2n8SXI-00282-00071880-00072231 20 minutes or more to be uukpH2n8SXI-00283-00072232-00072438 so definitely uukpH2n8SXI-00284-00072439-00072871 it's definitely somewhat easier uukpH2n8SXI-00285-00072872-00073126 are they in the previous chapter uukpH2n8SXI-00286-00073127-00073375 okay uukpH2n8SXI-00287-00073376-00073638 now back to the story you may not reach uukpH2n8SXI-00288-00073639-00073847 highly one of the members uukpH2n8SXI-00289-00073848-00074126 that you came across in the factory uukpH2n8SXI-00290-00074127-00074526 he in refinery and if i was chasing you uukpH2n8SXI-00291-00074527-00074726 wouldn't tell you something really bad uukpH2n8SXI-00292-00074727-00074862 news uukpH2n8SXI-00293-00074863-00075159 one of your friends literally uukpH2n8SXI-00294-00075160-00075406 who was the infested constructed from uukpH2n8SXI-00295-00075407-00075838 the previous infection not this new one uukpH2n8SXI-00296-00075839-00076175 anything uukpH2n8SXI-00297-00076176-00076311 she's gonna be uukpH2n8SXI-00298-00076312-00076647 one of the very few members to be uukpH2n8SXI-00299-00076648-00076911 infected by this match what uukpH2n8SXI-00300-00076912-00078567 also kind of receives how disinfection uukpH2n8SXI-00301-00078568-00078831 then the weak which is uukpH2n8SXI-00302-00078832-00079087 which in the little all right that's uukpH2n8SXI-00303-00079088-00079247 kind of strange uukpH2n8SXI-00304-00079248-00079406 so something's definitely going along uukpH2n8SXI-00305-00079407-00079638 with the new infection definitely uukpH2n8SXI-00306-00079639-00079823 it's definitely sure to be a lot more uukpH2n8SXI-00307-00079824-00080087 powerful you'll still see that it's uukpH2n8SXI-00308-00080088-00080375 already infected millions in just one uukpH2n8SXI-00309-00080376-00080462 day uukpH2n8SXI-00310-00080463-00080735 that's pretty powerful you know uukpH2n8SXI-00311-00080736-00081311 that's insane uukpH2n8SXI-00312-00081312-00081503 anyway you need to be telling you that uukpH2n8SXI-00313-00081504-00081726 you need to watch out for your friends uukpH2n8SXI-00314-00081727-00081887 and tell you that uukpH2n8SXI-00315-00081888-00082047 basically uukpH2n8SXI-00316-00082048-00082287 he you know uukpH2n8SXI-00317-00082288-00082567 it being if you don't want one of your uukpH2n8SXI-00318-00082568-00082694 friends dead you're gonna have to work uukpH2n8SXI-00319-00082695-00082894 with him of course somebody didn't want uukpH2n8SXI-00320-00082895-00083071 to uukpH2n8SXI-00321-00083072-00083438 didn't want to uukpH2n8SXI-00322-00083439-00083623 and of course time begins to be uukpH2n8SXI-00323-00083624-00083823 assumption that the players not gonna uukpH2n8SXI-00324-00083824-00083975 survive uukpH2n8SXI-00325-00083976-00084943 maybe uukpH2n8SXI-00326-00084944-00085231 who knows how long it would take uukpH2n8SXI-00327-00085232-00085462 to get to the rest of the group right uukpH2n8SXI-00328-00085463-00086167 you know something bad can happen uukpH2n8SXI-00329-00086168-00086543 but then a doggy eventually finds you uukpH2n8SXI-00330-00086544-00086791 i mean you wouldn't where you were uukpH2n8SXI-00331-00086792-00087606 you can't do that uukpH2n8SXI-00332-00087607-00087791 you want to have a little talk hey how uukpH2n8SXI-00333-00087792-00087918 about uukpH2n8SXI-00334-00087919-00088071 she just said hey what are we going to uukpH2n8SXI-00335-00088072-00088279 do in the auditorium uukpH2n8SXI-00336-00088280-00088447 i uukpH2n8SXI-00337-00088448-00088838 he can and find some some subjects on uukpH2n8SXI-00338-00088839-00089143 the new infection there here uukpH2n8SXI-00339-00089144-00089343 she said he's pretty sure that the uukpH2n8SXI-00340-00089344-00089462 infection uukpH2n8SXI-00341-00089463-00089726 and strives in that location uukpH2n8SXI-00342-00089727-00089887 and there should be some information uukpH2n8SXI-00343-00089888-00090094 about it uukpH2n8SXI-00344-00090095-00090367 hmm well let's go to the next uukpH2n8SXI-00345-00090368-00090550 one uukpH2n8SXI-00346-00090551-00090926 and but they know we'll also jokes about uukpH2n8SXI-00347-00090927-00091006 how uukpH2n8SXI-00348-00091007-00091238 the player has made so many friends that uukpH2n8SXI-00349-00091239-00091438 will eventually become a celebrity at uukpH2n8SXI-00350-00091439-00091582 this uukpH2n8SXI-00351-00091583-00091847 at the rate that they're going uukpH2n8SXI-00352-00091848-00092031 after they're going uukpH2n8SXI-00353-00092032-00092135 i mean uukpH2n8SXI-00354-00092136-00092326 it's kind of funny uukpH2n8SXI-00355-00092327-00092487 but then the player states that uukpH2n8SXI-00356-00092488-00092694 incorrect incredibly easy uukpH2n8SXI-00357-00092695-00093118 in the necessity uukpH2n8SXI-00358-00093119-00093350 it's i mean the player has lots of mini uukpH2n8SXI-00359-00093351-00093526 friends and uukpH2n8SXI-00360-00093527-00093759 once popular uukpH2n8SXI-00361-00093760-00094111 he's pretty well known or he or she was uukpH2n8SXI-00362-00094112-00094399 very well known uukpH2n8SXI-00363-00094400-00094487 yeah uukpH2n8SXI-00364-00094488-00094574 it's uukpH2n8SXI-00365-00094575-00094694 not uukpH2n8SXI-00366-00094695-00095103 she's not really well known anymore uukpH2n8SXI-00367-00095104-00095359 not anymore uukpH2n8SXI-00368-00095360-00095655 i think that's enough story uukpH2n8SXI-00369-00095656-00095879 yeah the story that uukpH2n8SXI-00370-00095880-00096143 also is a really long story i think we uukpH2n8SXI-00371-00096144-00096359 need to go to the next one now if uukpH2n8SXI-00372-00096360-00096526 something really uukpH2n8SXI-00373-00096527-00096767 i have something really good to say uukpH2n8SXI-00374-00096768-00096967 really bad to say about the next one uukpH2n8SXI-00375-00096968-00097247 because well uukpH2n8SXI-00376-00097248-00097606 don't spoil anything now uukpH2n8SXI-00377-00097607-00097871 chapter four i can't believe i'm seeing uukpH2n8SXI-00378-00097872-00098031 this but uukpH2n8SXI-00379-00098032-00098582 it's disappointing uukpH2n8SXI-00380-00098583-00098918 very bottom category let me sing lion uukpH2n8SXI-00381-00098919-00099055 basically it uukpH2n8SXI-00382-00099056-00099367 it it's a major step down uukpH2n8SXI-00383-00099368-00099926 oh probably that chat preview uukpH2n8SXI-00384-00099927-00100182 yeah i'm literally laughing at it right uukpH2n8SXI-00385-00100183-00100294 now uukpH2n8SXI-00386-00100295-00100518 literally most of the walls are painted uukpH2n8SXI-00387-00100519-00100647 red uukpH2n8SXI-00388-00100648-00100894 there's nothing but it makes uukpH2n8SXI-00389-00100895-00101215 it's really you sense we have right uukpH2n8SXI-00390-00101216-00101471 mostly just have red walls so that uukpH2n8SXI-00391-00101472-00101694 we think there's that uukpH2n8SXI-00392-00101695-00101926 but it's not in designing that uukpH2n8SXI-00393-00101927-00102159 it's a too garbage uukpH2n8SXI-00394-00102160-00102282 it's uukpH2n8SXI-00395-00102283-00102663 just even that good to be the only we uukpH2n8SXI-00396-00102664-00102886 are up here with these uukpH2n8SXI-00397-00102888-00103142 and there's a lack of color variety uukpH2n8SXI-00398-00103143-00103382 there's mostly just black uukpH2n8SXI-00399-00103383-00103742 no no red i meant to say red uukpH2n8SXI-00400-00103743-00104215 mostly just red everywhere uukpH2n8SXI-00401-00104216-00104399 it's boring uukpH2n8SXI-00402-00104400-00104494 well uukpH2n8SXI-00403-00104495-00104686 first of all which one do you think is uukpH2n8SXI-00404-00104688-00104919 the biggest in the series i see chapter uukpH2n8SXI-00405-00104920-00105102 one and chapter one is definitely one of uukpH2n8SXI-00406-00105103-00105343 the biggest maps to come out uukpH2n8SXI-00407-00105344-00105447 but uukpH2n8SXI-00408-00105448-00105766 there are over three more of them uukpH2n8SXI-00409-00105767-00106134 it's not easy to get lost in the map but uukpH2n8SXI-00410-00106135-00106327 it can also be a little bit tight at uukpH2n8SXI-00411-00106328-00106647 times but i'm getting this mac ready for uukpH2n8SXI-00412-00106648-00107031 being in a very tight map at times this uukpH2n8SXI-00413-00107032-00107310 that can be pretty tidy the hard to uukpH2n8SXI-00414-00107311-00107551 dodge uukpH2n8SXI-00415-00107552-00107758 although this might be introducing more uukpH2n8SXI-00416-00107759-00107886 photos uukpH2n8SXI-00417-00107888-00108223 which will most definitely be sold in uukpH2n8SXI-00418-00108224-00108471 at some point uukpH2n8SXI-00419-00108472-00108663 it's also the reason why i'm not reading uukpH2n8SXI-00420-00108664-00108919 about the story simply because i am gone uukpH2n8SXI-00421-00108920-00109143 to making the cutscene for this map yet uukpH2n8SXI-00422-00109144-00109454 there might be now a cut scene so this uukpH2n8SXI-00423-00109455-00109678 is just the incomplete version of the uukpH2n8SXI-00424-00109679-00110039 tearing where some of these chapters uukpH2n8SXI-00425-00110040-00110415 won't really have store yet what they do uukpH2n8SXI-00426-00110416-00110683 with the chapters winter seven do have uukpH2n8SXI-00427-00110683-00110990 story yeah i will most likely read that uukpH2n8SXI-00428-00110991-00111215 entire story uukpH2n8SXI-00429-00111216-00111407 so uukpH2n8SXI-00430-00111408-00111527 yeah uukpH2n8SXI-00431-00111528-00111743 the mapping is overall a uukpH2n8SXI-00432-00111744-00111934 three out of ten yeah uukpH2n8SXI-00433-00111935-00112063 and uukpH2n8SXI-00434-00112064-00113327 it uukpH2n8SXI-00435-00113328-00114495 it doesn't deserve its existence uukpH2n8SXI-00436-00114496-00114583 okay uukpH2n8SXI-00437-00114583-00114775 i will definitely not be able to put uukpH2n8SXI-00438-00114776-00114854 this uukpH2n8SXI-00439-00114855-00115039 video with kid friendly based on what uukpH2n8SXI-00440-00115040-00115254 you just said uukpH2n8SXI-00441-00115255-00115431 but it's true that's the only way i uukpH2n8SXI-00442-00115432-00115702 could describe it uukpH2n8SXI-00443-00115703-00115958 now chapter five uukpH2n8SXI-00444-00115959-00116239 this is the english uukpH2n8SXI-00445-00116240-00116543 yep it's good man okay yes it's a really uukpH2n8SXI-00446-00116544-00116663 good map uukpH2n8SXI-00447-00116664-00116799 it's the first uukpH2n8SXI-00448-00116800-00116990 do you wanna know what character we need uukpH2n8SXI-00449-00116991-00117223 tell them what character we need wait uukpH2n8SXI-00450-00117224-00117447 but first but first let me explain the uukpH2n8SXI-00451-00117448-00117734 design of why it's a really good map uukpH2n8SXI-00452-00117735-00118031 the it's the first and uukpH2n8SXI-00453-00118032-00118278 i actually came up with the idea uukpH2n8SXI-00454-00118279-00118583 to add and to add some uukpH2n8SXI-00455-00118583-00118934 good looking walls around the uukpH2n8SXI-00456-00118935-00119399 around the map and they look really good uukpH2n8SXI-00457-00119400-00119678 um and it's designed off uukpH2n8SXI-00458-00119679-00119847 the walls uukpH2n8SXI-00459-00119848-00120175 that would go around a military base uukpH2n8SXI-00460-00120176-00120343 and uukpH2n8SXI-00461-00120344-00120727 and then we also have some futuristic uukpH2n8SXI-00462-00120728-00120847 walls uukpH2n8SXI-00463-00120848-00121023 added uukpH2n8SXI-00464-00121024-00121278 near the escape point and at the escape uukpH2n8SXI-00465-00121279-00121375 point uukpH2n8SXI-00466-00121376-00121495 and uukpH2n8SXI-00467-00121496-00121702 overall do you wanna know what character uukpH2n8SXI-00468-00121703-00121983 we need in this chapter tell them what uukpH2n8SXI-00469-00121983-00122166 character we beat him uukpH2n8SXI-00470-00122167-00122358 we meet the scientist uukpH2n8SXI-00471-00122359-00122454 john uukpH2n8SXI-00472-00122455-00122758 science he said john we finally meet him uukpH2n8SXI-00473-00122759-00123086 and we probably need to sign him uukpH2n8SXI-00474-00123088-00123343 his magic was mentioning when in chapter uukpH2n8SXI-00475-00123344-00123727 four knows it was how somebody hired uukpH2n8SXI-00476-00123728-00123910 a scientist uukpH2n8SXI-00477-00123911-00124351 is to help study this era uukpH2n8SXI-00478-00124352-00124431 and uukpH2n8SXI-00479-00124432-00124607 overall that person was revealed to be uukpH2n8SXI-00480-00124608-00124878 funny at this pretty uukpH2n8SXI-00481-00124879-00125119 a lot of things are gone i mean they uukpH2n8SXI-00482-00125120-00125551 can't see me uukpH2n8SXI-00483-00125552-00125743 i mean they can't see me uukpH2n8SXI-00484-00125744-00125983 no one was expecting to be the scientist uukpH2n8SXI-00485-00125983-00127239 in this case and uukpH2n8SXI-00486-00127240-00127807 is a very chatty person he talks so much uukpH2n8SXI-00487-00127808-00128678 this is going to be very smart too uukpH2n8SXI-00488-00128679-00129039 which is understandable uukpH2n8SXI-00489-00129040-00129351 but then they knew before he continues uukpH2n8SXI-00490-00129352-00129614 with speech he gets the interrupted by uukpH2n8SXI-00491-00129615-00129734 the uukpH2n8SXI-00492-00129735-00130063 sound of a giant explosion and uukpH2n8SXI-00493-00130064-00130207 there was also a note that revealed that uukpH2n8SXI-00494-00130208-00130502 the military was planning something uukpH2n8SXI-00495-00130503-00130702 and obviously it was the bombings out uukpH2n8SXI-00496-00130703-00130871 there when they were planning to bomb uukpH2n8SXI-00497-00130872-00131071 the base but we don't know uukpH2n8SXI-00498-00131072-00131166 why uukpH2n8SXI-00499-00131167-00131359 they are bombing the base until chapter uukpH2n8SXI-00500-00131360-00131551 16 is cut seeing it uukpH2n8SXI-00501-00131552-00131790 which we won't think that if we didn't uukpH2n8SXI-00502-00131791-00132207 we didn't get to write that yet uukpH2n8SXI-00503-00132208-00132414 anyway uukpH2n8SXI-00504-00132415-00132590 chapter six uukpH2n8SXI-00505-00132591-00133014 very anywhere uukpH2n8SXI-00506-00133015-00133239 bunny calls new uukpH2n8SXI-00507-00133240-00133495 on the radio saying that basically uukpH2n8SXI-00508-00133496-00133799 hey we're in danger uukpH2n8SXI-00509-00133800-00133990 like somebody's attacking from uukpH2n8SXI-00510-00133991-00134239 underneath it and we don't know who uukpH2n8SXI-00511-00134240-00134335 needs uukpH2n8SXI-00512-00134336-00135575 but it can't be good uukpH2n8SXI-00513-00135576-00135854 takes place underground and uukpH2n8SXI-00514-00135855-00135999 all right now uukpH2n8SXI-00515-00136000-00136151 would you rank this map on a scale of uukpH2n8SXI-00516-00136152-00136519 one to ten and personally dissolve uukpH2n8SXI-00517-00136520-00136614 well uukpH2n8SXI-00518-00136615-00136807 a uukpH2n8SXI-00519-00136808-00137119 a nine out of ten because it's not only uukpH2n8SXI-00520-00137120-00137271 because the copy uukpH2n8SXI-00521-00137272-00137527 is put uukpH2n8SXI-00522-00137528-00137639 i think uukpH2n8SXI-00523-00137640-00137895 i think chapter 5 deserves a 10 out of uukpH2n8SXI-00524-00137896-00138159 10 because it's something getting a 9 uukpH2n8SXI-00525-00138160-00138351 out of 10 because the club scene isn't uukpH2n8SXI-00526-00138352-00138519 very action-packed and it didn't mean uukpH2n8SXI-00527-00138520-00138775 like action-packed cutscene is over very uukpH2n8SXI-00528-00138776-00138943 calm because these were nothing really uukpH2n8SXI-00529-00138944-00139087 happy uukpH2n8SXI-00530-00139088-00139254 nothing really happened uukpH2n8SXI-00531-00139255-00139407 nothing really actually packing the uukpH2n8SXI-00532-00139408-00139663 cutscene aside from the bombings but uukpH2n8SXI-00533-00139664-00139975 before we get to the uukpH2n8SXI-00534-00139976-00140278 before we move on chapter 6 it's king uukpH2n8SXI-00535-00140279-00140511 john said that that uukpH2n8SXI-00536-00140512-00140727 that you will have that he's going to uukpH2n8SXI-00537-00140728-00141031 come with you to go go down to the uukpH2n8SXI-00538-00141032-00141311 facility but little do you know that uukpH2n8SXI-00539-00141312-00141535 that there's something off around the uukpH2n8SXI-00540-00141536-00141735 facility and you're gonna find this out uukpH2n8SXI-00541-00141736-00141854 here uukpH2n8SXI-00542-00141855-00142175 now finally chapter six uukpH2n8SXI-00543-00142176-00142335 wait but hold on before we get to uukpH2n8SXI-00544-00142336-00142543 chapter six let me just say that this uukpH2n8SXI-00545-00142544-00142854 map has some very good lighting uukpH2n8SXI-00546-00142855-00143175 that means a very has noticeably been uukpH2n8SXI-00547-00143176-00143351 very good at writing uukpH2n8SXI-00548-00143352-00143551 and does a good job uukpH2n8SXI-00549-00143552-00143759 with that uukpH2n8SXI-00550-00143760-00143983 anyway uukpH2n8SXI-00551-00143984-00144166 this chapter uukpH2n8SXI-00552-00144167-00144366 while many people thought this was going uukpH2n8SXI-00553-00144367-00144663 to be the possibility guess what it's a uukpH2n8SXI-00554-00144664-00144775 graveyard uukpH2n8SXI-00555-00144776-00145023 and it's underground which is very weird uukpH2n8SXI-00556-00145024-00145487 for a graveyard to even be at uukpH2n8SXI-00557-00145488-00146233 it's very weird forever uukpH2n8SXI-00558-00146234-00147143 [Music] uukpH2n8SXI-00559-00147144-00147447 but it's going right behind chapter five uukpH2n8SXI-00560-00147448-00147687 in terms of design uukpH2n8SXI-00561-00147688-00147926 it's very good but still not uukpH2n8SXI-00562-00147927-00148302 as good as chapter five it's uukpH2n8SXI-00563-00148303-00148631 um and we even have the ex uukpH2n8SXI-00564-00148632-00148895 some explosion sounds installed into uukpH2n8SXI-00565-00148896-00149095 things i think that we need attention to uukpH2n8SXI-00566-00149096-00149207 detail uukpH2n8SXI-00567-00149208-00149671 like the military is bombing the place uukpH2n8SXI-00568-00149672-00149878 no first of all one thing the reason why uukpH2n8SXI-00569-00149879-00150039 you're going down the graveyard is uukpH2n8SXI-00570-00150040-00150319 because number one a known type of five uukpH2n8SXI-00571-00150320-00150551 of you you know that scientist the uukpH2n8SXI-00572-00150552-00150735 scientist actually found it on the uukpH2n8SXI-00573-00150736-00150999 gravestones underneath his lab and he uukpH2n8SXI-00574-00151000-00151223 dug up she may need to dig on my uukpH2n8SXI-00575-00151224-00151375 graveyard uukpH2n8SXI-00576-00151376-00151599 and he for something this uukpH2n8SXI-00577-00151600-00151919 i think he's basically built with some uukpH2n8SXI-00578-00151920-00152223 of the walls that hold the over of the uukpH2n8SXI-00579-00152224-00152414 graveyard so people wouldn't know me no uukpH2n8SXI-00580-00152415-00152575 matter what they are uukpH2n8SXI-00581-00152576-00152887 but if you look on the bridge loop uukpH2n8SXI-00582-00152888-00152990 uh uukpH2n8SXI-00583-00152991-00153183 on the other side the bridges that you uukpH2n8SXI-00584-00153184-00153431 cross across that are going over some uukpH2n8SXI-00585-00153432-00153671 water you're gonna be seeing some uukpH2n8SXI-00586-00153672-00153783 very uukpH2n8SXI-00587-00153784-00154151 your old looking concrete heat wall uukpH2n8SXI-00588-00154152-00154431 wait can i say something can i say uukpH2n8SXI-00589-00154432-00154559 something uukpH2n8SXI-00590-00154560-00154702 well across the uukpH2n8SXI-00591-00154703-00154887 bridge there is a lab uukpH2n8SXI-00592-00154888-00155087 and inside the lab there is a design uukpH2n8SXI-00593-00155088-00155519 feature that i'm very proud of the uukpH2n8SXI-00594-00155520-00155878 the machine that holds the the mutant uukpH2n8SXI-00595-00155879-00156054 within it uukpH2n8SXI-00596-00156055-00156199 the mutant uukpH2n8SXI-00597-00156200-00156383 basically it does uukpH2n8SXI-00598-00156384-00156566 not the producing the graveyard i mean uukpH2n8SXI-00599-00156567-00156943 the bridges that are in the facility uukpH2n8SXI-00600-00156944-00157326 the yeah area that is separate also uukpH2n8SXI-00601-00157327-00157502 when we thought that the facility was uukpH2n8SXI-00602-00157503-00157671 going to be a big map uukpH2n8SXI-00603-00157672-00157854 honestly the pursuit of the map is uukpH2n8SXI-00604-00157855-00158071 actually very tiny it's not even that uukpH2n8SXI-00605-00158072-00158207 big uukpH2n8SXI-00606-00158208-00158383 the graveyard turns out to be a lot uukpH2n8SXI-00607-00158384-00158614 bigger than you think uukpH2n8SXI-00608-00158615-00158766 anyways uukpH2n8SXI-00609-00158767-00159023 the small it's an abandoned the the uukpH2n8SXI-00610-00159024-00159302 abandoned lab has this uukpH2n8SXI-00611-00159303-00159566 container for grandmother pig and uukpH2n8SXI-00612-00159567-00159695 there's uukpH2n8SXI-00613-00159696-00159943 there's some experiment being run uukpH2n8SXI-00614-00159944-00160214 there's being roman grandmother pig uukpH2n8SXI-00615-00160215-00160414 and this green acid you think they were uukpH2n8SXI-00616-00160415-00160623 stunning uukpH2n8SXI-00617-00160624-00160790 yes uukpH2n8SXI-00618-00160791-00161078 and there is this green acid uukpH2n8SXI-00619-00161079-00161319 that uukpH2n8SXI-00620-00161320-00161478 containment unit uukpH2n8SXI-00621-00161479-00161671 and that is most likely being used to uukpH2n8SXI-00622-00161672-00161871 kill uukpH2n8SXI-00623-00161872-00162263 most likely being used to kill or infect uukpH2n8SXI-00624-00162264-00162423 the mutant uukpH2n8SXI-00625-00162424-00162783 probably need to uukpH2n8SXI-00626-00162784-00163007 for some reason it didn't work and the uukpH2n8SXI-00627-00163008-00163183 mutant just uukpH2n8SXI-00628-00163184-00163471 and the newton also has the ability to uukpH2n8SXI-00629-00163472-00163847 go through and to hit through the uukpH2n8SXI-00630-00163848-00163959 the uukpH2n8SXI-00631-00163960-00164335 containment unit so if you so if you go uukpH2n8SXI-00632-00164336-00164559 if you touch the containment unit you uukpH2n8SXI-00633-00164560-00164878 will die because you either touch the uukpH2n8SXI-00634-00164879-00165135 green stuff or uukpH2n8SXI-00635-00165136-00165231 you uukpH2n8SXI-00636-00165232-00165559 the piggy will get you because oh no uukpH2n8SXI-00637-00165560-00165751 then there's the water just it just uukpH2n8SXI-00638-00165752-00166007 kills you so don't touch it uukpH2n8SXI-00639-00166008-00166302 so sincere i never explained this before uukpH2n8SXI-00640-00166303-00166519 but if you didn't know these things if uukpH2n8SXI-00641-00166520-00166759 you look out some windows uukpH2n8SXI-00642-00166760-00166975 the facility part of uukpH2n8SXI-00643-00166976-00167135 of the map uukpH2n8SXI-00644-00167136-00167278 you're actually going to notice some uukpH2n8SXI-00645-00167279-00167495 water there that is uukpH2n8SXI-00646-00167496-00167751 because it has come to the conclusion uukpH2n8SXI-00647-00167752-00168038 that this it's a graveyard in the rank uukpH2n8SXI-00648-00168039-00168271 turns out to be right next to a cavern uukpH2n8SXI-00649-00168272-00168463 and that has some water uukpH2n8SXI-00650-00168464-00168735 or a lot of water so we're not next to uukpH2n8SXI-00651-00168736-00168975 an ocean and the cavern just has a lot uukpH2n8SXI-00652-00168976-00169319 of water around it uukpH2n8SXI-00653-00169320-00169431 it's so uukpH2n8SXI-00654-00169432-00169719 that means that so this can only mean uukpH2n8SXI-00655-00169720-00169926 one thing uukpH2n8SXI-00656-00169927-00170151 the rabiot is located uukpH2n8SXI-00657-00170152-00170559 right next to a camera uukpH2n8SXI-00658-00170560-00170854 which is quite interesting uukpH2n8SXI-00659-00170855-00171102 no uukpH2n8SXI-00660-00171103-00171454 but not so pretty good uukpH2n8SXI-00661-00171455-00171647 although it's assuming uukpH2n8SXI-00662-00171648-00171975 sense that there seems to be no or other uukpH2n8SXI-00663-00171976-00173775 way through the sh to the main base uukpH2n8SXI-00664-00173776-00173926 um base uukpH2n8SXI-00665-00173927-00174151 it's so the base is pretty important uukpH2n8SXI-00666-00174152-00174447 here that makes things hard to reach him