ogDfst3DvV4-00000-00000056-00000564 So what forces are acting on the car? Well as gravity pointing downwards of ogDfst3DvV4-00001-00000564-00001038 course, and there will be a normal force applied by the track on the car. This ogDfst3DvV4-00002-00001038-00001559 normal force points perpendicularly to the surface like any normal force. Since ogDfst3DvV4-00003-00001559-00002106 there's no friction, that's it. There's all the forces acting on the car. As the ogDfst3DvV4-00004-00002106-00002433 car is following a circular path, there must be a force pointing radially ogDfst3DvV4-00005-00002433-00002964 inwards. Looking at our free body diagram of car, the centripetal force responsible ogDfst3DvV4-00006-00002964-00003357 for uniform circular motion must come from the horizontal component of the ogDfst3DvV4-00007-00003357-00003927 normal force. So that's what we need to find. Let's start with what we know. We ogDfst3DvV4-00008-00003927-00004359 know that the force due to gravity is mg and it points directly downwards. We also ogDfst3DvV4-00009-00004359-00004698 know that the car isn't lifting off into the air, or sinking into the road beneath ogDfst3DvV4-00010-00004698-00005271 it. That is, the vertical forces must balance. To get the vertical components ogDfst3DvV4-00011-00005271-00005709 of the normal force, we can draw out a vector triangle. Showing both the ogDfst3DvV4-00012-00005709-00006171 vertical components and the horizontal components. which together add up to the ogDfst3DvV4-00013-00006171-00006870 total normal force. The angle between the normal force and the vertical is Theta, ogDfst3DvV4-00014-00006870-00007433 the same as the angle of the banked track. This can be shown using geometry. ogDfst3DvV4-00015-00007433-00007911 This means that the vertical components of the vertical force is equal to the ogDfst3DvV4-00016-00007911-00008390 normal force multiplied by cos theta, and the horizontal component that points ogDfst3DvV4-00017-00008390-00008900 radially inwards is equal to the normal force times sine theta. ogDfst3DvV4-00018-00008908-00009316 To get the horizontal component of force, we need to calculate the normal force. ogDfst3DvV4-00019-00009316-00009694 And we can do this by balancing the vertical forces acting on the car. As ogDfst3DvV4-00020-00009694-00010153 there is no net vertical acceleration, we know that the gravitational force is ogDfst3DvV4-00021-00010153-00010675 equal to the normal force times cos theta, and therefore the normal force is ogDfst3DvV4-00022-00010675-00011034 equal to mg divided by cos theta. ogDfst3DvV4-00023-00011035-00011467 Now let's look at the horizontal components. We know as the car is ogDfst3DvV4-00024-00011467-00011854 undergoing uniform circular motion that the centripetal force is equal to the ogDfst3DvV4-00025-00011854-00012436 horizontal component of the normal force. Calculating, we find that the centripetal ogDfst3DvV4-00026-00012436-00013018 force is equal to mg sine theta divided by cos theta which is equal to mg times ogDfst3DvV4-00027-00013018-00013269 tan of theta. ogDfst3DvV4-00028-00013359-00013778 If we want to find the velocity of the car, we can plug in our uniform circular ogDfst3DvV4-00029-00013778-00014173 motion equation and find that the velocity is equal to the square root of ogDfst3DvV4-00030-00014173-00014487 RG tan theta. ogDfst3DvV4-00031-00014630-00015025 Let's plug in some values! ogDfst3DvV4-00032-00015037-00015679 We'll use a car mass of 1,200 kilograms, a banking radius of 20 meters, and a bank ogDfst3DvV4-00033-00015679-00016284 angle of 5 degrees to find the centripetal force and the cars velocity. ogDfst3DvV4-00034-00016478-00017042 Centripetal force is equal to 1029 Newtons, ogDfst3DvV4-00035-00017113-00017951 and the velocity is equal to 4.1 m/s, or in a more typical unit for cars. This ogDfst3DvV4-00036-00017951-00018545 is equal to 14.9 km/h. Now in reality, you'd have a combination of ogDfst3DvV4-00037-00018545-00018947 the normal force and the friction force providing the centripetal acceleration. ogDfst3DvV4-00038-00018947-00019277 However, the calculations we've seen in this video give you a worst case ogDfst3DvV4-00039-00019277-00019694 scenario where there's no friction and you have to rely entirely on the banking ogDfst3DvV4-00040-00019694-00019936 of the track. okZGjRAd1OI-00000-00000126-00000360 ADMIRAL JONATHAN GREENERT TURNED OVER THE OFFICE OF okZGjRAd1OI-00001-00000360-00000677 CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS TO ADMIRAL JOHN RICHARDSON okZGjRAd1OI-00002-00000677-00000957 AT A CHANGE OF OFFICE CEREMONY AT THE US NAVAL okZGjRAd1OI-00003-00000957-00001111 ACADEMY SEPTEMBER 18TH. okZGjRAd1OI-00004-00001171-00001448 FOLLOWING THE CEREMONY, GREENERT RETIRED AFTER 40 okZGjRAd1OI-00005-00001448-00001568 YEARS OF NAVAL SERVICE. okZGjRAd1OI-00006-00001601-00001801 FAIR WINDS AND FOLLOWING SEAS SIR. okZGjRAd1OI-00007-00001848-00002118 USS RONALD REAGAN ENTERED THE 7TH FLEET AREA OF okZGjRAd1OI-00008-00002118-00002355 OPERATIONS TO BECOME THE NAVY'S ONLY FORWARD okZGjRAd1OI-00009-00002355-00002535 DEPLOYED AIRCRAFT CARRIER. okZGjRAd1OI-00010-00002562-00002792 THIS TRANSITION REPRESENTS A COMMITMENT TO DEFENDING okZGjRAd1OI-00011-00002792-00003133 OUR NATION, ITS ALLIES AND PARTNERS IN THE INDOASIA okZGjRAd1OI-00012-00003133-00003233 PACIFIC REGION. okZGjRAd1OI-00013-00003286-00003560 THE 7TH FLEET AREA OF OPERATIONS INCLUDES 36 okZGjRAd1OI-00014-00003560-00003833 MARITIME COUNTRIES AND THE WORLD'S FIVE LARGEST okZGjRAd1OI-00015-00003833-00003960 FOREIGN ARMED FORCES. okZGjRAd1OI-00016-00004034-00004290 SAILORS ARE REMINDED THAT TUITION ASSISTANCE, OR TA, okZGjRAd1OI-00017-00004290-00004544 IS FULLY FUNDED FOR THIS FISCAL YEAR okZGjRAd1OI-00018-00004591-00004834 IF YOU'RE PLANNING TO USE TA FOR COURSES YOU SHOULD okZGjRAd1OI-00019-00004834-00005115 SUBMIT REQUESTS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO ENSURE THAT okZGjRAd1OI-00020-00005115-00005215 FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE. okZGjRAd1OI-00021-00005245-00005492 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE NAVY COLLEGE OFFICE okZGjRAd1OI-00022-00005492-00005598 WEBSITE. okZGjRAd1OI-00023-00005598-00005842 FOR THESE STORIES AND MORE, VISIT NAVY.MIL. po530jx-KZQ-00000-00000000-00000876 If you like my videos please like, share and subscribe. Thank you p0xBHDY-8lA-00000-00000641-00001380 Thank you so much for coming here. It's really an honor that people after a really long and intenstive p0xBHDY-8lA-00001-00001380-00002059 and jam-packed experience of being at this conference full of information, that you have decided p0xBHDY-8lA-00002-00002059-00002722 to come into this somewhat of an awful room. And I'm an architectural designer and I can say that this is kind of an awful room. p0xBHDY-8lA-00003-00002722-00002964 [laughs] p0xBHDY-8lA-00004-00002964-00003416 That you're willing to pack yourselves in here like sardines in order to come. p0xBHDY-8lA-00005-00003416-00004456 And my intent is that I can deliver in some way. And the wonderful thing about talking about creativity p0xBHDY-8lA-00006-00004456-00005326 is its creativity and it has this universal appeal. The difficulty about talking about creativity is you have to be creative in some sort of way. p0xBHDY-8lA-00007-00005326-00006655 Otherwise it just doesn't quite work. I had prepared a powerpoint presentation earlier and I recognized that it's such a linear mode, p0xBHDY-8lA-00008-00006655-00007585 it just doesn't quite fit with creativity. But I do have one video that I wanted to show you later on that is awesome. p0xBHDY-8lA-00009-00007585-00007885 Just going to put it like that right now, okay? p0xBHDY-8lA-00010-00007885-00009130 So, my name is Austin Hill Shaw. I'm an architectural designer. I'm a teacher and a speaker and a writer on creativity and innovation. p0xBHDY-8lA-00011-00009130-00009900 And I also do healing work. And I'm also a practicing Vajrayana Buddhist of 10 years. p0xBHDY-8lA-00012-00009900-00011475 And this path of 1) creativity through architecture and 2) the work that I do studying creativity, and the healing work have all sort of gone together. p0xBHDY-8lA-00013-00011475-00012080 I graduated from architecture school in 2001. I took refuge in the Buddhist path in 2002. p0xBHDY-8lA-00014-00012080-00013394 And then doing a 3-month meditation retreat in early 2004 I got insight into the nature of creativity which I've been trying to unpack and continue to unpack to this day. p0xBHDY-8lA-00015-00013394-00014479 But I'd like to share some of what I've learned and I'd also like to recommend a book that I finished which was an 8-year project called The Shoreline of Wonder. p0xBHDY-8lA-00016-00014485-00015026 And this is based on the view of creativity. So if anything that's missed here, this is available in the bookstore. p0xBHDY-8lA-00017-00015026-00015692 And please buy it from the bookstore because you're going to benefit MAPS in doing so, they get half the proceeds. p0xBHDY-8lA-00018-00016009-00016963 So, first question - How many of you feel creative in this room? p0xBHDY-8lA-00019-00016969-00017688 Let's go to the low end of the spectrum, like the 0 to 1, 2, 3. How about that level of creativity? p0xBHDY-8lA-00020-00017690-00017810 What's the highest? p0xBHDY-8lA-00021-00017810-00018453 10, thank you. 10 is the highest. Maybe 11 okay? p0xBHDY-8lA-00022-00018453-00018964 How about in the mid-range, who feels that they are creative in sort of the mid-range? Okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00023-00018964-00019414 Now, who sees themselves to be really creative? Okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00024-00019414-00020403 So, the thing is, is that the most important thing that I have to say to you is that basically creativity is not a gift of certain individuals and not others, p0xBHDY-8lA-00025-00020403-00021214 it's a defining trait of what it means to be human. And in this crowd I see a lot of creative people and I think I can attribute that p0xBHDY-8lA-00026-00021214-00021897 to your love of psychedelics and your love of information and understanding and experience in general. p0xBHDY-8lA-00027-00021897-00022739 Other crowds that I talk to, when you get to the top end, very few hands go up. And that's true even among young people too. p0xBHDY-8lA-00028-00022739-00023905 People in schools, their hands don't go up either. And there's lots of reasons for that but my goal, my mission in life is to empower others as creators. p0xBHDY-8lA-00029-00023905-00024764 Young and old, whatever profession you're in, creativity is basically the defining feature of what it means to be human. p0xBHDY-8lA-00030-00024764-00026073 And the reason it feels so good to create is because when we are creating, everything is online. Everything that makes us human is online, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00031-00026073-00026702 So, the first thing I wanted to do is basically -if you could leave me a little bit of room right here, thank you- the first thing I wanted to do p0xBHDY-8lA-00032-00026702-00027731 is basically I want to just create in what in Buddhism they call the Vajra Spot. The Vajra Spot is the place where Heaven and Earth are joined. p0xBHDY-8lA-00033-00027731-00028731 And I want to put it right there, okay. And I need your help in doing that. I need you all to basically say "Okay here I am over here p0xBHDY-8lA-00034-00028731-00029730 with my sort of ego-identity, separate from you all. Here I am with maybe all my hopes and fears about what may happen with this presentation. p0xBHDY-8lA-00035-00029730-00030848 Here I am in this god-awful room, being like 'ugh'. And take all these sort of mini complaints and sense of separation p0xBHDY-8lA-00036-00030848-00031436 and abandon them all in here when I step into this place of wholeness in the center. Are you all ready? p0xBHDY-8lA-00037-00031436-00031680 Okay, so hold that intention for me. We ready? p0xBHDY-8lA-00038-00032131-00032921 So, now I'm in the Vajra Spot. The Vajra Spot comes from the, "Vajra" basically means lightning bolt. p0xBHDY-8lA-00039-00032921-00033639 The Vajrayana lineage is the culmination of the Hinayana and Mahayana lineages in Tibetan Buddhism. p0xBHDY-8lA-00040-00033639-00034179 And it's known as a non-dual lineage, which is basically about connecting Heaven and Earth. p0xBHDY-8lA-00041-00034179-00035133 And we're going to try to unpack what that actually means, how that relates to creativity, cosmology, communion and psychedelics in about 20 minutes. p0xBHDY-8lA-00042-00035222-00036932 Alright. So, first of all - what is creativity? What is creativity? Just take a moment in your mind to picture what this thing is. I mean it's huge. Okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00043-00036932-00037590 So, the first definition I want to offer of creativity is what I call the ground of creativity. p0xBHDY-8lA-00044-00037590-00038809 And that is that whatever it is that organizing force that has taken our universe from 14 billion years ago, which as a singularity, p0xBHDY-8lA-00045-00038809-00039997 and converted it to this, somehow. And we've only been on the scene for about 150,000 years and that's kind of miraculous, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00046-00039997-00040789 So, the Buddhist would call that, they would call that causality. That there's things that are just sort of working and shaping themselves p0xBHDY-8lA-00047-00040789-00041388 according to laws of nature, alright. Now, the ground of creativity as I define it is basically made up of p0xBHDY-8lA-00048-00041388-00042353 dynamism - everything is always moving, interdependence - that everything is interrelated. p0xBHDY-8lA-00049-00042353-00043336 Like, the best way of thinking of that is gravity and spacetime. That all matter is constantly affecting other matter. p0xBHDY-8lA-00050-00043336-00043906 It's incredible and there's....anyways, could go on and on about that. And finally there's mystery. p0xBHDY-8lA-00051-00043906-00044467 We understand that the universe supposedly started with the Big Bang but what was beyond that? p0xBHDY-8lA-00052-00044467-00044961 We have some ideas where this thing called life came from but we don't really know on some levels. p0xBHDY-8lA-00053-00044961-00045748 And if I were to have this thing that we rationalists as human beings which is conscious self awareness. p0xBHDY-8lA-00054-00045748-00046546 That's really the thing that makes us human, that's really the thing we wrestle with. It's both a tool and it can be a detriment, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00055-00046546-00047831 So, that is the ground of creativity. Now, stepping outside here again, as human beings we are wrestling with this thing called ego. p0xBHDY-8lA-00056-00047831-00048810 And in the modern world we're wrestling with a particularly difficult and challenging version of ego, which is basically that it's inflated, it's ramped up. p0xBHDY-8lA-00057-00048905-00049631 Thanks to things like facebook where paste all these photos of ourselves doing awesome things. p0xBHDY-8lA-00058-00049631-00050417 Thanks to advertisements that say "Hey! Do this. If you buy this you'll be this cool." And all sorts of other things. p0xBHDY-8lA-00059-00050417-00051064 We're basically wrestling with ourselves on that level. And creativity is a way by which we get out of that. p0xBHDY-8lA-00060-00051064-00052114 So, once we start to talk about human creativity I have a very simple definition for it. Human creativity is 1) connecting with the world, p0xBHDY-8lA-00061-00052114-00052970 2) affecting the world in a meaningful way, and the third aspect is kind of in the space in between. p0xBHDY-8lA-00062-00052970-00053534 So let's explore those different places. Now, remember here's the Vajra Spot, the place of wholeness, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00063-00053534-00054323 I'm going to step over here for a second. This is connecting with the world, this is connecting with the world, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00064-00054323-00055547 In creativity this is the experience of insight. This is the experience of a light going off on top of your head. It's an experience of something coming to you. p0xBHDY-8lA-00065-00055547-00056298 The way that I define this came from William James' Varieties of Religious Experience. Actually, looking at the section on mysticism. p0xBHDY-8lA-00066-00056298-00057355 That experience of like "aha" no matter what it is, that quasi religious experience is the experience of insight, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00067-00057355-00058214 It's about opening up. It's actually about dying, something in the ego dies for a moment so that something new can come in, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00068-00058214-00059136 This is the experience of insight. This is the passive aspect of creativity. And there's language for all these things. p0xBHDY-8lA-00069-00059136-00059903 In science this is called divergent thinking, a type of thought that diverges from normal thought patterns. p0xBHDY-8lA-00070-00059903-00061285 In art you could call this artistic inspiration. And at the level of religion, and specifically to Buddhism, they call this wisdom. p0xBHDY-8lA-00071-00061285-00062105 Wisdom is an uncovering of your natural awareness that is always already available. Does that make sense? Okay good. p0xBHDY-8lA-00072-00062105-00063295 Now, let's go to the opposite over here. Over here this is called manifestation. This is the world we're living in right now where we're mostly relating p0xBHDY-8lA-00073-00063295-00064194 with our phenomenal ego, our sense of who we are. We have moments of opening but basically see ourselves as over here and the world out there. p0xBHDY-8lA-00074-00064194-00064886 Now, the benefit of this in terms of creativity, if you don't have the ability to do this we're technically schizophrenic. p0xBHDY-8lA-00075-00064886-00066247 So, over here in order to manifest anything we need to be able to say "I'm over here. My resources are over there. This person knows that thing about p0xBHDY-8lA-00076-00066247-00066765 that and then I can ask them." and we start to get into the realm of interdependence. p0xBHDY-8lA-00077-00066765-00067581 This over here is the realm of the arhat, a person who basically leaves their ego in order to attain nirvana. p0xBHDY-8lA-00078-00067581-00068270 This is the archetype of the bodhisattva. The bodhisattva who is basically forgoing their enlightenment, p0xBHDY-8lA-00079-00068270-00069197 they're not doing those experiences all the time for the benefit of all sentient beings. Does that make sense? Okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00080-00069197-00070217 Now, the Vajrayana, back to the Vajra Spot, this place in between. This is a word, what I call this is very simple on some levels. p0xBHDY-8lA-00081-00070217-00070937 First let me go over here one second just to give you one scientific word for this is convergent thinking. p0xBHDY-8lA-00082-00070937-00071479 This is what coffee does, it focuses your attention on something. Caffeine right? p0xBHDY-8lA-00083-00071479-00072231 Next, at the level of art, this is craft. This is all the work you've put into whatever it is you do so that you can do it well. p0xBHDY-8lA-00084-00072231-00072922 And at the level of religion this is the realm of compassion. This is doing things for the benefit of other. p0xBHDY-8lA-00085-00072922-00073404 That's the proper spirit for creativity, really. Okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00086-00073404-00075068 Now, into the Vajra Spot. This is the culmination of creativity. In this place we're drawing upon both of these worlds, these very different worlds, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00087-00075068-00075814 This is why I call my book The Shoreline of Wonder because you're drawing upon the ineffable experience of the ocean on some level - p0xBHDY-8lA-00088-00075814-00076742 shapeshifting, deep, incredibly vast, changing everyday. And over here this sense of knowing what you're doing. p0xBHDY-8lA-00089-00076742-00077323 That sense of continuity that defines you as different from other people. Does that make sense? p0xBHDY-8lA-00090-00077323-00078397 So, in here between the ineffable experiences of insight and the things we need to find to do the project, we find imagination. p0xBHDY-8lA-00091-00078397-00078985 In the Sufi tradition they talk about imagination being like the isthmus that connects the known and unknown worlds. p0xBHDY-8lA-00092-00078985-00079865 We discover wonder between this sense of absolute truth over here and this flexibility that we need in order to actually get it into the world. p0xBHDY-8lA-00093-00079865-00080071 That make sense? Okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00094-00080071-00081181 Next thing that we have is that we basically have a sense over here, these tend to be short experiences, brief moments like micro-instances p0xBHDY-8lA-00095-00081181-00082053 up to few minutes, maybe hours, sometimes days. But in order to bring things into the world it takes time, as you know. p0xBHDY-8lA-00096-00082053-00082977 You get the idea but to realize it, this is the enduring portion. So, in the middle here we have patience. Patience. p0xBHDY-8lA-00097-00082977-00083523 If you're impatient when you're trying to create you run up against all sorts of obstacles. p0xBHDY-8lA-00098-00083523-00084314 And the trick is - some of those obstacles are actually there to help you with your project. Does that make sense? p0xBHDY-8lA-00099-00084314-00084756 Ego hates that. It hates that! Okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00100-00084756-00086220 So next, between the passive experience of something coming to us and the active portion of bringing it into the world we discover flow. p0xBHDY-8lA-00101-00086220-00087027 Which Doug talked so beautifully about in his talk about climbers. I was a climber too. My book opens up in Yosemite way high in the mountain p0xBHDY-8lA-00102-00087027-00087727 because that's a place where people have a lot of flow. You're using your body and concentrating in an incredible way. p0xBHDY-8lA-00103-00087727-00088559 In Taoism they call this wu wei - actionless non-doing. You're not quite sure if you're spending energy or gaining energy. p0xBHDY-8lA-00104-00088559-00089092 It's an amazing place to be and you all know it, you've all been there. Okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00105-00089092-00090332 And finally, and finally between the individual and the collective we have something that's incredibly important for you in order to create. p0xBHDY-8lA-00106-00090332-00091684 And that is love, okay. Love is basically this thing that we practice. We practice entering back into the world seeing it as miraculous p0xBHDY-8lA-00107-00091684-00092599 and appreciating it for as it is. It doesn't mean we like the world all the time. I do not like this room! I don't like it. p0xBHDY-8lA-00108-00092723-00093432 But I love that I have the opportunity to be with you all in here. That, that's the attitude of love. p0xBHDY-8lA-00109-00093432-00093747 It doesn't mean repressing things and being like "I can't say that." p0xBHDY-8lA-00110-00093747-00095074 If anyone was at the Gabor Matรฉ talk he said don't suppress things. You may feel hatred, you may feel rage, do it in the space of love. Frame it within the context of love, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00111-00095074-00096392 So, this is creativity. And the language of this here in science it's called paradox. What's happening when something is converging and diverging at the same time? It's a paradox. p0xBHDY-8lA-00112-00096392-00097244 In, I'm going to go through the religious portion of it, here we have non-duality. Okay, non-duality is basically, or we could call it p0xBHDY-8lA-00113-00097244-00098100 wisdom and compassion inseparable, they're happening at the same time. And the love of art which is in the convergence of everything, p0xBHDY-8lA-00114-00098100-00099064 of Heaven and Earth, passive and active, and there's a way of life full of imagination, flow, wonder, patience, all these elements p0xBHDY-8lA-00115-00099064-00099815 we find self expression, artistic expression. You see? So, this is creativity. p0xBHDY-8lA-00116-00099815-00100391 Alright. Let me go check in with my time piece here. Okay good. p0xBHDY-8lA-00117-00100460-00101237 Now...we want to bring in cosmology into all this, okay. Again, here's the Vajra Spot over here. p0xBHDY-8lA-00118-00101237-00102289 In the Vajra Spot spot everything is happening. This is one view of reality, which is the current prevailing view of reality which all of us have adopted. p0xBHDY-8lA-00119-00102289-00102793 Most of us, I should say. If you've gone to the educational system of the United States you've been trained in this method. p0xBHDY-8lA-00120-00102793-00103939 And that is basically that the world consists, and the universe is basically come into being by more and more complex orderings of inanimate things. p0xBHDY-8lA-00121-00103939-00104815 That led to life billions of years ago on our planet. And then finally, to conscious self-awareness, somewhere. p0xBHDY-8lA-00122-00104815-00106164 So basically, consciousness within the scientific paradigm is a teeny, tiny thing resting on a pyramid of basically inanimate stuff. Alright - scientific paradigm. p0xBHDY-8lA-00123-00106164-00107687 Over here is the traditional paradigm, alright. The traditional paradigm is basically that actually the entire universe is consciouss p0xBHDY-8lA-00124-00107687-00108607 and out of that is precipitated a teeny, weenie, tiny bit of matter. And if you look at space, I mean it doesn't make sense to us here, we fill the room, p0xBHDY-8lA-00125-00108607-00109701 there's body odor, there's heat rising, we're in the phenomenal world. But if you look at our universe it's mostly black empty space. p0xBHDY-8lA-00126-00109701-00110450 Beyond that the physics don't actually describe totally what's going on there. Does that make sense? p0xBHDY-8lA-00127-00110450-00111214 Like, scientists can account for like 1% of that matter and then the physics say like well there's actually about 99% more we just can't see it right now. p0xBHDY-8lA-00128-00111214-00111673 Okay, so that's also true. This is also a true paradigm, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00129-00111673-00112501 Now, in the Vajra Space both are honored. Both are honored, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00130-00112618-00113530 Now, let me step off here for again. We want to talk briefly about communion. And communion as you know in the Christian tradition p0xBHDY-8lA-00131-00113530-00114321 it's basically taking the blood and body of Christ. Taking bread and wine. Which is an incredibly radical idea. p0xBHDY-8lA-00132-00114321-00115142 I love that as a Vajrayana Buddhist. I like the idea of taking in like a perfect being into my body and saying "Yes! I am Christ too." p0xBHDY-8lA-00133-00115142-00116101 That is a really valuable way of looking at our life. There's also communion with nature, where we go in and we settle into places. p0xBHDY-8lA-00134-00116101-00116815 And we allow nature, the more you settle in, you know you start getting these dialogues with nature. You know what that's like, don't you? Yeah. p0xBHDY-8lA-00135-00116935-00118395 Anyway, so that's communion. But what we're here for, why we're here at this conference is that particular amazing experience of psychedelic communion. p0xBHDY-8lA-00136-00118395-00119647 That act of taking something into us, that 1) is a chemical working within the scientific milieu. Did I say that right? May-loo. Did I do that? p0xBHDY-8lA-00137-00119815-00120120 Mil-yoo, thank you! It felt off when it came out of my mouth. p0xBHDY-8lA-00138-00120120-00120290 [laughter] p0xBHDY-8lA-00139-00120290-00120914 Okay, here we are. So, scientific, this is, so I want to use the ayahuasca ceremony to talk about this. p0xBHDY-8lA-00140-00120914-00121585 So, ayahuasca as you know it has this thing called DMT from one plant. It has MAO inhibitors from another plant. p0xBHDY-8lA-00141-00121585-00122630 And they're combined, who came up with that - incredible. Okay, so there you are, there's your brew. It's got a taste to it as you know. p0xBHDY-8lA-00142-00122630-00123843 You know it's got a quality to it, you can hold it in your hand. And yet what it does is that it unlocks this...thing. You know, that's kind of indescribable. p0xBHDY-8lA-00143-00123843-00124373 It's really, this is the ineffable right here, this sort of -woah- something comes in, alright. p0xBHDY-8lA-00144-00124373-00124797 And in the ayahuasca ceremony there's people that are doing different things on that, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00145-00124797-00126135 So, first of all back over to here. This is the experience of insight. Remember this spot? This is the light-bulb going off in front of people's heads. p0xBHDY-8lA-00146-00126135-00127141 Or above people's heads, right. How many of the participants are partaking of this experience? Most of them. p0xBHDY-8lA-00147-00127141-00127959 Almost everybody in there is basically just having a continual stream of insights. And yet physically you're incapacitated. p0xBHDY-8lA-00148-00127959-00128667 I mean have you been in those positions where you have to go outside but you can't get through a door, you just, you can't figure it out. p0xBHDY-8lA-00149-00128667-00129426 So, this is a type of awareness that is lopsided. It's really powerful in a certain way, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00150-00129426-00130459 Over here you have the minority, they might now even be in the room there. These are the space-holders, these are the sport outside, p0xBHDY-8lA-00151-00130459-00131435 these are the people who are standing by, these are the bodhisattvas, these are the one willing to forgo their ayahuasca experience p0xBHDY-8lA-00152-00131435-00132663 so that other people can have their experience. Got it? So here, these are the space-holders, minority within the psychedelic experience, the ayahuasca experience. p0xBHDY-8lA-00153-00132663-00134850 Now we have a third entity which is in the room. In Buddhism we would call this the Vajra Master. In the ayahuasca cosmology this is the shaman. p0xBHDY-8lA-00154-00134850-00135667 And I want to just, it's time for a video, okay. I hope this works. p0xBHDY-8lA-00155-00135888-00136603 So, first of all I don't want to get this wrong, I don't want to screw up the metaphor, if you get a video going and nobody knows it's a metaphor for. p0xBHDY-8lA-00156-00136603-00137742 So basically, there's an ocean and in Buddhism the ocean represents the mind, okay. It's symbolic of the mind, its got this depth. p0xBHDY-8lA-00157-00137742-00138576 You know In Buddhism there's body, there's speech which I'm using right now, an energy, and then there's mind, it's the absolute. p0xBHDY-8lA-00158-00138576-00139612 The other thing that we have in this video are waves. And waves are the arising of phenomena from mind, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00159-00139612-00140576 Next we have a jet-skier and that represents the ayahuasca, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00160-00140576-00141550 And finally we have a surfer. And the surfer represents the shaman, mediating between these two worlds, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00161-00142455-00143413 So here we are, early in the ceremony. Taking the ayahuasca it's pulling the person in. You're still aware of the taste in your mouth. p0xBHDY-8lA-00162-00143413-00144751 And then here's the shaman moving along. Moving along, here comes the traditional cosmology. We are stating to see the amazing display of mind. p0xBHDY-8lA-00163-00144751-00145831 Of this thing that is always already available. And the finite ego gets smaller, and smaller, and smaller. p0xBHDY-8lA-00164-00145831-00146423 We've all been in that situation. Whether you take ayahuasca or not you know what that's like. p0xBHDY-8lA-00165-00146423-00147933 And then the role of the shaman is basically to smoke tobacco, to sing, to move their body, in order so that they can stay right in this spot in between p0xBHDY-8lA-00166-00147933-00148732 being overwhelmed by the substances the participants are and continuing forward. p0xBHDY-8lA-00167-00148917-00149134 I mean, is that incredible or what! p0xBHDY-8lA-00168-00149446-00150545 So anyways, he actually does get overrun at some point. You know I picked it out, you know I mean look at that! It's five stories high. It's insane! p0xBHDY-8lA-00169-00150545-00151301 Okay, just to conclude because I think I have, what's my time there? One minute? Zero minutes. p0xBHDY-8lA-00170-00151301-00151839 Just to conclude, to bring this back okay, because we're not always big wave surfing are we, in our lives. p0xBHDY-8lA-00171-00151839-00152750 Okay, I kind of alluded to it earlier - how to live a creative life. Alright, the daily practice, and I'm a religious fanatic. p0xBHDY-8lA-00172-00152750-00153449 And when I say religion I mean keep rebinding yourself to the world in which you live. We've heard that theme throughout. p0xBHDY-8lA-00173-00153449-00154026 The people from Johns Hopkins - amazing. Keep doing it. It's not about dogma, it's about rebinding. p0xBHDY-8lA-00174-00154026-00155054 Over here, the experience of insight is about our daily practices. Whatever we do, a few moments a day, I call it the daily dose of death p0xBHDY-8lA-00175-00155054-00156433 where you step outside the way you go about things habitually with your caffeinated self, with your facebook self. You meditate, you pray, you give thanks on some level. p0xBHDY-8lA-00176-00156433-00157337 Over here, this is where you live the majority of our lives. This is where we're working in the world in order to bring our gifts as creators, p0xBHDY-8lA-00177-00157337-00158178 whatever that is for you, it might be scientific, it might technological, it might be any of those things, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00178-00158178-00159019 And finally, as we move through the world this is the space that we're aiming for, to be in the Vajra Space where we're like the shaman p0xBHDY-8lA-00179-00159019-00160204 mediating between the ineffable experience of insight and the rock-meets-bone effort, the precipitation we need in order to carry that out for the benefit of others. p0xBHDY-8lA-00180-00160204-00161202 And trying to stand in here remembering to use our imagination -miraculous-, our ability to wonder -miraculous-, our ability to be patient p0xBHDY-8lA-00181-00161202-00162289 which we don't always do, our ability to flow, and most importantly which was the single greatest thing about Jesus Christ p0xBHDY-8lA-00182-00162289-00163359 was it's more important to love than to be right, more important to love than to be holy. We are trying to love. The more you love the more you will naturally be creative. p0xBHDY-8lA-00183-00163359-00163608 I think I am out of time. Thank you. p0xBHDY-8lA-00184-00163608-00164488 [applause] p0xBHDY-8lA-00185-00164488-00165236 One last thing - I had a mailing list going around. If people want to sign up for anything you can go to austinhillshaw.com p0xBHDY-8lA-00186-00165236-00166276 The other thing is, yeah there's evaluations too. Evaluations and testimonials, feedback - those are really valuable to me, okay. p0xBHDY-8lA-00187-00166276-00166498 So, thank you, thank you all for coming. p8QIzrw8Wg8-00000-00001878-00002078 EP 04. First Day at Olympia p8QIzrw8Wg8-00001-00002096-00002296 Please subscribe and like <3 p8QIzrw8Wg8-00002-00002392-00002620 Hi Everyone! This is ARA from Korea :) p8QIzrw8Wg8-00003-00002634-00002868 After arriving, I unpacked my luggage and came to the restaurant for dinner with my roomie! p8QIzrw8Wg8-00004-00002868-00003062 This was my first meal at Olympia so I felt a little bit nervous p8QIzrw8Wg8-00005-00003070-00003360 As they gathered from many countries, p8QIzrw8Wg8-00006-00003372-00003624 there were many vegetarians for religion or other reasons p8QIzrw8Wg8-00007-00003628-00003920 I was quite surprised because, in my country, it's hard to find vegetarians p8QIzrw8Wg8-00008-00003929-00004268 But I didn't know that the returned food came to me like a revolving door hahaha p8QIzrw8Wg8-00009-00004278-00004586 Well, I don't mind such things p8QIzrw8Wg8-00010-00004660-00004904 wow, IT'S PEAR!! I've never watched it before!! In Korea, A pear is another kind of that pear! It looks different from ours!๐Ÿ๐Ÿ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00011-00004912-00005112 It was less sweet than ours. p8QIzrw8Wg8-00012-00005136-00005336 Free cheese for topping!๐Ÿง€ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00013-00005348-00005578 I didn't know what kind of cheese it was but... p8QIzrw8Wg8-00014-00005594-00005850 the combination of cheese and pasta is always perfect So I put a lot of cheese kkkkk :> p8QIzrw8Wg8-00015-00006268-00006506 4th day in Greece!๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท p8QIzrw8Wg8-00016-00006508-00006840 The first official schedule was opening ceremony (So I thought "AGAIN? We did it 2 days ago, didn't it?") p8QIzrw8Wg8-00017-00006848-00007070 I arrived lecture hall almost last p8QIzrw8Wg8-00018-00007302-00007502 It was nice p8QIzrw8Wg8-00019-00007509-00007754 to get English scripts for lessons. p8QIzrw8Wg8-00020-00007990-00008190 I finally sat down p8QIzrw8Wg8-00021-00008328-00008528 There were many participants here p8QIzrw8Wg8-00022-00008968-00009268 Before we started, p8QIzrw8Wg8-00023-00009272-00009566 we had an introduction time p8QIzrw8Wg8-00024-00010526-00010822 Like this, he introduced where they came from and what their name is p8QIzrw8Wg8-00025-00011238-00011610 We wanted to record our introduction time lol p8QIzrw8Wg8-00026-00012244-00012832 She is my best friend, Gvantsa! She was checking the camera to see if she looks okay. So cute p8QIzrw8Wg8-00027-00013480-00013708 I was embarrassed, too. It was not even my turn! p8QIzrw8Wg8-00028-00013724-00013994 I was almost like, a photographer lol๐Ÿ˜œ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00029-00014006-00014474 I was talking with Kimmy and I was embarrassed when the host? called my name p8QIzrw8Wg8-00030-00014474-00014906 Ahhhhhhhhhh So embarrassed๐Ÿ˜ณ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00031-00014922-00015258 Kimmy was called by another name kkkk p8QIzrw8Wg8-00032-00015266-00015622 It was so funny but we understood him because it's quite hard to pronounce p8QIzrw8Wg8-00033-00016168-00016566 Though, a more difficult name was waiting for him p8QIzrw8Wg8-00034-00016570-00017022 Hyung-won turned into Young-mi p8QIzrw8Wg8-00035-00017470-00018304 Robiya was called later than us because it was alphabetical order of the country. p8QIzrw8Wg8-00036-00018322-00018726 At last, the opening ceremony was started p8QIzrw8Wg8-00037-00018736-00019122 Felt like I've been waiting for almost an hour (just feeling) p8QIzrw8Wg8-00038-00019412-00019690 After the opening ceremony, we moved outโ˜€๏ธ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00039-00019700-00020018 I came by Raidh's side whom I got close to yesterday p8QIzrw8Wg8-00040-00020024-00020290 I extremely wondered what they did in front of p8QIzrw8Wg8-00041-00020300-00020698 But I couldn't see anything because I was small..๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคฃ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00042-00021338-00021652 The camera was like my third eye๐Ÿ‘€ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00043-00021774-00022126 We had time to lay flowers at the Coubertin Monument p8QIzrw8Wg8-00044-00022132-00022420 I couldn't see anything but everyone except me applauded so I clapped, too hahaha๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00045-00022782-00023098 I couldn't see anything, too.......๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00046-00023110-00023484 I should have brought the high heel (In fact, I don't have it lol)๐Ÿ‘  p8QIzrw8Wg8-00047-00023704-00023952 Lunchtime with new friends!๐Ÿฝ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00048-00023956-00024204 We talked about spicy foods๐ŸŒถ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00049-00024218-00024626 Oh my god.. My poor English๐Ÿ˜ฑ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00050-00024640-00025689 I just wanted to say that if babies want to eat Kimchi, their mom usually wash Kimchi in water and then they let babies eat p8QIzrw8Wg8-00051-00025927-00026383 -Jayani: I tried kimchi, but it's sour for me p8QIzrw8Wg8-00052-00026398-00026800 And I wanted to say "Kimchi tastes sour as it gets older." p8QIzrw8Wg8-00053-00026800-00027280 Thank you, everybody, so much for understanding what I said even though I'm not good at English๐Ÿฃ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00054-00027289-00027610 I could say 'hi' perfectly haha๐Ÿฅ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00055-00028172-00028489 hey my self,,, keep quiet and just have lunch๐Ÿฅ„ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00056-00028512-00028770 Next schedule was art, music, and dancing class p8QIzrw8Wg8-00057-00029056-00029295 My roommate was 4 members except me p8QIzrw8Wg8-00058-00029308-00029544 Italy, Austria, Georgia, and Guatemala p8QIzrw8Wg8-00059-00029932-00030252 This is Wenbo from China๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00060-00030252-00030348 He was sooo sute ๐Ÿ˜› p8QIzrw8Wg8-00061-00030364-00030650 Let's see twice because he is cute p8QIzrw8Wg8-00062-00030664-00030864 I participated in the dancing club๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ•บ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00063-00030864-00031168 A Japanese friend came out to the stage and danced p8QIzrw8Wg8-00064-00031168-00031570 *JOKE* I felt a sense of something crisis.(*Fact* This is because Japan and we have not been on good terms historically. So when we compete with Japan, most Koreans think we must win them) p8QIzrw8Wg8-00065-00032095-00032550 Thank you Daniela for saying I can beat Japan kk p8QIzrw8Wg8-00066-00032564-00032930 The chance to have a dance battle with Japan has already passed.T_T p8QIzrw8Wg8-00067-00033138-00033338 fancy rhythmic gymnastics p8QIzrw8Wg8-00068-00033884-00034290 Next, Hasleen (Malaysian) taught us their dance which everyone could enjoy together p8QIzrw8Wg8-00069-00034290-00034622 Maybe because I have a shy personality, the dance class didn't suit me.๐Ÿ‘ผ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00070-00034796-00035020 Next! Group Discussion Time! p8QIzrw8Wg8-00071-00035038-00035422 We played simple games for breaking the ice p8QIzrw8Wg8-00072-00038470-00038854 Since the coordinators showed simulations, I could understand easily! p8QIzrw8Wg8-00073-00038854-00039094 Game Start!๐ŸŽฒ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00074-00039648-00039848 It was really good to get close to each other p8QIzrw8Wg8-00075-00040546-00041032 The friends across the street were so funny. p8QIzrw8Wg8-00076-00041166-00041448 The other game was 'Gathering Game' p8QIzrw8Wg8-00077-00041904-00042424 Lucia "You have to find groups of that number, so please take care with the table, okay" p8QIzrw8Wg8-00078-00042544-00042647 Sarah "Ready?" p8QIzrw8Wg8-00079-00042648-00042848 Sarah "You can start a walk. Yeah" p8QIzrw8Wg8-00080-00044154-00044386 After the games, we had a real discussion time p8QIzrw8Wg8-00081-00044926-00045228 Cool friends p8QIzrw8Wg8-00082-00045568-00045846 I couldn't film work-out time p8QIzrw8Wg8-00083-00045988-00046292 After the group discussion, p8QIzrw8Wg8-00084-00046336-00046536 we had free time p8QIzrw8Wg8-00085-00046568-00046832 It was free time for exercise. p8QIzrw8Wg8-00086-00046886-00047180 We could do whatever sports we want to do p8QIzrw8Wg8-00087-00047248-00047502 I played tennis! It was my first tennis experience p8QIzrw8Wg8-00088-00047518-00047766 I didn't know how to play tennis but some friends kindly taught me how to play it p8QIzrw8Wg8-00089-00047782-00047982 It was cool p8QIzrw8Wg8-00090-00048002-00048658 Tomorrow begins the real schedule, for instance, morning workout. I mean we'll have real 24 hours at Olympia p8QIzrw8Wg8-00091-00049088-00049448 My cutie Dongsaeng(sister), Jayani๐Ÿ’› p8QIzrw8Wg8-00092-00049674-00049874 DINNER TIME!!!!!!!๐Ÿฝ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00093-00049886-00050086 I heard the menu is RICE!!!!!๐Ÿš๐Ÿš p8QIzrw8Wg8-00094-00050408-00050702 I'm going to eat fully with Korean sauce p8QIzrw8Wg8-00095-00050730-00050930 I was really happy๐Ÿคฃ p8QIzrw8Wg8-00096-00052054-00052476 I ate rice which was mixed with Korean sauce and ate fully and delicious! p8QIzrw8Wg8-00097-00052476-00052796 Thank you for watching my poor video p8QIzrw8Wg8-00098-00052810-00053155 MISS YOU ALL IOA FAMILYโค๏ธ p9alX3G_dao-00000-00000000-00000376 We pray we pray we pray and then we get discouraged, and we leave. p9alX3G_dao-00001-00000376-00000696 The prayer comes but we're not there to receive it. So p9alX3G_dao-00002-00000696-00001224 don't give up, don't stop praying, keep persevering, keep praying, keep believing, p9alX3G_dao-00003-00001224-00002368 keep serving God. He hears your petitions, He will surely come to those that cry out to Him. ptFvz30RMME-00000-00000587-00001394 ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค ์—ด์•  ์†Œ์‹์— ๋„คํ‹ฐ์ฆŒ๋“ค์˜ ๊ถ๊ธˆ์ฆ์€ ์ฆํญ๋˜๊ณ  ์žˆ๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00001-00001411-00002207 ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค ์—ด์• ์„ค์€ ์‚ฌ์‹ค์ผ๊นŒ? ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ ˆ๊ณค '์ œ์ฃผ๋„ ptFvz30RMME-00002-00002225-00003021 ๋ณ„์žฅ ๋ชฉ๊ฒฉ๋‹ด'์ด๋ผ๋Š” ๊ธฐ์‚ฌ๋กœ ๋””์ŠคํŒจ์น˜๋Š” ์ƒˆํ•ด ์ฒซ ๊ธฐ์‚ฌ๋กœ ๋ณด๋„ํ•˜๋ฉด์„œ ptFvz30RMME-00003-00003038-00003702 ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค์— ์˜จ๊ฐ– ์˜ํ˜น์„ ๋‚ณ๊ฒŒ ํ–ˆ๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00004-00003720-00004494 ๋””์ŠคํŒจ์น˜๊ฐ€ ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค์— ๋Œ€ํ•œ ์†Œ์‹์œผ๋กœ ์ด๋ฒˆ์— ๋˜ ์ผ์„ ptFvz30RMME-00005-00004511-00005318 ๋‚ผ๊นŒ? 1์›” 1์ผ ์ƒˆํ•ด ์ฒซ ๋‹จ๋…๊ธฐ์‚ฌ๋กœ '์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค ์ œ์ฃผ๋„' ptFvz30RMME-00006-00005336-00005868 ์†Œ์‹์„ ์„ธ์ƒ์— ์•Œ๋ ธ๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00007-00005885-00006648 ํ†ฑ์Šคํƒ€ ๋ฐ˜์—ด์— ์˜ค๋ฅธ ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค์˜ ์‚ฌ๋ž‘ ์ด์•ผ๊ธฐ๋Š” ์–ด๋–ค ptFvz30RMME-00008-00006666-00007363 ๋‚ด์šฉ์ด ๋‹ด๊ฒจ ์žˆ์„์ง€ ๊ถ๊ธˆํ•ด ํ•˜๋Š” ์‚ฌ๋žŒ๋“ค์ด ๋งŽ๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00009-00007380-00008176 ๊ทธ์ € ์‹œ์‹œ์ฝœ์ฝœํ•œ ์—ฐ์• ๋‹ด์œผ๋กœ ์น˜๋ถ€ํ•˜๊ธฐ์—๋Š” ๋„ˆ๋ฌด๋‚˜ ์œ ๋ช…ํ•œ ์—ฐ์˜ˆ์ธ์ด๋ผ ptFvz30RMME-00010-00008194-00008957 ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค์˜ ์ผ๊ฑฐ์ˆ˜์ผํˆฌ์กฑ์€ 'ํ™”์ œ๊ฑฐ๋ฆฌ'๋กœ ์ด์Šˆ๊ฐ€ ๋  ptFvz30RMME-00011-00008974-00009451 ์ˆ˜๋ฐ–์— ์—†๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00012-00009469-00010265 ์—ฐ์˜ˆํƒ์‚ฌ์ „๋ฌธ๋งค์ฒด ๋””์ŠคํŒจ์น˜๋Š” ๊ณผ๊ฐํ•œ ์šฉ๊ธฐ๋ฅผ ๋‚ด์–ด ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค ptFvz30RMME-00013-00010282-00010880 ์—ฐ์•  ๊ด€๋ จ ๋‚ด์šฉ์„ ์„ธ์ƒ์— ์•Œ๋ ธ๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00014-00010898-00011694 ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค ์†Œ์‹์„ ๊ด€๋ จํ•˜์—ฌ ๋””์ŠคํŒจ์น˜๋Š” '์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ์˜ ptFvz30RMME-00015-00011711-00012474 ์‚ฌ๋ž‘์€, ๋ฌต๋ฌต๋ถ€๋‹ต ํ˜น์€ ์‚ฌ์‹ค๋ฌด๊ทผ'์ด๋ผ๋Š” ๋‚ด์šฉ์œผ๋กœ '์—ด์• ์„ค์ด ptFvz30RMME-00016-00012492-00013244 ์‚ฌ์‹ค์ผ ๋•Œ, '์•„ํ‹ฐ์ŠคํŠธ์˜ ์‚ฌ์ƒํ™œ์€ ์•Œ ์ˆ˜ ์—†๋‹ค'๊ณ  ํ–ˆ๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00017-00013261-00014024 ๋””์ŠคํŒจ์น˜๋Š” ํ›„์† ๋ณด๋„ ๋‚ด์šฉ์„ ์•”์‹œํ•˜๋ฉฐ, ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค์˜ ptFvz30RMME-00018-00014041-00014783 ์—ด์• ์„ ๊ธฐ์ •์‚ฌ์‹คํ™”ํ•œ ๊ฒƒ์ผ๊นŒ? ๋‹ค์–‘ํ•œ ์ถ”์ธก์„ ๋‚ณ๊ฒŒ ํ•œ๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00019-00014800-00015574 ๋””์ŠคํŒจ์น˜๋Š” '์ผ๋ณธ์ธ ๋ชจ๋ธ ํ‚ค์ฝ”์™€ ๋งŒ๋‚  ๋•Œ ๊ทธ๋žฌ๋‹ค'๋ผ๊ณ  ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ ptFvz30RMME-00020-00015591-00016311 ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค ์—ด์• ์— ๋Œ€ํ•œ ์ด์•ผ๊ธฐ๋ฅผ ํ’€์–ด ๊ฐ€๊ธฐ ์‹œ์ž‘ํ–ˆ๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00021-00016328-00017124 ๋””์ŠคํŒจ์น˜๋Š” ๊ทธ๋Ÿฌ๋ฉด์„œ ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ, ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค์˜ ์—ด์• ์„ค ๊ธฐ์‚ฌ์—์„œ '๋ฐ˜๋Œ€๋กœ ptFvz30RMME-00022-00017142-00017828 ์ž˜๋ชป๋œ ์ •๋ณด์ผ ๊ฒฝ์šฐ, ์ ๊ทน ๋Œ€์‘ํ•œ๋‹ค๊ณ  ๋ฐํ˜”๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00023-00017845-00018663 ์ด์–ด ๊ตฌํ•˜๋ผ์™€ ์„ค๋ฆฌ์˜ ์—ด์• ์„ค, YG๋Š” ์ƒ๋‹นํžˆ ๋ฐœ๋น ๋ฅด๊ฒŒ ์›€์ง์˜€๋‹ค'๋ฉด์„œ ptFvz30RMME-00024-00018681-00019268 '์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ๊ณผ์˜ ์—ด์• ์„ค์€ ์–ด๋• ์„๊นŒ. ptFvz30RMME-00025-00019285-00020103 ๋…ธ์ฝ”๋ฉ˜ํŠธ, ๋ณธ์ธํ™•์ธ, ์‚ฌ์‹ค๋ฌด๊ทผ์˜ ๊ณผ์ •์„ ๊ฑฐ์ณค๋‹ค'๊ณ  ์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค์˜ ptFvz30RMME-00026-00020121-00020741 ๋‹จ๋…๋ณด๋„ ์„œ๋‘์—์„œ ์ด์™€ ๊ฐ™์ด ์•Œ๋ ธ๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00027-00020758-00021521 ๋””์ŠคํŒจ์น˜๋Š” '(์ด์ฃผ์—ฐ ์ง€๋“œ๋ž˜๊ณค์— ๋Œ€ํ•ด) YG ํ™”๋ฒ•์— ๋”ฐ๋ฅด๋ฉด ptFvz30RMME-00028-00021539-00022291 '๋…ธ์ฝ”๋ฉ˜ํŠธ'๋Š” ์ธ์ •, '๋ณธ์ธํ™•์ธ'์€ ์ง„ํ–‰, '์‚ฌ์‹ค๋ฌด๊ทผ'์€ ptFvz30RMME-00029-00022308-00022752 ๋ฃจ๋จธ๋‹ค. ptFvz30RMME-00030-00022769-00023444 YG๋Š” ์™œ 3๊ฐ€์ง€ ๋Œ€์‘๋ฒ•์„ ๋ชจ๋‘ ์‚ฌ์šฉํ–ˆ์„๊นŒ. ptFvz30RMME-00031-00023462-00024236 '๋””์ŠคํŒจ์น˜'์˜ ํ˜ธ๊ธฐ์‹ฌ์€ ์—ฌ๊ธฐ์„œ ์ถœ๋ฐœํ–ˆ๋‹ค'๊ณ  ๋งํ•˜๋ฉฐ, ์ง€๊ธˆ๊นŒ์ง€ ptFvz30RMME-00032-00024253-00025016 YG๊ฐ€ ๋Œ€์‘ํ–ˆ๋˜ ๋ฐฉ์‹์€ ์–ด๋– ํ–ˆ๋Š”์ง€ ๊ตฌ์ฒด์ ์ธ ๋‹จ๊ณ„๋ฅผ ๊ธฐ๋กํ•˜๋ฉฐ pv1XBEObfOY-00000-00000056-00000472 On this episode...you know what... this episode doesn't need an pv1XBEObfOY-00001-00000472-00000727 introduction. We're going to be interviewing pv1XBEObfOY-00002-00000727-00001151 Les Brown. But before we do that I want to remind you to please subscribe and pv1XBEObfOY-00003-00001151-00001359 share. And if you'd like to get in deeper pv1XBEObfOY-00004-00001359-00001792 conversation join my private Facebook Group called Victoriously Living. pv1XBEObfOY-00005-00001792-00002160 And if you'd like to see more from One Leg Up Productions you can support us pv1XBEObfOY-00006-00002160-00002680 at patreon.com/onelegupproductions. pv1XBEObfOY-00008-00005607-00006055 Hi, welcome to Chair Chats, the lifestyle talk show with a disability twist. pv1XBEObfOY-00009-00006055-00006647 I'm your host Pauline Victoria. Today I am so excited because on this episode pv1XBEObfOY-00010-00006647-00006936 we're gonna deep dive into the life and lessons pv1XBEObfOY-00011-00006936-00007272 of the master motivator and the voice of greatness, pv1XBEObfOY-00012-00007272-00007695 Mr. Les Brown. Les thank you so much for being with us today. pv1XBEObfOY-00013-00007695-00008320 i wanted to start out by asking you two questions and because I'm asking pv1XBEObfOY-00014-00008320-00008743 two questions it's because I think they may be related in some way. pv1XBEObfOY-00015-00008743-00009120 You were labeled educably retarded when pv1XBEObfOY-00016-00009120-00009536 you were younger and the first question is in relation to pv1XBEObfOY-00017-00009536-00009847 that. What did that mean to you and how did pv1XBEObfOY-00018-00009847-00010168 you move beyond the label? That's the first pv1XBEObfOY-00019-00010168-00010568 question. And related to that you were known as pv1XBEObfOY-00020-00010568-00011015 "DT", the "dumb twin" and your other twin, Wesley was known pv1XBEObfOY-00021-00011015-00011352 as someone who was smart. How do we handle pv1XBEObfOY-00022-00011352-00011792 being compared or comparing ourselves to others? pv1XBEObfOY-00023-00011792-00012104 Well first of all I didn't know what educable pv1XBEObfOY-00024-00012104-00012624 mentally retarded meant. I think probably I thought it was a compliment because of pv1XBEObfOY-00025-00012624-00013176 big words that I didn't understand. Sometimes you had to be intelligently pv1XBEObfOY-00026-00013176-00013472 ignorant. But my mother who only had a third grade pv1XBEObfOY-00027-00013472-00013941 education, she said she looked at me and said a pv1XBEObfOY-00028-00013941-00014226 hot- head makes us off behind. pv1XBEObfOY-00029-00014496-00015088 So she was going to get to my subconscious mind through my behind. pv1XBEObfOY-00030-00015104-00015276 Whatever it takes. pv1XBEObfOY-00031-00015276-00015880 That's right you know so the thing that I pv1XBEObfOY-00032-00015880-00016368 I think that got me through that in even being taunted and pv1XBEObfOY-00033-00016368-00016968 bullied was a feeling that my mother gave me and she always pv1XBEObfOY-00034-00016968-00017480 said to me, "You're special, Leslie. You're special." pv1XBEObfOY-00035-00017480-00018095 Even when i got in trouble and she would have to put a switch on me she pv1XBEObfOY-00036-00018095-00018759 would give me ice cream and say to me, "You're special." pv1XBEObfOY-00037-00018759-00019272 She said I hate to whoop you. It hurts me worse than it does you. pv1XBEObfOY-00038-00019272-00019804 I said, "No it doesn't, Mama." pv1XBEObfOY-00039-00019804-00020004 She said, "Why don't you be good? pv1XBEObfOY-00040-00020032-00020615 Why do you stay out?" See you had at that time you had to be home when the lights pv1XBEObfOY-00041-00020615-00021095 came on in the neighborhood, the the street lights. pv1XBEObfOY-00042-00021095-00021456 And my brothers and sisters, they were always there. pv1XBEObfOY-00043-00021456-00022112 And mama would come out, "Leslie. Leslie." Wesley would be in the house and pv1XBEObfOY-00044-00022112-00022392 i and when you got home and the lights pv1XBEObfOY-00045-00022392-00022744 were on, you're gonna get a woopin'. And I remember saying to Wesley. I was pv1XBEObfOY-00046-00022744-00023112 crying. I said, "Wesley," I said, "you need to do something bad pv1XBEObfOY-00047-00023112-00023656 because they think i'm crazy." He said, "You are." pv1XBEObfOY-00048-00023743-00024136 So he decided to be good because he didn't want to go through what I was pv1XBEObfOY-00049-00024136-00024472 going through. But i enjoyed playing checkers with the pv1XBEObfOY-00050-00024472-00024864 old men down the street. They said that I was pv1XBEObfOY-00051-00024864-00025279 an old soul and I had joy for life. pv1XBEObfOY-00052-00025279-00025688 You know people talk about that my laughter pv1XBEObfOY-00053-00025688-00026047 gives them joy and they laugh at me laughing. pv1XBEObfOY-00054-00026047-00026383 But I was like that as a kid and that got me in trouble. pv1XBEObfOY-00055-00026383-00026752 Talking to the other students and making them laugh pv1XBEObfOY-00056-00026752-00027152 made me feel good and i would be punished for talking too much. pv1XBEObfOY-00057-00027152-00027454 Now I get paid to talk. pv1XBEObfOY-00058-00027454-00027677 Wow! That's a, what a difference. pv1XBEObfOY-00059-00027677-00027839 Yes. pv1XBEObfOY-00060-00027839-00028495 But I always enjoyed life. I I said to a friend of mine the other day pv1XBEObfOY-00061-00028495-00028727 he asked me, "How you doing, man?" I said, "The pv1XBEObfOY-00062-00028727-00029280 best day of my life." He said, "I I I know you have fourth stage pv1XBEObfOY-00063-00029280-00029527 cancer. Aren't you under the treatment of the pv1XBEObfOY-00064-00029527-00029975 Cancer Centers of America?" I said, "Yes." He said, "Didn't they tell you pv1XBEObfOY-00065-00029975-00030408 that it had metastasize to the seven areas of your body?" I said, "Yes." pv1XBEObfOY-00066-00030408-00030952 I said, "Not only that," I said, "Dr. Golson was one of the top pv1XBEObfOY-00067-00030952-00031280 oncologists when he first diagnosed me with cancer, pv1XBEObfOY-00068-00031280-00031695 he said when I asked him, "Can I get a second opinion?" He said, "Yes and you're pv1XBEObfOY-00069-00031695-00031952 ugly too." pv1XBEObfOY-00070-00032024-00032512 "You didn't just call me ugly did you?" He said, "Yes." So I started laughing and then pv1XBEObfOY-00071-00032512-00033208 he stopped he said, "You got this. You got this. We determine pv1XBEObfOY-00072-00033208-00033936 the diagnosis, you and God determine your prognosis. You got pv1XBEObfOY-00073-00033936-00034703 this." And when you laugh the mind shuts down but the heart pv1XBEObfOY-00074-00034703-00035184 opens up. When I teach and the students that I train pv1XBEObfOY-00075-00035184-00035552 and teach them how to use humor strategically pv1XBEObfOY-00076-00035552-00035888 to get into the heart to shut the mind down and to get pv1XBEObfOY-00077-00035888-00036752 into the heart. And that was major for me. And i always have felt pv1XBEObfOY-00078-00036752-00037496 that i have it. That i have it in me to overcome anything that life throws at pv1XBEObfOY-00079-00037496-00037968 me. When they were going to radiate my spinal area and I went in the pv1XBEObfOY-00080-00037968-00038447 bathroom and I saw an x on pv1XBEObfOY-00081-00038447-00038952 right under my adam's apple. I asked the nurse and said, "Why is this x pv1XBEObfOY-00082-00038952-00039488 here?" She said, "Well when they perform this procedure, going pv1XBEObfOY-00083-00039488-00039791 in there, you know you you might not be able to pv1XBEObfOY-00084-00039791-00040328 talk tomorrow." I say, "Excuse me? I'm a speaker." She said, "I know." She said. pv1XBEObfOY-00085-00040328-00040903 "They didn't tell you?" I said, "No." Yeah. pv1XBEObfOY-00086-00040903-00041050 Wow! pv1XBEObfOY-00087-00041050-00041154 It's a risk. pv1XBEObfOY-00088-00041154-00041204 Yeah. pv1XBEObfOY-00089-00041204-00041352 So what I did pv1XBEObfOY-00090-00041352-00041880 when i got in bed that night, I said, "I might not be able to talk tomorrow." pv1XBEObfOY-00091-00041880-00042312 So I called all my kids. We had a conference call. I said, "Listen. pv1XBEObfOY-00092-00042312-00042784 I want you all to know I love you. They said that pv1XBEObfOY-00093-00042784-00043400 after the procedure tomorrow, I might not be able to talk again pv1XBEObfOY-00094-00043400-00043759 and so I want you to know." And i talked to them pv1XBEObfOY-00095-00043759-00044152 each individually. And then they prayed for me. pv1XBEObfOY-00096-00044152-00044896 I got in the bed and I said mmm. I took my phone out. I said if this pv1XBEObfOY-00097-00044896-00045296 the last night that I'm going to be able to talk, I'm pv1XBEObfOY-00098-00045296-00045912 going to give a motivational speech tonight. And it can be found on YouTube. pv1XBEObfOY-00099-00045912-00046303 And I talk for an hour and a half medical pv1XBEObfOY-00100-00046303-00046647 instruments going off, nurses coming in and out pv1XBEObfOY-00101-00046647-00047040 giving me shots, prepping me for the procedure the next pv1XBEObfOY-00102-00047040-00047456 morning. And and people watched. Many cried and pv1XBEObfOY-00103-00047456-00047912 just said what kind of guy is this? A friend of mine named George pv1XBEObfOY-00104-00047912-00048416 Frazer said, "Who gives a speech from his hospital bed?" pv1XBEObfOY-00105-00048416-00048912 And people said, "Les Brown. Mrs. Mamie Brown's baby boy." pv1XBEObfOY-00106-00048912-00049256 Right. Well and you know what, I was just listening to something you said pv1XBEObfOY-00107-00049256-00049800 this morning um and and it was a YouTube video from the past, but pv1XBEObfOY-00108-00049800-00050175 you've always said this, "You get who you are, not what you want." pv1XBEObfOY-00109-00050175-00050496 And you are a speaker through and through pv1XBEObfOY-00110-00050496-00050759 and so for you to be able to do that on your pv1XBEObfOY-00111-00050759-00051255 hospital bed, that's not surprising from Les Brown. pv1XBEObfOY-00112-00051255-00051632 But you know you have you have you're battling cancer pv1XBEObfOY-00113-00051632-00051902 for this is not the first round. pv1XBEObfOY-00114-00051902-00052105 27 years. pv1XBEObfOY-00115-00052105-00052248 Right 27 years. pv1XBEObfOY-00116-00052248-00052767 And even from your young childhood um for those who may not know you, you were pv1XBEObfOY-00117-00052767-00053200 adopted, you lived in poverty in a time when pv1XBEObfOY-00118-00053200-00053727 there was segregation. How do how does someone not live from pv1XBEObfOY-00119-00053727-00054248 their circumstances but into the potential of the greatness? pv1XBEObfOY-00120-00054248-00055095 It takes focus. I remember Sam Axelrod who I worked for as a kid pv1XBEObfOY-00121-00055095-00055576 and we were going on Miami Beach. And they had signs up that said, pv1XBEObfOY-00122-00055576-00056279 "Jews, dogs and coloreds not allowed." pv1XBEObfOY-00123-00056279-00056944 And I got angry when I saw that. There were places on Miami Beach pv1XBEObfOY-00124-00056944-00057536 that dogs can go to but i couldn't go because of the color of my skin. pv1XBEObfOY-00125-00057536-00057839 And Sam said something that stayed with me. pv1XBEObfOY-00126-00057839-00058464 He said, "Anger is a wind that blows out the lamp of the mind." pv1XBEObfOY-00127-00058464-00058976 He said, "Don't get angry when you see these signs." pv1XBEObfOY-00128-00058976-00059704 Focus on what you need to do and who you need to become to make it pv1XBEObfOY-00129-00059704-00060360 against the odds. The system is stacked against you and so pv1XBEObfOY-00130-00060360-00061112 accept that reality and work and do everything you can to overcome pv1XBEObfOY-00131-00061112-00061432 that; to offset that with your mind, with your pv1XBEObfOY-00132-00061432-00061912 skills, and your hunger to get a better life for pv1XBEObfOY-00133-00061912-00062464 yourself and for your mother because I I decided that at a young age that I pv1XBEObfOY-00134-00062464-00062879 wanted to buy my adopted mother a home. I feel like pv1XBEObfOY-00135-00062879-00063232 Abraham Lincoln, that he said, "All that I am and all that pv1XBEObfOY-00136-00063232-00063639 ever hoped to be, I owe to my mother." That God took me out of my biological pv1XBEObfOY-00137-00063639-00064007 mother's womb and placed me in the heart of my adopted pv1XBEObfOY-00138-00064007-00064272 mother. And she worked for these wealthy pv1XBEObfOY-00139-00064272-00064567 families. She cooked for them and we ate the food left over pv1XBEObfOY-00140-00064567-00064967 from the families that she cooked for and she kept their children and we wore pv1XBEObfOY-00141-00064967-00065351 their hand-me-down clothes and I would follow her around these big pv1XBEObfOY-00142-00065351-00065704 beautiful mansions and say, "Mama?" "What is it Leslie?" pv1XBEObfOY-00143-00065704-00066032 "When i become a man, I'm gonna buy you a big beautiful home pv1XBEObfOY-00144-00066032-00066432 just like this." And I did. I took care of her. pv1XBEObfOY-00145-00066432-00066776 She never had to pay another bill. When she pv1XBEObfOY-00146-00066776-00067568 uh told me that I would be a man at 18. I said you will never pay another bill. pv1XBEObfOY-00147-00067568-00068344 I am a man. I set her down and Mama passed when she was 89. pv1XBEObfOY-00148-00068344-00068760 I don't believe that women should pay bills. I'm old school. pv1XBEObfOY-00149-00068760-00069407 A man provides for his family. A man provides and protects pv1XBEObfOY-00150-00069407-00069839 a woman. If she chooses to work she should do that which she loves and pv1XBEObfOY-00151-00069839-00070200 whatever money she earns, use it for herself. But a pv1XBEObfOY-00152-00070200-00070527 man, not a woman, a man's supposed to pay the pv1XBEObfOY-00153-00070527-00071063 bills. That's not being chauvinistic but Mama used to say to me and Wesley and pv1XBEObfOY-00154-00071063-00071488 Leonard and Angelo, "If you got a wife and she's pv1XBEObfOY-00155-00071488-00071895 got a job too, one of y'all got to go. pv1XBEObfOY-00156-00072183-00072568 Provide for your wife." I said, "Yes ma'am, mama." pv1XBEObfOY-00157-00072568-00072796 She she raised gentlemen. pv1XBEObfOY-00158-00072796-00073032 Yes yes yes. pv1XBEObfOY-00159-00073032-00073256 And when you say pv1XBEObfOY-00160-00073256-00073632 use your mind, how does one build up their mind? pv1XBEObfOY-00161-00073632-00073936 I did it through listening to motivational messages. pv1XBEObfOY-00162-00073936-00074383 First of all looking at my mother, I used to rub her ankles. She suffered from pv1XBEObfOY-00163-00074383-00074824 arthritis and she would tell me stories and I pv1XBEObfOY-00164-00074824-00075072 would love these stories and say, "Mama would pv1XBEObfOY-00165-00075072-00075432 you tell me a story again?" And she said, "You asked me for the same pv1XBEObfOY-00166-00075432-00075680 stories." But she always told us with the same pv1XBEObfOY-00167-00075680-00076095 excitement and I had no idea at that time Pauline, pv1XBEObfOY-00168-00076095-00076736 that she was cultivating my mind unbeknownst to both of us to become an pv1XBEObfOY-00169-00076736-00077183 effective storyteller. There are some things that you at the pv1XBEObfOY-00170-00077183-00077448 time they happen you think they happen to you, pv1XBEObfOY-00171-00077448-00078256 but in reality as you go into the future they happen for you. And so pv1XBEObfOY-00172-00078256-00078688 it really helped me to appreciate the value of listening to pv1XBEObfOY-00173-00078688-00079376 stories and being able to tell stories and use them to transform people pv1XBEObfOY-00174-00079376-00080016 individually and collectively. And I believe that pv1XBEObfOY-00175-00080016-00080648 everything that I've experienced has brought me to who i am pv1XBEObfOY-00176-00080648-00081088 right now. And I'm appreciative I'm here because of pv1XBEObfOY-00177-00081088-00081663 God's grace and mercy. All the stuff, the good, the bad, the ugly pv1XBEObfOY-00178-00081663-00082327 played a role in shaping me to become the person that I am. pv1XBEObfOY-00179-00082327-00083007 Amen. Amen. You have a program where you are raising up the next generation of pv1XBEObfOY-00180-00083007-00083495 speakers because our voices have the power to pv1XBEObfOY-00181-00083495-00083848 destroy or to speak life into someone else. pv1XBEObfOY-00182-00083848-00084351 And you, of course, have spoken life into probably millions of people all around pv1XBEObfOY-00183-00084351-00084800 the world. What would you say to the pv1XBEObfOY-00184-00084800-00085336 upcoming Influencers in the next generation? pv1XBEObfOY-00185-00085472-00086207 I think I have a gift. I have an eye. I was stalking you in a hotel lobby. pv1XBEObfOY-00186-00086207-00086672 I was following you because I saw you with this phone pv1XBEObfOY-00187-00086672-00087376 talking and rolling around on your the the motorized wheelchair and I said pv1XBEObfOY-00188-00087376-00087768 and I got close to you and I'm hearing you conduct business. pv1XBEObfOY-00189-00087768-00088112 I said she's conducting business and holding a phone pv1XBEObfOY-00190-00088112-00088632 on her shoulder and her chin. I said I've got to know her and she's pv1XBEObfOY-00191-00088632-00089192 unstoppable. And and I came up to you, as you recall pv1XBEObfOY-00192-00089192-00089592 and interrupted you and when I heard your voice, pv1XBEObfOY-00193-00089592-00090344 I said, "Whoa! What a voice!" And you emanate such love and compassion pv1XBEObfOY-00194-00090344-00090688 and caring and your eyes are hypnotic pv1XBEObfOY-00195-00090688-00091095 and i said you ought to speak you got a story pv1XBEObfOY-00196-00091095-00091856 and I look, I believe it is my role in this place in my life at 75, pv1XBEObfOY-00197-00091856-00092592 we learn, we earn, we pass it on. And February the 17th, I was asking God pv1XBEObfOY-00198-00092592-00092919 what's the next place for me? What's the next pv1XBEObfOY-00199-00092919-00093432 move? What's the next chapter? And I believe pv1XBEObfOY-00200-00093432-00094072 as a lady that who flew from Australia to have me train her and how to tell my pv1XBEObfOY-00201-00094072-00094583 story tell her story in Atlanta and I stopped and said, "Why pv1XBEObfOY-00202-00094583-00095183 did you come to me?" She said, "I was on YouTube and pv1XBEObfOY-00203-00095183-00095712 I was thinking to myself. I've been a wife, pv1XBEObfOY-00204-00095712-00096327 I've been a mother, but I've never been me. I like to help people pv1XBEObfOY-00205-00096327-00096888 and I saw you speaking to 80 000 people in the Georgia Dome pv1XBEObfOY-00206-00096888-00097272 on YouTube and you spoke from your heart," and she said, pv1XBEObfOY-00207-00097272-00097648 "I want to speak like that. Can you teach me how to do that?" I said, "Yes and if pv1XBEObfOY-00208-00097648-00098072 you're coachable, you will pass me as I pass my mentor." And pv1XBEObfOY-00209-00098072-00098360 then we started working together. I was asking pv1XBEObfOY-00210-00098360-00098727 key questions and then I said, "But what are you going to do with pv1XBEObfOY-00211-00098727-00099200 it?" And she said, and I will never forget this. pv1XBEObfOY-00212-00099200-00099648 She said, "I believe that the world is hateful pv1XBEObfOY-00213-00099648-00100351 and and divisive and violent," she said. pv1XBEObfOY-00214-00100351-00100856 "Just a few people, not everybody. Just a few people, pv1XBEObfOY-00215-00100856-00101527 but too many people are silent and I want my voice to be heard to speak pv1XBEObfOY-00216-00101527-00101927 light where there's darkness." And it just gave me pv1XBEObfOY-00217-00101927-00102062 goose pimples. pv1XBEObfOY-00218-00102062-00102274 Yeah right here too. pv1XBEObfOY-00219-00102274-00102607 Yes and so I pv1XBEObfOY-00220-00102607-00102967 I said that's that's the next chapter for me. pv1XBEObfOY-00221-00102967-00103416 To to train speakers how to be messengers of hope. pv1XBEObfOY-00222-00103416-00104000 Since 1999 to now, the suicide rate in the United States of America where pv1XBEObfOY-00223-00104000-00104448 people drown trying to get here, get pv1XBEObfOY-00224-00104448-00104879 shot trying to get here, have dogs chasing them, pv1XBEObfOY-00225-00104879-00105400 separated from their children and put in cages, in the United States of America pv1XBEObfOY-00226-00105400-00106000 seeking another way of life that we need messengers of hope because pv1XBEObfOY-00227-00106000-00106559 when there's hope in the future, that gives you power in the present. We pv1XBEObfOY-00228-00106559-00106944 are very fortunate to have been dropped off on this part of the planet. I pv1XBEObfOY-00229-00106944-00107279 remember being in a foreign country and I saw a bumper sticker say, pv1XBEObfOY-00230-00107279-00108479 "Yankee go home and take me with you." And so my goal is to train people from pv1XBEObfOY-00231-00108479-00108935 all walks of life how to use their story pv1XBEObfOY-00232-00108935-00109303 to make a difference. Horace Mann said, "We should be ashamed to die pv1XBEObfOY-00233-00109303-00109632 until we've made some major contribution to humankind." pv1XBEObfOY-00234-00109632-00110064 To make a difference and also to create financial independence. pv1XBEObfOY-00235-00110064-00110696 Today, because of the computer with these 30 million people who have been pv1XBEObfOY-00236-00110696-00111167 laid off, and even more, they have the opportunity pv1XBEObfOY-00237-00111167-00111783 to create their own income. The computer, it gives you access to information. You pv1XBEObfOY-00238-00111783-00112144 can learn anything on the computer. Time Magazine pv1XBEObfOY-00239-00112144-00112535 said the computer is the person of the year. Computer pv1XBEObfOY-00240-00112535-00113016 eliminates geography and so you can learn anything on the pv1XBEObfOY-00241-00113016-00113528 computer and you can also have a global business pv1XBEObfOY-00242-00113528-00114232 on the computer and on your iPhone. That's exciting. Robert Schuller pv1XBEObfOY-00243-00114232-00114632 said something I agree with. He said, "There's never a shortage of money, just pv1XBEObfOY-00244-00114632-00115200 a shortage of ideas." So 30 million people now pv1XBEObfOY-00245-00115200-00115808 have an access to use their thinking, their experiences, pv1XBEObfOY-00246-00115808-00116120 their knowledge. Knowledge is a new currency. pv1XBEObfOY-00247-00116120-00116459 To create a new chapter in their lives. pv1XBEObfOY-00248-00116459-00116808 Right, right. and uh if people are pv1XBEObfOY-00249-00116808-00117248 ready to stop being silent, what is the name of your program in which they can pv1XBEObfOY-00250-00117248-00117453 come under your wing? pv1XBEObfOY-00251-00117453-00117816 It's called Discover your Power Voice. pv1XBEObfOY-00252-00117816-00118544 They can email me at lesbrown77@gmail.com. By me listening pv1XBEObfOY-00253-00118544-00119016 over and over again to motivational messages, pv1XBEObfOY-00254-00119016-00119488 Jim Rohn, "When the end comes for you let it find you conquering a new mountain pv1XBEObfOY-00255-00119488-00120040 not sliding down an old one." Zig Ziglar, "If you give enough people what they want, pv1XBEObfOY-00256-00120040-00120464 they will give you what you want." Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, pv1XBEObfOY-00257-00120464-00120959 wrote the Power of Positive Thinking, "You have something special. Don't allow pv1XBEObfOY-00258-00120959-00121335 your negative thoughts to overpower you." pv1XBEObfOY-00259-00121335-00121728 I always wanted to open for him. That was one of my pv1XBEObfOY-00260-00121728-00122135 dreams and I opened for him in Kankakee, Illinois. pv1XBEObfOY-00261-00122135-00122728 And he was sharp even in his 90s. We were backstage and the young guy said, pv1XBEObfOY-00262-00122728-00123279 "Dr. Peale, how old are you?" He said, 'Sonny I'm 92." He looked him up pv1XBEObfOY-00263-00123279-00123544 and down and young guy said, "I don't know if I want pv1XBEObfOY-00264-00123544-00124167 to live to be 92." He said, "That's because you've never been 91." pv1XBEObfOY-00265-00124408-00124911 I love the sense of humor. Oh my gosh and and you know what I truly believe pv1XBEObfOY-00266-00124911-00125432 that having a sense of humor really does um add years to your life pv1XBEObfOY-00267-00125432-00126015 you know and and I I'm always promoting a victorious life. pv1XBEObfOY-00268-00126015-00126488 Like what does a victorious life look like for people so at the end of pv1XBEObfOY-00269-00126488-00127000 their life, they can say I'm a winner. I I am a champion of this pv1XBEObfOY-00270-00127000-00127615 life. In your opinion, what do you think are one or two qualities of pv1XBEObfOY-00271-00127615-00127902 a life of victory? pv1XBEObfOY-00272-00127902-00128479 It's the the the hunger and the craving pv1XBEObfOY-00273-00128479-00129066 to live a life that will outlive you. pv1XBEObfOY-00274-00129066-00129224 Wow! Wow! pv1XBEObfOY-00275-00129224-00129303 And and pv1XBEObfOY-00276-00129303-00129815 and willing to lay it all on the line. You know i'm gonna climb this mountain pv1XBEObfOY-00277-00129815-00130415 or you're gonna find me on the side of it dead with a smile on my face. pv1XBEObfOY-00278-00130415-00130783 Something that resonates with you. Something that pv1XBEObfOY-00279-00130783-00131200 gives your life a sense of meaning. Something pv1XBEObfOY-00280-00131200-00131767 that becomes your magnificent obsession to leave the planet better than how you pv1XBEObfOY-00281-00131767-00131966 found it. pv1XBEObfOY-00282-00131966-00132208 Wow, if I had hands I would clap right pv1XBEObfOY-00283-00132208-00132424 now pv1XBEObfOY-00284-00132504-00133240 I feel you my sister, we got a virtual hug all right pv1XBEObfOY-00285-00133240-00133615 Thank you so much, Les. I so appreciate you pv1XBEObfOY-00286-00133615-00134288 speaking life into our audience and um just being uh that light and that voice pv1XBEObfOY-00287-00134288-00134791 that's no longer quiet and is a beacon of hope for everybody. pv1XBEObfOY-00288-00134791-00135400 Is there anything else that you want to let our people know about your... pv1XBEObfOY-00289-00135400-00135632 You have a you have a book. I know you have a book. pv1XBEObfOY-00290-00135632-00135784 Yes yes, I have my brand new pv1XBEObfOY-00291-00135784-00136336 book. It's entitled, You've Got to be Hungry. pv1XBEObfOY-00292-00136352-00137160 And if they go to iamhungrylesbrown.com .iamhungrylesbrown.com. pv1XBEObfOY-00293-00137160-00137688 They can get it there. It will it will give them expanded vision of themselves, pv1XBEObfOY-00294-00137688-00138144 it will fortify their faith and and strengthen their confidence, pv1XBEObfOY-00295-00138144-00138528 it will teach them the strategies on how to take their pv1XBEObfOY-00296-00138528-00138864 ideas and their dreams and their abilities pv1XBEObfOY-00297-00138864-00139328 and and and rob the cemetery of their gifts and dreams pv1XBEObfOY-00298-00139328-00140015 and begin to live a more impactful life. I remember my, I was at my desk and my pv1XBEObfOY-00299-00140015-00140408 daughter called me, Ona, that you know, and and she said, "Are pv1XBEObfOY-00300-00140408-00140784 you busy now?" And I said, "No i'm just at the desk working on some things." pv1XBEObfOY-00301-00140784-00141208 And she said, "Well I'm waiting for this cop. He's in the center of the road. pv1XBEObfOY-00302-00141208-00141544 Obviously there's a funeral procession about to come by." pv1XBEObfOY-00303-00141544-00141855 And then all of a sudden I said, I heard her say, "Whoa! pv1XBEObfOY-00304-00141855-00142527 Wow!" I said, "What's going on, baby?" She said, "A hearse came by and there was only one pv1XBEObfOY-00305-00142527-00143032 car behind it." She said, "Daddy when I die, pv1XBEObfOY-00306-00143032-00143352 I want because of the kind of life that I live pv1XBEObfOY-00307-00143352-00143703 that there will be a long procession of cars pv1XBEObfOY-00308-00143703-00144167 behind the hearse. When I die, I want the cemetery pv1XBEObfOY-00309-00144167-00144576 to be filled with people who come out to celebrate my life pv1XBEObfOY-00310-00144576-00145224 because I touched their lives." And I think that all of us want to live pv1XBEObfOY-00311-00145224-00145536 that kind of life. pv1XBEObfOY-00312-00145536-00145927 Yes. Wow! I don't need to say anymore. pv1XBEObfOY-00313-00145927-00146448 I'm just gonna leave it there. I wanna ask you, our viewer, if you're pv1XBEObfOY-00314-00146448-00146791 watching this, in this short time we had with Mr Les pv1XBEObfOY-00315-00146791-00147000 Brown, there was so much wisdom that was pv1XBEObfOY-00316-00147000-00147320 imparted, I want to know, if you can comment below, pv1XBEObfOY-00317-00147320-00147920 what is your biggest takeaway from this? And if you can subscribe and share if pv1XBEObfOY-00318-00147920-00148272 you haven't already. Share this episode with as many people pv1XBEObfOY-00319-00148272-00148615 as you can. It will be a gift of a lifetime and who pv1XBEObfOY-00320-00148615-00149055 knows it may inspire another person to no longer be silent. pv1XBEObfOY-00321-00149055-00149396 And if you'd like to join my Facebook Group you can do that. It's called pv1XBEObfOY-00322-00149396-00149727 Victoriously Living. And if you'd like to see more from One pv1XBEObfOY-00323-00149728-00150376 Leg Up Productions, you can support us at patreon.com/onelegupproductions. pv1XBEObfOY-00324-00150376-00150664 Thank you so much and until we meet again, pv1XBEObfOY-00325-00150664-00150800 be blessed. pv2qcwt-cwo-00000-00000533-00000957 Hey, everyone this is Mary over here images on the page and today I'm going to be pv2qcwt-cwo-00001-00000957-00001421 talking about my August TBR can't believe it's already August and I have pv2qcwt-cwo-00002-00001421-00001707 just as an ambitious TBR as I did last time pv2qcwt-cwo-00003-00001707-00002067 if you saw my other video I somehow managed to read thirteen books in a pv2qcwt-cwo-00004-00002067-00002946 month I only have I only have nine planned I mean so much easier I hope you pv2qcwt-cwo-00005-00002946-00003702 caught the council so I for part of it I actually decided to do that read a pv2qcwt-cwo-00006-00003702-00004560 chapter tag because I have over a forgotten name that time Bert bookworm pv2qcwt-cwo-00007-00004560-00005061 her channel she kind of talks about how she has her Goodreads list like pv2qcwt-cwo-00008-00005061-00005453 separated into the different categories of book she wanted to read and I started pv2qcwt-cwo-00009-00005453-00005814 to die cuz I actually really thought it was a really awesome idea so I have it pv2qcwt-cwo-00010-00005814-00006296 just kind of separated into three but mostly two I just have the want to read pv2qcwt-cwo-00011-00006296-00006726 which are books I'm interested in but it's kind of like in a passing interest pv2qcwt-cwo-00012-00006726-00007184 and then there's my TBR definitely shelf which are books that I'm very interested pv2qcwt-cwo-00013-00007184-00007595 in and I want to keep track of and make sure I'm reading well I haven't been pv2qcwt-cwo-00014-00007595-00008142 really good about actually reading books off my TBR I just find random books and pv2qcwt-cwo-00015-00008142-00008540 I start reading them and I keep putting these books on my TBR and they never pv2qcwt-cwo-00016-00008540-00009420 fall off so I have decided I picked the top 5 rated books on my TBR definitely pv2qcwt-cwo-00017-00009420-00010260 list I'm gonna read a chapter of them and decide which to I meaning for to I pv2qcwt-cwo-00018-00010260-00010617 want to add to my TBR that's not just thing I can't change my mind halfway pv2qcwt-cwo-00019-00010617-00011103 through the month or read more than that but these are just the book that really pv2qcwt-cwo-00020-00011103-00011685 strike me is interesting right this minute because I don't actually own all pv2qcwt-cwo-00021-00011685-00012174 of them I got them all from the library which I have on my phone so I won't be pv2qcwt-cwo-00022-00012174-00012549 able to kind of film reading the chapters because I can't film and read pv2qcwt-cwo-00023-00012549-00013064 it on the same device so there's that but I'm gonna go over the books I have pv2qcwt-cwo-00024-00013064-00013674 added to it first before doing that so one of the books I'd like to read is pv2qcwt-cwo-00025-00013674-00014413 sense by CS pacat ikot CS Picatta I believe it's a graphic novel about pv2qcwt-cwo-00026-00014413-00014835 fencing but the characters are queer that's all I really know about it pv2qcwt-cwo-00027-00014835-00015234 I know Adriana / perpetual he just really enjoys it they handed up my pv2qcwt-cwo-00028-00015234-00015641 library so I figured I'd give it a shot the next one I have to read is bunk by pv2qcwt-cwo-00029-00015641-00016209 Mary Roach that is actually also for my book club we're kind of reading two pv2qcwt-cwo-00030-00016209-00016623 books this month we're reading fun home by Alison Bechdel which I already read pv2qcwt-cwo-00031-00016623-00017268 and this one is kind of an addition to that we'll see how I feel about it I pv2qcwt-cwo-00032-00017268-00017799 don't really know anything about it besides that we're reading it so I'll pv2qcwt-cwo-00033-00017799-00018255 let you know the next book I one of the other books I'd like to read for this pv2qcwt-cwo-00034-00018255-00019041 month is fog town by Anderson Gaborik I really need to start looking up the pv2qcwt-cwo-00035-00019041-00019554 title on the author's um it's kind of I heard it yeah I'll just read like the pv2qcwt-cwo-00036-00019554-00020142 first thing it's 1953 in Frank grisel is a man from the old school a tough hard pv2qcwt-cwo-00037-00020142-00020514 talking hard drinking womanizing private dick who's seen it all and done it all pv2qcwt-cwo-00038-00020514-00021087 twice I really like graphic novels and I haven't really been reading them as much pv2qcwt-cwo-00039-00021087-00021570 as I used to and I really like mysteries so I thought this might be a fun read pv2qcwt-cwo-00040-00021570-00022304 the next one I'm well I'm hoping to finish this month is the Squires Tale by pv2qcwt-cwo-00041-00022304-00022776 Gerald Morris one of my co-workers at one of my jobs recommended this meet I'm pv2qcwt-cwo-00042-00022776-00023172 actually really enjoying it I didn't realize it was set in the author Arthur pv2qcwt-cwo-00043-00023172-00023694 E and age like with Merlin and stuff but it's about this of these adventures of pv2qcwt-cwo-00044-00023694-00024246 the squire who is Squire to one of the knights of the round table it gives me pv2qcwt-cwo-00045-00024246-00024756 the feeling of like it's pretty humorous but the humor reminds me of what I would pv2qcwt-cwo-00046-00024756-00025263 expect the humor should be in Monty Python and the Holy Grail now don't pv2qcwt-cwo-00047-00025263-00025748 shoot me but I haven't actually seen it so I can't say for sure but it feels pv2qcwt-cwo-00048-00025748-00026189 like a kind of muted version of that I could be wrong but so far it's really pv2qcwt-cwo-00049-00026189-00026572 good the other book I hope to get to this month is pv2qcwt-cwo-00050-00026572-00027201 dr. Schwarz this was on my TBR last month for tome topple that obviously pv2qcwt-cwo-00051-00027201-00027955 didn't happen because here dis again I it might be a buddy read with shade pv2qcwt-cwo-00052-00027955-00028441 geeks out I will link her channel down below it may not be this month we do pv2qcwt-cwo-00053-00028441-00028762 want to buddy read it so that I'll be exciting because I've never done a buddy pv2qcwt-cwo-00054-00028762-00029257 read but I just don't really know when that's gonna happen so that might happen pv2qcwt-cwo-00055-00029257-00029542 this month that might happen next month we'll see pv2qcwt-cwo-00056-00029542-00029944 and also I'm listening to so I'm hoping to finish it this month on bloody pv2qcwt-cwo-00057-00029944-00030358 acquisitions it is the third book in the Fred the vampire series and if you pv2qcwt-cwo-00058-00030358-00030720 watched my other video you kind of know bit about it it's just a really pv2qcwt-cwo-00059-00030720-00030989 entertaining pv2qcwt-cwo-00060-00031056-00031768 paranormal book kind of told them the short stories style at least I assume it pv2qcwt-cwo-00061-00031768-00032116 is because I know a lot of people get kind of irritated because Fred kind of pv2qcwt-cwo-00062-00032116-00032745 repeats some of the information given but I take them kind of as episodes so I pv2qcwt-cwo-00063-00032745-00033046 don't really take them take it as a whole novel take it more as a collection pv2qcwt-cwo-00064-00033046-00033583 of short stories that happen to be about the same character and I just want to pv2qcwt-cwo-00065-00033583-00034333 continue it it's just really funny and fluffy and action II and so kind of what pv2qcwt-cwo-00066-00034333-00034840 I'm apparently really looking for I do also hope to finish smoke gets in pv2qcwt-cwo-00067-00034840-00035397 your eyes by Caitlin Doty I think this is the third month it's been on my TBR pv2qcwt-cwo-00068-00035397-00036147 which is a little frustrating but I had in sorry I had a library copy and my pv2qcwt-cwo-00069-00036147-00036724 renewals ran out so I had to return it I think it might be a book that I do pv2qcwt-cwo-00070-00036724-00037285 better with on audiobook I could be wrong on that but I'm hoping to maybe pv2qcwt-cwo-00071-00037285-00037507 find the audiobook of it and give that a try pv2qcwt-cwo-00072-00037507-00038404 I am really enjoying it it's just the kind of nonfiction style just doesn't pv2qcwt-cwo-00073-00038404-00038830 working as a ran word for me right now I just want to give the seven husbands of pv2qcwt-cwo-00074-00038830-00039364 Evelyn Cuba seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo like pv2qcwt-cwo-00075-00039364-00039943 Taylor Jenkins read a shot it's been kind of like the booktube favorite pv2qcwt-cwo-00076-00039943-00040543 lately I've heard nothing but good things from everyone I watched who was pv2qcwt-cwo-00077-00040543-00041110 read it big book tubers small booktuber doesn't really seem to matter so I pv2qcwt-cwo-00078-00041110-00041503 thought I'd do that a try I have requested the audiobook from my library pv2qcwt-cwo-00079-00041503-00041848 so we'll see if it comes in this month and if not I'll just give it a shot next pv2qcwt-cwo-00080-00041848-00042876 month now to do the chapter tag I will be back once I read them I am back I pv2qcwt-cwo-00081-00042876-00043297 realized before I left well after I left that I didn't tell you pv2qcwt-cwo-00082-00043297-00044095 what five I was going to do the Troy chapter check try a chapter tag for so pv2qcwt-cwo-00083-00044095-00044593 the first one is book thief the second one is March by John Lewis it's a pv2qcwt-cwo-00084-00044593-00045255 graphic novel kind of about on the civil rights movement there we go pv2qcwt-cwo-00085-00045255-00045796 becomes a conspiracy of kings by Megan whaling Turner this is the fourth book pv2qcwt-cwo-00086-00045796-00046411 in the Queens thief I read the first three in just like last year sometime pv2qcwt-cwo-00087-00046411-00046918 and I just never got around reading the second the left hand of God by Paul pv2qcwt-cwo-00088-00046918-00047647 Hoffman and The Killing Moon by NK jemisin now I'm not gonna remove any of pv2qcwt-cwo-00089-00047647-00048055 these from my TBR cuz their books I still want to read but I just wanted to pv2qcwt-cwo-00090-00048055-00048424 read the first chapter to see the first chapter to see which one I was most in pv2qcwt-cwo-00091-00048424-00048847 the mood for the two ended up going with I might try reading this month is the pv2qcwt-cwo-00092-00048847-00049435 left hand of God and a conspiracy of kings I've just been really interested pv2qcwt-cwo-00093-00049435-00050089 to get back into fantasy and those two kind of fit that the best I'm really pv2qcwt-cwo-00094-00050089-00050383 still interested in killing moon but I just feel like it's gonna take too much pv2qcwt-cwo-00095-00050383-00050962 brain power right now for me to focus on because it feels very dense and pv2qcwt-cwo-00096-00050962-00051297 intricate not to say that the other ones aren't in their own way pv2qcwt-cwo-00097-00051297-00052047 but and a conspiracy of kings I really enjoyed the first three books in the pv2qcwt-cwo-00098-00052047-00052339 Queen thief the first one being the thief pv2qcwt-cwo-00099-00052339-00052948 that was my favorite but they're all just so interesting and rereading that pv2qcwt-cwo-00100-00052948-00053272 first chapter just kind of dragging me right back into that world and how much pv2qcwt-cwo-00101-00053272-00054042 I enjoyed reading it in the left hand of God is like a it feels like I didn't pv2qcwt-cwo-00102-00054042-00054382 really read the back of these I don't really remember because I just wanted to pv2qcwt-cwo-00103-00054382-00054850 go in them kind of without knowing what they were about the left hand of God pv2qcwt-cwo-00104-00054850-00055540 seems to be about it seems like it might be it's kind of on a teenage boy at pv2qcwt-cwo-00105-00055540-00056290 least in the first chapter who is at this table sanctuary but it feels like a pv2qcwt-cwo-00106-00056290-00056855 training ground for something his masters are called bored Redeemers and pv2qcwt-cwo-00107-00056855-00057663 they have to it just seems like a really dark and gritty fantasy pretty grim and pv2qcwt-cwo-00108-00057663-00058291 I guess I'm in the mood for that so those are adding on to my TBR my TBR pv2qcwt-cwo-00109-00058291-00058747 making it nine for now we'll see how many I get to you and then till the next pv2qcwt-cwo-00110-00058747-00059085 video Tata for now pwL--UBwKRM-00000-00000138-00000672 This video will look at the five different ways to search the staff catalogue in Sitka's Evergreen. pwL--UBwKRM-00001-00000840-00001296 To access the staff catalogue go to Cataloguing -> Search the Catalogue pwL--UBwKRM-00002-00001362-00001541 or use the F3 function key. pwL--UBwKRM-00003-00001686-00002232 The library selector on the right will display the default search library set in search preferences. pwL--UBwKRM-00004-00002292-00002646 You can specify a different search library as needed for your searches. pwL--UBwKRM-00005-00003060-00003306 Through the keyword search you can create searches pwL--UBwKRM-00006-00003306-00003582 using multiple terms andlimit by specific filters. pwL--UBwKRM-00007-00003665-00004290 Keyword, title, journal title, author, subject, and series are the available search terms. pwL--UBwKRM-00008-00004434-00004794 Additional search rows can be added or deleted as needed. pwL--UBwKRM-00009-00004922-00005340 Your terms can be connected using the boolean terms AND or OR. pwL--UBwKRM-00010-00005436-00005922 You can also refine your search by specifying contains, does not contain, pwL--UBwKRM-00011-00005922-00006306 contains phrase, matches exactly, or starts with. pwL--UBwKRM-00012-00006450-00006923 By default results are sorted by relevance but can be sorted by title, pwL--UBwKRM-00013-00006923-00007194 author, publication date, or popularity. pwL--UBwKRM-00014-00007308-00007812 When Limit to Available is checked only currently available items will be returned as results. pwL--UBwKRM-00015-00007902-00008316 When Group Formats and Editions is checked all formats and editions pwL--UBwKRM-00016-00008316-00008528 of the same title are grouped as one result. pwL--UBwKRM-00017-00008630-00008892 When Exclude Electronic Resources is checked pwL--UBwKRM-00018-00008892-00009258 records coded as e-resources will be excluded from the search results. pwL--UBwKRM-00019-00009258-00009618 Click on the three dots to reveal the search filters. pwL--UBwKRM-00020-00009732-00009978 Search filters allow you to narrow your search. pwL--UBwKRM-00021-00010056-00010482 The shelving location filter will return items in the specified shelving location. pwL--UBwKRM-00022-00010584-00010926 The other filters look at specific characters in the Leader, pwL--UBwKRM-00023-00010998-00011514 007, and 008 MARC fields when determining which records to return as results. pwL--UBwKRM-00024-00011640-00012261 For instance, the language filter uses characters35-37 of the 008 field. pwL--UBwKRM-00025-00012361-00012816 Records that are not coded correctly will not be returned in resultswhen using filters. pwL--UBwKRM-00026-00012913-00013358 Once you've filled in your terms and done any refining of your search pwL--UBwKRM-00027-00013358-00013491 click Search. pwL--UBwKRM-00028-00013620-00013820 Your search results will display. pwL--UBwKRM-00029-00014363-00014706 After performing a search your search results will display. pwL--UBwKRM-00030-00014772-00015436 If there's only one result and the library setting Jump to Details on 1 hit (staff client) is setto true pwL--UBwKRM-00031-00015436-00015840 you'll be taken directly into the record bypassing the search results screen. pwL--UBwKRM-00032-00015984-00016494 On the left hand side of the search results screen facets can be used to narrow the search further. pwL--UBwKRM-00033-00016554-00017196 Each search result displays a format icon for the record, brief bibliographic details including callnumber, pwL--UBwKRM-00034-00017196-00017445 and the holding counts for any items. pwL--UBwKRM-00035-00017553-00017979 Counts for the search library and any libraries above it in the hierarchy will display. pwL--UBwKRM-00036-00018091-00018600 If thepreferred library is different from the search library it will also display with holding counts. pwL--UBwKRM-00037-00018664-00019062 The Show More Details button will reveal additional item information pwL--UBwKRM-00038-00019062-00019290 and theURLs associated with the record. pwL--UBwKRM-00039-00019674-00020166 The preferred library will always display first in the list followed by the rest of the libraries pwL--UBwKRM-00040-00020166-00020363 listed alphabetically by library code. pwL--UBwKRM-00041-00020494-00020786 The grid on the search results will show up to five holdings. pwL--UBwKRM-00042-00020838-00021354 From the search results screen you can place a hold on the record or add the record to a basket. pwL--UBwKRM-00043-00021444-00021765 You can perform an author search by clicking on the author's name. pwL--UBwKRM-00044-00021832-00022062 You can enter the record by clicking on the title. pwL--UBwKRM-00045-00022173-00022517 Right clicking on the title allows you to open the record in a new tab. pwL--UBwKRM-00046-00023238-00023646 Using the Numeric Search you can search for records by ISBN, pwL--UBwKRM-00047-00023646-00024222 UPC, ISSN, LCCN, TCN and item barcode. pwL--UBwKRM-00048-00024354-00025182 Choose your query type and then enter the value. Click Search. Your search results will display. pwL--UBwKRM-00049-00025542-00025788 Catalogers should be using the numeric search pwL--UBwKRM-00050-00025788-00026262 to do ISBN searches of the entire consortium when cataloging new items. pwL--UBwKRM-00051-00027222-00027630 The MARC search makes it possible to search for records that have specific pwL--UBwKRM-00052-00027630-00027827 values in fields in the MARC record. pwL--UBwKRM-00053-00027939-00028967 Enter the tag, subfield, and value and click Search. pwL--UBwKRM-00054-00029142-00029310 Your search results will display. pwL--UBwKRM-00055-00029935-00030436 A catalogue browse is available for title, author, subject, and series. pwL--UBwKRM-00056-00030537-00030848 Select your type and then enter your search term. pwL--UBwKRM-00057-00030920-00031041 Click Search. pwL--UBwKRM-00058-00031143-00031598 A list will display showing you the terms that come before and after your search term. pwL--UBwKRM-00059-00031667-00032030 Use the Backand Next buttons to browse through the catalogue. pwL--UBwKRM-00060-00032610-00032942 The Shelf Browser allows you to do a call numbersearch. pwL--UBwKRM-00061-00033031-00033332 Enter the call number and click Search. pwL--UBwKRM-00062-00033822-00034206 The closest match to your call number will display in the middle of the grid. pwL--UBwKRM-00063-00034278-00034584 Use the Back and Next buttons to browse the collection. pwL--UBwKRM-00064-00034728-00034978 Thank you for watching thisvideo. pwL--UBwKRM-00065-00034978-00035426 For more information please visit the BC libraries Cooperative website. pBKRoMqft2Q-00000-00008954-00011502 WONDERFUL FOLIAGE Created by: Wen Row pBKRoMqft2Q-00003-00019997-00021696 Has made them all. pBKRoMqft2Q-00012-00060144-00062569 thank you, hit subscribe for more videos,... pBKRoMqft2Q-00013-00062569-00062916 so pDlxUHTYRcY-00000-00000078-00000550 Mัƒ name is Aleska Simkic. I am currently the Deputy Head of EU's Delegation to Russia. pDlxUHTYRcY-00001-00000550-00001700 Before that I was until mid-July 2018 the Deputy Head of the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine. pDlxUHTYRcY-00002-00001700-00002317 I am a Slovenian diplomat and I was serving in that capacity in New York pDlxUHTYRcY-00003-00002317-00002710 to the UN, and to the OSCE in Vienna, and I was the Special Advisor to the Director of the OSCE's pDlxUHTYRcY-00004-00002710-00003000 Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights for 3 years. pDlxUHTYRcY-00005-00003000-00003500 I think that organisations such as OSCE and the Council of Europe do face challenges. pDlxUHTYRcY-00006-00003500-00004000 They face challenges from the interpretation of what they were made for pDlxUHTYRcY-00007-00004000-00004600 and what the commitment that member states have agreed to actually mean to today's world. pDlxUHTYRcY-00008-00004600-00005187 For the time being there is still quite a good connection between the civil society and international organisations. pDlxUHTYRcY-00009-00005187-00005698 I agree that the civil society organisations who want to have the same kind of engagement pDlxUHTYRcY-00010-00005698-00006200 with both international organisations as before may have to fear that this will change. pDlxUHTYRcY-00011-00006300-00006809 International organisations were always relying on civil society, the fact is only how much they were pDlxUHTYRcY-00012-00006809-00007319 admitting that part, and how much they were not. Currently there is a bit of a thinking that pDlxUHTYRcY-00013-00007319-00007800 civil society is only criticising. So some countries do not like to be criticised - pDlxUHTYRcY-00014-00007800-00008636 neither by the other states, nor by the civil society. And while they can be a little bit more pDlxUHTYRcY-00015-00008636-00009200 let's say understanding that another member state is criticising them, pDlxUHTYRcY-00016-00009230-00009900 they have much more leverage towards their civil society. And that's where there is a threat for civil society in their own countries pDlxUHTYRcY-00017-00009930-00010481 International organisations, with the EU among them, and other member (states) pDlxUHTYRcY-00018-00010481-00011000 still try to preserve this forum for the civil society's representatives to speak for their countries pDlxUHTYRcY-00019-00011000-00011250 - and for the others - about what is going on. pDlxUHTYRcY-00020-00011300-00011934 I think the issue of sovereignty, or the fact where does the sovereignty impact on the international order and international law pDlxUHTYRcY-00021-00011934-00012627 is one of the major questions and challenges in the current world. What we see in contrast pDlxUHTYRcY-00022-00012627-00013198 to what was in the 1990s when there was a high high understanding for the international order pDlxUHTYRcY-00023-00013198-00013824 and the international commitments to be adapted - what now we are seeing is that the security challenges that are out there pDlxUHTYRcY-00024-00013824-00014500 are sort of overpowering this international law and are making the countries - and that goes for big and small countries pDlxUHTYRcY-00025-00014500-00014978 - to somehow get a little bit more into themselves and emphasize their sovereignty in making decisions. pDlxUHTYRcY-00026-00014990-00015290 What we see in the Russian Federation right now is the pDlxUHTYRcY-00027-00015290-00015740 excuse of sovereignty. What they like in the international organisations is their veto power, wherever they are. pDlxUHTYRcY-00028-00015740-00016253 They like using this element of sovereignty to question international law pDlxUHTYRcY-00029-00016253-00016759 and that's where one has to be concerned. Because in international law in the interpretation of the European Union pDlxUHTYRcY-00030-00016759-00017400 everybody has to understand what is the international order in order to address the global challenges. pDlxUHTYRcY-00031-00017400-00017580 www.bluelink.info 2019 pEbJYCP969Q-00000-00000000-00000200 welcome to my channel pEbJYCP969Q-00001-00000200-00000400 thanks for your subscribe pFpRFigvo-Y-00000-00000066-00000437 Bermuda pFpRFigvo-Y-00001-00000442-00001872 It's a group of islands off the coast of Carolina. pFpRFigvo-Y-00002-00001872-00002440 It's a territory of Britain and not a part of the United States. pGrfwmSkJxM-00000-00002500-00003300 Hi!, this is Jaime Finat and I'm going to show you how to create a basic medieval tower :-) pGrfwmSkJxM-00001-00003300-00003800 First of all, let's activate Screencast Keys pGrfwmSkJxM-00002-00003800-00004500 Press 'N' and configure Screencast Keys at the menu pGrfwmSkJxM-00003-00006000-00006500 Open Google Search Bar and look for a stone wall texture pGrfwmSkJxM-00004-00006500-00006800 Configure advanced search to filter results to an adecuate image license pGrfwmSkJxM-00005-00006800-00008400 Select the texture which best fits your project pGrfwmSkJxM-00006-00008400-00009500 Then save it to your hard drive pGrfwmSkJxM-00007-00010000-00010500 Back to Blender, create a cylinder with 32 vertices