s6_Q_GxG408-00001-00000112-00000322 Slow computer got you feeling down? s6_Q_GxG408-00003-00000516-00000822 We can send a Geeks on Site Technician to help repair your PC s6_Q_GxG408-00006-00001182-00001542 Give us a call today and go back to enjoying your summer s6_Q_GxG408-00008-00001705-00001852 Call today! 888-360-4335 www.geeksonsite.com s9aaLHHdjuY-00000-00000791-00001379 Thanks for watching, please like and subscribe below so we can expand our Squatch search s9aaLHHdjuY-00001-00001379-00001567 with your help. s9aaLHHdjuY-00002-00001567-00002116 Hi welcome to this edition of searching for Sasquatch, you'll be glad you tuned in. s9aaLHHdjuY-00003-00002116-00002665 In this episode we bring together not one but three different reports. s9aaLHHdjuY-00004-00002665-00003078 These reports all come from the state of Wyoming and they come together to form what we like s9aaLHHdjuY-00005-00003078-00003326 to call a triangulation Zone. s9aaLHHdjuY-00006-00003326-00003886 From the Shoshone to Yellowstone and across at Medicine Bow, Wyoming is a beautiful and s9aaLHHdjuY-00007-00003886-00004372 picturesque State and Bigfoot is more active here than many realize. s9aaLHHdjuY-00008-00004372-00004987 Our first report today, number 902 class alpha, was submitted by our witness mark on Thursday s9aaLHHdjuY-00009-00004987-00005258 November 5th, 1998. s9aaLHHdjuY-00010-00005258-00005633 He was in Medicine Bow National Forest when he had the sighting. s9aaLHHdjuY-00011-00005633-00006232 Here is his report: A friend and I were gathering firewood around 5:00 p.m. in the evening, s9aaLHHdjuY-00012-00006232-00006686 there was maybe an inch of new snow on the ground and a moderate fog had settled in on s9aaLHHdjuY-00013-00006686-00006825 the mountain side. s9aaLHHdjuY-00014-00006825-00007272 We were maybe 200 or 300 yards from camp up on the mountain side. s9aaLHHdjuY-00015-00007272-00007755 As we gathered small sticks and branches from dead trees, I noticed something out of the s9aaLHHdjuY-00016-00007755-00008428 corner of my eye, and a huge hairy like animal, maybe 7- or 8-feet tall ran in front of us. s9aaLHHdjuY-00017-00008428-00008920 The creature was maybe 10 or 15 yards ahead of us in some thicker timber. s9aaLHHdjuY-00018-00008920-00009427 The creature ran in front of us for maybe 30 or 40 yards but because of the fog we lost s9aaLHHdjuY-00019-00009427-00009540 track of him. s9aaLHHdjuY-00020-00009540-00010092 The creature ran or moved quickly on two legs for the entire time we observed him. s9aaLHHdjuY-00021-00010092-00010586 There is no doubt in my mind that the creature was not a bear, but something else, such as s9aaLHHdjuY-00022-00010586-00010750 a Sasquatch. s9aaLHHdjuY-00023-00010750-00011332 Two days later while hunting I heard a terrible scream like nothing I had ever heard before, s9aaLHHdjuY-00024-00011332-00011928 it wasn't a screech owl or coyote or elk, it was incredibly high pitched and echoed s9aaLHHdjuY-00025-00011928-00012128 off a canyon wall. s9aaLHHdjuY-00026-00012128-00012546 Just the thought of it still makes my hair stand on end. s9aaLHHdjuY-00027-00012546-00013021 There are two things noted about this report: number one, there was another witness with s9aaLHHdjuY-00028-00013021-00013604 Mark that not only observed the sighting but also heard the screams two days later. s9aaLHHdjuY-00029-00013604-00013858 The second note concerns the environment. s9aaLHHdjuY-00030-00013858-00014385 The creature was sighted on a Mountainside in a dense patch of the Medicine Bow National s9aaLHHdjuY-00031-00014385-00014831 Forest which was about 10 or 15 miles from the Colorado border. s9aaLHHdjuY-00032-00014831-00015248 The elevation there is about 8000 to 9000 feet. s9aaLHHdjuY-00033-00015248-00015733 The sighting was observed about 500 or 600 yards from the Roaring Fork Branch of the s9aaLHHdjuY-00034-00015733-00015876 little Snake River. s9aaLHHdjuY-00035-00015876-00016312 The screams or wailing was heard about three or four miles from where the sighting took s9aaLHHdjuY-00036-00016312-00016412 place. s9aaLHHdjuY-00037-00016412-00017008 The screams came from somewhere in some very dark Timber off the side of a canyon or gorge. s9aaLHHdjuY-00038-00017008-00017237 That wraps up our first report. s9aaLHHdjuY-00039-00017237-00017806 Our second report today comes to us from Teton County Wyoming and that is at the Eastern s9aaLHHdjuY-00040-00017806-00018245 edge of our Wyoming Squatch triangulation Zone. s9aaLHHdjuY-00041-00018245-00019070 Report number 6441 class Alpha was submitted by the witness on Tuesday June 3rd, 2003. s9aaLHHdjuY-00042-00019070-00019426 The witness reported that this sighting was very frightening. s9aaLHHdjuY-00043-00019426-00019967 It occurred at night near the entrance to Teton Park by the town of Jackson Hole Wyoming. s9aaLHHdjuY-00044-00019967-00020275 It was a rainy night and there was a slight drizzle. s9aaLHHdjuY-00045-00020275-00020764 It was dark except there was a little bit of moonlight when the clouds would let it s9aaLHHdjuY-00046-00020764-00020872 shine. s9aaLHHdjuY-00047-00020872-00021268 Even though it's very rural in the area of the sighting, the witness said there was one s9aaLHHdjuY-00048-00021268-00021577 part of the road that was occupied by many people. s9aaLHHdjuY-00049-00021577-00021781 The other part was endless wildlife. s9aaLHHdjuY-00050-00021781-00022276 So, this sighting occurred in a rural Urban margin area. s9aaLHHdjuY-00051-00022276-00022848 The witness continues the report and says, my family and I, which totalled five witnesses s9aaLHHdjuY-00052-00022848-00023391 including myself, were staying in beautiful Grand Teton National Park for a few nights s9aaLHHdjuY-00053-00023391-00023948 and on one of those nights a mysterious yet real thing happened. s9aaLHHdjuY-00054-00023948-00024536 That night when we were all asleep, the family dog started violently barking. s9aaLHHdjuY-00055-00024536-00025156 Everyone sprang to their feet to discover a large hairy creature standing about 10ft s9aaLHHdjuY-00056-00025156-00025273 from our RV. s9aaLHHdjuY-00057-00025273-00025713 There was a very strong stench that we can smell through the RV. s9aaLHHdjuY-00058-00025713-00025847 It turned around. s9aaLHHdjuY-00059-00025847-00026318 It looked at the RV and started jogging off and humanely way. s9aaLHHdjuY-00060-00026318-00026869 We were all so amazed that nobody in the camper said a word until the next morning. s9aaLHHdjuY-00061-00026869-00027385 We went outside and there were huge footprints since it was damp and rainy. s9aaLHHdjuY-00062-00027385-00027570 We didn't get a good look at the animal. s9aaLHHdjuY-00063-00027570-00028148 It was dark and rainy, we couldn't even tell what color it was but, we can tell you, we s9aaLHHdjuY-00064-00028148-00028464 saw something hairy and very large. s9aaLHHdjuY-00065-00028464-00029125 A follow-up investigation report was done by BFRO investigator Dr. Steven Coy. s9aaLHHdjuY-00066-00029125-00029672 Dr. Steven Coy is a former wildlife biologist for the US Department of Interior. s9aaLHHdjuY-00067-00029672-00030294 Dr. Coy says “I interviewed the witness on September 7th 2003. s9aaLHHdjuY-00068-00030294-00030831 He has become very interested in the Sasquatch mystery since he experienced this incident s9aaLHHdjuY-00069-00030831-00030945 in Wyoming. s9aaLHHdjuY-00070-00030945-00031412 After speaking to him, The following reported facts can be added to the written report: s9aaLHHdjuY-00071-00031412-00031847 The witness was on vacation with his grandmother, grandfather, aunt, and uncle. s9aaLHHdjuY-00072-00031847-00032339 They were planning to drive into Yellowstone Park, but because of inclement weather camped s9aaLHHdjuY-00073-00032339-00032614 in a campground in Teton National Park. s9aaLHHdjuY-00074-00032614-00033042 There were only perhaps two or three RV's in the campground on this particular night s9aaLHHdjuY-00075-00033042-00033154 in early June. s9aaLHHdjuY-00076-00033154-00033614 The campers had gotten snowed off of Jackson Lake that day, so there was snow on the ground s9aaLHHdjuY-00077-00033614-00034116 making it easy to observe the large, dark figure from the windows of their RV. s9aaLHHdjuY-00078-00034116-00034772 He estimated the creature to be about 7' tall with 4' wide shoulders and a conical, hairy s9aaLHHdjuY-00079-00034772-00034872 head. s9aaLHHdjuY-00080-00034872-00035218 It was reaching up into a tree as they could see the bough moving. s9aaLHHdjuY-00081-00035218-00035801 They could hear it grunting before it turned toward the RV and then ran off in long strides. s9aaLHHdjuY-00082-00035801-00036197 "Huge" tracks were seen in the snow the following morning. s9aaLHHdjuY-00083-00036197-00036490 That’s the end of our second report. s9aaLHHdjuY-00084-00036490-00037026 Our third report today has a lot of detail and comes from the Northern end of our Wyoming s9aaLHHdjuY-00085-00037026-00037271 Squatch triangulation Zone. s9aaLHHdjuY-00086-00037271-00037775 This sighting took place in Sheridan County near the town of Shell, at the end of a logging s9aaLHHdjuY-00087-00037775-00038088 road off of US Highway 14. s9aaLHHdjuY-00088-00038088-00038484 The three Witnesses were squirrel hunting; it was about 5 p.m. s9aaLHHdjuY-00089-00038484-00038846 There was good light and good visibility; it was a clear fall day. s9aaLHHdjuY-00090-00038846-00039079 The temperature was in the upper 40’s. s9aaLHHdjuY-00091-00039079-00039419 The incident took place about a mile northwest from their camp. s9aaLHHdjuY-00092-00039419-00039690 The altitude there is nearly 9000 feet. s9aaLHHdjuY-00093-00039690-00040040 It’s all confer trees and very dense. s9aaLHHdjuY-00094-00040040-00040502 The witness told us there's a lot of windfall in that area so when you're walking, you're s9aaLHHdjuY-00095-00040502-00040901 on the ground as much as you are off of it because of the fallen trees. s9aaLHHdjuY-00096-00040901-00041439 The camp and where the sighting took place are in a basin about 2 to 3 miles wide, the s9aaLHHdjuY-00097-00041439-00041828 tops of the surrounding mountains are rocky and for the most part bare above the tree s9aaLHHdjuY-00098-00041828-00042341 line and there is a creek running through the center of this Basin called Owen Creek. s9aaLHHdjuY-00099-00042341-00042810 This witness gives a very detailed report, he told us: s9aaLHHdjuY-00100-00042810-00043253 Myself and two friends went into the forest with our slingshots to find some squirrels. s9aaLHHdjuY-00101-00043253-00043717 We had been coming to this place for years every September for our church retreat. s9aaLHHdjuY-00102-00043717-00044121 The elk were just starting to come out into rut and we could hear them bugling up on the s9aaLHHdjuY-00103-00044121-00044432 higher plateaus as we were hiking in. s9aaLHHdjuY-00104-00044432-00044777 We were about a mile or so N.W. of the lodge. s9aaLHHdjuY-00105-00044777-00045145 There was a barbed wire fence cutting through the woods here and on either side of it for s9aaLHHdjuY-00106-00045145-00045706 about 10-15 yards the trees were younger, ranging from 4-8 feet tall. s9aaLHHdjuY-00107-00045706-00046009 It was apparently cleared for the making of the fence. s9aaLHHdjuY-00108-00046009-00046412 We decided it would be easier to walk alongside the fence for a while. s9aaLHHdjuY-00109-00046412-00046977 We went another few hundred yards and as we rounded a bend my friends stopped suddenly. s9aaLHHdjuY-00110-00046977-00047273 I was following, and so I stopped as well. s9aaLHHdjuY-00111-00047273-00047525 I thought maybe we had walked up on something. s9aaLHHdjuY-00112-00047525-00047961 My friend turned and looked at me and whispered "Do you see that?" s9aaLHHdjuY-00113-00047961-00048289 I couldn't see as there was a small pine in my way. s9aaLHHdjuY-00114-00048289-00048827 I started to ease forward and as the tree moved out of my view I just froze at what s9aaLHHdjuY-00115-00048827-00048981 I saw. s9aaLHHdjuY-00116-00048981-00049440 At first I thought it was a large bear, but discounted that idea immediately. s9aaLHHdjuY-00117-00049440-00050058 It was like a massive human like animal, covered in a dark, course looking hair. s9aaLHHdjuY-00118-00050058-00050304 Like a black bear, but not as thick in all areas. s9aaLHHdjuY-00119-00050304-00050848 The face, chest, inside elbow area, and hands were nearly bare. s9aaLHHdjuY-00120-00050848-00051499 It was around 8ft. tall and I would say it weighed between 450-550lbs. s9aaLHHdjuY-00121-00051499-00051970 It had shoulders that were extremely wide, and they sort of slumped forward, Its arms s9aaLHHdjuY-00122-00051970-00052487 were phenomenally long and thick, they hung far below the thigh area, and the hands were s9aaLHHdjuY-00123-00052487-00052913 not as large but still very big, they were more thick than long. s9aaLHHdjuY-00124-00052913-00053422 The buttocks were unproportionately large, they didn't seem to fit the animal, they too s9aaLHHdjuY-00125-00053422-00053631 were very muscular looking. s9aaLHHdjuY-00126-00053631-00054050 The head of the animal seemed to be plopped right onto the shoulders, If the thing had s9aaLHHdjuY-00127-00054050-00054395 a neck it wasn't any more than 3-4 inches long. s9aaLHHdjuY-00128-00054395-00054872 The face was somewhat like a man's, and somewhat like a gorilla.. s9aaLHHdjuY-00129-00054872-00055174 We were about 15-20 yards from it. s9aaLHHdjuY-00130-00055174-00055716 It stood there seemingly observing us, and we crouched there observing it. s9aaLHHdjuY-00131-00055716-00056201 This went on for at least 2 minutes, then it took a small step to the left and forward, s9aaLHHdjuY-00132-00056201-00056511 partially blocking our view of it from about the crouch down. s9aaLHHdjuY-00133-00056511-00056933 You could hear it breathing, like it had been running to get where it was. s9aaLHHdjuY-00134-00056933-00057529 Then my friend yelled at it, saying "very funny, who's in the ape suit?" s9aaLHHdjuY-00135-00057529-00057793 We told him to shut up, I could tell it wasn't a joke, this, whatever it was, was a real s9aaLHHdjuY-00136-00057793-00058352 animal. s9aaLHHdjuY-00137-00058352-00058880 Then it made a noise, not really a growl, but more like a deep cough, like it was clearing s9aaLHHdjuY-00138-00058880-00059274 its throat, but quite louder, like a coughing bark. s9aaLHHdjuY-00139-00059274-00059729 It's really hard to describe a noise you have never heard before with words. s9aaLHHdjuY-00140-00059729-00060194 That did it for us, so we turned and sprinted down the fence line, took a cut through the s9aaLHHdjuY-00141-00060194-00060538 woods and went straight to my parents’ camper trailer. s9aaLHHdjuY-00142-00060538-00060961 We told him what we saw then my friends left to go tell their parents. s9aaLHHdjuY-00143-00060961-00061461 My father knew I wasn't fibbing, I was 12 then and I'm 28 now. s9aaLHHdjuY-00144-00061461-00062036 He had been outfitting for nearly 20 years all over Wyoming, and since I was 6, I got s9aaLHHdjuY-00145-00062036-00062250 to go along on a lot of hunts. s9aaLHHdjuY-00146-00062250-00062683 He knew I knew the difference between one game animal and another. s9aaLHHdjuY-00147-00062683-00063225 We waited till morning and headed back into the place we had seen the animal the day before. s9aaLHHdjuY-00148-00063225-00063854 We searched for 2-3 hours and other than smashed grass and currant bushes, we found nothing. s9aaLHHdjuY-00149-00063854-00064275 You could see where something heavy had stood, then proceeded in the opposite thar direction s9aaLHHdjuY-00150-00064275-00064396 we had fled. s9aaLHHdjuY-00151-00064396-00064852 My father didn’t know what to think of it, but he did believe me and my friends. s9aaLHHdjuY-00152-00064852-00065260 He said he had heard here and there about the animal that they called bigfoot, but not s9aaLHHdjuY-00153-00065260-00065744 in these parts, and he wasn't so sure about such an animal even existing. s9aaLHHdjuY-00154-00065744-00066367 Even to this day, if it's brought up, he still says "You saw what you saw". s9aaLHHdjuY-00155-00066367-00066638 The witnesses’ report ends here. s9aaLHHdjuY-00156-00066638-00067145 Following up, the investigator reports: The witness called me, at his expense, and we s9aaLHHdjuY-00157-00067145-00067399 were on the phone for well over an hour. s9aaLHHdjuY-00158-00067399-00067937 The one phrase he kept repeating is that he has no idea what it was he saw, but that it s9aaLHHdjuY-00159-00067937-00068531 appeared to be identical to what people describe as being a sasquatch, and that it was definitely s9aaLHHdjuY-00160-00068531-00068750 an animal of some kind. s9aaLHHdjuY-00161-00068750-00069257 The witness claims that he did not have a preconception of what a sasquatch should look s9aaLHHdjuY-00162-00069257-00069712 like, as he had never heard any mention of them up until his encounter. s9aaLHHdjuY-00163-00069712-00070274 As I questioned him further, he did reveal some interesting details about the sighting. s9aaLHHdjuY-00164-00070274-00070744 The incident took place at between 15 and 20 yards distance, and lasted 2 minutes or s9aaLHHdjuY-00165-00070744-00070844 so. s9aaLHHdjuY-00166-00070844-00071206 He noticed that the arms were exceptionally long, though they did not quite reach the s9aaLHHdjuY-00167-00071206-00071357 knees. s9aaLHHdjuY-00168-00071357-00071832 He also noted that the upper body seemed very disproportionate to the lower body, in that s9aaLHHdjuY-00169-00071832-00072337 the upper body was very long, while the legs were rather short in comparison. s9aaLHHdjuY-00170-00072337-00072648 The legs were very thick and muscular, though. s9aaLHHdjuY-00171-00072648-00073038 He also mentioned the rump of the animal as being very large. s9aaLHHdjuY-00172-00073038-00073406 Not protruding, but very pronounced and muscular. s9aaLHHdjuY-00173-00073406-00073817 He went on to mention that the animal was very broad across the shoulders, and that s9aaLHHdjuY-00174-00073817-00074027 it was slouched forward slightly. s9aaLHHdjuY-00175-00074027-00074400 He described it as being like a man that was just starting to slouch forward, as if to s9aaLHHdjuY-00176-00074400-00074649 place his hands on his knees. s9aaLHHdjuY-00177-00074649-00075060 The shoulders appeared to be more forward on the torso than they would on a person, s9aaLHHdjuY-00178-00075060-00075187 as it stood there. s9aaLHHdjuY-00179-00075187-00075674 He said that the face appeared negroid, except that it was wider in through the jowls. s9aaLHHdjuY-00180-00075674-00076211 He also noted that the animal had an extremely pronounced sagittal crest, so much so that s9aaLHHdjuY-00181-00076211-00076494 he was unable to make out the eyes of the animal. s9aaLHHdjuY-00182-00076494-00076830 The nose was pushed up, wide and flat. s9aaLHHdjuY-00183-00076830-00077336 During the entire duration of their standoff, the animal did not move. s9aaLHHdjuY-00184-00077336-00077767 During this time, he said that his friend shouted at the animal a couple of times, but s9aaLHHdjuY-00185-00077767-00077914 without effect. s9aaLHHdjuY-00186-00077914-00078289 While they were standing there, he said that he could hear the animal breathing from time s9aaLHHdjuY-00187-00078289-00078648 to time, as if it were taking in an occasional deep breath. s9aaLHHdjuY-00188-00078648-00079138 After the last time his friend yelled at the animal, it let out a sort of soft cough/grunt, s9aaLHHdjuY-00189-00079138-00079485 and moved slightly to the left and forward, towards them. s9aaLHHdjuY-00190-00079485-00079939 He describes the sound as being kind of like a bear cough, but not quite. s9aaLHHdjuY-00191-00079939-00080232 His attempts to mimic it over the phone fell short. s9aaLHHdjuY-00192-00080232-00080717 Upon witnessing this grunt and movement by the creature, the boys immediately turned s9aaLHHdjuY-00193-00080717-00080924 around and fled the area. s9aaLHHdjuY-00194-00080924-00081472 As he said in his report, they returned the next day with his father, an experienced outdoorsman, s9aaLHHdjuY-00195-00081472-00081847 but found nothing other than disturbances where the animal had been standing. s9aaLHHdjuY-00196-00081847-00082330 In closing, he says that at no time during the encounter did he feel threatened by the s9aaLHHdjuY-00197-00082330-00082880 animal, although he was in awe of the sheer size and perceived strength of it. s9aaLHHdjuY-00198-00082880-00083305 It seemed equally as curious in them as they were in it. s9aaLHHdjuY-00199-00083305-00083772 He went on to mention that he did not notice any foul odors associated with the animal, s9aaLHHdjuY-00200-00083772-00084170 and he did not see any features to denote which sex the animal was. s9aaLHHdjuY-00201-00084170-00084789 Well, we've reached the end of our third report and this concludes our Wyoming Squatch triangulation s9aaLHHdjuY-00202-00084789-00085442 Zone report covering the northern Southern and Eastern parts of the beautiful and picturesque s9aaLHHdjuY-00203-00085442-00086351 state of Wyoming. s9aaLHHdjuY-00204-00086351-00086943 Thanks for watching, please like and subscribe below so we can expand our Squatch search s9aaLHHdjuY-00205-00086943-00087025 with your help. sszVIBIfJK4-00000-00000000-00000100 hello guys sszVIBIfJK4-00001-00000000-00000153 come back to my channel sszVIBIfJK4-00002-00000000-00000100 subscribe sszVIBIfJK4-00003-00000000-00000100 like sszVIBIfJK4-00004-00000000-00000100 share sszVIBIfJK4-00005-00000000-00000100 this video sszVIBIfJK4-00006-00000000-00000100 to your sosmed stZk4nW4Nj0-00000-00000216-00000367 Puppy Toys stZk4nW4Nj0-00001-00000567-00000855 Let's learn fruits and vegetables names stZk4nW4Nj0-00002-00000984-00001092 Peach stZk4nW4Nj0-00003-00002489-00002615 Dragon Fruit stZk4nW4Nj0-00004-00003599-00003736 Watermelon stZk4nW4Nj0-00005-00005025-00005117 Lemon stZk4nW4Nj0-00006-00006239-00006352 Carrot stZk4nW4Nj0-00007-00007378-00007478 Banana stZk4nW4Nj0-00008-00008358-00008454 Kiwi stZk4nW4Nj0-00009-00009759-00009889 Potato stZk4nW4Nj0-00010-00010769-00010894 Grapes stZk4nW4Nj0-00011-00011907-00012007 Orange stZk4nW4Nj0-00012-00012387-00012637 Learning fruits and vegetables names stZk4nW4Nj0-00013-00013621-00013722 Purple stZk4nW4Nj0-00014-00014552-00014652 Brown stZk4nW4Nj0-00015-00015786-00015882 Pink stZk4nW4Nj0-00016-00017029-00017129 Yellow stZk4nW4Nj0-00017-00018551-00018676 Green stZk4nW4Nj0-00018-00019481-00019611 Orange stZk4nW4Nj0-00019-00020603-00020745 Yellow stZk4nW4Nj0-00020-00021638-00021755 Orange stZk4nW4Nj0-00021-00022539-00022639 Green stZk4nW4Nj0-00022-00023506-00023611 Yellow stZk4nW4Nj0-00023-00023786-00024040 We learned fruits and vegetables names stZk4nW4Nj0-00024-00024161-00024261 Puppy Toys svCYN5ZnMbo-00000-00000010-00000213 >>Dennis: PETERSON DIDN'T DO svCYN5ZnMbo-00001-00000213-00000220 >>Dennis: PETERSON DIDN'T DO svCYN5ZnMbo-00002-00000220-00000300 >>Dennis: PETERSON DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. svCYN5ZnMbo-00003-00000300-00000306 >>Dennis: PETERSON DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. svCYN5ZnMbo-00004-00000306-00000393 >>Dennis: PETERSON DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. >>Collin: DID NOT DO ANYTHING. svCYN5ZnMbo-00005-00000393-00000400 ANYTHING. >>Collin: DID NOT DO ANYTHING. svCYN5ZnMbo-00006-00000400-00000573 ANYTHING. >>Collin: DID NOT DO ANYTHING. >>Dennis: THANKS, COLLIN. svCYN5ZnMbo-00007-00000573-00000580 >>Collin: DID NOT DO ANYTHING. >>Dennis: THANKS, COLLIN. svCYN5ZnMbo-00008-00000580-00000673 >>Collin: DID NOT DO ANYTHING. >>Dennis: THANKS, COLLIN. >>> THIS PAST WEEKEND WAS ONE svCYN5ZnMbo-00009-00000673-00000680 >>Dennis: THANKS, COLLIN. >>> THIS PAST WEEKEND WAS ONE svCYN5ZnMbo-00010-00000680-00000754 >>Dennis: THANKS, COLLIN. >>> THIS PAST WEEKEND WAS ONE FOR THE DOGS. svCYN5ZnMbo-00011-00000754-00000760 >>> THIS PAST WEEKEND WAS ONE FOR THE DOGS. svCYN5ZnMbo-00012-00000760-00000914 >>> THIS PAST WEEKEND WAS ONE FOR THE DOGS. IN THIS WEEK'S "COMMUNITY svCYN5ZnMbo-00013-00000914-00000920 FOR THE DOGS. IN THIS WEEK'S "COMMUNITY svCYN5ZnMbo-00014-00000920-00001047 FOR THE DOGS. IN THIS WEEK'S "COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT," JOSH PETERSON GOT TO svCYN5ZnMbo-00015-00001047-00001054 IN THIS WEEK'S "COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT," JOSH PETERSON GOT TO svCYN5ZnMbo-00016-00001054-00001244 IN THIS WEEK'S "COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT," JOSH PETERSON GOT TO SIT IN ON THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG svCYN5ZnMbo-00017-00001244-00001251 SPOTLIGHT," JOSH PETERSON GOT TO SIT IN ON THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG svCYN5ZnMbo-00018-00001251-00001524 SPOTLIGHT," JOSH PETERSON GOT TO SIT IN ON THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG TRAINING ASSOCIATION'S ANNUAL svCYN5ZnMbo-00019-00001524-00001531 SIT IN ON THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG TRAINING ASSOCIATION'S ANNUAL svCYN5ZnMbo-00020-00001531-00001594 SIT IN ON THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG TRAINING ASSOCIATION'S ANNUAL SHOW. svCYN5ZnMbo-00021-00001594-00001601 TRAINING ASSOCIATION'S ANNUAL SHOW. svCYN5ZnMbo-00022-00001601-00001751 TRAINING ASSOCIATION'S ANNUAL SHOW. >> Reporter: IT'S A DOG EAT DOG svCYN5ZnMbo-00023-00001751-00001758 SHOW. >> Reporter: IT'S A DOG EAT DOG svCYN5ZnMbo-00024-00001758-00001911 SHOW. >> Reporter: IT'S A DOG EAT DOG WORLD AND IN THE WORLD OF svCYN5ZnMbo-00025-00001911-00001918 >> Reporter: IT'S A DOG EAT DOG WORLD AND IN THE WORLD OF svCYN5ZnMbo-00026-00001918-00002068 >> Reporter: IT'S A DOG EAT DOG WORLD AND IN THE WORLD OF COMPETITION, NO STONE IS LEFT svCYN5ZnMbo-00027-00002068-00002075 WORLD AND IN THE WORLD OF COMPETITION, NO STONE IS LEFT svCYN5ZnMbo-00028-00002075-00002255 WORLD AND IN THE WORLD OF COMPETITION, NO STONE IS LEFT UNTURNED WHEN IT COMES TO A DOG svCYN5ZnMbo-00029-00002255-00002262 COMPETITION, NO STONE IS LEFT UNTURNED WHEN IT COMES TO A DOG svCYN5ZnMbo-00030-00002262-00002312 COMPETITION, NO STONE IS LEFT UNTURNED WHEN IT COMES TO A DOG SHOW. svCYN5ZnMbo-00031-00002312-00002318 UNTURNED WHEN IT COMES TO A DOG SHOW. svCYN5ZnMbo-00032-00002318-00002482 UNTURNED WHEN IT COMES TO A DOG SHOW. FOR EIGHT YEARS, THE PAUL BUNYAN svCYN5ZnMbo-00033-00002482-00002489 SHOW. FOR EIGHT YEARS, THE PAUL BUNYAN svCYN5ZnMbo-00034-00002489-00002706 SHOW. FOR EIGHT YEARS, THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG TRAINING ASSOCIATION HAS svCYN5ZnMbo-00035-00002706-00002712 FOR EIGHT YEARS, THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG TRAINING ASSOCIATION HAS svCYN5ZnMbo-00036-00002712-00002892 FOR EIGHT YEARS, THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG TRAINING ASSOCIATION HAS HOSTED THE UNITED KENNEL CLUB svCYN5ZnMbo-00037-00002892-00002899 DOG TRAINING ASSOCIATION HAS HOSTED THE UNITED KENNEL CLUB svCYN5ZnMbo-00038-00002899-00003253 DOG TRAINING ASSOCIATION HAS HOSTED THE UNITED KENNEL CLUB DOG SHOW ATTRACTING BOTH svCYN5ZnMbo-00039-00003253-00003259 HOSTED THE UNITED KENNEL CLUB DOG SHOW ATTRACTING BOTH svCYN5ZnMbo-00040-00003259-00003700 HOSTED THE UNITED KENNEL CLUB DOG SHOW ATTRACTING BOTH SEASONED AND NAFIS COMPETITORS svCYN5ZnMbo-00041-00003700-00003707 DOG SHOW ATTRACTING BOTH SEASONED AND NAFIS COMPETITORS svCYN5ZnMbo-00042-00003707-00003973 DOG SHOW ATTRACTING BOTH SEASONED AND NAFIS COMPETITORS -- NAV IS COMPETITORS. svCYN5ZnMbo-00043-00003973-00003980 SEASONED AND NAFIS COMPETITORS -- NAV IS COMPETITORS. svCYN5ZnMbo-00044-00003980-00004164 SEASONED AND NAFIS COMPETITORS -- NAV IS COMPETITORS. >> IT'S A NICE FUN SOCIAL EVENT svCYN5ZnMbo-00045-00004164-00004170 -- NAV IS COMPETITORS. >> IT'S A NICE FUN SOCIAL EVENT svCYN5ZnMbo-00046-00004170-00004300 -- NAV IS COMPETITORS. >> IT'S A NICE FUN SOCIAL EVENT AND IT'S FUN TO DO WITH YOUR svCYN5ZnMbo-00047-00004300-00004307 >> IT'S A NICE FUN SOCIAL EVENT AND IT'S FUN TO DO WITH YOUR svCYN5ZnMbo-00048-00004307-00004360 >> IT'S A NICE FUN SOCIAL EVENT AND IT'S FUN TO DO WITH YOUR DOGS. svCYN5ZnMbo-00049-00004360-00004367 AND IT'S FUN TO DO WITH YOUR DOGS. svCYN5ZnMbo-00050-00004367-00004524 AND IT'S FUN TO DO WITH YOUR DOGS. >> Reporter: TO GET YOUR PRIZED svCYN5ZnMbo-00051-00004524-00004531 DOGS. >> Reporter: TO GET YOUR PRIZED svCYN5ZnMbo-00052-00004531-00004681 DOGS. >> Reporter: TO GET YOUR PRIZED POOCH READY, IT REQUIRES A LOT svCYN5ZnMbo-00053-00004681-00004688 >> Reporter: TO GET YOUR PRIZED POOCH READY, IT REQUIRES A LOT svCYN5ZnMbo-00054-00004688-00004868 >> Reporter: TO GET YOUR PRIZED POOCH READY, IT REQUIRES A LOT OF HARD WORK AND A TON OF svCYN5ZnMbo-00055-00004868-00004874 POOCH READY, IT REQUIRES A LOT OF HARD WORK AND A TON OF svCYN5ZnMbo-00056-00004874-00005004 POOCH READY, IT REQUIRES A LOT OF HARD WORK AND A TON OF PATIENCE TO TRAIN YOUR svCYN5ZnMbo-00057-00005004-00005011 OF HARD WORK AND A TON OF PATIENCE TO TRAIN YOUR svCYN5ZnMbo-00058-00005011-00005201 OF HARD WORK AND A TON OF PATIENCE TO TRAIN YOUR COMPETITIVE COMPANION. svCYN5ZnMbo-00059-00005201-00005208 PATIENCE TO TRAIN YOUR COMPETITIVE COMPANION. svCYN5ZnMbo-00060-00005208-00005358 PATIENCE TO TRAIN YOUR COMPETITIVE COMPANION. >> A FULL-TIME JOB ALL YEAR svCYN5ZnMbo-00061-00005358-00005365 COMPETITIVE COMPANION. >> A FULL-TIME JOB ALL YEAR svCYN5ZnMbo-00062-00005365-00005418 COMPETITIVE COMPANION. >> A FULL-TIME JOB ALL YEAR ROUND. svCYN5ZnMbo-00063-00005418-00005425 >> A FULL-TIME JOB ALL YEAR ROUND. svCYN5ZnMbo-00064-00005425-00005722 >> A FULL-TIME JOB ALL YEAR ROUND. AT THE END OF LAST YEAR'S SHOW, svCYN5ZnMbo-00065-00005722-00005729 ROUND. AT THE END OF LAST YEAR'S SHOW, svCYN5ZnMbo-00066-00005729-00006025 ROUND. AT THE END OF LAST YEAR'S SHOW, RIGHT AWAY I STARTED PRACTICING svCYN5ZnMbo-00067-00006025-00006032 AT THE END OF LAST YEAR'S SHOW, RIGHT AWAY I STARTED PRACTICING svCYN5ZnMbo-00068-00006032-00006289 AT THE END OF LAST YEAR'S SHOW, RIGHT AWAY I STARTED PRACTICING WITH THEM FOR THIS YEAR'S SHOW. svCYN5ZnMbo-00069-00006289-00006296 RIGHT AWAY I STARTED PRACTICING WITH THEM FOR THIS YEAR'S SHOW. svCYN5ZnMbo-00070-00006296-00006443 RIGHT AWAY I STARTED PRACTICING WITH THEM FOR THIS YEAR'S SHOW. >> Reporter: IT ALSO REQUIRES A svCYN5ZnMbo-00071-00006443-00006449 WITH THEM FOR THIS YEAR'S SHOW. >> Reporter: IT ALSO REQUIRES A svCYN5ZnMbo-00072-00006449-00006699 WITH THEM FOR THIS YEAR'S SHOW. >> Reporter: IT ALSO REQUIRES A VAST SENSE OF KNOWLEDGE WHEN svCYN5ZnMbo-00073-00006699-00006706 >> Reporter: IT ALSO REQUIRES A VAST SENSE OF KNOWLEDGE WHEN svCYN5ZnMbo-00074-00006706-00006843 >> Reporter: IT ALSO REQUIRES A VAST SENSE OF KNOWLEDGE WHEN JUDGING COMPETITORS AND THEIR svCYN5ZnMbo-00075-00006843-00006850 VAST SENSE OF KNOWLEDGE WHEN JUDGING COMPETITORS AND THEIR svCYN5ZnMbo-00076-00006850-00006900 VAST SENSE OF KNOWLEDGE WHEN JUDGING COMPETITORS AND THEIR COMPANIONS. svCYN5ZnMbo-00077-00006900-00006906 JUDGING COMPETITORS AND THEIR COMPANIONS. svCYN5ZnMbo-00078-00006906-00007097 JUDGING COMPETITORS AND THEIR COMPANIONS. FOR THE JUDGES AT THIS DOG SHOW, svCYN5ZnMbo-00079-00007097-00007103 COMPANIONS. FOR THE JUDGES AT THIS DOG SHOW, svCYN5ZnMbo-00080-00007103-00007600 COMPANIONS. FOR THE JUDGES AT THIS DOG SHOW, ONE OF THE MANY JOYS IS SEEING svCYN5ZnMbo-00081-00007600-00007607 FOR THE JUDGES AT THIS DOG SHOW, ONE OF THE MANY JOYS IS SEEING svCYN5ZnMbo-00082-00007607-00007767 FOR THE JUDGES AT THIS DOG SHOW, ONE OF THE MANY JOYS IS SEEING THE DOG GROW WITH THE OWNER. svCYN5ZnMbo-00083-00007767-00007774 ONE OF THE MANY JOYS IS SEEING THE DOG GROW WITH THE OWNER. svCYN5ZnMbo-00084-00007774-00007937 ONE OF THE MANY JOYS IS SEEING THE DOG GROW WITH THE OWNER. >> IT'S TEACHING THE HANDLERS, svCYN5ZnMbo-00085-00007937-00007944 THE DOG GROW WITH THE OWNER. >> IT'S TEACHING THE HANDLERS, svCYN5ZnMbo-00086-00007944-00008154 THE DOG GROW WITH THE OWNER. >> IT'S TEACHING THE HANDLERS, TEACHING THE OTHER JUDGES, SO svCYN5ZnMbo-00087-00008154-00008161 >> IT'S TEACHING THE HANDLERS, TEACHING THE OTHER JUDGES, SO svCYN5ZnMbo-00088-00008161-00008324 >> IT'S TEACHING THE HANDLERS, TEACHING THE OTHER JUDGES, SO YES, IT'S WONDERFUL TO WATCH svCYN5ZnMbo-00089-00008324-00008331 TEACHING THE OTHER JUDGES, SO YES, IT'S WONDERFUL TO WATCH svCYN5ZnMbo-00090-00008331-00008395 TEACHING THE OTHER JUDGES, SO YES, IT'S WONDERFUL TO WATCH THEIR GROWTH. svCYN5ZnMbo-00091-00008395-00008401 YES, IT'S WONDERFUL TO WATCH THEIR GROWTH. svCYN5ZnMbo-00092-00008401-00008538 YES, IT'S WONDERFUL TO WATCH THEIR GROWTH. >> Reporter: WHILE THIS svCYN5ZnMbo-00093-00008538-00008545 THEIR GROWTH. >> Reporter: WHILE THIS svCYN5ZnMbo-00094-00008545-00008628 THEIR GROWTH. >> Reporter: WHILE THIS PARTICULAR DOG SHOW IS svCYN5ZnMbo-00095-00008628-00008635 >> Reporter: WHILE THIS PARTICULAR DOG SHOW IS svCYN5ZnMbo-00096-00008635-00008735 >> Reporter: WHILE THIS PARTICULAR DOG SHOW IS CONSIDERED A REGIONAL svCYN5ZnMbo-00097-00008735-00008742 PARTICULAR DOG SHOW IS CONSIDERED A REGIONAL svCYN5ZnMbo-00098-00008742-00008858 PARTICULAR DOG SHOW IS CONSIDERED A REGIONAL COMPETITION, THE WARM AND svCYN5ZnMbo-00099-00008858-00008865 CONSIDERED A REGIONAL COMPETITION, THE WARM AND svCYN5ZnMbo-00100-00008865-00008992 CONSIDERED A REGIONAL COMPETITION, THE WARM AND FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE HAS svCYN5ZnMbo-00101-00008992-00008998 COMPETITION, THE WARM AND FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE HAS svCYN5ZnMbo-00102-00008998-00009072 COMPETITION, THE WARM AND FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE HAS ATTRACTED PROUD PARENTS AND svCYN5ZnMbo-00103-00009072-00009079 FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE HAS ATTRACTED PROUD PARENTS AND svCYN5ZnMbo-00104-00009079-00009379 FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE HAS ATTRACTED PROUD PARENTS AND THEIR POOCHES FROM ALL OVER. svCYN5ZnMbo-00105-00009379-00009386 ATTRACTED PROUD PARENTS AND THEIR POOCHES FROM ALL OVER. svCYN5ZnMbo-00106-00009386-00009562 ATTRACTED PROUD PARENTS AND THEIR POOCHES FROM ALL OVER. THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG SHOW NOT svCYN5ZnMbo-00107-00009562-00009569 THEIR POOCHES FROM ALL OVER. THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG SHOW NOT svCYN5ZnMbo-00108-00009569-00009973 THEIR POOCHES FROM ALL OVER. THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG SHOW NOT ONLY ATTRACTS DOGS AND OWNERS svCYN5ZnMbo-00109-00009973-00009979 THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG SHOW NOT ONLY ATTRACTS DOGS AND OWNERS svCYN5ZnMbo-00110-00009979-00010120 THE PAUL BUNYAN DOG SHOW NOT ONLY ATTRACTS DOGS AND OWNERS REGIONALLY BUT NATIONALLY. svCYN5ZnMbo-00111-00010120-00010126 ONLY ATTRACTS DOGS AND OWNERS REGIONALLY BUT NATIONALLY. svCYN5ZnMbo-00112-00010126-00010603 ONLY ATTRACTS DOGS AND OWNERS REGIONALLY BUT NATIONALLY. WITH DOGS COMING FROM CANADA AND svCYN5ZnMbo-00113-00010603-00010610 REGIONALLY BUT NATIONALLY. WITH DOGS COMING FROM CANADA AND svCYN5ZnMbo-00114-00010610-00010714 REGIONALLY BUT NATIONALLY. WITH DOGS COMING FROM CANADA AND LONDON. svCYN5ZnMbo-00115-00010714-00010720 WITH DOGS COMING FROM CANADA AND LONDON. svCYN5ZnMbo-00116-00010720-00010907 WITH DOGS COMING FROM CANADA AND LONDON. >> SHE BROUGHT HER PRIZED PUP svCYN5ZnMbo-00117-00010907-00010914 LONDON. >> SHE BROUGHT HER PRIZED PUP svCYN5ZnMbo-00118-00010914-00011117 LONDON. >> SHE BROUGHT HER PRIZED PUP FROM LONDON AND ENJOYS ATTENDING svCYN5ZnMbo-00119-00011117-00011124 >> SHE BROUGHT HER PRIZED PUP FROM LONDON AND ENJOYS ATTENDING svCYN5ZnMbo-00120-00011124-00011304 >> SHE BROUGHT HER PRIZED PUP FROM LONDON AND ENJOYS ATTENDING THIS ANNUAL SHOW. svCYN5ZnMbo-00121-00011304-00011311 FROM LONDON AND ENJOYS ATTENDING THIS ANNUAL SHOW. svCYN5ZnMbo-00122-00011311-00011498 FROM LONDON AND ENJOYS ATTENDING THIS ANNUAL SHOW. >> WE'VE BEEN COMING FOR SEVEN svCYN5ZnMbo-00123-00011498-00011504 THIS ANNUAL SHOW. >> WE'VE BEEN COMING FOR SEVEN svCYN5ZnMbo-00124-00011504-00011674 THIS ANNUAL SHOW. >> WE'VE BEEN COMING FOR SEVEN YEARS NOW AND WE FOUND IT WAS svCYN5ZnMbo-00125-00011674-00011681 >> WE'VE BEEN COMING FOR SEVEN YEARS NOW AND WE FOUND IT WAS svCYN5ZnMbo-00126-00011681-00011858 >> WE'VE BEEN COMING FOR SEVEN YEARS NOW AND WE FOUND IT WAS JUST SO FRIENDLY AND SO NICE AND svCYN5ZnMbo-00127-00011858-00011865 YEARS NOW AND WE FOUND IT WAS JUST SO FRIENDLY AND SO NICE AND svCYN5ZnMbo-00128-00011865-00012028 YEARS NOW AND WE FOUND IT WAS JUST SO FRIENDLY AND SO NICE AND THE PEOPLE WERE SO GOOD. svCYN5ZnMbo-00129-00012028-00012035 JUST SO FRIENDLY AND SO NICE AND THE PEOPLE WERE SO GOOD. svCYN5ZnMbo-00130-00012035-00012215 JUST SO FRIENDLY AND SO NICE AND THE PEOPLE WERE SO GOOD. I DON'T KNOW, WE JUST MAKE SURE svCYN5ZnMbo-00131-00012215-00012222 THE PEOPLE WERE SO GOOD. I DON'T KNOW, WE JUST MAKE SURE svCYN5ZnMbo-00132-00012222-00012322 THE PEOPLE WERE SO GOOD. I DON'T KNOW, WE JUST MAKE SURE WE COME EVERY YEAR. svCYN5ZnMbo-00133-00012322-00012328 I DON'T KNOW, WE JUST MAKE SURE WE COME EVERY YEAR. svCYN5ZnMbo-00134-00012328-00012472 I DON'T KNOW, WE JUST MAKE SURE WE COME EVERY YEAR. >> Reporter: WITH NEARLY 100 svCYN5ZnMbo-00135-00012472-00012479 WE COME EVERY YEAR. >> Reporter: WITH NEARLY 100 svCYN5ZnMbo-00136-00012479-00012645 WE COME EVERY YEAR. >> Reporter: WITH NEARLY 100 DOGS COMPETING, THIS WEEKEND WAS svCYN5ZnMbo-00137-00012645-00012652 >> Reporter: WITH NEARLY 100 DOGS COMPETING, THIS WEEKEND WAS svCYN5ZnMbo-00138-00012652-00012792 >> Reporter: WITH NEARLY 100 DOGS COMPETING, THIS WEEKEND WAS ONE FOR THE DOGS. svCYN5ZnMbo-00139-00012792-00012799 DOGS COMPETING, THIS WEEKEND WAS ONE FOR THE DOGS. svCYN5ZnMbo-00140-00012799-00012959 DOGS COMPETING, THIS WEEKEND WAS ONE FOR THE DOGS. WITH THIS WEEK'S "COMMUNITY szfL4OUwKLk-00000-00002050-00002503 So, about a year and a half ago, then Commanding Officer Regiment, Colonel Gideons, szfL4OUwKLk-00001-00002503-00002970 wanted to explore the idea of having an RNS element nested at the regimental level, szfL4OUwKLk-00002-00002970-00003444 that way if we did go to war, the regiment would be fighting having an organic RNS asset. szfL4OUwKLk-00003-00004254-00004592 I think it's beneficial because we see most times the staple to use at szfL4OUwKLk-00004-00004602-00004960 the battalion level, don't always get focused training on their skillsets. szfL4OUwKLk-00005-00004960-00005188 They get sucked into battalion exercises, company-level exercises, szfL4OUwKLk-00006-00005188-00005548 and can't focus on developing the skills needed to be successful as a state platoon szfL4OUwKLk-00007-00005548-00005814 and be a true benefit to the battalion. szfL4OUwKLk-00008-00006498-00006892 Being a part of RSTAC enables Marines to get better training. szfL4OUwKLk-00009-00006892-00007444 We focus on ourselvesmore than the battalion, which pushes you guys through school more, szfL4OUwKLk-00010-00007444-00007799 gives us better funding, and it's a great feeling. szfL4OUwKLk-00011-00007799-00008469 It's something not to take for granted. It makes guys strive to perform to the best szfL4OUwKLk-00012-00008469-00008704 of their ability and learn as much as possible. szfL4OUwKLk-00013-00010536-00011040 Honestly, I'm still kind of anxious every time I shoot my first round through the barrel. szfL4OUwKLk-00014-00011040-00011443 It's kind of like a basketball game or a football game, you gotta get warmed up to it. szfL4OUwKLk-00015-00011443-00011930 Once you get warmed up to it, you apply the fundamentals, you apply the basic marksmanship szfL4OUwKLk-00016-00011930-00012313 qualities that you've learned in school, and you've learned from people teaching you. szfL4OUwKLk-00017-00012313-00012781 And once you're comfortable with it, it's pretty exciting. szfL4OUwKLk-00018-00012977-00013202 The first one's always pretty nerve-wracking. szfL4OUwKLk-00019-00014038-00014836 Being a PIG means you're a professionally instructed gunman. So, usually how it's done is the platoon szfL4OUwKLk-00020-00014836-00015550 will host a screener, or an indoc, and people will sign up for it, and if you're qualified, they'll allow you to come. szfL4OUwKLk-00021-00015550-00015966 Screeners can be from a day to a week. szfL4OUwKLk-00022-00015966-00016326 It's worth once you get in to the platoon you get to actually do a lot of the stuff szfL4OUwKLk-00023-00016326-00016576 that you learned, or that you wanted to learn. szfL4OUwKLk-00024-00017106-00017540 Getting sent to school's like a big deal. It's like, especially a scout sniper platoon. szfL4OUwKLk-00025-00017540-00017792 It's like you want to become a sniper, so you have to go szfL4OUwKLk-00026-00017792-00018058 to school to become a HOG, which is a hunter of gunmen. szfL4OUwKLk-00027-00018058-00018636 So once you pass school, you're a HOG, then it's your job to kind of like teach the next line szfL4OUwKLk-00028-00018636-00018892 of PIGs what they need to know to go to school. szfL4OUwKLk-00029-00019586-00020266 I think scout snipers are a very under appreciated piece of the Marine Corps, asset of the Marine Corps. szfL4OUwKLk-00030-00020266-00020594 They do everything that recon can do, just minus the insert platforms. szfL4OUwKLk-00031-00020594-00021070 Able to conduct RNS, they're the battalion eyes forward during operations, szfL4OUwKLk-00032-00021070-00021343 and now for the RSTAC, the regiment's eyes forward. szfL4OUwKLk-00033-00021343-00021825 They're very capable, very professional individuals. They choose to come to this platoon, szfL4OUwKLk-00034-00021825-00022308 it's a volunteer organization, volunteer unit, so the Marines who come here want to be here szfL4OUwKLk-00035-00022308-00022598 and to work very hard, and they're very good at their job. szfL4OUwKLk-00036-00022934-00023254 Being in a community so small, and being in a community so close, szfL4OUwKLk-00037-00023254-00023842 it's just really good feeling to know that you're a part of something that is different, szfL4OUwKLk-00038-00023842-00024093 but at the same time, extremely valuable. szfL4OUwKLk-00039-00024093-00024347 Something that can definitely be utilized. szfL4OUwKLk-00040-00025020-00025693 The public should know that the training we get and the funding we get we utilize every asset we have. szfL4OUwKLk-00041-00025693-00026400 We try to maximize every little piece of funding. We're allowed to pursue better training szfL4OUwKLk-00042-00026400-00026845 for the guys, and overall benefit the teams. s_hsNjjBfUk-00000-00000000-00000456 This video is made possible with the support of my Patrons and Super Thanks donors. Click s_hsNjjBfUk-00001-00000456-00000786 the link to my Patreon in the description or the Super Thanks button underneath the s_hsNjjBfUk-00002-00000786-00001188 video to help support my work. Thank you so much and now on to the video. s_hsNjjBfUk-00003-00001188-00001885 *solemn piano music plays* link to all music is in the description s_hsNjjBfUk-00004-00002373-00002796 Raise your hand if you've cut a parent out of your life, raise your hand if you know someone s_hsNjjBfUk-00005-00002796-00003270 who has. Chances are there are a few hands up in the audience right now and that's not surprising s_hsNjjBfUk-00006-00003270-00003611 since the growing number of adult children choosing to either distance themselves from s_hsNjjBfUk-00007-00003611-00004200 their parents or break up with them permanently has risen in recent years. In the 2011 article No s_hsNjjBfUk-00008-00004200-00004638 Longer on Speaking Terms: The Losses Associated with Family Estrangement at the End of Life the s_hsNjjBfUk-00009-00004638-00005166 author references the 1997 study which showed that seven percent of adult children are estranged from s_hsNjjBfUk-00010-00005166-00005730 their mothers and 27 from their fathers. In another article entitled Family Estrangement Establishing s_hsNjjBfUk-00011-00005730-00006222 a Prevalence Rate, a survey was conducted with 354 undergraduate and graduate students at s_hsNjjBfUk-00012-00006222-00006756 universities in the northeastern U.S and found that 44% of these young adults experience an s_hsNjjBfUk-00013-00006756-00007206 estrangement. And though we're talking more about estrangement nowadays it's important to note that s_hsNjjBfUk-00014-00007206-00007650 resentment between parents and children and family members in general have always been a thing but s_hsNjjBfUk-00015-00007650-00008064 just talked about behind closed doors. And even if someone felt like cutting off a parent just s_hsNjjBfUk-00016-00008064-00008484 a few decades ago societal pressure and stigma would hold that failing relationship together s_hsNjjBfUk-00017-00008484-00008994 because family is family after all, there's nothing you can do about it. But in recent s_hsNjjBfUk-00018-00008994-00009396 decades we've become more open to talking about it and have created art to help adult children s_hsNjjBfUk-00019-00009396-00009930 cope with bad parents and real life public figures have delved into their familial struggles to let s_hsNjjBfUk-00020-00009930-00010272 us know that those who want to cut ties with their parents or family members are not alone. s_hsNjjBfUk-00021-00010272-00010860 From Princess Diana's 1995 interview, to Harry and Megan leaving the royal family in 2020, to Britney s_hsNjjBfUk-00022-00010860-00011352 finally becoming free in 2021, to Jennette McCurdy's best-selling novel I'm Glad My Mom Died published s_hsNjjBfUk-00023-00011352-00011730 this year, we're finally at a point where we can talk about when the family you're given s_hsNjjBfUk-00024-00011730-00012252 just doesn't work out, and I think that's amazing. As someone who's experienced my own estrangement s_hsNjjBfUk-00025-00012252-00012654 I thought it would be interesting to delve into the causes and why is becoming more common in s_hsNjjBfUk-00026-00012654-00013134 order to take the stigma away from being an adult child estranged from one's parents and also to s_hsNjjBfUk-00027-00013134-00013518 start a conversation and community for those going through something similar to know you're not alone. s_hsNjjBfUk-00028-00013518-00013974 And for those of you who may not understand where adult children of strange families are coming from s_hsNjjBfUk-00029-00014028-00014496 I think Jennette McCurdy put it best when she said "unless you've experienced abuse from your parents s_hsNjjBfUk-00030-00014496-00015138 you'll never understand it." So with that said let's dive in. The Causes. The parenting for brain website s_hsNjjBfUk-00031-00015138-00015588 details three causes for estrangement which they garnered from a large study involving s_hsNjjBfUk-00032-00015588-00016194 898 estranged parent-child pairs first there's interpersonal issues, or in other words a child s_hsNjjBfUk-00033-00016194-00016668 might sever ties with a parent if they dislike their personality. For example if a parent s_hsNjjBfUk-00034-00016668-00017202 exhibits narcissistic tendencies, is unsupportive, or has a difference in values or beliefs a child s_hsNjjBfUk-00035-00017202-00017712 is likely to cut them off, specifically if they're unsupportive of their identity - whether it be their s_hsNjjBfUk-00036-00017712-00018288 gender identity, sexual orientation or religion. The second reason is intra-family issues which s_hsNjjBfUk-00037-00018288-00018804 result from negative behavior from a parent. The behaviors listed include abuse, manipulation, and s_hsNjjBfUk-00038-00018804-00019230 both a distant parenting style as well as in an emeshment parenting style or a lack s_hsNjjBfUk-00039-00019230-00019722 of respective boundaries which leads to a loss of autonomous development. The third reason is s_hsNjjBfUk-00040-00019722-00020286 inter-family issues or issues outside side of the parent-child relationship. If a parent objects to a s_hsNjjBfUk-00041-00020286-00020652 relationship their child is in or vice versa, if the child doesn't want to be around the s_hsNjjBfUk-00042-00020652-00021174 parent's new spouse for example estrangement might occur. As you can see there are many reasons for s_hsNjjBfUk-00043-00021174-00021642 estrangement ranging from a dislike to a parent's personality to the behaviors they exhibit and s_hsNjjBfUk-00044-00021642-00022116 things get even more complicated because those two things personality and behavior tend to overlap. s_hsNjjBfUk-00045-00022116-00022572 Like a parent with narcissistic personality disorder also probably exhibits erratic behavior s_hsNjjBfUk-00046-00022572-00023028 and has a parenting style that could be abusive emotionally and physically. Usually there is no one s_hsNjjBfUk-00047-00023028-00023514 sole cause of an adult child leaving a parent or parents generally it's a multitude of things that s_hsNjjBfUk-00048-00023514-00024000 build up over time, and only with time can the child see how they're being treated is unjust s_hsNjjBfUk-00049-00024000-00024486 as well as garner the vocabulary to start voicing their thoughts. Estrangement is usually something s_hsNjjBfUk-00050-00024486-00024978 that happens very abruptly for the parent, but for the child it's been years in the making. Why is s_hsNjjBfUk-00051-00024978-00025452 estrangement becoming more common? Now let's answer why this phenomenon is becoming more common than s_hsNjjBfUk-00052-00025452-00025962 it was a few generations ago. Number one knowing your worth. Adult children are realizing their own s_hsNjjBfUk-00053-00025962-00026489 value that they deserve more and don't have to put up with people who they don't like. The sense that s_hsNjjBfUk-00054-00026489-00026892 we're obligated to remain close to our parents and family in general simply because they're our s_hsNjjBfUk-00055-00026892-00027395 family is slowly being reevaluated. Back in the day adult children were raised to be indebted s_hsNjjBfUk-00056-00027395-00027882 to their parents. They fed clothed and housed you and therefore you owe them things that you never s_hsNjjBfUk-00057-00027882-00028368 asked for. That's how family worked. Even if you hated the hell out of your mom she's still your s_hsNjjBfUk-00058-00028368-00028806 mom, and that sort of thinking is just outdated in today's world. Though many people still might s_hsNjjBfUk-00059-00028806-00029250 live by this principle I think most adult children nowadays know that they don't need to put up with s_hsNjjBfUk-00060-00029250-00029664 someone just because they chose to raise you. Older generations might call this entitlement. s_hsNjjBfUk-00061-00029664-00030102 "Young people are so entitled nowadays how dare they think they deserve to be treated better by s_hsNjjBfUk-00062-00030102-00030654 their family." Familial struggles and resentment is so normalized in the media and in society as a whole s_hsNjjBfUk-00063-00030654-00031139 that it's just seen as a part of life hating your parents is a normal phase for teens to go through s_hsNjjBfUk-00064-00031139-00031583 but don't worry you'll grow out of it. But what happens when you grow up only to realize that you s_hsNjjBfUk-00065-00031583-00032052 are right to dislike or even hate them all along? What happens when adult children realize their s_hsNjjBfUk-00066-00032052-00032495 parents aren't as great as they thought they were, when they realized hey my dad kind of sucks as s_hsNjjBfUk-00067-00032495-00032946 a human being. And sometimes they always knew but didn't have the language to express how they felt s_hsNjjBfUk-00068-00032946-00033324 or wanted the relationship to continue out of guilt or out of the societal pressure we put on s_hsNjjBfUk-00069-00033324-00033876 kids to stay filial to their parents. And it's not an easy thing to do - cutting off one's parents - who s_hsNjjBfUk-00070-00033876-00034326 most children still tend to harbor some affection for, but many times it has to be done because s_hsNjjBfUk-00071-00034326-00034818 at the end of the day their relationship isn't benefiting anyone. It's a fake relationship and s_hsNjjBfUk-00072-00034818-00035346 who wants that? Ironically I do think many parents would be fine going about as usual and acting as s_hsNjjBfUk-00073-00035346-00035718 if there's nothing wrong. Some parents might even be content in this false reality because s_hsNjjBfUk-00074-00035718-00036180 it at least keeps up the appearance of normalcy but young people today just don't have time for s_hsNjjBfUk-00075-00036180-00036636 that and can you blame them? Many parents think that their children owe them what was promised s_hsNjjBfUk-00076-00036636-00037146 to them in the media - a happy family - but a happy family doesn't pop Into thin air, it takes decades s_hsNjjBfUk-00077-00037146-00037638 upon decades to establish and a lot of the time parents just don't want to put in the work. When s_hsNjjBfUk-00078-00037638-00038022 children grow up and turn into adults themselves they're able to see their parents for who they s_hsNjjBfUk-00079-00038022-00038490 really are and they either like what they see or don't and when they don't that's when it comes s_hsNjjBfUk-00080-00038490-00039126 time to make a critical decision, stay or go, and some stay and some go. Number two the dissolution s_hsNjjBfUk-00081-00039126-00039582 mint of the happy family. The idea of the happy family is one that is disillusioned from an s_hsNjjBfUk-00082-00039582-00039984 early age when you grow up with a bad parent. This usually happens when you see other kids and their s_hsNjjBfUk-00083-00039984-00040428 parents and their dynamic is nothing like yours with your own parents. You see a child and parent s_hsNjjBfUk-00084-00040428-00040890 relationship that isn't transactional but based on mutual love and respect. You see their parents s_hsNjjBfUk-00085-00040890-00041328 showing up and sticking to their word, a parent who doesn't complain that it's parent-teacher night or s_hsNjjBfUk-00086-00041328-00041796 that they have to go to your choir concert and sit in all that traffic, an adult who is well adjusted s_hsNjjBfUk-00087-00041796-00042294 and emotionally mature and then you realize, huh my parent is nothing like that and in fact my s_hsNjjBfUk-00088-00042294-00042648 parent mocks those parents who are put together in order to deflect from their own insecurities. s_hsNjjBfUk-00089-00042648-00043086 Growing up with a lesson stellar parent means that you begin to put up walls distance yourself and s_hsNjjBfUk-00090-00043086-00043494 try to protect yourself from them as much as possible. In many ways estrangement is a form s_hsNjjBfUk-00091-00043494-00043962 of self-protection. And then one day you're able to either try to establish boundaries with the person s_hsNjjBfUk-00092-00043962-00044394 or just leave them all together. Like I said earlier, to parents an adult child making s_hsNjjBfUk-00093-00044394-00044814 the decision to leave the relationship can feel out of the blue, but to the child it's been s_hsNjjBfUk-00094-00044814-00045162 years in the making, and it's up to the adult to either reflect on their actions that push s_hsNjjBfUk-00095-00045162-00045648 their child away or to continue to blame their child or others for the fallout. Number three s_hsNjjBfUk-00096-00045648-00046116 the bare minimum isn't enough anymore. It might seem strange that there's been a rise in parent s_hsNjjBfUk-00097-00046116-00046620 child estrangement in recent years since parents appear to be more hands on than ever, however this s_hsNjjBfUk-00098-00046620-00047106 presentness in their children's lives is usually self-serving, either to show off to others in a s_hsNjjBfUk-00099-00047106-00047580 keeping up with the Joneses type of way or to fulfill some sort of deep-seated insecurity the s_hsNjjBfUk-00100-00047580-00047982 parents have in their own life. But as Joshua Coleman wrote for The Atlantic, "Parents don't s_hsNjjBfUk-00101-00047982-00048366 typically see their behavior as contributing to the estrangement, they often believe another s_hsNjjBfUk-00102-00048366-00048876 person such as the adult child's partner or other parent turned their child against them. s_hsNjjBfUk-00103-00048876-00049338 In addition many fathers and mothers tell me they feel betrayed by their children's lack of s_hsNjjBfUk-00104-00049338-00049734 availability and responsivity, especially those who provided their children with the life they s_hsNjjBfUk-00105-00049734-00050274 see as enviable compared with their own childhoods. As the University of Virginia sociologist Joseph s_hsNjjBfUk-00106-00050274-00050850 E. Davis told me, parents expect a reciprocal bond of kinship in which their years of parenting will s_hsNjjBfUk-00107-00050850-00051329 be repaid with later closeness." But this type of closeness isn't given it's earned, only through s_hsNjjBfUk-00108-00051329-00051786 years and years of love support and respect can a parent and child relationships thrive. Doing the s_hsNjjBfUk-00109-00051786-00052284 bare minimum isn't enough anymore and frankly never was. We're realizing a relationship based s_hsNjjBfUk-00110-00052284-00052794 solely on the idea that you owe me something for doing things I chose to do just doesn't make sense. s_hsNjjBfUk-00111-00052794-00053364 We need more. We need our identities validated our interests supported and personhood respected. s_hsNjjBfUk-00112-00053364-00053796 Many adults don't believe in respecting children because they're children they're better seen and s_hsNjjBfUk-00113-00053796-00054354 not heard a sentiment I heard both ironically and unironically growing up. Number four mental health. s_hsNjjBfUk-00114-00054354-00054786 Adult children are also choosing to leave their parents more nowadays due to the rise in mental s_hsNjjBfUk-00115-00054786-00055217 health awareness. We're putting our mental health first and if that means cutting out a toxic parent s_hsNjjBfUk-00116-00055217-00055722 who we feel worse after talking to then so be it. Adult children today are also better versed s_hsNjjBfUk-00117-00055722-00056094 in the language of mental health. We now have the language to express the way made me feel towards s_hsNjjBfUk-00118-00056094-00056658 our parents that previous generations might not have had. Many older people parents see this as s_hsNjjBfUk-00119-00056658-00057120 another form of entitlement, how dare we put our happiness ahead of our parents, but why stay in s_hsNjjBfUk-00120-00057120-00057612 a relationship that makes you miserable? Why stay in a relationship that in the end benefits neither s_hsNjjBfUk-00121-00057612-00058067 party and just fuels resentment? In the end children are not responsible for their parents s_hsNjjBfUk-00122-00058067-00058650 happiness. Number five family is always changing. Lastly we're learning more and more nowadays s_hsNjjBfUk-00123-00058650-00059112 that family is more than just people who you might have grown up with or who have raised you, family s_hsNjjBfUk-00124-00059112-00059586 isn't a permanent state it's something that can grow and expand as you age. You can find your own s_hsNjjBfUk-00125-00059586-00060017 family of people who want to be around you, not out of obligation expectation or some sort of s_hsNjjBfUk-00126-00060017-00060504 social contract, but because they genuinely like you as a person. Adult children who cut off their s_hsNjjBfUk-00127-00060504-00060960 parents usually face a stigma from the greater society, how dare you leave someone who cared s_hsNjjBfUk-00128-00060960-00061446 for you for so many years, but I think nowadays that's changing. Seeing public figures take an s_hsNjjBfUk-00129-00061446-00061962 open stance against the sacred institution of the family is refreshing and validating. I think we're s_hsNjjBfUk-00130-00061962-00062364 really realizing that just because someone chose to take care of you doesn't mean that you owe them s_hsNjjBfUk-00131-00062364-00062790 anything. Children today don't have any duty to their parents just because they're your parents s_hsNjjBfUk-00132-00062790-00063288 and are older than you. That logically doesn't make any sense and is all arbitrary in the end. Parent s_hsNjjBfUk-00133-00063288-00063660 and child relationships that tend to thrive are ones where there isn't anything expected of the s_hsNjjBfUk-00134-00063660-00064176 child, love is given unconditionally and not when the parents outwardly complain at how hard it is s_hsNjjBfUk-00135-00064176-00064620 to take care of you or vocalize their resentment when they have to do something for you that won't s_hsNjjBfUk-00136-00064620-00065058 benefit them. And even though all parents might believe they love their children unconditionally s_hsNjjBfUk-00137-00065058-00065610 there usually are many strings attached, mainly if you don't do what I say at all times or if s_hsNjjBfUk-00138-00065610-00066132 you become a burden to me in any way my love for you wanes, and that shouldn't be the case but it is s_hsNjjBfUk-00139-00066132-00066564 so much more common than you might think. I'm glad that nowadays adult children are standing up to s_hsNjjBfUk-00140-00066564-00067062 their parents and demanding better treatment and acknowledgment of their parents flaws. No parent s_hsNjjBfUk-00141-00067062-00067506 is perfect, but there are some that are definitely worse than others, but a lot of parents don't want s_hsNjjBfUk-00142-00067506-00067914 to own up to that because there's a great sense of shame and guilt that go along with apologizing s_hsNjjBfUk-00143-00067914-00068430 and owning a to one's actions. Looking at yourself in the mirror is hard to do and for some parents s_hsNjjBfUk-00144-00068430-00068862 it's impossible. As Sharon Martin wrote in their article Why Adult Children Cut Ties with their s_hsNjjBfUk-00145-00068862-00069384 Parents, "Some parents fail to see their adult child as a separate capable and worthwhile person. They s_hsNjjBfUk-00146-00069384-00069900 belittle them, make unreasonable demands, criticize their choices, reject their identity, or disregard s_hsNjjBfUk-00147-00069900-00070386 their boundaries. When this happens continuously and the parent fails to accept responsibility s_hsNjjBfUk-00148-00070386-00070890 for their behavior and is unwilling or unable to change estrangement can result." And in the s_hsNjjBfUk-00149-00070890-00071286 end when it comes to estrangement the child finally has the power and the parent needs to s_hsNjjBfUk-00150-00071286-00071784 take a back seat. As Joshua Coleman wrote for the Atlantic "In my experience part of what confuses s_hsNjjBfUk-00151-00071784-00072234 today's parents of adult children is how little power they have when their child decides to end s_hsNjjBfUk-00152-00072234-00072672 contact." But when it comes to reconciliation the ball is in the parents court. The child s_hsNjjBfUk-00153-00072672-00073056 might initiate the estrangement but it's up to the parent to apologize and reflect, but s_hsNjjBfUk-00154-00073056-00073596 sadly that's rarely the outcome and this leads to some bonds never being able to be mended and s_hsNjjBfUk-00155-00073596-00073968 in the end I don't think that's the end of the world. Well that's it for this video. I hope you s_hsNjjBfUk-00156-00073968-00074496 enjoyed it and know that if you're estranged from a parent or family member you're not alone. I know s_hsNjjBfUk-00157-00074496-00074880 this can be a tough time of year because of the holidays and family gatherings and such s_hsNjjBfUk-00158-00074880-00075426 so I hope this video helped in some way thank you for watching and I'll see you on the next one bye :) sEdOLW78bny-00000-00000239-00000264 lool sEG9Q5RtPyg-00000-00000008-00000508 (music playing) sEG9Q5RtPyg-00001-00000879-00001133 Looking back at world history using our frames, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00002-00001133-00001516 it often seems like change within and across the frames sEG9Q5RtPyg-00003-00001516-00001775 followed a simple, straightforward pathway. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00004-00001775-00001908 Production and distribution sEG9Q5RtPyg-00005-00001908-00002108 become more sophisticated over time, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00006-00002108-00002333 more things got made and exchanged. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00007-00002333-00002591 Communities become bigger and more complex. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00008-00002591-00002762 Networks of ideas and relationships sEG9Q5RtPyg-00009-00002762-00002908 stretch further and further sEG9Q5RtPyg-00010-00002908-00003129 until they reach across the globe. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00011-00003129-00003437 But nothing in history happens in a straight line. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00012-00003437-00003641 Things change at different speeds, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00013-00003641-00003904 and change happens sometimes in one direction, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00014-00003904-00004070 and sometimes in another. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00015-00004070-00004333 Some of the key events covered in Era 4 sEG9Q5RtPyg-00016-00004333-00004600 are evidence of the irregular nature of history. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00017-00004600-00004837 In this era, we see some unexpected events sEG9Q5RtPyg-00018-00004837-00004995 in the history of communities. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00019-00004995-00005200 Large cities like Teotihuacan sEG9Q5RtPyg-00020-00005200-00005412 declined or were abandoned. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00021-00005412-00005537 Two great empires-- sEG9Q5RtPyg-00022-00005537-00005812 Rome and Han Dynasty China-- sEG9Q5RtPyg-00023-00005812-00006079 collapsed into chaos and disorder. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00024-00006079-00006291 In the wake of these catastrophes, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00025-00006291-00006616 similar changes happened in production and distribution. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00026-00006616-00006883 Instead of expanding, both shrank. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00027-00006883-00007162 Sophisticated production techniques were lost-- sEG9Q5RtPyg-00028-00007162-00007395 for example, we still don't really understand sEG9Q5RtPyg-00029-00007395-00007625 how the Romans made concrete in their day. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00030-00007625-00007866 Routes were no longer safe sEG9Q5RtPyg-00031-00007866-00008045 and people didn't travel as far. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00032-00008045-00008200 Trade shriveled. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00033-00008200-00008470 And, as a result, networks also contracted. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00034-00008470-00008775 Ideas stopped traveling as much as they had sEG9Q5RtPyg-00035-00008775-00008975 and in many places were lost. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00036-00008975-00009129 But, logically, we know these sEG9Q5RtPyg-00037-00009129-00009420 collapses and destructions were not permanent. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00038-00009420-00009591 In fact, when we look around today sEG9Q5RtPyg-00039-00009591-00009850 we see even more extensive networks, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00040-00009850-00010033 many and bigger states, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00041-00010033-00010304 and much, much more production and distribution sEG9Q5RtPyg-00042-00010304-00010516 than we saw at the beginning of Era 4-- sEG9Q5RtPyg-00043-00010516-00010733 1,700 years ago. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00044-00010733-00010929 So how did things turn around again? sEG9Q5RtPyg-00045-00010929-00011183 Historically, it turns out, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00046-00011183-00011516 collapse usually isn't really the end of a story. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00047-00011516-00011695 There are some continuities, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00048-00011695-00012020 even when societies and states seem to fall almost completely, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00049-00012020-00012166 and there is recovery. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00050-00012166-00012370 These continuities and recoveries sEG9Q5RtPyg-00051-00012370-00012633 are an important theme in Era 4. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00052-00012633-00012850 Late in this era, we see societies-- sEG9Q5RtPyg-00053-00012850-00013075 like the Islamic world and Ireland-- sEG9Q5RtPyg-00054-00013075-00013387 where important innovations and knowledge survived, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00055-00013387-00013758 ready to be spread again when neighboring societies recovered. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00056-00013758-00013962 We see communities, like China, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00057-00013962-00014375 that recovered quite rapidly under new dynasties and rulers. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00058-00014375-00014541 We see communities, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00059-00014541-00014750 like the Mayan cities of the Yucatan Peninsula, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00060-00014750-00015066 that stepped in to replace neighboring cities sEG9Q5RtPyg-00061-00015066-00015287 that had declined or collapsed. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00062-00015287-00015541 We see systems of trade that reformed, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00063-00015541-00015720 reconnecting distant regions sEG9Q5RtPyg-00064-00015720-00016058 with new players and new types of organizations. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00065-00016058-00016337 By investigating both decline and recovery sEG9Q5RtPyg-00066-00016337-00016558 in the context of the three frames, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00067-00016558-00016787 we can modify and better understand sEG9Q5RtPyg-00068-00016787-00017133 the big patterns of change and continuity over time. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00069-00017133-00017283 We can see how these events sEG9Q5RtPyg-00070-00017283-00017466 modify and challenge broad stories sEG9Q5RtPyg-00071-00017466-00017691 we may have about each frame, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00072-00017691-00017837 but they also help us to perceive sEG9Q5RtPyg-00073-00017837-00018083 their wider pattern over time. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00074-00018083-00018412 By comparing and contrasting examples from around the world, sEG9Q5RtPyg-00075-00018412-00018845 we can better understand how our present world came into being. sEG9Q5RtPyg-00076-00018845-00019158 Can it also better prepare for the future? sEG9Q5RtPyg-00077-00019158-00019412 (music playing) sHKqJtwMKKU-00000-00000053-00000322 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER TONY ROSA. sHKqJtwMKKU-00001-00000322-00000530 THESE ARE YOUR HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE FLEET. sHKqJtwMKKU-00002-00000530-00001142 THE SOUTHERN PARTNERSHIP STATION MISSION JOINT HIGH SPEED VESSEL, OR JHSV, 2014 ENDED A SUCCESSFUL sHKqJtwMKKU-00003-00001142-00001353 FOUR MONTH DEPLOYMENT, OCTOBER 7TH. sHKqJtwMKKU-00004-00001353-00001796 THE MISSION FOCUSED ON WORKING WITH PARTNER NATIONS IN CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA TO BUILD sHKqJtwMKKU-00005-00001796-00002110 RELATIONSHIPS WITH THEIR MILITARIES AND COMMUNITIES. sHKqJtwMKKU-00006-00002110-00002682 MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND'S JHSV, USNS SPEARHEAD, SHUTTLED PERSONNEL AND CARGO BETWEEN EACH sHKqJtwMKKU-00007-00002682-00002782 COUNTRY. sHKqJtwMKKU-00008-00002782-00003234 ON THE CYBER FRONT, SAILORS MUST BE VIGILANT WITH THEIR INFORMATION, ESPECIALLY WHEN USING sHKqJtwMKKU-00009-00003234-00003351 SOCIAL MEDIA. sHKqJtwMKKU-00010-00003351-00003832 NEVER SHARE ANYTHING YOU WOULDN'T DIRECTLY TELL THE ENEMY, AND NEVER POST PRIVATE INFORMATION. sHKqJtwMKKU-00011-00003832-00004123 ASSUME ALL INFORMATION YOU SHARE COULD BE MADE PUBLIC. sHKqJtwMKKU-00012-00004123-00004657 DON'T GET HOOKED BY PHISHING SCAMS: STAY CLEAR OF SENSATIONAL SUBJECT LINES AND SCARE TACTICS. sHKqJtwMKKU-00013-00004657-00005140 FOR ASSISTANCE WITH SUSPICIOUS EMAILS, CONTACT YOUR COMMAND INFORMATION ASSURANCE LEAD. sHKqJtwMKKU-00014-00005140-00005655 STAY VIGILANT WITH OPSEC, BOTH ON THE SEAS AND ON THE WEB. sKpg_pe1uzc-00000-00000080-00000313 WITH THE HOLIDAYS UPON US THERE ARE SOME ENCOURAGING sKpg_pe1uzc-00001-00000313-00000530 WORDS FROM THE CREW OF THE USS JOHN C. sKpg_pe1uzc-00002-00000530-00000640 STENNIS sKpg_pe1uzc-00003-00000640-00000967 I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO MY sKpg_pe1uzc-00004-00000967-00001194 BROTHER AND MY MOM AND DAD WHO ARE STATIONED IN ITALY sKpg_pe1uzc-00005-00001194-00001294 RIGHT NOW. sKpg_pe1uzc-00006-00001294-00001404 HAPPY HOLIDAYS. sKpg_pe1uzc-00007-00001404-00001591 I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE A HOLIDAY SHOUT OUT TO MY sKpg_pe1uzc-00008-00001591-00001791 MOM BACK HOME WHO I HAVENT SEEN SINCE I'VE BEEN HERE sKpg_pe1uzc-00009-00001791-00001898 SO I LOVE YOU MOM. sKpg_pe1uzc-00010-00001898-00002225 I'M FROM JACKPOT, NEVADA AND I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE sKpg_pe1uzc-00011-00002225-00002569 ALL OF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY BACK HOME A HOLIDAY sKpg_pe1uzc-00012-00002569-00002846 SHOUT OUT MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. sKpg_pe1uzc-00013-00002846-00003226 I WOULD LIKE TO WISH TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS BACK IN sKpg_pe1uzc-00014-00003226-00003546 EL PASO TEXAS AND TO ALL MY FORMER SHIPMATES AS sKpg_pe1uzc-00015-00003546-00003763 WELL AS MY CURRENT SHIPMATES ONBOARD THE JOHN sKpg_pe1uzc-00016-00003763-00003863 C. sKpg_pe1uzc-00017-00003863-00003973 STENNIS sKpg_pe1uzc-00018-00003973-00004164 I JUST WANT TO GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO MY FRIENDS sKpg_pe1uzc-00019-00004164-00004381 AND FAMILIES BACK HOME AS WELL AS MY SISTER AND MY sKpg_pe1uzc-00020-00004381-00004581 NIECE AND NEPHEWS BACK IN WISCONSON. sKpg_pe1uzc-00021-00004581-00004841 MAY YOU HAVE A HAPPY HIOLIDAYS AND MANY sKpg_pe1uzc-00022-00004841-00005338 BLESSINGS AND BE SAFE OUT THERE THANK YOU. sKpg_pe1uzc-00023-00005472-00005942 FOR THE FULL VIDEO VISIT THIER FACEBOOK PAGE. sLqIxKLqnRI-00000-00000603-00001080 We have several questions. I think I will read some. Some sLqIxKLqnRI-00001-00001080-00001580 of the questions I think are in the sLqIxKLqnRI-00002-00001580-00001956 category of very brief answers . I think the first one, I sLqIxKLqnRI-00003-00001956-00002456 think Dr. Taylor may have already addressed that. And sLqIxKLqnRI-00004-00002456-00002956 the question is, where did you get the data about the sLqIxKLqnRI-00005-00002956-00003456 rankings of schools that yield the most PhDs? sLqIxKLqnRI-00006-00003456-00003956 » ORLANDO TAYLOR: Okay. I hope sLqIxKLqnRI-00007-00003956-00004456 I'm on. Yes, you could go to the National Center for sLqIxKLqnRI-00008-00004456-00005056 Science and Engineering Statistics. NSF document 21- sLqIxKLqnRI-00009-00005056-00005256 321. And go to table 7-7. sLqIxKLqnRI-00010-00005256-00005556 It will list the top baccalaureate institutions of sLqIxKLqnRI-00011-00005556-00005956 Black or African American sLqIxKLqnRI-00012-00005956-00006656 S&E doctorate recipients by type of institution, 2015 to sLqIxKLqnRI-00013-00006656-00007156 2019. I'll repeat this. NC National Center for Science sLqIxKLqnRI-00014-00007156-00007656 and Engineering Statistics, document number 21-321, the sLqIxKLqnRI-00015-00007656-00008156 publication number. And the table number is 7-7. I'll put sLqIxKLqnRI-00016-00008156-00008456 in the chat the top ten producers as of these data, as sLqIxKLqnRI-00017-00008456-00008556 of 2019. sLqIxKLqnRI-00018-00008556-00009156 » JOSÉ FUENTES: Okay. Thank sLqIxKLqnRI-00019-00009156-00009556 you so very much. And the dataset that you mentioned, it sLqIxKLqnRI-00020-00009556-00010056 's really a wonderful dataset. We in CEOS use those datasets sLqIxKLqnRI-00021-00010056-00010656 very often. So thank you so much for pointing that out. sLqIxKLqnRI-00022-00010656-00011156 The second question reads like this. Per capita, sLqIxKLqnRI-00023-00011156-00011456 how does the success rates, PhDs and MDs, PhDs in STEM sLqIxKLqnRI-00024-00011456-00011956 leadership positions, plus national credibility, for sLqIxKLqnRI-00025-00011956-00012556 example, invited service on National STEM Advisory sLqIxKLqnRI-00026-00012556-00013056 Councils, of graduates from scholars program compare with sLqIxKLqnRI-00027-00013056-00013356 the success rates plus national sLqIxKLqnRI-00028-00013356-00013756 credibility, for example, invited service on national sLqIxKLqnRI-00029-00013756-00014456 STEM advisor boards, and two, graduates from the STEM sLqIxKLqnRI-00030-00014456-00014956 programs of HBCUs and/or HSIs? I would invite the three sLqIxKLqnRI-00031-00014956-00015256 speakers, if they can, to address this question. Let's sLqIxKLqnRI-00032-00015256-00015656 start with Dr. Taylor. sLqIxKLqnRI-00033-00015656-00015856 » ORLANDO TAYLOR: As a quick sLqIxKLqnRI-00034-00015856-00016156 follow-up to the first question, as I'm looking at sLqIxKLqnRI-00035-00016156-00016356 the data in front of me, I'm trying to get it so I can put sLqIxKLqnRI-00036-00016356-00016656 it in the chat. sLqIxKLqnRI-00037-00016656-00016856 The number one producer, predominantly White sLqIxKLqnRI-00038-00016856-00017356 institution that produces African Americans who later sLqIxKLqnRI-00039-00017356-00017856 get PhDs in the United States is not Harvard, it's not sLqIxKLqnRI-00040-00017856-00018356 Stanford, it's not MIT. It's the University of Maryland, sLqIxKLqnRI-00041-00018356-00018956 Baltimore County. More than even the flagship in College sLqIxKLqnRI-00042-00018956-00019356 Park. Who's the president? So that's something about the sLqIxKLqnRI-00043-00019356-00019856 leader that sets the tone, that sets the culture that we sLqIxKLqnRI-00044-00019856-00020456 can't dismiss that. Just want to comment on that. In that sLqIxKLqnRI-00045-00020456-00020956 top ten, Maryland, Baltimore County is number one sLqIxKLqnRI-00046-00020956-00022156 and fourth in the country. sLqIxKLqnRI-00047-00022156-00022256 » RICHARD TAPIA: sLqIxKLqnRI-00048-00022256-00022556 José -- » JOSÉ FUENTES: How about the sLqIxKLqnRI-00049-00022556-00022956 other speakers? » RICHARD TAPIA: Give me in 15 sLqIxKLqnRI-00050-00022956-00023556 words, what is it that you want to be answered? Just sLqIxKLqnRI-00051-00023556-00023656 repeat that. Summarize what you want to be answered. sLqIxKLqnRI-00052-00023656-00024256 » JOSÉ FUENTES: The question sLqIxKLqnRI-00053-00024256-00024456 is how do we assess the success rates of the PhD sLqIxKLqnRI-00054-00024456-00024756 programs sLqIxKLqnRI-00055-00024756-00025156 from individuals sLqIxKLqnRI-00056-00025156-00025456 that come from programs such as the one at UMBC versus sLqIxKLqnRI-00057-00025456-00025556 other national programs? sLqIxKLqnRI-00058-00025556-00025856 » RICHARD TAPIA: Yeah, well, I sLqIxKLqnRI-00059-00025856-00026256 think that we look at individual cases and see how sLqIxKLqnRI-00060-00026256-00026956 it's happened. Just following sLqIxKLqnRI-00061-00026956-00027356 in my critical ways of things I do. But at Rice, I produced sLqIxKLqnRI-00062-00027356-00027756 probably in mathematical sciences, I've had 16 women sLqIxKLqnRI-00063-00027756-00028256 PhD students and I've had sLqIxKLqnRI-00064-00028256-00028656 15 underrepresented minority PhD students who have gone off sLqIxKLqnRI-00065-00028656-00028856 to be faculty at tier 1 schools. One of my minority sLqIxKLqnRI-00066-00028856-00029156 students last year, I nominated and he's a member of sLqIxKLqnRI-00067-00029156-00029456 the National Academy of Engineering. So I think we sLqIxKLqnRI-00068-00029456-00029756 have to look at the individual cases and see how are you sLqIxKLqnRI-00069-00029756-00030056 doing on that? But I would tell you right now, I don't sLqIxKLqnRI-00070-00030056-00030556 think any mathematical sciences person has produced sLqIxKLqnRI-00071-00030556-00030856 more women or more minority PhDs than I have. I'm not sLqIxKLqnRI-00072-00030856-00031256 saying that Rice is perfect. And I'm not saying tier 1 sLqIxKLqnRI-00073-00031256-00031556 schools are perfect. But I'm saying that I've produced sLqIxKLqnRI-00074-00031556-00032056 people that have gone off into their careers and become sLqIxKLqnRI-00075-00032056-00032456 national leaders in the profession. And I'm very happy sLqIxKLqnRI-00076-00032456-00033556 about that. And the same with the women. sLqIxKLqnRI-00077-00033556-00034256 Just to further aggravate the people past my talk is that if sLqIxKLqnRI-00078-00034256-00034856 you get a PhD, in my book I say I don't think sLqIxKLqnRI-00079-00034856-00035556 that there is one PhD from a minority serving institution sLqIxKLqnRI-00080-00035556-00035856 who is on the faculty of a tier 1 school in STEM. So in sLqIxKLqnRI-00081-00035856-00036056 other words, we're very elitist in how we hire people. sLqIxKLqnRI-00082-00036056-00036356 We're going through hiring right now. Right now if I look sLqIxKLqnRI-00083-00036356-00036756 at the hiring pool, in fact, I had to interview a candidate sLqIxKLqnRI-00084-00036756-00036956 just a little while ago. Our pool is probably 75% Chinese sLqIxKLqnRI-00085-00036956-00037456 nationals. sLqIxKLqnRI-00086-00037456-00038056 So in the pool of 300 students , sLqIxKLqnRI-00087-00038056-00038356 we had one -- no, two underrepresented minorities we sLqIxKLqnRI-00088-00038356-00038656 had to look at very closely. What I'm saying is this. This sLqIxKLqnRI-00089-00038656-00039056 here is a hard statement. I don't believe that there is a sLqIxKLqnRI-00090-00039056-00039756 PhD from a minority serving institution who is on the sLqIxKLqnRI-00091-00039756-00040056 faculty tenure track at a tier 1 school. We're too elitist in sLqIxKLqnRI-00092-00040056-00040356 the way we pick. And there's more to it than that, I can sLqIxKLqnRI-00093-00040356-00040956 just say it. But these are hard data points to look at. sLqIxKLqnRI-00094-00040956-00041256 But I've tried really hard to find such an entity. I'm not sLqIxKLqnRI-00095-00041256-00041656 against HBCUs. And I think there's a lot of things they sLqIxKLqnRI-00096-00041656-00042056 do extremely well. And there's a lot of things that majority sLqIxKLqnRI-00097-00042056-00042356 universities don't do well. But I look at this. I look sLqIxKLqnRI-00098-00042356-00042856 bottom line. Tell me how many people, like we just had some sLqIxKLqnRI-00099-00042856-00043556 data from Orlando, tell me how many individuals have gotten sLqIxKLqnRI-00100-00043556-00043856 their PhD at an HBCU or Hispanic serving institution sLqIxKLqnRI-00101-00043856-00044256 and are tenure track faculty at a tier 1 school. And the sLqIxKLqnRI-00102-00044256-00044756 answer is zero. I mean, that's a hard thing to say. But when sLqIxKLqnRI-00103-00044756-00045056 I was young, I used to say it. And now that I'm old, I still sLqIxKLqnRI-00104-00045056-00045256 say it. » ORLANDO TAYLOR: But Richard, sLqIxKLqnRI-00105-00045256-00045756 I think that's the wrong question. You're focusing only sLqIxKLqnRI-00106-00045756-00046056 on PhD production in terms of judging the quality of the sLqIxKLqnRI-00107-00046056-00046356 education required of the students. Students have to sLqIxKLqnRI-00108-00046356-00046656 start off at an undergraduate education before they get into sLqIxKLqnRI-00109-00046656-00047056 a doctoral program. So the question becomes, what kind of sLqIxKLqnRI-00110-00047056-00047456 foundations are built in institutions that lead them sLqIxKLqnRI-00111-00047456-00047756 onward to the PhD? And if you ask that question, you get a sLqIxKLqnRI-00112-00047756-00048056 different answer. Not the ones that produce PhDs. Of course sLqIxKLqnRI-00113-00048056-00048256 more PhDs are produced at predominantly White sLqIxKLqnRI-00114-00048256-00048356 institutions because they have more of them offering PhDs. sLqIxKLqnRI-00115-00048356-00048556 That's the wrong question. sLqIxKLqnRI-00116-00048556-00048956 » RICHARD TAPIA: I mean that's the question that I decided to sLqIxKLqnRI-00117-00048956-00049256 answer, Orlando. You have your question because it's going to sLqIxKLqnRI-00118-00049256-00049556 be supported by your data. sLqIxKLqnRI-00119-00049556-00049956 But I understand what you're saying. sLqIxKLqnRI-00120-00049956-00050356 I'll even aggravate the situation by saying that most sLqIxKLqnRI-00121-00050356-00050856 of the minority PhDs that we' ve produced here at Rice, most sLqIxKLqnRI-00122-00050856-00051156 of them have come as Rice undergraduates. So in other sLqIxKLqnRI-00123-00051156-00051656 words they move in from undergraduates into graduate sLqIxKLqnRI-00124-00051656-00052256 school. We haven't had the success that you want or that sLqIxKLqnRI-00125-00052256-00052456 you're proposing that we say, now, granted, sure, there are sLqIxKLqnRI-00126-00052456-00053056 students sLqIxKLqnRI-00127-00053056-00053356 that come from HBCUs or Hispanic serving institutions. sLqIxKLqnRI-00128-00053356-00054056 That's one question. sLqIxKLqnRI-00129-00054056-00054456 I'm willing to stand up with you, Orlando, and say that sLqIxKLqnRI-00130-00054456-00055056 the students -- a lot of the minority students we have sLqIxKLqnRI-00131-00055056-00055156 produced as PhDs at Rice were undergraduates at Rice. sLqIxKLqnRI-00132-00055156-00055256 » CLIFTON POODRY: Can I ask a sLqIxKLqnRI-00133-00055256-00055456 slightly different question? sLqIxKLqnRI-00134-00055456-00055656 » ORLANDO TAYLOR: Rice does not appear in the top 50 sLqIxKLqnRI-00135-00055656-00056056 producer of African American undergraduates for PhDs so sLqIxKLqnRI-00136-00056056-00056356 Rice is not a player on a numerical number, on a sLqIxKLqnRI-00137-00056356-00056456 quantitative number, of producing African Americans in sLqIxKLqnRI-00138-00056456-00056656 STEM. » RICHARD TAPIA: Let me tell sLqIxKLqnRI-00139-00056656-00057156 you this -- » ORLANDO TAYLOR: You have, sLqIxKLqnRI-00140-00057156-00057556 but not the institution. Rich look, Orlando. Rice, in terms sLqIxKLqnRI-00141-00057556-00058056 of undergraduate population, is sLqIxKLqnRI-00142-00058056-00058456 10% African American. Rice is, okay? That puts us number one sLqIxKLqnRI-00143-00058456-00059056 among all AAU tier 1 universities in the United sLqIxKLqnRI-00144-00059056-00059556 States. Number 2 is Georgia Tech. At 10%, Rice is number sLqIxKLqnRI-00145-00059556-00059856 one in the production of undergraduates, and this is sLqIxKLqnRI-00146-00059856-00060056 African American undergraduates among all AAU sLqIxKLqnRI-00147-00060056-00060356 tier 1 schools. sLqIxKLqnRI-00148-00060356-00060756 And where my criticism goes to the administration is while we sLqIxKLqnRI-00149-00060756-00060956 've done a great job in Texas of producing African Americans sLqIxKLqnRI-00150-00060956-00061156 , we haven't done the same thing with the Hispanic sLqIxKLqnRI-00151-00061156-00061756 situation. sLqIxKLqnRI-00152-00061756-00061956 That's where I'm the pain right now to the president. sLqIxKLqnRI-00153-00061956-00062156 » JOSÉ FUENTES: Clif. sLqIxKLqnRI-00154-00062156-00062456 » CLIFTON POODRY: I'd like to ask a slightly different sLqIxKLqnRI-00155-00062456-00062756 version of the question, and that is sLqIxKLqnRI-00156-00062756-00063556 are we able to measure, and I don't think we are yet, so we sLqIxKLqnRI-00157-00063556-00063856 should measure added value. Because we should identify sLqIxKLqnRI-00158-00063856-00064456 what the institution is able to contribute, that is the sLqIxKLqnRI-00159-00064456-00064956 product going out much stronger than you might have sLqIxKLqnRI-00160-00064956-00065356 predicted from all of the background and information of sLqIxKLqnRI-00161-00065356-00065756 the product coming in. And I think that's something that is sLqIxKLqnRI-00162-00065756-00066256 more challenging, something that I would certainly like to sLqIxKLqnRI-00163-00066256-00066556 know. Where are the places where you go, where you really sLqIxKLqnRI-00164-00066556-00067256 get a kick? sLqIxKLqnRI-00165-00067256-00067656 That your expectations or your outcomes are higher than might sLqIxKLqnRI-00166-00067656-00068056 have been expected. » RICHARD TAPIA: Clif, that's sLqIxKLqnRI-00167-00068056-00068456 very good. I want to call a dear friend of mine that I've sLqIxKLqnRI-00168-00068456-00068756 known for a long time, and that's Shirley Malcolm. sLqIxKLqnRI-00169-00068756-00069056 Shirley Malcolm at the National Science Board used to sLqIxKLqnRI-00170-00069056-00069556 say this. We value what we measure because we don't know sLqIxKLqnRI-00171-00069556-00069856 how to measure what we value. sLqIxKLqnRI-00172-00069856-00069956 » CLIFTON POODRY: Here, here. sLqIxKLqnRI-00173-00069956-00070356 » JOSÉ FUENTES: On that note, sLqIxKLqnRI-00174-00070356-00070856 let's move on to the next question. But I also want to sLqIxKLqnRI-00175-00070856-00071356 mention something along the lines of what Dr. Taylor said. sLqIxKLqnRI-00176-00071356-00071856 In the year 2019, the National Academy of Sciences sLqIxKLqnRI-00177-00071856-00072156 published a report which is titled The Status of the sLqIxKLqnRI-00178-00072156-00072656 Minority Serving Institutions in the United States. And in sLqIxKLqnRI-00179-00072656-00073156 that report, it is indicated that a very high percentage sLqIxKLqnRI-00180-00073156-00073556 of underrepresented students who later joined the STEM sLqIxKLqnRI-00181-00073556-00073856 workforce are trained at those institutions. Very, very sLqIxKLqnRI-00182-00073856-00074356 important statistic there. So the next question is for Dr. sLqIxKLqnRI-00183-00074356-00074756 Tapia. And the question reads like this. sLqIxKLqnRI-00184-00074756-00075156 Dr. Tapia makes an important point about senior leaders of sLqIxKLqnRI-00185-00075156-00075456 color, not only representing themselves as content experts, sLqIxKLqnRI-00186-00075456-00075956 but also dedicated individuals sLqIxKLqnRI-00187-00075956-00076456 to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and belonging, and sLqIxKLqnRI-00188-00076456-00076656 requiring a host organization to recognize our intersecting sLqIxKLqnRI-00189-00076656-00077156 identities sLqIxKLqnRI-00190-00077156-00077756 . Research is clear that the success of these efforts are sLqIxKLqnRI-00191-00077756-00078356 tethered to if, when, and how an institution's leader sLqIxKLqnRI-00192-00078356-00078656 presents their understanding and commitment to diversity, sLqIxKLqnRI-00193-00078656-00079156 equity, inclusion, and belonging. So this is to Dr. sLqIxKLqnRI-00194-00079156-00079556 Tapia. » RICHARD TAPIA: All right. sLqIxKLqnRI-00195-00079556-00079956 So again, I heard what you said, but tell me again in sLqIxKLqnRI-00196-00079956-00080456 simple words. Because I'm a mathematician. I don't have an sLqIxKLqnRI-00197-00080456-00080556 English major. What is it you want me to comment on? sLqIxKLqnRI-00198-00080556-00081456 » JOSÉ FUENTES: I suppose here sLqIxKLqnRI-00199-00081456-00081956 the idea is that you want to express the success of these sLqIxKLqnRI-00200-00081956-00082156 efforts. Like the ones we are discussing here today. sLqIxKLqnRI-00201-00082156-00082556 I think you in your presentation alluded to that sLqIxKLqnRI-00202-00082556-00083056 in some extent, how we measure the success of these efforts, sLqIxKLqnRI-00203-00083056-00083256 that we all embark on, this audience we have here today. sLqIxKLqnRI-00204-00083256-00083556 » RICHARD TAPIA: Well, sLqIxKLqnRI-00205-00083556-00084156 I still don't really understand what I'm supposed sLqIxKLqnRI-00206-00084156-00084356 to -- but let me say this. We do need to focus on the full sLqIxKLqnRI-00207-00084356-00084656 spectrum of students. It's the country that we're worried sLqIxKLqnRI-00208-00084656-00085056 about. It's the country we're worried about. It's not one sLqIxKLqnRI-00209-00085056-00085356 school or one group or anything. And I always argue sLqIxKLqnRI-00210-00085356-00085756 that underrepresentation sLqIxKLqnRI-00211-00085756-00086056 is not to support the discipline. It's not that sLqIxKLqnRI-00212-00086056-00086356 civil engineering is in trouble or math is in trouble. sLqIxKLqnRI-00213-00086356-00086656 It's that the country is in trouble. So I say that sLqIxKLqnRI-00214-00086656-00087256 underrepresentation should be something that we take care of sLqIxKLqnRI-00215-00087256-00087656 to improve the health of the nation. No country can be so sLqIxKLqnRI-00216-00087656-00088156 -- no country can stay healthy with such a large part of its sLqIxKLqnRI-00217-00088156-00088456 population outside of mainstream backbone activities sLqIxKLqnRI-00218-00088456-00088756 , science and engineering is a backbone activity of this sLqIxKLqnRI-00219-00088756-00088956 country. And if we're not there, then we're not in the sLqIxKLqnRI-00220-00088956-00089356 leadership sLqIxKLqnRI-00221-00089356-00089756 and in the part of the country . So it's really working sLqIxKLqnRI-00222-00089756-00090056 together. I don't want to separate. But all my life I've sLqIxKLqnRI-00223-00090056-00090556 heard people hit at places sLqIxKLqnRI-00224-00090556-00090956 and in particular at the way I view things. sLqIxKLqnRI-00225-00090956-00091356 But I don't think anybody in the country has been more sLqIxKLqnRI-00226-00091356-00091856 successful than I have at producing programs. sLqIxKLqnRI-00227-00091856-00092156 Our programs, many of them, they win awards. And we're sLqIxKLqnRI-00228-00092156-00092456 still continuing to do that. So I want it to be an sLqIxKLqnRI-00229-00092456-00093156 integrated effort across the whole country, all people sLqIxKLqnRI-00230-00093156-00093456 together, and how can we use, as Orlando says, the HBCU, sLqIxKLqnRI-00231-00093456-00093856 because they do some wonderful things. They really do some sLqIxKLqnRI-00232-00093856-00094256 wonderful things. And so it isn't sLqIxKLqnRI-00233-00094256-00094556 zero one. It's how do we put the whole spectrum together to sLqIxKLqnRI-00234-00094556-00095156 work? When I was on the National Science Board with my sLqIxKLqnRI-00235-00095156-00095456 friend Shirley Malcolm, we pointed out that post-doc sLqIxKLqnRI-00236-00095456-00095756 situations are particularly problematic, not just for sLqIxKLqnRI-00237-00095756-00096056 minorities, problematic for everyone. Post-docs tend to be sLqIxKLqnRI-00238-00096056-00096556 isolated and not integrated into the mainstream activity sLqIxKLqnRI-00239-00096556-00097056 of the university or of the country. So we need to work on sLqIxKLqnRI-00240-00097056-00097456 that. In an hour or so I'm going to give a presentation sLqIxKLqnRI-00241-00097456-00098256 on how we're supposed to work with post-docs sLqIxKLqnRI-00242-00098256-00098756 as a presentation to NSF. Anyway, yeah. sLqIxKLqnRI-00243-00098756-00098856 It's a big group working together. sLqIxKLqnRI-00244-00098856-00099056 » ORLANDO TAYLOR: I'm finding sLqIxKLqnRI-00245-00099056-00099356 myself agreeing with Richard here for a change. (Laughter) sLqIxKLqnRI-00246-00099356-00099756 During this panel anyway. I've agreed with him most of the sLqIxKLqnRI-00247-00099756-00100056 time anyway. Particularly during this panel. sLqIxKLqnRI-00248-00100056-00100356 And the point is that the focus is got not to be on sLqIxKLqnRI-00249-00100356-00100856 social justice but on the welfare of the nation. That's sLqIxKLqnRI-00250-00100856-00101156 where we have to start. It's not a social justice argument. sLqIxKLqnRI-00251-00101156-00101356 It's about the competitiveness of the United States as a sLqIxKLqnRI-00252-00101356-00101656 nation. » JOSÉ FUENTES: Yeah. sLqIxKLqnRI-00253-00101656-00102056 » RICHARD TAPIA: Great, Orlando. I mean great. Look. sLqIxKLqnRI-00254-00102056-00102356 Look at this. Look at this. Our hiring committee right now sLqIxKLqnRI-00255-00102356-00103156 is looking at applicants. sLqIxKLqnRI-00256-00103156-00103356 Out of 300 applicants, 75% or more are national Chinese. 75% sLqIxKLqnRI-00257-00103356-00103656 or more sLqIxKLqnRI-00258-00103656-00103956 are national Chinese. I'm not talking about Asian Americans. sLqIxKLqnRI-00259-00103956-00104356 I'm talking about national Chinese. From very good sLqIxKLqnRI-00260-00104356-00104456 schools. All right. sLqIxKLqnRI-00261-00104456-00104856 » JOSÉ FUENTES: On that note, sLqIxKLqnRI-00262-00104856-00105156 let me just read the last question, which is addressed sLqIxKLqnRI-00263-00105156-00105556 to Dr. Tapia. sLqIxKLqnRI-00264-00105556-00106056 How do you suggest top institutions to create the sLqIxKLqnRI-00265-00106056-00106356 necessary conditions for underrepresented students to sLqIxKLqnRI-00266-00106356-00106656 go there, be successful, and thrive? sLqIxKLqnRI-00267-00106656-00106956 » RICHARD TAPIA: It has to sLqIxKLqnRI-00268-00106956-00107456 come top down. Here's the mistake. I made a lot of sLqIxKLqnRI-00269-00107456-00107956 mistakes in my life. I have. But the biggest mistake I made sLqIxKLqnRI-00270-00107956-00108356 in my life is thinking that change can come bottom up. sLqIxKLqnRI-00271-00108356-00108956 It has to be bottom up. Has to say the faculty really values sLqIxKLqnRI-00272-00108956-00109456 it. And most people think that faculty value, let's say sLqIxKLqnRI-00273-00109456-00109856 improving representation, but that's not high on their sLqIxKLqnRI-00274-00109856-00110156 spectrum. What's high is research and various other sLqIxKLqnRI-00275-00110156-00110456 things. So I made the mistake of thinking I could change the sLqIxKLqnRI-00276-00110456-00110656 world bottom up. sLqIxKLqnRI-00277-00110656-00110956 And so I didn't institutionalize things sLqIxKLqnRI-00278-00110956-00111356 because I couldn't because I wasn't in a position. If we sLqIxKLqnRI-00279-00111356-00111656 don't get the presidents to buy in completely and say this sLqIxKLqnRI-00280-00111656-00112056 is a part of what we should be doing for our country as sLqIxKLqnRI-00281-00112056-00112456 Orlando said a minute ago, we' re going to lose it. So sLqIxKLqnRI-00282-00112456-00112656 presidents, they always have the same generic statements sLqIxKLqnRI-00283-00112656-00113156 about how diversity is good and this is good and we're sLqIxKLqnRI-00284-00113156-00113456 going to do this. But do they do meaningful things? And in sLqIxKLqnRI-00285-00113456-00113756 my book I have some suggestions on -- I hit the sLqIxKLqnRI-00286-00113756-00114256 presidents hard on this issue. sLqIxKLqnRI-00287-00114256-00114556 We have to start at the top. If you don't get support, sLqIxKLqnRI-00288-00114556-00114956 certainly faculty, it's a success to have the faculty sLqIxKLqnRI-00289-00114956-00115156 because faculty essentially control graduate education and sLqIxKLqnRI-00290-00115156-00115456 hiring. sLqIxKLqnRI-00291-00115456-00115956 So yes. sLqIxKLqnRI-00292-00115956-00116156 You have to say, when I'm doing these things, I'm sLqIxKLqnRI-00293-00116156-00116556 working toward better diversity, better sLqIxKLqnRI-00294-00116556-00116956 representation. It's valued by the chair. It's valued by the sLqIxKLqnRI-00295-00116956-00117156 dean. It's valued by the sLqIxKLqnRI-00296-00117156-00117456 Provost. And it's valued by the president. And valued in sLqIxKLqnRI-00297-00117456-00117756 the sense of meaningful rewards. And I think we've all sLqIxKLqnRI-00298-00117756-00118056 done it. And in fact, I think Clif said this really good. We sLqIxKLqnRI-00299-00118056-00118356 started out saying there's a big problem here and we have sLqIxKLqnRI-00300-00118356-00118656 to do something to help. That' s why I got into it. But I sLqIxKLqnRI-00301-00118656-00119056 will say this to all of you. sLqIxKLqnRI-00302-00119056-00119456 The outlook of balance my whole life has been trying to sLqIxKLqnRI-00303-00119456-00119856 balance the outreach with the ingredients of research that sLqIxKLqnRI-00304-00119856-00120456 are rewarded. My life has been balanced between good things sLqIxKLqnRI-00305-00120456-00120856 that are not rewarded and research which is rewarded. sLqIxKLqnRI-00306-00120856-00121256 That's the delicate balance. And so many minorities in the sLqIxKLqnRI-00307-00121256-00121556 early days, in the '60s used to fall into that trap. And we sLqIxKLqnRI-00308-00121556-00122156 had people who weren't getting tenure. Anyway, yeah, I think sLqIxKLqnRI-00309-00122156-00122356 we have to have the presidents do what Freeman Robowski has sLqIxKLqnRI-00310-00122356-00122756 done. » JOSÉ FUENTES: I thank all sLqIxKLqnRI-00311-00122756-00123156 three presenters for this session. We are scheduled to sLqIxKLqnRI-00312-00123156-00123556 have a 15-minute break. Before we do so, I'd like to invite sLqIxKLqnRI-00313-00123556-00124056 Lydia to give us any additional remarks or comments sLqIxKLqnRI-00314-00124056-00124256 before we reconvene for the second session. sLqIxKLqnRI-00315-00124256-00124556 » LYDIA VILLA-KOMAROFF: I just want to second thanking all sLqIxKLqnRI-00316-00124556-00125056 three of you for starting us off with a bang. That was a sLqIxKLqnRI-00317-00125056-00125236 wonderful session. And I look forward to more to come. sLqIxKLqnRI-00318-00125356-00125556 another segment of higher education we rarely talk about sLqIxKLqnRI-00319-00125556-00126056 in sLqIxKLqnRI-00320-00126056-00126556 terms of making those numbers greater sLqIxKLqnRI-00321-00126556-00127056 is the community college segment where almost 40% of sLqIxKLqnRI-00322-00127056-00127356 all, maybe more of all students of color who start sLqIxKLqnRI-00323-00127356-00127656 off higher education careers are at community colleges, and sLqIxKLqnRI-00324-00127656-00128056 we all know in many disciplines, if you don't sLqIxKLqnRI-00325-00128056-00128456 start off with good math, this is your case, Richard. They sLqIxKLqnRI-00326-00128456-00128556 ain't going to ever make it in physics, for example, never. sLqIxKLqnRI-00327-00128556-00128756 In fact, if they don't make it in high school, they're not sLqIxKLqnRI-00328-00128756-00129156 going to make it. » RICHARD TAPIA: Orlando, you' sLqIxKLqnRI-00329-00129156-00129356 re right on. You're spot on. One thing you may not know is sLqIxKLqnRI-00330-00129356-00129656 I am a graduate of a community college. sLqIxKLqnRI-00331-00129656-00129856 » ORLANDO TAYLOR: There you go . I didn't know that. Okay. sLqIxKLqnRI-00332-00129856-00130156 And they are big producers. sLqIxKLqnRI-00333-00130156-00130456 » RICHARD TAPIA: Absolutely. Absolutely. Both my son and sLqIxKLqnRI-00334-00130456-00130656 daughter went to community college. sLqIxKLqnRI-00335-00130656-00131056 » ORLANDO TAYLOR: There you go . sLqIxKLqnRI-00336-00131056-00131356 » I have a quick comment for Dr. Tapia. I thought your talk sLqIxKLqnRI-00337-00131356-00131956 was very thought provoking. The only thing I'd like to sLqIxKLqnRI-00338-00131956-00132356 bring up is there was a time when the yield of PhDs sLqIxKLqnRI-00339-00132356-00132656 were many going into academic careers. The data today shows sLqIxKLqnRI-00340-00132656-00132856 you're looking at anywhere from 15% to 25% that are sLqIxKLqnRI-00341-00132856-00133656 pursuing the kind of sLqIxKLqnRI-00342-00133656-00134056 career paths that's emphasized by quite frankly the elitist sLqIxKLqnRI-00343-00134056-00134356 approaches and exclusionary approaches that our top tier sLqIxKLqnRI-00344-00134356-00134656 institutions make. So whereas I think your point is very sLqIxKLqnRI-00345-00134656-00135056 valid in terms of sLqIxKLqnRI-00346-00135056-00135556 where those institutions get their own in terms of faculty sLqIxKLqnRI-00347-00135556-00136156 and so forth, how does that play out to the other 75% to sLqIxKLqnRI-00348-00136156-00136756 85% of PhDs that pursue a variety of other careers that sLqIxKLqnRI-00349-00136756-00137056 might not necessarily be as pedigree consumed as academic sLqIxKLqnRI-00350-00137056-00137356 institutions tend to be? sLqIxKLqnRI-00351-00137356-00138056 » RICHARD TAPIA: The job sLqIxKLqnRI-00352-00138056-00138456 market is incredibly tough. I got my PhD in '68 and sLqIxKLqnRI-00353-00138456-00138956 after that post-doc I had maybe 15 job offers from tier sLqIxKLqnRI-00354-00138956-00139456 1 schools. I'm not sure today if I'd get any job offers. sLqIxKLqnRI-00355-00139456-00139756 I look at the applicant pool and I go, man, I'm glad I got sLqIxKLqnRI-00356-00139756-00140156 my degree back in '68 because I'm not sure I'd get a job sLqIxKLqnRI-00357-00140156-00140756 today. So the students are aware of that. The students sLqIxKLqnRI-00358-00140756-00141256 know how hard the job market is. But moreover, today sLqIxKLqnRI-00359-00141256-00141656 with respect to the industry, like when you see what Google sLqIxKLqnRI-00360-00141656-00142056 is doing and what Microsoft is doing, there's a lot of really sLqIxKLqnRI-00361-00142056-00142356 exciting research and those positions are necessarily not sLqIxKLqnRI-00362-00142356-00142756 subservient to the academic positions. So a lot of sLqIxKLqnRI-00363-00142756-00143456 students are going in good directions. sLqIxKLqnRI-00364-00143456-00143856 It used to be you didn't go from an industrial job to an sLqIxKLqnRI-00365-00143856-00144356 academic. Now doing so much, it's possible. But students sLqIxKLqnRI-00366-00144356-00144656 today are aware of the job market in academia. And it is sLqIxKLqnRI-00367-00144656-00144956 incredible. » ORLANDO TAYLOR: The other sLqIxKLqnRI-00368-00144956-00145256 challenge of course is this changed a lot in the last 50 sLqIxKLqnRI-00369-00145256-00145656 years is the increasing attraction to jobs in sLqIxKLqnRI-00370-00145656-00145856 industries opposed to academia . Whereas the good old days, sLqIxKLqnRI-00371-00145856-00146156 that was pretty much the destination everybody thought sLqIxKLqnRI-00372-00146156-00146456 of. You go to a university. You get a degree from a first sLqIxKLqnRI-00373-00146456-00146756 class place. I was a Michigan graduate. My thought was of sLqIxKLqnRI-00374-00146756-00147156 course I was going to be a professor at another top tier sLqIxKLqnRI-00375-00147156-00147356 institution. Today many of those same students want to go sLqIxKLqnRI-00376-00147356-00147456 to industry. » RICHARD TAPIA: That is sLqIxKLqnRI-00377-00147456-00147656 correct for various reasons. sLqIxKLqnRI-00378-00147656-00147856 » ORLANDO TAYLOR: And for various reasons. sLqIxKLqnRI-00379-00147856-00148456 » RICHARD TAPIA: And yeah. I see that all the time. But sLqIxKLqnRI-00380-00148456-00148856 what's happened is at one time , like as you said, oh, yeah, sLqIxKLqnRI-00381-00148856-00149056 the correct paths and the outstanding path I want to go sLqIxKLqnRI-00382-00149056-00149356 is university. Then industry came in and played a strong sLqIxKLqnRI-00383-00149356-00149656 role. Then you said, uh-oh, industry is good. Then sLqIxKLqnRI-00384-00149656-00150256 industry went out. Now industry is back. So industry sLqIxKLqnRI-00385-00150256-00150556 is doing some really exciting things. And the students I sLqIxKLqnRI-00386-00150556-00150956 work with, they tell me, I have people, I won't name the sLqIxKLqnRI-00387-00150956-00151356 companies, they go, they're really tough on us. You think sLqIxKLqnRI-00388-00151356-00151856 academia is tough. They're really tough on us. sLqIxKLqnRI-00389-00151856-00152156 » ORLANDO TAYLOR: Clif, did sLqIxKLqnRI-00390-00152156-00152356 you say you started at community college too? sLqIxKLqnRI-00391-00152356-00153156 » CLIFTON POODRY: No, I didn't sLqIxKLqnRI-00392-00153156-00153336 . I started at University of Buffalo as an undergrad. sLqIxKLqnRI-00393-00194656-00194956 » LYDIA VILLA-KOMAROFF: CEOS sLqIxKLqnRI-00394-00194956-00195456 did something extra special because it permeated very sLqIxKLqnRI-00395-00195456-00195756 articulately what needed to be done to the whole agency, not sLqIxKLqnRI-00396-00195756-00196156 just a piece of it. sLqIxKLqnRI-00397-00196156-00196456 And in a very synthetic way. We had just wonderful sLqIxKLqnRI-00398-00196456-00196856 leadership on CEOS. » RICHARD TAPIA: That's good. sLqIxKLqnRI-00399-00196856-00197056 I agree with that. » Amen. sLqIxKLqnRI-00400-00197056-00197256 » RICHARD TAPIA: Is France there? sLqIxKLqnRI-00401-00197256-00197556 » Yep, France is here. » RICHARD TAPIA: France, I sLqIxKLqnRI-00402-00197556-00197756 want to ask you a question. When you started your lecture sLqIxKLqnRI-00403-00197756-00198056 series at Purdue, president's lecture series, and you sLqIxKLqnRI-00404-00198056-00198456 invited me as the first speaker, did you have any sLqIxKLqnRI-00405-00198456-00198856 pushback because I was underrepresented minority? sLqIxKLqnRI-00406-00198856-00198956 » No. No. I don't remember anything like that. Why do you sLqIxKLqnRI-00407-00198956-00199256 ask? » RICHARD TAPIA: Because I'm sLqIxKLqnRI-00408-00199256-00199456 interested in it. » (Laughter) That's a good sLqIxKLqnRI-00409-00199456-00199856 response. sLqIxKLqnRI-00410-00199856-00200156 No. » RICHARD TAPIA: Okay. Fine. sLqIxKLqnRI-00411-00200156-00200556 » No, sLqIxKLqnRI-00412-00200556-00200856 in fact, yeah, I was just talking with my spouse about sLqIxKLqnRI-00413-00200856-00201156 that who of course remembers you and your lecture and all sLqIxKLqnRI-00414-00201156-00201656 very well. No, that was sLqIxKLqnRI-00415-00201656-00202056 -- any pushback I got at Purdue was at me. (Laughter) sLqIxKLqnRI-00416-00202056-00202256 You know, from alums who were used to different looking sLqIxKLqnRI-00417-00202256-00202430 model. » RICHARD TAPIA: Yeah. I sLCj75aaKoM-00000-00000056-00000344 marquez probably has made two more new videos in less than an hour, sLCj75aaKoM-00001-00000344-00000760 and that's impossible because usually you make one or two videos every week. sLCj75aaKoM-00002-00000896-00001464 how can you ever make two videos in just a week? that's impossible, and even the exact sLCj75aaKoM-00003-00001464-00001992 same day as the z-fold three. and i also watched both of your videos, one of them to the end. sMgaoAvu-6u-00000-00000000-00000203 (Minecraft Budots) sMgaoAvu-6u-00001-00000203-00000602 Wait, Why Am I Doing A Caption? sMgaoAvu-6u-00002-00000603-00000903 I’m Dumb sMgaoAvu-6u-00003-00001001-00001501 I don’t have time for this, right? sMgaoAvu-6u-00004-00001501-00001701 So, Hmm 🤔, Let’s Just Watch The Video Pls!! sMgaoAvu-6u-00005-00006952-00007152 Thanks for Watching!! sRWauunVYAQ-00000-00000321-00000714 I've been out looking at places For some love sRWauunVYAQ-00001-00000714-00000976 But everywhere I look it points me back to you sRWauunVYAQ-00002-00000976-00001299 Don’t you say we got too crazy? sRWauunVYAQ-00003-00001299-00001822 A little mischief makes fun You told me I was you favorite book sRWauunVYAQ-00004-00001822-00001959 But was it true? sRWauunVYAQ-00005-00001959-00002331 Those good old days Are worth looking back sRWauunVYAQ-00006-00002331-00002609 There's one thing on my mind sRWauunVYAQ-00007-00002609-00003489 In those times you call me baby In those hours you said you love me sRWauunVYAQ-00008-00003489-00004426 Was it all fake love? sRWauunVYAQ-00009-00004426-00005573 Was it all fake love? sRWauunVYAQ-00010-00005573-00006248 I remember those eyes they spark like the stars sRWauunVYAQ-00011-00006248-00006534 I looked into them and they spell out a different girl sRWauunVYAQ-00012-00006534-00006634 Baby tell me was it all real? sRWauunVYAQ-00013-00006634-00006734 Or tell me sRWauunVYAQ-00014-00006734-00006834 In those times you call me baby In those hours you said you love me sRWauunVYAQ-00015-00006834-00006934 Was it all fake love? sRWauunVYAQ-00016-00006934-00007034 Was it all fake love? sRWauunVYAQ-00017-00007034-00007134 I will give you a chance to explain Or maybe tell me you're sorry now sRWauunVYAQ-00018-00007134-00007234 Even if things will never be the same I will give you every hour on the clock sRWauunVYAQ-00019-00007234-00007334 And tell me every reason babe I showed you my heart sRWauunVYAQ-00020-00007334-00008157 But you only gave me fake love sRWauunVYAQ-00022-00011293-00012338 Was it all fake love? sWAJ2eepmwo-00000-00000000-00000280 HE HIT ACROSS MAP WITH THE LUCKIEST WEAPON sZV94MM6V1u-00000-00000003-00000292 Strings of amino acids and even some 3-dimensional sZV94MM6V1u-00001-00000292-00000684 structure interactions create structures that we call sZV94MM6V1u-00002-00000684-00001060 'domains'. Originally they were defined as functional sZV94MM6V1u-00003-00001060-00001416 domains, that is regions of the polypeptide that perform sZV94MM6V1u-00004-00001416-00001778 an identifiable function. So for example, the active site sZV94MM6V1u-00005-00001778-00002158 of enzymes would be a domain. It's a region with a very sZV94MM6V1u-00006-00002158-00002486 specific structure intended for a very specific sZV94MM6V1u-00007-00002486-00002754 interaction, and active sites of enzymes are often sZV94MM6V1u-00008-00002754-00003144 formed by amino acids not contiguous necessarily, but sZV94MM6V1u-00009-00003144-00003447 that fold over and find themselves in the same vicinity sZV94MM6V1u-00010-00003447-00003694 but are not necessarily close to one another if you were