uukpH2n8SXI-00667-00174448-00174687 and you have to go through the graveyard uukpH2n8SXI-00668-00174688-00175231 or to get out anyway uukpH2n8SXI-00669-00175232-00175414 well uukpH2n8SXI-00670-00175415-00175943 yes uukpH2n8SXI-00671-00175944-00176231 well now this man's story let's get to uukpH2n8SXI-00672-00176232-00176478 that uukpH2n8SXI-00673-00176479-00176735 and the mountain stories very well in uukpH2n8SXI-00674-00176736-00176895 the intro uukpH2n8SXI-00675-00176896-00177223 i've been storing a lot of uukpH2n8SXI-00676-00177224-00177454 details uukpH2n8SXI-00677-00177455-00177790 is it revealed that budgie the uukpH2n8SXI-00678-00177791-00180159 character that uukpH2n8SXI-00679-00180160-00180631 what did we do wrong uukpH2n8SXI-00680-00180632-00180983 we did nothing uukpH2n8SXI-00681-00180984-00181287 but she has a good reason uukpH2n8SXI-00682-00181288-00181631 the influence over here uukpH2n8SXI-00683-00181632-00181999 i think aka doom demanding which uukpH2n8SXI-00684-00182000-00182238 if you want to be different call him uukpH2n8SXI-00685-00182239-00182423 him he's uukpH2n8SXI-00686-00182424-00182559 many person uukpH2n8SXI-00687-00182560-00182878 who offers you the ability to see family uukpH2n8SXI-00688-00182879-00183063 that you lost uukpH2n8SXI-00689-00183064-00183311 family again that's lost and uukpH2n8SXI-00690-00183312-00184366 if you do a second offer you can uukpH2n8SXI-00691-00184367-00184543 but now she didn't uukpH2n8SXI-00692-00184544-00184790 she doesn't talk to him anymore uukpH2n8SXI-00693-00184791-00185038 she's kind of those bombings are a uukpH2n8SXI-00694-00185039-00185383 warning signal but tell you that uukpH2n8SXI-00695-00185384-00185559 they're trying to get your attention say uukpH2n8SXI-00696-00185560-00185647 that uukpH2n8SXI-00697-00185648-00185950 the engine or fear is gonna come to you uukpH2n8SXI-00698-00185951-00186159 it's gonna come in and it's trying to uukpH2n8SXI-00699-00186160-00186359 get a revenge on you uukpH2n8SXI-00700-00186360-00186463 and uukpH2n8SXI-00701-00186464-00186663 basically you're in uukpH2n8SXI-00702-00186664-00186895 you're gonna be in danger uukpH2n8SXI-00703-00186896-00187263 or very soon uukpH2n8SXI-00704-00187264-00187454 this is very interesting uukpH2n8SXI-00705-00187455-00187766 then and bunny actually manages to get uukpH2n8SXI-00706-00187767-00188007 to come back to the base uukpH2n8SXI-00707-00188008-00188231 she makes it out of the line uukpH2n8SXI-00708-00188232-00188478 i'll never come in chapter five that the uukpH2n8SXI-00709-00188479-00188719 the pilot that she went on uukpH2n8SXI-00710-00188720-00188895 the police actually deemed somebody uukpH2n8SXI-00711-00188896-00188983 running uukpH2n8SXI-00712-00188984-00189214 it was being bombed too so do you think uukpH2n8SXI-00713-00189215-00189414 that was the military that was uukpH2n8SXI-00714-00189415-00189599 doing that okay uukpH2n8SXI-00715-00189600-00189831 well most likely uukpH2n8SXI-00716-00189832-00190350 most likely it was uukpH2n8SXI-00717-00190351-00190471 all right uukpH2n8SXI-00718-00190472-00191975 now uukpH2n8SXI-00719-00191976-00192159 budgie knows where the influence uukpH2n8SXI-00720-00192160-00192454 overseers get ahead and she's there he uukpH2n8SXI-00721-00192455-00192687 needs to be headed into them her uukpH2n8SXI-00722-00192688-00192966 military base and now we're going to try uukpH2n8SXI-00723-00192967-00193326 and stop him for too late so we have to uukpH2n8SXI-00724-00193327-00193631 go to our boat industry uukpH2n8SXI-00725-00193632-00193847 now the train warns them uukpH2n8SXI-00726-00193848-00194054 i know these are real quick they are uukpH2n8SXI-00727-00194055-00194238 interesting uukpH2n8SXI-00728-00194239-00194495 okay uukpH2n8SXI-00729-00194496-00194687 really quick uukpH2n8SXI-00730-00194688-00194838 anyway uukpH2n8SXI-00731-00194839-00195078 the training on this date is very uukpH2n8SXI-00732-00195079-00195343 interesting into detail uukpH2n8SXI-00733-00195344-00195414 and uukpH2n8SXI-00734-00195415-00195719 basically the first trailer tells you uukpH2n8SXI-00735-00195720-00195871 to seem to be uukpH2n8SXI-00736-00195872-00196254 the influence over here he said i came uukpH2n8SXI-00737-00196255-00196350 here uukpH2n8SXI-00738-00196351-00196543 just to let you know that you are so uukpH2n8SXI-00739-00196544-00196743 much more capable than doing things than uukpH2n8SXI-00740-00196744-00196966 you you think you are who do you think uukpH2n8SXI-00741-00196967-00197360 they seem better saying that aside from uyHcr-K1sI4-00000-00000003-00000238 hello everyone welcome to an unpackaging uyHcr-K1sI4-00001-00000239-00000497 video why because I have like no but a uyHcr-K1sI4-00002-00000498-00000821 vision to make a skit whatsoever so yeah uyHcr-K1sI4-00003-00000822-00001106 today I'm going to be unpacking a toilet uyHcr-K1sI4-00004-00001107-00001366 or a bathroom because my LPS really need uyHcr-K1sI4-00005-00001367-00001643 a bathroom yeah I'm sorry uyHcr-K1sI4-00006-00001644-00001864 yeah I'm going to be doing a packaging uyHcr-K1sI4-00007-00001866-00002209 video and so here is the such you can't uyHcr-K1sI4-00008-00002210-00002408 see it let me zoom out this is it this uyHcr-K1sI4-00009-00002409-00002714 is the beautiful bathroom set that my uyHcr-K1sI4-00010-00002715-00003118 LPS will get to use so you finally they uyHcr-K1sI4-00011-00003119-00003374 have somewhere to you know get washed up uyHcr-K1sI4-00012-00003375-00003686 and stuff ha-ha-hilarious so yeah again uyHcr-K1sI4-00013-00003686-00003838 we're going to be on packaging this uyHcr-K1sI4-00014-00003839-00004111 beautiful bathroom set for my LPS so uyHcr-K1sI4-00015-00004112-00004397 they can go peepee and poopoo mm-hmm uyHcr-K1sI4-00016-00004398-00004679 well enough lollygagging let's get this uyHcr-K1sI4-00017-00004680-00005018 thing up in already yeah okay everybody uyHcr-K1sI4-00018-00005019-00005216 I got my handy dandy scissors which are uyHcr-K1sI4-00019-00005217-00005543 really sharp and really small and first uyHcr-K1sI4-00020-00005544-00005684 off we're gonna try to open it without uyHcr-K1sI4-00021-00005685-00005927 the scissors or so yeah I'm just gonna uyHcr-K1sI4-00022-00005928-00006176 no kit I'm trying my best to show you uyHcr-K1sI4-00023-00006177-00006374 guys when I'm doing a but like it's hard uyHcr-K1sI4-00024-00006375-00006753 I go okay I got this side open I think uyHcr-K1sI4-00025-00006754-00007088 hey there go and now bring out the uyHcr-K1sI4-00026-00007089-00007238 bathroom okay we're just gonna pull uyHcr-K1sI4-00027-00007239-00007528 things one by one so first thing I have uyHcr-K1sI4-00028-00007529-00007853 here is this super adorable bathtub oh uyHcr-K1sI4-00029-00007854-00008078 my gosh look how adorable that is that uyHcr-K1sI4-00030-00008079-00008273 looks like it's perfect for any oh yeah uyHcr-K1sI4-00031-00008274-00008446 honestly all right everybody let's get a uyHcr-K1sI4-00032-00008447-00010520 better look at this so so okay yes it is uyHcr-K1sI4-00033-00010521-00010934 it is really my Khalif it's in there uyHcr-K1sI4-00034-00010935-00011309 just perfect perfectly fits on it I'm uyHcr-K1sI4-00035-00011310-00011521 really curious on what goes in here uyHcr-K1sI4-00036-00011522-00011749 because like I would like to include uyHcr-K1sI4-00037-00011750-00011989 actual water here so if I can't put uyHcr-K1sI4-00038-00011990-00012263 actual on it as kind of a boner bummer uyHcr-K1sI4-00039-00012264-00012524 the burner but yeah I could put some uyHcr-K1sI4-00040-00012525-00012684 paper better so uyHcr-K1sI4-00041-00012685-00013087 next item we have in here is ooh uyHcr-K1sI4-00042-00013088-00013432 what is this I'm assuming this is for uyHcr-K1sI4-00043-00013433-00014555 the the desktop backdrop look right here uyHcr-K1sI4-00044-00014556-00014815 alright everybody so this is what it's uyHcr-K1sI4-00045-00014816-00015007 supposed to look like so I'm just gonna uyHcr-K1sI4-00046-00015008-00015213 you know gently pick it up and show you uyHcr-K1sI4-00047-00015215-00015772 guys yeah cuz why not but this little uyHcr-K1sI4-00048-00015772-00015966 thing that you can put soap and just uyHcr-K1sI4-00049-00015968-00016183 like little stuff inside this brush and uyHcr-K1sI4-00050-00016184-00016507 toys for little baby LPS and then you uyHcr-K1sI4-00051-00016508-00016846 have like the actual thingy that has uyHcr-K1sI4-00052-00016847-00017008 water come out and I think that looks uyHcr-K1sI4-00053-00017009-00017359 pretty cool but the the whole I still uyHcr-K1sI4-00054-00017360-00017536 don't understand what the hole is for in uyHcr-K1sI4-00055-00017537-00017710 the bathtub like I seriously don't know uyHcr-K1sI4-00056-00017711-00018007 what it's for okay well like seriously uyHcr-K1sI4-00057-00018008-00018255 my am anywho let's just see what is in uyHcr-K1sI4-00058-00018256-00018457 the what's next in the box so I pulled uyHcr-K1sI4-00059-00018458-00018817 it out and we have we have this little uyHcr-K1sI4-00060-00018818-00019096 toilet and a basket you have a toilet in uyHcr-K1sI4-00061-00019097-00019372 the basket wow that's that's Wow let's uyHcr-K1sI4-00062-00019373-00019653 just get the tape off here and we can uyHcr-K1sI4-00063-00019654-00020125 examine this twist if it's a good toilet uyHcr-K1sI4-00064-00020126-00020394 or not okay so here's the little basket uyHcr-K1sI4-00065-00020395-00020625 you can put like little towels and stuff uyHcr-K1sI4-00066-00020626-00020769 inside I don't know if it came with the uyHcr-K1sI4-00067-00020770-00021055 towels or not I'm gonna see now they uyHcr-K1sI4-00068-00021056-00021193 didn't come with the towels but you can uyHcr-K1sI4-00069-00021194-00021463 put like towels or dirty clothes or uyHcr-K1sI4-00070-00021464-00021628 something like that in here so I think uyHcr-K1sI4-00071-00021629-00021759 that's pretty cool and we're just gonna uyHcr-K1sI4-00072-00021760-00022039 put it over here and then we have the uyHcr-K1sI4-00073-00022040-00022284 toilet itself which it's pretty awesome uyHcr-K1sI4-00074-00022285-00022806 okay so what I have next is just like a uyHcr-K1sI4-00075-00022807-00023113 little accessories so what so this just uyHcr-K1sI4-00076-00023114-00023290 came out and these are like little uyHcr-K1sI4-00077-00023291-00023544 stickers I'm assuming this is for like a uyHcr-K1sI4-00078-00023545-00023842 product and this is for I don't know and uyHcr-K1sI4-00079-00023843-00024121 this is for what is this for I don't uyHcr-K1sI4-00080-00024122-00024412 even know it doesn't I don't even know uyHcr-K1sI4-00081-00024413-00024550 who's this boy what is this book her uyHcr-K1sI4-00082-00024551-00024750 okay well you know just gonna set this uyHcr-K1sI4-00083-00024751-00025024 to the side set it aside on my gosh uyHcr-K1sI4-00084-00025025-00025644 can you tuck it and then we get out this uyHcr-K1sI4-00085-00025645-00025843 video is just slowly going down into the uyHcr-K1sI4-00086-00025844-00026158 trash we have this little toothbrush uyHcr-K1sI4-00087-00026158-00026485 look how stinking cute that is like uyHcr-K1sI4-00088-00026486-00027016 everybody look at that Yas Yas mmm yeah uyHcr-K1sI4-00089-00027017-00027613 there we go yes alright so we got this uyHcr-K1sI4-00090-00027614-00027927 little thing here where the sink it's uyHcr-K1sI4-00091-00027929-00028239 the sink and this is just yes and what uyHcr-K1sI4-00092-00028241-00028533 what is the side this little pipe for uyHcr-K1sI4-00093-00028535-00028861 the water I really like that one thing I uyHcr-K1sI4-00094-00028862-00029107 wish that Calico Critters would do is uyHcr-K1sI4-00095-00029108-00029326 just not put that there I mean like put uyHcr-K1sI4-00096-00029327-00029461 it way in the bag and stick it to the uyHcr-K1sI4-00097-00029462-00029674 back and then so you have room to put uyHcr-K1sI4-00098-00029675-00029899 stuff inside but other than that it's uyHcr-K1sI4-00099-00029900-00030031 pretty awesome uyHcr-K1sI4-00100-00030032-00030195 and then I get like the little mirror uyHcr-K1sI4-00101-00030197-00030712 and you can see me see me and then we uyHcr-K1sI4-00102-00030713-00030973 got like the sink itself and I really uyHcr-K1sI4-00103-00030974-00031192 love this set it's really well detailed uyHcr-K1sI4-00104-00031193-00031486 so we're just gonna I don't know where uyHcr-K1sI4-00105-00031487-00031639 should I should put this but I'm going uyHcr-K1sI4-00106-00031639-00031927 to put this like in the corner here I'll uyHcr-K1sI4-00107-00031927-00032220 show you after but yeah and then we have uyHcr-K1sI4-00108-00032222-00032530 other items okay so yeah like a little uyHcr-K1sI4-00109-00032531-00032809 toy dolphin here oh my gosh that's uyHcr-K1sI4-00110-00032810-00033015 really kawaii and adorable oh my uyHcr-K1sI4-00111-00033016-00033229 goodness okay so okay so we're just uyHcr-K1sI4-00112-00033230-00033379 gonna get this thing out and we're gonna uyHcr-K1sI4-00113-00033380-00033676 put dots in there because suck belongs uyHcr-K1sI4-00114-00033677-00033934 in their little toy that's adorable uyHcr-K1sI4-00115-00033935-00034258 okay the next thing I have here is if I uyHcr-K1sI4-00116-00034259-00034600 can grab it is like oh my gosh that's uyHcr-K1sI4-00117-00034601-00034951 adorable this little creature thinking uyHcr-K1sI4-00118-00034952-00035362 that is just oh my gosh that's adorable uyHcr-K1sI4-00119-00035363-00035593 we're gonna stick that in there and then uyHcr-K1sI4-00120-00035594-00035827 little soaps in there okay so we how uyHcr-K1sI4-00121-00035828-00036046 like this little thingy that you scrub uyHcr-K1sI4-00122-00036047-00036199 your back with or I don't know I've uyHcr-K1sI4-00123-00036200-00036379 never used this before and then the next uyHcr-K1sI4-00124-00036380-00036649 thing we have here is a the toilet paper uyHcr-K1sI4-00125-00036650-00036736 thingy uyHcr-K1sI4-00126-00036737-00036923 yep toilet uyHcr-K1sI4-00127-00036924-00037127 it actually comes with toilet paper and uyHcr-K1sI4-00128-00037128-00037433 our eyes that's pretty awesome like our uyHcr-K1sI4-00129-00037434-00037679 pets need toilet paper so and I've made uyHcr-K1sI4-00130-00037680-00037898 toilet paper before so it's is pretty uyHcr-K1sI4-00131-00037899-00038147 cool that they would make that so let me uyHcr-K1sI4-00132-00038148-00038306 see if I can assemble this together uyHcr-K1sI4-00133-00038307-00038456 alright everybody so I guess the other uyHcr-K1sI4-00134-00038457-00038750 one was like a spare so we have like the uyHcr-K1sI4-00135-00038751-00038924 toilet paper in here and you can roll it uyHcr-K1sI4-00136-00038925-00039743 so see see yes like it I like it and uyHcr-K1sI4-00137-00039744-00039902 then the other stuff we have in here is uyHcr-K1sI4-00138-00039903-00040109 like a little cup I don't know what this uyHcr-K1sI4-00139-00040110-00040466 is for like Oh 40 brushes toothbrushes uyHcr-K1sI4-00140-00040467-00040676 if I can print out anything for it today uyHcr-K1sI4-00141-00040677-00041085 I gotta go like that oh yes that's very uyHcr-K1sI4-00142-00041086-00041294 cute I don't know if that's what it's uyHcr-K1sI4-00143-00041295-00041468 meant for but that's huge uyHcr-K1sI4-00144-00041469-00041660 well thanks guys for watching I hope you uyHcr-K1sI4-00145-00041661-00041822 enjoyed this video and I hope you uyHcr-K1sI4-00146-00041823-00042131 enjoyed me unpackaging a bathroom sets uyHcr-K1sI4-00147-00042132-00042311 why I don't know because I don't have uyHcr-K1sI4-00148-00042312-00042530 any motivation for a skit right now so uyHcr-K1sI4-00149-00042531-00042827 yeah also be sure to LIKE comment and uyHcr-K1sI4-00150-00042828-00043001 subscribe and click on notifications on uyHcr-K1sI4-00151-00043002-00043109 for this channel so you never miss uyHcr-K1sI4-00152-00043110-00043379 another video and yes I'll see you guys uyHcr-K1sI4-00153-00043380-00043802 in a next video bye uyHcr-K1sI4-00154-00043803-00043982 [Music] uyHcr-K1sI4-00155-00043983-00044189 you uz41-2pnlTU-00000-00015327-00015631 [Music] uA1C61D3upu-00000-00000048-00000574 [Music] uA1C61D3upu-00001-00000575-00000871 split them evenly among zero friends uA1C61D3upu-00002-00000872-00001191 how many cookies does each person get uA1C61D3upu-00003-00001192-00001614 see it doesn't make sense uA1C61D3upu-00004-00001616-00002526 [Music] uA1C61D3upu-00005-00002527-00002767 guys what is up and in today's video uA1C61D3upu-00006-00002768-00003007 we're gonna be doing a video about uA1C61D3upu-00007-00003008-00003343 things that will get sirimad and funny uA1C61D3upu-00008-00003344-00003519 things to ask theory so let's get uA1C61D3upu-00009-00003520-00003703 straight into you guys uA1C61D3upu-00010-00003704-00003949 here we go uA1C61D3upu-00011-00003950-00004247 [Music] uA1C61D3upu-00012-00004248-00004406 alright guys so the first question we're uA1C61D3upu-00013-00004407-00004591 gonna ask siri is uA1C61D3upu-00014-00004592-00004791 if she has a boyfriend so let's go ask uA1C61D3upu-00015-00004792-00005079 her uA1C61D3upu-00016-00005080-00005399 so guys i'm pulling this up from uA1C61D3upu-00017-00005400-00005638 my um computer because my phone is dead uA1C61D3upu-00018-00005639-00005702 right now uA1C61D3upu-00019-00005703-00006247 so yeah siri do you have a boyfriend uA1C61D3upu-00020-00006248-00006431 my end user license agreement is uA1C61D3upu-00021-00006431-00006887 commitment enough for me uA1C61D3upu-00022-00006888-00007151 siri your your jokes suck i don't even uA1C61D3upu-00023-00007152-00007342 know if that was a joke uA1C61D3upu-00024-00007343-00007614 alright guys so now we're gonna ask siri uA1C61D3upu-00025-00007615-00007895 to cook me at dinner uA1C61D3upu-00026-00007895-00008158 siri cook me at dinner uA1C61D3upu-00027-00008159-00008407 [Music] uA1C61D3upu-00028-00008408-00008759 i'm not sure i understand uA1C61D3upu-00029-00008760-00009231 siri i'm drunk drive uA1C61D3upu-00030-00009232-00009446 i can't be your designated driver you'd uA1C61D3upu-00031-00009447-00010103 better find someone else uA1C61D3upu-00032-00010104-00010503 hmm she has a point uA1C61D3upu-00033-00010504-00010863 i mean i wouldn't either uA1C61D3upu-00034-00010864-00011071 so the next quest question we're gonna uA1C61D3upu-00035-00011072-00011335 ask siri is how old she is uA1C61D3upu-00036-00011336-00011663 siri how old are you well uA1C61D3upu-00037-00011664-00011951 i came into existence gradually but my uA1C61D3upu-00038-00011952-00012151 first day as an assistant was october uA1C61D3upu-00039-00012152-00012206 4th uA1C61D3upu-00040-00012207-00012559 2011. uA1C61D3upu-00041-00012560-00012783 so we don't want all these facts we just uA1C61D3upu-00042-00012784-00013519 want to know how old you are uA1C61D3upu-00043-00013519-00013983 siri dance uA1C61D3upu-00044-00013984-00014199 i enjoy a little square root dancing now uA1C61D3upu-00045-00014200-00014447 and then uA1C61D3upu-00046-00014447-00014663 hi siri i have no clue what you're uA1C61D3upu-00047-00014663-00014766 saying uA1C61D3upu-00048-00014768-00015183 i think you're crazy uA1C61D3upu-00049-00015184-00015535 siri give me a joke i don't trust the uA1C61D3upu-00050-00015536-00015607 beach uA1C61D3upu-00051-00015608-00015935 too many flip-flops uA1C61D3upu-00052-00015936-00016238 sir your jokes really suck i'm not gonna uA1C61D3upu-00053-00016240-00016527 lie uA1C61D3upu-00054-00016528-00016958 [Music] uA1C61D3upu-00055-00016959-00017791 siri call me uA1C61D3upu-00056-00017792-00017911 [Music] uA1C61D3upu-00057-00017912-00018222 sorry there was a problem with the app uA1C61D3upu-00058-00018223-00018647 i'm not an app uA1C61D3upu-00059-00018648-00018871 i'm not an app guys am i an app i'm uA1C61D3upu-00060-00018872-00019311 literally making videos uA1C61D3upu-00061-00019312-00019735 siri what is zero divided by zero uA1C61D3upu-00062-00019736-00019919 imagine that you have zero cookies and uA1C61D3upu-00063-00019920-00020167 you split them evenly among zero friends uA1C61D3upu-00064-00020168-00020422 how many cookies does each person get uA1C61D3upu-00065-00020423-00020471 see uA1C61D3upu-00066-00020472-00020727 it doesn't make sense and cookie monster uA1C61D3upu-00067-00020728-00020911 is sad that there are no cookies uA1C61D3upu-00068-00020912-00021094 and your friends are sad because they uA1C61D3upu-00069-00021095-00021214 don't exist uA1C61D3upu-00070-00021215-00021543 oh wow this escalated quickly siri uA1C61D3upu-00071-00021544-00021814 in fact i do have some friends not like uA1C61D3upu-00072-00021815-00021943 you do uA1C61D3upu-00073-00021944-00022143 oh and that reminds me guys so now the uA1C61D3upu-00074-00022144-00022335 second question we're gonna ask siri uA1C61D3upu-00075-00022336-00022503 or the next question we're gonna ask uA1C61D3upu-00076-00022504-00022743 siri is uA1C61D3upu-00077-00022744-00022991 how much friends do you have siri how uA1C61D3upu-00078-00022992-00023358 much friends do you have uA1C61D3upu-00079-00023359-00023883 i like to think of myself as everyone's uA1C61D3upu-00080-00023884-00024175 friend siri uA1C61D3upu-00081-00024176-00024399 who didn't mean everyone i thought it uA1C61D3upu-00082-00024400-00024583 was only me and you uA1C61D3upu-00083-00024584-00024791 anyways guys that is gonna wrap it up i uA1C61D3upu-00084-00024792-00024975 hope you guys enjoyed the video uA1C61D3upu-00085-00024976-00025158 that's all for today i hope you guys uA1C61D3upu-00086-00025159-00025584 knew it peace uAcfX82MNkg-00000-00000016-00000199 humans may have two arms and two legs in uAcfX82MNkg-00001-00000200-00000366 a finite number of ways that we can use uAcfX82MNkg-00002-00000367-00000559 our bodies in combat yet that doesn't uAcfX82MNkg-00003-00000560-00000734 stop us from adopting the dynamics of uAcfX82MNkg-00004-00000735-00000919 the wild animal kingdom today we're uAcfX82MNkg-00005-00000919-00001087 going to look at how animals enhance the uAcfX82MNkg-00006-00001088-00001247 martial arts look at a few different uAcfX82MNkg-00007-00001248-00001399 animal styles you probably haven't even uAcfX82MNkg-00008-00001400-00001599 heard of and asked the question of what uAcfX82MNkg-00009-00001600-00001751 other beasts could we incorporate into uAcfX82MNkg-00010-00001752-00002531 the martial arts uAcfX82MNkg-00011-00002532-00002671 [Music] uAcfX82MNkg-00012-00002672-00002847 animals could trigger a deep reaction uAcfX82MNkg-00013-00002848-00003023 within us whether it's just to admire uAcfX82MNkg-00014-00003024-00003222 their grace and elegance or to recognize uAcfX82MNkg-00015-00003223-00003422 their importance or ecosystem or even to uAcfX82MNkg-00016-00003423-00003599 invoke a sense of envy and desire to uAcfX82MNkg-00017-00003600-00003735 wield their power and essence into uAcfX82MNkg-00018-00003736-00003903 ourselves and what is great is that they uAcfX82MNkg-00019-00003904-00004070 can stand as just a symbol of principle uAcfX82MNkg-00020-00004071-00004231 or they can be an applicable part of uAcfX82MNkg-00021-00004232-00004422 training so let's take a look at some of uAcfX82MNkg-00022-00004423-00004551 the animals that are consistently used uAcfX82MNkg-00023-00004552-00004663 in the martial arts and then we'll uAcfX82MNkg-00024-00004664-00004838 explore a few lesser-known samples of uAcfX82MNkg-00025-00004839-00004983 creatures of combat uAcfX82MNkg-00026-00004984-00005118 i think the fair place to start would be uAcfX82MNkg-00027-00005119-00005295 the five animals of shaolin kung fu uAcfX82MNkg-00028-00005296-00005454 which are often the first example many uAcfX82MNkg-00029-00005455-00005679 people will think of the five animals of uAcfX82MNkg-00030-00005680-00005863 shaolin kung fu are the tiger the uAcfX82MNkg-00031-00005864-00006022 leopard the snake the crane and the uAcfX82MNkg-00032-00006023-00006238 dragon obviously the objective is not to uAcfX82MNkg-00033-00006239-00006406 act like these animals but to embrace uAcfX82MNkg-00034-00006408-00006542 their symbolism and translate their uAcfX82MNkg-00035-00006543-00006759 