pGrfwmSkJxM-00008-00010500-00011000 Now, remove top and bottom caps pGrfwmSkJxM-00009-00011000-00011500 Grab the cylinder 1 unity in object mode on 'Z' axis to set it to the floor. pGrfwmSkJxM-00010-00011500-00012500 IMPORTANT: In object mode, create a torus with 32 major segments. pGrfwmSkJxM-00011-00013100-00014500 Set minor radius to 0.02 pGrfwmSkJxM-00012-00014500-00015000 Then grab it 2 units along 'Z' axis to align it to the cylinder's top. pGrfwmSkJxM-00013-00015500-00017500 With torus selected, get in edit mode and remove upper, lower and internal faces from our geometry pGrfwmSkJxM-00014-00017500-00019500 You can try to select those faces by using sphere selection or box selection among others pGrfwmSkJxM-00015-00019500-00021500 There are several methods to do this, but maybe the fastest would be by selecting edge loops pGrfwmSkJxM-00016-00024000-00025000 Select both objects and press Ctrl+J to join them pGrfwmSkJxM-00017-00025000-00025700 Select lower edge loop from torus pGrfwmSkJxM-00018-00025700-00026400 Holding Shift, select upper edge loop from the cylinder pGrfwmSkJxM-00019-00026400-00026700 Now, brigde that two edge loops pGrfwmSkJxM-00020-00026700-00027900 Check if topology is correct by simulating a loop cut along its faces. It has to expand the cut to the torus too. pGrfwmSkJxM-00021-00027900-00028900 You can also check geometry merging by pressing Ctrl+L with one geometric element selected and it has to select all elements from your geometry pGrfwmSkJxM-00022-00028900-00029900 In edit mode, add a new torus to the current object. This way saves the join step. pGrfwmSkJxM-00023-00029900-00031400 Set minor radius to 0.04 and repeat lasts steps until both geometries are merged pGrfwmSkJxM-00024-00040000-00041000 Now, we're going to apply a symmetry modifier to save work. pGrfwmSkJxM-00025-00041000-00042000 First, in edit mode and top view, we remove the left half of our geometry. pGrfwmSkJxM-00026-00042000-00043000 Next, still in edit mode and top view, remove the upper half in the same way. pGrfwmSkJxM-00027-00043000-00044000 Now, back to object mode, add a geometry modifier named "Mirror" and check 'x' and 'y' axis. pGrfwmSkJxM-00028-00044000-00044500 IMPORTANT: the object has to be on the center of our scene to apply symmetry axis correctly. pGrfwmSkJxM-00029-00044500-00045700 Let's extrude along 'Z' axis the upper edge loop to create the base of our battlement. pGrfwmSkJxM-00030-00045700-00046500 Repeat the extrusion to create a second face loop on the top of our geometry. pGrfwmSkJxM-00031-00046500-00047500 Next, we're going to loop cut and slide the first extruded faces. Drag the cut line to set it close to the bottom edge of the face pGrfwmSkJxM-00032-00048000-00049000 Add more vertical detail to get a better control of the battlement extrusion and mirroring. pGrfwmSkJxM-00033-00049500-00051000 Now it's time to select the faces we're going to use for create the uper setoff. In object mode, grab the object -2 along 'Z' axis to set tower's top on the floor. pGrfwmSkJxM-00034-00051000-00052000 IMPORTANT: in this kind of cylinder extrusion, it's important to set which pivot center you are going to use, and mirroring will distort our results. pGrfwmSkJxM-00035-00052000-00053000 Select individual origins at pivot center menu and extrude selected faces. pGrfwmSkJxM-00036-00053000-00054000 Note that it doesn't fit exactly along symmetry axis. pGrfwmSkJxM-00037-00054000-00055000 Select the bottom edges at the center of each battlement and grab them a bit along 'Z' axis. pGrfwmSkJxM-00038-00055000-00055800 Let's fix extruded faces that didn't fit each others on symmetry. pGrfwmSkJxM-00039-00055800-00056800 Select the couple of faces that doesn't fit on 'X' symmetry axis and set pivot center to "3D Cursor". pGrfwmSkJxM-00040-00056800-00057300 Then rotate and set them to a correct orientation. pGrfwmSkJxM-00041-00057300-00058700 Repeat the same operation on 'Y' symmetry axis and check "Clipping" on modifier's menu. pGrfwmSkJxM-00042-00059000-00059800 In object mode, grab the tower along 'Z' axis to leave it as it was originally. pGrfwmSkJxM-00043-00059800-00060800 When we extruded the battlement, a vertex has behave in a weird way, correct it to have a more regular mesh. pGrfwmSkJxM-00044-00061500-00063000 Remove internal symmetry faces because we don't want to duplicate that geometry. pGrfwmSkJxM-00045-00063000-00064500 Then, extrude the cubes which would be bowman's protection. pGrfwmSkJxM-00046-00064500-00066000 Grab the central edge from that cubes on 'Z' axis to make a sharper battlements. pGrfwmSkJxM-00047-00067000-00068000 Make the tower taller by translating in edit mode the geometry which represents our reliefs and battlements. pGrfwmSkJxM-00048-00068000-00069500 Apply mirror modifier in object mode to create the geometry we're simulating. pGrfwmSkJxM-00049-00069500-00071000 The result looks fine but, what could happened if we would have forgotten to check "Clipping" box at mirror modifier attributes? pGrfwmSkJxM-00050-00071000-00073000 Undo until you have your modifier unapplied and try to grab a vertex on any symetry axis. Note that it's movement is constrained to that axis. pGrfwmSkJxM-00051-00073000-00074000 Uncheck "Clipping" option and try to move same vertex. This is a very usual problem, so let's see how can we solve it. pGrfwmSkJxM-00052-00074500-00076000 Select two of that non-merged vertices, press 'W', "Merge" and "At center" option. This will join two vertices in one at the center of the distance between them. pGrfwmSkJxM-00053-00076000-00078500 Repeat this step for each couple of non-merged vertices. pGrfwmSkJxM-00054-00080500-00082000 You can modify merge limit at mirror modifier panel before applying, but be careful, if you use a large amount, you probably would lose some details. pGrfwmSkJxM-00055-00084700-00085700 Another way to detect defects on applying mirror modifier is adding a subsurface modifier. pGrfwmSkJxM-00056-00085700-00086700 There is some strange topology on a couple of battlements. It looks like they were cut at half. pGrfwmSkJxM-00057-00086700-00087700 If you check for more vertices, you'll find everything is correct. pGrfwmSkJxM-00058-00087700-00088700 So where is the problem? pGrfwmSkJxM-00059-00088700-00089700 Face select and check if you have some internal face inside your model. pGrfwmSkJxM-00060-00089700-00091200 If you have some, remove them from the model and you will fix those weird mesh behaviour. pGrfwmSkJxM-00061-00091200-00092200 So now, we have used subdivision surface to detect problems at mirroring, but it round our sharp shapes. pGrfwmSkJxM-00062-00092200-00093200 Let's see some methods to preserve our sharp shapes using subdivision surface modifier. pGrfwmSkJxM-00063-00094000-00096000 To add more detail on concrete areas, we can select that areas and by pressing 'W' and "Subdivide" we will increase detail level, but we will lose correct topology. pGrfwmSkJxM-00064-00096000-00098000 Another possibility is to separate our mesh in more objects, setting the detail level to different amounts in function of our needs. pGrfwmSkJxM-00065-00099000-00101000 We can select some face loops and inset its faces with a minumin amount, so it will help us to sharp our model easyly. pGrfwmSkJxM-00066-00103000-00104500 It's easy to see that we have more sharp edges where we added inset faces. pGrfwmSkJxM-00067-00104500-00106000 If you take a look, you can see a black point at the center of some edges. That represents a face created with "Inset" and 0 amount. pGrfwmSkJxM-00068-00106000-00107500 You can also add loop cuts to add detail wherever you need it pGrfwmSkJxM-00069-00107500-00108500 Use wheel up and down to increment or decrement the amount of cuts you want on your face loop. pGrfwmSkJxM-00070-00108500-00111500 By using this technique smartly you can get very cool shapes, just like a metallic look tower for TLOTR ;-P pGrfwmSkJxM-00071-00114500-00115500 Let's undo this to get back our original model pGrfwmSkJxM-00072-00118500-00120500 Now we're going to take a quick look at how to add materials and textures to our meshes. pGrfwmSkJxM-00073-00120500-00121500 Check "Ambient Occlusion" at world panel and set it to 0.6 to have a better illumination on our model. pGrfwmSkJxM-00074-00122500-00124500 Add a new material at Material panel, name it tower and set a random color and intensity on Diffuse Color menu by left clicking on the white box. pGrfwmSkJxM-00075-00124500-00125500 Now let's add a texture, so cut your downloaded texture and paste it on same directory of your .blend file (for relative paths). pGrfwmSkJxM-00076-00126000-00127000 With your tower material selected, open texture tab and with first empty slot selected, click on new button. pGrfwmSkJxM-00077-00127000-00128000 By default, it creates a Cloud texture and set it as color with a kind of annoying purple color. pGrfwmSkJxM-00078-00128000-00129000 Try to render the tower and see the result. Now try to uncheck color and check intensity or normal boxes and render again. pGrfwmSkJxM-00079-00129000-00130500 Switch texture type from "Cloud" to "Image or Movie" and click on "open" button to select our stone wall texture. pGrfwmSkJxM-00080-00130500-00131500 Once you have set your texture, check color box again at the bottom of the menu and render again to see the result with a flat projection. pGrfwmSkJxM-00081-00131500-00132500 It looks really horrible because Blender doesn't know how to project that image on your mesh. We have to tell it how. pGrfwmSkJxM-00082-00132500-00134000 We're going to duplicate our object and see the looking of basic image projections. pGrfwmSkJxM-00083-00134000-00135500 Ups, by duplicating the object, all the duplicates are clients of same material, so let's create an individual copy of our material for each tower. pGrfwmSkJxM-00084-00135500-00136500 Asign distinct projections again and render to see the results :-) pGrfwmSkJxM-00085-00136500-00138000 There are many, many ways to add textures to our models, we have to choose the one which best fits our porpouses. pGrfwmSkJxM-00086-00139000-00140500 As we can see, our tower is basically a cylinder, but on the battlement it gets more complicated pGrfwmSkJxM-00087-00140500-00141500 So let's map our tower's body and we will take care of the battlement later. pGrfwmSkJxM-00088-00141500-00143000 We have different options to tile a texture: we could preprocess the texture on GIMP and tile it there, we could use mapping size or repeat at image mapping. pGrfwmSkJxM-00089-00143000-00144000 Explore different options and play with parameters to see which effects you are getting with each change. pGrfwmSkJxM-00090-00144000-00145500 Now we're going to configure our viewport to see the results of our mapping in "real time". pGrfwmSkJxM-00091-00145500-00147000 Switch your viewport shading to "Texture", in options panel (press 'N') switch (Display menu) from Multitexture to GLSL at "Material Mode" and add a sun light. pGrfwmSkJxM-00092-00147000-00149000 You can see the mapping seems to be lost. It's not lost, but each method needs some information to map a texture and this method needs UVMapping. pGrfwmSkJxM-00093-00149000-00150000 This method is useful when you have to export your model and textures mapped to collada (*.dae), for example. pGrfwmSkJxM-00094-00158500-00160500 Make you sure when you use UV Mapping your projection is flat or you'll get some weird texture behaviours as you can see. pGrfwmSkJxM-00095-00166500-00168500 As you can see, by scaling UV Map at UV/Image editor window, we can get same tile result as if we were using repeat or size options, but this method is well exported to *.dae. pGrfwmSkJxM-00096-00168500-00170500 Now we can appreciate the texture "in real time" in our 3D viewport. pGrfwmSkJxM-00097-00170500-00173000 For map the battlement just select all battlement faces, press 'U' to unwrap and select Cube Projection. Then, adjust the UV Map size at UV/Image editor. pGrfwmSkJxM-00098-00173000-00174500 There are probably better mapping options adding seams and so, but I think this is the fastest way with acceptable results. pGrfwmSkJxM-00099-00174500-00176000 Now, try to play with different options like Normal check box and different amounts with same texture and see the render results. pGrfwmSkJxM-00100-00176000-00178000 I sincerely hope this tutorial has been useful for you in some aspect. Please, comment if there are dark points or some step is not fully explained. pGrfwmSkJxM-00101-00178000-00181000 Thanks for watching :-) pGvhC47ab-U-00000-00000000-00000280 Nice to meet you. This is Dogg Golf. pGvhC47ab-U-00001-00000280-00000593 It's been a while since I've introduced a player. pGvhC47ab-U-00002-00000593-00001019 I used to deal with Sergio Garcia from Spain. pGvhC47ab-U-00003-00001019-00001423 I have a painful memory that didn't respond very well. pGvhC47ab-U-00004-00001423-00001826 Among the PGA players, in the tournament held in South Korea, pGvhC47ab-U-00005-00001826-00002036 Extremely strong JT... pGvhC47ab-U-00006-00002036-00002406 Let's introduce Justin Thomas. pGvhC47ab-U-00007-00003903-00004666 Thomas was born on April 29, 1993 in Louisville, Kentucky in the United States. pGvhC47ab-U-00008-00004666-00005040 Full Name is Justin Louis Thomas pGvhC47ab-U-00009-00005040-00005826 I am 178cm tall and weigh 72kg. I am a little small. pGvhC47ab-U-00010-00005826-00006230 Maximize your swing speed with unique flexibility pGvhC47ab-U-00011-00006230-00006600 His swing is very impressive. pGvhC47ab-U-00012-00006600-00006873 Still, the average driver's distance pGvhC47ab-U-00013-00006873-00007326 It's in the top 300 yards. pGvhC47ab-U-00014-00007326-00007930 Because of the influence of my swing coach and my grandfather, who was a PGA Tour player, pGvhC47ab-U-00015-00007930-00008443 Thomas's golfing talent was evident early on. pGvhC47ab-U-00016-00008443-00009160 When I was in high school in 2009, I participated in the PGA Windom Championship as an invited player. pGvhC47ab-U-00017-00009160-00010073 He set the record for the youngest cut ever with a 16-year-old, 3-month-old, 24-day-old banquet. pGvhC47ab-U-00018-00010073-00010433 I went to the University of Alabama in 2012 pGvhC47ab-U-00019-00010433-00011000 The Hakins Award goes to the best golfer in college. pGvhC47ab-U-00020-00011000-00011486 He turned professional in 2013 and went to qualifying school. pGvhC47ab-U-00021-00011486-00011986 At that time, I made my debut in the second part of the web dot com tournament. pGvhC47ab-U-00022-00011986-00012626 Nationwide Children's Hospital Championship pGvhC47ab-U-00023-00012626-00013280 He won his first professional career title, followed by a remarkable performance. pGvhC47ab-U-00024-00013280-00013746 I will get a PGA Tour card in 2015. pGvhC47ab-U-00025-00013746-00014400 Seven top 10, 15 top 25, since his first year on the PGA Tour, pGvhC47ab-U-00026-00014400-00014826 He was ranked 32nd in the FedEx Cup. pGvhC47ab-U-00027-00014826-00015336 I'm not going to win the PGA Rookie of the Year award because I'm behind Daniel Burger. pGvhC47ab-U-00028-00015336-00016013 However, at the 2015 CIMB Classic in Malaysia, pGvhC47ab-U-00029-00016013-00016330 He reported his first PGA Tour win. pGvhC47ab-U-00030-00016330-00016813 He successfully defended his title at the same tournament in 2016. pGvhC47ab-U-00031-00016813-00017263 We're going to have a spectacular 2016-2017 season. pGvhC47ab-U-00032-00017263-00017750 SBS Tournament of Champions over two weeks, pGvhC47ab-U-00033-00017750-00018023 I won the Sony Open. pGvhC47ab-U-00034-00018023-00018510 In the first round of the Sony Open, he recorded 59 hits. pGvhC47ab-U-00035-00018510-00019110 He became the seventh player to shoot 59 times in PGA Tour history. pGvhC47ab-U-00036-00019110-00019460 This is the first major competition in the career. pGvhC47ab-U-00037-00019460-00020030 PGA Championship Winner, FedEx Cup Champion, Player of the Year Award. pGvhC47ab-U-00038-00020030-00020260 They're all swept away.Crying. pGvhC47ab-U-00039-00020260-00020650 Thomas has won 13 career PGA titles. pGvhC47ab-U-00040-00020650-00020973 At the CJ Cup held in Jeju Island, Korea pGvhC47ab-U-00041-00020973-00021206 I've won twice (2017, 2019) pGvhC47ab-U-00042-00021206-00021663 Annual PGA Tour from 2018 to 2020 pGvhC47ab-U-00043-00021663-00021986 with outstanding performance, including two wins. pGvhC47ab-U-00044-00021986-00022553 As of December 2020, he's doing very well in the world ranking in the world. pGvhC47ab-U-00045-00022553-00022980 He was the 2017 and 2018 PGA money king. pGvhC47ab-U-00046-00022980-00023430 The cumulative prize money is about $39 million. (Exactly $39,444,827) pGvhC47ab-U-00047-00023430-00023723 That's about 47 billion Korean won. pGvhC47ab-U-00048-00023723-00023893 I really envy you. pGvhC47ab-U-00049-00023893-00024256 I'll try Justin Thomas's bag. pGvhC47ab-U-00050-00024256-00024583 Titelist TS3 (9.5 degrees, B1 setting) pGvhC47ab-U-00051-00024583-00025073 Shafts are Mitsubishi Diamana ZF 60 TX pGvhC47ab-U-00052-00025073-00025400 3rd Wood is Titelist TS3 (15 degrees A1 setting) pGvhC47ab-U-00053-00025400-00025856 Shafts are Mitsubishi Tensei AV Raw Blue 85 TX pGvhC47ab-U-00054-00025856-00026273 Wood 5th is Titelist 915Fd (18 degrees) pGvhC47ab-U-00055-00026273-00026830 Shaft is Fujikura Motore Speeder VC 9.2 Tour Spec X pGvhC47ab-U-00056-00026830-00027160 Iron four is Titelist T100, pGvhC47ab-U-00057-00027160-00027626 Iron 5 to 9 is Titelist 620MB. pGvhC47ab-U-00058-00027626-00028143 Shaft is True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X100 pGvhC47ab-U-00059-00028143-00028786 Wedge is 47.5 degrees, 52.5 degrees is Titelist Bocky SM7, pGvhC47ab-U-00060-00028786-00029453 57 degrees is Bocky SM8 and 60.5 degrees is Bocky Wedgeworks. pGvhC47ab-U-00061-00029453-00030076 Roft is 47.5 and Shaft is True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X100, pGvhC47ab-U-00062-00030076-00030333 The rest are S400. pGvhC47ab-U-00063-00030333-00030786 Putter's a Scotty Cameron X5.5 tour prototype. pGvhC47ab-U-00064-00030786-00031233 Lastly, the ball uses a tightrope Pro V1x. pGvhC47ab-U-00065-00031233-00031689 The only thing that's gonna happen is to use the Titelist, from the screwdriver to the ball. pGvhC47ab-U-00066-00031689-00031939 Is this called One Club Man? pGvhC47ab-U-00067-00031939-00032300 Justin Thomas is always the favorite to win every tournament. pGvhC47ab-U-00068-00032300-00032670 I'm looking forward to his performance in the future. pGvhC47ab-U-00069-00032670-00033096 This has been Dogg Golf. Thank you. pHyJIORkDrY-00000-00000356-00000801 Ever since I was a little kid I've always loved cars and motorcycles pretty pHyJIORkDrY-00001-00000801-00001121 much anything with an engine in it. Towards the end of high school is when I pHyJIORkDrY-00002-00001121-00001607 really started getting into cars and helping friends build their cars and pHyJIORkDrY-00003-00001607-00002027 right after I graduated high school is when I actually was able to start buying pHyJIORkDrY-00004-00002027-00002618 my own cars and building them to what I want and doing what I want with them. pHyJIORkDrY-00005-00002618-00002988 Yeah working at Truck Center definitely helps me with my hobbies by pHyJIORkDrY-00006-00002988-00003311 having a career you're able to support your hobbies which isn't a cheap hobby pHyJIORkDrY-00007-00003311-00003669 at all. When I was in high school I never would have thought about becoming a pHyJIORkDrY-00008-00003669-00004251 diesel technician. You need to go to college do finance that's that was pHyJIORkDrY-00009-00004251-00004650 pretty much the route that was always forced into me and working with your pHyJIORkDrY-00010-00004650-00005310 hands wasn't really an option. I take it out on the weekends and go ahead and pHyJIORkDrY-00011-00005310-00005826 race I'll take it to some racetracks. I have a group of buddies we all have a pHyJIORkDrY-00012-00005826-00006284 bunch of cars and we all get together meet up. pHyJIORkDrY-00013-00006439-00007043 Yeah I love going fast I got an itch for it I mean there's something pHyJIORkDrY-00014-00007043-00007663 about speed that really puts a smile on my face. pHyJIORkDrY-00015-00008602-00009022 I would say if you're someone who is kind of unsure with what you want to do pHyJIORkDrY-00016-00009022-00009328 if you're someone who likes to do something work with your hands and pHyJIORkDrY-00017-00009328-00009577 what not diesel tech is definitely a great option. pHyJIORkDrY-00018-00009577-00010042 I'm currently twenty-two years old and just bought my first house. I have a pretty pHyJIORkDrY-00019-00010042-00010528 expensive hobby and by working at Truck Center it's allowed me to do my hobby pHyJIORkDrY-00020-00010528-00010974 buy my house and take care of myself financially. pJf_FvESz1E-00000-00000000-00001196 Mamdouh "Big Ramy" Elssbiay Wins the 2020 Mr. Olympia 2020 pJvnA05LJXu-00000-00000602-00001215 I address the Russians who are watching us. Interviews of your soldiers will not be shown on federal channels pJvnA05LJXu-00001-00001251-00002317 share this video among your friends and relatives, especially in Russian social networks, so that more people will know the truth about the war pJvnA05LJXu-00002-00002360-00002632 -What's your full name? -Taranenko Alexandr Nikolayevich pJvnA05LJXu-00003-00002651-00002974 -When were you born? -05/17/1989 pJvnA05LJXu-00004-00003020-00003342 -Where are you from? -Rovenky, Luhansk region pJvnA05LJXu-00005-00003530-00003769 -You were born and lived there, right? -I was born in Russia pJvnA05LJXu-00006-00003797-00004134 -Where in Russia? -Khutor Kozyri, Millerovsky District, Rostov Region pJvnA05LJXu-00007-00004166-00004486 -But you have a Ukrainian passport? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00008-00004678-00005528 -When did you go to war? -March 15, 2022 pJvnA05LJXu-00009-00005568-00006139 -What were the circumstances? -Well, I went to the store pJvnA05LJXu-00010-00006240-00006985 I was on my way to the store, people came up to me, took me, and drove to the enlistment office pJvnA05LJXu-00011-00007070-00007725 -Were you taken by force? -The force wasn't used, but they controlled me so I wouldn't run away. pJvnA05LJXu-00012-00007798-00008219 -Who took you? -They were in uniform. pJvnA05LJXu-00013-00008279-00008676 - Were they people from the Ministry of State Security or the military? -No, it was the military. pJvnA05LJXu-00014-00008707-00008982 -Do you have a family? -Yes. Wife and three children pJvnA05LJXu-00015-00009000-00009655 -Three kids, right? What did you do in Rovenki? -I worked in a private mine pJvnA05LJXu-00016-00009736-00010289 -Was it an artisanal mine or a big enterprise? Because there's a big difference between the two pJvnA05LJXu-00017-00010289-00010447 -It was an artisanal mine pJvnA05LJXu-00018-00010447-00011020 And how was this business built after 2014? Did the illegal mines continue to operate? pJvnA05LJXu-00019-00011020-00011250 -Yes -And then where did the coal go? pJvnA05LJXu-00020-00011332-00011760 I don't know. Coal was sold. Probably for export. pJvnA05LJXu-00021-00011860-00012060 What was the salary? pJvnA05LJXu-00022-00012173-00013089 It depended on coal production. Basically, I earned up to 20,000 rubles a month pJvnA05LJXu-00023-00013132-00013397 -What were you doing before 2014? pJvnA05LJXu-00024-00013587-00013928 I was in jail until November 2013 pJvnA05LJXu-00025-00013943-00014266 -What were you convicted of? -Car theft and stealing pJvnA05LJXu-00026-00014300-00014584 -How many years were you sentenced to? -Five and a half years pJvnA05LJXu-00027-00014600-00015372 At first I was sentenced to a suspended prison term: five years with a two-year reprieve. But then there was a regime change pJvnA05LJXu-00028-00015372-00015572 And I went to prison for five and a half years pJvnA05LJXu-00029-00015602-00015892 -Was that your only jail time? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00030-00015960-00016565 -And after '13... When did you get out of prison in '13? -30 November pJvnA05LJXu-00031-00016612-00017345 -November 30... So you remember all the events in Donbass? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00032-00017406-00017783 Let's go back to last year. You were drafted in March. pJvnA05LJXu-00033-00017783-00018121 -What was your military position? -Gunner pJvnA05LJXu-00034-00018156-00019040 -Where did you fight? -In Rubizhne and Soledar. Soledar Industrial Zone pJvnA05LJXu-00035-00019040-00019356 -When were you taken prisoner? -December 30 pJvnA05LJXu-00036-00019467-00019856 -So you were at war from March to December. -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00037-00019988-00020304 -It's a long time -Yes, quite a long pJvnA05LJXu-00038-00020456-00021231 I was in Rubizhne until April 27. I was wounded there, got a contusion pJvnA05LJXu-00039-00021309-00021648 I was evacuated and hospitalized pJvnA05LJXu-00040-00021648-00021914 -Where? -In Rovenky pJvnA05LJXu-00041-00021914-00022650 I was in the neurological department, under IV fluids. Then I was discharged. pJvnA05LJXu-00042-00022814-00023769 And from the hospital I went to the enlistment office. And they sent me to Soledar. pJvnA05LJXu-00043-00023971-00024771 That is, they fixed me as an active serviceman. They sent me back to war pJvnA05LJXu-00044-00024789-00025274 -How much were you paid? -186 thousand rubles pJvnA05LJXu-00045-00025525-00025725 You were paid from March to December, right? pJvnA05LJXu-00046-00025737-00026597 When I was in the hospital, I was paid 76,000 and 96,000 pJvnA05LJXu-00047-00026648-00028091 And then, starting in September, more precisely August, I received 220 and 186 thousand pJvnA05LJXu-00048-00028117-00028341 Why did they raise your pay so sharply? pJvnA05LJXu-00049-00028679-00028940 Almost tripled pJvnA05LJXu-00050-00029000-00029200 I don't know. pJvnA05LJXu-00051-00029260-00029810 -You fought in the forces of the so-called LPR, right? -Yes. It was the seventh brigade pJvnA05LJXu-00052-00029810-00030010 -And in Soledar, too? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00053-00030025-00030600 -Were you a stormtrooper in Soledar? -Yes, we were listed as storm troopers pJvnA05LJXu-00054-00030600-00030833 -And near Rubizhne too? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00055-00030960-00031471 -Did you shoot a lot? -Well, for cover, of course, a lot of pJvnA05LJXu-00056-00031710-00032150 This is important because a lot of people tell me that they were on the defensive and didn't shoot at all. pJvnA05LJXu-00057-00032150-00032554 But I understand that this is war. People are shooting pJvnA05LJXu-00058-00032606-00032845 Can you explain what you fought for? pJvnA05LJXu-00059-00033000-00033242 Well, so they don't come to our cities pJvnA05LJXu-00060-00033279-00033976 -Who? -AFU. Because we understand that nothing good is going to happen. pJvnA05LJXu-00061-00034345-00034812 Our families will suffer pJvnA05LJXu-00062-00034898-00035329 What were they supposed to suffer from? What should the Ukrainian military have done? pJvnA05LJXu-00063-00035379-00036409 Since we are at war against them, we and our family must have suffered. Because we went to war pJvnA05LJXu-00064-00036436-00036636 Why did you go to war? pJvnA05LJXu-00065-00036885-00037651 Most of us didn't have a choice. You can't say: I don't want to pJvnA05LJXu-00066-00037885-00038085 You don't want to, but you will. pJvnA05LJXu-00067-00038176-00038951 -Did you go to that so called referendum in 2014? -I have a problem with my passport. It is invalid. pJvnA05LJXu-00068-00038968-00039111 -Is this a Ukrainian passport? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00069-00039111-00039383 -When did it end? -In 2012 pJvnA05LJXu-00070-00039421-00039772 -What passports do you have now? -Only this one pJvnA05LJXu-00071-00039772-00039969 -Ukrainian? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00072-00039969-00040169 -An LPR passport? -I don't have one. pJvnA05LJXu-00073-00040169-00040369 -And Russian? -I don't have pJvnA05LJXu-00074-00040369-00041054 How did they take you to war at all? Everyone there should have a passport, a military ticket pJvnA05LJXu-00075-00041089-00041379 -I had a military ID -Based on what did you get it? pJvnA05LJXu-00076-00041503-00042236 I got it when I was still in the 10th Brigade. Under contract in 2019 pJvnA05LJXu-00077-00042316-00042848 -You were at war before 2022, right? -I wouldn't say I was at war. I served pJvnA05LJXu-00078-00042902-00043470 -You volunteered to serve? -Yes, because I couldn't find a job. And I have a family, three kids. pJvnA05LJXu-00079-00043523-00044204 I had to get money somehow. It was the only option for me pJvnA05LJXu-00080-00044224-00044505 -How much were you paid there? -15 thousand rubles pJvnA05LJXu-00081-00044525-00044848 -What did you do before 2019? -I worked in an illegal mine pJvnA05LJXu-00082-00044888-00045181 All the time in the illegal mines. Did they disappear in 2019? pJvnA05LJXu-00083-00045288-00046072 No, they were. But they were kind of legalized. They were working officially. pJvnA05LJXu-00084-00046072-00046587 And with this passport I could not get an official job pJvnA05LJXu-00085-00046722-00047569 I have a passport with no residence registration and no second photo. So I could not get an official job pJvnA05LJXu-00086-00047709-00048605 If I went to an official mine, they would tell me that my passport was not a document. So I went to the army. pJvnA05LJXu-00087-00048668-00049665 They told me that they would make me a passport. But it's been almost a year, and they still haven't done it. pJvnA05LJXu-00088-00049770-00050402 And that was it. I was discharged from my military contract pJvnA05LJXu-00089-00050648-00051414 -What did your wife tell you when you signed in '19? -She wasn't happy, of course. pJvnA05LJXu-00090-00051448-00052262 Like any family member, she was against it. But what is done is done. pJvnA05LJXu-00091-00052391-00053255 She had no influence. I was already in the army. And she has come to terms with it. pJvnA05LJXu-00092-00053281-00054113 What do you feel like? Ukrainian? Russian? A man of Donbass? pJvnA05LJXu-00093-00054365-00054780 -Well, kind of like the last option. -Man of Donbass, right? pJvnA05LJXu-00094-00054895-00055509 -Where does Donbass end? -Where does it end... pJvnA05LJXu-00095-00055852-00056822 The way it is lined up at the moment. On the one hand neutral between Russia and Ukraine pJvnA05LJXu-00096-00056915-00057438 But on the other hand it is not Russia and Ukraine pJvnA05LJXu-00097-00057644-00058131 That's how it turns out. Between Two Fires pJvnA05LJXu-00098-00058385-00059259 You said that you went to war with the AFU so that they would not come to your cities because you started a war against them pJvnA05LJXu-00099-00059324-00059874 In that case, I have a question. The AFU defends its own land pJvnA05LJXu-00100-00060080-00060349 -They are defending their land, aren't they? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00101-00060577-00061418 Ukraine ends at the border with Poland, with Hungary. So you had to go all the way there? pJvnA05LJXu-00102-00061569-00062248 No. Our task was to take the Luhansk and Donetsk regions pJvnA05LJXu-00103-00062280-00062794 -Who is this "we"? -To have it in one piece... pJvnA05LJXu-00104-00062794-00063099 -Who is this "we"? -Well, Donbass pJvnA05LJXu-00105-00063099-00063383 -Who is this "we"? Whose task is this? pJvnA05LJXu-00106-00063630-00064000 -Who is "we"? -Well, Donbass pJvnA05LJXu-00107-00064046-00064563 -No, you said "our task." Who is this "we"? -Well, the command pJvnA05LJXu-00108-00064594-00065549 -It's the Russians, right? -Our seventh brigade is from the LPR. It's not Russian, as far as I know. pJvnA05LJXu-00109-00065638-00066188 -Okay. You were drafted in March... -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00110-00066262-00066926 -Last February was the anniversary of the full-scale invasion, Russia invaded, right? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00111-00067000-00067328 -You went to war with Russia -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00112-00067348-00067686 That's why I have a question. The Ukrainian Armed Forces defend their territories pJvnA05LJXu-00113-00067686-00068330 You told me that you fought against the AFU because the AFU had to come to Ukrainian territories, I emphasize that pJvnA05LJXu-00114-00068392-00068592 Rovenky is a Ukrainian city pJvnA05LJXu-00115-00068850-00069463 So I have a question: where were you supposed to stop? pJvnA05LJXu-00116-00069726-00070056 On the border with Poland or Hungary? pJvnA05LJXu-00117-00070069-00070504 No. Where Donbass ends... pJvnA05LJXu-00118-00070504-00071135 -Okay. Russia, the LPR, the DPR are now one, right? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00119-00071135-00071895 It's been a long time since they could have been separated. Explain to me, if you were fighting for the Donetsk region, why did you invade from different directions? pJvnA05LJXu-00120-00071953-00073139 Chernihiv, Kyiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, and Kherson. Do you remember the map of Ukraine? From the north, from the south... And so on. pJvnA05LJXu-00121-00073139-00073696 If you only wanted to occupy the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, explain to me why you had to invade there? pJvnA05LJXu-00122-00073718-00074499 I can't tell you that. I only know about where we were. It's Rubizhne. pJvnA05LJXu-00123-00074534-00075217 We were standing in the Luhansk region. And Soledar is Donetsk region. pJvnA05LJXu-00124-00075335-00075583 They didn't send us anywhere else. pJvnA05LJXu-00125-00075605-00075907 And the people who lived there - did they want you to come to them? pJvnA05LJXu-00126-00076098-00076391 No one asked them, as far as I understand pJvnA05LJXu-00127-00077148-00077348 Whether they wanted or not pJvnA05LJXu-00128-00077383-00077793 Yes... Then why did you come? pJvnA05LJXu-00129-00078027-00078646 Orders are not negotiable. We were given an order and we carried it out. pJvnA05LJXu-00130-00079134-00079604 Look, my brain is already boiling a little. pJvnA05LJXu-00131-00079625-00080478 You tell me that you were afraid of an attack by the AFU. You went further to people who did not call you pJvnA05LJXu-00132-00080620-00080820 The order is non-negotiable... pJvnA05LJXu-00133-00081325-00082247 -There is no logic here. I ask... The AFU will fight to the end. Do you agree? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00134-00082260-00082705 I'll ask you again. Where did you want to stop? pJvnA05LJXu-00135-00082790-00083742 The borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, people didn't want you, the AFU defends its people... What a mishmash it turns out to be pJvnA05LJXu-00136-00084076-00084560 I didn't see any civilians anywhere pJvnA05LJXu-00137-00084592-00085376 When they brought us near Rubizhne in the Luhansk region, I didn't see anyone there pJvnA05LJXu-00138-00085442-00085786 No civilians at all pJvnA05LJXu-00139-00085819-00086346 It was the same in the industrial area of Soledar. There was no one there either. pJvnA05LJXu-00140-00086388-00086780 -Why wasn't anyone there? -Because there is a war going on pJvnA05LJXu-00141-00086799-00087529 -And what did people do? -Somebody went to Ukraine... pJvnA05LJXu-00142-00087530-00087915 People evacuated because of your invasion, right? pJvnA05LJXu-00143-00088063-00088583 How can you live where there is a firefight? pJvnA05LJXu-00144-00088583-00088843 Yes. But who initiated this firefight? pJvnA05LJXu-00145-00089665-00090024 Well, I suspect that the Russians did pJvnA05LJXu-00146-00090037-00090914 -You don't know that for sure, you suspect -It turns out that yes. It turns out that Russia pJvnA05LJXu-00147-00090945-00092000 Russia, right? Okay, even if I agree that you were afraid of an attack by the AFU. And why did Russia attack? pJvnA05LJXu-00148-00092035-00092235 -Can you explain it to me? -No pJvnA05LJXu-00149-00092342-00092542 -Can't you? -No pJvnA05LJXu-00150-00092732-00093052 -You're smiling. -Because I don't know. pJvnA05LJXu-00151-00093052-00094166 Look, I'll give you some numbers for this year of war. Eight million peaceful Ukrainians left for the West pJvnA05LJXu-00152-00094241-00094891 About three and a half million left eastern Ukraine inside the country pJvnA05LJXu-00153-00095070-00095698 You smile and say you don't know why Russia attacked. You've come to kick these people out of the house pJvnA05LJXu-00154-00095987-00096813 We're not even talking about the civilians and military killed. This all happened because you were sitting somewhere in Rovenky and were afraid pJvnA05LJXu-00155-00096858-00097363 -You voluntarily joined this action in 2109 -Yes, voluntarily pJvnA05LJXu-00156-00097363-00097916 -Voluntarily. You saw what happened in Donbass in 2014 -I saw pJvnA05LJXu-00157-00097916-00098071 Whose fault is it? pJvnA05LJXu-00158-00098364-00099868 As far as I watched the news, it was shown a lot that it was Ukrainian soldiers who started the shelling in the first place. pJvnA05LJXu-00159-00099902-00100345 They shelled Donbass completely. There were a lot of fatalities. pJvnA05LJXu-00160-00100427-00100729 We had to defend ourselves because of it. pJvnA05LJXu-00161-00100801-00101091 Can you explain to me why Ukrainian soldiers shelled Donbass? pJvnA05LJXu-00162-00101175-00101497 Well... How is it why? pJvnA05LJXu-00163-00101524-00102026 That's the question. There must be a causal connection pJvnA05LJXu-00164-00102104-00102403 Explain why the AFU started shelling Donbass? pJvnA05LJXu-00165-00102480-00103147 Because we decided to secede from Ukraine. So the referendum pJvnA05LJXu-00166-00103180-00103743 We thought it would be much better. Easier, simpler. pJvnA05LJXu-00167-00103877-00104310 It didn't get any easier or better. pJvnA05LJXu-00168-00104623-00105000 -There was a referendum, right? It's a pseudo-referendum for me. -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00169-00105110-00105949 From 2014 to 2022... In 2014, could Ukraine solve this problem on its own? pJvnA05LJXu-00170-00106270-00106470 Yes, it could pJvnA05LJXu-00171-00106505-00106786 -Could the AFU have solved this problem on their own? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00172-00106804-00107004 Why couldn't they do it? pJvnA05LJXu-00173-00108085-00108666 Well, there are high-ranking people... pJvnA05LJXu-00174-00108684-00109594 Those most likely appointed by the Russian Federation pJvnA05LJXu-00175-00109616-00110055 -So there was support from Russia, right? -Some support, of course. pJvnA05LJXu-00176-00110055-00110255 It was, wasn't it? pJvnA05LJXu-00177-00110296-00110796 I myself am from western Ukraine. Western Ukraine pJvnA05LJXu-00178-00110975-00111448 If some action started here and Poland supported it. Would that be legal? pJvnA05LJXu-00179-00111840-00111965 No.. pJvnA05LJXu-00180-00112068-00112465 So what Russia did in eastern Ukraine was illegal, right? pJvnA05LJXu-00181-00112572-00112679 No.. pJvnA05LJXu-00182-00112746-00113276 -Ukraine wanted to resume legality on its territory? -Yes... pJvnA05LJXu-00183-00113336-00113708 -So it was doing the right thing? -In fact, yes. pJvnA05LJXu-00184-00113708-00114024 Okay. You agree. pJvnA05LJXu-00185-00114105-00114910 It so happens that these territories are not under control. You talk about shelling. Do you know the statistics from 2014 to 2022? This conflict pJvnA05LJXu-00186-00115129-00115329 Well, not in general... pJvnA05LJXu-00187-00115436-00115855 -Do you know the number of deaths in 2021? -No pJvnA05LJXu-00188-00115868-00116415 -It's a statistic. Seven civilians killed. In 2020, about 15. pJvnA05LJXu-00189-00116825-00117813 This action was on its way to fading. Do you know what I'm talking about? You're talking about the bombing of the Donbass, it was probably all going to be on fire. pJvnA05LJXu-00190-00117813-00118151 Then explain to me why Russia invaded in 2022, if everything was already fading? pJvnA05LJXu-00191-00118151-00119135 You agree that in 2014 Ukraine could have resolved this... this misunderstanding with some people in Donbass pJvnA05LJXu-00192-00119169-00119690 I'll call it that. In 2022 it was all already fading away. Why did Russia invade then? pJvnA05LJXu-00193-00120384-00121120 Probably because they saw that the Donbass is not coping pJvnA05LJXu-00194-00121154-00121879 -What isn't it coping with? -I don't know. They see it all differently, don't they? pJvnA05LJXu-00195-00121896-00122422 What wasn't Donbass coping with? Everything was quieting down. Another year and there would have been nothing pJvnA05LJXu-00196-00123250-00123450 I don't know... pJvnA05LJXu-00197-00123747-00124116 -Do you have an education? -I have a specialized secondary education pJvnA05LJXu-00198-00124116-00124391 -What's your specialty? -I'm a carpenter pJvnA05LJXu-00199-00124660-00125279 Look... It appears that people like you have f***ed this region up pJvnA05LJXu-00200-00126136-00126336 Why so? pJvnA05LJXu-00201-00126476-00126823 Who else? Whose fault is it that you are sitting here? pJvnA05LJXu-00202-00127152-00128080 You voluntarily signed a document in 2019, joining these formations pJvnA05LJXu-00203-00128499-00129098 The conflict was fading. In 2014, Russia intervened pJvnA05LJXu-00204-00129286-00129900 If this region, including you, told them: guys, this is Ukrainian territory after all pJvnA05LJXu-00205-00129955-00130155 Why do we need Russia? pJvnA05LJXu-00206-00130191-00130441 It doesn't depend on one or two people pJvnA05LJXu-00207-00130477-00130724 That's right. How many of you are there? pJvnA05LJXu-00208-00130980-00131399 -There are a lot of you, aren't there? -Quite a lot of pJvnA05LJXu-00209-00131767-00132548 It's like you all don't want to go. If we were to gather you all together... together with your leader, what's his name? Pasechnik pJvnA05LJXu-00210-00132748-00133556 Here in captivity everyone complains and says don't point a finger at me pJvnA05LJXu-00211-00133611-00134254 "It's not our fault, we're miserable." In front of me sits a man who, in 19 because of the situation, could not find a job pJvnA05LJXu-00212-00134319-00134893 He picked up a rifle. In 22 he was drafted and successfully went to war pJvnA05LJXu-00213-00134964-00135595 And he fought from March to December. He shot, he had no remorse. pJvnA05LJXu-00214-00135673-00135780 I shot... pJvnA05LJXu-00215-00135816-00136375 You were sent to war on the other side. But for some reason it's all Ukraine's fault. Where is the logic here? pJvnA05LJXu-00216-00136746-00137078 I'm seriously asking. Where is the logic here? pJvnA05LJXu-00217-00137535-00138490 Personally, I only wanted my family to be okay. pJvnA05LJXu-00218-00138651-00139525 I wanted to prevent... That nothing bad would happen to my family pJvnA05LJXu-00219-00139566-00140084 I personally defended them. In the first place pJvnA05LJXu-00220-00140139-00140465 Who thinks differently, I don't know. pJvnA05LJXu-00221-00140658-00142116 If I happened to be in the service, in the war... I was protecting my family, first and foremost. And that's it. pJvnA05LJXu-00222-00142202-00142597 -Look, did you see what happened with Soledar? -I did pJvnA05LJXu-00223-00142597-00142824 -Did you see what happened with Rubizhne? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00224-00142836-00143135 -How would you explain it to Ukrainians? That it just happened? pJvnA05LJXu-00225-00143528-00143656 Cities are gone, no? pJvnA05LJXu-00226-00143856-00144056 Did it just happen? Explain to me pJvnA05LJXu-00227-00144547-00144918 -I don't know. As they say, war is not without losses pJvnA05LJXu-00228-00145000-00145324 There are always losses in something pJvnA05LJXu-00229-00145345-00145613 -Maybe let's sacrifice your family then? After all, there's war pJvnA05LJXu-00230-00145700-00146000 Are you prepared for that? -I'm not ready to sacrifice anyone's family pJvnA05LJXu-00231-00146000-00146553 -No, but you fought on that side, so let's sacrifice your family and your 3 children pJvnA05LJXu-00232-00146658-00146813 War is not without losses pJvnA05LJXu-00233-00146939-00147139 Do you agree with it? -No pJvnA05LJXu-00234-00147169-00147255 -Why? pJvnA05LJXu-00235-00147404-00147876 You tell Ukrainians that war is not without losses. So let's sacrifice your family pJvnA05LJXu-00236-00147957-00148523 -They fight for their families and their lands, too -Yes, they defend from the likes of you pJvnA05LJXu-00237-00148648-00148917 You basically say "My apologies, but war is not without losses." pJvnA05LJXu-00238-00149516-00149833 -It's never good at a war -I agree with that pJvnA05LJXu-00239-00150033-00150233 What's your idea? What do you fight for? pJvnA05LJXu-00240-00150296-00150895 You told me so that AFU wouldn't go there. AFU will get there sooner or later, because it's Ukrainian territory pJvnA05LJXu-00241-00151224-00151823 Why would AFU need you if you didn't fight? See what I mean? Why? pJvnA05LJXu-00242-00152272-00152850 -I think those people aren't needed by anyone, because, I think, they participated in the referendum pJvnA05LJXu-00243-00153035-00153679 -Why didn't Russia take all those people who participated in the referendum back then? Explain to me pJvnA05LJXu-00244-00153778-00153978 All of them were so eager to join Russia pJvnA05LJXu-00245-00154178-00154378 Maybe Russia doesn't give a crap about you? pJvnA05LJXu-00246-00154794-00155608 -Perhaps -I'm seriously asking. War is no joke pJvnA05LJXu-00247-00156040-00156195 It's human lives pJvnA05LJXu-00248-00156504-00156847 -Everyone understands that -I don't think so pJvnA05LJXu-00249-00157000-00157922 Everyone who's from L/DPR say that they're not to blame. I can't agree with that, because you joined them in 2019 pJvnA05LJXu-00250-00158000-00158718 You took a weapon, because you couldn't find job. Is it Ukrainian's problem that you couldn't find work? Or is it your personal problem? pJvnA05LJXu-00251-00159026-00159247 -More likely a personal problem -Personal, right? pJvnA05LJXu-00252-00159447-00159776 How many years have you been given now? -13 years pJvnA05LJXu-00253-00159776-00160059 -Is it factual? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00254-00160059-00160259 -Is it all legal? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00255-00160319-00160873 -You voluntarily joined and so on. It's human logic -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00256-00161000-00161230 -Do you want to be exchanged? -Of course pJvnA05LJXu-00257-00161313-00162409 -If you go back you'll be sent to war again. If you don't get killed there, you'll be sent here again. Are you going to say that it happened again? How do you deal with it? pJvnA05LJXu-00258-00163056-00163208 -I just won't go pJvnA05LJXu-00259-00163208-00163408 -You'll just be put down. What will you do? pJvnA05LJXu-00260-00163557-00164111 You said yourself that can't happen. Are you prepared for it? -If they kill me, so be it pJvnA05LJXu-00261-00164111-00164251 -Or your family will be affected pJvnA05LJXu-00262-00164595-00165140 Is that possible? -Yes pJvnA05LJXu-00263-00165140-00166176 -What do you do then? -In those cases they return back, so their families don't get harmed more pJvnA05LJXu-00264-00166458-00166972 -What if you get sent again? Russia has problems with human resources pJvnA05LJXu-00265-00167113-00168131 Are you ready to come back home in a plastic bag? -If it doesn't affect my family, I am ready pJvnA05LJXu-00266-00168131-00168777 -So you are ready to come back in a black plastic bag? -If it doesn't affect my family, yes pJvnA05LJXu-00267-00169020-00169202 -Wanna say anything to Russians? pJvnA05LJXu-00268-00170185-00170442 -I don't want to tell them anything pL7yY5No2IQ-00000-00000016-00000525 Lateefah Vintage Blue Stone Silver Color Ring 3 Stones Eternity Band Wedding Ring Retro pL7yY5No2IQ-00001-00000525-00001021 Cubic Zirconia Jewelry Ring Anel Bague pL7yY5No2IQ-00002-00001021-00001932 Item Type:RingsFine or Fashion:FashionSurface Width:3mmSetting Type:Prong SettingOccasion:EngagementStyle:TrendyRings pL7yY5No2IQ-00003-00001932-00002700 Type:Cocktail RingGender:WomenShape\pattern:GeometricMaterial:Cubic ZirconiaMetals Type:BrassFunction:NACompatibility:NoneGender:WomenMetal pL7yY5No2IQ-00004-00002700-00003729 Type:Eco-friendly BrassMaterial:Cubic ZirconiaSize:7/8/9Plating:White GoldStyle:FashionItem Name:Vintage RingPattern:GeometricPacking:One pL7yY5No2IQ-00005-00003729-00004283 piece with one velet bagOccasion:Wedding, Engagement, Party, Anniverasry, Gift pOWfSVSyyko-00000-00000000-00000360 Hi guys it's Riley here and I am back again pOWfSVSyyko-00001-00000390-00000875 with a brand new video for you all. I'm really excited about today's video pOWfSVSyyko-00002-00000921-00001256 because it is my current Regression favorites pOWfSVSyyko-00003-00001257-00001860 I'm going to show you all of my current favorites that have to do with my Age Regression and pOWfSVSyyko-00004-00001914-00002618 yeah. It's gonna be really super fun! So let's get started first category is pOWfSVSyyko-00005-00002671-00002988 pacis! My first favorite paci is this pOWfSVSyyko-00006-00003036-00003761 Pentacle Paci that I got from it used to be Fox's Little Universe, but now I think it's Rooks Supply Depot pOWfSVSyyko-00007-00003762-00003890 I love it a lot pOWfSVSyyko-00008-00003890-00004275 They sent it to me disassembled, so I could put the good teet on it, pOWfSVSyyko-00009-00004275-00004640 which I love, and it's just so pretty and silvery and it's got a little pOWfSVSyyko-00010-00004705-00005030 pentacle on it, because if you didn't know, I'm a witchy baby pOWfSVSyyko-00011-00005030-00005468 and yeah, so this is just the perfect paci for me! These next two pOWfSVSyyko-00012-00005469-00006087 I also replaced the nipple in, as I do with literally every paci I own. But it is this blue pOWfSVSyyko-00013-00006121-00006887 sparkly and clear and the green sparkly and clear. I love the sparkly clear shield. I love the sparkly purple and the sparkly gold. pOWfSVSyyko-00014-00006888-00007488 They were my favorite a while ago, but I am currently loving the blue in the green. I think they're so cute. pOWfSVSyyko-00015-00007488-00007772 I actually have a modded paci for this favorites video, too, pOWfSVSyyko-00016-00007792-00008168 and is this little one it has a little moon on it and pOWfSVSyyko-00017-00008184-00008868 it has a little birdie sitting on the moon, and it's got a clear mam shield, and it also glows in the dark, pOWfSVSyyko-00018-00008884-00009011 which is super cute. pOWfSVSyyko-00019-00009011-00009359 So if I'm not in the mood for one of my blue glow-in-the-dark paci's, pOWfSVSyyko-00020-00009360-00009890 I grab this one. Now on to onesies. The thing you all want to know about pOWfSVSyyko-00021-00009890-00010637 My first favorite onesie is this Rainy Days onesie. It's so cute. It's got a bunch of little critters. pOWfSVSyyko-00022-00010638-00011199 It's green, but I don't know if you can see but it's kind of like polka-dotted which is really cute. pOWfSVSyyko-00023-00011199-00011589 and it's got all these critters playing in the rain, and I absolutely pOWfSVSyyko-00024-00011640-00012074 Love it because I love rainy days. Next up is this pOWfSVSyyko-00025-00012199-00012678 Primary tutu onesie. It's got a little skirt on it pOWfSVSyyko-00026-00012678-00013217 But it's a full onesie still and it's so cute and it's so primary. And I love it pOWfSVSyyko-00027-00013309-00014069 Because if I'm feeling more girly I can wear it and be the cutest little primary princess that you ever saw pOWfSVSyyko-00028-00014069-00014636 I love it a lot. It's super cute, and I just even just looking at it makes me so happy pOWfSVSyyko-00029-00014659-00014867 Oh my gosh, it's great pOWfSVSyyko-00030-00014881-00015597 My next favorite onesie is my Daddy's Little Boy one from Littletude. It's so cute pOWfSVSyyko-00031-00015597-00015818 I love the metal snaps on it and pOWfSVSyyko-00032-00015882-00016472 It's just it's adorable and I love how they offer one for the Little Boy's that have Daddies pOWfSVSyyko-00033-00016473-00016865 They also have a Mommy's Little Girl one, which is also super cute pOWfSVSyyko-00034-00016875-00017288 It just doesn't apply to me and if you are a little boy with the daddy pOWfSVSyyko-00035-00017298-00017786 You can snag yourself this onesie and use the code "Riley" to get pOWfSVSyyko-00036-00017835-00018281 15% off at Littletude.com the link to them is down below if you are pOWfSVSyyko-00037-00018328-00018828 interested. Now on to diapers! The first favorite in my diaper category pOWfSVSyyko-00038-00018862-00019253 Isn't technically a diaper but it's a diaper product pOWfSVSyyko-00039-00019254-00020025 and that is these plastic pants as you can see there is some color worn off onto them and that is because pOWfSVSyyko-00040-00020047-00020651 The Dotty Diaper company Super Boompa's like to bleed color if you're using them pOWfSVSyyko-00041-00020659-00021104 It'll bleed color onto your onesies and that's not fun pOWfSVSyyko-00042-00021120-00021626 But I still have a bunch of those diapers left and I'm not just gonna not use them pOWfSVSyyko-00043-00021631-00022376 So I figured I would pick up a pair of cheap plastic pants from eBay and that is what I did. They are just regular pOWfSVSyyko-00044-00022434-00022563 plastic pants and pOWfSVSyyko-00045-00022563-00023243 Obviously you can see the color has worn off of the Super Boompa's but wearing this not only protects against the color pOWfSVSyyko-00046-00023262-00024020 Bleeding onto your onesie but it also protects from leaking on to like furniture and stuff. So these these are great pOWfSVSyyko-00047-00024020-00024220 These are useful highly recommend pOWfSVSyyko-00048-00024222-00024704 they were less than $10 dollars really reasonably priced and they fit me good so pOWfSVSyyko-00049-00024735-00025139 They make them for fat people too. My next favorite is an actual diaper pOWfSVSyyko-00050-00025140-00025769 I just recently did a review on this diaper and I have been loving wearing them recently super soft pOWfSVSyyko-00051-00025770-00026390 They're super comfortable and it is the DC Idol. I just think the baby blue color is so sweet pOWfSVSyyko-00052-00026390-00026837 And I love the way that the plastic if you want to see why I love them completely pOWfSVSyyko-00053-00026838-00027120 You can go watch the video on my review of them pOWfSVSyyko-00054-00027120-00027708 And then at last for diapers, they're actually some pull-ups and it is these pOWfSVSyyko-00055-00027777-00028044 Assurance underwear from Walmart pOWfSVSyyko-00056-00028060-00028785 These are the women's ones just because you know trans and anatomy and you kind of have to go by anatomy with these things pOWfSVSyyko-00057-00028827-00028958 But I got these pull-ups pOWfSVSyyko-00058-00028958-00029130 They're cute in purple pOWfSVSyyko-00059-00029130-00029732 and I think they're perfect for when I don't want to like fully regress or I don't want to like pOWfSVSyyko-00060-00029752-00030293 Commit to wearing and using a diaper. I feel like these are a really good solution and they pOWfSVSyyko-00061-00030364-00030472 stretch pOWfSVSyyko-00062-00030472-00030544 So much pOWfSVSyyko-00063-00030544-00031073 I'm not totally sure on the capacity of these because I don't usually use them pOWfSVSyyko-00064-00031108-00031649 But I feel like they probably hold a wetting or so, but they're super cute. They're stretchy pOWfSVSyyko-00065-00031650-00031842 They're comfortable and they're great pOWfSVSyyko-00066-00031842-00032330 If you want to wear a onesie, but not wear is full dip. Now onto toys pOWfSVSyyko-00067-00032331-00032789 I have been loving recently. My top favorite toy currently are pOWfSVSyyko-00068-00032857-00033167 Barbies I had Barbies a lot as a bio kid pOWfSVSyyko-00069-00033168-00033660 So it reminds me of my bio childhood, and I also really love that pOWfSVSyyko-00070-00033660-00034296 This one is one of the jointed Barbies which makes everything so good. I have 5 Barbies total pOWfSVSyyko-00071-00034296-00035006 I have 4 girls and a boy and I have in the varying body types in everything and they all got super pOWfSVSyyko-00072-00035014-00035161 cute clothes pOWfSVSyyko-00073-00035161-00035859 And they're just super fun to play with and play pretend and set up and you can do like a mini photo shoot with them pOWfSVSyyko-00074-00035859-00036009 It's really great pOWfSVSyyko-00075-00036009-00036611 I highly recommend that y'all get yourselves a Barbie and Barbies are not just for little girls pOWfSVSyyko-00076-00036613-00037071 Okay little boys can play with Barbies too and non-binary little people pOWfSVSyyko-00077-00037074-00037815 My next toy favorite is actually sitting over here in this chair. Let me grab him. You've seen him before pOWfSVSyyko-00078-00037878-00038517 This is my giant bear Salsa. I got Salsa from Goodwill for literally only $10 dollars pOWfSVSyyko-00079-00038524-00039000 It was a wonderful deal. I couldn't have left the store without him. He's cute pOWfSVSyyko-00080-00039000-00039675 He's wearing a onesie as well and a paci with the paci clip and he is the most cuddly big thing pOWfSVSyyko-00081-00039798-00040012 so when I regressed a really little like pOWfSVSyyko-00082-00040092-00040442 Babyish I love just rolling around with him on the bed pOWfSVSyyko-00083-00040461-00041074 And it's super fun and you can play peek-a-boo with him too because you can move his paws pOWfSVSyyko-00084-00041085-00041558 Up and down and it's so fun. I love playing with you Salsa pOWfSVSyyko-00085-00041619-00042355 Muah! Now onto my very last category for the favorites and that is shows that I have been loving pOWfSVSyyko-00086-00042384-00043039 Recently the first show I've really been loving is Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood for when I'm in a smaller headspace pOWfSVSyyko-00087-00043040-00043507 It's a spin-off of Mister Rogers because Daniel Tiger was a character in pOWfSVSyyko-00088-00043533-00044056 Mister Rogers show and I watched Mister Rogers is a bio kid. So I think it's super fun pOWfSVSyyko-00089-00044057-00044561 But now there's a new show Daniel Tiger that is kind of along the same lines pOWfSVSyyko-00090-00044574-00045160 It is animated but is so so cute and it's so fun to watch and I learn a lot of stuff pOWfSVSyyko-00091-00045174-00045694 When I watch it and it's just really really really good the next show that I have been loving pOWfSVSyyko-00092-00045695-00046355 I actually never watched is a bio kid because I wasn't allowed to and Daddy was like you gotta watch it Bubba pOWfSVSyyko-00093-00046389-00046724 so I decided to start watching it and that is pOWfSVSyyko-00094-00046782-00047495 Spongebob I'm sure most of you have already watched Spongebob and seen Spongebob, but I heck in love Spongebob pOWfSVSyyko-00095-00047523-00047657 It's so funny pOWfSVSyyko-00096-00047657-00048176 I'm finally getting all of the like jokes and memes that came out of it and pOWfSVSyyko-00097-00048222-00048734 It's a really good kid show especially for when you're in like an older regress state pOWfSVSyyko-00098-00048738-00049370 So Spongebob is good and I am slowly working my way through the series pOWfSVSyyko-00099-00049377-00049777 That is all. Thank you guys so so much for watching! pOWfSVSyyko-00100-00049803-00050309 You can subscribe down below, if you want to see more videos on Age Regression from me! pOWfSVSyyko-00101-00050309-00050839 And I also have a Main channel and a Vlog channel that I post on about weekly pOWfSVSyyko-00102-00050840-00051115 So if you want to see even more content from me, pOWfSVSyyko-00103-00051146-00051559 you can follow those links down in the description to take you to those channels pOWfSVSyyko-00104-00051564-00051931 You can follow me on my social media if you want on Instagram pOWfSVSyyko-00105-00051932-00052648 It's @rileyslittlespace and @crayonsandpencils. But to be honest, I'm not really using those instagrams anymore pOWfSVSyyko-00106-00052649-00053172 I'm not using a lot of my regression social media right now. I'm finding that pOWfSVSyyko-00107-00053172-00053316 I'm more regressing pOWfSVSyyko-00108-00053316-00053366 personally pOWfSVSyyko-00109-00053366-00053630 And I'm not sharing as much but I'm still sharing on pOWfSVSyyko-00110-00053647-00053942 YouTube because I love you guys and YouTube is such a fun pOWfSVSyyko-00111-00053950-00054386 Platform for me to share stuff on and the other ones kind of feel like a chore sometimes pOWfSVSyyko-00112-00054421-00054990 So I'm not always active on those social medias, but if you still want to follow me on there you can alright pOWfSVSyyko-00113-00054990-00055454 I love you guys a whole heccin lot, and I'll see you soon. Bye bye! pQAnA5m6ugA-00000-00000000-00000444 Hello everybody, Iโ€™m SF Said and I write books. pQAnA5m6ugA-00001-00000444-00001058 Iโ€™ve just been looking at the British Libraryโ€™s amazing โ€™make a miniature bookโ€™ activity page. pQAnA5m6ugA-00002-00001078-00001472 Now, I have to be honest, I had no idea about miniature books before. pQAnA5m6ugA-00003-00001472-00001884 These are amazing tiny books that absolutely anybody can make. pQAnA5m6ugA-00004-00001889-00002586 Thereโ€™s an example you can see there on the page of one made by the writer, Charlotte Brontรซ when she was just 12 years old. pQAnA5m6ugA-00005-00002586-00002976 So this is something anybody can do. You can totally do it yourself. pQAnA5m6ugA-00006-00002976-00003268 You can make a miniature book for yourself. pQAnA5m6ugA-00007-00003290-00003608 There are all the tips and instructions you need on the page. pQAnA5m6ugA-00008-00003608-00003808 My top tip that I would like to share with you โ€ฆ pQAnA5m6ugA-00009-00003818-00004996 Before I make a book myself, I always ask myself, as a reader โ€“ not as a writer, just as a reader โ€“ what do I, secretly, most want to read myself? pQAnA5m6ugA-00010-00005014-00005536 And then, whatever the answer is, I just shamelessly sit down and write that book myself! pQAnA5m6ugA-00011-00005548-00005924 So, thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m going to ask you to think about. Before you start making your book, have a think. pQAnA5m6ugA-00012-00005924-00006456 If you could have any book about anything โ€“ and I mean really anything at all โ€“ what would it be? pQAnA5m6ugA-00013-00006456-00007054 Would you like to read an adventure story? Would you like to read a scary story, a ghost story? pQAnA5m6ugA-00014-00007054-00007381 Would you like a funny story that will make you laugh? pQAnA5m6ugA-00015-00007381-00007804 Because your book could be fiction, but it could also be non-fiction. pQAnA5m6ugA-00016-00007804-00008220 You could have a book of jokes. You could have a comic book. pQAnA5m6ugA-00017-00008220-00008646 You could have a book with nothing but pictures, illustrations, maps perhaps? pQAnA5m6ugA-00018-00008650-00009000 You could have a book of facts about space and the stars? pQAnA5m6ugA-00019-00009010-00009354 It could be about your favourite football team, or perhaps your pet? pQAnA5m6ugA-00020-00009354-00009750 Whatever you like! Anything at all, you can totally do that. pQAnA5m6ugA-00021-00009796-00010204 Once you have decided what youโ€™re going to do, have a look at the activity page. pQAnA5m6ugA-00022-00010204-00010452 Youโ€™ll find everything you need there. pQAnA5m6ugA-00023-00010454-00010638 Have fun and happy reading! pTEZYehmjJA-00000-00000000-00000168 โ™ช Houses โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00001-00000216-00000488 โ™ช Little Houses โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00002-00000488-00000640 โ™ช ...with my husband -- โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00003-00000640-00000840 โ™ช Little Houses โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00004-00000919-00001240 Bendiciones! Claura! pTEZYehmjJA-00005-00001240-00001346 and it's your boy, Gilberto. pTEZYehmjJA-00006-00001352-00001800 This is a very special episode for us -Tell them, Gilberto! pTEZYehmjJA-00007-00001800-00002122 It's our very own little, "pequeรฑito" Christmas episode. pTEZYehmjJA-00008-00002166-00002304 โ™ช Gwowsmas! โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00009-00002304-00002552 This is one of my favorite casitas. pTEZYehmjJA-00010-00002608-00002716 There's a... pTEZYehmjJA-00011-00002750-00003246 little window... with a little window pTEZYehmjJA-00012-00003265-00003492 and a little balcony... pTEZYehmjJA-00013-00003492-00003692 with a little door pTEZYehmjJA-00014-00003714-00003882 ... and a little wreath, pTEZYehmjJA-00015-00003954-00004082 and little steps. pTEZYehmjJA-00016-00004112-00004396 Oop! Where we headed to? pTEZYehmjJA-00017-00004422-00004646 There's a little woman, pTEZYehmjJA-00018-00004668-00004868 with a little dog... pTEZYehmjJA-00019-00004868-00005074 I think that's its owner -- pTEZYehmjJA-00020-00005074-00005214 โ™ช Gwowsmas! โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00021-00005226-00005334 Look at all the small things here. pTEZYehmjJA-00022-00005334-00005664 We have my favorite little Christmas Cathedral. pTEZYehmjJA-00023-00005674-00005806 we have a little priest pTEZYehmjJA-00024-00005814-00006035 Welcoming everybody to Christmas Mass. pTEZYehmjJA-00025-00006035-00006571 We have a little nun, singing a song, and then behind the priests you have this cute little pTEZYehmjJA-00026-00006600-00006980 door with a little Christmas wreath on top. pTEZYehmjJA-00027-00006980-00007581 Then, we have these adorable, cute, little stained glass windows and oh, who's that coming on the side? pTEZYehmjJA-00028-00007595-00007744 We have a little son pTEZYehmjJA-00029-00007744-00007798 and a little mom pTEZYehmjJA-00030-00007798-00007888 coming to church. pTEZYehmjJA-00031-00007888-00008072 But -- Oh, wait! pTEZYehmjJA-00032-00008072-00008438 We have a little car speeding its way to church pTEZYehmjJA-00033-00008586-00008686 โ™ช Gwowsmas โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00034-00008686-00008784 -- I LOVE it ! pTEZYehmjJA-00035-00008918-00008968 Gilberto, pTEZYehmjJA-00036-00008988-00009056 Yeah? pTEZYehmjJA-00037-00009058-00009512 I can't keep a secret. Niรฑito Dios brought you something for Christmas. pTEZYehmjJA-00038-00009512-00009588 Oh! pTEZYehmjJA-00039-00009806-00009920 I wonder what it ... pTEZYehmjJA-00040-00010068-00010150 No way! pTEZYehmjJA-00041-00010184-00010302 *Claura laughs* pTEZYehmjJA-00042-00010348-00010674 It's a little six-pack! I love it. pTEZYehmjJA-00043-00010732-00011108 Claura, Niรฑito Dios brought you something, too. pTEZYehmjJA-00044-00011156-00011352 What? pTEZYehmjJA-00045-00011352-00011444 What! pTEZYehmjJA-00046-00011464-00011514 *giggles* pTEZYehmjJA-00047-00011556-00011644 --what! pTEZYehmjJA-00048-00011666-00011754 What! pTEZYehmjJA-00049-00011798-00011998 Oh my god. pTEZYehmjJA-00050-00012304-00012732 It's a little lentil bean pTEZYehmjJA-00051-00012732-00012962 just for my collection. pTEZYehmjJA-00052-00013072-00013212 โ™ช Lentils โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00053-00013212-00013636 and that's our show! More little videos soon! pTEZYehmjJA-00054-00013644-00013741 Gracias, pTEZYehmjJA-00055-00013746-00013930 -- y Bendicion! pTEZYehmjJA-00056-00013946-00014178 โ™ช Houses, โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00057-00014184-00014426 โ™ช Christmas Houses โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00058-00014426-00014618 โ™ช Happy Navidad โ™ช pTEZYehmjJA-00059-00014618-00014896 โ™ช Christmas Houses โ™ช pVrL0a2W_vU-00000-00000180-00000294 welcome viewers pVrL0a2W_vU-00001-00000294-00002592 or how much you are better now uh 90 90 so let's show you the adjustment pVrL0a2W_vU-00002-00002784-00003600 nice easy breathe out relax nice pVrL0a2W_vU-00003-00003684-00004188 nice okay turn towards me pVrL0a2W_vU-00004-00004710-00004788 across it pVrL0a2W_vU-00005-00005064-00005376 is amazing breathe out what happens pVrL0a2W_vU-00006-00005616-00006114 he's a lot better but I would give him advice that you should start exercising pVrL0a2W_vU-00007-00006168-00006780 but I also can feel there's a lot of tightness or rigidity pVrL0a2W_vU-00008-00006780-00006942 of the muscle which can be open by exercise pVrL0a2W_vU-00009-00007554-00007668 right on that street pVrL0a2W_vU-00010-00007818-00008832 across it easy breathe out nice pVrL0a2W_vU-00011-00008904-00009492 easy okay pVrL0a2W_vU-00012-00009834-00009900 easy pVrL0a2W_vU-00013-00010344-00010422 come up pVrL0a2W_vU-00014-00011388-00012198 come tell your story now so I came here about five weeks back pVrL0a2W_vU-00015-00012300-00012774 um I I've been running a lot I have I do a lot of marathons and pVrL0a2W_vU-00016-00012774-00013524 I came with an acute lower back pain middle back pain and uh so basically pVrL0a2W_vU-00017-00013524-00014754 you know I found about him uh through Google and obviously number one and I decided that you pVrL0a2W_vU-00018-00014754-00015408 know I'll come here um and first day itself um in less than about 10 minutes in decoded pVrL0a2W_vU-00019-00015408-00016362 what what was the problem um I have a high arc which led to open nation and uh I recommended me pVrL0a2W_vU-00020-00016362-00017154 five sessions and insults uh and you know it's been five weeks I took a session per week one pVrL0a2W_vU-00021-00017154-00017898 week per one session per weekend uh it's been like amazing uh I'm able to uh I'm a working pVrL0a2W_vU-00022-00017898-00018390 professional so I've been uh I've been I'm I was not able to sit for long now I'm able to sit for pVrL0a2W_vU-00023-00018390-00019212 long I drive uh Delhi to Noida so you know Beach my driving it's been a lot it's it's a it's it's pVrL0a2W_vU-00024-00019212-00019704 100 it's 90 better right now and with insults I believe that in the next one to two weeks it pVrL0a2W_vU-00025-00019704-00020232 would be a lot better I think uh one thing which I want to tell everyone is that it's pVrL0a2W_vU-00026-00020232-00020916 a slow process so just have patience and I think within three weeks you'll be able to see results pVrL0a2W_vU-00027-00020916-00021588 probably first two weeks would be a bit tougher but if you have patience then within like within pVrL0a2W_vU-00028-00021588-00022110 the time period that he says towards the end of it you'll be feeling what I am feeling right now pVrL0a2W_vU-00029-00022110-00022680 so yeah so I'm going to tell everybody who drives from Delhi to gurgaon or naida that pVrL0a2W_vU-00030-00022680-00023208 you must visit to us right whether you have a family you don't have a pain but you still pVrL0a2W_vU-00031-00023208-00023842 need this helping you know once a week so that you can drive there next six days absolutely [Music] pVrL0a2W_vU-00032-00024210-00025086 um thank you pVrL0a2W_vU-00033-00025380-00025530 foreign pXw_DDP8S7u-00000-00000000-00000177 In the name of Allah, pXw_DDP8S7u-00001-00000197-00000437 Is it possible in the exam, that it contains theoretical questions? pXw_DDP8S7u-00002-00000474-00000874 Yes, it is possible; as example: mention a tool then ask you about its usage or is it information true or false about that tool? pXw_DDP8S7u-00003-00000962-00002348 or give me 4 choices as example : a question about guide grid , pXw_DDP8S7u-00004-00002396-00003930 in this file , I didn't make a guide grid , it is the first time to do in this file , then click ok guide grid is that I can put it on more than one sheet pXw_DDP8S7u-00005-00004009-00004126 , it won't appear in print The usage of it is pXw_DDP8S7u-00006-00004212-00004912 Just use it to identify the distance of the view from the upper part or right one It simples the organize operation to me, pXw_DDP8S7u-00007-00005134-00006711 in the next sheet, I use guide grid and then I organize the distances of the second sheet as the first one pXw_DDP8S7u-00008-00006793-00008658 so; it may give some choices about the benefit of guide grid , then I choose the right one . pY3PKr_M39I-00000-00000694-00001072 If you're interested in going into Nursing Management, Kaiser Permanente is definitely pY3PKr_M39I-00001-00001072-00001338 the place to come to. pY3PKr_M39I-00002-00001822-00002230 When you're involved in those different opportunities to help bring patients and their family a pY3PKr_M39I-00003-00002230-00002734 little bit of joy, or bring them to make them feel a little bit more comfortable, it really pY3PKr_M39I-00004-00002734-00002824 feels good. pY3PKr_M39I-00005-00002828-00003172 It's something that's a little bit of chicken soup for the soul. pY3PKr_M39I-00006-00004102-00004542 I've wanted to be a Nurse at Kaiser Permanente since the 6th grade. pY3PKr_M39I-00007-00004542-00004876 So, my whole nursing career was geared on getting here. pY3PKr_M39I-00008-00004876-00005282 I've been able to grow from a Staff Nurse to an Assistant Nurse Manager pY3PKr_M39I-00009-00005282-00005444 and then on to a Manager. pY3PKr_M39I-00010-00005482-00005812 Kaiser definitely helps in the growth of all their employees. pY3PKr_M39I-00011-00005812-00006289 For a new Manager coming into Kaiser, you actually go through our Star Leadership Program, pY3PKr_M39I-00012-00006289-00006712 which actually has several different classes that would prepare yourself to be better ready pY3PKr_M39I-00013-00006716-00007031 for the role of management within Kaiser. pY3PKr_M39I-00014-00007695-00007812 I love working at Kaiser. pY3PKr_M39I-00015-00007813-00008331 They foster you with tuition reimbursement, bonuses, great Managers, great Staff Nurses. pY3PKr_M39I-00016-00008331-00008585 The retirement benefits are phenomenal. pY3PKr_M39I-00017-00008585-00009028 And the difference from my other organization and this one doesn't even compare. pY3PKr_M39I-00018-00009028-00009660 The medical, the dental, the vacation, all of that is absolutely phenomenal pY3PKr_M39I-00019-00009660-00009804 here at Kaiser Permanente. pY3PKr_M39I-00020-00009928-00010400 The great thing about Kaiser Permanente is how big the organization is, and there's limitless pY3PKr_M39I-00021-00010404-00010549 opportunities for growth. pY3PKr_M39I-00022-00010549-00011006 As you grow within your career, you may have some different desires or ways or paths you pY3PKr_M39I-00023-00011006-00011106 want to travel. pY3PKr_M39I-00024-00011106-00011302 You'll always have the opportunity to be able to move around. pY3PKr_M39I-00025-00011302-00011984 As far as work/life balance, Kaiser Permanente definitely allows me to take that time off pY3PKr_M39I-00026-00011984-00012109 to take care of myself. pY3PKr_M39I-00027-00012109-00012406 You actually have the opportunity to when you're doing your lunch time to go ahead and pY3PKr_M39I-00028-00012406-00012819 take off and get out and let off a little stress, and go for a run. pY3PKr_M39I-00029-00012819-00013097 There's a lot of opportunities to do that around here. pY3PKr_M39I-00030-00013097-00013672 It is really important to have that work/life balance, and to be able to break up your work pY3PKr_M39I-00031-00013672-00013947 sometimes in the middle of the day. pY3PKr_M39I-00032-00014044-00014229 We do have a great nurse-patient ratio here. pY3PKr_M39I-00033-00014229-00014816 Kaiser Permanente does absolutely excel at staying within those ratios at all times, pY3PKr_M39I-00034-00014816-00015088 which allows you to give quality patient care. pY3PKr_M39I-00035-00015088-00015576 But, it's not just the quality care that we provide; it's that connection. pY3PKr_M39I-00036-00015880-00016012 Kaiser has great technology. pY3PKr_M39I-00037-00016012-00016340 So, because we have great technology, and the patients are happy, pY3PKr_M39I-00038-00016340-00016484 that helps the staff out. pY3PKr_M39I-00039-00016484-00016988 It's state of the art, which allows us to do things more efficiently and more effective pY3PKr_M39I-00040-00016992-00017092 with better results. pY3PKr_M39I-00041-00017156-00017476 I'd definitely recommend Kaiser Permanente as a #1 place to work. pakitq4Zfa8-00000-00000000-00000546 Hey guys, in this video we're gonna talk about some breaking news that came out today with pakitq4Zfa8-00001-00000546-00001164 the visa bulletin. For those of you who are overseas and you're waiting for your interview pakitq4Zfa8-00002-00001164-00001776 date, um, or you're waiting for the visa to be issued to you, you're gonna wanna watch pakitq4Zfa8-00003-00001776-00002304 this one all the way until the end, because this really impacts those of you who are in pakitq4Zfa8-00004-00002304-00003120 category F two A. That's the F two A preference category, which is the preference category for pakitq4Zfa8-00005-00003120-00003870 spouse and children of green card holders. We're also gonna talk a little bit about some major pakitq4Zfa8-00006-00003870-00004548 changes on the, uh, employment side of things with respect to the visa bulletin. So watch this pakitq4Zfa8-00007-00004548-00005028 as well if you're, um, if you are currently going through an employment based process, pakitq4Zfa8-00008-00005028-00005634 particularly those of you who are in the f um, the e B four category, okay, pakitq4Zfa8-00009-00005634-00006264 the fourth preference category, E B four. So now let's jump into what's happened here. pakitq4Zfa8-00010-00006264-00006618 Actually, before I pull up my notes, I'm gonna share with you, pakitq4Zfa8-00011-00006695-00007434 um, this, uh, the visa bulletin. Okay? So, uh, here, it's, so this is the April Visa bulletin pakitq4Zfa8-00012-00007434-00008123 that we're talking about here, the April, 2023 visa bulletin. And, um, as you can see, pakitq4Zfa8-00013-00008123-00008814 and I'm going to zoom in just a little bit here. As you can see, the major, major change, or what pakitq4Zfa8-00014-00008814-00009558 we call retro aggression, uh, happened in the F two A category, that second preference category pakitq4Zfa8-00015-00009558-00010260 for spouse and children of green card holders. This F two a category under the final action, pakitq4Zfa8-00016-00010356-00011172 um, chart, table A I should say that, um, there's retro aggression within that category. Uh, pakitq4Zfa8-00017-00011172-00011712 previously it was three year, it, it was current, I should say it was the category was current, pakitq4Zfa8-00018-00011712-00012564 F two A was current under this chart. And now, um, there is a September, 2020 priority date pakitq4Zfa8-00019-00012564-00013146 that, uh, the government has inserted here for all countries except for, uh, Mexico. pakitq4Zfa8-00020-00013146-00013613 I'm gonna talk about why this is so important for those of you who are overseas, pakitq4Zfa8-00021-00013613-00014322 I'm gonna touch on that momentarily. Uh, but if you jump down to table B dates for filing family pakitq4Zfa8-00022-00014322-00015180 sponsored visa applications, you will see that F two A is still current. Okay? F two A is still pakitq4Zfa8-00023-00015180-00015840 current in this, um, on this table, and this is incredibly important for those of you who will pakitq4Zfa8-00024-00015840-00016536 be filing adjustment of status applications here in the United States. Now, let's just, pakitq4Zfa8-00025-00016590-00017352 um, jump over to my presentation here and talk about some, um, uh, what this actually pakitq4Zfa8-00026-00017352-00018030 means. Okay? So let me just zoom out a little bit. Okay, so firstly, adjustment of status cases. Uh, pakitq4Zfa8-00027-00018030-00018792 when can you file for adjustment of status if you're in that F two A category? I want you guys pakitq4Zfa8-00028-00018792-00019470 to follow U S C I S'S instructions very, very carefully about which chart you should use. pakitq4Zfa8-00029-00019470-00020340 Should you use chart A or chart B. Currently, U S C I S is pointing folks to chart B and chart B is pakitq4Zfa8-00030-00020340-00021078 current, which is great news. So if a person is, uh, a spouse or a child of a green card holder has pakitq4Zfa8-00031-00021078-00021726 lawful status and they're inside the United States and they fall into this f to a category, they can pakitq4Zfa8-00032-00021726-00022338 apply for adjustment of status. But you've gotta check U S C I S'S website, friends check U S C pakitq4Zfa8-00033-00022338-00022920 I S'S website. Um, and here it is right here. This is the website that you'll need to check pakitq4Zfa8-00034-00022986-00023778 to ensure that you're using the right chart. And according to the site, it says, um, for April, pakitq4Zfa8-00035-00023778-00024420 let's talk about, uh, where, where is April? It says here, um, for all family sponsored pakitq4Zfa8-00036-00024420-00025182 preference categories, you must use the dates for file and chart visa bulletin for April, 2023. pakitq4Zfa8-00037-00025182-00025998 And that is the chart friends whereby the, um, it's current in that particular F two A category. pakitq4Zfa8-00038-00025998-00026489 So you can apply for adjustment of status if you meet those requirements. So you're good. pakitq4Zfa8-00039-00026489-00027132 Those of you on the adjustment of status side of things, you're good. This doesn't hurt you. Now pakitq4Zfa8-00040-00027132-00027882 let's talk about, let's jump back over to my notes and talk about, uh, those of you who are waiting, pakitq4Zfa8-00041-00027882-00028830 um, overseas for, uh, an interview date or a, uh, visa, the immigrant visa. The question is, pakitq4Zfa8-00042-00028830-00029532 when will you be scheduled for an interview or your visa will be issued to you, the immigrant pakitq4Zfa8-00043-00029532-00030150 visa? And unfortunately guys, you will not get an interview date and the visa will not pakitq4Zfa8-00044-00030150-00030792 be issued to you until your priority date becomes current. That is when the visa becomes available. pakitq4Zfa8-00045-00030792-00031752 They have retrogressed and, um, and the, and the chart that determines the chart, guys, pakitq4Zfa8-00046-00031752-00032358 that determines when you will be scheduled for your interview or, uh, get your visa. pakitq4Zfa8-00047-00032358-00033318 It's based on chart A and chart A is back into 2020 dates, which is really devastating. Now, pakitq4Zfa8-00048-00033396-00034098 um, the second part of this that I want you to be aware of is if you are document qualified pakitq4Zfa8-00049-00034098-00034770 you and you've just been weighed in for, um, an interview date, you're unfortunately gonna pakitq4Zfa8-00050-00034770-00035328 face further delays. And then lastly, if you're in administrative process, and if you've already met pakitq4Zfa8-00051-00035328-00035844 with the, uh, you've already been interviewed by a US embassy and they told you to come back with pakitq4Zfa8-00052-00035844-00036312 further documents and such so that they could continue processing your case, you will have to pakitq4Zfa8-00053-00036312-00037020 wait until your visa becomes available before they could issue that visa to you. Now, let's talk a pakitq4Zfa8-00054-00037020-00037530 little bit about on the employment side, the two, uh, two, two major changes on the employment side. pakitq4Zfa8-00055-00037530-00038196 The first is that, and this is good news, EEB two jumped ahead to July, 2022 from November, pakitq4Zfa8-00056-00038196-00039042 2022, except for China and India, but Eeb two has jumped ahead. And then unfortunately, e B four for pakitq4Zfa8-00057-00039042-00039702 the special immigrants and religious workers, it has retro regress skies 3.5 years from February, pakitq4Zfa8-00058-00039702-00040614 2022 to September, 2018. So now you must wait longer before applying for adjustment of status pakitq4Zfa8-00059-00040614-00041256 if you're in the E four category. Guys, we're gonna talk a little bit more about this, uh, visa pakitq4Zfa8-00060-00041256-00042066 bulletin update in Friday's, um, weekly news summary. So subscribe to McBean law.com/subscribe pakitq4Zfa8-00061-00042066-00042762 to join our newsletter, Liz, and if certainly we're here for you, um, if you have a case pakitq4Zfa8-00062-00042834-00043710 And your, your, um, you are, you need to speak with an attorney about your immigration case, pakitq4Zfa8-00063-00043710-00044382 reach out to us@mcbeanlaw.com, um, McBean law.com or call the office, I should say pakitq4Zfa8-00064-00044382-00045102 at 5 6 8 6 6 3900. Read our success stories on our website, um, to see how we've helped other pakitq4Zfa8-00065-00045102-00045888 people. Now guys, this is not great news. This is gonna cause a significant, um, burden on families, pakitq4Zfa8-00066-00045888-00046338 on people who have been weighed in. They've done everything right. Uh, they've been weighing pakitq4Zfa8-00067-00046338-00046776 in line for their visa to become available and they've been watching the visa bulletin pakitq4Zfa8-00068-00046776-00047430 each month to see what's gonna happen. And now unfortunately, it has, uh, retro regress with, pakitq4Zfa8-00069-00047430-00048036 in, in the F two A category which will impact most mainly those of you who are outside of the United pakitq4Zfa8-00070-00048036-00048720 States currently going through the process. Um, and then e B four guys, again, E four has pakitq4Zfa8-00071-00048720-00049488 retrogressed 3.5 years, and so that's a, a huge issue as well. So, um, I'm sorry to be the pakitq4Zfa8-00072-00049488-00050052 one to, to share this news with you, but I, but I want you to be aware of what's going on. Thanks pakitq4Zfa8-00073-00050052-00050520 so much for watching. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you in the next one. Bye-bye. pcVofUlL6Qc-00000-00000003-00000662 The transition from print to open access online was seamless, and of course I have pcVofUlL6Qc-00001-00000662-00001196 a lot of thanks to give to people who work behind the scenes who helped with pcVofUlL6Qc-00002-00001196-00001863 that transition. The platform is easy to use, it's an easy way to track viewers pcVofUlL6Qc-00003-00001863-00002400 and to see what articles and what content is gaining traction. It's a great pcVofUlL6Qc-00004-00002400-00003028 way for me to explore how successful I can be using alternative, you know, pcVofUlL6Qc-00005-00003028-00003521 outlets to kind of publicize. So if I go into Twitter and I say, you know, check pcVofUlL6Qc-00006-00003521-00004011 this out, I can go back and immediately see what type of impact that pcVofUlL6Qc-00007-00004011-00004707 had. And so, as an editor, I'm able to see real time just how successful different pcVofUlL6Qc-00008-00004707-00005403 avenues of advertising are. And I've seen an increase, of course, there's only an pcVofUlL6Qc-00009-00005403-00005864 uptick possible in the amount of readers and engagement that our journal pcVofUlL6Qc-00010-00005864-00006101 could have. pdtRMOFEmgu-00000-00000365-00000470 Crush it. pdtRMOFEmgu-00001-00000470-00000817 Hey everybody, Dr. O. In this video letโ€™s talk about sperm production. pdtRMOFEmgu-00002-00000817-00001313 So, you see here we are looking inside one of your seminiferous tubules, so letโ€™s talk pdtRMOFEmgu-00003-00001313-00001614 about the cells involved and then we will talk about the production of sperm. pdtRMOFEmgu-00004-00001614-00002210 So, the two key cell types we are going to look at here are Sertoli cells, um, they are pdtRMOFEmgu-00005-00002210-00002640 going to be a type of nurse cell that are going to help mature and produce sperm. pdtRMOFEmgu-00006-00002640-00002961 The other name for them is sustentacular cells as you can see here. pdtRMOFEmgu-00007-00002961-00003368 So, these are going to be the cells that produce signaling molecules that lead to, they promote pdtRMOFEmgu-00008-00003368-00003657 sperm production, and they can even decide if a sperm lives or dies. pdtRMOFEmgu-00009-00003657-00004086 So those are going to be the cells that primarily responsible for sperm production Sertoli cells pdtRMOFEmgu-00010-00004086-00004360 or nurse cells are the terms I use. pdtRMOFEmgu-00011-00004360-00004818 Then we also are going to have uh here at the bottom the interstitial cells or what pdtRMOFEmgu-00012-00004818-00005121 when I was in school, they were called interstitial cells of Leydig. pdtRMOFEmgu-00013-00005121-00005530 So, these are going to be the cells that produce the androgens the male sex hormones primarily pdtRMOFEmgu-00014-00005530-00005759 testosterone there are other ones like ______ testosterone. pdtRMOFEmgu-00015-00005759-00006096 But, uh, uh, um, testosterone is the primary androgen. pdtRMOFEmgu-00016-00006096-00006487 So as your key cell types we need we need the testosterone to keep the male reproductive pdtRMOFEmgu-00017-00006487-00006691 system functioning and we need sperm. pdtRMOFEmgu-00018-00006691-00007197 So, uh, thatโ€™s your Sertoli cells or your nurse cells and your interstitial cells also pdtRMOFEmgu-00019-00007197-00007355 known as Leydig cells. pdtRMOFEmgu-00020-00007355-00007578 Now letโ€™s look at the actual production of sperm, so youโ€™re going to see a couple pdtRMOFEmgu-00021-00007578-00007972 words here where students get confused by at the top, we have spermatogenesis and near pdtRMOFEmgu-00022-00007972-00008249 the bottom we have spermiogenesis, so they are two different terms. pdtRMOFEmgu-00023-00008249-00008711 So, I will try to clear that up, so spermatogenesis starts with the spermatogonium thatโ€™s the pdtRMOFEmgu-00024-00008711-00009239 fancy term for the male um, stem cell that uh that becomes youโ€™re the sperm. pdtRMOFEmgu-00025-00009239-00009642 And then these cells are going to undergo mitosis where this one spermatogonia is going pdtRMOFEmgu-00026-00009642-00010172 to produce two primary spermatocytes and youโ€™ll notice like other stem cells that one of those pdtRMOFEmgu-00027-00010172-00010618 two cells goes back and becomes a stem cell so youโ€™re going to have a seemingly endless pdtRMOFEmgu-00028-00010618-00010975 supply of sperm cells as long as this process occurs. pdtRMOFEmgu-00029-00010975-00011395 This is going to start at puberty and continue on until sperm production would end which pdtRMOFEmgu-00030-00011395-00011678 really would never happen. pdtRMOFEmgu-00031-00011678-00012069 So the spermatogonium undergoes mitosis to become a primary spermatocyte. pdtRMOFEmgu-00032-00012069-00012322 So, what does this 2n mean? pdtRMOFEmgu-00033-00012322-00012844 This means these cells are diploid they have two sets of chromosomes which you want for pdtRMOFEmgu-00034-00012844-00013116 all your somatic or body cells, but you donโ€™t want it for your sex cells. pdtRMOFEmgu-00035-00013116-00013561 So, we will see then these two then this primary spermatocyte is going to undergo meiosis to pdtRMOFEmgu-00036-00013561-00014087 become two secondary spermatocytes now these cells are haploid meaning they only have one pdtRMOFEmgu-00037-00014087-00014187 set of chromosomes. pdtRMOFEmgu-00038-00014187-00014493 Which what we are going to need but they are going to undergo another round of meiosis pdtRMOFEmgu-00039-00014493-00014815 called meiosis II and now we have four spermatids. pdtRMOFEmgu-00040-00014815-00015216 So, one primary sex cell becomes four spermatids. pdtRMOFEmgu-00041-00015216-00015678 Which will now undergo the process of spermiogenesis where they go from looking like any other pdtRMOFEmgu-00042-00015678-00016141 cell to becoming a sperm cell and we will talk about the structure of them in just a pdtRMOFEmgu-00043-00016141-00016241 moment. pdtRMOFEmgu-00044-00016241-00016749 Um, this process from spermatogonium all the way down to a functional sperm takes about pdtRMOFEmgu-00045-00016749-00016931 64 days. pdtRMOFEmgu-00046-00016931-00017258 As I mentioned before this a continuous process that is happening every day. pdtRMOFEmgu-00047-00017258-00017693 The average man is producing 100 to 300 million of these a day give or take. pdtRMOFEmgu-00048-00017693-00018145 So, this is a constant process and now when we compare this later to the process of producing pdtRMOFEmgu-00049-00018145-00018700 an egg in the end one primary sex cell only going to make one egg and the leftover cells pdtRMOFEmgu-00050-00018700-00018997 are going to be called polar bodies cause we need millions and millions and millions pdtRMOFEmgu-00051-00018997-00019296 of sperm we only need one oocyte or one egg. pdtRMOFEmgu-00052-00019296-00019785 So, what happens during spermiogenesis to turn the spermatid into a sperm, youโ€™re pdtRMOFEmgu-00053-00019785-00019948 going to see a loss of cytoplasm. pdtRMOFEmgu-00054-00019948-00020254 There is very little cytoplasm in a sperm cell, Iโ€™ll show you what a spermatozoa looks pdtRMOFEmgu-00055-00020254-00020687 like in just a moment and then itโ€™s going to develop the other pieces that we that that pdtRMOFEmgu-00056-00020687-00020787 we it needs. pdtRMOFEmgu-00057-00020787-00021187 Now once we have these immature sperm produced, they are going to leave the seminiferous tubules pdtRMOFEmgu-00058-00021187-00021656 where they travel to the epididymis thatโ€™s where the further maturation of sperm occurs. pdtRMOFEmgu-00059-00021656-00022197 So, the sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules they mature in the epididymis. pdtRMOFEmgu-00060-00022197-00022602 Alright here we see what a sperm looks like uh, sperm are one of the tiniest cells that pdtRMOFEmgu-00061-00022602-00022710 the human has. pdtRMOFEmgu-00062-00022710-00023249 Uh, the volume of a single spermatozoa is 85,000 times less that than of an egg. pdtRMOFEmgu-00063-00023249-00023725 So, an egg has a massive amount an oocyte has a massive amount of cytoplasm, and a sperm pdtRMOFEmgu-00064-00023725-00023866 has barely none. pdtRMOFEmgu-00065-00023866-00024352 Which is why when fertilization occurs the egg has all the food thatโ€™s going to keep pdtRMOFEmgu-00066-00024352-00025050 the soon to be cluster of cells alive until the female reproductive system kicks in. pdtRMOFEmgu-00067-00025050-00025434 Alright, so Iโ€™ve already mentioned hundreds of millions of spermatozoa are produced each pdtRMOFEmgu-00068-00025434-00025839 day whereas a female is only going to produce that one oocyte that we have covered in several pdtRMOFEmgu-00069-00025839-00025939 videos now. pdtRMOFEmgu-00070-00025939-00026418 So, letโ€™s look at the structure of a sperm and see how it plays a big role and its function. pdtRMOFEmgu-00071-00026418-00026666 We have a head, a mid-piece, and a tail. pdtRMOFEmgu-00072-00026666-00026999 So, the head of the sperm is going to have this really compact nucleus, itโ€™s going pdtRMOFEmgu-00073-00026999-00027493 to have that one set of chromosomes that itโ€™s going to 23 chromosomes that itโ€™s going pdtRMOFEmgu-00074-00027493-00027918 to devote to fertilizing the egg producing a diploid human being. pdtRMOFEmgu-00075-00027918-00028214 It also has a cap here called the the acrosome. pdtRMOFEmgu-00076-00028214-00028720 The acrosome is full of lysosomal or digestive enzymes it plays a role in wearing away at pdtRMOFEmgu-00077-00028720-00029163 the outside of the egg so the a sperm can actually enter and fertilize the egg. pdtRMOFEmgu-00078-00029163-00029512 We will cover fertilization in a different unit and will cover with pregnancy. pdtRMOFEmgu-00079-00029512-00029962 So, the acrosome cap is very important for making it so a sperm can reach and fertilize pdtRMOFEmgu-00080-00029962-00030062 an egg. pdtRMOFEmgu-00081-00030062-00030568 But this cap does, er, as you see as sperm are going to mature this cap will be removed pdtRMOFEmgu-00082-00030568-00030885 and then the sperm will be able to transplant that nucleus. pdtRMOFEmgu-00083-00030885-00031389 So, the head has this nucleus this one set of chromosomes with a tiny bit of cytoplasm, pdtRMOFEmgu-00084-00031389-00031670 the mid-piece is full of mitochondria. pdtRMOFEmgu-00085-00031670-00031969 Mitochondria produce energy, what do you think the energy is going to be needed for. pdtRMOFEmgu-00086-00031969-00032458 To make that tail move, so the ATP production is critical to keeping the flagella moving pdtRMOFEmgu-00087-00032458-00032824 so the sperm can move and reach their destination and you will also see that the mid-piece has pdtRMOFEmgu-00088-00032824-00032938 a centriole in it. pdtRMOFEmgu-00089-00032938-00033313 Thatโ€™s single centriole is what produced the entire flagellum, very, very, cool. pdtRMOFEmgu-00090-00033313-00033584 So, thatโ€™s the excuse me, the mid-piece. pdtRMOFEmgu-00091-00033584-00033957 The tail is going to be that one that one single flagellum. pdtRMOFEmgu-00092-00033957-00034231 The flagellum in a human sperm is going to function like a whip. pdtRMOFEmgu-00093-00034231-00034712 If you take Microbiology with me, you know that the flagella on bacteria er, is much pdtRMOFEmgu-00094-00034712-00035013 more complex and they have a rotary motor type function. pdtRMOFEmgu-00095-00035013-00035241 So, we talked about that acrosome cap very, very important. pdtRMOFEmgu-00096-00035241-00035674 We talked about where whatโ€™s in the nucleus, uh, just one more important thing to me to pdtRMOFEmgu-00097-00035674-00036251 note is so we have mitochondria in the mid-piece that make ATP, but the tail is what needs pdtRMOFEmgu-00098-00036251-00036351 the ATP. pdtRMOFEmgu-00099-00036351-00036688 But how do we get ATP from where itโ€™s produced to where itโ€™s needed. pdtRMOFEmgu-00100-00036688-00037056 Now ATP can diffuse but it diffuses really, really slowly. pdtRMOFEmgu-00101-00037056-00037463 This is one of the cells in your body that relies the most on creatine phosphate so when pdtRMOFEmgu-00102-00037463-00037936 we learned about metabolism and energy production remember that your body only has two- or three-seconds pdtRMOFEmgu-00103-00037936-00038549 worth of ATP stored at any moment, but creatine phosphate is an energy in phosphate donor pdtRMOFEmgu-00104-00038549-00039255 that can turn ADP back into ATP which might buy your body 10 to 15 seconds of ATP if you pdtRMOFEmgu-00105-00039255-00039429 didnโ€™t have a metabolism. pdtRMOFEmgu-00106-00039429-00039878 So, creatine phosphate can come along, and it can and when it sees and ADP thatโ€™s been pdtRMOFEmgu-00107-00039878-00040394 spent it can say here take my extra energy, take my third phosphate become ATP and get pdtRMOFEmgu-00108-00040394-00040494 back to work. pdtRMOFEmgu-00109-00040494-00040922 Now the reason this is so important uh, is because in this area especially weโ€™d have pdtRMOFEmgu-00110-00040922-00041421 three to four times more creatine phosphate in this area than we would have ATP and that pdtRMOFEmgu-00111-00041421-00042072 means itโ€™s much easier to recycle um, creatine phosphate and then and then let it recycle pdtRMOFEmgu-00112-00042072-00042172 ATP. pdtRMOFEmgu-00113-00042172-00042562 Then to have ATP travel all the way back there, er, ADP sorry, travel all the way back to pdtRMOFEmgu-00114-00042562-00042925 the mitochondria become ATP again and go the way back to the tail. pdtRMOFEmgu-00115-00042925-00043203 And thatโ€™s because especially this is the most important point here. pdtRMOFEmgu-00116-00043203-00043597 Creatine is way better at diffusing than ADP and ATP is. pdtRMOFEmgu-00117-00043597-00044438 Um, creatine phosphate can diffuse 2000 times faster than ADP and creatine phosphate or pdtRMOFEmgu-00118-00044438-00045064 the the the phosphocreatine the source of creatine phosphate um, can diffuse seven times pdtRMOFEmgu-00119-00045064-00045287 faster than ATP does. pdtRMOFEmgu-00120-00045287-00045876 I think I said so, creatine phosphate diffuses 2000 times faster than ADP, sorry, and seven pdtRMOFEmgu-00121-00045876-00046019 times faster than ATP. pdtRMOFEmgu-00122-00046019-00046387 Those numbers donโ€™t matter so much but what that means is itโ€™s way easier for creatine pdtRMOFEmgu-00123-00046387-00047081 phosphate to go to the tail, find an ADP, recycle, regenerate it so now itโ€™s an ATP pdtRMOFEmgu-00124-00047081-00047181 again. pdtRMOFEmgu-00125-00047181-00047428 Then go back to the mitochondria and pick up more energy. pdtRMOFEmgu-00126-00047428-00047978 So, creatine phosphate forms the shuttle that allows sperm to have all the energy they need. pdtRMOFEmgu-00127-00047978-00048261 Now we will cover this in another video but if youโ€™re wondering where they get the fuel pdtRMOFEmgu-00128-00048261-00048782 itโ€™s primarily fructose so your seminal vesicles which produce about 60% of semen. pdtRMOFEmgu-00129-00048782-00048966 Um, are very rich in fructose. pdtRMOFEmgu-00130-00048966-00049212 So, your sperm likes to use fructose for fuel there. pdtRMOFEmgu-00131-00049212-00049657 Ok so thatโ€™s going to be sperm production and the structure and function of a spermatozoa. pdtRMOFEmgu-00132-00049657-00049799 I hope this helps, have a wonderful day. pdtRMOFEmgu-00133-00049799-00049822 Be blessed. pfla0FAzl7Y-00000-00000000-00000696 Ha! Turn around! Boy, I'll tell you, turn around! because it was it was really dark. I just pfla0FAzl7Y-00001-00000696-00001224 didn't know how to handle what was happening in my life. I know that that's true for many, many pfla0FAzl7Y-00002-00001224-00001644 other people. I hope you get through your life and you never have the rug pulled out like that, pfla0FAzl7Y-00003-00001644-00002286 where you are just completely clueless on how to move forward. But the good news is even if that pfla0FAzl7Y-00004-00002286-00002826 does happen, God is still there for you. You can always turn to him. I really am pfla0FAzl7Y-00005-00002826-00003444 very highly convicted that if I didn't turn to the Lord, I probably... in all the ways I was trying pfla0FAzl7Y-00006-00003444-00004170 to medicate my pain... I probably would have ended up dying - so, I'm just grateful! Every day pfla0FAzl7Y-00007-00004170-00004854 is a gift! Because without him I don't think I'd be alive. So, pretty good...that's a good reason to pfla0FAzl7Y-00008-00004854-00005544 stay excited and to keep my mind on the eternal perspective, not on the casual problems that we pfla0FAzl7Y-00009-00005544-00006024 all deal with every day. It doesn't mean you don't still get upset but we have this pfla0FAzl7Y-00010-00006024-00006672 compass pointing to True North, reminding us that no pit is too deep for Him to reach his hand pfla0FAzl7Y-00011-00006672-00007476 down and and pull somebody out. I know that's true! I know that's true! I'm going to be his hands and pfla0FAzl7Y-00012-00007476-00007938 his feet on the earth while I'm alive and try to be an ambassador for Him. I hope you will pfla0FAzl7Y-00013-00007938-00008670 too. The title the Lord gave me tonight is, "The Sun Eclipsed the Darkness of Death." Can pfla0FAzl7Y-00014-00008670-00009354 you say that with me? The Sun eclipsed the darkness of death. I'll try to unpack that a little bit pfla0FAzl7Y-00015-00009354-00010296 for you. Many of you know the verse in Romans that says, "Where sin abounds..." finish it for me, "Grace pfla0FAzl7Y-00016-00010296-00010866 does even MORe abound." So this is going to be an expanded version of those verses that really pfla0FAzl7Y-00017-00010866-00011442 struck home to me. So, Lord we just ask you, as we open up your Word tonight, that our our lives would pfla0FAzl7Y-00018-00011442-00012198 be awakened by the truth that we find in here. I love what Jesus said that when they asked him pfla0FAzl7Y-00019-00012198-00012774 where he got the food from - He said, "My food is to do the will of the one who sent me." So, I pray pfla0FAzl7Y-00020-00012774-00013308 that we would have that same heart! That we would receive nourishment from hearing your words and pfla0FAzl7Y-00021-00013308-00013908 it would transform us! That our minds would be renewed by the truth of your Word, in Jesus' name. pfla0FAzl7Y-00022-00013980-00014484 Anybody else have that happen? Where your mind was renewed as you studied the Word of God? pfla0FAzl7Y-00023-00014484-00015126 It's amazing, isn't it? All right, so