sZV94MM6V1u-00011-00003694-00003947 to just look at the amino acid sequence. So that would sZV94MM6V1u-00012-00003947-00004332 be a functional domain of a polypeptide. So domains sZV94MM6V1u-00013-00004332-00004804 often carry out specific functions. It turns out that many sZV94MM6V1u-00014-00004804-00005126 different proteins with very different overall functions sZV94MM6V1u-00015-00005126-00005538 share conserved domains which means that they share sZV94MM6V1u-00016-00005538-00005956 conserved common functions. So, we can have a set sZV94MM6V1u-00017-00005956-00006214 of proteins, each of which accomplished something sZV94MM6V1u-00018-00006214-00006602 different overall, but in order to to accomplish it, share sZV94MM6V1u-00019-00006602-00006954 a particular domain in common. I just want to show you sZV94MM6V1u-00020-00006954-00007248 an example of the domains of a protein. This is the sZV94MM6V1u-00021-00007248-00007550 CAP protein, or cyclic AMP binding protein of bacteria. sZV94MM6V1u-00022-00007550-00007858 It regulates bacterial operons, and I'd like you to sZV94MM6V1u-00023-00007858-00008112 look that up in the text if you don't remember it, but this sZV94MM6V1u-00024-00008112-00008398 is the ribbon and helix drawing of such a molecule. sZV94MM6V1u-00025-00008398-00008626 And the important thing that I want to bring out here sZV94MM6V1u-00026-00008626-00009040 is that there is a region which binds a cyclic AMP. That's sZV94MM6V1u-00027-00009040-00009266 the cyclic A&P binding protein after all, so it better sZV94MM6V1u-00028-00009266-00009500 have a region that does that! That's the domain on sZV94MM6V1u-00029-00009500-00009878 the top. There is a domain below, which is structurally sZV94MM6V1u-00030-00009878-00010186 separate from the cyclic AMP binding domain, sZV94MM6V1u-00031-00010186-00010440 and that's the domain that binds DNA, because sZV94MM6V1u-00032-00010440-00010694 you may remember that the CAP protein is a gene sZV94MM6V1u-00033-00010694-00011000 regulatory protein which in order to function, has to bind sZV94MM6V1u-00034-00011000-00011326 DNA in the vicinity of the genes that it regulates. sZV94MM6V1u-00035-00011326-00011646 So protein domains are structural units of proteins sZV94MM6V1u-00036-00011646-00012140 that often perform specific identifiable functions. scMg17nCAdA-00000-00000000-00000466 [upbeat ukulele music] scMg17nCAdA-00001-00000466-00000740 Okay here's the thing. scMg17nCAdA-00002-00000740-00001480 YouTube is a big platform with a lot of creators, a lot of viewers and a lot of videos. scMg17nCAdA-00003-00001480-00002066 Which is why we joined it in the first place, so that we can share our knowledge with more people. scMg17nCAdA-00004-00002066-00002866 In case you didn't know, we are a family sharing tutorials of handmade projects such as sewing and soapmaking. scMg17nCAdA-00005-00002866-00003710 We publish all our content into the public domain and we love creating with free/libre & open-source software. scMg17nCAdA-00006-00003710-00004470 For instance this video was edited with Kdenlive and shot with Open Camera. scMg17nCAdA-00007-00004470-00005220 We also host our website with GitLab Pages - an open source alternative to Github. scMg17nCAdA-00008-00005220-00006146 We value our privacy and respect that of our visitors and viewers by having zero analytics or trackers on our website scMg17nCAdA-00009-00006146-00006793 Looking past all the good things YouTube provides, we can see that it forces our viewers to watch ads without our consent. scMg17nCAdA-00010-00006793-00007163 Before the start of the video or during. scMg17nCAdA-00011-00007163-00007453 Track them down to every last detail possible. scMg17nCAdA-00012-00007453-00008089 Requiring them and us to have a Google account to participate beyond just watching the videos themselves. scMg17nCAdA-00013-00008090-00008890 Your every click is recorded by YouTube then fed back to us on the analytics page in our YouTube Studio. scMg17nCAdA-00014-00008890-00009896 Essentially, your viewership and our hard work are reduced to a series of statistics that neither you nor us have a way of opting out. scMg17nCAdA-00015-00009896-00010546 What's more, YouTube censors free speech in any content that doesn't suit its advertisers scMg17nCAdA-00016-00010546-00011613 or some authoritarian regime (such as the CCP) by way of demonetisation, algorithmic tactics and straight-up banning. scMg17nCAdA-00017-00011613-00011993 We also want better for our viewers privacy and sanity. scMg17nCAdA-00018-00011993-00013083 We want to stop subjecting them to the addictive algorithm of endless scrolling resembling a slot machine - away from the so called YouTube blackhole and clickbait. scMg17nCAdA-00019-00013086-00013743 We have made it a point to not embed any YouTube videos straight-up on our website, only link them. scMg17nCAdA-00020-00013743-00014033 But in all honesty, it is not enough. scMg17nCAdA-00021-00014033-00014826 It does not align with our values entirely, so from now on we will stop publishing any new videos on YouTube. scMg17nCAdA-00022-00014826-00015453 Instead you can find us on the open-source and decentralized video platform called PeerTube! scMg17nCAdA-00023-00015453-00015903 YouTube being centralized, is hosted entirely by Google. scMg17nCAdA-00024-00015903-00016673 Whereas PeerTube can have many different servers hosted by different people and organizations called instances. scMg17nCAdA-00025-00016673-00017596 Each instance has its own 'terms of use' that one has to follow, but they all come together to create a world of videos. scMg17nCAdA-00026-00017596-00018333 By the way! PeerTube's world of videos is actually part of a larger universe called Fediverse. scMg17nCAdA-00027-00018333-00019656 You can find software that are designated to let you share music (Funkwhale), share photos (Pixelfed), social network (Mastodon) and more. scMg17nCAdA-00028-00019656-00020586 The beautiful thing is - like the rest of the Fediverse - you not only have the freedom to choose which PeerTube instance your videos are hosted on, scMg17nCAdA-00029-00020586-00021286 you may also take the free/libre and open-source software and create your own instance with your own rules. scMg17nCAdA-00030-00021286-00021860 In the future, our new videos can be found hosted on the instance Diode Zone. scMg17nCAdA-00031-00021860-00022436 We choose this instance because of its philosophy in promoting Creative Commons content. scMg17nCAdA-00032-00022436-00022800 But we might move to another instance, we'll see! scMg17nCAdA-00033-00022800-00023306 Going back to privacy, viewers will not be tracked on Diode Zone. scMg17nCAdA-00034-00023306-00023970 Their data will not be sold to advertisers, and did we mention that it has no ads whatsoever? scMg17nCAdA-00035-00023970-00024539 Instead it is crowdfunded or generously paid out of the pocket by the instance owner. scMg17nCAdA-00036-00024536-00024853 Thanks to Diode Zone for hosting our videos! scMg17nCAdA-00037-00024853-00025593 You're very welcome to join Diode Zone or another PeerTube instance you like and subscribe to us from there. scMg17nCAdA-00038-00025593-00025933 To watch our videos you will not need an account. scMg17nCAdA-00039-00025933-00026596 There are many other fun content to explore in the world of PeerTube and Fediverse! scMg17nCAdA-00040-00026596-00026970 Thank you for joining us and for watching our videos! scMg17nCAdA-00041-00026970-00027113 Peace out YouTube ✌! scMg17nCAdA-00042-00027103-00027989 [downbeat ukulele music] sf2N1HMSllg-00000-00000611-00000821 Hello everyone and welcome at Loïc and Julien’s channel! sf2N1HMSllg-00001-00000875-00000951 How are you doing Loïc? sf2N1HMSllg-00002-00000951-00001028 Very well and you? sf2N1HMSllg-00003-00001028-00001108 Great. sf2N1HMSllg-00004-00001108-00001442 We are glad to find you in this new video on the algorithmic functions sf2N1HMSllg-00005-00001442-00001803 where we will speak to you about the function input. sf2N1HMSllg-00006-00001803-00002093 In algorithmics, we call it the parameters (or arguments). sf2N1HMSllg-00007-00002093-00002563 Until now all the functions showed to you contained no parameters. sf2N1HMSllg-00008-00002621-00003058 We will see how to define and how to use functions containing one or several parameters. sf2N1HMSllg-00009-00003113-00003461 We remind that these parameters are data which are supplied in input of the function sf2N1HMSllg-00010-00003461-00003602 so that the function can run with them. sf2N1HMSllg-00011-00003602-00004002 If we want to do this kind of things, here is the syntax to write. sf2N1HMSllg-00012-00004054-00004331 As usual, there are different parts to distinguish. sf2N1HMSllg-00013-00004331-00004708 A part with the definition of the function and a part about the use of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00014-00004708-00004955 As usual, we are going to begin with the definition of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00015-00004955-00005184 It always has to be situated before the call of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00016-00005184-00005326 We always have the same thing. sf2N1HMSllg-00017-00005326-00005666 At first a data type which can be one of the four algorithmic types sf2N1HMSllg-00018-00005666-00006031 or the keyword "Void" if you write a function without return. sf2N1HMSllg-00019-00006031-00006220 Then comes the name of the function and the parentheses. sf2N1HMSllg-00020-00006220-00006576 You can see between the parentheses, there are several things. sf2N1HMSllg-00021-00006576-00006755 These things are the parameters. sf2N1HMSllg-00022-00006755-00007024 We define here three important things for the parameters: sf2N1HMSllg-00023-00007024-00007483 their name, their data type and their order. sf2N1HMSllg-00024-00007555-00008205 Concerning their name, you will have to choose different names to these variables. sf2N1HMSllg-00025-00008284-00008566 Each variable will be separated by a comma. sf2N1HMSllg-00026-00008629-00008993 Concerning the type, before each variable, sf2N1HMSllg-00027-00008993-00009450 we are going to define the data type whom we are going to choose among four existing data types. sf2N1HMSllg-00028-00009495-00009801 Watch out, that looks like the variable declaration. sf2N1HMSllg-00029-00009801-00010455 But in the variable declaration, we can do "Integer x, y, z;" to declare three integer variables. sf2N1HMSllg-00030-00010500-00010753 During the definition of the parameter, we cannot do that. sf2N1HMSllg-00031-00010753-00010962 Even if several parameters have the same type, sf2N1HMSllg-00032-00010962-00011223 it is necessary to specify for every parameter its type. sf2N1HMSllg-00033-00011223-00011498 If you have three integer parameters "x, y, z", sf2N1HMSllg-00034-00011498-00011839 it will be necessary to write "Integer x, Integer y, Integer z". sf2N1HMSllg-00035-00011874-00012458 Finally for the order, we will speak about it when we will explain the running of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00036-00012527-00013179 These parameters will behave like variables defined in the function sf2N1HMSllg-00037-00013179-00013579 except that the value will be already present in the variable. sf2N1HMSllg-00038-00013579-00013874 In fact, the value will come from the call of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00039-00013874-00014092 It’s at this time that we shall give a value to our parameters. sf2N1HMSllg-00040-00014092-00014428 Nevertheless, it will be exactly the same thing as variables in the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00041-00014428-00014665 We are going to be able to use them as variables, sf2N1HMSllg-00042-00014665-00014897 as if we had declared variables in the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00043-00014897-00015367 These parameters or these variables declared in the function are called the local variables sf2N1HMSllg-00044-00015367-00015550 and they exist only in the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00045-00015550-00015985 That means we can only assign them values or recover their content inside the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00046-00015985-00016310 You will find them only in the instructions of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00047-00016434-00016582 During the call of the function, sf2N1HMSllg-00048-00016582-00016974 we exactly do like the call of a normal function with or without return. sf2N1HMSllg-00049-00016974-00017123 We write the name of the function, sf2N1HMSllg-00050-00017123-00017563 we add parentheses after it and then in the parentheses we add something. sf2N1HMSllg-00051-00017563-00017952 These things are values, variables or expressions sf2N1HMSllg-00052-00018018-00018273 but there must have the expected number of parameters. sf2N1HMSllg-00053-00018273-00018617 So we need the expected number of parameters and the good type. sf2N1HMSllg-00054-00018666-00018976 If the function requires two integers and a character string as an input, sf2N1HMSllg-00055-00018976-00019218 we are going to supply two integers and a character string. sf2N1HMSllg-00056-00019267-00019344 And in the good order! sf2N1HMSllg-00057-00019344-00019768 That means if we define in the definition "integer, character, float", sf2N1HMSllg-00058-00019768-00020162 it will be necessary to supply an integer, a character string and a float but in the good order. sf2N1HMSllg-00059-00020162-00020266 We can’t mix it. sf2N1HMSllg-00060-00020336-00020736 Let’s take several examples to illustrate this syntax. sf2N1HMSllg-00061-00020736-00021005 Let’s begin with a simple example where we have a single parameter. sf2N1HMSllg-00062-00021049-00021489 There is an algorithm with a declared function called "carre" (square). sf2N1HMSllg-00063-00021489-00021756 You can imagine what the function will calculate. sf2N1HMSllg-00064-00021756-00022007 This function returns a float value. sf2N1HMSllg-00065-00022007-00022227 So we write the keyword "float", the word "carre" sf2N1HMSllg-00066-00022227-00022651 and between the parentheses we indicate that our function take a parameter as an input. sf2N1HMSllg-00067-00022651-00022815 This parameter is also a float value. sf2N1HMSllg-00068-00022888-00023089 In the function, this parameter is called "X". sf2N1HMSllg-00069-00023194-00023484 Inside the instructions of the function, sf2N1HMSllg-00070-00023486-00023718 in the instruction block of the function and between the embraces, sf2N1HMSllg-00071-00023718-00024035 we locally declared a float variable "calcul". sf2N1HMSllg-00072-00024035-00024595 This variable "calcul" will allow you to recover the result of the expression "X x X". sf2N1HMSllg-00073-00024595-00024845 The parameter X is multiplied by the parameter X. sf2N1HMSllg-00074-00024845-00025024 You can see that we use "X" as a variable. sf2N1HMSllg-00075-00025024-00025397 But the value will be given somewhere else because it’s a parameter. sf2N1HMSllg-00076-00025397-00025606 As it is a function with a float return, sf2N1HMSllg-00077-00025606-00025848 in the last instruction of our function, sf2N1HMSllg-00078-00025848-00026293 we write the keyword "return" follow-up by a float variable. sf2N1HMSllg-00079-00026293-00026613 The variable "calcul" will contain the result of the expression "X x X ". sf2N1HMSllg-00080-00026710-00027129 As everything we’ve done until now, we will be able to draw the trace of this algorithm. sf2N1HMSllg-00081-00027129-00027435 We are going to draw a trace by separating on one side the variables for the program sf2N1HMSllg-00082-00027436-00027684 and on the other side the variables for the function "carre". sf2N1HMSllg-00083-00027684-00027888 For the variables of the function "carre", sf2N1HMSllg-00084-00027888-00028049 it is necessary to understand that there are two variables. sf2N1HMSllg-00085-00028049-00028258 The variable "calcul" is declared in the function sf2N1HMSllg-00086-00028258-00028578 but there is also the parameter to consider as a variable. sf2N1HMSllg-00087-00028578-00029035 So we draw a column for the variable "calcul" and a column for the variable "x" in our trace. sf2N1HMSllg-00088-00029035-00029322 There is also a "Screen" column which we are going to use in the program. sf2N1HMSllg-00089-00029322-00029704 To fill the trace, we are going to run the instructions from the main program. sf2N1HMSllg-00090-00029704-00030104 In this main program, we declared two float variables "nb" and "result". sf2N1HMSllg-00091-00030136-00030475 We are going to ask the user to choose a value for "nb". sf2N1HMSllg-00092-00030475-00030792 In our example, the user is going to choose the value 5 sf2N1HMSllg-00093-00030792-00031057 and this value will be assign to the variable "nb". sf2N1HMSllg-00094-00031057-00031554 Then we have the key instruction which is "result" receives "carre( nb );". sf2N1HMSllg-00095-00031554-00031962 It means that in "result", we are going to assign the return of the "carre" function. sf2N1HMSllg-00096-00031962-00032251 Here is the call to the "carre" function. sf2N1HMSllg-00097-00032251-00032479 To see if this call is valid, sf2N1HMSllg-00098-00032479-00033047 we are going to compare what was supplied as the input value (here 5) sf2N1HMSllg-00099-00033047-00033330 with what was expected during the definition of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00100-00033330-00033521 We see that during the definition of the function, sf2N1HMSllg-00101-00033521-00033831 we wrote "carre(Float x)". sf2N1HMSllg-00102-00033831-00034109 It’s a float parameter. sf2N1HMSllg-00103-00034109-00034349 So it matches and the instruction is valid. sf2N1HMSllg-00104-00034349-00034472 We are going to be able to run it. sf2N1HMSllg-00105-00034505-00034911 Run this instruction means that we are going to do an assignment. sf2N1HMSllg-00106-00034911-00035169 The assignment is not written but it’s going to happen. sf2N1HMSllg-00107-00035230-00035518 It is the assignment of "nb" to "x". sf2N1HMSllg-00108-00035582-00035937 The generic parameter which is defined during the definition of the function sf2N1HMSllg-00109-00035937-00036337 receives the value which is supplied to the parameter during the call of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00110-00036372-00036596 So there is a real assignment which is: sf2N1HMSllg-00111-00036596-00037174 the variable "x" of the function "carre" receives the value of "nb" from the main program. sf2N1HMSllg-00112-00037174-00037307 We call this the parameter passing. sf2N1HMSllg-00113-00037307-00037651 We supply a value from the main program towards the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00114-00037651-00037964 The function is going to be able to use this parameter. sf2N1HMSllg-00115-00037964-00038309 From now, the function is going to begin to work. sf2N1HMSllg-00116-00038309-00038587 It recovers a value in "x" during the call of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00117-00038587-00038943 It was the content of "nb", but the function doesn’t need to know it. sf2N1HMSllg-00118-00038943-00039212 Now for the function, there is the value 5 in "X". sf2N1HMSllg-00119-00039212-00039390 In the trace, we write the value 5 for "x". sf2N1HMSllg-00120-00039435-00039835 We are going to process the instructions of the function as we usually do it. sf2N1HMSllg-00121-00039835-00040030 That means we declared our variable "calcul" sf2N1HMSllg-00122-00040030-00040463 and it is going to receive the result of the expression "X x X" sf2N1HMSllg-00123-00040464-00040660 where "X" is worth 5. sf2N1HMSllg-00124-00040660-00040818 Thus 5 x 5 = 25. sf2N1HMSllg-00125-00040818-00041057 We store this result in the variable "calcul". sf2N1HMSllg-00126-00041057-00041518 Then we return the content of the variable "calcul" at the end of the "carre" function. sf2N1HMSllg-00127-00041518-00041654 There is the instruction "return calcul". sf2N1HMSllg-00128-00041654-00042128 Thus we return the content of the variable "calcul" containing the value 25. sf2N1HMSllg-00129-00042204-00042714 This value 25 is stored in the main program because we ended the running of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00130-00042714-00042854 We go back to the main program. sf2N1HMSllg-00131-00042854-00043371 The return of the function is worth 25 and it is stored in the variable "result" in the main program. sf2N1HMSllg-00132-00043371-00043685 So "result" is now worth 25. sf2N1HMSllg-00133-00043751-00044018 And in the last instruction of the main program, sf2N1HMSllg-00134-00044018-00044175 we simply do a display. sf2N1HMSllg-00135-00044175-00044391 We display nb² = result. sf2N1HMSllg-00136-00044391-00044623 The contents of "nb" is still worth 5 sf2N1HMSllg-00137-00044623-00044840 and the content of "result" is now worth 25. sf2N1HMSllg-00138-00044840-00045065 Thus we display 5² = 25. sf2N1HMSllg-00139-00045065-00045418 It is the end of the algorithm with this function using 1 parameter. sf2N1HMSllg-00140-00045456-00045676 This is it for the first example with a parameter. sf2N1HMSllg-00141-00045676-00046076 We are going to show you now a second example with a function using two parameters. sf2N1HMSllg-00142-00046076-00046445 You see that you have a function called "exposant". sf2N1HMSllg-00143-00046445-00046615 It takes in parameter two things: sf2N1HMSllg-00144-00046615-00047004 a float called "nb" and an integer called "puiss". sf2N1HMSllg-00145-00047077-00047579 We are going to remember the order and the type because they are important during the call. sf2N1HMSllg-00146-00047579-00048066 The body of this function is the declaration of two local variables: sf2N1HMSllg-00147-00048066-00048358 "res" as a float variable and "i" an integer variable. sf2N1HMSllg-00148-00048358-00048647 There are four local variables in the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00149-00048647-00049143 Two of these variables have a value resulting from the call and the two others are not initialized. sf2N1HMSllg-00150-00049143-00049307 So they have no initial value. sf2N1HMSllg-00151-00049307-00049775 Then we have a calculation made with a loop and we won’t detail it to you. sf2N1HMSllg-00152-00049775-00050616 So the loop is going to multiply "nb" by himself "puiss" time. sf2N1HMSllg-00153-00050616-00050885 The purpose is to raise "nb" to the power "puiss". sf2N1HMSllg-00154-00051057-00051355 The result of this calculation will be assigned in "res". sf2N1HMSllg-00155-00051355-00051715 The function is going to return "res" on this last line. sf2N1HMSllg-00156-00051746-00052176 To sum up, the function takes as an input a float and an integer sf2N1HMSllg-00157-00052176-00052527 and it is going to raise this float to the power of this integer and return the result. sf2N1HMSllg-00158-00052527-00052927 In the main program, we declared several variables. sf2N1HMSllg-00159-00052927-00053108 We declared two float variables. sf2N1HMSllg-00160-00053108-00053238 A variable called "result". sf2N1HMSllg-00161-00053238-00053472 It will contain the result at the end of our algorithm. sf2N1HMSllg-00162-00053472-00053773 There is a variable called "x" and an integer "n". sf2N1HMSllg-00163-00053773-00054051 The idea of this program is to calculate "x^n". sf2N1HMSllg-00164-00054051-00054511 To do that, Julien is going to give us a function allowing us to do that. sf2N1HMSllg-00165-00054511-00054808 Before using it, we are going to ask the user to enter values. sf2N1HMSllg-00166-00054808-00054962 At first we ask him for a number sf2N1HMSllg-00167-00054962-00055189 and we will store this value in the float variable "x". sf2N1HMSllg-00168-00055189-00055387 In this example, the user is going to enter 2. sf2N1HMSllg-00169-00055387-00055787 And then we ask him for an exponent who is stored in the integer variable "n". sf2N1HMSllg-00170-00055850-00056004 The user enters 3 in this example. sf2N1HMSllg-00171-00056004-00056198 We now reach the key instruction: sf2N1HMSllg-00172-00056198-00056522 "result" receives the return of the function exponent. sf2N1HMSllg-00173-00056522-00056922 The input will be the content of my variable "x" followed by the content of the variable "n". sf2N1HMSllg-00174-00056981-00057366 We end this instruction with semicolon because it is an assignment instruction. sf2N1HMSllg-00175-00057366-00057628 The call of the function is just the fact of sf2N1HMSllg-00176-00057628-00057842 writing the word "exponent" followed by the parentheses, sf2N1HMSllg-00177-00057842-00058084 followed by both function inputs. sf2N1HMSllg-00178-00058084-00058200 It is the call of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00179-00058200-00058520 Here, this call is valid because we gave two parameters. sf2N1HMSllg-00180-00058520-00058732 And it corresponds to the definition of my function. sf2N1HMSllg-00181-00058732-00058928 It waits for an input with two parameters. sf2N1HMSllg-00182-00059077-00059378 These two parameters have each a data type and are given in the good order. sf2N1HMSllg-00183-00059378-00059633 Actually, the first parameter "x" is a float. sf2N1HMSllg-00184-00059633-00060033 My function waits for a float as the first parameter, so everything is good. sf2N1HMSllg-00185-00060057-00060286 The second parameter "n" is an integer sf2N1HMSllg-00186-00060286-00060586 and my function waits for an integer as a second parameter. sf2N1HMSllg-00187-00060631-00061150 When I do this instruction of call of the function, there is a double assignment. sf2N1HMSllg-00188-00061216-00061810 The content of "x" will be copied in the parameter "nb" of the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00189-00061863-00062263 The content of "n" will be copied in the integer variable "puiss" of my function. sf2N1HMSllg-00190-00062263-00062489 The variable "nb" will be worth 2. sf2N1HMSllg-00191-00062489-00062664 This value will come from "x". sf2N1HMSllg-00192-00062664-00062948 And the variable "puiss" will be worth 3. sf2N1HMSllg-00193-00062948-00063107 This value will come from "n". sf2N1HMSllg-00194-00063107-00063367 The call of the function is completely correct. sf2N1HMSllg-00195-00063367-00063739 So we are going to run the instructions which are inside the function. sf2N1HMSllg-00196-00063780-00064081 The function takes these two values as parameters sf2N1HMSllg-00197-00064081-00064481 and is going to raise the first value to the power of the second. sf2N1HMSllg-00198-00064481-00064788 Here, we are going to calculate 2 to the power 3. sf2N1HMSllg-00199-00064788-00065150 We do the calculation and in "res" we are going to assign the result of 2 to the power 3. sf2N1HMSllg-00200-00065150-00065243 The result is 8. sf2N1HMSllg-00201-00065243-00065497 The function is going to return this value 8 sf2N1HMSllg-00202-00065497-00065822 and it will be assigned to the variable "result" of the main program. sf2N1HMSllg-00203-00065822-00066149 And finally, the main program is going to display the value of "result". sf2N1HMSllg-00204-00066149-00066431 So it will display on the screen the result of the calculation which is 8. sf2N1HMSllg-00205-00066544-00066854 That’s it for this video which was longer than the others. sf2N1HMSllg-00206-00066854-00067169 But we have already told you that the functions are something very particular. sf2N1HMSllg-00207-00067169-00067421 You will see but it is a very interesting tool as soon as sf2N1HMSllg-00208-00067421-00067728 you have algorithms which begin to be a little bit consequent sf2N1HMSllg-00209-00067728-00067962 or that you need to do the same thing many times. sf2N1HMSllg-00210-00067962-00068157 We highly advise you to use functions. sf2N1HMSllg-00211-00068157-00068374 It is going to allow you to structure your algorithms. sf2N1HMSllg-00212-00068374-00068502 We told you everything. sf2N1HMSllg-00213-00068502-00068719 You know how to write functions with and without return. sf2N1HMSllg-00214-00068719-00068934 You know how to write functions with and without parameters sf2N1HMSllg-00215-00068934-00069111 and even with several parameters. sf2N1HMSllg-00216-00069111-00069422 We are going to consider there are preexisting functions. sf2N1HMSllg-00217-00069422-00069809 We have already given you two examples since the beginning of this course. sf2N1HMSllg-00218-00069809-00070209 The "Ecrire" and "Lire" functions take values as an input. sf2N1HMSllg-00219-00070480-00070723 We are going to consider that there are other preexisting functions. sf2N1HMSllg-00220-00070723-00071123 For example the random function which is a function returning a float number between 0 and 1. sf2N1HMSllg-00221-00071268-00071783 We shall see in the programming part that this function exist in many languages. sf2N1HMSllg-00222-00071838-00072238 Another function which can be useful for you will be the racineCarree (squareRoot) function sf2N1HMSllg-00223-00072238-00072550 which is not something very simple to calculate. sf2N1HMSllg-00224-00072550-00073511 This racineCarree function takes a float as an input and it returns a float as an output. sf2N1HMSllg-00225-00073511-00073626 That’s all. sf2N1HMSllg-00226-00073626-00073838 We’ve seen everything about functions. sf2N1HMSllg-00227-00073892-00074212 See you in a few moment. sf2N1HMSllg-00228-00074212-00074415 In the meantime, we tell you to hardly work. sf2N1HMSllg-00229-00074415-00074483 See you soon. sf2N1HMSllg-00230-00074483-00074561 Ciao. slsSN7JpGag-00000-00000600-00000750 The main purpose of heavy cavalry slsSN7JpGag-00001-00000750-00001000 was to charge straight into the enemy. slsSN7JpGag-00002-00001300-00001567 This is a typical sword of around 1400. slsSN7JpGag-00003-00001765-00001991 Look at the size of this thing. It's a beast! slsSN7JpGag-00004-00002723-00003003 He was very lucky it didn't kill him instantly. slsSN7JpGag-00005-00003098-00003297 The three main shots are the forward shot, slsSN7JpGag-00006-00003298-00003538 the side shot, and the back shot. slsSN7JpGag-00007-00003845-00004068 This is a type of axe called a bardiche. slsSN7JpGag-00008-00004195-00004470 Castle walls had to obsorb the impact of projectiles slsSN7JpGag-00009-00004470-00004616 fired from trebuchets. slsSN7JpGag-00010-00004845-00005012 Did you hear that whoosh? slsSN7JpGag-00011-00005150-00005420 Remounting like this allows us to travel slsSN7JpGag-00012-00005420-00005580 several relays each day. slsSN7JpGag-00013-00006442-00006802 Compared to a bow and arrow, this is far more deadly. smMWJLoPFQ4-00000-00000000-00000200 Video Shorts Compilation #3 to8erz98umg-00000-00000042-00000301 (upbeat music) to8erz98umg-00001-00000911-00001195 - Hi! My name is Toyia Tanae Taylor to8erz98umg-00002-00001195-00001528 and I'm the executive director for WeAPP. to8erz98umg-00003-00001528-00001860 We Act, Present, and Perform, the Speak With Purpose program to8erz98umg-00004-00001860-00002041 which is the only public speaking class to8erz98umg-00005-00002041-00002255 offered in Seattle Public Schools. to8erz98umg-00006-00002255-00002373 We're so proud of that. to8erz98umg-00007-00002373-00002686 And today I'm joined by my team, to8erz98umg-00008-00002686-00002806 Ms. Sophie. to8erz98umg-00009-00002806-00002895 - Hi there. to8erz98umg-00010-00002895-00003017 - And Ms. Krystal. to8erz98umg-00011-00003017-00003100 - Hello. to8erz98umg-00012-00003100-00003443 - And today we are going to learn about the voice. to8erz98umg-00013-00003443-00003661 We are going to use something called to8erz98umg-00014-00003661-00003881 the tip of the tongue, the lips, the teeth to8erz98umg-00015-00003881-00004049 to learn articulation. to8erz98umg-00016-00004049-00004173 - [Sophie] Projection. to8erz98umg-00017-00004173-00004268 - [Krystal] Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00018-00004268-00004412 - To learn what? to8erz98umg-00019-00004412-00004531 Articulation. to8erz98umg-00020-00004531-00004639 - Projection. to8erz98umg-00021-00004639-00004747 - Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00022-00004747-00004831 Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00023-00004831-00004940 Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00024-00004940-00005059 - I see you Ms. Krystal, to8erz98umg-00025-00005059-00005220 paying attention. to8erz98umg-00026-00005220-00005410 Well I feel like challenging them now to8erz98umg-00027-00005410-00005634 since they think they, ya know, they got it. to8erz98umg-00028-00005634-00005751 Let's see if they really have it. to8erz98umg-00029-00005751-00005960 Do you guys want to add a little rhythm to that? to8erz98umg-00030-00005960-00006048 - Okay. to8erz98umg-00031-00006048-00006131 - Can we do it? to8erz98umg-00032-00006131-00006214 Can we do it? to8erz98umg-00033-00006214-00006298 So today we are doing voice, to8erz98umg-00034-00006298-00006477 so that we can learn articulation. to8erz98umg-00035-00006477-00006589 - Projection. to8erz98umg-00036-00006589-00006706 Projection. to8erz98umg-00037-00006706-00006789 - Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00038-00006789-00006976 - Okay we gotta add a little rhythm to that to8erz98umg-00039-00006976-00007156 to see if they can really get it. to8erz98umg-00040-00007156-00007598 All right, so let's see if we can do a little rock. to8erz98umg-00041-00007598-00007955 Okay cause today we are learning about enunciation to8erz98umg-00042-00007955-00008199 which is teaching you how to enunciate to8erz98umg-00043-00008199-00008467 clarity with your words to8erz98umg-00044-00008467-00008630 as well as projection, to8erz98umg-00045-00008630-00008942 your voice, and articulation. to8erz98umg-00046-00008942-00009155 Which is how you say the word to8erz98umg-00047-00009155-00009427 and express every vowel and consonant. to8erz98umg-00048-00009427-00009540 So here we go, to8erz98umg-00049-00009540-00009887 today's lesson is about articulation. to8erz98umg-00050-00009887-00010009 - Projection. to8erz98umg-00051-00010009-00010133 - Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00052-00010133-00010254 Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00053-00010254-00010366 Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00054-00010366-00010449 - One more time. to8erz98umg-00055-00010449-00010636 Today's lesson's about articulation. to8erz98umg-00056-00010636-00010778 - Projection. to8erz98umg-00057-00010778-00010927 Projection. to8erz98umg-00058-00010927-00011026 Projection. to8erz98umg-00059-00011026-00011162 - Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00060-00011162-00011245 Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00061-00011245-00011360 - And pause. to8erz98umg-00062-00011689-00012037 The video will tell us if they knew what they were doing. to8erz98umg-00063-00012037-00012246 So we're gonna get right into it. to8erz98umg-00064-00012246-00012396 This is one of my favorite lessons. to8erz98umg-00065-00012396-00012630 We do this in WeAPP Speak With Purpose class to8erz98umg-00066-00012630-00012966 with our students to teach them to speak clearly, to8erz98umg-00067-00012966-00013112 we use something called to8erz98umg-00068-00013112-00013469 the tip of the tongue, the lips, the teeth. to8erz98umg-00069-00013469-00013599 Why is it called that? to8erz98umg-00070-00013727-00013907 - Because those are all the things you need to8erz98umg-00071-00013907-00014103 when you are speaking clearly. to8erz98umg-00072-00014103-00014203 - Those are all the things, to8erz98umg-00073-00014203-00014286 what things? to8erz98umg-00074-00014413-00014541 - Those are the parts of your mouth to8erz98umg-00075-00014541-00014682 that you need to be using. to8erz98umg-00076-00014682-00015000 - So you use the tip of your tongue, to8erz98umg-00077-00015000-00015246 your lips, and your teeth to8erz98umg-00078-00015246-00015449 to articulate. to8erz98umg-00079-00015449-00015619 - [Sophie] Project. to8erz98umg-00080-00015619-00015757 - Enunciate. to8erz98umg-00081-00015757-00015927 - Your words. to8erz98umg-00082-00015927-00016083 All right, so we're gonna teach you to8erz98umg-00083-00016083-00016325 this amazing tongue twister. to8erz98umg-00084-00016325-00016631 The tip of the tongue, the lips, the teeth, to8erz98umg-00085-00016631-00016967 so that when you speak you have clarity to8erz98umg-00086-00016967-00017227 and you pronounce all of your words. to8erz98umg-00087-00017227-00017469 All right, so we're gonna use two tactics today to8erz98umg-00088-00017469-00017725 or we're gonna learn two activities. to8erz98umg-00089-00017725-00018104 One is called the finger flow maestro. to8erz98umg-00090-00018104-00018456 Maestro being me. to8erz98umg-00091-00018456-00018680 All right, to the orchestra, to8erz98umg-00092-00018680-00018936 and they are going to have to watch my finger to8erz98umg-00093-00018936-00019204 to know which part of the tip of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00094-00019204-00019510 the lips, the teeth to say. to8erz98umg-00095-00019510-00019685 All right, well let's first of all, to8erz98umg-00096-00019685-00019861 heroic stance. to8erz98umg-00097-00019861-00020083 In WeAPP we always do heroic stance. to8erz98umg-00098-00020083-00020353 Heroic stance, what's the root word? to8erz98umg-00099-00020353-00020436 - Hero. to8erz98umg-00100-00020436-00020546 - Hero. to8erz98umg-00101-00020546-00020635 So this is your hero stance. to8erz98umg-00102-00020635-00020745 Anytime your speaking to8erz98umg-00103-00020745-00020935 or even when you're sitting, to8erz98umg-00104-00020935-00021117 you wanna be in heroic stance. to8erz98umg-00105-00021117-00021318 Okay, it means that you're ready. to8erz98umg-00106-00021318-00021818 So, we're going to learn the tip of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00107-00021830-00022050 the lips, the teeth. to8erz98umg-00108-00022144-00022500 I held up a finger for each phrase to8erz98umg-00109-00022500-00022875 because that's what finger flow maestro is. to8erz98umg-00110-00022875-00023018 We're going to break up the phrase to8erz98umg-00111-00023018-00023343 into four segments or sections. to8erz98umg-00112-00023343-00023636 The first one is going to be the tip. to8erz98umg-00113-00023636-00023843 So when I hold up one finger, to8erz98umg-00114-00023843-00024149 you're going to say the tip. to8erz98umg-00115-00024149-00024260 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00116-00024260-00024400 The tip. to8erz98umg-00117-00024400-00024505 The tip. to8erz98umg-00118-00024505-00024588 - You got that? to8erz98umg-00119-00024588-00024671 Say it with us. to8erz98umg-00120-00024671-00024930 And I want you to make sure that you're pronouncing to8erz98umg-00121-00024930-00025153 your vowels as well as your consonants. to8erz98umg-00122-00025153-00025285 What are vowels? to8erz98umg-00123-00025285-00025617 - A E I O U and sometimes Y. to8erz98umg-00124-00025617-00025732 - And what are consonants? to8erz98umg-00125-00025732-00025856 - All of the other letters. to8erz98umg-00126-00025856-00026095 - All the other letters in the alphabet, okay? to8erz98umg-00127-00026095-00026331 I want you to so, really practice on, to8erz98umg-00128-00026331-00026495 you can close your eyes too, to8erz98umg-00129-00026495-00026917 the tip, the tip. to8erz98umg-00130-00026917-00027116 What part of your mouth are you using to8erz98umg-00131-00027116-00027274 when you say the tip? to8erz98umg-00132-00027274-00027512 - The tip of your mouth by your lips. to8erz98umg-00133-00027641-00027783 - You're using your lips as well to8erz98umg-00134-00027783-00028244 and what consonant are we really focusing on? to8erz98umg-00135-00028244-00028327 - The P. to8erz98umg-00136-00028327-00028518 - The P, so that one finger is, to8erz98umg-00137-00028518-00028614 and I wanna hear it, to8erz98umg-00138-00028614-00028769 the tip. to8erz98umg-00139-00028769-00028911 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00140-00028911-00029036 The tip. to8erz98umg-00141-00029036-00029170 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00142-00029170-00029254 The tip. to8erz98umg-00143-00029254-00029489 - Nice, make sure you're doing it with us. to8erz98umg-00144-00029489-00029636 The next one is, to8erz98umg-00145-00029636-00029824 of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00146-00029824-00029989 - Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00147-00029989-00030132 - [Sophie] Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00148-00030132-00030254 - Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00149-00030254-00030366 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00150-00030366-00030536 - And what are you using? to8erz98umg-00151-00030536-00030636 - [Sophie] Your tongue. to8erz98umg-00152-00030748-00030988 - And what consonants are we really focusing on? to8erz98umg-00153-00031099-00031344 - The N G. to8erz98umg-00154-00031344-00031427 - The tongue. to8erz98umg-00155-00031513-00031686 Let's try it again. to8erz98umg-00156-00031686-00031816 - Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00157-00031816-00031952 - Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00158-00031952-00032104 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00159-00032104-00032313 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00160-00032313-00032733 - The lips is our third phrase or section. to8erz98umg-00161-00032733-00032916 The lips. to8erz98umg-00162-00032916-00033092 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00163-00033092-00033248 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00164-00033248-00033413 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00165-00033413-00033499 The lips. to8erz98umg-00166-00033499-00033800 - And I hear them really focusing on the S to8erz98umg-00167-00033800-00034128 and using their lips to say it. to8erz98umg-00168-00034128-00034272 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00169-00034272-00034439 The lips. to8erz98umg-00170-00034439-00034708 - And the last part is to8erz98umg-00171-00034868-00034984 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00172-00035086-00035240 - The teeth. to8erz98umg-00173-00035240-00035417 - [Sophie] The teeth. to8erz98umg-00174-00035417-00035558 The teeth. to8erz98umg-00175-00035558-00035662 The teeth. to8erz98umg-00176-00035662-00035746 - And as you hear them, to8erz98umg-00177-00035746-00036246 they are using their teeth to really articulate the T H. to8erz98umg-00178-00036282-00036412 The teeth. to8erz98umg-00179-00036412-00036782 So I'm finger flow maestro right now. to8erz98umg-00180-00036782-00037032 I can hold up one finger, two finger, to8erz98umg-00181-00037032-00037239 three fingers or four fingers, to8erz98umg-00182-00037239-00037493 and they're gonna say the right part of to8erz98umg-00183-00037493-00037687 the tip of the tongue, the lips, the teeth. to8erz98umg-00184-00037687-00037887 I want you to try this at home with us, okay? to8erz98umg-00185-00037887-00038012 Here's our practice run, to8erz98umg-00186-00038012-00038291 then we're gonna really do finger flow maestro. to8erz98umg-00187-00038291-00038426 Here we go. to8erz98umg-00188-00038426-00038511 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00189-00038622-00038914 - Ms. Krystal, she would be out. to8erz98umg-00190-00038914-00039072 If this was the real thing. to8erz98umg-00191-00039072-00039156 - It was a practice run. to8erz98umg-00192-00039156-00039281 - All right, practice run, all right. to8erz98umg-00193-00039281-00039364 I'm competitive. to8erz98umg-00194-00039364-00039447 Here we go. to8erz98umg-00195-00039447-00039593 It's the tip. to8erz98umg-00196-00039593-00039724 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00197-00039724-00039856 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00198-00039856-00039964 The tip. to8erz98umg-00199-00039964-00040047 - Let me hear that P. to8erz98umg-00200-00040047-00040131 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00201-00040131-00040214 - Nice. to8erz98umg-00202-00040214-00040312 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00203-00040312-00040472 - That's finger number one. to8erz98umg-00204-00040472-00040610 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00205-00040610-00040796 - Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00206-00040796-00040976 - Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00207-00040976-00041144 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00208-00041144-00041309 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00209-00041309-00041399 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00210-00041399-00041489 - That's part two. to8erz98umg-00211-00041489-00041725 So the tip of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00212-00041725-00042026 number three, the lips. to8erz98umg-00213-00042026-00042168 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00214-00042168-00042302 The lips. to8erz98umg-00215-00042302-00042401 The lips. to8erz98umg-00216-00042401-00042574 - I hear those S's and I love them. to8erz98umg-00217-00042574-00042838 They are really articulating using to8erz98umg-00218-00042838-00043046 the tip of the tongue, the lips to8erz98umg-00219-00043046-00043227 to say each word. to8erz98umg-00220-00043227-00043361 And the last one is to8erz98umg-00221-00043361-00043466 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00222-00043466-00043839 Use those teeth for phrase number four. to8erz98umg-00223-00043839-00043962 - The teeth. to8erz98umg-00224-00043962-00044090 - The teeth. to8erz98umg-00225-00044090-00044227 - The teeth. to8erz98umg-00226-00044227-00044357 The teeth. to8erz98umg-00227-00044357-00044444 The teeth. to8erz98umg-00228-00044529-00044641 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00229-00044641-00044752 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00230-00044752-00044881 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00231-00044881-00044992 - Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00232-00044992-00045094 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00233-00045094-00045194 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00234-00045194-00045293 The lips. to8erz98umg-00235-00045293-00045400 The lips. to8erz98umg-00236-00045400-00045503 - The teeth. to8erz98umg-00237-00045620-00045784 - Project your voices too. to8erz98umg-00238-00045784-00045961 Remember, use that diaphragm, to8erz98umg-00239-00045961-00046170 belly breathing to project your voice. to8erz98umg-00240-00046170-00046526 As you articulate, enunciate, to8erz98umg-00241-00046526-00046814 pronounce your words. to8erz98umg-00242-00046814-00046935 Finger flow maestro, to8erz98umg-00243-00046935-00047110 the tip number one, to8erz98umg-00244-00047110-00047287 of the tongue number two, to8erz98umg-00245-00047287-00047472 the lips number three, to8erz98umg-00246-00047472-00047630 and four the teeth. to8erz98umg-00247-00047630-00047713 You ready? to8erz98umg-00248-00047713-00047929 Get into heroic stance, heroic stance. to8erz98umg-00249-00048044-00048175 This is your hero. to8erz98umg-00250-00048175-00048482 Here we go finger flow maestro. to8erz98umg-00251-00048693-00048809 - [Crystal] The tip. to8erz98umg-00252-00048809-00048933 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00253-00048933-00049044 The tip. to8erz98umg-00254-00049044-00049171 The tip. to8erz98umg-00255-00049171-00049286 - [Krystal] The tip. to8erz98umg-00256-00049286-00049419 The tip. to8erz98umg-00257-00049419-00049543 - Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00258-00049543-00049662 - [Krystal] Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00259-00049662-00049776 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00260-00049776-00049921 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00261-00049921-00050030 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00262-00050030-00050132 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00263-00050132-00050232 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00264-00050232-00050330 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00265-00050330-00050443 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00266-00050443-00050529 The lips. to8erz98umg-00267-00050529-00050678 The lips. to8erz98umg-00268-00050678-00050816 - The teeth. to8erz98umg-00269-00050816-00050899 - Very good. to8erz98umg-00270-00050899-00051030 All right, last time. to8erz98umg-00271-00051030-00051394 This is going to be the super round. to8erz98umg-00272-00051394-00051491 You ready? to8erz98umg-00273-00051491-00051574 You ready? to8erz98umg-00274-00051574-00051741 This means I could start with. to8erz98umg-00275-00051741-00051824 - [Sophie] The teeth. to8erz98umg-00276-00051824-00051908 - The teeth. to8erz98umg-00277-00052023-00052123 - [Sophie] The tip. to8erz98umg-00278-00052123-00052216 The tip. to8erz98umg-00279-00052216-00052316 The tip. to8erz98umg-00280-00052316-00052410 - The teeth. to8erz98umg-00281-00052410-00052501 - I can mix it up on you, to8erz98umg-00282-00052501-00052636 I don't have to go one, two, three, four. to8erz98umg-00283-00052636-00052866 I can go four, two, one, three, to8erz98umg-00284-00052866-00053133 cause I'm the finger flow maestro. to8erz98umg-00285-00053133-00053216 Ready? to8erz98umg-00286-00053216-00053299 Here we go. to8erz98umg-00287-00053299-00053555 Remember, articulate those words, to8erz98umg-00288-00053555-00053897 project, relax, you've got this. to8erz98umg-00289-00053897-00054110 Here we go. to8erz98umg-00290-00054110-00054343 (deep sigh) to8erz98umg-00291-00054679-00054783 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00292-00054783-00054866 The tip. to8erz98umg-00293-00054866-00054949 - Project your voice. to8erz98umg-00294-00054949-00055038 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00295-00055038-00055122 - Nice. to8erz98umg-00296-00055122-00055205 - The tip. to8erz98umg-00297-00055205-00055288 The tip. to8erz98umg-00298-00055288-00055372 - Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00299-00055372-00055459 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00300-00055459-00055589 Of the tongue. to8erz98umg-00301-00055589-00055689 - The teeth. to8erz98umg-00302-00055689-00055809 The teeth. to8erz98umg-00303-00055809-00055925 - The tip, to8erz98umg-00304-00055925-00056033 of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00305-00056033-00056134 the lips. to8erz98umg-00306-00056217-00056337 - [Crystal] The lips. to8erz98umg-00307-00056337-00056433 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00308-00056433-00056519 - [Crystal] The lips. to8erz98umg-00309-00056519-00056637 - The lips. to8erz98umg-00310-00056637-00056726 - The teeth. to8erz98umg-00311-00056726-00056835 The teeth. to8erz98umg-00312-00056835-00056918 The teeth. to8erz98umg-00313-00056918-00057031 The teeth. to8erz98umg-00314-00057153-00057265 - Nicely done. to8erz98umg-00315-00057350-00057850 Yay, so that's finger flow maestro, okay? to8erz98umg-00316-00057865-00058079 Next we are going to do to8erz98umg-00317-00058079-00058402 the flow meter, all right. to8erz98umg-00318-00058402-00058677 The flow meter is about pacing yourself to8erz98umg-00319-00058677-00058991 when you talk or when you are saying your words to8erz98umg-00320-00058991-00059197 and then knowing when to pause. to8erz98umg-00321-00059197-00059399 So I can start my finger like this, to8erz98umg-00322-00059399-00059511 or excuse me, my hand, to8erz98umg-00323-00059511-00059658 my whole arm to8erz98umg-00324-00059658-00059952 and I can go the tip, to8erz98umg-00325-00059952-00060085 and control it, to8erz98umg-00326-00060085-00060333 the pace of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00327-00060333-00060600 the lips, the teeth. to8erz98umg-00328-00060600-00060990 All right, so I'm going to control the pace to8erz98umg-00329-00060990-00061207 of the phrase the tip of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00330-00061207-00061379 the lips, the teeth, to8erz98umg-00331-00061379-00061573 with this meter. to8erz98umg-00332-00061747-00061973 So the objective is to make sure that to8erz98umg-00333-00061973-00062313 you know how to pace your words, to8erz98umg-00334-00062313-00062469 and you know when to pause. to8erz98umg-00335-00062469-00062569 So let's try it. to8erz98umg-00336-00062862-00062980 - The tip to8erz98umg-00337-00063132-00063328 of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00338-00063328-00063411 the lips, to8erz98umg-00339-00063411-00063494 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00340-00063494-00063654 - Nice, one more time. to8erz98umg-00341-00063654-00063760 Do it with us. to8erz98umg-00342-00063760-00063917 Follow the pace, to8erz98umg-00343-00063917-00064103 watch my arms. to8erz98umg-00344-00064103-00064292 - The tip, to8erz98umg-00345-00064292-00064416 of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00346-00064416-00064534 the lips, to8erz98umg-00347-00064534-00064658 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00348-00064658-00064741 The tip to8erz98umg-00349-00064741-00064824 of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00350-00064824-00064907 the lips, to8erz98umg-00351-00064907-00064991 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00352-00064991-00065157 - Listen to each other, one voice, to8erz98umg-00353-00065157-00065305 project your voice, to8erz98umg-00354-00065305-00065530 articulate your words. to8erz98umg-00355-00065530-00065660 You guys are doing excellent. to8erz98umg-00356-00065660-00065948 Heroic stance, here we go. to8erz98umg-00357-00065948-00066108 - The tip to8erz98umg-00358-00066108-00066312 of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00359-00066312-00066622 the lips, to8erz98umg-00360-00066622-00066893 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00361-00066893-00066999 - They're pretty good. to8erz98umg-00362-00066999-00067120 - The tip to8erz98umg-00363-00067120-00067222 of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00364-00067222-00067313 the lips, to8erz98umg-00365-00067313-00067411 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00366-00067411-00067502 The tip to8erz98umg-00367-00067751-00067999 of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00368-00067999-00068083 the lips, to8erz98umg-00369-00068083-00068199 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00370-00068199-00068329 - Last thing I'm gonna do to8erz98umg-00371-00068329-00068536 is if I go back like this with the phrase, to8erz98umg-00372-00068536-00068755 you have to use that breath, to8erz98umg-00373-00068755-00068838 the tongue, to8erz98umg-00374-00068931-00069014 the lips, to8erz98umg-00375-00069108-00069191 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00376-00069380-00069627 All right, so it's gonna go. to8erz98umg-00377-00069809-00069892 - The tip to8erz98umg-00378-00070044-00070127 of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00379-00070331-00070418 the lips, to8erz98umg-00380-00070418-00070501 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00381-00070501-00070586 - This is the super round. to8erz98umg-00382-00070586-00070765 Here we go, last one. to8erz98umg-00383-00070765-00070924 - The tip to8erz98umg-00384-00070924-00071056 of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00385-00071056-00071302 the lips, to8erz98umg-00386-00071302-00071385 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00387-00071385-00071504 - I want you to project those voices to8erz98umg-00388-00071504-00071699 when you go out. to8erz98umg-00389-00071699-00071815 Here we go, last time. to8erz98umg-00390-00071815-00071898 Heroic stance. to8erz98umg-00391-00071898-00072048 We got this. to8erz98umg-00392-00072048-00072173 - The tip to8erz98umg-00393-00072269-00072367 of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00394-00072367-00072522 the lips, to8erz98umg-00395-00072522-00072606 the teeth. to8erz98umg-00396-00073046-00073181 - So that's the tip of the tongue, to8erz98umg-00397-00073181-00073264 the lips, the teeth. to8erz98umg-00398-00073264-00073515 What do we learn from doing an exercise like that? to8erz98umg-00399-00073515-00073677 - You learn pacing. to8erz98umg-00400-00073677-00073836 - Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00401-00073836-00073977 - Projection. to8erz98umg-00402-00073977-00074201 - Articulation and what else? to8erz98umg-00403-00074201-00074371 One last thing. to8erz98umg-00404-00074644-00074742 Pause. to8erz98umg-00405-00074742-00075156 Knowing when to pause when you're talking, all right? to8erz98umg-00406-00075156-00075415 So thank you for joining us for that segment. to8erz98umg-00407-00075415-00075630 That was articulation. to8erz98umg-00408-00075630-00075748 - Projection. to8erz98umg-00409-00075748-00075831 - Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00410-00075831-00075944 Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00411-00075944-00076027 Enunciation. to8erz98umg-00412-00076027-00076148 - And also throwing in there to8erz98umg-00413-00076148-00076452 learning how to pace as well as pause to8erz98umg-00414-00076452-00076705 when you are saying your words. to8erz98umg-00415-00076705-00076868 I'm Toyia Tynae Taylor. to8erz98umg-00416-00076868-00077004 - I'm Ms. Sophie. to8erz98umg-00417-00077004-00077116 - And Ms. Krystal. to8erz98umg-00418-00077116-00077232 - And we're WeAPP. to8erz98umg-00419-00077232-00077496 We want you to always remember to enjoy your life, to8erz98umg-00420-00077496-00077673 be true to yourself, and what? to8erz98umg-00421-00077673-00077846 Speak with purpose. to8erz98umg-00422-00077846-00077966 We'll see you next time. to8erz98umg-00423-00078163-00078421 (upbeat music) t0tMMXhPK0g-00000-00000779-00001016 Hello, my name is Dr. Xavier Ruyra t0tMMXhPK0g-00001-00001059-00001249 and I am a cardiac surgeon. t0tMMXhPK0g-00002-00001446-00001703 I am passionate about helping people t0tMMXhPK0g-00003-00001743-00001980 who are suffering to lead fulfilling lives t0tMMXhPK0g-00004-00002000-00002193 with a better quality of life. t0tMMXhPK0g-00005-00002364-00002537 I am fortunate enough t0tMMXhPK0g-00006-00002544-00002831 to be in the position where I love my work. t0tMMXhPK0g-00007-00002878-00003084 I complete my residency t0tMMXhPK0g-00008-00003106-00003342 at Hospital St Paul in Barcelona t0tMMXhPK0g-00009-00003370-00003692 and I am now the Head of Cardiac Surgery t0tMMXhPK0g-00010-00003700-00003870 at a public hospital t0tMMXhPK0g-00011-00003882-00004154 and at private hospital in Barcelona. t0tMMXhPK0g-00012-00004214-00004384 My work with BISI t0tMMXhPK0g-00013-00004392-00004688 allows me to work with the international community t0tMMXhPK0g-00014-00004730-00004904 which I enjoy very much. t0tMMXhPK0g-00015-00004922-00005272 My experience of treating people from all over the world t0tMMXhPK0g-00016-00005288-00005404 is very rewarding t0tMMXhPK0g-00017-00005420-00005664 and one I look forward to continuing. t0tMMXhPK0g-00018-00005706-00005842 Outside of work t0tMMXhPK0g-00019-00005852-00006108 I enjoy spending time with my family. t0tMMXhPK0g-00020-00006136-00006338 I love the challenge of my work t0tMMXhPK0g-00021-00006346-00006590 and I love that every day is different. t0tMMXhPK0g-00022-00006598-00006784 I am a compassionate person t0tMMXhPK0g-00023-00006795-00007131 and this is what drives me to do what I do t0tMMXhPK0g-00024-00007150-00007428 and what I will continue to do. t0YGYmlHzOY-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi, it's Yosuke Awata. t0YGYmlHzOY-00001-00000200-00000466 This video is sequel of last time, t0YGYmlHzOY-00002-00000466-00000886 I'm going to paint for cat images of July to December t0YGYmlHzOY-00003-00000886-00001108 on 15 x 15 cm canvas sheets. t0YGYmlHzOY-00004-00001434-00002049 Last video, I paint January to June with feeling of seasonality, t0YGYmlHzOY-00005-00002049-00002426 and today I also paint seasonal cats, t0YGYmlHzOY-00006-00002426-00002917 and I'll talk a little bit about painting as series. t0YGYmlHzOY-00007-00002917-00003222 Well, let's paint a July cat! t0YGYmlHzOY-00008-00012053-00012317 Here comes a July painting! t0YGYmlHzOY-00009-00012317-00012804 It's an image of Japanese July event "Star Festival". t0YGYmlHzOY-00010-00012804-00013098 When I work on series, t0YGYmlHzOY-00011-00013098-00013821 I try to have sensation of unity and get some variety in it. t0YGYmlHzOY-00012-00013821-00014198 Sense of unity for this series, t0YGYmlHzOY-00013-00014198-00015033 I keep using same style, paint only one cat and all paintings will be simple. t0YGYmlHzOY-00014-00015033-00015454 Maybe there're some more, but those three. t0YGYmlHzOY-00015-00015454-00015763 Now, I'm painting an August cat! t0YGYmlHzOY-00016-00023519-00023742 This is an August painting. t0YGYmlHzOY-00017-00023742-00023928 I put one cat. t0YGYmlHzOY-00018-00023928-00024157 Earlier, I said variety, t0YGYmlHzOY-00019-00024157-00024589 and each month, I want different cat t0YGYmlHzOY-00020-00024589-00024990 and using different color image. t0YGYmlHzOY-00021-00024990-00025244 Well, I'll paint a September cat. t0YGYmlHzOY-00022-00031621-00032000 This is harvest moon of September. t0YGYmlHzOY-00023-00032000-00032362 Reason why I paint the moon purple, t0YGYmlHzOY-00024-00032362-00032711 these are paintings I did on last video t0YGYmlHzOY-00025-00032711-00033023 I used different colors for each month, t0YGYmlHzOY-00026-00033023-00033522 but March to August colors are all blue and green. t0YGYmlHzOY-00027-00033522-00034113 and I haven't used purple since February painting, t0YGYmlHzOY-00028-00034113-00034390 So I made moon purple. t0YGYmlHzOY-00029-00034390-00034696 Next, I'll paint an October cat. t0YGYmlHzOY-00030-00039966-00040310 Compositions of background is similar to September, t0YGYmlHzOY-00031-00040310-00040508 but I use totally different colors. t0YGYmlHzOY-00032-00040508-00040713 October is Halloween color! t0YGYmlHzOY-00033-00040713-00041031 I also paint different kind of cats, t0YGYmlHzOY-00034-00041031-00041351 I was keen to paint a black cat, t0YGYmlHzOY-00035-00041351-00041823 I thought I should wait till October because of Halloween. t0YGYmlHzOY-00036-00041823-00042017 Next will be November. t0YGYmlHzOY-00037-00047404-00047573 Here comes a November cat! t0YGYmlHzOY-00038-00047573-00047776 These are similar types of color, t0YGYmlHzOY-00039-00047776-00048160 but November is a little chilly image. t0YGYmlHzOY-00040-00048160-00048508 I thought about fall leaves. t0YGYmlHzOY-00041-00048508-00049005 After I finish painting December, let's see all months. t0YGYmlHzOY-00042-00052125-00052304 It's a December cat. t0YGYmlHzOY-00043-00052304-00052537 A very simple snow painting. t0YGYmlHzOY-00044-00052537-00052790 Let's put all together. t0YGYmlHzOY-00045-00052790-00053418 I think you can see how I choose different colors for each month. t0YGYmlHzOY-00046-00053418-00053648 For sense of unity, t0YGYmlHzOY-00047-00053648-00054020 each have one cat, seasonal images t0YGYmlHzOY-00048-00054020-00054504 the same style with same technique t0YGYmlHzOY-00049-00054504-00054750 and all are simple. t0YGYmlHzOY-00050-00054750-00055066 For variety, t0YGYmlHzOY-00051-00055066-00055687 I paint different kind of cats like colors, patterns or types of hair. t0YGYmlHzOY-00052-00055687-00056200 I imagined cat lovers use this calendar t0YGYmlHzOY-00053-00056200-00056630 it's fun to see different cat every month. t0YGYmlHzOY-00054-00056630-00057301 and maybe people will find a similar cat as they own... t0YGYmlHzOY-00055-00057301-00057459 I don't know... t0YGYmlHzOY-00056-00057459-00057668 I thought about things like that. t0YGYmlHzOY-00057-00057668-00057873 For December painting, t0YGYmlHzOY-00058-00057873-00058375 I thought a white long hair cat would match with snow. t0YGYmlHzOY-00059-00058375-00058724 But I already paint one for February. t0YGYmlHzOY-00060-00058724-00058994 So I paint a short hair white cat. t0YGYmlHzOY-00061-00058994-00059434 And colors, some are similar colors, t0YGYmlHzOY-00062-00059434-00059720 but still those are different colors, t0YGYmlHzOY-00063-00059720-00060247 when month changed, aren't you happy to see different picture!? t0YGYmlHzOY-00064-00060247-00060605 I thought about that when I choose colors. t0YGYmlHzOY-00065-00060605-00060963 Changing view of background is also fun I thought. t0YGYmlHzOY-00066-00060963-00061563 I thought about feeling of surprise when people flip this calendar. t0YGYmlHzOY-00067-00061563-00061908 There are many series, but when I work on, t0YGYmlHzOY-00068-00061908-00062467 I try to mix some sense of unity and some variety. t0YGYmlHzOY-00069-00062730-00063144 Finally, I received disk calendar like this! t0YGYmlHzOY-00070-00063144-00063301 There is a wood stand, t0YGYmlHzOY-00071-00063301-00063594 you can put it like this. t0YGYmlHzOY-00072-00063594-00063971 Honestly, it is first time I order calendars. t0YGYmlHzOY-00073-00063971-00064377 I ordered from this company. t0YGYmlHzOY-00074-00064377-00064713 Printings are beautiful. t0YGYmlHzOY-00075-00064765-00065004 Originals look better, t0YGYmlHzOY-00076-00065004-00065260 Originals and prints are not same! t0YGYmlHzOY-00077-00065260-00065523 Prints cannot be same as original t0YGYmlHzOY-00078-00065523-00065948 but those prints are wonderful, I impressed! t0YGYmlHzOY-00079-00065948-00066165 It is a little advertisement, t0YGYmlHzOY-00080-00066165-00066414 I sell this calendar! t0YGYmlHzOY-00081-00066414-00066878 I put link to how to buy calendar on info. below. t0YGYmlHzOY-00082-00066878-00067175 Please check it out if you are interested. t0YGYmlHzOY-00083-00067175-00067429 Well, that is it for today! t0YGYmlHzOY-00084-00067429-00067966 If you like this video, please hit a like Botton! t0YGYmlHzOY-00085-00067966-00068189 It gives me motivation to make e videos! t0YGYmlHzOY-00086-00068189-00068543 and please consider subscribing! t0YGYmlHzOY-00087-00068543-00068967 There are my cats video on my sub channel. t0YGYmlHzOY-00088-00068967-00069221 Please watch them if you'd like! t0YGYmlHzOY-00089-00069221-00069438 Thank you for watching! t0YGYmlHzOY-00090-00069438-00069773 See you next time! Bye bye!! t8_lWrwsKGM-00000-00000088-00000311 attention golf enthusiast t8_lWrwsKGM-00001-00000311-00000764 how would you like to have a p_g_a_ professional teach you to improve t8_lWrwsKGM-00002-00000764-00001209 your golf swing in such a short time that you’ll immediately see the difference the t8_lWrwsKGM-00003-00001209-00001519 next time you visit the greens t8_lWrwsKGM-00004-00001519-00002059 jonathan jacobson a veteran of many p_g_a_ pro circuits show you how to become the t8_lWrwsKGM-00005-00002059-00002639 best golfer that you can ever be presenting swim like a pro with p_g_a_ t8_lWrwsKGM-00006-00002639-00003121 professional jonathan jacobson be the best swinger town swing like a t8_lWrwsKGM-00007-00003121-00003640 pro which p_g_a_ professional jonathan jacobson is a comprehensive four dvd t8_lWrwsKGM-00008-00003640-00004172 course that will repeal amazing secrets and methods guaranteed a vastly improve t8_lWrwsKGM-00009-00004172-00004272 your game t8_lWrwsKGM-00010-00004272-00004803 inside this four dvd set you learn the tricks and techniques used by pro golfers t8_lWrwsKGM-00011-00004803-00005055 Used in winning tournament t8_lWrwsKGM-00012-00005055-00005416 learn the correct stances and posture that will immediately give you the perfect t8_lWrwsKGM-00013-00005416-00005493 swing t8_lWrwsKGM-00014-00005493-00005926 discover the program used by golf superstars like tiger woods and jack t8_lWrwsKGM-00015-00005926-00006371 Nicklaus that has them lead to calculus circuit victories master the right way t8_lWrwsKGM-00016-00006371-00006876 to handle bunkers and slop shots unravel the secrets they get that perfect putt t8_lWrwsKGM-00017-00006876-00007097 each and everytime t8_lWrwsKGM-00018-00007097-00007553 learn simple golfing practices that will catapult your game to the next level you t8_lWrwsKGM-00019-00007553-00007977 won't even need expensive equipment you can use household items to improve your t8_lWrwsKGM-00020-00007977-00008284 games a we’ll show you how t8_lWrwsKGM-00021-00008284-00008782 Come experience the best goal tutorial today and become the best golfer you can t8_lWrwsKGM-00022-00008782-00009293 ever be grab your copy of swing like a pro with p_g_a_ professional jonathan t8_lWrwsKGM-00023-00009293-00009394 jacobson today tqtpUeDGGuo-00000-00000785-00000951 Welcome to TenTen 4 Kids tqtpUeDGGuo-00001-00000993-00001182 Today I will show tqtpUeDGGuo-00002-00001182-00001366 a card trick to you tqtpUeDGGuo-00003-00001539-00001788 The name of this trick is the 11th card! tqtpUeDGGuo-00004-00001890-00002209 Maybe you know it tqtpUeDGGuo-00005-00002209-00002514 I wanted to adapt the trick to English Language Teaching tqtpUeDGGuo-00006-00002523-00002803 and I will try to find the card tqtpUeDGGuo-00007-00002803-00003092 that you choose without showing me tqtpUeDGGuo-00008-00003107-00003344 We have 21 different vocabulary items tqtpUeDGGuo-00009-00003344-00003639 while doing this trick, but as I have 18 cards tqtpUeDGGuo-00010-00003640-00003836 I added 3 more televisions tqtpUeDGGuo-00011-00003836-00004046 to the pile tqtpUeDGGuo-00012-00004046-00004338 That's why I will not choose television in this example tqtpUeDGGuo-00013-00004342-00004642 However, as they are all different vocabulary items, tqtpUeDGGuo-00014-00004642-00004828 your students can choose whatever card they want tqtpUeDGGuo-00015-00004886-00005032 like what for example? tqtpUeDGGuo-00016-00005054-00005226 let's choose the word "table" tqtpUeDGGuo-00017-00005246-00005548 Let's say our student chose the word "table" tqtpUeDGGuo-00018-00005576-00005780 Mix the cards tqtpUeDGGuo-00019-00005800-00005984 and put them face up tqtpUeDGGuo-00020-00006006-00006246 21 cards must be put in 3 different lines. tqtpUeDGGuo-00021-00006266-00006472 each line must have 7 cards in total tqtpUeDGGuo-00022-00006592-00006954 Your student must follow his or her card tqtpUeDGGuo-00023-00006976-00007294 because you will ask him / her in which line the card is tqtpUeDGGuo-00024-00007356-00007518 Where is it? In this line! tqtpUeDGGuo-00025-00007814-00008128 After dealing the cards, you ask "Where is it?" tqtpUeDGGuo-00026-00008128-00008342 The student shows where it is tqtpUeDGGuo-00027-00008360-00008648 You take that line and put it in the middle of the pile tqtpUeDGGuo-00028-00008670-00008950 The other line on it and the rest under the pile having that card tqtpUeDGGuo-00029-00008970-00009140 Now, let's see the second round tqtpUeDGGuo-00030-00009166-00009374 Again, we go on dealing the cards tqtpUeDGGuo-00031-00009394-00009656 and ask your students to follow their cards tqtpUeDGGuo-00032-00009678-00009950 as you will ask them where their card is tqtpUeDGGuo-00033-00009962-00010088 they are really excited to follow their cards tqtpUeDGGuo-00034-00010106-00010194 Again their card is here tqtpUeDGGuo-00035-00010526-00010722 Where is your card? tqtpUeDGGuo-00036-00010734-00010964 Here! really?? Once again?? in the same line??? tqtpUeDGGuo-00037-00010998-00011382 You pretend to be surprised :) tqtpUeDGGuo-00038-00011382-00011700 like owww really? It cannot be there! and collect the cards tqtpUeDGGuo-00039-00011726-00012018 In the third round, again you deal the cards in the same way tqtpUeDGGuo-00040-00012264-00012528 Of course while dealing the cards, tqtpUeDGGuo-00041-00012550-00012844 do not forget to repeat the vocabulary items tqtpUeDGGuo-00042-00012869-00013112 like oven, table tqtpUeDGGuo-00043-00013168-00013474 wardrobe. Do not forget the language focus here tqtpUeDGGuo-00044-00013474-00013680 This time the card is here tqtpUeDGGuo-00045-00013740-00013982 After dealing the cards, tqtpUeDGGuo-00046-00014112-00014290 you ask your students "Is it here once again?" tqtpUeDGGuo-00047-00014290-00014574 They say ""No, it is here", and you again pretend to be surprised :) tqtpUeDGGuo-00048-00014613-00014834 Really? Cannot be! You are joking! tqtpUeDGGuo-00049-00014858-00015024 Once again you put it into the middle. tqtpUeDGGuo-00050-00015036-00015113 What did we do? tqtpUeDGGuo-00051-00015140-00015408 We put the line with the card into the middle tqtpUeDGGuo-00052-00015426-00015690 and the others to the top and bottom of that file. tqtpUeDGGuo-00053-00015704-00015938 Yes! the name of the game: 11th Card! tqtpUeDGGuo-00054-00015963-00016236 Now, it is time to guess the card! tqtpUeDGGuo-00055-00016872-00017094 and 11th card is yours! tqtpUeDGGuo-00056-00017128-00017284 hehehehe :) tqtpUeDGGuo-00057-00017284-00017484 I hope you and your students will enjoy it in your classes tseIVwDOTUU-00000-00001154-00001776 The digital drawing week is part of the collection course tseIVwDOTUU-00001-00001800-00002218 and expatiates on two software programs, Photoshop and Illustrator. tseIVwDOTUU-00002-00002392-00002634 With the software called Illustrator tseIVwDOTUU-00003-00002810-00003030 we will recreate technical drawings tseIVwDOTUU-00004-00003030-00003184 of different kinds of bags. tseIVwDOTUU-00005-00003228-00003861 With Photoshop, instead, we will recreate renderings that are as realistic as possible tseIVwDOTUU-00006-00003884-00004194 using leathers and fabrics. tseIVwDOTUU-00007-00004306-00004606 The goal of this course is to teach tseIVwDOTUU-00008-00004638-00005004 how to make the drawings as realistic as possible tseIVwDOTUU-00009-00005042-00005582 and fit to be entrusted to a factory and to be transformed into prototypes. tseIVwDOTUU-00010-00006695-00007118 The instruments that can be learned in this course are not limited tseIVwDOTUU-00011-00007152-00007394 to the drawing of the bag. tseIVwDOTUU-00012-00007472-00007990 It's a wider vision on two software programs that offer many possibilities tseIVwDOTUU-00013-00008012-00008298 whose instruments can be applied in different areas. tseIVwDOTUU-00014-00008360-00008778 They are also modern instruments that help the student tseIVwDOTUU-00015-00008778-00009502 acquiring another side of drawing, that’s no longer just the hand one but also the digital one. tseIVwDOTUU-00016-00010600-00011086 With Illustrator we will investigate how some instruments are used, tseIVwDOTUU-00017-00011122-00011784 like for example the brushes, with which it's possible to create very defined accessories like zips, studs or tseIVwDOTUU-00018-00011784-00012594 buckles and other metallic accessories in a very precise and above all quick way in comparison to the hand drawing. tseIVwDOTUU-00019-00012594-00013258 With Photoshop, instead, besides the application of many different textures inside the bags, tseIVwDOTUU-00020-00013266-00013856 that enable thus to make many bags colorways very quickly, tseIVwDOTUU-00021-00013902-00014526 we will also learn how to insert accessories of many kinds, how to create montages. tseIVwDOTUU-00022-00014719-00015480 Besides, in this course, the instruments I will explain will be very useful tseIVwDOTUU-00023-00015590-00016006 both for drawing the bag and also, in other occasions, perhaps, tseIVwDOTUU-00024-00016028-00016474 for drawing a logo or a graphic. tv66lI6LuGU-00000-00000000-00000200 xd twZeukUCZdy-00000-00000000-00000200 Relaxing music relaxing sleep music meditation music relaxing piano music water sounds relaxing music sleep txXNbH8kayy-00000-00000000-00000306 Seasoned mustard-sauce txXNbH8kayy-00001-00002857-00003057 Sugar 1.1/2T txXNbH8kayy-00002-00003279-00003479 1.1/2T Vine txXNbH8kayy-00003-00003692-00003892 Lotus mustard 1/2T txXNbH8kayy-00004-00004648-00004936 Polyquinic 1T txXNbH8kayy-00005-00006137-00006337 minced garlic 1/2T txXNbH8kayy-00006-00007336-00007536 Put a wrap on the fridge. txXNbH8kayy-00007-00007944-00008428 Cut the cucumber into quarters and chop txXNbH8kayy-00008-00012315-00012604 The chives are 4cm long. txXNbH8kayy-00009-00014246-00014588 Mix lightly. txXNbH8kayy-00010-00015880-00016133 Put it on a plate and put it on top. Done. tzcYTFZ2ShY-00000-00000000-00000296 Never gonna give you up tzcYTFZ2ShY-00001-00000296-00000496 Never gonna let you down t_pmJTU3wmQ-00000-00000012-00000437 but I really do not understand decolonizing curriculum t_pmJTU3wmQ-00001-00000438-00001140 or decolozing education at the when Andrea asked me if I would be interested. t_pmJTU3wmQ-00002-00001140-00001487 to pick on the challenge if I can t_pmJTU3wmQ-00003-00001488-00002133 look into how school of global studies could decolonize its education t_pmJTU3wmQ-00004-00002133-00002749 it's like been dropped in middle of the ocean and I dont really know where to start t_pmJTU3wmQ-00005-00002751-00003533 and then I i tried to look at what is happening at different universities and t_pmJTU3wmQ-00006-00003533-00004317 different institution across the world and I could find some commonalities around t_pmJTU3wmQ-00007-00004317-00004469 them at the same time t_pmJTU3wmQ-00008-00004469-00005399 there are success in some of the projects and failure in some of the projects t_pmJTU3wmQ-00009-00005399-00006035 while I was working that out in my mind I realized that Sussex was a kind of t_pmJTU3wmQ-00010-00006035-00006606 historically radical university was actually setup in the 60s to t_pmJTU3wmQ-00011-00006606-00007470 basically, in the pick of decolonizing Global South and in fact Sussex has been in the t_pmJTU3wmQ-00012-00007470-00008088 forefront, I mean, particularly ahead of the institution in t_pmJTU3wmQ-00013-00008088-00008778 terms of looking at how experiences of decolonizing Africa then t_pmJTU3wmQ-00014-00008778-00009165 can actually be translated into education and in the 70s t_pmJTU3wmQ-00015-00009165-00009570 Professor Ralph Grillo t_pmJTU3wmQ-00016-00009570-00010260 was the head of school of global studies at the time. And he made a conscious effort to to to to t_pmJTU3wmQ-00017-00010260-00010842 decolonize the institution at that point in time by setup African and Asian studies (AFRAS) t_pmJTU3wmQ-00018-00010842-00011450 yeah across and I got to see him and I got to speak to him about he intent t_pmJTU3wmQ-00019-00011450-00011559 he thought that was t_pmJTU3wmQ-00020-00011559-00011915 necessary at that point in time in the 70s you know. People were just talking t_pmJTU3wmQ-00021-00011915-00012096 about decolozing Africa t_pmJTU3wmQ-00022-00012096-00012735 actually I want you to go additional source of oxford and the basically t_pmJTU3wmQ-00023-00012735-00013212 participate in an equally their colonization of Africa all over South t_pmJTU3wmQ-00024-00013212-00014028 we're going to the schools are trained to become and administrator of the t_pmJTU3wmQ-00025-00014028-00014475 colonies when i go back to call it so basically it was not really a critique t_pmJTU3wmQ-00026-00014475-00015111 of reality itself is actually an errand and that will be the opposite of that t_pmJTU3wmQ-00027-00015162-00015609 well at some point I think we better give me my only brother isn't anything t_pmJTU3wmQ-00028-00015609-00016422 into it before and it grabbed you all shipping aware of the of the of the of t_pmJTU3wmQ-00029-00016422-00017081 the tournament that academics in the house and what is really stood out t_pmJTU3wmQ-00030-00017081-00017454 instead of that was there at that point source was very conscious of t_pmJTU3wmQ-00031-00017454-00017910 interdisciplinary approach in fact it was one of the founding principal office t_pmJTU3wmQ-00032-00017910-00018084 or call t_pmJTU3wmQ-00033-00018084-00018576 probably it you know and its really are but you didn't come into popularity t_pmJTU3wmQ-00034-00018636-00019317 normal to target you know and something already back at the beginning but we t_pmJTU3wmQ-00035-00019317-00019815 come straight to me is that at some point source has not started his past t_pmJTU3wmQ-00036-00019815-00020691 so basically we're staying anyway new blue only problem is its what what t_pmJTU3wmQ-00037-00020691-00020991 didn't happen exactly t_pmJTU3wmQ-00038-00021683-00022748 the kind of productive and you know what class institution t_pmJTU3wmQ-00039-00022820-00023363 so in a way that the break affect the interdisciplinary approach of resources t_pmJTU3wmQ-00040-00023363-00023516 as funding t_pmJTU3wmQ-00041-00023516-00024044 I don't think there is now one of the big big exam is called which is a t_pmJTU3wmQ-00042-00024044-00024371 collaboration between psychology sociology anthropology t_pmJTU3wmQ-00043-00024371-00025547 if I mean all in high school so in a way that was the idea again but there when t_pmJTU3wmQ-00044-00025547-00025997 we're kissing and it's basically sleep the whole school in two different with t_pmJTU3wmQ-00045-00025997-00026620 every department after sugar economically viable and and and that was t_pmJTU3wmQ-00046-00026620-00027589 what was this because because of his former self and yeah I hope when the t_pmJTU3wmQ-00047-00027589-00027725 time to speak t_pmJTU3wmQ-00048-00027725-00028114 probably explain law on water from the BB t_pmJTU3wmQ-00049-00028114-00028757 it's back to . for me to realize what's going on because it seems to have t_pmJTU3wmQ-00050-00028757-00029255 tempted to colonize and Holly solutions like all this only going to be talking t_pmJTU3wmQ-00051-00029255-00029562 about now was actually embedded in the sources t_pmJTU3wmQ-00052-00029562-00030333 founding fathers principal and just the congregation we have his books in our t_pmJTU3wmQ-00053-00030333-00030558 library we have all the reading list t_pmJTU3wmQ-00054-00030558-00031058 we have a lot of archival material that show you that earlier on 16 carries on t_pmJTU3wmQ-00055-00031058-00031155 the agenda t_pmJTU3wmQ-00056-00031155-00031566 we also have a retro international education which is more about t_pmJTU3wmQ-00057-00031566-00031958 improvement of students and international universities sending my t_pmJTU3wmQ-00058-00031958-00032352 students to international universities and actually about internationalism the t_pmJTU3wmQ-00059-00032352-00033822 spirit which was going to six or about coming here right now is also something t_pmJTU3wmQ-00060-00033822-00034091 about trying to revisit some of those radical roots t_pmJTU3wmQ-00061-00034091-00034560 do not forget our past to reclaim and reinvent but also to be very much are t_pmJTU3wmQ-00062-00034560-00034749 continually moment t_pmJTU3wmQ-00063-00034749-00035147 contemporary movement which is very strongly about so you who are here today t_pmJTU3wmQ-00064-00035147-00035358 there are people across the canvas t_pmJTU3wmQ-00065-00035358-00035813 we would like to see some change it's a wonderful opportunity to have that so i t_pmJTU3wmQ-00066-00035813-00036105 had to turn open and then t_pmJTU3wmQ-00067-00036105-00036834 and just to expect to get our program so this morning and looking at what does t_pmJTU3wmQ-00068-00036834-00037184 academic freedom promotes honesty what would it look like t_pmJTU3wmQ-00069-00037184-00037703 - 10 SB share the results of this research we have some and he was t_pmJTU3wmQ-00070-00037703-00038037 recorded she's in india and she's from a movie tBRMOuw_YAU-00000-00000025-00001237 200+ American Hero Grave Markers DEMOLISHED On Memorial Day – Look What Happened tBRMOuw_YAU-00001-00001237-00001644 This truly has to be one of the most despicable acts of disrespect our nation has seen on tBRMOuw_YAU-00002-00001644-00002002 Memorial Day weekend in a long time, if ever. tBRMOuw_YAU-00003-00002002-00002602 Overnight on Friday 209 gravestones were spray-painted with swastikas at a cemetery in Illinois. tBRMOuw_YAU-00004-00002602-00003068 This heinous act occurred on the eve of Memorial Day weekend at a Glen Carbon, Illinois cemetery tBRMOuw_YAU-00005-00003068-00003454 which houses the graves of more than 1,300 veterans. tBRMOuw_YAU-00006-00003454-00003945 The grounds superintendent of Sunset Hill Cemetery, Mark Johnson, in an interview said tBRMOuw_YAU-00007-00003945-00004410 he hasn’t seen anything of this magnitude in the 30 years that he has been working there. tBRMOuw_YAU-00008-00004410-00004874 The local CBS affiliate reported that cemetery officials were working to clean up the vandalism tBRMOuw_YAU-00009-00004874-00005267 before the Memorial Day event and planned to power wash the tombstones in order to clean tBRMOuw_YAU-00010-00005267-00005611 them before people started to arrive for the yearly event. tBRMOuw_YAU-00011-00005611-00005994 Later it was confirmed that police were also called out to a nearby neighborhood after tBRMOuw_YAU-00012-00005994-00006469 residents found the same spray paint on a few homes and at on at least one vehicle. tBRMOuw_YAU-00013-00006469-00006706 This should boil the blood of every American. tBRMOuw_YAU-00014-00006706-00007042 There is no need for this kind of garbage in a nation like ours. tBRMOuw_YAU-00015-00007042-00007411 Maybe if narcissistic celebrities and many on the far left wouldn’t spew their hate tBRMOuw_YAU-00016-00007411-00007792 against the military and our current Commander In Chief then things like this wouldn’t tBRMOuw_YAU-00017-00007792-00007892 happen. tBRMOuw_YAU-00018-00007892-00008230 It’s obvious by the type of crime and the fact that they also hit nearby homes and a tBRMOuw_YAU-00019-00008230-00008660 car that these delinquents are probably younger than the age of 25. tBRMOuw_YAU-00020-00008660-00009003 Probably of an age that’s still impressionable and they heard someone like Hillary Clinton tBRMOuw_YAU-00021-00009003-00009439 on TV spewing garbage about our nation being in crisis even though we are closer to peace tBRMOuw_YAU-00022-00009439-00009894 and have more property than we have seen in decades, so they lashed out at those who can’t tBRMOuw_YAU-00023-00009894-00010018 defend themselves. tBRMOuw_YAU-00024-00010018-00010440 All of a sudden Singapore’s methods of dealing with vandals doesn’t seem all that barbaric, tBRMOuw_YAU-00025-00010440-00010596 does it? tBRMOuw_YAU-00026-00010596-00010707 SINGAPORE (Reuters) tBRMOuw_YAU-00027-00010707-00011136 “A Singapore court sentenced two Germans to nine months in prison and three strokes tBRMOuw_YAU-00028-00011136-00011549 of the cane on Thursday after they pleaded guilty to breaking into a depot and spray-painting tBRMOuw_YAU-00029-00011549-00011811 graffiti on a commuter train carriage. tBRMOuw_YAU-00030-00011811-00012438 Andreas Von Knorre, 22, and Elton Hinz, 21, both expressed remorse while being sentenced tBRMOuw_YAU-00031-00012438-00012664 in the state courts of the island republic. tBRMOuw_YAU-00032-00012664-00013080 “This is the darkest episode of my entire life,” said Von Knorre. tBRMOuw_YAU-00033-00013080-00013529 “I want to apologize to the state of Singapore for the stupid act…I’ve learned my lesson tBRMOuw_YAU-00034-00013529-00013737 and will never do it again.” tBRMOuw_YAU-00035-00013737-00013979 Hinz added: “I promise I will never do it again. tBRMOuw_YAU-00036-00013979-00014441 I want to apologize to you, and my family for the shame and situation I’ve put them tBRMOuw_YAU-00037-00014441-00014549 into.” tBRMOuw_YAU-00038-00014549-00014945 Both were dressed in prison uniform – a white T-shirt and brown trousers with the tBRMOuw_YAU-00039-00014945-00015211 word “Prisoner” down the sides and on the back. tBRMOuw_YAU-00040-00015211-00015413 They spoke to the court in English. tBRMOuw_YAU-00041-00015413-00015761 Singapore sentences hundreds of prisoners to caning each year as part of a system that tBRMOuw_YAU-00042-00015761-00016059 has been criticized by rights groups. tBRMOuw_YAU-00043-00016059-00016418 Vandalism and over-staying by foreigners are offences that can be punished by caning along tBRMOuw_YAU-00044-00016418-00016936 with other crimes like kidnapping, robbery, drug abuse and sexual abuse. tBRMOuw_YAU-00045-00016936-00017530 According to the U.S. State Department, 2,203 caning sentences were carried out in 2012, tBRMOuw_YAU-00046-00017530-00017947 including 1,070 foreigners caned for committing immigration offences. tBRMOuw_YAU-00047-00017947-00018397 “The Singapore judicial system’s shameful recourse to using torture – in the form tBRMOuw_YAU-00048-00018397-00018808 of caning – to punish crimes that should be misdemeanors is indicative of a blatant tBRMOuw_YAU-00049-00018808-00019315 disregard for international human rights standards,” said Phil Robertson, deputy director of the tBRMOuw_YAU-00050-00019315-00019520 Asia division of Human Rights Watch. tBRMOuw_YAU-00051-00019520-00019956 “One of the defendants said that sentencing day was the darkest day of his life, but in tBRMOuw_YAU-00052-00019956-00020410 reality every day that Singapore keeps caning on its books is a dark day for the country’s tBRMOuw_YAU-00053-00020410-00020720 international reputation,” he said in an e-mail. tBRMOuw_YAU-00054-00020720-00021175 In Berlin, a foreign ministry official said the government respected the sovereignty of tBRMOuw_YAU-00055-00021175-00021275 Singapore. tBRMOuw_YAU-00056-00021275-00021684 “But it speaks out against corporal punishment as a form of sentence worldwide – and that tBRMOuw_YAU-00057-00021684-00021973 also means in Singapore,” the official added. tBRMOuw_YAU-00058-00021973-00022245 “The German government has made that clear.” tBRMOuw_YAU-00059-00022245-00022666 The two Germans were accused of vandalism and trespass after they broke into one of tBRMOuw_YAU-00060-00022666-00023038 Singapore’s train depots last November to spray-paint a carriage. tBRMOuw_YAU-00061-00023038-00023462 They then fled Singapore, only to be tracked down in neighboring Malaysia in an international tBRMOuw_YAU-00062-00023462-00023829 manhunt and were brought back to the city-state to face trial. tBRMOuw_YAU-00063-00023829-00024303 Their lawyers said they would meet the prisoners on Monday to decide on whether to appeal. tBRMOuw_YAU-00064-00024303-00024773 Almost five years ago, Swiss national Oliver Fricker was sentenced to seven months in jail tBRMOuw_YAU-00065-00024773-00025158 and three strokes of the cane after he pleaded guilty to cutting through the fence of a train tBRMOuw_YAU-00066-00025158-00025489 depot and spray-painting graffiti on train carriages. tBRMOuw_YAU-00067-00025489-00025943 Singapore, well known for its cleanliness and its zero tolerance for crime, uses the tBRMOuw_YAU-00068-00025943-00026235 rattan cane to carry out the sentence. tBRMOuw_YAU-00069-00026235-00026573 Prisoners are stripped and strapped to a wooden trestle with a medical officer on hand to tBRMOuw_YAU-00070-00026573-00026800 intervene if necessary. tBRMOuw_YAU-00071-00026800-00027114 People who have been caned have called the pain excruciating. tBRMOuw_YAU-00072-00027114-00027527 For the two Germans, the court ordered four months imprisonment for entry into a protected tBRMOuw_YAU-00073-00027527-00028000 area and another five months jail and three strokes of the cane for vandalism. tBRMOuw_YAU-00074-00028000-00028487 Singapore’s vandalism laws became global news in 1994 when American teenager Michael tBRMOuw_YAU-00075-00028487-00028964 Fay was caned for damaging cars and public property, despite appeals for clemency from tBRMOuw_YAU-00076-00028964-00029335 the U.S. government, including then President Bill Clinton. tBRMOuw_YAU-00077-00029335-00029795 In recent years, Singapore has poured funds into nurturing and promoting its arts scene, tBRMOuw_YAU-00078-00029795-00030243 including opening some public space for graffiti, as it works to change the city-state’s image tBRMOuw_YAU-00079-00030243-00030485 beyond just an efficient business hub. tBRMOuw_YAU-00080-00030485-00030847 But its artists remain hindered by strict censorship and a tight government grip on tBRMOuw_YAU-00081-00030847-00030947 the media. tBRMOuw_YAU-00082-00030947-00031502 In 2012, local artist Samantha Lo was arrested for placing humorous stickers on traffic light tBRMOuw_YAU-00083-00031502-00032732 poles and spray-painting road signs, triggering outcry and heated debates on the vandalism tBRMOuw_YAU-00084-00032732-00033014 laws.” tE3l-uPiiAQ-00000-00000042-00000451 We have one more thing that sometimes comes up tE3l-uPiiAQ-00001-00000500-00000714 when we go to write down a fraction tE3l-uPiiAQ-00002-00000714-00000888 from an application. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00003-00001010-00001338 Sometimes when we write down fractions, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00004-00001338-00001732 we see what our called, signed fractions. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00005-00001750-00001930 What's a signed fraction? tE3l-uPiiAQ-00006-00002094-00002366 Remember that we said, in a fraction, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00007-00002366-00002676 the numerator and denominator are whole numbers tE3l-uPiiAQ-00008-00002676-00002924 and the denominator is not zero. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00009-00002998-00003208 But in a complex fraction, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00010-00003260-00003497 the numerator and denominator are allowed to tE3l-uPiiAQ-00011-00003497-00003693 themselves, be fractions. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00012-00003756-00003960 In a signed fraction, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00013-00004011-00004237 the numerator and denominator are allowed to be tE3l-uPiiAQ-00014-00004237-00004539 any integers including negative ones. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00015-00004654-00004915 And a signed complex fraction, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00016-00004960-00005220 well, the numerator and denominator are allowed tE3l-uPiiAQ-00017-00005221-00005599 to be any rational numbers except the denominator tE3l-uPiiAQ-00018-00005599-00005727 still can't be zero. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00019-00005880-00006372 OK, well, what do we do with a signed fraction? tE3l-uPiiAQ-00020-00006680-00007098 If we encounter a signed fraction or complex fraction, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00021-00007118-00007414 the rules of division tell us whether it's positive tE3l-uPiiAQ-00022-00007414-00007504 or negative. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00023-00007586-00007734 So, for example, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00024-00007881-00008164 three-halves, of course, is positive. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00025-00008344-00008626 Negative three over two, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00026-00008626-00008974 negative three halves, is negative. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00027-00009140-00009378 Positive three over negative two, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00028-00009444-00009594 is also negative. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00029-00009690-00009966 But negative three over negative two, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00030-00010020-00010386 is positive because it's a negative number tE3l-uPiiAQ-00031-00010386-00010582 divided by a negative number. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00032-00010728-00011056 We can also take the opposite of a fraction. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00033-00011170-00011408 So, three-halves is positive. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00034-00011554-00011910 The opposite of three-halves is negative. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00035-00012142-00012400 Negative three-halves is negative. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00036-00012458-00012940 The opposite of negative three-halves is positive. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00037-00013156-00013478 The opposite of three over negative two, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00038-00013576-00013746 is also positive. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00039-00013822-00014200 But the opposite of negative three tE3l-uPiiAQ-00040-00014200-00014524 over negative two, is negative. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00041-00014606-00015030 Notice, I've just put these fractions in parentheses tE3l-uPiiAQ-00042-00015030-00015541 so that it's easy to read with that opposite in front. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00043-00015768-00015962 One of the things that we can do tE3l-uPiiAQ-00044-00015962-00016234 if want to determine really quickly tE3l-uPiiAQ-00045-00016234-00016548 whether a signed fraction is positive or negative, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00046-00016574-00016836 is just count the negative signs. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00047-00016898-00017192 If the number of negative signs is even, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00048-00017276-00017470 then the number is positive. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00049-00017530-00018122 Here, we see zero negative signs, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00050-00018198-00018384 two negative signs, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00051-00018404-00018604 two negative signs, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00052-00018628-00018812 two negative signs. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00053-00018908-00019190 If the number of negative signs is odd, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00054-00019316-00019480 then the number is negative. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00055-00019546-00019940 Here we have, one negative sign, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00056-00019942-00020102 one negative sign, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00057-00020148-00020322 one negative sign, tE3l-uPiiAQ-00058-00020368-00020542 three negative signs. tE3l-uPiiAQ-00059-00020666-00020866 To quickly determine whether the number is tE3l-uPiiAQ-00060-00020866-00021158 positive or negative, just count the number tE3l-uPiiAQ-00061-00021158-00021338 of negative signs. tRDn0CAs7uM-00000-00000090-00000212 Welcome to DeFine, tRDn0CAs7uM-00001-00000213-00000531 the podcast making the most important projects in crypto tRDn0CAs7uM-00002-00000531-00000768 easy to understand and accessible to all. tRDn0CAs7uM-00003-00000796-00001070 This week we speak to Paul from Morpho Labs. tRDn0CAs7uM-00004-00001165-00001502 Good morning Paul, welcome to the DeFine podcast. tRDn0CAs7uM-00005-00001514-00001643 Thank you for being here. tRDn0CAs7uM-00006-00001649-00002001 Please tell us who are you, and how did you get into crypto? tRDn0CAs7uM-00007-00002020-00002559 I'm Paul, I'm 21 years old. Got into crypto seven years ago. tRDn0CAs7uM-00008-00002591-00002946 First working on some [inaudible] tRDn0CAs7uM-00009-00002949-00003375 so I was more focused in the beginning then on the blockchain and how they work, tRDn0CAs7uM-00010-00003417-00003898 and progressively I was interested with the Ethereum blockchain tRDn0CAs7uM-00011-00003918-00004266 and how we can build decentralized application on top of them. tRDn0CAs7uM-00012-00004350-00004735 Started being interested in DeFi in 2019, tRDn0CAs7uM-00013-00004780-00005100 even though at the time the experience was difficult. tRDn0CAs7uM-00014-00005240-00005814 In 2020, I came across the lending pool mechanism tRDn0CAs7uM-00015-00005817-00005973 that was introduced by Compound. tRDn0CAs7uM-00016-00006170-00006549 For many reasons, and I think we'll have the chance to discuss it, tRDn0CAs7uM-00017-00006625-00006769 really a breakthrough to me tRDn0CAs7uM-00018-00006770-00007159 in the mechanism design of how decentralized finance is working. tRDn0CAs7uM-00019-00007241-00007584 From there I started modelling DeFi protocols tRDn0CAs7uM-00020-00007585-00007781 from a theoretical point of view tRDn0CAs7uM-00021-00007784-00008186 and started trying to improve them and find new primitives, tRDn0CAs7uM-00022-00008208-00008365 new ways of doing DeFi, tRDn0CAs7uM-00023-00008385-00008680 exploring paths that were unexplored before tRDn0CAs7uM-00024-00008698-00009507 and from there Morpho was born and co-founded Morpho Labs a year ago, tRDn0CAs7uM-00025-00009515-00009743 and now working for them on the protocol. tRDn0CAs7uM-00026-00009872-00010103 What is your role in Morpho Labs? tRDn0CAs7uM-00027-00010251-00010872 I'm CEO at Morpho Labs and so I do many things including strategy, tRDn0CAs7uM-00028-00010874-00011104 protocol design, and growth. tRDn0CAs7uM-00029-00011182-00011887 Since DeFine tries to break the hard concepts of DeFi tRDn0CAs7uM-00030-00011887-00012194 into easy to digest chunks of knowledge tRDn0CAs7uM-00031-00012194-00012532 that everyone or almost anyone can understand, tRDn0CAs7uM-00032-00012728-00012855 let's dip into that. tRDn0CAs7uM-00033-00012875-00013278 If you were at a dinner party and talking to someone who's new to crypto tRDn0CAs7uM-00034-00013338-00013643 how would you explain your project in simple terms? tRDn0CAs7uM-00035-00013924-00014356 The first thing is to remind people that crypto in the first place, tRDn0CAs7uM-00036-00014377-00014993 was about making money exchanges without a centralized service like a bank. tRDn0CAs7uM-00037-00015046-00015421 Crypto is about making money transfers without banks, tRDn0CAs7uM-00038-00015450-00016196 and Morpho is about making lending services without a bank basically. tRDn0CAs7uM-00039-00016269-00016808 It's a protocol that is decentralized, so it's alone and autonomous, tRDn0CAs7uM-00040-00016810-00017160 and it enables anyone to lend crypto assets tRDn0CAs7uM-00041-00017160-00017700 and borrow crypto assets through the Ethereum blockchain basically. tRDn0CAs7uM-00042-00017706-00018562 Many protocols do the same thing, but Morpho does it in a very optimized way tRDn0CAs7uM-00043-00018588-00019181 and it's particular in the fact that it's built on top of existing solutions. tRDn0CAs7uM-00044-00019231-00019564 How exactly is it built on top of existing solutions? tRDn0CAs7uM-00045-00019637-00019925 What is wrong with the traditional lending platforms? tRDn0CAs7uM-00046-00020450-00020714 Decentralized lending platforms were introduced tRDn0CAs7uM-00047-00020758-00021354 approximately four or five years ago was to try to replicate what's working tRDn0CAs7uM-00048-00021357-00021715 in traditional finance into the decentralized world. tRDn0CAs7uM-00049-00021746-00022280 Basically you had users that wanted to lend money since they posted offers, tRDn0CAs7uM-00050-00022354-00022965 where they said, "I want to lend one ETH at this rate, one cent, tRDn0CAs7uM-00051-00022974-00023150 and who's going to borrow from it?" tRDn0CAs7uM-00052-00023210-00023401 The problem with such model is that tRDn0CAs7uM-00053-00023459-00024018 at the time in 2018, no one was really using DeFi. tRDn0CAs7uM-00054-00024139-00024604 When you posted an offer, no one was actually borrowing money from it. tRDn0CAs7uM-00055-00024607-00025023 It was not working really. It was very illiquid. tRDn0CAs7uM-00056-00025064-00025256 When someone borrowed your money, tRDn0CAs7uM-00057-00025270-00025568 there were no way you could actually get it back instantly. tRDn0CAs7uM-00058-00025641-00025925 Those were the very first protocols tRDn0CAs7uM-00059-00026008-00026332 and they were not working in decentralized environments. tRDn0CAs7uM-00060-00026372-00026755 At some point, some teams came up with new concepts, tRDn0CAs7uM-00061-00026766-00027641 and this new concept became popular in 2020, and are known as Lending Pools. tRDn0CAs7uM-00062-00027660-00028361 Lending pools are basically a big pool where anybody can lend its liquidity. tRDn0CAs7uM-00063-00028368-00028931 If I have some crypto assets, I can deposit them on Aave or Compound, tRDn0CAs7uM-00064-00029052-00029258 and earn interest on them. tRDn0CAs7uM-00065-00029272-00029680 I'm earning interest on them because on the other side of the market, tRDn0CAs7uM-00066-00029689-00030077 someone is actually borrowing the crypto assets tRDn0CAs7uM-00067-00030078-00030358 and paying interest for everybody. tRDn0CAs7uM-00068-00030598-00030994 Enabling the lending pool was really a breakthrough at the time tRDn0CAs7uM-00069-00030994-00031474 because it enabled anyone to deposit crypto tRDn0CAs7uM-00070-00031477-00031960 and directly generate interest and withdraw at any moment. tRDn0CAs7uM-00071-00032053-00032685 A smart contract or a user could use Compound or Aave when they want, tRDn0CAs7uM-00072-00032685-00032990 they could borrow when they want, and they could withdraw when they want. tRDn0CAs7uM-00073-00032990-00033315 Which is not something you could have with the first models. tRDn0CAs7uM-00074-00033522-00034088 This model was really finding a market fit in the blockchain environments, tRDn0CAs7uM-00075-00034089-00034554 and this is why we saw for example, the DeFi somewhere in 2020, tRDn0CAs7uM-00076-00034570-00034825 and we saw Aave reaching all-time highs tRDn0CAs7uM-00077-00034825-00035326 around 30 billion of liquidity of market size, tRDn0CAs7uM-00078-00035368-00035536 which is really big. tRDn0CAs7uM-00079-00035761-00036013 In order to have this very liquid experience, tRDn0CAs7uM-00080-00036025-00036135 there was a trade-off. tRDn0CAs7uM-00081-00036147-00036499 This trade-off was that those lending pools tRDn0CAs7uM-00082-00036512-00036832 are stacking a lot of idle liquidity. tRDn0CAs7uM-00083-00036902-00037402 In order for anyone to withdraw at any time, to borrow at any time, tRDn0CAs7uM-00084-00037474-00038022 they have to have the liquidity somewhere, in a smart contract that is sitting idle tRDn0CAs7uM-00085-00038022-00038147 and it's not working. tRDn0CAs7uM-00086-00038295-00038571 It's not borrowed, it's there and it does nothing. tRDn0CAs7uM-00087-00038605-00039135 This is a capital inefficiency that is actually very visible. tRDn0CAs7uM-00088-00039244-00039578 It's very visible because if you go to the Aave website, tRDn0CAs7uM-00089-00039598-00039737 or to the Compound website, tRDn0CAs7uM-00090-00039797-00040217 you would remark that you have a lending rate that is very low, tRDn0CAs7uM-00091-00040237-00040499 compared to the borrowing rate that is very high. tRDn0CAs7uM-00092-00040503-00041002 For example, you could have 1% to lend and 3% to borrow. tRDn0CAs7uM-00093-00041265-00041765 The reason why you have such a spread is because of the lending pool model. tRDn0CAs7uM-00094-00041915-00042434 Basically, the idea is that we have much more lenders than borrowers, tRDn0CAs7uM-00095-00042484-00042922 and borrowers are going to pay interest for everybody. tRDn0CAs7uM-00096-00043129-00043554 Lenders are numerous and they're going to share tRDn0CAs7uM-00097-00043557-00043782 the interest paid by the few borrowers. tRDn0CAs7uM-00098-00043785-00044174 For example, if we have one borrower borrowing at 3%, tRDn0CAs7uM-00099-00044188-00044780 we'll have three lenders earning yields at 1% because they are sharing the yields. tRDn0CAs7uM-00100-00044970-00045297 Morpho is really a protocol that is going to solve tRDn0CAs7uM-00101-00045297-00045597 this capital inefficiency problem tRDn0CAs7uM-00102-00045617-00045919 by providing a rate which is in the middle, tRDn0CAs7uM-00103-00045930-00046300 which is instead of having 1% to lend and 3% to borrow, tRDn0CAs7uM-00104-00046306-00046686 we'll have 2% to lend and borrow. tRDn0CAs7uM-00105-00046689-00046823 In the middle, basically. tRDn0CAs7uM-00106-00046989-00047681 It is very well describing the Morpho's white paper, but I will still ask myself. tRDn0CAs7uM-00107-00047691-00048320 How do we track this peer-to-peer APY and how it is chosen. tRDn0CAs7uM-00108-00048601-00049313 Morpho is introducing a layer on top of existing lending groups, tRDn0CAs7uM-00109-00049357-00049665 in order to match users peer-to-peer. tRDn0CAs7uM-00110-00049769-00050199 If Aave exists, then you have Morpho-Aave. tRDn0CAs7uM-00111-00050215-00050612 If Compound exists, then you have Morpho-Compound, etc. tRDn0CAs7uM-00112-00050770-00051265 Literally, Morpho-Compound is the same product as Compound product. tRDn0CAs7uM-00113-00051274-00051481 You supply and borrow crypto assets. tRDn0CAs7uM-00114-00051506-00051754 You have access to the same amount of liquidity, tRDn0CAs7uM-00115-00051755-00052104 so if you want to borrow billions, you can borrow billions. tRDn0CAs7uM-00116-00052104-00052370 If you want to withdraw billions, you can withdraw billions. tRDn0CAs7uM-00117-00052500-00052720 You have the same liquidation model, tRDn0CAs7uM-00118-00052730-00053235 which is like we replicate on-chain the same risk model for liquidations. tRDn0CAs7uM-00119-00053387-00053629 The only difference basically from a user perspective tRDn0CAs7uM-00120-00053629-00053884 is that you have an improved rate. tRDn0CAs7uM-00121-00053913-00054327 What we refer to as the peer-to-peer APY, tRDn0CAs7uM-00122-00054340-00054660 which is the APY which is in the middle. tRDn0CAs7uM-00123-00054667-00055129 So 2% to borrow and to lend that I was giving in the example. tRDn0CAs7uM-00124-00055187-00055450 One question is the one you just asked, tRDn0CAs7uM-00125-00055453-00056106 which is how do we choose as a protocol the mid rate? tRDn0CAs7uM-00126-00056200-00056324 It's a very tough question, tRDn0CAs7uM-00127-00056328-00056763 it's very complex and one way to be... tRDn0CAs7uM-00128-00056815-00057131 Let's just put it first within the spread tRDn0CAs7uM-00129-00057132-00057675 of Compound and Aave such that Morpho- Compound is always better for a user tRDn0CAs7uM-00130-00057683-00058088 to use Morpho-Compound of a Compound, for example. tRDn0CAs7uM-00131-00058121-00058351 Because as a borrower, I'm getting lower rates tRDn0CAs7uM-00132-00058351-00058631 and as a lender, I'm getting higher rates. tRDn0CAs7uM-00133-00058708-00059077 Then where it spreads we have various models. tRDn0CAs7uM-00134-00059077-00059551 But one model could be, if we have many lenders and very few borrowers, tRDn0CAs7uM-00135-00059562-00060093 we could lower the peer-to-peer APY in order to make it more advantageous tRDn0CAs7uM-00136-00060116-00060415 for borrowers because it's going to be cheaper for borrowers. tRDn0CAs7uM-00137-00060584-00061090 Basically, you calculate these peer-to-peer APY also by adding... tRDn0CAs7uM-00138-00061094-00061761 I think your revenue model is a protocol fee that is added to that. tRDn0CAs7uM-00139-00061769-00062529 Is that calculated within or is that out of the APY calculation? tRDn0CAs7uM-00140-00062854-00063488 Morpho is a lending pool optimizer, so it's improving the yields tRDn0CAs7uM-00141-00063488-00063868 of lending pools whilst preserving the same liquidity tRDn0CAs7uM-00142-00063869-00064143 and the same liquidation parameters. tRDn0CAs7uM-00143-00064274-00064535 The revenue model that makes the most sense tRDn0CAs7uM-00144-00064535-00064694 for Morpho as a protocol, tRDn0CAs7uM-00145-00064718-00065059 is to take a cut of the improvement that is made tRDn0CAs7uM-00146-00065060-00065221 from the lending pool to Morpho. tRDn0CAs7uM-00147-00065225-00065372 For example, tRDn0CAs7uM-00148-00065384-00066188 if Morpho-Compound generates $100 on top of Compound or $100 of extra money, tRDn0CAs7uM-00149-00066215-00066633 then a cut of this extra money would be taken by Morpho. tRDn0CAs7uM-00150-00066736-00067323 Morpho is not taking fees at the moment, tRDn0CAs7uM-00151-00067391-00067968 but it can turn on a fee switch if it desires to do so. tRDn0CAs7uM-00152-00068066-00068464 It's a possibility for Morpho to turn that on, tRDn0CAs7uM-00153-00068465-00068925 a bit like what we're seeing with Uniswap V3, Uniswap in general. tRDn0CAs7uM-00154-00068940-00069127 But at the moment, it's turned off. tRDn0CAs7uM-00155-00069199-00069749 The reason is Morpho is a very low-level product. tRDn0CAs7uM-00156-00069850-00070220 It's at the very lowest layers of DeFi. tRDn0CAs7uM-00157-00070230-00070801 Actually, Compounded and Aave are at the very bottom of the DeFi stack. tRDn0CAs7uM-00158-00070824-00071436 Liquidity most of the time ends up on Aave and Compound, tRDn0CAs7uM-00159-00071444-00071770 and Morpho is sitting right on top. It's really at the bottom. tRDn0CAs7uM-00160-00071861-00072205 Usually, when you're at the bottom of a financial product, tRDn0CAs7uM-00161-00072233-00072573 you try to reduce your fees and you favor volume. tRDn0CAs7uM-00162-00072579-00072710 So this is where we start. tRDn0CAs7uM-00163-00072710-00072930 I think it's also a very interesting use case tRDn0CAs7uM-00164-00072930-00073261 to explain what proxy contracts are. tRDn0CAs7uM-00165-00073448-00073840 Is Morpho a proxy contract or is it a diamond contract? tRDn0CAs7uM-00166-00073858-00074175 I don't know if you're familiar with diamond standards. tRDn0CAs7uM-00167-00074194-00074662 Maybe this is a chance to tell our audience, tRDn0CAs7uM-00168-00074682-00075053 give a possible definition of a proxy contract. tRDn0CAs7uM-00169-00075250-00075617 In Solidity, which is the language of Ethereum tRDn0CAs7uM-00170-00075689-00076058 that is used to program a decentralized application tRDn0CAs7uM-00171-00076058-00076196 on top of Ethereum, tRDn0CAs7uM-00172-00076220-00076852 there are different patterns in order for protocol to evolve, tRDn0CAs7uM-00173-00077015-00077270 for example, upgrade some of its features, tRDn0CAs7uM-00174-00077285-00077674 and it's done through some very specific patterns tRDn0CAs7uM-00175-00077674-00077864 known as proxy patterns. tRDn0CAs7uM-00176-00077895-00078172 In some cases, you have very specific patterns tRDn0CAs7uM-00177-00078177-00078322 like the diamond pattern. tRDn0CAs7uM-00178-00078365-00078798 it's an implementation pattern tRDn0CAs7uM-00179-00078868-00079482 that will separate the logic of what the protocol is doing, tRDn0CAs7uM-00180-00079485-00079927 like Morpho from what is actually written on the chain. tRDn0CAs7uM-00181-00079948-00080435 It's very interesting because the community, tRDn0CAs7uM-00182-00080440-00081110 the DAO, thanks to those patterns, is able to have the protocol tRDn0CAs7uM-00183-00081113-00081460 evolve according to, for example, a governance vote tRDn0CAs7uM-00184-00081460-00081793 by upgrading the logic of a contract tRDn0CAs7uM-00185-00081793-00082148 without impacting what we call the storage. tRDn0CAs7uM-00186-00082488-00082920 Morpho for some parts of the code uses a Solidity proxy pattern. tRDn0CAs7uM-00187-00082937-00083150 We are not using the diamond pattern. tRDn0CAs7uM-00188-00083153-00083331 The diamond pattern is very similar, tRDn0CAs7uM-00189-00083335-00084099 except it enables full scalability of the length of the contract. tRDn0CAs7uM-00190-00084101-00084458 So in Solidity, you're limited by the length of the contract tRDn0CAs7uM-00191-00084458-00084967 and the diamond pattern enables you to overcome those limits to some extent tRDn0CAs7uM-00192-00084987-00085142 and with certain trade-offs. tRDn0CAs7uM-00193-00085264-00085662 Morpho is a proxy to two regards. tRDn0CAs7uM-00194-00085857-00086118 Morpho is a Solidity proxy tRDn0CAs7uM-00195-00086335-00086600 which enables the upgradability of some parts of the code, tRDn0CAs7uM-00196-00086618-00086923 but it's also a proxy to Compound, for example, tRDn0CAs7uM-00197-00086943-00087110 so Morpho-Compound approximated. tRDn0CAs7uM-00198-00087113-00087290 Those are two different things. tRDn0CAs7uM-00199-00087444-00087709 One, you have the proxy at the Solidity level tRDn0CAs7uM-00200-00087719-00088345 and the proxy at the application level where Morpho acts as an interface, tRDn0CAs7uM-00201-00088353-00088680 a gateway to Compound or a gateway to Aave, tRDn0CAs7uM-00202-00088680-00088925 A gateway to lending actually. tRDn0CAs7uM-00203-00089070-00089182 Very interesting. tRDn0CAs7uM-00204-00089214-00089828 You also mentioned earlier that there is quite often an imbalance tRDn0CAs7uM-00205-00089848-00090158 between the number of suppliers and borrowers, tRDn0CAs7uM-00206-00090161-00090739 and basically what Morpho does is given these investors and borrowers tRDn0CAs7uM-00207-00090777-00091064 or liquidity providers and borrowers, tRDn0CAs7uM-00208-00091077-00091610 the chance to meet directly and have better APY. tRDn0CAs7uM-00209-00091644-00092125 How is this selection, how is this match happening exactly? tRDn0CAs7uM-00210-00092477-00092730 Maybe I'll just come very quickly tRDn0CAs7uM-00211-00092730-00093044 on the main reasons why you have such an imbalance tRDn0CAs7uM-00212-00093044-00093274 between lenders and borrowers. tRDn0CAs7uM-00213-00093411-00093543 In DeFi at the moment, tRDn0CAs7uM-00214-00093543-00093921 you have much more lenders than borrowers in Compound and Aave, tRDn0CAs7uM-00215-00093965-00094341 and I would see three reasons for that. tRDn0CAs7uM-00216-00094385-00094872 The first reason is that loans are over-collateralized at the moment tRDn0CAs7uM-00217-00094872-00094985 to Compound and Aave. tRDn0CAs7uM-00218-00094987-00095292 So you have to provide more capital than what you borrow. tRDn0CAs7uM-00219-00095300-00095658 Inevitably, the sum of every loan tRDn0CAs7uM-00220-00095685-00096241 is such that you have more lenders than borrowers because it's our clutch max. tRDn0CAs7uM-00221-00096280-00096837 The second reason is that there is not such a big demand tRDn0CAs7uM-00222-00096837-00097021 for borrowing at the moment in DeFi. tRDn0CAs7uM-00223-00097028-00097560 It was mainly due to leveraged, incentivized tRDn0CAs7uM-00224-00097613-00097776 borrowing for liquidity mining. tRDn0CAs7uM-00225-00097796-00097956 Protocols like Aave, Compound... tRDn0CAs7uM-00226-00097962-00098302 Aave is not doing that anymore, but Compound is still giving out tRDn0CAs7uM-00227-00098303-00098645 some tokens so that users are incentivized to borrow. tRDn0CAs7uM-00228-00098804-00099140 The third reason, which is to me the most interesting one, tRDn0CAs7uM-00229-00099182-00099804 is that Aave and Compound themselves, they don't want too much powers. tRDn0CAs7uM-00230-00099837-00100012 They don't want too much powers because tRDn0CAs7uM-00231-00100056-00100294 if too many people are borrowing from the pool, tRDn0CAs7uM-00232-00100335-00100778 then there is no idle liquidity anymore in the pool. tRDn0CAs7uM-00233-00100781-00101042 This is what we call an illiquidity risk tRDn0CAs7uM-00234-00101117-00101470 because people will not be able to withdraw anymore. tRDn0CAs7uM-00235-00101577-00101986 The mechanism of Aave and Compound is done in such a way tRDn0CAs7uM-00236-00102020-00102402 that borrowing rates are higher than lending rates tRDn0CAs7uM-00237-00102435-00102905 to disincentivize borrowers, at some point, to borrow too much. tRDn0CAs7uM-00238-00103234-00103834 In some way, the interest rates in DeFi are very constrained tRDn0CAs7uM-00239-00103859-00104167 by those models where the protocols themselves tRDn0CAs7uM-00240-00104167-00104901 are deciding algorithmic ways to say, "This borrowing rate is going to be tRDn0CAs7uM-00241-00104902-00105641 very high because I don't want my protocol to be illiquid," which is natural. tRDn0CAs7uM-00242-00105645-00106027 But in the end, the interest rates are tRDn0CAs7uM-00243-00106027-00106208 constrained rather than gained. tRDn0CAs7uM-00244-00106672-00106972 Those three things cause a gap tRDn0CAs7uM-00245-00106972-00107357 between the lending demands and the borrowing demands. tRDn0CAs7uM-00246-00107495-00107612 This is the main reason. tRDn0CAs7uM-00247-00107670-00108560 Morpho, to some extent, is solving that problem for many different reasons. tRDn0CAs7uM-00248-00108607-00109506 The first reason is that we free the interest rate from the rate model tRDn0CAs7uM-00249-00109506-00109805 that was given by Aave and Compound. tRDn0CAs7uM-00250-00109808-00110064 The peer-to-peer APY that we were mentioning, tRDn0CAs7uM-00251-00110191-00111144 does not have to be constrained by the illiquidity of Aave and Compound. tRDn0CAs7uM-00252-00111145-00111522 It's very free and it could be decided by offering demand. tRDn0CAs7uM-00253-00111556-00111680 That's the first point. tRDn0CAs7uM-00254-00111734-00112280 If for example, Morpho is lacking a lot of borrowing demands, tRDn0CAs7uM-00255-00112286-00112509 then the peer-to-peer APY can be lowered, tRDn0CAs7uM-00256-00112520-00112834 to attract more borrowers and reduce this imbalance. tRDn0CAs7uM-00257-00112897-00113022 That's the first point. tRDn0CAs7uM-00258-00113122-00113648 Actually at the moment on Morpho, you have some markets like USDT. tRDn0CAs7uM-00259-00113840-00114336 At the moment where you have more borrowers than lenders, tRDn0CAs7uM-00260-00114354-00114637 which is not something you don't see at all. tRDn0CAs7uM-00261-00114741-00115204 Actually, it's not even possible on Compound to have this or on Aave. tRDn0CAs7uM-00262-00115232-00115395 On Morpho-Compound, tRDn0CAs7uM-00263-00115404-00115885 you have more borrowers on USDT because rates are very interesting for a borrower. tRDn0CAs7uM-00264-00116059-00116447 The excess of borrowers that could not match with lenders tRDn0CAs7uM-00265-00116488-00116685 are falling back to the pool. tRDn0CAs7uM-00266-00116689-00117243 There is a bunch of borrowers that are using the full Morpho-Compound. tRDn0CAs7uM-00267-00117575-00117897 When it comes to the question of who do we match? tRDn0CAs7uM-00268-00117930-00118125 Because I think it was the question initially. tRDn0CAs7uM-00269-00118128-00118340 How do we choose who is going to be matched? tRDn0CAs7uM-00270-00118340-00118453 Who's not going to be matched? tRDn0CAs7uM-00271-00118463-00118680 It's a very open research question. tRDn0CAs7uM-00272-00118715-00119020 What we've decided with Morpho is basically tRDn0CAs7uM-00273-00119020-00119574 to first look at the first in, first out model. tRDn0CAs7uM-00274-00119579-00119929 It's basically, I'm the first to be on Morpho tRDn0CAs7uM-00275-00119932-00120314 so I should be matched first whenever there is a demand for a match. tRDn0CAs7uM-00276-00120317-00120940 But the problem with such models is that you can have very easily tRDn0CAs7uM-00277-00120940-00121535 some sort of DDoS attacks where people could be supplying a few ways, tRDn0CAs7uM-00278-00121559-00121837 a few cents of money in the contract, tRDn0CAs7uM-00279-00121856-00122346 and when trying to match people while borrowers, for example, tRDn0CAs7uM-00280-00122349-00122812 would spend infinite amount of gas trying to match liquidity tRDn0CAs7uM-00281-00122812-00123398 because it would be matching one dollars or one cents of the adverse rate. tRDn0CAs7uM-00282-00123401-00123965 Morpho is exploring path of efficiency where we put... tRDn0CAs7uM-00283-00124074-00124305 The data structure of Morpho tRDn0CAs7uM-00284-00124305-00125035 is going to put some big volumes forefront in the matching process, tRDn0CAs7uM-00285-00125036-00125658 such that you don't have to do too many iterations and gas situations tRDn0CAs7uM-00286-00125658-00126025 in order to match big amounts of liquidity. tRDn0CAs7uM-00287-00126049-00126659 And even though with this, gas consumption becomes too high, tRDn0CAs7uM-00288-00126660-00126950 then Morpho falls back to the underlying. tRDn0CAs7uM-00289-00127117-00127541 Is this matching engine fully scalable? tRDn0CAs7uM-00290-00127649-00128025 Did you draw scenarios and what are the results? tRDn0CAs7uM-00291-00128120-00128557 Yes. That's the main point of Morpho, and it was no easy task to do. tRDn0CAs7uM-00292-00128559-00128972 But our matching engine is a constant time algorithm. tRDn0CAs7uM-00293-00129041-00129553 It's a finite complexity algorithm that ends in every scenario. tRDn0CAs7uM-00294-00129556-00130301 By the way, we are about to release a yellow paper in which we did 80 pages tRDn0CAs7uM-00295-00130304-00130918 from our proofs around determination of the algorithm and this kind of stuff. tRDn0CAs7uM-00296-00130921-00131409 But the beauty of Morpho is that every single function, tRDn0CAs7uM-00297-00131411-00131977 so provide liquidity, borrow liquidity, repay your loan, or withdraw liquidity, tRDn0CAs7uM-00298-00132048-00132315 are a combination of two parts. tRDn0CAs7uM-00299-00132345-00132814 A part which is about matching users and a part which is about terminating tRDn0CAs7uM-00300-00132817-00133209 the matching if it was not terminated through the pool. tRDn0CAs7uM-00301-00133264-00133397 What I'm saying is that tRDn0CAs7uM-00302-00133417-00133754 Morpho is going to try to match people peer-to-peer tRDn0CAs7uM-00303-00133757-00134362 but if there is no liquidity or if there is not enough gas, tRDn0CAs7uM-00304-00134362-00134862 then the matching engine will stop and we do the rest on the lending. tRDn0CAs7uM-00305-00134921-00135218 This way you have an infinitely scalable... tRDn0CAs7uM-00306-00135221-00135687 Some sort of order book within the pool of Aave and the pool of Compound. tRDn0CAs7uM-00307-00135777-00136091 I had a question, maybe it's a bit of a naive question tRDn0CAs7uM-00308-00136092-00136462 regarding to this scenario where you basically are dropped back tRDn0CAs7uM-00309-00136463-00136728 to the landing pool. tRDn0CAs7uM-00310-00136741-00137330 In that case, since we are using Morpho's proxy contract, tRDn0CAs7uM-00311-00137338-00137681 is my experience at a gas level the same tRDn0CAs7uM-00312-00137686-00138054 as if I were using directly the lending protocol, tRDn0CAs7uM-00313-00138057-00138474 or there is like gas ads that I have to keep in account? tRDn0CAs7uM-00314-00138604-00138954 No. There is a finite amount of gas tRDn0CAs7uM-00315-00138954-00139394 that is added on top of the underlying pool. tRDn0CAs7uM-00316-00139396-00139668 For example, if you borrow capital from Aave, tRDn0CAs7uM-00317-00139687-00140020 you'll be paying, let's say 100K in gas. tRDn0CAs7uM-00318-00140072-00140390 If you go to Morpho to borrow some capital, tRDn0CAs7uM-00319-00140394-00140798 you'll be paying for the matching engine, which is a finite size tRDn0CAs7uM-00320-00140798-00141231 and can be 100K, and then the Aave protocol. tRDn0CAs7uM-00321-00141232-00141535 It's an extra cost in gas consumption. tRDn0CAs7uM-00322-00141817-00142170 Going back to risks and possible vulnerabilities, tRDn0CAs7uM-00323-00142170-00142398 what is your current assessment of... tRDn0CAs7uM-00324-00142398-00142752 I know that you've been stable tRDn0CAs7uM-00325-00142897-00143214 but still what scenarios can you draw tRDn0CAs7uM-00326-00143214-00143620 in terms of risk and vulnerabilities in the future? tRDn0CAs7uM-00327-00143842-00144124 There are mainly three different risks tRDn0CAs7uM-00328-00144124-00144528 in lending in general, in decentralized lending. tRDn0CAs7uM-00329-00144656-00145476 The first being the liquidity risk and the illiquidity of the protocol tRDn0CAs7uM-00330-00145476-00146154 which make liquidation not possible and the protocol could go banked. tRDn0CAs7uM-00331-00146441-00146874 The idea with Morpho is that whether it's for the illiquidity risk tRDn0CAs7uM-00332-00146877-00147725 or the oracle risk that we'll be tackling in a second is that we copy on-chain, tRDn0CAs7uM-00333-00147725-00148214 we fetch on-chain the data of the underlying protocol tRDn0CAs7uM-00334-00148215-00148944 in order to replicate the exact same risk model in the same conditions. tRDn0CAs7uM-00335-00148953-00149514 For example, if I'm borrowing a DAI with ETH collateral, tRDn0CAs7uM-00336-00149515-00150012 I have a collateral factor which states that I have to supply tRDn0CAs7uM-00337-00150012-00150224 more ETH than I borrow DAI. tRDn0CAs7uM-00338-00150337-00150699 Morpho-Compound, for example, is going to fetch on-chain tRDn0CAs7uM-00339-00150719-00151386 the collateral factor of Compound in order to make the exact same thing. tRDn0CAs7uM-00340-00151617-00151946 From a liquidity perspective, tRDn0CAs7uM-00341-00151966-00152547 the liquidity risk is that Morpho will be always able tRDn0CAs7uM-00342-00152547-00152710 to fall back and to tap tRDn0CAs7uM-00343-00152727-00153149 into the liquidity Aave or Compound, etc. tRDn0CAs7uM-00344-00153169-00153933 We have the nice property that Morpho-Compound is as liquid as Compound. tRDn0CAs7uM-00345-00153936-00154346 If you can withdraw Compound then you can on Morpho-Compound, tRDn0CAs7uM-00346-00154346-00154775 if you can't withdrawn on Compound then you can't on Morpho-Compound. tRDn0CAs7uM-00347-00154821-00155028 We reproduce the same experience. tRDn0CAs7uM-00348-00155117-00155667 For the liquidations/oracle risk which is basically someone tRDn0CAs7uM-00349-00155687-00156157 that could manipulate an oracle and be able to game the protocol tRDn0CAs7uM-00350-00156157-00156408 in order to steal some funds. tRDn0CAs7uM-00351-00156624-00157005 Morpho again is going to replicate by fetching on-chain tRDn0CAs7uM-00352-00157025-00157366 the exact same data feed that the protocol is using. tRDn0CAs7uM-00353-00157369-00157760 So again we replicate on-chain, the risk. tRDn0CAs7uM-00354-00157805-00158098 Now to the third risk which is very different, tRDn0CAs7uM-00355-00158098-00158447 which is smart contract risk; it's different. tRDn0CAs7uM-00356-00158452-00158735 Morpho introduces new lines of code. tRDn0CAs7uM-00357-00158797-00159241 New lines of code means additional smart contract risk. tRDn0CAs7uM-00358-00159247-00159621 So Morpho-Aave, for example, compared to Aave tRDn0CAs7uM-00359-00159645-00160125 is from a smart contract perspective riskier than Aave. tRDn0CAs7uM-00360-00160267-00160594 The core contributors are very well aware of that tRDn0CAs7uM-00361-00160594-00161102 and this is why we spend so much time and money in security and audits. tRDn0CAs7uM-00362-00161105-00161380 Morpho for example, is probably the protocol tRDn0CAs7uM-00363-00161383-00162062 that was the most audited before launch because we had Trail of Bits, Spearbit tRDn0CAs7uM-00364-00162065-00162580 Solidified, Pessimistic two times and a front-end audit with Securing tRDn0CAs7uM-00365-00162608-00162981 as well as $600K in Immunefi bounty, tRDn0CAs7uM-00366-00162981-00163238 which is a lot of securing efforts. tRDn0CAs7uM-00367-00163308-00163848 We are currently about to announce three additional audits. tRDn0CAs7uM-00368-00163957-00164671 On top of that, we take a very academic and formal proven approach. tRDn0CAs7uM-00369-00164677-00165092 We have an internal PHD in formal proving tRDn0CAs7uM-00370-00165125-00165504 that is basically formalizing every single part of the code tRDn0CAs7uM-00371-00165524-00165881 and proving that it actually works the way it should work tRDn0CAs7uM-00372-00165901-00166242 and proving also some nice properties like the improvement of Morpho tRDn0CAs7uM-00373-00166242-00166449 compared to pool, etc. tRDn0CAs7uM-00374-00166473-00166743 We are working closely with Certora, tRDn0CAs7uM-00375-00166743-00166934 the automatic formal prover, tRDn0CAs7uM-00376-00166934-00167487 in order to provide the cutting edge security tRDn0CAs7uM-00377-00167487-00167610 for Morpho, I'd say, tRDn0CAs7uM-00378-00167610-00167965 and almost the provable security of the protocol tRDn0CAs7uM-00379-00168066-00168407 in order to minimize the only extra risk that Morpho introduces. tRDn0CAs7uM-00380-00168527-00168652 Thanks for that. tRDn0CAs7uM-00381-00168655-00169206 I really appreciate when someone goes full disclosure on the possible risk. tRDn0CAs7uM-00382-00169206-00169316 It means that- tRDn0CAs7uM-00383-00169316-00169618 Yeah sure, people have to be aware, right? tRDn0CAs7uM-00384-00169621-00169709 Yeah. tRDn0CAs7uM-00385-00169712-00169995 But from a very theoretical perspective tRDn0CAs7uM-00386-00170015-00170365 if you take Morpho from a theoretical perspective, tRDn0CAs7uM-00387-00170365-00170794 it provides the same service as Compound's but with better rates. tRDn0CAs7uM-00388-00170817-00170992 It's an improvement that we got. tRDn0CAs7uM-00389-00170993-00171242 Then in practice, you have smart contract risk tRDn0CAs7uM-00390-00171243-00171401 and it's necessary that people know that. tRDn0CAs7uM-00391-00171571-00172111 It's also interesting how many DeFi projects tRDn0CAs7uM-00392-00172131-00172581 can be better understood through learning tRDn0CAs7uM-00393-00172584-00173005 the constraints and the challenges that founders went through. tRDn0CAs7uM-00394-00173008-00173440 What would you say have been the main challenges tRDn0CAs7uM-00395-00173440-00173847 that Morpho Labs had in putting up Morpho? tRDn0CAs7uM-00396-00173908-00174850 Could be regulations, could be multi-chain could be, again, securing proxy contract. tRDn0CAs7uM-00397-00174947-00175298 First I would say, obviously, regulation. tRDn0CAs7uM-00398-00175430-00175618 I'm not going to talk too much about it. tRDn0CAs7uM-00399-00175632-00176375 But of course, regulations are not ready for DeFi protocols, especially in Europe tRDn0CAs7uM-00400-00176375-00176732 and it has been acknowledged by the European parliament tRDn0CAs7uM-00401-00176757-00177247 and hopefully it would be a solved problem in the coming years. tRDn0CAs7uM-00402-00177448-00178025 It was surely difficult for us to know which legal setup tRDn0CAs7uM-00403-00178025-00178186 that we were going to adopt. tRDn0CAs7uM-00404-00178207-00178484 Most of the team is from an academic background tRDn0CAs7uM-00405-00178484-00178985 and we were really not comfortable with having a no-show setup, tRDn0CAs7uM-00406-00178985-00179237 which is pretty standard in the space. tRDn0CAs7uM-00407-00179308-00179788 We put a lot of efforts in designing a complete setup in front tRDn0CAs7uM-00408-00179801-00180104 that is sustainable and that is going to be open source tRDn0CAs7uM-00409-00180117-00180278 in order for anyone to construct tRDn0CAs7uM-00410-00180281-00180800 its own legal setup in France, as a French team. tRDn0CAs7uM-00411-00180877-00181071 We're very proud of that. tRDn0CAs7uM-00412-00181258-00182049 It's a very neat setup that enables us to feel comfortable tRDn0CAs7uM-00413-00182050-00182401 even though the jurisdiction is still uncertain tRDn0CAs7uM-00414-00182525-00182901 especially we're very uncertain of what MICA, tRDn0CAs7uM-00415-00182902-00183284 the European regulation, is going to pull out in two years. tRDn0CAs7uM-00416-00183389-00183638 But, I would say this was number one. tRDn0CAs7uM-00417-00183641-00184626 The number two, I would say is that innovating in DeFi, tRDn0CAs7uM-00418-00184629-00184817 it's quite complex for two reasons. tRDn0CAs7uM-00419-00184897-00185644 The first reason is that you have a lot of paradigms and frameworks tRDn0CAs7uM-00420-00185668-00186241 that were invented lover the last four years, tRDn0CAs7uM-00421-00186260-00186760 and it looks like people are not trying to get away from those models tRDn0CAs7uM-00422-00186760-00187082 to find innovative ways of solving problems. tRDn0CAs7uM-00423-00187105-00187580 Now, a couple of protocols working on very different ways of solving problems tRDn0CAs7uM-00424-00187580-00187792 but for example, the liquidity problem tRDn0CAs7uM-00425-00187793-00188057 is something that you have in every single protocol. tRDn0CAs7uM-00426-00188108-00188538 Every single protocol is using a pool at some point, tRDn0CAs7uM-00427-00188541-00188770 but pools are going to be capital deficient tRDn0CAs7uM-00428-00188770-00189246 and no one or almost no protocol is trying tRDn0CAs7uM-00429-00189246-00189698 to solve some sort of very structural mechanism design problems. tRDn0CAs7uM-00430-00189701-00190055 We're more focused at the moment, in my opinion, tRDn0CAs7uM-00431-00190055-00190361 on tokenomics design or application design tRDn0CAs7uM-00432-00190361-00190890 rather than structural mechanics of the protocol that could improve tRDn0CAs7uM-00433-00190890-00191357 the efficiency of DeFi and make it more competitive with traditional items. tRDn0CAs7uM-00434-00191462-00191644 The challenge for us was tRDn0CAs7uM-00435-00191664-00192322 innovating while being able to profit from the tools and the standards tRDn0CAs7uM-00436-00192323-00192638 that were put in place in Solidity, for example. tRDn0CAs7uM-00437-00192677-00193070 You have a lot of standards that are here, a lot of security standards as well, tRDn0CAs7uM-00438-00193073-00193757 but they are according to some frameworks that are widely adopted, tRDn0CAs7uM-00439-00193757-00193957 but not necessarily the best. tRDn0CAs7uM-00440-00194108-00194355 The simple idea here is that innovating tRDn0CAs7uM-00441-00194375-00194983 in a very securely constrained environment you have to be very careful tRDn0CAs7uM-00442-00195003-00195453 because when you design a completely new mechanism, tRDn0CAs7uM-00443-00195473-00195722 it was not lab tested before tRDn0CAs7uM-00444-00195723-00196145 and you have to take security very, very seriously tRDn0CAs7uM-00445-00196145-00196612 and take maybe longer than what another protocol would tRDn0CAs7uM-00446-00196776-00197174 but you're doing actual improvement. tRDn0CAs7uM-00447-00197175-00197510 Also, the second point I wanted to mention is that tRDn0CAs7uM-00448-00197511-00198097 there is, in my opinion, a bad shipping pressure to founders. tRDn0CAs7uM-00449-00198171-00198448 It's a lot about shipping, shipping, shipping, tRDn0CAs7uM-00450-00198448-00199279 and sometimes I'm just like, "Secure it first and relevance first." tRDn0CAs7uM-00451-00199322-00199631 The shipping pressure and shipping pace tRDn0CAs7uM-00452-00199631-00200024 sometimes push founders to do too many things tRDn0CAs7uM-00453-00200025-00200408 or ship too many things in bad quality, I would say, tRDn0CAs7uM-00454-00200408-00200664 or not sufficiently secure protocols. tRDn0CAs7uM-00455-00200864-00201322 Talking to many founders, I think some of them are really feeling that pressure. tRDn0CAs7uM-00456-00201325-00201670 The pressure of the token that is liquid as well as is another thing. tRDn0CAs7uM-00457-00201673-00201933 But the Twitter pressure of having people tRDn0CAs7uM-00458-00201936-00202419 only putting the emphasis on protocols that ship stuff tRDn0CAs7uM-00459-00202439-00202857 can be adversarial, I think, in the long term to the DeFi ecosystem. tRDn0CAs7uM-00460-00202860-00203214 Those two were the problems I would say we face tRDn0CAs7uM-00461-00203217-00203457 but in the end we overcame everything tRDn0CAs7uM-00462-00203457-00203771 and very happy with what we have at the moment. tRDn0CAs7uM-00463-00203924-00204467 Rephrasing your answer, what would be the top three list of things tRDn0CAs7uM-00464-00204467-00205104 that you would like to see for your project to release some weight tRDn0CAs7uM-00465-00205104-00205588 and something from the ecosystem to happen that would release momentum tRDn0CAs7uM-00466-00205588-00205947 and help project like yours thrive better? tRDn0CAs7uM-00467-00206033-00206760 Yes, I think the ecosystem in general, not just Morpho, tRDn0CAs7uM-00468-00206888-00207322 needs a more scientific approach of the project tRDn0CAs7uM-00469-00207342-00207650 and a more rigorous approach of the project. tRDn0CAs7uM-00470-00207760-00208045 Of course, we're having a lot of fun working with less, tRDn0CAs7uM-00471-00208102-00208346 it's much less taken seriously. tRDn0CAs7uM-00472-00208348-00208717 I mean, things are serious, but it's a pleasure to work tRDn0CAs7uM-00473-00208719-00209395 in an environment where people are not necessarily wearing suits tRDn0CAs7uM-00474-00209414-00209789 or have funny Telegram stickers, these kind of things. tRDn0CAs7uM-00475-00209790-00210310 But I think that putting that aside, when it comes to protocol design, tRDn0CAs7uM-00476-00210313-00211121 when it comes to entrepreneurship, we have to take a more serious approach tRDn0CAs7uM-00477-00211123-00211733 to what we should talk about on Twitter, what we should advertise tRDn0CAs7uM-00478-00211733-00212191 when making threads and making sure that we understand deeply tRDn0CAs7uM-00479-00212191-00212444 the mechanism design of the protocol tRDn0CAs7uM-00480-00212444-00212874 before putting the emphasis on it or investing, etc. tRDn0CAs7uM-00481-00212928-00213567 Rationalizing more the ecosystem is needed in my opinion. tRDn0CAs7uM-00482-00213580-00214034 Bear market, to some extent, is quite beneficial tRDn0CAs7uM-00483-00214034-00214221 to the ecosystem for that, right? tRDn0CAs7uM-00484-00214223-00214622 In every cycle that we've seen so far in crypto, tRDn0CAs7uM-00485-00214623-00215034 bear market were the amazing time tRDn0CAs7uM-00486-00215034-00215644 to work on new concepts and rationalize, like investment rationalize tRDn0CAs7uM-00487-00215644-00215890 advertisements and communication. tRDn0CAs7uM-00488-00215892-00216224 I think it's needed to have, I wouldn't say an academic approach tRDn0CAs7uM-00489-00216224-00216497 but more of a serious and rigorous approach. tRDn0CAs7uM-00490-00216525-00217072 While preserving the very friendly and open aspect of DeFi tRDn0CAs7uM-00491-00217072-00217338 where you can have a lot of fun while working tRDn0CAs7uM-00492-00217339-00217574 which is very precious in my opinion as well. tRDn0CAs7uM-00493-00217652-00217935 That would be the top thing. tRDn0CAs7uM-00494-00218013-00218402 And then second thing is to focus more on security. tRDn0CAs7uM-00495-00218402-00218801 I know I've been talking a lot about this. But, I still see a lot of protocols tRDn0CAs7uM-00496-00218801-00219269 that do not audit what they're releasing or do not audit... tRDn0CAs7uM-00497-00219271-00219513 It's the case of almost every protocol tRDn0CAs7uM-00498-00219516-00220426 and sometimes we forget that it's very much easier tRDn0CAs7uM-00499-00220429-00220819 to find a hack in the protocol than it would look like. tRDn0CAs7uM-00500-00220948-00221322 One thing is sure is that you have a ton of protocol at the moment tRDn0CAs7uM-00501-00221323-00221771 that have critical vulnerabilities in the wild and that were not found yet. tRDn0CAs7uM-00502-00221816-00222349 I think security has not been taken sufficiently seriously in DeFi tRDn0CAs7uM-00503-00222349-00222604 and we've seen especially with Rekt leaderboard, tRDn0CAs7uM-00504-00222604-00222810 which emphasizes that a lot. tRDn0CAs7uM-00505-00222813-00223190 That we've been losing billions in the space because of that. tRDn0CAs7uM-00506-00223190-00223562 Probably the reason why we've been facing a DeFi winter tRDn0CAs7uM-00507-00223562-00223870 for example, is that because smart contract tRDn0CAs7uM-00508-00223878-00224344 is taken seriously by investors and you can have a better APY tRDn0CAs7uM-00509-00224344-00225077 but the risk of the smart contract can be so high that DeFi is less attractive. tRDn0CAs7uM-00510-00225137-00225461 The end goal is really to have those optimized primitives tRDn0CAs7uM-00511-00225461-00225998 that are secure and proven to be secure in order for anyone to use tRDn0CAs7uM-00512-00225998-00226428 and if it's not taken seriously then we're lacking credibility tRDn0CAs7uM-00513-00226428-00226611 to the traditional wealth. tRDn0CAs7uM-00514-00226767-00227045 This is more a gag than a question but do you think tRDn0CAs7uM-00515-00227047-00227644 there is a direct correlation between deciding to establish a company offshore tRDn0CAs7uM-00516-00227660-00228074 and having this serious approach towards shipping? tRDn0CAs7uM-00517-00228085-00228694 Do you think that actually putting your face at stake publicly tRDn0CAs7uM-00518-00228696-00229182 in your own country gives yourself a little bit more attention? tRDn0CAs7uM-00519-00229274-00229430 It's actually a good question. tRDn0CAs7uM-00520-00229433-00229945 I know a lot of projects tRDn0CAs7uM-00521-00229945-00230225 that are working offshore and that have excellent team tRDn0CAs7uM-00522-00230225-00230726 and excellent security and there is nothing to doubt about it or whatsoever. tRDn0CAs7uM-00523-00230729-00231457 But probably the fact that Morpho had a very academic approach tRDn0CAs7uM-00524-00231457-00232017 and we're not announced, some researchers were bitten on before tRDn0CAs7uM-00525-00232069-00232546 you have this social pressure of doing things seriously tRDn0CAs7uM-00526-00232546-00232952 and I never thought of it this way but it could be that tRDn0CAs7uM-00527-00232977-00233352 this was one of the reasons why we take security seriously. tRDn0CAs7uM-00528-00233353-00233924 While if you're an anon, then maybe you would care less. tRDn0CAs7uM-00529-00234001-00234298 Because potentially your reputation tRDn0CAs7uM-00530-00234377-00234805 can only affect your pseudonymous personality tRDn0CAs7uM-00531-00234805-00235155 rather than your true social reputation. tRDn0CAs7uM-00532-00235204-00235588 But I would say suggested consequence for us tRDn0CAs7uM-00533-00235588-00236156 does not mean that an anon would do things in a bad way. tRDn0CAs7uM-00534-00236157-00236650 Of course, not like you have a ton of very good security engineers, tRDn0CAs7uM-00535-00236650-00237150 and especially security engineers try to remain anonymous in most cases. tRDn0CAs7uM-00536-00237314-00238074 It could be that the fact that we have this academic approach tRDn0CAs7uM-00537-00238074-00238397 for us to focus so much on security. tRDn0CAs7uM-00538-00238481-00238890 Something that I was pleasingly hit by Morpho tRDn0CAs7uM-00539-00238910-00239890 is also the whole concept of the chrysalis and butterfly, etc. tRDn0CAs7uM-00540-00239967-00240354 I think it's somehow related to your roadmap. tRDn0CAs7uM-00541-00240354-00240627 Can you tell us about the future of Morpho tRDn0CAs7uM-00542-00240627-00241107 and this stage evolution that your mascot tRDn0CAs7uM-00543-00241107-00241308 is basically going through? tRDn0CAs7uM-00544-00241335-00241438 Yes, absolutely. tRDn0CAs7uM-00545-00241585-00241852 Morpho is a butterfly. tRDn0CAs7uM-00546-00241880-00242088 It's a blue butterfly living in Colombia, tRDn0CAs7uM-00547-00242088-00242295 and it's beautiful, by the way. tRDn0CAs7uM-00548-00242448-00242924 The idea is that a butterfly starts as a caterpillar. tRDn0CAs7uM-00549-00242982-00243102 A caterpillar tRDn0CAs7uM-00550-00243171-00243750 that is tiny and living in an apple, which you could consider a pool, tRDn0CAs7uM-00551-00243750-00244207 and you need the apple to survive and to have some sort of launchpad tRDn0CAs7uM-00552-00244207-00244607 and to become something much more important. tRDn0CAs7uM-00553-00244872-00245269 Morpho is reintroducing order books tRDn0CAs7uM-00554-00245371-00245565 thanks to the liquidity pool. tRDn0CAs7uM-00555-00245598-00245934 Because order books had liquidity and gas problems, tRDn0CAs7uM-00556-00246004-00246202 pools did not have those problems. tRDn0CAs7uM-00557-00246202-00246430 Morpho decided to combine the two tRDn0CAs7uM-00558-00246441-00246934 in order to reintroduce this more efficient answer. tRDn0CAs7uM-00559-00247142-00247985 Our vision for Morpho is to build the optimal independent lending protocol. tRDn0CAs7uM-00560-00248014-00248450 So, making optimal lending a public good, really. tRDn0CAs7uM-00561-00248732-00248969 The end state of that is probably tRDn0CAs7uM-00562-00248969-00249785 to rebuild some sort of lending order book or blockchain-specific lending order book, tRDn0CAs7uM-00563-00249785-00250071 so not a traditional order book, but something a bit different. tRDn0CAs7uM-00564-00250090-00250547 That is much more capital efficient, that's what we see at the moment. tRDn0CAs7uM-00565-00250592-00250794 That would be the independent version tRDn0CAs7uM-00566-00250796-00251234 that does not need Aave or Compound, or any lending for it to work. tRDn0CAs7uM-00567-00251234-00251415 That would be the butterfly version. tRDn0CAs7uM-00568-00251452-00251797 But to go from the caterpillar to the butterfly, tRDn0CAs7uM-00569-00251857-00252162 we would probably need an intermediate step, tRDn0CAs7uM-00570-00252200-00252332 which is chrysalis, tRDn0CAs7uM-00571-00252352-00252671 which is about progressively building an order book tRDn0CAs7uM-00572-00252671-00253200 inside the pool in order to transform into something that is independent tRDn0CAs7uM-00573-00253202-00253467 and living without the need of any other protocol. tRDn0CAs7uM-00574-00253528-00253705 That's basically the vision here. tRDn0CAs7uM-00575-00253734-00254304 Building the most efficient and optimal lending service as a public good. tRDn0CAs7uM-00576-00254371-00254850 In order for traditional finance to look at DeFi and say, "Hey, tRDn0CAs7uM-00577-00254922-00255204 not only this is cool because it's decentralized, tRDn0CAs7uM-00578-00255204-00255467 but it's also cool because it's much more efficient tRDn0CAs7uM-00579-00255467-00255641 than what we see in traditional finance." tRDn0CAs7uM-00580-00255654-00255972 It basically reproduces the efficiency of traditional finance, tRDn0CAs7uM-00581-00255984-00256267 but without the middleman and without the infrastructure cost tRDn0CAs7uM-00582-00256267-00256504 of having 1,000 banks doing the same thing. tRDn0CAs7uM-00583-00256748-00257325 The end goal for Morpho is opening an efficiency in lending tRDn0CAs7uM-00584-00257325-00257517 that was never reached before, tRDn0CAs7uM-00585-00257565-00257972 such that traditional finance can get interested tRDn0CAs7uM-00586-00258071-00258428 in decentralized lending, which is not the case at the moment. tRDn0CAs7uM-00587-00258440-00258614 Rates are too low at the moment tRDn0CAs7uM-00588-00258632-00259005 to interest traditional finance. tRDn0CAs7uM-00589-00259037-00259644 In terms of competitors and competition within the same paradigm, tRDn0CAs7uM-00590-00259700-00259924 can you mention initiatives tRDn0CAs7uM-00591-00259924-00260436 or protocols that are attempting to place themselves tRDn0CAs7uM-00592-00260436-00260702 in the same area as Morpho? tRDn0CAs7uM-00593-00260809-00261130 I don't think there is any in the way we do it. tRDn0CAs7uM-00594-00261257-00261411 Probably because it's very... tRDn0CAs7uM-00595-00261656-00262152 I would say, we're not going the same path as other protocols. tRDn0CAs7uM-00596-00262153-00262304 We don't even use a pool. tRDn0CAs7uM-00597-00262315-00262775 We have a TVL, depending on how you calculate TVL. tRDn0CAs7uM-00598-00262775-00263084 But basically, there is no money on Morpho contract. tRDn0CAs7uM-00599-00263154-00263366 It's 100% capital efficient, tRDn0CAs7uM-00600-00263366-00263714 so money is either fully borrowed or on the pool. tRDn0CAs7uM-00601-00263810-00264184 We don't fit in the traditional DeFi landscape, to be honest. tRDn0CAs7uM-00602-00264205-00264644 There is no protocol doing things similar, in my opinion. tRDn0CAs7uM-00603-00264644-00265374 However, you could say that ETHLend, Dharma, tRDn0CAs7uM-00604-00265395-00265745 and other peer-to-peer lending protocols that existed tRDn0CAs7uM-00605-00265745-00266157 in the 2018, 2019 tRDn0CAs7uM-00606-00266345-00266541 were similar to Morpho, tRDn0CAs7uM-00607-00266544-00266850 except that now Morpho is also connected to the pool tRDn0CAs7uM-00608-00266850-00267132 and has a bunch of very cool new concepts tRDn0CAs7uM-00609-00267165-00267367 that did not exist at the time. tRDn0CAs7uM-00610-00267420-00267768 But yeah, there's nothing quite like it at the moment, at least from what I know. tRDn0CAs7uM-00611-00267978-00268161 The goal for Morpho is really tRDn0CAs7uM-00612-00268331-00268672 to create as many partnerships as possible, tRDn0CAs7uM-00613-00268672-00268971 to be very open within the way it evolves, tRDn0CAs7uM-00614-00268995-00269327 such that someone trying to compete with Morpho tRDn0CAs7uM-00615-00269327-00269892 would actually try to contribute to Morpho and get funding from Morpho DAO tRDn0CAs7uM-00616-00269907-00270134 and work together on the same public good. tRDn0CAs7uM-00617-00270134-00270521 This is why I truly love the public good approach tRDn0CAs7uM-00618-00270521-00270788 of DeFi protocols tRDn0CAs7uM-00619-00270788-00271160 is because we can all work together on the same thing. tRDn0CAs7uM-00620-00271368-00271630 Competition, in my opinion, in the long term, tRDn0CAs7uM-00621-00271630-00271917 with DeFi, decentralized protocols in general, tRDn0CAs7uM-00622-00272001-00272470 is not something we'll see if protocols tend to adopt the common good approach. tRDn0CAs7uM-00623-00272645-00273170 I would try to make Morpho as decentralized as possible tRDn0CAs7uM-00624-00273170-00273734 so that anyone would be incentivized in making Morpho better tRDn0CAs7uM-00625-00273734-00274265 rather rather than trying to replicate it, twisting one or two things. tRDn0CAs7uM-00626-00274367-00274811 Okay, Paul, thank you so much for being with us today. tRDn0CAs7uM-00627-00274811-00275215 I really loved going through your white paper. tRDn0CAs7uM-00628-00275257-00275542 I really love the vision, the academic approach, tRDn0CAs7uM-00629-00275543-00276371 and I would suggest everyone to go to Morpho.xyz and read the white paper. tRDn0CAs7uM-00630-00276371-00276737 It's like 20 pages long, it's comprehensible. tRDn0CAs7uM-00631-00276818-00277004 In general, I think this is a good tRDn0CAs7uM-00632-00277025-00277410 habit to take in, especially dealing with DeFi. tRDn0CAs7uM-00633-00277410-00277688 Read white papers, try to understand them, tRDn0CAs7uM-00634-00277698-00278165 ask the right questions, and extend your knowledge of the subject. tRDn0CAs7uM-00635-00278165-00278522 Do you have any final statements that you want maybe to address? tRDn0CAs7uM-00636-00278617-00278878 No, just encourage people to read the white paper. tRDn0CAs7uM-00637-00278975-00279334 We are soon releasing the yellow paper, tRDn0CAs7uM-00638-00279334-00279867 which is the formal model of Morpho, which is much more a complex read, tRDn0CAs7uM-00639-00279877-00280238 but still very interesting, in the coming months. tRDn0CAs7uM-00640-00280322-00280635 Very happy to share that as well when the time comes. tRDn0CAs7uM-00641-00280764-00280942 Yeah, I hope people had a great time, tRDn0CAs7uM-00642-00281051-00281331 and we'll look into the protocol a bit more. tRDn0CAs7uM-00643-00281381-00281552 Well, thanks for being with us. tRDn0CAs7uM-00644-00281576-00281685 Thanks for having me. tVu9saH5_co-00000-00000000-00000516 Everything that you can do a machine can do in future and that'll be a great day tVu9saH5_co-00001-00000516-00001113 because that means we are on a holiday. Your technologies will bring comfort and tVu9saH5_co-00002-00001113-00001701 convenience, will not bring well-being. Right now your well-being is still tVu9saH5_co-00003-00001701-00002646 determined by what's around you not what's within you. Anything that can be tVu9saH5_co-00004-00002646-00003174 built by storage of memory and access to memory and analysis of this memory and tVu9saH5_co-00005-00003174-00003521 expression of this memory, everything that you are doing through your tVu9saH5_co-00006-00003521-00004053 intellect and thinking that is you, can be done by a machine at some point. I'm tVu9saH5_co-00007-00004053-00004487 not the expert to predict when but definitely it can be done, there's no tVu9saH5_co-00008-00004487-00005016 question about that. But there's another dimension of intelligence within the tVu9saH5_co-00009-00005016-00005760 human being which we refer to as 'chitta'. What 'chitta' means is, this is a dimension tVu9saH5_co-00010-00005760-00006347 of intelligence where it there is not an iota of memory, it is unsullied by memory. tVu9saH5_co-00011-00006347-00006978 What this means is, see memory is what has made you everything that you are. You tVu9saH5_co-00012-00006978-00007484 have a human form this is evolutionary memory, you have variety of other tVu9saH5_co-00013-00007484-00007931 memories that's what makes you a certain kind of person and so many other things tVu9saH5_co-00014-00007931-00008406 that you are. Your professions, your capabilities, your knowledge, everything tVu9saH5_co-00015-00008406-00009282 is because of memory but memory is also a defining boundary. The moment you tVu9saH5_co-00016-00009282-00009789 identify with your memory you say, "oh this is my friend", "this one I do not know", tVu9saH5_co-00017-00009789-00010428 "this is a person I like", " this is a person", "I don't like", this is all memory. Memory tVu9saH5_co-00018-00010428-00011097 fix fixes a definition and a defined boundary to your life. What is me and tVu9saH5_co-00019-00011097-00011714 what is you is just a question of memory. That I know this is me and this is you, tVu9saH5_co-00020-00011714-00012375 but there is a dimension of intelligence which we call as 'Chitta' or in modern tVu9saH5_co-00021-00012375-00012899 terminology loosely it can be called as consciousness. tVu9saH5_co-00022-00012899-00013424 Not being conscious as you and me are. This is wakefulness, this is not tVu9saH5_co-00023-00013424-00014116 consciousness. So this dimension of intelligence has no memory in it, where tVu9saH5_co-00024-00014116-00014684 there is no memory there are no boundaries to it.You will not do that tVu9saH5_co-00025-00014684-00015269 with a robot, do what you want, because everything that can be done by memory tVu9saH5_co-00026-00015269-00015968 will be done. Right now 90% or more of humanity lives by their intellect and tVu9saH5_co-00027-00015968-00016508 their physical physiological and intellectual capabilities. These things tVu9saH5_co-00028-00016508-00017035 can be built at some point and make them look very real, tVu9saH5_co-00029-00017035-00017900 so once machines start doing this, it is inevitable, it is inevitable for you to tVu9saH5_co-00030-00017900-00018440 explore the deeper dimensions of who you are. Maybe 500 years ago let us say, if tVu9saH5_co-00031-00018440-00018994 you want to be a big man in the place, in your town you had to have big muscles. tVu9saH5_co-00032-00018994-00019631 Whoever had the big muscles was the big man, strong man there but now if you have tVu9saH5_co-00033-00019631-00020356 big muscles we will give you a menial job. We don't recognize you, one reason (laughs) tVu9saH5_co-00034-00020356-00020903 why women have an equal space or reasonably equal space on the planet tVu9saH5_co-00035-00020903-00021326 today is because of Technology, because the power of the muscle has been tVu9saH5_co-00036-00021326-00021746 neutralized. How much brain power do you have, tVu9saH5_co-00037-00021746-00022193 how much intellectual power you have is deciding things right now but if tVu9saH5_co-00038-00022193-00022718 intellectual power is taken by the machines naturally human beings will dig tVu9saH5_co-00039-00022718-00023447 deeper into their consciousness. A machine cannot dig deeper but everything tVu9saH5_co-00040-00023447-00023900 that you can do a machine can do in future and that will be a great day tVu9saH5_co-00041-00023900-00024755 because that means we are on a holiday, we don't work for a living. Now we look tVu9saH5_co-00042-00024755-00025325 at life in a completely different way which will be very very significant in tVu9saH5_co-00043-00025325-00026012 fact, for the first time we will become human beings, we must understand why we tVu9saH5_co-00044-00026012-00026388 are called human beings. That means we are the only tVu9saH5_co-00045-00026388-00026973 creatures on the planet who know how to be. Without a social atmosphere many of tVu9saH5_co-00046-00026973-00027416 you will not know how to survive. A bug knows how to survive far better than you, tVu9saH5_co-00047-00027416-00028032 better equipped than you because he's just focused on his survival but a bug tVu9saH5_co-00048-00028032-00028652 will not know how to be conscious, you can definitely build a bug. It's a its very tVu9saH5_co-00049-00028652-00029120 interesting that today in the computer technologies we are using these words it tVu9saH5_co-00050-00029120-00029645 that's a bug, it's a virus. Definitely the dangers of this are also tVu9saH5_co-00051-00029645-00030243 there, as the dangers of machines are there even today, for example, the tVu9saH5_co-00052-00030243-00030810 automobiles are killing more people than wars every year. tVu9saH5_co-00053-00030810-00031266 Year after year they are killing but we have accepted that as collateral damage, it's tVu9saH5_co-00054-00031266-00031830 part of the thing. We're travelling faster so some people will die. We have tVu9saH5_co-00055-00031830-00032402 come to terms with that, so similarly maybe we will have nano soldiers tVu9saH5_co-00056-00032402-00032897 soldiers won't be human beings going and fighting, we sit here and let loose on tVu9saH5_co-00057-00032897-00033534 other people at one face it will happen these things will be terrible but even tVu9saH5_co-00058-00033534-00033984 now it's terrible you can just press the switch here and destroy a whole city tVu9saH5_co-00059-00033984-00034455 somewhere else as there these capabilities are coming we must also tVu9saH5_co-00060-00034455-00035085 strive to upgrade the human being to move beyond the limitations of their tVu9saH5_co-00061-00035085-00035447 intellect intellect and come to a deeper dimension tVu9saH5_co-00062-00035447-00035880 of intelligence which is life itself. Very source of life itself within us. We tVu9saH5_co-00063-00035880-00036324 have to invest in consciousness. Till now we've been investing only in our tVu9saH5_co-00064-00036324-00036855 survival but once the technologies that they're talking about starts becoming a tVu9saH5_co-00065-00036855-00037419 reality which is already becoming. Survival will not even be an issue when tVu9saH5_co-00066-00037419-00037884 survival is not an issue we will definitely start investing but the tVu9saH5_co-00067-00037884-00038413 sooner we invest with less aberration we can move into these new possibilities. tVu9saH5_co-00068-00038413-00038994 It's always a double edged sword which way are you going to use it depends on tVu9saH5_co-00069-00038994-00039483 who you are, isn't it? so whether your identity and your tVu9saH5_co-00070-00039483-00040008 experience is very exclusive or your identity and experience is very tVu9saH5_co-00071-00040008-00040557 inclusive, this will determine which shape and in which way the sword will tVu9saH5_co-00072-00040557-00041451 swing. So it is time we make that voice which refers to a dimensionless, a tVu9saH5_co-00073-00041451-00041888 boundary-less consciousness heard and tVu9saH5_co-00074-00041900-00042494 methodologies as to how to become conscious. As there are technologies to tVu9saH5_co-00075-00042494-00043038 create well-being in our surroundings, there is a science and technology to do tVu9saH5_co-00076-00043038-00043613 the same within us. So this is not today's thing this has always been there, tVu9saH5_co-00077-00043613-00044196 it's as old as humanity but in some generations it is heard loudly in some tVu9saH5_co-00078-00044196-00044793 generations it sings and accordingly human wellbeing rises and sinks. Any tVu9saH5_co-00079-00044793-00045315 amount of technology, if you don't know how to be, you still are not well. See tVu9saH5_co-00080-00045315-00046032 look at our own state right now, as a generation of people we know more tVu9saH5_co-00081-00046032-00046425 comfort and convenience than any generation ever knew in the history of tVu9saH5_co-00082-00046425-00046941 humanity but can you claim you are the most joyful and fantastic generation tVu9saH5_co-00083-00046941-00047534 ever. No, people are becoming neurotic. I am not saying we are worse than other tVu9saH5_co-00084-00047534-00048168 generations but we are not significantly better for the amount of toll we have tVu9saH5_co-00085-00048168-00048863 taken on every other life to have what we want to have, so your technologies tVu9saH5_co-00086-00048863-00049449 will bring comfort and convenience. Will not bring well-being. It's time to focus tVu9saH5_co-00087-00049449-00049859 on that because already we are at a place where technology is going through tVu9saH5_co-00088-00049859-00050490 the ceiling we are not matching up. It is like right now your well-being is still tVu9saH5_co-00089-00050490-00051228 determined by what's around you, not what's within you. So this doesn't mean tVu9saH5_co-00090-00051228-00051465 love their neighbor, be like these, go be a good person, be a noble person this is tVu9saH5_co-00091-00051465-00052182 not about that. Your body and your brain should take instructions from you. If tVu9saH5_co-00092-00052182-00052584 your body and your brain take instructions from you, tVu9saH5_co-00093-00052584-00053117 would you keep yourself healthy and blissful every moment of your life. I'm tVu9saH5_co-00094-00053117-00053607 asking you, if you had a choice, definitely you would. So obviously your tVu9saH5_co-00095-00053607-00054092 body and your brain is not taking instructions from you. This means you're tVu9saH5_co-00096-00054092-00054699 not conscious enough. So we have to invest in that direction. One thing is, if tVu9saH5_co-00097-00054699-00055071 you walk through the city, I'm sure there are hospitals, there are schools, there tVu9saH5_co-00098-00055071-00055604 are toilets and there is everything but do you have a place where there is a tVu9saH5_co-00099-00055604-00056083 place for people to meditate. There's no such thing. tVu9saH5_co-00100-00056083-00056717 Eastern societies invested heavily in the past, in that direction but today tVu9saH5_co-00101-00056717-00057183 they are also emulating the West and trying to compete with them losing out tVu9saH5_co-00102-00057183-00057654 on this but the need for inner well-being will become very strong in tVu9saH5_co-00103-00057654-00058104 the next 20, 25 years when technology starts doing most of the things that tVu9saH5_co-00104-00058104-00058563 you're doing and you don't know why you exist. Then the need for well-being tVu9saH5_co-00105-00058563-00059172 becomes super strong. So if we want to be ready for that day it's very important tVu9saH5_co-00106-00059172-00059640 that we invest both physical infrastructure and human infrastructure tVu9saH5_co-00107-00059640-00061817 which focuses on the innermost core of who we are. tbyxnf1FtCU-00000-00000018-00000456 Hello everybody and welcome to another video tbyxnf1FtCU-00001-00000490-00000788 a different video from all the other you can see here tbyxnf1FtCU-00002-00000808-00001180 because today we are not going to do any unboxing of fashion or technology product tbyxnf1FtCU-00003-00001258-00001870 In this video I am going to talk to you about my opinion regarding the customer service tbyxnf1FtCU-00004-00001916-00002592 of Banggood, the website where I bought the Blitzwolf BW-VC2 robot vacuum tbyxnf1FtCU-00005-00002622-00003021 how they reacted to my comments, what they told me and how this ended regarding the problem tbyxnf1FtCU-00006-00003022-00003364 that I had with the vacuum and it stoped working suddenly tbyxnf1FtCU-00007-00003394-00003790 Let's move on with my opinion of the service tbyxnf1FtCU-00008-00003986-00004156 Are you still talking about this? tbyxnf1FtCU-00009-00004272-00004564 I am not tired of talking about this tbyxnf1FtCU-00010-00004848-00005062 Let me start from the beginning tbyxnf1FtCU-00011-00005078-00005332 I received the robot vacuum on the 10th of June. tbyxnf1FtCU-00012-00005332-00005684 Immediately I did the unboxing and started using the vacuum tbyxnf1FtCU-00013-00005804-00006108 I was using it until the 26th of June tbyxnf1FtCU-00014-00006264-00006631 for four days I stoped using it and unplugged it from the power socket as well tbyxnf1FtCU-00015-00006886-00007330 And I started using it again on the 30th of June. tbyxnf1FtCU-00016-00007395-00007858 On that day I plugged it again on the power socket so that I can use it after charging tbyxnf1FtCU-00017-00007876-00008618 and I hear a message that the battery level is very low, around 1% tbyxnf1FtCU-00018-00008934-00009384 and that the cliff sensors were not working as well tbyxnf1FtCU-00019-00009426-00009806 like I have said on my review video regarding the robot vacuum from Blitzwolf tbyxnf1FtCU-00020-00009876-00010182 This is how the journey starts tbyxnf1FtCU-00021-00010182-00010772 Immediately I contacted Banggood to let them know of my problem with the vacuum tbyxnf1FtCU-00022-00010772-00011220 so that they inform me on the steps I should follow onwards tbyxnf1FtCU-00023-00011322-00011886 I have to say here that there was a small delay in our communication due to the fact that tbyxnf1FtCU-00024-00011906-00012374 there is a time difference which is totally understandable and acceptable tbyxnf1FtCU-00025-00012486-00013102 Still we exchanged a big number of emails back and forth tbyxnf1FtCU-00026-00013606-00014158 First they asked me for some photos of the stickers on the outer side of the box tbyxnf1FtCU-00027-00014172-00014724 so that they can see a specific information called "SKU" tbyxnf1FtCU-00028-00016054-00016422 I took photos of the stickers and send them to them via email tbyxnf1FtCU-00029-00016438-00016826 and to be honest, I took photos of all the stickers that were on the box just to be sure tbyxnf1FtCU-00030-00016872-00017184 and waited for their response. tbyxnf1FtCU-00031-00017220-00017714 In the first email they had told me that they asked for the photos so that they can be sure tbyxnf1FtCU-00032-00017720-00018228 of the problem that I was informing them about and to contact the manufacturer tbyxnf1FtCU-00033-00018632-00019084 After sending the email, they replied back and asked me to reset to vacuum tbyxnf1FtCU-00034-00019090-00019640 for this to happen on this model you only have one option tbyxnf1FtCU-00035-00019652-00020372 You open the lid that covers the upper side and press the only button you see tbyxnf1FtCU-00036-00020794-00021340 I have to say here though that Banggood told me to press the home button and something else tbyxnf1FtCU-00037-00021422-00021696 which is totally wrong tbyxnf1FtCU-00038-00021840-00022344 because being customer support, means you have to know the instructions you give tbyxnf1FtCU-00039-00022374-00022762 that are specific to the model the client tells you about. Not ask the client to reset the specific model with the tbyxnf1FtCU-00040-00022762-00023192 instructions of the previous (I was interested for VC2 model and the instructions were for VC1) tbyxnf1FtCU-00041-00023330-00023698 I looked online to see how to reset the VC2 model tbyxnf1FtCU-00042-00024606-00025114 I did the reset but nothing changed so I contacted them and told them about it. tbyxnf1FtCU-00043-00025476-00026350 I was filming it at the same time so that they cannot tell me anything about the reset done wrong tbyxnf1FtCU-00044-00026495-00027204 In my reply, I asked them for a product replacement which was the first time I asked it tbyxnf1FtCU-00045-00027238-00027606 These moves happened during a period of three days. tbyxnf1FtCU-00046-00027606-00028027 This means that we are already on the 3rd of July tbyxnf1FtCU-00047-00028095-00028344 Until the 3rd of July, I contacted them for the first time tbyxnf1FtCU-00048-00028352-00028716 they asked me for the photos and I replied back tbyxnf1FtCU-00049-00028716-00029122 and they asked me to reset to vacuum which had no effect as I informed them tbyxnf1FtCU-00050-00029244-00029545 We are already on the third day, hold that tbyxnf1FtCU-00051-00029545-00030018 On the 3rd of July I am receiving a reply from them informing me tbyxnf1FtCU-00052-00030130-00030542 they can give me thirty euros and take it on me to fix the vacuum tbyxnf1FtCU-00053-00030542-00030608 €30 tbyxnf1FtCU-00054-00030677-00030872 and find a shop to fix it tbyxnf1FtCU-00055-00031042-00031352 It was a big no from the beginning from me tbyxnf1FtCU-00056-00031500-00031966 I bought the vacuum for €230 and they wanted to give me back €30 tbyxnf1FtCU-00057-00031966-00032358 and find a way to fix it in Greece where no service for Blitzwolf exists meaning, I was going to throw it tbyxnf1FtCU-00058-00032645-00033174 I replied and told them that this is unacceptable since I own the vacuum for less than a month tbyxnf1FtCU-00059-00033432-00033816 it was broken from day t en tbyxnf1FtCU-00060-00033950-00034434 and if they wanted to have a great customer service they should have replace it right away tbyxnf1FtCU-00061-00034492-00035010 they replied back and told me that they were going to find the best solution and get back to me in 48 hours tbyxnf1FtCU-00062-00035088-00035426 So we reached the 5th of July and, they replied! tbyxnf1FtCU-00063-00035446-00035710 With a better offer this time!!! tbyxnf1FtCU-00064-00035854-00036210 They offered to give me €50 this time, tbyxnf1FtCU-00065-00036254-00036524 their sincere apologies and tbyxnf1FtCU-00066-00036656-00036886 of course, to fix it on my own tbyxnf1FtCU-00067-00037124-00037524 A big no from me was the answer to this again tbyxnf1FtCU-00068-00037682-00038164 If I had a thumbs down I would choose that tbyxnf1FtCU-00069-00038254-00038798 I told them when I replied that, I had already begun communicating with Blitzwolf tbyxnf1FtCU-00070-00039098-00039498 and I did that to see what both were saying to me tbyxnf1FtCU-00071-00039532-00040136 I told them that the only acceptable solution was to send me a new product or give me the money back tbyxnf1FtCU-00072-00040148-00040566 and I received a reply from them telling me they can give me my money tbyxnf1FtCU-00073-00040566-00040798 as long as I send them the vacuum back. tbyxnf1FtCU-00074-00040798-00041098 Which I had no problem of doing tbyxnf1FtCU-00075-00041098-00041560 but, I hadn't kept the box in which the vacuum was tbyxnf1FtCU-00076-00041566-00042146 and was afraid it would not reach them in one piece if I sent it to them without this box. tbyxnf1FtCU-00077-00042156-00042674 The vacuum arrived in two boxes, the outer which was brownish and the inner white-green tbyxnf1FtCU-00078-00042676-00043076 I had thrown the white-green tbyxnf1FtCU-00079-00043084-00043764 and since I hadn't that in my possession I was afraid it would break if I used only the brownish tbyxnf1FtCU-00080-00044654-00045146 Having asked them two times for a replacement they never said anything tbyxnf1FtCU-00081-00045568-00045768 We have reached the 10th of July tbyxnf1FtCU-00082-00045792-00045976 From the 3rd of July tbyxnf1FtCU-00083-00046032-00046284 Or if you want from the 30th of June tbyxnf1FtCU-00084-00046284-00046596 We are already ten days exchanging emails tbyxnf1FtCU-00085-00047546-00048154 On their latest reply they asked me to find a technician who can fix it here in Greece tbyxnf1FtCU-00086-00048318-00048852 they never told me though if I could do that, if they were going to pay for that tbyxnf1FtCU-00087-00049540-00049940 I called some shops in Greece who sell Blitzwolf and asked and they told me that tbyxnf1FtCU-00088-00049978-00050410 when they have a problematic product they send it back to their supplier tbyxnf1FtCU-00089-00050492-00050926 and informs them if it will be replaced or fixed tbyxnf1FtCU-00090-00051736-00052046 Having been talking all these days with them, tbyxnf1FtCU-00091-00052096-00052334 I get asked if I would be happy tbyxnf1FtCU-00092-00052374-00052655 with a new battery for the vacuum and replace it myself tbyxnf1FtCU-00093-00052674-00053070 Of course I would be happy with a new battery but tbyxnf1FtCU-00094-00053072-00053491 they needed to send me the tools to be able to change it tbyxnf1FtCU-00095-00053667-00053982 And I asked them the following tbyxnf1FtCU-00096-00054022-00054458 Let's say we are ok with the new battery and it works, tbyxnf1FtCU-00097-00054464-00054920 what are we going to do with the cliff sensors since they are not working as well? tbyxnf1FtCU-00098-00054988-00055536 Because the only way to "fix them" is to clean the glass that is on top of them. Nothing else. tbyxnf1FtCU-00099-00055579-00055991 I read that online and was told from Blitzwolf as well tbyxnf1FtCU-00100-00056479-00056984 I cleaned the sensors so many times that they would start screaming to stop it tbyxnf1FtCU-00101-00057267-00057810 We agree for a battery replacement and they told that I had to wait because it would need some time tbyxnf1FtCU-00102-00058274-00058522 I don't mind waiting is what I told them tbyxnf1FtCU-00103-00060438-00060941 We are on the 3rd of August after not having exchanged any email in between (middle of July) tbyxnf1FtCU-00104-00061274-00062078 They contacted me and told me that they are sorry and that their mail carrier cannot send the battery tbyxnf1FtCU-00105-00062698-00063316 Batteries is not an easy product to send as there are many restriction for them tbyxnf1FtCU-00106-00063938-00064500 I expected from a company like Banggood to know that tbyxnf1FtCU-00107-00065706-00066370 If they didn't know that I would expect them to ask first and then inform me about it tbyxnf1FtCU-00108-00067010-00067336 Still I was OK with that because I was expecting it tbyxnf1FtCU-00109-00067510-00067832 Something miraculous happens here, after this tbyxnf1FtCU-00110-00068730-00069268 They told me to send them the vacuum back and they would give me my money back tbyxnf1FtCU-00111-00069268-00069482 even if the vacuum did not arrive intact tbyxnf1FtCU-00112-00070158-00070694 I have to say that they asked me if I want a replacement or my money back tbyxnf1FtCU-00113-00070708-00071000 I agreed in getting back my money tbyxnf1FtCU-00114-00071000-00071560 not because I do not want the vacuum (I would buy it again) tbyxnf1FtCU-00115-00071622-00072220 but because I would buy it from somewhere else where, they would understand the problem right away tbyxnf1FtCU-00116-00072236-00072698 and not trouble me that much with a simple replacement or reimbursement tbyxnf1FtCU-00117-00072734-00073300 So I told them that of course I am interested in the vacuum but, I prefer the money because I'm afraid that tbyxnf1FtCU-00118-00073316-00073870 if anything comes up again instead of helping me with a solution right away they would tell me everything else tbyxnf1FtCU-00119-00074132-00074366 And exchange another two or three dozens emails tbyxnf1FtCU-00120-00074366-00074660 without a reason tbyxnf1FtCU-00121-00075614-00076186 Here is a "funny" part where they asked me to contact my local post office and tbyxnf1FtCU-00122-00076204-00076764 and find out the cheapest way of sending the package to China with a tracking number. tbyxnf1FtCU-00123-00076808-00077134 Let them know and if they agreed tbyxnf1FtCU-00124-00077312-00077680 They would let me know to send the package. tbyxnf1FtCU-00125-00077974-00078432 So, the company that sent me a problematic product without knowing, tbyxnf1FtCU-00126-00078480-00078782 that told me to send it back to them, did it under certain circumstances tbyxnf1FtCU-00127-00078974-00079458 and only if they agreed that it is ok for them to pay the postage fees tbyxnf1FtCU-00128-00080156-00080746 I asked my local post office, I informed them it's €75 and they age me permission to send it tbyxnf1FtCU-00129-00080780-00081270 But before I do that I asked them who is going to pay for this, to be sure. tbyxnf1FtCU-00130-00081973-00082252 They told me that they would pay for the postage fees tbyxnf1FtCU-00131-00082524-00083242 I inserted the vacuum in the original outer package very carefully to be as safe as it could be for transfer tbyxnf1FtCU-00132-00084958-00085554 The total cost was €68 and I informed them about it with the tracking number and the relevant webpages tbyxnf1FtCU-00133-00085554-00086104 I also sent them a photo of the receipt from my local post office depicting the price and the tracking number tbyxnf1FtCU-00134-00086376-00086846 They replied back to me and they did something unbelievable!! tbyxnf1FtCU-00135-00087436-00088048 Besides the first email where they where telling me how sorry they are I received another one email tbyxnf1FtCU-00136-00088064-00088636 with an address in it, name and a phone number which I should have put outside the box! tbyxnf1FtCU-00137-00088850-00089454 Let me say here that by the time I sent the package it already was 19 of August but, tbyxnf1FtCU-00138-00089542-00090108 on the 10th of August in one of the many emails, they told me to send it to a specific address tbyxnf1FtCU-00139-00090528-00090650 Which I did tbyxnf1FtCU-00140-00093130-00093762 So here we have a new "problem". The address I was told to send the package on the 10th of August tbyxnf1FtCU-00141-00094164-00094692 was different from the one that was in the second email I received from them on the 19th of August tbyxnf1FtCU-00142-00095378-00096056 Having seen that, I replied back informing them, that, I sent the package on the address of the 10th not the 19th tbyxnf1FtCU-00143-00096730-00097536 On the paper I have also included the reason for returning it and the order number, as I was instructed tbyxnf1FtCU-00144-00097536-00098324 on the 10th of August as well, not as the tag on the 19th of August, after I had sent it, had on it tbyxnf1FtCU-00145-00099036-00099546 And I wrote to them that, on a positive not, the phone number is the same tbyxnf1FtCU-00146-00099822-00100220 They never said anything about that. tbyxnf1FtCU-00147-00100220-00100764 In their defense I have to say that they were very polite throughout this whole time tbyxnf1FtCU-00148-00101208-00101580 And they did something that was super, in my opinion. tbyxnf1FtCU-00149-00101634-00102208 Having told them that I sent the package, this is the tracking, this is the receipt, here is a photo of it tbyxnf1FtCU-00150-00102242-00102844 The same day (I was lucky with the time I sent the email) they reimbursed me tbyxnf1FtCU-00151-00102844-00103300 the shipping charges through PayPal tbyxnf1FtCU-00152-00103704-00104314 Besides the shipping charges, they have to reimburse me for the money I paid to buy the product tbyxnf1FtCU-00153-00104344-00104782 and this is to happen after they receive the package I sent tbyxnf1FtCU-00154-00105080-00105614 This was my story behind my robot vacuum and the Banggood website tbyxnf1FtCU-00155-00105928-00106392 I feel the need to say again that, when it comes to the vacuum, I would by it again tbyxnf1FtCU-00156-00106502-00106846 but I am not sure if I would do that from Banggood tbyxnf1FtCU-00157-00107100-00107446 We also have the Blitzwolf side tbyxnf1FtCU-00158-00107458-00107769 which was totally unacceptable tbyxnf1FtCU-00159-00107770-00108298 After I contacted them, I was asked for the vacuum's serial number to check for the problem tbyxnf1FtCU-00160-00108298-00108661 and see if it has to do with the battery. They did not reply. tbyxnf1FtCU-00161-00108664-00109035 I poked them and asked them to reply tbyxnf1FtCU-00162-00109156-00109658 They replied and told me that this is a problem and I should contact the seller and ask for a warranty tbyxnf1FtCU-00163-00110408-00110933 I asked them something else which I cannot remember right now tbyxnf1FtCU-00164-00110961-00111184 they never replied. tbyxnf1FtCU-00165-00111809-00112356 This is totally unacceptable and shows to me that they do not care for the customer tbyxnf1FtCU-00166-00113335-00113905 In all the emails we exchanged, I informed them that, there is a warranty that Banggood refuses to accept tbyxnf1FtCU-00167-00113906-00114402 even though they told me specifically to ask Banggood for the warranty. I emphasized tbyxnf1FtCU-00168-00114408-00114856 there is a 18 month warranty and that I should be covered by that. tbyxnf1FtCU-00169-00115002-00115602 From our first email, they told me, they cannot do anything about it because I didn't buy it from them tbyxnf1FtCU-00170-00115602-00116309 I replied back and stressed out that, this is not something that can happen and will never happen since tbyxnf1FtCU-00171-00116328-00117106 they do not have their own shop and, they only sell their products through other websites and sellers tbyxnf1FtCU-00172-00117264-00117783 So I cannot be covered by the warranty they say they have on their website tbyxnf1FtCU-00173-00117783-00118359 and at the same time, I cannot be covered by any warranty, if the seller does not want to help me tbyxnf1FtCU-00174-00118578-00119244 Consequently the warranty is canceled by the manufacturer at first tbyxnf1FtCU-00175-00119900-00120309 This was the reason they stopped replying! tbyxnf1FtCU-00176-00120385-00120938 What is good here is that Bangood agreed to reimburse me tbyxnf1FtCU-00177-00121806-00122214 I hope everything ends well here tbyxnf1FtCU-00178-00122594-00122873 That's all for now tbyxnf1FtCU-00179-00123995-00124104 I salute you tbyxnf1FtCU-00180-00124144-00124250 Take care tbyxnf1FtCU-00181-00124295-00124601 And until next time stay safe tbyxnf1FtCU-00182-00126200-00126490 Bye! tcA5QRwaszU-00000-00000200-00000720 Welcome to this afternoon's webinar, "Querying the SHARE Data Set." tcA5QRwaszU-00001-00000721-00001278 My name is Judy Ruttenberg. I am a program director with the Association of Research Libraries tcA5QRwaszU-00002-00001278-00001955 working on the SHARE initiative. SHARE is a higher education and library initiative to maximize research impact tcA5QRwaszU-00003-00001955-00002464 by building a free open data set of research activities across the lifecycle. tcA5QRwaszU-00004-00002464-00002853 As a fully open source project we are particularly tcA5QRwaszU-00005-00002853-00003337 keen to provide this webinar for the library developer community. tcA5QRwaszU-00006-00003337-00003817 In the hopes that you will contribute to and derive value from SHARE tcA5QRwaszU-00007-00003818-00004280 by creating tools and services on top of the open metadata we are aggregating. tcA5QRwaszU-00008-00004280-00004950 My job today is to go over a few brief logistics and then to introduce our speaker, Erin Braswell. tcA5QRwaszU-00009-00004950-00005284 This webinar will be live captioned and recorded tcA5QRwaszU-00010-00005285-00005615 and then posted to YouTube in approximately one week. tcA5QRwaszU-00011-00005615-00006286 Due to the number of participants today questions will be through chat only as your lines are muted tcA5QRwaszU-00012-00006286-00006736 I will read any questions we receive aloud for Erin or myself to answer. tcA5QRwaszU-00013-00006736-00007412 With that, it is my pleasure to introduce Erin Braswell, a developer at the Center for Open Science tcA5QRwaszU-00014-00007412-00007790 who has been working on SHARE since it began in 2014. tcA5QRwaszU-00015-00007790-00008256 Erin is an astronomer by training, a very talented instructor as tcA5QRwaszU-00016-00008257-00008664 you will soon experience, and a professional wrestling enthusiast. tcA5QRwaszU-00017-00008664-00009154 Thank you all for joining us this afternoon and now over to you, Erin. tcA5QRwaszU-00018-00009256-00009404 Thanks for the intro Judy. tcA5QRwaszU-00019-00009456-00009780 So, we're going to get started. tcA5QRwaszU-00020-00009780-00010412 This is going to be quite an interactive webinar. We are going to tcA5QRwaszU-00021-00010412-00010910 run through a bunch of slides that are going to be querying the SHARE API tcA5QRwaszU-00022-00010910-00011704 as is specified by the title and so to get started, I am going to share my desktop and share with you something tcA5QRwaszU-00023-00011705-00012546 called Jupyter notebook which is an interactive Python notebook. We will be making web queries as we go. tcA5QRwaszU-00024-00014091-00014836 Alright. So, here is our Jupyter notebook. Which will let us run some Python code. tcA5QRwaszU-00025-00014916-00015219 Let me go into presenting mode. tcA5QRwaszU-00026-00015219-00015746 You can see these slides and some example notebooks at this URL. tcA5QRwaszU-00027-00015746-00016216 Some other examples that go a little bit more in depth into querying the SHARE API. tcA5QRwaszU-00028-00016216-00017474 You can download the code along with some more in-depth examples on how to run these things with this URL. tcA5QRwaszU-00029-00017802-00018120 Okay. tcA5QRwaszU-00030-00018178-00018884 So here is some examples of how to get set up. tcA5QRwaszU-00031-00018884-00019514 You are going to need to use Python. Here is a basic guide to getting started with Python. tcA5QRwaszU-00032-00019630-00020634 And again the link to the slides on GitHub. And just a little bit of information on how to get up on running with Python. tcA5QRwaszU-00033-00020634-00021116 You would use some tools that are highlighted on the readme to get started. tcA5QRwaszU-00034-00021116-00021702 And you would be able to run this exact same notebook that I'm running, in a terminal. tcA5QRwaszU-00035-00021702-00022222 By running the command Jupyter notebook and then you can follow along. tcA5QRwaszU-00036-00022370-00022882 So, to get started first, we are interested in just doing something very simple. tcA5QRwaszU-00037-00022882-00023378 We want to get a list of the current SHARE providers. So, we can make an API call. tcA5QRwaszU-00038-00023378-00024174 We are going to basically go to a URL and ask for that information that's at that URL. tcA5QRwaszU-00039-00024174-00024501 And from that URL we'll get the official name of every SHARE provider, tcA5QRwaszU-00040-00024502-00025548 the URL for the homepage of that SHARE provider, a shortname or a nickname that we use in the system to make sure that we, tcA5QRwaszU-00041-00025548-00026286 that we are querying the right one. And we will use this nickname when we query for documents inside the query. tcA5QRwaszU-00042-00026286-00027044 We're also going to get the fabricon, or the provider's image that's associated with that provider. tcA5QRwaszU-00043-00027044-00027544 So here is some code to get started. A Python module called request. tcA5QRwaszU-00044-00027582-00027936 And we're going to use request to get this URL. tcA5QRwaszU-00045-00027936-00028136 And so we'll run this cell code. tcA5QRwaszU-00046-00028136-00028377 And then we have that ready. tcA5QRwaszU-00047-00028379-00028968 And now, let's see what our data looks like. So we're going to print out what that data looks like. tcA5QRwaszU-00048-00028968-00029618 It will be quite big and bulky and there's a lot of information there that we don't quite know how to interpret. tcA5QRwaszU-00049-00029618-00030322 But we see some shreds of what we're looking for. Sort of a long name, which was the provider's official name. tcA5QRwaszU-00050-00030322-00030542 The short name or the nickname. tcA5QRwaszU-00051-00030543-00031198 The URL which is the providers official homepage and then something called a fabricon, which tcA5QRwaszU-00052-00031198-00032035 actually is the image for each provider stored in a data URL. But that's not very nice. It's not very easy to read, tcA5QRwaszU-00053-00032035-00032769 so we're going to format that in a way that looks a little bit better. So we can use just tcA5QRwaszU-00054-00032769-00033721 some very simple tools that this iPython notebook or Jupyter notebook provides. And some simple Python code to then print out the image, tcA5QRwaszU-00055-00033721-00034662 the long name or official name, the URL for the official homepage as well as that nickname that we're going to be using throughout. tcA5QRwaszU-00056-00034662-00035264 So if we run that, that looks so much better. A lot easier to see, tcA5QRwaszU-00057-00035264-00035872 so for each of the SHARE providers we have their icon, their official name, a link tcA5QRwaszU-00058-00035872-00036549 back to the original and then the nickname or shortname that we use in the system to differentiate between the providers. tcA5QRwaszU-00059-00036549-00037469 Here's all 99 providers that we have today. You can see that some of the icons are different sizes, but they're all in there. tcA5QRwaszU-00060-00037724-00037794 So, tcA5QRwaszU-00061-00037926-00038506 in order to make queries to the SHARE API, we need to know some more about the SHARE schema. tcA5QRwaszU-00062-00038506-00038822 So the SHARE schema has a few required fields. tcA5QRwaszU-00063-00038822-00039220 Those are fields that we look for in every single document that we harvest. tcA5QRwaszU-00064-00039220-00040542 Those fields are title, contributors, a URI, which is simply a link back to the original item, tcA5QRwaszU-00065-00040546-00041178 be it the original item or datasets related to that item, or many different formats. tcA5QRwaszU-00066-00041178-00042000 and also a provider updated date time, which is the last time that the source that we got the document from updated the document. tcA5QRwaszU-00067-00042000-00042708 So, after we harvest the document, we add some additional information just so we can make tcA5QRwaszU-00068-00042708-00043189 sure that we have unique documents in our system. We have the source, which is where tcA5QRwaszU-00069-00043189-00043718 the document which was originally harvested which will be one of those short names that we looked at before, tcA5QRwaszU-00070-00043718-00044164 as well as a document identifier. We try to find unique identifiers for that tcA5QRwaszU-00071-00044165-00044788 object from that particular source. Sometimes that's a DOI, sometimes that's an internal identifier tcA5QRwaszU-00072-00044788-00045080 but we always try to find a unique identifier for each document. tcA5QRwaszU-00073-00045081-00045719 And when you combine those two fields basically you make a unique document identifier for the source tcA5QRwaszU-00074-00045719-00046355 and then that identifier for that source. And to see more information about the SHARE schema, tcA5QRwaszU-00075-00046355-00047025 including an example of a document that would have all of those fields. You can follow this link and tcA5QRwaszU-00076-00047025-00047551 you can see the many, many fields in the SHARE schema that we try to look for. tcA5QRwaszU-00077-00047628-00048160 So, with that information in mind, we can start building up some simple queries to see the tcA5QRwaszU-00078-00048161-00048753 kind of data that is in the SHARE data set. We will start with the basic URL and then tcA5QRwaszU-00079-00048753-00049293 we will add some arguments to that URL. The size, which is how many results we will get back. tcA5QRwaszU-00080-00049293-00050056 How we want those results to be sorted, and the from parameter, which is where we want to start in the results. tcA5QRwaszU-00081-00050056-00050778 First we will define a basic base URL that we can start with. tcA5QRwaszU-00082-00050778-00051678 And from there we are going to use a Python tool called furl, which will just let us very simply build up this URL with arguments tcA5QRwaszU-00083-00051678-00052146 and so we're going to add that size parameter, the sort parameter which is the last time tcA5QRwaszU-00084-00052146-00052851 that it was updated and then we're going to start at number five just so that we can start a little bit into those results. tcA5QRwaszU-00085-00052852-00053848 So let's take a look at our URL so far. We have added some parameters so the URL—we will tcA5QRwaszU-00086-00053848-00054760 be making a query to the SHARE API using size of 3, sort of ProviderUpdatedDateTime, and we're going to start at result number 5. tcA5QRwaszU-00087-00054760-00055688 So let's take a look at our results. We are going to request that URL and we will get back data in a format called JSON, tcA5QRwaszU-00088-00055688-00056344 which is a series of key value pairs. We can parse through that data. tcA5QRwaszU-00089-00056344-00057346 So, run this cell. Let's check out our three results. We're going to print out the title of each of those results, tcA5QRwaszU-00090-00057346-00057879 we're going to print out what source it came from and we're going to print out the date that it was last updated. tcA5QRwaszU-00091-00057879-00058864 We have three results, one about protein-targeted corona phase molecular recognition from MIT. tcA5QRwaszU-00092-00058864-00059464 Actually, it looks like the most recent document is from MIT, so it's probably the most recently updated. tcA5QRwaszU-00093-00059890-00060688 So, if we're interested in narrowing down the results only by source, we can narrow it down to only results from MIT. tcA5QRwaszU-00094-00060688-00061458 We're going to add a query parameter using that source parameter that we add after we harvest every document. tcA5QRwaszU-00095-00061458-00062136 We're only going to be looking for documents whose source is MIT. We will use some of the exact tcA5QRwaszU-00096-00062136-00062608 same code that we used before and we're going to print out the title, the source it came from just to make sure tcA5QRwaszU-00097-00062608-00063104 they're all in use and then also the date it was last updated. tcA5QRwaszU-00098-00063322-00064117 And so we get some results back, that are all from MIT which is good because that's what we were looking for. tcA5QRwaszU-00099-00064490-00065426 Those are some very basic queries using—just paginating through them and also looking for results from just one source. tcA5QRwaszU-00100-00065426-00066116 But, you can also use the SHARE API to build a much more complicated query and we will do that now. tcA5QRwaszU-00101-00066522-00066822 First of all, we have been repeating a lot of our code so tcA5QRwaszU-00102-00066823-00067402 we are going to define a helper function in order to make this go a little bit smoother so tcA5QRwaszU-00103-00067402-00068182 we have to type less things. Our helper function is going to be called query_share. And it will just take a URL that we'd like to use tcA5QRwaszU-00104-00068182-00069134 and then a query that we're going to pass along. It's going to make that request and then return us the value in the form of JSON. tcA5QRwaszU-00105-00069686-00069978 So we're going to start building up a query. tcA5QRwaszU-00106-00069978-00070558 So this is what elastic search format looks like. We're going to ask for five results. tcA5QRwaszU-00107-00070558-00071366 And we're going to ask the API to return us results that have a field called sponsorships. tcA5QRwaszU-00108-00071366-00071872 So we're adding a filter that the field sponsorships exists. tcA5QRwaszU-00109-00071872-00072724 Sponsorships is not one of our required fields. So we want to make sure that we just get results back that have the field sponsorships. tcA5QRwaszU-00110-00072724-00073580 We define that variable sponsorship_query. And so now we can run that query and then print the results. tcA5QRwaszU-00111-00073580-00074364 So the results, we're going to use that helper function query_share. We're going to give it that URL that we built up. tcA5QRwaszU-00112-00074364-00074710 As well as that sponsorship_query that we made before. tcA5QRwaszU-00113-00074710-00075252 And then we're going to Iterate through those results and then print them one at a time. tcA5QRwaszU-00114-00075816-00076172 Right, I forgot to run that cell. There we go. tcA5QRwaszU-00115-00076172-00076736 So we're going to actually save the sponsorship_query and run this one more time. tcA5QRwaszU-00116-00076736-00077138 using that sponsorships_query and the results URL. tcA5QRwaszU-00117-00077138-00077696 So again, it's going to print out the title, as well as the source that it's coming from, clinicaltrials. tcA5QRwaszU-00118-00077696-00078602 And then, what's the sponsor information. So this one's sponsor is there. This one is sponsored by a different place. tcA5QRwaszU-00119-00078602-00079802 This one is sponsored by a university in Copenhagen. University of Vermont. And a specific campus center. tcA5QRwaszU-00120-00079802-00080498 So, this is iterating through results that have specific sponsorships. And you can see information about the titles, tcA5QRwaszU-00121-00080498-00081192 where it came from, and then who the sponsors were. And this is, again, only 5 results to keep it simple. tcA5QRwaszU-00122-00081193-00081461 You can iterate through all of the results that have sponsorships. tcA5QRwaszU-00123-00081774-00082546 So, let's do a new query. We want to know how many results do not have subjects associated with them. tcA5QRwaszU-00124-00082546-00083188 So, we're going to create a new query object just like we did before. tcA5QRwaszU-00125-00083188-00084178 And then we are going to query_share using that URL. And get the total results back tcA5QRwaszU-00126-00084178-00085080 as well as the total results that we get from that query, so we can do some interesting things with percentages. tcA5QRwaszU-00127-00085080-00085776 We would like to know what percentage of results do not have a subject. So we can go ahead and print that result. tcA5QRwaszU-00128-00085776-00086944 It looks like 3 million results out of a little over 5 million or about 68% of our results do not have subjects attached to them. tcA5QRwaszU-00129-00086944-00087732 That's an interesting metric to know. Especially as we move into our next phases of trying to enhance the SHARE dataset. tcA5QRwaszU-00130-00087732-00088002 and making sure that more of our results have subjects attached to them. tcA5QRwaszU-00131-00088268-00088872 So, in addition to making raw queries just using elastic search, building them up yourself tcA5QRwaszU-00132-00088872-00089490 we have developed a SHARE Parsing and Analysis Python library, that is available, tcA5QRwaszU-00133-00089490-00089966 all of the code is open source. Here's a link to all of that source code. tcA5QRwaszU-00134-00089966-00090576 And that tool is called sharepa, which will guide you through accessing SHARE data. tcA5QRwaszU-00135-00090576-00091196 And so sharepa has a couple basic actions that are really simple to use, tcA5QRwaszU-00136-00091196-00091910 and will give you access to information about documents in ten document slices. tcA5QRwaszU-00137-00091910-00092656 And one of the most basic functions is a count, so you can use sharepa just to get a raw count of all the documents. tcA5QRwaszU-00138-00092656-00093450 that are in SHARE. So, from sharepa, import basic_search. And then basic_search.count. We'll run that. tcA5QRwaszU-00139-00093450-00093914 We can just really quickly see that there are 5,297,000 documents in SHARE. tcA5QRwaszU-00140-00094320-00094890 We can iterate through those results. We have that basic search, we got the count, tcA5QRwaszU-00141-00094890-00095342 and we can then do a basic search and then iterate through those results and come back to them. tcA5QRwaszU-00142-00095516-00095816 So we'll go ahead and execute that basic search again and then tcA5QRwaszU-00143-00095816-00096150 for every hit in the results we will go ahead and print the title. tcA5QRwaszU-00144-00096338-00096976 Here are the first 10, the most earliest titles in SHARE at the moment. tcA5QRwaszU-00145-00097284-00098078 So, we can also use sharepa to slice results. We can access a different subset of results. We're going to print out 5 of them. tcA5QRwaszU-00146-00098078-00098664 We're gonna start—it's gonna say 20-25, because Python indexes everything from zero. tcA5QRwaszU-00147-00098664-00099214 It's actually the 21st and the 26th result that's going to show up. tcA5QRwaszU-00148-00099214-00099922 We'll go ahead and execute that search again but instead of giving us the first ten, we want to specify a range. tcA5QRwaszU-00149-00099922-00100308 Now it's going to start a little bit further in and only give us five titles. tcA5QRwaszU-00150-00100978-00101410 So by default, the oldest results are returned first, tcA5QRwaszU-00151-00101410-00102070 but instead we probably are most interested in the most recent results. So, instead of getting the oldest results tcA5QRwaszU-00152-00102070-00102952 we can sort by what we call ProviderUpdatedDateTime, which is essentially the last time that the provider updated that document. tcA5QRwaszU-00153-00102952-00103600 and we store that information and we can sort our query by that parameter instead. tcA5QRwaszU-00154-00103600-00104450 We will go ahead and run this query, sorted by ProviderUpdatedDateTime and print the title as well as tcA5QRwaszU-00155-00104450-00104846 the last time it was updated just to make sure that it looks okay. tcA5QRwaszU-00156-00104846-00105082 We'll go ahead and run that. tcA5QRwaszU-00157-00105082-00105742 So these are the titles and it looks like everything was indeed last updated today, so that's a good sign. tcA5QRwaszU-00158-00105915-00106678 And we can see that we have a wide variety of results in SHARE. So these are the 10 most recent documents. tcA5QRwaszU-00159-00107161-00107918 We can also do some more advanced search using sharepa and using some of those queries that we built up before. tcA5QRwaszU-00160-00108124-00108732 So we will start off by querying objects that have a subject area. tcA5QRwaszU-00161-00108950-00109182 So that's what that query looks like. tcA5QRwaszU-00162-00109392-00110214 So we can that go ahead and execute that search. Again, sorting by most recent documents first. tcA5QRwaszU-00163-00110215-00111257 This query will give us the first 10 documents that have subjects and also print out those subjects for us. tcA5QRwaszU-00164-00111304-00112156 And we will go ahead and run that. So it says the title of the document as well the subjects that are attached to that document. tcA5QRwaszU-00165-00113108-00114000 So, when you're making queries to a new and unfamiliar API, sometimes you run into problems. tcA5QRwaszU-00166-00114000-00114646 So we're going to step through making a query to the SHARE API tcA5QRwaszU-00167-00114646-00114956 and trying some things out and making adjustments as we go. tcA5QRwaszU-00168-00115158-00115722 So, we're going to start forming a search that we are not exactly sure how to make, but we're going to figure it out. tcA5QRwaszU-00169-00115722-00116304 So we're interested in seeing how many results are specified as being in a language other than English. tcA5QRwaszU-00170-00116304-00116852 We want to know how many tagged non-English language results are in SHARE. tcA5QRwaszU-00171-00116985-00117556 We will start off by mimicking the structure of some of the queries we have seen before. tcA5QRwaszU-00172-00117556-00118316 We're interested in a query string, type of query and we want to look for NOT languages equal English. tcA5QRwaszU-00173-00118316-00118738 That sounds pretty intuitive. So we're going to go ahead and find that query. tcA5QRwaszU-00174-00118852-00119159 And that we will go head and execute that query. tcA5QRwaszU-00175-00119235-00119926 And then for each result, print the language and make sure we did it right. tcA5QRwaszU-00176-00119926-00120909 So when that happens, we get an error. We get an attribute error: result object has no attribute languages tcA5QRwaszU-00177-00120909-00121578 That is a bad sign. That means the information we want is not in the query results. tcA5QRwaszU-00178-00121614-00122172 Result object has no attribute languages. We can look at that a little but more. tcA5QRwaszU-00179-00122172-00122967 First of all, maybe we want to start out by narrowing the query to results that only do have a language attribute. tcA5QRwaszU-00180-00122967-00123508 Since language is not required, lots of results are not going to have that information tcA5QRwaszU-00181-00123508-00124016 So if you try to access the language directly and it's not there, it's not going to know how to act on it. tcA5QRwaszU-00182-00124016-00124920 So we will go ahead and start a new search and add a filter that makes sure that the languages field exists tcA5QRwaszU-00183-00124921-00125255 in each one of our queries. That we've entered. tcA5QRwaszU-00184-00125488-00126404 From there we are going to go ahead and execute the search again, get the total number of documents in SHARE, tcA5QRwaszU-00185-00126404-00127183 and the number of results that have language information included. And then print that out in a nice way to get more information. tcA5QRwaszU-00186-00127183-00128404 There are 213,000 -- almost 214,000 documents in SHARE. Only 4% of documents in SHARE have a language attribute tcA5QRwaszU-00187-00128404-00129180 that was provided—we were able to harvest language information from about 4% of documents in SHARE. tcA5QRwaszU-00188-00129180-00129622 We are going to go head and print out the languages. We'll try that again. tcA5QRwaszU-00189-00129622-00129935 Print out the languages for each of those results and see what happens. tcA5QRwaszU-00190-00130004-00130506 So here are the languages included in each one of those first-time results and they're all English. tcA5QRwaszU-00191-00130506-00130890 At least we're getting somewhere. We have a query that's not giving us an error. tcA5QRwaszU-00192-00130890-00131624 So from here we can continue to refine our query and drill down getting into the results that have a non-English result. tcA5QRwaszU-00193-00131790-00132594 So, another thing that we might have noticed in our results is they are all three letter codes. ENG. tcA5QRwaszU-00194-00132594-00132904 Before we were trying to query for English the full word. tcA5QRwaszU-00195-00132904-00133788 And so, if we go check out the SHARE schema we will notice the languages section specifies it is a three letter code tcA5QRwaszU-00196-00133788-00134588 that specifies a conforming to ISO 639-3. So it's gonna be a series of three letters. tcA5QRwaszU-00197-00134588-00135286 We know that ENG is going to be the pattern we want to not include. So now we have more information. tcA5QRwaszU-00198-00135286-00135944 We know we want a three letter string, particularly we want ENG that's gonna stand for English. tcA5QRwaszU-00199-00135944-00136664 We can continue refine our query from there. We are going to use another elastic search tool. tcA5QRwaszU-00200-00136664-00137872 We're going to query for NOT the term language is English. And then we are going to go ahead and execute that query. tcA5QRwaszU-00201-00137872-00138336 And we will go head and print out some information. The number of documents tcA5QRwaszU-00202-00138337-00138972 that do not have English language and then print out the first 10 results. Looks like tcA5QRwaszU-00203-00138972-00139510 there are 17,000 documents in SHARE that don't have English listed and here the languages tcA5QRwaszU-00204-00139510-00139907 for those first 10 results. A little bit of a sanity check to make sure that we don't have tcA5QRwaszU-00205-00139907-00140575 English listed there. It looks like we have some German, French, Italian, Latin. tcA5QRwaszU-00206-00140575-00140950 No English, so that's a good sign that our query worked. tcA5QRwaszU-00207-00140950-00141524 The results is a lower number, and also we don't see English in our first 10 results. So that's a good sign. tcA5QRwaszU-00208-00141798-00142250 We can also do some more complex queries tcA5QRwaszU-00209-00142251-00142779 and do some very basic visualization of the results of those queries. We are going to tcA5QRwaszU-00210-00142779-00143563 do that using both HTTP requests to the API directly and also using sharepa, that analysis tool tcA5QRwaszU-00211-00143564-00144182 and we're gonna look at something called aggregation. Which are very useful queries tcA5QRwaszU-00212-00144183-00144857 that return summary specifics over the entire data set at once. Because elastic search has information tcA5QRwaszU-00213-00144857-00145492 about everything. So we can do what is called an aggregation query which is very useful tcA5QRwaszU-00214-00145492-00145927 in many ways and we will see that. And we are also going to do some very simple data tcA5QRwaszU-00215-00145927-00146701 visualizations of our results using a Python tool called pandas and also matplotlib to draw those plots. tcA5QRwaszU-00216-00146982-00147372 First we will start out with those aggregations. tcA5QRwaszU-00217-00147372-00148098 And we are going to very quickly get summary statistics over the entirety of the SHARE dataset in one query. tcA5QRwaszU-00218-00148183-00148971 We are interested in the number of documents per source that are missing a description field. tcA5QRwaszU-00219-00149040-00149654 To do that we are going to start building up a query in much the same way as we have done before. tcA5QRwaszU-00220-00149654-00150312 We are going to query for something that does not have a description field. tcA5QRwaszU-00221-00150312-00151305 And in addition to that query we're going to add something called aggs or aggregation. That field—we are going to tcA5QRwaszU-00222-00151305-00152227 do an aggregation on the term of "_type" which is the field in elastic search where the source is stored. tcA5QRwaszU-00223-00152228-00152718 That's kind of how elastic search indexes all the documents. tcA5QRwaszU-00224-00152834-00153502 We are going to save that aggregation query so we can run it later. And then we are going tcA5QRwaszU-00225-00153502-00154084 to go ahead and run—we're going to query SHARE using that helper function we defined before tcA5QRwaszU-00226-00154084-00154534 and then we're going to go ahead and for each source we are going to print the source tcA5QRwaszU-00227-00154534-00154748 and then the number of documents without descriptions. tcA5QRwaszU-00228-00154946-00155284 This will take a second because there are quite a few of them. tcA5QRwaszU-00229-00155500-00156094 So now we have just a very long list of a number of documents tcA5QRwaszU-00230-00156094-00156944 and each source that don't have descriptions. Which is not particularly seful because we don't have information tcA5QRwaszU-00231-00156944-00157466 about how many documents are in that source in the first place. That would be interesting to know. tcA5QRwaszU-00232-00157466-00157832 We can add that information to the aggregation tcA5QRwaszU-00233-00157832-00158308 query to make sure that it turns up something a little bit more manageable and interesting. tcA5QRwaszU-00234-00158308-00159108 We really want to know statistics about number of documents without descriptions for each source. tcA5QRwaszU-00235-00159108-00159890 In that aggs field we are going to add a percentage field. tcA5QRwaszU-00236-00159890-00160666 Which will just turn one of the parameters into a percentage. Which will make it a lot easier for us to print out as well. tcA5QRwaszU-00237-00160666-00161750 And so we're going to go ahead and make that query. And get the number of documents with no description. tcA5QRwaszU-00238-00161750-00162488 and then for each one of those sources we we're going to go ahead and print out the percentage, tcA5QRwaszU-00239-00162488-00163048 and also the number of total documents, number of documents that fit the query, and the number tcA5QRwaszU-00240-00163049-00163561 of total documents from each source. That's a little bit more information and we are going tcA5QRwaszU-00241-00163561-00165153 to limit (going back to the query) it to documents that have a minimum document count of one. tcA5QRwaszU-00242-00165153-00165908 So we're going to ignore all of those many fields that have a description, that 100% of their documents have descriptions. tcA5QRwaszU-00243-00165908-00166178 That will make this a little bit more manageable. tcA5QRwaszU-00244-00166606-00167160 It looks like lots of the documents that we have harvested for NIH, we do not have descriptions for, tcA5QRwaszU-00245-00167160-00167904 Whereas 60% of the documents from erudit have descriptions. tcA5QRwaszU-00246-00168580-00169086 We can also use sharepa to do some aggregation. tcA5QRwaszU-00247-00169086-00169618 And use that tool to build up some of those more complex queries so we tcA5QRwaszU-00248-00169619-00169965 don't have to do them by hand. Makes things a little bit clearer. tcA5QRwaszU-00249-00170188-00170684 So we are going to find out how many documents per source do not have a subject. tcA5QRwaszU-00250-00170684-00171316 We are going start off with a blank shared search object. tcA5QRwaszU-00251-00171316-00171886 We're going to have that exact same query that we have had before, not subject=*. tcA5QRwaszU-00252-00171886-00172632 We want to know documents that don't have a subject. And we are going to add tcA5QRwaszU-00253-00172632-00172992 a source of aggregation or significant term of aggregation. tcA5QRwaszU-00254-00173664-00174294 We are interested in finding documents from each source. tcA5QRwaszU-00255-00174434-00174994 We will go ahead and run this cell. And we have that all ready to go. tcA5QRwaszU-00256-00174994-00175544 We are going to take a look at that long query that sharepa has generated, tcA5QRwaszU-00257-00175544-00175996 that we don't quite have to do by hand. We are going to print that query out. So it's getting tcA5QRwaszU-00258-00175997-00176630 a little bit long but it looks a lot like the query that we defined before by hand. tcA5QRwaszU-00259-00176630-00177114 But this time we have broken it up into littler pieces, and it's easier for us to write. tcA5QRwaszU-00260-00177114-00177676 So we can go ahead and execute that query and then check out the results. tcA5QRwaszU-00261-00177676-00178128 So we are going to go ahead and execute that search tcA5QRwaszU-00262-00178128-00178560 and then print out the information about them just to make sure they all look the same. tcA5QRwaszU-00263-00178836-00179348 So this is interesting information about those documents in the SHARE data set. tcA5QRwaszU-00264-00179478-00180062 Some of our sources don't provide subjects at all but others of them do. tcA5QRwaszU-00265-00180062-00180500 At UT Austin most of their documents have subjects. tcA5QRwaszU-00266-00180500-00180844 A lot of searches are right in the middle. tcA5QRwaszU-00267-00181176-00182006 So another thing you might be interested in doing is an elastic search query to find out what the most common subjects are tcA5QRwaszU-00268-00182006-00182584 across the entirety of the data set. In all the sources. This may be really interesting tcA5QRwaszU-00269-00182584-00183240 if we are interested in knowing how our data looks in SHARE. We will go ahead and start tcA5QRwaszU-00270-00183240-00184105 a new search object. And we're going to call this subjectTermFilter. And we are interested tcA5QRwaszU-00271-00184105-00184776 in the field subject. And we want to exclude some of the most common numbers. Some of the tcA5QRwaszU-00272-00184776-00185326 most common words and we would go for a size of 10. We want the top 10 subjects that are gonna get returned. tcA5QRwaszU-00273-00185326-00185764 We will go ahead and run that. tcA5QRwaszU-00274-00185764-00186458 So we're going to execute the search. And then go ahead and drill down tcA5QRwaszU-00275-00186459-00186781 into what exactly we want and then print out those results. tcA5QRwaszU-00276-00186882-00187422 So it looks like the top is "article" which is interesting, and then we have physics, science, research, tcA5QRwaszU-00277-00187422-00188586 mathematics, engineering, astrophysics, these are just some of the top—subjects— that different documents in SHARE are tagged with. tcA5QRwaszU-00278-00188586-00189240 So now that we have that information, we might want to apply it, tcA5QRwaszU-00279-00189240-00189754 so we are going to do some basic plotting with a tool called pandas and matplotlib. tcA5QRwaszU-00280-00189924-00190180 First of all we are going to create a data frame tcA5QRwaszU-00281-00190180-00190820 and we need to get that data into appropriate format that pandas can then tack onto that tcA5QRwaszU-00282-00190820-00191441 matplotlib and make a nice graph with it. So, we're going to get that into a format called a data frame, tcA5QRwaszU-00283-00191441-00191667 which is really a lot like a spreadsheet. tcA5QRwaszU-00284-00191966-00192340 We are going to import that data frame tool and then tcA5QRwaszU-00285-00192340-00192804 just take our dictionary of results and put that into a data frame and then print that out. tcA5QRwaszU-00286-00192804-00193304 And see what it looks like. That looks a lot better than that JSON blob we had before. tcA5QRwaszU-00287-00193304-00193955 You can see the document count and then the key so we know exactly how many documents came back tcA5QRwaszU-00288-00193955-00194587 using each one of the top terms. Top subjects that we queried for earlier. tcA5QRwaszU-00289-00194874-00195840 So now that we have the data frame, we can plot it. We're going to use a tool called pyplot from the matplotlib Python module. tcA5QRwaszU-00290-00195840-00196332 And we're going to say—we're going to ask for a bar graph and that we are going to ask it tcA5QRwaszU-00291-00196333-00196873 to base its bar graph on the document count from that data frame that we just had and tcA5QRwaszU-00292-00196873-00197603 then we will ask you to show the graph. Here we go. Here's the bar graph of the top 10 tags in the numbers tcA5QRwaszU-00293-00197603-00197975 of documents that included those subjects. tcA5QRwaszU-00294-00198362-00198930 So let's make that query a little bit more—a little bit narrower. tcA5QRwaszU-00295-00198930-00199414 We are going to make a new search for all documents that have tcA5QRwaszU-00296-00199414-00200272 been updated between the years 2012 and 2015 that have the subject "science". We're going to build up quite a big query here. tcA5QRwaszU-00297-00200272-00201212 We are going to create a new search object. The first thing we're going to do:we're going to add a range filter. tcA5QRwaszU-00298-00201212-00201932 That range filter, we're going to filter the fields ProviderUpdatedDateTime, tcA5QRwaszU-00299-00201932-00202296 which is the last time the provider updated the document, and we're tcA5QRwaszU-00300-00202296-00203442 going to look for documents that have a date greater than, or after, January 1, 2012, but before December 31, 2015. tcA5QRwaszU-00301-00203442-00203670 We're going to add that filter to our new search. tcA5QRwaszU-00302-00203670-00204066 Go ahead and execute that. tcA5QRwaszU-00303-00204066-00204602 Because we don't have to do it all at once we are going to build it up slowly so tcA5QRwaszU-00304-00204602-00205401 then the next thing we are going to do is add the subject "science" and also add an aggregation tcA5QRwaszU-00305-00205401-00206048 which is that significant term for aggregation. We will go ahead and do that. tcA5QRwaszU-00306-00206048-00206791 So we are starting to really build up a rather large query. We have added a lot of different parts to it. tcA5QRwaszU-00307-00206791-00207235 We are going to take a look at that query that we have built by printing it out. tcA5QRwaszU-00308-00207236-00208010 It is getting really big and sharepa and elastic search is taking care of some tcA5QRwaszU-00309-00208010-00208413 of the formatting of the query. So you'll notice that there is a lot of nested layers tcA5QRwaszU-00310-00208413-00209051 and that is one nice thing about sharepa is that it will help you build the elastic tcA5QRwaszU-00311-00209051-00209748 search query layers so you don't have to worry about that your self, because t can get a little bit involved. tcA5QRwaszU-00312-00209886-00210348 So we have that filter, that date range filter in there. We also have that tcA5QRwaszU-00313-00210348-00210906 subject filter and we have that aggregation or the significant terms query. We are interested tcA5QRwaszU-00314-00210906-00211884 in the field "_type" which again was that short name which is what elastic search indexes the result on. tcA5QRwaszU-00315-00212092-00212632 Let's go ahead and make that query and then graph the results. tcA5QRwaszU-00316-00212632-00213008 Using a lot of the same code that we have seen before, we are tcA5QRwaszU-00317-00213008-00213730 going to execute the query and then convert the results of that query into a data frame. tcA5QRwaszU-00318-00213730-00214576 And then we are going to turn one of the results into a percent so it looks a little better. tcA5QRwaszU-00319-00214577-00215073 And then we are going to limit it just to the first 30 results so it doesn't get too overwhelming, tcA5QRwaszU-00320-00215073-00215660 so you can actually read the results. Then we will go ahead and run this. tcA5QRwaszU-00321-00215660-00216484 We can see these are the top three sources that have documents using the term "science" tcA5QRwaszU-00322-00216484-00217250 that were between those two date ranges. It looks like cogprints, which is one of the sources that we had run the furthest back tcA5QRwaszU-00323-00217250-00217884 Between 60 and 70 documents in that time range that have the subject "science." tcA5QRwaszU-00324-00217884-00218476 Whereas it looks like University of Delaware and a couple other small ones down here have tcA5QRwaszU-00325-00218476-00218948 a couple of results using the term "science" that have updated between those two dates. tcA5QRwaszU-00326-00219190-00219878 Say we are interested in just plotting the number of documents per source. tcA5QRwaszU-00327-00219878-00220367 And we will go ahead and limit it again to 30 sources to make the graph readable but we can make it tcA5QRwaszU-00328-00220369-00221160 as many as we would like. We will go ahead and create a blank search object like before. tcA5QRwaszU-00329-00221160-00221764 We're going to query for "*" which just essentially means query for everything. And we are going tcA5QRwaszU-00330-00221765-00222267 to add that term aggregation. Again, aggregating on that "_type" tcA5QRwaszU-00331-00222267-00222932 which is the source with the short name for each of the documents. We will build up that query. tcA5QRwaszU-00332-00222933-00223586 We have a terms query all ready to go. And so we will execute that query again. We will tcA5QRwaszU-00333-00223586-00224333 convert it into a data frame. And then we will source that data frame based on tcA5QRwaszU-00334-00224333-00224911 descending, we were interested in the biggest ones up on the left and smallest ones down on the right. tcA5QRwaszU-00335-00224911-00225612 And then we want to limit that to the first 30 results so it doesn't get too overwhelming. tcA5QRwaszU-00336-00225612-00226412 We will go ahead and run that and there is our graph. Down at the bottom. So it looks like most of our results are from DataCite. tcA5QRwaszU-00337-00226412-00227144 And then CrossRef, then figshare, then PubMed Central, and DataOne, and then it goes on from there. tcA5QRwaszU-00338-00227544-00228458 Say we are interested in making a pie chart. And we want to limit that to the top 10 sources that have data in SHARE tcA5QRwaszU-00339-00228458-00229142 so we will go ahead we'll plot that, instead of a bar graph we'll plot that as a pie graph. tcA5QRwaszU-00340-00229142-00229782 And there's our output. We see the same results just in a slightly different format. tcA5QRwaszU-00341-00230042-00230852 So say that we are interested in importing and exporting SHARE data to use it in the live world. tcA5QRwaszU-00342-00230852-00231416 Here are some very basic examples of how to get SHARE data into different formats. tcA5QRwaszU-00343-00231721-00232232 Say we wanted—we have that very interesting data frame and we want to export tcA5QRwaszU-00344-00232232-00233123 that data into something like a CSV or an Excel format. And we can use that data elsewhere outside of our Python program. tcA5QRwaszU-00345-00233123-00233617 We can go ahead—we are going to do a query and we are going to export those tcA5QRwaszU-00346-00233619-00234260 results into different file formats. To use elsewhere. And so we want to know the number tcA5QRwaszU-00347-00234260-00234669 of documents from each source that do have a description. Before we were looking at the tcA5QRwaszU-00348-00234669-00235094 number of sources that don't but now we will do a query for the