lUZKTnt1nig-00000-00000040-00000744 it's jojo c here, we're going to skip you because your video forced a like. if we force a like on lUZKTnt1nig-00001-00000744-00001288 your video, it might be because there's no choice, and we had to like it because it couldn't be said, lUZKTnt1nig-00002-00001376-00001720 or we could dislike your video as usual, but then we'll have to watch it anyway. lUZKTnt1nig-00003-00001839-00002056 so instead, we force a like instead. lUZKTnt1nig-00004-00002200-00002824 this is the reason why i do not have any time to force a dislike on such videos. lcq1UOsamlY-00000-00000000-00000516 Hello and welcome to Evidence for Arguments and How to Fnd It lcq1UOsamlY-00001-00000516-00000957 I'm Dr. Rick Meritt. We've discussed reasoning in another video reasoning in lcq1UOsamlY-00002-00000957-00001392 an argument is important, however without evidence reasoning on its own lcq1UOsamlY-00003-00001392-00001875 may not carry the day. In this video we will look at the types of evidence we'll lcq1UOsamlY-00004-00001875-00002168 also look at how to find evidence in the library. lcq1UOsamlY-00005-00002168-00002669 Let's take a basic argument using the model we first saw in the Argument lcq1UOsamlY-00006-00002669-00003132 Basics video this argument deals with mindset and how it can help you succeed lcq1UOsamlY-00007-00003132-00003440 in college. In this graphic we see a fact lcq1UOsamlY-00008-00003440-00003975 where Jane has a growth mindset and this should lead to success in college and lcq1UOsamlY-00009-00003975-00004539 the warrant that describes the concept of the growth mindset. The backing is lcq1UOsamlY-00010-00004539-00004839 from Eduardo Briceno's TED talk. lcq1UOsamlY-00011-00004839-00005286 This is a statement from an expert in the field of mindset and is our evidence lcq1UOsamlY-00012-00005286-00006146 for the argument. We will explore facts statistics testimony and examples that lcq1UOsamlY-00013-00006146-00006509 can be used as evidence in your arguments. We'll also take a look at how lcq1UOsamlY-00014-00006509-00006711 to find them. lcq1UOsamlY-00015-00006711-00007350 What is a fact? Let's take a look at some famous quotes about facts lcq1UOsamlY-00016-00007350-00007893 Arthur Conan Doyle stated "There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious lcq1UOsamlY-00017-00007893-00008334 fact." Meaning be careful with facts because they may not be as they seem lcq1UOsamlY-00018-00008406-00008886 Albert Einstein said "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." lcq1UOsamlY-00019-00008886-00009368 Here's an interesting point of view from Dorothy L Sayers "Facts are like cows lcq1UOsamlY-00020-00009368-00009675 if you look at them in the face long enough they generally run away." lcq1UOsamlY-00021-00009725-00010167 Finally. from our second president John Adams. "Facts are stubborn things lcq1UOsamlY-00022-00010224-00010584 and whatever may be our wishes uor inclination, or the dictates of our lcq1UOsamlY-00023-00010584-00010904 passion they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." lcq1UOsamlY-00024-00010979-00011329 Adams did tend to be a little verbose. lcq1UOsamlY-00025-00011329-00011707 Armed with these quotes let's see how we can use a fact in an argument lcq1UOsamlY-00026-00011707-00012034 A fact is something that cannot be disputed the Earth revolves around the lcq1UOsamlY-00027-00012034-00012253 Sun and that's a fact. lcq1UOsamlY-00028-00012253-00012703 This is the national flag of Kenya we could argue that the flag of Kenya lcq1UOsamlY-00029-00012703-00013258 adequately represents the people and lands of Kenya we can find evidence lcq1UOsamlY-00030-00013258-00013938 about the flag from the CIA factbook from the fact book it states the black lcq1UOsamlY-00031-00013938-00014455 symbolizes the majority population, the red the bloodshed in the struggle for lcq1UOsamlY-00032-00014455-00014538 freedom, lcq1UOsamlY-00033-00014538-00014986 the green stands for natural wealth and the white for peace. lcq1UOsamlY-00034-00014986-00015475 The shield and crossed spears symbolize the defense of freedom. lcq1UOsamlY-00035-00015556-00016119 These are the facts about the flag. We then can apply those facts to determine if lcq1UOsamlY-00036-00016119-00016597 the flag does indeed represent Kenya facts cannot be disputed, lcq1UOsamlY-00037-00016597-00016909 however as we have seen they can be interpreted. lcq1UOsamlY-00038-00016909-00017227 There may be other interpretations of the colors of the Kenyan flag but I lcq1UOsamlY-00039-00017227-00017350 could not find them. lcq1UOsamlY-00040-00017350-00017797 Thus, a fact is something that is not in dispute is something that's readily lcq1UOsamlY-00041-00017797-00018439 available for anyone to find. Now let's move on to statistics. lcq1UOsamlY-00042-00018439-00019009 Mark Twain links us from facts to statistics by noting "Facts are stubborn lcq1UOsamlY-00043-00019009-00019323 things but statistics are pliable." lcq1UOsamlY-00044-00019323-00019837 Benjamin Disraeli opined "There are three types of lies lies damn lies and lcq1UOsamlY-00045-00019837-00019984 statistics." lcq1UOsamlY-00046-00019984-00020512 Finally from Kato Lomb "Whenever I read statistical reports i tried to imagine lcq1UOsamlY-00047-00020512-00021025 my unfortunate contemporary the average person who according to these reports as lcq1UOsamlY-00048-00021025-00021729 0.66 children 0.032 cars and 0.046 TVs." lcq1UOsamlY-00049-00021729-00022192 As you can see from the quotes there is a little more disdain for statistics. lcq1UOsamlY-00050-00022192-00022648 However they can be strong evidence for an argument when obtained from the lcq1UOsamlY-00051-00022648-00022776 proper source. lcq1UOsamlY-00052-00022776-00023226 Let's take smoking as an important health issue these statistics from the lcq1UOsamlY-00053-00023226-00023748 CDC shows that in 2010 one and five people smoked and only eight percent lcq1UOsamlY-00054-00023748-00024331 smoke more than 30 cigarettes per day. The telling statistic is the half of the lcq1UOsamlY-00055-00024331-00024409 adults who lcq1UOsamlY-00056-00024409-00024787 continue to smoke will die from smoking-related causes. lcq1UOsamlY-00057-00024841-00025417 Looking further we can note there are 58 million people exposed to secondhand lcq1UOsamlY-00058-00025417-00025534 smoke. lcq1UOsamlY-00059-00025534-00025954 Now let's carry the argument about smoking over to the discussion about lcq1UOsamlY-00060-00025954-00026427 testimony. Testimony usually comes from experts in the field or someone with lcq1UOsamlY-00061-00026427-00026913 first-hand experience such as an eyewitness to an event. For example we're lcq1UOsamlY-00062-00026913-00027420 going to cite the US Surgeon General's report to discuss the hazards of smoking. lcq1UOsamlY-00063-00027420-00027841 "Secondhand smoke contains a number of poisonous gases and chemicals including lcq1UOsamlY-00064-00027841-00028120 hydrogen cyanide used in chemical weapons, lcq1UOsamlY-00065-00028120-00028618 carbon monoxide found in car exhaust, butane used in lighter fluid, ammonia lcq1UOsamlY-00066-00028618-00029104 used in household cleaners, and toluene found in paint thinners." lcq1UOsamlY-00067-00029104-00029577 Further the report notes "second hand smoke has been designated as a known lcq1UOsamlY-00068-00029577-00029997 human carcinogen, a cancer-causing agent", by the US Environmental Protection lcq1UOsamlY-00069-00029997-00030528 Agency the National Toxicology Program and the International Agency for lcq1UOsamlY-00070-00030528-00030712 Research on Cancer. lcq1UOsamlY-00071-00030712-00031147 The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has concluded that lcq1UOsamlY-00072-00031147-00031543 secondhand smoke is an "occupational carcinogen." lcq1UOsamlY-00073-00031543-00032028 Finally the report notes that "children exposed to secondhand smoke are at lcq1UOsamlY-00074-00032028-00032514 increased risk for ear infections and are more likely to need an operation to lcq1UOsamlY-00075-00032514-00032749 insert ear tubes for drainage." lcq1UOsamlY-00076-00032749-00033288 Normally you want to find multiple sources when you're using testimony. lcq1UOsamlY-00077-00033288-00033625 Examples are the last form of evidence. lcq1UOsamlY-00078-00033625-00034108 You can use personal examples in your speeches but not in the debates. lcq1UOsamlY-00079-00034108-00034612 That's because in the debate the opposing side cannot argue against your lcq1UOsamlY-00080-00034612-00035134 personal example as they have no experience with it. A personal example I lcq1UOsamlY-00081-00035134-00035476 could use in speech on smoking may be that as a child lcq1UOsamlY-00082-00035476-00035778 both my parents smoked and I suffered from earaches for much of my childhood. lcq1UOsamlY-00083-00035778-00036187 Examples can be very powerful forms of evidence. lcq1UOsamlY-00084-00036247-00036784 remember they can and should be used in your speeches but cannot be used in your lcq1UOsamlY-00085-00036784-00037075 debates. Where can you find evidence? lcq1UOsamlY-00086-00037075-00037618 The library has all the resources you will need at your fingertips. lcq1UOsamlY-00087-00037675-00038248 Let's go there now. Here we are at the Northeast State Home Page to get the lcq1UOsamlY-00088-00038248-00038806 library select the students drop down menu and then library. You can access lcq1UOsamlY-00089-00038806-00039115 library 24 hours a day seven days a week. lcq1UOsamlY-00090-00039115-00039445 Note if you are accessing from off campus you will be asked to enter your lcq1UOsamlY-00091-00039445-00039853 login information. Simply enter the same information you would for logging on to lcq1UOsamlY-00092-00039853-00040189 any Northeast State computer on campus. lcq1UOsamlY-00093-00040189-00040705 Once on the library website we will select online databases from the right lcq1UOsamlY-00094-00040705-00040912 side of the blue menu ribbon. lcq1UOsamlY-00095-00040912-00041704 You will notice a plethora of databases 111 at the time of this recording but lcq1UOsamlY-00096-00041704-00042066 we're only going to look at two of them. They both can be found at the top of the lcq1UOsamlY-00097-00042066-00042157 page. lcq1UOsamlY-00098-00042157-00042496 The first is Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. lcq1UOsamlY-00099-00042547-00043018 When you click on this database you will see a home page with a list of topics lcq1UOsamlY-00100-00043018-00043234 and some issues for each. lcq1UOsamlY-00101-00043234-00043882 However we're going to Browse Issues. Here you see a list of alphabetical lcq1UOsamlY-00102-00043882-00044794 topics. We're going to select book banning. Once on the book banning page lcq1UOsamlY-00103-00044794-00045064 you see several areas to select from. lcq1UOsamlY-00104-00045064-00045541 We're going to check out the article Censorship Cannot be Allowed in America. lcq1UOsamlY-00105-00045541-00045787 We click on it. lcq1UOsamlY-00106-00045787-00046195 The article comes up you'll note there is an opportunity to listen to this lcq1UOsamlY-00107-00046195-00046828 article. As we scroll through the article you will see terms that are highlighted lcq1UOsamlY-00108-00046828-00047107 such as school libraries. lcq1UOsamlY-00109-00047107-00047590 When you click there you'll find additional links to school libraries lcq1UOsamlY-00110-00047590-00048376 topics. At the bottom of the page you will see further readings and how to lcq1UOsamlY-00111-00048376-00048997 cite the source in text. You will always verbally cite your source in a speech or lcq1UOsamlY-00112-00048997-00049327 debate. To go back to my library lcq1UOsamlY-00113-00049327-00049722 scroll to the top and select the Northeast State Community College Library. lcq1UOsamlY-00114-00049722-00050027 Once again we're going to lcq1UOsamlY-00115-00050027-00050564 select online databases and this time we're going to go to the SIRS Knowledge lcq1UOsamlY-00116-00050564-00051233 Source. Here you see the top ten issues on the right hand side of the page. lcq1UOsamlY-00117-00051320-00051890 We're going to click more issues. Here again you see an alphabetical listing of lcq1UOsamlY-00118-00051890-00052100 many more issues. lcq1UOsamlY-00119-00052100-00052729 This time we're going to look at electronic cigarettes and here you're lcq1UOsamlY-00120-00052729-00053165 going to see at the top of the page a pro/con again ideal for those who are lcq1UOsamlY-00121-00053165-00053684 debating and in this we're going to see Are E-Cigarettes a Healthy Way to lcq1UOsamlY-00122-00053684-00053837 Quit Smoking? lcq1UOsamlY-00123-00053837-00054347 We're going to click on it and as with the Opposing Viewpoints lcq1UOsamlY-00124-00054347-00054944 you can listen to this article as well. As we scroll to the article you see both lcq1UOsamlY-00125-00054944-00055163 sides of the issue. lcq1UOsamlY-00126-00055163-00055604 This is great if you're uncertain as to which side you're going to be taking in lcq1UOsamlY-00127-00055604-00056084 a debate. Scrolling back up you'll see that you can quickly jump to this lcq1UOsamlY-00128-00056084-00056423 citation and the summary section. lcq1UOsamlY-00129-00056423-00056912 Remember you're always going to cite your sources in your speeches and lcq1UOsamlY-00130-00056912-00057425 debates. The free databases at the library are much better options and lcq1UOsamlY-00131-00057425-00057773 simply entering a topic in a search engine and hoping for the best lcq1UOsamlY-00132-00057869-00058286 That's it for your short trip to the Basler Library databases. lcq1UOsamlY-00133-00058660-00059137 That is a quick look at evidence including facts, statistics, testimony, and lcq1UOsamlY-00134-00059137-00059437 examples and how to find them brings us to the end of this session. lcq1UOsamlY-00135-00059491-00059691 I'm Dr. Rick Merritt see you in class. lcQxtjRE9Lg-00000-00000112-00000568 Hello and welcome to Section 3.4 lcQxtjRE9Lg-00001-00000792-00001128 We can take the derivative of a function, lcQxtjRE9Lg-00002-00001232-00001896 and a derivative of a function is itself a function, lcQxtjRE9Lg-00003-00001992-00002392 so we can take the derivative of a derivative; lcQxtjRE9Lg-00004-00002528-00003136 that's the idea behind higher order derivatives. lcQxtjRE9Lg-00005-00003215-00003752 We'll discuss those and then we'll look at a few classic lcQxtjRE9Lg-00006-00003752-00004336 examples; in particular we'll look at the relationship lcQxtjRE9Lg-00007-00004336-00005136 between an object's position, velocity, and acceleration lh3pkG4sSE0-00000-00000131-00000416 Cookie couple who came to Jeonju Hanok Village and Kuriko's mom lh3pkG4sSE0-00001-00000553-00000908 - Can I take this home? - No way! lh3pkG4sSE0-00002-00001080-00001280 Today we are finally going sightseeing in Jonju. lh3pkG4sSE0-00003-00001846-00002320 ‐This is the alley. ‐It's amazing that I'm here with mom. lh3pkG4sSE0-00004-00002320-00002773 ‐When I see objects like this, I want to copy them.Oh, you too? lh3pkG4sSE0-00005-00002773-00002968 These two guys always start playing suddenly. lh3pkG4sSE0-00006-00003105-00003412 ‐I'm afraid to cross here. ‐I'll hold the camera. lh3pkG4sSE0-00007-00003463-00003863 ‐There's a fish! ‐Where is it? ‐It's on the right. lh3pkG4sSE0-00008-00003863-00004153 It's full of little fish. lh3pkG4sSE0-00009-00004153-00004797 ‐Be careful! Oh, is your mom gone yet? ‐The view is beautiful! lh3pkG4sSE0-00010-00004869-00005082 I feel like I'm going to be in a drama. lh3pkG4sSE0-00011-00005203-00005463 ‐What about this? ‐This is an exercise device. lh3pkG4sSE0-00012-00005524-00005663 ‐Like this? lh3pkG4sSE0-00013-00005663-00005968 This is leg and waist movement. lh3pkG4sSE0-00014-00005968-00006666 ‐Mom, you're very good at this, but this is Hanok Village.Let's go.HAHAHA lh3pkG4sSE0-00015-00006666-00006866 ‐It's better to have a more comfortable position. ‐Yes. lh3pkG4sSE0-00016-00007094-00007213 ( clap clap clap) lh3pkG4sSE0-00017-00007213-00007539 ‐But if you have this exercise equipment at home, we don't use it. lh3pkG4sSE0-00018-00007828-00008133 Today's weather is so pleasant that I want to sing. lh3pkG4sSE0-00019-00008233-00008385 Everyone, that's wonderful. lh3pkG4sSE0-00020-00008473-00008626 ‐Wow!!! lh3pkG4sSE0-00021-00008742-00009223 ‐I'm sure everyone will feel good because we overreact. lh3pkG4sSE0-00022-00009223-00009652 ‐This is Jeonju Hanok Village, so it's written in "ministop" Korean. lh3pkG4sSE0-00023-00009652-00010233 ‐That's right! It's Hangul to match the traditional scenery here. lh3pkG4sSE0-00024-00010233-00010787 ‐But there's English underneath. ‐Oh, I didn't know that much.I'm sorry. lh3pkG4sSE0-00025-00010787-00011079 ‐My mom is good at finding small points like this. lh3pkG4sSE0-00026-00011200-00011450 Let's rent Hanbok here. lh3pkG4sSE0-00027-00011450-00011796 ‐Do you want blue? ‐That's cute. lh3pkG4sSE0-00028-00011796-00012281 ‐Oh, isn't she Korean?I thought she was Korean. lh3pkG4sSE0-00029-00012352-00012611 ‐She thought you were Korean. ‐Really? lh3pkG4sSE0-00030-00012828-00013082 ‐Kuriko decided on a red Hanbok. lh3pkG4sSE0-00031-00013160-00013340 five minutes later lh3pkG4sSE0-00032-00013449-00013708 The women are done changing. lh3pkG4sSE0-00033-00013730-00013930 ‐You are beautiful. ‐Wow. lh3pkG4sSE0-00034-00014012-00014273 ‐It suits you very well.Mom ‐Thank you. lh3pkG4sSE0-00035-00014403-00014666 Mom seems to like Hanbok, too. lh3pkG4sSE0-00036-00014879-00015124 Kyungsik also decided to wear Hanbok to show him around. lh3pkG4sSE0-00037-00015193-00015573 ‐You're going to do my hair style?OMG lh3pkG4sSE0-00038-00015573-00015853 ‐That suits you. ‐I think I should do that hairstyle at the wedding. lh3pkG4sSE0-00039-00015853-00016203 ‐How about wearing Hanbok for a wedding? ‐That's nice. lh3pkG4sSE0-00040-00016203-00016723 ‐How do you feel when you see her wearing Hanbok? ‐It's a strange feeling. lh3pkG4sSE0-00041-00016723-00017160 ‐I'm happy to be able to wear Hanbok with similar designs for both parents and children. ‐It's a beautiful design. lh3pkG4sSE0-00042-00017160-00017297 ‐Mom! ‐Yes. lh3pkG4sSE0-00043-00017297-00018017 ‐This is Hanbok that Park Bo Gum wore. ‐Actor Park Bo Gum was wearing this. lh3pkG4sSE0-00044-00018017-00018535 ‐The design is the same. ‐Huh? That's amazing. lh3pkG4sSE0-00045-00018535-00018840 ‐It's exactly the same design as what Kyungsik is wearing. lh3pkG4sSE0-00046-00019083-00019560 ‐You look really good in this color. ‐I think so, too. lh3pkG4sSE0-00047-00019561-00020112 ‐Mother and I, Hanbok, seem to be a couple. ‐HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA lh3pkG4sSE0-00048-00020112-00020663 ‐What should I do? ‐It's okay. It's like a drama. lh3pkG4sSE0-00049-00020663-00021087 ‐I've never seen a hairstyle like this before. ‐Please do it for her, too. lh3pkG4sSE0-00050-00021087-00021481 ‐That sounds difficult. ‐I heard that kind husbands do it to their wives. lh3pkG4sSE0-00051-00021749-00022057 It's full of flowers and very beautiful♡ lh3pkG4sSE0-00052-00022200-00022453 ‐Look at the back. ‐I can't see it lh3pkG4sSE0-00053-00022453-00022503 ‐Take a quick look. lh3pkG4sSE0-00054-00023209-00023444 They look happy wearing Hanbok. lh3pkG4sSE0-00055-00023509-00024038 ‐JinJinJinJinyear ♪ What's the next lyrics? lh3pkG4sSE0-00056-00024039-00024324 This commercial song is all over her head. lh3pkG4sSE0-00057-00024959-00025243 ‐It's beautiful. ‐Kuriko, it suits you well. lh3pkG4sSE0-00058-00025243-00025565 ‐Red suits you. ‐You look good on that, too. lh3pkG4sSE0-00059-00025565-00025841 ‐Thank you ♡ But what should we do when the three of us compliment each other? lh3pkG4sSE0-00060-00025890-00026180 ‐Oh! The tree behind you is beautiful. lh3pkG4sSE0-00061-00026401-00026686 It's amazing that they're wearing Hanbok together. lh3pkG4sSE0-00062-00026785-00027201 ‐There is a yakitori restaurant over there. ‐Let's go. lh3pkG4sSE0-00063-00027201-00027553 ‐Mom, you can eat with Hanbok on. ‐Is that so? lh3pkG4sSE0-00064-00027553-00028441 ‐Japanese kimonos have ”obi”(Wrap it around your waist like a corset), so you can't eat a lot. Really? lh3pkG4sSE0-00065-00028441-00028915 ‐Besides, Hanbok doesn't take long to wear. lh3pkG4sSE0-00066-00029013-00029403 ‐They look beautiful from behind. ‐Why don't you look at it from the front? lh3pkG4sSE0-00067-00029403-00029586 (As expected, Mom is funny.)‐ThankYou lh3pkG4sSE0-00068-00029659-00030079 ‐HAHAHAHAHAHA ‐Mom, please say"HAHAHAHA". ‐HIHIHIHIHIHI lh3pkG4sSE0-00069-00030189-00030400 We came to a souvenir shop. lh3pkG4sSE0-00070-00030400-00030953 ‐My sister used to buy me a lot of souvenirs like this. ‐Yes, I miss you. lh3pkG4sSE0-00071-00030953-00031260 ‐Oh, this! It's in our house. ‐Yeah. lh3pkG4sSE0-00072-00031260-00031725 ‐When I first went on a trip to Korea, I bought this as a souvenir. ‐The price was discovered by her. (600 yen) lh3pkG4sSE0-00073-00031787-00031970 Mom is looking at something mysteriously. lh3pkG4sSE0-00074-00032000-00032259 ‐This is cute. ‐This looks like Kuriko. lh3pkG4sSE0-00075-00032259-00032610 ‐Hey! Excuse me! ‐OMG, I'm sorry. lh3pkG4sSE0-00076-00032610-00032913 ‐What's this? Is it for a table? lh3pkG4sSE0-00077-00032913-00033221 ‐Yeah. It's a tablecloth. ‐It's beautiful here, too. lh3pkG4sSE0-00078-00033221-00033963 ‐What's the difference between this and this? ‐This is cotton, and this is cool fabric. lh3pkG4sSE0-00079-00033963-00034760 ‐Is this silk-like fabric? ‐Yes, the interior of the house is white and green, so let's choose a green tablecloth. lh3pkG4sSE0-00080-00034935-00035160 We bought a souvenir. lh3pkG4sSE0-00081-00035160-00035706 ‐A restaurant called "It's so delicious"? ‐That's right. This is a korean pancakes restaurant, and it has a stylish interior like a bar. lh3pkG4sSE0-00082-00035849-00036126 There were yakitori and skewer shops. lh3pkG4sSE0-00083-00036206-00036710 ‐Look ‼ The king bought yakitori. lh3pkG4sSE0-00084-00036710-00036976 The happiest king in the world came running. lh3pkG4sSE0-00085-00037404-00037883 ‐It's very spicy, so let's eat carefully. ‐It's full of cheese. lh3pkG4sSE0-00086-00037884-00038128 How is the taste of extremely spicy skewer-grilled? lh3pkG4sSE0-00087-00038223-00038571 ‐Are you okay? ‐It's really spicy. lh3pkG4sSE0-00088-00038571-00038947 ‐Are you kidding? Are you crying? ‐I'm tearing up. lh3pkG4sSE0-00089-00038947-00039341 ‐Are you kidding me? ‐OMG lh3pkG4sSE0-00090-00039414-00039671 Kuriko will try too lh3pkG4sSE0-00091-00039795-00040106 ‐OMG!! ‐Mom is worried. ‐HAHA lh3pkG4sSE0-00092-00040180-00040443 Let's try fortune slip. lh3pkG4sSE0-00093-00040443-00040652 ‐Think of it as my head and hit it hard! ‐(cracked) lh3pkG4sSE0-00094-00040760-00041383 ‐I wonder what will come out ♪ I can't tell by looking at it ♪ lh3pkG4sSE0-00095-00041433-00041927 ‐Good luck with money ‐ good, health- good, love ‐ normal, watch out after 4 days lh3pkG4sSE0-00096-00041927-00042412 ‐Are you going back to your country in four days? ‐Why!?Hey! lh3pkG4sSE0-00097-00042625-00042907 And for the next half hour, they were looking at this piece of paper and talking. lh3pkG4sSE0-00098-00043019-00043367 ‐Well, we have to return Hanbok by 5:40… lh3pkG4sSE0-00099-00043557-00043923 ‐Mom, raise your right shoulder a little. lh3pkG4sSE0-00100-00043923-00044153 She took a lot of pictures wearing Hanbok. lh3pkG4sSE0-00101-00044153-00044447 ‐Ah, the view from here is very beautiful lh3pkG4sSE0-00102-00044447-00045310 ‐When I first came to Korea, Honey took a lot of pictures, but now I want to take a picture of my mother. lh3pkG4sSE0-00103-00045310-00045689 ‐Is Kuriko okay? ‐I can always wear Hanbok. lh3pkG4sSE0-00104-00045710-00045877 Wehalmonisonji (Café) lh3pkG4sSE0-00105-00045940-00046270 ‐I'm dressed like a king, so I can't dance. ‐Yeah lh3pkG4sSE0-00106-00046270-00046893 ‐I want to see the back. ‐Do you want a mirror? ‐Please take a picture. lh3pkG4sSE0-00107-00046893-00047223 ‐Kyungsik, please take a picture. ‐Okay, that's good‐ lh3pkG4sSE0-00108-00047279-00048024 ‐It's like this. ‐Mooooooo! Do I look like this from behind? lh3pkG4sSE0-00109-00048092-00048475 Mom; Ume tea, Kuriko; Yuzu tea, Kyungsik; Natsume tea lh3pkG4sSE0-00110-00048553-00048986 ‐Can I smell it? ‐That's good for colds. lh3pkG4sSE0-00111-00048986-00049543 ‐Does it smell like medicine? ‐No, it smells like soup stock. lh3pkG4sSE0-00112-00049543-00050053 ‐Ah, it's very similar to the smell of something. lh3pkG4sSE0-00113-00050053-00050360 Kyungsik is struggling to drink it. lh3pkG4sSE0-00114-00050360-00050680 ‐You said plum tea was delicious yesterday, right? ‐Yes, I can drink 10 cups. lh3pkG4sSE0-00115-00050680-00051074 ‐How about yuzu tea? ‐It's not too thick and it tastes good. lh3pkG4sSE0-00116-00051074-00051539 ‐It's interesting that we're all wearing Hanbok. ‐"Annyeonghaseyo". lh3pkG4sSE0-00117-00051612-00051857 ‐You can sample this, so try it. lh3pkG4sSE0-00118-00051918-00052226 Let's sample it together. lh3pkG4sSE0-00119-00052226-00052970 ‐When I was little, my grandma used to make me sweets like this. lh3pkG4sSE0-00120-00053107-00053386 Dinner is also eaten in Hanok Village. lh3pkG4sSE0-00121-00053386-00053533 kyochon'ssokukarubi lh3pkG4sSE0-00122-00053550-00053783 It's hard to pick Namuls lh3pkG4sSE0-00123-00053907-00054138 ‐Honey, stop helping her with chopsticks. ‐Why? lh3pkG4sSE0-00124-00054138-00054473 ‐It's because of bad manners. ‐I see. lh3pkG4sSE0-00125-00054474-00054723 Different countries have different chopstick manners. lh3pkG4sSE0-00126-00054826-00055154 Traditional Korean food has come out one after another. lh3pkG4sSE0-00127-00055273-00055553 ‐The picture quality is beautiful. ‐It's Galaxy. lh3pkG4sSE0-00128-00055553-00056095 ‐My mom loves Galaxy. ‐I'll be waiting for the Galaxy commercial. lh3pkG4sSE0-00129-00056095-00056423 The pictures taken with Galaxy are beautiful. lh3pkG4sSE0-00130-00056423-00056612 ‐The pictures taken with Galaxy are beautiful. lh3pkG4sSE0-00131-00056683-00056942 It's a so healthy dish. lh3pkG4sSE0-00132-00057000-00057500 ‐What are these leaves? ‐It's a lotus leaf. lh3pkG4sSE0-00133-00057500-00057984 ‐Lotus leaves? ‐Really?It's big, isn't it? lh3pkG4sSE0-00134-00058085-00058313 How does the rice wrapped in lotus leaves taste? lh3pkG4sSE0-00135-00058313-00058703 ‐It's delicious. ‐Please eat a lot. lh3pkG4sSE0-00136-00058703-00059262 ‐Kuriko, what's the best for you? ‐Galbi and lettuce are delicious. lh3pkG4sSE0-00137-00059262-00059726 ‐I thought‼ The thickness and color of lettuce vary depending on the season. For example... lh3pkG4sSE0-00138-00059836-00060151 So we started talking about lettuce. lh3pkG4sSE0-00139-00060292-00060799 ‐So you can say a lot with just one word, "Sanchu." HAHA lh3pkG4sSE0-00140-00060799-00061193 ‐And my mom's characteristic is that she starts with "I thought." lh3pkG4sSE0-00141-00061193-00061689 ‐Start with "I thought" and say the keyword at the end. lh3pkG4sSE0-00142-00061689-00062366 ‐My father speaks the same way."It's five minutes ago." "What?" "We're leaving." lh3pkG4sSE0-00143-00062366-00063083 ‐When you were little, did you have any trouble because your mother talked a lot? lh3pkG4sSE0-00144-00063083-00063572 ‐No. Because I talk more than she does. lh3pkG4sSE0-00145-00063572-00064040 ‐No, because... Are you listening? ‐Yes, I'm listening. lh3pkG4sSE0-00146-00064163-00064492 She's talking about her education policy. lh3pkG4sSE0-00147-00064492-00064670 Kyungsik is losing his concentration. lh3pkG4sSE0-00148-00064670-00065117 ‐I'm sorry for talking so long. ‐My ears are bleeding. lh3pkG4sSE0-00149-00065118-00065270 ‐Blood from his ears...? lh3pkG4sSE0-00150-00065300-00065833 ‐I'm going to eat lettuce because it's a vegetable. lh3pkG4sSE0-00151-00065833-00066308 ‐OMG…I'm curious if you say, "Because." lh3pkG4sSE0-00152-00066308-00066701 ‐Because... ‐If I were to explain why… lh3pkG4sSE0-00153-00066806-00067500 ‐But in the world... ‐"In the world!"? lh3pkG4sSE0-00154-00067500-00067980 ‐What should I do? ‐You don't usually hear about the theme of "In the World." lh3pkG4sSE0-00155-00067980-00068895 ‐You might think that we've been shooting videos for about eight hours and collecting the scenes we've been talking about, but no, we've been talking. lhkNGdkona4-00000-00000008-00000776 when the game is about actually not wanting to win a game it's about not wanting to win the game of lhkNGdkona4-00001-00000776-00001256 not caring not make the first move or whatever it's my response to feeling frustrated about lhkNGdkona4-00002-00001312-00001872 these ideas in society of seeming like you don't care and somehow that's attractive or lhkNGdkona4-00003-00001872-00002448 you know making someone come to you waiting for an apology or whatever without really lhkNGdkona4-00004-00002448-00002808 coming to the table with the person that you love or the situation that you care about lhkNGdkona4-00005-00002808-00003415 and putting your cards down expressing what you really need and what's important to you and how lhkNGdkona4-00006-00003415-00004072 you really feel of course doing it appropriately and with compassion and validation of the other lhkNGdkona4-00007-00004072-00004704 point of view and all of that good stuff but yeah i don't want to win the game of who cares less and lhkNGdkona4-00008-00004704-00005208 who has more pride pride in the way that you know doesn't allow you to be humble or vulnerable not lhkNGdkona4-00009-00005208-00005664 not the good pride where you know taking pride in your work or your accomplishments or your just lhkNGdkona4-00010-00005664-00006104 self also it's an apology saying yes i feel strongly about this but i lhkNGdkona4-00011-00006104-00006472 maybe did it in a way that wasn't great i made mistakes and i'm sorry lhkNGdkona4-00012-00006472-00007088 but it doesn't take away from what's important i want to be open to hearing and also be heard lk2sMX-eof0-00000-00000332-00000611 [music] lk2sMX-eof0-00001-00001102-00001535 A well-educated, skilled workforce is increasingly seen as a key success lk2sMX-eof0-00002-00001536-00001782 in today's global knowledge-based economy. lk2sMX-eof0-00003-00001783-00002133 Employers and unions play a key role in building a better skilled lk2sMX-eof0-00004-00002134-00002298 and more competitive workforce. lk2sMX-eof0-00005-00002338-00002655 Workplace and union adult learning helps to maintain and upgrade lk2sMX-eof0-00006-00002656-00002849 the skills and knowledge of the workforce, lk2sMX-eof0-00007-00002851-00003075 and can also help to enhance the skills and knowledge lk2sMX-eof0-00008-00003076-00003351 of the more educationally disadvantaged working adults. lk2sMX-eof0-00009-00003386-00003538 This video will provide lk2sMX-eof0-00010-00003539-00003883 an overview of adult learning in the workplace and unions. lk2sMX-eof0-00011-00003885-00004308 Based on the classifications systems that were presented in video clip 8.1, lk2sMX-eof0-00012-00004310-00004647 they could be considered Type Four Agencies by Schroeder, lk2sMX-eof0-00013-00004648-00005007 Non-Educational Organizations by Darkenwald and Merriam, lk2sMX-eof0-00014-00005008-00005486 Type D Institutions by Kowlaski, and For-Profit sponsors by Apps. lk2sMX-eof0-00015-00005488-00005883 During this video, please reflect on the following Analysis Questions. lk2sMX-eof0-00016-00005885-00006259 How would you classify adult learning in the workplace and unions lk2sMX-eof0-00017-00006260-00006463 based on the classifications that were introduced lk2sMX-eof0-00018-00006465-00006650 in the video clip 8.1? lk2sMX-eof0-00019-00006687-00006841 What experience, if any, lk2sMX-eof0-00020-00006843-00007160 do you have learning as adult in the workplace or in unions? lk2sMX-eof0-00021-00007226-00007416 What is the scope and nature of adult learning lk2sMX-eof0-00022-00007418-00007630 in the workplace and unions in Canada? lk2sMX-eof0-00023-00007657-00007885 And what are some of the similarities and differences lk2sMX-eof0-00024-00007886-00008140 of adult learning in the workplace and in unions? lk2sMX-eof0-00025-00008141-00008326 Workplace adult learning and training lk2sMX-eof0-00026-00008328-00008712 refers to learning that takes place in the workplace, usually on the job. lk2sMX-eof0-00027-00008744-00009053 It includes training under normal operational conditions, lk2sMX-eof0-00028-00009054-00009208 and off-site training, lk2sMX-eof0-00029-00009209-00009406 which is conducted away from the workplace. lk2sMX-eof0-00030-00009407-00009756 The major players in this sector are employer organizations, lk2sMX-eof0-00031-00009757-00010205 industry training bodies, enterprises, and associations of employees. lk2sMX-eof0-00032-00010207-00010499 The OECD indicates that job-related training lk2sMX-eof0-00033-00010500-00010668 dominates adult education. lk2sMX-eof0-00034-00010669-00010973 In almost all countries surveyed by the OECD, lk2sMX-eof0-00035-00010974-00011268 job-related training accounted for more than 70 percent lk2sMX-eof0-00036-00011270-00011554 of all education and training courses taken by adults. lk2sMX-eof0-00037-00011555-00011711 Many large businesses lk2sMX-eof0-00038-00011712-00011958 use training as an incentive to attract potential workers lk2sMX-eof0-00039-00011959-00012170 and train employees for their specific needs. lk2sMX-eof0-00040-00012171-00012326 Some larger enterprises lk2sMX-eof0-00041-00012327-00012581 also have their own training centres within the firm. lk2sMX-eof0-00042-00012612-00012862 Research conducted in Canada and the US lk2sMX-eof0-00043-00012863-00013037 confirms that employers finance lk2sMX-eof0-00044-00013038-00013288 a significant proportion of adult education, lk2sMX-eof0-00045-00013289-00013533 even non-job related training. lk2sMX-eof0-00046-00013534-00013752 Employers are the main external source lk2sMX-eof0-00047-00013753-00014004 of financial support for adult education. lk2sMX-eof0-00048-00014050-00014290 According to the Canadian Council of Learning's lk2sMX-eof0-00049-00014291-00014606 2008 Survey of Canadian Attitudes towards Learning, lk2sMX-eof0-00050-00014607-00014933 the forms of employer support that Canadians typically received lk2sMX-eof0-00051-00014935-00015185 for their formal work-related training were – lk2sMX-eof0-00052-00015187-00015353 paid time while on training, lk2sMX-eof0-00053-00015354-00015599 employer provided or arranged the training, lk2sMX-eof0-00054-00015600-00015969 employer helped for training costs, or unpaid time off. lk2sMX-eof0-00055-00015970-00016228 In Canada, the industrial sector provides lk2sMX-eof0-00056-00016229-00016575 more adult learning opportunities to employees than other sectors. lk2sMX-eof0-00057-00016576-00016741 Workplace adult learning lk2sMX-eof0-00058-00016743-00016982 is also more common in finance and insurance, lk2sMX-eof0-00059-00016983-00017388 information and cultural industries, communication and other utilities, lk2sMX-eof0-00060-00017389-00017651 and the education and health-services sectors. lk2sMX-eof0-00061-00017652-00017957 The retail and real-estate sectors were among the least likely lk2sMX-eof0-00062-00017958-00018264 to offer their workers sponsored learning opportunities. lk2sMX-eof0-00063-00018303-00018462 Workplace adult learning lk2sMX-eof0-00064-00018463-00018771 is also more prevalent among workers in larger firms lk2sMX-eof0-00065-00018772-00019106 and among younger workers with higher education skill levels. lk2sMX-eof0-00066-00019155-00019527 Governments in Canada have put in place a number of policies and programs lk2sMX-eof0-00067-00019528-00019679 to support workplace learning. lk2sMX-eof0-00068-00019680-00019933 For example, Quebec has legislation lk2sMX-eof0-00069-00019934-00020262 requiring a minimum level of investment in training by firms, lk2sMX-eof0-00070-00020263-00020633 and Ontario has recently introduced an apprenticeship training tax credit. lk2sMX-eof0-00071-00020689-00020865 Internationally, governments have adopted lk2sMX-eof0-00072-00020866-00021215 a wide variety of policies and supports to encourage workplace learning. lk2sMX-eof0-00073-00021255-00021505 These include framework policies and legislation, lk2sMX-eof0-00074-00021506-00021818 and financial incentives for firms and individuals. lk2sMX-eof0-00075-00021848-00022102 Financial incentives can take the form of tax measures lk2sMX-eof0-00076-00022103-00022355 as well as subsidies, grants and loans. lk2sMX-eof0-00077-00022356-00022741 Adult learning in unions consists of programs directly organized lk2sMX-eof0-00078-00022742-00023018 or developed by unions and central labour bodies, lk2sMX-eof0-00079-00023019-00023341 some of which are joint union-management programs. lk2sMX-eof0-00080-00023391-00023592 According to the Canadian Council on learning, lk2sMX-eof0-00081-00023594-00024006 unionized businesses are more likely than non-unionized companies lk2sMX-eof0-00082-00024007-00024230 to support adult learning opportunities. lk2sMX-eof0-00083-00024293-00024531 Studies suggest that membership in a trade union lk2sMX-eof0-00084-00024532-00024843 significantly affects employees' level of participation lk2sMX-eof0-00085-00024844-00025058 in both formal and informal learning. lk2sMX-eof0-00086-00025104-00025274 Unions play a key role lk2sMX-eof0-00087-00025275-00025553 in promoting formal and informal work-related learning lk2sMX-eof0-00088-00025554-00025743 through courses, events and workshops. lk2sMX-eof0-00089-00025788-00026065 Some unions have highly developed training facilities, lk2sMX-eof0-00090-00026066-00026285 while others have merged with college programs lk2sMX-eof0-00091-00026286-00026491 to broaden the scope of available programming lk2sMX-eof0-00092-00026492-00026685 and to extend the credentialing. lk2sMX-eof0-00093-00026717-00026970 Unionized workers are more likely to receive lk2sMX-eof0-00094-00026971-00027206 formal training about new work technologies, lk2sMX-eof0-00095-00027207-00027422 technical or professional upgrading, lk2sMX-eof0-00096-00027423-00027681 and various kinds of team work and problem-solving. lk2sMX-eof0-00097-00027683-00028054 They also receive more courses on employee rights and benefits, lk2sMX-eof0-00098-00028055-00028250 and occupational health and safety. lk2sMX-eof0-00099-00028336-00028682 Most courses taken by workers are, to some degree, job-related. lk2sMX-eof0-00100-00028729-00028999 Unions also play a key role in adult learning lk2sMX-eof0-00101-00029000-00029160 by encouraging employers to offer lk2sMX-eof0-00102-00029161-00029395 adult learning opportunities for their employees. lk2sMX-eof0-00103-00029396-00029802 Unions in Canada represent over 4.3 million workers lk2sMX-eof0-00104-00029803-00030220 in virtually every labour market sector and occupational groups. lk2sMX-eof0-00105-00030221-00030393 Learning practices by unions lk2sMX-eof0-00106-00030395-00030668 are seen in varied types of education programs – lk2sMX-eof0-00107-00030669-00030851 literacy, workplace programs, lk2sMX-eof0-00108-00030852-00031185 apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship and work skills training, lk2sMX-eof0-00109-00031186-00031347 labour education, lk2sMX-eof0-00110-00031348-00031685 programs that combine and build links between some or all of these areas lk2sMX-eof0-00111-00031686-00031849 through integrated initiatives. lk2sMX-eof0-00112-00031850-00032256 Statistics Canada's Adult Education and Training Survey data, lk2sMX-eof0-00113-00032257-00032712 collected in 1993 and 1997, showed that unionized workers lk2sMX-eof0-00114-00032713-00032962 participate more than non-unionized workers lk2sMX-eof0-00115-00032963-00033340 in general and job-related adult education and training activities, lk2sMX-eof0-00116-00033341-00033498 and tend to benefit more lk2sMX-eof0-00117-00033500-00033731 from employer sponsorship of their training. lk2sMX-eof0-00118-00033774-00034190 As in other areas of union activity, education builds solidarity, lk2sMX-eof0-00119-00034192-00034470 promotes critical thought and democratic participation, lk2sMX-eof0-00120-00034471-00034766 and aims to effect change in the workplace and beyond. lk2sMX-eof0-00121-00034821-00034984 Within union-based education lk2sMX-eof0-00122-00034985-00035260 there's extensive use of trained peer instructors. lk2sMX-eof0-00123-00035286-00035454 This peer-to-peer training approach lk2sMX-eof0-00124-00035456-00035744 often includes the matching of worker-trainers or tutors lk2sMX-eof0-00125-00035745-00036172 with staff facilitators o- or educators from the public education system. lk2sMX-eof0-00126-00036221-00036496 Please reflect on the following Synthesis Questions. lk2sMX-eof0-00127-00036512-00036882 What classification system from video clip 8.1 lk2sMX-eof0-00128-00036883-00037169 do you find most useful for classifying adult learning lk2sMX-eof0-00129-00037170-00037347 in the workplace and unions? lk2sMX-eof0-00130-00037374-00037537 What experience, if any, lk2sMX-eof0-00131-00037538-00037821 do you have learning as an adult in the workplace and unions? lk2sMX-eof0-00132-00037823-00038183 How does this compare to other adult learning experiences you've had? lk2sMX-eof0-00133-00038235-00038433 What is the scope and nature of adult learning lk2sMX-eof0-00134-00038435-00038634 in the workplace and unions in Canada? lk2sMX-eof0-00135-00038635-00038884 And what are some of the similarities and differences lk2sMX-eof0-00136-00038885-00039129 of adult learning in the workplace and unions? lkxuHowYTLo-00000-00000078-00000382 Follow in the footsteps of the Archosaurs! lkxuHowYTLo-00001-00000448-00000873 Discover their 240-million-year-old footprints. lkxuHowYTLo-00002-00000946-00001306 A paleontological treasure. lkxuHowYTLo-00003-00001351-00001843 Hidden at an altitude of 2400 m lkxuHowYTLo-00004-00001871-00002252 in Emosson lkxuHowYTLo-00005-00002277-00002659 in the heart of the Swiss Trient valley lkxuHowYTLo-00006-00002691-00003091 Enjoy the ‘geological trail’ lkxuHowYTLo-00007-00003154-00003767 and the explanations of scientists and guides lkxuHowYTLo-00008-00003794-00004200 to learn a little more… lkxuHowYTLo-00009-00004242-00004578 about palaeontology and alpine geology. lkxuHowYTLo-00010-00004900-00005243 More info and full video on llrv5jIgvso-00000-00000296-00000416 2019 llrv5jIgvso-00001-00000514-00000614 By the numbers llrv5jIgvso-00002-00000869-00001104 4 foot jump llrv5jIgvso-00003-00001132-00001948 Nimble, high-flying robot Salto leaps over obstacles and onto campus llrv5jIgvso-00004-00001992-00002224 5,000 students llrv5jIgvso-00005-00002274-00002984 Basic Needs Center supports over 5,000 students in first year llrv5jIgvso-00006-00003020-00003278 2 World Cups llrv5jIgvso-00007-00003346-00003882 Cal Alumna Alex Morgan helps lead Team USA to her second FIFA Women’s World Cup trophy llrv5jIgvso-00008-00003918-00004170 3 teeter-totters llrv5jIgvso-00009-00004170-00004864 Professor Ron Rael transforms US-Mexico border wall into a cultural bridge llrv5jIgvso-00010-00004864-00005186 883,000+ downloads llrv5jIgvso-00011-00005186-00005910 UC Berkeley app MyShake adopted as first statewide earthquake early warning app llrv5jIgvso-00012-00005910-00006218 18 CRISPR-related patents llrv5jIgvso-00013-00006218-00006806 UC awarded largest number of CRISPR-related patents llrv5jIgvso-00014-00006806-00007109 400 years llrv5jIgvso-00015-00007126-00007884 Yearlong commemoration of 400 years of resistance to slavery and injustice llrv5jIgvso-00016-00007884-00008198 800,000 dreamers llrv5jIgvso-00017-00008198-00008942 Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky defends DACA at the Supreme Court llrv5jIgvso-00018-00008942-00009214 1 axe llrv5jIgvso-00019-00009254-00009924 Cal celebrates big game victory against Stanford and welcomes home the coveted axe llrv5jIgvso-00020-00009924-00010158 3,685 volunteers llrv5jIgvso-00021-00010158-00010698 Top university for Peace Corps volunteers since 1961 llrv5jIgvso-00022-00010792-00011322 2 falcon chicks born on the Campanile llrv5jIgvso-00023-00011608-00012136 6,690 new Cal bears llrv5jIgvso-00024-00012248-00013290 #1 public university thanks to you llrv5jIgvso-00025-00013356-00013756 Thank you for making this year count in so many different ways. llrv5jIgvso-00026-00013776-00014266 Here's to a great 2020. Chancellor Carol Christ llzGMHvfMyk-00000-00000003-00000675 Right here died bees. Why bees died? Right here died bees. Why bees died? Question, somebody llzGMHvfMyk-00001-00000675-00001248 not understand why bees died? I'll tell you why, because after winter, some bees don't survive, and bees have llzGMHvfMyk-00002-00001248-00001414 difference ages. llzGMHvfMyk-00003-00001414-00001730 -They died from oldage. llzGMHvfMyk-00004-00001730-00001964 -Yeah, this is a natural process. It's not a big llzGMHvfMyk-00005-00001964-00002709 problem because we had a long winter. Other bees start, who didn't die, normal bees, llzGMHvfMyk-00006-00002709-00003482 healthy bees, start doing brood. In february the bees start doing brood and one week before... today only llzGMHvfMyk-00007-00003482-00004086 raining, for a couple of days and bees don't fly if it's raining. llzGMHvfMyk-00008-00004086-00004902 If it's warm outside, 47, 55 degrees, or up, the bees start to fly, and pick up and bring llzGMHvfMyk-00009-00004920-00005382 water, and bring pollen, if you have llzGMHvfMyk-00010-00005382-00005939 a little bit of nectar, they bring nectar. Let's look inside and see what we've done llzGMHvfMyk-00011-00005939-00006845 right here. In springtime, you always need to put sugar syrup. This is where we put the sugar syrup. llzGMHvfMyk-00012-00006845-00007647 Right here, the bees are inside. It's warm inside. Empty jar right now, I have put a full jar before llzGMHvfMyk-00013-00007647-00008041 and they have eaten the whole jar. If they pick up sugar syrup, bees llzGMHvfMyk-00014-00008042-00008848 try to use this syrup for Queen. This gives the queen a fast start and she starts llzGMHvfMyk-00015-00008848-00009284 laying down eggs. Lay down eggs. Right now, the bees in springtime, llzGMHvfMyk-00016-00009285-00010289 mid-February, and March change old bees for new bees. The family starts to grow very fast. llzGMHvfMyk-00017-00010289-00011006 You must understand, at this time the family grows. If the family does not grow fast, llzGMHvfMyk-00018-00011006-00011696 sometimes old family, small family, this family cannot start bringing spring honey on time, llzGMHvfMyk-00019-00012164-00012389 Old bees cannot bring honey, llzGMHvfMyk-00020-00012390-00013116 because old bees are working hard on growing new bees. So that the new bees can replace the old bees when the old bees die. llzGMHvfMyk-00021-00013147-00013312 Look right here. llzGMHvfMyk-00022-00013312-00014304 Right here too. This family is different. We have bees right here. Look right here. Bees eating, you see llzGMHvfMyk-00023-00014304-00015058 like this, eating only half of the jar, the other half they didn't need. Eating a little bit at a time or however much they need. llzGMHvfMyk-00024-00015058-00015840 How did we put this sugar syrup? This sugar syrup is not dripping out. You see half and half... You see llzGMHvfMyk-00025-00015840-00016962 this family is doing better than the other one, it only needed a half of a jar. Turn it around fast. We have inside small holes. Holes are done llzGMHvfMyk-00026-00016962-00017788 with a small nail. This is the same nail we use to assemble the frames. These are very small holes. 1 or 2 millimeter llzGMHvfMyk-00027-00017788-00018690 and then close it. Flip it upside down. How do we make the sugar syrup? We put half jar sugar, llzGMHvfMyk-00028-00018690-00019384 fill it up with water, and then mix it. Mix it. After you mix it this sugar syrup is ready. llzGMHvfMyk-00029-00019384-00020184 How we put it inside? Inside, put like this, flip it fast upside down. A little bit of sugar syrup will come out, that is normal. llzGMHvfMyk-00030-00020184-00020931 After that water won't come out because the holes are very small. The vacuum is keeping the sugar syrup from dripping out. llzGMHvfMyk-00031-00020931-00021715 Then, put on the screen. Bees have a seven-millimeter tongue, maximum, sometimes less. llzGMHvfMyk-00032-00021715-00022794 The bees have a special tongue that allows them to pick up this sugar syrup through the holes. llzGMHvfMyk-00033-00022794-00023602 Easy and safer for you. This way you don't have to go inside the beehive, and they cannot sting you. llzGMHvfMyk-00034-00023602-00024222 Any beekeeper can do it like this. If you want to do it as a hobby or to save llzGMHvfMyk-00035-00024223-00024994 bees, this way is better for you and safe. When is the best time to buy bees? llzGMHvfMyk-00036-00024994-00025906 Better to buy bees, when the old bees are replaced with the new bees. It is springtime. Springtime in llzGMHvfMyk-00037-00025906-00026652 South Carolina starts towards the end of March, all April and into June. llzGMHvfMyk-00038-00026652-00027316 This is a good time to buy bees. The old bees are replaced with new bees. Different area, llzGMHvfMyk-00039-00027316-00028030 if you live north area, New York, it's better if you start buying bees in May because llzGMHvfMyk-00040-00028030-00029062 it may take longer for the new bees to arrive. Not bad, if you buy a swarm. Swarms are very good and ready to build comb, and have a lot of energy, llzGMHvfMyk-00041-00029062-00029766 it's not bad, it's good too. If you to buy from local beekeeper a special nucleus with five frames, llzGMHvfMyk-00042-00029766-00030294 four frames brood and one frame honey, it will be better if you buy it in April or May, llzGMHvfMyk-00043-00030295-00030933 you'll be happy, this family will grow nicely and will bring honey for you this year and llzGMHvfMyk-00044-00030933-00031545 save some honey for winter. We'll look inside. You see? Bees right here. llzGMHvfMyk-00045-00031545-00032110 Screen. This screen is a window screen, we put it right here. Bees cannot sting you. Right now, llzGMHvfMyk-00046-00032110-00033157 outside 47, 48, degrees, or 47. The family is growing. Right here llzGMHvfMyk-00047-00033157-00033957 warm. They have picked up a little bit of sugar syrup, not too much. Sugar syrup, again, question, why put llzGMHvfMyk-00048-00033957-00034957 sugar syrup? The bees use sugar syrup to give the queen a fast start. She starts laying eggs. sugar syrup works llzGMHvfMyk-00049-00034957-00035632 like nectar, the old bees can start working on the brood right away, so that the new bees can come out and start bringing honey. llzGMHvfMyk-00050-00035632-00036310 If your old bees are slowly working on the brood, your family is not ready to pick up spring honey. llzGMHvfMyk-00051-00036310-00036730 You'll have flowers on the trees but your family llzGMHvfMyk-00052-00036730-00037578 won't be bringing honey. Why? Because the new bees are coming out too late. Old bees are not thinking about llzGMHvfMyk-00053-00037578-00038281 bringing honey or bringing nectar. Old bees in springtime are thinking about replacing themselves with new bees and put their energy into llzGMHvfMyk-00054-00038281-00039366 growing new bees. If you have new bees and too many bees your family can swarm. llzGMHvfMyk-00055-00039366-00040127 At this time, there is a lot of flowers on trees, llzGMHvfMyk-00056-00040127-00040652 and the bees bring a lot of nectar. If your family is not replaced with new bees on time, llzGMHvfMyk-00057-00040652-00041269 your family cannot bring honey for you. Why this should interest you? Because you need to put sugar syrup early to give them a fast start. llzGMHvfMyk-00058-00041863-00041913 If they pick up a lot of sugar syrup... see like this, they have eaten the whole jar. This hive has a lot of bees. llzGMHvfMyk-00059-00041913-00043151 A lot of bees right here. Eating the whole jar. This family is much better, a lot of bees, it's maximum good. Why eat llzGMHvfMyk-00060-00043151-00044066 natural honey? Why grow... why keeping bees? If you eat honey, the statistics say beekeeper will have a long life. llzGMHvfMyk-00061-00044066-00044774 Over 80 years. Over 80 years. Long life and healthy because the beekeeper llzGMHvfMyk-00062-00044774-00045535 always stays outside, and breathes fresh air, and always smells good things around the beehive, like honey, bee pollen, propolis, llzGMHvfMyk-00063-00045535-00046438 everything smells good. This air is healthy for the lungs, and when you eat honey llzGMHvfMyk-00064-00046438-00047132 it's good for the stomach and healthy. The honey has natural antibiotics in it. Honey, llzGMHvfMyk-00065-00047132-00048152 if you eat it, 99.8% absorbs into the body and only 0.2% does not. llzGMHvfMyk-00066-00048152-00048547 If you eat honey every day, not sugar, llzGMHvfMyk-00067-00048547-00049187 honey, your consuming natural food, which will make healthy, you'll have a long life and your body will work freshly. llzGMHvfMyk-00068-00049187-00050332 You freshly, healthy, no go to the doctor, you'll have a good feeling every day, and catch fun for life! llzGMHvfMyk-00069-00050332-00051184 Some people are afraid or too scared to start, too hard or not too hard? If you're not afraid of llzGMHvfMyk-00070-00051184-00051832 to be stung sometimes, yes it's pain a little bit, only people don't die from this, (unless you're allergic). llzGMHvfMyk-00071-00051832-00052462 For me, not too many times, maybe one or two llzGMHvfMyk-00072-00052462-00053135 times, once in a while. Also, you need time to look inside the beehive. What time should you be looking inside the beehive? If raining or cold, right now, do not llzGMHvfMyk-00073-00053135-00054030 open the beehive, and do not look inside. It must be 70 degrees, 65, 70 degrees, and warm outside. llzGMHvfMyk-00074-00054030-00054694 Sunshine. Afternoon. You must look inside the beehive, not too many times. Once per week you must llzGMHvfMyk-00075-00054694-00055270 look inside the beehive, it's not too many times. Plus, you need to study a little bit, watch videos, llzGMHvfMyk-00076-00055270-00056023 read books, and learn a little bit of information. What to do? Why do you need to open llzGMHvfMyk-00077-00056023-00056614 a beehive? Why are you looking inside? What you're doing inside? Changing a frame llzGMHvfMyk-00078-00056614-00057805 or what to do? People open right here, and look right here, and say, "what to do? I don't know." The first step in springtime you must understand, inside must llzGMHvfMyk-00079-00057805-00058463 be honey, inside comb on the frames. If no honey, you must put sugar syrup, they need help. llzGMHvfMyk-00080-00058463-00059249 Because after winter, not every bee family has a lot of honey left for llzGMHvfMyk-00081-00059249-00059798 springtime, because in springtime sometimes it's raining, or cold. Bees don't fly right now, llzGMHvfMyk-00082-00059798-00060427 and beekeeper must be planning, okay, no honey, need to put sugar syrup. If you llzGMHvfMyk-00083-00060427-00060779 have a lot of honey, no problem, only a little bit of sugar syrup llzGMHvfMyk-00084-00060779-00061489 you still need to put for a very fast start. This is not too hard, it may take you one hour, two hours, llzGMHvfMyk-00085-00061489-00062052 to look inside the beehive, if you have one, two or three families. If you buy three packages this is normal llzGMHvfMyk-00086-00062052-00062557 because if you look inside three beehives you'll have good practice. If llzGMHvfMyk-00087-00062557-00062999 you only have one family you won't have as much practice. Queen died, you say "what to do? llzGMHvfMyk-00088-00062999-00063568 died queen." How to do?" If you have two, three families, you will be able to fix it. You'll pick llzGMHvfMyk-00089-00063568-00064102 up one frame with eggs and put it for another family where the queen died and the bees will develop a new queen llzGMHvfMyk-00090-00064102-00064802 themselves. Many times, bees live by themselves, one year, two years, no one is looking inside those beehives. llzGMHvfMyk-00091-00064802-00065693 If you look inside, it will be much better. People are smart and can help fix a bee family if a problem arises. When you're looking inside, you're always thinking, what do llzGMHvfMyk-00092-00065693-00066014 you need? Sometimes a family is sick, or family needs sugar syrup or family needs more frames. llzGMHvfMyk-00093-00066014-00067139 Sometimes the family brings honey, and the hive needs honey extraction. If a beehive has honeycomb, you take it out, cut it with a knife. llzGMHvfMyk-00094-00067139-00067703 you're having fun. People come over and eat your comb. It does not take too long to llzGMHvfMyk-00095-00067703-00068255 extract honey. Just a little bit of time, one or two hours per week, llzGMHvfMyk-00096-00068255-00068735 if you have three families, it's okay. What do you need? Better to llzGMHvfMyk-00097-00068735-00069542 buy unassembled parts. Don't buy a set. If you buy llzGMHvfMyk-00098-00069542-00070121 a set it's expensive. Better to buy two deep supers, llzGMHvfMyk-00099-00070121-00070673 two boxes. Right here and right here, and frame, and to buy better llzGMHvfMyk-00100-00070673-00071210 beeswax foundation in frames. Ten frames, ten frames, and beeswax foundation. It'll be cheap. llzGMHvfMyk-00101-00071210-00072029 On the bottom we always put plywood and on top, we can put metal. llzGMHvfMyk-00102-00072029-00072650 It will be cheaper. It's very, very cheap. If you to buy a whole set, like llzGMHvfMyk-00103-00072650-00073337 they sell in the catalog, you will pay four hundred and fifty dollars. If you to buy one deep super and 10 frames, llzGMHvfMyk-00104-00073337-00074224 it will cost you $50 dollars. Beeswax foundation... This is $50 dollars and this is $50 dollars, $100 dollars. $100 dollars two big supper boxes. llzGMHvfMyk-00105-00074404-00074866 on the bottom, you can put some plywood and on top, you can put some plywood. It will be llzGMHvfMyk-00106-00074867-00075402 maybe $150 dollars, not $450 dollars. Some people buy the PLASTIC wax foundation. llzGMHvfMyk-00107-00075404-00075492 If you're starting beekeeping do not llzGMHvfMyk-00108-00075492-00076348 buy PLASTIC wax foundation because it's more problematic. Bees like 100% natural beeswax. llzGMHvfMyk-00109-00076552-00077039 It's too hard for bees to work with the PLASTIC wax foundation llzGMHvfMyk-00110-00077039-00077306 Natural beeswax foundation is much easier to work with. llzGMHvfMyk-00111-00077306-00077696 Please, questions, comment below the video and we'll try to answer. llzGMHvfMyk-00112-00077696-00077906 Click the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE! llzGMHvfMyk-00113-00077906-00078951 Click the BELL button for new videos. Next video, we'll try to answer your questions. Good luck. moOwKiKgJRM-00000-00001008-00001232 hi i am Ayşegül moOwKiKgJRM-00001-00001414-00001604 welcome my workshop moOwKiKgJRM-00002-00002022-00002122 Do you wonder how? moOwKiKgJRM-00003-00002616-00002716 video on my channel. m1h_CJA6iFg-00000-00000237-00000337 The President: Hello. m1h_CJA6iFg-00001-00000337-00000437 Good to see you sir. m1h_CJA6iFg-00002-00000437-00000564 Charles Kettles: Good to see you again. m1h_CJA6iFg-00003-00000564-00000664 The President: How are you? m1h_CJA6iFg-00004-00000664-00000764 What an honor. m1h_CJA6iFg-00005-00000764-00001260 Entire family trees made possible by the actions of this one man. m1h_CJA6iFg-00006-00001260-00001604 As many who know him have said, nobody deserves it m1h_CJA6iFg-00007-00001604-00001880 more than Charles Kettles. m1h_CJA6iFg-00008-00001880-00002248 Many believe that, except for Chuck. m1h_CJA6iFg-00009-00002248-00003002 As he says, this seems like a hell of a fuss over something that happened 50 years ago. m1h_CJA6iFg-00010-00003002-00003172 (laughter) m1h_CJA6iFg-00011-00003172-00003540 A soldier never leaves his comrades behind. m1h_CJA6iFg-00012-00003540-00003822 Chuck Kettles honored that creed. m1h_CJA6iFg-00013-00003822-00004317 Not with a single act of heroism, but over and over and over. m1h_CJA6iFg-00014-00004317-00004826 And because of that heroism, 44 American soldiers made it out that day. m1h_CJA6iFg-00015-00004826-00005212 Please join me in saluting this proud American soldier and m1h_CJA6iFg-00016-00005212-00005667 veteran who reminds us all of the true meaning of service. m1h_CJA6iFg-00017-00005667-00005830 Lieutenant Colonel, Chuck Kettles. m1h_CJA6iFg-00018-00005830-00005831 (applause) m1iDzunKQxU-00000-00000236-00000513 hello everyone welcome to a new video m1iDzunKQxU-00001-00001440-00001816 int the last video I told you about my dead battery adventure m1iDzunKQxU-00002-00001832-00002323 before calling the Nissan Assistance I first tried something myself m1iDzunKQxU-00003-00002341-00003046 so one of the very first things I've tried was using these jumper cables to trying to jumpstart m1iDzunKQxU-00004-00003046-00003781 the car myself I was having them in the car and that since my very first car but I wasn't really m1iDzunKQxU-00005-00003781-00004708 at ease I had not used them since a very very long time and I know nowadays the cars are filled m1iDzunKQxU-00006-00004708-00005446 with electronics which are really sensible to misuse of the jumper cables so we didn't manage to start the m1iDzunKQxU-00007-00005446-00006124 car this way and I understand better now why so first of all when you use jumper cables look at m1iDzunKQxU-00008-00006124-00006850 the thickness of the cables as you can see these one are quite thin so they are okay for a petrol m1iDzunKQxU-00009-00006850-00007672 car but when you have a diesel car you should thicker cables because these cables could burn m1iDzunKQxU-00010-00007672-00008467 so that's the thing to remind next thing is you have to follow certain steps quite closely and m1iDzunKQxU-00011-00008467-00009559 I will explain them first of all you connect the red to dead so your car with a flat battery second m1iDzunKQxU-00012-00009559-00010555 you connect the red to the donor of course to the plus of the donor second you connect the black m1iDzunKQxU-00013-00010555-00011287 to the donor and then you connect the black to somewhere to the motor block not on your battery m1iDzunKQxU-00014-00011287-00012223 but somewhere on a steel part of your motor block I'll put it over here over there maybe like here m1iDzunKQxU-00015-00012223-00012979 but put it somewhere on the motor block always make sure you don't touch the red and black cables m1iDzunKQxU-00016-00012979-00014290 so I repeat red to dead red to donor black to donor black to dead on the motor block then m1iDzunKQxU-00017-00014290-00015253 you start the donor car you let it turn for about five minutes and only then you start the dead car when m1iDzunKQxU-00018-00015253-00015940 your car starts you can shut down the motor of the donor car of course you don't shut down your m1iDzunKQxU-00019-00015940-00016612 motor yet and then you can disconnect the cables in the opposite order so we disconnect black m1iDzunKQxU-00020-00016612-00017833 dead black donor red donor a very least the red on the dead car and then you're good to go m33HBbTgXHA-00000-00001109-00001361 Hello friends, welcome to the channel m33HBbTgXHA-00001-00001361-00001580 computer security where you can m33HBbTgXHA-00002-00001580-00001789 find different related videos m33HBbTgXHA-00003-00001789-00002052 with this. m33HBbTgXHA-00004-00002052-00002280 For example as you can see we have m33HBbTgXHA-00005-00002280-00002454 phising videos that is a method m33HBbTgXHA-00006-00002454-00002597 used by cyber criminals m33HBbTgXHA-00007-00002597-00002880 to windle and have information to m33HBbTgXHA-00008-00002880-00003078 through Internet m33HBbTgXHA-00009-00003078-00003300 You can also learn about the m33HBbTgXHA-00010-00003300-00003536 security delete. m33HBbTgXHA-00011-00003536-00003765 From now you will know what is the m33HBbTgXHA-00012-00003765-00004036 correct way to delete files m33HBbTgXHA-00013-00004051-00004296 If you are also interested, you can visualize m33HBbTgXHA-00014-00004296-00004546 other videos about fraud and extortion m33HBbTgXHA-00015-00004546-00004746 through Internet that is a threat m33HBbTgXHA-00016-00004746-00004942 recurrent, and you have to know how m33HBbTgXHA-00017-00004942-00005210 prevent it. m33HBbTgXHA-00018-00005231-00005546 You can also learn how there is m33HBbTgXHA-00019-00005546-00005768 to securely set up your account. m33HBbTgXHA-00020-00006015-00006271 We hope that with this channel you can m33HBbTgXHA-00021-00006271-00006498 inform you and motivate you to know m33HBbTgXHA-00022-00006498-00006706 what are the security measures that m33HBbTgXHA-00023-00006706-00006981 you must perform on theInternet m33HBbTgXHA-00024-00006981-00007222 Now let's explain some of the m33HBbTgXHA-00025-00007222-00007453 options that you can make in our m33HBbTgXHA-00026-00007453-00007565 videos. m33HBbTgXHA-00027-00007565-00007745 Entering any of our videos m33HBbTgXHA-00028-00007745-00007943 you can click on this button to m33HBbTgXHA-00029-00007943-00008204 activate or deactivate subtitles. In addition, m33HBbTgXHA-00030-00008204-00008388 you can choose the language you prefer m33HBbTgXHA-00031-00008388-00008710 between English or Spanish m4t_6rrRlIc-00000-00000888-00001268 I've been in between a rock and a hard place m4t_6rrRlIc-00001-00001268-00001678 I've been biting my tongue to save some face m4t_6rrRlIc-00002-00001678-00002086 I should be over this but I'm not quite there yet m4t_6rrRlIc-00003-00002096-00002492 It'll take time then I'll be fine moving ahead m4t_6rrRlIc-00004-00002500-00002710 Not sure where I'm going m4t_6rrRlIc-00005-00002710-00002910 Only time will tell us m4t_6rrRlIc-00006-00002910-00003128 The fear of never knowing m4t_6rrRlIc-00007-00003130-00003338 Finally bit the dust m4t_6rrRlIc-00008-00003338-00003720 I'd rather be my own best friend than my worst enemy m4t_6rrRlIc-00009-00003726-00004126 I'm one day closer to being who I wanna be m4t_6rrRlIc-00010-00005390-00005762 I know I know I know, who I'd rather be m4t_6rrRlIc-00011-00005764-00006174 There are nights when I way awake and restless m4t_6rrRlIc-00012-00006176-00006552 Wondering if letting go was for the best m4t_6rrRlIc-00013-00006552-00006973 It's scary then, it's scary now as I move on m4t_6rrRlIc-00014-00006976-00007368 Rain ends the drought the sun comes out it won't be long m4t_6rrRlIc-00015-00007368-00007795 Oh would you rather be Oh would you rather be m4t_6rrRlIc-00016-00007795-00008168 Oh would you rather be your own best friend m4t_6rrRlIc-00017-00008168-00008606 Oh would you rather be Oh would you rather be m4t_6rrRlIc-00018-00008606-00009004 Oh would you rather be Your own worst enemy m4t_6rrRlIc-00019-00011432-00011694 Could we pause it for a sec and put it into retrospect m4t_6rrRlIc-00020-00011694-00011892 Everything that happened was for the best m4t_6rrRlIc-00021-00011892-00012100 I had my good intent But the dreams turned into dreamt m4t_6rrRlIc-00022-00012100-00012296 Where I was content Turned into resent m4t_6rrRlIc-00023-00012296-00012682 There was a point where I was convinced That suffering made it better m4t_6rrRlIc-00024-00012684-00012986 I've never been more wrong m4t_6rrRlIc-00025-00013136-00013290 When I hit rock bottom m4t_6rrRlIc-00026-00013304-00013488 It's difficult to remember m4t_6rrRlIc-00027-00013518-00013854 Why I had to write this song m4t_6rrRlIc-00028-00014719-00015104 Oh would you rather be Oh would you rather be m4t_6rrRlIc-00029-00015113-00015490 Oh would you rather be Your own best friend m4t_6rrRlIc-00030-00015512-00015926 Oh would you rather be Oh would you rather be m4t_6rrRlIc-00031-00015940-00016328 Oh would you rather be Your own worst enemy m4t_6rrRlIc-00032-00016332-00016738 Oh would you rather be Oh would you rather be m4t_6rrRlIc-00033-00016740-00017124 Oh would you rather be Your own best friend m4t_6rrRlIc-00034-00017130-00017550 Oh would you rather be Oh would you rather be m4t_6rrRlIc-00035-00017552-00017948 Oh would you rather be Your own worst enemy m4t_6rrRlIc-00036-00018772-00019190 I'd rather be my own best friend than my worst enemy m4t_6rrRlIc-00037-00019202-00019584 I'm one day closer to being who I wanna be m6bIQoJ9HCM-00000-00000213-00000422 Wow, why did it catch fire? m6bIQoJ9HCM-00001-00000422-00000571 pour water m6bIQoJ9HCM-00002-00000571-00000828 Well, it turned off m6bIQoJ9HCM-00003-00000829-00001029 poof m6bIQoJ9HCM-00004-00001099-00001299 What does this cat say? m6bIQoJ9HCM-00005-00001368-00001568 Hello to all of you dear ones m6bIQoJ9HCM-00006-00001568-00001681 Like for you m6bIQoJ9HCM-00007-00001681-00001881 Today we want to leave m6bIQoJ9HCM-00008-00001881-00002081 Let's play with fire m6bIQoJ9HCM-00009-00002081-00002281 burn your abs m6bIQoJ9HCM-00010-00008104-00008584 so m6bIQoJ9HCM-00011-00012600-00014184 oh m6bIQoJ9HCM-00012-00014304-00015584 uh m6bIQoJ9HCM-00013-00016136-00016984 so m6bIQoJ9HCM-00014-00021800-00022584 so m6bIQoJ9HCM-00015-00023000-00023984 so m6bIQoJ9HCM-00016-00027495-00028183 so m6bIQoJ9HCM-00017-00031416-00032383 so m6bIQoJ9HCM-00018-00032984-00033784 so m6bIQoJ9HCM-00019-00035104-00035640 when i'm running i always take what i want and i always give it 100 don't need a bank no i'm funded m6bIQoJ9HCM-00020-00035640-00036008 play the game like it's nothing i'm always thankful for something don't take for granted m6bIQoJ9HCM-00021-00036008-00036616 stay humble now wake up it's time to look at the enemy look in the mirror where it appears m6bIQoJ9HCM-00022-00036616-00037240 no friend of me it's not working now maybe it's the chemistry it's time to break up so i can make m6bIQoJ9HCM-00023-00037240-00037960 a better me better believe in your mind cause it's everything you can mold shame find almost anything m6bIQoJ9HCM-00024-00037960-00039384 all it takes is some time and some clarity to find your identity it's mind over everything m6bIQoJ9HCM-00025-00040584-00042184 when i feel like this is m6bIQoJ9HCM-00026-00043248-00043584 foreign m6bIQoJ9HCM-00027-00046176-00046384 when i hate i attack m6bIQoJ9HCM-00028-00048384-00049184 when i feel like this is m6bIQoJ9HCM-00029-00049320-00050584 foreign m6bIQoJ9HCM-00030-00051576-00051984 time m6bIQoJ9HCM-00031-00055096-00056184 so m6bIQoJ9HCM-00032-00059367-00059417 you m75gA35yREk-00000-00000010-00000063 CARTER, ALSO 94 BUT MORE THAN m75gA35yREk-00001-00000063-00000070 CARTER, ALSO 94 BUT MORE THAN m75gA35yREk-00002-00000070-00000163 CARTER, ALSO 94 BUT MORE THAN 100 DAYS YOUNGER THE OLDEST m75gA35yREk-00003-00000163-00000170 CARTER, ALSO 94 BUT MORE THAN 100 DAYS YOUNGER THE OLDEST m75gA35yREk-00004-00000170-00000270 CARTER, ALSO 94 BUT MORE THAN 100 DAYS YOUNGER THE OLDEST LIVING EX-PRESIDENT. m75gA35yREk-00005-00000270-00000276 100 DAYS YOUNGER THE OLDEST LIVING EX-PRESIDENT. m75gA35yREk-00006-00000276-00000380 100 DAYS YOUNGER THE OLDEST LIVING EX-PRESIDENT. >>> TO CELEBRATE OUR 20TH m75gA35yREk-00007-00000380-00000387 LIVING EX-PRESIDENT. >>> TO CELEBRATE OUR 20TH m75gA35yREk-00008-00000387-00000593 LIVING EX-PRESIDENT. >>> TO CELEBRATE OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF LAKELAND NEWS, WE m75gA35yREk-00009-00000593-00000600 >>> TO CELEBRATE OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF LAKELAND NEWS, WE m75gA35yREk-00010-00000600-00000667 >>> TO CELEBRATE OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF LAKELAND NEWS, WE ARE TAKING A LOOK BACK AT SOME m75gA35yREk-00011-00000667-00000673 ANNIVERSARY OF LAKELAND NEWS, WE ARE TAKING A LOOK BACK AT SOME m75gA35yREk-00012-00000673-00000800 ANNIVERSARY OF LAKELAND NEWS, WE ARE TAKING A LOOK BACK AT SOME OF THE MEMORABLE LOCAL STORIES m75gA35yREk-00013-00000800-00000807 ARE TAKING A LOOK BACK AT SOME OF THE MEMORABLE LOCAL STORIES m75gA35yREk-00014-00000807-00000907 ARE TAKING A LOOK BACK AT SOME OF THE MEMORABLE LOCAL STORIES WE'VE COVERED OVER THE YEARS. m75gA35yREk-00015-00000907-00000914 OF THE MEMORABLE LOCAL STORIES WE'VE COVERED OVER THE YEARS. m75gA35yREk-00016-00000914-00001067 OF THE MEMORABLE LOCAL STORIES WE'VE COVERED OVER THE YEARS. WE'RE CALLING IT 20 FOR 20, m75gA35yREk-00017-00001067-00001074 WE'VE COVERED OVER THE YEARS. WE'RE CALLING IT 20 FOR 20, m75gA35yREk-00018-00001074-00001167 WE'VE COVERED OVER THE YEARS. WE'RE CALLING IT 20 FOR 20, 20 STORIES IN ALL, ONE FOR EACH m75gA35yREk-00019-00001167-00001174 WE'RE CALLING IT 20 FOR 20, 20 STORIES IN ALL, ONE FOR EACH m75gA35yREk-00020-00001174-00001234 WE'RE CALLING IT 20 FOR 20, 20 STORIES IN ALL, ONE FOR EACH OF THE 20 YEARS WE m75gA35yREk-00021-00001234-00001241 20 STORIES IN ALL, ONE FOR EACH OF THE 20 YEARS WE m75gA35yREk-00022-00001241-00001337 20 STORIES IN ALL, ONE FOR EACH OF THE 20 YEARS WE HAVE BEEN ON THE AIR WITH m75gA35yREk-00023-00001337-00001344 OF THE 20 YEARS WE HAVE BEEN ON THE AIR WITH m75gA35yREk-00024-00001344-00001501 OF THE 20 YEARS WE HAVE BEEN ON THE AIR WITH LAKELAND NEWS. m75gA35yREk-00025-00001501-00001508 HAVE BEEN ON THE AIR WITH LAKELAND NEWS. m75gA35yREk-00026-00001508-00001598 HAVE BEEN ON THE AIR WITH LAKELAND NEWS. WE WRAPPED THAT SERIES UP LAST m75gA35yREk-00027-00001598-00001604 LAKELAND NEWS. WE WRAPPED THAT SERIES UP LAST m75gA35yREk-00028-00001604-00001761 LAKELAND NEWS. WE WRAPPED THAT SERIES UP LAST WEEK WITH A LOOK BACK AT THE m75gA35yREk-00029-00001761-00001768 WE WRAPPED THAT SERIES UP LAST WEEK WITH A LOOK BACK AT THE m75gA35yREk-00030-00001768-00001921 WE WRAPPED THAT SERIES UP LAST WEEK WITH A LOOK BACK AT THE YEAR 2017, BUT WE'VE DECIDED TO m75gA35yREk-00031-00001921-00001928 WEEK WITH A LOOK BACK AT THE YEAR 2017, BUT WE'VE DECIDED TO m75gA35yREk-00032-00001928-00002078 WEEK WITH A LOOK BACK AT THE YEAR 2017, BUT WE'VE DECIDED TO INCLUDE ONE BONUS STORY FOR m75gA35yREk-00033-00002078-00002085 YEAR 2017, BUT WE'VE DECIDED TO INCLUDE ONE BONUS STORY FOR m75gA35yREk-00034-00002085-00002285 YEAR 2017, BUT WE'VE DECIDED TO INCLUDE ONE BONUS STORY FOR THE YEAR 2018 WHICH IS ALMOST m75gA35yREk-00035-00002285-00002292 INCLUDE ONE BONUS STORY FOR THE YEAR 2018 WHICH IS ALMOST m75gA35yREk-00036-00002292-00002399 INCLUDE ONE BONUS STORY FOR THE YEAR 2018 WHICH IS ALMOST OVER NOW. m75gA35yREk-00037-00002399-00002405 THE YEAR 2018 WHICH IS ALMOST OVER NOW. m75gA35yREk-00038-00002405-00002555 THE YEAR 2018 WHICH IS ALMOST OVER NOW. THE U.S. MEN'S OLYMPIC CURLING m75gA35yREk-00039-00002555-00002562 OVER NOW. THE U.S. MEN'S OLYMPIC CURLING m75gA35yREk-00040-00002562-00002662 OVER NOW. THE U.S. MEN'S OLYMPIC CURLING TEAM MADE HISTORY LAST FEBRUARY m75gA35yREk-00041-00002662-00002669 THE U.S. MEN'S OLYMPIC CURLING TEAM MADE HISTORY LAST FEBRUARY m75gA35yREk-00042-00002669-00002816 THE U.S. MEN'S OLYMPIC CURLING TEAM MADE HISTORY LAST FEBRUARY WHEN IT WON THE GOLD MEDAL IN IN m75gA35yREk-00043-00002816-00002822 TEAM MADE HISTORY LAST FEBRUARY WHEN IT WON THE GOLD MEDAL IN IN m75gA35yREk-00044-00002822-00002979 TEAM MADE HISTORY LAST FEBRUARY WHEN IT WON THE GOLD MEDAL IN IN SOUTH KOREA. m75gA35yREk-00045-00002979-00002986 WHEN IT WON THE GOLD MEDAL IN IN SOUTH KOREA. m75gA35yREk-00046-00002986-00003083 WHEN IT WON THE GOLD MEDAL IN IN SOUTH KOREA. THE TEAM INCLUDED TWO PLAYERS m75gA35yREk-00047-00003083-00003089 SOUTH KOREA. THE TEAM INCLUDED TWO PLAYERS m75gA35yREk-00048-00003089-00003193 SOUTH KOREA. THE TEAM INCLUDED TWO PLAYERS WITH LOCAL CONNECTIONS. m75gA35yREk-00049-00003193-00003199 THE TEAM INCLUDED TWO PLAYERS WITH LOCAL CONNECTIONS. m75gA35yREk-00050-00003199-00003346 THE TEAM INCLUDED TWO PLAYERS WITH LOCAL CONNECTIONS. OUR JOSH PETERSON BROUGHT US m75gA35yREk-00051-00003346-00003353 WITH LOCAL CONNECTIONS. OUR JOSH PETERSON BROUGHT US m75gA35yREk-00052-00003353-00003977 WITH LOCAL CONNECTIONS. OUR JOSH PETERSON BROUGHT US THEIR STORY. m75gA35yREk-00053-00003977-00003983 OUR JOSH PETERSON BROUGHT US THEIR STORY. m75gA35yREk-00054-00003983-00004464 OUR JOSH PETERSON BROUGHT US THEIR STORY. >> MEET THE POLOS AND THE m75gA35yREk-00055-00004464-00004471 THEIR STORY. >> MEET THE POLOS AND THE m75gA35yREk-00056-00004471-00004511 THEIR STORY. >> MEET THE POLOS AND THE BRETSCHNEIDERS. m75gA35yREk-00057-00004511-00004517 >> MEET THE POLOS AND THE BRETSCHNEIDERS. m75gA35yREk-00058-00004517-00004631 >> MEET THE POLOS AND THE BRETSCHNEIDERS. THEY FOLLOWED THEIR FAMILY m75gA35yREk-00059-00004631-00004637 BRETSCHNEIDERS. THEY FOLLOWED THEIR FAMILY m75gA35yREk-00060-00004637-00004821 BRETSCHNEIDERS. THEY FOLLOWED THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS TO THE WINTER GAMES AND m75gA35yREk-00061-00004821-00004828 THEY FOLLOWED THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS TO THE WINTER GAMES AND m75gA35yREk-00062-00004828-00004984 THEY FOLLOWED THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS TO THE WINTER GAMES AND HAD NO DOUBT IN THEIR MIND THEY m75gA35yREk-00063-00004984-00004991 MEMBERS TO THE WINTER GAMES AND HAD NO DOUBT IN THEIR MIND THEY m75gA35yREk-00064-00004991-00005091 MEMBERS TO THE WINTER GAMES AND HAD NO DOUBT IN THEIR MIND THEY WOULD BRING HOME THE GOLD. m75gA35yREk-00065-00005091-00005098 HAD NO DOUBT IN THEIR MIND THEY WOULD BRING HOME THE GOLD. m75gA35yREk-00066-00005098-00005215 HAD NO DOUBT IN THEIR MIND THEY WOULD BRING HOME THE GOLD. >> WE WERE THERE TO SUPPORT OUR m75gA35yREk-00067-00005215-00005221 WOULD BRING HOME THE GOLD. >> WE WERE THERE TO SUPPORT OUR m75gA35yREk-00068-00005221-00005245 WOULD BRING HOME THE GOLD. >> WE WERE THERE TO SUPPORT OUR TEAM. m75gA35yREk-00069-00005245-00005251 >> WE WERE THERE TO SUPPORT OUR TEAM. m75gA35yREk-00070-00005251-00005428 >> WE WERE THERE TO SUPPORT OUR TEAM. WE HAD A LOT OF FAITH IN THEM. m75gA35yREk-00071-00005428-00005435 TEAM. WE HAD A LOT OF FAITH IN THEM. m75gA35yREk-00072-00005435-00005535 TEAM. WE HAD A LOT OF FAITH IN THEM. THEY STARTED PUTTING THINGS m75gA35yREk-00073-00005535-00005542 WE HAD A LOT OF FAITH IN THEM. THEY STARTED PUTTING THINGS m75gA35yREk-00074-00005542-00005642 WE HAD A LOT OF FAITH IN THEM. THEY STARTED PUTTING THINGS TOGETHER AND PICKED THE RIGHT m75gA35yREk-00075-00005642-00005648 THEY STARTED PUTTING THINGS TOGETHER AND PICKED THE RIGHT m75gA35yREk-00076-00005648-00005755 THEY STARTED PUTTING THINGS TOGETHER AND PICKED THE RIGHT TIME TO START STRINGING SOME m75gA35yREk-00077-00005755-00005762 TOGETHER AND PICKED THE RIGHT TIME TO START STRINGING SOME m75gA35yREk-00078-00005762-00005785 TOGETHER AND PICKED THE RIGHT TIME TO START STRINGING SOME WINS m75gA35yREk-00079-00005785-00005792 TIME TO START STRINGING SOME WINS m75gA35yREk-00080-00005792-00005932 TIME TO START STRINGING SOME WINS >> THE EXCITEMENT AND ENERGY m75gA35yREk-00081-00005932-00005939 WINS >> THE EXCITEMENT AND ENERGY m75gA35yREk-00082-00005939-00006212 WINS >> THE EXCITEMENT AND ENERGY FROM TEAM USA FANS WAS m75gA35yREk-00083-00006212-00006219 >> THE EXCITEMENT AND ENERGY FROM TEAM USA FANS WAS m75gA35yREk-00084-00006219-00006306 >> THE EXCITEMENT AND ENERGY FROM TEAM USA FANS WAS CONTAGIOUS AND SAID TO PLAY A m75gA35yREk-00085-00006306-00006312 FROM TEAM USA FANS WAS CONTAGIOUS AND SAID TO PLAY A m75gA35yREk-00086-00006312-00006533 FROM TEAM USA FANS WAS CONTAGIOUS AND SAID TO PLAY A KEY ROLE IN THE MENS CURLING m75gA35yREk-00087-00006533-00006539 CONTAGIOUS AND SAID TO PLAY A KEY ROLE IN THE MENS CURLING m75gA35yREk-00088-00006539-00006566 CONTAGIOUS AND SAID TO PLAY A KEY ROLE IN THE MENS CURLING SUCCESS. m75gA35yREk-00089-00006566-00006573 KEY ROLE IN THE MENS CURLING SUCCESS. m75gA35yREk-00090-00006573-00006753 KEY ROLE IN THE MENS CURLING SUCCESS. >> THEY THRIVE OFF OF THAT m75gA35yREk-00091-00006753-00006759 SUCCESS. >> THEY THRIVE OFF OF THAT m75gA35yREk-00092-00006759-00006786 SUCCESS. >> THEY THRIVE OFF OF THAT CROWD. m75gA35yREk-00093-00006786-00006793 >> THEY THRIVE OFF OF THAT CROWD. m75gA35yREk-00094-00006793-00006893 >> THEY THRIVE OFF OF THAT CROWD. THEY TELL US THAT ALL THE TIME. m75gA35yREk-00095-00006893-00006900 CROWD. THEY TELL US THAT ALL THE TIME. m75gA35yREk-00096-00006900-00006950 CROWD. THEY TELL US THAT ALL THE TIME. >> YEAH. m75gA35yREk-00097-00006950-00006956 THEY TELL US THAT ALL THE TIME. >> YEAH. m75gA35yREk-00098-00006956-00007257 THEY TELL US THAT ALL THE TIME. >> YEAH. >> THAT THE CROWD HELPS THEM GET m75gA35yREk-00099-00007257-00007263 >> YEAH. >> THAT THE CROWD HELPS THEM GET m75gA35yREk-00100-00007263-00007363 >> YEAH. >> THAT THE CROWD HELPS THEM GET POSITIVE AND GET ENERGIZED. m75gA35yREk-00101-00007363-00007370 >> THAT THE CROWD HELPS THEM GET POSITIVE AND GET ENERGIZED. m75gA35yREk-00102-00007370-00007430 >> THAT THE CROWD HELPS THEM GET POSITIVE AND GET ENERGIZED. THEY LOVE IT. m75gA35yREk-00103-00007430-00007437 POSITIVE AND GET ENERGIZED. THEY LOVE IT. m75gA35yREk-00104-00007437-00007687 POSITIVE AND GET ENERGIZED. THEY LOVE IT. >> THE REPORTER ON THAT STORY m75gA35yREk-00105-00007687-00007694 THEY LOVE IT. >> THE REPORTER ON THAT STORY m75gA35yREk-00106-00007694-00007764 THEY LOVE IT. >> THE REPORTER ON THAT STORY JOSH PETERSON CONTINUES TO m75gA35yREk-00107-00007764-00007770 >> THE REPORTER ON THAT STORY JOSH PETERSON CONTINUES TO m75gA35yREk-00108-00007770-00007931 >> THE REPORTER ON THAT STORY JOSH PETERSON CONTINUES TO PROVIDE COMPELLING STORIES FOR m75gA35yREk-00109-00007931-00007937 JOSH PETERSON CONTINUES TO PROVIDE COMPELLING STORIES FOR m75gA35yREk-00110-00007937-00008004 JOSH PETERSON CONTINUES TO PROVIDE COMPELLING STORIES FOR LAKELAND NEWS IN HIS HOMETOWN OF m75gA35yREk-00111-00008004-00008011 PROVIDE COMPELLING STORIES FOR LAKELAND NEWS IN HIS HOMETOWN OF m75gA35yREk-00112-00008011-00008091 PROVIDE COMPELLING STORIES FOR LAKELAND NEWS IN HIS HOMETOWN OF BEMIDJI. m75gA35yREk-00113-00008091-00008098 LAKELAND NEWS IN HIS HOMETOWN OF BEMIDJI. m75gA35yREk-00114-00008098-00008244 LAKELAND NEWS IN HIS HOMETOWN OF BEMIDJI. YOU CAN WATCH THAT ENTIRE STORY m75gA35yREk-00115-00008244-00008251 BEMIDJI. YOU CAN WATCH THAT ENTIRE STORY m75gA35yREk-00116-00008251-00008304 BEMIDJI. YOU CAN WATCH THAT ENTIRE STORY ON OUR WEBSITE LPTV.ORG m75gA35yREk-00117-00008304-00008311 YOU CAN WATCH THAT ENTIRE STORY ON OUR WEBSITE LPTV.ORG m75gA35yREk-00118-00008311-00008458 YOU CAN WATCH THAT ENTIRE STORY ON OUR WEBSITE LPTV.ORG TOMORROW. m75gA35yREk-00119-00008458-00008465 ON OUR WEBSITE LPTV.ORG TOMORROW. m75gA35yREk-00120-00008465-00008678 ON OUR WEBSITE LPTV.ORG TOMORROW. THAT OFFICIALLY WRAPS UP OUR 20 m75gA35yREk-00121-00008678-00008685 TOMORROW. THAT OFFICIALLY WRAPS UP OUR 20 m75gA35yREk-00122-00008685-00008832 TOMORROW. THAT OFFICIALLY WRAPS UP OUR 20 FOR 20 SERIES, 20 STORIES IN m75gA35yREk-00123-00008832-00008838 THAT OFFICIALLY WRAPS UP OUR 20 FOR 20 SERIES, 20 STORIES IN m75gA35yREk-00124-00008838-00008938 THAT OFFICIALLY WRAPS UP OUR 20 FOR 20 SERIES, 20 STORIES IN ALL, ONE FOR EACH OF THE 20 m75gA35yREk-00125-00008938-00008945 FOR 20 SERIES, 20 STORIES IN ALL, ONE FOR EACH OF THE 20 m75gA35yREk-00126-00008945-00009099 FOR 20 SERIES, 20 STORIES IN ALL, ONE FOR EACH OF THE 20 YEARS WE HAVE BEEN ON THE AIR m75gA35yREk-00127-00009099-00009105 ALL, ONE FOR EACH OF THE 20 YEARS WE HAVE BEEN ON THE AIR m75gA35yREk-00128-00009105-00009252 ALL, ONE FOR EACH OF THE 20 YEARS WE HAVE BEEN ON THE AIR WITH LAKELAND NEWS PLUS THAT m75gA35yREk-00129-00009252-00009259 YEARS WE HAVE BEEN ON THE AIR WITH LAKELAND NEWS PLUS THAT m75gA35yREk-00130-00009259-00009359 YEARS WE HAVE BEEN ON THE AIR WITH LAKELAND NEWS PLUS THAT BONUS ONE FROM THE YEAR 2018 m75gA35yREk-00131-00009359-00009366 WITH LAKELAND NEWS PLUS THAT BONUS ONE FROM THE YEAR 2018 m75gA35yREk-00132-00009366-00009519 WITH LAKELAND NEWS PLUS THAT BONUS ONE FROM THE YEAR 2018 WHICH IS ALMOST OVER NOW. m75gA35yREk-00133-00009519-00009526 BONUS ONE FROM THE YEAR 2018 WHICH IS ALMOST OVER NOW. m75gA35yREk-00134-00009526-00009676 BONUS ONE FROM THE YEAR 2018 WHICH IS ALMOST OVER NOW. WE HOPE YOU'VE ENJOYED THIS LOOK m75gA35yREk-00135-00009676-00009682 WHICH IS ALMOST OVER NOW. WE HOPE YOU'VE ENJOYED THIS LOOK m75gA35yREk-00136-00009682-00009783 WHICH IS ALMOST OVER NOW. WE HOPE YOU'VE ENJOYED THIS LOOK BACK IN TIME AT JUST A m75gA35yREk-00137-00009783-00009789 WE HOPE YOU'VE ENJOYED THIS LOOK BACK IN TIME AT JUST A m75gA35yREk-00138-00009789-00009943 WE HOPE YOU'VE ENJOYED THIS LOOK BACK IN TIME AT JUST A SAMPLE OF THE TYPES OF STORIES m75gA35yREk-00139-00009943-00009949 BACK IN TIME AT JUST A SAMPLE OF THE TYPES OF STORIES m75gA35yREk-00140-00009949-00010046 BACK IN TIME AT JUST A SAMPLE OF THE TYPES OF STORIES LAKELAND NEWS HAS BEEN BRINGING m75gA35yREk-00141-00010046-00010053 SAMPLE OF THE TYPES OF STORIES LAKELAND NEWS HAS BEEN BRINGING m75gA35yREk-00142-00010053-00010220 SAMPLE OF THE TYPES OF STORIES LAKELAND NEWS HAS BEEN BRINGING TO THE VIEWERS OF NORTH CENTRAL m8aeb2NRDEk-00000-00000124-00000471 Hello everyone. I'm Jesse Mason and in this installment of Teach Me, we're going to take m8aeb2NRDEk-00001-00000471-00000976 a look at a classic projectile motion problem involving an angled launch from uneven ground. m8aeb2NRDEk-00002-00000976-00001466 For this problem we're given the initial position and velocity of the projectile and our task m8aeb2NRDEk-00003-00001466-00001922 is to determine the projectile's range, peak height and velocity at some point in time m8aeb2NRDEk-00004-00001922-00002458 along its trajectory. The first step, as always, is to draw a picture. m8aeb2NRDEk-00005-00002458-00003042 So here's the cliff from which our projectile is launched; and here's the level ground below. m8aeb2NRDEk-00006-00003042-00003742 We'll draw a cannon to fire the projectile and also to mark's its initial position. (Loud m8aeb2NRDEk-00007-00004007-00004494 boom!) And there's our trajectory. "Take that, Pachelbel!" m8aeb2NRDEk-00008-00004494-00005076 And we're done with the picture. Not much to this one... yet. m8aeb2NRDEk-00009-00005076-00005468 So what are our knowns-n-unknowns? To start, we're given the height of the cliff, which m8aeb2NRDEk-00010-00005468-00006140 is to say the initial vertical displacement. That's one hundred meters. Of course, we've m8aeb2NRDEk-00011-00006140-00006531 already implied our coordinate system but we need to be explicit and include it on our m8aeb2NRDEk-00012-00006531-00007142 drawing. Next, we're given the magnitude of the launch velocity -- the initial speed -- of m8aeb2NRDEk-00013-00007142-00007792 our projectile: thirty meters per second. We're also given the direction of the launch m8aeb2NRDEk-00014-00007792-00008256 velocity, so we'll label the angle between the velocity vector and the horizontal as m8aeb2NRDEk-00015-00008256-00008700 theta. Theta is equal to twenty degrees. m8aeb2NRDEk-00016-00008700-00009064 So there are some of our knowns. There are a few more that are implied and we'll address m8aeb2NRDEk-00017-00009064-00009189 them shortly. m8aeb2NRDEk-00018-00009189-00009564 The first unknown we're tasked with determining is the projectile's horizontal displacement m8aeb2NRDEk-00019-00009564-00010140 upon impact: its range. We'll label this x. And by doing so, we've implied the location m8aeb2NRDEk-00020-00010140-00010593 of the origin so let's indicate that on our picture. NOW it should be clear to see that m8aeb2NRDEk-00021-00010593-00011122 our projectile's initial position along the x-axis is zero meters. We'll label the maximum m8aeb2NRDEk-00022-00011122-00011454 vertical displacement -- that is to say, our peak height - as y-max. m8aeb2NRDEk-00023-00011454-00012014 Lastly, we're looking for the projectile's velocity two seconds after launch. We're gonna m8aeb2NRDEk-00024-00012014-00012397 guess that the projectile -- a cannonball in this case - would be somewhere around... m8aeb2NRDEk-00025-00012397-00012825 here... at that time. Accuracy with our guess is unimportant because the equations will m8aeb2NRDEk-00026-00012825-00013297 tell us... the rest of the story. So at this point in the trajectory the instantaneous m8aeb2NRDEk-00027-00013297-00013772 velocity looks something like this. We're after the magnitude and the direction so we'll m8aeb2NRDEk-00028-00013772-00014455 label the angle between the velocity and the horizontal as phi. (Fee? Fi? Fee fi fo fum, m8aeb2NRDEk-00029-00014455-00014816 whatever. It's all Greek to me.) Annnnd let's not forget to jot down the given time for m8aeb2NRDEk-00030-00014816-00015356 this part. Since we'll be looking for each component of the projectile's velocity separately, m8aeb2NRDEk-00031-00015356-00015811 we'll break v into v-sub-x and v-sub-y. And while we're at it, let's resolve our initial m8aeb2NRDEk-00032-00015811-00016313 velocity into its constituent x- and y-components as well. So here's our given launch velocity, m8aeb2NRDEk-00033-00016313-00016813 v-sub-oh. In the vertical direction we have v-sub-oh-sub-y. And in the horizontal we have m8aeb2NRDEk-00034-00016813-00017213 v-sub-oh-sub-x and here's the given launch angle theta. Since we'll eventually be writing m8aeb2NRDEk-00035-00017213-00017629 these components in terms of v-sub-oh and theta, we'll write their trigonometric relationship m8aeb2NRDEk-00036-00017629-00018129 right here. Let's see... so the y-component of v-sub-oh is opposite theta, so it's equal m8aeb2NRDEk-00037-00018129-00018689 to v-sub-oh sine theta. And the x-component of v-sub-oh is adjacent to theta so it's equal m8aeb2NRDEk-00038-00018689-00019065 to v-sub-oh cosine theta. m8aeb2NRDEk-00039-00019065-00019440 By the way, we've got an implied known that should be listed: the acceleration due to m8aeb2NRDEk-00040-00019440-00020016 gravity. What value should we use for g? Or more to the point, is the magnitude of g positive m8aeb2NRDEk-00041-00020016-00020535 or negative? Well, it all depends on our coordinate system so we need to compare the acceleration m8aeb2NRDEk-00042-00020535-00021009 vector to our chosen coordinate system. What's the direction of the acceleration vector? m8aeb2NRDEk-00043-00021009-00021476 Downward, of course. Since we aligned the positive y-axis with the upward direction, m8aeb2NRDEk-00044-00021476-00021968 and the acceleration vector is downward, that means that the magnitude of g for this problem m8aeb2NRDEk-00045-00021968-00022333 will be negative 9.8 meters per second squared. m8aeb2NRDEk-00046-00022333-00022794 Okay! We're finished with identifying the knowns and unknowns. Now we're ready to move m8aeb2NRDEk-00047-00022794-00023220 on to the next step: selecting the appropriate equations for our problem. m8aeb2NRDEk-00048-00023220-00023618 Since we're dealing with projectiles and ignoring the effects of air resistance, the kinematic m8aeb2NRDEk-00049-00023618-00024067 equations -- namely, the displacement equation and the velocity equation -- are entirely m8aeb2NRDEk-00050-00024067-00024529 sufficient to analyze the motion of our projectile. Of course, our projectile is moving through m8aeb2NRDEk-00051-00024529-00024956 two dimensions so -- with a nod of appreciation to Galileo -- we'll apply these equations m8aeb2NRDEk-00052-00024956-00025214 to each direction separately. m8aeb2NRDEk-00053-00025214-00025820 So in the x-direction, starting with the displacement equation: Instead of s, we have x equals one m8aeb2NRDEk-00054-00025820-00026352 half a-sub-x (that's the acceleration in the x-direction) times t squared, plus v-sub-oh-sub-x m8aeb2NRDEk-00055-00026352-00026955 (the x-component of the initial velocity) times t, plus x-sub-oh (the initial horizontal m8aeb2NRDEk-00056-00026955-00027484 position). Before moving on, we're going to simplify this equation. A projectile's horizontal m8aeb2NRDEk-00057-00027484-00028184 motion is unaccelerated so we can set a-sub-x to zero. We've defined v-sub-oh-sub-x as v-sub-oh m8aeb2NRDEk-00058-00028361-00029061 cosine theta. And x-sub-oh is zero. So the displacement equation in the x-direction simplifies m8aeb2NRDEk-00059-00029062-00029762 to: x equals v-sub-oh cosine theta t. We'll label this equation (1) and set it aside for m8aeb2NRDEk-00060-00029831-00029987 now. m8aeb2NRDEk-00061-00029987-00030687 Now we apply the velocity equation to the x-direction and we get: v-sub-x equals v-sub-oh-sub-x, m8aeb2NRDEk-00062-00030750-00031449 plus a-sub-x times t. We'll set v-sub-oh-sub-x to v-sub-oh cosine theta. And again, the horizontal m8aeb2NRDEk-00063-00031449-00031956 acceleration of a projectile is zero. So the velocity equation in the x-direction simplifies m8aeb2NRDEk-00064-00031956-00032656 to v-sub-x equals v-sub-oh cosine theta. We'll label this equation (2) and set it aside. m8aeb2NRDEk-00065-00032662-00033183 Okay, so now we'll apply the kinematic equations to the y-direction. The displacement equation m8aeb2NRDEk-00066-00033183-00033883 becomes: y equals one half a-sub-y t squared, plus v-sub-oh-sub-y t, plus y-sub-oh. First, m8aeb2NRDEk-00067-00034202-00034740 a-sub-y, the acceleration in the y-direction, is the gravitational acceleration of our projectile m8aeb2NRDEk-00068-00034740-00035341 so we can set that to g. And we've defined v-sub-oh-sub-y (the y-component of our projectile's m8aeb2NRDEk-00069-00035341-00035955 initial velocity) as v-sub-oh sine theta. So the displacement equation in the y-direction m8aeb2NRDEk-00070-00035955-00036634 simplifies to become: y equals one half g t squared, plus v-sub-oh sine theta t, plus m8aeb2NRDEk-00071-00036634-00037134 y-sub-oh. Label that equation (3) and we're almost done here. m8aeb2NRDEk-00072-00037134-00037834 The velocity equation in the y-direction is v-sub-y equals v-sub-oh-sub-y, plus a-sub-y m8aeb2NRDEk-00073-00037841-00038541 times t. Again, v-sub-oh-sub-y was defined as v-sub-oh sine theta and a-sub-y is just m8aeb2NRDEk-00074-00038549-00039249 g. So our fourth and final equation is v-sub-y equals v-sub-oh sine theta plus g t. m8aeb2NRDEk-00075-00039344-00039871 These four equations now constitute what we call our toolbox. Every handyman knows you've m8aeb2NRDEk-00076-00039871-00040436 gotta have the right tools for the right job. The same goes for projectile motion: simplifying m8aeb2NRDEk-00077-00040436-00040934 the displacement and velocity equations for each direction is selecting the right tools. m8aeb2NRDEk-00078-00040934-00041390 And with these tools we can determine everything we want to know about our projectile's motion m8aeb2NRDEk-00079-00041390-00042090 and trajectory. m8aeb2NRDEk-00080-00042508-00043100 First up: determining the projectile's horizontal displacement upon impact, i.e., its range. m8aeb2NRDEk-00081-00043100-00043605 Where do we start? Well, equation (1) would give us horizontal displacement but we don't m8aeb2NRDEk-00082-00043605-00044130 have t, the time of impact. To get t, we're going to need to use equation (3) along with m8aeb2NRDEk-00083-00044130-00044759 a key implication: at the moment of impact, the projectile's vertical displacement is... m8aeb2NRDEk-00084-00044759-00045165 zero! Now we can solve equation (3) for time. m8aeb2NRDEk-00085-00045165-00045865 So we'll start by writing equation (3). We'll set y to zero and rewrite for clarity's sake. m8aeb2NRDEk-00086-00046015-00046549 Does this equation ring any algebraic bells? Perhaps if we recall it's more general form m8aeb2NRDEk-00087-00046549-00047249 and solution: If zero equals A t squared plus B t plus C (where A, B, and C are all constants), m8aeb2NRDEk-00088-00047346-00048046 then t equals negative B plus-or-minus the square root of B squared minus four A C all m8aeb2NRDEk-00089-00048277-00048977 over two A. Yep, that's how I remember the quadratic formula. So our one half g here m8aeb2NRDEk-00090-00049002-00049702 will play the role of A, our v-sub-oh sine theta will be B, and our y-sub-oh is C. So... m8aeb2NRDEk-00091-00049852-00050552 t equals (long inhale) negative v-sub-oh sine theta plus-or-minus the square root of quantity m8aeb2NRDEk-00092-00050690-00051253 v-sub-oh sine theta end quantity squared minus four times one half g y-sub-oh all divided m8aeb2NRDEk-00093-00051253-00051953 by 2 times one half g. (Applause) Thank ya, thank ya very much. Simplifying just a few m8aeb2NRDEk-00094-00051974-00052649 terms and then inserting our values we find that t equals negative 3.59 seconds or positive m8aeb2NRDEk-00095-00052649-00053283 5.68 seconds. The negative value is not useful for this problem -- negative time? what does m8aeb2NRDEk-00096-00053283-00053707 it mean? -- so we'll lovingly discard it. m8aeb2NRDEk-00097-00053707-00054219 Now we proceed with equation (1) -- write it out here -- and insert the appropriate m8aeb2NRDEk-00098-00054219-00054794 values: 30 meters per second, cosine twenty degrees and for time we use our 5.68 seconds m8aeb2NRDEk-00099-00054794-00055494 from equation (3). And we get a horizontal displacement of 160.1 meters. All things considered, m8aeb2NRDEk-00100-00055572-00055745 not an unreasonable range. m8aeb2NRDEk-00101-00055745-00056204 Okay, now let's determine the maximum vertical displacement of our projectile, that is, the m8aeb2NRDEk-00102-00056204-00056674 peak height of its trajectory. We'll use equation (3) to determine this value but we first need m8aeb2NRDEk-00103-00056674-00057152 to obtain the time which corresponds to this moment. To obtain the time we need to recognize m8aeb2NRDEk-00104-00057152-00057607 that the moment our projectile crests its trajectory, the vertical component of its m8aeb2NRDEk-00105-00057607-00058154 velocity is zero. Using this value, along with equation (4) will give us the time at m8aeb2NRDEk-00106-00058154-00058425 which our projectile reaches its peak height. m8aeb2NRDEk-00107-00058425-00059070 Okay, solving equation (4) for time, we get t equals negative v-sub-oh sine theta divided m8aeb2NRDEk-00108-00059070-00059735 by g. Inserting our values, we find that at 1.05 seconds our projectile levels out and m8aeb2NRDEk-00109-00059735-00060225 begins its descent, so to speak. Now we'll insert this time into equation (3) to determine m8aeb2NRDEk-00110-00060225-00060741 the maximum vertical displacement of our projectile. And when we assign our values to the variables m8aeb2NRDEk-00111-00060741-00061320 -- using 1.05 seconds, the time coincident with y-max, for t - we find that our projectile m8aeb2NRDEk-00112-00061320-00061949 reaches a peak height of 105.4 meters. Not very impressive, but very reasonable given m8aeb2NRDEk-00113-00061949-00062133 our shallow launch angle. m8aeb2NRDEk-00114-00062133-00062677 Lastly, we'll determine the projectile's velocity 2 seconds after launch. We'll need to determine m8aeb2NRDEk-00115-00062677-00063214 the x- and y-components separately so starting with v-sub-x, we'll use equation (2). V-sub-x m8aeb2NRDEk-00116-00063214-00063914 equals v-sub-oh cosine theta. Using the aforementioned known values we get 28.19 meters per second m8aeb2NRDEk-00117-00063922-00064463 for the horizontal component. We'll use equation (4) to determine the vertical component. Inserting m8aeb2NRDEk-00118-00064463-00064930 our known values, including the time in question -- two seconds - we get a value of negative m8aeb2NRDEk-00119-00064930-00065562 9.34 meters per second for v-sub-y. What's up with the negative sign? The negative sign m8aeb2NRDEk-00120-00065562-00066037 implies motion in the negative y-direction, that is, downward. m8aeb2NRDEk-00121-00066037-00066357 Now at this point we could write our solution in vector notation, where the velocity vector m8aeb2NRDEk-00122-00066357-00066833 is equal to the magnitude of the velocity's x-component times the unit vector i-hat, plus m8aeb2NRDEk-00123-00066833-00067214 the magnitude of the velocity's y-component times the unit vector j-hat. That would give m8aeb2NRDEk-00124-00067214-00067825 us the solution v equals 28.19 meters per second i-hat, plus negative 9.34 meters per m8aeb2NRDEk-00125-00067825-00068387 second j-hat... which is fine and dandy, but let's go ahead and determine the magnitude m8aeb2NRDEk-00126-00068387-00068652 and direction of this velocity vector. m8aeb2NRDEk-00127-00068652-00069223 So we've got 28.19 meters per second in the x-direction and 9.34 meters per second in m8aeb2NRDEk-00128-00069223-00069749 the negative y-direction. We'll recombine these components to determine the magnitude m8aeb2NRDEk-00129-00069749-00070419 of v using Euclid's 47th Proposition, better known as Pythagoras' Theorem: the square of m8aeb2NRDEk-00130-00070419-00070948 the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs. Taking the square root m8aeb2NRDEk-00131-00070948-00071379 of both sides and inserting our values (and dropping the plus-or-minus sign) we get a m8aeb2NRDEk-00132-00071379-00072079 magnitude of 29.70 meters per second. Physically reasonable? Check. Are we done? Not yet, we m8aeb2NRDEk-00133-00072111-00072493 still need the direction of its motion, that is to say the angle between the velocity vector m8aeb2NRDEk-00134-00072493-00073193 and the horizontal. To get phi, we use trigonometry. So the tangent of phi equals opposite (9.34 m8aeb2NRDEk-00135-00073282-00073832 meters per second) over adjacent (28.19 meters per second). Take an inverse tangent and we m8aeb2NRDEk-00136-00073832-00074210 get a value of 18.3 degrees for phi. m8aeb2NRDEk-00137-00074210-00074876 So two seconds after launch our projectile is moving at 29.70 meters per second at 18.3 m8aeb2NRDEk-00138-00074876-00075254 degrees below the horizontal. m8aeb2NRDEk-00139-00075254-00075674 I'm Jesse Mason. I hope you found this video helpful and that I've convinced of the utility m8aeb2NRDEk-00140-00075674-00076281 -- nay, the necessity! -- of creating a toolbox to solve projectile motion problems. If you m8aeb2NRDEk-00141-00076281-00076642 have any suggestions for future Teach Me videos or just want to say hello from your part of m8aeb2NRDEk-00142-00076642-00077131 the world, please do so in the comments section below. And as always, happy learning! mq1TCktW8du-00000-00000415-00000971 What is a webinar And What is A Webinar Use For? mq1TCktW8du-00001-00000971-00001485 In this short video I will explain what is a webinar and what a webinar is used for. mq1TCktW8du-00002-00001485-00002133 Ok here we go Simply Put a webinar is a Web-based Seminar, mq1TCktW8du-00003-00002133-00002932 a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web. mq1TCktW8du-00004-00002932-00003629 As mentioned a webinar , a web based seminar can be used to mq1TCktW8du-00005-00003629-00004191 Educate - If you are trainer/ educator you can present course content of your lectures mq1TCktW8du-00006-00004191-00004329 online. mq1TCktW8du-00007-00004329-00004953 Similarly if you are a health professional say like a cosmetic surgeon , where you once mq1TCktW8du-00008-00004953-00005630 may have had information evening s on plastic surgery you could now have people login from mq1TCktW8du-00009-00005630-00005996 their home computer to attend your information session. mq1TCktW8du-00010-00005996-00006679 In my opinion webinars serve the business owner well as it offers them another medium mq1TCktW8du-00011-00006679-00007364 to connect with and attract more of their customers or clients. mq1TCktW8du-00012-00007364-00007693 Webinars are great for business owners and sales professionals to present their products mq1TCktW8du-00013-00007693-00008422 and services as the presentations can be done either one to one or one to many. mq1TCktW8du-00014-00008422-00008907 It will also save on costs associated with travel as your presentation can be delivered mq1TCktW8du-00015-00008907-00009342 over the internet. mq1TCktW8du-00016-00009342-00009939 Webinars work well for educating ,marketing, surveying and selling and is Ideal for Entrepreneurs mq1TCktW8du-00017-00009939-00010855 , Educators, trainers, Professionals, Sales Professionals, Coaches and Consultants alike. mq1TCktW8du-00018-00010855-00011331 Webinars used as part of the selling process have a higher conversion than other online mq1TCktW8du-00019-00011331-00011498 selling channels. mq1TCktW8du-00020-00011498-00012406 For more information on how you can effectively use webinars Visit the link below . mq1TCktW8du-00021-00012406-00012570 Thanks and Best Wishes mttqp8YPnLo-00000-00000003-00000309 It's lunchtime here at Consumer Reports and I've decided to make myself a nice mttqp8YPnLo-00001-00000309-00000747 little healthy sandwich and I'm gonna have the help of Trisha Calvo who's a mttqp8YPnLo-00002-00000747-00001680 Food Editor here and I think I got this right. Okay we've got a little ham here. Are you trying to eat healthier? Yes and I think mttqp8YPnLo-00003-00001680-00002025 I've got one of the healthiest sandwiches, what do you think? Well I think you could mttqp8YPnLo-00004-00002025-00002439 make a couple of improvements. Really, but why? There's nothing fried here. The mttqp8YPnLo-00005-00002439-00002976 potato chips are fried. Oh. And also this is processed lunch meat. mttqp8YPnLo-00006-00002976-00003479 But I've been eating ham and white bread for so long. It's very high in sodium. mttqp8YPnLo-00007-00003479-00004046 Sodium, it's one of the most common and important elements on earth. It's located mttqp8YPnLo-00008-00004046-00004569 right here on the periodic table. Over 70% of sodium in our diets comes from mttqp8YPnLo-00009-00004569-00005046 eating packaged and prepared foods. Only a small amount of the sodium we consume mttqp8YPnLo-00010-00005046-00005469 each day comes from the salt shake,r now although the human body needs sodium to mttqp8YPnLo-00011-00005469-00005973 survive, most of us consume way too much. And doing so could lead to high blood mttqp8YPnLo-00012-00005973-00006458 pressure and increase your risk for heart disease and stroke. According to mttqp8YPnLo-00013-00006458-00006929 the Food and Drug Administration, all of us should be consuming less than 2300 mttqp8YPnLo-00014-00006929-00007448 milligrams of sodium per day but the average adult consumes 3,400 milligrams mttqp8YPnLo-00015-00007448-00008013 while most 14 to 18 year-olds consume 3,700 milligrams. mttqp8YPnLo-00016-00008013-00008600 As Trisha points out, my meal is loaded with sodium but she can help me build a mttqp8YPnLo-00017-00008600-00009057 better one. We've got here some whole wheat bread that's got a lot of fiber in mttqp8YPnLo-00018-00009057-00009582 it I'm gonna put a little chicken on here. So why this is better than the mttqp8YPnLo-00019-00009582-00009947 processed meat is because it doesn't have all of the sodium and the nitrates mttqp8YPnLo-00020-00009947-00010573 and then I'm gonna add some vegetables because this will add some crunch to my sandwich and we'll mttqp8YPnLo-00021-00010573-00011062 also add some extra nutrition. Now I see you have hummus there. I do and what I'm mttqp8YPnLo-00022-00011062-00011368 gonna do with the hummus is I'm gonna use it instead of mayonnaise. Hummus is mttqp8YPnLo-00023-00011368-00011812 really just chickpeas and some sesame seeds and some oil and it really mttqp8YPnLo-00024-00011812-00012295 does have fiber in it. Now what about for teenagers or kids you know that want to mttqp8YPnLo-00025-00012295-00012658 pack a school lunch? What you might want to pack it with is a little bit of mttqp8YPnLo-00026-00012658-00012969 fruit which will make it even healthier. So I have an apple and a banana. mttqp8YPnLo-00027-00012969-00013405 Yeah, an apple and banana is great. The apple adds a little crunch and is much better for you than mttqp8YPnLo-00028-00013405-00013845 your chips. So let's compare the sodium levels over two meals, my white bread, mttqp8YPnLo-00029-00013845-00014443 processed lunch meat, mayo, cheese, chips, and a glass of fruit juice comes to a total mttqp8YPnLo-00030-00014443-00015034 of 1170 milligrams of sodium. Tricia sandwich with wheat bread, grilled mttqp8YPnLo-00031-00015034-00015556 chicken, hummus, veggies, some fruit, and a glass of water is only 525 mttqp8YPnLo-00032-00015556-00016168 milligrams of sodium a huge difference. So this is a healthy sandwich. mttqp8YPnLo-00033-00016168-00016555 That's a healthy sandwich. I think because of your tips I'm gonna have to mttqp8YPnLo-00034-00016555-00016882 change the way I make my sandwiches. Thank you so much but there's somebody mttqp8YPnLo-00035-00016882-00017193 there saying something to you. m_0YBDyHbyQ-00000-00000030-00000430 In Finnish, the letters ä and ö are often written with a line over the top. m_0YBDyHbyQ-00001-00000500-00000800 These letters have not changed meaning and they're not different letters. m_0YBDyHbyQ-00002-00000800-00000930 They're still the same. m_0YBDyHbyQ-00003-00001700-00002300 Mikä hölmö! Mikä hölmö! Mikä hölmö! (English: What a fool! What a fool! What a fool!) mANbARluqyu-00000-00000000-00000320 Warning! It's not recomended to watch this video if you are high mANbARluqyu-00001-00003008-00003520 Don't forget to like the video! mANbARluqyu-00002-00006000-00006495 If you like this video, Please Subscribe! mANbARluqyu-00003-00009008-00009504 Help me get to 100 subscribers mE2hJzZaTwE-00000-00000392-00000833 Are you wondering how to connect RF elements antennas with Cambium Networks radios? mE2hJzZaTwE-00001-00000860-00001037 Then this is the right video for you! mE2hJzZaTwE-00002-00001037-00001471 I'm Sophie and I'll talk about the compatibility of RF elements TwistPort Antennas mE2hJzZaTwE-00003-00001471-00001664 and the radios from Cambium Networks, mE2hJzZaTwE-00004-00001664-00001800 so tune up! mE2hJzZaTwE-00005-00001800-00002120 TwistPort is RF elements proprietary waveguide connector mE2hJzZaTwE-00006-00002120-00002299 with practically zero signal loss. mE2hJzZaTwE-00007-00002299-00002728 It has superior mechanics for extremely easy and quick radio installation. mE2hJzZaTwE-00008-00002728-00003037 If you are interested in knowing more about the TwistPort ecosystem, mE2hJzZaTwE-00009-00003037-00003186 check out the video here. mE2hJzZaTwE-00010-00003219-00003663 We have 14 antennas with TwistPort connector working in the 5GHz band: mE2hJzZaTwE-00011-00003704-00003904 Seven Symmetrical Horn sector antennas mE2hJzZaTwE-00012-00003904-00004124 with beamwidths from 30 to 90 degrees, mE2hJzZaTwE-00013-00004200-00004388 Three Asymmetrical Horn sector antennas mE2hJzZaTwE-00014-00004388-00004712 with beamwidths of 30, 60, and 90 degrees mE2hJzZaTwE-00015-00004712-00004873 where you can use BeamSwitch feature mE2hJzZaTwE-00016-00004873-00005168 and make 30 degree beamwidth into 20 degree beamwidth mE2hJzZaTwE-00017-00005218-00005554 UltraHorn, a 24 dBi gain and 15 deg beamwidth mE2hJzZaTwE-00018-00005554-00005754 narrow sector or PTP antenna, mE2hJzZaTwE-00019-00005810-00005939 and UltraDish series, mE2hJzZaTwE-00020-00005939-00006257 parabolic dish antennas for PTP & CPE applications mE2hJzZaTwE-00021-00006257-00006614 with 21, 24 and 27 dBi gain. mE2hJzZaTwE-00022-00006645-00006914 Cambium Networks radios use coaxial connectors mE2hJzZaTwE-00023-00006914-00007057 so the question then is: mE2hJzZaTwE-00024-00007081-00007450 How do you connect radios from Cambium with any of these antennas? mE2hJzZaTwE-00025-00007477-00007610 The simple answer is: mE2hJzZaTwE-00026-00007610-00007866 you have to use a specific TwistPort adaptor. mE2hJzZaTwE-00027-00007907-00008127 TwistPort Adaptor, or simply TPA mE2hJzZaTwE-00028-00008127-00008440 converts the radio interface into TwistPort male connector. mE2hJzZaTwE-00029-00008469-00008813 If you want to learn more about how TPA works and what's inside the product mE2hJzZaTwE-00030-00008813-00008937 check the video here. mE2hJzZaTwE-00031-00008963-00009327 Let's look closer on options we offer for connecting Cambium radios. mE2hJzZaTwE-00032-00009327-00009651 TPA-ePMP is designed to be used with the radios: mE2hJzZaTwE-00033-00009651-00010575 ePMP 1000 AP, 1000 CSM, 3000L AP, Force 300 CSM, PMP 450b Subscriber Module mE2hJzZaTwE-00034-00010575-00010761 and 450 MicroPoP. mE2hJzZaTwE-00035-00010804-00011718 TP-ADAP-e2K works with the ePMP 2000AP, Force 400C, Force 4600C and 4600L. mE2hJzZaTwE-00036-00011762-00012087 For the 4x4 and 2x2 radios that you can see in the text, mE2hJzZaTwE-00037-00012105-00012297 we recommend using TPA-SMA, mE2hJzZaTwE-00038-00012297-00012624 which provides a connectorized interface to be used with pigtails. mE2hJzZaTwE-00039-00012664-00012874 This is a kind of universal interface, mE2hJzZaTwE-00040-00012874-00013223 so you have to mount the radio separately from the antenna structure. mE2hJzZaTwE-00041-00013242-00013363 Speaking of mounting, mE2hJzZaTwE-00042-00013363-00013678 the installation of all coaxial radios in TwistPort adapters mE2hJzZaTwE-00043-00013678-00013830 is practically identical. mE2hJzZaTwE-00044-00013852-00014014 Push the radio into the adapter mE2hJzZaTwE-00045-00014014-00014250 until a click tells you it’s securely connected. mE2hJzZaTwE-00046-00014276-00014507 Then insert into the antenna TwistPort, mE2hJzZaTwE-00047-00014507-00014751 rotate, and another click lets you know mE2hJzZaTwE-00048-00014751-00015098 the radio is mounted and connected at the same time. mE2hJzZaTwE-00049-00015098-00015309 All that within a few seconds, mE2hJzZaTwE-00050-00015309-00015447 how cool is that! mE2hJzZaTwE-00051-00015474-00015793 Here is the compatibility matrix once again for your reference. mE2hJzZaTwE-00052-00015793-00015996 Please note, this may evolve with time mE2hJzZaTwE-00053-00015996-00016183 and new SKUs coming from Cambium. mE2hJzZaTwE-00054-00016183-00016336 For most up to date information, mE2hJzZaTwE-00055-00016336-00016654 click the link to get the Compatibility sheet ready for print and sharing mE2hJzZaTwE-00056-00016678-00016800 If you have any questions, mE2hJzZaTwE-00057-00016800-00016982 feel free to ask them in the comments below. mE2hJzZaTwE-00058-00017000-00017207 Don't forget to like, subscribe mE2hJzZaTwE-00059-00017207-00017370 and I will see you in the next video. mEXOS9f4F2c-00000-00000382-00000913 A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, mEXOS9f4F2c-00001-00000913-00001459 indicated that researchers found that a 30-minute back massage given daily for five days reduced mEXOS9f4F2c-00002-00001459-00002042 anxiety of hospitalized, depressed and adjustment disorder children and adolescents. mEXOS9f4F2c-00003-00002042-00002511 Another study published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, indicated that mEXOS9f4F2c-00004-00002511-00003124 researchers found that significant reductions in anxiety levels were found in employees mEXOS9f4F2c-00005-00003124-00003378 receiving on-site chair massage. mEXOS9f4F2c-00006-00003378-00003960 Additionally, the Registered Massage Therapists’ Association of Ontario states that massage mEXOS9f4F2c-00007-00003960-00004494 has been documented as one of the oldest healing arts in the world. mEXOS9f4F2c-00008-00004494-00004911 Records documenting its use date back over 3000 years. mEXOS9f4F2c-00009-00004911-00005444 They also explain that there are a variety of physiological changes that can happen during mEXOS9f4F2c-00010-00005444-00006071 a massage, such as the following: The metabolic rate of the body slows down. mEXOS9f4F2c-00011-00006071-00006633 Breathing becomes more regular and the heart rate comes down to normal range. mEXOS9f4F2c-00012-00006633-00006751 Blood pressure decreases. mEXOS9f4F2c-00013-00006751-00007334 The body secretes protective mood altering neurotransmitters. mEXOS9f4F2c-00014-00007334-00007979 One of these, known as serotonin, is a powerful hormone associated with feelings of happiness, mEXOS9f4F2c-00015-00007979-00008308 contentment and relaxation. mEXOS9f4F2c-00016-00008308-00008886 Massage is also a great alternative to the unhealthy feel-good mechanisms that many people mEXOS9f4F2c-00017-00008886-00009185 use in their life as a means of escape. mEXOS9f4F2c-00018-00009185-00009789 In conclusion: there is research showing that massage can be helpful for anxiety. mEXOS9f4F2c-00019-00009789-00010070 And there are a number of potential benefits. mEXOS9f4F2c-00020-00010070-00010634 It’s a pleasurable way to treat yourself from time to time while receiving the health mEXOS9f4F2c-00021-00010634-00010734 benefits. mEXOS9f4F2c-00022-00010734-00011344 Massage is not likely to be a primary treatment for anxiety but it can be included as part mEXOS9f4F2c-00023-00011344-00011659 of an overall approach for anxiety and panic attacks. mEXOS9f4F2c-00024-00011659-00012000 Thank you for watching this video. mEXOS9f4F2c-00025-00012000-00012480 If you liked this video, please give it a like or share it with anyone you feel may mEXOS9f4F2c-00026-00012480-00012599 benefit from it. mEXOS9f4F2c-00027-00012599-00013122 Please use the comments section to provide your questions about stress, anxiety, panic mEXOS9f4F2c-00028-00013122-00013525 attacks and agoraphobia, so that we can better help you. mEXOS9f4F2c-00029-00013525-00014022 You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking the icon within the lower right mEXOS9f4F2c-00030-00014022-00014203 corner of this video. mEXOS9f4F2c-00031-00014203-00014838 You can also click the card on the upper right corner of this video and subscribe to our mEXOS9f4F2c-00032-00014838-00015516 free newsletter, where we cover the five steps to recovery from stress, anxiety, panic attacks mEXOS9f4F2c-00033-00015516-00015794 and agoraphobia, and much more! mG729vxCtxA-00000-00000633-00000733 Welcome mG729vxCtxA-00001-00000733-00000783 It turns out that how to send goods using GO-SEND is very easy, everything can be done from the grasp. mG729vxCtxA-00002-00000783-00000833 This post is my experience using GO-JEK freight forwarding services known as GO-SEND. With GO-SEND, sending items is easier and more fun, we don't need to leave home, because GO-SEND drivers will be happy to pick up and deliver the items to the place we want while in one area or one city. mG729vxCtxA-00003-00000833-00000883 When compared with regular shipping services, GO-SEND is more practical, because we no longer need to deliver goods to the courier agent's office. Especially if the courier agent's office is a bit far from where we live, of course it will be troublesome. mG729vxCtxA-00004-00000883-00000933 In addition, shipments can also be tracked live through the GO-JEK application from our smartphone. So we can know the journey of the goods we send to arrive at the recipient. Of course this will eliminate anxiety, especially if the items we send are valuables. mG729vxCtxA-00005-00000946-00000996 And more important is that the shipment can reach the recipient on the same day. mG729vxCtxA-00006-00000996-00001046 click subscribe mG729vxCtxA-00007-00001046-00001096 thanks mIAhc70RwLo-00000-00003238-00003394 Okay Guys! mIAhc70RwLo-00001-00003411-00003606 Now we have to separate. mIAhc70RwLo-00002-00003634-00004046 Daphne and Velma, you're going to the basement. mIAhc70RwLo-00003-00004079-00004482 Shaggy and Scooby you'll stay here. mIAhc70RwLo-00004-00004510-00004820 And I'm going to the attic. mIAhc70RwLo-00005-00008044-00008158 Oh Honey! mIAhc70RwLo-00006-00008158-00008290 Only you?! mIAhc70RwLo-00007-00009526-00009704 Look Scooby! mIAhc70RwLo-00008-00009704-00009894 It's food time! mIAhc70RwLo-00009-00010126-00010268 Woof! mIAhc70RwLo-00010-00015850-00016076 Man broth mIAhc70RwLo-00011-00016076-00016284 ingredients: mIAhc70RwLo-00012-00016284-00016470 -1 kg human flash mIAhc70RwLo-00013-00016470-00016730 -5 medium size carrots mIAhc70RwLo-00014-00016730-00016978 -3 medium size turnips mIAhc70RwLo-00015-00016978-00017226 -1 medium size celery mIAhc70RwLo-00016-00017226-00017460 -1 tsp whole peppercorns mIAhc70RwLo-00017-00017460-00017670 -1 tsp cumin mIAhc70RwLo-00018-00017670-00017868 -1 small size kohlrabi mIAhc70RwLo-00019-00017868-00018010 -4 medium size potato mIAhc70RwLo-00020-00018030-00018176 - salt to taste mIAhc70RwLo-00021-00018176-00018350 - pepper to taste mIAhc70RwLo-00022-00018350-00018516 - 2 L water mJ-dzELjwNQ-00001-00001119-00001496 A horrific mass killing occurred at a middle school Friday that left nine students dead mJ-dzELjwNQ-00002-00001496-00001922 and several other injured, but the media has given the tragic story the most minimal of mJ-dzELjwNQ-00003-00001922-00002038 coverage. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00004-00002038-00002418 Why has the media largely shied away from this incredible tragedy? mJ-dzELjwNQ-00005-00002418-00002792 Because it totally undermines and upends their narratives about the most prominent danger mJ-dzELjwNQ-00006-00002792-00003064 young students face in the world today. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00007-00003064-00003485 For starters, the horrible attack didn’t take place in America, nor was it committed mJ-dzELjwNQ-00008-00003485-00003823 with the type of weapon the liberal media most often frets over. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00009-00003823-00004203 Thus they have decided to ignore the tragedy as much as possible. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00010-00004203-00004563 Normally the media would provide wall-to-wall coverage of a school attack that left nine mJ-dzELjwNQ-00011-00004563-00004990 students dead, but since the murders occurred in China and the murderer used a knife to mJ-dzELjwNQ-00012-00004990-00005429 do his evil deed, the media can’t rail against the Second Amendment and demand everyone to mJ-dzELjwNQ-00013-00005429-00005665 “do something” about gun control. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00014-00005665-00006109 According to CBS News, the fatal stabbing attack took place in the Shaanxi Province mJ-dzELjwNQ-00015-00006109-00006444 at the Number 3 Middle School in an area known as Mizhi. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00016-00006444-00006940 The suspect in the attack, who was apprehended by police and is being held in custody, is mJ-dzELjwNQ-00017-00006940-00007264 a 28-year-old former student identified only as Zhao. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00018-00007264-00007597 He is believed to have been seeking revenge for being bullied at the school more than mJ-dzELjwNQ-00019-00007597-00007784 a dozen years ago. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00020-00007784-00008150 The attacker waited until school had been dismissed to conduct his assault on innocent mJ-dzELjwNQ-00021-00008150-00008586 teenagers and managed to slice and stab nine students to death — and leaving 10 others mJ-dzELjwNQ-00022-00008586-00008982 with serious injuries — before his rampage concluded. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00023-00008982-00009390 Had this brutal mass slaying been committed with a firearm of some sort, you can be assured mJ-dzELjwNQ-00024-00009390-00009737 that the media would have jumped all over it as an opportunity to press its anti-gun mJ-dzELjwNQ-00025-00009737-00009964 narrative about mass shootings. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00026-00009964-00010433 As most of our readers are aware, the vast majority of mass shootings take place in “gun-free mJ-dzELjwNQ-00027-00010433-00010873 zones,” but China has incredibly strict gun-control laws and is in effect a “gun-free mJ-dzELjwNQ-00028-00010873-00010973 country.” mJ-dzELjwNQ-00029-00010973-00011465 Nevertheless, as gun-rights supporters often remind the gun grabbers, the weapon used in mJ-dzELjwNQ-00030-00011465-00011921 such despicable acts of evil is secondary to the act of evil itself, as individuals mJ-dzELjwNQ-00031-00011921-00012381 with murderous intent will always find a way to do their worst using whatever means available, mJ-dzELjwNQ-00032-00012381-00012557 in this case a knife. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00033-00012557-00013019 According to the BBC, China has seen a surge in unconnected violent attacks using knives mJ-dzELjwNQ-00034-00013019-00013262 and even homemade explosives in recent years. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00035-00013262-00013708 As horrific as those deadly attacks are, they’re rarely reported upon by the American media mJ-dzELjwNQ-00036-00013708-00013927 for the reasons outlined above. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00037-00013927-00014369 Unfortunately, a similar trend of increased knife attacks has also been witnessed in another mJ-dzELjwNQ-00038-00014369-00014813 nation that has increasingly become infamous for its strict gun control laws — the United mJ-dzELjwNQ-00039-00014813-00015316 Kingdom — and the media is trying hard to avoid reporting on that as well, even as London’s mJ-dzELjwNQ-00040-00015316-00015608 murder rate just surpassed that of New York City. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00041-00015608-00016052 Once again, we must remind everyone that the weapons used in these sorts of violent attacks mJ-dzELjwNQ-00042-00016052-00016483 are not the most important factor, as deranged and evil people will always find a way to mJ-dzELjwNQ-00043-00016483-00016688 do deranged and evil things. mJ-dzELjwNQ-00044-00016688-00017140 Hopefully, a majority of people will eventually come to the conclusion that the real problem mJ-dzELjwNQ-00045-00017140-00017560 behind such violent attacks is not the gun or the knife, but the dark heart of the criminal mJ-dzELjwNQ-00046-00017560-00018980 that harbors murderous thoughts and plots atrocious deeds against other innocent people. mK5UXQE7zq8-00000-00000000-00000200 If you see this you are very lucky mKf2JRoJF1g-00000-00000003-00000625 everybody JR Fisher here wants to jump on here real quick and talk to you about mKf2JRoJF1g-00001-00000625-00002199 five things that you may be doing that are holding you back you're literally mKf2JRoJF1g-00002-00002199-00002505 doing these things and that's what's preventing you from getting where you mKf2JRoJF1g-00003-00002505-00002894 want to be and oh yeah and stay in here because the last one I'm gonna give you mKf2JRoJF1g-00004-00002894-00003365 is the fatal one if you're doing this one thing you're done okay there's only mKf2JRoJF1g-00005-00003365-00003732 five things but these five things can really mess you up so the first thing mKf2JRoJF1g-00006-00003732-00004214 I'm going to tell you is number one people who aren't succeeding people who mKf2JRoJF1g-00007-00004214-00004773 are losers whatever they can't handle pressure can't handle it they don't know mKf2JRoJF1g-00008-00004773-00005073 what to do with it they just think oh my god this pressure this is so horrible I mKf2JRoJF1g-00009-00005073-00005568 can't the first thing they do when they encounter a problem or things going mKf2JRoJF1g-00010-00005568-00006084 wrong is they quit they just stop they don't do anything anymore mKf2JRoJF1g-00011-00006084-00006606 you know it's like the strongest trees they say don't grow in the best soil mKf2JRoJF1g-00012-00006606-00007295 they grow in the what strongest winds so that that pressure against that tree mKf2JRoJF1g-00013-00007295-00007806 makes a tree try are harder and harder and harder and what remains is a really mKf2JRoJF1g-00014-00007806-00008214 tough tough badass tree okay so that's what we need to think mKf2JRoJF1g-00015-00008214-00008568 about it is how you react to these situations - I remember it was just a mKf2JRoJF1g-00016-00008568-00008949 few years ago and you're it's taken me years to get here you know I was not mKf2JRoJF1g-00017-00008949-00009347 always the way where I would look at a bad situation to go yay this is great mKf2JRoJF1g-00018-00009347-00009609 this is an opportunity you know I didn't do that mKf2JRoJF1g-00019-00009609-00009872 it took me a long time to get to that stage but I remember I was going on a mKf2JRoJF1g-00020-00009872-00010265 trip and my wife was going to give me a ride to the airport so we went outside mKf2JRoJF1g-00021-00010265-00010500 and and I had one car parked in the street mKf2JRoJF1g-00022-00010500-00010854 I had one car parked in the driveway her car was parked in the driveway and we mKf2JRoJF1g-00023-00010854-00011277 looked over at the driveway and lo and behold her car was gone and I looked at mKf2JRoJF1g-00024-00011277-00011610 her and I said your car got stolen we're gonna have to take my car she says how mKf2JRoJF1g-00025-00011610-00012182 do you know that I said well it's not there okay mKf2JRoJF1g-00026-00012182-00012567 there's a clue but I said look at it this way your car got stolen but I'm mKf2JRoJF1g-00027-00012567-00012878 telling you it's gonna turn into a really great situation and I at the time mKf2JRoJF1g-00028-00012878-00013074 she looked at me like I was crazy I said no you mKf2JRoJF1g-00029-00013074-00013500 never know this could turn into a really great situation and lo and behold what mKf2JRoJF1g-00030-00013500-00013728 happened was the insurance company really took care of us mKf2JRoJF1g-00031-00013728-00014082 she got a much nicer car she didn't really like the car she had and we had mKf2JRoJF1g-00032-00014082-00014613 like 15,000 miles on it you shouldn't like it so the point is it's hard to do mKf2JRoJF1g-00033-00014613-00014988 it in the moment it's really hard to do it at the moment where you say yeah you mKf2JRoJF1g-00034-00014988-00015336 know this is a bad situation and I'm so glad it happened because there's an mKf2JRoJF1g-00035-00015336-00015762 opportunity but that really is what is going on and like that's how life does mKf2JRoJF1g-00036-00015762-00016281 it and how you react to that negative situation will determine if you're mKf2JRoJF1g-00037-00016281-00016668 really going to get a good outcome or a bad outcome out of it and if you react mKf2JRoJF1g-00038-00016668-00017106 that yes this problem is an opportunity gives me a chance to really double down mKf2JRoJF1g-00039-00017106-00017445 and do something then you're gonna do really well now the next thing that is mKf2JRoJF1g-00040-00017445-00017856 really a killer this is number two is having a really negative self-image and mKf2JRoJF1g-00041-00017856-00018216 the self-image thing you know this is something that you know didn't you mKf2JRoJF1g-00042-00018216-00018570 develop over the years you know as a child you know as you grow into your mKf2JRoJF1g-00043-00018570-00019038 teens as you grow into an adult and based on events that happen to you you mKf2JRoJF1g-00044-00019038-00019464 develop the self-image okay now you know maybe you didn't have parents that told mKf2JRoJF1g-00045-00019464-00019803 you you were the sweetest thing or maybe didn't have parents you know maybe a bad mKf2JRoJF1g-00046-00019803-00020175 parents maybe you were abused whatever but you've got to understand that was mKf2JRoJF1g-00047-00020175-00020712 their issue that's not your issue you know if if your perception is that mKf2JRoJF1g-00048-00020712-00021006 you're not gonna succeed and you don't do well at things and you're not that mKf2JRoJF1g-00049-00021006-00021234 smart then guess what that's what you're gonna mKf2JRoJF1g-00050-00021234-00021591 get but if you start to say you know it doesn't matter what it is I'm gonna try mKf2JRoJF1g-00051-00021591-00021939 to figure it out and I mean I wanna back up a little bit because I was on the mKf2JRoJF1g-00052-00021939-00022356 phone with a friend the other day and we were talking about him being able to mKf2JRoJF1g-00053-00022356-00022788 sell some stuff online and one of the things he said to me he's as well you mKf2JRoJF1g-00054-00022788-00023148 know a lot of that stuff's just over my head I'm not real smart about that stuff mKf2JRoJF1g-00055-00023148-00023553 and I said well of course you're not I wasn't either until I learned it you mKf2JRoJF1g-00056-00023553-00023889 know if you don't know it how can you be smart about it's impossible so you got mKf2JRoJF1g-00057-00023889-00024204 to try and you got to learn it and you can't tell yourself that you can't learn mKf2JRoJF1g-00058-00024204-00024644 things or you can't do things because if you consistently do that you'll mKf2JRoJF1g-00059-00024644-00025041 consistently not get ahead you will consistently you know not be successful mKf2JRoJF1g-00060-00025041-00025410 I know one thing and I tried it down that Zig Ziglar once said he says you mKf2JRoJF1g-00061-00025410-00025958 cannot consistently perform in a manner that is inconsistent with the way you mKf2JRoJF1g-00062-00025958-00026304 see yourself so don't expect yourself to do great and mKf2JRoJF1g-00063-00026304-00026733 be all motivated and you know feeling great if in fact mKf2JRoJF1g-00064-00026733-00027181 you have this low self-image of yourself and how do you change that you just do mKf2JRoJF1g-00065-00027181-00027564 you just start telling yourself I can do things I can accomplish things I'm not mKf2JRoJF1g-00066-00027564-00027933 gonna quit I'm gonna keep trying till I figure it out and believe me I'm not a mKf2JRoJF1g-00067-00027933-00028249 quick learner on things you know a lot of times I'll get into like a new ads mKf2JRoJF1g-00068-00028249-00028695 platform or some way of building pages or something and it's it's like whoa mKf2JRoJF1g-00069-00028695-00029173 it's just so difficult I can't do this I can't do that oh my god it's so hard but mKf2JRoJF1g-00070-00029173-00029548 I just say to myself I'm just gonna keep doing it now I keep doing it and pretty mKf2JRoJF1g-00071-00029548-00029941 soon I'll start figuring out parts of it and I'm not gonna quit until I do and mKf2JRoJF1g-00072-00029941-00030274 you know that's kind of what winners do they say you know well I many books mKf2JRoJF1g-00073-00030274-00030772 would have winner read to be successful well the answer to them is as many as it mKf2JRoJF1g-00074-00030772-00031138 took whatever it took they're gonna do that and that's the kind of the attitude mKf2JRoJF1g-00075-00031138-00031608 you got to give now the next one is number three it's how you play in the mKf2JRoJF1g-00076-00031608-00032074 game losers play to not lose winners play to win mKf2JRoJF1g-00077-00032074-00032512 okay so a loser has the attitude with man I hope I don't mess this up I hope mKf2JRoJF1g-00078-00032512-00032872 this doesn't get screwed up I hope I do this wrong don't do it wrong you know mKf2JRoJF1g-00079-00032872-00033211 I'm gonna try but I don't know how it's gonna turn out and with that attitude mKf2JRoJF1g-00080-00033211-00033706 you're not gonna do well if you say I'm gonna try and see what happens you're mKf2JRoJF1g-00081-00033706-00034126 not gonna do well but if you go into it all in and you say I'm gonna succeed at mKf2JRoJF1g-00082-00034126-00034402 this and I'm gonna do whatever it takes and sure I'm gonna hit some bumps in the mKf2JRoJF1g-00083-00034402-00034875 road I'm gonna have some failures things are gonna go wrong but if you do that mKf2JRoJF1g-00084-00034875-00035317 overall you're gonna do really well and here's the crazy thing about this this mKf2JRoJF1g-00085-00035317-00035953 one little thing this all-in attitude really has to do with the entire way you mKf2JRoJF1g-00086-00035953-00036625 handle stuff because you know you're probably you know if you're good at you mKf2JRoJF1g-00087-00036625-00037006 know one thing you're probably good at a lot of things you know if you're bad at mKf2JRoJF1g-00088-00037006-00037309 one area you know if you're overeating and you know over drinking and never mKf2JRoJF1g-00089-00037309-00037744 exercising and not getting enough rest you know you're probably not great on mKf2JRoJF1g-00090-00037744-00038284 your job so all of these little things do matter it is all of the little things mKf2JRoJF1g-00091-00038284-00038683 that matter people say well it's a small thing it really doesn't matter it's just mKf2JRoJF1g-00092-00038683-00039082 a little thing it doesn't matter it all matters it matters when you're cooking mKf2JRoJF1g-00093-00039082-00039448 dinner how well you cook it and what it looks like when it gets on the plate and mKf2JRoJF1g-00094-00039448-00039700 it matters when you're mowing your lawn and mKf2JRoJF1g-00095-00039700-00040045 how good that long turns out and it matters when you go and stay in a hotel mKf2JRoJF1g-00096-00040045-00040414 room that you leave it indecent order you don't mess it up because all of mKf2JRoJF1g-00097-00040414-00040819 these things are building your self-image and if you're doing your best mKf2JRoJF1g-00098-00040819-00041068 at everything you do whether it's brushing your teeth or coming your hair mKf2JRoJF1g-00099-00041068-00041440 or dressing your body whatever it is or taking care of your kids or being mKf2JRoJF1g-00100-00041440-00041806 responsive to your spouse whatever it is those things are going to spill over mKf2JRoJF1g-00101-00041806-00042282 into your success how could they not so you know you need to have that attitude mKf2JRoJF1g-00102-00042282-00042958 number four if you're counting here is losers really never are committed you mKf2JRoJF1g-00103-00042958-00043558 know they don't really commit you know people who are doing a lot of really mKf2JRoJF1g-00104-00043558-00043963 great things and being really successful they have bought in they've done mKf2JRoJF1g-00105-00043963-00044311 everything they need to do to buy and they they committed themselves to do mKf2JRoJF1g-00106-00044311-00044815 that and they act upon it okay losers keep researching and they don't really mKf2JRoJF1g-00107-00044815-00045148 kind of get going they go well let me check this out let me do this and it's mKf2JRoJF1g-00108-00045148-00045670 not you're not gonna have this perfect plan of everything working out exactly mKf2JRoJF1g-00109-00045670-00046027 the way you think you know sometimes a lot of people say to me well you know mKf2JRoJF1g-00110-00046027-00046657 how did you end up creating a course on e-commerce and I'm like well it started mKf2JRoJF1g-00111-00046657-00047053 off selling cell phone cases and then I went to selling survival products and mKf2JRoJF1g-00112-00047053-00047437 then it went to having a survival food line and then it went to coaching a few mKf2JRoJF1g-00113-00047437-00047779 people and then it went to you know writing some stuff and some blogs and mKf2JRoJF1g-00114-00047779-00048133 doing some videos and then it went to the course so there's my straight line I mKf2JRoJF1g-00115-00048133-00048760 didn't have one and it's more like ready fire aim okay in other words get ready mKf2JRoJF1g-00116-00048760-00049024 and get going and you could always change your mKf2JRoJF1g-00117-00049024-00049399 direction you can always change the direction you're going and react to mKf2JRoJF1g-00118-00049399-00049711 what's happening around you and in the market and what software has come along mKf2JRoJF1g-00119-00049711-00050110 and what opportunities hit you but you've gotta get started you got to just mKf2JRoJF1g-00120-00050110-00050691 do something even if it's not great okay this video probably not great you know mKf2JRoJF1g-00121-00050691-00050977 maybe one in two or three years I do from there'll be a whole lot better but mKf2JRoJF1g-00122-00050977-00051277 the point is I'm just gonna do it I'm gonna get out there and do it you know mKf2JRoJF1g-00123-00051277-00051678 communicate a little bit you know share with you I'm gonna definitely do that oh mKf2JRoJF1g-00124-00051678-00051984 but you can always adjust as you go you're not stuck with where you're at mKf2JRoJF1g-00125-00051984-00052369 and then the last one which i think is super super important this is the one mKf2JRoJF1g-00126-00052369-00052744 that kills a lot of people is they aim too low they aim too low mKf2JRoJF1g-00127-00052744-00053101 based on what's already happened in the life or what they think their mKf2JRoJF1g-00128-00053101-00053614 capabilities are you've got a you know if if your plans don't sound crazy to mKf2JRoJF1g-00129-00053614-00053887 some people then you're not you're not shooting high mKf2JRoJF1g-00130-00053887-00054346 enough you know some people just shoot solo you know Elon Musk said he wanted mKf2JRoJF1g-00131-00054346-00054988 to colonize Mars what you know Richard Branson said he want to take people in mKf2JRoJF1g-00132-00054988-00055426 space for a vacation insane right but the average person didn't shoot any mKf2JRoJF1g-00133-00055426-00055801 higher than the ceiling in their house so you know if you're not shooting for mKf2JRoJF1g-00134-00055801-00056055 the stars you know you're probably at the moon if you shoot for the stars mKf2JRoJF1g-00135-00056055-00056395 we've all heard that if you're shooting really really low saying well if I could mKf2JRoJF1g-00136-00056395-00056728 just make another thousand dollars a month I'd be happy if I could just do mKf2JRoJF1g-00137-00056728-00057117 that how bad you replace your entire income and make ten thousand or fifty mKf2JRoJF1g-00138-00057117-00057364 thousand or a hundred thousand a month you said well that's crazy I couldn't do mKf2JRoJF1g-00139-00057364-00057883 that why not why not do that why not do that you know my wife and I have some mKf2JRoJF1g-00140-00057883-00058225 goals now and we put little stickers everywhere so we can hit those goals to mKf2JRoJF1g-00141-00058225-00058573 remind ourselves to do the things we need to do to hit those goals and we mKf2JRoJF1g-00142-00058573-00058969 don't do little goals we do what we think or bigger goals for us and you mKf2JRoJF1g-00143-00058969-00059302 know I think about it Martin Luther King what was his speech everybody knows mKf2JRoJF1g-00144-00059302-00059641 Martin Luther King's Speech right he stood in front of tens of thousands of mKf2JRoJF1g-00145-00059641-00060192 people and he didn't say okay I have this smart goal Smar T which is the old mKf2JRoJF1g-00146-00060192-00060571 way of setting goals which is BS he didn't say that what do you say he mKf2JRoJF1g-00147-00060571-00061063 says I have a dream I've got a dream now do you have a dream do you have mKf2JRoJF1g-00148-00061063-00061516 something that you want to do I mean you know here's your bonus and your bonus is mKf2JRoJF1g-00149-00061516-00062152 this sometimes you need to kind of step back from where you're at and people mKf2JRoJF1g-00150-00062152-00062458 have a hard time with that I know you know I had a really good corporate job mKf2JRoJF1g-00151-00062458-00062857 and I worked a lot of hours didn't like it have drove new cars every I think six mKf2JRoJF1g-00152-00062857-00063253 weeks or something like that and when I quit my job what did I do for a car I mKf2JRoJF1g-00153-00063253-00063877 bought a $5,000 used car and I drove that for gosh first year to I guess mKf2JRoJF1g-00154-00063877-00064282 something like that we were lucky we did well but it was a step down you know it mKf2JRoJF1g-00155-00064282-00064624 wasn't I didn't go out buy a nice car and big payments on the car cuz I knew mKf2JRoJF1g-00156-00064624-00064957 it I couldn't do the payments because I was starting my own business and when mKf2JRoJF1g-00157-00064957-00065236 you start your own business you don't have that extra money to do that to this mKf2JRoJF1g-00158-00065236-00065653 day I don't really care much about cars but the point is a lot of people will mKf2JRoJF1g-00159-00065653-00066091 get the big house and they get all the bedrooms and they get the big yard and mKf2JRoJF1g-00160-00066091-00066292 they're out there trying to impress their neighbors they mKf2JRoJF1g-00161-00066292-00066781 want to step back at all but they're going to stay in a job that pays for all mKf2JRoJF1g-00162-00066781-00067186 this pays for these extra dining rooms and living rooms they never ever go in mKf2JRoJF1g-00163-00067186-00067582 and these extra bedrooms that they never use so that they can impress all these mKf2JRoJF1g-00164-00067582-00067969 people around them their friends and family and say look how I live look how mKf2JRoJF1g-00165-00067969-00068323 fancy I live I've got four wheelers out there and I've got a boat that I never mKf2JRoJF1g-00166-00068323-00068698 get a chance to go on because I'm always at work isn't that cool and they spend mKf2JRoJF1g-00167-00068698-00069244 the next 30 or 40 years doing that to impress a bunch of people they don't mKf2JRoJF1g-00168-00069244-00069655 even like they don't even like it that's that's a shame I mean that really is a mKf2JRoJF1g-00169-00069655-00070038 shame to do that what if they were to just step back a little bit cut back mKf2JRoJF1g-00170-00070038-00070393 their expenses give them some more time give them some more money invest in a mKf2JRoJF1g-00171-00070393-00070726 business and they could grow it to something that would be far greater than mKf2JRoJF1g-00172-00070726-00071167 where they're at but they're afraid of looking bad to their friends and family mKf2JRoJF1g-00173-00071167-00071629 and people they don't even like so they keep working that job they keep working mKf2JRoJF1g-00174-00071629-00072097 those hours and then one day they die and then it's too late so that's my mKf2JRoJF1g-00175-00072097-00072391 bonus to you step back a little bit don't be afraid to step back a little mKf2JRoJF1g-00176-00072391-00072795 bit don't be a you don't have to impress anybody but yourself you're not mKf2JRoJF1g-00177-00072795-00073083 competing with anybody my wife and I were having that conversation the other mKf2JRoJF1g-00178-00073083-00073407 night it's so funny how you always think you're competing with this person or mKf2JRoJF1g-00179-00073407-00073794 that person and you're really not the only competition you have right here mKf2JRoJF1g-00180-00073794-00074232 okay and if you keep that in mind and you understand that the only competition mKf2JRoJF1g-00181-00074232-00074808 you have is you that's it then you'll never be a loser at all because you're mKf2JRoJF1g-00182-00074808-00075175 always trying to get ahead and even if you fall down you're falling forward mKf2JRoJF1g-00183-00075175-00075511 right you're not falling backwards you're falling forward because you're mKf2JRoJF1g-00184-00075511-00075819 moving forward you're doing something so anyhow I just want to show that with you mKf2JRoJF1g-00185-00075819-00076312 today not real ecommerce see right it's not real online sales marketing stuff mKf2JRoJF1g-00186-00076312-00076719 but sometimes you need to hear this so you can get into the online sales so you mKf2JRoJF1g-00187-00076719-00077011 can get into selling more products so you can get into learning these other mKf2JRoJF1g-00188-00077011-00077422 things so I hope you enjoyed the video if you did got some bonuses for you mKf2JRoJF1g-00189-00077422-00077848 there's a free course I put a link in the description you can grab that that mKf2JRoJF1g-00190-00077848-00078142 funnel is kind of messed up right now so it may try to sell you something don't mKf2JRoJF1g-00191-00078142-00078601 worry about that grab my free course I also wrote a book on how to find a mKf2JRoJF1g-00192-00078601-00078991 profitable product to sell online you can click on that link and go grab my mKf2JRoJF1g-00193-00078991-00079423 book which is really cool you'll like that oh and do me a favor make sure you mKf2JRoJF1g-00194-00079423-00079727 like this and share you know the more you share the more you mKf2JRoJF1g-00195-00079727-00080117 get back have you ever thought about that so if you share this who knows what mKf2JRoJF1g-00196-00080117-00080477 you'll get back right and put a comment down there if you're watching this on mKf2JRoJF1g-00197-00080477-00080924 Facebook don't forget to share it don't forget to like don't forget to comment I mKf2JRoJF1g-00198-00080924-00081371 want to hear if you've had some experience with these situations too you mKf2JRoJF1g-00199-00081371-00081665 know were you were you kind of stuck at one point in some of these areas with mKf2JRoJF1g-00200-00081665-00082130 most 5 things and something changed I know it did for me so I hope it does for mKf2JRoJF1g-00201-00082130-00082568 you if you're watching this on youtube don't forget to subscribe to my channel mKf2JRoJF1g-00202-00082568-00082997 don't forget to click the little bell and then I can notify you every time I mKf2JRoJF1g-00203-00082997-00083360 do a video which is kind of cool too so that's it that's all I got hope you guys mKf2JRoJF1g-00204-00083360-00083795 have a great day I'll talk to you real soon thanks hey thanks for watching my mKf2JRoJF1g-00205-00083795-00084272 video don't forget to subscribe to my channel and click that little bell right mKf2JRoJF1g-00206-00084272-00084800 there so you can be notified every time I do a new video also click on one of mKf2JRoJF1g-00207-00084800-00085222 those videos there keep watching on my channel mMZZWmMRh40-00000-00000075-00000547 - Nerve plexuses are basically braids mMZZWmMRh40-00001-00000550-00001014 or interminglings of spinal nerves, mMZZWmMRh40-00002-00001016-00001414 with each other, to form peripheral mMZZWmMRh40-00003-00001416-00001755 named nerves, like the sciatic nerve. mMZZWmMRh40-00004-00001758-00001889 If this is at all like, mMZZWmMRh40-00005-00001891-00002085 what the heck is she talking about, mMZZWmMRh40-00006-00002087-00002539 let's orient ourselves to the brachial plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00007-00002541-00003097 This is the actual anatomy of the brachial plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00008-00003099-00003376 Don't panic yet. mMZZWmMRh40-00009-00003379-00003647 You can see something here that's familiar. mMZZWmMRh40-00010-00003650-00004022 Right? What do you think these are? mMZZWmMRh40-00011-00004025-00004301 These are spinal nerves. mMZZWmMRh40-00012-00004304-00004705 They're actually, each one of these cords, right here, mMZZWmMRh40-00013-00004708-00005268 is actually the anterior ramus for this spinal nerve. mMZZWmMRh40-00014-00005270-00005581 So this is the anterior ramus of C5, mMZZWmMRh40-00015-00005583-00005981 this is the anterior ramus of C6, and so on. mMZZWmMRh40-00016-00005983-00006681 The brachial plexus is made of several named nerves, mMZZWmMRh40-00017-00006683-00007222 that we'll look at, and they come from C5 through T1. mMZZWmMRh40-00018-00007225-00007385 Those are all the spinal nerves mMZZWmMRh40-00019-00007387-00008097 that are contributing pathways to make up the brachial plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00020-00008099-00008514 If we're good with that, then the concept of a plexus mMZZWmMRh40-00021-00008516-00008914 is like a net or a knot or a tangle, mMZZWmMRh40-00022-00008916-00009097 and I just want you, like, take a deep breath, mMZZWmMRh40-00023-00009099-00009418 because I just want you to get this conceptually. mMZZWmMRh40-00024-00009420-00009964 Parts of the anterior ramus of C5 split off. mMZZWmMRh40-00025-00009966-00010431 Now check out the split, and combine with C6. mMZZWmMRh40-00026-00010433-00010810 Combine again, like different parts, combine with C6. mMZZWmMRh40-00027-00010812-00011260 This part is actually combining with a piece of C7. mMZZWmMRh40-00028-00011262-00011776 Here we've got C6 combining with pieces of C7 and C8. mMZZWmMRh40-00029-00011779-00012231 Do you see how we could do a map mMZZWmMRh40-00030-00012233-00012564 of the brachial plexus and have to know all, mMZZWmMRh40-00031-00012566-00012997 like, which piece connected with which part. mMZZWmMRh40-00032-00012999-00013105 You're not going to have to do that. mMZZWmMRh40-00033-00013108-00013397 In fact, I'm going to take a red pen, mMZZWmMRh40-00034-00013399-00013597 and I'm going to show you what you're going to have to know. mMZZWmMRh40-00035-00013599-00014201 I want you to know who is contributing fibers mMZZWmMRh40-00036-00014204-00014397 to the brachial plexus mMZZWmMRh40-00037-00014399-00014697 named nerves that we're responsible for. mMZZWmMRh40-00038-00014699-00015097 I want you to know the musculocutaneous nerve, mMZZWmMRh40-00039-00015099-00015285 the axillary nerve, mMZZWmMRh40-00040-00015287-00015597 the median nerve, the ulnar nerve, mMZZWmMRh40-00041-00015599-00015797 and the radial nerve. mMZZWmMRh40-00042-00015799-00016343 Are there more nerves that are a part of the brachial plexus? mMZZWmMRh40-00043-00016345-00016697 Yeah. These are the ones that we're going to know. mMZZWmMRh40-00044-00016699-00017060 Hopefully you look at this and go, whoa, mMZZWmMRh40-00045-00017062-00017301 can we even see that in our cadavers, mMZZWmMRh40-00046-00017304-00017460 and the answer is yes. mMZZWmMRh40-00047-00017462-00017997 We will have a brachial plexus prosection mMZZWmMRh40-00048-00017999-00018297 ready for you to look at. mMZZWmMRh40-00049-00018299-00018635 You will also need to know, generally, mMZZWmMRh40-00050-00018637-00019181 what muscles are innervated by these different nerves. mMZZWmMRh40-00051-00019183-00019326 And that's something that, mMZZWmMRh40-00052-00019329-00019631 if you know one muscle that's innervated by each nerve, mMZZWmMRh40-00053-00019633-00019876 you're good to go, and you can totally look that information up mMZZWmMRh40-00054-00019879-00020197 and make it happen. mMZZWmMRh40-00055-00020199-00020418 There's not just a brachial plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00056-00020420-00020656 We have a cervical plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00057-00020658-00020981 The cervical plexus, we have one named nerve mMZZWmMRh40-00058-00020983-00021222 that you're going to be responsible for, mMZZWmMRh40-00059-00021225-00021489 and that name-- hold on just a second. mMZZWmMRh40-00060-00021491-00021726 Before we do that, I want to show you this picture mMZZWmMRh40-00061-00021729-00021976 of the brachial plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00062-00021979-00022297 This was my map. This is what it actually looks like. mMZZWmMRh40-00063-00022299-00022597 Do you agree that you can totally see, oh, mMZZWmMRh40-00064-00022599-00022926 those are spinal nerves coming out of the spinal cord, mMZZWmMRh40-00065-00022929-00023197 and then we've got actual structures mMZZWmMRh40-00066-00023199-00023581 that we can name and here are my peripheral named nerves mMZZWmMRh40-00067-00023583-00023864 of the brachial plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00068-00023866-00024181 We do have the cervical plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00069-00024183-00024356 I'm going to write it right here mMZZWmMRh40-00070-00024358-00024722 even though cervical plexus is up here. mMZZWmMRh40-00071-00024725-00025097 Cervical plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00072-00025099-00025497 Cervical plexus is C-- let's see-- mMZZWmMRh40-00073-00025499-00025905 C1 through C4. mMZZWmMRh40-00074-00025908-00026576 There are--technically, they don't include C5 in this mix, mMZZWmMRh40-00075-00026579-00026872 however there are some C5 fibers mMZZWmMRh40-00076-00026875-00027376 that contribute to cervical plexus nerves and, mMZZWmMRh40-00077-00027379-00027501 in fact, there's one, mMZZWmMRh40-00078-00027504-00027839 the only cervical plexus nerve that we have to know, mMZZWmMRh40-00079-00027841-00028297 is the phrenic nerve, mMZZWmMRh40-00080-00028299-00028497 and the phrenic nerve, mMZZWmMRh40-00081-00028499-00028781 fibers that contribute or spinal nerves mMZZWmMRh40-00082-00028783-00029043 that are contributing fibers to the phrenic nerve, mMZZWmMRh40-00083-00029045-00029543 are C3, C4, and C5. mMZZWmMRh40-00084-00029545-00030051 And what do you think the phrenic nerve innervates? mMZZWmMRh40-00085-00030054-00030547 The diaphragm. The diaphragm-- mMZZWmMRh40-00086-00030550-00031026 if you have an injury to spinal nerve C3, mMZZWmMRh40-00087-00031029-00031397 C4, or C5, chances are excellent mMZZWmMRh40-00088-00031399-00031626 that you are going to stop breathing. mMZZWmMRh40-00089-00031629-00032035 In fact, in clinical settings they have a mnemonic, mMZZWmMRh40-00090-00032037-00032351 3, 4, 5, stay alive, to help you remember that, mMZZWmMRh40-00091-00032354-00032868 if we have damage that high in your cervical region, mMZZWmMRh40-00092-00032870-00033293 that you run the risk of not being able to breathe anymore mMZZWmMRh40-00093-00033295-00033639 because of damage to the phrenic nerve. mMZZWmMRh40-00094-00033641-00034276 We have two other plexuses that we have nerves to know from. mMZZWmMRh40-00095-00034279-00034618 We have the lumbar plexus, mMZZWmMRh40-00096-00034620-00034931 and we have the sacral plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00097-00034933-00036005 And the lumbar plexus includes L1 through L4, mMZZWmMRh40-00098-00036008-00036668 and the sacral plexus includes L4 through S4. mMZZWmMRh40-00099-00036670-00036835 That's easy to remember. mMZZWmMRh40-00100-00036837-00037122 And we've got some named nerves from these guys. mMZZWmMRh40-00101-00037125-00037797 The lumbar plexus gives rise to the femoral nerve. mMZZWmMRh40-00102-00037799-00038110 We probably will not see the actual plexus. mMZZWmMRh40-00103-00038112-00038543 We will just be able to see the named nerve itself. mMZZWmMRh40-00104-00038545-00039297 It also gives rise to the obturator--obturator--nerve. mMZZWmMRh40-00105-00039299-00039747 This sacral plexus--sacral-- mMZZWmMRh40-00106-00039750-00040297 contributes fibers to the sciatic nerve. mMZZWmMRh40-00107-00040299-00040526 And the sciatic nerve, mMZZWmMRh40-00108-00040529-00040693 you're probably already aware of this, mMZZWmMRh40-00109-00040695-00040935 actually splits into two nerves, mMZZWmMRh40-00110-00040937-00041897 and it's the tibial nerve and the common fibular nerve. mMZZWmMRh40-00111-00041899-00042435 Let's see if there's anything else that you should know. mMZZWmMRh40-00112-00042437-00042697 I think you're good to go. mMZZWmMRh40-00113-00042699-00042964 Does the concept of a plexus make sense? mMZZWmMRh40-00114-00042966-00043297 Contemplate why. Why would we do this? mMZZWmMRh40-00115-00043299-00043497 What's the advantage to doing this? mMZZWmMRh40-00116-00043499-00043722 While you're contemplating, I'm going to go get ready mMZZWmMRh40-00117-00043725-00044072 to talk to you about cranial nerves. mMZZWmMRh40-00118-00044075-00044251 We've been doing spinal nerves, mMZZWmMRh40-00119-00044254-00044618 now we've got our named peripheral nerves, mMZZWmMRh40-00120-00044620-00045072 and now we're going to our last set of 12 cranial nerves. mMZZWmMRh40-00121-00045075-00045439 These guys all come out of the brainstem. mMZZWmMRh40-00122-00045441-00045541 Let's do it. mP8Hdp--Ex8-00000-00000000-00000200 please buy intro mP8Hdp--Ex8-00001-00000797-00000997 enjoy promo i guess mPkmjd_V8Zy-00000-00000035-00000508 If you can simply align to the state, to this energy, and let go of any need for it to appear mPkmjd_V8Zy-00001-00000508-00000932 a certain way, to not engage with the hows and the whens, at least not with a sense of mPkmjd_V8Zy-00002-00000932-00001519 personal doership. And there might be a sequence of appearances to seemingly take you through mPkmjd_V8Zy-00003-00001519-00001870 the illusion of linear time to end up at your destination. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00004-00002324-00002753 Well, one of the, one of the things that comes up with time is that we make things into a mPkmjd_V8Zy-00005-00002753-00003698 process and that that means that we're focused on getting somewhere instead of being focused mPkmjd_V8Zy-00006-00003698-00004200 on the wish fulfilled. Now it's about okay, here are the 12 steps that have to happen mPkmjd_V8Zy-00007-00004200-00004676 before the wish can be fulfilled which means we're no longer at the wish fulfilled, we're mPkmjd_V8Zy-00008-00004676-00005255 somewhere in this process. Right. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00009-00005255-00006362 Great. Well, if that's a limitation, I would like that limitation to be gone. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00010-00006362-00006507 If what is the limitation? mPkmjd_V8Zy-00011-00006507-00007420 The necessity of process before wish fulfilled turns into present reality. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00012-00007420-00008597 There is no process required, but there might be a sequence of appearances. You're not indulging mPkmjd_V8Zy-00013-00008597-00009704 in the sequence of appearances, then you could say there is no process. So if you are to mPkmjd_V8Zy-00014-00009704-00010299 stand firm, or simply be convinced, naturally speaking by firm, I don't mean with a lot mPkmjd_V8Zy-00015-00010299-00011127 of effort, I mean, with conviction, in the knowingness, that what it is that fulfils mPkmjd_V8Zy-00016-00011127-00011896 you, is true for you, and it's accomplished and it will somehow be. In fact in reality, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00017-00011896-00012614 it already is. If you can simply align to the state, to this energy, and let go of any mPkmjd_V8Zy-00018-00012614-00013106 need for it to appear a certain way, to not engage with the hows and the whens, at least mPkmjd_V8Zy-00019-00013106-00013634 not with a sense of personal doership. And there might be a sequence of appearances, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00020-00013634-00014305 to seemingly take you through the illusion of linear time to end up at your destination. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00021-00014305-00014941 But if you don't indulge these processes, with a sense of doubt, and losing your footing mPkmjd_V8Zy-00022-00014941-00015613 in the end state, then there is no process for you. It's just like watching a movie with mPkmjd_V8Zy-00023-00015613-00016215 no attachment. And if anything, it's fun. If anything it's like fireworks, if anything, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00024-00016215-00016698 it's like, Oh, I wonder what this will lead in, oh, I know how the movie is going to end, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00025-00016698-00017381 I just forgot how I edited the sequence of events, I'm going to surprise myself to see mPkmjd_V8Zy-00026-00017381-00018106 how this intelligent Law of Attraction universal generator decided to generate the story so mPkmjd_V8Zy-00027-00018106-00018578 that it makes sense to everyone around me, and maybe myself to some extent as well. I'm mPkmjd_V8Zy-00028-00018578-00019095 just gonna, but I know the end, I know how the movie ends. So let me just watch this mPkmjd_V8Zy-00029-00019095-00019699 unfold. And so you can sit there in a sense or be there or even interact with it. But mPkmjd_V8Zy-00030-00019699-00020343 with a sense of delight and freedom and confidence and certainty, then you can say quite fairly, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00031-00020343-00021587 that you are not processing. The process kicks in when doubt in the end result is allowed. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00032-00021587-00022315 So all that makes me think about this notion of conviction and doubt because I've noticed mPkmjd_V8Zy-00033-00022315-00023185 that sometimes I just kind of end up waking up in conviction. That is, I wanted to be mPkmjd_V8Zy-00034-00023185-00023856 convicted a long time ago but then one day I just was. But that doesn't explain doesn't mPkmjd_V8Zy-00035-00023856-00024550 explain doubt. It's like, I don't want to be in doubt, but there it is, you know, so mPkmjd_V8Zy-00036-00024550-00025359 I I don't seem to understand how to get from doubt to conviction. I often get to conviction, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00037-00025359-00025682 but I don't know how it happened. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00038-00025682-00026317 Okay. It can happen in many different ways. So it's case by case basis. Are you, do you mPkmjd_V8Zy-00039-00026317-00026844 have a specific question, or are you requesting a tool of some sort? mPkmjd_V8Zy-00040-00026844-00027307 Well, I mean, I can speak to something that's going on for right now. I mean, I've got a mPkmjd_V8Zy-00041-00027307-00028137 very clear idea of what Shambhala looks like, from my perspective, and it it really feels mPkmjd_V8Zy-00042-00028137-00028697 right and it feels certain but I have some physical limitations that are standing in mPkmjd_V8Zy-00043-00028697-00029026 the way right now I had a stroke a couple of years ago, and I'm still recovering from mPkmjd_V8Zy-00044-00029026-00029839 that. And I'm going to have to recover further before this, this vision of Shambhala I have mPkmjd_V8Zy-00045-00029839-00030879 could possibly be. I'm, I'm physically incapable of it in this moment. So it's seems like there's mPkmjd_V8Zy-00046-00030879-00031372 still a process in between here and there. Even though I've got, I really am convicted mPkmjd_V8Zy-00047-00031372-00031910 about it, I, it's clear to me, I know what's going to happen is, it's absolutely certain. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00048-00031910-00032550 But time keeps getting in the way. Like, why is it taking this long? You know, that that's mPkmjd_V8Zy-00049-00032550-00033033 the thing that keeps bothering me. So does that answer your question? mPkmjd_V8Zy-00050-00033033-00033283 It gives me a question. Yes. Okay. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00051-00033283-00034355 So, a mPkmjd_V8Zy-00052-00034355-00034833 small portion of what you said, sounds really good vibrationally and the majority of it mPkmjd_V8Zy-00053-00034833-00035479 sounds like you're coming from a point of view within linear time. But certain things mPkmjd_V8Zy-00054-00035479-00035979 like I know for sure, I know with certainty that that's what it is, that that's what it's mPkmjd_V8Zy-00055-00035979-00036463 going to be and so forth. That's what feels good, because you're speaking from that conviction. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00056-00036463-00037899 But then your attention, or your focus dwindles into the conditions that you place upon it. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00057-00037899-00038716 I know it's challenging to enjoy the fruits of what you're feeling, or what you're desiring mPkmjd_V8Zy-00058-00038716-00039281 in this case, let's say Shambala, to enjoy the fruits of that with an almost complete mPkmjd_V8Zy-00059-00039281-00040271 neglect for whatever it is within the current frame of linear time. But that is the trick mPkmjd_V8Zy-00060-00040271-00041151 to learn to enjoy the vision and the certainty of what is and let go all attachments. Sorry, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00061-00041151-00041659 what is in terms of the desired reality that you know is. That's why I call it what it mPkmjd_V8Zy-00062-00041659-00042263 is, because that's what truly is, when you know that that is what is, then that's all mPkmjd_V8Zy-00063-00042263-00042923 you need to know, then you are in the other what is. And then the temptation to look at mPkmjd_V8Zy-00064-00042923-00043457 the limitations and to assume that these are conditions that need to be changed before mPkmjd_V8Zy-00065-00043457-00044121 that can be is simply the conditioned limiting thinker coming into play and altering your mPkmjd_V8Zy-00066-00044121-00044566 vibrations and giving you the sensation of doubt. And then you're mPkmjd_V8Zy-00067-00044566-00044878 even as I was saying, it it, it felt wrong. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00068-00044878-00045393 But you, but you had to say to clarify your question and what you're sometimes dealing mPkmjd_V8Zy-00069-00045393-00045985 with. So it was great. But yes, as an example, that contains some of the vibrations that mPkmjd_V8Zy-00070-00045985-00046662 are not conducive to not having or needing a process, but actually being in the state mPkmjd_V8Zy-00071-00046662-00047139 of the wish fulfilled. Right? It's like this. It's a subtle art of actually just like a mPkmjd_V8Zy-00072-00047139-00047683 child, when it's enjoying its imagination. It's not trying to tether it to physical reality. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00073-00047683-00048177 It's almost like it allows it to be two completely separate realities. And that's fine. It's mPkmjd_V8Zy-00074-00048177-00048707 enjoying its imagination and then dinner's ready, and mom shouts up, Hey, dinner's ready, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00075-00048707-00049235 and it just runs down and there's no connection just pops out of one reality and into the mPkmjd_V8Zy-00076-00049235-00049660 other and back into this and back into, but what we try to do is when we imagine our wish mPkmjd_V8Zy-00077-00049660-00050130 fulfilled, and mom calls us and says, hey, dinner's ready, or, hey, you had a stroke mPkmjd_V8Zy-00078-00050130-00050805 two years ago. Look, here's the evidence of that, and it's still here. We somehow tie mPkmjd_V8Zy-00079-00050805-00051452 that to our wish fulfilled, and it doesn't need to be. It'd be far greater if we just mPkmjd_V8Zy-00080-00051452-00052004 allow them to be two separate realities. Where we enjoy the state of the wish fulfilled like mPkmjd_V8Zy-00081-00052004-00052635 a child innocently, spontaneously imagines some random scene that gives it joy. And not mPkmjd_V8Zy-00082-00052635-00053238 at all try to condition it with physical elements. Let the state of Shambhala be the state of mPkmjd_V8Zy-00083-00053238-00053910 Shambhala, let it exists for you. Let that be clear, it does exist, but appreciate it mPkmjd_V8Zy-00084-00053910-00054529 as already existent in its own domain. And then when your physical focus is more present, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00085-00054529-00054938 and you got some logistics to take care of, and your body is maybe a little sluggish that mPkmjd_V8Zy-00086-00054938-00056129 day then let that be that and have don't try to place your desire into this reality. Don't mPkmjd_V8Zy-00087-00056129-00056713 try to tie these two together. Just allow this one to be what it is in its own perspective, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00088-00056713-00057427 and its own respective reality and kind of give all attachment back to God like be in mPkmjd_V8Zy-00089-00057427-00057941 this reality be as non attached as you can be. And in the state of Shambhala. Well you mPkmjd_V8Zy-00090-00057941-00058433 don't need attachment because you're in the wish fulfilled, you're in certainty. That's mPkmjd_V8Zy-00091-00058433-00058829 a letting go of attachment especially how, when, what, because those all create this mPkmjd_V8Zy-00092-00058829-00059529 imaginary tie between that and this reality, and there is no tie, because it's literally mPkmjd_V8Zy-00093-00059529-00059976 an alternate universe. So if you love mPkmjd_V8Zy-00094-00059976-00060485 Yeah, go ahead. Well, that was that makes me think about this notion of shifting timelines. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00095-00060485-00061199 Because it seems like even that concept is a little flawed, and the timeline implies mPkmjd_V8Zy-00096-00061199-00062085 times. And, and they're all, they are all mutually existing without interaction. Wow. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00097-00062085-00062632 Okay. I think I got the point. Thank you. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00098-00062632-00063157 So then one more emphasis on what I've just shared for everyone here also is, see how mPkmjd_V8Zy-00099-00063157-00064060 much it takes the pressure off if you don't expect this reality to shift into that reality? mPkmjd_V8Zy-00100-00064060-00064494 What if you just allow them to be parallel realities. And in time, you can add a third, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00101-00064494-00064877 and you can add a fourth, and you can add a fifth, and truly experience yourself as mPkmjd_V8Zy-00102-00064877-00065444 a multi dimensional timeless, or at least nonlinear, consciousness. And you can traverse mPkmjd_V8Zy-00103-00065444-00066006 between those different frequencies and tap from one into the other, and not necessarily mPkmjd_V8Zy-00104-00066006-00066449 fixate on the one that is most physical right now as if that's the most real just because mPkmjd_V8Zy-00105-00066449-00067030 your physical senses are there. Meaning that you allow them all to coexist. This takes mPkmjd_V8Zy-00106-00067030-00067620 the pressure off, it doesn't condition your desired fulfilled state, by the limitations mPkmjd_V8Zy-00107-00067620-00068276 you perceive in the physical one. And that freedom, that freed-upness, that non attachment mPkmjd_V8Zy-00108-00068276-00068973 allows for the shifting between parallel existent streams or sequences of appearances to occur mPkmjd_V8Zy-00109-00068973-00069724 much more, you could say rapidly to use the illusion of time. Yeah. But if you put on mPkmjd_V8Zy-00110-00069724-00070455 this one, I believe in Shambala but here's what this one looks like. You are now drawing mPkmjd_V8Zy-00111-00070455-00070981 a condition between those two that doesn't structurally mechanically exist. And shifting mPkmjd_V8Zy-00112-00070981-00071730 between parallel versions of reality involves a no causality. So literally, it does not mPkmjd_V8Zy-00113-00071730-00072241 matter what your current condition is in this one, if you allow them to be independent realities, mPkmjd_V8Zy-00114-00072241-00072842 and just enjoy more and more of the frequency of the one that you prefer, not making anything mPkmjd_V8Zy-00115-00072842-00073419 bad that are appears in this one, then that's shifting, then you're in the receptive mode mPkmjd_V8Zy-00116-00073419-00073741 essentially, and the shifting can occur. mPkmjd_V8Zy-00117-00073741-00074431 Yeah, I've been accidentally doing that somewhat but I could I could definitely be more conscious mPkmjd_V8Zy-00118-00074431-00076833 of it. Thank you, Thank You. mPmD1NDxEh8-00000-00000221-00000681 hey and welcome to my channel my name is heather and this is the fluffy oracle mPmD1NDxEh8-00001-00000681-00001113 today's speaker card is gonna be all about what wishes are coming true for mPmD1NDxEh8-00002-00001113-00001396 you soon and also some extra positive messages for you mPmD1NDxEh8-00003-00001396-00001780 to help bring them in and have some more extra positive boost to your mPmD1NDxEh8-00004-00001780-00002305 manifestation and at the end we will be doing some rubble deck pulls as well so mPmD1NDxEh8-00005-00002305-00002674 for those who do not like profanity or cursing please know that you can skip mPmD1NDxEh8-00006-00002674-00003514 that part I know that I love you for your piles to pick from for the mPmD1NDxEh8-00007-00003514-00003997 first one we have Oscar we have Barney and we have baby Jasper for number three mPmD1NDxEh8-00008-00003997-00004375 time stamps will be down below as well as in the first comment from my mobile mPmD1NDxEh8-00009-00004375-00004801 users and without further ado let's get started if you need any extra time mPmD1NDxEh8-00010-00004801-00005260 please feel free to pause the video now and take that extra time as much as you mPmD1NDxEh8-00011-00005260-00005917 need alrighty so for my love's who chose Oscar let's see what wishes are coming mPmD1NDxEh8-00012-00005917-00006214 true and what positive messages we can give you to help bring those mPmD1NDxEh8-00013-00006214-00006931 manifestations in for you we have the Great Wheel which this is the stair oh mPmD1NDxEh8-00014-00006931-00007587 yeah syria syrian star seed sorrow so this is the wheel cart of that deck and mPmD1NDxEh8-00015-00007587-00008248 then we have the six of cups and the nine of Pentacles because or nine of mPmD1NDxEh8-00016-00008248-00008854 crystals in this deck crystals in this deck are also the Pentacles so with this mPmD1NDxEh8-00017-00008854-00009421 I feel like there may be a little bit of nostalgia for the past and for wishing mPmD1NDxEh8-00018-00009421-00009946 for someone to come back and with the wheel and the nine of crystals I feel mPmD1NDxEh8-00019-00009946-00010372 like you already have everything that you need in order to bring this about if mPmD1NDxEh8-00020-00010372-00010815 that's what you truly want and I feel like the wheel is working in your favor mPmD1NDxEh8-00021-00010815-00011551 but know that this too shall pass as well as what I get with this but I feel mPmD1NDxEh8-00022-00011551-00011872 like there's a lot of positive energy around with bringing something from the mPmD1NDxEh8-00023-00011872-00012387 past back so that is what you wish then all you need to do is reach out for them mPmD1NDxEh8-00024-00012387-00013381 alrighty so let's see what else we get we have clean and gratitude so with this mPmD1NDxEh8-00025-00013381-00013804 I feel like cleaning out your space might be needed quite a bit in order to mPmD1NDxEh8-00026-00013804-00014385 work on this and also cleaning away any mental clutter is what I get as well and mPmD1NDxEh8-00027-00014385-00014691 being grateful for the things that you have now since you already have mPmD1NDxEh8-00028-00014691-00015190 everything that you need now as it is to be happy instead of worrying about the mPmD1NDxEh8-00029-00015190-00015529 past but like I said if you want to bring the past back or you want to reach mPmD1NDxEh8-00030-00015529-00015951 out to someone from the past by all means make that reconnection if that is mPmD1NDxEh8-00031-00015951-00016456 what you're wishing to do because that's what I feel is coming in for you so if mPmD1NDxEh8-00032-00016456-00016818 these messages resonate with you that's great just take whatever does and mPmD1NDxEh8-00033-00016818-00017587 whatever doesn't just leave it there so we have you are healing for some extra mPmD1NDxEh8-00034-00017587-00018243 positive messages and then I have even more down below so this card reads mPmD1NDxEh8-00035-00018243-00018856 healing happens in season in seasons it can't be rushed or forced to fit a mPmD1NDxEh8-00036-00018856-00019426 schedule so often we curse the seeds that haven't taken root failing to mPmD1NDxEh8-00037-00019426-00019894 realize it's not their time they need more water sunlight in care bullying mPmD1NDxEh8-00038-00019894-00020418 ourselves blocks regeneration also sometimes the healing we're focused on mPmD1NDxEh8-00039-00020418-00020804 isn't the healing that's taking place mPmD1NDxEh8-00040-00020826-00021447 there's a there's a much deeper healing going on be patient dear one you are mPmD1NDxEh8-00041-00021447-00022015 healing so take your time and what this cleaning and clearing out of things from mPmD1NDxEh8-00042-00022015-00022515 the past and mental clearing it's also helping you to heal at this time so that mPmD1NDxEh8-00043-00022515-00023362 is definitely much needed so we have play self-care includes having fun are mPmD1NDxEh8-00044-00023362-00023856 you playing enough darling do you have enough free time or are you I don't mPmD1NDxEh8-00045-00023856-00024444 where are your book to the minute life goes by so darn fast make sure to have a mPmD1NDxEh8-00046-00024444-00025006 blast along the way play connects us to our childlike curiosity and zest when mPmD1NDxEh8-00047-00025006-00025587 life feels they know when life feels too serious toss aside your to-do list and mPmD1NDxEh8-00048-00025587-00026178 make room for the stuff that turns you on go to the movies have an adult mPmD1NDxEh8-00049-00026178-00026500 slumber party swinging at the playground you're never mPmD1NDxEh8-00050-00026500-00027466 too old to let the let the fun shine and live a little or a lot so definitely mPmD1NDxEh8-00051-00027466-00027937 some self care and so much-needed releasing and feeling a little bit freer mPmD1NDxEh8-00052-00027937-00028500 with yourself and taking time to take in everything that you are grateful for and mPmD1NDxEh8-00053-00028500-00029044 relishing all of that and having some much-needed fun and some playtime is mPmD1NDxEh8-00054-00029044-00029381 definitely called for to help you bring this in to have your hat to help you mPmD1NDxEh8-00055-00029381-00030088 have a lighter attitude towards things so let's see what else we get from the I mPmD1NDxEh8-00056-00030088-00030772 can do it cards from Louise hey we have my heart is my heart is the center of my mPmD1NDxEh8-00057-00030772-00031286 power I flow I fall yeah flow yeah go with the flow is pretty much what's mPmD1NDxEh8-00058-00031286-00031919 being called for I follow my heart I create easily and easily and mPmD1NDxEh8-00059-00031919-00032561 effortlessly when I let my thoughts come from the loving space of my own heart so mPmD1NDxEh8-00060-00032561-00032888 definitely some heart based energy and going with the flow as much needed with mPmD1NDxEh8-00061-00032888-00033236 this and you can use these as also little many informations if you choose mPmD1NDxEh8-00062-00033236-00034015 to so we have the law of attraction brings only good into my into my life so mPmD1NDxEh8-00063-00034015-00034490 having an attitude of gratitude goes right with this gratitude of um mPmD1NDxEh8-00064-00034490-00035041 gratitude card money is the state of mind that supports me I allow prosperity mPmD1NDxEh8-00065-00035041-00035671 to enter my life on a higher level than ever before so remember that you can use mPmD1NDxEh8-00066-00035671-00036206 these as affirmations as well so I'll leave this here in case you want to mPmD1NDxEh8-00067-00036206-00036575 pause it take a picture of it screenshot it that way you can write it down later mPmD1NDxEh8-00068-00036575-00036883 and remember it mPmD1NDxEh8-00069-00037200-00037572 like attracts like always with this law of attraction card so we have love is mPmD1NDxEh8-00070-00037572-00038247 powerful your love and my love love brings us peace on earth and then it mPmD1NDxEh8-00071-00038247-00038703 says love is all there is so lots and lots of love coming in and mPmD1NDxEh8-00072-00038703-00039081 lots and lots of love is much needed at this time to be able to go with the flow mPmD1NDxEh8-00073-00039081-00039543 and help bring about what it is that you are wishing for to bring in from the mPmD1NDxEh8-00074-00039543-00040137 past alrighty and I also hear that some of you are mPmD1NDxEh8-00075-00040137-00040452 longing for something from the past so that's what you're wishing to do and mPmD1NDxEh8-00076-00040452-00040849 reconnect there's gonna be a lot of work to do with love and self-care and mPmD1NDxEh8-00077-00040849-00041437 clearing I can find peace in every breath so taking some time to go within mPmD1NDxEh8-00078-00041437-00041790 and making sure that this is what you really want is what's called for and mPmD1NDxEh8-00079-00041790-00042603 taking some time for that self-care with meditation I trust that my that my gut mPmD1NDxEh8-00080-00042603-00043311 reaction is the truth underneath the set the surface of my fears so listen to mPmD1NDxEh8-00081-00043311-00043708 your intuition it's not stealing the wrong it's actually staring you in the mPmD1NDxEh8-00082-00043708-00044055 right direction you just got to take a minute to go within and actually listen mPmD1NDxEh8-00083-00044055-00044437 and really carefully and really closely so that you can hear it and know what mPmD1NDxEh8-00084-00044437-00044974 it's actually saying instead of jumping the gun and having an impulse with mPmD1NDxEh8-00085-00044974-00045675 something I make decisions from a place of an of intuition mPmD1NDxEh8-00086-00045675-00046245 some of the cursive is a little hard to read on this intuition and power so lots mPmD1NDxEh8-00087-00046245-00046558 and lots of listening to your intuition with this already mPmD1NDxEh8-00088-00046558-00047055 and taking the time to make these decisions as well as what I basically mPmD1NDxEh8-00089-00047055-00047496 this is a confirmation card of what I was just saying before this one that's mPmD1NDxEh8-00090-00047496-00047940 been happening a lot for me like I'm ahead of my card somehow and I'm like I mPmD1NDxEh8-00091-00047940-00048351 haven't even seen these cards yet because while I'm flipping them over mPmD1NDxEh8-00092-00048351-00049065 these are the first time that I'm seeing them right along with you guys so let's mPmD1NDxEh8-00093-00049065-00049711 start with well yeah I just lost track but anyway flow with life I'm just gonna mPmD1NDxEh8-00094-00049711-00050049 go with it just like the card says going with the mPmD1NDxEh8-00095-00050049-00050503 flow basically divine order and ever-present is ever-present in my life mPmD1NDxEh8-00096-00050503-00051034 and there is plenty of time for all that I choose to do so slow down take a mPmD1NDxEh8-00097-00051034-00051601 moment take all of that in and all the sites and know that the journey is mPmD1NDxEh8-00098-00051601-00051950 what's the most important for you with taking everything in and learning the mPmD1NDxEh8-00099-00051950-00052832 lessons that you need to learn at this time I express my true being my wisdom mPmD1NDxEh8-00100-00052832-00053438 and understanding of spirit increases as I express more fully each day the inner mPmD1NDxEh8-00101-00053438-00054335 beauty and strength of my true being so with this it's more about self mPmD1NDxEh8-00102-00054335-00054674 appreciation and knowing that you are smart enough and understanding and mPmD1NDxEh8-00103-00054674-00055010 caring enough to make these wise decisions and that you deserve nothing mPmD1NDxEh8-00104-00055010-00055402 but the best as well as what I get from this and that you have lots of inner mPmD1NDxEh8-00105-00055402-00055741 strength and lots and lots of inner beauty as well that you need to be mPmD1NDxEh8-00106-00055741-00056462 sharing outward with the world instead of keeping it all inside I give over my mPmD1NDxEh8-00107-00056462-00057052 problems and sleep peacefully I release my fears and problems I feel only peace mPmD1NDxEh8-00108-00057052-00057548 in my mind and body as I drift off to sleep so if you're having trouble mPmD1NDxEh8-00109-00057548-00057944 sleeping lately the meditation and going within will help you to relax your mind mPmD1NDxEh8-00110-00057944-00058436 and body as well and that'll help you have a more peaceful sleep as well at mPmD1NDxEh8-00111-00058436-00058799 night so maybe meditating 15 minutes before mPmD1NDxEh8-00112-00058799-00059242 you drift off to sleep might help you fall asleep a little bit faster but mPmD1NDxEh8-00113-00059242-00059624 definitely getting some much-needed rest this week is what's called for it this mPmD1NDxEh8-00114-00059624-00059912 time these are your messages stay tuned for mPmD1NDxEh8-00115-00059912-00060487 the rubble deck if you would like and thanks for checking me out mPmD1NDxEh8-00116-00060487-00060860 alrighty so for my loves who chose Barney let's see what Barney has to mPmD1NDxEh8-00117-00060860-00061298 bring us for your wishes that are coming true in the next hopefully a few days to mPmD1NDxEh8-00118-00061298-00061625 a week or so or whenever it is you're watching this these readings are always mPmD1NDxEh8-00119-00061625-00061930 timeless and we'll get some extra Gardens to help you bring that mPmD1NDxEh8-00120-00061930-00062683 manifestation about for you so these are this syrian star seeds hero and these mPmD1NDxEh8-00121-00062683-00063386 cards are actually different these are the teenage oracle completely two mPmD1NDxEh8-00122-00063386-00063679 different authors in two different decks but they have the same symbol on the mPmD1NDxEh8-00123-00063679-00064235 back in case you noticed that but they're mPmD1NDxEh8-00124-00064235-00064552 both really awesome decks I literally just got this deck yesterday and I've mPmD1NDxEh8-00125-00064552-00065233 had this one for years and I absolutely love it so jumping in we have a adept of mPmD1NDxEh8-00126-00065233-00065806 chalasis so this is kind of like the ace of cups is what I'm getting with this mPmD1NDxEh8-00127-00065806-00066343 and I really feel like a lot of overflowing and a lot of waves of mPmD1NDxEh8-00128-00066343-00066724 emotion are coming in and I feel like you're going to be having some emotional mPmD1NDxEh8-00129-00066724-00067027 fulfillment with these wishes that you're thinking about that are coming in mPmD1NDxEh8-00130-00067027-00067393 and that you have been hoping for especially with new beginnings because mPmD1NDxEh8-00131-00067393-00067783 we have zero which is star C which is the fool in this deck so definitely some mPmD1NDxEh8-00132-00067783-00068182 new beginnings in love and we have the five of flames which is the five of mPmD1NDxEh8-00133-00068182-00069029 Wands so I feel like putting some old arguments to rest is what you've been mPmD1NDxEh8-00134-00069029-00069711 hoping to do and wishing for especially with having a new beginning in love so I mPmD1NDxEh8-00135-00069711-00070310 feel like once you're able to express your emotions it'll dampen out these mPmD1NDxEh8-00136-00070310-00070837 flames and it'll put all those old arguments to rest and it'll help you mPmD1NDxEh8-00137-00070837-00071222 have a new beginning with your partner is what I'm hearing from this if that's mPmD1NDxEh8-00138-00071222-00071561 what you've been wishing for that's what's coming in so let's see what else mPmD1NDxEh8-00139-00071561-00072289 is going with this we have vampire and attitude so with this I feel like mPmD1NDxEh8-00140-00072289-00072733 getting rid of any toxic behaviors as well as for both you and your partner if mPmD1NDxEh8-00141-00072733-00073261 you are in a current relationship and also releasing any people who are just mPmD1NDxEh8-00142-00073261-00073714 absolutely draining your NNE energy is much needed to have this wish come in mPmD1NDxEh8-00143-00073714-00074342 and help it and also have self confidence in yourself it's not so much mPmD1NDxEh8-00144-00074342-00074806 about like the whole word attitude it's more about being confident in yourself mPmD1NDxEh8-00145-00074806-00075236 standing in your own power and releasing what you no longer need which is the mPmD1NDxEh8-00146-00075236-00075842 energy vampire type of card so releasing old things and old like paradigms is mPmD1NDxEh8-00147-00075842-00076444 which what is most needed if I can speak trying to get it all out at once it's a mPmD1NDxEh8-00148-00076444-00076969 little hard but definitely having more self confidence in being able to express mPmD1NDxEh8-00149-00076969-00077205 yourself and release what no longer serves you it's what's mPmD1NDxEh8-00150-00077205-00077688 most needed to help have these wishes come in and to help put whatever issues mPmD1NDxEh8-00151-00077688-00078444 you wanted to from the past to rest to help you have a new beginning in love so mPmD1NDxEh8-00152-00078444-00078975 let's see what else we can do to help you further bring in this manifestation mPmD1NDxEh8-00153-00078975-00079398 that you so want we have finder tribe this card's been mPmD1NDxEh8-00154-00079398-00079664 coming up in a lot of different readings especially that I've been watching mPmD1NDxEh8-00155-00079664-00080148 lately so like it came up yesterday when I was shuffling randomly to see what um mPmD1NDxEh8-00156-00080148-00080568 cards I was just playing around with because it's a brand new deck called mPmD1NDxEh8-00157-00080568-00081207 crazy sexy love notes so let's see what the finder tribe card is we have your mPmD1NDxEh8-00158-00081207-00081632 spiritual I mean your spiritual tribe is out there and once you find your tribe mPmD1NDxEh8-00159-00081632-00082113 members rejoice together motivate each other support each other and stick mPmD1NDxEh8-00160-00082113-00082647 together share your accomplishments hopes desires and heartbreak praise each mPmD1NDxEh8-00161-00082647-00083012 other and offer the kindest kind of tough love mPmD1NDxEh8-00162-00083012-00083769 when needed there's strength in numbers and there's strength in numbers you're mPmD1NDxEh8-00163-00083769-00084377 never alone so finding like-minded individuals or getting with your friends mPmD1NDxEh8-00164-00084377-00084876 and having a nice good talk and listening to their advice might be a mPmD1NDxEh8-00165-00084876-00085268 little bit more of help and what's actually needed right now at this time mPmD1NDxEh8-00166-00085268-00085727 so also like even if they're not like your immediate friends like any mPmD1NDxEh8-00167-00085727-00086264 like-minded individuals kind of like an outside point of view an extra set of mPmD1NDxEh8-00168-00086264-00086622 eyes that type of deal to help you see things that you might not already see mPmD1NDxEh8-00169-00086622-00087060 and to see other points of view so that you can understand things a little bit mPmD1NDxEh8-00170-00087060-00087906 more we have gossip dims your glow speaking mPmD1NDxEh8-00171-00087906-00088370 poorly about others tarnishes and your energy and your reputation so avoid mPmD1NDxEh8-00172-00088370-00088844 bonding over come over complaints and feeling superior human beings weren't mPmD1NDxEh8-00173-00088844-00089294 designed to be perfect and this includes you instead raise your vibration and mPmD1NDxEh8-00174-00089294-00089876 engage by engaging in positive communication celebrate what does know mPmD1NDxEh8-00175-00089876-00090330 what does work and who is awesome the more you do this the more radiant you mPmD1NDxEh8-00176-00090330-00090732 will become so releasing any old habits of talking mPmD1NDxEh8-00177-00090732-00091167 and gossiping and putting others down is what's most needed to be released and mPmD1NDxEh8-00178-00091167-00091623 keeping an attitude of gratitude and a positive momentum and building people up mPmD1NDxEh8-00179-00091623-00092025 instead of tearing them down is what's called for at this time and also not mPmD1NDxEh8-00180-00092025-00092535 listening to any jealous gossip rumors or anything like that is what's most mPmD1NDxEh8-00181-00092535-00093303 needed so let's see what other um manifestation advice we can get for you mPmD1NDxEh8-00182-00093303-00093828 to help you with this we have um I open new doors to life mPmD1NDxEh8-00183-00093828-00094551 I trust it I trust that my inner guide is leading me and guiding me in ways mPmD1NDxEh8-00184-00094551-00095187 that are are best for me my spiritual growth and is continuously expanding I mPmD1NDxEh8-00185-00095187-00095493 really feel like someone is having a hard time with speaking because I'm mPmD1NDxEh8-00186-00095493-00096153 having so much trouble speaking and reading these cards today so trust your mPmD1NDxEh8-00187-00096153-00096543 intuition and listen to it because it's leading you in the right direction and mPmD1NDxEh8-00188-00096543-00096882 if you feel guided to help someone help them it'll help you feel better it'll mPmD1NDxEh8-00189-00096882-00097233 help raise your vibration both mentally and physically and it'll give you a mPmD1NDxEh8-00190-00097233-00097674 little boost of energy as well because it'll make you feel good inside I am mPmD1NDxEh8-00191-00097674-00098304 willing to see only my magnificence so don't put yourself down so much boost mPmD1NDxEh8-00192-00098304-00098739 yourself up have some more positivity and faith in yourself than what you've mPmD1NDxEh8-00193-00098739-00099402 had before and stop being so harsh on yourself and judging yourself so you mPmD1NDxEh8-00194-00099402-00099963 know so rough is what I'm getting with this I think and say only what I want to mPmD1NDxEh8-00195-00099963-00100533 create in my life I am more than adequate for all I need to do know that mPmD1NDxEh8-00196-00100533-00100953 you are enough and that you are everything that you actually really need mPmD1NDxEh8-00197-00100953-00101409 in order to get things done and to move ahead and to build yourself up instead mPmD1NDxEh8-00198-00101409-00101862 of tearing yourself down is what's cold for with this card alrighty mPmD1NDxEh8-00199-00101862-00102809 I wa I am welcomed with joy whenever earth scuse me wherever I am people love mPmD1NDxEh8-00200-00102809-00103239 working and being with me as I express my thoughts feelings and I and ideas mPmD1NDxEh8-00201-00103239-00103752 they are welcomed and easily comprehended by others so know that you mPmD1NDxEh8-00202-00103752-00104219 are X and loved and also don't worry about you mPmD1NDxEh8-00203-00104219-00104606 know impressing others just be you and if they don't like you mPmD1NDxEh8-00204-00104606-00105099 screw them you don't need them they aren't meant for you you'll find your mPmD1NDxEh8-00205-00105099-00105498 tribe you'll find someone else that's better that actually accepts you for you mPmD1NDxEh8-00206-00105498-00105953 and loves you for you because you are unique you are wonderful and you are mPmD1NDxEh8-00207-00105953-00106413 amazing know that and relish that and the more you feel that way about mPmD1NDxEh8-00208-00106413-00106817 yourself the more like-minded individuals will mPmD1NDxEh8-00209-00106817-00107629 help you find your tribe so let's see what the miracles now cards bring us mPmD1NDxEh8-00210-00107680-00108249 when I shine bright I give others permission to shine with me so be mPmD1NDxEh8-00211-00108249-00108977 yourself be more open share your individuality shine your light be you mPmD1NDxEh8-00212-00108977-00109790 and others will come to you when I move my body I bust through all the blocks me mPmD1NDxEh8-00213-00109790-00110327 from my true health and vitality a lot of self care take care of yourself mPmD1NDxEh8-00214-00110327-00110885 build yourself up don't tear yourself down so much your hair's giving you a mPmD1NDxEh8-00215-00110885-00111259 bad day ponytail that bitch and keep it moving mPmD1NDxEh8-00216-00111259-00111702 because that's exactly what I do when my hair is giving me trouble if it ain't mPmD1NDxEh8-00217-00111702-00112135 working in a ponytail it goes and I'm calling it a day and then I feel better mPmD1NDxEh8-00218-00112135-00112845 I'm so frustrated but anyway the qualities I dislike in others are mPmD1NDxEh8-00219-00112845-00113492 disowned or disowned parts of my shadow so what you see in others that you don't mPmD1NDxEh8-00220-00113492-00113958 like is actually a mirror of what you don't like about yourself and it's a mPmD1NDxEh8-00221-00113958-00114416 lesson for you to pay attention to is what this is saying already so think mPmD1NDxEh8-00222-00114416-00114798 about your thoughts if you think something about someone like oh I don't mPmD1NDxEh8-00223-00114798-00115436 like what they're wearing and catch yourself in that thought analyze it mPmD1NDxEh8-00224-00115436-00115773 think about what it is that you might see in yourself that you don't like in mPmD1NDxEh8-00225-00115773-00116303 yourself and learn from that lesson and then flip it around into positivity make mPmD1NDxEh8-00226-00116303-00116527 sense mPmD1NDxEh8-00227-00116553-00116952 I have a wonderful relationship with my friends family members and co-workers I mPmD1NDxEh8-00228-00116952-00117753 am appreciated I am safe when I express my feelings I can be serene in any mPmD1NDxEh8-00229-00117753-00118219 situation so having self-confidence and peace of mind is what's most needed for mPmD1NDxEh8-00230-00118219-00118815 and also know that you are a wonderful person and because like a trek like like mPmD1NDxEh8-00231-00118815-00119596 attracts like it helps you to find your tribe my workspace is a pleasure to be M mPmD1NDxEh8-00232-00119596-00120150 there is mutual respect among my co-workers my job allows me to express mPmD1NDxEh8-00233-00120150-00120798 my talents and abilities and I am grateful for this employment so what I'm mPmD1NDxEh8-00234-00120798-00121229 hearing and getting with this a lot of this is work based and a lot of there mPmD1NDxEh8-00235-00121229-00121771 there's a lot of gossip at work that seems to be going around for you and I mPmD1NDxEh8-00236-00121771-00122146 really feel like you need to take and step out of that and step away from mPmD1NDxEh8-00237-00122146-00122490 these people because these people are not your tribe they are not your best mPmD1NDxEh8-00238-00122490-00122821 friends because if they're talking about somebody else guess what they're talking mPmD1NDxEh8-00239-00122821-00123366 about you do remember that keep that in mind because it's true I'm telling ya mPmD1NDxEh8-00240-00123366-00123837 it's really true I've come around the corner and heard people talking about me mPmD1NDxEh8-00241-00123837-00124299 and I thought that they really liked me because I stay to myself in my job and mPmD1NDxEh8-00242-00124299-00125097 guess what they really don't it hurts I believe me I get it it hurts but you mPmD1NDxEh8-00243-00125097-00125821 know what it is what it is and those are the people that are around you you have mPmD1NDxEh8-00244-00125821-00126121 to deal with them and you have to separate yourself from them and step mPmD1NDxEh8-00245-00126121-00126513 back from them and analyze there are these are real people that I really want mPmD1NDxEh8-00246-00126513-00126804 to be around with they're not my true friends clearly they're not and they're mPmD1NDxEh8-00247-00126804-00127547 not your tribe so step back stay to yourself and make friends elsewhere like mPmD1NDxEh8-00248-00127547-00127875 go check out the people who are quiet and shy that you really haven't gotten mPmD1NDxEh8-00249-00127875-00128337 to know no too much around the office or the job or whatever what have you see mPmD1NDxEh8-00250-00128337-00128845 what they're about make new friends you you might actually find some um more mPmD1NDxEh8-00251-00128845-00129201 things in common with them they do with the others they seem to be talking all mPmD1NDxEh8-00252-00129201-00129434 that mess mPmD1NDxEh8-00253-00129490-00130172 my partner is the love of my life we adore each other I am in I am in a mPmD1NDxEh8-00254-00130172-00130718 joyous intimate relationship with the person I who truly loves me so whether mPmD1NDxEh8-00255-00130718-00131288 this um person is in a relationship with you now or this is the person you're mPmD1NDxEh8-00256-00131288-00131780 wishing to be no that it's coming in for you and that you can make this happen as mPmD1NDxEh8-00257-00131780-00132185 long as you keep an attitude of positivity and express yourself fully mPmD1NDxEh8-00258-00132185-00132701 and wholly and honestly and be transparent with them already these are mPmD1NDxEh8-00259-00132701-00133061 your messages stick around for the rebel deck and I will see you later mPmD1NDxEh8-00260-00133061-00133657 thanks so much for checking me out for those who don't check out the rebel deck mPmD1NDxEh8-00261-00133732-00134186 already so for my love's hoot rose baby the Jasper let's jump in and see what mPmD1NDxEh8-00262-00134186-00134591 she has to bring us for what wishes are coming true for you and some extra um mPmD1NDxEh8-00263-00134591-00135251 positive guidance to help you manifest it so we have master of orbs so this is mPmD1NDxEh8-00264-00135251-00136022 the king of swords so with this I feel like having clearing concise decisions mPmD1NDxEh8-00265-00136022-00136442 need to be made at this time to help you bring these wishes about but also not mPmD1NDxEh8-00266-00136442-00137141 being so brash and so like very sharp-tongued is what I'm getting but mPmD1NDxEh8-00267-00137141-00137519 also sticking up for yourself at the same time and having self-confidence and mPmD1NDxEh8-00268-00137519-00137909 knowing what you want and what you don't want is which what is most needed and mPmD1NDxEh8-00269-00137909-00138362 then we have the eight of swords so with this I feel like you're wishing to get mPmD1NDxEh8-00270-00138362-00138707 out of a trapped relationship because I really feel drawn to say that because mPmD1NDxEh8-00271-00138707-00139178 I'm attracted to the water and the fact that she is trapped in these vines here mPmD1NDxEh8-00272-00139178-00139766 she can get out of them she just has to undo her blindfold all she has to do is mPmD1NDxEh8-00273-00139766-00140279 look down and reach up and pull it off and know that she can see to free mPmD1NDxEh8-00274-00140279-00140645 herself from this I know that she has a strength to do it mPmD1NDxEh8-00275-00140645-00141349 and then we have the page of cups sage of chalices so with this mPmD1NDxEh8-00276-00141349-00141878 wishing to release yourself from this old relationship it's got you feeling so mPmD1NDxEh8-00277-00141878-00142409 trapped in your emotions and having new love come in is what's coming in for you mPmD1NDxEh8-00278-00142409-00142796 as well as a wish that's being completed but you have to mPmD1NDxEh8-00279-00142796-00143198 release yourself in order for this to come in you have to cut yourself free mPmD1NDxEh8-00280-00143198-00143882 you have to have the self-confidence and the embodiment of the king of swords in mPmD1NDxEh8-00281-00143882-00144533 order to bring this page of cups about with new love coming in already and also mPmD1NDxEh8-00282-00144533-00144989 with messages of love as well coming in and you have to initiate it yourself if mPmD1NDxEh8-00283-00144989-00145403 you want it you gotta go get it that's the only way you're going to complete mPmD1NDxEh8-00284-00145403-00145826 this wish is what I'm feeling with these cards so let's see what else we have mPmD1NDxEh8-00285-00145826-00146582 accused an apology so with these cards I feel like if mPmD1NDxEh8-00286-00146582-00146930 you've also been struggling in your relationship and blaming each other for mPmD1NDxEh8-00287-00146930-00147584 different things and saying oh I feel so trapped with you or dead it it you have mPmD1NDxEh8-00288-00147584-00147992 to know that when you accuse someone three fingers point right back at you so mPmD1NDxEh8-00289-00147992-00148334 you are just as much to blame the same as them if they're pointing their finger mPmD1NDxEh8-00290-00148334-00148751 at you is there just as much to blame because when you point your finger look mPmD1NDxEh8-00291-00148751-00149330 at that three fingers pointing right back at you you see that so you have to mPmD1NDxEh8-00292-00149330-00149774 both either apologize to yourselves as well as the other person and share those mPmD1NDxEh8-00293-00149774-00150287 messages of love in order to fix this relationship and in order to free mPmD1NDxEh8-00294-00150287-00150875 yourselves from any emotional like entrapment and have a better mPmD1NDxEh8-00295-00150875-00151379 relationship between you two with better communication and low so this is what mPmD1NDxEh8-00296-00151379-00151982 you're wishing for this is what's coming in and this is what's most needed so mPmD1NDxEh8-00297-00151982-00152279 let's see what we can get for some positivity messages to help you along mPmD1NDxEh8-00298-00152279-00152854 the way with this we have noticed the blessings see the best in each other mPmD1NDxEh8-00299-00152854-00153347 that's the only way this is gonna work out you have to see the positivity and mPmD1NDxEh8-00300-00153347-00153788 everything and you have to keep a positive mindset because if you don't mPmD1NDxEh8-00301-00153788-00154241 it's just gonna fall apart and then you're just gonna feel trapped and stuck mPmD1NDxEh8-00302-00154241-00154658 there where you don't want to be and it's just gonna be a sucky relationship mPmD1NDxEh8-00303-00154658-00154976 I'm sorry it is what it is I'm not gonna sugarcoat it I'm just telling you how it mPmD1NDxEh8-00304-00154976-00155798 is and how to fix it so this card reads gratitude puts it puts us in a positive mPmD1NDxEh8-00305-00155798-00156455 or yeah positive in a position of how instead of wanting thanking rather than mPmD1NDxEh8-00306-00156455-00157008 complaining when we focus on what we already have and stay and take stock of mPmD1NDxEh8-00307-00157008-00157521 our blessings we get more blessings what are we are what are you grateful mPmD1NDxEh8-00308-00157521-00158172 for or what are we grateful for as well share it with yourself and others mPmD1NDxEh8-00309-00158172-00158670 so attitude of gratitude take into consideration which I already have and mPmD1NDxEh8-00310-00158670-00159048 be grateful for what you do have and build upon it so that you can have more mPmD1NDxEh8-00311-00159048-00159541 blessings upon blessings upon blessings make sense mPmD1NDxEh8-00312-00159541-00159909 we have you did it don't make mountains out of mole hills mPmD1NDxEh8-00313-00159909-00160599 as well take pride in what you've done and your accomplishments and take pride mPmD1NDxEh8-00314-00160599-00161005 in what you have and have that attitude of gratitude mPmD1NDxEh8-00315-00161005-00161385 hurray success is here or just around the corner mPmD1NDxEh8-00316-00161385-00161859 you've worked hard and your efforts are paying off congratulate yourself and mPmD1NDxEh8-00317-00161859-00162420 truly savor your fantastic victory just remember that success comes in cycles so mPmD1NDxEh8-00318-00162420-00163067 we can't and we can't be at the top of our game 24/7 we succeed celebrate rest mPmD1NDxEh8-00319-00163067-00163667 renew and succeed again know where you are in this journey you did it before mPmD1NDxEh8-00320-00163667-00164340 and you'll do it again and again make sense that's kind of self-explanatory so mPmD1NDxEh8-00321-00164340-00164904 take pride in yourself and even if it's small victories attitude of gratitude mPmD1NDxEh8-00322-00164904-00165486 and you'll keep building so let's see what else we have we have I am free to mPmD1NDxEh8-00323-00165486-00166269 say no if something is not best for me having that confidence to say no when mPmD1NDxEh8-00324-00166269-00166653 it's most needed and knowing what you do and what you don't want and having those mPmD1NDxEh8-00325-00166653-00167129 clear and concise boundaries where I don't like this you've crossed this line mPmD1NDxEh8-00326-00167129-00167751 with me here's how I feel you have to speak up I use the power of my mind and mPmD1NDxEh8-00327-00167751-00168498 free will to do what I know is right I trust myself so have that confidence in mPmD1NDxEh8-00328-00168498-00168929 yourself know what you're doing what you don't want be able to express it and be mPmD1NDxEh8-00329-00168929-00169871 able to say no when it is most needed I am the center of peace in peace I live mPmD1NDxEh8-00330-00169871-00170440 and move and experience life because I keep myself centered in inner peace I mPmD1NDxEh8-00331-00170440-00171052 have peace in my outer world so when you can have that peaceful state of mind and mPmD1NDxEh8-00332-00171052-00171316 have that self-confidence that reassurance mPmD1NDxEh8-00333-00171316-00171761 it'll help create that peaceful space around you and your world will mirror mPmD1NDxEh8-00334-00171761-00172513 what you actually really want inside and it will become the outside make sense I mPmD1NDxEh8-00335-00172539-00173336 am loving I am a loving joyful person I release all thoughts and vibrations of mPmD1NDxEh8-00336-00173336-00173878 confusion chaos disharmony disrespect or distrust they are eliminated from my mPmD1NDxEh8-00337-00173878-00174476 consciousness completely so if you have any negative thoughts that are floating mPmD1NDxEh8-00338-00174476-00174908 around or coming in all of a sudden pay attention stop them mPmD1NDxEh8-00339-00174908-00175475 reverse them remember what your goal is and put an attitude of positivity on it mPmD1NDxEh8-00340-00175475-00175891 and stop the negative self-talk is what's called for with this card already mPmD1NDxEh8-00341-00175891-00176704 and releasing all of these things is