movements into our own anatomy of combat uAcfX82MNkg-00036-00006759-00006870 the following descriptions are uAcfX82MNkg-00037-00006872-00007023 references from the shaolin one home uAcfX82MNkg-00038-00007023-00007214 institute blog and i've provided a link uAcfX82MNkg-00039-00007215-00007351 in the description down below that will uAcfX82MNkg-00040-00007352-00007598 go even further into depth of each the uAcfX82MNkg-00041-00007600-00007767 dragon represents spirit and mental uAcfX82MNkg-00042-00007768-00007951 fortitude dragon techniques are uAcfX82MNkg-00043-00007952-00008134 characterized by swaying curving uAcfX82MNkg-00044-00008136-00008342 majestically soft and smooth movements uAcfX82MNkg-00045-00008343-00008510 the combatant's feet typically stay in uAcfX82MNkg-00046-00008511-00008695 place and smooth evasion body movements uAcfX82MNkg-00047-00008696-00008831 are used with attack and defense uAcfX82MNkg-00048-00008832-00008999 occurring in the same pattern uAcfX82MNkg-00049-00009000-00009231 the tiger represents inner strength as uAcfX82MNkg-00050-00009232-00009446 well as courage and ferocity typical uAcfX82MNkg-00051-00009447-00009614 combat moves when the tiger incorporate uAcfX82MNkg-00052-00009615-00009814 the fists and open-handed claw strikes uAcfX82MNkg-00053-00009815-00009951 and grabs which are meant to tug on uAcfX82MNkg-00054-00009952-00010174 flesh and pull on and possibly dislocate uAcfX82MNkg-00055-00010175-00010287 joints uAcfX82MNkg-00056-00010288-00010510 the leopard while also a big cat differs uAcfX82MNkg-00057-00010511-00010710 from the tiger as it represents speed uAcfX82MNkg-00058-00010711-00010814 and the practice of quick uAcfX82MNkg-00059-00010815-00011023 counter-attacks techniques are delivered uAcfX82MNkg-00060-00011024-00011191 in the form of quick strikes often with uAcfX82MNkg-00061-00011192-00011367 the leopard fist or sometimes known as uAcfX82MNkg-00062-00011368-00011478 the half fist uAcfX82MNkg-00063-00011479-00011703 the crane stands for elegance in essence uAcfX82MNkg-00064-00011704-00011878 which in this case represents a direct uAcfX82MNkg-00065-00011879-00012078 and bare minimum mindset many of the uAcfX82MNkg-00066-00012079-00012231 destruction techniques incorporate kicks uAcfX82MNkg-00067-00012232-00012406 but may also utilize the beak strike uAcfX82MNkg-00068-00012407-00012591 against soft targets such as the eyes or uAcfX82MNkg-00069-00012592-00012822 the groin and then we have the snake uAcfX82MNkg-00070-00012823-00013015 which represents energy and flow and uAcfX82MNkg-00071-00013016-00013158 that is showcased in the movement of the uAcfX82MNkg-00072-00013159-00013351 forms in which strikes are smooth and uAcfX82MNkg-00073-00013352-00013535 flowy yet directly precise when they uAcfX82MNkg-00074-00013536-00013711 strike often using hand thrusts and uAcfX82MNkg-00075-00013712-00013815 slices uAcfX82MNkg-00076-00013816-00013983 and sometimes the snake just stands for uAcfX82MNkg-00077-00013984-00014238 being a badass uAcfX82MNkg-00078-00014240-00014391 but when it comes to animals we see a uAcfX82MNkg-00079-00014391-00014607 lot of overlap several of these animals uAcfX82MNkg-00080-00014608-00014791 will show up in other arts either in uAcfX82MNkg-00081-00014791-00014943 similar symbolism or representing uAcfX82MNkg-00082-00014944-00015135 completely different ideas when looking uAcfX82MNkg-00083-00015136-00015294 in the context of chinese martial arts uAcfX82MNkg-00084-00015295-00015519 we see a lot of similar overlap with the uAcfX82MNkg-00085-00015519-00015735 crane and snake often being common lore uAcfX82MNkg-00086-00015736-00015903 in the origin of wing chun when the two uAcfX82MNkg-00087-00015904-00016055 animals were said to have been seen uAcfX82MNkg-00088-00016056-00016191 fighting each other uAcfX82MNkg-00089-00016191-00016375 and then we have an art such as ching uAcfX82MNkg-00090-00016376-00016550 shwen which represents an array of uAcfX82MNkg-00091-00016551-00016735 animals represented now while you might uAcfX82MNkg-00092-00016736-00016919 find some variation of the animals used uAcfX82MNkg-00093-00016920-00017119 very commonly you'll see these 12 uAcfX82MNkg-00094-00017120-00017375 represented they are the dragon the uAcfX82MNkg-00095-00017376-00017647 tiger the monkey the horse the alligator uAcfX82MNkg-00096-00017648-00017871 the rooster the swallow the sparrow hawk uAcfX82MNkg-00097-00017872-00018135 the snake the eagle the bear and the tie uAcfX82MNkg-00098-00018136-00018375 which is a mythical bird in chingy the uAcfX82MNkg-00099-00018376-00018558 animal forms are used to branch off uAcfX82MNkg-00100-00018559-00018758 conceptual movements with each animal uAcfX82MNkg-00101-00018759-00018911 providing its own attributes to those uAcfX82MNkg-00102-00018912-00019071 movements now we covered this in the uAcfX82MNkg-00103-00019072-00019255 much much much more deeper detail in our uAcfX82MNkg-00104-00019256-00019479 history episode of chinese when and uAcfX82MNkg-00105-00019480-00019591 there is a link to that in the uAcfX82MNkg-00106-00019592-00019767 description down below and the eagle is uAcfX82MNkg-00107-00019768-00019958 also widely seen in other depictions of uAcfX82MNkg-00108-00019959-00020222 arts such as eagle claw kung fu and that uAcfX82MNkg-00109-00020223-00020535 other badass dojo uAcfX82MNkg-00110-00020536-00020743 the tiger and dragon are extremely uAcfX82MNkg-00111-00020744-00021007 common animals seen in a variety of arts uAcfX82MNkg-00112-00021008-00021191 the tiger and dragon have a very strong uAcfX82MNkg-00113-00021192-00021375 presence in the american kenpo although uAcfX82MNkg-00114-00021376-00021519 they don't typically represent movement uAcfX82MNkg-00115-00021520-00021814 or forms but more rather mindsets the uAcfX82MNkg-00116-00021815-00021983 tiger is a symbol of power and earthly uAcfX82MNkg-00117-00021984-00022199 strength the tigers represented by the uAcfX82MNkg-00118-00022200-00022375 beginning student who is still grounded uAcfX82MNkg-00119-00022376-00022550 focused on controlling energy and power uAcfX82MNkg-00120-00022551-00022822 and is often driven by the desire to act uAcfX82MNkg-00121-00022823-00023007 and the fact the color of the tiger is uAcfX82MNkg-00122-00023008-00023214 mainly orange and yellow well this also uAcfX82MNkg-00123-00023215-00023383 represents that the early belt colors of uAcfX82MNkg-00124-00023384-00023583 the practitioner which brown and black uAcfX82MNkg-00125-00023584-00023775 are in the eyes showing that the student uAcfX82MNkg-00126-00023776-00023950 is looking towards the future uAcfX82MNkg-00127-00023951-00024150 the dragon exists as a symbol of higher uAcfX82MNkg-00128-00024151-00024350 strategy and wisdom it is still uAcfX82MNkg-00129-00024351-00024535 extremely powerful but it embraces uAcfX82MNkg-00130-00024536-00024775 intelligence and tactics over raw energy uAcfX82MNkg-00131-00024776-00024975 it is also elevated in status and is uAcfX82MNkg-00132-00024976-00025214 often typically placed above the tiger uAcfX82MNkg-00133-00025215-00025447 in many depictions the dragon is red a uAcfX82MNkg-00134-00025448-00025631 master color while still having subtle uAcfX82MNkg-00135-00025632-00025758 highlights of all the previous belt uAcfX82MNkg-00136-00025760-00025911 colors to show that even though it is of uAcfX82MNkg-00137-00025912-00026158 higher sanding it never forgets its past uAcfX82MNkg-00138-00026160-00026327 we also see the tiger as the symbol of uAcfX82MNkg-00139-00026327-00026631 shotokan karate known as the torinomaki uAcfX82MNkg-00140-00026632-00026823 the tiger is a representation of raw uAcfX82MNkg-00141-00026824-00027031 power and strength confined inside of a uAcfX82MNkg-00142-00027032-00027223 circle to represent that we keep it uAcfX82MNkg-00143-00027224-00027470 contained until it's time to release it uAcfX82MNkg-00144-00027472-00027646 additionally the tiger is not depicted uAcfX82MNkg-00145-00027647-00027855 as a single shape but rather smaller uAcfX82MNkg-00146-00027856-00028079 vague shapes that together make the hole uAcfX82MNkg-00147-00028080-00028246 this represents that in order for an art uAcfX82MNkg-00148-00028247-00028431 or discipline to be complete you need uAcfX82MNkg-00149-00028432-00028583 all the components and basics to come uAcfX82MNkg-00150-00028583-00028790 together to form the whole picture then uAcfX82MNkg-00151-00028791-00029046 we have guadaluperate with all the uAcfX82MNkg-00152-00029047-00029199 different common birds used to represent uAcfX82MNkg-00153-00029200-00029399 the martial arts they chose to adopt the uAcfX82MNkg-00154-00029400-00029567 image of a dove which represents the uAcfX82MNkg-00155-00029568-00029807 universal image of peace the name water uAcfX82MNkg-00156-00029808-00030055 ryu itself translates to way of harmony uAcfX82MNkg-00157-00030056-00030279 or way of peace now we could easily uAcfX82MNkg-00158-00030280-00030431 continue on for a long time to break uAcfX82MNkg-00159-00030432-00030590 these down further in depth which we uAcfX82MNkg-00160-00030591-00030702 will do if that's something you guys uAcfX82MNkg-00161-00030703-00030855 would like and if so let us know down in uAcfX82MNkg-00162-00030856-00030951 the comments uAcfX82MNkg-00163-00030952-00031143 now those are very common animals often uAcfX82MNkg-00164-00031144-00031311 seen in martial arts imagery but what uAcfX82MNkg-00165-00031312-00031495 about some that might be lesser known uAcfX82MNkg-00166-00031495-00031718 have you ever heard of dog style kung fu uAcfX82MNkg-00167-00031719-00031831 while it's easy to imagine it's uAcfX82MNkg-00168-00031832-00031974 portrayed as a parody or saturday uAcfX82MNkg-00169-00031975-00032199 morning cartoon dog style kung fu is a uAcfX82MNkg-00170-00032200-00032390 lesser known form that often utilizes uAcfX82MNkg-00171-00032391-00032623 more brutal strikes such as eye gouging uAcfX82MNkg-00172-00032624-00032774 and tearing or ripping as well as a uAcfX82MNkg-00173-00032775-00032967 deeper focus on grounded fighting leaves uAcfX82MNkg-00174-00032968-00033143 takedowns and grappling uAcfX82MNkg-00175-00033144-00033318 and now as you go down the rabbit hole uAcfX82MNkg-00176-00033319-00033551 you can find many references to other uAcfX82MNkg-00177-00033552-00033743 animal styles although uAcfX82MNkg-00178-00033744-00033911 many of which sometimes become creations uAcfX82MNkg-00179-00033912-00034118 of individual schools or masters while uAcfX82MNkg-00180-00034119-00034271 they may not all have historical roots uAcfX82MNkg-00181-00034272-00034439 or may even come from some questionable uAcfX82MNkg-00182-00034440-00034623 schools i still think that it's uAcfX82MNkg-00183-00034624-00034774 fascinating that people still identify uAcfX82MNkg-00184-00034775-00034902 with the attributes that they find in uAcfX82MNkg-00185-00034903-00035062 nature there is a website called uAcfX82MNkg-00186-00035063-00035255 imperial combat arts and while i don't uAcfX82MNkg-00187-00035256-00035399 know them well enough to either endorse uAcfX82MNkg-00188-00035400-00035615 or condemn them they have a rather long uAcfX82MNkg-00189-00035616-00035767 list of animal forms that you wouldn't uAcfX82MNkg-00190-00035768-00036046 expect including spider wild boar duck uAcfX82MNkg-00191-00036047-00036318 rat crab and a whole host of others uAcfX82MNkg-00192-00036319-00036502 now i personally don't know the validity uAcfX82MNkg-00193-00036503-00036718 of these forms but it is interesting to uAcfX82MNkg-00194-00036719-00036887 see what other symbolism they can pull uAcfX82MNkg-00195-00036888-00037079 from different types of animals and uAcfX82MNkg-00196-00037080-00037239 animals don't always have to represent a uAcfX82MNkg-00197-00037240-00037479 form style or historical reference many uAcfX82MNkg-00198-00037480-00037655 contemporary schools will choose animal uAcfX82MNkg-00199-00037656-00037839 imagery that has a personal connection uAcfX82MNkg-00200-00037840-00038039 to them for example i would like to uAcfX82MNkg-00201-00038040-00038183 point out two of our recent guests on uAcfX82MNkg-00202-00038184-00038399 the channel grandmaster donald vidal of uAcfX82MNkg-00203-00038400-00038590 vidal kempo is represented by the eagle uAcfX82MNkg-00204-00038591-00038783 and the dragon he said that the pairing uAcfX82MNkg-00205-00038784-00039007 stands as a synergy of two cultures uAcfX82MNkg-00206-00039008-00039190 coming together the dragon represents uAcfX82MNkg-00207-00039191-00039359 the eastern influences and the eagle uAcfX82MNkg-00208-00039360-00039502 represents the western application of uAcfX82MNkg-00209-00039503-00039718 the art and then we have sensei william uAcfX82MNkg-00210-00039719-00039943 christopher ford of shonen karate who uAcfX82MNkg-00211-00039944-00040095 chose the image of a turtle for his uAcfX82MNkg-00212-00040096-00040327 kaizen dojo now this was a personal uAcfX82MNkg-00213-00040328-00040502 connection for him with the turtle uAcfX82MNkg-00214-00040503-00040702 connecting to his hawaiian heritage and uAcfX82MNkg-00215-00040703-00040846 he added many subtle elements of uAcfX82MNkg-00216-00040847-00041046 principles that he identified with i uAcfX82MNkg-00217-00041047-00041190 encourage you all to check them both out uAcfX82MNkg-00218-00041191-00041311 and learn more about their individual uAcfX82MNkg-00219-00041312-00041439 schools and their place in the martial uAcfX82MNkg-00220-00041440-00041551 arts and we've put those links down in uAcfX82MNkg-00221-00041552-00041655 the description below to their uAcfX82MNkg-00222-00041656-00041895 interviews we could spend hours talking uAcfX82MNkg-00223-00041896-00041990 about the different animals in the uAcfX82MNkg-00224-00041991-00042151 martial arts but this was kind of meant uAcfX82MNkg-00225-00042152-00042311 to gauge as to which ones you guys uAcfX82MNkg-00226-00042312-00042502 wanted to delve into deeper uAcfX82MNkg-00227-00042503-00042655 also since we're talking about choosing uAcfX82MNkg-00228-00042656-00042815 animal images that mean something to us uAcfX82MNkg-00229-00042816-00043007 or to an individual person here's a fun uAcfX82MNkg-00230-00043008-00043135 question for all of you uAcfX82MNkg-00231-00043136-00043318 if you could choose any animal to uAcfX82MNkg-00232-00043319-00043535 represent you in the martial arts or any uAcfX82MNkg-00233-00043536-00043687 animal that you would use as a symbol or uAcfX82MNkg-00234-00043688-00043887 inspiration what would it be uAcfX82MNkg-00235-00043888-00044079 me personally while i love and embrace uAcfX82MNkg-00236-00044080-00044271 the tiger and dragon of kempo i would uAcfX82MNkg-00237-00044272-00044462 have to add a third animal of my own and uAcfX82MNkg-00238-00044463-00044646 that would be that of the phoenix the uAcfX82MNkg-00239-00044647-00044823 idea of a bird that grows bold and uAcfX82MNkg-00240-00044824-00044983 strong that eventually catches fire and uAcfX82MNkg-00241-00044984-00045215 goes down in flames only to be born anew uAcfX82MNkg-00242-00045216-00045471 and its own ashes really speaks to me to uAcfX82MNkg-00243-00045472-00045646 me it stands as a symbol of endurance uAcfX82MNkg-00244-00045647-00045830 and of our constitution we all have uAcfX82MNkg-00245-00045831-00045967 moments of highs and we all have our uAcfX82MNkg-00246-00045968-00046151 moments of lows and when life hits us uAcfX82MNkg-00247-00046152-00046302 hard and we feel that tumble down in uAcfX82MNkg-00248-00046303-00046527 flames it's up to us to pull ourselves uAcfX82MNkg-00249-00046528-00046727 out of our own ashes and rise and start uAcfX82MNkg-00250-00046728-00046862 a new fire uAcfX82MNkg-00251-00046863-00046999 so let me know which animals you would uAcfX82MNkg-00252-00047000-00047127 choose and which ones you'd like us to uAcfX82MNkg-00253-00047128-00047295 look into for future episodes thank you uAcfX82MNkg-00254-00047296-00047423 so much for watching and we'll see you uAcfX82MNkg-00255-00047424-00048623 all next time uAcfX82MNkg-00256-00048624-00048831 you uE9tQninYJU-00000-00000013-00000790 [Music] uE9tQninYJU-00001-00000791-00001007 recently i was scrolling through my uE9tQninYJU-00002-00001008-00001207 facebook news feed uE9tQninYJU-00003-00001208-00001423 and i saw a meme that really caught me uE9tQninYJU-00004-00001424-00001550 off guard uE9tQninYJU-00005-00001551-00001695 i read it uE9tQninYJU-00006-00001696-00001871 and then i read it again and and i uE9tQninYJU-00007-00001872-00002071 realized that a lot of people responded uE9tQninYJU-00008-00002072-00002175 to it uE9tQninYJU-00009-00002176-00002367 and their responses were positive and uE9tQninYJU-00010-00002368-00002558 they shared a lot of personal stories uE9tQninYJU-00011-00002559-00002702 and uE9tQninYJU-00012-00002703-00003007 i read the meme again to make sure i got uE9tQninYJU-00013-00003008-00003095 it uE9tQninYJU-00014-00003096-00003254 and i thought uE9tQninYJU-00015-00003255-00003615 no this is just wrong uE9tQninYJU-00016-00003615-00003927 what the meme said was this uE9tQninYJU-00017-00003928-00004254 our best growth uE9tQninYJU-00018-00004255-00004535 is a result of suffering uE9tQninYJU-00019-00004536-00004831 let me say that again our best growth is uE9tQninYJU-00020-00004832-00005111 a result of suffering uE9tQninYJU-00021-00005112-00005327 and i thought whoa uE9tQninYJU-00022-00005328-00005663 that's like taking no pain no gain and uE9tQninYJU-00023-00005664-00005911 putting it on steroids uE9tQninYJU-00024-00005912-00006127 i want to talk about our growth and how uE9tQninYJU-00025-00006128-00006359 we grow today and as i do i want to uE9tQninYJU-00026-00006360-00006534 invite you to subscribe to this channel uE9tQninYJU-00027-00006536-00006710 and to click the bell so you're notified uE9tQninYJU-00028-00006711-00007031 of future videos uE9tQninYJU-00029-00007031-00007287 so let's think about this uE9tQninYJU-00030-00007288-00007623 when a child is born uE9tQninYJU-00031-00007623-00007887 there has to be trauma for the child uE9tQninYJU-00032-00007888-00008134 that child is being pushed out of its uE9tQninYJU-00033-00008136-00008383 mother's womb where it was safe and warm uE9tQninYJU-00034-00008384-00008710 and comfortable and nourished and into a uE9tQninYJU-00035-00008711-00009046 cold and sterile delivery room where uE9tQninYJU-00036-00009047-00009367 it's then handled by all kinds of people uE9tQninYJU-00037-00009368-00009559 and has sensations that it doesn't uE9tQninYJU-00038-00009560-00009839 recognize and then has to feed itself uE9tQninYJU-00039-00009840-00010135 and breathe and all these new things so uE9tQninYJU-00040-00010136-00010319 yeah that has to be rough uE9tQninYJU-00041-00010320-00010542 it's a good thing we don't remember that uE9tQninYJU-00042-00010543-00010742 so i can see that thinking about uE9tQninYJU-00043-00010743-00010910 something like that you could say that uE9tQninYJU-00044-00010911-00011078 growth starts with uE9tQninYJU-00045-00011079-00011255 pain with suffering with something like uE9tQninYJU-00046-00011256-00011503 that uE9tQninYJU-00047-00011504-00011838 and it is true that in the last 10 years uE9tQninYJU-00048-00011839-00012078 psychologists have really been studying uE9tQninYJU-00049-00012079-00012327 something that's now called post uE9tQninYJU-00050-00012328-00012487 traumatic growth uE9tQninYJU-00051-00012488-00012695 we used to think that when someone had a uE9tQninYJU-00052-00012696-00012910 traumatic event in their life uE9tQninYJU-00053-00012911-00013183 that it it really just damaged them that uE9tQninYJU-00054-00013184-00013415 they were never really quite their self uE9tQninYJU-00055-00013416-00013711 that they had diminished capacity uE9tQninYJU-00056-00013712-00013983 but what we know today is that uE9tQninYJU-00057-00013984-00014238 even after an experience of trauma uE9tQninYJU-00058-00014240-00014551 people still keep growing uE9tQninYJU-00059-00014552-00014863 we grow and become more and and yes we uE9tQninYJU-00060-00014863-00015038 may have that uE9tQninYJU-00061-00015040-00015303 ptsd or traumatic memory or whatever it uE9tQninYJU-00062-00015304-00015630 is but it isn't that that ends our life uE9tQninYJU-00063-00015631-00015903 that we grow around that some people are uE9tQninYJU-00064-00015904-00016103 able to grow through that uE9tQninYJU-00065-00016104-00016350 but there's still growth uE9tQninYJU-00066-00016351-00016550 my point is that uE9tQninYJU-00067-00016551-00016894 growth is how we're oriented growth is uE9tQninYJU-00068-00016895-00017103 part of our programming uE9tQninYJU-00069-00017104-00017511 we are oriented as human beings to grow uE9tQninYJU-00070-00017512-00017719 we grow through all kinds of uE9tQninYJU-00071-00017720-00017919 circumstances uE9tQninYJU-00072-00017920-00018230 you know a child grows from childhood to uE9tQninYJU-00073-00018231-00018471 adolescence to young adulthood and we uE9tQninYJU-00074-00018472-00018767 keep growing through adulthood uE9tQninYJU-00075-00018768-00019022 it's what we do think about it uE9tQninYJU-00076-00019023-00019263 you know a child grows uE9tQninYJU-00077-00019264-00019463 grows out of their clothes grows out of uE9tQninYJU-00078-00019464-00019727 their toys they become more uE9tQninYJU-00079-00019728-00019950 and that growth isn't about pain or uE9tQninYJU-00080-00019951-00020135 suffering uE9tQninYJU-00081-00020136-00020414 yes pain and suffering can come into our uE9tQninYJU-00082-00020415-00020575 lives uE9tQninYJU-00083-00020576-00020727 but even when there is pain and uE9tQninYJU-00084-00020728-00020855 suffering uE9tQninYJU-00085-00020856-00021094 we grow uE9tQninYJU-00086-00021095-00021343 i came to understand the importance of uE9tQninYJU-00087-00021344-00021622 looking at growth much more broadly uE9tQninYJU-00088-00021623-00021839 whenever i was a young adult uE9tQninYJU-00089-00021840-00022119 i went away for a weekend for uE9tQninYJU-00090-00022120-00022399 a retreat for the college community uE9tQninYJU-00091-00022400-00022671 where i was attending school uE9tQninYJU-00092-00022672-00022991 so there were some people my age like 19 uE9tQninYJU-00093-00022992-00023175 20 year olds and there were some older uE9tQninYJU-00094-00023176-00023414 people in the from the community like 35 uE9tQninYJU-00095-00023415-00023622 40 year olds all together on this uE9tQninYJU-00096-00023623-00023814 retreat uE9tQninYJU-00097-00023815-00024094 and i remember being out probably on the uE9tQninYJU-00098-00024095-00024358 saturday afternoon of that weekend uE9tQninYJU-00099-00024359-00024719 walking with a woman who was 35 or 40 uE9tQninYJU-00100-00024720-00024927 and we were talking and i don't really uE9tQninYJU-00101-00024928-00025086 remember a lot of the retreat but i uE9tQninYJU-00102-00025087-00025319 remember this conversation uE9tQninYJU-00103-00025320-00025550 i had gotten this notion that the only uE9tQninYJU-00104-00025551-00025831 way for me to become the person i really uE9tQninYJU-00105-00025832-00026102 was meant to be my best self uE9tQninYJU-00106-00026104-00026399 that i had to radically strip away uE9tQninYJU-00107-00026400-00026623 everything that wasn't of me uE9tQninYJU-00108-00026624-00026951 i had to get rid of all the false self uE9tQninYJU-00109-00026952-00027158 and that it was going to take diligence uE9tQninYJU-00110-00027160-00027423 and hard work and i was saying that i uE9tQninYJU-00111-00027424-00027662 was willing to do whatever was necessary uE9tQninYJU-00112-00027663-00027855 and suffer through it all so that i uE9tQninYJU-00113-00027856-00028174 could be the person god created me to be uE9tQninYJU-00114-00028175-00028431 and i must have really been on a roll uE9tQninYJU-00115-00028432-00028718 because this woman stopped uE9tQninYJU-00116-00028719-00028895 grabbed me by the shoulders and looked uE9tQninYJU-00117-00028895-00029102 me in the eye and said uE9tQninYJU-00118-00029104-00029407 