number of documents from tcA5QRwaszU-00349-00235094-00235898 each source that do have a description. Like we have been doing, we will start with a basic tcA5QRwaszU-00350-00235898-00236408 SHARE search object and then we will start building up that query. We will look for anything tcA5QRwaszU-00351-00236408-00237109 with a description. And then we are going to add another term aggregation and we're going to tcA5QRwaszU-00352-00237109-00237927 aggregate on the field "_type" which is that short name we had which is the source. And we're going to make sure that results are tcA5QRwaszU-00353-00237927-00238754 returned in percentage format and except for zero make sure we return all of the results regardless. tcA5QRwaszU-00354-00238754-00239863 So we will go ahead and execute that search. It will just take a second. Now that we have our search tcA5QRwaszU-00355-00239863-00240658 executed, we are going to make a data frame out of it. And we are going to do a little tcA5QRwaszU-00356-00240658-00241006 bit of cleanup in the data frame to make sure it looks a little bit better. tcA5QRwaszU-00357-00241478-00242106 So that includes adding our own percentage column in that old score column. tcA5QRwaszU-00358-00242106-00242878 because that score column was a little bit unclear, and so we are going to multiply that score column by 100 tcA5QRwaszU-00359-00242879-00243292 and make our new column which we know is going to be the percentage of documents that match tcA5QRwaszU-00360-00243292-00243965 our query. In our case the number of documents that have a description. And we're also going tcA5QRwaszU-00361-00243965-00244544 to set the source name as the index so it will look as though each of the results was indexed tcA5QRwaszU-00362-00244544-00244930 by that source page and then drop that old column which is called key. tcA5QRwaszU-00363-00245246-00245590 Now we are going to go ahead and show our results. tcA5QRwaszU-00364-00245590-00246494 So that key column did stick around. For some reason. But we do have—these are all of the sources. tcA5QRwaszU-00365-00246494-00246969 And we have the background count, which is the number tcA5QRwaszU-00366-00246971-00247648 of documents that match our query. Now we have the number of documents that are total tcA5QRwaszU-00367-00247648-00248077 from each one of the results and then we have the document count, which is the number of documents tcA5QRwaszU-00368-00248077-00248628 that match our query, here it is the number of documents that do have a description and then we have a percent, tcA5QRwaszU-00369-00248628-00249540 which is that new column we added. And so we can see documents from SSRN, documents from tcA5QRwaszU-00370-00249540-00250246 Mason, and NIST all have a very high number of documents that do have descriptions. And since this tcA5QRwaszU-00371-00250246-00250944 data frame is so large, since we have so many sources in SHARE it cuts out some of the middle ones just tcA5QRwaszU-00372-00250944-00251554 to keep it manageable. And then you go down to some of our other sources that have fewer tcA5QRwaszU-00373-00251554-00252363 results, with descriptions included. So now we have that rather interesting data set and tcA5QRwaszU-00374-00252363-00252871 we have that in Python in a data frame but we want to get that out of Python. tcA5QRwaszU-00375-00252871-00253694 So, we can use pandas actually to convert that data frame into lots of different data formats. tcA5QRwaszU-00376-00253694-00254616 So, we are going to essentially use a tool, we're going to call that data frame that we had and we're going to use tcA5QRwaszU-00377-00254617-00255367 a tool called to_CSV and a tool called to_Excel and we're just going to pass it a pass tcA5QRwaszU-00378-00255367-00256187 to a place that we want this to be saved, so in my case it's a folder called exported_data and then give that a name, tcA5QRwaszU-00379-00256187-00256901 SHARE_Counts_with_Description. This one's .csv and this one's .excel, and I will show you...this is a folder tcA5QRwaszU-00380-00257848-00258614 So here's exported_data, that's where I'm going to export my data frame to. So right now that folder is empty. tcA5QRwaszU-00381-00258615-00259184 But we are going to go ahead and run this cell, which will take those data frames, that tcA5QRwaszU-00382-00259184-00260238 data frame and then exported into—right into my file. So here I have an Excel spreadsheet and also a CSV. tcA5QRwaszU-00383-00260238-00261390 that I can go ahead and take a look at and it will have the CSV, it will have the source tcA5QRwaszU-00384-00261390-00261860 that it came from, the number of documents that are total and the number of documents tcA5QRwaszU-00385-00261860-00262466 that match the query and then the percentage. So I can take the CSV and do whatever I'd like with it. tcA5QRwaszU-00386-00263106-00263716 Say that we have some outside data that we would like to use to query SHARE. tcA5QRwaszU-00387-00263716-00264282 In our case we are going to assume that you have the data in Python. There are lots of different ways tcA5QRwaszU-00388-00264282-00265308 to get a list, a CSV file of names or Excel file of orcids or anything you would like to put into Python. tcA5QRwaszU-00389-00265308-00265866 Going to start having a list of names that we would like to use to query SHARE. tcA5QRwaszU-00390-00265866-00266224 So we're just going to have two names of two researchers in our university. tcA5QRwaszU-00391-00266224-00267100 And then we are going to use those names to start building up a SHARE query. tcA5QRwaszU-00392-00267100-00268106 We're going to start off with a new SHARE search object. And then for name in list of names, go ahead and add tcA5QRwaszU-00393-00268106-00268740 a new query to our name search. And then we're going to go ahead and execute that result. tcA5QRwaszU-00394-00268740-00269646 We will start building up, we will build up a large query for each of those names. And then execute. tcA5QRwaszU-00395-00269646-00270338 And we'll go ahead and print out our results. The number of documents that are in our search and then the title tcA5QRwaszU-00396-00270339-00270814 of each of our documents and then the name of the contributors in those documents just tcA5QRwaszU-00397-00270814-00271456 to make sure that our search went okay. So it looks like there are 38 documents in SHARE with contributors tcA5QRwaszU-00398-00271456-00272329 that have those names, and here are some of our titles. And we had some —the first result tcA5QRwaszU-00399-00272329-00272765 had a contributor with that name which was great. We will go down to the last one. tcA5QRwaszU-00400-00272765-00273571 It looks like this result also had a contributor using, matching, one of those names that they gave us. tcA5QRwaszU-00401-00274104-00274740 We can add an aggregation if we are interested in knowing what sources those results came from. tcA5QRwaszU-00402-00274741-00275513 So, we'll just take that name search that we built up before with all those queries. We will just add an aggregation tcA5QRwaszU-00403-00275513-00276136 field "_type" which is the source of the document. And we will go ahead and reexecute that tcA5QRwaszU-00404-00276136-00276534 and save it into a data frame. You can see what it looks like. tcA5QRwaszU-00405-00276742-00277310 So it looks like 12 of those documents were from DataCite, 11 CrossRef, 7 PubMed Central. tcA5QRwaszU-00406-00277310-00277800 So it's just an interesting spread of all the different sources that had tcA5QRwaszU-00407-00277800-00278298 documents with contributors that were matching those names that we gave it. tcA5QRwaszU-00408-00278660-00279198 So people's names are rather variable, there are lots of people who have the exact same name. tcA5QRwaszU-00409-00279198-00279692 But something a little bit more concrete, is something like an orcid tcA5QRwaszU-00410-00279692-00280242 that is unique to each researcher and SHARE does try to gather orchids tcA5QRwaszU-00411-00280242-00280817 whenever we can find them in order to differentiate between people who might have the same names. tcA5QRwaszU-00412-00280817-00281530 Say we have a list of orcids that we know our researchers are interested in finding more about tcA5QRwaszU-00413-00281530-00282266 and seeing if they have information in SHARE. We will go ahead and save that list of orcids tcA5QRwaszU-00414-00282267-00282828 and we'll start up a new SHARE search object and then we'll do much of the same thing. tcA5QRwaszU-00415-00282828-00283570 We'll have a for loop and we'll add a new query for each one of those orcids in our list. And we will go ahead tcA5QRwaszU-00416-00283570-00284421 and query SHARE for that list. We build up the query first. And then we will— tcA5QRwaszU-00417-00284421-00284989 we're also interested in the number of sources that these came from so we will go ahead and add an aggregation. tcA5QRwaszU-00418-00285092-00285633 Again, on that field of "_type" which is that short name of the source. tcA5QRwaszU-00419-00285633-00286501 And we will execute that query. And so now we will go ahead and print out the results tcA5QRwaszU-00420-00286501-00287268 from those documents. And then put the results into a data frame. So it looks like there tcA5QRwaszU-00421-00287268-00287898 are 12 documents with contributors who have those orcids and here's the title of those documents. tcA5QRwaszU-00422-00287898-00288602 The doc ID, in this case is a DOI, and it looks like they all come from the source CrossRef, which makes a lot of sense, tcA5QRwaszU-00423-00288602-00289286 since CrossRef is one of the only sites that we harvest at the moment that provides orcids pretty reliably tcA5QRwaszU-00424-00289286-00289582 for contributors and their documents tcA5QRwaszU-00425-00289582-00290044 We are interested in those orcids and we got back the list of the documents. tcA5QRwaszU-00426-00290436-00290982 So the SHARE API has lots of different ways you can query it. This is really just the surface. tcA5QRwaszU-00427-00290982-00291604 This is just some very basic examples of things that I could think of. But it really has lots of potential tcA5QRwaszU-00428-00291604-00292175 to answer a lot of questions about the data that was being gathered by SHARE and the data tcA5QRwaszU-00429-00292175-00292531 that is publicly available from all of our different providers at the moment. tcA5QRwaszU-00430-00292531-00293196 And as we continue to do data curation and enhancement, it will only make these analyses more interesting tcA5QRwaszU-00431-00293196-00293440 and hopefully more useful as they go on. tcA5QRwaszU-00432-00293928-00294342 This is my final slide and thank you so much tcA5QRwaszU-00433-00294342-00294833 for being here and listening and this is my e-mail address if you have questions. tcA5QRwaszU-00434-00294833-00295321 Here is the URL for SHARE technical documentation and more information. tcA5QRwaszU-00435-00295322-00296000 And these slides as well as some example notebooks can be found here. tcA5QRwaszU-00436-00297206-00297500 Thank you. tcA5QRwaszU-00437-00298590-00298790 You can type questions in the chat windown. tcA5QRwaszU-00438-00302594-00303184 Judy>> Ok. While people are thinking of their questions, Erin, I have one, tcA5QRwaszU-00439-00303184-00304018 which is what if some of our participants watching today are not yet providers to SHARE and wish to be? tcA5QRwaszU-00440-00304018-00305796 Erin>> Sure. You can go to osf.io/share/registration and I think we can probably put that somewhere in the chat window. tcA5QRwaszU-00441-00305796-00306966 And that URL you can fill out a pretty simple form that gives us some information about your provider. tcA5QRwaszU-00442-00306966-00307862 Mainly we need to know a URL where we can find metadata about the documents and the provider. tcA5QRwaszU-00443-00307862-00308388 Hopefully some kind of documentation that lets us know how to filter those results by date. tcA5QRwaszU-00444-00308388-00308788 because we're going to go back on a daily basis and check for different results tcA5QRwaszU-00445-00308788-00309335 and so be able to query by date updated is really helpful. As well as tcA5QRwaszU-00446-00309335-00310257 maybe what some of your schema for your data, and we also need to know that you are okay with us freely redistributing tcA5QRwaszU-00447-00310258-00311062 the data and that is okay with your terms of service. And that would be the way to do it. tcA5QRwaszU-00448-00311062-00311622 And that will get added to our queue of providers to continue adding to SHARE. tcA5QRwaszU-00449-00311622-00312630 And we also have—if you are interested in not having us harvest you, but you come to us, we also have a push API, tcA5QRwaszU-00450-00312630-00313212 So you can preformat the data according to the SHARE schema and then send it along to SHARE tcA5QRwaszU-00451-00313212-00314162 and more information is in that SHARE technical documentation. I believe there is a link to that in the chat window. tcA5QRwaszU-00452-00314544-00314750 Great, thank you very much. tcA5QRwaszU-00453-00315012-00316018 I also want to—this is Judy—just point out Erin mentioned at the end of the presentation that tcA5QRwaszU-00454-00316018-00316640 during this phase of SHARE, we will be addressing some of the issues that she raised in her tcA5QRwaszU-00455-00316640-00317180 queries with missing values and the opportunity for data curation. tcA5QRwaszU-00456-00317180-00318480 On the SHARE website, www.share-research.org, there is an opportunity to become a SHARE curation associate. tcA5QRwaszU-00457-00318480-00319235 You'll find that information under News and under Our Team about an opportunity tcA5QRwaszU-00458-00319235-00320053 to gain some of these skills more in-depth. And to work directly with the data in your own tcA5QRwaszU-00459-00320054-00320712 repository coming into SHARE and in the SHARE aggregate itself. So if that tcA5QRwaszU-00460-00320713-00321100 opportunity is of interest, I urge you to explore it. tcA5QRwaszU-00461-00323178-00324574 Okay well not seeing questions, I want to thank everyone who participated today. And a big thank you to—oh, I see a question. tcA5QRwaszU-00462-00324574-00325328 Hold on. I do have a question coming in. The question is about the associate program. tcA5QRwaszU-00463-00325328-00326024 It says that library directors should send applications to SHARE. "I presently do not have a library dean, tcA5QRwaszU-00464-00326024-00326578 would a supervisor be okay?" Yes, that's a great question. Thank you tcA5QRwaszU-00465-00326578-00327138 for raising it. We are really just looking for somebody who—yes, a supervisor, department chair, tcA5QRwaszU-00466-00327138-00327716 somebody who can answer questions on behalf of the institution with respect to your application. tcA5QRwaszU-00467-00327716-00328500 Yes, thank you for asking that question. Other questions? tcA5QRwaszU-00468-00329144-00329890 Erin, I want to thank you so much for preparing these tutorials and for providing training today. tcA5QRwaszU-00469-00329890-00330234 Erin did give her e-mail address at the end. tcA5QRwaszU-00470-00330234-00331434 erin@cos.io and you can also reach SHARE at info@SHARE-research.org with additional questions. tcA5QRwaszU-00471-00331434-00332178 Thanks to everyone for ringing on today and I hope that everyone has a chance to go into the URL provided tcA5QRwaszU-00472-00332178-00332468 and explore these notebooks and tutorials. teXSl90SKPY-00000-00000050-00000321 Hello, and welcome to Bay College's video lectures. teXSl90SKPY-00001-00000321-00000678 This is Math 095, section 6.2. teXSl90SKPY-00002-00000678-00000935 We're going to graph linear equations. teXSl90SKPY-00003-00000935-00001210 Now, if we recall in 6.1, we discussed teXSl90SKPY-00004-00001210-00001634 the Cartesian Coordinate system, or our graph. teXSl90SKPY-00005-00001634-00002103 And we worked with this line right here, x plus 2y equals 9. teXSl90SKPY-00006-00002103-00002465 And if we recall, this had more than one solution. teXSl90SKPY-00007-00002465-00002861 And we built a t-table and we found some ordered pairs. teXSl90SKPY-00008-00002861-00003245 If x is negative 2, y is 11/2 and so on. teXSl90SKPY-00009-00003245-00003572 Now, in fact, this equation actually teXSl90SKPY-00010-00003572-00003771 has infinite solutions. teXSl90SKPY-00011-00003771-00004036 So how do we represent infinite solutions? teXSl90SKPY-00012-00004036-00004410 That's where we can apply a Cartesian coordinate graph. teXSl90SKPY-00013-00004410-00004665 So since we have a t-table and we teXSl90SKPY-00014-00004665-00004858 know that these are ordered pairs-- teXSl90SKPY-00015-00004858-00005184 for a value of x, we get a value of y, when x is one value, teXSl90SKPY-00016-00005184-00005383 y is some other value. teXSl90SKPY-00017-00005383-00005598 And since we have these ordered pairs, teXSl90SKPY-00018-00005598-00005995 let's go ahead and put a few of them on the graph. teXSl90SKPY-00019-00005995-00006137 Let's look at this first one here. teXSl90SKPY-00020-00006137-00006357 We have negative 2 and 11/2. teXSl90SKPY-00021-00006357-00006641 Well, 11/2 is the same as 5 and 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00022-00006641-00006998 So when x is negative 2-- and we know this is our y teXSl90SKPY-00023-00006998-00007309 and this is our x, and they cross at 0, 0 the origin. teXSl90SKPY-00024-00007309-00007481 They're like two number lines. teXSl90SKPY-00025-00007481-00007827 So if I'm going to graph the ordered pair negative 2 teXSl90SKPY-00026-00007827-00008125 and 11/2, x is negative 2. teXSl90SKPY-00027-00008125-00008306 So I move 2 to the left. teXSl90SKPY-00028-00008306-00008560 And 11/2, well, that's a positive value. teXSl90SKPY-00029-00008560-00008783 So I'm going to move up 5 and 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00030-00008783-00009084 One, two, three, four, five and 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00031-00009084-00009337 So this is the ordered pair-- and I'll teXSl90SKPY-00032-00009337-00009821 write it right here-- negative 2, 11/2. teXSl90SKPY-00033-00009821-00010008 So I'm labeling my point. teXSl90SKPY-00034-00010008-00010204 So if you're ever asked to label a point, teXSl90SKPY-00035-00010204-00010570 make sure you write it as an ordered pair-- x, y. teXSl90SKPY-00036-00010570-00010776 If we graph the next point negative 1, 5, teXSl90SKPY-00037-00010776-00011116 well, when x is negative 1, I move one to the left teXSl90SKPY-00038-00011116-00011335 and I go up five in the y. teXSl90SKPY-00039-00011335-00011632 This would be the point negative 1, 5. teXSl90SKPY-00040-00011632-00011866 So I'm not going to label that ordered pair, teXSl90SKPY-00041-00011866-00012158 otherwise my graph's going to get a little bit crowded. teXSl90SKPY-00042-00012158-00012548 If we look at the next ordered pair, 0, 9/2-- when x is 0, teXSl90SKPY-00043-00012548-00012781 y is 9/2 or 4 and 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00044-00012781-00013131 So when x is 0, we're right on the y-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00045-00013131-00013499 And then I'm going to go up 4 and 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00046-00013499-00013849 And our next point, when x is 1/2-- because it's not always teXSl90SKPY-00047-00013849-00014072 going to be a nice integer. teXSl90SKPY-00048-00014072-00014226 Sometimes it'll be a fraction. teXSl90SKPY-00049-00014226-00014391 So we have 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00050-00014391-00014877 y is 17/4, or 4 and 1/4 if we were teXSl90SKPY-00051-00014877-00015072 to write that as a mixed number. teXSl90SKPY-00052-00015072-00015481 So when x is 1/2-- so I'm in between the first mark teXSl90SKPY-00053-00015481-00015752 here and the y-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00054-00015752-00016155 That would be 1/2 in the x direction, positive 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00055-00016155-00016442 And then we're going to go up 4 and 1/4. teXSl90SKPY-00056-00016442-00016971 One, two, three, four and 1/4 puts me right about there. teXSl90SKPY-00057-00016971-00017050 All right. teXSl90SKPY-00058-00017050-00017207 The next point we have 1, 4. teXSl90SKPY-00059-00017207-00017590 So if I'm going to graph that, I'm 1 in the x direction teXSl90SKPY-00060-00017590-00017894 and 4 in the y. teXSl90SKPY-00061-00017894-00018226 And the last point we have here is 3, 3. teXSl90SKPY-00062-00018226-00018488 So when x is 3, I move three to the right teXSl90SKPY-00063-00018488-00018761 and then I go up three for the y. teXSl90SKPY-00064-00018761-00019146 And I'll label this point 3, 3. teXSl90SKPY-00065-00019146-00019532 Now, what we notice here is all of these points teXSl90SKPY-00066-00019532-00019811 seem to be in a nice straight line. teXSl90SKPY-00067-00019811-00020175 So if I continued to put in points-- teXSl90SKPY-00068-00020175-00020422 and I could put in an infinite number of points teXSl90SKPY-00069-00020422-00020744 in between here-- we can see that they're all teXSl90SKPY-00070-00020744-00020939 going to line up. teXSl90SKPY-00071-00020939-00021158 Not the straightest of lines, but hopefully you teXSl90SKPY-00072-00021158-00021329 understand the concept. teXSl90SKPY-00073-00021329-00021656 So what we have here is a representation teXSl90SKPY-00074-00021656-00022070 of the infinite solutions that represent this equation teXSl90SKPY-00075-00022070-00022329 x plus 2y equals 9. teXSl90SKPY-00076-00022329-00022788 And we're going to define some of these special values teXSl90SKPY-00077-00022788-00023016 shortly, where they actually intersect. teXSl90SKPY-00078-00023016-00023241 And we already know this point, because we graphed it. teXSl90SKPY-00079-00023241-00023368 So I'll label that one. teXSl90SKPY-00080-00023368-00023678 When x was 0, we were on the y-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00081-00023678-00023982 We got 9/2. teXSl90SKPY-00082-00023982-00024339 And we'll talk about that point later. teXSl90SKPY-00083-00024339-00024725 So we can see that we have infinite solutions. teXSl90SKPY-00084-00024725-00025038 Now, when it comes to representing equations teXSl90SKPY-00085-00025038-00025477 of lines, which we call linear equations, to represent teXSl90SKPY-00086-00025477-00025650 their infinite solutions, sometimes we teXSl90SKPY-00087-00025650-00025952 have to define what a linear equation is. teXSl90SKPY-00088-00025952-00026119 So the next thing we're going to look at teXSl90SKPY-00089-00026119-00026348 is a linear equation in standard form. teXSl90SKPY-00090-00026348-00026637 Here we have ax plus by equals c. teXSl90SKPY-00091-00026637-00026900 This is a linear equation in standard form, where teXSl90SKPY-00092-00026900-00027114 a, b, and c are just integers. teXSl90SKPY-00093-00027114-00027343 They're constants. teXSl90SKPY-00094-00027343-00027527 Or they might be fractions, but they're teXSl90SKPY-00095-00027527-00027747 any real number a, b, and c. teXSl90SKPY-00096-00027747-00028017 And we notice, x and y, if we look at x and y, teXSl90SKPY-00097-00028017-00028186 what is their powers? teXSl90SKPY-00098-00028186-00028342 What is their degree? teXSl90SKPY-00099-00028342-00028650 Well, because there's nothing written, we assume 1. teXSl90SKPY-00100-00028650-00028907 So these are first degree variables, right? teXSl90SKPY-00101-00028907-00029077 We have two variables and they're teXSl90SKPY-00102-00029077-00029195 both to the first degree. teXSl90SKPY-00103-00029195-00029523 This is how we identify a linear equation. teXSl90SKPY-00104-00029523-00029754 So let's look at a few of these and identify teXSl90SKPY-00105-00029754-00029948 if they're linear equations. teXSl90SKPY-00106-00029948-00030383 Well, I have the variable x and y, so I have two variables. teXSl90SKPY-00107-00030383-00030695 But I notice the power here is 2. teXSl90SKPY-00108-00030695-00030929 This is not a linear equation. teXSl90SKPY-00109-00030929-00031206 This is a second degree equation. teXSl90SKPY-00110-00031206-00031535 So if it's not linear, let's move on. teXSl90SKPY-00111-00031535-00031880 If we look at this one, we have an x and a y, two variables. teXSl90SKPY-00112-00031880-00032188 And I notice their powers are each 1. teXSl90SKPY-00113-00032188-00032702 And because of the two variables their powers are both 1, teXSl90SKPY-00114-00032702-00032889 this is a linear equation. teXSl90SKPY-00115-00032889-00033164 y equals 1/2x plus 4. teXSl90SKPY-00116-00033164-00033385 But if we want to put it in standard form, teXSl90SKPY-00117-00033385-00033913 essentially what we can do is use our rules of algebra teXSl90SKPY-00118-00033913-00034301 to move things around here, to put it into a standard form. teXSl90SKPY-00119-00034301-00034536 Well, one of the tools we learned in a previous section teXSl90SKPY-00120-00034536-00034755 in chapter five is to eliminate fractions. teXSl90SKPY-00121-00034755-00034965 Because this is an equation, an equal sign, teXSl90SKPY-00122-00034965-00035177 I can eliminate those fractions. teXSl90SKPY-00123-00035177-00035503 So I'm going to multiply both sides of this equation teXSl90SKPY-00124-00035503-00035836 by 2 to just get rid of this fraction of 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00125-00035836-00036010 My denominator is 2. teXSl90SKPY-00126-00036010-00036422 So I get 2y equals 2 times 1/2, because we're teXSl90SKPY-00127-00036422-00036838 using the distributive property, I'm going to get 1x or just x. teXSl90SKPY-00128-00036838-00037180 2 times 4 gives me 8. teXSl90SKPY-00129-00037180-00037594 And now I can get my variables on one side and the constant teXSl90SKPY-00130-00037594-00037649 on the other. teXSl90SKPY-00131-00037649-00037958 So it's of the form ax plus by equals c. teXSl90SKPY-00132-00037958-00038336 I'm going to subtract x from both sides. teXSl90SKPY-00133-00038336-00038605 And because these aren't like terms, I can't combine them. teXSl90SKPY-00134-00038605-00039098 Negative x plus 2y equals 8. teXSl90SKPY-00135-00039098-00039333 And we can now see it is in standard form. teXSl90SKPY-00136-00039333-00039594 Where my a value is a negative 1-- teXSl90SKPY-00137-00039594-00039997 the coefficient of x-- my b value is a 2, teXSl90SKPY-00138-00039997-00040219 and my constant is an 8. teXSl90SKPY-00139-00040219-00040603 So this is a linear equation in standard form, ax teXSl90SKPY-00140-00040603-00040841 plus by equals c. teXSl90SKPY-00141-00040841-00041169 If we look at this equation, is it a linear equation? teXSl90SKPY-00142-00041169-00041309 Actually it is. teXSl90SKPY-00143-00041309-00041574 But it cannot be written in standard form, teXSl90SKPY-00144-00041574-00041910 because there's only one variable, x equals negative 8. teXSl90SKPY-00145-00041910-00042040 This is a constant. teXSl90SKPY-00146-00042040-00042520 And we're going to define this special linear equation shortly teXSl90SKPY-00147-00042520-00042656 in this video. teXSl90SKPY-00148-00042656-00042950 So it cannot be written in standard form. teXSl90SKPY-00149-00042950-00043141 It is what it is. x is negative 8. teXSl90SKPY-00150-00043141-00043301 We leave it just like that. teXSl90SKPY-00151-00043301-00043607 This is actually the standard form for a line teXSl90SKPY-00152-00043607-00043956 that we define as being a vertical line. teXSl90SKPY-00153-00043956-00044006 All right. teXSl90SKPY-00154-00044006-00044165 Let's look at some other examples, teXSl90SKPY-00155-00044165-00044324 and we're going to graph them. teXSl90SKPY-00156-00044324-00044638 I have y equals 2x, y equals negative 2x, teXSl90SKPY-00157-00044638-00045182 y equals negative 1/2x, and y equals 2x minus 1. teXSl90SKPY-00158-00045182-00045435 If we want to represent the infinite solutions teXSl90SKPY-00159-00045435-00045605 that each of these have-- they're all teXSl90SKPY-00160-00045605-00046011 a little different-- we can plot the ordered pairs. teXSl90SKPY-00161-00046011-00046165 Put them on the graph. teXSl90SKPY-00162-00046165-00046461 Well, when it comes to plotting these ordered pairs, teXSl90SKPY-00163-00046461-00046882 just like we saw in the t-table, we can just pick random points. teXSl90SKPY-00164-00046882-00047049 Any values we want. teXSl90SKPY-00165-00047049-00047351 And since integers are the easiest to work with, teXSl90SKPY-00166-00047351-00047525 I can look at this and say, OK. teXSl90SKPY-00167-00047525-00047791 Well, let's choose negative 1 for x. teXSl90SKPY-00168-00047791-00048064 And I generally choose the values negative teXSl90SKPY-00169-00048064-00048507 1, 0, and 1 for graphing linear equations. teXSl90SKPY-00170-00048507-00048829 They're nice numbers to work with, 1 and 0. teXSl90SKPY-00171-00048829-00049109 So if this is negative 1, negative 1 times 2 teXSl90SKPY-00172-00049109-00049249 is negative 2. teXSl90SKPY-00173-00049249-00049570 When x is negative 1, y would be negative 2. teXSl90SKPY-00174-00049570-00050073 So when x is negative 1, I move one to the left of the y-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00175-00050073-00050287 And then I go down two spots. teXSl90SKPY-00176-00050287-00050804 This is the value negative 1, negative 2. teXSl90SKPY-00177-00050804-00051036 So I'm going to graph that point there. teXSl90SKPY-00178-00051036-00051554 Now, if I choose x to be 0, if I put 0 in here, 0 times 2 is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00179-00051554-00051753 Well, 0 times anything is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00180-00051753-00052016 Y equals 0 when x is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00181-00052016-00052310 Well, this is the origin of the graph. teXSl90SKPY-00182-00052310-00052591 And it just happens to be 0, 0. teXSl90SKPY-00183-00052591-00052882 That is the definition of origin. teXSl90SKPY-00184-00052882-00053133 And let's do one more point, just in case. teXSl90SKPY-00185-00053133-00053250 I'm going to choose 1. teXSl90SKPY-00186-00053250-00053410 2 times 1 is 2. teXSl90SKPY-00187-00053410-00053704 When x is 1, y would be equal to 2. teXSl90SKPY-00188-00053704-00054165 So I move one to the right for the x value and then up two. teXSl90SKPY-00189-00054165-00054505 This value is 1, 2. teXSl90SKPY-00190-00054505-00054882 Now, we can see they all line up in a straight line, hence teXSl90SKPY-00191-00054882-00055140 the term linear equation. teXSl90SKPY-00192-00055140-00055469 Now, if we think about it, how many points do teXSl90SKPY-00193-00055469-00055754 we actually need in order to graph a line? teXSl90SKPY-00194-00055754-00056128 At minimum, we need two points. teXSl90SKPY-00195-00056128-00056429 To connect two points, you would draw a straight line. teXSl90SKPY-00196-00056429-00056766 So essentially, two points is all you really need. teXSl90SKPY-00197-00056766-00056955 Now, if we move to this one here, teXSl90SKPY-00198-00056955-00057263 y equals negative 2x, how is that different teXSl90SKPY-00199-00057263-00057383 than y equals 2x? teXSl90SKPY-00200-00057383-00057578 Well, if we plot these same points, teXSl90SKPY-00201-00057578-00057992 I'm going to use negative 1-- or same x values, excuse me. teXSl90SKPY-00202-00057992-00058323 Negative 1 times negative 2 is a positive 2. teXSl90SKPY-00203-00058323-00058677 Well, when x is negative 1, y is a positive 2. teXSl90SKPY-00204-00058677-00058914 Because a negative times a negative. teXSl90SKPY-00205-00058914-00059286 When x is 0, we still get 0, the origin. teXSl90SKPY-00206-00059286-00059580 When x is 1, 1 times negative 2 is negative 2. teXSl90SKPY-00207-00059580-00059934 So when x is 1, y is negative 2. teXSl90SKPY-00208-00059934-00060463 So if we connect these points, we see the straight line teXSl90SKPY-00209-00060463-00060623 that they begin to form. teXSl90SKPY-00210-00060623-00060807 Well, it's a little bit different than this. teXSl90SKPY-00211-00060807-00061091 One is increasing from left to right, teXSl90SKPY-00212-00061091-00061376 one is decreasing from left to right. teXSl90SKPY-00213-00061376-00061599 And we'll define that in the next section teXSl90SKPY-00214-00061599-00061754 when we talk about slope. teXSl90SKPY-00215-00061754-00061804 Right? teXSl90SKPY-00216-00061804-00061927 Positive and negative. teXSl90SKPY-00217-00061927-00062303 That's the only difference between these two equations, teXSl90SKPY-00218-00062303-00062660 yet we can see they represent different solutions. teXSl90SKPY-00219-00062660-00062991 Now, if we look at this example, y equals negative 1/2, teXSl90SKPY-00220-00062991-00063288 well, if I choose these standard values teXSl90SKPY-00221-00063288-00063469 that I like to use-- negative 1, 0, teXSl90SKPY-00222-00063469-00063665 and 1-- well, if I put negative 1 in here, teXSl90SKPY-00223-00063665-00063907 I know a negative times a negative is positive. teXSl90SKPY-00224-00063907-00064210 And 1 times 1/2 is 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00225-00064210-00064460 So when x is negative 1, y is 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00226-00064460-00064729 Well, sometimes the points that we have to graph teXSl90SKPY-00227-00064729-00064932 aren't going to be nice integers. teXSl90SKPY-00228-00064932-00065209 Sometimes they'll be fractions and sometimes we teXSl90SKPY-00229-00065209-00065564 might even have to estimate if there are repeating fraction teXSl90SKPY-00230-00065564-00065825 or a non-terminating decimal. teXSl90SKPY-00231-00065825-00066155 If I plug-in 0, 0 times anything is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00232-00066155-00066533 So when x is 0, y is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00233-00066533-00067037 And if I plug-in 1, 1 times a negative 1/2-- so when x is 1, teXSl90SKPY-00234-00067037-00067269 y is negative 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00235-00067269-00067438 And we can see, again, they're starting teXSl90SKPY-00236-00067438-00067563 to form that straight line. teXSl90SKPY-00237-00067563-00067752 So I'm going to go ahead and connect teXSl90SKPY-00238-00067752-00068029 these with a straight line. teXSl90SKPY-00239-00068029-00068215 And I can see this graph here. teXSl90SKPY-00240-00068215-00068481 Well, notice it was negative and it's teXSl90SKPY-00241-00068481-00068734 decreasing from left to right, just like this one was teXSl90SKPY-00242-00068734-00068988 negative decreasing left to right. teXSl90SKPY-00243-00068988-00069206 It's just not decreasing as much, teXSl90SKPY-00244-00069206-00069511 because it was only 1/2 and not 2. teXSl90SKPY-00245-00069511-00069575 All right. teXSl90SKPY-00246-00069575-00069782 Let's look at this example here. teXSl90SKPY-00247-00069782-00069993 Well, let's pick the same values for x. teXSl90SKPY-00248-00069993-00070236 Negative 1 times 2 is negative 2. teXSl90SKPY-00249-00070236-00070591 Negative 2 minus 1, using order of operations, teXSl90SKPY-00250-00070591-00070735 we get negative 3. teXSl90SKPY-00251-00070735-00071291 So when x is negative 1, y is negative 3. teXSl90SKPY-00252-00071291-00071503 So that would be our point there. teXSl90SKPY-00253-00071503-00071803 If I plug-in 0, well, 2 times 0 is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00254-00071803-00071977 Anything times 0, right? teXSl90SKPY-00255-00071977-00072455 0 minus 1 is negative 1. y equals negative 1 when x was 0. teXSl90SKPY-00256-00072455-00072891 So when x is 0, y is negative 1. teXSl90SKPY-00257-00072891-00073069 And then we're going to use the point 1. teXSl90SKPY-00258-00073069-00073288 2 times 1 is 2. teXSl90SKPY-00259-00073288-00073480 2 minus 1 is 1. teXSl90SKPY-00260-00073480-00073781 So when x is 1, y is 1. teXSl90SKPY-00261-00073781-00073972 And again, we can see these are all teXSl90SKPY-00262-00073972-00074250 lining up in a nice straight line here. teXSl90SKPY-00263-00074250-00074611 So I'm going to connect them. teXSl90SKPY-00264-00074611-00074829 And we could see this has a positive slope. teXSl90SKPY-00265-00074829-00075183 Very similar to this one, which had 2x. teXSl90SKPY-00266-00075183-00075406 This one had 2x as well, and they actually teXSl90SKPY-00267-00075406-00075742 have a very similar increase from left to right. teXSl90SKPY-00268-00075742-00075940 But how it's different is, well, it teXSl90SKPY-00269-00075940-00076181 didn't pass through the origin like this one. teXSl90SKPY-00270-00076181-00076414 It actually looks like it was shifted down. teXSl90SKPY-00271-00076414-00076622 Well, that's something we'll define teXSl90SKPY-00272-00076622-00077051 in the next section about how these equations affect teXSl90SKPY-00273-00077051-00077270 the graph of the line. teXSl90SKPY-00274-00077270-00077369 All right. teXSl90SKPY-00275-00077369-00077668 A certain type of point that we're going to define right now teXSl90SKPY-00276-00077668-00077817 is called the intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00277-00077817-00078101 So let's go back to this graph over here, teXSl90SKPY-00278-00078101-00078302 and we'll define these intercepts. teXSl90SKPY-00279-00078302-00078648 Now, what an intercept is-- as an example, teXSl90SKPY-00280-00078648-00078944 a y-intercept-- is when x is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00281-00078944-00079423 So if I were asked to find the y-intercept, x is 0, teXSl90SKPY-00282-00079423-00079649 y is going to be some value. teXSl90SKPY-00283-00079649-00079934 And we denote it with the value of B. Well, teXSl90SKPY-00284-00079934-00080188 we already found that in this example. teXSl90SKPY-00285-00080188-00080787 When x was 0, we found y to be 9/2 or vice versa. teXSl90SKPY-00286-00080787-00081007 y is 9/2 when x is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00287-00081007-00081163 That was this point right here. teXSl90SKPY-00288-00081163-00081440 We defined this as the y-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00289-00081692-00081946 And this is just my abbreviation for intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00290-00081946-00082114 Y-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00291-00082114-00082380 This point here is a very particular point. teXSl90SKPY-00292-00082380-00082572 When x is 0, y is some value. teXSl90SKPY-00293-00082572-00082811 This is where it crosses the y-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00294-00082811-00083057 And that's why it's called the y-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00295-00083057-00083240 Now, what about this point here? teXSl90SKPY-00296-00083240-00083657 Now, I can see that it's in between this value teXSl90SKPY-00297-00083657-00083731 and this value. teXSl90SKPY-00298-00083731-00084035 And if we count over, it's one, two, three, four, five, six, teXSl90SKPY-00299-00084035-00084314 seven-- it's somewhere between seven and eight. teXSl90SKPY-00300-00084314-00084507 But exactly how much, I'm not sure. teXSl90SKPY-00301-00084507-00084728 So we can find intercepts. teXSl90SKPY-00302-00084728-00084924 This would be defined as the x-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00303-00085260-00085697 And the x-intercept is where it crosses or touches the x-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00304-00085697-00085873 So how can I find that? teXSl90SKPY-00305-00085873-00086058 Well, what is the y value here? teXSl90SKPY-00306-00086058-00086249 The y value is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00307-00086249-00086548 When the y value is 0, x equals 9. teXSl90SKPY-00308-00086548-00086804 Well, that tells me something very important, teXSl90SKPY-00309-00086804-00087054 that my line wasn't exactly straight. teXSl90SKPY-00310-00087054-00087762 This would actually be the value when y is 0, x is 9. teXSl90SKPY-00311-00087762-00088021 Because if this is 0, x equals 9. teXSl90SKPY-00312-00088021-00088399 So maybe I should have drawn my line a little bit better. teXSl90SKPY-00313-00088399-00088917 So maybe we can see that using the algebra over a graph teXSl90SKPY-00314-00088917-00089191 is going to be a little bit more exact. teXSl90SKPY-00315-00089191-00089463 And we'll get to actually using the algebra teXSl90SKPY-00316-00089463-00089628 to find intercepts shortly. teXSl90SKPY-00317-00089628-00089930 We did it as an example right here. teXSl90SKPY-00318-00089930-00090099 But what we really need to understand teXSl90SKPY-00319-00090099-00090485 is defining the intercepts, locating the intercepts. teXSl90SKPY-00320-00090485-00090918 So if we look at these four different graphs here, teXSl90SKPY-00321-00090918-00091056 hopefully we can look at this one teXSl90SKPY-00322-00091056-00091258 and say, well, these aren't linear, teXSl90SKPY-00323-00091258-00091470 but these ones look like straight lines. teXSl90SKPY-00324-00091470-00091869 We have a vertical line and we have a horizontal line. teXSl90SKPY-00325-00091869-00092081 If we're asked to identify the intercepts, teXSl90SKPY-00326-00092081-00092426 well, we just have to say where do they cross the axes? teXSl90SKPY-00327-00092426-00092804 We know this is the y-axis and this is the x-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00328-00092804-00093022 So if I want to find the y-intercept, teXSl90SKPY-00329-00093022-00093267 I say where does it cross the y-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00330-00093267-00093525 Well, I see it crosses right here. teXSl90SKPY-00331-00093525-00093852 So if I'm asked to determine what the y-intercept is, teXSl90SKPY-00332-00093852-00094196 I'm going to write an ordered pair that identifies that. teXSl90SKPY-00333-00094196-00094440 And it's very important to write it as an ordered pair. teXSl90SKPY-00334-00094440-00094660 What is the x-value? teXSl90SKPY-00335-00094660-00095050 The x-value is 0 because it's right on the y-axis, teXSl90SKPY-00336-00095050-00095279 and the y-value is negative 1. teXSl90SKPY-00337-00095279-00095687 This is the y-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00338-00095687-00095916 So if I'm asked to find the y-intercept, teXSl90SKPY-00339-00095916-00096255 I'm going to write an ordered pair where x will always be 0. teXSl90SKPY-00340-00096255-00096508 That is how we define the y-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00341-00096508-00096666 The x value is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00342-00096666-00096937 We're right on the x-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00343-00096937-00097209 What if we're asked to find the x-intercept? teXSl90SKPY-00344-00097485-00097872 Well, the x-intercept is where the y value is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00345-00097872-00098239 Well, the y value is 0 at the x-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00346-00098239-00098528 And we can see it crosses right here. teXSl90SKPY-00347-00098528-00098678 Well, what is the x-value? teXSl90SKPY-00348-00098678-00098812 The x-value is one, two. teXSl90SKPY-00349-00098812-00099003 It's over two. teXSl90SKPY-00350-00099003-00099188 So the x-intercept is 2, 0. teXSl90SKPY-00351-00099188-00099574 So notice by definition, the y-intercept is when x is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00352-00099574-00099762 It crosses the y-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00353-00099762-00099991 The x-intercept is when y is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00354-00099991-00100197 One way to remember that is if you're teXSl90SKPY-00355-00100197-00100713 asked for an intercept, the other value is always 0. teXSl90SKPY-00356-00100713-00100763 All right. teXSl90SKPY-00357-00100763-00100875 Let's look at this example. teXSl90SKPY-00358-00100875-00101056 Again, it's not linear. teXSl90SKPY-00359-00101056-00101239 We can see it's not a straight line. teXSl90SKPY-00360-00101239-00101515 But we can still determine the intercepts. teXSl90SKPY-00361-00101515-00101640 So let's find the y-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00362-00102033-00102297 Well, the y-intercept is when x is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00363-00102297-00102577 So I just have to determine what the y value is. teXSl90SKPY-00364-00102577-00103141 If I look at this, well, maybe this value's about 2 and 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00365-00103141-00103191 Right? teXSl90SKPY-00366-00103191-00103471 One, two, it's between two and three. teXSl90SKPY-00367-00103471-00103701 And because we have to estimate on the graph, teXSl90SKPY-00368-00103701-00104022 we're going to say it's 2 and 1/2, or we're going to say 5/2. teXSl90SKPY-00369-00104290-00104340 All right. teXSl90SKPY-00370-00104340-00104666 What about the x-axis intercepts or the x-intercepts? teXSl90SKPY-00371-00104666-00105017 Well, I see there's one here and one here. teXSl90SKPY-00372-00105017-00105463 Because there are two places in which it crosses. teXSl90SKPY-00373-00105463-00105873 And that can sometimes happen in nonlinear equations. teXSl90SKPY-00374-00105873-00106226 But our goal here is just to identify any intercepts. teXSl90SKPY-00375-00106226-00106681 Well, we know that the y value is 0 teXSl90SKPY-00376-00106681-00106983 and the x value here would be negative 2. teXSl90SKPY-00377-00106983-00107183 It's two spots to the left. teXSl90SKPY-00378-00107183-00108129 Here we see that the x value is 3 and it crosses the x-axis, teXSl90SKPY-00379-00108129-00108314 so the y value is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00380-00108314-00108573 So hopefully we can determine those. teXSl90SKPY-00381-00108573-00108660 What about this one? teXSl90SKPY-00382-00108660-00108848 Now, I mentioned that this is a special line. teXSl90SKPY-00383-00108848-00109017 It's a vertical line. teXSl90SKPY-00384-00109017-00109326 And it passes through the x-axis, teXSl90SKPY-00385-00109326-00109549 so I can find the x-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00386-00109549-00109750 But what about the y-intercept? teXSl90SKPY-00387-00109750-00110228 Well, since it's parallel to the y-axis, it never crosses it. teXSl90SKPY-00388-00110228-00110615 This is an example of a graph where there is no y-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00389-00110615-00110747 Sometimes that can happen. teXSl90SKPY-00390-00110747-00110938 So if we're asked to find the intercept, teXSl90SKPY-00391-00110938-00111265 there is only an x-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00392-00111265-00111572 And we actually have to determine what that value is. teXSl90SKPY-00393-00111572-00111952 Well, since it's an x-intercept, we know y is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00394-00111952-00112084 What is the x value? teXSl90SKPY-00395-00112084-00112354 Well, it's 1 and, let's say, 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00396-00112354-00112908 1 and 1/2, which we'll call 3/2. teXSl90SKPY-00397-00112908-00113428 So we have the x-intercept of 3/2 when y is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00398-00113428-00113728 And being that this is a horizontal line, teXSl90SKPY-00399-00113728-00113988 it's a special case that I had mentioned. teXSl90SKPY-00400-00113988-00114343 If we notice, the x-value never changes. teXSl90SKPY-00401-00114343-00114820 Well, if the x value never changes, it is 3/2. teXSl90SKPY-00402-00114820-00114940 x equals 3/2. teXSl90SKPY-00403-00114940-00115285 That's that special equation that we talked about teXSl90SKPY-00404-00115285-00115584 in that previous example, x equals 3/2. teXSl90SKPY-00405-00115584-00115729 What about this value here? teXSl90SKPY-00406-00115729-00116145 If we look at this line, it is a horizontal line. teXSl90SKPY-00407-00116145-00116388 And if we look at its y-intercept, teXSl90SKPY-00408-00116388-00116714 because it doesn't cross the x-axis-- because it's parallel, teXSl90SKPY-00409-00116714-00116830 it never crosses. teXSl90SKPY-00410-00116830-00117177 So the only thing we're going to find here is a y-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00411-00117177-00117335 There is no x-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00412-00117335-00117468 So what is that value? teXSl90SKPY-00413-00117468-00117834 Well, when x is 0, we can see it passes through right here. teXSl90SKPY-00414-00117834-00118058 One, two, three and 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00415-00118058-00118123 3 and 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00416-00118123-00118319 We could write it as a mixed number, teXSl90SKPY-00417-00118319-00118655 but I like to write fractions. teXSl90SKPY-00418-00118655-00118929 So 7/2, because it's not always going to be an integer, teXSl90SKPY-00419-00118929-00119019 like I said before. teXSl90SKPY-00420-00119019-00119566 So we find the y-intercept to be 0, 7/2 for this line. teXSl90SKPY-00421-00119566-00119946 Now, if we notice, just like in the previous example, teXSl90SKPY-00422-00119946-00120095 a value never changes. teXSl90SKPY-00423-00120095-00120397 In this case, the y-value never changes. teXSl90SKPY-00424-00120397-00121061 So y equals a negative 7/2. teXSl90SKPY-00425-00121061-00121190 I almost made a sign error. teXSl90SKPY-00426-00121190-00121415 If you notice, because I'm below the axis, teXSl90SKPY-00427-00121415-00121613 these are the negative values in y. teXSl90SKPY-00428-00121613-00122029 So 0, negative 7/2. teXSl90SKPY-00429-00122029-00122119 All right. teXSl90SKPY-00430-00122119-00122423 And this is the equation for a horizontal line teXSl90SKPY-00431-00122423-00122585 where y equals a number. teXSl90SKPY-00432-00122585-00122725 It never changes. teXSl90SKPY-00433-00122725-00123014 So two special cases of linear equations teXSl90SKPY-00434-00123014-00123213 that are not going to have the slopes as we've teXSl90SKPY-00435-00123213-00123411 seen in the previous example. teXSl90SKPY-00436-00123411-00123666 And as we progress through this chapter, teXSl90SKPY-00437-00123666-00124023 we'll see how to determine some of these things teXSl90SKPY-00438-00124023-00124258 and what's special about them, what defines them teXSl90SKPY-00439-00124258-00124646 as being either a vertical line or a horizontal line, teXSl90SKPY-00440-00124646-00124908 or a line that's increasing or decreasing. teXSl90SKPY-00441-00124908-00125030 And we'll define that more. teXSl90SKPY-00442-00125030-00125341 So don't fret too much. teXSl90SKPY-00443-00125341-00125405 All right. teXSl90SKPY-00444-00125405-00125765 If we look at this example here, we have 2x plus y equals 4. teXSl90SKPY-00445-00125765-00126144 We have a new linear equation and we want to graph it. teXSl90SKPY-00446-00126144-00126389 Now, we don't have a table of values, teXSl90SKPY-00447-00126389-00126689 so we could choose different values. teXSl90SKPY-00448-00126689-00127131 But one tool to use is what we just defined-- intercepts. teXSl90SKPY-00449-00127131-00127329 Using the intercepts, what I like to do teXSl90SKPY-00450-00127329-00127722 is say, well, if x is 0, I'm going to find the y-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00451-00128156-00128552 The y-intercept is when the x-value is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00452-00128552-00128826 So 0 times anything is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00453-00128826-00128948 So I can just cover it up. teXSl90SKPY-00454-00128948-00129414 And I can see y equals 4 when that x value is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00455-00129414-00129944 So if y equals 4 when x is 0, I found the intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00456-00129944-00130202 So when x is 0, y is 4. teXSl90SKPY-00457-00130202-00130533 And I'm going to label this point, because intercepts teXSl90SKPY-00458-00130533-00130621 are very important. teXSl90SKPY-00459-00130621-00130827 So I label it with an ordered pair. teXSl90SKPY-00460-00130827-00131002 And now I'm going to find the x-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00461-00131365-00131790 Well, that's when the y-value is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00462-00131790-00132120 Well, if the y-value is 0, I can ask myself 2 times teXSl90SKPY-00463-00132120-00132419 x equals 4, 2 times what equals 4? teXSl90SKPY-00464-00132419-00132711 Well, algebraically I could undo that multiplication teXSl90SKPY-00465-00132711-00132966 with division, divide both sides by 4. teXSl90SKPY-00466-00132966-00133395 And if I do that, I get x equals 2. teXSl90SKPY-00467-00133395-00133637 And if you worked that out, you'll see that as well. teXSl90SKPY-00468-00133637-00133904 2 times 2 equals 4. teXSl90SKPY-00469-00133904-00134221 So when y is 0, we're on the x-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00470-00134221-00134471 We get x equals 2. teXSl90SKPY-00471-00134471-00134800 And I'm going to label that 2, 0. teXSl90SKPY-00472-00134800-00134890 The ordered pair. teXSl90SKPY-00473-00134890-00135074 This is my x-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00474-00135074-00135410 Now, we had said at minimum, we need two points teXSl90SKPY-00475-00135410-00135575 to draw any line. teXSl90SKPY-00476-00135575-00135917 Well, I have two points and now I can connect them. teXSl90SKPY-00477-00135917-00136257 And hopefully I drew a relatively straight line. teXSl90SKPY-00478-00136257-00136502 Kind of difficult without a straight edge. teXSl90SKPY-00479-00136502-00136552 All right. teXSl90SKPY-00480-00136552-00136776 Let's see an application to where teXSl90SKPY-00481-00136776-00137111 we can use a linear equation. teXSl90SKPY-00482-00137111-00137228 Here's our application. teXSl90SKPY-00483-00137228-00137497 It says the revenue y in billions teXSl90SKPY-00484-00137497-00138080 of dollars for Home Depot during the years 1998 to 2001 teXSl90SKPY-00485-00138080-00138660 is given by the equation y equals 8x plus 30, teXSl90SKPY-00486-00138660-00139271 where x is the number of years after 1998. teXSl90SKPY-00487-00139271-00139753 If we were to graph this and use values like 1,998, teXSl90SKPY-00488-00139753-00139987 you can see how our graph could be teXSl90SKPY-00489-00139987-00140244 kind of unmanageable with huge numbers. teXSl90SKPY-00490-00140244-00140490 This tells me something very important. teXSl90SKPY-00491-00140490-00140792 x is the number of years after 1998. teXSl90SKPY-00492-00140792-00141365 So if I think about it, 1998 is how many years after 1998? teXSl90SKPY-00493-00141365-00141492 Well, it's no years. teXSl90SKPY-00494-00141492-00141591 They're the same. teXSl90SKPY-00495-00141591-00142422 So I can say 1998 equals 0 in x. teXSl90SKPY-00496-00142422-00142527 My reference point. teXSl90SKPY-00497-00142527-00142905 I'm starting at 1998. teXSl90SKPY-00498-00142905-00143317 And then use the equation to estimate the revenue in 2000. teXSl90SKPY-00499-00143317-00143640 So we have this basis of saying, well, 1998 teXSl90SKPY-00500-00143640-00144042 represents the year 0, my reference point. teXSl90SKPY-00501-00144042-00144544 So if I'm going to estimate what the value was in 2000, teXSl90SKPY-00502-00144544-00144843 we can take this and we actually put it on a graph teXSl90SKPY-00503-00144843-00145310 and see what ordered pairs we can interpolate from that. teXSl90SKPY-00504-00145310-00145408 So let's look at this. teXSl90SKPY-00505-00145408-00145631 We have y equals 8x plus 30. teXSl90SKPY-00506-00145631-00145974 And we already determined that 1998 is 0. teXSl90SKPY-00507-00145974-00146341 So I'm going to write down here 1998 represents 0 teXSl90SKPY-00508-00146341-00146613 in the x, which is the y-axis. teXSl90SKPY-00509-00146613-00147240 And if this is 0, 0 times 8 is 0, y equals 30. teXSl90SKPY-00510-00147240-00147504 If this is 0, y equals 30. teXSl90SKPY-00511-00147504-00147782 And we have to determine a scale here. teXSl90SKPY-00512-00147782-00148380 Well, let's say that each tick mark represents 10 billion, teXSl90SKPY-00513-00148380-00148887 because y is in billions, which we've determined in the example teXSl90SKPY-00514-00148887-00148964 here. teXSl90SKPY-00515-00148964-00149318 So this would be my y-intercept. teXSl90SKPY-00516-00149318-00149664 When x is 0, y is 30 billion. teXSl90SKPY-00517-00149664-00149958 So I'm labeling that ordered pair. teXSl90SKPY-00518-00149958-00150400 Now, if the next year, one year from 1998, this teXSl90SKPY-00519-00150400-00150920 would represent 1999, well, that would be my first value in x. teXSl90SKPY-00520-00150920-00151244 So I could plug that in and get 1 and 8 is 38. teXSl90SKPY-00521-00151244-00151642 And if each of these tick marks represents 10, teXSl90SKPY-00522-00151642-00151923 it would be between the third and the fourth one. teXSl90SKPY-00523-00151923-00152223 Between 30 and 40 would be 38. teXSl90SKPY-00524-00152223-00152326 Because x is 1. teXSl90SKPY-00525-00152326-00152582 30 plus 8 is 38. teXSl90SKPY-00526-00152582-00152865 And we can continue to put these values in. teXSl90SKPY-00527-00152865-00153218 And 2000 would be the second year. teXSl90SKPY-00528-00153218-00153336 So I could put 2 in here. teXSl90SKPY-00529-00153336-00153861 2 times 8 is 16, plus 30 would be 46. teXSl90SKPY-00530-00153861-00154466 So that's somewhere in between these, our fourth and fifth teXSl90SKPY-00531-00154466-00154516 line. teXSl90SKPY-00532-00154516-00154762 46 would be that value. teXSl90SKPY-00533-00154762-00155110 So if we wanted to estimate that-- because we were asked teXSl90SKPY-00534-00155110-00155349 the year 2000-- we could estimate that and say, teXSl90SKPY-00535-00155349-00155737 well, that's somewhere between 40 and 50 billion. teXSl90SKPY-00536-00155737-00155881 That would be a good estimate. teXSl90SKPY-00537-00155881-00156095 Maybe we say 45 billion. teXSl90SKPY-00538-00156095-00156276 If we wanted to do it algebraically, teXSl90SKPY-00539-00156276-00156484 we could actually use that equation. teXSl90SKPY-00540-00156484-00156834 In the year 2000, which represents two years after, teXSl90SKPY-00541-00156834-00157228 we got 46 billion. teXSl90SKPY-00542-00157228-00157578 But if we're estimating that, it's somewhere between, teXSl90SKPY-00543-00157578-00157676 we'd say 4 and 1/2. teXSl90SKPY-00544-00157676-00158013 So let's go over here and just say, well, our estimate teXSl90SKPY-00545-00158013-00158628 would be 45 billion. teXSl90SKPY-00546-00158628-00158874 And we'd use the graph to just kind of estimate it, teXSl90SKPY-00547-00158874-00159387 to see in between those lines of our linear equation teXSl90SKPY-00548-00159387-00159738 from 1998 forward to 2001. teXSl90SKPY-00549-00159738-00159831 And we estimate it. teXSl90SKPY-00550-00159831-00159982 Well, that's somewhere in between. teXSl90SKPY-00551-00159982-00160255 So it'd be 45 billion. teXSl90SKPY-00552-00160255-00160646 If we plug it into the equation, we'd get the exact value. teXSl90SKPY-00553-00160646-00160944 And in future sections of this chapter, teXSl90SKPY-00554-00160944-00161218 you're going to be asked to find those exact values. teXSl90SKPY-00555-00161218-00161407 So let's just do it now. teXSl90SKPY-00556-00161407-00161733 Two years after 1998 is the year 2000, teXSl90SKPY-00557-00161733-00161902 what we were asked to find. teXSl90SKPY-00558-00161902-00162657 2 times 8 is 16, plus that 30 is 46 billion. teXSl90SKPY-00559-00162657-00162871 Billion what? teXSl90SKPY-00560-00162871-00162933 Dollars. teXSl90SKPY-00561-00162933-00163111 Those units are very important. teXSl90SKPY-00562-00163111-00163439 Not just the number, but the unit as well. teXSl90SKPY-00563-00163439-00163860 So hopefully you understand the concept of the years. teXSl90SKPY-00564-00163860-00164253 We're saying 1998 is our origin or our reference point. teXSl90SKPY-00565-00164253-00164393 And every year after that. teXSl90SKPY-00566-00164393-00164677 We can use the graph to estimate. teXSl90SKPY-00567-00164677-00165049 We can use the equation to find exact values. teXSl90SKPY-00568-00165049-00165306 So this has been section 6.2. teXSl90SKPY-00569-00165306-00165506 Thank you for watching. tgx0Jo5wxiM-00000-00000000-00000200 free G.U.T.S. Attraction Marketing Mindmap www.claudediamond.com or email mentor@mac.com tnKXDchBNI8-00000-00000000-00000389 well a lot of you asked me to make this follow-up video about Liza Koshy and tnKXDchBNI8-00001-00000389-00000779 David Dobrik and should they get back together so that's what we're gonna do tnKXDchBNI8-00002-00000779-00002030 right now what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we tnKXDchBNI8-00003-00002030-00002373 talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel tnKXDchBNI8-00004-00002373-00002711 my channel it's all about mental health and what I like to do is pull different tnKXDchBNI8-00005-00002711-00003077 topics from the YouTube community to try to teach you how to improve your mental tnKXDchBNI8-00006-00003077-00003414 and emotional well-being so the end of that make sure you subscribe and bring tnKXDchBNI8-00007-00003414-00004061 that notification bell and man so today today I took a nap with my amazing tnKXDchBNI8-00008-00004061-00004743 girlfriend Tristin and I woke up and you guys we have hit 80 thousand subscribers tnKXDchBNI8-00009-00004743-00005303 how cool is that super super super cool I love each and every one of you for all tnKXDchBNI8-00010-00005303-00005676 of you who are new welcome to the channel you're all awesome but but I tnKXDchBNI8-00011-00005676-00006075 need your help I need your help all of you rewired soldiers out there I'm still tnKXDchBNI8-00012-00006075-00006419 trying to get to 10,000 followers on Instagram so I can get the swipe up tnKXDchBNI8-00013-00006419-00006795 feature so if you love Instagram and you haven't yet come follow me on Instagram tnKXDchBNI8-00014-00006795-00007079 tell your friends tell your mom tell your dad tell your grandma whoever they tnKXDchBNI8-00015-00007079-00007434 tell your little cousins or little little siblings tell your co-workers tnKXDchBNI8-00016-00007434-00007875 whoever it is go out on the street and say yo follow at the rewired soul on tnKXDchBNI8-00017-00007875-00008265 Instagram I'm only like 2,000 away I think I just want to help you guys swipe tnKXDchBNI8-00018-00008265-00008679 up you know cuz I go on there and I say a storm like hey new video up but I tnKXDchBNI8-00019-00008679-00009045 can't make it I can't make it so you guys swipe up I'm just trying to help tnKXDchBNI8-00020-00009045-00009525 you you know what I mean anyways I appreciate all of you you're all awesome tnKXDchBNI8-00021-00009525-00010047 but yeah so let's talk about this topic so those of you who are new to my tnKXDchBNI8-00022-00010047-00010506 channel I don't know David Dobrik I don't know why Liza Koshy I don't know these people tnKXDchBNI8-00023-00010506-00011184 all right this video is more opinion mental health based some of my own tnKXDchBNI8-00024-00011184-00011547 experience I would love to hear from some of you if you've tried this but tnKXDchBNI8-00025-00011547-00012213 anyways let's talk so I made a video earlier about why Liza Koshy and how she tnKXDchBNI8-00026-00012213-00012456 took this break to improve her mental health tnKXDchBNI8-00027-00012456-00012909 like a lot a lot a lot of credit to her like that was one of the better mental tnKXDchBNI8-00028-00012909-00013435 health break videos I've seen like super super proud of Liza Koshy but tnKXDchBNI8-00029-00013435-00013960 something that led to her working on herself was her split from david dobrik tnKXDchBNI8-00030-00013960-00014469 so Liza Koshy and david dobrik made a video a while back saying we broke up tnKXDchBNI8-00031-00014469-00014860 and they broke up and Liza Koshy she talked about how like she needed to work tnKXDchBNI8-00032-00014860-00015100 on herself so you need to learn how to love herself before she could love tnKXDchBNI8-00033-00015100-00015658 anybody else and all that so something I mentioned in my last video was you know tnKXDchBNI8-00034-00015658-00016038 should should they get back together alright and this is something that I tnKXDchBNI8-00035-00016038-00016522 personally have experience with working on my own mental health going through my tnKXDchBNI8-00036-00016522-00016870 addiction getting clean and sober starting to date again and all of that tnKXDchBNI8-00037-00016870-00017359 so you know the there's a few things to take into account because some of you tnKXDchBNI8-00038-00017359-00017716 have gone through this some of you have gone through a split because you knew tnKXDchBNI8-00039-00017716-00018064 that you needed to work on yourself or they needed to work on their self or tnKXDchBNI8-00040-00018064-00018547 both of you need to work on yourself whatever it is so I'm gonna just kind of tnKXDchBNI8-00041-00018547-00018925 bring up some different points and you know this is ultimately up to you but if tnKXDchBNI8-00042-00018925-00019231 you can relate to this in any way hopefully you take something away from tnKXDchBNI8-00043-00019231-00019903 this so one of the one of the questions that I get is you know is it true that tnKXDchBNI8-00044-00019903-00020241 you have to learn how to love yourself before you love somebody else like tnKXDchBNI8-00045-00020241-00021037 absolutely absolutely or you need to be in that process okay so for example some tnKXDchBNI8-00046-00021037-00021412 people find in or like in a relationship during relationship you realize like oh tnKXDchBNI8-00047-00021412-00021865 my god like I'm relying on the other person for all of this love I don't have tnKXDchBNI8-00048-00021865-00022447 any for myself right and if you are a person who doesn't love yourself truly tnKXDchBNI8-00049-00022447-00022777 and you're trying to find other people to fix you there's something I bring up tnKXDchBNI8-00050-00022777-00023113 all the time it's selfish and self-centered right because you are tnKXDchBNI8-00051-00023113-00023479 putting a lot of pressure on that other person you are saying I don't love tnKXDchBNI8-00052-00023479-00024037 myself you need to love me extra so I believe that I am lovable right and tnKXDchBNI8-00053-00024037-00024448 that's not always fair to the other person this is why you know people get tnKXDchBNI8-00054-00024448-00024940 really clingy or they need a lot of attention and things like that so so the tnKXDchBNI8-00055-00024940-00025441 other issue is is that it's very hard to believe that the other person loves you tnKXDchBNI8-00056-00025441-00025777 right if you don't truly love yourself it's hard to believe the other person tnKXDchBNI8-00057-00025777-00026057 loves you so this is something that a lot of people tnKXDchBNI8-00058-00026057-00026472 we have abandonment issues self-esteem issues things like that I know some tnKXDchBNI8-00059-00026472-00026783 people with borderline personality disorder struggle with this if you're tnKXDchBNI8-00060-00026783-00027077 somebody who struggles with BPD let me know if you have experience with it down tnKXDchBNI8-00061-00027077-00027506 in the comments below but especially when it comes to black and white tnKXDchBNI8-00062-00027506-00027918 thinking you might think one day or in one situation even they love you truly tnKXDchBNI8-00063-00027918-00028256 but then they do something that kind of throws you off maybe they don't return a tnKXDchBNI8-00064-00028256-00028581 text message or a phone call or they didn't show you attention right and now tnKXDchBNI8-00065-00028581-00028824 they don't love you I'm not freaking out right and then that could start an tnKXDchBNI8-00066-00028824-00029315 argument and all of that so I'm really glad that Liza took this time off to tnKXDchBNI8-00067-00029315-00029727 take a look at herself and learn how to love herself and improve her mental tnKXDchBNI8-00068-00029727-00030177 health but the other reason why that's important is is because it can put a tnKXDchBNI8-00069-00030177-00030671 strain on the other person right like when we are not mentally well like you tnKXDchBNI8-00070-00030671-00031172 guys one of the reasons I work on my mental health so so so so so much is tnKXDchBNI8-00071-00031172-00031794 because it would not be fair to Tristan if I wasn't mentally well and I wasn't tnKXDchBNI8-00072-00031794-00032252 working on myself I get a lot of comments who of people who are like you tnKXDchBNI8-00073-00032252-00032591 know offended when I say you should a day when you're like Mexican well or you tnKXDchBNI8-00074-00032591-00032975 know whatever it is like because it's unfair like you need to work on herself tnKXDchBNI8-00075-00032975-00033396 like think about think about the audacity that I would have to have like tnKXDchBNI8-00076-00033396-00033902 basically saying this you should date me I'm not gonna work on myself and you tnKXDchBNI8-00077-00033902-00034409 should put up with all my crap right you know like that's not fair but if tnKXDchBNI8-00078-00034409-00034706 someone's dating you and you're actively working on yourself whether it's through tnKXDchBNI8-00079-00034706-00035337 therapy or anything else maybe it's just taking your damn medications right then tnKXDchBNI8-00080-00035337-00035871 it is fair to the other person okay like there there's a lot that goes into like tnKXDchBNI8-00081-00035871-00036347 relationships are hard man relationships are hard but it's even harder when one tnKXDchBNI8-00082-00036347-00036618 or both people struggle with mental illness that's why it's important that tnKXDchBNI8-00083-00036618-00037121 we need to work on ourselves okay so when it comes to should they get back tnKXDchBNI8-00084-00037121-00037587 together it's it's yes and no right it really depends who knows if they even tnKXDchBNI8-00085-00037587-00038031 want to get back together like for example Ford's a perfect tnKXDchBNI8-00086-00038031-00038537 example my son's mom and I we realized after our split like we're way better tnKXDchBNI8-00087-00038537-00038919 friends than we ever were together right our relationship today is a thousand tnKXDchBNI8-00088-00038919-00039284 times better than it ever was while we were together for years you know we told tnKXDchBNI8-00089-00039284-00039523 we were together for a few years after my son tnKXDchBNI8-00090-00039523-00039859 was born and even before that and everything and like we know now that we tnKXDchBNI8-00091-00039859-00040312 were just better friends okay so maybe they'll find that out but if tnKXDchBNI8-00092-00040312-00041011 you can relate to this like I've made videos about the spoiled milk philosophy tnKXDchBNI8-00093-00041011-00041398 right and and sometimes that's true sometimes there's things that you know tnKXDchBNI8-00094-00041398-00042055 won't change in the other person so it's possible it's possible and lies a Cosi tnKXDchBNI8-00095-00042055-00042691 situation or maybe in your situation where you break up and and it's it's tnKXDchBNI8-00096-00042691-00043036 hard to explain this and I hope nobody takes offense of this but let's say Liza tnKXDchBNI8-00097-00043036-00043414 and David we're like this right might as it goes off and starts working tnKXDchBNI8-00098-00043414-00043894 on herself now Liza starts coming up here okay David isn't working on himself tnKXDchBNI8-00099-00043894-00044383 this is all hypothetical okay well now Liza's up here and David's tnKXDchBNI8-00100-00044383-00044794 still here she progressed with her her mental well-being her emotional tnKXDchBNI8-00101-00044794-00045196 well-being her spiritual well-being right all these things but David just tnKXDchBNI8-00102-00045196-00045628 stayed in the same place so it might be a bad idea to get back there but same tnKXDchBNI8-00103-00045628-00045985 thing with you if you're single right now and you're working on yourself like tnKXDchBNI8-00104-00045985-00046372 maybe your motives wrong like oh I'm gonna work less on myself so I can get tnKXDchBNI8-00105-00046372-00046783 back with him or I can get back with her right but what happens is we were so tnKXDchBNI8-00106-00046783-00047251 working on ourselves we discover that we're a different person the new person tnKXDchBNI8-00107-00047251-00047680 that we are the evolved person that we are wouldn't date that person again and tnKXDchBNI8-00108-00047680-00048106 I hope I hope that makes sense because this is something that happens quite tnKXDchBNI8-00109-00048106-00048577 often for example I went through this I thought that one of the relationships I tnKXDchBNI8-00110-00048577-00049060 was in back in my addiction was purely because of me it was purely a bad tnKXDchBNI8-00111-00049060-00049441 relationship because of me because I was in my active drug addiction active tnKXDchBNI8-00112-00049441-00049888 alcoholism all that and then I decided to go get sober and then get better and tnKXDchBNI8-00113-00049888-00050392 I I was sober for two or three years maybe two years at this time I was like tnKXDchBNI8-00114-00050392-00050794 oh okay this is all me so let's try to do this again I started dating her again tnKXDchBNI8-00115-00050794-00051193 but like like she hadn't changed at all I had made all this change that she tnKXDchBNI8-00116-00051193-00051526 hadn't changed at all and it didn't work out it didn't work out it worked out tnKXDchBNI8-00117-00051526-00052015 terribly and this is another unpopular opinion oh my god I'm gonna get in so tnKXDchBNI8-00118-00052015-00052359 much trouble for this but some of you need to hear you know what tough love tnKXDchBNI8-00119-00052359-00052537 Chris tough love Chris where tnKXDchBNI8-00120-00052537-00052897 Corie shirt that says I heart you with a corgi but alright so you can't get too tnKXDchBNI8-00121-00052897-00053545 bad at me for this statement but let me I'll use me as an example okay so I have tnKXDchBNI8-00122-00053545-00054085 to realize so I was a a drug addict and alcoholic I was irresponsible I wasn't tnKXDchBNI8-00123-00054085-00054405 allowed to see my son I was unreliable like all these terrible tnKXDchBNI8-00124-00054405-00054966 things like what kind of person was gonna date me like clearly something has tnKXDchBNI8-00125-00054966-00055816 to be a little bit wrong with that person on the kooky side like a lot of tnKXDchBNI8-00126-00055816-00056254 us have to ask ourselves like why are you trying to date me tnKXDchBNI8-00127-00056254-00056569 here's another good example anybody who's in recovery from addiction you tnKXDchBNI8-00128-00056569-00057100 know exactly what I'm talking about like sometimes a newcomer comes into like the tnKXDchBNI8-00129-00057100-00057358 rooms like you know told set meters or something like that and they're like tnKXDchBNI8-00130-00057358-00057715 somebody with a bunch of time like wants to date them or is hitting out of like tnKXDchBNI8-00131-00057715-00058155 what is wrong with that person like when people are newly sober like we are hot tnKXDchBNI8-00132-00058155-00058516 messes like I have to question and be like is there something wrong with you tnKXDchBNI8-00133-00058516-00058755 for even wanting to date me you know what I mean tnKXDchBNI8-00134-00058755-00059188 but I think in this situation like what we might see is that like Liza has tnKXDchBNI8-00135-00059188-00059770 progressed into a certain place and maybe David is not right so one of the tnKXDchBNI8-00136-00059770-00060247 things that you find through therapy which Liza Koshi has done is like I have tnKXDchBNI8-00137-00060247-00060708 a video that a lot of you have watched and my mom elaborated on more words like tnKXDchBNI8-00138-00060708-00061092 why you date who you date so Liza Koshi in therapy might have tnKXDchBNI8-00139-00061092-00061582 realized why she even dated david dobrik in the first place and it might be tnKXDchBNI8-00140-00061582-00061920 something that she grew out of and said oh my god I get into the same pattern of tnKXDchBNI8-00141-00061920-00062185 dating the same type of guy maybe this isn't healthy for me all that tnKXDchBNI8-00142-00062185-00062497 and that's all hypothetical but that's something you might realize in therapy tnKXDchBNI8-00143-00062497-00063088 too like Tristan is different than the women that I used to date because I've tnKXDchBNI8-00144-00063088-00063579 worked on myself and came to clarity like I used to date a bunch of women who tnKXDchBNI8-00145-00063579-00063937 were very toxic and bad for me because that's what I was used to you know but tnKXDchBNI8-00146-00063937-00064404 now I've grown and changed now you know I'm with Tristan and is like the tnKXDchBNI8-00147-00064404-00064830 healthiest relationship I've ever been in so that's kind of my two cents on tnKXDchBNI8-00148-00064830-00065419 this like could it work out maybe I don't know but if they did and tnKXDchBNI8-00149-00065419-00065777 David wasn't working on himself it might just turn into tnKXDchBNI8-00150-00065777-00066306 another bad situation but for some of us like I'll end it with saying this for tnKXDchBNI8-00151-00066306-00066839 some of us we need to try it again just to kind of show ourselves like hey it's tnKXDchBNI8-00152-00066839-00067163 not gonna work you know what I mean there are no losses tnKXDchBNI8-00153-00067163-00067548 there's only learning experiences okay but anyways that's all I got for this tnKXDchBNI8-00154-00067548-00067872 video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure tnKXDchBNI8-00155-00067872-00068243 you subscribe and ring that notification about because I make a ton of videos and tnKXDchBNI8-00156-00068243-00068493 if you're not following me on Instagram yet I don't know what you're waiting for tnKXDchBNI8-00157-00068493-00068862 it don't follow me at the rewind so a huge thank you to everybody support the tnKXDchBNI8-00158-00068862-00069158 channel over on patreon you are all amazing if you would like to become a tnKXDchBNI8-00159-00069158-00069500 patron to click the top right there alright thanks so much for watching I'll tnKXDchBNI8-00160-00069500-00069763 see you next time uoXGhjkn1CE-00000-00000219-00000560 The Carbon Neutral Program is the synthesis of what Idesam desires for the Amazon region uoXGhjkn1CE-00001-00000575-00000707 Based on a climate commitment uoXGhjkn1CE-00002-00000712-00001100 we deliver investments to the Amazon promoting a new economy uoXGhjkn1CE-00003-00001117-00001417 a new way of agricultural production that is balanced with nature uoXGhjkn1CE-00004-00001425-00001842 and improving incomes and the production processes uoXGhjkn1CE-00005-00001848-00001998 all in line with the Amazon. uoXGhjkn1CE-00006-00002003-00002099 My name is Aurimar uoXGhjkn1CE-00007-00002101-00002263 My name is Antonio Santos Guerreiro uoXGhjkn1CE-00008-00002270-00002381 I am Jose Alberto uoXGhjkn1CE-00009-00002383-00002472 Emanuel uoXGhjkn1CE-00010-00002478-00002809 My name is Marisa I live in the Maracarana community uoXGhjkn1CE-00011-00002810-00003250 Idesam has been working side by side with the communities in Uatumã uoXGhjkn1CE-00012-00003259-00003769 Nowadays we have around 30 families directly involved in the Carbon Neutral Program uoXGhjkn1CE-00013-00003787-00004257 with an idea that didn’t come from outside uoXGhjkn1CE-00014-00004260-00004610 It meets the demand for income generation from agricultural production uoXGhjkn1CE-00015-00004617-00004959 and improves life quality within the Reserve uoXGhjkn1CE-00016-00005098-00005705 So, understanding the local communities and local riverside peoples´ potentials uoXGhjkn1CE-00017-00005781-00006131 the Carbon Neutral Program seeks external resources uoXGhjkn1CE-00018-00006203-00006581 to enable supply chains uoXGhjkn1CE-00019-00006585-00006933 that are replicable in other Conservation Units uoXGhjkn1CE-00020-00006945-00007273 We used to have an area here where we had a farm uoXGhjkn1CE-00021-00007285-00007459 but after some time we stopped uoXGhjkn1CE-00022-00007463-00007696 It’s a way of giving time for the soil to recover uoXGhjkn1CE-00023-00007701-00007883 and to include other crops uoXGhjkn1CE-00024-00007908-00008054 I believe in this Project uoXGhjkn1CE-00025-00008055-00008285 just as many other people believe uoXGhjkn1CE-00026-00008306-00008758 that it will bring a great benefit to the population uoXGhjkn1CE-00027-00008775-00009336 I believe in it, this is my fourth year working in this project and it really works uoXGhjkn1CE-00028-00009346-00009696 In order to develop an agroforestry economy within the Reserve uoXGhjkn1CE-00029-00009713-00009929 we installed four tree nurseries uoXGhjkn1CE-00030-00009956-00010236 that are owned by the local residents uoXGhjkn1CE-00031-00010270-00010937 We have people who were trained in seed collection and storage uoXGhjkn1CE-00032-00010953-00011598 we have recovered around 27 areas that were considered unproductive uoXGhjkn1CE-00033-00011604-00012100 This way we can promote an agroforestry economy inside the Reserve uoXGhjkn1CE-00034-00012103-00012346 through tree planting uoXGhjkn1CE-00035-00012361-00012832 and also create an economy associated with it. uoXGhjkn1CE-00036-00012846-00013522 The process of knowledge and practice has brought results that are excellent for me uoXGhjkn1CE-00037-00013530-00013960 Everything that comes from partnership is a good thing. uoXGhjkn1CE-00038-00013971-00014276 Planting because it’s important not only for us here in Brazil uoXGhjkn1CE-00039-00014278-00014363 but for many other people. uoXGhjkn1CE-00040-00014368-00014482 I take care of the Amazon. uoXGhjkn1CE-00041-00014486-00014599 I take care of the Amazon. uoXGhjkn1CE-00042-00014602-00015020 I live in the Uatumã Reserve and I take care of the Amazon uoXGhjkn1CE-00043-00015027-00015353 I live in the Uatumã Reserve and I take care of the Amazon. uoXGhjkn1CE-00044-00015356-00015686 In 2019, the Carbon Neutral Program and its partners have planted over 40 thousand trees uoXGhjkn1CE-00045-00015690-00015785 in the Uatumã Reserve, in Amazonas. uoXGhjkn1CE-00046-00015795-00016114 This represents over 330 thousand m² of recovered forest and an offsetting of 6.7 thousand tons of CO2 uoXGhjkn1CE-00047-00016120-00016494 More than 35 riverside families continue to enjoy the benefits from their new agroforestry systems. u0OyUceeKa0-00000-00001009-00001538 Another alternative for using your pen with a Google tool where it's something u0OyUceeKa0-00001-00001538-00001973 that you can save for later, is using Google keep. All students and educators u0OyUceeKa0-00002-00001973-00002540 in the OCSB have access to Google Keep through their Google account. When I'm u0OyUceeKa0-00003-00002540-00002986 in Google keep, again, I've got my magic pen, I'm going to tap the screen hit the u0OyUceeKa0-00004-00002986-00003454 blue arrow, make sure I'm in mouse-click mode, and then I can go into my Google u0OyUceeKa0-00005-00003454-00003815 keep. It says 'take a note.' I want to draw something, so I'm going to click on a u0OyUceeKa0-00006-00003815-00004423 little pen. In this I open it a nice nice clean page of paper I could u0OyUceeKa0-00007-00004423-00005204 actually change the background. I can make graph paper or lines or nothing and u0OyUceeKa0-00008-00005204-00005740 then I can go in here and change my color so I want this nice purple. I u0OyUceeKa0-00009-00005740-00006520 want my pen to be thick and then I'm ready to go and so then I can write my u0OyUceeKa0-00010-00006520-00006586 message [tech doesn't cooperated. urgh!] u0OyUceeKa0-00011-00007611-00008358 Oh that's my highlighter! there it is! Anyway! You have lots of options here and u0OyUceeKa0-00012-00008358-00008859 then the beauty to this is that it's then going to... save this as a little u0OyUceeKa0-00013-00008859-00009531 note. I can put a title I can share it with my students. I can put tags on it, u0OyUceeKa0-00014-00009531-00010014 and save it with under different labels in my Google Drive. We can add pictures u0OyUceeKa0-00015-00010014-00010424 and we can also type text as well u222HSY2zh4-00000-00001079-00001562 Hello everbody, and welcome to assignment number five. u222HSY2zh4-00001-00001562-00002127 In the previous assignment, we took a closer look at the interests, needs and motives of u222HSY2zh4-00002-00002127-00002786 the stakeholders within your Commons project. Together with the analysis of resources, the u222HSY2zh4-00003-00002786-00003329 consideration of the parties´ interests, needs and motives is the basis of finding u222HSY2zh4-00004-00003329-00003997 mutually satisfying win-win agreements. But how do we actually act within the negotiation? u222HSY2zh4-00005-00003997-00004523 How do we allocate the resources properly by using the gained knowledge on different u222HSY2zh4-00006-00004523-00005157 resource characteristics and each stakeholder´s interests? What kind of strategy do we use u222HSY2zh4-00007-00005157-00005707 to approach our negotiation partner? There is a wide range of theories and research u222HSY2zh4-00008-00005707-00006319 on negotiation strategies - and that is the topic of this next course phase. On a very u222HSY2zh4-00009-00006319-00006943 fundamental level, two types of negotiation tactics can be classified: On the one hand, u222HSY2zh4-00010-00006943-00007523 parties can engage in so-called contentious tactics that aim at claiming value to serve u222HSY2zh4-00011-00007523-00008200 the parties´ selfish concerns. On the other hand, parties can also apply so-called problem-solving u222HSY2zh4-00012-00008200-00008900 tactics, which aim at creating value to help all parties satisfy their joint concerns. u222HSY2zh4-00013-00008958-00009534 Contentious tactics, as Dean Pruitt and Peter Carnevale define them, are tactics that aim u222HSY2zh4-00014-00009535-00010164 at persuading the other party to make concessions. Examples for these tactics are the use of u222HSY2zh4-00015-00010164-00010864 persuasive arguments, threats, harassment, or positional commitment. Some of these tactics u222HSY2zh4-00016-00010931-00011610 are ethically questionable. In addition, most contentious tactics hinder us in both (1) u222HSY2zh4-00017-00011610-00012267 finding integrative potential in negotiations and (2) in building a trusting relationship u222HSY2zh4-00018-00012267-00012897 for sustainable agreements. We will discuss these kinds of strategies in the lecture of u222HSY2zh4-00019-00012897-00013409 this assignment. The tactic of problem solving - and this is u222HSY2zh4-00020-00013412-00014010 what I want to focus on in this introduction video - is a very powerful tool for your negotiations u222HSY2zh4-00021-00014010-00014691 on Commons. Problem solving tactics such as expanding the pie or logrolling can lead to u222HSY2zh4-00022-00014691-00015290 win-win agreements - given there is an integrative potential in the negotiation, which is either u222HSY2zh4-00023-00015290-00015965 already there or can be created. Remember: integrative potential means that there are u222HSY2zh4-00024-00015965-00016665 solutions that are better than a simple compromise. One very effective strategy to create this u222HSY2zh4-00025-00016696-00017345 integrative potential is the just mentioned tactic of expanding the pie. At its heart, u222HSY2zh4-00026-00017345-00017934 this tactic aims at finding new resources or sub-resources that can be added to the u222HSY2zh4-00027-00017934-00018591 negotiation in order to increase the total sum of resources available to satisfy each u222HSY2zh4-00028-00018591-00019291 party´s interest. By doing so, new ways and options for resource allocation arise, which u222HSY2zh4-00029-00019295-00019879 may allow parties to address the interests and concerns of other parties. u222HSY2zh4-00030-00019880-00020380 Imagine for example a commonly used well, from which the residents of a village get u222HSY2zh4-00031-00020380-00020980 water for their daily use. Imagine now that some villagers own cattle and therefore demand u222HSY2zh4-00032-00020980-00021596 more water than the others. However, one of the underlying needs of the other villagers u222HSY2zh4-00033-00021596-00022223 is the nurturance of their families, to which milk could make a valuable contribution. u222HSY2zh4-00034-00022223-00022779 The owners of the cattle can add a share of their milk, thus expanding the pie. u222HSY2zh4-00035-00022826-00023066 Using this tactic means that the u222HSY2zh4-00036-00023066-00023601 parties´ different interests could be more efficiently addressed than when focusing solely u222HSY2zh4-00037-00023601-00023934 on the one resource. In the given example u222HSY2zh4-00038-00023934-00024634 the one resource would be water from the well. Another very extensively investigated problem-solving u222HSY2zh4-00039-00024677-00025377 tactic in negotiations is Logrolling. When applying this strategy, parties systematically u222HSY2zh4-00040-00025392-00026004 exchange concessions corresponding to their preferences on the available resources. u222HSY2zh4-00041-00026012-00026650 Just remember the orange-example: one sister´s preference was the pulp, and she could easily u222HSY2zh4-00042-00026651-00027235 make concessions on the peel, whereas the other sister´s preference was the peel, and u222HSY2zh4-00043-00027235-00027872 she could easily make concessions on the pulp. By systematically exchanging concessions in u222HSY2zh4-00044-00027872-00028485 accordance with each party´s preferences, they could find an integrative agreement that u222HSY2zh4-00045-00028485-00029185 was far better than a simple compromise. Applied to the example of the small village community u222HSY2zh4-00046-00029195-00029758 negotiating on the water from the well, the members of the village could systematically u222HSY2zh4-00047-00029758-00030377 exchange concessions on different resources such as water and milk, thus addressing each u222HSY2zh4-00048-00030377-00030892 parties´ individual concerns: The owners of the cattle could make concessions on the u222HSY2zh4-00049-00030893-00031532 resource milk and in exchange receive concessions on the resource water. u222HSY2zh4-00050-00031532-00032048 In any case, it is important to keep in mind that negotiators need to carefully prepare u222HSY2zh4-00051-00032048-00032691 before the negotiation. As you have learned in the past assignments, this preparation u222HSY2zh4-00052-00032694-00033410 should include both: the systematic analysis of all stakeholders - interests, needs and motives u222HSY2zh4-00053-00033410-00034010 and the systematic analysis of the resources and their characteristics u222HSY2zh4-00054-00034128-00034404 A fundamental requirement for understanding u222HSY2zh4-00055-00034405-00035077 each party´s underlying concern is the open communication between the parties. The respective u222HSY2zh4-00056-00035077-00035815 negotiation tactic is called information exchange. By exchanging information on their preferences, u222HSY2zh4-00057-00035838-00036426 interests and needs, parties can understand the other parties´ concerns, which is key u222HSY2zh4-00058-00036427-00037112 to applying the aforementioned problem-solving tactics in negotiations. However, you need u222HSY2zh4-00059-00037112-00037712 to keep in mind that the open exchange of information on one´s own interests and needs u222HSY2zh4-00060-00037712-00038426 can also be exploited. Thus, it strongly depends on the trust between the parties to what extend u222HSY2zh4-00061-00038446-00039146 the sharing of truthful information is appropriate. As in other contexts, it should always be u222HSY2zh4-00062-00039150-00039764 a give and take - not only with respect to material resources but also concerning the u222HSY2zh4-00063-00039765-00040258 exchange of information. Given a trustful relationship between the u222HSY2zh4-00064-00040258-00040903 stakeholders in Commons projects, the knowledge of each party´s interests, motives and concerns u222HSY2zh4-00065-00040903-00041554 and the systematic analysis of resources and their characteristics can help to apply different u222HSY2zh4-00066-00041554-00042136 problem solving strategies such as expanding the pie or logrolling, which in turn will u222HSY2zh4-00067-00042136-00042672 help parties to reach mutual satisfying, sustainable agreements. u222HSY2zh4-00068-00042680-00043100 Once again, I wish you all the best for your 5th assignment! u3PN0LlW7b0-00000-00000153-00000476 Part-time elementary, secondary and vocational teachers u3PN0LlW7b0-00001-00000513-00000933 unified their action against the government u3PN0LlW7b0-00002-00001107-00001546 Thousands of teachers unified their demands u3PN0LlW7b0-00003-00002110-00002616 The teachers condemned the government's theft of aid u3PN0LlW7b0-00004-00002647-00003227 that donors offered in dollars u3PN0LlW7b0-00005-00004447-00004882 The committees plan to escalate their confrontations u3PN0LlW7b0-00006-00004924-00005352 and continue their strike u4BSzsL_N3A-00000-00000776-00001336 hello traders uh good morning good morning i hope you're all well today and doing good u4BSzsL_N3A-00001-00001336-00001896 welcome to the live advanced bookmark webinar today we're joined by joseph a professional u4BSzsL_N3A-00002-00001896-00002504 stocks trader this live session is part of our education here at bookmap these are webinars u4BSzsL_N3A-00003-00002504-00003247 with j trader they're held every wednesday around 10 a.m eastern time as your your usual host bruce u4BSzsL_N3A-00004-00003247-00003800 is still away i'll be covering today i'll also be uh helping out tomorrow with with scott as well u4BSzsL_N3A-00005-00003888-00004384 uh before we jump into the live analysis with jay trader just a couple of things to cover u4BSzsL_N3A-00006-00004672-00005184 first of all j trader's uh contact information you can find out more u4BSzsL_N3A-00007-00005184-00005792 about him on his website jaytrader.com you can also connect with him on twitter at co u4BSzsL_N3A-00008-00006224-00006872 and the disclosures here general disclosure all bookmark limited materials information and u4BSzsL_N3A-00009-00006872-00007344 presentations are for educational purposes only and should not be considered specific investment u4BSzsL_N3A-00010-00007344-00007848 advice nor recommendations live trading is in simulation demo paper trading mode and is strictly u4BSzsL_N3A-00011-00007848-00008416 for educational purposes live trading executed in simulation cannot accurately represent realistic u4BSzsL_N3A-00012-00008416-00009104 trading performance and the risk disclosure trading futures equities and digital currencies u4BSzsL_N3A-00013-00009104-00009560 involve substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors an investor could u4BSzsL_N3A-00014-00009560-00010088 potentially lose all or more than the initial investment risk capital is money that can be lost u4BSzsL_N3A-00015-00010088-00010480 without jeopardizing one's financial security or lifestyle owner's capital should be used u4BSzsL_N3A-00016-00010480-00010936 for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading past performance u4BSzsL_N3A-00017-00010936-00011648 is not necessarily indicative of future results okay joseph i'll bring your screen up now u4BSzsL_N3A-00018-00012336-00012386 and u4BSzsL_N3A-00019-00012696-00013376 yep you're good to go sir all right thank you sam so good morning everybody uh this is uh j trader u4BSzsL_N3A-00020-00013472-00014791 so um kind of a great market to trade uh both small caps and uh big caps today we had bwv which u4BSzsL_N3A-00021-00014791-00015304 is a stock uh over here on the right i have the stats so i'm gonna bring up the stats one second u4BSzsL_N3A-00022-00015496-00016208 there's a stock that was gapping up was the biggest gapper of today blue water vaccines inc u4BSzsL_N3A-00023-00016319-00016880 we have a very small float 3.80 million float so this is the amount of the shears u4BSzsL_N3A-00024-00016880-00017520 you can buy in the stock market a very small float high volume what can do u4BSzsL_N3A-00025-00017520-00018184 possibly push and squeeze low institutional ownership so this tells us right away that u4BSzsL_N3A-00026-00018264-00018632 firms institutions are not really interested in holding the stock long-term u4BSzsL_N3A-00027-00018776-00019880 um we have no news so over here we had uh why this was up sympathy okay so basically all the u4BSzsL_N3A-00028-00019880-00021184 health care we're uh pushing so we had over here uh lfly alvr tiva we have also ntrb so simply play u4BSzsL_N3A-00029-00021384-00021880 going back over here to the financials i check this to see if the company is healthy or not u4BSzsL_N3A-00030-00021952-00022848 so you want to always have a look into this before going so let's start looking at scanners the news u4BSzsL_N3A-00031-00022848-00023376 event which we have done right now the history of the chart so we're going to look at the chart u4BSzsL_N3A-00032-00023432-00024064 uh we also look at the order flow to see the main levels of resistance support supply and demand u4BSzsL_N3A-00033-00024120-00024688 we're going to look at the key stats of course is what i already did so looking at the float u4BSzsL_N3A-00034-00024760-00025288 seeing that they have a small float and a small institutional ownership now we're looking u4BSzsL_N3A-00035-00025288-00025912 financials then we're going to look at gap stats so how many times for example faded on gaap days u4BSzsL_N3A-00036-00025983-00026752 dilution so have they if they are basically a shell company or not what is a shell company it's u4BSzsL_N3A-00037-00026752-00027456 a company that sells paper okay uh well it's just like you know a way that traders uh use this uh u4BSzsL_N3A-00038-00027456-00028120 uh this i would say this is this this name and analysis over here we'll prepare the plan and see u4BSzsL_N3A-00039-00028120-00028872 what we did this morning so let me tell you that this morning we had first a stop on bwv and then u4BSzsL_N3A-00040-00028872-00029664 we had uh a good setup the stop was for about seven cents the win for was for about 40 cents u4BSzsL_N3A-00041-00029776-00030312 key stats as we said we have a company that has 18 million float u4BSzsL_N3A-00042-00030439-00031039 they have a still positive networking capital so 19 and 2 million so total current assets u4BSzsL_N3A-00043-00031039-00031680 and liabilities they have zero revenues so basically they don't have any kind of earnings u4BSzsL_N3A-00044-00031680-00032383 right so no actually be more precise no revenues no profits and they have a negative net income u4BSzsL_N3A-00045-00032488-00033176 so how they can survive right history over here we check if they had previous gappers and u4BSzsL_N3A-00046-00033176-00033920 over here we had only one gapper that closed below the open was a 931 ah fail i also check u4BSzsL_N3A-00047-00033920-00034648 traders with uh dilution tracker if they have offerings so this is all my pre-market routine u4BSzsL_N3A-00048-00034776-00035376 and we can see they have 85 months of cash but remember 8 million 18 million cash all right u4BSzsL_N3A-00049-00035376-00036120 only because they're losing 200k per month that's the reason why they have 85 months of cash uh they u4BSzsL_N3A-00050-00036120-00038000 have uh warrants five warrants at 6.65 of one point almost 1.2 million now going to our stock u4BSzsL_N3A-00051-00038000-00038576 gonna put this over here so in case we have new gappers coming up during the day u4BSzsL_N3A-00052-00039184-00039608 okay so this morning we had a big runner pre-market u4BSzsL_N3A-00053-00039608-00040784 this came from uh went from two bucks until 3.80 if you look over here the order flow u4BSzsL_N3A-00054-00040896-00041080 we saw a few levels u4BSzsL_N3A-00055-00041616-00042264 where we had decent amount of buyers stacked so wall of buyers over here then you can see u4BSzsL_N3A-00056-00042264-00042968 they're moving up well of buyers over here well of buyers over here and then i was looking u4BSzsL_N3A-00057-00042968-00043784 at the price section just before the open so i'm gonna put that back up okay over here you u4BSzsL_N3A-00058-00043784-00044672 can see really the i'll go holding all right so why i think it's analog over here well very fast u4BSzsL_N3A-00059-00044856-00045680 prints cancel cans prince prince cancel prince so it's moving super fast over here generally u4BSzsL_N3A-00060-00045680-00046408 this is an algorithm all right so just like uh a bot over here that the market makers used to u4BSzsL_N3A-00061-00046408-00047368 play at the gate we start having a push and just to show you the last few days if you go to check u4BSzsL_N3A-00062-00047456-00048784 bwv and compare it to for example s i d u f r g t t k l f these are three of the gappers that played u4BSzsL_N3A-00063-00048784-00049776 very similar to bwv they extended at a certain percentage of extension generally between 10 u4BSzsL_N3A-00064-00049776-00050440 and 20 percent from the gate giving this pattern and then they tend to top this for example over u4BSzsL_N3A-00065-00050440-00051336 here was the level that i had this morning was a 15 level from the open okay so this morning we u4BSzsL_N3A-00066-00051440-00052032 attacked over here short even with uh with the start and then with size u4BSzsL_N3A-00067-00052191-00052864 at exactly this level over here so you can see that the price came to this 390 rejected u4BSzsL_N3A-00068-00052952-00053920 this 382 385 is the level where we shorted so this is a what we call a fake out of the move so we had u4BSzsL_N3A-00069-00053920-00054608 a fast rejection reason to short even full size and then we are looking for an unwind until 350 u4BSzsL_N3A-00070-00054608-00055312 345. never came and in the moment that we enter over here the first thing you have to do is u4BSzsL_N3A-00071-00055367-00055944 one look at the price action put immediately a level of stop that could be u4BSzsL_N3A-00072-00056000-00056600 stop heart stop loss or even a mental stop loss and then also u4BSzsL_N3A-00073-00056744-00057248 a level of take profit based on your strategy so something that you need to track okay u4BSzsL_N3A-00074-00057304-00057767 it's not just like you put only okay because that is a support so i'm scaling out of it there u4BSzsL_N3A-00075-00057936-00058544 we stopped over here 392. this was a stop alert explained so exactly when we took the u4BSzsL_N3A-00076-00058544-00059152 trade over here members knew exactly what we're going to do we stopped over here so between u4BSzsL_N3A-00077-00059152-00059728 six and eight cents and then we add this push into this level of resistance so you can see u4BSzsL_N3A-00078-00059728-00060591 how bookmap over here helps we saw a almost 40 000 right here main seller we can see that we u4BSzsL_N3A-00079-00060679-00061832 spike above right away slam below that four dollar all right so i'm gonna zoom in over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00080-00061832-00062391 so we push above right away below that four and we start forming again resistance u4BSzsL_N3A-00081-00062391-00062800 you see over here this four which is this level over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00082-00063160-00063464 and then we are forming the distribution pattern this is uh u4BSzsL_N3A-00083-00063632-00064504 inside bar that i liked this was also the 15 level we start attacking short over here in the 390s u4BSzsL_N3A-00084-00064504-00064936 and then main fader to the first target of here 350s u4BSzsL_N3A-00085-00065072-00065568 so this is one of the patterns that as i said we are trading the most lately u4BSzsL_N3A-00086-00065808-00066680 and it's really paying big 350 over here we had uh let me put it okay 350 over here we have some u4BSzsL_N3A-00087-00066680-00067488 support 358 and then 350. reason to cover here between 25 and 30 and now we're holding for u4BSzsL_N3A-00088-00067488-00068872 the main target which will be down into the 260 270 area right so support over here 319 u4BSzsL_N3A-00089-00069096-00069224 let's see if we're going to break this u4BSzsL_N3A-00090-00069432-00069584 let's also follow the order flow u4BSzsL_N3A-00091-00069776-00070728 you see above we have a huge amount of resistance no main support right now again no news uh u4BSzsL_N3A-00092-00070728-00071640 we have some bad goals on this stock mostly we are simply having now all the longs trapped u4BSzsL_N3A-00093-00071720-00072984 on this pump this morning above 380. so basically what it's gonna do it's gonna happily unwind u4BSzsL_N3A-00094-00073640-00074384 main sellers over here 340. u4BSzsL_N3A-00095-00076472-00076648 these are the favorite patterns u4BSzsL_N3A-00096-00076776-00077264 one of the one of the most favorite patterns that we have in the small cup land u4BSzsL_N3A-00097-00077928-00079984 i find some support this 319 but you can see over here on book map we don't have like real buyers u4BSzsL_N3A-00098-00080120-00080624 we're going to follow price section on this as we are still holding this position u4BSzsL_N3A-00099-00080880-00081568 we also uh are looking at tiva so we're going to cover after tiva we had earnings we had shop u4BSzsL_N3A-00100-00081648-00082376 we had govx siga microsoft ba so a lot of uh earnings plays and u4BSzsL_N3A-00101-00082376-00082784 also day two day three over extended plays u4BSzsL_N3A-00102-00083184-00083416 zooming in over here so that's the moment of the crack u4BSzsL_N3A-00103-00084072-00085584 breakdown breakdown over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00104-00086456-00086984 if you are in a position traders just u4BSzsL_N3A-00105-00087136-00087448 just hold the position if you have still that u4BSzsL_N3A-00106-00087560-00088384 the price action work in your favor if you don't see buyers this is an easy fader for now u4BSzsL_N3A-00107-00095032-00095624 this 326 that you see on the tsar traders is a level of resistance from previous uh u4BSzsL_N3A-00108-00095792-00096464 months is a level where we traded the day 35 million volume u4BSzsL_N3A-00109-00096712-00097080 so you can see that we have right now we are below that level u4BSzsL_N3A-00110-00097672-00098184 so we should find some sellers over here jumping in u4BSzsL_N3A-00111-00104744-00105432 trying to find some support 320 326 327 actually u4BSzsL_N3A-00112-00106128-00106200 in the meantime u4BSzsL_N3A-00113-00106480-00106583 what we can do u4BSzsL_N3A-00114-00107200-00107888 we can look at tiva so i'm watching this nine dollar level where we have a pre-market u4BSzsL_N3A-00115-00107888-00108496 resistance so let's see if we can short into this area over here so let's check tv at nine u4BSzsL_N3A-00116-00108559-00109383 that would be interesting we had a shop this morning uh remember shop had a pretty big push u4BSzsL_N3A-00117-00109848-00109983 i'm gonna put this back up u4BSzsL_N3A-00118-00110296-00110783 we had some news on shop u4BSzsL_N3A-00119-00112224-00112320 so we had earnings u4BSzsL_N3A-00120-00113400-00114311 but also it will reduce its employees by 10 okay so we had uh two news over here in shop today u4BSzsL_N3A-00121-00114311-00114983 you can see also the daily tar traders simply only dumping over here and winding on one end winding u4BSzsL_N3A-00122-00116192-00117783 this was sharp today so we're gonna look at the higher time frame u4BSzsL_N3A-00123-00118456-00118688 we have a level of resistance over here at 34 u4BSzsL_N3A-00124-00118928-00119520 and more at this peak over here 3460 and then this 35.50 u4BSzsL_N3A-00125-00120344-00120704 main seller jumped in when the price was already down here 34. u4BSzsL_N3A-00126-00120832-00121911 so anyway over here we had a main seller with 100k at 3460 over here exactly into that resistance we u4BSzsL_N3A-00127-00121911-00122800 had govx and uh we are still in this trade we took this trade exactly over here into the two zero two u4BSzsL_N3A-00128-00123024-00123383 this is one of extended play is a three day runner u4BSzsL_N3A-00129-00123592-00123904 i'm gonna put a 50-minute chart u4BSzsL_N3A-00130-00124720-00124832 sorry gobx u4BSzsL_N3A-00131-00125832-00126183 so day one over here day two day three u4BSzsL_N3A-00132-00126583-00126735 this morning we had the strength line break u4BSzsL_N3A-00133-00126888-00127648 we went to reject this trendline break we went also to reject this level of resist over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00134-00127648-00128256 between two zero eight and two zero nine this over here of resistance this yellow line you can see u4BSzsL_N3A-00135-00128440-00128911 and then at a certain point while the price was going up over here around ten u4BSzsL_N3A-00136-00128911-00129432 o'clock into the two zero five main seller came two zero six this remember is not ssr u4BSzsL_N3A-00137-00129544-00130224 and then started to fail so this point over here was necessary you can look too short u4BSzsL_N3A-00138-00130224-00130864 put a stop just at that big seller to zero five and then you can simply hold the trade over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00139-00131360-00131800 last we took was sega so we shared this in the room u4BSzsL_N3A-00140-00131800-00132160 we showed exactly this level of resistance 17 50. u4BSzsL_N3A-00141-00132440-00133184 it was a previous yesterday resistance so you can see over here where we had some resistance supply u4BSzsL_N3A-00142-00133720-00134528 came up almost parabolic over here to the 1750 1760 you can see exhaustion over here and then u4BSzsL_N3A-00143-00134528-00135272 seller jumped in these dots over here uh you see the volume dots are u4BSzsL_N3A-00144-00135272-00136328 gray this is basically sellers okay these are sellers jumping in over here so this level push u4BSzsL_N3A-00145-00136424-00136984 right away came down okay so analyze over here the price section when you start to u4BSzsL_N3A-00146-00136984-00137600 see the peak of a move and you start to see this gray over here dots means we have sellers u4BSzsL_N3A-00147-00138512-00138784 okay let's go back to bwv u4BSzsL_N3A-00148-00141480-00141848 life short no reason to cover yes we bounce on the support u4BSzsL_N3A-00149-00142088-00142656 we are below this main resistance so when i'm in a trade i'll put the resistance over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00150-00142720-00143192 which is over here so those are the levels where i see topping of the action right u4BSzsL_N3A-00151-00143472-00144224 so what we can have is this and if you have a high average just simply hold over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00152-00144328-00144944 we're gonna put some trail over here for fifty percent of the position left at 357 360. u4BSzsL_N3A-00153-00145136-00145784 and hold the trade for our main target u4BSzsL_N3A-00154-00156312-00156528 turning down so right now what i'm going to do u4BSzsL_N3A-00155-00156648-00158384 i'm going to put the level of resist over here this is a lower high u4BSzsL_N3A-00156-00167528-00168184 okay we're going to keep traders also tiva over here on watch u4BSzsL_N3A-00157-00168688-00169584 we're gonna look for this level of nine dollars so the price will push to nine dollars too short u4BSzsL_N3A-00158-00180256-00181040 here bouncing from the support this a69 is the main level of support that we have in intraday u4BSzsL_N3A-00159-00181296-00181584 i'm going to put over here an hourly chart show you u4BSzsL_N3A-00160-00182088-00182184 the levels u4BSzsL_N3A-00161-00183712-00184984 actually we can put even a delivery here u4BSzsL_N3A-00162-00185656-00186384 what i'm doing i'm looking point of reversal my chart u4BSzsL_N3A-00163-00186896-00187784 and often i will put these when we have peaks u4BSzsL_N3A-00164-00189680-00190024 okay so you can see we went to that resistance rejected u4BSzsL_N3A-00165-00190024-00190584 we have resistance over here on bookmap at nine and the pre-market high at 9 10. u4BSzsL_N3A-00166-00190712-00191256 so i'm looking over here for that main level at 9 10 traders u4BSzsL_N3A-00167-00191464-00191984 9 9 9 10. let's see if we can have a rejection and short from there u4BSzsL_N3A-00168-00198648-00199016 this is the air that i'm waiting okay so i'm waiting for this main area over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00169-00199096-00200384 for a rejection u4BSzsL_N3A-00170-00200448-00201784 wbx we're continuing to hold the trade from two to zero two now the stop break even u4BSzsL_N3A-00171-00201944-00203184 so we add the entry this area and we can use this heat bump over here as a main trail u4BSzsL_N3A-00172-00203872-00204584 meta instead is a swing position from yesterday u4BSzsL_N3A-00173-00204944-00206112 yesterday we got short into the 166 cover into the 159 reload over here after the fake washout u4BSzsL_N3A-00174-00206216-00206584 fake washout over here for a bounce looking for a bounce of the market u4BSzsL_N3A-00175-00206800-00208784 and uh we're still holding that position over here now going to the 166 target will be 167 u4BSzsL_N3A-00176-00208864-00209304 so for now just holding a position over here stock is making higher lows u4BSzsL_N3A-00177-00209376-00210184 so no reason to cut a position u4BSzsL_N3A-00178-00210296-00211008 let's go back to our small cap bwb which for now just a fader look over here the price section u4BSzsL_N3A-00179-00211400-00212984 we rejected 334 335 break of the previous low looking for the 317 and lower u4BSzsL_N3A-00180-00217392-00218223 we have a runner over here looking the scanner alvr which has a 296 million market cap u4BSzsL_N3A-00181-00218384-00219288 29 million float institutional ownership 42 percent pretty high cash burning per month u4BSzsL_N3A-00182-00219288-00221384 same i'm looking down here so they have cash for about uh 12 months stack our daily u4BSzsL_N3A-00183-00222232-00222784 this is a stock we