qFQGcyC84pc-00000-00000196-00000407 Всем привет! Это канал Лу qFQGcyC84pc-00001-00000407-00000640 А это моя подруга qFQGcyC84pc-00002-00000640-00000840 Привет!!! Меня зовут Адалин qFQGcyC84pc-00003-00001384-00001514 Элин ?! qFQGcyC84pc-00004-00001744-00001864 Разве ты не Адалин?! qFQGcyC84pc-00005-00001864-00002064 Да, Адалин qFQGcyC84pc-00006-00002064-00002201 Мне послышалось "Элин" qFQGcyC84pc-00007-00002351-00002428 А далин qFQGcyC84pc-00008-00002428-00002568 Хорошо qFQGcyC84pc-00009-00002568-00002982 Сегодня мы хотели сделать видео с мою любимой игрой qFQGcyC84pc-00010-00002982-00003336 Я хочу показать Адалин мою любимую игру - Геншин qFQGcyC84pc-00011-00003649-00003816 Я так взволнована qFQGcyC84pc-00012-00003816-00004016 Я тоже qFQGcyC84pc-00013-00004016-00004161 Давайте начинать это видео qFQGcyC84pc-00014-00004223-00004361 Загрузка очень долгая qFQGcyC84pc-00015-00004550-00004683 Только 63 qFQGcyC84pc-00016-00004710-00005087 И я думаю, мы сидим тут уже 40 минут qFQGcyC84pc-00017-00005087-00005230 Уже qFQGcyC84pc-00018-00005230-00005417 Да, это правда долго qFQGcyC84pc-00019-00006281-00006445 Это так красиво! qFQGcyC84pc-00020-00006445-00006528 Ага qFQGcyC84pc-00021-00006528-00006728 Солнечно, но ветрено qFQGcyC84pc-00022-00006728-00006762 Да qFQGcyC84pc-00023-00006762-00006805 Немного прохладно qFQGcyC84pc-00024-00006805-00007115 Выглядит так, будто очень жарко, но на самом деле это не так. погода ветренная qFQGcyC84pc-00025-00007155-00007302 Да, и мы все еще ждем qFQGcyC84pc-00026-00007302-00007538 Привет👋 qFQGcyC84pc-00027-00008340-00008490 Папа ушел первым qFQGcyC84pc-00028-00008490-00008596 Хорошая мама qFQGcyC84pc-00029-00008596-00008696 Пока пока qFQGcyC84pc-00030-00008737-00008896 80... qFQGcyC84pc-00031-00008896-00009230 98 % qFQGcyC84pc-00032-00009230-00009634 Да! Я могу это сделать! qFQGcyC84pc-00033-00009634-00009777 Мое произношение такое плохое qFQGcyC84pc-00034-00009777-00009951 Неправда ! qFQGcyC84pc-00035-00009951-00010314 После того, как я начала учить корейский, мой английский ухудшился qFQGcyC84pc-00036-00010314-00010391 У меня тоже самое qFQGcyC84pc-00037-00010588-00010858 99% !!! qFQGcyC84pc-00038-00011025-00011085 Все хорошо qFQGcyC84pc-00039-00011112-00011269 Такое чувство, что взволнована больше тебя qFQGcyC84pc-00040-00011545-00012079 Давайте начнем с вступительного видео qFQGcyC84pc-00041-00012079-00012279 Здесь будет видно qFQGcyC84pc-00042-00012483-00012713 Еще одна загрузка? qFQGcyC84pc-00043-00012713-00012840 А, нет qFQGcyC84pc-00044-00012840-00013093 Я ждала целый час qFQGcyC84pc-00045-00013093-00013267 О, эта загрузка быстрее qFQGcyC84pc-00046-00013360-00013587 Я думаю... qFQGcyC84pc-00047-00013587-00014037 Я надеюсь, тебе понравится эта игра qFQGcyC84pc-00048-00014037-00014187 Потому что это моя любимая qFQGcyC84pc-00049-00014187-00014548 Я хочу поделиться с тобой своими эмоциями и чувствами об этой игре qFQGcyC84pc-00050-00014548-00014648 Спасибо qFQGcyC84pc-00051-00014648-00014811 Здесь много крутых персонажей qFQGcyC84pc-00052-00014905-00015132 Ты можешь найти краша qFQGcyC84pc-00053-00015132-00015205 Поняла qFQGcyC84pc-00054-00015205-00015529 У меня минимум 5 qFQGcyC84pc-00055-00015582-00015675 Я покажу тебе qFQGcyC84pc-00056-00015675-00015781 Давай qFQGcyC84pc-00057-00015886-00016042 Главный герой не так уж и плох qFQGcyC84pc-00058-00016109-00016212 *корейский* Ожидаю от него лучшего qFQGcyC84pc-00059-00016289-00016339 *корейский* да qFQGcyC84pc-00060-00016626-00016750 Давайте начинать qFQGcyC84pc-00061-00016840-00017003 Нет нет нет, это регион qFQGcyC84pc-00062-00017003-00017170 Очень громко, я убавлю qFQGcyC84pc-00063-00017840-00018094 Загрузка? А, подготовка qFQGcyC84pc-00064-00018151-00018294 Наконец-то начинаем qFQGcyC84pc-00065-00018761-00018928 Нет! qFQGcyC84pc-00066-00018928-00019141 Все нормально, это просто картинка qFQGcyC84pc-00067-00020122-00020212 Ты понимаешь ? qFQGcyC84pc-00068-00020212-00020329 Ага qFQGcyC84pc-00069-00022607-00022728 Злодейка qFQGcyC84pc-00070-00023388-00023445 Это так круто qFQGcyC84pc-00071-00023445-00023522 Ага qFQGcyC84pc-00072-00024913-00025193 Теперь тебе надо выбрать персонажа, за которого ты хочешь играть qFQGcyC84pc-00073-00025290-00025353 Злодейка qFQGcyC84pc-00074-00025526-00025693 Ты не можешь выбрать злодейку qFQGcyC84pc-00075-00025843-00025927 Тогда давай ... qFQGcyC84pc-00076-00025927-00026127 Либо его либо ее qFQGcyC84pc-00077-00026127-00026200 Пусть будет это qFQGcyC84pc-00078-00026200-00026320 Ага, ты хочешь ее qFQGcyC84pc-00079-00026320-00026370 Ты можешь написать имя qFQGcyC84pc-00080-00026577-00026844 Ее имя Люмин, но ты можешь придумать свое qFQGcyC84pc-00081-00026898-00026968 Так например qFQGcyC84pc-00082-00026968-00027018 Ага, qFQGcyC84pc-00083-00027018-00027068 Нет нет qFQGcyC84pc-00084-00027281-00027348 Что ты хочешь? qFQGcyC84pc-00085-00027348-00027443 Вот так qFQGcyC84pc-00086-00027498-00027605 А, Аделин qFQGcyC84pc-00087-00027605-00027658 Да qFQGcyC84pc-00088-00027658-00027728 Хорошо qFQGcyC84pc-00089-00027758-00027852 Подтвердить qFQGcyC84pc-00090-00027852-00028259 Блин, я должна была взять парня qFQGcyC84pc-00091-00028349-00028462 Я должна была его взять qFQGcyC84pc-00092-00028716-00028786 Итер!!! qFQGcyC84pc-00093-00028786-00028909 О нет, Итер! qFQGcyC84pc-00094-00029026-00029143 Мой любимый Итер! qFQGcyC84pc-00095-00029236-00029370 Я люблю его qFQGcyC84pc-00096-00033910-00034023 Это все qFQGcyC84pc-00097-00034023-00034073 Это все ? qFQGcyC84pc-00098-00034073-00034497 Нет, Сейчас она будет разговаривать со своим гидом - Паймон qFQGcyC84pc-00099-00034534-00034697 Какие у тебя чувства ? qFQGcyC84pc-00100-00034750-00034904 Мои чувства... qFQGcyC84pc-00101-00034947-00035097 Еще в одну игру начну играть qFQGcyC84pc-00102-00035097-00035257 Что-то вроде этого qFQGcyC84pc-00103-00035434-00035551 Сейчас я все еще... qFQGcyC84pc-00104-00035614-00035684 Да qFQGcyC84pc-00105-00035684-00035875 Я начну все с начала qFQGcyC84pc-00106-00035975-00036025 Хорошо qFQGcyC84pc-00107-00036298-00036602 Почему ты выбрала девушку, а не парня? qFQGcyC84pc-00108-00036642-00036795 Потому что ... qFQGcyC84pc-00109-00037046-00037473 Даже не знаю, потому что моя рука сама выбрала девушку qFQGcyC84pc-00110-00037683-00037779 Я выбрала парня qFQGcyC84pc-00111-00037779-00037970 Когда ты встречаешь сестру qFQGcyC84pc-00112-00038203-00038563 Когда ты встретишь сестру... qFQGcyC84pc-00113-00038633-00038810 А, брата, извини qFQGcyC84pc-00114-00038810-00038880 Ты же играешь за сестру qFQGcyC84pc-00115-00038880-00038987 Да qFQGcyC84pc-00116-00038987-00039217 Брат будет злодеем qFQGcyC84pc-00117-00039261-00039681 А я считаю, что Итер не выглядит как злодей qFQGcyC84pc-00118-00039681-00040055 Поэтому я выбрала его, когда начала играть qFQGcyC84pc-00119-00040298-00040498 У меня есть 2 или 3 аккаунт qFQGcyC84pc-00120-00040498-00040575 Да qFQGcyC84pc-00121-00040575-00040952 Да, я начинала игру дважды или трижды qFQGcyC84pc-00122-00041082-00041462 И на одном... На двух акаунта я выбрала девушку qFQGcyC84pc-00123-00041462-00041756 Но мне не нравится, когда Итер такой злодей qFQGcyC84pc-00124-00041756-00041943 Мне не нравится когда он злодей qFQGcyC84pc-00125-00041943-00042103 Мне грустно от этого qFQGcyC84pc-00126-00042103-00042230 Это странно qFQGcyC84pc-00127-00042230-00042280 Да qFQGcyC84pc-00128-00042330-00042423 Да, ощущается странно qFQGcyC84pc-00129-00042473-00042810 Но я думаю, что для тебя девушка будет комфортнее, потому что qFQGcyC84pc-00130-00042810-00043364 Потому что это что-то вроде "Я же девушка, может я выберу ее?" qFQGcyC84pc-00131-00043364-00043499 Да qFQGcyC84pc-00132-00043621-00043884 После этого, когда мне надо было написать имя qFQGcyC84pc-00133-00043884-00044281 Я не знала что написать, только мое имя пришло в голову qFQGcyC84pc-00134-00044281-00044533 Это не важно qFQGcyC84pc-00135-00045272-00045373 Это в настоящем qFQGcyC84pc-00136-00047080-00047194 Паймон - хороший гид qFQGcyC84pc-00137-00047377-00047554 Она наш гид qFQGcyC84pc-00138-00047998-00048234 Что ты можешь сказать об этой игре ? qFQGcyC84pc-00139-00048348-00048431 О боже мой qFQGcyC84pc-00140-00048431-00048600 Это в новинку для меня qFQGcyC84pc-00141-00048600-00049245 Поэтому эта игра ощущается, как игра, в которую я играла раньше qFQGcyC84pc-00142-00049309-00049425 Называется "Наруто" qFQGcyC84pc-00143-00049542-00050123 Такето посмотрим на игру в будущем, когда я начну играть qFQGcyC84pc-00144-00050179-00050546 Мы вселишь посмотрели первое видео qFQGcyC84pc-00145-00050620-00051317 Я думаю, мы сделаем следующее видео, где уже начнем играть qFQGcyC84pc-00146-00051364-00051510 И пойдем в ... qFQGcyC84pc-00147-00051547-00051881 Я забыла название города qFQGcyC84pc-00148-00051881-00052026 Я правда забыла qFQGcyC84pc-00149-00052026-00052161 Все в порядке qFQGcyC84pc-00150-00052161-00052341 Где есть Венти qFQGcyC84pc-00151-00052341-00052541 Венти - это бог этого места qFQGcyC84pc-00152-00052578-00052654 Извиняюсь qFQGcyC84pc-00153-00052654-00052791 О боже, это... qFQGcyC84pc-00154-00052791-00052872 Не Венти qFQGcyC84pc-00155-00052925-00053015 Забудь об этом qFQGcyC84pc-00156-00053132-00053559 Для меня, человека, который смотрит Марвел qFQGcyC84pc-00157-00053559-00053949 И ты говоришь мне что-то про богов, на ум приходит только Асгард qFQGcyC84pc-00158-00054509-00054803 Я думаю, эта игра будет интересна тебе, потому что qFQGcyC84pc-00159-00054880-00055387 Я не уверена, но сходство в Марвел есть qFQGcyC84pc-00160-00055387-00055770 Там вечные драки. Эта игра про бои qFQGcyC84pc-00161-00055770-00055970 Ты должен сражаться qFQGcyC84pc-00162-00055970-00056170 Именно поэтому, я думаю, что это будет интересно для тебя qFQGcyC84pc-00163-00056204-00056548 Что, на этом все qFQGcyC84pc-00164-00056548-00056885 Да, на этом все и мы продолжим в следующем видео после экзамена qJBJpTwPpgo-00000-00001277-00002560 1 to 10 free video no copyright watch now full video qMm6ik-r8Jo-00000-00000013-00000203 My name is Abdallah Mahmoud. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00001-00000203-00000365 I'm 16. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00002-00000365-00000539 I went out to demonstrate on Wednesday. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00003-00000539-00000807 I was in the Tahrir Square sit-in. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00004-00000807-00001041 I found out the sit-in at the Presidential Palace qMm6ik-r8Jo-00005-00001041-00001271 was broken up and that protestors were attacked. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00006-00001271-00001476 I went with some sit-inners to the Presidential Palace qMm6ik-r8Jo-00007-00001476-00001644 to support them. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00008-00001993-00002102 When we got there qMm6ik-r8Jo-00009-00002102-00002306 we could hear people being beaten up. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00010-00002306-00002502 We were holding rocks. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00011-00002502-00002660 There were different kinds of weapons. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00012-00002660-00002941 Morsi supporters had machine guns, handguns, qMm6ik-r8Jo-00013-00002941-00003214 shotguns and pistols. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00014-00004258-00004452 Sons of bitches! qMm6ik-r8Jo-00015-00004623-00004818 I was in the front lines qMm6ik-r8Jo-00016-00004818-00005051 There were lots of sounds. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00017-00005051-00005254 I heard live ammo being shot. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00018-00005254-00005500 I got shot in the leg. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00019-00005500-00005759 I was told live ammo penetrated qMm6ik-r8Jo-00020-00005759-00006022 my thigh and my testicle. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00021-00006022-00006395 I 've got 21 pellets in the leg. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00022-00006604-00006868 I don't think Morsi is fit to be president. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00023-00006868-00007059 He is no different from Mubarak qMm6ik-r8Jo-00024-00007059-00007242 or Field Marshal Tantawi. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00025-00007242-00007400 Gaber Jika was a friend of mine. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00026-00007400-00007587 We were together before he got killed. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00027-00007587-00007740 He got killed under Morsi. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00028-00007740-00007873 Jika is no different From Khaled Said qMm6ik-r8Jo-00029-00007873-00007968 or Alaa Abdel Hady. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00030-00007968-00008113 The Interior Ministry killed them qMm6ik-r8Jo-00031-00008113-00008257 using live ammo or gunshots. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00032-00008257-00008794 Jika! Jika! qMm6ik-r8Jo-00033-00008794-00009044 I am taking part in the sit-in at the Presidential Palace. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00034-00009044-00009211 Down with Morsi! qMm6ik-r8Jo-00035-00009211-00009347 Down with a constitution qMm6ik-r8Jo-00036-00009347-00009595 that dosen't represent me! qMm6ik-r8Jo-00037-00009595-00009816 No matter what, qMm6ik-r8Jo-00038-00009816-00010131 I stand where I am. qMm6ik-r8Jo-00039-00010600-00010900 Subtitles by the Amara.org community qN-VRS-i8yY-00000-00000003-00000608 So within my CADi training I chose the section of film making because qN-VRS-i8yY-00001-00000608-00000996 I really enjoy film making and I think it's something I'm really interested in qN-VRS-i8yY-00002-00000996-00001500 and so within filmmaking we were taught a lot of different shots & angles and qN-VRS-i8yY-00003-00001500-00002121 camera movements to use throughout filming movies and music videos and TV qN-VRS-i8yY-00004-00002121-00002538 shows. Literally anything to do with a film. So I'm gonna take you through them now qN-VRS-i8yY-00005-00002538-00003024 so the most basic a shot whenever your filmmaking is literally just a qN-VRS-i8yY-00006-00003024-00003539 close-up, and a close-up is just a shot from someone's shoulders on. So right now qN-VRS-i8yY-00007-00003539-00003965 I am doing a close-up. This is a close-up and is showing all my emotions in my face qN-VRS-i8yY-00008-00003965-00004486 to see am I happy am i sad. So yeah this is a close-up is qN-VRS-i8yY-00009-00004486-00004916 from your shoulders to your forehead to show the characters emotions. qN-VRS-i8yY-00010-00004916-00005450 So after our close-up shot is the next easiest thing which is an extreme closeup which qN-VRS-i8yY-00011-00005451-00005946 is literally just the eyes. I know it looks weird but it's just the eyes. qN-VRS-i8yY-00012-00005946-00006411 It can be either one eye or both eyes. It's just the eyes and this builds tension qN-VRS-i8yY-00013-00006411-00006888 because all we can see is just the eyes of the character and usually when this qN-VRS-i8yY-00014-00006888-00007366 happens it is like say like a Western film and they're about to have a shoot off qN-VRS-i8yY-00015-00007366-00007645 they're usually like at the eyes and the eyes are twitching or qN-VRS-i8yY-00016-00007647-00008225 whatever so that is usually what extreme close-ups extreme close-ups are used for qN-VRS-i8yY-00017-00008225-00008561 so I decided to take you guys outside for the shot because I just felt it qN-VRS-i8yY-00018-00008561-00008942 would be more better to explain it. So basically right you can see that I am qN-VRS-i8yY-00019-00008942-00009434 zoomed into the pot. The pot is just by itself and then whenever I zoom out qN-VRS-i8yY-00020-00009434-00009824 and show the entire garden. That is an establishing shot because it establishes qN-VRS-i8yY-00021-00009824-00010205 the scene and it sets the scene for the audience to know that this is where most qN-VRS-i8yY-00022-00010205-00010428 of the action will be taking place. qN-VRS-i8yY-00023-00010438-00010652 So next we have a long shot or a wide shot qN-VRS-i8yY-00024-00010652-00011006 this is technically the same as an establishing shot except there's no qN-VRS-i8yY-00025-00011006-00011536 zooming in or out so it's basically just a wide shot of everything that's happening in the scene qN-VRS-i8yY-00026-00011568-00011854 So the last shot I'm going to talk to you guys today is qN-VRS-i8yY-00027-00011855-00012281 the tracking shot and a tracking shot is simply where the camera follows the qN-VRS-i8yY-00028-00012281-00012605 movement on the screen, so you can see the camera is following my footsteps qN-VRS-i8yY-00029-00012605-00013034 and ignore my camera here it goes a little bit like fuzzy but that's qN-VRS-i8yY-00030-00013034-00013358 basically all the tracking shot is it's just following the action on the camera qR4v4Ju2RHE-00000-00000051-00000461 Most small businesses find it challenging to sell their professional services. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00001-00000494-00000769 This is often because small business owners don't know how to qR4v4Ju2RHE-00002-00000769-00001030 properly market themselves and their skills. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00003-00001030-00001471 This video blog will unearth three secrets to selling your professional qR4v4Ju2RHE-00004-00001471-00001601 services like a pro. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00005-00001601-00001715 Stay tuned! qR4v4Ju2RHE-00006-00002005-00002201 When selling your professional services, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00007-00002201-00002559 it's important to remember that you are your best asset. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00008-00002559-00003009 Many small business owners find it difficult to market themselves and qR4v4Ju2RHE-00009-00003009-00003100 their skills, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00010-00003146-00003529 but if you focus on your strengths and highlight your unique qR4v4Ju2RHE-00011-00003529-00003636 selling points, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00012-00003636-00004004 you'll be able to sell yourself and your services easily. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00013-00004004-00004426 You should also be prepared to answer common questions about your qR4v4Ju2RHE-00014-00004426-00004733 services and be clear on your terms and pricing. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00015-00004733-00005147 Knowing your worth and standing for it with potential clients is qR4v4Ju2RHE-00016-00005147-00005361 key to getting the right clients. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00017-00005361-00005722 Stay tuned for more tips on how to sell your professional qR4v4Ju2RHE-00018-00005722-00005852 services like a pro! qR4v4Ju2RHE-00019-00005903-00006095 Before we get to the details, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00020-00006095-00006263 let me introduce myself. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00021-00006263-00006367 I'm Doug Barra, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00022-00006367-00006647 and I am committed to the success of small, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00023-00006647-00006847 local businesses like yours. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00024-00006847-00007279 I have over 16 years of experience working with small businesses qR4v4Ju2RHE-00025-00007279-00007608 and over 25 years of being a small business owner. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00026-00007608-00008095 So, I understand the challenges you face when selling your professional qR4v4Ju2RHE-00027-00008095-00008480 services. I'm here to give you some tips to overcome those qR4v4Ju2RHE-00028-00008480-00008944 challenges and find success in selling your professional services. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00029-00008982-00009122 Now, let's get started! qR4v4Ju2RHE-00030-00009122-00009375 When selling your professional services, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00031-00009375-00009747 many small business owners find themselves at a disadvantage. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00032-00009747-00010147 They don't know how to market themselves and their skills properly, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00033-00010147-00010582 which puts them at a disadvantage when competing with larger businesses. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00034-00010582-00011024 Focusing on your strengths and highlighting your unique selling points is qR4v4Ju2RHE-00035-00011024-00011354 the key to success when selling professional services. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00036-00011354-00011600 What sets you apart from the competition? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00037-00011659-00011909 What are your unique selling points? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00038-00011909-00012159 What can you offer that others can't? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00039-00012159-00012401 When you know what makes you unique, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00040-00012401-00012724 it will be easier for you to sell your services to qR4v4Ju2RHE-00041-00012724-00012861 potential clients. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00042-00012861-00012965 And, remember, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00043-00012965-00013135 focus on your strengths. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00044-00013135-00013401 Don't try to be everything to everyone. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00045-00013401-00013861 Instead, focus on where you excel and ensure potential clients know qR4v4Ju2RHE-00046-00013861-00013972 your strengths. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00047-00013972-00014361 This will make it more likely that they'll choose you when qR4v4Ju2RHE-00048-00014361-00014788 they're looking for someone to provide the services you offer. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00049-00014859-00015158 When selling your professional services, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00050-00015158-00015655 you should be prepared to answer common questions about your services. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00051-00015655-00015796 What are your rates? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00052-00015796-00016044 What is your scope of your services? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00053-00016044-00016294 What are your terms and conditions? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00054-00016294-00016510 What do you have Testimonials? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00055-00016510-00016883 Are you willing to have prospects speak with clients? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00056-00016883-00017347 Also, be prepared to answer any common questions past clients have qR4v4Ju2RHE-00057-00017347-00017704 had about how and when your services are delivered. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00058-00017764-00018336 Answering these questions clearly and concisely will help potential clients understand qR4v4Ju2RHE-00059-00018336-00018479 what you're offering, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00060-00018479-00018795 and then they are more likely to use your services. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00061-00018795-00019028 Remember, you're good at what you do! qR4v4Ju2RHE-00062-00019028-00019359 I know because you wouldn't be in business doing it if qR4v4Ju2RHE-00063-00019359-00019442 you weren't, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00064-00019442-00019750 but do you feel like you're able to charge what you qR4v4Ju2RHE-00065-00019750-00019923 really think you're worth? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00066-00019923-00020232 It can be hard to charge what you're worth when you qR4v4Ju2RHE-00067-00020232-00020600 don't feel confident in your skills or your ability to sell qR4v4Ju2RHE-00068-00020600-00021109 yourself. When it comes time to talk rates with potential clients, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00069-00021109-00021282 stay firm on your prices. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00070-00021282-00021561 Don't let them talk you down or try to get a qR4v4Ju2RHE-00071-00021561-00021651 better deal. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00072-00021651-00021890 If they really want your services, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00073-00021890-00022144 they'll be willing to pay your price. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00074-00022144-00022366 Discounting your service says, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00075-00022366-00022744 I'm not worth what I'm charging -is that really what you qR4v4Ju2RHE-00076-00022744-00022949 want your clients to believe? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00077-00022949-00023048 And remember, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00078-00023083-00023511 always have a contract outlining the terms of the agreement between qR4v4Ju2RHE-00079-00023511-00023601 both parties. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00080-00023601-00023977 This will help protect you and ensure that both parties know qR4v4Ju2RHE-00081-00023977-00024172 what to expect from each other. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00082-00024172-00024232 To recap, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00083-00024232-00024578 selling your professional services can be difficult, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00084-00024578-00024931 but it's important to remember that you are your own best qR4v4Ju2RHE-00085-00024931-00025291 asset. When you're selling your professional services, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00086-00025291-00025667 be sure to focus on your strengths and highlight your unique qR4v4Ju2RHE-00087-00025667-00025772 selling points. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00088-00025826-00026250 You should also be prepared to answer common questions about your qR4v4Ju2RHE-00089-00026250-00026558 services and be clear on your terms and pricing. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00090-00026558-00026906 Standing up for what you're worth is key to getting the qR4v4Ju2RHE-00091-00026906-00027006 right clients. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00092-00027006-00027407 Finally, always have a contract that outlines the terms of the qR4v4Ju2RHE-00093-00027407-00027623 agreement between both parties. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00094-00027623-00028008 This will help protect you and ensure that both parties know qR4v4Ju2RHE-00095-00028008-00028208 what to expect from each other. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00096-00028208-00028548 If you have any tips on how you sell your professional qR4v4Ju2RHE-00097-00028548-00028988 services, or if you have any questions about selling your services, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00098-00029007-00029200 please leave a comment below. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00099-00029200-00029369 We'd love to hear from you! qR4v4Ju2RHE-00100-00029369-00029716 Let's all work together to raise the bar for everyone! qR4v4Ju2RHE-00101-00029716-00030170 Would you like to learn more about selling your professional services qR4v4Ju2RHE-00102-00030170-00030464 or other topics regarding business success? qR4v4Ju2RHE-00103-00030464-00030542 Yes! Great! qR4v4Ju2RHE-00104-00030542-00030827 Then there are a few things that you need to do qR4v4Ju2RHE-00105-00030827-00030895 right now. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00106-00030895-00031051 First, like this video, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00107-00031051-00031227 so that I know you got value, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00108-00031227-00031491 and I'll make more videos like this one. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00109-00031491-00031730 Second, Subscribe to this channel, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00110-00031730-00032073 and click the bell to get notified whenever we post a qR4v4Ju2RHE-00111-00032073-00032392 new video so that you don't miss a single piece of qR4v4Ju2RHE-00112-00032392-00032631 the valuable information we share. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00113-00032631-00032695 And last, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00114-00032695-00033078 click the link in the description to register for the next qR4v4Ju2RHE-00115-00033078-00033469 live web class we hold on Thursdays and unearth the secrets qR4v4Ju2RHE-00116-00033469-00033644 to scaling your business! qR4v4Ju2RHE-00117-00033695-00034233 This is a tremendous opportunity to go even deeper into these qR4v4Ju2RHE-00118-00034233-00034981 ideas! You can also register by going to www.BusinessSuccess.group/scalinglive. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00119-00034981-00035445 That's www.BusinessSuccess.group/scalinglive. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00120-00035445-00035582 I'm Doug Barra, qR4v4Ju2RHE-00121-00035582-00036078 and I'm passionate about small businesses succeeding. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00122-00036078-00036288 Thank you for watching. qR4v4Ju2RHE-00123-00036288-00036552 I'll see you in our next video. qSH-z8reGn4-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, qSH-z8reGn4-00001-00000105-00000305 we will look at rationalizing denominators qSH-z8reGn4-00002-00000305-00000601 that have a binomial in the denominator. qSH-z8reGn4-00003-00000601-00000804 First, let's notice what does not work. qSH-z8reGn4-00004-00000804-00001101 We can't simply multiply by the square root, qSH-z8reGn4-00005-00001101-00001305 because we would be forced to distribute it. qSH-z8reGn4-00006-00001305-00001701 And so, we would have a 2 root 3 in the denominator, qSH-z8reGn4-00007-00001701-00001905 and that would not accomplish our goal. qSH-z8reGn4-00008-00001905-00002202 However, you may recall, we have a property qSH-z8reGn4-00009-00002202-00002506 that says we can multiply 2 root 3 by something qSH-z8reGn4-00010-00002506-00002709 that gets rid of the root. qSH-z8reGn4-00011-00002709-00003209 You may recall, this would be 2 minus the square root of 3. qSH-z8reGn4-00012-00003209-00003409 By multiplying by the conjugate, qSH-z8reGn4-00013-00003409-00003803 we would have 2 times 2, which is 4; qSH-z8reGn4-00014-00003803-00004101 a positive times a negative is negative; qSH-z8reGn4-00015-00004101-00004506 3 times 3 is 9; and the square root of 9 is 3. qSH-z8reGn4-00016-00004506-00004708 Notice 4 minus 3 is 1, qSH-z8reGn4-00017-00004708-00005001 and we've now cleared the square root qSH-z8reGn4-00018-00005001-00005301 by multiplying by the conjugate. qSH-z8reGn4-00019-00005409-00005703 Let's take a look at some examples qSH-z8reGn4-00020-00005703-00005904 where we multiply by the conjugate qSH-z8reGn4-00021-00005904-00006404 in order to clear the radical in the binomial denominator. qSH-z8reGn4-00022-00006404-00006605 Here, again, we've got a binomial: qSH-z8reGn4-00023-00006605-00006900 5 minus the square root of 3. qSH-z8reGn4-00024-00006900-00007107 And so, we will multiply by the conjugate, qSH-z8reGn4-00025-00007107-00007504 which is 5 plus the square root of 3, qSH-z8reGn4-00026-00007504-00007804 on the numerator and the denominator. qSH-z8reGn4-00027-00008005-00008309 In the numerator, we simply have to distribute: qSH-z8reGn4-00028-00008309-00008904 6 times 5 is 30, plus 6 root 3. qSH-z8reGn4-00029-00008904-00009106 In the denominator, because they're conjugates, qSH-z8reGn4-00030-00009106-00009507 we can multiply the first term: 5 times 5 is 25; qSH-z8reGn4-00031-00009507-00009707 and the last term: qSH-z8reGn4-00032-00009707-00010308 root 3 times root 3 is root 9, which is just 3. qSH-z8reGn4-00033-00010308-00010501 Remember, we're subtracting, qSH-z8reGn4-00034-00010501-00010802 because we have a positive times a negative: qSH-z8reGn4-00035-00010802-00011202 25 minus 3 is 22. qSH-z8reGn4-00036-00011202-00011500 Before we're allowed to reduce this fraction, qSH-z8reGn4-00037-00011500-00011708 we must first factor the numerator. qSH-z8reGn4-00038-00011708-00012006 Factoring out a 6, we're left with 5, qSH-z8reGn4-00039-00012006-00012402 plus the square root of 3, over 22. qSH-z8reGn4-00040-00012402-00012705 And now, we can reduce the 6 and 22-- qSH-z8reGn4-00041-00012705-00013009 because they're factors-- by dividing by 2, qSH-z8reGn4-00042-00013009-00013309 leaving behind 3 and 11. qSH-z8reGn4-00043-00013309-00013707 So for our final answer, we have 3 times 5, qSH-z8reGn4-00044-00013707-00014107 plus the square root of 3, over 11. qSH-z8reGn4-00045-00014107-00014504 You could also distribute the 3 through in the numerator qSH-z8reGn4-00046-00014504-00014800 and get the same equivalent solution. qSH-z8reGn4-00047-00014903-00015009 Let's try another problem qSH-z8reGn4-00048-00015009-00015306 where we have to multiply by the conjugate qSH-z8reGn4-00049-00015306-00015605 in order to simplify the expression. qSH-z8reGn4-00050-00015605-00015906 Here, we have 4 plus 2 root 2. qSH-z8reGn4-00051-00015906-00016306 The conjugate would be exactly the same with subtraction: qSH-z8reGn4-00052-00016306-00016801 4 minus 2 root 2 in the numerator and denominator. qSH-z8reGn4-00053-00017002-00017303 Let's focus for a moment on the numerator. qSH-z8reGn4-00054-00017303-00018005 We must FOIL: 3 times 4 is 12, minus 6 root 2, qSH-z8reGn4-00055-00018005-00018807 minus 20 root 2, plus 10 root 4. qSH-z8reGn4-00056-00018807-00019200 Let's simplify this before we look at the denominator. qSH-z8reGn4-00057-00019200-00019503 The square root of 4 is 2, and so now, qSH-z8reGn4-00058-00019503-00020209 we've got 12 minus 6 root 2, minus 20 root 2, plus 20. qSH-z8reGn4-00059-00020404-00020700 When we try and combine like terms: qSH-z8reGn4-00060-00020700-00021008 12 plus 20 is 32; qSH-z8reGn4-00061-00021008-00021704 and 6 root 2, minus 20 root 2, is minus 26 root 2. qSH-z8reGn4-00062-00021704-00022009 And this is going to be over our denominator. qSH-z8reGn4-00063-00022009-00022305 Let's take a look at our denominator. qSH-z8reGn4-00064-00022305-00022500 Multiplying the conjugate: qSH-z8reGn4-00065-00022500-00023003 4 times 4 is 16, keeping it separate here; qSH-z8reGn4-00066-00023003-00023305 2 times -2 is -4. qSH-z8reGn4-00067-00023305-00023605 And then, when we multiply the square roots: qSH-z8reGn4-00068-00023605-00023807 2 times 2 is also 4, qSH-z8reGn4-00069-00023807-00024209 but the square root of this is 2. qSH-z8reGn4-00070-00024209-00024702 This means we have 16 minus 4 times 2, or 8; qSH-z8reGn4-00071-00024702-00025005 and 16 minus 8 is simply 8. qSH-z8reGn4-00072-00025303-00025508 Before we can reduce this fraction, though, qSH-z8reGn4-00073-00025508-00025801 we must first factor. qSH-z8reGn4-00074-00025801-00026105 The numerator has a factor of 2 in common, qSH-z8reGn4-00075-00026105-00026802 leaving behind 16 minus 13 root 2, over 4... qSH-z8reGn4-00076-00026802-00027006 I'm sorry, over 8. qSH-z8reGn4-00077-00027406-00027802 Now, we can divide out the common factor of 2, qSH-z8reGn4-00078-00027802-00028308 and we're left with 16 minus 13 root 2, over 4, qSH-z8reGn4-00079-00028308-00028605 for our final solution. qSH-z8reGn4-00080-00028605-00029001 We can rationalize denominators if there's a binomial, qSH-z8reGn4-00081-00029001-00029507 any adding or subtracting, by multiplying by the conjugate. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00000-00000066-00000176 Balazs Mike: Recording welcome. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00001-00000243-00000286 So qSaIFSJ6VHM-00002-00000327-00000407 ng: Where is the other headphone? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00003-00000411-00000564 Balazs Mike: What are we speaking about today? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00004-00000610-00000731 Andrew: Well you already know, it's qSaIFSJ6VHM-00005-00000733-00001031 a very interesting topic, sex and alcohol. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00006-00001073-00001226 Balazs Mike: Sex and alcohol, all right; qSaIFSJ6VHM-00007-00001256-00001409 Andrew: And drugs, of course, in general. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00008-00001459-00001494 Balazs Mike: Right. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00009-00001505-00001703 I mean, that comes together in combination, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00010-00001703-00001764 I would imagine. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00011-00001780-00001806 Andrew: Yep. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00012-00001808-00001854 alright. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00013-00001856-00001970 Balazs Mike: And, why are you interested qSaIFSJ6VHM-00014-00001970-00002039 about this topic? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00015-00002110-00002320 What makes you passionate about it? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00016-00002360-00002671 Andrew: Maybe you notice we are in Amsterdam right now. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00017-00002754-00002851 Balazs Mike: I did take notice. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00018-00002861-00002918 That's right. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00019-00002985-00003352 Andrew: So yeah, it's a topic for a lot of qSaIFSJ6VHM-00020-00003394-00003777 people who lives in a whole European union. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00021-00003815-00003844 Balazs Mike: Yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00022-00003847-00003947 I think you're right. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00023-00003963-00004060 Think about it everyday. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00024-00004060-00004323 You walk around, you see tons of people, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00025-00004355-00004521 Some people are present. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00026-00004580-00004655 They're looking around. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00027-00004703-00004930 Some people are in the past, reading their news qSaIFSJ6VHM-00028-00004932-00005264 feed and some people maybe in a different qSaIFSJ6VHM-00029-00005264-00005360 world reading a book. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00030-00005424-00005608 And then again, some people are in the future qSaIFSJ6VHM-00031-00005648-00005854 reading about possible forecast and outcomes. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00032-00005918-00006111 But what you will notice is that everyone qSaIFSJ6VHM-00033-00006111-00006374 is thinking about something at all times. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00034-00006414-00006559 And when you look at Amsterdam. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00035-00006624-00006900 There is a beautiful people here, man, and woman. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00036-00006900-00007218 And however you identify, And everyone qSaIFSJ6VHM-00037-00007218-00007303 is seeing each other. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00038-00007341-00007603 And so yes, at least 50% of the time. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00039-00007611-00007727 That's what everyone thinks about. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00040-00007794-00007960 Either, because you're doing it or qSaIFSJ6VHM-00041-00007960-00008037 you're not doing it. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00042-00008099-00008311 You would like to do some more or you would qSaIFSJ6VHM-00043-00008311-00008407 like to do some less. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00044-00008477-00008505 So yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00045-00008505-00008576 That's interesting. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00046-00008643-00008771 How many people live in Amsterdam? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00047-00008774-00008856 Let's quantify that. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00048-00008887-00008982 Andrew: I don't know, actually qSaIFSJ6VHM-00049-00008994-00009074 Marvin: That's a good question. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00050-00009141-00009168 I don't know. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00051-00009170-00009353 I know that the Brussels, we are 1 million. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00052-00009420-00009648 so I'd say Amsterdam is a bit bigger than Brussels. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00053-00009650-00009789 So I'd say 1.2 million, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00054-00009862-00010156 Balazs Mike: 1.2 million people, at least half qSaIFSJ6VHM-00055-00010170-00010445 of that is thinking about sex, right now. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00056-00010515-00010743 There is 600,000 people right now qSaIFSJ6VHM-00057-00010745-00010845 thinking about sex. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00058-00010850-00010944 Marvin: That's a lot of profiles. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00059-00010949-00011086 Balazs Mike: Does that have any power? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00060-00011153-00011427 Beyond, your own life going in a certain direction qSaIFSJ6VHM-00061-00011427-00011662 because of your thoughts manifesting, but do you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00062-00011662-00011888 think there is a collective mindset of a city. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00063-00011914-00012149 Andrew: I think it's our human nature qSaIFSJ6VHM-00064-00012152-00012270 to think about sex. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00065-00012272-00012573 It's not related with, the City, but it's related qSaIFSJ6VHM-00066-00012573-00012976 for our, nature and our nature, say fuck and eat. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00067-00013043-00013177 Marvin: you got a title on this podcast. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00068-00013242-00013299 Fuck and Eat. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00069-00013351-00013399 Balazs Mike: All right. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00070-00013466-00013519 Wonderful. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00071-00013537-00013766 that brings me to, to think about fasting, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00072-00013766-00013959 one of the practice that helped me, essentially qSaIFSJ6VHM-00073-00013959-00014281 change my patterns, was fasting because when you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00074-00014281-00014567 fast, you say to yourself today, I'm not going qSaIFSJ6VHM-00075-00014567-00014695 to eat until this time. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00076-00014697-00015067 But perhaps your mind is not on that at least for qSaIFSJ6VHM-00077-00015067-00015348 that X amount of time, which is incredible because qSaIFSJ6VHM-00078-00015348-00015493 then you are in control. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00079-00015501-00015712 So what you're saying is fuck and eat. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00080-00015790-00015822 Andrew: Yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00081-00015830-00015916 Balazs Mike: But what else? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00082-00015929-00016216 That is where I'm saying sometimes, but most of the qSaIFSJ6VHM-00083-00016216-00016455 time I'm also like, okay, fuck and eat And survived. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00084-00016456-00016576 of course there's many other things, but qSaIFSJ6VHM-00085-00016641-00016761 Andrew: yeah, so qSaIFSJ6VHM-00086-00016831-00017002 Marvin: it's a very interesting topic cause qSaIFSJ6VHM-00087-00017002-00017309 I read this book called hooked and I highly qSaIFSJ6VHM-00088-00017309-00017405 recommend you reading that. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00089-00017424-00017686 And in this book they explained that the way, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00090-00017691-00017989 people, behind Instagram, Facebook, and all those qSaIFSJ6VHM-00091-00017989-00018297 social media platforms work and observe the world. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00092-00018365-00018483 There's three basic needs. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00093-00018495-00018776 the need of the hunt, the tribe and the self, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00094-00018848-00019012 and the thing that is very interesting with the qSaIFSJ6VHM-00095-00019012-00019351 hunt, it brings back to our primal, objectives. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00096-00019354-00019729 Like you mentioned, eat and, have sex to reproduce qSaIFSJ6VHM-00097-00019729-00019836 and grow the village. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00098-00019888-00020181 So that's a basic need that they even using to qSaIFSJ6VHM-00099-00020181-00020476 this day to influence or behaviors on the basis. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00100-00020484-00020650 Balazs Mike: I had this thought once when I was, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00101-00020650-00021045 uhm just a child, I think I was eight years old. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00102-00021109-00021398 We were going to the shop with my dad and qSaIFSJ6VHM-00103-00021401-00021626 I had the charge to take the shopping cart. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00104-00021633-00021864 And I thought to myself, how interesting, why do qSaIFSJ6VHM-00105-00021864-00022070 I get excited about going to the store with my dad? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00106-00022116-00022339 And essentially I realized at the age of eight. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00107-00022374-00022469 That this is my hunt. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00108-00022502-00022593 I am with my dad. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00109-00022599-00022834 I see a product that say something Daddy I think qSaIFSJ6VHM-00110-00022853-00023067 I should get that, and I would pick up sun flower qSaIFSJ6VHM-00111-00023068-00023308 seeds or something I can use over time and it's qSaIFSJ6VHM-00112-00023313-00023490 good value for price. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00113-00023538-00023689 And I realized I'm going to hunt with my dad. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00114-00023723-00023921 So yes, we do the, what was the other ones? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00115-00023921-00024152 You mentioned the self and then what was the tribe? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00116-00024178-00024243 Marvin: The tribe. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00117-00024254-00024422 The tribe, which refers to the need qSaIFSJ6VHM-00118-00024433-00024711 to belong to a group, be respected by them. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00119-00024713-00024876 Balazs Mike: Doesn't that assume because we need to qSaIFSJ6VHM-00120-00024876-00025262 be in a tribe because you cannot fuck alone and you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00121-00025268-00025546 can eat alone, but it's far as not as enjoyable qSaIFSJ6VHM-00122-00025546-00025640 as eating with the tribe, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00123-00025640-00025745 Marvin: it's even bigger than that. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00124-00025750-00026039 Because for example, when you have sex afterwards, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00125-00026051-00026253 especially at a young age, you have your first. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00126-00026287-00026396 What is the first thing that you do? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00127-00026402-00026627 You go to the tribe to just say what you did. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00128-00026656-00026715 That's right. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00129-00026739-00027053 So after the hunt, the tribe aspect that comes qSaIFSJ6VHM-00130-00027053-00027285 into place, but, it's even funnier because the hunt qSaIFSJ6VHM-00131-00027288-00027520 also represent, when you had to hunt your meat, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00132-00027544-00027785 like in the days it would take you hours and hours qSaIFSJ6VHM-00133-00027787-00027919 to just go after it. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00134-00027919-00027927 And. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00135-00028023-00028272 And that's the, when you're in that flow qSaIFSJ6VHM-00136-00028272-00028387 statement, it's like qSaIFSJ6VHM-00137-00028387-00028495 Balazs Mike: Flow state that's a Hungarian qSaIFSJ6VHM-00138-00028495-00028564 invention by the way. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00139-00028564-00028610 Marvin: Exactly. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00140-00028622-00028939 And for example, look at, different relationships qSaIFSJ6VHM-00141-00028984-00029280 and you had those where the girl was already on you and qSaIFSJ6VHM-00142-00029283-00029604 she was constantly texting you or, showing you, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00143-00029637-00029774 but not enough to push. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00144-00029785-00029878 And that's where it was too much. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00145-00029967-00030122 She's like pushing herself on you. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00146-00030125-00030146 Yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00147-00030146-00030261 And then you pull back. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00148-00030267-00030326 Yeah, exactly. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00149-00030326-00030575 The healthy distance, but that creates a dynamic. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00150-00030575-00030795 You wouldn't want, she might be the best, but qSaIFSJ6VHM-00151-00030795-00031068 it should be like both a pull and push exactly. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00152-00031070-00031186 You maintain that distance. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00153-00031191-00031204 Yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00154-00031223-00031400 And so that's also that aspect in the hunt, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00155-00031402-00031697 cause like, you're still building that, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00156-00031704-00031749 Balazs Mike: tension qSaIFSJ6VHM-00157-00031768-00031817 Marvin: exactly qSaIFSJ6VHM-00158-00031822-00031887 Balazs Mike: on the hunt qSaIFSJ6VHM-00159-00031889-00032103 you have the game, you have the gun qSaIFSJ6VHM-00160-00032138-00032281 Marvin: and you know the funniest part is qSaIFSJ6VHM-00161-00032282-00032386 like, when you look at. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00162-00032424-00032633 The moment where the top hits, it's never qSaIFSJ6VHM-00163-00032633-00032967 a drink eating it's secretary during that hunt qSaIFSJ6VHM-00164-00033008-00033190 because you're expecting that we were then. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00165-00033190-00033425 So your brain is already releasing those chemicals qSaIFSJ6VHM-00166-00033458-00033575 and it's even more exciting qSaIFSJ6VHM-00167-00033575-00033787 Balazs Mike: Today I met a beautiful African woman. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00168-00033819-00033950 She's super young. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00169-00033956-00034175 She had her hair in a way that I have never seen qSaIFSJ6VHM-00170-00034178-00034523 an Afro hair put and she was going up the stairs. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00171-00034523-00034603 She lives on the first. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00172-00034642-00034901 And funny enough, she looked at me like qSaIFSJ6VHM-00173-00034901-00035043 she looked at me, she waited on the top and qSaIFSJ6VHM-00174-00035043-00035212 looked at me and then before she entered, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00175-00035212-00035281 she also looked at me. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00176-00035281-00035455 I was just taking my time reading through my phone. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00177-00035490-00035570 And then I was like, okay. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00178-00035570-00035797 She looked twice, very meaningfully so I saw so qSaIFSJ6VHM-00179-00035798-00035870 Marvin: that's a good sign. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00180-00035886-00036068 Balazs Mike: I was like, Hey, her name qSaIFSJ6VHM-00181-00036068-00036414 is well for publicity purposes won't say it. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00182-00036451-00036579 But, yeah, she introduced herself. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00183-00036608-00036667 I introduced myself. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00184-00036736-00036918 I said, I take the stairs all the time, maybe qSaIFSJ6VHM-00185-00036918-00036990 I'll see you again. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00186-00037028-00037252 So if I see her again, I'll invite her for a qSaIFSJ6VHM-00187-00037252-00037561 tea somewhere downstairs, but what the moral qSaIFSJ6VHM-00188-00037561-00037975 of the stories that immediately that hormon qSaIFSJ6VHM-00189-00037984-00038206 was released on a whim. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00190-00038222-00038346 I was like, whoa. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00191-00038391-00038540 And the elephant trunk is qSaIFSJ6VHM-00192-00038540-00038682 Marvin: You did her a service to cause you, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00193-00038686-00038852 you don't make the hunt simple for her too. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00194-00038854-00039063 Cause you said this sentence and now in qSaIFSJ6VHM-00195-00039063-00039294 her brain, she's going to think about this qSaIFSJ6VHM-00196-00039294-00039419 moment that will happen. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00197-00039419-00039511 Balazs Mike: She will have very good legs qSaIFSJ6VHM-00198-00039511-00039573 by the time we meet. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00199-00039576-00039830 Andrew: actually I don't think that this guy could qSaIFSJ6VHM-00200-00039830-00039969 be a little bit problem. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00201-00039996-00040203 You have the dick, she have the pussy. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00202-00040208-00040296 So what's the problem? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00203-00040335-00040365 Balazs Mike: Yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00204-00040371-00040536 that's the thing you do need simple qSaIFSJ6VHM-00205-00040536-00040590 way of putting it. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00206-00040623-00040769 Yeah, putting things qSaIFSJ6VHM-00207-00040786-00040948 Marvin: cause when you say people are thinking qSaIFSJ6VHM-00208-00040948-00041337 about sex, love I think, it's not true. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00209-00041364-00041607 It's like some people do actually, but I feel like qSaIFSJ6VHM-00210-00041607-00041913 some people, especially, when, like it's backed qSaIFSJ6VHM-00211-00041913-00041996 by state studies. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00212-00041999-00042226 We are like more utilitarian, which means qSaIFSJ6VHM-00213-00042234-00042478 if you were like CEO of a company, you would, you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00214-00042478-00042599 would have this, Aspect. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00215-00042599-00042821 That's going to take a big part of your day. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00216-00042848-00043070 And so what happens is actually the moment qSaIFSJ6VHM-00217-00043070-00043293 where you think about sex and love is when qSaIFSJ6VHM-00218-00043293-00043496 you have that physical attraction happening, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00219-00043496-00043674 you have your wife just entering the room and qSaIFSJ6VHM-00220-00043674-00043852 that's when it kicks in. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00221-00043881-00044069 Or maybe she sends, she's sending you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00222-00044069-00044361 like a nice picture over the phone while qSaIFSJ6VHM-00223-00044361-00044431 you're in the meeting. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00224-00044442-00044490 Andrew: That's when. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00225-00044490-00044559 you don't know where no. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00226-00044561-00044897 It's your, psychologic and, don't explain even qSaIFSJ6VHM-00227-00044907-00045358 now, why it comes and it comes for your heart, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00228-00045382-00045713 your brain, or from your Dick difficult question. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00229-00045713-00045730 actually. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00230-00045772-00045908 Balazs Mike: I used to, struggle with the qSaIFSJ6VHM-00231-00045908-00046348 thought, do my emotions that I experience as love qSaIFSJ6VHM-00232-00046366-00046855 come from my dick and my balls or from my heart? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00233-00046873-00047064 And then eventually I realized it's a combination qSaIFSJ6VHM-00234-00047077-00047315 because you send something very physical, which qSaIFSJ6VHM-00235-00047315-00047425 is completely natural. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00236-00047463-00047696 What I think is an interesting topic as well, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00237-00047698-00047867 how this is energy, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00238-00047867-00048157 And this energy, can sometimes be, channeled qSaIFSJ6VHM-00239-00048162-00048425 to the to the wrong place, that means this qSaIFSJ6VHM-00240-00048425-00048551 energy doesn't return. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00241-00048599-00048821 Which is why I think in a place like this, where qSaIFSJ6VHM-00242-00048821-00049323 people think about fuck & eat, then essentially there qSaIFSJ6VHM-00243-00049323-00049540 ought to be a spectrum of people experiencing qSaIFSJ6VHM-00244-00049540-00049666 different things, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00245-00049676-00049840 If you're channeling your energy in the right qSaIFSJ6VHM-00246-00049840-00049942 place or the wrong place. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00247-00049990-00050128 And if it brings fruits, or it doesn't. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00248-00050164-00050534 That's basically sums up who you are even. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00249-00050585-00050824 So it's a very interesting topic, but there is a topic qSaIFSJ6VHM-00250-00050824-00051046 we have yet to discuss and for which I'm going qSaIFSJ6VHM-00251-00051046-00051178 to get some equipment qSaIFSJ6VHM-00252-00051212-00051479 I enjoy smoking weed and I would love to qSaIFSJ6VHM-00253-00051479-00051746 hear, Marvin, what you have to say about that. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00254-00051749-00051821 What's your history. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00255-00051821-00052067 What's your story on smoking your first? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00256-00052106-00052304 Marvin: Yeah, it's actually a good question. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00257-00052310-00052582 personally, I am, I'm not that much into qSaIFSJ6VHM-00258-00052582-00052801 weeds cause I, so first of all, I'm a person qSaIFSJ6VHM-00259-00052801-00052956 who's like hyper active. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00260-00052983-00053467 I like to be at a hundred percent, not 99, 98, not qSaIFSJ6VHM-00261-00053473-00053596 80, like always a hundred. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00262-00053597-00053877 and I hate moments that are like, where I know that I'm qSaIFSJ6VHM-00263-00053877-00053960 not gonna make the best. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00264-00053995-00054198 Which is funny because I do drink like a Polish person, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00265-00054198-00054319 but that's another story. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00266-00054386-00054700 So for me, I guess I had this, perspective qSaIFSJ6VHM-00267-00054700-00054973 where I would see weed as a obstacle. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00268-00054976-00055192 so I, I don't enjoy it. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00269-00055192-00055362 When it's let's say I'm alone in a qSaIFSJ6VHM-00270-00055362-00055444 room, but I think. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00271-00055446-00055630 so the reason why I'm smoking weeds, is qSaIFSJ6VHM-00272-00055630-00055697 always with people. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00273-00055697-00055895 Cause I like this moment of sharing together qSaIFSJ6VHM-00274-00055895-00056141 and typically I don't drink alone at home. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00275-00056170-00056258 I drink with my friends. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00276-00056288-00056573 So I feel like this is a tool that helps me connect qSaIFSJ6VHM-00277-00056573-00056661 better with other people. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00278-00056685-00056883 And so that's when you're going to see me. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00279-00056883-00056931 Andrew: okay. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00280-00056932-00057165 I totally agree with you and, the weeds qSaIFSJ6VHM-00281-00057165-00057504 helps think you're more, more wise, wiser yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00282-00057504-00057957 In that case, I think we should, smoke more qSaIFSJ6VHM-00283-00057993-00058040 Marvin: idea, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00284-00058057-00058095 Balazs Mike: Yes. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00285-00058097-00058175 smoking more. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00286-00058245-00058503 Assumes, if you do it the way Marvin presents it qSaIFSJ6VHM-00287-00058543-00058845 that you are essentially spending more quality qSaIFSJ6VHM-00288-00058845-00059100 time with your tribe or your tribes, because qSaIFSJ6VHM-00289-00059100-00059378 some tribes are separate clusters, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00290-00059384-00059694 So it is, I tend to share that because if qSaIFSJ6VHM-00291-00059694-00059885 you're doing it too much on your own debts, that qSaIFSJ6VHM-00292-00059885-00060124 could be a sign of abuse when you just abuse a qSaIFSJ6VHM-00293-00060124-00060445 substance and it becomes essentially it becomes qSaIFSJ6VHM-00294-00060445-00060540 you, or you become it. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00295-00060626-00060779 That's where the lines are blurred. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00296-00060779-00060998 Like you take a shit, you roll a joint, you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00297-00061048-00061260 ate a meal, you rolled a joint, you had sex, you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00298-00061260-00061501 rolled the joint, you woke up, rolled a joint. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00299-00061539-00061694 And then essentially what happens is your qSaIFSJ6VHM-00300-00061697-00061919 day's a pie, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00301-00061940-00062040 You have 24 hours. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00302-00062040-00062324 I've done a few times 30, 40 hours being awake qSaIFSJ6VHM-00303-00062369-00062629 sometimes with, or without extras, like coffee. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00304-00062706-00062861 You have to be wise about your time. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00305-00062942-00063100 And I think then we tap into the third qSaIFSJ6VHM-00306-00063113-00063306 topic, the self, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00307-00063357-00063657 Because essentially you are your own captain. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00308-00063665-00063906 You have a meat suit, you're experiencing qSaIFSJ6VHM-00309-00063970-00064177 this, what surrounds us. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00310-00064262-00064541 And we share something in common and that is time, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00311-00064619-00064846 but we all have different endings and beginnings. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00312-00064913-00065256 So what that means, how you navigate your time during qSaIFSJ6VHM-00313-00065256-00065441 the day and your thoughts. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00314-00065441-00065572 Cause essentially your actions come qSaIFSJ6VHM-00315-00065572-00065674 from your thoughts. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00316-00065688-00065990 And I think the same way you can abuse weed, you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00317-00065990-00066358 can abuse Tinder or you can abuse pretty much anything. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00318-00066358-00066633 you can abuse, I don't know, eating shit, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00319-00066668-00066684 Yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00320-00066687-00066775 What do you think about that? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00321-00066842-00067014 Marvin: Actually, I completely agree with qSaIFSJ6VHM-00322-00067014-00067215 you, but I just want to make sure we don't qSaIFSJ6VHM-00323-00067215-00067360 forget because they, I really like the point qSaIFSJ6VHM-00324-00067360-00067605 that Andrew made before on weed, cause I, I took qSaIFSJ6VHM-00325-00067605-00067835 a quite extreme, position on it, like against, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00326-00067838-00068071 but I'm, I'm actually against it for myself, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00327-00068076-00068237 but I'm for it for others. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00328-00068285-00068454 What I mean by that is when you look at history qSaIFSJ6VHM-00329-00068454-00068719 of weed, the best artists that we know today, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00330-00068719-00068971 back in the days where smoking weed, they were qSaIFSJ6VHM-00331-00068971-00069067 literally the precursor. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00332-00069070-00069363 so I do believe in the power of weed as a gateway qSaIFSJ6VHM-00333-00069369-00069477 to create creativity. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00334-00069477-00069532 I completely agree. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00335-00069569-00069729 Andrew: Yeah, but the problem is, that, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00336-00069739-00069997 mostly country it's, completely forbidden. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00337-00070053-00070504 So if that's a completely forbidden it's, famous qSaIFSJ6VHM-00338-00070504-00070731 people don't become a famous people because, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00339-00070741-00071085 let's say, could be makes people more. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00340-00071091-00071325 going in the art way increases is, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00341-00071332-00071431 art away stuff, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00342-00071432-00071597 Balazs Mike: So that's very interesting because qSaIFSJ6VHM-00343-00071643-00071865 what you're saying could mean that we could look qSaIFSJ6VHM-00344-00071865-00072146 at the statistics of a country bringing forth qSaIFSJ6VHM-00345-00072176-00072593 artists and by the number of artists in that qSaIFSJ6VHM-00346-00072593-00072859 country, we could assume, make an assumption how qSaIFSJ6VHM-00347-00072859-00072960 many extra these smokes. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00348-00073000-00073179 And we wouldn't even have to do a survey. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00349-00073187-00073404 We just do the head count of artists qSaIFSJ6VHM-00350-00073412-00073501 and their network. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00351-00073551-00073774 Because not all smokers become an artist. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00352-00073795-00073899 They are in different ways. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00353-00073899-00074148 I'm an artist when it comes to sales and qSaIFSJ6VHM-00354-00074148-00074301 then master sales man. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00355-00074307-00074376 That's what I am. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00356-00074376-00074570 but yeah, it's a matter of, yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00357-00074635-00074921 Smoking opens up gates, THC lands qSaIFSJ6VHM-00358-00074954-00075166 in your neurons somehow in your brain, it qSaIFSJ6VHM-00359-00075166-00075417 attaches to a specific receptor as you know that. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00360-00075476-00075621 So it really opens up your brain. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00361-00075621-00075854 And so one of the difficult things, however about qSaIFSJ6VHM-00362-00075854-00076119 weed, I would say it's productivity and there are qSaIFSJ6VHM-00363-00076120-00076221 great life hacks for that. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00364-00076255-00076541 And the other thing is that it can hijack you, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00365-00076573-00076750 So who is in control, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00366-00076753-00077064 The whole thing with the fasting also, who is qSaIFSJ6VHM-00367-00077064-00077270 in control, you have to ask yourself everything. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00368-00077337-00077559 Is my narrative in control and controlling qSaIFSJ6VHM-00369-00077597-00077835 what I tell myself every morning, or am I in qSaIFSJ6VHM-00370-00077835-00077966 control of my narrative? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00371-00078033-00078126 Marvin: That's a big actually. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00372-00078213-00078274 Very good point. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00373-00078343-00078463 Andrew: yeah, I guess so. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00374-00078463-00078764 And, the question is, if you, what you say, before, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00375-00078764-00079142 it's the weeds increased more, artistic way and, not qSaIFSJ6VHM-00376-00079147-00079542 all the people which smoke weeds, could be, could be. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00377-00079544-00079884 actors or painters also, it's called BR also in qSaIFSJ6VHM-00378-00079884-00080229 criminals way, after weeds you can, do cocaine or qSaIFSJ6VHM-00379-00080229-00080455 something else and it's could be interesting, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00380-00080455-00080545 like your away. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00381-00080545-00080782 First of all, you started, with, weed, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00382-00080830-00080940 like light drugs. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00383-00080975-00081282 And, after this, cocaine comes in your life. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00384-00081316-00081426 Very interesting idea. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00385-00081459-00081593 Balazs Mike: What can you share about cocaine? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00386-00081612-00081916 I, only ever had done once, but I would love qSaIFSJ6VHM-00387-00081916-00082151 to hear from you I've done different things. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00388-00082153-00082464 Unfortunately don't have much experience about it. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00389-00082501-00082871 Andrew: I can only say like in Ukraine it's qSaIFSJ6VHM-00390-00082876-00083090 extremely expensive stuff. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00391-00083091-00083281 So once again, we are back to the barrier to entry. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00392-00083371-00083614 Basically, and a country can control qSaIFSJ6VHM-00393-00083641-00083778 the supply of sex. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00394-00083812-00083917 They can affect it. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00395-00083967-00084173 They cannot prevent it in most cases, not qSaIFSJ6VHM-00396-00084173-00084261 even in North Korea. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00397-00084261-00084406 I'm sure they are still fucking there. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00398-00084423-00084510 Balazs Mike: But that country puts qSaIFSJ6VHM-00399-00084510-00084628 a barrier to entry. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00400-00084658-00084810 If they control the amount of kids you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00401-00084810-00084885 can get as well. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00402-00084935-00084954 Marvin: Yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00403-00084956-00085052 That's what I was going to say. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00404-00085052-00085108 It, the. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00405-00085191-00085367 They do control the consequences of that. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00406-00085424-00085516 If there is a baby qSaIFSJ6VHM-00407-00085549-00085595 Balazs Mike: that's right. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00408-00085595-00085881 And if you're educated, then you realize that yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00409-00085884-00085996 Basically that's going to have an qSaIFSJ6VHM-00410-00085996-00086082 impact on your life. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00411-00086085-00086243 So you would think twice before you, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00412-00086253-00086342 pull off your condom. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00413-00086376-00086405 Yeah. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00414-00086434-00086485 Yeah, exactly. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00415-00086485-00086607 And the other thing is with weed, of qSaIFSJ6VHM-00416-00086607-00086732 course, so artists. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00417-00086777-00087003 Andrew: Yeah, regarding North Korea, I may be if, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00418-00087003-00087322 Kim Jong-un, do, some, marijuana, take some qSaIFSJ6VHM-00419-00087322-00087827 joints, before work, maybe he will be more polite qSaIFSJ6VHM-00420-00087827-00088207 or, and, don't, try, blow up, whole the world, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00421-00088213-00088374 Balazs Mike: Hitler was taking amphetamine like qSaIFSJ6VHM-00422-00088377-00088478 crazy, by the bulk. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00423-00088646-00088884 Saw him in a sports stadium, watching the qSaIFSJ6VHM-00424-00088884-00089273 match, rocking, rocking, back and forth, I can qSaIFSJ6VHM-00425-00089275-00089374 find the video on YouTube. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00426-00089374-00089460 It's crazy. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00427-00089524-00089682 The man was always an amphetamine. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00428-00089685-00089996 That's an evil drug and I have done fuck qSaIFSJ6VHM-00429-00089996-00090100 tons of amphetamine! qSaIFSJ6VHM-00430-00091225-00091265 All right. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00431-00091265-00091306 We are back. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00432-00091373-00091488 What have you got to say about that? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00433-00091539-00091702 No, but it's actually interesting because qSaIFSJ6VHM-00434-00091718-00091908 during the war, what people don't know is qSaIFSJ6VHM-00435-00091908-00092120 like soldier, soldiers were taking drugs to qSaIFSJ6VHM-00436-00092120-00092407 cope with the, the mental stress, distress in this qSaIFSJ6VHM-00437-00092407-00092522 case and, the physical. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00438-00092597-00092856 Challenge of war and the Germans do. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00439-00092866-00093090 and I guess was diff on the menu. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00440-00093122-00093247 35% German. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00441-00093247-00093464 I think that's probably why I ended up in drum qSaIFSJ6VHM-00442-00093464-00093807 and bass parties going fucking crazy, dancing qSaIFSJ6VHM-00443-00093809-00094007 in a way that humans shouldn't be able to qSaIFSJ6VHM-00444-00094007-00094235 like cross legs and all that, like fucking crazy. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00445-00094235-00094442 I had this party photos around like paff and qSaIFSJ6VHM-00446-00094442-00094581 like you do this motion. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00447-00094584-00094718 And one thing I started to notice, which is qSaIFSJ6VHM-00448-00094718-00094795 why I stopped dancing. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00449-00094884-00095090 Is that your headbands forward, like a qSaIFSJ6VHM-00450-00095090-00095358 fucking worm and then your shoulders qSaIFSJ6VHM-00451-00095358-00095471 fall forward as well. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00452-00095471-00095639 And I've noticed the people around me in qSaIFSJ6VHM-00453-00095639-00095744 these and best parties. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00454-00095744-00095890 And I was like, no, I don't want to be like that. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00455-00095890-00095899 That. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00456-00095908-00096156 I want to stretch my, so I've been practicing, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00457-00096159-00096322 but then you need to be doing things that make qSaIFSJ6VHM-00458-00096322-00096529 you stand up, stand your ground, stand. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00459-00096529-00096698 And like you're not, too much. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00460-00096722-00096891 So abuse back to abuse. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00461-00096899-00097210 If you abuse anything party, it's gonna derail qSaIFSJ6VHM-00462-00097210-00097400 your life, put you in a place where naturally you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00463-00097400-00097499 don't want to arrive to. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00464-00097523-00097814 You want to be thinking like, oh, 10 years, man, qSaIFSJ6VHM-00465-00097814-00098165 I've got a license, did a degree met so many people qSaIFSJ6VHM-00466-00098181-00098404 lived in three countries, this and that, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00467-00098406-00098674 You think, tend to think that way because there is qSaIFSJ6VHM-00468-00098674-00098937 another thing about, and that's a different topic. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00469-00098945-00099363 we live through time and we live in space and one thing qSaIFSJ6VHM-00470-00099363-00099668 that's beautiful about work ground is, it allows qSaIFSJ6VHM-00471-00099668-00099957 us to cross the space that we were in previously be qSaIFSJ6VHM-00472-00099957-00100149 able to do in a nice, good. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00473-00100218-00100405 Which is I can invite you now to my home. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00474-00100437-00100518 I trust you fully. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00475-00100544-00100633 I see the two of you. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00476-00100633-00100689 You're right here. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00477-00100689-00100783 We're doing a podcast. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00478-00100834-00101150 And I see also Marvin and also the same goes qSaIFSJ6VHM-00479-00101150-00101428 to anyone really that comes in and I can assess qSaIFSJ6VHM-00480-00101463-00101573 who and how they are. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00481-00101574-00101946 And I establish my ground rules as a host. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00482-00101976-00102136 I establish how I like to be. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00483-00102166-00102388 And as long as the person who comes in is not chaotic qSaIFSJ6VHM-00484-00102388-00102565 and cannot follow the flow. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00485-00102602-00102832 Then we have a good thing going on already, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00486-00102838-00103063 So we get to live through time, but most people don't qSaIFSJ6VHM-00487-00103063-00103317 ever cross different space, which means they are in qSaIFSJ6VHM-00488-00103317-00103400 their own home everyday. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00489-00103400-00103540 They commute to the same work every day. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00490-00103540-00103722 They do the same fucking route every day. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00491-00103722-00103963 So they are just ants tech, that you can qSaIFSJ6VHM-00492-00103963-00104226 break with that and say, every day I'm going to qSaIFSJ6VHM-00493-00104226-00104322 take different steps. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00494-00104328-00104478 No, it's actually very interesting qSaIFSJ6VHM-00495-00104478-00104597 cause I always say. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00496-00104669-00105017 Every people that I meet, or usually when I'm quite qSaIFSJ6VHM-00497-00105017-00105124 drunk let's be honest. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00498-00105125-00105392 like if I was president, there are two things that qSaIFSJ6VHM-00499-00105392-00105730 will be mandatory for every citizen in my country. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00500-00105762-00106008 The first thing is every week you would qSaIFSJ6VHM-00501-00106008-00106158 have a therapy session. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00502-00106242-00106424 And the second thing you would have, you qSaIFSJ6VHM-00503-00106424-00106619 would always have, you will always have qSaIFSJ6VHM-00504-00106619-00106999 to, travel, like past, Past 8,000 kilometers. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00505-00107039-00107259 Marvin: So the reason, so basically go to a very qSaIFSJ6VHM-00506-00107275-00107532 far country continent, and not as a tourist, right? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00507-00107537-00107805 Like really immerse yourself in a new qSaIFSJ6VHM-00508-00107824-00107924 sphere environment. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00509-00107957-00108142 And it joins actually your point is like qSaIFSJ6VHM-00510-00108145-00108252 breaking the cycle. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00511-00108295-00108525 Cause, where would you want a, a country where qSaIFSJ6VHM-00512-00108525-00108736 everyone's doing the same thing, doing the same qSaIFSJ6VHM-00513-00108736-00108841 cycle, the same road? qSaIFSJ6VHM-00514-00108892-00108933 Cause they never. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00515-00108944-00109083 Andrew: I guess you're right. qSaIFSJ6VHM-00516-00109113-00109362 And, what, mentioned before, yeah, it's boring qSaIFSJ6VHM-00517-00109365-00109725 go to same work, and, return after rewards qSaIFSJ6VHM-00518-00109728-00110125 and, I dunno, spend your weekends in the, with your qSaIFSJ6VHM-00519-00110143-00110394 same friends, same, beer. qTD0rV_fQQc-00000-00000024-00000810 what's going on YouTube so we're gonna have another truth about Forex um I was inspired qTD0rV_fQQc-00001-00000810-00001377 tonight it's late here late in Korea should be sleep right now but I just had to make this video qTD0rV_fQQc-00002-00001377-00001977 it's gonna be a it's gonna be a keep a real video month to keep a real raw and uncut you know I'm qTD0rV_fQQc-00003-00001977-00002586 saying cuz you don't need to hear this you know saying this is specifically to my team to people qTD0rV_fQQc-00004-00002586-00003078 who are integrated into forex but people that are interested in forex where people were just qTD0rV_fQQc-00005-00003078-00003642 been watching my journey through the whole truth about voyage journey you know everybody wants to qTD0rV_fQQc-00006-00003642-00004188 be successful in his business and understand success and understand money and they want to qTD0rV_fQQc-00007-00004188-00004602 get the greatness out of this business and so a lot of people are in this business in there and qTD0rV_fQQc-00008-00004602-00005286 the point where they like why am I not successful why am I not growing why am I not making money qTD0rV_fQQc-00009-00005286-00005961 trading why am I not making money team building and I just want to say this is a message for the qTD0rV_fQQc-00010-00005961-00006552 people that are struggling with the business it's completely on you it is completely on you like you qTD0rV_fQQc-00011-00006552-00007227 are the reason why you are not successful in this business it's you it's you it's you it's you it's qTD0rV_fQQc-00012-00007227-00007748 you you watching this right now if you're not successful in this business it's your own fault qTD0rV_fQQc-00013-00007748-00008514 every person a reshot reaches out to me and like for a critique or for a better understanding the qTD0rV_fQQc-00014-00008514-00008994 first thing I do is I go to your social media I go to their Instagram and see like okay well how qTD0rV_fQQc-00015-00008994-00009336 are you marketing yourself now is this the grandmother will you come marketer so it's qTD0rV_fQQc-00016-00009336-00009846 Instagram everything but Instagram is a very powerful tool and it's a tool that everybody qTD0rV_fQQc-00017-00009846-00010422 is on every day and that's pretty much like the main source of marketing yourself so is everything qTD0rV_fQQc-00018-00010422-00011046 know but I do go to the Instagram and then I'll go see Instagram and number one red flag nothing when qTD0rV_fQQc-00019-00011046-00011586 your social media is saying day you do Forex you have nothing on your social media saying qTD0rV_fQQc-00020-00011586-00012078 that you're an entrepreneur you have nothing on your page saying that you are invested you have qTD0rV_fQQc-00021-00012078-00012462 nothing on your page saying it's you a part of one of the greatest organizations in the world qTD0rV_fQQc-00022-00012462-00012999 you need to have nothing on your page saying that you're a part of the the biggest financial market qTD0rV_fQQc-00023-00012999-00013646 in the world nothing like so off top money comes to recruiting being like man why nobody won't join qTD0rV_fQQc-00024-00013646-00014447 my team go look at your page that represents you your Facebook your Twitter your Instagram whatever qTD0rV_fQQc-00025-00014447-00015035 it is that you want most often on social media because especially if you're not pushing it on qTD0rV_fQQc-00026-00015035-00015509 social media you're not showcasing yourself in in that light on social media you definitely ain't qTD0rV_fQQc-00027-00015509-00016037 doing it when you're walking around day to day the primary thing is to walk around and take ownership qTD0rV_fQQc-00028-00016037-00016502 of your business and your entrepreneurship every day when you meet people every day in the world qTD0rV_fQQc-00029-00016502-00016955 so I don't know what people are doing every day in the world but I guarantee you if you're not qTD0rV_fQQc-00030-00016955-00017534 doing it on social media you definitely doing it in real life that's just kind of like common qTD0rV_fQQc-00031-00017534-00017912 sense you know I'm saying cuz if you're doing it in real life it's definitely gonna reflect on your qTD0rV_fQQc-00032-00017912-00018503 social media but that's the number one thing you know what I'm saying so that's just number one qTD0rV_fQQc-00033-00018503-00019151 the next thing is like a lot of y'all don't take advantage of these resources like we got people qTD0rV_fQQc-00034-00019151-00019718 that I have personally people that have dropped out for my team right they paid their money they qTD0rV_fQQc-00035-00019718-00020258 tried it for a couple months and dropped off they didn't get on one opportunity call or one qTD0rV_fQQc-00036-00020258-00020975 training call or one learning opportunity or one go live you literally pay for these resources you qTD0rV_fQQc-00037-00020975-00021560 pay for the people who don't know nothing about what we do when you join his business you pay to qTD0rV_fQQc-00038-00021560-00022055 become a member and you pay to be a part of the Academy to learn there's a Learning Academy so qTD0rV_fQQc-00039-00022055-00022547 the equivalent to you going to school and paying their tuition and not going to class and then qTD0rV_fQQc-00040-00022547-00023336 complaining like damn USC is a trash school I they didn't teach me nothing did you go to class did qTD0rV_fQQc-00041-00023336-00024101 you have study groups did you really go did you go at all so it's amazing that people would literally qTD0rV_fQQc-00042-00024101-00024683 spend money on his business and not even get on a call not even integrate with a team not even reach qTD0rV_fQQc-00043-00024683-00025250 out to everybody but I a I need help with this I don't understand it's like it's amazing so I just qTD0rV_fQQc-00044-00025250-00025589 want to say like you were the reason why you're not successful in this business you haven't got qTD0rV_fQQc-00045-00025589-00026164 one person signed up in this business it's because they don't believe in you I want you to feel that qTD0rV_fQQc-00046-00026164-00026693 right now if you're watching this especially for my team if you haven't got a sign up they don't qTD0rV_fQQc-00047-00026693-00027173 believe in you they don't believe in you because of how you display yourself on social media they qTD0rV_fQQc-00048-00027173-00027674 don't believe you because how you walk and talk every day they don't believe in you because they qTD0rV_fQQc-00049-00027674-00028058 don't believe in you they don't look at you as a business person they don't look at you as somebody qTD0rV_fQQc-00050-00028058-00028625 that can lead them to millions of dollars you join this business and for the people who have qTD0rV_fQQc-00051-00028625-00029045 not joined this business that are watching this you're gonna join my team because you believe in qTD0rV_fQQc-00052-00029045-00029983 me strictly off my confidence my assertiveness my social media my my rapport with people my results qTD0rV_fQQc-00053-00029983-00030632 so if you ain't got nobody on your team what you have to showcase the reason why I'm my first way qTD0rV_fQQc-00054-00030632-00030995 but people came is because they believed in me because I've always been an entrepreneur and qTD0rV_fQQc-00055-00030995-00031448 that everybody doesn't have that everybody doesn't have that benefit of always being an entrepreneur qTD0rV_fQQc-00056-00031448-00031945 but this is their first opportunity this is this is the way you come and show your last show off qTD0rV_fQQc-00057-00031945-00032489 show the world that she the greatest entrepreneur on earth you can't tippy toe with this business qTD0rV_fQQc-00058-00032489-00033005 you can't it be told with no business and want to say tippy-toes being timid and waiting and being qTD0rV_fQQc-00059-00033005-00033464 like what I don't know so I can't tell people people do that all the time every single person qTD0rV_fQQc-00060-00033464-00033938 is coming to this business it's a couple words that they say that I just know they don't fail qTD0rV_fQQc-00061-00033938-00034406 I'm gonna keeping a law and okay this is wrong I cook for ya when you say these things to me I just qTD0rV_fQQc-00062-00034406-00034916 know you don't fail you literally putting it into the universe and saying I'm going to fail when qTD0rV_fQQc-00063-00034916-00035585 you say these words are equivalent to I'm going to fail I don't want a team bill you're gonna qTD0rV_fQQc-00064-00035585-00036782 fail sorry I don't want to be a leader you're gonna fail sorry I only want to I'm only going qTD0rV_fQQc-00065-00036782-00037562 to you're gonna fail when you say those words to me you're going to fail and unfortunately like 90% qTD0rV_fQQc-00066-00037562-00038105 of people come to this business and say these things like I only want to trade you're gonna qTD0rV_fQQc-00067-00038105-00038813 fail you can only want to trade that's cool but take this as a challenge like the only way you qTD0rV_fQQc-00068-00038813-00039509 grow is by challenging yourself the only way you become the best trader also is by getting people qTD0rV_fQQc-00069-00039509-00040177 integrated in what you're doing when you trade in your little box only you can be a great trader I qTD0rV_fQQc-00070-00040177-00040672 guess or learn how to trade with me personally my trading has gotten exponentially better because qTD0rV_fQQc-00071-00040672-00041170 I have a team that keeps me accountable for my trading at this point I talked to people about qTD0rV_fQQc-00072-00041170-00041836 trade and I'm open about trading I help people with trading I give tips on trading like I'm qTD0rV_fQQc-00073-00041836-00042286 integrated in the entire world of trade and I'm not just watching my classes and staying in my box qTD0rV_fQQc-00074-00042286-00042910 you know I'm saying the way you grow exponentially what trading is by being integrated in the entire qTD0rV_fQQc-00075-00042910-00043471 trading world and I've become that that includes team building as well when you get a couple people qTD0rV_fQQc-00076-00043471-00043990 on your team now they're asking like well what's a pip well what's the stop-loss how do you download qTD0rV_fQQc-00077-00043990-00044629 metatrader for well what's Hugo's way and you're repeatedly getting into this mode of helping and qTD0rV_fQQc-00078-00044629-00045016 learning and helping and learning and helping and learning and it's applying a subconscious qTD0rV_fQQc-00079-00045016-00045652 pressure to you for you to be great to for you to be a great trader and on top of that the people qTD0rV_fQQc-00080-00045652-00046216 that get on your team actually might help you trade so yes you can trade on your own and make qTD0rV_fQQc-00081-00046216-00046741 millions of dollars but when you put people on your team and you have that accountability and qTD0rV_fQQc-00082-00046741-00047311 responsibility they might get great at trading before you and they can help you when you already qTD0rV_fQQc-00083-00047311-00047686 have a relationship with them or they might have a strategy award that one little nugget that you qTD0rV_fQQc-00084-00047686-00048085 didn't quite understand when you went through the Academy and now I like oh did you know about that qTD0rV_fQQc-00085-00048085-00048598 I'm like damn I didn't know about that so when it comes to team build it's just another resource to qTD0rV_fQQc-00086-00048598-00049228 be great it's another way to apply pressure and accountability and when it comes to business you qTD0rV_fQQc-00087-00049228-00049795 want every single angle you can get when you come into this business and say I only want to do this qTD0rV_fQQc-00088-00049795-00050473 it's literally a hundred percent of resources for you to be great it's 100 plus a hundred ways for qTD0rV_fQQc-00089-00050473-00051313 you to become a millionaire when you come into business say I only want to now is 75 and then qTD0rV_fQQc-00090-00051313-00052039 it's like oh I don't want a team bill what now is 50 or what only one two are now is 25 so you're qTD0rV_fQQc-00091-00052039-00052660 paying for a resource that can pay you a million dollars or unlimited amount of money and it's a qTD0rV_fQQc-00092-00052660-00053187 hundred percent worth first for resources and you just declined sixty seventy eighty ninety qTD0rV_fQQc-00093-00053187-00053640 percent of the resources because he told us with something that you don't want to do I don't want qTD0rV_fQQc-00094-00053640-00054396 to host a call I don't want to talk to people okay look at your results if you're watching qTD0rV_fQQc-00095-00054396-00054810 this right now you don't have resist goals for everybody in the forex trading world I qTD0rV_fQQc-00096-00054810-00055329 hope everybody watches this someone blast us out to everybody if you're an MMO or if you're in a qTD0rV_fQQc-00097-00055329-00055809 trading community and you don't got the results that you want sit back and think about all the qTD0rV_fQQc-00098-00055809-00056490 things that you say you didn't want to do are you doing what the successful people do dude like my qTD0rV_fQQc-00099-00056490-00057021 mentor I'm used as an example my mentor is Rhonda right Rhonda is the hardest person hardest working qTD0rV_fQQc-00100-00057021-00057675 person I know she's the most efficient person I know she's the most organized person I know she qTD0rV_fQQc-00101-00057675-00058272 does the most calls that I know she does the most team-building exercises that I know she does the qTD0rV_fQQc-00102-00058272-00058872 most she has the most trading experience that I know she has the most patients that I know I've qTD0rV_fQQc-00103-00058872-00059610 never seen her get mad even though she is putting his whole team on her entire back I can't complain qTD0rV_fQQc-00104-00059610-00060297 about my results until I do what she does or greater I want y'all to feel that I want you qTD0rV_fQQc-00105-00060297-00060936 to do whatever the hell your mentor is doing or greater and I guarantee you we won't be having qTD0rV_fQQc-00106-00060936-00061395 the same conversation the next economy you know what the conversation is me and Rhonda have we qTD0rV_fQQc-00107-00061395-00061875 got I got too many people and I need to be more efficient and organized and my people hug and qTD0rV_fQQc-00108-00061875-00062433 connect with my people better and make my people rank up that's the conversations we have not I'm qTD0rV_fQQc-00109-00062433-00062913 not making enough money me and Rhonda never had that conversation like I don't have enough people qTD0rV_fQQc-00110-00062913-00063507 on my team and I'm not doing well enough never had that conversation the conversation is how do qTD0rV_fQQc-00111-00063507-00064095 we reorganize his team to make it more efficient how do I get my people ranked up faster how do I qTD0rV_fQQc-00112-00064095-00064788 keep my people motivated and how do I organize my organization in operation not Rhonda I'm not qTD0rV_fQQc-00113-00064788-00065267 doing good I'm not signing up enough people I'm not doing good at trading I think a lot qTD0rV_fQQc-00114-00065267-00065616 we had the conversation about me not doing good at trading and she told me exactly what I need qTD0rV_fQQc-00115-00065616-00066078 to do and I know exactly what I need to do I'm not down on the company the company didn't do qTD0rV_fQQc-00116-00066078-00066603 nothing wrong there's me and my discipline in my trading strategy completely on me so I want you qTD0rV_fQQc-00117-00066603-00067050 all to hold yourself to higher accountability and don't tell me what you don't want to do if qTD0rV_fQQc-00118-00067050-00067470 you don't want to do it don't be a part of this business go go go work your job go to your job qTD0rV_fQQc-00119-00067470-00068097 go is crazy go to your job until you'll Boston you don't want to do something in your fire you qTD0rV_fQQc-00120-00068097-00068661 didn't you're written up and now you sit now home trying to figure life out right yeah I've qTD0rV_fQQc-00121-00068661-00069102 