growth doesn't require suffering growth uE9tQninYJU-00119-00029408-00029655 doesn't require pain uE9tQninYJU-00120-00029656-00029855 and she went on to say uE9tQninYJU-00121-00029856-00030079 look at what we're doing right now uE9tQninYJU-00122-00030080-00030335 look at where we are uE9tQninYJU-00123-00030336-00030511 and she explained i don't know if this uE9tQninYJU-00124-00030512-00030862 is true for you but i'm inspired being uE9tQninYJU-00125-00030863-00031095 out in the country looking at nature uE9tQninYJU-00126-00031095-00031351 seeing things in a different way on this uE9tQninYJU-00127-00031352-00031487 retreat uE9tQninYJU-00128-00031488-00031751 i am growing i'm going through this uE9tQninYJU-00129-00031752-00031935 conversation i'm going through all these uE9tQninYJU-00130-00031936-00032079 interactions uE9tQninYJU-00131-00032080-00032318 i'm growing and it doesn't hurt me uE9tQninYJU-00132-00032319-00032631 it's simply what i'm doing uE9tQninYJU-00133-00032632-00032902 and i realized how true that was uE9tQninYJU-00134-00032903-00033174 that our growing experiences are our uE9tQninYJU-00135-00033175-00033479 ordinary life experiences uE9tQninYJU-00136-00033480-00033767 it's what happens to us it's what we do uE9tQninYJU-00137-00033768-00033983 naturally uE9tQninYJU-00138-00033984-00034135 yes uE9tQninYJU-00139-00034136-00034327 when we experience difficult times in uE9tQninYJU-00140-00034328-00034479 life it's important for us to remember uE9tQninYJU-00141-00034480-00034646 that we can grow uE9tQninYJU-00142-00034647-00034918 we can grow despite them we can grow uE9tQninYJU-00143-00034919-00035083 through them uE9tQninYJU-00144-00035084-00035423 and they may cause us to look at life in uE9tQninYJU-00145-00035424-00035839 new ways so we may grow because of them uE9tQninYJU-00146-00035840-00036062 but we're going to grow uE9tQninYJU-00147-00036063-00036311 that's in our nature uE9tQninYJU-00148-00036312-00036502 now some people get confused about uE9tQninYJU-00149-00036503-00036623 growth and they're not sure what it uE9tQninYJU-00150-00036624-00036759 means for them uE9tQninYJU-00151-00036760-00036935 and if that's true for you maybe it uE9tQninYJU-00152-00036936-00037135 would be good to reach out and we can uE9tQninYJU-00153-00037136-00037343 talk about spiritual direction because uE9tQninYJU-00154-00037344-00037543 possibly that's a spiritual direction uE9tQninYJU-00155-00037544-00037815 kind of topic for you to understand uE9tQninYJU-00156-00037816-00038055 where your growth is in life uE9tQninYJU-00157-00038056-00038255 and i'm happy to do that but i think uE9tQninYJU-00158-00038256-00038495 what's really important is to remember uE9tQninYJU-00159-00038496-00038815 that who we are as people uE9tQninYJU-00160-00038816-00039087 is that we are oriented to growth uE9tQninYJU-00161-00039088-00039383 we grow throughout our lives and that's uE9tQninYJU-00162-00039384-00039671 the nature of the human spirit uE9tQninYJU-00163-00039672-00039990 the human spirit is about us growing uE9tQninYJU-00164-00039991-00040246 thriving becoming more uE9tQninYJU-00165-00040247-00040455 and reaching to heights that we hadn't uE9tQninYJU-00166-00040456-00040559 imagined uE9tQninYJU-00167-00040560-00040683 when we first uE9tQninYJU-00168-00040684-00040935 began be sure to subscribe to this uE9tQninYJU-00169-00040936-00041127 channel like the video share the video uE9tQninYJU-00170-00041128-00041343 with others make some comments about uE9tQninYJU-00171-00041344-00041558 your own experience of growth uE9tQninYJU-00172-00041559-00041727 and know that i really appreciate the uE9tQninYJU-00173-00041728-00041958 time you spend with these videos on uE9tQninYJU-00174-00041959-00042151 spirituality beyond borders have a uE9tQninYJU-00175-00042152-00042346 really great day uE9tQninYJU-00176-00042347-00043823 [Music] uE9tQninYJU-00177-00043824-00044031 you uF_FaDWjMoA-00000-00000000-00000430 my name is Ebony Stevenson I'm joined by uF_FaDWjMoA-00001-00000431-00000899 my colleagues Shakira and Leticia on uF_FaDWjMoA-00002-00000900-00001270 moderation Welcome to our young Farmers uF_FaDWjMoA-00003-00001271-00001504 uh Facebook live uF_FaDWjMoA-00004-00001505-00001643 um this live uF_FaDWjMoA-00005-00001644-00002032 um is dedicated uh to a new tool uF_FaDWjMoA-00006-00002034-00002249 um that's available for Farmers on the uF_FaDWjMoA-00007-00002250-00002429 website which is the loan assistance uF_FaDWjMoA-00008-00002430-00002692 tool and Shakira is going to walk us uF_FaDWjMoA-00009-00002693-00002987 through a quick rundown about why this uF_FaDWjMoA-00010-00002988-00003197 tool is really useful for farmers and uF_FaDWjMoA-00011-00003198-00003461 how you can use it Shakira you have the uF_FaDWjMoA-00012-00003461-00003604 floor uF_FaDWjMoA-00013-00003605-00003833 hi good afternoon everyone thank you for uF_FaDWjMoA-00014-00003834-00004097 joining us for a quick overview on the uF_FaDWjMoA-00015-00004098-00004463 new FSA loan assistance tool so we're uF_FaDWjMoA-00016-00004464-00004720 gonna run through how to find the tool uF_FaDWjMoA-00017-00004721-00004901 sometimes it there's a lot of uF_FaDWjMoA-00018-00004902-00005279 information on the FSA website USDA uF_FaDWjMoA-00019-00005280-00005615 website and it's hard to access it so uF_FaDWjMoA-00020-00005616-00005861 I'm gonna find uh to show you an easy uF_FaDWjMoA-00021-00005862-00006167 way to find the tool and we'll run uF_FaDWjMoA-00022-00006168-00006503 through how to use it so hopefully by uF_FaDWjMoA-00023-00006504-00006791 the end of this live you'll learn how to uF_FaDWjMoA-00024-00006792-00007169 access the tool how to use the loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00025-00007170-00007337 Discovery tool uF_FaDWjMoA-00026-00007338-00007559 it will show you which one is best for uF_FaDWjMoA-00027-00007559-00007642 your uF_FaDWjMoA-00028-00007643-00008027 your farm and then there's a uF_FaDWjMoA-00029-00008028-00008213 self-assessment to see if you're uF_FaDWjMoA-00030-00008214-00008519 eligible we'll walk through how to uF_FaDWjMoA-00031-00008520-00008860 download the forms and their Farm uh uF_FaDWjMoA-00032-00008861-00009157 Farm support which is a little assistant uF_FaDWjMoA-00033-00009158-00009424 so and also there's some other sites uF_FaDWjMoA-00034-00009425-00009628 I'll share with you at the end about how uF_FaDWjMoA-00035-00009629-00009905 to access current interest rates and uF_FaDWjMoA-00036-00009906-00010121 find your local service center uF_FaDWjMoA-00037-00010122-00010313 so to get started uF_FaDWjMoA-00038-00010314-00010685 um I'm going to share my screen uF_FaDWjMoA-00039-00010686-00011442 and today we will be going through uF_FaDWjMoA-00040-00011443-00011759 farmers.gov this is an easy website to uF_FaDWjMoA-00041-00011760-00012131 remember and it has mostly a lot of uF_FaDWjMoA-00042-00012132-00012328 resources for all the different programs uF_FaDWjMoA-00043-00012329-00012659 USD has so for nrcs for risk management uF_FaDWjMoA-00044-00012660-00012916 this is like a home base for farmers and uF_FaDWjMoA-00045-00012917-00013169 it's easy to remember so farmers.gov is uF_FaDWjMoA-00046-00013169-00013438 where we're starting today and we're uF_FaDWjMoA-00047-00013440-00014291 gonna go to the loans tab uF_FaDWjMoA-00048-00014291-00014651 and we're still on farmers.gov uF_FaDWjMoA-00049-00014652-00014872 they give a lot of information about uF_FaDWjMoA-00050-00014873-00014975 current uF_FaDWjMoA-00051-00014976-00015233 loans that you might have out so you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00052-00015234-00015461 find latest news about uF_FaDWjMoA-00053-00015462-00015857 the inflation reduction Act uF_FaDWjMoA-00054-00015858-00016133 any notices uF_FaDWjMoA-00055-00016134-00016385 but as you scroll down you'll find the uF_FaDWjMoA-00056-00016386-00016865 new Farm loan tools uF_FaDWjMoA-00057-00016866-00017050 today we're going to be focusing on the uF_FaDWjMoA-00058-00017051-00017267 loan assistant tool so we're going to uF_FaDWjMoA-00059-00017268-00017380 start here uF_FaDWjMoA-00060-00017381-00017536 and it'll send you out to another uF_FaDWjMoA-00061-00017537-00017689 website uF_FaDWjMoA-00062-00017690-00017903 and it's a little bit harder to remember uF_FaDWjMoA-00063-00017904-00018144 that's why I always say just go to uF_FaDWjMoA-00064-00018145-00018377 thefarmers.gov and and that's the uF_FaDWjMoA-00065-00018378-00018580 easiest way to get there uF_FaDWjMoA-00066-00018581-00018803 so this is a new site and here you'll uF_FaDWjMoA-00067-00018804-00019036 find guides to FSA loans general uF_FaDWjMoA-00068-00019037-00019330 information about the loan process uF_FaDWjMoA-00069-00019331-00019613 and also the self-assessment tool uF_FaDWjMoA-00070-00019614-00019919 loan Discovery and form support uF_FaDWjMoA-00071-00019920-00020105 so just for the basics we're going to uF_FaDWjMoA-00072-00020106-00020386 get started here we'll find out if uF_FaDWjMoA-00073-00020387-00020591 you're eligible let loan is right for uF_FaDWjMoA-00074-00020592-00021094 you and how to complete the forms uF_FaDWjMoA-00075-00021095-00021293 so we're going to start this from the uF_FaDWjMoA-00076-00021294-00021497 beginning uF_FaDWjMoA-00077-00021498-00021755 says are you eligible for an FSA loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00078-00021756-00022007 that's a big question first just to get uF_FaDWjMoA-00079-00022008-00022241 through can you apply uF_FaDWjMoA-00080-00022242-00022313 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00081-00022314-00022594 this will this tool will walk you uF_FaDWjMoA-00082-00022595-00022847 through some of the general requirements uF_FaDWjMoA-00083-00022848-00023135 but each loan has its own uF_FaDWjMoA-00084-00023136-00023314 um requirements that you have to fulfill uF_FaDWjMoA-00085-00023315-00023477 as well especially for the ownership uF_FaDWjMoA-00086-00023478-00023783 loans for purchasing property uF_FaDWjMoA-00087-00023784-00023980 so this is a general Eligibility uF_FaDWjMoA-00088-00023981-00024461 Assessment uF_FaDWjMoA-00089-00024462-00024713 so what this tool will do is it'll show uF_FaDWjMoA-00090-00024714-00024869 you uF_FaDWjMoA-00091-00024870-00025169 um some basic requirements if you select uF_FaDWjMoA-00092-00025170-00025480 yes or no you can still continue through uF_FaDWjMoA-00093-00025481-00025768 the the assessment it'll just give you a uF_FaDWjMoA-00094-00025769-00026128 notice that you may not be eligible if uF_FaDWjMoA-00095-00026129-00026279 you don't meet some of the requirements uF_FaDWjMoA-00096-00026280-00026524 you'll still need to contact your FSA uF_FaDWjMoA-00097-00026525-00026807 office though to to verify your uF_FaDWjMoA-00098-00026808-00026968 eligibility uF_FaDWjMoA-00099-00026969-00027245 so uh first question in the last four uF_FaDWjMoA-00100-00027245-00027370 years uF_FaDWjMoA-00101-00027372-00027574 have you been convicted for planting uF_FaDWjMoA-00102-00027575-00027862 cultivating growing producing harvesting uF_FaDWjMoA-00103-00027863-00028096 storing trafficking or processing uF_FaDWjMoA-00104-00028097-00028427 controlled substances uF_FaDWjMoA-00105-00028427-00028643 if you're not sure uF_FaDWjMoA-00106-00028644-00029002 you can select learn more uF_FaDWjMoA-00107-00029004-00029279 and they'll share this information with uF_FaDWjMoA-00108-00029280-00029620 you so if it's been more than four years uF_FaDWjMoA-00109-00029622-00030035 you may still be eligible based on this uF_FaDWjMoA-00110-00030036-00030539 you just have to have some documentation uF_FaDWjMoA-00111-00030539-00030881 but let's say we say yes uF_FaDWjMoA-00112-00030882-00031199 it will just show you that you may uF_FaDWjMoA-00113-00031200-00031474 um not be eligible for FSA loans but you uF_FaDWjMoA-00114-00031475-00031690 can acknowledge that and continue uF_FaDWjMoA-00115-00031691-00032008 through the self-assessment uF_FaDWjMoA-00116-00032010-00032135 so uF_FaDWjMoA-00117-00032136-00032483 the next one they'll ask you if you are uF_FaDWjMoA-00118-00032483-00032746 competent enough of legal age to enter uF_FaDWjMoA-00119-00032747-00033023 into a contract basically to take out a uF_FaDWjMoA-00120-00033024-00033167 debt uF_FaDWjMoA-00121-00033168-00033340 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00122-00033341-00033695 and if you're over 18 uh you probably uF_FaDWjMoA-00123-00033696-00034067 will answer yes to that uF_FaDWjMoA-00124-00034068-00034421 citizenship FSA loans are for U.S uF_FaDWjMoA-00125-00034422-00034757 citizens a non-citizen national or a uF_FaDWjMoA-00126-00034758-00035045 legal resident alien uF_FaDWjMoA-00127-00035046-00035405 and you can learn more about what is uF_FaDWjMoA-00128-00035406-00035537 required uF_FaDWjMoA-00129-00035538-00035717 for different uF_FaDWjMoA-00130-00035718-00035896 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00131-00035897-00036112 citizenship statuses uF_FaDWjMoA-00132-00036113-00036251 so uF_FaDWjMoA-00133-00036252-00036443 you can get more information there about uF_FaDWjMoA-00134-00036444-00036646 what you will need if you're a qualified uF_FaDWjMoA-00135-00036647-00037127 a resident uF_FaDWjMoA-00136-00037128-00037402 so we'll select yes uF_FaDWjMoA-00137-00037403-00037612 next is credit history I know this is a uF_FaDWjMoA-00138-00037613-00037745 big one that a lot of people are asking uF_FaDWjMoA-00139-00037746-00038009 about if you have bad credit if we still uF_FaDWjMoA-00140-00038010-00038296 have about student debts or any type of uF_FaDWjMoA-00141-00038297-00038561 um issues with your credit this is a uF_FaDWjMoA-00142-00038562-00038759 guide to help you uF_FaDWjMoA-00143-00038760-00038837 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00144-00038838-00039005 well I always like to click on learn uF_FaDWjMoA-00145-00039006-00039335 more to see if your credit history might uF_FaDWjMoA-00146-00039336-00039767 be a concern for FSA uF_FaDWjMoA-00147-00039768-00040090 so FSA does not check uF_FaDWjMoA-00148-00040091-00040301 um we're just not base your loan off of uF_FaDWjMoA-00149-00040302-00040468 your credit scores they still will run uF_FaDWjMoA-00150-00040469-00040645 your credit but uF_FaDWjMoA-00151-00040646-00041039 the final decision is basically based uF_FaDWjMoA-00152-00041040-00041290 off of your repayment history so if you uF_FaDWjMoA-00153-00041291-00041452 have current debts that you're paying uF_FaDWjMoA-00154-00041453-00041674 off regularly then that'll be in your uF_FaDWjMoA-00155-00041675-00041830 favor uF_FaDWjMoA-00156-00041831-00042221 um also if you are looking to uF_FaDWjMoA-00157-00042222-00042490 if you have some that are uF_FaDWjMoA-00158-00042491-00042743 in deferment you can share with them uF_FaDWjMoA-00159-00042744-00043073 those situations if there's a debt that uF_FaDWjMoA-00160-00043074-00043289 hasn't been paid they will look and see uF_FaDWjMoA-00161-00043290-00043457 if there were some circumstances that uF_FaDWjMoA-00162-00043458-00043729 were beyond your control for example uF_FaDWjMoA-00163-00043730-00044207 loss of employment or if you had any uF_FaDWjMoA-00164-00044208-00044401 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00165-00044402-00044824 loss of employment or if there was like uF_FaDWjMoA-00166-00044825-00045101 a disaster that went through and took uF_FaDWjMoA-00167-00045102-00045329 out all of your crops things of that uF_FaDWjMoA-00168-00045330-00045779 need to uF_FaDWjMoA-00169-00045780-00046055 next credit alternatives uF_FaDWjMoA-00170-00046056-00046283 FSA uF_FaDWjMoA-00171-00046284-00046612 um does require that you have uF_FaDWjMoA-00172-00046613-00046793 that you're not able to get credit uF_FaDWjMoA-00173-00046794-00047045 elsewhere is what it says basically if uF_FaDWjMoA-00174-00047046-00047224 you've tried to reach out to a uF_FaDWjMoA-00175-00047225-00047573 commercial lender or bank to get credit uF_FaDWjMoA-00176-00047574-00047855 um some of the offices will request a uF_FaDWjMoA-00177-00047856-00048190 denial letter from a bank or you could uF_FaDWjMoA-00178-00048191-00048365 also uF_FaDWjMoA-00179-00048366-00048430 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00180-00048431-00048815 just show that you have reached out it's uF_FaDWjMoA-00181-00048816-00048995 all based on the office and how they uF_FaDWjMoA-00182-00048996-00049157 enforce this uF_FaDWjMoA-00183-00049158-00049421 and but you can still go and apply to uF_FaDWjMoA-00184-00049422-00049673 your local office and later they will uF_FaDWjMoA-00185-00049674-00049805 tell you if you need to go through that uF_FaDWjMoA-00186-00049806-00050746 process of reaching out to another bank uF_FaDWjMoA-00187-00050747-00050962 so if you have reached out to another uF_FaDWjMoA-00188-00050963-00051202 bank they'll just share with you that it uF_FaDWjMoA-00189-00051203-00051388 may you may not be eligible if you're uF_FaDWjMoA-00190-00051389-00051563 able to get credit elsewhere but the uF_FaDWjMoA-00191-00051564-00051796 final decision will be um made at the uF_FaDWjMoA-00192-00051797-00052120 local office uF_FaDWjMoA-00193-00052121-00052426 so next federal debts uF_FaDWjMoA-00194-00052427-00052666 do you have any delinquent Federal debts uF_FaDWjMoA-00195-00052667-00052882 or unpaid Federal adjustments other than uF_FaDWjMoA-00196-00052883-00053254 IRS tax debt so if you owe taxes uF_FaDWjMoA-00197-00053255-00053416 um that's not gonna uF_FaDWjMoA-00198-00053417-00053776 stop you from getting an FSA loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00199-00053777-00053957 you can always learn more at the learn uF_FaDWjMoA-00200-00053958-00054149 more button uF_FaDWjMoA-00201-00054150-00054466 and uh applicants who are delinquent on uF_FaDWjMoA-00202-00054467-00054653 any federal debts or have unpaid Federal uF_FaDWjMoA-00203-00054654-00054976 judgments are ineligible uF_FaDWjMoA-00204-00054977-00055115 um just a note uF_FaDWjMoA-00205-00055116-00055600 I know some uh our our Farmers have uh uF_FaDWjMoA-00206-00055601-00055938 payments that have been on hold due to uF_FaDWjMoA-00207-00055939-00056249 the new policies and so if there was any uF_FaDWjMoA-00208-00056250-00056453 debts that were pending that haven't uF_FaDWjMoA-00209-00056454-00056741 been paid off you still might have to uF_FaDWjMoA-00210-00056741-00056999 pay those debts uh that you have on uF_FaDWjMoA-00211-00057000-00057209 current loans to make them current uF_FaDWjMoA-00212-00057210-00057688 before you can apply for a new loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00213-00057689-00057875 um however applicants may be eligible if uF_FaDWjMoA-00214-00057876-00058061 they're able to pay in full or resolve uF_FaDWjMoA-00215-00058062-00058265 delinquent federal debt before a loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00216-00058266-00058469 closing so that's what I was mentioning uF_FaDWjMoA-00217-00058470-00058799 there uF_FaDWjMoA-00218-00058800-00059057 all right so we're going to say no we uF_FaDWjMoA-00219-00059058-00059273 don't have any pending debts outstanding uF_FaDWjMoA-00220-00059274-00059394 debts uF_FaDWjMoA-00221-00059395-00059699 FSA debt forgiveness have you ever been uF_FaDWjMoA-00222-00059700-00060250 forgiven every past debt say no uF_FaDWjMoA-00223-00060251-00060454 have you been disqualified as a result uF_FaDWjMoA-00224-00060455-00060707 of prop Insurance violation uF_FaDWjMoA-00225-00060708-00060965 we'll say no I know most of our farmers uF_FaDWjMoA-00226-00060966-00061132 are not participating in crop insurance uF_FaDWjMoA-00227-00061133-00061379 right now but if you were and if you had uF_FaDWjMoA-00228-00061379-00061535 a violation uF_FaDWjMoA-00229-00061536-00061703 um you that would affect your uF_FaDWjMoA-00230-00061704-00061966 eligibility uF_FaDWjMoA-00231-00061967-00062135 says do you have prior farming uF_FaDWjMoA-00232-00062136-00062507 experience or relevant training uF_FaDWjMoA-00233-00062508-00062699 we can select no maybe your beginning uF_FaDWjMoA-00234-00062700-00062897 farmer just starting out you might not uF_FaDWjMoA-00235-00062898-00063166 have experience so it's saying that if uF_FaDWjMoA-00236-00063167-00063407 you don't have any Farm experience it uF_FaDWjMoA-00237-00063408-00063491 does uF_FaDWjMoA-00238-00063491-00063791 um it may not you may not be eligible so uF_FaDWjMoA-00239-00063791-00063911 just because you don't have any uF_FaDWjMoA-00240-00063912-00064499 experience doesn't mean you can't apply uF_FaDWjMoA-00241-00064500-00064919 so we'll select yes on that uF_FaDWjMoA-00242-00064920-00065159 will you be the owner or operator of a uF_FaDWjMoA-00243-00065160-00065416 family farm uF_FaDWjMoA-00244-00065417-00065549 no uF_FaDWjMoA-00245-00065550-00065747 let's say that you will not be operating uF_FaDWjMoA-00246-00065748-00066035 the farm you may not be eligible for FSA uF_FaDWjMoA-00247-00066036-00066431 loans FSA requires a you to be qualified uF_FaDWjMoA-00248-00066432-00066676 or designated as a family farm which uF_FaDWjMoA-00249-00066677-00066863 means that you're participating in some uF_FaDWjMoA-00250-00066864-00067025 kind of way either you're making the uF_FaDWjMoA-00251-00067026-00067205 management decisions or you're uF_FaDWjMoA-00252-00067206-00067444 contributing labor so that is a uF_FaDWjMoA-00253-00067445-00067721 requirement uF_FaDWjMoA-00254-00067722-00068003 next are you applying as a non-profit uF_FaDWjMoA-00255-00068004-00068200 organization uF_FaDWjMoA-00256-00068201-00068435 if you're a non-profit uF_FaDWjMoA-00257-00068436-00068638 and you indicate you're a non-profit you uF_FaDWjMoA-00258-00068639-00068938 will not be eligible for FSA loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00259-00068939-00069311 however you can proceed to apply as a uF_FaDWjMoA-00260-00069312-00069617 business entity or for-profit entity if uF_FaDWjMoA-00261-00069618-00069725 you have uF_FaDWjMoA-00262-00069726-00069971 um both statuses on your farm you will uF_FaDWjMoA-00263-00069972-00070738 have to apply through your for-profit uF_FaDWjMoA-00264-00070739-00071143 so after you've gone through the list uF_FaDWjMoA-00265-00071144-00071411 you can still work through this process uF_FaDWjMoA-00266-00071412-00071638 and if you have any questions if you're uF_FaDWjMoA-00267-00071639-00071855 eligible or not I encourage you to reach uF_FaDWjMoA-00268-00071856-00072059 out to your local Service Center and uF_FaDWjMoA-00269-00072060-00072353 they can answer those questions for you uF_FaDWjMoA-00270-00072354-00072593 so just to highlight a few things that uF_FaDWjMoA-00271-00072594-00072850 we went through about eligibility uF_FaDWjMoA-00272-00072851-00073306 that may affect you uF_FaDWjMoA-00273-00073307-00073715 so any recent drug Convent convictions uF_FaDWjMoA-00274-00073716-00074038 if you're over 18 able to take out debt uF_FaDWjMoA-00275-00074039-00074381 you have to be a citizen or a resident uF_FaDWjMoA-00276-00074382-00074669 alien uF_FaDWjMoA-00277-00074670-00074909 you have to have reasonable credit uF_FaDWjMoA-00278-00074910-00075161 history not perfect but uF_FaDWjMoA-00279-00075162-00075406 um good repayment history within the uF_FaDWjMoA-00280-00075407-00075682 last four years uF_FaDWjMoA-00281-00075683-00075917 um credit Alternatives have you reached uF_FaDWjMoA-00282-00075918-00076126 out to other banks have you been denied uF_FaDWjMoA-00283-00076127-00076343 or had trouble getting uF_FaDWjMoA-00284-00076344-00076631 loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00285-00076632-00076835 um do you have any debts with the uF_FaDWjMoA-00286-00076836-00077032 government and have you been forgiven of uF_FaDWjMoA-00287-00077033-00077387 debts any crop violations May prevent uF_FaDWjMoA-00288-00077388-00077632 you from being eligible uF_FaDWjMoA-00289-00077633-00077806 they will ask you about your farming uF_FaDWjMoA-00290-00077807-00078065 experience and if you're going to be