what's most needed for I know that you mPmD1NDxEh8-00342-00176704-00177214 are a very loving and joyful person as well and have pride in it so let's see mPmD1NDxEh8-00343-00177214-00177892 what the miracle is now cards give us when I've over shared I simply say wait mPmD1NDxEh8-00344-00177892-00178538 why am I talking so no one does no one to stop talking no one to say no no one mPmD1NDxEh8-00345-00178538-00179092 to back off and no one to go forward already think about everything that's mPmD1NDxEh8-00346-00179092-00179514 going on and also think before you speak if you're getting upset about something mPmD1NDxEh8-00347-00179514-00179996 take a note count what you're gonna say and then say it if it's not we're saying mPmD1NDxEh8-00348-00179996-00180887 don't say it at all just walk away and let it out to relinquish control I mPmD1NDxEh8-00349-00180887-00181351 simply let loose and allow myself to be more childlike so have a simpler state mPmD1NDxEh8-00350-00181351-00181789 of mind and it'll bring more peace about into your situation in your life instead mPmD1NDxEh8-00351-00181789-00182488 of stress and you know depression I speak with confidence because the mPmD1NDxEh8-00352-00182488-00183088 world needs to needs my light so when you speak try and speak with some mPmD1NDxEh8-00353-00183088-00183667 positivity as well and also speak to yourself a little bit more gently and mPmD1NDxEh8-00354-00183667-00183976 try and be a little bit more positive about yourself instead of tearing mPmD1NDxEh8-00355-00183976-00185131 yourself down so much alrighty I deserve the best and I accept the best known at mPmD1NDxEh8-00356-00185131-00185560 this very moment enormous wealth and power are available to me I choose to mPmD1NDxEh8-00357-00185560-00186100 feel worthy and deserving so these are affirmations that you can keep in mind mPmD1NDxEh8-00358-00186100-00186499 to help you to have this positive mindset and to stop and flip your mPmD1NDxEh8-00359-00186499-00186928 negative mindset back into a positive mindset so if you need to take the time mPmD1NDxEh8-00360-00186928-00187573 to pause the video and either write it down or screenshot this there's the mPmD1NDxEh8-00361-00187573-00187962 other side of the card already mPmD1NDxEh8-00362-00188220-00188692 limitations are merely opportunities to grow I use them as stepping stones to mPmD1NDxEh8-00363-00188692-00189829 success when I encounter problems on the job I am willing to ask for help so with mPmD1NDxEh8-00364-00189829-00190717 limitations they need to be released and also learned as like lessons like take a mPmD1NDxEh8-00365-00190717-00191191 no account what's going on whenever you feel like you have a limitation or you mPmD1NDxEh8-00366-00191191-00191599 feel like kind of like stumped or stopped in your tracks at work or in mPmD1NDxEh8-00367-00191599-00192157 your daily life take a minute to analyze it think about it and then a solution mPmD1NDxEh8-00368-00192157-00192580 should pop up already because you've learned that lesson and it's helped you mPmD1NDxEh8-00369-00192580-00193018 to grow from it alrighty and if you need help ask for help from others who are mPmD1NDxEh8-00370-00193018-00193396 around - whether they're your friends strangers or family if someone's around mPmD1NDxEh8-00371-00193396-00193720 you in the vicinity and they can help you pick up a heavy box ask them to help mPmD1NDxEh8-00372-00193720-00194548 you save your back you know that type of example it doesn't have to always be mPmD1NDxEh8-00373-00194548-00195001 from monetary could just be for anything just don't be afraid to ask for help mPmD1NDxEh8-00374-00195001-00195460 when you need it and just be able to swallow your part as well and to admit mPmD1NDxEh8-00375-00195460-00195787 that you actually need help once in a while my happy thoughts mPmD1NDxEh8-00376-00195787-00196369 help create my healthy body filling my mind with pleasant thoughts is the mPmD1NDxEh8-00377-00196369-00196903 quickest road to health catching yourself in those negative thoughts and mPmD1NDxEh8-00378-00196903-00197287 turning around turning them around on a positive ones will help you manifest mPmD1NDxEh8-00379-00197287-00197797 easier and quicker with whatever it is that you want for you know at that time mPmD1NDxEh8-00380-00197797-00198199 that you're wishing for and thinking about and in keeping that eye on the mPmD1NDxEh8-00381-00198199-00198709 prize basically alrighty so these are your messages I do hope that they helped mPmD1NDxEh8-00382-00198709-00199153 and take what resonates and leave the rest if it does not and please do not mPmD1NDxEh8-00383-00199153-00199540 try and force it into your life thank you so much for watching and I will see mPmD1NDxEh8-00384-00199540-00199953 you in just a moment for the rabbit Expo mPmD1NDxEh8-00385-00199995-00200467 alrighty so let's get into this rubble deck and see what cheeky messages we can mPmD1NDxEh8-00386-00200467-00201007 have to help kick our butts and give us some extra positive motivation and some mPmD1NDxEh8-00387-00201007-00202459 cheeky guidance for this and also help tell it like it is where you been my mPmD1NDxEh8-00388-00202459-00202740 cards the other way mPmD1NDxEh8-00389-00203463-00203953 what do they most need to know to help them have some positivity tell it like mPmD1NDxEh8-00390-00203953-00206554 it is whoo guidance all righty so we have fuck fear it's dark and you can't mPmD1NDxEh8-00391-00206554-00207331 see a fucking thing have you eaten you're acting like a big-ass baby so mPmD1NDxEh8-00392-00207331-00208054 let's see what fuck fear has for us it will lie to your face so take things for mPmD1NDxEh8-00393-00208054-00208582 as they are and deliver more have a mindset without fearing it and to see mPmD1NDxEh8-00394-00208582-00209011 things in a more positive way because fear is just holding you back it's a mPmD1NDxEh8-00395-00209011-00209608 restriction so if you have a little bit more open - two things you won't fear it mPmD1NDxEh8-00396-00209608-00210244 so much even if it's unknown it's still it's still a lesson to be learned that's mPmD1NDxEh8-00397-00210244-00210865 all it is it's dark and you can't see a fucking thing get your head out of your mPmD1NDxEh8-00398-00210865-00211690 ass pronto so basically don't be so full of yourself and release any judgments mPmD1NDxEh8-00399-00211690-00211990 not only towards yourself but towards other people as well so that you can mPmD1NDxEh8-00400-00211990-00212587 have a freer mindset and more of an open heart and then we have have you eaten mPmD1NDxEh8-00401-00212587-00213115 you're acting like a big-ass baby you need food in your belly eat a fucking mPmD1NDxEh8-00402-00213115-00214051 taco taco sound really good right about now for lunch but anyways getting some mPmD1NDxEh8-00403-00214051-00214510 better nutrition and some healthier mindsets is what's most need for with mPmD1NDxEh8-00404-00214510-00215026 this and also if you eat it'll help have you have a clear mindset because you'll mPmD1NDxEh8-00405-00215026-00215539 have the energy to continue on instead of feeling so drained these your mPmD1NDxEh8-00406-00215539-00215890 messages I do hope that you love these and that you enjoy this reading thank mPmD1NDxEh8-00407-00215890-00216238 you so much for liking and subscribing and for those who are new here consider mPmD1NDxEh8-00408-00216238-00216753 subscribing and joining our big happy family thanks and have a blessed one mPE3UQRIf2M-00000-00000032-00000608 most people are underworked and they have ill health today health is life's way mPE3UQRIf2M-00001-00000720-00001120 if you allow life to function fully it is healthy mPE3UQRIf2M-00002-00001384-00001880 only by using this body you can keep it well the more you use it the better it gets mPE3UQRIf2M-00003-00002744-00002984 there was a young physician once mPE3UQRIf2M-00004-00003311-00003592 he went to his senior colleague mPE3UQRIf2M-00005-00004047-00004608 and said he had some problem with a certain diagnosis of a patient mPE3UQRIf2M-00006-00004864-00005352 then the senior colleague said oh nerves and vomiting is it mPE3UQRIf2M-00007-00005760-00006456 yes but i don't uh find any medical reason for him to be having nerves and vomiting mPE3UQRIf2M-00008-00006592-00007480 so the senior colleague suggested you ask him if he is playing golf if he's playing you tell mPE3UQRIf2M-00009-00007480-00008584 him to stop if he says i'm not playing ask him to play he'll become okay health is like that mPE3UQRIf2M-00010-00009080-00009688 some people are overworked and they have ill health most people are underworked and they mPE3UQRIf2M-00011-00009688-00010768 have ill health today if you lived here on this planet 200 years ago physically you would be doing mPE3UQRIf2M-00012-00010768-00011536 at least 20 times more activity than what you're doing right now physically definitely isn't it mPE3UQRIf2M-00013-00011992-00012360 you would have walked to this place you would have done everything with your hands mPE3UQRIf2M-00014-00012496-00013112 you would be doing minimum 20 times more activity i think i'm wrong 100 times probably mPE3UQRIf2M-00015-00013528-00014184 some of you 250 times mPE3UQRIf2M-00016-00014360-00014991 so if you were doing that much activity then i would have told you take a break take some rest mPE3UQRIf2M-00017-00015328-00015584 now the body has not been used mPE3UQRIf2M-00018-00015840-00016304 only by using this body you can keep it well when you say health you're talking about mPE3UQRIf2M-00019-00016304-00016616 physical health you must use this body mPE3UQRIf2M-00020-00016976-00017824 the more you use it the better it gets a few years ago uh when we were a small group of people here mPE3UQRIf2M-00021-00017896-00018680 i took them on a trek so when we were walking at that time almost six weeks before that mPE3UQRIf2M-00022-00018952-00019288 a naval helicopter took off from mangalore mPE3UQRIf2M-00023-00019568-00020016 i heard stories about it i don't know how far as two people said there were some important mPE3UQRIf2M-00024-00020016-00020528 documents in the plane and things like that and i mean on the helicopter with mPE3UQRIf2M-00025-00020616-00021344 four senior officers three senior officers and the pilot the helicopter crashed into the jungle mPE3UQRIf2M-00026-00021512-00022200 it's very thick western got the mountains in the jungle is very very thick mPE3UQRIf2M-00027-00022552-00022976 and six weeks later they had not found the helicopter mPE3UQRIf2M-00028-00023200-00024032 so a full battalion of army was kept there combing the jungle from one end to another mPE3UQRIf2M-00029-00024032-00024560 to locate this helicopter and recover whatever they had to recover from that place mPE3UQRIf2M-00030-00024848-00025592 so there was a whole battalion of armed personnel maybe about 200 250 people camped mPE3UQRIf2M-00031-00025704-00026183 and they were calming the jungles they have been there for six weeks mPE3UQRIf2M-00032-00026480-00026864 so when we walked in we were like mPE3UQRIf2M-00033-00027112-00027639 we were having problems cooking and everything because it was pouring rain and mPE3UQRIf2M-00034-00027895-00028616 we had walked for a whole day and then we walked into this army camp and made mPE3UQRIf2M-00035-00028616-00028976 ourselves into uninvited guests because the food was smelling good mPE3UQRIf2M-00036-00029327-00029583 and you really know only the value of food only mPE3UQRIf2M-00037-00029639-00030192 when you used your body like that if you walk 20 30 kilometers in a day mPE3UQRIf2M-00038-00030368-00030983 at the end of the day if you've not eaten the whole day you really value fruit mPE3UQRIf2M-00039-00031152-00031760 so we walked in and this officer was very generous he welcomed us and he was very happy to have us mPE3UQRIf2M-00040-00031760-00032464 the captain who was there and one of the sergeants in india an indian army they're known as what mPE3UQRIf2M-00041-00032752-00032832 avildars mPE3UQRIf2M-00042-00033104-00033440 and this guy just looked at us and mPE3UQRIf2M-00043-00033616-00034272 he asked us why are you walking he said just like that we want to walk he couldn't believe it mPE3UQRIf2M-00044-00034464-00034960 just like that we are here for six weeks we're just waiting when this damn thing will be over mPE3UQRIf2M-00045-00035056-00035304 every day we have to walk 20 30 kilometers searching for mPE3UQRIf2M-00046-00035304-00035824 this damn helicopter which we can't find and you're just walking for fun mPE3UQRIf2M-00047-00036168-00036632 he just wouldn't believe us is it possible that somebody could just walk for fun mPE3UQRIf2M-00048-00036752-00037008 blisters in your legs and you know mPE3UQRIf2M-00049-00037312-00037472 he just couldn't believe that mPE3UQRIf2M-00050-00037696-00038024 he doesn't understand what he is doing mPE3UQRIf2M-00051-00038104-00038552 as a force exercise in the army is keeping him so healthy and well mPE3UQRIf2M-00052-00038832-00039048 yes he doesn't understand that mPE3UQRIf2M-00053-00039136-00040016 so health one of the simplest things about health is just to use the body mPE3UQRIf2M-00054-00040328-00040880 if you sufficiently use the body body is everything to create health for itself mPE3UQRIf2M-00055-00041368-00041864 does it mean to say that's the only thing and nothing else will happen to me i'll be perfect mPE3UQRIf2M-00056-00041944-00042936 i would say if we physically used our body as much as we should i would say 80 percent of mPE3UQRIf2M-00057-00042936-00043584 the ailments on this planet would just disappear 80 the remaining 20 percent mPE3UQRIf2M-00058-00043728-00044360 in that another ten percent is because of the type of foods that people are eating they change mPE3UQRIf2M-00059-00044360-00044856 the food habit another ten percent would disappear that means only ten percent ailment would remain mPE3UQRIf2M-00060-00044984-00045696 that has happened because of variety of reasons one is karmic another could be atmospheric mPE3UQRIf2M-00061-00045792-00046384 and there are other aspects that could have happened in the system which can be looked at mPE3UQRIf2M-00062-00046512-00046976 out of all the sick people if 90 of them become healthy just by mPE3UQRIf2M-00063-00047048-00047536 using the body and eating the right food 10 percent could be easily handled mPE3UQRIf2M-00064-00047768-00048368 but now the volume of ailment is so big because we don't eat properly mPE3UQRIf2M-00065-00048488-00048896 or we eat very properly and we don't use the body properly mPE3UQRIf2M-00066-00049160-00049184 so mPE3UQRIf2M-00067-00049464-00049792 apart from this there are other aspects to life mPE3UQRIf2M-00068-00050000-00050128 to put it very simply mPE3UQRIf2M-00069-00050520-00050704 as you exercise your body mPE3UQRIf2M-00070-00051032-00051455 if you just do this a thousand times a day mPE3UQRIf2M-00071-00051536-00052248 just do like this thousand times a day and after one month just see how well your hand will work mPE3UQRIf2M-00072-00052440-00052872 nothing else just sit here and just do this thousand times a day mPE3UQRIf2M-00073-00053072-00053704 after 30 days you'll find your hand works wonderfully well if you do that with your brains mPE3UQRIf2M-00074-00054448-00055208 it will work wonderfully well in a month's time if you do this with your heart it will mPE3UQRIf2M-00075-00055208-00056079 work wonderfully well if you do that with your life energies it will work wonderfully well when mPE3UQRIf2M-00076-00056079-00056920 all these things work well that's health so you just have to use your body use your head mPE3UQRIf2M-00077-00057104-00057816 and use your energies if these three things are well exercised and balanced you will be healthy mPE3UQRIf2M-00078-00058079-00058616 this happened to me once it's way back i'm talking this was just the second or third mPE3UQRIf2M-00079-00058616-00059400 php bhavas pandana program i was conducting and it was one of those little chow trees mPE3UQRIf2M-00080-00059576-00060336 where you know you had to run up the staircase and up and down any number of times because mPE3UQRIf2M-00081-00060336-00061184 the arrangement was like that i just counted that day one particular day i'm teaching but i had to mPE3UQRIf2M-00082-00061184-00061936 manage the kitchen and that everything i went up and down the staircase 125 times in that day mPE3UQRIf2M-00083-00062264-00062472 and i felt very healthy at the end of the vows mPE3UQRIf2M-00084-00062879-00063288 i'm sure many of you have volunteered in the bowers within our programs have become very strong mPE3UQRIf2M-00085-00063288-00064272 and healthy sudden burst of activity may lay you down but if you build activity into your life mPE3UQRIf2M-00086-00064512-00064912 physical mental and energy all these things if you build in mPE3UQRIf2M-00087-00065008-00065680 health will come your body is working well your mind is working well and your mPE3UQRIf2M-00088-00065680-00066200 energy is supporting the tool making sure nothing goes wrong that's health mPE3UQRIf2M-00089-00066336-00067032 life is happening in full flow that's health health is not an idea it is not a medical idea mPE3UQRIf2M-00090-00067376-00068384 the medical fraternity and the medical knowledge has become more and more essential because we have mPE3UQRIf2M-00091-00068384-00069192 built in very unhealthy lifestyles never before in the world medicine had the kind of importance mPE3UQRIf2M-00092-00069296-00069960 as it is having today simply because we are becoming more and more sedentary mPE3UQRIf2M-00093-00070056-00070712 so we are becoming more and more unhealthy 100 years ago what a 60 year old person was doing mPE3UQRIf2M-00094-00070712-00071400 physical activity that much activity a 20 year old cannot do it today that means we're just mPE3UQRIf2M-00095-00071400-00072224 weakening humanity a degenerate humanity we will become over a period of time so mPE3UQRIf2M-00096-00072608-00073232 you must use it health is not something that you invent health is not your idea mPE3UQRIf2M-00097-00073424-00074440 health is life happening well the life process is happening well that's health health is life's way mPE3UQRIf2M-00098-00074728-00075784 if you allow life to function fully it is healthy mPE3UQRIf2M-00099-00077488-00077496 you mQLJnFd_0Dg-00000-00000006-00000395 Hey what's up guys welcome back to my channel and if you are new here karibu sana. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00001-00000395-00000867 My name is Doris I enjoy making videos on bullet journaling and DIY so mQLJnFd_0Dg-00002-00000867-00001332 today I'm making pilau as you can see and I hope you enjoy this give it a mQLJnFd_0Dg-00003-00001332-00001784 thumbs up, comment down below and also subscribe to my channel. I'm going to start off by mQLJnFd_0Dg-00004-00001784-00002298 placing my meat on the stove turning it on and boiling this down until it is mQLJnFd_0Dg-00005-00002298-00002676 thoroughly cooked it looks like a rock because it was from the freezer so mQLJnFd_0Dg-00006-00002676-00003156 that's that I'll just add in a little bit of salt and let it cook down until mQLJnFd_0Dg-00007-00003156-00003603 all the water is dried up. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00008-00003603-00003987 As this is happening I'm going to go ahead and prepare the other ingredients. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00009-00003987-00004710 I have one large onion, I have three cloves of garlic and a big piece of ginger. So I'm mQLJnFd_0Dg-00010-00004710-00005200 just going to cut this up and peel them and wash them. One thing to note is that mQLJnFd_0Dg-00011-00005200-00005650 if you want to add more onions to your pilau you can do so it brings out that mQLJnFd_0Dg-00012-00005650-00006180 beautiful brown color in pilau that we all love and also go easy on the ginger mQLJnFd_0Dg-00013-00006180-00006852 because it overpowers the garlic so less is more here. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00014-00006852-00007128 And I can see my meat is mQLJnFd_0Dg-00015-00007128-00007558 cooked I'm just going to turn this off and set this aside then go ahead and mQLJnFd_0Dg-00016-00007558-00008006 chop up my other ingredients. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00017-00008006-00008265 I have here my ginger and garlic. I'm just cutting mQLJnFd_0Dg-00018-00008265-00008778 them up into tiny little bits of pieces so that it can be easier to crush them. You can mQLJnFd_0Dg-00019-00008778-00009342 also use a grinder whatever works best for you, the easiest way is the best to mQLJnFd_0Dg-00020-00009342-00009835 use. I'm also cutting up the onion and setting it aside ready for me to cook my pilau. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00021-00009835-00010188 I'm so excited I can't wait mQLJnFd_0Dg-00022-00011779-00012500 I have here my boiled meat which is ready to eat then I have my one chopped mQLJnFd_0Dg-00023-00012500-00013133 onion then I have my rice two glasses or tumblers of this plastic tumbler I used mQLJnFd_0Dg-00024-00013133-00013654 here. I'm going to rinse this out and soak. Then I have my crushed garlic and mQLJnFd_0Dg-00025-00013654-00014174 ginger and my one tablespoon of this pilau mix I'm ready to cook. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00026-00014438-00014966 Now that all my ingredients are prepared I'm going to place my pot on the stove and turn on mQLJnFd_0Dg-00027-00014966-00015593 the heat to a high. I want the pot to be warmed up or hot mQLJnFd_0Dg-00028-00015593-00016051 before I start cooking. It's kind of reheating the pan or saucepan or pot mQLJnFd_0Dg-00029-00016051-00016538 or sufuria however you call it. After this I'm just going to add in my oil to that mQLJnFd_0Dg-00030-00016538-00017176 also that can be heated up and then I'm going to go ahead and add in my onions. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00031-00017251-00017862 I'll stir this around for a while just about maybe a minute or so until mQLJnFd_0Dg-00032-00017862-00018339 everything is a bit brown and cooked looks close to a brown but not yet mQLJnFd_0Dg-00033-00018339-00018822 totally brown then I add in my paste and my pilau mix. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00034-00018944-00019073 This I'm going to cook for a mQLJnFd_0Dg-00035-00019073-00019509 while until everything is brown. I have to say having a nonstick pan is just a mQLJnFd_0Dg-00036-00019509-00019862 lifesaver just because if I was using an aluminum mQLJnFd_0Dg-00037-00019862-00020465 sufuria at this point cooking garlic and ginger or spice usually sticks to the mQLJnFd_0Dg-00038-00020465-00020981 bottom of the pan so this is really nice. After a while everything is brown and mQLJnFd_0Dg-00039-00020981-00021540 beautiful I'm going to go ahead and add in my meat then I'm going to just stir this mQLJnFd_0Dg-00040-00021540-00022056 around ensure everything is looking good cover it up allow it to cook for mQLJnFd_0Dg-00041-00022056-00022312 short while on a low heat and then I will mQLJnFd_0Dg-00042-00022312-00022664 go ahead and add in my rice later mQLJnFd_0Dg-00043-00025162-00025592 The meat looks really good and smells really good as well so I'm going to mQLJnFd_0Dg-00044-00025593-00026169 take my rice which I had soaked for the duration of cooking this stew. Drain it mQLJnFd_0Dg-00045-00026169-00026500 rinse it again and add it to the pot. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00046-00027010-00027560 Once that is done I'm going to just stir this around and ensure that everything mQLJnFd_0Dg-00047-00027561-00027975 looks really good then I'm going to go ahead and add in my water. Remember mQLJnFd_0Dg-00048-00027975-00028520 the utensil use to measure your rice with should be the utensil used to mQLJnFd_0Dg-00049-00028520-00029007 measure the water with. Since I had two glasses of rice I'm going to add in four mQLJnFd_0Dg-00050-00029007-00029239 glasses of water in total. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00051-00029736-00030008 At this point I'm almost done cooking guys I'm just mQLJnFd_0Dg-00052-00030008-00030392 going to check the salt stir this around ensure everything is looking good mQLJnFd_0Dg-00053-00030392-00031122 cover this up and let it simmer on a low heat and you'll see what happens next. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00054-00031212-00031463 After about 18 minutes of cooking mQLJnFd_0Dg-00055-00031463-00031922 this is how it looks it's almost dry so I'm just making sure that the meat is mQLJnFd_0Dg-00056-00031922-00032511 not clumping in one area just spread it out and cover this to simmer some more mQLJnFd_0Dg-00057-00032511-00032866 until everything is dried down mQLJnFd_0Dg-00058-00033260-00033736 Less than five minutes later everything is ready I'm just going to turn off my heat. mQLJnFd_0Dg-00059-00033736-00034156 You can serve at this point but I'm going to put this in the grill because mQLJnFd_0Dg-00060-00034156-00034660 that's where it will remain hot until the time I'm going to serve and I hope mQLJnFd_0Dg-00061-00034660-00035005 you enjoyed this video and if you did give it a thumbs up, comment down below mQLJnFd_0Dg-00062-00035005-00035622 and also subscribe to my channel and I'll see you next time. Bye. mRDAJt1nwNI-00000-00000186-00000534 Create Blank Dashboard and Connect Data mRDAJt1nwNI-00001-00000624-00001000 Select Chart and Put It on Dashboard mRDAJt1nwNI-00002-00001026-00001400 Drag and Drop Data Columns to Values and Arguments Fields mRDAJt1nwNI-00003-00001426-00002092 Change Chart Type. Select Line Type mRDAJt1nwNI-00004-00002130-00002348 Click Browse Button of Constant Line Property mRDAJt1nwNI-00005-00002370-00002582 Click Add Button to Create New Constant Line on Chart mRDAJt1nwNI-00006-00002602-00002794 Specify Title for Constant Line mRDAJt1nwNI-00007-00002810-00003048 Specify Value for Each Constant Line mRDAJt1nwNI-00008-00003068-00003374 Change Color for Constant Line mRDAJt1nwNI-00009-00003402-00004011 Change Style and Size for Constant Line mRDAJt1nwNI-00011-00008220-00008890 Change Dashboard Style. Constant Lines Not Relative of Dashboard Styles mRDAJt1nwNI-00012-00008924-00009862 Click Preview to Show Dashboard mRDAJt1nwNI-00013-00009904-00010490 Set Marker Visible Property to True to Enable Line Markers mSTkRKE4gvu-00000-00000042-00000173 Hey! mSTkRKE4gvu-00001-00000173-00001576 Today I want to improvise for you about "to stub".I was at a course of the association mSTkRKE4gvu-00002-00001576-00002478 "Supports culture in schools" to whom I thank very much for the value they gave me in these mSTkRKE4gvu-00003-00002478-00003222 2 days, and someone from the course suggested me that I could speak about this verb and mSTkRKE4gvu-00004-00003222-00004072 it seemed very interesting to me.So is not about "to stub" the forests,is about what mSTkRKE4gvu-00005-00004072-00004822 I have learned at this course.To take an imaginary ax in your hand and to stub everything that mSTkRKE4gvu-00006-00004822-00005207 it seems negative thought,everything that it seems impossible,to cut just like that,like mSTkRKE4gvu-00007-00005207-00006211 you would stub a forest full of trees of negativism.Supports culture in schools association,gave me precious mSTkRKE4gvu-00008-00006211-00006979 informations about how to call it...gates an artist have to introduce himself mSTkRKE4gvu-00009-00006979-00008047 into a school,to propose any of his courses,no matter if is about picture,music,actory,pottery,visual mSTkRKE4gvu-00010-00008047-00008847 matter what kind of artist,he can propose a course in school and to be even mSTkRKE4gvu-00011-00008847-00010347 legal.I thank to this association and I can't wait for the next course.For you what does mSTkRKE4gvu-00012-00010347-00011232 it mean "to stub" with this meaning,the meaning I proposed.I mean,have you ever cleared a mSTkRKE4gvu-00013-00011232-00012004 road wich it seemed to you impossible to walk on road? mSTkRKE4gvu-00014-00012004-00012006 Bye! mU_YaGUJirI-00000-00000000-00000200 Mouni roy at lakme fashion week mU_YaGUJirI-00001-00000200-00000400 Looking beautiful mWdcaBiFgT8-00000-00000014-00000832 So in a video I wrote about Yakuza 5 and 6, I made the bold claim that Haruka’s part mWdcaBiFgT8-00001-00000832-00001575 of Yakuza 5, and particularly, the rhythm game component of it, is not all that great. mWdcaBiFgT8-00002-00001575-00001870 Why is that video not out yet? mWdcaBiFgT8-00003-00001870-00002368 Well… it’s because we fucked up and didn’t record the script on time. mWdcaBiFgT8-00004-00002368-00003168 And the reason for that is because of Yakuza 7, where it’s revealed that RGG Studio know mWdcaBiFgT8-00005-00003168-00003436 how to make a GOOD rhythm game. mWdcaBiFgT8-00006-00003436-00003996 And, no, I’m not talking about the karaoke, I’m talking about the fighting to stay awake mWdcaBiFgT8-00007-00003996-00004271 in order to watch a movie simulator. mWdcaBiFgT8-00008-00004271-00004889 If you didn’t know, Yakuza 7 is different from the rest of the Yakuza games in that mWdcaBiFgT8-00009-00004889-00005602 it justifies being a JRPG rather than a real time action brawler, by having the main character mWdcaBiFgT8-00010-00005602-00005819 be a JRPG fan. mWdcaBiFgT8-00011-00005819-00006489 Although Ichiban Kasuga repeatedly namedropping Dragon Quest, a lot of the features introduced mWdcaBiFgT8-00012-00006489-00007214 here are taken from Persona and this game is much more like Persona than Dragon Quest. mWdcaBiFgT8-00013-00007214-00007739 This might just be a natural coincidental result of turning Yakuza, which is already mWdcaBiFgT8-00014-00007739-00008097 pretty similar to Persona, into something even more similar. mWdcaBiFgT8-00015-00008097-00008726 It also makes sense, as both are SEGA properties, and the RGG folks might very well be picking mWdcaBiFgT8-00016-00008726-00008950 ideas up from their coworkers. mWdcaBiFgT8-00017-00008950-00009398 Whatever the case, at some point eventually you’ll probably run into the movie theater mWdcaBiFgT8-00018-00009398-00009498 in this world. mWdcaBiFgT8-00019-00009498-00010054 There’s a small substory to go with it, about how this guy doesn’t appreciate people mWdcaBiFgT8-00020-00010054-00010610 falling asleep during the films he screens and he wants people to appreciate art and mWdcaBiFgT8-00021-00010610-00010710 whatever. mWdcaBiFgT8-00022-00010710-00011221 But the chairs in his theater are really comfortable, so it’s easy to fall asleep in them. mWdcaBiFgT8-00023-00011221-00011980 Not much to say about the substory, but the minigame that goes with it is kind of awesome. mWdcaBiFgT8-00024-00011980-00013959 [play clip of sheep man rising] So, basically, as the sheep people appear, mWdcaBiFgT8-00025-00013959-00014516 you press either the left or right face buttons on your controller in accordance with their mWdcaBiFgT8-00026-00014516-00014929 relative positon on the screen, and they will eventually go away. mWdcaBiFgT8-00027-00014929-00015363 Failure to do so makes Ichiban fall asleep, which makes you fail. mWdcaBiFgT8-00028-00015363-00016028 And I have to say, it’s kind of stupid and awesome and surprising and also brilliant. mWdcaBiFgT8-00029-00016028-00016898 “Alarm Cocks (the chickens) will heal you, but if you hit them, they’ll seek vengeance!” mWdcaBiFgT8-00030-00016898-00017383 It’s a fun test of reflexes. mWdcaBiFgT8-00031-00017383-00017940 With beginning films, the sheep people are few and sporadically spaced, making for a mWdcaBiFgT8-00032-00017940-00018456 trivial challenge, but in later ones they come relentlessly and you have to simultaneously mWdcaBiFgT8-00033-00018456-00018990 stay on top of both sides of your controller and react accordingly to the information. mWdcaBiFgT8-00034-00018990-00019567 It’s this minigame, along with the changing of the karaoke minigame from a straight line mWdcaBiFgT8-00035-00019567-00020198 to a musical bar, which made me realize the importance in rhythm games of laying out the mWdcaBiFgT8-00036-00020198-00020789 screen in a way that intuitively visually communicates the impact of specific button mWdcaBiFgT8-00037-00020789-00020889 presses. mWdcaBiFgT8-00038-00020889-00021437 I’m not really a rhythm game person, but this is more out of inexperience rather than mWdcaBiFgT8-00039-00021437-00021537 disinterest. mWdcaBiFgT8-00040-00021537-00021916 Functionally, it’s the same deal as movie theaters in Persona. mWdcaBiFgT8-00041-00021916-00022139 You watch a film, you get a stat boost. mWdcaBiFgT8-00042-00022139-00022451 You watch with a friend, you get a relationship points boost. mWdcaBiFgT8-00043-00022451-00023025 But Persona has a very standardized presentation for many of its side activities. mWdcaBiFgT8-00044-00023025-00023575 You choose to do something and watch a cutscene of the character doing it, or, in the earlier mWdcaBiFgT8-00045-00023575-00023911 games, read a text box saying they did it. mWdcaBiFgT8-00046-00023911-00024605 But here, though, Yakuza’s well-known tradition of including diverse subgames does this kind mWdcaBiFgT8-00047-00024605-00024723 of thing a service. mWdcaBiFgT8-00048-00024723-00025357 Had this substory simply led to a cutscene, after which Ichiban got a personality boost, mWdcaBiFgT8-00049-00025357-00025868 I’d have probably gone “huh, that seems useful” and thought little else of this mWdcaBiFgT8-00050-00025868-00026593 game incorporating another Persona like feature to go with its Persona like personality stats mWdcaBiFgT8-00051-00026593-00026812 and relationship levels. mWdcaBiFgT8-00052-00026812-00026912 But this game! mWdcaBiFgT8-00053-00026912-00027332 It was like, hey, here’s a guy and his small time movie theater, and here’s some satanic mWdcaBiFgT8-00054-00027332-00028085 sheepgoat beings and chickens that will take vengeance if you hinder their war on the sheeplings! mWdcaBiFgT8-00055-00028085-00028927 Anyway, if this video made you want to play Yakuza 7 just because of this, go try the mWdcaBiFgT8-00056-00028927-00029161 free demo of Unbeatable, instead. mWdcaBiFgT8-00057-00029161-00029544 Because that game is also good despite not being out yet. mWdcaBiFgT8-00058-00029544-00030094 The demo’s not much, but I’m looking forward to the whole game which looks like Night in mWdcaBiFgT8-00059-00030094-00030412 the Woods through the lens of Promare. mWdcaBiFgT8-00060-00030412-00030619 That should be good, I hope. mWdcaBiFgT8-00061-00030619-00030930 Next actual video hopefully soon. mWdcaBiFgT8-00062-00030930-00031200 slash joyce stick. mWdcaBiFgT8-00063-00031200-00031861 Here’s some gameplay footage of Unbeatable’s free demo, to stretch this video out to ten mWdcaBiFgT8-00065-00051554-00052542 that it actually counts according to the algorithm. mWdcaBiFgT8-00066-00052542-00053550 Okay, bye. mWdcaBiFgT8-00067-00053550-00055212 Well uh I never said we were mWdcaBiFgT8-00068-00055212-00055519 good at rhythm games mWdcaBiFgT8-00069-00055519-00056220 In any case Thanks to last month's special patrons which mWdcaBiFgT8-00070-00056220-00056471 would be Brea mWdcaBiFgT8-00071-00056471-00056697 Dorian Newlin Eliza Tantivy mWdcaBiFgT8-00072-00056697-00056933 hikari no yume Nichtschwert mWdcaBiFgT8-00073-00056933-00057124 Sally Scimitar mWdcaBiFgT8-00074-00057124-00057489 Sven Lupov and Thijs. mWdcaBiFgT8-00075-00057489-00058029 Aaaand that's all. mWdcaBiFgT8-00076-00058029-00058208 Alright. mWdcaBiFgT8-00077-00058208-00058388 Byebye. matc6q6NduQ-00000-00000080-00000608 Section 8.1 Confidence Intervals for Population Proportions. So we're gonna start off with matc6q6NduQ-00001-00000608-00001032 proportions and then we'll go into mean land later. So we're in proportion land! matc6q6NduQ-00002-00001432-00001768 So example one. What proportion of Chabot stat students matc6q6NduQ-00003-00001768-00002248 have either written have written a check? So I asked a class of 28 total students matc6q6NduQ-00004-00002320-00002984 and 6 of them had said they had written a check so the proportion would be 6, who had written a check matc6q6NduQ-00005-00003192-00003376 out of the 28 total. matc6q6NduQ-00006-00003600-00004432 And if you do 6 divided by 28 you should get .2143, that's a proportion about 21% matc6q6NduQ-00007-00004592-00004744 but we'll leave it in proportion form. matc6q6NduQ-00008-00004952-00005200 So what is the chance that the proportion for this class matc6q6NduQ-00009-00005352-00006112 is equal to the proportion for all stat students at chabot? So what is the chance we get exactly matc6q6NduQ-00010-00006360-00006656 0.2143 for all shabbos students? matc6q6NduQ-00011-00006728-00007423 And we learned last chapter that this is pretty much zero, but it's probably close. That's the matc6q6NduQ-00012-00007423-00008584 whole idea of statistics and so we're finally going to answer that question of how how close? matc6q6NduQ-00013-00008704-00009032 So we've been talking about things being close but not exact, matc6q6NduQ-00014-00009032-00009192 we're finally going to answer that question. matc6q6NduQ-00015-00009400-00009648 So a couple vocab words and we'll get started. matc6q6NduQ-00016-00009648-00010344 So a point estimate we've talked about before but it's a value of a statistic from a sample, matc6q6NduQ-00017-00010464-00011144 so that might be the mean, x bar, the sample value, s or p hat, for proportions, matc6q6NduQ-00018-00011216-00011616 and we use these to estimate the parameter from a population. matc6q6NduQ-00019-00011616-00012320 So we're trying to estimate mu, sigma or p, but we usually only have a sample matc6q6NduQ-00020-00012408-00012872 and we're estimating the population. So what we're going to do is we're going to matc6q6NduQ-00021-00012872-00013200 take these samples and create this thing called a confidence interval. matc6q6NduQ-00022-00013319-00014088 So a confidence interval estimates a parameter on an interval so since we can't get the true matc6q6NduQ-00023-00014088-00014768 value the parameter is the true value exactly and we just know we're close we can create an matc6q6NduQ-00024-00014768-00015256 interval to estimate that. So we're going to estimate the true value on an interval matc6q6NduQ-00025-00015312-00015832 based on statistics with a percentage that we call the confidence level matc6q6NduQ-00026-00016376-00016824 that states how confident we are that the interval contains the true value. matc6q6NduQ-00027-00016960-00017120 So we'll see an example shortly. matc6q6NduQ-00028-00017328-00017656 So before we can get started we're gonna need that normal curve again. matc6q6NduQ-00029-00017656-00018112 So back in 7.2, we learned that if we take a random sample of size n matc6q6NduQ-00030-00018176-00018664 from a two category population with a proportion, so this is specific to those matc6q6NduQ-00031-00018744-00019288 two categories and proportions, then we learned p hat is approximately normally distributed matc6q6NduQ-00032-00019512-00020176 as long as np and nq are greater than or equal to 10. And we learned that the mean is equal to p matc6q6NduQ-00033-00020296-00020672 and the standard deviation is the square root of pq matc6q6NduQ-00034-00020672-00021184 over n. So you can find this back in chapter seven. matc6q6NduQ-00035-00021288-00021640 So chapter 7 was all about when are we allowed to use that normal curve matc6q6NduQ-00036-00021640-00021960 now we need to use that normal curve to create confidence intervals. matc6q6NduQ-00037-00022160-00022720 So to derive a formula for a confidence interval I'm going to start with expected range, matc6q6NduQ-00038-00022720-00023184 we've done expected range a lot throughout the semester. So we're going to take that average matc6q6NduQ-00039-00023184-00023552 mu and we're going to add and subtract two standard deviations matc6q6NduQ-00040-00023680-00024048 and if you don't remember this created an interval because it gave us two numbers. matc6q6NduQ-00041-00024280-00024696 So this was maybe our first confidence interval before we even knew about confidence intervals. matc6q6NduQ-00042-00024952-00025328 So I'm going to think about this a little bit backwards now. What is the probability matc6q6NduQ-00043-00025328-00025736 that the true proportion, p, is within this expected range matc6q6NduQ-00044-00025839-00026344 from my sample? So you'll notice my endpoints are the expected range, we have the probability, matc6q6NduQ-00045-00026576-00027592 mu minus two sigma is less than p which is less than the other endpoint, mu plus 2 sigma. And matc6q6NduQ-00046-00027592-00028264 we learned that two standard deviations was about 95.45% from the empirical rule. matc6q6NduQ-00047-00028495-00029088 And so this oddly translates into this new thing called a confidence interval. matc6q6NduQ-00048-00029088-00029360 So we've already learned these numbers and these formulas matc6q6NduQ-00049-00029360-00029664 we're just going to interpret it a little bit differently. matc6q6NduQ-00050-00029783-00030680 So we are 95.45% confident that the true proportion is within these two numbers, so mu matc6q6NduQ-00051-00030736-00031072 minus two sigma and mu plus 2 sigma. matc6q6NduQ-00052-00031160-00031888 So just a new interpretation of the expected range. matc6q6NduQ-00053-00032016-00032760 So let's find a special formula just for proportions. So we're going to take mu matc6q6NduQ-00054-00032760-00033264 plus or minus 2 sigma that's the formula we've been using all semester and I'm going to plug matc6q6NduQ-00055-00033264-00034264 in the values for proportions so mu is p plus or minus 2 times the square root of p q over n. matc6q6NduQ-00056-00034472-00035184 There's one small problem, we don't know p or q because we don't know the population. matc6q6NduQ-00057-00035992-00036400 So if we don't know p, what's a good value to use to estimate p? matc6q6NduQ-00058-00036400-00036792 That would be p-hat, so we'll just estimate matc6q6NduQ-00059-00037000-00037136 with p-hat and q-hat. matc6q6NduQ-00060-00037352-00037984 And that is my formula for a confidence interval. matc6q6NduQ-00061-00038056-00038432 So let's check out an example, I think it makes a lot more sense when we do an example. matc6q6NduQ-00062-00038696-00039424 So Example 2. We have a random sample of 583 adults. So I like that it says random matc6q6NduQ-00063-00039424-00039960 that means we probably have good data. 583 is the whole sample so that'll be n. matc6q6NduQ-00064-00040112-00040680 So we have 583 adults in California were surveyed and asked about their daily consumption of fruits matc6q6NduQ-00065-00040680-00041544 and vegetables, so 234 of them said that they consumed fruit two or more times per day matc6q6NduQ-00066-00041544-00042184 so that's kind of like my success right consuming fruit two or more times per day matc6q6NduQ-00067-00042608-00042872 versus not consuming fruit two or more times per day. matc6q6NduQ-00068-00042936-00043336 So let's use the data to find a point estimate for the true proportion. matc6q6NduQ-00069-00043336-00043616 So a point estimate for the proportion just means p hat, matc6q6NduQ-00070-00043960-00044312 of adults who consume fruit two or more times per day. So we'll put the matc6q6NduQ-00071-00044312-00044984 adults who consume fruit two or more times per day matc6q6NduQ-00072-00045240-00045512 and then we divide by the total, which is 583. matc6q6NduQ-00073-00046096-00046768 We also learned the formula where p hat was x over n right so 234 is my x, my number of successes matc6q6NduQ-00074-00046992-00047392 out of n, which is the total. Or we could just think of it in words right matc6q6NduQ-00075-00047496-00047784 234 out of the 583 total. matc6q6NduQ-00076-00047904-00048920 So let's see what we get 234 out of 583 and we get .4014, I like four decimal places. matc6q6NduQ-00077-00049096-00049472 So about 40 percent are consuming fruit two or more times per day. matc6q6NduQ-00078-00049752-00050360 So what is the chance that the estimate from part a is exactly equal to the true proportion matc6q6NduQ-00079-00050360-00050904 of all California adults? Exact is a really really strong word, it's highly unlikely matc6q6NduQ-00080-00050904-00051984 that we're exactly 40.14 percent, so basically zero, unlikely to be exact but should be close. matc6q6NduQ-00081-00052144-00053384 And why is it not exact? And that's due to sampling error, in case we need that reminder. matc6q6NduQ-00082-00053744-00053984 All right. So let's actually find a confidence interval. So matc6q6NduQ-00083-00053984-00054320 I'm just going to copy the formula from the previous page and then we'll get started. matc6q6NduQ-00084-00054440-00055055 So the formula was p hat plus or minus 2 times p hat q hat over n matc6q6NduQ-00085-00055055-00055432 which was coming from expected range but now we can just jump into this formula. matc6q6NduQ-00086-00055520-00055967 So we want to find a 95.45% confidence interval matc6q6NduQ-00087-00055967-00056400 for the true proportion of adults that consume fruit two or more times per day. matc6q6NduQ-00088-00056552-00056912 So before we plug in let's identify n, p hat, and q matc6q6NduQ-00089-00056912-00057832 So n was the total which was 583, p hat was .4014, and then q hat is the matc6q6NduQ-00090-00057832-00058479 same thing we've been doing one minus p so one minus .4014 and you should get .5986 matc6q6NduQ-00091-00058632-00058984 you can check that. matc6q6NduQ-00092-00059144-00059496 And so if we want to find a confidence interval we'll plug in, the plus or matc6q6NduQ-00093-00059496-00059848 minus is what's creating an interval, it's giving me a lower and an upper end point. matc6q6NduQ-00094-00059904-00060632 So let's see how this works so we'll do .4014 plus or minus 2 matc6q6NduQ-00095-00060840-00061784 times square root 0.4014 times 0.5986 divided by 583 matc6q6NduQ-00096-00061960-00062160 And now we just have to be careful on the calculator matc6q6NduQ-00097-00062255-00062448 so get your calculator out if you don't have it. matc6q6NduQ-00098-00062888-00063272 When I use the calculator, I usually like to do the plus or minus piece first. matc6q6NduQ-00099-00063384-00064024 So we're going to do 0.4014 plus or minus and we'll find the value on the calculator. matc6q6NduQ-00100-00064160-00064479 So I'm going to type a 2. I notice students often forget the 2 maybe matc6q6NduQ-00101-00064479-00064824 because it's outside the square root. And then we do 2ND, square root, matc6q6NduQ-00102-00064912-00065352 if you have the same calculator as me, it's above the x squared, you have to hit 2ND. matc6q6NduQ-00103-00065600-00065848 And then yours might have parentheses, yours might not, matc6q6NduQ-00104-00065848-00066912 I'm going to use parentheses just in case so you can do 0.4014 times 0.5986 divided by 583 matc6q6NduQ-00105-00066912-00067216 and you want to make sure all three of those numbers are inside the square root. matc6q6NduQ-00106-00067280-00067696 So that'll either be parentheses or you'll notice the bar is covering everything matc6q6NduQ-00107-00067696-00068288 and then you'll hit ENTERso you should get .0406. matc6q6NduQ-00108-00068624-00068928 And just like expected range we're going to add and subtract. matc6q6NduQ-00109-00069072-00069736 So I always do subtraction first because the smaller number comes first. So 0.4014 minus matc6q6NduQ-00110-00069840-00070696 0.0406 we get 0.3608. I'm gonna put it in parentheses with a comma. I'll show you matc6q6NduQ-00111-00070696-00071104 the notation in a second. And then you can hit 2ND, ENTER and just change it to a plus sign. matc6q6NduQ-00112-00071312-00071704 0.442 and then i'm going to add a 0 just so decimal places match matc6q6NduQ-00113-00071816-00071968 and that is our confidence interval. matc6q6NduQ-00114-00072232-00072520 The notation is what we're going to do is we're going to put a p and we're matc6q6NduQ-00115-00072520-00073056 going to put this little fancy e that's basically saying p is in the interval. matc6q6NduQ-00116-00073392-00073752 In math notation, it's a short way of writing it. matc6q6NduQ-00117-00073928-00074464 So p is in the interval of 0.3608 to 0.4420 matc6q6NduQ-00118-00074656-00074960 and let's interpret right interpreting is probably one of the most important things matc6q6NduQ-00119-00074960-00075280 we need from this class. Numbers are pointless if we can't interpret them. matc6q6NduQ-00120-00075376-00076344 So we're 95.45% confident that the true proportion of adults in California that consume fruit two or matc6q6NduQ-00121-00076344-00077032 more times per day is somewhere between 0.3608, and if you want to make it easier to interpret matc6q6NduQ-00122-00077032-00077952 that would be 36.8 percent, and 44.20 percent. So for math, I like to leave them in proportion form matc6q6NduQ-00123-00077952-00078624 but often in sentences I like to switch them to percents, it's just easier to understand. matc6q6NduQ-00124-00078624-00079088 And this is just like an election poll so if you pay attention to election polls now you might matc6q6NduQ-00125-00079088-00079904 notice, it might say someone's polling at 51% but then way down in the corner you'll see maybe like matc6q6NduQ-00126-00079904-00080528 a plus or minus 3, this is usually hidden in like the small print, which really means they're not matc6q6NduQ-00127-00080528-00081200 polling, they're getting 51 in the sample but due to sampling error they might be above or below by matc6q6NduQ-00128-00081200-00082488 3. So 51 could really be what? 48% to 54%. And so that's why sometimes the polls seem wrong because matc6q6NduQ-00129-00082488-00082848 they don't match those numbers but when you look at the interval they're often still correct. matc6q6NduQ-00130-00082960-00083368 So when you look at election polls pay attention to that little plus or minus piece like hidden matc6q6NduQ-00131-00083368-00083720 usually in the small print, it's the same exact idea. matc6q6NduQ-00132-00083936-00084488 And so last thing is if 500 statisticians did a similar study, this is really again similar matc6q6NduQ-00133-00084488-00084904 to election polls right because election polls are repeated over and over and over, matc6q6NduQ-00134-00085112-00085376 and they all compute these 95.45% matc6q6NduQ-00135-00085376-00085736 confidence intervals how many of them would you expect to contain the true proportion? matc6q6NduQ-00136-00085792-00086832 So unfortunately stats is not 100% correct, it's just what's most likely. So for 95.45% matc6q6NduQ-00137-00086832-00087360 percent confident it really means we'll catch the true value that meant that percent of the time. matc6q6NduQ-00138-00087696-00088008 So catch true value 95.45 percent of the time. matc6q6NduQ-00139-00088160-00088592 So if you only look at one election poll there's a small chance it could be wrong matc6q6NduQ-00140-00088592-00089088 but if you look at lots of election polls then you start to see a pattern and so if matc6q6NduQ-00141-00089088-00089928 500 people do this that means 95.45 % of the 500 will catch the true value. matc6q6NduQ-00142-00090024-00091528 So for percents we go 0.9545 times 500, we get 477.25, so we'll round that down to 477 intervals. matc6q6NduQ-00143-00091616-00092056 So most of them but not all of them. And again that has to do with the matc6q6NduQ-00144-00092056-00092584 fact that stats again is what's most likely stats, is never proving the absolute truth. mclccV4sTm0-00000-00000400-00000802 youth workers have an enormous impact on mclccV4sTm0-00001-00000802-00000976 the social and emotional learning of mclccV4sTm0-00002-00000976-00001263 youth in their program staff both design mclccV4sTm0-00003-00001263-00001495 program activities and also respond in mclccV4sTm0-00004-00001495-00001714 the moment to the needs of youth youth mclccV4sTm0-00005-00001714-00001893 workers can play an important role in the mclccV4sTm0-00006-00001893-00002167 life of a young person they believed in mclccV4sTm0-00007-00002167-00002464 me and they push me harder than I most mclccV4sTm0-00008-00002464-00002692 likely would have pushed myself because mclccV4sTm0-00009-00002692-00002899 they took that time to create that mclccV4sTm0-00010-00002899-00003058 community space where they got to know me mclccV4sTm0-00011-00003058-00003493 as well as value me as a person to mclccV4sTm0-00012-00003493-00003745 figure out what goes mclccV4sTm0-00013-00003745-00004005 on in rich what is rich you know ask me mclccV4sTm0-00014-00004005-00004168 daily things like you know how are you mclccV4sTm0-00015-00004168-00004423 doing you know how's your stress mclccV4sTm0-00016-00004423-00004618 level how's that being managed do you mclccV4sTm0-00017-00004618-00004837 need any extra support or help that I can mclccV4sTm0-00018-00004837-00005050 do to help make that easier for you mclccV4sTm0-00019-00005050-00005314 equipping staff means helping them to be mclccV4sTm0-00020-00005314-00005503 intentional about the social and mclccV4sTm0-00021-00005503-00005701 emotional skills they are fostering in mclccV4sTm0-00022-00005701-00006010 youth to do that staff must be attentive to mclccV4sTm0-00023-00006010-00006268 their own cultural values and emotional mclccV4sTm0-00024-00006268-00006456 intelligence so that they can model mclccV4sTm0-00025-00006456-00006772 these skills for youth understand SEL so they mclccV4sTm0-00026-00006772-00006964 can talk about it with other staff and mclccV4sTm0-00027-00006964-00007189 with youth and know how their program mclccV4sTm0-00028-00007189-00007395 structure and activities helps or mclccV4sTm0-00029-00007395-00007809 hinders SEL growth our toolkit offers mclccV4sTm0-00030-00007809-00008004 ways for staff to investigate their own mclccV4sTm0-00031-00008004-00008233 SEL skills and the ways of being model mclccV4sTm0-00032-00008233-00008485 for a deeper understanding of how staff mclccV4sTm0-00033-00008485-00009064 and support SEL development mffCPsufC-A-00000-00000868-00001202 Deleted scenes mffCPsufC-A-00001-00002126-00002468 What to do, if you have BMW behind? mffCPsufC-A-00002-00002700-00002900 Run away! mffCPsufC-A-00003-00004732-00004994 I know, everybody is fast, on the way down. mffCPsufC-A-00004-00005080-00005350 Lets be nice on BMW :-) mffCPsufC-A-00005-00005928-00006188 They can use signals! mffCPsufC-A-00006-00006244-00006456 But on wrong side... mffCPsufC-A-00007-00006680-00006964 I can fit there, but... mffCPsufC-A-00008-00007312-00007580 I am not bl***y cyclist... mffCPsufC-A-00009-00009232-00009552 I did not expect this slow offroad... mffCPsufC-A-00010-00010202-00010456 Thanks! mffCPsufC-A-00011-00011282-00011758 watch the bees mffCPsufC-A-00012-00011850-00012102 Somebody wants to scare cyclists? :-) mffCPsufC-A-00013-00012282-00012570 Pet for end mffCPsufC-A-00014-00013519-00013834 Little bit windy... mffCPsufC-A-00015-00013941-00014510 Bocouse i dont like this conditions, next episode will be after the winter... mffCPsufC-A-00016-00014530-00014860 meanwhile, i will only chase the three pistons... mffCPsufC-A-00017-00015426-00016018 Thanks for watching, Like and share will be nice. :-) mfDrhTMuV54-00000-00000015-00000398 Hi, I'm Katie laird, and I'm the communications team manager here at Schipul mfDrhTMuV54-00001-00001648-00002153 So I think one of the biggest surprises that some of our clients have seen as far as Schipul's mfDrhTMuV54-00002-00002169-00002369 Progression over the last Few Years is mfDrhTMuV54-00003-00002392-00003029 Definitely the rise of social media as far as being a really really essential business tool mfDrhTMuV54-00004-00003082-00003515 For a lot of clients not everybody it's not for everybody for but for quite a number of them mfDrhTMuV54-00005-00003515-00003571 I mfDrhTMuV54-00006-00003571-00004212 Remember back in my early days at Schipul speaking with Clients kind of chit chatting on the phone before the project work gets done tell mfDrhTMuV54-00007-00004212-00004532 them about you know what I've been blogging about or something and I'd seen really mfDrhTMuV54-00008-00004539-00005246 Interesting on a group blog or something like boing boing and some of their reactions were I mean very kind of whoa mfDrhTMuV54-00009-00005246-00005948 You know like you've got to be careful like social media and blogging and you know they were you know kind of petrified mfDrhTMuV54-00010-00005948-00006401 They were just hearing the negative things and just saw it is kind of a silly personal thing to be working on mfDrhTMuV54-00011-00006429-00006851 But nowadays. I mean definitely a complete 180. I mean we see clients mfDrhTMuV54-00012-00006913-00007254 Very very actively searching for knowledge and advice mfDrhTMuV54-00013-00007320-00007826 And you know definitely working with some of our project managers on building their presence on Facebook mfDrhTMuV54-00014-00007867-00008565 Getting on you know their blog sometimes multiple blogs even so that's really been quite a paradigm shift mfDrhTMuV54-00015-00008620-00009231 You know from being something that kids did to hey, like we want to grow our business connect with clients mfDrhTMuV54-00016-00009231-00009476 And then we want Schipul to do for us we are mfDrhTMuV54-00017-00009535-00009740 completely completely in love with mfDrhTMuV54-00018-00009799-00009965 Sharing our knowledge to clients mfDrhTMuV54-00019-00009965-00010514 And which is really really important in the social media sphere because there's really a new network a new hot mfDrhTMuV54-00020-00010528-00010728 website popping up every day and mfDrhTMuV54-00021-00010777-00011225 Clients, just don't have the time to sift through. What would be valuable for them mfDrhTMuV54-00022-00011225-00011525 And what would help them grow their business or reach their objectives mfDrhTMuV54-00023-00011542-00011715 So you know we're very mfDrhTMuV54-00024-00011715-00012011 Transparent and you know very interested in teaching people mfDrhTMuV54-00025-00012036-00012410 Really everything that we know we want them to be a success because it reflects mfDrhTMuV54-00026-00012411-00012776 You know very well on our company, and then there's also a level of trust mfDrhTMuV54-00027-00012813-00013133 so whenever you're looking to a third party to mfDrhTMuV54-00028-00013170-00013811 Take your baby to take your brand and your company's message and you know voice online in a whole, New Direction mfDrhTMuV54-00029-00013906-00014447 You know people feel comfortable with us because they know that number one you know our hearts in the right place mfDrhTMuV54-00030-00014463-00014930 You know one of our values and actually our vision is to to do good mfDrhTMuV54-00031-00014944-00015366 so we're there to do good we're there to you know help companies grow and mfDrhTMuV54-00032-00015418-00015834 Social Media is just one facet of the way that we're able to help people you know just be mfDrhTMuV54-00033-00015880-00016439 Smashing successes online when it comes to figuring out if the social media campaign is a success mfDrhTMuV54-00034-00016456-00017025 it really has a lot to do with being very very specific in your objectives for that campaign and mfDrhTMuV54-00035-00017070-00017684 Just being creative and just kind of putting yourself out there and letting your audience and your community mfDrhTMuV54-00036-00017725-00018033 Play with you and take a part in your brand and in your company mfDrhTMuV54-00037-00018070-00018654 Really the way that the Schipul team tries to help clients is to you know really use social Media mfDrhTMuV54-00038-00018724-00019070 You know at first to kind of build their brand to you know grow mfDrhTMuV54-00039-00019078-00019616 Those relationships that they already have to connect with new people that they would never have been you know in mfDrhTMuV54-00040-00019669-00020166 Communication with before and then from there really figure out, what is it that Clients are mfDrhTMuV54-00041-00020218-00020811 you know either their clients or their audience online what they would be interested in what would benefit them and mfDrhTMuV54-00042-00020823-00021056 Find unique ways to connect with them miCfEu7H3Z0-00000-00000742-00000942 The Batch Box Rocket Stove for the Terre-pailleux miCfEu7H3Z0-00001-00001962-00002162 In may 2016, Iwent to "La Courdemière" a hamlet located 30min south of Poitiers miCfEu7H3Z0-00002-00002754-00003400 La Courdémière is where the organisation Terre Paille et Compagnie experiments permaculture along with Pascal Depienne miCfEu7H3Z0-00003-00003400-00003800 This time, the Terre-pailleux were to build the mass heater for their classroom! miCfEu7H3Z0-00004-00004736-00005376 After 5 days of workshop building a Rocket Stove miCfEu7H3Z0-00005-00005376-00005746 This is our last piece: the Batch Box Rocket Stove mass heater! miCfEu7H3Z0-00006-00005780-00006494 it compiles both characteristics of the J-Tube and the Batch Box Rocket Stove mass heater: miCfEu7H3Z0-00007-00006552-00007202 The chimney which is enclosed in the barrel and captures the heat that is usually exhausted in other stoves. miCfEu7H3Z0-00008-00007702-00008590 the second feature is that earthen bench that will store the heat between two fires and slowly release it in the house. miCfEu7H3Z0-00009-00009310-00009838 The main principles in the Rocket Stove: miCfEu7H3Z0-00010-00009958-00010698 the L shape tube and the insulation around it! miCfEu7H3Z0-00011-00010888-00011876 It allows the heat to accumulate and creates the draft in the chimney miCfEu7H3Z0-00012-00011876-00012076 The combination of this form and of this heat creates a really good combustion miCfEu7H3Z0-00013-00012076-00012276 it's very simple but it works really well miCfEu7H3Z0-00014-00012658-00013112 we put the wood in the horizontal tube and the flames go up miCfEu7H3Z0-00015-00013369-00013569 and you can cook on it! miCfEu7H3Z0-00016-00016966-00017166 The Rocket Stove is considered an appropriate technologies miCfEu7H3Z0-00017-00017470-00018494 Appropriate because...anywhere in the world anybody can build a rocket stove miCfEu7H3Z0-00018-00018494-00018960 this is the first advantage of the rocket stove! We can all make one! miCfEu7H3Z0-00019-00020014-00020534 it gives us autonomy and it is a good and simple way to produce energy efficiently! miCfEu7H3Z0-00020-00020858-00021058 more subtitles later... help! mjO3M4sINzk-00000-00000000-00000300 Yakisoba with variety meats mjO3M4sINzk-00001-00000300-00000500 I will eat this for 10 servings. mjO3M4sINzk-00002-00000500-00000900 Yakisoba is stir-flied noodles popular in Japan. mjO3M4sINzk-00003-00000900-00001600 Hmm, smells good. I can't wait to eat them. mjO3M4sINzk-00004-00001600-00001848 Wow, they are like Yakisoba mountains! mjO3M4sINzk-00005-00001848-00001968 Let's Samurai Eating!! mjO3M4sINzk-00006-00002200-00002300 Hey, it's MAX SUZUKI. mjO3M4sINzk-00007-00002300-00002700 This restaurant is where I ate OKONOMIYAKI the other day. mjO3M4sINzk-00008-00002700-00003500 Do you remember? It's TORIKO, two minutes walk from Nogata station. mjO3M4sINzk-00009-00003500-00004000 When I come here last time, I found Yakisoba on the menu and it has been won my heart and mind. mjO3M4sINzk-00010-00004000-00004600 Actually, there were Yakisoba put on the Okonomiyaki and they were super good. mjO3M4sINzk-00011-00004600-00005100 Then, I found they also serve Yakisoba itself by checking the food menu. mjO3M4sINzk-00012-00005100-00005400 There are various kinds of Yakisoba and what I eat today is... mjO3M4sINzk-00013-00005400-00005800 [drum roll] mjO3M4sINzk-00014-00005800-00006100 Yakisoba with variety meats!! mjO3M4sINzk-00015-00006100-00006200 I'll have this for 10 servings. mjO3M4sINzk-00016-00006200-00006500 Cameraman: You were not sure which one to choose, huh? mjO3M4sINzk-00017-00006500-00006700 Broiled pieces of porks were so good as well as Yakisoba. mjO3M4sINzk-00018-00006700-00006900 That means I have NO OTHER CHOICE!! mjO3M4sINzk-00019-00006900-00007500 So I will start eating but this time I eat as FAST as possible compared to last time. mjO3M4sINzk-00020-00007500-00008100 I love noodles so I will also add 10 fried eggs other than pork. mjO3M4sINzk-00021-00008100-00008400 [stuttering] mjO3M4sINzk-00022-00008400-00008600 *Oh, come on MAX!! mjO3M4sINzk-00023-00008600-00009000 Yeah, I will do my best. mjO3M4sINzk-00024-00009000-00009400 By the way, I always choose my clothes carefully. mjO3M4sINzk-00025-00009400-00009800 But one of my camera crews told me that... mjO3M4sINzk-00026-00009800-00010100 I'm looking like Bakabon, a famous animation character. mjO3M4sINzk-00027-00010100-00010700 It was shocked me but at the same time, I was feeling it's not such bad. mjO3M4sINzk-00028-00010700-00011100 This Samurai Eating channel is a comedy channel from now on. mjO3M4sINzk-00029-00011100-00011300 * No, I was just kidding. This is a gourmet channel. mjO3M4sINzk-00030-00011300-00011534 That's the way it should be!! mjO3M4sINzk-00031-00011534-00011654 Get back on topic. mjO3M4sINzk-00032-00012000-00012700 Okay, so this is Yakisoba and fried eggs I am going to eat. mjO3M4sINzk-00033-00012700-00013300 I will try speed eating this time so there is a little different compared to the usual style. mjO3M4sINzk-00034-00013300-00013800 I focus on just eating and ask a server for another plate. mjO3M4sINzk-00035-00013800-00015000 So it will be like I'm taking a plate from here and the server dish up the food in front of me and put it on my right. mjO3M4sINzk-00036-00015000-00015500 Once I finish eating, I put my plates on my left side. mjO3M4sINzk-00037-00015500-00016300 There are 3 plates in total and the dished up plates get ready here, so I take it and put the finished one on my left. mjO3M4sINzk-00038-00016300-00016700 So plates go around clockwise. mjO3M4sINzk-00039-00016700-00017100 Regarding the amount of one serving, it fully depends on the server's discretion. mjO3M4sINzk-00040-00017100-00017800 I don't care no matter how large or small it is so I have no idea the weight of one plate. mjO3M4sINzk-00041-00017800-00018700 But there are 10 servings in total so this speed eating ends when I finish eating all of these. mjO3M4sINzk-00042-00018700-00018900 Okay, let's go!! mjS9OErvwdo-00000-00001152-00001792 Hello and Welcome✨this is Rochelle from the DIY Affiliate🏃‍♀️ and today I am going to show you mjS9OErvwdo-00001-00001872-00002528 all of my tips tricks and secrets that I use to share the youtube video to mjS9OErvwdo-00002-00002528-00003679 facebook to numerous pages groups and also in your news feed or story so stay tuned let's just mjS9OErvwdo-00003-00003976-00004600 very important to be aware of all of the different areas and different programs apps mjS9OErvwdo-00004-00004600-00005936 and extensions that you can use in order for you to be able to share not just your youtube video mjS9OErvwdo-00005-00005936-00006759 but to also share your other links your uh your website links or anything that you create can mjS9OErvwdo-00006-00006816-00007504 be shared and this is how you would create your organic traffic when you are sharing to facebook mjS9OErvwdo-00007-00007872-00008584 you would then click into your the facebook icon mjS9OErvwdo-00008-00008776-00009392 this is the way that you will create your organic traffic using facebook mjS9OErvwdo-00009-00009744-00010296 to share to the news feed or story you would just click on mjS9OErvwdo-00010-00010560-00010864 share to news feeder story this will be the top mjS9OErvwdo-00011-00010920-00011568 showing this will be showing on the top with the downward arrow mjS9OErvwdo-00012-00011944-00012272 this is a description that I mjS9OErvwdo-00013-00012328-00013032 have created especially for sharing to all of my facebook pages and my facebook groups mjS9OErvwdo-00014-00013328-00013424 here I have mjS9OErvwdo-00015-00013760-00014576 my branding for the youtube channelI also have on my link mjS9OErvwdo-00016-00014832-00015263 for my product that I am talking about mjS9OErvwdo-00017-00015263-00016063 in this video I have a description that is keyword optimized and I also have hashtags mjS9OErvwdo-00018-00016480-00016984 that I am using for my in my description mjS9OErvwdo-00019-00017848-00018304 I have a my disclaimer which is very important mjS9OErvwdo-00020-00018304-00019040 that lets people know that there are Affiliate🚀 or referral links in this post and I have other mjS9OErvwdo-00021-00019040-00019784 hashtags mjS9OErvwdo-00022-00020448-00021184 I have a link that I created at pretty links that I will also use in my description mjS9OErvwdo-00023-00021528-00022584 just by adding a read more and the link mjS9OErvwdo-00024-00022952-00023352 you would then copy the information mjS9OErvwdo-00025-00023656-00024336 and where it says say something about this you would place your cursor do a right mjS9OErvwdo-00026-00024336-00025800 click on your mouse and paste choose your news feed or your story mjS9OErvwdo-00027-00026127-00026392 or both since i've already mjS9OErvwdo-00028-00026680-00027136 clicked on i've already shared to my story i'm going to share it to my news mjS9OErvwdo-00029-00027136-00028408 feedIwill immediately be taken right back mjS9OErvwdo-00030-00028544-00029583 to my pop-up box whereIcan click into my facebook again you will see the post to facebook on the tab mjS9OErvwdo-00031-00029888-00030592 and you will see your box that says share to news feeder story and here a downward mjS9OErvwdo-00032-00030592-00031383 arrow you would just click into the downward here you can share on a friend's timeline mjS9OErvwdo-00033-00031688-00032383 type in your friend's name mjS9OErvwdo-00034-00032896-00034536 and copy your whole description paste your whole description in and choose post to facebook mjS9OErvwdo-00035-00034880-00035536 you will see your pop-up box come up again you will then see post to facebook on your tab mjS9OErvwdo-00036-00036064-00036240 you would then click in your downward mjS9OErvwdo-00037-00036240-00036584 arrow mjS9OErvwdo-00038-00036904-00037488 and here you can post on another friend's timeline or you can share in a group mjS9OErvwdo-00039-00037800-00038216 how many facebook groups do you belong to that you can post in mjS9OErvwdo-00040-00038288-00038560 how many facebook groups have you created mjS9OErvwdo-00041-00038768-00039384 you will just type in the group name mjS9OErvwdo-00042-00039536-00039912 you will start typing in the group name and facebook will start mjS9OErvwdo-00043-00040128-00040784 populating and uploading names of groups allowed to post in mjS9OErvwdo-00044-00041048-00042184 you will then where it says say something about this do a right click of your mouse and paste mjS9OErvwdo-00045-00042880-00043952 you can also use the tag people in your post start typing in the person's name mjS9OErvwdo-00046-00044624-00044984 and this person would then be tagged in your post mjS9OErvwdo-00047-00045432-00046040 you will see a box a pop up here you will notice the post to facebook mjS9OErvwdo-00048-00046296-00046384 on your tab mjS9OErvwdo-00049-00046944-00047784 the box will say share to news feed or story and you will click on this a downward arrow mjS9OErvwdo-00050-00047896-00048032 share in a group mjS9OErvwdo-00051-00048520-00048856 and you would start typing in the group's name mjS9OErvwdo-00052-00049048-00049736 where it says say something about this you would do a right click click on your because you've mjS9OErvwdo-00053-00049736-00050984 already copied your description put your description in you could mjS9OErvwdo-00054-00050984-00052024 tag friends if you wanted to you could also check in if you wanted to or you could use a feeling mjS9OErvwdo-00055-00052120-00053384 emoji mjS9OErvwdo-00056-00054064-00054784 and then you would click to post to facebook mjS9OErvwdo-00057-00055296-00056552 and here you could go back into facebook see the box choose the downward arrow mjS9OErvwdo-00058-00056696-00057688 and you could share in another group that you are an admin of or that you are able to post in mjS9OErvwdo-00059-00057784-00058048 you could share in an event mjS9OErvwdo-00060-00058872-00059240 here you would type in the advent name mjS9OErvwdo-00061-00059991-00060808 and facebook would start populating the advance and you would choose mjS9OErvwdo-00062-00060864-00061279 the advent that you are sharing in mjS9OErvwdo-00063-00061544-00061864 you could share on a page you manage mjS9OErvwdo-00064-00062288-00062920 and here you will see another pop-up box come up with the downward arrow mjS9OErvwdo-00065-00063128-00063448 and you can click into the downward arrow mjS9OErvwdo-00066-00063664-00063967 and here you will see all of mjS9OErvwdo-00067-00064055-00064904 your facebook pages that you have created and that you are an administrator of mjS9OErvwdo-00068-00065288-00066336 you would just click into the page of your choice and here you will notice another pop-up box that mjS9OErvwdo-00069-00066336-00067664 will give you a choice to post as the admin of the page or to post as yourself and your profile mjS9OErvwdo-00070-00068016-00068784 your choice is the admin of the page or to post as yourself mjS9OErvwdo-00071-00069016-00069736 and since you've already have the information that you've copied from your notepad it is mjS9OErvwdo-00072-00069736-00070512 still attached to your cursor you would do a right click and paste your information in mjS9OErvwdo-00073-00071392-00072216 and you could tag friends check in or make a feeling activity mjS9OErvwdo-00074-00072784-00073176 the same as you did for your group mjS9OErvwdo-00075-00073656-00073904 and this will help to create mjS9OErvwdo-00076-00074360-00074560 more engagement mjS9OErvwdo-00077-00074920-00075784 add your own and then type in what you are listening to mjS9OErvwdo-00078-00076112-00076456 and choose post to facebook mjS9OErvwdo-00079-00077136-00077376 you will see the pop-up box come up again mjS9OErvwdo-00080-00077840-00078936 click into the icon you will see post to facebook and when you click in the downward arrow mjS9OErvwdo-00081-00079648-00079984 you wait until you see this pop-up box come up mjS9OErvwdo-00082-00080112-00080736 choose the downward arrow and choose another one of your pages mjS9OErvwdo-00083-00081360-00083120 where it says say something about this right click and paste post to facebook mjS9OErvwdo-00084-00083368-00083800 the last one we are going to go into facebook again mjS9OErvwdo-00085-00084128-00084720 and do you see how this is creating your organic traffic do you see how every time you post to mjS9OErvwdo-00086-00084720-00085760 any one of your pages um any group that you are allowed to post into that more people are seeing mjS9OErvwdo-00087-00085760-00087528 your information and the last place is you can share in a private message mjS9OErvwdo-00088-00087888-00088424 and then you would type in the names of the people that you would like to share to mjS9OErvwdo-00089-00088624-00089080 you will see them come up and type in as many names mjS9OErvwdo-00090-00089328-00089424 as you would like mjS9OErvwdo-00091-00089648-00090336 to share in a private message too and click here where it says say something about this mjS9OErvwdo-00092-00090392-00091184 right click and paste mjS9OErvwdo-00093-00091552-00092088 lifespan audiobook on audible and then mjS9OErvwdo-00094-00092480-00092584 send message mjS9OErvwdo-00095-00093008-00093280 so now i'm going over to my facebook mjS9OErvwdo-00096-00093544-00094136 here is the facebook post and here you can seeIhave the mjS9OErvwdo-00097-00094200-00094896 where i've doing the interaction with the listening to and here is my link to for mjS9OErvwdo-00098-00094896-00096784 people to go to audible and here anytime they click into a hashtag that i've put in my post mjS9OErvwdo-00099-00097112-00098184 or a hyperlink that i've put in my post this will take them to another area mjS9OErvwdo-00100-00098616-00099584 for example whenIclick into a the hashtag audible app mjS9OErvwdo-00101-00100024-00100680 it says people are posting about this under audible app and you will see the people mjS9OErvwdo-00102-00100680-00101584 that are posting now this is very important it's very important that you number one like mjS9OErvwdo-00103-00101800-00101864 this post mjS9OErvwdo-00104-00102216-00102800 and number two that you make a comment number three after you make a comment mjS9OErvwdo-00105-00103000-00103783 to click on the reply and then mjS9OErvwdo-00106-00105264-00106224 so now what you've done is you have created engagement and you've also created a link mjS9OErvwdo-00107-00106359-00106583 back to your youtube mjS9OErvwdo-00108-00107208-00107511 now for the people who have tailwind mjS9OErvwdo-00109-00107616-00108208 and if you don't have tailwind i'll leave it in the description but when you have tailwind you mjS9OErvwdo-00110-00108208-00109383 will see this schedule come up and you just click into where it says schedule mjS9OErvwdo-00111-00109608-00109896 you will see this pop-up box come up for tailwind mjS9OErvwdo-00112-00110464-00111104 tailwind is a free app that you can get a browser extension for mjS9OErvwdo-00113-00111159-00111559 and you can also use on your computer and you can use on your mobile phone mjS9OErvwdo-00114-00111624-00112392 and it helps you to share to instagram and pinterest and also it integrates with facebook mjS9OErvwdo-00115-00113008-00113583 we have now your youtube video mjS9OErvwdo-00116-00113824-00114983 and also you can use more hashtags mjS9OErvwdo-00117-00115256-00115504 by clicking into the hashtags mjS9OErvwdo-00118-00115735-00116383 choosing a hashtag to begin with mjS9OErvwdo-00119-00116776-00117064 you can also use your hashtags mjS9OErvwdo-00120-00117496-00117783 that you already have put together for your description mjS9OErvwdo-00121-00119040-00119272 and then choose schedule now mjS9OErvwdo-00122-00119632-00120168 choose click into your mjS9OErvwdo-00123-00120359-00120856 post this is still in your draft but it is scheduled mjS9OErvwdo-00124-00121288-00121944 and here you want to add your smart bio link and if you don't have a smart bio link and you mjS9OErvwdo-00125-00121944-00122656 want to get a smart bio link a smart bio link is free with your tailwind whether you have a mjS9OErvwdo-00126-00122656-00123383 paid tailwind or not the smart bio link is free soIam just going to get my information mjS9OErvwdo-00127-00123632-00123920 it's going to copy that and i'm going to enter this mjS9OErvwdo-00128-00124200-00124783 to my smart bio link and then choose enter mjS9OErvwdo-00129-00125032-00125288 and add a call to action mjS9OErvwdo-00130-00125711-00126440 you will see a pop-up box come up call to action and you need to customize your call mjS9OErvwdo-00131-00126440-00127200 to action each time you add a call to action because it will copy the first call to action mjS9OErvwdo-00132-00127383-00128008 that you had from before so i'm just gonna go and i'm gonna get my link to audible mjS9OErvwdo-00133-00128392-00128488 which is right here mjS9OErvwdo-00134-00128735-00130383 and copy that go back and add it mjS9OErvwdo-00135-00130792-00131048 make sure make sure you are in your box mjS9OErvwdo-00136-00131144-00132136 and then just paste your link right here where it says edit your caption and then choose save mjS9OErvwdo-00137-00132576-00132832 i can amplify with pinterest choose a mjS9OErvwdo-00138-00132832-00133408 board set pin destination mjS9OErvwdo-00139-00133648-00134104 and hereIcan also share to a facebook page mjS9OErvwdo-00140-00134504-00134872 soIwant to share to a page thatIhaven't shared with yet mjS9OErvwdo-00141-00135792-00136648 update facebook page post it will go out today at 10 31 mjS9OErvwdo-00142-00137208-00138352 now 9 52Ican create a custom time ifIwant orIcould choose one of these times 53Iwill mjS9OErvwdo-00143-00138352-00140600 make it 9 55 and a set custom time save and close and here you see mjS9OErvwdo-00144-00140736-00141616 that this is my youtube video and it will be shared to my instagram to my pinterest mjS9OErvwdo-00145-00141616-00142096 and to the facebook of my choice i'm just going to close this for now mjS9OErvwdo-00146-00142600-00143136 one more thing thatIwould like to show you is when you do have the tailwind extension mjS9OErvwdo-00147-00143136-00143688 and whether you have a paid account with tail wind or paid account with tailwind you can mjS9OErvwdo-00148-00143688-00144384 get the tailwind extension whenIclick into my tailwind extension i'm here at facebook mjS9OErvwdo-00149-00144920-00145296 i can see all of my posts mjS9OErvwdo-00150-00145576-00146496 and thenIcan choose the ones thatIwant by clicking into them selecting my images asIselect them mjS9OErvwdo-00151-00146680-00147136 and the images are appearing here and thenIwould just click go to schedule mjS9OErvwdo-00152-00147136-00147664 and do the exact same thing thatIjust did with that one post mjS9OErvwdo-00153-00147960-00148656 andIalso have step by step video tutorials in whichIwill leave in the description to show you mjS9OErvwdo-00154-00148736-00150112 how you can use tailwind there's just one more thing thatIwould like to add when you create mjS9OErvwdo-00155-00150352-00150672 i call it the hyperlinks for all social media outlets mjS9OErvwdo-00156-00150736-00151136 for the DIYmarketing on youtube which is like links or urls for social media mjS9OErvwdo-00157-00151232-00152272 every link here is for a social media platform this is for medium uh this is for youtube this mjS9OErvwdo-00158-00152272-00152784 is for pinterest this is for linkedin this is for twitter this is for tumblr mjS9OErvwdo-00159-00153024-00153096 for vk mjS9OErvwdo-00160-00153576-00154688 for my graphic book my smart bio link and the facebook groups and websites thatIhave all of mjS9OErvwdo-00161-00154688-00155864 these are used for social media and to be able to share your one creation which is when you're mjS9OErvwdo-00162-00155864-00156528 on youtube it will be your youtube video if you are on facebook or twitter or any other mjS9OErvwdo-00163-00156528-00157352 social media platforms this can all be shared to every one of these social media platforms mjS9OErvwdo-00164-00157624-00158312 if you have found this video helpful then please give this video a thumbs up and if mjS9OErvwdo-00165-00158312-00158752 you have not subscribed to my channel consider subscribing to my channel asItry mjS9OErvwdo-00166-00158752-00159280 to keep my channel relevant and up to date stay safe have a wonderful evening mjWAlXH8LG4-00000-00000500-00000755 This video contains how to play beatmania IIDX series mjWAlXH8LG4-00001-00000755-00001017 by using Emulator MAME. mjWAlXH8LG4-00002-00001017-00001283 From 1st Style to 8th Style, and substream can be played. mjWAlXH8LG4-00003-00001283-00001529 It means, MAME supports beatmania IIDX games that run on Konami BEMANI TWINKLE Hardware. mjWAlXH8LG4-00004-00001529-00001786 In this video, you can see beatmania IIDX 7th Style, mjWAlXH8LG4-00005-00001786-00002060 a 7th game of beatmania IIDX series, released in 2002. mjWAlXH8LG4-00006-00002060-00002400 You need some files to play this game; mjWAlXH8LG4-00007-00002400-00002744 ROM file of beatmania IIDX 7th Style(, mjWAlXH8LG4-00008-00002744-00003086 CHD files of 7th Style(b44jaa01.chd, b44jaa02.chd, b44jaa03.chd, b44jab01.chd), mjWAlXH8LG4-00009-00003086-00003428 and last one, BIOS file of Konami BEMANI TWINKLE Hardware( mjWAlXH8LG4-00010-00003428-00003772 When you make games need CHD files work at MAME, mjWAlXH8LG4-00011-00003772-00004120 you need to make a folder have the SAME name as the ROM file you want to play. mjWAlXH8LG4-00012-00004120-00004464 And then, put the CHD file into that folder. mjWAlXH8LG4-00013-00004464-00004721 In this video, for example, you can see bmiidx7 folder has 4 CHD files. mjWAlXH8LG4-00014-00004721-00005005 Put ALL ROM, folder contains CHD files into rom directory. mjWAlXH8LG4-00015-00005914-00006284 You can see BOOT check and Device check mjWAlXH8LG4-00016-00006284-00006625 each time you play this game. mjWAlXH8LG4-00017-00006625-00006972 When you play this game for the first time, you can see E150 BACKUP DATA ERROR message. mjWAlXH8LG4-00018-00006972-00007314 After checking devices remaining(Security, Sound), mjWAlXH8LG4-00019-00007314-00007722 you can see "1P START = BACKUP CLEAR" message. mjWAlXH8LG4-00020-00007722-00008116 FWD for convenience, until we see the message. mjWAlXH8LG4-00021-00008584-00008945 Press 1P start button to initialize BACKUP RAM. mjWAlXH8LG4-00022-00008945-00009289 After that, you can move on to game mode. mjWAlXH8LG4-00023-00009289-00009634 If you play this game later, you can see BACKUP RAM OK. mjWAlXH8LG4-00024-00009634-00009973 If you don't use Throttle(press F10), mjWAlXH8LG4-00025-00009973-00010342 ALL checking processes will be done in 55 seconds. mkk5aH66m8E-00000-00000090-00000768 Hey, my name is Julio, and today i´m here to react to the trailer of the mkk5aH66m8E-00001-00000768-00001386 new serie "see" will be realese in the new plataform of Apple: Apple TV+ mkk5aH66m8E-00002-00001386-00001795 Next November 1st. Intro mkk5aH66m8E-00003-00001798-00002553 [Música] mkk5aH66m8E-00004-00004452-00005085 last tuesday November 10th the Apple company in the Keynote mkk5aH66m8E-00005-00005085-00005754 every september of each year did present the new streaming plataform mkk5aH66m8E-00006-00005754-00006332 called Apple TV Plus the realese will be mkk5aH66m8E-00007-00006332-00006711 next november first and the cost mkk5aH66m8E-00008-00006711-00007550 inicially of 5$, 4.99$ they offers too in the keynote 1 year mkk5aH66m8E-00009-00007550-00007952 free suscription who buy the new products they presented mkk5aH66m8E-00010-00007952-00008675 in this keynote the new Serie "SEE" has Jason Momoa mkk5aH66m8E-00011-00008675-00009311 the famous Khal Drogo of Game of Thrones is known too for the mkk5aH66m8E-00012-00009311-00009718 Movie Aquaman of DC movies mkk5aH66m8E-00013-00009718-00010189 the serie present a post-apocalyptic world where the people mkk5aH66m8E-00014-00010189-00010531 lost the vision capacity they can not see mkk5aH66m8E-00015-00010531-00011107 the history begin when born 2 babys, they have the capacity mkk5aH66m8E-00016-00011107-00011678 to see they are sons of Jason Momoa in the serie mkk5aH66m8E-00017-00011678-00012278 then begins a war between tribes, they don´t want mkk5aH66m8E-00018-00012278-00012831 exist this boys with the capacity to see mkk5aH66m8E-00019-00012831-00013563 the Serie have 10 Episodes and the director mkk5aH66m8E-00020-00013563-00014295 is Francis Lawrence (hunger games and I´m legend) mkk5aH66m8E-00021-00014295-00015154 The Will Smith movie lets go to see the trailer 3, 2, 1. mkk5aH66m8E-00022-00016197-00016616 beautiful scene, nice cinematography mkk5aH66m8E-00023-00017121-00017522 (translation english to spanish) mkk5aH66m8E-00024-00017543-00018185 (translation english to spanish) (translation english to spanish) mkk5aH66m8E-00025-00018185-00018575 (translation english to spanish) mkk5aH66m8E-00026-00019066-00019365 it's amazing mkk5aH66m8E-00027-00019771-00020103 [Música] mkk5aH66m8E-00028-00020328-00020666 They can see mkk5aH66m8E-00029-00020792-00021205 from planet of the apes producers mkk5aH66m8E-00030-00021724-00022099 (translation english to spanish) mkk5aH66m8E-00031-00023038-00023310 beautiful desing production mkk5aH66m8E-00032-00023491-00023745 beautiful babys mkk5aH66m8E-00033-00024527-00025081 Jason Momoa always looks as the boss of the tribe mkk5aH66m8E-00034-00025185-00025514 nice takes mkk5aH66m8E-00035-00027488-00027788 excellent mkk5aH66m8E-00036-00030374-00030663 november 1st mkk5aH66m8E-00037-00031337-00032143 It looks excellent, lot of action scenes Its looks trepidant, exciting mkk5aH66m8E-00038-00032143-00032579 and how i said in the trailer mkk5aH66m8E-00039-00032579-00033212 Jason Momoa looks good as tribe boos, is a tall muscular guy mkk5aH66m8E-00040-00033212-00034012 He looks powerful when you see him on screen, then i think its good there mkk5aH66m8E-00041-00034012-00034519 Now begins to the end of this year is mkk5aH66m8E-00042-00034519-00035200 A battle between streaming plataforms Netflix is actually mkk5aH66m8E-00043-00035200-00035779 The number 1 then the release of Disney+ and mkk5aH66m8E-00044-00035779-00036084 Apple TV+ mkk5aH66m8E-00045-00036152-00036785 My personal and humble opinion is Netflix will lose a lot mkk5aH66m8E-00046-00036785-00037221 of suscriptions but i guess it will be for Disney+ mkk5aH66m8E-00047-00037221-00038034 The catalog of Disney is almost infinite and Big mkk5aH66m8E-00048-00038034-00038801 in the keynote of Apple TV+ we saw a little catalog on screen mkk5aH66m8E-00049-00038801-00039188 maybe they have more, but they just show the original content mkk5aH66m8E-00050-00039188-00039769 maybe, 3, 6, 9 originals on screen mkk5aH66m8E-00051-00039769-00040090 (the snoopy one take my attention) mkk5aH66m8E-00052-00040171-00040779 will depend on how looks the catalog mkk5aH66m8E-00053-00040875-00041304 I guees it wiil be step by step and how I see Disney have all to mkk5aH66m8E-00054-00041304-00041787 win this battle to the end of this year mkk5aH66m8E-00055-00041787-00042432 I don't have idea if Apple will release the streaming plataform to mkk5aH66m8E-00056-00042432-00043228 latin América in November, I'm not sure, maybe they will do the same of Disney mkk5aH66m8E-00057-00043228-00043715 And release the streaming plataform to 2020 for the rest of the world mkk5aH66m8E-00058-00043715-00044443 nothing more to say,Suscribe it to my channel coment, suscribe Adios bye mlbjODLBjAc-00000-00000627-00000901 IDENTITY THEFT IS A THREAT TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. mlbjODLBjAc-00001-00000901-00001376 TAKE STEPS TO PROTECT YOUR PERSONAL IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION, OR PII. mlbjODLBjAc-00002-00001376-00001827 PII IS ALL INFORMATION, LIKE YOUR PHONE NUMBER, DATE OF BIRTH, OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION, THAT mlbjODLBjAc-00003-00001827-00002018 CAN BE USED TO IDENTIFY YOU. mlbjODLBjAc-00004-00002018-00002391 ONE OR TWO PIECES OF INFORMATION CAN BE USED TO COMPROMISE YOUR IDENTITY. mlbjODLBjAc-00005-00002391-00002798 YOU ARE THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE IN PROTECTING YOUR PII. mlbjODLBjAc-00006-00002798-00003286 DON'T STORE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION ON EXTERNAL DISCS, UNLESS THE MATERIAL IS ENCRYPTED. mlbjODLBjAc-00007-00003286-00003761 DISPOSE OF HARD COPIES OF PII IN BURN BAGS, NOT IN TRASH OR RECYCLE BINS. mlbjODLBjAc-00008-00003761-00004166 WHEN YOU'RE SHARING ON SOCIAL MEDIA, ASSUME ALL INFORMATION COULD BE MADE PUBLIC. mlbjODLBjAc-00009-00004166-00004548 CHECK YOUR PRIVACY SETTINGS AND CONTROLS TO LIMIT ACCESS TO YOUR INFORMATION. mlbjODLBjAc-00010-00004548-00004941 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SAFEGUARDING YOUR PII CHECK OUT THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER'S mlbjODLBjAc-00011-00004941-00005041 WEBSITE. mlbjODLBjAc-00012-00005041-00005294 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER IAN COTTER. n0fzNqcs-kg-00000-00001016-00001463 Is it possible to have a great hookup with no strings attached and no regret n0fzNqcs-kg-00001-00001463-00001776 afterward? Well, there are sure ways to find a n0fzNqcs-kg-00002-00001776-00002160 one-night stand and get them in bed without that "what did i do" n0fzNqcs-kg-00003-00002160-00003471 feeling come dawn. Hello, my name is Lauren Richards, welcome n0fzNqcs-kg-00004-00003471-00003871 to my channel where we give you all the valuable information you need to take n0fzNqcs-kg-00005-00003871-00004328 your relationship to the next level. Subscribe and press the notification n0fzNqcs-kg-00006-00004328-00004736 bell to never miss any of my video. n0fzNqcs-kg-00007-00005512-00005832 If you want to seduce a potential one-night stand, n0fzNqcs-kg-00008-00005832-00006287 there are plenty of ways to go about it. Here are seven sure ways to find a n0fzNqcs-kg-00009-00006287-00006647 one-night stand and get them in bed without feeling sleazy n0fzNqcs-kg-00010-00006647-00007384 or waking up in a full-on relationship. n0fzNqcs-kg-00011-00008696-00009264 Number One. Find out where they'll be. Some venues simply don't work if you are n0fzNqcs-kg-00012-00009264-00009720 looking for a casual hookup. Do some research into local bars and n0fzNqcs-kg-00013-00009720-00010104 clubs in your area where it is more likely people will be out n0fzNqcs-kg-00014-00010104-00010432 looking for a good time. n0fzNqcs-kg-00015-00011056-00011647 Number Two. Know what to look for. People who are up for a good time and open to n0fzNqcs-kg-00016-00011647-00011920 meeting, chatting and hooking up with others n0fzNqcs-kg-00017-00011920-00012311 dressed to impress, laughing at the bar, looking around and n0fzNqcs-kg-00018-00012311-00012984 making eye contact with others. n0fzNqcs-kg-00019-00013056-00013552 Number Three. Go out with friends. For your best chance of meeting a n0fzNqcs-kg-00020-00013552-00013952 potential one-night stand, go out with a friend or two with a n0fzNqcs-kg-00021-00013952-00014344 similar goal in mind. A huge group will be intimidating but n0fzNqcs-kg-00022-00014344-00014744 two or three single people work well. n0fzNqcs-kg-00023-00015280-00015904 Number Four. Get flirty straight away. If you want to hook up, make it obvious. n0fzNqcs-kg-00024-00015904-00016256 There is no point in getting too comfortable/polite in a n0fzNqcs-kg-00025-00016256-00016576 conversation unless you are looking for a new friend n0fzNqcs-kg-00026-00016576-00018672 or potential date. n0fzNqcs-kg-00027-00018672-00019351 Number Five. Turn the conversation to sex. We all love talking about sex, right? n0fzNqcs-kg-00028-00019351-00019856 Especially after a couple of drinks! So after you've had an initial flirty n0fzNqcs-kg-00029-00019856-00020359 conversation, try to steer things this direction. n0fzNqcs-kg-00030-00020376-00020776 Number Six. Don't stay until the end of the night. n0fzNqcs-kg-00031-00020776-00021208 There is no greater mood killer than the lights coming up and the music coming to n0fzNqcs-kg-00032-00021208-00021679 an abrupt stop at the end of the night. Don't wait for this to happen. It is n0fzNqcs-kg-00033-00021679-00022784 always best to get out while the getting is good. n0fzNqcs-kg-00034-00023120-00023704 Number Seven. Have an exit strategy. A truly successful one-night stand will n0fzNqcs-kg-00035-00023704-00024159 mean both of you can walk away the next day with big smiles on your faces n0fzNqcs-kg-00036-00024159-00024695 knowing you had a great night with no strings attached. n0fzNqcs-kg-00037-00025159-00025688 Conclusion. With these seven sure ways to find a one night stand and get them in n0fzNqcs-kg-00038-00025688-00025968 bed, you are sure to find plenty of great n0fzNqcs-kg-00039-00025968-00026352 hookups. Remember, it's all about being smart, n0fzNqcs-kg-00040-00026352-00026983 staying safe, and having fun. n0fzNqcs-kg-00041-00027168-00027575 My team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your n0fzNqcs-kg-00042-00027575-00027895 friends. If you are new here, don't forget to n0fzNqcs-kg-00043-00027895-00028319 Subscribe so you won't miss other interesting videos like this. n0fzNqcs-kg-00044-00028319-00028952 Look at your screen now to see two other videos we had picked for you to enjoy n0fzNqcs-kg-00045-00029283-00029583 next. n1h5U0Izv4M-00000-00000846-00001323 Hello and welcome to today's unit of the Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering exercise. n1h5U0Izv4M-00001-00001323-00001948 Today we start the series for the frequency characteristic method and will begin with the bode plot. n1h5U0Izv4M-00002-00001948-00002728 After discussing linear time-invariant systems, we already introduce the bode plot. n1h5U0Izv4M-00003-00002728-00003536 After a small example I will show how to superpose different transfer functions... n1h5U0Izv4M-00004-00003536-00003969 ...and then also the application for the frequency characteristic method. n1h5U0Izv4M-00005-00003969-00004320 Yes, let's first look at what we are looking at in the first place. n1h5U0Izv4M-00006-00004320-00004792 We consider a so-called linear time-invariant system. n1h5U0Izv4M-00007-00004792-00005587 The term "linear" just means that in this case, if we have a double input voltage, we also have a double output voltage for example.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00008-00005587-00006608 ...and time-invariant means that everything in this system is not dependent on time. n1h5U0Izv4M-00009-00006608-00007638 If we are dealing with components with RLC, then these components are independent of time, which is usually the case. n1h5U0Izv4M-00010-00007638-00008417 Yes, and what is interesting for us now is how the transfer or the transfer function looks, namely the input/output behavior. n1h5U0Izv4M-00011-00008417-00008977 And this is always described with this complex function F(j omega). n1h5U0Izv4M-00012-00008977-00009912 So we say we have a complex function F, which depends on the frequency and this is then exactly the frequency with which we feed this system. n1h5U0Izv4M-00013-00009912-00010571 And this transfer function is defined as the output voltage divided by the input voltage. n1h5U0Izv4M-00014-00010571-00011488 And we have here just, because it concerns a complex function, either real/imaginary part or even magnitude and phase. n1h5U0Izv4M-00015-00011488-00011851 And that's what you look at for systems like this. n1h5U0Izv4M-00016-00011851-00012244 Namely, first or let's look at the amount first. n1h5U0Izv4M-00017-00012244-00012630 This is often expressed above or in decibels. n1h5U0Izv4M-00018-00012630-00013268 So if we have just this complex transfer function, then we get the amount in decibels,... n1h5U0Izv4M-00019-00013268-00013948 simply taking 20 times the logarithm of the amount of this complex function. n1h5U0Izv4M-00020-00013948-00014719 The second is of course the phase and that there you have just the so-called argument function Arg function... n1h5U0Izv4M-00021-00014719-00015473 ...and that is here just the phase, which has this function just at a certain frequency omega. n1h5U0Izv4M-00022-00015473-00016198 Yes, and what is the point of all this, or why do they note it so strangely? n1h5U0Izv4M-00023-00016198-00016894 The notation in decibels simply brings a lot of advantages in terms of applicability and presentation. n1h5U0Izv4M-00024-00016894-00017364 But we will see that on the way and stumble over it. n1h5U0Izv4M-00025-00017364-00017742 Then we can already start with the bode plot. n1h5U0Izv4M-00026-00017742-00018372 In fact, the bode plot is the representation of the transfer function over two graphs. n1h5U0Izv4M-00027-00018372-00018536 Which graphs are these? n1h5U0Izv4M-00028-00018536-00019307 The first is the magnitude of this transfer function; here the magnitude of F(j omega) in decibels. n1h5U0Izv4M-00029-00019307-00019745 And the second function is the phase of the transfer function. n1h5U0Izv4M-00030-00019745-00020083 This is also referred to as the magnitude response or the phase response. n1h5U0Izv4M-00031-00020083-00020888 And as we also see here the frequency is chosen in logarithmic representation. n1h5U0Izv4M-00032-00020888-00022086 If we look at it, so here a step is just a decade, we have here 1, here 10, 100, 1000 and just 10000 1/second for Omega. n1h5U0Izv4M-00033-00022104-00022497 So we have scaled this axis in logarithms. n1h5U0Izv4M-00034-00022497-00023246 And you see this scaling here as well. Here we have 2, 3, 4, 5 and the steps are getting smaller and smaller. n1h5U0Izv4M-00035-00023246-00023638 This is characteristic for such a logarithmic scaling. n1h5U0Izv4M-00036-00023638-00024284 You can also write the whole thing maybe a little differently in just log(omega)... n1h5U0Izv4M-00037-00024284-00024819 ...or log * second(omega), so that the units are correct again. n1h5U0Izv4M-00038-00024819-00025265 And you can also write it down in this way, so that it stands there even more decisively. n1h5U0Izv4M-00039-00025265-00026318 That really just the axis was chosen logarithmically, but you can see that also on the timeline or respectively the x-axis on the labeling. n1h5U0Izv4M-00040-00026318-00026950 And the bode plot always consists of the absolute value of this complex function... n1h5U0Izv4M-00041-00026950-00027454 ...given in decibels and the phase of this complex function. n1h5U0Izv4M-00042-00027454-00028316 Yes, what we have already discussed: F(j omega) must be linear and time invariant in this case. n1h5U0Izv4M-00043-00028316-00029612 And, if it really has this behavior, then just one frequency point here corresponds to the transmission behavior of a pure sine wave with this frequency. n1h5U0Izv4M-00044-00029612-00030473 So if I go into this frequency bar, I can read exactly at 10 to the power of 2 at 100 times 1/2.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00045-00030473-00030673 ...which corresponds to the function there. n1h5U0Izv4M-00046-00030673-00031048 Here I still have a blank diagram, but we will get to know an example in a moment. n1h5U0Izv4M-00047-00031048-00031761 Let's start right away with this example and in this example the following transmission behavior is given. n1h5U0Izv4M-00048-00031761-00032862 So I have a function F(j omega) = Ua/Ue = 1 / (1 + j omega /(10^2 1/s)) n1h5U0Izv4M-00049-00032868-00033523 And if you put that into any program, Wolfram Alpha or Python or Matlab for all I care.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00050-00033523-00033995 ...then the bode plot spits out the following course. n1h5U0Izv4M-00051-00033995-00034684 And what we see here is that we are relatively constant, so when the frequency is very small.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00052-00034684-00035489 ...then this term is very small compared to the ones and we see 1/1 is just 1, which corresponds to 0 dB. n1h5U0Izv4M-00053-00035489-00035942 And the whole is then relatively long exactly this 0 dB. n1h5U0Izv4M-00054-00035942-00036969 If we reach the frequency of 10^2, then yes j is 10^2/10^2 and we have 1 + j. n1h5U0Izv4M-00055-00036969-00037414 And the amount is 1 by the square root of 2. n1h5U0Izv4M-00056-00037414-00037721 And this corresponds to -3 dB. n1h5U0Izv4M-00057-00037721-00038438 So we see here that exactly at this frequency we have just -3 dB and what else do we see? n1h5U0Izv4M-00058-00038438-00038745 We also have exactly -45°. n1h5U0Izv4M-00059-00038745-00039491 And this is a very common frequency and a very important characteristic value. This is referred to as a cutoff frequency. n1h5U0Izv4M-00060-00039491-00039841 This is always defined for passive networks. n1h5U0Izv4M-00061-00039841-00040475 And this is the frequency at which the amplitude has decreased to 1/root(2) times. n1h5U0Izv4M-00062-00040475-00041366 And, if this is the case, then the magnitude of this transfer function for exactly this frequency is 1/root(2). n1h5U0Izv4M-00063-00041366-00042416 And what else do we see? The argument is exactly in this case at -45°, but then there are also circuits where it is then at +45°. n1h5U0Izv4M-00064-00042416-00043070 Or there is also resonant circuit, there we have + and -, so two of these cut-off frequencies. n1h5U0Izv4M-00065-00043070-00043673 Hja and now is already, as I said before, I can just look here.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00066-00043673-00044230 ...that I at an input frequency at an input signal of 100 * 1/s... n1h5U0Izv4M-00067-00044230-00045104 ...I have a phase shift of -45° and an attenuation of -3 dB, which corresponds to 1/root(2). n1h5U0Izv4M-00068-00045104-00045443 And that's how you work with this diagram. n1h5U0Izv4M-00069-00045443-00045955 Yes because this curve is very difficult to draw by hand.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00070-00045955-00046667 ...there are for it also or for it often also the asymptotic approximation evenly as approximation represented. n1h5U0Izv4M-00071-00046667-00047332 And what is that? We know, such characteristic values, that we bend exactly at this frequency. n1h5U0Izv4M-00072-00047332-00047684 And we also know that we have exactly -45° there. n1h5U0Izv4M-00073-00047684-00048238 And, if we analyze that a little bit more, we see that a decade before that.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00074-00048238-00048739 starts sinking and a decade after that it stops sinking. n1h5U0Izv4M-00075-00048739-00049260 And here we see that we are going down at 20 decibels per decade. n1h5U0Izv4M-00076-00049260-00049732 And the whole thing can be approximated with straight lines. n1h5U0Izv4M-00077-00049732-00050326 And this is given by the asymptotic approximation of this transfer function. n1h5U0Izv4M-00078-00050409-00050464 Yes. n1h5U0Izv4M-00079-00050464-00050804 Then let's look at the next item. n1h5U0Izv4M-00080-00050804-00051382 What happens if we connect several of these transfer functions in series? n1h5U0Izv4M-00081-00051382-00051776 So how are these represented in the bode plot? n1h5U0Izv4M-00082-00051776-00052193 And for this we just look at the entire transfer function. n1h5U0Izv4M-00083-00052192-00052817 And F(j omega) is just F1(j omega) times F2(j omega). n1h5U0Izv4M-00084-00052816-00053504 We can also perhaps still look at the whole thing and draw in a voltage of Um here. n1h5U0Izv4M-00085-00053504-00054011 And then F1(j omega) = Um/Ue. n1h5U0Izv4M-00086-00054179-00054801 And F2(j omega) = Ua/Um. n1h5U0Izv4M-00087-00054801-00055001 ...for output to input. n1h5U0Izv4M-00088-00055001-00055784 And we can shorten Um again here, for example, and see, aha that gives Ua/Ue again. n1h5U0Izv4M-00089-00055784-00056716 And if you look at this again more closely, then yes here we have the magnitude of F1(j omega) times this phase.