got a really flip y'all perspective on how things work like if you want to be a part qTD0rV_fQQc-00122-00069102-00069630 of the 1% of people that make all the money in the world or the 95 percent or whatever I qTD0rV_fQQc-00123-00069630-00070683 mean yeah the 1% 1% of the 1% of people make 95 percent of their income you gotta flip qTD0rV_fQQc-00124-00070683-00071163 your perspective you got to get out of this weak-minded perspective and just know the qTD0rV_fQQc-00125-00071163-00071565 people that are being breaking the world are the hardest workers they're the most motivated qTD0rV_fQQc-00126-00071565-00071919 they're the most focused they're to want to get out their comfort zone the most do you think qTD0rV_fQQc-00127-00071919-00072387 it's comfortable for me beyond you to go look at my youtube look at my past video look at all qTD0rV_fQQc-00128-00072387-00073140 the videos that I have I look real comfortable right you know I have a extreme camera shyness qTD0rV_fQQc-00129-00073140-00073641 and I was supposed to make the YouTube like 10 years ago and I'm literally just now getting qTD0rV_fQQc-00130-00073641-00074322 over my fears to talk to people on camera like literally now because this business forced me out qTD0rV_fQQc-00131-00074322-00074832 of my comfort zone my mental Rhonda challenged me she put me in a special group of leaders and qTD0rV_fQQc-00132-00074832-00075333 challenged me to make a certain amount of youtubes every week and I'm like [ __ ] I gotta make three qTD0rV_fQQc-00133-00075333-00076020 four or five u2's a week I didn't May 5 YouTube's in five years but guess what I step my game up to qTD0rV_fQQc-00134-00076020-00076590 do it and guess what I'm getting the results and I don't have those week as conversations all Ron qTD0rV_fQQc-00135-00076590-00077103 demand is it's not working for me I'm tired of having these weak-ass conversations with these qTD0rV_fQQc-00136-00077103-00077706 weak minded people at this point it's either you you want to attack this business and take it to qTD0rV_fQQc-00137-00077706-00078309 the next level or you don't and if you don't just quit cuz it ain't for you wasting your money it's qTD0rV_fQQc-00138-00078309-00078909 just me keeping it wrong okay I'll rather move with one two three four bosses that I really want qTD0rV_fQQc-00139-00078909-00079494 to get out of their comfort zone and move like a leader and move like a person with a meet mindset qTD0rV_fQQc-00140-00079494-00080173 then a bunch I don't wanna I don't think I could I mean we give you all the resources to keep you qTD0rV_fQQc-00141-00080173-00080641 motivated but you can only motivate a person so much - they gotta motivate themselves and from a qTD0rV_fQQc-00142-00080641-00081301 business perspective if you're watching this give me 3 beasts versus 300 I don't want to people I qTD0rV_fQQc-00143-00081301-00082030 think I could I don't know dumb people even if you my friends I'm sorry hey keeping it real man qTD0rV_fQQc-00144-00082030-00082468 because I've done it today I want to give millions and I got a move with the beasts and the boss I'm qTD0rV_fQQc-00145-00082468-00082981 down to help people the best way I can but you can only help people so much until it starts to qTD0rV_fQQc-00146-00082981-00083431 diminish your greatness and I'm moving with the great the great people the great people are right qTD0rV_fQQc-00147-00083431-00084223 here right in my in my face you know I'm saying in cash - great Matt Rosa dick Marie Ronda Ellie qTD0rV_fQQc-00148-00084223-00084859 the bosses you know I'm saying the people that are really taking this on and taking these challenges qTD0rV_fQQc-00149-00084859-00085456 and being great and if you're watching us in one of them I don't want people you got to re-evaluate qTD0rV_fQQc-00150-00085456-00085936 yourself and see what you really want to do if we're saying what you really want to do stop qTD0rV_fQQc-00151-00085936-00086380 saw wasting your money stop wasting your money you're wasting your money if you don't come and qTD0rV_fQQc-00152-00086380-00087040 take this on 1,000% stop wasting your money and if you leave my team and de-rank it's ok we can qTD0rV_fQQc-00153-00087040-00087424 still be friends because they'll be cool still be cordial I actually got some other business things qTD0rV_fQQc-00154-00087424-00087967 in line that you can still hop on you know and if this turns you offer me you just all want to deal qTD0rV_fQQc-00155-00087967-00088513 with me no more that's cool I'll just go bearish without you and that's my new perspective like qTD0rV_fQQc-00156-00088513-00089140 I'm doing good you're doing good financially I'm doing good spiritually I'm just doing good in life qTD0rV_fQQc-00157-00089140-00089875 and a part of me doing good is not dragging people along anymore so I'm saying all that to say yeah I qTD0rV_fQQc-00158-00089875-00090511 got all the resources take this business for long all y'all I don't want to people you're not gonna qTD0rV_fQQc-00159-00090511-00091225 be successful so just quit if this offends you just quit I mean I complain a nice guy roll all qTD0rV_fQQc-00160-00091225-00091702 the time and be this happy-go-lucky guy and that's cool like and definitely that side but I'm gonna qTD0rV_fQQc-00161-00091702-00092302 start giving out other side but realistic the realism of what the hell is going on like you qTD0rV_fQQc-00162-00092302-00092905 won't have to work your ass off if you want to be great anything it is another thing before I qTD0rV_fQQc-00163-00092905-00093418 get off like a lot of people we got other things going entrepreneurships got going on other than qTD0rV_fQQc-00164-00093418-00093955 Forex I got the military going on of course that's my power here takes up most of my time I got a qTD0rV_fQQc-00165-00093955-00094555 family you know I'm saying I got relationships I got different things going on outside of Forex but qTD0rV_fQQc-00166-00094555-00095188 when it comes to like money-making in our business I don't have another business where I could make qTD0rV_fQQc-00167-00095188-00095869 $100,000 in a year so this gives priority do I do a podcast yes do I got other organizations qTD0rV_fQQc-00168-00095869-00096544 that I'm connected to yes do I do photography do I do videos don't do other creative things qTD0rV_fQQc-00169-00096544-00097174 yes but from a business standpoint business is about making money you want to make money to qTD0rV_fQQc-00170-00097174-00097630 get resources to continue to build I got all this other stuff that I like to do like I enjoy doing qTD0rV_fQQc-00171-00097630-00098368 photography I don't have a plan on photography on making me $100,000 plus in a year forest can make qTD0rV_fQQc-00172-00098368-00099322 me $100,000 a month any a hundred thousand dollars a year my team building aspect I can rank up you qTD0rV_fQQc-00173-00099322-00099814 know I'm saying top two chairmen ten and make $10,000 a month like these are real numbers and qTD0rV_fQQc-00174-00099814-00100501 real things so therefore forest takes priority over those things do I got things that I like qTD0rV_fQQc-00175-00100501-00101131 doing yes but how much are those things paying so if you got something else going on in the business qTD0rV_fQQc-00176-00101131-00101695 like really sit back and reevaluate like okay I'm artists and it's not to anybody particularly qTD0rV_fQQc-00177-00101695-00102148 I'm just throwing this out there because we have artists and people like to be creative and make qTD0rV_fQQc-00178-00102148-00102871 musical what not I'm artists my artistry makes me a thousand dollars a year okay that's awesome your qTD0rV_fQQc-00179-00102871-00103642 songs and generate that much money that's great um what's your cap we'll see we'll see $100,000 plan qWIc6k36ZO0-00000-00000120-00000526 Come, let's watch the rain as it's falling down qWIc6k36ZO0-00001-00000880-00001370 Sunlight on your skin when I'm not around qWIc6k36ZO0-00002-00001672-00002144 Shit don't feel the same when you're out of town qWIc6k36ZO0-00003-00002436-00002850 So come, let's watch the rain as it's falling down, yeah qWIc6k36ZO0-00004-00003190-00003610 Come, let's watch the rain as it's falling down qWIc6k36ZO0-00005-00003976-00004384 Sunlight on your skin when I'm not around qWIc6k36ZO0-00006-00004752-00005152 Shit don't feel the same when you're out of town qWIc6k36ZO0-00007-00005512-00005940 So come, let's watch the rain as it's falling down qWIc6k36ZO0-00008-00006290-00006720 Rain keeps falling, tears keep falling qWIc6k36ZO0-00009-00007072-00007486 Rain keeps falling, tears keep falling qWIc6k36ZO0-00010-00007756-00008300 Darling, your love is like walking a bed of nails qWIc6k36ZO0-00011-00008548-00009024 And I just can't keep on fighting qWIc6k36ZO0-00012-00009420-00009840 Come, let's watch the rain as it's falling down qWIc6k36ZO0-00013-00010204-00010596 Sunlight on your skin when I'm not around, yeah qWIc6k36ZO0-00014-00010956-00011584 Come, let's watch the rain as it's falling down qY9bUKVI92E-00000-00000876-00001469 When disaster or emergency strike that cause major damage to your home ow work place such qY9bUKVI92E-00001-00001469-00002078 as fire or flooding, naturally you want to restore you property to its original state. qY9bUKVI92E-00002-00002078-00002645 So, if you are looking for the best professional, reliable and affordable fire or water damage qY9bUKVI92E-00003-00002645-00002770 restoration repair company. qY9bUKVI92E-00004-00002770-00002981 You've come to the right place. qY9bUKVI92E-00005-00002981-00003536 We are proud to be the premier local restoration repair company and customer satisfaction is qY9bUKVI92E-00006-00003536-00003750 our #1 priority. qY9bUKVI92E-00007-00003750-00004219 We are fully licensed and insured and our restoration repair specialists have years qY9bUKVI92E-00008-00004219-00004674 of experience dealing with every type of situation you can imagine. qY9bUKVI92E-00009-00004674-00006475 So contact us now and let us help put your property back the way it was. qZCSUY9QAnu-00000-00000022-00000223 Hi, thanks for watching this video. qZCSUY9QAnu-00001-00000223-00000641 It’s from our Snapchat account so it doesn’t have sound like a traditional video. qZCSUY9QAnu-00002-00000641-00001140 This particular clip talks about Alexander Hamilton and Immigrant Heritage Month. qZCSUY9QAnu-00003-00001140-00001757 June is Immigrant Heritage Month Today we’ll be featuring Alexander Hamilton qZCSUY9QAnu-00004-00001757-00002150 Hamilton is one of the most influential statesman in US history qZCSUY9QAnu-00005-00002150-00002726 Born in the British West Indies in 1757 Orphaned at an early age, he immigrated to qZCSUY9QAnu-00006-00002726-00003150 New York in 1772 He was one of Washington's closest advisors qZCSUY9QAnu-00007-00003150-00003365 during the Revolutionary War. qZCSUY9QAnu-00008-00003365-00003778 He was also one the signers of the Constitution in 1787. qZCSUY9QAnu-00009-00003778-00004364 Known for his writing skills, Hamilton wrote 51 of the 85 articles of the Federalist Papers qZCSUY9QAnu-00010-00004364-00004882 He studied law at present day Columbia University and practiced in New York City. qZCSUY9QAnu-00011-00004882-00005389 And served as first Secretary of the Treasury from 1789 to 1795. qZCSUY9QAnu-00012-00005389-00005719 He also founded the Coast Guard in 1790. qZCSUY9QAnu-00013-00005719-00006210 In 2015, the popularity of “Hamilton” the musical helped make the case to keep him qZCSUY9QAnu-00014-00006210-00006398 on the $10 bill. qZCSUY9QAnu-00015-00006398-00006850 In 2016, the Treasury Department announced Hamilton would remain as the face of the new qZCSUY9QAnu-00016-00006850-00006958 $10. qZCSUY9QAnu-00017-00006958-00007402 He’s remembered with a statue in front of the Treasury department in Washington, DC. qZCSUY9QAnu-00018-00007402-00007502 Stay tuned, nextNext Week we will be talking about Nikola Tesla qZCSUY9QAnu-00019-00007502-00007923 If you want more behind-the-scenes looks at our national monuments and museums, historical qZCSUY9QAnu-00020-00007923-00008350 fun facts, and even the occasional helpful hint in real time, make sure to follow us qZCSUY9QAnu-00021-00008350-00008467 on Snapchat. qZCSUY9QAnu-00022-00008467-00008704 Search for USAGov or use this Snapcode. qdR2uQilzv0-00000-00000238-00000811 From DailyDoseOfWeirdNews.com, I’m Darren Marlar and this is your Daily Dose of Weird qdR2uQilzv0-00001-00000811-00000911 News! qdR2uQilzv0-00002-00000911-00001416 A quick reminder – this coming Saturday is my first official LIVE CHAT. qdR2uQilzv0-00003-00001416-00001973 It’s taking place May 6th at 3pm Central Time (that’s 4pm Eastern, 2pm Mountain, qdR2uQilzv0-00004-00001973-00002073 or 1pm Pacific). qdR2uQilzv0-00005-00002073-00002707 We’ll do a Q&A of course, I might have a Weird Darkness story to tell, and every single qdR2uQilzv0-00006-00002707-00003403 person who joins the live chat will have an opportunity to download my one and only LIVE qdR2uQilzv0-00007-00003403-00003619 standup comedy album, “Truth or Darren”. qdR2uQilzv0-00008-00003619-00004055 It will only be available during the live chat though, and once the chat is over the qdR2uQilzv0-00009-00004055-00004487 link I share during the live broadcast will be changed and no longer work! qdR2uQilzv0-00010-00004487-00004773 Tune in LIVE or you miss out entirely! qdR2uQilzv0-00011-00004773-00005121 That’s this Saturday – I hope you can join me! qdR2uQilzv0-00012-00005121-00005805 The world's oldest man, who claimed to be 146 years old has died in Indonesia. qdR2uQilzv0-00013-00005805-00006323 Sadly, just when he was finally able to afford retirement. qdR2uQilzv0-00014-00006323-00006872 A former FBI translator working in Detroit secretly flew to Syria three years ago where qdR2uQilzv0-00015-00006872-00007273 she married an Islamic State terrorist leader she was supposed to be investigating. qdR2uQilzv0-00016-00007273-00007877 ***They bride and groom promised to love, honor, and cherish each other until suicide-bombing qdR2uQilzv0-00017-00007877-00008104 death do them part. qdR2uQilzv0-00018-00008104-00008511 The Trump Administration is planning to roll back nutrition standards for school meals. qdR2uQilzv0-00019-00008511-00008962 ***In fact, Twinkies will now count as vegetable. qdR2uQilzv0-00020-00008962-00009520 Morgan Joyce Varn is a 24-year-old mother in North Carolina and her mug shot just went qdR2uQilzv0-00021-00009520-00009822 viral thanks to her choice of tattoos. qdR2uQilzv0-00022-00009822-00010335 It's not the little heart on her left cheek, or the floral decoration around her neck, qdR2uQilzv0-00023-00010335-00010808 or even the writing above her left eyebrow, or whatever that is going on with her forehead qdR2uQilzv0-00024-00010808-00011013 that have people so stunned. qdR2uQilzv0-00025-00011013-00011385 It's more the fact that her EYEBALLS have been tattooed! qdR2uQilzv0-00026-00011385-00011979 Varn was taken into custody along with Jonathan Mikael Robinson on charges of kidnapping, qdR2uQilzv0-00027-00011979-00012242 armed robbery, and property damage. qdR2uQilzv0-00028-00012242-00012747 It is alleged that she mugged a man taking his mobile phone and money before inviting qdR2uQilzv0-00029-00012747-00012958 him into her home. qdR2uQilzv0-00030-00012958-00013393 And did we mention that she let someone stick needles in her eyes? qdR2uQilzv0-00031-00013393-00013808 Austria is trying to figure out a way to tax Google searches. qdR2uQilzv0-00032-00013808-00014059 No, that’s not a joke. qdR2uQilzv0-00033-00014059-00014703 Austria is trying to figure out a way to tax Google searches. qdR2uQilzv0-00034-00014703-00015084 Are we getting a little over-terrorist-paranoid America? qdR2uQilzv0-00035-00015084-00015631 Obviously we always want to err on the side of caution but Colgate University went on qdR2uQilzv0-00036-00015631-00016206 lockdown and students were ordered to remain in place for four hours Monday night while qdR2uQilzv0-00037-00016206-00016675 police investigated reports of a gunman on the upstate New York campus. qdR2uQilzv0-00038-00016675-00017214 There was a guy with a gun alright - but it was a student using a glue gun for an art qdR2uQilzv0-00039-00017214-00017368 project. qdR2uQilzv0-00040-00017368-00018011 ***Well, what do you expect from a university named after toothpaste? qdR2uQilzv0-00041-00018011-00018494 ABC is going to bring back "The Gong Show" with Mike Myers hosting. qdR2uQilzv0-00042-00018494-00019287 ***If he says “scha-wing” or “groovy baby” even once I’m gonging him and changing qdR2uQilzv0-00043-00019287-00019390 the channel. qdR2uQilzv0-00044-00019390-00019940 A robotic drill could be the future of surgery and could help cut the time of a routine brain qdR2uQilzv0-00045-00019940-00020294 operation from two hours to two-and-a-half minutes. qdR2uQilzv0-00046-00020294-00020774 Developers believe the computer-driven tool, which works like Google Maps, could play a qdR2uQilzv0-00047-00020774-00021043 pivotal role in future surgical procedures. qdR2uQilzv0-00048-00021043-00021712 ***Because this is what we want: complex life & death brain surgery done AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! qdR2uQilzv0-00049-00021712-00022079 (“I’ve got a TEE TIME IN 15 MINUTES!!! qdR2uQilzv0-00050-00022079-00022254 So LET’S DO THIS!!!”) qdR2uQilzv0-00051-00022254-00022722 Police in California were forced to taser a man who got into a heated argument with qdR2uQilzv0-00052-00022722-00022828 his wife. qdR2uQilzv0-00053-00022828-00023303 The argument began when the man failed to notice that she’d had her hair done. qdR2uQilzv0-00054-00023303-00023803 ***As a husband, let me say... yep, that’d do it. qdR2uQilzv0-00055-00023803-00024354 A study says it is more energizing to walk stairs than drink caffeine. qdR2uQilzv0-00056-00024354-00024862 That's why I always double-down and only go to Starbucks on the second floor. qdR2uQilzv0-00057-00024862-00025297 A former Russian Defense Minister spokesman says the Russians have been secretly planting qdR2uQilzv0-00058-00025297-00025814 nuclear bombs off America’s coast so that they can be detonated, causing huge tidal qdR2uQilzv0-00059-00025814-00026042 waves that will destroy American cities. qdR2uQilzv0-00060-00026042-00027519 ***Wait a minute, is this a news report, or a leaked premise for the next 007 movie? qdR2uQilzv0-00061-00027519-00028327 A New Jersey florist was arrested for stealing flowers from a cemetery. qdR2uQilzv0-00062-00028327-00028664 She claimed that she was simply tidying up the cemetery. qdR2uQilzv0-00063-00028664-00029195 ***Which is why she was wearing her usual nighttime gardening ski mask. qdR2uQilzv0-00064-00029195-00029602 If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up – and be sure to subscribe if you want qdR2uQilzv0-00065-00029602-00029702 to see more! qdR2uQilzv0-00066-00029702-00030107 And click that little bell next to the subscribe button to be notified when I post new videos! qdR2uQilzv0-00067-00030107-00030644 And if you’re already an official Weirdo, please share this video with your friends. qdR2uQilzv0-00068-00030644-00031038 Be sure to sign up for The Marlar Sheet if you’re not signed up already! qdR2uQilzv0-00069-00031038-00031485 Everyone who is registered is automatically entered to win a monthly prize drawing! qdR2uQilzv0-00070-00031485-00031993 For MAY 2017, I’m giving away a Daily Dose of Weird News t-shirt & mug combo! qdR2uQilzv0-00071-00031993-00032558 You can sign up for the Marlar Sheet newsletter FREE at DailyDoseOfWeirdNews.com. qdR2uQilzv0-00072-00032558-00032880 For more weird news anytime, visit DailyDoseOfWeirdNews.com. qdR2uQilzv0-00073-00032880-00033034 I’m Darren Marlar… qdR2uQilzv0-00074-00033034-00033230 I’ll see you next time, Weirdos! qez305V0tD4-00000-00007484-00007760 WHAT DO YOU MEAN, SHE HUNG HERSELF? qez305V0tD4-00001-00009400-00009600 IT WAS YOU... qflf-QAibou-00000-00000012-00000155 - Greetings, qflf-QAibou-00001-00000155-00000430 As we head into the Thanksgiving break, qflf-QAibou-00002-00000430-00000767 I want to take a moment to share our deep appreciation qflf-QAibou-00003-00000767-00001098 for all we've achieved during this challenging time. qflf-QAibou-00004-00001195-00001336 By working together, qflf-QAibou-00005-00001336-00001419 we've been able qflf-QAibou-00006-00001419-00001707 to continue our in-person classes to this point, qflf-QAibou-00007-00001707-00001860 just as we had planned. qflf-QAibou-00008-00001982-00002366 We've done this by following health and safety guidelines qflf-QAibou-00009-00002366-00002866 and by adjusting the way we teach, learn and do business. qflf-QAibou-00010-00002989-00003234 And we've tested, a lot. qflf-QAibou-00011-00003318-00003573 More than 150,000 COVID tests qflf-QAibou-00012-00003573-00003831 since the start of the semester, qflf-QAibou-00013-00003831-00004162 with fewer than 100 students testing positive, qflf-QAibou-00014-00004269-00004551 a tiny rate that is enviable, qflf-QAibou-00015-00004551-00005035 and far below that of the state and the nation. qflf-QAibou-00016-00005035-00005535 As we've adapted, we've continued to innovate and achieve. qflf-QAibou-00017-00005556-00005755 Our students and faculty qflf-QAibou-00018-00005755-00006095 have been recognized nationally and internationally qflf-QAibou-00019-00006095-00006408 with scholarships, honors and other awards. qflf-QAibou-00020-00006509-00006801 And we've earned coveted grants and sponsorships qflf-QAibou-00021-00006801-00007075 to continue our important research efforts, qflf-QAibou-00022-00007075-00007301 many of which focus on qflf-QAibou-00023-00007301-00007611 keeping our communities and our environment healthy. qflf-QAibou-00024-00007611-00007856 I realize this has not been easy. qflf-QAibou-00025-00007856-00008162 There has been frustration and fear. qflf-QAibou-00026-00008162-00008616 For too many of us, there has been also heartbreak, qflf-QAibou-00027-00008720-00008837 made all the more difficult qflf-QAibou-00028-00008837-00009040 by the need to keep our distance. qflf-QAibou-00029-00009128-00009262 But through all of this, qflf-QAibou-00030-00009262-00009681 we have shown the strength and bond of community. qflf-QAibou-00031-00009681-00009937 Whether student, faculty or staff, qflf-QAibou-00032-00010052-00010246 alumni or friend, qflf-QAibou-00033-00010246-00010506 on-campus or at-home, qflf-QAibou-00034-00010506-00010759 you are part of a university that knows qflf-QAibou-00035-00010759-00010946 how to come together, qflf-QAibou-00036-00010946-00011164 under all kinds of circumstance. qflf-QAibou-00037-00011164-00011447 For this, I will always be grateful. qflf-QAibou-00038-00011447-00011671 With thanks to each of our Catamounts qflf-QAibou-00039-00011671-00011950 for your patience and perseverance, qflf-QAibou-00040-00011950-00012156 I wish you and your loved ones qflf-QAibou-00041-00012156-00012399 a happy and safe Thanksgiving. qgQzcCPkjE0-00000-00000049-00000308 (upbeat music) qgQzcCPkjE0-00001-00001246-00001345 - Hi, this is Paul Vargas. qgQzcCPkjE0-00002-00001345-00001548 I am the Branch Manager with the Brenda Casas Team qgQzcCPkjE0-00003-00001548-00001664 at Citywide Home Loans. qgQzcCPkjE0-00004-00001664-00001864 I'm here today to give ya a brief overview qgQzcCPkjE0-00005-00001864-00002082 of the Las Vegas market. qgQzcCPkjE0-00006-00002082-00002223 As we pull away from the recession, qgQzcCPkjE0-00007-00002223-00002508 we are actually running into increased prices qgQzcCPkjE0-00008-00002508-00002891 and increased rates, and so, prices are continuing to climb. qgQzcCPkjE0-00009-00002891-00003053 It still means, though, we are still qgQzcCPkjE0-00010-00003053-00003173 in a very, very great environment, qgQzcCPkjE0-00011-00003173-00003375 interest rate, as well as pricing environment. qgQzcCPkjE0-00012-00003375-00003549 We are one of the nine markets qgQzcCPkjE0-00013-00003549-00003701 that were greatly effected by the recession, qgQzcCPkjE0-00014-00003701-00003933 but we are only two of the remaining markets qgQzcCPkjE0-00015-00003933-00004229 that hasn't actually recovered to pre-recession levels. qgQzcCPkjE0-00016-00004229-00004313 What does that mean? qgQzcCPkjE0-00017-00004313-00004475 That means prices are still great, qgQzcCPkjE0-00018-00004475-00004650 interest rates are still historically low, qgQzcCPkjE0-00019-00004650-00004762 and that's a great combination qgQzcCPkjE0-00020-00004762-00005111 to be able to get into the market right now. qgQzcCPkjE0-00021-00005111-00005268 New home sales are also booming. qgQzcCPkjE0-00022-00005268-00005447 You're seeing a lot of construction out there, too, as well. qgQzcCPkjE0-00023-00005447-00005601 So, that's another factor to consider, qgQzcCPkjE0-00024-00005601-00005821 or another outlet for your option to have qgQzcCPkjE0-00025-00005821-00006066 as far as being able to purchase a home. qgQzcCPkjE0-00026-00006066-00006182 Foreclosures and short-sales, qgQzcCPkjE0-00027-00006182-00006317 you're not going find as many of those deals qgQzcCPkjE0-00028-00006317-00006434 as you used to before. qgQzcCPkjE0-00029-00006434-00006638 As we wade through the inventory, qgQzcCPkjE0-00030-00006638-00006777 we don't see that as much. qgQzcCPkjE0-00031-00006777-00006861 So, prepare to be patient qgQzcCPkjE0-00032-00006861-00007075 if that's one thing that you're looking for. qgQzcCPkjE0-00033-00007075-00007228 Like I mentioned, inventory's tight. qgQzcCPkjE0-00034-00007228-00007358 It's a seller's market, right now. qgQzcCPkjE0-00035-00007358-00007563 There is a lot of demand. qgQzcCPkjE0-00036-00007563-00007743 That's the reason that you are going to need qgQzcCPkjE0-00037-00007743-00008030 a good pre-approval from an experienced lender, like us, qgQzcCPkjE0-00038-00008030-00008254 to be able to go out there and be competitive out there qgQzcCPkjE0-00039-00008254-00008354 with offers, too. qgQzcCPkjE0-00040-00008354-00008721 So, give us a call at 702-499-6556. qgQzcCPkjE0-00041-00008722-00008918 702-499-6556. qgQzcCPkjE0-00042-00008936-00009019 We look forward to helping you qgQzcCPkjE0-00043-00009019-00009210 with your mortgage needs. qgQzcCPkjE0-00044-00009210-00009468 (upbeat music) qlF8K36UTLo-00000-00000154-00000250 Hello, Reading community. qlF8K36UTLo-00001-00000250-00000387 We hope that you had a great week. qlF8K36UTLo-00002-00000387-00000650 This week we have one update and then three student level shout outs. qlF8K36UTLo-00003-00000688-00001026 First update, a couple of weeks ago, families should have received an email qlF8K36UTLo-00004-00001026-00001330 from the district regarding our transition to a new student qlF8K36UTLo-00005-00001330-00001543 electronic health records software system. qlF8K36UTLo-00006-00001589-00001847 This system will allow families to directly upload medical qlF8K36UTLo-00007-00001847-00002147 documentation, change any contact information qlF8K36UTLo-00008-00002164-00002531 and medical conditions, and also directly message our school nurses. qlF8K36UTLo-00009-00002610-00002777 If you have any questions on this new system, qlF8K36UTLo-00010-00002777-00003094 please reach out to our director of Health services, Mary Guiliana. qlF8K36UTLo-00011-00003111-00003336 But again, want to flag for you that you should have an email qlF8K36UTLo-00012-00003336-00003686 in your inbox regarding this transition that was sent out a couple of weeks ago. qlF8K36UTLo-00013-00003774-00004074 Shifting to some shout outs, our first shout out goes out to 27 students. qlF8K36UTLo-00014-00004124-00004471 These are 27 students who qualified for the Massachusetts Music qlF8K36UTLo-00015-00004471-00004800 Educators Association Northeastern Junior District Festival. qlF8K36UTLo-00016-00004854-00005242 These are students in both band and chorus from Parker, Coolidge and RMHS. qlF8K36UTLo-00017-00005242-00005626 Again, 27 students, which is really exciting for our district. qlF8K36UTLo-00018-00005663-00005751 These students, qlF8K36UTLo-00019-00005751-00006031 after a series of practices and rehearsals, will then qlF8K36UTLo-00020-00006064-00006368 participate in the with other students from the Northeastern District qlF8K36UTLo-00021-00006389-00006685 on March 18 at the Galvin Middle School in Wakefield. qlF8K36UTLo-00022-00006715-00007015 So thank you for all of those students for their hard work qlF8K36UTLo-00023-00007015-00007194 and their accomplishments and congratulations qlF8K36UTLo-00024-00007194-00007461 and also thank you the educators, all the teachers who have supported them qlF8K36UTLo-00025-00007507-00007611 to be able to get to this point. qlF8K36UTLo-00026-00007728-00007803 Second shout out qlF8K36UTLo-00027-00007803-00008083 goes to James Murphy, a senior at RMHS. qlF8K36UTLo-00028-00008124-00008458 James, who you see in the photos here, just signed his national letter of Intent qlF8K36UTLo-00029-00008487-00008608 for Brown University. qlF8K36UTLo-00030-00008608-00008946 James will continue his studies next year and also continue to play football qlF8K36UTLo-00031-00008963-00009025 at Brown. qlF8K36UTLo-00032-00009025-00009346 So congratulations on the athletic and academic accomplishment, James. qlF8K36UTLo-00033-00009371-00009655 We wish you the best of luck as you continue your senior year and move on qlF8K36UTLo-00034-00009697-00009901 to Brown. Represent RMHS with pride. qlF8K36UTLo-00035-00009976-00010247 And last but not least, moving on to our qlF8K36UTLo-00036-00010306-00010614 congratulations to our Scholastic Art and Writing Award winners. qlF8K36UTLo-00037-00010631-00011031 So these are nine students from RMHS who received these awards. qlF8K36UTLo-00038-00011031-00011428 So for the past 100 years, the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards have offered qlF8K36UTLo-00039-00011482-00011840 creative teens a space to really express themselves qlF8K36UTLo-00040-00011866-00012170 through drawings, poetry, paintings, sculptures, fashion qlF8K36UTLo-00041-00012170-00012520 design, photographs, short stories, essays, and so much more. qlF8K36UTLo-00042-00012550-00012912 So again, we had nine winners including five gold keys, qlF8K36UTLo-00043-00012937-00013254 which the gold keys are already the highest achievement qlF8K36UTLo-00044-00013288-00013521 and recognition that one can receive regionally. qlF8K36UTLo-00045-00013563-00013772 So congratulations to all of our nine winners. qlF8K36UTLo-00046-00013776-00013913 You saw some of the photos on the screen, qlF8K36UTLo-00047-00013913-00014122 but you can also read more in the written newsletter. qlF8K36UTLo-00048-00014197-00014330 We hope that you all had a great week. qlF8K36UTLo-00049-00014330-00014552 Have a great weekend. Stay warm. Go, Rockets. qnkY1hY3UpA-00001-00005458-00005634 It didnt hit the foundation qnkY1hY3UpA-00002-00008406-00008606 U blew directly at the bottom? qnkY1hY3UpA-00003-00010080-00010248 Some of it fell off right? qnkY1hY3UpA-00004-00010292-00010508 Building cupboard is not there anymore qnkY1hY3UpA-00005-00010640-00010744 They have no building cupboard? qnkY1hY3UpA-00006-00010786-00010878 I destroy it, i destroy it.. qnkY1hY3UpA-00007-00012148-00012284 I have no more woods! qnkY1hY3UpA-00008-00012626-00012819 Oh shit, not enough rocket qnkY1hY3UpA-00009-00013528-00013680 im taking more rockets qnkY1hY3UpA-00010-00013763-00014018 Go go go, i watch here. I dont want them to patch up.. qnkY1hY3UpA-00011-00022538-00022658 Who cover my body? qnkY1hY3UpA-00012-00022658-00022726 i am, i am.. qnkY1hY3UpA-00013-00023034-00023150 Wait, where is your body? qnkY1hY3UpA-00014-00023240-00023380 My body is at the very top qnkY1hY3UpA-00015-00024452-00024620 Mam, your bolt fell down. qnkY1hY3UpA-00016-00025256-00025536 it fell? Never mind, i'll look for it later ro8IQOKvquM-00000-00000000-00000432 What's up, friends? Welcome back to another video or welcome if you're new here! ro8IQOKvquM-00001-00000432-00000880 My name is Alex, my pronouns are he/him and this is my channel Pucksandpaperbacks, ro8IQOKvquM-00002-00000880-00001192 and today I present to you my last ro8IQOKvquM-00003-00001192-00001623 and final BookTube costumes. I will explain more at the end. ro8IQOKvquM-00004-00001623-00001960 But if you're new here, this is my series BookTube costumes ro8IQOKvquM-00005-00001960-00002264 that I’ve been doing over the last five years I believe? ro8IQOKvquM-00006-00002320-00002632 I have the last two up on my channel so I’ll have ro8IQOKvquM-00007-00002632-00002896 the playlist up here if you would like to re-watch them. ro8IQOKvquM-00008-00002896-00003408 They're some of my favorite videos. This is inspired by Grace Helbing’s old series ro8IQOKvquM-00009-00003408-00003952 YouTube costumes where she took YouTube trends and made costumes out of them and it was funny. ro8IQOKvquM-00010-00003952-00004176 So I made a BookTube version. ro8IQOKvquM-00011-00004176-00004744 Like every year I give the disclaimer this is all jokes it is not meant to be serious ro8IQOKvquM-00012-00004744-00005400 so I hope that you get a laugh out of this and if you don't think it's funny then just leave. ro8IQOKvquM-00013-00005400-00005944 Give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy it and let's get into the costumes! ro8IQOKvquM-00014-00005944-00006431 The first costume is an app that has gotten a lot of traction this year. ro8IQOKvquM-00015-00006431-00007031 This is the newest reading app, The Story Graph! For this, you need a white shirt and ro8IQOKvquM-00016-00007031-00007712 The Story Graph logo. I just printed it out as a sticker and stuck it to me and I’m holding my ro8IQOKvquM-00017-00007712-00008280 current read. And it is just a nice way to be able to talk about what you're currently reading ro8IQOKvquM-00018-00008280-00008584 and promote The Story Graph! You can follow me on the story ro8IQOKvquM-00019-00008584-00008920 graph it'll be linked down below. This year, a popular BookTube ro8IQOKvquM-00020-00008920-00009352 trend was to read celebrities’ book recommendations or their favorite books. ro8IQOKvquM-00021-00009352-00009824 So, for this costume, you just need any classic or honestly, any book at all ro8IQOKvquM-00022-00009824-00010168 and you can pass it off as a random celebrity’s favorite book. ro8IQOKvquM-00023-00010168-00010576 -Hey, what's your costume supposed to be? -Oh, me? I'm reading Anne Hathaway’s ro8IQOKvquM-00024-00010576-00011008 favorite book. I'm a booktuber who reads celebrities favorite books. ro8IQOKvquM-00025-00011008-00011408 -Oh, I'm gonna have to look that up! -Yeah, don't look that up. Shoo!! ro8IQOKvquM-00026-00011544-00012072 Another trend I think just on YouTube in general? was more people doing movie commentary ro8IQOKvquM-00027-00012072-00012680 and this has also bled into the BookTube community. And so for this costume you will ro8IQOKvquM-00028-00012680-00013232 need a pair of headphones, a pair of your favorite pajama pants, and a popular movie. ro8IQOKvquM-00029-00013232-00013768 For my costume I chose The Kissing Booth 3, but you can choose any movie you'd like ro8IQOKvquM-00030-00013768-00014040 then you just have to make jokes about the movie all night! ro8IQOKvquM-00031-00014136-00014768 -We've waited over an hour to see The Kissing Booth and finally we have it. ro8IQOKvquM-00032-00014840-00015191 -I hope I never have to watch any of these movies ever again. ro8IQOKvquM-00033-00015247-00015919 Next is a costume from last year’s Booktube Costumes and but revised. BookTok grew so much ro8IQOKvquM-00034-00015919-00016368 this year! Making articles and now they have their own table at Barnes and Noble. ro8IQOKvquM-00035-00016424-00016984 So, for this, you need any book that has been on the New York Times Bestsellers list. ro8IQOKvquM-00036-00016984-00017240 ♪Ba dum tss♪ ro8IQOKvquM-00037-00017240-00017584 -Excuse, me but I'm busy. Do you not see that I'm busy? ro8IQOKvquM-00038-00017952-00018016 -Wanna say hello? ro8IQOKvquM-00039-00018016-00018320 [Alex laughing] ro8IQOKvquM-00040-00018320-00018384 Wanna say hello? ro8IQOKvquM-00041-00018568-00019064 Those were my BookTube costumes for 2021. I have had so much fun making ro8IQOKvquM-00042-00019064-00019632 these videos. They're some of my favorite but this is going to be the last one. ro8IQOKvquM-00043-00019632-00020152 Al good things have to come to an end. I have had so much fun making these videos ro8IQOKvquM-00044-00020152-00020488 but I don't think I need to make any more. ro8IQOKvquM-00045-00020488-00020832 I'm happy with the ones that I have. They're some of my favorite videos. ro8IQOKvquM-00046-00020832-00021192 The tier ranking costume from last year is one of my favorites. ro8IQOKvquM-00047-00021192-00021536 As well as the Skillshare one I’ve done. ro8IQOKvquM-00048-00021536-00021848 So if you're looking for a last-minute Halloween costume, ro8IQOKvquM-00049-00021848-00022240 you can go and watch my playlist of past BookTube costumes. ro8IQOKvquM-00050-00022240-00022536 Let me know what your favorite costume in this video was or just ro8IQOKvquM-00051-00022536-00022984 what your favorite costume over the years has been I would love to know. ro8IQOKvquM-00052-00022984-00023984 Thank you for watching and Happy Halloween! ro8IQOKvquM-00053-00024152-00024160 [MUSIC] r0lQl3ZAjKA-00000-00209912-00210044 There's so many people who are r0lQl3ZAjKA-00001-00210044-00210171 up and coming and doing r0lQl3ZAjKA-00002-00210171-00210364 awesome work. I think about r0lQl3ZAjKA-00003-00210364-00210744 Jasmyn Lawson of Netflix. Jasmyn at the time was r0lQl3ZAjKA-00004-00210744-00211032 leading culture around at Giphy, r0lQl3ZAjKA-00005-00211032-00211228 and it was this idea that culture mattered r0lQl3ZAjKA-00006-00211228-00211496 so much in even just a curation of gifs. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00007-00211496-00211812 Then to see her go on to be part of the content team r0lQl3ZAjKA-00008-00211812-00211976 at Netflix with Strong Black Lead. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00009-00211976-00212412 And then now she's greenlighting shows, telling stories about Black r0lQl3ZAjKA-00010-00212412-00212804 women and women of color and these just beautiful stories. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00011-00212804-00213228 I think that to me is the epitome of like what we're all doing. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00012-00213228-00213688 We're unapologetic about telling stories of our communities. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00013-00213688-00214036 Wonya Lucas had an amazing r0lQl3ZAjKA-00014-00214036-00214248 career in the marketing industry. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00015-00214264-00214723 She is one of the best brand strategists I've ever met. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00016-00214728-00215164 When I teel you she has just gone into r0lQl3ZAjKA-00017-00215164-00215540 every organization she's worked for and made it better. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00018-00215540-00215916 I aspire to be like her one day r0lQl3ZAjKA-00019-00215916-00216052 Someone that I admire in r0lQl3ZAjKA-00020-00216052-00216319 the industry is Esi Eggleston Bracey. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00021-00216352-00216628 She oversees all that is r0lQl3ZAjKA-00022-00216628-00216848 Dove and the things that she has been able r0lQl3ZAjKA-00023-00216848-00217267 to accomplish and do inside of that beauty brand are magnificent and outstanding. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00024-00217316-00217536 I feel like I've got to give moms r0lQl3ZAjKA-00025-00217536-00217723 in advertising and marketing r0lQl3ZAjKA-00026-00217723-00217828 a shout out r0lQl3ZAjKA-00027-00217852-00218164 because parenthood and motherhood is an amazing experience. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00028-00218188-00218544 And to live that experience in this world, in the business world r0lQl3ZAjKA-00029-00218544-00218808 is incredibly a valuable perspective. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00030-00218808-00219008 So I definitely want to acknowledge r0lQl3ZAjKA-00031-00219071-00219467 not just all the mothers in leadership, but all of the rising mothers r0lQl3ZAjKA-00032-00219467-00219904 who are working to attain that sort of top level leadership position. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00033-00219904-00220052 I just want to encourage them to keep going r0lQl3ZAjKA-00034-00220067-00220271 I admire in the industry, r0lQl3ZAjKA-00035-00220271-00220412 every single woman r0lQl3ZAjKA-00036-00220432-00220956 who is working hard, every single day to change things for all of us. r0lQl3ZAjKA-00037-00220980-00221436 So that's an industry whose primary target is women r0lQl3ZAjKA-00038-00221436-00221648 should be ultimately r0lQl3ZAjKA-00039-00221667-00222296 led by and dominated by women, especially creatively. r1XN3X3QTgA-00000-00000000-00000425 you guys want to play a fun game with me here's a game that I like to play let's r1XN3X3QTgA-00001-00000425-00000921 see how many people in the comments tell me that Liza Koshy oh she is going to r1XN3X3QTgA-00002-00000921-00002111 therapy what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we r1XN3X3QTgA-00003-00002111-00002448 talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel r1XN3X3QTgA-00004-00002448-00002763 my channel is all about mental health and what I like to do is pull different r1XN3X3QTgA-00005-00002763-00003138 topics from the YouTube community try to teach you how to improve your mental and r1XN3X3QTgA-00006-00003138-00003464 emotional well-being so the internet make sure you subscribe and ring that r1XN3X3QTgA-00007-00003464-00003960 notification bell and real quick before I jump into this a huge thank you r1XN3X3QTgA-00008-00003960-00004457 for everybody who got involved with my first Instagram giveaway by the way for r1XN3X3QTgA-00009-00004457-00004737 not following me on Instagram do it after we watch so I'm trying to get to r1XN3X3QTgA-00010-00004737-00005030 10 K followers so I can get the little swipe up but I'll do a giveaway is over r1XN3X3QTgA-00011-00005030-00005562 there and I gave away 23 copies of my book rewire your anger and I already r1XN3X3QTgA-00012-00005562-00005991 sent them out to most everybody so if you on that list and you hadn't DM me r1XN3X3QTgA-00013-00005991-00006380 yet with your email address come on over dami let me send you that copy of the r1XN3X3QTgA-00014-00006380-00007458 book alright anyways I have had so many tweets and DMS on Instagram and comments r1XN3X3QTgA-00015-00007458-00007845 on my videos and they said Liza Koshi lots of Liza Koshy you need to talk about r1XN3X3QTgA-00016-00007845-00008247 wise approaches through video so last night my beautiful girlfriend and I we r1XN3X3QTgA-00017-00008247-00008613 sat down on the couch let's see what's going on with the girl Liza Koshi right r1XN3X3QTgA-00018-00008613-00009000 and we sat down and I knew it's about mental health you know you can tell by r1XN3X3QTgA-00019-00009000-00009552 their title and all that and I man okay so here's what I did I looked at twist r1XN3X3QTgA-00020-00009552-00010089 and I said Tristan how much do you want to bet how much do you wanna bet this r1XN3X3QTgA-00021-00010089-00010511 millionaire Liza Koshy is gonna talk about her mental health break but she r1XN3X3QTgA-00022-00010511-00011184 didn't even go to therapy and Oh Liza Koshy you got me you got me r1XN3X3QTgA-00023-00011184-00011643 his license she did go to therapy and that is so amazing I'm gonna dive more r1XN3X3QTgA-00024-00011643-00011982 into that in a minute but like first I just want to start out by like saying r1XN3X3QTgA-00025-00011982-00012461 like this is so awesome like I watch youtubers I'm watching youtubers with r1XN3X3QTgA-00026-00012461-00012977 their mental health wakes in there all these things and Liza Koshy Too is legit r1XN3X3QTgA-00027-00012977-00013574 shit one of the first big youtubers to just mention or even say that she's r1XN3X3QTgA-00028-00013574-00013991 going to therapy so many people are just trying to do it on her own in my classic r1XN3X3QTgA-00029-00013991-00014369 oh she has the resources and she's going so Big Ups to Liza Koshy Too r1XN3X3QTgA-00030-00014369-00015019 that is amazing so I don't know much about logic oh she I I watched david r1XN3X3QTgA-00031-00015019-00015782 dobrik and i saw the famous video about her and david splitting up and Liza Koshy r1XN3X3QTgA-00032-00015782-00016366 she she she referred back to that video and she talked about how she had to work r1XN3X3QTgA-00033-00016366-00016844 on herself welcome back liza to her own shambles if you're used r1XN3X3QTgA-00034-00016844-00017216 to my fun videos it's gonna be a different adjective it's gonna be I'm r1XN3X3QTgA-00035-00017216-00017621 honest oh this must be a serious video I like to keep things by hearted man no r1XN3X3QTgA-00036-00017621-00018197 I'm trying to not take life too seriously because I I did this past year r1XN3X3QTgA-00037-00018197-00019313 I didn't realize toddler clothes like only time could yeah this is huge this r1XN3X3QTgA-00038-00019313-00019724 is something that I keep trying to teach all of you so it's funny because right r1XN3X3QTgA-00039-00019724-00020069 before this video right before this video I was talking about mom on the r1XN3X3QTgA-00040-00020069-00020657 phone and we were talking about how people get offended when we discuss the r1XN3X3QTgA-00041-00020657-00021179 psychology of how people are naturally self-centered by default by default r1XN3X3QTgA-00042-00021179-00021473 people are self-centered so I'm not gonna dive into the whole brain science r1XN3X3QTgA-00043-00021473-00021785 right now but there's a part of the brain up top in the back called the r1XN3X3QTgA-00044-00021785-00022316 posterior cingulate cortex this runs the default mode network so think about a r1XN3X3QTgA-00045-00022316-00022736 default mode network your default your default is to be selfish and r1XN3X3QTgA-00046-00022736-00023123 self-centred that is the part of the brain that we know we know only things r1XN3X3QTgA-00047-00023123-00023570 about you that create stories and all sorts of things about you right so weird r1XN3X3QTgA-00048-00023570-00024197 selfish and self-centered by default but I'm proud of Liza Koshi because I had to r1XN3X3QTgA-00049-00024197-00024745 learn as well that I could not date anybody for a very long time because I r1XN3X3QTgA-00050-00024745-00025379 was not in the right mental place to be dating so part of Liza's and David Dobrik's r1XN3X3QTgA-00051-00025379-00025925 breakup was Liza knew Liza knew that she had to go and work on herself before she r1XN3X3QTgA-00052-00025925-00026427 could truly love anybody thinking about making a follow-up video r1XN3X3QTgA-00053-00026427-00026914 asking if Liza Koshy and david dobrik should get back together now that Isaac r1XN3X3QTgA-00054-00026914-00027346 oh she has gone through her whole you know mental health recovery and all that r1XN3X3QTgA-00055-00027346-00027700 I'm working on herself and this is an important topic because a lot of people r1XN3X3QTgA-00056-00027700-00028052 you know they split up and they get back together and you know this person works r1XN3X3QTgA-00057-00028052-00028309 on themselves and all that so if you're interested to make me making that r1XN3X3QTgA-00058-00028309-00028750 follow-up video let me know down in the comments below like maybe the topic can r1XN3X3QTgA-00059-00028750-00029020 be like when you're ready to start dating again or should you get back r1XN3X3QTgA-00060-00029020-00029861 together with somebody after you work on yourself I didn't realize that me being r1XN3X3QTgA-00061-00029861-00030305 real and vulnerable and open and honest would help others I also didn't think r1XN3X3QTgA-00062-00030305-00030619 people wanted to see that side of me I wanted to show that clip right there r1XN3X3QTgA-00063-00030619-00031240 because it's it's so important all right like here's the thing I keep trying to r1XN3X3QTgA-00064-00031240-00031727 teach you guys is that sharing your story and opening up helps other people r1XN3X3QTgA-00065-00031727-00032108 so remember I was just talking about how we're selfish and self-centered by r1XN3X3QTgA-00066-00032108-00032633 default so here's a great example ask yourself why why don't you tell your r1XN3X3QTgA-00067-00032633-00033065 story why don't you share I have a lot of people in the rewired soul Facebook r1XN3X3QTgA-00068-00033065-00033461 group and discord server and a lot of people who still DM me and say hey I r1XN3X3QTgA-00069-00033461-00033806 don't feel comfortable opening up in that group think about it why because r1XN3X3QTgA-00070-00033806-00034058 you're afraid you're afraid of what people are gonna think about you right r1XN3X3QTgA-00071-00034058-00034465 you're afraid to get vulnerable 1,000% selfish and self-centred doesn't mean r1XN3X3QTgA-00072-00034465-00034736 that's a bad thing doesn't mean that's a bad thing but the r1XN3X3QTgA-00073-00034736-00035113 first step is to acknowledge the reason I don't want to open up and share is r1XN3X3QTgA-00074-00035113-00035500 because I'm worried about what people will think about me I used to be the r1XN3X3QTgA-00075-00035500-00035788 same way I used to sit around keep my mouth shut because I didn't want to get r1XN3X3QTgA-00076-00035788-00036103 judged from my story what I've gone through what my head's thinking and all r1XN3X3QTgA-00077-00036103-00036619 of that but the tip I will give you is what Liza Coe she's figuring out too is r1XN3X3QTgA-00078-00036619-00036994 get out of yourself and don't think about what people are gonna think about r1XN3X3QTgA-00079-00036994-00037511 me think about how can my story help other people so I'm always grateful when r1XN3X3QTgA-00080-00037511-00037943 somebody like Liza gets on her very large platform and shares her story r1XN3X3QTgA-00081-00037943-00038413 because unless people know that they're not alone and micro Liza got into the r1XN3X3QTgA-00082-00038413-00038890 solution in this video to define your routine you've defined your recipe for r1XN3X3QTgA-00083-00038890-00039133 your own happiness it's like wanting a filet mignon and r1XN3X3QTgA-00084-00039133-00039415 you're looking at somebody else's recipe for happiness and you copy theirs r1XN3X3QTgA-00085-00039415-00039925 exactly and you'll end up with a cake you're diabetic you can't advocate that r1XN3X3QTgA-00086-00039925-00040428 clip right there is so so so so important it is one of the most r1XN3X3QTgA-00087-00040428-00040975 important things on earth all right so she's saying what works for me might not r1XN3X3QTgA-00088-00040975-00041386 work for you and I'm here to tell you the same thing if I have not made that r1XN3X3QTgA-00089-00041386-00041860 clear enough let me repeat it what works for me Chris r1XN3X3QTgA-00090-00041860-00042508 might not work for you okay so just just understand that this is r1XN3X3QTgA-00091-00042508-00042826 actually something I learned very early in my recovery as people would say like r1XN3X3QTgA-00092-00042826-00043297 what keeps me sober might get you high or loaded right so what I'm here and I'm r1XN3X3QTgA-00093-00043297-00043711 sharing my experiences or suggestions or educating you on different like r1XN3X3QTgA-00094-00043711-00044116 psychology theories or you know neuroscience or whatever it is I'm r1XN3X3QTgA-00095-00044116-00044559 trying to give you as much information as possible so you can make decisions r1XN3X3QTgA-00096-00044559-00044997 right no that doesn't mean don't try things that I do and doesn't mean don't r1XN3X3QTgA-00097-00044997-00045459 try things Eliza does but don't like beat yourself up and say oh it worked r1XN3X3QTgA-00098-00045459-00045888 for them but it doesn't work for me for example for some people playing the r1XN3X3QTgA-00099-00045888-00046434 guitar is very therapeutic I can't play the guitar so what works for that person r1XN3X3QTgA-00100-00046434-00046708 might not work for me does that make sense r1XN3X3QTgA-00101-00046708-00047272 so every single video that I make I want you to just take things in try different r1XN3X3QTgA-00102-00047272-00047763 things keep what works get rid of what doesn't all right so this is interesting r1XN3X3QTgA-00103-00047763-00048265 too like if you look at some of my videos like I read 90% of my comments if r1XN3X3QTgA-00104-00048265-00048894 not more and people self-centredness really shows and that to hell let me r1XN3X3QTgA-00105-00048894-00049432 give an example I'm if you want to look at the comments on my video I made about r1XN3X3QTgA-00106-00049432-00049903 the YouTube or burnout myth and look how many people say but me but my situation r1XN3X3QTgA-00107-00049903-00050340 but my situation it's like okay well that video wasn't made for you okay so r1XN3X3QTgA-00108-00050340-00051003 you need to find out what works for you for example for example I know that a r1XN3X3QTgA-00109-00051003-00051471 lot of people in my community have physical disabilities right so what r1XN3X3QTgA-00110-00051471-00051909 works for me definitely might not work for you so my recommendation is to check r1XN3X3QTgA-00111-00051909-00052393 out other people who are doing to struggle with a disability a great r1XN3X3QTgA-00112-00052393-00053147 example that a lot of you watch is Molly Burke Molly Burke is blind right and she r1XN3X3QTgA-00113-00053147-00053539 does a lot of things so I would look to her for inspiration I would look at r1XN3X3QTgA-00114-00053539-00053966 Molly and say okay if she can do it I can do it but I'm not blind and I watch r1XN3X3QTgA-00115-00053966-00054295 Molly Burke to get inspired because when I see Molly doing something I'm like r1XN3X3QTgA-00116-00054295-00054808 okay so if Molly can do this what's my excuse another great one is Rikki r1XN3X3QTgA-00117-00054808-00055213 Poynter I'm gonna make both Molly and Rikki down below Rikki is actually a r1XN3X3QTgA-00118-00055213-00055650 youtuber I follow for a while since before my channel started doing well and r1XN3X3QTgA-00119-00055650-00056437 Rikki she struggles with hearing loss right being deaf and she is amazing but r1XN3X3QTgA-00120-00056437-00056924 she overcomes challenges and she does public speaking and all of that so go r1XN3X3QTgA-00121-00056924-00057301 check her channel out but anyways if you struggle with a very specific situation r1XN3X3QTgA-00122-00057301-00057722 like go talk to people who understand that for example that's why we have the r1XN3X3QTgA-00123-00057722-00058154 discord server that's why we have the Facebook group because I don't I haven't r1XN3X3QTgA-00124-00058154-00058487 been through all of your experiences going through those groups and talked to r1XN3X3QTgA-00125-00058487-00058891 people who have been through your experience because again what works for r1XN3X3QTgA-00126-00058891-00059312 me might not work for you Eliza listed a few things that work for r1XN3X3QTgA-00127-00059312-00059755 her and and these I think can be Universal for a lot of people one of r1XN3X3QTgA-00128-00059755-00060132 them is she listed the Instagram accounts that she follows like positive r1XN3X3QTgA-00129-00060132-00060437 affirmations there's actually some science behind it like trust me I r1XN3X3QTgA-00130-00060437-00060877 thought positive affirmations were corny as hell I'm like this is ridiculous r1XN3X3QTgA-00131-00060877-00061267 but I'm the type of stubborn jerk where until I find the science behind it I r1XN3X3QTgA-00132-00061267-00061574 think it's all baloney right there's actually science behind positive r1XN3X3QTgA-00133-00061574-00061991 affirmations I would need to look up the studies but yeah there is and I can make r1XN3X3QTgA-00134-00061991-00062447 a video on that if you guys want but she talks about that therapy therapy is huge r1XN3X3QTgA-00135-00062447-00062932 so let's talk about therapy therapy real quick I don't care what option you use r1XN3X3QTgA-00136-00062932-00063418 but just use an option for those of you or those of us who are fortunate enough r1XN3X3QTgA-00137-00063418-00063779 to have health insurance especially here in the United States r1XN3X3QTgA-00138-00063779-00064105 talk to your doctor see if they can refer you to a therapist or a r1XN3X3QTgA-00139-00064105-00064679 psychologist right talk to you know friends and I know a lot of you have r1XN3X3QTgA-00140-00064679-00064927 asked me to make videos about how to find the right therapist to talk to them r1XN3X3QTgA-00141-00064927-00065252 the other thing you can do is call your insurance provider okay r1XN3X3QTgA-00142-00065252-00065637 call your insurance provider and ask them are there any therapists in my r1XN3X3QTgA-00143-00065637-00066107 network who specialize in trauma who specialized in depression who r1XN3X3QTgA-00144-00066107-00066614 specialized in addiction who specialized in the LGBTQ community who specialized r1XN3X3QTgA-00145-00066614-00066954 in dealing with people with disabilities I'm reading a book right now by r1XN3X3QTgA-00146-00066954-00067467 Charlamagne tha God called shook one and they have a part in there talking about r1XN3X3QTgA-00147-00067467-00067781 finding an african-american therapist and all sorts of stuff r1XN3X3QTgA-00148-00067781-00068306 so talk to your providers psychology today can also find you providers - in r1XN3X3QTgA-00149-00068306-00068624 your area I am partnered with the online therapy r1XN3X3QTgA-00150-00068624-00069072 company better help Tristan uses it I have friends who use it so if you want r1XN3X3QTgA-00151-00069072-00069326 to check that out it's always down in the description I'll link it down in the r1XN3X3QTgA-00152-00069326-00069747 pin comment as well but just go out there and get help it's always great to r1XN3X3QTgA-00153-00069747-00070116 have somebody who's there what I wanted to sit there and listen I am NOT your r1XN3X3QTgA-00154-00070116-00070469 therapist I am a guy that you're watching on a screen I don't know you r1XN3X3QTgA-00155-00070469-00070832 personally all right I'm here to encourage you to go out there and do r1XN3X3QTgA-00156-00070832-00071177 something but lyza also talks about meditation r1XN3X3QTgA-00157-00071177-00071624 that's something I'm trying to get you guys into I just put up one of my new r1XN3X3QTgA-00158-00071624-00072026 guided meditations yesterday it's youtuber inspired go check that thing r1XN3X3QTgA-00159-00072026-00072441 out you guys loved it great news I've got to do more I'm gonna do more because r1XN3X3QTgA-00160-00072441-00072780 there's such a positive response so I'm gonna do more meditation she also r1XN3X3QTgA-00161-00072780-00073329 mentions medication yes talk to your doctor about that some primary care r1XN3X3QTgA-00162-00073329-00073872 doctors can prescribe medication so me I am on an antidepressant / anti-anxiety r1XN3X3QTgA-00163-00073872-00074460 medication I was on lexapro for a while went to prozac I'm back on lexapro my r1XN3X3QTgA-00164-00074460-00074831 primary care doctor prescribes that those of you who have the opportunity or r1XN3X3QTgA-00165-00074831-00075101 you're willing to wait for your appointment go to speak to a r1XN3X3QTgA-00166-00075101-00075468 psychiatrist that is the number one person you should talk to you but a r1XN3X3QTgA-00167-00075468-00075812 primary care doctor can usually get you in the right area even though they don't r1XN3X3QTgA-00168-00075812-00076292 specialize in mental health medications all right but when it comes to our r1XN3X3QTgA-00169-00076292-00076647 mental health just try everything and find out what works for you I do a r1XN3X3QTgA-00170-00076647-00077000 million different things from my mental health sometimes I don't even know which r1XN3X3QTgA-00171-00077000-00077417 one is working I don't know which one is the secret sauce but I just do all of r1XN3X3QTgA-00172-00077417-00077811 them I just do all of them because something's working I'm a pretty happy r1XN3X3QTgA-00173-00077811-00078162 guy right somebody by the way I'm gonna put a tweet up on this for you today r1XN3X3QTgA-00174-00078162-00078564 someone described me as like depressed and self-loathing of like r1XN3X3QTgA-00175-00078564-00079032 which guy are you watching that maybe if you met me like years ago that was a r1XN3X3QTgA-00176-00079032-00079401 good description of me but like for the most part like I'm in a pretty cheery r1XN3X3QTgA-00177-00079401-00079899 mood this smile on my face is usually here alright but anyways I'm super proud r1XN3X3QTgA-00178-00079899-00080406 of Liza Koshi and I hope she's getting the positive feedback that she deserves r1XN3X3QTgA-00179-00080406-00080721 and makes more videos about this you know just talking to people and r1XN3X3QTgA-00180-00080721-00081072 connecting with people and like I don't know right now of Isaac oh she's my r1XN3X3QTgA-00181-00081072-00081498 number one I haven't seen many other youtubers talk about going to therapy r1XN3X3QTgA-00182-00081498-00081996 Anna Akana is obviously one Gabby Hanna goes to therapy you know what I mean r1XN3X3QTgA-00183-00081996-00082437 maybe I do have a bias maybe I do have a bias Kris just got a little clarity r1XN3X3QTgA-00184-00082437-00082938 maybe I have a bias towards youtubers who actually go to therapy maybe that's r1XN3X3QTgA-00185-00082938-00083409 what it is but anyways let me know what you do to work on your mental health r1XN3X3QTgA-00186-00083409-00083862 what have you found that works for you let us know down in the comments below r1XN3X3QTgA-00187-00083862-00084198 let's have a conversation also let me know down in the comments below if you r1XN3X3QTgA-00188-00084198-00084648 would like me to do a video about relationships after you work on yourself r1XN3X3QTgA-00189-00084648-00085059 and you know I would use Liza and David as an example for that alright anyways r1XN3X3QTgA-00190-00085059-00085338 that's all I got for this video if you liked this video please give it a thumbs r1XN3X3QTgA-00191-00085338-00085644 up if you're new make sure you subscribe and bring that notification because I r1XN3X3QTgA-00192-00085644-00085995 make a ton of videos and a huge huge thank you to everybody supporting the r1XN3X3QTgA-00193-00085995-00086202 channel over on patreon you are all amazing r1XN3X3QTgA-00194-00086202-00086595 some of you asked like one of the specific perks of being a patron click r1XN3X3QTgA-00195-00086595-00086973 the tap in that icon every single tiers listed alright so thanks again so much r1XN3X3QTgA-00196-00086973-00087335 for watching I'll see you next time r2dpOMHm-iE-00000-00000272-00000690 The Toolik field site is located in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range, r2dpOMHm-iE-00001-00000690-00000961 at the southern edge of Alaska's North Slope. r2dpOMHm-iE-00002-00000994-00001294 This core terrestrial field site covers 60 square kilometers r2dpOMHm-iE-00003-00001294-00001792 and is dominated by tussock grasses, sedges and short herbaceous vegetation. r2dpOMHm-iE-00004-00001838-00002136 At the heart of the site, sits a 26 foot tall flux tower r2dpOMHm-iE-00005-00002136-00002410 that collects a full profile of atmospheric conditions. r2dpOMHm-iE-00006-00002464-00002990 Soil sensor measurements and observational sampling are also collected at this site. r2TnJjhYLlk-00000-00000008-00000440 talked about the changes that we have seen in the last few years it is now in the public domain that r2TnJjhYLlk-00001-00000440-00001048 the first coup d'etats that were mounted in africa were at the behest of the art wild colonizers we r2TnJjhYLlk-00002-00001048-00001552 know louder the vet he's not a congolese has written that patrice emery lumumba was r2TnJjhYLlk-00003-00001552-00002056 murdered at the behest of the belgians we know that kwame nukuluma was overthrown at the behest r2TnJjhYLlk-00004-00002056-00002568 of of the americans and the british we know that sylvanus olympia was eliminated at the behest of r2TnJjhYLlk-00005-00002568-00003152 the of the french we know because these we know that modificator of mali was eliminated at the r2TnJjhYLlk-00006-00003152-00003600 behest of france much more recently we know that thomas ankara was eliminated at the behest of the r2TnJjhYLlk-00007-00003600-00004288 french we know all these and it is because if anybody imagines who is articulating a vision r2TnJjhYLlk-00008-00004288-00004904 which is in danger of compromising the pernicious role of these artwork colonizers then it has to be r2TnJjhYLlk-00009-00004904-00005272 neutralized these are contentious views but they are viewed that are there nevertheless r2TnJjhYLlk-00010-00005352-00005696 and then of course we know that there were proxy wars that were being r6W6_jRPAlA-00000-00000930-00001150 Hello you rolling raptors. r6W6_jRPAlA-00001-00001190-00001559 I'm Tim from Ghent, Belgium and this video's about... r6W6_jRPAlA-00002-00001603-00001666 Well... r6W6_jRPAlA-00003-00001696-00002113 It's just about me enjoying the Ronin frame on a beautiful Sunday. r6W6_jRPAlA-00004-00002173-00002350 That's all there is to it really. r6W6_jRPAlA-00005-00017459-00017576 Thanks for watching. r6W6_jRPAlA-00006-00017683-00017893 Take care and keep rolling. r6W6_jRPAlA-00007-00017943-00018003 Bye. r8_asAHoZSg-00000-00000066-00000473 How to earn $100 or $1,000 dollars a day from home? r8_asAHoZSg-00001-00000654-00000790 There are many solutions, r8_asAHoZSg-00002-00000807-00000867 but here, r8_asAHoZSg-00003-00000877-00001056 we are talking about Affiliate Marketing r8_asAHoZSg-00004-00001103-00001207 or more precisely, r8_asAHoZSg-00005-00001207-00001407 about Direct Affiliate Marketing. r8_asAHoZSg-00006-00001445-00001729 You can do affiliate marketing through specific platforms, r8_asAHoZSg-00007-00001737-00001889 which will charge you a commission, r8_asAHoZSg-00008-00001889-00002133 or, you can do Direct Affiliate Marketing, r8_asAHoZSg-00009-00002150-00002426 if you know a trader with huge resources. r8_asAHoZSg-00010-00002472-00002732 What is Affiliate Marketing? r8_asAHoZSg-00011-00002818-00003230 Affiliate Marketing is a form of online marketing based on PERFORMANCE r8_asAHoZSg-00012-00003242-00003530 where, a trader rewards one or more affiliates, r8_asAHoZSg-00013-00003557-00003777 for each action performed on its website. r8_asAHoZSg-00014-00003832-00004076 A rewarding action is a sale, a lead, r8_asAHoZSg-00015-00004109-00004477 or any other predetermined action within the merchant's affiliate program. r8_asAHoZSg-00016-00004540-00004796 Affiliate Marketing is practiced by many influencers, r8_asAHoZSg-00017-00004810-00005006 on social media platforms such as r8_asAHoZSg-00018-00005019-00005395 YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, personal blogs, etc. r8_asAHoZSg-00019-00005427-00005839 Can you do Affiliate Marketing without a channel with many followers? r8_asAHoZSg-00020-00005845-00005895 Yes, r8_asAHoZSg-00021-00005895-00006171 There are several ways where you can reach the trader's target r8_asAHoZSg-00022-00006171-00006466 by email, text message, or phone. r8_asAHoZSg-00023-00006601-00006821 The best example of Direct Affiliate Marketing r8_asAHoZSg-00024-00006833-00007033 is the Agri.Market platform. r8_asAHoZSg-00025-00007076-00007412 There are millions of farmers facing difficult times in each country, r8_asAHoZSg-00026-00007428-00007708 because they can not to sell their products, at the right price. r8_asAHoZSg-00027-00007779-00007943 Most of the time they are robbed r8_asAHoZSg-00028-00007943-00008319 by intermediaries of supermarkets or food factories, r8_asAHoZSg-00029-00008319-00008527 while you eat chemical additives. r8_asAHoZSg-00030-00008554-00008714 What is Agri.Market? r8_asAHoZSg-00031-00008790-00008982 Agri.Market is a local market, r8_asAHoZSg-00032-00009013-00009121 a national market, r8_asAHoZSg-00033-00009139-00009263 an international market, r8_asAHoZSg-00034-00009281-00009561 and a stock exchange of agricultural products. r8_asAHoZSg-00035-00009608-00009884 Agri.Market is the revolution of agriculture r8_asAHoZSg-00036-00009898-00010098 and you can be a part of it. r8_asAHoZSg-00037-00010131-00010257 Farmers around the world r8_asAHoZSg-00038-00010273-00010527 can list now their products on this online platform, r8_asAHoZSg-00039-00010547-00010695 where they can sell wholesale, r8_asAHoZSg-00040-00010705-00010841 with delivery from the farm, r8_asAHoZSg-00041-00010851-00011011 or with home delivery. r8_asAHoZSg-00042-00011035-00011347 Agri.Market is the ray of hope that farmers need. r8_asAHoZSg-00043-00011367-00011695 A place where farmers can sell their products at the right price. r8_asAHoZSg-00044-00011731-00011839 Affiliates! r8_asAHoZSg-00045-00011867-00012219 Agri.Market rewards affiliates with $ 5-10 r8_asAHoZSg-00046-00012283-00012515 for each farmer who registers on the platform. r8_asAHoZSg-00047-00012572-00012722 How do you reach farmers? r8_asAHoZSg-00048-00012731-00013007 If you have a channel with a lot of followers, it's quite simple, r8_asAHoZSg-00049-00013037-00013413 although your audience may not bethe target audience of Agri.Market. r8_asAHoZSg-00050-00013457-00013813 If you have no followers, than you can search for farmers on the Internet. r8_asAHoZSg-00051-00013862-00013930 Where? r8_asAHoZSg-00052-00013952-00014140 On Facebook, Google maps, r8_asAHoZSg-00053-00014140-00014268 or other sources. r8_asAHoZSg-00054-00014337-00014665 On Google maps you can search for farms from all over the world, r8_asAHoZSg-00055-00014699-00014979 but it would be better to limit to farms from your country. r8_asAHoZSg-00056-00015031-00015327 In the search window, type the word "farm" r8_asAHoZSg-00057-00015683-00015927 and a ton of farms will show up on display. r8_asAHoZSg-00058-00016030-00016330 You will get the farm’s locations and a lot of information. r8_asAHoZSg-00059-00017293-00017632 When you Zoom in, more and more locations will open on the map. r8_asAHoZSg-00060-00018015-00018065 Zoom in r8_asAHoZSg-00061-00018792-00018869 Zoom in r8_asAHoZSg-00062-00019792-00019908 Zoom in r8_asAHoZSg-00063-00021702-00021866 Some farms have a website listed, r8_asAHoZSg-00064-00021866-00022078 where you can get an email address, r8_asAHoZSg-00065-00022150-00022270 or a contact form, r8_asAHoZSg-00066-00022270-00022502 while other farms only have a phone number. r8_asAHoZSg-00067-00025063-00025267 Some websites give you a contact form, r8_asAHoZSg-00068-00025267-00025571 which guarantees that the message will be received. r8_asAHoZSg-00069-00026238-00026566 Don't forget to check the option “Update results” r8_asAHoZSg-00070-00027050-00027230 when map moves, r8_asAHoZSg-00071-00027490-00027754 to easily discover all the farms in your area. r8_asAHoZSg-00072-00028830-00029158 Research works for each country in the same way. r8_asAHoZSg-00073-00031090-00031202 On Facebook r8_asAHoZSg-00074-00031202-00031374 You can use multiple keywords: r8_asAHoZSg-00075-00031413-00031565 "farm" and "state" r8_asAHoZSg-00076-00031588-00031760 and that will give you ALL the records. r8_asAHoZSg-00077-00032746-00033153 But you can narrow your search to pages or places only. r8_asAHoZSg-00078-00036286-00036644 In the Facebook pages you'll get an email address, r8_asAHoZSg-00079-00037102-00037354 You will be able to send a message to the farmer, r8_asAHoZSg-00080-00037991-00038215 Or, you will get a link to a website. r8_asAHoZSg-00081-00038630-00039054 And the contact forms guarantee that the message will reach to farmer. r8_asAHoZSg-00082-00039626-00039842 You can set your searches by Location, r8_asAHoZSg-00083-00040222-00040422 or according to other criteria. r8_asAHoZSg-00084-00041299-00041599 You can also search for farms using keywords by product. r8_asAHoZSg-00085-00041655-00041879 "product" and "state" r8_asAHoZSg-00086-00044182-00044418 Or "product" and "farm" r8_asAHoZSg-00087-00045186-00045570 Some pages have a button for direct messaging in WhatsApp. r8_asAHoZSg-00088-00046150-00046502 If you can't find an email address or website with a contact form, r8_asAHoZSg-00089-00046502-00046918 a phone number is enough to send an invitation to the farmer by WhatsApp. r8_asAHoZSg-00090-00047018-00047118 WhatsApp? r8_asAHoZSg-00091-00047118-00047258 Yes! r8_asAHoZSg-00092-00047422-00047630 Open a Google translator page r8_asAHoZSg-00093-00047687-00048067 Insert the link from description, for sending WhatsApp messages r8_asAHoZSg-00094-00048067-00048439 Write the country code without 00 or +, r8_asAHoZSg-00095-00048509-00048709 34 is the code of Spain r8_asAHoZSg-00096-00049230-00049614 Write the farm phone number, without the zero prefix, if any. r8_asAHoZSg-00097-00049794-00050022 Now you have a link to send WhatsApp messages, r8_asAHoZSg-00098-00050083-00050351 without the recipient beingin your phone's address book. r8_asAHoZSg-00099-00050407-00050563 Select the entire link. r8_asAHoZSg-00100-00050624-00050796 And with the right click, r8_asAHoZSg-00101-00050910-00051110 open the link in the new window. r8_asAHoZSg-00102-00051194-00051414 Continue to open the WhatsApp window r8_asAHoZSg-00103-00052366-00052658 Paste your message for the farmer and your coupon code. r8_asAHoZSg-00104-00052737-00052925 Send! r8_asAHoZSg-00105-00053650-00053922 If a phone number does not have WhatsApp, r8_asAHoZSg-00106-00054386-00054574 you will receive a notification. r8_asAHoZSg-00107-00054593-00054841 “The phone number distributed by URL is invalid.” r8_asAHoZSg-00108-00054907-00055179 If you have an email address or a phone number, r8_asAHoZSg-00109-00055179-00055579 you can invite the farmer to sell his products on the Agri.Market platform. r8_asAHoZSg-00110-00055658-00056118 In some countries, unsolicited commercial communications are considered spam r8_asAHoZSg-00111-00056118-00056390 and are punishable by law if they are sent to people. r8_asAHoZSg-00112-00056459-00056803 However, communications to traders are not considered spam, r8_asAHoZSg-00113-00056803-00057067 especially since you are sending a business offer, r8_asAHoZSg-00114-00057067-00057363 the recipient being a trader of agricultural products, r8_asAHoZSg-00115-00057363-00057695 and you act in the shadow of Agri.Market platform. r8_asAHoZSg-00116-00057754-00058078 The recipient, the farmer, will be happy to receive your message, r8_asAHoZSg-00117-00058143-00058443 because it will help him overcome the sales issues he is facing. r8_asAHoZSg-00118-00058516-00058745 Having an email address or a phone number, r8_asAHoZSg-00119-00058745-00059104 you can invite the farmer to sell his products on the Agri.Market platform. r8_asAHoZSg-00120-00059166-00059650 This way, you can send daily invitations to dozens or hundreds of farmers. r8_asAHoZSg-00121-00059704-00059928 By email, by messages on Facebook, r8_asAHoZSg-00122-00059969-00060189 leaving comments on Facebook pages, r8_asAHoZSg-00123-00060197-00060413 or by sending WhatsApp messages. r8_asAHoZSg-00124-00060465-00060709 If you can do that, you can earn a lot of money! r8_asAHoZSg-00125-00060752-00060944 The more you work, the more you get. r8_asAHoZSg-00126-00060952-00061024 How? r8_asAHoZSg-00127-00061091-00061371 Sign up for the Agri.Market affiliate program. r8_asAHoZSg-00128-00061386-00061575 To be an affiliate, you must be an adult, r8_asAHoZSg-00129-00061587-00061771 or an adult parent with a bank account. r8_asAHoZSg-00130-00061832-00062136 You will receive a promotional code associated with your account, r8_asAHoZSg-00131-00062178-00062474 which you will insert in the messages you send to farmers. r8_asAHoZSg-00132-00062544-00062872 Your promotional code offers the farmer a 50% discount r8_asAHoZSg-00133-00062872-00063192 for the annual subscription that he will pay for the platform. r8_asAHoZSg-00134-00063192-00063380 Thus, the registered farmer, r8_asAHoZSg-00135-00063408-00063868 instead of paying an annual subscription of $ 30 or $ 100, r8_asAHoZSg-00136-00063887-00064343 will pay only $ 15 or $ 50, using your code. r8_asAHoZSg-00137-00064369-00064804 For a small farmer who pays a $ 15 subscription, you will get $ 5. r8_asAHoZSg-00138-00064825-00065273 For a large farm, a cooperative, or an agricultural association, r8_asAHoZSg-00139-00065281-00065593 that pays a $ 50 subscription, you will get $ 10. r8_asAHoZSg-00140-00065636-00065932 Each subscription payment is recorded in your account r8_asAHoZSg-00141-00065945-00066145 and at the end of the month, or weekly, r8_asAHoZSg-00142-00066164-00066444 you can request the transfer of the credit to your bank account. r8_asAHoZSg-00143-00066500-00066828 If your bank account is in another currency than the US dollar, r8_asAHoZSg-00144-00066828-00067084 your bank will automatically convert to your currency r8_asAHoZSg-00145-00067084-00067283 and withhold the exchange fees. r8_asAHoZSg-00146-00067315-00067971 To avoid bank charges, you could make a Revolut card, N26, TransferWise, etc., r8_asAHoZSg-00147-00068000-00068292 which allows you to have several currencies on a single card. r8_asAHoZSg-00148-00068324-00068468 Another good thing to consider r8_asAHoZSg-00149-00068468-00068794 is that any farmer will know another 5 - 10 farmers r8_asAHoZSg-00150-00068795-00069024 that are struggling during these difficult times, r8_asAHoZSg-00151-00069029-00069197 which he will want to help also. r8_asAHoZSg-00152-00069222-00069416 So, he'll redirect your message r8_asAHoZSg-00153-00069416-00069594 and your coupon code to others. r8_asAHoZSg-00154-00069652-00069715 This way, r8_asAHoZSg-00155-00069724-00069960 your coupon code, will reach more farmers, r8_asAHoZSg-00156-00069982-00070130 you will have more registrations r8_asAHoZSg-00157-00070149-00070292 and you will earn more money. r8_asAHoZSg-00158-00070370-00070602 How many millions of farmers are there in your country? r8_asAHoZSg-00159-00070653-00071101 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 million? r8_asAHoZSg-00160-00071107-00071297 You earn money working from home, r8_asAHoZSg-00161-00071311-00071500 helping farmers sell their produce, r8_asAHoZSg-00162-00071511-00071716 helping millions of consumers eat healthy, r8_asAHoZSg-00163-00071731-00071922 and help the local economy flourish. r8_asAHoZSg-00164-00071945-00072083 It’s a Win-win solution! r8_asAHoZSg-00165-00072132-00072304 If you are ready to earn money from home, r8_asAHoZSg-00166-00072305-00072509 register as an affiliate at r8_asAHoZSg-00167-00072509-00073159 https://Agri.Market/Affiliates r8_asAHoZSg-00168-00073239-00073373 Don't forget to like it r8_asAHoZSg-00169-00073386-00073668 and share it with your friends who might be interested too. r9W6BuzAFdy-00000-00000003-00000519 I'm here to influence you, and the way you think about the Holy Ghost. If that's r9W6BuzAFdy-00001-00000519-00001053 not something you want – someone like me influencing you about who God is, and r9W6BuzAFdy-00002-00001053-00001392 whether He's in the earth, and whether He's a person – then this isn't the channel for r9W6BuzAFdy-00003-00001392-00001926 you. Because if you stick around long enough, you will be convinced! If you do want to know r9W6BuzAFdy-00004-00001926-00002393 the Holy Ghost as God, you do want to know Him in the earth, you do want to know r9W6BuzAFdy-00005-00002393-00003654 him as a Person, then stay tuned. Subscribe to the channel. Like it! Because we're going down this road. r9W6BuzAFdy-00006-00003654-00004620 The Holy Ghost is God in the earth today and you walk with Him by saying r9W6BuzAFdy-00007-00004620-00005157 words. He is a person. He is in the earth. He is the One that Jesus sent. And He's r9W6BuzAFdy-00008-00005157-00005568 the One we're supposed to get to know and to walk with. Here are some questions r9W6BuzAFdy-00009-00005568-00006318 that you must ask yourself, and frankly, get settled. #1: Is the Holy Ghost r9W6BuzAFdy-00010-00006318-00006918 God? Now, most people would say, "Yes." They would just give a casual, "Yes. Well, the r9W6BuzAFdy-00011-00006918-00007602 Holy Ghost is God." #2: Is He in the earth? And again, we preach – I have volumes on this – r9W6BuzAFdy-00012-00007602-00008054 proving that the Holy Ghost is the part of the Godhead Who's in the earth today. r9W6BuzAFdy-00013-00008054-00008868 And #3: Is He a Person? Is He a Divine Being, is He a divine "Person?" r9W6BuzAFdy-00014-00008868-00009360 Because, it matters! If He's God and He's a divine Person then you should be r9W6BuzAFdy-00015-00009360-00009984 worshiping Him. I'm here to help. I'm here to influence you in your r9W6BuzAFdy-00016-00009984-00010397 thinking of whether the Holy Ghost is God, whether He's in the r9W6BuzAFdy-00017-00010397-00010881 earth, and whether He's a Person. That's part of my job, it's what I do, to influence r9W6BuzAFdy-00018-00010881-00011382 you and the way you think about the Holy Ghost; and yes we will end up worshiping r9W6BuzAFdy-00019-00011382-00011949 Him – if you knew him as God you would worship Him. If you hear what I'm saying r9W6BuzAFdy-00020-00011949-00012420 and the Holy Spirit starts to minister to you and then you take that next step r9W6BuzAFdy-00021-00012420-00012774 because you know He's God, you know He's in the earth, you know He's a person (you r9W6BuzAFdy-00022-00012774-00013181 should worship God) if you knew Him as God you would worship Him – if you begin r9W6BuzAFdy-00023-00013181-00013608 to worship Him, He will begin to rearrange your thinking r9W6BuzAFdy-00024-00013608-00014061 so that you begin to walk with Him as God in the earth today, and life will be r9W6BuzAFdy-00025-00014061-00014616 completely different. I'm telling you, when you meet the Holy Ghost and you r9W6BuzAFdy-00026-00014616-00015234 know – you have the realization that comes over you – that He is God, you have nothing else r9W6BuzAFdy-00027-00015234-00015900 to do but worship Him, and learn how to walk with Him. He the Holy Ghost is as r9W6BuzAFdy-00028-00015900-00016530 much God as the Father is and Jesus is. Let me just talk to you about this for a r9W6BuzAFdy-00029-00016530-00017061 second – now have you ever heard of the Apostles Creed? Now, the Apostles Creed is r9W6BuzAFdy-00030-00017061-00017538 something that all churches today have in their doctrine; these are very r9W6BuzAFdy-00031-00017538-00017972 fundamental, and all their beliefs – whether you know they believe in baptism r9W6BuzAFdy-00032-00017972-00018315 or all these other things – they still believe in this stuff, do you r9W6BuzAFdy-00033-00018315-00018810 understand? This is what you have to believe or you're considered a r9W6BuzAFdy-00034-00018810-00019197 heretic. So listen here, the Apostles Creed: "We believe in One God, the Father r9W6BuzAFdy-00035-00019197-00019716 Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible; and r9W6BuzAFdy-00036-00019716-00020241 we believe in One Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the r9W6BuzAFdy-00037-00020241-00020751 Father before all worlds, light of light, very God of very God, begotten – not made – r9W6BuzAFdy-00038-00020751-00021315 being of one substance with the Father by whom were all things made..." And it goes r9W6BuzAFdy-00039-00021315-00021939 on here to talk about Jesus, "Who, for us men and for our salvation, came down from r9W6BuzAFdy-00040-00021939-00022482 heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the virgin Mary, and was made r9W6BuzAFdy-00041-00022482-00022986 man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate and suffered and was r9W6BuzAFdy-00042-00022986-00023526 buried. In the third day He rose again, according to the scriptures, and ascended r9W6BuzAFdy-00043-00023526-00024201 into heaven and sits on the right hand of the Father," So. "From thence He shall r9W6BuzAFdy-00044-00024201-00024837 come again." Now this right here, this is doctrine that if you don't r9W6BuzAFdy-00045-00024837-00025340 believe this you're considered a heretic. You understand? So according to this r9W6BuzAFdy-00046-00025340-00025973 Jesus ascended into heaven, sitteth (sits now presently) at the right hand of the r9W6BuzAFdy-00047-00025973-00026535 Father in heaven, and shall come again – which means He hasn't yet. r9W6BuzAFdy-00048-00026535-00027113 Where is He? Ah, He's still there! "From thence r9W6BuzAFdy-00049-00027113-00027552 shall come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead whose kingdom shall r9W6BuzAFdy-00050-00027552-00028400 have no end. And we believe in the Holy Ghost," Here it is, r9W6BuzAFdy-00051-00028400-00029219 "We believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord," This is your doctrine, "We believe in the r9W6BuzAFdy-00052-00029219-00029918 Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life," Can I say that? Can I call the Holy Ghost Lord? r9W6BuzAFdy-00053-00029918-00030596 "No, you're a heretic!" No, I'm not a heretic. "We believe in the Holy Ghost, r9W6BuzAFdy-00054-00030596-00030968 the Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father; Who with the Father and r9W6BuzAFdy-00055-00030968-00031946 the Son together is worshiped." "We believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord... Who is r9W6BuzAFdy-00056-00031946-00032594 worshiped." You can worship the Holy Ghost. "The Holy Ghost, the Lord, is worshiped and r9W6BuzAFdy-00057-00032594-00033206 glorified, Who spake by the prophets." Now, the Holy Ghost is a person He's a divine r9W6BuzAFdy-00058-00033206-00033878 person, He is God as equal to the Father and the Son, and He is to be worshipped; r9W6BuzAFdy-00059-00033878-00034439 and frankly you can call Him Lord. Now the purpose of this Creed is to provide r9W6BuzAFdy-00060-00034439-00035303 a doctrinal statement of correct belief and orthodoxy, and if you veer from r9W6BuzAFdy-00061-00035303-00036050 it then you're called a heretic. But here I am telling you that you should worship r9W6BuzAFdy-00062-00036050-00036405 the Holy Ghost because He's God in the earth today, and people would say that r9W6BuzAFdy-00063-00036405-00037013 that's heresy. They would consider me a heretic because I'm doing what the Word r9W6BuzAFdy-00064-00037013-00037619 says to do and what our Creed says to do. I'm worshiping the Holy Ghost, the Lord r9W6BuzAFdy-00065-00037619-00038447 and Giver of Life. So this is in everyone's doctrine, and people that do r9W6BuzAFdy-00066-00038447-00038918 worship the Holy Ghost are often called heretics. I'm one who worships the Holy r9W6BuzAFdy-00067-00038918-00039308 Ghost, and I've had people say that this is heresy. r9W6BuzAFdy-00068-00039308-00040016 Is it heresy? Not at all. Acts 24:14 – "But this I confess unto thee, r9W6BuzAFdy-00069-00040016-00040565 that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my r9W6BuzAFdy-00070-00040565-00041031 fathers." The God of my fathers. Not only Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, r9W6BuzAFdy-00071-00041031-00041699 but the God of my fathers from 381AD. You understand? The God of our fathers of the r9W6BuzAFdy-00072-00041699-00042387 faith. So if you are one of us, a Holy Ghost worshiper, if you're a Holy r9W6BuzAFdy-00073-00042387-00042824 Ghost worshipper and you're one of us – and there are more and more and more r9W6BuzAFdy-00074-00042824-00043244 every day, more people coming into this understanding that the Holy Ghost is God r9W6BuzAFdy-00075-00043244-00043593 and you should worship Him – but if you are one of us, a Holy Ghost worshiper, r9W6BuzAFdy-00076-00043593-00044246 then you're with a group of people correcting the wrong that we've been r9W6BuzAFdy-00077-00044246-00044819 living under for so long, of calling the Holy Ghost a power or an influence or a r9W6BuzAFdy-00078-00044819-00045263 force or a feeling. We're correcting it! Listen: we're correcting it, and we're r9W6BuzAFdy-00079-00045263-00045788 calling the Holy Ghost God, and we're worshiping Him – which enables us r9W6BuzAFdy-00080-00045788-00046536 to fulfill the full dispensational authority of the Holy Ghost; it enables Him r9W6BuzAFdy-00081-00046536-00047063 to fulfill the full dispensational authority that He's been limited in. r9W6BuzAFdy-00082-00047063-00047583 We've limited the Holy One. Jude 1:3 – "It was needful for me to write unto you and r9W6BuzAFdy-00083-00047583-00048215 exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once r9W6BuzAFdy-00084-00048215-00048740 delivered to the saints." Is this making sense? "Well, brother, you sound contentious r9W6BuzAFdy-00085-00048740-00049394 over this." I am earnestly contending and pleading with you that you receive the r9W6BuzAFdy-00086-00049394-00050177 Holy Ghost as God, and know Him as a person. Worshiping the Holy Ghost is Orthodox. r9W6BuzAFdy-00087-00050177-00050681 I'm not a heretic when I worship the Holy Ghost; you should do it too. So, we've r9W6BuzAFdy-00088-00050681-00051251 found that He is God, and He is in the earth. Yes! He's the One in the earth. Is He a r9W6BuzAFdy-00089-00051251-00051876 person? The Holy Ghost is not a force, He's not an anointing – He's a person. He r9W6BuzAFdy-00090-00051876-00052454 is God, He is a person, He is in the earth – you should worship Him; and it's orthodox r9W6BuzAFdy-00091-00052454-00052950 to do so. I know it sounds strange to your ears because you haven't been r9W6BuzAFdy-00092-00052950-00053403 taught that, but that's the fact; and that's where we've missed it. r9W6BuzAFdy-00093-00053403-00054063 Your worship of Him increases His personhood towards you. r9W6BuzAFdy-00094-00054063-00054471 I probably haven't stressed this enough, but that's one of the reasons that worship r9W6BuzAFdy-00095-00054471-00055007 is so important. Yes, God wants your worship, but worship does something to you. r9W6BuzAFdy-00096-00055007-00055551 When I sit there and I say, "I worship You Holy Ghost." It does something to me – it r9W6BuzAFdy-00097-00055551-00056085 says to me that the Holy Ghost is God, that He's a person – and as I'm worshiping Him r9W6BuzAFdy-00098-00056085-00056861 it solidifies that fact. If you will worship Him, His personhood will be r9W6BuzAFdy-00099-00056861-00057573 revealed to you. If you will worship Him, He will come and meet you, and you will meet r9W6BuzAFdy-00100-00057573-00059892 Him. He will look upon you; He'll visit you. rrCf3wLxRz0-00000-00000000-00000050 [ASTRAL LUCKYBLOCK ADDON - MCBE 1.14.x] rsWhaA2ltOy-00001-00009495-00010039 www.instagram.com/kenney_khaos12 www.youtube.com/KenneyKhaos rtFdFnWwMQE-00000-00000003-00000756 If we were seeking, or maybe still seeking for relief or the end of suffering in our thoughts rtFdFnWwMQE-00001-00000756-00001422 and emotions, descriptions and stories, we are never going to find relief. And it’s rtFdFnWwMQE-00002-00001422-00002124 good news! It's good news because seeking for our wellbeing in our thoughts and emotions, rtFdFnWwMQE-00003-00002124-00003003 we can each admit that it's endless. We believe that thoughts and emotions have power over us. It rtFdFnWwMQE-00004-00003003-00003825 doesn’t matter what they are. It can be fear, good fear, bad fear. It can be happy thoughts and rtFdFnWwMQE-00005-00003825-00004620 emotions. It can be blissful states. It can be a very nice dream that maybe say something rtFdFnWwMQE-00006-00004620-00005517 really good about us, or a horrible dream that we are so afraid it will come the reality. rtFdFnWwMQE-00007-00005517-00006249 So, if we are seeking relief or for kind of resolution in our thoughts and emotions, again, rtFdFnWwMQE-00008-00006249-00007092 we will never going to find it, never. It's an endless task. We are trying to find relief rtFdFnWwMQE-00009-00007092-00007851 in our thoughts and emotions by indulging in them, taking them to mean something. And we are rtFdFnWwMQE-00010-00007851-00008704 really diving into them and chasing for the good meaning of thoughts and emotions. I did that. rtFdFnWwMQE-00011-00008704-00009144 And it’s always like endless stories. There are more to come, and more things to come, rtFdFnWwMQE-00012-00009144-00009504 and it’s so addictive. And we tell everyone about this story that we rtFdFnWwMQE-00013-00009504-00010386 have, or about that dream we had last night, and we take it to be something. Or, we avoid rtFdFnWwMQE-00014-00010386-00011376 thoughts and emotions. We are so afraid of just feeling uncomfortable or feeling not at ease, rtFdFnWwMQE-00015-00011376-00012012 feeling criticized or feeling not good enough, feeling like we are going to die or someone in rtFdFnWwMQE-00016-00012012-00012417 our family will go to die, or something will happen that is completely unpredictable. rtFdFnWwMQE-00017-00012417-00012951 So, we are just like, “I don’t want to think about it. Better just not to think about it. rtFdFnWwMQE-00018-00012951-00013738 Let’s think about the good stuff, because if we’re thinking positively, maybe it will become rtFdFnWwMQE-00019-00013738-00014713 the reality.” Do you know this one? To project the positive into reality. Maybe it worked one time, rtFdFnWwMQE-00020-00014713-00015469 twice or maybe a hundred times, but does it always work? Good! So, that’s the second thing we do. rtFdFnWwMQE-00021-00015469-00016397 The last thing is also we thinking about something else instead. You know, like we have, rtFdFnWwMQE-00022-00016397-00017138 for example, desire for someone and we are in an intimate relationship. We shouldn’t rtFdFnWwMQE-00023-00017138-00017786 feel that way. We shouldn’t think that way. So, we replace it with, “Oh no, no, rtFdFnWwMQE-00024-00017786-00018731 I love my partner. She is so good to me” Or, “He is so good to me.” Or, we have rtFdFnWwMQE-00025-00018731-00019910 the thought of, “I'm so afraid. I'm so afraid to face that person.” And we replace it with, rtFdFnWwMQE-00026-00019910-00020369 “No, actually I'm strong. You know, I'm stable. I can deal with that. You know, rtFdFnWwMQE-00027-00020369-00021149 I have confidence. I will know what to say. I’ll do it! I’ll do it! I’m really good. Okay, let’s rtFdFnWwMQE-00028-00021149-00021971 make a plan”. And we are just like cultivating positive affirmation or motivation to feel good, rtFdFnWwMQE-00029-00021971-00022788 to feel at ease, to feel as good, to be fearless, try to be fearless or try to be stable. rtFdFnWwMQE-00030-00022788-00023237 People say to us, you know, “Be strong, you can do it.” And we think, “Wow, rtFdFnWwMQE-00031-00023237-00023825 that’s so good, so motivating.” But still we are lacking that kind of, you know, rtFdFnWwMQE-00032-00023825-00024842 click. It doesn’t click with us. It sounds good. It has the best like description. We can taste it, rtFdFnWwMQE-00033-00024842-00025349 but it doesn’t really touch our experience. And that’s something that we can all look in rtFdFnWwMQE-00034-00025349-00025964 our experience, how we have been chasing for positive descriptions to affirm our wellbeing, rtFdFnWwMQE-00035-00025964-00026849 to kind of find ease and conviction and just like efforting to relax to be as we are. rtFdFnWwMQE-00036-00026849-00027439 So, I'm reminding you again. If we are seeking for relief in our thoughts and emotions, rtFdFnWwMQE-00037-00027439-00028358 it will never happen. So here, when you come here, you have been introduced to the most rtFdFnWwMQE-00038-00028358-00029144 basic fundamental nature of our mind, the power to know. The power to know is the rtFdFnWwMQE-00039-00029144-00029744 source of everything, is the source of all thoughts, emotions, sensations, experiences, rtFdFnWwMQE-00040-00029744-00030524 memories, dreams, death, life, everything. It is that power that knows everything. rtFdFnWwMQE-00041-00030524-00031448 And to introduce yourself to that, stop thinking, just for a moment and recognize rtFdFnWwMQE-00042-00031448-00032682 what remains. Cognizance, alertness, the power to know, this is open intelligence. rtFdFnWwMQE-00043-00032682-00033305 It's our own basic open intelligence. It's the power to know everything. And immediately, rtFdFnWwMQE-00044-00033305-00033587 will come in all the thoughts and emotions, “But wait a moment, rtFdFnWwMQE-00045-00033587-00034082 I'm still thinking about the topic I had this morning. I'm still so tired. I'm still rtFdFnWwMQE-00046-00034082-00034847 afraid.” All these thoughts and emotions, they are inseparable from our power to know, rtFdFnWwMQE-00047-00034847-00035486 from open intelligence, like the color blue in the sky, inseparable. We love this metaphor. Yes. rtFdFnWwMQE-00048-00035486-00036083 So, we can feel instinctively the relief of not trying to separate rtFdFnWwMQE-00049-00036083-00036635 our thoughts and emotions from our own open intelligence. In this great relief, rtFdFnWwMQE-00050-00036635-00037511 we can stop seeking. We can really stop seeking for our wellbeing in our thoughts and emotions rtFdFnWwMQE-00051-00037511-00038045 because we can rely on open intelligence, which is at the basis of everything. rtFdFnWwMQE-00052-00038045-00038801 And how do we do it? We do it for short moments. We take a short moment of relaxing rtFdFnWwMQE-00053-00038801-00039500 body and mind whenever we remember to do so. See, whenever we remember to do so. Again, rtFdFnWwMQE-00054-00039500-00040101 no effort, no contrivance, no trying to take a short moment or think about rtFdFnWwMQE-00055-00040101-00040743 the short moment. Whenever you remember, short moment of relaxing body and mind. rtFdFnWwMQE-00056-00040743-00041439 So, you can do it right now. I’m reminding you. Take a short moment of complete relaxation. Let’s rtFdFnWwMQE-00057-00041439-00042315 take all the topics today. A short moment of open intelligence self-releases, like a line rtFdFnWwMQE-00058-00042315-00043179 drawn in sky, in air, leaves no trace. I can write “fear,” and you will not run away. Space remains rtFdFnWwMQE-00059-00043179-00043953 free. While I am writing fear it completely self-releases. I can write “amazing dream!” rtFdFnWwMQE-00060-00043953-00044790 and still air will remain just completely free. And it's the same within our mind. rtFdFnWwMQE-00061-00044790-00045762 Look at the nature of our thoughts and emotions. They can be as they are for a short moment. And we rtFdFnWwMQE-00062-00045762-00046536 gain confidence in relying on open intelligence when we let them be as they are, when we do see rtFdFnWwMQE-00063-00046536-00047076 that there is nothing to be afraid of. Now, don’t think about it, because thinking about rtFdFnWwMQE-00064-00047076-00047748 “nothing to be afraid of” or “fearlessness,” that can be taken to the extreme, but allowing fear to rtFdFnWwMQE-00065-00047748-00048447 be exactly as it is, here there is nothing to fear. You see? That’s the difference. rtFdFnWwMQE-00066-00048447-00049041 So, the appearance of death, or fear of being as we are, rtFdFnWwMQE-00067-00049041-00049902 is coming up. And for sure it comes up to me too. We can all say that we have that fear, rtFdFnWwMQE-00068-00049902-00050463 sometimes it comes. So, all the ways of trying to avoid thinking about death, rtFdFnWwMQE-00069-00050463-00051303 that was something I’ve done a lot, not wanting to speak about death, not wanting to think about rtFdFnWwMQE-00070-00051303-00052308 death. And we’re relying on open intelligence, the thoughts of death comes up and we can let rtFdFnWwMQE-00071-00052308-00053201 them be as they are. You see? That’s it. We can let them be as they are, for short moments. rtFdFnWwMQE-00072-00053201-00053915 It doesn’t mean that suddenly that we will have amazing sensations or that we will not be afraid rtFdFnWwMQE-00073-00053915-00054655 of death, but we can feel everything fully. We can relax when death thoughts are coming rtFdFnWwMQE-00074-00054655-00055516 up or when horrible dreams we had last night is still coming up, all the aspects of it. rtFdFnWwMQE-00075-00055516-00055891 Or thinking about friends who are going through a really terrible situations. rtFdFnWwMQE-00076-00055891-00056609 We don’t want to be cut off from people, from feelings and emotions. This we have done for so rtFdFnWwMQE-00077-00056609-00057402 many years by trying to avoid what we are feel and think, but in a short moment of open intelligence, rtFdFnWwMQE-00078-00057402-00058432 we let fear be as it is. And we immediately feel that natural compassion, understanding, rtFdFnWwMQE-00079-00058432-00059282 clarity that pervades that. Thoughts and feelings that we were trying to always chasing after them rtFdFnWwMQE-00080-00059282-00059933 or avoiding them, now we can let them be as they are. We gain confidence in that. It doesn’t come, rtFdFnWwMQE-00081-00059933-00060575 “That’s it,” we are not afraid anymore. But that’s why we have the Training, you know, the support to rtFdFnWwMQE-00082-00060575-00061187 really confirm to us, over and over again, that in each short moment of open intelligence, everything rtFdFnWwMQE-00083-00061187-00061829 can be as it is. “Everything can be as it is” doesn’t mean also that we don’t do anything, that rtFdFnWwMQE-00084-00061829-00062416 we are not moving in our life or supporting people or supporting loved ones during death and illness. rtFdFnWwMQE-00085-00062416-00063179 From the vantage of feeling everything fully, we are truly able to respond to rtFdFnWwMQE-00086-00063179-00064034 people. You see? Because we are not afraid of what they fear and what we fear. We can cry, rtFdFnWwMQE-00087-00064034-00064547 we can be sad, we can have grief, but we’re still capable to move forward rtFdFnWwMQE-00088-00064547-00065270 with dignity for one another, and to do what’s needed one moment at a time to rtFdFnWwMQE-00089-00065270-00065779 support our family and friends in the most simple and natural ways. rtFdFnWwMQE-00090-00065779-00066413 We can love fully too. We can love everyone as they are. We can love ourselves as we are. So, rtFdFnWwMQE-00091-00066413-00066956 that’s something that opened up for me during the Twelve Empowerments, and since then, you know, rtFdFnWwMQE-00092-00066956-00067658 it doesn’t stop. Like you shared, you see already so many changes in your life. Your ability to be