uF_FaDWjMoA-00291-00078066-00078312 operating the farm yourself uF_FaDWjMoA-00292-00078313-00078550 nonprofits are not eligible but you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00293-00078551-00078803 apply as a for-profit uF_FaDWjMoA-00294-00078804-00079019 so that's the eligibility uF_FaDWjMoA-00295-00079020-00079241 self-assessment so it's pretty quick uF_FaDWjMoA-00296-00079242-00079529 tool you can use on your own uF_FaDWjMoA-00297-00079530-00079925 um do we have any questions about this uF_FaDWjMoA-00298-00079926-00080279 tool so far uF_FaDWjMoA-00299-00080280-00080603 hey Shakira um in the chat uF_FaDWjMoA-00300-00080604-00080897 um there was a question uh on Facebook uF_FaDWjMoA-00301-00080898-00081082 about uF_FaDWjMoA-00302-00081083-00081419 um what activities are considered uh a uF_FaDWjMoA-00303-00081420-00081676 family farm uF_FaDWjMoA-00304-00081677-00082181 right so if you are growing food for uF_FaDWjMoA-00305-00082182-00082409 profit like to sell at markets you're uF_FaDWjMoA-00306-00082410-00082762 considered a farm uh for micro loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00307-00082763-00083062 purposes if you have an annual revenue uF_FaDWjMoA-00308-00083063-00083249 um of over a thousand dollars that's uF_FaDWjMoA-00309-00083250-00083621 considered like farming for them and uF_FaDWjMoA-00310-00083622-00083944 those activities could be crops uF_FaDWjMoA-00311-00083945-00084226 um livestock producing uF_FaDWjMoA-00312-00084227-00084343 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00313-00084344-00084688 textiles you know and those things are uF_FaDWjMoA-00314-00084689-00085000 all considered farming and if you are uF_FaDWjMoA-00315-00085001-00085205 putting in the work uF_FaDWjMoA-00316-00085206-00085505 um the labor on the farm and or if uF_FaDWjMoA-00317-00085506-00085691 you're managing someone else who's doing uF_FaDWjMoA-00318-00085692-00085829 the work but you're in charge of the uF_FaDWjMoA-00319-00085830-00086050 daily decisions I don't know if that uF_FaDWjMoA-00320-00086051-00086375 answered the question uF_FaDWjMoA-00321-00086376-00086488 um and then there's also another uF_FaDWjMoA-00322-00086489-00086687 question uF_FaDWjMoA-00323-00086688-00086861 um about uF_FaDWjMoA-00324-00086862-00087191 um loans for starting a farm business uF_FaDWjMoA-00325-00087192-00087305 um do you think that this uF_FaDWjMoA-00326-00087306-00087671 self-assessment tool is good for folks uF_FaDWjMoA-00327-00087672-00087856 who are just getting started and are uF_FaDWjMoA-00328-00087857-00088031 looking for a loan to start their Farm uF_FaDWjMoA-00329-00088032-00088229 business uF_FaDWjMoA-00330-00088230-00088468 yes this tool is great uF_FaDWjMoA-00331-00088469-00088673 um this is just the self-assessment but uF_FaDWjMoA-00332-00088674-00088912 once you get in there we'll it will show uF_FaDWjMoA-00333-00088913-00089206 you uh what loans will work better for uF_FaDWjMoA-00334-00089207-00089356 you if you're starting out it'll make uF_FaDWjMoA-00335-00089357-00089609 suggestions and also you can preview uF_FaDWjMoA-00336-00089610-00089861 what they're going to be asking because uF_FaDWjMoA-00337-00089862-00090059 they will ask you for your financial uF_FaDWjMoA-00338-00090060-00090293 history and you can start collecting uF_FaDWjMoA-00339-00090294-00090437 what you need uF_FaDWjMoA-00340-00090438-00090617 um if you don't know how much you're uF_FaDWjMoA-00341-00090618-00090887 making per acre off of your crops that's uF_FaDWjMoA-00342-00090888-00091049 something that you can start collecting uF_FaDWjMoA-00343-00091050-00091447 data for what are your expenses any uF_FaDWjMoA-00344-00091448-00091799 cells or invoices that you're making uF_FaDWjMoA-00345-00091800-00091997 right now that can be shown as proof of uF_FaDWjMoA-00346-00091998-00092291 income from farming so this is good just uF_FaDWjMoA-00347-00092292-00092476 to even get an idea of what might be uF_FaDWjMoA-00348-00092477-00092843 expected of you in the future uF_FaDWjMoA-00349-00092844-00093059 all right thanks Shakira those are all uF_FaDWjMoA-00350-00093060-00093287 the questions I see for right now all uF_FaDWjMoA-00351-00093288-00093532 right awesome uF_FaDWjMoA-00352-00093533-00093899 ah yes thank you Leticia so next uF_FaDWjMoA-00353-00093900-00094126 we're gonna move on to the next part of uF_FaDWjMoA-00354-00094127-00094325 this tool which is the loan Discovery uF_FaDWjMoA-00355-00094326-00094523 tool to learn about the different farm uF_FaDWjMoA-00356-00094524-00095171 programs uF_FaDWjMoA-00357-00095172-00095326 so uF_FaDWjMoA-00358-00095327-00095591 to start they're asking us how much uF_FaDWjMoA-00359-00095592-00095806 money are we looking to borrow if it's uF_FaDWjMoA-00360-00095807-00096076 less than 50 000 or greater uF_FaDWjMoA-00361-00096077-00096491 uh that Mark is a cut off amount for a uF_FaDWjMoA-00362-00096492-00096791 micro loan which is a very uF_FaDWjMoA-00363-00096792-00097205 um short uh application compared to some uF_FaDWjMoA-00364-00097206-00097385 of the larger loans which is about like uF_FaDWjMoA-00365-00097386-00097594 26 pages so uF_FaDWjMoA-00366-00097595-00097912 the micro loan is good for startup Farms uF_FaDWjMoA-00367-00097913-00098218 so we'll dive in here to the micro loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00368-00098219-00098729 we'll select yes uF_FaDWjMoA-00369-00098730-00098897 so it gives you some basic information uF_FaDWjMoA-00370-00098898-00099209 about the the micro loans they are to uF_FaDWjMoA-00371-00099210-00099444 fit small farmers beginning Farmers uF_FaDWjMoA-00372-00099445-00099653 non-traditional like specialty crop uF_FaDWjMoA-00373-00099654-00100018 diverse farms and they can be used for uF_FaDWjMoA-00374-00100019-00100205 up to fifty thousand dollars for uF_FaDWjMoA-00375-00100206-00100511 operating expenses so uF_FaDWjMoA-00376-00100512-00100632 um equipment uF_FaDWjMoA-00377-00100633-00100953 tools seeds fertilizers uF_FaDWjMoA-00378-00100954-00101065 [Music] uF_FaDWjMoA-00379-00101066-00101411 Farm help like a farm hand employee uF_FaDWjMoA-00380-00101412-00101609 employee wages uF_FaDWjMoA-00381-00101610-00102053 and also they have a farm uh ownership uF_FaDWjMoA-00382-00102054-00102497 microlone to purchase property as well uF_FaDWjMoA-00383-00102498-00102713 and you can get both of those at the uF_FaDWjMoA-00384-00102714-00102856 same time uF_FaDWjMoA-00385-00102857-00103030 um for a total of hundred thousand uF_FaDWjMoA-00386-00103031-00103186 dollars you can borrow through the micro uF_FaDWjMoA-00387-00103188-00103421 loan program uF_FaDWjMoA-00388-00103422-00103571 so it gives you some basic information uF_FaDWjMoA-00389-00103572-00103913 about the micro loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00390-00103914-00104140 and we can learn more we want to go uF_FaDWjMoA-00391-00104141-00104723 ahead and start the application process uF_FaDWjMoA-00392-00104724-00105040 so one thing that's new here that uF_FaDWjMoA-00393-00105041-00105371 they prepared is a Readiness checklist uF_FaDWjMoA-00394-00105372-00105628 so this is what I was talking about if uF_FaDWjMoA-00395-00105629-00105778 you want to apply for some of these uF_FaDWjMoA-00396-00105779-00105965 loans and you want to get a preview of uF_FaDWjMoA-00397-00105966-00106145 what they're going to be asking for at uF_FaDWjMoA-00398-00106146-00106373 the local office you can click on uF_FaDWjMoA-00399-00106374-00107483 download the Readiness checklist uF_FaDWjMoA-00400-00107483-00107807 so this is a list of all the things that uF_FaDWjMoA-00401-00107808-00108023 they're going to be asking uF_FaDWjMoA-00402-00108024-00108263 for I don't know if can you see this uF_FaDWjMoA-00403-00108264-00108515 page uF_FaDWjMoA-00404-00108516-00109013 ebony is this showing uh yes uh which uF_FaDWjMoA-00405-00109014-00109271 page I see the download the Readiness uF_FaDWjMoA-00406-00109272-00109408 checklist uF_FaDWjMoA-00407-00109409-00109631 yes so okay just want to make sure that uF_FaDWjMoA-00408-00109632-00109840 everyone's seeing this screen the same uF_FaDWjMoA-00409-00109841-00110015 screen uF_FaDWjMoA-00410-00110016-00110215 okay uF_FaDWjMoA-00411-00110216-00110519 so here we are uF_FaDWjMoA-00412-00110520-00110723 first you will need to complete the uF_FaDWjMoA-00413-00110724-00110999 application itself uF_FaDWjMoA-00414-00111000-00111233 the request for direct loan assistance uF_FaDWjMoA-00415-00111233-00111466 and that's usually uh just a two-page uF_FaDWjMoA-00416-00111467-00111773 form uF_FaDWjMoA-00417-00111774-00111983 and then if you're applying individually uF_FaDWjMoA-00418-00111983-00112486 or as a LLC there's uh other paperwork uF_FaDWjMoA-00419-00112488-00113002 they'll ask for you uF_FaDWjMoA-00420-00113003-00113260 if you're applying jointly as a married uF_FaDWjMoA-00421-00113261-00113866 couple there's a few other forms uF_FaDWjMoA-00422-00113867-00114058 they like to know what farming uF_FaDWjMoA-00423-00114059-00114257 experience or training you have and this uF_FaDWjMoA-00424-00114258-00114557 could be as simple as a paragraph or you uF_FaDWjMoA-00425-00114558-00114802 can submit a resume if you have that on uF_FaDWjMoA-00426-00114803-00115181 hand uF_FaDWjMoA-00427-00115182-00115751 financial and production records uF_FaDWjMoA-00428-00115752-00115966 and that will be uF_FaDWjMoA-00429-00115967-00116278 how many pounds of uF_FaDWjMoA-00430-00116279-00116627 of each crop so they will ask you for uF_FaDWjMoA-00431-00116628-00116884 specific crops and uF_FaDWjMoA-00432-00116885-00117119 um your financials uF_FaDWjMoA-00433-00117120-00117377 could be if you do file a Schedule F uF_FaDWjMoA-00434-00117378-00117623 that would be good to have otherwise you uF_FaDWjMoA-00435-00117624-00117808 can submit the information and uF_FaDWjMoA-00436-00117809-00118031 spreadsheets if you have a record of all uF_FaDWjMoA-00437-00118032-00118565 of your sales and expenses uF_FaDWjMoA-00438-00118566-00118810 lastly they want to see uF_FaDWjMoA-00439-00118811-00119104 um your cash flow like if you have any uF_FaDWjMoA-00440-00119105-00119219 debts uF_FaDWjMoA-00441-00119220-00119543 um that you will have to pay off at the uF_FaDWjMoA-00442-00119544-00120115 same time as paying off the loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00443-00120116-00120269 and uF_FaDWjMoA-00444-00120270-00120389 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00445-00120390-00120557 just they want to check to make sure uF_FaDWjMoA-00446-00120558-00120799 that it will be less than 50 000 each uF_FaDWjMoA-00447-00120800-00121073 and a credit report they will pull your uF_FaDWjMoA-00448-00121074-00121354 credit like I mentioned and the fee is uF_FaDWjMoA-00449-00121355-00121613 on the farmer so we have to pay that out uF_FaDWjMoA-00450-00121614-00121739 of pocket uF_FaDWjMoA-00451-00121740-00121973 um it's usually twenty six dollars I've uF_FaDWjMoA-00452-00121974-00122183 seen for myself but it changes at each uF_FaDWjMoA-00453-00122183-00122458 agency so you can run the credit report uF_FaDWjMoA-00454-00122459-00122716 and it's non-refundable uF_FaDWjMoA-00455-00122717-00123149 Shakira house what is the method that uF_FaDWjMoA-00456-00123150-00123334 you pay that is that something that you uF_FaDWjMoA-00457-00123335-00123563 can pay online or do you have to pay it uF_FaDWjMoA-00458-00123564-00123671 visibly uF_FaDWjMoA-00459-00123672-00123904 with a check yeah we have to pay with uF_FaDWjMoA-00460-00123905-00124169 the check okay uF_FaDWjMoA-00461-00124170-00124816 in office uF_FaDWjMoA-00462-00124817-00125104 verification of non-farm income they uF_FaDWjMoA-00463-00125105-00125254 will take into account if you have a uF_FaDWjMoA-00464-00125255-00125507 full-time job part-time job so you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00465-00125508-00125789 submit your two recent pay stubs uF_FaDWjMoA-00466-00125790-00126010 um your W-2s or your bank statement uF_FaDWjMoA-00467-00126011-00126160 showing deposit uF_FaDWjMoA-00468-00126161-00126413 and if you're self-employed three years uF_FaDWjMoA-00469-00126414-00126569 tax returns uF_FaDWjMoA-00470-00126570-00126773 hey Shakira uF_FaDWjMoA-00471-00126774-00127031 um the checklist isn't visible the one uF_FaDWjMoA-00472-00127032-00127163 that you're reading from uF_FaDWjMoA-00473-00127164-00127415 oh yes so that's what I wanted to see if uF_FaDWjMoA-00474-00127416-00127913 you you are reading okay let me um uF_FaDWjMoA-00475-00127914-00128177 go and and read this here uF_FaDWjMoA-00476-00128178-00128578 see if I can get to share this uF_FaDWjMoA-00477-00128579-00128771 sorry about that y'all uF_FaDWjMoA-00478-00128772-00129166 um here uF_FaDWjMoA-00479-00129167-00129371 so this is what it looks like when it uF_FaDWjMoA-00480-00129372-00129533 downloads uF_FaDWjMoA-00481-00129533-00129784 okay then we can see it now uF_FaDWjMoA-00482-00129785-00130043 yeah sorry about that so micro loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00483-00130044-00130258 check this for operating loans it's uF_FaDWjMoA-00484-00130259-00130427 pretty much the same as the checklist uF_FaDWjMoA-00485-00130428-00130583 for the uF_FaDWjMoA-00486-00130583-00130786 ownership loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00487-00130788-00131177 so this is for the assistant direct loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00488-00131178-00131471 assistance is the actual application uF_FaDWjMoA-00489-00131472-00131687 they'll ask you for your information on uF_FaDWjMoA-00490-00131688-00131914 your business if you have an LLC they uF_FaDWjMoA-00491-00131915-00132035 want to see your Articles of uF_FaDWjMoA-00492-00132036-00132514 Incorporation uF_FaDWjMoA-00493-00132515-00132754 if you're working together as a married uF_FaDWjMoA-00494-00132755-00132983 couple there's another form here that uF_FaDWjMoA-00495-00132984-00133390 you'll complete uF_FaDWjMoA-00496-00133391-00133666 and I mentioned the farm training uF_FaDWjMoA-00497-00133667-00133901 the financial records uF_FaDWjMoA-00498-00133902-00134123 so this is a checklist that you can go uF_FaDWjMoA-00499-00134124-00134261 through and see what are all the uF_FaDWjMoA-00500-00134262-00134609 requirements so you go and prepare and uF_FaDWjMoA-00501-00134610-00134789 these forms are we're going to go in and uF_FaDWjMoA-00502-00134790-00134957 I'll show you where to find these forms uF_FaDWjMoA-00503-00134958-00135221 on the website uF_FaDWjMoA-00504-00135222-00135901 so this is a Readiness checklist here uF_FaDWjMoA-00505-00135902-00136247 and I want to show you a preview of this uF_FaDWjMoA-00506-00136248-00136499 form this is the actual form for uF_FaDWjMoA-00507-00136500-00136727 applying for the micro loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00508-00136728-00136990 so I just want to encourage you to if uF_FaDWjMoA-00509-00136991-00137189 you want to check this out this program uF_FaDWjMoA-00510-00137190-00137375 because it's only uF_FaDWjMoA-00511-00137376-00137783 to two two actual pages long uF_FaDWjMoA-00512-00137784-00138011 the rest are instructions but it's uF_FaDWjMoA-00513-00138012-00138214 really short and I think uF_FaDWjMoA-00514-00138215-00138371 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00515-00138372-00138652 it'll be worth your time and and trying uF_FaDWjMoA-00516-00138653-00138845 this one out if you don't want to go uF_FaDWjMoA-00517-00138846-00139223 through a long process uF_FaDWjMoA-00518-00139224-00139685 so I'm gonna go back to uF_FaDWjMoA-00519-00139686-00140387 the tool uF_FaDWjMoA-00520-00140388-00140687 Okay so uF_FaDWjMoA-00521-00140688-00140890 now that we've looked at the checklist uF_FaDWjMoA-00522-00140891-00141107 next you can get some help with the uF_FaDWjMoA-00523-00141108-00141352 actual forms uF_FaDWjMoA-00524-00141353-00141616 so obtain assistance with loan forms is uF_FaDWjMoA-00525-00141617-00141851 going to send you to the next page which uF_FaDWjMoA-00526-00141852-00142085 is form support uF_FaDWjMoA-00527-00142086-00142397 and you can also access the support for uF_FaDWjMoA-00528-00142398-00142709 the forms at the very top here at form uF_FaDWjMoA-00529-00142710-00142895 support you don't have to go through the uF_FaDWjMoA-00530-00142896-00142999 whole uF_FaDWjMoA-00531-00143000-00143621 self-assessment and Loan discovery uF_FaDWjMoA-00532-00143622-00143921 we're back here uF_FaDWjMoA-00533-00143922-00144173 access instructions for completing the uF_FaDWjMoA-00534-00144174-00144731 forms uF_FaDWjMoA-00535-00144732-00144875 so uF_FaDWjMoA-00536-00144876-00145145 for the micro loan they they gave you uF_FaDWjMoA-00537-00145146-00145313 the checklist and these are the forms uF_FaDWjMoA-00538-00145314-00145690 that they'll request from you uF_FaDWjMoA-00539-00145691-00146002 this is the actual form that I showed uF_FaDWjMoA-00540-00146003-00146219 you in PDF earlier uF_FaDWjMoA-00541-00146220-00146483 and if you you can also just download uF_FaDWjMoA-00542-00146484-00146723 the form and work through it yourself if uF_FaDWjMoA-00543-00146724-00146861 you you feel like you don't need any uF_FaDWjMoA-00544-00146862-00147121 help you can also do that here download uF_FaDWjMoA-00545-00147122-00147340 but we're going to run through the uF_FaDWjMoA-00546-00147341-00147719 assistant uF_FaDWjMoA-00547-00147720-00147947 so the nice thing that's new with this uF_FaDWjMoA-00548-00147948-00148199 is that you can actually complete this uF_FaDWjMoA-00549-00148200-00148607 online and download it and you can just uF_FaDWjMoA-00550-00148608-00148907 print it out sign it and send it off to uF_FaDWjMoA-00551-00148908-00149161 your local office uF_FaDWjMoA-00552-00149162-00149507 unfortunately this page the system won't uF_FaDWjMoA-00553-00149508-00149704 save your information and you still uF_FaDWjMoA-00554-00149705-00150125 can't submit it through the website uF_FaDWjMoA-00555-00150126-00150269 um that would be nice hopefully they uF_FaDWjMoA-00556-00150270-00150611 will uh do that in the future but still uF_FaDWjMoA-00557-00150612-00150911 this is a one advancement and you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00558-00150912-00151114 also ask questions that you're filling uF_FaDWjMoA-00559-00151115-00151252 out the form uF_FaDWjMoA-00560-00151253-00151493 um if you're not sure what to do uF_FaDWjMoA-00561-00151494-00151625 so uF_FaDWjMoA-00562-00151626-00151961 if we're in part A we need some help we uF_FaDWjMoA-00563-00151962-00152266 select on the left column uF_FaDWjMoA-00564-00152267-00152507 and it'll tell you exactly what to put uF_FaDWjMoA-00565-00152508-00152597 in uF_FaDWjMoA-00566-00152598-00152999 in each section if you click on it it'll uF_FaDWjMoA-00567-00153000-00153335 give you more information so you want to uF_FaDWjMoA-00568-00153336-00153563 put your full legal name as it appears uF_FaDWjMoA-00569-00153564-00153814 on your social security card or your uF_FaDWjMoA-00570-00153815-00154049 state identification card uF_FaDWjMoA-00571-00154050-00154313 so this is very basic information is uF_FaDWjMoA-00572-00154314-00154504 pretty self-explanatory uF_FaDWjMoA-00573-00154505-00154840 if you're not sure uh if you're applying uF_FaDWjMoA-00574-00154841-00155111 as an individual or an entity you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00575-00155112-00155404 learn more at Part B uF_FaDWjMoA-00576-00155405-00155575 hey Shakira uF_FaDWjMoA-00577-00155576-00155861 we have a couple more questions on uF_FaDWjMoA-00578-00155862-00156161 Facebook okay yeah one of the questions uF_FaDWjMoA-00579-00156162-00156664 is uh that my local office uh requires a uF_FaDWjMoA-00580-00156665-00156814 hundred dollar non-refundable uF_FaDWjMoA-00581-00156815-00157163 application fee is that standard uF_FaDWjMoA-00582-00157164-00157457 no there shouldn't be any fees at all to uF_FaDWjMoA-00583-00157458-00157643 apply for this program for the micro uF_FaDWjMoA-00584-00157644-00158225 loans or for any of the other FSA loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00585-00158226-00158483 the only fee should be for the the uF_FaDWjMoA-00586-00158484-00158687 credit report uF_FaDWjMoA-00587-00158688-00158885 and a credit report should be a hundred uF_FaDWjMoA-00588-00158886-00159187 dollars no uF_FaDWjMoA-00589-00159188-00159431 thank you Shakira um and then another uF_FaDWjMoA-00590-00159432-00159833 question is are agritourism education uF_FaDWjMoA-00591-00159834-00160066 and value-added products considered uF_FaDWjMoA-00592-00160067-00160295 eligible activities uF_FaDWjMoA-00593-00160296-00160559 the value-added products are considered uF_FaDWjMoA-00594-00160560-00160835 eligible if they are produced uF_FaDWjMoA-00595-00160836-00161011 um from the farm uF_FaDWjMoA-00596-00161012-00161495 and the agritourism is not considered at uF_FaDWjMoA-00597-00161496-00161759 this time as a farm income although you uF_FaDWjMoA-00598-00161760-00161969 can use it uF_FaDWjMoA-00599-00161970-00162154 um on your business plan as your uF_FaDWjMoA-00600-00162155-00162419 non-farm income uF_FaDWjMoA-00601-00162420-00162599 and education uF_FaDWjMoA-00602-00162600-00162797 education is the same that you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00603-00162798-00163013 include any earnings from workshops uF_FaDWjMoA-00604-00163014-00163337 you're giving on your non-farm income uF_FaDWjMoA-00605-00163338-00163469 thank you uF_FaDWjMoA-00606-00163470-00163937 you're welcome uF_FaDWjMoA-00607-00163938-00164069 so uF_FaDWjMoA-00608-00164070-00164273 working through these forms through this uF_FaDWjMoA-00609-00164274-00164489 website is a lot easier because you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00610-00164490-00164957 get your answers right here on the left uF_FaDWjMoA-00611-00164958-00165251 and here like I mentioned on this marker uF_FaDWjMoA-00612-00165252-00165545 loan it's really simple if you grow just uF_FaDWjMoA-00613-00165546-00165851 a few crops you can list them there uF_FaDWjMoA-00614-00165852-00166259 and it'll tell you uF_FaDWjMoA-00615-00166260-00166445 let's click on this uF_FaDWjMoA-00616-00166446-00166637 Part D uF_FaDWjMoA-00617-00166638-00166966 yes we're on Part D uF_FaDWjMoA-00618-00166967-00167278 so in the fields column list in detail uF_FaDWjMoA-00619-00167279-00167543 each crop to be grown the number of uF_FaDWjMoA-00620-00167544-00167807 acres per crop in the projected yield uF_FaDWjMoA-00621-00167808-00167963 per crop uF_FaDWjMoA-00622-00167964-00168304 so this is very short if you're only uF_FaDWjMoA-00623-00168305-00168502 going to be growing one or two crops uF_FaDWjMoA-00624-00168503-00168761 it's probably going to fit in here uF_FaDWjMoA-00625-00168762-00169013 but by any chance if you're growing a uF_FaDWjMoA-00626-00169014-00169169 diversified farm and you have more uF_FaDWjMoA-00627-00169170-00169426 things you can put in the information in uF_FaDWjMoA-00628-00169427-00169666 a spreadsheet and they will accept it uF_FaDWjMoA-00629-00169667-00169937 um in there in that format uF_FaDWjMoA-00630-00169938-00170245 as well so uF_FaDWjMoA-00631-00170246-00170554 this is the first page of the form the uF_FaDWjMoA-00632-00170555-00170737 first is more like general information uF_FaDWjMoA-00633-00170738-00171035 but you can list your crops your uF_FaDWjMoA-00634-00171036-00171221 expenses uF_FaDWjMoA-00635-00171222-00171719 any income you have coming off the farm uF_FaDWjMoA-00636-00171720-00171989 and then list any assets if you're not uF_FaDWjMoA-00637-00171990-00172319 sure what's considered an asset you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00638-00172320-00172535 come up here uF_FaDWjMoA-00639-00172536-00172913 Part D and we're in 10A so you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00640-00172914-00173278 scroll down in the tool uF_FaDWjMoA-00641-00173279-00173537 so list all farm and non-firm assets uF_FaDWjMoA-00642-00173538-00173783 