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00090-00056716-00057585 ...and the magnitude of F2 (j omega) and here belongs here the magnitude line times e to the power of j, thus also with this phase. n1h5U0Izv4M-00091-00057585-00058126 And, if we want to analyze this in more detail, let's look at the amplitude response first. n1h5U0Izv4M-00092-00058126-00059254 And with the amplitude response we see that just the magnitude of F(j omega) is simply the magnitude of F1 times the magnitude of F2. n1h5U0Izv4M-00093-00059254-00059849 And if we apply the logarithm rules here again, then we can write the whole thing down like this.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00094-00059849-00060939 ...that we have the amount of F1 in decibels plus the amplification of F2 in decibels. n1h5U0Izv4M-00095-00060939-00062137 So we have, we can, if we have two such terms, or several such terms, then we can just add the decibels of these terms. n1h5U0Izv4M-00096-00062137-00062492 And then get the overall behavior out that way. n1h5U0Izv4M-00097-00062492-00062691 What about the phase? n1h5U0Izv4M-00098-00062691-00063257 If we take a closer look at the phase, then yes the argument of this multiplication.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00099-00063257-00063931 ...we see it already here, that we simply multiply two e functions with each other,.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00100-00063930-00064664 ...and, if we multiply 2 exponential functions, we know that the phases are just added. n1h5U0Izv4M-00101-00064664-00065131 And we can see that just in this diagram. n1h5U0Izv4M-00102-00065130-00065841 Here in blue F1 is drawn, in red F2 is drawn. n1h5U0Izv4M-00103-00065841-00066326 And if we look at F1, that's just the same thing that we had before. n1h5U0Izv4M-00104-00066326-00066697 And F2 simply corresponds to 0.1. n1h5U0Izv4M-00105-00066697-00067240 0.1 the phase of this constant is 0°. n1h5U0Izv4M-00106-00067240-00067923 If you think to yourself, this is a complex number, the imaginary part is zero and real part is positive, then this is always 0°. n1h5U0Izv4M-00107-00067923-00068166 This is just here this dashed line. n1h5U0Izv4M-00108-00068166-00069113 And, if we form the logarithm here and calculate 20 times dB, then we get exactly -20 dB. n1h5U0Izv4M-00109-00069113-00069480 And what does that mean for the overall transfer function? n1h5U0Izv4M-00110-00069499-00070260 The blue curve corresponds to F1, the red curve corresponds to F2 and I just have to add these two at each point. n1h5U0Izv4M-00111-00070260-00070931 For example, at 10^0 I have 0 and -20 dB. So in total I have -20 dB. n1h5U0Izv4M-00112-00070931-00071720 And, if we look at 10^3, there I have -20 from the blue curve and -20 from the red curve, gives -40. n1h5U0Izv4M-00113-00071720-00072566 So if I simply add the B-values to each point, I then get the total curve, which just corresponds to the blacklined one. n1h5U0Izv4M-00114-00072566-00072838 And exactly the same applies to the phase. n1h5U0Izv4M-00115-00072838-00073643 So, if I simply add up the phases of each point, then I can easily determine the total phase of the entire system. n1h5U0Izv4M-00116-00073643-00074256 And we have seen that is just when I now have several of such transfer functions.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00117-00074256-00074838 ...then I would have to multiply the complex functions here, which is quite an effort. n1h5U0Izv4M-00118-00074838-00075772 But I can also specify the whole thing in the bode plot, add the curves and get the result much easier. n1h5U0Izv4M-00119-00075772-00076240 Well, last but not least we come to the application. n1h5U0Izv4M-00120-00076240-00076715 And the whole thing is applied in the frequency characteristic method. n1h5U0Izv4M-00121-00076715-00077070 And here we have a linear, time-invariant system. n1h5U0Izv4M-00122-00077070-00077508 And this system is passive and non-oscillating. n1h5U0Izv4M-00123-00077508-00078153 You have already heard in theory what this means exactly; that is, the zeros must not be complex. n1h5U0Izv4M-00124-00078153-00078552 And passive means that we don't have any sources in here. n1h5U0Izv4M-00125-00078552-00078822 So RLC circuits. n1h5U0Izv4M-00126-00078822-00079476 And such systems can always be represented with the following function. n1h5U0Izv4M-00127-00079476-00080241 So I can always specify this output/input behavior F(j omega) with a constant K.... n1h5U0Izv4M-00128-00080241-00080672 ...just multiply j omega by Omega0 to the power of m1... n1h5U0Izv4M-00129-00080672-00081265 1 + or - j omega by omega 1 and similar terms still in the denominator. n1h5U0Izv4M-00130-00081265-00082190 So I can bring the j omega in here in such a way that I only represent it in such terms. n1h5U0Izv4M-00131-00082190-00082598 And these individual terms do not all have to occur. n1h5U0Izv4M-00132-00082601-00082966 It may be that only one of these terms occurs or several. n1h5U0Izv4M-00133-00082966-00083252 And these are then given as normal form terms. n1h5U0Izv4M-00134-00083252-00083635 And from these, one can very easily determine the frequency behavior. n1h5U0Izv4M-00135-00083635-00084336 And just then the superposition multiplication and division of these terms whole simply add up... n1h5U0Izv4M-00136-00084336-00084854 ...and then determine the transmission behavior of the entire system. n1h5U0Izv4M-00137-00084873-00085508 And yes, the complex function of the bode plot is often referred to as the frequency response... n1h5U0Izv4M-00138-00085508-00085904 ...and thus it is following if I simply add up the frequency response of these individual terms... n1h5U0Izv4M-00139-00085904-00086404 ....I come so evenly on the bode plot of the entire system. n1h5U0Izv4M-00140-00086404-00086782 Well that's it with the introduction for the bode plot. n1h5U0Izv4M-00141-00086782-00087600 Then in the next video we will discuss the individual terms and derive the curves of each term. n1h5U0Izv4M-00142-00087600-00088403 And last but not least, we will then discuss the frequency characteristic method in its entirety. n1h5U0Izv4M-00143-00088403-00089707 I hope were able to take a lot and see you in the next video. 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a day n2Q5L12mvgk-00010-00020990-00021990 put it in the fridge n2Q5L12mvgk-00011-00021990-00024777 second recipe n2Q5L12mvgk-00012-00024777-00025789 carrots n2Q5L12mvgk-00013-00025789-00028564 Carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin n2Q5L12mvgk-00014-00028564-00030728 carrot mouth cleanser n2Q5L12mvgk-00015-00030728-00032784 we ectract carrot juice n2Q5L12mvgk-00017-00036471-00038194 toothpaste aloeverra n2Q5L12mvgk-00019-00042089-00044360 use it 3 times a day n5-p8c8J0_E-00000-00000008-00000648 a new month is here and that means it's time to look back at last month's housing market stats n5-p8c8J0_E-00001-00000648-00001080 happy december everyone sean ryan here with the blue coast team n5-p8c8J0_E-00002-00001080-00001744 and exp realty of canada and this is your november 2021 housing market update n5-p8c8J0_E-00003-00002256-00002792 before i jump into the numbers here's my interpretation of how things went last month n5-p8c8J0_E-00004-00002792-00003264 and what's going to come in the future i still think it's gonna be very much a seller's market n5-p8c8J0_E-00005-00003264-00003768 for the next six months or so obviously december we have that natural slowdown n5-p8c8J0_E-00006-00003768-00004448 every year around this time rates still remains uh very low and then we're still seeing that 15 to 20 n5-p8c8J0_E-00007-00004448-00005016 of the buyers are coming from the gta which really i think is driving prices high so what i would n5-p8c8J0_E-00008-00005016-00005520 say to do is keep an eye on the market probably if you bought three years ago or longer your house is n5-p8c8J0_E-00009-00005520-00006032 worth a lot more than you think and also if you're for a refi in the next six years i would look at n5-p8c8J0_E-00010-00006032-00006520 doing that sooner than later as rates could go up and that could be saving you thousands of dollars n5-p8c8J0_E-00011-00006584-00007408 okay now let's break down the numbers november we had 374 active listings and 145 sold totaling n5-p8c8J0_E-00012-00007408-00008176 about 67 million in sales volume compared to this to november and 2020 where we had 164 home sell n5-p8c8J0_E-00013-00008176-00008888 with a total of 59 million dollars in sales volume november 2021 had an average of 22 days to sell n5-p8c8J0_E-00014-00008888-00009464 versus last november where it took an average of 28 days to sell the average sale price was around n5-p8c8J0_E-00015-00009464-00010424 460 000 versus 360 000 in november 2020 which is a thirty percent increase thirty three percent of n5-p8c8J0_E-00016-00010424-00010936 those homes were in the three hundred and ninety nine thousand to six hundred thousand dollar price n5-p8c8J0_E-00017-00010936-00011536 range now let's look closer at some of the main areas here in sarnia lambton individually point n5-p8c8J0_E-00018-00011536-00012192 ever we had one home sell having an average sale price of 480 000 and there's currently two active n5-p8c8J0_E-00019-00012192-00012856 listings there right now college park had one home sell 400 655 000 and there is no active n5-p8c8J0_E-00020-00012856-00013600 listings there right now sherwood village saw for home sell having an average sale price of 463 000 n5-p8c8J0_E-00021-00013600-00014104 and there's one active listing so a great price point for sherwood now heritage park we saw two n5-p8c8J0_E-00022-00014104-00014784 home sell having an average sale price of 650 000 and there's two active listings there right now n5-p8c8J0_E-00023-00014880-00015424 coronation park and the tree streets we grouped them together and they saw three homes sell having n5-p8c8J0_E-00024-00015424-00016176 an average sale price of 435 000 and there's two active listings there right now card of acres we n5-p8c8J0_E-00025-00016176-00016792 saw five homes sell having an average sale price of four hundred and seventy thousand dollars in n5-p8c8J0_E-00026-00016792-00017424 card of acres that's huge and we got three active listings got three parks seven home sell having an n5-p8c8J0_E-00027-00017424-00018080 average sale price of 410 000 and there's three active listings there right now high park area n5-p8c8J0_E-00028-00018080-00018824 six home sell having an average sale price of 435 000 and there's one active listing there right now n5-p8c8J0_E-00029-00018824-00019584 cerney's north gate area had six homes sell having an average sale price of 380 000 and there is four n5-p8c8J0_E-00030-00019584-00020040 active listings right now so let's go to downtown sarnia let's look at all the single family and n5-p8c8J0_E-00031-00020040-00020664 the condos we saw four properties sell average sale price 370 thousand dollars and there's two n5-p8c8J0_E-00032-00020664-00021208 active listings right now min village saw seven home selling having an average sale price of n5-p8c8J0_E-00033-00021208-00021824 330 000 and there is no active listings so some great gains there for mid village south and n5-p8c8J0_E-00034-00021824-00022496 sarnia had eat home sell having an average sale price of 280 so just below that 300 300 000 price n5-p8c8J0_E-00035-00022496-00022936 range for november and there's currently three active listings now let's go to rapids parkway n5-p8c8J0_E-00036-00022936-00023584 we saw only two homes selling rapids average sale price 690 thousand there's currently three active n5-p8c8J0_E-00037-00023584-00024128 listings there right now and twin lakes some good activity in there four listings sold average sale n5-p8c8J0_E-00038-00024128-00024616 price up to seven hundred fifty thousand dollars in that area and there is four active listings n5-p8c8J0_E-00039-00024616-00025128 now will share park had four homes sell average sale prices up to five thirty in wilshire with n5-p8c8J0_E-00040-00025128-00025824 two active listings currently as of today woodland park and oak acres had nine homes sell having an n5-p8c8J0_E-00041-00025824-00026576 average sale price of 440 000 and there is two active listings in there right now now woodrow n5-p8c8J0_E-00042-00026576-00027288 beach wheeze beach and the oak corners area we saw for home sell average sale price 580 000 n5-p8c8J0_E-00043-00027368-00027864 and there's currently one active listing there right now now blackwall had only two homes n5-p8c8J0_E-00044-00027864-00028495 sell having an average sale price of a whopping 1.5 million dollars and there is currently two n5-p8c8J0_E-00045-00028495-00028976 active listings right now now let's go all the way around the brights girl we saw three home sell n5-p8c8J0_E-00046-00028976-00029592 average sale price of price growth 550 000 and we got four active listings now now for the n5-p8c8J0_E-00047-00029592-00030344 all clinton wyoming we saw six homes sell average sale price 720 000 and there's currently 12 active n5-p8c8J0_E-00048-00030344-00030912 listings there right now and last but not least let's look at sinclair township we saw a nine n5-p8c8J0_E-00049-00030912-00031639 home sell average sale brace 780 000 and there is currently 15 active listings there so thanks for n5-p8c8J0_E-00050-00031639-00032224 checking out our november 2021 housing market update and remember to put sean on your line nr0pdRODQoY-00000-00002815-00002857 WATS UP nxrXn2enZzI-00000-00000340-00000800 These are your ZIVA Agility Cones. We can place these on the ground nxrXn2enZzI-00001-00000800-00001530 to create a variety of different drills to promote speed, agility and quickness training. nxrXn2enZzI-00002-00001530-00001910 Once you place them on the ground, you can either touch them or, nxrXn2enZzI-00003-00001910-00002188 go on those general directions but what we're looking for nxrXn2enZzI-00004-00002188-00002650 is generally change of direction and fast reaction. nxVJMs1bXT8-00000-00000024-00000536 so my local nike town just restocked this shoe and i finally got the heritage air jordan one nxVJMs1bXT8-00001-00000536-00000952 in my collection so in today's video we're gonna be breaking down all the differences between the nxVJMs1bXT8-00002-00000952-00001384 black toes the fragments and the bread toast because i personally think a lot of people nxVJMs1bXT8-00003-00001384-00001888 are sleeping on these heritage ones and if you didn't know by now my name is dj and this is nxVJMs1bXT8-00004-00001888-00002400 the dna show on this channel i love talking about sneakers giving you guys all the history nxVJMs1bXT8-00005-00002400-00002760 and facts and helping you turn your hobby into a hustle so if you haven't already nxVJMs1bXT8-00006-00002760-00003160 consider subscribing and joining the fam we're on the road to a million subscribers and you could nxVJMs1bXT8-00007-00003160-00003544 be the next one to get us there so with all that being said let's go ahead and crack this box open nxVJMs1bXT8-00008-00003544-00003920 and see what this shoe is talking about starting off with the lid right here we have your classic nxVJMs1bXT8-00009-00003920-00004400 air jordan 1 style box but this one definitely has a twist to it it has a matte white finish nxVJMs1bXT8-00010-00004400-00004840 all over with the red nike and the swoosh and then the branding throughout the rest of the box and on nxVJMs1bXT8-00011-00004840-00005544 the size tag it reads air jordan 1 retro high og white university red black size 13 just for me nxVJMs1bXT8-00012-00005544-00006040 and retail on these was 170 bucks now cracking open the lid of the box you have your classic nxVJMs1bXT8-00013-00006040-00006600 regular white paper and then you got the shoe oh you got this shoe okay first impression of nxVJMs1bXT8-00014-00006600-00007064 this shoe when it comes to the leather quality honestly on the back end these are not that bad nxVJMs1bXT8-00015-00007064-00007456 now before we get too deep into breaking down all the styles cuts and materials you know what nxVJMs1bXT8-00016-00007456-00007944 we gotta do we gotta talk about the history first back in 1984 michael jordan came into the league nxVJMs1bXT8-00017-00007944-00008432 and in 85 he got his own model called the air jordan 1 which we know has been a very famous nxVJMs1bXT8-00018-00008432-00008920 model over the past 30 plus years during that time they had signature iconic color ways that nxVJMs1bXT8-00019-00008920-00009392 came out that we still love to this day but like always there's color ways that don't make the cut nxVJMs1bXT8-00020-00009392-00009728 and then they end up never releasing so looking at the pictures right here you can see there's nxVJMs1bXT8-00021-00009728-00010160 a white and blue colorway that has the same exact color blocking like this and this was nxVJMs1bXT8-00022-00010160-00010648 a prototype sample colorway that they decided not to release back in 1985. so 30 plus years nxVJMs1bXT8-00023-00010648-00011192 go by and next thing you know we see the travis scott air jordan 1 release now me personally i nxVJMs1bXT8-00024-00011192-00011696 would say out of the four travis scott jordan ones this is probably my least favorite of those nxVJMs1bXT8-00025-00011696-00012128 but at the same time it is still a solid shoe i'm interested to see what you guys think in a nxVJMs1bXT8-00026-00012128-00012528 second when we talk about the materials and the breakdowns but anyways if you look at the inside nxVJMs1bXT8-00027-00012528-00013056 of the foot right here to the og color blocking that we saw back in 1985. so this kind of came nxVJMs1bXT8-00028-00013056-00013416 out and they reminisced this with the fragments and they did a couple mixtures with different nxVJMs1bXT8-00029-00013416-00013800 things like that again i've done a full in-depth review on this shoe but for you to get a gist of nxVJMs1bXT8-00030-00013800-00014216 it to say the least these are definitely very similar to that og color blocking that we had nxVJMs1bXT8-00031-00014216-00014672 never seen before besides in some magazines and some random leaked photos over the years nxVJMs1bXT8-00032-00014672-00015216 now following that release now in 2022 we have this colorway coming out in a red version and nxVJMs1bXT8-00033-00015216-00015728 there was a lot of skepticism about this shoe and a lot of people being very critical over it nxVJMs1bXT8-00034-00015728-00016168 based off of what people thought on the fragment compared to it being a collaboration and super nxVJMs1bXT8-00035-00016168-00016560 hyped up and the next thing you know this one comes out and it's essentially the same shoe nxVJMs1bXT8-00036-00016560-00016960 but in red which is bull's color so you would think more people will like it but for some nxVJMs1bXT8-00037-00016960-00017376 reason not that many people like this shoe and to be honest with you when i first saw leaked images nxVJMs1bXT8-00038-00017376-00017800 of this shoe i was interested in adding it to my collection because it was a different twist but nxVJMs1bXT8-00039-00017800-00018240 at the same time it was not like high priority on my list as you can see right now i'm getting nxVJMs1bXT8-00040-00018240-00018656 these late but i was waiting and i got them for retail so i'm not mad at that now before we get nxVJMs1bXT8-00041-00018656-00019080 into breaking down all the details of this shoe we gotta shout out today's sponsor aura do you nxVJMs1bXT8-00042-00019080-00019552 know what the fastest growing crime in america is right now for years this crimes rate has been nxVJMs1bXT8-00043-00019552-00019992 surging and affecting millions of americans and if you're still wondering what i'm talking about nxVJMs1bXT8-00044-00019992-00020568 it's identity theft there's a victim every 14 seconds that's more than 5 000 people a day aura nxVJMs1bXT8-00045-00020568-00021240 is identity theft protection fraud monitoring a vpn password management and antivirus software nxVJMs1bXT8-00046-00021240-00021800 all combined into one easy to use app oro monitors the dark web for your emails passwords and social nxVJMs1bXT8-00047-00021800-00022272 security numbers and sends alerts to you fast via phone and email immediately when something happens nxVJMs1bXT8-00048-00022272-00022704 so basically when it comes to fraud every second matters connect your credit and bank accounts nxVJMs1bXT8-00049-00022704-00023192 and get notified of any changes up to four times faster than rs competitors their vpn allows you nxVJMs1bXT8-00050-00023192-00023640 to stay anonymous online by keeping your browser history and your personal information safe and nxVJMs1bXT8-00051-00023640-00024072 encrypted and they have anti-virus software that will block malware and viruses before they infect nxVJMs1bXT8-00052-00024072-00024504 your devices as you can see right here aura is always protecting me and when you get signed up nxVJMs1bXT8-00053-00024504-00024896 i would love to see how many times they protect you as well so to protect yourself from america's nxVJMs1bXT8-00054-00024896-00025376 fastest growing crime try the 14 day free trial the link is for you down below i have it pinned nxVJMs1bXT8-00055-00025376-00025792 in the comment section as well that way you can at least try it and see if it's something for you nxVJMs1bXT8-00056-00025792-00026232 i personally have it and i love using it all the time so thank you aura for sponsoring this video nxVJMs1bXT8-00057-00026232-00026720 now let's get back to the video now before we dive deeper into opinions and prices and projections nxVJMs1bXT8-00058-00026720-00027104 in comparisons with the other models that i showed you earlier let's go ahead and break down the shoe nxVJMs1bXT8-00059-00027104-00027527 real quick starting with the bottom of the foot you have your classic air jordan 1 outsole all red nxVJMs1bXT8-00060-00027527-00028039 vibes right here going up to the midsole all white with the white stitch and then on the upper oh nxVJMs1bXT8-00061-00028039-00028552 the upper like i said there's a couple different mixtures of materials the back end of the shoe the nxVJMs1bXT8-00062-00028552-00029032 tumbled leather is very soft it feels really nice and even on the toe box it feels really good and nxVJMs1bXT8-00063-00029032-00029512 then on the swoosh same thing but when it comes to the white leather it's very smooth and it feels nxVJMs1bXT8-00064-00029512-00029904 kind of stiff i'm not exactly sure how people are gonna feel about it some people are gonna say it nxVJMs1bXT8-00065-00029904-00030280 feels kind of cheap typically that's what we get when we see a smoother leather on the aerodrome nxVJMs1bXT8-00066-00030280-00030656 one which i completely understand now going to the tongue you got your all-white hit with the nxVJMs1bXT8-00067-00030656-00031176 black nike tab with the red nike air black sock liner and then a white insole with a red nike nxVJMs1bXT8-00068-00031176-00031695 air on there these come standard with a pair of black laces an additional pair of red laces and nxVJMs1bXT8-00069-00031695-00032080 white laces so that's another cool perk to have the different options to be able to switch it up nxVJMs1bXT8-00070-00032080-00032568 or add these laces to other jordan one models that you may not have extra color lace options for so nxVJMs1bXT8-00071-00032568-00032968 after seeing those in-depth shots right there let me know what you guys think about the materials of nxVJMs1bXT8-00072-00032968-00033416 the shoe and how you feel about the color blocking of the shoe because now we're going to talk about nxVJMs1bXT8-00073-00033416-00033904 color blocking with the other ones and why it's so interesting and what people are doing with this nxVJMs1bXT8-00074-00033904-00034344 pair right here to turn them into something else so as we all know the black toe air jordan 1 is nxVJMs1bXT8-00075-00034344-00034872 an og colorway that came out back in 1985 and we have seen retro a couple times over the years when nxVJMs1bXT8-00076-00034872-00035248 you look at the back end of these two sneakers they are definitely very similar obviously the nxVJMs1bXT8-00077-00035248-00035688 swoosh is a different color but the back end right here around the collar and the heel is pretty much nxVJMs1bXT8-00078-00035688-00036024 identical now going to the front end of the sneaker you can see you have the black around the nxVJMs1bXT8-00079-00036024-00036448 lace area and then around the whole toe cap with the white vamp right here so i'm sure some people nxVJMs1bXT8-00080-00036448-00036856 are asking why are you showing this comparison of these two shoes because this sneaker right here nxVJMs1bXT8-00081-00036856-00037320 became very very expensive and then the bread told air jordan one came out and it was going nxVJMs1bXT8-00082-00037320-00037832 for pretty low originally next thing you know the price shot up because everybody couldn't get these nxVJMs1bXT8-00083-00037832-00038288 and now this became the hot topic and became a lot of people's grill so now as you can see right nxVJMs1bXT8-00084-00038288-00038696 here there are definitely some similarities on the back end but different on the front nxVJMs1bXT8-00085-00038696-00039080 but if you look at the top of the toe box right here what do you have red leather nxVJMs1bXT8-00086-00039080-00039600 so what are people doing a lot of people are customizing this version right here and painting nxVJMs1bXT8-00087-00039600-00040088 the area around the toe the lace holes and the swoosh black and it's causing it to look like the nxVJMs1bXT8-00088-00040088-00040616 bread toe once now i'm personally not too big into customizing and everything like that i'm more of nxVJMs1bXT8-00089-00040616-00041192 a pe and sample type of guy i love to collect the actual thing but i do understand the custom world nxVJMs1bXT8-00090-00041192-00041752 and i have a lot of respect for it so don't get me wrong i'm not talking down or negative at all to nxVJMs1bXT8-00091-00041752-00042264 any of that type of stuff because it is a true art and you have to be good to do it nicely when it nxVJMs1bXT8-00092-00042264-00042704 comes to customizing sneakers and making it look like this version and all those other factors but nxVJMs1bXT8-00093-00042704-00043248 either way this is something that i'm not too into but i do respect and i understand why people nxVJMs1bXT8-00094-00043248-00043712 are doing it because like i said you can easily customize this shoe to make it look like this one nxVJMs1bXT8-00095-00043712-00044088 and if this is a shoe that you really wanted and you couldn't afford you could go out and buy this nxVJMs1bXT8-00096-00044088-00044600 one for around 200 bucks or get it at retail like i did and then put some paint on the shoe you know nxVJMs1bXT8-00097-00044600-00044928 paint's like what 10 15 bucks something like that take a little bit of time next thing you nxVJMs1bXT8-00098-00044928-00045456 know you're like 210 dollars into the shoe and it looks like a 700 shoe now some people may nxVJMs1bXT8-00099-00045456-00045936 think that's a good idea and some people may not again i'm just kind of presenting the idea to you nxVJMs1bXT8-00100-00045936-00046368 guys and showing you what people are deciding to do with this model and getting a little bit more nxVJMs1bXT8-00101-00046368-00046784 creative because we don't typically see that with every single air jordan model typically it's like nxVJMs1bXT8-00102-00046784-00047104 this is the colorway this is what you got people like it or not but when it comes to something nxVJMs1bXT8-00103-00047104-00047488 like this with the having the white base on it you can get a lot more creative i've seen people turn nxVJMs1bXT8-00104-00047488-00047912 these into bread ones as well and then obviously you're gonna have to change the color of the mesh nxVJMs1bXT8-00105-00047912-00048296 on the tongue and different things like that with the customization process but it is cool to see nxVJMs1bXT8-00106-00048296-00048656 people get creative and have a little bit fun with their sneakers and do something a little nxVJMs1bXT8-00107-00048656-00049032 bit different to enjoy the shoe a little bit more so with all that being said i want to ask nxVJMs1bXT8-00108-00049032-00049520 you guys that question is this something that you would be interested in doing or you want to learn nxVJMs1bXT8-00109-00049520-00049928 how to do or you kind of just want to mess around and know that hey if i mess up the shoe it's okay nxVJMs1bXT8-00110-00049928-00050328 because it's not reselling for much so i could easily purchase another pair again and all those nxVJMs1bXT8-00111-00050328-00050704 different things let me know what you think about that whole customization process and creating the nxVJMs1bXT8-00112-00050704-00051096 sneaker that you can't have or i don't know it's hard to say because you know everybody's gonna oh nxVJMs1bXT8-00113-00051096-00051496 you were talking everybody's always got their ways to complain about whatever people say but nxVJMs1bXT8-00114-00051496-00051832 at the end of the day again i'm not hating it i'm not knocking out i think it's pretty cool i like nxVJMs1bXT8-00115-00051832-00052208 when people get creative and create something that they can't afford or whatever it may be or nxVJMs1bXT8-00116-00052208-00052624 you know i'm the more of like save up until you can get it and then it feels even better once you nxVJMs1bXT8-00117-00052624-00052984 get that thing that you couldn't afford because you worked hard to get to that point but i don't nxVJMs1bXT8-00118-00052984-00053384 know everybody has different perspectives i'm just interested to hear what you guys think as well nxVJMs1bXT8-00119-00053520-00054064 yo if you enjoyed this video and want to grow your collection or make extra money on the side i built nxVJMs1bXT8-00120-00054064-00054520 a vip mastermind that will teach you everything that i've learned about growing my sneaker nxVJMs1bXT8-00121-00054520-00055136 collection over the past 15 years this will also give you access to the dna fam in my vip community nxVJMs1bXT8-00122-00055136-00055632 where we talk about investing outside of sneakers and don't worry if you don't plan on joining the nxVJMs1bXT8-00123-00055632-00056200 vip community it's okay i also set up a private dna fam community that gives you access to all nxVJMs1bXT8-00124-00056200-00056696 the behind the scenes looks from the studio and multiple chances to win free sneakers and gear nxVJMs1bXT8-00125-00056696-00057136 from weekly and monthly challenges so all you need to do is click on the link down below in nxVJMs1bXT8-00126-00057136-00057576 the description or the first link pinned in the comment section that will get you set up and into nxVJMs1bXT8-00127-00057576-00058288 the community i'm excited to see you guys on the inside yo if you made it to the end of this video nxVJMs1bXT8-00128-00058288-00058784 drop a comment down below and let me know in the comment section what is your price prediction of nxVJMs1bXT8-00129-00058784-00059240 this sneaker five years from now how much do you think this sneaker is going to be worth and then nxVJMs1bXT8-00130-00059240-00060384 we can come back and look at those prices in the comment section and see who is right nxVJMs1bXT8-00131-00060464-00060472 you nyseJzsksXU-00000-00001016-00001623 Online sexting is something many couples use to stay connected. It can help forge bond nyseJzsksXU-00001-00001623-00002072 of intimacy that you wouldn't otherwise get when you're forced to be apart for a while. nyseJzsksXU-00002-00002176-00002984 However, here are seven biggest sexting rules you should never ignore. nyseJzsksXU-00003-00003112-00003632 Hello, welcome to my channel, Redefine Your Relationship, where we give you nyseJzsksXU-00004-00003632-00004072 all the valuable information you need to take your relationship to the next level. nyseJzsksXU-00005-00004176-00004608 Subscribe and press the notification bell to never miss any of my video. nyseJzsksXU-00006-00005456-00005944 There are still people out there who could get a hold of those sexts and violate your privacy. nyseJzsksXU-00007-00006040-00007184 While keeping yourself safe, follow these 7 biggest sexting rules you should never ignore. nyseJzsksXU-00008-00008064-00008832 Number One. Trust your partner. The truth is that when you sext someone, you're giving them full nyseJzsksXU-00009-00008832-00009520 power to violate your privacy and show a ton of people. So, make sure you truly trust your nyseJzsksXU-00010-00009520-00010032 significant other to not show all their friends your sext before sending it in the first place. nyseJzsksXU-00011-00010816-00011624 Number Two. Use code names. Not only can this be really fun foreplay but it'll also make it nyseJzsksXU-00012-00011624-00012040 really difficult for people to know it's you if any information does get leaked. nyseJzsksXU-00013-00012136-00012784 As long as they're completely random, they should work. nyseJzsksXU-00014-00013008-00013680 Number Three. Don't show your face. Online sexting usually means sending your lover nyseJzsksXU-00015-00013680-00014272 naughty pictures of yourself in order to get them in the mood. While this is perfectly fine, nyseJzsksXU-00016-00014328-00014832 you'll want to use precautions to ensure people can't actually tell it's you in the photo. nyseJzsksXU-00017-00015376-00016088 Number Four. Delete the photos after. If you do end up taking photos of yourself and nyseJzsksXU-00018-00016088-00016664 sending them to your lover, you should delete them afterwards. That way, the nyseJzsksXU-00019-00016664-00018384 images won't remain on your phone for others to accidentally come across or for hackers to steal. nyseJzsksXU-00020-00019296-00020016 Number Five. Don't do online sexting at work. There are just far too many things that can nyseJzsksXU-00021-00020016-00020632 go wrong. You can send it to the wrong person. You could be caught by your boss. nyseJzsksXU-00022-00020744-00021312 You could even be fired for doing personal work while at your job. Just avoid it. nyseJzsksXU-00023-00021800-00022608 Number Six. Only use your personal secure devices. Only use devices that will always nyseJzsksXU-00024-00022608-00023240 stay in your possession. Don't even use a family computer or tablet that you know others in the nyseJzsksXU-00025-00023240-00023984 family will use. Stick to your cell phone or your personal tablet for online sexting. nyseJzsksXU-00026-00024248-00024544 Number Seven. Hide the background. nyseJzsksXU-00027-00024648-00025152 You will also reduce the risk of others finding out who you are by the things in your apartment. nyseJzsksXU-00028-00025248-00025744 Believe it or not, you can tell a lot about a person by what's in the background. nyseJzsksXU-00029-00026424-00026944 Conclusion. You should feel confident and secure in sexting with your lover nyseJzsksXU-00030-00026944-00027360 if you take these seven biggest sexting rules you should never ignore serious. nyseJzsksXU-00031-00027744-00028200 My team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your friends. nyseJzsksXU-00032-00028312-00028904 If you are new here, don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss other interesting videos like this. nyseJzsksXU-00033-00029016-00029583 Look at your screen now to see two other videos we hand-picked for you to enjoy next. n-u8TRSbfRk-00000-00000966-00001192 You say that tofu n-u8TRSbfRk-00001-00001200-00001400 tastes like Satan n-u8TRSbfRk-00002-00001420-00001802 You say you threw all tofu out of the window n-u8TRSbfRk-00003-00001900-00002116 You shouldn't do that n-u8TRSbfRk-00004-00002124-00002350 What a strange decision n-u8TRSbfRk-00005-00002362-00002766 to throw away food in 2020 n-u8TRSbfRk-00006-00002788-00003172 Before going mad in the comments section n-u8TRSbfRk-00007-00003188-00003642 Try marinating the tofu n-u8TRSbfRk-00008-00003656-00004114 Just take it and marinate it n-u8TRSbfRk-00009-00004136-00004410 Try n-u8TRSbfRk-00010-00004426-00004774 marinating. n-u8TRSbfRk-00011-00005138-00005218 Tofu n-u8TRSbfRk-00012-00005218-00005296 Wine vinegar n-u8TRSbfRk-00013-00005296-00005378 Salt n-u8TRSbfRk-00014-00005378-00005458 Sugar n-u8TRSbfRk-00015-00005458-00005530 Bay leaf n-u8TRSbfRk-00016-00005596-00005938 Cloves, coriander, red pepper, black pepper, allspice n-u8TRSbfRk-00017-00006136-00006495 Dilute salt and sugar in boiling water n-u8TRSbfRk-00018-00007681-00007790 Spices n-u8TRSbfRk-00019-00007790-00007898 Bay leaf n-u8TRSbfRk-00020-00007904-00008118 Tofu n-u8TRSbfRk-00021-00008122-00008358 Salt and sugar liquor n-u8TRSbfRk-00022-00008580-00008734 Wine vinegar n-u8TRSbfRk-00023-00008740-00009052 Top up with boiling water n-u8TRSbfRk-00024-00009058-00009444 Leave to cool down, put to the fridge overnight n-u8TRSbfRk-00025-00009520-00009858 You can cook so many delicious things with this tofu! n-u8TRSbfRk-00026-00009942-00010166 Tofupuri n-u8TRSbfRk-00027-00010572-00010814 Crepes n-u8TRSbfRk-00028-00011246-00011472 Pasta salad n-u8TRSbfRk-00029-00011888-00012074 Stuffed squashes n-u8TRSbfRk-00030-00012106-00012306 All recipes are in the recommended playlist n-u8TRSbfRk-00031-00012354-00012554 Spinach cake n-u8TRSbfRk-00032-00013004-00013213 Pumpkin salad nD2G3V-UO78-00000-00000333-00000656 Hello, I'm Colin and here are today's headlines from Pinksixty. nD2G3V-UO78-00001-00000656-00001032 The Black Aids Institute has published a report that states that AIDS has become a major cause nD2G3V-UO78-00002-00001032-00001263 of death among black gay Americans. nD2G3V-UO78-00003-00001263-00001707 The CDC reported in 2005 that infection rates were already more than double that of white nD2G3V-UO78-00004-00001707-00001807 men. nD2G3V-UO78-00005-00001807-00002222 US military personnel participated in a gay pride parade in uniform for the first time nD2G3V-UO78-00006-00002222-00002334 on Saturday. nD2G3V-UO78-00007-00002334-00002892 San Diego Pride welcomed active service members, though the Pentagon says it's a one time event. nD2G3V-UO78-00008-00002892-00003222 The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology launched its pride mentoring program this nD2G3V-UO78-00009-00003222-00003322 month. nD2G3V-UO78-00010-00003322-00003715 It aims to bring students into contact with LGBT professionals to help develop career nD2G3V-UO78-00011-00003715-00003897 knowledge from a gay perspective. nD2G3V-UO78-00012-00003897-00004355 The latest edition of the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary has omitted listing the colloquial nD2G3V-UO78-00013-00004355-00004497 term for gay. nD2G3V-UO78-00014-00004497-00004933 The word, 'tongzhi' means 'comrade' and is also used to mean 'gay,' but compilers deliberately nD2G3V-UO78-00015-00004933-00005108 ignored that usage. nD2G3V-UO78-00016-00005108-00005376 And finally, Ben Cohen will be joining this years West End Bares nD2G3V-UO78-00017-00005376-00005547 in London on September 2. nD2G3V-UO78-00018-00005547-00006068 The show, titled 'On Your Marks, Get Set, Strip' will raise money for the Make a Difference nD2G3V-UO78-00019-00006068-00006396 Trust and supports Ben's Stand Up Foundation. nD2G3V-UO78-00020-00006396-00006500 That's all from us today. nD2G3V-UO78-00021-00006500-00006572 Join us again tomorrow. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00000-00000650-00001130 Hello. Welcome to "Assessing Dermal Exposures to Nanomaterials". nHxI3Zzj6CE-00001-00001130-00001800 My name is Pete Raynor. I'm an Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00002-00001800-00002646 Before going further, I would like to acknowledge Jenn Sahmel, who is a Senior Managing Health Scientist at Cardno ChemRisk nHxI3Zzj6CE-00003-00002646-00003446 and a PhD student at the University of Minnesota, for sharing instruction materials that were used, in part, to create this lesson. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00004-00003446-00004269 By the end of this module, learners should be able to prioritize nanomaterial exposures based on route of exposure, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00005-00004270-00005060 recognize determinants of dermal exposures to nanomaterials, describe qualitative and quantitative approaches to assessing dermal nHxI3Zzj6CE-00006-00005060-00005856 exposures, and identify sampling and analytical methods to assess dermal exposures to nanomaterials. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00007-00005856-00006619 People at work can be exposed to hazards by a variety of routes. We think of inhalation exposures most often. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00008-00006620-00007403 However, there is also a potential for ingestion exposures, especially from materials that first deposit in the respiratory tract and then are nHxI3Zzj6CE-00009-00007403-00007823 brought up through the mucociliary escalator and swallowed. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00010-00007823-00008423 During this lesson, of course, we'll be focusing on dermal exposures (exposure to the skin). nHxI3Zzj6CE-00011-00008423-00009199 There are other exposures: ocular exposures (exposures to the eye), auditory exposures to elevated sound levels, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00012-00009200-00009710 and whole body exposures to hazards like radiation and vibration. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00013-00009710-00010450 Workplace exposures to nanomaterials occur primarily through two routes, the inhalation and dermal routes. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00014-00010450-00010940 As depicted in this diagram, inhalation of engineered nanomaterials can occur if nHxI3Zzj6CE-00015-00010940-00011406 nanomaterials are released into the air and move into a worker's breathing zone. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00016-00011406-00012053 Alternatively, workers may receive dermal exposures if they handle nanomaterials directly. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00017-00012053-00012873 In addition, airborne nanomaterials can deposit directly onto a worker's skin, or they can deposit onto clothing or work surfaces nHxI3Zzj6CE-00018-00012873-00013323 and be transferred to a worker's skin when the clothing or surface is touched. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00019-00013323-00014333 So, dermal exposures may occur from direct contact with nanomaterials, from deposition from the air, or from transfer from surfaces or clothing. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00020-00014333-00014939 This diagram from Schneider and co-authors is a conceptual model of dermal exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00021-00014940-00015506 The diagram shows several different compartments starting with the source compartment where a potentially hazardous nHxI3Zzj6CE-00022-00015506-00015849 material could be released into the work environment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00023-00015850-00016633 From there, the material may move into other compartments including the air, a surface contaminant layer, outer and inner clothing nHxI3Zzj6CE-00024-00016633-00017109 contaminant layers, and a skin contaminant layer, which can be thought of as contaminants nHxI3Zzj6CE-00025-00017110-00017513 on the skin that have yet to permeate into the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00026-00017513-00018209 Arrows on the diagram illustrate different ways by which materials can move from one compartment to another. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00027-00018210-00018563 In yellow, we have arrows tracking emission from the source. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00028-00018563-00019533 As shown on the previous slide, emission can result in materials moving into the air or into surface, clothing, or skin contaminant layers. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00029-00019533-00020269 Arrows highlighted in red show deposition from the air onto surface, clothing, or skin contaminant layers. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00030-00020270-00020926 Transfer processes such as touching or brushing against a surface, shown in pink, can lead to movement of materials from a nHxI3Zzj6CE-00031-00020926-00021466 surface contaminant layer into a clothing or skin contaminant layer. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00032-00021466-00022373 Transfer can also occur from clothing onto the skin. In this diagram, there are separate compartments for outer and inner clothing. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00033-00022373-00023273 So, there can also be transfer from the outer clothing to the inner clothing, and from the inner clothing to the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00034-00023273-00023773 Working in the opposite direction of emission, deposition, and transfer – which work to nHxI3Zzj6CE-00035-00023773-00024286 increase exposure – there are processes which work to decrease exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00036-00024286-00025143 These processes are highlighted in green and include resuspension and evaporation, which is the reverse of deposition. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00037-00025143-00025929 An example of this is when someone brushes dust off their clothing or a surface, causing particles to become airborne. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00038-00025930-00026513 Similarly, removal processes are the reverse of transfer processes. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00039-00026513-00026956 Redistribution is the movement of materials between similar compartments. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00040-00026956-00027463 For example, materials may move from one air space to another, from one piece of outer nHxI3Zzj6CE-00041-00027463-00027983 clothing to another, or from one part of the skin to another. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00042-00027983-00028463 Decontamination is deliberate removal of a material from one of the compartments. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00043-00028463-00029333 Examples include wiping a work surface, laundering clothes, washing hands, and taking a shower. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00044-00029333-00029866 Finally, highlighted in blue, materials can pass from the skin contaminant layer through the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00045-00029866-00030329 stratum corneum, the topmost layer of the skin, and enter the body. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00046-00030330-00031263 Let's look at the structure of the skin, moving from the epidermis, the outermost layer, through the dermis and into the subcutaneous tissue. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00047-00031263-00032026 The epidermis is the protective layer of skin. It contains openings for hair to penetrate and for sweat pores. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00048-00032026-00032569 The dermis contains nerves, capillaries, sweat glands, and hair follicles. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00049-00032570-00033070 It contains sebaceous glands that produce oily matter that lubricates the skin and hair, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00050-00033070-00033546 and erector pili muscles, the muscles that make your hair stand on end. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00051-00033546-00034003 The subcutaneous layer contains arteries, veins, and fatty tissues. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00052-00034003-00034476 Once an agent, whether it's a nanomaterial or not, penetrates through the epidermis, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00053-00034476-00035099 there is the potential for absorption into the body in the dermis or subcutaneous layer. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00054-00035100-00036000 Looking more closely at the structure of the epidermis, at the bottom is the stratum basale (the basal layer) where there is formation of new nHxI3Zzj6CE-00055-00036000-00036563 cells that work their way upwards over time to eventually become the outermost layer of skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00056-00036563-00037043 Above the basal layer is the stratum spinosum (the spinous layer). nHxI3Zzj6CE-00057-00037043-00037603 Above that is the stratum granulosum (the granular cell layer) which is where the cells start nHxI3Zzj6CE-00058-00037603-00038426 to deteriorate, become flattened, and begin to release lipids. Then, at the top of the epidermis is the stratum corneum. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00059-00038426-00039033 The cells here are dead and very flat, and they become the harder protective layer of the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00060-00039033-00039856 Therefore, the stratum corneum is the skin's most critical barrier for preventing unwanted penetration of hazardous agents into the body. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00061-00039856-00040509 This diagram from Poland et al. shows a couple of layers of skin, representing layers of the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00062-00040510-00041056 epidermis, for example, to illustrate terms related to the movement of materials through the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00063-00041056-00041786 Arrow A demonstrates permeation where a material can enter the layer but does not necessarily go through. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00064-00041786-00042423 Penetration, shown by arrow B, is the capability of an agent to pass through a layer of the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00065-00042423-00043099 So, when you pass into a layer, you have permeated it. When you pass through the layer, you have penetrated it. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00066-00043100-00043956 If a material penetrates all the layers of the epidermis, as shown by arrow C, it has the potential to be absorbed into the body. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00067-00043956-00044663 This is a model of the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis, and how it may be penetrated. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00068-00044663-00045546 The model depicts the stratum corneum to be like bricks and mortar. The bricks are the cells and the mortar is the "stuff" between the cells. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00069-00045546-00046153 Different pathways exist by which agents of concern can penetrate the "brick wall" of the stratum corneum. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00070-00046153-00047003 One pathway is the transappendageal route by which an agent can penetrate the stratum corneum through skin pores. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00071-00047003-00047966 Two pathways qualify as transepidermal routes. Agents moving by the transcellular pathway go right through the cells, which is possible for nHxI3Zzj6CE-00072-00047966-00048489 water soluble agents because the cells – the bricks – are hydrophilic. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00073-00048490-00049056 Fat soluble agents, on the other hand, penetrate the stratum corneum by an intercellular route nHxI3Zzj6CE-00074-00049056-00049566 because the material between the cells – the mortar – is lipophilic. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00075-00049566-00050073 We are going to discuss three approaches for assessing the risk of dermal exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00076-00050073-00050849 The first will be qualitative judgments in which we determine a hazard rating for skin exposures to a particular agent, then determine a dermal nHxI3Zzj6CE-00077-00050850-00051636 exposure rating for a task being performed, and finally use the two ratings with a qualitative judgment matrix to evaluate risk. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00078-00051636-00052313 A second approach is the DREAM method, an imperfect acronym for the Dermal Exposure Assessment Method, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00079-00052313-00052759 which relies on the conceptual model we already looked at for dermal exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00080-00052760-00053240 The DREAM method allows us to make semi- quantitative evaluations of exposure risk. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00081-00053240-00054079 The third approach is to make quantitative judgments, in which we establish a workplace dermal exposure limit for an agent, estimate a nHxI3Zzj6CE-00082-00054079-00054560 dermal absorbed dose from measured or tabulated values, and then compare the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00083-00054560-00055160 absorbed dose to the dermal exposure limit we've established to evaluate exposure risk. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00084-00055160-00055596 This diagram shows a qualitative judgment matrix. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00085-00055596-00056283 The matrix has a dermal hazard rating on the vertical axis and a dermal exposure rating on the horizontal axis. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00086-00056283-00057173 We can see that, as the dermal exposure and hazard ratings increase, the risk level increases from green, or low risk, through yellow, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00087-00057173-00057736 or moderate risk, and orange, or high risk, to red, or very high risk. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00088-00057736-00058613 The risk categories can be used to establish priorities for further evaluation or for potential control measures to reduce dermal exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00089-00058613-00059423 We can imagine an approach where we might use ratings of 1 to 4 for both the dermal hazard rating and the dermal exposure rating. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00090-00059423-00060173 Then, for example, if we have a hazard rating of 2 and an exposure rating of 3, we would be in an nHxI3Zzj6CE-00091-00060173-00060976 orange square, or the high risk category, and we could make some exposure control decisions based on this level of risk. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00092-00060976-00061813 What are the steps to performing a qualitative dermal risk assessment? First, we need to make a dermal hazard assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00093-00061813-00062673 Second, a dermal exposure assessment. Third, we make a determination of exposure acceptability. What is the overall risk? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00094-00062673-00063543 A fourth step that we'll only touch on indirectly is to gather additional information to possibly make a more informed decision using a higher level of nHxI3Zzj6CE-00095-00063543-00064199 assessment, going from a qualitative assessment to a semi-quantitative or quantitative assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00096-00064200-00064843 A decision to pursue a higher level of assessment might be based on the exposure acceptability determination: nHxI3Zzj6CE-00097-00064843-00065546 a very high risk in a qualitative assessment suggests the need for a more detailed analysis. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00098-00065546-00066116 Step 1 of a qualitative dermal risk assessment is to make a dermal hazard assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00099-00066116-00066863 First, we characterize the hazard. What health effects can be caused by dermal exposure to a chemical or material of interest? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00100-00066863-00067526 Here, we think about "hazard" as being equivalent to the toxicity of the chemical or material. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00101-00067526-00068269 Then, we perform a rudimentary dose-response assessment for the material. How toxic is it by the dermal route? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00102-00068270-00068923 Determining the dermal hazard potential is key, rather than focusing on other routes of exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00103-00068923-00069369 Many dermal hazard assessment resources are available. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00104-00069370-00070163 There are safety data sheets, or SDSs, that come with chemicals and should be available both as hard copies and online. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00105-00070163-00070813 SDSs may contain useful information for assessing the hazards posed by the chemicals to the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00106-00070813-00071306 Process flow diagrams, if available, may help occupational hygienists understand how the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00107-00071306-00071796 work is performed and where there are opportunities for dermal exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00108-00071796-00072213 The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00109-00072213-00073089 or GHS, can help us understand hazards from particular chemicals through the labeling required on chemical containers. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00110-00073090-00073523 Documents from government agencies and professional organizations on health effects nHxI3Zzj6CE-00111-00073523-00073856 caused by chemicals often contain skin notations. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00112-00073856-00074623 These documents may come from NIOSH, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; ACGIH, the American Conference of nHxI3Zzj6CE-00113-00074623-00075453 Governmental Industrial Hygienists; OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration; the European Commission's Scientific nHxI3Zzj6CE-00114-00075453-00076193 Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits; and TERA, the Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment center, which runs the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00115-00076193-00076999 Occupational Alliance for Risk Science that administers the WEELS or the Workplace Environmental Exposure Levels. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00116-00077000-00077866 A nonprofit company called SRC Incorporated maintains a large database on many different chemicals, and dermal hazard information for nHxI3Zzj6CE-00117-00077866-00078163 these chemicals may be available through this database. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00118-00078163-00079023 GESTIS is a free database containing occupational limit values for hazardous substances gathered from a variety of countries. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00119-00079023-00079606 TOXNET is the U.S. National Institutes of Health database on hazardous chemicals. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00120-00079606-00080193 The European Union risk phrases provide information on dermal hazards from different chemicals. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00121-00080193-00081079 The REACh initiative, the European Union's Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals has a large database nHxI3Zzj6CE-00122-00081080-00081650 on potential exposure pathways and the potential risk posed by these exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00123-00081650-00082326 Published and non-published research studies can also be used to try to assess the risk from dermal exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00124-00082326-00082819 We can use a dermal hazard rating scale that runs from 1 to 4. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00125-00082820-00083650 A rating of 1 is the lowest hazard rating and represents a reversible or very low skin or systemic toxicity. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00126-00083650-00084150 A rating of 2 represents moderate but reversible skin or systemic toxicity. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00127-00084150-00084816 Level 3 is irreversible or chronic skin or systemic toxicity or sensitization. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00128-00084816-00085516 Finally, a rating of 4 represents life-threatening skin or systemic toxicity or sensitization. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00129-00085516-00086133 Step 2 of a qualitative dermal risk assessment is to make a dermal exposure assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00130-00086133-00086613 We start by making initial workplace observations, and then these observations can nHxI3Zzj6CE-00131-00086613-00087153 be used in combination with heuristics to characterize key exposure determinants. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00132-00087153-00087686 Heuristics are experience-based techniques for problem solving, learning, and discovery nHxI3Zzj6CE-00133-00087686-00088029 that give a solution which is not guaranteed to be optimal. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00134-00088030-00088550 Where exhaustive data collection is impractical, heuristic methods are used to speed up the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00135-00088550-00089186 process of finding a satisfactory solution using mental shortcuts such as checklists and frameworks. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00136-00089186-00089873 Everyone uses heuristics all the time. Sometimes, however, the heuristics we use lead us to incorrect decisions. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00137-00089873-00090429 Therefore, having formal checklists and frameworks can help us to make better decisions. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00138-00090430-00091066 Initially, we should observe worker practices and interactions with a chemical so that we can ask nHxI3Zzj6CE-00139-00091066-00091433 a whole range of questions to gather more information. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00140-00091433-00092193 Do workers have direct contact with potentially- hazardous dermal agents via bare skin or do they wear personal protective equipment, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00141-00092193-00092906 or PPE? Is splashing a risk if the worker is handling a liquid? How do exposures occur? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00142-00092906-00093979 Are they by direct emission, or by deposition from the air, or by transfer from surface? And, do work practices differ among workers? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00143-00093980-00094646 How are tools shared in the workplace, and are those tools cleaned or disinfected between uses? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00144-00094646-00095299 How is the housekeeping in the workplace? In most cases, better housekeeping leads to lower exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00145-00095300-00095926 What are the environmental conditions in each work area: temperature, humidity, and similar factors? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00146-00095926-00096456 How frequently do workers wash their hands, and what is their overall level of hygiene? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00147-00096456-00097063 These can all be important factors in relation to assessing and rating exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00148-00097063-00098169 Key exposure determinants include the dermal contact area, how much of the skin is contacted by the agent; the dermal loading and/or nHxI3Zzj6CE-00149-00098170-00098900 concentration, how much of the agent of concern is in the material to which workers are exposed (the agent of concern may only be a nHxI3Zzj6CE-00150-00098900-00099876 small percentage of the overall liquid or solid that contacts with skin); the dermal contact frequency, the percentage of the work day over nHxI3Zzj6CE-00151-00099876-00100886 which the exposure occurs or the number of times during the day that a repeated contact occurs; the dermal retention time, if a liquid nHxI3Zzj6CE-00152-00100886-00101746 agent is volatile or a solid agent is comprised of light, fluffy particles, they may not stay on the skin for very long whereas non-volatile liquids nHxI3Zzj6CE-00153-00101746-00102699 and sticky particles may be hard to remove; and dermal penetration potential, the ability of an agent to pass through the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00154-00102700-00103350 As shown in the diagram, all of these factors contribute to the overall dermal exposure potential for a material. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00155-00103350-00103686 None is more important than the others. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00156-00103686-00104403 Let's step through each of the key exposure determinants individually, starting with dermal contact area. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00157-00104403-00105299 If the agent of concern is a systemic toxicant that can affect the entire body, the approach is to estimate the total area of likely skin contact. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00158-00105300-00106316 So, for example, is a worker potentially exposed through only one hand, through both hands, only through the fingers, or across a larger area? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00159-00106316-00106823 For potent allergens or corrosive agents, we estimate just the area of the specific regions of nHxI3Zzj6CE-00160-00106823-00107199 the skin that would be directly affected by an exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00161-00107200-00107916 For these area estimates, we assume that no personal protective equipment like gloves or protective clothing is being used. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00162-00107916-00108566 PPE recommendations are part of the exposure management decisions at the conclusion of the dermal risk assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00163-00108566-00109486 The rating scale for dermal contact area is from 1 to 4. If contact with the agent of concern is unlikely, a rating of 1 is given. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00164-00109486-00110393 If a very small area of skin is likely to come in contact with the agent, a rating of 2 is given. A rating of 3 is for contact possible to the hands nHxI3Zzj6CE-00165-00110393-00111203 and forearms, and a rating of 4 is for contact possible to a larger area of the skin than just the hands and forearms. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00166-00111203-00112033 We'll look next at dermal loading and/or concentration, where concentration is the amount of the agent of concern per unit volume nHxI3Zzj6CE-00167-00112033-00112709 of the material contacting the skin and loading is the amount of the agent per unit area of skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00168-00112709-00113476 For local irritants, concentrations contacting the skin will affect the severity of the reaction and future reactions. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00169-00113476-00114106 For allergens, their concentrations will affect the rate of sensitization of the exposed population. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00170-00114106-00114673 For systemic toxicants, on the other hand, the overall loading, not the concentration, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00171-00114673-00115439 will affect the penetration rate, or the flux, through the skin. The rating scale is once again from 1 to 4. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00172-00115440-00116130 A rating of 1 is given to a negligible concentration of agent likely to contact or load onto the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00173-00116130-00116803 A rating of 2 is for low concentration of an agent likely to come in contact with or load onto the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00174-00116803-00117519 A rating of 3 is for moderate concentrations, and high concentrations are given a rating of 4. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00175-00117520-00117990 Those performing these qualitative assessments must apply some professional judgment about nHxI3Zzj6CE-00176-00117990-00118526 what is a high, moderate, or low concentration in the material contacting the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00177-00118526-00119099 For the dermal contact frequency, we estimate the frequency of contacts or the percentage of nHxI3Zzj6CE-00178-00119100-00119533 the total task during which the agent of concern comes in contact with the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00179-00119533-00120099 The length of the task must be considered relative to the number of repeated contacts with the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00180-00120100-00120709 With a rating scale of 1 to 4, a rating of 1 is for when there is minimal contact with the skin, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00181-00120709-00121290 one or two incidental contacts, or contact during less than 5% of the work task. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00182-00121290-00122016 A rating of 2 is for up to 10 incidental contacts or contact during less than 10% of the task. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00183-00122016-00122789 A rating of 3 is given for up to 50 incidental contacts with the skin or contact during less than 50% of the task. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00184-00122790-00123820 Finally, a rating of 4 is for routine incidental contact with the skin throughout the work task or for contact during 50 to 100% of the task. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00185-00123820-00124113 Next is dermal retention time. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00186-00124113-00124786 For this factor, we want to estimate the likelihood that the agent of concern will remain on the skin after contact occurs. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00187-00124786-00125566 As mentioned previously, we should consider factors such as vapor pressure and particle characteristics when making this determination. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00188-00125566-00126089 The rating scale is once again from 1 to 4 with a rating of 1 meaning the amount transferred is nHxI3Zzj6CE-00189-00126090-00126933 unlikely to remain on the skin for any period of time. This would apply to highly-volatile liquids and particles that are dry and powdery. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00190-00126933-00127893 A rating of 2 is given to materials with some volatility or adherence to the skin. So, these materials may remain on the skin for some time. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00191-00127893-00128536 A rating of 3 is for materials that are likely to remain on the skin for a significant amount of time. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00192-00128536-00129033 These would include liquids with low volatility and relatively high molecular weight and nHxI3Zzj6CE-00193-00129033-00129566 particles that are sticky or consolidated on the skin, even if they're not visible. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00194-00129566-00130166 The highest rating is given to materials for which the amount transferred is very likely to remain on the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00195-00130166-00130689 So, this includes liquids that are not volatile, certainly with molecular weight greater than 100, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00196-00130690-00131093 and particles that are very likely to stick to the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00197-00131093-00131596 The last key exposure determinant is dermal penetration potential. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00198-00131596-00132183 There are a variety of factors that can either increase and decrease absorption through the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00199-00132183-00132926 These include the molecular weight of a liquid or the size of particles. The solubility of the material can be critical. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00200-00132926-00133849 When the logarithm of the octanol-water partition coefficient is between 1 and 3, there is a high potential for dermal absorption. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00201-00133850-00134680 Other factors include the condition of the skin, with damaged or injured skin having a greater risk of absorption, and environmental conditions nHxI3Zzj6CE-00202-00134680-00135263 like temperature and humidity that can alter the surface of the skin, making penetration more or less likely. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00203-00135263-00135823 As for the other determinants, the rating scale for penetration potential goes from 1 to 4. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00204-00135823-00136389 A rating of 1 is given to large, insoluble particles that can rarely penetrate the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00205-00136390-00137350 A rating of 2 is for small, insoluble particles larger than 1 micrometer in size and for liquids with both poor lipid and poor water solubility. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00206-00137350-00138200 These materials have only a small likelihood of penetrating the skin. A rating of 3 is given when penetration is possible, but slow. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00207-00138200-00138966 This rating applies when particles are smaller than 1 micrometer and when liquids have some lipid solubility and some water solubility, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00208-00138966-00139299 or when there is some injury or damage to the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00209-00139300-00139943 The highest rating of 4 applies when penetration is probable or likely, such as when a liquid has nHxI3Zzj6CE-00210-00139943-00140536 both good lipid and water solubility or when the skin is in poor health. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00211-00140536-00141069 The third step of a qualitative dermal risk assessment is to come up with a risk rating nHxI3Zzj6CE-00212-00141070-00141536 which will be a function of both the dermal hazard rating and the dermal exposure rating. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00213-00141536-00142443 The hazard rating shown on the vertical axis runs from 1 to 4, with each number assigned to a row in the qualitative judgment matrix. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00214-00142443-00143006 We have five factors going into the exposure rating, each with its own scale of 1 to 4. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00215-00143006-00143643 Multiplying all possible combinations of the factors gives a scale of 1 to 1,024. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00216-00143643-00144579 The scale on the horizontal axis for the dermal exposure rating is divided into four intervals, one for each column: the lowest interval is from nHxI3Zzj6CE-00217-00144580-00145986 1 to 16, the second is from 16 to 64, the third is from 64 to 256, and the final interval is from 256 to 1,024. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00218-00145986-00146659 We calculate the exposure rating by multiplying the ratings from each of the key exposure determinants together and then placing the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00219-00146660-00147220 product in the appropriate column based on the scale on the horizontal axis. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00220-00147220-00147770 Combining the row from the hazard rating with the column from the exposure rating gives us nHxI3Zzj6CE-00221-00147770-00148253 the exposure acceptability or risk rating in the matrix. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00222-00148253-00149009 Let's look at an example. n-Hexane is a volatile organic compound used in automobile brake repair. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00223-00149010-00149813 In April of 2000, the California Air Resources Board voted to ban the use of chlorinated solvents in auto cleaning products. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00224-00149813-00150629 Subsequently, there was a spike in cases of nerve damage including peripheral neuropathy among brake mechanics, possibly due to nHxI3Zzj6CE-00225-00150630-00151136 substitution of hexane in brake cleaners in place of the chlorinated solvents. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00226-00151136-00151936 A question we might be interested in is, "Should we be concerned about dermal exposures to n- hexane and their effects on worker health?" nHxI3Zzj6CE-00227-00151936-00152459 You can start to answer this question using a qualitative dermal risk assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00228-00152460-00153340 For this example, data that may be useful include the following. About 30% of new brake cleaner is n-hexane. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00229-00153340-00154220 Mechanics spend about 60% of their work day changing brakes. The molecular weight of hexane is 86. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00230-00154220-00155106 The logarithm of the octanol-water partition coefficient is 3.9, which is outside of the ideal range of 1 to 3. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00231-00155106-00155843 The vapor pressure is 151 millimeters of mercury at 25 degrees Celsius, so it's pretty volatile. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00232-00155843-00156813 The safety data sheet indicates that n-hexane is an inhalation hazard and a skin irritant, but there is no skin notation for toxicity. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00233-00156813-00157576 Globally harmonized system information also indicates that hexane is a skin irritant and, furthermore, mentions that single or repeated nHxI3Zzj6CE-00234-00157576-00158133 exposures to 5% solutions, less concentrated than in brake cleaner, may contribute to nHxI3Zzj6CE-00235-00158133-00158599 reproductive toxicity, although the exposure route is not specified. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00236-00158600-00159116 This uncertainty in exposure route suggests that some protection against dermal exposures may nHxI3Zzj6CE-00237-00159116-00159416 be warranted to guard against this health outcome. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00238-00159416-00160236 Lastly, OSHA indicates that n-hexane may be a skin irritant and contribute to systemic toxicity via dermal exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00239-00160236-00160606 So, what do we do with these data? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00240-00160606-00161266 Let's start with a dermal hazard assessment, step 1 in a qualitative dermal risk assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00241-00161266-00161749 As we just talked about, the safety data sheet indicates an inhalation hazard and that nHxI3Zzj6CE-00242-00161750-00162156 n-hexane is a skin irritant, but that there's no skin notation. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00243-00162156-00162959 Globally harmonized system information also indicates that hexane is a skin irritant, and provides the notation on reproductive toxicity. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00244-00162960-00163803 How do we interpret this notation? The notation does not indicate that an exposure is life- threatening to the worker, but there's a potential nHxI3Zzj6CE-00245-00163803-00164303 for an irreversible reproductive effect which is a cause for concern. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00246-00164303-00165153 OSHA indicates that n-hexane is potentially a skin irritant and may contribute to systemic toxicity, possibly from dermal exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00247-00165153-00165723 In addition, there is also the reported spike in cases of nerve damage among brake mechanics nHxI3Zzj6CE-00248-00165723-00166099 after the switch to hexane-based solvents from chlorinated solvents. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00249-00166100-00167043 So, from the rating scale, in my view, the dermal hazard for this exposure scenario deserves a rating of 3 because there is a potential for nerve nHxI3Zzj6CE-00250-00167043-00167603 damage and, especially, reproductive effects that may be irreversible. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00251-00167603-00168293 Step 2 is the dermal exposure assessment. There is contact possible to hands and forearms. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00252-00168293-00169179 So, a contact area rating of 3 makes sense. Because the concentration of n-hexane in brake cleaner is 30% which is a relatively significant nHxI3Zzj6CE-00253-00169180-00169783 concentration, a loading and/or concentration rating of 3 seems appropriate. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00254-00169783-00170326 Those who are exposed are working on brakes for 60% of their work day and they are likely nHxI3Zzj6CE-00255-00170326-00170699 using the brake cleaner regularly throughout this task. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00256-00170700-00171316 Therefore, a contact frequency rating of 4 is appropriate for routine contact throughout the task. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00257-00171316-00172163 A rating of 2 makes sense for retention time because n-hexane is relatively volatile and will not remain on a worker's skin too long. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00258-00172163-00172969 For penetration potential, a rating of 3 seems appropriate because n-hexane has some lipid solubility and some water solubility. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00259-00172970-00173740 Its octanol-water partition coefficient is outside the optimal range, which indicates that a rating of 4 would be too high. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00260-00173740-00174793 When we combine these five ratings, 3 times 3 times 4 times 2 times 3, we get a product of 216. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00261-00174793-00175619 Moving on to step 3, we have a dermal hazard rating of 3 and a dermal exposure rating of 216. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00262-00175620-00176150 When we combine the ratings on the qualitative judgement matrix diagram, we end up in the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00263-00176150-00176893 orange zone, which represents a risk category of "high". How might we respond to this? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00264-00176893-00177806 Instead of using thin, disposable gloves that only cover the hands, we might recommend thicker, long-sleeve chemical protective gloves. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00265-00177806-00178219 Work practices might be altered to reduce brake cleaner use. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00266-00178220-00178943 We might also look at alternative brake cleaners that have reduced n-hexane concentrations or use a less toxic solvent. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00267-00178943-00179673 So, that's an example of how we can perform a qualitative risk assessment for dermal exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00268-00179673-00180549 Next, let's look at the DeRmal Exposure Assessment Method, or DREAM, which is a semi-quantitative approach. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00269-00180550-00181353 The DREAM method is based on the conceptual model of dermal exposure from Schneider and co-authors that we looked at earlier. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00270-00181353-00181753 In the DREAM approach, this complicated model is simplified. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00271-00181753-00182313 In the simplified model, we have the same basic compartments, but we consider fewer pathways. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00272-00182313-00182999 Emission of a material from a source (E), transfer of the material from a surface (T), nHxI3Zzj6CE-00273-00183000-00183643 and deposition of the material from the air (D) all lead directly to clothing contamination. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00274-00183643-00184116 The DREAM model assumes that any skin that has the potential of being exposed to the agent nHxI3Zzj6CE-00275-00184116-00184683 of concern may be covered with some kind of clothing, either work clothes or PPE. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00276-00184683-00185206 The clothing protection factor, O, represents the fraction of the agent on the clothing contaminant nHxI3Zzj6CE-00277-00185206-00185653 layer that passes through the clothing to the skin contaminant layer. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00278-00185653-00186239 As established by Van-Wendel-de-Joode and co-authors, the DREAM approach is more nHxI3Zzj6CE-00279-00186240-00186526 complex than a qualitative dermal risk assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00280-00186526-00187149 We're not making direct measurements, but we will use a lot more information with DREAM than in a qualitative assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00281-00187150-00187500 The approach is laid out in this figure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00282-00187500-00188090 At the top, we start by categorizing the rates of emission, deposition, and transfer of the agent nHxI3Zzj6CE-00283-00188090-00188483 of concern to clothing that is covering a worker's skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00284-00188483-00189003 The first equation on the right shows that the potential dermal exposure estimate is the sum nHxI3Zzj6CE-00285-00189003-00189389 of the estimates of emission, deposition, and transfer. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00286-00189390-00190003 The subscript BP is for body part because calculations are performed for each body part, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00287-00190003-00190569 and then the total exposure for a worker is estimated from the sum for all body parts. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00288-00190570-00191370 The second, third, and fourth equations on the right are the individual equations for calculating emission, deposition, and transfer. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00289-00191370-00192053 Each of them have a similar format. Each includes a probability which represents the frequency of exposure; nHxI3Zzj6CE-00290-00192053-00192903 an intensity that represents the fraction of the body part surface that can come in contact with the agent; an intrinsic emission that increases nHxI3Zzj6CE-00291-00192903-00193723 for liquids that are less viscous or particles that are easily dispersed; and an exposure route factor that reflects the higher impact of nHxI3Zzj6CE-00292-00193723-00194126 exposures by direct emission than by transfer and deposition. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00293-00194126-00194639 Each of the factors in these equations is determined using its own rating scale. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00294-00194640-00195496 Returning to the flow diagram on the left, after categorizing the rates of emission, deposition, and transfer to obtain a potential dermal nHxI3Zzj6CE-00295-00195496-00196386 exposure estimate, we apply a clothing protection factor for each body part to obtain an actual dermal exposure estimate. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00296-00196386-00196883 The clothing protection factor is the fraction expected to penetrate the clothing: nHxI3Zzj6CE-00297-00196883-00197309 clothing that is more protective will have a smaller clothing protection factor. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00298-00197310-00198206 The actual dermal exposure estimates for each body part are added together for a total actual dermal exposure for a task. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00299-00198206-00199086 These estimates are weighted by the time spent on each task to determine a total actual time- weighted semi-quantitative exposure estimate. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00300-00199086-00199719 We can see that this is a much more complex process compared to the qualitative assessment! nHxI3Zzj6CE-00301-00199720-00200626 In the Van-Wendel-de-Joode et al. paper, DREAM was applied to a worker who removes metal connection rods from a milling machine. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00302-00200626-00201266 During this task, the worker can be exposed to a cooling agent that's inside the milling machine. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00303-00201266-00201766 On the front axis of this three-dimensional graph, we have different parts of the body: nHxI3Zzj6CE-00304-00201766-00202763 head, upper arms, forearms, hands, front of the torso, back of the torso, lower body parts, lower legs, and feet. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00305-00202763-00203486 On the axis coming out of the screen, we have the emission, deposition, and transfer pathways; nHxI3Zzj6CE-00306-00203486-00204056 the potential dermal exposure, which is the sum of those three pathways for each body part; nHxI3Zzj6CE-00307-00204056-00204793 and the actual dermal exposure, which is reduced from the potential exposure by the clothing protection factor. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00308-00204793-00205516 From the DREAM estimate on the vertical axis, we see that the greatest risk of potential exposure is through the hands, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00309-00205516-00206199 although there are significant exposures through the forearms, the lower body, and the front of the torso. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00310-00206200-00206646 The exposure to the hands is driven by transfer from a surface contaminant layer, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00311-00206646-00207099 likely the cooling agent on the rods that the worker handles. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00312-00207100-00207903 The actual exposure to the hands is significantly reduced from the potential exposure because the worker is protected by clothing. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00313-00207903-00208333 However, it appears that the forearms are not covered with clothing in this scenario nHxI3Zzj6CE-00314-00208333-00208863 because the potential and actual dermal exposures for the forearms are essentially the same. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00315-00208863-00209436 Perhaps the worker wears a short-sleeve shirt and gloves that only go up to the wrist. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00316-00209436-00209906 As a result, the forearms become a more significant route of dermal exposure than the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00317-00209906-00210406 hands, even though there is much more transfer to the hands than the forearms. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00318-00210406-00211146 This suggests that the worker should wear a long-sleeve shirt or longer chemical protective gloves that cover the forearms. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00319-00211146-00211746 So, the prevalent routes of exposure and locations on the body will dictate control measures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00320-00211746-00212613 In this example, because transfer is most important, gloves and clothing that are protective are likely to reduce exposure substantially. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00321-00212613-00213153 We could also, of course, consider using a different type of cooling agent that is less toxic nHxI3Zzj6CE-00322-00213153-00213659 or altering work practices that reduce contact with the cooling agent. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00323-00213660-00214426 When qualitative or semi-quantitative approaches do not provide enough detail to characterize an exposure scenario sufficiently, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00324-00214426-00215026 quantitative methods may be needed. What additional information might we be able to gather? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00325-00215026-00215563 One thing we might be able to do is to perform a quantitative assessment of skin contact. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00326-00215563-00216006 Perhaps we could model dermal exposures during specific work tasks. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00327-00216006-00216599 We could sample the skin and perform chemical analyses on the samples to assess exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00328-00216600-00217113 We could even perform biomonitoring of workers to assess internal doses to relevant chemicals nHxI3Zzj6CE-00329-00217113-00217449 to which the workers may be exposed by the dermal route. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00330-00217450-00218223 To estimate dermal exposures quantitatively, we should start with the American Industrial Hygiene Association's conceptual model for nHxI3Zzj6CE-00331-00218223-00219043 dermal exposure assessment, develop an occupational exposure limit equivalent for dermal exposures, and utilize currently-available tools nHxI3Zzj6CE-00332-00219043-00219526 to assess exposures and compare them to the OEL equivalent. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00333-00219526-00220003 These are the steps in a quantitative dermal risk assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00334-00220003-00220493 To begin, we calculate a dermal occupational exposure limit equivalent, which is like the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00335-00220493-00220793 dermal hazard rating from the qualitative approach. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00336-00220793-00221596 Next, we consider the AIHA conceptual model for dermal exposure and use the model to estimate exposure determinants, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00337-00221596-00222269 which is like setting the values used to establish a dermal exposure rating in the qualitative approach. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00338-00222269-00223019 Finally, we make decisions about exposure acceptability using these quantitative pieces of information. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00339-00223019-00223600 So, step 1 is to calculate a dermal occupational exposure limit equivalent. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00340-00223600-00224103 In most cases, there is no existing OEL specific to dermal exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00341-00224103-00224733 Therefore, we will derive one from an occupational exposure limit for inhalation exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00342-00224733-00225509 For moderate work activity, inhalation rates for U.S. workers are typically 11 to 19 cubic meters of air per day. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00343-00225510-00226400 An easy-to-use value of 10 cubic meters of air per day allows us to calculate an occupational exposure limit equivalent that is lower and more nHxI3Zzj6CE-00344-00226400-00227153 protective than if we were to use a value in the 11 to 19 cubic meters per day range. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00345-00227153-00227686 The dermal OEL equivalent, in milligrams per day, is the product of the inhalation-based nHxI3Zzj6CE-00346-00227686-00228303 OEL, in milligrams per cubic meter of air, times 10 cubic meters of air per day. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00347-00228303-00229173 This dermal OEL equivalent is, in essence, a limit for the absorbed dose rate through the skin for the material of interest. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00348-00229173-00229879 Step 2 is to consider the American Industrial Hygiene Association conceptual model for dermal exposure assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00349-00229880-00230586 The conceptual model utilizes the five key exposure determinants that we considered for a qualitative dermal risk assessment: nHxI3Zzj6CE-00350-00230586-00231363 contact area, loading and/or concentration, contact frequency, retention time, and penetration potential. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00351-00231363-00232209 These five exposure determinants can be estimated quantitatively and combined to yield a quantitative dermal exposure estimate. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00352-00232210-00233283 In the AIHA conceptual model, the absorbed dose rate (D) in milligrams per day is equal to the surface area (S) of the skin coming into nHxI3Zzj6CE-00353-00233283-00234173 contact with the material containing the agent of concern, times the amount of the material (Q) retained on the skin, times the weight fraction nHxI3Zzj6CE-00354-00234173-00235353 (WF) of the agent of concern in the material, times the number or frequency of contact events per day (FQ), multiplied by the fractional nHxI3Zzj6CE-00355-00235353-00236423 absorption (ABS) or penetration of the agent through the skin, which may be chosen as a default of 100% ‒ a fraction of 1 ‒ or taken from nHxI3Zzj6CE-00356-00236423-00236859 values found in the literature or derived from empirical approaches. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00357-00236860-00237590 Step 3 is to use this equation to estimate the exposure determinants and come up with a dose rate. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00358-00237590-00238300 The surface area of skin can be estimated using the "Exposure Factors Handbook" from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00359-00238300-00238806 The amount of the material retained on the skin can be measured using dermal sampling. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00360-00238806-00239629 If measurements are not possible, there are also estimates available in the literature for amounts of various materials that are retained on skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00361-00239630-00240233 The weight fraction of the agent of concern may be listed in a safety data sheet or it can be estimated, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00362-00240233-00240963 the frequency of contact can be counted or estimated through observation, and the absorption can be determined from the literature nHxI3Zzj6CE-00363-00240963-00241629 or it can be estimated using software that we'll look at in a little while called IH SkinPerm. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00364-00241630-00242290 This table shows skin surface areas for an average man from the EPA "Exposure Factors Handbook". nHxI3Zzj6CE-00365-00242290-00243086 We can see that total body area is approximately 20,600 square centimeters. That's roughly 2 square meters. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00366-00243086-00244033 The trunk is the biggest portion of that, the legs are second biggest, arms third biggest, and the head, hands, and feet are all smaller. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00367-00244033-00244773 The arms are also separated into the upper and lower arms, and the legs are separated into the thighs and the lower legs. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00368-00244773-00245283 So, we can estimate exposed skin surface areas using these data. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00369-00245283-00245896 The amounts of materials that are retained on skin, or Q values, have been experimentally nHxI3Zzj6CE-00370-00245896-00246646 evaluated in units of mass per surface area of the skin, also referred to as surface density. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00371-00246646-00247639 From the EPA "Exposure Factors Handbook", most solids are retained in the range of 0.13 to 0.27 milligram per square centimeter. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00372-00247640-00248263 Liquids can be retained at up to 10 milligrams per square centimeter, although 0.5 to 2 nHxI3Zzj6CE-00373-00248263-00248606 milligrams per square centimeter is more typical. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00374-00248606-00249419 Ideally, however, dermal sampling data will be used. Both direct and indirect methods can be used to sample skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00375-00249419-00250036 Surface wipes, collection pads, skin washes, and tape stripping are among the methods available. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00376-00250036-00250556 We can classify the different dermal sampling methods into three categories: nHxI3Zzj6CE-00377-00250556-00251043 surrogate skin methods, removal techniques, and imaging methods. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00378-00251043-00251436 Surrogate skin methods involve a worker performing a task while wearing something to nHxI3Zzj6CE-00379-00251436-00251996 intercept and capture the material of interest before it comes in contact with the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00380-00251996-00252763 One approach is to use adsorbent patches as illustrated by this image from Liljelind and co- authors. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00381-00252763-00253449 Here, we see a subject wearing gloves that have six patches with adsorbent materials attached to them. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00382-00253450-00253976 After a task is performed or at the end of a work day, these patches can be removed and nHxI3Zzj6CE-00383-00253976-00254436 analyzed to try to measure how much material is present on the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00384-00254436-00255009 Similar analyses can be performed using chemical protective gloves or even whole body suits. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00385-00255010-00255440 Materials collected can be washed from the surface of the gloves or body suit after the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00386-00255440-00255890 worker takes them off and then analyzed chemically. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00387-00255890-00256390 Removal techniques try to recover and analyze materials that have collected on the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00388-00256390-00257060 One method is to have workers carefully wash their skin and to collect the wash liquid for chemical analysis. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00389-00257060-00257473 This is likely to be most effective for hands and forearms. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00390-00257473-00257989 There are also wiping techniques, as illustrated by Behroozy et al., where the skin is wiped after nHxI3Zzj6CE-00391-00257990-00258810 exposure, materials are later eluted from the wipes, and then the eluate is analyzed chemically. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00392-00258810-00259416 Another approach is tape stripping, where tape is applied to the skin surface after exposure and pulled back off. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00393-00259416-00260069 Then, either a chemical or microscopic analysis may be performed on material attached to the tape. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00394-00260069-00260443 This technique is most useful for particle exposures. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00395-00260443-00261226 Imaging methods look at the surface of the skin to try to detect materials in situ, or in place on the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00396-00261226-00261713 Because these methods are based on the ability of the agent of interest to fluoresce, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00397-00261713-00262243 as shown in this image, they are applicable in only a limited number of situations. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00398-00262243-00262843 For example, this approach has been used for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which fluoresce well. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00399-00262843-00263603 However, imaging methods do not work for most agents, and the limits of detection are relatively high, meaning it may be hard to detect agents nHxI3Zzj6CE-00400-00263603-00264066 like nanomaterials that are likely to be present in very small quantities. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00401-00264066-00264919 For the absorption rate, the default value can be set to 100%, which is the most conservative, or most protective, assumption. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00402-00264920-00265280 However, complete absorption is unlikely in most cases. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00403-00265280-00266030 For example, because substances with high vapor pressure are likely to evaporate rapidly, significant absorption is unlikely. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00404-00266030-00266740 Similarly, particles, large molecules, and insoluble liquids will have a hard time penetrating through the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00405-00266740-00267263 Values for percentage absorbed exist in the published literature for some materials. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00406-00267263-00267836 Published data for toluene, for example, indicate that only about 4% will be absorbed. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00407-00267836-00268606 Lastly, we can look at the software IH SkinPerm which contains absorption rate information for many chemicals. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00408-00268606-00269189 Step 4 in a quantitative dermal risk assessment is to make a decision based on the occupational nHxI3Zzj6CE-00409-00269190-00269570 exposure limit equivalent and the absorbed dose rate estimate. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00410-00269570-00270080 The relationship between those values can be placed into one of four categories, which are the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00411-00270080-00270640 same as the American Industrial Hygiene Association's exposure category rating scheme. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00412-00270640-00271623 Category 1 is for when the dose rate estimate is less than 10% of the OEL equivalent, category 2 is for when the dose rate is between 10 and nHxI3Zzj6CE-00413-00271623-00272616 50% of the OEL equivalent, category 3 is for when the dose rate is between 50% of the OEL equivalent and the OEL equivalent, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00414-00272616-00273269 and category 4 is for when the dose rate estimate is greater than the OEL equivalent. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00415-00273270-00274146 The recommendations for control measures based on these categories are, for category 1, to use good general industrial hygiene practices. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00416-00274146-00275063 For category 2, consider process modification, substitution of different chemicals, isolation of the worker from the process or the process from nHxI3Zzj6CE-00417-00275063-00276066 the worker, better cleaning routines, improved training, better hygiene procedures for individual workers, better laundering of clothing, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00418-00276066-00276793 skin care programs, use of disposable gloves, and skin condition reporting by workers. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00419-00276793-00277773 For category 3, consider everything in category 2 plus full containment of the process, thicker chemical protective gloves rather than nHxI3Zzj6CE-00420-00277773-00278653 disposable gloves, the use of other personal protective equipment ‒ chemical protective clothing perhaps, and also, rather than nHxI3Zzj6CE-00421-00278653-00279329 self-reporting of skin conditions, having a skin surveillance program with dermal observation by clinicians. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00422-00279330-00280136 For category 4, advice should be sought from specialists in exposure control methods, especially engineering controls. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00423-00280136-00280693 Let's take a look at an example of how to perform a quantitative dermal risk assessment. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00424-00280693-00281233 The image on this slide is of an employee who is reconnecting 20 transfer lines inside a nHxI3Zzj6CE-00425-00281233-00282003 manufacturing plant over the course of a work day. The transfer liquid contains 15% toluene by weight. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00426-00282003-00282479 The worker's hands can potentially be exposed to the transfer liquid. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00427-00282480-00283096 The TLV for toluene is 20 parts per million, which is equivalent to 75 milligrams per cubic meter. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00428-00283096-00283693 We multiply the TLV by the suggested inhalation rate of 10 cubic meters per day to give an nHxI3Zzj6CE-00429-00283693-00284379 OEL equivalent of 750 milligrams per day for the absorbed dose rate through the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00430-00284380-00285000 To calculate dose, we need to think about each of the five key determinants of dermal exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00431-00285000-00285386 Exposure is likely to occur only through the front of the hands. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00432-00285386-00285899 This would be about half of the total surface area of the hands listed in the EPA "Exposure nHxI3Zzj6CE-00433-00285900-00286383 Factors Handbook", or about 535 square centimeters. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00434-00286383-00286849 Because exposure is from a liquid, we can estimate the amount of the liquid retained nHxI3Zzj6CE-00435-00286850-00287263 on the skin to be about 2.0 milligrams per square centimeter. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00436-00287263-00288159 An alternative would be to perform wipe sampling or use absorbent pads on the worker to measure the amount retained on the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00437-00288160-00289200 The weight fraction of toluene in the transfer liquid is 15% or 0.15. The frequency or number of contacts is 20 per day. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00438-00289200-00290103 And, for now, we are going to use the default assumption of 100%, or 1.0, for absorption through the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00439-00290103-00291033 When we apply all of these factors, we have 535 square centimeters times 2.0 milligrams per square centimeter times 0.15 for the weight nHxI3Zzj6CE-00440-00291033-00292149 fraction times 20 contacts per day times 1.0 for the default absorption, which gives us an absorbed dose rate of 3,200 milligrams per day. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00441-00292150-00292803 Then, our exposure category can be determined by dividing our estimated dose rate of 3,200 nHxI3Zzj6CE-00442-00292803-00293833 milligrams per day by the OEL equivalent dose rate of 750 milligrams per day, which is about 4.3 or 430%. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00443-00293833-00294356 This is clearly a category 4 exposure in the exposure category rating scheme. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00444-00294356-00294929 With this category rating, we would seek advice from specialists in exposure control. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00445-00294930-00295613 If, instead of using the default assumption for absorption, we look for data for absorption, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00446-00295613-00296383 we can find data in the literature that indicate that only 4% of toluene in contact with the skin ends up being absorbed. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00447-00296383-00297239 This is a huge difference from the default assumption: 4%, or 0.04, rather than 100%, or 1.0. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00448-00297240-00297773 When this revised factor is plugged into the equation, our new estimate for absorbed dose nHxI3Zzj6CE-00449-00297773-00298349 rate is 130 milligrams per day rather than 3,200 milligrams per day. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00450-00298350-00299443 This new estimate is only 17% of the OEL equivalent, rather than 430%, giving us an exposure rating category of 2 rather than 4. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00451-00299443-00300359 So, with this more accurate absorption value, we can consider process modification, substitution of different chemicals, isolation of the worker nHxI3Zzj6CE-00452-00300360-00301256 from the process, better cleaning routines, improved training, better hygiene procedures, better laundering of clothes, skin care programs, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00453-00301256-00302116 use of disposable gloves, and skin condition reporting, instead of immediately consulting with an expert in exposure controls. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00454-00302116-00302889 There is one more alternative to consider for this example: using IH SkinPerm to calculate the absorption. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00455-00302890-00303980 The scenario is the same. The affected skin area is 535 square centimeters. IH SkinPerm also requires a dermal deposition rate as input. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00456-00303980-00304830 This is the amount of material being emitted, transferred, or deposited on the skin in units of milligrams per square centimeter per hour. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00457-00304830-00305620 We can estimate this value from the amount retained on the skin, which we took as 2.0 milligrams per square centimeter, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00458-00305620-00306290 times the 0.15 weight fraction times the 20 contacts per day divided by an estimate of nHxI3Zzj6CE-00459-00306290-00307070 8 hours of work per day, which gives us 0.75 milligram per square centimeter per hour. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00460-00307070-00307626 Let's take a look at IH SkinPerm, which you can download at this website from the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00461-00307626-00308103 Exposure Assessment Strategies Committee of the American Industrial Hygiene Association. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00462-00308103-00308629 The download is a Microsoft Excel macro- enabled worksheet. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00463-00308630-00309263 From this first screen, we can click into the data input page. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00464-00309263-00310363 We will use the SkinPerm internal database, and choose toluene as our substance. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00465-00310363-00311329 Instead of instantaneous deposition, we're considering deposition over time because we have 20 contacts per day. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00466-00311330-00311976 The affected skin area is 535 square centimeters. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00467-00311976-00312786 The skin adherence for solids is not relevant in this scenario, so we will leave the default value in place. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00468-00312786-00313853 We estimated a dermal deposition rate of 0.75 milligram per square centimeter per hour. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00469-00313853-00314989 The IH SkinPerm documentation recommends that we set the thickness of stagnant air to 1 centimeter for uncovered skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00470-00314990-00316356 We will start deposition at the beginning of the work day and end at the completion of an 8-hour work day. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00471-00316356-00317473 We will carry out the scenario for 24 hours because material on the skin may still penetrate after the work day ends. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00472-00317473-00318023 Next, we hit the Start button to see our estimates. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00473-00318023-00318786 So, here we have deposition rate of 401 milligrams of toluene per hour for a total nHxI3Zzj6CE-00474-00318786-00319446 deposition of 3,210 milligrams during the 8-hour work day. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00475-00319446-00320683 Of the deposited toluene, 6.9% was absorbed for a total dose of 223 milligrams of toluene for the day. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00476-00320683-00321993 The top figure shows in black the mass of toluene estimated to deposit on the skin surface over time, in magenta how much will evaporate nHxI3Zzj6CE-00477-00321993-00322849 over time, in orange how much is in the stratum corneum, and in green how much is absorbed into the body. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00478-00322850-00323666 The bottom figure shows estimates for the absorption rate in milligrams per hour as a function of time. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00479-00323666-00324606 After 8 hours, there is very little additional absorption because most of the toluene either evaporates or penetrates the skin rapidly. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00480-00324606-00325453 We can take the dose rate of 223 milligrams of toluene per day from IH SkinPerm and divide it nHxI3Zzj6CE-00481-00325453-00326196 by our OEL equivalent of 750 milligrams per day, which is about 0.30 or 30%. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00482-00326196-00326789 This yields an exposure rating category of 2, which is the same category as our calculation nHxI3Zzj6CE-00483-00326790-00327336 using the equation with a dermal absorption of 4% for toluene. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00484-00327336-00327919 Now, let's focus some on what is known about dermal exposures to nanomaterials. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00485-00327920-00328616 These data come from a presentation by Derk Brouwer in which he reviews the literature and experiments that he and his co-authors nHxI3Zzj6CE-00486-00328616-00329283 conducted regarding the penetration or permeation of various nanoparticles through or into the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00487-00329283-00330076 The data indicate that titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are unable to either penetrate or permeate the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00488-00330076-00330599 On the other hand, cadmium selenide quantum dots are able to both penetrate and permeate nHxI3Zzj6CE-00489-00330600-00330973 the skin, and cadmium is released during this process. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00490-00330973-00331943 Silica nanoparticles are able penetrate through the skin but not permeate the skin; they may be going through hair follicles or sweat pores. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00491-00331943-00332526 Cobalt, nickel, and palladium nanoparticles are able to penetrate and permeate the skin, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00492-00332526-00333143 likely due to the release of ions from the particles rather than whole particles making it through. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00493-00333143-00333899 Platinum and rhodium nanoparticles, even at very, very small sizes, are only able to penetrate through damaged skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00494-00333900-00334260 They are not able to permeate into the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00495-00334260-00334920 This summary shows that there is the potential for some kinds of nanoparticles to penetrate and permeate the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00496-00334920-00335496 Unfortunately, the assessments of dermal penetration potential for nanomaterials are very limited so far. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00497-00335496-00336186 Therefore, we have an incomplete understanding of the broad risks posed by dermal exposures to nanomaterials. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00498-00336186-00337036 Brouwer et al. report some general trends about the effects of nanoparticle size and composition on penetration and permeation. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00499-00337036-00337539 Looking first at the influence of particle size, particles that are smaller than 4 nanometers in nHxI3Zzj6CE-00500-00337540-00338006 diameter are able to both penetrate and permeate intact skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00501-00338006-00338843 Particles between 4 and 20 nanometers in diameter have the potential to permeate into both intact and damaged skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00502-00338843-00339676 For particles between 21 and 40 nanometers in diameter, there is a risk of going through and into only damaged skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00503-00339676-00340419 Particles larger than 40 nanometers demonstrate little ability to penetrate or permeate the skin even if the skin is damaged. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00504-00340420-00341193 In regard to the influence of particle composition, toxic metals such as cadmium from quantum dots can pass through the skin and into the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00505-00341193-00341703 body, as can metal ions from metal and metal oxide nanoparticles. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00506-00341703-00342279 Impurities in carbon-based nanoparticles, such as metals used as catalysts in the formation of nHxI3Zzj6CE-00507-00342280-00342900 fullerenes and carbon nanotubes and nanofibers, can also be absorbed through the skin. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00508-00342900-00343670 As we discussed previously, transfer from surfaces is potentially a significant pathway for dermal exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00509-00343670-00344476 Brouwer et al. show data on transfer efficiency of both microscale and nanoscale particles from metal and wood surfaces. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00510-00344476-00345236 From metal surfaces, microscale particles are transferred with efficiency between 3.5 and 27%. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00511-00345236-00345589 Transfer efficiency for nanoscale particles is much higher. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00512-00345590-00346336 Between about half and all nanoparticles are transferred when skin comes in contact with contaminated metal surfaces. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00513-00346336-00346803 From wood there is less transfer than from metal because wood is a rougher surface. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00514-00346803-00347533 Between about 1 and 10% of microscale particles are transferred by contact between contaminated wood surfaces and skin, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00515-00347533-00348106 whereas 14 to 40% of nanoscale particles can be transferred from wood surfaces. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00516-00348106-00348646 These data indicate that transfer from surfaces is a more important route for dermal exposures nHxI3Zzj6CE-00517-00348646-00349093 to nanoparticles than it is for exposures to larger particles. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00518-00349093-00349723 The semi-quantitative DREAM methodology has been used by Stuurman to assess risks of nHxI3Zzj6CE-00519-00349723-00350146 dermal exposure from a variety of nanomaterial- related work tasks. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00520-00350146-00350896 The author looked at around 45 different nanomaterial processes and assessed the likelihood of exposure from emission, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00521-00350896-00351426 transfer, and deposition of engineered nanoparticles for each process and then nHxI3Zzj6CE-00522-00351426-00351893 combined the pathways to estimate the overall, or total, likelihood of exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00523-00351893-00352736 She rated the likelihood of exposure as almost impossible, very low, low, significant, and high. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00524-00352736-00353309 The small chart on the lower left focuses on four tasks with nanoparticles in liquids, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00525-00353310-00354013 and we can see that the likelihood of exposures for nanoparticles in liquid suspensions is almost impossible or very low. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00526-00354013-00354626 This matches our general principle that nanomaterials in liquids present relatively low risks of exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00527-00354626-00355166 The chart on the right presents exposure assessments for tasks with dry nanomaterials. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00528-00355166-00355663 For some of the tasks, such as weighing silver powder, working at a research reactor, or nHxI3Zzj6CE-00529-00355663-00356203 weighing carbon nanotubes, the likelihood of dermal exposure is almost impossible. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00530-00356203-00356946 Tasks like production of polymers containing carbon nanotubes have very low likelihood of exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00531-00356946-00357446 Vacuum cleaning, weighing fumed silica, handling small amounts of ferric oxide, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00532-00357446-00357979 and cleaning a nanoparticle reactor have low likelihood of dermal exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00533-00357980-00358936 Tasks with significant risks of exposure include bagging dry synthetic organoclay and emptying bags of aluminum hydroxide. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00534-00358936-00359803 Finally, tasks like emptying bags, handling dry powders, compressing empty bags, suction of powder out of bins, and dumping products from nHxI3Zzj6CE-00535-00359803-00360523 bags for nanomaterials like cerium oxide and titanium dioxide have high likelihood of dermal exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00536-00360523-00361263 Not surprisingly, tasks that put more energy into a nanopowder present a greater risk of dermal exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00537-00361263-00362109 Stuurman reorganized some of the tasks according to the type of task and found that, in general, dumping products from bags creates a nHxI3Zzj6CE-00538-00362110-00362726 high risk of exposure mostly due to transfer of nanomaterials from surfaces to hands. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00539-00362726-00363229 Bagging of dry powders also presents fairly significant risks, as does handling of small nHxI3Zzj6CE-00540-00363230-00363720 amounts, less than a kilogram, of nanoparticles in certain processes. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00541-00363720-00364223 These analyses show that the semi-quantitative DREAM approach can suggest tasks during nHxI3Zzj6CE-00542-00364223-00364749 which workers should be specifically protected against the risk of dermal exposure. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00543-00364750-00365413 What about dermal sampling for nanoparticles using the basic approaches we discussed a little while ago? nHxI3Zzj6CE-00544-00365413-00366209 For surrogate skin methods, it is possible to estimate the emission, deposition, and transfer pathways fairly accurately, or at least the sum of nHxI3Zzj6CE-00545-00366210-00366600 those pathways, by sampling from chemical protective clothing. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00546-00366600-00367320 However, after the nanomaterials are removed from the clothing into a suspension, there are significant challenges with chemical extraction nHxI3Zzj6CE-00547-00367320-00367796 and analytical sensitivity because such small quantities are present. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00548-00367796-00368343 In addition, information on particle size and particle agglomeration is lost with this approach. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00549-00368343-00368686 Removal techniques offer some useful opportunities. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00550-00368686-00369273 Washing and wiping techniques, unfortunately, will alter particle size and agglomeration status. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00551-00369273-00369856 As with surrogate skin methods, large chemical extraction and analysis challenges are present nHxI3Zzj6CE-00552-00369856-00370369 with washing and wiping because the nanomaterials are in a dilute suspension. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00553-00370370-00370840 Tape stripping, on the other hand, is less likely to alter particle size and agglomeration, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00554-00370840-00371440 and it is relatively easy to detect particles because they can be observed directly on the tape. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00555-00371440-00372206 In addition, nanoparticles may feasibly be sized and analyzed for composition using scanning electron microscopy. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00556-00372206-00372883 Not enough research has been conducted on tape stripping to confidently say when and where it can be used effectively, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00557-00372883-00373436 but this technique probably has the greatest promise for sampling nanoparticles from skin nHxI3Zzj6CE-00558-00373436-00374019 simply because we're not diluting the sampled particles in a substantial volume of liquid. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00559-00374020-00374836 Imaging methods are not likely to be effective for nanomaterials because it's hard to detect nanoparticles by fluorescence. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00560-00374836-00375659 Workers who are likely to suffer from skin disease based on what we know about their jobs and who also use nano-enabled products may nHxI3Zzj6CE-00561-00375660-00375963 be most at risk from dermal exposures to nanomaterials. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00562-00375963-00376949 For instance, in the healthcare sector, dental practitioners, assistants, and technicians and nurses tend to have skin disease from their jobs, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00563-00376950-00377630 and now they are also working, potentially, with nanocomposites in dentistry or nanomedicines as part of patient care. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00564-00377630-00378343 Because they experience high rates of skin disease, these workers have greater risk of a significant dermal exposure than other nHxI3Zzj6CE-00565-00378343-00378919 workers who may be exposed to the same nanomaterials but are less likely to have work- related skin disease. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00566-00378920-00379643 Similarly, in the personal care sector, hairdressers and beauticians are exposed to a variety of personal care products that may nHxI3Zzj6CE-00567-00379643-00380033 contain nanomaterials and they also tend to have skin disease. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00568-00380033-00380506 Other workers at high risk of skin disease and with potential exposures to nanomaterials nHxI3Zzj6CE-00569-00380506-00381209 include construction painters, concrete repair workers, cleaners, and auto body repair workers. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00570-00381210-00381866 We should pay special attention when evaluating dermal exposures to nanomaterials among these workers because they are more nHxI3Zzj6CE-00571-00381866-00382683 prone to having skin injuries and, therefore, have a greater chance of absorbing nanomaterials from the skin contaminant layer into the body. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00572-00382683-00383249 To summarize, dermal exposures to nanoparticles can occur from direct emissions, nHxI3Zzj6CE-00573-00383250-00383713 deposition from air, or transfer from contaminated surfaces or clothing. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00574-00383713-00384196 Dermal risk can be assessed using qualitative methods, semi-quantitative approaches like the nHxI3Zzj6CE-00575-00384196-00384639 DREAM method, and quantitative methods that may include dermal sampling. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00576-00384640-00385333 Bagging and dumping present the greatest risk of dermal exposures to nanomaterials, mostly from transfer pathways. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00577-00385333-00385876 And, dermal sampling methods for nanoparticles present many challenges, and few studies have nHxI3Zzj6CE-00578-00385876-00386386 demonstrated these methods, so more research into sampling methods is needed. nHxI3Zzj6CE-00579-00389490-00389686 Thank you for your attention! nNQqVBxeUJk-00000-00001417-00001617 Yes nNQqVBxeUJk-00001-00001846-00002046 Topology students so a lot of nNQqVBxeUJk-00002-00002146-00002673 insects, but the project will have been working on when I'm going to be talking to you today is about coral plantings and nNQqVBxeUJk-00003-00002736-00002945 now we can use these formal plantings to nNQqVBxeUJk-00004-00002971-00003479 Maximize pollinator protection and also to try to promote a pest expression in the hall at the same time nNQqVBxeUJk-00005-00003526-00003801 So as an outline of what I'm going to be talking about nNQqVBxeUJk-00006-00003853-00004053 Also very in the back you can nNQqVBxeUJk-00007-00004228-00004428 Also enjoy know let's say blue nNQqVBxeUJk-00008-00004459-00005084 Because it's not very bright so the cell might get privacy, but as now madam. I'm going to be talking about first nNQqVBxeUJk-00009-00005085-00005406 We're going to go into the background about planting. What are they? nNQqVBxeUJk-00010-00006586-00007361 They don't know the background of my project what we did the results that we found and see you know how this ended up also nNQqVBxeUJk-00011-00007603-00007823 And finally application nNQqVBxeUJk-00012-00009226-00009731 Flowers around potato fields originally I was working in berries my project had to switch a bit nNQqVBxeUJk-00013-00009787-00010376 But even though I'm working with flowers around potato field these results do apply very nicely to other crops nNQqVBxeUJk-00014-00010377-00010456 and nNQqVBxeUJk-00015-00010456-00010803 As it's illustrated by the fact that originally we were going to work in berries nNQqVBxeUJk-00016-00010810-00011328 Berries are actually a very good crop to have these floral resources around so although my results are talking about nNQqVBxeUJk-00017-00011368-00011606 potato fields this does relate very well to nNQqVBxeUJk-00018-00011635-00012104 Berries and we will go into a bit of other research that other people have done and tie all that together pretty nicely nNQqVBxeUJk-00019-00012145-00012345 But jumping right into its nNQqVBxeUJk-00020-00012346-00012789 Floral plantings in agriculture so first off. What are we talking about when we say floral plantings? nNQqVBxeUJk-00021-00012789-00013076 what is it that we were referring to well usually it's nNQqVBxeUJk-00022-00013104-00013772 Perennial wildflower plantings that are planted around the edges of fields and that gets up the next question of where is it usually use nNQqVBxeUJk-00023-00013812-00014531 It's oftentimes put in the unproductive margins of fields where you normally have just sort of grass or other things grow unmanaged land sometimes nNQqVBxeUJk-00024-00014532-00014924 It's actually sown within the field itself you have strips of wildflowers intercropped with everything else nNQqVBxeUJk-00025-00014925-00015049 That's a bit less common nNQqVBxeUJk-00026-00015049-00015497 What we're going to be talking about is when it's actually in the margins of field if you look in the background of this slide nNQqVBxeUJk-00027-00015497-00015983 You can see that behind that yellow sign and around that yellow sign. There's this a wild thought plant thing nNQqVBxeUJk-00028-00015984-00016518 They have there which is underneath powerlines and between the road on the left and the crops on the right so again nNQqVBxeUJk-00029-00016534-00017007 Generally unused land that you can then have this wildflower seed mixture planted there nNQqVBxeUJk-00030-00017007-00017348 And what do you hope to accomplish when you put these floral plantings in well? nNQqVBxeUJk-00031-00017362-00017673 First and foremost you want there to be a stable source of flowers nNQqVBxeUJk-00032-00017716-00018086 Throughout the year and this source of flowers can attract beneficial organisms nNQqVBxeUJk-00033-00018087-00018441 And this will then provide benefits to the grower in the form of what we call nNQqVBxeUJk-00034-00018487-00018894 Ecosystem services and for those of you who haven't heard the term ecosystem services nNQqVBxeUJk-00035-00018894-00019071 I'll be using it a lot and what that is nNQqVBxeUJk-00036-00019071-00019443 It's a very broad term and includes quite a few different things nNQqVBxeUJk-00037-00019447-00019994 but for the most part it can be defined as an ecosystem service if it is a value that is provided by the nNQqVBxeUJk-00038-00020017-00020217 environment to humans nNQqVBxeUJk-00039-00020224-00020963 And usually minimal or no input is required from us humans in order to get this benefit after initial sort of establishment nNQqVBxeUJk-00040-00021007-00021611 Period and so usually this results in higher yields, but it can also lead to reduced cost by reducing the inputs nNQqVBxeUJk-00041-00021612-00021933 You don't have to use many pesticides. You don't have to bring and manage honeybees to pollinate nNQqVBxeUJk-00042-00022009-00022344 Things like that, but it also can include with other novel benefits nNQqVBxeUJk-00043-00022344-00022557 or even novel sources of revenue and nNQqVBxeUJk-00044-00022570-00023033 To get at what some of these ecosystem services are this might be kind of hard for you guys to read nNQqVBxeUJk-00045-00023034-00023420 But there's a whole list of them all right here. This is not all of them nNQqVBxeUJk-00046-00023420-00023714 This is just quite a few that there are there's things like weed suppression nNQqVBxeUJk-00047-00023818-00024048 Biological control, which is your predation of pests? nNQqVBxeUJk-00048-00024070-00024617 There's things like conservation erosion control ecotourism. That's one of those novel sources of revenue nNQqVBxeUJk-00049-00024618-00024828 We're talking about things like aesthetics nNQqVBxeUJk-00050-00024828-00025398 It just looks prettier and then also things like water retention and increasing the amount of carbon present in the soil nNQqVBxeUJk-00051-00025441-00025829 And this figure also shows a very neat thing which is sort of this sack of nNQqVBxeUJk-00052-00025897-00026405 Services right here, and this gets idea of sack ecosystem services if you put in floral plantings nNQqVBxeUJk-00053-00026406-00027126 You probably won't just get one of these benefits. You'll instead get multiple benefits from it so with floral plantings nNQqVBxeUJk-00054-00027126-00027310 What do we hope to accomplish? nNQqVBxeUJk-00055-00027310-00028049 Well if they do indeed provide flowers throughout the season first and foremost we would hope this will help us to conserve beneficial organisms nNQqVBxeUJk-00056-00028077-00028236 These flowers are present nNQqVBxeUJk-00057-00028236-00028334 They're not something nNQqVBxeUJk-00058-00028334-00028976 That's normally there in an Agrico system so more insects when more other beneficial organisms will come and be attracted to that nNQqVBxeUJk-00059-00029008-00029570 Beneficial organisms could be pollinators all kinds of different beads that can then pollinate your crops. It could be predators nNQqVBxeUJk-00060-00029570-00029987 I can move in there or it could be you want to preserve more charismatic species say like nNQqVBxeUJk-00061-00030000-00030521 Monarch butterflies or something like that those would all fall under the category of an official organism nNQqVBxeUJk-00062-00030534-00031118 And if you do attract something like pollinators you would then hope that they are attracted to the flowers they move into the adjacent crops nNQqVBxeUJk-00063-00031118-00031646 And you get some sort of pollination service if you're working in something like blueberries that could be very important where you actually need nNQqVBxeUJk-00064-00031653-00031928 pollination or to get good fruit set and then nNQqVBxeUJk-00065-00031956-00032249 Another similar thing you could promote the predation of pests nNQqVBxeUJk-00066-00032265-00032942 Predators are attracted to a wild flower planting they then move into the field and they also will eat pests that might be economically damaging nNQqVBxeUJk-00067-00032982-00033174 And so those are three nNQqVBxeUJk-00068-00033174-00033351 Pretty easy to measure nNQqVBxeUJk-00069-00033351-00033587 different ecosystem services that I'm going to talk about nNQqVBxeUJk-00070-00033587-00034118 But there's also a couple of more intangible things that can be provided as you can see here in the background nNQqVBxeUJk-00071-00034118-00034364 These are all members of the EPA who are on a farm? nNQqVBxeUJk-00072-00034411-00035063 Inspecting a floral planting that has been put in by a grower and this gives it the idea that an ecosystem service that these plantings nNQqVBxeUJk-00073-00035063-00035285 Can provide is meeting sustainability initiatives? nNQqVBxeUJk-00074-00035286-00035738 Or goals of environmental stewardship these are things that companies often want to do nNQqVBxeUJk-00075-00035738-00036017 Or you don't have to do based on different requirements nNQqVBxeUJk-00076-00036017-00036320 And so this is a really good way to do that you have all these flowers there nNQqVBxeUJk-00077-00036349-00036752 And also this looks really good other people in a lot of scenarios you get good nNQqVBxeUJk-00078-00036752-00037301 PR it can appeal to your consumers it shows that you know you do indeed care about the environment or having sustainable nNQqVBxeUJk-00079-00037317-00037685 Practices so both of these are somewhat harder to quantify nNQqVBxeUJk-00080-00037686-00038003 But they're both very important because these are two of the primary nNQqVBxeUJk-00081-00038028-00038435 Reasons why a lot of growers actually put these flower plantings in in the first place nNQqVBxeUJk-00082-00038490-00038948 So right here we have a whole bunch of different benefits that these floral plantings can provide nNQqVBxeUJk-00083-00038994-00039701 Conserving beneficial organisms having pollinators present predators that move into your field and hopefully suppress pests, and then also those two more intangible nNQqVBxeUJk-00084-00039852-00040538 Ecosystem services at the end and as I said before we're focusing more on those first three because there's something that I could measure nNQqVBxeUJk-00085-00040538-00040895 that's what my project and research is dealing with but don't forget about those last two because nNQqVBxeUJk-00086-00040908-00041318 We will talk about them a little bit at the end, and they are very important now nNQqVBxeUJk-00087-00041319-00041994 There are some unknowns related to those ecosystem services and the biggest ones is that the results often do very case-by-case nNQqVBxeUJk-00088-00042013-00042404 If you put in these wild flowers you're almost certainly going to attract more beneficial organisms nNQqVBxeUJk-00089-00042450-00043028 But if you do attract more pollinators do they actually move into your crops do they actually provide additional pollination? nNQqVBxeUJk-00090-00043028-00043430 Or if you attract more predators do they have an appreciable impact on pests again? nNQqVBxeUJk-00091-00043431-00043850 Do they move into your crops do they actually eat enough pests so that you might not have to spray or you? nNQqVBxeUJk-00092-00043866-00044435 Know you will actually see a benefit from it and then finally one of the last things that is oftentimes a bit unknown is how? nNQqVBxeUJk-00093-00044436-00045165 Compatible this is with conventional agriculture because usually it's smaller growers who put in these kinds of floral plantings so my project nNQqVBxeUJk-00094-00045181-00045632 tries to answer or at least get at the answers for a lot of these different questions, so nNQqVBxeUJk-00095-00045655-00046085 The background for my project we were working with Rd Offutt. Who is excuse me nNQqVBxeUJk-00096-00046188-00046592 Rd Offutt who's a very large producer of potatoes and they have farms across the country? nNQqVBxeUJk-00097-00046593-00046979 But they have one very large farm as you can see here around Park Rapids nNQqVBxeUJk-00098-00046980-00047657 Which is in north-central, Minnesota, and they've got quite a few fields that are also quite large. They're about a kilometer in diameter nNQqVBxeUJk-00099-00047719-00048317 And on the edges and these unproductive margins like we're talking about they've sown a mixture of flowers there nNQqVBxeUJk-00100-00048318-00048400 so nNQqVBxeUJk-00101-00048400-00048989 where there's normal sort of grass or maybe trees or shrubs you now have a patch of flowers growing and nNQqVBxeUJk-00102-00049006-00049436 They put these in with the goal of promoting pollinators and trying to conserve nNQqVBxeUJk-00103-00049437-00049865 You know pollinators that might not normally be able to survive in this area nNQqVBxeUJk-00104-00049865-00050369 This is a commercial seed mixture that they use which was created by Syngenta and pheasants forevers nNQqVBxeUJk-00105-00050403-00050831 And again this seed mixture the stated goal is to try to promote pollinators nNQqVBxeUJk-00106-00050850-00051248 So with all that in mind this was a kind of great experimental setup where we could nNQqVBxeUJk-00107-00051265-00051440 Test something in the real world here nNQqVBxeUJk-00108-00051440-00052106 And we wanted to see how well these floral plantings actually worked so first and foremost we want to ask do the plantings establish well nNQqVBxeUJk-00109-00052107-00052571 If somebody wants to put in these flowers will they actually result in more flowers nNQqVBxeUJk-00110-00052572-00053187 And you know greater number of blooms and a wider range of species and will they last throughout the season we also want to know nNQqVBxeUJk-00111-00053205-00053820 Do these floral plantings actually attract pollinators? That's what that sold is doing so does it actually work as advertised nNQqVBxeUJk-00112-00053820-00054315 Do you get more pollinators attracted to both the margins with flowers and do these pollinators move into the field? nNQqVBxeUJk-00113-00054454-00054645 Finally we want to get at the idea of SAC nNQqVBxeUJk-00114-00054645-00055096 Ecosystem services and ask do the flora plantings also improve the predation of pests nNQqVBxeUJk-00115-00055097-00055622 That is not a selling point or the seed mixture, but oftentimes as we've seen you can get these multiple benefits nNQqVBxeUJk-00116-00055622-00056174 So those are the three questions that we want to try to answer with my research well get right into the results of it nNQqVBxeUJk-00117-00056232-00056593 Starting with floral cover and so here on the x-axis nNQqVBxeUJk-00118-00056604-00056804 We have our treatment flowers nNQqVBxeUJk-00119-00056804-00057137 Which will basically always be on the right hand side here means that the margin nNQqVBxeUJk-00120-00057164-00057673 Had that wildflower mixture put in and control means that there was no wildflower mixture nNQqVBxeUJk-00121-00057674-00058051 It's just an unmanaged margin usually grass and shrubs and in this case on the y-axis nNQqVBxeUJk-00122-00058051-00058160 We have floral cover nNQqVBxeUJk-00123-00058160-00058673 Which just means basically the number of flowers and the size of it how much area they took up as you can see here nNQqVBxeUJk-00124-00058707-00058907 The flower bar is quite a bit higher nNQqVBxeUJk-00125-00058938-00059079 It is nNQqVBxeUJk-00126-00059079-00059671 Pretty clear in this case that these floral plantings did lead to a greater number of flowers being present nNQqVBxeUJk-00127-00059672-00059838 And this seems like have an obvious result nNQqVBxeUJk-00128-00059838-00060413 But it is actually a very important thing in some cases when people put in these wildflower plantings especially if the seat nNQqVBxeUJk-00129-00060438-00060985 Sets not designed very well. It doesn't actually do anything so it's really important to know that yes nNQqVBxeUJk-00130-00060986-00061666 You do get more flowers if you use this particular seed mixture at least we also didn't just look at floral cover nNQqVBxeUJk-00131-00061666-00061789 We looked at floral richness nNQqVBxeUJk-00132-00061789-00062005 Do you get a wider range of flowers and again? nNQqVBxeUJk-00133-00062025-00062389 X-axis is the same y axis is now the number of species the results are very nNQqVBxeUJk-00134-00062400-00062791 Similar when you put in this wildflower planting you get not only a greater number of flowers nNQqVBxeUJk-00135-00062807-00063367 But you get a greater variety of species of flowers being there so to answer that first question nNQqVBxeUJk-00136-00063380-00063958 Do these floral plantings establish? Well yes, it seems so they led to more flowers covering more area nNQqVBxeUJk-00137-00063992-00064198 they also led to a greater number of species and nNQqVBxeUJk-00138-00064205-00064925 These flowers most importantly would bloom throughout the season so they provide that stable source of resources for beneficial organism nNQqVBxeUJk-00139-00064925-00065365 So check check and check that was all good well plant things did indeed establish well nNQqVBxeUJk-00140-00065397-00065612 But we're gonna move on to these slightly more interesting nNQqVBxeUJk-00141-00065688-00066301 topic of pollinators did it bring in a greater number of bees and other beneficial organisms that can help to pollinate nNQqVBxeUJk-00142-00066516-00066755 So axes are the same again now the nNQqVBxeUJk-00143-00066789-00067252 y-axis this times the number of pollinators that we found on average each time we went out and sampled and nNQqVBxeUJk-00144-00067272-00067799 We found a very similar result to what we found with how well the flowers did and that the flowers did indeed? nNQqVBxeUJk-00145-00067836-00068094 tracked a significantly higher number of pollinators nNQqVBxeUJk-00146-00068094-00068426 And this again is an exciting result it shows that yes more nNQqVBxeUJk-00147-00068457-00068924 Pollinators are being attracted to these flowers and again this seems to be working as advertised nNQqVBxeUJk-00148-00068925-00069219 But we weren't just interested in the number of pollinators president nNQqVBxeUJk-00149-00069219-00069789 We also want to know how does the pollinator species richness fared are we attracting a more diverse community? nNQqVBxeUJk-00150-00069805-00070350 To this area and unfortunately here. It doesn't seem like that's the case the bars of this is exactly the same nNQqVBxeUJk-00151-00070350-00071033 They're not statistically significantly different from each other and so this is important because we were attracting a greater number of pollinators nNQqVBxeUJk-00152-00071033-00071522 But we're not actually conserving a wider range of species so if that's your goal nNQqVBxeUJk-00153-00071583-00072137 To use a plural mixture like this. Do not just bring in more pollinators, but also to try to conserve nNQqVBxeUJk-00154-00072138-00072617 You know about our number of species. It's definitely possible that it might not work out so well at least nNQqVBxeUJk-00155-00072618-00072831 That's what our results indicate for right now nNQqVBxeUJk-00156-00072889-00073481 Now moving on to pollination, are you actually getting these pollinators moving into your field and Paulo dating your crops nNQqVBxeUJk-00157-00073482-00074183 Well, we were working in potatoes, and we didn't quantify pollination because the potatoes don't need it. We're not planting these potatoes from seed in nNQqVBxeUJk-00158-00074236-00074374 this case nNQqVBxeUJk-00159-00074374-00074639 So we didn't directly quantify pollination nNQqVBxeUJk-00160-00074639-00074954 But there was a good proxy for that and that's just looking at how many nNQqVBxeUJk-00161-00074974-00075043 pollinators are nNQqVBxeUJk-00162-00075043-00075438 Present in the field because if their opponent is present in the field we could assume if there were flowers nNQqVBxeUJk-00163-00075438-00075586 They might very well be nNQqVBxeUJk-00164-00075586-00076038 Pollinating them so we want to determine if the pollinators move into the crop and with that in mind nNQqVBxeUJk-00165-00076039-00076658 Here's what we found. This one's a little bit more complicated, but y-axis. Sorry x-axis on the bottom nNQqVBxeUJk-00166-00076658-00077165 We have metres from the margin so the further to the right we go the further into the crop nNQqVBxeUJk-00167-00077166-00077355 We are zero metres in the case nNQqVBxeUJk-00168-00077355-00077789 we're in the margin itself y-axis is the number of individuals and here the nNQqVBxeUJk-00169-00077824-00078462 Sort of light green is when we had a control margin the teal is when we had flowers in the margin and you can see nNQqVBxeUJk-00170-00078511-00078926 Right off the bat that the further we go into the crop nNQqVBxeUJk-00171-00078999-00079376 The fewer pollinators we find there's quite a few pollinators present in the margins nNQqVBxeUJk-00172-00079376-00079754 But they don't seem to really be going very far into the crop even at the edge 10 metres in nNQqVBxeUJk-00173-00079762-00080210 There's very few pollinators that are actually moving from those margins into the crowd nNQqVBxeUJk-00174-00080232-00080690 So yeah few pollinators are going very far into our cropping system nNQqVBxeUJk-00175-00080701-00080990 That's not the only thing we were interested in we also wanted to see nNQqVBxeUJk-00176-00081031-00081400 Our more being attracted by the flowers and it's kind of small nNQqVBxeUJk-00177-00081400-00081954 But you can see that these teal bars are higher than the green bars there nNQqVBxeUJk-00178-00081955-00082231 And we ran the analysis this was actually significant nNQqVBxeUJk-00179-00082231-00082698 So it's true that the flowers did lead to more pollinators being present in the crop although nNQqVBxeUJk-00180-00082699-00083131 There's not very many pollinators in general who are going to be there in the first place? nNQqVBxeUJk-00181-00083195-00083833 So looking at our results for pollinators and for pollination do the full planting to attract pollinators, well yes nNQqVBxeUJk-00182-00083833-00084343 It seems so the flowers did indeed attract more pollinators to the edge of the crop, but nNQqVBxeUJk-00183-00084464-00084691 They did not increase the number of species present nNQqVBxeUJk-00184-00084692-00084862 We didn't get a more diverse community nNQqVBxeUJk-00185-00084862-00085245 and so our goal of conservation might not be being met in that case and nNQqVBxeUJk-00186-00085280-00085608 There were more pollinators present in the crop when we have the flowers nNQqVBxeUJk-00187-00085609-00086181 But it was a very small increase in numbers there weren't that many to begin with so we are actually looking to increase rates of nNQqVBxeUJk-00188-00086182-00086485 Pollination this might not work out so well nNQqVBxeUJk-00189-00086549-00087021 So next we're going on to the final point that we looked at which is predation of pests nNQqVBxeUJk-00190-00087022-00087505 Are we attracting predators are they going into the crop and are they eating different test organisms? nNQqVBxeUJk-00191-00087505-00088006 And so we utilize Sentinel prey which in our case was egg masses from Colorado potato beetle nNQqVBxeUJk-00192-00088040-00088713 Which is the main pest in potatoes and we put those inside the margins that's in the flowers themselves or inside the grassy? nNQqVBxeUJk-00193-00088838-00089199 Control areas and the reason we did that was we wanted to test first of all are there nNQqVBxeUJk-00194-00089207-00089674 Organisms being attracted to the flowers that will eat insects or eat these pests at all nNQqVBxeUJk-00195-00089674-00089874 And then we would also look at inside the crop nNQqVBxeUJk-00196-00089875-00090340 But first you want to make sure that this was actually working inside the margins themselves on the y-axis nNQqVBxeUJk-00197-00090340-00090598 We have the number of eggs missing or consumed nNQqVBxeUJk-00198-00090641-00090961 X-axis is the same as usual? I think this speaks for itself pretty? nNQqVBxeUJk-00199-00090961-00091494 Well this flower bar is a lot bigger than the other one and the margins that had flowers nNQqVBxeUJk-00200-00091529-00092064 Predators were coming and they were eating these eggs at a much much higher rate than in the control margins nNQqVBxeUJk-00201-00092065-00092499 So this is an exciting result because it indicates that if you put in these flowers you are attracting predators nNQqVBxeUJk-00202-00092500-00093064 And these predators will eat these different pests that might be present so that's great. That's in the margin though nNQqVBxeUJk-00203-00093064-00093264 Let's not in the crop where we actually want it, so nNQqVBxeUJk-00204-00093272-00093874 We decided to put the eggs in the crop as well and see what we got and fortunately. This is a very different result nNQqVBxeUJk-00205-00093938-00094258 They look like they're different. They're actually not in fact if you look nNQqVBxeUJk-00206-00094258-00094765 There's like maybe one egg consumed in general on no effect here nNQqVBxeUJk-00207-00094806-00095317 So it seems that the Predators might be tracked well the Predators are being attracted to the flowers. That's showing up nNQqVBxeUJk-00208-00095318-00095914 They do want to eat these pest organisms, but they are not moving from those margins into the crop itself nNQqVBxeUJk-00209-00095914-00096196 Which is where we actually want this predation to occur nNQqVBxeUJk-00210-00096288-00096628 So do flower plantings improve their predation of pests nNQqVBxeUJk-00211-00096629-00097270 Well they do attract predators the flowers do indeed attract predators those predators will eat more pests inside the margin nNQqVBxeUJk-00212-00097277-00097783 Themselves, but the benefit in our case leaf does not seem to extend into the crop nNQqVBxeUJk-00213-00097783-00098407 Which is where of course we actually want it to be happening so as no review of all the different results that we found nNQqVBxeUJk-00214-00098430-00099089 Person form of the floor plan things did indeed increase floral cover and richness, so that's good. It's performing as advertised nNQqVBxeUJk-00215-00099141-00099757 Additionally it led to increased abundance of pollinators, so again is bringing in more pollen is from the surrounding area which is exactly nNQqVBxeUJk-00216-00099757-00100306 What we want to see and it did lead to increased predation of pests in the margin and it clearly was attracting predators nNQqVBxeUJk-00217-00100362-00100591 However there was no change in the pollyanna richness nNQqVBxeUJk-00218-00100592-00101081 not a more diverse community few of those pollinators were actually moving into the potato fields themselves and nNQqVBxeUJk-00219-00101157-00101587 There was no increase in the rate of predation at the actual edge of the crop nNQqVBxeUJk-00220-00101604-00102254 So most of the research that's been done with these floral plantings around berry crops has been done around blueberries blueberries require pollination nNQqVBxeUJk-00221-00102273-00102661 More so than things like raspberries and so this is a really good system nNQqVBxeUJk-00222-00102747-00103294 For people to be studying these plant things in and in general one of the results they found is that small fields nNQqVBxeUJk-00223-00103316-00103825 Under a hectare and size of pretty small fields relied almost exclusively on wild pollinators nNQqVBxeUJk-00224-00103851-00104402 So if you have really small fields like this soil planting could be especially helpful here you attract nNQqVBxeUJk-00225-00104420-00104647 More of these wild pollinators, they come in pollinate nNQqVBxeUJk-00226-00104648-00105074 You don't need to bring in other managed beehives, and this is true across the board even for nNQqVBxeUJk-00227-00105129-00105241 larger fields nNQqVBxeUJk-00228-00105241-00105763 Which they'd also study from this you can't read it probably but below and isaacs they found that wild flowers nNQqVBxeUJk-00229-00105785-00106289 Did indeed increase pollination in the adjacent crops and in their study it? nNQqVBxeUJk-00230-00106323-00106969 Reduced and some cases completely eliminated the need to bring in honeybee hives to help pollinate these blueberry crops nNQqVBxeUJk-00231-00106995-00107581 They also looked at if they increase the predation of pests, and they found that it actually did nNQqVBxeUJk-00232-00107664-00107864 Their results were a little bit more nNQqVBxeUJk-00233-00107888-00108286 Than ours, but they had something very similar where when they put stuff in the margin of the fields nNQqVBxeUJk-00234-00108286-00108486 That's where the most predation was on the predation nNQqVBxeUJk-00235-00108536-00108980 Dropped off pretty precipitously the further into the field you went so it was a bit better nNQqVBxeUJk-00236-00109034-00109628 But it wasn't great still so predation seems to be less likely to occur from here nNQqVBxeUJk-00237-00109628-00110188 But probably the most exciting result they had was they found that these wild flower plantings were found to be economically beneficial nNQqVBxeUJk-00238-00110223-00110693 After just a couple of years so this graph shows on the y-axis nNQqVBxeUJk-00239-00110724-00110861 We'll start that guys at the nNQqVBxeUJk-00240-00110861-00111445 X-axis is the number of years since the wildflower planting has been put in and the y-axis is the cumulative profit in dollars? nNQqVBxeUJk-00241-00111474-00111946 And we have three different scenarios here. There's one with like a maximum price nNQqVBxeUJk-00242-00111947-00112442 Where berries are selling very well, and you get a subsidy from the government for putting in these wild flower plant things nNQqVBxeUJk-00243-00112442-00112777 We have the average price of berries with no subsidy and it's sort of a worst case scenario nNQqVBxeUJk-00244-00112811-00112982 Which is where berries are not selling well nNQqVBxeUJk-00245-00112982-00113249 And you have no subsidy and you can see all these lines nNQqVBxeUJk-00246-00113268-00113941 start below zero with a cumulative profit because it costs money to put in these wildflower plantings and starting first with the nNQqVBxeUJk-00247-00114018-00114658 Sort of best case scenario maximum price with no subsidy they found that after three years you start to turn a cumulative profit nNQqVBxeUJk-00248-00114678-00114968 That these wildflower plantings attract enough pollinators nNQqVBxeUJk-00249-00115041-00115220 Where you get increased yields? nNQqVBxeUJk-00250-00115220-00115397 You don't have to bring in additional beehives nNQqVBxeUJk-00251-00115397-00115940 And it saves you enough money that after three years you start turning a profit on this, but of course nNQqVBxeUJk-00252-00115940-00116608 That's the best-case scenario and these slightly more realistic probably and worst-case scenarios after about four to five years nNQqVBxeUJk-00253-00116608-00117010 That's when they start to turn a profit. I realize now you cannot see this line at all nNQqVBxeUJk-00254-00117072-00117551 For the minimum price, but it goes right about here so after four years nNQqVBxeUJk-00255-00117564-00117796 They found even sort of under the worst-case scenario nNQqVBxeUJk-00256-00117833-00118079 These wild flower plantings would start to pay for themselves nNQqVBxeUJk-00257-00118089-00118747 in this case they were working with a core hectare blueberry field and a pretty large wildflower planting of about half a hectare, so nNQqVBxeUJk-00258-00118797-00119158 If you have large wild flower plantings and you're working in blueberries like this nNQqVBxeUJk-00259-00119158-00119855 It is very possible that you will actually start to see some tangible economic benefits from putting these then so what can you expect? nNQqVBxeUJk-00260-00119885-00120539 If you do in fact put in one of these wildflower plantings well, you're very likely to conserve beneficial organisms. They will attract pollinators nNQqVBxeUJk-00261-00120558-00120788 You'll attract predators you might attract some of these other nNQqVBxeUJk-00262-00120822-00121108 Charismatic insects that seems to be pretty certain that that nNQqVBxeUJk-00263-00121131-00121439 Happen you're also are likely to provide pollination to the crops nNQqVBxeUJk-00264-00121440-00121929 We found we attracted a lot more pollinators and combining that with the results that they found in other studies nNQqVBxeUJk-00265-00121929-00122721 It seems you will get additional pollination to crops like blueberries in terms of promoting the predation of pests that seems less likely nNQqVBxeUJk-00266-00122803-00123243 Our results indicated that was unlikely to happen other studies have found it a little bit better nNQqVBxeUJk-00267-00123243-00123485 But probably is not something you should rely on nNQqVBxeUJk-00268-00123505-00124010 that predators will be attracted to your flowers and that they will move into the adjacent crops and nNQqVBxeUJk-00269-00124033-00124265 Finally these last two sort of more intangible nNQqVBxeUJk-00270-00124408-00124608 ecosystem services or goals nNQqVBxeUJk-00271-00124611-00125016 This is something you'd have to decide for yourself if you're growing berries whether or not this nNQqVBxeUJk-00272-00125050-00125439 Meets your different desires for environmental stewardship, or being sustainable nNQqVBxeUJk-00273-00125443-00126158 But it does seem large companies are using these formal plantings, and this is the primary reason they do it. It's for good PR nNQqVBxeUJk-00274-00126159-00126309 It's for nNQqVBxeUJk-00275-00126309-00126480 You know meeting all these different goals nNQqVBxeUJk-00276-00126480-00126848 And so this definitely seems like I think a compelling reason nNQqVBxeUJk-00277-00126874-00127629 Simply on its own to put in these wildflower plantings and in addition you will likely conserve beneficial organisms and probably provide additional nNQqVBxeUJk-00278-00127651-00127851 pollination to your crops nNQqVBxeUJk-00279-00127911-00128111 As other people have done yes nNQqVBxeUJk-00280-00128170-00128541 Do you think your results would have been differed if you weren't using a potato crop? nNQqVBxeUJk-00281-00128593-00128746 It's definitely possible nNQqVBxeUJk-00282-00128746-00129546 Because again the results do vary case-by-case and so I will talk about that a little bit some people did some research with wildflowers nNQqVBxeUJk-00283-00129558-00129918 Here, but yes, that is a very good point it will be different so nNQqVBxeUJk-00284-00130003-00130532 If you're attracting pests to the trap, let's call your pollinator. Have a kind of trap problem nNQqVBxeUJk-00285-00130533-00131058 Yes, you're attracting you're attracting beneficial predators to the trap crop nNQqVBxeUJk-00286-00131058-00131727 So we've got if we've got insects that move in from the edges of the field yes, you're killing those insects nNQqVBxeUJk-00287-00131785-00131985 before they move into your field nNQqVBxeUJk-00288-00132061-00132414 When you say insects you mean pest insects questions, you know yes nNQqVBxeUJk-00289-00132430-00132953 So that is definitely possible where it's like you know if you have always you know pests that might be moving in from the edge nNQqVBxeUJk-00290-00132954-00133214 Of the field you have these flowers there they bring in predators nNQqVBxeUJk-00291-00133215-00133743 They could preemptively kill them before they move into the field is that what you're saying yes, that is definitely possible nNQqVBxeUJk-00292-00133807-00134018 It's a lot harder to actually figure that out nNQqVBxeUJk-00293-00134092-00134471 We have been measuring pests. I didn't talk about that in this talk nNQqVBxeUJk-00294-00134472-00134799 We also looked at pests inside the margins of the fields as well nNQqVBxeUJk-00295-00134851-00135054 In our case we didn't find mini nNQqVBxeUJk-00296-00135054-00135656 Colorado potato beetle they seem to sort of you know get past that barrier getting to the crops, but it is an important point that nNQqVBxeUJk-00297-00135718-00136218 These wildflower plantings might sort of preemptively prevent the pests from getting into the field in the first place nNQqVBxeUJk-00298-00136603-00137333 So the feed mixture is created by Syngenta and pheasants forevers, and I believe it's called the honey bee and monarch mix nNQqVBxeUJk-00299-00137350-00137613 So if you look if you you look that up nNQqVBxeUJk-00300-00137613-00137967 I'm sure you'll be able to find it there are other seed mixtures that are also available nNQqVBxeUJk-00301-00137968-00138659 It's not like this is the only one but this seems to be one that large producers have been using or sort of going towards nNQqVBxeUJk-00302-00138679-00138879 This is a native plant nNQqVBxeUJk-00303-00138982-00139212 It's a mixture. There's some native plants nNQqVBxeUJk-00304-00139219-00139908 There's also some stuff like there's different clovers a couple of other annuals things like that so it is a mixture between the two nNQqVBxeUJk-00305-00139993-00140369 But yes, it's about half and half. I would say is there any management nNQqVBxeUJk-00306-00140636-00140851 You can you don't have to nNQqVBxeUJk-00307-00140903-00141588 And there's also some regulations where if you put this in you're not supposed to mow it between I believe it's like April and October nNQqVBxeUJk-00308-00141620-00141988 Because you know if you go through and you cut it down them and kill all your flowers nNQqVBxeUJk-00309-00141988-00142213 It's not going to be propagate things like that oh nNQqVBxeUJk-00310-00142292-00142527 We find it some last year in the establish nNQqVBxeUJk-00311-00142643-00143289 Yes, that is important to note it takes a couple years before it really sort of comes into its own and that at the start nNQqVBxeUJk-00312-00143290-00143646 At least from what we saw here. They they don't look that great. They don't look very impressive nNQqVBxeUJk-00313-00143699-00144013 It's just like you know what did I spend my money on but if you wait a little bit? nNQqVBxeUJk-00314-00144013-00144357 They'll start to look a lot better and see you cost is not you know nNQqVBxeUJk-00315-00144467-00144909 So that is one thing that was nice with this particularly large corporation is that they were able to? nNQqVBxeUJk-00316-00144947-00145066 more on a whim say nNQqVBxeUJk-00317-00145066-00145326 Hey, we're gonna do this on a couple of our fields which is important nNQqVBxeUJk-00318-00145327-00145821 But on the other hand and the previous study done. They found that the costs were offset over time nNQqVBxeUJk-00319-00148606-00148806 You np-2vwbgUro-00000-00001639-00002064 Hello again! Welcome to Class 3 of More Data Mining with Weka. np-2vwbgUro-00001-00002064-00002528 In this class, we're going to look at rules and clustering. np-2vwbgUro-00002-00002528-00002898 In the first couple of lessons, we're going to look at decision rules. np-2vwbgUro-00003-00002898-00003598 I'm going to look in this lesson at rules versus trees, in abstract, as it were. np-2vwbgUro-00004-00003832-00004232 In the next lesson, we'll look at how to generate decision rules. np-2vwbgUro-00005-00004232-00004596 We talked a lot about decision trees in Data Mining with Weka. np-2vwbgUro-00006-00004596-00005003 For any decision tree, you can read off an equivalent set of rules. np-2vwbgUro-00007-00005003-00005159 You just go along the leaves. np-2vwbgUro-00008-00005159-00005639 For each of the five leaves, you just read off the conditions above that leaf that get np-2vwbgUro-00009-00005639-00005789 you from the root to the leaf. np-2vwbgUro-00010-00005789-00006332 "If outlook is sunny and humidity is high then 'no'"--that's a rule corresponding to np-2vwbgUro-00011-00006332-00006636 the left-most leaf. np-2vwbgUro-00012-00006636-00006984 That's easy. np-2vwbgUro-00013-00006984-00007522 We call this a "decision list" if we execute these rules in order. np-2vwbgUro-00014-00007522-00008014 If we execute them in order, then we can delete some of these clauses. np-2vwbgUro-00015-00008014-00008421 We can delete the "and humidity is normal" in the second rule, because we've already np-2vwbgUro-00016-00008421-00008828 dealt with the "humidity is high" case in the first rule, and there are no other options--if np-2vwbgUro-00017-00008828-00009107 it's not high, it's got to be normal. np-2vwbgUro-00018-00009107-00009568 Similarly, in the fourth rule, we can delete the "outlook = rainy" bit, because we've already np-2vwbgUro-00019-00009568-00010049 dealt with sunny and overcast, and if we pass through those rules, then the outlook has np-2vwbgUro-00020-00010049-00010264 got to be rainy. np-2vwbgUro-00021-00010264-00010664 Using this technique, if we execute our rules as a decision list, we can make the rule set np-2vwbgUro-00022-00010664-00010900 a little bit simpler. np-2vwbgUro-00023-00010900-00011536 There are other rule sets that are equivalent that are even simpler. np-2vwbgUro-00024-00011536-00012000 Let's look at this 3-rule set. np-2vwbgUro-00025-00012000-00012646 Imagine: is there an equivalent tree? For any tree, you can make rules; for any set np-2vwbgUro-00026-00012646-00012966 of rules, can you make a tree? The answer is, you can. np-2vwbgUro-00027-00012966-00013231 This is slightly more abstract than the previous example. np-2vwbgUro-00028-00013231-00013537 I've got: "If x=1 and y=1 then a. np-2vwbgUro-00029-00013537-00013772 If z=1 and w=1 then a. np-2vwbgUro-00030-00013772-00014472 Otherwise, b." I'm assuming that both x and y have three possible values. np-2vwbgUro-00031-00014601-00014872 We branch on x and y down the left-hand branch. np-2vwbgUro-00032-00014872-00015562 If they're both 1, that's a; fantastic! Otherwise, though, if y=2, then we've got to check z np-2vwbgUro-00033-00015562-00015654 and w. np-2vwbgUro-00034-00015654-00016219 That's done in that gray tree underneath, which is a little bit complex. np-2vwbgUro-00035-00016219-00016570 To make matters much worse, we've got to repeat this tree. np-2vwbgUro-00036-00016570-00016884 If y=3, then we've got to repeat the same tree. np-2vwbgUro-00037-00016884-00017345 That little gray triangle stands for that whole gray tree replicated. np-2vwbgUro-00038-00017345-00017776 There are a total of 4 copies of it in this. np-2vwbgUro-00039-00017776-00018311 We start with a rather simple set of rules, and we end up with a pretty complicated tree. np-2vwbgUro-00040-00018311-00018587 So in one sense, trees and rules are equivalent. np-2vwbgUro-00041-00018587-00019004 They can describe the same things: given a tree, you can create a set of rules; given np-2vwbgUro-00042-00019004-00019189 a set of rules, you can create a tree. np-2vwbgUro-00043-00019189-00019409 But in practice, they're very different. np-2vwbgUro-00044-00019409-00019823 Because--particularly if rules are expressed as a decision list and they're executed in np-2vwbgUro-00045-00019823-00020323 order--they can be much smaller than trees. np-2vwbgUro-00046-00020323-00020703 People like rules: they're easy to read and understand. np-2vwbgUro-00047-00020703-00021244 It's tempting to view them as independent "nuggets of knowledge". np-2vwbgUro-00048-00021244-00021906 If you're executing them as a decision list--and you usually are--then the meaning of the rule np-2vwbgUro-00049-00021906-00022231 must be taken in the context of the rules that precede it. np-2vwbgUro-00050-00022231-00022943 They don't really stand independently, although they look like they do. np-2vwbgUro-00051-00022943-00023379 One way of creating rules--let's say you want to create rules--you could just create a decision tree. np-2vwbgUro-00052-00023379-00024054 We know how to do that--the top-down, divide-and-conquer method used by J48--and read rules off the np-2vwbgUro-00053-00024054-00024401 tree, one rule for each leaf, like we did at the beginning. np-2vwbgUro-00054-00024401-00024772 Very straightforward, but the rules will contain repeated tests. np-2vwbgUro-00055-00024772-00025200 You can get rid of some of those quite easily, but more effective conversions are not so np-2vwbgUro-00056-00025200-00025381 easy to do. np-2vwbgUro-00057-00025381-00025901 Another completely different approach for generating rules is to do it bottom-up, a np-2vwbgUro-00058-00025901-00026219 "covering method" that's called separate-and-conquer. np-2vwbgUro-00059-00026219-00026511 We work on the different classes in turn. np-2vwbgUro-00060-00026511-00026978 For each class, in turn, we find the rules that cover all its instances. np-2vwbgUro-00061-00026978-00027565 We do that by first identifying a useful rule, then separating out those instances it covers; np-2vwbgUro-00062-00027565-00028057 and then carry on and conquer the remaining instances in that class, finding more rules np-2vwbgUro-00063-00028057-00028338 for them. np-2vwbgUro-00064-00028338-00028552 Here's a simple little example. np-2vwbgUro-00065-00028552-00029070 We're going to generate a rule for class a. np-2vwbgUro-00066-00029070-00029536 We start out with a rule that says "Everything is class a!" Of course, that rule is not correct. np-2vwbgUro-00067-00029536-00029858 So, we add clauses to that rule. np-2vwbgUro-00068-00029858-00030455 "If x>1.2 then class=a." That rule is still not correct, but it's better than the first rule. np-2vwbgUro-00069-00030455-00031097 Then we can add another clause to make it even more correct: "If x>1.2 and y>2.6, then np-2vwbgUro-00070-00031097-00031566 class=a." That's completely correct. np-2vwbgUro-00071-00031566-00031766 It does miss out one other a. np-2vwbgUro-00072-00031766-00032183 We could add a new rule for that, or we could decide that maybe we don't need to because np-2vwbgUro-00073-00032183-00032555 it's just one instance that's being missed out. np-2vwbgUro-00074-00032555-00033364 Then, for a rule for class b, we could say "if x<=1.2 than class=b": that gets half of them. np-2vwbgUro-00075-00033364-00033952 Another rule could be "if x>1.2 and y<=2.6, then class=b." We could get rid of the first np-2vwbgUro-00076-00033952-00034396 test if we knew those rules were going to be executed in order. np-2vwbgUro-00077-00034396-00034812 We could add more rules to get a perfect rule set, or we could stop there with the rules np-2vwbgUro-00078-00034812-00034877 that we have. np-2vwbgUro-00079-00034877-00035377 The termination conditions are something that you have to decide on when you devise a rule-making np-2vwbgUro-00080-00035377-00035807 algorithm. np-2vwbgUro-00081-00035807-00036215 Here's a decision tree that corresponds to the rule set we just looked at. np-2vwbgUro-00082-00036215-00036633 Rules sets can be more perspicuous than decision trees. np-2vwbgUro-00083-00036633-00037011 Decision trees sometimes have to contain replicated subtrees. np-2vwbgUro-00084-00037011-00037483 Also, there's a big difference between the divide-and-conquer and the separate-and-conquer, np-2vwbgUro-00085-00037483-00037830 the top-down and the bottom-up algorithms. np-2vwbgUro-00086-00037830-00038437 In a multi-class situation, the covering algorithm focuses on one class at a time: it gets rules np-2vwbgUro-00087-00038437-00038575 for that class. np-2vwbgUro-00088-00038575-00039075 Whereas the divide-and-conquer decision tree algorithm takes all the classes into account np-2vwbgUro-00089-00039075-00039277 when making any of the decisions. np-2vwbgUro-00090-00039277-00039889 Here are the details of a simple bottom-up, covering algorithm for creating rules. np-2vwbgUro-00091-00039889-00040077 It's called PRISM. np-2vwbgUro-00092-00040077-00040212 It consists of three loops. np-2vwbgUro-00093-00040212-00040533 The outer loop is over each class. np-2vwbgUro-00094-00040533-00041102 Then the middle loop is, we're going to cover some of the instances in that class, and then np-2vwbgUro-00095-00041102-00041583 carry on creating more rules that can cover more of the instances until we're satisfied np-2vwbgUro-00096-00041583-00041731 we've covered enough. np-2vwbgUro-00097-00041731-00042431 The inner loop is taking a rule and adding clauses to the rule until it's accurate enough. np-2vwbgUro-00098-00042520-00043288 It's a simple, iterative algorithm for covering a dataset class-by-class, instance-by-instance, np-2vwbgUro-00099-00043288-00043826 bottom-up; elaborating the rules with more conditions as we go along. np-2vwbgUro-00100-00043826-00044070 That's it. np-2vwbgUro-00101-00044070-00044570 We've seen that decision trees and rules have got the same expressive power, but either np-2vwbgUro-00102-00044570-00044763 can be more perspicuous than the other. np-2vwbgUro-00103-00044763-00045059 It just depends on the dataset. np-2vwbgUro-00104-00045059-00045358 Rules can be created using a bottom-up covering process. np-2vwbgUro-00105-00045358-00045818 They're often executed as decision lists, in order. np-2vwbgUro-00106-00045818-00046243 If rules assign different classes to an instance, then the first rule wins if you're executing np-2vwbgUro-00107-00046243-00046680 them in order--which means that the rules are not really independent nuggets of knowledge. np-2vwbgUro-00108-00046680-00047172 Still, people like rules, and they often prefer them to trees. np-2vwbgUro-00109-00047172-00047645 There's some stuff in the textbook about covering algorithms for rules, and an activity which np-2vwbgUro-00110-00047645-00048020 will make you think about rules for datasets. np-2vwbgUro-00111-00048020-00048306 Off you go and do that, and we'll see you in the next lesson. np-2vwbgUro-00112-00048306-00048444 Bye for now! nOHe7B_2A5k-00000-00000000-00000200 Una se prelila na cestu🌊Ulica Dr. Irfana Ljubijankića u 12 sati🌊 nPyc3_35He0-00000-00004694-00006037 I think it's about time to get started so let me welcome you to this breakout nPyc3_35He0-00001-00006037-00007063 of our spring 2020 virtual CNI member meeting we have three speakers today Rob nPyc3_35He0-00002-00007063-00007889 Carol on Oh Michelle Kimpton and James English their affiliations are noted on nPyc3_35He0-00003-00007889-00009005 the the slide here the topic is academic eBook experiences and the use of the nPyc3_35He0-00004-00009005-00009830 simply e-book reader in academic e-book settings and this is one of these topics nPyc3_35He0-00005-00009830-00010792 that has has taken on increasing importance in light of the current nPyc3_35He0-00006-00010792-00011653 current situation as we are being forced to move extremely aggressively towards nPyc3_35He0-00007-00011653-00012434 ebooks and away from physical books so I'm delighted that we can have we can nPyc3_35He0-00008-00012434-00013123 have this material to think about today so I understand that Michelle you're nPyc3_35He0-00009-00013123-00013720 going to start so I'll hand it off to you I'll just say that we will take nPyc3_35He0-00010-00013720-00014381 questions at the end after all three speakers have spoken you there is a QA nPyc3_35He0-00011-00014381-00014855 tool down at the bottom of your screen and you can use that to queue up nPyc3_35He0-00012-00014855-00015350 questions at any point during the presentation and then we'll just get to nPyc3_35He0-00013-00015350-00015820 them all at the end Dianne golden Burkhardt will be moderating questions nPyc3_35He0-00014-00015820-00016526 at the end of this session so with that thank you all for joining us and over to nPyc3_35He0-00015-00016526-00017084 you Michelle great thanks so much cliff and thanks for hosting this virtual nPyc3_35He0-00016-00017084-00017558 meeting I'm sure is been challenging for your team I hope everybody here has been nPyc3_35He0-00017-00017558-00018059 staying safe and practicing self-care and these really nPyc3_35He0-00018-00018059-00019193 trying and new times for all of us next language James thank you so over a year nPyc3_35He0-00019-00019193-00020018 ago Rob myself and James were at a CNI meeting and we actually presented gave nPyc3_35He0-00020-00020018-00020528 the CNI attendees an introduction to simply a platform an open-source nPyc3_35He0-00021-00020528-00020984 platform for the seamless delivery of e-books and at that time it was nPyc3_35He0-00022-00020984-00021484 beginning to gain momentum in the public library space as a nationally national nPyc3_35He0-00023-00021484-00021986 library led and library driven by lending platform and through nPyc3_35He0-00024-00021986-00022388 conversations with both Rob and James which really which whom were familiar nPyc3_35He0-00025-00022388-00022964 with the project we saw many parallels to ebook delivery between academic nPyc3_35He0-00026-00022964-00023512 libraries and what public libraries were facing and we began to think about with nPyc3_35He0-00027-00023512-00024054 this technology be viable for the academic library community could we nPyc3_35He0-00028-00024054-00024797 conceive of a way that all ebooks that are delivered to patrons and academic nPyc3_35He0-00029-00024797-00025394 libraries could come through a single source an app that was run managed and nPyc3_35He0-00030-00025394-00025994 controlled by the academic library community so we began on this journey to nPyc3_35He0-00031-00025994-00026491 think about not only simply for public libraries but also to start to conceive nPyc3_35He0-00032-00026491-00026927 simply for academic libraries and today we're going to give you a quick update nPyc3_35He0-00033-00026927-00027470 on where we've been in that journey and some of the new developments that will nPyc3_35He0-00034-00027470-00028193 benefit academic markets and plans to pilot it simply in academia I will start nPyc3_35He0-00035-00028193-00028552 out the discussion giving a project overview so what's what's happened in nPyc3_35He0-00036-00028552-00029008 the last two years my focus has been on mainly on public libraries I'll talk nPyc3_35He0-00037-00029008-00029519 about the uptake of simply in the public library space I will then turn it over nPyc3_35He0-00038-00029519-00030028 to James English who will give a demonstration with particular focus on nPyc3_35He0-00039-00030028-00030484 things that academic libraries might care about and new things that have come nPyc3_35He0-00040-00030484-00030986 into fruition over the last two years and then Rob card Alana will follow up nPyc3_35He0-00041-00030986-00031347 with some survey results in the academic market and then nPyc3_35He0-00042-00031347-00033267 recent and future plans next slide next slide James do you hear me right is this nPyc3_35He0-00043-00033267-00033851 the correct slide my Internet's a little bit so I didn't hear the last word okay nPyc3_35He0-00044-00033851-00034503 so for those of you that are not familiar with simply e my pl received a nPyc3_35He0-00045-00034503-00035310 grant in 2013 by IMLS to deliver an open-source ear eating platform that any nPyc3_35He0-00046-00035310-00035673 library could adopt and enable them to serve eat content to their patrons nPyc3_35He0-00047-00035673-00036300 through a single app which is aptly named simply II and this was really in nPyc3_35He0-00048-00036300-00036807 response to a need to have a library controlled and library branded be nPyc3_35He0-00049-00036807-00037382 reading experience which ideally would strengthen not weaken the patron nPyc3_35He0-00050-00037382-00038115 relationship and as cliff noted particularly right now this is really nPyc3_35He0-00051-00038115-00038481 important where many of our physical libraries I think almost all physical nPyc3_35He0-00052-00038481-00038904 libraries are closed and therefore we can't deliver physical content to our nPyc3_35He0-00053-00038904-00039594 patrons in a recent other webinar I was in Calvin Watson the CEO of Broward nPyc3_35He0-00054-00039594-00040083 County Library in Florida said ebooks are becoming the hero resource of our nPyc3_35He0-00055-00040083-00040608 time as they were able to increase their delivery of ebooks through simply e nPyc3_35He0-00056-00040608-00041136 and also shift their physical budgets to digital acquisitions and increase nPyc3_35He0-00057-00041136-00041889 reading materials for their readers in 2013 when this project was started my nPyc3_35He0-00058-00041889-00042386 failed a founding institution they began developing the open-source platform by nPyc3_35He0-00059-00042386-00043200 2017 it was in production NYPL over the last two years there have been currently nPyc3_35He0-00060-00043200-00043926 now over 200 libraries that have adopted simply e and these are a range of nPyc3_35He0-00061-00043926-00044418 libraries from large urban libraries to library consortium all ur regional nPyc3_35He0-00062-00044418-00044800 libraries and any state libraries there we go that's nPyc3_35He0-00063-00044800-00045472 the right slide across across the country so there's been over the last nPyc3_35He0-00064-00045472-00046265 two years quite a lot of momentum and and much broader adoption throughout the nPyc3_35He0-00065-00046265-00046984 throughout the country next slide some of the key reasons for adoption nPyc3_35He0-00066-00046984-00047375 the main one which I've discussed is that libraries really want to have a nPyc3_35He0-00067-00047375-00048044 platform that they can control that they are delivering a unified set of ebooks nPyc3_35He0-00068-00048044-00048466 to their patrons so they're not sending their patrons to multiple vendor based nPyc3_35He0-00069-00048466-00049268 platforms which are very difficult for patrons to understand sometimes and nPyc3_35He0-00070-00049268-00049647 understand what content they're getting from what platform so the beauty of nPyc3_35He0-00071-00049647-00050269 libraries implant simply is that all of the content you want to deliver to your nPyc3_35He0-00072-00050269-00051169 user is all available through a single app in addition to that vendors don't nPyc3_35He0-00073-00051169-00051602 always protect your patron privacy there are sometimes third-party agreements nPyc3_35He0-00074-00051602-00052228 that your users need to sign in order to access this content through this project nPyc3_35He0-00075-00052228-00052988 you control what you control your patient privacy and your patron data so nPyc3_35He0-00076-00052988-00053288 you're not giving that out to third parties and no third party is getting nPyc3_35He0-00077-00053288-00054854 access to it okay next slide a year ago as momentum was increasing in the public nPyc3_35He0-00078-00054854-00055616 library space we formed the simply Advisory Council this is a group that nPyc3_35He0-00079-00055616-00056294 gives input and guidance on the roadmap as well as puts together communication nPyc3_35He0-00080-00056294-00056782 materials outreach materials training materials and documentation to enable nPyc3_35He0-00081-00056782-00057404 the adoption of simply and to provide materials for libraries in a cohesive nPyc3_35He0-00082-00057404-00057967 and consistent fashion and that group has been meeting for a year nPyc3_35He0-00083-00057967-00058385 um there are currently I believe 12 organizations that are part of the nPyc3_35He0-00084-00058385-00059126 founding Advisory Council and they meet monthly to discuss all things simply nPyc3_35He0-00085-00059126-00060212 make decisions as a result on how to move forward together next slide this is nPyc3_35He0-00086-00060212-00060638 a fairly simplified version of the components that make up library nPyc3_35He0-00087-00060638-00061262 simplified in the app so on the left hand side you have ebook repositories so nPyc3_35He0-00088-00061262-00061792 you might be getting content from several different sources in the case of nPyc3_35He0-00089-00061792-00062266 academic libraries you might have the University Press ebooks that are managed nPyc3_35He0-00090-00062266-00062704 by one vendor you might have licensed ebooks that are coming from different a nPyc3_35He0-00091-00062704-00063062 variety of different vendors and you also might have access to public domain nPyc3_35He0-00092-00063062-00063745 ebooks that you have in your own library or you have through another third party nPyc3_35He0-00093-00063745-00064207 through the middleware which is the library simplified circulation manager nPyc3_35He0-00094-00064207-00064874 the data from these ebook repositories come together and are aggregated so that nPyc3_35He0-00095-00064874-00065320 you can make the content available through the simply app for your patron nPyc3_35He0-00096-00065320-00065963 as the library you run that circulation manager which allows you to choose which nPyc3_35He0-00097-00065963-00066323 content you want to display through the app and allows you to organize that nPyc3_35He0-00098-00066323-00066830 content the fashion that you want your patrons to see it so you can organize it nPyc3_35He0-00099-00066830-00067715 by genre by subject by you know what author publisher whatever you think is nPyc3_35He0-00100-00067715-00068660 going to be most relevant for your community next slide some of the key nPyc3_35He0-00101-00068660-00069254 features that have been developed over the last year which are more relevant to nPyc3_35He0-00102-00069254-00069602 the academic market that weren't available when we talked with you last nPyc3_35He0-00103-00069602-00070225 is the PDF viewer so academic for academic community PDF is an important nPyc3_35He0-00104-00070225-00071050 format in order to be able to have for a reading and so the app launched with nPyc3_35He0-00105-00071050-00071561 epubs as the primary format but EF is now available as well we've also nPyc3_35He0-00106-00071561-00072082 recently added audiobooks so you can listen to audiobooks through the simply nPyc3_35He0-00107-00072082-00072745 app of course you can mix your DRM free and licensed Ihram content in the one nPyc3_35He0-00108-00072745-00073154 app so if you have commercial content and you have public domain content they nPyc3_35He0-00109-00073154-00074005 all go through the same app and unlike a for-profit or commercial app it has Bret nPyc3_35He0-00110-00074005-00074618 this simply is branded with your own library and with that I'm going to turn nPyc3_35He0-00111-00074618-00075150 it over to James to do a demonstration nPyc3_35He0-00112-00075262-00075982 all right Thank You Michelle I'm gonna switch my screen share to my phone which nPyc3_35He0-00113-00075982-00076402 is currently plugged into my computer if someone can on the team can give me a nPyc3_35He0-00114-00076402-00076973 thumbs up if they see the screen great thank you so this is the New York Public nPyc3_35He0-00115-00076973-00077377 Library Catalog and in that catalog as you can see I can look through the nPyc3_35He0-00116-00077377-00077966 different books that they've curated either in partnership with the community nPyc3_35He0-00117-00077966-00078505 or in celebration of their anniversaries bestsellers from our favorite New York nPyc3_35He0-00118-00078505-00079162 Times or their very own staff again the app will also organize it by fiction nPyc3_35He0-00119-00079162-00079819 nonfiction audience and language as needed depending on what your community nPyc3_35He0-00120-00079819-00080524 needs our last time what is that you didn't see which is new is that Michelle nPyc3_35He0-00121-00080524-00081118 mentioned was the addition of audiobooks that can also side-by-side be a be nPyc3_35He0-00122-00081118-00081761 played and discovered through the app what the application also allows you to nPyc3_35He0-00123-00081761-00082306 do is to connect to multiple libraries other than just the one library so if nPyc3_35He0-00124-00082306-00082792 you are a member of different libraries or say your resident New York City and nPyc3_35He0-00125-00082792-00083164 you go to a great university like Columbia University you can go between nPyc3_35He0-00126-00083164-00083879 your New York Public Library Catalog and your Columbia University catalog so here nPyc3_35He0-00127-00083879-00084497 is Columbia University with some books that they've not only acquired but also nPyc3_35He0-00128-00084497-00084958 that they have digitized and hosted with partners such as the nPyc3_35He0-00129-00084958-00085387 Internet Archive there's also open access textbooks as nPyc3_35He0-00130-00085387-00085882 well as some of their own published books from the Columbia University Press nPyc3_35He0-00131-00085882-00086661 so within these you can see both textbooks from the open textbook project nPyc3_35He0-00132-00086661-00087250 you can just simply click on a book download the book whether it's in PDF or nPyc3_35He0-00133-00087250-00087772 ePub that will render in the app you can do any standard ebook type of feature nPyc3_35He0-00134-00087772-00088300 that you want like cut and paste text so that you can maybe take a snippet of nPyc3_35He0-00135-00088300-00088900 text or a citation from the book and place it in your favorite note-taking nPyc3_35He0-00136-00088900-00089410 app whether it be Evernote or simply just email it to yourself to some other nPyc3_35He0-00137-00089410-00090199 document format it's really that simple to access the content you simply just nPyc3_35He0-00138-00090199-00090841 need to borrow the content be logged in to your library with your public library nPyc3_35He0-00139-00090841-00091585 card and you can download to your heart's content now what's also nice nPyc3_35He0-00140-00091585-00092251 about the app is again with that library card authentication this is not a nPyc3_35He0-00141-00092251-00092641 commercial app where we're taking liberties with taking personal data in nPyc3_35He0-00142-00092641-00093135 the background everything in the app is built over a secure connection and with nPyc3_35He0-00143-00093135-00093730 an eye towards privacy meaning we don't capture anything that is PII we simply nPyc3_35He0-00144-00093730-00094117 just anonymous when we lend out the book according to the library ID that's on nPyc3_35He0-00145-00094117-00094795 that card for that CUNY ID and Columbia's instance all right you can do nPyc3_35He0-00146-00094795-00095473 search but mostly it is a browse interface again a very simple app for nPyc3_35He0-00147-00095473-00095929 public libraries the simplicity of navigation simplicity of transactional nPyc3_35He0-00148-00095929-00096543 use helps us overcome issues with digital literacy and as you can expect nPyc3_35He0-00149-00096543-00097084 the generations now coming into our schools have this general expectation of nPyc3_35He0-00150-00097084-00097459 access over mobile just simple intuitive interfaces nPyc3_35He0-00151-00097459-00098047 I will that should complete my demo of the app in nPyc3_35He0-00152-00098047-00098611 we'll now go back to the slide presentation and pass it off to the next nPyc3_35He0-00153-00098611-00099652 person all right thanks James a few in addition to the work that we've been nPyc3_35He0-00154-00099652-00100177 doing to better understand the public libraries we set out to conduct a survey nPyc3_35He0-00155-00100177-00100660 with libraries to find out what academic library institutions academic libraries nPyc3_35He0-00156-00100660-00101116 would want thanks to a grant from the Alfred P sloan Foundation we conducted a nPyc3_35He0-00157-00101116-00101523 feasibility study and collected information from over 150 libraries and nPyc3_35He0-00158-00101523-00102118 this information helped to provide us some information around what are the nPyc3_35He0-00159-00102118-00102541 most frequently used features as we expect the copy paste and print is nPyc3_35He0-00160-00102541-00102994 important as well as in document keyword search and table of contents navigation nPyc3_35He0-00161-00102994-00103378 but we also found something that's important for the academics that might nPyc3_35He0-00162-00103378-00103768 be different than public libraries like citation creation and export many are nPyc3_35He0-00163-00103768-00104353 the same needs for ebook reading that public's have academic staff as well for nPyc3_35He0-00164-00104353-00104953 example eBook viewing and bookmarking and and other types of navigation so nPyc3_35He0-00165-00104953-00105285 this helped us to understand that there are some things that are coming from the nPyc3_35He0-00166-00105285-00105660 public libraries that we can leverage and that there are some features that we nPyc3_35He0-00167-00105660-00106030 have to work on important for academic libraries you can go to the next slide nPyc3_35He0-00168-00106030-00106669 please James this survey by the way was funded by Alfred P Sloan and partners on nPyc3_35He0-00169-00106669-00107107 this consisted of Columbia lyricists NYU New York Public Library the digital nPyc3_35He0-00170-00107107-00107617 Public Library of America MIT press and minute X University of Minnesota the nPyc3_35He0-00171-00107617-00108358 survey also told us that our users are are going to be coming from a variety of nPyc3_35He0-00172-00108358-00108718 places in the institution but that the libraries thought a particular area nPyc3_35He0-00173-00108718-00109134 focus are the novice undergraduates that first year and second year undergraduate nPyc3_35He0-00174-00109134-00109696 student researcher is an area of focus we think that's important because that nPyc3_35He0-00175-00109696-00110197 really does cross all academic institutions in North America community nPyc3_35He0-00176-00110197-00110719 colleges liberal arts colleges research institutions and of course now thinking nPyc3_35He0-00177-00110719-00111064 about remote work and remote learning distance learning may be more important nPyc3_35He0-00178-00111064-00111421 than ever but even when we first did the survey nPyc3_35He0-00179-00111421-00111960 last year it was still 68% and of course we expect faculty and graduate students nPyc3_35He0-00180-00111960-00112381 to be users as well we think that users are more likely to be informed by nPyc3_35He0-00181-00112381-00112840 consumer technologies and so they are going to be influenced by what they use nPyc3_35He0-00182-00112840-00113184 in the consumer marketplace when thinking about a good reading experience nPyc3_35He0-00183-00113184-00113833 and the final slide and this tells us something that's not surprising that our nPyc3_35He0-00184-00113833-00114333 users are likely to be reading books on a variety of platforms yes they will nPyc3_35He0-00185-00114333-00114847 continue to read on their desktops and laptops but we also see equal importance nPyc3_35He0-00186-00114847-00115375 to tablets and smartphones and we see rising prominence for Chromebooks and nPyc3_35He0-00187-00115375-00115914 networks so we'll have to serve the the wide variety of devices and writing a nPyc3_35He0-00188-00115914-00116425 consistent reading experience finally I'll turn to one one last slide before I nPyc3_35He0-00189-00116425-00117130 turn it back over to James we are really focusing on transitioning to an open nPyc3_35He0-00190-00117130-00117976 ebook ecosystem and fortunately for us we have the IMLS the mellon Foundation nPyc3_35He0-00191-00117976-00118444 is sloan Foundation and others in the community providing millions of dollars nPyc3_35He0-00192-00118444-00118879 of funding to provide support for exchanges into an open ebook ecosystem nPyc3_35He0-00193-00118879-00119320 these are just some of the examples of activities that have taken place since nPyc3_35He0-00194-00119320-00119908 that original IMLS grant for simply e and you can see that some of this work nPyc3_35He0-00195-00119908-00120499 is actually accelerating as we move into into this current era with that James nPyc3_35He0-00196-00120499-00121768 you can talk about where we're going and just unmute yourself there thank you nPyc3_35He0-00197-00121768-00122136 rob was point demonstrating in another slide it really is a community effort nPyc3_35He0-00198-00122136-00122542 and as you can see on our future plans it's really the community that is nPyc3_35He0-00199-00122542-00122980 pitching in to help advance this particular platform and tie it together nPyc3_35He0-00200-00122980-00123508 to the different type of libraries and users across the industry that will be nPyc3_35He0-00201-00123508-00124069 trying to improve eBook access so what's of particular importance is nPyc3_35He0-00202-00124069-00124639 sam'l authentication so for those of you not too familiar with or unfamiliar with nPyc3_35He0-00203-00124639-00125043 sam'l sam'l is basically a protocol that provides access control and nPyc3_35He0-00204-00125043-00125760 authenticates users to web applications so if you're an enterprise IT based nPyc3_35He0-00205-00125760-00126292 system like a campus or a community college your authentication is nPyc3_35He0-00206-00126292-00126735 maintained and your identity is maintained by your central IT sam'l is a nPyc3_35He0-00207-00126735-00127171 way to provide that user a single sign-on experience into all the nPyc3_35He0-00208-00127171-00127611 different applications that that university may bring to bear on their nPyc3_35He0-00209-00127611-00128064 scholarship or their student body or for their faculty and so we're doing this in nPyc3_35He0-00210-00128064-00128548 partnership with Columbia minitex and lyricists the other thing that we're nPyc3_35He0-00211-00128548-00129001 working on is enhanced local discovery and this is basically being able to nPyc3_35He0-00212-00129001-00129444 provide direct download links into the discovery layers of other applications nPyc3_35He0-00213-00129444-00130183 such as backlight or primo or other type of campus or university type discovery nPyc3_35He0-00214-00130183-00130663 layers as well as a web catalog for those that actually don't have one of nPyc3_35He0-00215-00130663-00131224 those systems maybe in a community college or a local City College and then nPyc3_35He0-00216-00131224-00131650 lastly rediem - it's the next iteration and advancement of the rendering engine nPyc3_35He0-00217-00131650-00132139 for ePub it also supports PDF and will also support some fixed layout forms nPyc3_35He0-00218-00132139-00132805 such as graphic novella we will be we are working with some the New York nPyc3_35He0-00219-00132805-00133185 Public Library to help nPyc3_35He0-00220-00133250-00133860 application to be able to use radium 2 with a different and DRM providers that nPyc3_35He0-00221-00133860-00134276 are coming online as well as some of the legacy providers that proliferate the nPyc3_35He0-00222-00134276-00134741 industry and then as always content is king so will be an ongoing partnership nPyc3_35He0-00223-00134741-00135159 with Columbia working with the different content providers to make that content nPyc3_35He0-00224-00135159-00135725 available through the simply e app and then lastly DRM everyone's favorite nPyc3_35He0-00225-00135725-00136146 topic there is an open DRM being produced by radium called license nPyc3_35He0-00226-00136146-00136637 content protection and our partners at amigos library network are doing the nPyc3_35He0-00227-00136637-00137619 first proof-of-concept evaluation of that technology for use and simply so if nPyc3_35He0-00228-00137619-00138072 anything that you heard today was compelling or intrigued you you can nPyc3_35He0-00229-00138072-00138503 reach out to us via these this variety of channels so you can either nPyc3_35He0-00230-00138503-00139112 participate just be informed or join in the discussion or better yet join in the nPyc3_35He0-00231-00139112-00139884 development of the simply app for academics and at that we'd like to open nPyc3_35He0-00232-00139884-00140294 it up to questions from the online community nPyc3_35He0-00233-00140449-00140927 well that was really interesting thank you to the three of you for that nPyc3_35He0-00234-00140927-00141509 presentation it's been really interesting to watch simply II come nPyc3_35He0-00235-00141509-00141950 along I just paste it into the chat box a link to the video of the presentation