rtFdFnWwMQE-00093-00067658-00068360 stable and at ease with so many circumstance and results are just flourishing. And there are some rtFdFnWwMQE-00094-00068360-00069122 thoughts and emotions, some data streams are still like sticky to us, you know? We find it a bit rtFdFnWwMQE-00095-00069122-00069833 harder to let them be as they are. But there is something else we have, the assurance in ourselves rtFdFnWwMQE-00096-00069833-00070295 that we will continue to gain confidence, because we have all the support for that. rtFdFnWwMQE-00097-00070295-00071210 You know, we don’t need to think, for example, “If I am afraid, so I am not relying on open rtFdFnWwMQE-00098-00071210-00071864 intelligence, so open intelligence is not present.” Or, “When I sleep at night, rtFdFnWwMQE-00099-00071864-00072620 or when I'm not aware, so open intelligence is not present.” What’s aware of your dreams? rtFdFnWwMQE-00100-00072620-00073136 It's only open intelligence. What sees the dreams? It's not our eyes, rtFdFnWwMQE-00101-00073136-00073709 right? They are closed. And Candice said that a lot, and I was like, “Wow, It's so amazing!” rtFdFnWwMQE-00102-00073709-00074475 It's open intelligence. It's completely awake, completely present, always there, always on. rtFdFnWwMQE-00103-00074475-00075014 The bright light of open intelligence is always on, whether we’re tired, we have less energy, rtFdFnWwMQE-00104-00075014-00075797 we have lots of energy, we have data about death or dreams or whatever it is, rtFdFnWwMQE-00105-00075797-00075995 or our friends and we don’t know what to do— rtFdFnWwMQE-00106-00075995-00076488 open intelligence is always present. We can always rely on it. rtFdFnWwMQE-00107-00076488-00077207 You see, and in this way, we gain all the skillful means that are needed to support our friends, rtFdFnWwMQE-00108-00077207-00077966 to support our family. Not needing to, you know, always like save them. You know, rtFdFnWwMQE-00109-00077966-00078518 in that complete relaxation in your example of relying on open intelligence, of your complete rtFdFnWwMQE-00110-00078518-00079373 stability, you make yourself available in a very natural way. In your total love and yes, rtFdFnWwMQE-00111-00079373-00080118 total stability, showing people that they have a choice. Asking them very clearly, rtFdFnWwMQE-00112-00080118-00080782 “Can I do something for you?” You know, sometimes we think it should be something really grand, rtFdFnWwMQE-00113-00080782-00081518 but it can be very basic and simple. “Is there anything I can do for you? Anything you see?” rtFdFnWwMQE-00114-00081518-00082173 Things are just more simple. Life becomes more simple. And situations also they, rtFdFnWwMQE-00115-00082173-00083190 all the heaviness of all kinds of circumstances, it's not so heavy anymore. It's not that we become rtFdFnWwMQE-00116-00083190-00083972 without feelings and emotions for people. Again, we feel more. We feel more even, but rtFdFnWwMQE-00117-00083972-00084692 at the same time we know what to do. We have that clarity. We are not running away from our self, rtFdFnWwMQE-00118-00084692-00085604 trying to look for the better fear, or you know, running from the negative fear. We let fear, rtFdFnWwMQE-00119-00085604-00086341 however it looks, be as it is. And we don’t need to think about, “Okay, fearlessness, rtFdFnWwMQE-00120-00086341-00086857 if there is no fear?” That will be too much thinking to open intelligence. rtFdFnWwMQE-00121-00086857-00087269 You see? It's better just to relax for a short moment and allow everything to be rtFdFnWwMQE-00122-00087269-00087942 as it is. And then you have that instinctive recognition that doesn’t need any explanation, rtFdFnWwMQE-00123-00087942-00088407 because more explanation will just feed more explanation and needing rtFdFnWwMQE-00124-00088407-00088748 to know more and more and more and more. It's like what I said at the beginning, rtFdFnWwMQE-00125-00088748-00089336 it will never come to a point where we find it because open intelligence is inexhaustible. rtFdFnWwMQE-00126-00089336-00090341 It includes all data streams, however, they are whatever they are. And that’s the safety. You see, rtFdFnWwMQE-00127-00090341-00090932 that’s how we are secured in open intelligence and everyone else is also secure in open rtFdFnWwMQE-00128-00090932-00091766 intelligence. In this way, we are also able to take responsibility for our own life situations. rtFdFnWwMQE-00129-00091766-00092549 And again, with our own example, it ripples out into the benefit of all, into what will be of most rtFdFnWwMQE-00130-00092549-00093354 benefit. We are not lost or pulled by our feelings and emotions anymore to try to find relief. We are rtFdFnWwMQE-00131-00093354-00094275 stable and fearless in the midst of them, knowing what to do in fear, in doubt, in confusion, rtFdFnWwMQE-00132-00094275-00095091 in disappointment, in tiredness. In not knowing what to do, we have that clarity of mind. It's rtFdFnWwMQE-00133-00095091-00096069 just like it's growing and growing. It's always present. It's always present, and here we can rtFdFnWwMQE-00134-00096069-00096907 rest. Not here in this place also, but right here, just exactly as we are with nothing more to do. rud6CQn5H7A-00000-00000813-00000816 Mouse-over the “Run Analysis” button to see the available analysis options. rud6CQn5H7A-00001-00000816-00001106 Click the Workbench tab to access your Workbench. rud6CQn5H7A-00002-00001106-00001406 You’ll be prompted to log in if you haven’t done so already. rud6CQn5H7A-00003-00001406-00002000 The Workbench page shows a table showing all of the items that you have saved to your Workbench. rud6CQn5H7A-00004-00002000-00002266 Each item has a content type associated with it. rud6CQn5H7A-00005-00002266-00002766 You can filter which items get shown by selecting the filtering options to the left of the table ... rud6CQn5H7A-00006-00002766-00003626 … including working sets, searches, analysis results, uploaded files, items owned by me, shared with me, or public. rud6CQn5H7A-00007-00003626-00004596 Click the blue “i” icon to the left of any row in the table to display them, along with its relevant options, on a separate page. rud6CQn5H7A-00008-00004596-00005266 Click the checkbox next to any item to: share an item with other people in your lab or with a collaborator’s group, rud6CQn5H7A-00009-00005266-00006056 add an item to a folder, move an item to the trash, or perform an additional action to any one (or more) item(s). rud6CQn5H7A-00010-00006056-00006699 These functions will be discussed in more detail later in this tutorial. rydfVtRnnKQ-00000-00000144-00000440 let's catch up with the news from the world of entertainment rydfVtRnnKQ-00001-00000440-00001008 in the newest marvel movie natalie portman becomes a superhero tessa thompson's valkyrie rydfVtRnnKQ-00002-00001008-00001368 is flirting with all the girls while talking about her girlfriend troubles rydfVtRnnKQ-00003-00001368-00001992 the rockman gorge has babies with his boyfriend and zeus gets thor naked watch this rydfVtRnnKQ-00004-00002136-00002672 they're in the shadow realm how do you know the atmosphere there has a darkness like no other this rydfVtRnnKQ-00005-00002672-00003264 is if color feels to tread it's unmistakable well then if it's color we need let's bring the rainbow rydfVtRnnKQ-00006-00003504-00003872 bring the rainbow with her catchphrase or something she's only been a thor for a minute rydfVtRnnKQ-00007-00003872-00004248 i mean saving lives she's quite good at but the rest of it she needs work how many catchphrases rydfVtRnnKQ-00008-00004248-00004912 have there been a lot yep jump the gun hang on he moves through shadows and he's going to rydfVtRnnKQ-00009-00004912-00005208 the shadow realm it seems like that's where he's going to be the most powerful you're rydfVtRnnKQ-00010-00005208-00005480 right we can't just go marching in there it could be a trap are you thinking what rydfVtRnnKQ-00011-00005480-00005800 i think you're thinking i'm thinking it what are we thinking thinking we're taking it too rydfVtRnnKQ-00012-00006304-00006992 our celebrity headline for the week love and thunder is gayest marvel movie ever starting with rydfVtRnnKQ-00013-00006992-00007528 thor what do you guys think has anybody seen thor yet not yet but i do oh ooh oh yeah what's rydfVtRnnKQ-00014-00007528-00008023 this hello we're gonna see how i'm watching for i need to um cancel our dinner roaster rydfVtRnnKQ-00015-00008424-00009112 this guy's got such an amazing body he is just like his muscles have muscles and so now in this rydfVtRnnKQ-00016-00009112-00009560 did everybody see the first thor or another thor that he had yeah one of the originals yeah there rydfVtRnnKQ-00017-00009560-00010016 you go yeah and he's just so sexy so in this store now he's got a girlfriend now he's got a woman rydfVtRnnKQ-00018-00010016-00010408 and it's natalie portman who also was in star wars back in the day rydfVtRnnKQ-00019-00010408-00011048 right i mean she was she was made princess padme who i named my dog after yeah and she rydfVtRnnKQ-00020-00011048-00011504 looks flawless unlike justin timberlake she is aging beautifully she looks incredible rydfVtRnnKQ-00021-00011560-00011952 wait i thought justin timberlake was in that clip he was that big sort of like shaggy rydfVtRnnKQ-00022-00012448-00012816 i would watch them have sex though um i read somewhere that they cut out a lesbian kiss rydfVtRnnKQ-00023-00012816-00013296 in this movie which i'm like confused about because i mean i think i think it was ragnarok rydfVtRnnKQ-00024-00013296-00013760 they it was the one before right pretend you don't know you know john knows everything rydfVtRnnKQ-00025-00013760-00014136 i will randomly send him a text about random [__] that like happened three years ago hey rydfVtRnnKQ-00026-00014136-00014600 do you know this guy this this happened to this guy down in miami beach uh back at this time blah rydfVtRnnKQ-00027-00014600-00015063 blah blah you know can you look it up yeah sure i know what happened he was out 11 15 he had picked rydfVtRnnKQ-00028-00015063-00015680 up a collateral he went down 8th street that's where that happened everything i like it well rydfVtRnnKQ-00029-00015680-00015991 definitely gotta go see thor though yeah yeah i'd watch that in a moment i'd watch them have sex rydfVtRnnKQ-00030-00016136-00016528 and it's and even though he's part of the avengers team he is this is really like rydfVtRnnKQ-00031-00016528-00017040 one of the most silly franchises of the marvel universe like iron man and rubber daddy junior rydfVtRnnKQ-00032-00017040-00017536 he sort of brought gravitas to the thing they've really lightened up the mcu since we rydfVtRnnKQ-00033-00017616-00018120 most recently saved the world it is it is self-deprecating it is and it's going to be rydfVtRnnKQ-00034-00018120-00018720 really interesting to see where all of these marvel movies go now because you avengers rydfVtRnnKQ-00035-00018720-00019344 2 or whatever well and that's the thing they're going to con continue to pump out these movies rydfVtRnnKQ-00036-00019424-00019936 are they going to be sillier are they going to be more adventurous okay there's so many directions rydfVtRnnKQ-00037-00019936-00020360 where they could go honestly as a person who watches marvel movies and superhero movies i rydfVtRnnKQ-00038-00020360-00020968 will stop whenever you know captain america is on yeah but do you remember like back when x-men rydfVtRnnKQ-00039-00020968-00021520 was a thing and like the story lines were serious but you know there was very little slap sticky rydfVtRnnKQ-00040-00021520-00021984 or funniness to it it was like you know and i related to it as a queer person because it was rydfVtRnnKQ-00041-00021984-00022376 these people with superpowers that nobody really understood them and they had to stick together rydfVtRnnKQ-00042-00022376-00022872 for the greater good and no very very similar to us in our chosen family it was always a metaphor rydfVtRnnKQ-00043-00022872-00023408 for lgbtq people like i mean x-men x-men always i've always been a nerd i used to read x-men it's rydfVtRnnKQ-00044-00023408-00023848 like i've never been a comic book nerd but i read i guess i was but i i've definitely read x-men and rydfVtRnnKQ-00045-00023848-00024224 i love the movies but they haven't really made a new one in a while because there's a million rydfVtRnnKQ-00046-00024224-00024800 others to see well and also i think x-men was one of the franchises that was produced over at sony's rydfVtRnnKQ-00047-00024856-00025384 exactly so originally so they didn't really have the same uh brain uh trust right that rydfVtRnnKQ-00048-00025384-00025936 they had over at at marvel and marvel era disney marvel and i think disney marvel took rydfVtRnnKQ-00049-00025936-00026464 a a more lighthearted approach to contrast against just the gloom and doom of batman rydfVtRnnKQ-00050-00026464-00026839 and all the other movies that failed what do you think these story lines are just getting rydfVtRnnKQ-00051-00026839-00027504 too crazy i think they're just but life is crazy so like how dressed in an iron suit isn't crazy rydfVtRnnKQ-00052-00027504-00028327 i mean i'm into it we all have our don't don't nobody shake pictures don't kink shame there rydfVtRnnKQ-00053-00028327-00028712 comes a time where it's like you know you go to the movies to escape reality yeah rydfVtRnnKQ-00054-00028712-00029168 you know to be able to enjoy something not of this world you know and just something imaginary rydfVtRnnKQ-00055-00029168-00029727 but at some point it's going to become a little bit too close to home and maybe too political rydfVtRnnKQ-00056-00029727-00030200 that's how i felt about the last joker movie what with what that was but that was a different story rydfVtRnnKQ-00057-00030272-00030839 like that was so dark i could not finish walking it was hard to watch but that's the dc universe rydfVtRnnKQ-00058-00030839-00031432 and like i said i think that um marvel has tried to just draw a line to say we're not going to be rydfVtRnnKQ-00059-00031432-00032080 this you know um doom but not quite as much gloom yeah okay so yeah does anybody know i keep hearing rydfVtRnnKQ-00060-00032080-00032840 that joker 2 the sequel is in production and that lady gaga is playing the harley quinn character rydfVtRnnKQ-00061-00032840-00033312 and it's going to be a musical and i've seen this really enough you don't even watch tv how do you rydfVtRnnKQ-00062-00033312-00034136 know this scott i read um but yeah honestly it was like how would they go from that oscar-winning rydfVtRnnKQ-00063-00034136-00034704 joker dark to a scene it doesn't even make sense it doesn't make any sense but if you if you google rydfVtRnnKQ-00064-00034704-00035160 it there are plenty of credible people saying it's in production and then here's the thing rydfVtRnnKQ-00065-00035160-00035568 you put lady gaga you add her name to anything people are going to watch it people are going to rydfVtRnnKQ-00066-00035568-00036312 be intrigued true but did we see house of gucci i did see father son and house of gucci that was rydfVtRnnKQ-00067-00036312-00036848 terrible it was terrible she was great in hotel hotel oh i haven't favorite american horsepower rydfVtRnnKQ-00068-00037032-00037376 she was yeah okay assignment for today yeah no you need to watch it rydfVtRnnKQ-00069-00037376-00037832 yeah absolutely baby gaga whatever you do we love you i do love her i liked how she's coming in like rydfVtRnnKQ-00070-00038680-00039264 lgbtq plus news is vital for our community and for the broader world as a whole rydfVtRnnKQ-00071-00039264-00039920 we have enough enemies at fox news tucker sean and lara are loud we need rydfVtRnnKQ-00072-00039920-00040408 passionate allies happening out television network queer news tonight and it's happening rydfVtRnnKQ-00073-00040408-00041016 out are literally out of the closet and into the headlines our community needs your support rydfVtRnnKQ-00074-00041072-00041944 like this broadcast and subscribe now to ensure the growth of the entire lgbtq plus community r-JLMG1MYwY-00000-00000204-00000700 Soft reset lets us skip intro text, saves 2s r-JLMG1MYwY-00001-00002794-00003170 Slight delay here before game accepts A presses r-JLMG1MYwY-00002-00003400-00004000 Unskippable ~8 second delay here, so let's dance a bit r-JLMG1MYwY-00003-00004000-00004668 Sadly this doesn't look very good at 30fps r-JLMG1MYwY-00004-00004762-00005186 Answering "No" skips the rest of the tutorial r-JLMG1MYwY-00005-00005186-00005422 1 frame window to change player direction r-JLMG1MYwY-00006-00005904-00006404 "Matrix" effect appears glitched out due to emulation issue r-JLMG1MYwY-00007-00011742-00012170 Answering "No" is super slow, with extra delays r-JLMG1MYwY-00008-00012590-00012974 Pressing Left every other frame still looks relatively smooth r-JLMG1MYwY-00009-00014962-00015256 Timing ends... r-JLMG1MYwY-00010-00015256-00015456 HERE. r-JLMG1MYwY-00011-00016372-00016860 Blinking is less apparent on console, but still hurts my eyes r-JLMG1MYwY-00012-00016860-00017470 Also since it's 60fps blinking, watching at 30fps only shows half the letters and no blinking rDSS7Q1QTBk-00000-00000036-00000301 - I've just been at this interesting business conference. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00001-00000301-00000665 It's insane, all these 19 year old making 70 grand a month rDSS7Q1QTBk-00002-00000665-00001038 and somebody asked me for my number one tip for them rDSS7Q1QTBk-00003-00001038-00001163 to make more money. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00004-00001163-00001373 And I said, look, ignore most people. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00005-00001373-00001506 Most people don't know what they're talking about. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00006-00001506-00001694 But when you find a few people that actually do know rDSS7Q1QTBk-00007-00001694-00001922 what they're talking about, listen to what they say. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00008-00001922-00002142 And that's the secret of life in all areas. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00009-00002142-00002536 And so I'm lucky because years ago somebody told me rDSS7Q1QTBk-00010-00002536-00002745 the secret to making six figures is you've got to rDSS7Q1QTBk-00011-00002745-00002986 break it down into simple steps. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00012-00002986-00003098 'Cause or else you get overwhelmed. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00013-00003098-00003302 And the simple steps, it's very easy. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00014-00003302-00003512 You've got to make $8,000 a month. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00015-00003512-00003872 If you break that up 30 days in a month, rDSS7Q1QTBk-00016-00003872-00004078 you don't even have to make $300 a day. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00017-00004078-00004278 You need to make two to $300 a day. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00018-00004278-00004445 Now the question is, rDSS7Q1QTBk-00019-00004608-00004879 you know, how can you figure out how to make two to rDSS7Q1QTBk-00020-00004879-00004991 $300 a day? rDSS7Q1QTBk-00021-00004991-00005372 I think the biggest trend and opportunity of 2017 rDSS7Q1QTBk-00022-00005372-00005617 is for you to get small business to pay you to do their rDSS7Q1QTBk-00023-00005617-00005768 social media marketing. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00024-00005768-00005851 They'll pay you. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00025-00005851-00006050 'Cause these old people that own businesses, rDSS7Q1QTBk-00026-00006050-00006210 they know how to run businesses, but don't know anything rDSS7Q1QTBk-00027-00006210-00006449 about Instagram, Snapchat, email marketing. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00028-00006449-00006617 So I created a course, I'm going to put a link. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00029-00006617-00006776 Click the link below. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00030-00006776-00007013 It might be above or somewhere up here. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00031-00007013-00007247 Click it, I've got a free presentation that you can rDSS7Q1QTBk-00032-00007247-00007374 sign up for. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00033-00007374-00007559 It's quick and easy, it'll explain to you this, rDSS7Q1QTBk-00034-00007559-00007881 I think this is the biggest trend of 2017. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00035-00007881-00008205 Especially if you're starting out and you've never had rDSS7Q1QTBk-00036-00008205-00008372 your own business, you don't know what to do, rDSS7Q1QTBk-00037-00008372-00008486 you feel overwhelmed. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00038-00008486-00008806 Trust me, I've put like 10,000 people through this rDSS7Q1QTBk-00039-00008806-00009148 social media training since November and the results rDSS7Q1QTBk-00040-00009148-00009276 are amazing. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00041-00009276-00009541 Now, some people are doing 30 grand a month, rDSS7Q1QTBk-00042-00009541-00009701 but not everybody is, but a lot of people are making rDSS7Q1QTBk-00043-00009701-00009910 an extra grand a month, an extra two grand, rDSS7Q1QTBk-00044-00009910-00010025 an extra three grand. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00045-00010025-00010177 And that adds up over time. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00046-00010177-00010416 So I'm actually going to see my 99 year old grandma, rDSS7Q1QTBk-00047-00010416-00010759 she turned 99 two weeks ago so I'm leaving the conference, rDSS7Q1QTBk-00048-00010759-00011075 put the top up 'cause it's cold. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00049-00011075-00011202 San Diego can be cold. rDSS7Q1QTBk-00050-00011202-00011519 Anyway, click the link, check it out. rEWOfZW-VcM-00000-00000000-00000166 Remove SIM Card Tray Without Special Tool. rEWOfZW-VcM-00001-00000174-00000304 so here we are today and we're going to be removing this rEWOfZW-VcM-00002-00000304-00001032 sim card tray from the iphone 7 plus phone but this also works rEWOfZW-VcM-00003-00001032-00001632 with a galaxy s7 and most mobile phones at the current time so as rEWOfZW-VcM-00004-00001632-00001943 you might have saw there we've just got a safety pin we popped it into the hole rEWOfZW-VcM-00005-00001943-00002192 which will you will see pushed into the hole and rEWOfZW-VcM-00006-00002192-00002559 that released the draw and then we put the sim card in place rEWOfZW-VcM-00007-00002559-00003103 and away you go slot the sim card holder back in with the sim rEWOfZW-VcM-00008-00003103-00003488 card and box your uncle job done be careful with rEWOfZW-VcM-00009-00003488-00003776 your pins try not to stop yourself go very very rEWOfZW-VcM-00010-00003776-00004079 careful if you're not too sure get somebody else to do it rEWOfZW-VcM-00011-00004079-00004416 for you so thank you for watching hope this helps and rEWOfZW-VcM-00012-00004416-00005984 see you soon rEWOfZW-VcM-00013-00005992-00006200 you rFDfrRhdyQE-00000-00000228-00000405 Hi! rFDfrRhdyQE-00001-00000405-00000671 Olivia here for Southtree.com. rFDfrRhdyQE-00002-00000671-00000933 Let's talk VHS tapes. rFDfrRhdyQE-00003-00000933-00001115 This is a VHS tape. rFDfrRhdyQE-00004-00001115-00001653 This was a common tape format used in the 1980s until I was in high school. rFDfrRhdyQE-00005-00001653-00002266 VHS tapes could contain about 6 hours of video footage, but most commonly contained two hours. rFDfrRhdyQE-00006-00002266-00002529 Here's how you know that you have a VHS tape. rFDfrRhdyQE-00007-00002529-00003088 This tape measures one inch thick, seven inches wide, four inches tall, or about the size rFDfrRhdyQE-00008-00003088-00003309 of this Swingline stapler. rFDfrRhdyQE-00009-00003309-00003751 Thousands of family moments were captured on VCR tapes just like this. rFDfrRhdyQE-00010-00003751-00004324 Now we can help you preserve and relive all those moments again. rFbDIP-G1q0-00000-00000501-00001013 AJ Brammer Here in studio with Jefferson County Sheriff John Wallace and Hanover Town Marshal Josh Taylor rFbDIP-G1q0-00001-00001062-00001487 Sheriff Chief Thank you Guys so much for coming on the program it's always our pleasure AJ Thanks for Having us? rFbDIP-G1q0-00002-00001530-00001888 Thank you for having Us and Those out in Radio land for tuning in to hear us today rFbDIP-G1q0-00003-00001896-00002174 Definitely appreciate You Guys coming By an opportunity to talk to you guys rFbDIP-G1q0-00004-00002192-00002650 With What's going on in the departments so as we as we dive in rFbDIP-G1q0-00005-00002750-00002950 What's Sheriff uh What's new at the sheriff's Department rFbDIP-G1q0-00006-00003017-00003739 Well our continued issues of overcrowding at the Jail we're looking into addressing those matters you know essentially as we speak rFbDIP-G1q0-00007-00003786-00004238 The County council has stepped up which we very much appreciate and is allotting us rFbDIP-G1q0-00008-00004266-00005024 some additional Jail officers our latest Jail Inspection by the state Jail inspector rFbDIP-G1q0-00009-00005049-00005193 noted that obviously we were overcrowded and understaffed rFbDIP-G1q0-00010-00005193-00005491 The Under staffing issue is something that we can deal with immediately and rFbDIP-G1q0-00011-00005562-00006098 Again Thanks to the county council for doing so we'll be adding a couple new Jail officers in October rFbDIP-G1q0-00012-00006174-00006523 Two more in January and Hopefully Two more in March to rFbDIP-G1q0-00013-00006530-00007033 Bring us Up to a total of six Additional Jail officers which will certainly make a significant difference in in the county Jail rFbDIP-G1q0-00014-00007086-00007673 Now the overpopulation is a has a different problem you know we can't add on where we're in our current facility there's no rFbDIP-G1q0-00015-00007715-00008302 Other Room to remodel to you know make additional space so so now we we've formed a panel with some rFbDIP-G1q0-00016-00008325-00008623 County Commissioners and some Jail Staff and myself and rFbDIP-G1q0-00017-00008652-00008890 We're gonna look into this matter to see what we can do to rFbDIP-G1q0-00018-00008890-00009523 To correct It and Whether it be you Know staying where we're at and doing the best we can there or expanding rFbDIP-G1q0-00019-00009576-00009776 you Know elsewhere and i rFbDIP-G1q0-00020-00009777-00010202 Think of us well that's something we're gonna have to do i believe you know 11 years ago and they expanded The county Jail rFbDIP-G1q0-00021-00010224-00010633 They firmly believe that It would that would last the next you know 30 or 40 years but rFbDIP-G1q0-00022-00010674-00010892 they didn't foresee and none of us did rFbDIP-G1q0-00023-00010944-00011269 The drug epidemic that the community and that certainly has taken a rFbDIP-G1q0-00024-00011307-00012026 taken a toll on our population so so we're looking you know the main thing is that We get this done right and you know rFbDIP-G1q0-00025-00012054-00012456 The time has come to what We Need to do it if we can't can't continue to put it off and rFbDIP-G1q0-00026-00012470-00012670 hope for The best Because That's Certainly rFbDIP-G1q0-00027-00012695-00012931 Not a solution and not what we're likely to do so rFbDIP-G1q0-00028-00012956-00013378 Well look elsewhere we got a couple other options and and we'll see where that leads us rFbDIP-G1q0-00029-00013420-00013944 You know i am looking at the state hospital there may be some facilities up there available for us that that may rFbDIP-G1q0-00030-00013961-00014634 May fit our needs so i've reached out to the state and asked them to take it into consideration and and they've been very rFbDIP-G1q0-00031-00014837-00015037 Good about getting back with me and rFbDIP-G1q0-00032-00015062-00015787 Let me know what their circumstances are and the possibilities of that happening so we're looking there and we have some property out at the rFbDIP-G1q0-00033-00015829-00016347 Old Jpg so we'll look at that as well but the bottom line is that we we get it done right rFbDIP-G1q0-00034-00016366-00016567 I mean that you know we talked about rFbDIP-G1q0-00035-00016592-00017236 The overcrowding issue and then also the under staffing It becomes not only a safety issue for the inmates but also rFbDIP-G1q0-00036-00017329-00017865 a tight space with a lot of people and that's also just as dangerous have the folks at the jail yeah absolutely and that? rFbDIP-G1q0-00037-00017866-00018166 Was One of The Things that we're doing on as well and That all Goes back to work rFbDIP-G1q0-00038-00018191-00018780 over crowding Is there has to be so many areas of space available for the for the inmates or so many rFbDIP-G1q0-00039-00018835-00019332 Feet of space for the inmates i should say and you know if that's not the case and that's another issue and again that goes rFbDIP-G1q0-00040-00019332-00019526 back to over crowding but it does lead to other problems you know. rFbDIP-G1q0-00041-00019526-00020151 When you're in tight quarters and you're in a stressful situation both the inmates and the rFbDIP-G1q0-00042-00020185-00020769 and the correctional officers at times It can make for a dangerous situation so so again we're looking into it rFbDIP-G1q0-00043-00020807-00021219 My hats off to our commissioners and and to our council for you know rFbDIP-G1q0-00044-00021239-00021558 taking this serious as we expect them to and in addressing It and rFbDIP-G1q0-00045-00021590-00021835 we're going to move forward but we don't want to rush It either we want rFbDIP-G1q0-00046-00021835-00022031 to make sure that like i said we get it done right. rFbDIP-G1q0-00047-00022031-00022294 Turn things over to the town of Hanover Chief Taylor rFbDIP-G1q0-00048-00022294-00022451 What'S new on you guys's end. rFbDIP-G1q0-00049-00022451-00022706 Not much different than the last time we talked, fortunately we're not having the issues rFbDIP-G1q0-00050-00022720-00023259 that the Sheriff and the sheriff's department the county's having to deal with I mean rFbDIP-G1q0-00051-00023312-00023584 Out in our land we're just having simple rFbDIP-G1q0-00052-00023660-00024042 property theft reports and individuals Leaving Items Unattended rFbDIP-G1q0-00053-00024116-00024316 Theft Is a crime of opportunity. rFbDIP-G1q0-00054-00024341-00025032 If you leave it out and you don't protect it somebody may walk past and just pick It up and figure it's abandoned property is rFbDIP-G1q0-00055-00025063-00025175 That Way rFbDIP-G1q0-00056-00025175-00025373 Unfortunately we're on the rFbDIP-G1q0-00057-00025373-00025714 Lower end of the spectrum of issues and problems at The given moment i rFbDIP-G1q0-00058-00025777-00026227 Know that since the last time we talked to you in between last time and this time rFbDIP-G1q0-00059-00026297-00026566 Turned Into a little more positive of an experience rFbDIP-G1q0-00060-00026624-00027181 Last time We Saw You you talked about celebrate Handover so That's an event you guys got to participate in yes we had rFbDIP-G1q0-00061-00027295-00027793 Labor day weekend we had celebrate at Hanover and at Hanover college they hosted it rFbDIP-G1q0-00062-00027845-00028272 open It up to the public and also the Southwestern School Corporation all went together rFbDIP-G1q0-00063-00028355-00028927 We had several individuals coming out the police department we were able to meet and greet with individuals that rFbDIP-G1q0-00064-00028970-00029622 We typically see in different venues whether we're at their house on accident scenes but we were able to see him there rFbDIP-G1q0-00065-00029681-00029911 The school system provided food and rFbDIP-G1q0-00066-00029951-00030477 Hanover college staff was able to cook It and provide it to the public for everybody and they had the free game It was a rFbDIP-G1q0-00067-00030477-00031033 very positive and fun enjoyable afternoon for my guys in my department i think that's something we talked about rFbDIP-G1q0-00068-00031073-00031408 quite a lot. I'm gonna share This something You've talked about before to Just you know those rFbDIP-G1q0-00069-00031430-00032149 opportunities for the officers for all of our law enforcement entities here in the area to get out and for people see them in a rFbDIP-G1q0-00070-00032312-00032492 less stressful light didn't you rFbDIP-G1q0-00071-00032492-00033024 Yes you used to see in the men absolutely and that's that's Very important that We and then we get out and meet the public rFbDIP-G1q0-00072-00033056-00033342 on those terms and and you get to know them because rFbDIP-G1q0-00073-00033395-00033670 you know once we can sit down and then talk and communicate rFbDIP-G1q0-00074-00033788-00034060 The better off we're going to be in the long run it's good to blow those rFbDIP-G1q0-00075-00034070-00034420 relationships You know we're never nor those going to lead you to and quite often rFbDIP-G1q0-00076-00034448-00034792 In those type of settings they leave to a to a positive outcome so? rFbDIP-G1q0-00077-00034859-00035332 Chief does a very good job out in Hanover so as as as officers getting out and meeting the community and rFbDIP-G1q0-00078-00035375-00035635 And i think it's going to definitely pay off in the future rFbDIP-G1q0-00079-00035834-00036370 Putting a plug in i guess for Madison today this coming weekend they have she talked was so there's gonna be a lot of? rFbDIP-G1q0-00080-00036392-00036831 Individuals coming from outside of the community here to visit the tourism Industry rFbDIP-G1q0-00081-00036914-00037112 But this Is a time for rFbDIP-G1q0-00082-00037112-00037312 Jefferson County to share its neighborly love rFbDIP-G1q0-00083-00037391-00037591 and welcome People Here and rFbDIP-G1q0-00084-00037666-00037866 A Good positive experience also rFbDIP-G1q0-00085-00037976-00038289 yeah Absolutely It's a It's a great event and It looks like rFbDIP-G1q0-00086-00038339-00038531 The Weather's going to be perfect for it rFbDIP-G1q0-00087-00038531-00038833 For a change it's not gonna be too hot or cold it's gonna be just right rFbDIP-G1q0-00088-00038833-00039393 So uh no excuse not to get out and also support our local Civic Groups because this is a weekend in which rFbDIP-G1q0-00089-00039473-00039644 like the number one fire company rFbDIP-G1q0-00090-00039644-00040089 They get out and have their Fish Fry so get out and support those folks and all of our civic rFbDIP-G1q0-00091-00040103-00040561 organizations then have their booth set up as well they do so much good for our community it's rFbDIP-G1q0-00092-00040598-00040956 unbelievable so it's a good opportunity to show our support for them rFbDIP-G1q0-00093-00040967-00041383 Sheriff we were just talking during the break Up obviously our other partner for this program rFbDIP-G1q0-00094-00041432-00041895 Madison police Chief Jeremy Perkins a little busy this morning working on us and stuff err rFbDIP-G1q0-00095-00041936-00042136 Following up on some stuff that you guys were working on yesterday rFbDIP-G1q0-00096-00042191-00042783 yeah i believe he is i spoke to him earlier he was working on getting out of yeah news released Information with regards to a rFbDIP-G1q0-00097-00042800-00043383 Strong-Arm Robbery that that's a City police investigated yesterday morning at The CvS on Clifty Drive rFbDIP-G1q0-00098-00043451-00043737 They did a great job with It they were able to follow up on it and rFbDIP-G1q0-00099-00043784-00044260 and executed an arrest or a search warrant and ultimately an arrest on the on the individual Involved rFbDIP-G1q0-00100-00044324-00044542 He was found at a local Motel not rFbDIP-G1q0-00101-00044542-00044823 too far from the from the crime scene so a rFbDIP-G1q0-00102-00044855-00045499 Good job to those guys he'll have additional Information on the name and other details of It coming out soon but rFbDIP-G1q0-00103-00045539-00045996 but It was it was a Strong-Arm Robbery which essentially means it was taken by taken by force rFbDIP-G1q0-00104-00046058-00046566 I know there was cash and other goods taken and you know let the chief elaborate more on that but rFbDIP-G1q0-00105-00046613-00047139 But there's a good fob by those guys to follow Up and and make an arrest those can be very rFbDIP-G1q0-00106-00047191-00047763 dangerous situations and obviously very unnerving for the employees of that store and for the community as a whole rFbDIP-G1q0-00107-00047858-00048495 anytime Use you know force upon somebody It's a it'S a dangerous situation so good job to the Pd rFbDIP-G1q0-00108-00048557-00049008 It was also a situation where we talked about all the time seeing the different entities work together and know rFbDIP-G1q0-00109-00049055-00049432 You had some of your guys down on the scene yes absolutely yeah it's it's always a team effort rFbDIP-G1q0-00110-00049445-00049827 You know regardless where that happens in Hanover or out in the county or in the cit? rFbDIP-G1q0-00111-00049880-00050080 We're always there to work with each other and rFbDIP-G1q0-00112-00050110-00050736 And i believe we work to work well together as one so and that's what the community expects and n deserves and you Know That's rFbDIP-G1q0-00113-00050737-00051358 That's why we train often when we do train we don't just train as one department we'll train as as different departments so rFbDIP-G1q0-00114-00051386-00051553 you know a situation should arise rFbDIP-G1q0-00115-00051553-00051951 You know we never know who's going to show up right you get you got to go with who you have so? rFbDIP-G1q0-00116-00051991-00052407 We train as one and and and It pays off It really does rFbDIP-G1q0-00117-00052499-00052699 Makes It seam less rFbDIP-G1q0-00118-00052717-00053454 transition because one day you may be working with your normal shift partner but with Hanover hour our officers are on a different rFbDIP-G1q0-00119-00053477-00053748 rotation Than Madison and County so by rFbDIP-G1q0-00120-00053807-00054589 having everybody work together at various training's throughout the year we're able to know each other by face and name and interact so rFbDIP-G1q0-00121-00054602-00055222 we know what our strong sets are and our weaknesses are and we can adapt and overcome without any issues rFbDIP-G1q0-00122-00055301-00055852 Definitely to see everybody coming together on that another thing that. Yeah we're talking about during the break and rFbDIP-G1q0-00123-00055895-00056416 Obviously This is something i feel like We bring Up pretty frequently on this show but there's always a new one around the corner rFbDIP-G1q0-00124-00056442-00057103 Talk about Scams and just different people trying to take advantage of yeah it's it's a constant problem and i quite often get calls rFbDIP-G1q0-00125-00057116-00057266 you know several times a week rFbDIP-G1q0-00126-00057266-00057843 With regards to a foreman scams generally and i not only bring It up i know we talk about it but i just can't rFbDIP-G1q0-00127-00057950-00058495 reiterate It enough to to not give that information out on the phone no legitimate company is going to ask you for Your rFbDIP-G1q0-00128-00058550-00058947 Your Credit Card Number or your you know your Social Security Number or any personal Information rFbDIP-G1q0-00129-00059017-00059216 That's going to be done in a different manner so rFbDIP-G1q0-00130-00059216-00059607 When you do get that call though one of the latest ones is from the people calling rFbDIP-G1q0-00131-00059648-00059986 representing Which they're not but to say they're representing in Duke Energy rFbDIP-G1q0-00132-00060014-00060396 Either pay x amount of dollars right ow or we're going to shut your power off or rFbDIP-G1q0-00133-00060413-00060693 or whatever it may be i mean it just it's just on and on rFbDIP-G1q0-00134-00060764-00061143 IRS we get those quite often as well please don't give that Information out rFbDIP-G1q0-00135-00061238-00061870 Unfortunately It does happen on occasions unfortunately you know we've taken reports on individuals that have lost their life savings? rFbDIP-G1q0-00136-00061910-00062355 Believe It or not then in these matters and it's it's extremely sad when when that happens rFbDIP-G1q0-00137-00062437-00062875 Like i said when that money goes it's gone it'S it's generally gone out of the country and rFbDIP-G1q0-00138-00062903-00063171 It's almost impossible to do anything with so rFbDIP-G1q0-00139-00063217-00063417 Hang up on them don't give them the time of day rFbDIP-G1q0-00140-00063422-00063744 You know if you don't know the number you can ignore Whatever it may be but rFbDIP-G1q0-00141-00063785-00064360 But any kind of scam such as that you know just hang up give me a call give the chief a call and rFbDIP-G1q0-00142-00064379-00064782 And we'll confirm that that you did the right thing and it was a scam but rFbDIP-G1q0-00143-00064799-00065176 Again Please whatever you do don't give out any kind of personal Information over the phone because rFbDIP-G1q0-00144-00065230-00065479 Generally It's gonna be a it's going to be legit rFbDIP-G1q0-00145-00065624-00066211 with the scams also besides the phone or online email type a lot of times they'll be rFbDIP-G1q0-00146-00066275-00066997 Door-To-Door activity whether they're saying they're selling books or carpet cleaners or different things in the town of Hanover They have to have a Special? rFbDIP-G1q0-00147-00067067-00067267 Permit to sell that Where they're registered rFbDIP-G1q0-00148-00067304-00067764 I believe Madison has a similar Permit where they have to register a Town Hall or City Hall? rFbDIP-G1q0-00149-00067784-00068469 But If you notice somebody in your neighborhood or going Door-to-Door in an odd time if you see something please call in to dispatch rFbDIP-G1q0-00150-00068495-00068986 or into one of the town halls and let us know of the strange activity or the rFbDIP-G1q0-00151-00068999-00069319 unusual activity because those individuals may be rFbDIP-G1q0-00152-00069365-00070044 authorized to be there or they may be up to no good i know the sheriff I Chief Perkins we would rather have our officers? rFbDIP-G1q0-00153-00070091-00070289 investigate a rFbDIP-G1q0-00154-00070289-00070861 false allegation of somebody breaking in or acting suspicious to find out they're legitimately There rFbDIP-G1q0-00155-00070916-00071293 Instead of Having It Not reported and have a crime be committed rFbDIP-G1q0-00156-00071348-00071634 Where we have to be reactive Instead of proactive rFbDIP-G1q0-00157-00071750-00072348 Another thing going on right now you know we do have a lot of people that contribute and support to the relief efforts down in rFbDIP-G1q0-00158-00072368-00072702 Texas in Florida in the wake of hurricane Harvy hurricane Irma rFbDIP-G1q0-00159-00072785-00073158 That's it always Is a time when you see people or you know rFbDIP-G1q0-00160-00073199-00073705 Using their generosity to help others in need there's people out there trying to take advantage of that - Yeah absolutely that's rFbDIP-G1q0-00161-00073736-00074308 It's a Very Good point there are and Just make sure that the organization You're you're giving to or than the rFbDIP-G1q0-00162-00074321-00074556 location you're sending your money to is is legitimate rFbDIP-G1q0-00163-00074630-00074830 Obviously The Red Cross puts their Information rFbDIP-G1q0-00164-00074876-00075186 On TV quite often so so you Need to get that Information rFbDIP-G1q0-00165-00075206-00075550 you Know say from the media that such as that then you know it's legit but rFbDIP-G1q0-00166-00075566-00075823 Yeah very good point you got to be cautious because there's always those rFbDIP-G1q0-00167-00075878-00076548 Those lowlife individuals that that are to take advantage of such a tragic situation so we don't want to we don't want rFbDIP-G1q0-00168-00076549-00076749 To help them out at all that's for sure rFbDIP-G1q0-00169-00076817-00077011 I think that another rFbDIP-G1q0-00170-00077011-00077436 instance You Know Kind of talking about this you know when we ask people to you know contact law enforcement rFbDIP-G1q0-00171-00077492-00077958 Regarding a Scam just in general that We assembly we talk about all the time on here you know how rFbDIP-G1q0-00172-00078029-00078342 Just calling police for other issues is rFbDIP-G1q0-00173-00078461-00078840 Is the right move Just you know yeah talk all The time how they're you guys's ears rFbDIP-G1q0-00174-00078886-00079587 Absolutely and no i know we can take over this last several months how we've resolved some crimes and progress and Burglaries and rFbDIP-G1q0-00175-00079627-00080049 theft's and i'm sure Hanover has as well with just that simple call of a suspicious rFbDIP-G1q0-00176-00080092-00080285 activity if It doesn't look right rFbDIP-G1q0-00177-00080285-00080838 You know your neighborhood you know your surroundings better than anybody else if It doesn't look right or doesn't feel right and it's rFbDIP-G1q0-00178-00080869-00081531 possibly not so give us a Call that's all We need to usually solve an issue so please don't ever hesitate to call that in rFbDIP-G1q0-00179-00081577-00081762 You know quite often people say oh i don't want rFbDIP-G1q0-00180-00081762-00081949 To bother you or whatever it may be and rFbDIP-G1q0-00181-00081949-00082281 Although we appreciate their concern for Us that's our job you know rFbDIP-G1q0-00182-00082300-00082767 Bother us let us know what's going on so we can get out there and check that out because Indeed that may be the call we rFbDIP-G1q0-00183-00082767-00082945 Need to resolve it rFbDIP-G1q0-00184-00082945-00083137 Exactly rFbDIP-G1q0-00185-00083137-00083808 Somebody Calling in and making a note or letting the authorities Know about It might give us that puzzle piece to solve rFbDIP-G1q0-00186-00083867-00084225 numerous crimes and we're prevent numerous things from happening i rFbDIP-G1q0-00187-00084256-00084999 Shout out to massive Police Chief Perkins who will see him again next month but obviously Duty calls yeah sometimes that happens rFbDIP-G1q0-00188-00085042-00085224 I'm sure he's tuned in listenin rFbDIP-G1q0-00189-00085224-00085641 to us so we we do miss him but he'll be back Next month and certainly and rFbDIP-G1q0-00190-00085657-00085811 As we wrap Up the program rFbDIP-G1q0-00191-00085811-00086343 Sheriff Wallace tou want to talk a little bit about you know we talked about the overcrowding issues so obviously with that and then Other rFbDIP-G1q0-00192-00086343-00086640 Just other positions i know you guys have a couple of positions you are hiring for rFbDIP-G1q0-00193-00086683-00087129 yeah absolutely for the for the Jail Staff if you're interested in being a Jail officer rFbDIP-G1q0-00194-00087163-00087561 Please come down by and pick up an application at The Jefferson County Sheriff's Department any time between rFbDIP-G1q0-00195-00087599-00088024 8:00 and 4:00 and we take those throughout the year we keep a we keep it running rFbDIP-G1q0-00196-00088061-00088320 application process going so if law enforcement rFbDIP-G1q0-00197-00088342-00088818 Then in the Jail is something you think you'd be interested in please come down fill out an application and rFbDIP-G1q0-00198-00088861-00089124 We'll get you in for an interview like said currently we're hiring rFbDIP-G1q0-00199-00089182-00089312 two more right now rFbDIP-G1q0-00200-00089312-00089890 we'll be hiring a couple more later in the year and after the first year we'll behind several more additional jail officers so rFbDIP-G1q0-00201-00089922-00090175 Again if it's something you're in a resident please come down and fill out that application rFbDIP-G1q0-00202-00090210-00090449 If you think you're interested in law enforcement in General rFbDIP-G1q0-00203-00090487-00090889 the Jail is a great place to start it kind of gives you some idea the rFbDIP-G1q0-00204-00090924-00091058 clientele so to speak You'll rFbDIP-G1q0-00205-00091058-00091651 You'll be dealing with and it allows the officers from Hanover in Madison and of course ours to get to know you as well rFbDIP-G1q0-00206-00091676-00092302 Which is a big plus so if that's something you think you're interested in and this is a Jail Staffs a good starting point for rFbDIP-G1q0-00207-00092373-00092875 Those that may be interested in either Jail Staff or the road officer positions rFbDIP-G1q0-00208-00092957-00093283 getting Your application in to just go through one of the rFbDIP-G1q0-00209-00093314-00093898 application processes Just to get your feet wet if you're not sure wanting to commit totally for that it rFbDIP-G1q0-00210-00094007-00094423 It'S sort of like you have to go to practice to try you're not going to be perfect the first time rFbDIP-G1q0-00211-00094430-00094861 so by applying in several processes or Just going through it to get the rFbDIP-G1q0-00212-00094874-00095473 experience to see if it is something you're interested in it's worth taking the chance just to submit your resume in your rFbDIP-G1q0-00213-00095507-00095713 application even IF you're not a hundred percent rFbDIP-G1q0-00214-00095795-00096301 committed or sure you want to do it You don't want to wait until Friday at 7 p.m. rFbDIP-G1q0-00215-00096301-00096688 and regret you didn't turn in your application to Madison Police Department or rFbDIP-G1q0-00216-00096776-00096976 submit an application for the Jail rFbDIP-G1q0-00217-00097017-00097357 For The Jailer Position there I mean it's one of those you don't want rFbDIP-G1q0-00218-00097357-00097720 to think about regretting It and saying man i should rFbDIP-G1q0-00219-00097720-00098314 have done It this is the time and the experience for you because Madison may maintain this list for several weeks rFbDIP-G1q0-00220-00098355-00099058 several years or they may exhaust It and hire new individuals off of It so it's very important that if you have an opportunity? rFbDIP-G1q0-00221-00099087-00099287 Do It and just not wait rFbDIP-G1q0-00222-00099348-00099817 Certainly a Long process from the time we hire you to the time your street ready it's a it's over a year rFbDIP-G1q0-00223-00099833-00100225 So we have a lot Invested in you and you have a lot Invested in us so rFbDIP-G1q0-00224-00100301-00100774 It's like i said something that It does take some time to get up and running but rFbDIP-G1q0-00225-00100808-00101440 but it's Been like i said it's i can't imagine them doing anything else in my life it's been very rewarding and each day when rFbDIP-G1q0-00226-00101441-00101845 you go in and you look forward to going to work and i still do that then you know you're in right career so rFbDIP-G1q0-00227-00101880-00102172 If you know if you have that desire give Us a shot rFbDIP-G1q0-00228-00102261-00102791 Obviously joining a fantastic team of individuals either The Sheriff's Department or the Madison Police rFbDIP-G1q0-00229-00102866-00103261 Absolutely and these guys Out in Hanover do without a doubt yeah currently we're not hiring rFbDIP-G1q0-00230-00103323-00103606 Any full time positions so right now we're at our rFbDIP-G1q0-00231-00103670-00103990 stability point and everything but again that could go and change rFbDIP-G1q0-00232-00104054-00104416 Just Like What i teased former Chief Thurston and the Sheriff rFbDIP-G1q0-00233-00104459-00105217 When we brought in officer Salters we were like no poaching guys this guy's mine no need to hire away from each Agency rFbDIP-G1q0-00234-00105317-00105679 Yeah they have a good one in officer Salters - i've got one eye no just kidding rFbDIP-G1q0-00235-00106002-00106279 Yeah it's good for the town to handle reason he's a fine young man rFbDIP-G1q0-00236-00106322-00106681 As we come up on the end of the program Chief Taylor is there anything else you 'd like to add i rFbDIP-G1q0-00237-00106730-00107047 Just like to go and say Thank you guys for tuning in everybody be safe rFbDIP-G1q0-00238-00107111-00107848 Be cautious and careful driving and pay attention in the speed limit and Just be aware of your surroundings just rFbDIP-G1q0-00239-00107898-00108529 Right Now with all the technology we have everybody's in their own little bubble waiting on their phone call text message Facebook? rFbDIP-G1q0-00240-00108594-00108789 facebook, Instagram Instagram rFbDIP-G1q0-00241-00108789-00109045 posting. They're just not paying attention to what's going around them. rFbDIP-G1q0-00242-00109095-00109850 Whether it's home in public driving the car just know what's going on around you share falls yeah my condolences go out to rFbDIP-G1q0-00243-00109878-00110557 Former Mayor Mark Lytle family who Mark Mayor Lytle Passed away Here several days ago he gave a lot to the community rFbDIP-G1q0-00244-00110590-00110947 His family has given a Lot to the community he was also a state representative rFbDIP-G1q0-00245-00111072-00111556 Although I'm on the different side of the of the aisle as far as a party tickets go rFbDIP-G1q0-00246-00111605-00112018 Mayor Lydell hired me as a young police officer years and years ago and rFbDIP-G1q0-00247-00112055-00112726 Gave me the opportunity of a lifetime so so my condolences Go out. To his family. Certainly Thinking about the Lytle Family? rFbDIP-G1q0-00248-00112848-00113204 Mayor Lydell will definitely definitely will be missed he certainly will rFbDIP-G1q0-00249-00113261-00113482 Once again talking with Jefferson County Sheriff rFbDIP-G1q0-00250-00113509-00113986 John Wallace and Hanover Town Marshal Josh Taylor here on cops off gentlemen Thank you so much for coming on the program rFbDIP-G1q0-00251-00114033-00114406 Thank you so much AJ We enjoyed you for having us and we'll see you guys again next month rGBWBRuIs1U-00000-00008866-00009108 Skript by Brickstorming rGBWBRuIs1U-00001-00009312-00009548 Here you´ll can read something mad. rGBWBRuIs1U-00002-00014276-00014426 Tek, what´s the plan? rGBWBRuIs1U-00003-00014436-00014769 We´ve already lost enough fellows. All Bothans are dead. rGBWBRuIs1U-00004-00014866-00015168 I know, Zira. We must away. rGBWBRuIs1U-00005-00015168-00015422 The tractor beams are off. It would be easy to... rGBWBRuIs1U-00006-00015424-00015752 Commander. With all respect. We must complete our mission. rGBWBRuIs1U-00007-00015752-00015922 We are only four. rGBWBRuIs1U-00008-00015922-00016106 Four of the best. rGBWBRuIs1U-00009-00016110-00016428 Even if that´s right. I´m the Commander, an when I say... rGBWBRuIs1U-00010-00016428-00016778 It would be foolish to give up after all this Sacrifices. rGBWBRuIs1U-00011-00016778-00016944 We have lost to many to flee now. rGBWBRuIs1U-00012-00017572-00017876 Enemies! Simo, get ready. rGBWBRuIs1U-00013-00017882-00018146 How many, Lejo? What do you see? rGBWBRuIs1U-00014-00018184-00018300 Maybe ten. rGBWBRuIs1U-00015-00018634-00018836 More come from the other side. rGBWBRuIs1U-00016-00018836-00019050 Than it´s time to escape. rGBWBRuIs1U-00017-00019050-00019182 First we´ll get the data! rGBWBRuIs1U-00018-00019956-00020156 You call that ten? rGBWBRuIs1U-00019-00021894-00022028 Lejo, look out! rGBWBRuIs1U-00020-00022959-00023240 We must go now! rGBWBRuIs1U-00021-00023240-00023534 No. The whole alliance counts on us. rGBWBRuIs1U-00022-00023534-00023870 I am the Commander of this mission, so let me please... rGBWBRuIs1U-00023-00024468-00024548 Tek, are you okay? rGBWBRuIs1U-00024-00024570-00024702 I guess so. rGBWBRuIs1U-00025-00024832-00024995 So we´ll pull it through... rGBWBRuIs1U-00026-00025049-00025189 Simo. Simo, hurry! rGBWBRuIs1U-00027-00025282-00025440 What is, Zira? rGBWBRuIs1U-00028-00025442-00025776 Shoot your way to the main computer. Lejo helps you with that. rGBWBRuIs1U-00029-00025776-00026033 Tek is wounded. I bring him in safety to our ship. rGBWBRuIs1U-00030-00026036-00026304 We´ll prepare everything for the escape. rGBWBRuIs1U-00031-00026304-00026438 We´ll meet at the hangar. Clear? rGBWBRuIs1U-00032-00026438-00026577 Understood. Good luck. rGBWBRuIs1U-00033-00026736-00026983 Come, Tek. You wanted to leave here. rGBWBRuIs1U-00034-00029102-00029383 We´ve killed most of the rebels, my Lord. rGBWBRuIs1U-00035-00029388-00029652 But I fear they breack through to the main computer. rGBWBRuIs1U-00036-00029652-00029868 You know what to do, Colonel Cole. rGBWBRuIs1U-00037-00029936-00030280 We must not let them escape too obviously. rGBWBRuIs1U-00038-00030280-00030400 I know, my Lord. rGBWBRuIs1U-00039-00032101-00032341 Now I only have to transfer the data. rGBWBRuIs1U-00040-00032393-00032730 Take your time. More stormtroopers for me. rGBWBRuIs1U-00041-00033270-00033478 When will they arrive? rGBWBRuIs1U-00042-00033478-00033646 I don´t want do get spotted here. rGBWBRuIs1U-00043-00033718-00033849 Take a break. rGBWBRuIs1U-00044-00033995-00034182 Watch out. Stormtroopers. rGBWBRuIs1U-00045-00034361-00034609 Why does noone guard this ship anymore? rGBWBRuIs1U-00046-00034942-00035265 We have the data, you hear? We have the data! rGBWBRuIs1U-00047-00035265-00035488 Then hurry up! rGBWBRuIs1U-00048-00035545-00035694 We´re on our way. rGBWBRuIs1U-00049-00036636-00036918 Watch out. They have loaded the floor with electricity. rGBWBRuIs1U-00050-00036995-00037104 And what now? rGBWBRuIs1U-00051-00037144-00037472 That should be almost a two meter jump. We could make that. rGBWBRuIs1U-00052-00038699-00038908 Colonel Cole. They escape. rGBWBRuIs1U-00053-00038990-00039294 Let them. But one will stay here. rGBWBRuIs1U-00054-00039314-00039512 Bring me the guy with the dark hair. rGBWBRuIs1U-00055-00040694-00040866 Damn. Hurry up! rGBWBRuIs1U-00056-00041314-00041504 Simo. Simo! rGBWBRuIs1U-00057-00041504-00041758 Don´t worry. Se you later. rGBWBRuIs1U-00058-00043028-00043202 Where is Simo? rGBWBRuIs1U-00059-00043206-00043566 I had to leave him. We must start. They are following me. rGBWBRuIs1U-00060-00046133-00046451 Unknown Spaceship. Identify. rGBWBRuIs1U-00061-00046458-00046728 It is me. Commander Tek Acheron. rGBWBRuIs1U-00062-00046728-00047008 We have made our mission with big sacrifices. rGBWBRuIs1U-00063-00047008-00047112 We have the plans. rGBWBRuIs1U-00064-00047130-00047378 Great. We will notify all the others. rGBWBRuIs1U-00065-00047810-00048036 Good. The plans get analyzed now. rGBWBRuIs1U-00066-00048036-00048316 Hopefully we´ll get the results in maybe two days. rGBWBRuIs1U-00067-00048356-00048580 I hope our work wasn´t completely for nothing. rGBWBRuIs1U-00068-00048628-00048901 At least we live. rGBWBRuIs1U-00069-00048972-00049104 Simo not. rGBWBRuIs1U-00070-00049185-00049357 I don´t think he´s dead. rGBWBRuIs1U-00071-00049459-00049734 Maybe they have locked him up in a chamber. rGBWBRuIs1U-00072-00049801-00049948 and ask him out soon. rGBWBRuIs1U-00073-00050085-00050313 I would not like to be in your place now rLLXgJH0MmI-00000-00001673-00002443 Last lecture we have finish this basic introduction to this slope stability analysis; that means, rLLXgJH0MmI-00001-00002443-00003047 different modes of slope failures, and what is the reason, and in this part we are going rLLXgJH0MmI-00002-00003047-00003629 to discuss about this slope stability analysis in this lecture outline will discuss this rLLXgJH0MmI-00003-00003629-00004244 common features of slope stability analysis method water forces on soil infinite slope rLLXgJH0MmI-00004-00004244-00004912 analysis, and finite slopes I have discuss also last class plane circular, and noncircular rLLXgJH0MmI-00005-00004912-00005008 failure surfaces. rLLXgJH0MmI-00006-00005008-00005871 Now, common features of slope stability analysis method if I say the factor safety s f is equal rLLXgJH0MmI-00007-00005871-00006342 to s by s m where s is equal to shear strength s m is equal to your mobilized shear strength rLLXgJH0MmI-00008-00006342-00007059 shear resistance. So, if this factor safety is equal to one for particularly slope stability rLLXgJH0MmI-00009-00007059-00007883 analysis if this factor safety is equal to one, then you can say that it is slope is, rLLXgJH0MmI-00010-00007883-00008843 and slope is in failure it is in failure if it is one, then you can say that it is fill rLLXgJH0MmI-00011-00008843-00009079 fail; that means, slope has been failed factor safety should be greater than one for stability rLLXgJH0MmI-00012-00009079-00009689 analysis point of view this is the basic requirement, then shape, and location of failure surface rLLXgJH0MmI-00013-00009689-00010514 is not known a priority, but assumed generally we do not know the shape, and this location rLLXgJH0MmI-00014-00010514-00011160 of the failure surface generally it has been assume by trial, and error by trial, and error rLLXgJH0MmI-00015-00011160-00011802 method this what I what I mean this shape, and location of failure surface is not known rLLXgJH0MmI-00016-00011802-00012386 to us. So, let us start with a simple. Slope with a slope you start with this with rLLXgJH0MmI-00017-00012386-00012835 this slope what we are suppose to do you assume this failure surface different failure surface rLLXgJH0MmI-00018-00012835-00013566 is you assume with respect to different failure surfaces by trial, and error method find it rLLXgJH0MmI-00019-00013566-00014226 out the factor safety suppose for example, case one, and case two case three these are rLLXgJH0MmI-00020-00014226-00014861 the three assume failure surface for one two three if the factor safety for one if the rLLXgJH0MmI-00021-00014861-00015361 factor safety is one point one for two if the factor safety is one point two let us rLLXgJH0MmI-00022-00015361-00015858 say for three failure surface factor safety is one point three; that means, out of these rLLXgJH0MmI-00023-00015858-00016419 three the minimum factor safety minimum factor safety is comes out to be one point one; that rLLXgJH0MmI-00024-00016419-00017092 means, this failure surface generally considered is your limiting failure surface, then your rLLXgJH0MmI-00025-00017092-00017666 static equilibrium static equilibrium is a equilibrium forces, and moments on the sliding rLLXgJH0MmI-00026-00017666-00018239 masses; that means, equilibrium forces, and whatever the moments on the sliding masses rLLXgJH0MmI-00027-00018239-00018966 that has to be consider, then you are two dimensional analysis this is the outline of rLLXgJH0MmI-00028-00018966-00019437 this slope stability analysis methods or features. rLLXgJH0MmI-00029-00019437-00020111 Now, in case of infinite slope analysis as I said earlier this set it will be infinite. rLLXgJH0MmI-00030-00020111-00020848 So, translational failure along a single plane failure surface parallel to your slope surface rLLXgJH0MmI-00031-00020848-00021454 in case of infinite slope analysis a translational failure along a single plane failure surface rLLXgJH0MmI-00032-00021454-00022082 parallel to slope slope surface the ratio of depth to failure surface to length of failure rLLXgJH0MmI-00033-00022082-00022771 zone is relatively small the ratio of depth to failure surface the ratio look at this rLLXgJH0MmI-00034-00022771-00023355 the ratio of depth to failure surface to length of failure zone depth to length of failure rLLXgJH0MmI-00035-00023355-00024079 zone is relatively small in case of infinite slope analysis applies to surface raveling. rLLXgJH0MmI-00036-00024079-00024760 In granular material or slab sliding in cohesive material, if you look at this apply to the rLLXgJH0MmI-00037-00024760-00025384 surface; that means, in granular material or slab slides slab slides, in case of cohesive rLLXgJH0MmI-00038-00025384-00026037 material, in case of cohesive material particularly slab slides, in case of cohesive material rLLXgJH0MmI-00039-00026037-00026730 equilibrium of forces on a slice of the sliding mass along the failure surface is considered rLLXgJH0MmI-00040-00026730-00027406 equilibrium. Look at here equilibrium of forces on a slice of the sliding mass on a slice rLLXgJH0MmI-00041-00027406-00027987 of a of the sliding mass on a slice of the sliding mass along the failure, surface is rLLXgJH0MmI-00042-00027987-00028616 considered along the failure, surface means whatever along the failure surface this equilibrium rLLXgJH0MmI-00043-00028616-00028734 condition has to be considered. rLLXgJH0MmI-00044-00028734-00029637 Now, take this case of infinite slope in this infinite slope like on consider a small part rLLXgJH0MmI-00045-00029637-00030224 in the infinite slope let us say gamma is unit weight above this, above this water table rLLXgJH0MmI-00046-00030224-00030756 there is water table below this water table soil property is gamma saturated c, and phi, rLLXgJH0MmI-00047-00030756-00031318 and w is your weight of your mass, and normal force as well as tangential force these your rLLXgJH0MmI-00048-00031318-00032220 depth of your infinite slope. Now force is a function force is a function if you look rLLXgJH0MmI-00049-00032220-00033072 at your c prime phi prime gamma beta d, and u. So, if you if I come back to here beta rLLXgJH0MmI-00050-00033072-00033746 is your angle look at here beta is your angle at what angle this infinite slope makes to rLLXgJH0MmI-00051-00033746-00033962 respect to your horizontal. rLLXgJH0MmI-00052-00033962-00034647 So, now this is a function of c prime phi prime gamma this is your properties of this rLLXgJH0MmI-00053-00034647-00035121 soil beta is your angle d is your depth e is your pro rata pressure. So, with respect rLLXgJH0MmI-00054-00035121-00035699 to that where you can find it out r u r u is your different r u for seepage parallel rLLXgJH0MmI-00055-00035699-00036356 to the slope surface seepage emerging, and seepage downward etcetera for granular soil rLLXgJH0MmI-00056-00036356-00037184 factor safety particular it is factor of safety this f granular soil in sorry, in case of rLLXgJH0MmI-00057-00037184-00037693 infinite slope analysis this factor of safety is a function of if you look at here it is rLLXgJH0MmI-00058-00037693-00038471 not force this is a factor safety it is a function of function of c phi gamma b beta rLLXgJH0MmI-00059-00038471-00038855 d, and u. So, for granular soil f is a function of tan rLLXgJH0MmI-00060-00038855-00039709 phi prime by tan beta one minus r u sec square beta for dry granular soil where there is rLLXgJH0MmI-00061-00039709-00040355 no water table r u is equal to zero f is equal to tan phi prime by tan beta factor safety rLLXgJH0MmI-00062-00040355-00041038 is equal to tan phi prime by tan beta tan phi is your it is your property of soil in rLLXgJH0MmI-00063-00041038-00041608 an angle of this soil, then beta is your angle with this slope has make. So, for cohesive rLLXgJH0MmI-00064-00041608-00042240 soil factor safety decreases with increasing depth of failure plane factor safety decreases rLLXgJH0MmI-00065-00042240-00042819 with increasing depth of your failure plane that is; that means, if c is sufficiently rLLXgJH0MmI-00066-00042819-00043456 large small c is sufficiently large that is your unit cohesion is sufficiently large, rLLXgJH0MmI-00067-00043456-00044033 and d c, then for factor safety one may be large, and infinite slope failure may not rLLXgJH0MmI-00068-00044034-00044572 apply in these case infinite slope may not be apply if c is sufficiently large. rLLXgJH0MmI-00069-00044844-00045628 Now, next part is your water forces on soil water fills the voids water fills the voids, rLLXgJH0MmI-00070-00045628-00046094 and increase weight, which increases your driving forces particularly what happen in rLLXgJH0MmI-00071-00046094-00046669 inside the void voids base water fills once water fills inside the voids base. If this rLLXgJH0MmI-00072-00046669-00047481 is my if this is the case of this, this is my this is your infinite slope, if there is rLLXgJH0MmI-00073-00047481-00048102 a crack or maybe there are the voids inside the voids inside the voids. rLLXgJH0MmI-00074-00048102-00048616 What will happen? Water fills the voids; that means, earlier this is a soil mass this might rLLXgJH0MmI-00075-00048616-00049268 means c prime, and phi prime, and your gamma gamma is your unit weight of soil, and if rLLXgJH0MmI-00076-00049268-00049868 water pore inside the voids what will happen it increase the weight of it increase the rLLXgJH0MmI-00077-00049868-00050459 weight means it will increase this driving force water also exerts pore pressure as we rLLXgJH0MmI-00078-00050459-00050993 know water also exerts pore water pressure, because of water which decreases your effective rLLXgJH0MmI-00079-00050993-00051570 stress therefore, the strength if I take into effective stress like sigma prime is equal rLLXgJH0MmI-00080-00051570-00052377 to sigma minus u. So, u is your u is your pore water pressure once water fills this rLLXgJH0MmI-00081-00052377-00052892 voids the pore water pressure increases; that means, it decreases your effective stress rLLXgJH0MmI-00082-00052892-00053466 therefore, this strength also it will happen effect your strength there are mathematically rLLXgJH0MmI-00083-00053466-00054069 two equivalent ways of taking water forces into account in stability analysis there are rLLXgJH0MmI-00084-00054069-00054537 two ways to take consideration of water forces. rLLXgJH0MmI-00085-00054537-00055245 First one is your equivalent methods for water forces, first one is your boundary water forces rLLXgJH0MmI-00086-00055245-00055936 plus total unit weight boundary water forces plus total unit weight u is equal to h p into rLLXgJH0MmI-00087-00055936-00056563 gamma w gamma saturated gamma w or gamma saturated consider soil element particle, and water rLLXgJH0MmI-00088-00056563-00057432 filled pores as a single solid mass considering soil element considering this soil element rLLXgJH0MmI-00089-00057432-00058111 considering soil element as well as; that means, particle soil element means particle rLLXgJH0MmI-00090-00058111-00058786 of this soil along with your water it consider as a one single solid mass one single solid rLLXgJH0MmI-00091-00058786-00059600 mass, then case two second conditions seepage force plus submerged unit weight submerged rLLXgJH0MmI-00092-00059600-00060267 unit weight; that means, your factor safety will coming I gamma w v, where r gamma consider rLLXgJH0MmI-00093-00060267-00060900 a soil element as particles skeleton soil element as particles skeleton with water external rLLXgJH0MmI-00094-00060900-00061194 to it with water external to it. rLLXgJH0MmI-00095-00061426-00062000 Now, if you look at here if you look at here this this is an infinite slope at angle beta, rLLXgJH0MmI-00096-00062000-00062558 if you look at here; these are this is my eco potential lines, and these are my flow rLLXgJH0MmI-00097-00062558-00063217 lines, if I make it into flow net. If I make the flow net in the infinite slope, and these rLLXgJH0MmI-00098-00063217-00064275 are my this is your flow lines this is your flow lines, and this is your eco potential rLLXgJH0MmI-00099-00064275-00064779 lines this is your flow line, and this is your eco potential line case one where discussing rLLXgJH0MmI-00100-00064779-00065348 that is your boundary water forces. If I consider a small element of this part, if I consider rLLXgJH0MmI-00101-00065348-00065951 a small element of this part, if this is your width is b, and this is your weight w acted. rLLXgJH0MmI-00102-00065951-00066567 If you look at here, both the sides both the sides how the water pressure generated, and rLLXgJH0MmI-00103-00066567-00067139 at the bottom also here pore water pressure at the base as we as a same, and normal force rLLXgJH0MmI-00104-00067139-00067894 will be acted on this. So, what is the case one in this case one boundary water force rLLXgJH0MmI-00105-00067894-00068372 plus total unit width in the case one we are considering a small element with the small rLLXgJH0MmI-00106-00068372-00068889 element of soil we are taking the boundary at the boundary what is the water forces acting, rLLXgJH0MmI-00107-00068889-00069401 and plus your total unit weight we have consider in this case what will happen soil element rLLXgJH0MmI-00108-00069401-00069924 soil element means insides soil element. If I if I consider if you look at here; first rLLXgJH0MmI-00109-00069924-00070773 case this is a boundary, if this is my if this is the this is the soil element I am rLLXgJH0MmI-00110-00070773-00071377 going to consider this is a soil element. Let us say one one, two two in this soil element rLLXgJH0MmI-00111-00071377-00071969 what will happen? If I go to back boundary water forces; that means, these are my boundary water forces. rLLXgJH0MmI-00112-00071969-00072566 These are my boundary water forces here, one rLLXgJH0MmI-00113-00072566-00073166 boundary here, other boundary here, other boundary at the bottom. So, these are the rLLXgJH0MmI-00114-00073166-00073675 boundary water forces at the left hand side at the right hand side at the bottom the boundary rLLXgJH0MmI-00115-00073675-00074248 water forces consider, and another assumption is that water inside the soil, if this this rLLXgJH0MmI-00116-00074248-00074727 part I have taken into consideration; that means, within this part there is a soil mass rLLXgJH0MmI-00117-00074727-00075269 within the soil mass what will happen? Water also there this has to be this has been consider rLLXgJH0MmI-00118-00075269-00075967 as a one solid element. So, this is your this is your one solid element of weight w width rLLXgJH0MmI-00119-00075967-00076460 b, and these are will have all of your boundary water forces this is your lateral water forces rLLXgJH0MmI-00120-00076460-00076564 lateral at the bottom. rLLXgJH0MmI-00121-00076564-00077552 So, this is your case one considering your water forces. Now if you look at this beta rLLXgJH0MmI-00122-00077552-00078012 hydraulic guardian case two. If I take into consideration of case two what is the case rLLXgJH0MmI-00123-00078012-00078556 two, case two is your sip case two; there are two methods you can find it out, one is rLLXgJH0MmI-00124-00078556-00079113 your considering your boundary water forces second is your seepage force either of the rLLXgJH0MmI-00125-00079113-00079744 two method you can solve this seepage force plus submerged unit weight consider soil element rLLXgJH0MmI-00126-00079744-00080674 as particle skeleton with water external to it particle skeleton with water external to rLLXgJH0MmI-00127-00080674-00081402 it particle skeleton with water external to it particle skeleton with water external to rLLXgJH0MmI-00128-00081402-00082306 it now if this is your infinite slope in case two; that means, seepage force seepage force rLLXgJH0MmI-00129-00082593-00083162 plus submerged unit weight to be consider. Now here hydraulic guardian I is equal to rLLXgJH0MmI-00130-00083162-00083793 sin beta with respect to that seepage force, if I take this soil element here this is my rLLXgJH0MmI-00131-00083793-00084606 seepage force. So, this seepage force this seepage force rLLXgJH0MmI-00132-00084606-00085337 will be acting this way. So, this seepage force is I w I into gamma w I is your hydraulic rLLXgJH0MmI-00133-00085337-00086006 guardian gamma w is your unit weight of water in terms of volume, then effective weight rLLXgJH0MmI-00134-00086006-00086431 effective weight is your nothing, but is your w is your effective weight which is equal rLLXgJH0MmI-00135-00086431-00086967 to gamma into volume effective weight w is equal to gamma is equal to gamma is equal rLLXgJH0MmI-00136-00086967-00087498 to unit weight of the soil mass for volume unit weight of the soil mass for volume means rLLXgJH0MmI-00137-00087498-00088014 mass into or weight into the volume from there you can find it out effective weight, then rLLXgJH0MmI-00138-00088014-00088618 gamma prime submerge unit weight is equal to gamma minus gamma w or substituted minus rLLXgJH0MmI-00139-00088618-00089200 gamma w from there you can find it out your by means of second method you can also find it out. rLLXgJH0MmI-00140-00089435-00090212 Now, these are this is the case we have discussed particularly if I remove it again this is rLLXgJH0MmI-00141-00090212-00090731 the case we have discussed particularly taking into consideration of infinite slope I have rLLXgJH0MmI-00142-00090731-00091356 also discussed this infinite slope infinite slope by taking this infinite slope what first rLLXgJH0MmI-00143-00091356-00091781 you consider a small element, and take the equilibrium into consideration; that means, rLLXgJH0MmI-00144-00091781-00092351 I have taken this element of these, then equilibrium consideration point of view this is a weight, rLLXgJH0MmI-00145-00092351-00092883 then this has been acted at an angle beta, then tangential force, and normal forces acted on these. rLLXgJH0MmI-00146-00092883-00093548 So, with these infinite slope there are two two analysis are come into picture rLLXgJH0MmI-00147-00093548-00094173 as per as water forces are consider case one, we have consider as a water field void case rLLXgJH0MmI-00148-00094173-00094686 one we consider one is your boundary water forces with your total unit weight other, rLLXgJH0MmI-00149-00094686-00095239 there are two equivalent method; one is your boundary water force plus total unit weight rLLXgJH0MmI-00150-00095239-00095793 second case is your seepage force plus submerge unit weight, we have discussed also now proceed rLLXgJH0MmI-00151-00095793-00096455 to finite slope. This is the case infinite slope has been over rLLXgJH0MmI-00152-00096455-00097075 now proceed to finite slope in this finite slope first case is your plane failure surface. rLLXgJH0MmI-00153-00097075-00097710 So, where the plane failure surface occur; that means, it is a translational block slides rLLXgJH0MmI-00154-00097710-00098430 along single plane of weakness or geological interface translational block slides along rLLXgJH0MmI-00155-00098430-00099462 single planes of weakness or geological interface. So, factor safety f is equal to c prime into rLLXgJH0MmI-00156-00099462-00100041 l length w cos theta minus u is equal to pore water pressure into length into tan phi divided rLLXgJH0MmI-00157-00100041-00100272 by w sin theta plus f w. rLLXgJH0MmI-00158-00100512-00101136 Now, if you look at this block slide analysis block slide analysis; that means, a planner rLLXgJH0MmI-00159-00101137-00101935 or plane failure surface in these case in case of, if I take into consideration. If rLLXgJH0MmI-00160-00101935-00102635 I take into consideration this flow, as like this, this flow as like this. If I take into rLLXgJH0MmI-00161-00102635-00103178 consideration in which case is generally occur suppose there is a rock mass above the rock rLLXgJH0MmI-00162-00103178-00103788 mass there is a soil slope. So, what will happen? It will fail in a plane failure surface rLLXgJH0MmI-00163-00103788-00104300 in a plane failure surface it will fail so; that means, what will happen it, it makes rLLXgJH0MmI-00164-00104300-00104863 an angle with this theta, this is your plane failure surface with these if this is my length. rLLXgJH0MmI-00165-00104863-00105444 So, there will a weight weight as well as normal force with respect to your theta. rLLXgJH0MmI-00166-00105444-00106326 This is called block slides, now another case of this seam of weak soil there is a hard rLLXgJH0MmI-00167-00106326-00106932 soil of this, then below this there is weak soil in that case also plane failure surface rLLXgJH0MmI-00168-00106932-00107430 suppose to be occur. So, there is a block in these block there is u unit weight; that rLLXgJH0MmI-00169-00107430-00107997 means, your weight of the soil mass as well as weight of the soil mass plus normal component rLLXgJH0MmI-00170-00107997-00108625 as well as tan tangential component with respect to that will have to find it out this factor safety. rLLXgJH0MmI-00171-00108625-00109357 So, case tow seam of weak, sorry we are discussing right. Now where this block rLLXgJH0MmI-00172-00109357-00109936 slides occurs case one if there is rock mass rock mass above rock mass there is a soil rLLXgJH0MmI-00173-00109936-00110235 is there what will happen there is a block slide. rLLXgJH0MmI-00174-00110235-00110796 That means plane failure surface will occur now, in these case case two; if there is weight rLLXgJH0MmI-00175-00110796-00111427 soil above the weight soil there is a soil mass what will happen again? There is a block rLLXgJH0MmI-00176-00111427-00112315 slide will occur this is a case we are discussing now for your plane failure surface where it rLLXgJH0MmI-00177-00112315-00112852 occurs second is your finites slope, that is your circular failure surface are circular rLLXgJH0MmI-00178-00112852-00113496 failure surface are generally we do by means of rotational slides rotational slides by rLLXgJH0MmI-00179-00113496-00114096 method of slices method apply to slopes containing cohesive soil apply to the soil the condition here. rLLXgJH0MmI-00180-00114096-00114764 The slopes particularly the slope where it rLLXgJH0MmI-00181-00114764-00115405 has where it has cohesive soil it has been apply to your cohesive soil ordinary methods rLLXgJH0MmI-00182-00115405-00116038 of slices it has been solve by ordinary method of slices this has been given by your felonies rLLXgJH0MmI-00183-00116038-00116492 method, then also there are other methods this is called bishop's simplified method rLLXgJH0MmI-00184-00116492-00117008 or spenser's method these are also other methods available. rLLXgJH0MmI-00185-00117328-00117911 Now, if you look at this forces involved in effective stress slip circle analysis what rLLXgJH0MmI-00186-00117913-00118426 are the forces involved if you look at here there is there is circular slip particularly rLLXgJH0MmI-00187-00118426-00119032 in case of cohesive soil. So, will have to find it out where is your center potation rLLXgJH0MmI-00188-00119032-00119767 where is your center potation o with these center potation o these are my radius with rLLXgJH0MmI-00189-00119767-00120963 that with respect to that, With respect to that that your circular surface is there. rLLXgJH0MmI-00190-00120963-00121685 So, then if this is o. So, then if this is my c g if this is my c g how for if o r this rLLXgJH0MmI-00191-00121685-00122347 is the w will be acted how for from your center that is your r sin alpha, if I consider a slices. rLLXgJH0MmI-00192-00122347-00123082 Now you take into consideration of a slices of any n slices if I name into one rLLXgJH0MmI-00193-00123082-00123759 two three four five six it may be n number of slices I can do it also. So, if you take rLLXgJH0MmI-00194-00123759-00124482 it into say let us consider a one slice, let us consider one slices that is your n slices rLLXgJH0MmI-00195-00124482-00125020 n n x slices. So, in these case n x slices if you look at this this slices have taken rLLXgJH0MmI-00196-00125020-00125591 into in a bigger picture. So, what will happen in this slices what are the forces suppose to act. rLLXgJH0MmI-00197-00125591-00126420 If you take it here this slices will be acted by a lateral force what what happen? rLLXgJH0MmI-00198-00126420-00127067 One it has been post. So, one one way it will be these are all your frictional resistance rLLXgJH0MmI-00199-00127067-00127797 arounding two sides weight of your soil lateral resistance, then bottom bottom is your normal rLLXgJH0MmI-00200-00127797-00128361 as well as pore water pressure pore water pressure. So, what will happen? So, you take rLLXgJH0MmI-00201-00128361-00129001 all this make it into a equilibrium conditions equilibrium conditions means all the forces rLLXgJH0MmI-00202-00129001-00129647 once it will be in equilibrium conditions. So, all the forces would meet if I draw it rLLXgJH0MmI-00203-00129647-00130096 by head, and tell it should be emerged it should satisfy this equilibrium condition rLLXgJH0MmI-00204-00130096-00130552 from there you can find it out your factor safety. rLLXgJH0MmI-00205-00130552-00131440 Now, go to this ordinary method of slices as proposed by Helenius in this case assumption rLLXgJH0MmI-00206-00131440-00132250 that the resultant of side forces on each slice are collinear look at here this assumptions rLLXgJH0MmI-00207-00132250-00133482 resultant of side forces resultant of side forces, on each slice on each slice are collinear rLLXgJH0MmI-00208-00133482-00134141 resultant of side forces; that means, resultant of side forces on each slices are collinear rLLXgJH0MmI-00209-00134141-00134957 act parallel to failure surface, and therefore, cancelled each other resultant of side forces. rLLXgJH0MmI-00210-00134957-00136016 If you look at your what is your slide forces this is your side forces this side forces. rLLXgJH0MmI-00211-00136016-00136464 So, what is it mean resultant of side forces resultant of side forces on each slices are rLLXgJH0MmI-00212-00136464-00137134 collinear, and act parallel to failure surface act parallel parallel to your failure surface, rLLXgJH0MmI-00213-00137134-00137659 and therefore, cancel each other one is up other is down. So, therefore, it cancel each rLLXgJH0MmI-00214-00137659-00138396 other now once it has been cancel each other. So, what are the forces remaining now in simple rLLXgJH0MmI-00215-00138396-00138833 method of ordinary method of slices. In this case, if you look at here, if this rLLXgJH0MmI-00216-00138833-00139584 is my slice one slice has been consider only weight w n normal forces as well as tangential rLLXgJH0MmI-00217-00139584-00140120 forces as well as pore water pressure. So, what will happen this is my normal forces rLLXgJH0MmI-00218-00140523-00141162 this is my normal forces this is your shear stress or tangential forces, then along the rLLXgJH0MmI-00219-00141162-00141687 normal forces also pore water pressure act into picture. So, this makes angle at an angle rLLXgJH0MmI-00220-00141687-00142291 alpha, and on theta, and it depends on that. So, other force is your weight of these slice, rLLXgJH0MmI-00221-00142291-00142875 and this side forces cancel to each other in case of ordinary method of slices. So, rLLXgJH0MmI-00222-00142875-00143499 here it is retained that resultant of all side forces assumed to be act in this direction. rLLXgJH0MmI-00223-00143499-00144153 So, n n normal force found out by summing forces in this direction particularly particularly. rLLXgJH0MmI-00224-00144153-00144598 In this direction what is a normal forces summing up where they are meeting to your rLLXgJH0MmI-00225-00144598-00145566 c g. Now this is your ordinary slice method who has given this ordinary slice method it rLLXgJH0MmI-00226-00145723-00146349 has been given by means of a felonious felonious is the person who has given this solution rLLXgJH0MmI-00227-00146349-00147900 it is called ordinary method of slices. Now come back to second one is your bishop's simplified rLLXgJH0MmI-00228-00147900-00148442 method bishop's simplified methods in case of bishop's simplified method assumed that rLLXgJH0MmI-00229-00148442-00149100 the resultant of slide side force forces on each slice act in horizontal direction assume rLLXgJH0MmI-00230-00149100-00149813 that resultant of side forces assume that resultant of side forces on each slice resultant rLLXgJH0MmI-00231-00149813-00150689 of si side forces on each slices, act in horizontal direction. And therefore, vertical side forces rLLXgJH0MmI-00232-00150689-00151759 vertical side force component can c component cancel each other. So, this is their assumption rLLXgJH0MmI-00233-00151759-00152327 the assumption they have given with that resultant of side forces on each slices act in horizontal rLLXgJH0MmI-00234-00152327-00152819 direction, and therefore, vertical side force component cancel each other. So, factor safety rLLXgJH0MmI-00235-00152819-00153565 comes out to be c n b c is your unit cohesion b is your width plus w n minus u n, and b rLLXgJH0MmI-00236-00153565-00154725 n u is your pore water pressure tan phi n one by m alpha divided by summation of w n rLLXgJH0MmI-00237-00154725-00155408 sin alpha. So, m alp an alpha is equal to cos alpha n plus sin alpha n tan alpha n divided rLLXgJH0MmI-00238-00155408-00156167 by f for untrained analysis factor safety if this si for untrained analysis c n l n rLLXgJH0MmI-00239-00156167-00156528 by w n sin alpha n. rLLXgJH0MmI-00240-00156528-00157446 So, bishop they have given chart to find it out m alpha alpha is positive when slope failure rLLXgJH0MmI-00241-00157446-00158260 are is same quadrant as ground slope, you see alpha is positive when slope failure are rLLXgJH0MmI-00242-00158260-00159778 slope failure are if this a slope alpha is positive when slope failure are when slope rLLXgJH0MmI-00243-00159778-00160689 failure are is same quadrant is same quadrant as ground slope in the same quadrant as ground rLLXgJH0MmI-00244-00160689-00161362 slope. If suppose this ground slope is this in the same quadrant quadrant one quadrant rLLXgJH0MmI-00245-00161362-00161883 two quadrant three quadrant four, then it is considered to be positive. So, based on rLLXgJH0MmI-00246-00161883-00162483 that based on that positive and negative values of alpha they have given the charts they have rLLXgJH0MmI-00247-00162483-00163103 consider the value of alpha from zero degree to plus sixty degree, and zero degree to minus rLLXgJH0MmI-00248-00163103-00163764 thirty degree, and with respect to that they have given this values of m alpha barring rLLXgJH0MmI-00249-00163764-00164382 from zero point six to one point four. If you know this value of m alpha we can calculate rLLXgJH0MmI-00250-00164382-00165164 from this cos alpha sin alpha ton phi prime by factor safety. So, alpha is your slope rLLXgJH0MmI-00251-00165364-00166005 angle means slope is at what angle it makes with your ground surface cos alpha plus sin rLLXgJH0MmI-00252-00166005-00166679 alpha ton phi prime by factor safety. So, alpha is degree is given you take this alpha rLLXgJH0MmI-00253-00166679-00167238 what degree it is there, then with respect to that you calculate your m alpha one suppose rLLXgJH0MmI-00254-00167238-00167782 for example, alpha is equal to ten degree I am taking with this, suppose value of m rLLXgJH0MmI-00255-00167782-00168538 alpha is point eight point eight now where it where it inter set, if you look at it inter rLLXgJH0MmI-00256-00168538-00169041 sets of from my reals from where you can find it out tan phi prime by factor safety. rLLXgJH0MmI-00257-00169041-00169566 So, you know the phi. So, you can find it out your factor safety this is the chart for rLLXgJH0MmI-00258-00169566-00170782 your a m alpha has been given, then side forces in boshops method side forces in boshops method. rLLXgJH0MmI-00259-00170782-00171499 As I said earlier resultant of all side forces assume to act in this directions resultant rLLXgJH0MmI-00260-00171499-00172552 of all side forces side forces resultant of all side forces resultant of all side forces rLLXgJH0MmI-00261-00172552-00173463 are assume to act in this directions, and n n found by summing forces in this direction rLLXgJH0MmI-00262-00173463-00174142 n n is found by summing forces in this directions your u n is pore water pressure in normal rLLXgJH0MmI-00263-00174142-00174901 direction s m is your shear forces, then b n is your width width of that n. If you look rLLXgJH0MmI-00264-00174901-00175644 at here b is equal to width n is equal to, if I consider one number slide. So, this will rLLXgJH0MmI-00265-00175644-00176294 be b one. If I consider number two slide this will be b two, if I consider number I slide rLLXgJH0MmI-00266-00176294-00177085 is it would be b i. So, alpha n here alpha n if you look at here, it makes an angle this rLLXgJH0MmI-00267-00177085-00177576 looks makes an angle with your horizontal at the ground surface. rLLXgJH0MmI-00268-00177576-00178363 Now, last one is your that is your spencer's method, in these spencer's method assumes rLLXgJH0MmI-00269-00178363-00178951 that the point of application of resultant of side forces point of application of resultant rLLXgJH0MmI-00270-00178951-00179780 of side forces on each slices is at mid height of each slices, look at here this assumption. rLLXgJH0MmI-00271-00179780-00180701 It is a modified of that earlier two method; first one is your by simply slice method, rLLXgJH0MmI-00272-00180701-00181276 second is your bishop's method, third is your this your spencer's method. In this case the rLLXgJH0MmI-00273-00181276-00181874 assumption is that point of application the point of application of resultant of side rLLXgJH0MmI-00274-00181874-00182503 forces the point of application of, if this is my slice point of application of resultant rLLXgJH0MmI-00275-00182503-00183265 side forces on each slice resultant side forces on each slice is at mid height of each slices; rLLXgJH0MmI-00276-00183265-00184116 that means, if this is height is at mid height. It will act at mid height of these slice, rLLXgJH0MmI-00277-00184116-00184864 but no assumption is made regarding inclination of resultants look at the look at these draw rLLXgJH0MmI-00278-00184864-00185520 backs particularly in case of each method in case of spencer's method there is no assumptions rLLXgJH0MmI-00279-00185520-00186160 there is no assumptions made regarding inclination of resultant inclination of resultant means rLLXgJH0MmI-00280-00186160-00186774 the moment I implied the slope, if inclining the moment the slope will be inclining; obviously, rLLXgJH0MmI-00281-00186774-00187372 the resultant of your side forces will be inclining. So, there is no assumptions whatever rLLXgJH0MmI-00282-00187372-00187859 the slope angle they say with respect to that slope angle they have consider a resultant rLLXgJH0MmI-00283-00187859-00188627 forces of each slices is at mid height of each slice resultant forces of each slice rLLXgJH0MmI-00284-00188627-00189223 is at mid height; that means, whatever the angle resultant of this forces will act as rLLXgJH0MmI-00285-00189223-00190069 mid height, and this method if I compare with these method, which is your bishop's method rLLXgJH0MmI-00286-00190069-00190537 this method is more or less you can said that more exact more appropriate. rLLXgJH0MmI-00287-00190537-00191277 Then your bishop's method will discuss more in the next class about this finite slopes rLLXgJH0MmI-00288-00191277-00191637 noncircular failure surface in the next class. Thank you. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00000-00000086-00000648 OK, we've seen that we can convert other types of energy into heat rp-jW9BAsHQ-00001-00000648-00001026 and we can convert heat into other types of energy. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00002-00001026-00001242 But how efficiently can you do it? rp-jW9BAsHQ-00003-00001242-00001623 Can you get all the energy to convert, or only some of it? rp-jW9BAsHQ-00004-00001623-00002036 Well, it turns out that if you're converting other forms of energy into heat rp-jW9BAsHQ-00005-00002036-00002352 you can be 100% efficient. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00006-00002362-00002736 So, let's say you've 100 J of energy, rp-jW9BAsHQ-00007-00002736-00003202 you can convert all of it into heat. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00008-00003352-00003750 So we have 100% efficiency, rp-jW9BAsHQ-00009-00003750-00004006 which is actually what happens when someone jumps in the water rp-jW9BAsHQ-00010-00004008-00004140 all their energy ends up as heat. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00011-00004140-00004372 Some of it ends up splashing temporarily rp-jW9BAsHQ-00012-00004372-00004580 but the water splashes back down in the water, and it'll end up as heat. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00013-00004580-00004798 Some of it's noise, temporarily rp-jW9BAsHQ-00014-00004798-00004962 but the noise will end up as heat. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00015-00004962-00005362 In fact this is how pretty much everything usually finishes up. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00016-00005362-00005990 Any other form of energy usually ends up as heat. But the other way is much more difficult. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00017-00005990-00006444 Let's imagine you had 100 J of heat energy rp-jW9BAsHQ-00018-00006444-00007159 and you stick it into an internal combustion engine. You can never get 100 J of mechanical energy out. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00019-00007159-00007640 You get some other energy out. Mechanical, electrical, whatever. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00020-00007642-00008238 But a lot of it peels off and ends up as heat. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00021-00008560-00009132 This is parametrized by an efficiency. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00022-00009132-00009594 So if you have the energy in some other form rp-jW9BAsHQ-00023-00009594-00010248 it's going to be equal to the efficiency which is written with a Greek letter eta, rp-jW9BAsHQ-00024-00010248-00011126 which is like an 'n' with a very long front bit, times the energy of heat coming in rp-jW9BAsHQ-00025-00011126-00011506 so for example in a power station, in essence burning coal, rp-jW9BAsHQ-00026-00011506-00011926 you take chemical energy (which is another form of energy) turn it into heat rp-jW9BAsHQ-00027-00011926-00012332 you can do it with 100% efficiency, but then you try and take the heat rp-jW9BAsHQ-00028-00012332-00012522 and turn it back into electricity rp-jW9BAsHQ-00029-00012522-00012822 and only a fraction eta of it will actually succeed rp-jW9BAsHQ-00030-00012822-00013028 and the rest of it will be wasted as heat. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00031-00013169-00013830 Now for an internal combustion engine the efficiency is typically only about 25% rp-jW9BAsHQ-00032-00014004-00014432 So when you burn a litre of petrol to drive somewhere rp-jW9BAsHQ-00033-00014432-00014880 1 litre of petrol turns into actual motion rp-jW9BAsHQ-00034-00014880-00015280 whereas another 3 litres of petrol are just heating up your engine. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00035-00015280-00015476 That's why your engine gets so hot rp-jW9BAsHQ-00036-00015476-00016040 the fans cool it down, so the heat spreads around the environment. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00037-00016040-00016504 Of course even the energy that goes into motion will end up as heat rp-jW9BAsHQ-00038-00016504-00016826 as you're driving you'll be stirring up the air around it rp-jW9BAsHQ-00039-00016830-00017016 you'll be bending your tyres rp-jW9BAsHQ-00040-00017016-00017324 and all that will end up as heat as well so actually 100% will end up as heat eventually rp-jW9BAsHQ-00041-00017324-00017840 but 25% of it is useful and makes a car go. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00042-00017840-00018680 For a big power station it's more like 50%. Power stations... a good one can be around 50% maybe rp-jW9BAsHQ-00043-00018680-00018998 usually a bit worse than that, but occasionally slightly better rp-jW9BAsHQ-00044-00018998-00019414 and so about half the energy is wasted turning into heat. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00045-00019414-00019894 That's why power stations need things like these cooling towers to dissipate rp-jW9BAsHQ-00046-00019894-00020365 that other 50% of the energy that's going out in the form of heat. It's a rp-jW9BAsHQ-00047-00020365-00020900 real waste and it has led to the idea of combined heat and power. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00048-00021227-00021593 The idea here is instead of having a whopping great power station out in the rp-jW9BAsHQ-00049-00021593-00021947 middle of nowhere, where half of the energy gets turned into electricity and half is rp-jW9BAsHQ-00050-00021947-00022319 wasted and heating up the air and the sea and the water around it, maybe you rp-jW9BAsHQ-00051-00022319-00022634 have lots of small power stations actually built in people's houses or rp-jW9BAsHQ-00052-00022634-00023234 neighborhoods. And so all the heat that is wasted could be pumped down vents or rp-jW9BAsHQ-00053-00023234-00023615 something into people's houses and keep them warm and if you are a cold country, rp-jW9BAsHQ-00054-00023615-00024173 like England, Sweden or Canada, where you need a lot of heat, that could make it much more rp-jW9BAsHQ-00055-00024173-00024686 efficient, it will be twice as good as the conventional power stations. Probably rp-jW9BAsHQ-00056-00024686-00025034 not so useful in a hot country like say Queensland on a hot summer's day rp-jW9BAsHQ-00057-00025034-00025595 when you want the electricity to run the air-conditioning. Oh well. So that's rp-jW9BAsHQ-00058-00025595-00026227 efficiency. It's a fundamental thing that engineers have to worry about. rp-jW9BAsHQ-00059-00026227-00026630 It does hit a bit odd that this physical principle is not reversible. You can go rp-jW9BAsHQ-00060-00026630-00027044 this way but you can't go that way. This, it turns out, is a very rp-jW9BAsHQ-00061-00027044-00027427 fundamental law of physics to do with entropy. This is actually what gives time rp-jW9BAsHQ-00062-00027427-00027983 its direction some things like a person jumping into the water can happen, but rp-jW9BAsHQ-00063-00027983-00028454 the reverse, like this, can't happen. you can't turn the heat of the water back rp-jW9BAsHQ-00064-00028454-00028898 into throwing someone out of the water. Likewise pens don't spontaneously leap rp-jW9BAsHQ-00065-00028898-00029366 off the tables, like this. You can't turn the heat in the table into a pen rp-jW9BAsHQ-00066-00029366-00029807 jumping into the air. A strange world if it was, every time you're going for a rp-jW9BAsHQ-00067-00029807-00030038 swim suddenly random people got flung out of the water, rp-jW9BAsHQ-00068-00030038-00030401 objects laying on the floor occasionally would leap up... but the other way around rp-jW9BAsHQ-00069-00030401-00030883 does work. Very strange and very fundamental. rPy2puOKGhQ-00000-00000498-00001019 Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. My name is Aditya Bahadur, and I'm a principal rPy2puOKGhQ-00001-00001019-00001614 researcher with the International Institute for Environmental Development. Do you want to play rPy2puOKGhQ-00002-00001614-00002232 a key role in a cutting-edge new programme that will help low-income communities in cities of the rPy2puOKGhQ-00003-00002232-00002850 global South tackle the risk of climate change? If so, then please pay attention for the next 60 rPy2puOKGhQ-00004-00002850-00003678 seconds. Launched at COP26 the Adaptation Research Alliance is a global collaborative effort that rPy2puOKGhQ-00005-00003678-00004146 seeks to bridge the divide between knowledge and action for climate change adaptation. rPy2puOKGhQ-00006-00004242-00005028 Since its launch in 2021, 190 organisations from close to 70 countries have become members rPy2puOKGhQ-00007-00005028-00005496 of this alliance that is funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth Development Office. rPy2puOKGhQ-00008-00005610-00006282 Now, the alliance has asked me to work with diverse stakeholders across the world to rPy2puOKGhQ-00009-00006282-00006948 crowdsource ideas for a new and impactful programme on urban resilience. Some big rPy2puOKGhQ-00010-00006948-00007512 donors are part of this innovative, co-creation process that will rely on your insights for rPy2puOKGhQ-00011-00007512-00008292 guiding the design of this new urban resilience initiative. Therefore, I ask you to please roll rPy2puOKGhQ-00012-00008292-00008964 up your sleeves and join us for this innovative co-creation sandbox. I promise you that there rPy2puOKGhQ-00013-00008964-00009666 will be polls, games, breakout groups, and other forms of very rich interaction that will directly rPy2puOKGhQ-00014-00009666-00010338 influence this big new initiative that all of you will be invited to be part of. Do not miss out! rPbyJNhJhLA-00000-00000763-00001191 In this video we'll look at a change that accompanies all chemical reactions, rPbyJNhJhLA-00001-00001191-00001830 a change in energy. One of the signs that a chemical reaction has taken place is rPbyJNhJhLA-00002-00001830-00002252 that there is some kind of temperature change caused by the reaction. When a rPbyJNhJhLA-00003-00002252-00002688 chemical reaction occurs, there's always a transfer of energy - either the reaction rPbyJNhJhLA-00004-00002688-00003174 produces energy, or it absorbs energy from the surroundings. This is a result rPbyJNhJhLA-00005-00003174-00003492 of chemical bonds forming and breaking and we'll go into the detail of that rPbyJNhJhLA-00006-00003492-00003989 later in the course. When we look at the energy changes in reactions it helps if rPbyJNhJhLA-00007-00003989-00004404 we divide the universe into the reaction that we're studying and everything else. rPbyJNhJhLA-00008-00004404-00004796 And we can then look at whether the energy is flowing from the reaction to rPbyJNhJhLA-00009-00004796-00005157 the rest of the universe (which we can just call the surroundings) or the other rPbyJNhJhLA-00010-00005157-00005555 way around. If a chemical reaction releases energy, rPbyJNhJhLA-00011-00005555-00005987 then as the reactants are turning into the products, energy flows from the rPbyJNhJhLA-00012-00005987-00006398 reacting chemicals out into the surroundings and this energy is now free rPbyJNhJhLA-00013-00006398-00006831 to move through the rest of the universe. This energy usually takes the form of rPbyJNhJhLA-00014-00006831-00007322 heat, so we detect the energy change by the surroundings getting hotter. Such a rPbyJNhJhLA-00015-00007322-00007965 reaction is called exothermic - heat to the outside. If a chemical reaction rPbyJNhJhLA-00016-00007965-00008454 absorbs energy, where is it going to get the energy from? It has to come from the rPbyJNhJhLA-00017-00008454-00008886 surroundings, that is from somewhere in the rest of the universe. Energy flows rPbyJNhJhLA-00018-00008886-00009327 from the surroundings into the reacting chemicals and is incorporated or stored rPbyJNhJhLA-00019-00009327-00009954 as chemical energy in the molecules of the products of that reaction. Because rPbyJNhJhLA-00020-00009954-00010293 energy is being removed from the surroundings to the reaction, you observe rPbyJNhJhLA-00021-00010293-00010725 this as the surroundings cooling down. You may also observe it as the reaction rPbyJNhJhLA-00022-00010725-00011163 only being able to go if you provide a continual supply of extra heat from the rPbyJNhJhLA-00023-00011163-00011742 outside. Such a reaction is called endothermic - heat to the inside - where the rPbyJNhJhLA-00024-00011742-00012139 inside is the newly formed molecules. rSA4GbqorDU-00000-00000140-00000366 (male narrator) So now let's start scheduling this on to processors. rSA4GbqorDU-00001-00000370-00000794 And so notice that the ready tasks at the beginning rSA4GbqorDU-00002-00000797-00001171 are Tasks 2 and 1, right? rSA4GbqorDU-00003-00001174-00001868 Task 1, 2, 3, and 4... Tasks 1, 2, uh...3, and-and 4. rSA4GbqorDU-00004-00001871-00002375 And so we'll go ahead and assign Tasks 2 and Task 1. rSA4GbqorDU-00005-00002378-00002856 Uh...so Task 2 gets assigned with a time of 3, rSA4GbqorDU-00006-00002859-00003516 and Task, uh...1 gets assigned with a time of-of 6. rSA4GbqorDU-00007-00003520-00003793 And so when we fast-forward to Time 3, rSA4GbqorDU-00008-00003797-00004167 uh...and Task 2 gets completed...right? rSA4GbqorDU-00009-00004170-00004377 So Task 2 is now completed. rSA4GbqorDU-00010-00004380-00004581 Task 1 is being worked on. rSA4GbqorDU-00011-00004584-00004874 Uh...then immediately Task 6 becomes ready. rSA4GbqorDU-00012-00004878-00005058 And notice that this is great, rSA4GbqorDU-00013-00005061-00005201 because Task 6, rSA4GbqorDU-00014-00005205-00005482 we really wanna get done as soon as possible, rSA4GbqorDU-00015-00005485-00005662 because it's holding up these other two. rSA4GbqorDU-00016-00005665-00005815 And so we can go ahead rSA4GbqorDU-00017-00005819-00006156 and assign Task 6 to Processor 1, rSA4GbqorDU-00018-00006159-00006573 and that's gonna take us all the way out to Time 13 here. rSA4GbqorDU-00019-00006576-00007073 So when Task-- fast-forwarding now to Time 6-- rSA4GbqorDU-00020-00007076-00007297 when Task 1 gets completed, rSA4GbqorDU-00021-00007300-00007684 then...uh...let's see here, anything become ready? rSA4GbqorDU-00022-00007687-00007884 No, not yet. rSA4GbqorDU-00023-00007887-00007991 Right? rSA4GbqorDU-00024-00007994-00008344 Because Task 5 and Task 7 both depend upon Task 6. rSA4GbqorDU-00025-00008348-00008675 But Task 4 is ready, so we can go ahead and... rSA4GbqorDU-00026-00008678-00008862 oh, wait, no, Task 3 is ready. rSA4GbqorDU-00027-00008865-00009149 Okay, so we can go ahead and assign Task 3. rSA4GbqorDU-00028-00009152-00009482 [laughs] Sorry, we can go ahead and assign Task 3 here. rSA4GbqorDU-00029-00009486-00009733 Uh...it's earlier on our priority list, rSA4GbqorDU-00030-00009736-00010183 and it has a time of 7, which also takes us out to 13. rSA4GbqorDU-00031-00010186-00010430 So when task... let's see here, rSA4GbqorDU-00032-00010433-00010724 so at Time 13... that should be a 13. rSA4GbqorDU-00033-00010727-00011164 So at Time 13 here, uh...Task 6 gets completed, rSA4GbqorDU-00034-00011167-00011341 and Task 3 gets completed. rSA4GbqorDU-00035-00011344-00011628 So Task 3 and Task 6 both get completed. rSA4GbqorDU-00036-00011631-00011881 And that means that this task is ready, rSA4GbqorDU-00037-00011885-00012055 and this task is ready. rSA4GbqorDU-00038-00012058-00012308 So 5 and 7 are both ready now. rSA4GbqorDU-00039-00012312-00012562 So I guess Task 4's gonna have to wait, rSA4GbqorDU-00040-00012565-00012946 because we're assigning Task 5 and Task 7. rSA4GbqorDU-00041-00012949-00013209 So Task 5 has a time of 3... rSA4GbqorDU-00042-00013213-00013523 sorry, a time of 5, bringing us out to 18. rSA4GbqorDU-00043-00013526-00013907 And Task 7 here has a time of 4, rSA4GbqorDU-00044-00013910-00014230 uh...bringing us out to 17. rSA4GbqorDU-00045-00014234-00014834 So at Time, uh...17, then Task, uh...7 rSA4GbqorDU-00046-00014838-00015018 is going to get completed. rSA4GbqorDU-00047-00015021-00015315 Uh...this is not gonna become ready yet. rSA4GbqorDU-00048-00015318-00015478 Uh...but Task 4 is ready, rSA4GbqorDU-00049-00015482-00015772 so finally we can start in on Task 4. rSA4GbqorDU-00050-00015775-00016009 So take me out to Time 21. rSA4GbqorDU-00051-00016012-00016519 And...now at Time 18, Task 5 gets completed. rSA4GbqorDU-00052-00016523-00016740 And both of these are done, rSA4GbqorDU-00053-00016743-00017180 so Task 8 and Task 9 are now ready. rSA4GbqorDU-00054-00017183-00017610 So we can go ahead and assign Task 8 here. rSA4GbqorDU-00055-00017614-00018044 Task 8 has a time of 3-- takes me out to 21. rSA4GbqorDU-00056-00018047-00018541 So now at Time 21, Task 8 gets completed, rSA4GbqorDU-00057-00018545-00019079 Task 4 gets completed, and...what happens? rSA4GbqorDU-00058-00019082-00019542 Task 8 becomes ready, um...and because Task 8 is done, rSA4GbqorDU-00059-00019546-00019866 Task 10, uh...also becomes ready. rSA4GbqorDU-00060-00019869-00020220 So now we go ahead and assign Tasks 10 and 9, rSA4GbqorDU-00061-00020223-00020550 so Task 10 gets assigned here. rSA4GbqorDU-00062-00020553-00020784 And Task 10 takes 7 units of time, rSA4GbqorDU-00063-00020787-00021037 so that's gonna take us out to 28. rSA4GbqorDU-00064-00021040-00021428 And...Task, uh...9 has Time 2, rSA4GbqorDU-00065-00021431-00021691 so that's gonna take us to Time 23. rSA4GbqorDU-00066-00021694-00021835 And there we go. rSA4GbqorDU-00067-00021838-00021948 There's our schedule. rSA4GbqorDU-00068-00021951-00022235 And notice that time... that 28 units of time rSA4GbqorDU-00069-00022238-00022836 was our critical time, and so this schedule is optimal. rSA4GbqorDU-00070-00022839-00023253 There is no way to make this, uh...schedule... rSA4GbqorDU-00071-00023256-00023516 there is no way to make this schedule, rSA4GbqorDU-00072-00023520-00023770 uh...finish any faster than we did. rSA4GbqorDU-00073-00023773-00024060 And...that's always the case with a critical path algorithm, rSA4GbqorDU-00074-00024063-00024310 but it very often does create good results. rSA4GbqorDU-00075-00024314-00024557 And we can see why right here. rSA4GbqorDU-00076-00024561-00025004 Remember before, that Task 6 ended up holding up everything. rSA4GbqorDU-00077-00025008-00025155 In this case, rSA4GbqorDU-00078-00025158-00025458 we got that Task 6 done as soon as possible. rSA4GbqorDU-00079-00025462-00025835 In fact, you'll even notice here that this row across the top rSA4GbqorDU-00080-00025839-00026132 is exactly our critical path, rSA4GbqorDU-00081-00026136-00026519 and so we get those tasks done as soon as possible. rTqN41WrRGE-00000-00000052-00000152 PNG rTqN41WrRGE-00001-00000152-00000252 IHDR p h sRGB pHYs + giTXtXML:com.adobe.xmp <?xpacket begin='' id='W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d'?> rTqN41WrRGE-00002-00000252-00000352 <x:xmpmeta xmlns:x='adobe:ns:meta/'> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'> rTqN41WrRGE-00003-00000352-00000451 <rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:Attrib='http://ns.attribution.com/ads/1.0/'> rTqN41WrRGE-00004-00000451-00000552 <Attrib:Ads> <rdf:Seq> rTqN41WrRGE-00005-00000552-00000652 <rdf:li rdf:parseType='Resource'> <Attrib:Created>2022-05-12</Attrib:Created> rTqN41WrRGE-00006-00000652-00000752 <Attrib:ExtId>001257a5-81bd-496f-8587-7f98e5d50f6d</Attrib:ExtId> <Attrib:FbId>525265914179580</Attrib:FbId> rTqN41WrRGE-00007-00000752-00000852 <Attrib:TouchType>2</Attrib:TouchType> </rdf:li> rTqN41WrRGE-00008-00000852-00000952 </rdf:Seq> </Attrib:Ads> rTqN41WrRGE-00009-00000952-00001052 </rdf:Description> rTqN41WrRGE-00010-00001052-00001152 <rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:dc='http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'> rTqN41WrRGE-00011-00001152-00001252 <dc:title> <rdf:Alt> rTqN41WrRGE-00012-00001252-00001352 <rdf:li xml:lang='x-default'>Whole Tech</rdf:li> </rdf:Alt> rTqN41WrRGE-00013-00001352-00001452 </dc:title> </rdf:Description> rTqN41WrRGE-00014-00001452-00001552 <rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:pdf='http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/'> rTqN41WrRGE-00015-00001552-00001652 <pdf:Author>MR NISHAT</pdf:Author> </rdf:Description> rTqN41WrRGE-00016-00001652-00001752 <rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:xmp='http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/'> rTqN41WrRGE-00017-00001752-00001852 <xmp:CreatorTool>Canva</xmp:CreatorTool> </rdf:Description> rTqN41WrRGE-00018-00001852-00001952 </rdf:RDF> </x:xmpmeta> rTqN41WrRGE-00019-00001952-00002052 <?xpacket end='r'?> IDATx y|M O$43 " TP é€ Zß«ZZ\Z NzU R: jkh L J b M d C m Z z> qo圵 rTqN41WrRGE-00020-00002052-00002152 9 8 K @ P@ hC 6 P@ hC rTqN41WrRGE-00021-00002152-00002252 6 P@ hC 6 P@ hC rTqN41WrRGE-00022-00002252-00002352 6 P@ hC 6 P@ hC rTqN41WrRGE-00023-00002352-00002452 6 P@ hC 6 P@ hC 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` 1 @ C rTqN41WrRGE-00313-00056562-00056662 ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C rTqN41WrRGE-00314-00056662-00056762 ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C rTqN41WrRGE-00315-00056762-00056763 ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 @ C ` 1 ? 4A IEND B` rYeN4KEggsE-00000-00000227-00000327 Hey, pilots! rYeN4KEggsE-00001-00000327-00000459 Olga Minina is here. rYeN4KEggsE-00002-00000459-00000658 You may also know me as Iskra! rYeN4KEggsE-00003-00000658-00000941 Welcome to Iskra's Choice! rYeN4KEggsE-00004-00000941-00001268 Today we'll take a quick look at my new Scorpion. rYeN4KEggsE-00005-00001268-00001579 My previous robot, Phantom, served me well. rYeN4KEggsE-00006-00001579-00001973 Somethimes I thought: here it comes, my last fight, my last breath! rYeN4KEggsE-00007-00001973-00002226 But Phantom got me outta trouble Every. rYeN4KEggsE-00008-00002226-00002326 Single. rYeN4KEggsE-00009-00002326-00002426 Time. rYeN4KEggsE-00010-00002426-00002632 It's the main reason why I'm here today! rYeN4KEggsE-00011-00002632-00002875 Also, I'm just so-o used to teleporting... rYeN4KEggsE-00012-00002875-00003003 I don't even get dizzy anymore! rYeN4KEggsE-00013-00003003-00003279 This will definitely help in a real fight. rYeN4KEggsE-00014-00003279-00003447 Which is now inevitable... rYeN4KEggsE-00015-00003447-00003651 O-ops, I got sidetracked. rYeN4KEggsE-00016-00003651-00003751 Apologies! rYeN4KEggsE-00017-00003751-00004107 Of course, saying goodbye to Phantom was a very sad moment. rYeN4KEggsE-00018-00004107-00004401 But some part of that robot is still with me wherever I go. rYeN4KEggsE-00019-00004401-00004951 I kept weapons and modules I used on Phantom to empower my new Scorpion. rYeN4KEggsE-00020-00004951-00005247 After all, you shouldn't rely just on the robot. rYeN4KEggsE-00021-00005247-00005518 Your equipment and skills matter even more! rYeN4KEggsE-00022-00005518-00005853 When it comes to picking my gadgets, I go for survivability. rYeN4KEggsE-00023-00005853-00006201 This portable nanobot setup lets me stay in the fight longer. rYeN4KEggsE-00024-00006201-00006568 Those combine amazingly with maneuvers I learned on the Arena! rYeN4KEggsE-00025-00006568-00006886 Fun fact: Iskra means Spark! rYeN4KEggsE-00026-00006886-00007284 And Scorpion is as quick as a Spark — it is a perfect robot for me! rYeN4KEggsE-00027-00007284-00007445 It allows me to be anywhere, anytime! rYeN4KEggsE-00028-00007445-00007628 Here, and here, and here. rYeN4KEggsE-00029-00007628-00007739 And here. rYeN4KEggsE-00030-00007739-00007884 And here. rYeN4KEggsE-00031-00007884-00008063 And... here rYeN4KEggsE-00032-00008063-00008650 Is everything ready? rYeN4KEggsE-00033-00008650-00008750 Great! rYeN4KEggsE-00034-00008750-00008868 Thank y'all for your attention. rYeN4KEggsE-00035-00008868-00009111 The Gladiator Championship is over. rYeN4KEggsE-00036-00009111-00009392 This place is now under our control. rYeN4KEggsE-00037-00009392-00009542 Don't panic, you're safe! rYeN4KEggsE-00038-00009542-00009777 Just be sure to consider joining our Movement, okay? rYeN4KEggsE-00039-00009777-00009936 I've made my choice. rYeN4KEggsE-00040-00009936-00010110 It's up to you to make yours! rYeN4KEggsE-00041-00010110-00010514 And remember: fire, no matter how huge, always starts with just one Spark. rcckxqmzHsI-00000-00000285-00000612 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00001-00000612-00000662 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00002-00000662-00000712 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00003-00000712-00000762 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00004-00000809-00000859 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00005-00000859-00000909 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00006-00000909-00000959 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00007-00000959-00001009 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00008-00001044-00001244 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00009-00001244-00001294 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00010-00001294-00001344 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00011-00001346-00001546 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancerDance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00012-00001546-00001596 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00013-00001598-00001798 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00014-00001798-00001848 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00015-00001848-00001898 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00016-00001929-00001979 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00017-00001979-00002029 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00018-00002029-00002079 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00019-00002079-00002129 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00020-00002154-00002354 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00021-00002354-00002404 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00022-00002443-00002643 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00023-00002643-00002693 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00024-00002693-00002743 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00025-00002782-00002982 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00026-00002982-00003032 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00027-00003081-00003281 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00028-00003281-00003331 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00029-00003331-00003381 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00030-00003381-00003431 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00031-00003431-00003481 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00032-00003481-00003531 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00033-00003598-00003648 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00034-00003648-00003698 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00035-00003698-00003748 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00036-00003748-00003798 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00037-00003836-00004036 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00038-00004036-00004086 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00039-00004091-00004291 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00040-00004291-00004341 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00041-00004341-00004391 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00042-00004399-00004599 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rcckxqmzHsI-00043-00004599-00004659 Dance Guinness Book Recorded by Bandhana Nepali Girl | 126 hour longest dancer rdh-dknWnMk-00000-00000085-00000552 Let’s explore a simple model of how oscillation frequency is tied to the wavelength of electromagnetic rdh-dknWnMk-00001-00000552-00000733 radiation. rdh-dknWnMk-00002-00000733-00001078 The frequency at which electrons oscillate is essentially set by the temperature of the rdh-dknWnMk-00003-00001078-00001337 matter in which the electron resides. rdh-dknWnMk-00004-00001337-00001611 Lower temperatures yield lower frequencies of oscillation. rdh-dknWnMk-00005-00001611-00002134 Here, we’ve set our temperature on the low side, and you can see the molecule oscillating rdh-dknWnMk-00006-00002134-00002598 fairly slowly, or in other words, at a low frequency. rdh-dknWnMk-00007-00002598-00003054 The wavelength of the emitted radiation is also relatively long. rdh-dknWnMk-00008-00003054-00003725 But, when temperature increases, the oscillations get faster, which makes for a higher oscillation rdh-dknWnMk-00009-00003725-00003872 frequency. rdh-dknWnMk-00010-00003872-00004380 This high frequency means that the emitted electromagnetic radiation has a relatively rdh-dknWnMk-00011-00004380-00004582 short wavelength. rdh-dknWnMk-00012-00004582-00005156 For comparison again, we can decrease our temperature to watch the oscillation frequency rdh-dknWnMk-00013-00005156-00005544 slow, and the wavelength of the emitted radiation increase. rdNlNBT6skA-00000-00000803-00001006 So, Os Gêmeos is one of the references rdNlNBT6skA-00001-00001006-00001209 Of the brazilian grafitti around rdNlNBT6skA-00002-00001209-00001500 Even in world terms rdNlNBT6skA-00003-00001500-00001902 They have one thing which is their own style rdNlNBT6skA-00004-00001902-00002100 Like, that's very peculiar rdNlNBT6skA-00005-00002100-00002307 So, with that they earned the recognition rdNlNBT6skA-00006-00002307-00002604 Because it's easy to identify rdNlNBT6skA-00007-00002604-00002900 They have been painting for a long time rdNlNBT6skA-00008-00002900-00003200 I've studied in the same school they've been to. rdNlNBT6skA-00009-00003200-00003406 In 95 I joined the school; I think they were finishing. rdNlNBT6skA-00010-35999900-36000233 I think they have been painting since the 's, like rdNlNBT6skA-00011-35999900-36000126 and always in a very commited way. rdNlNBT6skA-00012-35999900-36000013 They paint a lot. rdNlNBT6skA-00013-35999900-36000193 I always say that even thoug they are almost rdNlNBT6skA-00014-35999900-36000126 never in Brazil, always travelling rdNlNBT6skA-00015-35999900-36000213 they are the guys that most paint in São Paulo rdNlNBT6skA-00016-35999900-36000166 Different of what a lot of people think, rdNlNBT6skA-00017-35999900-36000120 they don't do that little figures rdNlNBT6skA-00018-35999900-36000126 They make some letters, some bombs rdNlNBT6skA-00019-35999900-36000193 around the city. They are the guys that more rdNlNBT6skA-00020-35999900-36000193 bomb around. These are the illegal graffiti, rdNlNBT6skA-00021-35999900-36000220 that for a lot of people it's what is considered rdNlNBT6skA-00022-35999900-36000000 real graffiti. rdNlNBT6skA-00023-35999900-36000160 It's more related to the essence of the rdNlNBT6skA-00024-35999900-36000013 "non-authorized". rdNlNBT6skA-00025-35999900-36000186 So, they have an quite particular universe, rdNlNBT6skA-00026-35999900-36000266 that are the... They also mention the Brazilian culture rdNlNBT6skA-00027-35999900-36000153 They talk about their own world, there rdNlNBT6skA-00028-35999900-36000246 I think it's Tétris, something like this, that it's rdNlNBT6skA-00029-35999900-36000080 a particular world of them. rdNlNBT6skA-00030-35999900-36000246 I think it's intresting because they are 2, you know rdNlNBT6skA-00031-35999900-36000233 And both paint together, you know, it's intresting rhgM1cVcE-I-00000-00000228-00000374 fried minced garlic until fragant rhgM1cVcE-I-00001-00000374-00000496 tomato juice rhgM1cVcE-I-00002-00000583-00000659 cabbage rhgM1cVcE-I-00003-00000659-00000837 light soy sauce, oyster sauce, tomato sauce, salt, sugar rhgM1cVcE-I-00004-00000837-00000939 pour water rhgM1cVcE-I-00005-00000939-00001123 dried vermicelli, beef ri9BzhCxbPI-00000-00000385-00000802 THE NAVY'S CHIEF OF INFORMATION, REAR ADMIRAL JOHN KIRBY, TOOK THE TIME TO EXPLAIN THE NAVY'S ri9BzhCxbPI-00001-00000802-00001188 CURRENT FISCAL CHALLENGES AS A RESULT OF OPERATING UNDER A CONTINUING RESOLUTION. ri9BzhCxbPI-00002-00001188-00001819 "NOW THAT UNDERFUNDS THE OPERATIONS THAT WE HAD PLANNED TO CONDUCT IN THIS FISCAL YEAR, ri9BzhCxbPI-00003-00001819-00002142 UNDERFUNDS IT TO THE TUNE OF ABOUT $4.6 BILLION. ri9BzhCxbPI-00004-00002142-00002602 SO WE'VE ALREADY ENACTED SOME BELT TIGHTENING MEASURES TO TRY TO SLOW THE RATE AT WHICH ri9BzhCxbPI-00005-00002602-00002904 WE'RE SPENDING THE DOLLARS THAT WE HAVE BEEN ALLOCATED. ri9BzhCxbPI-00006-00002904-00003571 THINGS LIKE TRAVEL, CONFERENCES, THERE'S A FREEZE ON THE HIRING OF ALL NAVY CIVILIANS. ri9BzhCxbPI-00007-00003571-00003939 WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO BE ELIMINATING SOME TEMPORARY WORKERS THROUGHOUT THE THE FISCAL ri9BzhCxbPI-00008-00003939-00004289 YEAR, AND OF COURSE WE'RE GOING TO BE HAVING TO CANCEL AND DEFER SOME MAINTENANCE ON OUR ri9BzhCxbPI-00009-00004289-00004480 SHIPS AND AIRCRAFT." ri9BzhCxbPI-00010-00004480-00004864 THE CR MAY EXPIRE IN MARCH AND IF CONGRESS OPTS TO EXTEND IT THROUGH THE END OF THE FISCAL ri9BzhCxbPI-00011-00004864-00005282 YEAR, THE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS WILL NOT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO OPERATE AS NORMAL. ri9BzhCxbPI-00012-00005282-00005551 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER AMARA TIMBERLAKE. riqr78thV4I-00000-00000939-00003020 Welcome to GF riqr78thV4I-00001-00003020-00005641 VTT riqr78thV4I-00002-00005641-00007384 TFT , riqr78thV4I-00003-00007384-00008329 Wish You Happy Movies rlHoZQ1MzM8-00000-00000399-00000790 (speaking in foreign language) rlHoZQ1MzM8-00001-00013561-00013750 - Well Fumio, thank you very much. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00002-00013750-00014108 And Byung-se, thank you for joining us here rlHoZQ1MzM8-00003-00014164-00014326 for this trilateral meeting. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00004-00014326-00014592 Let me just begin by emphasizing rlHoZQ1MzM8-00005-00014747-00014891 as strongly as I can rlHoZQ1MzM8-00006-00014891-00015183 that the alliance, the obligations, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00007-00015250-00015541 the mutual interests that we share, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00008-00015793-00016060 and our efforts to protect them, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00009-00016160-00016343 could not be stronger. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00010-00016409-00016749 And the United States remains deeply committed rlHoZQ1MzM8-00011-00016749-00016916 to our treaty obligations, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00012-00016916-00017199 to our mutual defense obligations, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00013-00017331-00017748 and to rolling back the provocative, reckless behavior rlHoZQ1MzM8-00014-00017942-00018042 of the DPRK. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00015-00018387-00018645 We are working closely with you rlHoZQ1MzM8-00016-00018689-00019106 and with all of the interested parties in the region rlHoZQ1MzM8-00017-00019186-00019453 to be sure that we make it clear rlHoZQ1MzM8-00018-00019565-00019749 to a reckless dictator rlHoZQ1MzM8-00019-00020144-00020418 that all he is doing through his actions rlHoZQ1MzM8-00020-00020418-00020796 is isolating his country, isolating his people, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00021-00020796-00021213 depriving his people of genuine economic opportunity, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00022-00021416-00021808 and that the global community will not be intimidated rlHoZQ1MzM8-00023-00021808-00022167 and will not pull back from our obligations rlHoZQ1MzM8-00024-00022359-00022566 under the nonproliferation treaty rlHoZQ1MzM8-00025-00022566-00022866 and all of our international efforts rlHoZQ1MzM8-00026-00022938-00023135 to reign in nuclear weapons rlHoZQ1MzM8-00027-00023135-00023410 rather than see them proliferate. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00028-00023430-00023730 We are gonna continue on our course. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00029-00023881-00024130 We have said many times that we are prepared rlHoZQ1MzM8-00030-00024130-00024338 to sit down with the DPRK rlHoZQ1MzM8-00031-00024688-00024828 to deal with the issues rlHoZQ1MzM8-00032-00024828-00025244 of non-aggression, of peace on the Korean peninsula, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00033-00025251-00025530 of joining the international community, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00034-00025530-00025946 of attracting assistance and economic development, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00035-00025998-00026273 providing North Korea is prepared rlHoZQ1MzM8-00036-00026339-00026561 to talk with the rest of the world rlHoZQ1MzM8-00037-00026561-00026794 about responsible approaches rlHoZQ1MzM8-00038-00026860-00027277 to the question of nuclear weaponry and a nuclear program. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00039-00027372-00027780 So they must engage in a discussion about denuclearization. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00040-00027780-00028197 And the immediate need is for them to freeze where they are, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00041-00028291-00028441 to agree to freeze rlHoZQ1MzM8-00042-00028490-00028774 and not engage in anymore provocative actions, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00043-00028774-00029103 not engage in more testing particularly, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00044-00029103-00029403 in order to bring countries together rlHoZQ1MzM8-00045-00029518-00029935 and to begin a serious negotiation about the future. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00046-00029998-00030265 So I thank both of my colleagues rlHoZQ1MzM8-00047-00030307-00030723 for coming together for this important trilateral meeting. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00048-00030729-00031011 And the United States will continue rlHoZQ1MzM8-00049-00031011-00031292 to work very closely with both countries, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00050-00031292-00031634 with both Japan and the Republic of Korea rlHoZQ1MzM8-00051-00031732-00032149 to work through the ways in which we can summon the world rlHoZQ1MzM8-00052-00032472-00032847 through the Security Council and through other efforts rlHoZQ1MzM8-00053-00032847-00033189 to respond to this latest reckless choice rlHoZQ1MzM8-00054-00033498-00033715 that Kim Jung-un has made. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00055-00033733-00033816 Thank you. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00056-00034955-00035095 - Thank you, John. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00057-00035095-00035487 (speaking in foreign language) rlHoZQ1MzM8-00058-00039664-00039822 - Should I proceed? rlHoZQ1MzM8-00059-00039972-00040089 Is it working? rlHoZQ1MzM8-00060-00040985-00041352 - [John] Do we have a mike that works there? rlHoZQ1MzM8-00061-00041460-00041544 Why don't you come over here? rlHoZQ1MzM8-00062-00041544-00041627 Do you want to come over here? rlHoZQ1MzM8-00063-00041627-00041885 (all laughing) rlHoZQ1MzM8-00064-00041905-00042322 I mean, we're an equal opportunity, microphone sharing. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00065-00043165-00043357 (beep) rlHoZQ1MzM8-00066-00043409-00043549 - Oh, now it's on. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00067-00043549-00043732 Okay, good, very good. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00068-00044076-00044376 Thank you Minister Kishida and John. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00069-00044425-00044828 Earlier this month, when all three of our leaders rlHoZQ1MzM8-00070-00044828-00045103 participated at the East Asian Summit, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00071-00045103-00045503 one non-Asian leader aptly described North Korea rlHoZQ1MzM8-00072-00045574-00045766 as a ticking time bomb. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00073-00045807-00046057 In fact, in less than 24 hours rlHoZQ1MzM8-00074-00046089-00046325 after the EAS leaders adopted rlHoZQ1MzM8-00075-00046325-00046742 the first-ever special declaration on nonproliferation, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00076-00046806-00047067 Pyongyang ridiculed the EAS leaders rlHoZQ1MzM8-00077-00047067-00047268 and the UN Security Council rlHoZQ1MzM8-00078-00047268-00047624 by going ahead with its fifth nuclear test. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00079-00047624-00048040 The recent nuclear test by Pyongyang provided ample proof rlHoZQ1MzM8-00080-00048076-00048493 that its nuclear program has neared the tipping point. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00081-00048534-00048928 Of the five nuclear tests conducted over the past decade, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00082-00048928-00049245 the latest one was the strongest ever. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00083-00049266-00049670 Moreover, the test frequency was significantly reduced rlHoZQ1MzM8-00084-00049670-00049945 from three years to eight months. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00085-00050022-00050373 North Korea also fired 22 ballistic missiles rlHoZQ1MzM8-00086-00050373-00050615 of all types this year alone. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00087-00050648-00051065 This means one ballistic missile almost every 10 days. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00088-00051193-00051578 This is a vivid example of the fanatical recklessness rlHoZQ1MzM8-00089-00051578-00051778 of the Pyongyang regime. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00090-00051803-00052070 With all of these nuclear missile tests, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00091-00052070-00052317 Pyongyang is now at the final stage rlHoZQ1MzM8-00092-00052317-00052526 of nuclear weaponization. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00093-00052571-00052928 They not only have advanced in terms of a capacity, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00094-00052928-00053072 but has made it public rlHoZQ1MzM8-00095-00053072-00053387 that it will actually use those weapons. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00096-00053387-00053770 It has blackmailed preemptive nuclear strikes. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00097-00053775-00054092 What we see is a looming perfect storm rlHoZQ1MzM8-00098-00054105-00054423 that may not only pounce on northeast Asia, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00099-00054423-00054690 but sweep over the entire world. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00100-00054691-00054852 This is the very reason rlHoZQ1MzM8-00101-00054852-00055225 why President Park Geun-hye warned at the recent EAS rlHoZQ1MzM8-00102-00055225-00055453 that if we fail to put a stop rlHoZQ1MzM8-00103-00055453-00055748 on Pyongyang's nuclear ambition today, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00104-00055748-00056056 we'll all come to regret it tomorrow, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00105-00056064-00056250 that this is an unprecedented challenge rlHoZQ1MzM8-00106-00056250-00056450 against the three of us, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00107-00056461-00056662 the members of the Six-Party Talks, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00108-00056662-00056847 the UN Security Council, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00109-00056847-00057150 and the international community as a whole. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00110-00057150-00057386 I recall Dr. Henry Kissinger's rlHoZQ1MzM8-00111-00057386-00057720 International New York Times op-ed a few years ago. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00112-00057720-00058016 He stressed that it would be a shame rlHoZQ1MzM8-00113-00058016-00058286 if the mighty members of the Six-Party Talks rlHoZQ1MzM8-00114-00058286-00058603 cannot take on North Korea's fanatics. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00115-00058641-00058828 To be more precise, however, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00116-00058828-00059053 the shame and ridicule would fall rlHoZQ1MzM8-00117-00059053-00059250 not just on the five members, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00118-00059250-00059574 but the UN Security Council and the UN itself. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00119-00059574-00059907 We are all stakeholders in this respect. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00120-00059909-00060260 What we should now be doing is to put a full stop rlHoZQ1MzM8-00121-00060260-00060584 and roll back Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs rlHoZQ1MzM8-00122-00060584-00060726 once and for all. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00123-00060745-00060985 We shall play all-court pressing, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00124-00060985-00061242 mobilizing whatever means we have rlHoZQ1MzM8-00125-00061242-00061476 to denuclearize North Korea. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00126-00061513-00061745 Our message today is crystal clear. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00127-00061745-00062149 Number one, North Korea cannot continue to deride rlHoZQ1MzM8-00128-00062149-00062432 the Security Council and the United Nations. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00129-00062432-00062719 The Security Council must simply adopt rlHoZQ1MzM8-00130-00062719-00062992 a robust new sanctions resolution rlHoZQ1MzM8-00131-00062992-00063315 and prove its credibility and authority. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00132-00063315-00063663 Number two, Kim Jung-un and North Korean regime rlHoZQ1MzM8-00133-00063663-00064080 cannot get away with all their misbehavior and provocations. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00134-00064085-00064464 If they blindly insist on going down that road, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00135-00064464-00064739 it will be the very path to ruin. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00136-00064857-00065033 The international community as a whole rlHoZQ1MzM8-00137-00065033-00065417 must take advantage of the ongoing UN General Assembly rlHoZQ1MzM8-00138-00065417-00065720 and send out a united and forceful message rlHoZQ1MzM8-00139-00065720-00066028 against Pyongyang's nuclear development. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00140-00066028-00066289 At the same time, we should not lose sight rlHoZQ1MzM8-00141-00066289-00066580 of its dire human rights situation. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00142-00066597-00066915 Number three, North Korea cannot prevail rlHoZQ1MzM8-00143-00066915-00067123 over the international community, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00144-00067123-00067478 including South Korea, United States, and Japan. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00145-00067478-00067823 As the key stakeholders in this nuclear conundrum, rlHoZQ1MzM8-00146-00067823-00068235 the three of us will continue to muster the collective will rlHoZQ1MzM8-00147-00068235-00068440 of the international community to this end. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00148-00068440-00068524 Thank you. rlHoZQ1MzM8-00149-00069102-00069519 - [Fumio] (speaking in foreign language) rmOjphYhXOA-00000-00000003-00000434 Hi guys! This is Le French Mulu and welcome on my fourth video of Fueled by rmOjphYhXOA-00001-00000434-00000878 Kindness. I managed to make it to Mongolia, I'm currently in Ulaanbaatar rmOjphYhXOA-00002-00000878-00001419 and I will leave tomorrow. I've been here for a couple days already and here are rmOjphYhXOA-00003-00001419-00002085 the ten things that I've noticed about Mongolia. Number 1: they have karaoke rmOjphYhXOA-00004-00002085-00002576 everywhere. So it really feels like for the first time I'm actually in an Asian rmOjphYhXOA-00005-00002576-00002865 country! In Kazakhstan I didn't see that many rmOjphYhXOA-00006-00002865-00003435 karaokes, this is crazy! Like everywhere you go, you will find karaokes. I've asked rmOjphYhXOA-00007-00003435-00003939 a couple of my drivers and some random people if they like to do karaoke and rmOjphYhXOA-00008-00003939-00004512 they were unanimous: yes! They loved it! Number 2: they have lots of Korean rmOjphYhXOA-00009-00004512-00005255 restaurants. It's crazy, I'm not sure which between Korean restaurants rmOjphYhXOA-00010-00005255-00005903 and karaokes they have the most. It might be 50/50. Maybe they even have more rmOjphYhXOA-00011-00005903-00006629 Korean restaurants than karaokes. I'm not sure. Number 3: they finally have cold rmOjphYhXOA-00012-00006629-00007197 coffee cans in supermarkets. I've been looking for that one for quite some time rmOjphYhXOA-00013-00007197-00007863 and in Russia, in the Asian part of Russia, I could not really find it. rmOjphYhXOA-00014-00007863-00008522 In Kazakhstan either. It doesn't mean that there are none but here it seems to rmOjphYhXOA-00015-00008522-00009153 be a lot more common. I've been waiting for that one, yes. So I think it's a first rmOjphYhXOA-00016-00009153-00009665 step before Japan and all the crazy vending machines that have cold coffee rmOjphYhXOA-00017-00009665-00010415 all the time. Number 4: the Mongolian language has many sounds that so far I rmOjphYhXOA-00018-00010415-00010932 cannot reproduce. Some vowels, I'm not sure I can distinguish them properly, but rmOjphYhXOA-00019-00010932-00011600 some consonants, even though I hear them I am still unable to make them myself. rmOjphYhXOA-00020-00011600-00012264 Some of them are like KH or SH that seems okay and I'm not sure rmOjphYhXOA-00021-00012264-00012774 if I'm doing it correctly actually but some is more like HSHH and that rmOjphYhXOA-00022-00012774-00013316 starts to be very difficult in a word. Number 5: because I don't speak rmOjphYhXOA-00023-00013316-00013916 Mongolian, sometimes with my drivers or some random rmOjphYhXOA-00024-00013916-00014550 people or other passengers, I try to use logical sequences. For example there was rmOjphYhXOA-00025-00014550-00015315 this time when I tried to ask a young boy how to say 1 2 3 4 5 in Mongolian. So rmOjphYhXOA-00026-00015315-00016059 I went this way: I wrote it on my phone with the digits and the French rmOjphYhXOA-00027-00016059-00016536 version, the English version and then I asked like Mongol Mongol, like the rmOjphYhXOA-00028-00016536-00017043 Mongolian version. And still he was unable to understand what I was trying rmOjphYhXOA-00029-00017043-00018342 to ask him. Same for "I" (Би / Bee), "You" (Ta / Ta) and "He"? And rmOjphYhXOA-00030-00018342-00018855 still unable to understand this logical sequence. So what seems rmOjphYhXOA-00031-00018855-00019251 obvious for some cultures are not necessary obvious for others. And that rmOjphYhXOA-00032-00019251-00020022 was kind of a barrier that I was not expecting at first. Number 6: Mongols live in a rmOjphYhXOA-00033-00020022-00020640 very harsh and tough environment and through natural selection only the ones rmOjphYhXOA-00034-00020640-00021234 who could store all the nutrients managed to survive, I believe. It's rmOjphYhXOA-00035-00021234-00021555 probably the same thing that happened with the Polynesians so they are the rmOjphYhXOA-00036-00021555-00021978 best at storing energy. However, with American fast food, came rmOjphYhXOA-00037-00021978-00022680 very rich diet so what happened with the Polynesians happened the same with rmOjphYhXOA-00038-00022680-00023198 Mongols. When I crossed the border, I saw a lot more overweight and obese people rmOjphYhXOA-00039-00023198-00023751 than in Russia. Number 7: if you come to a Ulanbaatar you will notice that rmOjphYhXOA-00040-00023751-00024135 people honk here all the time, mostly for no reason. rmOjphYhXOA-00041-00024135-00024810 so from dawn till dusk you will hear honking of klaxons all the time, non-stop. rmOjphYhXOA-00042-00024810-00025236 Number 8: when you want to cross the rmOjphYhXOA-00043-00025236-00025883 street, sometimes you will have the zebra, sometimes you will not. And many times, rmOjphYhXOA-00044-00025883-00026394 even if there is the zebra, you will not have a traffic light to rmOjphYhXOA-00045-00026394-00026852 actually give you priority. So you will have to try little by little rmOjphYhXOA-00046-00026852-00027416 and maybe there will be an accident maybe not. But I've noticed that people rmOjphYhXOA-00047-00027416-00028029 do not drive very fast so they should be able to stop before hitting you. rmOjphYhXOA-00048-00028029-00028355 Number 9: while we're still talking about cars, rmOjphYhXOA-00049-00028355-00029120 they have tons of Toyota Prius. In my observation, probably 70% of all the cars rmOjphYhXOA-00050-00029120-00029979 are from Toyota (so it's a good deal) and about half of them are Priuses. I've rmOjphYhXOA-00051-00029979-00030579 heard the number of 28% a couple years ago (or something like that) of all the rmOjphYhXOA-00052-00030579-00031077 cars in Mongolia are Toyota Prius. So that can give you an idea. The other day, in rmOjphYhXOA-00053-00031077-00031570 the morning I was by the street and for about ten seconds there was not a single rmOjphYhXOA-00054-00031570-00032244 engine sound, because all of the vehicles were using electric power. I was told rmOjphYhXOA-00055-00032244-00032714 that one of the reasons is because of the cold during winter time. If you have an rmOjphYhXOA-00056-00032714-00033262 electric engine then you will be able to start your car. If you don't... (tough luck). rmOjphYhXOA-00057-00033262-00034122 And Number 10: the bank notes! It is terrible! To give you an idea they have bank notes all the rmOjphYhXOA-00058-00034122-00034959 way from 10 of their currency to 20,000. The 10, for my part, I couldn't find any rmOjphYhXOA-00059-00034959-00035466 use case where it would be useful. I've been told that in the countryside you rmOjphYhXOA-00060-00035466-00036041 can buy for 1 you can buy one liter of water. So you could still buy rmOjphYhXOA-00061-00036041-00036699 10 liters of water. But personally it's just space that it takes rmOjphYhXOA-00062-00036699-00037275 in the wallet. I've seen people around here carrying huge loads of cash, rmOjphYhXOA-00063-00037275-00037944 like a few hundreds of these banknotes. The biggest one, which is 20,000, rmOjphYhXOA-00064-00037944-00038811 is about 7 euro worth. And the prices in Mongolia, I figured, are about half the rmOjphYhXOA-00065-00038811-00039596 prices of Western Europe. So it's about as if the biggest banknote was 15 to 20 rmOjphYhXOA-00066-00039596-00039940 euros. You can imagine that you can't buy much with that. rmOjphYhXOA-00067-00039940-00040436 So that's it for today! That was the 10 things that I noticed in Mongolia. So rmOjphYhXOA-00068-00040436-00040936 as you may have noticed I'm currently in a guest house called MilkyWay and the rmOjphYhXOA-00069-00040936-00041527 owner of this guest house, Oka, has been very chill so if you ever go to Ulanbaatar rmOjphYhXOA-00070-00041527-00042301 just come to visit him. I am not sponsored. So as usual don't forget to rmOjphYhXOA-00071-00042301-00042721 leave me a comment below if you have any observation about these ten points or rmOjphYhXOA-00072-00042721-00043126 any other that you might have to share. You can follow me on Twitter, Instagram rmOjphYhXOA-00073-00043126-00043647 and the blog as well. Don't forget to put a thumbs up if you like the video and rmOjphYhXOA-00074-00043736-00044010 I'll see you next time! rmOjphYhXOA-00075-00045298-00045498 Yeah okay, that's it. rmOjphYhXOA-00076-00046456-00046910 Winter is very cold... so I've heard, but I'm in summer. rmOjphYhXOA-00077-00047424-00048212 Like woohoo, I'm in summer b******! I'll be gone when it's cold! rmZWrxDDSy0-00000-00000600-00001592 the best way to be happy every day rmZWrxDDSy0-00001-00002184-00002544 good evening i'm joanie fuentes for king lottery rmZWrxDDSy0-00002-00002544-00003272 today is july 9th 2021 we are being supervised and certified by our government officials now rmZWrxDDSy0-00003-00003272-00003840 for our first game sxm lottery pick 3 where you have the chance to win 700 rmZWrxDDSy0-00004-00003840-00004864 if you choose play straight or 80 if you just play box the winning numbers victory are three three rmZWrxDDSy0-00005-00005136-00005712 eight now for our second game at the time lottery pick for where you have the chance rmZWrxDDSy0-00006-00005712-00006032 to win three thousand five hundred dollars if you just play straight rmZWrxDDSy0-00007-00006032-00006423 or two hundred dollars if you just play box the winning numbers before r rmZWrxDDSy0-00008-00006704-00008064 six three nine zero now over to cheyenne thank you joanie remember to watch us live rmZWrxDDSy0-00009-00008064-00008720 on tv carriage facebook and youtube or visit our website at king kinglotteryxxm.com rmZWrxDDSy0-00010-00008720-00009224 you can also watch us live in the dominican republic on tile union and mega vision rmZWrxDDSy0-00011-00009224-00009720 now for our next game phillipsburg lottery in first place for every dollar you spend rmZWrxDDSy0-00012-00009720-00010184 you have a chance to win 3 dollars our first set of winning numbers are rmZWrxDDSy0-00013-00010408-00010696 zero three rmZWrxDDSy0-00014-00010912-00011528 seven eight in second place for every dollar you spend you have rmZWrxDDSy0-00015-00011528-00011904 a chance to win one thousand dollars our second set of winning numbers are rmZWrxDDSy0-00016-00012392-00012784 five seven one rmZWrxDDSy0-00017-00013072-00014184 seven and a third place for every dollar you spend you have a chance to win five hundred dollars rmZWrxDDSy0-00018-00014360-00015384 zero five eight nine and now for our final game lot of pool where you have a chance rmZWrxDDSy0-00019-00015384-00015719 to win three hundred thousand dollars if you have all four winning numbers rmZWrxDDSy0-00020-00015719-00016088 seven hundred dollars for three million numbers twenty dollars for two winning numbers rmZWrxDDSy0-00021-00016088-00016984 and if you have one mini number you get your dollar back our four winning numbers for lotto rmZWrxDDSy0-00022-00018928-00020160 88 17 18 and 57 once again 88 17 18 and 57 we will now have a recap of follow today's winning numbers rmZWrxDDSy0-00023-00020224-00021288 kimila 38 63 19 pick 3 338 pick 4 6 3 9 0 pillersburg lottery first place zero three seven rmZWrxDDSy0-00024-00021288-00021944 eight second place five seven one seven third place zero five eight nine our final game lotto rmZWrxDDSy0-00025-00021944-00022896 pool 88 17 18 and 57. congratulations to all our winners and don't forget to rmZWrxDDSy0-00026-00022896-00023984 tune in with us tomorrow at 12 30 on tv carib thank you and have a great evening rmZWrxDDSy0-00027-00024232-00024240 i soYKhcoSwoE-00000-00000015-00000459 - Okay, everyone, thank you for joining today's webinar, soYKhcoSwoE-00001-00000459-00000901 hosted in conjunction with Social Media Week and Suzy. soYKhcoSwoE-00002-00000989-00001284 I'm Matt Britton, I'm the CEO of Suzy. soYKhcoSwoE-00003-00001284-00001575 For those of you who have been on some of our past webinars, soYKhcoSwoE-00004-00001575-00001780 you know a little bit about me and what Suzy does, soYKhcoSwoE-00005-00001780-00002000 but I'm incredibly excited here today soYKhcoSwoE-00006-00002000-00002321 to welcome longtime friend and colleague. soYKhcoSwoE-00007-00002321-00002744 Sometimes my secret idol, (chuckles) Toby Daniels. soYKhcoSwoE-00008-00002744-00002895 Toby, it's great to see you virtually, soYKhcoSwoE-00009-00002895-00003190 definitely missing you in person, but thank you for joining. soYKhcoSwoE-00010-00003278-00003361 - Thanks for having me. soYKhcoSwoE-00011-00003361-00003549 I'm just looking at my photograph on this slide here, soYKhcoSwoE-00012-00003549-00003792 I barely even recognize who that guy is, soYKhcoSwoE-00013-00003792-00004013 but, I appreciate you. soYKhcoSwoE-00014-00004013-00004231 This is my sort of my COVID look, soYKhcoSwoE-00015-00004231-00004405 but I appreciate you inviting me to be part of this. soYKhcoSwoE-00016-00004405-00004514 Thanks so much. soYKhcoSwoE-00017-00004514-00004713 - You got the quarantine beard, soYKhcoSwoE-00018-00004713-00004803 but you're able to pull it off. soYKhcoSwoE-00019-00004803-00004919 So good for you. soYKhcoSwoE-00020-00004919-00005194 So Toby and I wanted to get together today soYKhcoSwoE-00021-00005194-00005510 and share some of the research that we found at Suzy soYKhcoSwoE-00022-00005510-00005637 and some of the insights, soYKhcoSwoE-00023-00005637-00005865 Toby is seeing from his world Social Media Week soYKhcoSwoE-00024-00005865-00006078 in terms of how the use of social media soYKhcoSwoE-00025-00006078-00006368 has evolved during this crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-00026-00006368-00006564 For those of you who don't know what Suzy is, soYKhcoSwoE-00027-00006564-00006869 we are a real-time market research platform. soYKhcoSwoE-00028-00006869-00007091 We work with hundreds of brands to allow them soYKhcoSwoE-00029-00007091-00007315 to have their finger on the pulse of the consumer soYKhcoSwoE-00030-00007315-00007568 by engaging in on-demand research, soYKhcoSwoE-00031-00007568-00007755 across a variety of different sectors. soYKhcoSwoE-00032-00007755-00008095 And we used our tool comprehensively soYKhcoSwoE-00033-00008095-00008420 to identify data that would inform our insights. soYKhcoSwoE-00034-00008420-00008798 So all the information you're gonna be seeing today is, soYKhcoSwoE-00035-00008798-00008930 unless called out otherwise soYKhcoSwoE-00036-00008930-00009241 was used from our Suzy market research tool. soYKhcoSwoE-00037-00009241-00009536 One last thing about Suzy is we have created an insights hub soYKhcoSwoE-00038-00009536-00009817 located at suzy.com/covid19. soYKhcoSwoE-00039-00009817-00010110 We're continually on a daily basis pushing out stats soYKhcoSwoE-00040-00010110-00010280 and insights and things that we're finding soYKhcoSwoE-00041-00010280-00010457 in terms of how this crisis is impacting soYKhcoSwoE-00042-00010457-00010716 a variety of different industries and the consumer. soYKhcoSwoE-00043-00010716-00010889 So feel free to check that out. soYKhcoSwoE-00044-00010889-00011150 And I hope you guys get value from it. soYKhcoSwoE-00045-00011150-00011319 So as I mentioned earlier, soYKhcoSwoE-00046-00011319-00011667 we used Suzy to help inform the insights from the study. soYKhcoSwoE-00047-00011667-00011940 We launched one study the week of April 20th soYKhcoSwoE-00048-00011940-00012324 to a sample size of 829 consumers. soYKhcoSwoE-00049-00012324-00012407 The sample size, of course, soYKhcoSwoE-00050-00012407-00012652 are actually a representative of the US consumer soYKhcoSwoE-00051-00012652-00012855 and since it's weighted across age, gender, soYKhcoSwoE-00052-00012855-00013038 ethnicity, and region. soYKhcoSwoE-00053-00013038-00013297 We will also be making this deck available soYKhcoSwoE-00054-00013297-00013499 as well as the recording of this webinar soYKhcoSwoE-00055-00013499-00013653 available to everyone. soYKhcoSwoE-00056-00013653-00013838 After the presentation, soYKhcoSwoE-00057-00013838-00014015 if you register you'll be getting an email, soYKhcoSwoE-00058-00014015-00014207 otherwise, you can feel free to reach out to us soYKhcoSwoE-00059-00014207-00014530 and of course share it with as many people as you want. soYKhcoSwoE-00060-00014530-00014721 The purpose of this is really just to add value soYKhcoSwoE-00061-00014721-00014993 and show people what we're seeing in the space. soYKhcoSwoE-00062-00015113-00015407 So we have broken down today's presentation soYKhcoSwoE-00063-00015407-00015743 into four general broad topics and it's all about soYKhcoSwoE-00064-00015743-00016007 how social media is impacting new consumer, soYKhcoSwoE-00065-00016007-00016169 the first of which is people, soYKhcoSwoE-00066-00016169-00016482 how are consumers using social media differently soYKhcoSwoE-00067-00016482-00016731 to communicate with other consumers, friends, soYKhcoSwoE-00068-00016731-00017008 family members, colleagues, coworkers, et cetera, soYKhcoSwoE-00069-00017008-00017147 throughout this crisis? soYKhcoSwoE-00070-00017147-00017331 The second of which is information. soYKhcoSwoE-00071-00017331-00017699 How are consumers using social media to access information, soYKhcoSwoE-00072-00017699-00017961 timely information, news about the crisis soYKhcoSwoE-00073-00017961-00018261 and about how they should interact with both brands soYKhcoSwoE-00074-00018261-00018556 and businesses and the government during this crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-00075-00018556-00018694 So we'll be getting into that. soYKhcoSwoE-00076-00018694-00018822 The third is entertainment, soYKhcoSwoE-00077-00018822-00019105 how consumers are using social media to escape soYKhcoSwoE-00078-00019105-00019344 and tap into much-needed entertainment soYKhcoSwoE-00079-00019344-00019562 and relief during this time. soYKhcoSwoE-00080-00019562-00019740 And then lastly, brands. soYKhcoSwoE-00081-00019740-00019972 How are brands playing a role in this crisis, soYKhcoSwoE-00082-00019972-00020244 in the use of social media at crafting their narrative soYKhcoSwoE-00083-00020244-00020441 and building their brands with consumers? soYKhcoSwoE-00084-00020441-00020868 So when Toby and I were talking about how to structure this, soYKhcoSwoE-00085-00020868-00021103 we thought this was the most simplest form. soYKhcoSwoE-00086-00021103-00021401 We are gonna have some pretty neat interactive elements here soYKhcoSwoE-00087-00021401-00021581 that Toby will drive us through in terms of polling soYKhcoSwoE-00088-00021581-00021786 that we're trying out during this webinar as well. soYKhcoSwoE-00089-00021786-00021981 And we're gonna dive into it. soYKhcoSwoE-00090-00021981-00022135 So unless you have anything else Toby, soYKhcoSwoE-00091-00022135-00022218 should we just get started? soYKhcoSwoE-00092-00022218-00022410 - Well, I just had mentioned that the way soYKhcoSwoE-00093-00022410-00022581 that we've structured today's webinar soYKhcoSwoE-00094-00022581-00022739 is to kind of give people a little bit of a sense soYKhcoSwoE-00095-00022739-00022873 of what we're going to be going over. soYKhcoSwoE-00096-00022873-00023151 These four sections will be underpinned soYKhcoSwoE-00097-00023151-00023413 by the unpacking of the research that we've done soYKhcoSwoE-00098-00023413-00023672 and the sharing of insights in each of the different areas soYKhcoSwoE-00099-00023672-00023835 at the end of each section, soYKhcoSwoE-00100-00023835-00024131 and it's important for everyone to sort of be aware of. soYKhcoSwoE-00101-00024131-00024396 We will be launching a poll question soYKhcoSwoE-00102-00024396-00024625 which we're looking for everyone to interact with soYKhcoSwoE-00103-00024625-00024776 and answer. soYKhcoSwoE-00104-00024776-00025130 And we'll also sort of have sort of a quick sort of Q and A soYKhcoSwoE-00105-00025130-00025257 discussion between myself and Matt soYKhcoSwoE-00106-00025257-00025397 at the end of each section. soYKhcoSwoE-00107-00025397-00025731 We also obviously will be inviting questions soYKhcoSwoE-00108-00025731-00025972 over the course of the webinar soYKhcoSwoE-00109-00025972-00026220 and at the end of the webinar we'll take questions soYKhcoSwoE-00110-00026220-00026352 and hopefully, we'll have some time soYKhcoSwoE-00111-00026352-00026537 for some really like interactive Q and A. soYKhcoSwoE-00112-00026537-00026730 So, lets get on with it. soYKhcoSwoE-00113-00026730-00026883 - Yeah, and once again, thank you all for joining. soYKhcoSwoE-00114-00026883-00027087 We hope everyone is fairing as well as possible soYKhcoSwoE-00115-00027087-00027213 through all this. soYKhcoSwoE-00116-00027213-00027494 So the first section is about connecting with people soYKhcoSwoE-00117-00027494-00027823 and how social media has impacted the way soYKhcoSwoE-00118-00027823-00028049 that consumers connect with each other soYKhcoSwoE-00119-00028049-00028295 in ways we've never really seen before soYKhcoSwoE-00120-00028295-00028513 prior to this crisis occurring. soYKhcoSwoE-00121-00028513-00028744 Consumers are generally using social media soYKhcoSwoE-00122-00028744-00029181 far more during this crisis than they were before it started soYKhcoSwoE-00123-00029181-00029489 and you could probably guess a lot of reasons why. soYKhcoSwoE-00124-00029489-00029689 First and foremost, especially it goes to younger kids, soYKhcoSwoE-00125-00029689-00029974 they're able to be on their phones in between classes now soYKhcoSwoE-00126-00029974-00030142 where many kids who went to school soYKhcoSwoE-00127-00030142-00030501 prior to that weren't able to access their phone soYKhcoSwoE-00128-00030501-00030700 during the school day and school hours. soYKhcoSwoE-00129-00030700-00030926 And the same probably goes for many of us. soYKhcoSwoE-00130-00030926-00031145 I think with the merging of our home life soYKhcoSwoE-00131-00031145-00031249 and our business life, soYKhcoSwoE-00132-00031249-00031499 we'd probably find ourselves kind of mixing back soYKhcoSwoE-00133-00031499-00031689 and forth throughout, you know, every day. soYKhcoSwoE-00134-00031689-00031910 And because of it, many consumers are using social media soYKhcoSwoE-00135-00031910-00032126 and more than they ever have in the past. soYKhcoSwoE-00136-00032126-00032380 And in that regard, over half of consumers told us soYKhcoSwoE-00137-00032380-00032520 they're not really paying attention soYKhcoSwoE-00138-00032520-00032657 to amount of time they're spending soYKhcoSwoE-00139-00032657-00032859 on social media platforms. soYKhcoSwoE-00140-00032859-00033093 The new iOS a couple of years ago soYKhcoSwoE-00141-00033093-00033371 allowed you to basically control your screen time soYKhcoSwoE-00142-00033371-00033744 and Instagram about a year ago basically started saying, soYKhcoSwoE-00143-00033744-00033921 "You've been on Instagram for 45 minutes." soYKhcoSwoE-00144-00033921-00034004 I see that a lot now. soYKhcoSwoE-00145-00034004-00034125 I used to not see it. soYKhcoSwoE-00146-00034125-00034348 I don't know, Toby are using social media more soYKhcoSwoE-00147-00034348-00034431 than you used to? soYKhcoSwoE-00148-00034431-00034556 - Yeah, I am. soYKhcoSwoE-00149-00034556-00034670 And I think it's really important to understand soYKhcoSwoE-00150-00034670-00034981 that some of the fundamental reasons why that's the case. soYKhcoSwoE-00151-00034981-00035239 And of course, we're all sort of sheltering in place. soYKhcoSwoE-00152-00035239-00035487 We are all physically isolated from one another soYKhcoSwoE-00153-00035487-00035777 and that's obviously going to make us want to reach out soYKhcoSwoE-00154-00035777-00036091 and connect much more than we perhaps would normally. soYKhcoSwoE-00155-00036091-00036174 Also, we have to think about the ways soYKhcoSwoE-00156-00036174-00036379 in which our days of life change. soYKhcoSwoE-00157-00036379-00036603 The way that the structure of our day, we used to get up, soYKhcoSwoE-00158-00036603-00036816 get dressed, go to work, come home. soYKhcoSwoE-00159-00036816-00036971 Our days were just like organized soYKhcoSwoE-00160-00036971-00037181 in sort of very specific sections. soYKhcoSwoE-00161-00037181-00037426 Now our days are still completely fluid, soYKhcoSwoE-00162-00037426-00037582 days merge into each other soYKhcoSwoE-00163-00037582-00037820 and so our ability to even like check soYKhcoSwoE-00164-00037820-00038068 how much time we're spending on social media is just made soYKhcoSwoE-00165-00038068-00038207 that much more difficult. soYKhcoSwoE-00166-00038207-00038417 And in some ways, it's a good thing and of course, soYKhcoSwoE-00167-00038417-00038583 isn't necessarily always positive soYKhcoSwoE-00168-00038583-00038803 and we're gonna have to sort of look very closely at some soYKhcoSwoE-00169-00038803-00039027 of the kind of like the more detrimental kind of impacts soYKhcoSwoE-00170-00039027-00039306 and effects of the fact that we are using some social media soYKhcoSwoE-00171-00039306-00039513 so much more than we were before. soYKhcoSwoE-00172-00039513-00039596 - Yep. soYKhcoSwoE-00173-00039682-00039904 We dug a little bit deeper into what are the top platform soYKhcoSwoE-00174-00039904-00040090 for consumers during the crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-00175-00040090-00040242 And despite all the talk soYKhcoSwoE-00176-00040242-00040410 that we've heard over the last five years soYKhcoSwoE-00177-00040410-00040709 of Facebook being dead, it's still really reigned supreme soYKhcoSwoE-00178-00040709-00040989 amongst mainstream America soYKhcoSwoE-00179-00040989-00041189 in terms of the most used platform, soYKhcoSwoE-00180-00041189-00041312 YouTube coming in second, soYKhcoSwoE-00181-00041312-00041632 obviously YouTube being a huge entertainment-based platform. soYKhcoSwoE-00182-00041632-00041885 Instagram coming in third and you know, soYKhcoSwoE-00183-00041885-00042161 I had some suspicious going into this soYKhcoSwoE-00184-00042161-00042332 that maybe Instagram would be used slightly less soYKhcoSwoE-00185-00042332-00042512 just because Instagram, soYKhcoSwoE-00186-00042512-00042794 its core purpose was really about sharing experiences soYKhcoSwoE-00187-00042794-00043054 and people are having less experiences now by nature. soYKhcoSwoE-00188-00043054-00043320 But you do find people finding very creative ways soYKhcoSwoE-00189-00043320-00043753 to use Instagram and then TikTok really starting to surface soYKhcoSwoE-00190-00043753-00043860 and really starting to grow. soYKhcoSwoE-00191-00043860-00044051 And we're gonna be really diving deep into TikTok, soYKhcoSwoE-00192-00044051-00044268 a little bit later in this presentation. soYKhcoSwoE-00193-00044268-00044425 But I mean, a key point is that soYKhcoSwoE-00194-00044425-00044680 amongst the 18 to 24 demographic, soYKhcoSwoE-00195-00044680-00044973 TikTok is now the primary platform for consumers. soYKhcoSwoE-00196-00044973-00045170 This is a platform that no one was really talking about soYKhcoSwoE-00197-00045170-00045263 two years ago. soYKhcoSwoE-00198-00045263-00045626 Instagram really was reigning supreme for such a long time. soYKhcoSwoE-00199-00045626-00045896 Snapchat made its run at the 18 to 24 demographic soYKhcoSwoE-00200-00045896-00046077 and now TikTok has really taken over soYKhcoSwoE-00201-00046077-00046313 as the de-facto platform and it's something soYKhcoSwoE-00202-00046313-00046501 that I think more brands need to pay attention to soYKhcoSwoE-00203-00046501-00046706 both during this crisis and then coming out of it. soYKhcoSwoE-00204-00046706-00046876 - Yeah, I think also, I mean first of all, soYKhcoSwoE-00205-00046876-00047149 we've seen a massive increase in the number of people soYKhcoSwoE-00206-00047149-00047405 who had either reactivating their Facebook accounts soYKhcoSwoE-00207-00047405-00047541 or joining Facebook for the first time soYKhcoSwoE-00208-00047541-00047858 because it offers such an incredibly important utility soYKhcoSwoE-00209-00047858-00047960 at this time in terms soYKhcoSwoE-00210-00047960-00048133 of how we connect with our friends and family. soYKhcoSwoE-00211-00048133-00048228 That was always the case, soYKhcoSwoE-00212-00048228-00048465 but people are now seeking out that use of social media soYKhcoSwoE-00213-00048465-00048659 so much more today than they were before. soYKhcoSwoE-00214-00048659-00048810 And of course, like so utility is an important thing. soYKhcoSwoE-00215-00048810-00048972 And of course entertainment, soYKhcoSwoE-00216-00048972-00049148 access of entertainment is an important thing as well soYKhcoSwoE-00217-00049148-00049534 because everybody at this time needs that escape, soYKhcoSwoE-00218-00049666-00049814 needs to sort of access content soYKhcoSwoE-00219-00049814-00049969 and be able to connect with like celebrities soYKhcoSwoE-00220-00049969-00050223 and entertainment just to make us sort of feel-good soYKhcoSwoE-00221-00050223-00050507 and to enable us to get through the day. soYKhcoSwoE-00222-00050507-00050641 - Yup, absolutely. soYKhcoSwoE-00223-00050641-00050868 And in that regard, sales of off-premise liquors soYKhcoSwoE-00224-00050868-00051136 is also up 30% during this crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-00225-00051136-00051378 So everyone's got it different, by some people with TikTok, soYKhcoSwoE-00226-00051378-00051532 some people it's vodka, soYKhcoSwoE-00227-00051532-00051879 but we that people definitely need that sort of escape, soYKhcoSwoE-00228-00051879-00052158 with all the crazy news surrounding us. soYKhcoSwoE-00229-00052158-00052296 So when we dug deeper to consumers soYKhcoSwoE-00230-00052296-00052544 or to how they're using social media soYKhcoSwoE-00231-00052544-00052741 we really found a bifurcation. soYKhcoSwoE-00232-00052741-00052970 55% of consumers are using it primarily soYKhcoSwoE-00233-00052970-00053158 to communicate with other people, friends and family, soYKhcoSwoE-00234-00053158-00053466 and about a third are using it really to stay up to date soYKhcoSwoE-00235-00053466-00053671 with news and current events. soYKhcoSwoE-00236-00053671-00053958 When we did our state of the US consumer webinar, soYKhcoSwoE-00237-00053958-00054129 which Suzy has now done three of soYKhcoSwoE-00238-00054129-00054324 and we're doing on a biweekly basis, soYKhcoSwoE-00239-00054324-00054541 we identified some interesting statistics soYKhcoSwoE-00240-00054541-00054812 including the fact that consumers really are leaning soYKhcoSwoE-00241-00054812-00055066 into traditional newspaper brands. soYKhcoSwoE-00242-00055066-00055184 In terms of who they trust. soYKhcoSwoE-00243-00055184-00055399 And in a world where everyone says print is dead. soYKhcoSwoE-00244-00055399-00055766 I thought that was quite provocative that we uncover that. soYKhcoSwoE-00245-00055766-00055917 But on the same token, soYKhcoSwoE-00246-00055917-00056068 consumers are also going to social media soYKhcoSwoE-00247-00056068-00056375 and different channels to stay in touch with current events. soYKhcoSwoE-00248-00056572-00056855 Why are consumers turning to social platforms soYKhcoSwoE-00249-00056855-00056939 to communicate? soYKhcoSwoE-00250-00056939-00057130 Well, obviously, soYKhcoSwoE-00251-00057130-00057276 they feel that they have a connection there. soYKhcoSwoE-00252-00057276-00057467 They have their network's there. soYKhcoSwoE-00253-00057467-00057572 They feel it's easy soYKhcoSwoE-00254-00057572-00057776 and they feel it's a good way to build community. soYKhcoSwoE-00255-00057776-00057916 However, obviously, soYKhcoSwoE-00256-00057916-00058219 with any crisis you're gonna have negativity creep in. soYKhcoSwoE-00257-00058219-00058360 Some consumers actually think soYKhcoSwoE-00258-00058360-00058664 that social media is an impersonal way to connect soYKhcoSwoE-00259-00058664-00058887 and at a time where many people wanna lean soYKhcoSwoE-00260-00058887-00059197 into closer friends and more tight-knit community. soYKhcoSwoE-00261-00059197-00059512 In that regard, they'd rather actually, soYKhcoSwoE-00262-00059512-00059716 use other mediums to communicate. soYKhcoSwoE-00263-00059716-00060011 And there obviously is the notion of misinformation soYKhcoSwoE-00264-00060011-00060311 whether it's companies putting out truly fake news soYKhcoSwoE-00265-00060311-00060494 or trying to sell masks soYKhcoSwoE-00266-00060494-00060603 when they're really not selling masks. soYKhcoSwoE-00267-00060603-00060924 We've obviously seen an evil side come out to this soYKhcoSwoE-00268-00060924-00061110 as you will in any crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-00269-00061110-00061449 And obviously consumers are very much aware of that. soYKhcoSwoE-00270-00061449-00061621 - Yeah, and I think I'd add to that, soYKhcoSwoE-00271-00061621-00061907 what's unique about the current situation soYKhcoSwoE-00272-00061907-00062242 is that we are all experiencing the same crisis soYKhcoSwoE-00273-00062242-00062411 at the same time. soYKhcoSwoE-00274-00062411-00062544 I think there's a wonderful quote soYKhcoSwoE-00275-00062544-00062713 that I sort of stole from someone, soYKhcoSwoE-00276-00062713-00062971 which is like, we're not necessarily in the same boat, soYKhcoSwoE-00277-00062971-00063207 but we are all experiencing the same storm. soYKhcoSwoE-00278-00063207-00063326 And that's important about that soYKhcoSwoE-00279-00063326-00063583 is to think about it in context to communication. soYKhcoSwoE-00280-00063583-00063787 Context drives communication, soYKhcoSwoE-00281-00063787-00064160 context is the way in which we sort of like organize around soYKhcoSwoE-00282-00064160-00064301 the things that we care about. soYKhcoSwoE-00283-00064301-00064598 And shared context is obviously a very powerful driver soYKhcoSwoE-00284-00064598-00064716 of connection. soYKhcoSwoE-00285-00064716-00064886 I think that's a big factor soYKhcoSwoE-00286-00064886-00065076 when we look at some of these numbers. soYKhcoSwoE-00287-00065204-00065319 - Absolutely. soYKhcoSwoE-00288-00065319-00065582 So this was really interesting 'cause when we ask consumers soYKhcoSwoE-00289-00065582-00065792 when you're keeping in touch with friends and family, soYKhcoSwoE-00290-00065792-00066113 what channel or platform do you use the most? soYKhcoSwoE-00291-00066113-00066327 And the good old fashioned telephone soYKhcoSwoE-00292-00066327-00066570 is one that popped up for many consumers soYKhcoSwoE-00293-00066570-00066692 as one that they still use. soYKhcoSwoE-00294-00066692-00067023 And I think we forget that the telephone still exists now. soYKhcoSwoE-00295-00067023-00067255 People are probably aren't using landlines anymore, soYKhcoSwoE-00296-00067255-00067486 but they are still making phone calls. soYKhcoSwoE-00297-00067486-00067664 Facebook obviously a core way soYKhcoSwoE-00298-00067664-00067890 and you start to see some new platforms creep up. soYKhcoSwoE-00299-00067890-00068180 You talk about the consumerization of the enterprise soYKhcoSwoE-00300-00068180-00068378 and enterprise-level tools soYKhcoSwoE-00301-00068378-00068628 actually being adopted by consumers through this. soYKhcoSwoE-00302-00068628-00068880 And lo and behold, you see a tool like Zoom soYKhcoSwoE-00303-00068880-00069166 where nearly 20% of consumers now we're saying soYKhcoSwoE-00304-00069166-00069315 that they're using Zoom to keep in touch with friends soYKhcoSwoE-00305-00069315-00069597 and family, this is a tool that very few people soYKhcoSwoE-00306-00069597-00069763 outside of the business world really knew soYKhcoSwoE-00307-00069763-00069875 about going into this. soYKhcoSwoE-00308-00069875-00070105 And now it's very quickly become a consumer soYKhcoSwoE-00309-00070105-00070292 brand going from 10 million users soYKhcoSwoE-00310-00070292-00070613 to nearly 300 million users throughout this crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-00311-00070613-00070821 (mumble) Go one. soYKhcoSwoE-00312-00070821-00071072 - Quick anecdote on that. soYKhcoSwoE-00313-00071072-00071304 It's also interesting to see the growth soYKhcoSwoE-00314-00071304-00071446 across these different sort of platforms soYKhcoSwoE-00315-00071446-00071767 and channels across demographics as well. soYKhcoSwoE-00316-00071767-00072018 I actually hosted a birthday party soYKhcoSwoE-00317-00072018-00072200 for my two-year-old daughter soYKhcoSwoE-00318-00072200-00072477 and I was inviting my mum to join via Zoom and I said, soYKhcoSwoE-00319-00072477-00072701 "Mom, you're gonna have to download the Zoom app." soYKhcoSwoE-00320-00072701-00072809 And she says, "What are you talking about? soYKhcoSwoE-00321-00072809-00072981 "I use it for church every week." soYKhcoSwoE-00322-00073091-00073278 - Yeah, it's incredible in terms of soYKhcoSwoE-00323-00073278-00073463 how quickly that's obviously spread. soYKhcoSwoE-00324-00073463-00073569 And brands know it. soYKhcoSwoE-00325-00073569-00073924 Brands know that Zoom has now been soYKhcoSwoE-00326-00073924-00074291 kind of pushed to the tip of the tongue, soYKhcoSwoE-00327-00074291-00074400 there's so many different consumers soYKhcoSwoE-00328-00074400-00074562 who didn't know it prior, soYKhcoSwoE-00329-00074562-00074866 Burger King is offering free Whoppers for consumers soYKhcoSwoE-00330-00074866-00075315 that's using their out of home billboards soYKhcoSwoE-00331-00075315-00075420 as Zoom backgrounds. soYKhcoSwoE-00332-00075420-00075678 So they're basically saying, "Interact with our ads soYKhcoSwoE-00333-00075678-00075913 "and bring it to Zoom and we'll give you a free Whopper." soYKhcoSwoE-00334-00075913-00076182 And it's interesting activation soYKhcoSwoE-00335-00076182-00076382 for a brand like Burger King who is always doing, soYKhcoSwoE-00336-00076382-00076578 I feel like interesting and innovative things soYKhcoSwoE-00337-00076578-00077064 in social media to really grab onto this trend. soYKhcoSwoE-00338-00077064-00077347 But now obviously is what always seems soYKhcoSwoE-00339-00077347-00077555 to happen with every emerging tech tool. soYKhcoSwoE-00340-00077555-00077721 The big Titans come in, right? soYKhcoSwoE-00341-00077721-00078027 So Zoom took off and then Microsoft obviously soYKhcoSwoE-00342-00078027-00078249 made a huge push with Microsoft Teams soYKhcoSwoE-00343-00078249-00078528 and now you have Google launching a Zoom rival called Meet soYKhcoSwoE-00344-00078528-00078819 that they're obviously offering free to consumers. soYKhcoSwoE-00345-00078819-00079139 They are not charging consumers to use. soYKhcoSwoE-00346-00079139-00079338 Most of the functionality with Zoom, soYKhcoSwoE-00347-00079338-00079468 if you're not a paid subscriber, soYKhcoSwoE-00348-00079468-00079666 you get cut off after a certain amount of time. soYKhcoSwoE-00349-00079666-00079915 And Google is really saying, you know, this is our time soYKhcoSwoE-00350-00079915-00080168 and we're a trusted technology company. soYKhcoSwoE-00351-00080168-00080330 I don't know Toby, if you have thoughts soYKhcoSwoE-00352-00080330-00080625 in terms of the big platforms getting into video sharing soYKhcoSwoE-00353-00080625-00080710 and what we see in the future soYKhcoSwoE-00354-00080710-00080924 maybe with other entrance into the space. soYKhcoSwoE-00355-00080924-00081047 - Well, I think the key thing, soYKhcoSwoE-00356-00081047-00081329 so I think we're seeing the biggest, one of the biggest, soYKhcoSwoE-00357-00081329-00081623 if not the biggest shift in user behavior, soYKhcoSwoE-00358-00081623-00081759 in human behavior. soYKhcoSwoE-00359-00081759-00082046 Probably actually since like the birth of the PC soYKhcoSwoE-00360-00082046-00082200 and the advent of the internet. soYKhcoSwoE-00361-00082200-00082408 Because of course like everyone is sharing a pace. soYKhcoSwoE-00362-00082408-00082674 Everyone is working remotely and everyone has to, soYKhcoSwoE-00363-00082674-00082808 they don't have much of a choice. soYKhcoSwoE-00364-00082808-00082981 Start to use these different tools soYKhcoSwoE-00365-00082981-00083209 and technologies just to be functional in life, soYKhcoSwoE-00366-00083209-00083349 not just to sort of stay in touch with their friends soYKhcoSwoE-00367-00083349-00083714 and family but also just to be productive as professionals. soYKhcoSwoE-00368-00083714-00083917 So that shift in sort of human soYKhcoSwoE-00369-00083917-00084131 and user behavior is really important. soYKhcoSwoE-00370-00084131-00084310 And of course, many of the technology companies soYKhcoSwoE-00371-00084310-00084465 have already developed these types soYKhcoSwoE-00372-00084465-00084607 of video conferencing technologies. soYKhcoSwoE-00373-00084607-00084743 But because we're now seeing the way soYKhcoSwoE-00374-00084743-00084889 in which they're being used, soYKhcoSwoE-00375-00084889-00085059 the technology companies are very rapidly soYKhcoSwoE-00376-00085059-00085332 like shipping new products or updates to these products. soYKhcoSwoE-00377-00085332-00085741 Just sort of try and ride that kind of user behavior wave. soYKhcoSwoE-00378-00085741-00085950 Of course, we have to talk about like Facebook as well. soYKhcoSwoE-00379-00085950-00086051 Facebook Messenger Rooms just launched soYKhcoSwoE-00380-00086051-00086255 I think for the last few days. soYKhcoSwoE-00381-00086255-00086421 So that's their entrance into this particular soYKhcoSwoE-00382-00086421-00086640 kind of part of the market. soYKhcoSwoE-00383-00086640-00086744 And ultimately I think what's important to me, soYKhcoSwoE-00384-00086744-00086925 it's sort of like want to ask the question, soYKhcoSwoE-00385-00086925-00087192 well who are gonna the winners in this type of situation soYKhcoSwoE-00386-00087192-00087371 now is you know, Zooms obviously grown a lot. soYKhcoSwoE-00387-00087371-00087481 Is it gonna stick around? soYKhcoSwoE-00388-00087481-00087564 We don't know. soYKhcoSwoE-00389-00087564-00087728 But what's key, when you talk about Microsoft Teams, soYKhcoSwoE-00390-00087728-00087967 when we talk about Google Meet soYKhcoSwoE-00391-00087967-00088154 or you talk about Facebook Messenger Rooms soYKhcoSwoE-00392-00088154-00088345 is the fact that they are already plugged soYKhcoSwoE-00393-00088345-00088778 into these massive platforms that already have huge scale soYKhcoSwoE-00394-00088778-00088924 and 300 million might sound a lot, soYKhcoSwoE-00395-00088924-00089122 but when you're a Facebook platform or your Instagram, soYKhcoSwoE-00396-00089122-00089288 or you're talking in the billions, soYKhcoSwoE-00397-00089288-00089438 it's pretty tiny in comparison. soYKhcoSwoE-00398-00089438-00089521 So it's gonna be interesting to see. soYKhcoSwoE-00399-00089521-00089642 - Yeah, it's going to be interesting though, soYKhcoSwoE-00400-00089642-00090030 'cause when I see kids, you know, I have two kids, 12 and 14 soYKhcoSwoE-00401-00090030-00090280 and they're using Zoom for school, right? soYKhcoSwoE-00402-00090280-00090439 'Cause a lot of the schools are adopting it. soYKhcoSwoE-00403-00090439-00090539 Some schools, soYKhcoSwoE-00404-00090539-00090831 New York City public education system actually, soYKhcoSwoE-00405-00090831-00091033 they're no longer allowed soYKhcoSwoE-00406-00091033-00091246 the schools to actually use it for security concerns. soYKhcoSwoE-00407-00091246-00091387 And that was a big thing that happened. soYKhcoSwoE-00408-00091387-00091706 But I think there's just a ton of functionality missing soYKhcoSwoE-00409-00091706-00091850 from a platform like Zoom soYKhcoSwoE-00410-00091850-00092178 or Google Meet to allow kids to actually have fun soYKhcoSwoE-00411-00092178-00092288 when collaborating. soYKhcoSwoE-00412-00092288-00092591 I saw yesterday the news of a company called Squad, soYKhcoSwoE-00413-00092591-00092817 which is a mobile-first device soYKhcoSwoE-00414-00092817-00093095 that was almost like a combination of Zoom and Houseparty soYKhcoSwoE-00415-00093095-00093255 where kids can actually share soYKhcoSwoE-00416-00093255-00093468 what's on their one of their phones. soYKhcoSwoE-00417-00093468-00093633 So they're scrolling through Instagram or TikTok soYKhcoSwoE-00418-00093633-00094001 and then they see all their friends on the phone as well soYKhcoSwoE-00419-00094001-00094216 and they're kind of collaborating over content. soYKhcoSwoE-00420-00094216-00094480 So I think you're gonna continue to see a lot of innovations soYKhcoSwoE-00421-00094480-00094565 in the space. soYKhcoSwoE-00422-00094565-00094786 I think from the enterprise perspective, soYKhcoSwoE-00423-00094786-00095014 a lot of these tools are super adequate. soYKhcoSwoE-00424-00095152-00095365 When it comes to kids wanting to elaborate soYKhcoSwoE-00425-00095365-00095536 'cause they actually can't hang out together, soYKhcoSwoE-00426-00095536-00095673 I think there's a lot of room for innovation. soYKhcoSwoE-00427-00095673-00095766 I think you're gonna certainly see soYKhcoSwoE-00428-00095766-00095916 a lot of that moving forward. soYKhcoSwoE-00429-00095916-00095999 - Yeah. soYKhcoSwoE-00430-00095999-00096352 - So what type of content are consumers posting? soYKhcoSwoE-00431-00096352-00096459 Has that changed? soYKhcoSwoE-00432-00096459-00096564 And you know, what we've seen is, first of all, soYKhcoSwoE-00433-00096564-00096675 a lot of the same. soYKhcoSwoE-00434-00096675-00097016 We've seen consumers still trying to entertain one another. soYKhcoSwoE-00435-00097016-00097307 But we've seen also a lot of inspirational posts soYKhcoSwoE-00436-00097307-00097473 to try to uplift people. soYKhcoSwoE-00437-00097473-00097713 People who are lucky enough to be working at home. soYKhcoSwoE-00438-00097713-00098001 And not be sick or have a family member that's sick soYKhcoSwoE-00439-00098001-00098347 is obviously trying to add back and give value to others soYKhcoSwoE-00440-00098347-00098574 in really trying to either provide guidance soYKhcoSwoE-00441-00098574-00098691 or inspirational posts. soYKhcoSwoE-00442-00098691-00099020 I don't know if you've seen kind of the tone change a bit soYKhcoSwoE-00443-00099020-00099222 in terms of the type of content consumers are posting soYKhcoSwoE-00444-00099222-00099374 since this crisis began. soYKhcoSwoE-00445-00099374-00099541 - You know, I think one data point soYKhcoSwoE-00446-00099541-00099658 that definitely is missing here soYKhcoSwoE-00447-00099658-00099830 that either we should sort of think about soYKhcoSwoE-00448-00099830-00100204 or spend some time sort of digging into in future research soYKhcoSwoE-00449-00100204-00100484 is what is the percentage of content soYKhcoSwoE-00450-00100484-00100703 that's being shared by people right now soYKhcoSwoE-00451-00100703-00100801 that's COVID related? soYKhcoSwoE-00452-00100801-00101105 Because it sort of feels to me like it's the majority. soYKhcoSwoE-00453-00101105-00101290 In part out of necessity, soYKhcoSwoE-00454-00101290-00101571 people just feel compelled to want to be talking about this. soYKhcoSwoE-00455-00101571-00101756 But also because like when you see a piece of content soYKhcoSwoE-00456-00101756-00102041 that's not COVID related, you're like, "Oh wait, soYKhcoSwoE-00457-00102041-00102134 "that doesn't feel right." soYKhcoSwoE-00458-00102134-00102281 That doesn't feel like there's a place for it soYKhcoSwoE-00459-00102281-00102502 in the conversation at this point. soYKhcoSwoE-00460-00102502-00102724 I also felt like we reached like peak pandemic soYKhcoSwoE-00461-00102724-00102930 when my dad started sending me inspirational quotes soYKhcoSwoE-00462-00102930-00103033 via WhatsApp and I was like, "Oh, my." soYKhcoSwoE-00463-00103033-00103258 (laughing) soYKhcoSwoE-00464-00103346-00103429 - So true. soYKhcoSwoE-00465-00103429-00103750 And brands to your point are also pushing a consumer soYKhcoSwoE-00466-00103750-00104044 to generate content around the crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-00467-00104044-00104367 Lowe's invited do-it-yourselfers to create expressions soYKhcoSwoE-00468-00104367-00104642 for frontline heroes and frontline workers. soYKhcoSwoE-00469-00104642-00104976 So kind of the user-generated social responsibility effort soYKhcoSwoE-00470-00104976-00105135 by Lowe's that really kind of combines soYKhcoSwoE-00471-00105135-00105259 both of those efforts. soYKhcoSwoE-00472-00105259-00105343 But you're right. soYKhcoSwoE-00473-00105343-00105616 And I think one, I guess harbinger soYKhcoSwoE-00474-00105616-00105904 of when maybe this crisis might be starting to turn soYKhcoSwoE-00475-00105904-00106017 and I'll see light at the end of the tunnel soYKhcoSwoE-00476-00106017-00106197 is consumers personally about different things. soYKhcoSwoE-00477-00106197-00106370 I don't know, maybe the plans for the fall soYKhcoSwoE-00478-00106370-00106713 or maybe hopefully the NFL football or who knows. soYKhcoSwoE-00479-00106713-00106968 But right now it's almost like what else are you gonna post. soYKhcoSwoE-00480-00106968-00107188 And a lot of people are getting backlash soYKhcoSwoE-00481-00107188-00107442 for not really being relevant with the times soYKhcoSwoE-00482-00107442-00107589 they're being tone-deaf. soYKhcoSwoE-00483-00107589-00107727 And we'll talk about that a little bit later soYKhcoSwoE-00484-00107727-00107882 when we talk about influencers. soYKhcoSwoE-00485-00107989-00108233 - All right, so now we're gonna get to the polls soYKhcoSwoE-00486-00108233-00108494 and this is your opportunity guys to get involved. soYKhcoSwoE-00487-00108494-00108652 So if throwing up a quick poll question here, soYKhcoSwoE-00488-00108652-00108870 do you believe that you will maintain the same level soYKhcoSwoE-00489-00108870-00108975 of connectivity with friends soYKhcoSwoE-00490-00108975-00109475 and family via social media after the lockdown ends? soYKhcoSwoE-00491-00109478-00109758 We'll leave that poll open for about 30 to 60 seconds. soYKhcoSwoE-00492-00109758-00109864 I'll come back to in just a second. soYKhcoSwoE-00493-00109864-00109952 Another question from Matt. soYKhcoSwoE-00494-00109952-00110171 Matt, do you think that COVID-19 is helping us as marketers soYKhcoSwoE-00495-00110171-00110486 like better act on our moral obligations soYKhcoSwoE-00496-00110486-00110677 to drive a more trustworthy soYKhcoSwoE-00497-00110677-00110911 and positive shared experience during this time? soYKhcoSwoE-00498-00110911-00111135 - Well, I think it's forcing brands to do so. soYKhcoSwoE-00499-00111135-00111386 I look at it as the shift from advertising of the content, soYKhcoSwoE-00500-00111386-00111606 which we've been talking about for so long. soYKhcoSwoE-00501-00111606-00111914 Advertising is pushing your unique selling proposition. soYKhcoSwoE-00502-00111914-00112297 You know, 20% more absorb, 350 Horsepower V6 engine, soYKhcoSwoE-00503-00112297-00112431 you know, selling your stuff. soYKhcoSwoE-00504-00112431-00112524 That's advertising. soYKhcoSwoE-00505-00112524-00112825 Content is who is my consumer, what do they think about soYKhcoSwoE-00506-00112825-00112908 when they wake up in the morning soYKhcoSwoE-00507-00112908-00113050 and where's my brand fit in? soYKhcoSwoE-00508-00113050-00113216 And right now there's not really much room soYKhcoSwoE-00509-00113216-00113338 for brands to advertise. soYKhcoSwoE-00510-00113338-00113607 So I think content is really the only game in town. soYKhcoSwoE-00511-00113607-00113950 And again, content comes with a consumer-first mentality soYKhcoSwoE-00512-00113950-00114306 and I think brands kind of have to adopt that right now. soYKhcoSwoE-00513-00114306-00114390 - Right, right. soYKhcoSwoE-00514-00114390-00114557 Okay, this is super interesting. soYKhcoSwoE-00515-00114557-00114654 I would definitely spend a couple of minutes soYKhcoSwoE-00516-00114654-00114758 talking about it. soYKhcoSwoE-00517-00114758-00114841 So the poll results are in. soYKhcoSwoE-00518-00114841-00115009 So do you believe that you will maintain the same level soYKhcoSwoE-00519-00115009-00115210 of connectivity with friends and family via social media app soYKhcoSwoE-00520-00115210-00115360 after the lockdown ends? soYKhcoSwoE-00521-00115360-00115490 Yes, 48%. soYKhcoSwoE-00522-00115490-00115621 No, 52%. soYKhcoSwoE-00523-00115621-00115824 So pretty much an even split. soYKhcoSwoE-00524-00115824-00116017 Matt, thoughts on that? soYKhcoSwoE-00525-00116017-00116151 - I mean not surprised. soYKhcoSwoE-00526-00116151-00116317 I mean I think this is a question soYKhcoSwoE-00527-00116317-00116538 where each consumer is gonna soYKhcoSwoE-00528-00116538-00116760 sort of interpret it differently. soYKhcoSwoE-00529-00116760-00117113 I think ultimately it all depends upon how this ends. soYKhcoSwoE-00530-00117113-00117284 I think we don't really know soYKhcoSwoE-00531-00117284-00117460 what the world's gonna look like, soYKhcoSwoE-00532-00117460-00117732 so we don't know if we're gonna be able to see people soYKhcoSwoE-00533-00117732-00117935 one on one or one on five soYKhcoSwoE-00534-00117935-00118188 or how long we're gonna be in the current state. soYKhcoSwoE-00535-00118188-00118354 And I think that's why people are having soYKhcoSwoE-00536-00118354-00118610 to interpret a question like this differently. soYKhcoSwoE-00537-00118610-00118694 - I'll add one more thing. soYKhcoSwoE-00538-00118694-00118859 I also think if you ask someone soYKhcoSwoE-00539-00118859-00118972 the question on different days, soYKhcoSwoE-00540-00118972-00119244 you might get like completely different results. soYKhcoSwoE-00541-00119244-00119627 People just are fluctuating between feeling very inspired soYKhcoSwoE-00542-00119627-00119965 and wanting to be proactive in terms of how they connect. soYKhcoSwoE-00543-00119965-00120310 And at the same time also wanting to kind of retreat soYKhcoSwoE-00544-00120310-00120498 and sort of distance themselves from social media soYKhcoSwoE-00545-00120498-00120944 practically because it sometimes feels very overwhelming. soYKhcoSwoE-00546-00120944-00121119 - Absolutely, absolutely. soYKhcoSwoE-00547-00121119-00121541 So the next section is about celebrities and influencers. soYKhcoSwoE-00548-00121541-00121928 And, Toby and I were talking prior to this webinars starting soYKhcoSwoE-00549-00121928-00122269 just in terms of how this has really humanized celebrities. soYKhcoSwoE-00550-00122388-00122639 It's really pushed celebrities soYKhcoSwoE-00551-00122639-00122885 almost to the same plane as influencers in some way, soYKhcoSwoE-00552-00122885-00122969 just everyday consumers soYKhcoSwoE-00553-00122969-00123206 and that they're not behind the bright lights anymore. soYKhcoSwoE-00554-00123206-00123426 They're home just like the rest of us. soYKhcoSwoE-00555-00123426-00123696 I don't know if you watch Saturday Night Live soYKhcoSwoE-00556-00123696-00124083 this past week, but it was just so cool to see Adam Sandler, soYKhcoSwoE-00557-00124083-00124320 you know, an A-list superstar, soYKhcoSwoE-00558-00124441-00124648 basically film something in his home with his wife soYKhcoSwoE-00559-00124648-00124755 and his daughter. soYKhcoSwoE-00560-00124755-00124895 So it really has brought back soYKhcoSwoE-00561-00124895-00125120 sort of the heyday of user-generated content. soYKhcoSwoE-00562-00125217-00125475 - No, absolutely, I'm Sandler fan. soYKhcoSwoE-00563-00125475-00125722 It's been so great to kind of like watch those guys soYKhcoSwoE-00564-00125722-00126073 trying to figure out how to execute on something soYKhcoSwoE-00565-00126073-00126374 that's just like so intricate and so complicated. soYKhcoSwoE-00566-00126374-00126560 I have to say, I even look at what they're able soYKhcoSwoE-00567-00126560-00126664 to achieve in their own homes soYKhcoSwoE-00568-00126664-00126905 and it's pretty impressive from a production stand. soYKhcoSwoE-00569-00126905-00126988 - It really is. soYKhcoSwoE-00570-00126988-00127147 Although this week they stopped doing it live, soYKhcoSwoE-00571-00127147-00127400 which is why I think they were able to soYKhcoSwoE-00572-00127400-00127496 up the production value. soYKhcoSwoE-00573-00127496-00127701 I think live is a little bit too audacious. soYKhcoSwoE-00574-00127701-00127841 Although the NFL Draft, soYKhcoSwoE-00575-00127841-00128232 which is much more of a grid-like format, soYKhcoSwoE-00576-00128232-00128457 they did an incredible job at the NFL Draft live. soYKhcoSwoE-00577-00128457-00128706 So going back to social media, a majority of them believe soYKhcoSwoE-00578-00128706-00128931 that social platforms do provide them entertainment. soYKhcoSwoE-00579-00128931-00129014 That's why they go to it, soYKhcoSwoE-00580-00129014-00129181 not just to communicate with others. soYKhcoSwoE-00581-00129181-00129286 And when we go into, soYKhcoSwoE-00582-00129485-00129695 where you primarily get your entertainment? soYKhcoSwoE-00583-00129695-00129969 I mean there you go saying TikTok as a huge place soYKhcoSwoE-00584-00129969-00130170 and I don't know what your thoughts are on this Toby, soYKhcoSwoE-00585-00130170-00130334 I thought was super interesting in terms of soYKhcoSwoE-00586-00130334-00130454 how it jumped to the top. soYKhcoSwoE-00587-00130454-00130617 - Yeah, I mean, I think, so first of all, soYKhcoSwoE-00588-00130617-00130841 whenever you TikTok is mentioned in the same breath soYKhcoSwoE-00589-00130841-00130998 as any other social media platform, soYKhcoSwoE-00590-00130998-00131393 people tend to kind of talk about Instagram, maybe Snapchat. soYKhcoSwoE-00591-00131393-00131704 But the point is that TikTok really does stand alone soYKhcoSwoE-00592-00131704-00131978 as an entertainment platform, right? soYKhcoSwoE-00593-00131978-00132115 A new category of entertainment soYKhcoSwoE-00594-00132115-00132387 or a new way of consuming entertainment content soYKhcoSwoE-00595-00132387-00132575 in a way to TikTok is much more like YouTube soYKhcoSwoE-00596-00132575-00132722 than it is like Instagram. soYKhcoSwoE-00597-00132722-00132960 And I think it's just fascinating to see the way soYKhcoSwoE-00598-00132960-00133179 in which it's grown of course over the last, soYKhcoSwoE-00599-00133179-00133503 let's say 18 months, two years, but during this time soYKhcoSwoE-00600-00133503-00133690 and in particular given the fact that everyone is soYKhcoSwoE-00601-00133690-00134069 like basically at home TikTok's coming into its own soYKhcoSwoE-00602-00134069-00134451 because of the fact that it is just so much easier to create soYKhcoSwoE-00603-00134451-00134727 and distribute really compelling content soYKhcoSwoE-00604-00134727-00134949 even if you're having to do so from home soYKhcoSwoE-00605-00134949-00135129 in a little bit of a DIY fashion. soYKhcoSwoE-00606-00135129-00135483 In a way, the more DIY it feels, the better in my opinion. soYKhcoSwoE-00607-00135483-00135566 - Absolutely. soYKhcoSwoE-00608-00135689-00135830 And live obviously is something soYKhcoSwoE-00609-00135830-00136022 that TikTok is playing it a little bit, soYKhcoSwoE-00610-00136022-00136230 but not really known as much of a live platform. soYKhcoSwoE-00611-00136230-00136517 But we start to see really a renaissance of live soYKhcoSwoE-00612-00136517-00136773 when Instagram first pushed Instagram live, soYKhcoSwoE-00613-00136773-00136922 it took off and then kind of didn't soYKhcoSwoE-00614-00136922-00137145 because most of the content was very bad. soYKhcoSwoE-00615-00137145-00137516 And the may celebrities they didn't really engage in it. soYKhcoSwoE-00616-00137516-00137813 But now we see basically nearly half of consumers soYKhcoSwoE-00617-00137813-00137989 saying they've watched some type of live stream soYKhcoSwoE-00618-00137989-00138113 in social media in the past two weeks. soYKhcoSwoE-00619-00138113-00138267 That's a massive number. soYKhcoSwoE-00620-00138267-00138592 - And again, this just comes down to this, soYKhcoSwoE-00621-00138592-00138967 the fact that context matters when it comes to live. soYKhcoSwoE-00622-00138967-00139192 Like no one really cares that you're going live soYKhcoSwoE-00623-00139192-00139418 if it's not for a specific reason. soYKhcoSwoE-00624-00139418-00139628 Why should I be part of this moment soYKhcoSwoE-00625-00139628-00139832 if this moment isn't necessarily relevant to me? soYKhcoSwoE-00626-00139832-00139964 But of course, at this point, soYKhcoSwoE-00627-00139964-00140236 you want to connect with people in real-time live soYKhcoSwoE-00628-00140236-00140445 because we are all sharing this soYKhcoSwoE-00629-00140445-00140660 same extraordinary experience. soYKhcoSwoE-00630-00140660-00140933 - Yeah, and there's no live sports, right? soYKhcoSwoE-00631-00140933-00141186 There's no live award shows like other things soYKhcoSwoE-00632-00141186-00141409 that you could look into live. soYKhcoSwoE-00633-00141409-00141598 You can't really do anymore. soYKhcoSwoE-00634-00141598-00141824 So I think that there's really thirst for that. soYKhcoSwoE-00635-00141824-00141974 People can't go to live concerts. soYKhcoSwoE-00636-00141974-00142153 They can't live their life the normal way. soYKhcoSwoE-00637-00142153-00142417 So I think, there's a big thirst for it. soYKhcoSwoE-00638-00142417-00142685 And when we asked type of live stream content, soYKhcoSwoE-00639-00142685-00142878 consumers are seeking out? soYKhcoSwoE-00640-00142878-00143079 We really got three major categories. soYKhcoSwoE-00641-00143079-00143357 The first of which is a skills-based class remotely. soYKhcoSwoE-00642-00143357-00143736 Many consumers are really wanting to use this time soYKhcoSwoE-00643-00143736-00143947 for self-improvement, to learn about new things soYKhcoSwoE-00644-00143947-00144140 that they haven't in the past. soYKhcoSwoE-00645-00144224-00144517 Whether it's something like, Skillshare or masterclass, soYKhcoSwoE-00646-00144517-00144701 we're seeing a huge push in that. soYKhcoSwoE-00647-00144701-00144919 And it'll be interesting to see where colleges soYKhcoSwoE-00648-00144919-00145130 and universities head in the fall soYKhcoSwoE-00649-00145130-00145294 when it comes to remote learning. soYKhcoSwoE-00650-00145294-00145668 We did a huge, study from Microsoft about remote learning soYKhcoSwoE-00651-00145668-00145919 and learn that, while workers find themselves soYKhcoSwoE-00652-00145919-00146086 in many instances more productive, soYKhcoSwoE-00653-00146086-00146320 students cannot say the