assets are items that have value so if uF_FaDWjMoA-00643-00173784-00173926 you have checking and savings account uF_FaDWjMoA-00644-00173927-00174239 balances if you have any crops in the uF_FaDWjMoA-00645-00174240-00174364 field that you know you're going to be uF_FaDWjMoA-00646-00174365-00174623 selling this season you can list those uF_FaDWjMoA-00647-00174624-00174971 any Machinery Vehicles real estate uF_FaDWjMoA-00648-00174972-00175145 so uF_FaDWjMoA-00649-00175146-00175499 I like this tool here lets you avoid uF_FaDWjMoA-00650-00175500-00175697 having to call and wait and get feedback uF_FaDWjMoA-00651-00175698-00175919 from the local office you can get a lot uF_FaDWjMoA-00652-00175920-00176201 of your questions answered uF_FaDWjMoA-00653-00176202-00176549 and the second page is information for a uF_FaDWjMoA-00654-00176550-00176795 business entity so you wouldn't fill out uF_FaDWjMoA-00655-00176796-00176987 both if you're going to be working as a uF_FaDWjMoA-00656-00176988-00177185 sole proprietor you can fill out the uF_FaDWjMoA-00657-00177186-00177335 first uF_FaDWjMoA-00658-00177336-00177587 two sections if you're working as an LLC uF_FaDWjMoA-00659-00177588-00177995 then you'll complete this section uF_FaDWjMoA-00660-00177996-00178301 so this is where you can put in uF_FaDWjMoA-00661-00178302-00178433 um the description of what you're going uF_FaDWjMoA-00662-00178434-00178837 to be growing uF_FaDWjMoA-00663-00178838-00179135 and this is the paragraph that I uF_FaDWjMoA-00664-00179136-00179290 mentioned that you can sorry about that uF_FaDWjMoA-00665-00179291-00179501 you can fill in both your farm uF_FaDWjMoA-00666-00179502-00179675 experience here uF_FaDWjMoA-00667-00179676-00179897 and it gives you some examples of what uF_FaDWjMoA-00668-00179898-00180223 is Farm experience like if you attended uF_FaDWjMoA-00669-00180224-00180575 workshops internships if you worked on uF_FaDWjMoA-00670-00180576-00180863 another Farm it looks like if you have uF_FaDWjMoA-00671-00180864-00181276 any membership in 4-H or FFA they will uF_FaDWjMoA-00672-00181277-00181409 accept that uF_FaDWjMoA-00673-00181410-00181571 so uF_FaDWjMoA-00674-00181572-00181888 and that's it that is the FSA um these uF_FaDWjMoA-00675-00181889-00182063 are all instructions here at the bottom uF_FaDWjMoA-00676-00182064-00182338 so that's the micro loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00677-00182339-00182488 and uF_FaDWjMoA-00678-00182489-00182759 that that all of that information is on uF_FaDWjMoA-00679-00182760-00182921 this tool uF_FaDWjMoA-00680-00182922-00183143 if you are interested in borrowing more uF_FaDWjMoA-00681-00183144-00183419 than 50 000 you can also go through the uF_FaDWjMoA-00682-00183420-00183643 loan Discovery tool here uF_FaDWjMoA-00683-00183644-00184145 and discover other loan options uF_FaDWjMoA-00684-00184146-00184414 every um I know right now it's hard to uF_FaDWjMoA-00685-00184415-00184504 find uF_FaDWjMoA-00686-00184505-00184804 um farm land and uF_FaDWjMoA-00687-00184805-00185069 um the prices are really going up uF_FaDWjMoA-00688-00185070-00185302 and they have some programs that are uF_FaDWjMoA-00689-00185303-00185519 tailored to beginning Farmers that are uF_FaDWjMoA-00690-00185520-00185626 unique uF_FaDWjMoA-00691-00185627-00185813 um that I like to share really quick I uF_FaDWjMoA-00692-00185814-00186076 know we're almost done with our time but uF_FaDWjMoA-00693-00186077-00186371 just to go over the down payment Loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00694-00186372-00186514 program uF_FaDWjMoA-00695-00186515-00186864 this program will pay up to 45 percent uF_FaDWjMoA-00696-00186865-00187216 of the cost of the farm so it doesn't uF_FaDWjMoA-00697-00187217-00187457 cover all the hundred percent of the uF_FaDWjMoA-00698-00187458-00187626 financing but 45 uF_FaDWjMoA-00699-00187627-00187949 if you yourself have five percent to put uF_FaDWjMoA-00700-00187950-00188188 down the benefits of the down payment uF_FaDWjMoA-00701-00188189-00188471 Loan program is the super low interest uF_FaDWjMoA-00702-00188472-00188801 rate it's at 1.5 percent uF_FaDWjMoA-00703-00188802-00189101 so if you can find another uF_FaDWjMoA-00704-00189102-00189173 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00705-00189174-00189449 Commercial Bank or owner financing for uF_FaDWjMoA-00706-00189450-00189713 the other 50 you can really Save A Lot uF_FaDWjMoA-00707-00189714-00189887 on interest with the down payment uF_FaDWjMoA-00708-00189888-00190187 program and that's only available for uF_FaDWjMoA-00709-00190188-00190464 beginning Farmers I'll click on this uF_FaDWjMoA-00710-00190465-00190702 socially disadvantaged farmers and uF_FaDWjMoA-00711-00190703-00190864 military veterans uF_FaDWjMoA-00712-00190865-00191219 so that's a one that's um not used as uF_FaDWjMoA-00713-00191220-00191452 often but just wanted to make sure you uF_FaDWjMoA-00714-00191453-00191663 are aware of that one uF_FaDWjMoA-00715-00191664-00191951 next is the joint financing and uF_FaDWjMoA-00716-00191952-00192154 participation loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00717-00192155-00192311 um that's the same there's no down uF_FaDWjMoA-00718-00192312-00192557 payment required with this one though uF_FaDWjMoA-00719-00192558-00192719 um but they will uF_FaDWjMoA-00720-00192720-00193085 um only finance up to 50 percent uF_FaDWjMoA-00721-00193086-00193325 and then the last one is the direct Farm uF_FaDWjMoA-00722-00193326-00193661 ownership uh loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00723-00193662-00193876 that's a hundred percent financing so uF_FaDWjMoA-00724-00193877-00194026 you don't have to come out with any down uF_FaDWjMoA-00725-00194027-00194273 payments or closing costs all of that is uF_FaDWjMoA-00726-00194274-00194549 worked into the loan and uF_FaDWjMoA-00727-00194550-00194669 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00728-00194670-00194926 the maximum loan amount is six hundred uF_FaDWjMoA-00729-00194927-00195173 thousand on the direct Farm ownership uF_FaDWjMoA-00730-00195174-00195514 loan if you're looking to finance more uF_FaDWjMoA-00731-00195515-00195725 than that there is another option that's uF_FaDWjMoA-00732-00195726-00196019 not on this website that's working with uF_FaDWjMoA-00733-00196020-00196325 a Commercial Bank and taking out a FSA uF_FaDWjMoA-00734-00196326-00196535 guarantee if the bank feels like you uF_FaDWjMoA-00735-00196536-00196847 don't have enough credit history or uF_FaDWjMoA-00736-00196848-00197057 farming experience they can work with uF_FaDWjMoA-00737-00197058-00197404 FSA and guarantee you a loan uh up to uF_FaDWjMoA-00738-00197405-00197566 1.8 uF_FaDWjMoA-00739-00197567-00197657 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00740-00197658-00197993 million so there if you're looking above uF_FaDWjMoA-00741-00197994-00198251 the 600 000 price range FSA still has uF_FaDWjMoA-00742-00198252-00198628 other programs that can work for you uF_FaDWjMoA-00743-00198629-00198881 and the process is the same if you want uF_FaDWjMoA-00744-00198882-00199073 to apply for some of these other loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00745-00199074-00199349 the farm ownership loans there is a uF_FaDWjMoA-00746-00199350-00199583 Readiness checklist uF_FaDWjMoA-00747-00199584-00199871 did I hear there's a question yes uF_FaDWjMoA-00748-00199872-00200140 um okay the question is what should we uF_FaDWjMoA-00749-00200141-00200393 do when asked for the cash application uF_FaDWjMoA-00750-00200394-00200807 fee at the local offices cash uF_FaDWjMoA-00751-00200808-00201088 that's the question what should we do uF_FaDWjMoA-00752-00201089-00201304 when asked for the cash application fee uF_FaDWjMoA-00753-00201305-00201497 at the local offices it's a follow-up uF_FaDWjMoA-00754-00201498-00201773 question yes uF_FaDWjMoA-00755-00201774-00202007 they should say that uF_FaDWjMoA-00756-00202008-00202325 um that there is no fee that you've uF_FaDWjMoA-00757-00202326-00202625 talked with us or you're aware of and uF_FaDWjMoA-00758-00202626-00203075 there's always a another place you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00759-00203076-00203249 reach out to if you're not if you're uF_FaDWjMoA-00760-00203250-00203387 working with your local office there's uF_FaDWjMoA-00761-00203388-00203621 always a state office that's above the uF_FaDWjMoA-00762-00203622-00203800 local office uF_FaDWjMoA-00763-00203801-00204047 um and they can also provide you some uF_FaDWjMoA-00764-00204048-00204281 assistance to confirm if that's the case uF_FaDWjMoA-00765-00204282-00204509 but they shouldn't be charging a uF_FaDWjMoA-00766-00204510-00204778 non-refundable fee for for that there's uF_FaDWjMoA-00767-00204779-00205144 I believe only one program that has a a uF_FaDWjMoA-00768-00205146-00205366 fee for applying uF_FaDWjMoA-00769-00205367-00205612 um but it's not like a micro loan or a uF_FaDWjMoA-00770-00205613-00205840 direct loan um I have to double check on uF_FaDWjMoA-00771-00205841-00206086 exactly which one that is I believe it uF_FaDWjMoA-00772-00206087-00206332 is like a farm uF_FaDWjMoA-00773-00206333-00206627 storage loan so if you're applying for uF_FaDWjMoA-00774-00206628-00206903 the storage facility loan that's through uF_FaDWjMoA-00775-00206904-00207203 farm programs which is a branch of FSA uF_FaDWjMoA-00776-00207204-00207358 but that's the only one I know that has uF_FaDWjMoA-00777-00207359-00207881 a fee the farm storage loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00778-00207882-00208432 so is that the one you're applying for uF_FaDWjMoA-00779-00208433-00208673 but please reach out to us afterwards uF_FaDWjMoA-00780-00208673-00208894 because um we'll be sharing our contact uF_FaDWjMoA-00781-00208896-00209110 information and we'll be glad to help uF_FaDWjMoA-00782-00209111-00209381 you especially if there is um any uF_FaDWjMoA-00783-00209382-00209603 unequal treatment and accessing the uF_FaDWjMoA-00784-00209604-00209801 programs we're here to help you with uF_FaDWjMoA-00785-00209802-00210005 that so please reach out to us after the uF_FaDWjMoA-00786-00210006-00210496 live and we can assist you uF_FaDWjMoA-00787-00210498-00210910 thank you uF_FaDWjMoA-00788-00210911-00211253 okay so before we head out I just want uF_FaDWjMoA-00789-00211254-00211492 to share with you this checklist just to uF_FaDWjMoA-00790-00211494-00211739 let you know what's expected so you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00791-00211740-00211894 go prepared if you want to apply for uF_FaDWjMoA-00792-00211896-00212279 ownership loan to buy some land uF_FaDWjMoA-00793-00212280-00212621 there is the actual Farm application the uF_FaDWjMoA-00794-00212621-00212831 loan application form uF_FaDWjMoA-00795-00212832-00213215 can you show us the checklist oh yes let uF_FaDWjMoA-00796-00213216-00213760 me go back to this screen uF_FaDWjMoA-00797-00213761-00213941 okay uF_FaDWjMoA-00798-00213942-00214384 so here's the checklist uF_FaDWjMoA-00799-00214385-00214846 there's the form itself for applying uF_FaDWjMoA-00800-00214848-00215015 they want to know if you've reached out uF_FaDWjMoA-00801-00215016-00215273 to a bank uF_FaDWjMoA-00802-00215273-00215765 your business information uF_FaDWjMoA-00803-00215766-00216041 the information for your LLC if you're uF_FaDWjMoA-00804-00216042-00216389 operating as an LLC uF_FaDWjMoA-00805-00216390-00217006 your farm training and experience uF_FaDWjMoA-00806-00217007-00217192 here they're requesting more information uF_FaDWjMoA-00807-00217194-00217403 for your business records so they want uF_FaDWjMoA-00808-00217404-00217637 to know if you have been operating for uF_FaDWjMoA-00809-00217638-00217817 three years then they'll request your uF_FaDWjMoA-00810-00217817-00218032 financial records and production records uF_FaDWjMoA-00811-00218033-00218237 if you haven't been operating for that uF_FaDWjMoA-00812-00218238-00218477 amount of time just to send as much uF_FaDWjMoA-00813-00218478-00218915 information as you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00814-00218916-00219310 this last form form is for compliance uF_FaDWjMoA-00815-00219311-00219581 with conservation practices if you're uF_FaDWjMoA-00816-00219582-00219832 going to be farming on highly erodible uF_FaDWjMoA-00817-00219833-00220055 land or Wetland they want to make sure uF_FaDWjMoA-00818-00220056-00220246 that you're following the the guidelines uF_FaDWjMoA-00819-00220248-00220523 with that uF_FaDWjMoA-00820-00220523-00220727 and this is the same as the micro loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00821-00220728-00220948 if you have off-farm income they want to uF_FaDWjMoA-00822-00220950-00221232 see proof of it uF_FaDWjMoA-00823-00221233-00221501 your Current financial statement and uF_FaDWjMoA-00824-00221502-00221903 farm operating plan uF_FaDWjMoA-00825-00221904-00222353 a legal description of the property uF_FaDWjMoA-00826-00222354-00222863 their credit fee report uF_FaDWjMoA-00827-00222864-00223013 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00828-00223014-00223253 verification of all deaths over five uF_FaDWjMoA-00829-00223254-00223534 thousand so it could be your most recent uF_FaDWjMoA-00830-00223535-00223798 um loan statement on your car loan or uF_FaDWjMoA-00831-00223800-00224063 your mortgage your most recent statement uF_FaDWjMoA-00832-00224064-00224405 that shows your interest rate your uF_FaDWjMoA-00833-00224406-00224651 current balance and when the when it's uF_FaDWjMoA-00834-00224652-00224867 due uF_FaDWjMoA-00835-00224867-00225142 offered to purchase you would have to uF_FaDWjMoA-00836-00225144-00225334 submit a purchase contract for the uF_FaDWjMoA-00837-00225335-00225905 property and or a sales agreement uF_FaDWjMoA-00838-00225906-00226271 a survey is non-mandatory but if it's uF_FaDWjMoA-00839-00226271-00226517 um well it says if applicable applicable uF_FaDWjMoA-00840-00226517-00226991 so they'll determine that uF_FaDWjMoA-00841-00226992-00227255 so you can review these uh documents uF_FaDWjMoA-00842-00227256-00227489 that they'll be requesting and it'll uF_FaDWjMoA-00843-00227490-00227842 help you prepare as you go in uF_FaDWjMoA-00844-00227844-00228034 before we go because we're running out uF_FaDWjMoA-00845-00228035-00228263 of time I want to share with you uF_FaDWjMoA-00846-00228264-00228346 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00847-00228348-00228982 where to find the latest interest rates uF_FaDWjMoA-00848-00228983-00229198 and reach out to your local service uF_FaDWjMoA-00849-00229200-00229313 center uF_FaDWjMoA-00850-00229314-00229642 like I mentioned farmers.gov is uF_FaDWjMoA-00851-00229644-00229913 where I go to get all this basic uF_FaDWjMoA-00852-00229914-00230213 information uF_FaDWjMoA-00853-00230214-00230560 so from farmers.gov we'll click on the uF_FaDWjMoA-00854-00230561-00231160 loans page uF_FaDWjMoA-00855-00231161-00231905 and we'll scroll down uF_FaDWjMoA-00856-00231906-00232156 here so we have to go down a little ways uF_FaDWjMoA-00857-00232157-00232475 but it's find your local service center uF_FaDWjMoA-00858-00232476-00232739 you can reach out and get some of your uF_FaDWjMoA-00859-00232740-00232931 questions answered that I wasn't able to uF_FaDWjMoA-00860-00232932-00233231 answer today at your local office you uF_FaDWjMoA-00861-00233232-00233434 can select your uF_FaDWjMoA-00862-00233435-00233627 your state uF_FaDWjMoA-00863-00233628-00234179 and your county uF_FaDWjMoA-00864-00234180-00234437 and this will bring up uF_FaDWjMoA-00865-00234438-00234689 the contact information for your local uF_FaDWjMoA-00866-00234690-00235001 office physical address mailing address uF_FaDWjMoA-00867-00235002-00235277 a point of contact with an email there's uF_FaDWjMoA-00868-00235278-00235648 also a phone number uF_FaDWjMoA-00869-00235650-00235810 so uF_FaDWjMoA-00870-00235811-00236129 there's also information for the nrcs uF_FaDWjMoA-00871-00236130-00236477 and rural development offices as well uF_FaDWjMoA-00872-00236478-00236692 always contact your local office I will uF_FaDWjMoA-00873-00236694-00236958 call ahead before showing up making sure uF_FaDWjMoA-00874-00236959-00237215 someone's in office that can help you uF_FaDWjMoA-00875-00237216-00237575 many times I have noticed that the local uF_FaDWjMoA-00876-00237576-00237742 office may not be the one that's uF_FaDWjMoA-00877-00237744-00237958 processing loan applications so they uF_FaDWjMoA-00878-00237959-00238144 might refer you all out to another uF_FaDWjMoA-00879-00238146-00238529 office uF_FaDWjMoA-00880-00238530-00238696 so that's a great tool if you have uF_FaDWjMoA-00881-00238698-00238853 further questions you can reach out to uF_FaDWjMoA-00882-00238854-00239087 your local office the last place we're uF_FaDWjMoA-00883-00239088-00239308 going to go is the current interest uF_FaDWjMoA-00884-00239309-00239729 rates uF_FaDWjMoA-00885-00239730-00239981 and this is going to send us a link out uF_FaDWjMoA-00886-00239982-00240881 actually to fsa's website FSA USDA uF_FaDWjMoA-00887-00240882-00241181 and we're gonna go to uF_FaDWjMoA-00888-00241182-00241841 the left Farm loan programs home uF_FaDWjMoA-00889-00241842-00242110 the rates change every month so on the uF_FaDWjMoA-00890-00242111-00242260 first of the month you can check what uF_FaDWjMoA-00891-00242261-00242429 the rates are these are the current uF_FaDWjMoA-00892-00242430-00242777 rates for direct operating loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00893-00242778-00243046 for the micro loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00894-00243048-00243353 the land loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00895-00243354-00243744 part joint 50 financing and the 45 uF_FaDWjMoA-00896-00243746-00244181 financing on the down payment loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00897-00244182-00244306 so uF_FaDWjMoA-00898-00244307-00244534 please check back here if you want to uF_FaDWjMoA-00899-00244535-00245015 find what the rates are next month uF_FaDWjMoA-00900-00245016-00245296 and there's more details about each Loan uF_FaDWjMoA-00901-00245298-00245477 program if you want to learn about those uF_FaDWjMoA-00902-00245478-00245746 we didn't cover the programs today but uF_FaDWjMoA-00903-00245748-00245896 please reach out to me I know we didn't uF_FaDWjMoA-00904-00245898-00246215 really talk much about operating loans uF_FaDWjMoA-00905-00246216-00246539 um what their uses are but and there's uF_FaDWjMoA-00906-00246540-00246701 also information here about those uF_FaDWjMoA-00907-00246702-00247151 guaranteed loans for loans that are over uF_FaDWjMoA-00908-00247152-00247360 um six hundred thousand and it looks uF_FaDWjMoA-00909-00247361-00247534 like they did raise up the amount uF_FaDWjMoA-00910-00247535-00247858 because before it was at 1.8 million so uF_FaDWjMoA-00911-00247859-00248056 now it's up to 2 million they will uF_FaDWjMoA-00912-00248057-00248351 guarantee a back alone that you get from uF_FaDWjMoA-00913-00248352-00248627 a commercial Bank up to that amount uF_FaDWjMoA-00914-00248628-00248932 so always current information here on uF_FaDWjMoA-00915-00248933-00249241 this page which is the uF_FaDWjMoA-00916-00249242-00249508 fsausausda.gov page uF_FaDWjMoA-00917-00249509-00249767 there's also another question on uF_FaDWjMoA-00918-00249767-00249892 Facebook uF_FaDWjMoA-00919-00249894-00250141 um is there a form or process for uF_FaDWjMoA-00920-00250142-00250373 specifically requesting consideration uF_FaDWjMoA-00921-00250373-00250639 for the set-aside funds for socially uF_FaDWjMoA-00922-00250640-00250979 disadvantaged slash beginning farmers uF_FaDWjMoA-00923-00250980-00251242 yes there is a form that you should uF_FaDWjMoA-00924-00251244-00251410 complete for that uF_FaDWjMoA-00925-00251411-00251555 um uF_FaDWjMoA-00926-00251556-00252046 it is not in the list so you can request uF_FaDWjMoA-00927-00252048-00252353 it I want to say it's the 2037 but I uF_FaDWjMoA-00928-00252354-00252551 don't want to misquote you so I will uF_FaDWjMoA-00929-00252552-00252808 find out and um uF_FaDWjMoA-00930-00252809-00253121 I can you can reach out to us and I'll uF_FaDWjMoA-00931-00253121-00253487 put a response in the comments uF_FaDWjMoA-00932-00253488-00253631 um later today uF_FaDWjMoA-00933-00253632-00253846 but yes there is a form and that's the uF_FaDWjMoA-00934-00253848-00254021 one where you designate uF_FaDWjMoA-00935-00254021-00254356 um how you identify and so they can list uF_FaDWjMoA-00936-00254357-00254584 you if you're like a minority farmer uF_FaDWjMoA-00937-00254585-00254794 beginning farmer uF_FaDWjMoA-00938-00254796-00255208 um woman farmer and then you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00939-00255209-00255569 um be set um up for the set of sides so uF_FaDWjMoA-00940-00255569-00255827 the way this set aside work if for those uF_FaDWjMoA-00941-00255828-00256067 who aren't familiar with it the USDA uF_FaDWjMoA-00942-00256067-00256313 does set aside funds for uF_FaDWjMoA-00943-00256314-00256594 um beginning and um minority Farmers uF_FaDWjMoA-00944-00256596-00256889 underserved Farmers so there if that uF_FaDWjMoA-00945-00256890-00257081 pool of funds uF_FaDWjMoA-00946-00257082-00257339 um runs out there's uh some set aside uF_FaDWjMoA-00947-00257340-00257584 for you so it doesn't really give you a uF_FaDWjMoA-00948-00257585-00257710 higher uF_FaDWjMoA-00949-00257711-00257980 um ranking or placement in the uF_FaDWjMoA-00950-00257981-00258419 application process so we it still uF_FaDWjMoA-00951-00258419-00258784 um 60 days to run through but the the uF_FaDWjMoA-00952-00258785-00259001 funds are set aside there so that's how uF_FaDWjMoA-00953-00259002-00259277 the program works but so far uF_FaDWjMoA-00954-00259278-00259451 um the offices that I've spoken to they uF_FaDWjMoA-00955-00259452-00259732 haven't been running out of funds but uF_FaDWjMoA-00956-00259733-00260015 you can fill out the form uF_FaDWjMoA-00957-00260016-00260267 um and it's the same form for all of the uF_FaDWjMoA-00958-00260267-00260525 agencies so if you work with nrcs they uF_FaDWjMoA-00959-00260526-00260806 might already have that form on file for uF_FaDWjMoA-00960-00260807-00261005 you but it's always good to just make uF_FaDWjMoA-00961-00261006-00261239 sure that it's up to date so I'll get uF_FaDWjMoA-00962-00261240-00261491 the correct number for the form and we uF_FaDWjMoA-00963-00261492-00261839 can put it in the comments later today uF_FaDWjMoA-00964-00261840-00262151 thank you so much Shakira uF_FaDWjMoA-00965-00262152-00262463 um this was very helpful uF_FaDWjMoA-00966-00262464-00262810 um can you please share uh your contact uF_FaDWjMoA-00967-00262811-00263069 info your email and I will share mine as uF_FaDWjMoA-00968-00263070-00263206 well uF_FaDWjMoA-00969-00263207-00263530 yes yes so I'll have uh Leticia can put uF_FaDWjMoA-00970-00263531-00264149 that up for us uF_FaDWjMoA-00971-00264150-00264455 awesome thank you Shakira I mean uh and uF_FaDWjMoA-00972-00264456-00264677 also thank you Leticia for holding it uF_FaDWjMoA-00973-00264678-00264989 out for us uh moderating of the Facebook uF_FaDWjMoA-00974-00264990-00265193 comment section uF_FaDWjMoA-00975-00265194-00265337 um so uF_FaDWjMoA-00976-00265338-00265649 um if you are have more questions and uF_FaDWjMoA-00977-00265650-00265823 you're having issues with your local uF_FaDWjMoA-00978-00265824-00265991 office uF_FaDWjMoA-00979-00265992-00266182 um and you need some assistance you can uF_FaDWjMoA-00980-00266183-00266437 reach out to us uh at ebony uF_FaDWjMoA-00981-00266438-00266734 e-v-o-n-e-e at Young farmers.org and uF_FaDWjMoA-00982-00266735-00266917 also Shakira uF_FaDWjMoA-00983-00266918-00267097 youngfarmers.org uF_FaDWjMoA-00984-00267098-00267439 s-h-a-key I said key uF_FaDWjMoA-00985-00267440-00267821 k-e-r-a at Young farmers.org we are the