nPyc3_35He0-00236-00141950-00142502 you gave in 2017 so I think it's really interesting to see what kind of features nPyc3_35He0-00237-00142502-00143045 you're adding and how it's developing so with that I want to go ahead and open nPyc3_35He0-00238-00143045-00143495 the floor for questions and we already have a couple of questions so let me nPyc3_35He0-00239-00143495-00144065 pass one of those along to you the question is isn't this an app that could nPyc3_35He0-00240-00144065-00144554 be integrated into my University's existing mobile services app where our nPyc3_35He0-00241-00144554-00145271 library already has a presence or must it be a standalone app that's that's a nPyc3_35He0-00242-00145271-00145724 great question James can answer this a little bit further but this is an open nPyc3_35He0-00243-00145724-00146327 zone really this is an open source platform for the most part it's a nPyc3_35He0-00244-00146327-00146942 standalone app as it's currently being distributed from NYPL but that doesn't nPyc3_35He0-00245-00146942-00147374 preclude an institution from taking the code and adapting it for local need our nPyc3_35He0-00246-00147374-00147950 goal for academic use is to ensure that all of the software stack that's nPyc3_35He0-00247-00147950-00148490 associated with the functionality for academic institutions will all be nPyc3_35He0-00248-00148490-00148970 open-source so with that in mind someone could adapt it and incorporate it into nPyc3_35He0-00249-00148970-00149330 something else whether that's practical or makes sense nPyc3_35He0-00250-00149330-00149975 I would leave that to the application developer I'll just comment in the nPyc3_35He0-00251-00149975-00150631 public library space there are public libraries that have apps for their nPyc3_35He0-00252-00150631-00151235 library and they've integrated the simply app into that app so it's like nPyc3_35He0-00253-00151235-00151856 that's a button in the library app which then launches a simply app so depending nPyc3_35He0-00254-00151856-00152120 on what kind of integration you're looking for I can tell you that's been nPyc3_35He0-00255-00152120-00152576 done oh that's great and this really neat and those those nPyc3_35He0-00256-00152576-00153305 apps are really popular in the public libraries we also had a thank you for nPyc3_35He0-00257-00153305-00153804 the demo that was a very helpful demo and I just want to remind everyone if nPyc3_35He0-00258-00153804-00154260 you have a question there's a Q&A box at the bottom of your zoom screen if you nPyc3_35He0-00259-00154260-00154836 just want to type your question in there we will get to it or you can share it on nPyc3_35He0-00260-00154836-00155376 chat as well and moving on to our next question nPyc3_35He0-00261-00155376-00156102 I see the simply an Internet Archive are open to all what other libraries are nPyc3_35He0-00262-00156102-00156651 open to everyone through the app it's a good question so the digital Public nPyc3_35He0-00263-00156651-00157188 Library of America is open to everyone we have 6,500 free books in there that nPyc3_35He0-00264-00157188-00157638 you can read on the app the other libraries that are in the app you just nPyc3_35He0-00265-00157638-00158202 need a library card so if you see your library just sign up for a library card nPyc3_35He0-00266-00158202-00158877 and you will be able to see the books that your library is providing and for nPyc3_35He0-00267-00158877-00159612 Columbia we're working with lyricists and DPLA and amigos in Minnesota to nPyc3_35He0-00268-00159612-00160242 actually select certain collections that we can load we're looking at licensed nPyc3_35He0-00269-00160242-00160869 collections from some selected ebook providers we're also looking at open nPyc3_35He0-00270-00160869-00161340 access collections and our own digitized collections as was mentioned Internet nPyc3_35He0-00271-00161340-00161811 Archive is available to all we're exploring Oh a pen org nPyc3_35He0-00272-00161811-00162267 the directory of open access books and Oh a pen org and we're planning to load nPyc3_35He0-00273-00162267-00162729 all of those books into simply for Columbia I would imagine once that's nPyc3_35He0-00274-00162729-00163188 been done that feed could be made available for others and we're in nPyc3_35He0-00275-00163188-00163593 conversations with other major providers of of books that could be made more nPyc3_35He0-00276-00163593-00163989 broadly available including Conte trust where we think there's a tremendous nPyc3_35He0-00277-00163989-00164364 opportunity for sharing out the hoti trust books through simply e-platform nPyc3_35He0-00278-00164364-00164766 and they've been very receptive to the conversation but they've been a little nPyc3_35He0-00279-00164766-00165267 busy these days working on the emergency temporary access services etas service nPyc3_35He0-00280-00165267-00165594 that we're all benefiting from and we hope to restore that conversation with nPyc3_35He0-00281-00165594-00166206 them once the their current efforts wind down that sounds fabulous nPyc3_35He0-00282-00166206-00166596 if I can expand a little bit on that question what does how would that nPyc3_35He0-00283-00166596-00167006 present to the end user if you're affiliated with the university but you nPyc3_35He0-00284-00167006-00167456 also have your local library card when you go in and you search simply for nPyc3_35He0-00285-00167456-00167744 something you know a subject matter or something like that nPyc3_35He0-00286-00167744-00168098 is is it opaque to you where the resources coming from once you're logged nPyc3_35He0-00287-00168098-00168457 in with your credentials or do you have to search each individual affiliation nPyc3_35He0-00288-00168457-00168878 our goal and I can't speak for other academic institutions it's very early nPyc3_35He0-00289-00168878-00169328 but our goal is actually provide discovery through our our search and nPyc3_35He0-00290-00169328-00169688 discovery interface for Columbia which is called Clio our black light based nPyc3_35He0-00291-00169688-00170393 interface in that space we have 1600 databases we have licensed content we nPyc3_35He0-00292-00170393-00170900 have open content we have public domain content government content you name it nPyc3_35He0-00293-00170900-00171491 it's there so there is a certain level of trans people ready nPyc3_35He0-00294-00171491-00171920 it's just that in one in some particular cases those books will also be available nPyc3_35He0-00295-00171920-00172292 via simply e and you would click a link and the book will show up and simply I nPyc3_35He0-00296-00172292-00172598 see I think the user can look deeper to find nPyc3_35He0-00297-00172598-00172940 out where it comes from and how we licensed it but they shouldn't have a nPyc3_35He0-00298-00172940-00173348 different user experience because we chose a different business model or nPyc3_35He0-00299-00173348-00173744 different parts to get it that part should be hidden away the experience nPyc3_35He0-00300-00173744-00174061 should be consistent no matter where it came from nPyc3_35He0-00301-00174061-00174545 Michelle you're dealing with this as well how are you seeing it for DPLA yeah nPyc3_35He0-00302-00174545-00174950 well and maybe dad answer your question in a different way so if I'm in New York nPyc3_35He0-00303-00174950-00175352 and I recorded the New York Public Library and I'm going to Columbia I will nPyc3_35He0-00304-00175352-00175919 need to log into both and then both libraries will be under my accounts and nPyc3_35He0-00305-00175919-00176315 then I'd have to click in each individually to find the resource so nPyc3_35He0-00306-00176315-00176933 they're not merged and I think because of privacy in authentication all that nPyc3_35He0-00307-00176933-00177416 but they both become your accounts so you don't have to continue to log back nPyc3_35He0-00308-00177416-00177989 into them but you do have to search each separately I see okay that helps that nPyc3_35He0-00309-00177989-00178328 helps that's really interesting thank you thanks for that for both of those nPyc3_35He0-00310-00178328-00178934 answers and now we have a question from from clifford cliff lynched what is nPyc3_35He0-00311-00178934-00179399 asking if you could speak a little bit to mathematics support and also the nPyc3_35He0-00312-00179399-00179948 support of illustrated materials right I'll take that one if folks can hear you nPyc3_35He0-00313-00179948-00180431 my internet connections little spotty right now we use the reading nPyc3_35He0-00314-00180431-00180842 rendering engine and they are working with the broader community to solve the nPyc3_35He0-00315-00180842-00181469 challenge of math equations and rendering ebooks they're looking at math nPyc3_35He0-00316-00181469-00182282 XML Oh Matt Matt Jax which is a JavaScript engine that can actually nPyc3_35He0-00317-00182282-00182708 render the true equation so that you can read back the equation as opposed to nPyc3_35He0-00318-00182708-00183050 having a picture in a book of an equation so that's where the technology nPyc3_35He0-00319-00183050-00183512 is going it's not in the app at this moment with the rendering engine but nPyc3_35He0-00320-00183512-00183887 with the implementation of our to the ability to make those advancements are nPyc3_35He0-00321-00183887-00184538 going to be coming in the next couple of years and as far as pictures it does nPyc3_35He0-00322-00184538-00185105 support pictures within the content already if you're talking about anything nPyc3_35He0-00323-00185105-00185831 like annotation or any other type of notation within the pictures like triple nPyc3_35He0-00324-00185831-00186485 if' I don't believe that support is in there at this moment great very helpful nPyc3_35He0-00325-00186485-00187199 thank you we do have maybe a minute more for question if anyone else has any nPyc3_35He0-00326-00187199-00187787 other questions they'd like to ask our panelists I'd also like to just let you nPyc3_35He0-00327-00187787-00188348 know that if you would like to make a comment or engage directly with our nPyc3_35He0-00328-00188348-00188968 panelists feel free to raise your your virtual hand and I can move you into the nPyc3_35He0-00329-00188968-00189566 space where I can unmute your microphone and you can engage directly with them or nPyc3_35He0-00330-00189566-00190325 feel free to type your question into the Q&A or the chat just one second to nPyc3_35He0-00331-00190325-00190961 remind you that this is part of CNI ongoing spring 2020 virtual meeting nPyc3_35He0-00332-00190961-00191549 we're delighted that you could join us today and we have many more webinars yet nPyc3_35He0-00333-00191549-00192488 to come we hope that you will come back and experience more of our content in nPyc3_35He0-00334-00192488-00193448 the weeks ahead and I'm just trying to get a copy of our of the the URL for the nPyc3_35He0-00335-00193448-00193802 schedule here which I see is not really cooperating here we go nPyc3_35He0-00336-00193802-00194198 I'm just gonna paste it into the chat box there so you can take a look at the nPyc3_35He0-00337-00194198-00194878 the webinars that will follow this one all the way through the end of May and I nPyc3_35He0-00338-00194878-00195626 see we have another question now and the question is UVA hotty trust Bookshare I nPyc3_35He0-00339-00195626-00196100 a and a few other academic institutions are working on making remediate texts nPyc3_35He0-00340-00196100-00196723 available has there been any discussion about serving that type of content nPyc3_35He0-00341-00196842-00197353 what's remediate texts let's see Robin if you could just expand nPyc3_35He0-00342-00197353-00198265 a little bit on what you have in mind when you refer to remediate texts what nPyc3_35He0-00343-00198265-00198753 while she's doing that I'll just mention we're planning to go live with a pilot nPyc3_35He0-00344-00198753-00199577 for Columbia a limited production system in the fall of 2020 if there is any body nPyc3_35He0-00345-00199577-00200138 on the chat that's interested in participating in this expansion or you nPyc3_35He0-00346-00200138-00200435 serve simply for academics we'd love to hear from you you can put it in the chat nPyc3_35He0-00347-00200435-00200866 box we'd love to hear that in terms of accessibility James maybe you wanna talk nPyc3_35He0-00348-00200866-00201386 about accessibility thank you for that yes as far as sex accessibility again nPyc3_35He0-00349-00201386-00201914 radium is where we leverage that community in the development that is nPyc3_35He0-00350-00201914-00202330 really focused on making epubs more accessible as a format when they're nPyc3_35He0-00351-00202330-00202772 founding members the Daisy consortium is a development partner with them to make nPyc3_35He0-00352-00202772-00203350 to be able to design the technologies so that it can actually present the nPyc3_35He0-00353-00203350-00203941 underlying text to the rendering engine engine and the platform so that the any nPyc3_35He0-00354-00203941-00204545 onboard assistive technologies like for iOS which would be voice over or for nPyc3_35He0-00355-00204545-00204967 Android which would be talkback would be available to those systems so that you nPyc3_35He0-00356-00204967-00205394 could actually read and navigate the book we're just using touch and gesture nPyc3_35He0-00357-00205394-00205976 and not have to actually be able to see the content so yes success accessibility nPyc3_35He0-00358-00205976-00206491 is something that we built into the app by design starting back in 2015 in the nPyc3_35He0-00359-00206491-00207148 technology selections for the firm reading wonderful nPyc3_35He0-00360-00207148-00207880 that's terrific thank you for that question Robin and we have a comment oh nPyc3_35He0-00361-00207880-00208681 that's from you James math ml support on road map for radium did I pronounce that nPyc3_35He0-00362-00208681-00209158 right that's correct I was just putting in a writing the answer to cliffs nPyc3_35He0-00363-00209158-00210065 question got it okay excellent okay well with that I would like to thank our nPyc3_35He0-00364-00210065-00210460 panelists once again for coming to CNI and talking to us about simply II thank nPyc3_35He0-00365-00210460-00210958 you so much for your time and I'd also like to thank all of our attendees for nPyc3_35He0-00366-00210958-00211357 taking the time to join us here we're so glad you could come we hope you'll come nPyc3_35He0-00367-00211357-00211775 back for more webinars through CNI virtual Spring Meeting we hope that nPyc3_35He0-00368-00211775-00213357 everyone will be well and that we'll see you again soon take care everyone nQgMaCg4xnc-00000-00002201-00002601 the effect of normal mode on people nQgMaCg4xnc-00001-00002806-00002872 yes nQgMaCg4xnc-00002-00002990-00003190 its really negative nQgMaCg4xnc-00003-00003458-00003583 normal mode nQgMaCg4xnc-00004-00003623-00004000 if you play on normal mode you somehow die on 94% nQgMaCg4xnc-00005-00004322-00004446 i feel bad nQgMaCg4xnc-00006-00009700-00010002 what is it? , i completed it nQgMaCg4xnc-00007-00010063-00010155 nice nQgMaCg4xnc-00008-00010155-00010355 what is this? nQgMaCg4xnc-00009-00010700-00010804 ok nQgMaCg4xnc-00010-00010804-00011224 huh nQgMaCg4xnc-00011-00011414-00011614 just in one day, ok nQgMaCg4xnc-00012-00011769-00011823 ok nR48rIDdq2k-00000-00000010-00000110 >>> HI, EVERYONE. nR48rIDdq2k-00001-00000110-00000116 >>> HI, EVERYONE. nR48rIDdq2k-00002-00000116-00000266 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. nR48rIDdq2k-00003-00000266-00000273 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. nR48rIDdq2k-00004-00000273-00000426 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. IF YOU LIVE IN THE BRAINERD nR48rIDdq2k-00005-00000426-00000433 THANKS FOR JOINING US. IF YOU LIVE IN THE BRAINERD nR48rIDdq2k-00006-00000433-00000637 THANKS FOR JOINING US. IF YOU LIVE IN THE BRAINERD AREA, YOU KNOW THAT TRAFFIC CAN nR48rIDdq2k-00007-00000637-00000643 IF YOU LIVE IN THE BRAINERD AREA, YOU KNOW THAT TRAFFIC CAN nR48rIDdq2k-00008-00000643-00000767 IF YOU LIVE IN THE BRAINERD AREA, YOU KNOW THAT TRAFFIC CAN GET CONGESTED ALONG HIGHWAY 210 nR48rIDdq2k-00009-00000767-00000774 AREA, YOU KNOW THAT TRAFFIC CAN GET CONGESTED ALONG HIGHWAY 210 nR48rIDdq2k-00010-00000774-00000920 AREA, YOU KNOW THAT TRAFFIC CAN GET CONGESTED ALONG HIGHWAY 210 AND DOWN SIXTH STREET. nR48rIDdq2k-00011-00000920-00000927 GET CONGESTED ALONG HIGHWAY 210 AND DOWN SIXTH STREET. nR48rIDdq2k-00012-00000927-00001097 GET CONGESTED ALONG HIGHWAY 210 AND DOWN SIXTH STREET. BEGINNING THIS WINTER, YOU WILL nR48rIDdq2k-00013-00001097-00001104 AND DOWN SIXTH STREET. BEGINNING THIS WINTER, YOU WILL nR48rIDdq2k-00014-00001104-00001471 AND DOWN SIXTH STREET. BEGINNING THIS WINTER, YOU WILL BEGIN TO SEE MAJOR CHANGES ALONG nR48rIDdq2k-00015-00001471-00001478 BEGINNING THIS WINTER, YOU WILL BEGIN TO SEE MAJOR CHANGES ALONG nR48rIDdq2k-00016-00001478-00001728 BEGINNING THIS WINTER, YOU WILL BEGIN TO SEE MAJOR CHANGES ALONG BUSINESS HIGHWAY 371B THROUGH nR48rIDdq2k-00017-00001728-00001735 BEGIN TO SEE MAJOR CHANGES ALONG BUSINESS HIGHWAY 371B THROUGH nR48rIDdq2k-00018-00001735-00001805 BEGIN TO SEE MAJOR CHANGES ALONG BUSINESS HIGHWAY 371B THROUGH BRAINERD. nR48rIDdq2k-00019-00001805-00001811 BUSINESS HIGHWAY 371B THROUGH BRAINERD. nR48rIDdq2k-00020-00001811-00001935 BUSINESS HIGHWAY 371B THROUGH BRAINERD. CLAYTON CASTLE HAS THAT STORY. nR48rIDdq2k-00021-00001935-00001941 BRAINERD. CLAYTON CASTLE HAS THAT STORY. nR48rIDdq2k-00022-00001941-00002072 BRAINERD. CLAYTON CASTLE HAS THAT STORY. >> Reporter: DRIVING THROUGH nR48rIDdq2k-00023-00002072-00002078 CLAYTON CASTLE HAS THAT STORY. >> Reporter: DRIVING THROUGH nR48rIDdq2k-00024-00002078-00002198 CLAYTON CASTLE HAS THAT STORY. >> Reporter: DRIVING THROUGH BRAINERD IS TYPICALLY NICE AND nR48rIDdq2k-00025-00002198-00002205 >> Reporter: DRIVING THROUGH BRAINERD IS TYPICALLY NICE AND nR48rIDdq2k-00026-00002205-00002348 >> Reporter: DRIVING THROUGH BRAINERD IS TYPICALLY NICE AND FREE OF CONSTRUCTION, BUT IF YOU nR48rIDdq2k-00027-00002348-00002355 BRAINERD IS TYPICALLY NICE AND FREE OF CONSTRUCTION, BUT IF YOU nR48rIDdq2k-00028-00002355-00002592 BRAINERD IS TYPICALLY NICE AND FREE OF CONSTRUCTION, BUT IF YOU DRIVE ALONG SIXTH STREET BETWEEN nR48rIDdq2k-00029-00002592-00002599 FREE OF CONSTRUCTION, BUT IF YOU DRIVE ALONG SIXTH STREET BETWEEN nR48rIDdq2k-00030-00002599-00002762 FREE OF CONSTRUCTION, BUT IF YOU DRIVE ALONG SIXTH STREET BETWEEN JOSEPH AND HIGHWAY 210, YOU'LL nR48rIDdq2k-00031-00002762-00002769 DRIVE ALONG SIXTH STREET BETWEEN JOSEPH AND HIGHWAY 210, YOU'LL nR48rIDdq2k-00032-00002769-00002922 DRIVE ALONG SIXTH STREET BETWEEN JOSEPH AND HIGHWAY 210, YOU'LL BEGIN TO SEE MAJOR CHANGES nR48rIDdq2k-00033-00002922-00002929 JOSEPH AND HIGHWAY 210, YOU'LL BEGIN TO SEE MAJOR CHANGES nR48rIDdq2k-00034-00002929-00003136 JOSEPH AND HIGHWAY 210, YOU'LL BEGIN TO SEE MAJOR CHANGES COMING AS EARLY AS THIS WINTER. nR48rIDdq2k-00035-00003136-00003143 BEGIN TO SEE MAJOR CHANGES COMING AS EARLY AS THIS WINTER. nR48rIDdq2k-00036-00003143-00003386 BEGIN TO SEE MAJOR CHANGES COMING AS EARLY AS THIS WINTER. >> THE LAST MAJOR IMPROVEMENT TO nR48rIDdq2k-00037-00003386-00003393 COMING AS EARLY AS THIS WINTER. >> THE LAST MAJOR IMPROVEMENT TO nR48rIDdq2k-00038-00003393-00003546 COMING AS EARLY AS THIS WINTER. >> THE LAST MAJOR IMPROVEMENT TO SOUTH SIXTH STREET WAS BACK IN nR48rIDdq2k-00039-00003546-00003553 >> THE LAST MAJOR IMPROVEMENT TO SOUTH SIXTH STREET WAS BACK IN nR48rIDdq2k-00040-00003553-00003690 >> THE LAST MAJOR IMPROVEMENT TO SOUTH SIXTH STREET WAS BACK IN 1957 WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY nR48rIDdq2k-00041-00003690-00003697 SOUTH SIXTH STREET WAS BACK IN 1957 WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY nR48rIDdq2k-00042-00003697-00003763 SOUTH SIXTH STREET WAS BACK IN 1957 WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY WIDENED. nR48rIDdq2k-00043-00003763-00003770 1957 WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY WIDENED. nR48rIDdq2k-00044-00003770-00003980 1957 WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY WIDENED. SO THE CENTER PART OF THE ROAD nR48rIDdq2k-00045-00003980-00003987 WIDENED. SO THE CENTER PART OF THE ROAD nR48rIDdq2k-00046-00003987-00004367 WIDENED. SO THE CENTER PART OF THE ROAD IS ALSO IN THAT 60 TO 70-YEAR nR48rIDdq2k-00047-00004367-00004374 SO THE CENTER PART OF THE ROAD IS ALSO IN THAT 60 TO 70-YEAR nR48rIDdq2k-00048-00004374-00004461 SO THE CENTER PART OF THE ROAD IS ALSO IN THAT 60 TO 70-YEAR VINTAGE. nR48rIDdq2k-00049-00004461-00004467 IS ALSO IN THAT 60 TO 70-YEAR VINTAGE. nR48rIDdq2k-00050-00004467-00004611 IS ALSO IN THAT 60 TO 70-YEAR VINTAGE. AND JUST REALLY DUE FOR nR48rIDdq2k-00051-00004611-00004617 VINTAGE. AND JUST REALLY DUE FOR nR48rIDdq2k-00052-00004617-00004754 VINTAGE. AND JUST REALLY DUE FOR REPLACEMENT. nR48rIDdq2k-00053-00004754-00004761 AND JUST REALLY DUE FOR REPLACEMENT. nR48rIDdq2k-00054-00004761-00004931 AND JUST REALLY DUE FOR REPLACEMENT. IT'S WELL, WELL OUTSIDE THE nR48rIDdq2k-00055-00004931-00004938 REPLACEMENT. IT'S WELL, WELL OUTSIDE THE nR48rIDdq2k-00056-00004938-00005101 REPLACEMENT. IT'S WELL, WELL OUTSIDE THE ANTICIPATED SERVICE LIFE. nR48rIDdq2k-00057-00005101-00005108 IT'S WELL, WELL OUTSIDE THE ANTICIPATED SERVICE LIFE. nR48rIDdq2k-00058-00005108-00005258 IT'S WELL, WELL OUTSIDE THE ANTICIPATED SERVICE LIFE. >> Reporter: IN ADDITION TO THE nR48rIDdq2k-00059-00005258-00005265 ANTICIPATED SERVICE LIFE. >> Reporter: IN ADDITION TO THE nR48rIDdq2k-00060-00005265-00005395 ANTICIPATED SERVICE LIFE. >> Reporter: IN ADDITION TO THE REPAVEMENT OF SIXTH STREET, THE nR48rIDdq2k-00061-00005395-00005402 >> Reporter: IN ADDITION TO THE REPAVEMENT OF SIXTH STREET, THE nR48rIDdq2k-00062-00005402-00005525 >> Reporter: IN ADDITION TO THE REPAVEMENT OF SIXTH STREET, THE PROJECT WILL ALSO SEE nR48rIDdq2k-00063-00005525-00005532 REPAVEMENT OF SIXTH STREET, THE PROJECT WILL ALSO SEE nR48rIDdq2k-00064-00005532-00005662 REPAVEMENT OF SIXTH STREET, THE PROJECT WILL ALSO SEE REPLACEMENT OF SEWER AND WATER nR48rIDdq2k-00065-00005662-00005668 PROJECT WILL ALSO SEE REPLACEMENT OF SEWER AND WATER nR48rIDdq2k-00066-00005668-00005839 PROJECT WILL ALSO SEE REPLACEMENT OF SEWER AND WATER PIPES THAT ARE WELL OVER 100 nR48rIDdq2k-00067-00005839-00005845 REPLACEMENT OF SEWER AND WATER PIPES THAT ARE WELL OVER 100 nR48rIDdq2k-00068-00005845-00006066 REPLACEMENT OF SEWER AND WATER PIPES THAT ARE WELL OVER 100 YEARS OLD, AS WELL AS WIDENING nR48rIDdq2k-00069-00006066-00006072 PIPES THAT ARE WELL OVER 100 YEARS OLD, AS WELL AS WIDENING nR48rIDdq2k-00070-00006072-00006196 PIPES THAT ARE WELL OVER 100 YEARS OLD, AS WELL AS WIDENING PARTS OF THE STREET. nR48rIDdq2k-00071-00006196-00006202 YEARS OLD, AS WELL AS WIDENING PARTS OF THE STREET. nR48rIDdq2k-00072-00006202-00006419 YEARS OLD, AS WELL AS WIDENING PARTS OF THE STREET. WITH THE NECESSITY OF DIGGING AT nR48rIDdq2k-00073-00006419-00006426 PARTS OF THE STREET. WITH THE NECESSITY OF DIGGING AT nR48rIDdq2k-00074-00006426-00006569 PARTS OF THE STREET. WITH THE NECESSITY OF DIGGING AT TIMES 14 FEET BELOW THE GROUND nR48rIDdq2k-00075-00006569-00006576 WITH THE NECESSITY OF DIGGING AT TIMES 14 FEET BELOW THE GROUND nR48rIDdq2k-00076-00006576-00006666 WITH THE NECESSITY OF DIGGING AT TIMES 14 FEET BELOW THE GROUND AND MOUNTING CONCERNS ABOUT nR48rIDdq2k-00077-00006666-00006673 TIMES 14 FEET BELOW THE GROUND AND MOUNTING CONCERNS ABOUT nR48rIDdq2k-00078-00006673-00006860 TIMES 14 FEET BELOW THE GROUND AND MOUNTING CONCERNS ABOUT TRAFFIC, THE MINNESOTA nR48rIDdq2k-00079-00006860-00006866 AND MOUNTING CONCERNS ABOUT TRAFFIC, THE MINNESOTA nR48rIDdq2k-00080-00006866-00006970 AND MOUNTING CONCERNS ABOUT TRAFFIC, THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION nR48rIDdq2k-00081-00006970-00006976 TRAFFIC, THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION nR48rIDdq2k-00082-00006976-00007097 TRAFFIC, THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HELD AN OPEN HOUSE ON TUESDAY nR48rIDdq2k-00083-00007097-00007103 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HELD AN OPEN HOUSE ON TUESDAY nR48rIDdq2k-00084-00007103-00007247 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HELD AN OPEN HOUSE ON TUESDAY EVENING TO PRESENT THE PROJECT nR48rIDdq2k-00085-00007247-00007253 HELD AN OPEN HOUSE ON TUESDAY EVENING TO PRESENT THE PROJECT nR48rIDdq2k-00086-00007253-00007407 HELD AN OPEN HOUSE ON TUESDAY EVENING TO PRESENT THE PROJECT AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THE nR48rIDdq2k-00087-00007407-00007414 EVENING TO PRESENT THE PROJECT AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THE nR48rIDdq2k-00088-00007414-00007517 EVENING TO PRESENT THE PROJECT AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THE COMMUNITY MAY HAVE. nR48rIDdq2k-00089-00007517-00007524 AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THE COMMUNITY MAY HAVE. nR48rIDdq2k-00090-00007524-00007814 AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THE COMMUNITY MAY HAVE. >> OF COURSE IT WAS OUR FIRST nR48rIDdq2k-00091-00007814-00007821 COMMUNITY MAY HAVE. >> OF COURSE IT WAS OUR FIRST nR48rIDdq2k-00092-00007821-00008198 COMMUNITY MAY HAVE. >> OF COURSE IT WAS OUR FIRST REAL OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT nR48rIDdq2k-00093-00008198-00008204 >> OF COURSE IT WAS OUR FIRST REAL OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT nR48rIDdq2k-00094-00008204-00008354 >> OF COURSE IT WAS OUR FIRST REAL OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT SCHEDULES IN MORE DETAIL THAN nR48rIDdq2k-00095-00008354-00008361 REAL OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT SCHEDULES IN MORE DETAIL THAN nR48rIDdq2k-00096-00008361-00008518 REAL OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT SCHEDULES IN MORE DETAIL THAN WE'VE BEEN ABLE TO IN THE PAST. nR48rIDdq2k-00097-00008518-00008525 SCHEDULES IN MORE DETAIL THAN WE'VE BEEN ABLE TO IN THE PAST. nR48rIDdq2k-00098-00008525-00008661 SCHEDULES IN MORE DETAIL THAN WE'VE BEEN ABLE TO IN THE PAST. >> Reporter: NOW, WHEN THE nR48rIDdq2k-00099-00008661-00008668 WE'VE BEEN ABLE TO IN THE PAST. >> Reporter: NOW, WHEN THE nR48rIDdq2k-00100-00008668-00008748 WE'VE BEEN ABLE TO IN THE PAST. >> Reporter: NOW, WHEN THE MAJOR PART OF THE PROJECT IS SET nR48rIDdq2k-00101-00008748-00008755 >> Reporter: NOW, WHEN THE MAJOR PART OF THE PROJECT IS SET nR48rIDdq2k-00102-00008755-00008905 >> Reporter: NOW, WHEN THE MAJOR PART OF THE PROJECT IS SET TO BEGIN IN THE SPRING, CREWS nR48rIDdq2k-00103-00008905-00008912 MAJOR PART OF THE PROJECT IS SET TO BEGIN IN THE SPRING, CREWS nR48rIDdq2k-00104-00008912-00009135 MAJOR PART OF THE PROJECT IS SET TO BEGIN IN THE SPRING, CREWS WILL BEGIN AT THE SOUTH END OF nR48rIDdq2k-00105-00009135-00009142 TO BEGIN IN THE SPRING, CREWS WILL BEGIN AT THE SOUTH END OF nR48rIDdq2k-00106-00009142-00009282 TO BEGIN IN THE SPRING, CREWS WILL BEGIN AT THE SOUTH END OF JOSEPH STREET AND WILL FINISH UP nR48rIDdq2k-00107-00009282-00009289 WILL BEGIN AT THE SOUTH END OF JOSEPH STREET AND WILL FINISH UP nR48rIDdq2k-00108-00009289-00009759 WILL BEGIN AT THE SOUTH END OF JOSEPH STREET AND WILL FINISH UP IN THE LATE FALL HERE. nR48rIDdq2k-00109-00009759-00009766 JOSEPH STREET AND WILL FINISH UP IN THE LATE FALL HERE. nR48rIDdq2k-00110-00009766-00009933 JOSEPH STREET AND WILL FINISH UP IN THE LATE FALL HERE. AMONGST THE MOST CONCERNS IS HOW nR48rIDdq2k-00111-00009933-00009939 IN THE LATE FALL HERE. AMONGST THE MOST CONCERNS IS HOW nR48rIDdq2k-00112-00009939-00010126 IN THE LATE FALL HERE. AMONGST THE MOST CONCERNS IS HOW IT WILL AFFECT BUSINESS. nR48rIDdq2k-00113-00010126-00010133 AMONGST THE MOST CONCERNS IS HOW IT WILL AFFECT BUSINESS. nR48rIDdq2k-00114-00010133-00010313 AMONGST THE MOST CONCERNS IS HOW IT WILL AFFECT BUSINESS. ACCORDING TO BRAINERD'S MAYOR, nR48rIDdq2k-00115-00010313-00010320 IT WILL AFFECT BUSINESS. ACCORDING TO BRAINERD'S MAYOR, nR48rIDdq2k-00116-00010320-00010734 IT WILL AFFECT BUSINESS. ACCORDING TO BRAINERD'S MAYOR, IT WILL BE UP TO THE BUSINESSES nR48rIDdq2k-00117-00010734-00010740 ACCORDING TO BRAINERD'S MAYOR, IT WILL BE UP TO THE BUSINESSES nR48rIDdq2k-00118-00010740-00010954 ACCORDING TO BRAINERD'S MAYOR, IT WILL BE UP TO THE BUSINESSES TO FIND CREATIVE WAYS TO ADAPT. nR48rIDdq2k-00119-00010954-00010960 IT WILL BE UP TO THE BUSINESSES TO FIND CREATIVE WAYS TO ADAPT. nR48rIDdq2k-00120-00010960-00011131 IT WILL BE UP TO THE BUSINESSES TO FIND CREATIVE WAYS TO ADAPT. >> BUSINESSES WILL HAVE TO BE nR48rIDdq2k-00121-00011131-00011137 TO FIND CREATIVE WAYS TO ADAPT. >> BUSINESSES WILL HAVE TO BE nR48rIDdq2k-00122-00011137-00011304 TO FIND CREATIVE WAYS TO ADAPT. >> BUSINESSES WILL HAVE TO BE INVENTIVE WITH HOW THEY DEAL nR48rIDdq2k-00123-00011304-00011311 >> BUSINESSES WILL HAVE TO BE INVENTIVE WITH HOW THEY DEAL nR48rIDdq2k-00124-00011311-00011448 >> BUSINESSES WILL HAVE TO BE INVENTIVE WITH HOW THEY DEAL WITH THEIR CUSTOMERS, HOW TO nR48rIDdq2k-00125-00011448-00011454 INVENTIVE WITH HOW THEY DEAL WITH THEIR CUSTOMERS, HOW TO nR48rIDdq2k-00126-00011454-00011601 INVENTIVE WITH HOW THEY DEAL WITH THEIR CUSTOMERS, HOW TO BRING THEM IN, TALK TO THE nR48rIDdq2k-00127-00011601-00011608 WITH THEIR CUSTOMERS, HOW TO BRING THEM IN, TALK TO THE nR48rIDdq2k-00128-00011608-00011748 WITH THEIR CUSTOMERS, HOW TO BRING THEM IN, TALK TO THE CUSTOMERS TO BRING THEM THROUGH nR48rIDdq2k-00129-00011748-00011755 BRING THEM IN, TALK TO THE CUSTOMERS TO BRING THEM THROUGH nR48rIDdq2k-00130-00011755-00011848 BRING THEM IN, TALK TO THE CUSTOMERS TO BRING THEM THROUGH >> Reporter: THE MAYOR SAYS THE nR48rIDdq2k-00131-00011848-00011855 CUSTOMERS TO BRING THEM THROUGH >> Reporter: THE MAYOR SAYS THE nR48rIDdq2k-00132-00011855-00011965 CUSTOMERS TO BRING THEM THROUGH >> Reporter: THE MAYOR SAYS THE PROJECT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE nR48rIDdq2k-00133-00011965-00011971 >> Reporter: THE MAYOR SAYS THE PROJECT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE nR48rIDdq2k-00134-00011971-00012072 >> Reporter: THE MAYOR SAYS THE PROJECT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE VITALITY OF BRAINERD FOR YEARS nR48rIDdq2k-00135-00012072-00012078 PROJECT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE VITALITY OF BRAINERD FOR YEARS nR48rIDdq2k-00136-00012078-00012178 PROJECT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE VITALITY OF BRAINERD FOR YEARS TO COME. nR48rIDdq2k-00137-00012178-00012185 VITALITY OF BRAINERD FOR YEARS TO COME. nR48rIDdq2k-00138-00012185-00012409 VITALITY OF BRAINERD FOR YEARS TO COME. >> YES, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME nR48rIDdq2k-00139-00012409-00012415 TO COME. >> YES, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME nR48rIDdq2k-00140-00012415-00012539 TO COME. >> YES, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME INCONVENIENCES, BUT WE'RE ALSO nR48rIDdq2k-00141-00012539-00012545 >> YES, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME INCONVENIENCES, BUT WE'RE ALSO nR48rIDdq2k-00142-00012545-00012842 >> YES, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME INCONVENIENCES, BUT WE'RE ALSO GOING TO END UP WITH A GOOD nR48rIDdq2k-00143-00012842-00012849 INCONVENIENCES, BUT WE'RE ALSO GOING TO END UP WITH A GOOD nR48rIDdq2k-00144-00012849-00013069 INCONVENIENCES, BUT WE'RE ALSO GOING TO END UP WITH A GOOD PROJECT DONE. nR48rIDdq2k-00145-00013069-00013076 GOING TO END UP WITH A GOOD PROJECT DONE. nR48rIDdq2k-00146-00013076-00013343 GOING TO END UP WITH A GOOD PROJECT DONE. THE PROJECT WILL BASICALLY MAKE nR48rIDdq2k-00147-00013343-00013349 PROJECT DONE. THE PROJECT WILL BASICALLY MAKE nR48rIDdq2k-00148-00013349-00013673 PROJECT DONE. THE PROJECT WILL BASICALLY MAKE THAT THOROUGHFARE VIABLE FOR THE nR48rIDdq2k-00149-00013673-00013680 THE PROJECT WILL BASICALLY MAKE THAT THOROUGHFARE VIABLE FOR THE nR48rIDdq2k-00150-00013680-00013857 THE PROJECT WILL BASICALLY MAKE THAT THOROUGHFARE VIABLE FOR THE NEXT 40 TO 50 YEARS. nR48rIDdq2k-00151-00013857-00013863 THAT THOROUGHFARE VIABLE FOR THE NEXT 40 TO 50 YEARS. nR48rIDdq2k-00152-00013863-00013977 THAT THOROUGHFARE VIABLE FOR THE NEXT 40 TO 50 YEARS. >> Reporter: THE PROJECT WILL nR48rIDdq2k-00153-00013977-00013983 NEXT 40 TO 50 YEARS. >> Reporter: THE PROJECT WILL nR48rIDdq2k-00154-00013983-00014113 NEXT 40 TO 50 YEARS. >> Reporter: THE PROJECT WILL BEGIN THIS WINTER WITH MINOR nR48rIDdq2k-00155-00014113-00014120 >> Reporter: THE PROJECT WILL BEGIN THIS WINTER WITH MINOR nR48rIDdq2k-00156-00014120-00014220 >> Reporter: THE PROJECT WILL BEGIN THIS WINTER WITH MINOR SIDEWALK REPAIRS AND TREE nR48rIDdq2k-00157-00014220-00014227 BEGIN THIS WINTER WITH MINOR SIDEWALK REPAIRS AND TREE nR48rIDdq2k-00158-00014227-00014411 BEGIN THIS WINTER WITH MINOR SIDEWALK REPAIRS AND TREE CUTTING WITH THE MAJOR ROAD WORK nR48rIDdq2k-00159-00014411-00014417 SIDEWALK REPAIRS AND TREE CUTTING WITH THE MAJOR ROAD WORK nR48rIDdq2k-00160-00014417-00014567 SIDEWALK REPAIRS AND TREE CUTTING WITH THE MAJOR ROAD WORK BEGINNING IN APRIL 2018. nR48rIDdq2k-00161-00014567-00014574 CUTTING WITH THE MAJOR ROAD WORK BEGINNING IN APRIL 2018. nR48rIDdq2k-00162-00014574-00014874 CUTTING WITH THE MAJOR ROAD WORK BEGINNING IN APRIL 2018. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, CLAYTON nR48rIDdq2k-00163-00014874-00014881 BEGINNING IN APRIL 2018. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, CLAYTON nR48rIDdq2k-00164-00014881-00014951 BEGINNING IN APRIL 2018. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, CLAYTON CASTLE, LAKELAND NEWS. nR5EhWXh7gM-00000-00000123-00000278 - So, I've said this before, nR5EhWXh7gM-00001-00000278-00000574 real estate is about economics. nR5EhWXh7gM-00002-00000574-00000796 So, let's look at the supply side of things. nR5EhWXh7gM-00003-00001015-00001515 For the GTA, we're bordered by Lake Ontario to the south, nR5EhWXh7gM-00004-00001564-00001870 and in the east, north and to the west, nR5EhWXh7gM-00005-00001870-00002121 we have something called the Greenbelt. nR5EhWXh7gM-00006-00002121-00002536 And the Greenbelt, what that is is it's forestry land. nR5EhWXh7gM-00007-00002536-00002962 And the government has mandated that this forestry land, nR5EhWXh7gM-00008-00002962-00003235 the Greenbelt, must be preserved. nR5EhWXh7gM-00009-00003235-00003513 Which means, that builders can't build nR5EhWXh7gM-00010-00003513-00003815 on the forestry land on the Greenbelt. nR5EhWXh7gM-00011-00003815-00004281 And so, there's only a few pockets left to the east, nR5EhWXh7gM-00012-00004281-00004660 some to the west, and a few to the north. nR5EhWXh7gM-00013-00004660-00004932 Pockets where builders can actually build. nR5EhWXh7gM-00014-00004932-00005350 And so, what this does is being bordered by the Greenbelt nR5EhWXh7gM-00015-00005350-00005589 as well as Lake Ontario, this creates nR5EhWXh7gM-00016-00005589-00006064 what I like to call the 'Manhattan Effect' for the GTA. nR5EhWXh7gM-00017-00006064-00006323 Because there's only a certain amount of land nR5EhWXh7gM-00018-00006323-00006544 where we can build upon. nR5EhWXh7gM-00019-00006544-00006976 Okay, so this Manhattan Effect creates a supply issue nR5EhWXh7gM-00020-00006976-00007189 because there's nowhere left to build. nR5EhWXh7gM-00021-00007189-00007548 So, builders aren't able to build to the east, nR5EhWXh7gM-00022-00007548-00007893 to the west, to the north, to the south, nR5EhWXh7gM-00023-00007893-00008080 then where can they build? nR5EhWXh7gM-00024-00008080-00008307 The only place they can build is going up. nR5EhWXh7gM-00025-00008307-00008628 That's why you see so many skyscrapers in downtown Toronto nR5EhWXh7gM-00026-00008628-00008873 because that's all that's the only place they can build nR5EhWXh7gM-00027-00008873-00009016 is building up. nR5EhWXh7gM-00028-00009016-00009320 So, if the supply is low nR5EhWXh7gM-00029-00009320-00009745 and the demand is high due to population increase, nR5EhWXh7gM-00030-00009745-00010164 and due to the huge immigration rates, nR5EhWXh7gM-00031-00010164-00010381 what's gonna happen to the value of the land? nR5EhWXh7gM-00032-00010381-00010622 What's gonna happen to property prices? nR5EhWXh7gM-00033-00010622-00010852 Property prices and the value of land, nR5EhWXh7gM-00034-00010852-00011124 the only place that they can go is up. nR5EhWXh7gM-00035-00011124-00011475 So, to take advantage, right now is the best time nR5EhWXh7gM-00036-00011475-00011845 to take advantage of the supply issue, nR5EhWXh7gM-00037-00011845-00012098 the low supply that we have right now nR5EhWXh7gM-00038-00012098-00012437 and to buy a property, to buy an investment property nR5EhWXh7gM-00039-00012437-00012757 because property prices, if all things stay the same nR5EhWXh7gM-00040-00012757-00012961 and the Greenbelt isn't changed, nR5EhWXh7gM-00041-00012961-00013346 the property prices and the values of your investments nR5EhWXh7gM-00042-00013346-00013477 will all go up. nahNScBH7oI-00000-00000744-00001163 Welcome to Spotlight Advanced. I’m Bruce Gulland. nahNScBH7oI-00001-00001163-00001930 And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier nahNScBH7oI-00002-00001930-00002794 for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. nahNScBH7oI-00003-00002794-00004114 “I am the Secretary General of the United Nations. This is an organization that represents nahNScBH7oI-00004-00004114-00004976 almost all of the humans of the planet Earth. I send greetings from the people of our planet. nahNScBH7oI-00005-00004976-00005741 We step out of our Solar System into the Universe, seeking only peace and friendship. We know nahNScBH7oI-00006-00005741-00006433 that our planet is a small part of this Universe that surrounds us. It is with humility and nahNScBH7oI-00007-00006433-00007308 hope that we take this step.” nahNScBH7oI-00008-00007308-00008139 This message was recorded in 1977 by the leader of the United Nations. The people making the nahNScBH7oI-00009-00008139-00008812 recording wanted the message to last a long time. The best form at the time was a hard nahNScBH7oI-00010-00008812-00009496 plastic disc, or vinyl record. However, to make it last longer, they made the record nahNScBH7oI-00011-00009496-00010270 out of gold! They expected this record to survive for billions of years! Then they placed nahNScBH7oI-00012-00010270-00010935 two copies of this “golden record” on two Voyager Space ships. There were no people nahNScBH7oI-00013-00010935-00011243 on either ship. nahNScBH7oI-00014-00011243-00011985 The Voyager ships were launched into space later in 1977. They began to travel away from nahNScBH7oI-00015-00011985-00012869 the earth at a speed of 16 kilometres each second. Thirty-five years later, in 2012, nahNScBH7oI-00016-00012869-00013691 Voyager 1 finally left earth’s solar system. Today’s Spotlight is on the Golden Record nahNScBH7oI-00017-00013691-00014487 each Voyager contained. nahNScBH7oI-00018-00014487-00015266 Carl Sagan was one of the most famous astronomers of his time. He studied stars and planets. nahNScBH7oI-00019-00015266-00016086 In 1976, he created a message to send into space. If people from other planets ever found nahNScBH7oI-00020-00016086-00016801 it, this message would represent all of life on earth. Sagan thought this was a good idea. nahNScBH7oI-00021-00016801-00017628 But there were some questions. What language best represented the whole earth? Should the nahNScBH7oI-00022-00017628-00018414 message include music? What would sounds of nature mean to people from other planets? nahNScBH7oI-00023-00018414-00019083 Sagan gathered together a few people he knew to help him choose the material. This was nahNScBH7oI-00024-00019083-00019795 not an easy job. There was no Internet to search. Timothy Ferris was one of the people nahNScBH7oI-00025-00019795-00020366 helping Sagan. He wrote about this for the New Yorker magazine. nahNScBH7oI-00026-00020366-00021097 “We had to get physical copies of every recording we hoped to listen to or include. nahNScBH7oI-00027-00021097-00021700 This was easy for American music. But we wanted things from all over the world; Australia, nahNScBH7oI-00028-00021700-00022589 Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Congo, Japan, the Navajo Nation, Peru, and the Solomon Islands. nahNScBH7oI-00029-00022589-00023616 It was difficult, involving, and wonderful work.” nahNScBH7oI-00030-00023616-00024268 Finding the audio was the first challenge. Choosing what to include was the second. The nahNScBH7oI-00031-00024268-00025037 work was complex. They could not add everything they wanted. There was a limited amount of nahNScBH7oI-00032-00025037-00025426 space. nahNScBH7oI-00033-00025426-00026037 The work took less than a year to complete. But when the team was finished they believed nahNScBH7oI-00034-00026037-00027019 they had captured all human life. There were 115 pictures. There were greetings in 55 languages. nahNScBH7oI-00035-00027019-00027643 There were 12 minutes of sounds from Earth and 90 minutes of music. nahNScBH7oI-00036-00027643-00028418 The pictures include many different things. There is the structure of human DNA. Two people nahNScBH7oI-00037-00028418-00029163 eating and drinking. Olympic runners in motion. There are pictures of the Taj Mahal in India nahNScBH7oI-00038-00029163-00029981 and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. There is also a picture of a page of a book. nahNScBH7oI-00039-00029981-00030785 There are many different pictures of cities, roads, islands, maps, animals and nature. nahNScBH7oI-00040-00030785-00031445 The music includes famous songs by Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. It also includes music from nahNScBH7oI-00041-00031445-00032083 places like Peru, Japan, New Guinea, Bulgaria, Australia, Senegal, and Mexico. nahNScBH7oI-00042-00032083-00033271 The sounds on the Golden record include volcanoes, earthquakes, and thunder. There is wind, rain, nahNScBH7oI-00043-00033271-00033906 and the ocean against the sand. There are crickets and frog sounds. There are footsteps, nahNScBH7oI-00044-00033906-00034719 a heartbeat, and laughter. There is also a tractor, a train, and an airplane. There are nahNScBH7oI-00045-00034719-00035294 also the sounds of a mother and child. nahNScBH7oI-00046-00035294-00035854 There are also spoken greetings from languages all over the world. Some of the greetings nahNScBH7oI-00047-00035854-00036755 are in Arabic, Cantonese, Dutch, Hindi, Italian, Nepali, Russian, Vietnamese and many others. nahNScBH7oI-00048-00036755-00037431 Sagan and his team knew that people in space would not be able to understand these languages. nahNScBH7oI-00049-00037431-00038208 But they show the many different languages in our world. nahNScBH7oI-00050-00038208-00038933 But does the Golden Record really represent all life on Earth? The Golden Record was made nahNScBH7oI-00051-00038933-00039582 by a small number of people. These people were all from one part of the world - the nahNScBH7oI-00052-00039582-00040281 United States. They also left out all the war and violence that is often part of human nahNScBH7oI-00053-00040281-00041134 life. They wanted to present a happy, peaceful picture of life on earth. But is it even possible nahNScBH7oI-00054-00041134-00042151 to capture all of life on Earth in this way? Isitworth trying? nahNScBH7oI-00055-00042151-00042828 The world has also changed since 1977. One of these changes is the creation of digital nahNScBH7oI-00056-00042828-00043597 media. A small computer can now hold millions of pictures, music and even video. But people nahNScBH7oI-00057-00043597-00044228 from space may not know what to do with this technology. The Golden Record included details nahNScBH7oI-00058-00044228-00044913 of how to use it. These instructions are complex. But they are still simpler than using digital nahNScBH7oI-00059-00044913-00045053 media. nahNScBH7oI-00060-00045053-00045858 Today, people can listen to a copy of the Golden Record. Alessandra Potenza is a writer nahNScBH7oI-00061-00045858-00046636 for The Verge. She wrote about listening to the first Golden Record. She understood it nahNScBH7oI-00062-00046636-00047419 was not perfect. But she still found it very emotional to listen to. nahNScBH7oI-00063-00047419-00048297 “I could not stop thinking how amazing it is to be part of this planet. I do not know nahNScBH7oI-00064-00048297-00048931 what people from space would think of us if they ever found the Voyager Golden Record. nahNScBH7oI-00065-00048931-00049628 Maybe it would make no sense to them. To me, the Golden Record shows me how beautiful our nahNScBH7oI-00066-00049628-00050312 planet is and how special of a home it is. It is also a reminder that we should take nahNScBH7oI-00067-00050312-00050994 better care of it.” nahNScBH7oI-00068-00050994-00051588 What would you want to include if you were making a new Golden Record? Would you include nahNScBH7oI-00069-00051588-00052273 things about our violence and war? Or would you only include happy, peaceful things? You nahNScBH7oI-00070-00052273-00053066 can leave a comment on our website. Or email us at You can also nahNScBH7oI-00071-00053066-00054029 comment on Facebook at nahNScBH7oI-00072-00054029-00054787 The writer of this program was Adam Navis. The producer was Michio Ozaki. The voices nahNScBH7oI-00073-00054787-00055416 you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. All quotes were adapted nahNScBH7oI-00074-00055416-00056041 for this program and voiced by Spotlight. Some of the recordings in this program came nahNScBH7oI-00075-00056041-00056866 from the Golden Record. Visit our website to find links to these recordings. nahNScBH7oI-00076-00056866-00057769 You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at nahNScBH7oI-00077-00057769-00058157 This program is called, ‘The Golden Record’. nahNScBH7oI-00078-00058157-00058912 Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple devices. We hope you can nahNScBH7oI-00079-00058912-00059376 join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye. ndUymJ1m2HM-00000-00000892-00001003 Hello Frankie speaking. ndUymJ1m2HM-00001-00001004-00001543 Hello Frankie, it's Steven Davis here. Look I know you're busy so I'll get straight to ndUymJ1m2HM-00002-00001543-00001607 business. ndUymJ1m2HM-00003-00001607-00002079 It's about the time line on the proposal. You say you need six weeks to complete ndUymJ1m2HM-00004-00002079-00002514 phase one but I'm afraid that's a bit long given the tightness of the other ndUymJ1m2HM-00005-00002514-00002858 the deadlines. Would it be possible to speed it up ndUymJ1m2HM-00006-00002858-00003444 by two weeks to finish in mid May rather than the end of the month? ndUymJ1m2HM-00007-00003444-00003797 That may not be possible for us. We have to wait for materials to arrive from the ndUymJ1m2HM-00008-00003797-00003979 suppliers. ndUymJ1m2HM-00009-00003979-00004380 Might you be able to hurry them up a bit? It will be difficult. ndUymJ1m2HM-00010-00004380-00004680 They have to wait for fresh shipments from the suppliers, ndUymJ1m2HM-00011-00004680-00005089 and given the transport strike in Venezuela, they're in a difficult position ndUymJ1m2HM-00012-00005089-00005173 themselves. ndUymJ1m2HM-00013-00005286-00005676 I see, but could you perhaps consider another supplier? ndUymJ1m2HM-00014-00005676-00006005 I don't think that would be a very good idea, I'm afraid. ndUymJ1m2HM-00015-00006005-00006423 This particular supplier has an excellent track record for quality. ndUymJ1m2HM-00016-00006423-00006815 We designed the work tops with them in mind, and if we had to choose someone ndUymJ1m2HM-00017-00006815-00006934 different, ndUymJ1m2HM-00018-00006934-00007382 we need to rethink the whole concept which would take us back to square one. ndUymJ1m2HM-00019-00007382-00007892 OK, let's go on to the models. Would it be possible for them to be delivered by ndUymJ1m2HM-00020-00007892-00007984 Friday? ndUymJ1m2HM-00021-00007984-00008165 No problem. ndUymJ1m2HM-00022-00008165-00008737 Good. Well I was talking to Nelson Ng about the development plans for phase 3, ndUymJ1m2HM-00023-00008737-00009211 and he seems to think it would be better to defer the lighting until after final ndUymJ1m2HM-00024-00009211-00009412 approval from the architects. ndUymJ1m2HM-00025-00009412-00009736 Why? Well he thinks that maybe objections. ndUymJ1m2HM-00026-00009736-00010223 On what grounds? Well of course they have the bigger picture in mind, and its them ndUymJ1m2HM-00027-00010223-00010649 who are in daily contact with the builders. It may be possible, ndUymJ1m2HM-00028-00010649-00011127 but I need to talk to him myself I think. Could I reserve judgement for a moment, ndUymJ1m2HM-00029-00011127-00011544 and get back to you when I have spoken to him? OK, OK. ndUymJ1m2HM-00030-00011544-00011875 Mmm. Could I ask you to make it soon, ndUymJ1m2HM-00031-00011875-00012261 I got some people breathing down my neck on this. No problem. ndUymJ1m2HM-00032-00012261-00012692 Well those are the main points for now. Would you be able to let me know by next ndUymJ1m2HM-00033-00012692-00012759 week? ndUymJ1m2HM-00034-00012759-00013154 That shouldn't be a problem. Good, good. I'll talk to you then. Goodbye. Goodbye. nfA834pTDWo-00000-00000768-00001200 Hello friends, today me and my brother is going to make nfA834pTDWo-00001-00001200-00001664 two types of Ganesha that is eco- friendly and colour Ganesha. nfA834pTDWo-00002-00001664-00002064 So, I am going to share with you. Now the ingredients nfA834pTDWo-00003-00002064-00002535 are for eco-friendly ganesha this 2 cups maida, nfA834pTDWo-00004-00002535-00003008 half cup of turmeric, and some water. For color ganesha, nfA834pTDWo-00005-00003008-00003976 we need 1 cup maida, some coconut oil, some salt, some water, and colors optional nfA834pTDWo-00006-00003976-00004480 First i'll show you eco-friendly ganesha. For this we have two cups of maida, nfA834pTDWo-00007-00004480-00004896 now add half a cup of turmeric nfA834pTDWo-00008-00004976-00005479 and mix well. nfA834pTDWo-00009-00006112-00006415 Now we have already mixed two ingredients. Now nfA834pTDWo-00010-00006415-00007752 slowly add water and mix. nfA834pTDWo-00011-00007752-00008184 Still we need to put some more water here. nfA834pTDWo-00012-00008511-00009096 Now the dough is rough so we need still more water. nfA834pTDWo-00013-00009624-00010496 Now make sure you knead the dough slowly. nfA834pTDWo-00014-00010496-00010928 Now the dough consistency should be like this. nfA834pTDWo-00015-00011320-00011736 Now i'm helping with brother so let's see. Now we should have nfA834pTDWo-00016-00011736-00012168 one cup maida and some salt nfA834pTDWo-00017-00012311-00012984 and mix well. nfA834pTDWo-00018-00013223-00013984 Now slowly add some coconut oil and mix. nfA834pTDWo-00019-00014168-00015128 Now slowly add some water and mix. nfA834pTDWo-00020-00015128-00015487 Now to make ganesha we need balls like this nfA834pTDWo-00021-00015487-00017184 so that it's very easy to make ganesha. nfA834pTDWo-00022-00037440-00037856 So finally our ganesha is ready. So, we tried our level best nfA834pTDWo-00023-00037856-00038303 to make ganesha. So ok friends if you like my explanation, nfA834pTDWo-00024-00038303-00038712 then please like. Also share with your friends and subscribe to my channel nfA834pTDWo-00025-00038712-00039016 and hit the bell icon so i can get latest updates nfA834pTDWo-00026-00039016-00039785 from my channel and thank you for watching. nfA834pTDWo-00027-00039785-00039985 Jai hind!!! niUMKCfB4Ig-00000-00000064-00000672 Well, welcome everybody to Meet the Experts. I'm Katie Wolfson, Science Education Specialist at the niUMKCfB4Ig-00001-00000672-00001360 National Center for Atmospheric Research. One of the really amazing parts of working for NCAR niUMKCfB4Ig-00002-00001360-00002048 is that there are so many different types of jobs that you can have. You can be a scientist, niUMKCfB4Ig-00003-00002048-00002688 you can be a researcher, you can be an engineer, a pilot, a machinist, you can be a computer specialist, niUMKCfB4Ig-00004-00002688-00003215 you can be a chef, a safety expert, you can be an educator like Tim and I. There are so many amazing niUMKCfB4Ig-00005-00003215-00003760 jobs that you can do here and Meet the Experts is our chance to connect you to those experts and all niUMKCfB4Ig-00006-00003760-00004552 of those amazing jobs. So every other week we hop on here and we do a Q and A with experts from NCAR and niUMKCfB4Ig-00007-00004552-00005224 today we have not one but two amazing experts for you to talk to. We are so excited to go behind niUMKCfB4Ig-00008-00005224-00005936 the scenes at the NCAR Wyoming Supercomputing Center in Cheyenne, Wyoming today. Before we do niUMKCfB4Ig-00009-00005936-00006464 that a couple quick housekeeping things I want to ask everybody to please keep your camera off and niUMKCfB4Ig-00010-00006464-00006968 keep your microphone muted just so we can minimize disruptions and interruptions in the program. niUMKCfB4Ig-00011-00006968-00007576 We would love love love to hear your questions in the chat so go ahead and type in the chat niUMKCfB4Ig-00012-00007576-00007936 any questions you have throughout the program. We'll have time for questions at the end too but niUMKCfB4Ig-00013-00007936-00008408 if you see something cool or hear something cool that pops and makes you wonder something write it niUMKCfB4Ig-00014-00008408-00008944 in the chat and we'll be watching. Also if you need any support with anything type in the chat for us. niUMKCfB4Ig-00015-00008944-00009528 All right, so with that I think we have some amazing people to talk to today. I have the niUMKCfB4Ig-00016-00009528-00010032 pleasure of introducing you to Jeanette Tillotson and Ben Matthews who are Systems Engineers niUMKCfB4Ig-00017-00010104-00010568 and I would love to turn it over to them. Jeanette, could you tell us a little bit more niUMKCfB4Ig-00018-00010568-00011192 about what a supercomputer is and what it means to be a systems engineer. Sure, all right, so thanks niUMKCfB4Ig-00019-00011192-00011848 Katie. Hi I'm Jeanette Tillotson and me and Ben Matthews here, we' are systems engineers at NCAR. niUMKCfB4Ig-00020-00011848-00012416 I'm going to first start with what is a supercomputer? A supercomputer is several niUMKCfB4Ig-00021-00012416-00013096 computers tied together with a fast network. That allows the computers to be used as one big niUMKCfB4Ig-00022-00013096-00013688 computer so if you think of something like that would take 30 days right there are niUMKCfB4Ig-00023-00013688-00014184 lots of things that take a long time to process so it would take 30 days to run on one computer niUMKCfB4Ig-00024-00014240-00014736 if you had perfect scaling you could run that same thing on 30 computers in one day niUMKCfB4Ig-00025-00014800-00015304 so it makes or allows us a super computer. The reason it's super is because it allows us to niUMKCfB4Ig-00026-00015304-00015976 run things much quicker and get answers back much sooner. The supercomputer is also not just the niUMKCfB4Ig-00027-00015976-00016528 compute nodes or the network it's also a file storage system that we use for, you know, storing niUMKCfB4Ig-00028-00016528-00017056 data and the facility that houses the machine. All four of those things go into a supercomputer. niUMKCfB4Ig-00029-00017152-00017584 So at NCAR we use supercomputers to do things like weather forecasting which is what niUMKCfB4Ig-00030-00017584-00018040 the weather forecasts that you see on your television are done with supercomputers. niUMKCfB4Ig-00031-00018120-00018768 We also do wildfire forecasting, so like where wildfires might spread. We niUMKCfB4Ig-00032-00018768-00019384 model weather so we do like tornadoes. They'll take tornado measurements and then they'll come niUMKCfB4Ig-00033-00019384-00019856 back to the computer and model it on the computer so that way they can use the model to learn things niUMKCfB4Ig-00034-00019856-00020456 and of course NCAR does climate modeling so we model the climate out 100 years and that helps us niUMKCfB4Ig-00035-00020456-00021224 know where our world is and what kinds of things we need to change to improve our climate. So niUMKCfB4Ig-00036-00021224-00021936 Ben and I, we're systems engineers so we manage the compute and that file storage system niUMKCfB4Ig-00037-00021992-00022688 and other things for NCAR but we're not just like a computer person that's not the niUMKCfB4Ig-00038-00022688-00023160 only thing we do. We also do things with like water. We're plumbers, sometimes. We do things niUMKCfB4Ig-00039-00023160-00023648 with electricity so sometimes we're electricians. Sometimes we're mechanics. We take things apart and niUMKCfB4Ig-00040-00023648-00024032 screw them back together so there's all sorts of things that go into our jobs and that's one of the niUMKCfB4Ig-00041-00024032-00024512 things I like the best about it is that there's just so many different aspects to it. I don't niUMKCfB4Ig-00042-00024512-00025216 ever get bored. Always new problems too, so that that keeps this job interesting. Both Ben and I, niUMKCfB4Ig-00043-00025216-00025704 we have Master's Degrees in computer science but you don't need a computer degree to do this job. niUMKCfB4Ig-00044-00025824-00026256 You don't need a degree at all in fact I work with several people in this field that don't even have niUMKCfB4Ig-00045-00026256-00026664 a college degree at all. It certainly makes it easier to get started in the field but niUMKCfB4Ig-00046-00026664-00027224 it's not necessary. Other things I like about this job is we set our own hours. niUMKCfB4Ig-00047-00027288-00027704 As long as we get our work done we can pretty much work anytime we want. niUMKCfB4Ig-00048-00027704-00028280 So some people work like noon to 8 pm at night because that fits better for them. Some people niUMKCfB4Ig-00049-00028280-00028624 work different, like they'll work some in the morning and then they might take a break and niUMKCfB4Ig-00050-00028624-00029127 then they might work some in the evening so it's very flexible in the hours that we work. niUMKCfB4Ig-00051-00029127-00029536 We also have a lot of freedom and independence in our job. We are just kind of told niUMKCfB4Ig-00052-00029536-00029992 broadly what we're supposed to do and then we determine what and how to do that job so it's niUMKCfB4Ig-00053-00029992-00030448 a lot of figuring out problems, a lot of problem solving and a lot of independence in that regard. niUMKCfB4Ig-00054-00030552-00031072 The reason I mention all this is because we need more super computing systems engineers. niUMKCfB4Ig-00055-00031072-00031495 There's a big shortage of them so if you're interested in a job like this, if this sounds niUMKCfB4Ig-00056-00031495-00032144 exciting, I encourage you to go check out jobs in systems engineering particular for supercomputing. niUMKCfB4Ig-00057-00032320-00032727 I'm going to show you some examples of some supercomputers. niUMKCfB4Ig-00058-00032727-00033624 There is a list. Let me share my screen here oh let's see oh no now it's all, why does niUMKCfB4Ig-00059-00033624-00034272 it do this to me. I had it all set up ready to just click and now I gotta find it. How does this happen. niUMKCfB4Ig-00060-00034440-00035264 All right, why can't I find. There it is. All right, sorry about that. Okay, can everybody see my screen. niUMKCfB4Ig-00061-00035440-00035848 Well, unfortunately it looks like it's just a search bar for us. All right let's try it niUMKCfB4Ig-00062-00035848-00036480 again. You know when I went to do the sharing I went to data flight before. It's something niUMKCfB4Ig-00063-00036480-00036856 strange so let's try it again. Oh, that looks like, there it is. There we go all right great. niUMKCfB4Ig-00064-00036968-00037512 Yeah so I think I had maybe a little search bar up in this and that's why it confused zoom so I niUMKCfB4Ig-00065-00037512-00038472 apologize. All right, so this is a list of the top 500 fastest supercomputers in the world. So niUMKCfB4Ig-00066-00038472-00039040 you can see here this the top machine, the fastest supercomputer in the world is a supercomputer niUMKCfB4Ig-00067-00039040-00040472 called Fugaku. It's in Japan and it has 7 million 630,000 processors in it. You niUMKCfB4Ig-00068-00040472-00041152 can think of that as like seven million or 7.6 million computers that it can tie all together. niUMKCfB4Ig-00069-00041320-00042400 It runs at 442,000 T and this is T for teraflops. A flop is a mathematical calculation and so Fugaku niUMKCfB4Ig-00070-00042456-00043296 can do 442,000 teraflops or tera is a trillion mathematical calculations a second. niUMKCfB4Ig-00071-00043384-00044144 That's a lot of calculations. You see this other number here, this is the theoretical speed niUMKCfB4Ig-00072-00044144-00044696 of Fugaku. When I talked earlier if we had exact scaling, if everything scaled exactly, niUMKCfB4Ig-00073-00044752-00045384 we would get this kind of speed out of it but it doesn't so it's not quite as fast as it niUMKCfB4Ig-00074-00045384-00045904 can be. It's measured that fast so they've actually ran a program on Fugaku niUMKCfB4Ig-00075-00045960-00046664 that actually did that many calculations a second and then the other thing over here you see is the niUMKCfB4Ig-00076-00046664-00047648 power that Fugaku uses. It uses almost 30,000 kilowatts. A kilo being a thousand so it uses niUMKCfB4Ig-00077-00047736-00048448 30,000 kilowatts or 30 megawatts. A mega being a million. So we all know kilo is a thousand, niUMKCfB4Ig-00078-00048448-00049136 right, mega is a million, giga is a billion, tera is a trillion, so those things will come up as we niUMKCfB4Ig-00079-00049136-00049840 talk about these more today. Then this is Fugaku. This is a picture of Fugaku. You can see, niUMKCfB4Ig-00080-00049840-00050488 I couldn't find a complete picture of Fugaku but you can see it's rows and rows and rows and rows niUMKCfB4Ig-00081-00050488-00051264 of computers. Each in here, there's several lots like a hundred probably computers in this one niUMKCfB4Ig-00082-00051320-00051879 cabinet here and this cabinet is about the size of a refrigerator so you can imagine how large niUMKCfB4Ig-00083-00051879-00052664 this computer is. I mean it takes up a massive room bigger than your house and that's how it's niUMKCfB4Ig-00084-00052664-00053176 getting that speed that we talked about by having all of those computers that it can bring to bear. niUMKCfB4Ig-00085-00053312-00053848 The second one here is Summit. This is a computer that's actually in Tennessee, niUMKCfB4Ig-00086-00053848-00055048 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It's got 2.4 million processors and it runs at 200 or 201,000 teraflops niUMKCfB4Ig-00087-00055048-00055688 or mathematical calculations a second and it uses 10,000 kilowatts or 10 megawatts of power. niUMKCfB4Ig-00088-00055791-00056376 Here's Summit. Here's a picture so this is the Summit page and they have a lovely little niUMKCfB4Ig-00089-00056376-00056991 walk through if you want to check out later of their super computing center and so you can see niUMKCfB4Ig-00090-00056991-00057640 this is Summit. It's just huge long rows all the way back here and then rows and rows and rows and niUMKCfB4Ig-00091-00057640-00058191 rows and rows of computers right, that all make up this one supercomputer. niUMKCfB4Ig-00092-00058352-00058800 Then there's another computer that's called Marinostrom we'll find it on here. niUMKCfB4Ig-00093-00058800-00059296 I bring it up just because it's in Spain. It's in Barcelona, Spain. Excuse me one second. niUMKCfB4Ig-00094-00059784-00060232 I guess that happens to everybody. I know it and I got a cat that would probably niUMKCfB4Ig-00095-00060232-00060840 walk across the table at some point. I apologize. Anyway, so we have Marinostrom. It's a computer niUMKCfB4Ig-00096-00060840-00062040 in Barcelona, Spain again it's 153,000 processing units and it runs at 6.4 thousand trillion, right, niUMKCfB4Ig-00097-00062336-00062672 mathematical operation. I want to say flops all the time niUMKCfB4Ig-00098-00062672-00063032 but I don't want to confuse you with that term. It's just really a mathematical calculation. niUMKCfB4Ig-00099-00063120-00063608 I mean it's 42nd on the list and it's this computer here and actually is housed in a niUMKCfB4Ig-00100-00063608-00064255 church in Barcelona there. It's beautiful. It's in this glass room and again you see just niUMKCfB4Ig-00101-00064255-00064791 rows and rows of there's like five rows here and goes all the way back. niUMKCfB4Ig-00102-00064791-00065344 Just computer after computer again each one of these racks probably holding around 100 computers niUMKCfB4Ig-00103-00065552-00066504 and then the last one of course is the one we run which is Cheyenne and that's down here. 60th It's niUMKCfB4Ig-00104-00066504-00067000 the 60th fastest supercomputer in the world. That's what we run here at NCAR and that's what Ben and niUMKCfB4Ig-00105-00067000-00068224 I maintain and it's 145,000 processing units and it runs at 4.8, niUMKCfB4Ig-00106-00068304-00068904 thousand trillion mathematical calculations a second and you all saw a picture of Cheyenne. This niUMKCfB4Ig-00107-00068904-00069432 is Cheyenne. This is just one row of Cheyenne, it's actually this is two rows Cheyenne is this row niUMKCfB4Ig-00108-00069432-00069896 and then there's another row of Cheyenne so it's about twice the size of this again. Each one like niUMKCfB4Ig-00109-00069896-00070760 that E that's about the size of a refrigerator, a very large refrigerator to be exact. niUMKCfB4Ig-00110-00070928-00071376 I wanted to compare Cheyenne. We want to show you a node of Cheyenne. niUMKCfB4Ig-00111-00071376-00071920 We've taken a node of Cheyenne out, actually it's a blade of Cheyenne. Each blade has four nodes on niUMKCfB4Ig-00112-00071920-00072328 it and Ben's going to show you that but I want to show you a computer that I have here in my house. niUMKCfB4Ig-00113-00072392-00073000 So this is a an HP pavilion. This is kind of a computer you might have in your house niUMKCfB4Ig-00114-00073000-00073688 or in your school or in the library and we're going to open it up here. niUMKCfB4Ig-00115-00073688-00074104 Take a look inside of it. So a lot of you might have seen these before. This is a niUMKCfB4Ig-00116-00074168-00074736 pretty common computer. It's actually a pretty old one to be exact and in this computer this is niUMKCfB4Ig-00117-00074736-00075288 the processor right here and you can see it's got a big cooling block on it. Underneath this fan is a niUMKCfB4Ig-00118-00075288-00075776 big huge piece of metal. That's a cooling block and then there's this fan that we use to cool it so niUMKCfB4Ig-00119-00075776-00076304 this is the cooling for this computer. It's got some memory in here. There's a four gigabyte memory niUMKCfB4Ig-00120-00076384-00077072 chip in here. Again, giga being a billion right so it's got four billion bytes of memory there. It niUMKCfB4Ig-00121-00077072-00077752 also has a the power supply down here. This is a 220 watt power supply and the other niUMKCfB4Ig-00122-00077752-00078424 thing is it's got networking on it. It's got a wi-fi networking which is running at 600 niUMKCfB4Ig-00123-00078424-00079160 megabits a second. Again, mega being a million so 600 megabits a second and so yeah let's take a niUMKCfB4Ig-00124-00079160-00079984 look at a Cheyenne node and see how that compares. Ben, you want to take it from here? niUMKCfB4Ig-00125-00080312-00080928 I'm sorry, Jeanette. We have an on-site tech support guy here that was distracting us. niUMKCfB4Ig-00126-00081000-00081496 When you have a system this large it turns out that you might see a failure in your niUMKCfB4Ig-00127-00081496-00082144 computer maybe once a year once every couple years but we have 4 000 computers here so niUMKCfB4Ig-00128-00082232-00082600 we see a failure pretty much every week. Maybe three or four or five niUMKCfB4Ig-00129-00082600-00083288 so there's quite a maintenance load. Anyway, we have here a Cheyenne blade. This is niUMKCfB4Ig-00130-00083400-00083768 sort of the equivalent of four of the machines Jeanette showed you but niUMKCfB4Ig-00131-00083856-00084528 it's a little bit smaller so we can unfold it and we can see sort of the same components niUMKCfB4Ig-00132-00084640-00085232 that Jeannette's computer has are shared among many of these blades niUMKCfB4Ig-00133-00085232-00086008 but the general design is the same. Each of these boards is two computers like niUMKCfB4Ig-00134-00086008-00086768 you would have at home. Each one has two processors instead of one. 36 cores each and we have niUMKCfB4Ig-00135-00086768-00087176 memory modules and these memory modules are very similar to what you'd have in any other computer. niUMKCfB4Ig-00136-00087272-00087736 We have some network cards. These are a lot faster than anything you'd have at home so each niUMKCfB4Ig-00137-00087736-00088376 of these network cards is 100 gigabits a second. It's about 100 times what you might have from niUMKCfB4Ig-00138-00088376-00088944 a very good internet connection at home. Maybe 10 times that from a typical internet connection. niUMKCfB4Ig-00139-00089056-00089808 Each of these nodes also has a management computer on it in the back on the back plane. niUMKCfB4Ig-00140-00089808-00090376 This allows us to turn the node off and on and do some diagnostics. This is important because niUMKCfB4Ig-00141-00090464-00091104 Jeanette and I and the rest of the team work from Boulder, Colorado and yet this hardware is located niUMKCfB4Ig-00142-00091104-00091664 in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The main reason for that is availability of power and cooling. niUMKCfB4Ig-00143-00091776-00092144 It's hard to get enough power to run one of these systems in a really dense urban environment. niUMKCfB4Ig-00144-00092328-00092704 Another interesting thing about these is they don't actually have any storage. There's an niUMKCfB4Ig-00145-00092704-00093304 optional place to plug in storage but we don't have storage on these nodes so they're all booted niUMKCfB4Ig-00146-00093304-00093704 over the network. All their data comes from the network. The reason for that is to make them niUMKCfB4Ig-00147-00093704-00094216 easier to maintain. If you're interested in how we do storage here at NCAR feel free to ask our Meet niUMKCfB4Ig-00148-00094216-00094808 the Experts moderators or put a comment in the chat and we can talk about that in another day. niUMKCfB4Ig-00149-00095064-00095528 Jeanette pointed out how large these systems can get so it's very important to pack as many niUMKCfB4Ig-00150-00095528-00096312 of these nodes in a smaller space as possible so these nodes actually fold and you might be able to niUMKCfB4Ig-00151-00096312-00096840 see that the two boards are a little bit different. Each of the components is kind of offset niUMKCfB4Ig-00152-00096968-00097536 so that's how we get as many boards as we do in a smaller space as we do. niUMKCfB4Ig-00153-00097624-00098320 These nodes are water cooled so each of the CPUs is on a water loop and niUMKCfB4Ig-00154-00098320-00098704 you can see the water comes in a quick connector and runs over the processors niUMKCfB4Ig-00155-00098792-00099208 and if you've taken a physics class you might know that water can draw heat away niUMKCfB4Ig-00156-00099208-00099816 from the surface much more effectively than air so Jeanette's one low power computer uses a big fan. niUMKCfB4Ig-00157-00099880-00100368 Here we have water and the big fans are outside in the parking lot evaporating water for us. niUMKCfB4Ig-00158-00100520-00101120 When this slides into the machine, into the rack there are a set niUMKCfB4Ig-00159-00101120-00101600 of quick disconnects on the back so we have a water intake and a water output. niUMKCfB4Ig-00160-00101680-00102496 Network connectors, power connectors and this big metal pin that ensures that the node is aligned in niUMKCfB4Ig-00161-00102496-00102888 the right place so that when we slide these nodes in and out these connectors don't get damaged. niUMKCfB4Ig-00162-00102992-00103632 That's pretty important. This is four nodes, right, this node came from in niUMKCfB4Ig-00163-00103632-00103959 here and it's gonna be a little loud when I open this door so I apologize for that. niUMKCfB4Ig-00164-00104272-00104592 We can see where the node that I just showed you came from. niUMKCfB4Ig-00165-00104680-00105440 Each of these racks has four enclosures. Each enclosure has 36 nodes behind these blades niUMKCfB4Ig-00166-00105511-00105944 and the nodes share a lot of resources, for example, these power niUMKCfB4Ig-00167-00105944-00106359 supplies are shared among all the nodes and their enclosures. We have any closure of nodes niUMKCfB4Ig-00168-00106448-00107032 shared power supplies you saw there were some components like memory that aren't water cooled niUMKCfB4Ig-00169-00107032-00107496 or we have these big blowers on the side that cool any component that's not on the water loop. niUMKCfB4Ig-00170-00107704-00108568 If we come around to the side of this rack this system is water cooled and it uses niUMKCfB4Ig-00171-00108568-00109111 basically a big swamp cooler that you might have at home, same idea. It's very inexpensive to niUMKCfB4Ig-00172-00109111-00109656 evaporate water and you can move a lot of energy that way but in order to evaporate water we have niUMKCfB4Ig-00173-00109656-00110048 to have the water exposed to the outside and it can potentially get dirty you know, niUMKCfB4Ig-00174-00110048-00110672 bugs in it, whatever. So we can't have that going through the computers so we have a heat niUMKCfB4Ig-00175-00110672-00111200 exchanger and a series of pumps that pump very, very clean treated water through the computers niUMKCfB4Ig-00176-00111344-00111872 and exchange heat with a still very clean but less clean outside water loop. niUMKCfB4Ig-00177-00111976-00112592 You can see, it's kind of, I always think this is funny, we've got basically your hiking water bag niUMKCfB4Ig-00178-00112711-00113135 to fill up if there are any leaks in the computer and we've actually had some leaks here. niUMKCfB4Ig-00179-00113216-00113511 You know, Jeanette mentioned we're plumbers too. niUMKCfB4Ig-00180-00113511-00113792 There's quite a lot of water moving through the system at any given time. niUMKCfB4Ig-00181-00114008-00114456 We walk around to the back of one of these racks. We can see all the networking infrastructure. niUMKCfB4Ig-00182-00114632-00115176 So these network switches are a technology called infiniband. Each one of these cables is niUMKCfB4Ig-00183-00115176-00115744 about 100 times what a cable you might have at home would be able to move in terms of data so niUMKCfB4Ig-00184-00115808-00116480 longer cables are optical. So there's a laser in the connector that sends data through the fiber. niUMKCfB4Ig-00185-00116568-00117008 Some of the shorter links use regular copper wires but you notice these are pretty niUMKCfB4Ig-00186-00117008-00117464 hefty wires and that's because of the amount of data that's being moved and you need niUMKCfB4Ig-00187-00117535-00118152 them to be electrically quiet. Each of the enclosures also has a specialty controller niUMKCfB4Ig-00188-00118152-00118583 and this allows us to do diagnostics and turn on and off any misbehaving components. niUMKCfB4Ig-00189-00118664-00119208 Again, we're all remote so it's very important that we be able to administer these systems niUMKCfB4Ig-00190-00119208-00119824 remotely. There are a couple of people on site here that can do hardware work but those of niUMKCfB4Ig-00191-00119824-00120264 us on the main engineering team generally only come up here when something breaks or when we're niUMKCfB4Ig-00192-00120264-00120976 deploying a new system and of course all these computers, Jeanette's computer was about 200 watts, niUMKCfB4Ig-00193-00121040-00121744 each one of these nodes is about twice that. This rack has about 100 of those nodes so niUMKCfB4Ig-00194-00121840-00122256 you can imagine how much power is needed and you can see that the power cables that feed this rack niUMKCfB4Ig-00195-00122256-00123120 are just massive, about the size of my hand. Looking at Cheyenne it looks like it we have 1.7, niUMKCfB4Ig-00196-00123120-00123816 000 kilowatts so it's 1.7 megawatts is what we have on the top 500 page. And niUMKCfB4Ig-00197-00123816-00124296 the amount of power a system like this consumes varies quite a bit by what it's doing. niUMKCfB4Ig-00198-00124383-00124896 We've actually pulled close to two megawatts with this system but only with benchmarks that niUMKCfB4Ig-00199-00124896-00125632 are very very efficient so the one, one and a half to 1.7 is about where it runs normally. niUMKCfB4Ig-00200-00125816-00126200 What he means by efficient too, what he means is like we run special codes niUMKCfB4Ig-00201-00126200-00126935 to see how fast this computer is so we really run it on a very simple kind of math that niUMKCfB4Ig-00202-00126935-00127424 we're doing. It's not that complicated. It's just a lot of them so we just make the computer do a niUMKCfB4Ig-00203-00127424-00128024 lot of those mathematical calculations all at one time and if we can do that and do it in a special niUMKCfB4Ig-00204-00128024-00128488 way we can max the computer out if you want to think of it that way. But normally Cheyenne niUMKCfB4Ig-00205-00128488-00129159 doesn't run at max power because you know the people using it don't use it the most efficiently. niUMKCfB4Ig-00206-00129159-00129616 They're doing work that's important to them. They're not trying to get the most out of niUMKCfB4Ig-00207-00129616-00130000 the super computer. They're just trying to get their work done so we don't tend to run it at niUMKCfB4Ig-00208-00130000-00130608 the max, you know that Cheyenne can do. It's sort of like putting your car on a dynamometer. you niUMKCfB4Ig-00209-00130608-00131064 You run at the maximum amount of horsepower for a period of time just to see what it can do niUMKCfB4Ig-00210-00131136-00131624 but you would never run that way in the real world. You'd have stop lights and traffic and whatever niUMKCfB4Ig-00211-00131624-00132144 that prevent you from running at full blast all the time. So I'm getting to the niUMKCfB4Ig-00212-00132144-00132504 grocery store yeah sorry, he's trying to get to the grocery store, right, you're not trying to get there, niUMKCfB4Ig-00213-00132504-00133136 you know, the fastest you possibly can so that's the idea. That's the analogy. And each of these niUMKCfB4Ig-00214-00133136-00133584 lasers and the switches also produces a ton of heat so you can see they're water cooled as well. niUMKCfB4Ig-00215-00133584-00134200 There's a manifold in here that distributes water from the rest of those pumps we showed you. niUMKCfB4Ig-00216-00134528-00135056 Ben and Jeanette, we have a question for you about the water. Our folks in Lakewood niUMKCfB4Ig-00217-00135056-00135616 are wondering how much water does the system use and is it reused somehow? niUMKCfB4Ig-00218-00135688-00136184 The water in these racks is reused because it's very clean. I'm not sure the exact niUMKCfB4Ig-00219-00136184-00136792 number but it's only a few gallons like five to ten gallons in each group of four racks niUMKCfB4Ig-00220-00136864-00137416 so we have 28 of these racks and you can figure out what the total is yourself there. niUMKCfB4Ig-00221-00137416-00137968 In terms of the outside water system, like I said, it's a swamp cooler so we evaporate niUMKCfB4Ig-00222-00137968-00138400 a huge amount of water and use that phase change to take energy out of the system niUMKCfB4Ig-00223-00138480-00138904 and the amount of water that is involved with that is going to depend on the load on the system and niUMKCfB4Ig-00224-00139048-00139664 how dry the air is outside, a lot of variables, but it's on the order of thousands of gallons a day. niUMKCfB4Ig-00225-00139864-00140344 These systems are not that great for the environment in some sense. We're using a lot niUMKCfB4Ig-00226-00140344-00140880 of power. We're using a lot of water on the other hand. The research it's doing is hopefully going to niUMKCfB4Ig-00227-00140880-00141576 help us save the environment so it's worth it. I also saw a question about the niUMKCfB4Ig-00228-00141576-00142104 previous fastest supercomputer. I'm going to share my screen here again really quick if that's okay. niUMKCfB4Ig-00229-00142216-00142664 I see now what's going on with this now. I know what screwed up my share thing niUMKCfB4Ig-00230-00142664-00143288 before so there we go. You're seeing a systems engineer at work already problem solving. niUMKCfB4Ig-00231-00143288-00143672 i know it and like you'd think we could operate computers better niUMKCfB4Ig-00232-00143984-00144504 just like everybody else. So this top 500 list, you can go back and look at previous lists. niUMKCfB4Ig-00233-00144504-00145000 They have them all the way back so like if you're interested you can go niUMKCfB4Ig-00234-00145000-00145664 back all the way to when they first did the list. Which was in June of 1993. niUMKCfB4Ig-00235-00145768-00146376 So the fastest computer then was at Los Alamos, which is in New Mexico. niUMKCfB4Ig-00236-00146472-00147376 And it had 1,024 cores. Remember Cheyenne's like what 4.7 million. This has 1,024 niUMKCfB4Ig-00237-00147376-00148168 cores and it ran at 59 gigaflops, 59 billion floating point of operations a second. niUMKCfB4Ig-00238-00148256-00148752 That's way, right, we're already in the teraflops. We've been talking about teraflops with niUMKCfB4Ig-00239-00148752-00149264 all these, that's a trillion, this is a gigaflop, a billion, so you can go back and look at all of the niUMKCfB4Ig-00240-00149264-00149904 past computers if you want. All the previous lists if you're interested. We replace one of niUMKCfB4Ig-00241-00149904-00150576 these systems every three to five years because after five years the newest system on the market niUMKCfB4Ig-00242-00150576-00151208 will typically be so much faster that you burn roughly half the power to get the same amount niUMKCfB4Ig-00243-00151208-00151632 of compute load and it's just so much cheaper to run a new one, buy a new one every couple years. niUMKCfB4Ig-00244-00151728-00152416 So there's a new top 500 list every year that has a new set of rankings. I believe Cheyenne, the niUMKCfB4Ig-00245-00152416-00153112 system, started right around the 20th, the 20th fastest system and the listing I was looking at showed it niUMKCfB4Ig-00246-00153112-00153760 around 60. It's at 60. China actually niUMKCfB4Ig-00247-00153760-00154296 had the fastest computer for a while and they have a lot on the top 500, China does and they these niUMKCfB4Ig-00248-00154360-00154856 fancy machines that they built, they engineered themselves which is really cool. We bought ours niUMKCfB4Ig-00249-00154856-00155584 from HP or SGI at the time which was acquired by HP but we bought from a company. They put it niUMKCfB4Ig-00250-00155584-00156040 together for us and built it but a lot of these Chinese machines, they build them themselves. If niUMKCfB4Ig-00251-00156040-00156392 you have an interest in like computer engineering there's all sorts of jobs out there for niUMKCfB4Ig-00252-00156392-00157096 actually just building these things and actually engineering them from the chip on up. Very cool. niUMKCfB4Ig-00253-00157096-00157592 Ben and Jeannette, I have a question for the two of you. I am wondering, we're talking about niUMKCfB4Ig-00254-00157592-00158672 all these supercomputers and I think the two of you are pretty super also and I'm wondering, do you consider, are there any superpowers that you feel like you and Ben have that help you do niUMKCfB4Ig-00255-00158672-00159096 your job really well. Like what's something about something that you think you're really great niUMKCfB4Ig-00256-00159096-00159584 at that does really well as a systems engineer. I'll let Ben take that, you want to take that Ben? niUMKCfB4Ig-00257-00159704-00160192 I would say the biggest thing is the ability to understand a very complex system like niUMKCfB4Ig-00258-00160192-00160688 this and guess where the problems are going to be or infer where the problems are going to be. Like I niUMKCfB4Ig-00259-00160688-00161240 said, we buy a new one of these every few years. By the time we get it working it's just about ready niUMKCfB4Ig-00260-00161240-00161824 to be decommissioned a lot of times. These are very, very new technologies every time we get a new system. niUMKCfB4Ig-00261-00161920-00162432 There will be something wrong with it. It never fails so the ability to understand how it works, niUMKCfB4Ig-00262-00162432-00163016 where each of those cables goes, how everything's connected together and look at niUMKCfB4Ig-00263-00163016-00163424 what kind of problem you're experiencing and your understanding of the system and determine niUMKCfB4Ig-00264-00163480-00163984 what is most likely wrong. Then go try toprove that by the scientific method. niUMKCfB4Ig-00265-00164104-00164480 Make a hypothesis and then try to show whether that is or is not niUMKCfB4Ig-00266-00164560-00165136 the cause of your difficulty. I'd say that's the biggest thing. A detective, I liken my niUMKCfB4Ig-00267-00165136-00165768 work to a detective a lot. There'll be like some problem and nobody's ever seen it ever, you're off niUMKCfB4Ig-00268-00165768-00166216 sometimes, the first person who've ever seen this problem before and you got to figure out what it niUMKCfB4Ig-00269-00166216-00166784 is and fix it. That's your job so that's why it's always new and changing. It's like being a niUMKCfB4Ig-00270-00166784-00167200 detective. You have to kind of go out, you gather evidence, you make a hypothesis, you then go niUMKCfB4Ig-00271-00167200-00167760 out and look for that and and so I think that's the most important thing, problem solving and niUMKCfB4Ig-00272-00167760-00168376 being able to think outside the box. Look at things broadly, so very much like being a detective. niUMKCfB4Ig-00273-00168504-00169056 Every one of these systems is unique. SGI might have sold a dozen or so systems based niUMKCfB4Ig-00274-00169056-00169728 on this technology to various sites but only we have one this size with this these cooling niUMKCfB4Ig-00275-00169824-00170256 parameters, this exact equipment so it's not like niUMKCfB4Ig-00276-00170256-00170712 you can just go google a problem. You have to actually figure out what's going on. niUMKCfB4Ig-00277-00170976-00171688 I've touched machines that had serial number three meaning it was the third thing like niUMKCfB4Ig-00278-00171688-00172424 it in the world and the other two were just delivered the day before probably right so niUMKCfB4Ig-00279-00172424-00172920 again I run into problems. You can go back to the vendor and niUMKCfB4Ig-00280-00172920-00173248 the vendor will work with you, of course. They understand the system and stuff but sometimes niUMKCfB4Ig-00281-00173248-00173712 there are problems they don't even understand. We run into problems that the vendors can't even niUMKCfB4Ig-00282-00173712-00174256 solve and then we work with the vendor back and forth. We will often help them and provide them niUMKCfB4Ig-00283-00174256-00174880 stuff to help improve their equipment so it's very cutting edge. You saw me get distracted earlier in niUMKCfB4Ig-00284-00174880-00175408 this call. That was the vendor for Cheyenne asking me for help. It happens all the time. niUMKCfB4Ig-00285-00175608-00176072 We have another question from Lakewood saying the computers are so neat and organized. niUMKCfB4Ig-00286-00176072-00176584 it's amazing. How many people work on the maintenance of the computers on site? niUMKCfB4Ig-00287-00176672-00177152 We have about four on site at any given time but niUMKCfB4Ig-00288-00177152-00177456 it's been cut down to closer to two or three during the pandemic. niUMKCfB4Ig-00289-00177616-00178272 We have someone from the company that made it show up about twice a week to replace parts so niUMKCfB4Ig-00290-00178344-00178704 part of the reason why they're so neat and tidy is to make it very efficient for service. niUMKCfB4Ig-00291-00178896-00179288 We have thousands of cables in this room running all over the place and if they weren't niUMKCfB4Ig-00292-00179360-00179984 immaculately dressed, put up in the cable case, if you want to show the cable niUMKCfB4Ig-00293-00179984-00180480 trays in the ceiling, if everything wasn't just so you'd never be able to service it because niUMKCfB4Ig-00294-00180480-00181048 you'd never be able to find the particular thing that's broken. You'd probably also break things too niUMKCfB4Ig-00295-00181104-00181640 by not having it be neat. You'll break things and again there's a lot of little parts niUMKCfB4Ig-00296-00181640-00182224 that all have to be working so you have to be very careful not to introduce issues. niUMKCfB4Ig-00297-00182224-00182816 You already have enough to deal with with having such a large thing. Absolutely, those cables I niUMKCfB4Ig-00298-00182816-00183400 showed, those are glass inside, they're a very tiny less than a millimeter diameter piece of glass niUMKCfB4Ig-00299-00183496-00183768 so if you just try to pull those to untangle them you'll break them niUMKCfB4Ig-00300-00183832-00184208 and those cables are about a thousand dollars a piece if you were to go buy one niUMKCfB4Ig-00301-00184208-00184704 on the open market and they're that expensive because they're so special niUMKCfB4Ig-00302-00184928-00185432 and they're very fast. We are getting close to the end of our program so if our niUMKCfB4Ig-00303-00185432-00185824 folks in the chat have any other questions please definitely let us know. niUMKCfB4Ig-00304-00185888-00186424 While we're seeing if anyone else has any final questions I want to ask Ben and Jeanette when niUMKCfB4Ig-00305-00186424-00187016 you were in middle school or in high school did you like computers too or were you into other things. niUMKCfB4Ig-00306-00187152-00187800 I tell the story that when I was in the seventh grade the first personal computer came out, the one niUMKCfB4Ig-00307-00187800-00188336 that you could actually buy for your house. I'm old so keep that in mind and I remember touching it niUMKCfB4Ig-00308-00188336-00188864 for the very first time and thinking this is it, I want to do this so I knew from the seventh niUMKCfB4Ig-00309-00188864-00189432 grade on that this was my career. I was going to do something in computing. i didn't think about niUMKCfB4Ig-00310-00189432-00190096 being a HP systems engineer or super computing engine systems engineer until I was niUMKCfB4Ig-00311-00190096-00190856 just working as a regular systems administrator. I was running a mail server for a university and the niUMKCfB4Ig-00312-00190856-00191448 opportunity came up to go work in a visualization center and they had a small cluster and so I kind niUMKCfB4Ig-00313-00191448-00192120 of fell into it that way and once I got involved with that then the super computing group niUMKCfB4Ig-00314-00192120-00192688 at Purdue where I was working convinced me to go work for them so that's how I got into it. niUMKCfB4Ig-00315-00192688-00193184 I'm not sure about Ben. How'd you get into it, Ben? I'm pretty similar. I started a little younger than niUMKCfB4Ig-00316-00193184-00193720 you did. I think I was probably three, four, five, something like that when my parents first brought niUMKCfB4Ig-00317-00193720-00194496 home a computer and you know, same thing, fun to play with, right, that said, a lot of people in niUMKCfB4Ig-00318-00194496-00194984 our fields actually kind of get sucked into this through some other field. Maybe you're a niUMKCfB4Ig-00319-00195040-00195520 climate scientist, right, and you need some compute resources, maybe your university has niUMKCfB4Ig-00320-00195520-00196040 a small cluster but nobody's really maintaining it or paying attention to it so it's pretty easy niUMKCfB4Ig-00321-00196040-00196576 to start off with some domain science, need resources, you know, go fix the resources that niUMKCfB4Ig-00322-00196576-00197208 you might already have lying around and then that accidentally turns into a career. I'd say probably niUMKCfB4Ig-00323-00197208-00197872 half our team is in that boat and it's very common. You don't necessarily have to start out with niUMKCfB4Ig-00324-00197872-00198448 computing. We have a biologist in our group. He has a biology degree and I think he has a niUMKCfB4Ig-00325-00198448-00198952 master's in biology. But he's a biologist. niUMKCfB4Ig-00326-00198952-00199408 I know a lot of music majors and english majors that are in niUMKCfB4Ig-00327-00199408-00199920 this field. And to pick on our biologist colleague he got started exactly that way he niUMKCfB4Ig-00328-00199920-00200488 was working at the University of Wyoming and he needed compute resources so he went and built a niUMKCfB4Ig-00329-00200488-00201088 cluster and then got good at doing cluster things and now he works on clusters all the time. niUMKCfB4Ig-00330-00201176-00201808 I know an astrophysicist that now does supercomputing systems work and he niUMKCfB4Ig-00331-00201808-00202328 has a PhD in astrophysics and he was the same way. He used supercomputers to model niUMKCfB4Ig-00332-00202328-00202920 galaxy collisions and he loved it so much that he ended up just changing careers and now niUMKCfB4Ig-00333-00202920-00203520 he does systems work. Climate is certainly not the only field these systems are used for. niUMKCfB4Ig-00334-00203664-00204376 Astrophysics is big, biology is big. I've got a younger brother who's doing some literary research niUMKCfB4Ig-00335-00204376-00204919 with supercomputers right now trying to analyze old writing so it's really all over the place niUMKCfB4Ig-00336-00204919-00205576 in terms of use. NCAR focuses on climate but other supercomputer centers are more diverse. niUMKCfB4Ig-00337-00205888-00206256 Wonderful, well thank you so much Ben and Jeanette. I think we are about at niUMKCfB4Ig-00338-00206256-00206808 time today. I would love to invite our folks watching that if you want to see more super niUMKCfB4Ig-00339-00206808-00207384 computer programs like this there is a ton more that Jeanette and Ben and their team could niUMKCfB4Ig-00340-00207384-00207960 show us so if you would love to see more Meet the Experts exploring our supercomputing center let niUMKCfB4Ig-00341-00207960-00208376 us know in the chat. We would love to hear about that and maybe we can see that on some future niUMKCfB4Ig-00342-00208376-00209128 Meet the Experts meet more supercomputer experts. In the meantime we want to also invite you to join us niUMKCfB4Ig-00343-00209128-00209808 Meet the Experts is a program that happens every other week and so we will be doing another Meet niUMKCfB4Ig-00344-00209808-00210288 the Experts on April 15th. Stay tuned on our website for what that one is going to be about niUMKCfB4Ig-00345-00210288-00210848 but April 15th is our next day and in the meantime if you want to explore more about how niUMKCfB4Ig-00346-00210848-00211400 Cheyenne and our supercomputers are used we have some Meet the Experts that we've done previously niUMKCfB4Ig-00347-00211400-00211928 that you can go back and watch and you can see how those supercomputers are used. Some niUMKCfB4Ig-00348-00211928-00212432 good ones to look for that might be What are data visualizations made of?, science art and video games niUMKCfB4Ig-00349-00212432-00213000 as a previous one. We also have Improving models and forecasts, Hurricanes edition, Zooming in on niUMKCfB4Ig-00350-00213000-00213656 future hurricanes and Raising the Alert-improving predictions of severe thunderstorms. I think even niUMKCfB4Ig-00351-00213656-00214104 another one that's probably going to get posted soon. Our last one was about predicting wildfires. niUMKCfB4Ig-00352-00214104-00214656 There's all sorts of ways that these amazing supercomputers are used and so go ahead and check niUMKCfB4Ig-00353-00214656-00215208 out some of those Meet the Experts. Maybe this new lens of what is going on behind the scenes to make all niUMKCfB4Ig-00354-00215208-00215784 of that happen and also maybe you'll find some other Meet the Expert or other places in your life niUMKCfB4Ig-00355-00215784-00216223 when you're looking at science and research that you're like oh maybe a supercomputer is behind niUMKCfB4Ig-00356-00216223-00216888 this. Thank you so so much Ben and Jeannette. Thank you everybody for attending and asking niUMKCfB4Ig-00357-00216888-00217360 your questions. I see your saying "thank you so much. I can't believe how many times niUMKCfB4Ig-00358-00217360-00217688 we said wow. It was so fun. We really enjoyed learning about this supercomputer." niUMKCfB4Ig-00359-00217767-00218240 I did too. I know Tim did too. This is so much fun to get to go behind the scenes with all of you. niUMKCfB4Ig-00360-00218312-00219000 We hope to see everybody on a future Meet the Experts and in the meantime have a wonderful day. niUMKCfB4Ig-00361-00219000-00219519 And thank you so much Ben and Jeanette. Thanks everybody for listening too and thanks niUMKCfB4Ig-00362-00219519-00220319 Katie for organizing it. Absolutely, awesome. Thanks so much everybody. Have a great day, bye njh6YP7CmPo-00000-00001176-00001398 Hi, I'm Superintendent Denise Juneau. njh6YP7CmPo-00001-00001473-00001757 Seattle Public Schools top priority is the health njh6YP7CmPo-00002-00001757-00001950 and safety of our students and staff. njh6YP7CmPo-00003-00002030-00002325 To ensure we are prepared for all situations, njh6YP7CmPo-00004-00002325-00002631 we have emergency procedures in place including njh6YP7CmPo-00005-00002631-00002775 for infectious diseases. njh6YP7CmPo-00006-00002826-00003147 Currently there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 njh6YP7CmPo-00007-00003147-00003495 in Seattle Public Schools. Per these procedures, njh6YP7CmPo-00008-00003495-00003768 we are working in partnership with Public Health Seattle njh6YP7CmPo-00009-00003768-00004011 and King County as the lead agencies in our njh6YP7CmPo-00010-00004011-00004170 COVID-19 response. njh6YP7CmPo-00011-00004239-00004455 We will continue to follow the guidance of public njh6YP7CmPo-00012-00004455-00004716 health experts to ensure we are implementing njh6YP7CmPo-00013-00004716-00005034 the highest level of precaution and prevention. njh6YP7CmPo-00014-00005139-00005460 As I shared yesterday, we are providing resources, njh6YP7CmPo-00015-00005460-00005832 supplies, and time for students and staff to wash njh6YP7CmPo-00016-00005832-00006010 their hands throughout the day, njh6YP7CmPo-00017-00006010-00006261 and we are prioritizing regular cleaning of high njh6YP7CmPo-00018-00006261-00006561 traffic areas in our buildings. In addition, njh6YP7CmPo-00019-00006561-00006734 we are following Public Health Seattle njh6YP7CmPo-00020-00006734-00007034 and King County guidance in our response to students and staff njh6YP7CmPo-00021-00007034-00007269 who have been in close contact with lab njh6YP7CmPo-00022-00007269-00007491 confirmed COVID-19 cases. njh6YP7CmPo-00023-00007563-00007827 Those in close contact with the lab confirmed case njh6YP7CmPo-00024-00007827-00008115 will be asked to go home immediately and all school njh6YP7CmPo-00025-00008115-00008370 events will be canceled so that we can activate njh6YP7CmPo-00026-00008370-00008625 a specialized process to disinfect the school. njh6YP7CmPo-00027-00008685-00008904 This cleaning includes the use of a disinfectant njh6YP7CmPo-00028-00008904-00009264 sprayer and all surfaces are wipe down with disinfectant. njh6YP7CmPo-00029-00009318-00009534 I want to thank our custodial staff for keeping njh6YP7CmPo-00030-00009534-00009687 our schools clean and healthy. njh6YP7CmPo-00031-00009687-00009936 While there are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 njh6YP7CmPo-00032-00009993-00010140 in Seattle Public Schools, njh6YP7CmPo-00033-00010140-00010350 we are prepared for all possibilities njh6YP7CmPo-00034-00010350-00010623 in the event a student or staff is in attendance njh6YP7CmPo-00035-00010623-00010881 with a lab confirmed COVID-19 case, njh6YP7CmPo-00036-00010881-00011118 we will close the building and we will work njh6YP7CmPo-00037-00011118-00011322 with Public Health Seattle and King County njh6YP7CmPo-00038-00011322-00011628 to determine the length of closure based on the unique njh6YP7CmPo-00039-00011628-00011823 circumstances of that case. njh6YP7CmPo-00040-00011883-00012108 I understand that there are a lot of fears njh6YP7CmPo-00041-00012108-00012357 and anxieties surrounding COVID-19 in our njh6YP7CmPo-00042-00012357-00012465 city and district. njh6YP7CmPo-00043-00012516-00012756 We are working to provide you regular up to date njh6YP7CmPo-00044-00012756-00013050 information about this evolving situation njh6YP7CmPo-00045-00013050-00013251 with daily communication like this one. njh6YP7CmPo-00046-00013316-00013506 Please know we take this situation very njh6YP7CmPo-00047-00013506-00013838 seriously and we're working around the clock to provide njh6YP7CmPo-00048-00013838-00014133 healthy safe school communities. Thank you. nktBWrMWRbo-00000-00000048-00000616 re-uploading videos, you have violated youtube's community guidelines. nktBWrMWRbo-00001-00000728-00001208 one out of two violations for you. and i don't like it when videos get removed, nktBWrMWRbo-00002-00001264-00001960 and especially by youtube. this means you will be removed if you violate youtube's community nktBWrMWRbo-00003-00001960-00002640 guidelines one more time. this is because it rarely happens and we really really care about it. o0_nBmU2zgE-00000-00000008-00000212 My first small step was taking o0_nBmU2zgE-00001-00000212-00000638 agricultural building structures and o0_nBmU2zgE-00002-00000638-00000967 learning about stress and structural analysis. o0_nBmU2zgE-00003-00000967-00001297 My second small step was being a structural engineer o0_nBmU2zgE-00004-00001297-00001559 for Cummins, where I designed three engines. o0_nBmU2zgE-00005-00001559-00001885 My third small step was leaving Cummins o0_nBmU2zgE-00006-00001885-00002173 and working on a Joint Strike Fighter jet o0_nBmU2zgE-00007-00002173-00002406 doing finite element analysis. o0_nBmU2zgE-00008-00002406-00002781 And then I started doing it for oil refineries o0_nBmU2zgE-00009-00002781-00002898 and other companies. o0_nBmU2zgE-00010-00002898-00003186 And last I came home, and I build and o0_nBmU2zgE-00011-00003186-00003565 design "barn-dominions" for people. o0_nBmU2zgE-00012-00003565-00003820 I am Bob Malcolm. I am an o0_nBmU2zgE-00013-00003820-00004245 agricultural and biological engineer, graduated '78. o0_nBmU2zgE-00014-00004245-00004433 I am a Purdue engineer. o0cAFqMZpAy-00000-00000160-00000919 all right so we are recording now and again this recording will get sent out to everybody I'll o0cAFqMZpAy-00001-00000919-00001672 probably also post it online in nursing research guide so i'm going to go ahead and share my screen o0cAFqMZpAy-00002-00003311-00003776 good morning all again rachel walden i'm the eskind librarian o0cAFqMZpAy-00003-00003928-00004384 i definitely recognize some of your names because you've emailed me which is great o0cAFqMZpAy-00004-00004504-00004872 i will probably show at least one or two slides that has my email on it so everybody can see it o0cAFqMZpAy-00005-00005000-00005344 but yeah if you ever have questions or you need help with something please email me o0cAFqMZpAy-00006-00005424-00006160 i'm happy to help in any way i can just like struggling to find an article email me you've o0cAFqMZpAy-00007-00006160-00006680 got your research question pico question ready to go and you don't know what to do next email me o0cAFqMZpAy-00008-00006920-00007280 if links are broken or if you're trying to click on something it is not working o0cAFqMZpAy-00009-00007280-00007728 definitely please let me know on that so we can get it fixed i know usually this time of year o0cAFqMZpAy-00010-00007728-00008272 you know first of the year some of our links are acting wonky because a lot of publishers o0cAFqMZpAy-00011-00008272-00008760 and websites do really big like updates and stuff on their servers like end of december o0cAFqMZpAy-00012-00008896-00009344 and sometimes that stuff just doesn't push out really well and there's a couple of little o0cAFqMZpAy-00013-00009344-00009832 things we need to go and fix so yeah if you ever come across something that's not working please o0cAFqMZpAy-00014-00009832-00010520 let me know alright so first thing i'm going to do is just do a super fast like five minutes o0cAFqMZpAy-00015-00010520-00010888 just a quick reminder where everything lives on the website o0cAFqMZpAy-00016-00011080-00011704 so we'll start here so we're on the eskind home page again easiest way to get here honestly is o0cAFqMZpAy-00017-00011704-00012224 just to type in eskind in google or whatever browser you use we should be like one of the o0cAFqMZpAy-00018-00012224-00012736 top results in google i know we're number one for the results lessons our home page o0cAFqMZpAy-00019-00012736-00013319 also all of the nursing websites we are listed as like