this is how it says it in the Voice pfla0FAzl7Y-00024-00015126-00015941 version. Romans 5:20 "Wherever sin grew and spread, God's grace was there in fuller, greater measure. pfla0FAzl7Y-00025-00015941-00016704 No matter how much sin crept in, there was always more grace. No matter how much sin crept in there pfla0FAzl7Y-00026-00016704-00017472 was always more grace. That really encourages me! In the same way that sin reigned, in the sphere of pfla0FAzl7Y-00027-00017472-00018630 death, now grace reigns through God's restorative justice. There is the word here, "eclipsing death." pfla0FAzl7Y-00028-00018630-00019068 I'd never seen it that way before. It made so much sense to me! It's not that pfla0FAzl7Y-00029-00019068-00019554 death goes away, we're still in a world that has death, because Adam and Eve sinned in the pfla0FAzl7Y-00030-00019554-00020322 garden. If you get a chance, go on our YouTube channel and listen to a message by Isaac Petrie, pfla0FAzl7Y-00031-00020322-00020988 "God Raises Dead Spirits Back to Life." It's amazing! It's a one-hour message, I highly recommend pfla0FAzl7Y-00032-00020988-00021498 it. I can't do it justice right now, but I'm just telling you that he does such a great teaching pfla0FAzl7Y-00033-00021498-00022134 all the way from the Garden, all the way to Jesus dying, but also going down into hell to take the pfla0FAzl7Y-00034-00022134-00022656 keys of death and hell away from the Devil. The insight he has on that is just amazing. So it's pfla0FAzl7Y-00035-00022656-00023322 not that death doesn't still exist... but we now have life inside of us that eclipses the death! Because pfla0FAzl7Y-00036-00023322-00024084 we know, as they did in the early church, no matter what people try to do to you in this life, it does not pfla0FAzl7Y-00037-00024084-00024624 compare to the resurrected body and eternal ruling and reigning that we're going to have with Jesus pfla0FAzl7Y-00038-00024624-00025206 Christ! That's something to be really excited about. These "light and momentary afflictions" don't pfla0FAzl7Y-00039-00025206-00025895 compare to the glory that's going to be revealed through us and in us for eternity! That's exciting pfla0FAzl7Y-00040-00025895-00026526 to me! So, even though sin reigned in the sphere of death, now grace reigns through God's restorative pfla0FAzl7Y-00041-00026526-00027168 justice, eclipsing death and leading to eternal life through the anointed one Jesus our Lord, pfla0FAzl7Y-00042-00027168-00027900 the Liberating King." Has anybody else known Him to be a Liberating King? He is the Chain Breaker! pfla0FAzl7Y-00043-00027900-00028464 He's the one that sets the captives free!" "I came to heal the brokenhearted to bind up their wounds." pfla0FAzl7Y-00044-00028464-00029088 I came to take keys to the prison cell and open that door, and let people out of that prison of pfla0FAzl7Y-00045-00029088-00029622 sin! So that's what this is called, "The Son Eclipsed the Darkness of Death." I wanted to have some pfla0FAzl7Y-00046-00029622-00030162 kind of picture to show what I saw. Most of us have heard this verse from Romans 6:23, pfla0FAzl7Y-00047-00030162-00030845 "The wages of sin is death..." and again, you might not think that it's literal death, it's spiritual pfla0FAzl7Y-00048-00030845-00031458 death, the way it's being referred to here. But it does also lead to physical death many times. So the pfla0FAzl7Y-00049-00031458-00032027 wages of the devil, when you work for the kingdom of darkness, you have dead relationships, pfla0FAzl7Y-00050-00032027-00032639 you have dead ends in your life. Because you lie, and you cheat, and you steal. I know I'm not the pfla0FAzl7Y-00051-00032639-00033078 only one in here that lived that way. When you are dealing drugs and you are pfla0FAzl7Y-00052-00033078-00033636 living that life, you just justify it in your own mind. But it leads to death... maybe not pfla0FAzl7Y-00053-00033636-00034284 physically, but certainly death of relationships and trust. So many things get violated. So then pfla0FAzl7Y-00054-00034284-00034944 here's the eclipse! The gift of God is eternal life in Christ. So it's not that there's not darkness pfla0FAzl7Y-00055-00034944-00035712 there, but the the darkness is eclipsed by the Son. That's who's inside of us right now. pfla0FAzl7Y-00056-00035712-00036330 If you're happy about that you should get excited! Because he's inside of us and that light shines pfla0FAzl7Y-00057-00036330-00036870 out from us. What does the devil try to do? Get you away, get you out of the Word, get you out of pfla0FAzl7Y-00058-00036870-00037338 fellowship with other believers, get you thinking about all your problems all the time. What you pfla0FAzl7Y-00059-00037338-00037848 say inside, is what you start to believe in your heart. If you meditate on the Word, you get renewed. pfla0FAzl7Y-00060-00037848-00038724 If you meditate on the problems, you get... stewed. I'm not going to try to be a rapper here I promise! pfla0FAzl7Y-00061-00038724-00039330 I wanted to just say, Genesis 32 is a really important part of scripture. I put it up pfla0FAzl7Y-00062-00039330-00039942 here as, "We all are wrestling with God." If you know the reference here, this is where Jacob is waiting pfla0FAzl7Y-00063-00039942-00040380 to meet his brother Esau. If you know the story, he's got a lot of reasons to be worried, doesn't pfla0FAzl7Y-00064-00040380-00040926 he? Because he thinks Esau is going to want to kill him... and try to kill him. So he comes up with a plan. pfla0FAzl7Y-00065-00040926-00041682 He brings a bunch of his goods to to meet his brother, and he sends the the herds out in pfla0FAzl7Y-00066-00041682-00042228 front of him. I'll start there in verse 16 of Genesis 32; it says, "Jacob said, "'Go ahead of me..." to pfla0FAzl7Y-00067-00042228-00042810 the people leading his his tribe there, "and keep a healthy space between each herd." So he had brought pfla0FAzl7Y-00068-00042810-00043344 multiple herds to give to his brother Esau. "Then he instructed the first one out: "When pfla0FAzl7Y-00069-00043344-00044010 my brother Esau comes close and asks, "Who is your master where are you going who owns these sheep?" pfla0FAzl7Y-00070-00044010-00044946 Answer him like this: "It's your servant Jacob. They are a gift to my master Esau Jacob is on his way." pfla0FAzl7Y-00071-00044946-00045414 That was smart of Jacob, wasn't it? To send a little buffer zone out ahead of him. Because pfla0FAzl7Y-00072-00045414-00045906 he knew Esau was going to want to kill him. So he's softening him up and he put pfla0FAzl7Y-00073-00045906-00046512 some space between the herds so Esau has a chance to see what a big gift is coming here. pfla0FAzl7Y-00074-00046512-00047130 "But Jacob stayed behind by himself." That's what we want to think about right now. Because he stayed pfla0FAzl7Y-00075-00047130-00047724 behind by himself. I can imagine him looking up in the sky and saying, "This might be it! If my brother pfla0FAzl7Y-00076-00047724-00048180 doesn't change his mind, he might kill me! I can't spend the rest of my life running from him. pfla0FAzl7Y-00077-00048180-00048828 So it's time for me to face it and deal with it, and see what he's going to do. "And a man wrestled pfla0FAzl7Y-00078-00048828-00049662 with him until daybreak." Anybody know this story? So Jacob was wrestling with a man. We say his name pfla0FAzl7Y-00079-00049662-00050310 gets changed to Israel, which means "he who wrestles with God." Charlie Cacici wrestled with God before pfla0FAzl7Y-00080-00050310-00050946 he got saved; and when he got saved there was a radical transformation! Dick Smith, thank God his pfla0FAzl7Y-00081-00050946-00051762 wife Sue didn't kill him before he got saved, but by the grace of God, he wrestled with God and and pfla0FAzl7Y-00082-00051762-00052302 stayed alive long enough to realize... Oh, the light! The light went on! I'm going to change. I'm just pfla0FAzl7Y-00083-00052302-00052817 going to change the course of my life. Because even though he probably wasn't doing anything terrible pfla0FAzl7Y-00084-00052817-00053364 enough to get arrested, and go to prison, there was enough sin in his life to bring that death pfla0FAzl7Y-00085-00053364-00053994 of relationships when we don't have the son to eclipse the death. But then once the Son comes in, pfla0FAzl7Y-00086-00053994-00054720 everything changes. It's not hard really. It's not hard for us - it was hard for the Lord to live pfla0FAzl7Y-00087-00054720-00055362 33 years and not sin, and go to that cross on our behalf. But because he did, you can have that life. pfla0FAzl7Y-00088-00055362-00055848 You don't have to earn it. You don't have to hand in a resume and they'll call you back and say we'd pfla0FAzl7Y-00089-00055848-00056502 like you to come in for an interview. You say yes to the Lord, and He says, "Yes! Come in!" No strings pfla0FAzl7Y-00090-00056502-00057066 attached; no qualification. but what's this thing about wrestling with God? Because how many people pfla0FAzl7Y-00091-00057066-00057546 have gone through a period where you just don't understand what's happening? You'll say, "Why pfla0FAzl7Y-00092-00057546-00058091 God? Why did this happen? This good person that I've been praying for - why did they die? I prayed, I was pfla0FAzl7Y-00093-00058091-00058482 believing that they would be healed..." And you're wrestling with God there. You're pfla0FAzl7Y-00094-00058482-00058998 trying to understand something in the natural that's beyond our comprehension. And you don't pfla0FAzl7Y-00095-00058998-00059532 have an easy answer. But there is sin in the world. When Adam and Eve sinned, that brought death. pfla0FAzl7Y-00096-00059532-00059970 And just because we get saved, it doesn't mean there's not still sin in the world. It means that God gives pfla0FAzl7Y-00097-00059970-00060552 us tools to know how to operate against that sin. Certainly, for most people, it really softens pfla0FAzl7Y-00098-00060552-00061074 our heart and helps us recognize when we do commit a sin. We want to repent of that and move pfla0FAzl7Y-00099-00061074-00061566 forward, because our goal is to be more and more like Christ every day. And since he never sinned, pfla0FAzl7Y-00100-00061566-00062129 when we recognize that we do sin, we just say, "Lord forgive me and help me. Change me. I want to bring pfla0FAzl7Y-00101-00062129-00062670 that thing to the cross so I don't have it in my life anymore." So this is the rest of it; it says, pfla0FAzl7Y-00102-00062670-00063228 "He couldn't get the best of Jacob." That's amazing, isn't it? I heard Mario Murillo talk about this pfla0FAzl7Y-00103-00063228-00063822 and it, and he said, "God is wrestling, and of course he could just squeeze you like a grape and and crush pfla0FAzl7Y-00104-00063822-00064355 you, but he's not trying to win against Jacob. He's seeing how hard Jacob was willing to fight back. pfla0FAzl7Y-00105-00064355-00064878 Is Jacob willing to say, "I'm not going to leave until you bless me!" That's called intercession pfla0FAzl7Y-00106-00064878-00065441 and prayer! That's called interceding for somebody that you love and not giving up. pfla0FAzl7Y-00107-00065441-00065994 It is not because God's mean; but he rewards the diligent seeker. That's what it says in Hebrews 11, pfla0FAzl7Y-00108-00065994-00066744 that God... "without faith it's impossible to believe God... but he rewards the one who diligently seeks pfla0FAzl7Y-00109-00066744-00067284 after him." That's what he's looking for. Do I have any diligent seekers in the house? Yes you should all pfla0FAzl7Y-00110-00067284-00067824 raise your hand now by faith! Raise your hand. So he threw Jacob's hip out of joint. this is pfla0FAzl7Y-00111-00067824-00068340 the first little warning sign that we better bring this... we better wind this down... "And the man pfla0FAzl7Y-00112-00068340-00068982 said let me go, it's daybreak." Jacob said, "No! I'm not letting you go until you bless me." Say that: pfla0FAzl7Y-00113-00068982-00069498 "I'm not letting you go till you bless me." That's all right, that's legal, you're allowed to say that! pfla0FAzl7Y-00114-00069498-00070086 I'm staying in this thing! I'm not giving up! I'm believing you Lord! I believe in your promise that pfla0FAzl7Y-00115-00070086-00070638 your Word is going to come true! And the man said, What is your name? And he answered, "Jacob." And the pfla0FAzl7Y-00116-00070638-00071490 man said, "No longer, your name is no longer Jacob. From now on it's Israel (God wrestler). Go ahead, pfla0FAzl7Y-00117-00071490-00072030 look at somebody say, "You're a God-wrestler." This is a compliment! This is a compliment! pfla0FAzl7Y-00118-00072030-00072708 This is not a rebellious attitude. This is saying, "Lord, I'm not giving up until I get the blessing," pfla0FAzl7Y-00119-00072708-00073164 because I know it's true and I know it's in your Word and it's not that you are an Indian giver or pfla0FAzl7Y-00120-00073164-00073638 that you're you're stingy... it's just that we have to press in because there's some serious sin in pfla0FAzl7Y-00121-00073638-00074226 the world. If we think we're going to just take an aspirin and it's all gone... no! Serious sin needs pfla0FAzl7Y-00122-00074226-00074856 serious opposition. And I know we've got some people in here that are serious about their oppositionto sin. pfla0FAzl7Y-00123-00074856-00075372 I've shown this video on a couple of occasions but I was just I wanted to have a picture for you pfla0FAzl7Y-00124-00075372-00076038 to know that no matter how stubbornly people might be resisting the Lord, his "overwhelming, pfla0FAzl7Y-00125-00076038-00076770 never-ending, reckless Love of God..." is "chasing them down, fighting until they're found," Amen? He'll leave pfla0FAzl7Y-00126-00076770-00079608 the 99 to go find that one. So, just watch this and I think you'll see um why I want to show it to you. pfla0FAzl7Y-00128-00084300-00085368 "Oh no, you never let go, through the count through the storm..." pfla0FAzl7Y-00129-00085368-00086046 Come on! How many know God is never going to let go! No matter how hard you buck him, you can't get him pfla0FAzl7Y-00130-00086046-00086724 off your back! He loves you too much! You're not going to be let go of by him. pfla0FAzl7Y-00131-00086724-00087324 So, deal with it! Accept it! Lord, we accept your love tonight! And we are going to stop fightingyou, pfla0FAzl7Y-00132-00087324-00088026 and stop running, and we're going to run to you instead of running away from you. All right, pfla0FAzl7Y-00133-00088026-00088636 so, I'm sorry if you got offended when I called you a horse - but you hopefully you get the analogy. pfla0FAzl7Y-00134-00088636-00089346 This is me! Paul, talking all these years ago when the Bible was written, "Peter Roselle, you were once pfla0FAzl7Y-00135-00089346-00089988 darkness." It doesn't say, "You were "in" darkness Peter," it says, "You WERE darkness." I could pfla0FAzl7Y-00136-00089988-00090870 relate, and say, "Yeah, that's true." But, now you are the light in the Lord. Walk as children of light." pfla0FAzl7Y-00137-00090870-00091548 We see this beautiful language in Luke chapter one which is always read at Christmas pfla0FAzl7Y-00138-00091548-00092100 time. This is near the end of chapter one of Luke, but it says, "A new day is dawning," this is because pfla0FAzl7Y-00139-00092100-00092754 the Messiah is here now. And if you get a chance to look at another post we put up today on our pfla0FAzl7Y-00140-00092754-00093282 Facebook page, it's from "The Chosen." It's the Shepherds; it's a scene when the shepherds are out pfla0FAzl7Y-00141-00093282-00093804 in the field. I'm telling you, it's a work of art. It's 25 minutes long - it's so worth watching! pfla0FAzl7Y-00142-00093804-00094446 It's so moving that I can't do it justice to try to give you words to it. But the idea that pfla0FAzl7Y-00143-00094446-00094962 the light has finally come into this dark world is so relevant to what we've been dealing with pfla0FAzl7Y-00144-00094962-00095394 for the last three years, don't you think? So it says, "A new day has dawned and the sunrise from the pfla0FAzl7Y-00145-00095394-00095940 heavens will break through in our darkness, and those who huddle in night, those who sit in the pfla0FAzl7Y-00146-00095940-00096756 shadow of death, will be able to rise and walk inthe light." And one of the Shepherds in "The Chosen," was crippled pfla0FAzl7Y-00147-00096756-00097386 in this scene that you'll watch if you see it and it just completely shifts. I'll leave it at that I pfla0FAzl7Y-00148-00097386-00098022 don't want to ruin it for you. But, "We'll be guided in a pathway of peace." So earlier in Luke 1 and a pfla0FAzl7Y-00149-00098022-00098496 lot of you would know this so it's always good for us to just go back over what might be the basics pfla0FAzl7Y-00150-00098496-00099138 and see what the Lord wants to show us. Because Mary is quite a heroic figure! I know if you pfla0FAzl7Y-00151-00099138-00099618 were raised in a different denomination they might idolize her... so be careful about that... we know about pfla0FAzl7Y-00152-00099618-00100512 that one... but she's still an amazing woman, still an amazing person that that was willing to die. pfla0FAzl7Y-00153-00100512-00101022 We'll see why. It says in verse 26, "In the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city pfla0FAzl7Y-00154-00101022-00101646 of Galilee called Nazareth to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph of the House of pfla0FAzl7Y-00155-00101646-00102234 David. And her name was Mary and having come in the angel said to her Rejoice highly favored one pfla0FAzl7Y-00156-00102234-00102862 the Lord is with you blessed are you among women." How many believe this really happened? pfla0FAzl7Y-00157-00102862-00103559 Yes, this is not just symbolic. But before you were saved, did you think this really happened? pfla0FAzl7Y-00158-00103559-00104232 Probably not. This would have been part of "the mythology of the of the Christians," who are pfla0FAzl7Y-00159-00104232-00105035 are not... "they don't live in the real world." But I'm telling you, Jesus lives in the real world, and pfla0FAzl7Y-00160-00105035-00105618 and he's more real than the reality of the sin that's out there. So, why wouldn't God... pfla0FAzl7Y-00161-00105618-00106266 even unbelievers believe that there's some kind of force that's higher than than humanity. pfla0FAzl7Y-00162-00106266-00106794 This [creation] just didn't "happen." So God loves us so much that he communicates with us. That's why he asked pfla0FAzl7Y-00163-00106794-00107244 us to call him "Father," because any good father wants to talk to their children, don't you think? pfla0FAzl7Y-00164-00107244-00107946 Say, "YES!" They do! The Father wants to talk to us, so he sends an angel on his behalf as an pfla0FAzl7Y-00165-00107946-00108521 ambassador for heaven to speak to this young woman and say, "You are highly favored." pfla0FAzl7Y-00166-00108522-00109125 Highly favored one - could you look at somebody and say, "You are highly favored." pfla0FAzl7Y-00167-00109128-00110159 Highly favored! Me? But if you knew the REAL me you wouldn't say that. Yes he would! Isn't that amazing? pfla0FAzl7Y-00168-00110159-00110700 There's a line in a song that we sing, "You know the depths of my heart and you love me pfla0FAzl7Y-00169-00110700-00111426 the same, you are amazing God." Even though you know everything about me... you still love me... pfla0FAzl7Y-00170-00111426-00112092 unconditionally. Gabriel says... this Angel, an important Angel... "blessed are you pfla0FAzl7Y-00171-00112092-00112452 among women." "But when she saw him she was troubled at a saying and considered what pfla0FAzl7Y-00172-00112452-00112914 manner of greeting this was. And the angel said to her, "Don't be afraid Mary, for you have found pfla0FAzl7Y-00173-00112914-00113550 favor with God." If me saying highly favored one wasn't enough, I'm telling you right now pfla0FAzl7Y-00174-00113550-00114485 again, you have found favor, David Torres, Tim Page Kathleen Page, you have found favor! Come on! You pfla0FAzl7Y-00175-00114485-00115293 need to do this - look at somebody and say, "You have found favor with God!" You're still alive! pfla0FAzl7Y-00176-00115296-00116320 That's enough right there! I'm still breathing! That's good - it beats not breathing! Thank you, Rich. pfla0FAzl7Y-00177-00116322-00117166 By the way, Rich just get out of the hospital, his heart got reset, he's not an AFIB anymore - still breathing. pfla0FAzl7Y-00178-00117168-00118090 These old Italians, man, you can't kill us. But he's older than me, just saying. "But behold, you..." pfla0FAzl7Y-00179-00118092-00118758 Now his heart is back in AFIB! Sorry, Rich! Just kidding. "And behold you will conceive in your womb and pfla0FAzl7Y-00180-00118758-00119292 bring forth a son and shall call his name Jesus. He will be great!" What do you pfla0FAzl7Y-00181-00119292-00120030 think? Is that an understatement or what? He will be great! He'll be the only person ever born that pfla0FAzl7Y-00182-00120030-00120606 goes through their whole life without sinning. 33 years without sinning. And because he'll be pfla0FAzl7Y-00183-00120606-00121283 the perfect sacrifice, that will be Humanity's out from hell - that will be the door people can pfla0FAzl7Y-00184-00121283-00121824 walk through. The sacrifice of Mary's son is going to be the way people can get out of the prison pfla0FAzl7Y-00185-00121824-00122962 of hell and into God's kingdom - both here in the earth and for eternity! Wow! Such a deal. pfla0FAzl7Y-00186-00122964-00123390 He'll be called the son of the highest and the Lord God will give him the Throne of his father pfla0FAzl7Y-00187-00123390-00124061 David and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. And of his kingdom there will be no end." pfla0FAzl7Y-00188-00124061-00124638 Can you say that with me? Of his kingdom there will be no end." Does that remind you, back in Isaiah, pfla0FAzl7Y-00189-00124638-00125214 when it says, "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end. The government will pfla0FAzl7Y-00190-00125214-00125758 be upon his shoulders..." Not necessarily in Washington D.C - but the government of your life, pfla0FAzl7Y-00191-00125759-00126282 the rulership of your life... how you make your decisions is going to line up with the King pfla0FAzl7Y-00192-00126282-00126990 of Kings. To the degree that is possible Lord help us to do that! Help us break that pfla0FAzl7Y-00193-00126990-00127524 stubborn will inside of us that tries to overrule you, and think that we know better. pfla0FAzl7Y-00194-00127524-00128100 We know you that you know better! We want to put our flesh underneath the Holy Spirit that you placed pfla0FAzl7Y-00195-00128100-00128885 inside of us, that we would be receivers of the blessing of obedience. My God, the wages of sin is pfla0FAzl7Y-00196-00128885-00129690 death, but the blessings of obedience is eternal life! And so many so many earthly blessings! pfla0FAzl7Y-00197-00129690-00130200 By just doing it his way! My God, we can't even put a price on it! He will reign over the House of pfla0FAzl7Y-00198-00130200-00130854 Jacob, and of his kingdom there will be no end. Whether you like it or not, this is true. I heard pfla0FAzl7Y-00199-00130854-00131394 a preacher say one time... what if you went up to people that don't believe in the Lord, and say, pfla0FAzl7Y-00200-00131394-00132234 "Do you know that your spirit is going to live forever and there's nothing you can do about it?" pfla0FAzl7Y-00201-00132234-00133080 That is true! So if you know that is true, which side do you want to be on here? I think I would pfla0FAzl7Y-00202-00133080-00133584 rather choose God's side, because the the fruit is a whole lot better than the wages of sin pfla0FAzl7Y-00203-00133584-00134178 being death - the gift of God is life eternal. I can't even control the fact that I'm not just pfla0FAzl7Y-00204-00134178-00134754 a physical body - but I'm a spirit that's going to live forever. I choose to live with God in pfla0FAzl7Y-00205-00134754-00135228 eternity - not because I'm great or smarter than anybody else. I had to humble myself just like pfla0FAzl7Y-00206-00135228-00135774 everybody else here that's a Christian. I can't do it in my own strength - I have to do it pfla0FAzl7Y-00207-00135774-00136422 in his strength or I'm in big trouble. Then Mary said to the angel, "How could this be, since I don't pfla0FAzl7Y-00208-00136422-00137016 know a man?" And then this wonderful truth comes in that the Holy Spirit will come upon you. pfla0FAzl7Y-00209-00137016-00137376 I know I'm asking you to do this a lot tonight, but look at somebody and say, "The Holy Spirit pfla0FAzl7Y-00210-00137376-00138174 has come upon you." That is really good news! Wow! That is really good news that the Holy pfla0FAzl7Y-00211-00138174-00138642 Spirit has come upon you. People in the Old Testament only had it happen once in a while, pfla0FAzl7Y-00212-00138642-00139230 but God said, "In the last days I will pour my spirit on all flesh..." but Pastor what if there is pfla0FAzl7Y-00213-00139230-00140034 somebody here who's not a Christian, I can't say that the Holy Spirit is upon them, can I? pfla0FAzl7Y-00214-00140034-00141018 I'll wait... He said, "I will pour my spirit out on all flesh," not just "all Christian flesh." So maybe part pfla0FAzl7Y-00215-00141018-00141504 of what happens when you're not a believer... when you get convicted... is that there is a stirring on the pfla0FAzl7Y-00216-00141504-00142110 inside because there is an aspect... every person is created in the image of God. And we are in those pfla0FAzl7Y-00217-00142110-00142572 days when the Spirit has been poured out. So maybe you don't have to be the one to try to come up pfla0FAzl7Y-00218-00142572-00143136 with the best solution - maybe it's already in there. If you just make a way for them to know that pfla0FAzl7Y-00219-00143136-00143718 he's real, and the relationship is real, maybe it's not as hard as we think to help people realize it. pfla0FAzl7Y-00220-00143718-00144270 Because once they taste and see that the Lord is good they don't want to go back to the counterfeit pfla0FAzl7Y-00221-00144270-00144984 anymore. There's no comparison! The Holy Spirit, Mary, will come upon you - but also, everybody who is pfla0FAzl7Y-00222-00144984-00145668 sitting here tonight. That is the game-changer. Yes, salvation - the cross was super-important, because pfla0FAzl7Y-00223-00145668-00146232 you can't resurrect from the dead unless you die! But without the Resurrection, The Cross wouldn't pfla0FAzl7Y-00224-00146232-00146850 have meant anything Paul said. And the resurrection not only brought him life, it brought us life. pfla0FAzl7Y-00225-00146850-00147750 He took the keys of death and hell and conqueredthe power of that. (1 Cor 15:55) "Death, where is your sting?" pfla0FAzl7Y-00226-00147750-00148401 What are you doing over there ?Oh I thought that was Nate, I thought he got transferred. pfla0FAzl7Y-00227-00148401-00148920 The power of the highest will overshadow you, therefore also the one holy one who is to pfla0FAzl7Y-00228-00148920-00149970 be born will be called the Son of God." Who was the first Son of God? Adam. Jesus was the last Adam. pfla0FAzl7Y-00229-00149970-00150642 Now, we are Sons and Daughters of the living King. Amen isn't it amazing? First Corinthians 15 will pfla0FAzl7Y-00230-00150642-00151254 go through that whole comparison. The first Adam and the last Adam. It is amazing, Lord, that you pfla0FAzl7Y-00231-00151254-00151836 would do all of that for us. And all we have to do is engage with it, and make the decision not to go pfla0FAzl7Y-00232-00151836-00152418 the other way. Love it! "Now indeed Elizabeth your relative..," this is also really good news! "Elizabeth pfla0FAzl7Y-00233-00152418-00153102 your relative, who also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for pfla0FAzl7Y-00234-00153102-00153708 her who was called barren." Has anybody experienced barrenness being broken off your life since you pfla0FAzl7Y-00235-00153708-00154548 became a Christian? Yes, very much. That is what's supposed to happen; that is the fruit of the Spirit pfla0FAzl7Y-00236-00154548-00155136 of God living inside of us as barrenness is broken off of us, vision comes back, dreams come pfla0FAzl7Y-00237-00155136-00155736 back, that that dark cloud that was hanging over us of depression gets lifted because we now have pfla0FAzl7Y-00238-00155736-00156612 a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us I have a plan for you and it's a good plan to prosper. "For with God pfla0FAzl7Y-00239-00156612-00157356 nothing will be impossible." Wow, thank you Lord. "Then Mary said behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let pfla0FAzl7Y-00240-00157356-00157980 it be unto me according to your word." Lord we say the same thing, let it be unto us according to your pfla0FAzl7Y-00241-00157980-00158544 Word. Let us be obedient people that receive the blessing of obedience to you Lord - not the easy pfla0FAzl7Y-00242-00158544-00159246 way out. "And the angel departed from her." This was what a commentator said about what I'm about to pfla0FAzl7Y-00243-00159246-00159738 read to you about Mary's response to all of this that just happened. She's a young girl, certainly pfla0FAzl7Y-00244-00159738-00160458 still a teenager, and could easily be stoned for the sin of adultery. Because if she's pfla0FAzl7Y-00245-00160458-00160998 pregnant and she hasn't been with a man, that's that's worthy of death. And yet she still says pfla0FAzl7Y-00246-00160998-00161526 by faith, "Let it be unto me according to your word." I've got enough faith to believe you that however pfla0FAzl7Y-00247-00161526-00162204 you're going to do it - it's going to work out. God blesses that obedience. Mary's response can't even pfla0FAzl7Y-00248-00162204-00162948 be contained in normal prose; her soul overflows in poetry. It isn't just simply religious - it has pfla0FAzl7Y-00249-00162948-00163572 a powerful social and political overtone. So, if you don't think that we should be involved in pfla0FAzl7Y-00250-00163572-00164226 deciding who gets on the school boards, you've been deceived. Because we care about our children, do you? pfla0FAzl7Y-00251-00164226-00164808 Yes. So, who is teaching our children really matters. So, the idea that Christians shouldn't get involved pfla0FAzl7Y-00252-00164808-00165408 in the culture, is just a complete deception of the enemy. Well, if you're just going to turn pfla0FAzl7Y-00253-00165408-00166026 them over and hope that it works out... well, "hope" is not a good strategy when it comes to the culture. pfla0FAzl7Y-00254-00166026-00166650 So there are political overtones because they're talking about a new king. pfla0FAzl7Y-00255-00166650-00167172 It speaks of a great reversal - what might be called a social, economic, and political revolution. pfla0FAzl7Y-00256-00167172-00167724 To people in Mary's day there's little question as to what she's talking about. The Jewish people are pfla0FAzl7Y-00257-00167724-00168372 oppressed by the Romans. To speak of a King who will demote the powerful and rich and elevate pfla0FAzl7Y-00258-00168372-00169068 the poor and humble means just one thing: that God is moving towards setting them free!" pfla0FAzl7Y-00259-00169068-00169650 Setting each heart free. You might have heard the quote that says, "The line between good and pfla0FAzl7Y-00260-00169650-00170226 evil runs right down the center of every human being's heart." That Solzhenitsyn, when he pfla0FAzl7Y-00261-00170226-00170736 was in the prison camp (The Gulag Archipelago). He was witnessing hell and he wasn't a pfla0FAzl7Y-00262-00170736-00171324 believer. And he became a believer watching the Christians that were in the prison camp, ready pfla0FAzl7Y-00263-00171324-00171882 to die. They had something that he knew he did not have, and now all of a sudden this is pfla0FAzl7Y-00264-00171882-00172410 the division between good and evil right here. This is where the revolution happens with pfla0FAzl7Y-00265-00172410-00173232 Christ - it starts in our heart. We humble ourselves. We repent. We recognize, "My life is not as as good pfla0FAzl7Y-00266-00173232-00173838 as it could be, Lord." And the only way it's going to change is if you come in and you take the wheel. pfla0FAzl7Y-00267-00173838-00174474 I will listen... and that's not weak. That is the best thing you could ever do - setting them free. pfla0FAzl7Y-00268-00174474-00175170 So, in verse 46, it says the song that we sing sometimes. "My soul proclaims the greatness of pfla0FAzl7Y-00269-00175170-00175926 the Lord..." Remember that one? "And my spirit exalts in God my savior." This is where that song comes pfla0FAzl7Y-00270-00175926-00176538 from. In the Voice version, it says, "My soul lifts up to the Lord. My spirit celebrates God my Liberator. For pfla0FAzl7Y-00271-00176538-00177354 though I'm God's humble servant, God has noticed me." How about you? Did he notice you Luke? God noticed pfla0FAzl7Y-00272-00177354-00178278 you. You think? You are his favorite. so are you. He's big enough to have more than one favorite. pfla0FAzl7Y-00273-00178278-00178950 You are his favorite. Dave so is your son - all your kids. When your little pfla0FAzl7Y-00274-00178950-00179718 daughter comes running out of here... her mom brings her in and then she is running, saying, pfla0FAzl7Y-00275-00179718-00180696 "Daddy, Daddy!" If you ever needed a picture of God's love - BAM! It happens right in front of you. pfla0FAzl7Y-00276-00180696-00181398 God has noticed me (Mary). Now and forever I'll be considered blessed by all generations. pfla0FAzl7Y-00277-00181398-00182316 "For the mighty one has done great things for me." How about you? Yeah, I'm getting a witness here. pfla0FAzl7Y-00278-00182316-00182898 For the mighty one has done great things for me; holy is God's name! From generation to generation God's pfla0FAzl7Y-00279-00182898-00183642 loving kindness endures for those who will revere Him. God's arm has accomplished mighty deeds." pfla0FAzl7Y-00280-00183642-00184236 What are the mighty deeds? He took people that were broken by the world and restored them, and turned pfla0FAzl7Y-00281-00184236-00185028 them into leaders. It's amazing what he can do with a broken person. "The proud in mind and heart God pfla0FAzl7Y-00282-00185028-00185538 has sent away in disarray. The rulers from their high positions of power God has brought down pfla0FAzl7Y-00283-00185538-00186084 low. And those who were humble and lowly God has elevated with dignity." She's being one of those pfla0FAzl7Y-00284-00186084-00186732 right now, isn't she? "The hungry God is filled with food the rich God is dismissed with nothing in pfla0FAzl7Y-00285-00186732-00187380 their hands. To Israel, God's servant, God has given help, as promised to our ancestors, remembering pfla0FAzl7Y-00286-00187380-00187986 Abraham and his descendants in mercy forever." And the longer I've been Christian now, it's 40 pfla0FAzl7Y-00287-00187986-00188742 years since I accepted the Lord, it will be 40 on January 1st of this year... the more profound the pfla0FAzl7Y-00288-00188742-00189288 understanding of the generation to generational blessing that happens in the Lord and how we're pfla0FAzl7Y-00289-00189288-00189828 standing on the shoulders of great men and women even including in our own life. As Eddie Cooney pfla0FAzl7Y-00290-00189828-00190266 was saying, the different speakers that come through here. These are all a type of reward, pfla0FAzl7Y-00291-00190266-00190956 my opinion, of just being faithful and and building relationships. Ny wife mostly is responsible pfla0FAzl7Y-00292-00190956-00191574 for building these relationships - and then being in fellowship with people that "iron sharpens iron." pfla0FAzl7Y-00293-00191574-00191994 You don't get satisfied. You don'tlevel off. You don't hit a plateau pfla0FAzl7Y-00294-00191994-00192558 where you stop growing. You never have to stop growing in the Lord. It's amazing. pfla0FAzl7Y-00295-00192558-00193128 I don't plan to stop. I don't know about you but I'm going to keep on growing and going. pfla0FAzl7Y-00296-00193128-00193596 Zacharias prophesied also in this chapter, over his son. I'm not going to read the whole thing pfla0FAzl7Y-00297-00193596-00194094 but here's a man who took an opposite approach when Gabriel came to him. He was a priest pfla0FAzl7Y-00298-00194094-00194586 and I would say Mary, being a teenager, versus Zacharias being a preacher, pfla0FAzl7Y-00299-00194586-00195072 there are different expectations. He said, "How can this be? And the angel said, "Well, you know what? pfla0FAzl7Y-00300-00195072-00195540 You are the one who prayed for this! You are the priest - so you're going to have a time out pfla0FAzl7Y-00301-00195540-00196038 for the next nine months because you're going to get a baby. And when when the baby is born, pfla0FAzl7Y-00302-00196038-00196554 you can come out of your time out. But look at what he says, "You, my son (John the Baptist), will be called pfla0FAzl7Y-00303-00196554-00197094 the prophet of the Most High. For you will be the one to prepare the way for the Lord." Does anybody here pfla0FAzl7Y-00304-00197094-00197634 have that anointing on your life? Raise your hand please. Yes! We all are people who prepare the way pfla0FAzl7Y-00305-00197634-00198264 for the Lord. That's the ministry of Elijah. That is what they were asking Jesus, "I thought pfla0FAzl7Y-00306-00198264-00198708 Elijah had to come." Well if you'll receive it John the Baptist had that Spirit. pfla0FAzl7Y-00307-00198708-00199260 That's what he's doing - he is that prophet. That is who we are - we are the voice of of the one crying in the pfla0FAzl7Y-00308-00199260-00199860 wilderness. It's not as bad as it looks! You can turn to God! There is a way out of this mess! pfla0FAzl7Y-00309-00199860-00200196 He makes the Crooked way straight ! pfla0FAzl7Y-00310-00200196-00200718 "So that the Lord's people will receive knowledge of their freedom through the forgiveness of sins. pfla0FAzl7Y-00311-00200718-00201288 There is that Loop right there. I can get my freedom by asking for forgiveness pfla0FAzl7Y-00312-00201288-00201972 of my sins... by repenting and saying, "I recognize I'm not getting an A on all the tests here Lord." pfla0FAzl7Y-00313-00201972-00202512 I'm doing good in some ways... I'm not as evil as Hitler, but I'm probably not up there pfla0FAzl7Y-00314-00202512-00203322 with... whoever you consider a great Christian... Trisha Roselle. I'm somewhere in the pfla0FAzl7Y-00315-00203322-00204036 middle here. I'm a good person. Did anybody ever say that? "I'm good! I haven't killed anybody this week!" pfla0FAzl7Y-00316-00204036-00204630 But all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The Glory mark is set High. pfla0FAzl7Y-00317-00204630-00205308 So the only way is to say... just to acknowledge it, and say, "I'm only going to get freedom pfla0FAzl7Y-00318-00205308-00205950 through the forgiveness of my sins. I can't save myself, so I have to make a bargain and say, pfla0FAzl7Y-00319-00205950-00206573 "I'm willing to let go of that old life because the benefits of serving you far outweigh the pleasures pfla0FAzl7Y-00320-00206573-00207323 of sin for a season - the fleeting pleasure of sin." We all know that one! Luke 1:78 says, "ll this pfla0FAzl7Y-00321-00207323-00207978 will flow from the kind and compassionate mercy of our God," which is wonderful to think about. pfla0FAzl7Y-00322-00207978-00208998 His kindness will lead us to repentance. But he has a standard that he wants us to live up to. pfla0FAzl7Y-00323-00208998-00209700 Yes, there is a standard he wants us to live up to. We cannot water down the truth of the Word pfla0FAzl7Y-00324-00209700-00210330 of God. We have to stand on the truth. If sin is involved we have to identify it as sin. pfla0FAzl7Y-00325-00210330-00210966 I'm sure glad somebody did that in my life, how about you? There's no way you can live in right pfla0FAzl7Y-00326-00210966-00211398 relationship with God if you're intentionally doing something that's against what he's asking pfla0FAzl7Y-00327-00211398-00212010 us to do. We all do things unintentionally that we can realize afterwards and acknowledge pfla0FAzl7Y-00328-00212010-00212538 and repent. But I want to have knowledge that shows me where the sin is so I can get pfla0FAzl7Y-00329-00212538-00213144 to the root of it and and eliminate it. Because that's my goal - to be like Jesus who didn't sin. pfla0FAzl7Y-00330-00213144-00213900 Romans 2:1 (Message) "Some people are on a dark spiral downward. pfla0FAzl7Y-00331-00213900-00214710 But if you think that leaves you on the high ground where you can point your finger at others... pfla0FAzl7Y-00332-00214710-00215634 "think again." Don't you love the message? That's what Easter used to say when she came here... "That's Real." pfla0FAzl7Y-00333-00215634-00216402 Keep it real! That's the Message version. If you think because you're a Christian you can stand up on pfla0FAzl7Y-00334-00216402-00217194 your mountain and point down at everybody else think again. We should be the humblest people pfla0FAzl7Y-00335-00217194-00217769 because we're aware of who we serve. We're going to keep trying to be like him but we will pfla0FAzl7Y-00336-00217769-00218532 never fully get there in this life. But we can sure try! This is how it says it... pfla0FAzl7Y-00337-00218532-00218969 I'm almost done. I know you probably want to get going here... "Judgmental criticism pfla0FAzl7Y-00338-00218969-00219876 of others is a well-known way of escaping detection of your own crimes and misdemeanors." pfla0FAzl7Y-00339-00219876-00220404 Do you see what he's saying? Create a diversion! Make everybody look at that pfla0FAzl7Y-00340-00220404-00220998 person - and then they won't be looking at me. Bait somebody into saying something. That will change pfla0FAzl7Y-00341-00220998-00221904 the subject of the real topic to your response to the topic when you blew your Italian temper. pfla0FAzl7Y-00342-00221904-00222216 Now they're not even talking about the original thing - they're talking about pfla0FAzl7Y-00343-00222216-00222696 how badly you responded. No! We have Holy Spirit in us. We have the word in pfla0FAzl7Y-00344-00222696-00223517 us. We can control that if we try. Holy Spirit says the fruit of the Spirit is self-control. pfla0FAzl7Y-00345-00223517-00224088 You don't have to give in to those emotions anymore if you're walking in line with the father. pfla0FAzl7Y-00346-00224088-00224646 "But God isn't so easily diverted." You might create a diversion to fool some of the people pfla0FAzl7Y-00347-00224646-00225444 but you're not fooling God. "He sees right through all such smoke screens and holds you pfla0FAzl7Y-00348-00225444-00225894 to what you've done. Do you think that by pointing your finger at others that pfla0FAzl7Y-00349-00225894-00226506 you would distract God from seeing your own misdoings? Peter... no, that's my answer. Do you pfla0FAzl7Y-00350-00226506-00227358 think that because he's such a nice God he let you off the hook? What's the answer Manny? pfla0FAzl7Y-00351-00227358-00227988 Forgiveness is one thing, but we also have to recognize there are consequences to bad decisions. pfla0FAzl7Y-00352-00227988-00228408 So, if we're thinking that we can live whatever we want to do and then not have to pay the penalty pfla0FAzl7Y-00353-00228408-00229008 of whatever that thing was - it's not death typically, but there are bad consequences to pfla0FAzl7Y-00354-00229008-00229656 making bad decisions. So grace is there to forgive us, but it does not excuse what happened. We still pfla0FAzl7Y-00355-00229656-00230154 have to face those consequences. That is all he's saying here. "Better think this one through again pfla0FAzl7Y-00356-00230154-00230628 from the beginning." Let's stand I just want you to know I'm driving towards something here. pfla0FAzl7Y-00357-00230628-00231498 That the the good news is - as dark as the world is, the Son eclipses the darkness. If you could think pfla0FAzl7Y-00358-00231498-00232032 of it that way that helped me so much this week as I was thinking about what to say tonight. pfla0FAzl7Y-00359-00232032-00232554 As bad as it might be, and as confusing as it might be, and how whatever thing you watch on pfla0FAzl7Y-00360-00232554-00233190 YouTube or Rumble that makes your blood boil... it gets you so angry... it doesn't compare to the glory pfla0FAzl7Y-00361-00233190-00233586 that we're going to have. I'm not saying don't get involved and you should know what's going pfla0FAzl7Y-00362-00233586-00234306 but keep it inperspective here - start right here, pfla0FAzl7Y-00363-00234306-00234798 start in the mirror. That's the best place you can do it before you start judging everybody pfla0FAzl7Y-00364-00234798-00235332 else - just look in the mirror and say, "How can I be more like you Lord, today, tomorrow, the next pfla0FAzl7Y-00365-00235332-00235823 day. More than I was like you yesterday." And then reflect back because here's where it goes. pfla0FAzl7Y-00366-00235823-00236760 It says we have to think this one through from the beginning. "God is kind but he's not soft." pfla0FAzl7Y-00367-00236760-00237558 In kindness he takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life-change." pfla0FAzl7Y-00368-00237558-00238169 There is no discipleship without radical life-change. Jesus didn't say, "Go into pfla0FAzl7Y-00369-00238169-00238842 all the world and make converts." He said, "Go ye into all the world and make disciples..." pfla0FAzl7Y-00370-00238842-00239436 Big difference between somebody saying a prayer and somebody living radically sold out to God, pfla0FAzl7Y-00371-00239436-00239969 and every day wanting to be more and more like Him. There's no better path in life. I don't care what pfla0FAzl7Y-00372-00239969-00240600 your career is - any career is going to be better off if that's your goal to be more like Christ. pfla0FAzl7Y-00373-00240600-00241110 So there is no downside - other than you lose your depression, you lose the consequences pfla0FAzl7Y-00374-00241110-00241932 of sin, you lose the confusion of lying so often you can't keep track of all your lies! pfla0FAzl7Y-00375-00241932-00242573 I'm not picking on them but... well no I won't even say it. I did such stupid pfla0FAzl7Y-00376-00242573-00243066 things when I was high. It's one thing to be high, you could get in a car accident... but the decisions pfla0FAzl7Y-00377-00243066-00244000 you make are ridiculous, so you can't remember all the lies - eventually your sin finds you out. pfla0FAzl7Y-00378-00244002-00244614 Let go of that stuff! Let go of it and just say, "Look, I'm going to try another another way." pfla0FAzl7Y-00379-00244614-00245154 Trisha said this. I said this. It's like, "Look, nothing I'm doing is working. So I want to try. What pfla0FAzl7Y-00380-00245154-00245676 you're offering me, based on all these people telling me that this works... I'll give it a try. pfla0FAzl7Y-00381-00245676-00246264 I'm in a bad place. Now, don't wait until you get to the bad place to try it. pfla0FAzl7Y-00382-00246264-00246917 In kindness he takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life-change. Has anybody pfla0FAzl7Y-00383-00246917-00247578 here had a radical life change in Christ? Oh my God, the best thing that ever happened! The best choice pfla0FAzl7Y-00384-00247578-00248321 you could ever make and to be in a congregation of people who will help you walk through it is pfla0FAzl7Y-00385-00248321-00248898 gold. That's all I can tell you - it's gold. Because trying to do it on your own - it can pfla0FAzl7Y-00386-00248898-00249462 be done, but why? Why would you do it alone? We need each other. Then this is what it says pfla0FAzl7Y-00387-00249462-00250008 in the Voice - same verse. This is the last verse: "His kindness is guiding our hearts to pfla0FAzl7Y-00388-00250008-00250644 turn away from distractions and habitual sin to walk a new path of repentance." pfla0FAzl7Y-00389-00250644-00251106 That is the goal tonight aswe are celebrating Christmas over the pfla0FAzl7Y-00390-00251106-00251562 next couple days. As we're with family, as we're with loved ones, we start here. pfla0FAzl7Y-00391-00251562-00252264 We say, "Lord use me to reflect your character, to reflect your nature. I don't want to be a hypocrite. pfla0FAzl7Y-00392-00252264-00252960 I don't want to be a judgmental pharisaical person, a legalist. I want to demonstrate the pfla0FAzl7Y-00393-00252960-00253602 true love of God. What you said to people over and over again is that it wasn't that there pfla0FAzl7Y-00394-00253602-00254190 was anything innately wrong with them it was the sin in their life that needed to pfla0FAzl7Y-00395-00254190-00254898 go. Once that is lifted off of our Lives... once we get that Spirit of God on the inside of us... pfla0FAzl7Y-00396-00254898-00255666 we don't want to sin any longer, the "want to" goes away, because your love replaces it. So I say that for pfla0FAzl7Y-00397-00255666-00256188 every one of us here today Lord, that your love would replace any desires of our heart pfla0FAzl7Y-00398-00256188-00256644 that don't line up with your perfect will for us. I pray you would cleanse us and renew us. pfla0FAzl7Y-00399-00256644-00257382 But more than that Lord, help us to reflect what you put inside of of us - your heart towards other pfla0FAzl7Y-00400-00257382-00258150 people - family, friends, people on the job, people we come in contact with in any situation. pfla0FAzl7Y-00401-00258150-00258738 We pray that they would be drawn to you through us. I just bless anybody here that's questioning pfla0FAzl7Y-00402-00258738-00259254 right now whether they should be the one to say, "Yes, I want to try this. I'm tired of running pfla0FAzl7Y-00403-00259254-00259752 away from God. I want to run towards God." That could be you - if you're in the room ,if you're pfla0FAzl7Y-00404-00259752-00260232 watching online, that could be you. It was me and it was everybody else that's here in this place today. pfla0FAzl7Y-00405-00260232-00260700 Anybody that you know that's a Christian had to come to a place and say, "My way pfla0FAzl7Y-00406-00260700-00261330 isn't working. I want to try it God's way." So we're just going to say a prayer. It's not complicated. pfla0FAzl7Y-00407-00261330-00261780 It's like talking to somebody that you love. Say, "Lord I'm going to talk to you like another pfla0FAzl7Y-00408-00261780-00262392 person. That is called prayer. Let's pray it out loud together. "Heavenly Father, I come to pfla0FAzl7Y-00409-00262392-00263464 you in the name of Jesus. I recognize there is sin in my life and there is a punishment for sin. pfla0FAzl7Y-00410-00263464-00264240 So I need to be saved from that punishment. But I can't save myself, pfla0FAzl7Y-00411-00264240-00264870 so I need your help. I need Jesus's sacrifice pfla0FAzl7Y-00412-00264870-00266136 to stand in the gap for my sin. Thank you Lord that you were willing to be a sacrifice for my sin. pfla0FAzl7Y-00413-00266136-00267444 Now I ask you to come in and take the reins of my life. I surrender my will to your will. pfla0FAzl7Y-00414-00267444-00268188 Fill me with your Spirit. Open my eyes to see the truth of your word. pfla0FAzl7Y-00415-00268188-00268602 I accept you as my Lord and Savior pfla0FAzl7Y-00416-00268602-00269646 for eternity in Jesus name, Amen." That's the best prayer you could ever say right there! pfla0FAzl7Y-00417-00269646-00270054 Maybe somebody in here said it tonight - if you did that's amazing. pfla0FAzl7Y-00418-00270054-00270660 The Bible says that anytime a sinner turns that there is a celebration in heaven, and your pfla0FAzl7Y-00419-00270660-00271398 name gets written in Lamb's Book of Life. So you can remember December 23 2022 as the day that pfla0FAzl7Y-00420-00271398-00272070 your name got written into Lamb's Book of Life. The privilege that we would have right now, if that pfla0FAzl7Y-00421-00272070-00272502 was you that said it, would be to pray with you, and say, "Welcome into the kingdom!" Can we do that? pfla0FAzl7Y-00422-00272502-00272970 Church, can we welcome anybody who said yes to that prayer? Can we welcome them into the pfla0FAzl7Y-00423-00272970-00273894 kingdom! Come on, give them a hand by faith that say yes. Best decision that you could ever make. pfla0FAzl7Y-00424-00273894-00274554 Say Yes to Jesus. If that is you watching contact us. If it is anybody here in this room and you're willing pfla0FAzl7Y-00425-00274554-00275016 to say, "Yes, that was me ,I said that prayer tonight for the first time and I want to learn more about pfla0FAzl7Y-00426-00275016-00275646 what you're talking about because I need him, I need his help," come on raise your hand. You won't pfla0FAzl7Y-00427-00275646-00276444 be alone in this. You'll be guided every step of the way. Hallelujah Lord thank pfla0FAzl7Y-00428-00276444-00276996 you Lord for what you're doing in the hearts of your people. We celebrate right now for the yes pfla0FAzl7Y-00429-00276996-00277848 and amen of Jesus. But also for the yes and amen of your people. Come on. let's give the Lord a hand. pfla0FAzl7Y-00430-00277848-00278568 I'm believing by faith, I saw somebody raise a hand, and I'm believing by faith that that pfla0FAzl7Y-00431-00278568-00278970 was that answered prayer. So, I just want to bless you all. I'm sorry we won't see pfla0FAzl7Y-00432-00278970-00279432 you on Sunday, but that's the decision that we made. Our next service will be here on pfla0FAzl7Y-00433-00279432-00279918 Wednesday night at 7:00. I think we have people willing to pray right now that'll be up here. pfla0FAzl7Y-00434-00279918-00280320 If you have a prayer that you'd like us to join in with come on up that aisle, there will pfla0FAzl7Y-00435-00280320-00280890 be a Prayer Ministry team here at the altar. Otherwise. say it out loud with me, "Merry Christmas!" pfPECqFPrzY-00000-00000616-00000700 Welcome to pfPECqFPrzY-00001-00000700-00001137 USAID's Kitchen Sink, a Food Loss and Waste podcast. pfPECqFPrzY-00002-00001187-00001387 I'm your producer, Nika Larian, pfPECqFPrzY-00003-00001450-00001912 30 to 40% of the food that is produced is either lost or wasted pfPECqFPrzY-00004-00001954-00002266 contributing to a global food crisis with over pfPECqFPrzY-00005-00002266-00002550 800 million going to bed hungry. pfPECqFPrzY-00006-00002566-00002725 Listen on. As USAID pfPECqFPrzY-00007-00002725-00003175 experts speak with researchers and development professionals to explore pfPECqFPrzY-00008-00003175-00003637 solutions to this critical issue that demands a kitchen sink approach pfPECqFPrzY-00009-00003691-00004129 when it comes to climate, food security and food system sustainability. pfPECqFPrzY-00010-00004162-00004512 We have no time to waste. pfPECqFPrzY-00011-00004816-00004862 Hello. pfPECqFPrzY-00012-00004862-00005112 Welcome to the USAID's Kitchen Sink podcast. pfPECqFPrzY-00013-00005116-00005212 My name is Ann Vaughan. pfPECqFPrzY-00014-00005212-00005429 I'm the senior adviser for climate change ainnd the Bureau pfPECqFPrzY-00015-00005429-00005587 for Resilience and Food Security. pfPECqFPrzY-00016-00005587-00006012 And today, I'm very excited to be joined by our special guest, Dina Esposito, pfPECqFPrzY-00017-00006050-00006362 who is the assistant administrator for the Bureau for Resilience pfPECqFPrzY-00018-00006362-00006500 and Food Security and serves pfPECqFPrzY-00019-00006500-00006850 as the Deputy Global Coordinator for development for Feed the Future U.S. pfPECqFPrzY-00020-00006900-00007175 Government's Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative. pfPECqFPrzY-00021-00007212-00007654 She's also USAID's first ever global food crisis coordinator, pfPECqFPrzY-00022-00007654-00007979 but has deep roots in the agency because we could not have asked pfPECqFPrzY-00023-00007979-00008225 for a better person during this time of global food crisis. pfPECqFPrzY-00024-00008300-00008516 She's I think this is your third time coming back to USAID pfPECqFPrzY-00025-00008516-00008900 , but has decades of experience now pfPECqFPrzY-00026-00008900-00009129 working in humanitarian and development assistance. pfPECqFPrzY-00027-00009129-00009300 So we're super lucky to have you. pfPECqFPrzY-00028-00009300-00009491 And thanks for joining the podcast. pfPECqFPrzY-00029-00009491-00009787 Well, thanks for having me and I am delighted to be here. pfPECqFPrzY-00030-00009791-00010075 I'm delighted to be back at USAID for the third time. pfPECqFPrzY-00031-00010075-00010200 I've been here about 12 weeks pfPECqFPrzY-00032-00010200-00010591 now, and I'mโ€“ , delighted to be on the kitchen sink. pfPECqFPrzY-00033-00010600-00010825 Great name, by the way, for the podcast. pfPECqFPrzY-00034-00010854-00011200 And looking forward to talking about food loss and waste itโ€™s a critical part pfPECqFPrzY-00035-00011237-00011304 of our agenda. pfPECqFPrzY-00036-00011304-00011387 Whether we want to talk pfPECqFPrzY-00037-00011387-00011650 about food security, whether we want to talk about nutrition, pfPECqFPrzY-00038-00011654-00012087 economic growth, climate, it intersects with all of these really important priorities. pfPECqFPrzY-00039-00012116-00012212 Great. Thanks again. pfPECqFPrzY-00040-00012212-00012387 We're so glad to have you here. pfPECqFPrzY-00041-00012387-00012654 And especially coming off of last month's climate conference pfPECqFPrzY-00042-00012691-00013091 where you and I both were in Egypt at COP, where USAID pfPECqFPrzY-00043-00013104-00013225 showed up in a really concerted pfPECqFPrzY-00044-00013225-00013529 way to highlight our efforts to address sustainable food systems pfPECqFPrzY-00045-00013616-00013925 and galvanizing climate finance and mobilizing private pfPECqFPrzY-00046-00013925-00014162 sector partners to really advance the Bureau for Resilience and Food Securityโ€™s pfPECqFPrzY-00047-00014162-00014479 , climate related goals and core objectives. pfPECqFPrzY-00048-00014575-00014904 And it was exciting to see that there wasn't only an agricultural theme day at, pfPECqFPrzY-00049-00014950-00015362 but there were six pavilions on food security and really a huge emphasis on food. pfPECqFPrzY-00050-00015500-00015675 Yeah, I mean, it was really exciting pfPECqFPrzY-00051-00015675-00016125 to see these twin crises elevated together, this global climate crisis. pfPECqFPrzY-00052-00016125-00016516 There's a global food security crisis, and the two of them are just completely pfPECqFPrzY-00053-00016516-00016891 intertwined. To say a word about the global food crisis. pfPECqFPrzY-00054-00016891-00017212 Of course, we know that a lot of the challenges pfPECqFPrzY-00055-00017212-00017625 we're facing are due to these triple threats of COVID 19, pfPECqFPrzY-00056-00017625-00017912 which has really hurt livelihoods, disrupted supply chains. pfPECqFPrzY-00057-00017941-00018250 We have conflict, including Russia's invasion of Ukraine, pfPECqFPrzY-00058-00018300-00018604 which has hurt the ability for Ukraine to produce pfPECqFPrzY-00059-00018604-00018916 and export, but has also had major impacts all over the world. pfPECqFPrzY-00060-00018950-00019237 And then, of course, climate change, you have only to look pfPECqFPrzY-00061-00019237-00019729 in the Horn of Africa where you have five consecutive failed rainy seasons, pfPECqFPrzY-00062-00019775-00020041 really an unprecedented series pfPECqFPrzY-00063-00020041-00020466 of shocks to that community that is creating pfPECqFPrzY-00064-00020466-00020800 20 million people in need of lifesaving food assistance, pfPECqFPrzY-00065-00020837-00021054 many of them women and children, of course. pfPECqFPrzY-00066-00021054-00021387 And then you can look elsewhere in the world at a place like Pakistan, one pfPECqFPrzY-00067-00021387-00021950 third of the country under water in recent months due to enormous monsoons and pfPECqFPrzY-00068-00022050-00022187 and rain runoff. pfPECqFPrzY-00069-00022187-00022500 That is also affecting food security there. pfPECqFPrzY-00070-00022541-00022862 So these two things are super interconnected pfPECqFPrzY-00071-00022887-00023000 and food loss and waste pfPECqFPrzY-00072-00023000-00023354 really figures largely because when you're having trouble growing more food, pfPECqFPrzY-00073-00023400-00023800 you obviously want to capitalize and save every morsel of the food you are growing. pfPECqFPrzY-00074-00023837-00024225 And it's sometimes hard to incentivize that when food is plentiful pfPECqFPrzY-00075-00024225-00024354 and inexpensive. pfPECqFPrzY-00076-00024354-00024729 Now we have an opportunity in the term, you know, thinking about never pfPECqFPrzY-00077-00024729-00025250 wasting a good crisis to advance change that we already know is urgently needed. pfPECqFPrzY-00078-00025287-00025662 But expediting, accelerating it through both our global food pfPECqFPrzY-00079-00025662-00026041 crisis response and in our global food systems transformation agenda. pfPECqFPrzY-00080-00026041-00026354 So I really do think that food loss and waste centers pfPECqFPrzY-00081-00026354-00026704 squarely on both the long term and short term agenda. pfPECqFPrzY-00082-00026704-00027025 And it's kind of a time, it's an issue whose time has come. pfPECqFPrzY-00083-00027100-00027379 We'd love to hear your vision on that, but it's really exciting. pfPECqFPrzY-00084-00027379-00027737 And again, the opportunity couldn't be more urgent. pfPECqFPrzY-00085-00027766-00028137 And especially I think one of the things that especially working closely the Center pfPECqFPrzY-00086-00028137-00028291 for Nutrition in your bureau, pfPECqFPrzY-00087-00028400-00028562 the importance of pfPECqFPrzY-00088-00028562-00028929 how we are losing nutrient dense foods, everything pfPECqFPrzY-00089-00028929-00029362 from foods, fruits, vegetables and dairy are really often highly perishable. pfPECqFPrzY-00090-00029362-00029712 We have countries that lose a huge percentage of their fruit pfPECqFPrzY-00091-00029712-00029954 and vegetables before they even get to market. pfPECqFPrzY-00092-00029954-00030287 And the losses are just, frankly, astronomical. pfPECqFPrzY-00093-00030350-00030600 And they equate to about one out of every four pfPECqFPrzY-00094-00030600-00030912 calories in the world intended for people to be eat or loss pfPECqFPrzY-00095-00030912-00031291 that could feed 2 billion people, which is pretty, pretty shocking pfPECqFPrzY-00096-00031337-00031675 and a huge opportunity, again, as you were saying, for some change. pfPECqFPrzY-00097-00031775-00031837 And then we. pfPECqFPrzY-00098-00031837-00031991 And how this relates to some of the work pfPECqFPrzY-00099-00031991-00032275 on Ukraine and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. pfPECqFPrzY-00100-00032404-00032704 If we think about the food systems in that area, Russia's pfPECqFPrzY-00101-00032779-00033041 both IFPRI a really good analysis pfPECqFPrzY-00102-00033041-00033354 that looked at agricultural exports from Ukraine and Russia and found pfPECqFPrzY-00103-00033379-00033650 that produced about 12% of all the calories in the world. pfPECqFPrzY-00104-00033700-00033975 Now, if we think about reducing food loss and waste, pfPECqFPrzY-00105-00033975-00034312 if we reduced the loss in waste by just 25% globally, pfPECqFPrzY-00106-00034325-00034625 that would put 12% of the world's calories back on the world stage. pfPECqFPrzY-00107-00034654-00034816 So there's a huge sort of urgency pfPECqFPrzY-00108-00034816-00035100 for action, I think, in reducing food loss and waste. pfPECqFPrzY-00109-00035137-00035450 And then on the climate side, on my favorite topic pfPECqFPrzY-00110-00035562-00035825 with mitigation efforts, if we pfPECqFPrzY-00111-00035825-00036062 totaled all the different emissions from food loss and waste, pfPECqFPrzY-00112-00036091-00036425 it would be the third largest emitter country because it's about 8 pfPECqFPrzY-00113-00036425-00037037 to 10% of all GHG emissions come from the food loss and waste problem. pfPECqFPrzY-00114-00037054-00037366 Yeah, those are really powerful statistics. pfPECqFPrzY-00115-00037366-00037837 There's another one that we often say 30 to 40% of all food grown in the world pfPECqFPrzY-00116-00037837-00038350 is yes, is lost or wasted, which you just create such an opportunity pfPECqFPrzY-00117-00038350-00038654 when you think about the potential there to feed more people. pfPECqFPrzY-00118-00038687-00039162 The Biden-Harris administration has really prioritized the global hunger crisis pfPECqFPrzY-00119-00039162-00039637 as well as food and waste within that and global food systems transformation. pfPECqFPrzY-00120-00039637-00040204 You saw at the UN Food Systems Summit last summer an announcement of a $60 million pfPECqFPrzY-00121-00040225-00040704 award over five years to reduce food loss and waste as a centerpiece of our Feed pfPECqFPrzY-00122-00040704-00040916 The Future Global Hunger Initiative. pfPECqFPrzY-00123-00040916-00041287 And we also received supplemental emergency resources pfPECqFPrzY-00124-00041287-00041475 from the United States Congress, pfPECqFPrzY-00125-00041475-00041891 bipartisan support for development resources as a supplemental, pfPECqFPrzY-00126-00041891-00042250 which is quite unusual in response to a global emergency. pfPECqFPrzY-00127-00042266-00042625 But in the case of the global food crisis, it's very, very clear that there pfPECqFPrzY-00128-00042625-00043112 are underlying systemic problems that only development dollars can tackle. pfPECqFPrzY-00129-00043112-00043504 And so food loss and waste is also being addressed through that supplemental. pfPECqFPrzY-00130-00043537-00043937 We have some pretty exciting work also going on in the Bureau. pfPECqFPrzY-00131-00043962-00044300 I am relatively new, but I was happy to see the energy around it. pfPECqFPrzY-00132-00044325-00044754 This podcast by the Center for Nutrition is obviously a great initiative pfPECqFPrzY-00133-00044754-00045062 to shine the spotlight on the work that we're doing and the urgency of it. pfPECqFPrzY-00134-00045091-00045404 We've also launched a community, a practice that brings together pfPECqFPrzY-00135-00045429-00045879 our research teams, our universities and research institutions pfPECqFPrzY-00136-00045879-00046387 around the world, our missions, our aid experts to talk about collaboration pfPECqFPrzY-00137-00046391-00046800 partnerships, where along the food system we need to really prioritize our efforts pfPECqFPrzY-00138-00046829-00047166 to make an impact faster than we might normally pfPECqFPrzY-00139-00047262-00047325 expect in pfPECqFPrzY-00140-00047325-00047700 a sort of slower, incremental phase of work. pfPECqFPrzY-00141-00047700-00047941 So we also have a few upstander missions. pfPECqFPrzY-00142-00047941-00048341 These are missions who have said you know, we will no longer be bystanders pfPECqFPrzY-00143-00048341-00048429 to food loss and waste. pfPECqFPrzY-00144-00048429-00048900 We want to be there taking action and we're providing technical support to them. pfPECqFPrzY-00145-00048937-00049400 And it's a great initiative to see the enthusiasm around the world on this topic. pfPECqFPrzY-00146-00049662-00049975 I couldn't agree more and really appreciate the missions that have sort of pfPECqFPrzY-00147-00049975-00050325 jumped in with both feet working on these issues. pfPECqFPrzY-00148-00050375-00050725 And I think as we look towards the future, other things will continue. pfPECqFPrzY-00149-00050725-00050841 These efforts, pfPECqFPrzY-00150-00050841-00051266 which are pretty enthusiastic, are pretty they're pretty significant as they are. pfPECqFPrzY-00151-00051300-00051637 But there's two things I think looking ahead in 2023, pfPECqFPrzY-00152-00051637-00051975 we've got some opportunities at COP 28. pfPECqFPrzY-00153-00051975-00052200 We've already we've talked a little bit about COP 27. pfPECqFPrzY-00154-00052200-00052387 If there's a lot of focus on food pfPECqFPrzY-00155-00052387-00052641 waste there, on food systems, it's going to only escalate. pfPECqFPrzY-00156-00052641-00052787 And the more attention paid in pfPECqFPrzY-00157-00052887-00053025 the 2023 and pfPECqFPrzY-00158-00053025-00053375 with the UAE cop presidency focused a lot on food security. pfPECqFPrzY-00159-00053375-00053479 So that's exciting pfPECqFPrzY-00160-00053479-00053800 an opportunity for us to continue to elevate these efforts. pfPECqFPrzY-00161-00053866-00054216 And then secondly, something that's just come out that we're excited pfPECqFPrzY-00162-00054216-00054400 to share more with a broader food loss pfPECqFPrzY-00163-00054400-00054641 and waste community once this report is finalized. pfPECqFPrzY-00164-00054687-00055012 But we know the importance of getting specific about country action pfPECqFPrzY-00165-00055012-00055487 and IFPRIโ€™s just done study for us that really looks at the data on how reducing food pfPECqFPrzY-00166-00055512-00055775 waste actually increases economic development. pfPECqFPrzY-00167-00055850-00056125 So just as one example in Nigeria, pfPECqFPrzY-00168-00056237-00056437 the analysis showed you could increase GDP pfPECqFPrzY-00169-00056437-00056737 by one or 2% if you increase food loss and waste. pfPECqFPrzY-00170-00056812-00057237 I think in halfโ€“and that we can also decrease poverty and hunger by 4.4%. pfPECqFPrzY-00171-00057237-00057537 Now we want to address food loss and waste for a whole host of reasons, pfPECqFPrzY-00172-00057537-00057800 but those numbers will get Ministry of Finance pfPECqFPrzY-00173-00057900-00058037 officials pretty excited pfPECqFPrzY-00174-00058037-00058366 and be able to make some of the policy changes and support from the activity pfPECqFPrzY-00175-00058366-00058550 that we're also working on to really advance, pfPECqFPrzY-00176-00058550-00058875 make sure we get more food in peopleโ€™s belly and more livelihoods and jobs. pfPECqFPrzY-00177-00058966-00059287 I was actually just on the phone with our Tanzania mission pfPECqFPrzY-00178-00059325-00059687 and they've been talking about the horticulture work that they're doing. pfPECqFPrzY-00179-00059687-00059912 They're investing heavily in horticulture pfPECqFPrzY-00180-00059912-00060150 and saying that actually, you know, with all the investments pfPECqFPrzY-00181-00060150-00060487 and getting farmers the access to inputs, resources they need, pfPECqFPrzY-00182-00060529-00060941 50% of all of the horticulture crops that are grown are lost. pfPECqFPrzY-00183-00060975-00061250 And they see really exciting opportunities pfPECqFPrzY-00184-00061275-00061562 to invest in cold pfPECqFPrzY-00185-00061562-00061975 storage, transportation, value add processing pfPECqFPrzY-00186-00061975-00062312 towards sorts of things that have sort of a triple whammy. pfPECqFPrzY-00187-00062312-00062525 Right. It puts more food on the table. pfPECqFPrzY-00188-00062525-00062775 There's more food available, more nutritious food available. pfPECqFPrzY-00189-00062804-00063037 It creates greater income for farmers. pfPECqFPrzY-00190-00063075-00063262 That is also creating jobs all along. pfPECqFPrzY-00191-00063262-00063375 The value chain. pfPECqFPrzY-00192-00063375-00063929 So and they're pointing out that a lot of the efforts in this area pfPECqFPrzY-00193-00063966-00064462 are very tied and linked to opportunities for women and youth, pfPECqFPrzY-00194-00064504-00064979 which, you know, growing food isโ€“ our goal is to grow food both more sustainably, pfPECqFPrzY-00195-00065000-00065266 but to have the food system also be more equitable. pfPECqFPrzY-00196-00065266-00065737 So food loss in ways also is kind of a nice entry point from that perspective. pfPECqFPrzY-00197-00065737-00065825 And I know that, pfPECqFPrzY-00198-00065825-00066212 you know, much more than I do about the food loss and waste portfolio. pfPECqFPrzY-00199-00066212-00066529 And I just wondered if you might say another word about our work pfPECqFPrzY-00200-00066529-00066662 with women and youth. pfPECqFPrzY-00201-00066662-00066975 Sure. And kudos to our podcast organizers. pfPECqFPrzY-00202-00066975-00067166 We've had a great session there. Great. Earlier pfPECqFPrzY-00203-00067366-00067625 podcast on some of the work we're doing in Ghana with women. pfPECqFPrzY-00204-00067662-00068087 And then we've done a lot of work as youth are on the frontlines of food security, pfPECqFPrzY-00205-00068087-00068412 both as producers and as consumers of food. pfPECqFPrzY-00206-00068500-00068800 And so a lot of our programs have touched on working with youth. pfPECqFPrzY-00207-00068850-00068987 And one of the things I just wanted to flag pfPECqFPrzY-00208-00068987-00069262 is that the new study will come out soon, will be published in our food loss, pfPECqFPrzY-00209-00069262-00069625 and waste Agrilinks month that we have, we're having in December. pfPECqFPrzY-00210-00069662-00070054 But just to flag for the broader community and also for your pfPECqFPrzY-00211-00070054-00070491 for your information, how we might be able to help address some of that inequity. pfPECqFPrzY-00212-00070537-00070862 Because when we've there was a good study done pfPECqFPrzY-00213-00070891-00071300 by a Food Feed the Future Innovation Lab for food processing and post-harvest pfPECqFPrzY-00214-00071300-00071500 handling that work with some of our Kenyan partners pfPECqFPrzY-00215-00071537-00072025 worked with over 300 youth and had a 20 odd youth group that were a control group pfPECqFPrzY-00216-00072025-00072250 and 20 of that were treatment groups who were working pfPECqFPrzY-00217-00072375-00072416 to try to pfPECqFPrzY-00218-00072416-00072741 become more entrepreneurial and help address the market gaps pfPECqFPrzY-00219-00072741-00073062 that the producers faced in reducing the waste. pfPECqFPrzY-00220-00073162-00073412 And what we found was when you gave youth pfPECqFPrzY-00221-00073462-00073837 bags, hermetically sealedbags and some other useful pfPECqFPrzY-00222-00073837-00074287 technological tools to sell, the youth that had more money to start with or were pfPECqFPrzY-00223-00074287-00074750 better placed to start with got about 75 bucks back a month, pretty good increase. pfPECqFPrzY-00224-00074779-00075100 But those that started from a lower place kind of only made pfPECqFPrzY-00225-00075129-00075441 $10 more a month, which is a pretty significant gap. pfPECqFPrzY-00226-00075441-00075687 And if we're trying to look at equity, how do we really lift all boats pfPECqFPrzY-00227-00075687-00075825 going forward? pfPECqFPrzY-00228-00075825-00076075 So it's an exciting sort of effort for us to lean in on pfPECqFPrzY-00229-00076075-00076341 and think about equity when we engage in food systems pfPECqFPrzY-00230-00076375-00076612 and not just help those who may already have a motorbike, pfPECqFPrzY-00231-00076612-00076825 but how do we also build up entrepreneurial skills? pfPECqFPrzY-00232-00076850-00077187 So exciting things to sort of look at and make sure we're really doing pfPECqFPrzY-00233-00077200-00077404 and pushing on that equity issue. pfPECqFPrzY-00234-00077404-00077825 Well, I think, as you know, when we were at COP, we really celebrated pfPECqFPrzY-00235-00077854-00078275 the locally led adaptation principles that we're committing to not just in our food pfPECqFPrzY-00236-00078300-00078875 and waste work, but across the board and the focus on women and youth. pfPECqFPrzY-00237-00078875-00079129 I think it's not just intentional programming, pfPECqFPrzY-00238-00079162-00079600 but the intentional research and analysis to understand pfPECqFPrzY-00239-00079637-00080100 whether we're benefiting that particular segment, what more we can do to do that, pfPECqFPrzY-00240-00080100-00080512 and what is the most important thing to do to maximize return on investment. pfPECqFPrzY-00241-00080512-00080900 So that's just a great example that I really like. pfPECqFPrzY-00242-00080900-00081062 You are our climate advisor pfPECqFPrzY-00243-00081062-00081450 and you know a lot not just about adaptation, but mitigation. pfPECqFPrzY-00244-00081450-00081829 And I wanted you to say a word about our efforts around food loss pfPECqFPrzY-00245-00081829-00082037 and waste as it relates to climate mitigation. pfPECqFPrzY-00246-00082162-00082404 I love talking about methane, pfPECqFPrzY-00247-00082429-00082591 which is one of the most dangerous pfPECqFPrzY-00248-00082591-00082904 greenhouse gases. pfPECqFPrzY-00249-00082904-00083062 And then just to sort of give pfPECqFPrzY-00250-00083062-00083475 a quick primer for some of the audience who are not as obsessed with climate pfPECqFPrzY-00251-00083475-00083825 mitigation, methane is emitted when food right in the field pfPECqFPrzY-00252-00083825-00084137 and transportation to markets when you have food pfPECqFPrzY-00253-00084212-00084612 also sitting at markets and then sort of is wasted there. pfPECqFPrzY-00254-00084637-00084987 And then also what my seven year old daughter does a little too much is pfPECqFPrzY-00255-00084987-00085250 Not eat everything on the plate and things get thrown away and pfPECqFPrzY-00256-00085312-00085591 Methane is emitted when food goes into landfills. pfPECqFPrzY-00257-00085641-00086112 And according to the IPCC, methane accounts for 30 to 50% of global warming. pfPECqFPrzY-00258-00086125-00086225 So what's happening right now? pfPECqFPrzY-00259-00086225-00086629 But one positive aspect of methane is that it's pretty short lived. pfPECqFPrzY-00260-00086629-00086950 It does a heck of a lot of damage, but then it kind of goes pfPECqFPrzY-00261-00086950-00087241 it goes away and disappears in about two decades. pfPECqFPrzY-00262-00087300-00087650 So if we can really address this extremely dangerous pfPECqFPrzY-00263-00087691-00088075 gas right now, cut our food, loss and waste and a whole host of other things pfPECqFPrzY-00264-00088075-00088525 that contribute to methane emissions, it buys us more time to get to some of the other pfPECqFPrzY-00265-00088525-00088800 greenhouse gases that we also need to decrease right now, too. pfPECqFPrzY-00266-00088875-00089029 And it's something that we're excited pfPECqFPrzY-00267-00089137-00089391 to work with around the global methane pledge that the U.S. pfPECqFPrzY-00268-00089391-00089462 has been leading on. pfPECqFPrzY-00269-00089462-00089929 And we now have over 120 countries who have signed up to try to decrease pfPECqFPrzY-00270-00090000-00090450 their methane emissions by 30% from 2020 levels by 2030, pfPECqFPrzY-00271-00090450-00090987 which would really set off a lot of time in dealing with this crisis. pfPECqFPrzY-00272-00091054-00091279 So let me stop get off my methane high horse. pfPECqFPrzY-00273-00091291-00091675 I turn to you for a final thought on making some of the triple winds pfPECqFPrzY-00274-00091675-00091875 that you mentioned earlier on food loss and waste pfPECqFPrzY-00275-00091875-00092337 Well, first, I just love this initiative of trying to help those folks pfPECqFPrzY-00276-00092337-00092600 who are focused on food loss and ways to feed more hungry people pfPECqFPrzY-00277-00092629-00093016 with those folks who want to address food loss and waste because of the mitigation pfPECqFPrzY-00278-00093016-00093154 opportunities there. pfPECqFPrzY-00279-00093154-00093587 And bringing these two things together, I think is really part of our mission pfPECqFPrzY-00280-00093587-00093787 as a bureau and what we're looking to do pfPECqFPrzY-00281-00093787-00094116 within the Global Hunger Feed the Future Global Hunger Initiative, pfPECqFPrzY-00282-00094162-00094612 the food loss and waste fits very squarely in that whole of government agenda, pfPECqFPrzY-00283-00094612-00094950 which is focused on sustainable and equitable food systems. pfPECqFPrzY-00284-00095000-00095325 Increasingly seeing a well-nourished population, pfPECqFPrzY-00285-00095325-00095762 especially women and children, as well as a more resilient community. pfPECqFPrzY-00286-00095762-00096187 So again, a nice centerpiece food loss and waste is to the global strategy pfPECqFPrzY-00287-00096216-00096512 of the US government under the Biden-Harris administration pfPECqFPrzY-00288-00096512-00096675 and of this bureau. pfPECqFPrzY-00289-00096675-00097062 I would just close again with this this notion that never waste pfPECqFPrzY-00290-00097062-00097304 a good crisis. Right? We know what we need to do. pfPECqFPrzY-00291-00097337-00097625 We know we need to move beyond incremental crisis pfPECqFPrzY-00292-00097675-00097987 response to a much more accelerated response. pfPECqFPrzY-00293-00097987-00098325 And food loss and waste is low hanging fruit. pfPECqFPrzY-00294-00098325-00098650 If I could use that rather appropriate metaphor, I think. pfPECqFPrzY-00295-00098650-00098700 Right. pfPECqFPrzY-00296-00098712-00098941 It improves nutrition and food security. pfPECqFPrzY-00297-00098975-00099412 It improves nutrition for nutrition and income for smallholder farmers, pfPECqFPrzY-00298-00099437-00099804 but also for people all along the food system supply chain. pfPECqFPrzY-00299-00099837-00100087 It can be a force multiplier for job creation. pfPECqFPrzY-00300-00100087-00100200 We talked about value pfPECqFPrzY-00301-00100200-00100575 add and processing transportation and storage, that sort of thing, pfPECqFPrzY-00302-00100600-00101037 and it's a great entry point for improving equitable access pfPECqFPrzY-00303-00101037-00101475 to food and incomes and a fair food system for women, women and youth. pfPECqFPrzY-00304-00101475-00101975 So I just want to acknowledge the amazing work of the Center pfPECqFPrzY-00305-00101975-00102204 for Nutrition and other folks here in the bureau, pfPECqFPrzY-00306-00102204-00102554 along with all of our partners, from implementing partners to research pfPECqFPrzY-00307-00102554-00102887 institutions to public and public pfPECqFPrzY-00308-00102887-00103187 organizations and the national governments that we work with. pfPECqFPrzY-00309-00103212-00103687 And a special thank you to this podcast, to the kitchen sink for having me. pfPECqFPrzY-00310-00103729-00103825 Dana, thank you so much. pfPECqFPrzY-00311-00103825-00104029 We're so incredibly happy to have you here pfPECqFPrzY-00312-00104029-00104379 leading this effort and helping us address all of these multiple crises. pfPECqFPrzY-00313-00104379-00104550 But it's an exciting opportunity. Thank you. pfPECqFPrzY-00314-00104550-00105087 Thanks for having me. pfPECqFPrzY-00315-00105087-00105354 Thank you for tuning in to USAID's Kitchen Sink. pfPECqFPrzY-00316-00105400-00105812 This podcast was produced by Nika Larian and is organized by the U.S. pfPECqFPrzY-00317-00105829-00106366 Food Loss and Waste Community of Practice co-chairs Ahmed Kablan and Ann Vaughn. pfPECqFPrzY-00318-00106412-00106625 Additional thanks goes to Feed the Future. pfPECqFPrzY-00319-00106625-00106662 The U.S. pfPECqFPrzY-00320-00106662-00107054 government's global Food Security Initiative and the USAID's Center pfPECqFPrzY-00321-00107054-00107916 for Nutrition. pgxU8SkB628-00000-00000648-00000776 So let's go ahead with this first one pgxU8SkB628-00001-00000776-00001208 here. We have an example of a table, and this is correct as is. In other pgxU8SkB628-00002-00001208-00001632 words, if we look at this table, can we find anything really big as far as a pgxU8SkB628-00003-00001632-00002096 problem is concerned? And what we have here is a deck here. We have decked pgxU8SkB628-00004-00002176-00002816 headings here, and mood before something, after something. Physical activity, we've pgxU8SkB628-00005-00002816-00003447 got an indentation here on the stub. That looks very good, and we've got our two pgxU8SkB628-00006-00003447-00003888 columns here. So that kind of makes sense. We've got our note here, and it's pgxU8SkB628-00007-00003888-00004520 italicized with a period at the end. We have a little a here and a little pgxU8SkB628-00008-00004608-00005320 be here, superscript. And a is up in here and B is up in here, and so we can see. pgxU8SkB628-00009-00005320-00005896 What does b mean? "b" means dancers dance to rock and roll music. What does a mean? pgxU8SkB628-00010-00005896-00006288 Golfers rode around the course in a golf carts. So we get we don't want to put pgxU8SkB628-00011-00006288-00006568 that information side the table because it make the table too big. So that's pgxU8SkB628-00012-00006568-00007480 looking good. That looks like a good example. Let's go ahead and look at some pgxU8SkB628-00013-00007480-00008000 more examples here. "Before the children were given the test weights to judge, 20 pgxU8SkB628-00014-00008000-00008488 children were asked to move 10 blocks that weighed 1 kg each and 20 pgxU8SkB628-00015-00008488-00009064 children were asked to move 10 blocks that weighs 4 kgs each." What's our pgxU8SkB628-00016-00009064-00009448 problem here? It's a little bit hard to see, but what we've got here is this pgxU8SkB628-00017-00009448-00010552 little mistake here, kilograms, kilogram. Kilogram is not going to be plural with pgxU8SkB628-00018-00010552-00011040 an S here because we just keep it with kilograms. That's a little bit of the pgxU8SkB628-00019-00011040-00011504 abbreviation issue. If you write those inside of a table or you're writing pgxU8SkB628-00020-00011560-00012024 inside your body about a table, you need to be careful of that. Here is another example: pgxU8SkB628-00021-00012096-00012512 "Lbs of weight loss was recorded as the dependent variable, and hours spent with pgxU8SkB628-00022-00012512-00013176 the phobic object was the independent variable." And of course, what we've done pgxU8SkB628-00023-00013176-00013560 here is the abbreviation pound. You may be pgxU8SkB628-00024-00013560-00014016 talking about pounds that are inside your table, but you cannot abbreviate at pgxU8SkB628-00025-00014016-00014256 the beginning. You have to write it out at the beginning of the sentence. pgxU8SkB628-00026-00014256-00014808 Remember we covered that in a previous unit. OK. Let's go ahead and look at pgxU8SkB628-00027-00014808-00015704 some examples, table title examples, and here is a very long title: "A table pgxU8SkB628-00028-00015704-00016136 listing the mean length of time it took participants to write a research report pgxU8SkB628-00029-00016136-00016560 after they received no training lecture mastery testing, or exercise and had pgxU8SkB628-00030-00016560-00017072 written either 0, 1 or 2 Prior Reports."Woah, man! That is pgxU8SkB628-00031-00017144-00017480 basically here the person is trying to explain everything that's inside that pgxU8SkB628-00032-00017480-00018008 table. That's everything that's inside that table. What would be a better pgxU8SkB628-00033-00018008-00018672 way to write that title? "Mean time," Why mean? because inside here these numbers pgxU8SkB628-00034-00018672-00019272 are means. "...to write research report..." That means what did they do? What was the task? pgxU8SkB628-00035-00019272-00019736 It was to write the research report, and what was the variable that was pgxU8SkB628-00036-00019736-00020624 manipulated? It looks like it was "different kind of training." So the pgxU8SkB628-00037-00020624-00020952 different groups had different training, and the different groups had different pgxU8SkB628-00038-00020952-00021392 experience. So these are like variables, right? So this like variable X. This is pgxU8SkB628-00039-00021392-00022312 like variable Y. And then the mean time is the measurement that's inside the pgxU8SkB628-00040-00022312-00022872 table. That's pretty straightforward. That's a nice way to help me quickly see pgxU8SkB628-00041-00022872-00023544 what is this table about. That's the key point. How do you get from long title to pgxU8SkB628-00042-00023544-00024008 short title? The best way I find to do that is just go ahead and write it long pgxU8SkB628-00043-00024008-00024456 to start with, but then one by one, cut the words. "Maybe I can cut this word, pgxU8SkB628-00044-00024456-00024824 maybe, I can cut this word. No, I don't need the right report." You pgxU8SkB628-00045-00024824-00025152 keep cutting it down and down until you get pgxU8SkB628-00046-00025152-00025393 much much shorter. And I think you'll end up with something. piFWuy_DK7Y-00000-00000000-00000400 competition #gewinnspiel #competition Ferrari LaFerrari #ferrari #laferrari #drift #cars #foryou #fyp #viral #shorts piFWuy_DK7Y-00001-00000400-00000700 #gewinnspiel #competition #ferrari #laferrari #drift #cars #foryou #fyp #viral #shorts pnyfu7uZwC8-00000-00000143-00000282 Got some fiddleback redwood here. pnyfu7uZwC8-00001-00000282-00000709 It came from a tree that was felled on friend's parent's property. pnyfu7uZwC8-00002-00000709-00001040 The property was bought in the 1850s for a $20 gold piece. pnyfu7uZwC8-00003-00001040-00001378 They selectively logged it for a while, and this was one of the trees. pnyfu7uZwC8-00004-00001378-00001705 Turned out pretty much the whole thing has this insane figure to it. pnyfu7uZwC8-00005-00001705-00002109 This is a smaller board that's from the same tree that's been rough sanded. q0HRGIoWpRU-00000-00000526-00000889 Greetings and welcome to the introduction to astronomy. q0HRGIoWpRU-00001-00000889-00001189 In this lesson, we're going to talk about the seasons q0HRGIoWpRU-00002-00001189-00001483 and what causes seasons here on the earth q0HRGIoWpRU-00003-00001483-00002014 and how might that apply it elsewhere in our solar system. q0HRGIoWpRU-00004-00002014-00002293 So the seasons of course, we know those winter, spring, q0HRGIoWpRU-00005-00002293-00002702 summer and fall are associated with changes in the weather. q0HRGIoWpRU-00006-00002702-00003031 But they are also very astronomical events q0HRGIoWpRU-00007-00003031-00003492 and are strongly related to various properties of the Earth q0HRGIoWpRU-00008-00003492-00003688 that we will discuss. q0HRGIoWpRU-00009-00003688-00003840 So let's look at a summary here. q0HRGIoWpRU-00010-00003840-00003961 First of all, what do we do? q0HRGIoWpRU-00011-00003961-00004201 What is the cause of the seasons? q0HRGIoWpRU-00012-00004201-00004463 Well, there is an underlying cause. q0HRGIoWpRU-00013-00004463-00004798 And that is the tilt of the Earth's axis. q0HRGIoWpRU-00014-00004798-00004978 So it's the fact that the earth is tilted q0HRGIoWpRU-00015-00004978-00005395 - not going straight up and down like this q0HRGIoWpRU-00016-00005395-00005644 having a north pole and a south pole q0HRGIoWpRU-00017-00005644-00005956 but being tilted instead at an angle q0HRGIoWpRU-00018-00005956-00006274 and having a north pole and the south pole. q0HRGIoWpRU-00019-00006274-00006466 And what that means is that there q0HRGIoWpRU-00020-00006466-00006850 are times when the North Pole is leaning towards the sun. q0HRGIoWpRU-00021-00006850-00007258 And times when the North Pole is leaning away from the sun. q0HRGIoWpRU-00022-00007258-00007513 And that is what gives us the seasons q0HRGIoWpRU-00023-00007513-00007723 and that is what I call the underlying q0HRGIoWpRU-00024-00007723-00007937 cause of the seasons. q0HRGIoWpRU-00025-00007937-00008354 The 23 and 1/2 degree tilt of the Earth's axis. q0HRGIoWpRU-00026-00008354-00008785 If this were not tilted then that we would have no season. q0HRGIoWpRU-00027-00008785-00009029 So if the tilt were 0 degrees. q0HRGIoWpRU-00028-00009029-00009334 It wouldn't matter the seasons would be the same all the year q0HRGIoWpRU-00029-00009334-00009460 round. q0HRGIoWpRU-00030-00009460-00009835 If it were tilted significantly more the seasons would get more q0HRGIoWpRU-00031-00009835-00010270 and more extreme and we see this elsewhere in the solar system q0HRGIoWpRU-00032-00010270-00010504 a planet that goes almost straight up and down q0HRGIoWpRU-00033-00010504-00010819 would have no seasons and something that's tilted almost q0HRGIoWpRU-00034-00010819-00011150 on its side like Uranus for example, q0HRGIoWpRU-00035-00011150-00011677 has very extreme seasons because of that tilt. q0HRGIoWpRU-00036-00011677-00011938 Now we know it's the tilt, but what q0HRGIoWpRU-00037-00011938-00012140 about the changing distance? q0HRGIoWpRU-00038-00012140-00012412 Often one of the misconceptions that people have q0HRGIoWpRU-00039-00012412-00012828 is that the seasons are caused by the changing distance q0HRGIoWpRU-00040-00012828-00013033 between the Earth and the sun. q0HRGIoWpRU-00041-00013033-00013352 Well, we know that the earth does have an elliptical orbit, q0HRGIoWpRU-00042-00013352-00013771 and that means that it is sometimes closer to the sun q0HRGIoWpRU-00043-00013771-00013985 and sometimes further away. q0HRGIoWpRU-00044-00013985-00014350 It turns out this is about a 3% variation q0HRGIoWpRU-00045-00014350-00014821 much less than what we would need to explain the seasons. q0HRGIoWpRU-00046-00014821-00015166 So while we are closer and further away from the sun. q0HRGIoWpRU-00047-00015166-00015646 It is not the reason that causes the seasons to occur. q0HRGIoWpRU-00048-00015646-00015947 Now, if we want to think about this scientifically, q0HRGIoWpRU-00049-00015947-00016153 we can think about the scientific method. q0HRGIoWpRU-00050-00016437-00016726 And if we'd go to the scientific method and say, q0HRGIoWpRU-00051-00016726-00017055 well, the reason that we have different seasons here q0HRGIoWpRU-00052-00017055-00017481 on the earth is that the earth is closer or further q0HRGIoWpRU-00053-00017481-00017802 from the sun that makes a prediction. q0HRGIoWpRU-00054-00017802-00018096 And that's does make it a good scientific theory in that it q0HRGIoWpRU-00055-00018096-00018321 makes a prediction and the prediction q0HRGIoWpRU-00056-00018321-00018553 is that when we're closer to the sun. q0HRGIoWpRU-00057-00018553-00018954 We would have summer and further away, we would have winter. q0HRGIoWpRU-00058-00018954-00019164 It wouldn't matter where you are on the Earth. q0HRGIoWpRU-00059-00019164-00019356 So that seasons would be the same q0HRGIoWpRU-00060-00019356-00019662 in the northern and southern hemisphere. q0HRGIoWpRU-00061-00019662-00019977 So when it is summer here in the northern hemisphere q0HRGIoWpRU-00062-00019977-00020358 it would also be summer in the southern hemisphere. q0HRGIoWpRU-00063-00020358-00020707 Now what we know is that this is not correct. q0HRGIoWpRU-00064-00020707-00021018 The seasons are opposite when it is summer in the north. q0HRGIoWpRU-00065-00021018-00021405 It is winter in the south and the other way around. q0HRGIoWpRU-00066-00021405-00021597 So winter in the Northern Hemisphere q0HRGIoWpRU-00067-00021597-00021921 means that it is summertime in the southern hemisphere. q0HRGIoWpRU-00068-00021921-00022206 So this prediction that it would make q0HRGIoWpRU-00069-00022206-00022623 if the Earth's changing distance the reason that the seasons q0HRGIoWpRU-00070-00022623-00023199 change is incorrect because it does make that prediction. q0HRGIoWpRU-00071-00023199-00023797 And in actuality what we find out is that during in January, q0HRGIoWpRU-00072-00023797-00024411 we are closest to the sun and in July, q0HRGIoWpRU-00073-00024411-00024563 we are furthest from the sun. q0HRGIoWpRU-00074-00024814-00025054 So if you live in the northern hemisphere q0HRGIoWpRU-00075-00025054-00025309 that would definitely not explain the seasons q0HRGIoWpRU-00076-00025309-00025762 because we are further away in July when it's hotter q0HRGIoWpRU-00077-00025762-00026260 and we are closer to the sun in January when it is Colder. q0HRGIoWpRU-00078-00026260-00026437 So this could explain the seasons q0HRGIoWpRU-00079-00026437-00026567 in the southern hemisphere. q0HRGIoWpRU-00080-00026567-00026857 Perhaps but would not explain the seasons q0HRGIoWpRU-00081-00026857-00027082 in the northern hemisphere. q0HRGIoWpRU-00082-00027082-00027319 So in reality, we know that the seasons q0HRGIoWpRU-00083-00027319-00027870 are caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis. q0HRGIoWpRU-00084-00027870-00028040 Now let's look at that here. q0HRGIoWpRU-00085-00028040-00028199 And let's look at a little image here. q0HRGIoWpRU-00086-00028199-00028516 So here's the Earth's axis is tilted. q0HRGIoWpRU-00087-00028516-00028891 It is causing two things to change. q0HRGIoWpRU-00088-00028891-00029035 So what is really changing? q0HRGIoWpRU-00089-00029035-00029214 The Earth's axis isn't changing. q0HRGIoWpRU-00090-00029214-00029737 But what happens as we get as the Earth moves around the sun q0HRGIoWpRU-00091-00029737-00030031 is that the directness of the sunlight changes. q0HRGIoWpRU-00092-00030031-00030372 It gets hit more or less directly. q0HRGIoWpRU-00093-00030372-00030624 And the length of the daylight changes - q0HRGIoWpRU-00094-00030624-00030989 not the length of the day, that's always 24 hours. q0HRGIoWpRU-00095-00030989-00031324 But the length of daylight, the amount of daylight that we get q0HRGIoWpRU-00096-00031324-00031847 is does change over the course of a year and a nice hot summer q0HRGIoWpRU-00097-00031847-00032195 day, the sun rises very early and sets very late q0HRGIoWpRU-00098-00032195-00032442 and is in the sky for more than 12 hours, q0HRGIoWpRU-00099-00032442-00032642 giving it extra heating time. q0HRGIoWpRU-00100-00032642-00032867 In the winter, the sun rises very late q0HRGIoWpRU-00101-00032867-00033188 and sets very early, giving it far less time q0HRGIoWpRU-00102-00033188-00033461 to heat up the earth. q0HRGIoWpRU-00103-00033461-00033722 So these are the two things that are actually q0HRGIoWpRU-00104-00033722-00034115 changing it is how direct the sunlight is hitting us. q0HRGIoWpRU-00105-00034115-00034403 So here we look at this would be an example q0HRGIoWpRU-00106-00034403-00034619 of northern hemisphere summer. q0HRGIoWpRU-00107-00034619-00035015 The North pole is tilted towards the direction of the sun. q0HRGIoWpRU-00108-00035015-00035186 And that means that the sun's rays q0HRGIoWpRU-00109-00035186-00035567 are hitting very directly in northern latitudes q0HRGIoWpRU-00110-00035567-00035715 in southern latitudes. q0HRGIoWpRU-00111-00035715-00036027 Those rays are much more spread out. q0HRGIoWpRU-00112-00036027-00036293 So that the same amount of energy coming in q0HRGIoWpRU-00113-00036293-00036704 is spread over a wider area and doesn't heat things up q0HRGIoWpRU-00114-00036704-00037006 in the air as much. q0HRGIoWpRU-00115-00037006-00037327 So the length of the daylight changes and sorry q0HRGIoWpRU-00116-00037327-00037475 the directness of sunlight changes, q0HRGIoWpRU-00117-00037475-00037660 but also the length of the day light q0HRGIoWpRU-00118-00037660-00037915 changes up here in the north. q0HRGIoWpRU-00119-00037915-00038317 You can see these if you look at the lines going across here. q0HRGIoWpRU-00120-00038317-00038797 Here you're north of the equator and more of it is in sunlight. q0HRGIoWpRU-00121-00038797-00039082 There's a longer time that that portion of the earth q0HRGIoWpRU-00122-00039082-00039253 will spend in sunlight. q0HRGIoWpRU-00123-00039253-00039555 In fact, if you get far enough north q0HRGIoWpRU-00124-00039555-00039919 the higher its circle will be in sunlight and the sun q0HRGIoWpRU-00125-00039919-00040078 would never set. q0HRGIoWpRU-00126-00040078-00040537 So that's what we define as the Arctic Circle and the Arctic q0HRGIoWpRU-00127-00040537-00040996 Circle is actually the furthest southerly portion where q0HRGIoWpRU-00128-00040996-00041401 the sun will never set at least on one day of the year. q0HRGIoWpRU-00129-00041401-00041698 So if you are at the Arctic Circle or further north q0HRGIoWpRU-00130-00041698-00041924 there will be days where the sun never sets q0HRGIoWpRU-00131-00041924-00042271 - it remains above the horizon all day long q0HRGIoWpRU-00132-00042271-00042598 and all night long. q0HRGIoWpRU-00133-00042598-00042882 If you go down into the tropics then q0HRGIoWpRU-00134-00042882-00043258 we have the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer, q0HRGIoWpRU-00135-00043258-00043427 which are labeled here. q0HRGIoWpRU-00136-00043427-00043720 This is the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere q0HRGIoWpRU-00137-00043720-00044050 tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere. q0HRGIoWpRU-00138-00044050-00044461 Those are the points at which the sun would be directly q0HRGIoWpRU-00139-00044461-00044695 overhead, one day a year. q0HRGIoWpRU-00140-00044695-00044906 If you're further north than that, q0HRGIoWpRU-00141-00044906-00045247 then the sun would never be directly overhead. q0HRGIoWpRU-00142-00045247-00045466 If you are further south of that somewhere q0HRGIoWpRU-00143-00045466-00045895 in this range between the tropical regions then q0HRGIoWpRU-00144-00045895-00046351 the sun would be overhead twice a year at the tropics one day q0HRGIoWpRU-00145-00046351-00046463 a year. q0HRGIoWpRU-00146-00046463-00046810 And at the end between that and down to the equator q0HRGIoWpRU-00147-00046810-00046913 twice a year. q0HRGIoWpRU-00148-00046913-00047307 The sun would be directly overhead. q0HRGIoWpRU-00149-00047307-00047631 Now if you're actually at the equator itself q0HRGIoWpRU-00150-00047631-00047788 the length of the day light. q0HRGIoWpRU-00151-00047788-00047934 Now no longer matters. q0HRGIoWpRU-00152-00047934-00048298 If you look at the equator here, even in summer time, q0HRGIoWpRU-00153-00048298-00048877 the equator is always half light here and half dark here. q0HRGIoWpRU-00154-00048877-00049386 So the length of the day on the equator is always 12 hours. q0HRGIoWpRU-00155-00049386-00049611 So let's look at a couple of these examples q0HRGIoWpRU-00156-00049611-00049917 here and review some of this. q0HRGIoWpRU-00157-00049917-00050395 What we have is that during summer, q0HRGIoWpRU-00158-00050395-00050502 what do we know about it? q0HRGIoWpRU-00159-00050502-00050781 The sun is more is directly overhead q0HRGIoWpRU-00160-00050781-00051048 or closer to directly overhead. q0HRGIoWpRU-00161-00051048-00051429 It is in the sky for more than 12 hours, q0HRGIoWpRU-00162-00051429-00051645 giving it more time to heat up. q0HRGIoWpRU-00163-00051645-00051910 If you're at the Arctic Circle or further north, q0HRGIoWpRU-00164-00051910-00052350 the sun will be up for 24 hours during some times of the year. q0HRGIoWpRU-00165-00052350-00052579 If you're near the tropics the sun q0HRGIoWpRU-00166-00052579-00052904 will if you're at the tropics the sun will be at the zenith q0HRGIoWpRU-00167-00052904-00053163 exactly one day of the year. q0HRGIoWpRU-00168-00053163-00053371 And that would be the day of the solstice. q0HRGIoWpRU-00169-00053669-00053936 That would be the day at the Tropic of Cancer. q0HRGIoWpRU-00170-00053936-00054326 The summer solstice the sun would be directly overhead. q0HRGIoWpRU-00171-00054326-00054677 And at the winter solstice to the Tropic of Capricorn q0HRGIoWpRU-00172-00054677-00054915 this sun would be directly overhead. q0HRGIoWpRU-00173-00054915-00055109 If you're in-between those, then it q0HRGIoWpRU-00174-00055109-00055316 will be overhead to days a year. q0HRGIoWpRU-00175-00055316-00055565 But it will always be near the zenith. q0HRGIoWpRU-00176-00055565-00055838 So why is the equator hotter? q0HRGIoWpRU-00177-00055838-00056021 Because no matter what you're always q0HRGIoWpRU-00178-00056021-00056426 have the sun relatively close to being straight overhead q0HRGIoWpRU-00179-00056426-00056765 beating straight down on you with those direct rays q0HRGIoWpRU-00180-00056765-00057098 and up for a good amount of time up for 12 hours never q0HRGIoWpRU-00181-00057098-00057527 having short days down at the equator. q0HRGIoWpRU-00182-00057527-00057857 Now look at one thing here is a discussion q0HRGIoWpRU-00183-00057857-00058255 on the solstice, which is June 21 the summer solstice q0HRGIoWpRU-00184-00058255-00058619 in the northern