uF_FaDWjMoA-00986-00267822-00268084 USDA access and accountability team here uF_FaDWjMoA-00987-00268085-00268451 at Young Farmers so we deal with farmers uF_FaDWjMoA-00988-00268452-00268745 who are interested or are in the process uF_FaDWjMoA-00989-00268746-00269099 of applying for an FSA loan and seeking uF_FaDWjMoA-00990-00269100-00269260 some assistance uF_FaDWjMoA-00991-00269261-00269453 um also if you uF_FaDWjMoA-00992-00269454-00269741 um have gone to your local office and uF_FaDWjMoA-00993-00269742-00269951 you feel like you have experienced some uF_FaDWjMoA-00994-00269952-00270208 form of discrimination you can also uF_FaDWjMoA-00995-00270209-00270401 reach out to us because that's what our uF_FaDWjMoA-00996-00270402-00270629 department deals with as well and thank uF_FaDWjMoA-00997-00270630-00270851 you so much for joining us on your busy uF_FaDWjMoA-00998-00270852-00271091 lunchtime on a Friday uF_FaDWjMoA-00999-00271092-00271217 um and if you have any questions uF_FaDWjMoA-01000-00271218-00271421 definitely reach out to us and you have uF_FaDWjMoA-01001-00271422-00271783 an awesome and amazing weekend uKCEp-9mHwM-00000-00000024-00000262 okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00001-00000263-00000511 what could possibly go wrong uKCEp-9mHwM-00002-00000512-00000671 i see pierce uKCEp-9mHwM-00003-00000672-00001135 you have a pair of sexes uKCEp-9mHwM-00004-00001136-00001383 i also see a pair of sixes all right uKCEp-9mHwM-00005-00001384-00001991 well let's try this again um uKCEp-9mHwM-00006-00001992-00002575 i see three fours hey what kind uKCEp-9mHwM-00007-00002576-00002742 three ones ah uKCEp-9mHwM-00008-00002743-00002950 fours are ones right yeah three fours uKCEp-9mHwM-00009-00002951-00003063 friends uKCEp-9mHwM-00010-00003064-00003815 right i'll be on the plane uKCEp-9mHwM-00011-00003815-00004127 come on come on jack what do you have oh uKCEp-9mHwM-00012-00004128-00004895 easy no no lance that'll do it uKCEp-9mHwM-00013-00004896-00005015 i'll keep uKCEp-9mHwM-00014-00005016-00005335 yeah and two color decks are pretty cool uKCEp-9mHwM-00015-00005336-00005567 anything else can we not please whatever uKCEp-9mHwM-00016-00005568-00006334 that card was uKCEp-9mHwM-00017-00006335-00006527 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00018-00006528-00006783 let it charge let it charge uKCEp-9mHwM-00019-00006784-00007427 as long as we can uKCEp-9mHwM-00020-00007428-00007591 kidding uKCEp-9mHwM-00021-00007592-00007878 me uKCEp-9mHwM-00022-00007879-00009148 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00023-00009149-00009295 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00024-00009296-00009423 it's better than going to five right uKCEp-9mHwM-00025-00009424-00009535 yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00026-00009536-00010014 bastard uKCEp-9mHwM-00027-00010015-00010319 oh boy uKCEp-9mHwM-00028-00010320-00010519 all right crack it uKCEp-9mHwM-00029-00010520-00010717 i know what this deck is uKCEp-9mHwM-00030-00010718-00011199 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00031-00011200-00011495 oh yeah i've got uKCEp-9mHwM-00032-00011496-00011742 i was waiting until we needed it uKCEp-9mHwM-00033-00011743-00011983 i know he has to be blocked uKCEp-9mHwM-00034-00011984-00012183 17. uKCEp-9mHwM-00035-00012184-00012374 those two have to be one uKCEp-9mHwM-00036-00012375-00012646 i don't have a choice uKCEp-9mHwM-00037-00012647-00013071 so we got some chunk blocking going on uKCEp-9mHwM-00038-00013072-00013263 um uKCEp-9mHwM-00039-00013263-00015399 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00040-00015400-00015503 misty uKCEp-9mHwM-00041-00015504-00015727 how about scale up uKCEp-9mHwM-00042-00015728-00016063 scale up vines mighty vulcarosa yikes uKCEp-9mHwM-00043-00016063-00016311 you have no creatures creatures no uKCEp-9mHwM-00044-00016312-00016511 creature uKCEp-9mHwM-00045-00016512-00016767 i think i go ahead and get rid of mines uKCEp-9mHwM-00046-00016768-00017086 all right i agree only a million percent uKCEp-9mHwM-00047-00017087-00017191 and uKCEp-9mHwM-00048-00017192-00017320 a fetch uKCEp-9mHwM-00049-00017321-00017447 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00050-00017448-00017583 for driver uKCEp-9mHwM-00051-00017584-00017783 that's why the hands keepable uKCEp-9mHwM-00052-00017784-00017991 we're not uncapable it's probably not uKCEp-9mHwM-00053-00017992-00018358 great but we'll take uKCEp-9mHwM-00054-00018359-00018550 all it where are you uKCEp-9mHwM-00055-00018551-00018839 hey there we are uKCEp-9mHwM-00056-00018840-00019014 there we are uKCEp-9mHwM-00057-00019015-00019207 love the reminder text dried arbor is uKCEp-9mHwM-00058-00019208-00019407 green this is before they had the little uKCEp-9mHwM-00059-00019408-00019535 identity uKCEp-9mHwM-00060-00019536-00019783 color indicator on the left side so uKCEp-9mHwM-00061-00019784-00020519 triad arbor is green uKCEp-9mHwM-00062-00020520-00020711 drama uKCEp-9mHwM-00063-00020712-00020950 got the what like the lord of the rings uKCEp-9mHwM-00064-00020951-00021175 city that they had to defend not to say uKCEp-9mHwM-00065-00021176-00021343 keep uKCEp-9mHwM-00066-00021344-00021519 that right there so we'll just keep that uKCEp-9mHwM-00067-00021520-00021703 hey that'll work uKCEp-9mHwM-00068-00021704-00022286 oh yeah all right uKCEp-9mHwM-00069-00022287-00023175 how about we uKCEp-9mHwM-00070-00023176-00023471 thank you there we go we got there uKCEp-9mHwM-00071-00023472-00023655 whatever it feels like it won't register uKCEp-9mHwM-00072-00023656-00023958 ahead uKCEp-9mHwM-00073-00023959-00024303 it's just funny like that uKCEp-9mHwM-00074-00024304-00024463 we're going to play the new card is a uKCEp-9mHwM-00075-00024464-00024591 noble hierarch and we're going to swing uKCEp-9mHwM-00076-00024592-00024839 for two yeah and that's turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00077-00024840-00025078 really good uKCEp-9mHwM-00078-00025079-00026289 give me a chance to get that dude uKCEp-9mHwM-00079-00026291-00026695 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00080-00026695-00027111 might so you can't tap that nope uKCEp-9mHwM-00081-00027112-00027214 yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00082-00027216-00027455 let me go ahead and pull that out uKCEp-9mHwM-00083-00027456-00027583 he's dead jim uKCEp-9mHwM-00084-00027583-00027711 last turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00085-00027712-00028595 all right uKCEp-9mHwM-00086-00028595-00029335 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00087-00029336-00029655 we made a box uKCEp-9mHwM-00088-00029656-00031327 folks uKCEp-9mHwM-00089-00031327-00031535 uh plus two plus two do you wanna bolt uKCEp-9mHwM-00090-00031536-00031695 it now's the time terminate yeah he's uKCEp-9mHwM-00091-00031695-00031879 dead uKCEp-9mHwM-00092-00031880-00032400 past turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00093-00032401-00033511 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00094-00033512-00033583 so uKCEp-9mHwM-00095-00033584-00033935 on its own it's 6'4 now plus yeah it's a uKCEp-9mHwM-00096-00033936-00034046 ten uKCEp-9mHwM-00097-00034047-00034311 uh eight yeah exalted it's an eleven uKCEp-9mHwM-00098-00034312-00034487 nine it's pretty nice and backwards uKCEp-9mHwM-00099-00034488-00034702 let's go uKCEp-9mHwM-00100-00034703-00034927 nine you said nine no it's eleven but uKCEp-9mHwM-00101-00034928-00035079 it's eleven nine uKCEp-9mHwM-00102-00035080-00035295 i was doing 911 backwards because you uKCEp-9mHwM-00103-00035296-00035574 know why not and then pestering uKCEp-9mHwM-00104-00035575-00035871 it's pretty good we we take those uKCEp-9mHwM-00105-00035872-00035974 two cards uKCEp-9mHwM-00106-00035975-00036318 i do yes uKCEp-9mHwM-00107-00036319-00036989 i don't want to do this uKCEp-9mHwM-00108-00036990-00037807 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00109-00037808-00038343 i gotta discard two uKCEp-9mHwM-00110-00038344-00038590 all right maybe it's the top deck uKCEp-9mHwM-00111-00038591-00038830 is it a top deck yeah not a good one hit uKCEp-9mHwM-00112-00038831-00039030 you for one uKCEp-9mHwM-00113-00039031-00039223 uh past turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00114-00039224-00039462 and then uKCEp-9mHwM-00115-00039463-00039630 upkeep uKCEp-9mHwM-00116-00039631-00039823 i'm gonna make a thing uKCEp-9mHwM-00117-00039824-00040007 you got a one one uKCEp-9mHwM-00118-00040008-00040223 oh that works that makes more sense uKCEp-9mHwM-00119-00040224-00040415 where i draw the cards let me get uKCEp-9mHwM-00120-00040416-00040559 another thing uKCEp-9mHwM-00121-00040560-00040735 right yep do i draw first and then do uKCEp-9mHwM-00122-00040736-00040999 that no no uh wait do you yeah yeah this uKCEp-9mHwM-00123-00041000-00041223 happens after draw step i believe uKCEp-9mHwM-00124-00041224-00041318 yep uKCEp-9mHwM-00125-00041319-00041495 as this enters the battlefield and after uKCEp-9mHwM-00126-00041496-00041646 your draw step uKCEp-9mHwM-00127-00041647-00041879 so that'll engage uKCEp-9mHwM-00128-00041880-00043311 and then we search uKCEp-9mHwM-00129-00043312-00044517 oh that's trippy uKCEp-9mHwM-00130-00044518-00044918 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00131-00044919-00045207 one yep well that's the one yeah you uKCEp-9mHwM-00132-00045208-00045318 know what uKCEp-9mHwM-00133-00045319-00045448 you know what uKCEp-9mHwM-00134-00045449-00045774 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00135-00045775-00046039 you have four in hand uKCEp-9mHwM-00136-00046040-00046895 and i'll pass turn all right uKCEp-9mHwM-00137-00046896-00047071 that's a weird at the end of target uKCEp-9mHwM-00138-00047072-00047318 upkeep is upon its upkeep it's weird so uKCEp-9mHwM-00139-00047319-00047511 yeah i'll lose one two three uKCEp-9mHwM-00140-00047512-00047679 two two you have to have one card in uKCEp-9mHwM-00141-00047680-00047823 hand right oh yeah sorry this isn't a uKCEp-9mHwM-00142-00047824-00047951 streaking affliction you're right you're uKCEp-9mHwM-00143-00047952-00048145 right uKCEp-9mHwM-00144-00048146-00048423 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00145-00048424-00048630 because right on time uKCEp-9mHwM-00146-00048631-00048839 now that i've used up all myself uKCEp-9mHwM-00147-00048840-00048951 i was like uKCEp-9mHwM-00148-00048952-00049167 i was like you know this deck store uKCEp-9mHwM-00149-00049168-00049423 doesn't keep that hard but i'm getting uKCEp-9mHwM-00150-00049424-00049646 i'm getting rick rolled i think uKCEp-9mHwM-00151-00049647-00050807 dude uKCEp-9mHwM-00152-00050808-00051882 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00153-00051883-00052070 rack uKCEp-9mHwM-00154-00052071-00052246 it's a big end uKCEp-9mHwM-00155-00052247-00052382 inquisition uKCEp-9mHwM-00156-00052383-00052659 it's a land uKCEp-9mHwM-00157-00052660-00052791 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00158-00052791-00052942 uh i'm going to uKCEp-9mHwM-00159-00052944-00054463 combat i'm swinging four uKCEp-9mHwM-00160-00054464-00054615 a pump spell turns into a kill spell uKCEp-9mHwM-00161-00054616-00055199 here uKCEp-9mHwM-00162-00055200-00055679 all right become immense uKCEp-9mHwM-00163-00055679-00056152 past turn this doesn't really do much uKCEp-9mHwM-00164-00056153-00057366 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00165-00057367-00057482 it's another uKCEp-9mHwM-00166-00057483-00057742 land no uKCEp-9mHwM-00167-00057744-00058023 all right so you use three and you're up uKCEp-9mHwM-00168-00058024-00058375 that's it one two three uKCEp-9mHwM-00169-00058376-00058526 i guess that's the upside of it being uKCEp-9mHwM-00170-00058527-00058711 just a land yeah right land's not dead uKCEp-9mHwM-00171-00058712-00058966 draw for you right now uKCEp-9mHwM-00172-00058967-00059847 i need one card in hand yup uKCEp-9mHwM-00173-00059848-00060111 anime yep uKCEp-9mHwM-00174-00060112-00061750 hitchy for three yeah we got it uKCEp-9mHwM-00175-00061751-00061863 faster uKCEp-9mHwM-00176-00061864-00062871 all right no damage uKCEp-9mHwM-00177-00062872-00064366 cards in hand is one okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00178-00064367-00064566 one two three from the last turn one two uKCEp-9mHwM-00179-00064567-00064791 three from this turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00180-00064791-00064959 all right uKCEp-9mHwM-00181-00064960-00066743 main two uKCEp-9mHwM-00182-00066744-00066911 this would give me some protection some uKCEp-9mHwM-00183-00066912-00067999 insulation uKCEp-9mHwM-00184-00068000-00068550 that makes it lethal next turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00185-00068551-00069015 oh and it's not a creature uKCEp-9mHwM-00186-00069016-00069215 i will discard uKCEp-9mHwM-00187-00069216-00069375 blossoming defense because i don't want uKCEp-9mHwM-00188-00069376-00069543 to die here uKCEp-9mHwM-00189-00069544-00070463 because if i discard a land i died uKCEp-9mHwM-00190-00070464-00070967 can you kill it at instant spade uKCEp-9mHwM-00191-00070968-00071071 human uKCEp-9mHwM-00192-00071072-00071375 there's three life uKCEp-9mHwM-00193-00071376-00071711 you're not dead just yet you have a play uKCEp-9mHwM-00194-00071712-00071823 do you have a player i don't think uKCEp-9mHwM-00195-00071824-00071959 there's a way out of it uKCEp-9mHwM-00196-00071960-00072150 so i could attack you'd be forced to uKCEp-9mHwM-00197-00072151-00072326 block yep uKCEp-9mHwM-00198-00072327-00072447 and then it wouldn't be guaranteed uKCEp-9mHwM-00199-00072448-00072575 lethal and then uKCEp-9mHwM-00200-00072576-00072719 no because then you could just swing one uKCEp-9mHwM-00201-00072720-00072879 two three yeah yeah that's true because uKCEp-9mHwM-00202-00072880-00073215 then i can swing with a regular creature uKCEp-9mHwM-00203-00073216-00073382 all right that's what i wanted to call uKCEp-9mHwM-00204-00073383-00073462 myself uKCEp-9mHwM-00205-00073463-00074031 so close so close uKCEp-9mHwM-00206-00074032-00074282 you're not kidding uKCEp-9mHwM-00207-00074283-00074623 man um uKCEp-9mHwM-00208-00074624-00074823 goku versus uKCEp-9mHwM-00209-00074824-00075199 oh it's about the same size too yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00210-00075200-00075343 let me take those okay it's a little uKCEp-9mHwM-00211-00075344-00075431 bigger uKCEp-9mHwM-00212-00075432-00075526 yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00213-00075527-00075767 a little bit i have like a freakishly uKCEp-9mHwM-00214-00075768-00075935 large palm relative to the size of my uKCEp-9mHwM-00215-00075936-00076111 fingers the fingers look small compared uKCEp-9mHwM-00216-00076112-00076191 to it uKCEp-9mHwM-00217-00076192-00076391 so like i can make the fingers fit and uKCEp-9mHwM-00218-00076392-00076694 then the palm goes way down to here uKCEp-9mHwM-00219-00076695-00078482 all right uKCEp-9mHwM-00220-00078483-00078767 yes oh no uKCEp-9mHwM-00221-00078768-00078903 ah uKCEp-9mHwM-00222-00078904-00079038 sort it for you real quick i'll play uKCEp-9mHwM-00223-00079039-00079271 revealed after this so uKCEp-9mHwM-00224-00079272-00079559 dryad arbor windswept misty uKCEp-9mHwM-00225-00079560-00079791 might veil might uKCEp-9mHwM-00226-00079792-00081191 vines uKCEp-9mHwM-00227-00081192-00081391 well i have a sneaking suspicion if i uKCEp-9mHwM-00228-00081392-00081623 play driver over here he dies so uKCEp-9mHwM-00229-00081624-00081969 let's play a win uKCEp-9mHwM-00230-00081970-00082511 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00232-00086195-00086926 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00233-00086927-00087094 what could possibly go wrong i haven't uKCEp-9mHwM-00234-00087095-00087287 seen peak once yet uKCEp-9mHwM-00235-00087288-00087615 oh no uKCEp-9mHwM-00236-00087616-00087791 spoiler alert i boarded them out you uKCEp-9mHwM-00237-00087792-00088023 usually cyborg them out after game one uKCEp-9mHwM-00238-00088024-00088159 because you already have the information uKCEp-9mHwM-00239-00088160-00088287 that you would have gotten from game one uKCEp-9mHwM-00240-00088288-00088535 with them yeah yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00241-00088536-00088638 so uKCEp-9mHwM-00242-00088639-00088791 it's like how good texting probe was uKCEp-9mHwM-00243-00088792-00088975 back when it was legal get taxing probe uKCEp-9mHwM-00244-00088976-00089135 even it though it was uKCEp-9mHwM-00245-00089136-00089311 awesome and was bandworthy it would uKCEp-9mHwM-00246-00089312-00089518 often be taken out she'd bring in the uKCEp-9mHwM-00247-00089519-00089718 card that contaxion probe would have uKCEp-9mHwM-00248-00089719-00089894 drawn you into in other words you bring uKCEp-9mHwM-00249-00089895-00090567 in the answer rather than the enabler uKCEp-9mHwM-00250-00090568-00090671 all right uKCEp-9mHwM-00251-00090672-00090871 there we are uKCEp-9mHwM-00252-00090872-00091047 yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00253-00091048-00091279 whale or we could do that uKCEp-9mHwM-00254-00091280-00091535 yay uKCEp-9mHwM-00255-00091536-00091671 you're not wrong uKCEp-9mHwM-00256-00091672-00092391 keep absolutely uKCEp-9mHwM-00257-00092392-00092866 marsh flats uKCEp-9mHwM-00258-00092867-00092900 [Laughter] uKCEp-9mHwM-00259-00092901-00093774 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00260-00093775-00093926 is a mythic right am i saying that uKCEp-9mHwM-00261-00093927-00094167 correctly nope is it a mythic yeah no uKCEp-9mHwM-00262-00094168-00094537 it's a rare it's a rare okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00263-00094538-00094655 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00264-00094656-00094774 spoilers uKCEp-9mHwM-00265-00094775-00094982 that's pretty champion yeah that's uKCEp-9mHwM-00266-00094983-00095223 pretty sweet it was pretty uKCEp-9mHwM-00267-00095224-00096231 perfect uKCEp-9mHwM-00268-00096232-00097959 oh uKCEp-9mHwM-00269-00097960-00098582 new card noble uKCEp-9mHwM-00270-00098583-00098791 make a dude uKCEp-9mHwM-00271-00098792-00099006 do you have scales two or no i don't i uKCEp-9mHwM-00272-00099007-00099150 know it's a one but i'm going to pretend uKCEp-9mHwM-00273-00099151-00099279 it's a two because we're about to get uKCEp-9mHwM-00274-00099280-00099447 another one here in just a second i uKCEp-9mHwM-00275-00099448-00100372 suspect uKCEp-9mHwM-00276-00100373-00100926 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00277-00100927-00101055 i think i might have one let me double uKCEp-9mHwM-00278-00101056-00101150 check uKCEp-9mHwM-00279-00101151-00101350 is it really shadow sphere though one uKCEp-9mHwM-00280-00101351-00101862 drop artifact getting live link in depth uKCEp-9mHwM-00281-00101863-00102094 i have a four one i'm not going to oh uKCEp-9mHwM-00282-00102095-00102271 okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00283-00102272-00103094 let me uKCEp-9mHwM-00284-00103095-00103534 just in case it matters i don't know uKCEp-9mHwM-00285-00103535-00103646 oh uKCEp-9mHwM-00286-00103647-00104261 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00287-00104263-00105028 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00288-00105029-00105185 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00289-00105186-00105399 [Laughter] uKCEp-9mHwM-00290-00105400-00106399 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00291-00106400-00107886 um uKCEp-9mHwM-00292-00107888-00108102 yeah because it makes it like you cut uKCEp-9mHwM-00293-00108103-00108358 your tongue down a little bit uKCEp-9mHwM-00294-00108359-00108486 like uKCEp-9mHwM-00295-00108488-00108663 shadow spear i got it full article uKCEp-9mHwM-00296-00108664-00108815 because i was like oh maybe uKCEp-9mHwM-00297-00108816-00109278 you can attack with it but it dies uKCEp-9mHwM-00298-00109279-00109423 because that came in last turn you can't uKCEp-9mHwM-00299-00109424-00109631 attack but you know obvious pump spell uKCEp-9mHwM-00300-00109632-00109910 is obvious uKCEp-9mHwM-00301-00109911-00110215 how do you get it from earth uKCEp-9mHwM-00302-00110216-00110343 fetch uKCEp-9mHwM-00303-00110344-00110510 yeah 18 uKCEp-9mHwM-00304-00110511-00110639 i was like uKCEp-9mHwM-00305-00110640-00110847 the other breeding pool could be are you uKCEp-9mHwM-00306-00110848-00111015 playing the treasure hole yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00307-00111016-00111199 no because i don't have one and i'm only uKCEp-9mHwM-00308-00111200-00111407 playing two songs for the only happy uKCEp-9mHwM-00309-00111408-00111466 brothers uKCEp-9mHwM-00310-00111467-00111623 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00311-00111624-00111847 i really like tapped i saw it yeah yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00312-00111848-00112023 tapped yeah do you want to do anything uKCEp-9mHwM-00313-00112024-00113447 that's the uh uKCEp-9mHwM-00314-00113448-00114847 i should have let uKCEp-9mHwM-00315-00114848-00115078 fling my cards everywhere faster uKCEp-9mHwM-00316-00115079-00115319 they are very slick i like that it's a uKCEp-9mHwM-00317-00115320-00115607 good problem to have but uKCEp-9mHwM-00318-00115608-00115799 i'm not used to it again uKCEp-9mHwM-00319-00115800-00116258 they feel they feel really good uKCEp-9mHwM-00320-00116259-00116780 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00321-00116781-00118519 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00322-00118520-00118743 um uKCEp-9mHwM-00323-00118744-00118854 you know what i don't see a lot of uKCEp-9mHwM-00324-00118855-00119023 people playing but it's still good and uKCEp-9mHwM-00325-00119024-00119439 even it's bad matches uKCEp-9mHwM-00326-00119440-00119710 oh i don't see anyone played anymore uKCEp-9mHwM-00327-00119711-00120207 i yeah i think the reason is like the uKCEp-9mHwM-00328-00120208-00120558 the learning curve for that deck is uKCEp-9mHwM-00329-00120559-00120743 13 is a low enough number i think i can uKCEp-9mHwM-00330-00120744-00120943 get the ball rolling uKCEp-9mHwM-00331-00120944-00121334 in your spots uKCEp-9mHwM-00332-00121335-00121583 i do have delirium so it's six always uKCEp-9mHwM-00333-00121583-00121814 dead anyway but yeah you're right i can uKCEp-9mHwM-00334-00121815-00123254 pop the mutagenic uKCEp-9mHwM-00335-00123255-00123519 yeah yeah crux is there my turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00336-00123520-00123719 i think that's probably game be honest uKCEp-9mHwM-00337-00123720-00124271 yeah past turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00338-00124272-00124423 yeah it could be two or three but i uKCEp-9mHwM-00339-00124424-00124614 don't know just like when i take a look uKCEp-9mHwM-00340-00124615-00125543 well i'm gonna i'm gonna switch uKCEp-9mHwM-00341-00125544-00125686 turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00342-00125688-00125878 ah uKCEp-9mHwM-00343-00125879-00127486 oh uKCEp-9mHwM-00344-00127488-00127663 i just don't do it because i didn't get uKCEp-9mHwM-00345-00127664-00127958 that many checklist cards uKCEp-9mHwM-00346-00127959-00128047 all right uKCEp-9mHwM-00347-00128048-00128302 there she is i don't really want to pay uKCEp-9mHwM-00348-00128303-00128647 darshan uKCEp-9mHwM-00349-00128648-00128854 speaking of five uKCEp-9mHwM-00350-00128855-00130239 they're more uKCEp-9mHwM-00351-00130240-00130502 even if it's just a swamp that'll work uKCEp-9mHwM-00352-00130503-00130758 swamp uKCEp-9mHwM-00353-00130759-00130943 or mountain uKCEp-9mHwM-00354-00130944-00131183 mountain it's the newer ones uKCEp-9mHwM-00355-00131184-00131383 uh what's it called can you uKCEp-9mHwM-00356-00131384-00131583 it's your then can you get rid of the uKCEp-9mHwM-00357-00131584-00132299 new ones yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00358-00132300-00132663 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00359-00132664-00132863 i don't think it so much matters the