digital library and i think we're under o0cAFqMZpAy-00020-00013319-00013984 your like quick links or we're on your pages like everywhere so anyway google eskind we'll get you o0cAFqMZpAy-00021-00013984-00014912 here big things to remember is this nice gold we're gonna go with this is gold this gold bar o0cAFqMZpAy-00022-00014912-00015591 here right in the middle this is like the library catalog search bar so same concept as if you o0cAFqMZpAy-00023-00015591-00016056 were at your public library and trying to look in their library catalog this is exactly what that is o0cAFqMZpAy-00024-00016216-00016760 main search bar is super great if you already know the title of what you're looking for o0cAFqMZpAy-00025-00016760-00017448 especially if it's a book so for example i know we this is a you know this is a popular book o0cAFqMZpAy-00026-00017656-00018440 it helps if you spell it right varney's midwifery i know we own that but if you don't know if we own o0cAFqMZpAy-00027-00018440-00019136 it type in the book title if we own it it's gonna pop up again most of our stuff i try to purchase o0cAFqMZpAy-00028-00019136-00019904 in online format so of course if it's online it's going to say online nice little green o0cAFqMZpAy-00029-00020000-00020464 full text availability click that button you know you can read this book online depending o0cAFqMZpAy-00030-00020464-00020800 on where it's coming from you might can download chapters you might can download the whole book o0cAFqMZpAy-00031-00020880-00021216 it might be a book that you kind of like borrow like you would borrow o0cAFqMZpAy-00032-00021216-00021504 like ebooks at the public library so you can only have them for so long o0cAFqMZpAy-00033-00021672-00022424 also just remember since you're off campus every time you click one of those links to actually go o0cAFqMZpAy-00034-00022424-00022904 to the physical item book or article most likely gonna ask you for your VU net id and password o0cAFqMZpAy-00035-00022960-00023704 so you know just be prepared to type that a lot okay so this one's saying it's been archived which o0cAFqMZpAy-00036-00023856-00024088 that's i'll have to look into that because we probably don't want that o0cAFqMZpAy-00037-00024144-00024568 but right now you can still access it this one you can download individual chapters o0cAFqMZpAy-00038-00024696-00025320 so i'm gonna and get back out of that also other things to remember on this record o0cAFqMZpAy-00039-00025320-00025783 screen which is actually more useful for articles but if you need this citation really quickly o0cAFqMZpAy-00040-00025944-00026176 there is the nice little citation button right here o0cAFqMZpAy-00041-00026368-00026848 um it's still saying apa six but honestly the differences between the sixth edition and the o0cAFqMZpAy-00042-00026848-00027480 seventh edition are very small and honestly this one is not a great example because as o0cAFqMZpAy-00043-00027480-00028112 you can see it's listing all of the authors affiliations which you wouldn't actually o0cAFqMZpAy-00044-00028112-00028560 want to have in your citation but that's just because the record looks like that o0cAFqMZpAy-00045-00028648-00029056 but usually articles it looks a lot better you can basically copy and paste it and you're good to go o0cAFqMZpAy-00046-00029272-00029912 all right so last thing on the search like the catalog of course if you just want to o0cAFqMZpAy-00047-00029912-00030224 see a large list of all the databases we have just use the database button o0cAFqMZpAy-00048-00030320-00030832 journals list is all over journals main thing i want you to know is always go to advanced search o0cAFqMZpAy-00049-00030832-00031208 if you need the full text of a pdf this is going to be the quickest o0cAFqMZpAy-00050-00031208-00031816 and best way to find those you'll say hey this is an article and then make sure you drop down to say o0cAFqMZpAy-00051-00031816-00032536 this is the title and then you'll just either type paste your title from wherever it could o0cAFqMZpAy-00052-00032536-00033168 be coming from pubmed can be from google wherever you found that title just type it in or paste it o0cAFqMZpAy-00053-00033448-00033784 and if we own it of course it is going to pop up down here at the bottom o0cAFqMZpAy-00054-00034032-00034560 and then again you just some of them have a quickly download pdf button it immediately o0cAFqMZpAy-00055-00034560-00035168 pulls up your pdf set that's all you need some of you might have to actually go into the record o0cAFqMZpAy-00056-00035168-00035640 just like how that we did on that book and of course there will be those view online buttons o0cAFqMZpAy-00057-00035800-00036288 highly recommend honestly start at the top and just kind of work your way down sometimes you'll o0cAFqMZpAy-00058-00036288-00036712 see like they have different dates sometimes you might need to look at those to figure out which o0cAFqMZpAy-00059-00036712-00037208 one has the actual article you need because we own a lot of journal journals across different o0cAFqMZpAy-00060-00037208-00037848 like publishers and like one publisher might have like the last five years but the other publisher o0cAFqMZpAy-00061-00037848-00038616 has all the has stuff from 10 years ago all kinds of copyright licensing stuff anyway o0cAFqMZpAy-00062-00038616-00039104 usually start the top work your way down and again if something's not working pretty please o0cAFqMZpAy-00063-00039104-00039744 do that report a broken link because again we can't check all these all the time so usually when o0cAFqMZpAy-00064-00039744-00040088 people find that they're broken that's the easiest and quickest way for them to get them fixed o0cAFqMZpAy-00065-00040312-00040976 and just to show you how the citation works on a record that doesn't look a hot mess but here's o0cAFqMZpAy-00066-00041048-00041928 this article in apa and this looks great this looks like it fits the seventh edition o0cAFqMZpAy-00067-00041928-00042576 um so if you just need a quick citation do this also if you use a citation manager you can send o0cAFqMZpAy-00068-00042576-00043144 this to your citation manager like i will show you before we finish up today i really like endnote o0cAFqMZpAy-00069-00043144-00043624 web so i highly recommend everybody use it unless you're already really comfortable with another one o0cAFqMZpAy-00070-00043624-00044136 like mendelez or tarot but if you use a no web you can literally click that endnote web button o0cAFqMZpAy-00071-00044136-00044552 and it sends it right to it it's great and then you have it and then you can use it in your papers o0cAFqMZpAy-00072-00044792-00045096 all right so the last couple things on the website i want to show before o0cAFqMZpAy-00073-00045096-00045616 we actually just go to pubmed and do some searching is of course we o0cAFqMZpAy-00074-00045616-00046144 do have live chat with a librarian that is staffed i believe from i want to say 8 a.m o0cAFqMZpAy-00075-00046280-00047000 so like 8 a.m to 6 for sure um this is super great if you need again maybe something's not working or o0cAFqMZpAy-00076-00047000-00047416 maybe you just need to help find an article really quickly like you have the title but you can't find o0cAFqMZpAy-00077-00047416-00047960 it or something's not working this is great for that of course you can put in um other questions o0cAFqMZpAy-00078-00047960-00048296 like if you have having trouble with like a research question like you need a lot of articles o0cAFqMZpAy-00079-00048296-00048832 for a paper you can throw that in there but just let you know since it's a chat it's more for like o0cAFqMZpAy-00080-00048832-00049344 quick stuff that people can do quickly so like really reference questions that are going to o0cAFqMZpAy-00081-00049344-00049728 take a little bit more time they're probably going to say hey we're going to send this chat o0cAFqMZpAy-00082-00049728-00050224 and all your contact information and if you're probably going to in there at some point say o0cAFqMZpAy-00083-00050224-00050496 you're a nurse and they're going oh we're going to send it to rachel so they'll just send it to me o0cAFqMZpAy-00084-00050568-00051064 so of course you can do that but you could just email me directly to whatever you're really more o0cAFqMZpAy-00085-00051064-00051440 comfortable with it's going to get to me either way and i'll definitely you know help as much as i o0cAFqMZpAy-00086-00051440-00052088 can um and usually i'm really good about answering emails usually within two hours of getting them o0cAFqMZpAy-00087-00052255-00052776 and i do work nine to six so if you send me something it's after six i'll email you o0cAFqMZpAy-00088-00052776-00053344 usually first thing the next morning it might be a hey i got your email and this is what time o0cAFqMZpAy-00089-00053344-00053824 today i can actually look at your email and i'll email you back but i'll at least say hey i got it o0cAFqMZpAy-00090-00053936-00054544 other things to really keep in mind or our quick links over here i highly recommend you use these o0cAFqMZpAy-00091-00054544-00054912 links on this page because it helps it recognize that hey you're at vanderbilt and you have a lot o0cAFqMZpAy-00092-00054912-00055400 of access to all this stuff and you won't get those um pages that pop up that say hey this o0cAFqMZpAy-00093-00055400-00056048 article is 25 so yeah if you use these links less of that's going to happen of course pubmed link so o0cAFqMZpAy-00094-00056136-00056512 if you're doing a literature research i'm always going to tell you to search pubmed and cinahl o0cAFqMZpAy-00095-00056655-00057112 and then last one of course up to date super great for just like quick o0cAFqMZpAy-00096-00057112-00057591 information or if you need any like i don't know they're clinical summaries o0cAFqMZpAy-00097-00057591-00058072 and a reminder we do have the up-to-date app that you can get on your phone if you need it o0cAFqMZpAy-00098-00058279-00058728 i'll make sure i'll show you where all the instructions for that are actually i'll do that o0cAFqMZpAy-00099-00058728-00059496 right now so most use resources of course this is a longer list of our resources past just pubmed o0cAFqMZpAy-00100-00059496-00060264 and all web sciences on this page clinical key inbase some of our other bigger databases o0cAFqMZpAy-00101-00060336-00060624 now what i really want to show you is the research guides o0cAFqMZpAy-00102-00060832-00061264 so i know you've probably heard me say this at least once but research guides there's a nursing o0cAFqMZpAy-00103-00061264-00061920 research guide so if you scroll down they're alphabetical of course so go to the nursing one o0cAFqMZpAy-00104-00062024-00062391 so this is my page like i can this is my page so anything i do o0cAFqMZpAy-00105-00062455-00062952 i'm gonna post it on this page so you can access it later so again i'm gonna share the slides o0cAFqMZpAy-00106-00062952-00063328 that i thought about using i'm going to share those with y'all just as like information to o0cAFqMZpAy-00107-00063328-00063888 have later but also those slides are going to live on this page as you can tell this is the o0cAFqMZpAy-00108-00063888-00064391 presentation i gave at the beginning of the year for all the new students so it's here o0cAFqMZpAy-00109-00064391-00064928 um in video format along in the handout format so i'm going to re-update that with new slides o0cAFqMZpAy-00110-00064928-00065424 because we've got a couple updates so that will be up probably end of the week if not by monday o0cAFqMZpAy-00111-00065600-00066128 um this is the latest one i've done a lit review so if you're just really interested in searching o0cAFqMZpAy-00112-00066128-00066552 probably just look at this one so it's it's very focused on lit reviews and it doesn't have a lot o0cAFqMZpAy-00113-00066552-00067272 a lot of that hey these are all the resources we have um of course the building's open if you're o0cAFqMZpAy-00114-00067272-00067664 you know local and you want to come in the building you just need to make sure you have o0cAFqMZpAy-00115-00067664-00068056 your badge and that you followed all the like requirements from vanderbilt like you've done o0cAFqMZpAy-00116-00068056-00068432 all the forms and all the symptom tracking and all that stuff so just make sure you've done o0cAFqMZpAy-00117-00068432-00069208 all that and then you can come in the building um last thing i want to really show on this page is o0cAFqMZpAy-00118-00069368-00069704 these are where all the textbooks live well not all of them but the ones that o0cAFqMZpAy-00119-00069704-00070256 i know you use for your program that we own i linked them out on this page so as you can see o0cAFqMZpAy-00120-00070416-00071016 so these are all ebooks like for this one i've only got like the fourth edition i think y'all o0cAFqMZpAy-00121-00071016-00071320 must be using the fifth edition because otherwise i probably would have wrote that o0cAFqMZpAy-00122-00071392-00071872 um so same thing some of them might be one edition older than the one that's on your like syllabus o0cAFqMZpAy-00123-00071944-00072416 um usually that's not too big of a deal unless the edition is like you know five years older o0cAFqMZpAy-00124-00072416-00072800 than the new one um and if that's the case i usually didn't post it because i knew it o0cAFqMZpAy-00125-00072800-00073280 wouldn't be as useful um really the only things you really want to pay attention to are when i o0cAFqMZpAy-00126-00073280-00073904 have these little notes that say limited to three users and that just means three people can access o0cAFqMZpAy-00127-00073904-00074304 it at any one time so if you try to click on this link and you get a message something along o0cAFqMZpAy-00128-00074304-00074792 the lines of it might be an error message or it might say all the licenses are being used o0cAFqMZpAy-00129-00074792-00075344 honestly give it like 30 minutes or so and try again because usually whoever was looking at it o0cAFqMZpAy-00130-00075344-00075760 will be finished with it by then but also do keep in mind if you are looking at this stuff o0cAFqMZpAy-00131-00075760-00076232 if there's the option to like download the chapter that you need to use go ahead and download it and o0cAFqMZpAy-00132-00076232-00076616 then just exit out of the book because that means it'll open up that license for somebody else o0cAFqMZpAy-00133-00076688-00077048 or if it doesn't allow you the option for downloading just make sure o0cAFqMZpAy-00134-00077048-00077536 once you're finished with it you exit out of it so don't like leave it up and then go you know o0cAFqMZpAy-00135-00077536-00077952 go have a two-hour lunch and still have it up so because i just blocked somebody else from using it o0cAFqMZpAy-00136-00078120-00078704 um but yeah i've also got some of the websites i think that were listed on your textbook list o0cAFqMZpAy-00137-00078704-00079216 syllabus but if there's ever anything that you use a ton and you think it'd be useful just to o0cAFqMZpAy-00138-00079216-00079864 have a quick link on this page please let me know i'll add it on here um i also usually try to keep o0cAFqMZpAy-00139-00079864-00080720 last semester's textbooks listed too just in case you need to look at those again so they're here um o0cAFqMZpAy-00140-00080952-00081400 and again all their stuff is on here full instructions on how to find articles journals o0cAFqMZpAy-00141-00081400-00081688 whole page on apa citations if you need help with those o0cAFqMZpAy-00142-00081760-00082256 um so and also you have the app construction so everything is on this nursing research guide o0cAFqMZpAy-00143-00082408-00083008 and i'm always adding new stuff onto it so super good resource highly recommend and also since o0cAFqMZpAy-00144-00083008-00083400 i can edit it it's a lot easier for me to put what i know like the questions i'm getting asked o0cAFqMZpAy-00145-00083400-00084128 i'll usually put those answers on that page all right so i'm gonna go ahead and o0cAFqMZpAy-00146-00084128-00084768 get into pubmed because i know that y'all are definitely probably getting to the part of the o0cAFqMZpAy-00147-00084880-00085608 year where you need articles for projects or you're starting to think about your dmp o0cAFqMZpAy-00148-00085608-00086224 i have checked let me check the chat really quick you're starting to think about dmp projects um o0cAFqMZpAy-00149-00086352-00086840 so you need to start again have y'all started working on your um like the matrix for your dmp o0cAFqMZpAy-00150-00086840-00087400 project yet no not yet okay so at some point you're going to have to do like a matrix and o0cAFqMZpAy-00151-00087400-00087760 you've got to find like i want to say 10 articles and fit them into this matrix and answer all these o0cAFqMZpAy-00152-00087760-00088336 questions about it yeah it'll be this semester okay cool so they just had the talk this morning o0cAFqMZpAy-00153-00088336-00088840 rachel perfect okay so you're going to be there my lines are a bit muddled i think but yeah o0cAFqMZpAy-00154-00088840-00089208 that's that's okay that's why we're recording this and i'm going to send all your my notes later o0cAFqMZpAy-00155-00089272-00089872 but so yeah you're going to need to find 10 articles for your topic and that's what i'm really o0cAFqMZpAy-00156-00089872-00090376 going to focus on today is how do i find those 10 articles so of course you've got your question o0cAFqMZpAy-00157-00090376-00090896 that you're interested in some people sent me some questions in the chat so i'm actually going to o0cAFqMZpAy-00158-00091000-00091440 quickly stop share so i can look at those where really quick so okay i'm seeing a o0cAFqMZpAy-00159-00091440-00092200 couple things like standard order sets racial disparities racial minorities cardiovascular o0cAFqMZpAy-00160-00092392-00092736 okay cool so let me just go back to share screen o0cAFqMZpAy-00161-00093040-00093704 all right so let's just start i'll definitely look up some order set stuff too um but let's o0cAFqMZpAy-00162-00093704-00094184 just start with thinking about like racial disparities racial minorities because i know o0cAFqMZpAy-00163-00094184-00094680 there's a lot of really good search terms we can use for that one so with that in mind o0cAFqMZpAy-00164-00094760-00095128 you want to make sure you have a good question i know you'll be working on that next couple weeks o0cAFqMZpAy-00165-00095128-00095640 really getting your question down pico format is great for that because it makes you really think o0cAFqMZpAy-00166-00095640-00096040 okay who am i trying to work with what's my patient or my population o0cAFqMZpAy-00167-00096040-00096576 what am i trying to do or what am i trying to change and then outcomes sometimes you might o0cAFqMZpAy-00168-00096576-00096944 have an intervention like maybe you're looking at standard practice of care o0cAFqMZpAy-00169-00097008-00097384 or what they've all you know what they've always been doing or maybe it's a new drug o0cAFqMZpAy-00170-00097384-00097664 that you're interested in comparing to or a new treatment option o0cAFqMZpAy-00171-00097768-00098224 you might not have an intervention though so that's totally okay so the main thing though when o0cAFqMZpAy-00172-00098224-00098832 you have your question i need you to be to look at your question and pull out three main words o0cAFqMZpAy-00173-00099008-00099632 so let's say if i think i saw a couple about so racial disparities in cardiac care o0cAFqMZpAy-00174-00099776-00100480 so if i'm looking at that my three main topics of that obviously going to be racial disparities o0cAFqMZpAy-00175-00100552-00101224 we're interested in cardiac patients and we're really interested in like their treat probably o0cAFqMZpAy-00176-00101224-00101848 treatment outcomes is a good way to measure their quality of care so we can do treatment outcomes o0cAFqMZpAy-00177-00101848-00102583 is like our third main topic so with that in mind what i'm always going to tell you to do you don't o0cAFqMZpAy-00178-00102583-00103144 quite have to go in this exact order this is what i do i always start with the mesh database o0cAFqMZpAy-00179-00103144-00103688 so i've got my three words i need to figure out what subject panes are being used so again o0cAFqMZpAy-00180-00103688-00104159 those subject headings quick reminder somebody who's read through these articles in pubmed o0cAFqMZpAy-00181-00104159-00104735 and they've tagged them with the most important topics and that's a really good way to just find o0cAFqMZpAy-00182-00104735-00105272 those articles that are for one that are relevant because you know there's a these articles are long o0cAFqMZpAy-00183-00105272-00105808 sometimes and they might have an entire paragraph that talks about this patient's prior health o0cAFqMZpAy-00184-00105808-00106416 history but their prior health history might have not have anything to do with any cardiac problems o0cAFqMZpAy-00185-00106496-00106976 and so you don't want you just don't want a lot of pool of stuff that's not on like right o0cAFqMZpAy-00186-00106976-00107488 now they're having cardiac problems or maybe 10 years ago they have cardiac problems you probably o0cAFqMZpAy-00187-00107488-00107904 don't want to look at that you want stuff that's relevant to like the time period you're interested o0cAFqMZpAy-00188-00108032-00108520 so thinking about that i'm just gonna start with my first one since i said cardiac we'll o0cAFqMZpAy-00189-00108520-00109192 just start with that one so you're just start let's see i'm just gonna do cardiac in general o0cAFqMZpAy-00190-00109248-00109824 you usually just want to pick like one word you could do a phrase um they'll try to still match o0cAFqMZpAy-00191-00109824-00110352 on a subject heading but it might have not used that exact phrase um so usually one word o0cAFqMZpAy-00192-00110352-00111024 if you narrow it down to just like one word it's usually easiest so now we can see o0cAFqMZpAy-00193-00111024-00111648 cardiac obviously refers to the heart so we can always use cardiac or heart for cardiac o0cAFqMZpAy-00194-00111704-00112240 um we've also got you can see there's all kinds of different ones like cardiac imaging techniques o0cAFqMZpAy-00195-00112711-00113080 all kinds of stuff so i'm going to use the main heart one though so i'm going to open that up o0cAFqMZpAy-00196-00113296-00113776 looking so this is a subject heading like the record so basically it's like a dictionary entry o0cAFqMZpAy-00197-00113904-00114640 but if we scroll down we can see all the different ways you can narrow this down maybe you're really o0cAFqMZpAy-00198-00114640-00115111 only interested in like heart valves and not the entire heart you could only search on heart valves o0cAFqMZpAy-00199-00115111-00115624 so this is a super good way to like narrow it down if you need to get more specific especially o0cAFqMZpAy-00200-00115624-00115992 if like you do the search on just heart and it's bringing you like 2 million results o0cAFqMZpAy-00201-00116128-00116448 see if one of these will be more specific so you can really bring that down o0cAFqMZpAy-00202-00116600-00117048 all right so we're just going to keep it with heart right now since this is an example o0cAFqMZpAy-00203-00117144-00117696 so i'm going to add to search builder which puts it in the correct formatting because again pubmed o0cAFqMZpAy-00204-00117696-00118272 it's a computer program basically so you've got to talk in the language that it understands o0cAFqMZpAy-00205-00118272-00118735 and this is what that does so it's telling me heart's my word and it's a subject heading so o0cAFqMZpAy-00206-00118735-00119304 only look for this in the subject heading section um what was the other one racial disparities o0cAFqMZpAy-00207-00119735-00120008 this is where we get to see if i can spell which i can't o0cAFqMZpAy-00208-00120440-00121144 all right so it is telling me that it is using race factors for racial disparities and i can see o0cAFqMZpAy-00209-00121144-00121616 this because right here you'll see that there's my term that i typed in racial disparities so o0cAFqMZpAy-00210-00121616-00122280 that's why it's mapping to this page also some other words that it might use for was obviously o0cAFqMZpAy-00211-00122280-00122880 telling us race factors if you scroll down you see entry terms these are really great to also o0cAFqMZpAy-00212-00122880-00123456 use as extra search terms because this is telling you that there are articles and authors out there o0cAFqMZpAy-00213-00123528-00123792 who instead of saying race factors they always used o0cAFqMZpAy-00214-00123864-00124504 more plural so they always said like race factors or racial factors which that doesn't seem like o0cAFqMZpAy-00215-00124504-00125080 super big of a deal but if one author never says race factors but only uses racial factors o0cAFqMZpAy-00216-00125152-00125808 and you search for the exact term race factors you might never see that article because again o0cAFqMZpAy-00217-00125808-00126368 it's matching on terms so you just kind of want to always put in different variations that could o0cAFqMZpAy-00218-00126368-00127048 be singular plural also keep in mind if it's a term that they might spell differently in europe o0cAFqMZpAy-00219-00127048-00127640 think about that um because like sometimes they add some extra o's and use like with between color o0cAFqMZpAy-00220-00127640-00128216 and color um so think about that but i'm going to use go ahead and throw that one in there o0cAFqMZpAy-00221-00128416-00128800 but since we're also talking about disparities i know that there's also o0cAFqMZpAy-00222-00128800-00129496 just you know general health disparities so i'm also just going to look up correctly o0cAFqMZpAy-00223-00130040-00130383 once again i spelled it wrong o0cAFqMZpAy-00224-00130640-00131240 all right so today we've got health status disparities and you can see that that also o0cAFqMZpAy-00225-00131360-00131952 mentions race we got ethnicity so you could also use that one so i'm going to throw that one in o0cAFqMZpAy-00226-00131952-00132720 there and health care disparities which again is really talking about your actual access to medical o0cAFqMZpAy-00227-00132720-00133280 facilities and services which you'll see that in a lot of articles that are talking about like urban o0cAFqMZpAy-00228-00133280-00133992 versus rural care you'll see where health care disparities pop up and of course then o0cAFqMZpAy-00229-00133992-00134352 we've got minority health which could also be useful so we could throw that one in o0cAFqMZpAy-00230-00134352-00134944 there too i'm not just for ease of looking at where y'all can see the search i'm gonna have o0cAFqMZpAy-00231-00134944-00135344 and then we added that one and then what was the last one i said i was gonna look at o0cAFqMZpAy-00232-00135344-00135896 so i said treatment outcomes is a good way to see like how these healthcare disparities o0cAFqMZpAy-00233-00135896-00136344 or racial and ethnic disparities are actually influencing people so o0cAFqMZpAy-00234-00136912-00137616 so treatment outcomes is kind of encompasses a lot as you can see o0cAFqMZpAy-00235-00137616-00138064 of course dust treatment outcomes it also has clinical effectiveness o0cAFqMZpAy-00236-00138152-00138688 treatment efficiency so it covers kind of a wide range so it's pretty it's a good one if you just o0cAFqMZpAy-00237-00138688-00139296 seem to see how just like really big outcomes like if you were interested in specific outcomes like o0cAFqMZpAy-00238-00139408-00140040 decrease mortality or morbidity you could actually use those terms too but again as an o0cAFqMZpAy-00239-00140040-00140400 example we're just going to keep it a little bit broader so we're going to add treatment outcomes o0cAFqMZpAy-00240-00140664-00141184 all right so from here all your words are in this little pubmed search bar box and then i o0cAFqMZpAy-00241-00141184-00141784 hit search pubmed and now so remember we were in the mesh database which is basically a dictionary o0cAFqMZpAy-00242-00141784-00142368 and now i'm actually throwing it into pubmed to actually find physical articles and it's telling o0cAFqMZpAy-00243-00142368-00142904 me there's no results found which i totally expected because right now i have every single one o0cAFqMZpAy-00244-00142904-00143624 of these words combined with and and considering race factors and health status to parents o0cAFqMZpAy-00245-00143624-00144136 disparities are similar topics i would actually want to combine those differently and use that or o0cAFqMZpAy-00246-00144248-00144800 so you'll see i also i just copied this i'm just going to open up a pubmed or a word document o0cAFqMZpAy-00247-00145152-00145648 this is what i usually copy this onto a word document or an excel document however you like o0cAFqMZpAy-00248-00145648-00146144 to take notes i recommend doing this because i will always also tell you when you're doing a o0cAFqMZpAy-00249-00146144-00146744 literature review you got to take notes so those 10 articles that you put in your matrix somebody's o0cAFqMZpAy-00250-00146744-00147304 going to ask you how you found those so you need to be to say oh i use these three subject headings o0cAFqMZpAy-00251-00147304-00147880 and then these keywords so just keep that in mind so take notes start starting out taking notes o0cAFqMZpAy-00252-00148056-00148584 so what i'm going to do so i've got so heart concept one because we're looking at cardiac o0cAFqMZpAy-00253-00148768-00149272 concept two is always is going to be my racial and ethnic terms o0cAFqMZpAy-00254-00149536-00149872 you'll see i'm enclosing these like i'm putting them in buckets so we've got bucket o0cAFqMZpAy-00255-00149872-00150416 one i've got heart so i've got that in its own set of parentheses i'm putting my race o0cAFqMZpAy-00256-00150416-00151384 and disparity terms together because they're similar and then we've got the treatment outcomes o0cAFqMZpAy-00257-00151496-00151928 again since they're all combined using that and now i'm telling it okay i need you to o0cAFqMZpAy-00258-00151928-00152784 find an article that has one term from each bucket so now let's redo the search o0cAFqMZpAy-00259-00153240-00153936 all right so now we went from zero no results to 22 by just fixing our ands and ors again 22 is not o0cAFqMZpAy-00260-00153936-00154472 a lot and this is not a great search yet at all but it's better than where we're at which was zero o0cAFqMZpAy-00261-00154680-00155400 and now though what i would want to do is you're going to want to add in keywords like you don't o0cAFqMZpAy-00262-00155400-00155888 only want to search using subject headings because again for there to be a subject heading in an o0cAFqMZpAy-00263-00155888-00156344 article somebody had to add it but there's a group of people out there when stuff gets o0cAFqMZpAy-00264-00156344-00156944 submitted to pubmed they go through and tag to add those subject headings if it came out yesterday o0cAFqMZpAy-00265-00156944-00157208 there's a good chance it doesn't have subject headings in there yet o0cAFqMZpAy-00266-00157296-00157984 because over a thousand articles are added every day to pubmed so you want to add in keywords o0cAFqMZpAy-00267-00158072-00158552 also keywords are really good like for example when i said what if the author never said raise o0cAFqMZpAy-00268-00158552-00159152 factors but they used racial disparities instead you want to make sure you get both o0cAFqMZpAy-00269-00159320-00159664 and this is where i'd also put in the terms that i actually asked in o0cAFqMZpAy-00270-00159664-00159976 my question so this is where you could put in all our cardiac terms so we could o0cAFqMZpAy-00271-00159976-00160384 just do cardiac we can do cardiovascular all the different ways of saying that o0cAFqMZpAy-00272-00160672-00161304 i recommend doing this tiab in brackets after any of your s like keywords o0cAFqMZpAy-00273-00161368-00161896 because that helps pubmed so it is telling pubmed okay i need to look for this word cardiac but i o0cAFqMZpAy-00274-00161896-00162600 only interested in it if it's in the title or the abstract of an article because article records in o0cAFqMZpAy-00275-00162600-00163232 pubmed have a ton of information they've got all the authors names all the author affiliations o0cAFqMZpAy-00276-00163360-00163984 who where the money came from from the research again who's paying for it tons of information o0cAFqMZpAy-00277-00164040-00164528 you don't really want to find articles that mention authors who work on a cardiac award or o0cAFqMZpAy-00278-00164528-00165096 a cardiac department if you just use cardiac as a text word it will pull up any article o0cAFqMZpAy-00279-00165096-00165728 where the author's affiliation mentions cardiac so title abstract works a lot better because o0cAFqMZpAy-00280-00165728-00166136 usually if it's in the title of your article you know this article is going to be on topic o0cAFqMZpAy-00281-00166288-00166920 or if it's like in the abstract since most abstracts 300 words max so they're not going o0cAFqMZpAy-00282-00166920-00167304 to waste putting words in that abstract that the entire article is not about o0cAFqMZpAy-00283-00167536-00168520 so again you can add as many words as you need um if you ever email me asking for help on a o0cAFqMZpAy-00284-00168520-00168872 question i'm going to ask what questions or what words you've already added in and then o0cAFqMZpAy-00285-00168872-00169368 i can help you like expand that because you definitely want a couple like i would o0cAFqMZpAy-00286-00169440-00170064 i usually shoot for three to five between each for each concept depending on the topic o0cAFqMZpAy-00287-00170160-00170560 also depending on what i'm trying to get out of it if i'm trying to publish with a journal i o0cAFqMZpAy-00288-00170560-00171216 might definitely do more if i'm doing a systematic review i could have 50 more terms for each concept o0cAFqMZpAy-00289-00171272-00172056 depends on what you need um so this one i was just going to do racial disparities o0cAFqMZpAy-00290-00172360-00172688 and even though i have it right in front of me i still cannot spell it right o0cAFqMZpAy-00291-00173328-00174304 and i'm just going to do outcomes to get that plural in there all right so this search o0cAFqMZpAy-00292-00174360-00174704 a search like this will be really good to find your 10 articles that you need for your matrix o0cAFqMZpAy-00293-00174840-00175328 you probably need to expand upon it for your final like your big final paper you'll definitely o0cAFqMZpAy-00294-00175328-00175656 want to add in some more words but this is a good start good place to start o0cAFqMZpAy-00295-00175944-00176272 all right 22 to 200 o0cAFqMZpAy-00296-00176272-00176816 just by adding in those keywords so that really shows how important they are o0cAFqMZpAy-00297-00177112-00177360 okay so now we're just going to scan through some of these o0cAFqMZpAy-00298-00177504-00178120 yeah cardiac rehab for women different ages risk factors o0cAFqMZpAy-00299-00178280-00179008 i'm talking about sex related differences so none of these look super great which again is fine o0cAFqMZpAy-00300-00179072-00179704 because in all honesty i still don't really like this search i would definitely spend more time o0cAFqMZpAy-00301-00179704-00180256 on it to get better terms let's scroll down i did see one that actually looks appropriate o0cAFqMZpAy-00302-00180256-00180960 here we go so race disparities and the utilization and outcomes of tavr o0cAFqMZpAy-00303-00181192-00181728 okay so aortic valve replacement so this one's you know pretty specific so this is good let's look at o0cAFqMZpAy-00304-00181728-00182408 this one again i was looking for words that showed in this title or this abstract here if you scroll o0cAFqMZpAy-00305-00182408-00183048 down on your page similar articles like you find an article that is an amazing article and you're o0cAFqMZpAy-00306-00183048-00183504 like yes i'm definitely going to use this one look and see other similar articles it recommends o0cAFqMZpAy-00307-00183576-00183928 none of them might be good but every now and again there's a good one in there because o0cAFqMZpAy-00308-00183928-00184408 it uses like text matching for that similar article feature so it's not real specific o0cAFqMZpAy-00309-00184472-00184776 it's just like all the words are in there but they might not be combined o0cAFqMZpAy-00310-00184776-00185408 the way you need them but again quick way to get some extra ones you can also cited by o0cAFqMZpAy-00311-00185544-00186112 is only looking at articles in pubmed that cite this paper so it's not like the best way to figure o0cAFqMZpAy-00312-00186112-00186704 out who cited this paper google scholar does a much better job so if you find an article that's o0cAFqMZpAy-00313-00186704-00187152 again perfect exactly what you wanted look it up in google scholar just to make sure there's o0cAFqMZpAy-00314-00187152-00187824 nothing newer on that topic all right but whatever i actually wanted to show you on this page is the o0cAFqMZpAy-00315-00187824-00188264 mesh terms so if you scroll all the way down you've got your mesh terms so now you can see o0cAFqMZpAy-00316-00188352-00188920 all the different terms that have been tagged for this article so treatment outcomes we can o0cAFqMZpAy-00317-00188920-00189464 maybe also use post-operative complications complications are a good measure of the outcome o0cAFqMZpAy-00318-00189688-00190584 so it did use race factors got risk factors this one even has let's see o0cAFqMZpAy-00319-00190784-00191176 so it looks like this one actually looked at just looking at the subject headings i can tell that o0cAFqMZpAy-00320-00191176-00191648 most of the patients that they're talking about in this article are male because you can see o0cAFqMZpAy-00321-00191704-00192336 it has the subject heading for male and i don't see female in there it also has humans o0cAFqMZpAy-00322-00192400-00192960 which good to keep in mind because sometimes articles are different topics they're only doing o0cAFqMZpAy-00323-00192960-00193520 those studies in animals or maybe they did a lot of animal studies and now it's clinical but you o0cAFqMZpAy-00324-00193520-00193896 probably don't want to look at the animal studies since you are dealing with you know patients o0cAFqMZpAy-00325-00194080-00194456 and if that's the case a couple quick ways to get rid of those animal studies o0cAFqMZpAy-00326-00194680-00195376 all of your ways to quickly narrow down without like adding search terms or different ands and ors o0cAFqMZpAy-00327-00195376-00195928 in your actual search are to use these filters over here on the left hand side of your screen o0cAFqMZpAy-00328-00195992-00196320 if you click up additional filters it pulls up all your options o0cAFqMZpAy-00329-00196424-00196832 ones i'm pretty much always use myself is i use language o0cAFqMZpAy-00330-00196832-00197184 because i know i can read stuff in english but i can't read stuff in other language o0cAFqMZpAy-00331-00197328-00198120 i also use age a lot because usually you're either dealing with adult or a pediatric population and o0cAFqMZpAy-00332-00198120-00198544 you can either get really specific with that age range if that's what you're interested in o0cAFqMZpAy-00333-00198608-00199144 like i work a lot with a lot of folks who are doing geriatric studies so we'll use some of these o0cAFqMZpAy-00334-00199144-00199624 like middle aged or aged for those so we can really focus in on that specific population o0cAFqMZpAy-00335-00199904-00200584 and the last two that i use sex is always useful if you know you maybe it's a topic that has been o0cAFqMZpAy-00336-00200584-00201064 studied in both males and females but you're only interested in females you could use that female o0cAFqMZpAy-00337-00201264-00201880 and then species if you know you need studies on actual humans and not a lot of rat studies o0cAFqMZpAy-00338-00201880-00202288 which there's a lot you can go ahead and use that humans one and it'll kind of kick out o0cAFqMZpAy-00339-00202352-00202936 a lot of those extra studies that are not they're on topic just the wrong population so yeah these o0cAFqMZpAy-00340-00202936-00203680 are super useful and as soon as you as soon as you click them on this page it shows up o0cAFqMZpAy-00341-00203736-00204088 on your home page so you can actually use it so you'd have to click it again o0cAFqMZpAy-00342-00204216-00204608 and it puts a little blue check on it but it also is going to tell you at the top of your page o0cAFqMZpAy-00343-00204608-00205184 okay humans is applied so we were at 200 it took away eight articles that were only about animals o0cAFqMZpAy-00344-00205464-00205984 and also just i want to make sure you know that where this is at if you go to the advanced o0cAFqMZpAy-00345-00206200-00206648 this is going to pull up your search history so everything i've typed in while we've been o0cAFqMZpAy-00346-00206648-00207416 on this is in my search history this is super useful again when i said to document everything o0cAFqMZpAy-00347-00207416-00207800 you can copy and paste this into a word document you can also download it as an o0cAFqMZpAy-00348-00207880-00208488 excel file um so however you like to save stuff like maybe you just want to have a folder and o0cAFqMZpAy-00349-00208488-00208888 you just download everything as an excel file every time you do a search so you have it in o0cAFqMZpAy-00350-00208888-00209392 case you need to go back to it do that if that's easier for you and you can remember that do that o0cAFqMZpAy-00351-00209392-00209767 because it'll tell you okay here's all my words are searched here's the exact o0cAFqMZpAy-00352-00209767-00210280 number of results that it found and it also limits or list out which filters you used o0cAFqMZpAy-00353-00210448-00211200 if you search down it shows you exactly what it searched like where i had tib o0cAFqMZpAy-00354-00211200-00211584 it wrote it out so i know that it's certain that stood for title abstract o0cAFqMZpAy-00355-00211736-00212088 okay this is a good way to quickly if you need to document stuff or save it o0cAFqMZpAy-00356-00212271-00212648 you can also use the advanced search to build searches in here like if you wanted to do o0cAFqMZpAy-00357-00212967-00213271 you want to look for stuff for author or title abstracts in here too and you o0cAFqMZpAy-00358-00213271-00213823 can kind of build a search like word by word i usually just kind of like doing o0cAFqMZpAy-00359-00213967-00214432 i like my search to all be on one line that's just like personal preference though but if you'd like o0cAFqMZpAy-00360-00214432-00214960 to build it like word by word that's totally cool too whatever works best for you do that o0cAFqMZpAy-00361-00215167-00215552 all right so with this in mind so you've done a pubmed search o0cAFqMZpAy-00362-00215688-00216023 if you come if you have or have a hard time and you come to me and ask for a question i'm like o0cAFqMZpAy-00363-00216023-00216640 okay what database and you say pubmed okay okay next you want to search cinahl so with that in o0cAFqMZpAy-00364-00216640-00217288 mind you use these same words in cinahl but of course because it's a different database o0cAFqMZpAy-00365-00217352-00217848 it doesn't use the same formatting so you just made it make sure you use the correct formatting o0cAFqMZpAy-00366-00218023-00218800 again we have the quick link to cinahl on our home page again use that it's the best way to get to it o0cAFqMZpAy-00367-00218944-00219296 because also i can make sure if that link goes down we know and we can fix it o0cAFqMZpAy-00368-00219352-00219696 if you get at it from other places i can't guarantee i can fix broken links o0cAFqMZpAy-00369-00219696-00220192 but if it's on one of our pages i can get it fixed so like i did that mesh database o0cAFqMZpAy-00370-00220280-00220656 cinahl has the same thing they just call it cinahl subject thing so i would go through o0cAFqMZpAy-00371-00220840-00221456 i would look at my search okay i used heart as my mesh term okay i would look up heart o0cAFqMZpAy-00372-00221584-00222344 and cinahl okay it also uses that as a mesh term perfect you click it it pops it over here o0cAFqMZpAy-00373-00222528-00223023 again i would go through and do this for all my terms i'm only going to do two for an example o0cAFqMZpAy-00374-00223023-00223416 right now i would literally go through and just keep adding so i had all the exact same o0cAFqMZpAy-00375-00223416-00223992 terms in here so browse let's see if they also use race factors for racial disparities o0cAFqMZpAy-00376-00224112-00224576 okay they do great sometimes said all in pubmed use slightly different terms so o0cAFqMZpAy-00377-00224576-00224944 where pubmed used race factor so now might use racial disparities o0cAFqMZpAy-00378-00225128-00225512 when i click search again it's going to throw it into the actual o0cAFqMZpAy-00379-00225512-00226016 search to find the articles but you'll see it puts it in my correct formatting that i wanted o0cAFqMZpAy-00380-00226223-00226752 i'm going to put it on again put it somewhere word document excel put it somewhere save it o0cAFqMZpAy-00381-00226856-00227223 but now you can see the differences like pubmed uses mesh o0cAFqMZpAy-00382-00227296-00227600 cinahl uses image and in front of the word not behind the word o0cAFqMZpAy-00383-00227816-00228512 and also their term is already in parentheses so if i want to add in cardiac i would do that for o0cAFqMZpAy-00384-00228512-00229256 keywords instead of using t i a b super easy put it in quotes but again i would want to enclose o0cAFqMZpAy-00385-00229256-00229688 that all my heart terms together in their own set of parentheses so there's more parentheses o0cAFqMZpAy-00386-00229688-00230471 in cinahl if you've got a pubmed search that you are super good with it is finding exactly what o0cAFqMZpAy-00387-00230471-00230960 you need but you're having trouble translating it to cinahl email me i'll be happy to walk you o0cAFqMZpAy-00388-00230960-00231360 through it we can do a quick zoom meeting and i can show you how to do it in like 30 minutes o0cAFqMZpAy-00389-00231360-00231984 you can also do it over email like let me know so again let's just do racial disparities o0cAFqMZpAy-00390-00232056-00232616 again i would go through and make sure all my same words are in here i would want it's never going to o0cAFqMZpAy-00391-00232616-00233216 be an exact match you want to get it as close as you can so you can say with confidence yes o0cAFqMZpAy-00392-00233216-00234471 i searched i did the same topic search in both databases all right so clear that out search o0cAFqMZpAy-00393-00234832-00235448 372. so again we didn't use all the exact same terms as i did in pubmed i only did two concepts o0cAFqMZpAy-00394-00235448-00236232 versus three but 372 versus like 192 that's pretty similar your numbers will usually be very close o0cAFqMZpAy-00395-00236232-00236696 between the two which also can help you say oh yeah okay i did the same search in both o0cAFqMZpAy-00396-00236696-00237192 of them if they're like wildly off between pubmed you really want to check your search o0cAFqMZpAy-00397-00237192-00237528 um because they do use a lot of the same journals in both of them so they're gonna o0cAFqMZpAy-00398-00237671-00238448 not 100 the same but very similar number wise so yeah if it's like 200 off between the two numbers o0cAFqMZpAy-00399-00238448-00239104 just look at it a little bit more closely anything under 200 would be pretty normal same thing as in o0cAFqMZpAy-00400-00239104-00239584 pubmed and they only got a couple minutes left but you can go to see the search history they actually o0cAFqMZpAy-00401-00239584-00240248 just have a search history button and again you can copy and paste this to wherever you need it o0cAFqMZpAy-00402-00240360-00241264 you can like print it print the search history i use just copy and paste and if you need to o0cAFqMZpAy-00403-00241471-00241792 edit we'll pull up the box with all the different like limits o0cAFqMZpAy-00404-00241848-00242280 cinahl allows you to do actually do peer reviewed so if you want to be doubly sure o0cAFqMZpAy-00405-00242280-00242712 that it's peer reviewed so i don't have the button for that i also got the english language button o0cAFqMZpAy-00406-00242888-00243512 um all the same stuff ages is in here sexes in here so it's all in here you just have to use that o0cAFqMZpAy-00407-00243567-00244184 go to the search history and then go to edit to make that pop up all right so i've got five o0cAFqMZpAy-00408-00244184-00244840 minutes left so with that in mind i'm gonna stop sharing questions does anybody have questions o0cAFqMZpAy-00409-00245080-00245576 and if you emailed me or if you put in the chat your um clinical question o0cAFqMZpAy-00410-00245576-00245840 i'll email you later with some tips thank you for o0cAFqMZpAy-00411-00245896-00246367 giving me an example to use instead of one of my ones i use every time so yeah i'll email you some o0cAFqMZpAy-00412-00246367-00246823 stuff later um but if anybody else has questions once you start working on your metric and stuff o0cAFqMZpAy-00413-00246823-00247440 email me i definitely i this is what i like to do i like looking up articles i like that part of o0cAFqMZpAy-00414-00247552-00248152 my job so please email me happy to help um and i'm actually going to let me o0cAFqMZpAy-00415-00248328-00248736 you quickly paste those onto a word document so i don't lose those questions in your names o0cAFqMZpAy-00416-00248904-00249536 i'm also going to go ahead and throw in well i didn't work did it all right new plan o0cAFqMZpAy-00417-00249776-00250464 we're just gonna take a picture of it because that's super technology there we go all right o0cAFqMZpAy-00418-00250464-00251056 so i'm gonna throw in the file for the slides that pretty much has all the stuff i talked about today o0cAFqMZpAy-00419-00251056-00251871 but you're in slide format so you can like read through it so let me do that right now and again o0cAFqMZpAy-00420-00251871-00252464 i'm gonna post it on the nursing research guide page two this should be it right here o0cAFqMZpAy-00421-00252719-00253071 all right so there's that slide it's in the chat now if you want to go ahead and download o0cAFqMZpAy-00422-00253071-00253400 it but if you don't want to download it now no big it's gonna be on that nursing research o0cAFqMZpAy-00423-00253400-00254128 guide remember to get there asking home page quick links most used resources research guides o0cAFqMZpAy-00424-00254128-00254616 nursing research guide that's a lot of steps i'm going to post in the url and the chat too o0cAFqMZpAy-00425-00254840-00255160 but yeah if you may have questions feel free to um meet yourself throw it in the chat o0cAFqMZpAy-00426-00255264-00256096 um if you have questions later again email me my email is rachel.l.walden at o0cAFqMZpAy-00427-00256280-00256384 i'll put that in the chat too o0cAFqMZpAy-00428-00257048-00257367 all right here's the nursing research grab o0cAFqMZpAy-00429-00257584-00257784 and here is my email o0cAFqMZpAy-00430-00258816-00259240 all right well i kept it under the time limit which is good for me o0cAFqMZpAy-00431-00259367-00259928 um so yeah i'm done talking so if you need to leave leave um if you have questions you o0cAFqMZpAy-00432-00259928-00261984 want to hang around i'll hang around for a bit um thank you so much thank you welcome thanks rachel o0cAFqMZpAy-00433-00264784-00264792 you o1ej91anpbQ-00000-00000176-00000384 welcome to celebrating act two o1ej91anpbQ-00001-00000536-00000984 celebrating act two is the user manual for the second half of your life o1ej91anpbQ-00002-00001264-00001848 hi i'm donald lynn from the body fit solution and from vigor and trim our new health and fitness o1ej91anpbQ-00003-00001848-00002552 membership site for people of 50 and you are at celebrating act 2 and this is short and sweet o1ej91anpbQ-00004-00002552-00003200 today we're going to work on that core and the hips and the back that makes those o1ej91anpbQ-00005-00003200-00003664 backs nice and strong and those hips nice and flexible so let's get started o1ej91anpbQ-00006-00003904-00004432 now we're going to lay on our backs o1ej91anpbQ-00007-00004432-00005000 and come down all the way now when i get down on my back i always like to rock it a little bit o1ej91anpbQ-00008-00005000-00005488 right and left just to make sure everything's all in order i'm going to keep my hands on the floor o1ej91anpbQ-00009-00005568-00006112 and then i'm going to bring my legs straight up to the ceiling now if this is difficult for you o1ej91anpbQ-00010-00006112-00006688 check back on a few episodes because i did one on hamstring stretches and that's what you'll need o1ej91anpbQ-00011-00006688-00007272 to do to get these going up nice and straight all right so my belly button is to the floor i'm going o1ej91anpbQ-00012-00007272-00007872 to make that back nice and flat against the floor now i'm going to drop one leg and as i do that o1ej91anpbQ-00013-00007872-00008520 i'm going to pull the other leg in and take it up and then drop and pull the other leg in o1ej91anpbQ-00014-00008576-00009368 now that drop leg wants to go as parallel to the floor as you can without lifting that back okay o1ej91anpbQ-00015-00009424-00010184 now if that needs to go up higher like so that's okay you don't have to take it down here if that o1ej91anpbQ-00016-00010184-00010736 lifts the back so we're going to bring it back up we're going to pull one leg in pull that down o1ej91anpbQ-00017-00010880-00011552 exhale let's just do a couple more is down and one more o1ej91anpbQ-00018-00011696-00012264 good job all right now we're just going to rock and roll it up or roll over to the side and get o1ej91anpbQ-00019-00012264-00012919 up all right be very careful getting up and we're going to work on our nutritional tip so o1ej91anpbQ-00020-00012919-00013663 our nutritional tip today is all about flavonoids flavonoid-rich foods are excellent to lower blood o1ej91anpbQ-00021-00013663-00014176 pressure now isn't that a good thing to know and where do you get those kinds of foods well things o1ej91anpbQ-00022-00014176-00015096 like berries kale parsley tea chocolate wine citrus soy just to name a few things and what o1ej91anpbQ-00023-00015096-00015744 do they do well they are anti-inflammatory which means they protect the cells from damage now in o1ej91anpbQ-00024-00015744-00016344 order to get that heart healthy protection we need those microbiomes to be pretty good o1ej91anpbQ-00025-00016344-00017040 in balancing and metabolizing those flavonoids so here's how you get there eat some berries o1ej91anpbQ-00026-00017040-00017728 on the daily and maybe a glass of wine a week all right and add some of those other vegetables so o1ej91anpbQ-00027-00017728-00018296 there are six type of flavonoids in order to get all those types of flavonoids into your diet you o1ej91anpbQ-00028-00018296-00019024 want to eat lots of vegetables and lots of fruits all right all right well you know why i do this o1ej91anpbQ-00029-00019024-00019560 i do this to keep you healthy and strong and if you want to visit me at the vigor and trim health o1ej91anpbQ-00030-00019560-00020296 and fitness website for members over 50 then do that where we have interactive live classes o1ej91anpbQ-00031-00020296-00020952 and lots of other things to share in the meantime i'll look to see you next time on short and sweet o1ej91anpbQ-00032-00021072-00021672 for more on celebrating act 2 visit our web page follow us on facebook subscribe to us on youtube o1ej91anpbQ-00033-00021672-00022584 and tell your friends celebrating act 2 is the user manual for the second half of your life o4QA6hdpMFg-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video o4QA6hdpMFg-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view o4QA6hdpMFg-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. o4QA6hdpMFg-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much o4XPXxA4N5k-00000-00000152-00000500 Hello, I'm Sozzzy. o4XPXxA4N5k-00001-00000515-00000832 I'm going to see my cousin again today. o4XPXxA4N5k-00002-00001364-00001716 There were so many pretty and delicious desserts. o4XPXxA4N5k-00003-00001722-00002069 I didn't buy it because it was too expensive. o4XPXxA4N5k-00004-00003979-00004393 I love the atmosphere. o4XPXxA4N5k-00005-00004991-00005338 There's an elevator, but it's a little uncomfortable to take a ride to get coffee. o4XPXxA4N5k-00006-00005422-00005730 I ordered strawberry juice and condensed milk latte. o4XPXxA4N5k-00007-00005739-00006068 Which of the two did I order? o4XPXxA4N5k-00008-00006183-00006515 I suddenly wanted to sit down, so I moved. o4XPXxA4N5k-00009-00006677-00007020 The drink I ordered is condensed milk latte! o4XPXxA4N5k-00010-00007107-00007436 I love the mix. o4XPXxA4N5k-00011-00007454-00007833 I came to eat braised short ribs that I've been craving for days. o4XPXxA4N5k-00012-00007905-00008122 I'm here to eat braised short ribs that I've been craving for days. o4XPXxA4N5k-00013-00008157-00008500 You have to eat fried rice. o4XPXxA4N5k-00014-00008565-00008893 I'm out shopping with my dad today. o4XPXxA4N5k-00015-00009079-00009472 Next week is my cousin's wedding, so I'm going out to buy his clothes. o4XPXxA4N5k-00016-00009925-00010276 Shopping is a war. o4XPXxA4N5k-00017-00010383-00010761 I'm tired after shopping, so I'm here to buy coffee. o4XPXxA4N5k-00018-00010980-00011346 I wanted a light drink, but the size was huge. o4XPXxA4N5k-00019-00011571-00012221 I liked the name of the cafe because it sounded like my name. o4XPXxA4N5k-00020-00012252-00012489 Start a staring contest with the cat! o4XPXxA4N5k-00021-00012491-00012735 Oh, yeah, I won! o4XPXxA4N5k-00022-00012795-00012991 Turns out, two of them. o4XPXxA4N5k-00023-00013000-00013177 It was nice to meet you. o4XPXxA4N5k-00024-00013216-00013478 I picked out my dad's suit. o4XPXxA4N5k-00025-00013548-00013863 I'm going to dinner. o4XPXxA4N5k-00026-00015398-00015838 The biggest disadvantage of video editing is that I want to eat again when I see the eating scene. o4XPXxA4N5k-00027-00016754-00017078 I'm gonna take a bite. o4XPXxA4N5k-00028-00017127-00017470 All of a sudden my song playing in the store... o4XPXxA4N5k-00029-00017525-00018160 I was filming when they were grilling, and the boss asked me about my YouTube. o4XPXxA4N5k-00030-00021152-00021393 Naengmyeon is the perfect meat. o4XPXxA4N5k-00031-00021414-00021634 Thank you for the food! o4XPXxA4N5k-00032-00021679-00022143 I was supposed to eat with my family on Parents' Day, so I went to my cousin's the day before. o4XPXxA4N5k-00033-00022471-00022723 (Tilting) o4XPXxA4N5k-00034-00024776-00025086 You're just so cute. o4XPXxA4N5k-00035-00025119-00025580 My uncle bought me chicken for dinner. o4XPXxA4N5k-00036-00025628-00025980 I'm done eating and coffee is perfect. o4XPXxA4N5k-00037-00026000-00026380 It was nice to have a separate ice cup. o4XPXxA4N5k-00038-00026718-00027146 He always sits under the table when we eat. o4XPXxA4N5k-00039-00028121-00028530 Get up the next day and eat ice cream before you go to eat. o4XPXxA4N5k-00040-00028793-00029275 I said hello to the camera, and now I'm looking in the mirror and saying hello alone, cousin. o4XPXxA4N5k-00041-00030672-00031025 You're so cute. I love you ㅠㅠ o4XPXxA4N5k-00042-00031077-00031396 (Eating hard again) o4XPXxA4N5k-00043-00031468-00031914 These days, I cut it with my iPad and finish it on my laptop. o4XPXxA4N5k-00044-00031977-00032212 Now I'm going to dinner with my family. o4XPXxA4N5k-00045-00032759-00033080 There weren't many basic side dishes. o4XPXxA4N5k-00046-00033818-00034210 I also ordered cold raw fish soup. o4XPXxA4N5k-00047-00034576-00034967 Without any common pool decoration, they served raw fish honestly. o4XPXxA4N5k-00048-00035605-00035921 I took a picture, and my brother came out like a ghost, so we all laughed a lot. o4XPXxA4N5k-00049-00039732-00040043 Make sushi with sashimi on top. o4XPXxA4N5k-00050-00040066-00040358 I really enjoyed the meal.~ o4XPXxA4N5k-00051-00040429-00040811 I'll do a little shopping. o4XPXxA4N5k-00052-00041282-00041662 A mask strap matching my aunt and cousin. o4XPXxA4N5k-00053-00041859-00042152 I'm going to have fun~ o4XPXxA4N5k-00054-00042181-00042558 This is my cousin's wedding day. o4XPXxA4N5k-00055-00042632-00043085 I went to the wedding in my cousin's car. o4XPXxA4N5k-00056-00043120-00043474 A face with no makeup. oh my god o4XPXxA4N5k-00057-00043978-00044373 The dress is pretty. o4XPXxA4N5k-00058-00044488-00044822 My dad! o4XPXxA4N5k-00059-00045053-00045440 I got this sticker because only 100 people could fit in the wedding hall. I'm number eight! o4XPXxA4N5k-00060-00045526-00045943 If you pay the congratulatory money for Corona, we'll give you a meal ticket and a mask. o4XPXxA4N5k-00061-00046075-00046470 I went to eat right after the wedding. o4XPXxA4N5k-00062-00046602-00047129 Every time I sang at a wedding, I went to a wedding, and it felt weird because it was my first family wedding. o4XPXxA4N5k-00063-00051645-00052000 It's been a while since I had buffet food, and I had fun with my family. o4XPXxA4N5k-00064-00052071-00052552 Why was it so hard when I didn't do anything? o4XPXxA4N5k-00065-00052669-00053140 I went home, rested, and then I went to dinner with my family. o4XPXxA4N5k-00066-00054414-00054774 Come home, edit the vlog, and wrap up the day! o4XPXxA4N5k-00067-00057810-00058212 A consistent taste. I'm coffee, you're juice. o4XPXxA4N5k-00068-00058380-00058746 It was so hot in here because of the sunlight, but the view was great. o4XPXxA4N5k-00069-00060564-00061243 That's it for today's video! See you in the next video. o5dtP1BkQrI-00000-00000104-00000568 what's going on everybody welcome back to 909 adventures i'm sure you guys could tell by the o5dtP1BkQrI-00001-00000568-00001184 title this is not my normal content i'm not a ghost hunter by any means so this is i'm not o5dtP1BkQrI-00002-00001184-00001912 really going to to push this issue on the channel but uh i did pick up quite a few voices while i o5dtP1BkQrI-00003-00001912-00002472 was recording this video so i figured hey why not show you guys this is the second time this has o5dtP1BkQrI-00004-00002472-00003152 happened to me the other time it happened to me i was at the abandoned youth fire prison camp and i o5dtP1BkQrI-00005-00003152-00003624 got a lot of voices there as well guys so if you guys like this video and you want to see o5dtP1BkQrI-00006-00003736-00004408 me make another video like this on that youth fire prison camp i'll cut up a video real quick o5dtP1BkQrI-00007-00004408-00004984 and uh let you guys hear what i found there as well so uh comment down below let me know what o5dtP1BkQrI-00008-00004984-00005528 you guys think about what you hear in this video and if you guys want to see that other video guys o5dtP1BkQrI-00009-00005672-00006120 all right guys so what i'm going to do i'm going to play the clips each four times uh first time o5dtP1BkQrI-00010-00006120-00006680 is just going to be a regular run through the second time it'll be a louder enhanced o5dtP1BkQrI-00011-00006768-00007184 clip and the last two clips of each one are going to be o5dtP1BkQrI-00012-00007264-00008008 uh slowed down this way you guys have a better way of analyzing this and uh you guys can uh give me o5dtP1BkQrI-00013-00008008-00008632 your thoughts down in the comments as well this first clip is it's really hard to make out what o5dtP1BkQrI-00014-00008688-00009600 is being said but i say dang this is crazy and immediately after i'm done speaking there's a o5dtP1BkQrI-00015-00009600-00010168 voice in the background and it's it's whispering something i cannot make out what is saying o5dtP1BkQrI-00016-00010168-00010784 but it sounds like a female voice um again guys you guys be the judge on this o5dtP1BkQrI-00017-00011312-00011384 that's one o5dtP1BkQrI-00018-00011648-00012784 that's crazy o5dtP1BkQrI-00019-00013391-00013688 all right this next clip is pretty much the same thing i cannot make o5dtP1BkQrI-00020-00013688-00014184 out what is being said all i know is there is another voice on the clip o5dtP1BkQrI-00021-00014568-00014618 let's see o5dtP1BkQrI-00022-00014832-00015096 this light up let's see o5dtP1BkQrI-00023-00015328-00015584 this light up o5dtP1BkQrI-00024-00017664-00018240 now for this third clip it this one sounds like a man it sounds like it's robotic this o5dtP1BkQrI-00025-00018240-00018912 one is pretty eerie again i can hear somebody speaking and i cannot make out what it's saying o5dtP1BkQrI-00026-00018984-00019520 so uh again guys if you want to comment on this one as well i look forward to your o5dtP1BkQrI-00027-00019520-00021184 feedback like a conveyor belt this thing would go up and down yeah look at here's the buttons o5dtP1BkQrI-00028-00024216-00024640 now for this next clip this is probably the clearest voice that i got o5dtP1BkQrI-00029-00024696-00025328 um i can actually make out what it's saying i walk up to a wall and point out what looks like from a o5dtP1BkQrI-00030-00025328-00025760 distance it looks like bullet holes in the wall but as i get closer they're pretty clean holes o5dtP1BkQrI-00031-00025824-00026295 and it looks like somebody was punching holes in in the wall with a hammer probably o5dtP1BkQrI-00032-00026295-00026952 to look for coppers probably scrappers but um nevertheless i get answered back by the voice o5dtP1BkQrI-00033-00026952-00028183 and it says ain't no hammer somebody's out here shooting nope it's not shooting that's a hammer o5dtP1BkQrI-00034-00028800-00029583 so o5dtP1BkQrI-00035-00029736-00030160 right now for this next clip i open up a door to walk down o5dtP1BkQrI-00036-00030160-00030736 uh stairs and you guys will hear a voice saying close that door followed by o5dtP1BkQrI-00037-00030792-00031416 the uh the same pop that we heard earlier uh with the hammer incident check this one out guys o5dtP1BkQrI-00038-00031504-00032383 also trying to save the battery for downstairs because there's no windows o5dtP1BkQrI-00039-00032680-00033784 so o5dtP1BkQrI-00040-00033984-00034360 now for the last and final clip guys i can hear another voice as soon as o5dtP1BkQrI-00041-00034360-00034632 i get ready to walk down yet another set of stairs o5dtP1BkQrI-00042-00034696-00035224 this one i cannot make out and i'm gonna leave this one up to you guys to uh let me know what o5dtP1BkQrI-00043-00035224-00035688 you guys think it's saying it's probably clearer than the first two clips on the the o5dtP1BkQrI-00044-00035688-00036176 video but again guys i can't make out what it's saying you guys let me know what you guys think o5dtP1BkQrI-00045-00036528-00037984 so this is the uh yes you're still there o5dtP1BkQrI-00046-00039096-00039384 get all these lights on o5dtP1BkQrI-00047-00039720-00039864 this always makes you feel comfortable o5dtP1BkQrI-00048-00040144-00040576 all right guys now that this is over and done with i'm definitely going to need you guys feedback on o5dtP1BkQrI-00049-00040576-00041344 all this stuff this isn't my normal content guys so um i don't plan on including ghost hunting into o5dtP1BkQrI-00050-00041344-00041864 any of my future videos if i find stuff like this and you know i'll eventually make a video on it o5dtP1BkQrI-00051-00041864-00042528 it's not going to be my top priority and the other thing is too i do have another location that i o5dtP1BkQrI-00052-00042528-00043256 got voices just like this um the youth fire prison camp guys i have all that footage still so if this o5dtP1BkQrI-00053-00043256-00043880 is something you guys like and you want to see another video on it again i can make that video o5dtP1BkQrI-00054-00043952-00044368 and it'll be just like this one i'll show you guys everything that i that i found o5dtP1BkQrI-00055-00044368-00045032 all the voices and everything um but uh but yeah guys i hope you guys enjoyed this video o5dtP1BkQrI-00056-00045032-00045672 uh shout out to everybody that's been donating on venmo and uh paypal i really appreciate you guys o5dtP1BkQrI-00057-00045736-00046456 um it was donations like that that helps me get out to places like this and you guys will be o5dtP1BkQrI-00058-00046456-00047120 getting more videos thanks to your donations so uh thank you to everybody that's been donating o5dtP1BkQrI-00059-00047120-00047456 also youtube is going to suggest some videos right now here on the screen o5dtP1BkQrI-00060-00047520-00048472 they're suggesting that you guys check out these videos next o6-2dsyHhC8-00000-00000002-00000312 BlogTalkRadio! o6-2dsyHhC8-00001-00000370-00000585 Ernie> Hello world! o6-2dsyHhC8-00002-00000586-00001011 You're listening to Open Money on BlogTalkRadio. o6-2dsyHhC8-00003-00001030-00001528 I'm Ernie Yakub on the northwest coast of Turtle Island. o6-2dsyHhC8-00004-00001554-00002166 Michael Linton is the designer-developer of LETSystems, the most widely used ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00005-00002184-00002774 ... community currency in the world and he's close by in the neighbourhood. Hello Michael! o6-2dsyHhC8-00006-00002812-00003050 Michael> Hello Ernie! o6-2dsyHhC8-00007-00003084-00003810 Ernie> Colin Stark is the vice president of Canadians for Direct Democracy. And he's in Vancouver. Hello Colin! o6-2dsyHhC8-00008-00003834-00004098 Colin> Hello Ernie and Michael! o6-2dsyHhC8-00009-00004124-00004322 Michael> Hello Colin! o6-2dsyHhC8-00010-00004362-00004976 Ernie> So today we're going to talk about money and democracy. And you guys are the experts. o6-2dsyHhC8-00011-00004976-00005688 So why don't we start with you, Colin? And why don't you tell us what "democracy" means? o6-2dsyHhC8-00012-00005716-00005982 I mean, we need to define our terms, don't we? o6-2dsyHhC8-00013-00006002-00006740 Colin> Oh, absolutely,. And I want to make it clear that we're not talking of the politicians' definition of democracy. o6-2dsyHhC8-00014-00006762-00007023 We're talking here of direct democracy. o6-2dsyHhC8-00015-00007050-00007234 Which is the closest ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00016-00007261-00008106 ... You know ... The system in Switzerland that has been operating near for a 140 years is probably the closest practical example of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00017-00008126-00008998 ... what exists under the name of democracy on this planet. And we define it as direct democracy, the right of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00018-00009018-00009700 ... citizens to hold referenda on any issue. So that's a right not a privilege. o6-2dsyHhC8-00019-00009726-00010264 And hold a referendum, not a plebiscite, or even worse a poll. o6-2dsyHhC8-00020-00010292-00010844 And It's the right of citizens to hold it on any issue. So it's not that the government can say, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00021-00010862-00011232 ... Oh, we don't have a referendum on the Olympics. We want your support, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00022-00011232-00011644 ... so we'll do a dog and pony show and have everybody bought for the Olympics. o6-2dsyHhC8-00023-00011664-00012126 No! In Switzerland four times a year the citizens have the right ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00024-00012138-00012846 ... to take any issue that a sufficient number of them want to sign up for. And have a vote ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00025-00012878-00013584 ... of the whole country, of the canton, of the district in which they live. And that vote is binding. o6-2dsyHhC8-00026-00013597-00013819 It's a referendum. It's binding on the government. o6-2dsyHhC8-00027-00013819-00014180 And you can overturn anything that the government is putting through. o6-2dsyHhC8-00028-00014212-00014676 They can overturn it by a majority vote. A simple majority of 50 percent plus one. o6-2dsyHhC8-00029-00014691-00015138 So there's much more to it than that, but that's the simple definition. o6-2dsyHhC8-00030-00015163-00015666 Ernie> Well, it sounds delightful and wonderful. And we'll talk about ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00031-00015690-00016022 ... why there's such resistance to it. Well, perhaps we might. o6-2dsyHhC8-00032-00016046-00016640 We might talk about what money has to do with it. Which is your department, Michael. o6-2dsyHhC8-00033-00016672-00017172 Money, money, community currencies, LETSystems ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00034-00017212-00018246 Michael> Well, I would echo very strongly Colin's ideas expressed about the rights of the individual. o6-2dsyHhC8-00035-00018274-00018748 You know ... What can people do? What are they entitled to do? o6-2dsyHhC8-00036-00018772-00019726 Now, whereas for a referendum never this required that the government pays attention ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00037-00019752-00020110 ... to the right of those individuals to do this. o6-2dsyHhC8-00038-00020110-00020564 With money, we're in a different place. We can create ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00039-00020602-00021220 ... forms of monetary network ... which are a form of voting ... a form of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00040-00021248-00021486 ... setting the world the way you want it to go. o6-2dsyHhC8-00041-00021487-00022001 You're applying your efforts to this rather than that when you spend it on that rather than this, or whatever. o6-2dsyHhC8-00042-00022001-00022457 You know, the way we spend our money matters. So, if we can create community monies, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00043-00022516-00023118 ... community monies become at various levels different forms of voting systems. o6-2dsyHhC8-00044-00023156-00023492 Now, it's not a mandate ... Colin> So, you vote with your money? o6-2dsyHhC8-00045-00023518-00024232 Michael> That's the basic point. And more deeply than I think people have generally realized. o6-2dsyHhC8-00046-00024264-00024728 It's not like you're just betting on something, you know. Putting money on this horse or something. o6-2dsyHhC8-00047-00024762-00025592 It's that the world derives from the actions that we set in motion and the consequences, ... and, and, and. o6-2dsyHhC8-00048-00025616-00026260 And so much of that is driven by money. And presently by a monopoly money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00049-00026294-00026924 And the opportunities ... Ernie> What? Hang on for a second. What do you mean by a monopoly money? o6-2dsyHhC8-00050-00026954-00027658 Michael> I mean a money that's monopolized by the nation-states, the banking system. o6-2dsyHhC8-00051-00027686-00028632 The conventional financial institutions have given us singular legal tender in almost all modern nation-states. o6-2dsyHhC8-00052-00028648-00029302 And that money has to be a monopoly in those countries. Otherwise, well, if everyone was producing ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00053-00029322-00029964 ... that sort of money it would soon become totally worthless. So, they're dedicated to ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00054-00029992-00030612 ... singularity and control, as in the almost whole government in all respect. And ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00055-00030638-00031082 Ernie> Which is off course anti-democratic. Right, Colin? o6-2dsyHhC8-00056-00031108-00031804 Colin> Oh absolutely. But then ... I mean ... I don't want to get too deep too quickly, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00057-00031833-00032322 ... but as soon as someone says democratic in this world, .... o6-2dsyHhC8-00058-00032322-00032676 ... you have to wonder what do they mean by democratic? o6-2dsyHhC8-00059-00032702-00033118 Because most people have been indoctrinated to think that we live in a democratic society. o6-2dsyHhC8-00060-00033148-00033420 And you hear people saying that all the time and nobody's challenging. o6-2dsyHhC8-00061-00033442-00033892 Ernie> Well, but you're challenging it? Colin> Oh absolutely. o6-2dsyHhC8-00062-00033918-00034398 The other worst one is when someone says: "Our government is accountable to the people." o6-2dsyHhC8-00063-00034424-00034886 Like, bullshit! If I'm permitted to say that on BlogTalkRadio. o6-2dsyHhC8-00064-00034914-00035606 As soon as you hear the word democracy or accountability, you know that you're hearing lies. o6-2dsyHhC8-00065-00035630-00035936 I hate to sound like a radical. Ernie> Oh, go ahead. That's fine. o6-2dsyHhC8-00066-00035952-00036384 You just go right ahead and be a radical. And I'll just be the moderate here. o6-2dsyHhC8-00067-00036404-00036868 So Michael, what's money got to do with democracy? o6-2dsyHhC8-00068-00036886-00037370 I mean, what's money got to do with the problem with democracy? o6-2dsyHhC8-00069-00037394-00038134 Michael> Well, there's the current problem that democracy is a scam name provided to ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00070-00038158-00038800 ... a bum site where the winner takes all and the powerful are the people with control of the money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00071-00038828-00039400 Basically the corporates and the vested interests run the money. I remember ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00072-00039432-00040046 ... at a conference in the States once on reforming election funding. o6-2dsyHhC8-00073-00040046-00040460 And their slogan was "get money out of politics". o6-2dsyHhC8-00074-00040480-00041120 And my comment on the stage was that I thought most people weren't in the politics to get money out of it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00075-00041154-00041830 That was a wry sense of humor that was not greatly appreciated. o6-2dsyHhC8-00076-00041852-00042640 But it's a game. It's who's in charge here? Who manages the zoning laws or the tax regime? o6-2dsyHhC8-00077-00042676-00043294 Or, just the government grant systems? And it seems that people with money stay with money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00078-00043322-00044304 And the US government's sold itself to a low tax regime. Highest tax bracket in the States used to be 73%. o6-2dsyHhC8-00079-00044324-00044934 But then, under the spell of Reaganomics, the Milton Friedman stuff and all that excitement, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00080-00044948-00045628 ... they dropped the top tax bracket down into the 20s. Where it still is I believe 28 or 32 or something like that. o6-2dsyHhC8-00081-00045652-00046188 Well, this is just the rich get rich and by the way they like it. So they fund the political parties. o6-2dsyHhC8-00082-00046188-00046712 So the political parties control the media. So the media brings in the vault. o6-2dsyHhC8-00083-00046738-00047404 So we can nearly call it ... It's certainly not democracy at the moment. And it's very clear that the ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00084-00047426-00048396 ... competitive commodity money is a driving influence in the persistence of that style of pseudo democracy. o6-2dsyHhC8-00085-00048424-00048680 Ernie> Do you agree with that, Colin? o6-2dsyHhC8-00086-00048694-00049528 Colin> Yeah. I mean, absolutely, Ernie. I'm sure we'll be very very deeply into this both from the money aspect ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00087-00049554-00050072 ... and from a democracy aspect. But before we do so, I want to ... I want to just make it clear. o6-2dsyHhC8-00088-00050112-00050426 And I'm going to quote from a guy called Plato ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00089-00050450-00051470 Ernie> I've heard of him. (laughter) Plato! He used to play for the Boston Red Sox. o6-2dsyHhC8-00090-00051505-00051814 Colin> Yeah, that one. (laughter) o6-2dsyHhC8-00091-00051838-00052517 I'm reading from page 16 of the translation of Plato's Republic. And I'm not purporting to be a Greek scholar, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00092-00052522-00053479 ... but what the point I'm making is that this so-called democracy is right in our language. o6-2dsyHhC8-00093-00053505-00054322 It's basic to our education system. And here 2,000 years ago, here's Plato speaking of democracy. o6-2dsyHhC8-00094-00054350-00055314 He says ... he is conspiring with Socrates and ... he says: "By seeing that Right (justice)" with a capital R, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00095-00055334-00055846 ... "is interest of the strong, the stronger" and he explains this to mean that ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00096-00055867-00056676 ... "The ruling class in any state will forcibly exact a certain type of behaviour from its subjects" ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00097-00056710-00057614 ... "to suit its own interests. Morality is nothing more or less than the code of behaviour. So exact it." o6-2dsyHhC8-00098-00057638-00058008 Now he goes on to spend the whole chapter and the whole book on this. But ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00099-00058008-00058758 ... I think we have to understand that what we have been taught since childhood to understand as morality ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00100-00058782-00059346 ... is in fact a certain kind of behaviour, including adherence to the money system, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00101-00059366-00060026 ... including adherence to the policemen, including adherence to the views of the Prime Minister. o6-2dsyHhC8-00102-00060052-00060598 That is what we believe as human beings. We have been brought up to believe that that is morality. o6-2dsyHhC8-00103-00060622-00061005 That that is epic if you like. So ... It's so deeply rooted ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00104-00061012-00061796 ... that it makes it difficult for any of us to understand what a totally free designing of, say, a money system ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00105-00061816-00062448 ... or a government system that is democratic We really don't know what it means. o6-2dsyHhC8-00106-00062474-00063402 Ernie> Well. Money trumps morality I would say. What do you think, Michael? o6-2dsyHhC8-00107-00063426-00064020 Michael> Well ... yeah ... In money versus morality, I'll bet on the money anytime, you know. o6-2dsyHhC8-00108-00064040-00064724 It's not even by a short head. It'd win by a length. o6-2dsyHhC8-00109-00064746-00065558 Yeah ... The ... Power systems tend to create systems to protect power systems. o6-2dsyHhC8-00110-00065584-00066812 And money as the major mechanism of our socio-economic commercial world is the big pride. o6-2dsyHhC8-00111-00066838-00067424 People who control the money, seem to control the government. People who control the government seem to control the money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00112-00067448-00068276 And, what, 90% of us are outside the core of the game. And too many of us are trying to get into it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00113-00068302-00068808 That's part of the dogma ideas. 80% of the society seem to be ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00114-00068838-00069366 ... desperately anxious to get to the party rather than looking after their home. o6-2dsyHhC8-00115-00069396-00070412 It's not about economy. It's about excitement and winning. And that applies to politics ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00116-00070436-00071156 So I think unless there's some shift in the monetary frame there won't be much hope for the democratic, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00117-00071178-00071884 ... The real democratic. We ... The corridors of power are currently occupied and nobody's willing to leave. o6-2dsyHhC8-00118-00071912-00072390 Ernie> Well, let's talk about shifting the money frame as you put it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00119-00072426-00072930 What you're talking about, is what this show is about and that's Open Money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00120-00072958-00073660 So perhaps you can give us a little intro to Open Money? o6-2dsyHhC8-00121-00073692-00074620 Michael> Well, the basis of conventional money is that it's their stuff. o6-2dsyHhC8-00122-00074646-00075022 And it comes from the banks and the central government and whatever. And ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00123-00075044-00075246 That's the stuff we pass around. Now, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00124-00075264-00075692 ... soon as you come up with a situation where I don't have any money to do a trade with you, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00125-00075692-00076030 ... because I'm flat broke, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00126-00076064-00076604 ... is that when the world stops? I have no money; I cannot act? Because I may have plenty of time and ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00127-00076604-00077184 ... I may have plenty of skills. So, ... how about I use your product? o6-2dsyHhC8-00128-00077202-00077856 You sell me the loaf of bread or the barrel of beer. And I give you an undertaking ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00129-00077876-00078488 ... that my time will be at your service or somebody else's at some time in the future. o6-2dsyHhC8-00130-00078506-00079412 Now ... Particularly if the undertaking I offer you, the "I owe you some time", is understood to be transferable. o6-2dsyHhC8-00131-00079418-00079910 So that if you actually want what Colin is offering, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00132-00079910-00080236 ... you can spend the money with him. Because it IS money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00133-00080274-00080834 My promise to provide my time can be seen as a very simple and clear-cut form of monetary instrument. o6-2dsyHhC8-00134-00080846-00081318 It's my promise. And it's now something that you use to get something from Colin. o6-2dsyHhC8-00135-00081334-00081630 So that maybe Colin can get something from me. o6-2dsyHhC8-00136-00081630-00082370 Now, that's nothing more than I've said. Gee, I'd love to pay you, Ernie. But I can't. I don't have any cash. o6-2dsyHhC8-00137-00082402-00083016 Here's a promise of my time. You use that promise with Colin. Colin uses it with me. We're all happy o6-2dsyHhC8-00138-00083034-00083616 Now, we didn't have to ask anybody's permission to engage in that process of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00139-00083636-00084306 ... negotiating the gift of our services and times and reconciliation of that amongst us. o6-2dsyHhC8-00140-00084330-00084942 And that's what Open Money is. Open Money is just making the statement of: Come on guys. Wake up! o6-2dsyHhC8-00141-00084962-00085488 Money is what you say it is and we can form little networks, big networks, cross regional networks. o6-2dsyHhC8-00142-00085514-00086032 We can use this method of ... keeping score. Because that's all it is. o6-2dsyHhC8-00143-00086038-00086544 We're just tracking what we think things were worth and who gave them to what and wherever. o6-2dsyHhC8-00144-00086568-00086840 It's a form of measure ... Ernie> Ok, we'll get into the details .. o6-2dsyHhC8-00145-00086860-00087526 .. of that a little bit later. I want to bring Colin back in. Colin, you know a little bit about this stuff. o6-2dsyHhC8-00146-00087552-00088078 Did did that make sense to you what Michael just expounded on? o6-2dsyHhC8-00147-00088106-00088944 Colin> Yes, absolutely. And to be devil's advocate to a small understand, let me just say that ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00148-00088972-00089478 ... I've known Michael for probably over 20 years and known of his strange theories for ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00149-00089504-00090162 ... more than 20 years. And I understand them up to a point. ... I can't ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00150-00090184-00090856 I've never lived in an Open Money society. And in the back of my head, I'm still hearing little voices saying ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00151-00090880-00091562 Yeah, that's all right! We know money doesn't grow on trees! You know. You got to work for your money! o6-2dsyHhC8-00152-00091564-00091886 And you know, you'll never get anywhere without working! And you know, you're a lazy bum! o6-2dsyHhC8-00153-00091906-00092168 And what do you mean you should have a fair share? o6-2dsyHhC8-00154-00092192-00092950 All of that stuff. And I think that's what Plato was getting at when he said that money ... that the rulers ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00155-00092980-00093444 ... set up a system and they call it ethics or morality. And we believe it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00156-00093472-00094104 And we don't have any other language other than these little voices that go around in our heads. So ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00157-00094104-00094692 Ernie> Good point. The language is very important. Michael> Yeah. It's what Orwell said, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00158-00094720-00095486 ... you know. In "1984" the control of words was what the Ministry of Information was all about. o6-2dsyHhC8-00159-00095518-00095956 Good plus good: ungood. o6-2dsyHhC8-00160-00095956-00096296 Those were the words. Don't let us make things too complicated. o6-2dsyHhC8-00161-00096310-00096824 And so ... So, this is it. Languaging, it's a huge component of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00162-00096844-00097324 ... well, one might nowadays in modern language talk about "branding". o6-2dsyHhC8-00163-00097346-00097644 How is that thing seen in the world? o6-2dsyHhC8-00164-00097662-00098264 Well, it's often seen by the labels that have been attached to it and the associations people have ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00165-00098288-00098732 ... accumulated around those labels. And around democracy, around money, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00166-00098752-00099550 .. about sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. I mean, everybody's got opinions, very deep, very personal, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00167-00099584-00099838 ... generally totally unexamined. o6-2dsyHhC8-00168-00099868-00100412 And ... That's the way the power system would be quite happy to leave it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00169-00100448-00100928 I mean George Bush talks about democracy as though he means it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00170-00100956-00101404 But, my god, what does he mean? o6-2dsyHhC8-00171-00101446-00101840 Ernie> Well, yeah. That reminds me of a Lennie (Leonard) Cohen song. o6-2dsyHhC8-00172-00101862-00102559 Democracy is coming to the USA. Brilliant. Brilliant song. o6-2dsyHhC8-00173-00102590-00103390 Michael> So we got get the words to move. We've got to reclaim language in our ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00174-00103411-00103982 ... conversation, in our rhetoric, in our writing ... to ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00175-00104014-00105018 ... to encourage others to think beyond the boxes that they've been carefully and easily herded into. o6-2dsyHhC8-00176-00105046-00105446 Ernie> Well, and one of the things that you've been working on. o6-2dsyHhC8-00177-00105470-00106018 What you have been working on, is redefining the word "money". o6-2dsyHhC8-00178-00106048-00106656 Michael> Reclaiming it. Yes. For instance, it is a lot of talk about, oh, there is "real money" ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00179-00106678-00107338 and then of these complimentary social currencies as though they were a little addition on the side. A little ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00180-00107338-00107735 ... tail fins on your Chevy or something like that. o6-2dsyHhC8-00181-00107758-00108498 And the point I've ... and you as well, Ernie ... we've been making for ten years now is that ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00182-00108524-00108844 ... the origin of money, it's in the social act. o6-2dsyHhC8-00183-00108868-00109330 Not in the picking of a bag of gold out of some mountain somewhere. o6-2dsyHhC8-00184-00109352-00110020 Or in the declaration of the legal tender monopoly by a central authority. o6-2dsyHhC8-00185-00110048-00110748 The bigger description of money is, it's the promise we use to negotiate our gifts. And ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00186-00110774-00111114 ... within that, conventional money is ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00187-00111148-00111859 ... a subset to generate aberration in the evolution of an intelligent social system. o6-2dsyHhC8-00188-00111883-00112311 I think Plato would have gone for multi currency Open Money if he'd had a Palm Pilot or ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00189-00112324-00112752 ... a Blackberry or something. He would be right in there. But ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00190-00112778-00113100 Ernie> You don't think it would work with stone tablets? o6-2dsyHhC8-00191-00113100-00113546 Michael> More difficult. It takes a lot of time. You got to ... you know ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00192-00113576-00113944 Ernie> You got to carve the stone. But first of all, you got to pick out the stone. o6-2dsyHhC8-00193-00113944-00114496 Then you got to carve it. Then you got to pall it a round. That's ... yeah ... difficult. o6-2dsyHhC8-00194-00114511-00114856 Michael> Yeah. So the technology is a lot easier than it was. o6-2dsyHhC8-00195-00114880-00115080 But the principle remains. o6-2dsyHhC8-00196-00115118-00115700 If you use your words with quality. If you say you're going to do something. And then do it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00197-00115728-00116166 And that becomes known. Then that is a productive way of making ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00198-00116192-00116718 ... your resources available to others who make the resources available to you in kind, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00199-00116756-00117011 ... in common, in common wealth. o6-2dsyHhC8-00200-00117048-00117533 So I see Open Money as the set ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00201-00117566-00118398 ... within which conventional money is a very small and hopefully diminishing subset, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00202-00118430-00118770 ... a crazy cancerous growth, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00203-00118811-00119148 ... that really has nothing to do with the ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00204-00119164-00119854 ... with matching the social world and the economic world through the physical and the personal. o6-2dsyHhC8-00205-00119882-00120748 Ernie> Okay, so you see these little ... well, you say, small and large ... networks, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00206-00120776-00121506 ... that use community currencies as a means of exchange, you see that as scalable. o6-2dsyHhC8-00207-00121508-00122116 I mean most people think of these things, as you say, social currency ... a barter system ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00208-00122144-00122896 Ithaca Hours is an example of ... you know ... of the kind of community currency that people ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00209-00122928-00123338 ... look at and say: "Oh, isn't that nice?" o6-2dsyHhC8-00210-00123374-00124172 "We should have one with pretty pictures on our bills too, like Salt Spring dollars ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00211-00124222-00124748 ... where they have artists create this beautiful money." (Colin laughs.) o6-2dsyHhC8-00212-00124774-00125183 Have you ever seen that Salt Spring dollar, Colin? o6-2dsyHhC8-00213-00125208-00125704 Colin> No. But I've had it described. And as Michael was talking there, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00214-00125750-00126376 ... I was beginning to grasp what he meant by Open Money as something very basic, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00215-00126420-00126859 ... very comprehensive, in its essence, very simple. o6-2dsyHhC8-00216-00126896-00127392 And the other part of me, the devil's advocate part, was remembering that ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00217-00127432-00127792 ... just yesterday I spoke at a public meeting, I mean, just as someone from the audience, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00218-00127824-00128270 ... speaking into the space created by a politician. o6-2dsyHhC8-00219-00128294-00128692 And I spoke of Open Money and democracy. o6-2dsyHhC8-00220-00128718-00129050 And immediately that translated into "cooperatives". o6-2dsyHhC8-00221-00129072-00129514 And from there to Mondragon, the Spanish cooperative that has been so successful, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00222-00129546-00130076 ... and to Vancity the co-operative in Vancouver that is an effective bank. o6-2dsyHhC8-00223-00130109-00130883 And I think that's about as far as most people can comprehend democracy and money or Open Money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00224-00130909-00131648 Michael> Yeah, they tend to think of it's like in the cowboys and indians or the white hats, black hats, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00225-00131690-00131898 ... good guys, bad guys, you know. o6-2dsyHhC8-00226-00131946-00132466 Soon as you say something that's kind of social or, you know, a broader thing, ... "Oh, yes, yes, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00227-00132466-00132934 ... it's like the co-op's like Mondragon. And that's the only box you can put it into. It's still a fight. o6-2dsyHhC8-00228-00132944-00133234 But you're fighting that way. That's the best you got for it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00229-00133234-00133798 What was the meeting there, Colin? What was the gist of the world? o6-2dsyHhC8-00230-00133846-00134546 Colin> The person speaking was actually speaking to the role of the corporation in modern society. o6-2dsyHhC8-00231-00134578-00134812 And pointing out ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00232-00134832-00135238 The theme of his talk was that corporations have gained power over the past hundred years. o6-2dsyHhC8-00233-00135264-00135990 And that they are now free full legal entities, same as a human being. Their liability is limited. o6-2dsyHhC8-00234-00136028-00137122 And the third thing was the major point, that they now have by the United States law, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00235-00137146-00137372 ... and confirmed by the Supreme Court some years ago, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00236-00137408-00137984 ... they now have an actual legal obligation to maximize their profits. o6-2dsyHhC8-00237-00138012-00138434 And any other obligation they have to shareholders, customers and anything else ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00238-00138434-00138804 ... is secondary to their legal obligation to shareholders to maximize the profits. o6-2dsyHhC8-00239-00138842-00139296 So instead of that ... I mean, it's a very sympathetic topic to me, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00240-00139326-00139964 .. but when I try to point out that that was a very small part of democracy and money, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00241-00140012-00140514 ... and we got into the Mondragon and the co-operative Vancity thing ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00242-00140562-00141092 The speaker, to his credit he ran away into Ithaca currency. And said, yes, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00243-00141092-00141650 ... I know about that and you know. And he ran off into the "It's a like money type play." o6-2dsyHhC8-00244-00141680-00142266 Now ... He was as being as genuinely knowledgeable as he possibly could be. o6-2dsyHhC8-00245-00142266-00142762 And he's a very knowledgeable person. Michael> Who is this knowledgeable person? o6-2dsyHhC8-00246-00142792-00143160 Colin> Why? Michael> You don't want to name him, did you say? o6-2dsyHhC8-00247-00143198-00143560 Colin> Well, I'd rather not, because he genuinely is ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00248-00143594-00144000 ... a politician who understands more than most politicians about these things. o6-2dsyHhC8-00249-00144020-00144508 Ernie> Well, he might want a plug. If he's a politician, he's obviously going to want a plug. o6-2dsyHhC8-00250-00144538-00145014 Colin> Well, we can give him a plug by having him on the show sometime. o6-2dsyHhC8-00251-00145042-00145462 Michael> Only if we know his name. Colin> Oh, I know his name. o6-2dsyHhC8-00252-00145474-00146154 Ernie> I think that's an oxymoron: anonymous politician (laughter). o6-2dsyHhC8-00253-00146186-00146684 Colin> Well, he's just a young fellow. Ernie> A young fella, right? Okay. o6-2dsyHhC8-00254-00146718-00147170 Michael> A fresh moron. Not fully developed yet. o6-2dsyHhC8-00255-00147198-00148000 Ernie> So, ... I mean ... In this talk, about corporations maximizing profits, was the word money used? o6-2dsyHhC8-00256-00148030-00148344 Colin> I think profit was the word that was used rather than ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00257-00148344-00148604 Ernie> Was the word money used? o6-2dsyHhC8-00258-00148636-00149156 Colin> Probably, but I don't really know. I mean, most people don't distinguish between ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00259-00149204-00149620 ... money, profit, gross margin. o6-2dsyHhC8-00260-00149652-00150070 You know, I could get into all sorts of technical accounting terms as to ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00261-00150092-00150560 ... what profit is or what money is, but it's all gobbledygook. o6-2dsyHhC8-00262-00150626-00151340 Michael> Mm-hm. Yes, it's about accumulating power, assets, control. That's really ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00263-00151368-00151712 ... the corporate structure. It's this amazing ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00264-00151712-00152314 ... redefinition of how people can come together and be both responsible and irresponsible. o6-2dsyHhC8-00265-00152334-00152718 And this judgment, you just cited, Colin, of that ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00266-00152754-00153272 ... the shareholder profit is the highest value and must be respected before all else in the ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00267-00153272-00153684 Ernie> Except for the CEO's profits ... money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00268-00153708-00154114 Michael> Well. No, no. He's got to ... He also sits inside the shareholders. o6-2dsyHhC8-00269-00154146-00154582 And the argument is that the CEO is making a pile and so the shareholders are too. It causes ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00270-00154604-00155208 ... everybody's happy that their reciprocious behaviour lifts irresponsible bunch of money-grubbing bastards. o6-2dsyHhC8-00271-00155236-00155640 Ernie> And that's what we come down to. It's all about the money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00272-00155662-00156016 Michael> It's all about the fight. It's all about the competition. o6-2dsyHhC8-00273-00156048-00156686 And competitions and fights are created by the lack of better alternatives. The lack of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00274-00156744-00157312 ... negotiated collaborations and comfortable relationships and win/win frameworks. o6-2dsyHhC8-00275-00157348-00157878 Conventional money, conventional politics, conventional warfare has always been win/lose stuff. o6-2dsyHhC8-00276-00157878-00158156 And boy, it's staying that way. o6-2dsyHhC8-00277-00158190-00158898 And we've got to evolve a different strata to society. And I don't want to talk elitism here. o6-2dsyHhC8-00278-00158912-00159394 I'm not saying, this is only for the good guys. I'm saying, who wants to play this game? o6-2dsyHhC8-00279-00159424-00160006 They're playing with guns and knives on this side of the room. Who wants to come over here and play with ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00280-00160026-00160238 ... I don't know. Ernie> Teddy bears! o6-2dsyHhC8-00281-00160244-00160530 Michael> Teddy bears ... Ernie> And cuddly, cuddly toys. o6-2dsyHhC8-00282-00160558-00160964 Anyway. We're about halfway through the program. We've got 33 minutes remaining. o6-2dsyHhC8-00283-00160990-00161784 I thought maybe I should let people know that they're listening to Open Money on BlogTalkRadio. o6-2dsyHhC8-00284-00161808-00162008 My name is Ernie Yakub. o6-2dsyHhC8-00285-00162034-00162744 I'm talking with Michael Linton and Colin Stark. We're