traded a few weeks ago u4BSzsL_N3A-00184-00223423-00224104 this was the highest volume day 633 so what i'm going to do i'm going to check an intraday chart u4BSzsL_N3A-00185-00224160-00225616 to see the main level of resistance rhr would be the best u4BSzsL_N3A-00186-00225616-00226248 we can define 680 as a main resistance so what i'm doing right now traders is we're looking u4BSzsL_N3A-00187-00226248-00227160 too long on dips but the trend over here seemed already started it already extended from 4.80 to u4BSzsL_N3A-00188-00227240-00228384 6 or look in a level where i can see a rejection and taking a short u4BSzsL_N3A-00189-00228664-00229008 so you can see that the past day pass gap over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00190-00229112-00229784 we had an extension and then faded on the same day u4BSzsL_N3A-00191-00232471-00233984 all right so those are the level of resistance that i will put 680 750 and 850 over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00192-00234752-00235423 we're still far from that resistance that i won this 680 u4BSzsL_N3A-00193-00235423-00236016 also no long yet we need to see a dip into the j lines or the v upping curl u4BSzsL_N3A-00194-00236608-00236823 you can put up in the meantime book them up over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00195-00237144-00237271 this we didn't need anymore u4BSzsL_N3A-00196-00237600-00238184 jobx u4BSzsL_N3A-00197-00239408-00240112 main supply over here into the 650 low liquidity stock very low liquidity stock over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00198-00240112-00240767 you can see also in bookmap we have no main buyers or sellers only u4BSzsL_N3A-00199-00240864-00242384 some small wall of sellers into the 650 so that's the main catalyst for me on the chart u4BSzsL_N3A-00200-00246023-00246584 we have diva with our earnings remember we're waiting for that nine u4BSzsL_N3A-00201-00246871-00247167 shop over here holding the support 3260 u4BSzsL_N3A-00202-00247848-00248296 sideways for now microsoft support to 62 and 50. u4BSzsL_N3A-00203-00248928-00249448 sabo we had really bad news this morning so the stock going all the way down u4BSzsL_N3A-00204-00249688-00250784 from 22 bucks down to 11 so losing 50 now bouncing back up slowly u4BSzsL_N3A-00205-00253608-00254984 the main level of resistance traders over here is 17 20 17 10 on sabah u4BSzsL_N3A-00206-00255384-00255671 let's see if they're going to have a fake out of 17 and then fail u4BSzsL_N3A-00207-00255752-00256384 so i'm looking at these levels over here the pre-market u4BSzsL_N3A-00208-00256928-00257784 if you're going to have this pattern over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00209-00262136-00262440 gonna look at sabo here the reason why i was down this morning u4BSzsL_N3A-00210-00262656-00263384 i'm gonna put over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00211-00264336-00265128 stock falls 30 percent actually fell more for a maximum of 50 percent on report of criminal probe u4BSzsL_N3A-00212-00265456-00266184 the department of justice has launched a criminal probe of the company u4BSzsL_N3A-00213-00266440-00267584 very controversial drug u4BSzsL_N3A-00214-00267976-00268624 they have a float of uh 37 million ssr institutional 27 percent u4BSzsL_N3A-00215-00268800-00269104 yeah not looking good over here traders not looking good u4BSzsL_N3A-00216-00269512-00270048 i would like to see over here uh fake out the 17 or rejection 1710 and then unwind u4BSzsL_N3A-00217-00270336-00270600 meanwhile bwb u4BSzsL_N3A-00218-00270872-00271032 so you can see over here the u4BSzsL_N3A-00219-00271400-00272112 main level of resistance right for dollars we have a fake out exhaustion u4BSzsL_N3A-00220-00272176-00272808 main seller jumping in so pretty gonna win we had seven eight cents stop u4BSzsL_N3A-00221-00272984-00273504 in the early morning push and then back side over here the play u4BSzsL_N3A-00222-00273752-00274584 and now it's going to the 315 u4BSzsL_N3A-00223-00275496-00276032 some over here is rejecting that 1698 u4BSzsL_N3A-00224-00276032-00276544 so this 1692 95 if we have a retest u4BSzsL_N3A-00225-00276752-00277384 is our level to short with very tight risk okay why pre-market resistance u4BSzsL_N3A-00226-00277504-00278784 bad news today we have a main pullback u4BSzsL_N3A-00227-00286280-00287184 that's our 17 resistance we're looking at a field into the 95 96 with a very tight risk u4BSzsL_N3A-00228-00291136-00291488 do not short u4BSzsL_N3A-00229-00292000-00292816 when i see a push over here fast rejection that will give us a conviction for a short okay u4BSzsL_N3A-00230-00292816-00294184 we want this double top to reject for now we have one high we want the second high and reject u4BSzsL_N3A-00231-00295152-00296984 so this would be the second high over here you want to see this shorting to the 95-96 u4BSzsL_N3A-00232-00298624-00298936 96 push we can also put over here the u4BSzsL_N3A-00233-00299280-00299784 dungeon sales u4BSzsL_N3A-00234-00302064-00302584 let's wait at the rejection traders u4BSzsL_N3A-00235-00307424-00307856 the reason why i want to see that rejection is that often in patterns like this u4BSzsL_N3A-00236-00308008-00308736 we um we see the price simply going and not rejecting if we have a rejection from u4BSzsL_N3A-00237-00308736-00309608 17 or 16 16 98 we have the confirmation that is not going to push for now this is still not u4BSzsL_N3A-00238-00309608-00310208 as short as i said you want to see first the rejection then shorting that gives us u4BSzsL_N3A-00239-00310272-00312384 a low risk entry but that's the level we're looking at 17 or this pre-market eye 1724. u4BSzsL_N3A-00240-00314088-00314736 and we went into this top over here you can see this 98 so looking over here in 96 97 u4BSzsL_N3A-00241-00314800-00315304 that's the correct level to short risking simply that's 17. u4BSzsL_N3A-00242-00315576-00315728 but here you can see the rejection u4BSzsL_N3A-00243-00315936-00316360 so 96 97 all this over here too short u4BSzsL_N3A-00244-00316488-00317680 risking the 17 looking for the first target 16 and 80s 1670s and this support over here if you break u4BSzsL_N3A-00245-00317680-00318288 so if you get to the 17 and starts like chipping out if we have a stuff re-enter short u4BSzsL_N3A-00246-00318624-00319384 that's how i like to play so like for example today on bwb same price action you're looking u4BSzsL_N3A-00247-00319384-00320040 too short as near as possible to that resistance once the resistance gives you a confirmation u4BSzsL_N3A-00248-00320040-00320784 okay let's see the price section over here together you can see they're trying to push it u4BSzsL_N3A-00249-00320912-00321240 if they start shipping 17 you have to be super quick u4BSzsL_N3A-00250-00321240-00322184 to get out because the wise can push even 10 15 cents but here's rejecting u4BSzsL_N3A-00251-00322864-00323584 you see you know sellers jumping in for now a seller over here very small 97 see a few hundreds u4BSzsL_N3A-00252-00324440-00325192 now if we got in 96 97 as we said what we can do we can put a stop 99 u4BSzsL_N3A-00253-00325496-00326384 so before we go with the 17 risking two or three cents the most u4BSzsL_N3A-00254-00326496-00326824 yeah that's the reason why on ssr make love is asking u4BSzsL_N3A-00255-00326824-00327784 on ssr you have to put yourself exactly on the ask u4BSzsL_N3A-00256-00327960-00328616 we had a fast wash over here bought back up there's some spread over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00257-00328680-00329240 and that's it you see reason why we said to cut if we add the 99 u4BSzsL_N3A-00258-00329632-00329784 this is the previous resistance u4BSzsL_N3A-00259-00330400-00330936 so you can see an ssr traders once you have that resistance over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00260-00330936-00331904 they can remove in about seconds and then push it so you can go back and understand the commentary u4BSzsL_N3A-00261-00331904-00332664 to shore 96 97 and then i said once it goes back to 99 use that risk 99 before you have the 17 u4BSzsL_N3A-00262-00332752-00333408 so that you protect yourself now let's see if this will be a mega stuff comes back down u4BSzsL_N3A-00263-00333408-00333704 and short or simply holds a 70 and then push back up u4BSzsL_N3A-00264-00334224-00334632 but correct setup to trade into pre-market resistance u4BSzsL_N3A-00265-00334688-00336184 on something that faded this morning 50 percent on very bad news u4BSzsL_N3A-00266-00336504-00336808 meanwhile sega gave a great short u4BSzsL_N3A-00267-00337472-00337584 so pattern over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00268-00337824-00338152 always this pre-market resistance from the previous day u4BSzsL_N3A-00269-00338384-00338984 so high supply area you can see this uh resistance over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00270-00339104-00339248 nice pattern for a short u4BSzsL_N3A-00271-00339512-00339632 at 1760. u4BSzsL_N3A-00272-00340264-00340384 did you take that mclovin u4BSzsL_N3A-00273-00341416-00343184 answer your sava so i was still pushing so good risk management no trade over here let it go u4BSzsL_N3A-00274-00343328-00343752 bwv is the stock that we're still holding and also glvx u4BSzsL_N3A-00275-00344176-00345000 straight stair step down pattern so you can see only towards some over here i believe covers u4BSzsL_N3A-00276-00345128-00345984 our target 260 to 70. u4BSzsL_N3A-00277-00354544-00354864 i was still pushing ldr nothing yet u4BSzsL_N3A-00278-00354960-00355784 see a nice rejection you can see over here this uh breakout 67 pushing the 74 and fail u4BSzsL_N3A-00279-00356040-00357184 bwvr fader u4BSzsL_N3A-00280-00363440-00363696 new brake don't come in over here on bwv u4BSzsL_N3A-00281-00363912-00364520 so now we can move our trailing that was over here 365 u4BSzsL_N3A-00282-00364712-00365624 down to 335 down to 325 so half of the trailing now 335 325 sorry u4BSzsL_N3A-00283-00366648-00367352 just a question on that joseph so you're kind of adjusting your your trailing stop there u4BSzsL_N3A-00284-00367352-00367840 would you kind of lean on bookmap in the liquidity areas as well to position your stop or you kind u4BSzsL_N3A-00285-00367840-00368400 of mainly focus on the structure there i mean there is liquidity there too about 324 u4BSzsL_N3A-00286-00368400-00368952 yeah good question so basically i'm looking for targets based on the system u4BSzsL_N3A-00287-00369072-00369952 and uh i see often when we're fading the liquidity will be like a magnet area so that the price goes u4BSzsL_N3A-00288-00369952-00370480 back to those levels for example let's say we form over here high liquidity often will be a u4BSzsL_N3A-00289-00370480-00371256 magnet area for the price to pull back into those levels so i use both combination of uh u4BSzsL_N3A-00290-00371328-00372104 pre-resolutive highs generally giving like few cents like five six cents above plus the i here u4BSzsL_N3A-00291-00372104-00373104 of supply that we'll see on on the order flow vice versa like this morning over here we were pushing u4BSzsL_N3A-00292-00373328-00373920 and you can see where we topped basically yes this is the whole round sorry uh hold on number u4BSzsL_N3A-00293-00373920-00374592 four dollars but also the main liquidity area it worked like a magnet all right u4BSzsL_N3A-00294-00374592-00375152 so we went exactly into this area and then rejecting like an over under play over here u4BSzsL_N3A-00295-00375312-00375640 and we've seen this over and over and over in this market u4BSzsL_N3A-00296-00376016-00376400 for example sega just look over here sam this u4BSzsL_N3A-00297-00376400-00377488 morning the price came to a level where where we had liquidity it works like a magnet so u4BSzsL_N3A-00298-00377488-00377896 those levels over there like for example we were looking on salad but it didn't work u4BSzsL_N3A-00299-00377984-00379584 we're looking for shorts or vice versa for logs u4BSzsL_N3A-00300-00380088-00380616 almost with a 50 fib level over here so we should have like some u4BSzsL_N3A-00301-00380784-00381192 some bounce from this bwv three dollars u4BSzsL_N3A-00302-00381728-00382112 and why i said only to cover 50 percent of the position left u4BSzsL_N3A-00303-00382176-00382872 at 325 because we still want to give wiggle room to work often these will bounce we'll pull back u4BSzsL_N3A-00304-00382968-00383664 and then unwind more so until we see this price action this volume this third step u4BSzsL_N3A-00305-00383776-00384232 steer step down pattern sorry we're gonna look for a fader u4BSzsL_N3A-00306-00384520-00385184 okay fifty percent fib level over here three zero four u4BSzsL_N3A-00307-00390632-00391144 i only sellers right now only main sellers over here look this uh u4BSzsL_N3A-00308-00391144-00392056 these dots over here traders these are all sellers over here if you put like the sweep indicator i u4BSzsL_N3A-00309-00392056-00392616 believe over here you will see some sweep so stop hoarders stop orders over here triggered u4BSzsL_N3A-00310-00392696-00393264 again over here again over here and then when you see this mess sell off very fast very fast u4BSzsL_N3A-00311-00393440-00393840 and what happens this every single breakdown that we may have u4BSzsL_N3A-00312-00394352-00394984 so that's pretty adds pretty good conviction to your trade short u4BSzsL_N3A-00313-00395792-00396544 and we always have in order to have better a risk reward ratio to hold as much as possible u4BSzsL_N3A-00314-00396656-00397016 of our trade for the main targets u4BSzsL_N3A-00315-00397136-00397784 and i see often uh traders that or stars short and short and short and shorting adding adding adding u4BSzsL_N3A-00316-00397888-00398376 but also scaling out scaling outskirting outside now so by the time for example like yesterday on u4BSzsL_N3A-00317-00398376-00399352 meta where we shortened the 166 165 and it went to 158 by the time it goes 158 if you u4BSzsL_N3A-00318-00399352-00399872 start scaling out you will have five percent so your risk reward ratio will be so much u4BSzsL_N3A-00319-00399928-00400624 lower versus if you can hold an entire core or the majority of your current position or a main fader u4BSzsL_N3A-00320-00401904-00402352 most important in this market is knowing very good the level where to stop u4BSzsL_N3A-00321-00402592-00403384 this is now trigger for 50 of what's left and then you can use the remaining 50 for the previous high u4BSzsL_N3A-00322-00403640-00404160 we have sellers jumping in you can see over here just moving down u4BSzsL_N3A-00323-00404584-00404920 go back to sub over here to see what happened or came to 18 u4BSzsL_N3A-00324-00405664-00406184 so 61 fib level u4BSzsL_N3A-00325-00406536-00406984 well we are nothing yet seek after the stuff is still unwinding u4BSzsL_N3A-00326-00407208-00407584 tiva we are still waiting for that nine u4BSzsL_N3A-00327-00415535-00416047 that's a small bounce over here from that 50 percent fib level at 304 u4BSzsL_N3A-00328-00416456-00417384 again patience on this trade u4BSzsL_N3A-00329-00427239-00427647 over here traders you can see uh sega u4BSzsL_N3A-00330-00427872-00428272 govx which came in that 210 area u4BSzsL_N3A-00331-00428504-00429200 seek over here into the 1750 and then over here we're looking for the gavin extension u4BSzsL_N3A-00332-00429200-00429943 we had that gap and accession play on bwv now a little bit more bounce over here from the 50 u4BSzsL_N3A-00333-00429943-00430952 fib so we move the trail from 335 down to 325 for 50 percent and then the rest 50 u4BSzsL_N3A-00334-00430952-00431776 we're going to hold until 336 335 area over here uh so last few minutes over here for u4BSzsL_N3A-00335-00431943-00432824 um broadcasting uh sam do you have any questions or anything else you would like to ask yeah just u4BSzsL_N3A-00336-00432824-00433552 um really good stuff today i think joseph some some really nice setups uh great trade on bwv i u4BSzsL_N3A-00337-00433552-00434056 think there's some important lessons there you know tying in the order flow to add confidence u4BSzsL_N3A-00338-00434056-00434464 in the move you know observe observing the the liquidity being added to the offer u4BSzsL_N3A-00339-00434552-00435232 and the gov x2 the um you know you had your higher time frame trend break you were looking for the u4BSzsL_N3A-00340-00435232-00435720 short and the order flow you know provided some precision and confluence to to the trade u4BSzsL_N3A-00341-00435808-00436608 um exactly yeah exactly first higher time frame lower checking the order flow for the timing u4BSzsL_N3A-00342-00436608-00437128 pattern and then just like managing the trade until the targets u4BSzsL_N3A-00343-00437256-00437960 yep absolutely you also gave a really in-depth explanation of the kind of the double top play u4BSzsL_N3A-00344-00437960-00438456 on on sava which i thought was fascinating you know being being patient waiting for the second u4BSzsL_N3A-00345-00438456-00439016 high to reject not just jumping in there and then only then you know you then you become interested u4BSzsL_N3A-00346-00439016-00439680 it's um probably an approach mostly over here of the risk management being also this ssr so knowing u4BSzsL_N3A-00347-00439680-00440439 what ssr can do so deciding to put your stop in 99 and then you can see we saw over here once they u4BSzsL_N3A-00348-00440496-00441264 start first to absorb the 69 in 1699 and then they broke the 17 over here instantly push for u4BSzsL_N3A-00349-00441264-00442247 20 cents and then after that big buyers came in extension till 18 almost yep really good thank you u4BSzsL_N3A-00350-00442360-00443112 okay so i think we're done traders for this week um see you again next wednesday thank you sam for u4BSzsL_N3A-00351-00443112-00443752 being an amazing host uh if you need help traders reach out thank you sam for today thank you u4BSzsL_N3A-00352-00443752-00444400 bookmap thank you traders put thumbs up traders uh all this is free for you every single wednesday u4BSzsL_N3A-00353-00444400-00444976 and see you again next week thank you very much thank you joseph and thanks for watching guys u4BSzsL_N3A-00354-00445072-00446584 we'll see you again tomorrow same time bye bye bye u6mWiKTwnhQ-00000-00000000-00000200 QATAR AIRWAYS u8tbKB95p_8-00000-00000806-00001050 Our buildings consume u8tbKB95p_8-00001-00001050-00001325 about fourty percent of our energy. u8tbKB95p_8-00002-00001325-00001698 And with our emissions threatening to permanently change our climate, u8tbKB95p_8-00003-00001698-00001941 we need more efficient, u8tbKB95p_8-00004-00001941-00002190 better, greener cities. u8tbKB95p_8-00005-00002190-00002464 We can start by being smart with what we have: u8tbKB95p_8-00006-00002464-00003164 passive solar buildings, public transit, private pedal power, high-density living and tele-working. u8tbKB95p_8-00007-00003419-00003888 But our food production is still a long way from most of the people who live in the cities, u8tbKB95p_8-00008-00003888-00004415 built on the best arable land. Vertical Farming could turn this on its head, or at u8tbKB95p_8-00009-00004415-00004680 least its side. It would bring together a host of u8tbKB95p_8-00010-00004680-00005088 emerging technologies by putting food production on the buildings we live and u8tbKB95p_8-00011-00005088-00005205 work in. u8tbKB95p_8-00012-00005205-00005372 To reduce land use, u8tbKB95p_8-00013-00005372-00005558 cool our urban heat sinks, u8tbKB95p_8-00014-00005558-00005948 and drastically reduce food transport costs. u8tbKB95p_8-00015-00005948-00006418 Modern agriculture uses seventy percent of the world's available freshwater. But u8tbKB95p_8-00016-00006418-00006623 Vertical Farms u8tbKB95p_8-00017-00006623-00007272 could be fitted with 'nano-films' that boost condensation. And 'nano-membranes' would filter and clean recycled u8tbKB95p_8-00018-00007272-00007605 water. Better water quality - less waste. u8tbKB95p_8-00019-00007605-00007783 Crop effectiveness would be boosted by u8tbKB95p_8-00020-00007783-00008162 genetic engineering to select the best u8tbKB95p_8-00021-00008162-00008403 genetic variance for the environment. u8tbKB95p_8-00022-00008403-00008510 Fiber optics u8tbKB95p_8-00023-00008510-00008992 might provide light with incredible energy efficiency. u8tbKB95p_8-00024-00008992-00009290 One square block farm thirty stories high, could u8tbKB95p_8-00025-00009290-00009496 yield as much food u8tbKB95p_8-00026-00009496-00009923 as ten square kilometers outdoors. u8tbKB95p_8-00027-00009923-00010118 There are of course u8tbKB95p_8-00028-00010118-00010606 hurdles. The crops best suited to Vertical Farming may require us to adjust our diets. u8tbKB95p_8-00029-00010606-00010974 But would farmers and agribusiness take this lying down? u8tbKB95p_8-00030-00010974-00011319 Or is it simply that our dollars are best spent on smart, u8tbKB95p_8-00031-00011319-00011603 simple, and practical improvements to u8tbKB95p_8-00032-00011603-00011767 existing infrastructure and technology. u8c8C9g7GsM-00000-00001064-00001264 ax ax axa u9I9cZ4NWf4-00000-00000584-00001592 hold me close till i get up time is barely on my side i don't want to waste what's left u9I9cZ4NWf4-00001-00001992-00002984 is u9I9cZ4NWf4-00002-00003288-00004384 through the wastelands through the highways to my shadow through the sunrays u9I9cZ4NWf4-00003-00005784-00007184 uh u9I9cZ4NWf4-00004-00007856-00008584 along the way melodies u9I9cZ4NWf4-00005-00009520-00009984 i don't wanna miss a beat u9I9cZ4NWf4-00006-00011320-00012784 go through the wastelands through the highways u9I9cZ4NWf4-00007-00015416-00015504 and we'll grow u9I9cZ4NWf4-00008-00016784-00016984 we'll go u9I9cZ4NWf4-00009-00019576-00019696 hold me close till u9I9cZ4NWf4-00010-00020928-00021184 and love is all we'll ever trust u9I9cZ4NWf4-00011-00022568-00023984 to my shadow through the sunrise u9I9cZ4NWf4-00012-00026744-00028183 finding life along the way melodies u9I9cZ4NWf4-00013-00029464-00030983 through the wastelands through the highways to my shadows u9I9cZ4NWf4-00014-00031072-00032383 will uvpc4amU31u-00000-00000003-00000423 Hi Everyone! It's Lisa Harris with RE/MAX Center. Today, we're at the brand new uvpc4amU31u-00001-00000423-00000900 Longhorn Steakhouse in Braselton Georgia and they're doing the final uvpc4amU31u-00002-00000900-00001470 touches today. The inspector actually is inside right now while they're doing final uvpc4amU31u-00003-00001470-00002003 touch-ups. They've got the punch-out list ready! I just took a tour it's really uvpc4amU31u-00004-00002003-00002368 beautiful. I'm so excited!! uvpc4amU31u-00005-00002825-00003361 Welcome to my channel here you'll find all things Braselton. Did you uvpc4amU31u-00006-00003361-00003821 know Braselton, Georgia actually spans across four different counties? That uvpc4amU31u-00007-00003821-00004247 means you're going to hear all about Gwinnett County, Jackson County, Hall uvpc4amU31u-00008-00004247-00004721 County and Barrow County. We're going to talk about local restaurants, things uvpc4amU31u-00009-00004721-00005487 to do, parks, great subdivisions like this one, and all things real estate. uvpc4amU31u-00011-00006542-00007052 I'm in the brand-new Longhorns while they are doing the finishing touches today and guess what? uvpc4amU31u-00012-00007052-00007613 They're going to be opening soon!! We're planning to open the end of September so uvpc4amU31u-00013-00007613-00008011 put that on your calendars to be the first to come check it out this place. It is uvpc4amU31u-00014-00008011-00008342 beautiful. They've done a fantastic job and one of uvpc4amU31u-00015-00008342-00008789 the things I really love about the place is that they actually have chargers at uvpc4amU31u-00016-00008789-00009392 every station, every table, & at the bar area. It's loaded with charging stations and uvpc4amU31u-00017-00009392-00009714 we know we love that!! uvpc4amU31u-00019-00010946-00011426 We can't wait to see how great the food is going to be along with their fantastic service. uvpc4amU31u-00020-00011426-00011837 I already met somebody at the other Longhorns over at the Mall of Georgia uvpc4amU31u-00021-00011837-00012338 who I know is going to be working here, so I'm really super excited. So if you uvpc4amU31u-00022-00012338-00012575 have any questions, give me a call - you have my number (404-307-9898). uvpc4amU31u-00023-00012575-00012835 Talk to you soon!! uvpc4amU31u-00025-00013777-00014257 Thank you so much for your time today. Please be sure to subscribe to our uvpc4amU31u-00026-00014257-00014763 channel and hit that BELL button so that you'll be notified of future videos. And, uvpc4amU31u-00027-00014763-00015228 we'll see you on the next video!! uxFrZ0xg5Dc-00000-00000000-00000200 Portland Jamaica uByKPsRU4so-00000-00000000-00000200 Well-trained funny dancing dogs. These dogs will give you a good time in your life! uByKPsRU4so-00001-00000200-00000400 If you will like to train your dog this good, uByKPsRU4so-00002-00000400-00000600 check out the link in the description below. uBVfVSv3M90-00000-00000248-00000552 I brought a lot of fun games we can play, like where's waldo! uBVfVSv3M90-00001-00000618-00000760 He lost himself again. uBVfVSv3M90-00002-00001646-00001846 Its a cat. (Whispering) Its weirdly quiet. uBVfVSv3M90-00003-00001933-00003151 (Music) uBVfVSv3M90-00004-00003263-00003463 Probably because I ate those Deretios. uBVfVSv3M90-00005-00003509-00003679 Deretios? uBVfVSv3M90-00006-00003719-00003919 Oh my gosh, Memphis get in the picture. uBVfVSv3M90-00007-00004240-00004440 Alright Memphis this is it. Sea World! uBVfVSv3M90-00008-00004440-00004511 Ready to go in?? uBVfVSv3M90-00009-00004511-00004711 Alright were going to all get in now. uBVfVSv3M90-00010-00004835-00004943 cheese! uBVfVSv3M90-00011-00005027-00005227 (laughing) uBVfVSv3M90-00012-00005280-00005423 a bug flew in my eye. uBVfVSv3M90-00013-00005423-00005535 wow. uBVfVSv3M90-00014-00005535-00005735 Were all related. uBVfVSv3M90-00015-00005840-00006040 We should build this hotel in piggy build mode! uBVfVSv3M90-00016-00006126-00006326 The first chapter is.. Hyatt! uBVfVSv3M90-00017-00006388-00006495 let me record for my video uBVfVSv3M90-00018-00006500-00006662 Memphis, this is Jacket Gaming content. uBVfVSv3M90-00019-00006664-00006799 Whoa, Where is this place?? uBVfVSv3M90-00020-00006799-00006914 Oh my gosh Memphis. uBVfVSv3M90-00021-00006946-00007071 Were at umm uBVfVSv3M90-00022-00007071-00007177 We're at Sea Word!! uBVfVSv3M90-00023-00007189-00007389 Whoa, Look at that fancy thing! uBVfVSv3M90-00024-00007416-00007466 whoa uBVfVSv3M90-00025-00007466-00007666 let me show all of those license plates. uBVfVSv3M90-00026-00007666-00007744 Memphis! uBVfVSv3M90-00027-00008057-00008257 This is going to be a hard build mode. uBVfVSv3M90-00028-00008282-00008482 This place is professional! uBVfVSv3M90-00029-00008635-00008877 we're taking notes to make this in build mode. uBVfVSv3M90-00030-00008900-00009014 there's a TV. uBVfVSv3M90-00031-00009143-00009319 we're obviously going to paint this red. uBVfVSv3M90-00032-00009364-00009564 oh my gosh, there's rooms! uBVfVSv3M90-00033-00009754-00009954 They have a ELEVATOR!! uBVfVSv3M90-00034-00009973-00010205 Does no one wanna talk about how this elevator sounds very broken? uBVfVSv3M90-00035-00010205-00010285 (Elevator sounding alarms) uBVfVSv3M90-00036-00010285-00010363 WHATDOYOUWANT??? uBVfVSv3M90-00037-00010380-00010580 put on your seatbelts I think thats what it said. uBVfVSv3M90-00038-00010715-00010837 ima set the alarm on that one. uBVfVSv3M90-00039-00010860-00011060 ill make umm Archie the piggy. uBVfVSv3M90-00040-00011082-00011282 Memphis, make sure to put that sign there. uBVfVSv3M90-00041-00011489-00011689 look guys! We're finally at Sea World!! uBVfVSv3M90-00042-00011727-00011819 its the jacket gamers. uBVfVSv3M90-00043-00011819-00011900 Sea world umm uBVfVSv3M90-00044-00011900-00012100 San Diego, Texas?? uBVfVSv3M90-00045-00012121-00012321 MEMPHIS HOW DARE YOU LEAK OUR LOCATION!! uBVfVSv3M90-00046-00012400-00012450 What? uBVfVSv3M90-00047-00012462-00012543 San Antonio. uBVfVSv3M90-00048-00012588-00012686 Oh, yeah San Diego. uBVfVSv3M90-00049-00012694-00012833 SAN ANTONIO! uBVfVSv3M90-00050-00012989-00013189 It took so long just to get here. uBVfVSv3M90-00051-00013423-00013535 It took us like HUUH!! uBVfVSv3M90-00052-00013535-00013669 Fifteen Minutes. uBVfVSv3M90-00053-00013745-00013906 Look at that license plate! uBVfVSv3M90-00054-00014009-00014100 I cant wait to see shampo! uBVfVSv3M90-00055-00014166-00014239 OH MY GOSH! uBVfVSv3M90-00056-00014242-00014471 We made it to Sea World!!! WHEW! uBVfVSv3M90-00057-00014541-00014675 I'm Recording! uBVfVSv3M90-00058-00014683-00014792 Me Too! uBVfVSv3M90-00059-00014849-00015049 Oh your both recording, wow. uBVfVSv3M90-00060-00015055-00015329 We're all recording! Except you, your driving. uBVfVSv3M90-00061-00015407-00015600 YYYYAAAYYY!!! uBVfVSv3M90-00062-00015600-00015781 I'm going to make a YouTube Stories! uBVfVSv3M90-00063-00015781-00015831 MEMPHIS!! uBVfVSv3M90-00064-00015831-00015944 We're at Sea World!! uBVfVSv3M90-00065-00016035-00016112 How dare you! uBVfVSv3M90-00066-00016112-00016312 Look! We're at a theme park! uBVfVSv3M90-00067-00016359-00016523 and, Memphis said that we were in. uBVfVSv3M90-00068-00016529-00016646 What was it San Fransisco? uBVfVSv3M90-00069-00016646-00016738 San Diego. uBVfVSv3M90-00070-00016785-00016985 San Antonio, oh yeah that one! uBVfVSv3M90-00071-00017014-00017214 We're in Sea World! New Video Coming soon! uBVfVSv3M90-00072-00017272-00017472 "Well now Willow cant come because you're coming" uBVfVSv3M90-00073-00017473-00017673 and I was like nooo! uBVfVSv3M90-00074-00017876-00018076 Memphis, Erik is not you pet. uBVfVSv3M90-00075-00018098-00018201 Good boy! uBVfVSv3M90-00076-00018201-00018280 I'm carry on. uBVfVSv3M90-00077-00018315-00018515 Knives, weapons, and any other sharp objects. uBVfVSv3M90-00078-00018577-00018777 "Where's my Knife??" uBVfVSv3M90-00079-00018903-00018966 Oh my gosh uBVfVSv3M90-00080-00018966-00019166 Guys, we're walking into Sea World. uBVfVSv3M90-00081-00019166-00019366 I got my phone in this waterproof case uBVfVSv3M90-00082-00019366-00019566 so its going to sound bad. uEplcdO41p8-00000-00000688-00002984 Best uEplcdO41p8-00001-00003104-00003632 moments in modern combat 5 uHlAqvoXf4A-00000-00000048-00000832 foreign [Music] uHlAqvoXf4A-00001-00001260-00001686 particularly passionate about the groundnut because there was a period uHlAqvoXf4A-00002-00001686-00002022 of my life when I just lived on groundnut and banana that's all uHlAqvoXf4A-00003-00002166-00002826 because it has everything you need just soaked groundnut one handful this much uHlAqvoXf4A-00004-00002826-00003528 of groundnut soaked overnight one banana my entire day would go and perfectly active more uHlAqvoXf4A-00005-00003528-00004036 active than most people will ever imagine it has everything to sustain you [Music] uHlAqvoXf4A-00006-00004464-00005118 it's a complete complete self for six to eight hours it takes away certain aspects uHlAqvoXf4A-00007-00005118-00005742 which are called as Pitta allopathic doctors don't look at it but the ayurveda is based on uHlAqvoXf4A-00008-00005742-00006509 this it takes away the Pitta and taking this soap groundnut chewing it well and eating uHlAqvoXf4A-00009-00006773-00007086 just make sure it's not some genetically engineered nonsense whatever uHlAqvoXf4A-00010-00007445-00008040 one thing is it could be genetically modified they are no more declaring which is modified uHlAqvoXf4A-00011-00008040-00008754 which is not another thing is you're pumping in fertilizers and pesticides to such an extent uHlAqvoXf4A-00012-00008856-00009532 the granite is no more groundnut just make sure it's a more organic thing [Music] uHlAqvoXf4A-00013-00010038-00010860 if you want breakfast you want a recipe [Music] you take a handful of groundnut uHlAqvoXf4A-00014-00010860-00011502 soak it in water for six to eight hours put it in the mixi if you want to add some fruit you uHlAqvoXf4A-00015-00011502-00011898 add a banana whatever you like banana goes well you can add any other fruit uHlAqvoXf4A-00016-00011964-00012684 if you want to put some honey into it two minutes you have excellent breakfast ready uHlAqvoXf4A-00017-00012684-00013218 it takes two minutes to do it and if you want it little watery put more water into uHlAqvoXf4A-00018-00013218-00013691 it and just drink it up you want it like porridge you make it thick and you eat it uHlAqvoXf4A-00019-00013691-00014166 you will see easily it'll keep you for four to five hours and it's highly nutritious uHlAqvoXf4A-00020-00014352-00015084 thank you uHlAqvoXf4A-00021-00015084-00015133 [Music] uHlAqvoXf4A-00022-00015133-00015182 [Music] uHu6JOrWHJ4-00000-00000024-00000632 hello everyone i am vivek welcome you all on engineering math by Vivek today we are going to uHu6JOrWHJ4-00001-00000632-00001544 discuss a very important topic that is probability i am sure you have heard this word many a time uHu6JOrWHJ4-00002-00001544-00002240 before this lecture and you are more or less aware about it and it is the topic which is actually uHu6JOrWHJ4-00003-00002304-00002840 a topic of mathematics but it is directly or indirectly related to your life uHu6JOrWHJ4-00004-00002896-00003544 if i say on a sunny day then what is the probability of getting rain so you will say sir uHu6JOrWHJ4-00005-00003544-00004032 the probability of getting rain is very less because sun is shining at the fullest but on uHu6JOrWHJ4-00006-00004032-00004632 a cloudy day the probability of getting rain is high because the sun is not anywhere around us uHu6JOrWHJ4-00007-00004632-00005184 so probability something which is directly or indirectly related to our life and we can predict uHu6JOrWHJ4-00008-00005184-00005888 the things as per the knowledge of probability if you are interested in winning a lottery then you uHu6JOrWHJ4-00009-00005888-00006376 should have proper knowledge that what are the chances that the number which you are choosing uHu6JOrWHJ4-00010-00006376-00007040 are going to come if you want to win the lottery so probability something which is related to such uHu6JOrWHJ4-00011-00007040-00007695 events and which can help you in which can help you in predicting the something so probability uHu6JOrWHJ4-00012-00007695-00008224 is all about prediction and if you are predicting the things in the same manner as the probability uHu6JOrWHJ4-00013-00008224-00008752 styling and definitely we can achieve what we wanted because we are predicting something uHu6JOrWHJ4-00014-00008752-00009248 like an astrologer what he is doing or what she is doing astrologer they are predicting uHu6JOrWHJ4-00015-00009248-00009808 the things that your planets are in this phase so in the coming days you will face this problem uHu6JOrWHJ4-00016-00009808-00010264 or you will be getting this much so that is all about probability probability something which uHu6JOrWHJ4-00017-00010264-00010776 we have to predict so in mathematics language if i talk about the probability it is something uHu6JOrWHJ4-00018-00010776-00011224 favorable outcomes what are the favorable outcomes what are the chances of getting uHu6JOrWHJ4-00019-00011320-00011936 success what are the chances of getting success and if you are interested in success, uHu6JOrWHJ4-00020-00011936-00012448 then definitely a word is related to success is failure because failure and success are uHu6JOrWHJ4-00021-00012448-00012928 complementary to each other no one can say i am successful until you know what is the uHu6JOrWHJ4-00022-00012928-00013408 meaning of failure so failure and success are very much related to each other or we can say uHu6JOrWHJ4-00023-00013408-00013968 they are complementary to each other so if i say the probability of an event is something which is uHu6JOrWHJ4-00024-00013968-00014447 related to the favorable outcome or success the probability of getting success is something that uHu6JOrWHJ4-00025-00014447-00015096 what are the chances of success and from which the chances are there so from which if i take if uHu6JOrWHJ4-00026-00015096-00015584 i talk about from which then it is for the total number of outcomes or simply we can say sample uHu6JOrWHJ4-00027-00015584-00016128 space so if i am going to define the probability by the mathematical language it is very simple uHu6JOrWHJ4-00028-00016624-00016984 so probability of an event is simply uHu6JOrWHJ4-00029-00018776-00019144 total favorable outcome upon total number of outcomes sometimes total uHu6JOrWHJ4-00030-00019144-00019784 number of outcomes is also called sample space uHu6JOrWHJ4-00031-00020984-00021528 so this sample space is something today we are going to talk about because this sample uHu6JOrWHJ4-00032-00021528-00022008 space is very important for us to calculate or to draw the sample space of the event uHu6JOrWHJ4-00033-00022008-00022592 which we are describing because more or less if we are not able to draw the sample space or we uHu6JOrWHJ4-00034-00022592-00023160 are not able to have the notion about the sample space then we cannot predict the probability of uHu6JOrWHJ4-00035-00023160-00023984 the event okay so today in this particular video i am discussing how we can draw the sample space uHu6JOrWHJ4-00036-00024424-00024808 all the things are of no use if you are not able to understand the sample space uHu6JOrWHJ4-00037-00024808-00025360 so sample space is something which is really helpful in getting the probability question uHu6JOrWHJ4-00038-00025360-00025783 sort or even in the general life you if you are aware that what is the total probability uHu6JOrWHJ4-00039-00025783-00026192 or what is the total sample space from which you are predicting something then uHu6JOrWHJ4-00040-00026192-00026783 first of all it is very important to have the knowledge of sample space uHu6JOrWHJ4-00041-00027192-00027432 so sample is a space is something that is uHu6JOrWHJ4-00042-00028152-00028688 sometimes it is finite and sometimes it is infinite but we are dealing in the finite uHu6JOrWHJ4-00043-00028688-00029272 sample space because if i talk about the infinite sample space then it is beyond our reach actually uHu6JOrWHJ4-00044-00029272-00029808 so we are not very much interested in the infinite sample space but we are very much interested uHu6JOrWHJ4-00045-00029808-00030464 in finding the sample space of the events in which there is finite sample space for example uHu6JOrWHJ4-00046-00030776-00031639 there is very simple example if i flip a coin then definitely i'll get head or tail unless the uHu6JOrWHJ4-00047-00031639-00032488 coin will be not vertical when it hit the ground and the chances are very rare so definitely all uHu6JOrWHJ4-00048-00032488-00032968 the coins whether it is of one rupee coin two rupee coin five rupee coin or ten rupee coin uHu6JOrWHJ4-00049-00032968-00033784 or any any coin it has only two sides so what are the sample space related to a coin it is two uHu6JOrWHJ4-00050-00035408-00036080 it is head we get either a head or tail but what are the chances or what are the sample spaces when uHu6JOrWHJ4-00051-00036080-00036704 two coins are tossed or when three coins are tossed now the things will not be easy for us uHu6JOrWHJ4-00052-00036704-00037368 to have the sample space because the way we are expanding the things we are not uHu6JOrWHJ4-00053-00037368-00037776 very much interested in writing the sample space in this manner because we cannot count uHu6JOrWHJ4-00054-00037832-00038344 on the fingertips so there should be something a method which i am going to tell you that how we uHu6JOrWHJ4-00055-00038344-00039384 can define or how we can draw the sample space related to the event similarly if i ask you uHu6JOrWHJ4-00056-00039944-00040192 when a die is tossed so what is the sample space uHu6JOrWHJ4-00057-00040192-00040784 you all know that is one two three four five six maximum we can get six numbers uHu6JOrWHJ4-00058-00041040-00041504 so friends if i ask you that what is sample space when two uHu6JOrWHJ4-00059-00041504-00042200 two dice are tossed so now it know it will not be easy for you because it is very uHu6JOrWHJ4-00060-00042200-00042768 easy to have six calculation or six number in your mind but when two dice or more than two die are uHu6JOrWHJ4-00061-00042768-00043352 drawn or thrown definitely the things will be cumbersome then we have to deal uHu6JOrWHJ4-00062-00043352-00043736 or we have to tackle the things in the easiest manner to get the sample space uHu6JOrWHJ4-00063-00044104-00044456 so i am going to tell you a method that is tabular method i don't think uHu6JOrWHJ4-00064-00044456-00044904 that you have seen in earlier and if you have seen in earlier then definitely uHu6JOrWHJ4-00065-00044904-00045528 you should enjoy and you should learn and if you are if you have not seen this then you should uHu6JOrWHJ4-00066-00045528-00045896 share this video as much as possible to all the colleagues or all the friends who uHu6JOrWHJ4-00067-00045896-00046384 want to learn the probability or you want to study the probability okay so uHu6JOrWHJ4-00068-00047072-00047784 then how to draw the sample space when to die are tossed uHu6JOrWHJ4-00069-00048040-00048528 so we are going to make a table or we are going to have a spreadsheet like uHu6JOrWHJ4-00070-00048528-00049184 something uHu6JOrWHJ4-00071-00052088-00052408 the sample space of one day is written here one two three four five six uHu6JOrWHJ4-00072-00052408-00052696 in the similar manner the sample is space of another diabetes uHu6JOrWHJ4-00073-00052991-00053640 and the intersection of rows and column will give the sample space for example in the very first uHu6JOrWHJ4-00074-00053704-00053944 topmost top left corner we'll get uHu6JOrWHJ4-00075-00054240-00054784 one one we will get one similarly we get a one two uHu6JOrWHJ4-00076-00054912-00055760 one three one four one five one six in a similar manner if i go toward the second uHu6JOrWHJ4-00077-00055760-00056264 row and the intersecting column will give the sample space of the second row it will uHu6JOrWHJ4-00078-00056264-00057584 be uHu6JOrWHJ4-00079-00058320-00058991 you can build the spaces but as of now i think this is easy because uHu6JOrWHJ4-00080-00058991-00059416 you have the knowledge that how we can draw the sample species of to die but uHu6JOrWHJ4-00081-00059416-00059952 now i'm giving you a condition it is not so easy draw the sample space without having uHu6JOrWHJ4-00082-00059952-00060384 this prior knowledge okay i'm giving you the condition and you have to draw the sample space uHu6JOrWHJ4-00083-00060991-00061488 this method comes in handy when you face typical situations which are out of your uHu6JOrWHJ4-00084-00061584-00063184 imagination or which is out of your thinking okay so there is a condition uHu6JOrWHJ4-00085-00067848-00068448 the question is there when it comes when a coin is tossed we if we get head then we are going uHu6JOrWHJ4-00086-00068448-00069008 to draw a ball from a bag which contains two red sorry three red and two white wall and if the tail uHu6JOrWHJ4-00087-00069008-00069600 appears if the tail appears then we are throwing a tie and draw the sample space now this is not uHu6JOrWHJ4-00088-00069600-00070336 so easy because the things are now merging or clubbing so definitely it is not so easy to have a uHu6JOrWHJ4-00089-00070408-00070976 means to draw the sample space by just having the knowledge of simple sample space as i told you the uHu6JOrWHJ4-00090-00070976-00071584 method which i told you in the just now it will be very helpful how we can draw the sample space uHu6JOrWHJ4-00091-00071640-00072296 so first of all we are interested in the sample space of the coin so it is head and tape uHu6JOrWHJ4-00092-00072584-00072896 it is head and tail okay i am drawing the figure here uHu6JOrWHJ4-00093-00073840-00074384 then uHu6JOrWHJ4-00094-00075840-00076280 so we have to draw the sample space so as i told you then we have the sample space uHu6JOrWHJ4-00095-00076280-00076800 of the coin now on the row side we can say or we can divide the uHu6JOrWHJ4-00096-00076800-00077184 row into the column but we have we have three red and to white uHu6JOrWHJ4-00097-00078240-00078584 and what we have when we throw a die it will be one two three four five six uHu6JOrWHJ4-00098-00079288-00079392 okay now uHu6JOrWHJ4-00099-00079664-00080128 it is very easy for us to have the sample space because if we are a heavy head uHu6JOrWHJ4-00100-00080128-00080976 then we are going to have we are going to have this that is drawing a ball so what are the uHu6JOrWHJ4-00101-00080976-00081384 chances uHu6JOrWHJ4-00102-00082072-00082784 that is simple and if you are having a tail then what are the chances uHu6JOrWHJ4-00103-00083512-00084200 so we have how many sample spaces we have 12 sample spaces that is six four sorry one two uHu6JOrWHJ4-00104-00084200-00084960 three four five eleven eleven sample spaces five four this and that is six for throwing a die uHu6JOrWHJ4-00105-00084960-00085584 so they are related to that is when tail appear we can have only the tail with the number because uHu6JOrWHJ4-00106-00085640-00086128 as i told you if i get tail then only we are interested we are going to throw a drive uHu6JOrWHJ4-00107-00086128-00086656 so it is very simple that and it is very clear also that throwing a die simply means that the uHu6JOrWHJ4-00108-00086656-00087296 combination should be of tail and i that is number tail and number so t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 in the uHu6JOrWHJ4-00109-00087296-00087856 similar remember if you are getting and getting a head then we are drawing a ball so it will be uHu6JOrWHJ4-00110-00087856-00089000 hr1 h12 hrp as w1 and x2 so this is all about the sample spaces how we can draw the sample spaces uHu6JOrWHJ4-00111-00089000-00089456 and if you have any doubt then you can comment me please do not forget to subscribe this channel uIm27-MFD3y-00000-00000100-00000700 Hello friends. Welcome to the tutorial on Editing using Audacity. uIm27-MFD3y-00001-00000800-00001300 This tutorial will explain how to edit an audio file. We will learn how to uIm27-MFD3y-00002-00001400-00001500 open an audio file in audacity uIm27-MFD3y-00003-00001600-00002600 convert a stereo file to mono. Attach labels. Cut,delete,move and amplify the audio. Filter background noise.Save and export the audio file. uIm27-MFD3y-00004-00002700-00003500 For this tutorial, I am using the Ubuntu Linux 10.04 version operating system and Audacity version 1.3. uIm27-MFD3y-00005-00003600-00003800 Audacity supports many audio formats including: uIm27-MFD3y-00006-00003900-00004000 WAV (Windows Wave format) uIm27-MFD3y-00007-00004100-00004200 AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) uIm27-MFD3y-00008-00004300-00004500 Sun Au / NeXT uIm27-MFD3y-00009-00004600-00004800 RCAM (Institut de Recherce et Coordination Acoustique / Musique) uIm27-MFD3y-00010-00004900-00005200 MP3 (MPEG I, layer 3) (export requires separate encoder. see Lame Installation) Ogg Vorbis uIm27-MFD3y-00011-00005300-00006300 Lets access Audacity through the Main menu item Applications >> Sound and Video >> Audacity. uIm27-MFD3y-00012-00006400-00006800 An audacity help box opens. Let’s click OK. uIm27-MFD3y-00013-00006900-00008000 To edit an audio file, we need to first import it into Audacity. To do this, go to File >> Import >> Audio. uIm27-MFD3y-00014-00008100-00009000 When the browser window opens, browse for the audio file to be edited and click on Open. uIm27-MFD3y-00015-00009100-00009500 The file opens in the Audacity window. uIm27-MFD3y-00016-00009600-00010600 Save this file as an a u p file (i.e. Audacity project file) by clicking on File >> Save Project As. uIm27-MFD3y-00017-00010700-00011000 Click OK in the box that opens. uIm27-MFD3y-00018-00011100-00011400 Give your file a name. Here we will type 'Editing in Audacity'.. uIm27-MFD3y-00019-00011500-00011900 Check the folder, and Click on Save. uIm27-MFD3y-00020-00012000-00012400 Select 'Copy All Audio into Project (safer)' option. uIm27-MFD3y-00021-00012500-00013000 This creates a folder that will contain all the audacity project data files. uIm27-MFD3y-00022-00013100-00013500 Look at the tracks. If there is only one track, then the audio is in MONO. uIm27-MFD3y-00023-00013600-00014000 This will also be mentioned in the Label on the left panel. uIm27-MFD3y-00024-00014100-00015400 Now, lets open another audio file. uIm27-MFD3y-00025-00015500-00016400 If there are 2 tracks, then the audio is in STEREO. Again, this will be mentioned in the Label on the left panel. uIm27-MFD3y-00026-00016500-00017800 To remove a track completely, select the track, click on Tracks tab and select Remove Tracks. uIm27-MFD3y-00027-00017900-00018300 Alternately, delete tracks by clicking on the X at the extreme left. uIm27-MFD3y-00028-00018400-00019100 If the audio file is in stereo mode and stereo output is not required, then one can convert the mode to mono. uIm27-MFD3y-00029-00019200-00019900 To do so, go to the Tracks tab and select Mix and Render. uIm27-MFD3y-00030-00020000-00020900 Now click on the drop-down arrow on the panel to the left of the audio file and select Split stereo to mono. uIm27-MFD3y-00031-00021000-00021400 Delete one track. uIm27-MFD3y-00032-00021500-00023100 To zoom into or out of a file click the cursor where you need to zoom on the file and click the zoom in or zoom out button on the Edit panel. uIm27-MFD3y-00033-00023200-00024200 Alternately, place the cursor over the part of the file that you need to zoom into or out of. uIm27-MFD3y-00034-00024300-00025800 Now press the Ctrl key down and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out. uIm27-MFD3y-00035-00025900-00026800 An audio file can be cut to remove unwanted parts, copied, pasted, deleted and treated with some special effects. uIm27-MFD3y-00036-00026900-00027400 The volume of the file can also be increased or decreased. uIm27-MFD3y-00037-00027500-00028300 Before editing, always listen to the whole audio file. You may want to label parts as you listen, for easy reference. uIm27-MFD3y-00038-00028400-00029500 To do so, add a label track by clicking on Tracks >> add New and Label Track. uIm27-MFD3y-00039-00029600-00030400 To add a label at a point, select the point with the cursor, go to the tracks tab, uIm27-MFD3y-00040-00030500-00030700 and select Add label at selection. uIm27-MFD3y-00041-00030800-00031500 You can type into the label. uIm27-MFD3y-00042-00031600-00032300 Alternately, click at the point, uIm27-MFD3y-00043-00032400-00032700 press Ctrl +B. uIm27-MFD3y-00044-00032800-00033100 This opens a new Label track the first time. uIm27-MFD3y-00045-00033200-00034600 Consecutive Ctrl+B will open new labels on the same track. uIm27-MFD3y-00046-00034700-00035200 A label will open with the cursor at the point on the time line where the cursor is placed. uIm27-MFD3y-00047-00035300-00036600 Place the cursor wherever required and press Ctrl+B for each new label. uIm27-MFD3y-00048-00036700-00037400 Labels can also be moved. uIm27-MFD3y-00049-00037500-00038600 To delete the labels, click inside the text box and press backspace till the label is deleted. uIm27-MFD3y-00050-00038700-00039300 Another way to do this is to go to Tracks >> Edit Labels. uIm27-MFD3y-00051-00039400-00040500 A window with all the labels listed will appear and the labels that need to be deleted can be selected and deleted by clicking on Remove button. uIm27-MFD3y-00052-00040600-00041400 Click Ok. uIm27-MFD3y-00053-00041500-00042600 After listening to the entire audio file once or more than once, the structure of the edit can be decided; parts of the file can be deleted or moved, as required. uIm27-MFD3y-00054-00042700-00043400 Structure the edit based on what is appropriate for introduction, body and conclusion. uIm27-MFD3y-00055-00043500-00044000 Remove repeats and bad sound. Effects can be used to enhance the impact of a message. uIm27-MFD3y-00056-00044100-00045100 Unwanted sounds such as stammering and coughs that don't overlap the speech, repeats, and long silences can be removed. uIm27-MFD3y-00057-00045200-00046900 To delete, select the Selection tool and select the part of the audio that needs to be deleted by left-click, drag and then release, press delete to delete that part of the audio. uIm27-MFD3y-00058-00047000-00048600 To move one segment of audio to another part, select the part of the audio that needs to be moved by left-click, drag and then release, then cut that part by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+X. uIm27-MFD3y-00059-00048700-00050100 We can also click on the Cut button in the Edit tools panel OR click on Edit >> Cut option. uIm27-MFD3y-00060-00050200-00051000 Move the cursor to the place where the audio segment needs to be moved, uIm27-MFD3y-00061-00051100-00051200 click there and paste the audio segment. uIm27-MFD3y-00062-00051300-00051900 This can be done with either the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V or the Paste button uIm27-MFD3y-00063-00052000-00052600 In the Edit tools panel or Edit >> uIm27-MFD3y-00064-00052700-00053100 Paste option. uIm27-MFD3y-00065-00053200-00055300 To reduce loud breaths, select the breath portion in the audio stream by uIm27-MFD3y-00066-00055400-00055600 left-clicking, dragging and releasing. uIm27-MFD3y-00067-00055700-00056500 Go to Effect >> Amplify. Enter -5 or -7 uIm27-MFD3y-00068-00056600-00058200 or more in the Amplification box, depending on how much you want to reduce the sound, and click Ok uIm27-MFD3y-00069-00058300-00059500 To increase the volume of the parts that have recorded softly, select the audio go to Effect >> Amplify. uIm27-MFD3y-00070-00059600-00061100 You will see a value already there. This value is optimal amplification for this file. You can also enter the amount you want. uIm27-MFD3y-00071-00061200-00061400 Click Ok. uIm27-MFD3y-00072-00061500-00063300 If the Ok button is not active, check the Allow Clipping option. uIm27-MFD3y-00073-00063400-00064600 To filter out disturbing background noises, select a portion on the track with the sample noise. uIm27-MFD3y-00074-00064700-00065400 Remember to select a portion without voice. Now click on Effect >> uIm27-MFD3y-00075-00065500-00065800 Noise Removal. uIm27-MFD3y-00076-00065900-00066100 Click on Get Noise Profile. uIm27-MFD3y-00077-00066200-00066500 This will identify the noise sample to be filtered. uIm27-MFD3y-00078-00066600-00067000 Now select the whole audio track by clicking anywhere on it. uIm27-MFD3y-00079-00067100-00067500 Again, click on Effect >> uIm27-MFD3y-00080-00067600-00068500 Noise Removal. Choose the Noise Reduction Level. uIm27-MFD3y-00081-00068600-00069000 Use the lowest value that reduces the noise to an acceptable level. uIm27-MFD3y-00082-00069100-00069600 Higher values will remove the noise completely but will result in distortion of the audio that remains. uIm27-MFD3y-00083-00069700-00070300 Lets click OK. uIm27-MFD3y-00084-00070400-00071300 It is advisable not to amplify the audio too much above the recommended value in the box because amplification also enhances background sounds. uIm27-MFD3y-00085-00071400-00071600 Hisses and hums will become more prominent as well. uIm27-MFD3y-00086-00071700-00071900 Save the project file regularly. uIm27-MFD3y-00087-00072000-00072800 Finally, export the final project to the required audio format i.e. wav, mp3 and others. uIm27-MFD3y-00088-00072900-00073600 We have already covered this part in the earlier tutorial. Kindly refer to it for details. uIm27-MFD3y-00089-00073700-00075400 That's all we have in this tutorial. lets just summarize. In this we learned the basics of editing,using audacity uIm27-MFD3y-00090-00075500-00076900 structure and edit. Cut, delete, move audio. Amplify audio. Filter background noise uIm27-MFD3y-00091-00077000-00077400 Edit the audio that you recorded in the first tutorial using the tips given above. uIm27-MFD3y-00092-00077500-00078000 Use fade out and fade in where necessary. uIm27-MFD3y-00093-00078100-00078500 Watch the video available at the following link (http://spoken-tutorial.org/What_is_a_Spoken_Tutorial) uIm27-MFD3y-00094-00078600-00078900 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project uIm27-MFD3y-00095-00079000-00079400 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it uIm27-MFD3y-00096-00079500-00079900 The Spoken Tutorial Team conducts workshops using spoken tutorials uIm27-MFD3y-00097-00080000-00080400 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test uIm27-MFD3y-00098-00080500-00080900 For more details contact, contact@spoken-tutorial.org uIm27-MFD3y-00099-00081000-00081400 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project. uIm27-MFD3y-00100-00081500-00082100 supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. uIm27-MFD3y-00101-00082200-00083400 More information on this Mission is available at http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-intro uIm27-MFD3y-00102-00083500-00083700 This brings us to the end of this tutorial. uIm27-MFD3y-00103-00083800-00084000 Thank you. uIm27-MFD3y-00104-00084100-00084600 This is Krupa Thimmaiah from ITforChange uINFiOeU4UU-00000-00001038-00001351 Gail Herman: My job really is where are all these variants uINFiOeU4UU-00001-00001351-00001980 coming from, and what’s the clinician’s attitude, or what do we need to interpret uINFiOeU4UU-00002-00001980-00002384 them. And I just want to make a couple of disclosures because I’m going to talk about uINFiOeU4UU-00003-00002384-00002973 some guidelines for a medical professional group, and also I’ve been on the external uINFiOeU4UU-00004-00002973-00003554 advisory board for the mouse genome informatics database, and at the very end trying to integrate uINFiOeU4UU-00005-00003554-00003904 these two I think is partly what we need to do. uINFiOeU4UU-00006-00003904-00004691 So, currently if we look at clinical utility of precision medicine, whatever we want to uINFiOeU4UU-00007-00004691-00005226 call it, I think it’s really been in the diagnosis of a real -- rare Mendelian disorders uINFiOeU4UU-00008-00005226-00005857 which is what I deal with, as well as in cancer diagnostics and personalized therapeutics. uINFiOeU4UU-00009-00005857-00006292 We’re beginning to make some headway in pharmacogenomics, and I think we all hope uINFiOeU4UU-00010-00006292-00006802 that eventually we will understand better multifactorial disorder. uINFiOeU4UU-00011-00006802-00007479 So, for those who are not clinicians, clinical exome sequencing has really revolutionized uINFiOeU4UU-00012-00007479-00008117 the way I practice clinical genetics. It has a very high diagnostic yield, higher than uINFiOeU4UU-00013-00008117-00008682 anything we’ve ever had in the past. At least in pediatrics we know it’s important uINFiOeU4UU-00014-00008682-00009269 to study trios. If we study a child in both parents, the yield is going to be much higher uINFiOeU4UU-00015-00009269-00009943 than just studying the child alone, and that’s because a lot of the pathogenic variants we’re uINFiOeU4UU-00016-00009943-00010572 finding turn out to be de novo mutations. What we’re here to talk about today is how uINFiOeU4UU-00017-00010572-00011145 do we deal with variants of unknown significant, and there’s a new class of them that we uINFiOeU4UU-00018-00011145-00011670 are dealing with in genomic sequencing. And that’s secondary findings, which I want uINFiOeU4UU-00019-00011670-00011970 to just spend a couple of minutes on. uINFiOeU4UU-00020-00011970-00012572 So, actionable secondary findings can be defined as damaging variants in diseased genes that uINFiOeU4UU-00021-00012572-00013091 are unrelated to the reason that the testing was ordered, for which there is significant uINFiOeU4UU-00022-00013091-00013772 morbidity or mortality, and where early diagnosis can ameliorate or prevent the disease. And uINFiOeU4UU-00023-00013772-00014344 there’s a unique opportunity when one does either exome or genome sequencing to identify uINFiOeU4UU-00024-00014344-00015058 these variants which can have implications for the patient or the family. And so, in uINFiOeU4UU-00025-00015058-00015775 2013 ACMG as well as the President’s Commission on Bioethics came out with policy statements uINFiOeU4UU-00026-00015775-00016414 to search for and report selected of these variants. ACMG came out with a minimum list uINFiOeU4UU-00027-00016414-00017059 of 56 actionable genes. Some of the authors of that document are in the room here. They’re uINFiOeU4UU-00028-00017059-00017677 mostly hereditary cancer genes, Marfan related syndromes, cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, uINFiOeU4UU-00029-00017677-00018395 familial hypercholesterolemia and malignant hyperthermia. So, high penetrance and there uINFiOeU4UU-00030-00018395-00018886 is something one can do to prevent or ameliorate the disorder. uINFiOeU4UU-00031-00018886-00019441 The pathogenic variants, and I’ll stress that these should be known pathogenic variants, uINFiOeU4UU-00032-00019441-00020072 should be reported regardless of the indication when a clinical exome or genome is analyzed. uINFiOeU4UU-00033-00020072-00020702 Some labs do additional genes. The minimal list should be reported regardless of patient uINFiOeU4UU-00034-00020702-00021286 age, i.e. those reported in children, and while originally our recommendation was to uINFiOeU4UU-00035-00021286-00022049 do this and not have an opt out, that position was updated due to a firestorm, if you want uINFiOeU4UU-00036-00022049-00022723 to call it that, from everywhere so that parents and patients can opt out at the time of consent. uINFiOeU4UU-00037-00022723-00023519 Though at least in our experience, maybe 5 percent do. uINFiOeU4UU-00038-00023519-00024657 Labs should seek and report only pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants, and this is uINFiOeU4UU-00039-00024657-00025179 because there’s a very low likelihood of disease. It’s different than when someone uINFiOeU4UU-00040-00025179-00025837 already has had a cardiac arrhythmia or has a strong family history of sudden death from uINFiOeU4UU-00041-00025837-00026516 arrhythmia. When you’re looking in healthy people, you need to be sure. Labs are supposed uINFiOeU4UU-00042-00026516-00026950 to list the quality of the data. They don’t have to cover every exome in every one of uINFiOeU4UU-00043-00026950-00027511 the genes listed, but they ought to report what they’re coverage is, and the clinician uINFiOeU4UU-00044-00027511-00028171 whether it’s a geneticist or a family practice doc, it has the responsibility to tell patients uINFiOeU4UU-00045-00028171-00028875 about this and to interpret the findings. Our organization as well as the QIAGEN Project, uINFiOeU4UU-00046-00028875-00029510 a refining and updating this list, and I believe at the present time there is still no consensus uINFiOeU4UU-00047-00029510-00030013 about reporting these findings in the research setting. uINFiOeU4UU-00048-00030013-00030807 So, if we look then at clinical exome sequencing, who are the best candidates, and again I’m uINFiOeU4UU-00049-00030807-00031382 talking from the pediatric standpoint? So, when you have a specific phenotype, you ought uINFiOeU4UU-00050-00031382-00031911 to order the most specific tests possible. So, if a child has an abnormal sweat test, uINFiOeU4UU-00051-00031911-00032480 you sequence the cystic fibrosis gene. If you think a child has Noonan syndrome, there’s uINFiOeU4UU-00052-00032480-00033077 now a very good gene panel that covers all of the known Noonan genes 85 to 90 percent, uINFiOeU4UU-00053-00033077-00033584 and the chance you’re going to find another Noonan gene in the next week is very low. uINFiOeU4UU-00054-00033584-00033963 There are probably a couple out there, but they’re rare and they’re not coming along uINFiOeU4UU-00055-00033963-00034672 all the time, whereas when you look at intellectual disability and other similar kinds of conditions, uINFiOeU4UU-00056-00034672-00035209 there are new genes all the time. There are probably at least 500, and so exome sequencing uINFiOeU4UU-00057-00035209-00036050 in my opinion becomes the best way to cover the spectrum. There is a longer turnaround uINFiOeU4UU-00058-00036050-00036524 time, and right now though we’re not going to talk about it, there may be lower reimbursement uINFiOeU4UU-00059-00036524-00036801 than doing specific panels. uINFiOeU4UU-00060-00036801-00037556 Again in pediatrics, we almost always recommend a micro-array before doing an exome. Not only uINFiOeU4UU-00061-00037556-00038180 will you find copy number variation that may be responsible, but you may uncover consanguinity uINFiOeU4UU-00062-00038180-00038622 that you didn’t know was there. And that as we’ve just heard can help point you to uINFiOeU4UU-00063-00038622-00039378 specific regions where a causative gene may lie. And compared to before exome sequencing, uINFiOeU4UU-00064-00039378-00039963 we still do some relatively cheap screening tests, but I certainly moved to exome sequencing uINFiOeU4UU-00065-00039963-00041864 much quicker than we would have in the past. Oops. Oh, my God. Now, what did I do? I think uINFiOeU4UU-00066-00041864-00042689 it’s important to talk about utility of a genetic diagnosis, and even if it’s not uINFiOeU4UU-00067-00042689-00043281 going to change management, it can make a dramatic effect on a child and a family’s uINFiOeU4UU-00068-00043281-00043381 life. uINFiOeU4UU-00069-00043381-00043869 First of all, it’s going to prevent additional unnecessary testing, and kids and families uINFiOeU4UU-00070-00043869-00044427 go through this long odyssey. And both the financial but the emotional impact to have uINFiOeU4UU-00071-00044427-00045014 a diagnosis is really important. As we learn more about disorders, it may help prevent uINFiOeU4UU-00072-00045014-00045747 or recognize future medical complications. It may help predict function as an adult. uINFiOeU4UU-00073-00045747-00046358 For sure it’s going to provide better guidance concerning recurrence risk, and some insurers uINFiOeU4UU-00074-00046358-00047039 are actually beginning to accept this information as a cause for doing the test. Rarely, it uINFiOeU4UU-00075-00047039-00047731 will permit specific medical therapies. Although we always tell our families this is rare, uINFiOeU4UU-00076-00047731-00048224 at least in the pediatric field that I deal with, and they shouldn’t get their hopes uINFiOeU4UU-00077-00048224-00048324 up. uINFiOeU4UU-00078-00048324-00049016 So, what’s the experience that we’ve had clinically? We’re a large children’s hospital, uINFiOeU4UU-00079-00049016-00049686 but we don’t have a huge genome center, and so this is really a clinical perspective. uINFiOeU4UU-00080-00049686-00050389 So, at our institution all exome sequencing must be ordered or approved by a clinical uINFiOeU4UU-00081-00050389-00051026 geneticist. We feel that this is a bit of a gatekeeper. A lot of our physicians don’t uINFiOeU4UU-00082-00051026-00051671 understand all the nuances involved. This can happen in different ways, referrals to uINFiOeU4UU-00083-00051671-00052202 genetics, which is the standard way. I’ve been involved in starting some chase conferences uINFiOeU4UU-00084-00052202-00052638 with different disciplines where, particularly with neurology, we’ve been doing this a uINFiOeU4UU-00085-00052638-00053155 year and a half now, they present cases they think are important for exome sequencing. uINFiOeU4UU-00086-00053155-00053749 We discuss them and it’s worked incredibly well. We’re beginning to understand them uINFiOeU4UU-00087-00053749-00054333 and they’re understanding us. We’ve moved from, is this case good to do an exome, to, uINFiOeU4UU-00088-00054333-00054784 how do I interpret this variant of unknown significance? And I think this is one way uINFiOeU4UU-00089-00054784-00055351 where we’re talking with them. And we can present our feelings. And use some of the uINFiOeU4UU-00090-00055351-00056184 basic model organism data to help sort out what might be actually disease causing. And uINFiOeU4UU-00091-00056184-00056671 then we are planning, or I am planning a genomics clinic, starting small, and then we hope to uINFiOeU4UU-00092-00056671-00056771 expand. uINFiOeU4UU-00093-00056771-00057616 So, how have we done? Our exomes now go to Baylor Miraca. We’re starting in-house. uINFiOeU4UU-00094-00057616-00058361 Hopefully by the end of the summer, but through the end of August on 160 clinical exomes done, uINFiOeU4UU-00095-00058361-00058936 we had a 44 percent positive yield, which I think is fantastic. It waivers a little, uINFiOeU4UU-00096-00058936-00059594 and it’s all across the board, different kinds of disorders, and then we had two and uINFiOeU4UU-00097-00059594-00060346 a half percent or four secondary findings that were positive, BRCA1, MEN2, BRCA2, and uINFiOeU4UU-00098-00060346-00060759 a calcium channel gene that we’ve had to deal with. uINFiOeU4UU-00099-00060759-00061536 I’ve gone through the records and analyzed the first 100 cases. This takes a fair amount uINFiOeU4UU-00100-00061536-00062307 of time, but for the positive cases there are -- 46 percent with a positive result had uINFiOeU4UU-00101-00062307-00062896 a change in management beyond the reproductive risk. Now, most of these were changes in surveillance uINFiOeU4UU-00102-00062896-00063347 that you were worried about a disorder. You didn’t find it. So, you could stop surveillance uINFiOeU4UU-00103-00063347-00064035 or in some cases you had to do surveillance. Three of them were specific for a medication uINFiOeU4UU-00104-00064035-00064596 or a diet change, including a patient that had a seizure movement disorder, and based uINFiOeU4UU-00105-00064596-00065037 on the gene found they could change to a drug that was actually helping the movement disorder uINFiOeU4UU-00106-00065037-00065783 much better. The other thing is that 20 out of the 41 were de novo, which results in a uINFiOeU4UU-00107-00065783-00066317 dramatic reduction in recurrence risk. So, we just don’t know it. We had assumed it uINFiOeU4UU-00108-00066317-00066803 was probably 25 percent, and now it’s almost certainly less than 1 percent. And that is uINFiOeU4UU-00109-00066803-00067405 really important to families. And I think something that we need to push going forward. uINFiOeU4UU-00110-00067405-00067829 And there were some novel gene identification like at many sites. uINFiOeU4UU-00111-00067829-00068506 So, where do I think clinical sequencing is going? Well, it’s rapidly expanding to carrier uINFiOeU4UU-00112-00068506-00069107 and population screening. Some of the companies that are now doing carrier screening prior uINFiOeU4UU-00113-00069107-00069713 to pregnancy will do panels of no mutations, but a couple hundred bucks more, you can do uINFiOeU4UU-00114-00069713-00070240 a whole exome, and those need to be interpreted. And as we’re moving into population screening, uINFiOeU4UU-00115-00070240-00070757 again, we’re looking at healthy people. And when we find variants, the bar has to uINFiOeU4UU-00116-00070757-00071429 be set fairly high. This whole meeting is moving from gene identification to variant uINFiOeU4UU-00117-00071429-00072031 pathogenicity, and there’s a need for tools to validate these, particularly the missense uINFiOeU4UU-00118-00072031-00072735 variant. And as research is moving to whole genome sequencing and clinical will follow, uINFiOeU4UU-00119-00072735-00073221 in one test you’ll be able to look for chromosome rearrangements, which I think will be very uINFiOeU4UU-00120-00073221-00073792 powerful. But there will also be the complexity of assessing noncoding variants, which right uINFiOeU4UU-00121-00073792-00074187 now I don’t even want to think of from the clinical side. uINFiOeU4UU-00122-00074187-00075162 So, ACMG has put out standards and guidelines for a good while now on variant calling, from uINFiOeU4UU-00123-00075162-00075817 our laboratory quality assurance committee, and in 2013 there was an update to this to uINFiOeU4UU-00124-00075817-00076646 try to assess how to call variants from whole exome and genome sequencing, to try to standardize uINFiOeU4UU-00125-00076646-00077428 the process, make it transparent, and to have similar results across labs. The workgroup uINFiOeU4UU-00126-00077428-00077982 consisted of lab directors and some clinicians from our organization, the Association of uINFiOeU4UU-00127-00077982-00079080 Molecular Pathology, and the College of American Pathology. The classification terminology uINFiOeU4UU-00128-00079080-00079943 is complicated like CNVs. There’s pathogenic, likely pathogenic, VUS, likely benign and uINFiOeU4UU-00129-00079943-00080992 benign, and there’s a very complicated scheme of how labs are supposed to grade evidence. uINFiOeU4UU-00130-00080992-00081612 And I thought the best way would be to give an example. Howard gave a similar kind of uINFiOeU4UU-00131-00081612-00082086 thing. So, this was actually a case that we talked about in our neurology conference, uINFiOeU4UU-00132-00082086-00082621 and I think one of the lab fellows for the slides. So, this was an 18 month old with uINFiOeU4UU-00133-00082621-00083212 severe progressive epilepsy. They did s a seizure panel. There were no pathogenic variants, uINFiOeU4UU-00134-00083212-00083730 but they had a variant of unknown significance in a potassium channel gene. The gene was uINFiOeU4UU-00135-00083730-00084290 known to cause dominant seizure disorders, originally benign neonatal seizures you have uINFiOeU4UU-00136-00084290-00084775 as a newborn, and then they go away, but it’s also now been found that it will cause later uINFiOeU4UU-00137-00084775-00085010 onset seizures as well. uINFiOeU4UU-00138-00085010-00085857 There were three publications with some functional data, and so how do you grade evidence for uINFiOeU4UU-00139-00085857-00086549 this? So, looking at the population frequency, if you look in the ExAC and other databases, uINFiOeU4UU-00140-00086549-00087162 looks like it’s about one in 250, which is much too frequent for a disease that may uINFiOeU4UU-00141-00087162-00087955 be as one in 50,000. A case control study, if you look at the bottom there shows that uINFiOeU4UU-00142-00087955-00088866 it is enriched in disease. The variant in this region is highly conserved, and while uINFiOeU4UU-00143-00088866-00089547 the functional prediction programs are mostly that it would be deleterious, it’s not 100 uINFiOeU4UU-00144-00089547-00090279 percent like that, and then you could look in ClinVar, where variants are reported by uINFiOeU4UU-00145-00090279-00090925 laboratories with their interpretation. And again, there weren’t many here, but one uINFiOeU4UU-00146-00090925-00091415 said it was benign; one said it was unknown significance; and one said it was pathogenic, uINFiOeU4UU-00147-00091415-00091742 which doesn’t really help you very much. uINFiOeU4UU-00148-00091742-00092796 So, you could plug this into the checklist that ACMG had, and our lab has modified that. uINFiOeU4UU-00149-00092796-00093706 Hopefully you can see this. Oops, I’ve got to go back one, I think. So, there’s strong uINFiOeU4UU-00150-00093706-00094438 and supporting evidence, and in this case there was evidence that the allele frequency uINFiOeU4UU-00151-00094438-00095300 for the disorder was too high. And also, that you saw it in healthy individuals, which would uINFiOeU4UU-00152-00095300-00096175 go against this being pathogenic. But you could look on the other side, and there was uINFiOeU4UU-00153-00096175-00096875 some established in vitro functional data saying it was damaging. And there was also uINFiOeU4UU-00154-00096875-00097416 tracking through families and affecteds [spelled phonetically] that it associated with disease. uINFiOeU4UU-00155-00097416-00097947 And what we’re looking for here is to look at the in vitro or functional data, and how uINFiOeU4UU-00156-00097947-00098695 can that help us sort these out, these kinds of things. And so, when you get this conflicting uINFiOeU4UU-00157-00098695-00099312 data, what the guideline says and what the lab says is, you need to call it a variant uINFiOeU4UU-00158-00099312-00099973 of uncertain significance. And I will just say here that I think the lab has to be very uINFiOeU4UU-00159-00099973-00100597 conservative, but this is where the clinician’s input I think is valuable. And so, while I uINFiOeU4UU-00160-00100597-00101220 wouldn’t have been convinced near the beginning of Howard’s example, by the end I would uINFiOeU4UU-00161-00101220-00101677 have been willing to say to that family, “I think this is involved.” And I think that uINFiOeU4UU-00162-00101677-00102298 the clinician has to be informed, and has a responsibility to take all of the data, uINFiOeU4UU-00163-00102298-00102865 and put it in context. uINFiOeU4UU-00164-00102865-00103329 And so, what can model organisms do? They can demonstrate a role for the protein in uINFiOeU4UU-00165-00103329-00103894 the biological process. I don’t think they can demonstrate pathogenicity, but they certainly uINFiOeU4UU-00166-00103894-00104433 can help, which is what we’re trying to do here. Hopefully in the future we can use uINFiOeU4UU-00167-00104433-00105224 model organisms to demonstrate gene/gene interactions, and eventually to test possible therapies. uINFiOeU4UU-00168-00105224-00105825 The model depends on the gene and the phenotype. This is too simplistic, but there are lots uINFiOeU4UU-00169-00105825-00106501 of models at the disposal that we have, and I think one of the challenges is understanding uINFiOeU4UU-00170-00106501-00106958 the advantages and the limitations of each model, and that you’re not going to have uINFiOeU4UU-00171-00106958-00107589 an autistic mouse, but if you see CNS expression and behavioral abnormalities, that may tell uINFiOeU4UU-00172-00107589-00108115 you that this gene or variant may be involved in a human disorder. uINFiOeU4UU-00173-00108115-00108927 So, to just do a couple of examples, one can use yeast to study conserve metabolic pathways, uINFiOeU4UU-00174-00108927-00109453 and so for much of my career in the old days, I studied X-linked mouse models that turned uINFiOeU4UU-00175-00109453-00110022 out to be defects in cholesterol synthesis. And this was the mouse I studied, the bare uINFiOeU4UU-00176-00110022-00110627 patches mouse, X-linked male lethal, and I spent years trying to clone this the old fashioned uINFiOeU4UU-00177-00110627-00111345 way with genetic mapping, physical mapping, and eventually we found that it was a disorder uINFiOeU4UU-00178-00111345-00111851 of cholesterol synthesis. Now, we did one thing smart through all of these years, and uINFiOeU4UU-00179-00111851-00112424 that was that there’s another mouse model called tattered, also X-linked male lethal, uINFiOeU4UU-00180-00112424-00112959 looked very much like bare patches. We mapped that to a completely different region of the uINFiOeU4UU-00181-00112959-00113559 X chromosome, but once we knew bare patches, we looked in that region and were able to uINFiOeU4UU-00182-00113559-00114120 find another gene that was the next step in cholesterol synthesis, and very rapidly found uINFiOeU4UU-00183-00114120-00114704 out that that was the gene for tattered and human X-linked male lethal disorder. So, I uINFiOeU4UU-00184-00114704-00115561 think this is one example where we used yeast way back when and it helped. uINFiOeU4UU-00185-00115561-00116157 Certain types of disorders I think are only going to be able to be studied in mammals. uINFiOeU4UU-00186-00116157-00117130 You can’t study placental disorders in zebrafish. I think also as we get to higher neuro function, uINFiOeU4UU-00187-00117130-00117771 behavior, the mouse, and other higher mammals may be very important, and so again from some uINFiOeU4UU-00188-00117771-00118520 of our autism work, we found damaging de novo variants in novel genes in two of our human uINFiOeU4UU-00189-00118520-00119289 autism patients that I think are likely pathogenic based on behavioral phenotypes in knockout uINFiOeU4UU-00190-00119289-00120059 mice. Now, those are total gene knockouts wherein our human patient, it’s a de novo, uINFiOeU4UU-00191-00120059-00120822 heterozygous variant, but again to look at where it’s expressed, when it’s expressed uINFiOeU4UU-00192-00120822-00121624 in some relation to phenotype to me means it’s probably pathogenic. I have not told uINFiOeU4UU-00193-00121624-00122311 these two families as yet that this is the likely cause, however; I will say that. And uINFiOeU4UU-00194-00122311-00123195 finally, I just want to finish. I think that one of the best places to focus who we’re uINFiOeU4UU-00195-00123195-00124041 going to direct understanding how models help is the clinical molecular geneticist who runs uINFiOeU4UU-00196-00124041-00124810 the diagnostic lab, and that slide’s gone, but through my work with Jacks [spelled phonetically] uINFiOeU4UU-00197-00124810-00125414 and then the American College, I was able to facilitate a webinar that the outreach uINFiOeU4UU-00198-00125414-00126108 coordinator at Jacks did on how to use the mouse genome database, and how a clinical uINFiOeU4UU-00199-00126108-00126858 lab could try to look at model organism data to inform some of their deliberations about uINFiOeU4UU-00200-00126858-00127545 whether a gene or a variant was pathogenic. And I think it’s the laboratory directors uINFiOeU4UU-00201-00127545-00128222 that need to review all this data, and might have the skill and the time more than the uINFiOeU4UU-00202-00128222-00129049 clinician to try to integrate that into their report. So, I’ll stop there. uINFiOeU4UU-00203-00129049-00129614 Male Speaker: Thank you. So, while people think about their uINFiOeU4UU-00204-00129614-00130441 questions, we’ll have five minutes for you, and then we’ll have an open free for all. uINFiOeU4UU-00205-00130441-00131269 I want to come back to the question of, who is the interpreter of the laboratory data. uINFiOeU4UU-00206-00131269-00132022 Is it the director of the genetics lab or is it the cardiomyopathy expert in cardiomyopathy uINFiOeU4UU-00207-00132022-00132122 clinic? uINFiOeU4UU-00208-00132122-00132475 Gail Herman: It’s both, and when we came out with our uINFiOeU4UU-00209-00132475-00133332 new standard of practice for our profession, there was some somewhat heated discussion uINFiOeU4UU-00210-00133332-00133981 about, what is the laboratory director’s role in interpretation and what is the clinician’s uINFiOeU4UU-00211-00133981-00134830 role? So, I think the laboratory director is the one who has to go through and decide, uINFiOeU4UU-00212-00134830-00135544 was the test done right; is this pathogenic meeting some criteria? But then I think the uINFiOeU4UU-00213-00135544-00136159 clinician has to put it in context. If you have a pathogenic variant clearly, but it uINFiOeU4UU-00214-00136159-00136760 doesn’t fit the clinical disease, that’s not the answer to the child or the patient’s uINFiOeU4UU-00215-00136760-00137480 problem and so I feel very strongly that we take the report that the laboratory generates uINFiOeU4UU-00216-00137480-00137967 to the best of their ability with the clinical information provided. So, if the clinician uINFiOeU4UU-00217-00137967-00138388 doesn’t provide any information or it’s just intellectual disability, but you don’t uINFiOeU4UU-00218-00138388-00138811 say they have a molar tooth sign or other things, it’s hard for the lab to do their uINFiOeU4UU-00219-00138811-00139612 job, but then I think the clinician has to take that and put it in context. So you know, uINFiOeU4UU-00220-00139612-00140221 you could say I’m hedging, but I think our role is to take what the lab says and interpret uINFiOeU4UU-00221-00140221-00140390 it in the context of the patient. uINFiOeU4UU-00222-00140390-00140825 Male Speaker: So, let’s hear from the cardiomyopathy expert. uINFiOeU4UU-00223-00140825-00140925 Gail Herman: Yeah. uINFiOeU4UU-00224-00140925-00141161 Female Speaker: Sorry, I wasn’t really going to talk about uINFiOeU4UU-00225-00141161-00141746 cardiomyopathies, but I do think that we have a historical precedence of laboratories that uINFiOeU4UU-00226-00141746-00142388 are providing information that inform clinical care, but are being run and organized and uINFiOeU4UU-00227-00142388-00143039 data is interpreted by someone who’s never seen the patient. And in the imaging field uINFiOeU4UU-00228-00143039-00143697 of which we make extensive use, there’s a very common phrase that ends many reports. uINFiOeU4UU-00229-00143697-00144287 “Clinical correlation is advised,” and I think that’s a really important thing uINFiOeU4UU-00230-00144287-00145146 to put in the context of genetics and genomics. If we knew that A caused B, and phenotype uINFiOeU4UU-00231-00145146-00145663 would emerge and evolve, we’d be done with this conference, and we could move on to therapy, uINFiOeU4UU-00232-00145663-00146138 but I think we have to recognize we don’t understand that, and so clinical correlation uINFiOeU4UU-00233-00146138-00146816 is going to be, in my opinion, where the buck stops because if it doesn’t make sense or uINFiOeU4UU-00234-00146816-00147447 it might make sense in the future, there can be an advisory. But I would have difficulty uINFiOeU4UU-00235-00147447-00147999 in terms of making a diagnosis. I don’t think these are diagnostic tests. I think uINFiOeU4UU-00236-00147999-00148633 they are informative tests, the same way that an X-ray that shows a mass in the lungs is uINFiOeU4UU-00237-00148633-00149154 informative of lung cancer, but not diagnostic of lung cancer. uINFiOeU4UU-00238-00149154-00149648 My other question to you would be actually a bit of a surprise. I’m actually in favor uINFiOeU4UU-00239-00149648-00150106 of having a bit of a free for all of letting people do genetic testing, and I think the uINFiOeU4UU-00240-00150106-00150820 reason for that is because clinicians are scared. They don’t understand a lot of the uINFiOeU4UU-00241-00150820-00151500 nuances, and I think it’s a see one, do one, learn one kind of approach, and so I uINFiOeU4UU-00242-00151500-00152188 frankly would urge you to take off the buffer of the clinical geneticist. I mean, I think uINFiOeU4UU-00243-00152188-00152798 it’s an expensive proposition from a health care dollars resource utilization, but I think uINFiOeU4UU-00244-00152798-00153332 we can make people learn a whole lot rather than sequestering this kind of information uINFiOeU4UU-00245-00153332-00153494 into the really sub-specialist. uINFiOeU4UU-00246-00153494-00153775 Gail Herman: So, I guess I’ll make one comment at that. uINFiOeU4UU-00247-00153775-00154190 So, the neurologists who’ve come to our conference, we don’t have it over the summer, uINFiOeU4UU-00248-00154190-00154879 when they email me a one sentence about why they want to do an exome, it’s fine. Now, uINFiOeU4UU-00249-00154879-00155229 we still have to have a genetic counselor who can sense in all of that, but I think uINFiOeU4UU-00250-00155229-00155762 there’s some baseline education, and I think the clinicians who really don’t know anything uINFiOeU4UU-00251-00155762-00156620 about this get scared. But the hope is that if we can interact, get some idea, and they uINFiOeU4UU-00252-00156620-00157303 get some idea, yeah. Then I think having them order it -- and this is again partly driven uINFiOeU4UU-00253-00157303-00157716 by finances, but also really by what’s in the best interest and the best test for the uINFiOeU4UU-00254-00157716-00157816 patient. uINFiOeU4UU-00255-00157816-00158254 Male Speaker: So, Les, and then I’ll -- uINFiOeU4UU-00256-00158254-00158665 Male Speaker: Yeah, listening to this and a number of the uINFiOeU4UU-00257-00158665-00159150 other talks, I’m struck by the fact that I think here we’re talking about a number uINFiOeU4UU-00258-00159150-00159910 of different assertions of truth and they’re qualitatively quite a bit different. And Daniel, uINFiOeU4UU-00259-00159910-00160440 I think sort of your nature paper from that workshop started that conversation, these uINFiOeU4UU-00260-00160440-00161126 assertions of relationships of causality between disruption of a gene and a phenotype, then uINFiOeU4UU-00261-00161126-00161975 assertions of the relationship of a variant to that phenotype. And then, as you work toward uINFiOeU4UU-00262-00161975-00162800 the clinic, then assertions of the human relationship of a gene to a phenotype, and the relationship uINFiOeU4UU-00263-00162800-00163581 of a variant in a person to a phenotype. And then finally, the molecular diagnosis of the uINFiOeU4UU-00264-00163581-00164315 patient. And all those are different assertions of different kinds of truths, and the nature uINFiOeU4UU-00265-00164315-00164920 and the habits of evidence that we have for those are a bit in flux. But we have some, uINFiOeU4UU-00266-00164920-00165574 I think, established approaches to these, and it strikes me. I’m glad you brought uINFiOeU4UU-00267-00165574-00166329 up -- you didn’t really use the word, but you started talking about Bayesian inference, uINFiOeU4UU-00268-00166329-00166947 and I’m sorry to see you shutter because I think it relates to what Howard was saying. uINFiOeU4UU-00269-00166947-00167416 And I think that we have a well-established tradition, especially in basic science and uINFiOeU4UU-00270-00167416-00168179 common disease, of setting up large controlled trials with a very frequentist Fisherian approach uINFiOeU4UU-00271-00168179-00168423 to analyzing significance. uINFiOeU4UU-00272-00168423-00169029 And I think in some ways we have a bit of a tyranny of that mindset in science and medicine uINFiOeU4UU-00273-00169029-00169520 today, which is probably why no one raised their hand at your meeting. And I think though uINFiOeU4UU-00274-00169520-00169946 as we move, what you’re actually talking about is taking a mass of evidence and using uINFiOeU4UU-00275-00169946-00170608 Bayesian reasoning, prior probabilities and conditional probabilities, and using that uINFiOeU4UU-00276-00170608-00171281 to come to an assertion or, in the final decision, a diagnosis about a patient. And I think what uINFiOeU4UU-00277-00171281-00171921 we have to do is begin to convince our colleagues when it is appropriate to stick with Fisherian uINFiOeU4UU-00278-00171921-00172465 and when we have to start thinking in a Bayesian way. And that effects a lot I think about uINFiOeU4UU-00279-00172465-00173212 how we treat functional data, because functional data are somewhat challenging to introduce uINFiOeU4UU-00280-00173212-00173823 into Bayesian modes of reasoning and decision making, but I think we will have to begin uINFiOeU4UU-00281-00173823-00174319 to do it because some of the data Howard and others have presented really are conditional uINFiOeU4UU-00282-00174319-00174989 probabilities that modify the posterior that that is the cause of the patient’s disease. uINFiOeU4UU-00283-00174989-00175531 And we have to be very careful to separate -- and I’m glad was it -- so, you both I uINFiOeU4UU-00284-00175531-00175961 think were saying -- you were arguing about the separation of the assertion of pathogenicity uINFiOeU4UU-00285-00175961-00176592 of the variant from the diagnosis of the patient. And the former goes on in the laboratory. uINFiOeU4UU-00286-00176592-00177166 The latter goes on in the clinic, and we really -- if we muddle those, it’ll be a bad mess. uINFiOeU4UU-00287-00177166-00177577 Gail Herman: No, I would agree. I just -- I can’t do uINFiOeU4UU-00288-00177577-00177983 a chi-square, and so when we get to math it really -- that’s why I started mapping in uINFiOeU4UU-00289-00177983-00178350 the mouse years ago, because you just did a cross and counted up recombinants in the uINFiOeU4UU-00290-00178350-00179119 old days. But no, I think how do you weigh some evidence against other evidence, and uINFiOeU4UU-00291-00179119-00179746 I think we will have to come to that, hopefully again in some way that I can just look at uINFiOeU4UU-00292-00179746-00180316 it or plug it in, but I think right now it’s trying to get evidence and what are the types uINFiOeU4UU-00293-00180316-00180513 of evidence, and then it will be how to weight it. So, no. I agree. uINFiOeU4UU-00294-00180513-00180613 Male Speaker: So, Calum, did you want to [inaudible]. So, uINFiOeU4UU-00295-00180613-00181399 Calum is first, and then we’re going to let Dan sit down, and have a free for all, uINFiOeU4UU-00296-00181399-00181715 because you’re still up there. uINFiOeU4UU-00297-00181715-00182041 Male Speaker: So, I was actually going to extend a little uINFiOeU4UU-00298-00182041-00182453 bit on Les’ comment, because I think you’re absolutely right. This distinction is very uINFiOeU4UU-00299-00182453-00182785 important, but one of the areas where it’s blurred is actually in therapeutic trials. uINFiOeU4UU-00300-00182785-00183395 So, we have lots of therapeutic trials where we are actually supplying the post hoc condition, uINFiOeU4UU-00301-00183395-00183873 and we ignore causality. There are lots of situations where, you know, this sort of limited uINFiOeU4UU-00302-00183873-00184442 set of preconditioning sets plus one biomarker led to a therapeutic outcome that looked beneficial. uINFiOeU4UU-00303-00184442-00185003 Therefore, for time memorial thereafter, we will use that biomarker as a surrogate, and uINFiOeU4UU-00304-00185003-00185454 go on and treat it. And this is, you know, natural history of how therapies are introduced uINFiOeU4UU-00305-00185454-00185880 in medicine. I think one of the things that may be extending a little bit on that and uINFiOeU4UU-00306-00185880-00186504 on Gail’s talk is if we move beyond diagnosis to therapy more quickly, then I believe we’ll uINFiOeU4UU-00307-00186504-00186902 actually close the gap much more rapidly, and I think one of the things that we have uINFiOeU4UU-00308-00186902-00187478 focused on as geneticists is diagnosis, and making -- most patients don’t care if they uINFiOeU4UU-00309-00187478-00188139 have LQT 10, or 13, or 19. In fact antibody’s probably go LQT more than seven is being mislabeled. uINFiOeU4UU-00310-00188139-00188658 What they really want is something that will actually make them live longer or feel better, uINFiOeU4UU-00311-00188658-00189177 and so either we supply the conditions and do the tests, or else we continue this sort uINFiOeU4UU-00312-00189177-00189637 of introspection until we have the perfect solution, which as you point out I don’t uINFiOeU4UU-00313-00189637-00189737 think will ever come. uINFiOeU4UU-00314-00189737-00189980 Male Speaker: Even functional assays [inaudible]. uINFiOeU4UU-00315-00189980-00190485 Male Speaker: I would -- I will consider that was a comment, uINFiOeU4UU-00316-00190485-00190994 not necessarily requiring a response, and I’ll move on to Elizabeth and then Bruce, uINFiOeU4UU-00317-00190994-00191179 and then we’ll let you sit down. uINFiOeU4UU-00318-00191179-00191529 Female Speaker: I think it’s on the same vein. So, one of uINFiOeU4UU-00319-00191529-00192033 the things that you had mentioned was that there were a number of cases where you find uINFiOeU4UU-00320-00192033-00192528 novel genes, which were -- you diagnosed the patients with deleterious variants in novel uINFiOeU4UU-00321-00192528-00192962 genes. And in one of the examples it was -- looked like it was an animal model that had been uINFiOeU4UU-00322-00192962-00193572 used to make that leap. So, I was curious what the other cases were, but this discussion uINFiOeU4UU-00323-00193572-00194354 is why I was curious, because I think we have examples of where we’re using lots of disparate uINFiOeU4UU-00324-00194354-00194893 data and we’re making that leap into something that couldn’t be diagnosed. We’ve got uINFiOeU4UU-00325-00194893-00195410 some sort of analytics. We make a diagnosis, and I was just curious what those other cases uINFiOeU4UU-00326-00195410-00195930 were, but mainly to highlight the ability that -- we’re already doing this. We just uINFiOeU4UU-00327-00195930-00196173 need to do it faster, better, and more automated -- uINFiOeU4UU-00328-00196173-00196608 Gail Herman: Was that in the autism example, I guess, or uINFiOeU4UU-00329-00196608-00196708 -- uINFiOeU4UU-00330-00196708-00196947 Female Speaker: It was in your 41 whole genomes that you had uINFiOeU4UU-00331-00196947-00197252 done through Baylor. You said three of them were novel gene. uINFiOeU4UU-00332-00197252-00197679 Gail Herman: Oh, okay. So, that was Baylor coordinated, uINFiOeU4UU-00333-00197679-00198458 and in all of those cases they waited until they found at least a second unrelated case, uINFiOeU4UU-00334-00198458-00198940 before calling it. And so, I can’t say because they weren’t my cases, but I know in at uINFiOeU4UU-00335-00198940-00199561 least a couple of them it was read out as negative, and then three, six months later uINFiOeU4UU-00336-00199561-00199973 you get the call that, “Hey, we found another case. We think this is it, and by the way uINFiOeU4UU-00337-00199973-00200877 can we write it up?” So again a clinical lab often, I can’t say everyone, if you uINFiOeU4UU-00338-00200877-00201463 have a damaging variant in a novel gene, and you think it might fit until you find the uINFiOeU4UU-00339-00201463-00201904 second case, they’re not going to call it out on a clinical report. uINFiOeU4UU-00340-00201904-00202222 Female Speaker: That’s why we need to do this. We have the uINFiOeU4UU-00341-00202222-00202421 compute to do that now. uINFiOeU4UU-00342-00202421-00202890 Male Speaker: I think another way to frame the point Les uINFiOeU4UU-00343-00202890-00203442 was making that doesn’t require the use of mathematics, is to remember that medicine uINFiOeU4UU-00344-00203442-00204029 -- the practice of medicine is fundamentally dealing with ambiguity. Most of what we do uINFiOeU4UU-00345-00204029-00204566 there aren’t simple black and white, guaranteed to be correct answers. So, we’re always uINFiOeU4UU-00346-00204566-00205150 integrating information, taking into account history, lab findings, and so on, to make uINFiOeU4UU-00347-00205150-00205626 clinical decisions. So, we shouldn’t actually really be that uncomfortable with the idea uINFiOeU4UU-00348-00205626-00206075 that we’re faced with variants of unknown significance. It’s what we do as clinicians uINFiOeU4UU-00349-00206075-00206656 all the time. However, what made me uncomfortable, putting the data that Howard had talked about uINFiOeU4UU-00350-00206656-00207137 in the medical record, was two things. One, that’s probably the best way to bury the uINFiOeU4UU-00351-00207137-00207237 information, but -- uINFiOeU4UU-00352-00207237-00207495 [laughter] uINFiOeU4UU-00353-00207495-00207977 -- but actually, on the other side, there is a danger that it will look more solid than uINFiOeU4UU-00354-00207977-00208490 it really is, and although you could put all the caveats you like, and you can have the uINFiOeU4UU-00355-00208490-00209040 lab director be the sort of interpreter, and put cautions up and down, there’s a real uINFiOeU4UU-00356-00209040-00209485 likelihood that somebody somewhere won’t read them, or won’t understand them, and uINFiOeU4UU-00357-00209485-00209903 will misinterpret them. And I’ve certainly seen that, signing out lab reports, and also uINFiOeU4UU-00358-00209903-00210494 seeing patients that were first seen by other clinicians who were the recipient of the lab uINFiOeU4UU-00359-00210494-00210990 report, then they find their way to me. And you’re kind of aghast that they misinterpreted uINFiOeU4UU-00360-00210990-00211631 what was in clear black and white. So, I think the problem here isn’t dealing with ambiguity. uINFiOeU4UU-00361-00211631-00212294 It’s figuring out ways to make it clear that many of these results in fact are ambiguous, uINFiOeU4UU-00362-00212294-00213035 and how do you put that into a context where the potential for misuse is minimized? uINFiOeU4UU-00363-00213035-00213594 Male Speaker: You can have the last word for that, if you uINFiOeU4UU-00364-00213594-00213694 want. uINFiOeU4UU-00365-00213694-00213794 Gail Herman: Well, I never disagree with Bruce, so -- uINFiOeU4UU-00366-00213794-00213894 [laughter] uINFiOeU4UU-00367-00213894-00213994 Male Speaker: Okay. uINFiOeU4UU-00368-00213994-00214396 Gail Herman: No, I think he’s right. uINFiOeU4UU-00369-00214396-00215064 Male Speaker: Howard wants to follow-up for that discussion. uINFiOeU4UU-00370-00215064-00215297 Male Speaker: You get the stiff [spelled phonetically]. uINFiOeU4UU-00371-00215297-00215519 Male Speaker: No, you’re safe. Yeah. So Bruce, just as uINFiOeU4UU-00372-00215519-00216105 a follow-up, so I agree with you. So, I think part of the discussion here is that so how uINFiOeU4UU-00373-00216105-00216734 do we move to that level of confidence, right? So, what’s the -- so, I think that is the uINFiOeU4UU-00374-00216734-00217159 crux of the matter, is that, what is the level of evidence for which we would be willing uINFiOeU4UU-00375-00217159-00217617 to, I’ll say, take the risk to make something that’s definitive? uINFiOeU4UU-00376-00217617-00217963 Male Speaker: I’m not sure I know the answer to that, uINFiOeU4UU-00377-00217963-00218411 but what went through my mind as I was listening to your presentation was that the piece that uINFiOeU4UU-00378-00218411-00218828 was missing was the, what difference does this make? What am I going to do with it? uINFiOeU4UU-00379-00218828-00219267 And to me that would make a big difference; just cementing it in the medical records so uINFiOeU4UU-00380-00219267-00219719 it’s on the problem list is not a terribly useful thing, I don’t believe. So, would uINFiOeU4UU-00381-00219719-00220171 I talk to the family based on the evidence you presented? I think I would, and I would uINFiOeU4UU-00382-00220171-00220676 try to give them a balanced understanding as best I knew about what this is, but until uINFiOeU4UU-00383-00220676-00221104 this becomes a finding that’s been verified in lots of cases, which may never happen for uINFiOeU4UU-00384-00221104-00221465 many of the things we’re talking about, I’m not sure I would say, “This is, you uINFiOeU4UU-00385-00221465-00221915 know, black and white, end of discussion, this is what it is.” But I think a lot depends uINFiOeU4UU-00386-00221915-00222264 on what they want to do with the information; if it’s to offer testing to other people, uINFiOeU4UU-00387-00222264-00222873 so they can have surveillance, I think there’s a valid use, and with the caveat that, you uINFiOeU4UU-00388-00222873-00223301 know, there are pitfalls. Why not? Would you use it for prenatal diagnosis? The answer uINFiOeU4UU-00389-00223301-00223771 probably depends a lot on what the phenotype is and what the impact of all this is. uINFiOeU4UU-00390-00223771-00224492 So, I think putting it into a -- as a question in total isolation of the clinical usefulness uINFiOeU4UU-00391-00224492-00225034 of this makes it a very abstract conversation. When you put it into a clinical context, I uINFiOeU4UU-00392-00225034-00225399 don’t think there’s a black and white answer. My answer is I would talk to the family, uINFiOeU4UU-00393-00225399-00225791 tell them what I know and what I don’t know, and engage in shared decision making. uINFiOeU4UU-00394-00225791-00225891 Male Speaker: So -- uINFiOeU4UU-00395-00225891-00225891 [end of transcript] uKduYWJhfNg-00000-00000000-00000200 Rhythm is a dancer It's a soul's companion You can feel it everywhere uM8-d4oCrky-00000-00000088-00000560 if you're an enterprise it or data center engineer you've had it pretty good for the last decade uM8-d4oCrky-00001-00000560-00000976 things with virtualization have been great many new doors have been opened for advanced learning uM8-d4oCrky-00002-00000976-00001368 and things like containers and application development it's not unlikely that you're uM8-d4oCrky-00003-00001368-00001768 able to focus on other more discreet tasks and upgrades is automation has taken hold uM8-d4oCrky-00004-00001768-00002168 or maybe you've got a lot of free time to play call of duty over the corporate land uM8-d4oCrky-00005-00002168-00002984 one day your boss walks in and says i want you to have 60 percent of our stuff in the cloud by 2022 uM8-d4oCrky-00006-00003952-00004328 hello everyone and welcome to the channel my name is nick howell and today i want to talk to you uM8-d4oCrky-00007-00004328-00004848 about netapp or more importantly the new netapp if you have any questions about anything in this uM8-d4oCrky-00008-00004848-00005296 or any other videos here on the channel i do live stream every monday wednesday and friday at 1 pm uM8-d4oCrky-00009-00005296-00005808 eastern over on twitch where we do all kinds of fun stuff with tech from building in the cloud uM8-d4oCrky-00010-00005808-00006320 to creating graphics and stream overlays to building high-end pcs right here in my uM8-d4oCrky-00011-00006320-00006872 workshop link down in the description below most it professionals associate netapp with enterprise uM8-d4oCrky-00012-00006872-00007368 storage arrays and you know i don't fault you for that netapp has led the industry in san nas uM8-d4oCrky-00013-00007368-00007831 and object storage platforms for the biggest workloads for decades now their hardware and uM8-d4oCrky-00014-00007831-00008248 software has enabled and simplified the running and protection of some of the most demanding uM8-d4oCrky-00015-00008248-00008864 enterprise applications and workloads hell before i ever joined in 2011 i was first a loyal and uM8-d4oCrky-00016-00008864-00009528 admittedly very demanding customer condolences and hat tap to my account team hi eric hi david and uM8-d4oCrky-00017-00009528-00010032 shout out to wally from cdw over there putting up with me unfortunately even 10 years later in uM8-d4oCrky-00018-00010032-00010512 2021 people still think that's all we do it's not uncommon for me to have conversations with uM8-d4oCrky-00019-00010512-00011032 partners and customers on a daily basis educating them on this evolution of the company now don't uM8-d4oCrky-00020-00011032-00011440 get me wrong we can still provide you with the most robust storage platform on the market and uM8-d4oCrky-00021-00011440-00012008 tailor it to your needs see my a250 video but today i thought i would take a few minutes to uM8-d4oCrky-00022-00012008-00012424 bring to light some of the things netapp has been working on over the last few years specifically uM8-d4oCrky-00023-00012424-00012896 focusing on our cloud portfolio of new products and services and how we enable empower you to uM8-d4oCrky-00024-00012896-00013408 run your workloads in the cloud with the same capabilities you've come to expect from us on-prem uM8-d4oCrky-00025-00013408-00013952 as early as 2012 we've been able to run our operating system ontap as a vm in the cloud so uM8-d4oCrky-00026-00013952-00014496 we're no strangers to the nuance of running highly available and resilient workloads up there back in uM8-d4oCrky-00027-00014496-00015040 2016 we officially formed the cloud business unit inside of netapp and set off on a grand adventure uM8-d4oCrky-00028-00015040-00015591 of r d and acquisitions to expand and complement the netapp portfolio we started off by laying the uM8-d4oCrky-00029-00015591-00016119 foundation of storage now you can't put walls in a roof on a house without a solid foundation uM8-d4oCrky-00030-00016119-00016624 or it will crumble to the ground we also realized that the expectations of the enterprise customer uM8-d4oCrky-00031-00016624-00017144 were not being fully met by the native services from any of the cloud providers and anyone uM8-d4oCrky-00032-00017144-00017608 that has run data center operations knows that storage performance and availability is easily uM8-d4oCrky-00033-00017608-00018040 the number one dependency on being able to successfully run applications at scale uM8-d4oCrky-00034-00018040-00018512 while we were establishing this foundation in its very early stages an unexpected thing happened uM8-d4oCrky-00035-00018576-00019072 the cloud providers approached us with a cry for help google cloud was great at nfs but uM8-d4oCrky-00036-00019072-00019576 really needed help running smb and integrations with active directory microsoft azure was great uM8-d4oCrky-00037-00019576-00020176 at sifs and smb but really needed help with nfs this led to one big thing that we did not expect uM8-d4oCrky-00038-00020264-00020656 relationships establishing back channel relationships with the three major cloud uM8-d4oCrky-00039-00020656-00021192 providers has been in my opinion the thing that has enabled us to bring to market the portfolio uM8-d4oCrky-00040-00021192-00021656 of products and services that we have so let's talk about those at a high level make sure you uM8-d4oCrky-00041-00021656-00022096 subscribe to the channel here as i'll be putting up deeper dive videos of each of these products uM8-d4oCrky-00042-00022096-00022640 with full demos throughout the year so let's keep this one informational and conversational uM8-d4oCrky-00043-00022640-00023160 first up azure netapp files the relationship with microsoft azure has been one of the most rewarding uM8-d4oCrky-00044-00023160-00023640 as they took our original concept and one-upped it several times over by making it their own uM8-d4oCrky-00045-00023704-00024120 and unlike many other managed services that sit in partner data centers like equinix and uM8-d4oCrky-00046-00024120-00024728 require complex cross-connects and plumbing azure netapp files is a purely native pas offering from uM8-d4oCrky-00047-00024728-00025416 microsoft where the netapp a700 all-flash arrays sit in the same exact racks adjacent to compute uM8-d4oCrky-00048-00025416-00025864 and are wired directly to the same fabric interconnects inside the regional data centers uM8-d4oCrky-00049-00025864-00026392 what does this mean for you the customer it's huge this means that it's natively available uM8-d4oCrky-00050-00026392-00026888 within the azure portal just like any other azure service it's deeply integrated to everything else uM8-d4oCrky-00051-00026888-00027376 within azure such as monitoring and cost analysis but the big one is that your apps and workloads uM8-d4oCrky-00052-00027376-00027992 within your v-nets have direct unlimited access to all the horsepower of an a700 all-flash fast uM8-d4oCrky-00053-00027992-00028608 array from netapp in the cloud with full nfs and smb support i'm going to pause for a second let uM8-d4oCrky-00054-00028608-00029080 that sink in and say it in a different way for those in the back that might not have heard me uM8-d4oCrky-00055-00029168-00029792 hundreds of thousands of iops at sub millisecond latency at your disposal without having to touch uM8-d4oCrky-00056-00029792-00030376 any of the storage knobs you simply create a volume give it a name how big you want it to be uM8-d4oCrky-00057-00030376-00030960 and what service level you want it delivered at what if i told you this was fully integrated into uM8-d4oCrky-00058-00030960-00031527 azure ad sap hana certified and has also passed all of the security screening by fedramp and uM8-d4oCrky-00059-00031527-00032024 other rigorous regulatory agencies oh and it's also a consumption model so you only pay for uM8-d4oCrky-00060-00032024-00032504 what you use and it just shows up as a line item on your monthly azure bill want it even sweeter uM8-d4oCrky-00061-00032624-00033144 i knew you would it also draws down negotiated azure quota commonly found in enterprise uM8-d4oCrky-00062-00033144-00033656 agreements just like any other azure service there is so much more to talk about when it comes to a uM8-d4oCrky-00063-00033656-00034136 f that requires a deeper dive and i just i can't wait to go over all of that in a future video uM8-d4oCrky-00064-00034136-00034544 for google cloud the service is similar natively integrated into partner solutions via uM8-d4oCrky-00065-00034544-00035000 the marketplace simply search for netapp cloud volumes enable the service attach your billing uM8-d4oCrky-00066-00035000-00035632 account and start creating volumes same access to the same a700 all flash arrays same nfs and uM8-d4oCrky-00067-00035632-00036336 smb support same active directory integration same natively integrated vpc experience the big value uM8-d4oCrky-00068-00036336-00036840 add for google cloud though is that your volumes can be mounted across vpcs that are in different uM8-d4oCrky-00069-00036840-00037344 regions last year i did a full demo series on cloud volumes in google cloud over on the netapp uM8-d4oCrky-00070-00037344-00037736 youtube channel so if you're interested in diving deeper i'll leave a link to that playlist down in uM8-d4oCrky-00071-00037736-00038208 the description aws likes to distribute everything through the marketplace and restricts native uM8-d4oCrky-00072-00038208-00038672 integrations but the same performance and access is available through netapp cloud volume service uM8-d4oCrky-00073-00038672-00039288 via the aws marketplace unfortunately it does require some one-time setup of bgp cross-connects uM8-d4oCrky-00074-00039288-00039752 so that they can talk to your vpcs and your im roles once you're past that initial setup the uM8-d4oCrky-00075-00039752-00040144 experience is similar to that of azure and google cloud that we talked about before now if you're an uM8-d4oCrky-00076-00040144-00040656 existing netapp customer you probably love all of the flex and snap features native to