hemisphere, the sun is highest in the sky. q0HRGIoWpRU-00185-00058619-00058904 But why is this not the hottest day of the year. q0HRGIoWpRU-00186-00058904-00059103 Usually it's hotter in August. q0HRGIoWpRU-00187-00059384-00059542 And why does that occur? q0HRGIoWpRU-00188-00059542-00059929 Well, it takes time to warm the Earth. q0HRGIoWpRU-00189-00059929-00060140 So the Earth has just been in a freeze q0HRGIoWpRU-00190-00060140-00060398 for the northern hemisphere during winter q0HRGIoWpRU-00191-00060398-00060594 and it takes time to warm it up. q0HRGIoWpRU-00192-00060594-00060929 So it takes lots of those long days with the sun q0HRGIoWpRU-00193-00060929-00061279 up high in the sky to warm up the earth. q0HRGIoWpRU-00194-00061279-00061625 The similar thing happens in the winter time. q0HRGIoWpRU-00195-00061625-00061966 December 21st would be when the sun is lowest in the sky q0HRGIoWpRU-00196-00061966-00062270 and it's the shortest daylight of the year. q0HRGIoWpRU-00197-00062270-00062549 But it's not the coldest day because the earth q0HRGIoWpRU-00198-00062549-00062711 has been warm from summer. q0HRGIoWpRU-00199-00062711-00063086 And it takes time to cool it off. q0HRGIoWpRU-00200-00063086-00063446 So let's review here what we've covered in this lesson q0HRGIoWpRU-00201-00063446-00063725 and that would be just to summarize a little bit here q0HRGIoWpRU-00202-00063725-00063916 that we had a couple of things. q0HRGIoWpRU-00203-00063916-00064178 The underlying cause of the seasons q0HRGIoWpRU-00204-00064178-00064619 is this 23 and 1/2 degree tilt of the Earth's axis. q0HRGIoWpRU-00205-00064619-00064942 It has nothing to do with the changing distance q0HRGIoWpRU-00206-00064942-00065150 between the Earth and the sun. q0HRGIoWpRU-00207-00065150-00065390 Now that could be different for a object that q0HRGIoWpRU-00208-00065390-00065666 has a very elliptical orbit something that q0HRGIoWpRU-00209-00065666-00065912 has a very highly elliptical orbit perhaps q0HRGIoWpRU-00210-00065912-00066221 a planet around another star or some objects q0HRGIoWpRU-00211-00066221-00066668 in the solar system that have very elliptical orbits not q0HRGIoWpRU-00212-00066668-00066744 the planets. q0HRGIoWpRU-00213-00066744-00067247 But other objects could have the distance being a factor. q0HRGIoWpRU-00214-00067247-00067433 But for the planets it is the tilt q0HRGIoWpRU-00215-00067433-00067676 that really makes the difference because the orbits are q0HRGIoWpRU-00216-00067676-00067931 so close to being circular. q0HRGIoWpRU-00217-00067931-00068061 What does this tilt do. q0HRGIoWpRU-00218-00068061-00068231 It changes to things. q0HRGIoWpRU-00219-00068231-00068549 It changes the directness of the sunlight how directly it q0HRGIoWpRU-00220-00068549-00068765 hits different parts of the earth q0HRGIoWpRU-00221-00068765-00069083 and it changes how long the sun is in the sky. q0HRGIoWpRU-00222-00069083-00069426 The longer it's there to warm things up in the more directly. q0HRGIoWpRU-00223-00069426-00069944 It's striking the Earth the warmer it's going to get. q0HRGIoWpRU-00224-00069944-00070181 The lower the sun is in the sky and the shorter q0HRGIoWpRU-00225-00070181-00070599 the length of the daylight, the less warm it is going to get. q0HRGIoWpRU-00226-00070599-00070811 And the Colder it will be. q0HRGIoWpRU-00227-00070811-00071171 So that concludes our discussion here on the seasons q0HRGIoWpRU-00228-00071171-00071309 here on the earth. q0HRGIoWpRU-00229-00071309-00071576 We'll be back again next time for the next lecture. q0HRGIoWpRU-00230-00071576-00071889 So until then have a great day, everyone, q0HRGIoWpRU-00231-00071889-00072169 and I will see you in class. q3nLD_dvMhI-00000-00002346-00002504 I never ever thought this would happen to me q3nLD_dvMhI-00001-00002608-00002895 I saw this story on facebook by a girl q3nLD_dvMhI-00002-00002895-00003077 saying that her boyfriend is ugly q3nLD_dvMhI-00003-00003203-00003344 My boyfriend is so UGLY q3nLD_dvMhI-00004-00003884-00004282 I have a boyfriend who's been dating for about two years q3nLD_dvMhI-00005-00004460-00004750 the reason why I'm talking about my boyfriend is... q3nLD_dvMhI-00006-00004906-00005074 he is so ugly q3nLD_dvMhI-00007-00005160-00005443 I didn't fall in love for his looks q3nLD_dvMhI-00008-00005443-00005724 I fell in love because he is a good person q3nLD_dvMhI-00009-00005724-00006043 and still love him for that q3nLD_dvMhI-00010-00006064-00006286 but he is too ugly q3nLD_dvMhI-00011-00006518-00006772 the thing is q3nLD_dvMhI-00012-00006772-00006980 he thinks very handsome of himself q3nLD_dvMhI-00013-00007052-00007218 I really love him q3nLD_dvMhI-00014-00007220-00007540 but everytime I look at my gallery q3nLD_dvMhI-00015-00007554-00007920 after an arguement q3nLD_dvMhI-00016-00007978-00008158 to relieve my anger q3nLD_dvMhI-00017-00008383-00008537 It gets me more angry q3nLD_dvMhI-00018-00008669-00008951 oh and this one time I missed him so much q3nLD_dvMhI-00019-00008952-00009176 so I was browsing through some picture of him q3nLD_dvMhI-00020-00009190-00009410 which I couldn't keep looking at more than 3seconds q3nLD_dvMhI-00021-00009570-00009910 I really really like him and love him q3nLD_dvMhI-00022-00009910-00010136 and I am going to marry him q3nLD_dvMhI-00023-00010238-00010428 but he is so ugly q3nLD_dvMhI-00024-00010428-00010560 too ugly q3nLD_dvMhI-00025-00010560-00010858 just really really ugly q3nLD_dvMhI-00026-00011126-00011318 I'm just saying q3nLD_dvMhI-00027-00011532-00011928 I'm just saying this because there's no place to complain q3nLD_dvMhI-00028-00012112-00012252 Hey In-Kwon q3nLD_dvMhI-00029-00012305-00012411 I Love You q3nLD_dvMhI-00030-00012970-00013082 that story q3nLD_dvMhI-00031-00013322-00013422 was about me q3nLD_dvMhI-00032-00013711-00014019 I saw a memo about someone complaining q3nLD_dvMhI-00033-00014019-00014307 about an ugly boyfriend on my girlfriend's phone before she up uploaded on facebook q3nLD_dvMhI-00034-00014307-00014579 but just incase it wasn't her, I asked my girlfriend q3nLD_dvMhI-00035-00014708-00014830 Hey Da-Jung q3nLD_dvMhI-00036-00014830-00015030 did you right that story? q3nLD_dvMhI-00037-00015062-00015319 she hesitated for a bit then she admitted q3nLD_dvMhI-00038-00015434-00015662 I was angry at first q3nLD_dvMhI-00039-00015742-00015902 but then I forgave because she's cute q3nLD_dvMhI-00040-00016013-00016293 I know I'm not that good looking q3nLD_dvMhI-00041-00016293-00016439 but my girlfriend is cute and pretty q3nLD_dvMhI-00042-00016524-00016734 I'm not worried about our children in the future q3nLD_dvMhI-00043-00016776-00017044 but I heard this thing q3nLD_dvMhI-00044-00017052-00017364 that daughters look like their fathers q3nLD_dvMhI-00045-00017423-00017746 hope my daughter look like her mom q3nLD_dvMhI-00046-00017921-00018024 oh right q3nLD_dvMhI-00047-00018100-00018217 Da-Jung q3nLD_dvMhI-00048-00018446-00018868 I saw old picture of you before your double eyelid surgery on your facebook q3nLD_dvMhI-00049-00018896-00019106 and my friend said that you look like you had a surgery on your nose too q3nLD_dvMhI-00050-00019222-00019412 you said you have only got a surgery on your eye q3nLD_dvMhI-00051-00019432-00019536 cute q3nLD_dvMhI-00052-00019898-00020082 hey Da-Jung q3nLD_dvMhI-00053-00020130-00020421 if your looks are made out of surgeries you shouldn't.. q3nLD_dvMhI-00054-00020576-00020676 just kidding q3nLD_dvMhI-00055-00020754-00021016 Da-Jung, you are beautiful q3nLD_dvMhI-00056-00021080-00021230 Love you q3nLD_dvMhI-00057-00021604-00021734 Hey should I get q3nLD_dvMhI-00058-00021814-00021969 some plastic surgeries? q3nLD_dvMhI-00059-00022104-00022280 wouldn't I look better? q3nLD_dvMhI-00060-00022506-00022774 anyways I love you Da-Jung q3nLD_dvMhI-00061-00023258-00023734 Do you remember a story about an ugly boyfriend? q3nLD_dvMhI-00062-00023896-00024048 He's not my boyfriend anymore q3nLD_dvMhI-00063-00024048-00024248 He became my husband q3nLD_dvMhI-00064-00024432-00024590 We'll show you our baby when we have one! q4jg-uVzKD8-00000-00000216-00000880 this is another money video i'm gonna be showing you how you can make a ton of money in this video q4jg-uVzKD8-00001-00000880-00001520 so easy four thousand dollars monthly from youtube videos this is so easy i'm so excited q4jg-uVzKD8-00002-00001520-00002039 to show this to you it's never been easier than this i'm going to show you a five-step system q4jg-uVzKD8-00003-00002039-00002944 that you can earn money literally downloading and uploading youtube videos onto other websites and q4jg-uVzKD8-00004-00002944-00003488 making money from them but there's a few simple steps that you gotta do i'm gonna go over them q4jg-uVzKD8-00005-00003488-00004047 just now now this method is super easy because literally you don't need to create any content q4jg-uVzKD8-00006-00004047-00004560 you don't need to do anything you don't need to shoot any videos you don't need to really do q4jg-uVzKD8-00007-00004560-00005288 any video content yourself all you need to do is take some videos from youtube you need to sign up q4jg-uVzKD8-00008-00005288-00005832 for other sites where you can post them you need to read the rules regarding what type of videos q4jg-uVzKD8-00009-00005832-00006440 they're looking for then you need to download the videos that meet those rules you need to do minor q4jg-uVzKD8-00010-00006440-00006904 edits to them and you need to upload them this doesn't cost any money and what we're going to q4jg-uVzKD8-00011-00006904-00007528 be doing is we're going to be utilizing these new educational platforms such as skillshare q4jg-uVzKD8-00012-00007528-00008264 or udemy or other educational sites that are taking over the educational industry education q4jg-uVzKD8-00013-00008264-00008976 is shifting from being in person in colleges that cost way too much money to moving online there's a q4jg-uVzKD8-00014-00008976-00009792 revolution happening folks and you can be a part of it just by taking my videos uploading them q4jg-uVzKD8-00015-00009792-00010544 to other sites and keeping all of the money to yourself and i'm going to be showing you exactly q4jg-uVzKD8-00016-00010544-00011296 how you can do that you may think i'm nuts but follow along with me on my computer in this video q4jg-uVzKD8-00017-00011296-00011840 and we're gonna play the little video game called the internet and make some money together let's go q4jg-uVzKD8-00018-00012672-00013247 okay folks so many of us know that online education is replacing colleges in university q4jg-uVzKD8-00019-00013247-00013800 if you know it just type in the comments i know it because it's happening and we're at the leading q4jg-uVzKD8-00020-00013800-00014600 edge of a big wave that is coming along and is gaining steam and it's eventually going to come q4jg-uVzKD8-00021-00014600-00015119 crashing over and it's going to be a massive massive societal shift q4jg-uVzKD8-00022-00015119-00015647 this is a multi-trillion dollar industry the educational and the educational loans industry q4jg-uVzKD8-00023-00015647-00016240 and it's all starting to shift right now going to school for these colleges it's a social thing q4jg-uVzKD8-00024-00016240-00016984 it's a big fat social party for upper class and upper middle class kids and it's coming to a crash q4jg-uVzKD8-00025-00017040-00017792 very soon now if you're in certain professions such as law engineering or medical which make up q4jg-uVzKD8-00026-00017792-00018336 three percent of total college graduates then i don't know i don't think it's really a bubble but q4jg-uVzKD8-00027-00018336-00019296 for the other 97 of students that are in college it's a big bubble okay and 97 is a bubble so 4 q4jg-uVzKD8-00028-00019296-00020120 000 a month from posting educational content on these new online educational sites is a q4jg-uVzKD8-00029-00020120-00020832 blip on the radar and it's very easy for you to get a hold of now how we're going to be doing this q4jg-uVzKD8-00030-00020832-00021536 is we're going to be posting videos educational videos on sites like udemy skillshare q4jg-uVzKD8-00031-00021536-00022064 and a host of other educational sites online there's udacity there's masterclass there's q4jg-uVzKD8-00032-00022064-00022648 a bunch of sites that we can post educational content and get paid for and there's tens of q4jg-uVzKD8-00033-00022648-00023296 millions of people a year that are spending money on online courses to learn how to do q4jg-uVzKD8-00034-00023352-00024040 marketing or other sorts of business subjects now let me walk you through exactly how this works q4jg-uVzKD8-00035-00024040-00024616 right here okay so here's one of the sites skillshare skillshare has a ton of videos on a q4jg-uVzKD8-00036-00024616-00025360 ton of different subjects photography etc if we go to udemy.com you'll see a ton of different courses q4jg-uVzKD8-00037-00025360-00026032 on all different categories development business finance accounting i.t software productivity q4jg-uVzKD8-00038-00026032-00026527 personal development design marketing lifestyle all of these different subjects and if we just q4jg-uVzKD8-00039-00026527-00027144 type in the word affiliate right here we'll see a number of different classes teaching affiliate q4jg-uVzKD8-00040-00027144-00027672 marketing now frankly i've looked into these different teachers they know very little about q4jg-uVzKD8-00041-00027672-00028192 affiliate marketing in fact most of them work for companies that actually do affiliate marketing and q4jg-uVzKD8-00042-00028192-00028744 they haven't made a lot of money doing affiliate marketing themselves why not offer my trainings q4jg-uVzKD8-00043-00028744-00029312 with my permission i give you my permission again that's part of this video i'm crazy i don't care q4jg-uVzKD8-00044-00029312-00029960 if you're making money on udemy reposting my videos my goal is to become the number one q4jg-uVzKD8-00045-00029960-00030695 marketing teacher in the world and i don't want to make 11 bucks from udemy frankly i don't care they q4jg-uVzKD8-00046-00030695-00031248 take like half the money anyway you can take it all i don't need it but my goal is to influence q4jg-uVzKD8-00047-00031248-00031968 more people you can make the money but you need to do the work and the work is that you need to q4jg-uVzKD8-00048-00031968-00032664 sign up for these sites udemy is one of the major sites skillshare is one of the major sites but you q4jg-uVzKD8-00049-00032664-00033424 can see that there are a lot of other sites that offer online education and will pay you q4jg-uVzKD8-00050-00033424-00034040 when people purchase these courses for five bucks 10 bucks 20 bucks 100 bucks there's khan academy q4jg-uVzKD8-00051-00034040-00034840 codeacademy coursera edx linda there's open sesame udacity pluralsight cbt nuggets code school kell q4jg-uVzKD8-00052-00034840-00035544 b1 and there's a lot more websites that will pay you post classes on their sites they need q4jg-uVzKD8-00053-00035544-00036136 content they want content they're dying for it all you have to do is the following five steps q4jg-uVzKD8-00054-00036136-00036760 you have full permission to use my videos any way you want i don't give a who oh i was gonna swear q4jg-uVzKD8-00055-00036760-00037184 i don't know if this would be demonetized but either way don't really care so the first thing q4jg-uVzKD8-00056-00037184-00037736 is sign up for these sites okay there's a lot out there i just named out about a dozen number two q4jg-uVzKD8-00057-00037736-00038376 is read the rules what type of videos do they want okay we have a lot of videos in my library that q4jg-uVzKD8-00058-00038376-00038888 are teaching people everything from facebook group marketing facebook ad marketing google q4jg-uVzKD8-00059-00038888-00039520 marketing google ad marketing how to start a blog how to write a landing page how to advertise on q4jg-uVzKD8-00060-00039520-00040008 twitter how to market on twitter how to market on instagram you have a lot of videos to choose q4jg-uVzKD8-00061-00040008-00040632 from i have hundreds of videos out there for you to repurpose and post on all of these sites i q4jg-uVzKD8-00062-00040632-00041256 just simply do not have the time to sign up for them all and read the rules folks i'm literally q4jg-uVzKD8-00063-00041256-00042048 running a one-person company that makes millions of dollars a year this is why you my audience my q4jg-uVzKD8-00064-00042048-00042744 subscribers are so important because you can do things that i cannot i simply do not have the time q4jg-uVzKD8-00065-00042744-00043392 to sign up for these sites and make a few thousand bucks i do not have the time to read the rules q4jg-uVzKD8-00066-00043392-00043888 and do what's necessary to type in the things there's a lot of sites out there i don't know q4jg-uVzKD8-00067-00043888-00044496 which ones are going to work but my important goal is influence right now i want to be the number one q4jg-uVzKD8-00068-00044496-00045104 marketing teacher in the world so i'm giving you an opportunity right here to post my videos on q4jg-uVzKD8-00069-00045104-00045664 udemy i have hour-long videos teaching facebook ads that are the best on youtube that you can q4jg-uVzKD8-00070-00045664-00046240 repurpose third step is you'll need to download my videos and i'm going to show you exactly how q4jg-uVzKD8-00071-00046240-00046936 you can download my videos from youtube in just a second here very easy the fourth step is you may q4jg-uVzKD8-00072-00046936-00047512 need to edit some of my videos you may need to edit out certain parts of my videos where i say q4jg-uVzKD8-00073-00047512-00048112 subscribe to my channel vote for trump watching youtube videos on portrait mode is for losers q4jg-uVzKD8-00074-00048112-00048696 whatever you're going to edit out you might want to edit out some things like that again i have not q4jg-uVzKD8-00075-00048696-00049200 made my brand around being necessarily politically correct i'm not trying to be that's not what it's q4jg-uVzKD8-00076-00049200-00049712 about and also that's bad long term because if you're politically correct you make one mistake q4jg-uVzKD8-00077-00049712-00050200 which all people do and suddenly you're like getting flamed by like a gazillion people they're q4jg-uVzKD8-00078-00050200-00050656 like oh you know like people get butt hurt so those are things you might have to edit out of my q4jg-uVzKD8-00079-00050656-00051192 videos but you do this minor editing and suddenly you are offered an opportunity to use some of the q4jg-uVzKD8-00080-00051192-00051840 best marketing content on the internet and use it as your own and earn money from it i don't care q4jg-uVzKD8-00081-00051840-00052448 my goal is not money right now it's influence and it's becoming the number one marketing teacher in q4jg-uVzKD8-00082-00052448-00052928 the world now the last step is you would simply upload them to the websites now i'm going to show q4jg-uVzKD8-00083-00052928-00053464 you how in just a second here let's get on the computer and let me go back to showing you exactly q4jg-uVzKD8-00084-00053464-00053984 how to make this happen so the first step which is signing up for these sites is not very difficult q4jg-uVzKD8-00085-00053984-00054591 obviously with udemy for instance you would just go up here when right in udemy you can click sign q4jg-uVzKD8-00086-00054591-00055255 up right there okay and you can also see that for udemy you really want to go to this teach on udemy q4jg-uVzKD8-00087-00055255-00055808 link right down here you see that link right at the bottom left teach on udemy now udemy is one q4jg-uVzKD8-00088-00055808-00056376 of the biggest platforms i highly suggest you guys post a number of courses on here from me q4jg-uVzKD8-00089-00056376-00056944 there okay now the second step is you'll need to read their rules okay every one of these platforms q4jg-uVzKD8-00090-00056944-00057488 has different rules that you'll need to look at in order to post for me saying vote for trump you q4jg-uVzKD8-00091-00057488-00058112 know that may not fly on some of these platforms that are run by liberals right so look through the q4jg-uVzKD8-00092-00058112-00058655 videos and edit out little bits if i swear in some videos horrible thing but you may need to q4jg-uVzKD8-00093-00058655-00059144 edit those out so edit those swear words out you just need to know what you need to edit out and q4jg-uVzKD8-00094-00059144-00059648 what you don't but really all you'll need to be doing is editing out things if i say subscribe to q4jg-uVzKD8-00095-00059648-00060160 my youtube channel obviously you'll need to edit out that bit so really all you'll need to know is q4jg-uVzKD8-00096-00060160-00060664 what are the criteria for what you need to edit out in each video now in terms of downloading q4jg-uVzKD8-00097-00060664-00061191 videos let me show you a few videos that you would want to download and repost i'm going to q4jg-uVzKD8-00098-00061191-00061696 show you a number of videos that would be useful content they'll probably make for good lessons q4jg-uVzKD8-00099-00061696-00062264 or courses on these platforms some videos this one for instance how to make money with facebook q4jg-uVzKD8-00100-00062264-00062920 for beginners 2020 shows people how to use facebook groups and market to them okay so very q4jg-uVzKD8-00101-00062920-00063584 helpful topic many people do not know facebook group marketing but it's a very popular searched q4jg-uVzKD8-00102-00063584-00064136 word and keyword and it's also probably a very good course to put out facebook group marketing q4jg-uVzKD8-00103-00064136-00064736 that could be a killer course to put out and this is a 20 minute video that goes over exactly that q4jg-uVzKD8-00104-00064736-00065279 topic okay here's another example of a great course you could put out which is 11 video course q4jg-uVzKD8-00105-00065279-00065864 it's my google ppc training course so you'll see this course is one hour two hours three hours four q4jg-uVzKD8-00106-00065864-00066576 hours five hour six hour seven hour course on google ads that's very relevant that goes over q4jg-uVzKD8-00107-00066576-00067144 all of the major subjects in google ads and if you look in a site like udemy you'll see most q4jg-uVzKD8-00108-00067144-00067608 of the courses aren't even seven hours they're one hour there's three and a half hour they're q4jg-uVzKD8-00109-00067608-00068152 four hours they're one and a half hours and all of these people are routinely selling them for eleven q4jg-uVzKD8-00110-00068152-00068656 dollars okay eleven dollars eleven dollars forty four minute course two and a half hour q4jg-uVzKD8-00111-00068656-00069176 course i have single videos that are longer than some of these courses that are selling on udemy q4jg-uVzKD8-00112-00069176-00069640 and when you sell these courses on udemy you get that money you'll get eleven dollars every time q4jg-uVzKD8-00113-00069640-00070336 buys affiliate marketing for newbies the one click affiliate okay you already have enough content to q4jg-uVzKD8-00114-00070336-00070944 create an entire course you have enough content to post many courses that are even better than all of q4jg-uVzKD8-00115-00070944-00071600 these from somebody much more experienced and you can earn all the money and i literally don't care q4jg-uVzKD8-00116-00071600-00072168 okay so you have this opportunity to make a lot of money you're giving being given full permission q4jg-uVzKD8-00117-00072168-00072680 here's another course you can post is how to advertise and promote on youtube okay so this q4jg-uVzKD8-00118-00072680-00073264 is a full course on how to advertise on youtube showing step by step how to advertise on youtube q4jg-uVzKD8-00119-00073264-00073808 other courses on udemy that show about youtube ads if there are even courses on youtube ads actually q4jg-uVzKD8-00120-00073808-00074408 let's look youtube ads youtube marketing okay these are lectures these aren't even screen shares q4jg-uVzKD8-00121-00074408-00075008 okay youtube ads oh here's something one and a half hours learn how to do effective youtube ads q4jg-uVzKD8-00122-00075008-00075640 youtube ads mastery let's see if these courses are by anybody notable musician author i spend q4jg-uVzKD8-00123-00075640-00076088 hundreds of thousands of dollars a month on youtube i'm assuming i know a lot more and q4jg-uVzKD8-00124-00076088-00076608 you can see this guy's feedback is very low so you have the opportunity to repost content from q4jg-uVzKD8-00125-00076608-00077328 somebody who's spending more money than almost 99.99 of businesses are on youtube ads spending q4jg-uVzKD8-00126-00077328-00077792 hundreds of thousands of dollars a month you have the opportunity to totally eclipse this dude look q4jg-uVzKD8-00127-00077792-00078224 he said it is very very basic if you're brand new to youtube ads and have no idea of what you're q4jg-uVzKD8-00128-00078224-00078728 doing right this is just a tutorial on how to create a youtube ad so you can post these things q4jg-uVzKD8-00129-00078728-00079456 and have much better content than all these guys right here okay next making money on facebook okay q4jg-uVzKD8-00130-00079456-00080024 once again this was making money on facebook ads so everything you need you have lots of q4jg-uVzKD8-00131-00080024-00080512 programs you have lots of trainings where you can teach people all you need to do is post it now in q4jg-uVzKD8-00132-00080512-00081056 order to download these videos you just search youtube to mp4 okay really you can go with any q4jg-uVzKD8-00133-00081056-00081648 of these sites i usually use keepvid and what you will do is you will take a video that you want to q4jg-uVzKD8-00134-00081648-00082120 use let's say for instance we're going to say the youtube ads course right i'm just going to get q4jg-uVzKD8-00135-00082120-00082728 this link copy and i'm going to go here and we'll click download now so we'll just click that button q4jg-uVzKD8-00136-00082728-00083296 right there to download the video so here we go and we can select best download and what you'll q4jg-uVzKD8-00137-00083296-00083832 want to do is you want to select that button right there and we will right click and we'll click save q4jg-uVzKD8-00138-00083832-00084488 link as and we will be able to download this video so just click save so now you have a youtube ads q4jg-uVzKD8-00139-00084488-00085024 video so that's the next thing now if you need to edit out any actual parts of the video let's say i q4jg-uVzKD8-00140-00085024-00085632 swear or whatever what you will do is you can just search free video editing software and there's q4jg-uVzKD8-00141-00085632-00086240 plenty of options for free video editing software depending on whether you're working on a windows a q4jg-uVzKD8-00142-00086240-00086800 mac or a linux so there's a number of different options there's dozens and dozens of different q4jg-uVzKD8-00143-00086800-00087408 programs that you can use to simply just cut and edit out parts where let's say i swear or let's q4jg-uVzKD8-00144-00087408-00088024 say i ask people to subscribe you can repurpose that video and post it on sites like udemy q4jg-uVzKD8-00145-00088024-00088576 or skillshare and start earning money from putting up online courses and when you sign up for these q4jg-uVzKD8-00146-00088576-00089136 use my name okay what's the username john crostani use my name i don't care impersonate me make the q4jg-uVzKD8-00147-00089136-00089736 money yourself doesn't matter to me okay really doesn't matter to me and that's it so seriously q4jg-uVzKD8-00148-00089736-00090288 folks this might sound crazy might feel a little awkward and if you're feeling awkward doing this q4jg-uVzKD8-00149-00090288-00090920 type in feeling awkward but on the other hand if you're gonna put this in action say i'm doing it q4jg-uVzKD8-00150-00090920-00091648 in the comments below or even better just do it okay just go out there and do it and make money q4jg-uVzKD8-00151-00091648-00092184 but all i ask is provide me a testimonial when you start making me money come on my community q4jg-uVzKD8-00152-00092184-00092744 come on my channel and let others know that you've put into action one of my methods and you q4jg-uVzKD8-00153-00092744-00093312 are making money from it because very few people speak up but as you see we are creating hundreds q4jg-uVzKD8-00154-00093312-00093848 and hundreds and thousands of people learning how to make money online quitting their jobs q4jg-uVzKD8-00155-00093848-00094464 on their own we have 14 year olds making 1500 a week so let's make this money let's get this q4jg-uVzKD8-00156-00094464-00094952 into action and people if you love this and if you love marketing and if you're excited q4jg-uVzKD8-00157-00094952-00095792 about finding the cracks in the ways to get out of the muck quit your job drop out of school and live q4jg-uVzKD8-00158-00095792-00096336 free and work for yourself give this video a like subscribe to my channel hit the notification bell q4jg-uVzKD8-00159-00096336-00096832 and let's see some future videos i look forward to seeing you again on this channel and remember q4jg-uVzKD8-00160-00096832-00097336 live free take back control let's make it happen looking forward to seeing what you produce let's q4jg-uVzKD8-00161-00097336-00097880 make some money together and again my goal every day we're coming out with videos on this channel q4jg-uVzKD8-00162-00097880-00098360 every day number one marketing channel number one money channel on youtube we're coming out q4jg-uVzKD8-00163-00098360-00098816 with ways for you to make money so put it into action and let's see some money have a good day qrO4Vf23oZg-00000-00000000-00000957 STREET BUZZ qrO4Vf23oZg-00001-00001316-00001661 PONDIS MUSIC qrO4Vf23oZg-00002-00001661-00002430 @DIH KLASSIC qw-VmUWkmac-00000-00000000-00000200 accounting treatment in the books of transferor company qyEDdCllVxo-00000-00000224-00000800 now that your reds have proven useless to me i have no further use for you siphon qyEDdCllVxo-00001-00000968-00001639 oh but master if it pleases you i have already taken the liberty to remotely have my reds qyEDdCllVxo-00002-00001639-00002328 seize one of ben tennyson's own most trusted allies who even now has fallen under our control qyEDdCllVxo-00003-00002424-00003120 our control of course i mean your control excellent work qyEDdCllVxo-00004-00003320-00004079 i may just let you live long enough to witness me crush ben tennyson and his entire world and for qyEDdCllVxo-00005-00004079-00004912 that i am grateful master show me this comrade of tennysons who now does my bidding from afar qyEDdCllVxo-00006-00005352-00006000 where to next hiro there's no reason to be sarcastic do i ever need a reason guys come qyEDdCllVxo-00007-00006000-00006336 on keep it together if we can't rely on each other we're in real trouble qyEDdCllVxo-00008-00006568-00007608 ben cooper plumber's helper security compromise kidnapped me tokyo can't trust any qyEDdCllVxo-00009-00007831-00008768 come alone ben help i'm going with you bad idea gwen but it's cooper and you heard what he said qyEDdCllVxo-00010-00008768-00009384 i've gotta go alone or they'll do something to him who will i don't know but i'm gonna go find qyEDdCllVxo-00011-00009384-00009984 out qyEDdCllVxo-00012-00010192-00011384 gotta find cooper he'll be fine ben i think i hope qyEDdCllVxo-00013-00013712-00014184 armatrillo can activate that scaffold use it to get across qyEDdCllVxo-00014-00017648-00018384 hey qyEDdCllVxo-00015-00019648-00021184 it looks like you can use the scaffolding to get to the next building qyEDdCllVxo-00016-00021616-00023984 hey uh qyEDdCllVxo-00017-00026016-00026783 i'm picking up a residual signal coming from the building across the way better try there first qyEDdCllVxo-00018-00029824-00030983 spiders qyEDdCllVxo-00019-00034088-00035184 it looks like the power is out find a way to restore the power so that you can use the crane qyEDdCllVxo-00020-00035616-00036584 oh qyEDdCllVxo-00021-00039608-00040784 me qyEDdCllVxo-00022-00041112-00042184 don't make me come down there and do your fighting for you qyEDdCllVxo-00023-00042440-00043584 foreign qyEDdCllVxo-00024-00046896-00047784 wait these guys can't seriously think they actually stand a chance qyEDdCllVxo-00025-00050200-00050584 hello qyEDdCllVxo-00026-00050824-00051984 spider monkey qyEDdCllVxo-00027-00052072-00053384 oh qyEDdCllVxo-00028-00054472-00054784 lucky qyEDdCllVxo-00029-00055616-00056184 i got it we should just spray a little bit of gwen's perfume and bingo cooper will come running qyEDdCllVxo-00030-00056248-00057584 what don't look at me like that you totally know it works qyEDdCllVxo-00031-00058872-00059096 use the web pole to bring that scaffold closer qyEDdCllVxo-00032-00060176-00061784 i'm telling you my perfume idea would be a lot faster qyEDdCllVxo-00033-00061960-00064584 oh spider monkey qyEDdCllVxo-00034-00068304-00068784 one qyEDdCllVxo-00035-00069384-00070184 what qyEDdCllVxo-00036-00071672-00072984 oh qyEDdCllVxo-00037-00073272-00075784 oh spider monkeys qyEDdCllVxo-00038-00076760-00077184 foreign qyEDdCllVxo-00039-00078608-00079984 spiders qyEDdCllVxo-00040-00081392-00082784 yes qyEDdCllVxo-00041-00085096-00085584 huh qyEDdCllVxo-00042-00086032-00087080 ladies and gentlemen children of all ages did you come to see my show i'm looking for cooper qyEDdCllVxo-00043-00087080-00087896 cooper cooper hmm let me think there was some blonde kid around you mean him qyEDdCllVxo-00044-00088240-00088944 he's far too busy now preoccupied with some friends of mine where is he qyEDdCllVxo-00045-00089112-00089784 jokes and fun times over ben catch me if you can qyEDdCllVxo-00046-00093432-00093984 all right qyEDdCllVxo-00047-00095520-00096784 uh qyEDdCllVxo-00048-00098248-00099584 oh qyEDdCllVxo-00049-00100168-00102384 oh am i good or am i good qyEDdCllVxo-00050-00105552-00106583 yes qyEDdCllVxo-00051-00107320-00107983 ah qyEDdCllVxo-00052-00108711-00109383 uh qyEDdCllVxo-00053-00109832-00110783 uh qyEDdCllVxo-00054-00112192-00113583 uh qyEDdCllVxo-00055-00113880-00114983 uh qyEDdCllVxo-00056-00116056-00116383 go qyEDdCllVxo-00057-00117600-00117783 video qyEDdCllVxo-00058-00119408-00120583 yep qyEDdCllVxo-00059-00120664-00121983 foreign qyEDdCllVxo-00060-00125424-00126183 then you need to clear a path before you can grapple across qyEDdCllVxo-00061-00126504-00127583 foreign qyEDdCllVxo-00062-00128944-00130383 yes qyEDdCllVxo-00063-00132160-00133184 yes qyEDdCllVxo-00064-00135144-00135984 so qyEDdCllVxo-00065-00137144-00137864 whoa what happened to you i will deliver the artifact to the toku star qyEDdCllVxo-00066-00137864-00138784 he will be so pleased oh no he won't i'm gonna get you out of this hang on qyEDdCllVxo-00067-00139432-00140184 oh qyEDdCllVxo-00068-00140888-00141584 hey qyEDdCllVxo-00069-00142168-00142984 fighters qyEDdCllVxo-00070-00143760-00144384 hey qyEDdCllVxo-00071-00148256-00148584 hey qyEDdCllVxo-00072-00150608-00151384 oh qyEDdCllVxo-00073-00151688-00152784 oh qyEDdCllVxo-00074-00154616-00155000 i don't know how to thank you ben i can't believe you got me out of that i did what qyEDdCllVxo-00075-00155000-00155760 i had to do you're a real friend you don't even know azimuth is gonna be so disappointed in me qyEDdCllVxo-00076-00155840-00156240 but nowhere near as disappointed as all the people of earth are gonna be when that way big shows up qyEDdCllVxo-00077-00156240-00156984 and i can't fight him what are you talking about i think i may have hit you too hard back there sorry qyEDdCllVxo-00078-00160072-00160080 you qyQSwRDwHJk-00000-00000000-00000480 the first I already show you how to make it now let's make the other one qyQSwRDwHJk-00001-00001104-00001668 these are the Tails and it I'm making into the form of Quaver that is called the eighth note qyQSwRDwHJk-00002-00001932-00002784 I make these lines with the help of the scale and now let's I assure you how to make the qyQSwRDwHJk-00003-00002970-00003384 Cable in this one so just read it hold a second qyQSwRDwHJk-00004-00004176-00004524 so this is the way of making the in this way qyQSwRDwHJk-00005-00004902-00005124 I hope you're getting a clear picture qzU8_NnksW0-00000-00000000-00000300 โ™ช [Bumper music] qzU8_NnksW0-00001-00000300-00000550 โ™ช qzU8_NnksW0-00002-00000600-00001000 (guide) The first step to testing with iOS is to enable VoiceOver. qzU8_NnksW0-00003-00001025-00001500 Click on the settings button, and then scroll down to accessibility. qzU8_NnksW0-00004-00001800-00002200 We want to enable VoiceOver, using the triple-click on home. qzU8_NnksW0-00005-00002200-00002400 Hit "Toggle VoiceOver". qzU8_NnksW0-00006-00002600-00002875 Now go back, and enable VoiceOver, qzU8_NnksW0-00007-00002900-00003100 and you're all set. qzU8_NnksW0-00008-00003400-00003600 [VoiceOver] VoiceOver on landscape qzU8_NnksW0-00009-00003625-00003825 [VoiceOver] home button to the left. setting. qzU8_NnksW0-00010-00003900-00004200 (guide) VoiceOver has some pretty simple gestures that we'll need to learn. qzU8_NnksW0-00011-00004300-00004600 The first thing we'll want to do is turn down the speech rate. qzU8_NnksW0-00012-00004700-00004800 [VoiceOver] fifteen percent qzU8_NnksW0-00013-00004825-00005100 (guide) You can easily navigate back and forward on the page, qzU8_NnksW0-00014-00005125-00005350 by simply using a swiping guesture, qzU8_NnksW0-00015-00005375-00005550 one direction or the other. qzU8_NnksW0-00016-00005600-00005900 [VoiceOver] forty five percent...fifty percent qzU8_NnksW0-00017-00005900-00006175 [VoiceOver] forty five percent...forty percent qzU8_NnksW0-00018-00006200-00006700 (guide) Use 2 fingers in a dial motion, in order to decide how you are going to navigate the page. qzU8_NnksW0-00019-00006900-00007000 [VoiceOver] speech rate qzU8_NnksW0-00020-00007200-00007400 (guide) Once you've found something you want to open, such as the calendar, qzU8_NnksW0-00021-00007425-00007600 double-tap on the screen to open it. qzU8_NnksW0-00022-00007625-00007800 [VoiceOver] tap to open qzU8_NnksW0-00023-00007900-00008200 Use a 3-finger swipe to go from one page to another. qzU8_NnksW0-00024-00008225-00008400 [VoiceOver] double-tap to open qzU8_NnksW0-00025-00008500-00008700 [VoiceOver] tuning...double-tap to open qzU8_NnksW0-00026-00008725-00009050 (guide) Let's open up an application and see how you can navigate through it. qzU8_NnksW0-00027-00009250-00009350 [iPad makes an electronic triple blip] qzU8_NnksW0-00028-00009400-00009600 [VoiceOver] market desk open the application settings button qzU8_NnksW0-00029-00009600-00009800 [VoiceOver] manual refresh button qzU8_NnksW0-00030-00009825-00010300 (guide) The iPad will announce button. You need to provide the title for the button. qzU8_NnksW0-00031-00010400-00010500 [VoiceOver] my watchlist qzU8_NnksW0-00032-00010600-00010800 [VoiceOver] visit Yahoo! Finance website button qzU8_NnksW0-00033-00010900-00011000 [blip] qzU8_NnksW0-00034-00011000-00011300 [VoiceOver] selected symbol price eleven thousand two hundred eighty eight point forty seven qzU8_NnksW0-00035-00011325-00011525 [VoiceOver] went down by two hundred five point ten points qzU8_NnksW0-00036-00011600-00011700 [VoiceOver] one point seventy eight percent. qzU8_NnksW0-00037-00011700-00012100 (guide) You can navigate through a web page, by simply using the swipe gesture, qzU8_NnksW0-00038-00012100-00012400 as in moving up and down this table. qzU8_NnksW0-00039-00012400-00012600 [VoiceOver] two point twenty seven percent qzU8_NnksW0-00040-00012600-00012700 [blip] qzU8_NnksW0-00041-00012700-00013000 [VoiceOver] symbol price one thousand one hundred seventy eight point ninety three qzU8_NnksW0-00042-00013000-00013200 [VoiceOver] went down by twenty five point forty nine points qzU8_NnksW0-00043-00013200-00013500 [VoiceOver] symbol caret sbc with price one thousand one hundred seventy eight point eighty qzU8_NnksW0-00044-00013500-00013800 [VoiceOver] went down by twenty five point sixty two points qzU8_NnksW0-00045-00013800-00014000 [VoiceOver] two point thirteen percent qzU8_NnksW0-00046-00014100-00014400 (guide) You can also use your finger and move around the site. qzU8_NnksW0-00047-00014400-00014500 [VoiceOver] Dow Jones Industrial Average qzU8_NnksW0-00048-00014500-00014800 (guide) and VoiceOver will announce whatever's underneath your finger. qzU8_NnksW0-00049-00014800-00015000 [VoiceOver] eleven thousand two hundred eighty seven point fifty six qzU8_NnksW0-00050-00015025-00015125 [click] qzU8_NnksW0-00051-00015150-00015300 [VoiceOver] two hundred six point zero one qzU8_NnksW0-00052-00015300-00015400 [click] qzU8_NnksW0-00053-00015400-00015600 [VoiceOver] change two hundred six point zero one qzU8_NnksW0-00054-00015600-00015800 [VoiceOver] open value is eleven thousand four hun- qzU8_NnksW0-00055-00015800-00015900 [click] qzU8_NnksW0-00056-00015900-00016100 [VoiceOver] percent change one point seventy nine percent qzU8_NnksW0-00057-00016100-00016400 [click] one hundred eight [click] open value is eleven th-[click] Wall Street slides after zero jobs growth qzU8_NnksW0-00058-00016425-00016700 [VoiceOver] Reuters friday twelve forty eight p m eastern standard time qzU8_NnksW0-00059-00016800-00017100 (guide) Double-tap on a focused element in order to open it up. qzU8_NnksW0-00060-00017500-00017600 [blip] qzU8_NnksW0-00061-00017600-00017900 [VoiceOver] previous dim button...next dim button qzU8_NnksW0-00062-00017900-00018000 [VoiceOver] Wall Street qzU8_NnksW0-00063-00018000-00018300 (guide) Notice that these are reading the name of the icon, instead of what they actually do. qzU8_NnksW0-00064-00018300-00018400 [blip] qzU8_NnksW0-00065-00018400-00018700 [VoiceOver] skip navigation...inpage link qzU8_NnksW0-00066-00018800-00019200 (guide) Now that I'm inside a web view, I'm seeing it as if I'm looking at any web page. qzU8_NnksW0-00067-00019225-00019400 [VoiceOver] skip navigation...inpage link qzU8_NnksW0-00068-00019450-00019600 [VoiceOver] form control qzU8_NnksW0-00069-00019800-00020200 (guide) You can use the rotor now, to navigate from headers, images, tables, links... qzU8_NnksW0-00070-00020600-00020700 [VoiceOver] containers qzU8_NnksW0-00071-00020700-00020800 [VoiceOver] characters qzU8_NnksW0-00072-00021000-00021100 [VoiceOver] words qzU8_NnksW0-00073-00021125-00021225 [VoiceOver] lines qzU8_NnksW0-00074-00021400-00021500 [VoiceOver] headings qzU8_NnksW0-00075-00021500-00021600 [blip] qzU8_NnksW0-00076-00021600-00021900 [VoiceOver] skip to search...inpage link...new user reg-...New York qzU8_NnksW0-00077-00021900-00022100 [VoiceOver] Reuters Wall Street stocks dropped on friday qzU8_NnksW0-00078-00022100-00022400 [VoiceOver] with major indexes falling as much as two percent as labor de-- qzU8_NnksW0-00079-00022400-00022700 [click]...by John... [click]...friday [click]...follow these stocks...links...symbols qzU8_NnksW0-00080-00022700-00023200 [VoiceOver] Goldman Sachs grew...incorporated...link...image...table...end qzU8_NnksW0-00081-00023200-00023500 (guide) Once again, the left-right swipe is going to take you up and down, qzU8_NnksW0-00082-00023500-00023700 through the page, qzU8_NnksW0-00083-00023700-00023900 [VoiceOver] related headlines qzU8_NnksW0-00084-00023900-00024200 (guide) The up and down will let you go from header to header, qzU8_NnksW0-00085-00024225-00024400 when the header is selected in the rotor. qzU8_NnksW0-00086-00024400-00024700 [VoiceOver] heading...Wall Street sli-...Yahoo! finance headlines qzU8_NnksW0-00087-00024700-00024900 [VoiceOver] heading not found qzU8_NnksW0-00088-00024900-00025000 [click] qzU8_NnksW0-00089-00025000-00025175 [VoiceOver] reload button qzU8_NnksW0-00090-00025200-00025400 (guide) Double-click in order to push a button. qzU8_NnksW0-00091-00026000-00026350 (guide) With these basic gestures, you are now ready to test your own applications. qzU8_NnksW0-00092-00026500-00026850 Triple-click the home button in order to turn on, and turn off VoiceOver, in the future. qzU8_NnksW0-00093-00027000-00027150 [VoiceOver] heading not found qzU8_NnksW0-00094-00027200-00027400 [VoiceOver] Wall Street slides after zero jobs growth heading level one qzU8_NnksW0-00095-00027500-00027600 [VoiceOver] company heading level three qzU8_NnksW0-00096-00027700-00027950 (guide) Visit accessibility.yahoo.com qzU8_NnksW0-00097-00028000-00028250 for more information about accessibility on the Yahoo! Network. qzU8_NnksW0-00098-00028300-00028400 โ™ช [Bumper music] qzU8_NnksW0-00099-00028400-00028700 โ™ช q-5z_f2NI2U-00000-00000039-00000589 NARRATOR: Physical abuse and intimidation by the police happens every day - and not just in the street. q-5z_f2NI2U-00001-00000589-00001091 Our jail system is broken, and being behind bars does not mean you don't still have basic q-5z_f2NI2U-00002-00001091-00001473 rights. There are two sides to every story, and when q-5z_f2NI2U-00003-00001473-00002123 the cops are involved, every story matters. When they try to bury the truth, Clay Burgess q-5z_f2NI2U-00004-00002123-00002510 digs deep. If you have been abused or treated unfairly q-5z_f2NI2U-00005-00002510-00002886 by the police, Don't Delay - Call Clay. qBCX0OTsfCU-00001-00004475-00005232 out of the conventional backgrounds. I don't think anyone who knew my situation would have qBCX0OTsfCU-00002-00005232-00006154 said this guy's destined to become a professor. Very working-class family. My father's side qBCX0OTsfCU-00003-00006154-00007021 of the Sicilian immigrants my grandparents came to Napoleonville, Louisianaโ€ฏto cut qBCX0OTsfCU-00004-00007021-00007545 sugar cane. There's a lot of room for upward mobility when you begin your life cutting qBCX0OTsfCU-00005-00007545-00008173 sugarcane. I finally had a chance to go to that village. Man, it's a desolate place an qBCX0OTsfCU-00006-00008173-00009069 hour west of New Orleans and I think about half the males of this community of Alia in qBCX0OTsfCU-00007-00009069-00010283 Sicily left for Texas, Louisiana, places like that and somewhere around โ€ฏthey heard of qBCX0OTsfCU-00008-00010283-00011122 opportunities in the St. Louis area. I'd do anything to go back and interview them because qBCX0OTsfCU-00009-00011122-00012073 my uncle Angelo was born on the hill in St. Louis. Ironically that figures later into qBCX0OTsfCU-00010-00012073-00012809 my background but the family legend and it could be cause that that community was predominantly qBCX0OTsfCU-00011-00012809-00013299 Lombard, northern Italian. [The Hill] it's a famous Italian community in St. Louis, southwest qBCX0OTsfCU-00012-00013299-00013644 St. Louis, and they [my ancestors] claimed they were run out of the community because qBCX0OTsfCU-00013-00013644-00014677 northern Italians didn't like the southern Italians. I've always been told they left qBCX0OTsfCU-00014-00014677-00015255 because there was jobs in these oil refineries but they wound up in the little community qBCX0OTsfCU-00015-00015255-00016388 of Wood River Illinois, across the river from St. Louis, entirely devoted to oil refineries. qBCX0OTsfCU-00016-00016388-00017001 It was built for that purpose. The community had five oil refineries and you can imagine qBCX0OTsfCU-00017-00017001-00017907 that in the community surrounding it, Alton, Illinois, Madison had two or three steel mills, qBCX0OTsfCU-00018-00017907-00018788 Granite City, there was an East Alton, a place that made ammunition, there was a paper mill. qBCX0OTsfCU-00019-00018788-00019713 It's astonishing this was a dream setting for my uncles and my father, largely uneducated. qBCX0OTsfCU-00020-00019713-00020117 These were Union jobs, pretty decent jobs for that era. qBCX0OTsfCU-00021-00020117-00020716 [It was] very, very much a Union town as well. My father always told me that my ass would qBCX0OTsfCU-00022-00020716-00021590 be royally kicked if anyone ever saw me cross the picket line. My grandparents moved to qBCX0OTsfCU-00023-00021590-00022394 Wood River, six uncles born there, two aunts, and my grandfather was a bricklayer for Standard qBCX0OTsfCU-00024-00022394-00022964 Oil Refinery. The legend always passed down is that every day he took home a brick in qBCX0OTsfCU-00025-00022964-00023624 his lunch pail and one day they had a checkpoint and the guard says โ€œwhy are you stealing qBCX0OTsfCU-00026-00023624-00024082 a brick from Mr. Rockefeller?โ€ โ€“ he worked for Standard Oil โ€“ and my grandfather said qBCX0OTsfCU-00027-00024082-00024534 โ€œI want to show my sons what I doโ€ and the family legend is thirty years later he qBCX0OTsfCU-00028-00024534-00025488 had enough bricks to build a house. That the house was built of wood is in the tradition qBCX0OTsfCU-00029-00025488-00025677 [story]. qBCX0OTsfCU-00030-00025677-00026899 My father was a fourth-grade dropout. Education was not valued. My father always thought I qBCX0OTsfCU-00031-00026899-00027795 should have my ass kicked, I should join the armyโ€ฏand get a little discipline, and that qBCX0OTsfCU-00032-00027795-00028883 years later I can have a pension. It was a very large family, there were six siblings qBCX0OTsfCU-00033-00028883-00030350 and it was very well-known that there was no money for college. qBCX0OTsfCU-00034-00030350-00030768 One year they allowed the sons of refinery workers to work for the summer. These were qBCX0OTsfCU-00035-00030768-00031194 Union jobs, I mean this was three or four times what you get [working] at a root beer qBCX0OTsfCU-00036-00031194-00031819 stand, so my father got me that job. And then he got me another job, you had to see the qBCX0OTsfCU-00037-00031819-00032927 City Council, this was a state job, i think some money was exchanged, and I got a job qBCX0OTsfCU-00038-00032927-00033546 working for the Illinois State Highway Department and to put it in Perspective, in those days qBCX0OTsfCU-00039-00033546-00034146 I if I could save a thousand dollars in the summer I could get through [college] with qBCX0OTsfCU-00040-00034146-00035038 no deb. I had scholarships [and] I went to this little school Millikin University. qBCX0OTsfCU-00041-00035038-00035762 My mother's side of the family, they were more respectable. I had an uncle do a little qBCX0OTsfCU-00042-00035762-00036899 time in prison. The first time I ever remember meeting him he was coming back in the Korean qBCX0OTsfCU-00043-00036899-00037793 War and he had punched out an officer it was a dishonorable [discharge]. [I remember] this qBCX0OTsfCU-00044-00037793-00039658 big party for uncle Lou coming back. My poor mother, and she was born at a coal mining qBCX0OTsfCU-00046-00044266-00044980 then her mother married Phil Stasi so I had two Italian grandfathers and Phil was about qBCX0OTsfCU-00047-00044980-00045952 as colorful and disreputable as you can be. He had one arm and had a tavern. I had several qBCX0OTsfCU-00048-00045952-00046913 taverns in the family and Phil did a little book on the side. He let me work at his bar qBCX0OTsfCU-00049-00046913-00047486 in the mornings, I'd stock up. So I had two or three jobs, I was desperate to get out qBCX0OTsfCU-00050-00047486-00048034 of Wood River, really desperate to start a new life and I was such a loser in high school qBCX0OTsfCU-00051-00048034-00048899 and insecure and thought I was going to be a chemist, I was absolutely certain. I liked qBCX0OTsfCU-00052-00048899-00049684 math and science and then I got into college calculus and figured, โ€œwell, I like history,โ€ qBCX0OTsfCU-00053-00049684-00050259 be a high school history teacher, something like that. qBCX0OTsfCU-00054-00050259-00051833 I went to school Millikin University in Decatur, Illinois. It probably was good for me I wasn't qBCX0OTsfCU-00055-00051833-00052550 undisciplined, because I was a hard worker, but no one had ever set me down and told me qBCX0OTsfCU-00056-00052550-00053361 about how to write, how to study. I didn't really [learn] until graduate school. I was qBCX0OTsfCU-00057-00053361-00053807 a good student at Milliken and I had some very gifted teachers who encouraged me to qBCX0OTsfCU-00058-00053807-00054430 go on. The reason I went on to graduate school at the University of North Carolina, no one qBCX0OTsfCU-00059-00054430-00056417 does these things like this anymore, the only reason I went to UNC I absolutely clueless. qBCX0OTsfCU-00060-00056417-00057230 I liked European history as much as American qBCX0OTsfCU-00061-00057230-00057564 history but no one ever set me down said well you got to do one or qBCX0OTsfCU-00062-00057564-00058462 the other. I had a very kind and very good professor named Robert Haywood who was a big qBCX0OTsfCU-00063-00058462-00059109 historian of Kansas who was at Millikin and he had gone to UNC and he said you know I qBCX0OTsfCU-00064-00059109-00059685 think you'd like it so I applied. I think I was accepted at Colorado and Texas and I qBCX0OTsfCU-00065-00059685-00060205 wanted to get out of Illinois and at the time I didn't realize I would also be married. qBCX0OTsfCU-00066-00060205-00060917 Lynne and I got married in [1969???]. qBCX0OTsfCU-00067-00060917-00061725 I graduated in May of 1969??? andโ€ฏwe were married qBCX0OTsfCU-00068-00061725-00062739 in June. The first car I ever had Chevy Malibu and we had a little trailer in the back with qBCX0OTsfCU-00069-00062739-00063562 about one square yard of belongings. We arrived in Chapel Hill, the most beautiful place I qBCX0OTsfCU-00070-00063562-00064489 had ever seen and I get my draft notice. Oh man, I was opposed to the war but you know, qBCX0OTsfCU-00071-00064489-00064937 you're married and figure, well okay maybe what maybe what I should do is go to Officerโ€™s qBCX0OTsfCU-00072-00064937-00065416 Candidate School and get something out of it. My logic was you know maybe theyโ€™ll qBCX0OTsfCU-00073-00065416-00065898 teach me Russian and I'll come back and be a Russian historian and I was this close to qBCX0OTsfCU-00074-00065898-00066454 signing if they had just if he had just said yes we guarantee you language. I was going qBCX0OTsfCU-00075-00066454-00067645 to Navy intelligence and he would not budge on that. The next day I'm at the UNC Union qBCX0OTsfCU-00076-00067645-00068312 and I see it the thing about draftee jobs and I got a draftee job training dogs for qBCX0OTsfCU-00077-00068312-00069635 Vietnam. I had also been a psych major I thought about going in higher education as an administrator. qBCX0OTsfCU-00078-00069635-00070636 I qBCX0OTsfCU-00079-00070636-00071087 had not only been a psych major I had worked at a mental hospital in Illinois that they qBCX0OTsfCU-00080-00071087-00071576 were just opening, this new mental hospital for juvenile delinquents in Illinois these qBCX0OTsfCU-00081-00071576-00072511 were really more delinquents than anything else. I spent my senior year taking classes qBCX0OTsfCU-00082-00072511-00073431 at the University Illinois, behavioral psych which is what animal training. I'd always qBCX0OTsfCU-00083-00073431-00074679 want to know what happened to those poor dogs, but I did that for about six months until qBCX0OTsfCU-00084-00074679-00075185 Nixon came out with the lottery and my lottery pick was high enough. qBCX0OTsfCU-00085-00075185-00076635 I mean the one thing my father gave me was a work ethic, nothing is going to be handed qBCX0OTsfCU-00086-00076635-00077427 to you. He thought you need to work and so I worked first as a paperboy must have worked qBCX0OTsfCU-00087-00077427-00077941 delivering morning and afternoon papers for six or seven years and then I worked at a qBCX0OTsfCU-00088-00077941-00078673 root beer stand and the most interesting job was at Kentucky Fried Chicken, which was relatively qBCX0OTsfCU-00089-00078673-00081062 new. At that time the colonel had sold the franchise, but he was the spokesperson, the qBCX0OTsfCU-00090-00081062-00082194 traveling brand. Has there ever been a brand like the Colonel? I come in after school one qBCX0OTsfCU-00091-00082194-00082885 day and I hear this cursing. I'd always heard through the managers that no one could curse qBCX0OTsfCU-00092-00082885-00083841 like the Colonel, that he was like a sailor. The manager, who was the brother-in-law of qBCX0OTsfCU-00093-00083841-00084679 the owner of the place, the Colonel reamed him out. He saw me and was rather kind to qBCX0OTsfCU-00094-00084679-00085169 me, he actually came up and said, โ€œSon," he said "would you show me the gravy?โ€ I'd qBCX0OTsfCU-00095-00085169-00085849 also heard that the one thing that just drove him crazy about the new owners is that they qBCX0OTsfCU-00096-00085849-00087024 shortchanged the gravy. We made gravy in six gallon soup pans and you simply pour this qBCX0OTsfCU-00097-00087024-00087519 little packet of what looked like plaster of Paris and everything would coagulate and qBCX0OTsfCU-00098-00087519-00088135 you then throw the chicken skin cracklings in to make it interesting. He took one bite qBCX0OTsfCU-00099-00088135-00089074 and ordered me to throw it out. Then he sits me down and gosh, I wish I had a videotape qBCX0OTsfCU-00100-00089074-00089780 of this. He said, โ€œSon, have you considered a career with Kentucky Fried Chicken?โ€ I qBCX0OTsfCU-00101-00089780-00090457 said, โ€œI really wanted to go to college.โ€ He wasn't mad as he was just upset and he qBCX0OTsfCU-00102-00090457-00090981 says, โ€œYou know son, you just walked away from a million-dollar deal!โ€ I've often qBCX0OTsfCU-00103-00090981-00091564 wondered about those stock options you would have had then. He may have been right, but qBCX0OTsfCU-00104-00091564-00092748 you would have died at a young age โ€ฏof the chicken vapors qBCX0OTsfCU-00105-00092748-00092848 and grease. qBCX0OTsfCU-00106-00092848-00093554 In college, I worked at the admissions office and I worked at a sorority clearing tables qBCX0OTsfCU-00107-00093554-00095463 and figured it would also be good for dates. I qBCX0OTsfCU-00108-00095463-00096474 was so unprepared academically, just the idea that you're supposed to seek an advisor and qBCX0OTsfCU-00109-00096474-00097214 usually you go to a school because that school has certain strengths and I was lucky for qBCX0OTsfCU-00110-00097214-00097821 UNCโ€™s strength with southern history and I had some wonderful professors there. But qBCX0OTsfCU-00111-00097821-00098723 the irony of ironies, my adviser was a Millikan graduate named Roger Launchin (???). About qBCX0OTsfCU-00112-00098723-00099401 two years ago he retired. He was at UNC for โ€ฏyears and he taught a year of high school qBCX0OTsfCU-00113-00099401-00100070 so he was a fifty-year man he had been an All-American basketball player at Milliken, qBCX0OTsfCU-00114-00100070-00101208 but his field was urban history, he did a lot of studies of California cities but he qBCX0OTsfCU-00115-00101208-00101867 instilled me the idea of him getting to know a city, walk a city he liked the idea of interviews qBCX0OTsfCU-00116-00101867-00102688 and things like that. I know I got better in graduate school as I learned the game. qBCX0OTsfCU-00117-00102688-00103463 I still remember the first paper I got back was marked โ€œpassive voiceโ€ three exclamationmarks. qBCX0OTsfCU-00118-00103463-00104058 I had no idea what passive voice was. I don't think I was a very good writer but I worked qBCX0OTsfCU-00119-00104058-00104933 very hard to become I think a decent writer. Chapel Hill was the most wonderful place. qBCX0OTsfCU-00120-00104933-00105740 All I have to do is return there even after a long drive, just walking that beautiful qBCX0OTsfCU-00121-00105740-00107232 quad is soothing, relaxing. One of my sisters became a nun and I've often thought that was qBCX0OTsfCU-00122-00107232-00107733 the [childhood] house and the city was so noisy, the factory whistles, the smell and qBCX0OTsfCU-00123-00107733-00108433 that eight in the family, I always thought she sought the sanctuary and silence. qBCX0OTsfCU-00124-00108433-00110179 There was also George Brown Tindall, a legend, his qBCX0OTsfCU-00125-00110179-00111357 text is still being used. He was the first really to demand good writing and qBCX0OTsfCU-00127-00115595-00116335 when the profession was changing. Anyone who came out of grad school got a job because qBCX0OTsfCU-00128-00116335-00116911 schools were just exploding everywhere, the baby boom, people who traditionally didn't qBCX0OTsfCU-00129-00116911-00117089 go to college. qBCX0OTsfCU-00130-00117089-00118044 [May 1970] was interesting -- Kent State -- they closed the Millican campus and the chair of qBCX0OTsfCU-00131-00118044-00118661 the department called all the first-year grad students, so we were just finishing our first qBCX0OTsfCU-00132-00118661-00119458 year. He says โ€œgentlemen,โ€ and I think there was one woman in the room he said โ€œthe qBCX0OTsfCU-00133-00119458-00120116 great feast is over. I'm getting these [application rejection] letters.โ€ For the first time qBCX0OTsfCU-00134-00120116-00120732 he could remember, people weren't getting jobs and he said โ€œlisten, you all only put qBCX0OTsfCU-00135-00120732-00121650 a year in. I cannot encourage you to go on, but if you'd like to that's good. But be prepared.โ€ qBCX0OTsfCU-00136-00121650-00122672 I took the law boards test without even opening the book and got on the waiting list at UNC. qBCX0OTsfCU-00137-00122672-00123347 Lynne was working and fortunately was able to transfer her job there in Social Security. qBCX0OTsfCU-00138-00123347-00125128 Each year I liked it a little better and became qBCX0OTsfCU-00139-00125128-00125228 a graduate assistant. qBCX0OTsfCU-00140-00125228-00125944 It was it was exciting period to be a young historian. History from the bottom up was qBCX0OTsfCU-00141-00125944-00126701 coming. There was a guy there named Don Matthews, he had actually been one of Ray Arsenaultโ€™s qBCX0OTsfCU-00142-00126701-00127610 professors at Princeton and he was there. He was strange. He had an expensive French qBCX0OTsfCU-00143-00127610-00128692 Woof Hound that he would only speak French to. He was the first to really get into the qBCX0OTsfCU-00144-00128692-00129320 new social history, they were calling it. I read that a little bit and that really attracted qBCX0OTsfCU-00145-00129320-00130943 me. Howard Zinn came to campus. There was also really good literature on slavery [being qBCX0OTsfCU-00146-00130943-00131690 published] every year. There was a guy there named Hugh Lefflen who was mister North Carolina, qBCX0OTsfCU-00147-00131690-00132361 he was probably seventy-five. โ€ฏA bunch of us were studying for [exams] that they really qBCX0OTsfCU-00148-00132361-00132796 took that seriously in those days, your written and oral [exams]. qBCX0OTsfCU-00149-00132796-00133473 He was saying that when he graduated from Harvard I think he said in 1915, this would qBCX0OTsfCU-00150-00133473-00134223 have been fifty five years later, he could truthfully say he had read every important qBCX0OTsfCU-00151-00134223-00134942 book in American history. You could actually do that. By the time I was graduating I'm qBCX0OTsfCU-00152-00134942-00136196 not sure you could do that in some subfields like slavery [with] the sheer volume of material qBCX0OTsfCU-00153-00136196-00137163 coming out. qBCX0OTsfCU-00154-00137163-00138163 One of my great regrets is the year I left Jackie Hall came, she was kind of High Priestess qBCX0OTsfCU-00155-00138163-00139025 of oral history, particularly civil rights. One of the guys in my class stayed he became qBCX0OTsfCU-00156-00139025-00140017 director of history of Smithsonian, and he got a job as director of the North Carolina qBCX0OTsfCU-00157-00140017-00140866 Humanities Council and then Smithsonian, Greg Glass. Eventually, I think everyone got jobs, qBCX0OTsfCU-00158-00140866-00141453 a few people decided not to stay in the profession. qBCX0OTsfCU-00159-00141453-00142655 In 1974โ€ฏI was ABD (all but dissertation). I decided to write my dissertation on Italians qBCX0OTsfCU-00160-00142655-00143562 in St. Louis. Again, looking back, not a rational decision. I've been very lucky these kind qBCX0OTsfCU-00161-00143562-00144816 of gut decisions have worked out. I think I read an article in Time magazine about this qBCX0OTsfCU-00162-00144816-00145403 place that I had never been to. It was twentyโ€ฏmiles from my house, one of most famous Italian qBCX0OTsfCU-00163-00145403-00146027 communities [in the country.] We just didn't get around much. I hardly knew St. Louis other qBCX0OTsfCU-00164-00146027-00147285 than the ballpark and downtown. I finally got to qBCX0OTsfCU-00165-00147285-00147920 see the place. It was the summer of โ€˜73 โ€ฏI got a fellowship at Newberry Library qBCX0OTsfCU-00166-00147920-00148911 it was on the new family history. qBCX0OTsfCU-00167-00148911-00149389 I was going to spend the rest of the summer, about three months on the hill. Lynne and qBCX0OTsfCU-00168-00149389-00149902 I moved there. Iโ€™ll never forget the first time I drove up to the hill. It was an early qBCX0OTsfCU-00169-00149902-00150830 morning probably June, July 1973,โ€ฏand [I saw] this big guy, I mean a huge guy of a qBCX0OTsfCU-00170-00150830-00151325 t-shirt I found out later he was kind of a vigilante squad. The Hill was surrounded by qBCX0OTsfCU-00171-00151325-00152100 some bad neighborhoods. I said, โ€œexcuse me, is this Dago Hill?โ€ He walks over and qBCX0OTsfCU-00172-00152100-00153038 said, โ€œSon, you better be Italian.โ€ All the locals called it Dago Hill. qBCX0OTsfCU-00173-00153038-00154309 The St. Louis Historical Society had this incredible archives in the Public Library qBCX0OTsfCU-00174-00154309-00154889 downtown. They have one downtown in they had one at the Missouri Historical Society in qBCX0OTsfCU-00175-00154889-00155850 Forest Park. I go there and I write my name. [The clerk] said, โ€œWe have a tradition here. qBCX0OTsfCU-00176-00155850-00156354 You need to go say hello to get and get a blessing from this little ladyโ€ who's camped qBCX0OTsfCU-00177-00156354-00156861 in a blanket, about 85โ€ฏyears old, she was one of the survivors of the Titanic. I introduce qBCX0OTsfCU-00178-00156861-00157673 myself and she asked โ€œWhat are you studying?โ€ I said, โ€œItalians in St. Louis. She said qBCX0OTsfCU-00179-00157673-00158454 โ€œwhy would you want to study that?โ€ The archives had nothing, I mean when I say nothing. qBCX0OTsfCU-00180-00158454-00159185 They had a couple articles from Italians in the early century, but this was a very elitist qBCX0OTsfCU-00181-00159185-00159683 organization interested in French fur trappers and the first fathers of St. Louis. [After qBCX0OTsfCU-00182-00159683-00160152 a half a day at the archive,] I'm thinking I've got a lease for three more months in qBCX0OTsfCU-00183-00160152-00161175 my apartment in St. Louis, what they hell am I going to do? This is where I developed qBCX0OTsfCU-00185-00164176-00165710 Iโ€™m going to return and say, โ€œI made a mistake, I need a better topic.โ€ But I still qBCX0OTsfCU-00186-00165710-00166405 have three months and I wonder, โ€œWhy donโ€™t you talk to the people in the neighborhood?โ€ qBCX0OTsfCU-00187-00166405-00167458 So I bought a cheap tape recorder and anyone who looked like over 60โ€ฏyears old, I must qBCX0OTsfCU-00188-00167458-00168291 have done a hundred โ€ฏinterviews that summer, some of the most remarkable interviews I've qBCX0OTsfCU-00189-00168291-00169208 ever done. There's one lady because she must have been close to 90, she said sure, I'll qBCX0OTsfCU-00190-00169208-00169656 bring some friends you could talk to as well. There were three or four women, each about qBCX0OTsfCU-00191-00169656-00170178 90โ€ฏyears old, they were telling me about an event that took place about 1900โ€ฏthis qBCX0OTsfCU-00192-00170178-00170901 is 1973โ€ฏnow. She said they lived in the small community in Lombardy called Cuggino, qBCX0OTsfCU-00193-00170901-00171511 and there's a knock at the door. There's a woman there they don't know and the mother qBCX0OTsfCU-00194-00171511-00172625 tells them to go to their room and the woman is basically proposing that her son marry qBCX0OTsfCU-00195-00172625-00173073 this woman's daughter, but they had never met. She's kind of a marriage broker and she qBCX0OTsfCU-00196-00173073-00173788 said โ€œMy-a son is a bigga shot in America, he works for the railroad in Saint-a Louis. qBCX0OTsfCU-00197-00173788-00174335 I think it would be nice if you're going to marry my son in America.โ€ They would bargain, qBCX0OTsfCU-00198-00174335-00175140 what do you have to bring to this marriage? Well, we have a mule and some linens, a mulberry qBCX0OTsfCU-00199-00175140-00175768 tree. Then they called the daughter out, โ€œgreat news, you're going to be married next month qBCX0OTsfCU-00200-00175768-00176443 in St. Louis and they showed her a picture of her fiancรฉe in a store-bought suit and qBCX0OTsfCU-00201-00176443-00177203 gold tooth. All four women were called picture brides because they had only seen pictures qBCX0OTsfCU-00202-00177203-00177878 of their future because all the young men like my grandfather Sharon went there to work. qBCX0OTsfCU-00203-00177878-00178555 If you went back, you you'd lose two or three months of your life to expend a lot of money. qBCX0OTsfCU-00204-00178555-00179139 Everyone trusts their mother, right? They all went with a chaperone on a ship to New qBCX0OTsfCU-00205-00179139-00179704 York, railroad to St. Louis, at the train station they met their fiancรฉes and were qBCX0OTsfCU-00206-00179704-00180365 married the next morning. And divorce is unheard of in these days because you're not marrying qBCX0OTsfCU-00207-00180365-00181410 for love. You're marrying for survival. I mean if you're a young woman in Italy at this qBCX0OTsfCU-00208-00181410-00182144 time, all the young men are married. If you don't marry an Americano, is what they call qBCX0OTsfCU-00209-00182144-00182666 them, you entered the convent. If you were the youngest daughter you were the old maid, qBCX0OTsfCU-00210-00182666-00183142 you took care of the older relatives. qBCX0OTsfCU-00211-00183142-00184255 I talked to some mobsters. It was just amazing and really totally unmethodological. I've qBCX0OTsfCU-00212-00184255-00185197 read a lot of the books about oral history and they really bore me. What I want out of qBCX0OTsfCU-00213-00185197-00186105 it is some good stories that that will make a more colorful book. I'm not interested in qBCX0OTsfCU-00214-00186105-00186925 the academic nature of oral history, and yes I understand they may not be telling the truth qBCX0OTsfCU-00215-00186925-00188050 but I can check this out. To me it was also getting to know the community. qBCX0OTsfCU-00216-00188050-00188844 The finished book is called called โ€œImmigrants on the Hill: Italians in St. Louis.โ€ The qBCX0OTsfCU-00217-00188844-00189686 circle comes around when I met George Tyndall I met at the Conference of Southern Historians. qBCX0OTsfCU-00218-00189686-00190455 I think I had been at USF for a few months and I said Iโ€™m looking for a publisher. qBCX0OTsfCU-00219-00190455-00191726 He said I know very good friend at the University of Illinois Press, a big-time press, and that's qBCX0OTsfCU-00220-00191726-00192828 how qBCX0OTsfCU-00221-00192828-00194558 it happened I got the book published at University of Illinois and it came out in 1986. qBCX0OTsfCU-00222-00194558-00195462 The hill was so different than Ybor City. Religion was the cornerstone. In fact, it's qBCX0OTsfCU-00223-00195462-00196124 interesting there was a priest, I think he was in the article that got me interested qBCX0OTsfCU-00224-00196124-00197039 in the hill. His name was Salvatore Polizzi. He was called the guerrilla priest. In 1973, qBCX0OTsfCU-00225-00197039-00197618 he was one of the hundred most influential young Americans you know under age thirty. qBCX0OTsfCU-00226-00197618-00198275 He had been born in St. Louis and and it seemed like everyone on the hill wanted their daughter qBCX0OTsfCU-00227-00198275-00198610 to be a nun. qBCX0OTsfCU-00228-00198610-00199201 There was no reason for the hill to still be standing. Most communities like the hill qBCX0OTsfCU-00229-00199201-00199953 had been bulldozed over. The housing was not superior, it was kind of in a not-great area qBCX0OTsfCU-00230-00199953-00200614 of St. Louis surrounded by some some [worse] areas. But it was a community, and that's qBCX0OTsfCU-00231-00200614-00201565 the other thing that I really honed, was that is a community everyone seemed to want. qBCX0OTsfCU-00232-00201565-00202535 The government wanted to build an interstate highway through the community and they did qBCX0OTsfCU-00233-00202535-00203639 but [Polizzi and the church] got them to put in an overpass. That galvanized the community qBCX0OTsfCU-00234-00203639-00204535 in the early seventies, and [Polizzi] created this organization called Hill 2000. He said, qBCX0OTsfCU-00235-00204535-00205079 โ€œI want everyone in the community to agree that if you sell your house, you will sell qBCX0OTsfCU-00236-00205079-00205823 it to the Hill 2000โ€ฏnonprofit. We promise you will get top dollar, you can even work qBCX0OTsfCU-00237-00205823-00206915 with us. We want to ensure that the new families are the right fit and that doesn't simply qBCX0OTsfCU-00238-00206915-00207360 mean white. We'd like to get Italians, but we want people committed. Are you willing qBCX0OTsfCU-00239-00207360-00208502 to coach soccer? Are you willing to do Meals on Wheels? There was a place called Rosa's qBCX0OTsfCU-00240-00208502-00209236 bocce court at a tavern with an arbor of grapes growing over it. qBCX0OTsfCU-00241-00209236-00210613 Polizzi more than anyone else saved the community. From the first time we met I got off on the qBCX0OTsfCU-00242-00210613-00211242 wrong foot. I think he saw me as an interloper, that he knew a lot more about this, he was qBCX0OTsfCU-00243-00211242-00212055 suspicious, and I could never get him on my side. I said wonderful things about him and qBCX0OTsfCU-00244-00212055-00213190 ironically the book wins this prize from the American Catholic Historical Society. qBCX0OTsfCU-00245-00213190-00213817 The book is about to be published and the the guy from the University of Illinois press, qBCX0OTsfCU-00246-00213817-00214450 since I'd also interviewed Yogi Berra and Joe Garagiola, there's a chapter on sports qBCX0OTsfCU-00247-00214450-00215330 in there. Garagiola liked it so much he was telling me I'm getting you on the Today Show. qBCX0OTsfCU-00248-00215330-00216091 Unbeknownst to anyone he sends it to Polizzi, then I get a call from the publisher he's qBCX0OTsfCU-00249-00216091-00216872 saying, โ€œbad news. The priest demands that you delete a chapter in the book.โ€ There's qBCX0OTsfCU-00250-00216872-00217611 a chapter called โ€œA Still On The Hillโ€ about prohibition. Everyone I interviewed qBCX0OTsfCU-00251-00217611-00218063 was eager to talk about prohibition. It seemed like there must have been a bootleg still qBCX0OTsfCU-00252-00218063-00219126 in everyone's basement but it did not lead to dysfunction and crime, it led to upward qBCX0OTsfCU-00253-00219126-00219560 mobility. qBCX0OTsfCU-00254-00219560-00220018 Your first home would be the basement. My uncle had a place like that, it was just a qBCX0OTsfCU-00255-00220018-00220617 basement with a flat roof about three feet above the ground. If you had money later you qBCX0OTsfCU-00256-00220617-00221482 build a floor on top of that. Seemingly, they weren't even drinking the stuff. They had qBCX0OTsfCU-00257-00221482-00223281 their Chianti and things, but it was a kind of positive aspect of the community. There's qBCX0OTsfCU-00258-00223281-00223996 no way I'm going to delete the chapter and so he said well good luck when you return qBCX0OTsfCU-00259-00223996-00224467 to the hill. qBCX0OTsfCU-00260-00224467-00225135 I haven't seen him since but I gave a talk about two years ago on the hill. This group qBCX0OTsfCU-00261-00225135-00225722 invited me back and many of the children of the people I interviewed were there. Someone qBCX0OTsfCU-00262-00225722-00226355 comes up with and said Father Polizzi would like to talk. Here's his phone number. I feel qBCX0OTsfCU-00263-00226355-00228675 terrible I never called him I still have it. If I learned a lesson there, you probably qBCX0OTsfCU-00264-00228675-00229439 need to be a part of the community. I never I lived there and everything but it was a qBCX0OTsfCU-00265-00229439-00231551 means toward an end. qBCX0OTsfCU-00266-00231551-00232714 I'm teaching and about this timeโ€ฏMilliken calls UNC you and the guy there I knew said, qBCX0OTsfCU-00267-00232714-00234119 โ€œSomeone's on sabbatical, would you like to come for one year?โ€ Lynneโ€™s from Decatur qBCX0OTsfCU-00268-00234119-00235529 Illinois. It's two hours from St. Louis. So I did that and the guy came back. During [giving] qBCX0OTsfCU-00269-00235529-00236383 my first final examination, this would be in December 1974, Nixon's resigned, is kind qBCX0OTsfCU-00270-00236383-00237317 of interesting time. I tell the class โ€œI've got great news, my wife is pregnant and she qBCX0OTsfCU-00271-00237317-00238237 had just found out.โ€ Afterwards three coeds come up and they said haven't you read [The qBCX0OTsfCU-00273-00241569-00242761 So June came, the jobโ€™s over, Lynn delivers in July, so I spend a year babysitting Amy qBCX0OTsfCU-00274-00242761-00244398 and finishing the dissertation. I had no car, there was nowhere to go even if qBCX0OTsfCU-00275-00244398-00247051 I wanted to take the stroller, I had a radio. I taught qBCX0OTsfCU-00276-00247051-00247800 my first and third years [as a post-graduate student] I don't think there was ever any qBCX0OTsfCU-00277-00247800-00248436 optimism on my side that this was going to be permanent. The first salary I made was qBCX0OTsfCU-00278-00248436-00250606 nine thousand a year in 1974 and in 1976 I made twelve thousand. I even applied for a qBCX0OTsfCU-00279-00250606-00250921 policeman's job there. qBCX0OTsfCU-00280-00250921-00251892 I was about to take my physical exam and I been to a conference in Atlanta where I met qBCX0OTsfCU-00281-00251892-00253748 the guy and I interviewed at the University of South Florida. They wanted someone in immigration. qBCX0OTsfCU-00282-00253748-00254751 John Behlolovak was on the committee and they asked me to come back to campus. I came back qBCX0OTsfCU-00283-00254751-00257704 in May of 1977, Iโ€ฏgot the job offer. Luckily we sold our house easily enough. In those qBCX0OTsfCU-00284-00257704-00258421 days we were in the quarter system and classes didn't begin till late September. The reason qBCX0OTsfCU-00285-00258421-00258932 I know it was August, Elvis had died. In transit, I was in Chattanooga [where the] waitress qBCX0OTsfCU-00286-00258932-00259533 was in tears and she said โ€œHoney, the king has died.โ€ qBCX0OTsfCU-00287-00259533-00260196 We bought a place in Temple Terrace and I badly needed a haircut. On 56th Street, [I qBCX0OTsfCU-00288-00260196-00261201 found the] newly-opened Temple Terrace Barber College. There are three students, pimply qBCX0OTsfCU-00289-00261201-00261683 seventeenโ€ฏyear-olds and about a 65 or 70- year-old guy with a Van Dyke beard and the qBCX0OTsfCU-00290-00261683-00262225 guy says โ€œyou choose.โ€ The old guy is a humming a little Italian opera as heโ€™s qBCX0OTsfCU-00291-00262225-00263322 cutting my hair. At the end I said, โ€œPlease don't think I'm being nosy, but why would qBCX0OTsfCU-00292-00263322-00264164 you at your age think about barber college?โ€ He said, โ€œI just retired from 40โ€ฏyears qBCX0OTsfCU-00293-00264164-00264758 of teaching at the University of Tampa and my pension is so bad I need I need extra income. qBCX0OTsfCU-00294-00264758-00265770 I'm about to start my career. I wrote this up years later I think it was my 30th year qBCX0OTsfCU-00295-00265770-00266416 in Tampa. I wrote it in Leland Hawesโ€™s column but I never got the guyโ€™s name. Three of qBCX0OTsfCU-00296-00266416-00267184 the students wrote me and said โ€œyou've answered our question. We were walking by Wolf Brothers qBCX0OTsfCU-00297-00267184-00269139 a downtown men's store and we noticed that our former music professor was cutting hair.โ€ qBCX0OTsfCU-00299-00272552-00275396 ever recall Florida being mentioned. A blank-slate would be too kind. Most of qBCX0OTsfCU-00300-00275396-00276315 the research on The Hill book was finished and I think my first day in Tampa I went to qBCX0OTsfCU-00301-00276315-00277789 see Tony Pizzo. I swear it was the first or second day. He couldnโ€™t have been nicer qBCX0OTsfCU-00302-00277789-00279259 and looking back at it I'm a very lucky guy. Things fell in place. It is also the un-Hill. qBCX0OTsfCU-00303-00279259-00280063 On the hill religion was the cornerstone here it was almost an annoying institution. [On qBCX0OTsfCU-00304-00280063-00280989 the hill,] there was no labor movement and there there was also no documents. [In Ybor,] qBCX0OTsfCU-00305-00280989-00281309 you had documents. qBCX0OTsfCU-00306-00281309-00282527 At the time very few people had studied Ybor. There was this guy named Duward Long. I have qBCX0OTsfCU-00307-00282527-00285347 always been curious why he didn't do a book. He qBCX0OTsfCU-00308-00285347-00287242 was a very good historian. I'm not sure there was anything else in English. A woman named qBCX0OTsfCU-00309-00287242-00288623 Gloria Jahoda did a couple books at that time [in which] Ybor is casually mentioned. I probably qBCX0OTsfCU-00310-00288623-00289377 would not have studies Ybor had it not been for one of my UNC buddies George Pozetta. qBCX0OTsfCU-00311-00289377-00290198 Both George Pozetta and David Coburn arrived a year before me. Both of them had been Marine qBCX0OTsfCU-00312-00290198-00290969 captains in Vietnam. How many Vietnam vet professors do you know? I bet you can name qBCX0OTsfCU-00313-00290969-00292431 them on one hand. These guys were smart, they were both married, had kids, they had master's qBCX0OTsfCU-00314-00292431-00293604 degrees. Clearly they were [advancing quickly], ready to move on with their lives, and they're qBCX0OTsfCU-00315-00293604-00294153 also very disciplined. qBCX0OTsfCU-00316-00294153-00295425 George was studying New York Italians at UNC, an unlikely place for both of us to be studying qBCX0OTsfCU-00317-00295425-00295997 Italian immigrants. North Carolina may have had the fewest number of Italian immigrants qBCX0OTsfCU-00318-00295997-00297152 in America but we were there and then George and I became very close friends. He got a qBCX0OTsfCU-00321-00306242-00307061 to say, โ€œLet's do this together.โ€ I think George realized we were a really good team qBCX0OTsfCU-00322-00307061-00307765 a classic co-authorship. I was a better stylist than George, George was a better analyst. qBCX0OTsfCU-00323-00307765-00308475 He liked to look at you know the where this fits in the big picture. I never really liked qBCX0OTsfCU-00324-00308475-00309382 that and he knew I had the ability to interview these people, I was here. It made a formidable qBCX0OTsfCU-00325-00309382-00310199 team. Back to back books. qBCX0OTsfCU-00326-00310199-00310853 It's also a miracle were even having this conversation. It was a very tense time in qBCX0OTsfCU-00327-00310853-00311980 the history department and again I blame some of it on myself. It was an immensely talented qBCX0OTsfCU-00328-00311980-00312590 department, that was one of the problems. There was so much talent and so little money qBCX0OTsfCU-00329-00312590-00314081 and I didn't subscribe to some of the politics of the time. When I came up for tenure the qBCX0OTsfCU-00330-00314081-00314693 first time I had contracts with the hill book and it was โ€œin press.โ€ They definitely qBCX0OTsfCU-00331-00314693-00315267 sent a message to me, they turned me down. I got a zero for research. Technically it qBCX0OTsfCU-00332-00315267-00315679 wasn't turning me down, it was allowing me one more chance. In hindsight, I could have qBCX0OTsfCU-00333-00315679-00315808 very easily been let go. It was not a happy place. qBCX0OTsfCU-00334-00315808-00316004 In 1980, I got a one-year Fulbright fellowship to Sicily teaching. George was also going qBCX0OTsfCU-00335-00316004-00316433 to be in Italy at that time in Florence. Lou Perez, one of the most talented people I ever qBCX0OTsfCU-00336-00316433-00316742 knew, probably the best stylist. I don't know anyone who writes more and better. Lou said, qBCX0OTsfCU-00337-00316742-00316973 โ€œYou're out of your mind taking the Fulbright because you need to get your book out [to qBCX0OTsfCU-00338-00316973-00317264 earn tenure].โ€ I was defiant, I'm going to go. Consequently, I got not a dime from qBCX0OTsfCU-00339-00317264-00318110 the University [for Sicily]. From the research and language point of view, it was worth it. qBCX0OTsfCU-00340-00318110-00320750 Itโ€™s always been one of the highlights of my life and qBCX0OTsfCU-00341-00320750-00321421 I was able to get invaluable research both only the Hill book and Tampa with the archives qBCX0OTsfCU-00342-00321421-00321521 there. qBCX0OTsfCU-00343-00321521-00322739 It also changed my path. I remember I when I was in [Sicily] in โ€™81,โ€ฏI would go in qBCX0OTsfCU-00344-00322739-00323624 every week to the American Embassy library in Rome. It was a tumultuous year in Florida. qBCX0OTsfCU-00345-00323624-00324626 I'd go in and read The International Herald Tribune and Florida is in flames, you had qBCX0OTsfCU-00346-00324626-00325253 the race riots in Miami, the Haitian boatpeople, Mariel and I'm thinking when I get these two qBCX0OTsfCU-00347-00325253-00326110 books done I think I'm going to make a transition to Florida. It seemed to me that at that time qBCX0OTsfCU-00348-00326110-00326738 there weren't many people studying Florida and this is going to become a pretty important qBCX0OTsfCU-00349-00326738-00328332 state. I realized only at that time that the greatest story in my lifetime maybe was happening qBCX0OTsfCU-00350-00328332-00330065 in Florida every day. I'll have tenure, so if I write a book I'm not gonna write an academic qBCX0OTsfCU-00351-00330065-00330745 book, I'm going to write a popular book. So that was a very critical time. qBCX0OTsfCU-00352-00330745-00331331 George and I went down there [Santo Stefano, Sicily], we arrived St. Joseph's Day. Tony qBCX0OTsfCU-00353-00331331-00332324 Pizzo gave us the name of the school principal he took both of us, took our arms and we walked qBCX0OTsfCU-00354-00332324-00333408 down the Main Street. He would just kind of nod to people and saying โ€œthe Americans qBCX0OTsfCU-00355-00333408-00334084 have arrived.โ€ The Italian anti-defamation league is organizing and it's this period qBCX0OTsfCU-00356-00334084-00334761 they call the ethnic revival. The buttons,โ€Kiss me, I'm Italian!โ€ qBCX0OTsfCU-00357-00334761-00335793 [I tried and failed to interview Santo Trafficante.] I did interview Danny Alvarez [in] Seminole qBCX0OTsfCU-00358-00335793-00336769 Heights where Danny Alvarez is, poor guy just lost one his legs to diabetes, but his story qBCX0OTsfCU-00359-00336769-00337549 is worthy of a screenplay. He's a young kid during the Spanish Civil War his father is qBCX0OTsfCU-00360-00337549-00338178 obviously very supportive of Republican side and then Franco triumphed. The father comes qBCX0OTsfCU-00361-00338178-00339058 home gives his sons hugs which he thought was strange. He goes back, shoots his boss qBCX0OTsfCU-00362-00339058-00339601 who's a Franco sympathizer, and then kills himself. His poor kid is essentially an orphan qBCX0OTsfCU-00363-00339601-00340687 and he gets a job at a Seminole Heights drug store run by Curtis Hixon, who becomes a city qBCX0OTsfCU-00364-00340687-00341290 councilman, and Alvarez I may be the first Latin policeman there. Hixon brings him on qBCX0OTsfCU-00365-00341290-00342055 as his bag man and he's telling me about making these pickups during elections he'd say โ€œI'd qBCX0OTsfCU-00366-00342055-00342775 get a hundred, two hundred.โ€ I said โ€œdollars?โ€ He said, โ€œNo, hundreds of thousands.โ€ qBCX0OTsfCU-00367-00342775-00343197 Heโ€™d take money to Tallahassee. qBCX0OTsfCU-00368-00343197-00345537 I interviewed [Tampa Mayor] Nick Nuccio three times he was he would always dress up. The qBCX0OTsfCU-00370-00348782-00350692 was hiding it, because he would wear a suit that had holes that moths had eaten. I'd go qBCX0OTsfCU-00371-00350692-00352729 down to Ybor City twice a week, often to the Italian Club, Cuban Club, and there would qBCX0OTsfCU-00372-00352729-00353740 always be people there and those having coffee. I don't think anyone ever turned me down. qBCX0OTsfCU-00375-00361197-00363684 don't think they transcribed all of them eventually I think USF transcribed the rest. The other qBCX0OTsfCU-00376-00363684-00365513 thing that cannot be underestimated is {USF Tampa] Special Collections. I don't know if qBCX0OTsfCU-00377-00365513-00368341 [director] J. Dobkin had any great interest in Ybor but was willing to support [relevant qBCX0OTsfCU-00378-00368341-00369552 collections] and probably change the direction of the Special Collections. The Pizzo and qBCX0OTsfCU-00379-00369552-00370697 Hampton Dunn collections were huge [acquisitions]. Glenn Westfall should be given credit for qBCX0OTsfCU-00380-00370697-00371783 bringing in the cigar label collections, Osterweil. Looking back at it the real story is just qBCX0OTsfCU-00386-00408859-00410827 Bob Kerstein. Bob and I arrived the same year. Bob was in St. Louis when I was in St. Louis qBCX0OTsfCU-00387-00410827-00412542 [but] we didn't know one another. qDoApdSW7oY-00000-00000254-00000754 Hi, there. We're going to work on some story problems qDoApdSW7oY-00001-00000754-00001200 that emphasize maximizing or minimizing qDoApdSW7oY-00002-00001200-00001663 elements of a quadratic equation. So here's a quadratic qDoApdSW7oY-00003-00001663-00002022 right here: s = -16 t-squared qDoApdSW7oY-00004-00002022-00002722 plus 32 t. You notice the leading term is negative16 t-squared so the graph is an qDoApdSW7oY-00005-00002851-00003257 inverted parabola, and here's what the story problem says: qDoApdSW7oY-00006-00003257-00003695 If a baseball is projected upward from ground level qDoApdSW7oY-00008-00004000-00004453 what is the maximum height reached? qDoApdSW7oY-00009-00004453-00004782 We are going to be looking for qDoApdSW7oY-00010-00004782-00005184 the vertex of the parabola: (h,k) qDoApdSW7oY-00011-00005184-00005507 We're gonna be looking for the maximum height qDoApdSW7oY-00012-00005507-00005869 in this context where "t" is acting like qDoApdSW7oY-00013-00005869-00006364 "x". "h" is going to be whatever t is, qDoApdSW7oY-00015-00006765-00007069 "h" will be the number of seconds it takes qDoApdSW7oY-00016-00007069-00007611 for the ball to reach "k" feet high, which is the maximum height qDoApdSW7oY-00017-00007611-00007913 located at qDoApdSW7oY-00018-00007913-00008436 the very top of the parabola, so we have to find qDoApdSW7oY-00019-00008436-00008844 h in order to find k. Notice we use qDoApdSW7oY-00020-00008844-00009257 a formula to find h: h = fraction negative b over 2a . qDoApdSW7oY-00021-00009257-00009758 We find h is 1 second. qDoApdSW7oY-00022-00009758-00010065 substitute 1 into the original formula qDoApdSW7oY-00023-00010065-00010379 and we see that qDoApdSW7oY-00024-00010379-00010702 k equal 16 feet, qDoApdSW7oY-00025-00010702-00011061 so the highest point qDoApdSW7oY-00026-00011061-00011761 reached by the ball is 16 feet. qDoApdSW7oY-00027-00011929-00012095 okay qDoApdSW7oY-00028-00012095-00012469 Let's go on to another problem: A rocket is fired qDoApdSW7oY-00029-00012469-00012951 upward from some initial distance above the ground. qDoApdSW7oY-00031-00013097-00013401 Itss height in feet above the ground qDoApdSW7oY-00032-00013401-00014021 "t" seconds after it is fired is given by the formula h equals -16 t-squared plus 144t qDoApdSW7oY-00034-00014110-00014606 plus 832. What is the maximum height reached by the rocket? qDoApdSW7oY-00035-00014606-00015038 Again, we have to find the vertex coordinate k, that's the maximum height qDoApdSW7oY-00036-00015038-00015466 but, before you can find k, you have to find the vertex coordinate h of the ordered pair (h,k) qDoApdSW7oY-00037-00015466-00015866 "h" is the amount of time (in seconds) it takes qDoApdSW7oY-00038-00015866-00016196 for the rocket to reach its maximum height qDoApdSW7oY-00039-00016196-00016549 so if you find qDoApdSW7oY-00040-00016549-00017207 h first, you find out its 4.5 seconds by using our favorite formula qDoApdSW7oY-00041-00017207-00017633 h = fraction -b qDoApdSW7oY-00042-00017633-00018333 divided by 2a. qDoApdSW7oY-00043-00018384-00018962 So, here we're going to work it. qDoApdSW7oY-00044-00018962-00019645 s = -16 T-square plus qDoApdSW7oY-00045-00019645-00020234 144 t plus qDoApdSW7oY-00046-00020234-00020626 832. This is the parabola qDoApdSW7oY-00047-00020626-00021026 formed by the graph and qDoApdSW7oY-00048-00021026-00021682 there is the vertex, the highest point. qDoApdSW7oY-00049-00021682-00021990 We have to find h first with which is the time qDoApdSW7oY-00050-00021990-00022388 it takes the rocket to get to k, and k is qDoApdSW7oY-00051-00022388-00023049 maximum height. So here we fill in our formula qDoApdSW7oY-00053-00024001-00024484 and using a trusted calculator we come up with 4.5 seconds, qDoApdSW7oY-00054-00024484-00024815 that's how long it takes the rocket to get to k feet above the ground. qDoApdSW7oY-00055-00024815-00025376 Now, to find out what k is, he take the 4.5 seconds qDoApdSW7oY-00056-00025376-00025782 and you put it back in every t qDoApdSW7oY-00057-00025782-00026482 in the original formula qDoApdSW7oY-00058-00026625-00026851 and you use your trusted calculator qDoApdSW7oY-00059-00026851-00027551 and you get your answer. qDoApdSW7oY-00060-00028775-00029475 So, there's your time, qDoApdSW7oY-00061-00029498-00030102 and there's the maximum height. qDoApdSW7oY-00062-00030102-00030503 Next problem: Aki's Bicycle Designs has determined that when qDoApdSW7oY-00063-00030503-00031003 x hundred bicycles are built, the average cost per bicycle qDoApdSW7oY-00064-00031003-00031509 is given by the formula: function C of x equals 0.2x squared qDoApdSW7oY-00065-00031509-00032066 minus 0.9x plus 5.311, where C(x) is in hundreds of dollars. qDoApdSW7oY-00066-00032066-00032501 Alright, well, h is the same thing that x is. qDoApdSW7oY-00067-00032501-00032953 In this case, h is the number of bicycles built, qDoApdSW7oY-00068-00032953-00033255 it's the particular number bicycles built qDoApdSW7oY-00070-00033614-00033965 that will minimize the cost of the bicycles Aki's would have to pay, parts and pedals, etc. qDoApdSW7oY-00071-00033965-00034268 Why would Aki's want to minimize their costs? qDoApdSW7oY-00072-00034268-00034713 Heck, so they could maximize their profits. qDoApdSW7oY-00073-00034713-00035213 Every entrepreneur wants to minimize their costs qDoApdSW7oY-00074-00035213-00035643 so they can maximize their profits. qDoApdSW7oY-00075-00035643-00036066 Let's fill in our formula for h because we have to know qDoApdSW7oY-00076-00036066-00036453 h before we can find k. qDoApdSW7oY-00077-00036453-00036870 k is what actually gets maximized or minimized qDoApdSW7oY-00078-00036870-00037211 in this case it's going to be the minimum cost qDoApdSW7oY-00079-00037211-00037663 but we have to find the number bicycles, h. qDoApdSW7oY-00080-00037663-00037990 h how many bicycles we have to build in qDoApdSW7oY-00081-00037990-00038370 order to make the cost per bicycle qDoApdSW7oY-00082-00038370-00038913 to Aki the very smallest qDoApdSW7oY-00084-00039449-00039974 h = 2.25 hundreds, that is, we have to build 225 bicycles to minimize the cost per bicycle. qDoApdSW7oY-00086-00040658-00041247 all we had to do there was find h. qDoApdSW7oY-00087-00041247-00041567 Next. Here is out last math problem: The profit of the company qDoApdSW7oY-00088-00041567-00041930 in dollars is the difference between the company's revenue, qDoApdSW7oY-00089-00041930-00042276 which is the amount of money you take in as payment, and the cost. qDoApdSW7oY-00090-00042276-00042758 Cost is the amount of money you have to spend to keep your company in business. qDoApdSW7oY-00091-00042758-00043158 the rest to the problem says that x represents the number qDoApdSW7oY-00092-00043158-00043568 of items produced and sold by the distributors. qDoApdSW7oY-00093-00043568-00043938 So here are you two formulas: the total cost is this (marking formula on screen) qDoApdSW7oY-00094-00043938-00044483 and the total revenue is this (marking the formula on screen) and what we want to do qDoApdSW7oY-00095-00044483-00044697 is determine not just the profit but the maximum qDoApdSW7oY-00096-00044697-00045286 profit so the first thing we have to do is figure out the profit function qDoApdSW7oY-00097-00045286-00045740 profit is going to equal revenue minus cost qDoApdSW7oY-00098-00045740-00046156 so here we've got revenue and we're subtracting cost. qDoApdSW7oY-00099-00046156-00046856 we're going to calculate that qDoApdSW7oY-00100-00047294-00047563 so we find out that the profit qDoApdSW7oY-00101-00047563-00047998 function qDoApdSW7oY-00102-00047998-00048402 written properly in descending order the way we do with polynomials qDoApdSW7oY-00103-00048402-00048828 is negative x-squared qDoApdSW7oY-00104-00048828-00049528 plus 800x minus 2500 qDoApdSW7oY-00105-00050353-00050986 Part a) is determine the maximum profit, which is k. qDoApdSW7oY-00107-00051305-00051729 but you have to find h first qDoApdSW7oY-00108-00051729-00052109 h is going to be whatever x is, but the qDoApdSW7oY-00109-00052109-00052567 amount of x that it takes to get to the maximum profit. qDoApdSW7oY-00110-00052567-00052977 Oops. I have run out of room here. qDoApdSW7oY-00111-00052977-00053677 Let's go over to the next page. qDoApdSW7oY-00112-00054366-00055066 Here's our profit function again. qDoApdSW7oY-00113-00055918-00056273 yes I wrote 250 rather than 2500, but I am coming back to fix that. qDoApdSW7oY-00114-00056273-00056913 That bothers me. qDoApdSW7oY-00116-00057746-00058385 Alright, so we have here that h is 400. qDoApdSW7oY-00117-00058385-00058750 We take h = 400 and we substitute it into all the x's qDoApdSW7oY-00118-00058750-00059450 in the profit function and then we calculate the answer. qDoApdSW7oY-00119-00061070-00061116 there qDoApdSW7oY-00120-00061116-00061532 I fixed it, yeeee. This is my voice over qDoApdSW7oY-00121-00061532-00062066 after I did this problem while I was sitting in the car waiting for jury duty today. qDoApdSW7oY-00123-00062416-00062767 So, this is the maximum profit qDoApdSW7oY-00124-00062767-00063102 the most money the owner could possibly bring in qDoApdSW7oY-00125-00063102-00063558 given the cost and the revenue $157,500 qIG6ocp3SX0-00000-00000072-00000088 hi qIG6ocp3SX0-00001-00000368-00001048 uh so many questions uh one answer yeah yeah just uh i just qIG6ocp3SX0-00002-00001176-00001560 just you know i have so many big questions little questions you know just qIG6ocp3SX0-00003-00001560-00002000 how did we get here where do you go when you're not talking to us uh you know do we get to go to qIG6ocp3SX0-00004-00002000-00002496 other places there's never a time that we're not talking to you do we get to go be other qIG6ocp3SX0-00005-00002496-00003072 beings on different planets or just humans on earth or this is the leading edge this is qIG6ocp3SX0-00006-00003072-00003728 the leading edge of everything that you're about and everything that we are about okay yeah so um qIG6ocp3SX0-00007-00003944-00004472 i mean i i do have tons and tons of questions but what i really really want to know uh really qIG6ocp3SX0-00008-00004472-00005176 really really as you like to say is um so so far in my 50 years here at least this trip to earth qIG6ocp3SX0-00009-00005272-00005856 um i've yet to find uh you know the one there's your problem right there well i mean just qIG6ocp3SX0-00010-00005952-00006752 so rare a long lasting so rare v1 yeah okay how about a1 not one of the ones qIG6ocp3SX0-00011-00006888-00007295 but the one that very rare impossible to find qIG6ocp3SX0-00012-00007584-00008384 hardest thing i've ever done one how about a1 oh well okay well anyway now qIG6ocp3SX0-00013-00008384-00009080 now you say the words are only indicative of the vibration but you gotta admit it feels big qIG6ocp3SX0-00014-00009080-00009624 and it feels important and so you have more challenge in it than you do positive expectation qIG6ocp3SX0-00015-00009624-00010040 and more worry about it in other words what if i find the one that i think is the one qIG6ocp3SX0-00016-00010040-00010600 and it isn't the one and now i'm stuck with the one that isn't the one now what do i do qIG6ocp3SX0-00017-00010600-00011192 with this one that isn't the one who thinks that they're the one wants to be the one qIG6ocp3SX0-00018-00011368-00012152 signed on to be the one be mad as hell if it doesn't turn out to be the one or what if i qIG6ocp3SX0-00019-00012152-00012784 walked past her and didn't notice her or something yeah yeah yeah what about that the real question qIG6ocp3SX0-00020-00012928-00013568 the real question is the real question is do you believe that there is a vibrational reality qIG6ocp3SX0-00021-00013568-00014232 that contains this person yes and do you believe that your inner being knows qIG6ocp3SX0-00022-00014232-00014680 what your path of least resistance is to the unfolding of that my inner being qIG6ocp3SX0-00023-00014680-00015112 does yes and do you believe that your inner being is deliberately keeping it from you qIG6ocp3SX0-00024-00015408-00015904 i would have to say notification that your intervene is giving you clue after clue after qIG6ocp3SX0-00025-00015904-00016504 clue after clue that's just bouncing off of you because you're so worried worried that your inner qIG6ocp3SX0-00026-00016504-00016888 being doesn't know you're not worried that your inner being doesn't know you're worried that you qIG6ocp3SX0-00027-00016888-00017360 won't hear it right right so what we're talking about here is you don't have confidence that qIG6ocp3SX0-00028-00017360-00017952 you're able to hear clearly about this important thing right so do you believe that you're able to qIG6ocp3SX0-00029-00017952-00018648 hear clearly about other important things yes like esther believes that she can hear clearly about qIG6ocp3SX0-00030-00018744-00019656 rats chewing on wires now now so you do believe that you can hear clearly about some things yes so qIG6ocp3SX0-00031-00019656-00020280 start there in order to bolster your expectation about your ability to be in the receiving mode qIG6ocp3SX0-00032-00020360-00020672 can you activate some of that now through conversation qIG6ocp3SX0-00033-00020672-00021184 there was in what ways do you know that you're tuned in tapped in turned on how do you know qIG6ocp3SX0-00034-00021392-00021752 do you receive impulses that turn out to be really good impulses qIG6ocp3SX0-00035-00021904-00022512 yeah i guess sometimes i just have have had a challenge in deciphering you know which which qIG6ocp3SX0-00036-00022512-00022976 is it well that's always the way wouldn't all of you say that i believe that my inner being exists qIG6ocp3SX0-00037-00022976-00023472 and i believe that there are messages and so this is the reason that our way of explaining it to you qIG6ocp3SX0-00038-00023528-00024128 is evolving over time because these are the things that we wanted you to come back into qIG6ocp3SX0-00039-00024184-00024752 awareness of some things that you had sort of forgotten or replaced with other things that qIG6ocp3SX0-00040-00024752-00025368 were not accurate so this is the way we began you create your own reality and people liked it and qIG6ocp3SX0-00041-00025368-00025760 didn't like it you sort of freaked out when you realized that and then we began explaining about qIG6ocp3SX0-00042-00025760-00026248 law of attraction and that you get what you think about whether you want it or not that by thinking qIG6ocp3SX0-00043-00026248-00026776 thoughts you create vibrational atmosphere that makes you conducive to the