same thing. soYKhcoSwoE-00654-00146320-00146481 Then we have fitness. soYKhcoSwoE-00655-00146481-00146830 We've seen a huge boom in online fitness. soYKhcoSwoE-00656-00146830-00146979 Consumers wanna stay active, soYKhcoSwoE-00657-00146979-00147213 many of which in cities are stuck in their apartments soYKhcoSwoE-00658-00147213-00147456 and they're really seeking out this type of content. soYKhcoSwoE-00659-00147456-00147568 You have everyone from SoulCycle, soYKhcoSwoE-00660-00147568-00147785 the Barry's Bootcamp really jumping on board soYKhcoSwoE-00661-00147785-00147976 with pushing out live content. soYKhcoSwoE-00662-00147976-00148240 And then you have platforms like Peloton and Tonal soYKhcoSwoE-00663-00148240-00148583 and Mirror who were built for remote fitness. soYKhcoSwoE-00664-00148583-00148737 Really taking off through this. soYKhcoSwoE-00665-00148737-00148820 And lastly, soYKhcoSwoE-00666-00148820-00149015 and this is an area that I think is gonna continue to grow, soYKhcoSwoE-00667-00149015-00149302 is live streaming of a DJ or musical artists. soYKhcoSwoE-00668-00149302-00149536 And females actually over-index more than males soYKhcoSwoE-00669-00149536-00149688 in this area. soYKhcoSwoE-00670-00149688-00149928 And it just, it's been incredible to see soYKhcoSwoE-00671-00149928-00150224 which artists have really seized the moment in that regard. soYKhcoSwoE-00672-00150224-00150307 I don't know Toby, soYKhcoSwoE-00673-00150307-00150503 if you have any other thoughts in terms of the live content soYKhcoSwoE-00674-00150503-00150647 consumers are seeking out. soYKhcoSwoE-00675-00150647-00150854 - I know ultimately we're gonna be short on time. soYKhcoSwoE-00676-00150854-00150955 This is definitely an area soYKhcoSwoE-00677-00150955-00151094 that I wanna spend a couple minutes talking about. soYKhcoSwoE-00678-00151094-00151268 So first of all, I think people are really looking forward soYKhcoSwoE-00679-00151268-00151429 to not going to a nightclub soYKhcoSwoE-00680-00151429-00151635 and spending like $500 on a bottle of vodka. soYKhcoSwoE-00681-00151635-00151742 So that's probably another reason soYKhcoSwoE-00682-00151742-00151968 why people are jumping on these live events. soYKhcoSwoE-00683-00151968-00152188 And I think it's really interesting, particularly again, soYKhcoSwoE-00684-00152188-00152340 demographically speaking. soYKhcoSwoE-00685-00152340-00152533 Just because you're in your 40s soYKhcoSwoE-00686-00152533-00152645 and you've got kids doesn't mean soYKhcoSwoE-00687-00152645-00152784 that you still don't love the music. soYKhcoSwoE-00688-00152784-00152963 You wanna access that live experience. soYKhcoSwoE-00689-00152963-00153113 And I think that's like really important. soYKhcoSwoE-00690-00153113-00153250 I've certainly loved some of the soYKhcoSwoE-00691-00153250-00153541 kind of the house music kind of DJ soYKhcoSwoE-00692-00153541-00153873 (mumbles) just been doing these extraordinary performances. soYKhcoSwoE-00693-00153873-00153973 And then also, soYKhcoSwoE-00694-00153973-00154168 I think just to go back aside for a second Matt, soYKhcoSwoE-00695-00154168-00154668 I also think that you're looking at here not just trends soYKhcoSwoE-00696-00154718-00154865 that are relevant to the moment we're in right now, soYKhcoSwoE-00697-00154865-00154948 but these are the things soYKhcoSwoE-00698-00154948-00155137 that are actually from a user behavior standpoint soYKhcoSwoE-00699-00155137-00155260 gonna stick around. soYKhcoSwoE-00700-00155260-00155458 And then I just wanna like throw in a quick plug soYKhcoSwoE-00701-00155458-00155579 and this is the only time I'll be sort of, soYKhcoSwoE-00702-00155579-00155704 in any way self-promotional. soYKhcoSwoE-00703-00155704-00155809 But like Social Media Week, soYKhcoSwoE-00704-00155809-00156163 we pivoted into our own online version of our conferences, soYKhcoSwoE-00705-00156163-00156280 which we'll be launching next week. soYKhcoSwoE-00706-00156280-00156675 SMW one is gonna be a 100 hours of like live-stream content soYKhcoSwoE-00707-00156675-00156912 providing access to education and workshops soYKhcoSwoE-00708-00156912-00157167 and talks and panel sessions and what have you. soYKhcoSwoE-00709-00157167-00157287 And that's very much in response soYKhcoSwoE-00710-00157287-00157476 in the fact that we can't host physical events. soYKhcoSwoE-00711-00157476-00157731 But what's interesting is the reaction response to that soYKhcoSwoE-00712-00157731-00157815 has just been extraordinary soYKhcoSwoE-00713-00157815-00158082 and we're like super excited to see how that goes. soYKhcoSwoE-00714-00158082-00158287 - Yeah, I mean, I just wanna say on that regard, Toby, soYKhcoSwoE-00715-00158287-00158504 the way that your organization, soYKhcoSwoE-00716-00158504-00158735 I remember we were talking in February and we were saying, soYKhcoSwoE-00717-00158735-00158954 well, do we think Social Media Week New York's gonna soYKhcoSwoE-00718-00158954-00159076 be canceled? soYKhcoSwoE-00719-00159076-00159238 And you're like, "Why? I sure as hell hope not. soYKhcoSwoE-00720-00159238-00159354 "That's a huge event for us." soYKhcoSwoE-00721-00159354-00159601 And obviously, the live in-person that that was canceled, soYKhcoSwoE-00722-00159601-00159799 but the way the organization pivoted soYKhcoSwoE-00723-00159799-00160011 and worked with all your content providers soYKhcoSwoE-00724-00160011-00160208 and had been working with the technology and the content, soYKhcoSwoE-00725-00160208-00160325 it's just really inspiring. soYKhcoSwoE-00726-00160325-00160522 And anyone who's watching this webinar soYKhcoSwoE-00727-00160522-00160746 who has the ability to support an organization soYKhcoSwoE-00728-00160746-00160907 like Social Media Week, soYKhcoSwoE-00729-00160907-00161141 a live event company that is going through this soYKhcoSwoE-00730-00161141-00161298 and getting hit the hardest, soYKhcoSwoE-00731-00161298-00161467 I would definitely urge you to do so. soYKhcoSwoE-00732-00161467-00161605 It's just really inspiring to see soYKhcoSwoE-00733-00161605-00161745 and I know you're gonna go through that. soYKhcoSwoE-00734-00161745-00161936 - Thanks man, I appreciate it. soYKhcoSwoE-00735-00161936-00162047 - Yeah, no doubt about it. soYKhcoSwoE-00736-00162047-00162354 So, and in that regard in terms of live DJ events, soYKhcoSwoE-00737-00162354-00162525 like somebody like D-nice was a DJ soYKhcoSwoE-00738-00162525-00162719 that was kind of mid-tier going into this is, soYKhcoSwoE-00739-00162719-00162961 is a great example of somebody taking advantage soYKhcoSwoE-00740-00162961-00163065 of the moment. soYKhcoSwoE-00741-00163065-00163403 Every night he's going on for two different DJ sets soYKhcoSwoE-00742-00163403-00163564 to really just get people dancing, soYKhcoSwoE-00743-00163564-00163838 get people moving from his own apartment soYKhcoSwoE-00744-00163838-00164170 and he's had everybody from Michelle Obama to Drake soYKhcoSwoE-00745-00164170-00164514 to Jennifer Lopez, log in and actually create a comment. soYKhcoSwoE-00746-00164514-00164762 And there's something cool as a consumer about knowing soYKhcoSwoE-00747-00164762-00164973 that you're watching the same thing that the celebrity has soYKhcoSwoE-00748-00164973-00165182 because many people can't get into the same parties soYKhcoSwoE-00749-00165182-00165396 as those people during normal times. soYKhcoSwoE-00750-00165396-00165495 And I think, soYKhcoSwoE-00751-00165495-00165702 he's just done an incredible job of giving back. soYKhcoSwoE-00752-00165702-00165825 He's not trying to show anything, soYKhcoSwoE-00753-00165825-00166059 although lately has been starting to sell his hats, soYKhcoSwoE-00754-00166059-00166248 but we all need to make money, right? soYKhcoSwoE-00755-00166248-00166385 But he's done a great job soYKhcoSwoE-00756-00166385-00166649 and he's really set the path for so many more artists soYKhcoSwoE-00757-00166649-00166880 to really be able to express themselves soYKhcoSwoE-00758-00166880-00167120 and connect with their fans. soYKhcoSwoE-00759-00167120-00167330 Influencers are very interesting topic soYKhcoSwoE-00760-00167330-00167607 and something that the press has made a lot about. soYKhcoSwoE-00761-00167607-00167973 Some individuals feel that influencers soYKhcoSwoE-00762-00167973-00168335 should not be really vocal at all during this time. soYKhcoSwoE-00763-00168335-00168591 And other people feel that influencers are kind of soYKhcoSwoE-00764-00168591-00168735 like their virtual friend soYKhcoSwoE-00765-00168735-00169055 who they'd been following their lives all throughout soYKhcoSwoE-00766-00169055-00169317 and now more never, they need that consistency soYKhcoSwoE-00767-00169317-00169528 and they wanna hear from those people. soYKhcoSwoE-00768-00169528-00169752 We asked consumers what they wanna hear from influencers soYKhcoSwoE-00769-00169752-00169938 and they said everything from information, soYKhcoSwoE-00770-00169938-00170209 positive messaging, and even some promotions and giveaways. soYKhcoSwoE-00771-00170209-00170399 How do you feel about influencers in general soYKhcoSwoE-00772-00170399-00170524 during this time, Toby? soYKhcoSwoE-00773-00170524-00170779 - Well listen, I think it's an important time, soYKhcoSwoE-00774-00170779-00170996 not just for influencers and celebrities and brands, soYKhcoSwoE-00775-00170996-00171267 but for all of us to sort of think about the contribution soYKhcoSwoE-00776-00171267-00171443 that we wanna make at this time and making sure soYKhcoSwoE-00777-00171443-00171794 that those contributions matter and make a difference soYKhcoSwoE-00778-00171794-00172113 and are really just have like purpose behind them. soYKhcoSwoE-00779-00172113-00172352 Fabulous, silly, unnecessary soYKhcoSwoE-00780-00172352-00172754 or unimportant content does not have a place at this time. soYKhcoSwoE-00781-00172754-00172989 So the people who will thrive during this peak soYKhcoSwoE-00782-00172989-00173117 or survive during this time soYKhcoSwoE-00783-00173117-00173542 and then thrive as we come out of it are the influences soYKhcoSwoE-00784-00173542-00173831 that really understand that incredibly important point. soYKhcoSwoE-00785-00173831-00174141 - Absolutely, and we've seen some influencers win soYKhcoSwoE-00786-00174141-00174433 and some really have a hard time fairing through this. soYKhcoSwoE-00787-00174433-00174711 This is Arielle Charnas with her husband, soYKhcoSwoE-00788-00174711-00174844 otherwise known as Something Navy, soYKhcoSwoE-00789-00174844-00175128 a huge fashion lifestyle blogger soYKhcoSwoE-00790-00175128-00175278 who had just built a massive following soYKhcoSwoE-00791-00175278-00175458 and frankly a massive business with partnerships soYKhcoSwoE-00792-00175458-00175691 with companies like Nordstrom going into this. soYKhcoSwoE-00793-00175691-00175943 And she had a little bit of a slip up during this, soYKhcoSwoE-00794-00175943-00176185 or I should say a big slip up. soYKhcoSwoE-00795-00176185-00176350 It turns out that she told everyone soYKhcoSwoE-00796-00176350-00176695 that she was tested positive for the virus. soYKhcoSwoE-00797-00176695-00176788 She lives in New York. soYKhcoSwoE-00798-00176788-00177059 She was also renting a house out in the Hamptons soYKhcoSwoE-00799-00177059-00177449 and long before the 14 day period came up soYKhcoSwoE-00800-00177449-00177581 where she should be quarantining. soYKhcoSwoE-00801-00177581-00177757 She started posting pictures of herself soYKhcoSwoE-00802-00177757-00178004 being in the Hamptons and she posted live video soYKhcoSwoE-00803-00178004-00178162 with her housekeeper in the background, soYKhcoSwoE-00804-00178162-00178430 and she was showcasing wealth soYKhcoSwoE-00805-00178430-00178685 and it just came off as incredibly tone-deaf soYKhcoSwoE-00806-00178685-00178944 to the extent that she started to get a backlash both soYKhcoSwoE-00807-00178944-00179027 by the press. soYKhcoSwoE-00808-00179027-00179110 It was in the New York Post. soYKhcoSwoE-00809-00179110-00179322 It was in so many different individual publications soYKhcoSwoE-00810-00179322-00179497 as well as her audience itself. soYKhcoSwoE-00811-00179497-00179643 She went dark for a couple of weeks, soYKhcoSwoE-00812-00179643-00179919 which is something that most mainstream influencers soYKhcoSwoE-00813-00179919-00180029 would never do. soYKhcoSwoE-00814-00180029-00180244 And then now it's come back in soYKhcoSwoE-00815-00180244-00180569 and she's very clearly filtering soYKhcoSwoE-00816-00180569-00180741 and moderating the comments that come in soYKhcoSwoE-00817-00180741-00180980 and she's trying to ease her way back into it. soYKhcoSwoE-00818-00180980-00181311 And, she's done an incredible job with her audience soYKhcoSwoE-00819-00181311-00181501 and frankly like I always love to see soYKhcoSwoE-00820-00181501-00181663 women built businesses like this soYKhcoSwoE-00821-00181663-00181831 and she's done it on her own soYKhcoSwoE-00822-00181831-00181935 and she's worked so hard to do it. soYKhcoSwoE-00823-00181935-00182083 So I don't think her business deserves soYKhcoSwoE-00824-00182083-00182376 to be taken down through this. soYKhcoSwoE-00825-00182376-00182576 But I do think she's gonna have to rebuild trust soYKhcoSwoE-00826-00182576-00182800 both with her brand partners and her audience. soYKhcoSwoE-00827-00182800-00183038 So it's gonna be really interesting to see how she does it. soYKhcoSwoE-00828-00183038-00183315 Any thoughts on Something Navy and other influencers soYKhcoSwoE-00829-00183315-00183508 that may have been slightly tone-deaf to this though? soYKhcoSwoE-00830-00183508-00183640 - No, I think you've covered it. soYKhcoSwoE-00831-00183640-00183929 Nothing really huge to add here other than the fact that soYKhcoSwoE-00832-00183929-00184098 like, look guys, read the room. soYKhcoSwoE-00833-00184098-00184240 You know, it's not hard. soYKhcoSwoE-00834-00184330-00184465 There's an extraordinary amount of soYKhcoSwoE-00835-00184465-00184759 like devastating things happening to people around the room, soYKhcoSwoE-00836-00184759-00184876 just jet and right around the world. soYKhcoSwoE-00837-00184876-00185061 It's like read the room. soYKhcoSwoE-00838-00185061-00185160 - Yup, yeah. soYKhcoSwoE-00839-00185160-00185321 - And I think this is a great example of what happens soYKhcoSwoE-00840-00185321-00185426 when you don't. soYKhcoSwoE-00841-00185426-00185655 - Yeah, and conversely, some like Danielle Bernstein, soYKhcoSwoE-00842-00185655-00185934 otherwise known as WeWoreWhat, has done an amazing job. soYKhcoSwoE-00843-00185934-00186163 She has really struck the balance soYKhcoSwoE-00844-00186163-00186392 of still pushing in lifestyle content soYKhcoSwoE-00845-00186392-00186712 because people follow these fashion influencers soYKhcoSwoE-00846-00186712-00186984 and bloggers because they're interested in their lives. soYKhcoSwoE-00847-00186984-00187172 They wanna see where they're living through this, soYKhcoSwoE-00848-00187172-00187383 what they're wearing, how they're keeping on. soYKhcoSwoE-00849-00187383-00187540 But what she's done is first of all soYKhcoSwoE-00850-00187540-00187747 really set the model in terms of staying focused, soYKhcoSwoE-00851-00187747-00187900 continuing to build her business soYKhcoSwoE-00852-00187900-00188238 and more recently of late pushing small businesses soYKhcoSwoE-00853-00188238-00188462 and trying to be philanthropic and actually give back. soYKhcoSwoE-00854-00188462-00188634 So she struck that right balance soYKhcoSwoE-00855-00188634-00188786 of maintaining her cool factor soYKhcoSwoE-00856-00188786-00188985 and adding value while giving back. soYKhcoSwoE-00857-00188985-00189335 And I think, that's really the model for so many influencers soYKhcoSwoE-00858-00189335-00189578 to actually move in going forward soYKhcoSwoE-00859-00189578-00189781 and hopefully they all can because soYKhcoSwoE-00860-00189781-00189995 they've all built incredible businesses. soYKhcoSwoE-00861-00189995-00190264 Building an audience of 2 million people from scratch soYKhcoSwoE-00862-00190264-00190557 and sharing your life every single day is incredibly hard soYKhcoSwoE-00863-00190557-00190711 and takes incredible sacrifice. soYKhcoSwoE-00864-00190711-00190861 So you don't wanna see somebody soYKhcoSwoE-00865-00190861-00191063 because they made one mistake during unprecedented times soYKhcoSwoE-00866-00191063-00191151 lose all that. soYKhcoSwoE-00867-00191151-00191290 But if they make the wrong decision, soYKhcoSwoE-00868-00191290-00191540 I think it's important to be honest, to be candid soYKhcoSwoE-00869-00191540-00191828 and then take the right steps to regain that trust. soYKhcoSwoE-00870-00191828-00191918 - Yeah, well said. soYKhcoSwoE-00871-00192045-00192392 - So TikTok, Toby, we spoken so much about TikTok, soYKhcoSwoE-00872-00192392-00192646 I mean global downloads of TikTok soYKhcoSwoE-00873-00192646-00193060 from the first three weeks of March are up 5% globally soYKhcoSwoE-00874-00193060-00193159 or month over month. soYKhcoSwoE-00875-00193159-00193406 And that will probably be the case in April as well. soYKhcoSwoE-00876-00193406-00193531 It continues to grow. soYKhcoSwoE-00877-00193531-00193816 You're talking about 84 million global downloads soYKhcoSwoE-00878-00193816-00193989 in a three week period. soYKhcoSwoE-00879-00193989-00194203 And obviously when you look at TikTok, soYKhcoSwoE-00880-00194203-00194545 you see over a third of 18 to 24-year-olds using it soYKhcoSwoE-00881-00194545-00194808 and now you see 25 to 34-year-old use as well. soYKhcoSwoE-00882-00194808-00195035 So now it's, you know, you had this element with Facebook soYKhcoSwoE-00883-00195035-00195172 where it started off in the college market and the teens soYKhcoSwoE-00884-00195172-00195369 and everyone used it. soYKhcoSwoE-00885-00195369-00195514 So do you think TikTok's gonna be something soYKhcoSwoE-00886-00195514-00195623 that's gonna follow the same path? soYKhcoSwoE-00887-00195623-00195849 Is this gonna be a mainstream soYKhcoSwoE-00888-00195849-00196144 every demographic platform in the next year? soYKhcoSwoE-00889-00196144-00196479 - Listen, I mean, personally we talk a lot about TikTok soYKhcoSwoE-00890-00196479-00196979 and they've been given the greatest playbook imaginable soYKhcoSwoE-00891-00197025-00197151 when it comes to thinking about soYKhcoSwoE-00892-00197151-00197437 how to avoid like all of the sort of the pitfalls soYKhcoSwoE-00893-00197437-00197668 and problems that all the other social media platforms soYKhcoSwoE-00894-00197668-00197767 have experienced. soYKhcoSwoE-00895-00197767-00197939 So TikTok gets a lot credit. soYKhcoSwoE-00896-00197939-00198138 I think sometimes the things in the things that it does soYKhcoSwoE-00897-00198138-00198460 that are essentially just like complete copycat features soYKhcoSwoE-00898-00198460-00198653 or functionality that already previous existed soYKhcoSwoE-00899-00198653-00198913 on like the Instagrams and the Facebooks. soYKhcoSwoE-00900-00198913-00199033 Having said that though, soYKhcoSwoE-00901-00199033-00199263 I think what's really interesting about TikTok soYKhcoSwoE-00902-00199263-00199455 is the speed at which they are innovating, soYKhcoSwoE-00903-00199455-00199665 the speed at which they're shipping new products. soYKhcoSwoE-00904-00199665-00199852 The fact that they're experimenting with features soYKhcoSwoE-00905-00199852-00199989 that aren't designed at this moment in time soYKhcoSwoE-00906-00199989-00200245 to be able to kind of make it easy for people to help, soYKhcoSwoE-00907-00200245-00200506 so organize around kind of critical issues soYKhcoSwoE-00908-00200506-00200784 and to reach out and sort of engage with people. soYKhcoSwoE-00909-00200784-00201083 So I think it's really interesting on a number of levels. soYKhcoSwoE-00910-00201083-00201357 In terms of the demographic shifts, absolutely, of course, soYKhcoSwoE-00911-00201357-00201701 TikTok absolutely has to claim some stake soYKhcoSwoE-00912-00201701-00202031 in every single demographic as they grow. soYKhcoSwoE-00913-00202031-00202141 And the way that they will do that. soYKhcoSwoE-00914-00202141-00202369 It's not necessarily going away from what's kind of soYKhcoSwoE-00915-00202369-00202841 like core in their DNA as this like very unique way soYKhcoSwoE-00916-00202841-00202994 in which you can kind of create soYKhcoSwoE-00917-00202994-00203204 and consume entertainment content. soYKhcoSwoE-00918-00203204-00203490 But I think also in terms of the value it creates soYKhcoSwoE-00919-00203490-00203758 and the way it serves the different sort of demographics. soYKhcoSwoE-00920-00203758-00203841 That's also gonna be interesting. soYKhcoSwoE-00921-00203841-00204020 Adequate stat I came across recently, soYKhcoSwoE-00922-00204020-00204148 which I think is super interesting soYKhcoSwoE-00923-00204148-00204648 is that 70% of 10-year-olds in America are on TikTok, soYKhcoSwoE-00924-00204664-00204892 which is just like mind-blowing when you think about it. soYKhcoSwoE-00925-00204892-00205109 And they're not even supposed to be on it. soYKhcoSwoE-00926-00205109-00205248 - Yeah, they've done a lot of things right soYKhcoSwoE-00927-00205248-00205338 in terms of discovery. soYKhcoSwoE-00928-00205338-00205571 When you can jump on TikTok the first time soYKhcoSwoE-00929-00205571-00205786 you're automatically seeing a feed of information. soYKhcoSwoE-00930-00205786-00205928 It's incredibly easy to adopt. soYKhcoSwoE-00931-00205928-00206360 And I actually think it's a economic equalizer soYKhcoSwoE-00932-00206360-00206481 if you will amongst consumers, soYKhcoSwoE-00933-00206481-00206713 because Instagram kind of became a platform soYKhcoSwoE-00934-00206713-00206948 where people flex their car or their house soYKhcoSwoE-00935-00206948-00207209 or how much money they had or where they can travel, soYKhcoSwoE-00936-00207209-00207429 where TikTok is truly about creativity. soYKhcoSwoE-00937-00207429-00207604 And it doesn't matter how much money you have, soYKhcoSwoE-00938-00207604-00207987 you just need a phone and a smart creative brain soYKhcoSwoE-00939-00207987-00208088 and you can win on TikTok. soYKhcoSwoE-00940-00208088-00208446 And I think that I love about it and I think Instagram, soYKhcoSwoE-00941-00208446-00208702 if there's one thing about it that I don't love soYKhcoSwoE-00942-00208702-00208941 is that there's just so many people that are just flexing soYKhcoSwoE-00943-00208941-00209024 what they have. soYKhcoSwoE-00944-00209024-00209240 And especially in a world that we live in today, soYKhcoSwoE-00945-00209240-00209385 that just doesn't really fly. soYKhcoSwoE-00946-00209526-00209638 So this was really interesting. soYKhcoSwoE-00947-00209638-00209731 (mumbles) soYKhcoSwoE-00948-00209731-00209896 yeah, go on. soYKhcoSwoE-00949-00209896-00210077 - What I was gonna say is this, also interesting in a way soYKhcoSwoE-00950-00210077-00210460 that like these platforms can kind of create soYKhcoSwoE-00951-00210460-00210543 and shape culture. soYKhcoSwoE-00952-00210543-00210712 I mean, look at the impact that TikTok is having soYKhcoSwoE-00953-00210712-00210867 on the music industry right now. soYKhcoSwoE-00954-00210867-00211161 And on the artists like creation process soYKhcoSwoE-00955-00211161-00211290 and the way they're sort of thinking about soYKhcoSwoE-00956-00211290-00211486 how they actually can create art, soYKhcoSwoE-00957-00211486-00211677 but specifically for certain platforms. soYKhcoSwoE-00958-00211677-00211876 And I'm not saying TikTok was sort of the first soYKhcoSwoE-00959-00211876-00212116 to kind of like, have that type of impact. soYKhcoSwoE-00960-00212116-00212378 But we have seen an acceleration of it I think at this time. soYKhcoSwoE-00961-00212378-00212502 - Absolutely, absolutely. soYKhcoSwoE-00962-00212502-00212894 So talking about impact on the music industry soYKhcoSwoE-00963-00212894-00213083 and shout out to my 12-year-old son Cameron soYKhcoSwoE-00964-00213083-00213517 who let me into what this happening. soYKhcoSwoE-00965-00213517-00213778 But Fortnite did an incredible activation soYKhcoSwoE-00966-00213778-00213983 for those of you who don't know what Fortnite is. soYKhcoSwoE-00967-00213983-00214107 It's one of the fastest-growing, soYKhcoSwoE-00968-00214107-00214298 most valuable video games in the world soYKhcoSwoE-00969-00214298-00214416 that streams on mobile devices soYKhcoSwoE-00970-00214416-00214637 as well as gaming platforms like Xbox. soYKhcoSwoE-00971-00214637-00215033 And it's basically a virtual world that kids play in. soYKhcoSwoE-00972-00215033-00215308 And over the course of the last couple of years, soYKhcoSwoE-00973-00215308-00215548 they've done these big activations with artists soYKhcoSwoE-00974-00215548-00215696 and celebrities where essentially soYKhcoSwoE-00975-00215696-00215896 you can attend a live concert. soYKhcoSwoE-00976-00215896-00216056 And when my son told me about this, soYKhcoSwoE-00977-00216056-00216323 I literally thought he was gonna be playing live somewhere soYKhcoSwoE-00978-00216323-00216567 and just streaming it like we see on Instagram live. soYKhcoSwoE-00979-00216567-00216771 But it wasn't anything like it. soYKhcoSwoE-00980-00216771-00216911 It was prerecorded. soYKhcoSwoE-00981-00216911-00217117 But essentially you entered this world soYKhcoSwoE-00982-00217117-00217267 and there was four or five different times soYKhcoSwoE-00983-00217267-00217442 where you can log in and do it. soYKhcoSwoE-00984-00217442-00217942 And basically Travis Scott, who's a huge artist, right? soYKhcoSwoE-00985-00217966-00218184 He basically became huge on-screen. soYKhcoSwoE-00986-00218184-00218607 He became larger than life and your character in Fortnight, soYKhcoSwoE-00987-00218607-00218886 was still the same character and you could move around soYKhcoSwoE-00988-00218886-00219100 and get different views and interact with them. soYKhcoSwoE-00989-00219100-00219271 It was basically five minutes long. soYKhcoSwoE-00990-00219271-00219452 Graphically it was just incredible. soYKhcoSwoE-00991-00219452-00219707 It was something you would almost think they'd pay to see. soYKhcoSwoE-00992-00219707-00219917 And Travis Scott gets to build his brand. soYKhcoSwoE-00993-00219917-00220181 Fortnite has appointment viewing soYKhcoSwoE-00994-00220181-00220369 It's a great way to promote the artists. soYKhcoSwoE-00995-00220369-00220717 And I'm looking at this, I'm like, "Wow, this is the future. soYKhcoSwoE-00996-00220717-00220985 "It's just interactive entertainment at its finest." soYKhcoSwoE-00997-00220985-00221275 And 12 million people watch this. soYKhcoSwoE-00998-00221275-00221669 The DJ Marshmallow participated in a similar event six soYKhcoSwoE-00999-00221669-00221841 to nine months ago and he had 10 million people. soYKhcoSwoE-01000-00221841-00221996 So it's clearly growing. soYKhcoSwoE-01001-00221996-00222150 And it'll just be interesting to see soYKhcoSwoE-01002-00222150-00222348 how this evolve moving forward. soYKhcoSwoE-01003-00222534-00222826 Any thoughts on Fortnite or Travis Scott soYKhcoSwoE-01004-00222826-00223003 or should we jump into the polls Toby? soYKhcoSwoE-01005-00223003-00223086 - Let's jump into the polls. soYKhcoSwoE-01006-00223086-00223287 We're definitely conscious of time. soYKhcoSwoE-01007-00223287-00223439 So next question guys. soYKhcoSwoE-01008-00223439-00223708 Do you feel a greater sense of connection with celebrities soYKhcoSwoE-01009-00223708-00223996 and influences during COVID-19? soYKhcoSwoE-01010-00223996-00224361 Again, we'll leave that poll up for a minute or so. soYKhcoSwoE-01011-00224361-00224509 The question for you Matt, soYKhcoSwoE-01012-00224509-00224748 so you touched on influences at the end. soYKhcoSwoE-01013-00224748-00225007 I'm sort of curious to hear your thoughts on soYKhcoSwoE-01014-00225007-00225271 how you see the influence landscape actually evolving soYKhcoSwoE-01015-00225271-00225484 and changing in the next 12 to 18 months. soYKhcoSwoE-01016-00225484-00225778 - Yeah, so I mean, I've for a very long time thought soYKhcoSwoE-01017-00225778-00225950 that brand relationships with influencers soYKhcoSwoE-01018-00225950-00226314 was gonna be more marriages and less one night stands. soYKhcoSwoE-01019-00226314-00226539 We went through a period where brands were trying soYKhcoSwoE-01020-00226539-00226754 to shill everything through every individual soYKhcoSwoE-01021-00226754-00227007 who would actually hold their product and post something. soYKhcoSwoE-01022-00227007-00227354 And I think consumers quickly saw that as quite inauthentic. soYKhcoSwoE-01023-00227354-00227523 And now what's starting to happen soYKhcoSwoE-01024-00227523-00227821 is you have rising TikTok stars like Charli D'Amelio, right? soYKhcoSwoE-01025-00227821-00228161 People who aren't household names in the Hollywood lexicon, soYKhcoSwoE-01026-00228161-00228566 but they have larger audiences than Hollywood actors are. soYKhcoSwoE-01027-00228566-00228741 So I think what's gonna start to happen soYKhcoSwoE-01028-00228741-00228914 is the cream is gonna rise to the top. soYKhcoSwoE-01029-00228914-00229059 You're gonna have A-list celebrities soYKhcoSwoE-01030-00229059-00229392 and influencers who are getting get longterm sponsorship soYKhcoSwoE-01031-00229392-00229602 and endorsement deals with brands soYKhcoSwoE-01032-00229602-00229863 and it's gonna kind of wash out everything else soYKhcoSwoE-01033-00229863-00230061 because especially in a world of pay to play soYKhcoSwoE-01034-00230061-00230166 in social media, soYKhcoSwoE-01035-00230166-00230513 I think brands are gonna be doing more of less, soYKhcoSwoE-01036-00230513-00230684 more promotion with less content soYKhcoSwoE-01037-00230684-00230902 and more high-quality content. soYKhcoSwoE-01038-00230902-00231123 - Looks like we have another split field. soYKhcoSwoE-01039-00231123-00231247 So do you feel a greater sense of connection soYKhcoSwoE-01040-00231247-00231509 with celebrities and influencers during COVID-19? soYKhcoSwoE-01041-00231509-00231667 52%, 49%. soYKhcoSwoE-01042-00231667-00231810 Any thoughts on that? soYKhcoSwoE-01043-00231810-00231900 - No, I mean it's interesting. soYKhcoSwoE-01044-00231900-00232319 I think it all depends on what celebrities people follow. soYKhcoSwoE-01045-00232319-00232535 I think this has been a little bit of an equalizer soYKhcoSwoE-01046-00232535-00232790 with celebrities where you're starting to see celebrities soYKhcoSwoE-01047-00232790-00232896 in their own homes, soYKhcoSwoE-01048-00232896-00233140 you're starting to see them kind of become humanized. soYKhcoSwoE-01049-00233140-00233361 I think many celebrities haven't really stepped it up soYKhcoSwoE-01050-00233361-00233602 the way that we may have hoped they went through this. soYKhcoSwoE-01051-00233602-00233857 So, I think we used to put them on a pedestal. soYKhcoSwoE-01052-00233857-00234148 Maybe not so much coming out of this. soYKhcoSwoE-01053-00234148-00234237 - Totally, totally. soYKhcoSwoE-01054-00234237-00234357 All right, let's get into the next section. soYKhcoSwoE-01055-00234357-00234664 - Yeah, so how are consumers connecting with information soYKhcoSwoE-01056-00234664-00234904 in this time where consumers are seeking out information soYKhcoSwoE-01057-00234904-00235060 that's so important to them? soYKhcoSwoE-01058-00235060-00235356 About believe social media has evolved during the crisis, soYKhcoSwoE-01059-00235356-00235484 giving him better access to information. soYKhcoSwoE-01060-00235484-00235685 Obviously, you have organizations soYKhcoSwoE-01061-00235685-00235898 like the World Health Organization, soYKhcoSwoE-01062-00236003-00236228 posting really valuable information. soYKhcoSwoE-01063-00236228-00236311 In this instance, soYKhcoSwoE-01064-00236311-00236484 how should you wash your fruits and vegetables? soYKhcoSwoE-01065-00236484-00236891 I mean, people are constantly seeking for information. soYKhcoSwoE-01066-00236891-00237017 You have live streams, soYKhcoSwoE-01067-00237017-00237319 which really become the modern-day Fireside Chats. soYKhcoSwoE-01068-00237319-00237498 Governor Cuomo has really built himself soYKhcoSwoE-01069-00237498-00237642 a little bit of a cult following soYKhcoSwoE-01070-00237642-00237886 with his daily briefings during the week. soYKhcoSwoE-01071-00237886-00238012 It's actually seven days a week soYKhcoSwoE-01072-00238012-00238313 where he comes with his team live from Albany talking soYKhcoSwoE-01073-00238313-00238490 about all of the great things that the State of New York soYKhcoSwoE-01074-00238490-00238715 is trying to do to control this crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-01075-00238715-00238928 So, they're using social media, soYKhcoSwoE-01076-00238928-00239166 a government organization in their own way soYKhcoSwoE-01077-00239166-00239396 to really give people on-demand access. soYKhcoSwoE-01078-00239396-00239568 And when I'm watching it, I'm like, "Well, soYKhcoSwoE-01079-00239568-00239819 "why didn't governments do this all along?" soYKhcoSwoE-01080-00239819-00240075 Because I think people really appreciate it. soYKhcoSwoE-01081-00240075-00240229 - Also unlike broadcast media, soYKhcoSwoE-01082-00240229-00240548 social media provides like this incredible feedback loop soYKhcoSwoE-01083-00240548-00240744 for these people that are like out there soYKhcoSwoE-01084-00240744-00240977 in the sort of the public domain or in the mainstream. soYKhcoSwoE-01085-00240977-00241273 So if you look actually at the way in which his briefings soYKhcoSwoE-01086-00241273-00241476 have evolved and changed over the course of the last soYKhcoSwoE-01087-00241476-00241819 like five weeks or so, I would say that's in large part soYKhcoSwoE-01088-00241819-00242005 because of the feedback and the interaction soYKhcoSwoE-01089-00242005-00242285 that he has through social media versus soYKhcoSwoE-01090-00242285-00242551 that one way medium that is broadcast. soYKhcoSwoE-01091-00242551-00242748 - Absolutely, absolutely. soYKhcoSwoE-01092-00242748-00243025 Facebook is obviously trying to do their part. soYKhcoSwoE-01093-00243025-00243364 I think Facebook has done a fairly good job during this. soYKhcoSwoE-01094-00243364-00243600 They've caught so much flack starting with the election soYKhcoSwoE-01095-00243600-00243930 in 2016 and so many other issues that occurred afterwards soYKhcoSwoE-01096-00243930-00244228 and I think they've really stepped it up to try to give back soYKhcoSwoE-01097-00244228-00244428 and are really trying to use this as an opportunity soYKhcoSwoE-01098-00244428-00244712 to change your perception in terms of a trusted platform. soYKhcoSwoE-01099-00244712-00244882 I don't know if you feel the same way Toby, soYKhcoSwoE-01100-00244882-00245066 but it's been good to see. soYKhcoSwoE-01101-00245066-00245149 - I do. soYKhcoSwoE-01102-00245149-00245327 And I think that both from the public sort soYKhcoSwoE-01103-00245327-00245551 of facing perspective in the way soYKhcoSwoE-01104-00245551-00245889 in which they are being perceived that's changed. soYKhcoSwoE-01105-00245889-00246184 I think the sentiment is much more positive now. soYKhcoSwoE-01106-00246184-00246394 You and I also know a ton of people at Facebook. soYKhcoSwoE-01107-00246394-00246575 I actually interviewed Shauna Sweeney yesterday soYKhcoSwoE-01108-00246575-00246742 on the SMW one show soYKhcoSwoE-01109-00246742-00246866 and she had some really interesting things soYKhcoSwoE-01110-00246866-00247267 to say in terms of like what the tone is like internally. soYKhcoSwoE-01111-00247267-00247458 Like how are they sort of reorganized? soYKhcoSwoE-01112-00247458-00247766 And she said that she's never been more inspired soYKhcoSwoE-01113-00247766-00248117 by an organization's ability to be able to pivot soYKhcoSwoE-01114-00248117-00248330 in the moment and to recognize its purpose soYKhcoSwoE-01115-00248330-00248596 and responsibility and obligation at this time soYKhcoSwoE-01116-00248596-00248829 and reorganize everything it does around trying soYKhcoSwoE-01117-00248829-00248971 to figure out how to help in this moment. soYKhcoSwoE-01118-00248971-00249143 So I think I'm with you. soYKhcoSwoE-01119-00249143-00249259 I think they're doing a good job. soYKhcoSwoE-01120-00249259-00249526 - Yep, and then lastly, soYKhcoSwoE-01121-00249526-00249846 how platforms negatively impacting US response? soYKhcoSwoE-01122-00249846-00250135 So there's obviously a downside to social media. soYKhcoSwoE-01123-00250135-00250465 We've heard about it ad nauseum some people feel soYKhcoSwoE-01124-00250465-00250661 that the platforms need to be doing a better job soYKhcoSwoE-01125-00250661-00250967 at containing the spread of misinformation. soYKhcoSwoE-01126-00250967-00251181 Some feel like that the politicizing soYKhcoSwoE-01127-00251181-00251371 or having a polarized response, soYKhcoSwoE-01128-00251371-00251575 we know that that could be an echo chamber of fact soYKhcoSwoE-01129-00251575-00251681 where the more or left you are, soYKhcoSwoE-01130-00251681-00251813 the more left content you have. soYKhcoSwoE-01131-00251813-00252044 And same, the more right you're leaning. soYKhcoSwoE-01132-00252044-00252277 Some people feel it's increasing anxiety levels soYKhcoSwoE-01133-00252277-00252448 or are downplaying the severity soYKhcoSwoE-01134-00252448-00252671 and obviously, it depends upon what platforms you're on, soYKhcoSwoE-01135-00252671-00252850 who you follow, et cetera. soYKhcoSwoE-01136-00252850-00253073 I look at social media is always been a reflection soYKhcoSwoE-01137-00253073-00253163 of society. soYKhcoSwoE-01138-00253163-00253373 So I think what you're gonna find negative in society, soYKhcoSwoE-01139-00253373-00253534 you're gonna find on social media soYKhcoSwoE-01140-00253534-00253769 and that seems to be the case here. soYKhcoSwoE-01141-00253769-00253990 - It's definitely a two-way mirror. soYKhcoSwoE-01142-00253990-00254073 - Yeah, soYKhcoSwoE-01143-00254073-00254573 So, looks like we have a poll as well for information. soYKhcoSwoE-01144-00254602-00254685 - Yeah, let's jump in. soYKhcoSwoE-01145-00254685-00254966 So do you believe that social platforms are providing access soYKhcoSwoE-01146-00254966-00255237 to accurate information at this time? soYKhcoSwoE-01147-00255237-00255371 Let's hope it's not split field again soYKhcoSwoE-01148-00255371-00255683 'cause we need something to talk about. soYKhcoSwoE-01149-00255683-00255766 All right. soYKhcoSwoE-01150-00255766-00256054 So I have a quick one more quick question for you Matt. soYKhcoSwoE-01151-00256054-00256312 Personally, like how are you cutting through the clutter soYKhcoSwoE-01152-00256312-00256440 of information that we've seeing today? soYKhcoSwoE-01153-00256440-00256921 Like, what are you making of these like new influences soYKhcoSwoE-01154-00256921-00257201 that are shaping our understanding of trust and privacy? soYKhcoSwoE-01155-00257201-00257479 Like Dr Sanjay Gupta? (chuckles) soYKhcoSwoE-01156-00257479-00257751 (mumbles) doctor, I actually did a post on LinkedIn soYKhcoSwoE-01157-00257751-00258021 and I said, "Dr Fauci is the new Dr Dre." soYKhcoSwoE-01158-00258021-00258104 (laughing) soYKhcoSwoE-01159-00258104-00258187 But yeah, I said it. soYKhcoSwoE-01160-00258187-00258271 - I saw that, it was pretty really good. soYKhcoSwoE-01161-00258271-00258602 - Yeah, it's interesting who you seek out. soYKhcoSwoE-01162-00258602-00258950 For me, I only use Twitter to get information. soYKhcoSwoE-01163-00258950-00259155 I use every other platform. soYKhcoSwoE-01164-00259155-00259381 Maybe LinkedIn more for specific business information, soYKhcoSwoE-01165-00259381-00259628 but if you're looking for just general business soYKhcoSwoE-01166-00259628-00259810 or news information, I use Twitter. soYKhcoSwoE-01167-00259810-00259893 I have lists. soYKhcoSwoE-01168-00259893-00260109 I found Twitter lists to be incredibly impactful soYKhcoSwoE-01169-00260109-00260277 where I highly curated those lists. soYKhcoSwoE-01170-00260277-00260385 If I'm looking for news, soYKhcoSwoE-01171-00260385-00260542 there's only certain people I wanna hear from. soYKhcoSwoE-01172-00260542-00260657 If I'm looking for information soYKhcoSwoE-01173-00260657-00260817 on my beloved Philadelphia Eagles, soYKhcoSwoE-01174-00260817-00260963 there's only certain people I wanna hear from. soYKhcoSwoE-01175-00260963-00261157 And I found Twitter to be an incredible platform soYKhcoSwoE-01176-00261157-00261305 in that regard. soYKhcoSwoE-01177-00261305-00261598 - Do you trust people or institutions in that context soYKhcoSwoE-01178-00261598-00261681 when it comes to information? soYKhcoSwoE-01179-00261681-00261940 - Well, I mean, they're really, I mean, people, soYKhcoSwoE-01180-00261940-00262054 I think like, I actually, soYKhcoSwoE-01181-00262054-00262230 when you think of the future of news, soYKhcoSwoE-01182-00262230-00262495 I think we're gonna be trusting the reporters soYKhcoSwoE-01183-00262495-00262681 versus the news itself. soYKhcoSwoE-01184-00262681-00262977 And I think that the individuals brands are people, soYKhcoSwoE-01185-00262977-00263090 people are brands. soYKhcoSwoE-01186-00263090-00263240 It's really the people behind them. soYKhcoSwoE-01187-00263240-00263423 So I think it really is the individuals. soYKhcoSwoE-01188-00263423-00263540 How about you? soYKhcoSwoE-01189-00263694-00263783 - I dunno man. soYKhcoSwoE-01190-00263880-00264097 My list is so highly curated, soYKhcoSwoE-01191-00264097-00264540 but I think that probably an even split between institutions soYKhcoSwoE-01192-00264540-00264784 and of course the people who are attached to them. soYKhcoSwoE-01193-00264784-00265147 But then, independent voices as well. soYKhcoSwoE-01194-00265147-00265382 It's probably an even split, I'll be honest. soYKhcoSwoE-01195-00265382-00265551 - Yeah, no, I get that. soYKhcoSwoE-01196-00265551-00265678 - All right, let's go on to the poll results. soYKhcoSwoE-01197-00265678-00265863 So do you believe the social platforms are providing access soYKhcoSwoE-01198-00265863-00266016 to accurate information? soYKhcoSwoE-01199-00266016-00266232 62% of people said yes. soYKhcoSwoE-01200-00266324-00266486 Thoughts. soYKhcoSwoE-01201-00266486-00266652 - I mean, I think most consumers, soYKhcoSwoE-01202-00266652-00266780 if they're following the right people, soYKhcoSwoE-01203-00266780-00266934 there's no reason it shouldn't be accurate. soYKhcoSwoE-01204-00266934-00267195 I think, there's some people soYKhcoSwoE-01205-00267195-00267495 that trust individuals they follow. soYKhcoSwoE-01206-00267495-00267654 There's other people that don't. soYKhcoSwoE-01207-00267654-00267841 So I think that it really depends soYKhcoSwoE-01208-00267841-00267996 on the individual experience. soYKhcoSwoE-01209-00267996-00268229 - It does, and you have to remember of course soYKhcoSwoE-01210-00268229-00268390 social media gets obviously a lot of flag soYKhcoSwoE-01211-00268390-00268569 in terms of like the spread of misinformation. soYKhcoSwoE-01212-00268569-00268742 But we also have to understand soYKhcoSwoE-01213-00268742-00269072 that traditional media has existed soYKhcoSwoE-01214-00269072-00269387 in a of biased sense for decades. soYKhcoSwoE-01215-00269387-00269562 And so if you only lock into soYKhcoSwoE-01216-00269562-00269921 and get your information from a single media institution, soYKhcoSwoE-01217-00269921-00270118 it's likely to be biased in some particular way soYKhcoSwoE-01218-00270118-00270255 and it's likely to be information soYKhcoSwoE-01219-00270255-00270500 that you're gonna get is very much kind of speaking soYKhcoSwoE-01220-00270500-00270625 to who you are as a person. soYKhcoSwoE-01221-00270625-00270826 So I think it's also important to kind of factor that in. soYKhcoSwoE-01222-00270826-00271019 All right, let's go to our final section. soYKhcoSwoE-01223-00271019-00271137 - Let's get in our final section, yeah. soYKhcoSwoE-01224-00271137-00271260 Connecting with brands soYKhcoSwoE-01225-00271260-00271633 and consumer still believe brand should be part of the mix. soYKhcoSwoE-01226-00271633-00271896 Half of consumers think that brands should remain soYKhcoSwoE-01227-00271896-00272069 an integral part of the social media experience. soYKhcoSwoE-01228-00272069-00272489 So there are some, and you see people posting all the time soYKhcoSwoE-01229-00272489-00272625 on platforms like LinkedIn saying, soYKhcoSwoE-01230-00272625-00272804 "This is not a time for brands to speak," soYKhcoSwoE-01231-00272804-00273013 but I think brands are a trusted entity. soYKhcoSwoE-01232-00273013-00273307 And I think consumers trust brands and times like this, soYKhcoSwoE-01233-00273307-00273411 brands need to step it up. soYKhcoSwoE-01234-00273411-00273537 But the question is how they're doing it. soYKhcoSwoE-01235-00273537-00273631 As we talked about, soYKhcoSwoE-01236-00273631-00273917 and we'll get into much further in this section soYKhcoSwoE-01237-00273917-00274074 and in terms of brands being an integral part soYKhcoSwoE-01238-00274074-00274404 of the experience, it's now more inexpensive soYKhcoSwoE-01239-00274404-00274540 and more efficient than ever soYKhcoSwoE-01240-00274540-00274737 for brands to be part of the experience. soYKhcoSwoE-01241-00274737-00275024 So Facebook's advertising cost per 1,000 soYKhcoSwoE-01242-00275024-00275176 or how much it costs to reach a 1,000 soYKhcoSwoE-01243-00275176-00275503 people is basically an all-time low. soYKhcoSwoE-01244-00275503-00275810 And for those of you who don't understand how this works, soYKhcoSwoE-01245-00275810-00276057 basically buying programmatically soYKhcoSwoE-01246-00276057-00276265 or buying ads on a platform like Facebook soYKhcoSwoE-01247-00276265-00276538 or Google is essentially an auction where there's supply soYKhcoSwoE-01248-00276538-00276736 and demand dynamics at play. soYKhcoSwoE-01249-00276736-00276895 The more people that wanna advertise, soYKhcoSwoE-01250-00276895-00277115 especially towards a certain audience, the higher the rates, soYKhcoSwoE-01251-00277115-00277261 the less people, the lower the rates. soYKhcoSwoE-01252-00277261-00277344 And right now, soYKhcoSwoE-01253-00277344-00277647 if you think about the huge group of advertisers soYKhcoSwoE-01254-00277647-00277834 who are essentially spending nothing right now. soYKhcoSwoE-01255-00277834-00278039 You know, whether it be a company like Uber soYKhcoSwoE-01256-00278039-00278241 or a company like a Marriott soYKhcoSwoE-01257-00278241-00278523 or a company like Delta or Kayak. soYKhcoSwoE-01258-00278523-00278810 There's so many industries and companies soYKhcoSwoE-01259-00278810-00279037 that don't find a need to advertise soYKhcoSwoE-01260-00279037-00279202 because there's no way they can drive an ROI. soYKhcoSwoE-01261-00279202-00279475 And because of it, there's less advertising coming in. soYKhcoSwoE-01262-00279475-00279641 And because of less advertising coming in soYKhcoSwoE-01263-00279641-00279753 for those that do advertise, soYKhcoSwoE-01264-00279753-00279923 it's more efficient than ever before. soYKhcoSwoE-01265-00279923-00280076 So, it's just interesting. soYKhcoSwoE-01266-00280076-00280203 Some brands like P&G has said, soYKhcoSwoE-01267-00280203-00280391 "We are not going dark through this. soYKhcoSwoE-01268-00280391-00280577 "This is the time when great brands are built." soYKhcoSwoE-01269-00280577-00280715 I happen to agree with that, soYKhcoSwoE-01270-00280715-00280940 but not all brands have the stomach for that. soYKhcoSwoE-01271-00281052-00281324 In terms of who consumers wanna hear from, soYKhcoSwoE-01272-00281409-00281559 we've identified a couple sectors soYKhcoSwoE-01273-00281559-00281704 that consumers actually wanna hear from soYKhcoSwoE-01274-00281704-00281853 food and beverage brands. soYKhcoSwoE-01275-00281853-00282190 We talked a lot about our state of the US consumer webinars, soYKhcoSwoE-01276-00282190-00282416 about how consumers are cooking more than ever before soYKhcoSwoE-01277-00282416-00282541 because they're not going to restaurants soYKhcoSwoE-01278-00282541-00282737 and how this is bringing a great renaissance soYKhcoSwoE-01279-00282737-00283021 of the American family cooking a family dinner. soYKhcoSwoE-01280-00283021-00283206 Entertainment company 'cause obviously, soYKhcoSwoE-01281-00283206-00283324 they need to be entertained. soYKhcoSwoE-01282-00283324-00283441 They need to know what's on Netflix, soYKhcoSwoE-01283-00283441-00283713 they need to hear what's coming on next. soYKhcoSwoE-01284-00283713-00283927 And then healthcare companies, how can I stay safe? soYKhcoSwoE-01285-00283927-00284200 How can I keep my family safe through this? soYKhcoSwoE-01286-00284200-00284423 And most importantly, no matter what sector, soYKhcoSwoE-01287-00284423-00284613 they're really looking for brands to be informative soYKhcoSwoE-01288-00284613-00284743 and honest. soYKhcoSwoE-01289-00284743-00285037 And really brands that are focused on the consumer soYKhcoSwoE-01290-00285037-00285353 versus again, pushing their unique selling proposition, soYKhcoSwoE-01291-00285353-00285485 trying to sell their stuff. soYKhcoSwoE-01292-00285485-00285670 I don't know if you have any other thoughts on this Toby, soYKhcoSwoE-01293-00285670-00285782 in terms of brands soYKhcoSwoE-01294-00285782-00286062 and how they're positioning themselves through this. soYKhcoSwoE-01295-00286062-00286316 - Yeah, I do, and I sort of wanna reference actually soYKhcoSwoE-01296-00286316-00286493 like social media Global Theme this year, soYKhcoSwoE-01297-00286493-00286993 which we are working on sort of in mid-2019 is Human.X soYKhcoSwoE-01298-00287025-00287184 which is looking at the future of marketing, soYKhcoSwoE-01299-00287184-00287425 needing to be human first experience-driven. soYKhcoSwoE-01300-00287516-00287684 It felt salient then soYKhcoSwoE-01301-00287684-00287818 it certainly feels even more salient now. soYKhcoSwoE-01302-00287818-00288051 When you sort of talk about kind of a human first marketing soYKhcoSwoE-01303-00288051-00288290 and human first principles. soYKhcoSwoE-01304-00288290-00288458 There's never been a more important time for brands soYKhcoSwoE-01305-00288458-00288651 to recognize their own humanity, soYKhcoSwoE-01306-00288651-00288783 to recognize their obligations soYKhcoSwoE-01307-00288783-00289181 and responsibility in terms of serving at this time. soYKhcoSwoE-01308-00289181-00289363 And that's the kind of the key message here soYKhcoSwoE-01309-00289363-00289593 is that this is the opportunity to serve. soYKhcoSwoE-01310-00289593-00289845 This is your opportunity to think about empathy soYKhcoSwoE-01311-00289845-00290081 and compassion in regards to your role soYKhcoSwoE-01312-00290081-00290284 and impacts on people's lives. soYKhcoSwoE-01313-00290284-00290731 - Absolutely, and we asked consumers in that regard, soYKhcoSwoE-01314-00290731-00290878 how brands can support them? soYKhcoSwoE-01315-00290878-00291166 And obviously it's keeping them informed on what's going on. soYKhcoSwoE-01316-00291166-00291421 Not every brand feels they have a right to play in the space soYKhcoSwoE-01317-00291421-00291696 of keeping consumers informed about a health crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-01318-00291696-00291964 Some just wanna entertain, help them escape, soYKhcoSwoE-01319-00291964-00292174 or provide distraction or inspire them. soYKhcoSwoE-01320-00292174-00292280 And in that regard, soYKhcoSwoE-01321-00292280-00292430 and we've talked about this during our state soYKhcoSwoE-01322-00292430-00292647 of the US consumer webinars. soYKhcoSwoE-01323-00292647-00292857 Basically we've identified three pillars soYKhcoSwoE-01324-00292857-00293102 of how brands are marketing during the crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-01325-00293102-00293482 And it's more true than anywhere on social media soYKhcoSwoE-01326-00293482-00293681 where brands really can play one of these three roles soYKhcoSwoE-01327-00293681-00294034 and we identify it into three buckets, escape, soYKhcoSwoE-01328-00294034-00294281 something that helps consumers escape, soYKhcoSwoE-01329-00294281-00294524 something that helps them laugh or smile soYKhcoSwoE-01330-00294524-00294819 or just forget about the crazy world we're living right now. soYKhcoSwoE-01331-00294819-00295062 Community, bringing people further together. soYKhcoSwoE-01332-00295062-00295284 There are no more water cooler conversations soYKhcoSwoE-01333-00295284-00295517 or people meeting friends at the coffee shop. soYKhcoSwoE-01334-00295517-00295839 How can brands kind of drive that community soYKhcoSwoE-01335-00295839-00295950 and drive that connection. soYKhcoSwoE-01336-00295950-00296137 And then utility, how are brands soYKhcoSwoE-01337-00296137-00296343 and big businesses giving back to consumers soYKhcoSwoE-01338-00296343-00296497 and aiding them through this crisis soYKhcoSwoE-01339-00296497-00296779 are really the three elements. soYKhcoSwoE-01340-00296779-00297063 And so talking about seeking escape Toby, soYKhcoSwoE-01341-00297063-00297439 you particularly like this activation by P&G. soYKhcoSwoE-01342-00297439-00297628 - Yeah, it's hugely interesting. soYKhcoSwoE-01343-00297628-00297988 So P&G teamed up with Tiktok's star Charli D'Amelio soYKhcoSwoE-01344-00297988-00298285 for what they called the DistanceDance campaign. soYKhcoSwoE-01345-00298285-00298560 And what's important to know here is, first of all, soYKhcoSwoE-01346-00298560-00298643 P&G has always been a brand soYKhcoSwoE-01347-00298643-00298844 that has led particularly with its purpose. soYKhcoSwoE-01348-00298844-00299026 Its done some extraordinary things over the years soYKhcoSwoE-01349-00299026-00299353 in terms of how it's helped in a number of really important soYKhcoSwoE-01350-00299353-00299596 kind of societal kind of areas and categories. soYKhcoSwoE-01351-00299596-00299852 What's important is the speed at which they responded soYKhcoSwoE-01352-00299852-00300053 and recognized that there was an opportunity, soYKhcoSwoE-01353-00300053-00300291 but there's also like a responsibility they have soYKhcoSwoE-01354-00300291-00300653 in terms of helping promote this message soYKhcoSwoE-01355-00300653-00300837 of social distancing. soYKhcoSwoE-01356-00300837-00301129 So what they did is they teamed up with Charli, soYKhcoSwoE-01357-00301129-00301316 they launched the DistanceDance campaign, soYKhcoSwoE-01358-00301316-00301493 which she kind of spearheaded soYKhcoSwoE-01359-00301493-00301800 and in an incredibly fast amount of time. soYKhcoSwoE-01360-00301800-00301979 And this really speaks to the power soYKhcoSwoE-01361-00301979-00302180 and also potential of the TikTok platform. soYKhcoSwoE-01362-00302180-00302621 The video garnered eight billion views and more importantly, soYKhcoSwoE-01363-00302621-00302836 I think has subsequently generated soYKhcoSwoE-01364-00302836-00303127 1.7 million imitation videos. soYKhcoSwoE-01365-00303127-00303325 That is just an extraordinary level of-- soYKhcoSwoE-01366-00303325-00303528 - Yeah, and talking about a new celebrity soYKhcoSwoE-01367-00303528-00303837 and kind of the divergence of influencer soYKhcoSwoE-01368-00303837-00304140 and social media-driven stars versus Hollywood stars. soYKhcoSwoE-01369-00304140-00304488 And, this is a TikTok star being taken mainstream, soYKhcoSwoE-01370-00304488-00304880 by one of the most prolific marketers that exist. soYKhcoSwoE-01371-00304880-00305207 We continue to see brands invest in live music, live sports. soYKhcoSwoE-01372-00305207-00305707 I thought that what Pepsi did with the Global Citizen Group soYKhcoSwoE-01373-00305861-00306018 recently was incredible. soYKhcoSwoE-01374-00306018-00306271 Everybody from The Rolling Stones, Elton John, soYKhcoSwoE-01375-00306271-00306364 performed live. soYKhcoSwoE-01376-00306364-00306639 And the reminded me of what had happened after 9/11. soYKhcoSwoE-01377-00306639-00306825 And I think hopefully we'll see more of this, soYKhcoSwoE-01378-00306825-00307035 as it raises money, it brings people together. soYKhcoSwoE-01379-00307035-00307276 And I think, going back to the NFL Draft, soYKhcoSwoE-01380-00307276-00307478 I think, the NFL soYKhcoSwoE-01381-00307478-00307710 and their partners just did such an amazing job soYKhcoSwoE-01382-00307710-00307999 seeing these kids in their homes at a moment soYKhcoSwoE-01383-00307999-00308316 where they should be on stage for working for 18 years soYKhcoSwoE-01384-00308316-00308557 to basically get to that moment. soYKhcoSwoE-01385-00308557-00308769 I had bittersweet emotions about that, soYKhcoSwoE-01386-00308769-00308953 but that was so well done by the NFL soYKhcoSwoE-01387-00308953-00309173 in terms of going forward with the draft. soYKhcoSwoE-01388-00309173-00309263 Seeking community. soYKhcoSwoE-01389-00309263-00309617 So obviously people are craving a deeper connection, soYKhcoSwoE-01390-00309617-00309920 experiences and I thought it was really interesting. soYKhcoSwoE-01391-00309920-00310168 I think it's interesting how you have companies like Delta soYKhcoSwoE-01392-00310168-00310381 for the first time really pushing their CEO out. soYKhcoSwoE-01393-00310381-00310756 So Ed Bastian their CEO, he is now coming to the forefront soYKhcoSwoE-01394-00310756-00310983 and trying to actually be a voice through this. soYKhcoSwoE-01395-00310983-00311424 Obviously, the travel industry has been completely damaged soYKhcoSwoE-01396-00311424-00311634 through this and it's gonna be interesting to see soYKhcoSwoE-01397-00311634-00311892 how quickly they recover from it. soYKhcoSwoE-01398-00311892-00312002 I don't know if you have thoughts about this. soYKhcoSwoE-01399-00312002-00312187 We talked about brands are people, people are brands, soYKhcoSwoE-01400-00312187-00312505 this is Delta humanizing themselves through their CEO. soYKhcoSwoE-01401-00312505-00312667 - Yeah, I think it's great. soYKhcoSwoE-01402-00312667-00312868 I think Delta and Delta CEO has done a great job. soYKhcoSwoE-01403-00312868-00313272 I think Robin Hanson, JetBlue also is another like leader soYKhcoSwoE-01404-00313272-00313605 at an airline that is obviously facing extraordinary time soYKhcoSwoE-01405-00313605-00313757 in terms of having to lay off soYKhcoSwoE-01406-00313757-00314117 or furlough 10,000 of their employees during this time. soYKhcoSwoE-01407-00314117-00314310 But the key is they've got out in front of it. soYKhcoSwoE-01408-00314310-00314513 They've been very public-facing. soYKhcoSwoE-01409-00314513-00314746 They've been leveraging social media as a channel soYKhcoSwoE-01410-00314746-00315148 to be able to kind of communicate and also to react soYKhcoSwoE-01411-00315148-00315448 and respond and to solicit feedback during this time. soYKhcoSwoE-01412-00315448-00315904 Again, it's really about like how to adopt this soYKhcoSwoE-01413-00315904-00316075 like human-centric approach soYKhcoSwoE-01414-00316075-00316302 to how you think about your customers soYKhcoSwoE-01415-00316302-00316527 and how you think about your employees at this time. soYKhcoSwoE-01416-00316527-00316637 - Absolutely. soYKhcoSwoE-01417-00316637-00316875 This was an incredible activation, soYKhcoSwoE-01418-00316875-00317077 done by actually an old high school classmate of mine, soYKhcoSwoE-01419-00317077-00317286 an incredible entrepreneur named Michael Rubin soYKhcoSwoE-01420-00317286-00317502 who used his connections soYKhcoSwoE-01421-00317502-00317715 and his friends' connections to essentially soYKhcoSwoE-01422-00317715-00318146 create a movement which has now raised about $25 million. soYKhcoSwoE-01423-00318146-00318481 They went to every celebrity from Justin Bieber soYKhcoSwoE-01424-00318481-00318975 to Kevin Hart to Drake to even again Charli D'Amelio. soYKhcoSwoE-01425-00318975-00319112 Here she is again, a TikTok star soYKhcoSwoE-01426-00319112-00319298 who basically auctioned off something soYKhcoSwoE-01427-00319298-00319433 that you would never be able to get, soYKhcoSwoE-01428-00319433-00319841 whether you're going golfing with (static) soYKhcoSwoE-01429-00319948-00320448 and to be able to be starring in a film role with Kevin Hart soYKhcoSwoE-01430-00320519-00320754 or having Justin Bieber come to your house soYKhcoSwoE-01431-00320754-00320947 and perform a private show soYKhcoSwoE-01432-00320947-00321302 and basically one celebrity challenge other to go all in soYKhcoSwoE-01433-00321302-00321397 and raise money. soYKhcoSwoE-01434-00321397-00321810 And we're over $25 million for this challenge soYKhcoSwoE-01435-00321810-00322086 and is all being used to basically donate money soYKhcoSwoE-01436-00322086-00322335 to food banks and keep people fed. soYKhcoSwoE-01437-00322335-00322447 And I just think it's incredible. soYKhcoSwoE-01438-00322447-00322785 It's a viral that really leverages the best of social media. soYKhcoSwoE-01439-00322785-00323088 And also takes one great mind like Michael Rubin soYKhcoSwoE-01440-00323088-00323220 to basically do it. soYKhcoSwoE-01441-00323220-00323437 And it just, I think inspiration for all of us soYKhcoSwoE-01442-00323437-00323556 to what we can do, soYKhcoSwoE-01443-00323556-00323786 what movements can we create in our little circles soYKhcoSwoE-01444-00323786-00323917 to really be able to make a difference. soYKhcoSwoE-01445-00323917-00324210 And I'm surprised brands haven't gotten more behind this. soYKhcoSwoE-01446-00324210-00324293 Yeah. soYKhcoSwoE-01447-00324293-00324540 - No, what I was gonna say is just the way it builds as well soYKhcoSwoE-01448-00324540-00324641 is really important. soYKhcoSwoE-01449-00324641-00325074 Social media plays such an important role at creating FOMO soYKhcoSwoE-01450-00325074-00325260 often talked about in a negative context, soYKhcoSwoE-01451-00325260-00325417 but thinking about all the celebrities that are like, soYKhcoSwoE-01452-00325417-00325581 "Wait a second, I wanna get on board soYKhcoSwoE-01453-00325581-00325802 "and be involved in this kind of movement." soYKhcoSwoE-01454-00325802-00326013 And obviously, when you start to see it on social, soYKhcoSwoE-01455-00326013-00326187 it has this like triggering effect. soYKhcoSwoE-01456-00326187-00326423 And then people obviously pile on as a result. soYKhcoSwoE-01457-00326423-00326576 I think that's a good thing. soYKhcoSwoE-01458-00326576-00326664 - Incredible. soYKhcoSwoE-01459-00326664-00326955 So moving on and we have a couple minutes left. soYKhcoSwoE-01460-00326955-00327225 Lastly utility and how our brands become utility. soYKhcoSwoE-01461-00327225-00327487 This has been amazing, but a brand like Steak-Umm, right? soYKhcoSwoE-01462-00327487-00327987 A brand that sells steak in the supermarkets soYKhcoSwoE-01463-00328010-00328118 is basically saying, "You know what, soYKhcoSwoE-01464-00328118-00328282 "we don't wanna talk about steak now. soYKhcoSwoE-01465-00328282-00328521 "We actually wanna become a thought leader through this." soYKhcoSwoE-01466-00328521-00328665 And I think it just goes to show you soYKhcoSwoE-01467-00328665-00328842 talking about brands are people, people are brands. soYKhcoSwoE-01468-00328842-00329039 And how can brands humanize themselves, soYKhcoSwoE-01469-00329039-00329162 Steak-Umm basically took the role soYKhcoSwoE-01470-00329162-00329295 we wanna be a thought leader through this. soYKhcoSwoE-01471-00329295-00329540 And they really broke through by doing so. soYKhcoSwoE-01472-00329540-00329672 And it was all about soYKhcoSwoE-01473-00329672-00329911 discussing responsible media consumption soYKhcoSwoE-01474-00329911-00330139 and what is the good brand soYKhcoSwoE-01475-00330139-00330342 and what the role brand should play. soYKhcoSwoE-01476-00330537-00330772 Toby, I don't know if you wanna talk about what Netflix soYKhcoSwoE-01477-00330772-00330960 and Instagram have done for their mental health series, soYKhcoSwoE-01478-00330960-00331214 but I know that Social Media Week has done a lot of work soYKhcoSwoE-01479-00331214-00331319 in this space. soYKhcoSwoE-01480-00331319-00331456 - Yeah, no, we've covered this. soYKhcoSwoE-01481-00331456-00331769 We've even talked about it on a different sort of podcast. soYKhcoSwoE-01482-00331769-00332004 So yeah, so every Thursday at four o'clock, soYKhcoSwoE-01483-00332004-00332223 I think four o'clock Eastern, soYKhcoSwoE-01484-00332223-00332402 Netflix and Instagram has basically, soYKhcoSwoE-01485-00332402-00332709 have launched a weekly live series entitled, soYKhcoSwoE-01486-00332709-00332895 "Wanna talk about it?" soYKhcoSwoE-01487-00332895-00333012 Episodes basically feature interviews soYKhcoSwoE-01488-00333012-00333250 with like Netflix talent and mental health experts soYKhcoSwoE-01489-00333250-00333527 from the National Alliance on Mental Illness soYKhcoSwoE-01490-00333527-00333858 and Mental Health America and Crisis Text Line. soYKhcoSwoE-01491-00333858-00334009 And the other episodes basically are designed soYKhcoSwoE-01492-00334009-00334259 to raise awareness and create like a safe space soYKhcoSwoE-01493-00334259-00334426 for people seeking to address the challenges soYKhcoSwoE-01494-00334426-00334758 and questions streaming from these like confusing soYKhcoSwoE-01495-00334758-00334901 and extraordinary times. soYKhcoSwoE-01496-00334901-00335169 And there's been obviously just an amazing amount of people soYKhcoSwoE-01497-00335169-00335539 that have been sort of participating, Jerry Harris, soYKhcoSwoE-01498-00335539-00335786 Joey King, Alisha Boe, and all these people soYKhcoSwoE-01499-00335786-00336075 that like basically come onboard incredibly quickly. soYKhcoSwoE-01500-00336075-00336170 We just think about the speed soYKhcoSwoE-01501-00336170-00336400 at which they turn this around. soYKhcoSwoE-01502-00336400-00336582 And so far we know that soYKhcoSwoE-01503-00336582-00337035 I think over 60% of Instagram's audiences is like under 34, soYKhcoSwoE-01504-00337035-00337124 and Netflix of course, soYKhcoSwoE-01505-00337124-00337437 is ranked as the most popular video channel among teens. soYKhcoSwoE-01506-00337437-00337699 And so these two platforms coming together soYKhcoSwoE-01507-00337699-00337880 in recognition of the fact that they're reaching soYKhcoSwoE-01508-00337880-00338180 a demographic that needs help during this time soYKhcoSwoE-01509-00338180-00338303 I think is super important. soYKhcoSwoE-01510-00338303-00338515 So these types of collaborations are great. soYKhcoSwoE-01511-00338515-00338792 What I love about everything that's happening right now, soYKhcoSwoE-01512-00338792-00339091 obviously, it giving the fact that we are going through soYKhcoSwoE-01513-00339091-00339441 an extraordinary crisis is the fact that people are moving soYKhcoSwoE-01514-00339441-00339673 so quickly to figure out how to help. soYKhcoSwoE-01515-00339673-00339809 - Yup, yup, absolutely. soYKhcoSwoE-01516-00339809-00340130 And just lastly, I mean platforms are tryna also build it. soYKhcoSwoE-01517-00340130-00340476 Instagram, built a functionality instead of, soYKhcoSwoE-01518-00340476-00340754 "Ask me anything," it's asked me how I could help. soYKhcoSwoE-01519-00340754-00341010 Snapchat launched a whole section called, "Here for you." soYKhcoSwoE-01520-00341010-00341510 So, Pinterest has pivoted and actually put a custom search, soYKhcoSwoE-01521-00341530-00341827 where basically they're giving people daily inspiration. soYKhcoSwoE-01522-00341827-00342103 So brands are doing anything they can right now soYKhcoSwoE-01523-00342103-00342369 they're basically tryna give back and platforms are as well. soYKhcoSwoE-01524-00342369-00342456 And it's great to see. soYKhcoSwoE-01525-00342456-00342859 So, moving on to the poll for brands. soYKhcoSwoE-01526-00342982-00343098 - Alright, next poll question. soYKhcoSwoE-01527-00343098-00343464 Do you believe that post COVID-19 brands will continue soYKhcoSwoE-01528-00343464-00343817 to use social media in more human-centric ways? soYKhcoSwoE-01529-00343817-00344009 Let's hope so. soYKhcoSwoE-01530-00344009-00344256 There was amazing article that sort of talked about soYKhcoSwoE-01531-00344256-00344504 kind of gas lighting and the fact that brands will probably soYKhcoSwoE-01532-00344504-00344822 revert back to their old ways of communicating. soYKhcoSwoE-01533-00344822-00345015 They're old ways of pushing messaging. soYKhcoSwoE-01534-00345015-00345272 And part of the article talks about the fact that like, soYKhcoSwoE-01535-00345272-00345474 everyone is just gonna wanna get back to normal, soYKhcoSwoE-01536-00345474-00345720 get back to a place of like feeling comfortable again soYKhcoSwoE-01537-00345720-00345889 and brands are gonna sort of step in soYKhcoSwoE-01538-00345889-00346085 to sort of help people get back to that kind of soYKhcoSwoE-01539-00346085-00346325 like feeling of comfort and normality. soYKhcoSwoE-01540-00346325-00346469 But of course, what they ultimately want is you soYKhcoSwoE-01541-00346469-00346772 to continue just to buy their products and services. soYKhcoSwoE-01542-00346772-00347086 All right, let's look at the poll results soYKhcoSwoE-01543-00347086-00347336 before we get into some audience Q and A. soYKhcoSwoE-01544-00347336-00347565 So, the results are in, soYKhcoSwoE-01545-00347565-00347763 so do you believe that post COVID-19 brands will continue soYKhcoSwoE-01546-00347763-00348006 to use social media in more human-centric ways? soYKhcoSwoE-01547-00348006-00348130 Yes, 82%. soYKhcoSwoE-01548-00348130-00348251 No, 18%. soYKhcoSwoE-01549-00348251-00348530 It seems like we have a very, very optimistic audience. soYKhcoSwoE-01550-00348530-00348636 Optimistic audience, I love it. soYKhcoSwoE-01551-00348636-00348748 - I'm not surprised, yeah. soYKhcoSwoE-01552-00348748-00348930 Should we get into some questions, Toby? soYKhcoSwoE-01553-00348930-00349023 - Yeah, let's do it. soYKhcoSwoE-01554-00349023-00349216 I think, we're getting pretty close to time. soYKhcoSwoE-01555-00349216-00349372 First of all, let me just say that like, soYKhcoSwoE-01556-00349372-00349540 just watching the audience participation soYKhcoSwoE-01557-00349540-00349623 has just been phenomenal. soYKhcoSwoE-01558-00349623-00349928 The chat has been like lit up throughout this webinar. soYKhcoSwoE-01559-00349928-00350185 So I really appreciate everyone being so engaged soYKhcoSwoE-01560-00350185-00350332 and so interactive. soYKhcoSwoE-01561-00350332-00350616 Also, appreciate everyone who has taken the time soYKhcoSwoE-01562-00350616-00350981 to actually put some questions into the Q and A as well. soYKhcoSwoE-01563-00350981-00351334 So a first big shout out to Cameron Britton soYKhcoSwoE-01564-00351334-00351725 who jumped in to let us know that Charli D'Amelio soYKhcoSwoE-01565-00351725-00351940 actually has 52 million followers on TikTok, soYKhcoSwoE-01566-00351940-00352164 which is pretty extraordinary when I think about it. soYKhcoSwoE-01567-00352164-00352341 - Wow. - I know. soYKhcoSwoE-01568-00352341-00352608 All right, so let's look, so does anyone have, soYKhcoSwoE-01569-00352608-00352702 and this is an interesting one, soYKhcoSwoE-01570-00352702-00352834 does anyone have any pages about liquor brands soYKhcoSwoE-01571-00352834-00352936 using live streaming soYKhcoSwoE-01572-00352936-00353264 or how they can appropriately utilize live streaming, soYKhcoSwoE-01573-00353264-00353605 while avoiding encouraging over-consumption? soYKhcoSwoE-01574-00353605-00353716 That's a great question. soYKhcoSwoE-01575-00353716-00353837 Matt, you take this one. soYKhcoSwoE-01576-00353837-00353958 - Well, I mean I think liquor brands soYKhcoSwoE-01577-00353958-00354099 have always struggled with that, right? soYKhcoSwoE-01578-00354099-00354363 How does a liquor brand promote, soYKhcoSwoE-01579-00354363-00354602 advertise without encouraging consumption? soYKhcoSwoE-01580-00354602-00354860 I think if I'm a liquor brand right now soYKhcoSwoE-01581-00354860-00355172 I'm about supporting, I'm about supporting the bar backs soYKhcoSwoE-01582-00355172-00355529 and the bartenders and the waiters and the waitresses soYKhcoSwoE-01583-00355529-00355699 and the people who were on the front lines soYKhcoSwoE-01584-00355699-00355875 for their on-premise business. soYKhcoSwoE-01585-00355875-00356079 Liquor and beer copies are an interesting place. soYKhcoSwoE-01586-00356079-00356341 Although their on-premise business, bars and restaurants soYKhcoSwoE-01587-00356341-00356519 and nightclubs have basically gone to zero. soYKhcoSwoE-01588-00356519-00356794 Their off-premise business people actually ordering in soYKhcoSwoE-01589-00356794-00356949 or going to grocery stores soYKhcoSwoE-01590-00356949-00357165 and buying liquor and beer is up 30%. soYKhcoSwoE-01591-00357165-00357425 So relatively speaking they're doing okay. soYKhcoSwoE-01592-00357425-00357707 And I would just like to see these brands soYKhcoSwoE-01593-00357707-00357956 do more to give back to the workers, soYKhcoSwoE-01594-00357956-00358136 all of which are without a job right now. soYKhcoSwoE-01595-00358136-00358261 And I think that's what I would do soYKhcoSwoE-01596-00358261-00358568 if I were a liquor company. soYKhcoSwoE-01597-00358568-00358834 - Right, I mean, in many ways they don't necessarily need soYKhcoSwoE-01598-00358834-00359061 to advertise to increase consumption. soYKhcoSwoE-01599-00359061-00359240 They need to play a role, they need to figure out soYKhcoSwoE-01600-00359240-00359332 what that role is. soYKhcoSwoE-01601-00359332-00359461 There is someone, I think it was Anheuser Busch soYKhcoSwoE-01602-00359461-00359747 and Budweiser in the UK started to work soYKhcoSwoE-01603-00359747-00360070 with kind of like local bars to enable people soYKhcoSwoE-01604-00360070-00360323 to buy gift certificates to-- soYKhcoSwoE-01605-00360323-00360515 - Yeah, Heineken did the same thing. soYKhcoSwoE-01606-00360515-00360610 - Right, they did the same thing. soYKhcoSwoE-01607-00360610-00360746 Yeah, it's super interesting. soYKhcoSwoE-01608-00360746-00360918 And it's definitely the right thing to do. soYKhcoSwoE-01609-00360918-00361001 Here's a good one. soYKhcoSwoE-01610-00361001-00361279 This is a bit of a conundrum I think at the moment soYKhcoSwoE-01611-00361279-00361549 in terms of sort of thinking about where we are now soYKhcoSwoE-01612-00361549-00361783 and ultimately as a brand marketer, soYKhcoSwoE-01613-00361783-00361938 how we should sort of think about soYKhcoSwoE-01614-00361938-00362229 how to promote our products and services in the future. soYKhcoSwoE-01615-00362229-00362435 So Kelly Willard asked the following question. soYKhcoSwoE-01616-00362435-00362552 "Is there any advice of brands soYKhcoSwoE-01617-00362552-00362710 "who are planning to launch new products soYKhcoSwoE-01618-00362710-00362924 "or aspects of that brand but then delayed by this, soYKhcoSwoE-01619-00362924-00363134 "for instance, is there anything we can glean soYKhcoSwoE-01620-00363134-00363332 "from this information that would influence the timing soYKhcoSwoE-01621-00363332-00363451 "of something like that soYKhcoSwoE-01622-00363451-00363868 "as it wouldn't be a fully altruistic endeavor?" soYKhcoSwoE-01623-00363868-00364005 - I mean, soYKhcoSwoE-01624-00364005-00364330 if you know you're gonna launch a brand eventually, soYKhcoSwoE-01625-00364330-00364564 and maybe you can't launch it right now soYKhcoSwoE-01626-00364564-00364881 because we identified through our research soYKhcoSwoE-01627-00364881-00365219 that the big-box retailers have kinda put a pause soYKhcoSwoE-01628-00365219-00365444 in their planograms and changing their displays soYKhcoSwoE-01629-00365444-00365806 and obviously so it's hard for manufacturers, soYKhcoSwoE-01630-00365806-00366154 CPG companies to push out new products in retail. soYKhcoSwoE-01631-00366154-00366284 But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't soYKhcoSwoE-01632-00366284-00366377 be talking about it. soYKhcoSwoE-01633-00366377-00366666 That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be trying soYKhcoSwoE-01634-00366666-00366801 to at least create a little bit of buzz, soYKhcoSwoE-01635-00366801-00366927 but you have to do it in the right way. soYKhcoSwoE-01636-00366927-00367115 And obviously, that's a fine line. soYKhcoSwoE-01637-00367115-00367270 You don't wanna seem tone-deaf. soYKhcoSwoE-01638-00367270-00367555 But in the same token, you do have a business to run. soYKhcoSwoE-01639-00367555-00367741 And us with Suzy, it's been the same thing. soYKhcoSwoE-01640-00367741-00367915 Like we are trying to add value, soYKhcoSwoE-01641-00367915-00368038 but we also have a business to run. soYKhcoSwoE-01642-00368038-00368177 We wanna keep our people employed, soYKhcoSwoE-01643-00368177-00368301 we wanna grow through this. soYKhcoSwoE-01644-00368301-00368539 So you really don't wanna be too altruistic soYKhcoSwoE-01645-00368539-00368768 that you end up having to let go of your employees either. soYKhcoSwoE-01646-00368768-00369008 'Cause that's not gonna help anybody either. soYKhcoSwoE-01647-00369008-00369111 - Right, definitely. soYKhcoSwoE-01648-00369111-00369219 Another question from Sandy. soYKhcoSwoE-01649-00369219-00369415 "How brand safe is TikTok? soYKhcoSwoE-01650-00369415-00369693 "Do we have strict measures around brand safety for products soYKhcoSwoE-01651-00369693-00369905 "which needs strict age targeting or--" soYKhcoSwoE-01652-00369905-00370082 - You wanna take that Toby? soYKhcoSwoE-01653-00370082-00370293 - Oh, I was really hoping you would. soYKhcoSwoE-01654-00370293-00370376 I mean I would say-- soYKhcoSwoE-01655-00370376-00370524 - Oh yeah, yeah. soYKhcoSwoE-01656-00370524-00370923 - All I would say about TikTok, as much as any platform soYKhcoSwoE-01657-00370923-00371195 it is a little bit of a minefield out there at the moment. soYKhcoSwoE-01658-00371195-00371459 There is some recognition that these grants, soYKhcoSwoE-01659-00371459-00371558 these platforms, I mean TikTok, soYKhcoSwoE-01660-00371558-00371783 sorry YouTube when you think about it soYKhcoSwoE-01661-00371783-00371946 it's been around for way over a decade soYKhcoSwoE-01662-00371946-00372222 and yet they still haven't figured this out yet. soYKhcoSwoE-01663-00372222-00372373 It's really difficult soYKhcoSwoE-01664-00372373-00372553 and I know they're putting a ton of resources soYKhcoSwoE-01665-00372553-00372642 in to figure it out. soYKhcoSwoE-01666-00372642-00372852 But of course, brands are definitely concerned. soYKhcoSwoE-01667-00372852-00373080 So with a new platform like TikTok soYKhcoSwoE-01668-00373080-00373448 that's growing very quickly that they're literally, soYKhcoSwoE-01669-00373448-00373653 the guys that ticked off are building the airplane soYKhcoSwoE-01670-00373653-00373906 as it's taking off and particularly in regards soYKhcoSwoE-01671-00373906-00374111 to all of its advertising tools and products soYKhcoSwoE-01672-00374111-00374383 and in particular around thinking about brand safety. soYKhcoSwoE-01673-00374383-00374566 So it's definitely hard. soYKhcoSwoE-01674-00374566-00374771 I would definitely proceed with caution, soYKhcoSwoE-01675-00374771-00374979 but at the same time, brands also have to recognize soYKhcoSwoE-01676-00374979-00375134 that this is the time to experiment. soYKhcoSwoE-01677-00375134-00375237 This is the time to innovate, soYKhcoSwoE-01678-00375237-00375401 this is the time to maybe sort of soYKhcoSwoE-01679-00375401-00375619 like let go of some of your concerns. soYKhcoSwoE-01680-00375705-00375914 And I think those that do will probably benefit soYKhcoSwoE-01681-00375914-00375997 at the end of the day. soYKhcoSwoE-01682-00375997-00376080 But what are your thoughts Matt? soYKhcoSwoE-01683-00376080-00376163 - That's well said, that's well said. soYKhcoSwoE-01684-00376163-00376438 I mean, I do have specific targeting parameters soYKhcoSwoE-01685-00376438-00376521 that they're rolling out, soYKhcoSwoE-01686-00376521-00376763 but obviously it's still somewhat the Wild West soYKhcoSwoE-01687-00376763-00376913 relative to other platforms right now. soYKhcoSwoE-01688-00376913-00377194 So proceed with caution, but I don't think it's a reason to soYKhcoSwoE-01689-00377194-00377457 not be on a platform like that, especially given its growth. soYKhcoSwoE-01690-00377457-00377540 - Wait, all right soYKhcoSwoE-01691-00377540-00377722 - So I have a question from Milton Camillo. soYKhcoSwoE-01692-00377722-00378222 And this question really is about sort of small businesses soYKhcoSwoE-01693-00378371-00378596 or early-stage companies versus bigger soYKhcoSwoE-01694-00378596-00378705 and more established companies. soYKhcoSwoE-01695-00378705-00379094 So do you think that during quarantine it's better for those soYKhcoSwoE-01696-00379094-00379326 that are building a new business or brand soYKhcoSwoE-01697-00379326-00379671 or those that are already operating established brands? soYKhcoSwoE-01698-00379758-00380075 - I mean, it all depends on what your business is. soYKhcoSwoE-01699-00380075-00380461 If you're selling N95 masks right now, soYKhcoSwoE-01700-00380461-00380649 then you're obviously doing quite well. soYKhcoSwoE-01701-00380649-00380778 So it depends. soYKhcoSwoE-01702-00380778-00381036 I wouldn't launch a new restaurant right now. soYKhcoSwoE-01703-00381036-00381440 So I think it all depends on what business you're in. soYKhcoSwoE-01704-00381440-00381736 I think if you look at history, soYKhcoSwoE-01705-00381736-00381970 some of the greatest companies ever created soYKhcoSwoE-01706-00381970-00382126 were created during a crisis, soYKhcoSwoE-01707-00382126-00382300 whether it was right after 9/11 soYKhcoSwoE-01708-00382300-00382558 or right after 2008 financial crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-01709-00382558-00382879 So I think a lot of companies are gonna be playing defense soYKhcoSwoE-01710-00382879-00383092 right now and if you have the ability soYKhcoSwoE-01711-00383092-00383317 and the marketability to play offense soYKhcoSwoE-01712-00383317-00383508 and you have the capital to do it, soYKhcoSwoE-01713-00383508-00383743 it's certainly a great time to look at doing that. soYKhcoSwoE-01714-00383743-00383989 But again, I think it's all based upon your business, soYKhcoSwoE-01715-00383989-00384096 your business model, soYKhcoSwoE-01716-00384096-00384430 and basically what you're trying to accomplish. soYKhcoSwoE-01717-00384430-00384577 - All right Matt, you're the celebrity soYKhcoSwoE-01718-00384577-00384751 and influencer the expert. soYKhcoSwoE-01719-00384751-00384859 So I'm gonna put this question to you, soYKhcoSwoE-01720-00384859-00385022 although I do have actually an opinion, soYKhcoSwoE-01721-00385022-00385412 but Gary N.S asks, "What celebrities have gone up most soYKhcoSwoE-01722-00385412-00385698 "in your estimation based on them getting involved soYKhcoSwoE-01723-00385698-00385882 "and engaged with consumers and the fans soYKhcoSwoE-01724-00385882-00386045 "and examples you can share." soYKhcoSwoE-01725-00386045-00386128 - I mean, soYKhcoSwoE-01726-00386128-00386252 I don't know if people would think he's a celebrity, soYKhcoSwoE-01727-00386252-00386388 but I think it's Bill Gates. soYKhcoSwoE-01728-00386388-00386578 I think Bill Gates has really emerged. soYKhcoSwoE-01729-00386578-00386775 It's funny, we did some research for Microsoft soYKhcoSwoE-01730-00386775-00387010 and nearly 60% of the consumers soYKhcoSwoE-01731-00387010-00387272 actually still think Bill Gates is the CEO of Microsoft, soYKhcoSwoE-01732-00387272-00387520 and he's now two CEOs ago. soYKhcoSwoE-01733-00387520-00387722 But he so synonymous with that brand soYKhcoSwoE-01734-00387722-00388008 and he's really become a true thought leader. soYKhcoSwoE-01735-00388008-00388184 He's not trying to get anything out of it. soYKhcoSwoE-01736-00388184-00388345 He's been incredibly philanthropic soYKhcoSwoE-01737-00388345-00388573 as has the Microsoft company for quite some time. soYKhcoSwoE-01738-00388573-00388714 But he's just an individual soYKhcoSwoE-01739-00388714-00388992 that I'm very impressed with, through this. soYKhcoSwoE-01740-00388992-00389148 I don't know if you have someone else Toby, soYKhcoSwoE-01741-00389148-00389486 - And it's in part due to the fact that you seek out soYKhcoSwoE-01742-00389486-00389758 those voices that are offering some level soYKhcoSwoE-01743-00389758-00390258 of assurance during this time, a steady and calm authority. soYKhcoSwoE-01744-00390322-00390629 He's not necessarily coming up with like his opinion soYKhcoSwoE-01745-00390629-00390797 on this pandemic in the moment. soYKhcoSwoE-01746-00390797-00391023 He's been working on this for like, well over a decade. soYKhcoSwoE-01747-00391023-00391256 - Exactly, he has a right to play in this space. soYKhcoSwoE-01748-00391256-00391472 - Yeah, he's invested in like, I dunno, soYKhcoSwoE-01749-00391472-00391725 10 plus different companies who are developing vaccines soYKhcoSwoE-01750-00391725-00391808 at this time. soYKhcoSwoE-01751-00391808-00392058 He understands what it takes to be able to kind of soYKhcoSwoE-01752-00392058-00392352 ship a product as rapidly as possible. soYKhcoSwoE-01753-00392352-00392435 And I like you, soYKhcoSwoE-01754-00392435-00392654 I think I watched his like LinkedIn live stream. soYKhcoSwoE-01755-00392654-00392842 And I was at the time I just remember thinking, soYKhcoSwoE-01756-00392842-00393227 "You know what, I wanna shut out so much of the other noise soYKhcoSwoE-01757-00393227-00393437 "and just focus on people like Bill soYKhcoSwoE-01758-00393437-00393702 "who can definitely like guide us soYKhcoSwoE-01759-00393702-00393798 "sort of through this process." soYKhcoSwoE-01760-00393798-00393954 (mumbles) that I'll mention is Will Smith. soYKhcoSwoE-01761-00393954-00394168 I think Will Smith has been doing some fantastic stuff. soYKhcoSwoE-01762-00394168-00394465 I think he just oozes like empathy. soYKhcoSwoE-01763-00394465-00394649 He's someone who really understands tone, soYKhcoSwoE-01764-00394649-00394893 he understands how to connect soYKhcoSwoE-01765-00394893-00395031 and communicate with audiences. soYKhcoSwoE-01766-00395031-00395253 And he's really saying he has an amazing team behind him soYKhcoSwoE-01767-00395253-00395570 in regards to figuring out which platforms soYKhcoSwoE-01768-00395570-00395955 and which audiences to engage with and in ways. soYKhcoSwoE-01769-00395955-00396116 So he's definitely doing some really interesting stuff soYKhcoSwoE-01770-00396116-00396221 at this time as well. soYKhcoSwoE-01771-00396314-00396419 - All right cool. soYKhcoSwoE-01772-00396419-00396785 - All right, let's get to another in another question here. soYKhcoSwoE-01773-00397017-00397100 So many amazing questions. soYKhcoSwoE-01774-00397100-00397270 All right, so back to TikTok again. soYKhcoSwoE-01775-00397270-00397415 I'll ask this one, it shouldn't take too long. soYKhcoSwoE-01776-00397415-00397578 Do you see from your perspective, soYKhcoSwoE-01777-00397578-00397810 'cause you work with a number of brands in the BDB space, soYKhcoSwoE-01778-00397810-00398037 do you see any value in TikTok for BDB brands? soYKhcoSwoE-01779-00398037-00398249 - Well I think especially as it goes older, soYKhcoSwoE-01780-00398249-00398426 I mean, if you're a BDB marketer, soYKhcoSwoE-01781-00398426-00398663 you wanna target business decision-makers soYKhcoSwoE-01782-00398663-00398896 and there's not too many that are 18 to 24, soYKhcoSwoE-01783-00398896-00398986 but there're some, right? soYKhcoSwoE-01784-00398986-00399290 But most BDB brands are targeting consumers soYKhcoSwoE-01785-00399290-00399599 that are more age to say 25 to 54. soYKhcoSwoE-01786-00399599-00399970 So as ages up and the eyeballs in there, soYKhcoSwoE-01787-00399970-00400085 it's all about attention, right? soYKhcoSwoE-01788-00400085-00400370 If the attention is there from businesses decision-makers, soYKhcoSwoE-01789-00400370-00400495 you wanna be there. soYKhcoSwoE-01790-00400495-00400667 It doesn't matter what the platform is. soYKhcoSwoE-01791-00400667-00400912 So I think as it matures both as a platform soYKhcoSwoE-01792-00400912-00401119 and as the audience matures and gets slightly older, soYKhcoSwoE-01793-00401119-00401396 I do think it's a place BDB brands should play. soYKhcoSwoE-01794-00401504-00401692 - All right, Rachel Koenig, great question. soYKhcoSwoE-01795-00401692-00401993 This is talks about whether it's a good idea soYKhcoSwoE-01796-00401993-00402234 or not to wash your hands with vodka. soYKhcoSwoE-01797-00402234-00402387 So how do brands effectively show soYKhcoSwoE-01798-00402387-00402613 how they are giving back while remaining humble? soYKhcoSwoE-01799-00402613-00402827 We have lots of relief efforts happening soYKhcoSwoE-01800-00402827-00403012 but are hesitant to continually post about it soYKhcoSwoE-01801-00403012-00403342 because we want to make sure people know where to get help soYKhcoSwoE-01802-00403342-00403460 and that we are helping soYKhcoSwoE-01803-00403460-00403670 but we don't wanna come off as being boastful. soYKhcoSwoE-01804-00403670-00403877 This comes with engagement with consumers as well. soYKhcoSwoE-01805-00403877-00404257 For example, Tito's vodka creating hand sanitizer. soYKhcoSwoE-01806-00404257-00404362 Is there any thoughts on that? soYKhcoSwoE-01807-00404362-00404519 - So I would say two things. soYKhcoSwoE-01808-00404519-00404683 First of all, show not tell. soYKhcoSwoE-01809-00404683-00404869 So there's one thing if you're just telling somebody soYKhcoSwoE-01810-00404869-00405124 in a very well manicured post that you're doing something, soYKhcoSwoE-01811-00405124-00405437 but if you can go live when you're planning the efforts soYKhcoSwoE-01812-00405437-00405674 and then when you're actually executing it, soYKhcoSwoE-01813-00405674-00405856 I think that's much more authentic soYKhcoSwoE-01814-00405856-00406041 and frankly people are much more interested in that. soYKhcoSwoE-01815-00406041-00406238 So if you can show, not tell, that'd be one soYKhcoSwoE-01816-00406238-00406559 and two is try to get people telling the story for you. soYKhcoSwoE-01817-00406559-00406816 So if you look at an incredible charity, soYKhcoSwoE-01818-00406816-00406957 which I know we're both familiar with, Toby soYKhcoSwoE-01819-00406957-00407108 called Charity: Water, soYKhcoSwoE-01820-00407108-00407608 what they've done that was so great is that my old agency, soYKhcoSwoE-01821-00407609-00407849 (static) built one of the first-ever wells soYKhcoSwoE-01822-00407849-00408296 and basically our name in a very poor country, soYKhcoSwoE-01823-00408296-00408467 our company's name is on the side of that well, soYKhcoSwoE-01824-00408467-00408646 and they took a video of it afterwards it was built soYKhcoSwoE-01825-00408646-00408944 and all the local villagers were so incredibly thankful soYKhcoSwoE-01826-00408944-00409056 that we built that well. soYKhcoSwoE-01827-00409056-00409176 And then we had that content soYKhcoSwoE-01828-00409176-00409311 and that enabled us to share it. soYKhcoSwoE-01829-00409311-00409532 So we're telling the Charity: Water story, soYKhcoSwoE-01830-00409532-00409646 not Charity: Water. soYKhcoSwoE-01831-00409646-00409847 So I think if you could enable others to tell the story soYKhcoSwoE-01832-00409847-00410120 for you, I think that's incredibly impactful. soYKhcoSwoE-01833-00410231-00410482 - So Sarah Beth Fields has a question. soYKhcoSwoE-01834-00410482-00410827 So we're all experiencing a crisis at this moment in time, soYKhcoSwoE-01835-00410827-00410989 but also brands are experiencing soYKhcoSwoE-01836-00410989-00411212 their own individual crises. soYKhcoSwoE-01837-00411212-00411587 So she asks, "I worked for a regional insurance company. soYKhcoSwoE-01838-00411587-00411810 "We are getting tons of negative feedback on social media soYKhcoSwoE-01839-00411810-00411975 "because we're not doing discounts soYKhcoSwoE-01840-00411975-00412155 "and rebates on one of our insurance, soYKhcoSwoE-01841-00412155-00412440 "we're offering rate changes, but people are very mad. soYKhcoSwoE-01842-00412440-00412649 "Any tips on how to handle? soYKhcoSwoE-01843-00412649-00412732 - I mean, soYKhcoSwoE-01844-00412849-00413206 I think that you probably wanna address people's concerns, soYKhcoSwoE-01845-00413206-00413522 but ultimately those sort of people aren't gonna be happy soYKhcoSwoE-01846-00413522-00413689 unless you do them discounts. soYKhcoSwoE-01847-00413689-00413996 And I would actually look at my competitive set soYKhcoSwoE-01848-00413996-00414079 and just make sure soYKhcoSwoE-01849-00414079-00414272 that I'm going about my business practices right way soYKhcoSwoE-01850-00414272-00414500 because if all of our competitors are giving discounts soYKhcoSwoE-01851-00414500-00414614 and I'm the one that's not, soYKhcoSwoE-01852-00414614-00414847 well then you're putting yourself in a tough position. soYKhcoSwoE-01853-00414847-00415030 If it's an unfair expectation, soYKhcoSwoE-01854-00415030-00415292 then only what you can do is address people's concerns soYKhcoSwoE-01855-00415292-00415601 and maybe you could feel good with that decision. soYKhcoSwoE-01856-00415601-00415891 - Right, we have a question from someone called Anonymous. soYKhcoSwoE-01857-00416020-00416237 And this is a question I think you and I should both take soYKhcoSwoE-01858-00416237-00416509 'cause we'll have different perspectives, I'm sure. soYKhcoSwoE-01859-00416509-00416860 So as we know, of course at the moment there is a ban soYKhcoSwoE-01860-00416860-00417020 on public gathering. soYKhcoSwoE-01861-00417020-00417157 So it doesn't matter whether it's a sporting event, soYKhcoSwoE-01862-00417157-00417537 a music event or a social media marketing conference. soYKhcoSwoE-01863-00417537-00417939 It is not possible for us to gather in large numbers. soYKhcoSwoE-01864-00417939-00418235 I don't know whether we are going to ever be able to gather soYKhcoSwoE-01865-00418235-00418363 in large numbers this year. soYKhcoSwoE-01866-00418363-00418530 It's very hard to tell and predict. soYKhcoSwoE-01867-00418530-00418743 I certainly don't think we are gonna be able to, soYKhcoSwoE-01868-00418743-00418912 or at least you're not gonna feel safe to soYKhcoSwoE-01869-00418912-00419118 until there is a vaccine. soYKhcoSwoE-01870-00419118-00419367 So we're gonna see the economy open up. soYKhcoSwoE-01871-00419367-00419625 We're probably gonna see a relaxing of kind of soYKhcoSwoE-01872-00419625-00419866 some of these regulations or rules around public gathering soYKhcoSwoE-01873-00419866-00420037 over the course of the next like few months, soYKhcoSwoE-01874-00420037-00420221 possibly some contraction to follow. soYKhcoSwoE-01875-00420221-00420517 But the question is how do you predict event spaces soYKhcoSwoE-01876-00420517-00420735 and event experiences evolving soYKhcoSwoE-01877-00420735-00421141 and how they will be able to thrive during this period. soYKhcoSwoE-01878-00421233-00421495 - So I mean I'm of the mindset soYKhcoSwoE-01879-00421495-00421889 that things that aren't necessary to go to, soYKhcoSwoE-01880-00421988-00422272 you shouldn't go to them unless it's completely safe. soYKhcoSwoE-01881-00422272-00422535 So if it's not safe for 10,000 people to go there, soYKhcoSwoE-01882-00422535-00422709 then to me it's not safe for anybody unless soYKhcoSwoE-01883-00422709-00422810 you actually have to be there. soYKhcoSwoE-01884-00422810-00423139 So if you're providing a front line service, you should go. soYKhcoSwoE-01885-00423139-00423408 So to me, it's when is there a vaccine? soYKhcoSwoE-01886-00423408-00423588 When there's a reliable treatment for soYKhcoSwoE-01887-00423588-00423767 where people don't have to wear a face mask soYKhcoSwoE-01888-00423767-00424125 and there isn't social distances (static) soYKhcoSwoE-01889-00424125-00424218 'cause if there are, soYKhcoSwoE-01890-00424218-00424421 that means there's some semblance of risk soYKhcoSwoE-01891-00424421-00424575 and why would you wanna take a health risk soYKhcoSwoE-01892-00424575-00424766 by going to a concert or a sporting event. soYKhcoSwoE-01893-00424766-00425052 So to me, it's kind of an all or nothing thing. soYKhcoSwoE-01894-00425052-00425231 But that's just my personal opinion. soYKhcoSwoE-01895-00425231-00425377 But that's how I'm treating our business soYKhcoSwoE-01896-00425377-00425568 and that's how I'm treating my life personally. soYKhcoSwoE-01897-00425568-00425699 - Yeah, no, I'd agree with that. soYKhcoSwoE-01898-00425699-00425935 I'd also sort of add that like safety is one factor, soYKhcoSwoE-01899-00425935-00426193 but also you have to kinda ask, soYKhcoSwoE-01900-00426193-00426445 you have to sort of think about the necessity of something soYKhcoSwoE-01901-00426445-00426771 like is this even important in the first place? soYKhcoSwoE-01902-00426771-00426854 Is it safe? soYKhcoSwoE-01903-00426854-00427052 But also is it important because it could be safe. soYKhcoSwoE-01904-00427052-00427251 But actually, now I've been through this experience soYKhcoSwoE-01905-00427251-00427442 and do I really wanna get on that plane? soYKhcoSwoE-01906-00427442-00427618 Is it worth driving all that way? soYKhcoSwoE-01907-00427618-00427878 Is this actually gonna be a great experience soYKhcoSwoE-01908-00427878-00428252 versus like the Travis Scott performance on Fortnight, soYKhcoSwoE-01909-00428252-00428452 I think people are gonna start asking those questions soYKhcoSwoE-01910-00428452-00428656 way more than they would have done normally. soYKhcoSwoE-01911-00428656-00428775 - I don't know Toby. soYKhcoSwoE-01912-00428775-00429218 I don't know if, yes now, but when it's completely safe, soYKhcoSwoE-01913-00429218-00429664 humans have an inherent desire for community and experiences soYKhcoSwoE-01914-00429664-00430007 and travel and escape and that I think is built into our DNA soYKhcoSwoE-01915-00430007-00430090 and I don't think soYKhcoSwoE-01916-00430090-00430285 that people are gonna stop wanting to do these things. soYKhcoSwoE-01917-00430285-00430514 Everyone said consumers would stop traveling internationally soYKhcoSwoE-01918-00430514-00430768 after 9/11 and international travelers all-time high soYKhcoSwoE-01919-00430768-00430884 right before this crisis. soYKhcoSwoE-01920-00430884-00431132 So I think eventually when it is safe, soYKhcoSwoE-01921-00431132-00431481 this will be a memory and maybe there'll be some (static) soYKhcoSwoE-01922-00431481-00431656 but I don't think it's gonna impact the event industry soYKhcoSwoE-01923-00431656-00431751 or the sports industry soYKhcoSwoE-01924-00431751-00431943 or the hospitality industry long term. soYKhcoSwoE-01925-00431943-00432147 The question is how quickly is it gonna be soYKhcoSwoE-01926-00432147-00432344 before we get back to where we were in my opinion. soYKhcoSwoE-01927-00432344-00432703 - Right, my pushback on that is after 9/11 soYKhcoSwoE-01928-00432703-00432997 in the example of like air travel, soYKhcoSwoE-01929-00432997-00433263 there wasn't anything that necessarily kind of existed soYKhcoSwoE-01930-00433263-00433684 to provide an alternative to it that could be compared to soYKhcoSwoE-01931-00433684-00433992 and even in some cases could be argued was better. soYKhcoSwoE-01932-00433992-00434141 And I think that's what's different. soYKhcoSwoE-01933-00434141-00434237 I'm not suggesting by any stretch of imagination-- soYKhcoSwoE-01934-00434237-00434395 - So what's better Toby? soYKhcoSwoE-01935-00434395-00434662 What's better now virtually than in person? soYKhcoSwoE-01936-00434662-00434813 - This. soYKhcoSwoE-01937-00434813-00435060 - This, doing like a webinar versus a live event? soYKhcoSwoE-01938-00435060-00435143 - Absolutely. soYKhcoSwoE-01939-00435143-00435282 I would argue that the format, soYKhcoSwoE-01940-00435282-00435482 the level of interaction and engagement, soYKhcoSwoE-01941-00435482-00435591 the way that we can actually package this up soYKhcoSwoE-01942-00435591-00435766 and send it to people immediately afterwards. soYKhcoSwoE-01943-00435766-00436162 I think this particular format for people is way better soYKhcoSwoE-01944-00436162-00436268 and way more effective. soYKhcoSwoE-01945-00436268-00436504 But I'm not arguing against in person. soYKhcoSwoE-01946-00436504-00436777 What I'm arguing for is to ensure soYKhcoSwoE-01947-00436777-00437088 that these in-person experiences exist for a reason, soYKhcoSwoE-01948-00437088-00437214 that they matter. soYKhcoSwoE-01949-00437214-00437592 Because I think it's, as much as you can argue soYKhcoSwoE-01950-00437592-00437812 that people seek out these experiences, soYKhcoSwoE-01951-00437812-00438072 half the time these experiences are really shitty. soYKhcoSwoE-01952-00438072-00438209 And no one wants shitty experiences. soYKhcoSwoE-01953-00438209-00438292 I don't care how-- soYKhcoSwoE-01954-00438292-00438414 - Not your events, your events are not shitty. soYKhcoSwoE-01955-00438414-00438589 - Of course, no, absolutely not. soYKhcoSwoE-01956-00438589-00438938 Alright, let's move on to another question. soYKhcoSwoE-01957-00439172-00439347 And so I got, so kind of like into that soYKhcoSwoE-01958-00439347-00439760 I lost track of my questions. soYKhcoSwoE-01959-00439760-00440117 All right, so, okay, yeah. soYKhcoSwoE-01960-00440117-00440541 So at the moment, if you were at an agency or a brand soYKhcoSwoE-01961-00440541-00440755 and it's certainly not business as usual, soYKhcoSwoE-01962-00440755-00440933 but there is a sort of mandate coming in from the top soYKhcoSwoE-01963-00440933-00441243 that you still need to be pushing out tons of content. soYKhcoSwoE-01964-00441243-00441464 How does smaller social media teams soYKhcoSwoE-01965-00441464-00441684 kind of like really react to this moment? soYKhcoSwoE-01966-00441684-00441795 And what suggestions do you have soYKhcoSwoE-01967-00441795-00442035 