ontap uM8-d4oCrky-00077-00040656-00041104 if you need more than just a volume in the sky and you're looking for that level of ontap specific uM8-d4oCrky-00078-00041104-00041672 functionality to extend to the cloud we can provide that as well with cloud volumes on tap uM8-d4oCrky-00079-00041672-00042272 and that can simply be orchestrated through cloud manager over at cloud.netapp.com try it out uM8-d4oCrky-00080-00042272-00042824 i'll have a guided tour of cloud manager coming soon here to the channel subscribe to sum it up uM8-d4oCrky-00081-00042824-00043336 we've got high performance resilient and secure storage available to you in all three major uM8-d4oCrky-00082-00043336-00043768 cloud providers above and beyond what the cloud providers are able to provide natively with their uM8-d4oCrky-00083-00043768-00044280 own storage services and whether you need all the flex and snap words of ontap or you just need some uM8-d4oCrky-00084-00044280-00044784 raw horsepower for your applications without any of the storage management overhead we've got you uM8-d4oCrky-00085-00044784-00045288 covered what i tend to find among our install base is a healthy mix of both this allows you to lay a uM8-d4oCrky-00086-00045288-00045800 solid reliable foundation of storage underneath any application or workload in the cloud and is uM8-d4oCrky-00087-00045800-00046472 paramount to your ability to do so confidently congratulations you've got a volume in the sky uM8-d4oCrky-00088-00046648-00047232 but now what unfortunately i'm afraid i've got some bad news for you you still have to uM8-d4oCrky-00089-00047232-00047592 do all the same data management stuff in the cloud that you've always done on-prem uM8-d4oCrky-00090-00047696-00048128 sizing matters you still need to move data efficiently you still have to secure it uM8-d4oCrky-00091-00048128-00048752 protect it control access to it tier it control costs and monitor it so getting back to our uM8-d4oCrky-00092-00048752-00049240 adventure now that we've laid the foundations of storage in the cloud we set off adding some uM8-d4oCrky-00093-00049240-00049696 of our auxiliary products that we're known for to the cloud portfolio to integrate directly uM8-d4oCrky-00094-00049696-00050120 and allow you to monitor tier and secure your data in any of the public cloud providers uM8-d4oCrky-00095-00050120-00050720 head over to cloud.netapp.com and check out cloud sync cloud tiering global file cache cloud backup uM8-d4oCrky-00096-00050720-00051248 service in particular i'd especially like you to take a deeper look at cloud compliance and cloud uM8-d4oCrky-00097-00051248-00051791 insights as monitoring ransomware protection and regulatory compliance are some of the hottest uM8-d4oCrky-00098-00051791-00052279 topics right now in enterprise enterpriseit and we make that easy to do on-prem and in any of the uM8-d4oCrky-00099-00052279-00052720 cloud providers with our sas offerings i'll have some deeper dive videos on all of those here on uM8-d4oCrky-00100-00052720-00053255 the channel very soon finally for the big close we need to talk about the applications and workloads uM8-d4oCrky-00101-00053255-00053752 themselves we've spent a lot of time in this video talking about storage and data management uM8-d4oCrky-00102-00053752-00054160 but more importantly is the change that i've seen happening across enterprise it uM8-d4oCrky-00103-00054160-00054704 that i like to refer to as application driven infrastructure and what that really means is uM8-d4oCrky-00104-00054704-00055096 instead of developers and app owners waiting in a queue for the data center admins to uM8-d4oCrky-00105-00055096-00055616 give them access to resources to power their apps they now hold the power to drive the provisioning uM8-d4oCrky-00106-00055616-00056216 of infrastructure from the top down with code technologies like ansible terraform helm charts uM8-d4oCrky-00107-00056216-00056704 and others have taken orchestration and desired state methodologies that we've used in the past uM8-d4oCrky-00108-00056704-00057232 and baked them directly into the application specs on top of that running compute operations in the uM8-d4oCrky-00109-00057232-00057767 cloud has proven to be a costly endeavor thanks to some gartner research we now know that upwards of uM8-d4oCrky-00110-00057767-00058336 80 percent of organizations will overshoot their infrastructure budget due to a lack of automated uM8-d4oCrky-00111-00058336-00058928 cloud cost optimization or misguided upfront cloud spend commitments the two big products to uM8-d4oCrky-00112-00058928-00059544 talk about here are netapp astra and the vast spot by netapp portfolio one was built from uM8-d4oCrky-00113-00059544-00060032 scratch and one is the product of an acquisition last year both of them are comprehensive enough uM8-d4oCrky-00114-00060032-00060608 to warrant their own videos they're literally next in the queue so stay tuned and subscribe uM8-d4oCrky-00115-00060608-00061128 but let's go over each one of them and what they bring to the table netapp astra brings traditional uM8-d4oCrky-00116-00061128-00061648 application lifecycle management methodologies to modern applications running on kubernetes uM8-d4oCrky-00117-00061648-00062200 backup cloning and migration orchestration for containerized workloads is not a new concept uM8-d4oCrky-00118-00062200-00062679 but the ability to do so seamlessly leveraging netapp snapshot technologies is what is key to uM8-d4oCrky-00119-00062679-00063096 understand here the customers have enjoyed protecting cloning and migrating traditional uM8-d4oCrky-00120-00063096-00063655 multi-tier applications for decades using the power of ontap but now that we have ontap has uM8-d4oCrky-00121-00063655-00064144 managed pas offerings in the cloud we can continue to extend that functionality to applications uM8-d4oCrky-00122-00064144-00064720 running in kubernetes services using our trident plugin managing persistent storage in kubernetes uM8-d4oCrky-00123-00064784-00065336 as a filming of this video astra has support for workloads running in google cloud's gke as well as uM8-d4oCrky-00124-00065336-00065936 aks in microsoft azure leveraging the power of cloud volumes in azure netapp files for safety uM8-d4oCrky-00125-00065936-00066544 applications with persistent storage astra creates protection policies to apply snapshots and backups uM8-d4oCrky-00126-00066544-00067080 to entire app stacks and then you can leverage those backups to facilitate dev test clones uM8-d4oCrky-00127-00067080-00067600 full restores and even complete migrations from one kubernetes cluster running in one cloud to uM8-d4oCrky-00128-00067600-00068160 another kubernetes cluster running in a different cloud i know it sounds and feels like sorcery and uM8-d4oCrky-00129-00068160-00068704 it shouldn't be doable but i promise you it's very real and very mind-blowing to see in action uM8-d4oCrky-00130-00068704-00069176 it is an absolute game changer for those running stateful applications in kubernetes and later this uM8-d4oCrky-00131-00069176-00069720 year will bring support for aws eks as well as kate's clusters running on-prem now moving over to uM8-d4oCrky-00132-00069720-00070304 spot spot was attractive for many reasons but to me it's all really born in its origin story that uM8-d4oCrky-00133-00070304-00070824 resonates with early clown adopters in today's enterprise spot creator and founder amaram uM8-d4oCrky-00134-00070824-00071328 tells an amazing tale about being at university and having a professor cut off his cloud spend uM8-d4oCrky-00135-00071328-00071880 because it was just getting out of control sound familiar engineers it was then that he uM8-d4oCrky-00136-00071880-00072312 discovered the cost-saving power of reserved and spot instances in the cloud providers uM8-d4oCrky-00137-00072392-00072824 but harnessing the power of the manually proved extremely difficult so he built a platform to uM8-d4oCrky-00138-00072824-00073416 automate and orchestrate the reservation purchase migration and evacuation of apps and workloads uM8-d4oCrky-00139-00073416-00073960 running on reserved instances and leverage short-term spot instances to compensate for uM8-d4oCrky-00140-00073960-00074568 burst in an on-demand fashion and when the demand goes down so do those instances they get released uM8-d4oCrky-00141-00074624-00075216 all predictable all automated and all seamless to the end user now spot can work either as a uM8-d4oCrky-00142-00075216-00075792 central console to handle all provisioning of cloud compute resources or it can act as an api uM8-d4oCrky-00143-00075792-00076296 shim that goes in between your internal systems and the cloud providers and whether your apps uM8-d4oCrky-00144-00076296-00077048 are stateful or stateless or simply functions that need execution they need compute to process spots uM8-d4oCrky-00145-00077048-00077512 portfolio has an answer for just about every type of app out there and we're bringing to market the uM8-d4oCrky-00146-00077512-00078080 first storageless offering with spot leveraging our cloud volumes platform we talked about earlier uM8-d4oCrky-00147-00078136-00078656 but we're gonna let spot manage the capacities and performance level demanded by your applications uM8-d4oCrky-00148-00078728-00079216 pretty cool right the beauty of spot overall is in the simplicity it provides it really gives uM8-d4oCrky-00149-00079216-00079800 you the ability to not have to care about sizing of cloud resources simply deploy your app and let uM8-d4oCrky-00150-00079800-00080352 the demand drive the provisioning for you also did i mention there's no charge for it until you uM8-d4oCrky-00151-00080352-00080928 know i left that part out there's no charge for it until you actually realize any savings i'm not uM8-d4oCrky-00152-00080928-00081496 kidding you can run the cloud analyzer dashboard today completely free of charge just create your uM8-d4oCrky-00153-00081496-00081976 account add your cloud subscription accounts and let it run and show you where you could save uM8-d4oCrky-00154-00081976-00082480 and once you're ready to let it take the wheel netapp only takes a percentage of what you save so uM8-d4oCrky-00155-00082480-00083072 if you don't save money you'll see no invoice from us but i promise you you will see a difference uM8-d4oCrky-00156-00083072-00083728 most customers see upwards of eighty percent yes eight zero percent eighty percent in savings uM8-d4oCrky-00157-00083728-00084392 moving from on-demand instances to spot leveraging reserved and spot instances just like astra i know uM8-d4oCrky-00158-00084392-00084912 it feels like sorcery but it is very real and extremely powerful and can be the make or break uM8-d4oCrky-00159-00084912-00085360 in your cloud journey if you haven't started your cloud journey yet you don't have any big uM8-d4oCrky-00160-00085360-00085872 monthly bill ptsd experience to contend with and you should just start with spot immediately uM8-d4oCrky-00161-00085928-00086392 for those struggling with cost controls in the cloud spot is the cure that you've been searching uM8-d4oCrky-00162-00086392-00087016 for give it a shot you will not be disappointed if it's any final consolation netapp it uM8-d4oCrky-00163-00087016-00087824 ourselves in our own internal hybrid cloud labs realized 83 savings simply by allowing spot to uM8-d4oCrky-00164-00087824-00088272 control our compute provisioning so as long as this video is turned out to be it really doesn't uM8-d4oCrky-00165-00088272-00088704 do justice to the effort that netapp has brought to the cloud in the last three to five years uM8-d4oCrky-00166-00088704-00089184 the portfolio is so vast now and i hope this gave you an idea of just how vast uM8-d4oCrky-00167-00089184-00089712 you can find demos risk-free trials and complete feature breakdowns of every product and service uM8-d4oCrky-00168-00089712-00090152 over at cloud.netapp.com and hey if you have any questions feel free to drop them down in the uM8-d4oCrky-00169-00090152-00090600 comments below here make sure you subscribe to the channel here on youtube for further updates and uM8-d4oCrky-00170-00090600-00091184 deeper dives of all of these products in the cloud portfolio coming soon take care uNtlpynGY54-00000-00000032-00000576 i playing with slime. i added too much lotion, and now it's real sticky. uNtlpynGY54-00001-00000640-00000976 it is so sticky i don't even want to touch it because it's too sticky. uNtlpynGY54-00002-00000976-00001592 wait, i know how to fix this. i could. i want to change the color of it anyway. uNtlpynGY54-00003-00002704-00003088 um, i also… it makes it more stiff. that's what i'm adding. paint. uNtlpynGY54-00004-00003176-00003568 because i i added too much lotion. so now it's sticky. uNtlpynGY54-00005-00003832-00004248 i think that's, like, purple. you're changing pink to uNtlpynGY54-00006-00004248-00004888 purple. it's kind of purple. still, it's like a magenta button changing color. uNtlpynGY54-00007-00005160-00005608 now it's not sticky anymore, like, it might be a little sticky when i uNtlpynGY54-00008-00005608-00005888 look at it, but like it's easy to take off. ue04NVGSTn8-00000-00000057-00000433 IN THIS DIGITAL WORLD IT'S EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO KNOW HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM IDENTITY ue04NVGSTn8-00001-00000433-00000518 THEFT. ue04NVGSTn8-00002-00000518-00001009 IDENTITY THEFT CAN LEAD TO SOMEONE USING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR OTHER PERSONAL INFORMATION ue04NVGSTn8-00003-00001009-00001424 TO OPEN NEW ACCOUNTS, MAKE PURCHASES OR GET A TAX REFUND. ue04NVGSTn8-00004-00001424-00001703 THERE ARE IMPORTANT STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO PROTECT YOURSELF. ue04NVGSTn8-00005-00001703-00001917 MONITOR YOUR ACCOUNTS REGULARLY. ue04NVGSTn8-00006-00001917-00002386 KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR CREDIT REPORT. CONSUMERS ARE ENTITLED BY LAW TO ONE FREE CREDIT REPORT ue04NVGSTn8-00007-00002386-00002978 PER YEAR FROM EACH OF THE THREE MAJOR BUREAUS, EQUIFAX, EXPERIAN AND TRANS-UNION. ue04NVGSTn8-00008-00002978-00003360 CONTACT INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND ON THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION WEBSITE. ue04NVGSTn8-00009-00003360-00003895 ALWAYS VERIFY WHO IS ASKING FOR YOUR INFORMATION ESPECIALLY IF THE CALL, E-MAIL OR VISIT IS ue04NVGSTn8-00010-00003895-00004027 UNSOLICITED. ue04NVGSTn8-00011-00004027-00004536 WHEN ONLINE SHOPPING IT IS IMPORTANT TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE URL OF THE WEBSITE. MALICIOUS ue04NVGSTn8-00012-00004536-00004776 WEBSITES MAY LOOK LEGITIMATE. ue04NVGSTn8-00013-00004776-00005246 AND FINALLY, TRAVEL SAFE. ONLY TAKE WHAT YOU NEED AND ALWAYS KEEP WALLETS OR PURSES IN ue04NVGSTn8-00014-00005246-00005371 A SAFE PLACE. ue04NVGSTn8-00015-00005371-00005714 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT AH.MIL. ufPdnxHdBwI-00000-00000000-00000200 GARENA FREE FIRE MAX ugmfSFi2NmY-00000-00000069-00000462 People ask what it feels like to ride an electric bike. ugmfSFi2NmY-00001-00000462-00000731 …..I say ugmfSFi2NmY-00002-00000731-00001104 it feels amazing. ugmfSFi2NmY-00003-00001104-00001404 People ask why I ride an electric bike. ugmfSFi2NmY-00004-00001404-00001909 I say why not? ugmfSFi2NmY-00005-00001909-00002815 The Cyrusher XF800 has everything I need in an all-terrain electric bike. ugmfSFi2NmY-00006-00002815-00003343 A Powerful 750-watt motor that allows me to dominate any terrain. ugmfSFi2NmY-00007-00003343-00004605 A huge 48V battery that lasts all day, and then some. ugmfSFi2NmY-00008-00004605-00005007 Quick adjust front fork suspension for hitting those big drops. ugmfSFi2NmY-00009-00005007-00005660 Fat 26 by 4 inch tires that roll over just about anything. ugmfSFi2NmY-00010-00005660-00005832 Why do I ride Cyrusher? ugmfSFi2NmY-00011-00005832-00006192 Why don’t you find out? uhuuaRTfLLU-00000-00000090-00000966 the year is 2007 and it's winter holiday I'm playing Nintendo DS on the couch while blasting uhuuaRTfLLU-00001-00000966-00001668 Disney Channel on an obscure level for a 10 year old life is treating me well shows like Wizards of uhuuaRTfLLU-00002-00001668-00002220 Waverly Place Hannah Montana Zack and Cody Phineas and Ferb and American Dragon was constantly uhuuaRTfLLU-00003-00002220-00002898 playing from 7am to 9pm it was during this time the Disney Channel created their biggest success uhuuaRTfLLU-00004-00002898-00003738 story of their entire existence a few years prior David rinsler and Mark Warren are two producers uhuuaRTfLLU-00005-00003738-00004410 and screenwriters pitched an ID to Disney an idea of a girl who sometimes gets episodic visions and uhuuaRTfLLU-00006-00004410-00005172 can see things that will happen in the future the show's name was that so raven see Meta names were uhuuaRTfLLU-00007-00005172-00006090 something really cool and Powerful back in the day yeah so I hate better the show became a success uhuuaRTfLLU-00008-00006090-00006678 cover the wave of sitcom like shows like these for the next 10 years however Mark and uhuuaRTfLLU-00009-00006678-00007344 David wrestler's creative minds had just started something had awakened inside of them the wrestler uhuuaRTfLLU-00010-00007344-00007944 had studied the Arts abroad and was working at a manga studio in his earlier years even played a uhuuaRTfLLU-00011-00007944-00008556 crucial part in the making of a cowboy ebook it was done this time he actually started creating uhuuaRTfLLU-00012-00008556-00009198 mango with his own and an early draft of that's a raven was created by bringing the knowledge he uhuuaRTfLLU-00013-00009198-00009720 gathered from earlier he managed to do something that no one at Disney had ever dreamed of it uhuuaRTfLLU-00014-00009720-00010464 before he created an anime I'm talking of course about no other than Corey in the House uhuuaRTfLLU-00015-00010584-00011232 Corey in the House truly is something special it's not only the one and only anime that was created uhuuaRTfLLU-00016-00011232-00011886 by Disney but it also serves as a spin of two that's a raven as you may know Corey in the House uhuuaRTfLLU-00017-00011886-00012869 was originally an unpublished Saiyan manga created by David Rister are often targeting the ages of uhuuaRTfLLU-00018-00012869-00013494 18 plus and this was of course not ideal for a company as Disney and especially Disney Channel uhuuaRTfLLU-00019-00013494-00014094 however due to the massive success that That's So Raven brought Disney were willing to take the risk uhuuaRTfLLU-00020-00014094-00014802 so just just short about the plot if you didn't know Corey is the younger brother of Raven and uhuuaRTfLLU-00021-00014802-00015354 their dad lands a job in the white house as a chef he decided to bring his heir to his legacy Corey uhuuaRTfLLU-00022-00015354-00016002 with him to live and learn while he works Corey discovers the power that lies deep within his uhuuaRTfLLU-00023-00016002-00016542 family blood and faces a bunch of moral dilemmas throughout his journey the way they depicted uhuuaRTfLLU-00024-00016542-00017220 Corey in that's a raven was an annoying little bro often served as the main antagonist of the series uhuuaRTfLLU-00025-00017316-00018186 like you're in my room conditions by making series around this antagonist for some bold uhuuaRTfLLU-00026-00018186-00018864 move and something that we weren't used to back then so we as the viewers also had to face that uhuuaRTfLLU-00027-00018864-00019494 dilemma of am I supposed to root for this guy or no good example of this is in the second episode uhuuaRTfLLU-00028-00019494-00020280 ain't Miss behavian ahavian ambassador from Peru who is Nina's father discovered that his daughter uhuuaRTfLLU-00029-00020280-00020886 isn't following traditional bahavian Ways by changing out of behavian costumes and playing uhuuaRTfLLU-00030-00020886-00021672 music with youth and Corey so he forbids her from speaking to Korean news Corey of course takes the uhuuaRTfLLU-00031-00021672-00022278 mattress into his own hands and slays Rome per room with his famous sword Ryu which ultimately uhuuaRTfLLU-00032-00022278-00022854 sets Nina free from her father's evil cross Corey who believes he did the right thing then uhuuaRTfLLU-00033-00022854-00023484 gets confused by a crime Mina who states that she never wants to see Cora's face again and demands uhuuaRTfLLU-00034-00023484-00024132 him to lead the place at once this is a perfect example of how conflicted Corey and the world he uhuuaRTfLLU-00035-00024132-00024786 lives in really is and of course me seeing this as a kid inspired me to go out there and actually uhuuaRTfLLU-00036-00024786-00025296 do something with my life in this series first year of airing on Disney Channel Corey in the uhuuaRTfLLU-00037-00025296-00026166 White House generated roughly 180 million dollars and this is only on its own it quickly became the uhuuaRTfLLU-00038-00026166-00026730 most anticipated show of all time the second season of coriander house broke all kinds of uhuuaRTfLLU-00039-00026730-00027354 records and with arguably the greatest finale of all time became known forever in TV history uhuuaRTfLLU-00040-00027354-00028092 the depression that people felt after the show was over is the only known factor to why the uhuuaRTfLLU-00041-00028092-00028883 financial crisis 2008 took its place that on its own is pretty unique according the house of course uhuuaRTfLLU-00042-00028883-00029586 also the main inspiration to shows like Attack on Titans stranger things Hunter x Hunter planet uhuuaRTfLLU-00043-00029586-00030192 Earth 2 medical Soul just to name a few if you haven't seen Corey in the House yet I definitely uhuuaRTfLLU-00044-00030192-00030732 recommend it for me personally I regarded as one of the top three shows created of all time uhuuaRTfLLU-00045-00030732-00031458 even the mangas really really good can't get a little bit dark at times so be prepared for that uhuuaRTfLLU-00046-00031458-00032238 if you want to read it but other than that it's it's amazing can't recommend it enough foreign uiq3hbCU4uQ-00000-00000842-00002336 hand & sleeve frillsn & belt uiq3hbCU4uQ-00001-00002552-00003658 hand [ make two alike] uiq3hbCU4uQ-00002-00003679-00005012 join on white cast on 12sts uiq3hbCU4uQ-00003-00007168-00008472 beginning with a P row, continue in st-st 7 rows uiq3hbCU4uQ-00005-00018794-00020188 B & T loosely uiq3hbCU4uQ-00006-00042402-00043324 sleeves frills [make two alike] uiq3hbCU4uQ-00007-00043342-00043980 join on white cast on 18sts uiq3hbCU4uQ-00008-00044422-00045884 beginning with a P row, continue in st-st 3rows uiq3hbCU4uQ-00010-00056428-00057286 break off white and join on blue uiq3hbCU4uQ-00013-00075344-00077454 belt making uiq3hbCU4uQ-00014-00077510-00078434 cast on 33 sts uiq3hbCU4uQ-00015-00078450-00079254 K 1 row uiq3hbCU4uQ-00016-00079304-00080088 join on pink uiq3hbCU4uQ-00017-00080324-00080592 p 1 row uiq3hbCU4uQ-00018-00082262-00082816 join on white ui-RPaPjbEk-00000-00000163-00000430 Hello, and welcome to Bay College's video lectures ui-RPaPjbEk-00001-00000430-00000608 for Math 085. ui-RPaPjbEk-00002-00000608-00001011 This is Section 1.8, Introduction to Integers. ui-RPaPjbEk-00003-00001011-00001205 Now, before we get started here, we've ui-RPaPjbEk-00004-00001205-00001374 already introduced whole numbers, ui-RPaPjbEk-00005-00001374-00001621 and we deal with whole numbers a lot in everyday life. ui-RPaPjbEk-00006-00001621-00001973 But we also deal with integers quite often. ui-RPaPjbEk-00007-00001973-00002320 Integers are essentially the negative values ui-RPaPjbEk-00008-00002320-00002717 or the negative numbers that we use. ui-RPaPjbEk-00009-00002717-00002973 And we do experience them every day in the real world. ui-RPaPjbEk-00010-00002973-00003293 As an example, maybe some of us at some point ui-RPaPjbEk-00011-00003293-00003521 have overdrawn their checking account. ui-RPaPjbEk-00012-00003521-00003711 And the bank shows your statement, ui-RPaPjbEk-00013-00003711-00003850 you're at a negative amount. ui-RPaPjbEk-00014-00003850-00004072 That means you have to do something just ui-RPaPjbEk-00015-00004072-00004176 to get back to 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00016-00004176-00004451 To have nothing, you have to pay something forward, ui-RPaPjbEk-00017-00004451-00004747 which means that you're in the negatives. ui-RPaPjbEk-00018-00004747-00004893 And we deal with that all the time. ui-RPaPjbEk-00019-00004893-00005115 Maybe you receive a bill in the mail. ui-RPaPjbEk-00020-00005115-00005341 And they show you in the itemization ui-RPaPjbEk-00021-00005341-00005702 that you have these charges, and you paid this amount. ui-RPaPjbEk-00022-00005702-00005898 But you paid more than you were charged, ui-RPaPjbEk-00023-00005898-00006028 you will have a credit balance. ui-RPaPjbEk-00024-00006028-00006215 Well, that credit balance in that itemization ui-RPaPjbEk-00025-00006215-00006405 actually shows up as a negative. ui-RPaPjbEk-00026-00006405-00006547 For the company that's sending you ui-RPaPjbEk-00027-00006547-00006855 that bill, that says to them it's a negative against them ui-RPaPjbEk-00028-00006855-00007123 because they owe you money. ui-RPaPjbEk-00029-00007123-00007558 So we do deal with integers every day on a daily basis. ui-RPaPjbEk-00030-00007558-00007708 So the first thing we're going to do ui-RPaPjbEk-00031-00007708-00007801 is look at the number line. ui-RPaPjbEk-00032-00007801-00008013 Like I said, we've already introduced whole numbers ui-RPaPjbEk-00033-00008013-00008189 in a previous section. ui-RPaPjbEk-00034-00008189-00008495 If we look at a number line, well, our integers ui-RPaPjbEk-00035-00008495-00008672 are the whole numbers, but it also ui-RPaPjbEk-00036-00008672-00008983 includes values less than 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00037-00008983-00009459 Negative 1, negative 2, negative 3, negative 4, ui-RPaPjbEk-00038-00009459-00009616 negative 5, and so on. ui-RPaPjbEk-00039-00009616-00009807 This would continue on for infinity. ui-RPaPjbEk-00040-00009807-00010020 Just like this, we know that these numbers, ui-RPaPjbEk-00041-00010020-00010335 the whole numbers, continue on for infinity. ui-RPaPjbEk-00042-00010335-00010734 One thing we have to be aware of is 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00043-00010734-00011012 Now, these values we call positive. ui-RPaPjbEk-00044-00011012-00011278 Anything to the right of 0 is positive. ui-RPaPjbEk-00045-00011278-00011695 Anything to the left of 0 on a number line is negative. ui-RPaPjbEk-00046-00011695-00011846 Excuse me. ui-RPaPjbEk-00047-00011846-00012064 If we look at 0, well, what is 0? ui-RPaPjbEk-00048-00012064-00012235 Is it positive or negative? ui-RPaPjbEk-00049-00012235-00012572 Well, we have to sometimes consider it to be neither. ui-RPaPjbEk-00050-00012572-00012966 But we can also consider it to be both, because if I add 0 ui-RPaPjbEk-00051-00012966-00013218 I get the same result as if I subtracted 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00052-00013218-00013559 So I can call it a positive or a negative. ui-RPaPjbEk-00053-00013559-00013761 So looking at our number line, let's just ui-RPaPjbEk-00054-00013761-00014127 get a feel for where we find values on a number line. ui-RPaPjbEk-00055-00014127-00014538 So we're going to graph these values, 0, 8, and negative 3. ui-RPaPjbEk-00056-00014538-00014661 So we'll start left to right. ui-RPaPjbEk-00057-00014661-00014879 I'm going to find 0 on my number line. ui-RPaPjbEk-00058-00014879-00015110 Well, here 0 is our reference point, ui-RPaPjbEk-00059-00015110-00015261 so I'm going to graph it. ui-RPaPjbEk-00060-00015261-00015641 And to graph a number, we just put a nice solid dot. ui-RPaPjbEk-00061-00015641-00015984 It says this is the value we're at. ui-RPaPjbEk-00062-00015984-00016275 To do 8, essentially we look at each tick mark. ui-RPaPjbEk-00063-00016275-00016685 Well, each tick mark represents an integer, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so ui-RPaPjbEk-00064-00016685-00016735 on. ui-RPaPjbEk-00065-00016735-00016914 If we're to the left of 0, it's negative 1, ui-RPaPjbEk-00066-00016914-00017216 negative 2, negative 3, negative 4, and so on. ui-RPaPjbEk-00067-00017216-00017768 Each tick mark represents one distance from the next. ui-RPaPjbEk-00068-00017768-00018016 So if we're starting at 0, our reference point, ui-RPaPjbEk-00069-00018016-00018460 and I want to go to 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8. ui-RPaPjbEk-00070-00018460-00018794 Here's the value 8, and that's where ui-RPaPjbEk-00071-00018794-00019089 I'm going to graph the value of 8. ui-RPaPjbEk-00072-00019089-00019199 What about negative 3? ui-RPaPjbEk-00073-00019199-00019388 Well, that negative tells me immediately ui-RPaPjbEk-00074-00019388-00019533 where I need to focus. ui-RPaPjbEk-00075-00019533-00019780 It says I have to be left of 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00076-00019780-00020099 So I'm going to go left of 0 three spaces ui-RPaPjbEk-00077-00020099-00020355 or three tick marks, 1, 2, 3. ui-RPaPjbEk-00078-00020355-00020843 This would be negative 3, and so I put a nice dot there. ui-RPaPjbEk-00079-00020843-00021156 So we're able to identify where these values are on the number ui-RPaPjbEk-00080-00021156-00021214 line. ui-RPaPjbEk-00081-00021214-00021405 Negative values are to the left of 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00082-00021405-00021627 Positive values are to the right. ui-RPaPjbEk-00083-00021627-00021677 All right. ui-RPaPjbEk-00084-00021677-00022082 Let's move on to another concept. ui-RPaPjbEk-00085-00022082-00022282 Hopefully we've seen this before. ui-RPaPjbEk-00086-00022282-00022521 We're looking at greater than and less than. ui-RPaPjbEk-00087-00022521-00022850 And this is the symbol that says greater than. ui-RPaPjbEk-00088-00022850-00023144 So a value on the left side would be greater ui-RPaPjbEk-00089-00023144-00023306 than a value on the right side. ui-RPaPjbEk-00090-00023306-00023525 That's how we read that symbol. ui-RPaPjbEk-00091-00023525-00023806 And from time to time, we might see a line underneath one ui-RPaPjbEk-00092-00023806-00023856 of these. ui-RPaPjbEk-00093-00023856-00024174 That just means that it could also be equal to. ui-RPaPjbEk-00094-00024174-00024656 Less than means the value to the left is less than the value ui-RPaPjbEk-00095-00024656-00024717 to the right. ui-RPaPjbEk-00096-00024717-00024960 And that's when we use that symbol. ui-RPaPjbEk-00097-00024960-00025344 Now, when it comes to these, one way ui-RPaPjbEk-00098-00025344-00025696 to remember which value is going to be bigger ui-RPaPjbEk-00099-00025696-00025851 or which value is going to be smaller ui-RPaPjbEk-00100-00025851-00026220 is this larger end of this arrow always points ui-RPaPjbEk-00101-00026220-00026369 to the larger value. ui-RPaPjbEk-00102-00026369-00026776 The smaller end of this points to the smaller value. ui-RPaPjbEk-00103-00026776-00027043 So if we look at this, we're going to do some examples. ui-RPaPjbEk-00104-00027043-00027268 We're going to insert the symbol that ui-RPaPjbEk-00105-00027268-00027508 is appropriate for these sets of numbers. ui-RPaPjbEk-00106-00027508-00027860 If we look at these two numbers, 3 and a negative 5. ui-RPaPjbEk-00107-00027860-00028033 So this one's to the right of 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00108-00028033-00028232 This one's to the left of 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00109-00028232-00028363 Well, which value is greater? ui-RPaPjbEk-00110-00028363-00028502 Well, obviously, if we're talking ui-RPaPjbEk-00111-00028502-00028741 about things in the real world like money, ui-RPaPjbEk-00112-00028741-00029127 having a positive value is greater than a negative value. ui-RPaPjbEk-00113-00029127-00029326 You wouldn't want to owe money. ui-RPaPjbEk-00114-00029326-00029574 So if we look at this, we know a positive value ui-RPaPjbEk-00115-00029574-00029838 is going to be greater than a negative value. ui-RPaPjbEk-00116-00029838-00030439 So as we read it left to right, 3 is greater than negative 5. ui-RPaPjbEk-00117-00030439-00030566 Look at the next example. ui-RPaPjbEk-00118-00030566-00030695 This is a little bit different. ui-RPaPjbEk-00119-00030695-00031038 We have to think about it, maybe visualize a number line. ui-RPaPjbEk-00120-00031038-00031300 We have negative 2, negative 9. ui-RPaPjbEk-00121-00031300-00031637 Which is the greater value or the lesser value? ui-RPaPjbEk-00122-00031637-00031830 Well, if we think about a number line, ui-RPaPjbEk-00123-00031830-00032044 this is only two spots from 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00124-00032044-00032167 Yes, it's negative. ui-RPaPjbEk-00125-00032167-00032427 We're to the left of 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00126-00032427-00032657 And maybe we owe two of something. ui-RPaPjbEk-00127-00032657-00032984 Well, this here is left of 0, but it's further ui-RPaPjbEk-00128-00032984-00033159 to the left of 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00129-00033159-00033363 So further to the left of 0, well, that's ui-RPaPjbEk-00130-00033363-00033660 more in debt, more of the negative. ui-RPaPjbEk-00131-00033660-00034045 So negative 2 is closer to 0 than negative 9. ui-RPaPjbEk-00132-00034045-00034244 This is further to the left. ui-RPaPjbEk-00133-00034244-00034547 So the negative 2 is greater than negative 9. ui-RPaPjbEk-00134-00034547-00034978 I would rather owe someone $2 then owe them $9. ui-RPaPjbEk-00135-00034978-00035329 So this means I'm closer to the good ui-RPaPjbEk-00136-00035329-00035617 if we say positives are good. ui-RPaPjbEk-00137-00035617-00035782 If we look at these two values, it's ui-RPaPjbEk-00138-00035782-00036136 very similar to this one, 6 and negative 6. ui-RPaPjbEk-00139-00036136-00036462 Well, obviously, 6 is greater than negative 6 ui-RPaPjbEk-00140-00036462-00036762 because on a number line it is to the right of that value. ui-RPaPjbEk-00141-00036762-00036871 This is to the right of 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00142-00036871-00037058 This is to the left of 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00143-00037058-00037333 6 is greater than negative 6. ui-RPaPjbEk-00144-00037333-00037497 But this is a special case that I ui-RPaPjbEk-00145-00037497-00037763 want to just direct your attention to. ui-RPaPjbEk-00146-00037763-00038108 6 and negative 6 are what we call opposites ui-RPaPjbEk-00147-00038108-00038390 because they are on the opposite side of 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00148-00038390-00038577 So if they have different signs but are ui-RPaPjbEk-00149-00038577-00039065 the same numerical value-- 6 and 6, one's to the left, ui-RPaPjbEk-00150-00039065-00039374 one's to the right-- these are called opposites. ui-RPaPjbEk-00151-00039374-00039620 So let's take a look at these opposites. ui-RPaPjbEk-00152-00039620-00039886 Here's an example, 6 and negative 6. ui-RPaPjbEk-00153-00039886-00040226 Now, I had mentioned that 0 is a little bit special. ui-RPaPjbEk-00154-00040226-00040634 It can be thought of as positive or negative. ui-RPaPjbEk-00155-00040634-00040997 But if we have 0, what is its opposite? ui-RPaPjbEk-00156-00040997-00041250 Well, it doesn't have an opposite, ui-RPaPjbEk-00157-00041250-00041506 because this is a case where we think of it as, well, it's ui-RPaPjbEk-00158-00041506-00041719 neither positive or negative. ui-RPaPjbEk-00159-00041719-00042024 When we say opposites, we're saying equal distance from 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00160-00042024-00042455 Well, if we think about that, how far is 0 from 0? ui-RPaPjbEk-00161-00042455-00042544 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00162-00042544-00042909 It's zero spaces or tick marks away on the number line. ui-RPaPjbEk-00163-00042909-00043008 So it is what it is. ui-RPaPjbEk-00164-00043008-00043352 It does not have an opposite because that's ui-RPaPjbEk-00165-00043352-00043447 our reference point. ui-RPaPjbEk-00166-00043447-00043566 Let's look at negative 10. ui-RPaPjbEk-00167-00043566-00043707 Well, what's the opposite of that? ui-RPaPjbEk-00168-00043707-00044078 What number is 10 units away from 0, ui-RPaPjbEk-00169-00044078-00044322 but instead of being to the left, it's to the right? ui-RPaPjbEk-00170-00044322-00044625 Well, easy enough, we just change its sign. ui-RPaPjbEk-00171-00044625-00044958 Negative 10's opposite is positive 10. ui-RPaPjbEk-00172-00044958-00045320 81, its opposite is negative 81. ui-RPaPjbEk-00173-00045320-00045533 They're the same distance from 0. ui-RPaPjbEk-00174-00045533-00045817 One's to the left and one's to the right. ui-RPaPjbEk-00175-00045817-00046288 So this has been Part 1 of Introduction to Integers. ui-RPaPjbEk-00176-00046288-00046485 Please stay tuned for Part 2. ui-RPaPjbEk-00177-00046485-00046677 Thank you for watching. uiEZOwUgWD4-00000-00000155-00000401 Hello everyone, I'm Governor Tom Wolf. uiEZOwUgWD4-00001-00000401-00000924 Today I’d like to wish all Pennsylvanians a very happy holiday season. uiEZOwUgWD4-00002-00000924-00001545 Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the season of giving, this time uiEZOwUgWD4-00003-00001545-00002098 of year is about celebrating our love for family, friends, and our communities. uiEZOwUgWD4-00004-00002098-00002628 This time of year is also about our freedom to celebrate our religions and beliefs. uiEZOwUgWD4-00005-00002628-00003119 William Penn founded Pennsylvania on principles of tolerance and freedom of conscience and uiEZOwUgWD4-00006-00003119-00003496 all of us are blessed to live in this great commonwealth and this great country where we can uiEZOwUgWD4-00007-00003496-00003703 enjoy these rights. uiEZOwUgWD4-00008-00003703-00004198 As we celebrate this year let us remember how lucky we are to be able to spend time uiEZOwUgWD4-00009-00004198-00004666 with family and friends and let us remember to show the generosity and good feeling of uiEZOwUgWD4-00010-00004666-00005026 this wonderful season throughout the whole year. uiEZOwUgWD4-00011-00005026-00005277 From my family to yours, happy holidays! ul-KYuGKiZI-00000-00000010-00000040 ADDED 11 ASSISTS. ul-KYuGKiZI-00001-00000040-00000046 ADDED 11 ASSISTS. ul-KYuGKiZI-00002-00000046-00000453 ADDED 11 ASSISTS. RED LAKE WINS 90-19. ul-KYuGKiZI-00003-00000453-00000460 ADDED 11 ASSISTS. RED LAKE WINS 90-19. ul-KYuGKiZI-00004-00000460-00000553 ADDED 11 ASSISTS. RED LAKE WINS 90-19. >>> STICKING WITH GIRLS ul-KYuGKiZI-00005-00000553-00000560 RED LAKE WINS 90-19. >>> STICKING WITH GIRLS ul-KYuGKiZI-00006-00000560-00000637 RED LAKE WINS 90-19. >>> STICKING WITH GIRLS BASKETBALL. ul-KYuGKiZI-00007-00000637-00000643 >>> STICKING WITH GIRLS BASKETBALL. ul-KYuGKiZI-00008-00000643-00000777 >>> STICKING WITH GIRLS BASKETBALL. BRAINERD HOSTING ALEXANDRIA. ul-KYuGKiZI-00009-00000777-00000784 BASKETBALL. BRAINERD HOSTING ALEXANDRIA. ul-KYuGKiZI-00010-00000784-00000890 BASKETBALL. BRAINERD HOSTING ALEXANDRIA. FIRST HALF OF THE BATTLE TAKES ul-KYuGKiZI-00011-00000890-00000897 BRAINERD HOSTING ALEXANDRIA. FIRST HALF OF THE BATTLE TAKES ul-KYuGKiZI-00012-00000897-00001047 BRAINERD HOSTING ALEXANDRIA. FIRST HALF OF THE BATTLE TAKES THE LEAD FOR BRAINERD TONIGHT. ul-KYuGKiZI-00013-00001047-00001054 FIRST HALF OF THE BATTLE TAKES THE LEAD FOR BRAINERD TONIGHT. ul-KYuGKiZI-00014-00001054-00001237 FIRST HALF OF THE BATTLE TAKES THE LEAD FOR BRAINERD TONIGHT. HERE IS NANA WITH THE THREE ul-KYuGKiZI-00015-00001237-00001244 THE LEAD FOR BRAINERD TONIGHT. HERE IS NANA WITH THE THREE ul-KYuGKiZI-00016-00001244-00001327 THE LEAD FOR BRAINERD TONIGHT. HERE IS NANA WITH THE THREE OUTSIDE. ul-KYuGKiZI-00017-00001327-00001334 HERE IS NANA WITH THE THREE OUTSIDE. ul-KYuGKiZI-00018-00001334-00001508 HERE IS NANA WITH THE THREE OUTSIDE. WARRIORS TRAILING 20-16. ul-KYuGKiZI-00019-00001508-00001514 OUTSIDE. WARRIORS TRAILING 20-16. ul-KYuGKiZI-00020-00001514-00001684 OUTSIDE. WARRIORS TRAILING 20-16. COURTNEY RUSSELL GETS A LONG ul-KYuGKiZI-00021-00001684-00001691 WARRIORS TRAILING 20-16. COURTNEY RUSSELL GETS A LONG ul-KYuGKiZI-00022-00001691-00001958 WARRIORS TRAILING 20-16. COURTNEY RUSSELL GETS A LONG PASS TO FINISH THE LAY-UP. ul-KYuGKiZI-00023-00001958-00001965 COURTNEY RUSSELL GETS A LONG PASS TO FINISH THE LAY-UP. ul-KYuGKiZI-00024-00001965-00002332 COURTNEY RUSSELL GETS A LONG PASS TO FINISH THE LAY-UP. THEN SHE'S FOLLOWED BY LILY ul-KYuGKiZI-00025-00002332-00002338 PASS TO FINISH THE LAY-UP. THEN SHE'S FOLLOWED BY LILY ul-KYuGKiZI-00026-00002338-00002499 PASS TO FINISH THE LAY-UP. THEN SHE'S FOLLOWED BY LILY HARDEE WHO GETS A THREE FROM THE ul-KYuGKiZI-00027-00002499-00002505 THEN SHE'S FOLLOWED BY LILY HARDEE WHO GETS A THREE FROM THE ul-KYuGKiZI-00028-00002505-00002639 THEN SHE'S FOLLOWED BY LILY HARDEE WHO GETS A THREE FROM THE OUTSIDE. ul-KYuGKiZI-00029-00002639-00002645 HARDEE WHO GETS A THREE FROM THE OUTSIDE. ul-KYuGKiZI-00030-00002645-00002776 HARDEE WHO GETS A THREE FROM THE OUTSIDE. ALEXANDRIA LEADS THE FIRST HALF ul-KYuGKiZI-00031-00002776-00002782 OUTSIDE. ALEXANDRIA LEADS THE FIRST HALF ul-KYuGKiZI-00032-00002782-00002962 OUTSIDE. ALEXANDRIA LEADS THE FIRST HALF OF THIS ONE 44-42. vogNHRkaDpI-00000-00000000-00000300 (The Intro begins with guitar.) vogNHRkaDpI-00001-00000300-00000436 (The synth lead joins.) vogNHRkaDpI-00002-00000436-00000619 (And the hihat.) vogNHRkaDpI-00003-00000955-00001151 (Adding the strings.) vogNHRkaDpI-00004-00001209-00001500 (Changing the delay amount on the leads.) vogNHRkaDpI-00005-00001736-00001892 (Removing the hihat.) vogNHRkaDpI-00006-00001934-00002178 (Launching the kick drum and the double bass.) vogNHRkaDpI-00007-00002247-00002447 (Changing delay amount on leads.) vogNHRkaDpI-00008-00002829-00003093 (Switching from light kick to heavy kick.) vogNHRkaDpI-00009-00003112-00003453 (Applying the beat repeat effect on the lead.) vogNHRkaDpI-00010-00003613-00003780 (Snare fill.) vogNHRkaDpI-00011-00003781-00004063 (Launching the main beat.) vogNHRkaDpI-00012-00004259-00004459 (Muting the hihat.) vogNHRkaDpI-00013-00004760-00004927 (The beat-repeat again.) vogNHRkaDpI-00014-00004927-00005149 (Changing repeat length.) vogNHRkaDpI-00015-00005270-00005470 (And filtering the output.) vogNHRkaDpI-00016-00005603-00005849 (Transition from A section to B.) vogNHRkaDpI-00017-00006110-00006310 (The lead uses FM synth.) vogNHRkaDpI-00018-00006571-00006774 (Applying a low-pass filter to the lead.) vogNHRkaDpI-00019-00006774-00006974 (Delay effect on the snare.) vogNHRkaDpI-00020-00007142-00007342 (Changing the cut-off frequency.) vogNHRkaDpI-00021-00007500-00007707 (Transition from B section to C.) vogNHRkaDpI-00022-00007749-00008271 (This lead sound is a mix of sitar and gamelan metallophone.) vogNHRkaDpI-00023-00008342-00008542 (Bringing back the hihat.) vogNHRkaDpI-00024-00008766-00008966 (Adding the piano.) vogNHRkaDpI-00025-00009084-00009284 (Adding the strings.) vogNHRkaDpI-00026-00009352-00009594 (Back to the A melody.) vogNHRkaDpI-00027-00009830-00010030 (Changing delay amount.) vogNHRkaDpI-00028-00010258-00010855 (Beat repeat effect on the lead. Guitar in the background.) vogNHRkaDpI-00029-00011243-00011461 (Launching reversed crash cymbal.) vogNHRkaDpI-00030-00011472-00011791 (Bringing back the drum beat.) vogNHRkaDpI-00031-00012166-00012432 (Adding back the guitar and muting the hihat.) vogNHRkaDpI-00032-00012806-00013006 (Using "nudge tempo".) vogNHRkaDpI-00033-00013163-00013762 (The beat repeat, coupled with a band-pass filter.) vogNHRkaDpI-00034-00014032-00014388 (The B melody, with a light-weight snare.) vogNHRkaDpI-00035-00014606-00014723 (Nudge tempo.) vogNHRkaDpI-00036-00014723-00014879 (Delay amount.) vogNHRkaDpI-00037-00015338-00015618 (Nudge tempo, and delay amount.) vogNHRkaDpI-00038-00015916-00016101 (The main drum beat.) vogNHRkaDpI-00039-00016114-00016314 (Low-pass filtering the lead.) vogNHRkaDpI-00040-00016857-00017280 (The C melody, with the strings in the background.) vogNHRkaDpI-00041-00017739-00017966 (Launching the gong, adding back the guitar.) vogNHRkaDpI-00042-00018473-00018866 (Reducing the strings and piano volume.) vogNHRkaDpI-00043-00018956-00019239 (Delay on the snare fill.) vogNHRkaDpI-00044-00019470-00019670 (Removing the strings and piano.) vogNHRkaDpI-00045-00019670-00019997 (Delay on snare fill.) vogNHRkaDpI-00046-00020192-00020492 (Removing kick, snare, hihat.) vogNHRkaDpI-00047-00020593-00020857 (The lead, guitar and bass parts remain.) vogNHRkaDpI-00048-00021007-00021154 (Nudge tempo.) vogNHRkaDpI-00049-00021196-00021632 (Slowing down, using nudge tempo.) vogNHRkaDpI-00050-00021643-00022241 (Changing the balance between the lead, guitar and bass.) vogNHRkaDpI-00051-00023197-00023507 (Increasing the bass.) vogNHRkaDpI-00052-00023582-00023782 (Increasing guitar.) vogNHRkaDpI-00053-00024455-00025052 (Stopped all clips. Thanks for watching!) v1kljMhw8d4-00000-00000078-00000612 There is also a further recommendation by Marx which often escapes comment: confiscation v1kljMhw8d4-00001-00000612-00000969 of the property of all emigrants and rebels. v1kljMhw8d4-00002-00000969-00001523 An odd suggestion coming from an immigrant rebel, but since Marx seldom had any property, v1kljMhw8d4-00003-00001523-00001937 its author would presumably have remained unaffected by this draconian measure. v5vvbooffAM-00000-00001042-00003140 She is a proud mother of her three children, Ripley, 17, and Nico, 13 and son Booker Jombe, 3. And Thandie Newton appeared relaxed in casual attire as she was pictured out with her youngest child Booker at LAX Airport in California on Friday. v5vvbooffAM-00001-00003290-00004396 The 45-year-old proved to be the queen of her household as she sported a grey slogan jumper, emblazoned with 'matriarchy now'. v5vvbooffAM-00002-00004546-00006245 Scroll down for video The Mission: Impossible 2 actress styled her oversized hooded jumper with cloud-patterned black leggings, a stripped longline coat and sporty Nike trainers as she carried her child along the airport in a pushchair. v5vvbooffAM-00003-00006395-00008073 Her laid-back appearance gave room to her natural beauty as she swept her curled mane into a neat bun. Opting for minimal makeup, the English star let her timeless looks shine as dressed her lips in a slash of light brown lipstick. v5vvbooffAM-00004-00008223-00010095 Her adorable son appeared comfortable in his mobile chair while he wore a navy blue tracksuit. Thandie has been married to English director Ol Parker since 1998, and they have three children together, with Booker being the youngest of their brood. v5vvbooffAM-00005-00010245-00011363 The British star plays a human-looking android on HBO's sci-fi series Westworld and has spent much of the time naked on the hit show. v5vvbooffAM-00006-00011513-00012912 And in an interview with Oprah Winfrey forVariety's Actors On Actors series in June, the actress spoke about how she'd embraced the nudity required and in fact, found it liberating. v5vvbooffAM-00007-00013062-00014656 'It felt like having that fourth baby because it was a moment of such intense self-affirmation, not for me Thandie, but female power,' said, who gave birth to her third child just weeks before filming started. v5vvbooffAM-00008-00014806-00016457 The screen star added that she has never felt that way about a part before, explaining: 'It's ironic that I was standing there stark naked for a lot of it because I felt more in control than I've ever done because I said yes to this. v5vvbooffAM-00009-00016607-00018261 'I said yes, I will stand here with nothing on and I will speak these words. I was so committed to this character's trajectory. I felt it had secrets for how we need to survive as a humanity which is to fight for the truth.' v5vvbooffAM-00010-00018411-00019378 Production on the upcoming season of the critically-acclaimed show kicked off in the summer and is slated to air next year. v6ZQuv2ut38-00000-00000711-00000911 Today at the SKA we are marking v6ZQuv2ut38-00001-00000911-00001200 the International Day of Women and Girls in Science v6ZQuv2ut38-00002-00001770-00001970 Achieving great results in science v6ZQuv2ut38-00003-00001985-00002330 almost always comes from having great ideas v6ZQuv2ut38-00004-00002330-00002566 and thinking outside of the box. v6ZQuv2ut38-00005-00002566-00003009 A way to do that is to have a diverse team collaborating. v6ZQuv2ut38-00006-00004231-00004498 Our cultural norms and the way that we are trained v6ZQuv2ut38-00007-00004498-00004822 has a great importance in our thought process v6ZQuv2ut38-00008-00004822-00004939 and the way we think. v6ZQuv2ut38-00009-00005345-00005509 So by having a diverse team v6ZQuv2ut38-00010-00005509-00005647 you break those boundaries v6ZQuv2ut38-00011-00005647-00005871 and you can really have the best results. v84epK5HrDQ-00000-00000563-00000794 Hello Everyone v84epK5HrDQ-00001-00000794-00001425 In the prologue of his gospel, a part of which we read on Christmas day, John introduces v84epK5HrDQ-00002-00001425-00002018 Jesus to the world as the Word, who was God and was with God from the beginning and who v84epK5HrDQ-00003-00002018-00002543 became a human being to live among us and to show us God's ways and to bring us back v84epK5HrDQ-00004-00002543-00002802 to God, John (1:1-18). v84epK5HrDQ-00005-00002802-00003345 And then he continues with the testimony of John the Baptist regarding Jesus, John (1:19-28). v84epK5HrDQ-00006-00003345-00003918 He narrates that as John the Baptist was preaching and baptizing people in the Jordan River, v84epK5HrDQ-00007-00003918-00004430 the Jewish leaders sent emissaries to ask him if he was the Messiah and he replied that v84epK5HrDQ-00008-00004430-00004704 he was not. v84epK5HrDQ-00009-00004704-00005221 In today's gospel text we have a further testimony of John the Baptist on Jesus' identity and v84epK5HrDQ-00010-00005221-00005435 mission. v84epK5HrDQ-00011-00005435-00006061 John writes that a day after the baptism of Jesus, as Jesus was passing by, John the Baptist v84epK5HrDQ-00012-00006061-00007002 pointed to Jesus and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world." v84epK5HrDQ-00013-00007002-00007584 John the Baptist's declaration of Jesus as the "Lamb of God" may not shock us today because v84epK5HrDQ-00014-00007584-00008025 Christ as the Lamb of God is a title very familiar to us. v84epK5HrDQ-00015-00008025-00008660 Particularly throughout each Holy Mass, we hear this title "Lamb of God" many times. v84epK5HrDQ-00016-00008660-00009142 But surely it must have been controversial for John the Baptist to introduce Jesus in v84epK5HrDQ-00017-00009142-00009731 such a way to the Jews who had been slaughtering sacrificial lambs at the feast of Passover v84epK5HrDQ-00018-00009731-00010225 in the temple of Jerusalem to obtain forgiveness for their sins. v84epK5HrDQ-00019-00010225-00010920 However, here John the Baptist identified Jesus as the sacrificial Passover Lamb provided v84epK5HrDQ-00020-00010920-00011482 by God Himself and whose mission is to take away the sin of the world. v84epK5HrDQ-00021-00011482-00012021 "Sin" here refers to both the guilt of our many individual sins, 1 Peter (2:24), and v84epK5HrDQ-00022-00012021-00012747 the guilt of the inborn sin that we have inherited from Adam and Eve, Romans (5:18). v84epK5HrDQ-00023-00012747-00013294 John the Baptist then recalled what he had said about Jesus at the time of his baptism. v84epK5HrDQ-00024-00013294-00013953 "A man is coming after me who ranks ahead of me because he existed before me. v84epK5HrDQ-00025-00013953-00014572 I did not know him, but the reason why I came baptizing with water was that he might be v84epK5HrDQ-00026-00014572-00015003 made known to Israel", John (1:30-31). v84epK5HrDQ-00027-00015003-00015566 The words "I did not know him", should not be taken literally to imply that John the v84epK5HrDQ-00028-00015566-00015878 Baptist did not know Jesus at all. v84epK5HrDQ-00029-00015878-00016526 Luke's account of Jesus' infancy indicates that John and Jesus were related, Luke (1:36-45). v84epK5HrDQ-00030-00016526-00017043 So John was not saying that he did not know Jesus as in the way that we do not know or v84epK5HrDQ-00031-00017043-00017625 recognize a person, but instead he was saying that he did not have confirmation that Jesus v84epK5HrDQ-00032-00017625-00017957 was the Messiah until He was divinely revealed. v84epK5HrDQ-00033-00017957-00018535 With this testimony, John the Baptist also reaffirmed the divinity of Jesus. v84epK5HrDQ-00034-00018535-00019213 That's to say, John the Baptist humbly acknowledged that even though he was older than Jesus in v84epK5HrDQ-00035-00019213-00019869 the flesh chronologically Jesus was eternal and existed before he was born. v84epK5HrDQ-00036-00019869-00020506 John, therefore, came baptizing in water so that Jesus as the Messiah would be revealed v84epK5HrDQ-00037-00020506-00020902 to Israel. v84epK5HrDQ-00038-00020902-00021450 John the Baptist then said, "I saw the Spirit come down like a dove from heaven and remain v84epK5HrDQ-00039-00021450-00021677 upon him", John (1:32). v84epK5HrDQ-00040-00021677-00022051 This occurred when Jesus was baptized by John. v84epK5HrDQ-00041-00022051-00022418 The apostle and writer, John, testifies to this event. v84epK5HrDQ-00042-00022418-00022895 Mark (1:10), Matthew (3:16) and Luke (3:22) also testify to this in their gospels. v84epK5HrDQ-00043-00022895-00023509 It was not an actual dove that came down on Jesus but the Spirit that looked like a dove v84epK5HrDQ-00044-00023509-00023856 descended on Him. v84epK5HrDQ-00045-00023856-00024490 Several Jewish writings use the dove as the image of the Spirit of God. v84epK5HrDQ-00046-00024490-00024766 But what does the term "the Spirit of God" mean? v84epK5HrDQ-00047-00024766-00025368 In the book of Isaiah the anointing of the Messiah with the gifts of the Spirit was prophesied: v84epK5HrDQ-00048-00025368-00025977 "The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the v84epK5HrDQ-00049-00025977-00026545 spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord", Isaiah v84epK5HrDQ-00050-00026545-00026645 (11:2). v84epK5HrDQ-00051-00026645-00027144 The meaning here is, that the Messiah should be endowed with these eminent prophetic gifts v84epK5HrDQ-00052-00027144-00027507 and qualifications for his ministry by the Holy Spirit. v84epK5HrDQ-00053-00027507-00028255 However, it does not mean that Jesus did not have the Spirit before His baptism. v84epK5HrDQ-00054-00028255-00028918 The Spirit coming upon Jesus and the voice from heaven only affirmed that Jesus is truly v84epK5HrDQ-00055-00028918-00029489 the awaited Messiah and Savior of the world. v84epK5HrDQ-00056-00029489-00030070 John the Baptist further testified, "I did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize v84epK5HrDQ-00057-00030070-00030697 with water told me, on whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain, he is the one v84epK5HrDQ-00058-00030697-00031194 who will baptize with the Holy Spirit", John (1:33). v84epK5HrDQ-00059-00031194-00031481 John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. v84epK5HrDQ-00060-00031481-00032204 It was a symbolic act of repenting, or changing of oneself and believing in Jesus Christ. v84epK5HrDQ-00061-00032204-00032829 Moreover, John predicted that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit, which authenticates v84epK5HrDQ-00062-00032829-00033275 and complements the baptism of water. v84epK5HrDQ-00063-00033275-00033848 This was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples v84epK5HrDQ-00064-00033848-00034302 and empowered them to bear witness to the risen Lord Jesus Christ. v84epK5HrDQ-00065-00034302-00035174 Finally, the statement: "Now I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God" is the v84epK5HrDQ-00066-00035174-00035546 climax of John the Baptist's testimony, John (1:34). v84epK5HrDQ-00067-00035546-00036101 After having seen the descent of the Spirt upon Jesus and heard the voice of God the v84epK5HrDQ-00068-00036101-00036712 Father, John the Baptist was convinced that Jesus was the Son of God. v84epK5HrDQ-00069-00036712-00037316 Some manuscripts identify him as being "the Chosen One of God" instead of "the Son of v84epK5HrDQ-00070-00037316-00037436 God". v84epK5HrDQ-00071-00037436-00037976 This is probably a reference to the prophecy of Isaiah which says, "Here is my servant v84epK5HrDQ-00072-00037976-00038506 whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom my soul delights. v84epK5HrDQ-00073-00038506-00039193 I have sent the spirit upon Him, he will bring fair judgment to the nations", Isaiah (42:1). v84epK5HrDQ-00074-00039193-00039550 What is the message for us? v84epK5HrDQ-00075-00039550-00040152 Today's gospel text is not a parable which teaches us some moral or spiritual lessons. v84epK5HrDQ-00076-00040152-00040756 It is also not a direct teaching of Jesus like he said, "Repent, for the kingdom of v84epK5HrDQ-00077-00040756-00041519 heaven is at hand", or "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock v84epK5HrDQ-00078-00041519-00041862 and it will be opened to you" and so on, Matthew (4:17) or Matthew (7:7). v84epK5HrDQ-00079-00041862-00042478 It is rather a testimony of one of the most important prophets who came not only to perform v84epK5HrDQ-00080-00042478-00043063 the baptism of repentance but also point the way to Christ. v84epK5HrDQ-00081-00043063-00043722 He came not only to preach repentance of sin but also to tell people about Jesus so that v84epK5HrDQ-00082-00043722-00043891 they might believe. v84epK5HrDQ-00083-00043891-00044652 Friends, we may have already in words expressed our faith in Jesus Christ many times. v84epK5HrDQ-00084-00044652-00045301 However, often times, being unsure of the identity and mission of Jesus Christ, brings v84epK5HrDQ-00085-00045301-00045401 doubt. v84epK5HrDQ-00086-00045401-00046020 Today, therefore, we are called upon once again to truly believe that Jesus Christ is v84epK5HrDQ-00087-00046020-00046228 the Son of God, our Savior. v84epK5HrDQ-00088-00046228-00046988 Let us, daily, look to the suffering Savior, and pray in faith that we may be saved from v84epK5HrDQ-00089-00046988-00047168 our sin. v84epK5HrDQ-00090-00047168-00047710 At the same time, like John the Baptist, all of us are called to witness to Jesus. v84epK5HrDQ-00091-00047710-00048420 We, like him, must make Jesus Christ known to the world not primarily as a great miracle v84epK5HrDQ-00092-00048420-00049199 worker, nor a wonderful teacher but as God's only Son, who lived and gave his life on the v84epK5HrDQ-00093-00049199-00049547 cross as ransom for our sin. v84epK5HrDQ-00094-00049547-00049663 Amen. v84epK5HrDQ-00095-00049663-00049733 God Bless You! v9i3pCohIH0-00000-00000000-00000344 What do you call an expandable camp shelter sold by a Shard of Adonalsium? v9i3pCohIH0-00001-00000344-00000816 Hi Internet, I'm Steve. Welcome to RAFO. There seems to be a rule of v9i3pCohIH0-00002-00000816-00001236 threes in the Cosmere: three realms, three components of magic systems, three v9i3pCohIH0-00003-00001236-00001536 leading men with names that start with K... I'm not sure if there's an underlying v9i3pCohIH0-00004-00001536-00001898 reason for all of this, but the realmatics and the magic seem to tie v9i3pCohIH0-00005-00001898-00002316 together. All magic systems in the Cosmere rely on three things, which link to the v9i3pCohIH0-00006-00002316-00002733 three realms: spiritual investiture, a physical key, and the appropriate v9i3pCohIH0-00007-00002733-00003090 cognitive intent. The investiture part is fairly easy - it's one of the three v9i3pCohIH0-00008-00003090-00003521 fundamental states of the Cosmere, the others being matter and energy - so even v9i3pCohIH0-00009-00003521-00003852 if it's associated with a different Shard, it's technically everywhere. Each v9i3pCohIH0-00010-00003852-00004260 system associated with a Shard also has a certain key: a physical pattern or v9i3pCohIH0-00011-00004260-00004557 substance, without which investiture cannot be accessed. v9i3pCohIH0-00012-00004557-00004884 Then there's intent, which seems deceptively simple: if you want something v9i3pCohIH0-00013-00004884-00005303 to happen then it'll happen; if you don't, it won't. However there's a lot going on v9i3pCohIH0-00014-00005303-00005637 underneath that. As with most things we talk about, in order to get a full v9i3pCohIH0-00015-00005637-00005982 understanding of this concept we have to go back to the beginning. Seriously, it v9i3pCohIH0-00016-00005982-00006360 seems like all my videos start like this. Way back in the way back when, the v9i3pCohIH0-00017-00006360-00006861 governing force or being in the Cosmere - Adonalsium - was shattered, and 16 v9i3pCohIH0-00018-00006861-00007242 individuals took up those Shards: primal forces attached to certain aspects of v9i3pCohIH0-00019-00007242-00007634 personality. Meaning each portion of this power has something that inherently v9i3pCohIH0-00020-00007634-00007902 wants to do, which is often where the names come from. v9i3pCohIH0-00021-00007902-00008361 Honor, Ruin, Dominion, Endowment, etc. These are commonly referred to as the v9i3pCohIH0-00022-00008361-00008850 Shard's Intent. Honor seeks to be bound by rules; Ruin naturally wants to destroy; v9i3pCohIH0-00023-00008850-00009336 Dominion vies for control; and Endowment is like having a rich uncle come to your birthday party. v9i3pCohIH0-00024-00009336-00009593 I need to get me one of those. The Shards of Adonalsium then v9i3pCohIH0-00025-00009593-00009924 spread throughout their little star cluster, some taking up residence on v9i3pCohIH0-00026-00009924-00010314 specific planets and investing there - basically pouring out some of their own v9i3pCohIH0-00027-00010314-00010682 power in order to influence those worlds. Often this has resulted in the v9i3pCohIH0-00028-00010682-00011085 development of some type of system to access that investiture, many of which v9i3pCohIH0-00029-00011085-00011370 we've already talked about in my previous videos, and these systems are v9i3pCohIH0-00030-00011370-00011796 influenced by their "Patron Shard's" Intent. The magic of Roshar requires Honoring v9i3pCohIH0-00031-00011796-00012207 oaths and Cultivating yourself; Sel selects people and specific Dominions v9i3pCohIH0-00032-00012207-00012657 with a strong Devotion; an Allomancer's own energy is preserved on Scadrial; while v9i3pCohIH0-00033-00012657-00013019 being on the wrong end of Hemalurgy will definitely Ruin your day. It's not v9i3pCohIH0-00034-00013019-00013329 just the big picture Shardic Intent that we need to worry about though; the v9i3pCohIH0-00035-00013329-00013646 right intent is vital for the user of any magic system. v9i3pCohIH0-00036-00013646-00013941 Without it, it won't work Some systems are easier than others v9i3pCohIH0-00037-00013941-00014334 however. For example, with Allomancy the only intent needed is the cognitive v9i3pCohIH0-00038-00014334-00014720 choice to burn the appropriate metal. Everything else is basically directed by v9i3pCohIH0-00039-00014720-00015033 the physical key of the metal itself. There's a lot more nuance when it comes v9i3pCohIH0-00040-00015033-00015381 to snapping, flaring, and learning to use the metals, but we'll get to that in a v9i3pCohIH0-00041-00015381-00015744 later video. Surgebinding appears to have a similar mechanic. Knights Radiant v9i3pCohIH0-00042-00015744-00016131 must intend to manipulate their respective surge, and then they can. The v9i3pCohIH0-00043-00016131-00016448 key for Radiant seems to be the honoring of the bond with their spren, v9i3pCohIH0-00044-00016448-00016800 and if they're doing good there, then they can play with gravity or turn stuff v9i3pCohIH0-00045-00016800-00017169 into other stuff as much as they want. Again there's more going on here, such as v9i3pCohIH0-00046-00017169-00017535 the strength of their Nahel bond, their progression in their order, etc., but v9i3pCohIH0-00047-00017535-00017931 basically the intent is manifest in the action of using the power. One of the v9i3pCohIH0-00048-00017931-00018375 most intent heavy magic systems is Aon Dor, and by extension the other Selish v9i3pCohIH0-00049-00018375-00018735 magics. Because of the specificity available through these magic v9i3pCohIH0-00050-00018735-00019125 programming systems, most of that intent is expressed by the construction of the v9i3pCohIH0-00051-00019125-00019467 actual symbols and shapes when channeling the Dor. The very v9i3pCohIH0-00052-00019467-00019839 languages on Sel function to shape the investiture as it's pulled from the v9i3pCohIH0-00053-00019839-00020172 Cognitive Realm. Because of that, as long as you know how to write what you want v9i3pCohIH0-00054-00020172-00020504 to do - you know basically the proper equation for it - and you're creating v9i3pCohIH0-00055-00020504-00020895 the correct symbols with the intent of actually accessing investiture, you v9i3pCohIH0-00056-00020895-00021216 should be able to do whatever you want. Mastery of Selish magics then must come v9i3pCohIH0-00057-00021216-00021591 from study and memorization. Much the same with Hemalurgy: you have to know what v9i3pCohIH0-00058-00021591-00021954 you're doing when you're spiking someone. You can't accidentally rip off a bit of v9i3pCohIH0-00059-00021954-00022232 a person's soul and staple it on to someone else. You have to be familiar v9i3pCohIH0-00060-00022232-00022560 with bind points and the properties of certain metals in order to have the v9i3pCohIH0-00061-00022560-00022878 intended effect. I know there's that one instance that seems like someone got v9i3pCohIH0-00062-00022878-00023298 spiked on accident, but there was Intent behind it, just not human. With these v9i3pCohIH0-00063-00023298-00023654 systems we see that there's actually more to Intent than just wanting to do v9i3pCohIH0-00064-00023654-00024069 stuff. This is where another principle comes into play: that of Perception. In v9i3pCohIH0-00065-00024069-00024447 relation to Intent, if you don't want something to happen, it won't happen, so v9i3pCohIH0-00066-00024447-00024822 if you don't know that something CAN happen. you won't be able to make it v9i3pCohIH0-00067-00024822-00025089 happen. This is most clearly been illustrated in the Stormlight Archive. v9i3pCohIH0-00068-00025089-00025457 Brandon has said that in the Cosmere the Spiritual Realm is filtered through the v9i3pCohIH0-00069-00025457-00025818 Cognitive Realm into the Physical Realm, and we see this directly represented v9i3pCohIH0-00070-00025818-00026228 with spren - beings of investiture shaped by people's perceptions and pulled into v9i3pCohIH0-00071-00026228-00026577 the world. Perception is why those flamespren would lock into shape after being v9i3pCohIH0-00072-00026577-00026830 measured and recorded. Perception is why many spren have two v9i3pCohIH0-00073-00026830-00027147 genders and why some have four. The existence of spren at all - the v9i3pCohIH0-00074-00027147-00027489 personification of natural forces and phenomena - has occurred because of v9i3pCohIH0-00075-00027489-00027822 perception. Perception doesn't just affect things on a world building level, v9i3pCohIH0-00076-00027822-00028225 but on an individual level as well. Again in Stormlight, the recent Kaladin's v9i3pCohIH0-00077-00028225-00028594 brands won't heal is because at some level he fundamentally believes that v9i3pCohIH0-00078-00028594-00028936 they belong there; he perceives himself as a slave. Lopen, on the other hand, v9i3pCohIH0-00079-00028936-00029010 haha! v9i3pCohIH0-00080-00029010-00029337 has never considered himself disabled, which makes his glowing up so dramatic. v9i3pCohIH0-00081-00029337-00029712 More than just stormlight healing though, if you consider that Szeth-son-son-Vallano, v9i3pCohIH0-00082-00029712-00030087 Truthless of Shinovar, who wore white on the day he was to kill a king, was using v9i3pCohIH0-00083-00030087-00030447 Jezrien's honorblade which granted access to the surges of gravitation and v9i3pCohIH0-00084-00030447-00030690 adhesion. However honorblades are direct pieces v9i3pCohIH0-00085-00030690-00031050 of Honor, which spren then copied. As such, honorblades don't technically v9i3pCohIH0-00086-00031050-00031383 require ten heartbeats to pull into the Physical Realm, but because of Szeth's v9i3pCohIH0-00087-00031383-00031833 perception it did. Even with things as mundane as the gemstones associated with v9i3pCohIH0-00088-00031833-00032262 the ten essences on Roshar - rubies are linked to fire, sapphires to air, emeralds v9i3pCohIH0-00089-00032262-00032662 to plants - chemically they aren't very different than each other. In fact ruby v9i3pCohIH0-00090-00032662-00033009 and sapphire, though totally different colors, have the exact same chemical v9i3pCohIH0-00091-00033009-00033418 formula. The color varies because of traces of either chromium or titanium, v9i3pCohIH0-00092-00033418-00033769 and because of that color change people perceive them to be completely different v9i3pCohIH0-00093-00033769-00034140 types of stone, which makes the cognitive and spiritual identities of those stones v9i3pCohIH0-00094-00034140-00034474 different and more attuned to certain things. Perception may even be able to v9i3pCohIH0-00095-00034474-00034927 affect the intent of a Shard! The Shard - the power itself - does have a specific v9i3pCohIH0-00096-00034927-00035322 intent, but the holder's personality will sort of act like a filter for that v9i3pCohIH0-00097-00035322-00035666 intent. Meaning, if a different person had been there at the end of Hero of Ages, v9i3pCohIH0-00098-00035666-00036109 Harmony could certainly have become Discord. Rayse's perception of his shard v9i3pCohIH0-00099-00036109-00036484 may truly be Passion rather than Odium, which could shift some things. The Intent v9i3pCohIH0-00100-00036484-00036868 itself is independent of the holder, but the Shard's vessel is able to interpret v9i3pCohIH0-00101-00036868-00037252 that intent to a certain extent. However, it's a slow tug-of-war that's virtually v9i3pCohIH0-00102-00037252-00037633 impossible to win. Because of the huge amount of investiture that has its own v9i3pCohIH0-00103-00037633-00038080 extant intent (hehe) the shard will eventually overpower the will of the vessel. Oh man, v9i3pCohIH0-00104-00038080-00038506 what do you call an expandable camp shelter sold by a Shard of Adonalsium? v9i3pCohIH0-00105-00038506-00038994 "Extant Intent Extend-A-Tent." Or "Trying Too Hard." Perception has probably v9i3pCohIH0-00106-00038994-00039412 the most effect on Nalthis, where Awakener's use the collected investiture from v9i3pCohIH0-00107-00039412-00039808 others to bring inanimate objects to life. However that will have to wait till v9i3pCohIH0-00108-00039808-00040011 my next video, which I should be able to get out v9i3pCohIH0-00109-00040011-00040389 next week! If you enjoyed talking about Roshar and the Stormlight Archive, take a v9i3pCohIH0-00110-00040389-00040680 look at these other videos. There's always more Cosmere to explore, so v9i3pCohIH0-00111-00040680-00041079 subscribe to stay in the loop. We'll be diving deep into Awakening next week, so v9i3pCohIH0-00112-00041079-00041564 just Breathe And Find Out. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00000-00000163-00000362 - Wilson here, reporting in on week two vr9fH-9Is4Y-00001-00000362-00000606 of our weird homework. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00002-00000606-00000734 It's been a pretty crazy week, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00003-00000734-00001029 so I hope you don't mind me multitasking here. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00004-00001029-00001267 Can't miss a workout, the human body only runs vr9fH-9Is4Y-00005-00001267-00001496 properly with proper care. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00006-00001610-00001864 (grunts) Moynihan wants us to play a game. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00007-00001864-00002122 And since game recognizes game, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00008-00002122-00002397 here are my two lies told well enough to be truth, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00009-00002397-00002678 and one truth that I've never told anyone, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00010-00002678-00003082 which I guess now will be known by all of you. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00011-00003082-00003317 Okay, here it goes. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00012-00003317-00003497 (grunts) I don't really like to talk about it, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00013-00003497-00003882 but I'm afraid of fire, like, in any form, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00014-00003882-00004170 from candles to fireworks. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00015-00004170-00004450 Even as little baby Wilson, it scared me. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00016-00004450-00004711 And us Wilsons, we don't really talk about our fears. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00017-00004711-00004921 You know, as Mother says, fears are vr9fH-9Is4Y-00018-00004921-00005263 just things others use against you. (chuckles) vr9fH-9Is4Y-00019-00005263-00005421 (grunts) I mean, what are we vr9fH-9Is4Y-00020-00005421-00005682 if we don't face our fears in the light of day? vr9fH-9Is4Y-00021-00005682-00005924 Or at the very least, in a weird video assignment vr9fH-9Is4Y-00022-00005924-00006194 your mother's business partner is having you do as homework. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00023-00006302-00006573 Okay, on to the second. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00024-00006573-00007069 One time I hooked up with somebody and their sister. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00025-00007069-00007400 Separately, of course, and yes, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00026-00007400-00007722 I can report that they were twins. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00027-00008212-00008471 Finally, I've never done a load vr9fH-9Is4Y-00028-00008471-00008778 of laundry in my life, not one. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00029-00008778-00008925 From the day I was born, I had a nanny vr9fH-9Is4Y-00030-00008925-00009084 who was chasing me around and cleaning up vr9fH-9Is4Y-00031-00009084-00009366 after me, and when I first got here, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00032-00009366-00009547 I briefly considered using the laundry machines, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00033-00009547-00010041 but they only take quarters and, well, cash is so 2015. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00034-00010144-00010394 I mean, if they took cryptocurrency or credit cards, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00035-00010394-00010556 maybe I'd consider throwing a pod in there vr9fH-9Is4Y-00036-00010556-00010761 and washing away all the evidence of fun. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00037-00010893-00011062 I mean, even parking meters are paid vr9fH-9Is4Y-00038-00011062-00011304 through an app, but not laundry machines vr9fH-9Is4Y-00039-00011304-00011565 at Colvin Guardians of the Future College. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00040-00011703-00012019 So instead of seeking out our defunct currency, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00041-00012019-00012289 I started my own business, Launder, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00042-00012289-00012604 which, for a small price, would wash and fold your clothes vr9fH-9Is4Y-00043-00012604-00012777 on demand and on your schedule. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00044-00012944-00013313 Sadly, the company failed big and now my mom vr9fH-9Is4Y-00045-00013313-00013644 just sends my nanny on Tuesdays to pick up my laundry. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00046-00013644-00013801 Can you guess which one is true, vr9fH-9Is4Y-00047-00013801-00014104 or are you lost in the lies like the rest of us? vr9fH-9Is4Y-00048-00014104-00014458 Far be it from me to ruin the game and reveal the truth. vr9fH-9Is4Y-00049-00014458-00014660 That is my mother's job, after all. vuJa41RnIeQ-00000-00000216-00000350 Puppy Toys vuJa41RnIeQ-00001-00000446-00000646 Let's learn numbers and colors vuJa41RnIeQ-00002-00000684-00000750 G vuJa41RnIeQ-00003-00000971-00001067 Grapes vuJa41RnIeQ-00004-00003661-00003732 G vuJa41RnIeQ-00005-00004479-00004550 R vuJa41RnIeQ-00006-00005355-00005426 A vuJa41RnIeQ-00007-00006277-00006360 P vuJa41RnIeQ-00008-00007111-00007211 E vuJa41RnIeQ-00009-00008166-00008266 Grape vuJa41RnIeQ-00010-00008604-00008692 C vuJa41RnIeQ-00011-00008904-00009009 Cherry vuJa41RnIeQ-00012-00011699-00011799 C vuJa41RnIeQ-00013-00012328-00012416 H vuJa41RnIeQ-00014-00012658-00012891 Learning alphabet and names vuJa41RnIeQ-00015-00013138-00013229 E vuJa41RnIeQ-00016-00013968-00014055 R vuJa41RnIeQ-00017-00014568-00014668 R vuJa41RnIeQ-00018-00015231-00015331 Y vuJa41RnIeQ-00019-00016199-00016312 Cherry vuJa41RnIeQ-00020-00016666-00016745 A vuJa41RnIeQ-00021-00016883-00016991 Apple vuJa41RnIeQ-00022-00019519-00019594 A vuJa41RnIeQ-00023-00020124-00020224 P vuJa41RnIeQ-00024-00020799-00020887 P vuJa41RnIeQ-00025-00021308-00021408 L vuJa41RnIeQ-00026-00021834-00021934 E vuJa41RnIeQ-00027-00022814-00022914 Apple vuJa41RnIeQ-00028-00023164-00023360 We larned alphabet and names vuJa41RnIeQ-00029-00023452-00023556 Puppy Toys vwtKZVBvLJE-00000-00000158-00000258 Hello everyone , vwtKZVBvLJE-00002-00000649-00000978 I hope you are alright ? Me I’m okey thank vwtKZVBvLJE-00003-00001036-00001345 Today I come to tell you about my experience as black women vwtKZVBvLJE-00004-00001345-00001634 Traveling alone vwtKZVBvLJE-00005-00001649-00001812 To Mexico vwtKZVBvLJE-00006-00002004-00002307 Ok let’s calm down , I got carried away a vwtKZVBvLJE-00007-00002309-00002409 little too much vwtKZVBvLJE-00008-00002421-00002564 Ok well vwtKZVBvLJE-00009-00002632-00002732 So vwtKZVBvLJE-00010-00002803-00003127 I will not explain where Mexico is located vwtKZVBvLJE-00011-00003127-00003227 Because i really think vwtKZVBvLJE-00012-00003240-00003452 That everybody knows where is located vwtKZVBvLJE-00013-00003512-00003771 So I went there vwtKZVBvLJE-00014-00003771-00003971 During vwtKZVBvLJE-00015-00004014-00004174 My crossing of Central America vwtKZVBvLJE-00016-00004235-00004456 By bus ,because yes vwtKZVBvLJE-00017-00004520-00004821 My goal was to crossing Central America by bus , vwtKZVBvLJE-00018-00004821-00005112 stopping in each country vwtKZVBvLJE-00019-00005112-00005426 To Colombia which will be my final destination vwtKZVBvLJE-00020-00005433-00005672 Then in Colombia vwtKZVBvLJE-00021-00005703-00005922 i will stay there 3 months before returning to France vwtKZVBvLJE-00022-00006037-00006329 So yes ,how is life in Mexico ? vwtKZVBvLJE-00023-00006329-00006676 Simply the Life there is vwtKZVBvLJE-00024-00006709-00006809 Happy life vwtKZVBvLJE-00025-00006865-00007166 No really expensive,cheap finally vwtKZVBvLJE-00026-00007166-00007455 It depends where you live , overall,I think vwtKZVBvLJE-00027-00007455-00007675 It’s cheap ,people are pleasant, vwtKZVBvLJE-00028-00007675-00007939 welcoming , A part sometimes vwtKZVBvLJE-00029-00008017-00008337 People looked at me strangely vwtKZVBvLJE-00030-00008339-00008454 Because I’m black , maybe I don’t know, vwtKZVBvLJE-00031-00008489-00008589 I think 🤔 vwtKZVBvLJE-00032-00008635-00008813 The people stared at me and weirdly vwtKZVBvLJE-00033-00008876-00009188 Really stared but vwtKZVBvLJE-00034-00009222-00009322 It was not mean vwtKZVBvLJE-00035-00009344-00009498 The are welcoming and vwtKZVBvLJE-00036-00009498-00009810 Try to start a discussion vwtKZVBvLJE-00037-00009810-00010083 When the people stared me like that vwtKZVBvLJE-00038-00010085-00010210 I stared them smiling vwtKZVBvLJE-00039-00010317-00010618 And ask them how are you?what’s app? vwtKZVBvLJE-00040-00010632-00010963 Otherwise I really loved Mexico vwtKZVBvLJE-00041-00010986-00011218 I frankly vwtKZVBvLJE-00042-00011250-00011594 Finally , Mexico is one of countries vwtKZVBvLJE-00043-00011594-00011700 I loved going there vwtKZVBvLJE-00044-00011775-00012069 To live there for 2 months vwtKZVBvLJE-00045-00012169-00012415 So I don’t know vwtKZVBvLJE-00046-00012451-00012745 If it’s because when I was there ,I was alone vwtKZVBvLJE-00047-00012745-00012869 And sometimes with the friends I made there in the hostel vwtKZVBvLJE-00048-00012905-00013235 I was staying but yes , vwtKZVBvLJE-00049-00013242-00013519 I was surrounded vwtKZVBvLJE-00050-00013519-00013829 Maybe ,I’m sure that It changed my feeling because if I was vwtKZVBvLJE-00051-00013835-00014142 Alone my experience would not be same vwtKZVBvLJE-00052-00014142-00014491 Then, one thing I didn’t understand why people asked me to take photo all the time? vwtKZVBvLJE-00053-00014664-00015000 I didn’t understand,why ? vwtKZVBvLJE-00054-00015000-00015189 They always complimented me you are beautiful vwtKZVBvLJE-00055-00015345-00015482 You are Bonita vwtKZVBvLJE-00056-00015531-00015819 Well always compliments me vwtKZVBvLJE-00057-00015889-00016235 I love you skin, you so beautiful vwtKZVBvLJE-00058-00016271-00016555 Well okey I answered thank thank vwtKZVBvLJE-00059-00016555-00016778 For the compliments Well it’s good huh but vwtKZVBvLJE-00060-00016829-00017123 You have never seen black or what? vwtKZVBvLJE-00061-00017157-00017439 They answered me yes but it’s no very common in Mexico vwtKZVBvLJE-00062-00017439-00017636 Well okey vwtKZVBvLJE-00063-00017675-00017993 I took lot of pictures huh😳🤭 vwtKZVBvLJE-00064-00017993-00018116 Like stars vwtKZVBvLJE-00065-00018221-00018441 Way of talking ,but 🤔 huh vwtKZVBvLJE-00066-00018634-00018983 It was too much the pictures I took vwtKZVBvLJE-00067-00018985-00019275 You are black and like pictures go to Mexico you gonna vwtKZVBvLJE-00068-00019275-00019588 You will be served ,so my vwtKZVBvLJE-00069-00019588-00019861 Feeling was cool it sure vwtKZVBvLJE-00070-00019910-00020113 I’m gonna go back vwtKZVBvLJE-00071-00020113-00020374 Because I was vwtKZVBvLJE-00072-00020374-00020660 Loved I get lot of friends there vwtKZVBvLJE-00073-00020660-00020961 Lot Meet there vwtKZVBvLJE-00074-00020961-00021310 Did I feel racism in Mexico? vwtKZVBvLJE-00075-00021378-00021703 I would say no even I stay 2 months from vwtKZVBvLJE-00076-00021703-00022002 North and south vwtKZVBvLJE-00077-00022002-00022345 I didn’t feel racism vwtKZVBvLJE-00078-00022358-00022652 After of course it depends on your state of mind going to there vwtKZVBvLJE-00079-00022653-00022946 If you are positive,smiling ,you are pleasant vwtKZVBvLJE-00080-00022973-00023308 I don’t know but ,i do not find vwtKZVBvLJE-00081-00023316-00023591 Racism apart as I told you vwtKZVBvLJE-00082-00023591-00023870 people stared me and try to take pictures with me vwtKZVBvLJE-00083-00023870-00024107 But it no was mean so vwtKZVBvLJE-00084-00024236-00024519 I looked them also vwtKZVBvLJE-00085-00024519-00024868 smiling ,,especially when I smile I show all my teeth vwtKZVBvLJE-00086-00024948-00025143 like clown vwtKZVBvLJE-00087-00025211-00025554 Then they laugh, vwtKZVBvLJE-00088-00025563-00025838 And I will see them asking them if he’s okay? vwtKZVBvLJE-00089-00025884-00025984 So the story it’s finish vwtKZVBvLJE-00090-00026058-00026361 We gonna talk about the food vwtKZVBvLJE-00091-00026361-00026461 My God vwtKZVBvLJE-00092-00026513-00026854 I ate too much vwtKZVBvLJE-00093-00027006-00027340 I loved the food of Mexico vwtKZVBvLJE-00094-00027367-00027554 à part ,no i loved vwtKZVBvLJE-00095-00027596-00027851 I loved vwtKZVBvLJE-00096-00027851-00028140 I eat so much ,I took 4 kg vwtKZVBvLJE-00097-00028179-00028463 yes I did some crazy , When you did some crazy stuff vwtKZVBvLJE-00098-00028463-00028563 Conclusion vwtKZVBvLJE-00099-00028601-00028898 I advise you to go,people are welcoming vwtKZVBvLJE-00100-00028898-00028998 Pleasant vwtKZVBvLJE-00101-00029052-00029362 Smiling vwtKZVBvLJE-00102-00029362-00029630 There is everything in Mexico,sun,beach vwtKZVBvLJE-00103-00029630-00029928 And the beaches are too vwtKZVBvLJE-00104-00029928-00030230 Beautiful , vwtKZVBvLJE-00105-00030230-00030341 Oh my God vwtKZVBvLJE-00106-00030385-00030683 I have to go back vwtKZVBvLJE-00107-00030683-00030989 It’s sure ,I was loved vwtKZVBvLJE-00108-00031029-00031249 I advise you even you are alone vwtKZVBvLJE-00109-00031314-00031633 You no gonna be alone in Mexico vwtKZVBvLJE-00110-00031703-00032020 Even you are alone,you gonna make friends , vwtKZVBvLJE-00111-00032020-00032259 You gonna enjoy,so vwtKZVBvLJE-00112-00032259-00032576 It’s the end of my video ,thank you for watching vwtKZVBvLJE-00113-00032576-00032874 So if you have any questions vwtKZVBvLJE-00114-00032874-00032997 To ask me about Mexico? vwtKZVBvLJE-00115-00033056-00033386 Because you need advice etc... vwtKZVBvLJE-00116-00033405-00033750 All you want comment ,I’m gonna vwtKZVBvLJE-00117-00033760-00034033 Answer you vwtKZVBvLJE-00118-00034033-00034333 If you are already been there also ,what was you experience there vwtKZVBvLJE-00119-00034333-00034563 I would like to also vwtKZVBvLJE-00120-00034606-00034766 It always interesting to know the feeling of people vwtKZVBvLJE-00121-00034798-00034898 Already been there vwtKZVBvLJE-00122-00034902-00035148 In Mexico who isn’t vwtKZVBvLJE-00123-00035198-00035533 The same experience I’ve had vwtKZVBvLJE-00124-00035624-00035917 See you on the next video ,tchaoooo vwMJkNV_qrk-00000-00000344-00000384 Okay vwMJkNV_qrk-00001-00000640-00001607 Good morning make sure that my flight out welcome to episode 2 of vwMJkNV_qrk-00002-00001752-00002984 let's move a nice beautiful morning luckily here in the west obviously where I'll go to so vwMJkNV_qrk-00003-00004616-00005592 once again is 20 minutes five exercises some of the exercises will come from episode one but vwMJkNV_qrk-00004-00005592-00006576 a couple of new ones in which uh right today so I hope you out first one vwMJkNV_qrk-00005-00006712-00007295 of exercises would do for around 40 seconds and we'll move on to the next one vwMJkNV_qrk-00006-00007423-00008584 so the five exercises today we're gonna start number one vwMJkNV_qrk-00007-00008892-00009440 the sound was a bit distorted I think it was down to two years vwMJkNV_qrk-00008-00009536-00009888 either my mic was plugged in free or after vwMJkNV_qrk-00009-00010296-00010912 distorted some of the sounds because the music was unselected so it would be vwMJkNV_qrk-00010-00010912-00011864 just to have got the juices happening but unfortunately no vwMJkNV_qrk-00011-00012088-00012872 just in your end but I can't have my end so let's start first because I've got a busy schedule today vwMJkNV_qrk-00012-00012960-00013688 and I want to make sure that you get the benefits to work out and just make sure that it's all about vwMJkNV_qrk-00013-00013688-00014144 work at your level at your everyone's fitness level, so it vwMJkNV_qrk-00014-00014144-00014991 doesn't matter what it does your best to do more and more of this type of movement vwMJkNV_qrk-00015-00014991-00015472 what happens fixed level increase, and then you can do more but let's start where you're at vwMJkNV_qrk-00016-00015568-00016368 infection ain't for the right time, and I'm the fittest, or this limit happened vwMJkNV_qrk-00017-00016368-00017296 when I walked into 150 kilos, it was a place that didn't I just started focus on yourself compare vwMJkNV_qrk-00018-00017376-00018032 yourself with someone else because we don't know their story or where they're at on the journey vwMJkNV_qrk-00019-00018184-00019128 so just be mindful of that be mindful of it dialogue you news with self and just make vwMJkNV_qrk-00020-00019128-00020608 sure that uh and working within your ends so we're going to start with our first size which would be vwMJkNV_qrk-00021-00020792-00021112 so if you're right-handed right vwMJkNV_qrk-00022-00022536-00022992 punch okay let's start vwMJkNV_qrk-00023-00023736-00023984 just go vwMJkNV_qrk-00024-00026520-00027088 keep your head up perfect vwMJkNV_qrk-00025-00027936-00029583 nine eight seven six five four three one perfect vwMJkNV_qrk-00026-00030695-00030983 make sure that my vwMJkNV_qrk-00027-00033352-00033784 eight seven six four vwMJkNV_qrk-00028-00034896-00036584 chops Jesus vwMJkNV_qrk-00029-00037800-00037984 about vwMJkNV_qrk-00030-00038840-00039496 okay some push-ups vwMJkNV_qrk-00031-00040128-00040144 as vwMJkNV_qrk-00032-00040720-00040784 that's it vwMJkNV_qrk-00033-00041720-00042184 most vwMJkNV_qrk-00034-00042480-00043584 five four three two one vwMJkNV_qrk-00035-00043936-00044184 next one do you remember these vwMJkNV_qrk-00036-00044608-00044984 okay vwMJkNV_qrk-00037-00046296-00046944 that ready coordination that works all at the time vwMJkNV_qrk-00038-00047240-00047784 here we go vwMJkNV_qrk-00039-00048768-00049184 26 vwMJkNV_qrk-00040-00050256-00050816 eight six five four three vwMJkNV_qrk-00041-00050896-00052064 two okay vwMJkNV_qrk-00042-00052944-00054784 we're just down and [ __ ] this vwMJkNV_qrk-00043-00055560-00056304 bow and cry vwMJkNV_qrk-00044-00056567-00057584 Hey um vwMJkNV_qrk-00045-00058240-00058984 oh vwMJkNV_qrk-00046-00059488-00059744 that's five four vwMJkNV_qrk-00047-00059904-00060384 three vwMJkNV_qrk-00048-00061712-00061784 let's give ourselves vwMJkNV_qrk-00049-00062232-00062248 back vwMJkNV_qrk-00050-00063079-00063567 one two three yeah please test one two three two one two three vwMJkNV_qrk-00051-00063808-00063920 two three vwMJkNV_qrk-00052-00064360-00064584 can you hear me vwMJkNV_qrk-00053-00065816-00065984 you vwMJkNV_qrk-00054-00068288-00068784 one two three four six vwMJkNV_qrk-00055-00071040-00071584 six vwMJkNV_qrk-00056-00072864-00072984 I'm vwMJkNV_qrk-00057-00074016-00074384 it's just doing stuff vwMJkNV_qrk-00058-00075448-00075784 okay vwMJkNV_qrk-00059-00077072-00077184 push vwMJkNV_qrk-00060-00078416-00078584 and vwMJkNV_qrk-00061-00079752-00079984 enjoy vwMJkNV_qrk-00062-00081200-00081384 in a hot rider vwMJkNV_qrk-00063-00084024-00084184 one more vwMJkNV_qrk-00064-00085104-00085584 just vwMJkNV_qrk-00065-00086352-00086464 45 seconds vwMJkNV_qrk-00066-00086656-00086984 go vwMJkNV_qrk-00067-00088152-00088384 second vwMJkNV_qrk-00068-00089632-00089784 oh vwMJkNV_qrk-00069-00090696-00091184 okay vwMJkNV_qrk-00070-00092032-00092584 steve vwMJkNV_qrk-00071-00093152-00093984 hey vwMJkNV_qrk-00072-00095288-00095384 bob vwMJkNV_qrk-00073-00095720-00096784 oh boy vwMJkNV_qrk-00074-00097328-00098184 oh vwMJkNV_qrk-00075-00099232-00099584 uh vwMJkNV_qrk-00076-00100656-00100984 we're doing great vwMJkNV_qrk-00077-00102224-00102384 keep on doing them vwMJkNV_qrk-00078-00102928-00103352 Hey I'm ready for round three vwMJkNV_qrk-00079-00106344-00106583 doing this vwMJkNV_qrk-00080-00107528-00109383 I two one vwMJkNV_qrk-00081-00110656-00110783 okay vwMJkNV_qrk-00082-00111904-00112120 five four three vwMJkNV_qrk-00083-00113216-00113583 one okay vwMJkNV_qrk-00084-00117335-00117783 ah vwMJkNV_qrk-00085-00118520-00119183 okay vwMJkNV_qrk-00086-00126696-00127583 dot vwMJkNV_qrk-00087-00130024-00130383 hey vwMJkNV_qrk-00088-00133792-00134584 twist vwMJkNV_qrk-00089-00135336-00135984 oh vwMJkNV_qrk-00090-00137368-00138072 eight seven six five four three two one vwMJkNV_qrk-00091-00138448-00138728 oh it's good huh vwMJkNV_qrk-00092-00139040-00139096 I'm getting a bit vwMJkNV_qrk-00093-00139440-00140184 that's three rounds that's four vwMJkNV_qrk-00094-00140800-00142984 all right not vwMJkNV_qrk-00095-00143480-00144384 well vwMJkNV_qrk-00096-00146032-00147184 all right vwMJkNV_qrk-00097-00148384-00148584 my vwMJkNV_qrk-00098-00150152-00151384 uh vwMJkNV_qrk-00099-00152160-00154184 uh one out vwMJkNV_qrk-00100-00155032-00155584 mm-hmm vwMJkNV_qrk-00101-00156448-00157008 come vwMJkNV_qrk-00102-00157008-00158384 up vwMJkNV_qrk-00103-00160880-00161184 now vwMJkNV_qrk-00104-00164912-00165384 uh vwMJkNV_qrk-00105-00166256-00166784 up vwMJkNV_qrk-00106-00167128-00168184 good job vwMJkNV_qrk-00107-00169856-00170984 not vwMJkNV_qrk-00108-00171432-00172384 I want to keep it stay. vwMJkNV_qrk-00109-00172696-00173784 I mean vwMJkNV_qrk-00110-00174792-00175184 I'm vwMJkNV_qrk-00111-00177904-00179176 you for coming see vy4yVb6qr_E-00000-00001939-00002606 Today we are going to discuss about the concept of the normativity and its association with vy4yVb6qr_E-00001-00002606-00003306 the act of speech. We have already discussed about Schiffer’s intention-based semantics, vy4yVb6qr_E-00002-00003593-00004190 and we had stopped our discussion at this point, of how morality and insanity are part vy4yVb6qr_E-00003-00004190-00004890 of the intension-based semantics. When we analyze the concept of meaning, we need to vy4yVb6qr_E-00004-00004964-00005664 see where the speaker induces normative elements, when he is engaged in performing the act of vy4yVb6qr_E-00005-00006436-00006881 speech. Speech is a performative activity. Whenever vy4yVb6qr_E-00006-00006881-00007581 we speak, we consider speaking, or making a statement as a performative act. This has vy4yVb6qr_E-00007-00007748-00008449 been theorized by Sir; we have discussed that. Specifically today, we need to understand vy4yVb6qr_E-00008-00008531-00009231 as to how the normative element comes into the discourse of the act of speech. In that vy4yVb6qr_E-00009-00009422-00010122 context, it is through normativity that the intention-based semantics, tries to approach vy4yVb6qr_E-00010-00010420-00011120 the concept of truth. So normative reason, in a sense, supports, or walks as a truth vy4yVb6qr_E-00011-00011390-00012090 supporting reason. In that context, for say, in intentionally expressed statements, when vy4yVb6qr_E-00012-00012196-00012639 the speaker is imposing an intension of expression, it is not the case that, the speaker just vy4yVb6qr_E-00013-00012639-00013339 imposes the meaning, it is rather that, the utterances also involve certain values. vy4yVb6qr_E-00014-00013387-00014087 So, there Sir brings in the notion of commitment, and obligation. When the speaker utters a vy4yVb6qr_E-00015-00014340-00015040 statement, for example, the statement of promise, “I promise that I would lend you hundred vy4yVb6qr_E-00016-00015375-00016075 rupees.” this promise involves a sense of commitment, and obligation. The moment the vy4yVb6qr_E-00017-00016328-00017028 speaker utters this particular statement, he means what he says, what he is committing, vy4yVb6qr_E-00018-00017820-00018520 and he tries to fulfill this promise. Promise making is a kind of an intentional vy4yVb6qr_E-00019-00018650-00019350 action, which shows that the speaker is not only inducing a kind of a special meaning vy4yVb6qr_E-00020-00019751-00020451 to it, but is also expressing commitment and obligation. So, commitment, and obligation vy4yVb6qr_E-00021-00020494-00021194 are the normative elements, ((utters)) to the linguistic representation that has been vy4yVb6qr_E-00022-00021623-00022323 made through several performative expressions, like, promise, order, assertions, etcetera. vy4yVb6qr_E-00023-00022798-00023498 Now agrees with this idea of intension based semantics, argued by Sir; but he further refers vy4yVb6qr_E-00024-00024008-00024708 to this point that, the statement has an emotional, or an affective attitude, and there is an vy4yVb6qr_E-00025-00025300-00025354 intentional attitude. vy4yVb6qr_E-00026-00025354-00026054 So, there are two kinds of attitudes that the statement exhibits, one is that the emotional vy4yVb6qr_E-00027-00026209-00026909 attitude, or the affective attitude, and the rational intentional attitude of the speaker; vy4yVb6qr_E-00028-00027032-00027732 because, when the speaker says, or utters a promise, he knows what is being said. He vy4yVb6qr_E-00029-00027741-00028441 is aware of this fact that he is making the statement, he is also aware of the fact that vy4yVb6qr_E-00030-00028820-00029520 he is committed to do certain things. The sense of commitment is the result of some vy4yVb6qr_E-00031-00029870-00030570 kind of a rational deliberation. So, intentional attitude involves rational vy4yVb6qr_E-00032-00030771-00031471 thinking. When we say that speech is a kind of a special kind of an intentional act, we vy4yVb6qr_E-00033-00031827-00032527 also pre suppose this fact that, it is a rational, or deliberate action. In that sense, making vy4yVb6qr_E-00034-00032803-00033503 a promise or an assertion is nothing but, expression of our decisions, or judgments vy4yVb6qr_E-00035-00033941-00034641 about the particular case. So, in that sense it differs a from the Gricean framework, which vy4yVb6qr_E-00036-00035183-00035883 says that, we fail to distinguish this motive and emotion. vy4yVb6qr_E-00037-00035914-00036614 The motivating factor for intentional actions, or making, or forming the motivating factor vy4yVb6qr_E-00038-00037163-00037863 of the act of speech, and the emotional factor that is attached with it, Schiffer’s intention vy4yVb6qr_E-00039-00038155-00038855 based semantics also refer to this idea that, the semantics is compositional in nature, vy4yVb6qr_E-00040-00039153-00039853 where in the compositional aspect, in the surest communicating circumstances, the speaker’s vy4yVb6qr_E-00041-00039988-00040608 intention is not only a subjective factor in bringing out the effect in the audience, vy4yVb6qr_E-00042-00040608-00041308 rather the circumstances itself is an important, and unchangeable condition in bringing out vy4yVb6qr_E-00043-00041320-00041749 the effect. So, Schiffer at the beginning tries to show vy4yVb6qr_E-00044-00041749-00042449 that, meaning can be analyzed with reference to certain conditions, and that is what he vy4yVb6qr_E-00045-00042888-00043439 called as the ‘communicating circumstance’ in which, both the speaker, and the hearer vy4yVb6qr_E-00046-00043439-00044138 are participating; and this condition has nothing to do with the habits or practices. vy4yVb6qr_E-00047-00044138-00044838 So, the meaning, for Schiffer, is not conventional as the way Grice has understood it, or the vy4yVb6qr_E-00048-00045313-00046013 way construed it. The Sarlean interpretation on this intention based semantics is precisely vy4yVb6qr_E-00049-00046774-00047474 to argue that, the meaning is conventional, and meaning is intentionally composed by the vy4yVb6qr_E-00050-00047694-00048394 speaker. This is the very fact that the speaker induces the meaning, and also implies that, vy4yVb6qr_E-00051-00048876-00049576 the speaker is trying to compose a kind of a content, that is embedded in the statement. vy4yVb6qr_E-00052-00049633-00050333 So, Sarl is in favor of arguing out a thesis called ‘the compositional notion of semantics’ vy4yVb6qr_E-00053-00050630-00051329 whereas, Schiffer and others would agree with the compositional notion of semantics, but vy4yVb6qr_E-00054-00051612-00052312 slightly in a different way. We would like to see how Schiffer differs from, or disagrees vy4yVb6qr_E-00055-00052495-00053195 with Grice. Firstly, for S, that is the speaker, x may have some meaning other than p; so it vy4yVb6qr_E-00056-00053652-00054352 cannot be S’s policy to utter x only if he wants some A to think S thinks that P. vy4yVb6qr_E-00057-00054454-00055154 Schiffer is questioning the very intention of the speaker. How is it the case, that such vy4yVb6qr_E-00058-00055459-00056159 a co-ordination takes place? The Gricean intention based semantics, does not explain this co-ordination vy4yVb6qr_E-00059-00056494-00057194 between the speaker, and the hearer. Hence there is a difficulty that Schiffer is raising vy4yVb6qr_E-00060-00057292-00057992 here. Secondly, S may have some other utterance type by which, he also means that p; so it vy4yVb6qr_E-00061-00058439-00059139 cannot be S’s policy to utter x if he wants some A to think that p. In this context, we vy4yVb6qr_E-00062-00059452-00060152 cannot generalize this fact that, the speaker S cannot have a subjective policy. Now, these vy4yVb6qr_E-00063-00061032-00061732 intentional expressions, made by the speaker does not imply that the meaning is subjective; vy4yVb6qr_E-00064-00061920-00062620 but according to Schiffer’s criticism, one can get this impression that the Gricean, vy4yVb6qr_E-00065-00063053-00063753 and the Sarlean understanding of the meaning of, particularly the intention based semantics, vy4yVb6qr_E-00066-00064117-00064817 gives an impression of the fact that, meaning is subjective, but that is not the case. For vy4yVb6qr_E-00067-00065191-00065726 Schiffer, IBS - the intention based semantics, involve no subjective imposition of meaning vy4yVb6qr_E-00068-00065726-00066036 in the conventional means of communication. vy4yVb6qr_E-00069-00066036-00066736 Rather that, the speaker and the hearer must have, or say some kind of mutual beliefs, vy4yVb6qr_E-00070-00066811-00067511 or knowledge. They must be aware of each other, and that awareness, that knowledge is common vy4yVb6qr_E-00071-00067881-00068581 to the speaker and the hearer will help us to explain the co-ordination that prevails vy4yVb6qr_E-00072-00068955-00069655 between them; otherwise, what will the speaker say, and will what the hearer understand, vy4yVb6qr_E-00073-00070044-00070744 or how does the hearer know that the speaker means this, and not that. Whenever the speaker vy4yVb6qr_E-00074-00070976-00071676 utters p, he means x, and not y. So, this co-ordination is possible. The hearer would vy4yVb6qr_E-00075-00072280-00072980 perfectly understand what the speaker means, for they share some common ideas, or knowledge, vy4yVb6qr_E-00076-00073540-00074171 and thereby the co-ordination is possible. So, the perfect coordination, or what you vy4yVb6qr_E-00077-00074171-00074871 call ‘the self perpetuating regularity condition’ in fact, talks about a strategic interdependence vy4yVb6qr_E-00078-00074911-00075611 to regulate agent’s goal oriented behavior. In fact, Schiffer further introduces a notion vy4yVb6qr_E-00079-00075692-00076392 of co-ordination equilibrium, to standardize what is usually been expected whenever the vy4yVb6qr_E-00080-00076696-00077396 speaker utters a speech. So, there should be a kind of standard, an acceptable standard, vy4yVb6qr_E-00081-00077493-00078193 what is called ‘the co-ordination equilibrium’ to talk about, to analyze, the intentional vy4yVb6qr_E-00082-00078229-00078929 meaning that is being imposed on a particular statement, whenever something is said. He vy4yVb6qr_E-00083-00079026-00079726 further says that meaning is not conventional, rather meaning can analyzed through certain vy4yVb6qr_E-00084-00080209-00080909 cognitive functions. Now, the emergence of new conventions, new practices, and new orders, vy4yVb6qr_E-00085-00081220-00081920 would definitely be a hindrance, and Schiffer says that should not be a hindrance, provided, vy4yVb6qr_E-00086-00082410-00083110 we work out the meaning from a psychological point of view, or by following a psychological vy4yVb6qr_E-00087-00083222-00083922 model. So, Schiffer ultimately argues for psychological model of meaning, which replaces vy4yVb6qr_E-00088-00083987-00084172 the conventional model. vy4yVb6qr_E-00089-00084172-00084872 This idea that new convention, or the emergence of a new convention, would create a conflict. vy4yVb6qr_E-00090-00084889-00085589 So for S, this intention based semantics will be concerned, because again and again bringing vy4yVb6qr_E-00091-00085702-00086402 this co-ordination equilibrium will be a tuff task; because, that is grounded on practice, vy4yVb6qr_E-00092-00086668-00087368 or the notion of, as to how the speaker, and the hearer are a community, and shares a particular vy4yVb6qr_E-00093-00087491-00088191 knowledge, or particular belief. So, therefore, Schiffer tries to draw our attention to the vy4yVb6qr_E-00094-00088373-00089073 fact that, a psychological model would help us better to explain the intention based semantics. vy4yVb6qr_E-00095-00089733-00090433 Therefore, he argues that we can replace the conventional notion of meaning through the vy4yVb6qr_E-00096-00090569-00091239 psychological model. Convention has been defined by psychological, and in non-semantic terms. vy4yVb6qr_E-00097-00091239-00091835 So, Schiffer’s notion of convention, or the conventional meaning, is to be defined vy4yVb6qr_E-00098-00091835-00092535 with the help of certain psychological elements, as well as, with the help of certain non-semantic vy4yVb6qr_E-00099-00092954-00093654 elements. Now, what is non-semantic about? Schiffer’s vy4yVb6qr_E-00100-00093704-00094404 intention based semantics, and what is psychological about Schiffer’s intention based semantics, vy4yVb6qr_E-00101-00094450-00095133 particularly the psychological model, that he is bringing into the discourse of meaning? vy4yVb6qr_E-00102-00095133-00095833 Now, when we try to read Schiffer’s argument, one can very well imagine about the status vy4yVb6qr_E-00103-00096347-00097047 of intentionality present in the meaning. So, what would be the status of intentionality vy4yVb6qr_E-00104-00097397-00098097 in this case? Whether intentionality remains as a psychological phenomenon, or is it a vy4yVb6qr_E-00105-00098227-00098927 non-psychological phenomenon? The intentional attitude of the speaker is caused by, what vy4yVb6qr_E-00106-00099199-00099899 Schiffer says as ‘the propositional attitude of the mental states’. So, intentionality vy4yVb6qr_E-00107-00100044-00100744 is, in a sense, connected with the propositional attitudes of certain mental or cognitive states. vy4yVb6qr_E-00108-00101233-00101889 Schiffer does not want to understand the notion of intentionality, or the intentional attitude vy4yVb6qr_E-00109-00101889-00102589 of the speaker, referring to the conventional uses of language. The linguistic form of life, vy4yVb6qr_E-00110-00103204-00103904 for Schiffer, does not help to explain the intentional attitude. So language, for say, vy4yVb6qr_E-00111-00104339-00105039 is not autonomous, or whether language is, in fact dependent on the function of human vy4yVb6qr_E-00112-00105778-00106478 cognition, or the function of human mind. Sarl also argues that, as I have said earlier, vy4yVb6qr_E-00113-00106908-00107608 according to Sarl, ‘language is an institution created by the intentional attitude of the vy4yVb6qr_E-00114-00108147-00108847 human beings’. In other words, it is intentionality through which we can explain the function vy4yVb6qr_E-00115-00109450-00110150 of language in our everyday life. Intentionality is prior to language. vy4yVb6qr_E-00116-00110285-00110985 Schiffer on the other hand comes closer to the Sarlean thesis, but in a different way vy4yVb6qr_E-00117-00111296-00111996 argues, that intentionality is not an independent property, rather that intentionality is exhibited vy4yVb6qr_E-00118-00112607-00113307 by the function of certain cognitive states, or the propositional attitude of mental states. vy4yVb6qr_E-00119-00113736-00114248 So, the structural explication is formed by micro-level constituents, and these micro vy4yVb6qr_E-00120-00114248-00114948 constituents are words in one hand, and syntactical mechanism that is operating in our brain. vy4yVb6qr_E-00121-00115077-00115777 So, syntax or what you called the grammar, determines the language. The grammar is a vy4yVb6qr_E-00122-00116425-00117125 part of the cognition, and the function of this cognitive state, determines the function vy4yVb6qr_E-00123-00118428-00119128 of the language; because, when you talk about linguistic expressions, expressions are a vy4yVb6qr_E-00124-00119802-00120451 product of the cognitive function of human mind. vy4yVb6qr_E-00125-00120451-00121151 This function, the cognitive function, happens in a particular way. The logic of this cognitive vy4yVb6qr_E-00126-00121171-00121871 function shows that there is an order, there is a structure, there is a grammatical structure vy4yVb6qr_E-00127-00122129-00122829 that is involved in producing, or making the linguistic activities possible. Hence, for vy4yVb6qr_E-00128-00123104-00123804 Schiffer, the sentence of L, suppose L is one kind of a sentence, is nothing but, the vy4yVb6qr_E-00129-00123814-00124514 sentence of G. So, the sentence of L will pre supposes that it is the sentence of G. vy4yVb6qr_E-00130-00124835-00125535 So, in that sense, the meaning of whatever has been said in this particular sentence, vy4yVb6qr_E-00131-00126066-00126766 the meaning of the sentence of L is connected with the meaning that is there in the mind. vy4yVb6qr_E-00132-00127340-00128040 So, in that sense, whenever we talk about understanding, or knowing as a kind of a cognitive vy4yVb6qr_E-00133-00128096-00128796 activity, those cognitive activities can be accommodated as a part of the function of vy4yVb6qr_E-00134-00129592-00130292 the mind. When I listen to your promise, the promise of the speaker, I understand that vy4yVb6qr_E-00135-00130717-00131417 this is a promise, and not an order; or what the speaker means when he utters this particular vy4yVb6qr_E-00136-00131722-00132422 statement. So, understanding or knowing are very much vy4yVb6qr_E-00137-00132874-00133574 a part of the cognitive activities that is related to cognition. Hence, the linguistic vy4yVb6qr_E-00138-00133619-00134319 component, is part of the propositional attitude, and there are also certain non-semantic functions vy4yVb6qr_E-00139-00134698-00135398 involved; and those non-semantic functions refers to the grammar, that is the grammar vy4yVb6qr_E-00140-00135646-00135778 of thought. vy4yVb6qr_E-00141-00135778-00136478 So Schiffer, in this connection, comes very close to. So, let us read Schiffer, Schiffer vy4yVb6qr_E-00142-00136562-00137262 says, “To know the meaning of mental representation, S is to know what one believes, when S is vy4yVb6qr_E-00143-00137323-00138023 stored in one as belief, where one believes the content of one’s belief is conveyed vy4yVb6qr_E-00144-00138025-00138454 by ‘that’ clauses of belief predicates true”. vy4yVb6qr_E-00145-00138454-00139154 So, the propositional attitude is not only exhibiting the intentional element present vy4yVb6qr_E-00146-00139467-00140167 in the sentence, but also, can explain how a sentence is formed, how a sentence is being vy4yVb6qr_E-00147-00140377-00141077 composed by the speaker, and what are the cognitive elements involved in composing the vy4yVb6qr_E-00148-00141654-00142354 sentence, or the expression. So, there are both psychological elements, and there are vy4yVb6qr_E-00149-00142420-00143120 also non-semantic elements, preferably for say, it is the grammar which is the primary vy4yVb6qr_E-00150-00143270-00143970 condition for formulating the sentence. Hence the Schiffer’s compositional semantics come vy4yVb6qr_E-00151-00144119-00144819 close to Fodor’s understanding of language of thought, or Chomsky’s notion of universal vy4yVb6qr_E-00152-00145096-00145796 grammar, because all these philosophers of language tried to analyze the meaning with vy4yVb6qr_E-00153-00146175-00146875 reference to certain mental features, and they all emphasize that it is the grammar vy4yVb6qr_E-00154-00147375-00148075 which is primary, it is the grammar which is non-semantic. Now one of the reasons, why vy4yVb6qr_E-00155-00148104-00148804 Schiffer is talking about non-semantic analysis of the semantics, is precisely because, Schiffer vy4yVb6qr_E-00156-00149387-00150087 finds the Grecians have given a circular explanation of meaning. vy4yVb6qr_E-00157-00150092-00150792 He says, “If you would like to have an intention based semantics, and it can be well argued vy4yVb6qr_E-00158-00151191-00151891 without giving primacy to the semantics”. So, therefore, a non-circular explication vy4yVb6qr_E-00159-00152161-00152861 of intentional content of an expression is possible; and it is possible precisely with vy4yVb6qr_E-00160-00152870-00153535 reference to this kind of model. The grammatical states, belief states, which are propositionally vy4yVb6qr_E-00161-00153535-00154186 expressible, are grammatical states, which are non linguistic mental states. They are vy4yVb6qr_E-00162-00154186-00154886 not entirely linguistic. Following Schiffer, Loar argues that, “a non-linguistic account vy4yVb6qr_E-00163-00155079-00155779 of content provides an alternatively flexible basis for sketching the manifold possible vy4yVb6qr_E-00164-00155922-00156509 dependencies of thought upon language; the key point is that, the ascription of content vy4yVb6qr_E-00165-00156509-00157132 to propositional attitude is a more abstract level than ascription of meaning to the natural vy4yVb6qr_E-00166-00157132-00157832 language. The point is if my functional account of belief-individuation is correct, intentions vy4yVb6qr_E-00167-00157983-00158645 are not required in the theory of propositional attitudes, and their intentional properties.” vy4yVb6qr_E-00168-00158645-00159345 So, it is without those intentional properties, that one can individuate the speaker’s belief, vy4yVb6qr_E-00169-00159547-00160247 or what the speaker means when he/she expresses a particular statement. So, their expressions vy4yVb6qr_E-00170-00160788-00161488 are caused, based on propositional