receiving of things qIG6ocp3SX0-00044-00026776-00027239 like that in fact today we want to say something to you that you have probably not heard us say qIG6ocp3SX0-00045-00027239-00027744 before because we have not said it in this context when we talk about law of attraction we're really qIG6ocp3SX0-00046-00027744-00028368 talking about the power of influence we're talking about if someone is really sure about something so qIG6ocp3SX0-00047-00028368-00028952 they have no split energy about it they have more energy flowing through them and it is more likely qIG6ocp3SX0-00048-00028952-00029464 for you to pick up that from them because of the power with which they are broadcasting because qIG6ocp3SX0-00049-00029464-00030160 they're not splitting their energy does that make sense to you and so as you are wanting to receive qIG6ocp3SX0-00050-00030160-00030672 the power of influence from your inner being then you can't be in vibrational contradiction to your qIG6ocp3SX0-00051-00030672-00031127 inner being and so we began talking to you about law of attraction you get what you think about qIG6ocp3SX0-00052-00031127-00031560 and then we begin saying to you that when you know what you don't want you know what you do want and qIG6ocp3SX0-00053-00031560-00032144 this is all part of the deciphering process of you creating your own reality now we would like qIG6ocp3SX0-00054-00032144-00032968 to say in a very clear way all of your creative work happened and happens in step one experiences qIG6ocp3SX0-00055-00032968-00033720 it's in that exploring a variety that you create your own reality i know i don't want this i want qIG6ocp3SX0-00056-00033720-00034520 this so step one is where the majority of the creation happens with you think about that it's qIG6ocp3SX0-00057-00034520-00035072 done you've already done it step two is here's this vibrational reality where your inner being is qIG6ocp3SX0-00058-00035160-00035888 trust us it's real it says vibrational reality where your inner being is so when you ask it is qIG6ocp3SX0-00059-00035888-00036392 given vibrationally but step three is you got to get in the receiving mode well that's what qIG6ocp3SX0-00060-00036392-00036936 we are really talking about these days with as much emphasis as we can find you've already done qIG6ocp3SX0-00061-00036936-00037808 the creating now your emphasis is upon preparing yourself vibrationally so that you are receptive qIG6ocp3SX0-00062-00037808-00038464 to the ideas so we've offered endless processes about how to do that try to think better feeling qIG6ocp3SX0-00063-00038464-00038944 thoughts and make lists of positive aspects and do rampages of appreciation and look for reasons qIG6ocp3SX0-00064-00038944-00039400 to feel good and find the best feeling thought that you can find in any moment and move up the qIG6ocp3SX0-00065-00039400-00039888 emotional scale and if you feel despair then reach for revenge and if you feel revenge then reach qIG6ocp3SX0-00066-00039888-00040344 for anger and if you feel anger then reach for frustration if you feel frustration then reach for qIG6ocp3SX0-00067-00040344-00040816 hope in other words there have been so many things that we've talked about over time to help you qIG6ocp3SX0-00068-00040880-00041560 prepare yourself deliberately and these days what we're saying to you is quiet your mind is the best qIG6ocp3SX0-00069-00041560-00042000 preparation that you can offer because when you quiet your mind you stop thought and when you qIG6ocp3SX0-00070-00042000-00042480 stop thought you stop resistance and when you've stopped resistance you're in the receiving mode so qIG6ocp3SX0-00071-00042480-00043032 if you can just manage to sit for 15 or 20 minutes every morning and focus upon something that is qIG6ocp3SX0-00072-00043032-00043400 not interesting at all like the flickering of a flame or the dripping of a faucet or qIG6ocp3SX0-00073-00043400-00043864 esther listens to the air conditioner that's why it matters so much to her she just loves the qIG6ocp3SX0-00074-00043864-00044480 sound of the air conditioner because it's boring because she doesn't feel comparative about it oh qIG6ocp3SX0-00075-00044480-00044984 that's the best air conditioner i've ever heard she doesn't think any of those thoughts so she's qIG6ocp3SX0-00076-00044984-00045616 able to quiet her mind easily today in her room when she sat to meditate can you hear this sound qIG6ocp3SX0-00077-00045728-00046128 it sounds sort of like that but it was more like the sound of the building qIG6ocp3SX0-00078-00046248-00046656 she wasn't sure if it was water running through pipes she didn't know what it was she just qIG6ocp3SX0-00079-00046728-00047392 tried to isolate it that's a good word isolate a particular frequency in whatever she thought qIG6ocp3SX0-00080-00047392-00048128 she was hearing and since she had no idea what it was it was nice to focus on and then the qIG6ocp3SX0-00081-00048128-00048576 phone rang in the room next door but she was isolated around that so she barely noticed it qIG6ocp3SX0-00082-00048640-00049088 and the television was on in the room next to her but she thought this is really good because qIG6ocp3SX0-00083-00049088-00049768 i'm focusing around the sound of that television and i'm focused upon the sound of the building qIG6ocp3SX0-00084-00049768-00050400 and then she heard a little bit of traffic just for a moment but she focused around she isolated qIG6ocp3SX0-00085-00050400-00051032 the sound that she wanted to focus upon and she thought oh this is way good because in most of qIG6ocp3SX0-00086-00051032-00051576 the places where esther lives there's no sound except the sound that she introduces in but she qIG6ocp3SX0-00087-00051576-00052167 thought this is really good because this is more like a real life experience where i have to focus qIG6ocp3SX0-00088-00052167-00052816 myself deliberately so she focused upon that sound and when you manage to isolate a sound and focus qIG6ocp3SX0-00089-00052816-00053464 on it for just a little while your mind becomes a blank slate all thought ceases when there's no qIG6ocp3SX0-00090-00053464-00053976 thought there's no resistant thought and when there's no resistant thought she's now in that qIG6ocp3SX0-00091-00053976-00054784 neutral place where oh and here's what happens her inner being is the only thought that's thinking qIG6ocp3SX0-00092-00055000-00055376 and since that's the only thought that's thinking her vibration just qIG6ocp3SX0-00093-00055376-00056200 rose to the vibrational level of that thought ah instant bliss once she got there you see qIG6ocp3SX0-00094-00056200-00056736 so that's that receiving us so we told you about law of attraction we told you you're the creator qIG6ocp3SX0-00095-00056736-00057072 of your own reality we encouraged you to try to think the best feeling thought you could think qIG6ocp3SX0-00096-00057072-00057600 and now we're talking to you about here's this vibrational reality that is ready for you to qIG6ocp3SX0-00097-00057600-00058384 receive and you are most likely the only component in this equation who isn't cooperating because you qIG6ocp3SX0-00098-00058384-00059112 think there's only one and hard to find but your inner being knows otherwise but now you've quieted qIG6ocp3SX0-00099-00059112-00059752 your mind so you're not thinking that right now that thought is not part of the hindering qIG6ocp3SX0-00100-00059752-00060576 equation you're not thinking that thought you're focused on nothing so you're not competing qIG6ocp3SX0-00101-00060576-00061255 with what your inner being knows about that and so all your resistance on your path right now qIG6ocp3SX0-00102-00061255-00062240 is not there and in that situation you are going to not only feel good but likely especially qIG6ocp3SX0-00103-00062240-00062816 if you've done it for a few mornings you're going to get an impulse a good feeling impulse qIG6ocp3SX0-00104-00062872-00063591 to do something to go somewhere to be somewhere and if you have the willingness to follow that qIG6ocp3SX0-00105-00063664-00064240 what might feel to you like an illogical impulse because it came from your inner being and it qIG6ocp3SX0-00106-00064240-00064888 wasn't on your things to do today list but you follow it anyway and then you have the wonderful qIG6ocp3SX0-00107-00064888-00065552 experience of the payoff being obvious to you esther was so glad those rats had chewed that wire qIG6ocp3SX0-00108-00065648-00066296 it was so satisfying to her to receive an impulse she thought she was looking for a leaf or a piece qIG6ocp3SX0-00109-00066296-00066816 of a banana tree or a piece of plastic that had broken off in there in other words she didn't know qIG6ocp3SX0-00110-00066816-00067352 she was leading that man right to the solution that he had not been able to find and so qIG6ocp3SX0-00111-00067352-00067864 when the payoff came she was so happy and he looked at her like hey lady it's just a wire qIG6ocp3SX0-00112-00068264-00068896 and esther didn't try to explain oh there's so much more to this story there's so much more qIG6ocp3SX0-00113-00068896-00069520 going on here so feel how your understanding of your relationship with this vibrational reality qIG6ocp3SX0-00114-00069520-00070280 is evolving feel how you are now focused with us right here on you preparing qIG6ocp3SX0-00115-00070280-00070896 your petri dish to be as receptive as you can be for the step three part of the equation because qIG6ocp3SX0-00116-00070896-00071440 you already did the work in step one and source already did the work in step two source and law qIG6ocp3SX0-00117-00071440-00071888 of attraction have already rounded up all the cooperative components and what you want is all qIG6ocp3SX0-00118-00071888-00072504 cued up ready for you to receive but if you say what if i miss this person you've been saying this qIG6ocp3SX0-00119-00072504-00073328 in very poetic ways for years what if i go to the dock and my ship has already come and i've qIG6ocp3SX0-00120-00073328-00073720 missed it and we say there's another one and another one and another one qIG6ocp3SX0-00121-00073720-00074168 and another one and another one and another one and another one and another one and another one qIG6ocp3SX0-00122-00074168-00074952 and another one you cannot possibly be in the resistant mode forever because you will croak qIG6ocp3SX0-00123-00075328-00075720 we just don't think you should have to croak to get into the receiving mode we think you are qIG6ocp3SX0-00124-00075720-00076368 capable of quieting your mind and letting yourself receive impulses that will lead you along the way qIaId_0eaVk-00000-00001677-00002014 Hello everybody, and welcome to a new episode of News Bites! qIaId_0eaVk-00001-00002014-00002147 I'm Trevor Tortomasi... qIaId_0eaVk-00002-00002147-00002306 And I'm Nancy Sun. qIaId_0eaVk-00003-00002306-00002473 In today's news: qIaId_0eaVk-00004-00002473-00003060 No more styrofoam cups for Taiwan, things get more expensive, and Marcel qIaId_0eaVk-00005-00003060-00003202 makes a movie. qIaId_0eaVk-00006-00003202-00003629 All that and more, coming up next. qIaId_0eaVk-00007-00003629-00003804 ________________________________ qIaId_0eaVk-00008-00003804-00004290 ๅฐ็ฃ็ฆๆญขไฟ้บ—้พๆฏ No More Styrofoam Cups for Taiwan qIaId_0eaVk-00009-00004290-00005025 If you forget your reusable (็’ฐไฟๆฏ) cups at home, it may be time to change qIaId_0eaVk-00010-00005025-00005125 that. qIaId_0eaVk-00011-00005125-00005723 Starting from July 1st, Taiwan's Environmental Protection Agency will not qIaId_0eaVk-00012-00005723-00006382 allow stores to use single-use polystyrene, or "styrofoam" (ไฟ้บ—้พ) cups qIaId_0eaVk-00013-00006382-00006497 anymore. qIaId_0eaVk-00014-00006497-00006914 This means you'll probably need a reusable cup, when you buy drinks from qIaId_0eaVk-00015-00006914-00007542 coffee shops and tea shops, from places like FamilyMart or 7-11, or even at qIaId_0eaVk-00016-00007542-00008141 fast food (้€Ÿ้ฃŸ) stores and supermarkets. qIaId_0eaVk-00017-00008141-00009445 Polystyrene, or "styrofoam", is one of the most popular plastics in the world. qIaId_0eaVk-00018-00009445-00010025 It is formed when its molecules (ๅˆ†ๅญ) connect together to become a long qIaId_0eaVk-00019-00010025-00010139 chain (้Šๅญ). qIaId_0eaVk-00020-00010139-00010750 A German inventor discovered polystyrene during the 1930s, but it wasn't qIaId_0eaVk-00021-00010750-00011169 "officially" invented until 1941. qIaId_0eaVk-00022-00011169-00011647 Companies like using it for packaging because polystyrene is very flexible qIaId_0eaVk-00023-00011647-00011831 (ๆœ‰ๅฝˆๆ€ง็š„). qIaId_0eaVk-00024-00011831-00012417 But polystyrene is bad for the environment, because it is very, very qIaId_0eaVk-00025-00012417-00012755 difficult to recycle (ๅ›žๆ”ถ). qIaId_0eaVk-00026-00012755-00013287 And companies like making polystyrene, more than they like reusing or qIaId_0eaVk-00027-00013287-00013436 recycling it. qIaId_0eaVk-00028-00013436-00014038 To recycle what is known as "food-grade" (้ฃŸๅ“็ดš) polystyrene, the food from qIaId_0eaVk-00029-00014038-00014481 containers has to be washed off first, before it is dried. qIaId_0eaVk-00030-00014481-00014853 Then it is ground into something called "fluff". qIaId_0eaVk-00031-00014853-00015434 Fluff is melted, and then turned into threads made with polystyrene. qIaId_0eaVk-00032-00015434-00016162 That means only 12 percent of polystyrene gets recycled in the end. qIaId_0eaVk-00033-00016162-00016492 ้€™ไปฃ่กจๅชๆœ‰็™พๅˆ†ไน‹ๅไบŒ็š„ไฟ้บ—้พๆœ€็ต‚่ขซๅ›žๆ”ถใ€‚ qIaId_0eaVk-00034-00016492-00017042 Because polystyrene cannot pollute our air or our water, some people think qIaId_0eaVk-00035-00017042-00017306 polystyrene is not so bad. qIaId_0eaVk-00036-00017306-00017860 But the bad part is, most of the polystyrene that people make ends up in the qIaId_0eaVk-00037-00017860-00018423 ocean. qIaId_0eaVk-00038-00018423-00018985 Fish and other animals could die if they eat the polystyrene. qIaId_0eaVk-00039-00018985-00019485 This means, like banning (็ฆๆญข) the use of plastic straws, banning qIaId_0eaVk-00040-00019485-00020002 polystyrene could be the only way to keep this type of plastic out of our qIaId_0eaVk-00041-00020002-00020123 environment. qIaId_0eaVk-00042-00020123-00020581 And that will protect not only Taiwan's fish, but also other animals that qIaId_0eaVk-00043-00020581-00021041 might live near the water, too. qIaId_0eaVk-00044-00021041-00021207 ________________________________ qIaId_0eaVk-00045-00021207-00021374 ็‚บไป€้บผๆฑ่ฅฟ่ถŠไพ†่ถŠ่ฒด๏ผŸ qIaId_0eaVk-00046-00021374-00021641 Why Are Things More Expensive? qIaId_0eaVk-00047-00021641-00021986 If you go to the market with someone from your family, like your qIaId_0eaVk-00048-00021986-00022488 grandparents, parents, or uncle and aunt, you might hear them complaining. qIaId_0eaVk-00049-00022488-00022869 You might hear them say "Why is everything so expensive?" qIaId_0eaVk-00050-00022869-00023342 It's because of something called inflation (้€š่ฒจ่†จ่„น). qIaId_0eaVk-00051-00023342-00023722 That's when the price of something goes up. qIaId_0eaVk-00052-00023722-00024146 And that means you can buy less with the money you have. qIaId_0eaVk-00053-00024146-00024901 For example, when your candy bar used to cost 30 NT, and it now costs 33 NT, qIaId_0eaVk-00054-00024901-00025034 that's inflation. qIaId_0eaVk-00055-00025034-00025547 When the price of your favorite snack goes from 20 NT to 25 NT, that's qIaId_0eaVk-00056-00025547-00025781 inflation too. qIaId_0eaVk-00057-00025781-00026314 Inflation is when things become so expensive that you cannot buy as many qIaId_0eaVk-00058-00026314-00026637 things with the money you earn. qIaId_0eaVk-00059-00026637-00026950 Inflation can happen for many, many reasons. qIaId_0eaVk-00060-00026950-00027578 Sometimes, the materials (ๅŽŸๆ–™) used to make something become more expensive. qIaId_0eaVk-00061-00027578-00028053 And sometimes, the cost of gasoline, which is used to bring things from one qIaId_0eaVk-00062-00028053-00028658 place to another, becomes more expensive. qIaId_0eaVk-00063-00028658-00029297 And sometimes rent (็งŸ้‡‘), which is the money a shopkeeper (ๅบ—ไธปไบบ) needs to qIaId_0eaVk-00064-00029297-00029780 pay someone who owns the building, can get more expensive. qIaId_0eaVk-00065-00029780-00030137 If rent goes up, prices go up too. qIaId_0eaVk-00066-00030137-00030581 The problem with inflation is that when things become more expensive, you can qIaId_0eaVk-00067-00030581-00031211 buy fewer things with your money. qIaId_0eaVk-00068-00031211-00031637 ้€š่ฒจ่†จ่„น็š„ๅ•้กŒๆ˜ฏ๏ผŒๆฑ่ฅฟ่ฎŠ่ฒดไบ†๏ผŒๆ‰€ไปฅ้Œข่ƒฝ่ฒทๅˆฐ็š„ๆฑ่ฅฟๅฐฑๆ›ดๅฐ‘ไบ†ใ€‚ qIaId_0eaVk-00069-00031637-00031930 Inflation might sound like a very bad thing. qIaId_0eaVk-00070-00031930-00032211 But that's not always the case. qIaId_0eaVk-00071-00032211-00032577 Sometimes it is a sign that many people are earning money, so they can buy qIaId_0eaVk-00072-00032577-00032752 more things. qIaId_0eaVk-00073-00032752-00033247 And if everyone is working, that can be a good thing. qIaId_0eaVk-00074-00033247-00033471 ________________________________ qIaId_0eaVk-00075-00033471-00033891 ้ฆฌๅกž็ˆพๆœ‰่‡ชๅทฑ็š„้›ปๅฝฑไบ† Marcel Makes a Movie qIaId_0eaVk-00076-00033891-00034981 Marcel is the name of a shell with one eye, and a pair of sneakers. qIaId_0eaVk-00077-00034981-00035480 He isn't real of course - he was created using a special kind of moviemaking qIaId_0eaVk-00078-00035480-00036010 technique (่ฃฝ็‰‡ๆŠ€่ก“) called "stop-motion animation". qIaId_0eaVk-00079-00036010-00036568 Marcel has always lived on YouTube, but he's getting his own real movie for qIaId_0eaVk-00080-00036568-00037200 the first time this year. qIaId_0eaVk-00081-00037200-00038106 The movie deals with Marcel's loneliness, as he looks for a way to reunite qIaId_0eaVk-00082-00038106-00038437 with family and friends. qIaId_0eaVk-00083-00038437-00038665 ้€™้ƒจ้›ปๅฝฑ่ซ‡่ซ–็š„ๆ˜ฏ้ฆฌ่ณฝ็ˆพ็š„ๅฏ‚ๅฏž๏ผŒไป–ๆ‰พ่พฆๆณ•่ทŸ่ฆชๆˆšๅฅฝๅ‹ๅ†ๆฌกๅœ˜ๅœ“ใ€‚ qIaId_0eaVk-00084-00038665-00039533 "Marcel the Shell with Shoes On" will be in movie theaters in time for the qIaId_0eaVk-00085-00039533-00039896 summer vacation. qIaId_0eaVk-00086-00039896-00040208 ________________________________ qIaId_0eaVk-00087-00040208-00040391 So in today's News Bites: qIaId_0eaVk-00088-00040391-00040856 If you forget your reusable cups at home, it may be time to change that. qIaId_0eaVk-00089-00040856-00041466 Starting from July 1st, Taiwan's Environmental Protection Agency will not qIaId_0eaVk-00090-00041466-00042025 allow stores to use single-use polystyrene or styrofoam cups anymore. qIaId_0eaVk-00091-00042025-00042125 ________________________________ qIaId_0eaVk-00092-00042125-00042225 And... qIaId_0eaVk-00093-00042225-00042530 Have you heard your parents or grandparents complain that things are more qIaId_0eaVk-00094-00042530-00042659 expensive? qIaId_0eaVk-00095-00042659-00042916 That's because of inflation. qIaId_0eaVk-00096-00042916-00043411 Inflation means that you can now buy less with the money that you have. qIaId_0eaVk-00097-00043411-00043511 ________________________________ qIaId_0eaVk-00098-00043511-00043611 And... qIaId_0eaVk-00099-00043611-00043933 "Marcel the Shell with No Shoes On" is a YouTube star, who is about to make qIaId_0eaVk-00100-00043933-00044131 his first movie. qIaId_0eaVk-00101-00044131-00044612 Marcel's movie is about a shell, who is looking for his lost family and qIaId_0eaVk-00102-00044612-00044725 friends. qIaId_0eaVk-00103-00044725-00044949 The movie is coming out this summer. qIaId_0eaVk-00104-00044949-00045049 ________________________________ qIaId_0eaVk-00105-00045049-00045231 And that's today's episode of News Bites! qIaId_0eaVk-00106-00045231-00045331 ________________________________ qIaId_0eaVk-00107-00045331-00045674 ไธปๆ’ญๆฏๅ‘จไธ€ๅ• Have Your Say qIaId_0eaVk-00108-00045674-00046169 This week, we want you to have your say about food. qIaId_0eaVk-00109-00046169-00046641 There's a saying in English "It's raining cats and dogs". qIaId_0eaVk-00110-00046641-00046956 It means it's raining really hard. qIaId_0eaVk-00111-00046956-00047318 But that idea of strange things raining down from the qIaId_0eaVk-00112-00047318-00047659 sky really makes you think right? qIaId_0eaVk-00113-00047659-00048337 If the sky could rain food, what food would you like to have rain down? qIaId_0eaVk-00114-00048337-00049490 Record your message and send it to newsbites@icrt.com.tw with your name and qIaId_0eaVk-00115-00049490-00049846 age, and if you like, the name of your school. qIaId_0eaVk-00116-00049846-00050355 Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear qIaId_0eaVk-00117-00050355-00052907 your message on our show on Friday! qKljmRmyOEQ-00000-00000914-00001361 Welcome to this Machine Tool video on Kearny and Trecker Mill Operations. qKljmRmyOEQ-00001-00001434-00001861 The Kearny and Trecker, K&T, is a manual vertical milling machine. qKljmRmyOEQ-00002-00001928-00002392 Itโ€™s rigid c-frame design makes it perfect to make heavy cuts like face milling. qKljmRmyOEQ-00003-00002449-00002752 Unlike the Bridgeport milling machine, the Kearny and Trecker qKljmRmyOEQ-00004-00002752-00002972 doesnโ€™t have a swiveling head or ram. qKljmRmyOEQ-00005-00003026-00003379 In this video, weโ€™ll explore the Kearny and Trecker vertical milling machineโ€™s qKljmRmyOEQ-00006-00003379-00003633 parts and how to use it in the shop. qKljmRmyOEQ-00007-00003720-00004341 The K&T consists of six major components; the base, the column, the knee, the qKljmRmyOEQ-00008-00004341-00004647 saddle the table, and the tool head. qKljmRmyOEQ-00009-00004728-00005025 The base and the column are the major structural components. qKljmRmyOEQ-00010-00005041-00005265 They support and align the other components. qKljmRmyOEQ-00011-00005338-00005505 The base supports the milling machine. qKljmRmyOEQ-00012-00005522-00005725 Itโ€™s leveled by using the four corners. qKljmRmyOEQ-00013-00005819-00006022 The column rises from the base. qKljmRmyOEQ-00014-00006029-00006386 It holds the dovetail, which allows the knee to move up and down on the column. qKljmRmyOEQ-00015-00006449-00006770 The dovetail also holds and allows the head to move up and down. qKljmRmyOEQ-00016-00006866-00007253 The head consists of the spindle, spindle on/off brake lever, qKljmRmyOEQ-00017-00007300-00007447 and the spindle crank handle. qKljmRmyOEQ-00018-00007547-00007827 The knee is mounted to the column, and it moves up and down. qKljmRmyOEQ-00019-00007891-00008054 The knee supports the saddle. qKljmRmyOEQ-00020-00008141-00008415 The saddle supports the table, and it moves in and out. qKljmRmyOEQ-00021-00008515-00008692 The table moves left to right. qKljmRmyOEQ-00022-00008738-00009055 This is where the operator mounts the workpiece to be machined. qKljmRmyOEQ-00023-00009169-00009492 Proper lubrication keeps the machine in good working condition. qKljmRmyOEQ-00024-00009549-00009973 To lubricate the machine, pull the lever out and release it oil will qKljmRmyOEQ-00025-00009976-00010183 automatically flow to specific areas. qKljmRmyOEQ-00026-00010263-00010557 Use the lubrication chart on the side of the machine to find the qKljmRmyOEQ-00027-00010557-00010727 other areas requiring lubrication. qKljmRmyOEQ-00028-00010900-00011251 The K&T has a lock for the knee, saddle, table, and head. qKljmRmyOEQ-00029-00011314-00011641 They allow the operator to lock an axis during the machining process. qKljmRmyOEQ-00030-00011731-00011895 Letโ€™s see how each lock works. qKljmRmyOEQ-00031-00011991-00012372 โ€ข To lock the knee lock, move the knee lock lever to the up position. qKljmRmyOEQ-00032-00012415-00012722 To unlock it, move the knee lock lever to the down position. qKljmRmyOEQ-00033-00012816-00013203 โ€ข To lock the saddle lock, move the saddle lock lever to the up position. qKljmRmyOEQ-00034-00013246-00013563 To unlock it, move the saddle lock lever to the down position. qKljmRmyOEQ-00035-00013683-00014077 โ€ข To lock the table lock, rotate the table lock lever clockwise. qKljmRmyOEQ-00036-00014144-00014524 To unlock it, rotate the table lock lever counterclockwise. qKljmRmyOEQ-00037-00014617-00014978 โ€ข Finally, to lock the head lock, move the head lock lever down. qKljmRmyOEQ-00038-00015021-00015308 To unlock it, move the head lock lever up. qKljmRmyOEQ-00039-00015418-00015578 Now, letโ€™s talk about power. qKljmRmyOEQ-00040-00015605-00015915 The K&T main power switch starts machine operations. qKljmRmyOEQ-00041-00015989-00016279 Turn on the main power by pushing the Master Start button. qKljmRmyOEQ-00042-00016376-00016783 You can select the RPM using the RPM selector on the side of the machine. qKljmRmyOEQ-00043-00016896-00017123 Start by making sure the spindle is turned off. qKljmRmyOEQ-00044-00017190-00017574 Then, pull the lever handle out and rotate it until the desired qKljmRmyOEQ-00045-00017577-00017831 RPM lines up with the RPM letters. qKljmRmyOEQ-00046-00017914-00018321 To put the machine in gear, move the lever down and engage the pin in qKljmRmyOEQ-00047-00018321-00018488 the end of the handle in the hole. qKljmRmyOEQ-00048-00018585-00018918 The K&T feed rate selector numbers are in Inches Per Minute. qKljmRmyOEQ-00049-00018962-00019416 To select a feed rate, use the feed rate selector dial on the front of the machine. qKljmRmyOEQ-00050-00019486-00019813 Pull the handle on the lever out and rotate it until the desired qKljmRmyOEQ-00051-00019813-00019969 feed rate lines up with the arrow. qKljmRmyOEQ-00052-00020066-00020383 Move the lever to the left or right and put the pin in the qKljmRmyOEQ-00053-00020383-00020523 end of the handle in the hole. qKljmRmyOEQ-00054-00020630-00021014 Once the RPM has been selected, use the spindle on/off lever. qKljmRmyOEQ-00055-00021107-00021548 To turn the spindle on, move the lever up and to turn it off, move the lever down. qKljmRmyOEQ-00056-00021628-00021955 To engage the spindle brake, hold the lever down until qKljmRmyOEQ-00057-00021955-00022118 the spindle stops rotating. qKljmRmyOEQ-00058-00022212-00022549 To run the spindle in reverse, push in the Spindle Reverse lever. qKljmRmyOEQ-00059-00022632-00022842 Start by ensuring the spindle is off. qKljmRmyOEQ-00060-00022892-00023133 Then, push the Spindle Reverse lever in. qKljmRmyOEQ-00061-00023206-00023526 Now the spindle can be turned on and off just as it can qKljmRmyOEQ-00062-00023530-00023683 when the spindle runs forward. qKljmRmyOEQ-00063-00023797-00024254 All of the axis can be moved manually, at a feed rate, or at rapid. qKljmRmyOEQ-00064-00024327-00024544 Letโ€™s look at all of these in more detail. qKljmRmyOEQ-00065-00024587-00024908 For each move, start by making sure the table lock is turned off. qKljmRmyOEQ-00066-00024981-00025308 โ€ข For a manual movement, use the crank handle on the end of the table. qKljmRmyOEQ-00067-00025382-00025482 Pull out on the lever. qKljmRmyOEQ-00068-00025562-00026059 Rotate it clockwise to move the table to the right and rotate it counterclockwise qKljmRmyOEQ-00069-00026062-00026192 to move the table to the left. qKljmRmyOEQ-00070-00026279-00026566 โ€ข To move the table at a federate, use the feed lever. qKljmRmyOEQ-00071-00026636-00027200 It has three positions; to the left means the table feeds left, to the qKljmRmyOEQ-00072-00027200-00027717 right means the table feeds right, and in the middle the feed is off. qKljmRmyOEQ-00073-00027827-00028154 โ€ข To rapid the table, engage the feed lever and then simply qKljmRmyOEQ-00074-00028154-00028274 pull up on the rapid lever. qKljmRmyOEQ-00075-00028331-00028715 Be careful when using the rapid lever so you donโ€™t run the machine into anything. qKljmRmyOEQ-00076-00028825-00029045 Next, letโ€™s look at moving the saddle. qKljmRmyOEQ-00077-00029105-00029426 Just like with the table, always make sure the saddle lock is off. qKljmRmyOEQ-00078-00029519-00029903 โ€ข To move the saddle manually, use the crank handle on the front of the machine. qKljmRmyOEQ-00079-00029989-00030393 Push it in to engage and then rotate it clockwise to move the saddle in. qKljmRmyOEQ-00080-00030487-00030774 Move the crank handle counterclockwise to move the saddle out. qKljmRmyOEQ-00081-00030870-00031191 โ€ข To move the table at a federate, first pull the crank handle out. qKljmRmyOEQ-00082-00031261-00031638 Then, use the feed lever, which is directly behind the crank handle. qKljmRmyOEQ-00083-00031725-00032185 It has three positions; move it left to feed the saddle out, move it to the qKljmRmyOEQ-00084-00032185-00032579 right to feed the saddle in, and move it to the middle to turn the feed off. qKljmRmyOEQ-00085-00032689-00033099 โ€ข To rapid the saddle, engage the feed lever and then pull up on the rapid lever. qKljmRmyOEQ-00086-00033166-00033536 Be careful when using the rapid lever so you donโ€™t run the machine into anything. qKljmRmyOEQ-00087-00033663-00033890 Now, letโ€™s look at how to move the knee. qKljmRmyOEQ-00088-00033940-00034254 As with the other movements, always make sure the knee lock is off. qKljmRmyOEQ-00089-00034367-00034644 โ€ข To move the knee manually, use the crank handle located qKljmRmyOEQ-00090-00034644-00034758 on the front of the machine. qKljmRmyOEQ-00091-00034821-00035218 Push it in to engage and then rotate it clockwise to move the table knee up. qKljmRmyOEQ-00092-00035328-00035645 Move the crank handle counterclockwise to move the knee down. qKljmRmyOEQ-00093-00035755-00036052 โ€ข To move the knee at a federate, use the feed lever, which is qKljmRmyOEQ-00094-00036052-00036219 directly behind the crank handle. qKljmRmyOEQ-00095-00036299-00036413 Pull the crank handle out. qKljmRmyOEQ-00096-00036453-00036863 The feed lever has three positions; move it left to feed the knee down, qKljmRmyOEQ-00097-00036936-00037420 move it right to feed the knee up, move it to the middle to turn the feed off. qKljmRmyOEQ-00098-00037520-00037907 โ€ข To rapid the table, engage the feed lever and pull up on the rapid lever. qKljmRmyOEQ-00099-00037981-00038318 Be careful when using the rapid lever so you donโ€™t run the machine into anything. qKljmRmyOEQ-00100-00038421-00038655 Finally, letโ€™s review how to move the head. qKljmRmyOEQ-00101-00038728-00038942 Start by making sure the head lock is off. qKljmRmyOEQ-00102-00039035-00039409 โ€ข To move the head manually, use the crank handle on the head of the machine. qKljmRmyOEQ-00103-00039486-00039829 Rotate it clockwise to move the head down and rotate it qKljmRmyOEQ-00104-00039839-00040026 counterclockwise to move the head up. qKljmRmyOEQ-00105-00040116-00040483 โ€ข To move the head at a federate, use the feed lever on the side of the head. qKljmRmyOEQ-00106-00040563-00040787 The feed lever has three positions; up moves the head up, qKljmRmyOEQ-00107-00040790-00041578 down moves the head down, and in the middle turns the feed off. qKljmRmyOEQ-00108-00041674-00041988 โ€ข To rapid the table, engage the feed lever and then simply qKljmRmyOEQ-00109-00041988-00042118 pull up on the rapid lever. qKljmRmyOEQ-00110-00042182-00042555 Be careful when using the rapid lever so you donโ€™t run the machine into anything. qKljmRmyOEQ-00111-00042655-00043096 โ€ข Typically, the head stays in the up position, and we use the knee to bring qKljmRmyOEQ-00112-00043096-00043256 the workpiece closer to the spindle. qKljmRmyOEQ-00113-00043373-00043780 Every axis has a collar, which we use to set zero for the axis. qKljmRmyOEQ-00114-00043847-00044180 To move the collar, simply pull it out and rotate it until qKljmRmyOEQ-00115-00044180-00044347 the zero aligns with the line. qKljmRmyOEQ-00116-00044647-00045024 Letโ€™s finish this video by reviewing how to remove and load tools. qKljmRmyOEQ-00117-00045128-00045418 The K&T mill has a drawbar just like the Bridgeport mill. qKljmRmyOEQ-00118-00045475-00045715 This is where youโ€™ll load and unload tools. qKljmRmyOEQ-00119-00045819-00046052 Weโ€™ll start with how to remove a tool in the machine. qKljmRmyOEQ-00120-00046099-00046483 We strongly recommend using two people to load and unload the tool. qKljmRmyOEQ-00121-00046589-00046893 โ€ข First select the lowest RPM on the RPM selection. qKljmRmyOEQ-00122-00046993-00047394 โ€ข Then, turn off the machineโ€™s main power by pressing the Master Off button. qKljmRmyOEQ-00123-00047457-00047781 This ensures the spindle canโ€™t be turned on while youโ€™re changing the tool. qKljmRmyOEQ-00124-00047901-00048258 โ€ข To remove the tool, the nut on the drawbar, which is on top of qKljmRmyOEQ-00125-00048258-00048451 the machine, needs to be loosened. qKljmRmyOEQ-00126-00048491-00048788 Use a wrench and rotate the nut in a counterclockwise direction. qKljmRmyOEQ-00127-00048888-00049345 โ€ข Once the nut is loose, loosen the drawbar by rotating it counterclockwise using qKljmRmyOEQ-00128-00049345-00049552 a wrench and making two to three turns. qKljmRmyOEQ-00129-00049652-00050080 โ€ข If the tool in the spindle doesnโ€™t loosen, tap on the drawbar with a dead blow or qKljmRmyOEQ-00130-00050083-00050303 brass hammer until the tool loosens. qKljmRmyOEQ-00131-00050366-00050730 Once the tool is loose, unthread the drawbar until itโ€™s out of the tool. qKljmRmyOEQ-00132-00050820-00051067 Now that the tool is out, you can load in a new one. qKljmRmyOEQ-00133-00051157-00051431 โ€ข The first step is to make sure the inside of the spindle qKljmRmyOEQ-00134-00051438-00051614 and the tool taper are clean. qKljmRmyOEQ-00135-00051725-00051881 โ€ข Next, put the tool in the spindle. qKljmRmyOEQ-00136-00052065-00052475 Turn the drawbar clockwise by hand to thread it into the end of the tool. qKljmRmyOEQ-00137-00052562-00052916 โ€ข Once it is snugged by hand and use a wrench to fully tighten the nut. qKljmRmyOEQ-00138-00052962-00053199 Remember, never leave the wrench on the drawbar. qKljmRmyOEQ-00139-00053303-00053610 Once youโ€™ve finished using the machine, youโ€™ll need shut it down. qKljmRmyOEQ-00140-00053696-00054047 We recommend centering the table on the saddle to keep excess weight from qKljmRmyOEQ-00141-00054050-00054210 hanging off one side of the machine. qKljmRmyOEQ-00142-00054290-00054654 Once the table is centered, press the Master Off button to shut off qKljmRmyOEQ-00143-00054654-00054784 the main power to the machine. qKljmRmyOEQ-00144-00054904-00055251 In this video, we explored Kearny and Trecker Mill Operation qKljmRmyOEQ-00145-00055251-00055615 parts, how to lubricate the machine, and how to operate it. qKljmRmyOEQ-00146-00055685-00055965 This completes the overview of the K&T Mill. qKIL8bGU0I0-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 2080 | Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered | i9-10900K qKWk8ap9rjk-00000-00000000-00000581 Hi my name is Cathi Lehn. I'm the Sustainable Cleveland Manager for the qKWk8ap9rjk-00001-00000581-00001161 City of Cleveland Mayor's Office of Sustainability. Our office is a proud qKWk8ap9rjk-00002-00001161-00001809 member of the Lake Erie Allegheny Partnership or LEAP. LEAP is a consortium qKWk8ap9rjk-00003-00001809-00002559 of about 50 conservation-related organizations in the Lake Erie Allegheny qKWk8ap9rjk-00004-00002559-00003285 plateau ecoregion which ranges from about Sandusky through western qKWk8ap9rjk-00005-00003285-00003782 Pennsylvania and western New York. The majority of our members are from qKWk8ap9rjk-00006-00003782-00004469 Northeast Ohio. Members include Park Districts, government agencies, and qKWk8ap9rjk-00007-00004469-00005219 nonprofit organizations, as well as individuals. LEAP was formed in 2004 with qKWk8ap9rjk-00008-00005219-00005960 the mission to preserve our biodiversity in the region. One of the committees of qKWk8ap9rjk-00009-00005960-00006494 LEAP is the native plant promotion committee of which I am the chair. The qKWk8ap9rjk-00010-00006494-00007011 reason this committee was formed was because of the serious threat of qKWk8ap9rjk-00011-00007011-00007736 invasive plants to our natural areas so the committee's focus is on educating qKWk8ap9rjk-00012-00007736-00008253 the public about the benefits of native plants and also working with the nursery qKWk8ap9rjk-00013-00008253-00009006 industry to help propagate and promote native plants. Since 2008 the committee qKWk8ap9rjk-00014-00009006-00009768 was formed and in 2011 we started a new initiative called 'Native Plants of the qKWk8ap9rjk-00015-00009768-00010490 Year'. Each year since 2011 we have focused on three different native plants qKWk8ap9rjk-00016-00010490-00011079 and promoted those to the public and to the nursery industry. All of the members qKWk8ap9rjk-00017-00011079-00011540 of the native plant promotion committee have contributed to selecting the Native qKWk8ap9rjk-00018-00011540-00012371 Plants of the Year through 2022. To learn more about LEAP and the native plants of qKWk8ap9rjk-00019-00012371-00013158 the year. Please visit our website www.leapbio.org There is a separate page for the qKWk8ap9rjk-00020-00013158-00013596 Native Plants of the Year where you can see our list of plants qKWk8ap9rjk-00021-00013596-00014268 since 2011. If you're interested in obtaining a postcard with the Native qKWk8ap9rjk-00022-00014268-00014775 Plants of the Year on them, please contact one of the LEAP members which qKWk8ap9rjk-00023-00014775-00015374 you can also find on the website at www.leapbio.org qSCTd2I6Pm8-00000-00000168-00000304 Unh qSCTd2I6Pm8-00001-00000341-00000441 Unh qSCTd2I6Pm8-00002-00000468-00000568 Unh qSCTd2I6Pm8-00003-00000762-00000894 Great qSCTd2I6Pm8-00004-00001036-00001326 (Prank: Pianist pretend to beginner applied online lesson) qSCTd2I6Pm8-00005-00001356-00001468 I am forte. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00006-00001516-00001642 Ohayogozaimattyo!(Good morning + muscular) qSCTd2I6Pm8-00007-00001655-00001705 I am forte. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00008-00001755-00001844 Shaki----n qSCTd2I6Pm8-00009-00001888-00001962 Today,, qSCTd2I6Pm8-00010-00002070-00002182 very popular event qSCTd2I6Pm8-00011-00002256-00002356 Prank event qSCTd2I6Pm8-00012-00002412-00002512 Ahhhhhhh qSCTd2I6Pm8-00013-00002598-00002672 I am sorry qSCTd2I6Pm8-00014-00002704-00002884 Recntly, It is getteing cold right? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00015-00002920-00003148 (Today it is 29 โ„ƒ) I am wearing down jacket. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00016-00003198-00003456 But My pants are very short. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00017-00003478-00003670 I am sorry. OH no. My jacket came off again! qSCTd2I6Pm8-00018-00003714-00003800 Today, qSCTd2I6Pm8-00019-00003842-00004052 I got a request. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00020-00004102-00004408 He said my girl friend is holding a online piano lesson, qSCTd2I6Pm8-00021-00004500-00005010 Please get prank to her cause I want to see her surprised face. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00022-00005108-00005300 I can handle it! qSCTd2I6Pm8-00023-00005360-00005586 I will pull a prank. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00024-00005610-00006046 Let's see if the love of the couple can work out. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00025-00006094-00006218 It is surprise. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00026-00006244-00006480 Maybe her eyes become like that, qSCTd2I6Pm8-00027-00006514-00006714 Enjoy that as well. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00028-00006740-00006881 Today'a character... qSCTd2I6Pm8-00029-00006945-00007134 Joy~~ qSCTd2I6Pm8-00030-00007166-00007295 Hey everyone qSCTd2I6Pm8-00031-00007322-00007452 I am Joy qSCTd2I6Pm8-00032-00007554-00007654 It is hot qSCTd2I6Pm8-00033-00007787-00007887 Ohhh qSCTd2I6Pm8-00034-00008172-00008309 Oh my god.. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00035-00008356-00008650 I will make over a little. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00036-00009330-00009462 How is it?? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00037-00009498-00009698 I will watch a mirror qSCTd2I6Pm8-00038-00009880-00009982 Oh my got. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00039-00010048-00010264 Oh my got.Oh my got. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00040-00010294-00010478 It's unbalanced. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00041-00010488-00010788 JOY summer ver qSCTd2I6Pm8-00042-00010856-00010962 Nice to meet you. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00043-00010980-00011272 Lesson starts from now, but before that qSCTd2I6Pm8-00044-00011278-00011622 I will call her boy friend and ask qSCTd2I6Pm8-00045-00011684-00012096 like how are you looking forward to the prank. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00046-00012158-00012498 I will call him from now. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00047-00012546-00012770 Hello? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00048-00012806-00013180 Phone call is connected. The target's boy friend qSCTd2I6Pm8-00049-00013206-00013506 Hahaha It's great to see you. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00050-00013610-00013847 I am really looking forward to the prank qSCTd2I6Pm8-00051-00013874-00014128 How did you introduce me to her? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00052-00014184-00014438 He is so serious student. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00053-00014482-00014654 I don't know if I'ts going to be well. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00054-00014754-00014906 I would appreciate your help. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00055-00014956-00015286 Let's start pulling the prank to her. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00056-00015366-00015652 Can you please do it JOY~ qSCTd2I6Pm8-00057-00015791-00015976 Hello./ Hello. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00058-00016200-00016536 Thank you for coming to my online lesson qSCTd2I6Pm8-00059-00016568-00016794 Not at all. Thank you very much too. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00060-00016840-00017030 Let me introduce about myself qSCTd2I6Pm8-00061-00017192-00017312 J qSCTd2I6Pm8-00062-00017350-00017488 O qSCTd2I6Pm8-00063-00017566-00017677 Y qSCTd2I6Pm8-00064-00017957-00018057 I am Joy. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00065-00018148-00018490 Another name is Jooy. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00066-00018698-00018898 JOY or JOOY qSCTd2I6Pm8-00067-00018974-00019322 Joy I got it. I will call you JOYkun qSCTd2I6Pm8-00068-00019342-00019608 Are you OK? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00069-00019608-00019885 I'd be lying if I said there was a problem. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00070-00019995-00020274 You mean no problem right? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00071-00020274-00020720 Yes. Today, I want to start playing the piano, qSCTd2I6Pm8-00072-00020770-00021030 I was introduced you, qSCTd2I6Pm8-00073-00021088-00021218 I see qSCTd2I6Pm8-00074-00021254-00021498 I am not beginner of music. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00075-00021544-00021832 Playing the piano is... / For the first time qSCTd2I6Pm8-00076-00021843-00022006 For the first time qSCTd2I6Pm8-00077-00022064-00022320 You have grand piano, even though you are beginner qSCTd2I6Pm8-00078-00022334-00022544 well.... qSCTd2I6Pm8-00079-00022544-00022732 I am musician. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00080-00022770-00022998 Musician qSCTd2I6Pm8-00081-00022998-00023226 What instrument are you playing? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00082-00023282-00023523 I am in the band called ใ€ŒDreamใ€. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00083-00023562-00023882 ใ€ŒDreamใ€! Can I find it if I search that? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00084-00023942-00024082 You cann't find. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00085-00024116-00024218 I can't find. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00086-00024268-00024616 Base and Drum qSCTd2I6Pm8-00087-00024648-00024804 Both of them qSCTd2I6Pm8-00088-00024840-00024970 Both of them. Great! qSCTd2I6Pm8-00089-00025024-00025250 There is the drum here now. Do you want to listen? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00090-00025292-00025588 I want to listen. / Just a moment. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00091-00025795-00025922 This is heavy. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00092-00026327-00026427 Drum qSCTd2I6Pm8-00093-00026539-00026689 (Bad atmosphere) qSCTd2I6Pm8-00094-00027016-00027198 (She is following the rhythm) qSCTd2I6Pm8-00095-00027254-00027512 I got it. I got it. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00096-00027539-00027660 Great.(reading in a toneless voice ) qSCTd2I6Pm8-00097-00027724-00028045 I see.......... qSCTd2I6Pm8-00098-00028045-00028380 Burgmuller qSCTd2I6Pm8-00099-00028420-00028714 Well, KifuBITOnojoba(La Chevaleresque) qSCTd2I6Pm8-00100-00028883-00029183 KifuJINnojoba./ Oh JIN is right. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00101-00029226-00029527 This song,, Can you play already? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00102-00029533-00029886 Well, I practiced. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00103-00029964-00030270 You practiced. I see I see qSCTd2I6Pm8-00104-00030270-00030370 Let me start qSCTd2I6Pm8-00105-00030383-00030483 Ok qSCTd2I6Pm8-00106-00030544-00030958 1,2,3,4 qSCTd2I6Pm8-00110-00032307-00032407 Uhhhhhh qSCTd2I6Pm8-00111-00032587-00032692 Uhh qSCTd2I6Pm8-00112-00032738-00033050 Uhh,/ No problem!/ No problem? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00113-00033050-00033234 No problem. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00115-00033578-00033678 Ohh qSCTd2I6Pm8-00116-00033703-00033881 Ohh Ohh qSCTd2I6Pm8-00117-00033985-00034129 (It is getting fun) qSCTd2I6Pm8-00118-00034478-00034704 I see. Thank you very much. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00119-00034714-00035098 It is getting hot. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00120-00035194-00035858 Perhaps, You're not getting enough basic practice. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00121-00035934-00036244 Let's start of musical scale first. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00122-00036310-00036564 Hahaha. I am sorry. Xie Xie?? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00123-00036634-00037082 54321321 qSCTd2I6Pm8-00124-00037150-00037330 Do you remind this?/ Yes qSCTd2I6Pm8-00125-00037434-00037676 Let's try. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00127-00038638-00038922 1,3 is right qSCTd2I6Pm8-00128-00038922-00039022 1 qSCTd2I6Pm8-00129-00039213-00039419 3,3 qSCTd2I6Pm8-00130-00039580-00039808 3/3 qSCTd2I6Pm8-00131-00041186-00041286 Joy qSCTd2I6Pm8-00132-00041568-00041704 (Eww....) qSCTd2I6Pm8-00133-00041721-00042062 ......But, you could do that../ Thank you qSCTd2I6Pm8-00134-00042130-00042276 Well, Great.. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00135-00042326-00042980 Teacher, I have a craving for the song "Winter wind". qSCTd2I6Pm8-00136-00043152-00043616 I'd be happy if you teach me how to play the song. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00137-00043708-00044015 Ok. So let's start trying the song qSCTd2I6Pm8-00138-00044015-00044257 It's getting hot. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00139-00045729-00045881 Like that qSCTd2I6Pm8-00140-00045951-00046173 I see. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00141-00046270-00046612 I may have already got that qSCTd2I6Pm8-00142-00046678-00047017 Oh really?? Great. So can you show me that? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00143-00047098-00047424 I need courage before playing the magnificent song. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00144-00047474-00047858 It's show time qSCTd2I6Pm8-00145-00048598-00048880 I brew it. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00147-00049147-00049251 I got it! qSCTd2I6Pm8-00148-00050009-00050109 Uhhhh qSCTd2I6Pm8-00149-00052021-00052158 Great!! qSCTd2I6Pm8-00150-00054880-00054980 What?.. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00151-00055654-00055754 Tettere~(You've got punked!!) qSCTd2I6Pm8-00152-00055780-00056111 What is Tettere? Is it prank?? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00153-00056175-00056345 Yes! Prank succesed!! qSCTd2I6Pm8-00154-00056529-00056758 Ohayogozaimattyo! qSCTd2I6Pm8-00155-00056778-00056950 I am Forte! qSCTd2I6Pm8-00156-00057032-00057350 What? FORTE is that... qSCTd2I6Pm8-00157-00057358-00057778 Do you know me?/ Yes, I know you. what? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00158-00057800-00058064 I can't believe, It's amazing qSCTd2I6Pm8-00159-00058094-00058314 Today, how did I introduced? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00160-00058394-00058740 Beginner and so serious student. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00161-00058743-00059041 Yess, In fact, qSCTd2I6Pm8-00162-00059116-00059744 Your boy friends asked me he wants to see your surprised face. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00163-00059760-00059944 So I pulled prank to you. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00164-00059972-00060172 I din't know that. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00165-00060200-00060460 Is that right?, Is that right? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00166-00060510-00060714 You've got punked qSCTd2I6Pm8-00167-00060979-00061241 Is the prank a success?? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00168-00061346-00061538 Great success! qSCTd2I6Pm8-00169-00061538-00061674 Thank you qSCTd2I6Pm8-00170-00061762-00062188 You guys seems have really good relationship. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00171-00062248-00062540 Connecting boyfriend and girl friend love. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00172-00062570-00062758 Love love lesson successesed qSCTd2I6Pm8-00173-00062758-00062888 Thank you for cooperation. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00174-00063062-00063226 Thank you very much too qSCTd2I6Pm8-00175-00063229-00063412 Are you surprised so much? qSCTd2I6Pm8-00176-00063452-00063775 I'm too surprised to talk. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00177-00063784-00063878 Hahaha qSCTd2I6Pm8-00178-00063974-00064120 Thank you. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00179-00064216-00064441 Thank you too qSCTd2I6Pm8-00180-00064491-00064750 Thank you for watching everyone qSCTd2I6Pm8-00181-00064770-00065086 Thank you for watching~ please push good button if you'd like qSCTd2I6Pm8-00182-00065126-00065440 and please subscribe this channel. qSCTd2I6Pm8-00183-00065472-00066130 Big muscular lean muscular, macho macho muscle boy macho macho macho macho macho macho macho qekYVDFr4eY-00000-00002640-00003246 This is the energy vibration reading for the Pisces Sun Moon &R ising sign. I want to say thank you for qekYVDFr4eY-00001-00003246-00003594 being here thank you for being back thank you for the wonderful likes & shares qekYVDFr4eY-00002-00003594-00004218 and support. I am so happy with your reading Pisces. I was like Jerry Jerry and qekYVDFr4eY-00003-00004218-00004707 then you have the nine off cups and this is going to be the central of your qekYVDFr4eY-00004-00004707-00005385 reading you Pisces. So this week is a fire sign... the tower someone you're qekYVDFr4eY-00005-00005385-00006192 releasing your releasing Pisces the tower energy comes up you're releasing qekYVDFr4eY-00006-00006192-00006647 whatever the energy is whatever the situation is you are releasing qekYVDFr4eY-00007-00006647-00007350 okay you Pisces so that is good. Some of you Pisces are in relationship with an qekYVDFr4eY-00008-00007350-00007977 Aries Leo Sagittarius your wishes is coming out for this person this person qekYVDFr4eY-00009-00007977-00008538 must have done something and your wishes and dreams it's coming out well just qekYVDFr4eY-00010-00008538-00009033 person to you Pisces whatever you are wishing open for about this person it's qekYVDFr4eY-00011-00009033-00009486 going to be happening you Pisces are going to be receiving help okay so let's qekYVDFr4eY-00012-00009486-00010274 see what is transpiring with you Pisces this week is from the 14 until 20 at qekYVDFr4eY-00013-00010274-00011136 some heart breaks is coming up for some of you Pisces okay all the energy of the qekYVDFr4eY-00014-00011136-00011556 two authentic ODEs you already make a decision and you're receiving a helpful qekYVDFr4eY-00015-00011556-00012345 the four of cups is here and the conflicts you're getting of conflicts qekYVDFr4eY-00016-00012345-00012923 that you had um you have to do entity that's you're dealing with in this week qekYVDFr4eY-00017-00012923-00013484 because here you are two two of Pentacles twice so it's duality news is qekYVDFr4eY-00018-00013484-00013950 coming you have made the decision there is you would make the decision over a qekYVDFr4eY-00019-00013950-00014550 situation in instance coming okay it could be some of you your tips it is qekYVDFr4eY-00020-00014550-00014997 very important oh yes and you start is here for you so that means it's coming qekYVDFr4eY-00021-00014997-00015494 and you would start new Pisces that has been going through some hardship and qekYVDFr4eY-00022-00015494-00015876 says if you make a decision about situation and some information it's qekYVDFr4eY-00023-00015876-00016331 about to land um is to land and it's about a new start qekYVDFr4eY-00024-00016331-00016884 so whatever hardship that you were in it's coming to an end because here you qekYVDFr4eY-00025-00016884-00017328 can see this so you have an air sign and it's all about heart breaks your heart qekYVDFr4eY-00026-00017328-00017793 broken over a situation but yet still you're going to be receiving help you're qekYVDFr4eY-00027-00017793-00018318 ready to make a decision and this is good because your wishes and reigns is qekYVDFr4eY-00028-00018318-00018854 going to be coming true the center these two cards are very important because qekYVDFr4eY-00029-00018854-00019376 this is saying the crown and where this is going to affect a lot of people where qekYVDFr4eY-00030-00019376-00019823 they got they got something it wasn't what they really want but it's okay now qekYVDFr4eY-00031-00019823-00020343 the energy of the nine of cups is by taking this your wishes and dreams are qekYVDFr4eY-00032-00020343-00020667 going to be coming true so by taking this your wishes and dreams is going to qekYVDFr4eY-00033-00020667-00021110 come true sometimes it's not what you want but um it's what you get and this qekYVDFr4eY-00034-00021110-00021809 is going to be helping out now and there was some decision that you made some qekYVDFr4eY-00035-00021809-00022448 decision and you got help and here you're working on yourself and some news qekYVDFr4eY-00036-00022448-00022823 is about to come because you make the choice to make a change in your life and qekYVDFr4eY-00037-00022823-00023256 use is about to come and this is good the news is going to come that um you qekYVDFr4eY-00038-00023256-00023829 the art ship is now over okay so if you were you know going to our chip for a qekYVDFr4eY-00039-00023829-00024329 very long time then is this going to come that the hardship is now over ace qekYVDFr4eY-00040-00024329-00025347 of 1 is here twice and it is the end of your burden okay news is coming in that qekYVDFr4eY-00041-00025347-00025859 is the end of your burden a new beginning is about to start so for a lot qekYVDFr4eY-00042-00025859-00026388 of you Pisces especially Pisces that was our broken there is some news that it's qekYVDFr4eY-00043-00026388-00026880 coming that your burdens are broke you were all broken and you are hearing this qekYVDFr4eY-00044-00026880-00027393 for a very long time and the burden is about to hand out some of you prizes and qekYVDFr4eY-00045-00027393-00027947 lady puts you in some hardship and then Slater is going to be dealt with and qekYVDFr4eY-00046-00027947-00028488 down to it's very very hard okay now one of this person and some three of qekYVDFr4eY-00047-00028488-00029082 Pentacles is here some of you could be working with someone who is an Aquarius qekYVDFr4eY-00048-00029082-00029762 Gemini Oh who is an heiress or Sagittarius okay this is going to be qekYVDFr4eY-00049-00029762-00030245 really positive I'm seeing that some of you might be connecting with this person qekYVDFr4eY-00050-00030245-00031070 in love also so there could be and so get ready if I see some of you could be qekYVDFr4eY-00051-00031070-00031692 connecting with this person in lava so some of you could be having a new start qekYVDFr4eY-00052-00031692-00032247 with a lady this lady is an earring Aries Leo or Sagittarius and you could qekYVDFr4eY-00053-00032247-00032751 be working together with this person and you could be connecting in love with qekYVDFr4eY-00054-00032751-00033651 this person so thief aware of that now for some of you um the tower it's coming qekYVDFr4eY-00055-00033651-00034172 down okay the tower is here the tower is coming down that means that some qekYVDFr4eY-00056-00034172-00034611 transition that that's transpired something is going to be leaving in your qekYVDFr4eY-00057-00034611-00035109 life and replaced by something that is powerful so let's see what has been qekYVDFr4eY-00058-00035109-00035613 happening but a heart breaks and before as a car Matic psycho that is coming to qekYVDFr4eY-00059-00035613-00036066 an end so that is good so those art brings in this heart ache you are going qekYVDFr4eY-00060-00036066-00036579 through an offer it's going to be coming in um help and I offer is going to be qekYVDFr4eY-00061-00036579-00037074 coming in take it there is help and offer that is going to be coming in take qekYVDFr4eY-00062-00037074-00038028 it take it take it okay take it and there is some information um a contract qekYVDFr4eY-00063-00038028-00038514 could be taken okay you guys could be taken in a contract it just it's great qekYVDFr4eY-00064-00038514-00038973 to be good if it's something that you know you were looking for something qekYVDFr4eY-00065-00038973-00039483 better but I'll be just as happen for you so you know just say it go along qekYVDFr4eY-00066-00039483-00039960 with it because it is good as we look forward we have the energy of the two of qekYVDFr4eY-00067-00039960-00040635 Pentacles and definitely some information is coming in from people in qekYVDFr4eY-00068-00040635-00041082 powers that is great to be healthy you are because they've seen an injustice qekYVDFr4eY-00069-00041082-00041697 that has taken place with you so that is you know that is quite wonderful that is qekYVDFr4eY-00070-00041697-00042261 really wonderful that is something that was on believable but it's coming in qekYVDFr4eY-00071-00042261-00042726 it's going to be powerful so and you start as no question qekYVDFr4eY-00072-00042726-00043158 for the people who were going to some art ship it was a car Matic situation qekYVDFr4eY-00073-00043158-00043509 and you start it's going to be coming up with your financial stability ok so qekYVDFr4eY-00074-00043509-00043917 there's a new start that is coming up with your financial stability and I hope qekYVDFr4eY-00075-00043917-00044480 you can see it here you have you start coming up with your financial stability qekYVDFr4eY-00076-00044480-00045066 now for the people who were carrying a lot of burdens there's also a new start qekYVDFr4eY-00077-00045066-00045858 it's coming at helpful and there is a love of communication that is going to qekYVDFr4eY-00078-00045858-00046395 be going on but this new start a lot of communication some people who was aren't qekYVDFr4eY-00079-00046395-00047058 broken one came into this year being heartbroken um a lot of you start it's qekYVDFr4eY-00080-00047058-00047391 going to be coming up in a lot of situation it's going to be coming out so qekYVDFr4eY-00081-00047391-00047916 this is going to be good now the energy of the cleanup once is here and when the qekYVDFr4eY-00082-00047916-00048435 energy of the queen of once what we're seeing is that whatever she was trying qekYVDFr4eY-00083-00048435-00049089 to work on against you Israel being block okay so what that is saying qekYVDFr4eY-00084-00049089-00049797 basically is that whether this queen of once is that some could be restarted qekYVDFr4eY-00085-00049797-00050301 with the screen of one restarting but maybe there is going to be a block okay qekYVDFr4eY-00086-00050301-00050940 so if you decide to connect with someone who is an Aquarian Gemini or Lib know qekYVDFr4eY-00087-00050940-00051447 who is an Aries Leo Sagittarius you might try to connect with this person qekYVDFr4eY-00088-00051447-00051824 and work with this person it's going to be blocked okay qekYVDFr4eY-00089-00051824-00052464 it's as if the universe is protecting you from this person so um this is qekYVDFr4eY-00090-00052464-00053400 actually very good so if you you Pisces was in a relationship or was working qekYVDFr4eY-00091-00053400-00054123 together with this lady this lady um they're gonna be um the universe is qekYVDFr4eY-00092-00054123-00054801 gonna be blocking the situation okay there is going to be a block that is qekYVDFr4eY-00093-00054801-00055485 coming up and windows block you're going to decide to take another direction okay qekYVDFr4eY-00094-00055485-00055829 um whoever this lady is I'm not really qekYVDFr4eY-00095-00055829-00056570 liking the sour it's lady okay um I need to know what qekYVDFr4eY-00096-00056570-00057369 else I can swipe this block why this block and this cloud over the sleigh qekYVDFr4eY-00097-00057369-00058180 there why is this block and the sky out into the sleigh there it is caused by an qekYVDFr4eY-00098-00058180-00059164 organization okay is it ever going to be lifted it's a it's a car Matic situation qekYVDFr4eY-00099-00059164-00060389 and it's going to be lifted but it's not clear because um they block they made a qekYVDFr4eY-00100-00060389-00061007 block which is not really nice whether this organization is not really nice so qekYVDFr4eY-00101-00061007-00061611 the block needs to be lifted up for whatever reason why they blocked her the qekYVDFr4eY-00102-00061611-00061964 universe needs to release this block okay qekYVDFr4eY-00103-00061964-00063111 yeah jealousy jealousy jealousy jealousy and it has to do with a man who did this qekYVDFr4eY-00104-00063111-00063660 and it's because of jealousy could be a child it could be a child qekYVDFr4eY-00105-00063660-00064157 okay so some of you who had a relationship and want to go back in a qekYVDFr4eY-00106-00064157-00064844 relationship with someone who's an irritant and and someone is blocking you qekYVDFr4eY-00107-00064844-00065354 in this person okay and this is a child it's a child who is doing it but it's qekYVDFr4eY-00108-00065354-00065742 going to be lifted up is a chromatic situation it's a child who is doing it qekYVDFr4eY-00109-00065742-00066432 but this child is not going to get away with it okay so um your wishes and qekYVDFr4eY-00110-00066432-00066794 drinks are going to be coming true with a certain situation whatever s qekYVDFr4eY-00111-00066794-00067214 transpired your wishes and dreams is going to be coming true and you're going qekYVDFr4eY-00112-00067214-00067647 to be having it you start with this person whoever and whatever that was qekYVDFr4eY-00113-00067647-00068136 blocking you in this versa it's going to be lifted up and the blocks come through qekYVDFr4eY-00114-00068136-00068904 an organization but this organization got this this this young man this this qekYVDFr4eY-00115-00068904-00069414 person it's young man this person did it he's a very dishonest qekYVDFr4eY-00116-00069414-00070116 person it could be the son of the woman who blocks it because he wants to take qekYVDFr4eY-00117-00070116-00070794 over the his mom totally because he's all out for and money okay and this is qekYVDFr4eY-00118-00070794-00071262 why he did it very dishonest person but for the rest qekYVDFr4eY-00119-00071262-00071721 of it I've seen a very positive tear for week there people in power who is going qekYVDFr4eY-00120-00071721-00072069 to be helping you out making your wishes and dreams come true qekYVDFr4eY-00121-00072069-00072885 so this is good for you on Pisces and see new contracts I'm coming in for some qekYVDFr4eY-00122-00072885-00073287 of you help the new contracts coming in some of you are not really happy with qekYVDFr4eY-00123-00073287-00073626 that situation but um you're gonna sign the contract qekYVDFr4eY-00124-00073626-00074208 anyway and do that because that is good to be bringing you and out to a positive qekYVDFr4eY-00125-00074208-00074697 place so do that and you know get out of it but whoever the Slater is it's not qekYVDFr4eY-00126-00074697-00075237 honest what this child has done so you know acts the universe if you really qekYVDFr4eY-00127-00075237-00075585 love this woman axiu universe to remove this child out qekYVDFr4eY-00128-00075585-00076041 of the way I think she also it's gonna be finding out what this child is done qekYVDFr4eY-00129-00076041-00076611 and cut this child off so it's as if by you actually universe and the love is so qekYVDFr4eY-00130-00076611-00077124 strong between you both then the universe is going to be lifting this qekYVDFr4eY-00131-00077124-00077715 child and because it's a very deceptive person there is a very deceptive person qekYVDFr4eY-00132-00077715-00078246 who'd have done this blockage between you and thus farce a very deceptive so qekYVDFr4eY-00133-00078246-00078810 um you can just and it has to do with a child this child is not being very qekYVDFr4eY-00134-00078810-00079386 honest okay so whatever the situation is that whatever that was transpiring you qekYVDFr4eY-00135-00079386-00079974 guys are still going to be coming out very happy and I want to say to you guys qekYVDFr4eY-00136-00079974-00080475 it is so perfect as the universe to release the key to qekYVDFr4eY-00137-00080475-00081351 prior is still um further what I think I need okay so the key to prize is the axe qekYVDFr4eY-00138-00081351-00082071 but I I think I need so I'll said you know the universe i I'm accident qekYVDFr4eY-00139-00082071-00082641 for this I need the so you know make a situation better in my life whatever the qekYVDFr4eY-00140-00082641-00082998 situation is but I'm seeing a positive news coming in for qekYVDFr4eY-00141-00082998-00083403 you Pisces whoever that was going through an art break-in into karma to qekYVDFr4eY-00142-00083403-00083979 situation and then it's going to be resolved so when I say to you Pisces qekYVDFr4eY-00143-00083979-00084524 have a wonderful week now I see qj38nhNGIa4-00000-00000008-00000479 oh good afternoon looking back on Saturday a number of things stuck out qj38nhNGIa4-00001-00000479-00001074 obviously the first thing is we got a huge road win for our program and for qj38nhNGIa4-00002-00001074-00001517 the guys and I thought that was an exceptional exceptional win however you qj38nhNGIa4-00003-00001517-00001832 get it obviously it wasn't perfect I thought we started the game really qj38nhNGIa4-00004-00001832-00002358 well and I thought we finished the game really well in between obviously had qj38nhNGIa4-00005-00002358-00002832 some had some hiccups had some issues the great thing when you have success qj38nhNGIa4-00006-00002832-00003266 and win I think sometimes it's easier to go back and challenge the guys and say qj38nhNGIa4-00007-00003266-00003623 hey we we have to improve and we know we have to improve and get a lot better I qj38nhNGIa4-00008-00003623-00004121 think offensively couple things stuck out that we need to improve upon would qj38nhNGIa4-00009-00004121-00004509 be perimeter blocking and it's not just wide receivers it's offensive linemen qj38nhNGIa4-00010-00004509-00004871 tight ends running backs because we have to be able to get the edge and we've got qj38nhNGIa4-00011-00004871-00005189 to do a better job up there and then obviously we weren't as good on third qj38nhNGIa4-00012-00005189-00005559 down as we've been in the past and I think part of that is we were in a lot qj38nhNGIa4-00013-00005559-00006087 more third and long situations on defense you know are tackling still us qj38nhNGIa4-00014-00006087-00006353 to improve I think Hill is a phenomenal running qj38nhNGIa4-00015-00006353-00006854 back and he he made us you know earn every hit but we have to continue to qj38nhNGIa4-00016-00006854-00007311 improve upon tackling and then you know the sudden change aspect on defense we qj38nhNGIa4-00017-00007311-00007668 talked a lot about that when a sudden change happens off a turnover or qj38nhNGIa4-00018-00007668-00008123 something you have to be able to respond and you know we didn't respond the first qj38nhNGIa4-00019-00008123-00008502 time when we fumbled a punt and they scored a touchdown and then probably the qj38nhNGIa4-00020-00008502-00009006 disappointing one was we intercept a pass they make a good play strip strip qj38nhNGIa4-00021-00009006-00009486 the ball and then they take it 79 yards after that to score so we've got to get qj38nhNGIa4-00022-00009486-00009986 better on sudden change and then obviously in special teams can't have a qj38nhNGIa4-00023-00009986-00010461 penalty which we had on a good return and then we have to field punts we just qj38nhNGIa4-00024-00010461-00010964 we something that we talked about it length yesterday and Sunday and qj38nhNGIa4-00025-00010964-00011328 something we have to do better job and if it's the guys trying to make a play qj38nhNGIa4-00026-00011328-00011690 I'm not making excuses for them they're trying to make a play and and they got qj38nhNGIa4-00027-00011690-00012129 to understand the situation and the number one thing we have to do after on qj38nhNGIa4-00028-00012129-00012572 a punt return is get possession back for our offense so we'll clean those airs up qj38nhNGIa4-00029-00012572-00012962 we have this week that we're going to spend an awful lot of time on ourselves qj38nhNGIa4-00030-00012962-00013259 and continue to improve upon some of the things qj38nhNGIa4-00031-00013259-00013679 we're working on as well as work a lot of younger guys into some not qj38nhNGIa4-00032-00013679-00014030 necessarily roles but put them into some situations because they haven't gotten a qj38nhNGIa4-00033-00014030-00014486 chance to really play much with the the conference or with the non-conference qj38nhNGIa4-00034-00014486-00014688 schedule we've had so open it up with questions I think the things I just qj38nhNGIa4-00035-00014688-00015382 On keeping the team hungry after a big winโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00036-00015386-00016096 talked about that we're not clicking on all cylinders I believe that you know we qj38nhNGIa4-00037-00016097-00016601 have to stay humble and stay hungry not be seduced by the success that we have qj38nhNGIa4-00038-00016601-00017095 had that those guys see it they watch the film and say boy we we really could qj38nhNGIa4-00039-00017095-00017501 play a lot better on this phase offensively or this phase defensively qj38nhNGIa4-00040-00017501-00018023 and you know I was frustrated because I I think if we filled the punt we maybe qj38nhNGIa4-00041-00018023-00018503 go in 13 nothing 17 nothing and maybe it's a different game you know and that qj38nhNGIa4-00042-00018503-00018904 was a huge momentum and that's the other thing is you know just managing the ebbs qj38nhNGIa4-00043-00018904-00019258 and flows of games something that we've got to continue to improve upon it's qj38nhNGIa4-00044-00019258-00020142 On assistant coaches recruiting during the bye weekโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00045-00020156-00020620 valuable but it's still not contact period it's still an evaluation so we'll qj38nhNGIa4-00046-00020620-00020993 have the assistants here through Thursday and we're gonna get a lot of qj38nhNGIa4-00047-00020993-00021512 work done from a practice standpoint and a meeting standpoint and continue we're qj38nhNGIa4-00048-00021512-00021982 we're still teaching you know we're still implementing a lot of the things qj38nhNGIa4-00049-00021982-00022334 with our play books offensively and defensively we can't we couldn't afford qj38nhNGIa4-00050-00022334-00022919 to say every coach just get out of here and start going and recruiting the most qj38nhNGIa4-00051-00022919-00023341 important thing for me is the current football team and so we have to do a qj38nhNGIa4-00052-00023341-00023825 good job of of continuing to work on fundamentals techniques and continuing qj38nhNGIa4-00053-00023825-00023954 to teach our offense and defense qj38nhNGIa4-00054-00023954-00024942 On is there are one or two things he will emphasize with Big 12 play in two weeksโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00055-00024942-00025308 not any one thing you know we'll spend more time on Oklahoma State just because qj38nhNGIa4-00056-00025309-00025773 we have you know that's the next game in front of us and we have at least some qj38nhNGIa4-00057-00025773-00026274 film on those guys and you know they haven't had the most competitive games qj38nhNGIa4-00058-00026274-00026784 in the non-conference but there's still some things we can work on so you know qj38nhNGIa4-00059-00026784-00027126 that's probably where our focus will go after we work on ourselves qj38nhNGIa4-00060-00027126-00028476 On being able to spend an entire two weeks for OSU like they did before the season opener... qj38nhNGIa4-00061-00028476-00028877 you can't replicate it totally simply because we didn't know anything just qj38nhNGIa4-00062-00028877-00029194 like you guys didn't know prior to nickle state of what you were gonna see qj38nhNGIa4-00063-00029194-00029653 from Kansas State so now that we do know a little bit about our team you know qj38nhNGIa4-00064-00029653-00030025 through three games okay here's the things we have to work on forget who qj38nhNGIa4-00065-00030025-00030370 we're playing here's the things we have to get better on whether that's the qj38nhNGIa4-00066-00030370-00030808 perimeter blocking tackling a certain aspect of special teams whatever maybe qj38nhNGIa4-00067-00030808-00031381 we have to work on that part but then absolutely push forward and say okay now qj38nhNGIa4-00068-00031383-00031927 let's let's do some scouting let's do some scout work on our next opponent not qj38nhNGIa4-00069-00031927-00032810 On how important a factor it was to not be intimidated at Mississippi Stateโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00070-00032810-00033180 necessarily intimidated or intimidate I think it was just belief that we were qj38nhNGIa4-00071-00033181-00033686 gonna win we talked in here last Monday that we really believed we had a better qj38nhNGIa4-00072-00033686-00034225 football team watching film now would that play out on the field we thought it qj38nhNGIa4-00073-00034225-00034612 could that guys you guys played these guys last year we're watching them on qj38nhNGIa4-00074-00034612-00035140 film believe we can win this game believe it's gonna happen and and I qj38nhNGIa4-00075-00035140-00035471 thought we finished the game really well and I think finishing is part of qj38nhNGIa4-00076-00035471-00035731 believing you know if you believe you're gonna get it done you're gonna finish qj38nhNGIa4-00077-00035731-00036068 better and that that's something that I was so pleased with the guys there qj38nhNGIa4-00078-00036068-00036455 wasn't any panic on the sidelines when we get down and things weren't going qj38nhNGIa4-00079-00036455-00036937 well you know if one play happens also in your momentum can swing and that play qj38nhNGIa4-00080-00036938-00037282 happened and the momentum did swing back and then they really took it over from qj38nhNGIa4-00081-00037288-00037684 there cuz I thought in the fourth quarter we we were the better football team qj38nhNGIa4-00082-00037684-00038282 On how much they have to back off during the bye week to get guys more restโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00083-00038294-00038734 a little bit you do because you're able to play you know a few more guys qj38nhNGIa4-00084-00038734-00039290 we'll rotate a few more younger guys into into the rotation but you still got qj38nhNGIa4-00085-00039290-00039709 to get your work done there's certain things technique wise were you know qj38nhNGIa4-00086-00039709-00040156 pass-rush stuff we have to continue to work our top guys on pass rush in qj38nhNGIa4-00087-00040156-00040493 working with each other we have to work some coverages where you want to make qj38nhNGIa4-00088-00040493-00040919 sure that the linebacker you know that Eli is out there with with j-mac or that qj38nhNGIa4-00089-00040919-00041413 the AJ is out there with Denzel so the communication continues to improve same qj38nhNGIa4-00090-00041413-00041739 thing offensively but obviously we got through the qj38nhNGIa4-00091-00041739-00042282 game really well from a health standpoint so it'll allow us to continue qj38nhNGIa4-00092-00042282-00042458 to push those starters forward qj38nhNGIa4-00093-00042458-00043752 On assessing Skylar Thompsonโ€™s body of work through non-conference play and where he can get betterโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00094-00043770-00044394 take care of the football and and lead the team and put us in excellent qj38nhNGIa4-00095-00044394-00044778 situations in the first half I thought you did a great job and the thing that I qj38nhNGIa4-00096-00044778-00045240 think he's in getting so comfortable with is seeing a picture and changing a qj38nhNGIa4-00097-00045240-00045684 play because of the fact we're a huddle team and he's getting the call from from qj38nhNGIa4-00098-00045684-00046038 Coach mess implements the call comes the line of scrimmage if there's certain qj38nhNGIa4-00099-00046038-00046443 things that we don't like he has the ability to change those plays and he's qj38nhNGIa4-00100-00046443-00046938 doing a great job of seeing those pictures and that's the thing that I qj38nhNGIa4-00101-00046938-00047436 think he will continue to improve upon it's just seeing more pictures seeing qj38nhNGIa4-00102-00047436-00047967 more more coverages seeing more pressure looks within our structure of our qj38nhNGIa4-00103-00047967-00048357 offense and that's something that it's probably a never-ending battle that qj38nhNGIa4-00104-00048357-00048728 you're always trying to improve upon but that's what I I know that we would like qj38nhNGIa4-00105-00048728-00048882 him to continue to work on qj38nhNGIa4-00106-00048882-00049514 On how anxious he is to see what the defense can do in the Big 12โ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00107-00049514-00050222 well I'm anxious to see just because I think we on defense need to get so much better and so much cleaner when I say cleaner qj38nhNGIa4-00108-00050223-00050658 maybe it's it's in a fit and we don't have two guys in the same gap maybe it's qj38nhNGIa4-00109-00050658-00051021 in a coverage and we don't pass something off that we should have passed qj38nhNGIa4-00110-00051021-00051660 off on a on an exchange route and the fact that we're we're just scratching qj38nhNGIa4-00111-00051660-00052253 the surface I think defensively what we can be and we also know we have to play qj38nhNGIa4-00112-00052253-00052955 better on defense in a league that we're going into with the conference schedule qj38nhNGIa4-00113-00052955-00053391 we have because everybody can run it and everybody can throw it where you know qj38nhNGIa4-00114-00053391-00053886 this past week our number one goal was to stop and slow down the run game and qj38nhNGIa4-00115-00053886-00054213 if they got us through the air that was how they were gonna have to do it and I qj38nhNGIa4-00116-00054213-00054576 thought for the most part you know Hill had his yards but he didn't have the qj38nhNGIa4-00117-00054576-00055179 explosive plays we did a nice job of getting them into the into some long situations qj38nhNGIa4-00118-00055182-00055704 On the status of defensive end Wyatt Hubert cornerback Walter Neil Jr.โ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00119-00055704-00056166 they both practice yesterday you know which was good now today will qj38nhNGIa4-00120-00056166-00056538 be a contact day I don't think either one of them will have contact but I'm qj38nhNGIa4-00121-00056538-00057464 very hopeful but that they'll be pushed into normal normal practice play by Wednesday or Thursday qj38nhNGIa4-00122-00057464-00058641 On the running back rotation and why James Gilbert played more in the second halfโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00123-00058641-00059154 no not necessarily you know the first thing I'd say is in qj38nhNGIa4-00124-00059154-00059433 the third quarter didn't matter who the running back was we were on defense the qj38nhNGIa4-00125-00059433-00059823 whole time so that was you could upend anybody I qj38nhNGIa4-00126-00059823-00060261 did but we were we were so poor on in the third quarter of getting off the qj38nhNGIa4-00127-00060261-00060669 field staying on the field and really you're in essence it turned into the qj38nhNGIa4-00128-00060669-00061144 last two drives where it was a little bit James but no nothing that sticks out qj38nhNGIa4-00129-00061144-00062317 On if the punt returners are like a young center fielder knowing when to go for the catchโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00130-00062336-00062736 I I think I'm a second one it was you know the first one was we just muffed it qj38nhNGIa4-00131-00062736-00063311 was kicked at us and we mucked it the second one it was it was deflected which qj38nhNGIa4-00132-00063311-00063822 changes everything as far as you know whether it's the spin qj38nhNGIa4-00133-00063822-00064308 to the knuckleball to whatever but yeah it's some in my opinion it's so much qj38nhNGIa4-00134-00064308-00064677 easier to go back on a punt than it is ever to come up on a pond qj38nhNGIa4-00135-00064677-00065169 it was decades ago but I used to return punts and going back is much easier than qj38nhNGIa4-00136-00065169-00065776 going forward and you know when you are going forward you're better off letting qj38nhNGIa4-00137-00065778-00066236 it bounce even if you you lose the yards you've gaining the possession back qj38nhNGIa4-00138-00066236-00066866 On Wayne Jonesโ€™ penaltiesโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00139-00066866-00067296 I thought one was that was a poor penalty on his part I thought the other qj38nhNGIa4-00140-00067302-00067624 one I didn't think it was a penalty to be honest with you qj38nhNGIa4-00141-00067624-00068658 On if having two bye weeks is unusualโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00142-00068662-00069210 it is a little unusual I love to have it before you get into conference play you know I think qj38nhNGIa4-00143-00069211-00069598 that's that's big you play your non-conference you learn more about your qj38nhNGIa4-00144-00069598-00070111 team you learn more what you have to do in certain phases of the game you know qj38nhNGIa4-00145-00070111-00070447 then we're gonna have we're gonna have a second one yeah I wish that were a qj38nhNGIa4-00146-00070447-00070804 little bit later in the season rather than just playing two games than having qj38nhNGIa4-00147-00070804-00071416 another bye but that's just the way the the schedule lays out but you know qj38nhNGIa4-00148-00071416-00071827 there's something about football to a rhythm that you you know you're playing qj38nhNGIa4-00149-00071827-00072274 well you want to stay into a rhythm but there's also it's easy to say as a coach qj38nhNGIa4-00150-00072274-00072568 it's not easy to say when you're an old lineman our D lineman and you've played qj38nhNGIa4-00151-00072568-00072904 five six seven in a row and you're like holy cow this would be a good time to qj38nhNGIa4-00152-00072904-00073540 get my body back so I think this year the way it plays out we're taking great qj38nhNGIa4-00153-00073540-00073885 advantage of it this week because of what has happened in the non-conference qj38nhNGIa4-00154-00073885-00074150 and we'll we'll talk about when we get to the next one qj38nhNGIa4-00155-00074150-00075212 On if a bye week benefits the staffโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00156-00075212-00075904 I don't think the staff has anything to do with it so to speak just because they're all seasoned qj38nhNGIa4-00157-00075930-00076380 seasoned veteran guys that have you know some have worked together but we got a qj38nhNGIa4-00158-00076381-00076833 good camaraderie there so that I don't think that plays into the open week part qj38nhNGIa4-00159-00076834-00076884 of it qj38nhNGIa4-00160-00076884-00078164 On where Trey Dishon has helped the defensive frontโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00161-00078164-00078745 well he's so smart he knows everything about our defense which is great he qj38nhNGIa4-00162-00078745-00079147 knows what it means when the backs on the side of the tight end or the backs qj38nhNGIa4-00163-00079147-00079429 away from the tight end and the tight ends on the ball the tight ends off the qj38nhNGIa4-00164-00079429-00079858 ball whatever it may be he's he gets the game the game slows down for Trey qj38nhNGIa4-00165-00079858-00080359 because he's he works at it hard he watches a ton of film he's playing at a qj38nhNGIa4-00166-00080359-00080794 really high level he played a phenomenal football game on Saturday our defensive qj38nhNGIa4-00167-00080794-00081565 line in general played dynamite on Saturday as far as they shut down the qj38nhNGIa4-00168-00081565-00082210 run and some of the plays that bounced maybe a linebacker or or safety qj38nhNGIa4-00169-00082210-00082567 you know maybe missed a tackle or got bounced off but our third kind of qj38nhNGIa4-00170-00082567-00083008 defensive line played exceptionally well and he's a catalyst in there at the D qj38nhNGIa4-00171-00083008-00083344 tackle spot because he's played so much football and the guys trust and listen qj38nhNGIa4-00172-00083344-00083394 to him qj38nhNGIa4-00173-00083394-00085070 On Oklahoma State game being on ESPN+โ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00174-00085070-00085472 that's over my head that's a Kenny question or somebody you qj38nhNGIa4-00175-00085472-00086249 know it is what it is and you know I think from a recruit standpoint or a qj38nhNGIa4-00176-00086249-00086786 young person standpoint I think whatever network whatever streaming it would be qj38nhNGIa4-00177-00086798-00087222 on people have the ability to see it but you know those are things that we can't control qj38nhNGIa4-00178-00087224-00088104 On the rapid progress of Jordan Mittieโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00179-00088104-00088402 he's playing really well he was one of our players of the game and the qj38nhNGIa4-00180-00088402-00089026 deepest find he's pretty quiet kid but he he plays with an unbelievable motor qj38nhNGIa4-00181-00089026-00089656 another really really smart savvy guy that as the game goes on he sees qj38nhNGIa4-00182-00089656-00090155 tendencies he sees mechanics techniques of offensive lineman and takes advantage qj38nhNGIa4-00183-00090155-00090700 of them he had a number of plays in the backfield he's just he's playing at such qj38nhNGIa4-00184-00090700-00091268 a high level and it's great because you know I I think with people sometimes you qj38nhNGIa4-00185-00091268-00091852 know keen on tre it allows Jordan to make some plays and Jordan's taken full qj38nhNGIa4-00186-00091852-00092275 advantage of it he's you know in the rotation he's moved into a starting role qj38nhNGIa4-00187-00092275-00092818 we're gonna always play a least three if not four guys and we played five guys at qj38nhNGIa4-00188-00092818-00093357 D tackle this week so we're always going to play guys there but so excited about qj38nhNGIa4-00189-00093357-00093785 how much he's grown within understanding our system on the defensive line and qj38nhNGIa4-00190-00093785-00093952 he's a big-time playmaker qj38nhNGIa4-00191-00093952-00094688 On the south end zone project and its impact on recruitingโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00192-00094688-00095229 well I think for starters it's it's you know the the eye candy the eyepiece have qj38nhNGIa4-00193-00095229-00095850 seen it will be really cool it'll generate more revenue which will benefit qj38nhNGIa4-00194-00095850-00096306 the student-athletes from a recruiting standpoint just to mail tour guys qj38nhNGIa4-00195-00096306-00096972 through there and see another expanded area that's renovated that's sweet type qj38nhNGIa4-00196-00096972-00097570 and I think all that stuff is is going to be valuable in the recruiting process qj38nhNGIa4-00197-00097570-00098262 but I think it shows our players it shows the student-athletes qj38nhNGIa4-00198-00098262-00098775 excuse me Susan shows the recruits the continued commitment that Kansas State qj38nhNGIa4-00199-00098775-00099368 is making towards all of its athletic teams of continuing to enhance facilities qj38nhNGIa4-00200-00099368-00100278 On Denzel Goolsbyโ€™s steady and calm leadership in a road gameโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00201-00100278-00100748 he's playing really really well and each game he gets more and more qj38nhNGIa4-00202-00100749-00101298 comfortable I challenge Denzel to be more vocal on qj38nhNGIa4-00203-00101298-00101769 the field in practice because he has so much to give and people so so respect qj38nhNGIa4-00204-00101769-00102419 Denzel and even and he's at calming force like you say out there and and qj38nhNGIa4-00205-00102419-00103001 he's tackling exceptionally well right now he is but but I I watch him tackle qj38nhNGIa4-00206-00103001-00103452 and he's tackling really well and he he's one of our leading tacklers but I qj38nhNGIa4-00207-00103452-00103967 watched the way he practices and even when we were not in a live tackling part qj38nhNGIa4-00208-00103967-00104306 of practice which you can't really be in much during one you get in the season qj38nhNGIa4-00209-00104306-00104813 he's running to the spot and tagging off as if he's in the perfect hit position qj38nhNGIa4-00210-00104813-00105185 which i think is gonna help these younger guys cuz a lot of these younger qj38nhNGIa4-00211-00105185-00105588 guys are learning how to practice and Denzel has mastered how we want him to qj38nhNGIa4-00212-00105588-00105698 practice qj38nhNGIa4-00213-00105698-00106280 On the replacements for Walter Neil Jr. at cornerbackโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00214-00106280-00106767 TV I thought played a great football game and we put an awful lot on his qj38nhNGIa4-00215-00106767-00107187 plate we we weren't sure we really thought Walt had a chance that's why we qj38nhNGIa4-00216-00107187-00107773 dressed him but he couldn't go after warm-up so key B took the lion's share qj38nhNGIa4-00217-00107773-00108300 of the of the reps in practice although Walt took some reps and so he was thrust qj38nhNGIa4-00218-00108300-00108832 into it and the thing that impressed me the most about key B is we gave up the qj38nhNGIa4-00219-00108832-00109278 touchdown before half which I thought he was in good position they made a great qj38nhNGIa4-00220-00109278-00109737 throwing catch and key booze right there didn't faze him he came out and played a qj38nhNGIa4-00221-00109737-00110173 really good second half and he was on two special teams we finally took him qj38nhNGIa4-00222-00110173-00110548 off a special team because he like everybody else it was playing that much qj38nhNGIa4-00223-00110548-00110932 was cramping so he was cramping so much that we had to take him out and put D qj38nhNGIa4-00224-00110932-00111469 Pat in and I think they saw okay you got another corner in the game they went qj38nhNGIa4-00225-00111469-00112053 after him late and he and Denzel break up a big-time play in the pylon of the qj38nhNGIa4-00226-00112053-00112570 end zone that you know was a shot play for them to try to tie it and so deep qj38nhNGIa4-00227-00112570-00113061 hat came in and did a great job it's it's we've talked as a staff it's given qj38nhNGIa4-00228-00113061-00113430 us so much more confidence moving forward that we have more guys at that qj38nhNGIa4-00229-00113430-00113880 position and that's something that we didn't know prior to the season key we qj38nhNGIa4-00230-00113880-00114295 had played some but we want to see him in in in the fire and I thought both qj38nhNGIa4-00231-00114295-00114448 those guys did a great job qj38nhNGIa4-00232-00114448-00115656 On the โ€˜Pound the Stoneโ€™ mantraโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00233-00115656-00116102 it's just a mantra that that Ben Newman brought to us and there's a book that a qj38nhNGIa4-00234-00116103-00116544 number of us read and it's just it's just daily the nonstop grind of qj38nhNGIa4-00235-00116544-00117110 continuing to believe and continue to continue to go to work you know no qj38nhNGIa4-00236-00117110-00117450 matter what's in front of you continue to pound the stone take everything out qj38nhNGIa4-00237-00117450-00117710 of your mind when you come to the practice field take everything out of qj38nhNGIa4-00238-00117710-00118104 your mind when you're in the meetings and it's a daily grind that those guys qj38nhNGIa4-00239-00118104-00118596 truly believe that if I keep pounding the stone and I keep grinding and I keep qj38nhNGIa4-00240-00118596-00119049 hammering away at that thing every day and I don't take any days off and I qj38nhNGIa4-00241-00119049-00119505 don't take any shortcuts that when I get into a tight moment like we were in on qj38nhNGIa4-00242-00119505-00120020 on Saturday if you continue to pound the stone and continue to have great work qj38nhNGIa4-00243-00120020-00120378 ethic and continue to believe good things are going to happen qj38nhNGIa4-00244-00120378-00121235 On being 3-0โ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00245-00121250-00121933 I couldn't tell you that I'm happy obviously that we're three and oh but big picture we qj38nhNGIa4-00246-00121934-00122427 haven't started conference play yet we know every game is gonna be a dogfight qj38nhNGIa4-00247-00122427-00122810 we know that whatever you did last week has no bearing on the next week so you qj38nhNGIa4-00248-00122810-00123209 better just you put your head down and go to work and make sure that you're qj38nhNGIa4-00249-00123209-00123654 preparing every everyday to be successful on Saturday thrilled that qj38nhNGIa4-00250-00123654-00123996 we're three no but we have a lot of work to do qj38nhNGIa4-00251-00123996-00124609 On what he sees in AJ Parker now compared to film from last yearโ€ฆ qj38nhNGIa4-00252-00124609-00125435 confidence confidence and a playmaker and a guy that wants to be put on the spot a guy that wants to be qj38nhNGIa4-00253-00125435-00125943 challenged taking on a leadership role I don't know if you did that last year but qj38nhNGIa4-00254-00125943-00126642 he's doing all those things that I see that a dominant number one corner can do qj38nhNGIa4-00255-00126642-00127146 will do and wants to be in that spotlight and fun fun player to watch qj38nhNGIa4-00256-00127146-00127676 he's a great player Thanks qlyQKIH6Qsy-00000-00000000-00000272 i'm going to start this video by saying something controversial this might get qlyQKIH6Qsy-00001-00000272-00000784 me in trouble with a lot of people but fallout 3 is better than fallout new vegas qlyQKIH6Qsy-00002-00001104-00001520 i said it i said it i know strap in did you bring your coffee do you guys have coffee for qlyQKIH6Qsy-00003-00001520-00002120 this it's early for me so i have my coffee again this is why this quest right here i qlyQKIH6Qsy-00004-00002120-00002488 actually teleported myself so i don't even know if it's going to work i haven't tested this at qlyQKIH6Qsy-00005-00002488-00002920 all i got out of the vault at level 1 and just teleported myself here is there anything i have qlyQKIH6Qsy-00006-00002920-00003432 to fight in here because i'm level one so this is the quest where you get your dad back and qlyQKIH6Qsy-00007-00003432-00003864 it involves you playing as a 12 year old boy i remember there's a rolling pin and i remember qlyQKIH6Qsy-00008-00003864-00004264 fighting a lot of people so let's see if this works i also remember it being kind of creepy qlyQKIH6Qsy-00009-00004264-00004728 but i do remember this being probably the best quest in fallout history and this cemented fallout qlyQKIH6Qsy-00010-00004728-00005456 3 is the greatest fallout game of all time for me yes alright we're in prepare for assimilation qlyQKIH6Qsy-00011-00005512-00005896 i'm so excited that actually worked much easier than i thought it would qlyQKIH6Qsy-00012-00005896-00006504 ah ah see sunny welcome to your life i forgot how awkward the children in this game look qlyQKIH6Qsy-00013-00006568-00007176 hey there sport beautiful day isn't it you should go talk to betty she's waiting for you over on qlyQKIH6Qsy-00014-00007176-00007656 the playground how do you know she's waiting for me you don't know me what can i do for you sport qlyQKIH6Qsy-00015-00007656-00008159 what you can do for me is [ __ ] off george this is what some kind of computer simulation sounds qlyQKIH6Qsy-00016-00008159-00008616 like you've been spending too much time with your nose and those darned comic books sport qlyQKIH6Qsy-00017-00008720-00009352 okay first off is he calling me a weeb now i know that the dog is my dad take a hike mutt qlyQKIH6Qsy-00018-00009424-00009800 get out of here all right i want to go explore the town i want to see what i can do in this qlyQKIH6Qsy-00019-00009800-00010496 town before actually getting into the mission is that so well you want to tell that to my big toke qlyQKIH6Qsy-00020-00010496-00010944 i just showed up in their town and i'm immediately insulting the life that they live i i think the qlyQKIH6Qsy-00021-00010944-00011408 people here know that it's a simulation do they just pretend that it's not hi there i'm jimmy you qlyQKIH6Qsy-00022-00011408-00011904 want to play i hate you don't really remember this kid a lot but just on his voice i hate you none of qlyQKIH6Qsy-00023-00011904-00012528 this is real to me what you're weird what the [ __ ] did you just say to me is that really necessary qlyQKIH6Qsy-00024-00012592-00013184 yeah it's necessary he's talking [ __ ] i've dealt with mud craters like you before ow qlyQKIH6Qsy-00025-00013928-00014463 all right all right i yield i yield timmy timmy i yield calm down yo dad help me out qlyQKIH6Qsy-00026-00014463-00015104 man can we play now yes i i'm down to help you out but i got this guy chasing me around qlyQKIH6Qsy-00027-00015104-00015736 psycho timmy let's play a fun game oh yeah i'm down i'm down i love a fun game but first coffee qlyQKIH6Qsy-00028-00015863-00016464 all you have to do is make timmy newsbum cry oh damn it i gotta get away from him qlyQKIH6Qsy-00029-00016632-00017248 oh god everyone's afraid of me you up timmy everyone is everyone is afraid of the menace qlyQKIH6Qsy-00030-00017248-00017752 timmy yeah i'm just gonna reload by save we'll go back here and we'll restart it qlyQKIH6Qsy-00031-00017752-00018088 all right there you go see timmy now we're on the same side okay i gotta make him cry qlyQKIH6Qsy-00032-00018088-00018448 i think there's multiple ways to do it timmy what are you doing back here you old lad hi qlyQKIH6Qsy-00033-00018448-00018888 wanna play no hey i heard your parents are getting a divorce because of you qlyQKIH6Qsy-00034-00019320-00019784 they've never loved you in fact they both hate you and wish you were dead qlyQKIH6Qsy-00035-00020248-00020648 it's better you accept the reality that you live in now timmy alright mission accomplished qlyQKIH6Qsy-00036-00020776-00021384 i kind of want to go back and make timmy cry in a much worse way military school that's almost qlyQKIH6Qsy-00037-00021384-00021848 funnier hey your parents are shipping you away to me oh [ __ ] he found me oh no no no timmy qlyQKIH6Qsy-00038-00021848-00022320 you can't be tracking me in here you don't belong here it's not real none of it thank qlyQKIH6Qsy-00039-00022320-00022712 god this isn't like oblivion because i would have actually gotten really scared there if they just qlyQKIH6Qsy-00040-00022712-00023144 popped up it would have gone all the way into her face get away from me a crazy old bat i qlyQKIH6Qsy-00041-00023144-00023712 like it here have you ever seen a more punchable face just look at him look at that stupid hair qlyQKIH6Qsy-00042-00023712-00024696 tucked in t-shirt stop saying that hiya hiya hiya hi wanna play i don't i don't what no i'm not look qlyQKIH6Qsy-00043-00024696-00025248 i got the brochure right here timmy you're going to military school but i don't want to go away qlyQKIH6Qsy-00044-00025320-00025920 i don't want to leave my mommy i'm done making him cry dude george you got to get away from me qlyQKIH6Qsy-00045-00025920-00026368 man it's really creeping me out wait is there going to be a follow-up is going to cry more qlyQKIH6Qsy-00046-00026664-00026936 if you had a coffee you'd probably feel a lot better qlyQKIH6Qsy-00047-00027168-00027512 he's not even speaking words that's this is the conversation they're having qlyQKIH6Qsy-00048-00028104-00028616 uh she looks absolutely miserable pat i don't blame you for sending this [ __ ] out away to qlyQKIH6Qsy-00049-00028616-00029152 mid military school i gotta get out of this house he's just it's not to stop wailing qlyQKIH6Qsy-00050-00029152-00029768 neighbors are gonna call the cops okay i need to actually make progress yay you did it good qlyQKIH6Qsy-00051-00029768-00030360 job all right so we gotta end the rockwell's marriage damn martha you bad good day to you qlyQKIH6Qsy-00052-00030520-00031039 why are you asking me people around here should mind their own business hey if the if the husband qlyQKIH6Qsy-00053-00031039-00031504 rockwell if that's what he's getting after i'm not saying it's ethical all right i'm just saying i qlyQKIH6Qsy-00054-00031504-00032095 understand well hi there hi roger that's so strange a small child comes into your house qlyQKIH6Qsy-00055-00032095-00032552 anything you want to tell me about your marriage now see here that's not anything for you to be qlyQKIH6Qsy-00056-00032552-00033136 asking about our marriage is our business and it's private fine jesus roger let's see what the wife qlyQKIH6Qsy-00057-00033136-00033624 has to say good day hi janet you know janet you look suspiciously like the woman that your husband qlyQKIH6Qsy-00058-00033624-00033944 is banging anything you want to tell me about your marriage that's so strange i just asked qlyQKIH6Qsy-00059-00033944-00034384 the husband this five feet away from her there's no way she didn't hear it goodness what kind of qlyQKIH6Qsy-00060-00034384-00034880 a question is that this is why i love this game the responses actually make sense oh her diary qlyQKIH6Qsy-00061-00034880-00035400 i just don't know what to do anymore when roger's not in that stupid basement he's outside sweet qlyQKIH6Qsy-00062-00035400-00036048 talking that hussy martha simpson he claims there's nothing between them but i know it's all qlyQKIH6Qsy-00063-00036048-00036728 a lie i found a woman's pendant once on roger's workbench of course i said nothing that's me janet qlyQKIH6Qsy-00064-00036728-00037248 rockwell prim and proper housewife living a perfect life here in tranquility lane qlyQKIH6Qsy-00065-00037328-00037912 some days i wish i really had