for keeping your head above water with content? soYKhcoSwoE-01968-00442035-00442220 - Well, I mean fortunately know what your strategy is. soYKhcoSwoE-01969-00442220-00442525 We talked about the escape or utility your community. soYKhcoSwoE-01970-00442525-00442714 Like what value can we provide? soYKhcoSwoE-01971-00442714-00442830 We have a lot of agencies soYKhcoSwoE-01972-00442830-00442981 and brands that are licensing Suzy, soYKhcoSwoE-01973-00442981-00443343 our research tool to run research on a daily basis. soYKhcoSwoE-01974-00443343-00443466 And in taking that research soYKhcoSwoE-01975-00443466-00443712 and put it in the form of content to add value, soYKhcoSwoE-01976-00443712-00444157 you know, 38% of consumers haven't filled up their gas soYKhcoSwoE-01977-00444157-00444240 in the last week. soYKhcoSwoE-01978-00444240-00444542 And if you're a Shell, that might be interesting soYKhcoSwoE-01979-00444542-00444764 or how to actually act at the gas station soYKhcoSwoE-01980-00444764-00444967 to keep yourself safe or something like that. soYKhcoSwoE-01981-00444967-00445297 So where again, in terms of content, soYKhcoSwoE-01982-00445297-00445479 it's like what is your consumer care about soYKhcoSwoE-01983-00445479-00445670 and where does your brand have a right to play? soYKhcoSwoE-01984-00445670-00445804 And that's what a brand can play. soYKhcoSwoE-01985-00445804-00445995 And I don't think it matters how big your team is. soYKhcoSwoE-01986-00445995-00446135 You just need the right insight soYKhcoSwoE-01987-00446135-00446261 to be able to add value to consumers. soYKhcoSwoE-01988-00446261-00446430 And that's really what social media marketing soYKhcoSwoE-01989-00446430-00446563 has always been about. soYKhcoSwoE-01990-00446563-00446651 - Right, right. soYKhcoSwoE-01991-00446651-00446735 I think that's well said. soYKhcoSwoE-01992-00446735-00446929 Another question from Rachel Koenig, soYKhcoSwoE-01993-00446929-00447151 we don't typically partner with influencers soYKhcoSwoE-01994-00447151-00447463 or celebrities as we don't like to show favoritism. soYKhcoSwoE-01995-00447463-00447671 Any objections for utilizing such partnerships soYKhcoSwoE-01996-00447671-00447799 or brands who have never soYKhcoSwoE-01997-00447799-00448224 dipped their toe in the influencer-marketing pool before? soYKhcoSwoE-01998-00448224-00448410 - Well, the first thing I'd ask is, soYKhcoSwoE-01999-00448410-00448630 are your consumers worried soYKhcoSwoE-02000-00448630-00448764 that you're gonna show favoritism? soYKhcoSwoE-02001-00448764-00449014 Because what we've found a lot is that brands soYKhcoSwoE-02002-00449014-00449212 kind of create their own narrative internally, soYKhcoSwoE-02003-00449212-00449354 but never really asked their consumers soYKhcoSwoE-02004-00449354-00449483 if that will be the case. soYKhcoSwoE-02005-00449483-00449876 And unless you know for sure that consumers will look soYKhcoSwoE-02006-00449876-00450132 at you partnering with influencers a form of favoritism, soYKhcoSwoE-02007-00450132-00450343 your entire assumption could be wrong. soYKhcoSwoE-02008-00450343-00450741 And I think that again, brands need to humanize themselves. soYKhcoSwoE-02009-00450741-00450985 They need, whether you're bringing your CEO as influencer soYKhcoSwoE-02010-00450985-00451213 or you are partnering with another celebrity, soYKhcoSwoE-02011-00451213-00451397 I think it's a great way to drive a narrative soYKhcoSwoE-02012-00451397-00451803 because when consumers go into the newsfeed on their phone, soYKhcoSwoE-02013-00451803-00451975 they wanna hear from people and not that logos. soYKhcoSwoE-02014-00451975-00452392 And I think and this crisis has shown us that. soYKhcoSwoE-02015-00452392-00452610 - Let's talk about Suzy for a second. soYKhcoSwoE-02016-00452610-00452839 So a couple of questions that are just right to the study. soYKhcoSwoE-02017-00452839-00452997 Can you just talk again for those soYKhcoSwoE-02018-00452997-00453372 who may have missed the start, how we did this research soYKhcoSwoE-02019-00453372-00453663 and the parameters of this particular study? soYKhcoSwoE-02020-00453663-00453878 - Sure, so Suzy's a research tool, soYKhcoSwoE-02021-00453878-00454214 we have a US panel of over a million consumers soYKhcoSwoE-02022-00454214-00454391 that are on a gamified application soYKhcoSwoE-02023-00454391-00454613 where they earn rewards for answering questions. soYKhcoSwoE-02024-00454613-00455027 And we targeted a statistically significant cohort soYKhcoSwoE-02025-00455027-00455303 of those consumers and asked them a variety of questions. soYKhcoSwoE-02026-00455303-00455614 One of the great things about Suzy is how quick it works soYKhcoSwoE-02027-00455614-00455800 and how quick you get feedback. soYKhcoSwoE-02028-00455800-00456010 So we're able to do research one day soYKhcoSwoE-02029-00456010-00456205 and launch a webinar like this the next day. soYKhcoSwoE-02030-00456205-00456472 And I think that's a great thing that we can do. soYKhcoSwoE-02031-00456472-00456617 And that's why I think these webinars soYKhcoSwoE-02032-00456617-00456822 have been so incredibly successful. soYKhcoSwoE-02033-00456822-00456924 And the other thing we make sure soYKhcoSwoE-02034-00456924-00457126 is that our audience is screened verified. soYKhcoSwoE-02035-00457126-00457269 We make sure we get the right people. soYKhcoSwoE-02036-00457269-00457489 That they're not bots that they are who they say they are. soYKhcoSwoE-02037-00457489-00457717 We go through a pretty intense verification process soYKhcoSwoE-02038-00457717-00457997 to make sure that our clients can trust the data soYKhcoSwoE-02039-00457997-00458107 coming from our panel. soYKhcoSwoE-02040-00458216-00458438 - And also, I mean I think like we've talked a lot soYKhcoSwoE-02041-00458438-00458618 about the ways in which brands have responded this time. soYKhcoSwoE-02042-00458618-00458805 And I think I've been super impressed with you soYKhcoSwoE-02043-00458805-00459158 and the way the Suzy team has responded soYKhcoSwoE-02044-00459158-00459278 and adapted during this time. soYKhcoSwoE-02045-00459278-00459541 And obviously, you mentioned at the top of the presentation soYKhcoSwoE-02046-00459541-00459966 that you built out COVID-19 sort of content and insights hub soYKhcoSwoE-02047-00459966-00460141 so can you talk a little bit more about that soYKhcoSwoE-02048-00460141-00460417 and what people would potentially be able to find? soYKhcoSwoE-02049-00460417-00460722 - Sure, so we've been doing just nonstop research soYKhcoSwoE-02050-00460722-00460833 on this since it started. soYKhcoSwoE-02051-00460833-00461097 It just dawned on us very early on soYKhcoSwoE-02052-00461097-00461389 that brands were gonna be in desperate need soYKhcoSwoE-02053-00461389-00461566 of having their finger on the pulse of the consumer. soYKhcoSwoE-02054-00461566-00461788 Things are changing so very rapidly, soYKhcoSwoE-02055-00461878-00462006 consumer preferences for example, soYKhcoSwoE-02056-00462006-00462262 at first consumers all went to the wholesale retailers. soYKhcoSwoE-02057-00462262-00462412 They went to Costco and Sam's Club. soYKhcoSwoE-02058-00462412-00462622 Then they stopped going there for groceries soYKhcoSwoE-02059-00462622-00462846 because they were worried about contracting the virus soYKhcoSwoE-02060-00462846-00463039 and now they're really doubling down soYKhcoSwoE-02061-00463039-00463217 on online grocery delivery. soYKhcoSwoE-02062-00463217-00463404 That's just a massive shift that happened soYKhcoSwoE-02063-00463404-00463532 in a couple of weeks time. soYKhcoSwoE-02064-00463532-00463762 And every industry has their own version of that. soYKhcoSwoE-02065-00463762-00464072 So what we've tried to do is use our own tool soYKhcoSwoE-02066-00464072-00464245 to basically become thought leaders soYKhcoSwoE-02067-00464245-00464377 in this category specifically. soYKhcoSwoE-02068-00464377-00464592 We're tracking sentiment on ongoing basis. soYKhcoSwoE-02069-00464592-00464855 We're identifying certain trends across all industries soYKhcoSwoE-02070-00464855-00465130 and what you're sharing it to the public at large. soYKhcoSwoE-02071-00465130-00465306 We found that to be a great resource soYKhcoSwoE-02072-00465306-00465438 and it has built our brand. soYKhcoSwoE-02073-00465438-00465631 And frankly, it's a great example of content marketing. soYKhcoSwoE-02074-00465631-00465822 You know, that's how we're marketing Suzy soYKhcoSwoE-02075-00465822-00466078 is by pushing out content not stop, soYKhcoSwoE-02076-00466078-00466200 doing webinars like this. soYKhcoSwoE-02077-00466200-00466380 Really trying to add value. soYKhcoSwoE-02078-00466380-00466566 - Well, I mean of course just seeing a, soYKhcoSwoE-02079-00466566-00466750 the number of people that have signed up soYKhcoSwoE-02080-00466750-00466887 and are watching this show, soYKhcoSwoE-02081-00466887-00467184 those that are still here at this moment in time, soYKhcoSwoE-02082-00467184-00467489 even after like 80 minutes of us talking, soYKhcoSwoE-02083-00467489-00467754 speaks to the fact that people are seeking out this content soYKhcoSwoE-02084-00467754-00467889 and it's important, it's invaluable. soYKhcoSwoE-02085-00467889-00468095 So, I just feel very lucky to have the opportunity soYKhcoSwoE-02086-00468095-00468291 to sort of participate in this. soYKhcoSwoE-02087-00468291-00468524 Quick, quick question actually about sort of the mechanics soYKhcoSwoE-02088-00468524-00468635 of these webinars for a second. soYKhcoSwoE-02089-00468635-00468718 And by the way, soYKhcoSwoE-02090-00468718-00468851 just to the audience we were gonna keep going soYKhcoSwoE-02091-00468851-00469097 because the questions keep coming in. soYKhcoSwoE-02092-00469097-00469230 So we'll keep planning for them soYKhcoSwoE-02093-00469230-00469508 as many of these questions as much as we possibly can. soYKhcoSwoE-02094-00469508-00469692 So please do stick around soYKhcoSwoE-02095-00469692-00469896 and please keep the questions coming as well. soYKhcoSwoE-02096-00469896-00470143 So a question about the mechanics of these webinars. soYKhcoSwoE-02097-00470143-00470581 How do you compare doing a webinar versus Instagram live? soYKhcoSwoE-02098-00470581-00470807 How do you choose between the different platforms? soYKhcoSwoE-02099-00470807-00471007 I definitely have like a thought on this, but-- soYKhcoSwoE-02100-00471007-00471341 - Yeah, so it's funny because our marketing team, soYKhcoSwoE-02101-00471341-00471672 like we've been talking a lot just about soYKhcoSwoE-02102-00471672-00471871 what will be the right platform is for these webinars. soYKhcoSwoE-02103-00471871-00471985 Some of our clients have told us soYKhcoSwoE-02104-00471985-00472216 they're not able to actually access Zoom. soYKhcoSwoE-02105-00472216-00472499 So we're probably gonna be moving to a new platform soYKhcoSwoE-02106-00472499-00472597 for our next webinars soYKhcoSwoE-02107-00472597-00472829 and we want something that's interactive. soYKhcoSwoE-02108-00472829-00473106 We want something that can showcase our software tool. soYKhcoSwoE-02109-00473106-00473263 We want something that's gonna be easy, soYKhcoSwoE-02110-00473263-00473491 that doesn't involve a software download. soYKhcoSwoE-02111-00473491-00473768 Instagram live it's interesting soYKhcoSwoE-02112-00473768-00473989 'cause you see a lot of DJs on Instagram live, soYKhcoSwoE-02113-00473989-00474212 but even with Instagram live and DJs, soYKhcoSwoE-02114-00474212-00474296 it's missing something. soYKhcoSwoE-02115-00474296-00474405 Like the sound isn't there. soYKhcoSwoE-02116-00474405-00474600 You can't plug it into your sound system. soYKhcoSwoE-02117-00474600-00474807 So I think that's an opportunity for a new platform soYKhcoSwoE-02118-00474807-00475303 to be built that allows DJs in really high-def video soYKhcoSwoE-02119-00475303-00475514 and sound really be able to do these live concerts. soYKhcoSwoE-02120-00475514-00475670 'Cause I'm not sure Instagram live soYKhcoSwoE-02121-00475670-00475810 is the best platform for that. soYKhcoSwoE-02122-00475810-00475981 I think Instagram live is great for kind of soYKhcoSwoE-02123-00475981-00476304 impromptu Q and A's because of the discovery. soYKhcoSwoE-02124-00476304-00476477 So we promote these webinars soYKhcoSwoE-02125-00476477-00476666 by aggressive BD marketing tactics, soYKhcoSwoE-02126-00476666-00476947 whether it be email or paid social, et cetera. soYKhcoSwoE-02127-00476947-00477189 The great thing about Instagram live is it's serendipitous. soYKhcoSwoE-02128-00477189-00477314 You know, you could all, soYKhcoSwoE-02129-00477314-00477460 everyone's on Instagram all the time soYKhcoSwoE-02130-00477460-00477706 and you'll see somebody that's live or two people talking soYKhcoSwoE-02131-00477706-00477820 and you'll log into it. soYKhcoSwoE-02132-00477820-00478033 So I think it's not appointment viewing, soYKhcoSwoE-02133-00478033-00478127 but there's a time and place for that soYKhcoSwoE-02134-00478127-00478339 and it's much more serendipitous. soYKhcoSwoE-02135-00478339-00478514 And I think something like Zoom soYKhcoSwoE-02136-00478514-00478637 or other platforms like it soYKhcoSwoE-02137-00478637-00478762 are great for that appointment viewing, soYKhcoSwoE-02138-00478762-00478934 getting people to register, soYKhcoSwoE-02139-00478934-00479199 us collecting information of who's on, soYKhcoSwoE-02140-00479199-00479420 opening up new relationships, et cetera. soYKhcoSwoE-02141-00479420-00479739 - Yeah, it'd be nice to push this out on Instagram live, soYKhcoSwoE-02142-00479739-00479964 obviously to reach new audiences, soYKhcoSwoE-02143-00479964-00480189 but obviously that there is that feature soYKhcoSwoE-02144-00480189-00480372 in terms of being purchase on Facebook live. soYKhcoSwoE-02145-00480372-00480549 But I think you're right, soYKhcoSwoE-02146-00480549-00480827 it's really about understanding like what is your objective? soYKhcoSwoE-02147-00480827-00481087 Like why are you even hosting this thing in the first place? soYKhcoSwoE-02148-00481087-00481433 Want value do you wanna create for the audience? soYKhcoSwoE-02149-00481433-00481639 In what ways do you want the audience to participate? soYKhcoSwoE-02150-00481639-00481991 Because this particular format works really well. soYKhcoSwoE-02151-00481991-00482254 There's so much missing, I think in terms of functionality soYKhcoSwoE-02152-00482254-00482367 that would be great to have. soYKhcoSwoE-02153-00482367-00482450 But, again-- soYKhcoSwoE-02154-00482450-00482764 - Yeah, it's hard not to be able to see everyone, soYKhcoSwoE-02155-00482764-00482881 you talk about like the difference, soYKhcoSwoE-02156-00482881-00483014 like I love going on stage, soYKhcoSwoE-02157-00483014-00483213 I love going on stage at Social Media Week soYKhcoSwoE-02158-00483213-00483416 and there's a rush presenting in front of a 1,000 people soYKhcoSwoE-02159-00483416-00483499 at your events soYKhcoSwoE-02160-00483499-00483825 and the serendipity of running into somebody in the lobby soYKhcoSwoE-02161-00483825-00483908 or whatever it may be. soYKhcoSwoE-02162-00483908-00484016 Like that's what you miss soYKhcoSwoE-02163-00484016-00484417 and that's what I think that the virtual atmosphere soYKhcoSwoE-02164-00484417-00484821 doesn't really provide and I think obviously you can only do soYKhcoSwoE-02165-00484821-00485096 what you can do and I think there is some benefits, soYKhcoSwoE-02166-00485096-00485204 but there's also a lot of things soYKhcoSwoE-02167-00485204-00485443 that these virtual events need off. soYKhcoSwoE-02168-00485443-00485527 - Right, right. soYKhcoSwoE-02169-00485643-00485811 We had a question about your favorite celebrity. soYKhcoSwoE-02170-00485811-00486116 What has really been your favorite brand during this time soYKhcoSwoE-02171-00486116-00486366 or the brand that you have been most inspired by? soYKhcoSwoE-02172-00486664-00486751 - I'd have to think about that. soYKhcoSwoE-02173-00486751-00487066 I've been really inspired by this All in Challenge soYKhcoSwoE-02174-00487066-00487243 just because I think it's been so impactful. soYKhcoSwoE-02175-00487243-00487430 I think Pepsi's done great work soYKhcoSwoE-02176-00487430-00487674 in terms of what they've done with the live entertainment soYKhcoSwoE-02177-00487674-00487812 and partnering up. soYKhcoSwoE-02178-00487812-00488078 So that's probably one brand that comes to mind. soYKhcoSwoE-02179-00488078-00488272 I'd like to see more from the beer and liquor companies soYKhcoSwoE-02180-00488272-00488576 in terms of giving back, because the hospitality industry, soYKhcoSwoE-02181-00488576-00488817 I saw, live footage from Vegas this morning soYKhcoSwoE-02182-00488817-00488970 and you literally could stand on the street soYKhcoSwoE-02183-00488970-00489053 and do jumping jacks. soYKhcoSwoE-02184-00489053-00489493 The unemployment rates are crazy there, so, but that's one. soYKhcoSwoE-02185-00489493-00489653 And I think a lot of the banks have really tried soYKhcoSwoE-02186-00489653-00489937 to step it up, whether it be forbearance of payments soYKhcoSwoE-02187-00489937-00490131 and things of that nature. soYKhcoSwoE-02188-00490131-00490247 I think a lot of companies realize soYKhcoSwoE-02189-00490247-00490385 that they need to save the consumer soYKhcoSwoE-02190-00490385-00490647 that will one day be their customer again. soYKhcoSwoE-02191-00490647-00490730 - Right. soYKhcoSwoE-02192-00490730-00490996 Well listen, I think we've got through a ton of the Q and A soYKhcoSwoE-02193-00490996-00491188 and a ton of questions. soYKhcoSwoE-02194-00491188-00491352 I wanna be conscious of our audience's times soYKhcoSwoE-02195-00491352-00491670 I'm sure they have very important jobs to get back to soYKhcoSwoE-02196-00491670-00491870 as well, so let's wrap up. soYKhcoSwoE-02197-00491870-00492167 - Yeah, so I guess for myself soYKhcoSwoE-02198-00492167-00492362 and on behalf of our team from Suzy, soYKhcoSwoE-02199-00492362-00492493 I just wanted to thank everybody for joining. soYKhcoSwoE-02200-00492493-00492842 If you have any questions about Suzy, about our research, soYKhcoSwoE-02201-00492842-00493117 about how we conducted this research, soYKhcoSwoE-02202-00493117-00493264 feel free to reach out to me at any time. soYKhcoSwoE-02203-00493264-00493582 My email address is projecting onto the screen, soYKhcoSwoE-02204-00493582-00493749 MattBi@Suzy.com. soYKhcoSwoE-02205-00493749-00494000 I just wanna give a special shout out to our team soYKhcoSwoE-02206-00494000-00494246 that's spread out all over the place. soYKhcoSwoE-02207-00494246-00494484 Avi Savar, Anne Able and Kevin soYKhcoSwoE-02208-00494484-00494684 and our entire marketing team has done a tremendous job soYKhcoSwoE-02209-00494684-00494817 of pulling this together. soYKhcoSwoE-02210-00494817-00494985 So I just wanna thank them. soYKhcoSwoE-02211-00494985-00495114 Maddie Brown as well for their help soYKhcoSwoE-02212-00495114-00495239 in pulling this together. soYKhcoSwoE-02213-00495377-00495460 - Yeah, likewise. soYKhcoSwoE-02214-00495460-00495734 I just wanna sort of give a shout out to my team soYKhcoSwoE-02215-00495734-00495976 for (mumbles) on this particular project. soYKhcoSwoE-02216-00495976-00496387 And also huge kudos to my team for helping to kind of soYKhcoSwoE-02217-00496387-00496796 like walk through this pivot, come up with SMW one soYKhcoSwoE-02218-00496796-00496879 and launch it. soYKhcoSwoE-02219-00496879-00497160 If you are interested in learning more about SMW one, soYKhcoSwoE-02220-00497160-00497306 just go to SMWone.com. soYKhcoSwoE-02221-00497306-00497506 You can get all the information about our conference, soYKhcoSwoE-02222-00497506-00497752 which launches on Tuesday, May 5th, soYKhcoSwoE-02223-00497752-00497983 and runs all the way through to May 28th. soYKhcoSwoE-02224-00498142-00498225 - And once again, soYKhcoSwoE-02225-00498225-00498588 we will be sending out a live recording of this video soYKhcoSwoE-02226-00498588-00498853 as well as a downloadable version of the deck soYKhcoSwoE-02227-00498853-00499001 that you can share, soYKhcoSwoE-02228-00499001-00499163 once again I'm Matt Britton, CEO of Suzy. soYKhcoSwoE-02229-00499163-00499275 I wanna thank everybody for coming. soYKhcoSwoE-02230-00499275-00499393 Stay safe. soYKhcoSwoE-02231-00499393-00499613 We're gonna be producing a bunch more of these webinars. soYKhcoSwoE-02232-00499613-00499816 Hopefully, we'll do something again with Toby soYKhcoSwoE-02233-00499816-00499900 and Social Media Week. soYKhcoSwoE-02234-00499900-00500149 'Cause I think this has been great. soYKhcoSwoE-02235-00500149-00500268 Thank you guys very much. soYKhcoSwoE-02236-00500268-00500351 Stay safe. soYKhcoSwoE-02237-00500351-00500446 We'll talk soon, bye-bye. sqzhkuKq-l4-00000-00000000-00000390 [KB is not Bank] sqzhkuKq-l4-00001-00000514-00000992 I regularly visit bookstores to gain some food for thought(mind). sqzhkuKq-l4-00002-00001106-00001351 The best sellers. [Thank you YP Books Gangnam POSCO branch for your support in filming this video.] sqzhkuKq-l4-00003-00001351-00001758 I feel like disinfecting my hands also cleanses the dead cells from my mind. sqzhkuKq-l4-00004-00001758-00001955 So I enjoy disinfecting my hands. sqzhkuKq-l4-00005-00002002-00002239 Make sure to be thorough. sqzhkuKq-l4-00006-00002331-00002504 And... sqzhkuKq-l4-00007-00002504-00002980 as a Korean language lover, I always cherish the value of Korean language with my heart. sqzhkuKq-l4-00008-00002980-00003143 "Daramji" (squirrel). sqzhkuKq-l4-00009-00003201-00003372 "Darimi" (iron) sqzhkuKq-l4-00010-00003503-00004131 I like to piece together the puzzles of my complex mind as I look at the actual puzzles. sqzhkuKq-l4-00011-00004560-00004800 I look at them very thoroughly. sqzhkuKq-l4-00012-00004800-00005194 Which puzzle will be helpful to me? sqzhkuKq-l4-00013-00005253-00005458 This is all part of gaining more food for thought. sqzhkuKq-l4-00014-00005458-00005625 I'd like to get this one, please. [This is all part of gaining more food for thought.] sqzhkuKq-l4-00015-00005730-00006086 There's a spot that I always visit when I'm at bookstores. sqzhkuKq-l4-00016-00006086-00006224 I cannot miss this spot. sqzhkuKq-l4-00017-00006424-00006635 I really love this. sqzhkuKq-l4-00018-00006635-00006916 It's "Connecting Lines" (drawing book for kids). sqzhkuKq-l4-00019-00006916-00007297 Okay. As I'm watching this scene myself as I edit, it does seem quite ridiculous. sqzhkuKq-l4-00020-00007370-00007523 Oh. I like ice cream. sqzhkuKq-l4-00021-00007523-00007766 As I look at the sweet ice cream toy, sqzhkuKq-l4-00022-00007871-00008158 I make an effort to become a sweet person. sqzhkuKq-l4-00023-00008740-00009161 As I like to gain food for thought rather than just chilling, sqzhkuKq-l4-00024-00009180-00009380 I just pass by Pororo (cartoon for kids). sqzhkuKq-l4-00025-00009663-00009826 Through public transportation... sqzhkuKq-l4-00026-00009826-00009992 and gloves, sqzhkuKq-l4-00027-00009992-00010356 I make sure that I don't forget the importance of energy efficiency. sqzhkuKq-l4-00028-00010591-00010810 In order to gain more food for thought, sqzhkuKq-l4-00029-00010810-00011107 I'm looking for some important tools. sqzhkuKq-l4-00030-00011171-00011326 Which are socks. sqzhkuKq-l4-00031-00011372-00011787 If I can gain more food for thought with socks that keep you warm, sqzhkuKq-l4-00032-00011819-00011957 nothing would be better than that. sqzhkuKq-l4-00033-00012370-00012746 I also don't forget about the love I have for my team. sqzhkuKq-l4-00034-00012766-00013015 At the book search kiosk, sqzhkuKq-l4-00035-00013015-00013236 I'll look up "OnlyOneOf". sqzhkuKq-l4-00036-00013447-00013859 And I also searched for "Kyubin" just for fun. sqzhkuKq-l4-00037-00014690-00014939 [Search for: OnlyOneOf] sqzhkuKq-l4-00038-00014948-00015463 I'm the reliable oldest brother who doesn't cease to care for and love the team. sqzhkuKq-l4-00039-00016041-00016360 I'm looking at comic books to gain inspirations for creative art. sqzhkuKq-l4-00040-00016676-00016840 [Book title: What Makes You the Attention Seeker] sqzhkuKq-l4-00041-00016840-00017533 I do research and more research on how I can get your love and attention. sqzhkuKq-l4-00042-00017533-00017910 [hospital toy kit] I want to diagnose your mind. sqzhkuKq-l4-00043-00018088-00018622 Today was another successful day for gaining plenty of food for thought. sqzhkuKq-l4-00044-00018881-00019266 Please subscribe and like this video. sqzhkuKq-l4-00045-00019266-00019672 [KB is not Bank] ssx0qT9zzGM-00000-00000966-00001676 NACHOS CHIPS ssx0qT9zzGM-00008-00046442-00048986 Now while this is hot add a tsp of Chaat Masala and mix well ssx0qT9zzGM-00009-00048986-00050368 Nachos chips are ready. Store in an air-tight container. very healthy and tasty. You can eat with any dips or plain or make salads. Try and post your comments. Like, share and Subscribe. Thanks for watching ssH_Os4cdHY-00000-00000058-00001163 Hola vamos a hablar de las preposiciones en español. ¿Cuánto ya sabes de las ssH_Os4cdHY-00001-00001163-00002091 preposiciones en espanol? ¿Piensas en ellas mucho o poco? If you look at our ssH_Os4cdHY-00002-00002091-00002514 first line here you'll no doubt notice that some of the words have been ssH_Os4cdHY-00003-00002514-00003420 highlighted in purple ¿Por qué? What kinds of words are these? ¿Son verbos? ¿Son ssH_Os4cdHY-00004-00003420-00004507 sustantivos? ¿Artículos? hmm if you guessed son preposiciones, you're correct. ssH_Os4cdHY-00005-00004507-00005148 So what is a preposition? Well a preposition is a word that shows the ssH_Os4cdHY-00006-00005148-00005903 relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word. While you likely ssH_Os4cdHY-00007-00005903-00006611 already know several it's important to note that there are several idiomatic ssH_Os4cdHY-00008-00006611-00007406 uses of prepositions in Spanish. Idiomatic means language specific so for ssH_Os4cdHY-00009-00007406-00008000 example in English we would say 'The fork is on the table' ssH_Os4cdHY-00010-00008000-00008610 and in Spanish in that same situation they would say 'the fork is in the table'. ssH_Os4cdHY-00011-00008610-00009368 That's an idiomatic use or a language specific use of the preposition in or en. ssH_Os4cdHY-00012-00009368-00011000 So aquí tenemos una lista de preposiciones comunes. A, con, en, de, Desde, hacia, ssH_Os4cdHY-00013-00011000-00012173 hasta, menos, por, para, sin, and sobre. Here we have our English not necessarily ssH_Os4cdHY-00014-00012173-00012830 translation but our approximation and here we have some examples of how these ssH_Os4cdHY-00015-00012830-00013447 prepositions would be used en español. Let's take a look at a few. Start ssH_Os4cdHY-00016-00013447-00014416 with 'a'. We use 'a' to talk about to, at, on or how something is done such as ssH_Os4cdHY-00017-00014416-00015247 'hice una pizza al horno. ' I made a pizza in the oven. How was the pizza made? It was ssH_Os4cdHY-00018-00015247-00015816 made in the oven. Con. how something is done ssH_Os4cdHY-00019-00015816-00016124 : hmm okay well let's take a look at our ssH_Os4cdHY-00020-00016124-00016925 example. Hice una pizza con mucho amor. So you can see these are used ssH_Os4cdHY-00021-00016925-00017414 in a different context. Although the English description is the ssH_Os4cdHY-00022-00017414-00018065 same with 'a' we're talking about how it was physically made but with 'con' we're ssH_Os4cdHY-00023-00018065-00018644 focusing more on the sentiment behind it right. Yo manejo ssH_Os4cdHY-00024-00018644-00019586 con mucho cuidado. I drive with a lot of caution. Let's also take a look at ssH_Os4cdHY-00025-00019586-00020540 por and para because those are so problematic at times. While there are as ssH_Os4cdHY-00026-00020540-00021179 you know many many uses for por and para let's just focus on these right now. ssH_Os4cdHY-00027-00021179-00022162 Por used as cause reason or motivation and para to mean in order to ssH_Os4cdHY-00028-00022528-00023545 So por. Fue al concierto por nosotros. She went to the concert for us. She did ssH_Os4cdHY-00029-00023545-00024392 it because of us we were the reason she went there. Tú tomas el carro para ssH_Os4cdHY-00030-00024392-00024979 el centro. You take the car in order to get to the center. ssH_Os4cdHY-00031-00024979-00025551 city center.Hopefully that helps you see the distinction between those ssH_Os4cdHY-00032-00025551-00026241 two. While there are many more prepositions in Spanish hopefully this ssH_Os4cdHY-00033-00026241-00026802 list has been a good start to call your attention to how these prepositions are ssH_Os4cdHY-00034-00026802-00027555 used and some of their more idiomatic uses. Your actividad ssH_Os4cdHY-00035-00027555-00028344 using la lista arriba, our list please fill in the spaces with an appropriate ssH_Os4cdHY-00036-00028344-00029131 preposition. At the bottom you will write five original sentences using a ssH_Os4cdHY-00037-00029131-00029591 different preposition in each one good luck have fun ssH_Os4cdHY-00038-00029591-00029903 hasta luego stYkrkkPEYc-00000-00002949-00003520 Diamond Stars There's a thousand diamond sparkles; stYkrkkPEYc-00001-00003520-00004259 Millions of them show shiny things; As if you are staring into beauties eyes; stYkrkkPEYc-00002-00004259-00004861 The beauty that shines past the flaws; The beauty that no one understands as you stYkrkkPEYc-00003-00004861-00005568 or I do; Even thou it looks mighty gorgeous outside; stYkrkkPEYc-00004-00005568-00006128 That even thou sometimes I ask that question of why; stYkrkkPEYc-00005-00006128-00006852 Why that beauty has me so blind; Blind to the fact I cannot see the angel looking stYkrkkPEYc-00006-00006852-00007622 me into my eyes; That's why I see you as someone even as my stYkrkkPEYc-00007-00007622-00008178 sweet baby boo; I could say a thousand words about how you stYkrkkPEYc-00008-00008178-00008951 are my precious little diamond star; Also, at the end of the day as I wake up and stYkrkkPEYc-00009-00008951-00009967 pray that I can see my dream girl everyday; As each step I take I will cherish my queen; stYkrkkPEYc-00010-00009967-00010465 As each step we take we make everyday a meaningful thing; stYkrkkPEYc-00011-00010465-00011028 It's time to make that lover a meaningful being; stYkrkkPEYc-00012-00011028-00011710 That's my lovely diamond queen. su79iUkFHnE-00000-00000000-00000900 I got a dumb idea, and I'm gonna turn into a video. I was browsing Twitter and I saw su79iUkFHnE-00001-00000900-00001628 this freaking tweet yesterday. "Do not mix Huel with soda, I repeat, do not use su79iUkFHnE-00002-00001628-00002140 soda as the base for Huel, please for the love of gods." And you know what I'm gonna su79iUkFHnE-00003-00002140-00002856 do? I'm gonna use, I'm gonna make Huel soda because of course that needs to su79iUkFHnE-00004-00002856-00003828 exist. So let me swap over to my phone real quick. So let's see. su79iUkFHnE-00005-00003828-00004972 So I have the Huel. Let me go grab it. I have a bunch of Huel. Yeah I've got some more in the kitchen. su79iUkFHnE-00006-00004972-00005976 I just need to get the soda and... Yeah, I just need to get the soda and I totally... su79iUkFHnE-00007-00005976-00006508 Yeah, I'm gonna go to the store in a little bit, get some soda, and then make su79iUkFHnE-00008-00006508-00007592 Huel soda. I don't know what the hell you call that. Fuck it I will come up su79iUkFHnE-00009-00007592-00008064 with a name when I get back from the store. Anyways I need to go wash my su79iUkFHnE-00010-00008064-00008612 Huel shaker and I'm gonna grab a soda because of course this is what I do. su79iUkFHnE-00011-00008612-00009344 This is what I do with my time and money. I make cursed su79iUkFHnE-00012-00009344-00009972 creations. See you in a sec. I've got the Huel. I've got the soda. I'm literally just su79iUkFHnE-00013-00009972-00010304 waiting for the soda to cool down because it is in the freezer right now. su79iUkFHnE-00014-00010304-00011168 I've come up with a name for this horrible creation. Huel plus soda equals su79iUkFHnE-00015-00011168-00011944 Huda. It's so fucking stupid and I love it. Huda. Also the other su79iUkFHnE-00016-00011944-00012492 name I thought about was like Soel but like I don't know Huda sounds su79iUkFHnE-00017-00012492-00013063 more I don't know fuck it. Yeah freaking this channel started because I initially su79iUkFHnE-00018-00013063-00013984 like did a live stream where like I drank Pilk and like I don't know. Yeah su79iUkFHnE-00019-00013984-00014584 the live streams lost to time now. I deleted it a long time ago and su79iUkFHnE-00020-00014584-00015224 yeah it's been lost but like yeah I am going back to my roots of making dumb su79iUkFHnE-00021-00015224-00015956 decisions and freaking recording myself doing them. Yeah all the soda looks su79iUkFHnE-00022-00015956-00016556 like I've got like 50 minutes left. 50. So yeah I'll see you in a su79iUkFHnE-00023-00016556-00016916 bit once my soda is cool enough that I can actually make this horrible su79iUkFHnE-00024-00016916-00017796 creation. So it has been an hour. The soda is cooled and I'm very hungry so it's su79iUkFHnE-00025-00017796-00018764 time to have the Huda. It's Huda time. Oh god why am I subjecting myself to su79iUkFHnE-00026-00018764-00019568 this? Why? Why am I doing this? I know I'm not gonna like it. I'm just legitimately su79iUkFHnE-00027-00019568-00020156 hungry right now. Well here goes something. I said I was gonna do this. I su79iUkFHnE-00028-00020156-00020648 bought the soda so I mean like I have to do this at this point. I spent money on su79iUkFHnE-00029-00020648-00021360 this stupid thing so I have to do this. Okay let's switch over to my phone. su79iUkFHnE-00030-00021592-00022348 There we go. There you go. Oh my god I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't su79iUkFHnE-00031-00022348-00023476 fucking believe I'm doing this. Let me go get my Huel and my soda. su79iUkFHnE-00032-00024012-00024936 Shit where's the other part of the shaker? So there's the shaker. Let's put it all together. su79iUkFHnE-00033-00024936-00026395 Oh god I feel so stupid. I feel so stupid doing this. [Roommate, In the distance] You're like "I don't feel well, I know what will fix me." I'm recording this so I can send it to my su79iUkFHnE-00034-00026395-00027488 friends so they can experience it through me. [Roommate] Oh goody. Yes. [Indistinct] What did you say? su79iUkFHnE-00035-00027488-00027888 [Roommate] It's Blair Witch Project with Huel. Oh gosh. su79iUkFHnE-00036-00027888-00028756 Let's see. Do I have the scoop in here? I think it's actually in the other one. su79iUkFHnE-00037-00029148-00029612 Nope. I think the scoop is in the chocolate flavor. su79iUkFHnE-00038-00029612-00030412 So that one's not in there so I think the scoop has to be in the right one. I hope so. su79iUkFHnE-00039-00030412-00030912 Yes it there you go. The scoop is in there. Let's go take this to the room. su79iUkFHnE-00040-00030980-00032904 And lastly I need to grab the soda. This is so stupid. Okay it is Coke Zero because I don't even know why. su79iUkFHnE-00041-00032904-00033384 Okay let me switch over to my laptop because the audio is better and I can su79iUkFHnE-00042-00033384-00033684 see what the hell I'm doing. su79iUkFHnE-00043-00033684-00035024 There we go. I'm on my laptop now. It's time to make the Huel soda. I still can't su79iUkFHnE-00044-00035024-00035660 believe I'm fucking doing this. Actually I just realized I could do this with like multiple camera angles because I have su79iUkFHnE-00045-00035660-00036600 fancy equipment. I have both a phone and a computer. I can use my phone as a webcam. If only I had to a place to su79iUkFHnE-00046-00036600-00037800 mount my phone. Okay you know we're gonna assemble something with boxes. So let me switch over to my phone su79iUkFHnE-00047-00037800-00038400 's camera. Use the laptop mic. There we go so I can see what the hell I'm doing. su79iUkFHnE-00048-00038400-00039100 Oh this sucks. I should have planned this more. su79iUkFHnE-00049-00039100-00040200 I should plan things more. You know what, fuck it. Just put another box on top here. It'll work. I swear. su79iUkFHnE-00050-00040200-00041600 Okay. You know what? Fuck it. You get one camera angle. I'm not gonna bother doing this from like multiple camera angles because I'm lazy. su79iUkFHnE-00051-00041600-00042500 I'm hungry actually is the main thing. I'm hungry so I'm gonna make this. Oh my god I can't believe I'm doing this. su79iUkFHnE-00052-00042500-00043700 Okay so. Huel shaker. All nice and clean. I'm gonna have to clean it again after this because this is gonna be an abomination. su79iUkFHnE-00053-00043700-00044400 There's no way this is good. If this is good I will be surprised but at the same time. su79iUkFHnE-00054-00044400-00045500 Oh my god. Aww I should have turned off the noise canceling filter so you could have heard the soda. Okay. su79iUkFHnE-00055-00045500-00046400 You know what? I can still do that. Let me go to filters. Noise suppression off. There we go. su79iUkFHnE-00056-00046400-00047200 You'll get to hear the laundry machine for a second while I fill this up. su79iUkFHnE-00057-00047200-00047900 I don't know if this is. I don't even know if the sound's gonna come across but hey you know what? I tried. su79iUkFHnE-00058-00047900-00049100 Oh I just realized I have to shake this. I'm shaking a carbonated drink. Oh my. This is worse. This is worse of an idea than I thought honestly. su79iUkFHnE-00059-00049100-00050600 I'm sh- I'm gonna be shaking this. I'm shaking a carbonated drink on purpose so I can mix it with Huel. Oh my god this is so stupid. su79iUkFHnE-00060-00050600-00051300 This is so stupid. If this turns out good I'm going to laugh my ass off because there's no way in hell this is gonna be good. su79iUkFHnE-00061-00051300-00052700 Okay let's put the soda to the side. You all know what you're here for. Let's get the Huel out. su79iUkFHnE-00062-00052700-00053400 I'm using chocolate flavor because um I don't know I just feel like it would work maybe. I don't really know. su79iUkFHnE-00063-00053400-00054100 I guess chocolate's just my favorite Huel flavor so like you know I need to ruin it. I need to ruin it for myself. su79iUkFHnE-00064-00054100-00055200 That's what I need to do. I need to fucking ruin it for myself. Oh god. Oh it's- it's fizzing up. It's fizzing up. su79iUkFHnE-00065-00055200-00055900 Let me turn back on the noise canceling filter in a sec. [I did not turn it back on.] It's fucking fizzing up. I can hear it. su79iUkFHnE-00066-00055900-00056800 Okay I think after I- actually you know I'm keeping noise canceling off just for a little bit longer because I want you all to hear me shake this horrid thing. su79iUkFHnE-00067-00056800-00058300 Yeah you gotta- you gotta experience the sounds of this with me. So you can- you can fully be immersed in the regret of what the fuck am I doing with my life. su79iUkFHnE-00068-00058300-00058900 I guess it's not the what the fuck am I doing with my life. It's like why the fuck am I doing this specifically. su79iUkFHnE-00069-00058900-00059700 There are so many better things I could be doing yet and yet I'm right here recording myself making huel soda. su79iUkFHnE-00070-00059700-00060800 Ah it smells so good. The huel smells so good. I'm- ah it's bubbling. It's like- it's like an eldritch mon- it's like let me just like grab my phone. su79iUkFHnE-00071-00060800-00062000 I should have- why did I put my phone away? You need to see this shit. You need to see this shit. It's bubbling. It's angry. su79iUkFHnE-00072-00062000-00063100 It's angry that I've created this horrible monster. There's huel on the desk because of course I'm- I'm being messy by accident. su79iUkFHnE-00073-00063100-00064100 God I still can't believe I'm gonna be shaking this thing up. This is- this is so cursed. This should not exist. This should not exist. su79iUkFHnE-00074-00064100-00065200 I- this should not be something that somebody makes and yet I'm making it. I am right here. I am making the change- I am being the change that I do not want to see in the world. su79iUkFHnE-00075-00065200-00066000 Oh my god. Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this? Why the fuck am I doing this? su79iUkFHnE-00076-00066000-00067600 Ah god. Fuck. What the fuck. I am- I don't even know at this point. This feels like one of those things where like I'm just doing a bad idea even though I'm perfectly aware it's a bad idea. su79iUkFHnE-00077-00067600-00068300 I am perfectly aware that this is the stupidest idea I've had in a while. I know it's gonna turn out terrible. I just know it. su79iUkFHnE-00078-00068300-00069400 It's like- it's like when I was going on that- like walking on the side of the road to the middle of fucking nowhere to take some pictures and- while like- while like really hypomanic. su79iUkFHnE-00079-00069400-00070300 It's like that- it's like that where like I just like freaking- I know I'm doing a bad idea. I know and I'm like terrified yet I do it anyways. su79iUkFHnE-00080-00070300-00071500 This is just like a less bad version of that. Okay. Let's see. Please don't fizz up on me. Please. su79iUkFHnE-00081-00071500-00071800 [Shaker hizzes] su79iUkFHnE-00082-00071800-00072700 Okay. It's been made. It has been made. I actually want to take a look at this before I drink it. su79iUkFHnE-00083-00072700-00073600 Let me really quickly actually just put- take off the thing. It looks like normal huel more or less. su79iUkFHnE-00084-00073600-00074400 I'm not sure what I think about that but it looks just like normal chocolate huel. It smells weird. su79iUkFHnE-00085-00074400-00075300 Let me- let me put this back on real quick before it does something horrible to me. su79iUkFHnE-00086-00075300-00076000 It smells like normal too. su79iUkFHnE-00087-00076000-00076800 Okay. Let me take this back off. It smells like huel but there's like a very very slight like- there's a soda scent to it but very slight. su79iUkFHnE-00088-00076800-00077300 It's like- it's weird. I don't know how to describe it. It's just like- it mostly smells normal. su79iUkFHnE-00089-00077300-00078700 But there's just a hint of soda smell in it and it's just like- it's just off. It's weird. It should not exist and yet I've made it and I'm going to drink it now. su79iUkFHnE-00090-00078700-00080400 Okay. Here goes something I guess. Here fucking goes something. su79iUkFHnE-00091-00080400-00080800 How the fuck do I describe that? su79iUkFHnE-00092-00080800-00081800 Okay. Let me get this out of the way. Let me turn off the- let me turn on the noise canceling again because I just realized I probably need that. su79iUkFHnE-00093-00081800-00082700 It's not that bad. But it's not good either. su79iUkFHnE-00094-00082700-00083400 This certainly is a creation. It's- su79iUkFHnE-00095-00083400-00084400 It certainly is something. su79iUkFHnE-00096-00084400-00085000 As like- it almost tastes like a milkshake initially. su79iUkFHnE-00097-00085000-00085900 And then just the rest of the huel hits you and you're just like "what the fuck this should not- this is terrible I don't like this." su79iUkFHnE-00098-00085900-00086600 It's initially not bad. And then it just is worse. su79iUkFHnE-00099-00086600-00087000 Would I make it again? Probably not. su79iUkFHnE-00100-00087000-00087400 It's- I wouldn't say it's as good as pilk. Pilk was good. su79iUkFHnE-00101-00087400-00088800 Pilk basically just tasted like a fucking- it tasted like one of those like soda floats where you just mix like freaking vanilla ice cream and some soda and it tasted- Pilk tasted legitimately good. su79iUkFHnE-00102-00088800-00089400 This tastes weird and it's very much kind of imitating that actually. su79iUkFHnE-00103-00089400-00090200 It just feels like whenever you mix soda with something it feels like a lot of the time it just comes like- or at least I've only done it twice. So sample size of two. su79iUkFHnE-00104-00090200-00091700 But like it feels like it just tastes like a fucking- it just tastes like a- just tastes like a... Like another like freaking float. su79iUkFHnE-00105-00091700-00092500 This tastes like a float- actually I feel like if I just put less huel in here this would be legitimately good actually. su79iUkFHnE-00106-00092500-00093400 I'm actually very tempted to try that. Let me just drink a bit more of this. I'm gonna add more soda to it. su79iUkFHnE-00107-00093400-00094200 It's 10 o'clock. I guess it's not that late but like uggh... su79iUkFHnE-00108-00094200-00095100 It's borderline good. It's borderline good. su79iUkFHnE-00109-00095100-00095500 I think I might be able to make this good just by adding more soda. su79iUkFHnE-00110-00095500-00096000 Ugh my desk is a fucking mess. I have to clean this up afterwards but like... su79iUkFHnE-00111-00096000-00096800 Let's do this. I am about to make something that is going to be... su79iUkFHnE-00112-00096800-00097500 I don't even know. Let's just add some soda. su79iUkFHnE-00113-00097500-00098200 I'm gonna say like... su79iUkFHnE-00114-00098200-00098900 I don't fucking know. I don't know how much- how much did I add? su79iUkFHnE-00115-00098900-00099400 Okay you know what? I'm just gonna add a sploosh more. su79iUkFHnE-00116-00099400-00099900 I'm not being precise at all. With the h- with the- with the pilk I was being precise. su79iUkFHnE-00117-00099900-00100300 I was like okay what's the ideal ratio of Pepsi and milk? su79iUkFHnE-00118-00100300-00100700 With this I'm just like fuck it. su79iUkFHnE-00119-00100700-00101200 I guess that's what you know being older does to you. You're just like "fuck it" more because like... su79iUkFHnE-00120-00101200-00102300 I don't know. I say that and I'm only fucking 19. su79iUkFHnE-00121-00102300-00103100 Okay let's do this shit. su79iUkFHnE-00122-00103100-00103500 Okay. Doesn't- this time it didn't make much of a noise. Let's see. su79iUkFHnE-00123-00103500-00104300 Oh the noise cancelling is on, so you wouldn't even be able to hear it. But let's see. su79iUkFHnE-00124-00104300-00104600 Holy shit that's kind of good. su79iUkFHnE-00125-00104600-00104900 That's- that's legitimately kind of good. su79iUkFHnE-00126-00104900-00105300 I don't know how to feel about that. su79iUkFHnE-00127-00105300-00105700 It's almost- it's very close to being good. su79iUkFHnE-00128-00105700-00106400 You just add more soda and then it just- it tastes good? su79iUkFHnE-00129-00106400-00107000 It's like- it's just- it tastes like- kind of like a soda float. It's just like made of chocolate ice cream. su79iUkFHnE-00130-00107000-00107800 But worse. su79iUkFHnE-00131-00107800-00108500 I feel like I've actually added too much soda. su79iUkFHnE-00132-00108500-00108800 I can finish this. su79iUkFHnE-00133-00108800-00109200 I am not going to make this ever again. su79iUkFHnE-00134-00109200-00109600 I'm gonna say that much. I am not going to make this ever again. su79iUkFHnE-00135-00109600-00110100 I feel like pilk I could totally try again. Like pilk wasn't bad. su79iUkFHnE-00136-00110100-00110800 I guess- okay the other thing is I am less of a fan of sweet things now than I used to be is the other thing. su79iUkFHnE-00137-00110800-00111700 Like I used to like freaking- I used to love sweet shit honestly but now I'm just like- I don't really know. su79iUkFHnE-00138-00111700-00112000 I'm not as big of a fan of sweet shit anymore. su79iUkFHnE-00139-00112000-00112700 Hmm. su79iUkFHnE-00140-00112700-00113200 This is- this is an abomination but I'm gonna keep drinking it. su79iUkFHnE-00141-00113200-00113600 I have to clean this shit up afterwards. su79iUkFHnE-00142-00113600-00113900 There's freaking huel everywhere. su79iUkFHnE-00143-00113900-00114100 This is making me feel sick. su79iUkFHnE-00144-00114100-00114300 The carbonation- su79iUkFHnE-00145-00114300-00114800 I actually just wanna try making carbonated huel now honestly. su79iUkFHnE-00146-00114800-00115300 If it wasn't for the fact that I'm probably gonna be- definitely gonna be full after I eat this- after I drink all this. su79iUkFHnE-00147-00115300-00115700 I would probably try and make carbonated huel next. su79iUkFHnE-00148-00115700-00116000 Cause I feel like that actually might just be fine. su79iUkFHnE-00149-00116000-00116400 It's really not- I was really expecting this to be way worse. su79iUkFHnE-00150-00116400-00117000 It's still not good. It's still not good. I'm gonna say that much. It is still not good. su79iUkFHnE-00151-00117000-00117300 It almost tastes good. su79iUkFHnE-00152-00117300-00117800 And it also makes you feel sick the more you drink it because- su79iUkFHnE-00153-00117800-00118600 I don't really know. su79iUkFHnE-00154-00118600-00119100 It makes you sick the more- it makes you sick the more you drink it because it's just angry that you made it. su79iUkFHnE-00155-00119100-00119700 It's angry that you brought this thing into- it's angry that you made- you combined these two things. su79iUkFHnE-00156-00119700-00120300 And freaking brought huda. su79iUkFHnE-00157-00120300-00120500 You freaking brought huel soda into existence. su79iUkFHnE-00158-00120500-00121300 That's why- that's why it makes you feel sick. Cause it's angry you brought it into existence. su79iUkFHnE-00159-00121300-00121900 Why did I make huel soda? Why did I- why did I mix these two? su79iUkFHnE-00160-00121900-00122200 I did it for- because I can I guess. su79iUkFHnE-00161-00122200-00123100 Ugh. su79iUkFHnE-00162-00123100-00123400 Are you happy now? su79iUkFHnE-00163-00123400-00124100 I'm gonna just drink the rest of this on camera I guess. su79iUkFHnE-00164-00124100-00124600 You know, I should clean this shit up. su79iUkFHnE-00165-00124600-00124900 You get to watch me clean this shit up actually. That's what you get. su79iUkFHnE-00166-00124900-00125300 That's the rest of the video, it's just watching me cleaning this shit up. su79iUkFHnE-00167-00125300-00125700 Cleaning up the mistake that was made. su79iUkFHnE-00168-00125700-00126200 Oh my god I f- ahhh. su79iUkFHnE-00169-00126200-00126800 I guess the main reason I say you shouldn't combine huel and soda is because this makes you fart. su79iUkFHnE-00170-00126800-00127100 The huel. The huel makes you fart. The soda makes you fart. su79iUkFHnE-00171-00127100-00127900 I don't think- ohhh. Why the- why the- why did I do this? su79iUkFHnE-00172-00127900-00128100 Why did I do this? Okay. su79iUkFHnE-00173-00128100-00128500 It's time to clean this shit up now. Um, let's see. su79iUkFHnE-00174-00128500-00128900 I'm gonna really quickly put the huel away, put the soda away. su79iUkFHnE-00175-00128900-00129300 I'm gonna grab a- grab something to wipe down the desk with. su79iUkFHnE-00176-00129300-00129900 And then I'm gonna come back and finish my huel soda because... yeah. su79iUkFHnE-00177-00129900-00130500 Oh my god why? Why? Why? su79iUkFHnE-00178-00130500-00130900 I'm gonna just leave it right here just as a reminder- okay I guess you can't see it there. su79iUkFHnE-00179-00130900-00131400 I'm gonna have it right here just as a reminder while I- while I go grab- su79iUkFHnE-00180-00131400-00131700 while I go put this stuff away. su79iUkFHnE-00181-00133400-00133950 [Roommate, inaudible]: So, how was it? It was a mistake. [Roommate]: Who would have thought. su79iUkFHnE-00182-00134000-00134700 But it's okayish! It's like almost not bad. su79iUkFHnE-00183-00134700-00135200 Yeah it's almost not bad. su79iUkFHnE-00184-00135200-00135500 [Roommate]: But it's not good still! su79iUkFHnE-00185-00135500-00135700 Yep, still is. su79iUkFHnE-00186-00135700-00136200 One sec, I'm gonna wipe this down. su79iUkFHnE-00187-00143300-00144500 The cleanup is done. The cleanup is done. su79iUkFHnE-00188-00144500-00145100 So yeah. I made huel soda. su79iUkFHnE-00189-00145100-00145500 Was it good? Almost. su79iUkFHnE-00190-00145500-00145800 Would I make it again? No! su79iUkFHnE-00191-00145800-00146300 Yeah. Okay let's just delete this freaking slide. su79iUkFHnE-00192-00146300-00146800 Remove. Yes. There we go. su79iUkFHnE-00193-00146800-00147200 So yeah. I made huel soda. I regret it. su79iUkFHnE-00194-00147200-00147500 I'm gonna drink this last bit of it. su79iUkFHnE-00195-00147500-00148500 Let me actually grab my water. That's been- ugh. su79iUkFHnE-00196-00148500-00148900 It's almost good. That's the part that makes me feel the worst. su79iUkFHnE-00197-00148900-00149400 It's almost good. And it makes you feel sick the more you drink it. su79iUkFHnE-00198-00149400-00149800 That's- that's the most cursed part about it. Is that it almost works. su79iUkFHnE-00199-00149800-00150000 It's very close to working. su79iUkFHnE-00200-00150000-00150800 And because of that it's angry at you and wants to make you feel bad for bringing it into existence. su79iUkFHnE-00201-00150800-00151100 Why did I make huel soda? su79iUkFHnE-00202-00151100-00152500 Well I guess you get to watch me drink the last of this. su79iUkFHnE-00203-00152500-00152900 I don't know. What do I fill- what the fuck do I fill the next few minutes of this with? su79iUkFHnE-00204-00152900-00153300 I'm literally just drinking fucking this abomination. su79iUkFHnE-00205-00153300-00153700 I'm finishing it because I don't want this to go to waste. su79iUkFHnE-00206-00153700-00153900 This is food I spent money on. su79iUkFHnE-00207-00153900-00154300 I spent- I- this is my huel that I drink. su79iUkFHnE-00208-00154300-00154700 This is a soda that I bought specifically for this fucking video. su79iUkFHnE-00209-00154700-00155100 Ugh. su79iUkFHnE-00210-00155100-00155700 I feel sick. su79iUkFHnE-00211-00155700-00157300 Ughhh. su79iUkFHnE-00212-00157300-00157700 It's almost empty. I've almost finished the huel soda. su79iUkFHnE-00213-00157700-00158200 I need to clean up- I need to deal with all these fucking boxes. su79iUkFHnE-00214-00158200-00158900 Why do I do this to myself? su79iUkFHnE-00215-00158900-00159200 This wasn't fun like Pilk was. su79iUkFHnE-00216-00159200-00159700 I feel like maybe if I did this in a livestream style thing it could of actually worked. su79iUkFHnE-00217-00159700-00160100 I feel like it maybe would have been more fun to do in a livestream style thing but like su79iUkFHnE-00218-00160100-00160500 I feel like the Pilk thing I also had a group chat of friends I was talking to in addition to livestream su79iUkFHnE-00219-00160500-00160900 because I knew there were going to be like four fucking people watching the livestream. su79iUkFHnE-00220-00160900-00161200 Yeah. So yeah. su79iUkFHnE-00221-00161200-00161600 I'm drawing this out because I don't want to finish the last little bit of this fucking su79iUkFHnE-00222-00161600-00162100 abomination. Why did I make huel soda? su79iUkFHnE-00223-00162100-00162500 I just realized actually that fucking- the shit. su79iUkFHnE-00224-00162500-00162900 I don't know. Bad- bad was a terrible camera angle but anyways. su79iUkFHnE-00225-00162900-00163500 I've already deleted the slide with the freaking pep- the freaking Coca-Cola but like su79iUkFHnE-00226-00163500-00163800 I just realized it has caffeine in it. su79iUkFHnE-00227-00163800-00164200 Why the fuck did I drink that? su79iUkFHnE-00228-00164200-00164400 That was a bad idea. su79iUkFHnE-00229-00164400-00164600 How am I going to sleep? It's 10 o'clock. su79iUkFHnE-00230-00164600-00165100 Let me just look up how much caffeine is in- su79iUkFHnE-00231-00165100-00165500 How much caffeine is in Coke? su79iUkFHnE-00232-00165500-00165900 Let's see. su79iUkFHnE-00233-00165900-00166400 34 milligrams per- wait how many fuck- su79iUkFHnE-00234-00166400-00167000 Let's see. 500 milliliters to fluid ounces. su79iUkFHnE-00235-00167000-00167300 Okay. So... su79iUkFHnE-00236-00167300-00167600 Actually it's probably more- okay. Anyways it's rough- It's like 30 milligrams. su79iUkFHnE-00237-00167600-00168100 Okay it's not too bad. I've built up enough of a tolerance at this point that like su79iUkFHnE-00238-00168100-00168600 I'll be fine. su79iUkFHnE-00239-00168600-00169200 I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep anytime soon. I- I- su79iUkFHnE-00240-00169200-00169700 My life is full of bad decisions. I think I had a fucking- su79iUkFHnE-00241-00169700-00170300 Let's see. When was my last caffeine [pill]? When did I last have caffeine? su79iUkFHnE-00242-00170300-00170700 Uh, fucking 7 p.m. su79iUkFHnE-00243-00170700-00171200 Of course I take a ca- why the fuck did I take a caffeine pill at 7 p.m.? su79iUkFHnE-00244-00171200-00171700 Why do I do this to myself? Why do I do this to myself? su79iUkFHnE-00245-00171700-00172200 I know why I do this to myself. Because A) I didn't want to be tired because I wanted to do this fucking video. su79iUkFHnE-00246-00172200-00172900 Because I knew it was going to be fun and stupid and B) because I wanted to dance around and be dumb and- su79iUkFHnE-00247-00172900-00173300 I like being energetic. su79iUkFHnE-00248-00173300-00174000 Oh god I know I'm going to probably be suffering tomorrow. su79iUkFHnE-00249-00174000-00174700 My- I- su79iUkFHnE-00250-00174700-00175300 uuuuuuuuuhgh su79iUkFHnE-00251-00175300-00175800 The Huel soda's still there. I still need to finish it. su79iUkFHnE-00252-00175800-00176300 I- why did I add more soda to- why did I add more soda? su79iUkFHnE-00253-00176300-00177000 I literally just made- I literally just made the- I just made finishing this more difficult. su79iUkFHnE-00254-00177000-00177600 I made finishing this more difficult where I have to draw it out. I have to draw it out as long as I can. su79iUkFHnE-00255-00177600-00178100 I feel sick but I want to- I don't want this to go to waste. There is still an amount in here. su79iUkFHnE-00256-00178100-00178500 I don't want that to go to waste. su79iUkFHnE-00257-00178500-00178800 Okay, just get my- I'm going to- okay. su79iUkFHnE-00258-00178800-00179600 How do I pass the time for the next I don't know, few minutes until I have- until I finish this off and end the fucking video? su79iUkFHnE-00259-00179600-00180200 Because the video is already like fucking half an hour and nobody's going to want to watch that shit to the end. su79iUkFHnE-00260-00180200-00180500 There's going to be like two people watching the shit to the end. su79iUkFHnE-00261-00180500-00181100 Hey, if you're fucking still watching, like I don't know, fucking put a comment down below. su79iUkFHnE-00262-00181100-00182300 Um, god, I'm already fucking turning into a YouTuber. Fuck it. I don't know, I'm just curious honestly if people actually even watch this shit. su79iUkFHnE-00263-00182300-00182700 Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, because the tweet told me to. su79iUkFHnE-00264-00182700-00183100 Yeah, that's how I- that's how my life is at this point. su79iUkFHnE-00265-00183100-00185500 I'm- I'm doing stupid shit because I don't know, I don't know, fuck. su79iUkFHnE-00266-00185500-00186800 Okay, I should not be thinking I'm going to get depressed. Okay, let's see, what the fuck do I do while I wait for my stomach to settle so I can finish the last little bit of this please? su79iUkFHnE-00267-00186800-00187900 I could just chug it, that is an option, that is very much an option and as we're nearing the 30 minute mark more and more, I think that chugging it might just be my best bet. su79iUkFHnE-00268-00187900-00189500 But at the same time I don't want to feel sick, I don't want to fucking nearly throw up and if I throw up I'm going to be sad because then this went to waste, the money I spent on this went to waste. su79iUkFHnE-00269-00189500-00190000 I guess I have to clean the shaker afterwards and it's fucking 10 o'clock and I'm tired as shit. su79iUkFHnE-00270-00190000-00190800 Well at least I'll be able to sleep, that's true. I'll be able to sleep, that is very much true. (I was wrong) su79iUkFHnE-00271-00190800-00192200 I don't know, let's see, what do I, how do I remain, how do I keep this entertaining? su79iUkFHnE-00272-00192200-00193600 Oh, just chug the Huel, just chug the Huda, the Huel soda, just chug it. Why am I doing this, why am I doing this again? su79iUkFHnE-00273-00193600-00194600 Because I decided, I don't know, half, most, like two thirds of the way through the video that I have to finish this, I have to finish this before I can end the video. su79iUkFHnE-00274-00194600-00195200 That's why, and I'm fucking browsing Twitter right now because I don't know what else to do. su79iUkFHnE-00275-00195200-00195600 Oh god. su79iUkFHnE-00276-00195600-00196700 [Groans] su79iUkFHnE-00277-00196700-00198400 Follow me on Twitter. Oh wrong, wrong, wrong scene, this one, yeah. Follow me on Twitter, I have one and I also have like a CoHost, a BlueSky, a Fediverse. su79iUkFHnE-00278-00198400-00200900 [Groans] But Twitter is not dead yet despite the idiot dude trying, so follow me on there, I don't know, I want- give me attention so I can do- so that way I'm more motivated to do even more stupid shit. su79iUkFHnE-00279-00200900-00202300 This recording is half an hour and that's still not recording, that's not counting the two recordings I did prior to this that I'm going to have to stitch together, although it's really just a simple fucking FFMPEG command. su79iUkFHnE-00280-00202300-00203000 I could read it to you because I'm, you know, I'm going to read it to you because I still don't want to drink the re- last of this. su79iUkFHnE-00281-00203000-00204300 Let's see, let me just go into my command history, let's see. 'ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i concat.txt' which is just the list of files that- '-c copy' which is to copy, yeah. su79iUkFHnE-00282-00204300-00204600 You know what, fuck it, let's explain FFMPEG right now. su79iUkFHnE-00283-00204600-00205300 Because, I don't want to drink the last of this but I need to drink the last of this before I can finish the video. su79iUkFHnE-00284-00205300-00206100 Okay, let me grab my, oh shit, I need to actually, okay. su79iUkFHnE-00285-00206100-00206400 So let me put this on the pinboard, one sec. su79iUkFHnE-00286-00206400-00206900 You're going to see me do this live because why not. su79iUkFHnE-00287-00206900-00207100 Okay, I'm on the pinboard. su79iUkFHnE-00288-00207100-00207600 Let me actually just duplicate this real quick so that way I can just clean it up by just deleting it later. su79iUkFHnE-00289-00207600-00208100 Let me import the image, you're not going to see this because I'm already on the pinboard. su79iUkFHnE-00290-00208100-00208900 Let's see, the pinboard is literally just an OBS scene with like a freaking image background, let's see. su79iUkFHnE-00291-00208900-00209500 There we go, I have this on the pinboard now. su79iUkFHnE-00292-00209500-00209900 Oh, there's two cursors because of the way this works. su79iUkFHnE-00293-00209900-00210300 Oh, this is disorienting to do live, I don't like this. su79iUkFHnE-00294-00210300-00210600 Okay, there we go, it's on the pinboard. su79iUkFHnE-00295-00210600-00211000 Now let me explain how this fucking works because I don't want to drink the last of this. su79iUkFHnE-00296-00211000-00211500 I need to finish this before I end the video, but at the same time I don't want to. su79iUkFHnE-00297-00211500-00212100 Okay, so FFMPEG is this tool, I use all the fucking time. su79iUkFHnE-00298-00212100-00212500 Mostly just because I'm too lazy to install an actual fucking video editor. su79iUkFHnE-00299-00212500-00213200 So yeah, so this is the, what does '-f' do? Oh my god. su79iUkFHnE-00300-00213200-00213800 Okay, this is a, okay, this is demuxer, so it's telling it to use the concat demuxer. su79iUkFHnE-00301-00213800-00214500 Yeah, I think F stands for format, but yeah, it's telling, I think this actually isn't really necessary, su79iUkFHnE-00302-00214500-00215200 but I think it's basically telling it, oh yeah, you can use files outside of the current working directory. su79iUkFHnE-00303-00215200-00215800 And then this is the list of files, which is going to look like, let me grab a freaking screenshot. su79iUkFHnE-00304-00215800-00216400 You know, I could just fucking pull the FFMPEG documentation into here, why don't I? su79iUkFHnE-00305-00216400-00216900 I literally just could, yeah. Fuck explaining shit myself. su79iUkFHnE-00306-00216900-00217400 When somebody else has explained it way better than I ever will. su79iUkFHnE-00307-00217400-00218100 Cause I am not- I am tired and haven't- I should sleep more. su79iUkFHnE-00308-00218100-00219000 But I am not going to be able to sleep because I am, I don't even know, I made lots of bad decisions. su79iUkFHnE-00309-00219000-00219500 Oh yeah, I just realized the fucking, there we go. su79iUkFHnE-00310-00219500-00220500 So yeah, let me move the other image so you can actually see both because, yeah, I don't know, I am putting effort into this. su79iUkFHnE-00311-00220500-00221100 Into this thing I am purely doing so I can avoid fucking drinking the last of this shit. su79iUkFHnE-00312-00221100-00221600 Oh, it's been 35 minutes, this video, this has been going on for 35 minutes. su79iUkFHnE-00313-00221600-00222900 Okay, so using the concat demuxer and then giving a list of files, which is going to be like the list of the video of like the little clips I recorded previously prior to this clip. su79iUkFHnE-00314-00222900-00223300 Of me being like, well, ha ha ha, I am going to go to the store, lol lol lol. su79iUkFHnE-00315-00223300-00223700 I don't know, what was I like earlier? I don't fucking know. su79iUkFHnE-00316-00223700-00224400 Yeah, first one where like I was like, oh yeah, I'm gonna to go to the store lol, then the second one is like, oh yeah, I got back, I am waiting for it [the soda] to cool down. su79iUkFHnE-00317-00224400-00224700 And then the third one which is me suffering right now. su79iUkFHnE-00318-00224700-00225400 And then telling it to copy the data so I don't have to deal with like further quality loss from [re]compression as if anyone is going to notice at all. su79iUkFHnE-00319-00225400-00226200 And then I put into the output file which I am going to run through a script to deal with YouTube bullshit before I throw it onto YouTube. su79iUkFHnE-00320-00226200-00227500 Oh yeah, and I also use the freaking OpenAI whisper to generate the subtitles, I quickly review them when like I pretty much rewatch the video one time to just make sure the subtitles are correct and then insert some manual corrections here and there. su79iUkFHnE-00321-00227500-00228300 I am not too careful about it, but like whisper gets like things right like 90% of the time so it's not like I really need to be super careful. [I'd say it's like ~90-95% of the time, after reviewing this] su79iUkFHnE-00322-00228300-00228900 Besides, there's subtitles, you can figure out what they are even if they are not 100% perfect. su79iUkFHnE-00323-00228900-00229700 But yeah, I just explained it, what I am going to, I just explained the command I am going to run after I finish this video. su79iUkFHnE-00324-00229700-00230400 To put the video together because I am too lazy to install an image [I meant video] editor because I'm trying to- and I talked about that because I wanted to avoid drinking this last little bit. su79iUkFHnE-00325-00230400-00230600 Okay, my stomach is settled. su79iUkFHnE-00326-00230600-00230800 I am going to drink this. su79iUkFHnE-00327-00230800-00231400 Why am I fucking- su79iUkFHnE-00328-00231400-00231600 That was refreshing. su79iUkFHnE-00329-00231600-00233200 This is distressing. su79iUkFHnE-00330-00233200-00234000 Why is, why am I, I don't know why but my mind is currently stuck in the like, oh shit I've got school tomorrow and I have homework. su79iUkFHnE-00331-00234000-00234800 I don't go to, I finished fucking high school, I have a job. su79iUkFHnE-00332-00234800-00235100 God. su79iUkFHnE-00333-00235100-00235600 At some point I will go to college, but like that's a later me problem. su79iUkFHnE-00334-00235600-00236000 That's a problem for me when I, I don't know, unfucked-9 su79iUkFHnE-00335-00236000-00237700 I figured, that's a problem for me when I figured out actually what the fuck I want to do with my life if I ever figure that out. su79iUkFHnE-00336-00237700-00237800 Almost done. su79iUkFHnE-00337-00237800-00238300 It's actually the more I drink this the more I am liking it, what the fuck. su79iUkFHnE-00338-00238300-00238500 Okay, it still makes me feel sick. su79iUkFHnE-00339-00238500-00238900 So I still cannot, I still do not recommend this, I am still not going to do this again. su79iUkFHnE-00340-00238900-00239700 But it actually kind of tastes good now which is very much, it's... it's distressing. su79iUkFHnE-00341-00239700-00240500 It's fucking distressing, why, it's tasting good now. su79iUkFHnE-00342-00240500-00240900 That's how low my standards are. su79iUkFHnE-00343-00240900-00241500 Is that huel soda tastes genuinely good even though it's making me sick. su79iUkFHnE-00344-00241500-00242900 It's just, it's the two things that make me feel sick just combined which is carbonated shit and freaking sweet shit. su79iUkFHnE-00345-00242900-00243100 There's only a tiny bit left. su79iUkFHnE-00346-00243100-00243600 So I can just have this last little bit and I can end the fucking video. su79iUkFHnE-00347-00243600-00244000 Uggh. Burp. su79iUkFHnE-00348-00244700-00244900 It's over. su79iUkFHnE-00349-00244900-00245100 I drank the last of it. su79iUkFHnE-00350-00245100-00245200 It's empty. su79iUkFHnE-00351-00245200-00245400 It's empty. (x2) su79iUkFHnE-00352-00245400-00245500 It's empty. (x3) su79iUkFHnE-00353-00245500-00245600 It's empty. (x4) su79iUkFHnE-00354-00245600-00245800 Look, I drank all of this. su79iUkFHnE-00355-00245800-00245900 I drank it. su79iUkFHnE-00356-00245900-00246100 I drank, I drank the fucking huel soda. su79iUkFHnE-00357-00246100-00246300 All of it. su79iUkFHnE-00358-00246300-00246400 Goodbye. su79iUkFHnE-00359-00246400-00246835 That's it. I don't- Who fucking gives a shit if I wave. Goodbye. su79iUkFHnE-00360-00246836-00246900 [I spent way too fucking long subtitling this too, I'm so fucking exhausted.] sveDenC4e9I-00000-00000065-00000339 Hi, everyone. I hope you are doing well, sveDenC4e9I-00001-00000339-00000658 wherever you are. This is Melica. I have sveDenC4e9I-00002-00000658-00000881 been traveling and volunteering around sveDenC4e9I-00003-00000881-00001225 Latin America for the last 2-1/2 years. sveDenC4e9I-00004-00001225-00001497 Right now, I am in a small village called sveDenC4e9I-00005-00001497-00001792 Jaibalito, by Lake Atitlan, in Guatemala. sveDenC4e9I-00006-00001792-00002001 I have been staying in this sveDenC4e9I-00007-00002001-00002219 cabin for the last three months, sveDenC4e9I-00008-00002219-00002441 housesitting and petsitting. sveDenC4e9I-00009-00002441-00002698 In the last video, I talked about sveDenC4e9I-00010-00002698-00002992 different types of volunteering and I sveDenC4e9I-00011-00002992-00003236 introduced you to some websites where sveDenC4e9I-00012-00003236-00003430 you can find volunteer opportunities all sveDenC4e9I-00013-00003430-00003661 around the world. One of these websites sveDenC4e9I-00014-00003661-00003846 was called wwoof.net, sveDenC4e9I-00015-00003846-00004166 Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms. sveDenC4e9I-00016-00004166-00004507 Today, I want to talk about traveling on sveDenC4e9I-00017-00004507-00004755 a budget and how to WWOOF while sveDenC4e9I-00018-00004755-00004889 traveling on a budget. sveDenC4e9I-00019-00004889-00005040 As you may know, the main cost sveDenC4e9I-00020-00005040-00005297 of traveling goes on accommodation sveDenC4e9I-00021-00005297-00005559 and food. When you volunteer, you work sveDenC4e9I-00022-00005559-00005812 part-time a day, mainly five hours a day, sveDenC4e9I-00023-00005812-00006027 five days a week, in exchange for sveDenC4e9I-00024-00006027-00006270 accommodations and food. After the first sveDenC4e9I-00025-00006270-00006538 weeks of volunteering, I realized I don't sveDenC4e9I-00026-00006538-00006791 actually need a lot of money to travel. sveDenC4e9I-00027-00006791-00007132 So many people work all year long to be sveDenC4e9I-00028-00007132-00007436 able to travel two weeks per year and sveDenC4e9I-00029-00007436-00007657 they always ask people like me how do sveDenC4e9I-00030-00007657-00007828 you do it? How do you manage, sveDenC4e9I-00031-00007828-00008066 financially, to volunteer for a time and sveDenC4e9I-00032-00008066-00008455 travel full-time? Well, travel is not a sveDenC4e9I-00033-00008455-00008788 matter of money. It never was. It's a sveDenC4e9I-00034-00008788-00009153 matter of courage. People work back sveDenC4e9I-00035-00009153-00009429 home to save a lot of money to spend sveDenC4e9I-00036-00009429-00009618 it on accommodation and food, where sveDenC4e9I-00037-00009618-00009940 you can volunteer, work on organic farms, sveDenC4e9I-00038-00009940-00010265 and WWOOF and exchange your knowledge sveDenC4e9I-00039-00010265-00010550 and skills for accommodations and food. sveDenC4e9I-00040-00010550-00010763 You learn and get a lot more, apart from sveDenC4e9I-00041-00010763-00011037 that. You work on the way and you sveDenC4e9I-00042-00011037-00011233 don't work with such a thing like money. sveDenC4e9I-00043-00011233-00011394 You just exchange your knowledge sveDenC4e9I-00044-00011394-00011642 and you get accommodation and food. sveDenC4e9I-00045-00011642-00011925 You do have enough free time to see sveDenC4e9I-00046-00011925-00012148 whatever that you want to see within sveDenC4e9I-00047-00012148-00012391 the country. You work only part-time sveDenC4e9I-00048-00012391-00012627 a day, so you have enough time to work sveDenC4e9I-00049-00012627-00012832 on your own projects. I work online. sveDenC4e9I-00050-00012832-00013131 So many people work on the road, sveDenC4e9I-00051-00013131-00013354 while traveling, so you can volunteer sveDenC4e9I-00052-00013354-00013588 and work, and you can volunteer and, sveDenC4e9I-00053-00013588-00013801 at the same time, see whatever you sveDenC4e9I-00054-00013801-00013997 want to see within the country. sveDenC4e9I-00055-00013997-00014243 Apart from accommodation and food, sveDenC4e9I-00056-00014243-00014533 another main cost is transportation. sveDenC4e9I-00057-00014533-00014890 This really depends on where you are sveDenC4e9I-00058-00014890-00015115 traveling because, in different sveDenC4e9I-00059-00015115-00015301 countries, transportation has different sveDenC4e9I-00060-00015301-00015471 costs. Some countries, like Brazil, sveDenC4e9I-00061-00015471-00015698 are as big as a continent and it's very sveDenC4e9I-00062-00015698-00015893 far and expensive to get from one city sveDenC4e9I-00063-00015893-00016082 to another in some countries, sveDenC4e9I-00064-00016082-00016230 like small countries in sveDenC4e9I-00065-00016230-00016450 Central America, you can get four sveDenC4e9I-00066-00016450-00016644 hours from the Caribbean to the Pacific. sveDenC4e9I-00067-00016644-00016827 How much money you need actually sveDenC4e9I-00068-00016827-00017105 depends on where you are traveling sveDenC4e9I-00069-00017105-00017325 and how long you are traveling there sveDenC4e9I-00070-00017325-00017536 and what kind of trip you are doing. sveDenC4e9I-00071-00017536-00017743 Another thing that I want to mention sveDenC4e9I-00072-00017743-00017999 is the purpose of your trip. A tourist sveDenC4e9I-00073-00017999-00018319 stays within their comfort zone and sveDenC4e9I-00074-00018319-00018564 they go and see all the popular sights, sveDenC4e9I-00075-00018564-00018894 but a traveler really wants to blend in sveDenC4e9I-00076-00018894-00019114 with the locals, try their food, learn sveDenC4e9I-00077-00019114-00019417 their language. While volunteering, sveDenC4e9I-00078-00019417-00019660 you're doing all that and, at the same sveDenC4e9I-00079-00019660-00019985 time, your living expenses are much sveDenC4e9I-00080-00019985-00020280 lower. Before you travel, you really have sveDenC4e9I-00081-00020280-00020514 to see what's the purpose of your trip sveDenC4e9I-00082-00020514-00020687 because it really does affect your sveDenC4e9I-00083-00020687-00020912 costs, what you want to see, how much sveDenC4e9I-00084-00020912-00021105 you want to move within the country. sveDenC4e9I-00085-00021105-00021423 About personal items, I don't buy any sveDenC4e9I-00086-00021423-00021743 souvenirs. My souvenirs are the memories sveDenC4e9I-00087-00021743-00022052 and the experiences that I get from sveDenC4e9I-00088-00022052-00022291 every country, and the photos and sveDenC4e9I-00089-00022291-00022479 videos that I get wherever I go. sveDenC4e9I-00090-00022479-00022760 So many people spend a lot of money on sveDenC4e9I-00091-00022760-00023021 souvenirs. That's not a problem, but sveDenC4e9I-00092-00023021-00023206 before you start traveling, when you sveDenC4e9I-00093-00023206-00023354 want to manage your budget, you sveDenC4e9I-00094-00023354-00023540 really have to think of that, like how sveDenC4e9I-00095-00023540-00023742 much personal items do you need sveDenC4e9I-00096-00023742-00024021 or do you want to get when you are sveDenC4e9I-00097-00024021-00024145 traveling? sveDenC4e9I-00098-00024145-00024327 How do you know how much sveDenC4e9I-00099-00024327-00024573 money you need while WWOOFing? sveDenC4e9I-00100-00024573-00024857 Well, as I mentioned before, this sveDenC4e9I-00101-00024857-00025113 really depends on location, where sveDenC4e9I-00102-00025113-00025305 you are traveling to (some countries sveDenC4e9I-00103-00025305-00025509 are way more expensive than other ones), sveDenC4e9I-00104-00025509-00025789 and how long you are traveling there, sveDenC4e9I-00105-00025789-00026042 and how long are you WWOOFing in that sveDenC4e9I-00106-00026042-00026256 country, how long your accommodation sveDenC4e9I-00107-00026256-00026488 and food is covered while being in that sveDenC4e9I-00108-00026488-00026681 country. Then, you just have to get with sveDenC4e9I-00109-00026681-00026905 yourself, as I mentioned before, with sveDenC4e9I-00110-00026905-00027088 the purpose, and see what else you sveDenC4e9I-00111-00027088-00027283 want to see within the country and sveDenC4e9I-00112-00027283-00027417 search for more about the sveDenC4e9I-00113-00027417-00027580 transportation of where you are sveDenC4e9I-00114-00027580-00027744 located in the country to other sveDenC4e9I-00115-00027744-00027955 parts that you want to see in your free sveDenC4e9I-00116-00027955-00028229 time or on the weekends, or the personal sveDenC4e9I-00117-00028229-00028435 items if you want to buy some souvenirs, sveDenC4e9I-00118-00028435-00028719 if you want to get some personal items sveDenC4e9I-00119-00028719-00029093 or food, so you can just search all sveDenC4e9I-00120-00029093-00029423 that and just get an idea of how much sveDenC4e9I-00121-00029423-00029728 your costs will be while you're sveDenC4e9I-00122-00029728-00029935 traveling within that country. sveDenC4e9I-00123-00029935-00030137 I really recommend connecting with sveDenC4e9I-00124-00030137-00030391 the locals to find out how to make the sveDenC4e9I-00125-00030391-00030622 most of your money. Sometimes, you sveDenC4e9I-00126-00030622-00030929 want to see a place, like, for example, sveDenC4e9I-00127-00030929-00031128 visit a volcano, and you get to a local sveDenC4e9I-00128-00031128-00031460 and the local knows a cheaper way sveDenC4e9I-00129-00031460-00031663 or a secret way to get to that place, sveDenC4e9I-00130-00031663-00031865 or even says, "No, that's too touristic. sveDenC4e9I-00131-00031865-00032089 Let's go to another place that I know." sveDenC4e9I-00132-00032089-00032266 Then, you just go with the flow and sveDenC4e9I-00133-00032266-00032574 explore so many places that not so many sveDenC4e9I-00134-00032574-00032925 people go. So, I really, highly recommend sveDenC4e9I-00135-00032925-00033132 connecting with the locals. sveDenC4e9I-00136-00033132-00033346 How is WWOOFing worldwide and sveDenC4e9I-00137-00033346-00033630 traveling slow more sustainable? sveDenC4e9I-00138-00033630-00033908 Of everything that we do while traveling, sveDenC4e9I-00139-00033908-00034212 flying has the largest carbon impact. sveDenC4e9I-00140-00034212-00034509 By traveling slow and for a longer sveDenC4e9I-00141-00034509-00034688 amount of time, instead of visiting sveDenC4e9I-00142-00034688-00034878 multiple countries in a short time, sveDenC4e9I-00143-00034878-00035086 we reduce our flight emissions. sveDenC4e9I-00144-00035086-00035289 I got to know this when I was sveDenC4e9I-00145-00035289-00035555 traveling in Bolivia. It had been five sveDenC4e9I-00146-00035555-00035748 months that I was traveling in sveDenC4e9I-00147-00035748-00035951 South America and I was like, okay, sveDenC4e9I-00148-00035951-00036209 as long as I can, I will try to stop sveDenC4e9I-00149-00036209-00036615 flying, just use buses and trains, sveDenC4e9I-00150-00036615-00036841 instead of planes, as long as I can sveDenC4e9I-00151-00036841-00037013 because, as you know, I need a visa sveDenC4e9I-00152-00037013-00037221 to visit every other country, so if you sveDenC4e9I-00153-00037221-00037491 have a US passport or European passport sveDenC4e9I-00154-00037491-00037746 or any other valid passport, you can sveDenC4e9I-00155-00037746-00038070 easily travel and cross the countries by sveDenC4e9I-00156-00038070-00038330 land and travel by land if you don't want sveDenC4e9I-00157-00038330-00038527 to move within the continents, but sveDenC4e9I-00158-00038527-00038764 for a person like me, it's very hard. sveDenC4e9I-00159-00038764-00039024 I have to get a visa for every country, sveDenC4e9I-00160-00039024-00039275 to be able to be sure that I can pass sveDenC4e9I-00161-00039275-00039485 countries by land, but I got to do it sveDenC4e9I-00162-00039485-00039664 for one year in South America, sveDenC4e9I-00163-00039664-00039932 from Bolivia to Peru, Peru to Chile, sveDenC4e9I-00164-00039932-00040144 Chile to Argentina, Argentina to Uruguay, sveDenC4e9I-00165-00040144-00040431 Uruguay to Brazil. It took me one year sveDenC4e9I-00166-00040431-00040699 to travel within all these countries by sveDenC4e9I-00167-00040699-00041087 land, by bus. Long night buses. Like, in sveDenC4e9I-00168-00041087-00041352 Brazil, I took so many 24-hour buses sveDenC4e9I-00169-00041352-00041662 and, yeah, just because I understood sveDenC4e9I-00170-00041662-00041975 that I can do do it. When I understood sveDenC4e9I-00171-00041975-00042345 how large is the carbon impact when sveDenC4e9I-00172-00042345-00042647 we fly, I just realized I wanted to do sveDenC4e9I-00173-00042647-00042979 it. If I could do it for a year, with my sveDenC4e9I-00174-00042979-00043311 situation, you can definitely do it. sveDenC4e9I-00175-00043311-00043656 The more I travel, the more I realize sveDenC4e9I-00176-00043656-00043995 there is more to see, so that's why I've sveDenC4e9I-00177-00043995-00044344 been taking my time and, by WWOOFing sveDenC4e9I-00178-00044344-00044608 and really living with the locals and sveDenC4e9I-00179-00044608-00044888 learning and spending some time in sveDenC4e9I-00180-00044888-00045083 different countries, different cities sveDenC4e9I-00181-00045083-00045274 with different cultures and different sveDenC4e9I-00182-00045274-00045596 people, I just realized I am not in a sveDenC4e9I-00183-00045596-00045780 rush to see the world and there is a sveDenC4e9I-00184-00045780-00046023 lot to learn, so that's why I've been sveDenC4e9I-00185-00046023-00046198 enjoying it so much and can't sveDenC4e9I-00186-00046198-00046355 recommend it enough. sveDenC4e9I-00187-00046355-00046594 I hope all this information was useful sveDenC4e9I-00188-00046594-00046813 and I really hope to see more people sveDenC4e9I-00189-00046813-00046962 WWOOFing around the world. sveDenC4e9I-00190-00046962-00047131 Thank you so much for listening to sveDenC4e9I-00191-00047131-00047312 me and for watching this video. sveDenC4e9I-00192-00047312-00047500 I send you all love, health, and sveDenC4e9I-00193-00047500-00047662 happiness. sveDenC4e9I-00194-00047662-00048249 [cheerful music] sveDenC4e9I-00195-00048300-00048600 Subtitles by the Amara.org community swxJsPp6Mjy-00000-00000003-00000447 come on guys today I'm gonna do NT NX and this stock had a really good earnings report but the swxJsPp6Mjy-00001-00000447-00000864 guidance was not too good so the stock dropped pretty good on Thursday and Friday I think it's swxJsPp6Mjy-00002-00000864-00001281 starting to hit support right now so it's dude for a little bit of a bounce just like to remind swxJsPp6Mjy-00003-00001281-00001605 you to subscribe to my channel hit the bells to get the notifications on this win trades unlike swxJsPp6Mjy-00004-00001605-00002028 this video let's get right into Newton X so this stock tanked on Thursday but then when swxJsPp6Mjy-00005-00002028-00002616 Friday came around they actually gave it a buy rating of $62 that's an 83 percent increase and swxJsPp6Mjy-00006-00002616-00003027 on Friday it still dropped a little bit but I think it's not support right now yeah so swxJsPp6Mjy-00007-00003027-00003417 new necks did have a solid earnings report but like I was saying their guidance just fell out swxJsPp6Mjy-00008-00003417-00003915 Nunez stock heads for the worst day on record and it's basically because the cloud specialists have swxJsPp6Mjy-00009-00003915-00004299 spread way too thin so when I was looking into this company they do have a lot of employees that swxJsPp6Mjy-00010-00004299-00004683 leave and then they eventually come back here's Newton X web page right here and this company swxJsPp6Mjy-00011-00004683-00005115 basically just builds clouds for other companies so they can store data and all that that's what I swxJsPp6Mjy-00012-00005115-00005526 get out of it I'm not really a computer expert but that's what I get out of it all right so I swxJsPp6Mjy-00013-00005526-00005967 got their chart pulled up here so I had to pull up the 10-year 2-day chart here and I actually found swxJsPp6Mjy-00014-00005967-00006378 the support where it's at right now alright I'm gonna go back to the 180-day for our chart here swxJsPp6Mjy-00015-00006378-00006759 so if this stock wants to pop up you can see here the next line of resistance is gonna have swxJsPp6Mjy-00016-00006759-00007206 is thirty five dollars and ninety four cents let's get in here a little bit closer so the swxJsPp6Mjy-00017-00007206-00007689 big red stick is Thursday and then on Friday you can see a tank down and now it's just sitting on swxJsPp6Mjy-00018-00007689-00008247 support the RSI is really oversold right now so on Monday what I think is gonna happen the stock swxJsPp6Mjy-00019-00008247-00008595 is probably gonna end up consolidating and I'm guessing this is gonna be the channel that is swxJsPp6Mjy-00020-00008595-00008985 probably gonna be in right here so my game plan is to wait and see if this stock consolidates swxJsPp6Mjy-00021-00008985-00009375 on this support lover right here if it does I think it's gonna be a really good buy the RSI swxJsPp6Mjy-00022-00009375-00009807 is very low so it's due for a really good pop just like they're reminded to subscribe to my channel swxJsPp6Mjy-00023-00009807-00010170 hit the bow so get the notification on this win trades unlike the video come on like the video swxJsPp6Mjy-00024-00010170-00010497 guys huh you want to make some money or not you want to make some money I want to make some money syd_nj5GaBU-00000-00002318-00002775 Summer is fast approaching and I know that you're looking for performing, syd_nj5GaBU-00001-00002775-00003200 compliment-getting, sweet summer fragrance so right now here's something syd_nj5GaBU-00002-00003200-00003732 new. Tamarindo from Memo Paris! Now here are 7 things that you need to know syd_nj5GaBU-00003-00003732-00004089 before you purchase this first thing that you need to know Tamarindo, syd_nj5GaBU-00004-00004089-00004611 it's not a fruit. Tamarind is the actual fruit and we call it here in the syd_nj5GaBU-00005-00004611-00005205 Philippines "sampaloc" or Tamarind but Tamarindo is a tourist destination in syd_nj5GaBU-00006-00005205-00005912 Costa Rica famous for its beaches sand and sun. So now you know! Okay so what syd_nj5GaBU-00007-00005912-00006611 does this smell like pineapple at the top sweet sweet juicy pineapple but no syd_nj5GaBU-00008-00006611-00007350 it's not Aventus-ish it will not even remind you of Aventus. Okay so there's syd_nj5GaBU-00009-00007350-00007964 that sweet juicy pineapple combined with the flesh of the coconut that moist syd_nj5GaBU-00010-00007964-00008550 flesh you get inside the coconut paired with patchouli to remind you of the syd_nj5GaBU-00011-00008550-00009311 greenery around you and the mid notes it would be addition of jasmine. The jasmine, syd_nj5GaBU-00012-00009311-00010050 patchouli would give you this earthy tropical vibe while you sip your piña syd_nj5GaBU-00013-00010050-00010784 colada and going on to the base we have vanilla, we have this pineapple traces of syd_nj5GaBU-00014-00010784-00011205 pineapple actually because it has faded into the two hours stage what we're syd_nj5GaBU-00015-00011205-00011636 getting for the sweetness is the vanilla we're still getting the patchouli and syd_nj5GaBU-00016-00011636-00012150 lots of Jasmine which still reminds you the tropical paradise which is syd_nj5GaBU-00017-00012150-00012744 Tamarindo. So for the price this one ranges in the sub 200 I see online syd_nj5GaBU-00018-00012744-00013926 they're $189 above $200 $200 but locally we have this at here art of scent syd_nj5GaBU-00019-00013926-00014556 and for the price to value ratio of this we'll get into that later now more the syd_nj5GaBU-00020-00014556-00015104 uniqueness on top of your head, give me a fragrance that resembles like piña syd_nj5GaBU-00021-00015104-00016050 colada and tropical paradise go... yeah that's what I thought syd_nj5GaBU-00022-00016050-00016670 so this one I'm going to really unique it reminds you of the pina colada syd_nj5GaBU-00023-00016670-00017262 inside this lush tropical paradise so it gets high scores for me or uniqueness so syd_nj5GaBU-00024-00017262-00017898 for the versatility of this I recommend you use this outside trekking mountain syd_nj5GaBU-00025-00017898-00018648 climbing beaches but not for vacations are in its really formal you know this syd_nj5GaBU-00026-00018648-00019088 is a fun cherry scent and doesn't suit those formal occasions like award syd_nj5GaBU-00027-00019088-00019613 ceremonies closing business deals or black-tie events know a marine do is a syd_nj5GaBU-00028-00019613-00020172 really casual fun scent so I advise you to wear this really really casually and syd_nj5GaBU-00029-00020172-00020706 then over the lunch every I get six hours on the average at other times it syd_nj5GaBU-00030-00020706-00021281 passes to the six hour mark it still goes to the a power so I got no problems syd_nj5GaBU-00031-00021281-00021869 with its longevity next one is projection and seotc this one will syd_nj5GaBU-00032-00021869-00022572 project above average projection leaves a really nice and really clean sweet syd_nj5GaBU-00033-00022572-00023132 scent trail you will get notice you will get complimented that's for sure syd_nj5GaBU-00034-00023132-00023663 so in conclusion did I recommend this to you yes I would if you have the cash and syd_nj5GaBU-00035-00023663-00024294 if you can afford it because it performs it projects it lasts syd_nj5GaBU-00036-00024294-00024740 if you don't smell like any other person that makes you unique syd_nj5GaBU-00037-00024740-00025500 for the price evaluation yes I'd say it gets passing grade but if you can post a syd_nj5GaBU-00038-00025500-00025901 split with other people who are interested with this or you can buy syd_nj5GaBU-00039-00025901-00026382 beacons it's available in your fragrance Facebook groups and that's it for today syd_nj5GaBU-00040-00026382-00026737 family mm Oh Paris I hope you didn't enjoy and syd_nj5GaBU-00041-00026737-00027270 have a good image in your mind of what a Marine though really the smell like even syd_nj5GaBU-00042-00027270-00027625 if you're in the office you would be reminded of your vacation and your syd_nj5GaBU-00043-00027625-00028123 adventures so there you have it these are just my opinions recommendations and syd_nj5GaBU-00044-00028123-00028714 suggestions at the end of the day yes you do you don't forget to hit subscribe syd_nj5GaBU-00045-00028714-00029182 if you found this useful hit the notification bell I will see you in the syd_nj5GaBU-00046-00029182-00030437 next episode bye sz4mjoOP78I-00000-00000122-00000250 KATE BISHOP Can I tell you a secret? sz4mjoOP78I-00001-00000354-00000541 I'm working with an Avenger! sz4mjoOP78I-00002-00001027-00001160 CLINT BARTON Can I speak to your manager? sz4mjoOP78I-00003-00001572-00001663 KATE BISHOP Didn't realize we were supposed sz4mjoOP78I-00004-00001668-00001768 to bring guns. sz4mjoOP78I-00005-00002013-00002129 CLINT BARTON It's almost Christmas. sz4mjoOP78I-00006-00002373-00002473 I can't go home... sz4mjoOP78I-00007-00002543-00002650 until I fix this. sz4mjoOP78I-00008-00002884-00002999 LILA BARTON Should we be worried? sz4mjoOP78I-00009-00003004-00003104 CLINT BARTON I'll be home for Christmas, sz4mjoOP78I-00010-00003140-00003275 I promise. [Groans] sz4mjoOP78I-00011-00004140-00004240 CLINT BARTON Sorry, Santa. sz4mjoOP78I-00012-00004353-00004473 We're out of regular arrows. sz4mjoOP78I-00013-00004536-00004682 KATE BISHOP Oh my God, trick arrows? sz4mjoOP78I-00014-00004939-00005057 KATE BISHOP We're saving the holidays. sz4mjoOP78I-00015-00005353-00005453 [Screaming] s-2PJZu4Tf0-00000-00000003-00000615 Have you ever wanted to move west to get involved the fun and adventure that awaits you in the State of Oregon? s-2PJZu4Tf0-00001-00000658-00001276 Well your luck, because the Great State of Oregon Wagon Company still has a few spots available for its s-2PJZu4Tf0-00002-00001292-00001600 1853 trip. You do need to reserve your spot now s-2PJZu4Tf0-00003-00001664-00002023 So you do not miss on our opportunity to travel with the most s-2PJZu4Tf0-00004-00002056-00002481 Experienced and the only official company sponsored by the great state of Oregon. s-2PJZu4Tf0-00005-00002543-00002849 We provide almost everything you need to get to Oregon. s-2PJZu4Tf0-00006-00002899-00003204 Such as a nice wagon for your family s-2PJZu4Tf0-00007-00003238-00003641 One ox and some provisions and for your sixth month trip. s-2PJZu4Tf0-00008-00003657-00004349 We also provide plenty of opportunities to fellowship, worship, and to make new friends that will last a lifetime. s-2PJZu4Tf0-00009-00004423-00004567 We will also provide s-2PJZu4Tf0-00010-00004567-00005198 24-hour security with highly trained gunman and hunters that will fight off any wildlife or Indians s-2PJZu4Tf0-00011-00005198-00005438 They may encounter while on this trip s-2PJZu4Tf0-00012-00005578-00005778 Also this trip is s-2PJZu4Tf0-00013-00005791-00006191 Extremely cheap as the prices have been slashed in half s-2PJZu4Tf0-00014-00006250-00006809 From $20 to $10 for adults and from $14 down to $7 s-2PJZu4Tf0-00015-00006884-00007327 Children, we even have family packages available for large families s-2PJZu4Tf0-00016-00007463-00007701 This trip will start in Independence s-2PJZu4Tf0-00017-00007702-00008470 Missouri and to travel westward to Oregon City, Oregon in about five to six months. We will travel through the beautiful countryside s-2PJZu4Tf0-00018-00008530-00008714 of Kansas, Nebraska, s-2PJZu4Tf0-00019-00008714-00009226 Wyoming, and Ohio before arriving at the Great State of Oregon. s-2PJZu4Tf0-00020-00009263-00009783 Some things you'll see on this trip include independence rock and traveling through the Rocky Mountains s-2PJZu4Tf0-00021-00009941-00010557 Possible warnings that include on this trip dying from illnesses such as typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera. s-2PJZu4Tf0-00022-00010616-00010750 drowning and s-2PJZu4Tf0-00023-00010750-00011349 Experiencing extreme weather from hot torching temperatures during the day and very cold temperatures at night s-2PJZu4Tf0-00024-00011377-00011827 With the chances of seeing thunderstorms and snow through your s-2PJZu4Tf0-00025-00011918-00012047 trip. s-2PJZu4Tf0-00026-00012047-00012741 But this trip will change your fight forever thousands of people have already made this trip and are creating new lives in the West s-2PJZu4Tf0-00027-00012755-00012930 Why not join them? s-2PJZu4Tf0-00028-00012930-00013096 We leave at March 1st s-2PJZu4Tf0-00029-00013116-00013686 1853 from Independence, Missouri and will arrive in Oregon by early September s-2PJZu4Tf0-00030-00013686-00013804 1853 s-2PJZu4Tf0-00031-00013880-00013941 call now sCZcMd5R0fo-00000-00000306-00000738 In section fifteen we will be talking about radicals. sCZcMd5R0fo-00001-00000738-00001503 Many of you haven't seen a square root since you were working on your hypotenuse of a triangle. sCZcMd5R0fo-00002-00001503-00002311 In this section we will go into much more detail about what a radical is and how to use them in math. sCZcMd5R0fo-00003-00002311-00003106 Let's take the radical "n" or the "nth" root A equals B where B. sCZcMd5R0fo-00004-00003106-00005032 To the N that's equal to A. The "n" is called the index. sCZcMd5R0fo-00005-00005032-00006068 If we're talking about a square root, the square root of A equals B where B squared is equal to A. sCZcMd5R0fo-00006-00006068-00006888 The index on a square root is always two. sCZcMd5R0fo-00007-00006888-00008122 So if we say square root it's automatically applied that the index right here is a two. sCZcMd5R0fo-00008-00008122-00009846 Radicals divide the exponent by the index. sCZcMd5R0fo-00009-00009846-00010788 When we divide the exponent by the index the whole number is how many "things" come out sCZcMd5R0fo-00010-00010788-00012952 of the in of the radical sign, and the remainder is how many "things" remain or stay under the radical sign. sCZcMd5R0fo-00011-00012952-00013566 In example one we have this square root of A to the third. sCZcMd5R0fo-00012-00013566-00013980 Notice that if we have an index, sCZcMd5R0fo-00013-00013980-00014854 that doesn't have anything there as we set up here with the square root it's assumed to be a two. sCZcMd5R0fo-00014-00014854-00015147 The exponent is three. sCZcMd5R0fo-00015-00015147-00016454 Remember if we want to figure out how to simplify a radical we simply take the exponent, sCZcMd5R0fo-00016-00016454-00017308 and divide the exponent by the index. sCZcMd5R0fo-00017-00017308-00018286 As we said again the index is two so that's what we're dividing by. sCZcMd5R0fo-00018-00018286-00019600 When we divide three by two we get one and a remainder of one. sCZcMd5R0fo-00019-00019600-00021258 So if we want to simplify the square root we would write it as A root A and here's why. sCZcMd5R0fo-00020-00021258-00021738 Remember that when we have radicals we divide the exponent by the index sCZcMd5R0fo-00021-00021738-00022032 and the hole number is how many things come out. sCZcMd5R0fo-00022-00022032-00023112 So notice that our ba or base is A and that base came out one time. sCZcMd5R0fo-00023-00023112-00024784 The remainder is the base that remains and that's one because our remainder was one. sCZcMd5R0fo-00024-00024784-00025300 So this is our simplified radical. sCZcMd5R0fo-00025-00025300-00026106 In example two we have an exponent of nineteen and an index of four. sCZcMd5R0fo-00026-00026106-00027268 Again, we take the exponent nineteen and divide it by the index which is four. sCZcMd5R0fo-00027-00027268-00028902 When we do this we have four times four which is sixteen and our remainder of three. sCZcMd5R0fo-00028-00028902-00030006 This tells us how many bases come out side the radical, and how many remain inside. sCZcMd5R0fo-00029-00030006-00031789 Four B's could come out and three remain. sCZcMd5R0fo-00030-00031789-00032878 So B times B, times B, times B, are the number of B's that come out, sCZcMd5R0fo-00031-00032878-00033698 and the number that remain are B times B times B. sCZcMd5R0fo-00032-00033698-00034506 Notice that the remainder is three B's and the part that comes out is four B's. sCZcMd5R0fo-00033-00034506-00034768 The way you could write this in a much simpler way. sCZcMd5R0fo-00034-00034768-00035566 So you could write just like exceptional type notation is B to the fourth, sCZcMd5R0fo-00035-00035566-00036060 fourth root of B to the third. sCZcMd5R0fo-00036-00036060-00036948 And that is your simplified radical for example two. sD3oZkjXqcI-00000-00000000-00000321 Setting up your business's Wi-Fi network sD3oZkjXqcI-00001-00000436-00000800 Setting up a free guest Wi-Fi network can improve your customer's experience when they visit your sD3oZkjXqcI-00002-00000851-00001192 business without sacrificing the security of your internal network. A guest network offers your sD3oZkjXqcI-00003-00001210-00001532 visitors convenience and entertainment but you need to ensure the security of your internal network sD3oZkjXqcI-00004-00001722-00001871 Protect Yourself: Cyberattacks can hurt any business sD3oZkjXqcI-00005-00002050-00002250 Protect your business by taking the right steps to set up a secure network sD3oZkjXqcI-00006-00002422-00002622 Place your router in a secure location sD3oZkjXqcI-00007-00002737-00002937 Routinely update the password sD3oZkjXqcI-00008-00002937-00003137 Invest in a solid firewall sD3oZkjXqcI-00009-00003137-00003337 Keep your malware and software updated sD3oZkjXqcI-00010-00003387-00003624 Offer Guest Wi-Fi some considerations involved with offering guest Wi-Fi include sD3oZkjXqcI-00011-00003704-00003904 Set up a captive portal sD3oZkjXqcI-00012-00003904-00004105 Advertise your free Wi-Fi sD3oZkjXqcI-00013-00004105-00004305 Keep your logins secure to ensure only paying customers can use it sD3oZkjXqcI-00014-00004517-00004717 Prevent slowdowns sD3oZkjXqcI-00015-00004995-00005336 Be sure to select an internet plan with a large enough bandwidth and fast enough network speed sD3oZkjXqcI-00016-00005578-00005711 Keep the future in mind sD3oZkjXqcI-00017-00005921-00006260 Invest in a network that can grow with your business as you add services sD3oZkjXqcI-00018-00006388-00006588 Include fail-safes sD3oZkjXqcI-00019-00006782-00006982 Design a reliable network with various fail-safes to sD3oZkjXqcI-00020-00007043-00007307 ensure you don't lose the entire network if it crashes sD3oZkjXqcI-00021-00007440-00007640 Not sure where to start in regards to your business's Wi-Fi? sD3oZkjXqcI-00022-00007640-00007840 Call Us Today! 