attitudes, or mental state, and those mental states are vy4yVb6qr_E-00171-00162082-00162782 pre linguistic mental states, or we can call it ‘non-linguistic mental states’. The vy4yVb6qr_E-00172-00163294-00163994 content is not part of that. One can also suggest, that the content is explained with vy4yVb6qr_E-00173-00164447-00165147 reference to those cognitive functions of the mental states. Loar talks about the functional vy4yVb6qr_E-00174-00165598-00166298 correlation, and plasticity. Just more and more belief states can be written in the brain. vy4yVb6qr_E-00175-00166609-00167309 Hence the function is plastic, hence the function is expandable, and it is not limited by this vy4yVb6qr_E-00176-00167964-00168664 fact that function is expandable. In the sense, more and more beliefs can be incorporated vy4yVb6qr_E-00177-00168914-00169614 to this cognitive chamber, and hence this notion of plasticity. So, as far as this functional vy4yVb6qr_E-00178-00170134-00170834 correlation is concerned, they try to draw some kind of relationship between the neural vy4yVb6qr_E-00179-00171642-00172342 structure of the brain and the grammatical structure of these cognitive states. Now, vy4yVb6qr_E-00180-00172939-00173639 this cause of relationship between these two states, the neurological functional states, vy4yVb6qr_E-00181-00173988-00174688 and syntactically connected cognitive states are important to explain the intentional content vy4yVb6qr_E-00182-00174949-00175171 of a statement. vy4yVb6qr_E-00183-00175171-00175871 Hence, Loar and Schiffer would argue in favor of psycho functional semantics, precisely vy4yVb6qr_E-00184-00176463-00177163 because, the psycho function analysis of meaning is non-circular. We are not trying to explain vy4yVb6qr_E-00185-00177411-00178111 meaning through intentionality. Intention is not a primary factor to explain intentional vy4yVb6qr_E-00186-00178436-00179136 meaning. Thus, it is non-circular, rather what is important is that the functional correlation vy4yVb6qr_E-00187-00179328-00179963 between the neural structure of the brain, and the grammatical structure of the cognitive vy4yVb6qr_E-00188-00179963-00180519 states. The syntactic states, how syntactic states vy4yVb6qr_E-00189-00180519-00181219 are formed, and how they have been connected to the neural and neural circuits, and how vy4yVb6qr_E-00190-00181369-00182069 their function helps introducing a statement verses intentional one. So, this information vy4yVb6qr_E-00191-00182475-00183175 processing model is, in fact, eliminating the notion of experience, the notion of consciousness, vy4yVb6qr_E-00192-00183778-00184478 precisely because such a model can be analyzed by accepting the functional theory of mind; vy4yVb6qr_E-00193-00185453-00186153 and we have already discussed how functional theory of mind reduces the conscious experience vy4yVb6qr_E-00194-00186385-00187085 to certain neural functions of the brain. Now, the here is this, not to reduce consciousness, vy4yVb6qr_E-00195-00187435-00188135 not to give this idea of experience from the discourse of meaning, but to bring them back, vy4yVb6qr_E-00196-00188515-00189215 and see how intention based semantics plays an important role in our everyday life; and vy4yVb6qr_E-00197-00189632-00190332 such model is been argued out by John Sarl. Now Sarl’s intention based semantics, thus vy4yVb6qr_E-00198-00191147-00191847 emphasizes on this fact that intentionality is an intrinsic feature of mind, and the mind vy4yVb6qr_E-00199-00192186-00192886 is conscious; and when speaker is making a commitment expressing a promise, or giving vy4yVb6qr_E-00200-00193310-00194010 an order the speaker must mean what he says. Now, this idea of meaning, goes very well vy4yVb6qr_E-00201-00194355-00195055 with experience; because, whatever has been said by the speaker is been experienced. So, vy4yVb6qr_E-00202-00195729-00196429 speaking is a kind of a special act of speech, the special form of the act of speech in action vy4yVb6qr_E-00203-00196855-00197555 also has a kind of an intention in action, because the speaker, while speaking also means vy4yVb6qr_E-00204-00198436-00199136 what is being said. So, meaning something cannot eliminate experience, vy4yVb6qr_E-00205-00199254-00199954 rather speaking is an intentional action. It is a self reflexive action, it is a deliberate vy4yVb6qr_E-00206-00200513-00201213 action, and hence it is a part of our thinking. So, intentional representation on intention vy4yVb6qr_E-00207-00201474-00202174 based semantics, the meaning is, in fact, connected with mind, but it is not disconnected vy4yVb6qr_E-00208-00202490-00203190 with convention either. It is not disconnected. So, meaning is not entirely a kind of an intentional, vy4yVb6qr_E-00209-00203840-00204540 but meaning is entirely intentional, as far as, the relationship of intentionality with vy4yVb6qr_E-00210-00205211-00205911 human mind is concerned. It is not entirely internal, it is intentional, vy4yVb6qr_E-00211-00206117-00206817 and not entirely internal, it is a part of the convention, the practice, the yield stage vy4yVb6qr_E-00212-00207864-00208564 of language. So, the linguistic form of life is something which is important for Sarl. vy4yVb6qr_E-00213-00208750-00209450 Sarl tries to show that meaning is internal, as well as it is external. It is a part of vy4yVb6qr_E-00214-00209450-00210150 the convention, hence it is external. It is being imposed by an intentional mind by the vy4yVb6qr_E-00215-00210548-00211092 speaker, or the intentional mind of the speaker, or an intentional subject. vy4yVb6qr_E-00216-00211092-00211792 Hence, for some kind of internality is attached to it. Over and above, to mean something is vy4yVb6qr_E-00217-00212240-00212940 to experience the content of your statement. So, in that sense, the association of language vy4yVb6qr_E-00218-00213406-00214106 or linguistic activities is part of the mental activities; but it is not entirely governed vy4yVb6qr_E-00219-00214202-00214902 by the mental activities. It is certainly external. Sarl does talk about the concept vy4yVb6qr_E-00220-00215136-00215836 of background ability. What is it? It is a physical, or a dispositional ability of the vy4yVb6qr_E-00221-00216407-00217107 biological, and it makes that intentional representation possible. vy4yVb6qr_E-00222-00217249-00217949 The intentional representation is made possible through a non-intentional power, a non-intentional vy4yVb6qr_E-00223-00218101-00218642 ability, and what Sarl calls as background ability, the background is biological. Sarl vy4yVb6qr_E-00224-00218642-00219342 says that it is there in the mind, but we cannot completely categorize it as conscious, vy4yVb6qr_E-00225-00220015-00220715 or physical. It is biologically evolved power; because, according to Sarl consciousness itself vy4yVb6qr_E-00226-00221184-00221884 has been biologically involved. So, Sarl is not characterizing the conscious intentional vy4yVb6qr_E-00227-00221899-00222599 attitude of human beings as something mental in a Cartesian sense, rather he wants to show vy4yVb6qr_E-00228-00222847-00223547 that it is that physical capacity, the physical power, which makes intentional representation vy4yVb6qr_E-00229-00223585-00224285 possible. So, he holds onto a physical ontology, but vy4yVb6qr_E-00230-00224523-00225223 he also suggests that the normative element, like the commitment and obligation is not vy4yVb6qr_E-00231-00225719-00226419 intrinsic to the physical ability of the brain, rather it is intrinsic to human consciousness. vy4yVb6qr_E-00232-00227090-00227790 So, intentional representation, particularly the linguistic representation, whether it vy4yVb6qr_E-00233-00227952-00228652 is mental, or it is in the form of language, whether it is in the form of thought, or in vy4yVb6qr_E-00234-00228750-00229450 the form of language or linguistic expressions, for Sarl, the content is isomorphic. The normative vy4yVb6qr_E-00235-00230084-00230784 element, which I am trying to bring in very briefly, is to show how human consciousness has kind of a deontic force. This human consciousness vy4yVb6qr_E-00236-00232786-00233486 has a deontic force, deontic power of human intentionality as Sarl would put it. The deontic vy4yVb6qr_E-00237-00233603-00234303 power of human intentionality is important, in this sense, because, it is through this vy4yVb6qr_E-00238-00234938-00235638 form of intentionality that human beings have constituted institutions. Human beings have vy4yVb6qr_E-00239-00235777-00236477 built up institutions. So, the creation of any institution is possible vy4yVb6qr_E-00240-00236652-00237352 with the help of this reflective attitude of intentionality, or what as Sarl calls ‘a vy4yVb6qr_E-00241-00237554-00238254 self referential feature of intentionality’. So, intentionality, or intentional activities vy4yVb6qr_E-00242-00238467-00239167 are self referential. In the case of the act of speech, whenever somebody is saying something, vy4yVb6qr_E-00243-00239235-00239935 he means that he experiences that. So, what is being desired to speak, what is being intended vy4yVb6qr_E-00244-00240150-00240850 to speak by the speaker, is also being experienced, and it is that experiential component, which vy4yVb6qr_E-00245-00241071-00241685 shows that intentionality, or that the intentional activities are self referential activities. vy4yVb6qr_E-00246-00241685-00242385 So, it is this self referential intentional activities that help in formulating what Sarl vy4yVb6qr_E-00247-00242770-00243470 calls as ‘constitutive rules’. Rules, which are in this form called as, you mean vy4yVb6qr_E-00248-00243673-00244373 x as y in the context c, x is meant as y in the context c, so this is what is the ‘logical vy4yVb6qr_E-00249-00245438-00246138 form of constitute rules’. So, it is through constitutive rules, that institutions are vy4yVb6qr_E-00250-00246261-00246961 formed. So, human normative activities are very much vy4yVb6qr_E-00251-00247136-00247836 associated with the function of institutions. We consider p as promise, which is been defined vy4yVb6qr_E-00252-00248314-00249014 by an institutional structure, this kind of statement is considered as promise, not as vy4yVb6qr_E-00253-00249080-00249780 an order. It is the institution, which defines the meaning of the expression. The meaning vy4yVb6qr_E-00254-00250728-00251428 thereby, is a rule governed activity. So, conventions are rule governed. Let me briefly vy4yVb6qr_E-00255-00251544-00252134 talk about the literal meaning, “the literal meaning determines the conditions absolutely vy4yVb6qr_E-00256-00252134-00252725 in isolation, but literal meaning are vague and literal descriptions are always incomplete. vy4yVb6qr_E-00257-00252725-00253397 Greater precision and completeness are added by supplementing literal meaning with collateral vy4yVb6qr_E-00258-00253397-00253561 assumptions and expectations”. vy4yVb6qr_E-00259-00253561-00254261 Sarl does not give importance to literal meaning. He says, literal meaning themselves, are incomplete. vy4yVb6qr_E-00260-00254442-00255142 Hence, intentional semantics is to be brought into the discourse of meaning. So, the development vy4yVb6qr_E-00261-00255345-00256045 of linguistic categories, and the intentional abilities of human beings have to be taken vy4yVb6qr_E-00262-00256060-00256649 in to consideration, and for that we need to talk about the conventions, the uses of vy4yVb6qr_E-00263-00256649-00257349 particular concepts, or categories, and experience, that is experiencing the meaning of statement, vy4yVb6qr_E-00264-00257519-00258195 which is very much a part of conscious intentional attitude of the speaker; and I have already vy4yVb6qr_E-00265-00258195-00258895 talked about self reflectivity, or self referentiality, and how do we modify certain things, how do vy4yVb6qr_E-00266-00258942-00259258 we formulate constitutive rules. vy4yVb6qr_E-00267-00259258-00259958 We have already discussed about the structural isomorphism. So in that context, we have also vy4yVb6qr_E-00268-00260391-00261091 referred to how meaning is external, that is, how do we behave linguistically in the vy4yVb6qr_E-00269-00261464-00262164 world. So, the linguistic field is an intentional field. It is a field which is connected to vy4yVb6qr_E-00270-00262213-00262913 the mind. Mind is not in isolation, because mind is experiencing things. The speaker is vy4yVb6qr_E-00271-00262923-00263623 also an experiential subject. So, language and mind are very neatly connected; they are vy4yVb6qr_E-00272-00263820-00264435 connected by the principal of intentionality. Hence, in the discourse of intention based vy4yVb6qr_E-00273-00264435-00265135 semantics, we cannot rule out the significance of mind and consciousness. With this, I conclude vy4yVb6qr_E-00274-00265347-00265606 the discourse on intention based semantics. Thank you. vFFuLvuUY5y-00000-00000056-00000786 Welcome and thank you for joining us for Every Voter Counts... The Every Voter Counts Training offers information to those in charge vFFuLvuUY5y-00001-00000786-00001616 of holding elections, to help insure sure that processes are accessible to and inclusive of people disabilities, as described by Federal vFFuLvuUY5y-00002-00001616-00002296 laws... Every Voter Counts works in conjunction with the myriad of outreach efforts being done with voters vFFuLvuUY5y-00003-00002296-00003156 with disabilities themselves, to ensure access inclusion and full participation in the election... This training is completely self-paced vFFuLvuUY5y-00004-00003156-00003676 and you can finish all in one sitting or come and go as please, and finish it as your time allows... vFFuLvuUY5y-00005-00003766-00004396 This training is brought to you by Think+change which is a social enterprise of the not for profit, the Arc of Aurora... vFFuLvuUY5y-00006-00004446-00004896 We too wanted to thank our sponsors, including Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, vFFuLvuUY5y-00007-00004936-00005486 and Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council, who you will also see featured as speakers in this training... vFFuLvuUY5y-00008-00005536-00006046 Too, we also wanted to thank our advanced access sponsor, Developmental Pathways... vFFuLvuUY5y-00009-00006093-00006853 This training will review information including topics, such as Inclusion to Access and How to Support Voters who have a Developmental vFFuLvuUY5y-00010-00006853-00007373 Disability, who use a service animal, or blind or visually impaired, vFFuLvuUY5y-00011-00007373-00008236 have mobility disabilities and voters who are deaf or hard of hearing... So, let us start, and make sure that every voter counts... vQSOZnEiGGE-00000-00000105-00000425 Hey everyone, welcome to section 1 3 we're going to look vQSOZnEiGGE-00001-00000425-00000626 at that rectangular coordinate system. vQSOZnEiGGE-00002-00000668-00000908 We probably all seen this in an algebra class, right? vQSOZnEiGGE-00003-00000908-00001088 It's just the XY system. vQSOZnEiGGE-00004-00001126-00001501 Sometimes called the Cartesian. vQSOZnEiGGE-00005-00001501-00002178 So let's do some quick sketches distance formula vQSOZnEiGGE-00006-00002184-00002411 and some examples. vQSOZnEiGGE-00007-00002522-00002766 So let's go back to those absolute values. vQSOZnEiGGE-00008-00002772-00003069 So let's sketch the region. vQSOZnEiGGE-00009-00003196-00003521 Whose coordinates satisfy the absolute value of x is less vQSOZnEiGGE-00010-00003529-00004047 than 5 and the absolute value of y is less than or equal to 1 vQSOZnEiGGE-00011-00004047-00004219 so I'm going to do those in two different colors vQSOZnEiGGE-00012-00004219-00004342 and then combine them. vQSOZnEiGGE-00013-00004374-00004956 Just getting my getting my graph ready. vQSOZnEiGGE-00014-00005085-00005347 I'm so let's see. vQSOZnEiGGE-00015-00005347-00005791 Let's do green for X. So the absolute value of x is less vQSOZnEiGGE-00016-00005791-00006103 than five meaning again the distance from zero. vQSOZnEiGGE-00017-00006116-00006587 Is less than five. vQSOZnEiGGE-00018-00006641-00007085 The interpretation will be really important in calculus. vQSOZnEiGGE-00019-00007152-00007587 So I'm going to focus on interpreting that so distance vQSOZnEiGGE-00020-00007587-00007890 from zero we're looking at the exes so we can go left vQSOZnEiGGE-00021-00007890-00008021 or right right positive or negative vQSOZnEiGGE-00022-00008021-00008208 and we can go all the way to 5. vQSOZnEiGGE-00023-00008252-00008699 One two three, four five. vQSOZnEiGGE-00024-00008771-00009051 I'll put I'll put parentheses you could also do the vQSOZnEiGGE-00025-00009051-00009169 open circle. vQSOZnEiGGE-00026-00009222-00009690 And then we could go the negative direction right vQSOZnEiGGE-00027-00009690-00009980 distance can be either direction and then all vQSOZnEiGGE-00028-00009980-00010323 of these numbers would fit that. vQSOZnEiGGE-00029-00010360-00010700 Write any y value so we can shade all that anything vQSOZnEiGGE-00030-00010700-00011166 in this region the absolute value of x would be less than 5. vQSOZnEiGGE-00031-00011305-00011466 Right. Don't worry about the Y value. vQSOZnEiGGE-00032-00011466-00011848 Yeah, we're only looking at x. Cool. vQSOZnEiGGE-00033-00011900-00012029 So let's look at these wise. vQSOZnEiGGE-00034-00012029-00012543 So now for why we want to do absolute value is less than 1 vQSOZnEiGGE-00035-00012631-00012779 so here's one right again. vQSOZnEiGGE-00036-00012840-00013021 This means distance can go up vQSOZnEiGGE-00037-00013021-00013328 or down right positive or negative distance. vQSOZnEiGGE-00038-00013338-00013950 So distance from 0 is less than 1 or equal so basically vQSOZnEiGGE-00039-00013965-00014677 in between 1 and negative 1 we're going to go ahead vQSOZnEiGGE-00040-00014677-00014883 and include one this time. vQSOZnEiGGE-00041-00014925-00015858 And that anything in this region would fit that. vQSOZnEiGGE-00042-00015881-00015965 So then when we go ahead vQSOZnEiGGE-00043-00015965-00016101 and combine them it would be the regions vQSOZnEiGGE-00044-00016101-00016197 that they have in common. vQSOZnEiGGE-00045-00016205-00016367 So I'll do that in a different color. vQSOZnEiGGE-00046-00016560-00017152 So the Shaded region and blue would be the solution. vQSOZnEiGGE-00047-00017204-00017777 And then if I had if I were using pencil I might erase all vQSOZnEiGGE-00048-00017777-00017877 the extra stuff. vQSOZnEiGGE-00049-00017910-00018025 There we go. vQSOZnEiGGE-00050-00018048-00018174 That's the region. vQSOZnEiGGE-00051-00018221-00018669 So I kind of shake both to find the region and then kind vQSOZnEiGGE-00052-00018669-00018964 of erase where they don't overlap. vQSOZnEiGGE-00053-00019025-00019259 So we're looking at the overlap right because we want vQSOZnEiGGE-00054-00019322-00019470 and always means overlap. vQSOZnEiGGE-00055-00019509-00019748 So what did they have in common? vQSOZnEiGGE-00056-00019845-00020394 And that's our XY plane cool. vQSOZnEiGGE-00057-00020394-00020613 So let's review the distance formula. vQSOZnEiGGE-00058-00020659-00020740 We might remember it. vQSOZnEiGGE-00059-00020740-00020918 But if not, I'm going to show you how to derive it. vQSOZnEiGGE-00060-00020942-00021103 So if we want to find the distance vQSOZnEiGGE-00061-00021103-00021283 between two points, we have X1. vQSOZnEiGGE-00062-00021286-00021739 Y1. Song that could be anywhere else. vQSOZnEiGGE-00063-00021739-00021877 We'll just generically put it vQSOZnEiGGE-00064-00021896-00022194 on the bottom doesn't necessarily have vQSOZnEiGGE-00065-00022200-00022453 to be below X2 Y2 and then X2 Y2 is up here. vQSOZnEiGGE-00066-00022583-00022822 And the distance between them would be that red line. vQSOZnEiGGE-00067-00022826-00023330 So what we're going to do is we're going vQSOZnEiGGE-00068-00023330-00023582 to sketch a right triangle to find the distance vQSOZnEiGGE-00069-00023687-00023898 because we know how to find formulas with right triangles. vQSOZnEiGGE-00070-00023932-00024084 So we sketch a right triangle. vQSOZnEiGGE-00071-00024144-00024626 The bottom would be x 2 minus y to write the distance right? vQSOZnEiGGE-00072-00024638-00025029 There is X2 minus X1. vQSOZnEiGGE-00073-00025029-00025463 Sorry. I said Y2 X2 minus X1 would represent the length vQSOZnEiGGE-00074-00025463-00025747 of the bottom. vQSOZnEiGGE-00075-00025747-00025939 And Y2 minus y1 would represent. vQSOZnEiGGE-00076-00026118-00026285 the length of the vertical one vQSOZnEiGGE-00077-00026343-00026660 and then we can use Pythagorean theorem. vQSOZnEiGGE-00078-00026707-00027458 to find the distance Here we have a squared plus b squared vQSOZnEiGGE-00079-00027479-00027660 equals c squared. vQSOZnEiGGE-00080-00027721-00028246 In this case my a will be X2 minus X1. vQSOZnEiGGE-00081-00028282-00029049 B will be Y2 minus y1, right don't forget those parentheses vQSOZnEiGGE-00082-00029065-00029385 and then C will be the distance so distance squared vQSOZnEiGGE-00083-00029400-00029905 and that's basically the formula if I want to solve for distance. vQSOZnEiGGE-00084-00029905-00030028 I'll just take the square root. vQSOZnEiGGE-00085-00030057-00030395 We don't have to worry about positive negative vQSOZnEiGGE-00086-00030395-00030633 because distance is positive vQSOZnEiGGE-00087-00030633-00031081 or calling distance a positive value. vQSOZnEiGGE-00088-00031094-00031316 So our formula for distance vQSOZnEiGGE-00089-00031316-00031575 between two points is just the square root vQSOZnEiGGE-00090-00031575-00032012 of X2 minus X1 squared plus Y2 minus. vQSOZnEiGGE-00091-00032015-00032054 Y1 squared. vQSOZnEiGGE-00092-00032068-00032442 So write down the formula, vQSOZnEiGGE-00093-00032442-00032765 but we also can derive it by using a triangle. vQSOZnEiGGE-00094-00032765-00033981 So let's try an example. vQSOZnEiGGE-00095-00034417-00034939 So let's suppose we have I'm going to draw the graph vQSOZnEiGGE-00096-00034948-00035284 to help us understand this we have zero zero. vQSOZnEiGGE-00097-00035397-00036365 and 0 6 are vertices of a triangle and I want vQSOZnEiGGE-00098-00036365-00036610 to find the third vertice in the first quadrant vQSOZnEiGGE-00099-00036610-00036821 so that it makes an equilateral triangle. vQSOZnEiGGE-00100-00036949-00037562 So right we're making a triangle an equilateral triangle means vQSOZnEiGGE-00101-00037567-00038368 all the sides are the same, right? vQSOZnEiGGE-00102-00038446-00038760 What is this point? vQSOZnEiGGE-00103-00038887-00039754 So in this case, it means all the distances are the same right vQSOZnEiGGE-00104-00039975-00040195 the distance. vQSOZnEiGGE-00105-00040235-00040857 between 0 0 and 0 6 would be will call this point XY is vQSOZnEiGGE-00106-00040857-00040935 the same. vQSOZnEiGGE-00107-00040983-00041434 002 XY And 062 XY. vQSOZnEiGGE-00108-00041434-00041915 So we'll use the distance formula to figure out what vQSOZnEiGGE-00109-00041949-00042358 that point is because all vQSOZnEiGGE-00110-00042376-00042596 of those sides are the same right distance vQSOZnEiGGE-00111-00042596-00042670 distance distance. vQSOZnEiGGE-00112-00042679-00043268 So I think I can find the distance between 0 0 and 0 6 vQSOZnEiGGE-00113-00043268-00043526 without the distance formula since it's on the y-axis. vQSOZnEiGGE-00114-00043526-00043819 If you want to use the distance formula, you can vQSOZnEiGGE-00115-00043819-00044048 but you're going to spend more time, right? vQSOZnEiGGE-00116-00044078-00044307 It's vertical we can just count one two, vQSOZnEiGGE-00117-00044307-00044469 three four five six, right? vQSOZnEiGGE-00118-00044469-00045109 The distance is 6 So now we know they're all all the sides are 6. vQSOZnEiGGE-00119-00045109-00045539 So let's set up the distance formula and see what happens. vQSOZnEiGGE-00120-00045539-00046162 It's going to be backwards because we know the distance. vQSOZnEiGGE-00121-00046178-00046292 So, let's see. vQSOZnEiGGE-00122-00046437-00046576 Let's do we'll do it twice. vQSOZnEiGGE-00123-00046585-00046998 Let's do this one first this having zero zero makes the vQSOZnEiGGE-00124-00046998-00047312 formula a little bit easier. vQSOZnEiGGE-00125-00047312-00047586 So we have the square root. vQSOZnEiGGE-00126-00047586-00048340 0 - x squared 0 minus X all squared plus 0 minus y squared vQSOZnEiGGE-00127-00048369-00048530 equals 6. vQSOZnEiGGE-00128-00048987-00049273 So since we're solving for x and y it might be easier vQSOZnEiGGE-00129-00049273-00049584 to get rid of the square root. vQSOZnEiGGE-00130-00049679-00049766 So Square both sides. vQSOZnEiGGE-00131-00049766-00050149 zero minus x squared would be negative x squared vQSOZnEiGGE-00132-00050149-00050429 which is the same as x squared same vQSOZnEiGGE-00133-00050429-00050674 with negative y squared is just y squared vQSOZnEiGGE-00134-00050734-00051310 so x squared plus y squared is 36 so we can't quite solve this vQSOZnEiGGE-00135-00051314-00051381 but maybe when I set vQSOZnEiGGE-00136-00051381-00051887 up the second one will be able to solve it better. vQSOZnEiGGE-00137-00051913-00051977 So same idea. vQSOZnEiGGE-00138-00051977-00052152 So what do we get? vQSOZnEiGGE-00139-00052152-00052553 We get square root of 0 minus X all squared. vQSOZnEiGGE-00140-00052582-00053464 Those are my X1 + 2 X2 + Mi y 1 is 6 minus y all squared equals vQSOZnEiGGE-00141-00053474-00053964 6 again, right because the distance is the same. vQSOZnEiGGE-00142-00053964-00054166 I'll go ahead and square both sides just vQSOZnEiGGE-00143-00054166-00054552 to get rid of the square root. vQSOZnEiGGE-00144-00054649-00054922 Why not? Zero minus x squared again is x squared. vQSOZnEiGGE-00145-00054978-00055248 6 minus y squared is a little trickier. vQSOZnEiGGE-00146-00055254-00055441 So we'll leave it as equals 36. vQSOZnEiGGE-00147-00055453-00055922 So now we have two equations. vQSOZnEiGGE-00148-00055959-00056224 Maybe we could use a substitution to solve it. vQSOZnEiGGE-00149-00056601-00056824 So for me, it looks like maybe solving vQSOZnEiGGE-00150-00056824-00057120 for x squared on the first one. vQSOZnEiGGE-00151-00057120-00057318 I can plug into x squared on the second one. vQSOZnEiGGE-00152-00057381-00057778 So x squared would be 36 minus y squared vQSOZnEiGGE-00153-00057778-00058025 and we'll go ahead and plug that in. vQSOZnEiGGE-00154-00058157-00058305 We'll be able to solve the second one. vQSOZnEiGGE-00155-00058458-00058867 So this is called substitution. vQSOZnEiGGE-00156-00058887-00060270 So, let's see where this takes us. vQSOZnEiGGE-00157-00060350-00061116 So 36 minus y squared remember this isn't 36 minus y squared. vQSOZnEiGGE-00158-00061116-00061384 It's 6 minus y times 6 minus y so, vQSOZnEiGGE-00159-00061396-00061610 make sure you multiply everything out. vQSOZnEiGGE-00160-00061649-00062138 So 36 minus y squared I get 36. vQSOZnEiGGE-00161-00062173-00062493 I get minus 6y minus 6y. vQSOZnEiGGE-00162-00062493-00063407 And then we get plus y squared equals 36 vQSOZnEiGGE-00163-00063407-00063903 and maybe we can cancel some stuff out now. vQSOZnEiGGE-00164-00063969-00064267 So the Y squared is go away. vQSOZnEiGGE-00165-00064267-00065055 We get 72 and we get minus 12y. vQSOZnEiGGE-00166-00065055-00065820 Equals 36 let's zoom into the video looks nicer. vQSOZnEiGGE-00167-00065876-00066139 - 72 - 72 right. vQSOZnEiGGE-00168-00066198-00067016 We're just solving a linear equation now minus 12y equals vQSOZnEiGGE-00169-00067016-00067516 negative 36 and will divide by negative 12. vQSOZnEiGGE-00170-00067542-00067693 So why would be 3? vQSOZnEiGGE-00171-00067767-00069063 Let's go back and find X now. vQSOZnEiGGE-00172-00069541-00070127 We can plug into either one. vQSOZnEiGGE-00173-00070138-00070400 So this one or this one either should work. vQSOZnEiGGE-00174-00070496-00070694 The one on the left looks a little easier to me. vQSOZnEiGGE-00175-00070830-00071374 So we'll say x squared plus 3 squared equals 36 x squared plus vQSOZnEiGGE-00176-00071381-00072219 9 is 36 minus 9 minus 9. vQSOZnEiGGE-00177-00072233-00072903 What's that twice seven? vQSOZnEiGGE-00178-00072987-00073374 And then we'll square root. vQSOZnEiGGE-00179-00073463-00073769 So X is the square root of 27 vQSOZnEiGGE-00180-00073810-00074127 as a reminder will look for perfect squares. vQSOZnEiGGE-00181-00074147-00074363 So 27 is 9 times 3. vQSOZnEiGGE-00182-00074406-00074619 I want the positive answer because we're vQSOZnEiGGE-00183-00074619-00074730 in the first quadrant. vQSOZnEiGGE-00184-00074785-00075540 And so this was 3 root 3 the square root of 9 is 3 vQSOZnEiGGE-00185-00075540-00075755 so that comes out and there's over 3 left over. vQSOZnEiGGE-00186-00076155-00076565 And then positive because we're in the first quadrant. vQSOZnEiGGE-00187-00076588-00076998 Otherwise that just just technically means there could vQSOZnEiGGE-00188-00076998-00077100 have been more than one answer. vQSOZnEiGGE-00189-00077109-00077268 We could have gone in the second quadrant vQSOZnEiGGE-00190-00077268-00077534 and actually made another equilateral triangle. vQSOZnEiGGE-00191-00077595-00077682 So let's go ahead and look vQSOZnEiGGE-00192-00077682-00077944 at the graph again right there could have been another one vQSOZnEiGGE-00193-00077944-00077991 over here. vQSOZnEiGGE-00194-00078111-00078465 So the point right there would be three root three. vQSOZnEiGGE-00195-00078495-00079478 comma 3 and so from that point it's making the distance six vQSOZnEiGGE-00196-00079537-00079676 and six. vQSOZnEiGGE-00197-00079684-00080039 Cool, so I'll zoom out in case you need a peek at it again. vQSOZnEiGGE-00198-00080039-00080192 I got a little tiny in my writing. vQSOZnEiGGE-00199-00080398-00080622 It's a little tricky but drawing a picture really helps. vQSOZnEiGGE-00200-00080781-00081118 And setting up the equations one at a time helps. vQSOZnEiGGE-00201-00081134-00081214 Take your time. vQSOZnEiGGE-00202-00081321-00081472 Let me know if you have any questions. vRCwo4rIHeM-00000-00000783-00001449 Main abhi veggies chop kr rahi hoon. vRCwo4rIHeM-00001-00001449-00001977 because I like to see what the juice looks like as I'm doing each fruit so vRCwo4rIHeM-00002-00001977-00002402 I'll put my apples in first juice it and then I'll put in you know go through vRCwo4rIHeM-00003-00002402-00003042 each of each ingredients when I'm all done juicing I like to pour some water vRCwo4rIHeM-00004-00003042-00003753 into the juicer spout just to make sure I'm getting everything out into the vRCwo4rIHeM-00005-00003753-00004473 juice side of the problem the gadget the good thing about the Breville juicer is vRCwo4rIHeM-00006-00004473-00005241 it is so crazy how it separates all the juice on one side and all of the solids vRCwo4rIHeM-00007-00005241-00005486 on the other vRCwo4rIHeM-00008-00005773-00006348 so these little produce bags I saved these because I put the produce bags vRCwo4rIHeM-00009-00006348-00007053 into the waste basket on the other side just so it'll be easier cleanup vRCwo4rIHeM-00010-00007648-00007854 you vRCwo4rIHeM-00011-00008374-00009040 Wow produce bags or I'll use just my own my Walmart bags vRCwo4rIHeM-00012-00009040-00009739 aka my plastic cap I found another use for those Walmart bags so yeah I'll use vRCwo4rIHeM-00013-00009739-00010311 that to put into on the waste basket side just so it'll be easy cleanup as vRCwo4rIHeM-00014-00010311-00010774 soon as you're done juicing you need to clean that thing because it's so easy to vRCwo4rIHeM-00015-00010774-00011332 clean when you do it right after juicing if you wait after a few hours it's just vRCwo4rIHeM-00016-00011332-00012259 gonna be annoying the good thing is um the good thing is all of the parts of vRCwo4rIHeM-00017-00012259-00012816 the juicer except the main part of course the electric part but all the vRCwo4rIHeM-00018-00012816-00013486 attachments are dishwasher safe so um I have been hand washing them but one time vRCwo4rIHeM-00019-00013486-00014056 I did forget to clean it immediately and it was a disaster so I hand washed it a vRCwo4rIHeM-00020-00014056-00014440 little bit and then I put it into the dishwasher and then it was fine I'm vRCwo4rIHeM-00021-00014440-00014953 definitely you know you need to clean your fruits and veggies really well for vRCwo4rIHeM-00022-00014953-00015301 the leaf vegetables like the kale in the spinach you may want to soak them a vRCwo4rIHeM-00023-00015301-00015732 little while and when you soak them it's going to add more water content to it as vRCwo4rIHeM-00024-00015732-00016423 well so yeah make sure you do that I'm just really happy that I'm so into this vRCwo4rIHeM-00025-00016423-00017110 because I have never had a healthy diet like this in my life like when I lay out vRCwo4rIHeM-00026-00017110-00017657 the fruits for my Instagram pictures I have someone here vRCwo4rIHeM-00027-00017765-00018445 when I lay it out and see how much fruits and veggies I'm putting into my vRCwo4rIHeM-00028-00018445-00019462 body I just get so excited like this is a whole plate of fruits and veggies vRCwo4rIHeM-00029-00019541-00020079 look at this look at this all of that that's for apples one lemon vRCwo4rIHeM-00030-00020079-00020483 kale spinach and celery vRCwo4rIHeM-00031-00020736-00021300 and I took all of those vitamins and nutrients and put them into my body it's vRCwo4rIHeM-00032-00021300-00021792 just amazing and I've really been focusing on eating for my hair hair my vRCwo4rIHeM-00033-00021792-00022293 hair is important it has become a part of my brand so it is so important to me vRCwo4rIHeM-00034-00022293-00022758 and I just want to do everything possible to make it better to make it vRCwo4rIHeM-00035-00022758-00023262 more healthy and to continue to encourage you guys out there so that's vRCwo4rIHeM-00036-00023262-00023682 why I feel like I'm really gonna stick to this this time like seriously I'm vRCwo4rIHeM-00037-00023682-00024168 just so pumped everything is really delicious and I mean I really think I vRCwo4rIHeM-00038-00024168-00024981 can stick with there when my first day of juicing where I literally was just vRCwo4rIHeM-00039-00024981-00025584 juicing this was when I um said I was just juicing that's it no other like no vRCwo4rIHeM-00040-00025584-00026189 chicken eggs or anything just juicing and I didn't feel like cooking vRCwo4rIHeM-00041-00026189-00026639 um for the family because I was trying to get in the zone and Devon understood vRCwo4rIHeM-00042-00026639-00027108 that so he ordered food for everyone I think they had Buffalo Wild Wings and I vRCwo4rIHeM-00043-00027108-00027677 usually get my garlic parmesan wings from them or my honey barbecue wings vRCwo4rIHeM-00044-00027677-00028299 from Buffalo Wild Wings so they ordered and I'm Devin came in and he likes set vRCwo4rIHeM-00045-00028299-00028797 up the table and everything and Skyler runs in the bedroom is she's like vRCwo4rIHeM-00046-00028797-00029505 mommy's time to eat and I was like dinner time eating with your family vRCwo4rIHeM-00047-00029505-00030116 that's so important that's like a bonding moment and in Skylar's face when vRCwo4rIHeM-00048-00030116-00030527 I responded to her I was like mommy's not eating tonight you know and she vRCwo4rIHeM-00049-00030527-00031083 looks so sad and I immediately got sad and I was like oh my god so that was my vRCwo4rIHeM-00050-00031083-00031962 first struggle the second struggle is when we go out to eat so now when we go vRCwo4rIHeM-00051-00031962-00032570 out to eat I just I order a salad and we're out order fruit cocktail or vRCwo4rIHeM-00052-00032570-00033057 always get water so that is tough because like I said that's even though vRCwo4rIHeM-00053-00033057-00033768 our family we waste food all the time we'll eat that much but the point of vRCwo4rIHeM-00054-00033768-00034302 eating with your family is to bond and have dinners together so that has been vRCwo4rIHeM-00055-00034302-00034746 very tough but I found ways around it and I'm okay now was just like the first vRCwo4rIHeM-00056-00034746-00035184 few days it was weird but I'm good now like seriously I'm so good once I vRCwo4rIHeM-00057-00035184-00035610 started to add the chicken and eggs and everything and I thought you know my vRCwo4rIHeM-00058-00035610-00036117 problem is smacking like I want to smack on something crunchy like I like potato vRCwo4rIHeM-00059-00036117-00036558 chips and Cheetos and stuff like that but I'm not gonna eat those anymore so I vRCwo4rIHeM-00060-00036558-00037017 did go out to Walmart last night and decided that I do want to have some vRCwo4rIHeM-00061-00037017-00037440 snacks around the house that I can munch on I have not started munching on these vRCwo4rIHeM-00062-00037440-00037992 yet but they're here just in case I have a weak moment in case I want a cheat day vRCwo4rIHeM-00063-00037992-00038475 or something so remember I'm not doing I'm not eating these as part of my juice vRCwo4rIHeM-00064-00038475-00039204 in so I did open this one though I taste this last night but this is nature's vRCwo4rIHeM-00065-00039204-00039702 harvest dark chocolate cranberry trail mix so this is a blend of peanuts vRCwo4rIHeM-00066-00039702-00040269 sunflower kernels raisins dark chocolate drops dried cranberries and almonds so I vRCwo4rIHeM-00067-00040269-00040629 did pick this up in case I can't like the sweet tooth I think it's important vRCwo4rIHeM-00068-00040629-00041070 that if you're setting boundaries that you have something in place where if you vRCwo4rIHeM-00069-00041070-00041648 slip up it'll be a good slip-up so I did get these vRCwo4rIHeM-00070-00042244-00042450 you vStH_P7gPHk-00000-00000438-00001680 Good morning mr, master, maestro or simply David Lynch? vStH_P7gPHk-00001-00001680-00002623 It's October 24, 2021 and it's to Sunday. vStH_P7gPHk-00002-00002623-00003238 Here in Naples 66 fahrenheit around 19 celsius vStH_P7gPHk-00003-00003238-00004103 And this means that it is yes, that day really, vStH_P7gPHk-00004-00004103-00004603 really, really mild as these days and during this period vStH_P7gPHk-00005-00004603-00005728 even if there are still less degrees, so it does that cool more vStH_P7gPHk-00006-00005728-00006242 I talked about in recent days. vStH_P7gPHk-00007-00006242-00006934 Today thank you again for the second weekend day projects vStH_P7gPHk-00008-00006934-00007377 And spare and I also wish you fortune for your weekends Projects vStH_P7gPHk-00009-00007377-00007756 And then I thought about the fact that my Napoli soccer has the possibility vStH_P7gPHk-00010-00007756-00008112 to do 9 consecutive victories from the beginning of the championship, vStH_P7gPHk-00011-00008112-00008363 Property record, already 8 consecutive victories vStH_P7gPHk-00012-00008363-00008863 Last week they were an equalized record compared to three years ago. vStH_P7gPHk-00013-00008863-00009443 It will be a difficult game today, against Roma in its home. vStH_P7gPHk-00014-00009443-00009952 Maybe I add something else in description, otherwise the video, already long, vStH_P7gPHk-00015-00009952-00010064 It stretches even more. vStH_P7gPHk-00016-00010064-00010292 I only say that I also trust in its numbers vStH_P7gPHk-00017-00010292-00010611 for the final result. vStH_P7gPHk-00018-00010611-00011047 Anyway as he just see from the window vStH_P7gPHk-00020-00014706-00016037 as he see it's totally cloudy and there is a very dangerous wind because in fact vStH_P7gPHk-00021-00016037-00016358 The rolling shutters is blaming everything. vStH_P7gPHk-00022-00016358-00016615 I think he saw vStH_P7gPHk-00023-00016615-00017425 From this slightly new or wider frame vStH_P7gPHk-00024-00017425-00017809 The very ugly, gray atmosphere, I would say dark, dark vStH_P7gPHk-00025-00017809-00018247 And it will be even darker in the following hours. vStH_P7gPHk-00026-00018247-00018520 I read that, as I said yesterday, vStH_P7gPHk-00027-00018520-00018823 It will also be in the coming days. vStH_P7gPHk-00028-00018823-00019043 Obviously things can always change vStH_P7gPHk-00029-00019043-00019762 But with this kind of atmosphere I see a little hard. vStH_P7gPHk-00030-00019762-00020438 But As Always We'll See. vStH_P7gPHk-00031-00020438-00021359 Said this, so from the mythical window with the colored courtain, beautiful but vStH_P7gPHk-00032-00021359-00022917 Dark obviously colored courtain today and its green roller shooter behind me vStH_P7gPHk-00033-00022917-00023433 and finally from my mythical keyboard Yamaha DGX640 YPG-625 vStH_P7gPHk-00034-00023433-00026008 Have at great day him, Yusuf first of all, always my biggest fan at the moment, vStH_P7gPHk-00035-00026008-00027225 Douglas, Molly, Patrick, a new entry that was enrolled and Italian like me Musidora, vStH_P7gPHk-00036-00027225-00028266 so again have a great day him, all this people and everyone too! vST0sKsC3hk-00000-00000010-00000066 CRIMINAL HISTORY. THE COMPLAINT vST0sKsC3hk-00001-00000066-00000073 CRIMINAL HISTORY. THE COMPLAINT vST0sKsC3hk-00002-00000073-00000230 CRIMINAL HISTORY. THE COMPLAINT DID NOT GIVE A MOTIVE FOR THE K vST0sKsC3hk-00003-00000230-00000236 CRIMINAL HISTORY. THE COMPLAINT DID NOT GIVE A MOTIVE FOR THE K vST0sKsC3hk-00004-00000236-00000366 CRIMINAL HISTORY. THE COMPLAINT DID NOT GIVE A MOTIVE FOR THE K >>> U.S. SENATOR TINA SMITH WA vST0sKsC3hk-00005-00000366-00000373 DID NOT GIVE A MOTIVE FOR THE K >>> U.S. SENATOR TINA SMITH WA vST0sKsC3hk-00006-00000373-00000500 DID NOT GIVE A MOTIVE FOR THE K >>> U.S. SENATOR TINA SMITH WA IN BRAINERD TODAY TO HEAR ABOUT vST0sKsC3hk-00007-00000500-00000507 >>> U.S. SENATOR TINA SMITH WA IN BRAINERD TODAY TO HEAR ABOUT vST0sKsC3hk-00008-00000507-00000680 >>> U.S. SENATOR TINA SMITH WA IN BRAINERD TODAY TO HEAR ABOUT THE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT vST0sKsC3hk-00009-00000680-00000687 IN BRAINERD TODAY TO HEAR ABOUT THE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT vST0sKsC3hk-00010-00000687-00000750 IN BRAINERD TODAY TO HEAR ABOUT THE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS GOING ON AT CENTRAL vST0sKsC3hk-00011-00000750-00000757 THE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS GOING ON AT CENTRAL vST0sKsC3hk-00012-00000757-00001024 THE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS GOING ON AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE. AS A MEMBER OF vST0sKsC3hk-00013-00001024-00001031 PROGRAMS GOING ON AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE. AS A MEMBER OF vST0sKsC3hk-00014-00001031-00001151 PROGRAMS GOING ON AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE. AS A MEMBER OF THE SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE, vST0sKsC3hk-00015-00001151-00001157 LAKES COLLEGE. AS A MEMBER OF THE SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE, vST0sKsC3hk-00016-00001157-00001287 LAKES COLLEGE. AS A MEMBER OF THE SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE, SMITH WAS INTERESTED IN THE vST0sKsC3hk-00017-00001287-00001294 THE SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE, SMITH WAS INTERESTED IN THE vST0sKsC3hk-00018-00001294-00001431 THE SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE, SMITH WAS INTERESTED IN THE BRIDGES CAREER ACADEMY AND vST0sKsC3hk-00019-00001431-00001438 SMITH WAS INTERESTED IN THE BRIDGES CAREER ACADEMY AND vST0sKsC3hk-00020-00001438-00001711 SMITH WAS INTERESTED IN THE BRIDGES CAREER ACADEMY AND WORKPLACE CONNECTION PROGRAM IN vST0sKsC3hk-00021-00001711-00001718 BRIDGES CAREER ACADEMY AND WORKPLACE CONNECTION PROGRAM IN vST0sKsC3hk-00022-00001718-00001845 BRIDGES CAREER ACADEMY AND WORKPLACE CONNECTION PROGRAM IN DURING HER FIRST VISIT TO CLC, vST0sKsC3hk-00023-00001845-00001851 WORKPLACE CONNECTION PROGRAM IN DURING HER FIRST VISIT TO CLC, vST0sKsC3hk-00024-00001851-00002025 WORKPLACE CONNECTION PROGRAM IN DURING HER FIRST VISIT TO CLC, SHE WAS ALSO ABLE TO SPEAK WITH vST0sKsC3hk-00025-00002025-00002032 DURING HER FIRST VISIT TO CLC, SHE WAS ALSO ABLE TO SPEAK WITH vST0sKsC3hk-00026-00002032-00002112 DURING HER FIRST VISIT TO CLC, SHE WAS ALSO ABLE TO SPEAK WITH STUDENTS AND STAFF ABOUT THEIR vST0sKsC3hk-00027-00002112-00002118 SHE WAS ALSO ABLE TO SPEAK WITH STUDENTS AND STAFF ABOUT THEIR vST0sKsC3hk-00028-00002118-00002322 SHE WAS ALSO ABLE TO SPEAK WITH STUDENTS AND STAFF ABOUT THEIR CURRENT TRADE PROGRAMS. THESE vST0sKsC3hk-00029-00002322-00002328 STUDENTS AND STAFF ABOUT THEIR CURRENT TRADE PROGRAMS. THESE vST0sKsC3hk-00030-00002328-00002559 STUDENTS AND STAFF ABOUT THEIR CURRENT TRADE PROGRAMS. THESE PROGRAMS HELP GUIDE SENATOR vST0sKsC3hk-00031-00002559-00002565 CURRENT TRADE PROGRAMS. THESE PROGRAMS HELP GUIDE SENATOR vST0sKsC3hk-00032-00002565-00002846 CURRENT TRADE PROGRAMS. THESE PROGRAMS HELP GUIDE SENATOR SMITH, AS SHE IS WORKING ON vST0sKsC3hk-00033-00002846-00002852 PROGRAMS HELP GUIDE SENATOR SMITH, AS SHE IS WORKING ON vST0sKsC3hk-00034-00002852-00002972 PROGRAMS HELP GUIDE SENATOR SMITH, AS SHE IS WORKING ON LEGISLATION THAT ADDRESSES THE vST0sKsC3hk-00035-00002972-00002979 SMITH, AS SHE IS WORKING ON LEGISLATION THAT ADDRESSES THE vST0sKsC3hk-00036-00002979-00003379 SMITH, AS SHE IS WORKING ON LEGISLATION THAT ADDRESSES THE SKILLS GAP IN MINNESOTA. vST0sKsC3hk-00037-00003379-00003386 LEGISLATION THAT ADDRESSES THE SKILLS GAP IN MINNESOTA. vST0sKsC3hk-00038-00003386-00003556 LEGISLATION THAT ADDRESSES THE SKILLS GAP IN MINNESOTA. >> WE'RE DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB vST0sKsC3hk-00039-00003556-00003563 SKILLS GAP IN MINNESOTA. >> WE'RE DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB vST0sKsC3hk-00040-00003563-00003696 SKILLS GAP IN MINNESOTA. >> WE'RE DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN vST0sKsC3hk-00041-00003696-00003703 >> WE'RE DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN vST0sKsC3hk-00042-00003703-00003827 >> WE'RE DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN CONNECTING STUDENTS AND vST0sKsC3hk-00043-00003827-00003833 AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN CONNECTING STUDENTS AND vST0sKsC3hk-00044-00003833-00004010 AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE IN CONNECTING STUDENTS AND BUSINESSES TO JOBS THROUGH THE vST0sKsC3hk-00045-00004010-00004017 CONNECTING STUDENTS AND BUSINESSES TO JOBS THROUGH THE vST0sKsC3hk-00046-00004017-00004160 CONNECTING STUDENTS AND BUSINESSES TO JOBS THROUGH THE PROGRAMS THAT THEY ARE OFFERING vST0sKsC3hk-00047-00004160-00004167 BUSINESSES TO JOBS THROUGH THE PROGRAMS THAT THEY ARE OFFERING vST0sKsC3hk-00048-00004167-00004190 BUSINESSES TO JOBS THROUGH THE PROGRAMS THAT THEY ARE OFFERING HERE. vST0sKsC3hk-00049-00004190-00004197 PROGRAMS THAT THEY ARE OFFERING HERE. vST0sKsC3hk-00050-00004197-00004330 PROGRAMS THAT THEY ARE OFFERING HERE. I REALLY KNOW THAT'S WHAT WE vST0sKsC3hk-00051-00004330-00004337 HERE. I REALLY KNOW THAT'S WHAT WE vST0sKsC3hk-00052-00004337-00004701 HERE. I REALLY KNOW THAT'S WHAT WE NEED TO DO MORE OF IN vST0sKsC3hk-00053-00004701-00004708 I REALLY KNOW THAT'S WHAT WE NEED TO DO MORE OF IN vST0sKsC3hk-00054-00004708-00004798 I REALLY KNOW THAT'S WHAT WE NEED TO DO MORE OF IN MINNESOTA. vST0sKsC3hk-00055-00004798-00004804 NEED TO DO MORE OF IN MINNESOTA. vST0sKsC3hk-00056-00004804-00005031 NEED TO DO MORE OF IN MINNESOTA. MOVING -- MOVING AND EXPANDING, vST0sKsC3hk-00057-00005031-00005038 MINNESOTA. MOVING -- MOVING AND EXPANDING, vST0sKsC3hk-00058-00005038-00005181 MINNESOTA. MOVING -- MOVING AND EXPANDING, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND CAREER vST0sKsC3hk-00059-00005181-00005188 MOVING -- MOVING AND EXPANDING, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND CAREER vST0sKsC3hk-00060-00005188-00005371 MOVING -- MOVING AND EXPANDING, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION IS JUST vST0sKsC3hk-00061-00005371-00005378 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION IS JUST vST0sKsC3hk-00062-00005378-00005535 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION IS JUST PARAMOUNT WHEN ALL OF THESE vST0sKsC3hk-00063-00005535-00005542 AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION IS JUST PARAMOUNT WHEN ALL OF THESE vST0sKsC3hk-00064-00005542-00005662 AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION IS JUST PARAMOUNT WHEN ALL OF THESE COMPANIES ARE STRUGGLING TO FILL vST0sKsC3hk-00065-00005662-00005668 PARAMOUNT WHEN ALL OF THESE COMPANIES ARE STRUGGLING TO FILL vST0sKsC3hk-00066-00005668-00005995 PARAMOUNT WHEN ALL OF THESE COMPANIES ARE STRUGGLING TO FILL THE JOBS THEY ARE CREATING. vST0sKsC3hk-00067-00005995-00006002 COMPANIES ARE STRUGGLING TO FILL THE JOBS THEY ARE CREATING. vST0sKsC3hk-00068-00006002-00006076 COMPANIES ARE STRUGGLING TO FILL THE JOBS THEY ARE CREATING. >> THE STOP IN BRAINERD WAS JU vST0sKsC3hk-00069-00006076-00006082 THE JOBS THEY ARE CREATING. >> THE STOP IN BRAINERD WAS JU vST0sKsC3hk-00070-00006082-00006136 THE JOBS THEY ARE CREATING. >> THE STOP IN BRAINERD WAS JU ONE IN A SERIES OF MEETINGS THE vUqOCrtWHv8-00000-00000358-00000640 During the installation of Akeeba Backup Professional vUqOCrtWHv8-00001-00000677-00000877 there were several options that you agreed to vUqOCrtWHv8-00002-00000927-00001056 but what actually were they? vUqOCrtWHv8-00003-00001273-00001390 The second option vUqOCrtWHv8-00004-00001410-00001761 was to enable Akeeba Backup update emails. vUqOCrtWHv8-00005-00001927-00002038 With this enabled vUqOCrtWHv8-00006-00002048-00002248 update checks are performed vUqOCrtWHv8-00007-00002270-00002405 every three hours vUqOCrtWHv8-00008-00002469-00002761 to ensure that your copy of Akeeba Backup Professional vUqOCrtWHv8-00009-00002778-00002950 is the most up to date. vUqOCrtWHv8-00010-00003221-00003540 When the copy of Akeeba Backup Professional vUqOCrtWHv8-00011-00003539-00003739 running on your web site vUqOCrtWHv8-00012-00003766-00004014 discovers that there is a new version available vUqOCrtWHv8-00013-00004100-00004506 it sends an email from YOUR web site to YOU vUqOCrtWHv8-00014-00004570-00004770 telling you that there is a new version vUqOCrtWHv8-00015-00004820-00005020 with a special link inside vUqOCrtWHv8-00016-00005070-00005270 which when you click on it vUqOCrtWHv8-00017-00005278-00005478 will perform the update. vUqOCrtWHv8-00018-00005503-00005905 This email is only sent to the Super Users vUqOCrtWHv8-00019-00005929-00006129 registered on your web site vUqOCrtWHv8-00020-00006179-00006530 and the link is only valid for one use vUqOCrtWHv8-00021-00006594-00006865 and is only valid for 24 hours. vUqOCrtWHv8-00022-00006977-00007368 The email is NOT coming from akeebabackup.com vUqOCrtWHv8-00023-00007411-00007739 which keeps NO record that you have installed vUqOCrtWHv8-00024-00007749-00008009 Akeeba Backup Professional on your web site. vUqOCrtWHv8-00025-00008059-00008456 The email is coming directly from your own web site. vUqOCrtWHv8-00026-00008603-00008803 When you click on the link vUqOCrtWHv8-00027-00008820-00009172 Akeeba Backup Professional now performs a System Restore Point vUqOCrtWHv8-00028-00009222-00009422 and performs the installation. vUqOCrtWHv8-00029-00009497-00009667 Once that is complete vUqOCrtWHv8-00030-00009704-00010016 go to the Components menu and select Akeeba Backup. vUqOCrtWHv8-00031-00010108-00010351 We now need to run the Configuration Wizard vUqOCrtWHv8-00032-00010401-00010637 confirm that we accept those terms again vUqOCrtWHv8-00033-00010642-00010778 and apply the preferences. vUqOCrtWHv8-00034-00010914-00011163 Your copy of Akeeba Backup Professional vUqOCrtWHv8-00035-00011180-00011468 is now up to date and you have the latest version. vUqOCrtWHv8-00036-00011602-00011865 If you want you can change the way vUqOCrtWHv8-00037-00011866-00012180 Akeeba Backup Professional sends you those update emails. vUqOCrtWHv8-00038-00012311-00012546 To do that we need to go to Extensions vUqOCrtWHv8-00039-00012555-00012701 and the Plugin Manager. vUqOCrtWHv8-00040-00012826-00013134 Find the Akeeba plugins vUqOCrtWHv8-00041-00013352-00013635 and here we can see one for Update Check. vUqOCrtWHv8-00042-00013685-00013803 Select that. vUqOCrtWHv8-00043-00013853-00014184 This is the plugin that is sending you those emails vUqOCrtWHv8-00044-00014237-00014510 If you want to disable the functionality completely vUqOCrtWHv8-00045-00014521-00014646 and it's not recommended vUqOCrtWHv8-00046-00014658-00014858 simply click on Disabled. vUqOCrtWHv8-00047-00015003-00015188 If you want to change some of the other options vUqOCrtWHv8-00048-00015193-00015393 click on the Basic Options tab vUqOCrtWHv8-00049-00015589-00015830 Here we can change the language of the email vUqOCrtWHv8-00050-00015951-00016113 but more importantly we can chose vUqOCrtWHv8-00051-00016119-00016319 who to receive the email. vUqOCrtWHv8-00052-00016380-00016847 Currently it is sent to all the Super Administrators on your web site. vUqOCrtWHv8-00053-00016892-00017078 If you only want it to be sent vUqOCrtWHv8-00054-00017085-00017285 to one of those Super Administrators vUqOCrtWHv8-00055-00017300-00017500 type their email address in here. vUqOCrtWHv8-00056-00017915-00018195 Now that Update Notification email vUqOCrtWHv8-00057-00018202-00018427 will only be sent to this one user. vUqOCrtWHv8-00058-00018510-00018602 NOTE vUqOCrtWHv8-00059-00018652-00019073 this email MUST be the registered email address vUqOCrtWHv8-00060-00019087-00019325 of one of your Super Administrators vUqOCrtWHv8-00061-00019352-00019503 otherwise it will not work. vUqOCrtWHv8-00062-00019616-00019941 To activate these options click Save and Close. vV0fjbOWLYu-00000-00000250-00000902 so happy new year 2018 I have been reflecting on what I have learned this vV0fjbOWLYu-00001-00000902-00001421 year and here it is I'm gonna jump right in one of the top things I learned is vV0fjbOWLYu-00002-00001421-00002243 that sometimes when you help people sometimes helping people isn't helping vV0fjbOWLYu-00003-00002243-00003150 them. It's enabling them to use the mental health jargon so really think vV0fjbOWLYu-00004-00003150-00003797 about that one it took me a long time to get to but when you put the oars down vV0fjbOWLYu-00005-00003797-00004500 and quit rowing the truth is revealed so I've been practicing that this year and vV0fjbOWLYu-00006-00004500-00005217 it's been illuminating to say the least and on that topic sometimes I forget vV0fjbOWLYu-00007-00005217-00005901 forget about it to meditate but guess what the reason I'm bewildered is vV0fjbOWLYu-00008-00005901-00006476 because I'm not being still so vV0fjbOWLYu-00009-00006534-00007161 it can only take us 5 to 10 minutes and an answer will come or you'll know the vV0fjbOWLYu-00010-00007161-00007693 direction I have a complaint anything I do that presses on your third eye I'll vV0fjbOWLYu-00011-00007693-00008547 show ya if you want a private session okay and then, Oh Big Thing when you have vV0fjbOWLYu-00012-00008547-00009204 a feeling in your gut and something feels off guess what? It is off. But you vV0fjbOWLYu-00013-00009204-00009595 don't have to have the evidence yet you just go with the gut and I know we've vV0fjbOWLYu-00014-00009595-00010009 talked about this before but it doesn't really mean anything unless you really vV0fjbOWLYu-00015-00010009-00010633 use it in practice so you can read about it and you can hear about it and you can vV0fjbOWLYu-00016-00010633-00011394 think about it but unless you actually follow it that's where the treasure lies. vV0fjbOWLYu-00017-00011445-00012145 Oh and I tried a new thing this year I almost didn't do it I am partnering with vV0fjbOWLYu-00018-00012145-00012685 Airbnb now leading an experience of photography experience in San Francisco vV0fjbOWLYu-00019-00012685-00013407 and it's going great I absolutely love it read the reviews the link is below vV0fjbOWLYu-00020-00013407-00013840 and it's funny because I almost didn't do it you know it's funny how don't vV0fjbOWLYu-00021-00013840-00014191 believe the things that you think don't believe everything you think because I vV0fjbOWLYu-00022-00014191-00014731 was like I don't know if I can get there and guess what I love going to the city vV0fjbOWLYu-00023-00014731-00015265 I love the Palace of Fine Arts, I love the marina, I'm rediscovering it in a new vV0fjbOWLYu-00024-00015265-00015613 way which is super great I lived there a long time ago many vV0fjbOWLYu-00025-00015613-00016323 decades ago and talk about bewildered I was 20 nothing didn't know what the vV0fjbOWLYu-00026-00016323-00016600 heck I was doing but I lived there little over a year and I really liked it vV0fjbOWLYu-00027-00016600-00017089 but I just didn't I couldn't I couldn't cope with the bigness it was the biggest vV0fjbOWLYu-00028-00017089-00017614 city I'd ever lived in and I just I walked all over I rode my bike so it was vV0fjbOWLYu-00029-00017614-00018163 a good experience but anyway now it's better. So if you want to learn how to vV0fjbOWLYu-00030-00018163-00018720 take amazing pictures I'm looking at my notes here it's just funny because I vV0fjbOWLYu-00031-00018720-00019482 almost didn't do it and I love it and my work is my play I love my job oh and vV0fjbOWLYu-00032-00019482-00020139 then another thing be curious. Keep being curious and you'll never get old. I vV0fjbOWLYu-00033-00020139-00020769 learned a new way to travel with the Son this year favorite vacation just got vV0fjbOWLYu-00034-00020769-00021390 back Cambodia Thailand Nepal and we went together we were both backpacking for vV0fjbOWLYu-00035-00021390-00022037 two months we lived in studios by the ocean in Cambodia and I realized that vV0fjbOWLYu-00036-00022037-00022793 yeah we got to spend a lot of time together and it's so neat when you can vV0fjbOWLYu-00037-00022793-00023358 see your family in a new way and learn more about them by spending time vV0fjbOWLYu-00038-00023358-00024101 together so really glad I did that and the last thing I want to talk about is vV0fjbOWLYu-00039-00024101-00024597 it was just some random person at Whole Foods I ran into while I was eating. She vV0fjbOWLYu-00040-00024597-00025245 was talking about how how it's so horrible about the sexism for women and vV0fjbOWLYu-00041-00025245-00025578 everything I said well you guys start your own business if you don't want to vV0fjbOWLYu-00042-00025578-00026019 be bossed around by a guy and you know it can still happen but it happens less vV0fjbOWLYu-00043-00026019-00026414 when you get to choose your clients so here I'm telling her something that's vV0fjbOWLYu-00044-00026414-00026931 really oh and guess what this is the funniest thing because thirty years ago vV0fjbOWLYu-00045-00026931-00027312 when I started my business people were like oh but what about the health vV0fjbOWLYu-00046-00027312-00027801 benefits and the SEP IRA I mean the IRA and all that it's like no you vV0fjbOWLYu-00047-00027801-00028277 have to really put those things aside you can't just go into it with all the vV0fjbOWLYu-00048-00028277-00029216 t's crossed and the I's dotted yeah it's a risk, it might fail. But vV0fjbOWLYu-00049-00029216-00029658 complaining about everything rather than doing something about okay so what it vV0fjbOWLYu-00050-00029658-00030288 made me realize is there's doers and then there's complainers. Be a doer don't vV0fjbOWLYu-00051-00030288-00030612 just complain about something if you really want to change your life you can vV0fjbOWLYu-00052-00030612-00031095 so I'm gonna leave you with that namaste have a wonderful year that's a vV0fjbOWLYu-00053-00031095-00031497 Redwood in the back, Redwoods are only in Northern California which almost makes vV0fjbOWLYu-00054-00031497-00032220 me just busts open my heart so enjoy have a gorgeous new year see vV0fjbOWLYu-00055-00032220-00032486 you in the next video vV4hl7bbj30-00000-00000000-00000032 Hey guys vV4hl7bbj30-00001-00000032-00000644 Welcome back to never-ending quest if you're new here hit that thumbs up button hit that subscribe button and definitely turn on those post vV4hl7bbj30-00002-00000667-00000965 Notifications that way you can stay up to date with all these never-ending quest blogs vV4hl7bbj30-00003-00001078-00001853 Today is gonna be special. I'm gonna do my first storytime. This one is about the time I met the wrestler Al Snow vV4hl7bbj30-00004-00003179-00003343 So many many years ago vV4hl7bbj30-00005-00003343-00003816 I held my girlfriend at the time move to New York City why we were there we were vV4hl7bbj30-00006-00003847-00004045 Hanging out in Times Square kind of doing this vV4hl7bbj30-00007-00004045-00004512 I see in the touristy thing and we had stopped into a makeup store vV4hl7bbj30-00008-00004512-00004974 And now I'm with my girlfriend her sister her sister's boyfriend and their mother vV4hl7bbj30-00009-00004975-00005604 So it's the five of us were hanging out looking around and we pop in this makeup store. Well the night before vV4hl7bbj30-00010-00005660-00006205 Was my girlfriend's sister's birthday. And while we were at the restaurant we tipped off the waitstaff vV4hl7bbj30-00011-00006239-00006627 Hey, it's her birthday where you guys do for birthdays or something funny, whatever vV4hl7bbj30-00012-00006628-00006648 so vV4hl7bbj30-00013-00006648-00006675 Of course vV4hl7bbj30-00014-00006675-00007143 they had something special planned for the birthdays and should get up on a chair and vV4hl7bbj30-00015-00007163-00007644 Sing and hold a little cake or cupcake or whatever the birthday treat was or whatever vV4hl7bbj30-00016-00007975-00008535 She was totally embarrassed and I was looking for a little payback so next night vV4hl7bbj30-00017-00008536-00009016 We're in this makeup store or walking around and I happen to notice. There's a vV4hl7bbj30-00018-00009074-00009254 professional WWE vV4hl7bbj30-00019-00009254-00009958 Wrestler in the store and my girlfriend at the time her sister's boyfriend was big into weightlifting and bodybuilding vV4hl7bbj30-00020-00010024-00010593 So anyway house knows in there and my girlfriend's sister goes up to him and says vV4hl7bbj30-00021-00010742-00011100 you know just kind of going up and today my boyfriend Logan so vV4hl7bbj30-00022-00011309-00011671 He goes tries to you know intimidate him in his house vV4hl7bbj30-00023-00011671-00012147 no character what now turns out that my girlfriend's sister's boyfriend was a vV4hl7bbj30-00024-00012185-00012496 larger Kai than Al Snow actually was so vV4hl7bbj30-00025-00012833-00013003 Didn't really work out that way vV4hl7bbj30-00026-00013003-00013702 But we ended up having a really cool conversation with Al Snow and a makeup store and took some pictures and whatnot vV4hl7bbj30-00027-00013702-00013855 He was totally cool vV4hl7bbj30-00028-00013855-00014055 I would not expected him to vV4hl7bbj30-00029-00014081-00014439 Be as nice of a guy as he was only knowing him based on his vV4hl7bbj30-00030-00014516-00014860 TV wrestling character. I had that guy totally pegged wrong vV4hl7bbj30-00031-00014860-00015312 We were worried that we were bothering him and you know, he just wanted to be out of shop with his wife vV4hl7bbj30-00032-00015313-00015717 But I was exactly kind of what he said to us. He's like no you guys are no bother at all vV4hl7bbj30-00033-00015718-00016291 Please talk to me. I'm like in a making for my wife. Like I need some entertainment, you know, he was really cool vV4hl7bbj30-00034-00016352-00017022 It kind of gave me a perspective of you just never really know how people are in real life in real situations vV4hl7bbj30-00035-00017023-00017295 Especially celebrities when you meet him, so there's people that you know vV4hl7bbj30-00036-00017295-00017586 You might have pegged a certain way and give you a really good vV4hl7bbj30-00037-00017615-00017783 impression of them and vV4hl7bbj30-00038-00017783-00018339 Some really good that you take away and I know there's people out there where you think highly of somebody and they do something wrong vV4hl7bbj30-00039-00018340-00018547 It completely turns you off from him. So vV4hl7bbj30-00040-00018575-00019236 many celebrities and athletes any famous people were they who you thought they were or they know they thought they were vV4hl7bbj30-00041-00019286-00019516 Some I've come from the experience vV4hl7bbj30-00042-00019516-00019998 I had a couple other celebrity running stories that I might share as time goes on vV4hl7bbj30-00043-00019998-00020529 But let me know if you enjoyed this one. Like I said I met Al Snow, and it was cool vV4hl7bbj30-00044-00020588-00021024 Experiences so shout out to that guy else know that sure if he's still around or where he's at now vV4hl7bbj30-00045-00021025-00021372 But a really cool guy definitely not what his character portrayed on vV4hl7bbj30-00046-00021437-00021637 WWE TV show vV4hl7bbj30-00047-00021638-00022295 Share your story woman come and appreciate you guys for watching this episode of the never-ending quest. We'll see you next time. Peace vVE_NZKZbKu-00000-00000306-00000620 Hello everyone~ we have a regular guest today! vVE_NZKZbKu-00001-00000620-00001067 He has rather thin hair and I haven’t checked his hair quantity yet… vVE_NZKZbKu-00002-00001067-00001237 The quantity of his hair… oh!? vVE_NZKZbKu-00003-00001237-00001478 I have a rather large forehead vVE_NZKZbKu-00004-00001478-00001654 Due to hair loss… vVE_NZKZbKu-00005-00001654-00002232 This is your forehead and the top of your head is over here… do you feel it? - Yes! vVE_NZKZbKu-00006-00002232-00002612 The distance between your forehead and your top head is called the ‘crest’ vVE_NZKZbKu-00007-00002612-00002962 A smaller crest basically means you don’t have enough hair vVE_NZKZbKu-00008-00002962-00003116 So how will we save this hair? vVE_NZKZbKu-00009-00003116-00003496 We’ll have to get rid of a lot of the side hair relative to the top vVE_NZKZbKu-00010-00003496-00003697 And we’ll have to make the top hair rise vVE_NZKZbKu-00011-00003720-00004110 This is a perm rod but it’s much smaller than the ones we typically use vVE_NZKZbKu-00012-00004110-00004431 We have to horizontally and vertically raise the hair less than the size of the rod vVE_NZKZbKu-00013-00004431-00004654 So we’ll have to align them in order next to each other vVE_NZKZbKu-00014-00004654-00005061 Do you see how much his side hair is sticking out? We have to get rid of the hair underneath vVE_NZKZbKu-00015-00005081-00005365 Repeat after me, “foundation of evil” - “Foundation of evil” vVE_NZKZbKu-00016-00005725-00006292 To get rid of the heavy ends, we’ll tease out the ends here vVE_NZKZbKu-00017-00006356-00006559 We’re all prepared for a down perm now vVE_NZKZbKu-00018-00006559-00006736 (Undergoing a down perm) vVE_NZKZbKu-00019-00006736-00007230 With the divided hair, roll the rod two times vVE_NZKZbKu-00020-00007567-00007811 And like this, take it out vVE_NZKZbKu-00021-00007844-00008331 From here, take a rubber band and attach it like this vVE_NZKZbKu-00022-00008428-00008641 That’s one, we’ll do this again vVE_NZKZbKu-00023-00010136-00010410 I think this could be the most difficult technique for perms vVE_NZKZbKu-00024-00010440-00010724 It doesn’t look that hard but it’s quite hard to roll vVE_NZKZbKu-00025-00010724-00011661 (Repeat this process) vVE_NZKZbKu-00026-00011661-00012092 (Same on the right side) vVE_NZKZbKu-00027-00012092-00012345 We’re done!! Yes! vVE_NZKZbKu-00028-00012345-00012565 We’ll apply perm product all over here now vVE_NZKZbKu-00029-00012889-00013183 (Neutralizing) vVE_NZKZbKu-00030-00013440-00013563 We’re done vVE_NZKZbKu-00031-00013563-00013733 Let’s go rinse it out - Sounds good vVE_NZKZbKu-00032-00014027-00014381 Do you see this? It’s rising this much even when it’s wet vVE_NZKZbKu-00033-00014407-00014681 We’ll dry it out and form its shape vVE_NZKZbKu-00034-00015145-00015365 If you take a look, you’ll see the difference in the height vVE_NZKZbKu-00035-00015365-00015939 If you want it higher, place your hands here and rub it then it’ll rise a lot vVE_NZKZbKu-00036-00015939-00016159 But we’ll have to clean it up a bit with a cut vVE_NZKZbKu-00037-00016159-00016473 His hair would have got longer after the down perm vVE_NZKZbKu-00038-00016579-00016923 We’ll remove some lengthy ends and adjust some of the weight vVE_NZKZbKu-00039-00017327-00017777 The difference in the height is visible from the side that got a cut and the side that didn’t vVE_NZKZbKu-00040-00017844-00018004 So this side looks higher vVE_NZKZbKu-00041-00018004-00018154 Wow the back hair is so long vVE_NZKZbKu-00042-00018498-00018648 Ahh that feels refreshing vVE_NZKZbKu-00043-00018678-00018922 You don’t know how it looks from the back, right? - No vVE_NZKZbKu-00044-00018922-00019072 I’ll show you vVE_NZKZbKu-00045-00019072-00019225 Oh~ vVE_NZKZbKu-00046-00019369-00019903 If you take a look inside, not sure if you can see this - I think it’s definitely higher than before vVE_NZKZbKu-00047-00019903-00020110 The more you grab it, it rises even more vVE_NZKZbKu-00048-00020236-00020343 It’s perfect! vVE_NZKZbKu-00049-00020343-00020687 There’s a really easy way to style this, when you style your hair you touch it like this vVE_NZKZbKu-00050-00020757-00021351 Take a close look at this- rub the wax all over your hands vVE_NZKZbKu-00051-00021381-00021761 With the wax all over your hands, just press it against your hair and lift it up vVE_NZKZbKu-00052-00021761-00022425 Press it against your hair and slowly raise your hands and the hair will follow suit vVE_NZKZbKu-00053-00022425-00022619 The hair will just fall into place slowly vVE_NZKZbKu-00054-00022762-00023129 Once it slowly falls, the volume will rise like this vVE_NZKZbKu-00055-00023129-00023523 I always mention that volume is easy to kill but hard to raise vVE_NZKZbKu-00056-00023643-00023930 That’s it! Now we just need to spray it! vVE_NZKZbKu-00057-00023980-00024207 Always spray upwards from the bottom! vWuK1EwpKio-00000-00000536-00000648 Hello friends! How are you? vWuK1EwpKio-00001-00000656-00000942 Welcome this week's Lifestyle video vWuK1EwpKio-00002-00000952-00001268 where we are going to talk about how much fruit you should eat vWuK1EwpKio-00003-00001294-00001510 We are going to do this in Spanish vWuK1EwpKio-00004-00001510-00001692 as you can see vWuK1EwpKio-00005-00001812-00002030 The idea for this video vWuK1EwpKio-00006-00002046-00002526 came from a conversation I overheard at the gym vWuK1EwpKio-00007-00002526-00002674 in the ladies bathroom vWuK1EwpKio-00008-00002692-00003006 when some people mentioned vWuK1EwpKio-00009-00003020-00003272 they didn't know why they weren't loosing weight vWuK1EwpKio-00010-00003286-00003550 with all the fruit they were eating vWuK1EwpKio-00011-00003565-00003847 This made me remember when I was younger vWuK1EwpKio-00012-00003865-00004156 I also ate about a kilo of fruit vWuK1EwpKio-00013-00004170-00004434 and I wondered why I felt bloated vWuK1EwpKio-00014-00004434-00004566 and why I looked bloated vWuK1EwpKio-00015-00004680-00004966 What I would have liked to know then vWuK1EwpKio-00016-00005034-00005338 was that while fruit is good for you vWuK1EwpKio-00017-00005522-00005744 its not good in excess vWuK1EwpKio-00018-00005744-00005878 As all things vWuK1EwpKio-00019-00005910-00006168 its best in moderation vWuK1EwpKio-00020-00006222-00006654 Some specialists recommend 2 to 3 portions vWuK1EwpKio-00021-00006678-00006930 which can be 2 to 3 fruits vWuK1EwpKio-00022-00007002-00007500 Other organisms recommend 2 cups vWuK1EwpKio-00023-00007518-00007826 which is more precise for a fruit vWuK1EwpKio-00024-00007848-00008059 So that is the range more or less vWuK1EwpKio-00025-00008059-00008208 which is similar vWuK1EwpKio-00026-00008248-00008552 I hope you liked this video vWuK1EwpKio-00027-00008574-00008846 Thank you for staying till the end vWuK1EwpKio-00028-00008868-00009264 I'd love for you to visit muchaale.com vWuK1EwpKio-00029-00009282-00009526 to know more about this post vWuK1EwpKio-00030-00009542-00009846 and subscribe for more videos like this vWuK1EwpKio-00031-00009846-00009996 I'll see you next time vWuK1EwpKio-00032-00009996-00010056 Bye! vcjidcggx-c-00000-00000220-00000657 All right before I get into the teaching I wonder talk to you for a minute vcjidcggx-c-00001-00000841-00001308 This is all kind of off the record one of our ministry team vcjidcggx-c-00002-00001516-00001893 Ladies is going through a really dark vcjidcggx-c-00003-00002050-00002402 Period of life right now really bad and vcjidcggx-c-00004-00002614-00002784 I vcjidcggx-c-00005-00002784-00003089 Talked to her today, and you know I had to hold off vcjidcggx-c-00006-00003184-00003434 fighting back tears two or three times talking to her and vcjidcggx-c-00007-00003546-00004130 the reason one of the reasons was because I had so many flashbacks when I was talking to her I've had vcjidcggx-c-00008-00004300-00004712 So many of those situations hit me over the last 22 years vcjidcggx-c-00009-00004810-00005160 That you know, I can't even count them anymore. Things have been so bad vcjidcggx-c-00010-00005230-00005430 and vcjidcggx-c-00011-00005485-00006239 Every human being sooner or later. There's going to run into what I've run into several times and what she's going through right now. There's vcjidcggx-c-00012-00006343-00006543 dark periods of being a human vcjidcggx-c-00013-00006723-00007034 You know in traumatic injuries of vcjidcggx-c-00014-00007129-00007329 terminal illnesses of vcjidcggx-c-00015-00007336-00007479 people dying vcjidcggx-c-00016-00007479-00007679 different things and vcjidcggx-c-00017-00007756-00007956 What I've learned vcjidcggx-c-00018-00007984-00008184 Through all vcjidcggx-c-00019-00008247-00008609 These things I've been through and what she's going through now vcjidcggx-c-00020-00008731-00008931 what I've learned is that vcjidcggx-c-00021-00008965-00009165 you have to vcjidcggx-c-00022-00009240-00009440 you have to have vcjidcggx-c-00023-00009604-00009986 Some form of absolute truth vcjidcggx-c-00024-00010179-00010439 Somewhere in your soul you could hold on to vcjidcggx-c-00025-00010510-00010814 While everything goes to hell in a handbasket around you vcjidcggx-c-00026-00010903-00011229 Because when these black dark periods hit you vcjidcggx-c-00027-00011514-00011700 The devil vcjidcggx-c-00028-00011700-00011893 mafia, and vcjidcggx-c-00029-00011893-00012422 he attacks from every front when he sees you're hurt and you're weak and vcjidcggx-c-00030-00012615-00013349 If you don't have some deep truth you can run to you can be over and vcjidcggx-c-00031-00013543-00014015 Get mad at God and turn on him and then backslide and all kinds of bad things will happen to you vcjidcggx-c-00032-00014086-00014220 and vcjidcggx-c-00033-00014220-00014516 This is kind of how it works. You know, you get hit really hard and vcjidcggx-c-00034-00014715-00014915 You start to doubt vcjidcggx-c-00035-00014973-00015422 You get confused and you start asking why questions? vcjidcggx-c-00036-00015519-00015731 Soon as the devil hears you say why? vcjidcggx-c-00037-00015798-00015998 Now he know he's got you running vcjidcggx-c-00038-00016087-00016359 then eating the demons crank it up and vcjidcggx-c-00039-00016698-00017354 When you're in these dark periods, what I've learned is if you can have some little vcjidcggx-c-00040-00017457-00017669 Absolute truth that you know is true vcjidcggx-c-00041-00017725-00017925 no matter what happens or vcjidcggx-c-00042-00017985-00018172 No matter how it happens vcjidcggx-c-00043-00018172-00018854 You can make it through the darkest periods and come out eventually on top even though now vcjidcggx-c-00044-00018889-00019089 You're getting steamrolled vcjidcggx-c-00045-00019101-00019301 and it's like vcjidcggx-c-00046-00019476-00019727 So many times I've had to go to my little vcjidcggx-c-00047-00019840-00020520 Section in my soul. Everybody has a has to develop that little spot in there to save your life and vcjidcggx-c-00048-00020719-00020919 Mine always was kind of vcjidcggx-c-00049-00021088-00021288 Trust in the Lord with all your heart vcjidcggx-c-00050-00021438-00021806 And lean not unto your own understanding and vcjidcggx-c-00051-00021966-00022166 All that ways acknowledge him and he vcjidcggx-c-00052-00022366-00022766 You know, I always ran back to Psalms 37, you know vcjidcggx-c-00053-00022845-00023051 Fret not thyself because of evildoers vcjidcggx-c-00054-00023134-00023375 neither be envious of people who vcjidcggx-c-00055-00023448-00023648 work in iniquity for vcjidcggx-c-00056-00023725-00023925 They shall soon fade vcjidcggx-c-00057-00024081-00024395 Like the green herbs and they'll be cut down like the grass vcjidcggx-c-00058-00024531-00024729 Trust in the Lord and do good vcjidcggx-c-00059-00024729-00025079 And you will be fed. Do you light yourself in the Lord? vcjidcggx-c-00060-00025191-00025391 He will give you the desires of your heart vcjidcggx-c-00061-00025512-00025712 rest in the Lord and vcjidcggx-c-00062-00025758-00025961 Wait patiently for him. I vcjidcggx-c-00063-00026026-00026408 Always ran there all these years. I've gone through all this stuff vcjidcggx-c-00064-00026562-00026908 The reason I did it was because I didn't want to backslide and vcjidcggx-c-00065-00027227-00027920 When everything's falling apart around you the natural inclination is to ask why? vcjidcggx-c-00066-00028116-00028768 Then the devil comes to you and hits you with all that word of faith crap you learned vcjidcggx-c-00067-00028812-00029206 and I had learned all that stuff years ago, too and I had to get vcjidcggx-c-00068-00029295-00029567 Delivered from that word of faith bs. And vcjidcggx-c-00069-00029637-00030199 You're speaking the things and you're creating these marry your blabbing it out and everything keeps getting worse vcjidcggx-c-00070-00030927-00031135 Don't tell anybody on TV I said that vcjidcggx-c-00071-00031455-00031987 I'll lose some yacht payments, but when everything's falling apart vcjidcggx-c-00072-00032172-00032827 And it looks like it's not going to get any better and that's what she's going through and we've all been there vcjidcggx-c-00073-00032864-00033452 I've been there multiple times. You got to have some spot to run to that, you know is vcjidcggx-c-00074-00033525-00033725 Absolutely true vcjidcggx-c-00075-00033747-00034367 There's no question about it in your spirit. You have to have it. If you don't you're probably going to backslide vcjidcggx-c-00076-00034533-00035086 Because soon as you start doubting and saying why and you start questioning god vcjidcggx-c-00077-00035253-00035439 That's vcjidcggx-c-00078-00035439-00035708 the tipping point when you slide and vcjidcggx-c-00079-00035814-00036009 It has happened vcjidcggx-c-00080-00036009-00036421 Trillions of times over the years a Christian has gone through tough times vcjidcggx-c-00081-00036528-00037159 It made no sense and everything fell apart. And the more you prayed the worse it got it made no sense and vcjidcggx-c-00082-00037242-00037883 You've got to start getting a little mad a little frustrated. That's perfectly normal. You're not mentally you and you're not crazy vcjidcggx-c-00083-00037908-00038108 We all go through it vcjidcggx-c-00084-00038130-00038593 But the devil takes advantage of it and then it gets you to start doubting vcjidcggx-c-00085-00038724-00039446 Well, just speak to your mountain. It'll just flop in it and then you go through your usual religious rigmarole and nothing gets any better vcjidcggx-c-00086-00039570-00039793 In fact things are getting worse vcjidcggx-c-00087-00041169-00041620 You say well I can't relate to this you will someday you will some days vcjidcggx-c-00088-00041898-00042556 The day's gonna come and you're gonna go I don't believe this is happening it's gonna be so bad you're gonna be stunned vcjidcggx-c-00089-00042699-00043145 stunned bad like jaw dropping bad vcjidcggx-c-00090-00043659-00043859 Trust in the Lord with vcjidcggx-c-00091-00043953-00044153 All your heart and do not lean vcjidcggx-c-00092-00044301-00044576 To your own understanding and that's how the devil gets you vcjidcggx-c-00093-00044634-00044888 It gets you to start analyzing it vcjidcggx-c-00094-00044949-00045509 Figuring out. What should I have done differently? What could I have done differently? Why did they do this? Why'd they do that? vcjidcggx-c-00095-00045509-00045991 How come they didn't do that? How come these people do? How come that didn't happen? Why didn't God fix this? vcjidcggx-c-00096-00045997-00046447 Why didn't he fix that and suddenly you're the devil drags you into a maze? vcjidcggx-c-00097-00046641-00046846 And suddenly instead of walking vcjidcggx-c-00098-00046997-00047434 Around like a human being you're in a funhouse with nothing but mirrors around vcjidcggx-c-00099-00047514-00048136 And you're looking over here and your guts hanging out to there and you look over there and your heads floating up. Nothing makes sense vcjidcggx-c-00100-00049057-00049257 All right then vcjidcggx-c-00101-00049276-00049899 Bible study I went through that phone call today, and I thought I would share that. I don't know why but I hope it helped vcjidcggx-c-00102-00049999-00050690 Somebody somewhere. All right. Let's get going. Now. The radio programs are on every day as you know on 10:10 a.m. And vcjidcggx-c-00103-00050764-00051246 I was praying today with a friend of mine or worked the other radio station that I left vcjidcggx-c-00104-00051310-00051585 He got in a car accident today and he was in the hospital vcjidcggx-c-00105-00051676-00051876 somebody ran into him so vcjidcggx-c-00106-00051907-00052335 Even if you work in the radio ministry, you're not immune from attacks from the devil vcjidcggx-c-00107-00052585-00052916 All the radio programs are on the website and get them on the Omni FM vcjidcggx-c-00108-00053026-00053267 internet location my dark sky radio vcjidcggx-c-00109-00053355-00053922 Appears to about peaked out they had 1,700 listeners last week. So it's vcjidcggx-c-00110-00054001-00054660 Kind of it looks like it's capping that right around there. So I'm gonna stay with it because that's a pretty pretty decent number vcjidcggx-c-00111-00054721-00054921 All right, if you want to help us financially vcjidcggx-c-00112-00054921-00055349 You can go to a good search and put it in our ministry name and get off on Google vcjidcggx-c-00113-00055372-00055724 same thing with Amazon put in smile amazon.com and put it in our vcjidcggx-c-00114-00055777-00056048 Name and donate 1.2 percent or whatever you buy vcjidcggx-c-00115-00056107-00056399 Your high-rollers will be helping us out paying the utility bill vcjidcggx-c-00116-00056500-00056705 Those of you will buy in a five dollar book vcjidcggx-c-00117-00056797-00056997 Thanks for the spot vcjidcggx-c-00118-00057103-00057638 Tonight's teaching is on our youtube channel number two, right? Welcome to our YouTube vcjidcggx-c-00119-00057820-00058065 Followers good, love you. Here's your vcjidcggx-c-00120-00058132-00058491 Miracle lists I send these out eight ten twelve week vcjidcggx-c-00121-00058582-00058782 One or two do it vcjidcggx-c-00122-00058876-00059076 That's pretty good vcjidcggx-c-00123-00059164-00059780 They work don't forget about your terror cell at your church the deliverance center is not a church and vcjidcggx-c-00124-00059932-00060246 I'm not trying to get you to leave your church and come here vcjidcggx-c-00125-00060334-00060701 That's not what we're doing here. This is in addition to your church vcjidcggx-c-00126-00060796-00061247 When you come here and you learn spiritual warfare you then treat your church as a mission field vcjidcggx-c-00127-00061363-00061563 Then you go back to your church vcjidcggx-c-00128-00061666-00061904 And start picking off people that need to be healed vcjidcggx-c-00129-00062041-00062723 We're not competing with churches here. That's why we're on Thursday Fridays instead of Wednesday nights and Sundays. Normally, that's when vcjidcggx-c-00130-00062782-00063185 Most of the churches have their services. I didn't want to get in a conflict with anybody vcjidcggx-c-00131-00063412-00064101 Other churches around town several of them came in this week. Send us their dysfunctional people vcjidcggx-c-00132-00064258-00064503 The churches have some people that are nuts vcjidcggx-c-00133-00064666-00064830 Slang term vcjidcggx-c-00134-00064830-00065457 And they two people two different people brought me a card. This guy gave me a name vcjidcggx-c-00135-00065568-00065768 so we're getting vcjidcggx-c-00136-00065776-00066465 Referrals from all over the valley. We're getting the hard cases and that's what the Holy Ghost likes. He likes hard cases vcjidcggx-c-00137-00066550-00066797 That's that's when he really shouldn't vcjidcggx-c-00138-00067033-00067491 All right, I'll see you at the Elks Performance Center in Prescott in a couple of weeks vcjidcggx-c-00139-00067491-00067946 I'll be up there Saturday and July 24 understand as you know, tomorrow is our vcjidcggx-c-00140-00068068-00068510 Children's deliverance service preteens only starting at what time 10 o'clock? vcjidcggx-c-00141-00068575-00068737 signing at 10 o'clock vcjidcggx-c-00142-00068737-00068937 Bring your kids here vcjidcggx-c-00143-00068971-00069171 seeing kids getting delivered is actually vcjidcggx-c-00144-00069292-00069492 heartwarming I vcjidcggx-c-00145-00069754-00070496 See we've got a lot of older people here that don't have kids anymore, but when you see children get delivered that's really neat vcjidcggx-c-00146-00070642-00071193 because we're saving them from a lifetime of agony imagine that a vcjidcggx-c-00147-00071329-00071844 Nine-year-old kid gets delivered and you saved them from two or three divorces vcjidcggx-c-00148-00072082-00072282 Wow, that's amazing vcjidcggx-c-00149-00072496-00072782 Another kid gets delivered you save them from child abuse vcjidcggx-c-00150-00072922-00073122 bipolar vcjidcggx-c-00151-00073225-00073425 Schizophrenia vcjidcggx-c-00152-00073447-00073758 It's easier to get the demons onto the kids than it is the adults vcjidcggx-c-00153-00073972-00074172 Right vcjidcggx-c-00154-00074254-00074673 Thanks for your donations, we appreciate it and we paid every bill last month vcjidcggx-c-00155-00074734-00075204 On time with the exception of one and that's because I forgot to send the check in vcjidcggx-c-00156-00075340-00075540 Rick's not here. Is he? vcjidcggx-c-00157-00075704-00075904 That's good, alright, let's go vcjidcggx-c-00158-00075989-00076333 Cleansing the temple, you know the Holy Ghost vcjidcggx-c-00159-00076505-00076705 Set up the text vcjidcggx-c-00160-00076877-00077110 To help us and one of his vcjidcggx-c-00161-00077291-00077502 Methods was setting up a pattern vcjidcggx-c-00162-00077708-00077947 He demonstrates things through patterns vcjidcggx-c-00163-00078068-00078270 And everybody's noticed that haven't you vcjidcggx-c-00164-00078326-00079035 Everybody knows that there's a pattern of victory. He kind of sets up or a process that he sets up vcjidcggx-c-00165-00079235-00079435 Illustrating for us how vcjidcggx-c-00166-00079541-00079741 We can live victorious Christian lives vcjidcggx-c-00167-00079859-00080024 in America vcjidcggx-c-00168-00080024-00080656 Most Christians do not live a victorious Christian line. They're in a small percentage of them an amount of a hill of beans spiritually vcjidcggx-c-00169-00080720-00080955 If you're gonna become a disciple, you're gonna be in the minority vcjidcggx-c-00170-00081035-00081631 For a shirt then you're gonna have to break with the pack and do something with your life that nobody else is gonna do vcjidcggx-c-00171-00081740-00081970 Now hopefully that's why you come here vcjidcggx-c-00172-00082124-00082444 Right now check this out Romans chapter 12, we all know this verse vcjidcggx-c-00173-00082514-00083023 I'm gonna tie it into the pattern here in a minute system. Paul says I'm begging you my brethren vcjidcggx-c-00174-00083090-00083449 Christians other Christians by the mercies of God you present your body vcjidcggx-c-00175-00083534-00083913 Your body a living sacrifice to God. Holy and vcjidcggx-c-00176-00083984-00084184 Acceptable to God vcjidcggx-c-00177-00084323-00084759 You're honest this means to be in fully agreement with what God vcjidcggx-c-00178-00084824-00084956 likes vcjidcggx-c-00179-00084956-00085509 Good. So he likes this. I like it. He likes that I like it vcjidcggx-c-00180-00085676-00086245 He enjoys that I enjoy it he wants that I own I want that I agree with you vcjidcggx-c-00181-00086489-00086743 Yeah, it's the dream of every husband vcjidcggx-c-00182-00087071-00087271 It's like that vcjidcggx-c-00183-00087278-00087520 Thing that never happens, but you always hope it will vcjidcggx-c-00184-00087638-00088116 the wife always agrees with everything you think and say when that be just vcjidcggx-c-00185-00088420-00089032 Had a fantasy there and I didn't push it out of my mind but this word means when it comes to God I vcjidcggx-c-00186-00089174-00089494 Agree with everything he likes vcjidcggx-c-00187-00089564-00089764 Whether I understand it or not vcjidcggx-c-00188-00089813-00090040 Well, I know about it or not doesn't matter. I vcjidcggx-c-00189-00090161-00090442 am acceptable or agreeable to God vcjidcggx-c-00190-00090530-00091132 Whatever. His opinion is doesn't matter. I trust him. I know his character. I know what kind of person he is vcjidcggx-c-00191-00091132-00091372 So if he says that I go with them vcjidcggx-c-00192-00091451-00091651 like a puppy vcjidcggx-c-00193-00091664-00091996 Uh-huh. My wife just got a dog vcjidcggx-c-00194-00092192-00092392 Uh-huh, and vcjidcggx-c-00195-00092411-00092611 It is scary vcjidcggx-c-00196-00092699-00093103 This puppy now, do you know what kind of dog it is? vcjidcggx-c-00197-00093257-00093772 This bonding that they went through is frightening and I have become vcjidcggx-c-00198-00093869-00094159 And it's it's it doesn't bother me that much vcjidcggx-c-00199-00094260-00094561 Expendable this dog is replaced vcjidcggx-c-00200-00094655-00094826 everywhere vcjidcggx-c-00201-00094826-00095022 my wife go this vcjidcggx-c-00202-00095022-00095302 Dog follows her. I mean it's like vcjidcggx-c-00203-00095714-00095914 Anything vcjidcggx-c-00204-00095933-00096193 She wants to do with this dog this dog is vcjidcggx-c-00205-00096380-00096637 Here our stuff agreeable to it vcjidcggx-c-00206-00096786-00096986 Doesn't matter vcjidcggx-c-00207-00097031-00097720 What a sense wanna play wanna eat doesn't matter anything my wife does this puppy vcjidcggx-c-00208-00097892-00098092 Follows vcjidcggx-c-00209-00098306-00098545 That's what God is calling us to do vcjidcggx-c-00210-00098616-00098736 whatever vcjidcggx-c-00211-00098736-00098936 father does vcjidcggx-c-00212-00098957-00099661 Whether I understand it or not that puppy the IQ on that puppy. Let's be honest that dog's box of rocks dumb vcjidcggx-c-00213-00099908-00100108 The dog doesn't know it's dumb vcjidcggx-c-00214-00100167-00100886 See and that's the funny thing about been a counselor for 37 years. Whenever you're killing. Someone is dumb. They don't know they're done and vcjidcggx-c-00215-00101085-00101312 You can't just come out and tell them you're dumb vcjidcggx-c-00216-00101469-00101715 You have to gently work into it vcjidcggx-c-00217-00102058-00102494 A lot of this stuff is social service type stuff. I'm sharing vcjidcggx-c-00218-00102783-00103124 It's like compared to God we're dumb vcjidcggx-c-00219-00103330-00103760 And that's true compared to the whole ego with everybody and everything is done vcjidcggx-c-00220-00103932-00104540 So whatever he decides you agreed to it doesn't matter what it is if he says do this you just do it vcjidcggx-c-00221-00104760-00105059 The Holy Spirit touches you and says hey apologize vcjidcggx-c-00222-00105135-00105693 Wait a minute. They were 100% at fault. I was done better. You pulled my vcjidcggx-c-00223-00105838-00106343 Your the puppy and you're following that way I apologize for vcjidcggx-c-00224-00106549-00106749 Whatever you got to say vcjidcggx-c-00225-00106761-00107340 Because it's what he told you to do, even though you weren't involved. I don't understand that. It doesn't matter vcjidcggx-c-00226-00107401-00107616 you just agree with vcjidcggx-c-00227-00107704-00107904 What everything's? vcjidcggx-c-00228-00108022-00108782 And that's your reasonable that isn't even something unusual that's just common spiritual sense vcjidcggx-c-00229-00109086-00109563 Do not be conformed to this age I own this age and vcjidcggx-c-00230-00109846-00110046 This Greek words kind of interesting vcjidcggx-c-00231-00110275-00110556 So came at EADS o means to make a sketch of something vcjidcggx-c-00232-00110623-00110892 Like you would sketch a picture at a fair vcjidcggx-c-00233-00110968-00111135 right and vcjidcggx-c-00234-00111135-00111335 in this particular case vcjidcggx-c-00235-00111400-00111550 this word is vcjidcggx-c-00236-00111550-00111942 modified by this word Metamorpho meaning to morph or vcjidcggx-c-00237-00112003-00112105 transform vcjidcggx-c-00238-00112105-00112523 from one condition to another kind of like a caterpillar to a butterfly and vcjidcggx-c-00239-00112603-00112803 by the and a kindnesses vcjidcggx-c-00240-00112908-00113108 renovation of your mind vcjidcggx-c-00241-00113242-00113810 And my wife is a retired schoolteacher and a realtor now vcjidcggx-c-00242-00114043-00114308 And she likes to watch realtor shows vcjidcggx-c-00243-00114541-00114741 I'm gasping league board vcjidcggx-c-00244-00114927-00115562 But what they do is you'd buy this rotten home and these this couple or whoever's on the vcjidcggx-c-00245-00115614-00115991 reality show they go and they spend all kinds of money renovating this property and vcjidcggx-c-00246-00116052-00116252 Then they show pictures of it vcjidcggx-c-00247-00116344-00116789 When they're done here was the kitchen and there it was and it's awful. Here it is vcjidcggx-c-00248-00117013-00117126 Unbelievable vcjidcggx-c-00249-00117126-00117326 It's like it's not even the same home vcjidcggx-c-00250-00117408-00117620 Yeah, that's exactly what God's vcjidcggx-c-00251-00117697-00118125 the Holy Ghost is trying to do to you through the Word of God is completely vcjidcggx-c-00252-00118191-00118487 Renovate your mind because your mind in vcjidcggx-c-00253-00118576-00118937 Your condition is of no use to God vcjidcggx-c-00254-00119076-00119774 The carnal mind is at enmity against God X. Russ is a Greek word. It means it's hostile vcjidcggx-c-00255-00119865-00120065 to God, ah vcjidcggx-c-00256-00120192-00120836 Calm down dude, shut up. The mind of a human being doesn't work with God vcjidcggx-c-00257-00120966-00121175 Your mind sucks vcjidcggx-c-00258-00121582-00121782 No offense vcjidcggx-c-00259-00121813-00122060 So it has to be completely renovated vcjidcggx-c-00260-00122139-00122675 What these TV people do they go in there? It's amazing. They got the place vcjidcggx-c-00261-00122736-00123323 They got everything out the walls everything. It's amazing. I mean, these people are highly skilled. I vcjidcggx-c-00262-00123417-00123617 Couldn't care less, but it is amazing to watch vcjidcggx-c-00263-00123690-00123890 the end of the show vcjidcggx-c-00264-00123903-00124508 During this show I can't stand but I will take a minute and watch oh that's interesting. Here's what it looked like vcjidcggx-c-00265-00124570-00124802 Here's what it is. Now. Wow, this is gorgeous vcjidcggx-c-00266-00124924-00125124 Look at these rooms vcjidcggx-c-00267-00125142-00125516 Amazing. Oh, we took this wall out. We put in a new bay window vcjidcggx-c-00268-00125516-00125975 Oh god, you can see the pool. Now you can see it's incredible. These people are highly skilled vcjidcggx-c-00269-00126124-00126324 really talented people vcjidcggx-c-00270-00126339-00126653 The Holy Ghost is even more talented. What he's trying to do is vcjidcggx-c-00271-00126733-00127374 Gut your mind of its carnality and renovate it or transform it or morph it into vcjidcggx-c-00272-00127535-00127735 The mind of Christ vcjidcggx-c-00273-00127974-00128393 So that you think like God vcjidcggx-c-00274-00128769-00128977 Because if you keep thinking like yourself vcjidcggx-c-00275-00129066-00129562 The rest of your life is gonna suck as bad as the previous part of your life vcjidcggx-c-00276-00129666-00130252 You're never going to fulfill your destiny and many of you have a call from God vcjidcggx-c-00277-00130416-00130735 You will never fulfill that call until you go through this vcjidcggx-c-00278-00130827-00131117 caterpillar to the monarch butterfly process vcjidcggx-c-00279-00131181-00131476 where they got the kitchen in the bathroom and vcjidcggx-c-00280-00131562-00131821 Renovate this gorgeous property vcjidcggx-c-00281-00132261-00132461 It's a renovation job vcjidcggx-c-00282-00132468-00132630 Yeah vcjidcggx-c-00283-00132630-00133070 This really is reality TV. We are really going through this vcjidcggx-c-00284-00133185-00133403 Why are we doing all that? Why are you? vcjidcggx-c-00285-00133587-00134090 Sketching yourself into the mind of Christ. Why are you morphing your mind and renovating it? vcjidcggx-c-00286-00134090-00134618 why are you doing all these things so that you may not come as though test and vcjidcggx-c-00287-00134694-00134894 Find out what? vcjidcggx-c-00288-00134925-00135527 God's acceptable and perfect will is for you which is what you really want vcjidcggx-c-00289-00135612-00136384 Even though you don't act like it deep inside your soul. You really do want to serve there lowered vcjidcggx-c-00290-00136479-00136679 You do vcjidcggx-c-00291-00137139-00137286 Yeah vcjidcggx-c-00292-00137286-00137564 I've interviewed so many coops. You can't even count vcjidcggx-c-00293-00137592-00138095 I'm so far ahead of you in the interview queue and even believe I've known this 37 years vcjidcggx-c-00294-00138276-00138595 Every person that comes into mouth even Coke vcjidcggx-c-00295-00138705-00138905 deep down vcjidcggx-c-00296-00138918-00139092 deep they vcjidcggx-c-00297-00139092-00139260 do vcjidcggx-c-00298-00139260-00139460 Want God? vcjidcggx-c-00299-00139611-00139761 They do vcjidcggx-c-00300-00139761-00140201 They may not look like it they don't act like and they don't thought it but if you dig down in there vcjidcggx-c-00301-00140201-00140576 There's something in every human being there really is something in there vcjidcggx-c-00302-00140667-00140826 that is vcjidcggx-c-00303-00140826-00141026 hoping wishing wanting vcjidcggx-c-00304-00141267-00141547 God God vcjidcggx-c-00305-00141939-00142669 Nakamoto means to test why is there a test? Why would God need a test? He doesn't the devil tests you vcjidcggx-c-00306-00142755-00143231 He puts two different scenarios in front of you and he pretends that's God vcjidcggx-c-00307-00143346-00143612 See, but you know if you haven't renovated your mind vcjidcggx-c-00308-00143661-00144326 You won't know the difference between what the devil shoves in your face and what's God's will for your life you won't be able to vcjidcggx-c-00309-00144326-00144486 test them vcjidcggx-c-00310-00144486-00144911 You won't be able to test it based on God's Word. You won't be able to test it based on the symptoms vcjidcggx-c-00311-00144936-00145234 You won't understand what's happening to you. You won't get it vcjidcggx-c-00312-00145806-00146254 To your mind that were morphed into the mind of Christ vcjidcggx-c-00313-00146589-00147145 Paul said we have the mind of Christ. Whoa Paul did but he ain't sitting in my office vcjidcggx-c-00314-00147420-00147989 Yeah, that's a process there Paul had already gone through that process and vcjidcggx-c-00315-00148083-00148588 Renovated his mind. He now had the mind of Christ before he was a serial killer. I vcjidcggx-c-00316-00149064-00149579 Don't think you heard me he went from a serial killer to the greatest Christian that ever lived vcjidcggx-c-00317-00149658-00150358 That is a total morphing renovation. His mind morphed into the mind of Christ it was vcjidcggx-c-00318-00150438-00150638 unbelievable the biggest miracles ever vcjidcggx-c-00319-00150840-00151040 That's what he's telling us to do vcjidcggx-c-00320-00151149-00151795 So when a bunch of false doctrines came to the church Paul would write him a letter Timothy Corinthians whatever hey I'm doc vcjidcggx-c-00321-00151796-00151959 I'm testing it vcjidcggx-c-00322-00151959-00152666 That's not passing the test. That's a fake Jesus. That's another spirit. That's a false doctrine vcjidcggx-c-00323-00152691-00152891 That's a teaching of demons vcjidcggx-c-00324-00153120-00153755 Because his mind had been renovated the Corinthians their minds were not renovated and they didn't catch it vcjidcggx-c-00325-00153879-00154079 That's how far doctrines vcjidcggx-c-00326-00154101-00154805 Seep into the church. That's how spirits enter the church because splits and all kinds of other problems vcjidcggx-c-00327-00154995-00155195 This is it vcjidcggx-c-00328-00155244-00155594 That's a sketch okay that girl there vcjidcggx-c-00329-00155679-00155850 somebody with highly vcjidcggx-c-00330-00155850-00156021 artistic skills vcjidcggx-c-00331-00156021-00156150 sketched vcjidcggx-c-00332-00156150-00156273 her vcjidcggx-c-00333-00156273-00156751 Picture there but that's not what you're looking for is a Christian. This is the sketch you're looking for vcjidcggx-c-00334-00156831-00157283 You want to be sketched or become like? vcjidcggx-c-00335-00157410-00157610 him vcjidcggx-c-00336-00157617-00157967 That's what Paul's saying be a transform you must be vcjidcggx-c-00337-00158100-00158300 renovated vcjidcggx-c-00338-00158889-00159089 This is your goal vcjidcggx-c-00339-00159111-00159634 Not this one. That's a beautiful girl. That's a great painting. There's a sketch beautiful artist vcjidcggx-c-00340-00159660-00159860 That's not going to cut it in the spirit world vcjidcggx-c-00341-00159900-00160098 This has to happen you vcjidcggx-c-00342-00160098-00160298 must transform into vcjidcggx-c-00343-00160464-00160664 The son vcjidcggx-c-00344-00160749-00161141 Romans 12:3 I say through the grace given to me to every man among you vcjidcggx-c-00345-00161244-00161701 Now he goes on to explain what might block you from doing this vcjidcggx-c-00346-00161964-00162164 What what could block you from vcjidcggx-c-00347-00162303-00162680 Renovating your mind and transforming your mind and sketching yourself vcjidcggx-c-00348-00162768-00163090 To be like Jesus what could block that? Let me think for a second vcjidcggx-c-00349-00163167-00163281 aha vcjidcggx-c-00350-00163281-00163481 Oh vcjidcggx-c-00351-00163515-00163680 You people vcjidcggx-c-00352-00163680-00163927 Not a lot of bright people over here, but over here. Oh vcjidcggx-c-00353-00164040-00164333 Yeah, Lynette. Yes, sir. So Paul vcjidcggx-c-00354-00164412-00164996 Jumps right in so he doesn't lose his teaching. He's gonna you gonna stop it before it starts vcjidcggx-c-00355-00165060-00165448 That's brother Paul. Brilliant. He says vcjidcggx-c-00356-00165864-00166295 Super famille, what does that mean people that are self-absorbed? vcjidcggx-c-00357-00166425-00167023 Self-centered narcissistic our Cystic personality disorder people that think about themselves too much vcjidcggx-c-00358-00167234-00167423 That vcjidcggx-c-00359-00167423-00167962 destroy you from renewing your mind and being sketched into the likeness of the vcjidcggx-c-00360-00168029-00168197 Sun vcjidcggx-c-00361-00168197-00168397 You will lose everything vcjidcggx-c-00362-00168458-00169230 It's all about me and Oh God. It is to the devil not to the Holy Ghost vcjidcggx-c-00363-00169679-00170077 Don't do that. He says, you know think of yourself what vcjidcggx-c-00364-00170243-00170393 Safra now vcjidcggx-c-00365-00170393-00171148 This is an interesting word. It's the same greek word used in mark chapter 5 for the maniac of Gadara vcjidcggx-c-00366-00171242-00171442 The guy that was living in the tombs vcjidcggx-c-00367-00171530-00171745 Remember that story at the end of the story vcjidcggx-c-00368-00171800-00172426 The end of the story is so that townspeople came out to see this guy and they found him sitting there vcjidcggx-c-00369-00172505-00172705 clothed and in his vcjidcggx-c-00370-00172952-00173265 Thats the same word he was fain vcjidcggx-c-00371-00173447-00174148 Reverse the scripture and you can go a little deeper with it. Self-absorbed. People are insane vcjidcggx-c-00372-00176333-00176679 No Paul's not on the night train vcjidcggx-c-00373-00177020-00177220 Being self-absorbed vcjidcggx-c-00374-00177260-00177460 will lead you to vcjidcggx-c-00375-00177515-00177738 narcissism vanity pride vcjidcggx-c-00376-00177845-00178045 backsliding vcjidcggx-c-00377-00178079-00178271 Losing urinating vcjidcggx-c-00378-00178271-00178794 Getting caught the scandal all the TV preachers get caught the scandals vcjidcggx-c-00379-00178907-00179127 all had pride vcjidcggx-c-00380-00179216-00179920 They all saw themselves the way others told them. They were you're a great preacher God. You're a man of God vcjidcggx-c-00381-00179920-00180243 You got a fabulous and knowing y'all your Karen? vcjidcggx-c-00382-00180339-00181028 That's all sigh Kanak the demons move through the congregation. They tell them start telling him good things. I vcjidcggx-c-00383-00181485-00181685 Hear you I vcjidcggx-c-00384-00181732-00181932 Hear that vcjidcggx-c-00385-00182008-00182208 The devil will tell you good things vcjidcggx-c-00386-00182260-00183005 To keep you from transforming your mind into the mind of Christ Hebrews 1 Jesus emptied himself vcjidcggx-c-00387-00183109-00183291 And became obedient vcjidcggx-c-00388-00183291-00183617 To the sufferings of death. He lowered himself vcjidcggx-c-00389-00183721-00183923 Now he sits at the highest spot vcjidcggx-c-00390-00183934-00184526 If you lower yourself the Holy Ghost will come running to you and bring you to the highest spot vcjidcggx-c-00391-00184674-00185291 If you're focused on yourself all the time that's spiritual in sanity vcjidcggx-c-00392-00185848-00186611 Chapter 6 verse Corinthians. Do you not know that your bodies are now lost body parts of vcjidcggx-c-00393-00186903-00187103 Christ a vcjidcggx-c-00394-00187120-00187458 Foot is a Melos a hand finger a body part vcjidcggx-c-00395-00187570-00188174 Would you take a body part in this case is talking about your genitals, but he's using it as an illustration vcjidcggx-c-00396-00188400-00188699 Would you take that body part and make that part of a vcjidcggx-c-00397-00188802-00189464 Harlot, that's a Greek word for nay. It means a promiscuous woman whore gnosis and firmness promiscuous male vcjidcggx-c-00398-00189540-00189815 God forbid Paul says, what do you not know that? vcjidcggx-c-00399-00189871-00190652 When you are joined to a promiscuous woman or a promiscuous male, you are now one body with that person vcjidcggx-c-00400-00190854-00191237 Well, how does the devil spread demons really quickly, how does he like it vcjidcggx-c-00401-00191391-00191795 Open marriages or swinger clubs are fantastic for him vcjidcggx-c-00402-00192141-00192339 Because the demons just quickly vcjidcggx-c-00403-00192339-00192809 Transfer from one person through the other during intercourse you go from this one to have sex with that one this one vcjidcggx-c-00404-00192840-00193115 If you've had a string of guys and a string of gals vcjidcggx-c-00405-00193173-00193379 You've picked up a rack of spirits vcjidcggx-c-00406-00193674-00193874 They just transfer it vcjidcggx-c-00407-00194139-00194518 Then it says he that is joined to the lord is one spirit vcjidcggx-c-00408-00195029-00195721 This body of mine which is the temple of this my temple is getting old vcjidcggx-c-00409-00195888-00196088 And it doesn't look that good anymore vcjidcggx-c-00410-00196149-00196349 That's right. When I vcjidcggx-c-00411-00196371-00196964 you know get new 60s and then stuff starts to droop droop and things are hanging and vcjidcggx-c-00412-00197078-00197189 I vcjidcggx-c-00413-00197189-00197608 You know, you got to go to bed. You got to take your clothes off. Well, what I do is I vcjidcggx-c-00414-00197661-00197861 Go in the room. I shut the light off vcjidcggx-c-00415-00197942-00198310 Take my shirt off my pants and then I keep the light off. I vcjidcggx-c-00416-00198486-00198686 Make sure the dogs not around vcjidcggx-c-00417-00198885-00199132 The bathroom lights off the bathroom vcjidcggx-c-00418-00199374-00199858 Not the door a peek out no dog, no wife sneaked into the bed doctor good vcjidcggx-c-00419-00200136-00200458 It's nice when you're young cuz then your high I know it vcjidcggx-c-00420-00200523-00200694 but uh vcjidcggx-c-00421-00200694-00200894 This aging thing vcjidcggx-c-00422-00200915-00201142 Take my word for it kind of sucks vcjidcggx-c-00423-00201246-00201446 No offense vcjidcggx-c-00424-00201594-00201794 Your body is not vcjidcggx-c-00425-00201801-00202108 Where your Holy Ghost generator is? vcjidcggx-c-00426-00202158-00202930 It's in your spirit here. So you can look like garbage and be a spiritual powerhouse forgot vcjidcggx-c-00427-00203457-00204035 As your joy one spirit you and the Holy Ghost vcjidcggx-c-00428-00204747-00205125 Paul says listen, you gotta take care of your body and the most dangerous thing you can do in your body is what? vcjidcggx-c-00429-00205300-00205653 Sexual activity, why is it the most dangerous thing? vcjidcggx-c-00430-00205848-00206478 We can you pick up transfers listen to this every sin a man or woman does is act us outside the body vcjidcggx-c-00431-00206478-00206982 But he that commits fornication or porneia, which is any form of sexual sin vcjidcggx-c-00432-00207048-00207269 Sends ice into his own body vcjidcggx-c-00433-00207771-00208056 Do you not know that your body is the vcjidcggx-c-00434-00208234-00208724 Temple of the Holy Ghost it is in your spirit man in your body vcjidcggx-c-00435-00208807-00209007 Which is in you? vcjidcggx-c-00436-00209077-00209277 Which you have of God vcjidcggx-c-00437-00209380-00210035 now that have word there is different Greek words in this fate in this text echo means to vcjidcggx-c-00438-00210103-00210303 Grip something or have it? vcjidcggx-c-00439-00210384-00210797 Not just to have in your pocket like keys, but to have it like a hammer vcjidcggx-c-00440-00210856-00211079 Like you you're grasping it with vcjidcggx-c-00441-00211132-00211311 force and vcjidcggx-c-00442-00211311-00211511 motivation vcjidcggx-c-00443-00212484-00212684 You are not your own anymore vcjidcggx-c-00444-00212811-00213341 That would be the opposite of what a self-absorbed person vcjidcggx-c-00445-00213667-00214308 Someone who knows they're not there only more has gone through the renovation process in their mind you vcjidcggx-c-00446-00215244-00215462 Are now father's property vcjidcggx-c-00447-00216046-00216419 Why are you his property? Well, he says it right here. Hey vcjidcggx-c-00448-00216519-00216694 You were bought vcjidcggx-c-00449-00216694-00216906 off the slavery box locked vcjidcggx-c-00450-00217167-00217460 It will be an auction on earth to die in sin vcjidcggx-c-00451-00217723-00218453 So or Paul says the conclusion is for a person who's renovating their mind you don't teach your body a certain way vcjidcggx-c-00452-00219096-00219426 You know treat your spirit man and certainly they don't belong to you they're gods vcjidcggx-c-00453-00219928-00220128 Spirits or common sense vcjidcggx-c-00454-00220348-00221001 Here's the problem now we'll get to the mind Bible study. That was a warm-up vcjidcggx-c-00455-00221278-00221858 Why are there so many screwed up Christians, why are there so many Christians can't get delivered and healed etc, etc. Because vcjidcggx-c-00456-00222060-00222320 Transformation takes guts vcjidcggx-c-00457-00222480-00223223 And most Christians don't have it they're too self-absorbed they're too weak they're too cowardly they're too stupid vcjidcggx-c-00458-00223542-00224342 There is no way to transform your mind without a fight vcjidcggx-c-00459-00224610-00224810 It can't be done casually vcjidcggx-c-00460-00225255-00225421 John chapter 2 vcjidcggx-c-00461-00225421-00225698 Jesus had just been to Cana and vcjidcggx-c-00462-00225739-00226319 He went to a wedding and he turned a bunch of pots and some wine remember that story. Yeah vcjidcggx-c-00463-00226380-00227087 Everybody was happy he saved the day. Well, then it says he went down to Capernaum. That was his new headquarters vcjidcggx-c-00464-00227089-00227289 he was living there and vcjidcggx-c-00465-00227326-00227676 Cana is at a higher elevation than Capernaum could comfy rooms on the vcjidcggx-c-00466-00227802-00228404 Scene on the side of the sea there, so he goes down to Capernaum and his mother goes with him vcjidcggx-c-00467-00228471-00228905 His brothers go with him and his disciples went with him. I thought that was interesting vcjidcggx-c-00468-00228933-00229391 We don't even know who the disciples are now because this is the beginning of his ministry vcjidcggx-c-00469-00229627-00229871 It says the first miracle he ever did was vcjidcggx-c-00470-00230023-00230452 The wine in Cana he leaves Cana this is the beginning of his ministry vcjidcggx-c-00471-00230552-00230755 He goes down to Capernaum vcjidcggx-c-00472-00230819-00231328 My guess is he's setting up his a new home and his family went with him to see him off vcjidcggx-c-00473-00231328-00231961 I'm guessing I don't know why the family would go with him. Well, they continued there a few days. So then it says vcjidcggx-c-00474-00232043-00232309 The Jews Passover