beat her to death with that rolling pin then roger would know i'm qlyQKIH6Qsy-00066-00037912-00038616 the only girl oh my god she's insane i think i did a pretty good job how was my uh how was my reading qlyQKIH6Qsy-00067-00038616-00039032 there rate me one out of ten how'd i do are there any other solutions to this where's martha qlyQKIH6Qsy-00068-00039120-00039616 someone's here oh i was just looking at the new robco catalog some impressive things they're doing qlyQKIH6Qsy-00069-00039616-00040384 these days well hi there i'm mabel well they're just so nice aren't they it's good the two of them qlyQKIH6Qsy-00070-00040384-00040752 worked everything out so they have had issues although i guess i could gather that from the qlyQKIH6Qsy-00071-00040832-00041256 death wish that the wife has for the husband right now janet thought there was something going on qlyQKIH6Qsy-00072-00041256-00041784 with roger and martha simpson hey maybe you should mind your own business as i'm prying around their qlyQKIH6Qsy-00073-00041784-00042448 house going through their rooms reading her notebook why i never you're the one who asked qlyQKIH6Qsy-00074-00042448-00043080 me about it you little brat oh my god i love this game dude martha is so bad though qlyQKIH6Qsy-00075-00043232-00043864 she's so bad have you seen the new robco catalog wait they just talked about the robco catalog i qlyQKIH6Qsy-00076-00043864-00044784 don't even really want the one i have now i don't trust it martha not a bit really mabel it's fine qlyQKIH6Qsy-00077-00044784-00045272 yeah okay that's about as oblivion as it can get okay so now that i have her hot underwear why qlyQKIH6Qsy-00078-00045336-00045808 why is there so much popping how low are my graphics settings hold on i think my graphics qlyQKIH6Qsy-00079-00045808-00046704 are like low what the hell come on i'm i'm a gamer i have a gaming pc i drink coffee goodbye kiddo qlyQKIH6Qsy-00080-00046704-00047016 what's the good word hey bill i wonder what bill has to say about the marriage though qlyQKIH6Qsy-00081-00047016-00047448 bill seems like an honest guy so we'll gauge his uh we'll gauge what he thinks about the marriage qlyQKIH6Qsy-00082-00047448-00047936 now what's a kid like you want to know about why is everyone so concerned stuff to be worried about qlyQKIH6Qsy-00083-00047936-00048464 don't you think i haven't heard them fight for a long time hey you seem too young to be knowing qlyQKIH6Qsy-00084-00048464-00048888 about this but uh let me give you the loadout on the situation anyway and where should i put qlyQKIH6Qsy-00085-00048888-00049536 this hot underwear sexy hot woman underwear first going to drink out of their toilet like a normal qlyQKIH6Qsy-00086-00049536-00050304 human child all right i'm glad you two are sitting here i have returned let's let's discuss things qlyQKIH6Qsy-00087-00050304-00050720 damn it there has to be something i can do i can't talk to them i don't want to just convince them i qlyQKIH6Qsy-00088-00050720-00051184 feel like that's the lame way to do it maybe i have to put her underwear in the workbench qlyQKIH6Qsy-00089-00051272-00051776 i've gone down to their basement in front of them multiple times now and now i'm all of a sudden qlyQKIH6Qsy-00090-00051776-00052272 hey you gotta come down there you gotta see this what were you doing in our basement they're just qlyQKIH6Qsy-00091-00052272-00052840 trusting this small child with everything well hi there hey roger just wanna let you know you are qlyQKIH6Qsy-00092-00052840-00053432 absolutely screwed now janet i'm gonna need you to prepare yourself women's clothing down here what qlyQKIH6Qsy-00093-00053576-00054376 in your house what is this doing here maybe it's his oh my god roger that's right he's not cheating qlyQKIH6Qsy-00094-00054376-00054944 on you even worse he's wearing women's lingerie which is totally fine if that's his preference he qlyQKIH6Qsy-00095-00054944-00055391 can absolutely do that get him janet you know what i'm talking about get him janet spent all that qlyQKIH6Qsy-00096-00055391-00055840 time down in the basement and i never questioned it what's wrong with being in the basement what's qlyQKIH6Qsy-00097-00055840-00056352 wrong with being in the basement wrong with being in the being in the basement he's a basement loser qlyQKIH6Qsy-00098-00056416-00057000 he's actually a basement loser stay away from me it's all right roger hey look man just put on a qlyQKIH6Qsy-00099-00057000-00057504 ball game on the old television and let's just chat like men how did it come to this qlyQKIH6Qsy-00100-00057504-00057967 i just don't understand well maybe you shouldn't have been banging martha simpson although i don't qlyQKIH6Qsy-00101-00057967-00058720 blame you she is bad she is bad i mean i i come on hello look at lucky martha come on qlyQKIH6Qsy-00102-00058784-00059248 like i'm now i know it's strange because all the fallout models are weird but hey i was looking at qlyQKIH6Qsy-00103-00059248-00059720 martha janet mabel i was just looking at the new robco catalog why are they always talking about qlyQKIH6Qsy-00104-00059720-00060176 the robco catalog it's the only conversation they know to have the only significant news qlyQKIH6Qsy-00105-00060176-00060728 that ever happens in this neighborhood are slight changes to the robco catalog i'd like you to kill qlyQKIH6Qsy-00106-00060728-00061479 mabel henderson hello how are you today sure is a beautiful day okay now that is oblivion qlyQKIH6Qsy-00107-00061591-00062344 that was oblivion right there that was oblivion conversation 100 well hi there what can you tell qlyQKIH6Qsy-00108-00062344-00062872 me about the neighborhood well there's certainly never a dull moment always something to see and qlyQKIH6Qsy-00109-00062872-00063504 always something to talk about yeah right like the robco catalogue i love the little tune that plays qlyQKIH6Qsy-00110-00063720-00064176 the smell of apple pie is there nothing like the smell of the robco catalog qlyQKIH6Qsy-00111-00064255-00064800 dude this guy's easily the biggest flex in town he works at robco is she going home qlyQKIH6Qsy-00112-00064855-00065352 oh i think she's going home perfect she'll never see us coming she's just small child what do you qlyQKIH6Qsy-00113-00065352-00065880 think you're doing nothing nothing dear i promise i'm only doing ethical things and i do not plan qlyQKIH6Qsy-00114-00065944-00066280 on killing you at all all right we gotta get there before she gets to the oven qlyQKIH6Qsy-00115-00066560-00066928 hey you'll never see it coming don't sit down please don't sit qlyQKIH6Qsy-00116-00066928-00067400 oh god she sat down the ultimate stakeout i've been waiting here for like five minutes oh my god qlyQKIH6Qsy-00117-00067400-00067872 she's stuck on the freaking chair mabel i need you to move around the chair i've been waiting qlyQKIH6Qsy-00118-00067872-00068304 so long for her to oh there it goes is it really not gonna work ah the very least she could do is qlyQKIH6Qsy-00119-00068304-00068688 go upstairs and here's what we're gonna do if the oven doesn't want to work we're just gonna do all qlyQKIH6Qsy-00120-00068688-00069272 of them at the same time you better run oh jesus do you people do anything in this town besides sit qlyQKIH6Qsy-00121-00069272-00069760 down in chairs and talk about the robco freaking catalog oh there she goes she's running away qlyQKIH6Qsy-00122-00069904-00070184 oh we missed it we missed the money shot qlyQKIH6Qsy-00123-00070384-00070768 all right hopefully nobody heard this just a small child burnt to a crisp qlyQKIH6Qsy-00124-00070768-00071152 well that wasn't nearly as entertaining of an ending as i thought it would be don the mask qlyQKIH6Qsy-00125-00071152-00071832 and become the pint-sized slasher sounds like fun okay so now i have to just murder everybody qlyQKIH6Qsy-00126-00071832-00072328 in the town when i when i think of fallout this is the quest that i think of i don't think that qlyQKIH6Qsy-00127-00072328-00072936 there is a better quest in fallout history than this one if there is like the video and leave a qlyQKIH6Qsy-00128-00072936-00073376 comment on which one is your favorite i don't want to kill my man i don't want to kill my man bill qlyQKIH6Qsy-00129-00073488-00073912 he's such a nice guy and in case you didn't know he works at robco qlyQKIH6Qsy-00130-00074336-00074880 hell yeah mabel mabel says good riddance wait i just killed your wife dude are qlyQKIH6Qsy-00131-00074880-00075408 you in the least upset hey there sport how's it going i just killed his wife qlyQKIH6Qsy-00132-00075408-00076008 hey sport nice job you seem like a hard-working fella take care now you take care too george qlyQKIH6Qsy-00133-00076240-00076792 oh jesus christ sorry janet i'm really sorry oh god timmy's gonna come back to a nightmare qlyQKIH6Qsy-00134-00076792-00077320 at his lemonade stand you know they should make a dennis the menace style horror movie like this you qlyQKIH6Qsy-00135-00077320-00078056 cannot simply wander around killing the residents of tranquility lane got it finally time to do qlyQKIH6Qsy-00136-00078056-00078552 what i came here for cower away from me all you want bill your robco catalog can't save you now qlyQKIH6Qsy-00137-00078552-00079064 he's ready to get robco assistance he's just gonna start launching robco catalogs at me qlyQKIH6Qsy-00138-00079064-00079584 why would you come down here this is like the scariest place to get murdered calm down calm down qlyQKIH6Qsy-00139-00079752-00080696 is that really necessary it look bill i don't want to i like you but yes it is now die i feel really qlyQKIH6Qsy-00140-00080696-00081128 bad i feel like he was eventually gonna give me one of his robco catalogs i gotta stop using qlyQKIH6Qsy-00141-00081128-00081592 that joke the whole video is just gonna be me talking about robco catalogs i'm gonna put a rob qlyQKIH6Qsy-00142-00081592-00082104 co catalog in the thumbnail why not and another one down and another one down old lady did those qlyQKIH6Qsy-00143-00082104-00082912 bites of dust is that all of them oh that's right where's timmy where's timmy where is he dammit qlyQKIH6Qsy-00144-00083200-00083736 what a play what a slice timmy timmy where are you your mother wants to say hi qlyQKIH6Qsy-00145-00083936-00084464 it's who wait janet speak up can you speak up janet i can't quite hear you qlyQKIH6Qsy-00146-00084600-00085240 she died in such a look at that face like she was kind of excited to see me in a way she just wanted qlyQKIH6Qsy-00147-00085240-00085664 my autograph i haven't felt this exhilarated in years honestly i haven't either i'm just going qlyQKIH6Qsy-00148-00085664-00086232 to live out the rest of my days here now i have no interest in continuing the story any further qlyQKIH6Qsy-00149-00086288-00086640 because as soon as i step out the door we're done there if i missed any like easter eggs qlyQKIH6Qsy-00150-00086640-00087152 or something let me know in the comments uh but i hope you guys enjoyed this that's gonna be it qlyQKIH6Qsy-00151-00087152-00087632 for this one uh this is literally one of my favorite quests i remember replaying this multiple qlyQKIH6Qsy-00152-00087632-00088072 times when i was 15 years old when we when i first started playing this game i think it was about qlyQKIH6Qsy-00153-00088072-00088544 14 or 15 when fallout 3 came out i remember playing it going this is the greatest game qlyQKIH6Qsy-00154-00088608-00088992 i've ever played if there's any other quests you want me to check out from fallout 3 let me know qlyQKIH6Qsy-00155-00088992-00089448 probably going to start doing a little bit more fallout stuff maybe we'll see i do love fallout qlyQKIH6Qsy-00156-00089448-00089808 3 a special place in my heart but that's going to be it for me today guys hope you guys appreciate qlyQKIH6Qsy-00157-00089808-00090152 the video and i'll see you on the next one thank you to patreons luke cavara jack the qlyQKIH6Qsy-00158-00090152-00090576 black gamer guy scorch jordan heart hammock therapy arkham and pangy just a little quick qlyQKIH6Qsy-00159-00090576-00090976 update for you guys no live streams this week on twitch sorry about that i'm actually out of qlyQKIH6Qsy-00160-00090976-00091456 town and i got this video done on the sunday before i left recorded and edited in one go so qlyQKIH6Qsy-00161-00091568-00092024 yeah i'm pretty freaking sick anyway guys appreciate it i'll see you on the next one ro7Wz-BVSJc-00000-00000431-00001042 BLACK ICE ON THE BRIDGE Acts have no meaning, but they do have ro7Wz-BVSJc-00001-00001042-00001566 trajectory: the string quartet waxes the mustaches of its accusers. ro7Wz-BVSJc-00002-00001566-00002044 Innocence has no meaning, but it does have motive: when the lamprey pond overflows ro7Wz-BVSJc-00003-00002044-00002442 the pole beans will require stanchions. ro7Wz-BVSJc-00004-00002442-00003071 Appetite has no meaning, but it does have velocity: the last handful of anthracite coal ro7Wz-BVSJc-00005-00003071-00003427 is smelted in view of the opium museum. ro7Wz-BVSJc-00006-00003427-00003898 Marriage has no meaning, but it does have pedigree: the box turtle in the intersection ro7Wz-BVSJc-00007-00003898-00004285 tries, as the twilight worsens, to back up. ro7Wz-BVSJc-00008-00004285-00004805 Mystery has no meaning, but it does have gristle: fog spreads across the mustard grass ro7Wz-BVSJc-00009-00004805-00005014 with no regard for the black ice on the bridge. r1Cv4GFBLsy-00000-00000096-00000346 Secret technique to protect you from infections r1Cv4GFBLsy-00001-00000376-00001106 Welcome back. I'm Dr. Marco and today I present you with a secret technique to protect you from any infection r1Cv4GFBLsy-00002-00001136-00001814 Any infection you can think of: the flu, some current virus, something related to the stomach, etc... r1Cv4GFBLsy-00003-00001832-00002222 You'll be able to protect yourselves with this top secret technique r1Cv4GFBLsy-00004-00002248-00002828 As long as you do it repeatedly, you're basically invulnerable to any infection r1Cv4GFBLsy-00005-00002848-00002966 Let's check it out r1Cv4GFBLsy-00006-00002984-00003364 We start with our hands, in case they're contaminated r1Cv4GFBLsy-00007-00003420-00004078 We must have in mind that everything we touch will be contaminated too r1Cv4GFBLsy-00008-00004154-00004980 We open the faucet and wet our hands. Then we pour a good amount of soap r1Cv4GFBLsy-00009-00005008-00005276 Notice that I let the faucet open so as not to touch it again r1Cv4GFBLsy-00010-00005338-00006112 Now that my hands are filled with soap and foamy, I cross my fingers like this r1Cv4GFBLsy-00011-00006142-00006378 The palms and between the fingers r1Cv4GFBLsy-00012-00006442-00007316 Once my palms are soaped, I wash the back of my hand. So I hold my fingers the other way around r1Cv4GFBLsy-00013-00007556-00008080 Up next are the thumbs who haven't had much activity r1Cv4GFBLsy-00014-00008131-00008394 So I wash them and fill them with soap r1Cv4GFBLsy-00015-00008520-00009020 Then the reverse part of my fingers r1Cv4GFBLsy-00016-00009138-00009574 And finally, under the nails. So I rub them against my palms r1Cv4GFBLsy-00017-00009644-00009874 This is the complete handwashing technique r1Cv4GFBLsy-00018-00009900-00010784 Now I rinse my hands, which are now free of viruses, pathogens or bacteria r1Cv4GFBLsy-00019-00010812-00011870 So in order not to recontaminate them with the faucet, I grab a towel and both close it and dry my hands with it r1Cv4GFBLsy-00020-00011900-00012632 Now my hands are safe and I can touch anything and anyone without any risk of contamination r1Cv4GFBLsy-00021-00012632-00013063 This is very important specially for the health staff r1Cv4GFBLsy-00022-00013110-00013419 In regards to this technique, there are a few considerations to make r1Cv4GFBLsy-00023-00013419-00013738 This is the strictest and most complete one r1Cv4GFBLsy-00024-00013760-00014052 You may have noticed that it can use up a lot of water r1Cv4GFBLsy-00025-00014066-00014724 I would suggest everybody to do it this way during a pandemic or epidemic r1Cv4GFBLsy-00026-00014762-00015688 When it isn't so necessary, we can close the faucet with the elbows even if it is a little uncomfortable r1Cv4GFBLsy-00027-00015719-00016144 While we're washing our hands so as not to waste water r1Cv4GFBLsy-00028-00016194-00016636 The closer we get to the complete technique, the safer our hands are r1Cv4GFBLsy-00029-00016654-00016876 And specially as health staff r1Cv4GFBLsy-00030-00016896-00017546 Our greatest responsibility is to protect our patients through this handwashing technique r1Cv4GFBLsy-00031-00017578-00018254 It's the most important way in which we can protect ourselves and our loved ones r1Cv4GFBLsy-00032-00018300-00018496 This is all for today's video r1Cv4GFBLsy-00033-00018496-00019042 I would like to thank all subscribers and Patreon supporters r1Cv4GFBLsy-00034-00019054-00019612 Specially Marรญa Eugenia Sobrino and Armando Acuรฑa. We really thank your support r1Cv4GFBLsy-00035-00019638-00020152 That's all. Thank you very much. As always help us change the world, share the information r4yUrTojCgU-00000-00000143-00000243 Hello, everyone. r4yUrTojCgU-00001-00000243-00000487 Welcome to part 44 of Ocarina of Time 3D. r4yUrTojCgU-00002-00000487-00000587 I'm Stylianos. r4yUrTojCgU-00003-00000587-00000971 Today we're going to be getting the remaining Skulltulas in Master Quest. r4yUrTojCgU-00004-00000971-00001280 And that's all we're going to be getting, so feel free to skip this episode if you're r4yUrTojCgU-00005-00001280-00001498 not looking for 100% informative content. r4yUrTojCgU-00006-00001498-00001735 Let's get started. r4yUrTojCgU-00007-00001735-00002095 Our first Skulltula's in the main room of the Deku Tree. r4yUrTojCgU-00008-00002095-00002401 All you've got to do is roll into this crate, though I do already have this one. r4yUrTojCgU-00009-00002401-00002708 Number 2 is in that second floor room with the falling platform. r4yUrTojCgU-00010-00002708-00002974 You need Bombchus and the Boomerang to get this one. r4yUrTojCgU-00011-00002974-00003228 You need the Song of Time for this next one. r4yUrTojCgU-00012-00003228-00003611 Go to the basement room with the four torches, kill all the enemies because it makes things r4yUrTojCgU-00013-00003611-00003913 easier, play the Song of Time, then get on top of the block that just appeared, play r4yUrTojCgU-00014-00003913-00004223 the Song of Time again, and you can finally reach this Skulltula token, which you can r4yUrTojCgU-00015-00004223-00004428 get using your Boomerang. r4yUrTojCgU-00016-00004428-00004898 And once you're done that, head to the room right in front of you, and kill all the enemies r4yUrTojCgU-00017-00004898-00005023 in here because it makes things easier. r4yUrTojCgU-00018-00005023-00005371 You need the boomerang yet again, and you can finally get that Skulltula token back r4yUrTojCgU-00019-00005371-00005472 there. r4yUrTojCgU-00020-00005472-00006160 To start, go to the room in Dodongo's Cavern with the falling stairs and the bomb flowers. r4yUrTojCgU-00021-00006160-00006385 You'll reach this room with a bunch of Song of Time blocks. r4yUrTojCgU-00022-00006385-00006725 You need to play the song of time right in front of some of the blocks on the right side, r4yUrTojCgU-00023-00006725-00006952 and you're just gonna want to make a path right through there. r4yUrTojCgU-00024-00006952-00007329 It can be a little bit finicky, but keep trying to play your Song of Time, but eventually r4yUrTojCgU-00025-00007329-00007689 you'll make it back here to get your first Skulltula token. r4yUrTojCgU-00026-00007689-00008029 Moving forward from the fire pit room where you fought Lizalfos ordinarily, head into r4yUrTojCgU-00027-00008029-00008385 that side room and you can get a really easy skulltula by using your boomerang in this r4yUrTojCgU-00028-00008385-00008485 room. r4yUrTojCgU-00029-00008485-00008943 Take the pillar all the way up in the main room so you can reach this room with the torches. r4yUrTojCgU-00030-00008943-00009267 You can either use a block and the Deku Stick to light these torches up or you can use Din's r4yUrTojCgU-00031-00009267-00009631 Fire to open up this room, and the Skulltula's in one of this blocks, though I already have r4yUrTojCgU-00032-00009631-00009835 this one, so I don't know exactly which one. r4yUrTojCgU-00033-00009835-00010048 Just open up all of theme. r4yUrTojCgU-00034-00010048-00010432 Next, head into the dead Dodongo's head from the main room and progress as you would ordinarily r4yUrTojCgU-00035-00010432-00010850 through this dungeon over to this side of this room, the side with all the Armos Statues. r4yUrTojCgU-00036-00010850-00011249 You can get on top of the room on this side and there's a Skulltula waiting for you on r4yUrTojCgU-00037-00011249-00011430 top of this ledge. r4yUrTojCgU-00038-00011430-00011709 Finally, head to the second floor fire pit. r4yUrTojCgU-00039-00011709-00012067 You can blow up these rocks with good timing and there's a Skulltula waiting for you at r4yUrTojCgU-00040-00012067-00012570 the end of this platform. r4yUrTojCgU-00041-00012570-00012894 To kick things off in Jabu Jabu's Belly, head to the room right before the boss room. r4yUrTojCgU-00042-00012894-00013316 You can only get this Skulltula if you angle your boomerang shots just right, but the token r4yUrTojCgU-00043-00013316-00013544 itself is pretty easy to get because you can lock onto it. r4yUrTojCgU-00044-00013544-00013710 And there you go. r4yUrTojCgU-00045-00013710-00014184 And if you go through the exit from the hole-y into this room, you'll eventually get to a r4yUrTojCgU-00046-00014184-00014284 Song of Time block. r4yUrTojCgU-00047-00014284-00014624 You can get rid of that using the Song of Time once you have it, and there's a Skulltula r4yUrTojCgU-00048-00014624-00014800 right underneath that. r4yUrTojCgU-00049-00014800-00014947 So make sure you don't miss it. r4yUrTojCgU-00050-00014947-00015206 You''ll feel like a real idiot if you do. r4yUrTojCgU-00051-00015206-00015436 Just saying. r4yUrTojCgU-00052-00015436-00015816 In the room underneath where you first meet Ruto, if you head into this particular room, r4yUrTojCgU-00053-00015816-00016015 you'll find a seemingly impossible puzzle. r4yUrTojCgU-00054-00016015-00016513 What you have to do is kill all the enemies, including these two Stingers, and then, if r4yUrTojCgU-00055-00016513-00016918 you look around the room using your Lens of Truth, you'll see that there are, well, 3 r4yUrTojCgU-00056-00016918-00017022 more enemies that you'll have to kill. r4yUrTojCgU-00057-00017022-00017122 One. r4yUrTojCgU-00058-00017122-00017222 Two. r4yUrTojCgU-00059-00017222-00017322 Where's the third? r4yUrTojCgU-00060-00017322-00017422 No, seriously, where's the third? r4yUrTojCgU-00061-00017422-00017522 I don't see a third? r4yUrTojCgU-00062-00017522-00017825 You'll look all over the place... you won't really be able to see it. r4yUrTojCgU-00063-00017825-00018226 So, what I've found is the best way to do this is lure the Keese out. r4yUrTojCgU-00064-00018226-00018416 It's actually hiding in the grass right over there. r4yUrTojCgU-00065-00018416-00018640 It took me forever to find this thing. r4yUrTojCgU-00066-00018640-00018854 I hate this puzzle. r4yUrTojCgU-00067-00018854-00019167 Once this appears, make sure you've got some magic so you can burn away that webbing, or r4yUrTojCgU-00068-00019167-00019393 else you'll feel really silly. r4yUrTojCgU-00069-00019393-00019709 But once you've done that, you can just boomerang to that Skulltula token. r4yUrTojCgU-00070-00019709-00020142 4th and finally in this area, head into this series of hallways, it's towards the north r4yUrTojCgU-00071-00020142-00020292 end of this dungeon. r4yUrTojCgU-00072-00020292-00020620 Kill all the enemies in that room, and play the Song of Time to make that block appear, r4yUrTojCgU-00073-00020620-00020751 though I don't think it's exactly necessary. r4yUrTojCgU-00074-00020751-00021173 All you really need is to get on top of here and kill the Skulltula and get its token using r4yUrTojCgU-00075-00021173-00021273 your boomerang. r4yUrTojCgU-00076-00021273-00021373 So there we go. r4yUrTojCgU-00077-00021373-00021692 We're done with all the child dungeons. r4yUrTojCgU-00078-00021692-00022223 Our first skulltula is in the SECOND ROOM of the forest temple. r4yUrTojCgU-00079-00022223-00022468 Really easy to get. r4yUrTojCgU-00080-00022468-00022915 Next, make your way into the room right before the twisty room, you know, with the switch r4yUrTojCgU-00081-00022915-00023039 that twists the hallway. r4yUrTojCgU-00082-00023039-00023522 If you take a corner, there should be a Skulltula hidden right back here. r4yUrTojCgU-00083-00023522-00023623 So kill it. r4yUrTojCgU-00084-00023623-00024020 That's just another really easy one you can get in here. r4yUrTojCgU-00085-00024020-00024361 From one of the courtyards, I can't remember exactly which one, I think it might be the r4yUrTojCgU-00086-00024361-00024734 west one in this version of the game, climb on top of this vine covered wall right one r4yUrTojCgU-00087-00024734-00025343 top of the well and kill this skulltula for yet another really easy one. r4yUrTojCgU-00088-00025343-00025857 Then go down the well and kill the skulltula in the well, and, well, that was easy. r4yUrTojCgU-00089-00025857-00026027 The last one's literally impossible to miss. r4yUrTojCgU-00090-00026027-00026444 You have to get it right there when completing the dungeon. r4yUrTojCgU-00091-00026444-00026935 The Fire Temple skulltulas are harder, but you want to head into this door on the east r4yUrTojCgU-00092-00026935-00027227 side of that big room right after you enter the dungeon. r4yUrTojCgU-00093-00027227-00027554 Just make it to the end of this hallway and the first skulltula's right there. r4yUrTojCgU-00094-00027554-00028019 Now, head to the big, mazey room where you fought those Lizalfos before, and listen around r4yUrTojCgU-00095-00028019-00028119 for a Skulltula. r4yUrTojCgU-00096-00028119-00028539 It will be behind this bombable wall, so blow that up and you'll notice it's just a Walltula, r4yUrTojCgU-00097-00028539-00028770 but there's also a rusted switch right behind it as well. r4yUrTojCgU-00098-00028770-00029067 You've got to hit that and you'll be able to hookshot up to these targets. r4yUrTojCgU-00099-00029067-00029475 If you get on top of that target, play the Song of Time and you can just barely reach r4yUrTojCgU-00100-00029475-00029763 the hookshot target that's over on this wall. r4yUrTojCgU-00101-00029763-00030127 And once you've done that, you'll be able to reach this elevorvator, where you're going r4yUrTojCgU-00102-00030127-00030427 to enter a world you've never seen before. r4yUrTojCgU-00103-00030427-00031156 So, climb up this grating and it'll take you to, eventually, a room with a giant slope. r4yUrTojCgU-00104-00031156-00031370 This game tries to trick you with the slope. r4yUrTojCgU-00105-00031370-00031583 So, just climb up ordinarily the first time. r4yUrTojCgU-00106-00031583-00031930 You'll notice that there's a rusted switch behind here and it's going to cause more hookshot r4yUrTojCgU-00107-00031930-00032099 targets to appear. r4yUrTojCgU-00108-00032099-00032402 The game tries to trick you because it makes you think you've got to climb up this slope r4yUrTojCgU-00109-00032402-00032706 while the fire's out normally, but all you've got to do is hookshot over to this target r4yUrTojCgU-00110-00032706-00032927 and then push the block out of the way. r4yUrTojCgU-00111-00032927-00033099 There's your skulltula right underneath the block. r4yUrTojCgU-00112-00033099-00033313 So, it's an easy one. r4yUrTojCgU-00113-00033313-00033502 It just tries to trick you. r4yUrTojCgU-00114-00033502-00034025 These next skulltulas are going to take us beyond where I showed this dungeon in the r4yUrTojCgU-00115-00034025-00034343 let's play, but if you play your Song of Time right, you're going to hit this song of time r4yUrTojCgU-00116-00034343-00034776 block to appear, and that'll allow you to jump right over this firewall, which you couldn't r4yUrTojCgU-00117-00034776-00034876 get past ordinarily. r4yUrTojCgU-00118-00034876-00035297 So, once you've done that, you've got to kill this Lizalfos, but once you've done so, you'll r4yUrTojCgU-00119-00035297-00035724 at long last be able to get this skulltula at the end of this passageway. r4yUrTojCgU-00120-00035724-00035900 So, there you go. r4yUrTojCgU-00121-00035900-00036293 Then, make it back to the centre of the room you were just in so you can enter the room r4yUrTojCgU-00122-00036293-00036424 to the middle. r4yUrTojCgU-00123-00036424-00037116 It has a jail cell ordinarily, and behind that is a bombable wall and a Skulltula. r4yUrTojCgU-00124-00037116-00037399 Finally, go through that last door from the main room. r4yUrTojCgU-00125-00037399-00037648 You'll fight another Flare Dancer, and that unlocks an elevator. r4yUrTojCgU-00126-00037648-00038053 So if you climb up all this grating, you'll see there's another locked door, and I didn't r4yUrTojCgU-00127-00038053-00038293 get a key, so now we've gotta look for a key. r4yUrTojCgU-00128-00038293-00038480 It's actually underneath the elevator. r4yUrTojCgU-00129-00038480-00039025 And the ultimate kicker is... once you pick up this key... you take damage. r4yUrTojCgU-00130-00039025-00039180 It's the ultimate jerk move. r4yUrTojCgU-00131-00039180-00039463 This room has the ultimate timing-based puzzle here, where you've got to get to this chest r4yUrTojCgU-00132-00039463-00039591 before the fire goes back on. r4yUrTojCgU-00133-00039591-00040146 As far as I can tell, you've got to do things pixel-perfectly, otherwise you kind of fail. r4yUrTojCgU-00134-00040146-00040419 So just do your fastest moves. r4yUrTojCgU-00135-00040419-00040737 Roll as much as possible, stick to the inside as much as possible. r4yUrTojCgU-00136-00040737-00041312 Hookshot to that hookshot target as far away as possible so you can save the most time, r4yUrTojCgU-00137-00041312-00041457 and hookshot over to the chest. r4yUrTojCgU-00138-00041457-00041848 If you're lucky and you don't get stuck on the chest itself, you get your small key. r4yUrTojCgU-00139-00041848-00042138 ... Oh wait, that's not even the goal here! r4yUrTojCgU-00140-00042138-00042543 Ok, drop down here and you can find the door to which the small key goes. r4yUrTojCgU-00141-00042543-00042805 And once you've made it to this room, you've got to fight some enemies, or you can just r4yUrTojCgU-00142-00042805-00042905 ignore them. r4yUrTojCgU-00143-00042905-00043341 Hit this switch just as you do in the original Fire Temple to make these stairs drop and r4yUrTojCgU-00144-00043341-00043846 last of all, to open the door in front of you, you've gotta hit that switch. r4yUrTojCgU-00145-00043846-00044152 Another one of these things where there's no indication you can do so, but you can finally r4yUrTojCgU-00146-00044152-00044566 get your Skulltula after that. r4yUrTojCgU-00147-00044566-00044842 Phew. r4yUrTojCgU-00148-00044842-00045269 Next up is the Ice Cavern, so what you wanna do is hit this switch, and that'll cause the r4yUrTojCgU-00149-00045269-00045511 ice that's in this room to disappear. r4yUrTojCgU-00150-00045511-00046000 And that allows you to get that Skulltula back there, so that's our first one. r4yUrTojCgU-00151-00046000-00046278 In the same room, you need your Scarecrow's song for this one. r4yUrTojCgU-00152-00046278-00046457 I hate that you do. r4yUrTojCgU-00153-00046457-00046925 But once you've done so, the scarecrow will appear right over there on that ledge. r4yUrTojCgU-00154-00046925-00047184 There's no other way to get to it, unfortunately. r4yUrTojCgU-00155-00047184-00047594 And you can get your second out of three. r4yUrTojCgU-00156-00047594-00047927 The third one's on the opposite side of this dungeon, so what you wanna do is kill all r4yUrTojCgU-00157-00047927-00048338 the enemies, get the compass, which I never actually got in the let's play, then play r4yUrTojCgU-00158-00048338-00048814 the song of time, which is going to give you access to, well, a closer song of time block. r4yUrTojCgU-00159-00048814-00049186 Then you can pour some Blue Fire over and get this skulltula. r4yUrTojCgU-00160-00049186-00049372 And that takes care of that, right? r4yUrTojCgU-00161-00049372-00049691 Well, no, actually, I want to get the last remaining heart piece, because remember, there's r4yUrTojCgU-00162-00049691-00049803 a heart piece in the ice cavern. r4yUrTojCgU-00163-00049803-00050152 What you've got to do is bomb this switch in the floor and that allows you to get to r4yUrTojCgU-00164-00050152-00050678 that heart piece over there.I didn't pick it up. r4yUrTojCgU-00165-00050678-00050938 It's water temple time, and that means I'm showing the minimap. r4yUrTojCgU-00166-00050938-00051380 For this one, in this part of the main room, use Din's Fire and you can get over to behind r4yUrTojCgU-00167-00051380-00051799 these two crates, where you can get your very first Gold Skulltula. r4yUrTojCgU-00168-00051799-00052176 Fill the water level up halfway and go to the second floor west room. r4yUrTojCgU-00169-00052176-00052483 That'll take you over to this room, which contains a crate. r4yUrTojCgU-00170-00052483-00052995 You'll want to hold onto that crate.Escort it back to the main room and don't get stuck r4yUrTojCgU-00171-00052995-00053095 on the spikes. r4yUrTojCgU-00172-00053095-00053427 That'll allow you to press down this blue switch, allowing you to go the east side of r4yUrTojCgU-00173-00053427-00053527 the room. r4yUrTojCgU-00174-00053527-00053819 And that allows you to get over to this room with more crates. r4yUrTojCgU-00175-00053819-00054029 Roll into that crate, Hit the switch. r4yUrTojCgU-00176-00054029-00054129 Boom. r4yUrTojCgU-00177-00054129-00054335 Now we have hookshot targets. r4yUrTojCgU-00178-00054335-00054462 Hookshot targets everywhere! r4yUrTojCgU-00179-00054462-00054962 So, on the third floor right above this room, you'll get to this particular crate, where r4yUrTojCgU-00180-00054962-00055366 you can kill the skulltula at long last. r4yUrTojCgU-00181-00055366-00055707 After killing Dark Link, just head over here into the rapids and you'll see that Gold Skulltula, r4yUrTojCgU-00182-00055707-00056135 just on the other side of the cavern. r4yUrTojCgU-00183-00056135-00056542 Take the north door of the bottom floor, and that'll take you over to this room, which, r4yUrTojCgU-00184-00056542-00056954 if you longshot over, you'll get over here where you can play your Scarecrow's song to r4yUrTojCgU-00185-00056954-00057054 get over to the ledge. r4yUrTojCgU-00186-00057054-00057275 You'll see a locked door, so we need a small key. r4yUrTojCgU-00187-00057275-00057672 Sink over here and you'll eventually get to this room where you'll fight a Stalfos. r4yUrTojCgU-00188-00057672-00058224 Kill the Stalfos, then in this crate, you get a locked key, or rather a small key. r4yUrTojCgU-00189-00058224-00058588 With that one taken care of, you can head back to that locked door and raise the geysers r4yUrTojCgU-00190-00058588-00058689 using that switch. r4yUrTojCgU-00191-00058689-00059051 You want to get in as close to the middle of these three torches as possible so you r4yUrTojCgU-00192-00059051-00059245 can light them using Din's Fire. r4yUrTojCgU-00193-00059245-00059517 You'd better have magic for this one, that's all I've got to say. r4yUrTojCgU-00194-00059517-00059926 That opens this door, and you'll come to this room with a bunch of Dodongos, which is kind r4yUrTojCgU-00195-00059926-00060026 of weird to see. r4yUrTojCgU-00196-00060026-00060419 So the easiest way to get through this room is to use Bomchus to kill all of theme. r4yUrTojCgU-00197-00060419-00060783 Cause they'll just... they'll just eat those right up and die in one hit, and that's just r4yUrTojCgU-00198-00060783-00060883 really nice. r4yUrTojCgU-00199-00060883-00061327 That opens up this door, and if you go through that door, you'll find more crates. r4yUrTojCgU-00200-00061327-00061699 So you get yet another crate Skulltula at your disposal right there. r4yUrTojCgU-00201-00061699-00062044 We're almost done with this temple, finally. r4yUrTojCgU-00202-00062044-00062260 So, head through this south room over here. r4yUrTojCgU-00203-00062260-00062651 That'll take you over to this room with torches.Got to use your fire arrows, actually, to light r4yUrTojCgU-00204-00062651-00062751 all of these. r4yUrTojCgU-00205-00062751-00063205 But once you've done that, You both unlock this cage and release two Stalfos.But once r4yUrTojCgU-00206-00063205-00063739 you've taken care of those, you've got nothing in your way from getting that last skulltula. r4yUrTojCgU-00207-00063739-00064048 There we go.. r4yUrTojCgU-00208-00064048-00064445 I really hated the Bottom of the Well in this version of the game, What you want to do is r4yUrTojCgU-00209-00064445-00064808 drop to the bottom floor of this place, kill all of the skulltulas and you'll find your r4yUrTojCgU-00210-00064808-00064974 Gold Skulltula at the end of this passageway. r4yUrTojCgU-00211-00064974-00065212 You can see on the compass where it is, though. r4yUrTojCgU-00212-00065212-00065558 Head back up to the main floor and head through this drained pool that you drained earlier r4yUrTojCgU-00213-00065558-00065719 in the temple. r4yUrTojCgU-00214-00065719-00066033 That allows you to get to this room, where you'll find a skulltula hiding behind this r4yUrTojCgU-00215-00066033-00066133 statue. r4yUrTojCgU-00216-00066133-00066545 Fortunately, that one's pretty easy to get. r4yUrTojCgU-00217-00066545-00066719 This last one's just unfair. r4yUrTojCgU-00218-00066719-00067051 What I recommend doing is putting on Nayru's Love because you almost definitely get hit r4yUrTojCgU-00219-00067051-00067356 going into here, because there are invisible enemies. r4yUrTojCgU-00220-00067356-00067838 Though using Nayru's love does make it impossible to see where the enemies are, I only have r4yUrTojCgU-00221-00067838-00068180 3 hearts, in case you've forgotten, and I kind of need that extra insurance. r4yUrTojCgU-00222-00068180-00068542 But once you've moved that grave, you've got your last skulltula in here. r4yUrTojCgU-00223-00068542-00068912 This skulltula is exactly where it was in the original shadow temple. r4yUrTojCgU-00224-00068912-00069272 So you've just got to head back to this room and kill the skulltula, which you don't even r4yUrTojCgU-00225-00069272-00069372 need to hookshot to get. r4yUrTojCgU-00226-00069372-00069812 From the room with the fans all over the place, head to the end of the hallway, and ignore r4yUrTojCgU-00227-00069812-00069912 the Redeads. r4yUrTojCgU-00228-00069912-00070266 All you've got to do is get that skulltula, which is right over there. r4yUrTojCgU-00229-00070266-00070473 It's another easy one to get. r4yUrTojCgU-00230-00070473-00070776 I'm really glad the skulltulas are really easy in this place. r4yUrTojCgU-00231-00070776-00071151 Then head back one room, head through the fake wall, and there's another skulltula right r4yUrTojCgU-00232-00071151-00071262 over here in the corner. r4yUrTojCgU-00233-00071262-00071476 Couldn't be easier. r4yUrTojCgU-00234-00071476-00071929 Just for context, this is the room two rooms before the boss room, with the ship. r4yUrTojCgU-00235-00071929-00072197 So the skulltula's just on this wall. r4yUrTojCgU-00236-00072197-00072430 This is the room right before the boss. r4yUrTojCgU-00237-00072430-00073488 I have almost less to say about this one than I have to say about any of the other ones. r4yUrTojCgU-00238-00073488-00075280 We're at the last temple. r4yUrTojCgU-00239-00075280-00075639 Alright. r4yUrTojCgU-00240-00075639-00076052 So what you've got to do is the solve the puzzle with the sun heads and you unlock this r4yUrTojCgU-00241-00076052-00076294 platform which you can use to access this skulltula. r4yUrTojCgU-00242-00076294-00077044 If you want to see exactly how to solve this puzzle, it's right over there in the corner. r4yUrTojCgU-00244-00080764-00081012 If you head through the other side of this temple, you'll make it over so you can drop r4yUrTojCgU-00245-00081012-00081472 down this ledge, and that allows you to get to the other side of the entrance to the temple, r4yUrTojCgU-00246-00081472-00081572 pretty much. r4yUrTojCgU-00247-00081572-00081895 It's actually a part that I didn't manage to show the first time through this temple, r4yUrTojCgU-00248-00081895-00082088 but it leads you over to here. r4yUrTojCgU-00249-00082088-00082412 You'll want to bomb that rock, and I actually don't show that, but head through this door r4yUrTojCgU-00250-00082412-00082685 first, cause that leads you over to this room. r4yUrTojCgU-00251-00082685-00083066 So to open that door, play Zelda's Lullaby and that opens that door. r4yUrTojCgU-00252-00083066-00083314 And then, the hunt for the Skulltula in this room begins! r4yUrTojCgU-00253-00083314-00085112 It's actually right over there on the ceiling, so make sure not to miss it. r4yUrTojCgU-00254-00085112-00086076 Next, head back to the previous room and open this chest for a small key. r4yUrTojCgU-00255-00086076-00086463 You'll want to get rid of that geyser and head to the other side of the main room, which'll r4yUrTojCgU-00256-00086463-00086852 lead you over to this locked door, which has some rolling rocks and a moblin. r4yUrTojCgU-00257-00086852-00087161 I advise killing the moblin, That makes your life a lot easier. r4yUrTojCgU-00258-00087161-00087351 I really like this puzzle though. r4yUrTojCgU-00259-00087351-00087719 What you want to do is hit that rusted switch, that's going to open this door. r4yUrTojCgU-00260-00087719-00087939 You'll see the song of time block above it. r4yUrTojCgU-00261-00087939-00088176 What you want to do is play the song of time inside that alcove. r4yUrTojCgU-00262-00088176-00088320 That's going to open up your next door. r4yUrTojCgU-00263-00088320-00088420 Lon lon ranch. r4yUrTojCgU-00264-00088420-00088632 Which means you've got to play Epona's Song. r4yUrTojCgU-00265-00088632-00088788 That opens up the next door. r4yUrTojCgU-00266-00088788-00089224 It's got the sun on top of it, so that means you've got the play the sun's song. r4yUrTojCgU-00267-00089224-00089327 Yada yada yada. r4yUrTojCgU-00268-00089327-00089774 Actually, at this point, yeah, there's no more symbols on top of the doors, so you've r4yUrTojCgU-00269-00089774-00089908 kind of got to guess. r4yUrTojCgU-00270-00089908-00090151 Next one, you've got to play the song of storms. r4yUrTojCgU-00271-00090151-00090520 That's going to open up your last one, and playing Zelda's Lullaby opens the door.. r4yUrTojCgU-00272-00090520-00090925 Of course,Saria's Song doesn't count because it's actually got an effect, it allows you r4yUrTojCgU-00273-00090925-00091025 to take to Saria. r4yUrTojCgU-00274-00091025-00091184 The room that you unlocked has a bunch of enemies. r4yUrTojCgU-00275-00091184-00091326 Deal with them however you see fit. r4yUrTojCgU-00276-00091326-00091675 Din's fire's prebably a better choice than Nayru's love, but anyway, that gets our s... r4yUrTojCgU-00277-00091675-00091775 purple rupee. r4yUrTojCgU-00278-00091775-00092029 No wait, our gold skulltula's right over there. r4yUrTojCgU-00279-00092029-00092188 Nintendo, you trolls. r4yUrTojCgU-00280-00092188-00092635 Our last two skulltulas are actually in the same place. r4yUrTojCgU-00281-00092635-00092846 Soo head back to thsi room with the iron knuckle. r4yUrTojCgU-00282-00092846-00093080 I actually showed how to get this in the LP. r4yUrTojCgU-00283-00093080-00093552 What you want to do is trigger the iron knuckle and get it to go around the room, smashing r4yUrTojCgU-00284-00093552-00093652 these thrones. r4yUrTojCgU-00285-00093652-00093933 And the two skulltulas that you need are behind them. r4yUrTojCgU-00286-00093933-00094332 I'd advise using Nayru's Love just because it's makes it so that there's no risk in getting r4yUrTojCgU-00287-00094332-00094432 close to him. r4yUrTojCgU-00288-00094432-00094573 So that's probably your best bet. r4yUrTojCgU-00289-00094573-00094930 Once you've gotten those, you've gotten every single skulltula that's in a different place r4yUrTojCgU-00290-00094930-00095152 in Master Quest. r4yUrTojCgU-00291-00095152-00095267 So we're done here. r4yUrTojCgU-00292-00095267-00095465 Thank you all for watching. r4yUrTojCgU-00293-00095465-00095908 I was originally planning to do the boss rush mode in this video, but these videos have r4yUrTojCgU-00294-00095908-00096266 been sitting on my computer for months and I'm trying to get this video out, so I don't r4yUrTojCgU-00295-00096266-00096411 think that's going to happen. r4yUrTojCgU-00296-00096411-00096566 I don't really feel up for it. r4yUrTojCgU-00297-00096566-00097047 I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless and until the next video rolls around stay tuned... r4yUrTojCgU-00298-00097047-00097147 that doesn't sound right. r4yUrTojCgU-00299-00097147-00097247 The finale's already up. r4yUrTojCgU-00300-00097247-00097365 Go watch that. r4yUrTojCgU-00301-00097365-00097385 See ya! r65_VL4RyRI-00000-00000091-00000430 Antony Davies: I want to talk a little bit about probabilities. r65_VL4RyRI-00001-00000430-00000936 When people talk about probabilities, they tend to associate them with things that are r65_VL4RyRI-00002-00000936-00001142 obviously random. r65_VL4RyRI-00003-00001142-00001692 So flipping a coin, rolling a dice, whether your particular stock is going to go up or r65_VL4RyRI-00004-00001692-00001792 down. r65_VL4RyRI-00005-00001792-00002225 We think in terms of probabilities where those things are concerned. r65_VL4RyRI-00006-00002225-00002561 But where other things in life are concerned, actually I think where most things in life r65_VL4RyRI-00007-00002561-00002983 are concerned, we tend not to think in terms of probabilities or absolutes. [00:00:30] r65_VL4RyRI-00008-00002983-00003307 You say things like, "It's gonna rain today." r65_VL4RyRI-00009-00003307-00003521 How do you know it's gonna rain today? r65_VL4RyRI-00010-00003521-00003886 "Well, because they said on the news that it's gonna rain today." r65_VL4RyRI-00011-00003886-00004214 Really it's a probabilistic situation. r65_VL4RyRI-00012-00004214-00004519 There's a probability that it will rain, there's a probability that it won't. r65_VL4RyRI-00013-00004519-00004778 Now we understand that if it's a 50 / 50. r65_VL4RyRI-00014-00004778-00005235 But if you get up in the morning, and it's completely overcast, and dark and scary skies, r65_VL4RyRI-00015-00005235-00005335 and all of this. r65_VL4RyRI-00016-00005335-00005708 The guy on the news says it's gonna rain today and I ask you is it going to rain today, your r65_VL4RyRI-00017-00005708-00005885 response is likely to be yes. r65_VL4RyRI-00018-00005885-00006089 I say, "Are [00:01:00] you sure?" r65_VL4RyRI-00019-00006089-00006239 You say, "Yes, I'm sure it's gonna rain today. r65_VL4RyRI-00020-00006239-00006439 Look at it." r65_VL4RyRI-00021-00006439-00006689 I say, "Is it absolutely going to rain today?" r65_VL4RyRI-00022-00006689-00006868 You say, "Absolutely, it's gonna rain today." r65_VL4RyRI-00023-00006868-00007073 That's where we go off the rails. r65_VL4RyRI-00024-00007073-00007536 Our tendency is, when probabilities get particularly high or particularly low, we immediately go r65_VL4RyRI-00025-00007536-00007709 to thinking terms of absolutes. r65_VL4RyRI-00026-00007709-00008299 The fact is, there are no absolutes anywhere. r65_VL4RyRI-00027-00008299-00008770 You tell your friend, "I'll meet you downstairs at noon for lunch." r65_VL4RyRI-00028-00008770-00009028 Are you going to meet your friend downstairs at noon for lunch? r65_VL4RyRI-00029-00009028-00009199 [00:01:30] Well, yes. r65_VL4RyRI-00030-00009199-00009411 You might get a phone call that distracts you. r65_VL4RyRI-00031-00009411-00009707 "Well, I can talk on the way down." r65_VL4RyRI-00032-00009707-00009817 Okay. r65_VL4RyRI-00033-00009817-00010199 You might trip on the way out the door and break your leg and now you're not gonna go r65_VL4RyRI-00034-00010199-00010299 down there. r65_VL4RyRI-00035-00010299-00010399 You say, "Yes, but that's not gonna happen." r65_VL4RyRI-00036-00010399-00010564 But it could. r65_VL4RyRI-00037-00010564-00010909 Notice all the sudden, probabilities come back into play. r65_VL4RyRI-00038-00010909-00011274 So it is not the case I will absolutely meet you at 12 o'clock for lunch. r65_VL4RyRI-00039-00011274-00011900 There's a 99.9 percent chance I will, but it's probabilistic, it's not a certainty. r65_VL4RyRI-00040-00011900-00012611 This [00:02:00] tendency to think in absolutes, causes us to miss some important things when r65_VL4RyRI-00041-00012611-00012900 it comes to probabilities. r65_VL4RyRI-00042-00012900-00013890 For example, people on average tend to be far more afraid of flying than driving. r65_VL4RyRI-00043-00013890-00014311 You see on the news an airplanes crash and you're thinking, "Oh, well these are dangerous r65_VL4RyRI-00044-00014311-00014411 things. r65_VL4RyRI-00045-00014411-00014648 I need to be careful flying." r65_VL4RyRI-00046-00014648-00014858 What you tend not to see on the news are car crashes. r65_VL4RyRI-00047-00014858-00015195 Now if it's a particularly [00:02:30] bad one you'll see it, but generally you tend r65_VL4RyRI-00048-00015195-00015326 not to see them. r65_VL4RyRI-00049-00015326-00016095 So when we think about probabilities, we associate flying with some probability of mishap. r65_VL4RyRI-00050-00016095-00016357 But we don't associate driving with a probability of mishap. r65_VL4RyRI-00051-00016357-00016584 We think of driving in much more absolute terms. r65_VL4RyRI-00052-00016584-00017025 Of yes, I'm a careful driver and nothing will happen. r65_VL4RyRI-00053-00017025-00017740 What we miss in thinking of terms of absolutes, is the opportunity to weight these two things r65_VL4RyRI-00054-00017740-00017945 of which both are probabilistic. r65_VL4RyRI-00055-00017945-00018593 If you look at [00:03:00] the numbers, in 2013, 35 people in the Unites States died r65_VL4RyRI-00056-00018593-00018852 in commercial plane crashes. r65_VL4RyRI-00057-00018852-00019247 That same year, 34,000 people died in car crashes. r65_VL4RyRI-00058-00019247-00019847 Interestingly, the reason you see the plane crashes on the television and not the car r65_VL4RyRI-00059-00019847-00020270 crashes, is because they're rare. r65_VL4RyRI-00060-00020270-00020601 The point of the media is to make money selling advertising. r65_VL4RyRI-00061-00020601-00020721 Of course, they're gonna inform you. r65_VL4RyRI-00062-00020721-00021124 But the way they stay in business is by selling [00:03:30] advertising. r65_VL4RyRI-00063-00021124-00021537 The way they sell advertising is to get your attention, get you watching. r65_VL4RyRI-00064-00021537-00022073 The way I get you watching is by showing you things that are uncommon. r65_VL4RyRI-00065-00022073-00023103 Interestingly, seeing in that light, a probabilistic light, the news is really a list of things r65_VL4RyRI-00066-00023103-00023339 that you don't have to worry about harming you. r65_VL4RyRI-00067-00023339-00023865 It's the things that don't appear on the news that are likely to harm you. r65_VL4RyRI-00068-00023865-00024532 Student: So probability, [00:04:00] it sounds like sort of an intersection between probability r65_VL4RyRI-00069-00024532-00025000 or maybe a mix up between probability and text book psychology. r65_VL4RyRI-00070-00025000-00025351 It sounds like a lot of heuristic models. r65_VL4RyRI-00071-00025351-00025945 Things like anchoring or you'll say, "Okay, this person's age might be between 15 and r65_VL4RyRI-00072-00025945-00026045 75." r65_VL4RyRI-00073-00026045-00026327 We sort of use that as an anchor and say, "Well, it's more likely to be a little older r65_VL4RyRI-00074-00026327-00026464 than we might expect." r65_VL4RyRI-00075-00026464-00026982 It seems like, in the way that you're describing that, a lot of what we consider to be probability, r65_VL4RyRI-00076-00026982-00027298 [00:04:30] is just some sort of heuristic that's skews data. r65_VL4RyRI-00077-00027298-00027538 Antony Davies: Yeah, absolutely. r65_VL4RyRI-00078-00027538-00028102 I would say that it's not that heuristic is skewing the data, it's skewing our perception r65_VL4RyRI-00079-00028102-00028288 of what's going on. r65_VL4RyRI-00080-00028288-00028745 Good case in point, this is an emotional reaction. r65_VL4RyRI-00081-00028745-00028976 When people talk about assault rifles. r65_VL4RyRI-00082-00028976-00029689 Of course, the word itself is jarring, so you immediately associate it with badness. r65_VL4RyRI-00083-00029689-00030057 These are things that are gonna harm people, we need to get rid of them. r65_VL4RyRI-00084-00030057-00030598 [00:05:00] Following your gut like that, you're relying on these mental heuristics, which r65_VL4RyRI-00085-00030598-00031317 are influenced by your natural biases, and emotions, and this sort of thing. r65_VL4RyRI-00086-00031317-00031633 Things that have nothing to do with probabilities. r65_VL4RyRI-00087-00031633-00032183 If you look at the statistics, the probabilities, the number of people who are killed in the r65_VL4RyRI-00088-00032183-00032881 United States by fists and feet is twice the number that are killed by the number of rifles. r65_VL4RyRI-00089-00032881-00033165 All rifles combined, not just [00:05:30] assault rifles. r65_VL4RyRI-00090-00033165-00033757 Yet, we don't have serious conversations about banning fists and feet. r65_VL4RyRI-00091-00033757-00033986 Now notice what's happening here. r65_VL4RyRI-00092-00033986-00034434 We have a confluence of emotion and fact. r65_VL4RyRI-00093-00034434-00035071 One of the things that people tend to do, that we have to guard against, is thinking r65_VL4RyRI-00094-00035071-00035835 that the facts somehow are heartless, they're not human. r65_VL4RyRI-00095-00035835-00036138 So if I say, "Well let's talk about the [00:06:00] probabilities of death." r65_VL4RyRI-00096-00036138-00036302 Immediately people start to shut down. r65_VL4RyRI-00097-00036302-00036475 "This guy doesn't care about human life." r65_VL4RyRI-00098-00036475-00036819 It's not that at all. r65_VL4RyRI-00099-00036819-00037162 If you're going to make a choice for society, we should ban this, we should ban that, or r65_VL4RyRI-00100-00037162-00037363 we should invest in this or not invest. r65_VL4RyRI-00101-00037363-00037621 Everybody should have this product or not have this product. r65_VL4RyRI-00102-00037621-00038393 Whatever policy we are going to have for society, you've got to look at the probabilities because r65_VL4RyRI-00103-00038393-00038855 you're going to impose a rule on everybody. r65_VL4RyRI-00104-00038855-00039252 The rule will apply well some [00:06:30] places, and poorly others, and kind of okay in other r65_VL4RyRI-00105-00039252-00039352 places. r65_VL4RyRI-00106-00039352-00039566 But what's important is what happens on average? r65_VL4RyRI-00107-00039566-00039966 Because we're apply the rule to everybody, what happens on average to this society when r65_VL4RyRI-00108-00039966-00040205 we apply this rule? r65_VL4RyRI-00109-00040205-00040574 That requires looking at, coldly, at the probabilities. r65_VL4RyRI-00110-00040574-00040693 Say, "Look. r65_VL4RyRI-00111-00040693-00041221 The probability of being killed by a rifle in the United States is one half the probability r65_VL4RyRI-00112-00041221-00041716 of being killed by feet and fists." r65_VL4RyRI-00113-00041716-00042047 That's not to say that we should be unconcerned with rifles. r65_VL4RyRI-00114-00042047-00042459 [00:07:00] But it is to say that we should be half as concerned about them as we are r65_VL4RyRI-00115-00042459-00042744 about fists and feet. r65_VL4RyRI-00116-00042744-00043319 One problem we encounter with probabilities is this emotional attachment that we have r65_VL4RyRI-00117-00043319-00043744 and in the bias of seeing things on television versus not. r65_VL4RyRI-00118-00043744-00044805 Another problem we have with probabilities, is we tend to regard things that we hear repeatedly r65_VL4RyRI-00119-00044805-00044985 as being more true. r65_VL4RyRI-00120-00044985-00045265 [00:07:30] I'll give you some statistics to look at. r65_VL4RyRI-00121-00045265-00046231 We hear the phrase, "the rich need to pay their fair share", talking about taxes. r65_VL4RyRI-00122-00046231-00046703 Much of this conversation, when you hear people talking about the rich paying their fair share, r65_VL4RyRI-00123-00046703-00047055 invariably someone will pick someone. r65_VL4RyRI-00124-00047055-00047521 Be it Mitt Romney, or someone else who makes multi tens of billions of dollars and who r65_VL4RyRI-00125-00047521-00047734 apparently paid very little taxes. r65_VL4RyRI-00126-00047734-00047966 We say, "Well, look at this person." r65_VL4RyRI-00127-00047966-00048390 [00:08:00] What we've done are two things. r65_VL4RyRI-00128-00048390-00048925 One, we've repeated something that we hear, that the rich don't pay their fair share. r65_VL4RyRI-00129-00048925-00049378 We pointed to an anecdote, a specific example. r65_VL4RyRI-00130-00049378-00049935 That combination of repeating this thing and showing an example that appears to support r65_VL4RyRI-00131-00049935-00050493 this claim that we're making, kind of starts to encode this claim in some sort of aura r65_VL4RyRI-00132-00050493-00050613 of truth. r65_VL4RyRI-00133-00050613-00051075 When we start to encode the claim in an aura of truth, we miss [00:08:30] the opportunity r65_VL4RyRI-00134-00051075-00051315 to actually look at the numbers and see what the truth is. r65_VL4RyRI-00135-00051315-00051732 What are the actual figures for the rich versus the poor. r65_VL4RyRI-00136-00051732-00052113 This becomes very interesting if you look at data for the United States. r65_VL4RyRI-00137-00052113-00053007 In a beautiful twist of cosmic karma, you can find this data on the White House website. r65_VL4RyRI-00138-00053007-00053789 What you're seeing here is the average effective income tax rate for various income categories r65_VL4RyRI-00139-00053789-00053904 in the US. r65_VL4RyRI-00140-00053904-00054123 These numbers, of course, fluctuate [00:09:00] from year to year. r65_VL4RyRI-00141-00054123-00054689 This is the latest year that there's data available for, which is 2011 maybe 2012. r65_VL4RyRI-00142-00054689-00055235 But the data year to year does not change much from what you see here. r65_VL4RyRI-00143-00055235-00055579 What you're seeing is ... First off, we're talking about the average effective income r65_VL4RyRI-00144-00055579-00055679 tax rate. r65_VL4RyRI-00145-00055679-00056247 What that means is, it's not the statutory rate, the rate that by law you're required r65_VL4RyRI-00146-00056247-00056475 to pay. r65_VL4RyRI-00147-00056475-00057102 Rather, we find this number by taking all of the money that [00:09:30] you paid to the r65_VL4RyRI-00148-00057102-00057202 IRS. r65_VL4RyRI-00149-00057202-00057775 After you do your accounting, and legal gymnastics, and you have write-offs, and exemptions, and r65_VL4RyRI-00150-00057775-00058016 off shore whatever it is that you have. r65_VL4RyRI-00151-00058016-00058376 Let all the dust settle and answer two questions. r65_VL4RyRI-00152-00058376-00058664 First, how much money did you pay to the IRS? r65_VL4RyRI-00153-00058664-00058982 Second, what's your income. r65_VL4RyRI-00154-00058982-00059382 The first divided by the second is this, this is the average affective income tax rate. r65_VL4RyRI-00155-00059382-00059620 What you see is ... Now remember, there are exceptions. r65_VL4RyRI-00156-00059620-00059812 This is the average for each group. r65_VL4RyRI-00157-00059812-00060317 The average American [00:10:00] amongst the poorest 20 percent of Americans, pays about r65_VL4RyRI-00158-00060317-00060858 two percent of his income in taxes. r65_VL4RyRI-00159-00060858-00061069 Middle income Americans pay about 11 percent. r65_VL4RyRI-00160-00061069-00061712 The top one percent pay almost 30 percent of their income in taxes. r65_VL4RyRI-00161-00061712-00062020 You could argue whether or not this is fair. r65_VL4RyRI-00162-00062020-00062266 That's an interesting argument to have. r65_VL4RyRI-00163-00062266-00062849 But, to start the discussion of what is fair, you've got to start from the statistics that r65_VL4RyRI-00164-00062849-00063464 currently exist and this is [00:10:30] the current state of affairs. r65_VL4RyRI-00165-00063464-00064076 One of the reasons many people have this perception, that the rich don't pay their fair share, r65_VL4RyRI-00166-00064076-00064300 is because we repeat it. r65_VL4RyRI-00167-00064300-00064545 You hear it and it must be true because everybody says it. r65_VL4RyRI-00168-00064545-00064883 So I say it and I become one of the people who is everybody, who is saying it. r65_VL4RyRI-00169-00064883-00065289 Before you know it, this has taken on a life of its own. r65_VL4RyRI-00170-00065289-00065513 So with probabilities, be careful about observation. r65_VL4RyRI-00171-00065513-00065843 Bias is stuff you see on the news, that is likely not to hurt you. r65_VL4RyRI-00172-00065843-00065976 It's the stuff that you don't see that will. r65_VL4RyRI-00173-00065976-00066363 [00:11:00] Be careful about repetition, things that you hear repeated aren't necessarily r65_VL4RyRI-00174-00066363-00066693 true simply because they're repeated. r65_VL4RyRI-00175-00066693-00067855 Third, be very careful about using your heart and good intentions to address problems that r65_VL4RyRI-00176-00067855-00068233 require the use of statistics. r65_VL4RyRI-00177-00068233-00069000 Case in point, in 2001 shortly after 9/11 actually, a teenager in Florida flew [00:11:30] r65_VL4RyRI-00178-00069000-00069572 a Cessna plane into a building, killing himself. r65_VL4RyRI-00179-00069572-00069976 There was many questions about what was going on. r65_VL4RyRI-00180-00069976-00070662 The authorities relatively quickly determined this was not a terrorist event. r65_VL4RyRI-00181-00070662-00071583 But after some digging, it was discovered that this teenager was on a prescription drug. r65_VL4RyRI-00182-00071583-00072132 There were many others throughout the country who had similarly [00:12:00] committed suicide r65_VL4RyRI-00183-00072132-00072612 who are on this prescription drug. r65_VL4RyRI-00184-00072612-00073127 So this led to a call following our feelings, and our heart, our good intentions. r65_VL4RyRI-00185-00073127-00073731 A call to the FDA to ban this drug. r65_VL4RyRI-00186-00073731-00074124 Notice what happens here, you feel for the kid, you feel for the parents, you feel for r65_VL4RyRI-00187-00074124-00074617 all the parents of the other kids who committed suicide and you want to do something. r65_VL4RyRI-00188-00074617-00074983 Clearly there's this connections and you'll hear people say, "Well wait a minute. r65_VL4RyRI-00189-00074983-00075458 Let's look [00:12:30] at the numbers and see if really this drug is causing the suicide." r65_VL4RyRI-00190-00075458-00076200 You'll hear in response, "It doesn't matter. r65_VL4RyRI-00191-00076200-00076719 If it saves just one life, we should ban this drug." r65_VL4RyRI-00192-00076719-00077245 So the argument you get in response is almost one of the statistics don't matter because r65_VL4RyRI-00193-00077245-00077418 life trumps them. r65_VL4RyRI-00194-00077418-00077922 Even if, banning this drug doesn't save them, it might save one of them. r65_VL4RyRI-00195-00077922-00078080 If it saves one of them, it's [00:13:00] worth all the effort. r65_VL4RyRI-00196-00078080-00078323 Fine, let's go and ban it. r65_VL4RyRI-00197-00078323-00078858 Here's what happens when we apply statistics to the event. r65_VL4RyRI-00198-00078858-00079766 If you compare the number of teenagers in 2001 who were taking this prescription drug r65_VL4RyRI-00199-00079766-00080380 to the number who weren't, and the number of teenagers in 2001 who committed suicide r65_VL4RyRI-00200-00080380-00080830 and those that didn't and you cross reference the two data sets. r65_VL4RyRI-00201-00080830-00081482 What you find that is [00:13:30] the probability of a teenager committing suicide when they're r65_VL4RyRI-00202-00081482-00082155 on the drug, is about one tenth what the probability is of them committing suicide when they're r65_VL4RyRI-00203-00082155-00082307 not on the drug. r65_VL4RyRI-00204-00082307-00082972 That is, when you put aside your good intentions and your heart for a moment and look, some r65_VL4RyRI-00205-00082972-00083245 would say heartlessly, at the data. r65_VL4RyRI-00206-00083245-00083368 Look logically at the data. r65_VL4RyRI-00207-00083368-00083927 What you find is that the drug was actually contributing to a lower suicide rate. r65_VL4RyRI-00208-00083927-00084095 [00:14:00] Why is this the case? r65_VL4RyRI-00209-00084095-00084382 Well, it turns out that the drug in question was one for severe acne. r65_VL4RyRI-00210-00084382-00084845 Of course being teenagers, you're concerned about do you fit in with your peers and so r65_VL4RyRI-00211-00084845-00084945 on and so forth. r65_VL4RyRI-00212-00084945-00085581 Acne is a negative contributor to fitting in with others and being kind of what teenagers r65_VL4RyRI-00213-00085581-00085792 think is normal. r65_VL4RyRI-00214-00085792-00086477 The drug was helping this problem and thereby reducing the teenage suicide rate. r65_VL4RyRI-00215-00086477-00086970 We don't see that unless we step back, take a deep breath, and think about the statistics r65_VL4RyRI-00216-00086970-00087219 as opposed [00:14:30] to thinking about our good intentions. r65_VL4RyRI-00217-00087219-00087832 We came very close as a country to banning a drug, far from saving at least one life. r65_VL4RyRI-00218-00087832-00088043 Banning the drug would have cost teenage lives. r93SH_UOKGg-00000-00000068-00000458 MERLOT Content Builder: Site Title & Navigation Menu r93SH_UOKGg-00001-00000578-00001260 Edit the title of your website directly on the canvas r93SH_UOKGg-00002-00001360-00002028 Use the navigation menu settings to control which pages appear in this menu r93SH_UOKGg-00003-00002444-00003158 Choose whether you would like the navigation menu to expand on larger screens or stay as a dropdown r9R9bMu2nmI-00000-00000000-00001068 RPC-474 The Red Telephone Box | Object class: beta-orange r9R9bMu2nmI-00001-00001148-00001499 Registered Phenomena Code: 474 r9R9bMu2nmI-00002-00001499-00001773 Object Class: Beta-Orange r9R9bMu2nmI-00003-00001773-00002213 Hazard Types: Temporal, Teleportation r9R9bMu2nmI-00004-00002213-00002859 Former Containment Procedures: RPC-474 is to remain in Containment Cell 24 r9R9bMu2nmI-00005-00002859-00003198 in Site-313 until further notice. r9R9bMu2nmI-00006-00003198-00003814 Any personnel under Level 3 clearance are not authorized to access RPC-474 or its containment r9R9bMu2nmI-00007-00003814-00003972 cell. r9R9bMu2nmI-00008-00003972-00004662 Any inquiries involving RPC-474 are to be directed to Director Johnson or Head Researcher r9R9bMu2nmI-00009-00004662-00004830 Sykes. r9R9bMu2nmI-00010-00004830-00005568 Containment Procedures Update 02/03/2020: RPC-474's whereabouts are currently unknown. r9R9bMu2nmI-00011-00005568-00006294 Any recorded instance of RPC-474 in any medium is to be reported to Director Johnson immediately. r9R9bMu2nmI-00012-00006294-00007017 If RPC-474 reappears within the acknowledged Authority timeline, MST Victor-83 is to be r9R9bMu2nmI-00013-00007017-00007235 dispatched to locate and contain RPC-474. r9R9bMu2nmI-00014-00007235-00007993 For more information, view Incident Log RPC-474-1. r9R9bMu2nmI-00015-00007993-00008672 Description: RPC-474 takes the form of a British K6 Phone r9R9bMu2nmI-00016-00008672-00009359 Booth, with a height of 275cm and a uniform width of 100cm. r9R9bMu2nmI-00017-00009359-00010089 The interior of RPC-474 contains a royal blue carpet floor, a rotary phone, and a book chained r9R9bMu2nmI-00018-00010089-00010356 to the bottom base of the phone. r9R9bMu2nmI-00019-00010356-00010853 The book is titled The Blue Pages, and contains codes to access various points in space and r9R9bMu2nmI-00020-00010853-00011154 time in light blue colored pages. r9R9bMu2nmI-00021-00011154-00011684 The book will henceforth be classified as RPC-474-1. r9R9bMu2nmI-00022-00011684-00012317 RPC-474's anomalous properties is its ability to fold through the 4th dimension, manipulating r9R9bMu2nmI-00023-00012317-00012700 itself to move across the space-time continuum. r9R9bMu2nmI-00024-00012700-00013102 This form of โ€œtime travelโ€ is limited to only within the planet Earth, and is in r9R9bMu2nmI-00025-00013102-00013590 no way able to travel outside the gravitational pull of the planet, according to RPC-474-1. r9R9bMu2nmI-00026-00013590-00014531 RPC-474 is able to land inside structures and buildings; however, it will only land r9R9bMu2nmI-00027-00014531-00015075 within the natural axis of the Earth, and will negate roofs and floors of buildings. r9R9bMu2nmI-00028-00015075-00015654 It is currently unknown if RPC-474 is able to land on amphibious vehicles, as that is r9R9bMu2nmI-00029-00015654-00015781 not mentioned within RPC-474-1. r9R9bMu2nmI-00030-00015781-00016898 RPC-474-1 acts as a directory to RPC-474โ€™s travel capabilities, cataloging various codes r9R9bMu2nmI-00031-00016898-00017301 that translate to location and time. r9R9bMu2nmI-00032-00017301-00017853 RPC-474-1โ€™s first pages are an overview on how to operate RPC-474 through the rotary r9R9bMu2nmI-00033-00017853-00018432 phone; space & time is broken down into several sects of code, which together are describe r9R9bMu2nmI-00034-00018432-00018937 by RPC-474-1 as the "Space-Time Code". r9R9bMu2nmI-00035-00018937-00019290 The Code is further explained in the opening pages of RPC-474-1: r9R9bMu2nmI-00036-00019290-00020109 The Space-Time Code is inputted into the phone in three parts: Space, Era, & Time. r9R9bMu2nmI-00037-00020109-00020629 First, you would have to pick up the phone, then input the latitude and longitude. r9R9bMu2nmI-00038-00020629-00021262 Next, you would select either AD or BC via the asterisk button; only press the asterisk r9R9bMu2nmI-00039-00021262-00021531 if you are going in the years Before Christ. r9R9bMu2nmI-00040-00021531-00021892 Finally, you input the calendar date, then the time. r9R9bMu2nmI-00041-00021892-00022401 If the Code is inputted correctly, you will hear a musical tune playing from the phone, r9R9bMu2nmI-00042-00022401-00022696 and will be transported to that point in Space and Time. r9R9bMu2nmI-00043-00022696-00023103 Letโ€™s give an example on how this works in practice. r9R9bMu2nmI-00044-00023103-00023684 Let's say you want to go to April 15th, 1865 and see Lincoln get shot; you would input r9R9bMu2nmI-00045-00023684-00024387 the location first via latitude and longitude, which in this case would be 388968 first, r9R9bMu2nmI-00046-00024387-00024670 then 770263. r9R9bMu2nmI-00047-00024670-00025148 Next you input the date, which in this example we would not punch in the asterisk, considering r9R9bMu2nmI-00048-00025148-00025370 Lincoln died after Christ. r9R9bMu2nmI-00049-00025370-00026268 We would then enter 04151865 for the calendar date, and then 2215 for the time. r9R9bMu2nmI-00050-00026268-00026672 Every time a successful sequence is inputted, you must press the Pound sign on the phone r9R9bMu2nmI-00051-00026672-00026883 to confirm the sequence. r9R9bMu2nmI-00052-00026883-00027284 If you successfully input the sequence in the correct order, you will hear a musical r9R9bMu2nmI-00053-00027284-00027666 cue, and you will be transported to that time and space. r9R9bMu2nmI-00054-00027666-00028193 If you get the Space and Time bits mixed up, don't worry; Space and Time both have different r9R9bMu2nmI-00055-00028193-00028661 numeral requirements, meaning if you enter too many or too few numbers, you will receive r9R9bMu2nmI-00056-00028661-00028850 an error. r9R9bMu2nmI-00057-00028850-00029329 Discovery: RPC-474 appeared within Containment Cell 24 r9R9bMu2nmI-00058-00029329-00029855 of Site-313 on January 13th, 2020. r9R9bMu2nmI-00059-00029855-00030458 It is unknown at this time how RPC-474 arrived at Site-313. r9R9bMu2nmI-00060-00030458-00030966 RPC-474 has not produced any other anomalous traits since its first appearance, remaining r9R9bMu2nmI-00061-00030966-00031327 stationary during the duration of its containment. r9R9bMu2nmI-00062-00031327-00032036 As such, RPC-474 has been classified as Beta; however, due to the unpredictability of the r9R9bMu2nmI-00063-00032036-00032727 field of time travel, as well as the inconclusiveness of research within said field, RPC-474 was r9R9bMu2nmI-00064-00032727-00033044 further classified as a Beta-Orange. r9R9bMu2nmI-00065-00033044-00033897 Incident Log RPC-474-1: On February 3rd, 2020, at 12:35 AM EST, a r9R9bMu2nmI-00066-00033897-00034288 containment breach was initiated by Junior Researcher Esquire, who entered the containment r9R9bMu2nmI-00067-00034288-00034906 cell of RPC-474 under the ruse of a routine containment check. r9R9bMu2nmI-00068-00034906-00035344 Esquire proceeded to lock out the two Protection Officers on guard, and entered RPC-474. r9R9bMu2nmI-00069-00035344-00036200 RPC-474 dematerialized 10 seconds later, initiating a containment breach protocol on the entirety r9R9bMu2nmI-00070-00036200-00036465 of Site-313. r9R9bMu2nmI-00071-00036465-00036941 During investigation, security footage of the incident revealed that Researcher Esquire r9R9bMu2nmI-00072-00036941-00037484 acquired an instance of RPC-916; this was further confirmed by the security footage r9R9bMu2nmI-00073-00037484-00038048 recorded when RPC-474 first arrived, where Researcher Esquire was shown to have acquired r9R9bMu2nmI-00074-00038048-00038695 a small pamphlet that seemed to have materialized within the confines of RPC-474. r9R9bMu2nmI-00075-00038695-00039375 This instance of RPC-916 was not accounted for during research on RPC-474. r9R9bMu2nmI-00076-00039375-00040134 As RPC-474 dematerialized, a letter signed to Director Johnson materialized in RPC-474โ€™s r9R9bMu2nmI-00077-00040134-00040234 place. r9R9bMu2nmI-00078-00040234-00040903 The letter, henceforth referenced as RPC-474-2, reads as follows: r9R9bMu2nmI-00079-00040903-00041040 Director Johnson, r9R9bMu2nmI-00080-00041040-00041525 I am writing to inform you that I am doing well, having grown to an old age, older than r9R9bMu2nmI-00081-00041525-00041694 you perhaps. r9R9bMu2nmI-00082-00041694-00042078 In my travels with this phone booth I have discovered wonders that would enlighten even r9R9bMu2nmI-00083-00042078-00042784 the most profound of men, however due to my predicament I cannot indulge in those enlightenments. r9R9bMu2nmI-00084-00042784-00043218 Being lost in time isnโ€™t exactly a cup of tea, if I am honest. r9R9bMu2nmI-00085-00043218-00043673 If you are wondering; no, I do not regret stealing this RPC. r9R9bMu2nmI-00086-00043673-00044044 The discoveries I have uncovered have answered some of the questions we have had involving r9R9bMu2nmI-00087-00044044-00044513 the greater universe, both within the confines of Time and Space. r9R9bMu2nmI-00088-00044513-00045090 Granted, these discoveries were by sheer accident, if I have to be honest. r9R9bMu2nmI-00089-00045090-00045509 I didn't intend on recreating history with myself in mind. r9R9bMu2nmI-00090-00045509-00045984 Instead, I took the opportunity to learn and to research properly, unrestricted from the r9R9bMu2nmI-00091-00045984-00046231 chains of the Authority process. r9R9bMu2nmI-00092-00046231-00046869 To begin this new journey, I took the RPC to Harvard in 1966, as the world itself seemed r9R9bMu2nmI-00093-00046869-00047298 more open to the idea of travelling through extra-dimensional means in those days, with r9R9bMu2nmI-00094-00047298-00047700 new discoveries being made almost every day. r9R9bMu2nmI-00095-00047700-00048156 As I was learning I discovered something that intrigued me: if I interacted with others r9R9bMu2nmI-00096-00048156-00048756 in one time, then jump to the future, they cease to acknowledge my existence. r9R9bMu2nmI-00097-00048756-00049163 When this started I merely deduced it as human error, believing that I have successfully r9R9bMu2nmI-00098-00049163-00049448 shown myself as uninteresting as possible. r9R9bMu2nmI-00099-00049448-00049940 However, this was later disproved when an unfortunate accident by my hand led to the r9R9bMu2nmI-00100-00049940-00050209 death of a student on campus. r9R9bMu2nmI-00101-00050209-00050706 This event left me distraught, however when I jumped to the future, a mere day later, r9R9bMu2nmI-00102-00050706-00051003 the student was still alive. r9R9bMu2nmI-00103-00051003-00051490 This event took hold of my curiosity, wondering how the student was still alive despite my r9R9bMu2nmI-00104-00051490-00051627 intrusion. r9R9bMu2nmI-00105-00051627-00052057 I decided to see how far I could potentially go with this enigma, experimenting with the r9R9bMu2nmI-00106-00052057-00052500 space time continuum to see how much punishment it could take. r9R9bMu2nmI-00107-00052500-00053040 I started small; a car crash here, a political death here, etc. r9R9bMu2nmI-00108-00053040-00053283 The timeline didnโ€™t change. r9R9bMu2nmI-00109-00053283-00053913 After these conclusions, I stepped up to severe events, such as killing Hitler, stopping 9/11, r9R9bMu2nmI-00110-00053913-00054184 continuing the Cold War, etc. r9R9bMu2nmI-00111-00054184-00054440 Again, the timeline didnโ€™t change. r9R9bMu2nmI-00112-00054440-00054934 This leads to the question, โ€œwhat happened to the events I caused?โ€ r9R9bMu2nmI-00113-00054934-00055404 If I was allowed to theorize, I would imagine that my actions that deviate from the current r9R9bMu2nmI-00114-00055404-00055984 timeline splintered it, creating a new timeline that branches off the current one. r9R9bMu2nmI-00115-00055984-00056479 Unfortunately, this is merely a theory, for I do not have concrete evidence to support r9R9bMu2nmI-00116-00056479-00056625 this claim. r9R9bMu2nmI-00117-00056625-00056927 I do know who may have the answers, however. r9R9bMu2nmI-00118-00056927-00057335 As I am writing this, I am travelling to the one person who may have the answers I seek r9R9bMu2nmI-00119-00057335-00057887 in this dilemma: Aurelia Agustalis, based on the instructions I have received from my r9R9bMu2nmI-00120-00057887-00058264 copy of RPC-916. r9R9bMu2nmI-00121-00058264-00058660 It seems that my actions have angered her enough to request an audience. r9R9bMu2nmI-00122-00058660-00059195 I am hoping to get answers for not only myself, but for the entirety of humanity. r9R9bMu2nmI-00123-00059195-00059823 If I do not return, have solace in knowing that I do not regret stealing RPC-474, as r9R9bMu2nmI-00124-00059823-00060101 it was the greatest decision I have made in my career. r9R9bMu2nmI-00125-00060101-00060476 I surely hope that you of all people would understand, Director. r9R9bMu2nmI-00126-00060476-00060747 Best Regard, Theodore Esquire rrO0oiycZJy-00000-00000048-00000768 i literally found a glitch i found a glitch uh okay found a glitch i'm in survival mode right rrO0oiycZJy-00001-00000919-00001607 i can fly i don't know how this happened okay to to remove that i can i can uh disconnect from the rrO0oiycZJy-00002-00001607-00002176 server okay i'm gonna do that right now disconnect okay and i'm gonna join the survival server again rrO0oiycZJy-00003-00002592-00003168 okay so now i can't do it it's all gone okay so now i'm gonna do it again rrO0oiycZJy-00004-00003296-00003992 and the trick is scaffolding so you have to do this and then you have to do the the thing that rrO0oiycZJy-00005-00003992-00004840 dream did you have to do the thing that dream did okay which is okay that's the max there we rrO0oiycZJy-00006-00004840-00006032 go okay we got it i dropped some scaffolding okay okay huh i'm gonna do it okay i'm gonna do it rrO0oiycZJy-00007-00006032-00006616 oh oh is it is it working i didn't get kicked for flying though but i i don't know if it works rrO0oiycZJy-00008-00006880-00007184 yeah it's working rrO0oiycZJy-00009-00007264-00007400 yeah i can literally fly rrO0oiycZJy-00010-00007672-00008179 i and i take no fall damage it's like i'm in creative mode but if people hit me uh if peo- rsCQJ9Yz0WU-00000-00000000-00000128 Tibu On The Kill Beat rsCQJ9Yz0WU-00001-00001789-00002022 King Vamp On The Beat! rudDoVtkKEg-00000-00001960-00002784 can i go to sleep now go ahead okay i guess i have to give a speech first i'm very happy to rudDoVtkKEg-00001-00002784-00003872 say that we're actually releasing GPL version 3 today right now i believe during this speech rudDoVtkKEg-00002-00003872-00004784 it's becoming official and people can start to release software under GPL version 3. it has been rudDoVtkKEg-00003-00005064-00005840 essentially 16 years since GPL version 2 came out we didn't think it would be rudDoVtkKEg-00004-00005840-00006592 this long before we made the next version and we'll try to attend to future upgrade needs rudDoVtkKEg-00005-00006664-00007600 more quickly we won't wait more than a decade this time but what's so important about GPL version 3 rudDoVtkKEg-00006-00007680-00008432 well first of all what's the GPL for what's its purpose i designed the GNU General Public rudDoVtkKEg-00007-00008432-00009144 License for a very simple purpose to defend the freedom of every user of a free program rudDoVtkKEg-00008-00009240-00009816 not all free programs do this there are free programs released under other licenses that are rudDoVtkKEg-00009-00009816-00010752 lacks and permissive that allow modified versions to be made non-free some even allow just compiling rudDoVtkKEg-00010-00010752-00011440 it as enough excuse to make it non-free and what happens then the software may be very popular rudDoVtkKEg-00011-00011496-00012072 it may be powerful and reliable but it fails to deliver freedom to the users rudDoVtkKEg-00012-00012264-00012880 so the GNU General Public License is designed to make sure that everyone who gets the software rudDoVtkKEg-00013-00012880-00013391 also gets the essential freedoms that the user of software must have rudDoVtkKEg-00014-00013576-00014328 these are freedom zero the freedom to run the program as you wish freedom one the freedom rudDoVtkKEg-00015-00014328-00015047 to study the source code and change it so it does what you wish freedom two the freedom to help your rudDoVtkKEg-00016-00015047-00015784 neighbor which is the freedom to distribute exact copies up to including republication when you wish rudDoVtkKEg-00017-00015784-00016240 and freedom three which is the freedom to contribute to your community rudDoVtkKEg-00018-00016240-00016904 the freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions up to and including publication when you rudDoVtkKEg-00019-00016904-00017872 wish these are the freedoms necessary so that we can control our own computing and be good helpful rudDoVtkKEg-00020-00017872-00018672 members of our communities and together they give us democratic control over what our software does rudDoVtkKEg-00021-00018880-00019472 only with a license like the GNU GPL do the users have these four freedoms rudDoVtkKEg-00022-00019568-00020544 but the adversaries of freedom don't stand still they've thought of new ways to separate rudDoVtkKEg-00023-00020544-00021480 users from their freedom since GPL version 2 came out so we have had to find ways to block rudDoVtkKEg-00024-00021480-00022296 them from doing this in order to make sure the GPL continues to achieve what has always been its goal rudDoVtkKEg-00025-00022360-00022928 for instance there is a practice we call tivoization after the product which began it rudDoVtkKEg-00026-00023072-00023704 the TiVO contains software released under GPL version two and they comply rudDoVtkKEg-00027-00023792-00024496 formally with the requirements of GPL version 2 but it doesn't do the user of the TiVO any good rudDoVtkKEg-00028-00024576-00024912 yes the user can get the source code of that software rudDoVtkKEg-00029-00024976-00025576 but if the user tries to change it and compile it and install it in the tivo it won't run rudDoVtkKEg-00030-00025648-00026239 it's guaranteed not to run and that's no accident the TIVO contains special circuitry rudDoVtkKEg-00031-00026304-00027000 to check the signature of the program and if it has been modified at all then it shuts down rudDoVtkKEg-00032-00027080-00027672 now why would they do a thing like this the reason is not innocent the reason rudDoVtkKEg-00033-00027672-00028360 is because the Tivo was designed to restrict the user and spy on the user nasty malicious rudDoVtkKEg-00034-00028360-00028895 features and they want to make sure that the user can't get rid of these nasty features rudDoVtkKEg-00035-00028983-00029736 in the most natural way the way that users are supposed to be able to do with free software they rudDoVtkKEg-00036-00029736-00030424 have put in this special circuitry to make sure people can't run modified versions of the software rudDoVtkKEg-00037-00030695-00031376 so gpl version 2 blocks this practice sorry gpl version 3 blocks this practice rudDoVtkKEg-00038-00031520-00032127 it says that if you distribute binaries in in a product to consumers that you've rudDoVtkKEg-00039-00032127-00032639 got to provide them with whatever information is sufficient so that rudDoVtkKEg-00040-00032639-00033096 they can install and run their modified versions in the products they've bought rudDoVtkKEg-00041-00033448-00034048 there's another variation on tivoization which is treacherous computing rudDoVtkKEg-00042-00034152-00034752 that's where the computer is designed so that a website that you're trying to talk to rudDoVtkKEg-00043-00034816-00035456 can tell whether you're running the officially approved software or your own modified version and rudDoVtkKEg-00044-00035456-00036160 if you're running your own modified version then it says they don't trust you so you're not allowed rudDoVtkKEg-00045-00036160-00036944 to talk to the site well with GPL version 3 that's not allowed either they have to provide you with rudDoVtkKEg-00046-00036944-00037640 information sufficient to install your modified versions so that they can function just as the rudDoVtkKEg-00047-00037792-00038440 the original version would have done unless your changes make it do something else rudDoVtkKEg-00048-00038600-00039176 they're not allowed to distribute it in such a way that the mere fact that you modified it prevents rudDoVtkKEg-00049-00039176-00039904 it from functioning the way the original would have so we've blocked both variants of this way of rudDoVtkKEg-00050-00039904-00040480 turning freedom number one the freedom to study and change the source code and make the program rudDoVtkKEg-00051-00040480-00041272 do what you wish into a sham another threat to our freedom comes from software patents rudDoVtkKEg-00052-00041368-00042208 i'm sure you've heard about the Novell Microsoft deal which was dangerous because effectively rudDoVtkKEg-00053-00042208-00043264 Novell is going to pay microsoft to give customers protection from some of microsoft's patents rudDoVtkKEg-00054-00043408-00044128 well if microsoft or anyone can make users pay for the privilege of running free software rudDoVtkKEg-00055-00044200-00044832 that takes away freedom zero the freedom to run the program as you wish we can't rudDoVtkKEg-00056-00044904-00046048 sit idly by and let that happen now GPL version 2 had a change in it from GPL version 1 to rudDoVtkKEg-00057-00046048-00046760 protect us against use of software patents to make the program effectively non-free but it rudDoVtkKEg-00058-00046832-00047576 it only applies when the distributor gets a patent license well in the Novell Microsoft rudDoVtkKEg-00059-00047576-00048160 deal they were clever and microsoft didn't give novell a patent license so rudDoVtkKEg-00060-00048392-00049200 they slipped through this crack in GPL version 2. well in GPL version 3 we don't have this crack rudDoVtkKEg-00061-00049200-00050160 anymore such deals are not allowed however instead of simply saying that Novell can't distribute GPL rudDoVtkKEg-00062-00050160-00050976 version 3 covered programs under their deal we found a cleverer thing to do with it when rudDoVtkKEg-00063-00050976-00051888 microsoft upgrades to versions that are covered by GPL version 3 GPL version 3 will extend this rudDoVtkKEg-00064-00051888-00052712 patent protection from the customers of Novell to everybody who uses those programs effectively we rudDoVtkKEg-00065-00052712-00053584 found a way to turn that deal against microsoft and make it backfire so it's extremely important rudDoVtkKEg-00066-00053584-00054400 for free software to upgrade the license to GPL version three so that micro so that novell rudDoVtkKEg-00067-00054479-00055176 in the course of time will put in the new versions and thus our community will get this benefit rudDoVtkKEg-00068-00055432-00056288 it has to be done fairly soon because if we wait too long microsoft may distribute all its coupons rudDoVtkKEg-00069-00056344-00057216 and then we won't be able to turn the deal against them anymore so get your programs re-licensed soon rudDoVtkKEg-00070-00057279-00058048 it's very important we expect all the maintainers of getting software to re-license rudDoVtkKEg-00071-00058104-00058984 in the next few months it's important but other free software developers should also re-license rudDoVtkKEg-00072-00059048-00060024 there will be people who ask you not to do so a minority of our community seems to be very angry rudDoVtkKEg-00073-00060024-00060808 about GPL version three and when we try to probe to find out their motives it usually turns out rudDoVtkKEg-00074-00060808-00061544 that they disagree with the goal of the GNU GPL the goal of guaranteeing freedom for every user rudDoVtkKEg-00075-00061696-00062640 please when people who hold those views ask you to leave users freedom vulnerable don't listen rudDoVtkKEg-00076-00062640-00063400 to them defend the user's freedom that's important and even if they're people who would ask us not to rudDoVtkKEg-00077-00063400-00064096 do it we've got to do it we have to defend the user's freedom against these threats there are rudDoVtkKEg-00078-00064096-00064855 of course many other advantages in GPL version 3. compatibility with the apache license is one rudDoVtkKEg-00079-00064920-00065944 better internationalization is another you'll also find that its termination conditions work much rudDoVtkKEg-00080-00065944-00066680 better in the case of a distributor of an entire gnu plus linux distribution who makes a mistake rudDoVtkKEg-00081-00066736-00067384 and thus violates the GPL for thousands of programs at once and of course wants to correct it rudDoVtkKEg-00082-00067504-00068328 with GPL version 2 those that person who made a mistake has to loses the license permanently for rudDoVtkKEg-00083-00068416-00069080 every program from every copyright holder and has to then go and beg forgiveness rudDoVtkKEg-00084-00069080-00069680 from everyone which is not feasible but with GPL version 3 rudDoVtkKEg-00085-00069832-00070608 if they correct the mistake and the copyright holders don't complain in 60 days then they're in rudDoVtkKEg-00086-00070608-00071456 the clear so they'll only have to negotiate with those who actually did complain assuming of course rudDoVtkKEg-00087-00071456-00072088 that they're sincere people and they correct their mistake we are still in a good position to rudDoVtkKEg-00088-00072088-00072616 enforce the license against anyone who intends to violate it and doesn't correct the mistake rudDoVtkKEg-00089-00072760-00073768 so GPL version 3 will help our community in many ways and i urge people to upgrade to it rudDoVtkKEg-00090-00074072-00074448 thank you who is going to speak next rudDoVtkKEg-00091-00074824-00075784 well i'll fill this pause by drinking some tea rudDoVtkKEg-00092-00077368-00077418 you rv7etHizTyk-00000-00000000-00000200 a type beat rvXl6wYww-Y-00000-00000119-00000560 This video is about how to create new columns and data frames using the rvXl6wYww-Y-00001-00000560-00001096 'mutate' function in dplyr. We've already done the setup so rvXl6wYww-Y-00002-00001096-00001616 we've loaded the 'dplyr' library and we've loaded the 'surveys' table into rvXl6wYww-Y-00003-00001616-00001960 memory, so we can see that we have surveys over here. rvXl6wYww-Y-00004-00001960-00002272 Now we're going to create a new column rvXl6wYww-Y-00005-00002272-00002824 based on data in the 'surveys' table. And the way we do that is with the rvXl6wYww-Y-00006-00002824-00003296 'mutate' function, m-u-t-a-t-e. It's a function, rvXl6wYww-Y-00007-00003296-00003792 so we use parentheses and then we provide it the arguments. Remember, rvXl6wYww-Y-00008-00003792-00004096 the first argument to any dplyr function rvXl6wYww-Y-00009-00004096-00004400 is the name of the table we want to work on, rvXl6wYww-Y-00010-00004400-00005064 so that's 'surveys' in this case. The additional arguments to rvXl6wYww-Y-00011-00005064-00005455 'mutate' are any columns that we want to add, rvXl6wYww-Y-00012-00005455-00005823 and those come in the form of the name of the column rvXl6wYww-Y-00013-00005823-00006168 that we want (what we want the name of the column to be) rvXl6wYww-Y-00014-00006168-00006584 and then how to calculate that column (what we want to put rvXl6wYww-Y-00015-00006584-00007288 into it). And so for example we have hind foot length in this table rvXl6wYww-Y-00016-00007288-00007800 in millimeters. Let's add the hind foot length column rvXl6wYww-Y-00017-00007800-00008232 but let's convert its units and let's make a hind foot length column rvXl6wYww-Y-00018-00008232-00008968 in centimeters. So we we want to say the name of the column, rvXl6wYww-Y-00019-00008968-00009343 so let's say we want to say 'hindfoot_length' rvXl6wYww-Y-00020-00009343-00009728 but now we'll attach the unit to it so we'll add '_cm' rvXl6wYww-Y-00021-00009728-00010384 for centimeters and then we say equals to, and this has to be an equals rvXl6wYww-Y-00022-00010384-00010775 sign it can't be an arrow, rvXl6wYww-Y-00023-00010775-00011160 and then we're going to say we've got it in millimeters so we want to divide by rvXl6wYww-Y-00024-00011160-00011375 10. So we'll say the name of the existing rvXl6wYww-Y-00025-00011375-00011911 column, 'hindfoot_length' rvXl6wYww-Y-00026-00011911-00012368 and then divided by 10. rvXl6wYww-Y-00027-00012392-00012736 So we've got the name of the function, the first rvXl6wYww-Y-00028-00012736-00013047 argument is the data frame that we're going to work on, rvXl6wYww-Y-00029-00013047-00013384 and then we're saying that we want to make a new column named rvXl6wYww-Y-00030-00013384-00013752 'hindfoot_length_cm', rvXl6wYww-Y-00031-00013752-00014152 which is equal to the current 'hind_foot_length' column rvXl6wYww-Y-00032-00014152-00014472 divided by 10. rvXl6wYww-Y-00033-00014519-00014919 So now if we run this... oops i got an error. rvXl6wYww-Y-00034-00014919-00015559 Don't worry we'll see lots of these this semester let's just go down and read it. rvXl6wYww-Y-00035-00015559-00015895 It looks like "object hind_foot_length is not rvXl6wYww-Y-00036-00015895-00016512 found". Oh, I've probably got a typo here. So this is actually 'hindfoot_length'. rvXl6wYww-Y-00037-00016512-00017184 And now if we run it rvXl6wYww-Y-00038-00017184-00017544 and scroll up we'll see that we've got our old table rvXl6wYww-Y-00039-00017544-00018023 and then R has run out of room to show columns so it's shown up to the edge of rvXl6wYww-Y-00040-00018023-00018559 the old table but then it will wrap around and show rvXl6wYww-Y-00041-00018559-00018872 the next set of columns afterwards and so what we can see is we rvXl6wYww-Y-00042-00018872-00019280 now have a new column 'hindfoot_length_cm' that rvXl6wYww-Y-00043-00019280-00019872 occurs as the last column in the data frame. rvXl6wYww-Y-00044-00019872-00020231 Now it's important to remember that when rvXl6wYww-Y-00045-00020231-00020584 use functions in 'dplyr' they don't actually rvXl6wYww-Y-00046-00020584-00020895 change the table that we're working on, they create rvXl6wYww-Y-00047-00020895-00021559 a new table. So let's go up here and look at our 'surveys' table. We'll see rvXl6wYww-Y-00048-00021559-00021879 that if we scroll over to the right hand side there is no rvXl6wYww-Y-00049-00021879-00022336 new column, so 'surveys' hasn't been changed at all. rvXl6wYww-Y-00050-00022336-00022912 This is like other calculations that we've seen in R, where they create rvXl6wYww-Y-00051-00022912-00023359 something new. So 'mutate' returns a new data frame. rvXl6wYww-Y-00052-00023359-00023808 'select' does the same thing. If we want to use that data frame rvXl6wYww-Y-00053-00023808-00024392 later then we have to store it under its own name. rvXl6wYww-Y-00054-00024472-00025008 So in this case we would come up with a variable name, rvXl6wYww-Y-00055-00025008-00026032 so we could call it 'surveys_modified', and then we assign that rvXl6wYww-Y-00056-00026032-00026424 to this calculation that we've just done. We could rvXl6wYww-Y-00057-00026424-00027175 copy this line here if we wanted to, and paste it, and so now rvXl6wYww-Y-00058-00027175-00027639 'surveys_modified' will be equal to this calculation. rvXl6wYww-Y-00059-00027639-00027991 You can see I'm starting to go off the screen, so I'm going to use rvXl6wYww-Y-00060-00027991-00028304 a little trick here in R that lets us make things rvXl6wYww-Y-00061-00028304-00028608 easier to see and i'm going to rvXl6wYww-Y-00062-00028608-00029104 hit 'Enter' after the comma here within the function. rvXl6wYww-Y-00063-00029104-00029639 This will work exactly the same as if they're on the same line because it rvXl6wYww-Y-00064-00029639-00030039 knows, because of the parentheses, that they're all part of the same rvXl6wYww-Y-00065-00030039-00030560 statement. Now if we run this function rvXl6wYww-Y-00066-00030560-00030927 we'll see that we've got a new data frame rvXl6wYww-Y-00067-00030927-00031239 called 'surveys_modified' and if we click on it rvXl6wYww-Y-00068-00031239-00031847 and slide over to the right we can see that it contains our new column rvXl6wYww-Y-00069-00031847-00032216 'hindfoot_length_dm'. rvXl6wYww-Y-00070-00032256-00032719 If we wanted to we could also save over the original object rvXl6wYww-Y-00071-00032719-00033024 and that would allow us to actually replace rvXl6wYww-Y-00072-00033024-00033536 'surveys' with the new version. We would do that rvXl6wYww-Y-00073-00033536-00034288 by saying 'surveys' is assigned the data frame that comes back from rvXl6wYww-Y-00074-00034288-00034552 'mutate()', rvXl6wYww-Y-00075-00034568-00035312 the table we want to work on (I'll hit enter here to make it easier to see), rvXl6wYww-Y-00076-00035312-00036031 'hindfoot_length_cm' is equal to "hindfoot_length" rvXl6wYww-Y-00077-00036031-00036816 divided by 10. And this will now change 'surveys' rvXl6wYww-Y-00078-00036816-00037119 And so we can see 'surveys' has now been changed rvXl6wYww-Y-00079-00037119-00037847 to include the new column. So that's the basic idea behind 'mutate'. rvXl6wYww-Y-00080-00037847-00038552 We use this function to add new columns to a data frame. 