888-360-4335 sNUjhdK8nWY-00000-00000000-00000138 ladies are you looking for a stylish wearable that helps you keep track of your body and your mind? Well stay tuned because this wearable is just for you sNUjhdK8nWY-00001-00001114-00001814 the bellabeat leaf is a fashionable wearable that helps you keep track of your daily activity, stress level and sleep. sNUjhdK8nWY-00002-00002020-00002436 The leaf easily syncs with IOS and Android so nobody misses out sNUjhdK8nWY-00003-00002856-00003496 The leaf can be worn many different ways making it effortless for you to always stay fashionable sNUjhdK8nWY-00004-00003618-00004318 Like anything else the leaf does take a little bit of time to learn how to use it. But once you learn it, it works like a dream sNUjhdK8nWY-00005-00004384-00005084 Make sure and check out the leaf by bellabeat today! Also make sure and subscribe because there will be a new video next week! I'll see you then! sOQRHyd6Y_g-00000-00000963-00001382 Uganda has been lauded for its great successes in education. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00001-00001382-00001775 In 1997, universal primary education was introduced, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00002-00001775-00002130 thereby ensuring all children access to school. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00003-00002130-00002555 In 2007, Uganda became the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa to sOQRHyd6Y_g-00004-00002555-00002934 introduce universal secondary education as well. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00005-00002934-00003254 Within the region, Ugandans are well known for their strong commitment sOQRHyd6Y_g-00006-00003254-00003500 to pursuing education at all costs. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00007-00003954-00004137 Uganda has many universities, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00008-00004137-00004488 including the internationally renowned Makerere University, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00009-00004488-00005088 which attracts the best students from all over Uganda, East Africa, and around the world. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00010-00005088-00005441 Over a third of students leaving secondary education in Uganda sOQRHyd6Y_g-00011-00005441-00005638 go on to university, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00012-00005638-00005944 a comparable rate to that of several European countries. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00013-00005944-00006255 In one semester you find you're paying around 2 million, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00014-00006255-00006675 so in one year it's, when you add on something, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00015-00006675-00006955 so it comes to 6 million in a year. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00016-00006955-00007089 That is for the two terms that we have at university. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00017-00007089-00007322 These fees are hard for most students to raise sOQRHyd6Y_g-00018-00007322-00007718 and many students work several jobs to pay their way through university. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00019-00007718-00008050 Yet the number of graduates rises every year. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00020-00008050-00008383 Despite this great commitment to higher education, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00021-00008383-00008590 success is still elusive. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00022-00008590-00008867 Unemployment levels for young people are high sOQRHyd6Y_g-00023-00008867-00009183 and the highest levels are among university graduates, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00024-00009183-00009475 making the picture bleak for those who have worked so hard sOQRHyd6Y_g-00025-00009475-00009700 to achieve their educational goals. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00026-00009700-00009835 People are on the streets. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00027-00009835-00010092 They have degrees, masters, and like, they're on the streets. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00028-00010092-00010400 So sometimes you also get discouraged to study, cause you're like, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00029-00010400-00010587 if I'm done with my degree, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00030-00010587-00010758 I might land on the streets. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00031-00010904-00011172 We have so many resources at disposal, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00032-00011172-00011365 but we don't have the skills sOQRHyd6Y_g-00033-00011365-00011600 to actually make sure we make use of these resources. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00034-00011600-00011868 There are young guys out there who are really, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00035-00011868-00012018 they want to start up something, and like, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00036-00012018-00012135 they have the idea, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00037-00012135-00012255 like for my case. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00038-00012255-00012539 I feel like a sports car in a traffic jam. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00039-00012539-00012700 I have all the power to move, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00040-00012700-00012985 but the obstacles are immense. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00041-00013213-00013504 We're not just looking at having another university. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00042-00013504-00013818 There are about 25 universities in Uganda, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00043-00013818-00013990 and they are on the increase. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00044-00013990-00014375 We're looking at an effective education sOQRHyd6Y_g-00045-00014375-00014649 that will prepare our graduates sOQRHyd6Y_g-00046-00014649-00014824 to be job creators, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00047-00014824-00015004 to be financially independent, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00048-00015004-00015300 to see opportunity where other people see desperation. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00049-00015300-00015542 The vision of the institute is support sOQRHyd6Y_g-00050-00015542-00015784 the growth of social entrepreneurship in Uganda. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00051-00015784-00016054 The idea is that while we address the problem sOQRHyd6Y_g-00052-00016054-00016340 of these people not having occupations sOQRHyd6Y_g-00053-00016340-00016526 we are also trying to sOQRHyd6Y_g-00054-00016526-00016750 solve social problems, so that it's kind of sOQRHyd6Y_g-00055-00016750-00016900 value addition entrepreneurship. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00056-00016900-00017258 This institute is just a blessing. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00057-00017258-00017772 Those students who will be learning in this institute don't know sOQRHyd6Y_g-00058-00017772-00017942 how lucky they are. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00059-00017942-00018253 Because if I had had that opportunity sOQRHyd6Y_g-00060-00018253-00018406 I would be in the clouds now. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00061-00018406-00018776 We're not aiming to sort of just give them lots and lots of blueprints sOQRHyd6Y_g-00062-00018776-00018971 of exactly, this is how you do everything. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00063-00018971-00019269 But really giving them the possibility of being able to create sOQRHyd6Y_g-00064-00019269-00019500 their own dreams and find out how to achieve them. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00065-00019700-00020131 To do this we need a variety of partnerships. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00066-00020131-00020424 This is trying to solve a global problem, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00067-00020424-00020600 and so it will take a global effort. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00068-00020600-00020786 We don't have the money. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00069-00020786-00021108 This is a non-profit started by people of good will, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00070-00021108-00021245 we've got no endowments so far, sOQRHyd6Y_g-00071-00021245-00021575 and so we need the good will of all people sOQRHyd6Y_g-00072-00021575-00022020 to generate money, buildings, books, computers, you mention it. sOQRHyd6Y_g-00073-00022020-00022205 So that this will be truly a world-class sOQRHyd6Y_g-00074-00022205-00022455 institution that can give hope to Africa. sS0dUmU5hj4-00000-00000352-00001149 The Ancients, the Vhoul Rebellion the Bronze Legion and the Red Mist have made their call to arms. Are you ready to answer it? sS0dUmU5hj4-00001-00001582-00001992 Hello everyone, it's Nikita with Akshon Esports. For both beta and release players sS0dUmU5hj4-00002-00001992-00002339 the current feature game mode is a great way to get started playing and thinking about sS0dUmU5hj4-00003-00002356-00002936 constructed, named Call to Arms this event has you pick one of six pre-constructed decks and play against other players sS0dUmU5hj4-00004-00002956-00003209 racking up a win streak before losing a single game sS0dUmU5hj4-00005-00003216-00003704 There are six decks for you to pick from so you can experiment with them all and determine your favourite playstyle. sS0dUmU5hj4-00006-00003722-00003915 The best part is that it's completely free, sS0dUmU5hj4-00007-00003915-00004472 enabling new players to test the game out before they start spilling money on packs and keeper drafts. Let's take a closer sS0dUmU5hj4-00008-00004473-00004645 look at the decks and try them out. sS0dUmU5hj4-00009-00004645-00005024 The first deck to choose from is called Death and Taxes as the name suggests sS0dUmU5hj4-00010-00005035-00005382 this black green deck thrives on killing your opponent's heroes and creeps. sS0dUmU5hj4-00011-00005401-00005996 Track is the strongest card in your deck and will triple the opposing hero's bounty which in turn will help you buy more expensive sS0dUmU5hj4-00012-00006016-00006078 items. sS0dUmU5hj4-00013-00006078-00006506 Make sure you have the kill secured before you cast track on a hero or else it will go to waste. sS0dUmU5hj4-00014-00006547-00007076 Sadly the items featured in this deck can't win you the game on your own so you might have to rely on secret shop items sS0dUmU5hj4-00015-00007077-00007575 to get you something impactful. Spending your gold might not have to be something to worry about as Revtel Convoy sS0dUmU5hj4-00016-00007575-00008072 is another strong card in the deck that you should be aware of. Its attack is equal to half your gold sS0dUmU5hj4-00017-00008072-00008522 So be careful not to spend too much when you have it on the board because it can do some serious damage if you don't. sS0dUmU5hj4-00018-00008563-00009153 Cheating death is another excellent inclusion in the deck and will potentially allow your allies to survive with one health so you can use them sS0dUmU5hj4-00019-00009153-00009668 as a sacrifice to draw cards with the help of Lich. The second feature deck is named Green Machine. sS0dUmU5hj4-00020-00009690-00010319 It is a mono green deck that relies on ramp cards like stars align and Selemene's Favor to accelerate to the late-game. sS0dUmU5hj4-00021-00010347-00010826 So you're able to play highly costed powerful creeps such as Thunderhide Pack and Thunderhide Alpha. sS0dUmU5hj4-00022-00010839-00011303 These creeps will allow you to close out the game as quick as possible as one hit from them will deal a sS0dUmU5hj4-00023-00011322-00012062 significant chunk of damage to your opponent's tower. For support you have Roseleaf Rejuvenator and Rebel Decoy to protect your tower and allies. sS0dUmU5hj4-00024-00012090-00012704 Cheating death and Mist of Avernus will make sure your wide board is protected and your allies are able to push with loads of damage. sS0dUmU5hj4-00025-00012733-00012994 The third deck available is called Trench Warfare. sS0dUmU5hj4-00026-00013037-00013560 This red green deck relies heavily on heroes and cleave damage, but does not have many tools to clear the board. sS0dUmU5hj4-00027-00013565-00014256 Do not underestimate it however since Ursa and Viper can solo carry lanes with their passive abilities that constantly debuff their enemies. sS0dUmU5hj4-00028-00014297-00014610 Remember to use clear the deck and empower to deal with wide boards. sS0dUmU5hj4-00029-00014611-00014965 If you do get overwhelmed at any point in the game, you're strong late-game tools sS0dUmU5hj4-00030-00014965-00015333 like Rose-leaf Rejuvenator and Time of Triumph will help you bounce back. sS0dUmU5hj4-00031-00015386-00015702 Next up on our list is the mono red deck named Ascendance. sS0dUmU5hj4-00032-00015719-00016066 This is a hard-hitting deck with many single target removal options. sS0dUmU5hj4-00033-00016066-00016591 If you're a fan of smashing through your opponent's defenses without giving them a chance to react, this is the deck for you. sS0dUmU5hj4-00034-00016607-00017067 Cards like Fight through the Pain and Kraken Shell allow you to regain initiative after you play them. sS0dUmU5hj4-00035-00017072-00017460 Be careful though, this deck has no board clear and does not have many creep cards. sS0dUmU5hj4-00036-00017461-00017545 So you might struggle sS0dUmU5hj4-00037-00017545-00017875 if you ever become behind. If you do happen to fall on the defensive sS0dUmU5hj4-00038-00017875-00018366 You can use cards like primal roar to stun the threat and send its allied neighbors flying to other lanes. sS0dUmU5hj4-00039-00018377-00018771 On the offensive use double edge to finish off your opponent in one swift strike. sS0dUmU5hj4-00040-00018772-00018972 But watch out for the armored debuff. sS0dUmU5hj4-00041-00018977-00019446 The fifth deck on the list is called Out of Control. Very appropriate for a deck with meepo, isn't it? sS0dUmU5hj4-00042-00019448-00020010 This red-blue control deck focuses on summoning swarms of creeps with spells and being supported by Ogre Magi's sS0dUmU5hj4-00043-00020011-00020227 multicast ability to recast those spells. sS0dUmU5hj4-00044-00020255-00020655 You can even multi cast divided we stand and annoy your opponent to death with Meepos. sS0dUmU5hj4-00045-00020687-00021189 This deck while being control deck lacks any necessary board clears like Annihilation and Conflagration. sS0dUmU5hj4-00046-00021218-00021589 This means you will need to rely on cards such as Dimensional Portal and sS0dUmU5hj4-00047-00021589-00021781 Red Mist pillager to regain control of the board. sS0dUmU5hj4-00048-00021781-00022192 Once you are ahead you can then finish off the game with double edge or time of triumph. sS0dUmU5hj4-00049-00022211-00022488 The sixth and final deck is called Upkeep Killer. sS0dUmU5hj4-00050-00022490-00023083 This is a black blue deck that focuses on as the name implies upkeep kills. If you don't know what upkeep kills sS0dUmU5hj4-00051-00023083-00023544 are, be sure to check out Richard Garfield's video about it as it's very informative. Longstory-short, sS0dUmU5hj4-00052-00023582-00023886 Upkeep kills are about killing your enemies before the action phase, sS0dUmU5hj4-00053-00023909-00024307 Effectively having them be out of the game for an additional turn compared to killing them normally. sS0dUmU5hj4-00054-00024359-00024808 Improvements such as ignite and creeps like plague wards deal small amounts of damage to enemies sS0dUmU5hj4-00055-00024823-00025128 So they are either weakened before the fight or removed from the board entirely. sS0dUmU5hj4-00056-00025193-00025728 Trebuchet and Unsupervised Artillery are passive effects that chip away at the tower slowly. This improvement sS0dUmU5hj4-00057-00025728-00026106 spam is very potent, but will take a bit of time to get through and that's it. sS0dUmU5hj4-00058-00026106-00026475 Those are the six decks that you can pick from depending on what kind of player you are sS0dUmU5hj4-00059-00026475-00026904 there is something there for every type of playstyle. Would you like to destroy the board with brute strength? sS0dUmU5hj4-00060-00026914-00027459 Try green machine or ascendance. Want to control everything death and taxes are up to killer is for you. sS0dUmU5hj4-00061-00027496-00028026 Regardless of what you pick this event is a great way to jump straight into artifact if you're new or brush up on a new sS0dUmU5hj4-00062-00028027-00028399 archetype if you're an experienced player what call to arms deck is your favorite? sS0dUmU5hj4-00063-00028400-00028887 What changes would you make for it? If you had the opportunity let us know and subscribe for more videos. sS0dUmU5hj4-00064-00028927-00029127 Thanks for watching and we will see you soon. sTZFXmwgaUu-00000-00000093-00000296 MILITARY OFFICIALS ALONG WITH WILDLIFE, sTZFXmwgaUu-00001-00000296-00000547 AGRICULTURE AND ECOLOGICAL SERVICES HAVE BEEN WORKING sTZFXmwgaUu-00002-00000547-00000767 FOR SEVERAL DECADES TO ISOLATE AND ERADICATE THE sTZFXmwgaUu-00003-00000767-00000890 BROWN TREE SNAKE ON GUAM sTZFXmwgaUu-00004-00000890-00001251 RIGHT NOW WE DON'T WANT SNAKES TO GET TO THE CNMI sTZFXmwgaUu-00005-00001251-00001534 OR TO HAWAII OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDS SO IT'S A sTZFXmwgaUu-00006-00001534-00001918 MAJOR ISSUE TO ESSENTIALLY KEEP SNAKES HERE AND sTZFXmwgaUu-00007-00001918-00002022 CONTROL THEM sTZFXmwgaUu-00008-00002022-00002218 DOGS HAVE ALSO BEEN TRAINED DOGS TO DETECT sTZFXmwgaUu-00009-00002218-00002419 THEM IN CARGO LEAVING THE ISLAND WHICH PLAYS AN sTZFXmwgaUu-00010-00002419-00002619 IMPORTANT ROLE IN ISOLATING THEM. sTZFXmwgaUu-00011-00002659-00002936 "TO SUPPRESS SNAKES THAT ARE ADJACENT TO CARGO sTZFXmwgaUu-00012-00002936-00003153 AREAS SO THEY DON'T GET INTO THE DOD sTZFXmwgaUu-00013-00003153-00003353 TRANSPORTATION NETWORKS, SO THEY DON'T GET INTO sTZFXmwgaUu-00014-00003353-00003553 CARGO THAT GOES INTO AIRCRAFT, sTZFXmwgaUu-00015-00003553-00003800 DON'T GET INTO AIRCRAFT OR CARGO THAT GOES ON SHIPS sTZFXmwgaUu-00016-00003800-00004100 SO IT WILL HOPEFULLY REDUCE THAT RISK sTZFXmwgaUu-00017-00004120-00004334 MILITARY AND LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCIES sTZFXmwgaUu-00018-00004334-00004591 CONTINUE WORKING TOGETHER TO ULTIMATELY ERADICATE sTZFXmwgaUu-00019-00004591-00004868 THIS PREDATOR SO THE BIRDS MAY RE-POPULATE. sTZFXmwgaUu-00020-00004868-00005071 PETTY OFFICER SECOND CLASS CHELSY ALAMINA, sTZFXmwgaUu-00021-00005071-00005271 ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM. sVLjKgWc1oy-00000-00001609-00001809 Oregon man sVLjKgWc1oy-00001-00001825-00002229 Oregon man lives inside Boeing 727 in the middle of the woods sVLjKgWc1oy-00002-00002407-00002982 As you get closer to your retirement age you start to think about what you'll be doing with all that extra free time that you sVLjKgWc1oy-00003-00002982-00003534 Have on your hands, you'll probably imagine yourself boarding a plane at least once a year to go on those trips sVLjKgWc1oy-00004-00003534-00004104 You never thought you'd get the chance to go on but did you ever imagine living inside a plane itself? sVLjKgWc1oy-00005-00004150-00004898 well one man must have his name is Bruce Campbell and he's used his money and his innovative engineering skills to buy and sVLjKgWc1oy-00006-00004915-00005420 repurpose a retired Boeing 727 aircraft fuselage so that he could turn it into a sVLjKgWc1oy-00007-00005443-00005762 Sustainable home out in the woods outside of Portland, Oregon sVLjKgWc1oy-00008-00005875-00006426 Bruce Campbell is one lucky man, because he spends a whole lot of time literally living aboard a plane sVLjKgWc1oy-00009-00006495-00006972 Campbell spent six months out of the year in Japan and the other six months he spends aboard a Boeing sVLjKgWc1oy-00010-00007029-00007604 727 aircraft fuselage which he reconditioned so that would serve as an interesting home away from home sVLjKgWc1oy-00011-00007684-00008406 He uses concrete pillars to prop up the massive 3 engine commercial airliner deep in the woods the 10 acres sVLjKgWc1oy-00012-00008406-00009021 He's been using cost him 23,000 dollars back when Campbell was in his 20s the plane itself cost him sVLjKgWc1oy-00013-00009129-00009509 $220,000 and even now he's hoping to buy another Boeing sVLjKgWc1oy-00014-00009550-00009989 747 fuselage to refurbish in the same way as he did with the original plane sVLjKgWc1oy-00015-00010050-00010583 The plane contains convenient retractable steps that allow Campbell to go up and down as he pleases sVLjKgWc1oy-00016-00010621-00011015 There's a lot of work that he still has to do on the interior to make the plane livable sVLjKgWc1oy-00017-00011015-00011348 So he's always looking for items that he can repurpose to fit his needs sVLjKgWc1oy-00018-00011397-00011726 But there's still a lot of work for him to do before he gets to that goal sVLjKgWc1oy-00019-00011775-00012254 The plane is a work in progress and Campbell would like to add more features to make life easier sVLjKgWc1oy-00020-00012279-00012524 He's currently working on adding a working laboratory sVLjKgWc1oy-00021-00012561-00012671 but as you can see sVLjKgWc1oy-00022-00012671-00013115 There's already a sink in place in case he needs to wash his hands or any dirty dishes sVLjKgWc1oy-00023-00013162-00013431 He even brought in a washing machine to take care of his laundry sVLjKgWc1oy-00024-00013507-00013964 Given that he's an engineer you can expect to find a bunch of gadgets lying around the fuselage sVLjKgWc1oy-00025-00013990-00014391 He's got a phone a printer and other electronic gadgets all over the place sVLjKgWc1oy-00026-00014404-00014787 But he still needs a couple of other things to restore the planes original interior sVLjKgWc1oy-00027-00014800-00015210 hence why he's so invested in finding another fuselage to get parts from sVLjKgWc1oy-00028-00015294-00015675 Campbell designed the area so that it would have a driveway of its own for added convenience sVLjKgWc1oy-00029-00015733-00015845 When he gets home sVLjKgWc1oy-00030-00015845-00016337 All he has to do is climb up the stairs and he's home and once he's gotten all the plumbing sorted out sVLjKgWc1oy-00031-00016338-00016868 He'll be able to read while he sits down on the toilet in the meantime. He's taking advantage of life in the wilderness sVLjKgWc1oy-00032-00016981-00017483 This retired airliner might have been scrapped had it not been for camels innovative home idea sVLjKgWc1oy-00033-00017527-00017979 It would have been a waste of resources had the fuselage been shredded fortunately sVLjKgWc1oy-00034-00017979-00018587 He managed to give the old plane new life and now it's giving him a chance to kick off the slippers and put his feet sVLjKgWc1oy-00035-00018588-00019019 Up on the couch. Well, he works on his laptop and comes up with ways to improve the plane sVLjKgWc1oy-00036-00019087-00019581 There's plenty of unused space inside the fuselage and a lot of work that needs to be completed sVLjKgWc1oy-00037-00019642-00019992 Campbell wants to add some of the original seating and lights in the meantime sVLjKgWc1oy-00038-00019992-00020786 He's incredibly grateful that his home is virtually immaculate and doesn't require a lot of cleaning because it's essentially a sealed pressure canister you sVLjKgWc1oy-00039-00020845-00021351 Might not know this but planes are strong and built to last and can withstand most elements in sVLjKgWc1oy-00040-00021385-00021614 the event of a powerful storm or an earthquake sVLjKgWc1oy-00041-00021673-00022101 Airplanes are the safest place to seek shelter in but on quiet nights this Boeing sVLjKgWc1oy-00042-00022138-00022207 727 sVLjKgWc1oy-00043-00022207-00022847 Shines like a beacon with all the lights Campbell had installed and it looks like such a peaceful place to live with all the trees sVLjKgWc1oy-00044-00022848-00023079 Surrounding it and the starry night sky above sVLjKgWc1oy-00045-00025620-00025820 You sWFzudgdIw8-00000-00000003-00000666 and now really excited to introduce Jessie Daniels on why now is the time sWFzudgdIw8-00001-00000666-00001287 for racial literacy in tech Jessie is a professor at Hunter College sociology sWFzudgdIw8-00002-00001287-00001832 and at the Graduate Center at the cuny of africana studies critical social sWFzudgdIw8-00003-00001832-00002397 psychology and sociology her unconventional career path has led her sWFzudgdIw8-00004-00002397-00002931 to work outside of academia in both the tech industry as well as the Rikers sWFzudgdIw8-00005-00002931-00003500 Island the main focus of her research is in race and digital media technologies sWFzudgdIw8-00006-00003500-00003969 she is an internationally recognized expert on the internet manifestation of sWFzudgdIw8-00007-00003969-00004434 racism and was recently invited to speak about her work at the United Nations in sWFzudgdIw8-00008-00004434-00005226 Geneva Jesse's the author or editor of five books and she's working on a few sWFzudgdIw8-00009-00005226-00005694 more right now and some of her publications include tweet storm the sWFzudgdIw8-00010-00005694-00006230 rise of the far-right the mainstreaming of white supremacy and how tech and sWFzudgdIw8-00011-00006230-00007001 media helped help me welcome Jessie welcome sWFzudgdIw8-00012-00007172-00007820 we who create and use technology are functionally illiterate when it comes to sWFzudgdIw8-00013-00007820-00008313 racial matters and we are living at a time when we need to get much smarter sWFzudgdIw8-00014-00008313-00008861 much faster about race and tech now is the time for racial literacy and tech sWFzudgdIw8-00015-00008861-00009515 and I'm going to explain why right now we are living in dangerous times times sWFzudgdIw8-00016-00009515-00010038 when a simple online search Canson can suggest you have a criminal record if sWFzudgdIw8-00017-00010038-00010542 you are black or you're simply your name sounds black as professor Latanya sWFzudgdIw8-00018-00010542-00011157 Sweeney has discovered we are living at a time when search algorithms use the sWFzudgdIw8-00019-00011157-00011736 data of racist search terms to serve up autocomplete suggestions that further sWFzudgdIw8-00020-00011736-00012261 racist ideology as Sophia Nobel has written about we're living at a time sWFzudgdIw8-00021-00012261-00012787 when AI is used to speed up the existing fault lines of racial inequality in sWFzudgdIw8-00022-00012787-00013365 housing education hiring and in systems of criminal justice sWFzudgdIw8-00023-00013365-00013862 when the new Jim Crow risks becoming the new Jim code as rahat Benjamin has sWFzudgdIw8-00024-00013862-00014284 written we're living at a time with social plot when every social platform sWFzudgdIw8-00025-00014284-00014862 becomes immediately vulnerable to white nationalist innovation opportunists as sWFzudgdIw8-00026-00014862-00015378 I've written about the dangerous times we are living in are created by design sWFzudgdIw8-00027-00015378-00016013 and have unintended consequences that harm us all just as tech designed only sWFzudgdIw8-00028-00016013-00016644 for and by sighted people works less well for everyone as Chauncey Fleet sWFzudgdIw8-00029-00016644-00017234 noted in her data bite last week Tech designed with only white people in mind sWFzudgdIw8-00030-00017234-00018059 works less well for all of us the way we think about race and tech right now is sWFzudgdIw8-00031-00018059-00018681 trapped in cul-de-sacs cul de sacs these inventions of American suburbia engender sWFzudgdIw8-00032-00018681-00019197 seclusion a lack of diversity and a disassociation from the reality of sWFzudgdIw8-00033-00019197-00019818 contact with other people by design they limit to possibility and connection so sWFzudgdIw8-00034-00019818-00020270 what are these current cul-de-sacs in our thinking about race and tech well sWFzudgdIw8-00035-00020270-00020694 there are three that I want to mention there are probably many more the first sWFzudgdIw8-00036-00020694-00021231 the most common idea when we hear a lot in discussions of race and tick a race sWFzudgdIw8-00037-00021231-00021704 in tech is that we have a pipeline issue if only there were a greater supply of sWFzudgdIw8-00038-00021704-00022166 black and Latin X people ready to be higher than this problem would be solved sWFzudgdIw8-00039-00022166-00022766 but the reality is that there are people here now ready and qualified to be hired sWFzudgdIw8-00040-00022766-00023319 but they are not hired inequitable numbers and when they are hired they are sWFzudgdIw8-00041-00023319-00023734 they very often face a miserable experience within tech companies that sWFzudgdIw8-00042-00023734-00024197 value the dominant culture and ignore the perspectives and rich lived sWFzudgdIw8-00043-00024197-00024701 experiences of those diversity hires once their numbers are counted and sWFzudgdIw8-00044-00024701-00025251 reported the second approach that's been tried in tech is to talk about implicit sWFzudgdIw8-00045-00025251-00025650 bias there's some excellent work in this field I want to shout out Jenner sWFzudgdIw8-00046-00025650-00026118 Jennifer Eberhardt has done a recent book in this area but there are some sWFzudgdIw8-00047-00026118-00026595 serious flaws with other work as many have pointed out some twenty years on sWFzudgdIw8-00048-00026595-00026979 since this field was started the lofty promises of the idea of sWFzudgdIw8-00049-00026979-00027516 implicit bias have failed to yield any real change in fact this is perhaps the sWFzudgdIw8-00050-00027516-00027918 most constraining of these cul-de-sacs because it leaves the impression that sWFzudgdIw8-00051-00027918-00028517 our brains are hard-wired for bias and there's little that we can do about it sWFzudgdIw8-00052-00028517-00028905 most recently there have been promising discussions in the tech world about sWFzudgdIw8-00053-00028905-00029442 ethics and fairness but so far these have obfuscated the issue of race sWFzudgdIw8-00054-00029442-00029988 through abstraction so how do we get out of these cul-de-sacs how do we sWFzudgdIw8-00055-00029988-00030591 reconfigure our thinking what we my co-authors Mutale Nkande and sWFzudgdIw8-00056-00030591-00031041 Darakhshan Mir and I propose in launching advanced advancing racial literacy in sWFzudgdIw8-00057-00031041-00031605 tech is a new way forward out of these cul-de-sacs racial literacy includes sWFzudgdIw8-00058-00031605-00032154 three components: one a cognitive and intellectual component we can all learn sWFzudgdIw8-00059-00032154-00032595 some new things about the way race operates an emotional or psychological sWFzudgdIw8-00060-00032595-00033072 component dealing with race brings up emotions that we need the capacity and sWFzudgdIw8-00061-00033072-00033564 we need the capacity to manage those and third it involves a commitment to action sWFzudgdIw8-00062-00033564-00034176 which is necessarily rooted in ethics and values research has demonstrated sWFzudgdIw8-00063-00034176-00034641 that positive framing and appealing to people's innate desire to look good to sWFzudgdIw8-00064-00034641-00035100 others can be harnessed to make workplaces more equitable racial sWFzudgdIw8-00065-00035100-00035466 literacy builds on this work by reframing the problem of race and tech sWFzudgdIw8-00066-00035466-00035922 as one that people in the dominant culture can and must take some sWFzudgdIw8-00067-00035922-00036567 responsibility for and make a positive change in racial literacy combines sWFzudgdIw8-00068-00036567-00037080 internet literacy with critical media literacy and with an understanding of sWFzudgdIw8-00069-00037080-00037713 systemic racism media literacy alone as Dana Boyd has argued backfires and sWFzudgdIw8-00070-00037713-00038193 indeed it has the young people I interviewed for my book of cyber racism sWFzudgdIw8-00071-00038193-00038730 who had internet literacy only skills could look at cloak sites those sWFzudgdIw8-00072-00038730-00039282 disguised propaganda websites and conclude well maybe slavery wasn't so sWFzudgdIw8-00073-00039282-00039819 bad I mean there are two sides to everything in the conclusion of cyber sWFzudgdIw8-00074-00039819-00040183 racism I called for this combination of Internet literacy sWFzudgdIw8-00075-00040183-00040691 critical media literacy and racial literacy based on the fact that the sWFzudgdIw8-00076-00040691-00041128 young people I interviewed for that book were able to detect the propaganda and sWFzudgdIw8-00077-00041128-00041669 click sites when they had a combination of Internet literacy the ability to look sWFzudgdIw8-00078-00041669-00042041 at one of these sites and say well the site just looks like an individual made sWFzudgdIw8-00079-00042041-00042428 I don't know if I would trust it with Internet literacy with racial literacy sWFzudgdIw8-00080-00042428-00043019 as young as one young person put it this site says slavery wasn't that bad but I sWFzudgdIw8-00081-00043019-00043699 know based on other evidence that it was bad it was a thoroughly evil institution sWFzudgdIw8-00082-00043699-00044336 racial literacy emphasizes skill building and expanding our capacity to sWFzudgdIw8-00083-00044336-00044834 deal with racially stressful situations and centering the concerns of black sWFzudgdIw8-00084-00044834-00045377 Latin acts and other people of color as dr. Howard Stevenson has described in sWFzudgdIw8-00085-00045377-00045772 his two decades of work on racial literacy and his session with us here sWFzudgdIw8-00086-00045772-00046259 earlier at Data & Society when we encounter racially stressful situations sWFzudgdIw8-00087-00046259-00046799 our body has a physiological response that we are often not aware of in the sWFzudgdIw8-00088-00046799-00047290 moment what is it what is a racially stressful encounter for one person might sWFzudgdIw8-00089-00047290-00047711 not be for another person but often we don't know when those are happening for sWFzudgdIw8-00090-00047711-00048056 someone else racial literacy means recognizing when sWFzudgdIw8-00091-00048056-00048469 racially stressful stressful encounters are happening and increasing our sWFzudgdIw8-00092-00048469-00049025 capacity for understanding our own emotional and physiological responses to sWFzudgdIw8-00093-00049025-00049903 these encounters I want to talk about moments of of racial literacy Ijeoma sWFzudgdIw8-00094-00049903-00050090 Oluo in a recent piece for The Guardian sWFzudgdIw8-00095-00050090-00050588 writes quote at a workshop I led last week a white woman wondered if perhaps sWFzudgdIw8-00096-00050588-00051172 people of color in America are too sensitive about race I'm here to tell sWFzudgdIw8-00097-00051172-00051709 you that some 25 years ago I was this white woman but I had a moment of racial sWFzudgdIw8-00098-00051709-00052129 literacy through a work assignment in which I was tasked with transcribing sWFzudgdIw8-00099-00052129-00052676 over 250 interviews with middle-class black Americans about their experiences sWFzudgdIw8-00100-00052676-00053095 of everyday racism when I began that task I was like that woman sWFzudgdIw8-00101-00053095-00053455 Ijeoma Oluo describes assuming that complaints about racism sWFzudgdIw8-00102-00053455-00053927 more simply because people were being too sensitive the experience though of sWFzudgdIw8-00103-00053927-00054439 close listening of typing every word and looking at the broad patterns in those sWFzudgdIw8-00104-00054439-00054998 interviews of repeated constant unrelenting racism faced by these very sWFzudgdIw8-00105-00054998-00055550 well-educated and accomplished people many with multiple degrees much more sWFzudgdIw8-00106-00055550-00055898 accomplished than any of the people in my family most of whom had never sWFzudgdIw8-00107-00055898-00056363 attended college or even finished high school made the evidence of racism sWFzudgdIw8-00108-00056363-00057052 undeniable at the end of that experience I was a different person and I'm here to sWFzudgdIw8-00109-00057052-00057416 tell you as well that it is still painful and a racially stressful sWFzudgdIw8-00110-00057416-00058124 experience for me to tell you about my own illiteracy since then I've been sWFzudgdIw8-00111-00058124-00058654 wondering about how we replicate how I might replicate these moments of racial sWFzudgdIw8-00112-00058654-00059108 literacy for others my response has been writing books giving talks like this one sWFzudgdIw8-00113-00059108-00059612 and teaching but I wonder about how to scale those moments and I wonder about sWFzudgdIw8-00114-00059612-00060323 what your moments of racial literacy are I recently met a woman in DC who works sWFzudgdIw8-00115-00060323-00060677 in tech her name is Emily when I explained the concept of racial literacy sWFzudgdIw8-00116-00060677-00061115 to her she intuitively understood it and volunteered her own moment of racial sWFzudgdIw8-00117-00061115-00061630 literacy happened when she read Michelle Alexander's "The New Jim Crow" she said I sWFzudgdIw8-00118-00061630-00062060 didn't know that stuff I mean I knew that there were racial disparities sWFzudgdIw8-00119-00062060-00062579 incarceration but I just thought well it embarrasses me to say this now but I sWFzudgdIw8-00120-00062579-00062966 just thought black people committed more crime. I didn't realize there was this sWFzudgdIw8-00121-00062966-00063826 whole system that made sure black people got locked up. There are many barriers to sWFzudgdIw8-00122-00063826-00064349 racial literacy in tech and I think one of them as she was talking it occurred sWFzudgdIw8-00123-00064349-00064901 to me is the embarrassment and the shame of not knowing especially for white sWFzudgdIw8-00124-00064901-00065308 people but maybe just for all people who think of themselves as smart "how did I sWFzudgdIw8-00125-00065308-00065797 not know this?" can be a question that's tinged with embarrassment or even shame. sWFzudgdIw8-00126-00065797-00066563 Racial literacy allows us and provides us with a capacity to build an emotional sWFzudgdIw8-00127-00066563-00066850 capacity to acknowledge and then get past the sWFzudgdIw8-00128-00066850-00067336 shame and the embarrassment of not knowing. But I think the biggest barrier sWFzudgdIw8-00129-00067336-00067897 to racial literacy in tech is thinking that race doesn't matter in tech. There sWFzudgdIw8-00130-00067897-00068248 are lots of ways that there is colorblindness and technology and I've sWFzudgdIw8-00131-00068248-00068968 written some about this. I'm gonna drop my pen... and colorblindness in tech is sWFzudgdIw8-00132-00068968-00069301 pervasive. There's a particular form of it in technology and I can talk more about sWFzudgdIw8-00133-00069301-00069889 that in the QA, but this too is a form of illiteracy we must face. Our racial sWFzudgdIw8-00134-00069889-00070417 illiteracy when it comes to tech which brings me back to where I mean back to sWFzudgdIw8-00135-00070417-00070834 the place I started with, this which is why now is the time for racial literacy sWFzudgdIw8-00136-00070834-00071581 in tech. The inequality of the next 20 years is being built now without racial sWFzudgdIw8-00137-00071581-00072151 literacy in tech without a specific and conscious effort to address race we will sWFzudgdIw8-00138-00072151-00072775 certainly be recreating a high-tech Jim Crow. A segregated, divided, unequal, sWFzudgdIw8-00139-00072775-00073219 futures sped-up, spread out, and automated through algorithms AI and machine sWFzudgdIw8-00140-00073219-00073696 learning. I know that some will say that this is too big a problem too sWFzudgdIw8-00141-00073696-00074290 complicated to ever address to those I would simply respond it is too important sWFzudgdIw8-00142-00074290-00074737 not to try. Although it would be naive to think that racial literacy could sWFzudgdIw8-00143-00074737-00075217 dismantle structures of inequality I do believe that racial inequality can sWFzudgdIw8-00144-00075217-00075847 enable us to do less harm with the technology we are creating and using. Not sWFzudgdIw8-00145-00075847-00076327 everything that is faced can be changed James Baldwin reminds us but sWFzudgdIw8-00146-00076327-00076858 nothing can be changed until it is faced won't you join us in building this new sWFzudgdIw8-00147-00076858-00077479 future, thank you. sWJ-14NkCHg-00000-00006052-00007086 ในส่วนนี้เราก็จะมาเรียนกันเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับเรื่องของการทักทายนะคะ บางครั้งพวกเราอาจจะเคยได้ยินที่เขาพูดกัน Greet Greet sWJ-14NkCHg-00001-00007086-00007931 ใครมาก็ต้อง Greet กันหน่อยนะคะ ก็คือเป็นการทับศัพท์ Greet Greet Greet หรือ Greeting แปลว่าทักทายนะคะ sWJ-14NkCHg-00002-00007931-00008610 เพราะฉะนั้นชาวต่างชาติเข้ามาในชุมชน เข้ามาในหมู่บ้านของเรา เราจะ Greeting เราจะ Greet เขาอย่างไรนะคะ sWJ-14NkCHg-00003-00008610-00009616 ก็จะเป็นการ Greet การทักทายแบบที่ว่าทั่วไปก็ใช้คำว่า Good morning Good afternoon ก็แล้วแต่ว่าเวลาเช้า สาย บ่าย เย็น sWJ-14NkCHg-00004-00009622-00010312 แต่ถ้าง่าย ๆ เลย Greet หรือทักทายแบบง่าย ๆ ก็คือ Hi Hello How are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00005-00010312-00011404 ก็ทักทายเท่านั้นเองนะคะ Hi How are you ? หรือ What's up อาจารย์ดอมก็จะบอกในรายละเอียดของบทนี้นะคะ sWJ-14NkCHg-00006-00011404-00012264 เพราะฉะนั้นบทนี้จำเพียงว่าทักทายคน Greet คน ใช้คำว่า Hello Hi How are you ? เท่านั้นเองค่ะ sWJ-14NkCHg-00007-00013684-00014163 So the welcoming guest is done now we've done our introduction. sWJ-14NkCHg-00008-00014163-00014902 We've made our welcomes. Now we have to greet the guests. sWJ-14NkCHg-00009-00014902-00015322 And maybe they want to greet us we want some responses. sWJ-14NkCHg-00010-00015322-00015922 Now I know the greeting you already know is sWJ-14NkCHg-00011-00015922-00016400 hi how are you ? I'm fine thank you and you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00012-00016422-00017620 The standard classroom answer that for a native English speaker makes you sound a bit like a robot. sWJ-14NkCHg-00013-00017648-00017952 Hi how are you ? Fine thank you and you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00014-00017952-00018480 It's the same thing all the time it's not natural. sWJ-14NkCHg-00015-00018480-00019274 We have some ways to make your greeting sound a bit more natural. sWJ-14NkCHg-00016-00019274-00019812 Give yourself some better communication skills. sWJ-14NkCHg-00017-00019812-00020194 Okay we can say. sWJ-14NkCHg-00018-00020194-00020800 Hello John how are you ? I's fine it's okay it's good English. sWJ-14NkCHg-00019-00020840-00021474 Number two you respond hi Kelly I'm fine thanks. sWJ-14NkCHg-00020-00021494-00022094 That's the one you learn at school hi how are you I'm fine thank you. sWJ-14NkCHg-00021-00022094-00022710 That's the one you already know but what does that tell us. sWJ-14NkCHg-00022-00022710-00023420 Fine doesn't really mean anything are you good are you bad I don't know. sWJ-14NkCHg-00023-00023420-00024178 Fine doesn't give information it is that robot answer from school. sWJ-14NkCHg-00024-00024178-00025204 So how do we respond to that a little bit better a little bit more natural English. sWJ-14NkCHg-00025-00025224-00026098 We can ask again how are you ? Another response great thank you sWJ-14NkCHg-00026-00026098-00026542 You don't need to say fine it's not a rule. sWJ-14NkCHg-00027-00026542-00027058 You can't forget fine I recommend you forget fine. sWJ-14NkCHg-00028-00027058-00027562 Throw find out the window fine is done you are not fine. sWJ-14NkCHg-00029-00027562-00028345 You are great you're very good. sWJ-14NkCHg-00030-00028345-00028698 Four, we're on number four we had fine. sWJ-14NkCHg-00031-00028698-00029280 We have great and we now have I'm very well thank you. sWJ-14NkCHg-00032-00029280-00029866 I'm very well, very good, very well that's a good response sWJ-14NkCHg-00033-00029866-00030394 that is a natural spoken English response. sWJ-14NkCHg-00034-00030404-00030745 That's what you will hear from native speakers. sWJ-14NkCHg-00035-00030745-00031216 Hey John how are you ? Very well thanks, thank you. sWJ-14NkCHg-00036-00031216-00031554 That's a lot better than fine. sWJ-14NkCHg-00037-00031554-00032520 Okay another natural native response is not too bad Thanks. sWJ-14NkCHg-00038-00032520-00032896 Hey how are you not to bad thanks. sWJ-14NkCHg-00039-00032896-00033258 Not too bad is like soso. sWJ-14NkCHg-00040-00033258-00033826 It's not great but it's not bad here in the middle. sWJ-14NkCHg-00041-00033826-00034150 Not to bad a little bit positive sWJ-14NkCHg-00042-00034150-00034592 but a very natural spoken English response sWJ-14NkCHg-00043-00034592-00034916 to the question how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00044-00034916-00035290 Much better than fine. sWJ-14NkCHg-00045-00035290-00035750 And the final response is a bit negative. sWJ-14NkCHg-00046-00035750-00036316 Oh not all the time are you very well. sWJ-14NkCHg-00047-00036316-00036888 Maybe sometimes you're not very well and you can say that. sWJ-14NkCHg-00048-00036916-00037416 Hello John how are you ? Not very well thanks. sWJ-14NkCHg-00049-00037416-00038164 Bit negative so you can answer the question however you want. sWJ-14NkCHg-00050-00038164-00038758 There is no rule to be how are you questioned I am fine thank you. sWJ-14NkCHg-00051-00038758-00039316 You have five six five five different responses six no sWJ-14NkCHg-00052-00039316-00039478 one two three four five sWJ-14NkCHg-00053-00039478-00040184 five some positive some so so one negative sWJ-14NkCHg-00054-00040184-00040792 which ever you choose it is better than the response. sWJ-14NkCHg-00055-00040792-00041592 I'm fine. So try one of those the next time a native speaker asks you. sWJ-14NkCHg-00056-00041592-00042038 Hey how are you ? I'm great thanks. sWJ-14NkCHg-00057-00042042-00042518 Nothing bad thank you. Try something different. sWJ-14NkCHg-00058-00042518-00042751 Okay. sWJ-14NkCHg-00059-00042751-00043530 Again we don't always need to say how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00060-00043530-00044030 How are you ? That's the one you learn at school sWJ-14NkCHg-00061-00044030-00044372 but there are more more ways. sWJ-14NkCHg-00062-00044372-00044994 This polar bear is showing as another way. Yo how's it going ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00063-00044994-00045478 I don't recommend using yo in a professional sense sWJ-14NkCHg-00064-00045478-00045809 but how's it going it's fine. sWJ-14NkCHg-00065-00045809-00046230 It's a very natural way to say how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00066-00046256-00046940 For me I asked how's it going much more than how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00067-00046940-00047408 That is the natural more common question. sWJ-14NkCHg-00068-00047408-00047864 I will ask as an English speaker to my friends, sWJ-14NkCHg-00069-00047864-00048174 to my co-workers, to my bosses. sWJ-14NkCHg-00070-00048174-00048774 Hey how's it going ? Very natural more natural than how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00071-00048798-00049506 Okay so let's listen to our polar bears projections sWJ-14NkCHg-00072-00049506-00050076 on ways to say how are you ? But it's different way. sWJ-14NkCHg-00073-00050076-00050498 Number one how have you been ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00074-00050498-00050952 How do you been ? You can contract how and have. sWJ-14NkCHg-00075-00050952-00051238 How, how've you been ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00076-00051238-00051694 If you don't feel comfortable with contractions don't use it. sWJ-14NkCHg-00077-00051694-00052114 How have you been ? It's okay too. sWJ-14NkCHg-00078-00052114-00052600 Number two my favorite how's it going ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00079-00052600-00053010 That is a very common way to say how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00080-00053010-00053464 Hey how's it going how's it going how's it going ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00081-00053517-00053964 Number three what's up ? What's up ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00082-00053964-00054236 Hey what's up ? Yes not so bad. sWJ-14NkCHg-00083-00054236-00055022 What's up how are you ? Again maybe not perfect for a formal situation. sWJ-14NkCHg-00084-00055041-00055554 But for informal for relaxed style it's okay absolutely. sWJ-14NkCHg-00085-00055588-00056096 What's new ? A nice one as well what's new ? Hey what's new ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00086-00056096-00056474 Hey what's new ? Another way. sWJ-14NkCHg-00087-00056474-00057290 What's going on ? You can ask somebody that people are doing something hello hey what's going on ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00088-00057302-00057648 Same as how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00089-00057648-00058014 The next one we have is very very formal. sWJ-14NkCHg-00090-00058014-00058574 How do you do ? It's very formal hey how do you do ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00091-00058574-00059170 It's very very traditional I don't think my grandfather uses this one. sWJ-14NkCHg-00092-00059170-00059798 So you don't use this one so much it's very very formal and a little bit old. sWJ-14NkCHg-00093-00059798-00060354 How do you do ? How are you doing ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00094-00060354-00060666 That's very common how are you doing ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00095-00060666-00060884 Hey how are you doing ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00096-00060884-00061432 Same as how are you ? Hey nice to see you how are you doing ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00097-00061432-00061754 Same as how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00098-00061754-00062332 How are things ? Again very common when you greet someone. sWJ-14NkCHg-00099-00062332-00062578 Hey how are things ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00100-00062578-00063112 Good thank you another great way to say how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00101-00063112-00063400 The next one we have is sWJ-14NkCHg-00102-00063400-00064014 How's life ? Hey how's life ? Kind a slangy. sWJ-14NkCHg-00103-00064014-00064291 Little bit's slangy not so professional. sWJ-14NkCHg-00104-00064291-00064841 But perfectly okay in a relaxed environment. sWJ-14NkCHg-00105-00064841-00065220 And finally what's happening ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00106-00065220-00065554 Hey what's up what's happening ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00107-00065554-00065940 Another word for how are you ? The same. sWJ-14NkCHg-00108-00065940-00066566 That ten different ways to say the question how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00109-00066566-00067116 And remember by using these different phrases. sWJ-14NkCHg-00110-00067116-00067504 You are showing good English skills. sWJ-14NkCHg-00111-00067510-00068626 You are showing more natural English vocabulary and you are proving that you are a good communicator. sWJ-14NkCHg-00112-00068626-00069044 Personally I think hey how's it going ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00113-00069044-00069406 It's much more natural than how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00114-00069406-00070072 And you can use it in a formal or informal situation. sWJ-14NkCHg-00115-00070072-00070668 So next time you have to do a greeting in English. sWJ-14NkCHg-00116-00070682-00071628 Why not try it or don't try it with a English speaker try it with your friends keep practicing your English. sWJ-14NkCHg-00117-00071642-00072226 Try it with your classmates, try it with your English teacher. sWJ-14NkCHg-00118-00072226-00072574 Instead of hey how are you ? sWJ-14NkCHg-00119-00072574-00073178 Try hey how's it going ? I'm great thank you. sWJ-14NkCHg-00120-00073178-00074064 Okay some more ways to say I'm fine thank you we have a whole list here sWJ-14NkCHg-00121-00074064-00074578 of different ways to answer how are you ? sZpxYs6s7tA-00000-00000000-00000328 [MUSIC PLAYING] sZpxYs6s7tA-00001-00000610-00000880 It's 8:30 in the morning, and James Fraser sZpxYs6s7tA-00002-00000880-00001222 and his hardworking conservation dog duo, Peg and Duke, sZpxYs6s7tA-00003-00001222-00001491 are gearing up for a big day. sZpxYs6s7tA-00004-00001491-00001552 Hello, Peggy. sZpxYs6s7tA-00005-00001552-00001748 How are you? sZpxYs6s7tA-00006-00001748-00001837 So this is Peg. sZpxYs6s7tA-00007-00001837-00002230 She's seven years old and she's an English Setter. sZpxYs6s7tA-00008-00002230-00002521 Today, they're carrying out important kiwi survey sZpxYs6s7tA-00009-00002521-00002975 work in the pest-free Rotokare scenic reserve in Taranaki. sZpxYs6s7tA-00010-00002975-00003264 It appears she got two dogs in here. sZpxYs6s7tA-00011-00003264-00003342 This is Duke. sZpxYs6s7tA-00012-00003342-00003677 He's four, and he's Peg's son. sZpxYs6s7tA-00013-00003677-00003903 Let's go to work. sZpxYs6s7tA-00014-00003903-00004105 Come on. sZpxYs6s7tA-00015-00004105-00004362 We're wearing our muzzles and our harvest jackets. sZpxYs6s7tA-00016-00004362-00004624 And the orange helps us see the dogs in the bush. sZpxYs6s7tA-00017-00004624-00004873 Even though conservation dogs and their handlers sZpxYs6s7tA-00018-00004873-00005086 go through extensive training and assessment sZpxYs6s7tA-00019-00005086-00005335 to become certified, conservation dogs sZpxYs6s7tA-00020-00005335-00005581 always wear muzzles when working in the presence sZpxYs6s7tA-00021-00005581-00005703 of protected species. sZpxYs6s7tA-00022-00005703-00005920 So there are trap lines all through this bush, which sZpxYs6s7tA-00023-00005920-00006135 is really handy, because it's really thick bush, sZpxYs6s7tA-00024-00006135-00006340 and it gives us an idea of where to go. sZpxYs6s7tA-00025-00006340-00006498 These guys are really good company. sZpxYs6s7tA-00026-00006498-00006691 And that's just as well, because we spend up sZpxYs6s7tA-00027-00006691-00006923 to three weeks at a time camping in the bush. sZpxYs6s7tA-00028-00006923-00007220 So they're living with us. sZpxYs6s7tA-00029-00007220-00007411 So our job today is look for brown kiwi sZpxYs6s7tA-00030-00007411-00007718 that live within the exterior, and see what the numbers are, sZpxYs6s7tA-00031-00007718-00008002 and what the condition or the health of these birds is. sZpxYs6s7tA-00032-00008002-00008245 So Rotokare is a cohabiting site. sZpxYs6s7tA-00033-00008245-00008515 So that means birds are gathered from outside the fence, where sZpxYs6s7tA-00034-00008515-00008779 they're at risk of being eaten by some of the predators. sZpxYs6s7tA-00035-00008779-00008982 And they're brought into the reserve, sZpxYs6s7tA-00036-00008982-00009121 where they can breed up. sZpxYs6s7tA-00037-00009121-00009430 And then, when the population is big enough and strong enough, sZpxYs6s7tA-00038-00009430-00009658 they can get returned back out to the area sZpxYs6s7tA-00039-00009658-00009836 outside of the fence. sZpxYs6s7tA-00040-00009836-00010121 [MUSIC PLAYING] sZpxYs6s7tA-00041-00010121-00010175 This is us. sZpxYs6s7tA-00042-00010175-00010321 This is the start of the trap line. sZpxYs6s7tA-00043-00010321-00010535 So this is where we start working for the day. sZpxYs6s7tA-00044-00010535-00010752 So what we're going to do is to take one of the dogs sZpxYs6s7tA-00045-00010752-00011003 off the lead, and that dog will work ahead sZpxYs6s7tA-00046-00011003-00011174 until it gets a bit tired-- probably Peg, sZpxYs6s7tA-00047-00011174-00011291 because she's older. sZpxYs6s7tA-00048-00011291-00011533 And then, we'll bring her on heel, and let Duke have a run sZpxYs6s7tA-00049-00011533-00011583 around. sZpxYs6s7tA-00050-00011583-00011744 Duke, heel. sZpxYs6s7tA-00051-00011744-00011867 Peg, away you go. sZpxYs6s7tA-00052-00011867-00012108 So I've got two main calls I'll be using today. sZpxYs6s7tA-00053-00012108-00012271 [WHISTLES] And what that means is, sZpxYs6s7tA-00054-00012271-00012577 the dog has to come and look at me and check in, and then off sZpxYs6s7tA-00055-00012577-00012752 it'll go again, and start searching again. sZpxYs6s7tA-00056-00012752-00012894 Duke, away. sZpxYs6s7tA-00057-00012894-00013122 And [WHISTLES] which is come. sZpxYs6s7tA-00058-00013122-00013300 So come right into me, and stay with me sZpxYs6s7tA-00059-00013300-00013503 until I tell you to go off again. sZpxYs6s7tA-00060-00013503-00013589 Duke! sZpxYs6s7tA-00061-00013589-00013719 [WHISTLES] sZpxYs6s7tA-00062-00013719-00013933 So if a dog doesn't come to the come call, sZpxYs6s7tA-00063-00013933-00014122 that means that it's found a kiwi. sZpxYs6s7tA-00064-00014122-00014322 And what it means then is we have to go and find sZpxYs6s7tA-00065-00014322-00014616 a white dog in an orange jacket, rather than a small brown bird sZpxYs6s7tA-00066-00014616-00014709 on the ground. sZpxYs6s7tA-00067-00014709-00014931 Peg, away you go. sZpxYs6s7tA-00068-00014931-00015158 So I've got Peg out there searching now. sZpxYs6s7tA-00069-00015158-00015280 So she's an indicator dog. sZpxYs6s7tA-00070-00015280-00015638 So when she finds a bird, she'll stop and point at the bird. sZpxYs6s7tA-00071-00015638-00015806 She'll point or sit down. sZpxYs6s7tA-00072-00015806-00016021 In that stage, I'll go and try to find her. sZpxYs6s7tA-00073-00016021-00016314 Then I'll put her on the lead, and have a look down the hole. sZpxYs6s7tA-00074-00016314-00016477 And if it's a kiwi, we'll really gently sZpxYs6s7tA-00075-00016477-00016622 extract it out of its burrow. sZpxYs6s7tA-00076-00016622-00016762 [WHISTLES] sZpxYs6s7tA-00077-00016762-00017087 [MUSIC PLAYING] sZpxYs6s7tA-00078-00017181-00017521 What I'll do is I'll get a torch out and have a look. sZpxYs6s7tA-00079-00017521-00017730 [MUSIC PLAYING] sZpxYs6s7tA-00080-00017730-00017951 I can't see any bird, and there might be a back door. sZpxYs6s7tA-00081-00017951-00018189 So what I'll do is I'll give Tash a ring, sZpxYs6s7tA-00082-00018189-00018335 and see if she can come and give us sZpxYs6s7tA-00083-00018335-00018614 a hand to block up any back doors that might be around. sZpxYs6s7tA-00084-00018614-00018899 James calls for assistance from his co-worker, Tash, sZpxYs6s7tA-00085-00018899-00019133 who was on the other side of the reserve. sZpxYs6s7tA-00086-00019133-00019300 You ready? sZpxYs6s7tA-00087-00019300-00019631 [MUSIC PLAYING] sZpxYs6s7tA-00088-00019631-00019733 One leg. sZpxYs6s7tA-00089-00019733-00019878 OK. sZpxYs6s7tA-00090-00019878-00020120 You're not coming out that way, do you? sZpxYs6s7tA-00091-00020120-00020213 So this was great. sZpxYs6s7tA-00092-00020649-00021293 So with bill of 55.1 and a weight of 605 grams, sZpxYs6s7tA-00093-00021293-00021676 this will be a chick from last season. sZpxYs6s7tA-00094-00021676-00021827 So that's about six months-- sZpxYs6s7tA-00095-00021827-00021984 nine months old. sZpxYs6s7tA-00096-00021984-00022301 So what I'm trying to do here is find a old feelers crate. sZpxYs6s7tA-00097-00022301-00022507 It's an area of no feelers just under the wing. sZpxYs6s7tA-00098-00022507-00022850 So I actually put a little transponder in here. sZpxYs6s7tA-00099-00022850-00023089 So now, each three times this bird's caught, sZpxYs6s7tA-00100-00023089-00023390 we can use this transponder reader and find out who it is. sZpxYs6s7tA-00101-00023390-00023595 And now, my little friend, we can let you go. sZpxYs6s7tA-00102-00023595-00023942 And go back to sleep for the rest of the day. sZpxYs6s7tA-00103-00023942-00024223 [MUSIC PLAYING] sZpxYs6s7tA-00104-00024223-00024370 Outside of fenced areas like this, sZpxYs6s7tA-00105-00024370-00024561 or outside of areas where there's no trapping, sZpxYs6s7tA-00106-00024561-00024818 95% of chicks get killed by predators. sZpxYs6s7tA-00107-00024818-00025042 That's only when they get to 1200 grams, so one year sZpxYs6s7tA-00108-00025042-00025372 old, that they're actually safe from those predators. sZpxYs6s7tA-00109-00025372-00025578 And once they're at that safe weight, sZpxYs6s7tA-00110-00025578-00025877 they're amazingly capable of growing new populations. sZpxYs6s7tA-00111-00025877-00026127 And that's what he's going to do when he gets to 1200 grams, sZpxYs6s7tA-00112-00026127-00026311 and we release him outside of the fence. sZpxYs6s7tA-00113-00026311-00026426 Good work. sZpxYs6s7tA-00114-00026426-00026476 Go on. sZpxYs6s7tA-00115-00026476-00026765 He's got to find another one now. sZpxYs6s7tA-00116-00026765-00027049 [MUSIC PLAYING] sZpxYs6s7tA-00117-00027049-00027277 [BRANCH CRACKLING] sZpxYs6s7tA-00118-00027277-00027406 What's up? sZpxYs6s7tA-00119-00027406-00027611 Hello, who are you? sZpxYs6s7tA-00120-00027611-00027894 [MUSIC PLAYING] sZpxYs6s7tA-00121-00027894-00027957 Good girl. sZpxYs6s7tA-00122-00027957-00028101 Pretty cool, eh? sZpxYs6s7tA-00123-00028101-00028269 Ah, will you hold that? sZpxYs6s7tA-00124-00028269-00028337 [BEEP] sZpxYs6s7tA-00125-00028337-00028449 There we go. sZpxYs6s7tA-00126-00028449-00028619 What's that number say? sZpxYs6s7tA-00127-00028619-00028750 5, 6, 5. sZpxYs6s7tA-00128-00028750-00029022 50, 06. sZpxYs6s7tA-00129-00029022-00029172 We can tell that's a adult female sZpxYs6s7tA-00130-00029172-00029333 by the length of its bill. sZpxYs6s7tA-00131-00029333-00029701 If the bill was longer than 105, we know it's an adult female. sZpxYs6s7tA-00132-00029701-00030120 And this one's 127.7, so she's a huge girl. sZpxYs6s7tA-00133-00030120-00030337 So what I've got here is a little radio transmitter. sZpxYs6s7tA-00134-00030337-00030633 I'm going to put this onto the birds leg, sZpxYs6s7tA-00135-00030633-00030752 and we'll let her go. sZpxYs6s7tA-00136-00030752-00030892 The people here can monitor her. sZpxYs6s7tA-00137-00030892-00031141 And when they think they've found a good place for her sZpxYs6s7tA-00138-00031141-00031422 to go, they can find her, using the radio transmitter, sZpxYs6s7tA-00139-00031422-00031635 and release her back into Taranaki. sZpxYs6s7tA-00140-00031635-00032016 I feel blown away by the opportunity sZpxYs6s7tA-00141-00032016-00032238 to work with such dedicated people. sZpxYs6s7tA-00142-00032238-00032493 James, Peg, and Duke are essential to what we do. sZpxYs6s7tA-00143-00032493-00032796 They're helping us understand the population of kiwi here. sZpxYs6s7tA-00144-00032796-00033117 And work closely with them helps us learn sZpxYs6s7tA-00145-00033117-00033267 how to do our work better. sZpxYs6s7tA-00146-00033267-00033429 I really, really enjoy this work, sZpxYs6s7tA-00147-00033429-00033675 because I get the opportunity to work my dogs, sZpxYs6s7tA-00148-00033675-00033846 and I get the opportunity to work my dogs sZpxYs6s7tA-00149-00033846-00034185 on these really precious taonga species like kiwi and kakapo. sZpxYs6s7tA-00150-00034185-00034329 But for me, what makes this really sZpxYs6s7tA-00151-00034329-00034541 special is being able to work with community groups sZpxYs6s7tA-00152-00034541-00034860 and volunteers that give up their time to help safeguard sZpxYs6s7tA-00153-00034860-00034982 those taonga species. sZpxYs6s7tA-00154-00034982-00035145 I really enjoy working with these guys, sZpxYs6s7tA-00155-00035145-00035316 because they do it all for love. sZpxYs6s7tA-00156-00035316-00035684 Like, they follow us, they work hard for us, sZpxYs6s7tA-00157-00035684-00035880 and they'll go to the end of the world for us. sZpxYs6s7tA-00158-00035880-00036132 That's a really, really rewarding part of my job. sZpxYs6s7tA-00159-00036132-00036467 [MUSIC PLAYING] sZriWQhy6r0-00000-00000550-00000751 Hello everyone, my name is Ali Garib. sZriWQhy6r0-00001-00000751-00001292 I am an educational technologist, an English language instructor, and a PhD candidate in sZriWQhy6r0-00002-00001292-00002257 the Applied Linguistics and Technology program at Iowa State University. sZriWQhy6r0-00003-00002257-00003602 In this tutorial, I will show you the WebFX readability test tool for measuring readability sZriWQhy6r0-00004-00003602-00004033 of texts you are considering using in your English language classroom. sZriWQhy6r0-00005-00004033-00004451 This is a free tool for determining the difficulty level of a text. sZriWQhy6r0-00006-00004451-00004860 Before we start, I'm going to choose a text from Project Gutenberg. sZriWQhy6r0-00007-00004860-00005410 For the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to choose Chapter One of a famous, American sZriWQhy6r0-00008-00005410-00005673 book, Moby Dick by Herman Melville. sZriWQhy6r0-00009-00005673-00006194 Now, let’s navigate to the WebFX Readability Test Tool and explore our options. sZriWQhy6r0-00010-00006194-00006826 First, you’ll notice that we have several choices for how to put the text into the tool: sZriWQhy6r0-00011-00006826-00007023 - We can enter a URL. sZriWQhy6r0-00012-00007023-00007600 - We can test by direct input, which means copying and pasting a text into the tool. sZriWQhy6r0-00013-00007600-00008225 - Or, we can test by refer, which is for authors of websites and isn't relevant to our needs sZriWQhy6r0-00014-00008225-00008668 at this time, so we will not review that aspect of this tool. sZriWQhy6r0-00015-00008668-00009111 Before we start measuring the readability, you need to familiarize yourself with the sZriWQhy6r0-00016-00009111-00009219 types of measures. sZriWQhy6r0-00017-00009219-00009739 At the bottom of the page, you'll see a section that explains which tool is the best, who sZriWQhy6r0-00018-00009739-00009993 it's for, and what it does. sZriWQhy6r0-00019-00009993-00010350 Read through these explanations first before you input your text. sZriWQhy6r0-00020-00010350-00010841 That information can also be extremely useful to you as you go about determining how to sZriWQhy6r0-00021-00010841-00011084 interpret your results. sZriWQhy6r0-00022-00011084-00011663 This tutorial will show you how to use: the test by URL, and the test by direct input. sZriWQhy6r0-00023-00011663-00011972 We're going to start with the test by direct input. sZriWQhy6r0-00024-00011972-00012579 First, navigate back to Project Gutenberg, and find the page with chapter 1. sZriWQhy6r0-00025-00012579-00013144 Select as much of chapter 1 as you want or more, copy that, and go back to the readability sZriWQhy6r0-00026-00013144-00013244 test tool. sZriWQhy6r0-00027-00013244-00013837 Then, we're going to enter or paste what we copied and click readability. sZriWQhy6r0-00028-00013837-00014261 Now, when we scroll down, we can see the test results. sZriWQhy6r0-00029-00014261-00014753 You'll notice that several different measures of readability appear including: sZriWQhy6r0-00030-00014753-00015038 - Flesch-Kincaid, - Gunning Fog, sZriWQhy6r0-00031-00015038-00015463 - SMOG, - and Coleman Liau indices. sZriWQhy6r0-00032-00015463-00015919 You may or may not be familiar with these measures for readability. sZriWQhy6r0-00033-00015919-00016436 If you're not familiar, you might want to take a few minutes to read about them on Wikipedia sZriWQhy6r0-00034-00016436-00016947 so that you can understand exactly what kind of information they provide and how their sZriWQhy6r0-00035-00016947-00017087 algorithms work. sZriWQhy6r0-00036-00017087-00017619 Below those specific indices, you'll see some more general information about the number sZriWQhy6r0-00037-00017619-00017962 of sentences, words, and syllables. sZriWQhy6r0-00038-00017962-00018619 Each teaching context is different, so we can't tell you exactly which is best for your sZriWQhy6r0-00039-00018619-00018719 needs. sZriWQhy6r0-00040-00018719-00019361 The best way is to educate yourself before you try to interpret any of the results. sZriWQhy6r0-00041-00019361-00019690 Let's go back and try the URL method. sZriWQhy6r0-00042-00019690-00020306 To use a web address, all we need to do is copy it from the URL bar. sZriWQhy6r0-00043-00020306-00020842 Instead of copying and pasting the text, we're going to paste the web address and then we'll sZriWQhy6r0-00044-00020842-00020998 do the same thing. sZriWQhy6r0-00045-00020998-00021339 Click “calculate readability”, and you'll get some results. sZriWQhy6r0-00046-00021339-00021912 Here we can see a summary of the test results, which says it should be easily understood sZriWQhy6r0-00047-00021912-00022209 by thirteen- to fourteen-year-olds. sZriWQhy6r0-00048-00022209-00022668 It's important to remember that many of these readability measures were designed for American sZriWQhy6r0-00049-00022668-00023206 contexts, so if some of them don't quite make sense to you, that's fine. sZriWQhy6r0-00050-00023206-00023363 Just choose a different one. sZriWQhy6r0-00051-00023363-00023820 I hope this demonstration gives you some ideas about how to use WebFX. sZriWQhy6r0-00052-00023820-00024384 My colleague, Febriana Lestari, will show you another readability tool in the next video. sZNjDX6BPbQ-00000-00000000-00000298 Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! My name is Daniel Korte... sZNjDX6BPbQ-00001-00000326-00000744 ...and in this video I will explain how to determine you faceshape! sZNjDX6BPbQ-00002-00000772-00000986 Some of you will maybe think... sZNjDX6BPbQ-00003-00001026-00001376 ...why the hell I have to know my faceshape? I can tell you! sZNjDX6BPbQ-00004-00001376-00001572 for example that you know sZNjDX6BPbQ-00005-00001696-00001838 which glasses suits to your face. sZNjDX6BPbQ-00006-00002092-00002280 Or for example when you are looking for a new haircut sZNjDX6BPbQ-00007-00002288-00002568 then you really have to know wich haircut fits to your faceshape! sd8hyPFMGAc-00000-00000000-00000522 10 creepy masks of the past mask plague doctor this mask appeared in sd8hyPFMGAc-00001-00000522-00001029 the time of the plague in 1619 it was worn by doctors having contact with patients sd8hyPFMGAc-00002-00001029-00001428 the beak of this mask was full of fragrant flowers and herbs as it was believed that sd8hyPFMGAc-00003-00001428-00001898 the infection is transmitted through unpleasant smells baby gas mask in the form of Mickey Mouse sd8hyPFMGAc-00004-00001898-00002358 after destroying pearl harbor during World War II Americans sd8hyPFMGAc-00005-00002358-00002819 feared gas attacks and noting that standard gas masks great kids sd8hyPFMGAc-00006-00002819-00003270 created for them reduced instances to make an element of the game the gas mask was sd8hyPFMGAc-00007-00003270-00003753 made in the shape of Mickey Mouse today the only batch released at 1000 sd8hyPFMGAc-00008-00003753-00004068 pieces sorted into collections and this gas mask is considered one of sd8hyPFMGAc-00009-00004068-00004632 the most repulsive cartoon version mouse mask samurai japanese samurai sd8hyPFMGAc-00010-00004632-00005012 in addition to their uniforms wore mask sharing on besides its direct sd8hyPFMGAc-00011-00005012-00005507 destination mask held heavy Samurai helmet. Tankman's face shield sd8hyPFMGAc-00012-00005507-00005894 World War I chain mail used not only in the middle ages sd8hyPFMGAc-00013-00005894-00006375 but even at the beginning of the 20th century during World War I British Tankers sd8hyPFMGAc-00014-00006375-00006898 defended their faces from the fragments of flying through the embrasure. Prison hood sd8hyPFMGAc-00015-00006898-00007395 this cap was used by Australian jailers in the second half of the 19th century sd8hyPFMGAc-00016-00007395-00007811 especially dangerous criminals were in solitary confinement for almost a day sd8hyPFMGAc-00017-00007811-00008183 when they were released for a walk then put on a bag with slots for the eyes sd8hyPFMGAc-00018-00008183-00008675 so the prisoners could not friend communicate normally with a friend sd8hyPFMGAc-00019-00008675-00009081 Murmilon mask on gladiatorial battles in ancient murmilan and rome performed well sd8hyPFMGAc-00020-00009081-00009540 equipped fighters besides their own 15 kilogram uniforms they wore sd8hyPFMGAc-00021-00009540-00009981 peculiar helmets slots for the eyes were protected by a net protecting eyes from sd8hyPFMGAc-00022-00009981-00010397 stitching muzzle for the oppressed slaves sd8hyPFMGAc-00023-00010397-00010751 inhuman working conditions African slaves protesting ate sd8hyPFMGAc-00024-00010751-00011246 depriving the earth in this way of life or temporarily losing performance sd8hyPFMGAc-00025-00011246-00011654 To save as many workers as possible, the owners put on them something similar to sd8hyPFMGAc-00026-00011654-00012157 a muzzle that interferes with eating land. masks for halloween early 20th century sd8hyPFMGAc-00027-00012157-00012563 today's halloween masks in the form of witches and little devils looks very sd8hyPFMGAc-00028-00012563-00013079 funny compared to those that children did at the beginning of the 20th century. sd8hyPFMGAc-00029-00013079-00013463 Mask from the sun. What women just won’t do just to fit fashion sd8hyPFMGAc-00030-00013463-00013886 16th century standards. Ladies went out on the street in black masks sd8hyPFMGAc-00031-00013886-00014324 таким образом аристократии защищала свою pale skin from sunburn. sd8hyPFMGAc-00032-00014324-00014834 Mask for the talkative. Chatty noisy women have existed at all times and sd8hyPFMGAc-00033-00014834-00015194 to silence them 16-17th century in Scotland sd8hyPFMGAc-00034-00015194-00015647 and England used this mask. Iron mask was put on a habalka and language sd8hyPFMGAc-00035-00015647-00016201 clamped by a vice thereby not allowing pronounce articulate sounds sdouL5x7LhY-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello Dear Fans of of air sports sdouL5x7LhY-00001-00000200-00000500 we are flying to the Matterhorn! sdouL5x7LhY-00002-00000500-00000800 On a Taurus sdouL5x7LhY-00003-00000800-00001100 First starts the Hawk sdouL5x7LhY-00004-00001100-00001800 a glider weighing 70 kilograms I'm escorting it sdouL5x7LhY-00005-00001800-00002900 went sdouL5x7LhY-00006-00002900-00003300 we're also climb up with a view of the matterhorn sdouL5x7LhY-00007-00003300-00003600 that's really incredible view. sdouL5x7LhY-00008-00003600-00003800 or rather the words are there somehow sdouL5x7LhY-00009-00003800-00004100 but uncensored only. And here is a children's channel, sdouL5x7LhY-00010-00004100-00004700 in the sense that children also watch it sdouL5x7LhY-00011-00004700-00005200 Here it is. The Matterhorn. We reached it on a Taurus sdouL5x7LhY-00012-00005200-00005600 bye bye Matterhorn. Here's the hut sdouL5x7LhY-00013-00005600-00005800 by the way, on a chicken legs sdouL5x7LhY-00014-00005800-00006200 Where all kinds of climbers sdouL5x7LhY-00015-00006200-00006700 Under us is an icefall. Really pretty sdouL5x7LhY-00016-00006700-00006900 on the left side is a slope that should not be crashed in sdouL5x7LhY-00017-00006900-00007200 Friends, how beautiful the clouds on the left are sdouL5x7LhY-00018-00007200-00007400 they lure us. But in my experience I went there a few times sdouL5x7LhY-00019-00007400-00007700 But at the evening return flight sdouL5x7LhY-00020-00007700-00008000 you just go there. They [clouds] are hovering over the mountains sdouL5x7LhY-00021-00008000-00008200 and you are below the mountains. There's no way you can get out to them. sdouL5x7LhY-00022-00008200-00008600 So, the adventures will wait for you. sdouL5x7LhY-00023-00008600-00008800 I expect to come there under that cloud sdouL5x7LhY-00024-00008800-00009000 And there really wish sdouL5x7LhY-00025-00009000-00009400 to take there a bit of a height, because one a Marien valley sdouL5x7LhY-00026-00009400-00009900 should be still crossed sdouL5x7LhY-00027-00009900-00010100 Now, my friends, we are pushing there sdouL5x7LhY-00028-00010100-00010400 Where the clouds are hanging and can be some upstreams sdouL5x7LhY-00029-00010400-00010600 Not sure it is a best place sdouL5x7LhY-00030-00010600-00010800 But there is no other sdouL5x7LhY-00031-00010800-00011200 I'll go to the notch sdouL5x7LhY-00032-00011200-00011300 That's how scary it is. sdouL5x7LhY-00033-00011300-00011600 I tried to take the right sdouL5x7LhY-00034-00011600-00011800 but I didn't succeed sdouL5x7LhY-00035-00011800-00011900 so the only option is sdouL5x7LhY-00036-00011900-00012200 straight ahead there are clouds over the ridge sdouL5x7LhY-00037-00012200-00012400 and they are really well placed sdouL5x7LhY-00038-00012400-00012600 To the sun and all other sdouL5x7LhY-00039-00012600-00012800 we're going out there now sdouL5x7LhY-00040-00012800-00013000 And go further sdouL5x7LhY-00041-00013000-00013100 I remember once how I here on this hillside sdouL5x7LhY-00042-00013100-00013400 Scrabbled… And my heels are also now. sdouL5x7LhY-00043-00013400-00013600 hiding because sdouL5x7LhY-00044-00013600-00013800 it's going to be very scary sdouL5x7LhY-00045-00013800-00014000 it will see all of it sdouL5x7LhY-00046-00014000-00014200 Very tricky hill sdouL5x7LhY-00047-00014200-00014500 already here the ridge start to work sdouL5x7LhY-00048-00014500-00014700 maybe if there will be a good flow sdouL5x7LhY-00049-00014700-00014900 I will take it here. sdouL5x7LhY-00050-00014900-00015300 Look, 2 meters. This kind of throw is not good sdouL5x7LhY-00051-00015300-00015500 Better let's go further I think there to sdouL5x7LhY-00052-00015500-00015800 this corner, you see the valley ends there sdouL5x7LhY-00053-00015800-00016000 and huge amount of air is sucked there sdouL5x7LhY-00054-00016000-00016300 and next there in a dead end it's floating out. sdouL5x7LhY-00055-00016300-00017200 So everything will be good. It should be. sdouL5x7LhY-00056-00017200-00017600 Well, you see. The valley is sdouL5x7LhY-00057-00017600-00017900 Narrow, and we go into it sdouL5x7LhY-00058-00017900-00018100 now because the clouds are at the end sdouL5x7LhY-00059-00018100-00018400 The hills here can work but sdouL5x7LhY-00060-00018400-00018700 the wind has changed, it's already, let's say sdouL5x7LhY-00061-00018700-00019000 Goes parallel to the ridge sdouL5x7LhY-00062-00019000-00019500 And sucked all of it into the valley. sdouL5x7LhY-00063-00019500-00019600 Blow in our back sdouL5x7LhY-00064-00019600-00019900 45 degrees to the right but sdouL5x7LhY-00065-00019900-00020100 to a promising place sdouL5x7LhY-00066-00020100-00020600 [music] sdouL5x7LhY-00067-00020600-00021500 Shit.. It is very low sdouL5x7LhY-00068-00021500-00021800 [music] sdouL5x7LhY-00069-00021800-00022100 Not understand why do we have a wrong down draft here sdouL5x7LhY-00070-00022100-00022200 with my view sdouL5x7LhY-00071-00022200-00022500 Direction is correct sdouL5x7LhY-00072-00022500-00022800 So, friends, you see which low blowns we get here sdouL5x7LhY-00073-00022800-00023200 sometimes sdouL5x7LhY-00074-00023200-00023500 there's a wall right on the course it's is workable sdouL5x7LhY-00075-00023500-00023800 There is a water-icefall sdouL5x7LhY-00076-00023800-00024300 Right there we will gain the height sdouL5x7LhY-00077-00024300-00024600 2800. 200 meters we exchanged for this sdouL5x7LhY-00078-00024600-00024900 experiment sdouL5x7LhY-00079-00024900-00025300 It is not a fact we will end it with something good. sdouL5x7LhY-00080-00025300-00025600 There is still no any stream up sdouL5x7LhY-00081-00025600-00026300 End of valley.. sdouL5x7LhY-00082-00026300-00026500 A glider just above sdouL5x7LhY-00083-00026500-00026700 Yes, but here is nothing sdouL5x7LhY-00084-00026700-00027200 I try this corner sdouL5x7LhY-00085-00027200-00027800 here it is sdouL5x7LhY-00086-00027800-00028500 Hmm. Here you can't turn really around sdouL5x7LhY-00087-00028500-00028900 We have problems sdouL5x7LhY-00088-00028900-00029400 we stuck here. we have to go out by sdouL5x7LhY-00089-00029400-00029500 this valley back sdouL5x7LhY-00090-00029500-00029700 there's no other option we have clouds over sdouL5x7LhY-00091-00029700-00029900 us but sdouL5x7LhY-00092-00029900-00030100 it's not clear how we should crouch out of here sdouL5x7LhY-00093-00030100-00031100 So. Shit happens.. sdouL5x7LhY-00094-00031100-00031900 Now is the question how to get out of this valley sdouL5x7LhY-00095-00031900-00032000 Because the drop sdouL5x7LhY-00096-00032000-00032600 Is approximately equal to the valley slope sdouL5x7LhY-00097-00032600-00032900 the best way in this situation is to go sdouL5x7LhY-00098-00032900-00033200 In a center to valley sdouL5x7LhY-00099-00033200-00033700 Because it is the only way to not get a hellish sink sdouL5x7LhY-00100-00033700-00034100 2500. We lost a lot of sdouL5x7LhY-00101-00034100-00034400 height sdouL5x7LhY-00102-00034400-00034500 mmmm sdouL5x7LhY-00103-00034400-00035200 [music] sdouL5x7LhY-00104-00035200-00035400 but at least you can look at waterfalls sdouL5x7LhY-00105-00035400-00035700 [music] sdouL5x7LhY-00106-00035700-00035800 some kind of thermal sdouL5x7LhY-00107-00035800-00036100 In a center of valley sdouL5x7LhY-00108-00036100-00036500 That is how surprising it happens sometimes sdouL5x7LhY-00109-00036500-00036700 For those who like a hardcore sdouL5x7LhY-00110-00036700-00037000 Now it is the hardcore of all hardcores, my friends sdouL5x7LhY-00111-00037000-00037300 Till the bottom of the valley is just nothing, you see sdouL5x7LhY-00112-00037300-00038000 Some ruins down there.. Not clear what is it sdouL5x7LhY-00113-00038000-00038300 I would not say it is the best climb here sdouL5x7LhY-00114-00038300-00038600 But there is one sdouL5x7LhY-00115-00038600-00039200 Now I just afraid-afraid sdouL5x7LhY-00116-00039200-00039400 You ask sometimes where it can be scary sdouL5x7LhY-00117-00039400-00040000 Yes it is, just like now sdouL5x7LhY-00118-00040000-00040600 How to gain an altitude is fully unclear sdouL5x7LhY-00119-00040600-00041200 But we got it. already gained 100 meters in such a nice place sdouL5x7LhY-00120-00041200-00041500 I would rather say a terrible place sdouL5x7LhY-00121-00041500-00041800 Surprisingly, quite a rare sdouL5x7LhY-00122-00041800-00042000 I get in a situation where the thermal comes sdouL5x7LhY-00123-00042000-00042900 exactly from the bottom of the valley sdouL5x7LhY-00124-00042900-00043100 we've got the wind steady sdouL5x7LhY-00125-00043100-00043500 is blowing this stream away and sdouL5x7LhY-00126-00043500-00043700 my colleague is just awesome that he took it. sdouL5x7LhY-00127-00043700-00044000 because I've already started a little bit sdouL5x7LhY-00128-00044000-00044200 to be nervous somehow sdouL5x7LhY-00129-00044200-00044493 We need to climb up to those clouds up there sdouL5x7LhY-00130-00044200-00045000 horror sdouL5x7LhY-00131-00045000-00045400 now we took 200 meters. It is more safe now sdouL5x7LhY-00132-00045400-00045600 And I don’t know if the thermal is going really high sdouL5x7LhY-00133-00045600-00046300 We will try? Yes, I will try sdouL5x7LhY-00134-00046300-00046600 A little bit stress sdouL5x7LhY-00135-00046600-00046800 Now it is better sdouL5x7LhY-00136-00046800-00046900 I work again sdouL5x7LhY-00137-00046900-00047200 [music] sdouL5x7LhY-00138-00047200-00047500 So, friends, always gain experience sdouL5x7LhY-00139-00047500-00047600 I did not have a thought sdouL5x7LhY-00140-00047600-00048000 To take here a thermal, I would just not notice it sdouL5x7LhY-00141-00048000-00048400 don't even know what would I do next sdouL5x7LhY-00142-00048400-00048600 Of course we could go out of the valley and climbed there sdouL5x7LhY-00143-00048600-00048900 but the place there is clearly worse there. There is an impact sdouL5x7LhY-00144-00048900-00049100 Of that nasty air for Italy sdouL5x7LhY-00145-00049100-00049400 I will show you later sdouL5x7LhY-00146-00049400-00049700 where the air comes from in Italy sdouL5x7LhY-00147-00049700-00050000 now we're pretty good took a thermal in a valley sdouL5x7LhY-00148-00050000-00050300 Probably some evening stream formed here sdouL5x7LhY-00149-00050300-00050500 I was counting that from sdouL5x7LhY-00150-00050500-00051000 this slope it was going to be a climb. But it is just in a center of valley sdouL5x7LhY-00151-00051000-00051600 here's my mistake my wrong action sdouL5x7LhY-00152-00051600-00051900 adventure and most importantly I can sdouL5x7LhY-00153-00051900-00052200 say one this that in such valleys a motor sdouL5x7LhY-00154-00052200-00052400 may not save you if the strong wind sdouL5x7LhY-00155-00052400-00052600 will blow or something else. Sometimes so strong sinks happen sdouL5x7LhY-00156-00052600-00053000 that 4 meter per second will be. sdouL5x7LhY-00157-00053000-00053200 And motor gives just 1.5 m/s. And what will you do? sdouL5x7LhY-00158-00053200-00053300 [music] sdouL5x7LhY-00159-00053300-00053800 that's how the spout of the glider is drawing an arch sdouL5x7LhY-00160-00053800-00054100 The scary bottom of valley sdouL5x7LhY-00161-00054100-00054400 Is now way below sdouL5x7LhY-00162-00054400-00054800 Tge terrible wall, which I almost crashed into sdouL5x7LhY-00163-00054800-00055400 Also not so scary anymore sdouL5x7LhY-00164-00055400-00055600 so you understand how valuable sdouL5x7LhY-00165-00055600-00055900 is a normal good partner sdouL5x7LhY-00166-00055900-00056300 who helps hard right here sdouL5x7LhY-00167-00056300-00056500 experienced person who sdouL5x7LhY-00168-00056500-00056800 just builds another model in parallel sdouL5x7LhY-00169-00056800-00057100 in this case my model today sdouL5x7LhY-00170-00057100-00057500 I had a lot of successful decisions, sdouL5x7LhY-00171-00057500-00057600 but in at this point sdouL5x7LhY-00172-00057600-00057900 My colleague just helped me a lot sdouL5x7LhY-00173-00057900-00058300 And I am very grateful for it sdouL5x7LhY-00174-00058300-00058600 Gliding in a two-seat glider sdouL5x7LhY-00175-00058600-00058800 is an awesome thing sdouL5x7LhY-00176-00058800-00059000 I will fly on a world championship this year sdouL5x7LhY-00177-00059000-00059200 With Vlados sdouL5x7LhY-00178-00059200-00059400 And this is cool because two people sdouL5x7LhY-00179-00059400-00059600 exchange information, suggest sdouL5x7LhY-00180-00059600-00059900 some kind of solutions each sdouL5x7LhY-00181-00059900-00060000 And then combine and get very nice result sdouL5x7LhY-00182-00060000-00060500 I am very happy sdouL5x7LhY-00183-00060500-00060700 Meanwhile, finally it sdouL5x7LhY-00184-00060700-00061000 opens a freedom sdouL5x7LhY-00185-00061000-00061300 That is how the freedom of heights look like - like this! sdouL5x7LhY-00186-00061300-00061600 We are over the ridge already sdouL5x7LhY-00187-00061600-00061800 And now sdouL5x7LhY-00188-00061800-00062100 It is really important to take the edge sdouL5x7LhY-00189-00062100-00062400 Line on the way home to have a good weather condition sdouL5x7LhY-00190-00062400-00062700 But we still need to fly a lot to come there sdouL5x7LhY-00191-00062700-00063100 the adventure isn't over yet sdouL5x7LhY-00192-00063100-00064000 So we continue sdouL5x7LhY-00193-00064000-00064700 Again. We see the end of the valley sdouL5x7LhY-00194-00064700-00065106 But now we have a higher altitude and everything will be fine sdouL5x7LhY-00195-00064700-00065700 [music] sdouL5x7LhY-00196-00065700-00066200 Again minus 5. terrible sdouL5x7LhY-00197-00066200-00067500 As I understand we will jump now the pass sdouL5x7LhY-00198-00067500-00068500 Or maybe we won't sdouL5x7LhY-00199-00068500-00068800 It will be extremely hard to take it sdouL5x7LhY-00200-00068800-00069000 Really scarry now sdouL5x7LhY-00201-00069000-00069200 Even my sdouL5x7LhY-00202-00069200-00069600 sphincter clenched now sdouL5x7LhY-00203-00069600-00070400 The plato is interesting with ice sdouL5x7LhY-00204-00070400-00070600 This is the best place sdouL5x7LhY-00205-00070600-00071100 this cloud i will try to take sdouL5x7LhY-00206-00071100-00071300 We will try to jump over those rocks sdouL5x7LhY-00207-00071300-00071500 Because on that side it is again not worked sdouL5x7LhY-00208-00071500-00071800 two times is two times sdouL5x7LhY-00209-00071800-00072100 Here should be a good climb, I really believe sdouL5x7LhY-00210-00072100-00072500 I have taken it not once sdouL5x7LhY-00211-00072500-00072900 what a view sdouL5x7LhY-00212-00072900-00073700 flow flow flow. Here it is sdouL5x7LhY-00213-00073700-00074200 So back in the butt… we were sdouL5x7LhY-00214-00074200-00074700 Even I was scared sdouL5x7LhY-00215-00074700-00074900 yeah when a glider sdouL5x7LhY-00216-00074900-00075300 Is going straight in a wall it is also scary sdouL5x7LhY-00217-00075300-00075400 Especially when I am not steering sdouL5x7LhY-00218-00075400-00075700 But the flow is great so sdouL5x7LhY-00219-00075700-00075800 We will crouch to sdouL5x7LhY-00220-00075800-00076200 a little more height and I'm not be scared so much sdouL5x7LhY-00221-00076200-00076400 Unbelievable view sdouL5x7LhY-00222-00076400-00077100 incredible sdouL5x7LhY-00223-00077100-00077600 [music] sdouL5x7LhY-00224-00077600-00077800 look how sdouL5x7LhY-00225-00077800-00078100 you can fly in a really awesome sdouL5x7LhY-00226-00078100-00078400 place sdouL5x7LhY-00227-00078400-00078700 on the border of two air masses sdouL5x7LhY-00228-00078700-00078900 this is the air mass that sdouL5x7LhY-00229-00078900-00079200 that you're observing right now is low is sdouL5x7LhY-00230-00079200-00079500 the Italian air mass and we sdouL5x7LhY-00231-00079500-00079700 are sdouL5x7LhY-00232-00079700-00079900 In air mass which comes from France sdouL5x7LhY-00233-00079900-00080400 mass with good weather sdouL5x7LhY-00234-00080400-00080700 And we have such a view that sdouL5x7LhY-00235-00080700-00080900 I don’t know what money is it worth sdouL5x7LhY-00236-00080900-00081200 we still have 135 km to go sdouL5x7LhY-00237-00081200-00081500 3,700 sdouL5x7LhY-00238-00081500-00081800 we have altitude, let's try to get as high as this sdouL5x7LhY-00239-00081800-00082000 cloud sdouL5x7LhY-00240-00082000-00082200 but sdouL5x7LhY-00241-00082200-00082500 still need a little more time for that sdouL5x7LhY-00242-00082500-00082900 Twice we went out of icefall, twice faced the wall sdouL5x7LhY-00243-00082900-00083200 there will be a long video for sure flying on Pipistrel. sdouL5x7LhY-00244-00083200-00083500 flight of feathers sdouL5x7LhY-00245-00083500-00083800 and this one I'm going to upload right now so that sdouL5x7LhY-00246-00083800-00084100 tomorrow morning just look at this sdouL5x7LhY-00247-00084100-00084300 in this valley we almost landed sdouL5x7LhY-00248-00084300-00084500 three hundred meters over these rocks we were sdouL5x7LhY-00249-00084500-00084800 we were climbing up and out of there... sdouL5x7LhY-00250-00084800-00085200 picked out and now we have a freedom again sdouL5x7LhY-00251-00085200-00085500 There far away in 100 kilometers is the Matterhorn sdouL5x7LhY-00252-00085500-00085700 montblanc sdouL5x7LhY-00253-00085700-00086100 this is the cloud we're being pulled to sdouL5x7LhY-00254-00086100-00086600 In our awesome Pipistrel sdouL5x7LhY-00255-00086600-00087100 there aren't even any words to play with sdouL5x7LhY-00256-00087100-00087700 What I can show is the Alps arch sdouL5x7LhY-00257-00087700-00087800 from monaco somewhere there sdouL5x7LhY-00258-00087800-00088100 And then over the arch sdouL5x7LhY-00259-00088100-00088300 Grenoble is somewhere here ahead sdouL5x7LhY-00260-00088300-00088600 then see the finger I sdouL5x7LhY-00261-00088600-00088900 showing sdouL5x7LhY-00262-00088900-00089300 monblanc and there's the Matterhorn over there sdouL5x7LhY-00263-00089300-00089500 the arc than turns sdouL5x7LhY-00264-00089500-00089700 and go through the Austria sdouL5x7LhY-00265-00089700-00090000 and Slovenia.I have a dream sdouL5x7LhY-00266-00090000-00090400 someday to fly all over this arch one day sdouL5x7LhY-00267-00090400-00090600 but you're probably just admiring the nice places sdouL5x7LhY-00268-00090600-00090800 I've been to a lot of nice places. sdouL5x7LhY-00269-00090800-00091600 But a knock like that with that kind of view sdouL5x7LhY-00270-00091600-00092400 and we have climbed here up at the end sdouL5x7LhY-00271-00092400-00092600 We will take a little bit more here and sdouL5x7LhY-00272-00092600-00092900 We’ll go further, we're going to go that way. sdouL5x7LhY-00273-00092900-00093100 jump over sdouL5x7LhY-00274-00093100-00093700 And go home sdouL5x7LhY-00275-00093700-00093800 But to limp home must sdouL5x7LhY-00276-00093800-00094000 gain more altitude sdouL5x7LhY-00277-00094000-00094200 you have to do it sdouL5x7LhY-00278-00094200-00094600 With a talent sdouL5x7LhY-00279-00094600-00094800 it's 6:00 p.m. already. sdouL5x7LhY-00280-00094800-00095100 It's really 135 kilometers to home sdouL5x7LhY-00281-00095100-00095300 We have an altitude of four kilometers if sdouL5x7LhY-00282-00095300-00095500 good strain sdouL5x7LhY-00283-00095500-00095800 With the quality of Schleicher we could do it of course sdouL5x7LhY-00284-00095800-00096200 That is about 50 sdouL5x7LhY-00285-00096200-00096600 And here it is about 40 sdouL5x7LhY-00286-00096600-00096900 We will need a bit more to gain somewhere sdouL5x7LhY-00287-00096900-00097200 write in the comments what you think sdouL5x7LhY-00288-00097200-00098100 Will we reach home or not? sdouL5x7LhY-00289-00098100-00098400 4000 sdouL5x7LhY-00290-00098400-00098700 you hold sdouL5x7LhY-00291-00098700-00099000 Yes I do. friends shift sdouL5x7LhY-00292-00099000-00099100 four kilometers sdouL5x7LhY-00293-00099100-00099300 altitude sdouL5x7LhY-00294-00099300-00099700 all instruments are working fine all sdouL5x7LhY-00295-00099700-00100000 fine as it looks sdouL5x7LhY-00296-00100000-00100200 here I am with the oxygen equipment sdouL5x7LhY-00297-00100200-00100500 accordingly constantly breathe the oxygen in sdouL5x7LhY-00298-00100500-00100700 Because we spend half a day on 4 thousand sdouL5x7LhY-00299-00100700-00100900 today sdouL5x7LhY-00300-00100900-00101300 we'll go ahead a little bit and we'll be sdouL5x7LhY-00301-00101300-00101400 into transition sdouL5x7LhY-00302-00101400-00101800 take the stunning view of the lake sdouL5x7LhY-00303-00101800-00102400 here's the edge of the clouds sdouL5x7LhY-00304-00102400-00102800 unbelievable sdouL5x7LhY-00305-00102800-00103200 it's all better now anyway sdouL5x7LhY-00306-00103200-00103400 We can’t do more here sdouL5x7LhY-00307-00103400-00103700 magnifique sdouL5x7LhY-00308-00103700-00103900 You are the best sdouL5x7LhY-00309-00103900-00104800 You do speak French now ? sdouL5x7LhY-00310-00104800-00104900 My work is finished sdouL5x7LhY-00311-00104900-00105100 Great work! sdouL5x7LhY-00312-00105100-00105300 friends sdouL5x7LhY-00313-00105300-00105500 I got a control I'm in charge sdouL5x7LhY-00314-00105500-00105700 I'll be thinking how. sdouL5x7LhY-00315-00105700-00106000 will be next sdouL5x7LhY-00316-00106000-00106200 we will fly to sdouL5x7LhY-00317-00106200-00106500 left sdouL5x7LhY-00318-00106500-00106600 we're gonna go a little bit straight because sdouL5x7LhY-00319-00106600-00107400 We don’t loose an altitude here and go left sdouL5x7LhY-00320-00107400-00107800 and there's a big lake ahead of you sdouL5x7LhY-00321-00107800-00108000 Nice lake sdouL5x7LhY-00322-00108000-00108300 there's the lake sdouL5x7LhY-00323-00108300-00108600 Last time we flew over is from another side sdouL5x7LhY-00324-00108600-00108800 we are over a field of clouds where there is no energy sdouL5x7LhY-00325-00109200-00109400 There is no point to go under this cloud sdouL5x7LhY-00326-00109400-00109600 Just loss of height and time sdouL5x7LhY-00327-00109600-00109900 we are now flying to single clouds right ahead sdouL5x7LhY-00328-00109900-00110000 nibbled sdouL5x7LhY-00329-00110000-00110900 and there we still have to cross the Susi valley sdouL5x7LhY-00330-00110900-00111200 And when we reach this sdouL5x7LhY-00331-00111200-00111400 Good weather ahead sdouL5x7LhY-00332-00111400-00111800 It will allow us sdouL5x7LhY-00333-00111800-00112000 To come home sdouL5x7LhY-00334-00112000-00112300 But even now everything is so good that sdouL5x7LhY-00335-00112300-00112800 Landing for example on airport San Lefan is not a problem sdouL5x7LhY-00336-00112800-00113000 time is running out and this is all ours sdouL5x7LhY-00337-00113000-00113400 adventures . Now is 18 hours 6 minutes sdouL5x7LhY-00338-00113400-00113700 and we need to go 126 km sdouL5x7LhY-00339-00113700-00114100 We need the same good climb somewhere there sdouL5x7LhY-00340-00114100-00114300 or just don't lose the height so quickly sdouL5x7LhY-00341-00114300-00114500 but how we have enough height to cross the sdouL5x7LhY-00342-00114500-00115300 valley straight sdouL5x7LhY-00343-00115300-00115900 We are late a bit.. sdouL5x7LhY-00344-00115900-00116100 alarm went off sdouL5x7LhY-00345-00116100-00116400 A glider there sdouL5x7LhY-00346-00116400-00117500 Should we shoot it then? ? sdouL5x7LhY-00347-00117500-00118500 Why we need longer wings if this one flies good enough already sdouL5x7LhY-00348-00118500-00118900 He is chasing us sdouL5x7LhY-00349-00118900-00119300 [laughter] sdouL5x7LhY-00350-00119300-00119500 why to pay more friends ? sdouL5x7LhY-00351-00119500-00119700 this glider is a freedom. sdouL5x7LhY-00352-00119700-00120000 Almost no papers, and medicine is same as on a car sdouL5x7LhY-00353-00120000-00120900 medicine as a in car sdouL5x7LhY-00354-00120900-00121100 see you again my dear fans of air sports sdouL5x7LhY-00355-00121100-00121300 See you in a new sdouL5x7LhY-00356-00121300-00122100 positive videos sevRyhSXOR8-00000-00000235-00000333 He's my bestfriend shCXvPTQejy-00000-00000000-00000400 Why is it so hard to predict exponential change? shCXvPTQejy-00001-00000400-00000700 Let's imagine that we are walking shCXvPTQejy-00002-00000700-00001000 at a leisurely pace, shCXvPTQejy-00003-00001000-00001300 and we make thirty steps. shCXvPTQejy-00004-00001300-00001600 We will be at about thirty meters from where we started. shCXvPTQejy-00005-00001600-00001900 And any uncertainty about the measurement shCXvPTQejy-00006-00001900-00002400 of our speed, or the distance of each step, shCXvPTQejy-00007-00002400-00002700 is going to be relatively harmless. shCXvPTQejy-00008-00002700-00003000 If it is not going to be 30 meters, shCXvPTQejy-00009-00003000-00003300 it's maybe 29.5 shCXvPTQejy-00010-00003300-00003600 or 30.5. shCXvPTQejy-00011-00003600-00003900 But what happens when shCXvPTQejy-00012-00003900-00004200 instead of our speed keeping constant, shCXvPTQejy-00013-00004200-00004400 it doubles. shCXvPTQejy-00014-00004400-00004700 So instead of walking, let's imagine shCXvPTQejy-00015-00004700-00005000 that it is an airplane we are talking about, shCXvPTQejy-00016-00005000-00005300 that takes off at the same speed that we started walking. shCXvPTQejy-00017-00005300-00005600 However the speed of this airplane doubles every second. shCXvPTQejy-00018-00005700-00006000 In merely thirty seconds, shCXvPTQejy-00019-00006000-00006300 the same time interval of our thirty steps before, shCXvPTQejy-00020-00006400-00007100 this airplane will have circumnavigated earth shCXvPTQejy-00021-00007100-00007600 thirteen times. shCXvPTQejy-00022-00007600-00007900 And in the last second only shCXvPTQejy-00023-00007900-00008200 it will have covered Earth seven times. shCXvPTQejy-00024-00008200-00008500 So our objective is to predict shCXvPTQejy-00025-00008500-00008800 where it will land. shCXvPTQejy-00026-00008800-00009100 Is this hard? Is this easy? shCXvPTQejy-00027-00009100-00009400 Any uncertainty in the speed shCXvPTQejy-00028-00009400-00009700 of the plane shCXvPTQejy-00029-00009700-00010300 of a billionth of a meter per second shCXvPTQejy-00030-00010300-00010600 will have translated shCXvPTQejy-00031-00010600-00010900 in its final point of arrival after 30 seconds, shCXvPTQejy-00032-00010900-00011200 amplified to a point, shCXvPTQejy-00033-00011200-00011500 that we will be unable to predict shCXvPTQejy-00034-00011500-00011800 even the continent where it will land, shCXvPTQejy-00035-00011800-00012100 let alone the precise position. shCXvPTQejy-00036-00012100-00012400 This amplification shCXvPTQejy-00037-00012400-00012700 of the initial uncertainty in the measure shCXvPTQejy-00038-00012700-00013000 is what makes, among other things, shCXvPTQejy-00039-00013000-00013500 forecasting exponential technologies so difficult. sjQOT__i1HM-00000-00000000-00000536 Nowadays, it's not that uncommon for someone's parents to not be together. It's estimated that sjQOT__i1HM-00001-00000540-00000880 39% of marriages in America will end in divorce. sjQOT__i1HM-00002-00000942-00001682 However, not all parents who divorce will become absent, as in most cases both parents stay in their child's life. sjQOT__i1HM-00003-00001726-00002142 However, for some children the parents will become absent. sjQOT__i1HM-00004-00002160-00002932 An absent parent here refers to a parent, who has no contact with their child and this can have a whole host of negative consequences. sjQOT__i1HM-00005-00002988-00003782 These consequences could be due to a lack of role model, a lack of resources such as money or, even due to the trauma of sjQOT__i1HM-00006-00003784-00003984 feeling rejected by a parent. sjQOT__i1HM-00007-00004036-00004304 Wondering how an absent parent might affect a child? sjQOT__i1HM-00008-00004321-00004600 Here are 6 consequences of an absent parent. sjQOT__i1HM-00009-00004600-00005000 1) Lower happiness and cognitive skills sjQOT__i1HM-00010-00005000-00005311 One study by Wu & Zhang (2017) sjQOT__i1HM-00011-00005311-00005981 that analyzed the effect of absent parents, looked at children's scores for cognitive and non-cognitive skills. sjQOT__i1HM-00012-00006055-00006761 It probably does not come as a surprise that those with an absent parent were less likely to feel fulfilled and happy. sjQOT__i1HM-00013-00006786-00007502 It seems having present parents is vital to children's happiness as well as the development of cognitive skills such as mathematics. sjQOT__i1HM-00014-00007597-00007800 2) Changes to the brain. sjQOT__i1HM-00015-00007800-00008212 It's been found that absent parents can even affect a child's brain. sjQOT__i1HM-00016-00008296-00008690 Yang, Yan, Fu, Du, & Lui (2015) sjQOT__i1HM-00017-00008700-00009083 compared the brains of children with and without absent parents. sjQOT__i1HM-00018-00009115-00009518 They found larger gray matter in the brains of those with absent parents, sjQOT__i1HM-00019-00009550-00009848 especially in brain areas related to emotion. sjQOT__i1HM-00020-00009879-00010532 This means that their brains were not effectively pruning neurons and may have lasting behavioral effects, though sjQOT__i1HM-00021-00010532-00010748 the mentioned study did not examine this. sjQOT__i1HM-00022-00010777-00011499 This is due to delayed maturation of the brain and shows that absent parenting can have a lasting impact on the brain. sjQOT__i1HM-00023-00011560-00011800 3) Worse mental health outcomes sjQOT__i1HM-00024-00011836-00012579 It's probably not surprising that something as traumatic as having an absent parent, can have serious effects on someone's mental health. sjQOT__i1HM-00025-00012639-00013000 A study by McClanahan, Tach, & Schneider (2013) sjQOT__i1HM-00026-00013050-00013377 looked specifically at the consequences of absent fathers on child's sjQOT__i1HM-00027-00013380-00014087 development. They conducted a meta-analysis, which found an absent father was negative for overall mental health. sjQOT__i1HM-00028-00014119-00014850 Specifically, four out of six of the studies examined, found a significant impact of an absent parent on general mental health. sjQOT__i1HM-00029-00014878-00015272 So, absent parents have had long-lasting negative effects on the kids. sjQOT__i1HM-00030-00015343-00015675 4) More likely to have substance use problems sjQOT__i1HM-00031-00015740-00016118 As mentioned already, having an absent parent is distressing and sjQOT__i1HM-00032-00016159-00016650 people in distress often turn to substances such as alcohol and illegal drugs. sjQOT__i1HM-00033-00016678-00017036 So is there a link between absent parents and substance misuse? sjQOT__i1HM-00034-00017118-00017390 Lacey et. al. (2018) sjQOT__i1HM-00035-00017400-00017816 found that people with absent parents are more likely to smoke and/or drink. sjQOT__i1HM-00036-00017875-00018400 Furthermore, the study talked about before; McClanahan, Tach, & Schneider (2013) sjQOT__i1HM-00037-00018420-00018800 also found a link between absent parents and substance use. sjQOT__i1HM-00038-00018820-00019084 5) Lower educational attainment sjQOT__i1HM-00039-00019084-00019550 So, we've seen the way an absent parent can effect development in a variety of ways. sjQOT__i1HM-00040-00019551-00019980 But what else does it affect? It seems it can also affect schooling. sjQOT__i1HM-00041-00020000-00020300 Milne, Myers, & Rosenthal (1986) sjQOT__i1HM-00042-00020320-00021014 looked at how children from single-parent families performed in school. They looked at kids in elementary school and high school. sjQOT__i1HM-00043-00021015-00021335 They found overall, being from a single-parent family sjQOT__i1HM-00044-00021340-00021597 negatively affected achievement in school. sjQOT__i1HM-00045-00021610-00022300 Furthermore, research by Hurtes & Allen (2001) found that resiliency of the family was important to academic achievement. sjQOT__i1HM-00046-00022320-00023000 So, it could be that families with an absent parent are less resilient. This was dependent on other factors as well sjQOT__i1HM-00047-00023013-00023213 however, like race and age. sjQOT__i1HM-00048-00023270-00023660 6) Forms romantic and sexual attractions quicker sjQOT__i1HM-00049-00023680-00023826 One thing that may seem obvious sjQOT__i1HM-00050-00023826-00024272 is that, our relationship with our parents informs our relationship with others. sjQOT__i1HM-00051-00024294-00024719 It seems, having an absent parent does change how we form relationships. sjQOT__i1HM-00052-00024775-00025151 One study looked, specifically, at straight woman and their fathers. sjQOT__i1HM-00053-00025173-00025571 They asked some woman to think of a time their father was either absent or present. sjQOT__i1HM-00054-00025641-00025943 They then were asked to imagine they were on a date and sjQOT__i1HM-00055-00025957-00026492 asked them to rate how likely they would be to have sex with them and form a relationship with them. sjQOT__i1HM-00056-00026496-00026747 They found overall, these women were quicker sjQOT__i1HM-00057-00026760-00027365 to form romantic attractions and would have sex earlier if they had imagined a time their father was absent. sjQOT__i1HM-00058-00027430-00028145 This was particularly true in households where a divorce had happened, showing that an absent father can influence a child's relationship, sjQOT__i1HM-00059-00028186-00028383 once they're an adult sjQOT__i1HM-00060-00028383-00028610 Are any of these points relatable to you? sjQOT__i1HM-00061-00028660-00028950 What preventive factors do you think there are? sjQOT__i1HM-00062-00028980-00029626 If you enjoyed this video, please be sure to like and share it. And subscribe to our channel for great relatable content. t0QbQo-_d_I-00000-00000000-00000083 (upbeat music) t0QbQo-_d_I-00001-00000083-00000272 - Students, faculty, and staff, t0QbQo-_d_I-00002-00000272-00000482 as we prepare to welcome you back to campus t0QbQo-_d_I-00003-00000482-00000672 for an exciting fall semester, t0QbQo-_d_I-00004-00000672-00000861 I want to take this opportunity to thank you t0QbQo-_d_I-00005-00000861-00001201 for everything you have done and are continuing to do t0QbQo-_d_I-00006-00001201-00001618 to protect yourself and those in our UA community. t0QbQo-_d_I-00007-00001618-00001813 I strongly encourage every member t0QbQo-_d_I-00008-00001813-00002175 of our campus community to become vaccinated. t0QbQo-_d_I-00009-00002175-00002449 While vaccination is a personal choice, t0QbQo-_d_I-00010-00002449-00002620 we need everyone working together t0QbQo-_d_I-00011-00002620-00003076 to ensure we have a safe and successful semester on campus. t0QbQo-_d_I-00012-00003076-00003379 Once fully vaccinated, you can be proud to know t0QbQo-_d_I-00013-00003379-00003510 that you've done your part t0QbQo-_d_I-00014-00003510-00003846 to safeguard the health and wellbeing of others. t0QbQo-_d_I-00015-00003846-00004135 In just three weeks, the fall semester will begin t0QbQo-_d_I-00016-00004135-00004315 and I know we're all excited to get back t0QbQo-_d_I-00017-00004315-00004442 to the special traditions t0QbQo-_d_I-00018-00004442-00004756 that are part of the Alabama experience. t0QbQo-_d_I-00019-00004756-00004919 As you plan for the fall, t0QbQo-_d_I-00020-00004919-00005123 please remember that public health rules t0QbQo-_d_I-00021-00005123-00005410 still require those who have not been vaccinated t0QbQo-_d_I-00022-00005410-00005782 to be subject to testing and isolation protocols. t0QbQo-_d_I-00023-00005782-00006096 We are planning for a great semester at The Capstone, t0QbQo-_d_I-00024-00006096-00006439 and I don't want anyone to miss out on this fall. t0QbQo-_d_I-00025-00006439-00006813 Students, you can schedule your free vaccination t0QbQo-_d_I-00026-00006813-00007033 at the UA Student Health Center t0QbQo-_d_I-00027-00007033-00007363 or through any number of local providers. t0QbQo-_d_I-00028-00007363-00007668 And you can receive your second dose here, t0QbQo-_d_I-00029-00007668-00007865 even if your first dose was provided t0QbQo-_d_I-00030-00007865-00008151 at an off-campus facility elsewhere. t0QbQo-_d_I-00031-00008151-00008283 Faculty and staff, t0QbQo-_d_I-00032-00008283-00008533 if you or an eligible family member t0QbQo-_d_I-00033-00008533-00008734 are in need of a vaccine, t0QbQo-_d_I-00034-00008734-00008947 please contact the University Medical Center t0QbQo-_d_I-00035-00008947-00009134 to schedule an appointment. t0QbQo-_d_I-00036-00009134-00009372 We need your support to do everything possible t0QbQo-_d_I-00037-00009372-00009768 to protect our community and keep us all Tide Together. t0QbQo-_d_I-00038-00009768-00009925 Thank you and Roll Tide. t1-eg2-rnOA-00000-00000136-00000240 Hey everyone! t1-eg2-rnOA-00001-00000240-00000698 This is EmuChicken from Team Pandory and today we've got a package from China. t1-eg2-rnOA-00002-00000721-00001160 I pulled off the sticker so it looks a bit messy and BANG! Wow! t1-eg2-rnOA-00003-00001160-00001757 If you like red, please subscribe. It's a pretty color. Let's pull this off. t1-eg2-rnOA-00004-00001907-00002178 Seems like i've ordered another mini pc. t1-eg2-rnOA-00005-00002256-00002914 It's actually really well packed. It's got this soft stuff and it's so tight. t1-eg2-rnOA-00006-00002952-00003418 Even after banging it a few times this product will be in tip-top shape. t1-eg2-rnOA-00007-00003795-00004232 This is actually the same mini pc that the Super Console X PC is using. t1-eg2-rnOA-00008-00004232-00004576 If you want the same pc fully loaded, check the links below. t1-eg2-rnOA-00009-00004576-00004873 Today's review will be for the bare bones system. t1-eg2-rnOA-00010-00004873-00005036 Let's get cracking. t1-eg2-rnOA-00011-00005051-00005360 It's a very attractive model, will give you a quick spin. t1-eg2-rnOA-00012-00005360-00006188 HDMI, Display Port, two Lan ports. We have many holes on top. t1-eg2-rnOA-00013-00006261-00006676 On the bottom we've got scams, perhaps. I don't know. t1-eg2-rnOA-00014-00006736-00007479 What's this? Wow! It's a mouse mat! Oh, we are going to use this. t1-eg2-rnOA-00015-00007504-00008173 Here's the manual, if you want to read it, hit the pause button. It's in Chinese and English. t1-eg2-rnOA-00016-00008360-00009134 A CD-R with the drivers. A quick start guide again in English and Chinese. t1-eg2-rnOA-00017-00009453-00010241 Some pieces of paper that mean nothing. At the bottom here, we have two birdhouses. t1-eg2-rnOA-00018-00010289-00010704 Maybe not, I might be able to make it into a birdhouse. t1-eg2-rnOA-00019-00010752-00012016 We have a cable and little feet for the pc. A VESA mount for the back of the monitor. t1-eg2-rnOA-00020-00012197-00012416 A HDMI cable. t1-eg2-rnOA-00021-00012575-00013278 ...And the power adapter. 