talking about money and democracy. o6-2dsyHhC8-00286-00162780-00163258 And we're going to take the next ... well, the time remaining, ... the next half hour ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00287-00163278-00163668 ... to go a little deeper into the soft money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00288-00163680-00164068 That's for you, Michael. Soft money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00289-00164092-00164334 Michael> Deeper into the soft stuff, hm? o6-2dsyHhC8-00290-00164364-00164888 Well, I think in relation to this general concept of democracy, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00291-00164914-00165430 ... which I think it would be useful for Colin to remind us. Give us the soundbite. o6-2dsyHhC8-00292-00165458-00166142 The meme to end all memes ... about democracy, Colin. Take it away. o6-2dsyHhC8-00293-00166170-00166868 Colin> Direct democracy is the right of citizens to hold referenda on any issue. o6-2dsyHhC8-00294-00166892-00167122 Ernie> Binding referendum, right? o6-2dsyHhC8-00295-00167150-00167554 Colin> By definition a referendum is binding. Plebescite is non-binding. o6-2dsyHhC8-00296-00167592-00167948 The language has been shifted in the past 50 years. o6-2dsyHhC8-00297-00167976-00168390 Ernie> Again, the language problem. o6-2dsyHhC8-00298-00168422-00169124 Before you go on here, Michael. I thought maybe I should let people know that there is a chat line ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00299-00169160-00170256 ... that goes with this program. And people can send us a note. Let us know if you're out there listening. o6-2dsyHhC8-00300-00170294-00170718 Or a question, or you want in on the conversation. Drop us a note ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00301-00170718-00171286 Drop us a note on the chat line at BlogTalkRadio slash openmoney. o6-2dsyHhC8-00302-00171308-00171732 If you want to know more about community currencies, Open Money, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00303-00171756-00172154 ... mutual credit systems, LETSystems, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00304-00172170-00172506 ... first place to go is o6-2dsyHhC8-00305-00172538-00173020 And these URLs are up on the chat line as well: ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00306-00173050-00173984 ...,'s openmoney dot editme dot com. o6-2dsyHhC8-00307-00174024-00174420 And o6-2dsyHhC8-00308-00174440-00175054 Colin> And the direct democracy website? Ernie> Oh darn. The direct democracy website. o6-2dsyHhC8-00309-00175076-00175640 I didn't even put it there. Well, we got we got three people. We got Yester leaving. Did you see this? o6-2dsyHhC8-00310-00175670-00175856 Yester joined the room. o6-2dsyHhC8-00311-00175856-00176380 Guests joined the room. Yester left the room. That's on our chat, by the way. o6-2dsyHhC8-00312-00176402-00177072 Give us that URL again, Colin? o6-2dsyHhC8-00313-00177116-00178572 Colin> It's ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00314-00178600-00178846 ... which is short for Canadians for Direct Democracy. o6-2dsyHhC8-00315-00178864-00179170 Ernie> And they can Google CDD as well. o6-2dsyHhC8-00316-00179194-00179546 Colin> And if you Google Canadians for Direct Democracy, yes. o6-2dsyHhC8-00317-00179568-00180446 Ernie> So that's Colin> Right o6-2dsyHhC8-00318-00180476-00181086 Ernie> Okay. Over to you, Michael. Soft money. And I think perhaps even going right down to the very ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00319-00181116-00181706 ... basic idea of a LETSystem where every account starts at zero. o6-2dsyHhC8-00320-00181722-00182508 You go negative. You go positive. I think that would be useful to briefly talk about. o6-2dsyHhC8-00321-00182540-00183096 Michael> Well, it's interesting, because it was derived rather democratically. o6-2dsyHhC8-00322-00183096-00183874 We had run in the situation in Comox Valley where there was no appreciable amount of money around. o6-2dsyHhC8-00323-00183906-00184414 And whole hordes of us were looking for ways to negotiate the where with the holds of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00324-00184440-00184784 ... I don't know ... bread on the table, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00325-00184814-00185406 ... roof on the on the house. And how do we do this? And we realize we had to create our own .... o6-2dsyHhC8-00326-00185424-00185632 ... neighbourhood money, our community money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00327-00185656-00186102 And then we had long discussions about how much we should create. o6-2dsyHhC8-00328-00186126-00186482 We realized pretty quickly it was sensible to measure everything in dollars because ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00329-00186482-00186702 ... that was everthing we already did. And it would make ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00330-00186726-00187158 ... accounting and pricing very clear to people. It's just a different measuring tape. o6-2dsyHhC8-00331-00187188-00187606 The measure is the same. An inch is an inch. A dollar is a dollar. o6-2dsyHhC8-00332-00187646-00188186 But we had to have our own measures. So, let's have the Comox Valley dollar. o6-2dsyHhC8-00333-00188206-00188668 Now... The first problem we came up with was how much of it should we make? o6-2dsyHhC8-00334-00188694-00189204 Because we realized it's just paper. Okay, how much paper should we print and give ourselves to begin with? o6-2dsyHhC8-00335-00189238-00189560 That was the big question. o6-2dsyHhC8-00336-00189588-00190150 And we realized very quickly that thousand dollars was too much for our confidence in the idea. o6-2dsyHhC8-00337-00190166-00190666 People said, well, in just a minute, if there's 20 of us and we're all with thousand dollars, that's twenty thousand. o6-2dsyHhC8-00338-00190666-00191024 Well, I bet somebody pretty soon will end up with fifteen of those. o6-2dsyHhC8-00339-00191042-00191444 And the rest of us will be short in the money again. So what we do? Or ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00340-00191470-00192154 ... will the guy with 15 believe he can get value out of it? Or will he panic and just dump it? o6-2dsyHhC8-00341-00192180-00192380 Would it be a run on the money? o6-2dsyHhC8-00342-00192406-00192968 So many questions people had about how stable is this total fictional game we set up? o6-2dsyHhC8-00343-00193004-00193242 There wasn't much confidence. o6-2dsyHhC8-00344-00193268-00193650 And we thought, okay, well, let's reduce it. Let's give each other a hundred dollars to begin with. o6-2dsyHhC8-00345-00193676-00194084 And the answer to that was: What can you do with a 100 bucks? It's nothing. o6-2dsyHhC8-00346-00194108-00194836 Our economy is at the moment run on $50,000 per person in Canada. Something like that. o6-2dsyHhC8-00347-00194862-00195488 So, here we were thinking that a 100 dollars would be a good number for the Comox Valley's currency? o6-2dsyHhC8-00348-00195520-00195646 It didn't seem sensible. o6-2dsyHhC8-00349-00195646-00196168 And then we finally realized that the truth of the matter was, we had no money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00350-00196210-00196620 We had no way to support or underwrite, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00351-00196642-00197160 or put aside gold bars in the back room to substantiate this money. Or anything like it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00352-00197162-00197456 We had none. That was the truth. There is no money o6-2dsyHhC8-00353-00197492-00198060 So if we started all in our network at zero, that was the truth. o6-2dsyHhC8-00354-00198098-00198608 And then the person who goes negative, like in a overdraft, they've spent money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00355-00198642-00198835 They've gone negative. The other person went positive. o6-2dsyHhC8-00356-00198836-00199302 That's how it looks. I go up, you go down, sort of thing, all across the network. o6-2dsyHhC8-00357-00199302-00199638 The people who've gone negative, have created money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00358-00199662-00200506 They have said: "My position in the network at minus 500 dollars means that 500 dollars of my ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00359-00200530-00201252 ... time or goods will be available to other people who show up and want to buy them." o6-2dsyHhC8-00360-00201276-00201454 So we make promises. o6-2dsyHhC8-00361-00201454-00201920 And those are an extraordinary act of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00362-00201948-00202390 ... personal sovereignty and democracy and accountability. o6-2dsyHhC8-00363-00202422-00202936 In fact ... It creates a little self-managing community ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00364-00202962-00203212 ... that doesn't have to have a ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00365-00203238-00203718 ... hierarchical control. It simply has to have a degree of self-awareness. o6-2dsyHhC8-00366-00203774-00204080 And in most smallish communities people know what's going on. o6-2dsyHhC8-00367-00204080-00204492 People know who they feel good about. Whose business is reliable. o6-2dsyHhC8-00368-00204522-00205146 Whose business is a little flaky ... "But he's a nice guy, anyway. So we give him bit of rope. Not too much." o6-2dsyHhC8-00369-00205173-00206069 And it's through those informal negotiations and personal relationships and experiences that the ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00370-00206098-00206569 ... democracy of the local money system is self defined. o6-2dsyHhC8-00371-00206586-00207040 Now, it's quite curious that as soon as we put these things out and start talking about them, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00372-00207064-00207419 ... people wanted to form non-profit societies, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00373-00207452-00207926 ... form elections of the officers, so it could be democratic. o6-2dsyHhC8-00374-00207952-00208482 Ernie> And, and, and. Go after grant money. Don't forget the grant money. o6-2dsyHhC8-00375-00208510-00208821 Michael> Oh, all those little parts of it! But it came down to ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00376-00208862-00209304 ... the systems became things that people wanted to control ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00377-00209304-00209542 ... for a variety of reasons. o6-2dsyHhC8-00378-00209567-00209864 They thought it would work better if it was better controlled, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00379-00209894-00210528 ... that there was a board of review or there were credit limits or there were reliable officers in the ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00380-00210552-00210964 ... organization, something. They had all the ideas about this-would-work-better-if. o6-2dsyHhC8-00381-00210984-00211392 And so they implemented the instrument that they thought was democratic. o6-2dsyHhC8-00382-00211392-00211810 Which is one person, one vote, once a year. And then we have a committee. o6-2dsyHhC8-00383-00211842-00212244 And of course, it's everything but democratic. o6-2dsyHhC8-00384-00212267-00212467 It just carries the label. o6-2dsyHhC8-00385-00212467-00212760 And gives people the sort of the sense of political correctness. o6-2dsyHhC8-00386-00212760-00212969 Or, we're doing the right thing. o6-2dsyHhC8-00387-00213002-00213380 You can't point your fingers at us and say we're radical. We're really nice people. o6-2dsyHhC8-00388-00213414-00214119 And every piece of so-called democracy that was inflicted upon the LETSystems was ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00389-00214152-00214344 ... extremely counter-productive. o6-2dsyHhC8-00390-00214344-00214534 Death by a committee. o6-2dsyHhC8-00391-00214534-00214742 Ernie> Death by committee, Colin? o6-2dsyHhC8-00392-00214764-00215430 Colin, death by committee. And I mean ... what Michael has to say about LETSystems ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00393-00215466-00215969 ... starting up all over the place with these committees, and boards, and directors ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00394-00215994-00216446 ... which everybody would say ... well, that's the democratic way. o6-2dsyHhC8-00395-00216446-00216752 Do you agree with Michael's analysis? o6-2dsyHhC8-00396-00216776-00217194 Colin> Well, I find it rather strange, frankly, Ernie. o6-2dsyHhC8-00397-00217223-00217969 On the one hand. I've been through enough coercive organizations, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00398-00217998-00218430 ... typically huge multinational corporations that I've worked for, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00399-00218469-00219200 ... and so-called democratic organizations, non-profits, etc. Even churches. God forbid o6-2dsyHhC8-00400-00219269-00220104 And ... I mean ... What Michael says in practice ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00401-00220140-00220414 ... that is what happens. o6-2dsyHhC8-00402-00220454-00221023 Now, is that because at basis ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00403-00221062-00221456 ... and I'm getting my feet into philosophy down I know nothing about at this point ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00404-00221480-00221716 ... but is that because we mistake ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00405-00221748-00222014 ... authority for truth? Or we should really be ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00406-00222098-00222458 ... recognizing that truth is authority? o6-2dsyHhC8-00407-00222480-00223452 Or is it because individual people are psychologically incapable of not exercising control over their neighbour? o6-2dsyHhC8-00408-00223452-00223676 That as soon as three people get together, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00409-00223702-00224034 ... one has to be the boss and the other two have to be subservient? o6-2dsyHhC8-00410-00224054-00224600 I think we're getting at some deep philosophical, psychological ground here. o6-2dsyHhC8-00411-00224636-00225094 Michael> I would say it's a common social construct. o6-2dsyHhC8-00412-00225108-00225367 That if there's something that has ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00413-00225392-00226054 ... quality value to it, a good thing, a good place, a good ... ehm ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00414-00226090-00226540 ... a good cow, a good gain, a good business idea, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00415-00226567-00226828 ... then there's a tendency for ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00416-00226850-00227342 ... all sorts of people to worry about losing it. It's always the loss. o6-2dsyHhC8-00417-00227369-00227812 It's not often ... I want to win at this and be in charge. o6-2dsyHhC8-00418-00227812-00228354 There was very little venality for instance in the LETSystem stuff. o6-2dsyHhC8-00419-00228367-00228746 A bit around the grant applications business. You know: ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00420-00228780-00229310 "We'll do it our way. And we do it in secret. And we'll call it democratic and so on." o6-2dsyHhC8-00421-00229334-00229614 But more typically all that was happening in these ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00422-00229623-00230040 ... mother's institute type LETSystems, was that ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00423-00230058-00230258 ... people feared its ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00424-00230348-00230790 ... apparent lack of structure and control. It was like ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00425-00230810-00231360 ... they were given a bicycle and they wanted tricycles or four-wheel vehicles. o6-2dsyHhC8-00426-00231382-00231644 They didn't trust anything with less than four wheels. So ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00427-00231648-00232040 Soon as you can bicycle, they strap two of them together. And you know, that's it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00428-00232064-00232202 And now we're safe. o6-2dsyHhC8-00429-00232214-00232519 It's just a knee-jerk reaction to ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00430-00232548-00232946 ... if it's a good thing, we'd better have control of it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00431-00232967-00233531 Ernie> Well. And if it's a collective thing, ... if there's a network, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00432-00233531-00233942 ... there's a group of people, like the first LETSystem in the Comox Valley, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00433-00233969-00234248 ... there are people all over the Valley who ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00434-00234269-00234896 ... get accounts in the LETSystem that start at zero. And they start trading. o6-2dsyHhC8-00435-00234896-00235192 They start buying things from each other, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00436-00235221-00235742 ... without ... If you hadn't been there, ... the way they would approached that, would have been to have ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00437-00235764-00236167 ... formed first of all the committee and then the ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00438-00236192-00236708 ... non-profit, incorporated structure, ... that ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00439-00236746-00237096 Michael> The annual elections. There would have been annual elections. o6-2dsyHhC8-00440-00237096-00237400 Ernie> Yeah, and all of those things. o6-2dsyHhC8-00441-00237434-00238090 Which ... And this is what happened to a lot of the LETSystems that were ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00442-00238121-00238917 ... started as a result of the one that you created here in the Comox Valley. o6-2dsyHhC8-00443-00238952-00239338 Michael> Yeah, it was just generally understood. You can't do that. o6-2dsyHhC8-00444-00239352-00240016 You know ... You can't have a free form of soft self-organizing social behaviour. o6-2dsyHhC8-00445-00240023-00240630 That's not right. Not proper. It's a void. Colin> No, you can't, can you? o6-2dsyHhC8-00446-00240662-00241246 Michael> Yes, you can. Obvious. Evidently. We found that to be absolutely so. o6-2dsyHhC8-00447-00241246-00241782 You provide a system of relationships, a set of agreements and ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00448-00241800-00242586 ... a facility for enabling those to happen. And nobody needs to organize it, manage it or control it at all. o6-2dsyHhC8-00449-00242610-00242888 Generally because ... Colin> God, that raises the specter of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00450-00242888-00243269 ... bloodless technocrats and the ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00451-00243308-00243728 ... nerds running a computer beast. o6-2dsyHhC8-00452-00243758-00244054 A monster that gets out of control and destroys the whole world. o6-2dsyHhC8-00453-00244054-00244373 Hey, I'm scared! Michael> Yeah, I bet you are. o6-2dsyHhC8-00454-00244390-00244852 Ernie> There's no need to be scared, Colin. And actually, it's only people of our generation that would be scared. o6-2dsyHhC8-00455-00244876-00245242 The people that are on Facebook and ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00456-00245242-00246108 ... Myspace and Google and Yahoo, and all that, they've got all kinds of these networks going. o6-2dsyHhC8-00457-00246134-00246480 Michael> Yeah, it's like Ebay, you know. Ernie> And they don't have any ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00458-00246508-00246748 ... hierarchical structures to do them at all. o6-2dsyHhC8-00459-00246782-00247302 Colin> Well, that may be. And I understand what you're saying, Ernie. And at one level ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00460-00247332-00247717 ... I'm really just trying to point out as consciously as I can ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00461-00247736-00248140 ... that ... and I'm taking the I'm taking the part of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00462-00248162-00248819 ... the fearful human being that is out there somewhere, I mean, not you and me and Michael, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00463-00248850-00249364 Michael> Yes. Colin> ... that is still a child with a reptillian brain, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00464-00249386-00249686 ... you know. And let me give you an example... Ernie> A reptillian brain, did you say? o6-2dsyHhC8-00465-00249708-00249923 Colin> A reptillian brain, yes. o6-2dsyHhC8-00466-00249923-00250444 Let me give you an example of ... As you know, Ernie and Michael too, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00467-00250476-00250926 ... about 20 years ago ... or that was 25 years ago, I guess, ... there was a book published called ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00468-00250926-00251212 "Love Is Letting Go Fear" o6-2dsyHhC8-00469-00251244-00251738 It's still a current title. And you can still pick it up. And it's still very very true. o6-2dsyHhC8-00470-00251769-00252219 Now ... It was the first of probably hundreds, maybe even thousands, of books ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00471-00252246-00252967 ... published about a philosophy which I've actually been studying quite deeply in the past eighteen months. o6-2dsyHhC8-00472-00253000-00253392 And love and fear is so deeply rooted within us ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00473-00253419-00253917 ... that there are only two emotions according to this philosophy, love and fear. o6-2dsyHhC8-00474-00253952-00254506 In my involvement in the past eighteen months with very advanced practitioners of this philosophy ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00475-00254534-00254917 ... It's very difficult, even for the most advanced of them ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00476-00254964-00255523 ... to do the most simple transaction, ... like cut a carrot into two pieces, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00477-00255554-00255754 ... like that simple, without ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00478-00255800-00256056 ... encountering fear. o6-2dsyHhC8-00479-00256092-00256640 Michael> So you're the carrot. Be very afraid. Yeah, I know what you ... I fully accept this. o6-2dsyHhC8-00480-00256640-00257254 I think it's the nature of the psyche. That it operates at the edges of its own comfort. o6-2dsyHhC8-00481-00257269-00257990 It doesn't notice things until it notices it's threatened at some level. So the ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00482-00258026-00258346 ... the desire versus aversion ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00483-00258382-00258923 ... dimension. The love-fear is always a dimension that people are ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00484-00258956-00259612 ... susceptible to. And we do have to address what people's fears are. That's absolutely critical. o6-2dsyHhC8-00485-00259646-00259830 But not everybody's. o6-2dsyHhC8-00486-00259850-00260044 We don't have to ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00487-00260071-00260717 ... try and develop a communication about this that we'll reach everybody in the Lower East Side or everybody in ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00488-00260782-00261417 ... Alberta or whatever. You actually only have to find that very very small ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00489-00261450-00261771 ... strand of people. That thread of ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00490-00261794-00262216 ... interest and excitement that comes with people who are less afraid. o6-2dsyHhC8-00491-00262216-00262442 If they're afraid of anything, it's being too late. o6-2dsyHhC8-00492-00262444-00262772 They want to be there first. They want to see the new ideas. o6-2dsyHhC8-00493-00262798-00263102 They're willing to check things and see what they're like. o6-2dsyHhC8-00494-00263102-00263404 And if we can pick up some interactions with ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00495-00263426-00264130 ... one person in forty. 2%-3% of the community will respond to ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00496-00264160-00264730 .. different ideas than the ones that they've been fed with the last 40 years of their lives. So ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00497-00264730-00265046 ... the fear thing is there but ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00498-00265070-00265556 ... we can go for people ... Ernie> I think it's also in the practice, I think it's also in ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00499-00265582-00266196 ... the doing. And as soon as there is ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00500-00266230-00266464 ... a robust ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00501-00266536-00267164 ... community currency system, Open Money system in one place, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00502-00267202-00267780 ... people will begin to do it all over. They'll be like mushrooms it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00503-00267782-00268160 Michael> Yeah. It's like the first level creates more reality for others. o6-2dsyHhC8-00504-00268190-00268886 It's a lot like bicycles ... Ernie> And more comfort. It's more comfort. And, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00505-00268924-00269336 ... seeing is believing. o6-2dsyHhC8-00506-00269380-00269894 Michael> Seeing is believing. If you've never seen a bicycle and somebody sends you the parts in a box, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00507-00269920-00270332 ... and says, put this together. Here are the instructions. Now, get on and ride it. o6-2dsyHhC8-00508-00270346-00271068 The first reaction, it's going to be: "You're crazy. That's not ... That's not going to work." And ... So, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00509-00271100-00271450 ... typically people would put a third wheel on it. Or they would ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00510-00271480-00271796 ... secure the steering. Because obviously the steering would make it inaccurate. o6-2dsyHhC8-00511-00271798-00272227 So what they do instead is, say, fix the steering. So that it can only go in a straight line. o6-2dsyHhC8-00512-00272230-00272584 In fact might be nice to have it in tram lanes, or something. o6-2dsyHhC8-00513-00272614-00273238 So the original concept of the bicycle could be very easily and logically ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00514-00273284-00273636 ... reorganized by a fearful society into something else. o6-2dsyHhC8-00515-00273656-00274092 But when you've seen half a dozen kids pedalling around the street on bikes, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00516-00274120-00274590 ... you're four years old, and you know, everybody who's more than four years old, rides a bike, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00517-00274590-00275028 ... you don't have the slightest doubt in the institution. o6-2dsyHhC8-00518-00275052-00275302 You have fear that you're going to fall off it, ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00519-00275326-00275628 ... but you don't fear that the bicycle will not work. o6-2dsyHhC8-00520-00275652-00276078 And there will come a time when people will see community currencies like bicycles. o6-2dsyHhC8-00521-00276120-00276384 It's got two wheels. It moves. o6-2dsyHhC8-00522-00276410-00276680 That's it. Colin> Ernie! o6-2dsyHhC8-00523-00276710-00276910 Ernie> Yes, Colin? o6-2dsyHhC8-00524-00276934-00277534 Colin> Let me jump in again on both sides as I have indicated on my cell phone. o6-2dsyHhC8-00525-00277572-00278074 Michael> Well, that's the fence? Did you go? What for the fence is up? o6-2dsyHhC8-00526-00278074-00278254 Ernie> Be careful! (laughter) o6-2dsyHhC8-00527-00278254-00278706 Colin> Well, I took ... (Contact lost from here) ... o6-2dsyHhC8-00528-00279008-00279208 ... mhi ... oqSOALr6Bzk-00000-00000022-00000242 The chamois is a very small bovid. oqSOALr6Bzk-00001-00000242-00001062 A fully grown chamois reaches a height of 70–80 cm (28–31 in) and measures 107–137 oqSOALr6Bzk-00002-00001062-00001927 cm (42–54 in) (the tail is not generally visible except when mating). oqSOALr6Bzk-00003-00001927-00002858 Males, which weigh 30–60 kg (66–132 lb), are slightly larger than females, which weigh oqSOALr6Bzk-00004-00002858-00003457 25–45 kg (55–99 lb). oqSOALr6Bzk-00005-00003457-00003917 Both males and females have short, straightish horns which are hooked backwards near the oqSOALr6Bzk-00006-00003917-00004242 tip, the horn of the male being thicker. oqSOALr6Bzk-00007-00004242-00004757 In summer, the fur has a rich brown colour which turns to a light grey in winter. oqSOALr6Bzk-00008-00004757-00005204 Distinct characteristics are white contrasting marks on the sides of the head with pronounced oqSOALr6Bzk-00009-00005204-00005741 black stripes below the eyes, a white rump and a black stripe along the back. oqSOALr6Bzk-00010-00005741-00006356 The chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) is a species of goat-antelope native to mountains in Europe, oqSOALr6Bzk-00011-00006356-00006900 from west to east, including the Cantabrian Mountains, the Pyrenees, the Alps and the oqSOALr6Bzk-00012-00006900-00007558 Apennines, the Dinarides, the Tatra and the Carpathian Mountains, the Balkan Mountains, oqSOALr6Bzk-00013-00007558-00008203 the Rila–Rhodope massif, Pindus, the northeastern mountains of Turkey, and the Caucasus.The oqSOALr6Bzk-00014-00008203-00008662 chamois has also been introduced to the South Island of New Zealand. oqSOALr6Bzk-00015-00008662-00009168 Some subspecies of chamois are strictly protected in the EU under the European Habitats Directive. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00000-00000010-00000400 DAUDT AND OTHER LAWMAKERS SAY IF ouPHMlVi0YQ-00001-00000400-00000407 DAUDT AND OTHER LAWMAKERS SAY IF ouPHMlVi0YQ-00002-00000407-00000650 DAUDT AND OTHER LAWMAKERS SAY IF THE GOVERNOR DOES NOT SIGN A TAX ouPHMlVi0YQ-00003-00000650-00000657 DAUDT AND OTHER LAWMAKERS SAY IF THE GOVERNOR DOES NOT SIGN A TAX ouPHMlVi0YQ-00004-00000657-00000787 DAUDT AND OTHER LAWMAKERS SAY IF THE GOVERNOR DOES NOT SIGN A TAX CONFORMITY BILL, FILING TAXES ouPHMlVi0YQ-00005-00000787-00000794 THE GOVERNOR DOES NOT SIGN A TAX CONFORMITY BILL, FILING TAXES ouPHMlVi0YQ-00006-00000794-00001017 THE GOVERNOR DOES NOT SIGN A TAX CONFORMITY BILL, FILING TAXES NET APRIL WILL BE EXTREMELY ouPHMlVi0YQ-00007-00001017-00001024 CONFORMITY BILL, FILING TAXES NET APRIL WILL BE EXTREMELY ouPHMlVi0YQ-00008-00001024-00001314 CONFORMITY BILL, FILING TAXES NET APRIL WILL BE EXTREMELY COMPLICATED FOR MINNESOTANS. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00009-00001314-00001321 NET APRIL WILL BE EXTREMELY COMPLICATED FOR MINNESOTANS. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00010-00001321-00001418 NET APRIL WILL BE EXTREMELY COMPLICATED FOR MINNESOTANS. >> DENNIS: WITH THE CLOCK ouPHMlVi0YQ-00011-00001418-00001424 COMPLICATED FOR MINNESOTANS. >> DENNIS: WITH THE CLOCK ouPHMlVi0YQ-00012-00001424-00001574 COMPLICATED FOR MINNESOTANS. >> DENNIS: WITH THE CLOCK WINDING DOWN ON THE 2018 ouPHMlVi0YQ-00013-00001574-00001581 >> DENNIS: WITH THE CLOCK WINDING DOWN ON THE 2018 ouPHMlVi0YQ-00014-00001581-00001718 >> DENNIS: WITH THE CLOCK WINDING DOWN ON THE 2018 LEGISLATIVE SESSION, A BILL ouPHMlVi0YQ-00015-00001718-00001725 WINDING DOWN ON THE 2018 LEGISLATIVE SESSION, A BILL ouPHMlVi0YQ-00016-00001725-00001871 WINDING DOWN ON THE 2018 LEGISLATIVE SESSION, A BILL STILL REMAINS IN THE MIX WAITING ouPHMlVi0YQ-00017-00001871-00001878 LEGISLATIVE SESSION, A BILL STILL REMAINS IN THE MIX WAITING ouPHMlVi0YQ-00018-00001878-00002001 LEGISLATIVE SESSION, A BILL STILL REMAINS IN THE MIX WAITING FOR POTENTIAL APPROVAL TO BUILD ouPHMlVi0YQ-00019-00002001-00002008 STILL REMAINS IN THE MIX WAITING FOR POTENTIAL APPROVAL TO BUILD ouPHMlVi0YQ-00021-00005011-00005018 FOR POTENTIAL APPROVAL TO BUILD VETERANS HOMES IN BEMIDJI, AND ouPHMlVi0YQ-00022-00005018-00005245 FOR POTENTIAL APPROVAL TO BUILD VETERANS HOMES IN BEMIDJI, AND >> I WANT TO SEE THE VETERANS ouPHMlVi0YQ-00023-00005245-00005251 VETERANS HOMES IN BEMIDJI, AND >> I WANT TO SEE THE VETERANS ouPHMlVi0YQ-00024-00005251-00005508 VETERANS HOMES IN BEMIDJI, AND >> I WANT TO SEE THE VETERANS HOMES BEING FUNDED SO WE CAN AT ouPHMlVi0YQ-00025-00005508-00005515 >> I WANT TO SEE THE VETERANS HOMES BEING FUNDED SO WE CAN AT ouPHMlVi0YQ-00026-00005515-00005665 >> I WANT TO SEE THE VETERANS HOMES BEING FUNDED SO WE CAN AT LEAST GET IT ON THE FEDERAL ouPHMlVi0YQ-00027-00005665-00005672 HOMES BEING FUNDED SO WE CAN AT LEAST GET IT ON THE FEDERAL ouPHMlVi0YQ-00028-00005672-00005835 HOMES BEING FUNDED SO WE CAN AT LEAST GET IT ON THE FEDERAL PLANS FOR VETERANS HOMES. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00029-00005835-00005842 LEAST GET IT ON THE FEDERAL PLANS FOR VETERANS HOMES. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00030-00005842-00006146 LEAST GET IT ON THE FEDERAL PLANS FOR VETERANS HOMES. ONCE THE STATE PUTS SOME MONEY ouPHMlVi0YQ-00031-00006146-00006152 PLANS FOR VETERANS HOMES. ONCE THE STATE PUTS SOME MONEY ouPHMlVi0YQ-00032-00006152-00006296 PLANS FOR VETERANS HOMES. ONCE THE STATE PUTS SOME MONEY UP FRONT, THEN THE FEDERAL ouPHMlVi0YQ-00033-00006296-00006302 ONCE THE STATE PUTS SOME MONEY UP FRONT, THEN THE FEDERAL ouPHMlVi0YQ-00034-00006302-00006429 ONCE THE STATE PUTS SOME MONEY UP FRONT, THEN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS TO DECIDE IF THEY ouPHMlVi0YQ-00035-00006429-00006436 UP FRONT, THEN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS TO DECIDE IF THEY ouPHMlVi0YQ-00036-00006436-00006576 UP FRONT, THEN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS TO DECIDE IF THEY REALLY WANT TO BUILD VETERANS ouPHMlVi0YQ-00037-00006576-00006583 GOVERNMENT HAS TO DECIDE IF THEY REALLY WANT TO BUILD VETERANS ouPHMlVi0YQ-00038-00006583-00006753 GOVERNMENT HAS TO DECIDE IF THEY REALLY WANT TO BUILD VETERANS HOMES IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00039-00006753-00006759 REALLY WANT TO BUILD VETERANS HOMES IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00040-00006759-00006973 REALLY WANT TO BUILD VETERANS HOMES IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. >> THIS PAST WEEK, TWO OTHER ouPHMlVi0YQ-00041-00006973-00006980 HOMES IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. >> THIS PAST WEEK, TWO OTHER ouPHMlVi0YQ-00042-00006980-00007083 HOMES IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. >> THIS PAST WEEK, TWO OTHER VETERANS-RELATED BILLS MOVED ouPHMlVi0YQ-00043-00007083-00007090 >> THIS PAST WEEK, TWO OTHER VETERANS-RELATED BILLS MOVED ouPHMlVi0YQ-00044-00007090-00007153 >> THIS PAST WEEK, TWO OTHER VETERANS-RELATED BILLS MOVED THROUGH THE HOUSE. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00045-00007153-00007160 VETERANS-RELATED BILLS MOVED THROUGH THE HOUSE. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00046-00007160-00007387 VETERANS-RELATED BILLS MOVED THROUGH THE HOUSE. ONE PROHIBITS AGREEMENTS THAT ouPHMlVi0YQ-00047-00007387-00007394 THROUGH THE HOUSE. ONE PROHIBITS AGREEMENTS THAT ouPHMlVi0YQ-00048-00007394-00007577 THROUGH THE HOUSE. ONE PROHIBITS AGREEMENTS THAT ASSIGN MILITARY PAY OR BENEFITS ouPHMlVi0YQ-00049-00007577-00007584 ONE PROHIBITS AGREEMENTS THAT ASSIGN MILITARY PAY OR BENEFITS ouPHMlVi0YQ-00050-00007584-00007737 ONE PROHIBITS AGREEMENTS THAT ASSIGN MILITARY PAY OR BENEFITS TO AN INDIVIDUAL WHO DID NOT ouPHMlVi0YQ-00051-00007737-00007744 ASSIGN MILITARY PAY OR BENEFITS TO AN INDIVIDUAL WHO DID NOT ouPHMlVi0YQ-00052-00007744-00007811 ASSIGN MILITARY PAY OR BENEFITS TO AN INDIVIDUAL WHO DID NOT EARN THEM. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00053-00007811-00007817 TO AN INDIVIDUAL WHO DID NOT EARN THEM. ouPHMlVi0YQ-00054-00007817-00007934 TO AN INDIVIDUAL WHO DID NOT EARN THEM. THE OTHER BILL WAS SIGNED INTO ouPHMlVi0YQ-00055-00007934-00007941 EARN THEM. THE OTHER BILL WAS SIGNED INTO ouPHMlVi0YQ-00056-00007941-00008131 EARN THEM. THE OTHER BILL WAS SIGNED INTO LAW ON MONDAY, WHICH ENCOURAGES ouPHMlVi0YQ-00057-00008131-00008138 THE OTHER BILL WAS SIGNED INTO LAW ON MONDAY, WHICH ENCOURAGES ouPHMlVi0YQ-00058-00008138-00008254 THE OTHER BILL WAS SIGNED INTO LAW ON MONDAY, WHICH ENCOURAGES JURISDICTIONS TO DESIGNATE ouPHMlVi0YQ-00059-00008254-00008261 LAW ON MONDAY, WHICH ENCOURAGES JURISDICTIONS TO DESIGNATE ouPHMlVi0YQ-00060-00008261-00008395 LAW ON MONDAY, WHICH ENCOURAGES JURISDICTIONS TO DESIGNATE THEMSELVES AS PURPLE HEART ouPHMlVi0YQ-00061-00008395-00008401 JURISDICTIONS TO DESIGNATE THEMSELVES AS PURPLE HEART ouPHMlVi0YQ-00062-00008401-00008571 JURISDICTIONS TO DESIGNATE THEMSELVES AS PURPLE HEART CITIES AND COUNTIES AND PROVIDE ouPHMlVi0YQ-00063-00008571-00008578 THEMSELVES AS PURPLE HEART CITIES AND COUNTIES AND PROVIDE ouPHMlVi0YQ-00064-00008578-00008625 THEMSELVES AS PURPLE HEART CITIES AND COUNTIES AND PROVIDE DESIGNATED PARKING SPOTS FOR oB_jlZfNyUI-00000-00000010-00000190 HERE, AND WE WANT TO KEEP THE oB_jlZfNyUI-00001-00000190-00000196 HERE, AND WE WANT TO KEEP THE oB_jlZfNyUI-00002-00000196-00000503 HERE, AND WE WANT TO KEEP THE BALL. oB_jlZfNyUI-00003-00000503-00000510 HERE, AND WE WANT TO KEEP THE BALL. oB_jlZfNyUI-00004-00000510-00000570 HERE, AND WE WANT TO KEEP THE BALL. AFTER A 6-1 FRIDAY LOSS TO oB_jlZfNyUI-00005-00000570-00000577 BALL. AFTER A 6-1 FRIDAY LOSS TO oB_jlZfNyUI-00006-00000577-00000647 BALL. AFTER A 6-1 FRIDAY LOSS TO WISCONSIN, THE B-S-U WOMEN'S oB_jlZfNyUI-00007-00000647-00000653 AFTER A 6-1 FRIDAY LOSS TO WISCONSIN, THE B-S-U WOMEN'S oB_jlZfNyUI-00008-00000653-00000734 AFTER A 6-1 FRIDAY LOSS TO WISCONSIN, THE B-S-U WOMEN'S HOCKEY TEAM'S RECORD DROPPED TO oB_jlZfNyUI-00009-00000734-00000740 WISCONSIN, THE B-S-U WOMEN'S HOCKEY TEAM'S RECORD DROPPED TO oB_jlZfNyUI-00010-00000740-00000767 WISCONSIN, THE B-S-U WOMEN'S HOCKEY TEAM'S RECORD DROPPED TO 9-15-3. oB_jlZfNyUI-00011-00000767-00000774 HOCKEY TEAM'S RECORD DROPPED TO 9-15-3. oB_jlZfNyUI-00012-00000774-00000834 HOCKEY TEAM'S RECORD DROPPED TO 9-15-3. BUT THE BEAVERS HAVE BEEN oB_jlZfNyUI-00013-00000834-00000840 9-15-3. BUT THE BEAVERS HAVE BEEN oB_jlZfNyUI-00014-00000840-00001241 9-15-3. BUT THE BEAVERS HAVE BEEN WEEKEND WARRIORS THIS SEASON, oB_jlZfNyUI-00015-00001241-00001247 BUT THE BEAVERS HAVE BEEN WEEKEND WARRIORS THIS SEASON, oB_jlZfNyUI-00016-00001247-00001311 BUT THE BEAVERS HAVE BEEN WEEKEND WARRIORS THIS SEASON, WITH FOUR OF THEIR NINE WINS oB_jlZfNyUI-00017-00001311-00001317 WEEKEND WARRIORS THIS SEASON, WITH FOUR OF THEIR NINE WINS oB_jlZfNyUI-00018-00001317-00001384 WEEKEND WARRIORS THIS SEASON, WITH FOUR OF THEIR NINE WINS COMING ON SATURDAYS AFTER FRIDAY oB_jlZfNyUI-00019-00001384-00001391 WITH FOUR OF THEIR NINE WINS COMING ON SATURDAYS AFTER FRIDAY oB_jlZfNyUI-00020-00001391-00001758 WITH FOUR OF THEIR NINE WINS COMING ON SATURDAYS AFTER FRIDAY LOSSES. oB_jlZfNyUI-00021-00001758-00001764 COMING ON SATURDAYS AFTER FRIDAY LOSSES. oB_jlZfNyUI-00022-00001764-00001831 COMING ON SATURDAYS AFTER FRIDAY LOSSES. AND THE BEAVERS HOSTED THE TOP oB_jlZfNyUI-00023-00001831-00001838 LOSSES. AND THE BEAVERS HOSTED THE TOP oB_jlZfNyUI-00024-00001838-00001895 LOSSES. AND THE BEAVERS HOSTED THE TOP RANKED BADGERS SATURDAY oB_jlZfNyUI-00025-00001895-00001901 AND THE BEAVERS HOSTED THE TOP RANKED BADGERS SATURDAY oB_jlZfNyUI-00026-00001901-00001971 AND THE BEAVERS HOSTED THE TOP RANKED BADGERS SATURDAY LOOKING TO AVOID THE SERIES AND oB_jlZfNyUI-00027-00001971-00001978 RANKED BADGERS SATURDAY LOOKING TO AVOID THE SERIES AND oB_jlZfNyUI-00028-00001978-00002412 RANKED BADGERS SATURDAY LOOKING TO AVOID THE SERIES AND SEASON SWEEP. oB_jlZfNyUI-00029-00002412-00002419 LOOKING TO AVOID THE SERIES AND SEASON SWEEP. oB_jlZfNyUI-00030-00002419-00002489 LOOKING TO AVOID THE SERIES AND SEASON SWEEP. AND THE BEAVERS MADE THE BADGERS oB_jlZfNyUI-00031-00002489-00002495 SEASON SWEEP. AND THE BEAVERS MADE THE BADGERS oB_jlZfNyUI-00032-00002495-00002542 SEASON SWEEP. AND THE BEAVERS MADE THE BADGERS SWEAT EARLY, FIRST oB_jlZfNyUI-00033-00002542-00002549 AND THE BEAVERS MADE THE BADGERS SWEAT EARLY, FIRST oB_jlZfNyUI-00034-00002549-00002615 AND THE BEAVERS MADE THE BADGERS SWEAT EARLY, FIRST PERIOD, JUST OVER TWELVE MINUTES oB_jlZfNyUI-00035-00002615-00002622 SWEAT EARLY, FIRST PERIOD, JUST OVER TWELVE MINUTES oB_jlZfNyUI-00036-00002622-00002979 SWEAT EARLY, FIRST PERIOD, JUST OVER TWELVE MINUTES IN, ABBY HALLUSKA FINDS oB_jlZfNyUI-00037-00002979-00002986 PERIOD, JUST OVER TWELVE MINUTES IN, ABBY HALLUSKA FINDS oB_jlZfNyUI-00038-00002986-00003043 PERIOD, JUST OVER TWELVE MINUTES IN, ABBY HALLUSKA FINDS ALEXIS JOYCE IN THE SLOT. oB_jlZfNyUI-00039-00003043-00003049 IN, ABBY HALLUSKA FINDS ALEXIS JOYCE IN THE SLOT. oB_jlZfNyUI-00040-00003049-00003119 IN, ABBY HALLUSKA FINDS ALEXIS JOYCE IN THE SLOT. SHE LIGHTS THE LAMP, BEAVS GO UP oB_jlZfNyUI-00041-00003119-00003126 ALEXIS JOYCE IN THE SLOT. SHE LIGHTS THE LAMP, BEAVS GO UP oB_jlZfNyUI-00042-00003126-00003166 ALEXIS JOYCE IN THE SLOT. SHE LIGHTS THE LAMP, BEAVS GO UP ONE AFTER ONE. oB_jlZfNyUI-00043-00003166-00003173 SHE LIGHTS THE LAMP, BEAVS GO UP ONE AFTER ONE. oB_jlZfNyUI-00044-00003173-00003229 SHE LIGHTS THE LAMP, BEAVS GO UP ONE AFTER ONE. WISCONSIN WOULD SCORE TWO oB_jlZfNyUI-00045-00003229-00003236 ONE AFTER ONE. WISCONSIN WOULD SCORE TWO oB_jlZfNyUI-00046-00003236-00003349 ONE AFTER ONE. WISCONSIN WOULD SCORE TWO UNANSWERED IN THE SECOND, CAPPED oB_jlZfNyUI-00047-00003349-00003356 WISCONSIN WOULD SCORE TWO UNANSWERED IN THE SECOND, CAPPED oB_jlZfNyUI-00048-00003356-00003463 WISCONSIN WOULD SCORE TWO UNANSWERED IN THE SECOND, CAPPED WITH SARAH NURSE HITTING ANNIE oB_jlZfNyUI-00049-00003463-00003470 UNANSWERED IN THE SECOND, CAPPED WITH SARAH NURSE HITTING ANNIE oB_jlZfNyUI-00050-00003470-00003696 UNANSWERED IN THE SECOND, CAPPED WITH SARAH NURSE HITTING ANNIE PANKOWSKI WITH CROSS ICE PASS. oB_jlZfNyUI-00051-00003696-00003703 WITH SARAH NURSE HITTING ANNIE PANKOWSKI WITH CROSS ICE PASS. oB_jlZfNyUI-00052-00003703-00003967 WITH SARAH NURSE HITTING ANNIE PANKOWSKI WITH CROSS ICE PASS. BADGERS TAKE THE TWO ONE LEAD. oB_jlZfNyUI-00053-00003967-00003973 PANKOWSKI WITH CROSS ICE PASS. BADGERS TAKE THE TWO ONE LEAD. oB_jlZfNyUI-00054-00003973-00004047 PANKOWSKI WITH CROSS ICE PASS. BADGERS TAKE THE TWO ONE LEAD. BUT THE BEAVS WOULDN'T GO AWAY. oB_jlZfNyUI-00055-00004047-00004054 BADGERS TAKE THE TWO ONE LEAD. BUT THE BEAVS WOULDN'T GO AWAY. oB_jlZfNyUI-00056-00004054-00004140 BADGERS TAKE THE TWO ONE LEAD. BUT THE BEAVS WOULDN'T GO AWAY. LAST MINUTE OF THE SECOND oB_jlZfNyUI-00057-00004140-00004147 BUT THE BEAVS WOULDN'T GO AWAY. LAST MINUTE OF THE SECOND oB_jlZfNyUI-00058-00004147-00004330 BUT THE BEAVS WOULDN'T GO AWAY. LAST MINUTE OF THE SECOND SUMMER THIBODEAU MAKES THE STEAL oB_jlZfNyUI-00059-00004330-00004337 LAST MINUTE OF THE SECOND SUMMER THIBODEAU MAKES THE STEAL oB_jlZfNyUI-00060-00004337-00004401 LAST MINUTE OF THE SECOND SUMMER THIBODEAU MAKES THE STEAL AND LOOK AT THE MOVE AT THE oB_jlZfNyUI-00061-00004401-00004407 SUMMER THIBODEAU MAKES THE STEAL AND LOOK AT THE MOVE AT THE oB_jlZfNyUI-00062-00004407-00004587 SUMMER THIBODEAU MAKES THE STEAL AND LOOK AT THE MOVE AT THE NET. oB_jlZfNyUI-00063-00004587-00004594 AND LOOK AT THE MOVE AT THE NET. oB_jlZfNyUI-00064-00004594-00004661 AND LOOK AT THE MOVE AT THE NET. SHE GETS THE GOAL TO KNOT THINGS oB_jlZfNyUI-00065-00004661-00004667 NET. SHE GETS THE GOAL TO KNOT THINGS oB_jlZfNyUI-00066-00004667-00004804 NET. SHE GETS THE GOAL TO KNOT THINGS AT TWO. oB_jlZfNyUI-00067-00004804-00004811 SHE GETS THE GOAL TO KNOT THINGS AT TWO. oB_jlZfNyUI-00068-00004811-00004891 SHE GETS THE GOAL TO KNOT THINGS AT TWO. BUT THE BADGERS ARE THE NATION'S oB_jlZfNyUI-00069-00004891-00004898 AT TWO. BUT THE BADGERS ARE THE NATION'S oB_jlZfNyUI-00070-00004898-00004958 AT TWO. BUT THE BADGERS ARE THE NATION'S TOP RANKED TEAM FOR A oB_jlZfNyUI-00071-00004958-00004964 BUT THE BADGERS ARE THE NATION'S TOP RANKED TEAM FOR A oB_jlZfNyUI-00072-00004964-00005165 BUT THE BADGERS ARE THE NATION'S TOP RANKED TEAM FOR A REASON, 43 SECONDS IN TO THE oB_jlZfNyUI-00073-00005165-00005171 TOP RANKED TEAM FOR A REASON, 43 SECONDS IN TO THE oB_jlZfNyUI-00074-00005171-00005425 TOP RANKED TEAM FOR A REASON, 43 SECONDS IN TO THE THIRD EMILY CLARK NETS HER oB_jlZfNyUI-00075-00005425-00005432 REASON, 43 SECONDS IN TO THE THIRD EMILY CLARK NETS HER oB_jlZfNyUI-00076-00005432-00005498 REASON, 43 SECONDS IN TO THE THIRD EMILY CLARK NETS HER SECOND GOAL OF THE GAME, FOURTH oB_jlZfNyUI-00077-00005498-00005505 THIRD EMILY CLARK NETS HER SECOND GOAL OF THE GAME, FOURTH oB_jlZfNyUI-00078-00005505-00005692 THIRD EMILY CLARK NETS HER SECOND GOAL OF THE GAME, FOURTH ON THE WEEKEND, U.W. GOES UP oB_jlZfNyUI-00079-00005692-00005699 SECOND GOAL OF THE GAME, FOURTH ON THE WEEKEND, U.W. GOES UP oB_jlZfNyUI-00080-00005699-00005989 SECOND GOAL OF THE GAME, FOURTH ON THE WEEKEND, U.W. GOES UP 3-2. oB_jlZfNyUI-00081-00005989-00005995 ON THE WEEKEND, U.W. GOES UP 3-2. oB_jlZfNyUI-00082-00005995-00006182 ON THE WEEKEND, U.W. GOES UP 3-2. THEY WOULD ADD ONE MORE A COUPLE oB_jlZfNyUI-00083-00006182-00006189 3-2. THEY WOULD ADD ONE MORE A COUPLE oB_jlZfNyUI-00084-00006189-00006256 3-2. THEY WOULD ADD ONE MORE A COUPLE MINUTES LATER, AND THEY WIN 4-2 oCv53Xfc-aY-00000-00000000-00000200 Little Miss Baker oCCYyiZptdc-00000-00000016-00000784 hi guys welcome to my channel this is your first time of coming to my channel thanks a lot oCCYyiZptdc-00001-00000784-00001432 don't forget to give this video a thumbs up like share and subscribe so today's tutorial oCCYyiZptdc-00002-00001432-00001976 i'm going to show you guys how to take your body measurements now this is one of the most requested oCCYyiZptdc-00003-00001976-00002456 videos so far and i'm so happy to put up this video i'm going to be showing you guys how to oCCYyiZptdc-00004-00002456-00003296 measure your client and don't forget to join us on facebook tg designs on instagram c g designs and oCCYyiZptdc-00005-00003296-00003928 also visit our website all the details are going to be in the description box below in the course oCCYyiZptdc-00006-00003928-00004400 of this tutorial if you have any question please feel free to drop your questions in the comment oCCYyiZptdc-00007-00004400-00004984 section or any topic you want us to make a video on and don't forget to watch our previous video oCCYyiZptdc-00008-00004984-00005584 where i explained distance calculation and also size charts so now let me show you guys how to oCCYyiZptdc-00009-00005584-00006264 take your body measurements i am going to be using her as my model to show you guys how to take your oCCYyiZptdc-00010-00006264-00006912 body measurement so say hello to my viewers hello so now make sure that when you are taking your oCCYyiZptdc-00011-00006912-00007392 clients measurements make sure that your clients stands straight okay it is very necessary for your oCCYyiZptdc-00012-00007392-00008008 client to stand straight in order for you to get the accurate measurement and also try as much as oCCYyiZptdc-00013-00008008-00008616 possible to communicate with your clients in order for you to get the accurate measurement oCCYyiZptdc-00014-00008616-00009056 also so the first thing we are going to do now is to go ahead and take the shoulder measurement oCCYyiZptdc-00015-00009288-00009752 so for the shoulder measurements you can see that at this point now we have our neck bone oCCYyiZptdc-00016-00009752-00010272 and we also have our shoulder bone so you have to place a tape measure from this neck bone oCCYyiZptdc-00017-00010272-00010848 make sure your client is looking straight take your measurements from this neck bone to your oCCYyiZptdc-00018-00010848-00011472 shoulder bone so this point now i have seven inches for the shoulder measurement so at this oCCYyiZptdc-00019-00011472-00012008 point where you took your shoulder measurements you place your tape measure at this point to take oCCYyiZptdc-00020-00012008-00012512 your sleeve length so if what you want to measure is a long sleeve you go ahead and take oCCYyiZptdc-00021-00012512-00013104 the measurements for a long sleeve if you want a short sleeve or three quarter sleeve just go ahead oCCYyiZptdc-00022-00013104-00013656 and take the measurements for the length now the next thing you also have to take now is your round oCCYyiZptdc-00023-00013656-00014144 sleeve measurement so when you place your tape measure on your round sleeve make sure that is oCCYyiZptdc-00024-00014144-00014919 actually very free and your tape measure can move round easily so for this now we have 14 inches oCCYyiZptdc-00025-00014919-00015640 for our round sleeve measurements now the next one wants to take now is the basic measurement oCCYyiZptdc-00026-00015736-00016224 basic measurement so now you place your tape measure at this shoulder bone and you take oCCYyiZptdc-00027-00016224-00016784 your shoulder to both you can see how i'm taking my shoulders to burst i place my tape measure on oCCYyiZptdc-00028-00016784-00017368 this shoulder bone here and then i'll show that to buzz or shoulder to nipple is 10 inches so oCCYyiZptdc-00029-00017368-00018024 make sure that you just place it slightly okay so that your customer can also be comfortable around oCCYyiZptdc-00030-00018024-00018752 you when you're taking the measurement so we have 10 inches you place your tape measure this way so oCCYyiZptdc-00031-00018752-00019320 this is the underbust so the underboss measurement now is 14 inches you can see this is under the oCCYyiZptdc-00032-00019320-00019872 bust now you place your tip measure at this under boss and you take your waist measurements oCCYyiZptdc-00033-00019976-00020536 so now you can see that our measurements glassy ordinance to our underbust measurements which is oCCYyiZptdc-00034-00020536-00021216 14 inches now you want to take your top length to go ahead now and measure it we have 24 inches if oCCYyiZptdc-00035-00021216-00021776 what you want is a short gun always communicate to your clients to know where she wants our lens oCCYyiZptdc-00036-00021776-00022328 to get up to we've gone ahead now to place the tape measure at this point which is our short oCCYyiZptdc-00037-00022328-00022856 our shutdown now you want to take your lung down this is also necessary for you to communicate with oCCYyiZptdc-00038-00022856-00023400 your clients to know the desired length that she wants so if she wants to sorry around here this is oCCYyiZptdc-00039-00023400-00023984 57 inches and if she wants you to probably sweep the floor we have about 60 inches oCCYyiZptdc-00040-00024056-00024560 now the next one that we want to take now is our burst measurement okay so you place your oCCYyiZptdc-00041-00024560-00025088 tape measure and make sure that you measure your tape measure stays at the nipple part and this is oCCYyiZptdc-00042-00025088-00025680 because this is the fullest part of the bus so it is wrong for you to take your measurement this way oCCYyiZptdc-00043-00025680-00026136 and it is wrong for you to take your measurement this way so make sure that your tape measure stays oCCYyiZptdc-00044-00026216-00026592 on the middle part of the balls because this is the fullest part oCCYyiZptdc-00045-00026592-00027248 of a female boss so why replace your tape measure always communicate with others is it okay do you oCCYyiZptdc-00046-00027248-00027895 want it tight do you want it free how do you want it and also try to move your tape measure oCCYyiZptdc-00047-00027895-00028432 to be sure that it can you know move across the bus freely now you want to take your oCCYyiZptdc-00048-00028432-00028960 under bus measurements this is our on that bus okay where we took our measurements earlier oCCYyiZptdc-00049-00029064-00029632 this is our base measurement you can see you place the tape measure on the waist and then you move it oCCYyiZptdc-00050-00029632-00030248 freely to be sure that it can move across the waist now the next part you want to measure now oCCYyiZptdc-00051-00030248-00030895 is your hip measurement you go ahead and place it kind of placed onto the back you can see that oCCYyiZptdc-00052-00030895-00031592 when you are placing it at the back make sure it moves across the bottom area because automatically oCCYyiZptdc-00053-00031592-00032127 you are going to make sure that it fits into this part so you can see so move it on please oCCYyiZptdc-00054-00032320-00033016 so you can see what we have we have 40 inches for our hip measurement so now if you want to oCCYyiZptdc-00055-00033016-00033576 take your nipple to nipple okay you want to take your nipple to nipple you automatically oCCYyiZptdc-00056-00033576-00034112 place your measurements at this point where you have your nipple and then you place it to this oCCYyiZptdc-00057-00034112-00034696 other point so for the nipples nipple now we have eight inches so by eventual in the process of you oCCYyiZptdc-00058-00034696-00035160 taking your measurements you were not able to get your nipple to nipple measurement because oCCYyiZptdc-00059-00035160-00035744 not every client find it very convenient for you to touch their boobs area so in my video where i oCCYyiZptdc-00060-00035744-00036384 explain distance calculation i explain how to get your nipple to nipple how to get your shoulder to oCCYyiZptdc-00061-00036384-00037008 both shoulder to under bus just in case if your client doesn't feel comfortable or if you forgot oCCYyiZptdc-00062-00037008-00037448 to take the measurements while you are taking it of course it happens so please kindly make oCCYyiZptdc-00063-00037448-00037936 sure you watch that video and i'm going to put the link in the description box it's actually oCCYyiZptdc-00064-00037936-00038368 going to help you just in case you forget to take that measurement so these are the basic oCCYyiZptdc-00065-00038368-00038952 measurements required in order for you to take your measurements if you have any questions please oCCYyiZptdc-00066-00038952-00039576 drop your questions in the comment section or any topic you want us to make a video on don't forget oCCYyiZptdc-00067-00039576-00040440 to give this video a thumbs up like share and subscribe i'll see you guys in my next one bye oEZQCyHrJiu-00000-00001040-00001592 Welcome to Current and voltage parameters of digital circuitry. In this video oEZQCyHrJiu-00001-00001592-00002048 you'll learn about voltage and current parameters commonly found on a datasheet. oEZQCyHrJiu-00002-00002104-00002672 You'll also complete a brief quiz at the end to review your knowledge. To fully understand the oEZQCyHrJiu-00003-00002672-00003328 operation of a logic gate you must be able to read its data sheet. The voltage and current parameters oEZQCyHrJiu-00004-00003328-00003960 presented here will be useful in analyzing the data. Let's take a look at voltage parameters. oEZQCyHrJiu-00005-00004079-00004720 High level input voltage. This is the minimum voltage level required at an input for a logic 1. oEZQCyHrJiu-00006-00004848-00005280 If the input voltage falls below this point it will not be considered a logic 1. oEZQCyHrJiu-00007-00005432-00006024 Low level input voltage. This is the maximum voltage level required at an input for a logic oEZQCyHrJiu-00008-00006024-00006584 0. If the input voltage rises above this point it will not be considered a logic 0. oEZQCyHrJiu-00009-00006704-00007312 High level output voltage. This is the minimum voltage level for a logic 1 at the output of oEZQCyHrJiu-00010-00007312-00008104 the gate under load. Low level output voltage. This is the maximum voltage level for a logic 0 oEZQCyHrJiu-00011-00008104-00008872 at the output of the gate under load. Now let's take a look at current parameters. High level oEZQCyHrJiu-00012-00008872-00009432 input current. This is the current that flows into an input when a logic one is present at the input. oEZQCyHrJiu-00013-00009608-00010200 Low level input current. This is the current that flows into an input when logic zero is oEZQCyHrJiu-00014-00010200-00010904 present at the input. High level output current. This is the current that flows from the output oEZQCyHrJiu-00015-00010904-00011640 during a logic one output while under load. Low level output current. This is the current oEZQCyHrJiu-00016-00011640-00012280 that flows from the output during a logic zero output while under load. Try to match oEZQCyHrJiu-00017-00012280-00012784 the abbreviation on the left to the definition on the right. Pause the video if you need more time. oEZQCyHrJiu-00018-00016944-00017344 Try to match the abbreviation on the left to the definition on the right. oEZQCyHrJiu-00019-00017344-00018384 Pause the video if you need more time. oEZQCyHrJiu-00020-00021672-00022112 Congratulations! You've completed the video: Current and voltage parameters oEZQCyHrJiu-00021-00022112-00022816 of digital circuitry. Thank you for watching. If you like this video give us a thumbs up! oGr7rb0tMYM-00000-00000025-00000476 My parents Ricardo and Gaby Padilla never thought that 36 years after being married oGr7rb0tMYM-00001-00000476-00000775 at a church in Guadalajara they would be in US with their two daughters. oGr7rb0tMYM-00002-00000775-00001178 My dad always says this phrase “It was one hell of a ride” as he explains it was a oGr7rb0tMYM-00003-00001178-00001516 difficult journey, but with my mom with his side he knew everything will be okay. oGr7rb0tMYM-00004-00001516-00001930 My dad grew up in Guadalajara his whole life and my mom lived Jalisco since she was a baby. oGr7rb0tMYM-00005-00001930-00002792 Life in Guadalajara for my dad was very hard since he was poor and lived in a two-room oGr7rb0tMYM-00006-00002792-00002892 apartment. oGr7rb0tMYM-00007-00002892-00003342 He would work with his two brothers every day in order to get food for his family and oGr7rb0tMYM-00008-00003342-00003579 pay rent. oGr7rb0tMYM-00009-00003579-00003714 My mom lived in Jalisco. oGr7rb0tMYM-00010-00003714-00004146 She would be like house mom by working on chores, planting her mom’s garden, and caring oGr7rb0tMYM-00011-00004146-00004286 for her dog. oGr7rb0tMYM-00012-00004286-00004651 Jalisco was a ranch area so there was a lot of farms and animals around. oGr7rb0tMYM-00013-00004651-00005055 When my parents got married, they decided to go to America since both my parents wanted oGr7rb0tMYM-00014-00005055-00005269 to start a new life and later a family. oGr7rb0tMYM-00015-00005269-00005864 First my dad knew in his head as well as my mom that in order to come to US they needed oGr7rb0tMYM-00016-00005864-00006034 their citizenship. oGr7rb0tMYM-00017-00006034-00006601 After my parents got married they planed on getting them to come to the US. oGr7rb0tMYM-00018-00006601-00007063 My dad had to leave my grandparents as well as my mom because they didn’t like the idea oGr7rb0tMYM-00019-00007063-00007676 of going to America with no money or a place to live on their own and preferred they lived oGr7rb0tMYM-00020-00007676-00007852 in Mexico since they grow up there. oGr7rb0tMYM-00021-00007852-00008284 My dad struggle with what will he do in America for example how was he going to get a job? oGr7rb0tMYM-00022-00008284-00008404 How much is rent? oGr7rb0tMYM-00023-00008404-00008533 Will we even find a place? oGr7rb0tMYM-00024-00008533-00008749 It was a stressful even talking about it to my mom. oGr7rb0tMYM-00025-00008749-00009147 My dad was worried getting the application to be a citizen. oGr7rb0tMYM-00026-00009147-00009511 May 27, 1980, was the day my dad got his citizenship. oGr7rb0tMYM-00027-00009511-00010013 Afterwards, the most difficult was packing for clothes, pictures, money, and some furniture. oGr7rb0tMYM-00028-00010013-00010536 While getting to America with transportation my dad right away had to get job quickly in oGr7rb0tMYM-00029-00010536-00010734 order pay rent and food. oGr7rb0tMYM-00030-00010734-00011302 Today, my dad got a job working as a gardener and my mom is a stay-at-home mom with my dad oGr7rb0tMYM-00031-00011302-00011689 working every day but knowing it was worth it after having a family to provide. oGr7rb0tMYM-00032-00011689-00012011 Life today with my mom and dad in Pacoima is very good for them they don’t have any oGr7rb0tMYM-00033-00012011-00012354 fears at all and not a regret coming to America. oGr7rb0tMYM-00034-00012354-00012685 My dad still works as a gardener and loves exploring downtown LA. oGr7rb0tMYM-00035-00012685-00013269 My mom is a house mom paying bills and working hard to provide me and my sister to eat. oGr7rb0tMYM-00036-00013269-00013706 My mom is now more happy to be living in an area near stores and a hospital than in Jalisco oGr7rb0tMYM-00037-00013706-00014000 were there nothing, one store in each block. oGr7rb0tMYM-00038-00014000-00014541 The advice my dad always tells me is “don’t give up because it hard and keep on doing oGr7rb0tMYM-00039-00014541-00014762 it because it worth it at the end”. oGaSRaRxyvQ-00000-00000080-00000608 good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you're watching me from i welcome oGaSRaRxyvQ-00001-00000608-00001072 you to the badges blog thank you for watching my channel today this is about oGaSRaRxyvQ-00002-00001248-00001944 girls that cheats those which are girls that double dates and all that listen to pastor oGaSRaRxyvQ-00003-00001944-00002872 okonkwo's preaching and it's he elaborate the reason why girls actually cheat and the reason why oGaSRaRxyvQ-00004-00002960-00003768 men should hold on to their wife is a beautiful salmon so take your popcorn your cup of tea oGaSRaRxyvQ-00005-00003832-00004480 and your snacks and watch this video please don't forget to subscribe oGaSRaRxyvQ-00006-00004480-00005264 like share and comment please like this video so that youtube would share us out and give us oGaSRaRxyvQ-00007-00005264-00005840 a good augment if a woman loves you one of the things you know used to know is that she'll be oGaSRaRxyvQ-00008-00005840-00006584 committed to you she'll be totally committed to you you can tell that she's totally dedicated oGaSRaRxyvQ-00009-00006672-00007320 to you she'll be glad to post your picture she'll be glad to you know talk about you should be 100 oGaSRaRxyvQ-00010-00007320-00007895 you can there will be no sense of distance there will be no sense of half commitment you will see oGaSRaRxyvQ-00011-00007895-00008496 hundred percent commitment why am i saying this because usually women have the capacity oGaSRaRxyvQ-00012-00008496-00009064 to run more than one thing at the same time most guys don't know guys let me tell you the woman's oGaSRaRxyvQ-00013-00009064-00009640 dilemma what happens to women is this women have no choice but to wait until men approach them oGaSRaRxyvQ-00014-00009832-00010280 on the men's side is different men are the ones that choose who they want to approach so this oGaSRaRxyvQ-00015-00010280-00010944 is what happens most men go for women that they like women have to wait for any man that comes oGaSRaRxyvQ-00016-00010944-00011424 so sometimes a man that they don't minority really like will come and they will say well oGaSRaRxyvQ-00017-00011424-00011976 there is no other person here now and this is the person that has come let me first hold oGaSRaRxyvQ-00018-00012088-00012552 this one first why we are still hoping man i'm giving you coding now oGaSRaRxyvQ-00019-00012744-00013184 let me hold this one first while we are waiting for denzel washington to come oGaSRaRxyvQ-00020-00013608-00014184 so they are running this program oGaSRaRxyvQ-00021-00014400-00014863 but they are still entertaining other chats from some other prospective guys oGaSRaRxyvQ-00022-00015328-00015896 and most times see times that a woman cheats or double dates is largely because they are oGaSRaRxyvQ-00023-00015896-00016440 not satisfied with who they are with men [ __ ] for a different reason a man can be with a woman oGaSRaRxyvQ-00024-00016440-00016880 he loves very much and still be tempted to cheat women are not like that if a woman is really in oGaSRaRxyvQ-00025-00016880-00017264 love she has no time for that person if she's really in love she doesn't give another person oGaSRaRxyvQ-00026-00017264-00017664 attention no nothing as horrible as closing a woman that is in love you are wasting your energy oGaSRaRxyvQ-00027-00017800-00018208 what's your name is i have a boyfriend what's your phone number i have a boyfriend oGaSRaRxyvQ-00028-00018304-00018784 where do you live i have a boyfriend don't disturb me she won't give you anything but oGaSRaRxyvQ-00029-00018784-00019088 if you're a woman that claims to be in a relationship and is entertaining you oGaSRaRxyvQ-00030-00019088-00019576 she's not happy with the person she's with either she doesn't think the person is her best option or oGaSRaRxyvQ-00031-00019576-00019848 she used to love the person but the person is messing up big time and oGaSRaRxyvQ-00032-00019848-00020304 she's getting tired of that person so most times you say woman cheating clap thank you oGaSRaRxyvQ-00033-00020608-00021032 you know so most times if you say a woman cheating usually because they are not oGaSRaRxyvQ-00034-00021032-00021544 satisfied but a man can be very satisfied with who he has married but he's his roaming spirit oGaSRaRxyvQ-00035-00021720-00021896 he's still making his eyes to be going up and now oGaSRaRxyvQ-00036-00022048-00022480 somebody guess what i'm saying i love the men that cheat they have great women at home oGaSRaRxyvQ-00037-00022480-00023008 great wives that can cook that is fine that can do everything but the eyes stay outside woman oGaSRaRxyvQ-00038-00023008-00023432 is not like that when you say woman cheating is that a husband is neglecting her husband is a oGaSRaRxyvQ-00039-00023432-00023976 big you know messing up big time or she married below her level because time was going she was oGaSRaRxyvQ-00040-00023976-00024504 desperate just marrying somebody and she has not found out that why did i even marry this person so oGaSRaRxyvQ-00041-00024504-00024992 she's running and women have the capacity to run many programs men cannot if a man is running more oGaSRaRxyvQ-00042-00024992-00025528 than one program you will know because all his attention is one side the moment he removes it oGaSRaRxyvQ-00043-00025528-00025936 from his wife to another person everybody we know he has neglect because he's always focusing here oGaSRaRxyvQ-00044-00025936-00026376 we may not like that because women operate their attention is usually one-sided so that's why oGaSRaRxyvQ-00045-00026376-00026783 if a man is sitting everybody will know if he wants to come back for you put his phone here oGaSRaRxyvQ-00046-00026944-00027544 go and buff his password has password everybody will know he's cheating if a man is here now he's oGaSRaRxyvQ-00047-00027544-00027888 looking at fingers everybody know what the girl is looking at he's coping he will look at her oGaSRaRxyvQ-00048-00028104-00028624 everybody will know she's looking again if a woman is here and she's scoping a man you can't know oGaSRaRxyvQ-00049-00028872-00028904 you can't oGaSRaRxyvQ-00050-00029304-00029736 the man is here now here she got a look but she didn't scope the man oGaSRaRxyvQ-00051-00030112-00030576 women are smarter than you many men think that the one that toasted the woman they know is the woman oGaSRaRxyvQ-00052-00030576-00031224 that toasted them now she choose you nobody choose them see there's this fine girl i just met i oGaSRaRxyvQ-00053-00031224-00031752 trusted that she touched you now she first see you because when i enter she'll scan the room and see oGaSRaRxyvQ-00054-00031752-00032200 all the illegible people she has no the one that have a chance and the one that never had a chance oGaSRaRxyvQ-00055-00032312-00032712 some of you that you are you are scoping one girl she has already seen you scoping her oGaSRaRxyvQ-00056-00032712-00033336 she don't keep your answer they wait for you for pocket say the day you dare come and say rubbish oGaSRaRxyvQ-00057-00033400-00033776 you're nailed away to you because you seen the way you're looking at her oGaSRaRxyvQ-00058-00033944-00034448 she don't keep her nails there with you your answer is waiting for you so don't go there oGaSRaRxyvQ-00059-00034696-00035136 then the people she wants the people she wants shall see when they sit oGaSRaRxyvQ-00060-00035136-00036408 so no matter what she's doing she'll go find way past there oh oh oh i forgot my shoe i [ __ ] oGaSRaRxyvQ-00061-00036408-00036904 should i show you market did i say you blind you know let's see oGaSRaRxyvQ-00062-00037208-00037640 then when she's near you joke when i reach five seconds left she'll go laughing for five minutes oGaSRaRxyvQ-00063-00037784-00037984 it's not the last chance to show you that she can laugh oGaSRaRxyvQ-00064-00038104-00038488 oh my god then she'll stop beating you for no reason oGaSRaRxyvQ-00065-00038960-00039384 i beat you she's showing you our markets oGaSRaRxyvQ-00066-00039576-00040064 so she's the one that chose you you're not going to choose her so women are sleek like that because oGaSRaRxyvQ-00067-00040064-00040440 they have the capacity to run more than one thing at the same time that's why we see them when a oGaSRaRxyvQ-00068-00040440-00040928 good normal good married woman she's raising her children working taking her husband doing oGaSRaRxyvQ-00069-00040928-00041600 her job cooking she's running many things women naturally multitask men are not like that men are oGaSRaRxyvQ-00070-00041600-00042184 like that women are incredible with if a woman is if a christian woman is chivalrous cheating oGaSRaRxyvQ-00071-00042184-00042816 her relationship with god they still be going fine she's loving everybody's love their normal way you oGaSRaRxyvQ-00072-00042816-00043352 know they affect them then but love god the same way she would she be diligent in her church work oGaSRaRxyvQ-00073-00043352-00043896 she could love her husband where love our children wear love boyfriend one way love boyfriend two way oGaSRaRxyvQ-00074-00043960-00044440 everybody we're taking care nobody could complain if a man is sitting here everybody will complain oGaSRaRxyvQ-00075-00044440-00044792 except the person you're cheating with you'll see me will no longer be coming to church regularly oGaSRaRxyvQ-00076-00044896-00045232 he will see him you know he'll be slacking at work you see him his wife will be saying you are oGaSRaRxyvQ-00077-00045232-00045632 neglecting me don't come home the only person that will enjoy the person that's cheating with because oGaSRaRxyvQ-00078-00045632-00046064 men can't do man i want him well at the same time women everybody is well she will still love her oGaSRaRxyvQ-00079-00046064-00046592 lord where she's still needing worship happily jesus is not missing her she's sitting here oGaSRaRxyvQ-00080-00046856-00047688 but after service she will go and say to other people women can run things so if she loves you if oGaSRaRxyvQ-00081-00047688-00048384 she loves you she will close all other offers and focus on you and you will know it because you'll oGaSRaRxyvQ-00082-00048384-00049120 give you 100 dedication are you here somebody kindly like subscribe share and comment thank you oHv9UL9XGmo-00000-00000022-00000261 And now we’re going to do some shoulder rolls. oHv9UL9XGmo-00001-00000261-00000467 Shoulder rolls and arm stretches. oHv9UL9XGmo-00002-00000467-00001020 Classes at Worth Heights Community Center help seniors stay fit and improve their balance. oHv9UL9XGmo-00003-00001020-00001945 This class has taught us how to keep from falling if you can, and how to get up. And I really love the exercise part of it. I love that. oHv9UL9XGmo-00004-00001945-00002506 Seated Tai Chi and walking programs also help with flexibility and muscle tone, while reducing stress. oHv9UL9XGmo-00005-00002606-00002902 But the Best Years Club is also about fellowship and fun. oHv9UL9XGmo-00006-00002988-00003282 My favorite activity is still dominoes. oHv9UL9XGmo-00007-00003478-00003778 They take us on field trips, we go to the movies. oHv9UL9XGmo-00008-00003802-00004174 Everybody has been very helpful and inspiring to me. oHv9UL9XGmo-00009-00004248-00004614 Worth Heights is also a Community Action Partners location. oHv9UL9XGmo-00010-00004614-00005114 CAP case workers help seniors and others apply for utility bill assistance, oHv9UL9XGmo-00011-00005128-00005380 emergency home repairs and other programs. oHv9UL9XGmo-00012-00005380-00005778 The Best Years Club—helping seniors connect, create and contribute. oHv9UL9XGmo-00013-00005778-00006123 Learn more about Worth Heights senior activities online or by phone. oLM-OzfgoVy-00000-00000942-00001369 How do you find the library's website? Maybe you have an assignment that oLM-OzfgoVy-00001-00001369-00001909 requires you to use TCC library resources or perhaps you're just curious oLM-OzfgoVy-00002-00001909-00002539 about what kinds of online resources and support your TCC library provides.First oLM-OzfgoVy-00003-00002539-00003135 you need to know how to find the library online. This video briefly introduces how oLM-OzfgoVy-00004-00003135-00003640 to do just that. Method 1: Access the library from the oLM-OzfgoVy-00005-00003640-00004297 college's home page and portal. Let's start on the college's website, oLM-OzfgoVy-00006-00004297-00004977 In the top navigation menu, click on More. oLM-OzfgoVy-00007-00004977-00005566 Under For Convenience, click on Portal Login. Login to the portal using your oLM-OzfgoVy-00008-00005566-00006121 portal login credentials. It will take you to the portal's home page. In the oLM-OzfgoVy-00009-00006121-00006841 upper right hand menu under the waffle menu, select TCC Library. This takes you oLM-OzfgoVy-00010-00006841-00007498 to the TCC library's home page. Method 2: Access the library home page oLM-OzfgoVy-00011-00007498-00008101 from Canvas. If you're already logged into Canvas, you can find the library in oLM-OzfgoVy-00012-00008101-00008614 your left-hand menu, the global navigation menu. Scroll down until you oLM-OzfgoVy-00013-00008614-00009147 see the library icon. Once you click on this, this will take you to the library's oLM-OzfgoVy-00014-00009147-00009535 home page. So what can you find on the library's website? oLM-OzfgoVy-00015-00009535-00010321 You can find articles, ebooks, streaming video, citation guides, and more. These are oLM-OzfgoVy-00016-00010321-00010821 all electronic resources that you can access from anywhere as a student. oLM-OzfgoVy-00017-00010821-00011247 Chances are, though, you'll need some help in finding these resources and oLM-OzfgoVy-00018-00011247-00011851 understanding how best to use them. Our TCC librarians are here to help you. From oLM-OzfgoVy-00019-00011851-00012450 the library's home page, you can chat with a TCC librarian. oLM-OzfgoVy-00020-00012450-00012981 Ask them questions about your research papers or projects, library resources, oLM-OzfgoVy-00021-00012981-00013519 citation, or other library related things. Chat hours are always posted on the oLM-OzfgoVy-00022-00013519-00013927 library's webpage, but in general, we're available all day and into the evening, oLM-OzfgoVy-00023-00013927-00014515 and even after TCC librarians log off, our chat service is picked up by other oLM-OzfgoVy-00024-00014515-00015066 librarians across the state. That means your questions can be answered 24/7. If oLM-OzfgoVy-00025-00015066-00015808 you have questions, please chat with us or email us at oLM-OzfgoVy-00026-00015808-00016263 See you online soon! oMt2g-kXMi4-00000-00000456-00000672 Hi, my name is Patricia Samford and I'm oMt2g-kXMi4-00001-00000672-00000976 director here at the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab oMt2g-kXMi4-00002-00001080-00001376 Hi everybody, I'm Alice Merkel, I'm a collections assistant here oMt2g-kXMi4-00003-00001376-00001672 at the MarylandArchaeological Conservation Lab at Jeff Pat oMt2g-kXMi4-00004-00001839-00002392 sowe're here today at the mac lab to talk about one of my favorite things to do in archaeological oMt2g-kXMi4-00005-00002392-00003152 analysis and that's mending ceramics so mending ceramics means taking broken pieces and using glue oMt2g-kXMi4-00006-00003152-00003904 or adhesive to mend them or fit them back together and why would archaeologists want to do that oMt2g-kXMi4-00007-00003904-00004336 well first of all when you glue fit ceramics back together you get these oMt2g-kXMi4-00008-00004336-00005160 beautiful pieces like these that you see here but more importantly what archaeologists do when they oMt2g-kXMi4-00009-00005160-00005784 can glue fit pieces back together is establish relationships between different parts of your site oMt2g-kXMi4-00010-00005840-00006544 so for example this piece of pottery came from a trash area at a slave quarter site oMt2g-kXMi4-00011-00006648-00007184 this piece came from another trash pit about 250 feet away oMt2g-kXMi4-00012-00007240-00007959 by seeing that they mend together or glue fit back together we know that the trash in both of oMt2g-kXMi4-00013-00007959-00008584 these trash pits was discarded by the same people so we can establish that relationship on our site oMt2g-kXMi4-00014-00008712-00009048 so to start this activity you're going to want to find some old pottery from around oMt2g-kXMi4-00015-00009048-00009584 your house so go to your local thrift store to find some cool stuff we prefer stuff with oMt2g-kXMi4-00016-00009584-00010072 patterns something cool to look at so when you create recreate the image it adds a little fun oMt2g-kXMi4-00017-00010256-00010720 all right and so you want to start off nice and safely so we have our safety goggles oMt2g-kXMi4-00018-00010720-00011000 we also have some tea towels for wrapping our ceramic oMt2g-kXMi4-00019-00011104-00011712 and a good old hammer or something that's going to break the ceramic for you all right so safety oMt2g-kXMi4-00020-00011712-00012376 first goggles on grab your tea towel you want to securely wrap it around the entire vessel oMt2g-kXMi4-00021-00012376-00012960 the ceramic that you're going to break so I'm going to tuck it in so that all the little pieces oMt2g-kXMi4-00022-00012960-00013352 that are going to come up that are going to break apart are going to stay in that towel and not oMt2g-kXMi4-00023-00013472-00014047 hurt somebody all right so now that your ceramic is nicely tucked in the tea towel oMt2g-kXMi4-00024-00014047-00014519 completely you're going to pick up your hammer and gently tap on the ceramic the goal is to oMt2g-kXMi4-00025-00014519-00015040 create larger pieces especially for smaller children larger pieces are better and we're oMt2g-kXMi4-00026-00015040-00015584 going to discard the smaller pieces but we'll get to that in a minute all right so tap gently oMt2g-kXMi4-00027-00015847-00016160 now be really careful when unveiling especially around little kids oMt2g-kXMi4-00028-00016360-00016656 take out our ceramic there it is oMt2g-kXMi4-00029-00016864-00017344 all right now the next step is to take your larger pieces and separate them out from oMt2g-kXMi4-00030-00017344-00017944 the smaller pieces um look for any pieces um that are sharp around the edges you're going oMt2g-kXMi4-00031-00017944-00018384 to either want to discard them for safety or you can also use sandpaper to sand them down oMt2g-kXMi4-00032-00019144-00019312 all right and next up is mending oMt2g-kXMi4-00033-00019552-00020096 so we're here behind the MAC Lab and as you can see we have broken the number of ceramics and oMt2g-kXMi4-00034-00020096-00020760 laid them out on on our table and spread them out so that different pieces of the vessels are oMt2g-kXMi4-00035-00020760-00021296 spread out over the extent of the table and we found this to be a really popular educational oMt2g-kXMi4-00036-00021296-00021920 activity at the park we've had parents tell us that they want to do it for birthday parties oMt2g-kXMi4-00037-00021992-00022400 so I think that this is something that you can very easily recreate at home oMt2g-kXMi4-00038-00022480-00022912 so what we do is we ask a student to choose a particular piece oMt2g-kXMi4-00039-00023104-00023792 and then to use the color and the shape and the designs on that vessel to go around the table oMt2g-kXMi4-00040-00023856-00024512 and pick up pieces that look like they're fragment so I'll choose oMt2g-kXMi4-00041-00024512-00025200 four here and then they can use we just use painters tape because it's really easy oMt2g-kXMi4-00042-00025256-00026280 to use and not very sticky and use it to put the pieces back together I like to put the oMt2g-kXMi4-00043-00026280-00027064 tape on the inside if it's a hollow vessel like a cup or a mug and on the back side if it's a plate oMt2g-kXMi4-00044-00027168-00027800 and then you can put your put your pieces back together with tape i find it really oMt2g-kXMi4-00045-00027992-00028583 easy and convenient to tear off a bunch of strips of tape first and put them along oMt2g-kXMi4-00046-00028583-00029000 the side of your table so that they're easy to reach and that you don't have to oMt2g-kXMi4-00047-00029000-00029656 put your ceramic down you may need to help younger students here's what it looks like on the back you oMt2g-kXMi4-00048-00029656-00030183 might need to help younger students with holding things in place or helping them put the tape down oMt2g-kXMi4-00049-00030239-00030704 we've also found that with younger students it's easier to steer them first towards oMt2g-kXMi4-00050-00030704-00031208 flat vessels like plates or saucers those are a little bit easier than things like oMt2g-kXMi4-00051-00031208-00031992 cups or bowls and as they are putting the ceramics together you might want to query them oMt2g-kXMi4-00052-00032200-00032648 have them hold up a piece and and ask them what kind of vessel they think it is do oMt2g-kXMi4-00053-00032648-00033024 they think it's a plate do they think it's a saucer do they think it's a cup oMt2g-kXMi4-00054-00033024-00033712 why do they think that um is the design on both the front and the back or just on one oMt2g-kXMi4-00055-00033712-00034240 side of the vessel and does that help them figure out um what their vessel might be oMt2g-kXMi4-00056-00034320-00034832 and as they begin to put their pieces together does it become easier once their vessel starts oMt2g-kXMi4-00057-00034832-00035272 getting larger when you mend it does it become easier to tell what the vessel is oMt2g-kXMi4-00058-00035968-00036400 as an extended activity you can work with your students to understand the oMt2g-kXMi4-00059-00036400-00037016 difference between circumference and diameter circumference is defined as the distance around oMt2g-kXMi4-00060-00037016-00037592 something and diameter is the distance from one point on a circle through the center to oMt2g-kXMi4-00061-00037592-00038472 another point on the circle so for this you will need a hollow vessel and a measuring tape oMt2g-kXMi4-00062-00038528-00039248 and then to define or understand circumference you will just take your measuring tape oMt2g-kXMi4-00063-00039248-00040112 and put it around the vessel and we can see that the circumference of this canister is 15 inches oMt2g-kXMi4-00064-00040632-00041368 for diameter you take the same measuring tape and then go from one edge on this plate oMt2g-kXMi4-00065-00041368-00041944 through the center and out to the other edge and we can see that this plate is nine oMt2g-kXMi4-00066-00042000-00042744 and a quarter inches in diameter so that's the difference between circumference and diameter oMt2g-kXMi4-00067-00042800-00043328 but what if you're an archaeologist what are you going to do with something like this right oMt2g-kXMi4-00068-00043328-00044056 you don't have any way to measure the diameter of this plate because you don't have the entire plate oMt2g-kXMi4-00069-00044056-00044760 so what archaeologists have developed is this circumference template which we will put oMt2g-kXMi4-00070-00044760-00045432 as a link as a pdf from this website so that you can download it and use it at home and it is oMt2g-kXMi4-00071-00045432-00046112 marked out in half inch increments and what you would do is take the edge of your broken vessel oMt2g-kXMi4-00072-00046200-00047080 and slide it along these lines that designate the half inch increments until it fits perfectly oMt2g-kXMi4-00073-00047296-00047800 right along the curve and if you look here you can see that this was a ten oMt2g-kXMi4-00074-00047800-00048480 and a half inch diameter plate so that is the way that archaeologists can determine oMt2g-kXMi4-00075-00048480-00049184 vessel diameter from just small fragments oNCS_y9VUS0-00000-00000045-00000292 Hello everyone! oNCS_y9VUS0-00001-00000292-00000534 Welcome back to "We can cook - cung vao Bep" channel oNCS_y9VUS0-00003-00000852-00001161 Introduce a popular food in Vietnam oNCS_y9VUS0-00004-00001161-00001452 It's Coconut Stew Corn Sticky Rice oNCS_y9VUS0-00007-00002118-00002381 Firstly, we wash and peel the white corn oNCS_y9VUS0-00015-00004617-00004891 Next, we cut to get the corn kernels oNCS_y9VUS0-00023-00007001-00007201 We have ingredients to cooking: oNCS_y9VUS0-00024-00007201-00007288 300gr corn kernels oNCS_y9VUS0-00027-00007659-00007791 150gr sticky rice oNCS_y9VUS0-00033-00009261-00009416 We soak corn kernels with sticky rice in water in 2-3 hours oNCS_y9VUS0-00038-00010729-00010951 Next, we put in the rice cooker oNCS_y9VUS0-00051-00014419-00014675 Then putting coconut water into the rice cooker oNCS_y9VUS0-00057-00016398-00016679 and put pandan leaves into oNCS_y9VUS0-00060-00017367-00017490 After cooking 15-20 minutes, we stir to cook evenly oNCS_y9VUS0-00064-00018513-00018756 Next 10 minutes, we stir and put out the pandan leaves oNCS_y9VUS0-00071-00020489-00020782 After all 30 minutes, we put coconut milk into the rice cooker and cook more 5-10 minutes oNCS_y9VUS0-00075-00023490-00023766 About the topping, we have: oNCS_y9VUS0-00076-00023782-00024091 100gr peanut oNCS_y9VUS0-00077-00024133-00024233 50gr sesame oNCS_y9VUS0-00078-00024283-00024533 50gr sugar oNCS_y9VUS0-00079-00024646-00024875 3gr salt oNCS_y9VUS0-00081-00025353-00025559 Peanut, sesame can heat by the microwave oNCS_y9VUS0-00082-00025605-00025893 Sesame in 3-4 minutes oNCS_y9VUS0-00083-00025969-00026224 Peanut in 5-7 minutes oNCS_y9VUS0-00086-00026559-00026892 Next, we pound peanuts oNCS_y9VUS0-00089-00027667-00027957 or putting into the blender oNCS_y9VUS0-00096-00029863-00030036 Next, we mix salt, sesame, sugar and peanut oNCS_y9VUS0-00101-00031106-00031377 Taking out coconut stew corn sticky rice oNCS_y9VUS0-00102-00031447-00031753 and enjoy with fresh grated coconut oNCS_y9VUS0-00116-00036455-00036611 Garnish with sesame, peanut, salt sugar oNCS_y9VUS0-00119-00037438-00037716 Woww! so delicious oNCS_y9VUS0-00120-00037716-00037832 With soft fat coconut corn oNCS_y9VUS0-00121-00037938-00038242 Enjoy with crunchy peanut, sesame oNCS_y9VUS0-00122-00038242-00038574 What a nice breakfast food! oNCS_y9VUS0-00123-00038642-00038947 See everyone in next video! Thank you! opyGRlYg-gY-00000-00000000-00000200 Messi’s Instagram post after World Cup win becomes most-liked post by a celebrity oOTh3JY0xYy-00000-00000000-00000400 || SrI harikaThAMruta sAra || oOTh3JY0xYy-00001-00000400-00001500 harikaThAMruta sAra gurugaLa karuNeyiMdA panitu pELuve parama BhagavadBhaktaridanAdarisi kELuvudu || oPP3lwzG2yA-00000-00000091-00000548 Now data sourcing may seem like a very quantitative topic, especially when we're talking about oPP3lwzG2yA-00001-00000548-00000648 measurement. oPP3lwzG2yA-00002-00000648-00001217 But, I want measure one important thing here, and that is the social context of measurement. oPP3lwzG2yA-00003-00001217-00001732 The idea here really, is that people are people, and they all have their own goals, and they're oPP3lwzG2yA-00004-00001732-00001855 going their own ways. oPP3lwzG2yA-00005-00001855-00002301 And we all have our own thoughts and feelings that don’t always coincide with each other, oPP3lwzG2yA-00006-00002301-00002501 and this can affect measurement. oPP3lwzG2yA-00007-00002501-00002848 And so, for instance, when you’re trying to define your goals and you're trying to oPP3lwzG2yA-00008-00002848-00003268 maximize them you want to look at things like, for instance, the business model. oPP3lwzG2yA-00009-00003268-00003672 An organization's business model, the way they conduct their business, the way they oPP3lwzG2yA-00010-00003672-00004174 make their money, is tied to its identity and its reason to be. oPP3lwzG2yA-00011-00004174-00004632 And if you make a recommendation and it’s contrary to their business model, that can oPP3lwzG2yA-00012-00004632-00005037 actually be perceived as a threat to their core identity, and people tend to get freaked oPP3lwzG2yA-00013-00005037-00005137 out in that situation. oPP3lwzG2yA-00014-00005137-00005842 Also, restrictions, so for instance, there may be laws, policies, and common practices, oPP3lwzG2yA-00015-00005842-00006372 both organizationally and culturally, that may limit the ways the goals can be met. oPP3lwzG2yA-00016-00006372-00006935 Now, most of these make a lot of sense, so the idea is you can’t just do anything you oPP3lwzG2yA-00017-00006935-00007217 want, you need to have these constraints. oPP3lwzG2yA-00018-00007217-00007615 And when you make your recommendations, maybe you'll work creatively in them as long as oPP3lwzG2yA-00019-00007615-00008217 you're still behaving legally and ethically, but you do need to be aware of these constraints. oPP3lwzG2yA-00020-00008217-00008521 Next, is the environment. oPP3lwzG2yA-00021-00008521-00009046 And the idea here is that competition occurs both between organizations, that company here oPP3lwzG2yA-00022-00009046-00009520 is trying to reach a goal , but they're competing with company B over there, but probably even oPP3lwzG2yA-00023-00009520-00009854 more significantly there is competition within the organization. oPP3lwzG2yA-00024-00009854-00010114 This is really a recognition of office politics. oPP3lwzG2yA-00025-00010114-00010588 And when you, as a consultant, make a recommendation based on your analysis, you need to understand oPP3lwzG2yA-00026-00010588-00010967 you're kind of dropping a little football into the office and things are going to further oPP3lwzG2yA-00027-00010967-00011377 one person's career, maybe to the detriment of another. oPP3lwzG2yA-00028-00011377-00011796 And in order for your recommendations to have maximum effectiveness they need to play out oPP3lwzG2yA-00029-00011796-00011940 well in the office. oPP3lwzG2yA-00030-00011940-00012356 That’s something that you need to be aware of as you're making your recommendations. oPP3lwzG2yA-00031-00012356-00012782 Finally, there's the issue of manipulation. oPP3lwzG2yA-00032-00012782-00013304 And a sad truism about people is that any reward system, any reward system at all, will oPP3lwzG2yA-00033-00013304-00013870 be exploited and people will generally game the system. oPP3lwzG2yA-00034-00013870-00014387 This happens especially when you have a strong cut off; you need to get at least 80 percent, oPP3lwzG2yA-00035-00014387-00015031 or you get fired and people will do anything to make their numbers appear to be eighty oPP3lwzG2yA-00036-00015031-00015131 percent. oPP3lwzG2yA-00037-00015131-00015504 This happens an awful lot when you look at executive compensation systems, it looks a oPP3lwzG2yA-00038-00015504-00016087 lot when you have very high stake school testing, it happens in an enormous number of situations, oPP3lwzG2yA-00039-00016087-00016528 and so, you need to be aware of the risk of exploitation and gaming. oPP3lwzG2yA-00040-00016528-00016810 Now, don’t think, then, that all is lost. oPP3lwzG2yA-00041-00016810-00017386 Don’t give up, you can still do really wonderful assessment, you can get good metrics, just oPP3lwzG2yA-00042-00017386-00017941 be aware of these particular issues and be sensitive to them as you both conduct your oPP3lwzG2yA-00043-00017941-00018181 research and as you make your recommendations. oPP3lwzG2yA-00044-00018181-00018868 So, in sum, social factors affect goals and they affect the way you meet those goals. oPP3lwzG2yA-00045-00018868-00019375 There are limits and consequences, both on how you reach the goals and how, really, what oPP3lwzG2yA-00046-00019375-00019851 the goal should be and that when you’re making advice on how to reach those goals oPP3lwzG2yA-00047-00019851-00020492 please be sensitive to how things play out with metrics and how people will adapt their oPP3lwzG2yA-00048-00020492-00020679 behavior to meet the goals. oPP3lwzG2yA-00049-00020679-00021123 That way you can make something that's more likely to be implemented the way you meant oPP3lwzG2yA-00050-00021123-00021555 and more likely to predict accurately what can happen with your goals. oT9QCzLId2y-00000-00000044-00000233 Hi, I’m Betsy from Living In Panama oT9QCzLId2y-00001-00000233-00000326 I want to let you know about a oT9QCzLId2y-00002-00000326-00000504 Very affordable beach house oT9QCzLId2y-00003-00000504-00000603 We have for sale oT9QCzLId2y-00004-00000603-00000847 It is only $87,500. oT9QCzLId2y-00005-00000847-00000926 It is on a beautiful beach oT9QCzLId2y-00006-00000926-00001278 The lot is ample at 6100 sq. feet oT9QCzLId2y-00007-00001278-00001438 The house is 1350 sq. feet oT9QCzLId2y-00008-00001440-00001657 It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath oT9QCzLId2y-00009-00001657-00001792 It needs some remodeling. oT9QCzLId2y-00010-00001792-00001984 Although, you can move in as is. oT9QCzLId2y-00011-00001987-00002209 All utilities are set up and functioning. oT9QCzLId2y-00012-00002209-00002493 The metal roof does need some immediate repair oT9QCzLId2y-00013-00002493-00002731 In the charming beach town of oT9QCzLId2y-00014-00002731-00002851 Puerto Armuelles. oT9QCzLId2y-00015-00002851-00003027 Which is located right on the Pacific Ocean oT9QCzLId2y-00016-00003037-00003189 In the popular Chiriqui Province. oT9QCzLId2y-00017-00003189-00003393 It really is an ample lot, with a nice house, oT9QCzLId2y-00018-00003393-00003672 On a beautiful beach for a very affordable price. oT9QCzLId2y-00019-00003672-00003849 If you have any questions, oT9QCzLId2y-00020-00003849-00003985 Please click the link below oT9QCzLId2y-00021-00003985-00004147 To find out more and oT9QCzLId2y-00022-00004154-00004402 To contact us by email or phone oT9QCzLId2y-00023-00004402-00004576 Thanks for watching oTfmIOLNrJM-00000-00000608-00001109 Venom's have been used for medicines for many years the first ever high blood oTfmIOLNrJM-00001-00001109-00001442 pressure medication owes its discovery to snake venom here at Venomtech oTfmIOLNrJM-00002-00001442-00001869 we're actually looking at other uses of venoms to find out new mechanisms that oTfmIOLNrJM-00003-00001869-00002196 could be therapeutically useful in the future. In this cabinet here behind glass oTfmIOLNrJM-00004-00002196-00002525 we have the scorpions that are listed under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act oTfmIOLNrJM-00005-00002525-00003167 that we are licensed to keep under that act. They include the wonderful common names oTfmIOLNrJM-00006-00003167-00003645 like the Deathstalker and the African fat tail whose genus Androctonus oTfmIOLNrJM-00007-00003645-00004260 actually translates to man-killer and that's what we've got here in this group oTfmIOLNrJM-00008-00004260-00004550 Venom is an untapped resource it's a oTfmIOLNrJM-00009-00004566-00005100 complex mixture of different molecules and we don't know what's in there so oTfmIOLNrJM-00010-00005100-00005605 there's this opportunity for a large number of compounds that we can screen oTfmIOLNrJM-00011-00005605-00006303 so I am using Venoms to target a particular protein that's oTfmIOLNrJM-00012-00006303-00006868 found on the surface of cancer cells and in breast cancer and this protein is oTfmIOLNrJM-00013-00006868-00007509 important in the way the cancer behaves so it makes them very aggressive makes oTfmIOLNrJM-00014-00007509-00007922 them grow very quickly and so by blocking this particular protein we can oTfmIOLNrJM-00015-00007922-00008200 actually stop these cancer cells from being able to grow oTfmIOLNrJM-00016-00008300-00008390 Pancreatic cancer is oTfmIOLNrJM-00017-00008390-00008928 the tenth most common cancer in the UK but it is the fourth oTfmIOLNrJM-00018-00008928-00009417 leading cause of cancer-related death so although it's one of the rarer types of oTfmIOLNrJM-00019-00009417-00009759 cancer it's really aggressive and currently there aren't very many oTfmIOLNrJM-00020-00009759-00009970 effective treatments for pancreatic cancer oTfmIOLNrJM-00021-00009970-00010170 Venom's are made up of hundreds oTfmIOLNrJM-00022-00010170-00010611 if not thousands of different components and they've evolved over millions of oTfmIOLNrJM-00023-00010611-00011186 years for prey capture and for defense therefore with all of these different oTfmIOLNrJM-00024-00011186-00011646 components which are unique to each different snake or venomous animal it oTfmIOLNrJM-00025-00011646-00012099 provides a huge library of different compounds that we can screen and they oTfmIOLNrJM-00026-00012099-00012735 may have serendipitously evolved to treat things such as cancer or oTfmIOLNrJM-00027-00012735-00012900 other medical conditions oTfmIOLNrJM-00028-00013010-00013500 So, I've looked at a lot of snakes I've looked at mambas oTfmIOLNrJM-00029-00013504-00013994 cobras and a large number of pit vipers but I've also done quite a lot of work oTfmIOLNrJM-00030-00013994-00014536 looking at invertebrate venoms so I've been looking in tarantula venom oTfmIOLNrJM-00031-00014536-00014900 scorpions and also had a look at some centipede venoms oTfmIOLNrJM-00032-00015000-00015300 Now that we have compounds that are showing an affect against my protein oTfmIOLNrJM-00033-00015300-00015472 we need to identify them oTfmIOLNrJM-00034-00015472-00015973 so we can send those samples off for identification and get some data back oTfmIOLNrJM-00035-00015973-00016651 and then these can be tested against other human cells to make sure that they oTfmIOLNrJM-00036-00016651-00017050 are specifically affecting the cancer cells and not cells in general oTfmIOLNrJM-00037-00017060-00017486 So we're right at the beginning of the drug discovery process so once we've oTfmIOLNrJM-00038-00017486-00018079 identified something that is effective in pancreatic cancer we need to check oTfmIOLNrJM-00039-00018079-00018473 whether it's having an effect on other human cell types oTfmIOLNrJM-00040-00018473-00018947 once we've assessed that it's selective for the cancer type and that it's not oTfmIOLNrJM-00041-00018947-00019478 having detrimental effects in healthy cell types or any other cell types this oTfmIOLNrJM-00042-00019478-00020012 could then proceed through to animal testing for example in mice and then oTfmIOLNrJM-00043-00020012-00020503 eventually possibly into human clinical trials oTsfh7_CaaU-00000-00000441-00000741 IF THERE'S ONE THING THAT'S TOP OF MIND FOR LANGLEY CITY RESIDENTS oTsfh7_CaaU-00001-00000741-00001019 IT'S HOW CAN THE CITY HELP REDUCE HOMELESSNESS IN OUR COMMUNITY oTsfh7_CaaU-00002-00001019-00001654 HOMELESSNESS IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM, IT'S IMPACTING COMMUNITIES THROUGHOUT BC WITH PEOPLE CAMPING IN OUR PARKS AND IN OUR STREETS oTsfh7_CaaU-00003-00001654-00001875 THERE ARE SOLUTIONS oTsfh7_CaaU-00004-00001875-00002338 PEOPLE HAVE ASKED ME, "WHY CAN'T THE CITY PUT MEASURES IN PLACE ON ITS OWN TO REDUCE HOMELESSNESS?" oTsfh7_CaaU-00005-00002338-00002858 AND WHILE THE CITY HAS AN IMPORTANT ROLE TO PLAY, WE REALLY NEED THE HELP OF OUR FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL PARTNERS oTsfh7_CaaU-00006-00002858-00003169 TO SERIOUSLY REDUCE HOMELESSNESS IN OUR COMMUNITY oTsfh7_CaaU-00007-00003169-00003654 THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PROVIDES FUNDING FOR BOTH HOUSING AND HEALTHCARE TO THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT oTsfh7_CaaU-00008-00003654-00004139 THE FEDS PLAYED A BIG ROLE IN GETTING AFFORDABLE HOUSINGBU BUILT, BUT STEPPED BACK IN THE LATE 1980'S oTsfh7_CaaU-00009-00004139-00004809 AROUND THE SAME TIME, THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT REDUCED THE NUMBER OF BEDS AVAILABLE FOR PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES oTsfh7_CaaU-00010-00004809-00005230 SOMETIMES, IT TAKES A GENERATION FOR THIS TO BE FELT oTsfh7_CaaU-00011-00005230-00005764 TODAY BOTH THE FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT ARE COMMITTED TO SUPPORTING AFFORDABLE HOUSING oTsfh7_CaaU-00012-00005764-00006158 THIS INCLUDES SUPPORTIVE HOUSING WHICH HELPS PEOPLE WITH ADDICTION AND MENTAL HEALTH oTsfh7_CaaU-00013-00006158-00006558 OR A COMBINATION OF BOTH GET THE HELP THEY NEED TO LIVE LIFE INDEPENDENTLY oTsfh7_CaaU-00014-00006558-00007009 SUPPORTIVE HOUSING IS FUNDED BY BC HOUSING WHO USUALLY WORKS WITH NONPROFIT OPERATORS oTsfh7_CaaU-00015-00007009-00007461 LANGLEY'S FIRST SUPPORTIVE HOUSING FACILITY IS SLATED TO OPEN THIS YEAR oTsfh7_CaaU-00016-00007461-00007997 WHILE THIS FACILITY IS A GOOD START, WE WILL NEED MORE PROVINCIAL INVESTMENT IN SUPPORTIVE HOUSING FOR LANGLEY oTsfh7_CaaU-00017-00007997-00008539 AS THIS HAS BEEN PROVEN TO GET PEOPLE OFF THE STREETS INTO HOUSING AND STABILIZED oTsfh7_CaaU-00018-00008539-00009107 FRASER HEALTH, WHICH IS THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT, ALSO FUNDS SPECIALIZED TEAMS oTsfh7_CaaU-00019-00009107-00009510 WHO CONNECT WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE LIVING ON THE STREET OR ARE IN SUPPORTIVE HOUSING oTsfh7_CaaU-00020-00009510-00009928 TO MAKE SURE THAT THEY CAN GET THE CARE REQUIRED TO BEGIN THE JOURNEY TO LIVING INDEPENDENTLY oTsfh7_CaaU-00021-00009928-00010371 IN LANGLEY, THIS IS KNOWN AS THE ICM TEAM. IT IS FULL oTsfh7_CaaU-00022-00010371-00010761 WE NEED THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT TO INCREASE FUNDING TO THIS CRITICAL PROGRAM oTsfh7_CaaU-00023-00010761-00011110 IN THIS YEAR'S BUDGET, LANGLEY CITY COUNCIL APPROVED A NEW POSITION oTsfh7_CaaU-00024-00011110-00011690 THIS POSITION CALLED A SOCIAL PLANNER WILL WORK WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, THE PROVINCE, AND OUR NONPROFIT SECTOR oTsfh7_CaaU-00025-00011690-00011938 TO HELP REDUCE HOMELESSNESS IN OUR COMMUNITY oTsfh7_CaaU-00026-00011938-00012369 WITH THE HELP OF THE PROVINCE, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, AND OUR NONPROFIT PARTNERS oTsfh7_CaaU-00027-00012369-00012669 WE WILL REDUCE HOMELESSNESS IN OUR COMMUNITY oUZN_VKK_bk-00000-00000836-00001270 Time is running out, and I can't stop it oUZN_VKK_bk-00001-00001336-00001710 Our love ain't fire, and I'm burning oUZN_VKK_bk-00002-00001713-00002460 There is no light, if you are far from me oUZN_VKK_bk-00003-00002520-00002943 What can I do if I don't see you again? oUZN_VKK_bk-00004-00002960-00003326 I'm not crazy, I'm just scared oUZN_VKK_bk-00005-00003443-00003829 So baby please don't go cause I will miss you oUZN_VKK_bk-00006-00004045-00004245 You, you shake my mind oUZN_VKK_bk-00007-00004266-00004406 You, you burn my heart oUZN_VKK_bk-00008-00004436-00004663 You, you stop the time oUZN_VKK_bk-00009-00004663-00004983 Baby, baby I'm standing here oUZN_VKK_bk-00010-00005036-00005430 And I'll be waiting for you oUZN_VKK_bk-00011-00005636-00005836 You, you shake my mind oUZN_VKK_bk-00012-00005846-00006046 You, you burn my heart oUZN_VKK_bk-00013-00006053-00006236 You, you stop the time oUZN_VKK_bk-00014-00006246-00006586 Baby, baby I'm standing here oUZN_VKK_bk-00015-00006611-00007003 And I'll be waiting for you oUZN_VKK_bk-00017-00010426-00010903 Time is running out, and I can't stop it oUZN_VKK_bk-00018-00010943-00011306 Our love ain't fire, and I'm burning oUZN_VKK_bk-00019-00011340-00012106 There is no light, if you are far from me oUZN_VKK_bk-00020-00012136-00012530 What can I do if I don't see you again? oUZN_VKK_bk-00021-00012543-00012930 I'm not crazy, I'm just scared oUZN_VKK_bk-00022-00013013-00013390 So baby please don't go cause I will miss you oUZN_VKK_bk-00023-00013643-00013843 You, you shake my mind oUZN_VKK_bk-00024-00013843-00014043 You, you burn my heart oUZN_VKK_bk-00025-00014053-00014253 You, you stop the time oUZN_VKK_bk-00026-00014256-00014643 Baby, baby I'm standing here oUZN_VKK_bk-00027-00014653-00015080 And I'll be waiting for you oUZN_VKK_bk-00028-00015243-00015443 You, you shake my mind oUZN_VKK_bk-00029-00015443-00015643 You, you burn my heart oUZN_VKK_bk-00030-00015646-00015846 You, you stop the time oUZN_VKK_bk-00031-00015846-00016203 Baby, baby I'm standing here oUZN_VKK_bk-00032-00016206-00016670 And I'll be waiting for you