was at hand vcjidcggx-c-00475-00232436-00232927 So then Jesus leaves Capernaum and goes up to Jerusalem, which is an obviously a higher elevation vcjidcggx-c-00476-00233111-00233767 Now notice something funny here what the heck is the Jews Passover and why would God vcjidcggx-c-00477-00233918-00234118 Refer to it as the Jews Passover vcjidcggx-c-00478-00234275-00234401 Well vcjidcggx-c-00479-00234401-00234757 once you let a bunch of man-made doctrines vcjidcggx-c-00480-00234875-00235075 seep into the Word of God vcjidcggx-c-00481-00235088-00235336 it no longer becomes the Word of God a vcjidcggx-c-00482-00235400-00235562 little leaven vcjidcggx-c-00483-00235562-00236335 Leavens the whole lump as soon as you start putting them few negative thoughts in your mind a few prejudice spots a few a few vcjidcggx-c-00484-00236456-00236764 Self-deprecating thought as soon as you Pope a few thoughts in there. Oh vcjidcggx-c-00485-00236852-00237052 It starts to vcjidcggx-c-00486-00237089-00237613 Contaminate the rest of your mind. Well, the Jews had rotted out Judaism and vcjidcggx-c-00487-00237701-00238492 It wasn't even the Lord's Passover, which is what it was called in the beginning. Do you remember that? It's right here vcjidcggx-c-00488-00238637-00238870 It later became the Jews Passover vcjidcggx-c-00489-00239027-00239422 Which is telling us what the system was rotten vcjidcggx-c-00490-00240089-00240439 These guys here would have been great on Christian television vcjidcggx-c-00491-00240782-00241198 Make it a fortune, but rotting out people's souls vcjidcggx-c-00492-00241397-00241597 The church vcjidcggx-c-00493-00241616-00242251 Christianity did exactly the same thing the book of Acts you had the original Church the original gospel vcjidcggx-c-00494-00242393-00242758 That's how it was supposed to be handled. That's how you were supposed to do it vcjidcggx-c-00495-00242762-00243445 The pattern of behavior was Illustrated and then suddenly something happened well vcjidcggx-c-00496-00243612-00243759 Churches vcjidcggx-c-00497-00243759-00244123 Took over church denominations took over vcjidcggx-c-00498-00244188-00244561 Catholics or Protestants then - and suddenly vcjidcggx-c-00499-00244635-00244948 You've got a rotted out system that doesn't work anymore vcjidcggx-c-00500-00245096-00245839 Christian America is a rotted feces driven system that has allowed the devil to take over the entire vcjidcggx-c-00501-00245867-00246146 Country the whole country is rotten to the core. There's sin everywhere vcjidcggx-c-00502-00246273-00246473 There's churches on every corner vcjidcggx-c-00503-00246525-00246725 Telling you what? vcjidcggx-c-00504-00246726-00247120 It's not the Lord's Passover anymore. So the Jews Passover Jesus vcjidcggx-c-00505-00248109-00248735 Makes his first trip to Jerusalem right beginning of his ministry. Check this out vcjidcggx-c-00506-00248913-00249370 John chapter 2 beginning of his ministry. He walks into the temple and vcjidcggx-c-00507-00249501-00250018 He looks over and he sees what looks like Walmart vcjidcggx-c-00508-00250209-00250409 They're selling stuff vcjidcggx-c-00509-00250496-00250683 temple vcjidcggx-c-00510-00250683-00250883 They're marketing things vcjidcggx-c-00511-00251175-00251375 It's to Passover vcjidcggx-c-00512-00251502-00251705 It's like Memorial Day sales vcjidcggx-c-00513-00251796-00251996 fourth of July sales vcjidcggx-c-00514-00252009-00252314 Christmas number-one sales everywhere Christmas vcjidcggx-c-00515-00252384-00252829 Everybody's competing for their market share and at the Passover vcjidcggx-c-00516-00252891-00253035 Jews Passover vcjidcggx-c-00517-00253035-00253586 That's what the scribes and Pharisees were doing. They were using the temple and the Passover as a vcjidcggx-c-00518-00253692-00253892 money-making opportunity vcjidcggx-c-00519-00253967-00254167 Check it out vcjidcggx-c-00520-00254202-00254494 And when he made a scourge of small cords vcjidcggx-c-00521-00254823-00255091 Scoyne ian is a cord that you make out of vcjidcggx-c-00522-00255183-00255342 plants vcjidcggx-c-00523-00255342-00255542 It's not like the whips vcjidcggx-c-00524-00255555-00256136 the Romans used on Jesus that were made out of leather and had metal in it and bone in it and so on that would vcjidcggx-c-00525-00256206-00256591 Rip the person now these were were scores that use on vcjidcggx-c-00526-00256734-00257312 you know giddyup so to speak Jesus makes one of these chords and vcjidcggx-c-00527-00257556-00257848 Does what? Well, it's not a prayer-meeting vcjidcggx-c-00528-00258081-00258434 He takes this chord and he's whacking these people vcjidcggx-c-00529-00258513-00258657 What? vcjidcggx-c-00530-00258657-00259021 You gots to be kidding me. That's a felony here America vcjidcggx-c-00531-00259110-00259310 he's hitting them and vcjidcggx-c-00532-00259338-00259924 He's driving. Here's what it says. He drove them out of the temple. You didn't ask them to leave vcjidcggx-c-00533-00260117-00260317 Here you see the crux of vcjidcggx-c-00534-00260439-00260789 Sik Christians, here it is. They know they're sick vcjidcggx-c-00535-00260789-00261199 They know do you need to deliver say no they do you healing they know any need a change. They know something needs to be vcjidcggx-c-00536-00261450-00261659 They won't drive it out vcjidcggx-c-00537-00261852-00262052 They won't fight vcjidcggx-c-00538-00262134-00262334 They won't make sacrifices they're vcjidcggx-c-00539-00262398-00262539 accomplished it vcjidcggx-c-00540-00262539-00262739 What's the Holy Ghost illustrating here? vcjidcggx-c-00541-00262782-00263320 Listen, this is your temple. There's no temple anymore. This is your temple vcjidcggx-c-00542-00263343-00263720 You're gonna have to drive these things out. They're not going to go on their own vcjidcggx-c-00543-00263805-00264005 none of those animals vcjidcggx-c-00544-00264072-00264422 None of those people sell them stuff. We're gonna leave on their own that's their business vcjidcggx-c-00545-00264534-00264734 You're messing around with somebody's business vcjidcggx-c-00546-00264789-00265214 He's over throwing the tables. What's inappropriate to do in a seminar? vcjidcggx-c-00547-00265368-00265678 He's pouring out the money well, that's a sacrilege vcjidcggx-c-00548-00265908-00266213 Yo screw around with somebody's money if you gots half a brain vcjidcggx-c-00549-00266301-00266524 You do if you're desperate for God vcjidcggx-c-00550-00266619-00266742 and vcjidcggx-c-00551-00266742-00267085 The reasons Christians can't amount to anything is because they won't vcjidcggx-c-00552-00267159-00267454 Drive the crap out of their temple vcjidcggx-c-00553-00267543-00268057 They learn to adjust to it. Well, I've gotten this out but rule, I'm tired vcjidcggx-c-00554-00268065-00268495 maybe I can just and then they they have defense mechanisms and they have vcjidcggx-c-00555-00268527-00269125 Modifications and then I make up excuses then they point fingers at somebody and allow this crap to stay in the temple vcjidcggx-c-00556-00269250-00269450 Well, Jesus would have none of it vcjidcggx-c-00557-00269547-00269747 To start out his ministry vcjidcggx-c-00558-00269874-00270074 You cleanses the temple? vcjidcggx-c-00559-00270201-00270401 What an interesting metaphor vcjidcggx-c-00560-00270423-00270623 That was the beginning of his ministry vcjidcggx-c-00561-00270684-00270843 notice that vcjidcggx-c-00562-00270843-00270954 and vcjidcggx-c-00563-00270954-00271556 Was this a casual thing? No, this was violence, but he wasn't permanently hurting anybody vcjidcggx-c-00564-00271605-00272251 The-the-the the whip made out of plants was only to get the animal to move its lazy vcjidcggx-c-00565-00272370-00272570 Fanny vcjidcggx-c-00566-00272688-00272905 It wasn't to damage the ox vcjidcggx-c-00567-00273171-00273518 Jesus was not damaging them, but he was vcjidcggx-c-00568-00273654-00273857 Disciplining them. There's a difference vcjidcggx-c-00569-00274077-00274324 Discipline that damages is child abuse vcjidcggx-c-00570-00274497-00274697 Discipline vcjidcggx-c-00571-00274743-00275287 Is a blessing to a child child abuse is a scourge vcjidcggx-c-00572-00275523-00276191 He's flipping on with these cords that don't cause any permanent and a boy they stink how Jesus God Nevers vcjidcggx-c-00573-00276435-00276635 Yeah vcjidcggx-c-00574-00276936-00277667 The way we could get a revival in America we'd ask trump pass a law to vcjidcggx-c-00575-00277974-00278174 Line up every person vcjidcggx-c-00576-00278259-00278864 That goes to church on a certain date by law. They have to be there right the ends of them vcjidcggx-c-00577-00278964-00279099 and vcjidcggx-c-00578-00279099-00279299 Then Trump vcjidcggx-c-00579-00279387-00279646 hires a bunch of clippers vcjidcggx-c-00580-00279810-00279927 And vcjidcggx-c-00581-00279927-00280265 Millions of church people are standing there like that niggers vcjidcggx-c-00582-00280269-00280723 They just come up behind of us in it. And then on the count of three everybody drop your drawers vcjidcggx-c-00583-00280785-00281042 And the people stand back there vcjidcggx-c-00584-00281580-00281969 God didn't do that. Trump's not gonna do it. He doesn't know anything about what I'm talking about vcjidcggx-c-00585-00282075-00282680 But the Holy Ghost does and he allows certain things that come into your life that are unpleasant vcjidcggx-c-00586-00283154-00283497 Trying to motivate you to cleanse your temple vcjidcggx-c-00587-00283721-00283962 And unpleasant things keep happening vcjidcggx-c-00588-00284686-00284886 Until you change vcjidcggx-c-00589-00284999-00285577 He drives all these crooks out of the temple here in John chapters 2 and he said to them take these things out vcjidcggx-c-00590-00285701-00285869 this is my vcjidcggx-c-00591-00285869-00286025 father's house vcjidcggx-c-00592-00286025-00286623 He says here sixty times in the Gospels. Jesus uses that term my father vcjidcggx-c-00593-00286721-00286932 which indicates to me they had a vcjidcggx-c-00594-00287315-00287760 They were bonding even more than my wife has bonded with vcjidcggx-c-00595-00287956-00288306 That puppy at the house, it's amazing vcjidcggx-c-00596-00288545-00288928 Don't make my house an emporium. What is that it Walmart vcjidcggx-c-00597-00289105-00289305 Have you ever been a Walmart I vcjidcggx-c-00598-00289606-00289914 Shop there all the time, but I only buy the top of not stuff vcjidcggx-c-00599-00290117-00290230 But vcjidcggx-c-00600-00290230-00290430 at Christmas time vcjidcggx-c-00601-00290447-00290664 if you've ever been to certain Walmart's oh vcjidcggx-c-00602-00290738-00290938 Oh, you don't know vcjidcggx-c-00603-00291014-00291214 You don't know what you're missing vcjidcggx-c-00604-00291317-00292117 For example the one at 19th Avenue and Bethany during Christmas, I dare you to go in there vcjidcggx-c-00605-00292298-00292860 I'm telling you the place looks like somebody set off a pipe bomb vcjidcggx-c-00606-00293444-00294087 That is Greek Emporium, it's a place where they sold a bunch of stuff vcjidcggx-c-00607-00294229-00294429 It's not a spiritual event vcjidcggx-c-00608-00294554-00294740 You're just shopping vcjidcggx-c-00609-00294740-00295369 Now I realize that's a spiritual event for some people that's a demonic spiritual event. That's a shopping addiction. That's another subject vcjidcggx-c-00610-00295630-00295860 You made my father's house a vcjidcggx-c-00611-00296045-00296245 Target and vcjidcggx-c-00612-00296322-00296915 Quotes Psalm 69 and those disciples remembered that it was written the zeal vcjidcggx-c-00613-00296961-00297710 Of my house and now we get to American Christianity and see why it's so weak and why it's so dead vcjidcggx-c-00614-00297769-00297969 no zeal to vcjidcggx-c-00615-00298222-00298605 Renovate the mind into the mind of Christ vcjidcggx-c-00616-00298846-00299484 People who will not voluntarily renovate their mind have to be encouraged to do it vcjidcggx-c-00617-00299683-00299833 By the Holy Ghost vcjidcggx-c-00618-00299833-00300033 How does he do it? Take a whip - nope vcjidcggx-c-00619-00300091-00300386 He doesn't take a whip to you. He uses vcjidcggx-c-00620-00300448-00300559 unpleasant vcjidcggx-c-00621-00300559-00300759 circumstances in your life vcjidcggx-c-00622-00300871-00301284 To get your attention to motivate you to change vcjidcggx-c-00623-00302194-00302394 Carrying a homelessness vcjidcggx-c-00624-00302428-00302750 Foreclosure on divorce whatever it is vcjidcggx-c-00625-00302859-00303320 There's a whole laundry list of things. He will not cause but allowed to happen vcjidcggx-c-00626-00303411-00303604 to get you vcjidcggx-c-00627-00303604-00303759 to vcjidcggx-c-00628-00303759-00303959 See your destiny vcjidcggx-c-00629-00304138-00304338 Because it's been fogged over vcjidcggx-c-00630-00305475-00306020 Bunch of people were downtown Phoenix a couple of months ago and they were pitching a fit down there and the cops came in vcjidcggx-c-00631-00306048-00306400 they took these containers on there somewhere and they put vcjidcggx-c-00632-00306606-00306726 And vcjidcggx-c-00633-00306726-00307112 these things started emitting fog and vcjidcggx-c-00634-00307191-00307365 I mean it was thick vcjidcggx-c-00635-00307365-00307563 and vcjidcggx-c-00636-00307563-00307783 Supposedly it doesn't feel that good either vcjidcggx-c-00637-00307914-00308114 one of those things called vcjidcggx-c-00638-00308205-00308405 What vcjidcggx-c-00639-00308625-00308825 They're they vcjidcggx-c-00640-00308994-00309194 Smoke grenades, okay vcjidcggx-c-00641-00309195-00309781 When I was a kid back in the 60s and 50s, they used to have what they called a smoke bomb vcjidcggx-c-00642-00309843-00310141 You ever heard of that? No, I don't think they sell many more vcjidcggx-c-00643-00310142-00310622 But anyway, you let one of those off and you never did it around yourself. You always did around something vcjidcggx-c-00644-00310622-00311008 You didn't like those things had a lot of smoke to it, and they stunk vcjidcggx-c-00645-00311136-00311452 Yeah, you smoked them out. All right both ends vcjidcggx-c-00646-00311736-00312001 Well in Christianity the cares of this life vcjidcggx-c-00647-00312084-00312473 worries fears anxieties are like smoke bombs and vcjidcggx-c-00648-00312513-00313067 The Christian no longer sees their call from God. They don't see their destiny anymore vcjidcggx-c-00649-00313067-00313322 All they see is this crap right in front of their face vcjidcggx-c-00650-00313443-00313820 so the spirit of the God instead of using a whip like Jesus use vcjidcggx-c-00651-00313911-00314407 Uses unpleasant circumstances to motivate you to move out of your fog vcjidcggx-c-00652-00314631-00314894 Into a moment of as alcoholics a vcjidcggx-c-00653-00314979-00315105 clarity vcjidcggx-c-00654-00315105-00315305 That's what you need is a moment of clarity vcjidcggx-c-00655-00315387-00315719 But you can't get any clarity while you're in the middle of a fog vcjidcggx-c-00656-00315867-00316453 So everybody downtown peeves they started running. So does they saw those things coming in? They everybody bolted? vcjidcggx-c-00657-00316596-00316796 Why they want to be in a fog? vcjidcggx-c-00658-00316818-00317294 God wouldn't it be great if Christians were like the people downtown rioting. Havi so great vcjidcggx-c-00659-00317378-00317671 I don't want to be in a fog. Oh, what a divine inspiration vcjidcggx-c-00660-00318270-00318785 You wouldn't believe the number people that come into my office for help and I say no and this is what needs to happen and vcjidcggx-c-00661-00318785-00319069 maybe this needs to be changed and the Bible says this or that and vcjidcggx-c-00662-00319125-00319325 instead of going yes vcjidcggx-c-00663-00319392-00319592 Thank you vcjidcggx-c-00664-00319629-00319829 God vcjidcggx-c-00665-00319833-00320033 It's vcjidcggx-c-00666-00321165-00321391 What there's no zero there vcjidcggx-c-00667-00321657-00321857 There's no vcjidcggx-c-00668-00321888-00322171 My god I can get out of the fog I see it vcjidcggx-c-00669-00322368-00322545 Jesus had the zeal vcjidcggx-c-00670-00322545-00323017 And his father's house had become an economic whorehouse vcjidcggx-c-00671-00323091-00323291 He took those vcjidcggx-c-00672-00323412-00323692 Whips and he drove them out vcjidcggx-c-00673-00323850-00324179 Yeah, he whacked that ox in me vcjidcggx-c-00674-00324435-00324812 You know what it's like a whackin box in a van they don't like vcjidcggx-c-00675-00324960-00325160 their stomach vcjidcggx-c-00676-00325251-00325535 They make weird noises Lulla and all kinds of weird stuff vcjidcggx-c-00677-00325677-00325877 Sometimes they poop vcjidcggx-c-00678-00325911-00326395 He didn't care. He smacked that thing. He smacked that one vcjidcggx-c-00679-00326646-00327146 Are you talking about Jesus what's wrong with Jesus that's a sin isn't that's a blessing? vcjidcggx-c-00680-00327306-00327694 Discipleship discipline. It's a blessing from God vcjidcggx-c-00681-00328137-00328501 You see we even believe what happened during that last divorce I would believe it vcjidcggx-c-00682-00328514-00328768 I do married account say I know the horror stories vcjidcggx-c-00683-00328769-00328872 I've heard a thousand of them vcjidcggx-c-00684-00328872-00329414 But what you don't believe to what you don't understand is that could have been the best thing that ever happened vcjidcggx-c-00685-00329565-00330240 Getting rid of that demon infected person down the road when you look back on it you're cheering the joy vcjidcggx-c-00686-00330454-00330654 God don't name any names vcjidcggx-c-00687-00330982-00331379 Then answered the Jews not God's people notice. It's the Jews vcjidcggx-c-00688-00331519-00331856 What miracle do you show us some in that you're doing these things? vcjidcggx-c-00689-00331857-00332295 What authority you have to do these things that Jesus says what he focuses on your body vcjidcggx-c-00690-00332404-00332604 He says destroy this vcjidcggx-c-00691-00332824-00333467 There's there's temples right there see you God godly temples right here there's vcjidcggx-c-00692-00334093-00334760 This of the Jews, what are you talking about? What are you nuts it took 46 years to build this temple? vcjidcggx-c-00693-00335362-00335708 Now that's an interesting statement, isn't it 46 I vcjidcggx-c-00694-00335917-00336155 Took a diversion from the Bible study here vcjidcggx-c-00695-00336286-00336837 And antiquities in the book 15 Josephus says some interesting things. I vcjidcggx-c-00696-00337024-00337226 Put these temples up here just for fun vcjidcggx-c-00697-00337375-00338085 If you're not interested again - not just for a second, but here's the temples and the dates right? So we had Solomon's Temple vcjidcggx-c-00698-00338164-00338344 over a thousand years vcjidcggx-c-00699-00338344-00338898 BC then we had zero Bobo who rebuilt that temple after the Babylonian vcjidcggx-c-00700-00338995-00339195 captivity remember and vcjidcggx-c-00701-00339295-00339806 It took seven and a half years for Solomon to build the temple. The reason for that is he had so many workers vcjidcggx-c-00702-00339940-00340229 Zerubabbel had a bunch of volunteers vcjidcggx-c-00703-00340489-00341012 Solomon had you know top-notch union for personnel vcjidcggx-c-00704-00341158-00341504 It took only seven years to build that temple, but it took him 20 years to build it vcjidcggx-c-00705-00341557-00342060 Then according to Josephus Herod the Great started rebuilding the temple vcjidcggx-c-00706-00342133-00342333 20 BC vcjidcggx-c-00707-00342370-00342564 So if that statement is right vcjidcggx-c-00708-00342564-00343256 I'm not saying it is if that's right 40 six years would have started from 20, BC vcjidcggx-c-00709-00343635-00343871 So if you if you vcjidcggx-c-00710-00343972-00344172 Look at the text vcjidcggx-c-00711-00344179-00344402 The Bible does say Jesus was somewhere around vcjidcggx-c-00712-00344425-00344846 30 when he started in his public ministry there about so it doesn't say the exact age vcjidcggx-c-00713-00344847-00345068 But I mean, it could have been 29 31, whatever vcjidcggx-c-00714-00345142-00345362 who cares but it would route in that neighborhood and vcjidcggx-c-00715-00345415-00345734 If it was 46 years ago, that means the temple vcjidcggx-c-00716-00345786-00346088 Had to have been finished in Jesus lifetime vcjidcggx-c-00717-00346300-00346500 Before he went into the ministry vcjidcggx-c-00718-00346843-00347210 No, this is just my own amusement, I just did this for me vcjidcggx-c-00719-00347443-00347840 The Bible also says the Jews rebuild the temple during the tribulation vcjidcggx-c-00720-00347995-00348689 The Antichrist takes over the temple during the tribulation remember and it says during two millennia when Jesus comes back vcjidcggx-c-00721-00348727-00349241 He rebuilds the final temple for eternity in Jerusalem in vcjidcggx-c-00722-00349300-00349556 The New Jerusalem the temple is rebuilt vcjidcggx-c-00723-00349618-00349818 for eternity vcjidcggx-c-00724-00350020-00350483 Because my own things check this out this is really interesting at the end of his ministry vcjidcggx-c-00725-00350631-00350906 Jesus has to cleanse the temple again vcjidcggx-c-00726-00351156-00351356 What's that telling us vcjidcggx-c-00727-00351427-00351971 You wouldn't believe how many people come here and get these tremendous breakthroughs the vcjidcggx-c-00728-00352080-00352550 Devil attacks him right after that and says you are feeling great vcjidcggx-c-00729-00352618-00352806 You're doing great vcjidcggx-c-00730-00352806-00353144 That was fantastic. You kicked our butts vcjidcggx-c-00731-00353350-00353550 You're good vcjidcggx-c-00732-00353559-00354203 The person never knowing does some of the spirits are gone dormant and they were hiding in there vcjidcggx-c-00733-00354435-00354659 Waiting for a chance to manifest later vcjidcggx-c-00734-00355329-00355529 The word of faith crackpots vcjidcggx-c-00735-00355569-00355769 dude deliverance like this vcjidcggx-c-00736-00355784-00355968 They're all cooks vcjidcggx-c-00737-00355968-00356168 In the name of Jesus come out go vcjidcggx-c-00738-00356193-00356393 He's gone. He's out vcjidcggx-c-00739-00356496-00356696 But wait a minute. I vcjidcggx-c-00740-00356745-00357275 Guess you still see pterodactyls on my head. Now, you're gone. They're gone. They're out of there. You're healed vcjidcggx-c-00741-00357275-00357493 You're fine the name of Jesus be healed vcjidcggx-c-00742-00357624-00358042 No, hey, don't don't make a bad confession Chester vcjidcggx-c-00743-00358128-00358534 Okay, that word of faith. Crap doesn't work and that's not in the Bible vcjidcggx-c-00744-00358596-00358930 You got to take the scriptures out of contents to come up with a word of faith crap vcjidcggx-c-00745-00359076-00359804 What's Jesus telling you? There may be a need for more than one cleansing of your temples vcjidcggx-c-00746-00359954-00360472 Because for obvious reasons some people send more than other people vcjidcggx-c-00747-00360888-00361088 Brother Mike as a deep vcjidcggx-c-00748-00361224-00361531 Yeah, listen your grandmother your great-grandmother vcjidcggx-c-00749-00361595-00361834 You know said damn or hell a few times vcjidcggx-c-00750-00361899-00362143 And got mad a couple times when grandpa vcjidcggx-c-00751-00362214-00362798 Flagellated and that was the sin and she should have done and everybody agrees that's wrong. She needs to be saved vcjidcggx-c-00752-00362885-00363097 But you slept with 50 guys vcjidcggx-c-00753-00363417-00363671 There's a little difference between you and grandma vcjidcggx-c-00754-00364026-00364381 You got involved in new-age witchcraft vcjidcggx-c-00755-00364725-00365402 You're different than grandma or great-grandma, so that means you may have different demons than grandma dad vcjidcggx-c-00756-00365483-00365689 Correct. So therefore vcjidcggx-c-00757-00365772-00366350 One person may need a few cleansing one person may need a few more another person. Maybe a few more more MORE vcjidcggx-c-00758-00366444-00366892 What Jesus is telling you it doesn't matter how many you need just get it done vcjidcggx-c-00759-00367562-00368160 Because if you don't get it done don't manifest later at a weak spot and vcjidcggx-c-00760-00368231-00368650 You'll go. Oh my god there I go again. I thought I was delivered vcjidcggx-c-00761-00368768-00369054 The SS laughing his guts up at you vcjidcggx-c-00762-00369182-00369688 Why because you're spiritually ignorant not after tonight. Here's a second cleansing vcjidcggx-c-00763-00369728-00370125 You mean Jesus had to do something twice. He had to do a lot of things more than once vcjidcggx-c-00764-00370126-00370687 Check this out mark 11. This was after his triumphal entry into Jerusalem vcjidcggx-c-00765-00370769-00371272 They came to Jerusalem just went into the temple and began to cast out those who sold and bought in the temple vcjidcggx-c-00766-00371276-00371728 He overthrew the temples of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves vcjidcggx-c-00767-00371861-00372061 now for some reason vcjidcggx-c-00768-00372116-00372346 Notice there wasn't a livestock in this one vcjidcggx-c-00769-00372872-00373072 Look vcjidcggx-c-00770-00373553-00374128 As you go through your process of renewing your mind and deliverance vcjidcggx-c-00771-00374318-00374518 You're slowly getting better vcjidcggx-c-00772-00374666-00375024 So the first time you went through it you had a bunch of yaks in there a vcjidcggx-c-00773-00375134-00375868 Bunch of cows a bunch of sheep and a bunch more crap. Well as you go through the process vcjidcggx-c-00774-00375956-00376291 Those aren't there anymore these things are there doves? vcjidcggx-c-00775-00376379-00376565 false doctrines vcjidcggx-c-00776-00376565-00376757 fake teachings vcjidcggx-c-00777-00376757-00376957 Pride some bitterness vcjidcggx-c-00778-00377123-00377323 Maybe the witchcraft stuffs gone vcjidcggx-c-00779-00377330-00377414 but the vcjidcggx-c-00780-00377414-00377811 Negativity toward your mother and dad are still so as you go through your process of vcjidcggx-c-00781-00377819-00378075 Renovating your mind as you morph into the mind of Christ you vcjidcggx-c-00782-00378170-00378702 Gradually whittle off like a fisherman on the bank you whittle it down vcjidcggx-c-00783-00378950-00379417 Jesus went to the temple a second time to cleanse it out and he noticed it wasn't as bad as the first time vcjidcggx-c-00784-00379487-00379765 Then Jesus did what wow vcjidcggx-c-00785-00379871-00380071 What a revelation vcjidcggx-c-00786-00380095-00380460 Said you're not gonna be allowed to bring any more crap back into the temple vcjidcggx-c-00787-00381230-00381699 Wait a minute, you mean after I go through renovation, I have to guard my mind vcjidcggx-c-00788-00381944-00382144 Yeah vcjidcggx-c-00789-00382199-00382399 Brother Mike vcjidcggx-c-00790-00382568-00383085 He said hey now that I threw this stuff out don't bring this crap back in vcjidcggx-c-00791-00383753-00384249 It is not written my house shall be called a house of All Nations the House of Prayer you made it a den of thieves vcjidcggx-c-00792-00384455-00384720 Demons come to steal kill and destroy there vcjidcggx-c-00793-00384791-00385231 They come to steal the most important thing of all truth out of your mind. That's what they want vcjidcggx-c-00794-00385231-00385539 The most they want to steal truth from you vcjidcggx-c-00795-00385670-00385908 And then they always replace it with something false vcjidcggx-c-00796-00386705-00387432 Your mind it's like a den of thieves cron chronically going- vcjidcggx-c-00797-00387749-00388011 Chronically seeing the glass half empty vcjidcggx-c-00798-00388673-00388873 Negativity a vcjidcggx-c-00799-00388943-00389143 Den of thieves vcjidcggx-c-00800-00389257-00389874 Stealing your faith implanting doubts stealing your hopes implanting fears vcjidcggx-c-00801-00390554-00391051 Was iminium mean I'm extra bad absolutely not everybody goes through it vcjidcggx-c-00802-00391051-00391390 It's the transformation process we all do it vcjidcggx-c-00803-00391529-00391722 everybody vcjidcggx-c-00804-00391722-00391922 Goes through it. I vcjidcggx-c-00805-00392145-00392629 Could died years ago. I was reading a book on Smith Wigglesworth vcjidcggx-c-00806-00392838-00393376 They woke up one morning he'd been in the ministry for years this guy had seen every miracle in the book vcjidcggx-c-00807-00393570-00393859 And the Holy Spirit spoke to him vcjidcggx-c-00808-00394116-00394316 And told him vcjidcggx-c-00809-00394703-00395149 I'm gonna remove Smith Wigglesworth and every trace of him from you vcjidcggx-c-00810-00396063-00396679 That was after he had been in the ministry for years see miracle after miracle after miracle vcjidcggx-c-00811-00397223-00397804 He said every morning I get up there's a whole bunch of stuff I gotta clear out of my mind vcjidcggx-c-00812-00398474-00399091 It's perfectly normal to go through this process. You are not a sick person. You're not a weird vcjidcggx-c-00813-00399092-00399835 Oh, you're not a nut you're a normal child of God. It's a process of transformation. It doesn't happen overnight vcjidcggx-c-00814-00399942-00400113 so vcjidcggx-c-00815-00400113-00400448 What you've got to do is be patient with yourself vcjidcggx-c-00816-00400722-00401353 God's not done with you yet patience is the key the Holy Ghost has got racks of it vcjidcggx-c-00817-00402486-00402722 The scribes and the chief priests heard me vcjidcggx-c-00818-00402846-00403493 One, of course. They wanted to kill him why when somebody takes your money from you? vcjidcggx-c-00819-00403623-00403892 They've hit you in your sweet spot vcjidcggx-c-00820-00404028-00404351 Money the love of it is a root of all evil vcjidcggx-c-00821-00404523-00405185 They hated him for it they were using the Sabbath and God's laws, which were pure vcjidcggx-c-00822-00405252-00405854 To rake in money like TV preachers they had horde themselves out vcjidcggx-c-00823-00406203-00406871 When you start taking money from hordes they'll call their pimp and you're gonna go down vcjidcggx-c-00824-00407103-00407798 AHA yeah, ah, the the Jews called their pimp the Romans named work butcher team vcjidcggx-c-00825-00407994-00408605 Why messing with your money don't mess with somebody's money you'll get killed vcjidcggx-c-00826-00408822-00409022 They feared him because vcjidcggx-c-00827-00409224-00409823 All the people and applause is a mob or a crowd Jesus drew huge crowds vcjidcggx-c-00828-00409942-00410142 wherever he went and vcjidcggx-c-00829-00410154-00410483 The Jews and the scribes and the Pharisees they were boring vcjidcggx-c-00830-00410742-00410942 And were jealous of him vcjidcggx-c-00831-00410988-00411290 because a bigger crowd as a TV preacher will tell you is vcjidcggx-c-00832-00411411-00411980 More units of Revenue the potential of financial gain with a larger crowd vcjidcggx-c-00833-00412014-00412235 Statistically is better than a smaller crowd. I vcjidcggx-c-00834-00412569-00413288 Know what you're thinking right now. I can't compete with brother Mike. Okay. This guy's this guy's got it vcjidcggx-c-00835-00413385-00413894 No, this is how preachers thinks. I'm not making this up. I make up a lot of stuff, but I'm not making this up vcjidcggx-c-00836-00414046-00414491 The more human beings that are sitting in that seat see this seat right here vcjidcggx-c-00837-00414492-00414872 There's nobody in it the potential for revenue out of that see is zero vcjidcggx-c-00838-00415173-00415373 Math majors vcjidcggx-c-00839-00415417-00415575 yeah, I vcjidcggx-c-00840-00415575-00415802 See the envy on your poor people vcjidcggx-c-00841-00415888-00416297 There's no revenue there. There's potential revenue here vcjidcggx-c-00842-00416425-00416975 See, so the TV preachers want a bigger crowd. So what do you got to do you had a Hillsong this thing? vcjidcggx-c-00843-00417231-00417446 Entertainment coming out of your ears. Wow vcjidcggx-c-00844-00417556-00417864 This is amazing and it works vcjidcggx-c-00845-00417985-00418364 They wouldn't do it. It didn't work. They take in millions vcjidcggx-c-00846-00419497-00419975 And even evening came he went all day like that can you imagine and that was a tough day vcjidcggx-c-00847-00419997-00420575 I've had some tough days here. You've had tough days. I had a tough day yesterday here Wow is unbelievable vcjidcggx-c-00848-00420576-00420776 You get home till 10:00 quarter of eleven vcjidcggx-c-00849-00421009-00421289 So one tough case after the other vcjidcggx-c-00850-00421402-00421602 when I left vcjidcggx-c-00851-00421612-00422000 Kelly was sitting in a corner somewhere drooling she had a topic vcjidcggx-c-00852-00422152-00422756 He was wiped out and I was too tired to even go comfort it I had I staggered out to the truck vcjidcggx-c-00853-00422905-00423483 Jesus I can't even envision the days he adds knowing what the stuff I go through vcjidcggx-c-00854-00423658-00424133 He's casting out the temple in the morning he's whipping thieves vcjidcggx-c-00855-00424267-00424700 At the first service. He's teaching him all day at the second service vcjidcggx-c-00856-00424747-00425360 then he's healing and praying for the sick and casting out demons in the evening and then it says vcjidcggx-c-00857-00425439-00425639 He took off vcjidcggx-c-00858-00425731-00425931 What's God telling you do the same vcjidcggx-c-00859-00426016-00426428 You can't work 24/7 for God and he doesn't expect you to do it vcjidcggx-c-00860-00426532-00426960 You're a human being Jesus was a human being you have to get rest vcjidcggx-c-00861-00427014-00427331 the reason is because when you get tired as Vince Lombardi said vcjidcggx-c-00862-00427366-00427886 Fatigue makes cowards of us all the devil takes advantage of you when you're tired vcjidcggx-c-00863-00428017-00428531 That's when he brings the mob in - kids come at once while you're exhausted vcjidcggx-c-00864-00428692-00428892 - ex-husbands call it once when you vcjidcggx-c-00865-00429181-00429453 Matthew 21. Jesus went into the temple of God and vcjidcggx-c-00866-00429541-00429914 Cast out all those who bought and sold in temple. This is the vcjidcggx-c-00867-00430012-00430212 second version of this vcjidcggx-c-00868-00430267-00430671 Second cleansing at the ends of his ministry. It's in mark and Matthew check this out vcjidcggx-c-00869-00430702-00431037 He overthrew the tables and the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves vcjidcggx-c-00870-00431077-00431558 and he said it is written my house shall be called the house of prayer, but you made it a vcjidcggx-c-00871-00431632-00431797 and the thieves vcjidcggx-c-00872-00431797-00431997 van it says vcjidcggx-c-00873-00432016-00432216 After he cleansed the temple vcjidcggx-c-00874-00432664-00432864 He did ministry vcjidcggx-c-00875-00433047-00433418 Well, I know I know it's sinking in right now you see the pattern here vcjidcggx-c-00876-00433543-00433751 the Holy Spirit setting up this pattern vcjidcggx-c-00877-00433864-00434064 cleansing first vcjidcggx-c-00878-00434089-00434289 cleansing first vcjidcggx-c-00879-00434578-00434822 Get the crap out first I vcjidcggx-c-00880-00435199-00435791 Know they can transform your mind first then do ministry not in America vcjidcggx-c-00881-00435934-00436114 We do it the opposite vcjidcggx-c-00882-00436114-00436745 Let's see as soon as somebody gets saved and they've got their first love and they're on fire for God we go. Wow vcjidcggx-c-00883-00436797-00437253 Somebody's on fire for God this the only person in the whole church, so we got to use them while it lasts vcjidcggx-c-00884-00437253-00437744 So this person gets right into ministry the devil sees them coming and he's holding his guts vcjidcggx-c-00885-00437797-00438170 laughing he sees this rookie coming in who doesn't have vcjidcggx-c-00886-00438262-00438680 The training the discipleship the Word of God, no nothing, but he's got love and enthusiasm vcjidcggx-c-00887-00438745-00439149 See the devil loves people with love and enthusiasm with no brains vcjidcggx-c-00888-00439338-00439700 They're easy pickings for him easy pickins vcjidcggx-c-00889-00439866-00440066 Danna backsliding in two months vcjidcggx-c-00890-00440145-00440459 And the devil explains to the person that just got saved vcjidcggx-c-00891-00440459-00441017 He's got his first love he's all enthused the demons explain to him those people at your church vcjidcggx-c-00892-00441378-00442175 There's something wrong with them, not you you're great and there it goes vcjidcggx-c-00893-00442551-00442765 As soon as people start telling you're great vcjidcggx-c-00894-00442902-00443260 You can hear something in the background. You know what it is a fuse vcjidcggx-c-00895-00443445-00443645 What's at the end of a fuse vcjidcggx-c-00896-00444060-00444757 You go through cleansing first before you go into the ministry not Bible college or seminary vcjidcggx-c-00897-00444834-00444960 Hello vcjidcggx-c-00898-00444960-00445379 when the chief priests and scribes saw that all the wonderful things he did and vcjidcggx-c-00899-00445467-00445756 the children crying in the temple Hosanna vcjidcggx-c-00900-00445827-00446188 Son of David they were oh don't you see it? vcjidcggx-c-00901-00446343-00446774 If you cleanse yourself you will be in the minority of vcjidcggx-c-00902-00446868-00447118 Christians because most Christians won't do it vcjidcggx-c-00903-00447177-00447814 It's too hard requires too much work. They don't have any zeal. They got no guts. They're too lazy vcjidcggx-c-00904-00447834-00448306 They want to drive through experience. They don't want to cook a meal. You want a drive-thru killer vcjidcggx-c-00905-00448491-00448799 If you decide to cleanse yourself vcjidcggx-c-00906-00448887-00449681 Separate yourself to use another term sanctification you separate yourself or sanctify yourself to God. If you do that, you will be in the minority vcjidcggx-c-00907-00449847-00450169 Then after that you go into the ministry vcjidcggx-c-00908-00450300-00450991 Your ministry would be legitimate then because you've already cleansed yourself here. You've already renewed your mind and guess what happens next? vcjidcggx-c-00909-00451164-00451364 You get attacked vcjidcggx-c-00910-00451560-00452084 If you decide to do the right thing, you will draw the wrong people vcjidcggx-c-00911-00453401-00453769 I shouldn't share this, but I she's not here anymore vcjidcggx-c-00912-00454026-00454342 Vivian used to be here remember her and vcjidcggx-c-00913-00454661-00455149 We did everything we could to help Vivian because I saw she had a bright future ahead of her I vcjidcggx-c-00914-00455217-00455431 Took her my office one day and say listen this vcjidcggx-c-00915-00456032-00456224 You're a beautiful woman vcjidcggx-c-00916-00456224-00456964 You got an effervescent outgoing personality. You're intelligent. You got enthusiasm you got all these assets vcjidcggx-c-00917-00457094-00457657 For God and she loves God and she wants to serve that she's excited vcjidcggx-c-00918-00457863-00458161 Everything I just mentioned to you kind of puts her in a minority. I vcjidcggx-c-00919-00458442-00458659 Said once you get out in your ministry vcjidcggx-c-00920-00458913-00459113 You need to be careful because vcjidcggx-c-00921-00459311-00459535 The devil is going to send you a man vcjidcggx-c-00922-00459749-00459949 To help you vcjidcggx-c-00923-00461252-00461564 And that person that they send you vcjidcggx-c-00924-00461853-00462053 It's all positive vcjidcggx-c-00925-00462420-00462724 They don't come in playing their cards and vcjidcggx-c-00926-00462872-00463072 You need to lose some weight vcjidcggx-c-00927-00463214-00463528 Woman you don't play that one till later vcjidcggx-c-00928-00463926-00464182 When they first come in it's flattery vcjidcggx-c-00929-00464334-00464534 You beautifully vcjidcggx-c-00930-00464607-00465019 She is beautiful it's flattery. It's puffing you huh. I vcjidcggx-c-00931-00465534-00466030 Said if you ever get involved with any kind of a man at all, he has to come see me first vcjidcggx-c-00932-00466289-00466588 Yeah, that's the guy with the expert there they are vcjidcggx-c-00933-00466716-00466860 Allen saver vcjidcggx-c-00934-00466860-00467276 Listen, if you do the right thing and you cleanse yourself first and then go into the ministry vcjidcggx-c-00935-00467276-00467476 Which is the opposite of Christianity in America? vcjidcggx-c-00936-00467535-00467735 You will draw in vcjidcggx-c-00937-00467742-00468028 Persecution you will draw in people who don't like you vcjidcggx-c-00938-00468105-00468400 Which is telling you you're doing the right thing? vcjidcggx-c-00939-00468635-00469198 Here's what it looks like Paul was three days without sight and he did not eat or drink vcjidcggx-c-00940-00469212-00469853 You remember the story everybody? Does he got born again on the Damascus Road? He gets blown out of the chariot vcjidcggx-c-00941-00469853-00470413 He goes into the Fisherman's Wharf he says, hey go in there and sit there and you'll be told what to do vcjidcggx-c-00942-00470496-00470908 Why do you tell him that because Paul always told everybody else what to do? vcjidcggx-c-00943-00470976-00471409 Paul is the boss. Paul was self-absorbed Paul had a huge IQ vcjidcggx-c-00944-00471462-00471964 People that have huge IQs are major problems in Christianity. They think too much vcjidcggx-c-00945-00472064-00472264 They feel too little vcjidcggx-c-00946-00472434-00472634 Paul had to be broken I vcjidcggx-c-00947-00472707-00473134 Can't prove this but these three days. This is my own personal opinion. It may not be right vcjidcggx-c-00948-00473178-00473494 That's when he got delivered from demons. That's when he got vcjidcggx-c-00949-00473610-00474218 Rid of his sin. That's when he got his alcoholic moment of clarity. That's when Paul went through vcjidcggx-c-00950-00474276-00474544 His cleansing of his temple, right? vcjidcggx-c-00951-00474620-00474945 Notice what happens to him after he goes through his cleansing? vcjidcggx-c-00952-00475055-00475606 Ananias comes in he says brother Saul hey, I know what happened to you when you got saved in the Damascus Road vcjidcggx-c-00953-00475606-00476281 I came here. So you might receive your sight healing and then be filled with the spirit vcjidcggx-c-00954-00476371-00476853 You have no idea how many Christians who have not gone through the cleansing process first vcjidcggx-c-00955-00476882-00477214 Can't get healed and can't get filled with the Holy Ghost vcjidcggx-c-00956-00477470-00477828 Why the cleansing process comes vcjidcggx-c-00957-00478664-00479361 The beginning of his ministry, the first thing Jesus did was cleanse the temple vcjidcggx-c-00958-00479837-00480225 The wine was not part of his public ministry he did it in secret vcjidcggx-c-00959-00480610-00481071 The wine thing wasn't him on his table his mother came to him vcjidcggx-c-00960-00481246-00481358 Yeah vcjidcggx-c-00961-00481358-00481762 Jesus was kind of a mama's boy in a way like a lot of people are but vcjidcggx-c-00962-00481787-00482079 The first thing he did was in his public ministry vcjidcggx-c-00963-00482366-00482566 Cleansing vcjidcggx-c-00964-00482618-00482818 That's what God wants you to do vcjidcggx-c-00965-00482893-00483147 He wants you to finish your cleansing process vcjidcggx-c-00966-00483245-00483636 So you can get healed and filled with the Holy Ghost and then what's gonna happen to you? vcjidcggx-c-00967-00483835-00484354 The scales fell from his eyes. Oh boy the symbolism there is fantastic vcjidcggx-c-00968-00484421-00484771 What is renewing your mind thought the scales fall off? vcjidcggx-c-00969-00484829-00485562 You see truth clearly that you never saw your entire life. Oh my god moment vcjidcggx-c-00970-00485837-00486507 Paul saw it all clearly there suddenly all the Old Testament Scriptures lined up vcjidcggx-c-00971-00486692-00486939 Jesus Yeshua the vcjidcggx-c-00972-00487232-00487978 Scales fell off his eyes. It was more than physical. It was spiritual. It was mental vcjidcggx-c-00973-00488252-00488475 And then what did he do he got baptized vcjidcggx-c-00974-00488549-00488955 Thank God when he received meat he was strengthened the next thing vcjidcggx-c-00975-00489041-00489339 What is that? He listened? God wants you to take care of yourself vcjidcggx-c-00976-00489343-00489885 If you don't take care of yourself, you're gonna wear out faster and he can't use you better vcjidcggx-c-00977-00490016-00490438 He wants you to take care of yourself because in this life we have these bodies vcjidcggx-c-00978-00490618-00490863 My mic's fantastic because of the outfits vcjidcggx-c-00979-00490955-00491268 But underneath its turn the light out vcjidcggx-c-00980-00491347-00491913 In eternity, we have these gorgeous drop dead bodies. I'm gonna look fantastic and attorney vcjidcggx-c-00981-00492026-00492696 I'm gonna have some kind of security position in the New Jerusalem and have these, you know, just fabulous. I vcjidcggx-c-00982-00493130-00493702 Just made that up. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I know the point is the point is vcjidcggx-c-00983-00493832-00493937 if vcjidcggx-c-00984-00493937-00494117 You don't cleanse yourself vcjidcggx-c-00985-00494117-00494610 Your ministry is always going to be sputtering and your life is going to be yo-yo vcjidcggx-c-00986-00494657-00495132 Christianity good for a while. And then it tanks good for a couple days that tops out vcjidcggx-c-00987-00495272-00495404 and vcjidcggx-c-00988-00495404-00496054 Then what he do after he was strengthened, he was baptized filled with Holy Ghost healed the scales fell off his eyes vcjidcggx-c-00989-00496124-00496324 First then what did he do? vcjidcggx-c-00990-00496391-00496657 Then he went into his ministry vcjidcggx-c-00991-00496724-00497121 Don't you see the pattern of success here? Can't you see it? It's so clear vcjidcggx-c-00992-00497177-00497736 First you get cleansed first. He gives the Holy Ghost first you change then vcjidcggx-c-00993-00497918-00498175 The Holy Spirit uses you like a monster vcjidcggx-c-00994-00498235-00498747 You become a cold-blooded killer to the devil you you become someone he fears vcjidcggx-c-00995-00498868-00499152 Instead of someone he makes fun of ah vcjidcggx-c-00996-00499292-00499492 Look at that biatch vcjidcggx-c-00997-00499577-00500307 We're gonna kick her face in today ha ha ha she'll take it a fan's and get pissed off with somebody vcjidcggx-c-00998-00500366-00501022 Look at him. Oh, yeah, let's pump him up today. That's a nice suit looking grain. You ought to be a preacher or TV? vcjidcggx-c-00999-00501282-00501779 See the devil fears people who have been through the cleansing process vcjidcggx-c-01000-00501945-00502328 He does not fear those who skipped it and vcjidcggx-c-01001-00502413-00502804 Went to their gifts first all you didn't hear it vcjidcggx-c-01002-00502866-00503360 See you may have natural gifts from birth. You may look good. You may sound good vcjidcggx-c-01003-00503360-00503593 You may be able to sing. You may be smart. You may be this vcjidcggx-c-01004-00503593-00504127 You may be that that's not good enough to minister in the spirit vcjidcggx-c-01005-00504168-00504659 The only people that truly minister in the spirit of those who have went through the cleansing process vcjidcggx-c-01006-00504722-00504922 first vcjidcggx-c-01007-00504975-00505402 These people finish their deliverance they didn't quit halfway vcjidcggx-c-01008-00505622-00505850 These people renewed their minds vcjidcggx-c-01009-00506001-00506225 They didn't quit two-thirds of the way in vcjidcggx-c-01010-00506685-00506885 Everybody that heard it was amazed vcjidcggx-c-01011-00506916-00507431 What's this part for you? It's your testimony. Oh my goodness vcjidcggx-c-01012-00507518-00507725 people who have sunk into the vcjidcggx-c-01013-00507813-00508013 bottom of the well of sin vcjidcggx-c-01014-00508110-00508310 have the greatest vcjidcggx-c-01015-00508322-00508522 Testimonies you can ever imagine vcjidcggx-c-01016-00508557-00509096 But they never use them till they go through the cleansing process first vcjidcggx-c-01017-00509280-00509480 Their testimonies become shame vcjidcggx-c-01018-00509664-00509850 Didn't hear me I vcjidcggx-c-01019-00509850-00510256 Know you didn't your testimony is an embarrassment to God vcjidcggx-c-01020-00510288-00510868 Because once you give your testimony and you haven't gone through the cleansing and then you fall later vcjidcggx-c-01021-00510935-00511339 People go hi. Oh my god this person was vcjidcggx-c-01022-00511434-00511850 Saying do they were in prison they were sold to gypsies. They were eaten by lions vcjidcggx-c-01023-00511850-00512164 God saved him and then oh he's back on porn vcjidcggx-c-01024-00512322-00513067 You know listening your testimony becomes a farce if you do not go through the cleansing process vcjidcggx-c-01025-00513143-00513343 first vcjidcggx-c-01026-00513667-00514467 The devil wants you to share your testimony without going through the cleansing process because he's setting you up for a fall and embarrassment later vcjidcggx-c-01027-00514828-00515201 He wants you to get the word out, oh man I used to be this and that and I did this vcjidcggx-c-01028-00515201-00515669 So now that's great. Oh, that's wonderful. Yeah. Hey hallelujah. Oh boy. Let's speak in tongues vcjidcggx-c-01029-00515751-00516398 Then the person falls later and they look back on that testimony además remind them. They say remember what he was talking about vcjidcggx-c-01030-00516486-00517055 He killed a lion and then he ate a bear remember that and look where he is now back on poor vcjidcggx-c-01031-00517055-00517445 Look, he's drunk. Now. Look at nice backs, like son crack. No vcjidcggx-c-01032-00517621-00518243 You don't understand if you go through that cleansing pass process first as as Rocky vcjidcggx-c-01033-00518392-00518592 His coach. What was his name? vcjidcggx-c-01034-00518646-00518948 That coach named rocky Nicky remember Mickey? vcjidcggx-c-01035-00519021-00519572 Yeah, Nicky. Nicky walks up to rocky he say hey, you look like a stinking ape vcjidcggx-c-01036-00519771-00520454 Okay, Nicky Nicky was a extremely for me delicate person with his conversations very gentle person vcjidcggx-c-01037-00520484-00520820 You look like an ape. Yeah put this string on there vcjidcggx-c-01038-00520842-00521405 So now now rocky marciano use that string see and if you can move and you can punch vcjidcggx-c-01039-00521428-00521871 When and not break this strange see you become a very dangerous poison vcjidcggx-c-01040-00522030-00522572 You go through the cleansing process the way the Bible tells you to do it and you vcjidcggx-c-01041-00522609-00523094 Develop your gifts and your anointing. You become a very dangerous poison to the devil vcjidcggx-c-01042-00523740-00524435 You skip that process and go in because you sing good and you look good you then become Katy Perry vcjidcggx-c-01043-00524494-00524659 You then become? vcjidcggx-c-01044-00524659-00525323 Whitney Houston you started out in church, but you skipped the cleansing process and you went with your gifts vcjidcggx-c-01045-00525444-00525644 And then you went to hell vcjidcggx-c-01046-00526235-00526789 Katy Perry and Whitney Houston started out singing the gospel in church. The devil was helping them vcjidcggx-c-01047-00526789-00527266 Oh, you got a beautiful voice baby. You are you're killing it. You're fantastic vcjidcggx-c-01048-00527328-00527528 Now you sing like an angel vcjidcggx-c-01049-00527528-00527941 Oh, he poured the flattery all over those two women. He took them vcjidcggx-c-01050-00528287-00528413 Why vcjidcggx-c-01051-00528413-00529147 They went to ignorant churches who didn't understand what I just taught you tonight. There's a cleansing process you clean the temple out first vcjidcggx-c-01052-00529340-00529517 Then vcjidcggx-c-01053-00529517-00529717 You enter the ministry vcjidcggx-c-01054-00530447-00530653 This is good preaching even if you don't like vcjidcggx-c-01055-00531398-00532030 What happened to Saul oh he got bigger and stronger why he went through the cleansing process first vcjidcggx-c-01056-00532364-00532564 And then what happened to him vcjidcggx-c-01057-00532589-00532789 They tried to kill him vcjidcggx-c-01058-00532874-00533188 What did that tell you he was on the right track? vcjidcggx-c-01059-00533366-00533992 As soon as the lukewarm carnal useless gutless Church people turn on you that's a red flag vcjidcggx-c-01060-00534080-00534337 Your cleansing process is working vcjidcggx-c-01061-00534572-00534985 Because you're not like them anymore they're religious Christians vcjidcggx-c-01062-00535178-00535378 You're taking it to a different level vcjidcggx-c-01063-00535626-00536255 You're not seeing yourself too highly as you ought to see you see yourself soberly vcjidcggx-c-01064-00536564-00537241 Why does God like to use people who have been rotten stinking sinners or been gasping failures why is he like I'm so much vcjidcggx-c-01065-00537428-00537742 They're more likely to have a little compassion on you when you're struggling vcjidcggx-c-01066-00537848-00537995 Hello vcjidcggx-c-01067-00537995-00538252 some pious religious person that vcjidcggx-c-01068-00538551-00538751 They're useless vcjidcggx-c-01069-00539076-00539722 Sometimes he just needs somebody who knows what real life's about that doesn't have a certificate vcjidcggx-c-01070-00540252-00540980 Let's close them and see the process here. Do you notice a pattern here I did and if I notice that anybody can vcjidcggx-c-01071-00541047-00541805 He gets saved on the Damascus Road, but he is not ready for ministry. He's not ready for his destiny far from it vcjidcggx-c-01072-00542070-00542265 He has a dramatic conversion vcjidcggx-c-01073-00542265-00542902 You may have had a minor conversion doesn't matter a conversions of conversion. You say well, I'm not like Paul Leo now vcjidcggx-c-01074-00542903-00543103 Yeah, I wasn't blown out of a carriage either vcjidcggx-c-01075-00543228-00543428 that's not the point the vcjidcggx-c-01076-00543765-00544420 Point was after you get saved no matter what it's a big deal or eluded you go through your cleansing process vcjidcggx-c-01077-00544563-00544993 Three days three nights. No food. No drink Paul fast vcjidcggx-c-01078-00545133-00545333 That's a tough fast vcjidcggx-c-01079-00545469-00545669 But he was a tough person vcjidcggx-c-01080-00545733-00545933 And he was an evil person vcjidcggx-c-01081-00545979-00546614 He would drag Christians out of their homes and beat them and murder them. He was a serial killer earth vcjidcggx-c-01082-00546729-00547064 Cereal, what? What was he after hookers and whores no Christians vcjidcggx-c-01083-00547350-00547610 He was a miniature Nero vcjidcggx-c-01084-00547893-00548093 He was a Christian killer vcjidcggx-c-01085-00548199-00548953 He had to go through a terrible cleansing process a traumatic one. Well, that's fine. Whatever. Whatever's required has to be done vcjidcggx-c-01086-00549231-00549956 But then he got healed and he got restored he got baptized the water noticed the vcjidcggx-c-01087-00550098-00550604 Pattern here. He got filled the Holy Ghost. He got fellowship with other Christians vcjidcggx-c-01088-00550737-00551026 he started in his ministry and then a vcjidcggx-c-01089-00551637-00551837 Wonderful ministry vcjidcggx-c-01090-00551898-00552432 You want to fulfill your destiny and answer your call from God you just saw the pattern vcjidcggx-c-01091-00552514-00553074 You start out finishing your cleansing process not going halfway or 2/3 vcjidcggx-c-01092-00553186-00553363 Well, I forgave vcjidcggx-c-01093-00553363-00553673 Those people but this person know vcjidcggx-c-01094-00553846-00554336 Every single one of them no matter what they did no exceptions vcjidcggx-c-01095-00554518-00554913 Well, I've already got this this demon that up, okay fine no vcjidcggx-c-01096-00554992-00555192 There's a couple more vcjidcggx-c-01097-00555205-00555471 That need to come out all of them have to come. Oh vcjidcggx-c-01098-00555640-00556292 Wow, hey man, I well Bob, you know. Whoa Bob's still stuck in there vcjidcggx-c-01099-00556411-00557123 Go back to the cleansing process and get Bob out of there. Yeah, trust me. You don't want to take a Bob Hope vcjidcggx-c-01100-00557659-00557967 Paul went through his cleansing process the vcjidcggx-c-01101-00558094-00558365 ex-spouses were gone, though the vcjidcggx-c-01102-00558442-00558642 Killing and murdering was gone vcjidcggx-c-01103-00558718-00559182 The the hate was gone. If you don't go through your cleansing process vcjidcggx-c-01104-00559258-00559458 Your ministry eventually will fail vcjidcggx-c-01105-00559663-00560057 You don't believe me ask a TV preacher who falls vcjidcggx-c-01106-00560152-00560526 They never finished the cleansing process. They carried over vcjidcggx-c-01107-00560590-00560790 something a lust vcjidcggx-c-01108-00560815-00560941 agreed vcjidcggx-c-01109-00560941-00561717 Some anger something caught them later Jimmy Swaggart. Jim Baker. Good people good men vcjidcggx-c-01110-00561814-00562028 never finished their cleansing process vcjidcggx-c-01111-00563069-00563814 You want to die a spiritual nothing a nobody you do not wouldn't be coming here if you did vcjidcggx-c-01112-00564158-00564850 You want to fulfill your destiny and your call from God and there is no way to do it if you do not vcjidcggx-c-01113-00564890-00565152 finish your cleansing process vcjidcggx-c-01114-00565298-00566023 You say brother Mike. It's look I got all these gifts. Hey, nobody nobody sang vcjidcggx-c-01115-00566165-00566806 More gifted ever than Whitney Houston. No one could sing like her vcjidcggx-c-01116-00566885-00567103 Nobody, you know where she learned to sing in vcjidcggx-c-01117-00567179-00567468 choir singing for the Lord at church vcjidcggx-c-01118-00567617-00567915 You know, what a great singing voice will do for you in your ministry vcjidcggx-c-01119-00568058-00568247 nothing vcjidcggx-c-01120-00568247-00568509 She died and went to hell a drug-addict vcjidcggx-c-01121-00568574-00569259 why the churches didn't tell her Whitney you've got these great gifts and you're a beautiful woman and you have all these assets and you vcjidcggx-c-01122-00569260-00569460 got a great personality and a vcjidcggx-c-01123-00569501-00569654 box, I vcjidcggx-c-01124-00569654-00570309 Just read about Paul's ministry and I noticed something there. There's a cleansing process. You have to go through before you vcjidcggx-c-01125-00570371-00570536 proceed any further vcjidcggx-c-01126-00570536-00570817 Sweetheart. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna disciple you vcjidcggx-c-01127-00570944-00571144 So you can completely change vcjidcggx-c-01128-00571169-00571322 and vcjidcggx-c-01129-00571322-00571522 renew your mind and vcjidcggx-c-01130-00571541-00571741 Sketch yourself not into beautiful vcjidcggx-c-01131-00571811-00572304 Gorgeous pop singing Whitney Houston. No, no no into the sketch of Christ vcjidcggx-c-01132-00572549-00572992 The churches didn't do that for poor Whitney Houston the demons took her vcjidcggx-c-01133-00573116-00573775 let me tell you something sing in didn't gonna do you any good when the devil comes looking for you you can sing like vcjidcggx-c-01134-00573845-00574045 Crazy then you die vcjidcggx-c-01135-00574178-00574579 He don't care whether you can sing. He helped you sing. I vcjidcggx-c-01136-00574925-00575577 Don't believe he said that I'll explain that in for next seminar he blesses people with gifts vcjidcggx-c-01137-00575645-00575845 to set them up to vcjidcggx-c-01138-00575861-00576061 Get them to fall later vcjidcggx-c-01139-00576311-00576577 Katy Perry same scenario vcjidcggx-c-01140-00576785-00577153 That woman's been taken by demons her life's gonna end up vcjidcggx-c-01141-00577241-00577412 Pure hell vcjidcggx-c-01142-00577412-00577834 Because once the devil gives you a bunch of gifts and gives you fame and fortune and gives you money vcjidcggx-c-01143-00577844-00578088 He comes back later to get paid vcjidcggx-c-01144-00578420-00578845 Well, I Got News for you when he comes back looking for you he's gonna have quite a surprise vcjidcggx-c-01145-00578948-00579687 Because tonight you're gonna change immediately and you're gonna finish your cleansing process. Here's the good news. You've already started vcjidcggx-c-01146-00579953-00580504 The Devil's tried to get you to slow it down. You're not gonna slow it down vcjidcggx-c-01147-00580883-00581083 You're not gonna slow it down vcjidcggx-c-01148-00581372-00581572 Let's pray father God vcjidcggx-c-01149-00581696-00581896 Lord Jesus I vcjidcggx-c-01150-00581903-00582577 Noticed you cleanse the temple and you did it at the beginning of your ministry and then you get it at the end. That means vcjidcggx-c-01151-00582707-00583150 We must do multiple cleansing if you did vcjidcggx-c-01152-00583349-00583549 If you had to do things vcjidcggx-c-01153-00583613-00583842 More than once how much more would I? vcjidcggx-c-01154-00583940-00584575 How much more would I Lord of course, I would have to of course. I would have to Lord vcjidcggx-c-01155-00585044-00585421 There's many people here tonight who have started renewing their mind, but they haven't finished vcjidcggx-c-01156-00585506-00585715 They've gotten bogged down with the cares of this life vcjidcggx-c-01157-00585770-00586038 pressures trials tribulations heartaches heartbreaks vcjidcggx-c-01158-00586094-00586196 sicknesses vcjidcggx-c-01159-00586196-00586298 negative vcjidcggx-c-01160-00586298-00586506 relatives, they've all bombarded vcjidcggx-c-01161-00586622-00586822 And they've slowed down vcjidcggx-c-01162-00586877-00587265 They haven't finished their cleansing process, but I know Lord I know vcjidcggx-c-01163-00587351-00587551 the cleansing process is vcjidcggx-c-01164-00587603-00587803 first vcjidcggx-c-01165-00588071-00588271 Its first vcjidcggx-c-01166-00588762-00588962 And tonight vcjidcggx-c-01167-00589008-00589300 There's a few people here that we're gonna pray for vcjidcggx-c-01168-00589389-00589563 They're gonna reboot vcjidcggx-c-01169-00589563-00589763 your cleansing process and vcjidcggx-c-01170-00589809-00590009 the stuff and their soul vcjidcggx-c-01171-00590010-00590476 Stuff in their mind that they still have they are going to remove vcjidcggx-c-01172-00590538-00590738 And you're gonna help them do it vcjidcggx-c-01173-00590889-00591286 You're gonna help them do it because we can't do it alone I vcjidcggx-c-01174-00591444-00591796 Don't have any skills Lord, I need help I vcjidcggx-c-01175-00592062-00592373 Can't do this thing on my own of course, I can't I vcjidcggx-c-01176-00592512-00592760 Need the Holy Ghost to save me and help me vcjidcggx-c-01177-00592839-00593288 And since you bought and paid for that, he is more than willing vcjidcggx-c-01178-00593394-00593559 more than able vcjidcggx-c-01179-00593559-00593759 to help us vcjidcggx-c-01180-00593817-00594017 Thank you Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01181-00594129-00594785 All right now if you started your cleansing process and you bogged down a little bit just stand up where you're seated right now vcjidcggx-c-01182-00594785-00595051 just stand up you started it out and vcjidcggx-c-01183-00595095-00595619 You started cleansing and then the devil started to throw logs in front of you vcjidcggx-c-01184-00595716-00596204 And you know how it works. You remember exactly what he did. You know, what happened? vcjidcggx-c-01185-00596274-00596663 He sent you somebody that you shouldn't even talk to vcjidcggx-c-01186-00596814-00597146 He's saying you have quote friend he should have had anything to do with vcjidcggx-c-01187-00597312-00598007 He sent you doubts in your mind before you had renewed it he said he made you doubt vcjidcggx-c-01188-00598389-00599135 Maybe he did to you what he's done to me and what he did this lady in our ministry. Maybe he sent you a catastrophe vcjidcggx-c-01189-00599538-00599854 That catastrophe stalled you and vcjidcggx-c-01190-00599928-00600496 By standing up what you're telling the Lord right now. You know you have a call in your life vcjidcggx-c-01191-00600621-00600935 You know, you're not supposed to die. Nothing or nobody vcjidcggx-c-01192-00601044-00601754 You know, you're supposed to have an anointing, you know it something in here. You've already had somebody vcjidcggx-c-01193-00601818-00601924 prophesy or vcjidcggx-c-01194-00601924-00602242 You've already had the Spirit of God speak to you, you know vcjidcggx-c-01195-00602242-00602836 There's something there you know it and that's why the devil tried so hard vcjidcggx-c-01196-00602901-00603101 To steal it from you vcjidcggx-c-01197-00603105-00603305 Because he knows it too vcjidcggx-c-01198-00603440-00603646 And you're gonna repent tonight vcjidcggx-c-01199-00603836-00604036 You're gonna repent tonight are you vcjidcggx-c-01200-00604121-00604474 my ministry team come on forward if you would real quick just vcjidcggx-c-01201-00604611-00604765 Praying then say only father god vcjidcggx-c-01202-00604765-00605344 I just saw this Bible study with brother Mike and I looked at this Scripture and I see it. It's clear vcjidcggx-c-01203-00605442-00605609 It's clear vcjidcggx-c-01204-00605609-00606106 Paul had to go through his cleansing process and he had to finish it and vcjidcggx-c-01205-00606230-00606685 Jesus had to cleanse the temple. That's the first thing he did in his ministry vcjidcggx-c-01206-00606740-00607171 And it was the one of the last things he did in the ministry vcjidcggx-c-01207-00607171-00607759 He cleansed the temple out and I've cleansed my temple out, but I never finished it. I vcjidcggx-c-01208-00607830-00608030 Never finished it Lord vcjidcggx-c-01209-00608169-00608707 But my call is still in front of me I have still been called by God vcjidcggx-c-01210-00608834-00609355 I've still been called to do something of real value with my life vcjidcggx-c-01211-00609540-00609862 Not with fame and fortune but something much better vcjidcggx-c-01212-00609930-00610119 something in the spirit vcjidcggx-c-01213-00610119-00610390 Something with the Holy Ghost something great vcjidcggx-c-01214-00610463-00610661 with the Holy Spirit vcjidcggx-c-01215-00610661-00610861 That's what I've been called to do vcjidcggx-c-01216-00610932-00611365 Father god, I'm not gonna end up like poor Whitney Houston. It's not gonna happen vcjidcggx-c-01217-00611365-00611923 I mean, she never finished her cleansing process her gifts drew her in to fame and fortune vcjidcggx-c-01218-00612017-00612586 That's not gonna happen to me right now. That's not gonna happen to me. I'm gonna finish my cleansing process right now vcjidcggx-c-01219-00612651-00612907 Now I'm gonna ask you right now to forgive me now vcjidcggx-c-01220-00612907-00613441 If you have something you have to repent up just speak it out right now in the name of Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01221-00613442-00613511 Just speak it out vcjidcggx-c-01222-00613511-00613711 The Bible says you have to confess it vcjidcggx-c-01223-00613713-00614267 If we confess our sins your faithful and just to forgive us our sin, you have to confess it first vcjidcggx-c-01224-00614301-00614884 You have to speak it out and confess it. Go ahead. Just do it Lord Jesus. Forgive me Lord vcjidcggx-c-01225-00614942-00615142 forgive me dear Lord vcjidcggx-c-01226-00615175-00615441 This is what I've done help me Lord vcjidcggx-c-01227-00615542-00615856 I'm so sorry this God in my way vcjidcggx-c-01228-00615911-00616495 That got in my way. This person was sent to me by the devil. I didn't see it. I vcjidcggx-c-01229-00616562-00617229 Became friends with somebody I shouldn't even have spoken to it was a plant. It was a setup. I'm so sorry vcjidcggx-c-01230-00617267-00617739 It was a relationship. It was a man. It was a woman something the devil sent me vcjidcggx-c-01231-00617740-00618124 I am so sorry and I'm repenting of it right now in the name of Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01232-00618146-00618835 I'm repenting on the right - second right now Lord. I'm confessing it. I'm confessing it right now vcjidcggx-c-01233-00618835-00619516 I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I sinned I failed. I took my eyes off of renewing my mind vcjidcggx-c-01234-00619516-00619809 I didn't renew mine right? I'm so sorry never finished it vcjidcggx-c-01235-00619810-00620497 I started it and it went well, but then I stalled and I'm so sorry for what I've done vcjidcggx-c-01236-00620497-00620826 I'm asking you to forgive me. I'm asking you to forgive me Father vcjidcggx-c-01237-00620897-00621240 Please forgive me just confess it just speak it out. You have to speak it out vcjidcggx-c-01238-00621293-00622011 And confess that the Bible says not because God wants to know about he already knows about it. He wants you to confess it. I vcjidcggx-c-01239-00622205-00622489 Believed lies I believed untruths vcjidcggx-c-01240-00622493-00623190 I said things I shouldn't have said I did things I shouldn't have done. I never finished my cleansing process Lord vcjidcggx-c-01241-00623204-00623404 I'm so sorry vcjidcggx-c-01242-00623447-00623787 I'm so sorry I wasted months vcjidcggx-c-01243-00623882-00624082 years of bad relationships vcjidcggx-c-01244-00624209-00624362 lies vcjidcggx-c-01245-00624362-00625053 Fake churches false doctrines I got sucked in but today I'm repenting in the name of Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01246-00625054-00625479 I'm repenting right now in the name of the Lord and we're pending right now in Jesus Holy Name vcjidcggx-c-01247-00625535-00625818 My command in the name of Jesus these vcjidcggx-c-01248-00625913-00626371 deceiving deceptive spirits that pulled me away from my call and vcjidcggx-c-01249-00626435-00626910 Stalled my cleansing process and kept me from finishing my repentance vcjidcggx-c-01250-00626999-00627234 These spirits that kept me from renewing my mind vcjidcggx-c-01251-00627235-00627777 I command these evil spirits right now in the name of Jesus to be bound and to come out of me. I vcjidcggx-c-01252-00627830-00628542 Command you in the name of Jesus Christ. I command you you thief you life you hey vcjidcggx-c-01253-00628600-00629141 I'll watch you out right now. You'll get out of my body right now in the name of Jesus, you know vcjidcggx-c-01254-00629142-00629342 Get out of my mind vcjidcggx-c-01255-00629350-00629452 I'm vcjidcggx-c-01256-00629452-00630237 Finishing my deliverance now. I started it you you got me to stall it. Now. I'm rebooting it. I'm vcjidcggx-c-01257-00630322-00630522 Rebooting it. I vcjidcggx-c-01258-00630571-00631020 Forgave these people but I didn't forgive those people. I'm rebooting it vcjidcggx-c-01259-00631020-00631640 I have to forgive them all all the odd all the unforgiveness has to come out all the vcjidcggx-c-01260-00631678-00632142 Bad Mans have to come out of me all the transfer spirits from adultery vcjidcggx-c-01261-00632239-00632439 from divorces vcjidcggx-c-01262-00632482-00632694 come out in the name of Jesus every vcjidcggx-c-01263-00632812-00633012 spirit of fornication I vcjidcggx-c-01264-00633043-00633243 Command you to come out of my body right now vcjidcggx-c-01265-00633301-00633960 Now known in Jesus name come out right now in Jesus name come out in the name of Jesus. Come on out vcjidcggx-c-01266-00634030-00634216 Come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01267-00634216-00634484 Get out of my mind come out of my might vcjidcggx-c-01268-00634591-00634791 Come out in Jesus. Mighty name vcjidcggx-c-01269-00634855-00634996 right now vcjidcggx-c-01270-00634996-00635149 right now vcjidcggx-c-01271-00635149-00635320 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01272-00635320-00635520 Come out in Jesus. Holy day vcjidcggx-c-01273-00635554-00635754 Come out in Jesus. Mighty name vcjidcggx-c-01274-00635779-00635926 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01275-00635926-00636121 Come out of my head vcjidcggx-c-01276-00636121-00636313 vanity pride vcjidcggx-c-01277-00636313-00636478 arrogance come out vcjidcggx-c-01278-00636478-00636744 Come out in Jesus. Holy Name come out of their vcjidcggx-c-01279-00636892-00637283 Arrogance and pride come out in the name of the Lord come out in Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01280-00637284-00637727 Mighty name come out in Jesus Holy Writ come out come out in the name of Allah vcjidcggx-c-01281-00637780-00638202 Come out in Jesus holiness come out come out come out vcjidcggx-c-01282-00638299-00638879 Cleansing process reboot come out right now. Come on to me come out of me right now go vcjidcggx-c-01283-00638935-00639291 Come out right now. Get out of my body. Come on ladies vcjidcggx-c-01284-00639355-00639849 Every ugly man. Come out come out right now come out right now quickly come out quickly vcjidcggx-c-01285-00640032-00640232 Get out vcjidcggx-c-01286-00640311-00640511 Sin wickedness evil vcjidcggx-c-01287-00640569-00641182 Lies I bind your power come out right now come out and Jesus holding it right now vcjidcggx-c-01288-00641277-00641459 Get out of my body vcjidcggx-c-01289-00641459-00641659 Come out, right? Oh, yeah my mind vcjidcggx-c-01290-00641732-00641921 lust vcjidcggx-c-01291-00641921-00642517 Homosexuality lesbianism, I command you in the name of Jesus lesbians fair come out of me vcjidcggx-c-01292-00642657-00643292 Dave spirit come out of me right now come out in Jesus name lust dreams vcjidcggx-c-01293-00643461-00643661 Violence dreams vcjidcggx-c-01294-00643940-00644524 Lost dreams. I command you to come out of me right now. Ouch come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01295-00644673-00645436 Come out in Jesus. Holy Name come out in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Go now go come out now vcjidcggx-c-01296-00645719-00646192 About every bad, man, all of them all the users they saw me vcjidcggx-c-01297-00646192-00646921 I was beautiful then they took advantage of it then they lied then they cheated on me, but they left something in here. I vcjidcggx-c-01298-00646973-00647512 Command you right now every come on ladies all those guys that you slept with vcjidcggx-c-01299-00647640-00648365 When you got rid of them you thought they were gone. You were wrong. They were not gone. They left the spirit a vcjidcggx-c-01300-00648417-00648617 transfer spirit in your body vcjidcggx-c-01301-00648777-00648977 You got to get that spirit out of there vcjidcggx-c-01302-00649055-00649453 Come on, guys. You were in the military years ago. Remember that and you went to a whore vcjidcggx-c-01303-00649544-00649921 You went to a whore when you're in the military remember that? vcjidcggx-c-01304-00649994-00650296 Yeah, you picked up a spirit when you went to a prostitute vcjidcggx-c-01305-00650352-00650785 then you brought it home to your wife then it transferred over and vcjidcggx-c-01306-00650846-00651067 The cleansing process is going to start now vcjidcggx-c-01307-00651144-00651869 You're gonna finish it now in the name of Jesus come out of me come out of me vcjidcggx-c-01308-00651921-00652162 Come out and you spirit a horn, right? vcjidcggx-c-01309-00652230-00652394 now vcjidcggx-c-01310-00652394-00652657 Rejection and low self-esteem I command you vcjidcggx-c-01311-00653161-00653673 Every one of you come on me right now go in Jesus mighty name go in Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01312-00653673-00654131 Holy Name go now come out now come out now in Jesus mighty name vcjidcggx-c-01313-00654213-00654818 Wasting my life and missing my call all the wasted years unbelievable. It stops tonight vcjidcggx-c-01314-00654921-00655121 all the wasted years vcjidcggx-c-01315-00655134-00655330 That did it vcjidcggx-c-01316-00655330-00655515 every wasted year vcjidcggx-c-01317-00655515-00656135 Thus saith the Lord. I will restore unto you the Lost years the locusts heavy vcjidcggx-c-01318-00656236-00656550 The lost years the polymer worms have eat vcjidcggx-c-01319-00656667-00657119 Come out in Jesus. Mighty name come out of that body right now come out vcjidcggx-c-01320-00657219-00657833 Go and Jesus holiness get out of there come out in the name of the Lord the Lost years vcjidcggx-c-01321-00657892-00658577 The locusts ate all these wasted years. I can't believe it. Get out now vcjidcggx-c-01322-00658750-00659475 Come out in Jesus money get out of my body right now you spirit of fear and intimidation go come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01323-00659605-00660176 Chronic distractions get out distracting me from my cloud my ministry my anointing come out vcjidcggx-c-01324-00660321-00660650 Go in Jesus money man. Go now vcjidcggx-c-01325-00660778-00660978 Come out now vcjidcggx-c-01326-00661561-00661838 Get out there you gays come out right now I said vcjidcggx-c-01327-00661911-00662098 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01328-00662098-00662414 Come out in Jesus. Holy Name. Go go vcjidcggx-c-01329-00662509-00662703 procrastination go vcjidcggx-c-01330-00662703-00662826 there vcjidcggx-c-01331-00662826-00663013 Go vcjidcggx-c-01332-00663013-00663213 compromising go out vcjidcggx-c-01333-00663327-00663527 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01334-00663537-00663907 Come out you compromiser come out you coward you vcjidcggx-c-01335-00663996-00664128 coward vcjidcggx-c-01336-00664128-00664328 Come out in Jesus money name vcjidcggx-c-01337-00664425-00664787 Come out the cleansing process starts now vcjidcggx-c-01338-00664911-00665143 now all the bad men go vcjidcggx-c-01339-00665547-00665788 You know any mother vcjidcggx-c-01340-00665955-00666493 Come out of there come out go go come out vcjidcggx-c-01341-00666639-00667382 Come on, get all the heavy ugly man. Come out right now go come on or something. Get out new ways vcjidcggx-c-01342-00667569-00667752 Generational in scrap vcjidcggx-c-01343-00667752-00668030 Witches from the fit there. They come come out you witch vcjidcggx-c-01344-00668112-00668522 Hurry up. You bitch witches witches come out right now go vcjidcggx-c-01345-00668655-00668855 Come out right now go vcjidcggx-c-01346-00668967-00669167 You know get out vcjidcggx-c-01347-00669237-00669437 now vcjidcggx-c-01348-00669501-00669701 Come out in Jesus mighty name vcjidcggx-c-01349-00669786-00670009 Come on, you scared of adultery vcjidcggx-c-01350-00670110-00670236 Hey vcjidcggx-c-01351-00670236-00670603 Come on, guys. You slept with all them women. Remember when you did that? vcjidcggx-c-01352-00670686-00671284 You you took your life in your hands sleeping with that woman that woman had demons vcjidcggx-c-01353-00671379-00671603 That woman had demons you slept with her vcjidcggx-c-01354-00671676-00671951 They transferred into you get a hot air vcjidcggx-c-01355-00672177-00672797 Adultery fornication oral sex anal sex find the power the Holy Ghost. Come on my body vcjidcggx-c-01356-00673101-00673301 Come on ladies vcjidcggx-c-01357-00673332-00673936 You met a girl boyfriend one time memory was kinky. He was kinky remember that vcjidcggx-c-01358-00674126-00674359 He taught you sexual things vcjidcggx-c-01359-00674426-00675184 It wasn't him. It was his demons. They taught you sexual things. They taught you anal sex vcjidcggx-c-01360-00675269-00675469 They taught you oral sex vcjidcggx-c-01361-00675551-00675751 Get that spirit out out vcjidcggx-c-01362-00675851-00676051 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01363-00676418-00676740 You were a swinger you had an open relationship vcjidcggx-c-01364-00676886-00677223 You picked up spirits get them out now vcjidcggx-c-01365-00677501-00677701 The cleansing process vcjidcggx-c-01366-00677771-00678424 Starts now come on fight back the zeal of my house has eaten me up vcjidcggx-c-01367-00681446-00681910 Now listen 100 years tonight, let's say you're burning it out vcjidcggx-c-01368-00682256-00682851 And you're sitting there going like god I wouldn't forgive any and I ended up here is any worth that vcjidcggx-c-01369-00682991-00683147 repent of it vcjidcggx-c-01370-00683147-00683901 Father God I repented this horrible evil of how the bad feelings about my sister. That's a horrible sin Cara Panama right now vcjidcggx-c-01371-00683981-00684181 Any commodity? vcjidcggx-c-01372-00684182-00684528 fighting five bitterness hatred of any come out vcjidcggx-c-01373-00684629-00685147 Come out come out and repent of hating my sister our pan event vcjidcggx-c-01374-00685220-00685561 Get out of me. Come on guys. Come on guys. Come vcjidcggx-c-01375-00685718-00686026 On guys you went to a prostitute you went to a whore vcjidcggx-c-01376-00686081-00686237 when you did vcjidcggx-c-01377-00686237-00686505 When you did you pick up a spirit you brought it home vcjidcggx-c-01378-00686720-00687405 Come on you're on pornography when you were looking at the screen something entered you something entered you vcjidcggx-c-01379-00687554-00688099 Something entered you while you were on your cell phone you had your cell phone you fold up hardcore vcjidcggx-c-01380-00688223-00688519 You saw the genitals you saw the sacks on the phone vcjidcggx-c-01381-00688583-00689065 And while you were watching it while you were watching something transferred in vcjidcggx-c-01382-00689135-00689335 something transferred in vcjidcggx-c-01383-00689450-00689650 Get it out vcjidcggx-c-01384-00689702-00690292 Spirit of lust come out and teases funny name come out and choose this bunny named vcjidcggx-c-01385-00690500-00690784 Ellie come on me right now come out vcjidcggx-c-01386-00691202-00691522 Right now fight harder play hard, come on vcjidcggx-c-01387-00691691-00691891 Fight harder vcjidcggx-c-01388-00691913-00692105 bite harder bite vcjidcggx-c-01389-00692105-00692305 harder quickly fight vcjidcggx-c-01390-00692351-00692638 Come on, Jesus like fight harder vcjidcggx-c-01391-00692699-00693111 Save me I hate your guts. I can't believe you destroyed my family. Get out of my body. I vcjidcggx-c-01392-00693167-00693681 Hate you God the seal of my house has eaten me up. I will fight back vcjidcggx-c-01393-00693682-00694084 I will fight I will not stand and do nothing anymore vcjidcggx-c-01394-00694136-00694336 Say that I command you to go vcjidcggx-c-01395-00694397-00694597 Get out of my body right now vcjidcggx-c-01396-00694655-00694905 There is come out. That's it here. It's beer-thirty vcjidcggx-c-01397-00694982-00695632 It's a fair spirit come out take your blanket walk me out of here. Come out come out of it Camero vcjidcggx-c-01398-00695900-00696100 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01399-00696221-00696421 Get out vcjidcggx-c-01400-00696470-00696753 Intimidation shyness fear cowardice no vcjidcggx-c-01401-00696872-00697072 Power does come out vcjidcggx-c-01402-00697082-00697250 Come out come vcjidcggx-c-01403-00697250-00697459 Out Aegina come out ng somebody vcjidcggx-c-01404-00697631-00697831 Come out in Jesus, holy vcjidcggx-c-01405-00698966-00699166 Night vcjidcggx-c-01406-00699659-00699867 You say did I bind your power come out of me vcjidcggx-c-01407-00700628-00700923 Fight back fight vcjidcggx-c-01408-00701780-00702367 Get out of my body right now fight back fight harder fight harder vcjidcggx-c-01409-00703115-00703596 Right now every curse I break every curse I break you off right now go vcjidcggx-c-01410-00703826-00704026 Every curse come out vcjidcggx-c-01411-00704219-00704644 Every ugly man goes right now my husband his girlfriend everything vcjidcggx-c-01412-00704719-00705441 What they're doing in bed all the thoughts of my mind of what they're doing in bed. I command you to come out out out vcjidcggx-c-01413-00705701-00705901 Out vcjidcggx-c-01414-00706234-00706509 Come on you must fight back you must fight hard vcjidcggx-c-01415-00706663-00706863 Where is your zeal? vcjidcggx-c-01416-00706928-00707128 Where is your zeal you? vcjidcggx-c-01417-00707348-00707667 Must do what Jesus did pick up that whip vcjidcggx-c-01418-00707819-00708019 Pick up the sword vcjidcggx-c-01419-00708103-00708528 Go after the devil tonight go after him vcjidcggx-c-01420-00708686-00708886 Satan come out vcjidcggx-c-01421-00708953-00709153 Fight back now vcjidcggx-c-01422-00709552-00710264 You kicked up prophetic demons you went through a fire turtle at church you picked up spirits vcjidcggx-c-01423-00710485-00710687 Prophetic spirits I command you in vcjidcggx-c-01424-00710740-00710869 Jesus name vcjidcggx-c-01425-00710869-00711333 Fire turtle prayers tunnel demons come out now vcjidcggx-c-01426-00711556-00711983 Get on my body come out I said come out vcjidcggx-c-01427-00712096-00712433 Get out of my body quicker come out faster right now. Get out all vcjidcggx-c-01428-00712495-00712697 The spirits for my ex-husband come out down vcjidcggx-c-01429-00712756-00712956 All the verbal abuse vcjidcggx-c-01430-00712999-00713226 all of it all the videos all vcjidcggx-c-01431-00713383-00713828 The criticism constantly being criticized from my childhood till now go vcjidcggx-c-01432-00713944-00714070 Go vcjidcggx-c-01433-00714070-00714674 My Heavenly Father's never criticize me come out in Jesus name every ugly man. All of them all vcjidcggx-c-01434-00714760-00714960 out now vcjidcggx-c-01435-00714964-00715224 Areas, right this moment come on. Come on out vcjidcggx-c-01436-00715309-00715509 Get out of them come out vcjidcggx-c-01437-00715543-00715738 Get out of it vcjidcggx-c-01438-00715738-00715894 Go now vcjidcggx-c-01439-00715894-00716094 Go now go vcjidcggx-c-01440-00716185-00716385 now vcjidcggx-c-01441-00716419-00716619 Come o vcjidcggx-c-01442-00716968-00717168 Husband go vcjidcggx-c-01443-00717454-00717654 Witchcraft New Age vcjidcggx-c-01444-00717778-00717978 sorcery vcjidcggx-c-01445-00718030-00718230 Native-american witchcraft vcjidcggx-c-01446-00718312-00718889 Santeria in the name of Jesus Christ I bind your power. I vcjidcggx-c-01447-00719095-00719295 Bind your power vcjidcggx-c-01448-00719380-00719580 New age vcjidcggx-c-01449-00719857-00720057 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01450-00720121-00720321 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01451-00720370-00720726 Get out of there right now and go I said go now vcjidcggx-c-01452-00720895-00721095 I'll pray for your sister vcjidcggx-c-01453-00722113-00722313 Oh, that's not you vcjidcggx-c-01454-00722525-00722785 That's not yours those are their thoughts are not your thoughts vcjidcggx-c-01455-00722990-00723190 How'd they get in there? vcjidcggx-c-01456-00723236-00724015 When she was 11, which wasn't government a12 Egypt and how they get in vcjidcggx-c-01457-00724310-00725010 Somebody touch her or do something good. Yeah. She was stated by the father and brother hated her. Yeah vcjidcggx-c-01458-00725063-00725263 What's his name? vcjidcggx-c-01459-00725600-00725800 Matty I'm still alive vcjidcggx-c-01460-00726083-00726573 Yeah, he's the demons took him raise your hands close your eyes ER I'll pray for men vcjidcggx-c-01461-00726782-00726982 Pray and ask God the blessing vcjidcggx-c-01462-00727091-00727410 Pray and ask God to forgive you for the bad feelings. You had a body vcjidcggx-c-01463-00727754-00728014 It wasn't my brother it was his demons that did it vcjidcggx-c-01464-00728351-00728773 His demons hated me I blame my brother I vcjidcggx-c-01465-00728918-00729309 Blamed my brother nose hurt and mad when I was young vcjidcggx-c-01466-00729509-00729727 He transferred spirits into me vcjidcggx-c-01467-00729938-00730446 And I command my brother's demons out I command my brothers even to come out of me now vcjidcggx-c-01468-00730621-00730821 No, no vcjidcggx-c-01469-00731060-00731535 Come out every spirit from Egypt go come out vcjidcggx-c-01470-00731675-00732447 Egypt leave her every spirit from each every demon from men who dominate women vcjidcggx-c-01471-00732620-00732858 Men who put women down vcjidcggx-c-01472-00733094-00733294 Egypt come out of the woman of God vcjidcggx-c-01473-00733321-00733496 Come out of it vcjidcggx-c-01474-00733496-00733696 Come on out go vcjidcggx-c-01475-00733703-00733903 Come out Egypt vcjidcggx-c-01476-00733916-00734066 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01477-00734066-00734496 Every spirit from every every man that ever touched her come out ready vcjidcggx-c-01478-00734576-00734815 Starting with her brother go out vcjidcggx-c-01479-00734921-00735050 cometh vcjidcggx-c-01480-00735050-00735250 Egypt come vcjidcggx-c-01481-00735313-00735675 Come on Pharaoh these areas keep coffee come up vcjidcggx-c-01482-00735748-00736014 Yeah, that's it right there. Come on. Keep coughing go vcjidcggx-c-01483-00736117-00736317 Go now keep coughing go vcjidcggx-c-01484-00736390-00736590 Keep going come up vcjidcggx-c-01485-00736615-00737160 Come on, go. Come out go come out. Keep coming. Come on my throat vcjidcggx-c-01486-00737254-00737454 Egypt come out vcjidcggx-c-01487-00737461-00737661 Yeah, go vcjidcggx-c-01488-00737665-00737865 Egypt come up vcjidcggx-c-01489-00737899-00738099 Every man that tried to dominate vcjidcggx-c-01490-00738172-00738372 every man who tried to control me vcjidcggx-c-01491-00738469-00738661 all of them vcjidcggx-c-01492-00738661-00739058 All the other men including my brother. I forgive them all I vcjidcggx-c-01493-00739171-00739371 release them all now, I vcjidcggx-c-01494-00739441-00739641 release vcjidcggx-c-01495-00739642-00739920 The entire country of angels God vcjidcggx-c-01496-00740020-00740200 my whole history vcjidcggx-c-01497-00740200-00740374 heinous vcjidcggx-c-01498-00740374-00740563 false religious vcjidcggx-c-01499-00740563-00740871 Generational curses I release them now in Jesus name vcjidcggx-c-01500-00741019-00741219 Go vcjidcggx-c-01501-00741244-00741442 Go vcjidcggx-c-01502-00741442-00741642 Come on America. Go vcjidcggx-c-01503-00742567-00743087 Where's that passion of love we talked about my office love remember vcjidcggx-c-01504-00743419-00744129 Come on I said come over there there he comes get out there you snake you snake from Egypt. How's it going? vcjidcggx-c-01505-00744343-00744543 Love vcjidcggx-c-01506-00744586-00744786 That comes before the deliverance vcjidcggx-c-01507-00744901-00745090 Come out of there right now go vcjidcggx-c-01508-00745090-00745626 There it is. Come out Egypt. Come on over come out of her Egypt. There it goes vcjidcggx-c-01509-00745696-00745991 There it goes come out of there come o vcjidcggx-c-01510-00746149-00746349 Egypt vcjidcggx-c-01511-00746719-00747420 That's for you know, there he goes come up blasphemy ax come out alright, oh there it is that's for me a go vcjidcggx-c-01512-00747551-00748261 Go there, he comes that's for me a cursing and swearing come out the god hater come over vcjidcggx-c-01513-00748459-00748619 All right vcjidcggx-c-01514-00748619-00749112 Various keep coughing there. Oh good come out Satan Satan loose your hole vcjidcggx-c-01515-00749213-00749413 Come on out vcjidcggx-c-01516-00749669-00750102 How about you stinking snake you perceive snake bitterness vcjidcggx-c-01517-00750307-00750960 Blasphemy come out of a tongue right now. Come on. It's on right now come out come out a tongue vcjidcggx-c-01518-00751159-00751746 Come on Tom go come out you snake Egypt vcjidcggx-c-01519-00751894-00752124 Mary come come on out vcjidcggx-c-01520-00752300-00752752 Get out of that body right now, you can't have her anymore. It's over come out vcjidcggx-c-01521-00753275-00754035 Come out come out Mary comes there he comes thank you. Jesus go out vcjidcggx-c-01522-00754186-00754959 Thank you Jesus thank you Jesus. I forgive my brother and I pray for him I forgive you my brother and I release him vcjidcggx-c-01523-00755023-00755201 out out vcjidcggx-c-01524-00755201-00755401 I release my brother vcjidcggx-c-01525-00755494-00755694 No vcjidcggx-c-01526-00756971-00757698 No, no, come on come on out every demon from each a vcjidcggx-c-01527-00758105-00758563 Very common story good there that comes rolling come out vcjidcggx-c-01528-00758717-00758917 Come out come vcjidcggx-c-01529-00758959-00759159 out vcjidcggx-c-01530-00759273-00759473 Come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01531-00759555-00759779 Come out right Oh God Oh vcjidcggx-c-01532-00759948-00760489 Get out there next one out get snake out. Yes. I told you that snake out vcjidcggx-c-01533-00761160-00761623 Come out of her come out you sit there. Yes, here he comes here. He comes next one go vcjidcggx-c-01534-00761691-00761883 Thank you, Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01535-00761883-00762202 Thank you, Jesus glory to God. Thank you lord vcjidcggx-c-01536-00762348-00762877 Next one out next snake out. Don't go dormant vcjidcggx-c-01537-00763389-00763820 There's a next one come out, let's go come on out come out I said vcjidcggx-c-01538-00763911-00764111 Come out here vcjidcggx-c-01539-00764115-00764315 Come out of her vcjidcggx-c-01540-00764358-00764875 You come out of the woman of God now, let's get going come out. Yeah, don't you tell me no come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01541-00765051-00765251 Don't tell me no I said come out vcjidcggx-c-01542-00765294-00765781 Here he comes Darius. Thank you. Jesus next one. Come on quickly vcjidcggx-c-01543-00765900-00766100 quickly next one vcjidcggx-c-01544-00766191-00766391 There he goes come out vcjidcggx-c-01545-00766473-00766673 Comma next one vcjidcggx-c-01546-00766731-00766931 There it goes come out next one vcjidcggx-c-01547-00766962-00767139 come out I vcjidcggx-c-01548-00767139-00767587 Forgive my sister and I ask you to bless your Lord come out right now. There it comes vcjidcggx-c-01549-00767700-00767856 next vcjidcggx-c-01550-00767856-00768487 Next one come out hat. There we go. Come out areas come out out out right now vcjidcggx-c-01551-00768623-00768895 Stop staying in there. You don't belong in her come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01552-00769071-00769802 Come on Mary comes naked you there. It goes good come out come out vcjidcggx-c-01553-00770448-00770983 You hear me get out right now now don't you tell me no come on right vcjidcggx-c-01554-00771157-00771357 Very close come on vcjidcggx-c-01555-00771423-00771623 Out here come out vcjidcggx-c-01556-00771703-00771861 Come out of her body vcjidcggx-c-01557-00771861-00772211 Come on over soffits there. He comes next vcjidcggx-c-01558-00772299-00772949 Good come out. Come on out. Come on out right now quickly. Thank you Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01559-00773037-00773235 Thank you, Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01560-00773235-00773394 Thank you, Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01561-00773394-00773921 You come out of her breast right? Beside me. Come on open. Come on regress. Hurry up vcjidcggx-c-01562-00773991-00774191 Come on arrest. Oh vcjidcggx-c-01563-00774843-00775349 There he goes, thank you Jesus glory to God come out of there vcjidcggx-c-01564-00776503-00776780 You pray after me Baba vcjidcggx-c-01565-00776932-00777170 You pray after me will vcjidcggx-c-01566-00777363-00777563 You repeat after me vcjidcggx-c-01567-00778257-00778384 Good vcjidcggx-c-01568-00778384-00778619 Notice how it started getting better, okay vcjidcggx-c-01569-00778674-00779162 Now you're not learning how to I'm just trying to jump starter. It's already in there. I'm just trying to get vcjidcggx-c-01570-00780109-00780341 Those wolves coming out. Is there more in there? vcjidcggx-c-01571-00780537-00780836 Check it you come barrios vcjidcggx-c-01572-00780888-00781307 Yeah, it's right there. There's another one in there. Come on out come out there vcjidcggx-c-01573-00781365-00781528 Come on there vcjidcggx-c-01574-00781528-00781728 Come out. Oh vcjidcggx-c-01575-00781767-00782327 Yeah, there it goes Frank is you out hello go vcjidcggx-c-01576-00782884-00783263 Well, you're doing fine right now do what you're doing right now I vcjidcggx-c-01577-00783678-00783878 Know they tried stops vcjidcggx-c-01578-00784830-00785498 Get out of a brainstem right there come out of there and come on come on out come vcjidcggx-c-01579-00785640-00785787 on vcjidcggx-c-01580-00785787-00786433 There it comes go duh. Glory. That's glory. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01581-00786498-00786698 next vcjidcggx-c-01582-00786698-00786898 Next oh vcjidcggx-c-01583-00787340-00787765 Come out of her brain right there come out of her brain right there out here vcjidcggx-c-01584-00787926-00788162 Come out go vcjidcggx-c-01585-00788337-00788537 Go vcjidcggx-c-01586-00788577-00788852 Out Marius come on there you snake vcjidcggx-c-01587-00789009-00789209 Snake Obama, it's come out vcjidcggx-c-01588-00789273-00789473 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01589-00789579-00789779 Don't you tell me no come out? vcjidcggx-c-01590-00789912-00790112 Now vcjidcggx-c-01591-00790140-00790340 Madame vcjidcggx-c-01592-00790362-00790969 Madame curses come up curses mental illness come out vcjidcggx-c-01593-00791169-00791369 Insanity come out vcjidcggx-c-01594-00791430-00792175 Come out there, it comes glory to God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you lord. Thank you lord vcjidcggx-c-01595-00792396-00792602 You ever beat up a rape when your vcjidcggx-c-01596-00794556-00794756 Whole family with Pilate oh vcjidcggx-c-01597-00795569-00795769 Yeah, when was that vcjidcggx-c-01598-00796036-00796488 13 I'll burn you know how no no Oliver, you know vcjidcggx-c-01599-00796675-00797031 38 and you tried carrying 13. Okay ready? vcjidcggx-c-01600-00797107-00797610 Suicide come on right now suicide you get out there quickly come out of her right now suicide vcjidcggx-c-01601-00797695-00797895 suicide come out vcjidcggx-c-01602-00797923-00798123 Come on out vcjidcggx-c-01603-00798123-00798374 Suicide come out of there vcjidcggx-c-01604-00798538-00798738 Go oh vcjidcggx-c-01605-00798859-00799140 There it goes, come on, thank you Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01606-00799411-00799727 Beatings from family members come out every beating vcjidcggx-c-01607-00799879-00800568 Every rejection spirit every spirit of rejection that got in various come out vcjidcggx-c-01608-00800701-00801012 Come on. Hurry up. Come on come vcjidcggx-c-01609-00801148-00801348 on vcjidcggx-c-01610-00801388-00801588 Go vcjidcggx-c-01611-00801646-00801846 Rejection vcjidcggx-c-01612-00801940-00802140 Physical beatings go vcjidcggx-c-01613-00802246-00802446 Out vcjidcggx-c-01614-00802576-00802818 Every person that hits you go vcjidcggx-c-01615-00803005-00803448 Every spirit that yes you come you don't say no you say yes come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01616-00803629-00804176 Every beating you ever took come out right now get out of there come out vcjidcggx-c-01617-00804418-00804707 Go there it goes come up vcjidcggx-c-01618-00804841-00805484 Every beating I forgive every family member every one of them that beat me vcjidcggx-c-01619-00805612-00806316 Slugged me slapped me and every spirits are transferred in a fear and rejection go vcjidcggx-c-01620-00806554-00806829 Go come on or throw out vcjidcggx-c-01621-00807004-00807476 Out here oh there he goes, thank you Jesus come out vcjidcggx-c-01622-00807736-00807936 Demons for my mother and dad go vcjidcggx-c-01623-00808318-00808571 Yeah, there it is here it comes vcjidcggx-c-01624-00808703-00808915 Emails from my mother and dad come out of me right now vcjidcggx-c-01625-00809123-00809374 Go and out vcjidcggx-c-01626-00809522-00810001 Come on reload mother go mother vcjidcggx-c-01627-00810299-00810678 There they go thank you Jesus, there you go. Thank you Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01628-00810893-00811140 Go every demon for my dad vcjidcggx-c-01629-00811619-00811819 Go vcjidcggx-c-01630-00812045-00812478 God don't tell me no you come out. Yes. You're coming out. Yes, go vcjidcggx-c-01631-00812660-00812849 Come on yes vcjidcggx-c-01632-00812849-00813014 There it goes vcjidcggx-c-01633-00813014-00813185 There it goes vcjidcggx-c-01634-00813185-00813580 Every spirit for my dad every spirit for my mom and my brother vcjidcggx-c-01635-00813917-00814233 Every print that no, don't tell me no you tell me yes vcjidcggx-c-01636-00814421-00814935 You say yes, no devil, I told you to say yes come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01637-00815246-00815446 Come on you don't say no you say yes vcjidcggx-c-01638-00815756-00815956 There it goes go vcjidcggx-c-01639-00816065-00816265 Go go vcjidcggx-c-01640-00816452-00817093 Every spirit from Egypt every curse word in Arabic every curse word vcjidcggx-c-01641-00817238-00817926 And there it comes there. He is every curse word in arabic in the name of jesus come up vcjidcggx-c-01642-00818120-00818320 Come on out come vcjidcggx-c-01643-00818369-00818952 On out no, no what you tell me? No, you say yes spirit you say yes, I vcjidcggx-c-01644-00819122-00819321 Said say yes come out now vcjidcggx-c-01645-00819529-00820099 Come on there Arabic curse words go go vcjidcggx-c-01646-00820723-00821004 The spirit that says fu all the time to come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01647-00821212-00821737 Don't work God come out the demon that hates Jehovah come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01648-00821900-00822100 Go come out vcjidcggx-c-01649-00822137-00822320 the snake vcjidcggx-c-01650-00822320-00822482 Egyptian snake vcjidcggx-c-01651-00822482-00822814 That hates Yahweh. There. He comes go vcjidcggx-c-01652-00823001-00823231 Come on out y'all wait hater vcjidcggx-c-01653-00823520-00823720 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01654-00823724-00824133 Come out of there. You snake here he comes here. He comes get out of her mouth vcjidcggx-c-01655-00824261-00824461 Come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01656-00824585-00824973 Get out of her tongue right to second there he comes glory to God come out vcjidcggx-c-01657-00825041-00825241 Come on, get out of there vcjidcggx-c-01658-00825284-00825461 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01659-00825461-00825811 Every spirit that curses God you are bound and come out of my head vcjidcggx-c-01660-00825986-00826425 Antichrist spirit that's the next one get out of there Antichrist. Why not come out now? vcjidcggx-c-01661-00826574-00826810 Antichrist come up there. He comes Oh vcjidcggx-c-01662-00827212-00827412 Antichrist come out Oh vcjidcggx-c-01663-00827821-00828021 What else vcjidcggx-c-01664-00828637-00829146 What other curse words you hear curse words vcjidcggx-c-01665-00829814-00830286 What is it what are they what's an Arabic what is that? vcjidcggx-c-01666-00830693-00831090 What's the F word in Arabic F word like what is it Arabic? vcjidcggx-c-01667-00831196-00831810 like what's the word in Arabic the mother and what against the mother like vcjidcggx-c-01668-00832325-00832525 Mother Mary vcjidcggx-c-01669-00833287-00833487 They mention mother Mary vcjidcggx-c-01670-00833758-00834191 Insulting in Arabic. Yeah, but those aren't your words over his words vcjidcggx-c-01671-00834330-00834530 and you don't have to keep vcjidcggx-c-01672-00834592-00835259 You Arabic pervert. You've blasphemer you Arabic blasphemer. I curse you come out of there right now vcjidcggx-c-01673-00835446-00835691 No, those are not her words those are your words vcjidcggx-c-01674-00835795-00836286 She renounces your words. She renounces everything about you. There. He is. Here he comes vcjidcggx-c-01675-00836362-00836651 Come on there. Go now go vcjidcggx-c-01676-00836721-00836878 out vcjidcggx-c-01677-00836878-00837078 God, no, don't you say no come out vcjidcggx-c-01678-00837276-00837566 No, you don't say no come out of there right now here he comes vcjidcggx-c-01679-00837684-00837962 Here he comes. Thank you. Jesus go out vcjidcggx-c-01680-00838087-00838524 Arabic person come out right now there he comes get out of there vcjidcggx-c-01681-00838600-00838800 There it goes glory to God vcjidcggx-c-01682-00838819-00838962 Go vcjidcggx-c-01683-00838962-00839162 Come out go vcjidcggx-c-01684-00839404-00840113 Cursing against mother cursing against Jehovah Jesus vcjidcggx-c-01685-00840415-00841088 You you cursed the Holy Spirit you rotten devil the devil cursed the Holy Spirit that did it he's coming out right now vcjidcggx-c-01686-00841179-00841360 That did it vcjidcggx-c-01687-00841360-00841764 Spirit you crossed the line. No, you come out of there right now. You curse the Holy Ghost come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01688-00841845-00842426 Come out and Jesus. Holy Name come out that body right now. Stop resisting. I said come out now you vcjidcggx-c-01689-00842593-00842793 Curse the Holy Ghost you come out vcjidcggx-c-01690-00843037-00843650 There he comes get out of there the Arabic demon that curses the Holy Ghost I said come out vcjidcggx-c-01691-00843835-00844035 Get out of there you serpent vcjidcggx-c-01692-00844177-00844470 Don't know you snake come out vcjidcggx-c-01693-00844639-00844845 Come out come out vcjidcggx-c-01694-00844978-00845198 Come out. Hello vcjidcggx-c-01695-00845499-00846151 Every demon that cursed the Lord Jesus the Son of God get out of that body right now the son of God vcjidcggx-c-01696-00846279-00847058 Come out of there. God stop resisting come out right now. The son of God you curse the son of God you come out now vcjidcggx-c-01697-00847220-00847808 Hurry up come out of there now. Don't tell me no come out right now. I vcjidcggx-c-01698-00847997-00848206 Said don't tell me no get out there right now vcjidcggx-c-01699-00848460-00849059 Here he comes I recon thank you Jesus come out come out right now vcjidcggx-c-01700-00849249-00849865 You evil spirit I hate your guts I hate every demon I hate every spirit I hate you vcjidcggx-c-01701-00850068-00850318 And I command you Jesus Holy Name vcjidcggx-c-01702-00850412-00850612 To come out of me now all of you vcjidcggx-c-01703-00850670-00850845 all of you vcjidcggx-c-01704-00850845-00851010 Come out vcjidcggx-c-01705-00851010-00851210 hurry vcjidcggx-c-01706-00851274-00851584 Come out of there come out of there right now vcjidcggx-c-01707-00851756-00851949 Are you doing vcjidcggx-c-01708-00851949-00852117 What happened? vcjidcggx-c-01709-00852117-00852270 What happened? vcjidcggx-c-01710-00852270-00852841 Huh? He's Chokin you missed ya. No, did you get raped or abused when he was a kid Oh vcjidcggx-c-01711-00853527-00854110 Could you get her from I did I did my first pleasing 21 day drive fast? vcjidcggx-c-01712-00854264-00854464 How'd you get the marine spirits? vcjidcggx-c-01713-00855047-00855247 Where's your mother vcjidcggx-c-01714-00855783-00855983 She initiated the introvert vcjidcggx-c-01715-00856568-00857341 Okay, close your eyes father God father God I want you to hunt her mother down right now and forgive her vcjidcggx-c-01716-00857645-00858057 I want you to forgive her for what she done to her daughter. She cursed her vcjidcggx-c-01717-00858244-00858494 General she handed her over to demons vcjidcggx-c-01718-00859135-00859374 She handed her daughter over the demons vcjidcggx-c-01719-00859612-00859812 And we forgive her for what she done vcjidcggx-c-01720-00860037-00860241 She handed her over to a vcjidcggx-c-01721-00860389-00860832 Spirit husband he's hiding in her stomach and her vagina vcjidcggx-c-01722-00861082-00861282 And he must come out tonight vcjidcggx-c-01723-00861559-00861870 Because we forgive her mother we bless her vcjidcggx-c-01724-00861937-00862151 We ask you God to forgive her and healer vcjidcggx-c-01725-00862272-00862532 Now marine Spirit and Jesus money to come out vcjidcggx-c-01726-00862624-00862824 Come on out come vcjidcggx-c-01727-00862894-00863094 Out come vcjidcggx-c-01728-00863116-00863832 Out of there you pervert you masturbator. You lust you rapist come out of that body right now go vcjidcggx-c-01729-00863899-00864212 Come out come out right now. Come on over throat vcjidcggx-c-01730-00864279-00864488 Come out right now. Come on that throat vcjidcggx-c-01731-00864570-00864770 Come on vcjidcggx-c-01732-00864787-00864987 Come on Rizzo vcjidcggx-c-01733-00865027-00865227 Stop choking your and come out vcjidcggx-c-01734-00865411-00865611 Go now vcjidcggx-c-01735-00865615-00865844 Go every demon from your mother come out vcjidcggx-c-01736-00865969-00866169 mother come out of there vcjidcggx-c-01737-00866194-00866417 mother come out right now Go vcjidcggx-c-01738-00866533-00866816 Go witchcraft go sorcery go vcjidcggx-c-01739-00866917-00867064 Go vcjidcggx-c-01740-00867064-00867264 right now go vcjidcggx-c-01741-00867634-00868013 Come out right now get out of my body right now say it I vcjidcggx-c-01742-00868219-00868419 Forgive my mother vcjidcggx-c-01743-00868456-00868647 god bless her I vcjidcggx-c-01744-00868647-00869294 Ask you Lord a healer and I renounce this water spirit on the kingdom of darkness vcjidcggx-c-01745-00869395-00869595 And I command Eva go now vcjidcggx-c-01746-00871242-00871894 Come on my feet my legs my hips vcjidcggx-c-01747-00872981-00873181 Get out of my brain vcjidcggx-c-01748-00873803-00874003 There vcjidcggx-c-01749-00874232-00874432 He comes vcjidcggx-c-01750-00874635-00874835 Here he comes vcjidcggx-c-01751-00876137-00876350 Come on get out vcjidcggx-c-01752-00879531-00879884 Powder powder. Oh, no. No, none of us you today vcjidcggx-c-01753-00880244-00880729 Our mother come I know come on over stomach come out of her arms right now come out vcjidcggx-c-01754-00880886-00881170 Adultery fornication sexual perversion come up vcjidcggx-c-01755-00881282-00881477 there husband vcjidcggx-c-01756-00881477-00881764 Spare husband I command you in Jesus name vcjidcggx-c-01757-00881846-00882517 More than an emotion devotion that every emotion outer one better mush under of us. You gotta remember about vcjidcggx-c-01758-00884694-00884971 Relax there's no wrong answer vcjidcggx-c-01759-00888153-00888353 Ello Shandy more shot vcjidcggx-c-01760-00888375-00889133 He's tryna stop. You. See he hates tan or emotion de Rivoli. Terrible under lava. Chavala Shanda Robuchon davao city vcjidcggx-c-01761-00889287-00889513 Elevation promotion derivation dhaba vcjidcggx-c-01762-00889575-00890099 Rama Chandra varsity Rama Rama good girl good emotion that see he doesn't like vcjidcggx-c-01763-00890166-00890908 Aggravating Donna motion velocity name Masha biloba any syllable for emotion gurubashi today forever vcjidcggx-c-01764-00891207-00891745 Yeah, you do okay helper Donna Marchand or of us and our overseeding speak a vcjidcggx-c-01765-00891801-00891981 Lavash and are evocative vcjidcggx-c-01766-00891981-00892478 our emotion Dora Washington even general polomoche under abortion River vcjidcggx-c-01767-00892493-00892811 Thank you, Jesus Rama Chandra Bose aver aver, Ababa vcjidcggx-c-01768-00892836-00893444 Ola Martians are abortion even emotion Bhairava in the Martian bura bura bura bura, Baba vcjidcggx-c-01769-00894414-00895191 Secondary receiving know about your love for you. How's that going? It's going good. Okay. Oh vcjidcggx-c-01770-00896721-00896921 You got the hearing issue where did that start? vcjidcggx-c-01771-00897550-00898091 Know when you was a kid that somebody hurt you when you as a kid that somebody hurt you real bad vcjidcggx-c-01772-00898594-00899303 As a little kid what do you mean talk about bullies in school? Yeah and then we ever physically vcjidcggx-c-01773-00899595-00899795 Were sexually abused you kid vcjidcggx-c-01774-00900574-00900774 Did he ever do it to anybody else? vcjidcggx-c-01775-00901126-00901395 Are you married? Yes how many times? vcjidcggx-c-01776-00901837-00902132 For the other two husbands verbally abusive vcjidcggx-c-01777-00903442-00903920 And then this thing started, where were you when it happened vcjidcggx-c-01778-00904594-00904806 One Carter music unfortunate vcjidcggx-c-01779-00906142-00906483 I protected explain it. It's where my Norris? vcjidcggx-c-01780-00906776-00907005 Listen here's our problem vcjidcggx-c-01781-00907133-00907866 Here's the problem the spirits you have before that when you were younger from the husband's let in this one vcjidcggx-c-01782-00908156-00908356 He already had spirits vcjidcggx-c-01783-00908687-00909204 Relatives right and then they let be sent two weeks ago. So we got to start here first vcjidcggx-c-01784-00909665-00910122 This girl had this was your name Lena Lena she had two vcjidcggx-c-01785-00910187-00910882 Abusive husbands this third husband abusive. No, is this the best husband or free the current one? vcjidcggx-c-01786-00910996-00911451 Okay, and then the other two were verbally abusive and they did they curse you vcjidcggx-c-01787-00911762-00911962 Second one here vcjidcggx-c-01788-00912335-00912565 No, I know that but I mean he can come vcjidcggx-c-01789-00912920-00913497 All right now I just said just relax, okay just take a big breath relax, she's got my husband vcjidcggx-c-01790-00913720-00914355 And then this thing here got in later that's not the main problem the main problem is the husband