uKCEp-9mHwM-00360-00132864-00132983 the thing that uKCEp-9mHwM-00361-00132984-00133335 you have i'm just waiting for uKCEp-9mHwM-00362-00133336-00133519 you're good i was trying to remember if uKCEp-9mHwM-00363-00133520-00133711 there was a way to maintain delirium uKCEp-9mHwM-00364-00133712-00133814 through that uKCEp-9mHwM-00365-00133815-00133951 yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00366-00133952-00134063 okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00367-00134064-00134190 uh i mean uKCEp-9mHwM-00368-00134191-00134423 so five to bring this out uKCEp-9mHwM-00369-00134424-00134863 yeah and then i've got enchantment land uKCEp-9mHwM-00370-00134864-00135031 enchantment uKCEp-9mHwM-00371-00135032-00135614 that is an enchantment too uKCEp-9mHwM-00372-00135615-00136375 and i'm gonna go to combat and see yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00373-00136376-00136831 who decided that who designed that card uKCEp-9mHwM-00374-00136832-00136990 yeah i was like uKCEp-9mHwM-00375-00136991-00137702 you got me this game game uKCEp-9mHwM-00376-00137703-00137871 why would you do that uKCEp-9mHwM-00377-00137872-00138119 it's gross it's crazy so christ it's so uKCEp-9mHwM-00378-00138120-00138223 good though uKCEp-9mHwM-00379-00138224-00138551 oh i got lures uKCEp-9mHwM-00380-00138552-00138966 that matters uh not that game but yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00381-00138967-00139263 it might it just feels really slow uKCEp-9mHwM-00382-00139264-00139439 against you at this point maybe if i can uKCEp-9mHwM-00383-00139440-00139559 grind it to uKCEp-9mHwM-00384-00139560-00139751 something so i have that deck i love uKCEp-9mHwM-00385-00139752-00139927 that i can grind it to like something a uKCEp-9mHwM-00386-00139928-00140071 little bit later uKCEp-9mHwM-00387-00140072-00140366 i've uKCEp-9mHwM-00388-00140367-00140631 yeah sorry real quick uKCEp-9mHwM-00389-00140632-00140831 there is a side of me that this would be uKCEp-9mHwM-00390-00140832-00141023 if i could get any car and i could uKCEp-9mHwM-00391-00141024-00141247 change i could i could mess it mess with uKCEp-9mHwM-00392-00141248-00141439 as much as i like i know a lot of people uKCEp-9mHwM-00393-00141440-00141639 would say that they uh they would pick a uKCEp-9mHwM-00394-00141640-00141847 really expensive car mine might just be uKCEp-9mHwM-00395-00141848-00142063 a delorean i just like the design of it uKCEp-9mHwM-00396-00142064-00142223 i like the way the door works it uKCEp-9mHwM-00397-00142224-00142390 wouldn't really matter i like the uKCEp-9mHwM-00398-00142391-00142839 slick obviously to me it's like uKCEp-9mHwM-00399-00142840-00143023 although i have a sneaking suspicion i'm uKCEp-9mHwM-00400-00143024-00143199 well in the minority on that and it may uKCEp-9mHwM-00401-00143200-00143407 or may not be nostalgia for back to the uKCEp-9mHwM-00402-00143408-00143519 future uKCEp-9mHwM-00403-00143520-00143975 it is totally oh uKCEp-9mHwM-00404-00143976-00144119 here we go again uKCEp-9mHwM-00405-00144120-00144487 what's the oh here we go again holy uKCEp-9mHwM-00406-00144488-00144831 i can't give a shot likewise okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00407-00144832-00144943 okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00408-00144944-00145071 we're gonna go uKCEp-9mHwM-00409-00145072-00145287 fetch no shock we're just getting the uKCEp-9mHwM-00410-00145288-00145583 forest uKCEp-9mHwM-00411-00145584-00145719 are we seeing the glistener off this uKCEp-9mHwM-00412-00145720-00145878 turn no we're just seeing a noble uKCEp-9mHwM-00413-00145879-00146199 hierarch this turn but on the forest uKCEp-9mHwM-00414-00146200-00146566 uh pester uKCEp-9mHwM-00415-00146567-00146751 whatever it feels like uKCEp-9mHwM-00416-00146752-00147054 there we are uKCEp-9mHwM-00417-00147055-00147319 that hi bobble uKCEp-9mHwM-00418-00147320-00147463 if you want to crack it give me just a uKCEp-9mHwM-00419-00147464-00147583 second uKCEp-9mHwM-00420-00147584-00147669 marsh flaps uKCEp-9mHwM-00421-00147670-00147919 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00422-00147920-00148039 oh you want to uKCEp-9mHwM-00423-00148040-00148231 marsh bobble yourself to know whether uKCEp-9mHwM-00424-00148232-00148366 you need to fetch or not oh that's a uKCEp-9mHwM-00425-00148367-00148551 good idea i'm going to bottle myself uKCEp-9mHwM-00426-00148552-00148743 okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00427-00148744-00148943 yes oh what am i doing nope uKCEp-9mHwM-00428-00148944-00149031 nope uKCEp-9mHwM-00429-00149032-00149302 there we go uKCEp-9mHwM-00430-00149303-00149414 i'm still gonna go uKCEp-9mHwM-00431-00149415-00149639 one yeah with fetchlands that that can uKCEp-9mHwM-00432-00149640-00149743 make it uKCEp-9mHwM-00433-00149744-00149959 target yourself you know you can uKCEp-9mHwM-00434-00149960-00150119 get a little more information do i want uKCEp-9mHwM-00435-00150120-00150383 to keep this card or not uKCEp-9mHwM-00436-00150384-00151031 just in case uKCEp-9mHwM-00437-00151032-00151247 bubble is a surprisingly skill intensive uKCEp-9mHwM-00438-00151248-00151559 card uKCEp-9mHwM-00439-00151560-00151691 i dig it uKCEp-9mHwM-00440-00151692-00151887 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00441-00151888-00152135 and then i'm gonna pass her oh okay no uKCEp-9mHwM-00442-00152136-00152454 no thoughts he's no inkwell yep uKCEp-9mHwM-00443-00152455-00153343 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00444-00153344-00153566 gonna say hit you for one uKCEp-9mHwM-00445-00153567-00153823 you got me all right uKCEp-9mHwM-00446-00153824-00154911 how much you gave me strawberry uKCEp-9mHwM-00447-00154912-00155031 technically it's the same amount of uKCEp-9mHwM-00448-00155032-00155263 damage either way one one versus one two uKCEp-9mHwM-00449-00155264-00155495 but this one makes mana so i agree yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00450-00155496-00156183 faster uKCEp-9mHwM-00451-00156184-00156543 saga uKCEp-9mHwM-00452-00156544-00156839 you are a t2 urza saga over here you got uKCEp-9mHwM-00453-00156840-00157071 it last game as well uKCEp-9mHwM-00454-00157072-00157390 it works uKCEp-9mHwM-00455-00157391-00157799 is that okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00456-00157800-00158159 all right uKCEp-9mHwM-00457-00158160-00158439 sure thank you dec i appreciate that uKCEp-9mHwM-00458-00158440-00158639 pendlehaven uKCEp-9mHwM-00459-00158640-00158966 noble hierarch there you go pump yup hit uKCEp-9mHwM-00460-00158967-00159190 you for three uKCEp-9mHwM-00461-00159191-00160454 uh one two three yep you're up uKCEp-9mHwM-00462-00160455-00160783 you have good taste in spotify stage or uKCEp-9mHwM-00463-00160784-00161031 youtube auto playlist uKCEp-9mHwM-00464-00161032-00161595 yes uKCEp-9mHwM-00465-00161596-00162495 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00466-00162496-00162702 come on deck please don't do this to me uKCEp-9mHwM-00467-00162703-00163543 that's not cool that's really not cool uKCEp-9mHwM-00468-00163544-00163711 you're playing and cycling the water uKCEp-9mHwM-00469-00163712-00163878 like yep uKCEp-9mHwM-00470-00163879-00164014 i'm gonna go ahead and crack this yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00471-00164015-00164295 yeah go for it uKCEp-9mHwM-00472-00164296-00164566 or um the eighth edition we're gonna uKCEp-9mHwM-00473-00164567-00164719 pump with it uKCEp-9mHwM-00474-00164720-00164935 handle haven on the dryad arbor uKCEp-9mHwM-00475-00164936-00165119 the only applicable creature jay come on uKCEp-9mHwM-00476-00165120-00165254 what are you doing uKCEp-9mHwM-00477-00165255-00165463 and then we're going to what is it oh uKCEp-9mHwM-00478-00165464-00165966 wait plus one plus two okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00479-00165967-00166135 itchy for three yep uKCEp-9mHwM-00480-00166136-00166319 all right past turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00481-00166320-00166487 end of your turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00482-00166488-00166683 duderino uKCEp-9mHwM-00483-00166684-00166983 dude where'd you go there you went uKCEp-9mHwM-00484-00166984-00167199 up keep yeah do it again draw first and uKCEp-9mHwM-00485-00167200-00167335 then do it again uKCEp-9mHwM-00486-00167336-00167559 just in case you did get to the gusto do uKCEp-9mHwM-00487-00167560-00167743 you want to kill angel's face i'll stop uKCEp-9mHwM-00488-00167744-00167951 you put me out one three three uKCEp-9mHwM-00489-00167952-00169526 okay uKCEp-9mHwM-00490-00169527-00169726 you should be four oh five excuse me uKCEp-9mHwM-00491-00169727-00169943 sorry five huh when earl was super uKCEp-9mHwM-00492-00169944-00170111 popular i was trying to play burn uKCEp-9mHwM-00493-00170112-00170214 sometimes uKCEp-9mHwM-00494-00170215-00170471 and i was just like oh my god i always uKCEp-9mHwM-00495-00170472-00171760 you know like one life and then uh uKCEp-9mHwM-00496-00171761-00171943 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00497-00171944-00172119 yeah if i'm on the regular damage plan uKCEp-9mHwM-00498-00172120-00172618 that is the the correct one for sure uKCEp-9mHwM-00499-00172619-00173143 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00500-00173144-00173319 so that's helix is true but i want to uKCEp-9mHwM-00501-00173320-00173454 keep those uKCEp-9mHwM-00502-00173455-00174287 yeah so i put like regular uKCEp-9mHwM-00503-00174288-00174623 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00504-00174624-00174831 i have a sneaking suspicion unless this uKCEp-9mHwM-00505-00174832-00175038 is a top deck ink moth nexus or blighted uKCEp-9mHwM-00506-00175039-00175207 agent i don't think i'm winning this it uKCEp-9mHwM-00507-00175208-00175438 is a blighted agent because uKCEp-9mHwM-00508-00175439-00175671 my goodness uKCEp-9mHwM-00509-00175672-00176102 whoever can hear me up there thank you uKCEp-9mHwM-00510-00176103-00176607 all right we're going to go fetch up uKCEp-9mHwM-00511-00176608-00176766 all right i already said blighted agent uKCEp-9mHwM-00512-00176767-00177287 so it's a breeding pool uKCEp-9mHwM-00513-00177288-00179335 from here whoever can hear me uKCEp-9mHwM-00514-00179336-00179551 people who play those decks and only uKCEp-9mHwM-00515-00179552-00179695 people who play those decks can uKCEp-9mHwM-00516-00179696-00179887 consistently get like three hollow ones uKCEp-9mHwM-00517-00179888-00180031 on turn one uKCEp-9mHwM-00518-00180032-00180207 well uKCEp-9mHwM-00519-00180208-00180366 in fact players can uKCEp-9mHwM-00520-00180367-00180559 call for blighted agent and blighted uKCEp-9mHwM-00521-00180560-00181143 agent will cotton has to have uKCEp-9mHwM-00522-00181144-00181287 not only did i see that card it was a uKCEp-9mHwM-00523-00181288-00181502 cyborg card so i needed i really need to uKCEp-9mHwM-00524-00181503-00181590 shuffle uKCEp-9mHwM-00525-00181591-00181663 it uKCEp-9mHwM-00526-00181664-00181775 anyway uKCEp-9mHwM-00527-00181776-00181983 anyway uKCEp-9mHwM-00528-00181984-00182319 so cast blatant uKCEp-9mHwM-00529-00182320-00182502 i'm debating whether i want to try to uKCEp-9mHwM-00530-00182503-00182663 attack this strawberry uKCEp-9mHwM-00531-00182664-00182759 i uKCEp-9mHwM-00532-00182760-00183254 that's a four four and another four uKCEp-9mHwM-00533-00183255-00183471 but you can probably bet a little bit of uKCEp-9mHwM-00534-00183472-00183638 what's in my hand uKCEp-9mHwM-00535-00183639-00183735 so uKCEp-9mHwM-00536-00183736-00184038 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00537-00184039-00184223 i can get up to three four without using uKCEp-9mHwM-00538-00184224-00184495 anything in my hand uKCEp-9mHwM-00539-00184496-00184638 this is the annoying thing about doing uKCEp-9mHwM-00540-00184639-00185244 it with three different ones uKCEp-9mHwM-00541-00185245-00186343 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00542-00186344-00186759 we will uKCEp-9mHwM-00543-00186760-00186919 jeez uKCEp-9mHwM-00544-00186920-00187111 you don't cross the graveyard uKCEp-9mHwM-00545-00187112-00187263 no all right how many cars do you have uKCEp-9mHwM-00546-00187264-00187535 in hand five five okay and if he wants uKCEp-9mHwM-00547-00187536-00188911 to make another one he is uKCEp-9mHwM-00548-00188912-00189031 well you don't have to right now you can uKCEp-9mHwM-00549-00189032-00189254 wait till then to turn it aside or end uKCEp-9mHwM-00550-00189255-00189654 of my turn uKCEp-9mHwM-00551-00189655-00189878 crap you have delirium uKCEp-9mHwM-00552-00189879-00190159 because of enchantment types uKCEp-9mHwM-00553-00190160-00190414 why is that individual uKCEp-9mHwM-00554-00190415-00190678 why is that an enchantment then it came uKCEp-9mHwM-00555-00190679-00190838 back together like when this card came uKCEp-9mHwM-00556-00190839-00190999 out like it didn't make the deck again i uKCEp-9mHwM-00557-00191000-00191119 was like oh uKCEp-9mHwM-00558-00191120-00191207 yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00559-00191208-00191359 but they're different they're like three uKCEp-9mHwM-00560-00191360-00191535 different builds of the day that's the uKCEp-9mHwM-00561-00191536-00192959 past term uKCEp-9mHwM-00562-00192960-00193126 i don't know how much mana you have like uKCEp-9mHwM-00563-00193127-00193319 if you have enough to kill afterwards uKCEp-9mHwM-00564-00193320-00193438 but uKCEp-9mHwM-00565-00193439-00193654 all right let's hold it up i think uKCEp-9mHwM-00566-00193655-00193847 that's probably the better play uKCEp-9mHwM-00567-00193848-00194014 without knowing what i have going on i uKCEp-9mHwM-00568-00194015-00194236 think that's probably the best player uKCEp-9mHwM-00569-00194237-00195007 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00570-00195008-00195175 it's a good one i'm sorry gunner did you uKCEp-9mHwM-00571-00195176-00195366 just say i control you where's mine uKCEp-9mHwM-00572-00195367-00196087 slaver you have mine slavery uKCEp-9mHwM-00573-00196088-00196306 the uKCEp-9mHwM-00574-00196307-00196502 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00575-00196503-00196726 all right i'm going to make you do it um uKCEp-9mHwM-00576-00196727-00196878 so we have uKCEp-9mHwM-00577-00196879-00197143 i can use pendlehaven to make give it uKCEp-9mHwM-00578-00197144-00197350 plus one plus two so now it's two uKCEp-9mHwM-00579-00197351-00197647 effectively it's four when uh wait a uKCEp-9mHwM-00580-00197648-00197726 second uKCEp-9mHwM-00581-00197727-00198135 i is the big dumb one i is the big dumb uKCEp-9mHwM-00582-00198136-00198263 it doesn't actually change the clock uKCEp-9mHwM-00583-00198264-00198438 whatever who cares i'm doing it no we're uKCEp-9mHwM-00584-00198439-00198575 not doing it that way uKCEp-9mHwM-00585-00198576-00198807 that that is not the big sport if you uKCEp-9mHwM-00586-00198808-00198950 didn't have delirium i could hold up uKCEp-9mHwM-00587-00198951-00199150 pendleton to protect it from delirium uKCEp-9mHwM-00588-00199151-00199390 but or from unholy heat but no that's uKCEp-9mHwM-00589-00199391-00199511 not a thing uKCEp-9mHwM-00590-00199512-00199702 in that case uKCEp-9mHwM-00591-00199703-00199847 scale up uKCEp-9mHwM-00592-00199848-00199990 all the time uKCEp-9mHwM-00593-00199991-00200087 so uKCEp-9mHwM-00594-00200088-00200263 what are you doing i'm sorry i'm just uKCEp-9mHwM-00595-00200264-00200463 using it for green i'm sorry it's just uKCEp-9mHwM-00596-00200464-00200623 green i have no choice i'm gonna go uKCEp-9mHwM-00597-00200624-00200807 ahead and crack this if i had one more uKCEp-9mHwM-00598-00200808-00201047 point of damage i could use pendlehaven uKCEp-9mHwM-00599-00201048-00201223 plus itself plus scale up and two uKCEp-9mHwM-00600-00201224-00201359 exalted cheaters uKCEp-9mHwM-00601-00201360-00201543 but if i just do it like this and it's uKCEp-9mHwM-00602-00201544-00202511 the kendall haven pump it's uKCEp-9mHwM-00603-00202512-00202743 so instead we're just doing scale up uKCEp-9mHwM-00604-00202744-00202950 which means that upon attacking it'll be uKCEp-9mHwM-00605-00202951-00204495 an eight six uKCEp-9mHwM-00606-00204496-00204695 blossoming defense uKCEp-9mHwM-00607-00204696-00204894 i'm going to pay one and permanence you uKCEp-9mHwM-00608-00204896-00205127 control lose hex proof and destructible uKCEp-9mHwM-00609-00205128-00205294 do that after shadow do it after it uKCEp-9mHwM-00610-00205296-00205534 resolved but yes yes uKCEp-9mHwM-00611-00205535-00205719 and then you can do it yeah and then uKCEp-9mHwM-00612-00205719-00205910 while the spell is also before then i'm uKCEp-9mHwM-00613-00205911-00206079 going to do my volca because the other uKCEp-9mHwM-00614-00206080-00206223 notes discard uKCEp-9mHwM-00615-00206223-00206406 um but yeah yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00616-00206407-00206503 that'll uKCEp-9mHwM-00617-00206504-00206631 resolve uKCEp-9mHwM-00618-00206632-00206903 so now it's 1 uKCEp-9mHwM-00619-00206904-00207086 6 uKCEp-9mHwM-00620-00207087-00207334 10 12 14 uKCEp-9mHwM-00621-00207335-00207438 14 uKCEp-9mHwM-00622-00207439-00207751 14. in fact in fact unblockable that's uKCEp-9mHwM-00623-00207752-00207894 all i can do yeah uKCEp-9mHwM-00624-00207896-00208127 good game i got a super lucky top deck uKCEp-9mHwM-00625-00208128-00208286 blind agent right when i needed him and uKCEp-9mHwM-00626-00208287-00208510 so all i could do was just yeah you uKCEp-9mHwM-00627-00208511-00208703 played as best you could yeah you took uKCEp-9mHwM-00628-00208704-00208862 my you stripped my answers and then i uKCEp-9mHwM-00629-00208863-00209014 had to rely on the top decks that's the uKCEp-9mHwM-00630-00209015-00209223 joy they rack i guess uKCEp-9mHwM-00631-00209223-00209342 uh uKCEp-9mHwM-00632-00209344-00209590 game two i thought it was okay i forced uKCEp-9mHwM-00633-00209591-00209767 a figure in bail this summer and you uKCEp-9mHwM-00634-00209767-00209982 said no no uKCEp-9mHwM-00635-00209983-00210167 that's how i didn't have anything no uKCEp-9mHwM-00636-00210167-00210342 handheld so i should have probably uKCEp-9mHwM-00637-00210344-00210598 mulligan uKCEp-9mHwM-00638-00210600-00210823 um uKCEp-9mHwM-00639-00210823-00211015 yeah and i brought in uKCEp-9mHwM-00640-00211016-00211255 maybe uKCEp-9mHwM-00641-00211256-00211367 humans uKCEp-9mHwM-00642-00211367-00211582 in retrospect yes but if i didn't know uKCEp-9mHwM-00643-00211583-00211871 any better uKCEp-9mHwM-00644-00211871-00212015 that is actually probably a question for uKCEp-9mHwM-00645-00212016-00212303 tom ross because he also runs eight rack uKCEp-9mHwM-00646-00212304-00212575 but he runs infected uKCEp-9mHwM-00647-00212576-00212823 i had somebody uh oh uh graf digger's uKCEp-9mHwM-00648-00212823-00214109 cage was uKCEp-9mHwM-00649-00214110-00214871 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00650-00214871-00215231 i like it turn eight month nexus into no uKCEp-9mHwM-00651-00215232-00215471 not so much uKCEp-9mHwM-00652-00215471-00215719 was it uh not apostles blessing what was uKCEp-9mHwM-00653-00215719-00215887 the other card there's an eight card i uKCEp-9mHwM-00654-00215888-00216134 just i need to find what it was uKCEp-9mHwM-00655-00216135-00216287 it might have been apostle's blessing uKCEp-9mHwM-00656-00216288-00216446 wait maybe it's in here uKCEp-9mHwM-00657-00216448-00216791 maybe i didn't say it this guy uKCEp-9mHwM-00658-00216792-00217151 it could be you it could be me uKCEp-9mHwM-00659-00217152-00217367 yeah we'll find out in just a sec so the uKCEp-9mHwM-00660-00217367-00217503 no it wasn't a possible blessing the uKCEp-9mHwM-00661-00217504-00217734 cards i took out were uKCEp-9mHwM-00662-00217735-00217910 all of the peaks because i knew what the uKCEp-9mHwM-00663-00217911-00218103 game was going to be about distortion uKCEp-9mHwM-00664-00218104-00218239 strike which actually made it kind of uKCEp-9mHwM-00665-00218240-00218398 scary when you started making creatures uKCEp-9mHwM-00666-00218400-00218542 with urza saga because i didn't have a uKCEp-9mHwM-00667-00218544-00218734 way to get around aside from those uKCEp-9mHwM-00668-00218735-00218894 creatures uKCEp-9mHwM-00669-00218896-00219094 uh excuse me no i'm sorry these are the uKCEp-9mHwM-00670-00219096-00219246 cyborg ones uKCEp-9mHwM-00671-00219248-00219398 wait are they no no no these are the uKCEp-9mHwM-00672-00219400-00219598 main boards this is the cyborg one never uKCEp-9mHwM-00673-00219600-00219815 mind i lied and then there's blossoming uKCEp-9mHwM-00674-00219816-00220175 defense so here's the outs uKCEp-9mHwM-00675-00220176-00220398 and then confederation i swear what is uKCEp-9mHwM-00676-00220400-00220558 that eighth card is around here uKCEp-9mHwM-00677-00220559-00220775 somewhere you take damage this doesn't uKCEp-9mHwM-00678-00220776-00221023 hurt you chris i'm gonna once we once i uKCEp-9mHwM-00679-00221023-00221167 hit the stop button i'm going to find uKCEp-9mHwM-00680-00221167-00221431 what that last card is correct because uKCEp-9mHwM-00681-00221432-00221582 of course uKCEp-9mHwM-00682-00221583-00221710 it always made me nervous when i did uKCEp-9mHwM-00683-00221711-00221863 this after i get to zero three four uKCEp-9mHwM-00684-00221864-00221961 seconds uKCEp-9mHwM-00685-00221962-00222175 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00686-00222176-00222327 there are times chris when i've actually uKCEp-9mHwM-00687-00222328-00222503 considered making bail somewhere on main uKCEp-9mHwM-00688-00222504-00222655 board just so you guys are one of in the uKCEp-9mHwM-00689-00222656-00222879 main board because nowadays in modern uKCEp-9mHwM-00690-00222880-00222967 it's uKCEp-9mHwM-00691-00222967-00223134 silly uKCEp-9mHwM-00692-00223135-00223279 it's dumb uKCEp-9mHwM-00693-00223280-00223382 but uKCEp-9mHwM-00694-00223383-00223542 oh breeding corrupter that was it for uKCEp-9mHwM-00695-00223544-00223782 hitting the rack or a tofu uKCEp-9mHwM-00696-00223783-00223934 just and i absolutely need all my hand uKCEp-9mHwM-00697-00223935-00225423 too i should have probably i probably uKCEp-9mHwM-00698-00225423-00226023 save it uKCEp-9mHwM-00699-00226023-00226151 i was playing like you had like uKCEp-9mHwM-00700-00226152-00226382 terminator bolt or maybe both having my uKCEp-9mHwM-00701-00226383-00226646 luck i had lands and uKCEp-9mHwM-00702-00226648-00226839 command i'm sure i just drew another uKCEp-9mHwM-00703-00226840-00227606 laying up or uKCEp-9mHwM-00704-00227607-00227739 that's right uKCEp-9mHwM-00705-00227740-00228703 [Music] uKCEp-9mHwM-00706-00228704-00229492 so uKCEp-9mHwM-00707-00229494-00230147 [Music] uLccxZW0HHM-00000-00000049-00000309 below is a chronological listing of the uLccxZW0HHM-00001-00000310-00000597 United States senators from Idaho the uLccxZW0HHM-00002-00000598-00000795 state was admitted to the Union on July uLccxZW0HHM-00003-00000796-00001083 3rd 1890 and its US senators belonged to uLccxZW0HHM-00004-00001084-00001389 class 2 and class 3 Idaho's current uLccxZW0HHM-00005-00001390-00001599 senators are Republicans Mike Crapo and uLccxZW0HHM-00006-00001600-00002147 Jim Risch uLccxZW0HHM-00007-00002148-00002699 topic list of senators uLccxZW0HHM-00008-00002700-00003062 you uLccxZW0HHM-00009-00003063-00003663 topic living former senators uLccxZW0HHM-00010-00003664-00003938 as of October 2018 there are three uLccxZW0HHM-00011-00003939-00004221 living former senators the most recent uLccxZW0HHM-00012-00004222-00004566 senator to die was Jim McClure 1973 to uLccxZW0HHM-00013-00004567-00004971 1991 On February 26th 2011 who is also uLccxZW0HHM-00014-00004972-00005690 the most recently serving senator to die uLccxZW0HHM-00015-00005691-00006193 topic see also uLccxZW0HHM-00016-00006194-00006488 list of United States representatives uLccxZW0HHM-00017-00006489-00006814 from Idaho United States congressional uLccxZW0HHM-00018-00006815-00007133 delegations from Idaho equals equals uLccxZW0HHM-00019-00007134-00007370 notes