'mutate', like all other rvXl6wYww-Y-00081-00038552-00038984 dplyr functions, creates a new value, a new data frame, and rvXl6wYww-Y-00082-00038984-00039296 returns it. So if we want to store it for later rvXl6wYww-Y-00083-00039296-00039520 we need to assign it to a variable. rvXl6wYww-Y-00084-00040800-00041112 Is that pedagogically useful? I'm not rvXl6wYww-Y-00085-00041112-00041600 sure that it is. Okay. rw35uRb5F4A-00000-00000229-00000742 โ€œLife is like a river, all one current. Perfect in its oneness. rw35uRb5F4A-00001-00000742-00001426 You see for most of us life seems fragmented, but really what Iโ€™ve come to understand rw35uRb5F4A-00002-00001426-00002097 it is all one current, one flow. And when i stopped trying to be spiritual rw35uRb5F4A-00003-00002097-00002734 is when I figured out that I am spirit. That the universe is alive, awake and aware rw35uRb5F4A-00004-00002734-00003323 That no two blades of grass are alike but that we are all perfectly planted in the same rw35uRb5F4A-00005-00003323-00003528 soil, spirit. rw35uRb5F4A-00006-00003528-00003937 With different purposes. With different individualized curriculums. rw35uRb5F4A-00007-00003937-00004521 My understanding is that god... is everywhere and everything. rw35uRb5F4A-00008-00004521-00005185 That good... is everywhere and everything. And that we get in life what we are ready rw35uRb5F4A-00009-00005185-00005778 to understand, we are ready to embody. You see Iโ€™ve come to the understanding that rw35uRb5F4A-00010-00005778-00006401 god is the map and the territory. And that god is being itself. rw35uRb5F4A-00011-00006401-00006608 That it is everything. Omnipresent. rw35uRb5F4A-00012-00006608-00006834 Everywhere at all times. rw35uRb5F4A-00013-00006834-00007193 And itโ€™s interesting that when I talk to people who believe they have the answer. rw35uRb5F4A-00014-00007193-00007568 Like right now Iโ€™m Zanzibar, Africa, and itโ€™s a mainly muslim island. rw35uRb5F4A-00015-00007568-00008118 And I had a conversation with a guy on the boat on the way to snorkeling yesterday about rw35uRb5F4A-00016-00008118-00008578 how his religion is the right religion and heโ€™s actually right about that- according rw35uRb5F4A-00017-00008578-00009207 to his understanding- but so is everyone else. Because itโ€™s all agape love its all one rw35uRb5F4A-00018-00009207-00009457 circle weโ€™re looking at it from different angles. rw35uRb5F4A-00019-00009457-00009889 Different receptivities to the one source, to the one river. rw35uRb5F4A-00020-00009889-00010397 The scientist discovers the principles through science. rw35uRb5F4A-00021-00010397-00010846 The artist discovers the knowingness through his art. rw35uRb5F4A-00022-00010846-00011458 The religious person discovers it through christ-hood, through the buddha nature through rw35uRb5F4A-00023-00011458-00011849 Allah. But it is still the same thing. rw35uRb5F4A-00024-00011849-00012247 One. There is only one. rw35uRb5F4A-00025-00012247-00012600 And that one goes by many names. But itโ€™s still unnameable. rw35uRb5F4A-00026-00012600-00012869 It is us. It is you. rw35uRb5F4A-00027-00012869-00013144 It is I. When you look past. rw35uRb5F4A-00028-00013144-00013330 and see the humanity When look past rw35uRb5F4A-00029-00013330-00013725 and see the divinity in people. It will change your entire world. rw35uRb5F4A-00030-00013725-00014231 See the good and know that it is you and you will never be separate from it. rw35uRb5F4A-00031-00014231-00014811 Like the wave is never separate from the ocean. The sunbeam is never separate from the sun. rw35uRb5F4A-00032-00014811-00015278 Like you and I are never separate from god, from good, from love. rw35uRb5F4A-00033-00015278-00015762 We are one. God is love. rw35uRb5F4A-00034-00015762-00016085 Know that in you heart. Move from that space. rw35uRb5F4A-00035-00016085-00016785 and everywhere you look you will see family. No matter what their religion no matter what rw35uRb5F4A-00036-00016874-00017070 their creed. No matter what they claim. rw35uRb5F4A-00037-00017070-00017498 No matter what they call themselves democratic, republican, gay or straight or white or black rw35uRb5F4A-00038-00017498-00017660 or christian or muslim any of it. rw35uRb5F4A-00039-00017660-00018129 No matter what it is. If you understand and embody that god is love rw35uRb5F4A-00040-00018129-00018648 that god is peace. You will only see family. rw35uRb5F4A-00041-00018648-00018760 I love you. rw35uRb5F4A-00042-00018760-00019087 Hashtag loves voice is going down in a beautiful major way rw35uRb5F4A-00043-00019087-00019581 Click like, subscribe and share this message if it aligns or resonates with you heart. rw35uRb5F4A-00044-00019581-00019904 I love you Iโ€™ll see you on the other side Hello from Africa rxR4P87a_DI-00000-00000000-00000200 Popcorn is over 5000 years old. The first commercial popcorn machine was invented by Charles Cretors in 1885. Nebraska produces the most popcorn in America, around 250 million pounds per year. Microwaveable popcorn was invented by Pillsbury in 1982. rFlA3ce4soU-00000-00105546-00106650 This, today, is a golden opportunity to choose to be God dependent; rFlA3ce4soU-00001-00106650-00107830 to choose to listen to the Holy Spirit and be guided, not in some things, but in all things without exception. rFlA3ce4soU-00002-00108064-00109564 This is where we make the shift from vigilance to peace, where we shift from perceiving two worlds, from believing in two thought systems rFlA3ce4soU-00003-00109564-00109832 one of love and one of fear. rFlA3ce4soU-00004-00109872-00111378 We take a stand in the mind, we devote ourselves so wholly, so completely to right-mindedness, to following the Holy Spirit, rFlA3ce4soU-00005-00111378-00112811 that we experience a state of complete invulnerability, complete wholeness, the forgiven world, the happy dream, rFlA3ce4soU-00006-00112811-00113346 the peaceful perception of the entire cosmos in this instant. rFlA3ce4soU-00007-00113420-00114094 Everything from this instant without exception. rFlA3ce4soU-00008-00114226-00115448 And our mind shifts into a natural state of rest, without the need to be vigilant against the ego and for God. rFlA3ce4soU-00009-00115582-00117096 We rest in the certainty of a single, unified purpose. One clear intent that guides us, that sustains us. rFlA3ce4soU-00010-00117283-00118298 This today is a very, very, very practical application of experiencing the love of God. rFlA3ce4soU-00011-00118422-00118756 We do not attempt to manage the world. rFlA3ce4soU-00012-00118890-00119772 We do not attempt to understand linear time, to figure out the laws of the world. rFlA3ce4soU-00013-00119878-00120309 We are sustained by the love of God. rFlA3ce4soU-00014-00120466-00121159 Every breath is a symbol used by the Holy Spirit. rFlA3ce4soU-00015-00121261-00122764 Every piece of food that is eaten by a body, every place where the body lay itself down at night, rFlA3ce4soU-00016-00122902-00123602 every form of help that seems to come from many different directions in this world rFlA3ce4soU-00017-00123685-00124190 all could be summed up in the very simple idea: rFlA3ce4soU-00018-00124376-00124904 I am sustained by the love of God. rFlA3ce4soU-00019-00125211-00125992 This idea frees the mind of concerns about work, rFlA3ce4soU-00020-00126118-00126826 about debt, all concerns about survival. rFlA3ce4soU-00021-00127059-00128109 The acceptance of this idea wholly and truly, frees the mind in an instant. rFlA3ce4soU-00022-00128272-00129690 It is handing over all the symbols of the world to the Holy Spirit and saying, 'This holy instant would I give to you. Be you in charge.' rFlA3ce4soU-00023-00129783-00130614 'Bring to me whatever symbols will help me to awaken to God's love.' rFlA3ce4soU-00024-00130882-00132278 'And take from me all symbols that would be a barrier. Show me that the symbols have no meaning in and of themselves.' rFlA3ce4soU-00025-00132420-00133412 'That money does not mean anything, that food does not mean anything, that travel does not mean anything.' rFlA3ce4soU-00026-00133544-00134104 'That nothing in form means anything in and of itself.' rFlA3ce4soU-00027-00134200-00135880 'That it's all a beautiful backdrop for witnessing perfect safety, perfect security, perfect love, perfect certainty.' rFlA3ce4soU-00028-00135880-00136302 'That is the only purpose that the symbols serve.' rFlA3ce4soU-00029-00136466-00137294 There is no dependency on the symbols. The symbols but represent the purpose in the mind. rFlA3ce4soU-00030-00137352-00138702 When the purpose is to forgive and open to divine love, divine providence is the law of God, the law of love. rFlA3ce4soU-00031-00138762-00139638 Everything is provided easily and naturally, without exception. rFlA3ce4soU-00032-00139882-00141136 So today we hearken the passage in the text of A Course in Miracles, we draw it into mind. rFlA3ce4soU-00033-00141376-00142704 'Once you have accepted His plan as the one function that you would fulfill, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you.' rFlA3ce4soU-00034-00142846-00144164 'Without your effort, making straight your path, and leaving in your way no stones to trip on, no obstacles to bar your way.' rFlA3ce4soU-00035-00144298-00145196 'Nothing you need will be denied you. Not one seeming difficulty will but melt away before you reach it.' rFlA3ce4soU-00036-00145348-00145944 'You need take thought for nothing except the only purpose you would fulfill.' rFlA3ce4soU-00037-00146292-00146822 'Without your effort He will go before you rFlA3ce4soU-00038-00146822-00147268 making straight your path,' rFlA3ce4soU-00039-00147412-00148200 'and leaving in your way no obstacles to bar your way.' rFlA3ce4soU-00040-00148504-00149274 This is the meaning of 'I am sustained by the Love of God.' rFlA3ce4soU-00041-00149674-00150212 It means nothing you need will be denied you. rFlA3ce4soU-00042-00150462-00151094 It means not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it. rFlA3ce4soU-00043-00151234-00151606 That you need take thought for nothing. rFlA3ce4soU-00044-00151746-00152304 Careless of everything except the only purpose you would fulfill. rFlA3ce4soU-00045-00152646-00153590 The Holy Spirit will provide everything you need, and will renew it as long as you have need of it. rFlA3ce4soU-00046-00153726-00154856 But the Holy Spirit would not have you linger in time, that is not God's Will for you. That is not your holy will. rFlA3ce4soU-00047-00155172-00155762 The Holy Son of God is not meant to linger in time, rFlA3ce4soU-00048-00155762-00156296 but to reside in eternity. rFlA3ce4soU-00049-00156498-00157612 I Am-ness. Truth. Holiness. And perfect innocence. rFlA3ce4soU-00050-00157894-00158808 Today we remember this and give thanks as we say: rFlA3ce4soU-00051-00158924-00159716 'I am sustained by the love of God.' rFJ9EBrOBFE-00000-00000240-00000710 In this video we will learn how to create a module on JSN PageBuilder 3 rFJ9EBrOBFE-00001-00000728-00001000 with Google Maps, Article Elements and more. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00002-00001178-00001642 We will create a demo-like module using JSN PageBuilder 3. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00003-00002142-00002792 On the admin site, go to Modules under the Extensions menu item to create a new custom module. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00004-00003292-00003732 Enter the module title, save and switch the editor to PageBuilder 3. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00005-00004304-00004562 Let's start by clicking on the "Click To Edit" button. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00006-00004692-00005028 The first section we need to create is Google Maps rFJ9EBrOBFE-00007-00005146-00005434 In the list of the basic elements, search Google maps, rFJ9EBrOBFE-00008-00005434-00005780 then choose Google Maps basic element to try first. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00009-00006088-00006662 After dragging the element to the page editor, you can go to the General tab to add the location, rFJ9EBrOBFE-00010-00006906-00007450 zoom in, zoom out on your Map and change the Map Type from Roadmap to Satellite. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00011-00008000-00008480 Go to the Styling tab to style for the Box, Border and Display of your Map. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00012-00009080-00009488 The second section we need to build is the list of articles. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00013-00009792-00010276 Before dragging the Article element to the module, we need to create a category, rFJ9EBrOBFE-00014-00010284-00010496 and add some articles for that category. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00015-00010628-00011140 Coffee Shop and Tea were already created and added onto the demo page. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00016-00011964-00012392 With each article in the category, don't forget to upload the Intro Image. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00017-00012392-00012840 It will be shown on the module and the front page after publishing the module. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00018-00013088-00013352 Now, let's return to the module we are creating. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00019-00013352-00013976 In the list of the Joomla Elements on the left side, select and drag the Articles element to the page editor. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00020-00014208-00014624 By default, this element will show the articles of latest category. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00021-00014656-00014991 Click on Article List in Breadcrumbs on the bottom of the page rFJ9EBrOBFE-00022-00014991-00015504 and go to Categories parameter on the General tab to change the category. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00023-00015712-00016032 Coffee category will be selected. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00024-00016096-00016480 You can change the limit number of the articles to show. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00025-00016688-00017072 This element allows you to show the articles of each author. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00026-00017232-00018352 Change the limit number of the intro text to show and sort the articles by Order, Title, ID, etc and DESC or ASC. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00027-00018608-00018896 In the General tab, you can also select some elements to hide rFJ9EBrOBFE-00028-00018896-00019728 such as: Feature Image, Title, Author, Category, Intro Text and the Read more button. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00029-00020288-00020672 And many settings for Article element on the bottom of the tab. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00030-00021088-00021648 Similar to the other elements, the Styling tab allows you to change the style for the Text, rFJ9EBrOBFE-00031-00021648-00022048 Background, Box, Border and Display as you wish. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00032-00023664-00024016 Drag more elements to make your module richer. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00033-00025536-00025839 Don't forget to hit Save after everything is done. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00034-00026216-00026752 The last task is to select a position for your module to display on the front page. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00035-00026927-00027183 Save and refresh your front page. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00036-00027776-00028256 In Just a few minutes a module has been created by JSN PageBuilder 3 with Google Maps, rFJ9EBrOBFE-00037-00028272-00028568 Article and additional elements. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00038-00028927-00029095 Thank you for watching. rFJ9EBrOBFE-00039-00029095-00029624 Please check other videos to learn more about how to work with the JSN PageBuilder 3. rGAMDtSLGwg-00000-00000000-00000503 Palazzo Vecchio rIN2Dk7KmeQ-00000-00000008-00000202 MINI OREO CAKE - 3 INGREDIENTS NO STEAMED NO OVEN rIN2Dk7KmeQ-00001-00000208-00000405 This video has 2 subtitles; Indonesia and English rIN2Dk7KmeQ-00002-00000830-00001036 Complete recipe can be seen in description rIN2Dk7KmeQ-00003-00001036-00001236 Street food rJod5ctAlVo-00000-00000009-00000827 Hello, I dreamed that I was at that time, this old guy was walking and then, like a rJod5ctAlVo-00001-00000827-00001440 nun, he said something to me while I saw that nun with the profile of my right eye, I saw rJod5ctAlVo-00002-00001440-00001827 someone driving a carriage with a horse, the horse was towing that carriage with its respective rJod5ctAlVo-00003-00001827-00002400 wheels on each side the man was on the right side of the horse he was walking in the back rJod5ctAlVo-00004-00002400-00003027 in the carriage there was a large gold coin it was covered with straw but as it went on rJod5ctAlVo-00005-00003027-00003449 it was uncovered and it was seen more and more but behind it went to another person rJod5ctAlVo-00006-00003449-00003987 that anyone noticed that she would be robbed and that is how that guy took her, he began rJod5ctAlVo-00007-00003987-00004760 to walk a little fast along a kind of path which on the sides is a water by destiny thing rJod5ctAlVo-00008-00004760-00005296 there was a hole of size that occupied the entire street or the road was more or less rJod5ctAlVo-00009-00005296-00005726 about 2 meters wide the road the guy passed that hole and advanced 25 meters and realized rJod5ctAlVo-00010-00005726-00006247 that the coin had fallen into that hole he began to return and a train was coming which rJod5ctAlVo-00011-00006247-00006859 of how fast the part d passed front and back and the rest of the back was a disaster despite rJod5ctAlVo-00012-00006859-00007614 that the guy was approaching the hole to pick up the coin but you understand this dream rJod5ctAlVo-00013-00007614-00008137 thing it was cut off just at that moment I really don't know what that dream means thanks rJod5ctAlVo-00014-00008137-00008501 for watching the video subscribe and share rL5HnmcX7j0-00000-00000000-00000344 Today we have a session on cybersecurity rL5HnmcX7j0-00001-00000589-00000952 to be able to face this month rL5HnmcX7j0-00002-00000952-00001495 which is the month of October about cybersecurity rL5HnmcX7j0-00003-00001529-00001718 Today will speak to us Tomร s rL5HnmcX7j0-00004-00001723-00002052 Tomร s Morรฉ is responsible for the secure Internet program rL5HnmcX7j0-00005-00002052-00002249 Welcome Tomร s rL5HnmcX7j0-00006-00002294-00002785 Hello, very good morning. I will try to share the presentation rL5HnmcX7j0-00007-00002809-00003109 Our campaign is thinking rL5HnmcX7j0-00008-00003113-00003422 that we need to target people who don't know about technology rL5HnmcX7j0-00009-00003467-00003794 We need to protect ourselves from malware and we need to do it with effective tools rL5HnmcX7j0-00010-00003800-00004334 It is very important for the business to hear what the network says about us rL5HnmcX7j0-00011-00004366-00004981 Reacting badly to a situation where someone is talking badly about us rL5HnmcX7j0-00012-00005000-00005314 can be a major problem for us rL5HnmcX7j0-00013-00005381-00005625 The third, I think this is very well understood rL5HnmcX7j0-00014-00005625-00006053 are the issues of scares or problems that may arise from rL5HnmcX7j0-00015-00006068-00006464 losing a cell phone , to have an unturned mobile rL5HnmcX7j0-00016-00006464-00006843 At the same time what we say about backups but especially rL5HnmcX7j0-00017-00006843-00007055 the fact of having or making emergency plans rL5HnmcX7j0-00018-00007078-00007400 and cybersecurity events in case anyone wants to learn more rL5HnmcX7j0-00019-00007409-00007723 Calls for webinars, about things we do, rL5HnmcX7j0-00020-00007726-00007926 as events that other people do rL5HnmcX7j0-00021-00007937-00008235 Evaluate yourself as a topic of initial guidance rL5HnmcX7j0-00022-00008255-00008836 The business guide that we think is very interesting rL5HnmcX7j0-00023-00008844-00009139 for people who know nothing about cybersecurity rL5HnmcX7j0-00024-00009174-00009746 microcourses to say it is how to manage them so that they can know from each area that I have presented you rL5HnmcX7j0-00025-00009779-00010212 some quick experience made on mobile, directly on mobile rL5HnmcX7j0-00026-00010250-00010928 And the webinars that we give them with professionals but that somehow you can also participate rL5HnmcX7j0-00027-00011268-00011520 There is an index with a presentation rL5HnmcX7j0-00028-00011527-00011856 and every two pages of the guide you will find rL5HnmcX7j0-00029-00011856-00012290 the specific area we have discussed before, rL5HnmcX7j0-00030-00012290-00012788 good practices for making that area and how to implement it rNpXmqrB4Bu-00000-00000015-00000639 There are currently an estimated 466 million people living with disabling hearing loss rNpXmqrB4Bu-00001-00000639-00001263 globally and we're really excited because we hope this course will help provide development rNpXmqrB4Bu-00002-00001263-00001920 of accessible hearing services worldwide. There is so much I'm learning every day and especially rNpXmqrB4Bu-00003-00001920-00002448 with technology it's only a field that's going to be ever-expanding so it's really rNpXmqrB4Bu-00004-00002448-00002913 interesting I think it's going to be a really amazing future for audiology. Teaching staff rNpXmqrB4Bu-00005-00002913-00003474 here at you two are absolutely amazing they have really provided me with the support and guidance rNpXmqrB4Bu-00006-00003474-00004089 to help me achieve my goals in audiology not only are they your lifelong mentors but they rNpXmqrB4Bu-00007-00004089-00004680 only they also become your lifelong friends. UWA audiology has links with national and rNpXmqrB4Bu-00008-00004680-00005259 international research groups in audiology so we can offer a wide range of research experiences, rNpXmqrB4Bu-00009-00005259-00005952 in addition I think the research project offers a really exciting possibility for international rNpXmqrB4Bu-00010-00005952-00006506 students to use this time to develop language specific tools and assessments in the area of rNpXmqrB4Bu-00011-00006506-00007062 audiology. Being in this course makes me realise how big the impact of hearing loss rNpXmqrB4Bu-00012-00007062-00007653 on people's lives so I want to do when I'm going back to Indonesia is to raise the awareness about rNpXmqrB4Bu-00013-00007653-00008457 hearing loss how important it is to treat it early on. The UWA campus is simply beautiful rNpXmqrB4Bu-00014-00008457-00009153 it is so green and it's only a few minutes walk from Kings Park and then Matilda Bay. rNpXmqrB4Bu-00015-00009153-00009735 It's very convenient for international student like me to go around. It's a very rewarding rNpXmqrB4Bu-00016-00009735-00010152 area of research to get into because you have the patient interaction and you also have the rNpXmqrB4Bu-00017-00010152-00010572 emotional connection with your patient and as a student seeing the real-world impact of my rNpXmqrB4Bu-00018-00010572-00011058 research is really fulfilling and it motivates me to pursue further research in cochlear implants. rNpXmqrB4Bu-00019-00011058-00011643 It's really an amazing profession to be a part of and I feel like you would never get bored rNpXmqrB4Bu-00020-00011643-00012225 studying audiology there are so many avenues you can go down within that field it's really amazing. rPpy5DEhvTy-00000-00000463-00000872 hello my name is ian kornberg i'm a video production intern for the center for the rPpy5DEhvTy-00001-00000872-00001440 digital humanities department here at montclair state university today i interviewed bridget dodge rPpy5DEhvTy-00002-00001440-00001776 she's a political science major she's with a political advocacy rPpy5DEhvTy-00003-00001776-00002264 group called the federations of associations of behavioral brain sciences for her internship rPpy5DEhvTy-00004-00002264-00002552 on capitol hill my name is bridget dodge rPpy5DEhvTy-00005-00002760-00003584 what was your internship about um so i majored in political science uh so i was accepted to rPpy5DEhvTy-00006-00003584-00004456 this internship uh washington center it's offered in schools across the country so i'm not sure how rPpy5DEhvTy-00007-00004456-00004928 many students were in it maybe a couple hundred from across the country all come to the one rPpy5DEhvTy-00008-00004928-00005600 location um and my so they hook you up with uh an internship based on what you're looking to rPpy5DEhvTy-00009-00005600-00006464 do there so i was with a political advocacy group nonprofit called the federation and associations rPpy5DEhvTy-00010-00006464-00007576 of brain sciences and they advocate for budget uh hearings and uh money and policies that pertain to rPpy5DEhvTy-00011-00007576-00008408 the sciences you were at donald trump's impress impeachment trial um so tell me a little bit about rPpy5DEhvTy-00012-00008408-00009048 that how was that being honest kind of boring oh yeah yes the future trial so i got into the rPpy5DEhvTy-00013-00009048-00009648 impeachment trial pretty easily because um it was open to the public so you could get passes from rPpy5DEhvTy-00014-00009768-00010392 just people at the door but um one of my friends in the internship program actually told us that rPpy5DEhvTy-00015-00010392-00010848 if you go to your congressional district office they will give you a special pass that puts you rPpy5DEhvTy-00016-00010848-00011424 in a second line that you get it somewhat quicker so we went got one of those passes and we got in rPpy5DEhvTy-00017-00011424-00012256 um really stayed like an hour or two maybe it's kind of late but uh yeah it wasn't as interesting rPpy5DEhvTy-00018-00012256-00012824 or as exciting as i would have thought because it was like the hearings were all day for days right rPpy5DEhvTy-00019-00012824-00013408 and then covet hit is that right yeah so um how was that what did they have you do rPpy5DEhvTy-00020-00013408-00013856 i actually had to stay home for a week about three weeks before i got sent home because rPpy5DEhvTy-00021-00013856-00014312 someone entered the building i was working in and had coveted so the whole building had to stay home rPpy5DEhvTy-00022-00014376-00014832 not even three days later they said we actually have to cancel the program they had said that a rPpy5DEhvTy-00023-00014832-00015480 priest in dc had it and they met with like 500 people and so there was this widespread panic rPpy5DEhvTy-00024-00015480-00015991 i actually just have a question of curiosity so i i see all these politicians left and right rPpy5DEhvTy-00025-00015991-00016512 they they all don't like each other on camera but for example donald trump hillary clinton but what rPpy5DEhvTy-00026-00016512-00017048 did did you see what it was like off camera were they more friendly yes i did and that's rPpy5DEhvTy-00027-00017048-00017480 actually the number one thing people have asked me about my relationship experience yes everybody rPpy5DEhvTy-00028-00017480-00018096 asks me this and yeah it's i couldn't tell who is republican or democrat in the hallways of congress rPpy5DEhvTy-00029-00018096-00018824 absolutely not there is no fighting at hearings i also hardly knew without their sign rPpy5DEhvTy-00030-00018824-00019456 i probably wouldn't have been able to tell um as one of my other friends worked for a lobbying firm rPpy5DEhvTy-00031-00019520-00020016 and he said it's all politics you know it's it's very much just holding up your rPpy5DEhvTy-00032-00020016-00020488 image to the public i mean they were all friends outside of the cameras rPpy5DEhvTy-00033-00021072-00021520 thank you for watching for more content please watch coffee talk and read our weekly newsletter rPpy5DEhvTy-00034-00021520-00022536 from the center for the digital humanities here at montclair state university have a great day rUtQyyXH1Ro-00000-00000562-00001410 We can say that in form there seem to be many paths but in content, really you see it is rUtQyyXH1Ro-00001-00001410-00001642 about forgiveness. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00002-00001642-00002154 And the individual variations start to fall away as you move into that. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00003-00002154-00002956 So for me the focus has been on getting really clear on that 1% principle, the metaphysics, rUtQyyXH1Ro-00004-00002956-00003105 very very clear. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00005-00003105-00003559 And that itself seems to take a real willingness, to be clear about principle. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00006-00003559-00004018 Because even if you practice, you gotta be practicing a clear principle. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00007-00004018-00004468 And then, as you go deeper into it, it is all about the experience. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00008-00004468-00005087 And you can just notice that the ego wants to categorize things, I was talking yesterday rUtQyyXH1Ro-00009-00005087-00005308 about "variety is the spice of life." rUtQyyXH1Ro-00010-00005308-00005789 Even variety, you start to see is not really a part of the curriculum. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00011-00005789-00006422 But the Spirit will use everything that the ego made, the ego made the multiple, the Spirit rUtQyyXH1Ro-00012-00006422-00006568 is one. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00013-00006568-00007326 The ego made separation, the symbols of the world, all the cosmic images and everything, rUtQyyXH1Ro-00014-00007326-00007948 the Spirit can beautifully use that to bring the mind back into unification. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00015-00007948-00008484 And the thing about, whether it's a glimpse, whether it's a warm swirl in your heart, whether rUtQyyXH1Ro-00016-00008484-00009236 these nudges that come, you've had many, many beautiful spiritual experiences. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00017-00009236-00009960 And when it comes to direct connection with God and I was saying how rare that is, it's rUtQyyXH1Ro-00018-00009960-00010731 not a judgment it's again, just to give a perspective so people don't get so depressed rUtQyyXH1Ro-00019-00010731-00011419 when they hear about somebody's ecstasy or whatever and make a comparison like, "How rUtQyyXH1Ro-00020-00011419-00011685 come they had that experience and I don't." rUtQyyXH1Ro-00021-00011685-00012330 Actually, I've had the disappearance of the universe three times where the entire cosmos rUtQyyXH1Ro-00022-00012330-00012808 has completely disappeared and it was all just pure light. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00023-00012808-00013019 The Great Rays, or revelation rUtQyyXH1Ro-00024-00013019-00013597 And there are no words, there absolutely are no words for revelation. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00025-00013597-00013958 It's just a direct experience that transcends the words. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00026-00013958-00014678 And it was helpful, because it was like seeing beyond the veil, completely beyond the veil. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00027-00014678-00015245 It's all just to put things into context that we're here to bless everyone because everyone is rUtQyyXH1Ro-00028-00015245-00015379 our mind. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00029-00015379-00015961 We're here to just extend love and light and joy to everyone we meet without exceptions. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00030-00015961-00016498 And we really don't really have to get into categorizing anything. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00031-00016498-00016903 Even the seeming realms and dimensions and levels you know, that will all collapse as rUtQyyXH1Ro-00032-00016903-00017160 well in Absolute Light. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00033-00017160-00017821 But, while you're moving through it, you want to fully embrace what your experiences are. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00034-00017821-00018674 You know, nobody wants to stop off at a weigh station if there's still something more, something rUtQyyXH1Ro-00035-00018674-00018911 more transcendent we could say, not really "more". rUtQyyXH1Ro-00036-00018911-00019092 Just all that is. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00037-00019092-00019474 So, we like to keep it really practical here. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00038-00019474-00020070 And what we do is, when people, there are all kinds of beliefs around, whatever. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00039-00020070-00020762 Nutrition, or breathing techniques, or meditation techniques, or postures. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00040-00020762-00021423 There's beliefs around all kinds of spiritual practices and everything, and we don't really rUtQyyXH1Ro-00041-00021423-00021756 stay at the form level because that's just the starting point. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00042-00021756-00022304 In terms of even symptoms, you can start off, we need to start at a starting point where we can rUtQyyXH1Ro-00043-00022304-00022422 all relate to it. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00044-00022422-00022629 That's why we use words. rUtQyyXH1Ro-00045-00022629-00023084 But when you go much much deeper, it's very much like the Buddha or Jesus of just emptying rUtQyyXH1Ro-00046-00023084-00023557 the mind of everything you think you think and think you know and that's where the beauty rUtQyyXH1Ro-00047-00023558-00023642 comes in. rUM-lhxhz6A-00000-00000001-00000426 10.1 efactor common factors in grouping rUM-lhxhz6A-00001-00000426-00000844 grouping with a change of order if our rUM-lhxhz6A-00002-00000844-00001207 binomials don't match we will reorder rUM-lhxhz6A-00003-00001207-00002234 and try again rUM-lhxhz6A-00004-00002234-00002420 we're talking about when we have four rUM-lhxhz6A-00005-00002420-00002645 terms and we will need it need to factor rUM-lhxhz6A-00006-00002645-00003039 by grouping rUM-lhxhz6A-00007-00003039-00003440 an example one here if I leave it just rUM-lhxhz6A-00008-00003440-00003732 like it is and i divide it into the two rUM-lhxhz6A-00009-00003732-00003993 groups i look at my first two terms here rUM-lhxhz6A-00010-00003993-00004157 and i notice that they don't have any rUM-lhxhz6A-00011-00004157-00004422 common factors when I look at my second rUM-lhxhz6A-00012-00004422-00004658 two terms they only got an a in common rUM-lhxhz6A-00013-00004658-00004937 and so what that means is that i usually rUM-lhxhz6A-00014-00004937-00005207 going to have to reorder there's usually rUM-lhxhz6A-00015-00005207-00005529 multiple ways to reorder it strictly up rUM-lhxhz6A-00016-00005529-00005907 to you how you want to do that I'm rUM-lhxhz6A-00017-00005907-00006069 thinking that I'm just going to rUM-lhxhz6A-00018-00006069-00006614 interchange these two right here you may rUM-lhxhz6A-00019-00006614-00006770 have saw something else and if you rUM-lhxhz6A-00020-00006770-00007002 wanted to factor it a different way you rUM-lhxhz6A-00021-00007002-00007250 could exchange you could have changed rUM-lhxhz6A-00022-00007250-00007772 the negative 7 be in the negative 28 but rUM-lhxhz6A-00023-00007772-00007922 there's usually several ways of doing rUM-lhxhz6A-00024-00007922-00008145 this so I really recommend that you take rUM-lhxhz6A-00025-00008145-00008559 the time to rewrite this otherwise rUM-lhxhz6A-00026-00008559-00009147 you're likely to lose your place rUM-lhxhz6A-00027-00009147-00009494 ok so rUM-lhxhz6A-00028-00009494-00009854 when I look at my first two terms i rUM-lhxhz6A-00029-00009854-00010034 notice that they have a common factor of rUM-lhxhz6A-00030-00010034-00010559 3 and it looks like they both have an a rUM-lhxhz6A-00031-00010559-00010835 so we're going to pull out in a also so rUM-lhxhz6A-00032-00010835-00011123 12 divided by three is 4a squared rUM-lhxhz6A-00033-00011123-00011723 divided by a is a 3/3 is one and a rUM-lhxhz6A-00034-00011723-00011936 divided by a is one that leaves me with rUM-lhxhz6A-00035-00011936-00012209 just a b okay rUM-lhxhz6A-00036-00012209-00012533 both these are negative that's nice rUM-lhxhz6A-00037-00012533-00012806 um really strong sign that you brought need rUM-lhxhz6A-00038-00012806-00013184 to factor out a negative ok and i notice rUM-lhxhz6A-00039-00013184-00013322 that they just have a common factor of rUM-lhxhz6A-00040-00013322-00013799 seven negative 7 / negative 7 is 1 and rUM-lhxhz6A-00041-00013799-00014234 that will leave us with just a b- 28 / rUM-lhxhz6A-00042-00014234-00014525 negative 7 is going to be a positive for rUM-lhxhz6A-00043-00014525-00014978 and we'll have an a okay we're looking rUM-lhxhz6A-00044-00014978-00015284 to see if these are exactly the same rUM-lhxhz6A-00045-00015284-00015713 well my order is different but i have rUM-lhxhz6A-00046-00015713-00016076 both positive b an a positive 4a which means rUM-lhxhz6A-00047-00016076-00016415 that they are the same so since they are rUM-lhxhz6A-00048-00016415-00016742 the same i can say i can pull that out rUM-lhxhz6A-00049-00016742-00016979 as a common factor and it doesn't matter rUM-lhxhz6A-00050-00016979-00017192 which one I choose to write down for the rUM-lhxhz6A-00051-00017192-00017348 order i'm going to undress right down rUM-lhxhz6A-00052-00017348-00017618 the first one and then i'm going to list rUM-lhxhz6A-00053-00017618-00018104 what's left over the negative 3a and rUM-lhxhz6A-00054-00018104-00018371 minus 7 rUM-lhxhz6A-00055-00018371-00018737 whoops rUM-lhxhz6A-00056-00018737-00019024 some reason we got rUM-lhxhz6A-00057-00019024-00019435 highlighter still whoops rUM-lhxhz6A-00058-00019435-00020292 ok let's try that part again rUM-lhxhz6A-00059-00020292-00020766 3a minus 7 and we're done rUM-lhxhz6A-00060-00020766-00020945 ok let's look at the second group here rUM-lhxhz6A-00061-00020945-00021434 now if I divided it here 6 and 20 rUM-lhxhz6A-00062-00021434-00022026 both have a common factor of two but rUM-lhxhz6A-00063-00022026-00022256 eight and fifteen don't have anything at rUM-lhxhz6A-00064-00022256-00022431 all in common so i think i want to rUM-lhxhz6A-00065-00022431-00022680 change them around rUM-lhxhz6A-00066-00022680-00023184 I think I'll just move these to hear it rUM-lhxhz6A-00067-00023184-00023306 may not be there may have been other rUM-lhxhz6A-00068-00023306-00023439 ways of doing it but i think i'm just rUM-lhxhz6A-00069-00023439-00023720 going to move those two because i know rUM-lhxhz6A-00070-00023720-00023943 that 20 has a common factor with 15 and rUM-lhxhz6A-00071-00023943-00024251 8 has a common factor with six ok so i'm rUM-lhxhz6A-00072-00024251-00024698 going to rewrite this now as 6xy plus 8x rUM-lhxhz6A-00073-00024698-00025185 i just noticed that my six is smaller than rUM-lhxhz6A-00074-00025185-00025419 my eight so i think i want to write my rUM-lhxhz6A-00075-00025419-00025932 15 first 15 y minus twenty i kind of rUM-lhxhz6A-00076-00025932-00026181 want to keep them so they have I go in rUM-lhxhz6A-00077-00026181-00026412 the same orders largest to smallest or rUM-lhxhz6A-00078-00026412-00026931 smallest to largest ok now six and eight rUM-lhxhz6A-00079-00026931-00027278 have a common factor of 2 so we're going rUM-lhxhz6A-00080-00027278-00027588 to pull that out rUM-lhxhz6A-00081-00027588-00028162 and they have a common factor of X so rUM-lhxhz6A-00082-00028162-00028581 6/2 is 3x divided by X is 1 leaving me rUM-lhxhz6A-00083-00028581-00029238 with a y 8/2 is 4 divided by x divide by x is1 rUM-lhxhz6A-00084-00029238-00029424 so it just leaves me with just four rUM-lhxhz6A-00085-00029424-00029731 again i have two negatives here so that rUM-lhxhz6A-00086-00029731-00029850 tells me i want to pull out a negative rUM-lhxhz6A-00087-00029850-00030321 15 and 20 have a common factor of five rUM-lhxhz6A-00088-00030321-00030733 I don't see anything else so negative 15 divide by a rUM-lhxhz6A-00089-00030733-00031143 negative 5 is a three leaves me with rUM-lhxhz6A-00090-00031143-00031893 y negative 20 divide negative 5 is a positive 40 good rUM-lhxhz6A-00091-00031893-00032022 we match rUM-lhxhz6A-00092-00032022-00032181 I'm not highlighting at this time rUM-lhxhz6A-00093-00032181-00032587 hopefully by this time you're seeing it rUM-lhxhz6A-00094-00032587-00033181 so we have 3y plus 4 and we're left with rUM-lhxhz6A-00095-00033181-00034163 2x minus 5 and I'm done rWHV_OQceDQ-00000-00000567-00001427 Lady Gaga has cancelled the final dates of the European leg of her Joanne World Tour after falling so ill, she can no longer perform. rWHV_OQceDQ-00001-00001544-00002539 A statement released by Live Nation, the 31-year-old songstress 'is suffering from severe pain that has materially impacted her ability to perform live' rWHV_OQceDQ-00002-00002656-00003351 The star herself put up a statement on reading: 'I'm so devastated I don't know how to describe it rWHV_OQceDQ-00003-00003468-00004096 All I know is that if I don't do this I am not standing by the words or meaning of my music rWHV_OQceDQ-00004-00004213-00004706 'My medical team is supporting the decision for me to recover at home rWHV_OQceDQ-00005-00004823-00005287 We're cancelling the last 10 shows of my Joanne World Tour rWHV_OQceDQ-00006-00005404-00005960 I love the show more than anything and I love you but this is beyond my control.' rWHV_OQceDQ-00007-00006077-00007055 Live Nation's release read: 'Unfortunately, Lady Gaga is suffering from severe pain that has materially impacted her ability to perform live. rWHV_OQceDQ-00008-00007172-00008066 'As a result, Live Nation and Lady Gaga are announcing the cancellation of the final 10 dates of the European leg of her Joanne World Tour rWHV_OQceDQ-00009-00008183-00008952 Last night, with strong support from her medical team, Lady Gaga made the tough decision to immediately come off the road rWHV_OQceDQ-00010-00009069-00009845 She is extremely sorry and deeply saddened that she cannot perform for her European fans, who have waited so patiently. rWHV_OQceDQ-00011-00009962-00010820 โ€‹ โ€‹She is in the care of expert medical professionals who are working closely with her so she can continue to perform for her fans for years to come. rXTOeC0FxYg-00000-00000114-00000264 sketchups rXTOeC0FxYg-00001-00000504-00000600 maybe three rXTOeC0FxYg-00002-00001320-00001404 dollars rXTOeC0FxYg-00003-00004014-00005022 good morning again hope you enjoyed all the last episodes today is 20 days out from the Mr Olympia rXTOeC0FxYg-00004-00005022-00005712 and we're gonna do chess today with Coach Neil Hill at the Dragon's Lair and but before we gonna rXTOeC0FxYg-00005-00005814-00006318 get our meal prep we're here at the tasty meal prep company and rXTOeC0FxYg-00006-00006318-00006594 let's go inside and check out what they what they made for us rXTOeC0FxYg-00007-00006954-00007073 hey how are you rXTOeC0FxYg-00008-00007548-00008034 um wow look at that fresh nice cook rXTOeC0FxYg-00009-00008424-00008994 it's basically most tilapia right mostly tilapia I guess the ground beef rXTOeC0FxYg-00010-00009102-00009654 so this time we did ground beef and I just sauteed it with um onions and celery wow that's perfect rXTOeC0FxYg-00011-00009654-00010488 it's easier to digest when it's Brown yeah yeah okay look at that they have chicken sausages rXTOeC0FxYg-00012-00011256-00011862 it's very tasty uh yeah I'm gonna try it after my competition rXTOeC0FxYg-00013-00012162-00012402 ah that would help me the measuring cups rXTOeC0FxYg-00014-00012990-00013122 special supplements rXTOeC0FxYg-00015-00013622-00013722 [Music] rXTOeC0FxYg-00016-00013722-00014004 straight out the tasty meal prep cup rXTOeC0FxYg-00017-00014519-00014988 so like a four okay nice keep your hair nice and tight rXTOeC0FxYg-00018-00015204-00015516 all righty let me let you guys have thank you so much rXTOeC0FxYg-00019-00015774-00016704 guys that's just awesome look at it now we have 18 meals prepped for the next three days in total rXTOeC0FxYg-00020-00016764-00017322 and we're gonna head over to this place again on Thursday to shoot some reels for them and to say rXTOeC0FxYg-00021-00017322-00017802 thank you because it's all free so I want to do something for them as well so we're rXTOeC0FxYg-00022-00017802-00018372 gonna shoot some nice reels inside I'm gonna cut it for them but now we are ready we don't rXTOeC0FxYg-00023-00018372-00018960 have to cook for the next three days that's this is luxury only cardio workouts cardio rXTOeC0FxYg-00024-00018960-00019482 workouts filming cutting that's it pretty simple all right now we're gonna head off rXTOeC0FxYg-00025-00019566-00020196 to go home and take in pre-workout supplements and then we are at the dragon stand so see you at home rXTOeC0FxYg-00026-00022490-00022590 [Music] rXTOeC0FxYg-00027-00022590-00023682 welcome back actually at home now this is my intro workout as you may be already no we're gonna rXTOeC0FxYg-00028-00023682-00024954 put two scoops of amino acids in here which is essential amino acids and we put in a lot of salt rXTOeC0FxYg-00029-00025284-00026706 that should be a gram or two something that's good and now that's actually my pre-workout two scoops rXTOeC0FxYg-00030-00028926-00030156 foreign with the coach so of course we gonna do double Scoops as every day because workouts rXTOeC0FxYg-00031-00030156-00030677 are important every day if you're training with your coach or you're training alone or whatever rXTOeC0FxYg-00032-00030677-00031824 make sure your workout is perfect this is two cups of alkagine it's a manure complex and we rXTOeC0FxYg-00033-00031824-00032448 have the thermal speed to fire me up he will kill me today we're going to train chests and tricep rXTOeC0FxYg-00034-00032814-00033648 and I think right after he's gonna check me he's gonna check how I look because this now is the rXTOeC0FxYg-00035-00033648-00034380 fourth like we have four days off low actually right now I guess tomorrow will be Tuesday rXTOeC0FxYg-00036-00034512-00035196 maybe I can get another high carb day today or Wednesday but I want to get shredded this is rXTOeC0FxYg-00037-00035196-00036012 more important than some extra rice or actually extra carbs all right guys post workout 50 grams rXTOeC0FxYg-00038-00036012-00036720 this is actually the saddest story in my prep this is my post workout 50 grams of pineapple rXTOeC0FxYg-00039-00036822-00037524 but we have chocolate caramel flavor way which is pretty nice okay rXTOeC0FxYg-00040-00038034-00038134 um rXTOeC0FxYg-00041-00038034-00039504 if you're not too happy about that my purse rXTOeC0FxYg-00042-00039588-00040728 Y3 t-shaker thank you coach team right I feel special right now yeah I'm very special rXTOeC0FxYg-00043-00040728-00041220 nice thank you rXTOeC0FxYg-00044-00041790-00042450 all right guys and girls we are back at the Dragon Slayer and as you maybe know rXTOeC0FxYg-00045-00042516-00043104 we're gonna train chess and tricep with my coach Nina Hill today I'm pretty excited I rXTOeC0FxYg-00046-00043104-00043764 I'm getting a little tired so I think personally he's gonna kill me today he's very strong so enjoy rXTOeC0FxYg-00047-00043764-00044286 the workout and thank you guys for watching but remember we're going into the show actually in rXTOeC0FxYg-00048-00044286-00044820 three weeks today the show would have already been over so three weeks yesterday uh the show rXTOeC0FxYg-00049-00044820-00045510 will be taking place so these last stages of contest prep isn't really about creating rXTOeC0FxYg-00050-00045510-00046026 an environment for muscle growth and development it's more so creating a positive sense of stimulus rXTOeC0FxYg-00051-00046026-00046572 and keep ing fresh and alive but at the same time making sure we're in a positive calorific rXTOeC0FxYg-00052-00046572-00047058 deficit so we're able to manipulate fat loss and get harder and drier going rXTOeC0FxYg-00053-00048998-00049098 [Music] rXTOeC0FxYg-00054-00049098-00049830 crazy right yep rXTOeC0FxYg-00055-00050562-00051168 strong [Music] let's go there you go rXTOeC0FxYg-00056-00051414-00051708 round one come on rXTOeC0FxYg-00057-00053684-00053784 [Music] rXTOeC0FxYg-00058-00053784-00053796 thank you rXTOeC0FxYg-00059-00054432-00054912 okay so we're going to be doing more like an upright seated Press today as our second rXTOeC0FxYg-00060-00054912-00055536 exercise and obviously exercise selection is really important in order for you to prioritize rXTOeC0FxYg-00061-00055536-00056172 certain areas of a muscle group we've obviously just done a seated upright cable fly on the cable rXTOeC0FxYg-00062-00056172-00056616 kind of cross over there sitting on a bench now remember everybody's buying mechanics and limb rXTOeC0FxYg-00063-00056616-00057041 lens and setups are going to be slightly different from one person to another so don't just take it rXTOeC0FxYg-00064-00057041-00057588 for granted that a piece of equipment that you sit into is going to be in line with your body rXTOeC0FxYg-00065-00057588-00058122 requiring what's your needs so when it comes to this machine I like to sit super low I use my rXTOeC0FxYg-00066-00058122-00058716 feet planted tightly into the ground and I can manipulate the height of my torso basically by rXTOeC0FxYg-00067-00058716-00059352 pushing further up on myself or coming further down I can also manipulate the area of a stress rXTOeC0FxYg-00068-00059352-00059940 and load within my chest by pushing forward on the actual seat so I'm going into more of an ink rXTOeC0FxYg-00069-00059940-00060479 slightly incline position but our second exercise is going to be an upright press now this is nice a rXTOeC0FxYg-00070-00060479-00060936 piece of equipment it's a great piece of equipment the setups on some machines you know are going to rXTOeC0FxYg-00071-00060936-00061374 be slightly different from one to another and of course some exercise is going to favor certain rXTOeC0FxYg-00072-00061374-00061955 people don't ever pick an exercise because you're stronger at it because in most cases when we're in rXTOeC0FxYg-00073-00061955-00062478 our strongest there's a possible possibility that we are going to bring secondary muscle groups into rXTOeC0FxYg-00074-00062478-00063114 play like shoulders or triceps I get a huge amount of stimulus on my chest from this exercise whereas rXTOeC0FxYg-00075-00063114-00063605 maybe if I use a different piece of equipment or should I say A different brand the setup is going rXTOeC0FxYg-00076-00063605-00064032 to be slightly different but this is going to be our second exercise upright Arsenal strength press rXTOeC0FxYg-00077-00064224-00065604 I got you back rXTOeC0FxYg-00078-00068042-00068142 [Music] rXTOeC0FxYg-00079-00068142-00069498 okay so we're going to go into the third exercise now which is rXTOeC0FxYg-00080-00069498-00069918 going to be an incline seated machine press I think this is part of the flex rXTOeC0FxYg-00081-00069918-00070344 series which is a a really great piece of old school equipment so rXTOeC0FxYg-00082-00070560-00071040 today when they get manufactured I sometimes think it's just okay trying rXTOeC0FxYg-00083-00071040-00071514 to do something very different as opposed to doing something or creating something which has rXTOeC0FxYg-00084-00071592-00072090 five accountable reasons to be in line with people's joints all right so this is probably rXTOeC0FxYg-00085-00072090-00072492 one of my favorite pieces of equipment in the gym especially within the actual chest piece of rXTOeC0FxYg-00086-00072492-00073020 equipment you can manipulate again your position through your feet so for instance Mike when he rXTOeC0FxYg-00087-00073020-00073440 sat near this now the seat was very low so he's going to adjust the seat and said Mike leave rXTOeC0FxYg-00088-00073440-00073884 the seat there because you can adjust your body composition through your feet when they placed rXTOeC0FxYg-00089-00073884-00074346 firmly into the floor so that's one of the great things about actually using your own initiative rXTOeC0FxYg-00090-00074346-00074766 in a sense as opposed to setting yourself up with a very set angle especially if there's rXTOeC0FxYg-00091-00074766-00075294 two or three people training you can manipulate your body composition perfectly in line with rXTOeC0FxYg-00092-00075294-00075804 obviously just using this so this is gonna be our favorite exercise incline press machine foreign rXTOeC0FxYg-00093-00079032-00079482 just said to me hey what do you think about doing one set of warm-up and then really one rXTOeC0FxYg-00094-00079482-00080040 heavy all-out set I think it's [__] stupid you've done nothing to create an environment rXTOeC0FxYg-00095-00080040-00080742 to Prime yourself physically and mentally before you're working set injury prevention is a massive rXTOeC0FxYg-00096-00080796-00081480 stable staple part of training it's really important so if we look at some of the greatest rXTOeC0FxYg-00097-00081480-00082092 all-time athletes Dorian Yates Dorian Taurus bicep and triceps do I feel that he did that rXTOeC0FxYg-00098-00082092-00082662 because he wasn't putting the time into warm-ups no I feel that possibly happened because of this rXTOeC0FxYg-00099-00082662-00083268 style of training consistently there was no indirect reload weeks now nobody has a rXTOeC0FxYg-00100-00083268-00083838 crystal ball nobody can actually say exactly why Dorian Torres tricep or bicep but I'm rXTOeC0FxYg-00101-00083838-00084438 sure looking back there's a possibility that he may have looked to do some form of manipulation rXTOeC0FxYg-00102-00084438-00085110 towards his training which maybe allowed him to further himself in the industry right it was rXTOeC0FxYg-00103-00085110-00085566 one of the greatest all-time Mr Olympia it's probably my favorite all-time Mr Olympia just rXTOeC0FxYg-00104-00085566-00086226 because this mindset and his Outlook towards his crafting directly so you know we'll do a rXTOeC0FxYg-00105-00086226-00086856 video on what I feel high intensity training is or what intense training is as far far as rXTOeC0FxYg-00106-00086856-00087642 the application is concerned at some point over the next number of days of me and Mike videos rXTOeC0FxYg-00107-00088104-00089178 it's a it's a really really special situation right now because I can see how my coach wants me rXTOeC0FxYg-00108-00089274-00090186 train like as an athlete you're always thinking about how to train like the temple the repetitions rXTOeC0FxYg-00109-00090186-00090816 the contractions like you think about everything but right now tier and he can actually explain rXTOeC0FxYg-00110-00090816-00091734 me what he wants me to do so he said like hey speed up the Reps slow the Reps full contraction rXTOeC0FxYg-00111-00091734-00092526 full motion full range of motion going to the stretch like really really precise it's it's rXTOeC0FxYg-00112-00092850-00093744 crazy I've never had my coach next to me like that like so so close it gives me a rXTOeC0FxYg-00113-00093744-00094464 really good feeling being in Las Vegas being around my coach so no matter what happens rXTOeC0FxYg-00114-00094464-00095094 who's around me he's taking care that's where it is pretty nice I really enjoy it rXTOeC0FxYg-00115-00095700-00096534 keep working come on push yeah like one or two reps rest holes come on Mike you've rXTOeC0FxYg-00116-00096534-00097116 got to take control let's go come on Drive come on and again come on up rest forward rXTOeC0FxYg-00117-00097116-00099030 good set Mike good sets up rXTOeC0FxYg-00118-00100302-00100560 fixing this morning rXTOeC0FxYg-00119-00101190-00101568 don't put so much Bend in your knees just just come up a little bit more for me rXTOeC0FxYg-00120-00102060-00102226 important [Music] rXTOeC0FxYg-00121-00103020-00103728 big difference your left glute now is starting to fire relax relax relax relax relax relax sorry rXTOeC0FxYg-00122-00103728-00104285 right leg Yeah okay do it again re-squee swing up so we see there's blue to make rXTOeC0FxYg-00123-00104502-00105132 lean back a little bit don't forget like I told you don't move [__] forward please relax good rXTOeC0FxYg-00124-00105318-00105526 compulsory process [Music] rXTOeC0FxYg-00125-00106272-00106476 good lat spray for me rXTOeC0FxYg-00126-00106998-00107376 good squeeze through that chest oh rXTOeC0FxYg-00127-00107850-00108222 right that looks [__] stupidly good Mike rXTOeC0FxYg-00128-00110561-00110568 um rXTOeC0FxYg-00129-00110568-00113304 it's funny I was training tricep first exercise and then rXTOeC0FxYg-00130-00113304-00114030 there was a girl he was like hey you're Mike right I was like hey hey nice to meet rXTOeC0FxYg-00131-00114030-00114576 you oh yeah I'm living in same time like same time is 20 minutes next to my city rXTOeC0FxYg-00132-00114576-00115218 where where I'm born and raised it's like hey what up you from the hood it's cool rXTOeC0FxYg-00133-00115409-00116076 this is the girl straight off my home piano this is Jana she came all the way rXTOeC0FxYg-00134-00116076-00116730 to Vegas to compete at the Olympia no he's here business-wise but I'm really happy to rXTOeC0FxYg-00135-00116730-00117222 have something here out from my home like sometime is really in my home foreign rbOJag6bI6u-00000-00000056-00000478 If you pull a random card from a deck of playing cards, what's the probability it rbOJag6bI6u-00001-00000478-00000843 is not a heart? Now this is what's called a complementary rbOJag6bI6u-00002-00000843-00001418 event and it's because of the not here, so we're looking for the probability of rbOJag6bI6u-00003-00001418-00002049 something not happening. so sometimes, we Like if E is our event, rbOJag6bI6u-00004-00002049-00002822 then we'll use this notation E-bar for the compliment of that event. rbOJag6bI6u-00005-00002822-00003495 Which is a fancy way of saying that that event doesn't happen so this is saying E rbOJag6bI6u-00006-00003495-00004364 doesn't happen. Now, because the probability of something rbOJag6bI6u-00007-00004364-00004849 happening is 100% or 1, then the probability of an event happening and the rbOJag6bI6u-00008-00004849-00005411 probability of event not happening need to add up to 1, need to add up to 100% rbOJag6bI6u-00009-00005411-00005970 and so the probability of an event not happening is 1 minus the probability of rbOJag6bI6u-00010-00005970-00006632 the event happening. So the probability of not getting a heart rbOJag6bI6u-00011-00006632-00007194 is 1 minus the probability of getting a heart. rbOJag6bI6u-00012-00007194-00007475 And what is the probability of getting a heart? rbOJag6bI6u-00013-00007475-00008221 Well, there are 13 hearts. There are 13 hearts out of the 52 cards rbOJag6bI6u-00014-00008221-00009091 in the deck, so 1 minus 1 quarter, and that would be 3 quarters, so there's a 3 rbOJag6bI6u-00015-00009091-00009776 quarters, or 45% probability of not getting a heart, and these are rbOJag6bI6u-00016-00009776-00009975 complimentary events. rg8tHBybeyy-00000-00000000-00000766 [Winston Smith] Brought over to Japan from Korea 2,300 years ago, rice has been farmed by the Japanese ever since. rg8tHBybeyy-00001-00000827-00001468 [Imamiya] The cultivation of rice has shaped the politics, geography, economy and culture of the country. rg8tHBybeyy-00002-00001938-00002726 Itโ€™s early May at the local rice paddy, and the planting process has just started. rg8tHBybeyy-00003-00003010-00003438 The rice production shapes the look and feel of the country. rg8tHBybeyy-00004-00003474-00003988 Rice accounts for one-quarter of the daily calorific intake per person in Japan. rg8tHBybeyy-00005-00004034-00004542 In the Shinto religion, sake and rice cakes are the most sacred of offerings. rg8tHBybeyy-00006-00004614-00005402 The Emperor of Japan, himself, is a rice farmer and has rice paddies on the grounds of the Imperial Palace. It is more than just food. rg8tHBybeyy-00007-00005452-00006468 Water is essential for rice. This rice paddy has been flooded in preparation for planting. rg8tHBybeyy-00008-00006508-00007272 One reason it is so important is because it is not imported, unlike much of Japan's meat, fish and fruit. rg8tHBybeyy-00009-00007322-00007823 Japan is self-sufficient in rice and hence, it is a symbol of independence. rg8tHBybeyy-00010-00007934-00008158 The language holds a few clues. rg8tHBybeyy-00011-00008158-00009012 The early indigenous name for Japan was mizu ho no kuni (็‘ž็ฉ‚ใฎๅ›ฝ) (the land of the water, stalk, plant or rice). rg8tHBybeyy-00012-00013072-00013472 [Winston Smith] These are the rice seedlings, ready to be planted. rg8tHBybeyy-00013-00018302-00018484 The politics of riceโ€ฆ rg8tHBybeyy-00014-00027162-00028086 After all that water and growing, this is the end productโ€ฆ A bowl of rice. rg8tHBybeyy-00015-00028272-00028945 A byproduct of rice production of course, is Japanโ€™s national drinkโ€ฆ Sake (้…’). rg8tHBybeyy-00016-00029080-00029176 ไนพๆฏ๏ผ ri-XWtpgtcE-00000-00002134-00002334 Hello, everyone. ri-XWtpgtcE-00001-00002334-00002426 Welcome back. ri-XWtpgtcE-00002-00002426-00002528 I'm Sreynea. ri-XWtpgtcE-00003-00002528-00002794 Alright, for today's video, we're doing a makeup for going to the pagoda. ri-XWtpgtcE-00004-00002794-00003020 to celebrate Khmer New Year. ri-XWtpgtcE-00005-00003020-00003210 For today's concept, ri-XWtpgtcE-00006-00003210-00003432 we're leaning towards the natural look, ri-XWtpgtcE-00007-00003432-00003668 and more importantly, I'm focusing on the makeup base ri-XWtpgtcE-00008-00003668-00003904 to prevent everything from getting cakey ri-XWtpgtcE-00009-00003904-00003988 when we sweat. ri-XWtpgtcE-00010-00003988-00004110 Let's not waste more time ri-XWtpgtcE-00011-00004110-00004246 and get started. ri-XWtpgtcE-00012-00004342-00004594 First, I'm gonna use a makeup primer. ri-XWtpgtcE-00013-00004594-00005014 This primer makes everything else that we lay on top of it ri-XWtpgtcE-00014-00005014-00005095 last long ri-XWtpgtcE-00015-00005096-00005416 and it prevents our face from getting cakey. ri-XWtpgtcE-00016-00005416-00005754 All in all, it makes our makeup long lasting. ri-XWtpgtcE-00017-00005754-00005842 Yeah. ri-XWtpgtcE-00018-00005894-00006112 Here I'm just rubbing it all over my face. ri-XWtpgtcE-00019-00006156-00006352 Next I'm gonna use ri-XWtpgtcE-00020-00006352-00006508 this BB cream from BABY KISS. ri-XWtpgtcE-00021-00006508-00006618 I'm using two shades today, ri-XWtpgtcE-00022-00006618-00006742 #1 and #2, ri-XWtpgtcE-00023-00006742-00006995 which means, one shade matches my skin tone, ri-XWtpgtcE-00024-00006995-00007112 and the other one is a little darker. ri-XWtpgtcE-00025-00007123-00007280 So I'm gonna use the shade #1 ri-XWtpgtcE-00026-00007280-00007640 to apply all over my face like a normal base. ri-XWtpgtcE-00027-00007640-00007820 This product already contains SPF ri-XWtpgtcE-00028-00007820-00007970 to protect us from sunlight, ri-XWtpgtcE-00029-00007970-00008184 so I don't need to put any sunblock on top of it. ri-XWtpgtcE-00030-00008226-00008302 Right. ri-XWtpgtcE-00031-00008330-00008550 Don't forget to apply it on your neck as well, guys, ri-XWtpgtcE-00032-00008550-00008780 so it's not too intense up there on the face. ri-XWtpgtcE-00033-00009274-00009534 Next, I'm using my favorite concealer, ri-XWtpgtcE-00034-00009534-00009658 the NARS concealer ri-XWtpgtcE-00035-00009658-00009992 to cover up any blemishes that I have. ri-XWtpgtcE-00036-00009992-00010108 Then I'm gonna blend it in ri-XWtpgtcE-00037-00010108-00010340 to make our face look even better ri-XWtpgtcE-00038-00010340-00010538 and smoother. ri-XWtpgtcE-00039-00010814-00011092 Then I'm using the BABY KISS BB cream again, ri-XWtpgtcE-00040-00011092-00011174 but in the shade #2. ri-XWtpgtcE-00041-00011184-00011400 This shade is a little darker, ri-XWtpgtcE-00042-00011438-00011580 which I'm using on the edge around my face ri-XWtpgtcE-00043-00011580-00011694 to give it a bit of shadows, ri-XWtpgtcE-00044-00011694-00011992 to make our face look 3-Dimensional ri-XWtpgtcE-00045-00011992-00012200 instead of looking too flat. ri-XWtpgtcE-00046-00012242-00012360 My face is already too big. ri-XWtpgtcE-00047-00012360-00012544 Right, just dab it in. ri-XWtpgtcE-00048-00012638-00012936 Next, to set everything in place, ri-XWtpgtcE-00049-00012936-00013119 I'm gonna use this powder from Etude House. ri-XWtpgtcE-00050-00013119-00013268 Just take a brush, ri-XWtpgtcE-00051-00013296-00013680 and dust it on where we usually sweat, ri-XWtpgtcE-00052-00013680-00013872 especially the area that we applied our concealer. ri-XWtpgtcE-00053-00013904-00014190 It is to just seal everything in. ri-XWtpgtcE-00054-00014190-00014384 It's almost like a protective gear. ri-XWtpgtcE-00055-00014652-00014834 Next up, we're gonna add another layer of contour ri-XWtpgtcE-00056-00014834-00014918 with powder, ri-XWtpgtcE-00057-00014918-00015180 which I'm using from 3CE. ri-XWtpgtcE-00058-00015180-00015294 I'm doing this to ri-XWtpgtcE-00059-00015294-00015508 give my face more dimension ri-XWtpgtcE-00060-00015508-00015780 and more depths to my nose and eyes, ri-XWtpgtcE-00061-00015780-00016019 so my face structure looks more defined, ri-XWtpgtcE-00062-00016019-00016228 otherwise it won't look good. ri-XWtpgtcE-00063-00016534-00016836 Don't forget to shade your cheekbones as well. ri-XWtpgtcE-00064-00017976-00018104 Now that our face is done, ri-XWtpgtcE-00065-00018104-00018206 let's move on to the brows. ri-XWtpgtcE-00066-00018206-00018316 For the brows I'm using ri-XWtpgtcE-00067-00018316-00018482 CANDY LAB's ri-XWtpgtcE-00068-00018538-00018654 Eye Brownie, ri-XWtpgtcE-00069-00018654-00018950 which I have shown in my monthly favorites video. ri-XWtpgtcE-00070-00018950-00019304 I'm just tracing my brows to the its original shape. ri-XWtpgtcE-00071-00019304-00019494 I especially love straight brows ri-XWtpgtcE-00072-00019494-00019648 because it makes us look ri-XWtpgtcE-00073-00019778-00019864 girly, ri-XWtpgtcE-00074-00019864-00019958 gentle-looking ri-XWtpgtcE-00075-00019958-00020088 and young. ri-XWtpgtcE-00076-00020098-00020224 And I'm gonna give you a tip ri-XWtpgtcE-00077-00020224-00020636 for long-lasting brows. ri-XWtpgtcE-00078-00020636-00020926 Because what I used was a pencil with crayon texture, ri-XWtpgtcE-00079-00020926-00021084 so when we sweat, ri-XWtpgtcE-00080-00021084-00021228 it might wear off. ri-XWtpgtcE-00081-00021228-00021500 So to make it long-lasting, ri-XWtpgtcE-00082-00021500-00021858 we can take the setting powder that we just used ri-XWtpgtcE-00083-00021858-00022036 to dust it lightly ri-XWtpgtcE-00084-00022036-00022354 on our brows once again ri-XWtpgtcE-00085-00022354-00022576 to set it in place ri-XWtpgtcE-00086-00022576-00022754 so our brows stay on longer ri-XWtpgtcE-00087-00022754-00022930 and don't wear off ri-XWtpgtcE-00088-00022990-00023120 in the middle of the day. ri-XWtpgtcE-00089-00023150-00023208 Yes. ri-XWtpgtcE-00090-00023452-00023610 Next I'm gonna use ri-XWtpgtcE-00091-00023700-00023858 this eyeshadow palette from Etude House, ri-XWtpgtcE-00092-00023858-00024102 which I have shown you in ri-XWtpgtcE-00093-00024102-00024210 my monthly favorites as well. ri-XWtpgtcE-00094-00024210-00024360 I'm using an orange color ri-XWtpgtcE-00095-00024360-00024776 to apply it all over my eyelid. ri-XWtpgtcE-00096-00025022-00025288 This eyeshadow doesn't really show its pigmentation ri-XWtpgtcE-00097-00025288-00025550 so we can build it layer by layer ri-XWtpgtcE-00098-00025550-00025760 until you reach the color that you want. ri-XWtpgtcE-00099-00026182-00026392 Next, with a chocolate color, ri-XWtpgtcE-00100-00026392-00026688 I'm using it as a shadow at the crease of my eye. ri-XWtpgtcE-00101-00026688-00027104 This is to give more depths to the eyes. ri-XWtpgtcE-00102-00027104-00027394 When there's some shadows on the eyes ri-XWtpgtcE-00103-00027394-00027538 they'll look bigger. ri-XWtpgtcE-00104-00027538-00027800 But it doesn't look fake at all. ri-XWtpgtcE-00105-00027800-00027976 It will just look naturally big. ri-XWtpgtcE-00106-00028472-00028780 Next I'm gonna use a shimmer from Etude House again. ri-XWtpgtcE-00107-00028780-00028945 This one is pink ri-XWtpgtcE-00108-00028945-00029160 with gold shimmers, ri-XWtpgtcE-00109-00029160-00029392 which I'm applying all over my eyelid ri-XWtpgtcE-00110-00029392-00029600 so when we blink, ri-XWtpgtcE-00111-00029600-00029745 the shimmers reflect with the light. ri-XWtpgtcE-00112-00029745-00029966 This glitter is not too reflective ri-XWtpgtcE-00113-00029966-00030082 and it actually looks natural. ri-XWtpgtcE-00114-00030082-00030310 All in all, every product I use in this video ri-XWtpgtcE-00115-00030310-00030526 are rather natural ri-XWtpgtcE-00116-00030526-00030680 and not too thick. ri-XWtpgtcE-00117-00030680-00030824 So I applied it on my eyelid ri-XWtpgtcE-00118-00030824-00031083 and I'm also applying it on my lower lash line. ri-XWtpgtcE-00119-00031122-00031268 So our eye makeup ri-XWtpgtcE-00120-00031268-00031454 is at the eyeliner part. ri-XWtpgtcE-00121-00031454-00031636 For the eyeliner I'm using ri-XWtpgtcE-00122-00031636-00031858 a brown eyeliner from 3CE. ri-XWtpgtcE-00123-00031858-00032094 This eyeliner has a crayon texture ri-XWtpgtcE-00124-00032094-00032220 and is easy to control. ri-XWtpgtcE-00125-00032220-00032574 When we use an eyeliner that's like, in the color brown or something, ri-XWtpgtcE-00126-00032574-00032714 it makes our face look: ri-XWtpgtcE-00127-00032714-00032844 #1, natural ri-XWtpgtcE-00128-00032844-00033036 #2, girly, ri-XWtpgtcE-00129-00033036-00033216 soft ri-XWtpgtcE-00130-00033216-00033368 and subtle. ri-XWtpgtcE-00131-00033368-00033586 This eyeliner is really easy to control. ri-XWtpgtcE-00132-00033586-00033920 When you draw it on and it's too much or too little, ri-XWtpgtcE-00133-00033920-00034176 you can just use a cotton bud to fix it ri-XWtpgtcE-00134-00034176-00034268 and it's done. ri-XWtpgtcE-00135-00034326-00034630 Now it's time to curl our lashes and apply mascara. ri-XWtpgtcE-00136-00034630-00034822 For the mascara, I'm using the innisfree's ri-XWtpgtcE-00137-00034822-00035072 LONGLASHCARA. ri-XWtpgtcE-00138-00035072-00035222 This mascara ri-XWtpgtcE-00139-00035222-00035490 doesn't really make our lashes long ri-XWtpgtcE-00140-00035490-00035644 and is rather natural ri-XWtpgtcE-00141-00035644-00035950 but it lasts really long. ri-XWtpgtcE-00142-00035950-00036246 So I'm just coating it on my upper lashes ri-XWtpgtcE-00143-00036246-00036486 and also don't forget your bottom lashes, guys. ri-XWtpgtcE-00144-00036486-00036655 The bottom lashes are very important. ri-XWtpgtcE-00145-00036674-00036828 I used to think that it's not that important ri-XWtpgtcE-00146-00036828-00036898 but ri-XWtpgtcE-00147-00036898-00037090 after applying it on, ri-XWtpgtcE-00148-00037108-00037276 it feels very different. ri-XWtpgtcE-00149-00037412-00037600 It's time for the blush, guys, ri-XWtpgtcE-00150-00037600-00037784 in which I'm using this blush from 3CE, ri-XWtpgtcE-00151-00037784-00037862 which has 2 colors, ri-XWtpgtcE-00152-00037862-00037990 orange and yellow. ri-XWtpgtcE-00153-00037990-00038212 When we put it on our cheeks at first, ri-XWtpgtcE-00154-00038212-00038306 it'll seem a bit too yellow. ri-XWtpgtcE-00155-00038306-00038514 But after blending it all together, ri-XWtpgtcE-00156-00038514-00038758 our face will show a gradient effect ri-XWtpgtcE-00157-00038758-00038880 and it's very pretty. ri-XWtpgtcE-00158-00038880-00039066 I really love this blush. ri-XWtpgtcE-00159-00039066-00039340 We're putting this blush on ri-XWtpgtcE-00160-00039340-00039500 so our face doesn't look too pale. ri-XWtpgtcE-00161-00039542-00039818 Next, to make our face reflect to the lights ri-XWtpgtcE-00162-00039818-00039904 and look pretty ri-XWtpgtcE-00163-00039904-00040036 and dewy, ri-XWtpgtcE-00164-00040036-00040254 I'm gonna add highlights, ri-XWtpgtcE-00165-00040276-00040390 which is from Etude House. ri-XWtpgtcE-00166-00040390-00040552 I'm just gonna ri-XWtpgtcE-00167-00040562-00040698 add it on the tip of my nose. ri-XWtpgtcE-00168-00040850-00041098 This is to make our nose look even pointier ri-XWtpgtcE-00169-00041098-00041328 and more defined. ri-XWtpgtcE-00170-00041346-00041504 I'm also adding it on my brow bone ri-XWtpgtcE-00171-00041504-00041802 to give it a sharper look. ri-XWtpgtcE-00172-00041802-00041918 Also on my cheeks as well, ri-XWtpgtcE-00173-00041918-00042106 so when we move around, ri-XWtpgtcE-00174-00042106-00042410 it will look as if it's glowing naturally. ri-XWtpgtcE-00175-00042410-00042606 It's gonna look really smooth. ri-XWtpgtcE-00176-00042606-00042950 I'm adding it on my cupid's bow as well. ri-XWtpgtcE-00177-00042966-00043122 Right. ri-XWtpgtcE-00178-00043532-00043778 Next step is the lipstick. ri-XWtpgtcE-00179-00043778-00043856 We're almost done. ri-XWtpgtcE-00180-00043856-00044098 This lipstick is from innisfree, #10. ri-XWtpgtcE-00181-00044194-00044423 This is like an orangey color. ri-XWtpgtcE-00182-00044424-00044772 First, I apply it on the inner part of my lips ri-XWtpgtcE-00183-00044772-00044938 and then I press my lips together. ri-XWtpgtcE-00184-00044938-00045226 Next, I'm using my finger ri-XWtpgtcE-00185-00045226-00045320 to blend it in ri-XWtpgtcE-00186-00045320-00045566 to soften the outer parts ri-XWtpgtcE-00187-00045566-00045938 so it doesn't look separated. ri-XWtpgtcE-00188-00045938-00046084 Then, add another layer on top ri-XWtpgtcE-00189-00046084-00046188 on the inner part ri-XWtpgtcE-00190-00046188-00046426 and then press it together again ri-XWtpgtcE-00191-00046426-00046600 so our lips show that gradient effect. ri-XWtpgtcE-00192-00046640-00046690 Yeah. ri-XWtpgtcE-00193-00046744-00046882 You guys must think that we're done now. ri-XWtpgtcE-00194-00046882-00047024 But we're not done yet. ri-XWtpgtcE-00195-00047038-00047319 We still have to add setting spray on top. ri-XWtpgtcE-00196-00047320-00047660 It's just like hairspray, guys. ri-XWtpgtcE-00197-00047660-00047876 But this is not for the hair. It's for the face. ri-XWtpgtcE-00198-00047884-00048084 Just shake it a few times ri-XWtpgtcE-00199-00048084-00048326 and then spray it all over the face ri-XWtpgtcE-00200-00048326-00048516 so all the makeup that we've put on there ri-XWtpgtcE-00201-00048516-00048648 stick to our face. ri-XWtpgtcE-00202-00048648-00048872 This doesn't give our face a matte finish, ri-XWtpgtcE-00203-00048872-00048990 but a glowy look instead ri-XWtpgtcE-00204-00048990-00049154 and more importantly, it's long lasting. ri-XWtpgtcE-00205-00049154-00049276 So, it's good. ri-XWtpgtcE-00206-00049402-00049556 So now we're done. ri-XWtpgtcE-00207-00049794-00049976 Now it's time for the hairstyles. ri-XWtpgtcE-00208-00049976-00050192 My first hairstyle ri-XWtpgtcE-00209-00050192-00050492 tends to make you look really young. ri-XWtpgtcE-00210-00050492-00050700 It's basically parting your hair and then braiding them. ri-XWtpgtcE-00211-00050700-00050998 First, part the front section of your hair ri-XWtpgtcE-00212-00050998-00051118 so you can braid it later. ri-XWtpgtcE-00213-00051118-00051426 And as for the back, make a pony tail with it. ri-XWtpgtcE-00214-00051578-00051770 With the front sections, I'm just- ri-XWtpgtcE-00215-00051770-00051900 It's really hard to explain ri-XWtpgtcE-00216-00051900-00052060 because I'm not a hairdresser XD ri-XWtpgtcE-00217-00052100-00052255 But I'll try. ri-XWtpgtcE-00218-00052350-00052548 First, divide your hair into two sections ri-XWtpgtcE-00219-00052548-00052705 and then cross two small sections of your hair ri-XWtpgtcE-00220-00052705-00052926 and then take the bottom strand ri-XWtpgtcE-00221-00052926-00053216 to merge it with the hair that we haven't crossed yet. ri-XWtpgtcE-00222-00053216-00053441 Then we're just gonna go on ri-XWtpgtcE-00223-00053441-00053564 and on and on. ri-XWtpgtcE-00224-00053728-00053778 Right. ri-XWtpgtcE-00225-00053778-00053882 Keep going on ri-XWtpgtcE-00226-00053882-00054052 until we're done with the rest of our hair. ri-XWtpgtcE-00227-00054052-00054134 Yes. ri-XWtpgtcE-00228-00054296-00054491 Because I don't know how to braid, ri-XWtpgtcE-00229-00054491-00054641 I'm literally just crossing it around ri-XWtpgtcE-00230-00054641-00054832 and this is the only one I know how to do. ri-XWtpgtcE-00231-00054832-00055022 After we're done crossing it around- ri-XWtpgtcE-00232-00055022-00055248 like when we're done with the rest of the hair, ri-XWtpgtcE-00233-00055248-00055555 we're just gonna pull it out slightly to give it a bit of volume ri-XWtpgtcE-00234-00055555-00055741 and then ri-XWtpgtcE-00235-00055741-00055954 do the same to the other side ri-XWtpgtcE-00236-00055954-00056232 and then tie them together at the back. ri-XWtpgtcE-00237-00056862-00057254 Next, take the small pony tail ri-XWtpgtcE-00238-00057254-00057584 and then merge it with the larger pony tail. ri-XWtpgtcE-00239-00057644-00057762 Then we're done. ri-XWtpgtcE-00240-00057786-00057866 Easy. ri-XWtpgtcE-00241-00057891-00058017 This hairstyle is really easy. ri-XWtpgtcE-00242-00058170-00058524 Usually when I go to the pagoda and stuffs, I don't really like to leave my hair down ri-XWtpgtcE-00243-00058524-00058758 because I don't want it to get everywhere in my face. ri-XWtpgtcE-00244-00058758-00058922 It is to prevent it from ruining our makeup ri-XWtpgtcE-00245-00058922-00059058 and also when we wear our hair up ri-XWtpgtcE-00246-00059058-00059324 and along with our scarves and stuffs, ri-XWtpgtcE-00247-00059324-00059452 it doesn't get too messy. ri-XWtpgtcE-00248-00059452-00059540 Also with our hair up, ri-XWtpgtcE-00249-00059540-00059639 we'll look younger ri-XWtpgtcE-00250-00059639-00059702 and cute ri-XWtpgtcE-00251-00059702-00059766 and pretty ri-XWtpgtcE-00252-00059766-00060012 and even with a big face like mine, it's still fine. ri-XWtpgtcE-00253-00060012-00060317 Now let's move on to the second hairstyle. ri-XWtpgtcE-00254-00060317-00060608 The second hairstyle is my usual hairstyle, which is a top knot. ri-XWtpgtcE-00255-00060608-00060791 I think everyone already knows how to do this, right? ri-XWtpgtcE-00256-00060791-00060928 Just make a ponytail ri-XWtpgtcE-00257-00060928-00061098 and twist it around- ri-XWtpgtcE-00258-00061098-00061412 just twist it and then make a knot ri-XWtpgtcE-00259-00061444-00061520 then we're done. ri-XWtpgtcE-00260-00061540-00061698 Nothing too difficult. ri-XWtpgtcE-00261-00061838-00061974 I feel like ri-XWtpgtcE-00262-00061974-00062120 it's really simple ri-XWtpgtcE-00263-00062120-00062338 and I didn't think ri-XWtpgtcE-00264-00062338-00062462 that I would put it in this video, ri-XWtpgtcE-00265-00062462-00062590 honestly. ri-XWtpgtcE-00266-00062778-00062929 Then we're just gonna fix it around, ri-XWtpgtcE-00267-00062929-00063116 pull out the baby hair ri-XWtpgtcE-00268-00063116-00063305 so our face won't look too big. ri-XWtpgtcE-00269-00063372-00063774 And for those of you who don't think that your hair is gonna stay in place, ri-XWtpgtcE-00270-00063774-00063982 you can take some bobby pins ri-XWtpgtcE-00271-00063982-00064214 to pin the bun down. ri-XWtpgtcE-00272-00064214-00064396 Also add some pretty pins as well. ri-XWtpgtcE-00273-00064396-00064520 Also, another tip, ri-XWtpgtcE-00274-00064520-00064717 if you're like me and have tons of baby hairs, ri-XWtpgtcE-00275-00064717-00064890 you can take a toothbrush ri-XWtpgtcE-00276-00064890-00065105 and then use it with a gel- ri-XWtpgtcE-00277-00065105-00065186 hair gel. ri-XWtpgtcE-00278-00065186-00065400 You can also use a boy's hair gel or just any gel. ri-XWtpgtcE-00279-00065400-00065704 Then brush down the flying baby hairs. ri-XWtpgtcE-00280-00065704-00066208 Brush it with the hair that we pulled back ri-XWtpgtcE-00281-00066208-00066316 and it's gonna stay in place ri-XWtpgtcE-00282-00066316-00066478 and it's really easy to control. ri-XWtpgtcE-00283-00066494-00066712 So now our hair is done. ri-XWtpgtcE-00284-00066712-00066792 Right. ri-XWtpgtcE-00285-00066792-00066926 So, yes. ri-XWtpgtcE-00286-00066926-00067002 All done. ri-XWtpgtcE-00287-00067454-00067610 Hi, everyone. ri-XWtpgtcE-00288-00067610-00067776 Right now I'm at the pagoda. ri-XWtpgtcE-00289-00067912-00068020 I'm filming the behind the scenes, ri-XWtpgtcE-00290-00068020-00068120 so if you see this video, ri-XWtpgtcE-00291-00068120-00068394 it means I've added a behind the scenes at the end of this video ri-XWtpgtcE-00292-00068394-00068540 so anyone who's stayed till the end, gets to see it. ri-XWtpgtcE-00293-00068540-00068634 Hereeee. ri-XWtpgtcE-00294-00068662-00068802 This is my auntie. ri-XWtpgtcE-00295-00068962-00069024 Guys, ri-XWtpgtcE-00296-00069024-00069284 the outfits are sponsored by Prornethneary Tailor. ri-XWtpgtcE-00297-00069284-00069410 I don't know them ri-XWtpgtcE-00298-00069410-00069590 but their clothes are REALLY pretty. ri-XWtpgtcE-00299-00069590-00069662 Like, REALLY PRETTY ;) ri-XWtpgtcE-00300-00069662-00069882 Here, here, here. ri-XWtpgtcE-00301-00069916-00070062 Really cute. ri-XWtpgtcE-00302-00070408-00070526 Okay, guys. ri-XWtpgtcE-00303-00070526-00070594 Like, ri-XWtpgtcE-00304-00070594-00070774 at first I didn't like to wear the Khmer traditional clothes ri-XWtpgtcE-00305-00070774-00070960 because I feel like when I wear them to the pagoda, ri-XWtpgtcE-00306-00070960-00071146 it doesn't look that good. ri-XWtpgtcE-00307-00071146-00071208 But, ri-XWtpgtcE-00308-00071208-00071436 I encourage you guys to wear Khmer traditional clothes ri-XWtpgtcE-00309-00071436-00071534 because- ri-XWtpgtcE-00310-00071538-00071614 because, ri-XWtpgtcE-00311-00071614-00071736 when we wear them ri-XWtpgtcE-00312-00071736-00071878 the elders will compliment you for looking good ri-XWtpgtcE-00313-00071878-00071928 and ri-XWtpgtcE-00314-00072006-00072316 we only get to wear these clothes every once in a while. ri-XWtpgtcE-00315-00072316-00072630 So if you have one of these white shirts and one of these scarves, ri-XWtpgtcE-00316-00072630-00072706 please wear them. ri-XWtpgtcE-00317-00072706-00072764 See? Really pretty. ri-XWtpgtcE-00318-00072764-00072888 A true Khmer lady. ri-XWtpgtcE-00319-00073190-00073328 Hello, guys. ri-XWtpgtcE-00320-00073358-00073632 Today I'm filming the video ri-XWtpgtcE-00321-00073632-00073772 with Sreynea. ri-XWtpgtcE-00322-00073772-00073922 You guys must've already known Sreynea. ri-XWtpgtcE-00323-00073922-00074098 It's really good that we all have a chance ri-XWtpgtcE-00324-00074098-00074508 to showcase what the traditions in our country are. ri-XWtpgtcE-00325-00074508-00074654 I know that you guys might say ri-XWtpgtcE-00326-00074654-00074822 "we're going to the pagoda and the weather is too hot ri-XWtpgtcE-00327-00074822-00074956 and it's really hard to dress like this." ri-XWtpgtcE-00328-00074956-00075100 But we have solutions. ri-XWtpgtcE-00329-00075100-00075330 We can just find clothes ri-XWtpgtcE-00330-00075330-00075604 that don't suffocate us ri-XWtpgtcE-00331-00075604-00075704 like this shirt that I'm wearing, ri-XWtpgtcE-00332-00075704-00075798 you must think that ri-XWtpgtcE-00333-00075798-00075918 it's embroidered with gems so it's uncomfortable ri-XWtpgtcE-00334-00075918-00076030 but actually, it isn't. ri-XWtpgtcE-00335-00076030-00076140 And it's not suffocating at all. ri-XWtpgtcE-00336-00076140-00076298 So, guys, if you can, ri-XWtpgtcE-00337-00076298-00076416 dress up like this, ri-XWtpgtcE-00338-00076416-00076656 and then come to the pagoda altogether to honor our Khmer New Year, okay? ri-XWtpgtcE-00339-00076656-00076982 And for those of you that dress up pretty like this- ri-XWtpgtcE-00340-00076982-00077086 wait I don't have to say pretty, ri-XWtpgtcE-00341-00077086-00077256 let's just say you dress up. ri-XWtpgtcE-00342-00077256-00077328 If you dress up like this ri-XWtpgtcE-00343-00077328-00077514 and then post it all over social media, ri-XWtpgtcE-00344-00077514-00077692 other countries will get to know ri-XWtpgtcE-00345-00077692-00078036 what are the traditions of Cambodian people ri-XWtpgtcE-00346-00078036-00078182 during Khmer New Year. ri-XWtpgtcE-00347-00078446-00078610 Okay, here. ri-XWtpgtcE-00348-00078610-00078660 See? ri-XWtpgtcE-00349-00078660-00078822 Sreynea is only- ri-XWtpgtcE-00350-00078868-00078964 -She's still young. -18. ri-XWtpgtcE-00351-00078964-00079066 She's not 20 yet. ri-XWtpgtcE-00352-00079066-00079266 -But- -But I look 25. ri-XWtpgtcE-00353-00079292-00079460 But we want her to start dressing up like this, ri-XWtpgtcE-00354-00079460-00079568 for the pagoda. ri-XWtpgtcE-00355-00079568-00079746 Because usually, we can't just wear this ri-XWtpgtcE-00356-00079746-00080032 to go out or to the mall ri-XWtpgtcE-00357-00080032-00080140 or to school, right? ri-XWtpgtcE-00358-00080140-00080346 We can only do this for the pagoda ri-XWtpgtcE-00359-00080346-00080398 So ri-XWtpgtcE-00360-00080446-00080584 you guys should try as well. ri-XWtpgtcE-00361-00080584-00080634 Just try. ri-XWtpgtcE-00362-00080634-00080818 How do we look when we're dressed like this? ri-XWtpgtcE-00363-00080818-00080934 Thank you, thank you. s00DVrf8wm0-00000-00000040-00000824 carrots, your video changed to just like a few hours ago today, because during checks we looked at s00DVrf8wm0-00001-00000824-00001464 one of your videos, and found that we had to change it to a display. this is because, uh, it had no more s00DVrf8wm0-00002-00001464-00002048 subtitles, and there is no time limit in that case, because we'll have to change it immediately. s0EOWLInhWu-00000-00000008-00000624 girlfriend girlfriend i'm here i am s0EOWLInhWu-00001-00000712-00001592 withco- youtubers guys bad panda videos is in the philippines to visit his girlfriend s0EOWLInhWu-00002-00004200-00004608 We filming one another being a content creator here, s0EOWLInhWu-00003-00006088-00007184 Choosing our food with co creators,sponsored by bad panda@afflatus vhic.pls support guys, s0EOWLInhWu-00004-00007184-00007384 And also Nerilyn channel is here,manilyn@etc.. s1K1IcYsLaY-00000-00001024-00001488 Hi and welcome back to the SID the Swiss Innovation Day 2020 s1K1IcYsLaY-00001-00001488-00001855 I'm sitting here with Dr. Inรจs Blal who is the Managing Director and Executive s1K1IcYsLaY-00002-00001855-00002224 Dean of EHL. Inรจs. - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Same here. - Lovely to s1K1IcYsLaY-00003-00002224-00002488 see you here and you've just come off your presentation. s1K1IcYsLaY-00004-00002488-00002816 Yes. - And your presentation was all about the challenges and opportunities in s1K1IcYsLaY-00005-00002816-00003232 training and learning during Covid-19. So i'd like to ask you from that s1K1IcYsLaY-00006-00003232-00003528 presentation and for those who weren't in the audience s1K1IcYsLaY-00007-00003528-00003896 what would be three key take-aways that you'd like people to have? s1K1IcYsLaY-00008-00003896-00004232 Well, what i did during that presentation is share s1K1IcYsLaY-00009-00004232-00004568 with the audience what happened to EHL s1K1IcYsLaY-00010-00004568-00004944 during the Covid-19, especially during the lockdown and s1K1IcYsLaY-00011-00004944-00005287 and how over a weekend we shifted to remote learning s1K1IcYsLaY-00012-00005287-00005736 and so obviously that was a big event and from that experience s1K1IcYsLaY-00013-00005736-00006303 share with them my feedback and what i've been thinking about since that s1K1IcYsLaY-00014-00006303-00006808 crisis but i'm just catching my breath as i said on stage s1K1IcYsLaY-00015-00006808-00007168 one thing became really obvious for me, because we did well s1K1IcYsLaY-00016-00007168-00007504 we could have improved many things obviously, but we did well s1K1IcYsLaY-00017-00007504-00007864 and one takeaway for me is that it's because of the people s1K1IcYsLaY-00018-00007864-00008275 it's because i was privileged to have experts s1K1IcYsLaY-00019-00008275-00008624 well-coordinated between themselves, well-organized teams s1K1IcYsLaY-00020-00008624-00009104 and that my message to the hoteliers was there is a human capital s1K1IcYsLaY-00021-00009104-00009584 if we invest in it, if we spend more time on it s1K1IcYsLaY-00022-00009584-00009920 we can make a difference with our people because we made a difference s1K1IcYsLaY-00023-00009920-00010360 during the crisis thanks to our people so that was my five s1K1IcYsLaY-00024-00010360-00010711 cents of what happened. - Excellent, excellent and s1K1IcYsLaY-00025-00010711-00011207 can you tell us a little bit about your personal but also EHL's biggest s1K1IcYsLaY-00026-00011207-00011639 challenges and learnings during the the Covid-19 crisis what were s1K1IcYsLaY-00027-00011639-00011943 were really some of the things that that struck you through that process? s1K1IcYsLaY-00028-00011943-00012200 Well, that's exactly what i was sharing with the audience s1K1IcYsLaY-00029-00012200-00012880 five three minutes ago, a few minutes ago, as i was saying people matter s1K1IcYsLaY-00030-00012880-00013280 why we did what we did it's because our students were supportive. Our main s1K1IcYsLaY-00031-00013280-00013687 learning was support and community is really s1K1IcYsLaY-00032-00013687-00013928 important and we were really lucky to have that at s1K1IcYsLaY-00033-00013928-00014536 EHL and we become even stronger the crisis also showed us that we had so s1K1IcYsLaY-00034-00014536-00014912 many skills that alternatives are possible and i think that's the main s1K1IcYsLaY-00035-00014912-00015287 learning we had, where we didn't really, what was more of s1K1IcYsLaY-00036-00015287-00015840 a painful point was communication we were so busy doing that maybe we s1K1IcYsLaY-00037-00015840-00016184 could have improved communication that's exactly what we are addressing s1K1IcYsLaY-00038-00016184-00016664 the way, the tone, but again i'm repeating myself, but s1K1IcYsLaY-00039-00016664-00017216 really the Covid leaves us nowhere to hide and all these issues that we're s1K1IcYsLaY-00040-00017216-00017512 just ignoring before Covid, I think now we s1K1IcYsLaY-00041-00017512-00017872 have to address them and one of them is how do we manage our people s1K1IcYsLaY-00042-00017872-00018223 how do we invest in them and how do we take the most s1K1IcYsLaY-00043-00018223-00018544 out of each individual we have in our in company s1K1IcYsLaY-00044-00018544-00018887 Right. - That's and for me that was the main s1K1IcYsLaY-00045-00018887-00019295 main learning of it. - Okay. Okay, great just to kind of step away from the s1K1IcYsLaY-00046-00019295-00019608 Covid focus point now i'd like to also get your opinion on s1K1IcYsLaY-00047-00019608-00020056 where you believe that there is a real opportunity for room of improvement s1K1IcYsLaY-00048-00020056-00020400 around education and learning for our industry s1K1IcYsLaY-00049-00020400-00020776 we have to rethink, how we train our people and why we train s1K1IcYsLaY-00050-00020776-00021072 them and when. What i'm trying to say to s1K1IcYsLaY-00051-00021072-00021487 audience is when it has to be on the learner agenda and s1K1IcYsLaY-00052-00021487-00021784 we as a manager we have to find the right moment s1K1IcYsLaY-00053-00021784-00022128 between what when the institution wants you to do s1K1IcYsLaY-00054-00022128-00022479 and what the learner needs and I think s1K1IcYsLaY-00055-00022479-00022872 that is a side obviously from the digitalization of education it is s1K1IcYsLaY-00056-00022872-00023295 something that it's a big talk before covid we had s1K1IcYsLaY-00057-00023295-00023672 our project and now we are just going at 100 times s1K1IcYsLaY-00058-00023672-00024112 the speed of it. So for our industry i think the s1K1IcYsLaY-00059-00024112-00024512 good training and the good timing for the right person s1K1IcYsLaY-00060-00024512-00024879 I see it also as a challenge for myself as a manager s1K1IcYsLaY-00061-00024879-00025208 of people. - Right. I know also for EHL it's very s1K1IcYsLaY-00062-00025208-00025647 one of your principles is almost like very effective teaching methods s1K1IcYsLaY-00063-00025647-00026072 how do you apply those now given the fact that we are in a social distancing s1K1IcYsLaY-00064-00026072-00026375 world. - Exactly. - things are remote - Exactly. - that just adds s1K1IcYsLaY-00065-00026375-00026752 another layer of complexity and i i'm sure you probably touched on it a little s1K1IcYsLaY-00066-00026752-00026927 bit in your presentation but if you could s1K1IcYsLaY-00067-00026927-00027247 for those who weren't there if you could dig into a little bit how s1K1IcYsLaY-00068-00027247-00027639 as the leader of that organization how do you drive that? How s1K1IcYsLaY-00069-00027639-00028032 do you do bring that? - What we did and what we are doing is s1K1IcYsLaY-00070-00028032-00028432 coming back to the fundamentals. The fundamentals of better education and s1K1IcYsLaY-00071-00028432-00028775 that's what we are doing as we are getting ready for a few weeks for the s1K1IcYsLaY-00072-00028775-00029088 hybrid model, where we have students in the classroom s1K1IcYsLaY-00073-00029088-00029560 and outside at the same time. How do you engage people and it's it was s1K1IcYsLaY-00074-00029560-00029847 important before digital but now it's just s1K1IcYsLaY-00075-00029847-00030208 just obvious and the one will crack these codes of s1K1IcYsLaY-00076-00030208-00030560 these hard issues that we had before but now we s1K1IcYsLaY-00077-00030560-00030839 just have to face them it's like you always had this problem you knew it was s1K1IcYsLaY-00078-00030839-00031119 there, but now it's just in front of you and s1K1IcYsLaY-00079-00031119-00031472 you have to address which i think it's a great opportunity because we s1K1IcYsLaY-00080-00031472-00032016 are addressing the key fundamental elements. How do you engage with the s1K1IcYsLaY-00081-00032016-00032319 students? How do you make sure you are on the right time s1K1IcYsLaY-00082-00032319-00032639 so for them to absorb and make a change and s1K1IcYsLaY-00083-00032639-00032984 as I was saying in the audience it's by doing s1K1IcYsLaY-00084-00032984-00033391 doing, doing, doing. That's why I'm so grateful to be in the dual Swiss system s1K1IcYsLaY-00085-00033391-00033912 and reflect and change and these are any pedagogue will tell you it's just s1K1IcYsLaY-00086-00033912-00034400 the fundamentals of training and education. - Sure. And what s1K1IcYsLaY-00087-00034400-00034791 are you hearing that are some of the major concerns from the students s1K1IcYsLaY-00088-00034791-00035152 that you're not only, not only the new ones coming in, so the new s1K1IcYsLaY-00089-00035152-00035544 enrollments, but also those that are midway through and also leaving and s1K1IcYsLaY-00090-00035544-00035936 graduating. - Well there is as was discussed earlier with the Q&A s1K1IcYsLaY-00091-00035936-00036303 there is this fresh and freshly pressing issue of s1K1IcYsLaY-00092-00036303-00036624 we are putting students graduates on the market and s1K1IcYsLaY-00093-00036624-00037128 there's not a lot of jobs. - Yeah. - So that is what we are doing is reinforcing s1K1IcYsLaY-00094-00037128-00037560 our community and widening the scope even more. EHL s1K1IcYsLaY-00095-00037560-00038016 since 20 years now we cater actually to outside the hospitality industry we s1K1IcYsLaY-00096-00038016-00038503 bring hospitality to the world to the non-hospitality so making that s1K1IcYsLaY-00097-00038503-00038847 world is even even bigger for us the biggest s1K1IcYsLaY-00098-00038847-00039168 pressure is the job, the job markets, whether for s1K1IcYsLaY-00099-00039168-00039512 internships and our students they chose hospitality s1K1IcYsLaY-00100-00039512-00039800 because they wanted to be in the action and then when they find an s1K1IcYsLaY-00101-00039800-00040128 internship or a job that is from home they're a bit s1K1IcYsLaY-00102-00040128-00040480 sent back off and so they have s1K1IcYsLaY-00103-00040480-00040880 really difficult decisions to make. - Yeah. - They, I mean I don't want to s1K1IcYsLaY-00104-00040880-00041216 I mean they really are facing difficult decisions s1K1IcYsLaY-00105-00041216-00041631 but like all of us are creating alternatives, Ii'm a true believer that s1K1IcYsLaY-00106-00041631-00042128 innovation comes from restriction or s1K1IcYsLaY-00107-00042128-00042456 not being able and that's the power of humans. - Yeah. s1K1IcYsLaY-00108-00042456-00042752 And I think you're from the impression that I get is that you're s1K1IcYsLaY-00109-00042752-00043088 taking a very proactive approach to ensure that your s1K1IcYsLaY-00110-00043088-00043280 students are getting that support as well s1K1IcYsLaY-00111-00043280-00043584 We have to. - Yeah. - We have to. s1K1IcYsLaY-00112-00043584-00043936 We still have a long road, it's just we started doing that I mean we have s1K1IcYsLaY-00113-00043936-00044240 like what three months experience on that so we still s1K1IcYsLaY-00114-00044240-00044559 have a lot to do and and we are working with our industry s1K1IcYsLaY-00115-00044559-00044968 relation with our alumni, but that would be s1K1IcYsLaY-00116-00044968-00045447 how to help the hospitality industry - Yeah. - Because it's suffering how to, s1K1IcYsLaY-00117-00045447-00045744 we have this really strong tie with the hospitality s1K1IcYsLaY-00118-00045744-00046063 industry and our dear hospitality industry s1K1IcYsLaY-00119-00046063-00046624 is living a terrible moment so how to be again a partner for them s1K1IcYsLaY-00120-00046624-00046952 through our students. - Very good. - That's a tough one s1K1IcYsLaY-00121-00046956-00047274 It is. Well, listen thank you so much. I really appreciate s1K1IcYsLaY-00122-00047274-00047564 your time. - Thank you. - Thank you very much. s1K1IcYsLaY-00123-00047564-00048934 (music) s2QOB5R0jW0-00000-00000000-00000264 We didn't want to be preachy with this campaign. We really s2QOB5R0jW0-00001-00000264-00000516 wanted to do something that people felt like: That seems s2QOB5R0jW0-00002-00000516-00000744 fun. I'm willing to get on board, and I'm willing to do it. s2QOB5R0jW0-00003-00000748-00001072 Mr. T will turn to cold, and so will this fool. s2QOB5R0jW0-00004-00001096-00001180 I turned to cold. s2QOB5R0jW0-00005-00001280-00001448 You know, technically, you're Mr. T. s2QOB5R0jW0-00006-00001456-00001552 Technically, Steve. s2QOB5R0jW0-00007-00001839-00002236 Hi, I'm Amy Krehbiel. I'm the brand vice president for North s2QOB5R0jW0-00008-00002236-00002432 America laundry at Procter & Gamble. s2QOB5R0jW0-00009-00002464-00002812 Aaron Stoller, I'm director at Biscuit Filmworks. s2QOB5R0jW0-00010-00002820-00003076 My name is Daniel Lobatรณn, and I'm chief creative officer at s2QOB5R0jW0-00011-00003076-00003172 Saatchi & Saatchi New York. s2QOB5R0jW0-00012-00003215-00003568 I'm Paul Bichler. I'm chief creative officer of Woven, part s2QOB5R0jW0-00013-00003568-00003640 of Saatchi & Saatchi. s2QOB5R0jW0-00014-00003672-00003932 What was the initial problem that Taylor was looking to solve s2QOB5R0jW0-00015-00003932-00004015 with this campaign? s2QOB5R0jW0-00016-00004060-00004464 We knew that we wanted to set a new mission for ourselves: for s2QOB5R0jW0-00017-00004464-00004768 every load of laundry in this country to do a load of good. s2QOB5R0jW0-00018-00004796-00005156 And we knew that that meant that every load should have a reduced s2QOB5R0jW0-00019-00005156-00005436 impact on the environment, and that we could increase the s2QOB5R0jW0-00020-00005436-00005868 impact of clean clothes. And it turns out 90% of the energy is s2QOB5R0jW0-00021-00005868-00006388 in heating the water. So we wanted to see: Could we persuade s2QOB5R0jW0-00022-00006388-00006744 Americans to do three out of four loads of laundry in cold s2QOB5R0jW0-00023-00006744-00006794 water? s2QOB5R0jW0-00024-00006800-00007095 When we first got the brief, we recognized this was about s2QOB5R0jW0-00025-00007095-00007423 changing people's behaviors. We thought: How are we gonna make s2QOB5R0jW0-00026-00007423-00007608 this fun? How are we gonna make this something that people s2QOB5R0jW0-00027-00007608-00007759 really want to participate in? s2QOB5R0jW0-00028-00007768-00008084 If you need to give a message of this kind to people, where s2QOB5R0jW0-00029-00008084-00008364 you're asking them to change a behavior and like something that s2QOB5R0jW0-00030-00008364-00008744 is so on autopilot, we really need to stick out with as much s2QOB5R0jW0-00031-00008744-00008880 entertainment value as possible. s2QOB5R0jW0-00032-00008884-00009328 The concept of using cold callers and people with cold s2QOB5R0jW0-00033-00009328-00009636 names was so sticky and memorable. s2QOB5R0jW0-00034-00009648-00010024 Ice-T. Stone Cold. Calling on everyone to turn to a cold s2QOB5R0jW0-00035-00010024-00010176 washing with Tide. s2QOB5R0jW0-00036-00010176-00010452 This is a cold call. s2QOB5R0jW0-00037-00010452-00010972 Ice-T is Ice-T. And he, you know, he doesn't fuck around. s2QOB5R0jW0-00038-00010976-00011492 And then Stone Cold was a lot funnier and warmer than I s2QOB5R0jW0-00039-00011492-00011604 thought he would be. s2QOB5R0jW0-00040-00011616-00012056 They both brought in a lot of their own personality, but also s2QOB5R0jW0-00041-00012056-00012268 willingness to be spontaneous on set. s2QOB5R0jW0-00042-00012268-00012524 A real plus of this program is that everyone that's s2QOB5R0jW0-00043-00012524-00012884 participated has been a real joy to work with and really embraced s2QOB5R0jW0-00044-00012884-00012952 the program. s2QOB5R0jW0-00045-00012956-00013244 They really got some great talent on those. And I think all s2QOB5R0jW0-00046-00013244-00013547 those spots are extremely, you know, different because of those s2QOB5R0jW0-00047-00013547-00013747 people. And they were able to tick a lot of boxes. s2QOB5R0jW0-00048-00013752-00014084 We were thinking, "Oh, who could we bring that brings a different s2QOB5R0jW0-00049-00014084-00014416 audience into the idea?" And I think, like, Vanilla Ice had to s2QOB5R0jW0-00050-00014416-00014656 be there just because of the pun, like we were saying. s2QOB5R0jW0-00051-00014660-00014747 Ice, ice, baby! s2QOB5R0jW0-00052-00014752-00015096 Then Annie Murphy, and so on, they started checking certain s2QOB5R0jW0-00053-00015096-00015308 boxes that we were like, "Oh, this is broadening and s2QOB5R0jW0-00054-00015308-00015391 broadening the reach." s2QOB5R0jW0-00055-00015400-00015716 As more and more names come into the mix, more and more s2QOB5R0jW0-00056-00015719-00016232 opportunities for who we could call to get the message out. It s2QOB5R0jW0-00057-00016232-00016356 just kept building and building. s2QOB5R0jW0-00058-00016568-00016618 Hello? s2QOB5R0jW0-00059-00016624-00016816 Hello, Mark โ€ฆ Messier. s2QOB5R0jW0-00060-00016820-00016892 It's Messier. s2QOB5R0jW0-00061-00016904-00017056 Mark Messier. s2QOB5R0jW0-00062-00017056-00017268 Mess-see-ay. s2QOB5R0jW0-00063-00017272-00017728 From the time the board landed to, you know, the time we shot s2QOB5R0jW0-00064-00017728-00017960 it was probably three to four weeks. s2QOB5R0jW0-00065-00017960-00018308 We always wanted to launch this program around Earth Day. And so s2QOB5R0jW0-00066-00018308-00018640 the original plan was for, you know, right around April 2020. s2QOB5R0jW0-00067-00018644-00018936 But, like everyone, we got surprised by the Covid-19 s2QOB5R0jW0-00068-00018940-00019008 pandemic. s2QOB5R0jW0-00069-00019012-00019328 We took our focus to where it was needed during the pandemic s2QOB5R0jW0-00070-00019352-00019604 in order to do it. I think we were all just really hoping that s2QOB5R0jW0-00071-00019608-00019712 this was going to come back. s2QOB5R0jW0-00072-00019724-00020052 I think it just gave us time to really take a step back and look s2QOB5R0jW0-00073-00020052-00020384 at the full program. That last round of edits, that last extra s2QOB5R0jW0-00074-00020384-00020596 push actually made the work better. s2QOB5R0jW0-00075-00020600-00020896 Part of the beauty of this has been that everyone has received s2QOB5R0jW0-00076-00020896-00021272 a cold call at home and reacts to it in their own way. Mr. T, s2QOB5R0jW0-00077-00021272-00021572 of course he would say, "Quit your jibba jabba," when someone s2QOB5R0jW0-00078-00021596-00021884 cold calls him out of the blue to talk about washing in cold s2QOB5R0jW0-00079-00021884-00021920 water. s2QOB5R0jW0-00080-00021920-00022040 Yeah, whatcha y'all want? s2QOB5R0jW0-00081-00022040-00022268 Will you turn to cold washing with Tide? s2QOB5R0jW0-00082-00022272-00022376 Quit your jibber jabber! s2QOB5R0jW0-00083-00022400-00022644 Mr. T is a national treasure. I'd never worked with him s2QOB5R0jW0-00084-00022644-00022904 before. I don't think I've ever come across a human being who s2QOB5R0jW0-00085-00022904-00023084 was more positive. s2QOB5R0jW0-00086-00023120-00023548 Oh, wait! Totally randomly, I just saw this. This is the Mr. T s2QOB5R0jW0-00087-00023548-00024140 thing that he gave everybody. He signed it on the back, and it s2QOB5R0jW0-00088-00024140-00024360 goes: "I pity the fool!" s2QOB5R0jW0-00089-00024380-00024692 We got one, and it has all of the catchphrases and it's signed s2QOB5R0jW0-00090-00024692-00024892 and it says like, "Quit your jibber jabber!" So, yeah. s2QOB5R0jW0-00091-00025048-00025252 Do you have a favorite of the campaign? s2QOB5R0jW0-00092-00025292-00025904 I like the one with Annie Murphy a lot, where she says, "I will s2QOB5R0jW0-00093-00025904-00026168 take that change for the environment. I will take the s2QOB5R0jW0-00094-00026168-00026292 money for the environment." s2QOB5R0jW0-00095-00026312-00026695 I will take that money for the environment. s2QOB5R0jW0-00096-00026744-00027168 Annie Murphy has such great comedic timing. We had this idea s2QOB5R0jW0-00097-00027168-00027432 of like they call and she like bounces back the call and she's s2QOB5R0jW0-00098-00027432-00027632 like, "No, unsubscribe." And she was like, "Oh, I can make that s2QOB5R0jW0-00099-00027632-00027680 work." s2QOB5R0jW0-00100-00027680-00028092 Her timing and her presence and her ideas, like she was an s2QOB5R0jW0-00101-00028104-00028239 absolute treat to shoot with. s2QOB5R0jW0-00102-00028280-00028604 Oh, the environment! Yeah, yeah, yeahโ€”with the trees and the, and s2QOB5R0jW0-00103-00028604-00028760 the, and the shrubs. How much money? s2QOB5R0jW0-00104-00028768-00028944 Vanilla Ice was pretty amazing, too. s2QOB5R0jW0-00105-00028964-00029268 Ice, ice, baby always gets me. Like when they call him: s2QOB5R0jW0-00106-00029268-00029588 "Vanilla Iceโ€”ice, ice, baby!" Like the fact that he went for s2QOB5R0jW0-00107-00029588-00029888 that and he was, like, game to make that. And we were like, s2QOB5R0jW0-00108-00029892-00030124 "Yeah, and you're gonna be eating vanilla ice cream." And s2QOB5R0jW0-00109-00030124-00030292 he's like, "No one's gonna notice," and then he's like, s2QOB5R0jW0-00110-00030292-00030348 "But someone will!" s2QOB5R0jW0-00111-00030352-00030512 He brought a lot of comedy and stuff to it. s2QOB5R0jW0-00112-00030552-00030839 Vanilla is made up his own rap on set. He was like, "Oh, what s2QOB5R0jW0-00113-00030839-00031036 if I tried this?" And it was super fun. s2QOB5R0jW0-00114-00031048-00031392 Hey, if hot's a problem, yoโ€”I'll solve it. Check out the washing s2QOB5R0jW0-00115-00031392-00031520 machine as it revolves it. s2QOB5R0jW0-00116-00031616-00031872 Can you talk a bit about where the jingle came from? s2QOB5R0jW0-00117-00031876-00032160 From the beginning, Paul was like, "This needs a jingle." s2QOB5R0jW0-00118-00032168-00032544 We were working with a group called Pickle Music. We were s2QOB5R0jW0-00119-00032544-00032796 looking for a way to brand this program, like make it almost s2QOB5R0jW0-00120-00032796-00033032 feel like the opening of a television show. s2QOB5R0jW0-00121-00033032-00033308 This is a cold call. s2QOB5R0jW0-00122-00033312-00033600 When they showed us this one, we're like, "OK, we're gonna s2QOB5R0jW0-00123-00033600-00033852 we're gonna play with this one" because it was really fun. s2QOB5R0jW0-00124-00033888-00034160 Is it a campaign that you would like to continue on? s2QOB5R0jW0-00125-00034164-00034544 Yes, you know, Tide has announced our Ambition 2030 s2QOB5R0jW0-00126-00034544-00034856 commitments, and so those are for the next 10 years and s2QOB5R0jW0-00127-00034856-00034908 beyond. s2QOB5R0jW0-00128-00034932-00035244 So you're gonna keep Stone Cold and Ice-T and work for a few s2QOB5R0jW0-00129-00035244-00035308 years yet? s2QOB5R0jW0-00130-00035428-00035728 I can't speak to future advertising, but I can tell you s2QOB5R0jW0-00131-00035728-00036048 we love working with them and, you know, they're gonna stay s2QOB5R0jW0-00132-00036048-00036216 around for the foreseeable future. s2QOB5R0jW0-00133-00036244-00036496 This is a cold call. s3fFTTqHhKk-00000-00000000-00000324 New guidelines for USA visa for the year 2022 are recently s3fFTTqHhKk-00001-00000324-00000693 announced and this got a lot of people excited. A lot of people s3fFTTqHhKk-00002-00000699-00000986 are wondering whether they qualify for an interview waiver. s3fFTTqHhKk-00003-00001032-00001329 In this video, I'm going to demystify all this hype and help s3fFTTqHhKk-00004-00001329-00001573 you understand this updates. So keep on watching s3fFTTqHhKk-00005-00001573-00002100 โ™ซโ™ซ s3fFTTqHhKk-00006-00002100-00002415 Hi, guys, my name is Shachi and I'm a Travel Visa Coach. In this channel, you s3fFTTqHhKk-00007-00002415-00002748 will find tons of useful videos on the US visa process. There is s3fFTTqHhKk-00008-00002748-00003270 a separate playlist for f1 visa for J1 visa for B1/B2 visa and s3fFTTqHhKk-00009-00003270-00003579 new playlist coming up for H and L visa. So make sure that you s3fFTTqHhKk-00010-00003579-00003951 subscribe and stay tuned. Now in the last two months, getting an s3fFTTqHhKk-00011-00003951-00004299 interview of slot has been an absolute nightmare, we can s3fFTTqHhKk-00012-00004299-00004608 totally understand all the pain that most of you are going s3fFTTqHhKk-00013-00004611-00004941 through to get that coveted interview slot and in this s3fFTTqHhKk-00014-00004941-00005295 context, any use of interview waiver can seem like a huge s3fFTTqHhKk-00015-00005295-00005607 relief and I think that is something that people were s3fFTTqHhKk-00016-00005607-00005907 hoping from the new update, which was put out by the s3fFTTqHhKk-00017-00005907-00006237 embassy. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite live up to the s3fFTTqHhKk-00018-00006237-00006678 hype, especially for Indians and this video, I'm going to explain s3fFTTqHhKk-00019-00006695-00007080 exactly why and also help you understand whether you do have s3fFTTqHhKk-00020-00007083-00007431 that slim chance of qualifying for interview waiver. So let's s3fFTTqHhKk-00021-00007431-00007650 get started. In the description box below, there is a very s3fFTTqHhKk-00022-00007653-00007931 useful tool called the interview waiver check. I've created this s3fFTTqHhKk-00023-00007931-00008175 tool to help you understand whether you qualify for an s3fFTTqHhKk-00024-00008175-00008547 interview waiver or not. So just enter few of your details and s3fFTTqHhKk-00025-00008547-00008835 this will immediately tell you whether all these updates apply s3fFTTqHhKk-00026-00008835-00009144 to you or not. So the update essentially talks about two s3fFTTqHhKk-00027-00009144-00009462 different ways in which you can qualify for an interview waiver s3fFTTqHhKk-00028-00009486-00009795 and let's understand both of these in depth. The first one is s3fFTTqHhKk-00029-00009795-00010137 by being a citizen or national of a country, which falls under s3fFTTqHhKk-00030-00010137-00010497 the interview waiver program. So the US has an interview waiver s3fFTTqHhKk-00031-00010497-00010935 program, which has a list of about 40 countries in it and if s3fFTTqHhKk-00032-00010935-00011316 you are a citizen or national of any of these countries, then you s3fFTTqHhKk-00033-00011319-00011652 automatically qualify for an interview waiver. Now the list s3fFTTqHhKk-00034-00011652-00011928 of these 40 countries is there in the description box below s3fFTTqHhKk-00035-00011928-00012273 there is a link, you can click on that and view that list. But s3fFTTqHhKk-00036-00012276-00012627 India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, the Middle East s3fFTTqHhKk-00037-00012627-00013011 countries, African countries do not fall under this list of 40 s3fFTTqHhKk-00038-00013011-00013299 countries. So which means that bulk of you who are watching s3fFTTqHhKk-00039-00013299-00013613 this video today will not qualify for an interview waiver s3fFTTqHhKk-00040-00013619-00013977 under the first condition. This brings us to the second part and s3fFTTqHhKk-00041-00013977-00014250 this is essentially the main update, which has been put out s3fFTTqHhKk-00042-00014253-00014607 by the US Embassy and let's understand this in detail. So s3fFTTqHhKk-00043-00014607-00014985 the second update applies to the work visas, that is H and O it s3fFTTqHhKk-00044-00014985-00015399 applies to the P and Q visas. It also applies to the Student and s3fFTTqHhKk-00045-00015399-00015797 Exchange visas, that is F and J and it also applies to all the s3fFTTqHhKk-00046-00015797-00016140 dependents which come under these visa categories. So s3fFTTqHhKk-00047-00016140-00016479 essentially, it covers the bulk of the non immigrant visas to s3fFTTqHhKk-00048-00016479-00017019 the US. Now this second update lists three conditions, and you s3fFTTqHhKk-00049-00017019-00017334 need to qualify or gather you need to fulfill all of these s3fFTTqHhKk-00050-00017334-00017718 three conditions to be eligible for an interview waiver. The s3fFTTqHhKk-00051-00017718-00018204 first one is that you need to have a valid US visa issued. So s3fFTTqHhKk-00052-00018207-00018573 a US visa is to be issued to you this visa needs to be valid, s3fFTTqHhKk-00053-00018606-00018945 this visa can be in any category, they do not restrict s3fFTTqHhKk-00054-00018945-00019347 any category of visa under this. The second condition is that s3fFTTqHhKk-00055-00019410-00019737 either you should not have any history of yours visa rejection, s3fFTTqHhKk-00056-00019770-00020187 or that rejection needs to be rectified. That means that s3fFTTqHhKk-00057-00020187-00020550 either you never had a US visa rejection or even if you had a s3fFTTqHhKk-00058-00020550-00020919 US visa rejection, subsequently you reapply again, and then s3fFTTqHhKk-00059-00020919-00021348 eventually got the visa. So just to explain this further, let's s3fFTTqHhKk-00060-00021348-00021648 say that you applied for a B2 visa, and that visa was s3fFTTqHhKk-00061-00021648-00021975 rejected. So if that rejection is still valid, you do not s3fFTTqHhKk-00062-00021975-00022323 qualify for the interview waiver. But if you apply for the s3fFTTqHhKk-00063-00022323-00022716 visa again, and subsequently your B2 Visa Card accepted, then s3fFTTqHhKk-00064-00022719-00023052 you do qualify for the interview waiver. Please know that you s3fFTTqHhKk-00065-00023052-00023322 really have to understand that the first and the second points s3fFTTqHhKk-00066-00023325-00023697 are similar, but they are independent of each other. Which s3fFTTqHhKk-00067-00023697-00024021 means that you need to have a valid US visa at the same time, s3fFTTqHhKk-00068-00024024-00024462 no history of rejection under any category. So let's say that s3fFTTqHhKk-00069-00024462-00024930 you have a valid F visa, but you have a B2 visa rejection, which s3fFTTqHhKk-00070-00024930-00025233 eventually did not get the B2 visa, you still don't qualify s3fFTTqHhKk-00071-00025233-00025587 for the interview waiver. So these are the intricacies which s3fFTTqHhKk-00072-00025587-00025814 needs to be really understood regarding the first and the s3fFTTqHhKk-00073-00025814-00026229 second condition and after this comes the third condition, and s3fFTTqHhKk-00074-00026229-00026502 this is where the gray area really lies. So this condition s3fFTTqHhKk-00075-00026502-00026877 says that there should not be any apparent or potential in s3fFTTqHhKk-00076-00026880-00027245 eligibility. Now what exactly do they mean by this apparent or s3fFTTqHhKk-00077-00027245-00027657 potential intelligibility is not spelled out. Just like how in US s3fFTTqHhKk-00078-00027657-00027758 visa denials. s3fFTTqHhKk-00079-00027763-00028033 You're not really told the reason for denial. Similarly, s3fFTTqHhKk-00080-00028033-00028363 what exactly is this potential or apparent in eligibility is s3fFTTqHhKk-00081-00028363-00028768 not clear as of now. This is totally up to the discretion of s3fFTTqHhKk-00082-00028768-00029083 the visa officer, the consular officer, most likely they will s3fFTTqHhKk-00083-00029083-00029383 look at details of your education, your work profile s3fFTTqHhKk-00084-00029383-00029692 your travel history, to determine whether you have any s3fFTTqHhKk-00085-00029692-00030037 potential or apparent in eligibility in the coming few s3fFTTqHhKk-00086-00030037-00030424 days or weeks, I think more clarity will be given on this s3fFTTqHhKk-00087-00030427-00030730 criteria and of course, I'll be tracking it on this channel and s3fFTTqHhKk-00088-00030730-00031117 bring it and give it to you like here. So, these are the three s3fFTTqHhKk-00089-00031117-00031369 conditions which need to be satisfied and like I said s3fFTTqHhKk-00090-00031369-00031714 before, all of these three should be valid for you to s3fFTTqHhKk-00091-00031714-00032086 qualify for an interview waiver. Now, given the nature of these s3fFTTqHhKk-00092-00032086-00032539 conditions, I believe that bulk of people who will be applying s3fFTTqHhKk-00093-00032542-00032944 for the US visa do not really meet these criteria, which means s3fFTTqHhKk-00094-00032944-00033367 that we are back to square one. So even at the end of all of s3fFTTqHhKk-00095-00033367-00033700 this, if you're still confused, whether you do qualify for an s3fFTTqHhKk-00096-00033700-00033955 interview waiver or not, you can check the link in the s3fFTTqHhKk-00097-00033955-00034207 description box below, there is a very useful tool called the s3fFTTqHhKk-00098-00034207-00034573 interview waiver check and I have created this tool, which s3fFTTqHhKk-00099-00034573-00034867 will, in a few seconds tell you whether you qualify for s3fFTTqHhKk-00100-00034867-00035080 interview waiver or not. So you just need to enter your few s3fFTTqHhKk-00101-00035080-00035341 details and check it and this will tell you whether you s3fFTTqHhKk-00102-00035341-00035695 qualify for an interview waiver. So in conclusion, most of you s3fFTTqHhKk-00103-00035695-00036085 will still need to appear for an interview and for this, I would s3fFTTqHhKk-00104-00036085-00036385 advise that don't give up keep tracking availability of slot s3fFTTqHhKk-00105-00036388-00036826 there are two hacks or other two methods, which really works. The s3fFTTqHhKk-00106-00036826-00037117 first one is to be part of telegram groups. So there are a s3fFTTqHhKk-00107-00037117-00037345 lot of telegram groups where people are updating the s3fFTTqHhKk-00108-00037345-00037678 availability of slots, the time in which the slots get released, s3fFTTqHhKk-00109-00037681-00038020 so do join these groups, make use of the information there and s3fFTTqHhKk-00110-00038020-00038335 try to book a slot. The link for all these telegram groups, as s3fFTTqHhKk-00111-00038335-00038653 mentioned in the description box below. The second way is to get s3fFTTqHhKk-00112-00038653-00038911 an emergency appointment. So a lot of emergency appointments s3fFTTqHhKk-00113-00038914-00039220 are being released and this is again, a way in which you can s3fFTTqHhKk-00114-00039220-00039589 try to get an interview date. How exactly to go about this s3fFTTqHhKk-00115-00039589-00039814 process, there is a separate video on this, I'm gonna link s3fFTTqHhKk-00116-00039814-00040129 this video above, make sure that you check it out and if you need s3fFTTqHhKk-00117-00040129-00040438 my help in drafting your emergency visa application, do s3fFTTqHhKk-00118-00040438-00040750 get in touch with me and once you have that interview slot, s3fFTTqHhKk-00119-00040753-00041095 you really need to go ahead and smash that interview. For an in s3fFTTqHhKk-00120-00041095-00041290 depth interview prep, you can either book a one to one s3fFTTqHhKk-00121-00041290-00041629 consultation session with me or you can take a mock interview. s3fFTTqHhKk-00122-00041653-00041938 Both of these are tremendously useful and it'll really help you s3fFTTqHhKk-00123-00041938-00042328 in a single US visa interview. So I mentioned a ton of s3fFTTqHhKk-00124-00042328-00042640 resources. The link for all of this is right below in the s3fFTTqHhKk-00125-00042640-00043000 description box. So make sure that you check it out. That's s3fFTTqHhKk-00126-00043000-00043252 all for today all the new updates will be tracked very s3fFTTqHhKk-00127-00043252-00043513 very closely by me and it will be brought to you right here on s3fFTTqHhKk-00128-00043513-00043837 this channel. So make sure that you subscribe and press the bell s3fFTTqHhKk-00129-00043837-00044302 icon so you don't miss on any updates and please do like this s3fFTTqHhKk-00130-00044302-00044626 video, so that I know that you found it useful. If you have any s3fFTTqHhKk-00131-00044626-00044812 more doubts or questions feel free to leave them in the s3fFTTqHhKk-00132-00044812-00045076 comment section below. You can also DM me on Instagram my s3fFTTqHhKk-00133-00045076-00045364 instagram handle is @shachi.mall. That's all for s3fFTTqHhKk-00134-00045364-00045640 today's signing off for now. Wish you all a very happy new s3fFTTqHhKk-00135-00045640-00046009 year and let's hope that the entire drama around the slot s3fFTTqHhKk-00136-00046012-00046420 availability comes to an end. So see you in the next one. Bye s3k7fKYeTuU-00000-00000029-00000605 Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us at our first lecture of s3k7fKYeTuU-00001-00000605-00001201 our special 50th Anniversary Inaugural Lecture series and what an anniversary year it promises s3k7fKYeTuU-00002-00001201-00001301 to be. s3k7fKYeTuU-00003-00001301-00001616 I am Jhumar Johnson, the Director of Development here at The Open University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00004-00001616-00002361 I am also proud and privileged to be custodian of the Universityโ€™s 50th Anniversary celebrations. s3k7fKYeTuU-00005-00002361-00002706 This is the year of cake. s3k7fKYeTuU-00006-00002706-00003125 I am delighted to say we have built an exciting programme of events and activities from January s3k7fKYeTuU-00007-00003125-00003411 to December across our 4 Nations and globally. s3k7fKYeTuU-00008-00003411-00003897 Each one shining a light on the academics and the OU family who have shaped our much-loved s3k7fKYeTuU-00009-00003897-00004029 institution. s3k7fKYeTuU-00010-00004029-00004587 At this point I will digress slightly though, only to welcome the newest addition to our s3k7fKYeTuU-00011-00004587-00004948 family, our newly appointed Pro Chancellor, Malcolm Sweeting. s3k7fKYeTuU-00012-00004948-00005128 Welcome to the OU Malcolm. s3k7fKYeTuU-00013-00005128-00005624 Each year the Vice-Chancellor invites newly appointed and promoted Professors to give s3k7fKYeTuU-00014-00005624-00005845 an Inaugural Lecture. s3k7fKYeTuU-00015-00005845-00006264 Over the course of our year our Inaugural Lecture series provides an opportunity to s3k7fKYeTuU-00016-00006264-00006794 celebrate their academic excellence, with each lecture representing a significant milestone s3k7fKYeTuU-00017-00006794-00007005 in their academic career. s3k7fKYeTuU-00018-00007005-00007634 This year the Inaugural Lecture series is bigger than ever with 12 lectures, and true s3k7fKYeTuU-00019-00007634-00007940 to form, has a few surprises thrown in too. s3k7fKYeTuU-00020-00007940-00008617 One of those is our opening Inaugural Lecture with a twist in that it isnโ€™t an Inaugural s3k7fKYeTuU-00021-00008617-00008754 Lecture at all. s3k7fKYeTuU-00022-00008754-00009211 This afternoon Professor Devendra Kodwani, our Executive Dean of the Faculty of Business s3k7fKYeTuU-00023-00009211-00009734 and Law, will open the year-long series of lectures with his take on the journey that s3k7fKYeTuU-00024-00009734-00010191 is life-long learning, the OUโ€™s role and the role of Higher Education Instructions s3k7fKYeTuU-00025-00010191-00010365 more widely. s3k7fKYeTuU-00026-00010365-00010716 But before he does so I would like to introduce you to our speakers and the chronology of s3k7fKYeTuU-00027-00010716-00010859 this afternoon. s3k7fKYeTuU-00028-00010859-00011279 We will hear first from our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Mary Kellett, followed by Professor s3k7fKYeTuU-00029-00011279-00011756 Kevin Hetherington, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research, Enterprise and Scholarship. s3k7fKYeTuU-00030-00011756-00012253 And finally, Professor Kodwani who will then deliver his opening lecture followed by a s3k7fKYeTuU-00031-00012253-00012425 Q&A session. s3k7fKYeTuU-00032-00012425-00012866 If cake is an incentive, then I should say now cake will be available at the end so we s3k7fKYeTuU-00033-00012866-00013003 can celebrate together. s3k7fKYeTuU-00034-00013003-00013397 Thereโ€™s quite a few laughing because my middle name by the end of the year will be s3k7fKYeTuU-00035-00013397-00013555 โ€˜cakeโ€™. s3k7fKYeTuU-00036-00013555-00014038 For anyone in the audience using Twitter please feel free to tweet like crazy using the hashtags s3k7fKYeTuU-00037-00014038-00014447 displayed and tagging @Open University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00038-00014447-00014924 Help us in letting the world know and join us this afternoon. s3k7fKYeTuU-00039-00014924-00015369 For members of our audience joining us via LiveStream please use the email address provided s3k7fKYeTuU-00040-00015369-00015903 and keep your comments and questions brief so that we can address them, especially during s3k7fKYeTuU-00041-00015903-00016025 the Q&A. s3k7fKYeTuU-00042-00016025-00016381 Before we start some health and safety details. s3k7fKYeTuU-00043-00016381-00016806 We arenโ€™t expecting a fire drill so if something does go off then please do go to the fire s3k7fKYeTuU-00044-00016806-00017221 exits and follow the person who knows where they are going. s3k7fKYeTuU-00045-00017221-00018321 Now please join me in welcoming our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Mary Kellett. s3k7fKYeTuU-00046-00018321-00019429 Hello everyone and a really warm welcome to you all whether you are here in the audience s3k7fKYeTuU-00047-00019429-00019786 or joining us remotely. s3k7fKYeTuU-00048-00019786-00020030 This afternoon is a very special event. s3k7fKYeTuU-00049-00020030-00020530 We finally made it, we are here, we are celebrating our 50th Anniversary year. s3k7fKYeTuU-00050-00020530-00021346 Apart from all the cake that Jhumar mentioned, I donโ€™t want us to forget why we are here. s3k7fKYeTuU-00051-00021346-00021446 We are a University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00052-00021446-00022155 We are a very special University and we have some of the most amazing academics here, amazing s3k7fKYeTuU-00053-00022155-00022625 Professors and we do excellent teaching and research. s3k7fKYeTuU-00054-00022625-00023123 So for me itโ€™s a great honour and privilege to be able to kick this Inaugural Lecture s3k7fKYeTuU-00055-00023123-00023596 off by reminding us all of just how good we are. s3k7fKYeTuU-00056-00023596-00024129 Fifty years ago a radical idea was born, The Open University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00057-00024129-00024429 A university ahead of its time. s3k7fKYeTuU-00058-00024429-00024922 A university open to people, places, methods and ideas. s3k7fKYeTuU-00059-00024922-00025540 An innovative inclusive university, proud of its heritage and the impact it has made s3k7fKYeTuU-00060-00025540-00025805 in transforming lives. s3k7fKYeTuU-00061-00025805-00026569 The year was 1969 and our aim was simple to open up education for all. s3k7fKYeTuU-00062-00026569-00027119 Two million students later, we continue to break down the barriers to higher education s3k7fKYeTuU-00063-00027119-00027388 and advance knowledge in society. s3k7fKYeTuU-00064-00027388-00028025 Here in the UK and across the world through our teaching and research underpinned by innovative s3k7fKYeTuU-00065-00028025-00028138 technology. s3k7fKYeTuU-00066-00028138-00028939 We pride ourselves on conducting research that is as pioneering as the OU itself, turning s3k7fKYeTuU-00067-00028939-00029522 ideas into solutions that benefit people, business and society. s3k7fKYeTuU-00068-00029522-00029955 Our Inaugural Lecture line-up for this year is a great illustration of the breadth and s3k7fKYeTuU-00069-00029955-00030095 depth of this work. s3k7fKYeTuU-00070-00030095-00030687 It wonโ€™t surprise you to know that we at the OU have been engaged in educational research s3k7fKYeTuU-00071-00030687-00031359 since our inception, progressing from late-night BBC programmes to online teaching and virtual s3k7fKYeTuU-00072-00031359-00031459 laboratories. s3k7fKYeTuU-00073-00031459-00032024 Our long-standing collaboration with the BBC is a source of great pride and provides the s3k7fKYeTuU-00074-00032024-00032549 focus of Professor Mark Brandonโ€™s Inaugural Lecture on Polar Oceans and Global Climates s3k7fKYeTuU-00075-00032549-00032996 in June in the run up to World Environment Day. s3k7fKYeTuU-00076-00032996-00033531 We also have a long history of involvement in major solar system exploration and converting s3k7fKYeTuU-00077-00033531-00033815 that technology into terrestrial applications. s3k7fKYeTuU-00078-00033815-00034396 For instance, developing instruments which aid in monitoring for disease and environmental s3k7fKYeTuU-00079-00034396-00034590 conditions on earth. s3k7fKYeTuU-00080-00034590-00035163 Later this year we will hear from the Professors Rothery and Haswell on some new space missions, s3k7fKYeTuU-00081-00035163-00035762 the latest findings about Mercury and the discovery of new exoplanets. s3k7fKYeTuU-00082-00035762-00036274 In the meantime, letโ€™s come back down to earth and to our main event this afternoon. s3k7fKYeTuU-00083-00036274-00036736 Professor Devendra Kodwani will launch this very special Inaugural Lecture series with s3k7fKYeTuU-00084-00036736-00037380 a reflection on the need for lifelong learning, the future of universities and how they can s3k7fKYeTuU-00085-00037380-00037999 meet the global challenge of providing learning opportunities to all segments of society. s3k7fKYeTuU-00086-00037999-00038543 It could be no more relevant or important to kick this off. s3k7fKYeTuU-00087-00038543-00039166 But just hold back on your excitement for a few moments yet before you meet Dev who s3k7fKYeTuU-00088-00039166-00039681 is going to give the lecture because I would like to invite our Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor s3k7fKYeTuU-00089-00039681-00040194 Kevin Hetherington, who is Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, Enterprise and Scholarship to s3k7fKYeTuU-00090-00040194-00041653 introduce our speaker today. s3k7fKYeTuU-00091-00041653-00041865 Thank you Mary. s3k7fKYeTuU-00092-00041865-00042465 It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Professor Devendra Kodwani, more fondly s3k7fKYeTuU-00093-00042465-00043138 known as Dev, who joined The Open University in 2004 in the Department of Accounting and s3k7fKYeTuU-00094-00043138-00043563 Finance of the Faculty of Business and Law. s3k7fKYeTuU-00095-00043563-00044261 Before that he worked in India at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Gujarat s3k7fKYeTuU-00096-00044261-00044769 University and the Tolani Institute of Management Studies in Gujarat. s3k7fKYeTuU-00097-00044769-00045346 Currently he is Professor of Finance Management and Corporate Governance and Executive Dean s3k7fKYeTuU-00098-00045346-00045830 of the Faculty of Business and Law and Head of The Open University Business School. s3k7fKYeTuU-00099-00045830-00046141 He is a busy man. s3k7fKYeTuU-00100-00046141-00046741 His teaching portfolio includes Undergraduate and Postgraduate Accounting and Finance courses. s3k7fKYeTuU-00101-00046741-00047459 As Masters Programme Director from 2010-13 Dev led the redevelopment of The Open Universityโ€™s s3k7fKYeTuU-00102-00047459-00048166 triple accredited MBA programme and developed two specialist Masters, an MSc in Finance s3k7fKYeTuU-00103-00048166-00048646 and an MSc in Human Resource Management. s3k7fKYeTuU-00104-00048646-00049140 Following on from that as Associate Dean Curriculum, Learning and Teaching, he shaped learning s3k7fKYeTuU-00105-00049140-00049615 design and learning and teaching strategy for all qualifications offered within the s3k7fKYeTuU-00106-00049615-00049892 Faculty of Business and Law. s3k7fKYeTuU-00107-00049892-00050469 Recently he also led on the development of Management and Finance programmes on FutureLearn, s3k7fKYeTuU-00108-00050469-00050918 our Massive Online Open Course platform, or MOOC platform. s3k7fKYeTuU-00109-00050918-00051399 He also developed a MOOC on Bookkeeping for Personal and Business Accounting, which I s3k7fKYeTuU-00110-00051399-00051744 am sure many of us would find very useful to look at. s3k7fKYeTuU-00111-00051744-00052347 His current research focuses on the evolution of regulatory institutions in India, corporate s3k7fKYeTuU-00112-00052347-00052545 governance and ethics. s3k7fKYeTuU-00113-00052545-00053164 He has been examining the reforms in the electricity, water and telecommunications industry in the s3k7fKYeTuU-00114-00053164-00053698 UK and India, and is currently engaged in research on corporate governance, institutional s3k7fKYeTuU-00115-00053698-00054440 endowments and regulatory capabilities in India. s3k7fKYeTuU-00116-00054440-00055139 His lecture today, Back from the Future, Forward from the Past โ€“ the journey that is lifelong s3k7fKYeTuU-00117-00055139-00055733 learning, will draw on his experience of working at The Open University and his lifelong learning s3k7fKYeTuU-00118-00055733-00056324 that continues even now as he is doing an MA in Educational Leadership at The Open University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00119-00056324-00056925 Now Dev tells me he is the first of 6 siblings and would of perhaps ended up as a monk had s3k7fKYeTuU-00120-00056925-00057269 he not got married and chosen a different career path. s3k7fKYeTuU-00121-00057269-00058040 Monkhoodโ€™s loss is our gain and we are delighted that he has chosen another noble cause, that s3k7fKYeTuU-00122-00058040-00058355 of teaching here at The Open University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00123-00058355-00059851 So it gives me great pleasure to introduce Professor Devendra Kodwani. s3k7fKYeTuU-00124-00059851-00060439 Thank you Kevin for this very generous introduction. s3k7fKYeTuU-00125-00060439-00061212 So good afternoon to all and those who are watching in different time zones, perhaps s3k7fKYeTuU-00126-00061212-00061464 in Asia, good evening. s3k7fKYeTuU-00127-00061464-00061879 I want to start on a personal note. s3k7fKYeTuU-00128-00061879-00062447 In March 2018 a series of events took place in my professional life that continues with s3k7fKYeTuU-00129-00062447-00062733 this event today. s3k7fKYeTuU-00130-00062733-00063617 I feel a bit like this athlete, courtesy of our super Vice-Chancellor Professor Mary Kellett, s3k7fKYeTuU-00131-00063617-00064329 who as my line manager has raised the bar a few inches for me to jump every few months. s3k7fKYeTuU-00132-00064329-00065040 A few weeks before Christmas when these lectures were being planned, Mary nominated me to deliver s3k7fKYeTuU-00133-00065040-00065876 this lecture to kick off the Inaugural series in this celebratory year for The Open University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00134-00065876-00066518 Our committee deciding this and the topics, no less nudged by the Director of Development s3k7fKYeTuU-00135-00066518-00067120 at The Open University, Jhumar Johnson, asked me to reflect on the lifelong learning and s3k7fKYeTuU-00136-00067120-00067491 the future of university education. s3k7fKYeTuU-00137-00067491-00068182 Thank you Mary, and colleagues, for giving me this honour and privilege not only for s3k7fKYeTuU-00138-00068182-00068797 delivering this lecture, but also to launch a series of Inaugural Lectures that will be s3k7fKYeTuU-00139-00068797-00069454 delivered by 12 distinguished Professors of this University on many important topics. s3k7fKYeTuU-00140-00069454-00069988 I urge you to look out for those dates and attend those too. s3k7fKYeTuU-00141-00069988-00070757 I would like to thank our new Pro Chancellor, Malcolm Sweeting, who has taken time out of s3k7fKYeTuU-00142-00070757-00071088 his busy schedule to attend this lecture. s3k7fKYeTuU-00143-00071088-00071652 You have taken over as chair of the OU Council only this month but have already spent a good s3k7fKYeTuU-00144-00071652-00072043 amount of your precious time with us during this month. s3k7fKYeTuU-00145-00072043-00072424 This demonstrates your huge commitment to the OU, Malcolm. s3k7fKYeTuU-00146-00072424-00072981 I also thank other members of the Council who have come here to attend the lecture, s3k7fKYeTuU-00147-00072981-00073492 as well as a special thanks to Professor Alan Tait who is an Emeritus Professor of The Open s3k7fKYeTuU-00148-00073492-00074031 University and ex-Pro-Vice-Chancellor Academic at the OU for taking time out this afternoon. s3k7fKYeTuU-00149-00074031-00074787 I want to thank my wife and my two sons for being here today. s3k7fKYeTuU-00150-00074787-00075341 Your love, support and encouragement give me energy and purpose. s3k7fKYeTuU-00151-00075341-00075938 A big thank you to all of you here in the theatre and all those who are watching this s3k7fKYeTuU-00152-00075938-00076602 online, many of them are my earlier students, for giving up your time to attend this lecture. s3k7fKYeTuU-00153-00076602-00076888 A small point of clarification. s3k7fKYeTuU-00154-00076888-00077691 Throughout the lecture I will also be using the word โ€˜learnerโ€™ rather than the word s3k7fKYeTuU-00155-00077691-00078158 โ€˜studentโ€™ and I will be using โ€˜lifelong learningโ€™ and โ€˜lifelong educationโ€™ interchangeably. s3k7fKYeTuU-00156-00078158-00078933 Although I am aware of the subtle differences between learning and education that are discussed s3k7fKYeTuU-00157-00078933-00079505 in policy and academic discourse, my view is in future such differences will become s3k7fKYeTuU-00158-00079505-00079787 increasingly redundant. s3k7fKYeTuU-00159-00079787-00080711 I hope you will get a glimpse of that possibility as I proceed with the lecture. s3k7fKYeTuU-00160-00080711-00081406 When the announcement of this lecture reached colleagues, one of my fellow Executive Deans s3k7fKYeTuU-00161-00081406-00081702 said that the title is very interesting. s3k7fKYeTuU-00162-00081702-00082325 Yes, the title has a bit of a play with the notion of time as I believe the time is what s3k7fKYeTuU-00163-00082325-00082547 defines the 50th Anniversary. s3k7fKYeTuU-00164-00082547-00083091 We in the University are seizing this opportunity to charter the future course of direction. s3k7fKYeTuU-00165-00083091-00083731 As a person of Indian origin, I can tell you, we have an interesting relationship with the s3k7fKYeTuU-00166-00083731-00083956 notion of time. s3k7fKYeTuU-00167-00083956-00084574 If you have had the joy of travelling on Indian roads you would find that everyone is in a s3k7fKYeTuU-00168-00084574-00084989 hurry to reach somewhere, but hardly any meeting starts on time. s3k7fKYeTuU-00169-00084989-00085708 Also, if you ever wanted a lesson in disobedience you must drive through some of the towns in s3k7fKYeTuU-00170-00085708-00085925 the sub-continent. s3k7fKYeTuU-00171-00085925-00086592 I think it is a hangover from the disobedience lessons that Mahatma Ghandi gave us, to fight s3k7fKYeTuU-00172-00086592-00086789 for independence from the British rule. s3k7fKYeTuU-00173-00086789-00087449 I donโ€™t know how he would feel to see his lesson being used to violate traffic rules s3k7fKYeTuU-00174-00087449-00087880 though. s3k7fKYeTuU-00175-00087880-00088313 There is another feature of this relationship with time. s3k7fKYeTuU-00176-00088313-00088856 For many Indians time does not move linearly, it is circular. s3k7fKYeTuU-00177-00088856-00089423 If you do bad things in this life, you will be born in a different species to pay for s3k7fKYeTuU-00178-00089423-00089532 it. s3k7fKYeTuU-00179-00089532-00090274 Einstein showed that gravity bends time, but ancient Indian tradition goes beyond to suggest s3k7fKYeTuU-00180-00090274-00090506 that creation and destruction of the universe are cyclical. s3k7fKYeTuU-00181-00090506-00091438 On a more serious note, in Indian language the Sanskrit word used for the world is called s3k7fKYeTuU-00182-00091438-00091538 Jagat. s3k7fKYeTuU-00183-00091538-00092094 Literally it means โ€˜that which changes our movesโ€™. s3k7fKYeTuU-00184-00092094-00092506 Not changing our move implies existence of time. s3k7fKYeTuU-00185-00092506-00093223 Unless of course in quantum physics where a particle can be in two places simultaneously. s3k7fKYeTuU-00186-00093223-00093724 There is an interesting story of how this word Jagat has entered English language with s3k7fKYeTuU-00187-00093724-00093957 a different meaning. s3k7fKYeTuU-00188-00093957-00094800 On the East coast of India, there is a famous Temple of Jagannath in the city of Puri. s3k7fKYeTuU-00189-00094800-00095301 Jagannath simply means lord of the world. s3k7fKYeTuU-00190-00095301-00095877 Every year a massive procession of deityโ€™s idols is taken out on a large chariot. s3k7fKYeTuU-00191-00095877-00096475 Hundreds of thousands of devotees join and symbolically push the chariot. s3k7fKYeTuU-00192-00096475-00096992 Someone narrating on this mammoth spectre of the Jagannath procession described it in s3k7fKYeTuU-00193-00096992-00097747 English a few hundred years ago when it became the word juggernaut in English. s3k7fKYeTuU-00194-00097747-00098463 However, these days if you Google the word โ€˜juggernautโ€™ you are likely to find images s3k7fKYeTuU-00195-00098463-00098900 like this. s3k7fKYeTuU-00196-00098900-00099204 Let me quickly move on to my lecture. s3k7fKYeTuU-00197-00099204-00099805 The structure of my lecture is around three questions. s3k7fKYeTuU-00198-00099805-00100348 The first question I consider is โ€˜what do expected patterns in demographic change of s3k7fKYeTuU-00199-00100348-00100641 the world population mean for lifelong learning?โ€™ s3k7fKYeTuU-00200-00100641-00101118 I will talk about this under the heading โ€˜The Global Bulgeโ€™. s3k7fKYeTuU-00201-00101118-00101780 The second question I address is โ€˜What do emerging possibilities in genetics, robotics, s3k7fKYeTuU-00202-00101780-00102225 artificial intelligence and nano-technologies, the so called โ€˜greenโ€™ technologies, mean s3k7fKYeTuU-00203-00102225-00102458 for learning and work?โ€™ s3k7fKYeTuU-00204-00102458-00102814 This is how I look back from the future. s3k7fKYeTuU-00205-00102814-00103496 I will then briefly talk about the persistent inequalities in adult education as it is relevant s3k7fKYeTuU-00206-00103496-00104008 to how we imagine the future role of lifelong learning and universities. s3k7fKYeTuU-00207-00104008-00104903 The third question I will address is โ€˜Why despite some of the trends which are now visible, s3k7fKYeTuU-00208-00104903-00105576 as we will see shortly, there is not enough mainstream policy and public debate about s3k7fKYeTuU-00209-00105576-00105908 the role of universities in future societyโ€™. s3k7fKYeTuU-00210-00105908-00106615 The answer I venture to present is excessive focus on short-term and local issues is at s3k7fKYeTuU-00211-00106615-00107034 the cost of long-term and global considerations. s3k7fKYeTuU-00212-00107034-00107656 I will also reflect on the nature of learning and argue that diversity of culture and diversity s3k7fKYeTuU-00213-00107656-00108383 in how we learn are important which need to inform the choice of what universities offer s3k7fKYeTuU-00214-00108383-00108891 for learning, who they offer to, and how they teach. s3k7fKYeTuU-00215-00108891-00109568 I will not dwell on the mode of delivery a lot as I believe that the take up of online s3k7fKYeTuU-00216-00109568-00110464 flexible learning is inevitable and is unlikely to be a matter of choice in the long run. s3k7fKYeTuU-00217-00110464-00111131 Harold Wilson and Michael Young both used the term โ€œbulgeโ€ in public discourse to s3k7fKYeTuU-00218-00111131-00111802 raise the issue of shortage of places in the universities to meet demand from the baby s3k7fKYeTuU-00219-00111802-00112351 boomer generation who were graduating from schools to enter universities in the 1960s s3k7fKYeTuU-00220-00112351-00112491 in the UK. s3k7fKYeTuU-00221-00112491-00113057 This is how Harold Wilson, soon to become Prime Minister in 1964, said in his speech s3k7fKYeTuU-00222-00113057-00113500 at Glasgow about the problem of under capacity in the universities. s3k7fKYeTuU-00223-00113500-00114242 We of course owe a lot to Harold Wilson who in the same 1963 speech outlined the concept s3k7fKYeTuU-00224-00114242-00114383 of The Open University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00225-00114383-00115000 When he became Prime Minister of the UK in 1964, he appointed the Minister of Arts, Jennie s3k7fKYeTuU-00226-00115000-00115421 Lee, to lead the setting up of The Open University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00227-00115421-00115942 The rest is history, as they say. s3k7fKYeTuU-00228-00115942-00116520 We are now celebrating 50 years of this wonderful institution which I will call Wilson Youngโ€™s s3k7fKYeTuU-00229-00116520-00116810 Cathedral of Open Education. s3k7fKYeTuU-00230-00116810-00117328 I will explain at the end of the talk why I do so. s3k7fKYeTuU-00231-00117328-00117899 Michael Young, who was a fellow at Churchill College in Cambridge, thought being a relatively s3k7fKYeTuU-00232-00117899-00118434 new colleague, the college might be more experimental and do something about the problem. s3k7fKYeTuU-00233-00118434-00119033 However, when he got no response from his colleagues, enterprising and innovative institution s3k7fKYeTuU-00234-00119033-00119930 builder as he was, he wrote an article about the bulge in a magazine in October 1962. s3k7fKYeTuU-00235-00119930-00120331 He proposed the steps that could be taken to create opportunities for more people to s3k7fKYeTuU-00236-00120331-00120490 get higher education. s3k7fKYeTuU-00237-00120490-00121299 Among the proposals he argued for a double shift system at the existing universities s3k7fKYeTuU-00238-00121299-00121788 and also to use accommodation and facilities during vacations. s3k7fKYeTuU-00239-00121788-00122547 More significantly for our history as an institution, he also proposed the founding of an open university s3k7fKYeTuU-00240-00122547-00123127 that would teach by correspondence, television and radio, or a combination of all these. s3k7fKYeTuU-00241-00123127-00123776 He actually used the words โ€œopen universityโ€ which eventually became the name of this University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00242-00123776-00124415 Thus it was an idea of open education germinated in the UK which would later spread to other s3k7fKYeTuU-00243-00124415-00124644 parts of the world. s3k7fKYeTuU-00244-00124644-00125133 Since nothing much happened after he published the article, Young and a few others set up s3k7fKYeTuU-00245-00125133-00125702 the National Extension College in the Autumn of 1963 and began experimenting in teaching s3k7fKYeTuU-00246-00125702-00125918 using new methods to external students. s3k7fKYeTuU-00247-00125918-00126510 Actually, the idea of a distance education was not new even then. s3k7fKYeTuU-00248-00126510-00127006 Michael Young had seen it effectively used in Soviet Russia where distance education s3k7fKYeTuU-00249-00127006-00127520 students were given by law study leave before the examination. s3k7fKYeTuU-00250-00127520-00127829 I see here some student representatives here. s3k7fKYeTuU-00251-00127829-00128705 If you listen to Youngโ€™s speech in 1973, it was an interview here in Open Forum, he s3k7fKYeTuU-00252-00128705-00129483 actually extols to argue for getting some leave for studies to employers and the government. s3k7fKYeTuU-00253-00129483-00129841 He encourages students to argue for that. s3k7fKYeTuU-00254-00129841-00130233 At the same time Michael Young also became aware of the use of educational television s3k7fKYeTuU-00255-00130233-00130438 in the US. s3k7fKYeTuU-00256-00130438-00130978 So he was essentially trying to combine a model of distance education and the possibility s3k7fKYeTuU-00257-00130978-00131308 of using media to create an open university. s3k7fKYeTuU-00258-00131308-00131895 Young helped set up a college of air in Mauritius and wanted to spread the movement in Africa. s3k7fKYeTuU-00259-00131895-00132733 As it happened subsequently our University has taken the revolution in education further s3k7fKYeTuU-00260-00132733-00133379 by helping the setting up of Open Universities in Pakistan, India, Arab Open University in s3k7fKYeTuU-00261-00133379-00133849 the Middle East, and it has inspired open education in many other parts of the world, s3k7fKYeTuU-00262-00133849-00134075 including in Africa. s3k7fKYeTuU-00263-00134075-00134738 It is fitting to recall with pride that the OU has had a number of fantastic academics, s3k7fKYeTuU-00264-00134738-00135441 professional staff, and leaders who value the social justice as common good and extended s3k7fKYeTuU-00265-00135441-00135804 the reach of education beyond the shores of the UK. s3k7fKYeTuU-00266-00135804-00136423 I want to make a special mention of hundreds of thousands of students who have posed confidence s3k7fKYeTuU-00267-00136423-00137005 in The Open University and the Association of Students at The Open University who have s3k7fKYeTuU-00268-00137005-00137465 played a significant part in the development of the OU. s3k7fKYeTuU-00269-00137465-00137945 The Open University is seen as a solution to the problem of access and opportunity for s3k7fKYeTuU-00270-00137945-00138379 those who could not get higher education and wanted to get it. s3k7fKYeTuU-00271-00138379-00139123 However, in 2019 we face another bulge problem which is different in nature and also much s3k7fKYeTuU-00272-00139123-00139542 bigger in its scale and go beyond the national boundaries. s3k7fKYeTuU-00273-00139542-00140382 Let me start by a quick look at the demographic changes that will emerge from the rapid rise s3k7fKYeTuU-00274-00140382-00140627 in the population on our planet. s3k7fKYeTuU-00275-00140627-00141497 It took 18 centuries for the global population to grow from 250 million to 1 billion, and s3k7fKYeTuU-00276-00141497-00141966 just 2 centuries to grow by 7 times to 7 billion. s3k7fKYeTuU-00277-00141966-00142561 But it will take less than another 100 years for the planetโ€™s population of humans to s3k7fKYeTuU-00278-00142561-00142775 rise to 11 billion. s3k7fKYeTuU-00279-00142775-00143406 To provide relevant and good learning opportunity at this scale is a challenge in itself. s3k7fKYeTuU-00280-00143406-00143877 The nature of such provision however will need to be carefully considered for different s3k7fKYeTuU-00281-00143877-00144044 regions of the world. s3k7fKYeTuU-00282-00144044-00144402 I will say a bit more around this later. s3k7fKYeTuU-00283-00144402-00145235 As you see, currently there are less than 1 billion people aged above 60 in 2019. s3k7fKYeTuU-00284-00145235-00146144 This number will rise to 1.37 billion by 2025, to 2.2 billion by 2050 and will go over 3 s3k7fKYeTuU-00285-00146144-00146476 billion people by the end of the century. s3k7fKYeTuU-00286-00146476-00147014 Some of the potential impact of this aging profile is showing up in the stress on financial s3k7fKYeTuU-00287-00147014-00147592 resources required for care, subsistence and healthcare required for the increasing number s3k7fKYeTuU-00288-00147592-00147875 of people living longer. s3k7fKYeTuU-00289-00147875-00148419 However, policy measures to meet these needs will have to consider the differences in the s3k7fKYeTuU-00290-00148419-00148932 way this bulge is going to be seen in different parts of the world. s3k7fKYeTuU-00291-00148932-00149584 Consider this breakdown of the same information as previously but split by different regions s3k7fKYeTuU-00292-00149584-00149684 of the world. s3k7fKYeTuU-00293-00149684-00150846 So what you see here is 100s of billions under the x axis and on the y axis youโ€™ve got s3k7fKYeTuU-00294-00150846-00150948 age. s3k7fKYeTuU-00295-00150948-00151778 That is people here are in age group 60 and above, and on the bottom you have these 100s s3k7fKYeTuU-00296-00151778-00152020 and millions in different regions. s3k7fKYeTuU-00297-00152020-00152511 Most of the population above 60 is in America and Europe, China and India at the moment. s3k7fKYeTuU-00298-00152511-00153083 Note also that the large number of young people in India and Africa will be causing a different s3k7fKYeTuU-00299-00153083-00153631 bulge in future as we can see on the next slide. s3k7fKYeTuU-00300-00153631-00154344 So by 2050 global regional population distribution will look like this. s3k7fKYeTuU-00301-00154344-00154721 The challenge will not only be creating learning opportunity for the young, but also for the s3k7fKYeTuU-00302-00154721-00155167 growing number of people in advanced age groups. s3k7fKYeTuU-00303-00155167-00155731 I will make a case for why we will need to provide learning opportunities for all age s3k7fKYeTuU-00304-00155731-00156202 groups shortly, but here is a caution for Africa, India and some other large countries s3k7fKYeTuU-00305-00156202-00156963 like Pakistan where the demographic profile is dominated by people under 30. s3k7fKYeTuU-00306-00156963-00157475 These generations deserve and will look for high quality learning opportunities both at s3k7fKYeTuU-00307-00157475-00157803 sub-university level and university level. s3k7fKYeTuU-00308-00157803-00158553 There is a real risk of them finding themselves vulnerable to the shock that green technologies s3k7fKYeTuU-00309-00158553-00159055 are due to deliver in the near future. s3k7fKYeTuU-00310-00159055-00159989 By 2100 the bulge looks very different with a very large proportion of under 60 years s3k7fKYeTuU-00311-00159989-00160724 of age in Africa, but a much more distributed population across age groups in the rest of s3k7fKYeTuU-00312-00160724-00160878 the world. s3k7fKYeTuU-00313-00160878-00161898 There will be a 100s of million or more living over 90 or 100 years of age. s3k7fKYeTuU-00314-00161898-00162359 The global age profile means lifelong education will not be restricted to a particular age s3k7fKYeTuU-00315-00162359-00162734 group but also will be needed for all age groups. s3k7fKYeTuU-00316-00162734-00163570 A sociological implication from such a pattern that is emerging is that we will become a s3k7fKYeTuU-00317-00163570-00164039 4 generation society from the current 3 generation society. s3k7fKYeTuU-00318-00164039-00164629 The social policies will need to consider not just child, parent and grandparent, but s3k7fKYeTuU-00319-00164629-00164863 also add to this equation great grandparent. s3k7fKYeTuU-00320-00164863-00165284 Let me now address the second question. s3k7fKYeTuU-00321-00165284-00165788 What do emerging possibilities in genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence and nano-technologies s3k7fKYeTuU-00322-00165788-00166463 mean for learning and work? s3k7fKYeTuU-00323-00166463-00167156 These technologies are a manifestation of continuing human genius, by which we have s3k7fKYeTuU-00324-00167156-00167659 discovered many laws of nature, and identified forces in nature. s3k7fKYeTuU-00325-00167659-00168309 We have applied this knowledge to invent technological solutions, but what do these mean for learning s3k7fKYeTuU-00326-00168309-00168564 is my concern. s3k7fKYeTuU-00327-00168564-00169162 One easy claim to make is that children born in recent years and those to be born in the s3k7fKYeTuU-00328-00169162-00170013 coming decade or so may be required to do jobs that probably donโ€™t even exist. s3k7fKYeTuU-00329-00170013-00170354 How do we plan curriculum for them? s3k7fKYeTuU-00330-00170354-00170917 Thus far in the history of the human race, we have pushed the boundaries in nature that s3k7fKYeTuU-00331-00170917-00171122 were external to us. s3k7fKYeTuU-00332-00171122-00171732 Agriculture and industrial revolutions driven by use of energy intensive technologies. s3k7fKYeTuU-00333-00171732-00172415 Chemical and other material sciences allowed rapid growth in our ability to produce and s3k7fKYeTuU-00334-00172415-00172756 fuel our desires to consume. s3k7fKYeTuU-00335-00172756-00173467 As a result we have pushed the planetary boundaries around sustainability which now manifest in s3k7fKYeTuU-00336-00173467-00174064 depleting the ozone layer, rising temperatures and other signs of environmental damage. s3k7fKYeTuU-00337-00174064-00174675 However, with green technologies we enter the human body and mind. s3k7fKYeTuU-00338-00174675-00175583 Application of this knowledge presents a realistic chance of interfering with our very being. s3k7fKYeTuU-00339-00175583-00176206 To consider first at a simplistic level, our need to learn simple calculations and do those s3k7fKYeTuU-00340-00176206-00176649 mentally might become increasingly redundant. s3k7fKYeTuU-00341-00176649-00177263 The cognitive processes that allow us to memorise 6, 7 or 10-digit phone numbers are even now s3k7fKYeTuU-00342-00177263-00177445 challenged by the mobile phones. s3k7fKYeTuU-00343-00177445-00178115 Raise your hands, how many of you would struggle to remember your family members phone numbers. s3k7fKYeTuU-00344-00178115-00178638 Thatโ€™s nearly 70-80%. s3k7fKYeTuU-00345-00178638-00179358 The matter may seem trivial but at a cognitive level it may be significant in 50 human generations s3k7fKYeTuU-00346-00179358-00179641 time or maybe much before that. s3k7fKYeTuU-00347-00179641-00180312 Similarly, genetic intervention to enhance certain human and biological tendencies and s3k7fKYeTuU-00348-00180312-00180822 to supress others will potentially allow us to redefine our personalities. s3k7fKYeTuU-00349-00180822-00181469 In such a scenario what and how we learn is a pertinent question that universities will s3k7fKYeTuU-00350-00181469-00181746 need to address. s3k7fKYeTuU-00351-00181746-00182440 Collection and control of data about our choices, preferences, behaviours is not new. s3k7fKYeTuU-00352-00182440-00182921 The producers and advertisers have for a long time used such information to design their s3k7fKYeTuU-00353-00182921-00183350 marketing campaigns to lure us into consuming their goods and services. s3k7fKYeTuU-00354-00183350-00184168 However, the collection of frequent detailed data for millions of people, the ever-increasing s3k7fKYeTuU-00355-00184168-00184781 power of computers and algorithms enabled machine learning are very powerful instruments s3k7fKYeTuU-00356-00184781-00185285 in the hands of corporations and the state. s3k7fKYeTuU-00357-00185285-00185921 These instruments quite often without the knowledge of most of us, allow them to detect s3k7fKYeTuU-00358-00185921-00186641 our biases, follies, prejudices, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. s3k7fKYeTuU-00359-00186641-00187421 At a fundamental level I believe humans are challenged by such developments. s3k7fKYeTuU-00360-00187421-00187973 Dwelling on this challenge is beyond the scope of this lecture, hence I will just discuss s3k7fKYeTuU-00361-00187973-00188571 a few implications as they relate to work, wellbeing, and quality of living. s3k7fKYeTuU-00362-00188571-00189244 It is very clear that we will be working longer years, later into life to pay for our living s3k7fKYeTuU-00363-00189244-00189460 costs, healthcare, and other basic needs. s3k7fKYeTuU-00364-00189460-00190033 A longer working life will require continuous learning to compete in the level market and s3k7fKYeTuU-00365-00190033-00190534 competition may not be only with other people. s3k7fKYeTuU-00366-00190534-00191500 In 2011 there were 11 industrial robots employed for every 1,000 people employed in manufacturing s3k7fKYeTuU-00367-00191500-00191747 in the developing world. s3k7fKYeTuU-00368-00191747-00192146 This number for developing countries was only .4. s3k7fKYeTuU-00369-00192146-00192965 These figures rose significantly in 2015 to 14.6 robots for every 1,000 employees employed s3k7fKYeTuU-00370-00192965-00193158 in manufacturing in the developing world. s3k7fKYeTuU-00371-00193158-00193634 The number of the developing countries was two. s3k7fKYeTuU-00372-00193634-00194369 In 2015 a total 1.6M robots were employed in industries worldwide. s3k7fKYeTuU-00373-00194369-00195390 The image that you see on the top right side of the screen is not a crane, but a robot s3k7fKYeTuU-00374-00195390-00196285 bricklayer called Hadrian X made by Fastbrick Robotics, an Australian start-up company. s3k7fKYeTuU-00375-00196285-00197037 This robot can lay 1,000 bricks in one hour, compared to 50-100 that a very experienced s3k7fKYeTuU-00376-00197037-00197306 human bricklayer can do. s3k7fKYeTuU-00377-00197306-00197886 In November 2018 the company demonstrated industry standard acceptable construction s3k7fKYeTuU-00378-00197886-00198801 of 180sqm house by its flagship Hadrian X robot in three days. s3k7fKYeTuU-00379-00198801-00199486 The robot is mounted on a truck and can go to different places. s3k7fKYeTuU-00380-00199486-00200094 It is only a matter of time before this robot will have a sister robot with a 3D printer s3k7fKYeTuU-00381-00200094-00200759 attached who can print bricks and other hardware that goes into house construction. s3k7fKYeTuU-00382-00200759-00201333 We know in most economies that construction industry growth is the key variable to project s3k7fKYeTuU-00383-00201333-00201626 employment trends. s3k7fKYeTuU-00384-00201626-00202032 What will this technology do to these projections in future? s3k7fKYeTuU-00385-00202032-00202558 I will leave it to your imagination and move on to artificial intelligence. s3k7fKYeTuU-00386-00202558-00203323 Here is another illustration which is not from the future but happening now. s3k7fKYeTuU-00387-00203323-00203938 Humans and machines now compete in local transport business. s3k7fKYeTuU-00388-00203938-00204636 Last year, our city of Milton Keynes became the first city in the world where grocery s3k7fKYeTuU-00389-00204636-00205000 deliveries by a robot on wheels was started. s3k7fKYeTuU-00390-00205000-00205286 We have also got deliveries by drones. s3k7fKYeTuU-00391-00205286-00206283 Riders is the name given to people who deliver food and other things at home. s3k7fKYeTuU-00392-00206283-00206654 In this race humans are bound to lose. s3k7fKYeTuU-00393-00206654-00206754 Here is why. s3k7fKYeTuU-00394-00206754-00207183 I think there are three aspects to this business of delivery. s3k7fKYeTuU-00395-00207183-00207657 First is information processing about address, navigation and transactional data. s3k7fKYeTuU-00396-00207657-00208184 Naturally computing power and algorithms in this case are going to be more efficient. s3k7fKYeTuU-00397-00208184-00208860 Then there is physical power and manual lifting etc, where humans perhaps may have the edge s3k7fKYeTuU-00398-00208860-00209132 at the moment but for how long. s3k7fKYeTuU-00399-00209132-00209610 And finally, the customer experience about accuracy, timeliness of delivery, and quality s3k7fKYeTuU-00400-00209610-00210263 of product which are nearly independent of human or machine as a deliverer. s3k7fKYeTuU-00401-00210263-00210858 Perhaps machines have an advantage as they are better off in all weathers and there will s3k7fKYeTuU-00402-00210858-00211152 be no need to pay a tip. s3k7fKYeTuU-00403-00211152-00211688 It is clear though that in this supply chain, information technology is at the heart of s3k7fKYeTuU-00404-00211688-00211788 the operation. s3k7fKYeTuU-00405-00211788-00212234 No wonder we see an increasing amount of capital and intellectual investment in artificial s3k7fKYeTuU-00406-00212234-00212342 intelligence. s3k7fKYeTuU-00407-00212342-00212864 Here are a few trends that have implications about the future of work, but before that s3k7fKYeTuU-00408-00212864-00213448 a quick reflection on what jobs like Rider mean is worth reflecting. s3k7fKYeTuU-00409-00213448-00214369 This information is from an actual website of a company that aggregates and distributes s3k7fKYeTuU-00410-00214369-00214534 orders for restaurants in London. s3k7fKYeTuU-00411-00214534-00215108 The Rider is the new name for a delivery person or is it a new name for courier. s3k7fKYeTuU-00412-00215108-00215892 Anyway, the Rider does not get a salary or wages, but gets fees. s3k7fKYeTuU-00413-00215892-00216654 Riders are thus not employees but self-employed contractors with no guarantee of work even s3k7fKYeTuU-00414-00216654-00216992 if they sign up to become contractors. s3k7fKYeTuU-00415-00216992-00217815 They have to make upfront investment in a mobile phone, vehicle, insurance of the vehicle s3k7fKYeTuU-00416-00217815-00217919 and the kit. s3k7fKYeTuU-00417-00217919-00218421 I suspect that such human service perhaps would cost less than investment in robots s3k7fKYeTuU-00418-00218421-00218989 or drones as there is hardly any upfront investment in this for the platform business or the supplier s3k7fKYeTuU-00419-00218989-00219185 of actual goods. s3k7fKYeTuU-00420-00219185-00219717 But for the reasons mentioned above, I feel machines will out-compete humans in such lower s3k7fKYeTuU-00421-00219717-00220150 skilled jobs. s3k7fKYeTuU-00422-00220150-00220733 I want to reflect on what is going on in the artificial intelligence technology knowledge s3k7fKYeTuU-00423-00220733-00220873 creation. s3k7fKYeTuU-00424-00220873-00221265 So there is a group of technologies which are called AI technology patent group. s3k7fKYeTuU-00425-00221265-00221810 The patents that are being given for these technologies which include biological knowledge s3k7fKYeTuU-00426-00221810-00222434 base and mathematical models and other AI technology for which patents are being given. s3k7fKYeTuU-00427-00222434-00223485 13,567 patents related to AI technology were obtained globally between 2000 and 2016. s3k7fKYeTuU-00428-00223485-00223914 This group of patents includes biological knowledge, mathematical and other. s3k7fKYeTuU-00429-00223914-00224750 The US Patent Office issued on average four patents annually related to mathematical algorithms s3k7fKYeTuU-00430-00224750-00225461 between 2000 and 2004 which rose to 194 in 2015-2016. s3k7fKYeTuU-00431-00225461-00226344 A similar trend is seen in China, Japan, and Europe. s3k7fKYeTuU-00432-00226344-00227119 IBM, the US computer giant, alone obtained 1057 patents in Artificial Intelligence related s3k7fKYeTuU-00433-00227119-00227271 technologies. s3k7fKYeTuU-00434-00227271-00227835 Compare that to the number of similar patents obtained by all universities in the world s3k7fKYeTuU-00435-00227835-00228721 during the same period which was 1177 patents, of which 725 came from Chinese universities. s3k7fKYeTuU-00436-00228721-00229253 I am confident that this concentration of intellectual properties will eventually spread s3k7fKYeTuU-00437-00229253-00229882 more widely beyond the big technological operations and universities, as the cost of computing s3k7fKYeTuU-00438-00229882-00230226 goes down and access to internet increases. s3k7fKYeTuU-00439-00230226-00230812 You only have to look it up for information on a mind-boggling scale of the explosion s3k7fKYeTuU-00440-00230812-00231307 in the number of youngsters working on start up ideas all around the world. s3k7fKYeTuU-00441-00231307-00231864 There is a shift in the patents from biological knowledge-based patents to mathematical models s3k7fKYeTuU-00442-00231864-00232467 as well as algorithms and other AI technologies. s3k7fKYeTuU-00443-00232467-00232898 What does it mean for shifts in the skillset that will be required? s3k7fKYeTuU-00444-00232898-00233352 It is very difficult therefore to predict which type of skills and jobs are protected s3k7fKYeTuU-00445-00233352-00233671 from the application of these technologies. s3k7fKYeTuU-00446-00233671-00234173 Mostly protected mental and physical tasks will be taken over by some combination of s3k7fKYeTuU-00447-00234173-00234273 these technologies. s3k7fKYeTuU-00448-00234273-00234752 However, jobs where emotional intelligence, team working, and collaborative approaches s3k7fKYeTuU-00449-00234752-00235248 are essential, will require skills that we learn. s3k7fKYeTuU-00450-00235248-00235923 This slide shows the predicted shifts in the skills by 2030 in the US and Western Europe. s3k7fKYeTuU-00451-00235923-00236890 As is seen the percentage of shift in the workforce which needs physical and basic cognitive s3k7fKYeTuU-00452-00236890-00238331 skills is likely to go down, social skills and emotional skills s3k7fKYeTuU-00453-00238331-00238569 is likely to go up. s3k7fKYeTuU-00454-00238569-00239296 Higher cognitive skills will not only be relevant for the jobs but later in life the greatest s3k7fKYeTuU-00455-00239296-00239592 challenge will be to stay meaningfully occupied. s3k7fKYeTuU-00456-00239592-00240140 We know from neuroscience that there are mental health benefits from engaging intellectually s3k7fKYeTuU-00457-00240140-00240521 interesting and challenging activities. s3k7fKYeTuU-00458-00240521-00240966 So you can hope I will be studying more than MA Educational Leadership. s3k7fKYeTuU-00459-00240966-00241139 Maybe something in STEM. s3k7fKYeTuU-00460-00241139-00241648 We will be able to leverage green technologies to the benefit of mankind and improve the s3k7fKYeTuU-00461-00241648-00241858 quality of life in many ways. s3k7fKYeTuU-00462-00241858-00242419 To grasp the full implication of the green technologies and demographic bulge that we s3k7fKYeTuU-00463-00242419-00243017 discussed, the universities need to commit significant intellectual power and other resources s3k7fKYeTuU-00464-00243017-00243535 to the educational gerontology, that is the scientific study of the aging process and s3k7fKYeTuU-00465-00243535-00243635 related challenges. s3k7fKYeTuU-00466-00243635-00244267 Let me briefly mention the problem of inequalities in opportunities for access and participation s3k7fKYeTuU-00467-00244267-00244787 in learning among different groups of communities before I address the third question. s3k7fKYeTuU-00468-00244787-00245548 The survey by the Department of Education in England shows that as age increases beyond s3k7fKYeTuU-00469-00245548-00246273 60 the number of adults engaging in learning activity is going down. s3k7fKYeTuU-00470-00246273-00246863 The following few slides further show that people who will actually benefit from participating s3k7fKYeTuU-00471-00246863-00247386 in learning are less likely to do so. s3k7fKYeTuU-00472-00247386-00247933 So what you have here is people with different income groups and whether they are engaging s3k7fKYeTuU-00473-00247933-00248204 in the learning activities or not. s3k7fKYeTuU-00474-00248204-00248712 Individuals with a net annual household income of less than ยฃ15,000 are less likely to have s3k7fKYeTuU-00475-00248712-00249311 done any type of learning in the past 12 months as this survey showed. s3k7fKYeTuU-00476-00249311-00249771 Those in full-time and part-time employment are more likely to participate in learning s3k7fKYeTuU-00477-00249771-00250373 than those who are unemployed or uneconomically inactive. s3k7fKYeTuU-00478-00250373-00250873 Those with higher qualification attainment are more likely to participate in any learning s3k7fKYeTuU-00479-00250873-00251456 than those who are not qualified or have got lower GCSE level qualifications. s3k7fKYeTuU-00480-00251456-00251623 This is worrying. s3k7fKYeTuU-00481-00251623-00252264 What you see on this slide is people with parental background of qualification. s3k7fKYeTuU-00482-00252264-00252989 So people with parents with lower qualification and people with parents with higher qualification s3k7fKYeTuU-00483-00252989-00253148 is what this slide is showing. s3k7fKYeTuU-00484-00253148-00253894 It shows that adults with poorly qualified parents are less likely to participate in s3k7fKYeTuU-00485-00253894-00254100 learning. s3k7fKYeTuU-00486-00254100-00254610 Similar disparity in the effects of different parental qualifications on literacy of young s3k7fKYeTuU-00487-00254610-00255040 adults as found in most OECD countries. s3k7fKYeTuU-00488-00255040-00255737 Combined with the findings that those not in employment are also less likely to participate s3k7fKYeTuU-00489-00255737-00256342 in learning, potentially this perpetuates the inequality in society. s3k7fKYeTuU-00490-00256342-00256923 So far what I have argued is the need to consider the long-term implication of current and future s3k7fKYeTuU-00491-00256923-00257513 scenarios in demographic changes, the likely impact of green technologies and persistent s3k7fKYeTuU-00492-00257513-00257896 inequalities of parental qualifications in this society. s3k7fKYeTuU-00493-00257896-00258267 The third question that arises for me at least, is this. s3k7fKYeTuU-00494-00258267-00258879 Why do we not consider these long-term implications in the mainstream public policy and political s3k7fKYeTuU-00495-00258879-00259258 forum? s3k7fKYeTuU-00496-00259258-00259956 French economist and liberalist thinker Frรฉdรฉric Bastiat was a brilliant and insightful thinker s3k7fKYeTuU-00497-00259956-00260594 who explained some fundamental concepts about markets and economics and human decision-making. s3k7fKYeTuU-00498-00260594-00261325 His argument that considering only short-term and visible benefits often action can have s3k7fKYeTuU-00499-00261325-00261751 serious negative long-term effects is quite pertinent here. s3k7fKYeTuU-00500-00261751-00262338 If one were to access the impact of many economic and political choices in the past few centuries, s3k7fKYeTuU-00501-00262338-00262955 but particularly after the industrial revolution, there is some profound insight into this short-term s3k7fKYeTuU-00502-00262955-00263200 or immediate gratification argument. s3k7fKYeTuU-00503-00263200-00264423 Let me illustrate this with some other consumption choices we make. s3k7fKYeTuU-00504-00264423-00265527 So the story goes like this in Bastiatโ€™s story of why he breaks the window of his fatherโ€™s s3k7fKYeTuU-00505-00265527-00265627 shop. s3k7fKYeTuU-00506-00265627-00266323 His father is cross because it will now cost him to fix the window. s3k7fKYeTuU-00507-00266323-00267352 But some spectators argue that if the shop window was not broken then what will happen s3k7fKYeTuU-00508-00267352-00267524 to the glazier. s3k7fKYeTuU-00509-00267524-00267894 So thatโ€™s the benefit, you have a broken window and the transaction between the glazier s3k7fKYeTuU-00510-00267894-00268001 and the shopkeeper. s3k7fKYeTuU-00511-00268001-00268144 So thatโ€™s the first effect. s3k7fKYeTuU-00512-00268144-00268603 What is missed here is that what would the shopkeeper do if that money was not spent s3k7fKYeTuU-00513-00268603-00268827 on mending the window but on something else. s3k7fKYeTuU-00514-00268827-00269261 Letโ€™s say buying shoes which would involve a number of other transactions. s3k7fKYeTuU-00515-00269261-00269624 So thatโ€™s the difference that Bastiat is trying to make. s3k7fKYeTuU-00516-00269624-00270048 Thereโ€™s another example about consumption that I want to mention here. s3k7fKYeTuU-00517-00270048-00270523 There is a particular beverages company with a footprint in almost every corner of the s3k7fKYeTuU-00518-00270523-00271115 world where their bottles, cans and jars are famous, and you can find them everywhere. s3k7fKYeTuU-00519-00271115-00271589 The beverage has hardly any nutritional value. s3k7fKYeTuU-00520-00271589-00271960 But its adverse health effects are known. s3k7fKYeTuU-00521-00271960-00272449 This is quite an extraordinary product which is made from water but is somehow sold at s3k7fKYeTuU-00522-00272449-00273369 a lower price than the price of water which is itself an economic logic defining thing. s3k7fKYeTuU-00523-00273369-00274008 But what I want to draw attention to is a couple of unseen consequences that we do not s3k7fKYeTuU-00524-00274008-00274108 immediately see. s3k7fKYeTuU-00525-00274108-00274583 The first is that given the chemistry of its production we know that it is more difficult s3k7fKYeTuU-00526-00274583-00274691 to digest than lots of plain water. s3k7fKYeTuU-00527-00274691-00275547 The human digestive system has evolved over thousands of years and we chose to give it s3k7fKYeTuU-00528-00275547-00275914 such stuff. s3k7fKYeTuU-00529-00275914-00276584 Its like fitting a Rolls Royce engine in your car and giving it kerosene as a fuel rather s3k7fKYeTuU-00530-00276584-00276847 than high quality aviation grade fuel. s3k7fKYeTuU-00531-00276847-00277179 Other consequences of this product is the environmental cost in terms of clean water s3k7fKYeTuU-00532-00277179-00277460 used and pollution released in the supply chain. s3k7fKYeTuU-00533-00277460-00278072 However, visible impact in terms of profit, jobs and other things clouds out less visible s3k7fKYeTuU-00534-00278072-00278297 long-term adverse impact. s3k7fKYeTuU-00535-00278297-00278827 So why does short-term and local impact get privileged consideration in evaluation of s3k7fKYeTuU-00536-00278827-00278927 choices. s3k7fKYeTuU-00537-00278927-00279496 Let me first explain briefly. s3k7fKYeTuU-00538-00279496-00280158 So why does this happen. s3k7fKYeTuU-00539-00280158-00280707 We are now beginning to understand why we make such choices as individuals. s3k7fKYeTuU-00540-00280707-00281136 The research in cognitive sciences suggests that when emotions take the driving seat in s3k7fKYeTuU-00541-00281136-00281720 decision-making and deliberation, careful evaluation of options is compromised. s3k7fKYeTuU-00542-00281720-00282386 The research also suggests that our inability to control instant gratification leads to s3k7fKYeTuU-00543-00282386-00282695 long-term poor performance later in life. s3k7fKYeTuU-00544-00282695-00283153 There is established research around this area and social psychology. s3k7fKYeTuU-00545-00283153-00283721 The dominance of short-term consideration blinds us to the long-term consequences. s3k7fKYeTuU-00546-00283721-00284417 In economics and business decisions focus on quarterly and ever-decreasing time response s3k7fKYeTuU-00547-00284417-00284814 to measure performance has led to strategic errors of judgment. s3k7fKYeTuU-00548-00284814-00285439 At collector level evidence of the tension between short-term and long-term, local and s3k7fKYeTuU-00549-00285439-00286370 global seems to manifest itself in decisions such as Brexit referendum, choice in many s3k7fKYeTuU-00550-00286370-00286975 countries around leaders who are obsessed with narrow short-term agenda. s3k7fKYeTuU-00551-00286975-00287361 Politics of exclusion over inclusion gets votes. s3k7fKYeTuU-00552-00287361-00287845 Politics of here and now trumps politics of future informed present. s3k7fKYeTuU-00553-00287845-00288328 The reality however shows that many of the challenges that the human race faces including s3k7fKYeTuU-00554-00288328-00288786 existential traits like climate change are not local challenges. s3k7fKYeTuU-00555-00288786-00289111 Neither are they short-term in their consequences. s3k7fKYeTuU-00556-00289111-00289548 The fact is no country is an island in itself. s3k7fKYeTuU-00557-00289548-00290171 Even if like the UK it is geographically made up of islands. s3k7fKYeTuU-00558-00290171-00290695 The interdependence among the nations means the future of the planet is a shared reality s3k7fKYeTuU-00559-00290695-00291267 which requires deliberations and choices informed by a global and long-term view. s3k7fKYeTuU-00560-00291267-00291883 For this to become a collective choice, citizens need to be empowered and educated throughout s3k7fKYeTuU-00561-00291883-00292284 their life stages. s3k7fKYeTuU-00562-00292284-00292698 That is why lifelong education is a must, but this does not happen. s3k7fKYeTuU-00563-00292698-00293114 I conjecture why next. s3k7fKYeTuU-00564-00293114-00293580 There is acknowledgement going back to at least 22 years ago, in this UNESCO report s3k7fKYeTuU-00565-00293580-00294105 by Jacques Delors and others that we need a holistic view of education which is more s3k7fKYeTuU-00566-00294105-00294483 than an instrument of economic prosperity. s3k7fKYeTuU-00567-00294483-00295520 However, the educational policies have usually been guided by economistic consideration with s3k7fKYeTuU-00568-00295520-00295919 focus on developing human capital as neoclassical economists would argue. s3k7fKYeTuU-00569-00295919-00296599 Of late this has become more apparent in most countries and international bodies like OECD. s3k7fKYeTuU-00570-00296599-00297230 The state and economic system sees education as a way of improving productivity and enhancing s3k7fKYeTuU-00571-00297230-00297418 employability. s3k7fKYeTuU-00572-00297418-00297886 One may pose a philosophical question about this relationship between society, the state s3k7fKYeTuU-00573-00297886-00298110 and markets. s3k7fKYeTuU-00574-00298110-00298870 Karl Polanyi for example argued that capitalism eventually leads to a market society. s3k7fKYeTuU-00575-00298870-00299301 He says that itโ€™s going to be difficult to distinguish between market and society. s3k7fKYeTuU-00576-00299301-00299529 That was his logical conclusion. s3k7fKYeTuU-00577-00299529-00300193 Jurgen Habermas, Amartya Sen and other philosophers argue for freedom and human capabilities to s3k7fKYeTuU-00578-00300193-00300590 participate in public sphere more effectively. s3k7fKYeTuU-00579-00300590-00301775 The Four Pillars of Learning identified by this Jacques Delors report were these. s3k7fKYeTuU-00580-00301775-00302430 These include learning to be which refers to a whole person. s3k7fKYeTuU-00581-00302430-00303202 Roberto Carneiro argues that education must lead to self-fulfilment and to meaning. s3k7fKYeTuU-00582-00303202-00303922 He further argues that learning to live together builds cohesion and makes communities viable s3k7fKYeTuU-00583-00303922-00304159 and enables development. s3k7fKYeTuU-00584-00304159-00304702 I donโ€™t want to dwell too much on other things to know and to do are self-explanatory s3k7fKYeTuU-00585-00304702-00304895 constructs of learning. s3k7fKYeTuU-00586-00304895-00305549 Learning to live with multiple identities that we all now have in this complex inter-connected s3k7fKYeTuU-00587-00305549-00306102 world, cultivate core citizenship values, and regard for general advancement of human s3k7fKYeTuU-00588-00306102-00306712 beings and sustainability, are preconditions for the culture of peace and understanding. s3k7fKYeTuU-00589-00306712-00307345 I am of the view that if all these pillars of learning are to be realised, we have no s3k7fKYeTuU-00590-00307345-00307863 choice but to consider lifelong learning as a key policy goal. s3k7fKYeTuU-00591-00307863-00308599 One way to approach and concretise this as a policy goal may be to consider adult education s3k7fKYeTuU-00592-00308599-00308774 as a common good. s3k7fKYeTuU-00593-00308774-00309468 There is such a construct in academic space, but it needs to come out in mainstream discussion s3k7fKYeTuU-00594-00309468-00309624 in society and policy. s3k7fKYeTuU-00595-00309624-00310190 An international level organisation published a report on the future of work last week, s3k7fKYeTuU-00596-00310190-00310479 after I had finished working on this lecture. s3k7fKYeTuU-00597-00310479-00311224 However, the proposal in the report is too pertinent to todayโ€™s lecture to miss. s3k7fKYeTuU-00598-00311224-00311808 The report proposes that the social contract between workers and employers and government s3k7fKYeTuU-00599-00311808-00312373 needs to be strengthened by what it calls the human centred agenda for the future of s3k7fKYeTuU-00600-00312373-00312570 work. s3k7fKYeTuU-00601-00312570-00313154 The report calls for an increasing investment in human capabilities beyond economistic perspective s3k7fKYeTuU-00602-00313154-00314000 and requires I quote โ€œA universal entitlement of lifelong learning that enables people to s3k7fKYeTuU-00603-00314000-00314764 acquire skills and to reskill and upskill.โ€ s3k7fKYeTuU-00604-00314764-00315276 There is already widespread recognition of the need for learning which goes beyond formal s3k7fKYeTuU-00605-00315276-00315376 education. s3k7fKYeTuU-00606-00315376-00316018 In his recent book about future prospects for humanity, we had this fantastic endorsement s3k7fKYeTuU-00607-00316018-00316849 from Martin Rees, an astrophysicist, who considers formal education rigid and unresponsive and s3k7fKYeTuU-00608-00316849-00317718 calls for realising the potentials that institutions like The Open University have. s3k7fKYeTuU-00609-00317718-00318052 So what does it mean for us? s3k7fKYeTuU-00610-00318052-00318661 Universities will need to review their approach to learning provision and acquisition. s3k7fKYeTuU-00611-00318661-00319179 Learning places and times may have to move to where and when is suitable for the learners. s3k7fKYeTuU-00612-00319179-00319812 We will need to move from a notion of a dedicated few years of time devoted to education, to s3k7fKYeTuU-00613-00319812-00320621 a lifetime commitment to education, with the flexibility to choose different types of learning s3k7fKYeTuU-00614-00320621-00320895 at different stages of life. s3k7fKYeTuU-00615-00320895-00321438 This means a fragmented view of learning will need to make way for a holistic prospect of s3k7fKYeTuU-00616-00321438-00321600 education and learning. s3k7fKYeTuU-00617-00321600-00322118 Great efforts are needed from the state and learning providers to address the issue of s3k7fKYeTuU-00618-00322118-00322435 inequality and inclusion in learning. s3k7fKYeTuU-00619-00322435-00323046 This requires concerted efforts in which the society, the state and economic systems will s3k7fKYeTuU-00620-00323046-00323607 need to partner and respond to the context, both political and cultural, to support lifelong s3k7fKYeTuU-00621-00323607-00323707 learning. s3k7fKYeTuU-00622-00323707-00324075 I want to make one more point in this regard. s3k7fKYeTuU-00623-00324075-00324246 There are many theories of learning. s3k7fKYeTuU-00624-00324246-00324959 A brief review of literature led me to consider this theory proposed by Knud Illeris who is s3k7fKYeTuU-00625-00324959-00325235 Professor of Lifelong Learning at the Danish School of Economics. s3k7fKYeTuU-00626-00325235-00325902 Developing his theory based on earlier insights from Carl Rogers and Jean Piaget and his own s3k7fKYeTuU-00627-00325902-00326389 research, Illeris argues that learning involves two kinds of processes, identified by double s3k7fKYeTuU-00628-00326389-00326877 arrows in this triangle of learning. s3k7fKYeTuU-00629-00326877-00327307 The horizontal arrow represents the internal acquisition process which includes content s3k7fKYeTuU-00630-00327307-00327610 and incentive. s3k7fKYeTuU-00631-00327610-00328159 The content here is very broadly defined as human capacity such as skills, knowledge, s3k7fKYeTuU-00632-00328159-00328604 attitude, understanding, beliefs, behaviour and competences etc. s3k7fKYeTuU-00633-00328604-00329127 The incentive is mobilisation of mental energy to drive the process. s3k7fKYeTuU-00634-00329127-00329620 That is, the motivations, emotions and volitions involved. s3k7fKYeTuU-00635-00329620-00330009 The vertical arrow represents interaction between the learner and the environment which s3k7fKYeTuU-00636-00330009-00330254 initiates and supplies learning input. s3k7fKYeTuU-00637-00330254-00331109 The way this model of learning is structured it underscores the importance of prior knowledge, s3k7fKYeTuU-00638-00331109-00331440 learning and cultural context of the learner. s3k7fKYeTuU-00639-00331440-00331924 There is a body of academic literature in psychology which points to the culture dependence s3k7fKYeTuU-00640-00331924-00332280 of knowledge creation. s3k7fKYeTuU-00641-00332280-00332868 It is recognised now that people in different cultures may perceive and process information s3k7fKYeTuU-00642-00332868-00332968 differently. s3k7fKYeTuU-00643-00332968-00333628 A study of this link between culture and cognition, for example, showed a difference in the reasoning s3k7fKYeTuU-00644-00333628-00334303 style of Chinese bilingual students and European and American students. s3k7fKYeTuU-00645-00334303-00334779 For example, some objects may be categorised on the basis of shared attributes in one culture, s3k7fKYeTuU-00646-00334779-00335340 and maybe categorised on our relational properties of objects in another culture. s3k7fKYeTuU-00647-00335340-00335858 Consider these three objects. s3k7fKYeTuU-00648-00335858-00336361 In a recent study researchers asked American and European students and Chinese students s3k7fKYeTuU-00649-00336361-00336865 to categorise three words โ€“ monkey, panda and banana. s3k7fKYeTuU-00650-00336865-00337178 Letโ€™s play this here. s3k7fKYeTuU-00651-00337178-00338384 Please raise your hand if you would categorise these objects as this. s3k7fKYeTuU-00652-00338384-00338785 Looks like 30%. s3k7fKYeTuU-00653-00338785-00339211 How many of you would like to categorise like this? s3k7fKYeTuU-00654-00339211-00339659 Interesting, still not full house. s3k7fKYeTuU-00655-00339659-00339890 How many of you might categorise like this. s3k7fKYeTuU-00656-00339890-00340035 Not many. s3k7fKYeTuU-00657-00340035-00340135 OK. s3k7fKYeTuU-00658-00340135-00340559 So whatโ€™s going on here. s3k7fKYeTuU-00659-00340559-00341073 Respondents from America and Europe are more likely to categorise monkey and panda as they s3k7fKYeTuU-00660-00341073-00341194 are animals. s3k7fKYeTuU-00661-00341194-00341821 While Eastern cultures are more likely to put monkey and banana in the same group. s3k7fKYeTuU-00662-00341821-00342377 The point I want to make is, that we in universities will need to understand assumptions about s3k7fKYeTuU-00663-00342377-00342528 the learning models we use. s3k7fKYeTuU-00664-00342528-00342973 There is a need to consider the cross-cultural context of what is offered to learners as s3k7fKYeTuU-00665-00342973-00343677 the prior learning cultural context are important determinants of realised learning outcomes. s3k7fKYeTuU-00666-00343677-00344248 In the discipline closer to mine in business and management, we have known this for a while, s3k7fKYeTuU-00667-00344248-00344723 that the cross-culture context of practice matters in management. s3k7fKYeTuU-00668-00344723-00345269 Hence any theorising we do about management needs to factor that in. s3k7fKYeTuU-00669-00345269-00345747 Although in a practical teaching context I am disappointed to see American case studies s3k7fKYeTuU-00670-00345747-00346304 and concepts tested and refined in Anglo Saxon societies routinely used in business school s3k7fKYeTuU-00671-00346304-00346938 classrooms in Asia without much critical discussion and assumptions about the context of their s3k7fKYeTuU-00672-00346938-00347038 origin. s3k7fKYeTuU-00673-00347038-00347602 In the case of lifelong learning, decisions will also need to factor in the stage of life s3k7fKYeTuU-00674-00347602-00347899 of the learner. s3k7fKYeTuU-00675-00347899-00348401 Even if all the learners are in the same cultural context, the learner acquires knowledge and s3k7fKYeTuU-00676-00348401-00349104 experience as she grows older that intellectual and emotional baggage will play an important s3k7fKYeTuU-00677-00349104-00349632 role in the interaction between the learner and the content, and may also affect the incentive s3k7fKYeTuU-00678-00349632-00349961 of the learner. s3k7fKYeTuU-00679-00349961-00350644 Finally, as I move to finish the lecture, I want to recall 23rd April 1969, when Her s3k7fKYeTuU-00680-00350644-00351157 Majesty the Queen approved the creation of the Royal Charter of The Open University. s3k7fKYeTuU-00681-00351157-00351805 On 23rd July 1969 the first meeting of the congregation of the University was held at s3k7fKYeTuU-00682-00351805-00351941 the Royal Society. s3k7fKYeTuU-00683-00351941-00352482 The Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, and Jennie Lee were present at that event where the Charter s3k7fKYeTuU-00684-00352482-00353221 was officially presented by Privy Council, and Geoffrey Crowther was installed as the s3k7fKYeTuU-00685-00353221-00353321 first Chancellor. s3k7fKYeTuU-00686-00353321-00353576 This is a picture of that occasion. s3k7fKYeTuU-00687-00353576-00354208 When our first Chancellor gave us this wonderful mission to be open to people, places, methods s3k7fKYeTuU-00688-00354208-00354370 and ideas. s3k7fKYeTuU-00689-00354370-00354898 It was relevant then, it is relevant now after 50 years. s3k7fKYeTuU-00690-00354898-00355656 I am reading a book titled Turingโ€™s Cathedral which is a history of computing by George s3k7fKYeTuU-00691-00355656-00356274 Dyson with a historian of technology also the now famous scientist Freeman Dyson who s3k7fKYeTuU-00692-00356274-00356642 chose Turingโ€™s Cathedral title for his book. s3k7fKYeTuU-00693-00356642-00357199 He explains that it was the seminal contribution of Alan Turing who we know worked in Milton s3k7fKYeTuU-00694-00357199-00357727 Keynes in Bletchley during the war years, about the possibility of thinking machines s3k7fKYeTuU-00695-00357727-00358157 that led to the development of computers and hence he calls that movement to build powerful s3k7fKYeTuU-00696-00358157-00358470 computers as Turingโ€™s Cathedral. s3k7fKYeTuU-00697-00358470-00358950 I am tempted to borrow the metaphor of cathedral. s3k7fKYeTuU-00698-00358950-00359588 Fifty years ago we started the building of an institution what I call the Harold Young s3k7fKYeTuU-00699-00359588-00360289 Cathedral of Open Education which unleashed a revolution that has touched and transformed s3k7fKYeTuU-00700-00360289-00360741 millions of lives in the UK and far flung parts of the globe. s3k7fKYeTuU-00701-00360741-00361635 Over these five decades several thousand employees comprising full-time academics, tutors, professional s3k7fKYeTuU-00702-00361635-00362607 staff, Chancellors, Pro-Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors, the Council members, philanthropists, and s3k7fKYeTuU-00703-00362607-00363420 our advisers and above all OU students have contributed their labour and skill to build s3k7fKYeTuU-00704-00363420-00363919 this cathedral brick by brick and continue to do so. s3k7fKYeTuU-00705-00363919-00364451 For us now at The Open University, those of you who are connected with their education s3k7fKYeTuU-00706-00364451-00365265 in any form, those who can enable and support learning for all the imperatives that I have s3k7fKYeTuU-00707-00365265-00366047 presented in this lecture, this is the time we recommit to the mission for another 50 s3k7fKYeTuU-00708-00366047-00366147 years. s3k7fKYeTuU-00709-00366147-00366725 Let us break the barriers of time and space and take this revolution forward. s3k7fKYeTuU-00710-00366725-00367204 Make lifelong learning a global force for positive change. s3k7fKYeTuU-00711-00367204-00367533 Let us make the difference that will make the difference. s3k7fKYeTuU-00712-00367533-00370029 Thank you. s3k7fKYeTuU-00713-00370029-00370129 Thank you Dev. s3k7fKYeTuU-00714-00370129-00370473 I am sure you will agree with me, that was extremely thought-provoking and fascinating. s3k7fKYeTuU-00715-00370473-00370919 I am going to give you a chance to not let Dev off the hook just yet because thereโ€™s s3k7fKYeTuU-00716-00370919-00371399 a Q&A session for 10 minutes after which we will close and head to a celebration. s3k7fKYeTuU-00717-00371399-00371934 So, whilst we make our way to the chairs and get settled, I would request that you have s3k7fKYeTuU-00718-00371934-00372476 a think about what you would like to ask including our guests online and when you do ask your s3k7fKYeTuU-00719-00372476-00372792 question please wait for the roving mike to get to you. s3k7fKYeTuU-00720-00372792-00373219 When it does just let us know who you are and which institution you are from, so that s3k7fKYeTuU-00721-00373219-00373453 we have a good idea of who you are talking to. s3k7fKYeTuU-00722-00373453-00374291 Thank you very much. s3k7fKYeTuU-00723-00374291-00375488 Iโ€™m very happy to take the first question from the room. s3k7fKYeTuU-00724-00375488-00376512 Who would like to go first? s3k7fKYeTuU-00725-00376512-00376856 Thank you for a very insightful lecture. s3k7fKYeTuU-00726-00376856-00377733 I came to The Open University in 1978 and left it seems only a few moments ago in 2011. s3k7fKYeTuU-00727-00377733-00378257 My question is, at the beginning you said that The Open University was a university s3k7fKYeTuU-00728-00378257-00378476 ahead of its time. s3k7fKYeTuU-00729-00378476-00379516 Do you think the OU is still ahead of its time and, if so, which single criterion signifies s3k7fKYeTuU-00730-00379516-00379710 its being ahead. s3k7fKYeTuU-00731-00379710-00380014 Thatโ€™s a very good question Dominic. s3k7fKYeTuU-00732-00380014-00380683 I think what still puts the University ahead of its time is its mission. s3k7fKYeTuU-00733-00380683-00381309 I think we are still one of the few, if there are many other universities who consider education s3k7fKYeTuU-00734-00381309-00382060 not to be a privilege but as something that individuals in society and communities need, s3k7fKYeTuU-00735-00382060-00382603 irrespective of whichever stage they are in their life. s3k7fKYeTuU-00736-00382603-00383151 So the fact that colleagues in the University and students have demonstrated that we can s3k7fKYeTuU-00737-00383151-00383251 reach out to them. s3k7fKYeTuU-00738-00383251-00383600 If you just look at the history of the Open University Student Associationโ€™s achievements. s3k7fKYeTuU-00739-00383600-00383988 I was there on Friday evening. s3k7fKYeTuU-00740-00383988-00384354 We had lunch with the OU Students Association, and they showed their history. s3k7fKYeTuU-00741-00384354-00384874 How many social barriers they have broken down to take education to students, whether s3k7fKYeTuU-00742-00384874-00385107 its disabilities, social and other barriers. s3k7fKYeTuU-00743-00385107-00385725 The OU as an institution has broken barriers internationally. s3k7fKYeTuU-00744-00385725-00385942 I was in Pakistan in November. s3k7fKYeTuU-00745-00385942-00386659 The OU help set up the University of Pakistan, Allama Iqbal Open University there. s3k7fKYeTuU-00746-00386659-00387158 They had 1.2M students, 80,000 tutors. s3k7fKYeTuU-00747-00387158-00387860 Now 1.2M is actually nearly half of their total tertiary education enrolment ratio in s3k7fKYeTuU-00748-00387860-00388209 Pakistan and they have 190 universities. s3k7fKYeTuU-00749-00388209-00388644 So the kind of things that the OU mission drives us to do I think still makes us ahead s3k7fKYeTuU-00750-00388644-00388767 of time. s3k7fKYeTuU-00751-00388767-00389182 The call that we just heard from this ILO report that I just quoted. s3k7fKYeTuU-00752-00389182-00389590 If you read that report its just saying the reason we need places like the OU and more s3k7fKYeTuU-00753-00389590-00389702 of those. s3k7fKYeTuU-00754-00389702-00390158 So I think it is our mission that takes us ahead of everybody else. s3k7fKYeTuU-00755-00390158-00390721 Iโ€™m from the Faculty of Business and Law. s3k7fKYeTuU-00756-00390721-00391987 Thank you so much for that fascinating lecture. s3k7fKYeTuU-00757-00391987-00392897 I was fascinated in particular to hear in the introduction that you almost became a s3k7fKYeTuU-00758-00392897-00392997 monk. s3k7fKYeTuU-00759-00392997-00394043 I was wondering to what extent do you think that the University in the 20th century still s3k7fKYeTuU-00760-00394043-00395018 provides what we might call a space for contemplation, not just the engagement with the world that s3k7fKYeTuU-00761-00395018-00395556 we take for granted, the engagement with the economy for example that you mentioned. s3k7fKYeTuU-00762-00395556-00396424 But also for academics themselves to live a life of contemplation and perhaps critique, s3k7fKYeTuU-00763-00396424-00396696 apart from that world. s3k7fKYeTuU-00764-00396696-00397339 I think there are very few places to be left in society at the moment. s3k7fKYeTuU-00765-00397339-00397906 I still feel universities are one place where scope for reflecting on the long-term and s3k7fKYeTuU-00766-00397906-00398543 contemplation in general is much more. s3k7fKYeTuU-00767-00398543-00398684 I think we need to have space. s3k7fKYeTuU-00768-00398684-00399417 There are some worrying signs for me like the disconnect between the perceived importance s3k7fKYeTuU-00769-00399417-00400242 of humanities and what economistic considerations drive us to in terms of choosing carriers s3k7fKYeTuU-00770-00400242-00400622 and the subjects that get studied. s3k7fKYeTuU-00771-00400622-00401331 But I still feel it is a 21st century I think you meant not 20th century, a 21st century s3k7fKYeTuU-00772-00401331-00401502 university still should have this space. s3k7fKYeTuU-00773-00401502-00402083 If we are to tackle some of these big challenges, this constant pressure on academics to be s3k7fKYeTuU-00774-00402083-00402269 focussed on here and now. s3k7fKYeTuU-00775-00402269-00402833 I was looking at a study of how research in history has evolved, History as the subject. s3k7fKYeTuU-00776-00402833-00403849 There was a very interesting finding from an analysis of the duration of the time span s3k7fKYeTuU-00777-00403849-00404279 over which history theses are being written. s3k7fKYeTuU-00778-00404279-00404808 So actually there are every few history theses which go over the timespan of fifty years s3k7fKYeTuU-00779-00404808-00405174 or a hundred years which is strange because in history you would expect them to take a s3k7fKYeTuU-00780-00405174-00405591 much longer look at phenomena. s3k7fKYeTuU-00781-00405591-00406185 Even there if you look at the title of history theses, they are talking of five years phenomena s3k7fKYeTuU-00782-00406185-00406411 and then they study that thing in five years. s3k7fKYeTuU-00783-00406411-00406926 We know some of the social and cultural forces work on a much, much larger timescale. s3k7fKYeTuU-00784-00406926-00407531 So you canโ€™t really analyse a five year slice of history of some place or topic. s3k7fKYeTuU-00785-00407531-00408281 So the answer for me is still it is in the universities where we can find and must protect s3k7fKYeTuU-00786-00408281-00408508 some of those spaces for contemplation. s3k7fKYeTuU-00787-00408508-00409043 I will go beyond that through this lifelong learning kind of opportunities because the s3k7fKYeTuU-00788-00409043-00409415 short talks donโ€™t allow you to elaborate on some of the things like stages of life s3k7fKYeTuU-00789-00409415-00409662 that we will be going through. s3k7fKYeTuU-00790-00409662-00410138 Living 90 years, you are going through three or four different stages of life, and all s3k7fKYeTuU-00791-00410138-00410481 of them have different challenges but at the same time opportunities. s3k7fKYeTuU-00792-00410481-00411085 So because universities are not coming in space you have these civil society responses. s3k7fKYeTuU-00793-00411085-00411667 For example, thereโ€™s the University of the Third Age in the UK which is a global phenomenon s3k7fKYeTuU-00794-00411667-00412280 but in the UK there are 462,000 participants in the University of the Third Age programmers. s3k7fKYeTuU-00795-00412280-00412898 What do these participants do between age group 55 and 75 because people beyond 80 have s3k7fKYeTuU-00796-00412898-00413168 now set up a University of the Fourth age. s3k7fKYeTuU-00797-00413168-00413501 There is one University of the Fourth age. s3k7fKYeTuU-00798-00413501-00414146 So they are trying to backfill some of those gaps that you are arguing about contemplation. s3k7fKYeTuU-00799-00414146-00414518 I think universities are a much better place to do those activities. s3k7fKYeTuU-00800-00414518-00415098 I will go back to Michael Youngโ€™s argument, why is our library or MK Council not doing s3k7fKYeTuU-00801-00415098-00415719 something with the OU for that group of people that is meaningful, and pays back to society s3k7fKYeTuU-00802-00415719-00417131 in different ways through the educational resources. s3k7fKYeTuU-00803-00417131-00418650 Professor of Enterprise and Organisation in the Faculty of Business and Law. s3k7fKYeTuU-00804-00418650-00419128 He thanks you for your interesting talk and he asks โ€“ what are the implications for s3k7fKYeTuU-00805-00419128-00419578 the governance of universities if they are to address the complex challenges that you s3k7fKYeTuU-00806-00419578-00420078 have outlined and to deliver these long-term public goods. s3k7fKYeTuU-00807-00420078-00420805 For example, do we need to actively defend them against commercialisation and privatisation? s3k7fKYeTuU-00808-00420805-00421126 Richard thank you for your question. s3k7fKYeTuU-00809-00421126-00421513 You have conflicted two issues here in my view. s3k7fKYeTuU-00810-00421513-00421842 One is what do universities governance do? s3k7fKYeTuU-00811-00421842-00422377 Weโ€™ve got Council members here today, and VCE members. s3k7fKYeTuU-00812-00422377-00422932 I think commitment to lifelong learning has to be thought through first of all holistically. s3k7fKYeTuU-00813-00422932-00423309 How does the OU play a role in that? s3k7fKYeTuU-00814-00423309-00423882 The commercialisation in itself I see this as a different challenge because by its very s3k7fKYeTuU-00815-00423882-00424332 nature commercial and private and entrepreneurs, be they companies or individuals, will come s3k7fKYeTuU-00816-00424332-00424830 into a space where there are lower hanging fruits and training and education which is s3k7fKYeTuU-00817-00424830-00425143 of a vocational type, so they are unlikely to go in there. s3k7fKYeTuU-00818-00425143-00425780 The question is how do universities, if we are to ask that question to us in the University s3k7fKYeTuU-00819-00425780-00426492 here, address this need to serve the mainstream curriculum to what is a mainstream audience s3k7fKYeTuU-00820-00426492-00426592 today. s3k7fKYeTuU-00821-00426592-00426980 There are students who want qualifications and so on, and the rest of lifelong learning s3k7fKYeTuU-00822-00426980-00427080 needs. s3k7fKYeTuU-00823-00427080-00427558 I think whatever we do is going to cost us money. s3k7fKYeTuU-00824-00427558-00427801 All the universities face the same problem. s3k7fKYeTuU-00825-00427801-00428319 So the question is who pays for this. s3k7fKYeTuU-00826-00428319-00429009 So we have three options, either the user pays for it, or the state pays for it, or s3k7fKYeTuU-00827-00429009-00429397 there is some combination of the two that makes it happen. s3k7fKYeTuU-00828-00429397-00429918 The question is therefore what the universities think and the OU thinks. s3k7fKYeTuU-00829-00429918-00430438 We used to have one fourth of OU students, I wouldnโ€™t call them leisure learning that s3k7fKYeTuU-00830-00430438-00431022 was loosely used for them before 2012, I think they were actually lifelong learners. s3k7fKYeTuU-00831-00431022-00431257 We used to have one in four of that kind of audience. s3k7fKYeTuU-00832-00431257-00431768 We lost that when we took that strategic direction to qualification route in 2012. s3k7fKYeTuU-00833-00431768-00432507 So they are genuinely relevant learners that we need to serve. s3k7fKYeTuU-00834-00432507-00433354 Perhaps governance can explore how to create public space discussion so that we donโ€™t s3k7fKYeTuU-00835-00433354-00433885 have to be seen as lobbying because this is our clientele, thatโ€™s what I donโ€™t think s3k7fKYeTuU-00836-00433885-00434017 the OU should be doing. s3k7fKYeTuU-00837-00434017-00434428 We should be creating a genuine conversation and encouraging that though the Students Association, s3k7fKYeTuU-00838-00434428-00434661 through whatever networks we have. s3k7fKYeTuU-00839-00434661-00435205 This is a real issue and we need to create space for this learning which is taken care s3k7fKYeTuU-00840-00435205-00435430 of whatever way actually. s3k7fKYeTuU-00841-00435430-00435819 Again if I go back to one of the proposals which are there in literature which was to s3k7fKYeTuU-00842-00435819-00436457 give people lifelong learning entitlements for the future. s3k7fKYeTuU-00843-00436457-00436982 So you donโ€™t have to go through 20 years of education in the first part of your life. s3k7fKYeTuU-00844-00436982-00437194 You decide when you want to take what you want. s3k7fKYeTuU-00845-00437194-00437723 Thatโ€™s quite an interesting model and then how do you support that lifelong learning s3k7fKYeTuU-00846-00437723-00438253 entitlement model is something that at policy level and public level one has to explore s3k7fKYeTuU-00847-00438253-00438523 and debate and raise awareness about those alternatives. s3k7fKYeTuU-00848-00438523-00438976 I think this binarily alternatives of private versus state are not going to help. s3k7fKYeTuU-00849-00438976-00439751 We need to broaden and deepen the conversation around that option. s3k7fKYeTuU-00850-00439751-00440813 One last question or a thought or a comment, in which case I shall walk across to thank s3k7fKYeTuU-00851-00440813-00441397 Dev for his excellent lecture and to thank all of you as well. s3k7fKYeTuU-00852-00441397-00442176 I have just a couple of things to bring to life for you about the 12 academics who will s3k7fKYeTuU-00853-00442176-00442485 be presenting in the Inaugural Lecture series. s3k7fKYeTuU-00854-00442485-00443014 The first one will be on 19th February when Professor of Educational Technology, Martin s3k7fKYeTuU-00855-00443014-00443688 Weller will talk on Aspects of Open - The evolution of the meaning of open education. s3k7fKYeTuU-00856-00443688-00444022 Of course, fittingly it aligns with our 50th anniversary. s3k7fKYeTuU-00857-00444022-00444663 Details can be found on The Open University research website or on 50.open.ac.uk if you s3k7fKYeTuU-00858-00444663-00444832 would like to sign up for it. s3k7fKYeTuU-00859-00444832-00445242 There will of course be an opportunity to give us some feedback. s3k7fKYeTuU-00860-00445242-00445382 We thrive on feedback. s3k7fKYeTuU-00861-00445382-00445782 The only way we can make ourselves better is if you tell us how. s3k7fKYeTuU-00862-00445782-00445969 So when those forms come around please do. s3k7fKYeTuU-00863-00445969-00446457 If you are online please let us know via your comments what we could do better for next s3k7fKYeTuU-00864-00446457-00446557 time. s3k7fKYeTuU-00865-00446557-00446939 So really that brings me to the close of todayโ€™s launch. s3k7fKYeTuU-00866-00446939-00447440 To thank Dev formally, to thank his family and everyone here. s3k7fKYeTuU-00867-00447440-00447893 We will now move on to our drinks. s3k7fKYeTuU-00868-00447893-00447968 Thank you very much.