19 volts 4.74 amps. t1-eg2-rnOA-00022-00013400-00013718 For today's size comparison we will use... t1-eg2-rnOA-00023-00013893-00014010 A post-it. t1-eg2-rnOA-00024-00014063-00014422 This mini pc is around four post-it notes big. t1-eg2-rnOA-00025-00014653-00015152 If you want to compare it to a Super Console X or the mini pc we had on earlier, t1-eg2-rnOA-00026-00015152-00015633 it's like this. A squeeze sandwich. t1-eg2-rnOA-00027-00015777-00016584 From the garden we have the specs. This is the E3 1505 m555 ... what the? t1-eg2-rnOA-00028-00016584-00017072 Hey EmuChicken! I've come from the future! This is not the real spec of this device! t1-eg2-rnOA-00029-00017072-00017482 It's a V6! I repeat, a V6 and then..... t1-eg2-rnOA-00030-00017544-00017912 My future self came back in time to warn us that it was a V6. t1-eg2-rnOA-00031-00017912-00018600 I asked the shop, and what gets sent out is whatever's in stock. Let's crack on! t1-eg2-rnOA-00032-00018600-00018950 Like all mini pcs you can just simply put it next to your monitor. t1-eg2-rnOA-00033-00018950-00019353 Or in this case we're going to fit the mount. t1-eg2-rnOA-00034-00019416-00019824 The pc also requires these things to be screwed in. t1-eg2-rnOA-00035-00019953-00020269 Now she can just slide on. t1-eg2-rnOA-00036-00020504-00021453 Let's give her some HDMI, power and a USB dongle for our logitech keyboard. t1-eg2-rnOA-00037-00022080-00022584 For a complete review we need to use the mouse mat. t1-eg2-rnOA-00038-00022977-00023278 Then on first boot, straight into Windows. t1-eg2-rnOA-00039-00023296-00023758 It took maybe five to ten seconds, and we're pretty much ready to go. t1-eg2-rnOA-00040-00023792-00024064 I was quite surprised that the language settings wereall done. t1-eg2-rnOA-00041-00024064-00024408 But as I'm in Japan, it was all set to Japanese. t1-eg2-rnOA-00042-00024408-00025133 As the operating system is Windows 10 Pro, we can download a language pack andselect one. t1-eg2-rnOA-00043-00025144-00025376 We can see that there are two partitions. t1-eg2-rnOA-00044-00025376-00025895 Local disk C has Windows on it with 73 gigabytes free space. t1-eg2-rnOA-00045-00025895-00026356 Our D partition is completely empty with 138 gigabytes free. t1-eg2-rnOA-00046-00026376-00026832 First website I go to with anyfresh install is ninite.com. t1-eg2-rnOA-00047-00026832-00027230 It is all free software so just pickthe apps you want and get your Ninite. t1-eg2-rnOA-00048-00027230-00027600 Using Malwarebytes, we foundno malware on this system. t1-eg2-rnOA-00049-00027664-00028200 When using super anti-spywarewe found a Chinese antivirus. t1-eg2-rnOA-00050-00028200-00028452 We can remove it with the same software. t1-eg2-rnOA-00051-00028464-00029104 Quickly to the benchmarks. With Geekbench it reports that it is indeed a V6 CPU. t1-eg2-rnOA-00052-00029104-00029738 Crystaldiskmark. Shizuku is just my type. t1-eg2-rnOA-00053-00029738-00030282 Regular tasks, such as internet shopping? No problems here. It's quite a joy to use. t1-eg2-rnOA-00054-00030295-00031101 Windows is actually very snappy, and I want some new socks! These look fantastic! t1-eg2-rnOA-00055-00031208-00031730 Using this for office use, no problems at all. This is a joy to use. t1-eg2-rnOA-00056-00031730-00032488 Even for those extremelyskilled at Excel, like myself. Or things like word processing. Piece of cake! t1-eg2-rnOA-00057-00032824-00033719 As we have a fairly capable processor,graphics tools like Krita orPhotoshop are also on the table. t1-eg2-rnOA-00058-00033960-00035184 4k footage from YouTube. t1-eg2-rnOA-00059-00035784-00036584 This is a PC, so Netflix is good to go! t1-eg2-rnOA-00060-00037105-00037504 Now let's get into some next level gaming. t1-eg2-rnOA-00061-00037504-00037984 King's quest 2, Romancing the Throne. t1-eg2-rnOA-00062-00039280-00039482 Pinball FX3. t1-eg2-rnOA-00063-00040976-00041449 Horizon Chase Turbo. t1-eg2-rnOA-00064-00042768-00043067 TrackMania 2 Stadium. t1-eg2-rnOA-00065-00043208-00043834 If any of you guys out there like racing games, this one is a blast! t1-eg2-rnOA-00066-00044739-00045384 Rocket League. I had to tone it down a little to 720p. t1-eg2-rnOA-00067-00045384-00045867 A little slow but playable. t1-eg2-rnOA-00068-00046648-00047188 Streets of Rage 4. t1-eg2-rnOA-00069-00048568-00049184 The King of Fighters 13. t1-eg2-rnOA-00070-00050379-00050632 Among Us. t1-eg2-rnOA-00071-00050864-00051693 The officer in the red uniform has no chance. t1-eg2-rnOA-00072-00052139-00052296 Counter Strike GO. t1-eg2-rnOA-00073-00052336-00053070 With graphic settings are low, 1080p is looking at about 30 FPS. t1-eg2-rnOA-00074-00053419-00053969 This mini pc struggles alittle with 3d acceleration. t1-eg2-rnOA-00075-00054147-00054608 Skyrim Special Edition was at 15FPS, so this is the standard version. t1-eg2-rnOA-00076-00054608-00054855 This is at 1080p with low settings. t1-eg2-rnOA-00077-00054855-00055505 If you require more fps just lookat the floor. Here's some gameplay. t1-eg2-rnOA-00078-00056448-00057624 As we have a fairly macho CPU,Civilization should be no problem. t1-eg2-rnOA-00079-00057624-00058069 Now onto some arcade games. Geometry Wars 3. t1-eg2-rnOA-00080-00058712-00059008 Raiden 5. t1-eg2-rnOA-00081-00059698-00060239 All is not complete without checking some emulation action! t1-eg2-rnOA-00082-00060239-00060471 Dead or Alive 2. Sega Dreamcast. t1-eg2-rnOA-00083-00060879-00061279 Tekken 6. PSP. t1-eg2-rnOA-00084-00061279-00062212 All PSP games arerunning here at 1080p buffered graphics. High quality at 16 times anti-aliasing. t1-eg2-rnOA-00085-00062488-00062937 Outrun 2006, Coast to Coast. t1-eg2-rnOA-00086-00064264-00064400 God of Bore. t1-eg2-rnOA-00087-00064544-00065400 Still runs a bit like trash, but with graphic settings down a click you'll have a solid 60FPS. t1-eg2-rnOA-00088-00066224-00066510 Final fantasy 10. PlayStation 2. t1-eg2-rnOA-00089-00066736-00067130 While this game runs at full speed, it's not the same across the board. t1-eg2-rnOA-00090-00067144-00067621 We tried Outrun 2006 and it ran very badly. t1-eg2-rnOA-00091-00067800-00068400 Moving on to some Nintendo. This one is Cruising USA on the N64. t1-eg2-rnOA-00092-00069400-00069600 F-Zero GX. Gamecube. t1-eg2-rnOA-00093-00069648-00069910 This one is running at two times resolution. t1-eg2-rnOA-00094-00069910-00070542 It's running at full speed, but if we add any more graphical options, it will slow down. t1-eg2-rnOA-00095-00071248-00072075 Donkey Kong Country Returns. Nintendo Wii. Two times resolution. t1-eg2-rnOA-00096-00072472-00072794 Pokemon Dating Simulator. 3DS. t1-eg2-rnOA-00097-00072872-00073255 Not 100 percent, but it's playable. t1-eg2-rnOA-00098-00074104-00074681 To get its top off, we need to use a hex wrench. The smallest one will do. t1-eg2-rnOA-00099-00075049-00075720 And voila! Quite a compact unit with no wasted space. t1-eg2-rnOA-00100-00075720-00076328 We have the regular CPU cooler, under that that we have the WiFi module. t1-eg2-rnOA-00101-00076328-00076800 And over here we have space for another NVME SSD. t1-eg2-rnOA-00102-00076800-00077246 If we wish, we can insert another ram module here. t1-eg2-rnOA-00103-00077246-00077605 If you're wondering where everything else is? Me too! t1-eg2-rnOA-00104-00077720-00077896 Let's see what's under this fan. t1-eg2-rnOA-00105-00078072-00078274 Only just four screws at the top. t1-eg2-rnOA-00106-00078359-00078606 I wouldn't do this, unless you know what you're doing. t1-eg2-rnOA-00107-00078606-00078782 We'll need to unplug the fan, too. t1-eg2-rnOA-00108-00079104-00079642 If we clean up this thermal paste, we should be able to see more information about the CPU. t1-eg2-rnOA-00109-00079736-00079876 It's blank. t1-eg2-rnOA-00110-00079952-00080108 Well, now you know. t1-eg2-rnOA-00111-00080136-00080632 The heatsink fan is very odd, it's like a regular one with a slab of copper. t1-eg2-rnOA-00112-00080632-00080872 Will reapply some thermal compound. t1-eg2-rnOA-00113-00080872-00081078 My favorite, MX-4. t1-eg2-rnOA-00114-00081215-00081651 Put on a small amount, then spread it around like jam. t1-eg2-rnOA-00115-00081729-00082114 Same for the CPU, then pop it back together. t1-eg2-rnOA-00116-00082671-00083116 Okay, so if we open the back side we can see a few more components. t1-eg2-rnOA-00117-00083181-00083738 The memory is located on the right here, it's DDR4. t1-eg2-rnOA-00118-00083738-00084064 On the top we have the NVME SSD. t1-eg2-rnOA-00119-00084064-00084898 The pink tab at the top is for the SATA 2.5 inch drive, which you can actually screw in here. t1-eg2-rnOA-00120-00084912-00085168 For example, we could use the Crucial drive. t1-eg2-rnOA-00121-00085168-00085488 I installed Batocera on this in a previous video. t1-eg2-rnOA-00122-00085488-00085928 Then into the bios while turning on. Just hit delete a few times. t1-eg2-rnOA-00123-00085928-00086592 There's not many options here to play with. But at least we can change the boot option. t1-eg2-rnOA-00124-00086592-00086992 We'll change this for the Crucial, then on loading up we have Batocera. t1-eg2-rnOA-00125-00086992-00087320 If we want to use Windows again, we change it back. t1-eg2-rnOA-00126-00087320-00087680 Otherwise, we will have Batocera with a lot of retro gaming goodness. t1-eg2-rnOA-00127-00087680-00088308 If you were to get a loaded system, like the Super Console X PC,this would be already installed and ready to go. t1-eg2-rnOA-00128-00088320-00088603 Perfect for an arcade build. t1-eg2-rnOA-00129-00088736-00089111 So let's go back to the garden for the pros and cons. t1-eg2-rnOA-00130-00089120-00089824 It's a greatly powerful, macho CPU, stays cool. It's quiet, has good wi-fi, Bluetooth t1-eg2-rnOA-00131-00089824-00090092 and you can connect things to it for days. t1-eg2-rnOA-00132-00090291-00090820 Just don't expect this box to play all of the 3d heavy stuff, and you'll be dandy. t1-eg2-rnOA-00133-00090952-00091344 So in conclusion, this is a very capable PC. t1-eg2-rnOA-00134-00091344-00091926 Not quite enough to edit 4k videos, but it's a nice cheap buffet. t1-eg2-rnOA-00135-00091936-00092244 If you enjoyed the video, please like and subscribe. t1-eg2-rnOA-00136-00092256-00092536 Affiliate links are in the video description down below. t1-eg2-rnOA-00137-00092536-00093000 This has been EmuChicken of Team Pandory, and I'll catch you on the next one! t1-eg2-rnOA-00138-00093000-00093174 Bye! t6RjUgCzkhQ-00000-00000090-00000654 Hello, my name is Judith Fathallah and I'm speaking to you today from the COPIM project: t6RjUgCzkhQ-00001-00000654-00001458 that stands for Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs. Specifically t6RjUgCzkhQ-00002-00001458-00002124 about one of our major outputs, which is called the Open Book Collective. The title of this talk t6RjUgCzkhQ-00003-00002124-00002814 is Open Access Monographs for Teaching and Research: Equity and Diversity Beyond Book t6RjUgCzkhQ-00004-00002814-00003252 Processing Charges. You can see some of my contact details right there, t6RjUgCzkhQ-00005-00003252-00003642 I work for both Lancaster and Coventry on this project. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00006-00003756-00004314 So as many of you will be aware, we're seeing a lot of moves for the most part which is welcome, t6RjUgCzkhQ-00007-00004314-00004998 towards an open access landscape for books, including the work of Plan s and cOAlition S, t6RjUgCzkhQ-00008-00004998-00006276 and the fact that as of January 24 the UK's major funder UKRI will require monographs, t6RjUgCzkhQ-00009-00006276-00006845 book chapters and edited collections to be open access within 12 months of publication. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00010-00006845-00007559 We're seeing a lot of new university presses and scholar-led publishers emerge on the landscape, t6RjUgCzkhQ-00011-00007559-00008334 at least some of whose output is open access, and also various large-scale OA book schemes t6RjUgCzkhQ-00012-00008334-00009066 such as Knowledge Unlatched. Cut as happened with Knowledge Unlatched there is a danger here t6RjUgCzkhQ-00013-00009066-00009864 that the takeover and monopoly by commercial companies of open access spaces and commons t6RjUgCzkhQ-00014-00009864-00010662 will lead to excessive Book Processing Charges by a handful of major companies in line with the t6RjUgCzkhQ-00015-00010662-00011418 processes of platform capitalism, or the takeover and monetization of OA spaces. |nd you can see t6RjUgCzkhQ-00016-00011418-00012036 COPIM's full statement on some of the problems of the corporate takeover of OA at the link there. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00017-00012324-00013019 So very briefly, what are some of the problems with Book Processing Charges, or paying to publish t6RjUgCzkhQ-00018-00013019-00013746 books open access, be that the author or their funder? Firstly it's inequitable. Academics with t6RjUgCzkhQ-00019-00013746-00014340 secure long-term funding at wealthy institutions are more likely to get published which leads to an t6RjUgCzkhQ-00020-00014340-00014952 entrenchment of academic hierarchies that already exist, a lack of opportunity and a stultification t6RjUgCzkhQ-00021-00014952-00015647 of fields. It supports commercial monopolies. As I mentioned, there is a danger of the OA landscape t6RjUgCzkhQ-00022-00015647-00016266 being taken over by a few major commercial players; there being less diversity; fewer t6RjUgCzkhQ-00023-00016266-00016800 publishers will survive; and poorer value for money for everyone involved in the supply chain. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00024-00016860-00017538 While there are other ways of funding OS books including institutional support or freemium t6RjUgCzkhQ-00025-00017538-00018174 models, these are kind of unreliable and make it hard for publishers to plan for the future. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00026-00018306-00019206 So what the Open Book Collective provides is an alternative way to go about OA publishing t6RjUgCzkhQ-00027-00019206-00019944 for small to medium publishers. We're bringing together publishers, publishing service providers t6RjUgCzkhQ-00028-00019944-00020544 and research institutions who are committed to a different kind of vision for Open Access, t6RjUgCzkhQ-00029-00020544-00021312 a more sustainable future for OA book-length and long-form scholarship, and what we offer t6RjUgCzkhQ-00030-00021312-00021966 in a nutshell is a not-for-profit collective and platform where libraries can find, assess, t6RjUgCzkhQ-00031-00021966-00022602 and sign up to a range of high quality Open Access packages from diverse publishers, t6RjUgCzkhQ-00032-00022602-00023172 and all members will have the opportunity to be involved in the collective's governance. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00033-00023250-00023808 So we're committed to certain core values, including the care and curation of high quality t6RjUgCzkhQ-00034-00023808-00024534 academic books; bibliodiversity; collaboration and resource sharing rather than competition; t6RjUgCzkhQ-00035-00024534-00025284 networked community building and assistance over profit driven centralization; t6RjUgCzkhQ-00036-00025284-00025710 horizontal working relationships over hierarchy; t6RjUgCzkhQ-00037-00025710-00026382 and safeguarding accessibility to and reuse academic books for a global readership. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00038-00026627-00027768 So how will it work? Well basically - we'll work from the left hand side here - publishers and t6RjUgCzkhQ-00039-00027768-00028554 service providers offer membership programs via our collective and platform libraries sign up to t6RjUgCzkhQ-00040-00028554-00028986 what they would like to support, and I'll tell you a little bit more about that in a second. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00041-00028986-00029760 The platform will generate quotations publishers and service providers receive membership income t6RjUgCzkhQ-00042-00029760-00030462 less fees, and I want to state here that the OBC is a charity, it's not for profit it is only t6RjUgCzkhQ-00043-00030462-00031098 generating the income to sustain itself. And libraries receive public recognition of t6RjUgCzkhQ-00044-00031098-00031692 support for OA publishing as well as other benefits such as annual reports, and I'll t6RjUgCzkhQ-00045-00031692-00032238 tell you a bit more about that in a moment. So there's going to be a choice of flexible t6RjUgCzkhQ-00046-00032238-00032922 subscription packages that libraries can sign up to or they can make, individual publishing schemes t6RjUgCzkhQ-00047-00032922-00033474 or the entire collective. So we'll support the publication discovery and distribution t6RjUgCzkhQ-00048-00033474-00033996 of OA books and make it very easy for OA books to be delivered to libraries. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00049-00033996-00034530 Librarians have told us that this can be a problem sometimes due to for example a lack t6RjUgCzkhQ-00050-00034530-00035232 of reliable metadata, which all our books will be fully finished with. This is called a library t6RjUgCzkhQ-00051-00035232-00035802 membership model and it has been used previously, but we are building on this and expanding on this t6RjUgCzkhQ-00052-00035802-00036420 by offering not one package but many for libraries to easily compare and assess and t6RjUgCzkhQ-00053-00036420-00037158 build and/or build a bespoke one. So it helps publishers if start a lirbary membership scheme t6RjUgCzkhQ-00054-00037158-00037728 if they don't have one, it makes the catalogue and metadata functions freely available to anyone, t6RjUgCzkhQ-00055-00037728-00038352 and it massively assists and time-saves the librarian in easily assessing OA content t6RjUgCzkhQ-00056-00038352-00038940 for local and global relevance and comparing the offerings for different publishers in one place. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00057-00039066-00039780 So this is just indicative content here, it's a pretty quick preview of what the platform website t6RjUgCzkhQ-00058-00039780-00040284 is going to look like. If you scroll down from the first page it'll look like that, you can see t6RjUgCzkhQ-00059-00040284-00040944 the different options to take action for different kinds of stakeholders, you can see the pages for t6RjUgCzkhQ-00060-00041076-00041592 library members to build their quotation here, and the selection of some publishers and service t6RjUgCzkhQ-00061-00041592-00042186 providers. So this is going to be extremely time-saving and convenient for librarians and t6RjUgCzkhQ-00062-00042186-00042846 make it easy for them to demonstrate local value to their budget holders. That's something that t6RjUgCzkhQ-00063-00042846-00043566 librarians in developing the OBC have told us is very important to them, because quite often they t6RjUgCzkhQ-00064-00043566-00044178 have funds to support open access but there's such a confusing array of options that they don't know t6RjUgCzkhQ-00065-00044178-00044832 where best to invest them. Again. the OBC is guaranteed to remain non-profit t6RjUgCzkhQ-00066-00044832-00045444 it cannot be taken over by commercial interests and will always be governed by its community. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00067-00045444-00046116 All members will have the opportunity to be fully involved in governance. So if you'd like t6RjUgCzkhQ-00068-00046116-00046692 to connect with us and get involved, you can see that I am a Research and Outreach officer t6RjUgCzkhQ-00069-00046692-00047400 for work package 2 which is producing the Open Book Collective. There's my email. You can see t6RjUgCzkhQ-00070-00047400-00048090 the addresses for our European contact and our US contact, and our Twitter address @OpenBookCollect. t6RjUgCzkhQ-00071-00048144-00048714 The work package 2 leads are Dr. Joe Deville at Lancaster and Eileen Joy, t6RjUgCzkhQ-00072-00048714-00049302 the founding director of punctum books. You can also see all of COPIM's outputs at the address t6RjUgCzkhQ-00073-00049302-00049890 provided as well as our Zenodo, or you can sign up to the OBC mailing list, which we definitely t6RjUgCzkhQ-00074-00049890-00050568 recommend you do to get the most recent updates, by simply scanning the code provided. Thank you t6RjUgCzkhQ-00075-00050568-00051096 very much, and please do get in touch with me if you have any questions or would like to know more. t9-_g_yq8sY-00000-00000120-00000640 Hi, and welcome to Lesson Four, where we continue with our analysis of Fourier series. t9-_g_yq8sY-00001-00000808-00001104 Let's begin with step one on ""Complex Coefficients". t9-_g_yq8sY-00002-00001232-00001760 So recall, that the complex Fourier series for the periodic function is given as follows: t9-_g_yq8sY-00003-00001760-00002360 we've got our function f of t expressed as a sum of coefficients c-n, and these t9-_g_yq8sY-00004-00002360-00003056 rotating exponential terms, omega naught n times t, where the coefficients themselves t9-_g_yq8sY-00005-00003056-00003440 are given by the following expression (eq. for c-n) which we derived in the previous lesson. t9-_g_yq8sY-00006-00003632-00004120 So, there are a few changes in notation from the previous case. In particular, t9-_g_yq8sY-00007-00004120-00004800 we're not talking about the spatial coordinate x, but we are talking about the time coordinate t, t9-_g_yq8sY-00008-00004800-00005296 but that's really all that that's changed, and that's mainly because in this lesson and t9-_g_yq8sY-00009-00005296-00005696 in the following lessons we'll be talking about time series, about signals and so on, t9-_g_yq8sY-00010-00005696-00006064 so it's more convenient to get used to a time coordinate now. t9-_g_yq8sY-00011-00006224-00006712 And also we introduced this notation, omega naught, which is the fundamental frequency given t9-_g_yq8sY-00012-00006712-00007272 by this following expression: omega naught is just 2 pi divided by the period of the function. t9-_g_yq8sY-00013-00007408-00007968 And in this step in particular, we will be looking at these coefficients right here (see pointer), t9-_g_yq8sY-00014-00007968-00008584 and we know that they can be complex and we would like to know when and how do they become complex. t9-_g_yq8sY-00015-00008736-00009296 So let's start with a very simple example of a cosine function. In here, in this example we're t9-_g_yq8sY-00016-00009296-00009816 considering the fundamental frequency to be one, so omega naught is one, therefore the function is t9-_g_yq8sY-00017-00009816-00010496 just given by cosine of t, so we can see that it's a "two pi periodic function". And we know t9-_g_yq8sY-00018-00010496-00011016 from previous lessons that its Fourier series expansion is given by the following coefficients, t9-_g_yq8sY-00019-00011072-00011640 where again c-n is given by this following expression (on slide). We are integrating over t9-_g_yq8sY-00020-00011736-00012336 minus pi to pi, so the function is two pi periodic, we are dividing by one over two pi, t9-_g_yq8sY-00021-00012336-00012912 and we've got the function itself weighted by this complex exponential. And we know that all t9-_g_yq8sY-00022-00012912-00013512 of these terms are equal to zero, except for when n is equal to plus or minus one, and at that case t9-_g_yq8sY-00023-00013512-00014272 c-n is equal to half. So if you plot it like this (RHS graph), we only have two contributions to the t9-_g_yq8sY-00024-00014272-00014816 Fourier series: when n is equal to one, and n is equal to minus one. And here on this axis, t9-_g_yq8sY-00025-00014816-00015304 on the vertical axis, we are plotting the absolute value of the coefficient c-n. In this case, t9-_g_yq8sY-00026-00015304-00015824 it doesn't really matter because they are real anyway, but for later when they become complex, t9-_g_yq8sY-00027-00015824-00016304 just bear in mind that the vertical axis represents the modulus of the complex number. t9-_g_yq8sY-00028-00016424-00016672 So let's just check that our Fourier series is correct. t9-_g_yq8sY-00029-00016768-00017400 We substitute into our series expansion, we've got c-(n of minus one) times e to the power of t9-_g_yq8sY-00030-00017400-00018256 minus (i t), plus c1 times e to the (i t). We know that both c1 and c(minus one) are equal to t9-_g_yq8sY-00031-00018256-00018784 half, so we've got a half times the sum of the two exponentials, which we immediately t9-_g_yq8sY-00032-00018784-00019376 can recognize as the cosine of t. So that's good, that's working as it's supposed to be. t9-_g_yq8sY-00033-00019512-00019992 Now, imagine that we shift our function a little bit. Instead of having cosine of t, t9-_g_yq8sY-00034-00019992-00020568 we have this orange line, which is cosine of t plus phi, and the question is now, t9-_g_yq8sY-00035-00020568-00021184 how does it change our spectrum? How does it change the coefficients in our series expansion? t9-_g_yq8sY-00036-00021240-00021784 So let's see what happens. The frequency of the function has not really changed, t9-_g_yq8sY-00037-00021784-00022288 so we expect that the frequency contributions are still at the same locations as they were t9-_g_yq8sY-00038-00022288-00022792 before. Remember, before they were when n is equal to plus one and n is equal to minus one, t9-_g_yq8sY-00039-00022792-00023192 otherwise there were zero everywhere. We expect this to be the case here as well, we're not t9-_g_yq8sY-00040-00023192-00023984 changing the frequency of function. We're just translating it a little bit by a amount of phi. t9-_g_yq8sY-00041-00024040-00024608 So as I said, the peaks should be all still located at plus one and minus one. So what does t9-_g_yq8sY-00042-00024608-00025280 change? Well, let's do it the hard way and let's compute the integrals and the coefficients c-n. t9-_g_yq8sY-00043-00025336-00025872 So again, instead of cosine of t, now our function is given by cosine of t plus phi, t9-_g_yq8sY-00044-00026016-00026608 and if we evaluate this integral, what we get is the following product: we have a product of t9-_g_yq8sY-00045-00026608-00027304 something of this fraction that is a function of n only, and then phi only enters into the product in t9-_g_yq8sY-00046-00027304-00027864 here (see pointer). So we see when phi is equal to zero, which was our initial function cosine of t, t9-_g_yq8sY-00047-00027952-00028520 this complex number here disappears because sine of zero is equal to zero, but this is not true for t9-_g_yq8sY-00048-00028520-00029224 general phi, this is not true for general phase shifts. So the c-n in general is a complex number, t9-_g_yq8sY-00049-00029224-00029816 so we see that when we introduce a phase shift, we turn the c-n to be a complex number in general. t9-_g_yq8sY-00050-00030008-00030288 And just to see how this c-n now behaves, t9-_g_yq8sY-00051-00030368-00031032 here we are plotting n and we are considering it to be a real number, so our argument is n, t9-_g_yq8sY-00052-00031032-00031744 and again we are interested in the modulus of the complex coefficients c-n. And we really only care t9-_g_yq8sY-00053-00031744-00032368 about the values where n is an integer, so zero, one, two, three, four, and also for the negative t9-_g_yq8sY-00054-00032368-00032960 values as well. So we can see what happens is that at n, it's always zero, whether t9-_g_yq8sY-00055-00032960-00033504 we are considering this blue line which for a particular case of phi equals to pi over four, t9-_g_yq8sY-00056-00033504-00034032 or we are considering a different phase shift which is the orange line, and they always t9-_g_yq8sY-00057-00034184-00034896 overlap at the places where n is an integer, so n is equal to minus one, zero, two and so on. t9-_g_yq8sY-00058-00035024-00035544 So from that we can infer that the spectrum, in other words the modulus of the coefficients, t9-_g_yq8sY-00059-00035544-00036080 still remains the same. The only non-zero contributions are at n is minus one and t9-_g_yq8sY-00060-00036080-00036584 n is plus one, and it's zero everywhere else. t9-_g_yq8sY-00061-00036760-00037320 So, by taking the limit of the first part of the product when n is equal to plus and minus one, t9-_g_yq8sY-00062-00037320-00037848 we can see that that is equal to plus or minus one over two. So finally, our complex t9-_g_yq8sY-00063-00037848-00038552 coefficients are given as follows: c of plus and minus one is equal to this complex number, t9-_g_yq8sY-00064-00038552-00039384 it's plus or minus one over two times plus or minus cosine of phi, plus i sine phi. t9-_g_yq8sY-00065-00039384-00039864 So, let's check that we haven't made a mistake. Let's substitute back into t9-_g_yq8sY-00066-00039864-00040448 our Fourier series and see if we recover the original function. So again, in our series, t9-_g_yq8sY-00067-00040448-00041296 we only have two terms: c(minus one) times e to the minus (i t), and c1 e to the (i t), t9-_g_yq8sY-00068-00041440-00041864 and now what we do is we just substitute back, and after a little bit of algebra there will t9-_g_yq8sY-00069-00041864-00042296 be some cancellations, some additions, and what we recover is this expression: t9-_g_yq8sY-00070-00042376-00043016 cos(t) times cos(phi) minus sine(t) times sine(phi), and I'm sure you can recognize t9-_g_yq8sY-00071-00043016-00043584 that as just being cosine of (t plus phi), which is our initial function so everything is fine. t9-_g_yq8sY-00072-00043968-00044680 So, in summary, this is our complex Fourier series with complex coefficients, and these coefficients t9-_g_yq8sY-00073-00044680-00045240 becomes complex when we introduce a phase shift into our function, and these phase shifts, t9-_g_yq8sY-00074-00045240-00045840 really what they mean are time delays. So when we are considering some signal processing and we have t9-_g_yq8sY-00075-00045840-00046384 some time delay, this will change the coefficients in such a way that it will make them complex. t9-_g_yq8sY-00076-00046464-00047096 Now the modulus of the c-n or the amplitude represent the weight of that particular frequency t9-_g_yq8sY-00077-00047096-00047632 contribution into the series. If you remember from previous lessons where we are doing a Fourier t9-_g_yq8sY-00078-00047632-00048152 series of a delta function, all the harmonics were equally important. But this is not generally true, t9-_g_yq8sY-00079-00048152-00048528 and some simple functions like cosine of t which we have seen in this lesson, t9-_g_yq8sY-00080-00048528-00048952 they only have two contributions from n equals plus one and n equals minus one. t9-_g_yq8sY-00081-00049056-00049568 But you have to bear in mind that everything we have done in previous lesson and in the first step t9-_g_yq8sY-00082-00049568-00050232 of this lesson applies only to periodic functions, meaning that if we have any general signal, t9-_g_yq8sY-00083-00050232-00050584 we cannot really apply all of this beautiful machinery which we have developed. t9-_g_yq8sY-00084-00050656-00051104 So now the question: is how do we deal with non-periodic functions? t9-_g_yq8sY-00085-00051104-00051984 And that's when Fourier transforms come in which we will see in the next step. tqLhQQ1EOb8-00000-00000000-00000064 December ttH5ljuXP9U-00000-00000258-00000466 The word of Albert. ttH5ljuXP9U-00001-00000716-00000984 Hello big kids! <3 ttH5ljuXP9U-00002-00000988-00001300 We have something to announce. ttH5ljuXP9U-00003-00001306-00001638 Some of you were waiting for a long time, we hope they will appreciate. ttH5ljuXP9U-00004-00001716-00002072 Albert! Albert! Oscar just told me a really funny joke :-D ttH5ljuXP9U-00005-00002104-00002320 Marine, you are fooling around, I am trying to announce something :-( ttH5ljuXP9U-00006-00002400-00002672 Oh, but I will make your announcement, we will get ride of it quickly. ttH5ljuXP9U-00007-00002678-00003030 Guys, we just opened an Online Shopping site :3 ttH5ljuXP9U-00008-00003036-00003376 You can now buy awesome cups in the colors of the channel! ttH5ljuXP9U-00009-00003896-00004240 Watch out! The sell is temporary: in one month, it will be done. ttH5ljuXP9U-00010-00004262-00004606 But if we can finance a new episode with the benefit, we will do it again. ttH5ljuXP9U-00011-00004630-00004850 Each time with a new set of objects :-) ttH5ljuXP9U-00012-00004950-00005214 It is ok Albert, can tell my joke ? ttH5ljuXP9U-00013-00005500-00005766 What do we say about two cat really in love? ttH5ljuXP9U-00014-00005766-00006014 There are feline in love. ttH5ljuXP9U-00015-00006098-00006290 You joke is bad, isn't it? ttH5ljuXP9U-00016-00006348-00006636 Yes, hum, It is not easy to find a good one ttH5ljuXP9U-00017-00006720-00007040 I have an idea. We will ask help to the big kids that are looking at us! ttH5ljuXP9U-00018-00007094-00007542 Dear internet users, you have one month to post you feline jokes in the comments. ttH5ljuXP9U-00019-00007554-00008008 The author of the joke with more thumbs will win one of our cups. To your keyboards! ttH5ljuXP9U-00020-00008224-00008718 Sells are ending on the December 10th. tx07SaCIP4y-00000-00000314-00000713 Part one is in description :D tx07SaCIP4y-00001-00001009-00002006 Links to original video and to the creator are also in description :D tyubmCH6ywI-00000-00000000-00000486 [MUSIC] tyubmCH6ywI-00001-00001118-00001194 Welcome. tyubmCH6ywI-00002-00001944-00002320 Welcome everyone to our first e-conferences and tyubmCH6ywI-00003-00002320-00002781 before we get started, Josh will introduce our featured speaker. tyubmCH6ywI-00004-00002781-00002854 Just a quick note, tyubmCH6ywI-00005-00002854-00003126 we're gonna talk today about open educational resources and access. tyubmCH6ywI-00006-00003126-00003419 We wanted to mention another tool that tyubmCH6ywI-00007-00003419-00003904 has recently been made available through city for accessibility. tyubmCH6ywI-00008-00003904-00004284 So once we make our course materials available to everyone, tyubmCH6ywI-00009-00004284-00004590 we also want to make sure they're accessible to all of our students, tyubmCH6ywI-00010-00004590-00004829 there is a new tool available on campus called Allie. tyubmCH6ywI-00011-00004829-00005229 It just gives some feedback and helps you, you as an instructor, tyubmCH6ywI-00012-00005229-00005620 to make sure your course materials are available and work for everyone. tyubmCH6ywI-00013-00005620-00005860 If anyone's interested at all in that tool, tyubmCH6ywI-00014-00005860-00006436 we're just doing kind of a pilot with a small group of students. tyubmCH6ywI-00015-00006436-00007003 With instructions, just send an email to accessibility@usu.edu and tyubmCH6ywI-00016-00007003-00007180 we'll get you set up. tyubmCH6ywI-00017-00007180-00007559 And with that, you can get you started and give us some feedback on it. tyubmCH6ywI-00018-00007559-00007898 We will have some more information coming in in the coming months. tyubmCH6ywI-00019-00007898-00008688 Thank you. >> Well welcome everybody. tyubmCH6ywI-00020-00008688-00008860 My name is Joshua Thoms. tyubmCH6ywI-00021-00008860-00009027 I'm an Associate Professor of Spanish and tyubmCH6ywI-00022-00009027-00009353 Applied Linguistics here at Utah State University. tyubmCH6ywI-00023-00009353-00009874 And I'm delighted to see so many people carving out some time during this fall tyubmCH6ywI-00024-00009874-00010267 semester, which is a busy fall semester, with lots of interesting talks and panels. tyubmCH6ywI-00025-00010381-00010887 And I'm really happy to present to you or introduce to you today our speaker. tyubmCH6ywI-00026-00010887-00011388 Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani is the University Teaching Fellow in Open Studies and tyubmCH6ywI-00027-00011388-00011809 a Psychology Professor at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in tyubmCH6ywI-00028-00011809-00012326 Vancouver British Colombia where he conducts research in open education and tyubmCH6ywI-00029-00012326-00012606 the scholarship of learning. tyubmCH6ywI-00030-00012606-00012991 A recipient of the Robert E Knox Master Teacher Award from the University of tyubmCH6ywI-00031-00012991-00013429 British Colombia, and the Dean of Arts Teaching Excellence Award at KPU. tyubmCH6ywI-00032-00013429-00014024 Doctor Jhnagiani serves as Open Education Adviser to BC campus and tyubmCH6ywI-00033-00014024-00014322 Associate Editor of Psychology Learning and tyubmCH6ywI-00034-00014322-00014744 Teaching and an Ambassador for the Center for Open Science. tyubmCH6ywI-00035-00014744-00015318 His books include a Compendium of Scales for use in the Scholarship of Teaching and tyubmCH6ywI-00036-00015318-00015858 Learning, published in 2015, and Open: The Philosophy and Practices tyubmCH6ywI-00037-00015858-00016453 that are Revolutionizing Education and Science, which was published this year. tyubmCH6ywI-00038-00016453-00016927 You can find him online at his Twitter handle there, tyubmCH6ywI-00039-00016927-00017371 that's psycprof, or at thatpsychprof.com. tyubmCH6ywI-00040-00017371-00017769 And just as a reminder, Rajiv will be talking until 3:30, and tyubmCH6ywI-00041-00017769-00018098 then following that, we'll be having a short break. tyubmCH6ywI-00042-00018098-00018556 We will have a hands on workshop for anyone interested in finding more about tyubmCH6ywI-00043-00018556-00018929 locating open educational resources for your discipline. tyubmCH6ywI-00044-00018929-00019373 Looking at the various repositories that are now available to everybody. tyubmCH6ywI-00045-00019373-00019594 And that's here in this same room. tyubmCH6ywI-00046-00019594-00019814 It's starting at 4 and it will end at 5. tyubmCH6ywI-00047-00019814-00020092 So please help me welcome Rajiv. >> Thank you. tyubmCH6ywI-00048-00020092-00020180 >> [APPLAUSE] tyubmCH6ywI-00049-00020180-00020244 >> Thank you. tyubmCH6ywI-00050-00020244-00020436 I don't think I need that, but, yeah. tyubmCH6ywI-00051-00020436-00020696 Thanks very much. tyubmCH6ywI-00052-00020696-00021240 That was quite extraordinary, because very rarely does somebody who I meet tyubmCH6ywI-00053-00021240-00021578 for a time, practically pronounced my last name that well. tyubmCH6ywI-00054-00021578-00022190 And this is precisely why I don't go by my last name on my Twitter handle, on tyubmCH6ywI-00055-00022190-00022600 my website, because it's just complicated, and that that psychprof is a lot easier. tyubmCH6ywI-00056-00022600-00022838 So, I should say, I'm really happy to be here. tyubmCH6ywI-00057-00022838-00023245 Not just at Utah State University for the first time, but in the State of Utah for tyubmCH6ywI-00058-00023245-00023384 the first time. tyubmCH6ywI-00059-00023384-00023449 And so tyubmCH6ywI-00060-00023449-00023960 it's been lovely although it looks like I brought the Canadian weather with me. tyubmCH6ywI-00061-00023960-00024190 Anyway, I'm really happy to be here and tyubmCH6ywI-00062-00024190-00024460 thank you also for taking your time out to be here. tyubmCH6ywI-00063-00024460-00024633 I hope to spend the next hour or so tyubmCH6ywI-00064-00024633-00025082 playing with some ideas with you talking about not just resources but practices. tyubmCH6ywI-00065-00025082-00025639 And how these kinds of practices are not just things that support social justice, tyubmCH6ywI-00066-00025639-00025882 something that matters a great deal to me, but tyubmCH6ywI-00067-00025882-00026244 also very much supports pedagogical innovation. tyubmCH6ywI-00068-00026244-00026552 And we should have a good amount of room to have some discussion and Q and tyubmCH6ywI-00069-00026552-00026654 A at the end as well. tyubmCH6ywI-00070-00026654-00026927 But just in case you're tempted to sort of scribble down tyubmCH6ywI-00071-00026927-00027227 that nugget of wisdom that that's on a particular slide, tyubmCH6ywI-00072-00027227-00027527 please know I'm gonna be twitting out the link to my slides. tyubmCH6ywI-00073-00027527-00027799 They will be available and openly licensed. tyubmCH6ywI-00074-00027799-00028047 So certainly, if you want to refocus them in anyway, tyubmCH6ywI-00075-00028047-00028233 you'll be able to do that your colleagues. tyubmCH6ywI-00076-00028233-00028638 I would be a full ambassador for open if I didn't practice it myself. tyubmCH6ywI-00077-00028638-00028994 But I wanna begin with the thing that is different. tyubmCH6ywI-00078-00028994-00029425 I wanna begin with beautiful personal story if you'll indulge me. tyubmCH6ywI-00079-00029425-00029894 So you can probably tell from my accent, I didn't grow up in Canada, tyubmCH6ywI-00080-00029894-00030308 I grew up in a small town in India, called Bombay. tyubmCH6ywI-00081-00030308-00030655 It's only about 25 million people thereabouts. tyubmCH6ywI-00082-00030655-00030802 Interesting place to grow up certainly, and tyubmCH6ywI-00083-00030802-00031202 I should say growing up, I enjoyed a fair degree of privilege. tyubmCH6ywI-00084-00031375-00031751 Family was quite wealthy, we had stuff, it was the sort of world where you don't tyubmCH6ywI-00085-00031751-00032076 realize that the world outside your door is gonna be really different. tyubmCH6ywI-00086-00032076-00032233 So you grow up with that. tyubmCH6ywI-00087-00032233-00032583 And then, of course, privilege is one of these things where you don't realize you tyubmCH6ywI-00088-00032583-00032770 have it until you lose it, at least in part. tyubmCH6ywI-00089-00032770-00033052 And that's what happened. tyubmCH6ywI-00090-00033052-00033582 Unfortunately, my father suffered a series of health problems, tyubmCH6ywI-00091-00033582-00033910 suffered a series of heart attacks and passed away. tyubmCH6ywI-00092-00033910-00034354 As I was growing up, financial difficulties ensued, and tyubmCH6ywI-00093-00034354-00034550 our family lost our home. tyubmCH6ywI-00094-00034550-00034829 So suddenly from leading a rather privileged existence within tyubmCH6ywI-00095-00034829-00035186 this little bubble, my future was completely uncertain. tyubmCH6ywI-00096-00035186-00035565 And it was at that time that my grandparents took me in. tyubmCH6ywI-00097-00035565-00035928 So my grandfather in particular looked after me, otherwise, tyubmCH6ywI-00098-00035928-00036082 I would have essentially been homeless at the time. tyubmCH6ywI-00099-00036221-00036662 So he was the one who supported my decision to move across the world, tyubmCH6ywI-00100-00036662-00036893 literally, to study. tyubmCH6ywI-00101-00036893-00037290 So I went to Vancouver as an international student and tyubmCH6ywI-00102-00037290-00037640 I don't know how familiar you are with the plight of international students tyubmCH6ywI-00103-00037640-00038028 on the front of extraordinarily high tuition fees of course. tyubmCH6ywI-00104-00038028-00038554 But also in terms of restrictions, is what they can do, visas. tyubmCH6ywI-00105-00038554-00039041 One of the restrictions on me, I love the fact that this is so flexible [LAUGH] that tyubmCH6ywI-00106-00039041-00039357 one of our participants is very cozy. >> [LAUGH] tyubmCH6ywI-00107-00039357-00039715 >> But [LAUGH] the reality of mine, tyubmCH6ywI-00108-00039715-00040522 was that in Vancouver, I couldn't work outside of my campus. tyubmCH6ywI-00109-00040522-00040871 There were only a few jobs I could get on my campus and it took me about a year or tyubmCH6ywI-00110-00040871-00041152 so before I could get out of that usual loop. tyubmCH6ywI-00111-00041152-00041449 Where people ask you for local work experience, but tyubmCH6ywI-00112-00041449-00041682 you don't have that until you get the first option, tyubmCH6ywI-00113-00041682-00042016 the first opportunity to accumulate that local work experience. tyubmCH6ywI-00114-00042016-00042385 So about a year, I managed to get one of the few jobs on campus. tyubmCH6ywI-00115-00042385-00042540 And I started to able to pay my own tuition. tyubmCH6ywI-00116-00042670-00042980 What I want you to sort of try to appreciate at this point how motivated I tyubmCH6ywI-00117-00042980-00043146 was to do well. tyubmCH6ywI-00118-00043146-00043508 Because this was my only shot, essentially. tyubmCH6ywI-00119-00043508-00043876 I knew that every semester I worked hard, and every semester I hit the Dean's List, tyubmCH6ywI-00120-00043876-00044140 those letters of commendation went to India, tyubmCH6ywI-00121-00044140-00044468 to my grandfather's home because he was the one paying my tuition bills. tyubmCH6ywI-00122-00044468-00044699 So I was really motivated to do well. tyubmCH6ywI-00123-00044699-00045018 So it was when I started to be able to pay for my own tuition that he visited. tyubmCH6ywI-00124-00045018-00045232 He came with my grandmother and he visited with me. tyubmCH6ywI-00125-00045232-00045658 It was the summer in Vancouver, which is absolutely gorgeous. tyubmCH6ywI-00126-00045658-00045727 They were with me for tyubmCH6ywI-00127-00045727-00046204 about three weeks, and then they went on to Massachusetts where his brother lives. tyubmCH6ywI-00128-00046204-00046545 And they were meant to stay there for about two weeks. tyubmCH6ywI-00129-00046545-00046886 But they cut short that trip, and about ten days in they left. tyubmCH6ywI-00130-00046886-00047102 My grandmother wanted to go back home to India. tyubmCH6ywI-00131-00047252-00047659 And as they were flying home, there was fog that was enveloping Bombay, so tyubmCH6ywI-00132-00047659-00047855 they were rerouted to New Delhi. tyubmCH6ywI-00133-00047855-00048202 Whereas it turns out, their other daughter lives, so tyubmCH6ywI-00134-00048202-00048512 they spend the night with their other daughter. tyubmCH6ywI-00135-00048512-00048790 The first daughter being my mum, who was with me in Vancouver by that time. tyubmCH6ywI-00136-00048790-00049268 And they spend the night with her, went back to Bombay the next day. tyubmCH6ywI-00137-00049268-00049681 Seven days later, my grandmother passed away, tyubmCH6ywI-00138-00049681-00050095 ten days after that my grandfather passed away. tyubmCH6ywI-00139-00050095-00050524 And to me this was a really bittersweet memory because on the one hand, tyubmCH6ywI-00140-00050524-00050671 of course, it's sad. tyubmCH6ywI-00141-00050671-00051120 On the other hand, of course, they'd been married for more than 50 years. tyubmCH6ywI-00142-00051120-00051615 Clearly, my grandmother wanted to be home, but incredibly few people get a chance to tyubmCH6ywI-00143-00051615-00052030 have that level of closure just before someone so close to them passes. tyubmCH6ywI-00144-00052030-00052144 And not only that, tyubmCH6ywI-00145-00052144-00052704 the fog ensured that they met every member of the closest family before they died. tyubmCH6ywI-00146-00052704-00052783 Which is incredible. tyubmCH6ywI-00147-00052898-00053215 So I'm sharing this story because without my grandfather's faith in me, tyubmCH6ywI-00148-00053215-00053492 without his support of my education, tyubmCH6ywI-00149-00053492-00053809 I would not have been in Vancouver as an international student. tyubmCH6ywI-00150-00053809-00054028 I would not have become a Canadian citizen. tyubmCH6ywI-00151-00054028-00054285 I would not have become a University Professor. tyubmCH6ywI-00152-00054285-00054441 I certainly wouldn't be here in front of you. tyubmCH6ywI-00153-00054551-00054622 At the same time, tyubmCH6ywI-00154-00054622-00055094 I have to say, when I think about higher education more broadly, I'm concerned tyubmCH6ywI-00155-00055201-00055623 that we're relying too much on families that are as supportive as mine was. tyubmCH6ywI-00156-00055623-00056066 And that stories like mine, all becoming all too rare. tyubmCH6ywI-00157-00056252-00056605 So before I go too much further, I want to just point out this image. tyubmCH6ywI-00158-00056800-00057044 The picture that looks in the background in this type of slide, tyubmCH6ywI-00159-00057044-00057316 does anyone recognize what mountain range this is? tyubmCH6ywI-00160-00057562-00057687 It's not in North America. tyubmCH6ywI-00161-00058052-00058138 We'll come back to that. tyubmCH6ywI-00162-00058138-00058294 I'll leave you in suspense for a little bit. tyubmCH6ywI-00163-00058294-00058449 >> [LAUGH] tyubmCH6ywI-00164-00058449-00058675 >> But let me start by saying this, tyubmCH6ywI-00165-00058675-00059127 I believe that higher education is a vehicle for economic and social mobility. tyubmCH6ywI-00166-00059253-00059529 And I say that because that's really my lived experience. tyubmCH6ywI-00167-00059529-00059921 I believe that it is an incredible tool to unlock your win potential. tyubmCH6ywI-00168-00059921-00060304 At the same time, I confess the more I examine the structure of higher education, tyubmCH6ywI-00169-00060304-00060664 the more I see that it's actually structured in a way that reinforces and tyubmCH6ywI-00170-00060664-00060930 replicates existing power structures. tyubmCH6ywI-00171-00060930-00061136 And this is something that worries me terribly. tyubmCH6ywI-00172-00061136-00061423 Like I said, stories like mine are becoming all too rare. tyubmCH6ywI-00173-00061423-00061829 Now, few people realize there's actually language embedded tyubmCH6ywI-00174-00061829-00062141 within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. tyubmCH6ywI-00175-00062141-00062513 Concerning the importance of equal access to higher education. tyubmCH6ywI-00176-00062513-00062749 This is article 26 by the way. tyubmCH6ywI-00177-00062749-00063042 And even when we think about this, I think our minds immediately go to the third tyubmCH6ywI-00178-00063042-00063353 world or places like where I grew up where there's not enough seats for tyubmCH6ywI-00179-00063353-00063633 the number of students, or maybe there's insufficient infrastructure. tyubmCH6ywI-00180-00063738-00063860 But I'm talking about here. tyubmCH6ywI-00181-00063860-00064344 North America, Canada, United States, Utah State University. tyubmCH6ywI-00182-00064458-00064519 In this country, tyubmCH6ywI-00183-00064519-00064805 this is according to a study commissioned by the Department of Education. tyubmCH6ywI-00184-00064805-00065397 In just the first decade of this century, 2.4 million students could not attend or tyubmCH6ywI-00185-00065397-00065716 complete college because of the cost barrier. tyubmCH6ywI-00186-00065716-00065925 These are students who were qualified in every way. tyubmCH6ywI-00187-00065925-00066186 They took the right courses, they had the right grades, tyubmCH6ywI-00188-00066186-00066383 it was just cost that was their barrier. tyubmCH6ywI-00189-00066498-00066909 This is what I mean by the structure of higher education itself. tyubmCH6ywI-00190-00066909-00067217 And it's not a huge surprise cuz you've been working in higher ed for tyubmCH6ywI-00191-00067217-00067463 any time at all, you'll be well aware tyubmCH6ywI-00192-00067463-00067795 of the gradual pullback in state appropriations for higher ed funding. tyubmCH6ywI-00193-00067795-00067973 You may across this country, and tyubmCH6ywI-00194-00067973-00068393 especially in light of the financial crisis about a decade ago. tyubmCH6ywI-00195-00068393-00068652 Now, of course, there's been a slight recovery since then, but tyubmCH6ywI-00196-00068652-00068913 you can also see that there has been an increasing amount of burden being tyubmCH6ywI-00197-00068913-00069273 placed on students in the form of tuition, so that has been going up. tyubmCH6ywI-00198-00069273-00069463 This is a snapshot of the nation, tyubmCH6ywI-00199-00069463-00069940 if you're interested in what Utah looks like, there you go, really, tyubmCH6ywI-00200-00069940-00070446 really similar to the nation as a whole. >> So even though Utah does fairly well in tyubmCH6ywI-00201-00070446-00070914 this country on a variety of benchmarks, we're not that different on average. tyubmCH6ywI-00202-00071128-00071461 But this is still hard to process, so I spent some time on your website and tyubmCH6ywI-00203-00071461-00071651 this is what I dredged up. tyubmCH6ywI-00204-00071651-00071886 Now, of course, when I say cost of attendance, tyubmCH6ywI-00205-00071886-00072312 I'm not just talking about tuition, I'm talking about this is an in-state student, tyubmCH6ywI-00206-00072312-00072624 what your website says would have to spend for a year of studies. tyubmCH6ywI-00207-00072624-00072994 Including room and board, on campus, so on campus, okay? tyubmCH6ywI-00208-00072994-00073381 Living on campus, food, tuition, of course, other fees, and books and tyubmCH6ywI-00209-00073381-00073449 materials. tyubmCH6ywI-00210-00073449-00073716 That's what that costs for one year, okay? tyubmCH6ywI-00211-00073846-00074230 And then here's a little exercise, tyubmCH6ywI-00212-00074230-00074480 imagine you have a student over here, working a minimum wage job. tyubmCH6ywI-00213-00074581-00074805 Question for me is, how many hours would it take this student, tyubmCH6ywI-00214-00074805-00075155 working a minimum wage job, to pay for one year of their education. tyubmCH6ywI-00215-00075155-00075471 Assuming they do not have a family like mine, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00216-00075471-00075544 This is your answer. tyubmCH6ywI-00217-00075673-00076347 And if you translate this into a per week number, there you go. tyubmCH6ywI-00218-00076347-00076832 Yeah, so what I'm trying to say is that plan a is just be born in tyubmCH6ywI-00219-00076832-00077123 a wealthy family, not a great plan. tyubmCH6ywI-00220-00077123-00077530 Plan b work and of course our students are working at numbers that tyubmCH6ywI-00221-00077530-00077819 we never had to work at as because of this. tyubmCH6ywI-00222-00077819-00078153 But there are not enough hours in the day to work and actually go to school. tyubmCH6ywI-00223-00078153-00078379 I'm sure you're well aware of how many of your students are trying to hold down tyubmCH6ywI-00224-00078379-00078673 part-time and often full-time jobs while they're going to school. tyubmCH6ywI-00225-00078848-00079187 So what do we do if we can't pay for it through work? tyubmCH6ywI-00226-00079187-00079661 Third option, anyone? >> [INAUDIBLE] tyubmCH6ywI-00227-00079661-00079820 >> Says the student in the room, tyubmCH6ywI-00228-00079820-00079891 excellent. tyubmCH6ywI-00229-00079891-00080334 Indeed, I see debt people, but do you? tyubmCH6ywI-00230-00080435-00080705 We don't realize how many of our students require a student loan to be in tyubmCH6ywI-00231-00080705-00080762 the classroom. tyubmCH6ywI-00232-00080762-00081127 More than 40% of Utah State University tyubmCH6ywI-00233-00081127-00081404 students will require a student loan, right now. tyubmCH6ywI-00234-00081534-00081685 That's a big number. tyubmCH6ywI-00235-00081685-00082099 Average debt from your students, in fact, is about $19,000. tyubmCH6ywI-00236-00082099-00082223 That's just on average. tyubmCH6ywI-00237-00082223-00082678 Now mind you, that's lower than the national average by some distance. tyubmCH6ywI-00238-00082678-00082862 It's still quite high. tyubmCH6ywI-00239-00082862-00083058 So that's in 2015. tyubmCH6ywI-00240-00083058-00083568 That's now closer, about $19,000 and as I said over 40%. tyubmCH6ywI-00241-00083568-00083834 It's gone from 47 to 41% for the last couple of years, which is great. tyubmCH6ywI-00242-00083834-00084355 So you're doing well, better than the rest of the nation but you have to know tyubmCH6ywI-00243-00084355-00084845 your nation is doing really poorly, relative to the rest of the world. tyubmCH6ywI-00244-00084845-00085212 But it's not just the immediate debt, you have to think about what follows, tyubmCH6ywI-00245-00085212-00085504 how long does it take students to pay off those loans, okay? tyubmCH6ywI-00246-00085504-00085949 Think about everyone at our campuses have students wellness programs, tyubmCH6ywI-00247-00086101-00086543 what are the mental health implications of this kind of debt? tyubmCH6ywI-00248-00086543-00086768 What happens to the delaying of life milestones? tyubmCH6ywI-00249-00086768-00087146 How many more years are they waiting to get married, to buy a house, tyubmCH6ywI-00250-00087146-00087356 to settle down because of this debt? tyubmCH6ywI-00251-00087356-00087472 Those are some questions for me. tyubmCH6ywI-00252-00087582-00087845 This is a marketing campaign that I will never forget. tyubmCH6ywI-00253-00087845-00088166 My alma mater University of British Columbia had this marketing campaign. tyubmCH6ywI-00254-00088166-00088413 We wanted to celebrate the students who were graduating. tyubmCH6ywI-00255-00088413-00088514 So around convocation, tyubmCH6ywI-00256-00088514-00088818 I put these posters on campus that gives students these markers. tyubmCH6ywI-00257-00088818-00089056 Fill in your most memorable experience. tyubmCH6ywI-00258-00089056-00089354 That's not what they were hoping was going to happen. tyubmCH6ywI-00259-00089354-00089582 But that's the picture that went viral of course. tyubmCH6ywI-00260-00089747-00089855 But this is the reality. tyubmCH6ywI-00261-00089855-00090005 This is the reality of today's students. tyubmCH6ywI-00262-00090005-00090386 And I'm not gonna belabor this point too much, but I will point you to this. tyubmCH6ywI-00263-00090386-00090727 There's a couple of resources if you're interested in learning about the reality tyubmCH6ywI-00264-00090727-00090811 of students today. tyubmCH6ywI-00265-00090811-00091270 And the implications of this, this is a really, really brilliant resource. tyubmCH6ywI-00266-00091270-00091572 Sarah Goldrick-Rab was formally at Wisconsin Madison and tyubmCH6ywI-00267-00091572-00091867 now she's at Temple University, a wonderful scholar and tyubmCH6ywI-00268-00091867-00092219 she published this book less than a year ago called Paying the Price. tyubmCH6ywI-00269-00092219-00092597 And I think it really lays bare the price that students in the United States tyubmCH6ywI-00270-00092597-00092927 are paying to try and access and benefit from higher education. tyubmCH6ywI-00271-00092927-00093211 One of the most important manifestations of tyubmCH6ywI-00272-00093211-00093607 this that she highlights is food insecurity. tyubmCH6ywI-00273-00093607-00093915 So, I will point you to another report, if you are interested in this as well, tyubmCH6ywI-00274-00093915-00094120 published just under the other goal as well. tyubmCH6ywI-00275-00094227-00094701 Again, nationally representative sample, more than half of the students in that tyubmCH6ywI-00276-00094701-00095124 sample report some degree of food insecurity in the preceding 30 days. tyubmCH6ywI-00277-00095124-00095341 And again, if you're thinking well, tyubmCH6ywI-00278-00095341-00095792 I can see how that's the case maybe in community colleges in the cities. tyubmCH6ywI-00279-00095792-00096080 But no actually that's the case of USU. tyubmCH6ywI-00280-00096080-00096542 You may be familiar with SNAC, Student Nutrition Access Center on Campus, tyubmCH6ywI-00281-00096542-00096881 which is an 80% increase in the two's by two students of last year, tyubmCH6ywI-00282-00096881-00097002 this is here at USU. tyubmCH6ywI-00283-00097198-00097489 So I want you to think about this because when we get those e-mails from tyubmCH6ywI-00284-00097489-00097868 students at the start of every semester well now maybe even two weeks ago. tyubmCH6ywI-00285-00097993-00098043 Hey prof. tyubmCH6ywI-00286-00098171-00098355 Right? Do I really need the book? tyubmCH6ywI-00287-00098355-00098594 May I use an older edition? tyubmCH6ywI-00288-00098594-00098867 I want you to think about the food and insecurity that's lurking behind that tyubmCH6ywI-00289-00099018-00099364 cuz when it comes to living, whether it's on campus or tyubmCH6ywI-00290-00099364-00099671 off campus, students can't say easily I'm not gonna pay rent. tyubmCH6ywI-00291-00099771-00099975 They can choose to starve themselves, though. tyubmCH6ywI-00292-00099975-00100132 That's what they do. tyubmCH6ywI-00293-00100132-00100428 When it comes to tuition, they can't say, I'm not going to pay tuition. tyubmCH6ywI-00294-00100428-00100510 But they can say, tyubmCH6ywI-00295-00100510-00100887 I'm going to try to see how far I can go in this course without buying the books. tyubmCH6ywI-00296-00100887-00101008 And that's what they do. tyubmCH6ywI-00297-00101008-00101194 There's a parallel there. tyubmCH6ywI-00298-00101194-00101302 So that's why I'm talking about books. tyubmCH6ywI-00299-00101302-00101452 There's actually a couple of reasons. tyubmCH6ywI-00300-00101452-00101804 Even though this is not the biggest piece of the pie, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00301-00101804-00102051 As an individual faculty member I cannot, tyubmCH6ywI-00302-00102051-00102433 I don't think you can influence tuition or cost of living. tyubmCH6ywI-00303-00102433-00102783 But as faculty, this we control, required course materials. tyubmCH6ywI-00304-00102783-00103010 We are the only people who control this. tyubmCH6ywI-00305-00103010-00103350 Thank goodness for academic [INAUDIBLE]. tyubmCH6ywI-00306-00103350-00103722 But control is not the only reason why I'm highlighting this. tyubmCH6ywI-00307-00103722-00104225 The other reason is that if you will look at consumer goods across the board, tyubmCH6ywI-00308-00104225-00104704 there is actually no other consumer good period that has risen in costs as tyubmCH6ywI-00309-00104704-00104903 much as academic textbooks. tyubmCH6ywI-00310-00104903-00105095 None, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00311-00105095-00105568 More than 1000% since 1977 and it doesn't matter. tyubmCH6ywI-00312-00105568-00105901 You can look at the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics which is tyubmCH6ywI-00313-00105901-00106100 a public government website, of course. tyubmCH6ywI-00314-00106100-00106255 And to tell you, I've spent a lot of time there. tyubmCH6ywI-00315-00106255-00106589 You can look the last five years, the last ten years and if you do the time, tyubmCH6ywI-00316-00106589-00106876 it's always been more than three times the rate of inflation, tyubmCH6ywI-00317-00106876-00107129 the cost of textbooks going on more than anything else. tyubmCH6ywI-00318-00107423-00107647 So those are two reasons. tyubmCH6ywI-00319-00107647-00108114 He now live in the era of the $400 textbook, sorry to say and tyubmCH6ywI-00320-00108114-00108267 that not isolated example. tyubmCH6ywI-00321-00108267-00108678 Here's another one, although I might be picking on one particular publisher today. tyubmCH6ywI-00322-00109074-00109189 This is deeply problematic. tyubmCH6ywI-00323-00109298-00109554 Now, at my institution tuition, right, tyubmCH6ywI-00324-00109554-00109761 I work at the public undergraduate institution. tyubmCH6ywI-00325-00109933-00110295 We are an open admissions institution, our mandate is to serve. tyubmCH6ywI-00326-00110295-00110422 So tuition is low. tyubmCH6ywI-00327-00110422-00110833 Tuition at our institution is $400 for a three credit course. tyubmCH6ywI-00328-00110833-00111158 Textbooks can be $400 for a three credit course. tyubmCH6ywI-00329-00111158-00111445 And so I think there is only one appropriate reaction to a $400 tyubmCH6ywI-00330-00111445-00111928 textbook and I think this is it. >> [LAUGH] tyubmCH6ywI-00331-00111928-00112251 >> I love that reaction, it's great. tyubmCH6ywI-00332-00112485-00112820 And this is why students across the country, in fact, across the continent, tyubmCH6ywI-00333-00112820-00113031 have launched a social media campaign. tyubmCH6ywI-00334-00113031-00113363 If you look for the #textbookbroke at the start of every semester, tyubmCH6ywI-00335-00113363-00113667 you'll see students coming out of bookstores across the country. tyubmCH6ywI-00336-00113667-00113983 Tweeting up pictures of their receipts to show the world how much they've spent on tyubmCH6ywI-00337-00113983-00114199 textbooks for a single semester. tyubmCH6ywI-00338-00114199-00114497 They'll have whiteboards, like this, where they'll list how much they've spent on tyubmCH6ywI-00339-00114497-00114753 textbooks, too much, some students writing in, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00340-00114753-00114944 I don't know if you can see the one at the bottom, tyubmCH6ywI-00341-00114944-00115150 how much did you spend? >> My first born. tyubmCH6ywI-00342-00115150-00115525 >> [LAUGH] tyubmCH6ywI-00343-00115525-00115656 >> And it's funny of course, but tyubmCH6ywI-00344-00115656-00115815 it's not so funny. tyubmCH6ywI-00345-00115815-00116033 We have a principal agent problem, tyubmCH6ywI-00346-00116033-00116313 we are the ones who make the decisions about the required course materials, tyubmCH6ywI-00347-00116313-00116665 we are not the ones who suffer the conswquences of that decision. tyubmCH6ywI-00348-00116665-00117025 This is why our best estimates are about 35% of faculty actually tyubmCH6ywI-00349-00117025-00117419 have no idea what the course resources they have assigned. tyubmCH6ywI-00350-00117419-00117577 This is a problem. tyubmCH6ywI-00351-00117577-00117991 So when we list certain text books let's say as required in our syllabi tyubmCH6ywI-00352-00117991-00118252 of course our students will do, they're creative, tyubmCH6ywI-00353-00118252-00118531 they're bright, they'll find all sorts of ways to get around that. tyubmCH6ywI-00354-00118531-00118593 There's fewer and tyubmCH6ywI-00355-00118593-00118944 fewer students buying brand new hard cover copies at the book store right? tyubmCH6ywI-00356-00118944-00119077 They will buy used copies. tyubmCH6ywI-00357-00119077-00119388 If it's possible, if there's not a new edition that's come out during the summer tyubmCH6ywI-00358-00119388-00119886 essentially or we'll resell at the end of the semester if possible, tyubmCH6ywI-00359-00119886-00120146 if there's not a new edition that's come out midway through the semester tyubmCH6ywI-00360-00120146-00120438 rendering the $200 textbook worth $10. tyubmCH6ywI-00361-00120438-00120860 They buy online, they'll rent, a lot of students are now sharing purchases which tyubmCH6ywI-00362-00120860-00121142 is of course not particularly optimal. tyubmCH6ywI-00363-00121142-00121310 I used to photocopy. tyubmCH6ywI-00364-00121310-00121620 A lot of them are realizing they can buy the so called international addition tyubmCH6ywI-00365-00121620-00122098 of text books, which are essentially the same content at a fraction of the cost and tyubmCH6ywI-00366-00122098-00122336 increasingly old editions of the text books. tyubmCH6ywI-00367-00122336-00122535 And I don't know about you, but when a student emails me, and tyubmCH6ywI-00368-00122535-00122901 says hey may I use the fourth edition, or the third edition, whatever that is. tyubmCH6ywI-00369-00122901-00123216 I go in with usual cost in retails, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00370-00123216-00123373 You free to do whatever you like. tyubmCH6ywI-00371-00123373-00123564 Of course, I prefer you to have something and nothing. tyubmCH6ywI-00372-00123564-00123879 However, you're going to be assess base on the current division. tyubmCH6ywI-00373-00123879-00124154 You are responsible in any mismatch in content and so on, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00374-00124154-00124316 The usual caution. tyubmCH6ywI-00375-00124489-00124742 But sometimes really I can't argue with them. tyubmCH6ywI-00376-00125038-00125374 This is an actual student at the University of Minnesota who was assigned tyubmCH6ywI-00377-00125374-00125641 an $85 French text book. tyubmCH6ywI-00378-00125641-00125774 They went to Amazon and tyubmCH6ywI-00379-00125774-00126198 they bought not just the previous edition but two editions, all those for $8. tyubmCH6ywI-00380-00126198-00126527 This was their rationale, and really can you disagree? tyubmCH6ywI-00381-00126778-00127107 But of course they know they're taking an academic risk because increasingly it's tyubmCH6ywI-00382-00127107-00127215 not just about the text book, tyubmCH6ywI-00383-00127215-00127575 it's about any related resources that are mapped onto the textbook. tyubmCH6ywI-00384-00127575-00127891 Perhaps, there's an access code that's packaged with the textbook for tyubmCH6ywI-00385-00127891-00128264 an online homework solution platform that perhaps does auto-grading as well, tyubmCH6ywI-00386-00128264-00128325 isn't that wonderful? tyubmCH6ywI-00387-00128325-00128476 Makes our life a little bit easier. tyubmCH6ywI-00388-00128476-00128645 But that means they can find it useful. tyubmCH6ywI-00389-00128645-00128820 That means they're really stuck. tyubmCH6ywI-00390-00128820-00129114 So the real calculus of the undergraduate degree is this. tyubmCH6ywI-00391-00129114-00129359 Is 10% of my grade coming from the access code? tyubmCH6ywI-00392-00129359-00129552 If so, I'll take the hit on my grade. tyubmCH6ywI-00393-00129552-00129928 If it's 35% of my grade coming from the access code, I can't take the hit. tyubmCH6ywI-00394-00129928-00130418 I'm gonna drop the class, I'm gonna take another class or I'm really gonna suffer. tyubmCH6ywI-00395-00130418-00130530 That's what's happening, tyubmCH6ywI-00396-00130530-00131002 right, in increasing numbers that even illegally downloading their books. tyubmCH6ywI-00397-00131002-00131530 This is a screenshot of one of those illegal torrent sites, the message tyubmCH6ywI-00398-00131530-00131896 that you're looking at over here is from the student who took the time to scan and tyubmCH6ywI-00399-00131896-00132273 upload, completely illegally textbook from Pearson. tyubmCH6ywI-00400-00132273-00132591 But look at the message Penn State which is where this happened, tyubmCH6ywI-00401-00132591-00132937 you're gouging your students, we'd be willing to pay a fair price for tyubmCH6ywI-00402-00132937-00133303 this book but that would be far south the $200 you charge at the bookstore. tyubmCH6ywI-00403-00133303-00133609 Fix this, lower the tuition a bit and maybe students like me tyubmCH6ywI-00404-00133609-00134004 won't spent several days scanning your materials and putting them online. tyubmCH6ywI-00405-00134115-00134374 Also clean the bathrooms, which I think is just great, tyubmCH6ywI-00406-00134374-00134515 it's just like a catch-all for all complaints. tyubmCH6ywI-00407-00134732-00134950 But the point is this, the system is actually making it so tyubmCH6ywI-00408-00134950-00135418 that the students think that this, risking prosecution, is a preferable way. tyubmCH6ywI-00409-00135418-00135644 Is a preferred way of getting access to the course materials. tyubmCH6ywI-00410-00135768-00136201 And again, as faculty we can make this better or we can make this worse, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00411-00136201-00136441 One of the ways we can make this worse. tyubmCH6ywI-00412-00136441-00136625 Of course, students are well aware of this. tyubmCH6ywI-00413-00136625-00136858 This is reflected in a very dark corner of the Internet. tyubmCH6ywI-00414-00136858-00137141 I don't know if you know about this, very dark corner. tyubmCH6ywI-00415-00137141-00137496 It's called ratemyprofessor.com. >> [LAUGH] tyubmCH6ywI-00416-00137496-00137596 >> This is a real profile, tyubmCH6ywI-00417-00137596-00137764 I didn't invent this by the way. tyubmCH6ywI-00418-00137764-00138063 This exists, somebody's made a profile for Master Yoda. tyubmCH6ywI-00419-00138063-00138298 Who apparently works at the American University. tyubmCH6ywI-00420-00138437-00138610 You can see, very helpful, but tyubmCH6ywI-00421-00138610-00139021 not particularly clear, which makes sense, no chilies for Yoda, all right. tyubmCH6ywI-00422-00139167-00139407 But the point is this, Rate My Professor's been using tags for tyubmCH6ywI-00423-00139407-00139765 a long time, one of the tags they use is requires a text book, tyubmCH6ywI-00424-00139765-00140070 another tag is actually uses the assigned text book. tyubmCH6ywI-00425-00140070-00140241 Because there's nothing more frustrating for tyubmCH6ywI-00426-00140241-00140605 a student than spending $200 on a textbook and then being in this situation, yes? tyubmCH6ywI-00427-00140605-00140982 This is one of the ways in which we can make this much worse. tyubmCH6ywI-00428-00140982-00141283 This is where the principal agent problem creates a larger problem. tyubmCH6ywI-00429-00141489-00141888 So these are the best data we have concerning what students are doing with tyubmCH6ywI-00430-00141888-00141970 textbooks. tyubmCH6ywI-00431-00141970-00142197 These data come from a very large survey, tyubmCH6ywI-00432-00142197-00142645 more than 20000 students from this sample, from Florida. tyubmCH6ywI-00433-00142645-00142840 This is the Florida Student Text Book Survey. tyubmCH6ywI-00434-00142840-00143014 They've done this twice in 2012. tyubmCH6ywI-00435-00143014-00143173 And again in 2016, tyubmCH6ywI-00436-00143173-00143528 sample draws students from every single degree granting institution in that state. tyubmCH6ywI-00437-00143633-00143712 These are the numbers. tyubmCH6ywI-00438-00143712-00144129 Two-thirds of them, or there abouts, report that they're not purchasing at tyubmCH6ywI-00439-00144129-00144459 least one of their required course textbooks because of cost, tyubmCH6ywI-00440-00144459-00144636 that's how that sentence ends. tyubmCH6ywI-00441-00144776-00145084 Close to 50% are taking fewer courses on not registering for tyubmCH6ywI-00442-00145084-00145311 a specific course because of textbook costs. tyubmCH6ywI-00443-00145424-00145885 Earning a poor grade, about 38%, dropping a course, tyubmCH6ywI-00444-00145885-00146280 about 26%, failing a course, about 20%, these numbers are very stable. tyubmCH6ywI-00445-00146280-00146699 They've in fact gotten slightly worse in a couple of categories since 2012, tyubmCH6ywI-00446-00146699-00146780 very stable. tyubmCH6ywI-00447-00146886-00147291 Similar research, similar questions have been asked of USU students. tyubmCH6ywI-00448-00147291-00147575 And when it comes to things like did you purchase a required course textbook, tyubmCH6ywI-00449-00147575-00147887 I looked at the data this morning, I was given a preview. tyubmCH6ywI-00450-00147887-00148523 Survey of about 700 and something, 68 students or so at USU, it was 69% at USU. tyubmCH6ywI-00451-00148523-00148771 I have not purchased the required course textbook for tyubmCH6ywI-00452-00148771-00149053 at least one of my courses because of the cost, that's USU. tyubmCH6ywI-00453-00149053-00149230 So it's very stable. tyubmCH6ywI-00454-00149230-00149621 So this is the reality, and I think we're not especially aware of this, tyubmCH6ywI-00455-00149621-00149776 of the scale of the problem. tyubmCH6ywI-00456-00149881-00150259 And as I said, this gets even worse when you talk about access codes that remove tyubmCH6ywI-00457-00150259-00150626 some of the more affordable alternatives for students like used copies and so on. tyubmCH6ywI-00458-00150727-00151092 But often if you're like me, and you get those friendly knocks on your office door tyubmCH6ywI-00459-00151092-00151448 from marketing representatives from commercial publishers and they come in. tyubmCH6ywI-00460-00151448-00151872 And I have good relationships with many of them anyway, and of course, tyubmCH6ywI-00461-00151872-00152086 they're showcasing their wares. tyubmCH6ywI-00462-00152086-00152301 And I immediately start a conversation about affordability, tyubmCH6ywI-00463-00152301-00152614 and have you ever had this conversation with them? tyubmCH6ywI-00464-00152725-00153059 We have this conversation with them, you know they'll respond in a couple of ways. tyubmCH6ywI-00465-00153059-00153165 They'll say yes, of course. tyubmCH6ywI-00466-00153165-00153433 This is why we have soft cover versions. tyubmCH6ywI-00467-00153433-00153678 This is why we have loose leaf binder versions. tyubmCH6ywI-00468-00153678-00154057 This is why we have the e-books, yes, the e-books. tyubmCH6ywI-00469-00154215-00154638 E-books, I'm gonna say are a wolf in sheep's clothing for a variety of reasons. tyubmCH6ywI-00470-00154638-00155213 One is when students purchase an e-book, it may be 60% of the cost of a hard cover. tyubmCH6ywI-00471-00155213-00155659 But be wary, students do not buy e-books, they lease e-books, tyubmCH6ywI-00472-00155659-00156124 which means they lose access after 90 days, 120 days, whatever period it is. tyubmCH6ywI-00473-00156124-00156275 They never own the book. tyubmCH6ywI-00474-00156275-00156566 So if you're a student taking anatomy and physiology and you plan to go on tyubmCH6ywI-00475-00156566-00157035 the medical school, too bad, you're gonna lose access to that reference. tyubmCH6ywI-00476-00157035-00157219 Right, forget that for a minute. tyubmCH6ywI-00477-00157219-00157546 You're also locked within digital rights management, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00478-00157546-00157682 Which means, you can't copy and paste, tyubmCH6ywI-00479-00157682-00157933 which means there are restrictions on how much you can print from e-books. tyubmCH6ywI-00480-00157933-00158294 And this also means that your office that deals with services for students with tyubmCH6ywI-00481-00158294-00158639 disabilities has to go through incredible work to try and make the textbook tyubmCH6ywI-00482-00158639-00159084 backwards compatible for students who need assistive learning technologies. tyubmCH6ywI-00483-00159084-00159303 These books are not accessible. tyubmCH6ywI-00484-00159303-00159619 We're systematically excluding students from the population. tyubmCH6ywI-00485-00159619-00160054 And on the cost front, because you can't resell a book that you're leasing, tyubmCH6ywI-00486-00160054-00160437 students who lease e-textbooks often end up spending more than students who tyubmCH6ywI-00487-00160437-00160766 purchase a hard copy and are able to resell it at the end of the semester. tyubmCH6ywI-00488-00160766-00161246 Wolf in sheep's clothing, I'm gonna say that again, so be wary of that. tyubmCH6ywI-00489-00161246-00161715 And this is precisely why I'm such a proponent of Open Educational Resources, tyubmCH6ywI-00490-00161715-00161946 which of course is a massive category. tyubmCH6ywI-00491-00161946-00162356 This includes a whole suite of type of resources not just books. tyubmCH6ywI-00492-00162459-00162737 But I should say, if you're familiar with the OER or perhaps you think you're tyubmCH6ywI-00493-00162737-00163097 familiar with the OER, most people complete Open Education Resources with tyubmCH6ywI-00494-00163097-00163552 resources that are online and free and that's completely incorrect. tyubmCH6ywI-00495-00163552-00163768 OER don't have to be online, it can offline, tyubmCH6ywI-00496-00163768-00163950 it can be print copies, for example. tyubmCH6ywI-00497-00163950-00164600 And OER, yes, they can be free but they are not just free, it beyond free. tyubmCH6ywI-00498-00164600-00164722 The thing that makes OER, tyubmCH6ywI-00499-00164722-00165117 OER are the permissions that come with Open Educational Resources, not the free. tyubmCH6ywI-00500-00165236-00165498 And the permissions I called the five Rs. tyubmCH6ywI-00501-00165498-00165730 So first is the permission to reuse. tyubmCH6ywI-00502-00165730-00165927 This is the most important from an educational perspective. tyubmCH6ywI-00503-00165927-00166286 We are free unfettered reuse, we can use these resources in any way, tyubmCH6ywI-00504-00166286-00166499 we can use them, students can use them. tyubmCH6ywI-00505-00166499-00166878 We do not need to write to the author to request permission to include them in tyubmCH6ywI-00506-00166878-00167296 a course package, no, you've got permission in advance, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00507-00167296-00167650 From a faculty perspective, here's what's cool, you can revise and tyubmCH6ywI-00508-00167650-00167971 remix, this is really neat. tyubmCH6ywI-00509-00167971-00168235 We no longer have to bend our courses tyubmCH6ywI-00510-00168235-00168505 to map on to the table of contents of a textbooks. tyubmCH6ywI-00511-00168505-00168772 We can modify the instructional resources to suit up articles for tyubmCH6ywI-00512-00168772-00169006 goals which is frankly what we should be doing all along. tyubmCH6ywI-00513-00169158-00169409 We have academic freedom, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00514-00169409-00169721 I don't have to tell my students, don't read chapter 11, take it out. tyubmCH6ywI-00515-00169721-00169947 If there is something missing, I'm gonna add it in. tyubmCH6ywI-00516-00169947-00170223 If there is a statistic or a local cultural reference tyubmCH6ywI-00517-00170223-00170537 perhaps that's a little bit out of date, I can update that myself. tyubmCH6ywI-00518-00170641-00171029 If it is political science, you're gonna wanna update your textbook probably tyubmCH6ywI-00519-00171029-00171279 every week, even the current political climate. tyubmCH6ywI-00520-00171279-00171657 But the point is you have the freedom to do it, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00521-00171657-00171999 And the beauty is you're not locked with in digital rights management. tyubmCH6ywI-00522-00171999-00172391 So students who need a book to be accessible, have full access to it, tyubmCH6ywI-00523-00172391-00172548 that's really powerful. tyubmCH6ywI-00524-00172548-00172882 And then for students, of course, the other two Rs are incredibly important. tyubmCH6ywI-00525-00172882-00173255 They can retain the resources forever, they're not leasing them, they have them. tyubmCH6ywI-00526-00173255-00173573 And the can share them with their families, with their peers, tyubmCH6ywI-00527-00173573-00173912 with their networks, it does not matter, they have it. tyubmCH6ywI-00528-00173912-00174104 These are the five Rs. tyubmCH6ywI-00529-00174104-00174561 So just being online and just being free to access is not that great. tyubmCH6ywI-00530-00174561-00175057 You can go to cnn.com, it's free online content, it's completely copyrighted, tyubmCH6ywI-00531-00175057-00175327 you cannot really use it in many ways and in educational settings, tyubmCH6ywI-00532-00175327-00175736 you certainly cannot adopt it nor retain it, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00533-00175736-00175957 This why OER is so powerful. tyubmCH6ywI-00534-00175957-00176377 Free is one of the consequences and free is a game changer for students. tyubmCH6ywI-00535-00176377-00176649 But for faculty, it's a lot more than free, it's freedom. tyubmCH6ywI-00536-00176805-00177357 So creative commons licenses lie at the foundation of Open Educational Resources. tyubmCH6ywI-00537-00177357-00177769 This is a type of licensing that lies between fully all rights reserved tyubmCH6ywI-00538-00177769-00178044 copyright and things that are entirely in the public domain. tyubmCH6ywI-00539-00178044-00178289 So you'll often see this kind of symbols, tyubmCH6ywI-00540-00178289-00178797 look a bit like hyroglifics I guess in materials that are openly licensed. tyubmCH6ywI-00541-00178797-00179047 So I'll briefly explain what these are, and once you know what these are, tyubmCH6ywI-00542-00179047-00179261 you'll be able to able to recognize them all over the web, tyubmCH6ywI-00543-00179261-00179469 cuz you've encountered this already. tyubmCH6ywI-00544-00179469-00179541 This is the most important. tyubmCH6ywI-00545-00179705-00179950 These are essentially clauses in a license. tyubmCH6ywI-00546-00179950-00180195 And the person who creates something, whether it's a textbook or tyubmCH6ywI-00547-00180195-00180542 anything else, can choose in advance how they're comfortable with other people tyubmCH6ywI-00548-00180542-00180678 using their work. tyubmCH6ywI-00549-00180678-00181002 This one, give me credit, this means attribution. tyubmCH6ywI-00550-00181002-00181360 You can use this in any way, but you have to say where you got it from. tyubmCH6ywI-00551-00181360-00181604 You can't pass this off as your own work for example. tyubmCH6ywI-00552-00181604-00181756 Just basic citation, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00553-00181894-00182184 NC, you don't have to include this, but you could. tyubmCH6ywI-00554-00182184-00182598 You can use this in any way, but you're not going to make a profit off my label. tyubmCH6ywI-00555-00182598-00182895 So you're not gonna take the textbook that I worked on and sell it on Amazon for tyubmCH6ywI-00556-00182895-00182974 5,000 bucks. tyubmCH6ywI-00557-00182974-00183250 Non-commercial clause, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00558-00183250-00183502 This one, you can use it in any way you like. tyubmCH6ywI-00559-00183502-00183850 You can modify it, you can translate the book into French if you like. tyubmCH6ywI-00560-00183850-00184165 But then once you do that, you are gonna share alike which means, tyubmCH6ywI-00561-00184165-00184552 share that back with the comments with the same open license as you received it. tyubmCH6ywI-00562-00184552-00184800 You are not the only person who is gonna benefit from your work, tyubmCH6ywI-00563-00184800-00185115 everyone is gonna benefit from your work, share alike. tyubmCH6ywI-00564-00185115-00185520 And finally, very rare to see this but this means no derivatives. tyubmCH6ywI-00565-00185520-00185860 Which means, you can use this but you can't make any changes to it. tyubmCH6ywI-00566-00185860-00186310 And sometimes that's important whether you're teaching law for certain clauses or tyubmCH6ywI-00567-00186310-00186499 maybe for creative writing or something else. tyubmCH6ywI-00568-00186499-00186698 You don't want people to change your work, that's fine. tyubmCH6ywI-00569-00186818-00187004 But that's what you'll see. tyubmCH6ywI-00570-00187004-00187192 So when I say OER, again, tyubmCH6ywI-00571-00187192-00187517 I'm not just talking about textbooks, you can be talking about images. tyubmCH6ywI-00572-00187517-00187580 Here's a great example. tyubmCH6ywI-00573-00187580-00187881 If you teach artistry or if you have taken a course in artistry, tyubmCH6ywI-00574-00187881-00188274 you'll know artistry textbooks are among the most expensive. tyubmCH6ywI-00575-00188274-00188634 Because of the rights, permissions, royalties involved, incredibly expensive. tyubmCH6ywI-00576-00188736-00189200 But this is an example of Vincent Van Gogh's self-portrait. tyubmCH6ywI-00577-00189200-00189545 The Rijksmuseum in the Netherlands owns the copyright. tyubmCH6ywI-00578-00189545-00189759 And they've released it into public domain. tyubmCH6ywI-00579-00189759-00190272 This is who we are, you can download a 300 megabytes version of this image, tyubmCH6ywI-00580-00190272-00190552 masterpiece for free. tyubmCH6ywI-00581-00190552-00190838 You can print a wall size poster of this, tyubmCH6ywI-00582-00190838-00191043 you'll just be paying the cost of printing. tyubmCH6ywI-00583-00191043-00191262 This is who we are. tyubmCH6ywI-00584-00191262-00191456 And the Rijksmuseum is not the only museum that has done this, tyubmCH6ywI-00585-00191456-00191742 the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art has done this. tyubmCH6ywI-00586-00191742-00192007 A whole suite of other museums have done this as well. tyubmCH6ywI-00587-00192007-00192252 So think about images when you think about who we are as well. tyubmCH6ywI-00588-00192393-00192520 If you talk about videos, tyubmCH6ywI-00589-00192520-00192814 you can go to the world's most popular search engine, YouTube. tyubmCH6ywI-00590-00192814-00193315 And you can find videos over there that are openly licensed, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00591-00193315-00193684 If you don't realize that actually YouTube includes a filter where you can select tyubmCH6ywI-00592-00193684-00193959 only or search only for creative comments licensed videos. tyubmCH6ywI-00593-00193959-00194278 And the beauty of those, is that when you get those, and there's tyubmCH6ywI-00594-00194278-00194731 hundreds of thousands of these, is that you don't have to install some sketchy tyubmCH6ywI-00595-00194731-00195093 plug-in in your browser to download it just in case the link goes dead, but tyubmCH6ywI-00596-00195093-00195261 I wouldn't want to use this in my teaching. tyubmCH6ywI-00597-00195261-00195651 No, CC licensing means you can download it legally. tyubmCH6ywI-00598-00195651-00195799 You can keep it legally. tyubmCH6ywI-00599-00195799-00196159 You can modify it and revise it and remix the video in YouTube. tyubmCH6ywI-00600-00196159-00196443 They have an editor for free, legally. tyubmCH6ywI-00601-00196443-00196620 That's the power of this. tyubmCH6ywI-00602-00196620-00196804 TEDTALKS, I don't know if you're familiar with these. tyubmCH6ywI-00603-00196804-00197072 Occasionally, these are used in education, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00604-00197187-00197597 Bite sized sort of, almost like glib solutions to our complex problems. tyubmCH6ywI-00605-00197597-00197814 Some of them are not awful, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00606-00197814-00197965 I think that should be the tagline. tyubmCH6ywI-00607-00197965-00198196 TEDTALKS, some of these are not awful! tyubmCH6ywI-00608-00198196-00198424 [LAUGH] But there you go. tyubmCH6ywI-00609-00198424-00198732 Attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives. tyubmCH6ywI-00610-00198732-00198830 This is who we are. tyubmCH6ywI-00611-00198830-00199175 That's why you can download TEDTALKS directly from TED's website. tyubmCH6ywI-00612-00199175-00199257 Is that who we are? tyubmCH6ywI-00613-00199463-00199955 If you teach, heavens, use simulations to teach any of the STEM disciplines, tyubmCH6ywI-00614-00199955-00200294 go to the University of Colorado's website, look for PHET. tyubmCH6ywI-00615-00200294-00200621 These are interactive simulations, all of them openly licensed. tyubmCH6ywI-00616-00200621-00200876 You can download them, customize them, embed them in Canvas, tyubmCH6ywI-00617-00200876-00201157 your LMS, whatever you like, legally. tyubmCH6ywI-00618-00201157-00201435 Your students do not have to pay a cent to access these wonderful tyubmCH6ywI-00619-00201435-00201575 interactive resources. tyubmCH6ywI-00620-00201575-00201776 Open educational resources, simulation. tyubmCH6ywI-00621-00201910-00202124 This is just examples, I could go on in each category. tyubmCH6ywI-00622-00202266-00202489 If you teach English literature, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00623-00202489-00202646 Imagine you teach Shakespeare. tyubmCH6ywI-00624-00202809-00203147 This has been in the public domain for a few centuries now, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00625-00203147-00203341 Shakespeare's collected works? tyubmCH6ywI-00626-00203341-00203810 So essentially, when we ask students to purchase a commercial copy of Shakespeare, tyubmCH6ywI-00627-00203810-00204006 we're essentially asking them to fork over a hundred dollars for tyubmCH6ywI-00628-00204006-00204328 a new preface that's been written every three years by a scholar, and tyubmCH6ywI-00629-00204328-00204556 maybe that's really worthwhile, but maybe it isn't. tyubmCH6ywI-00630-00204752-00205056 Project Gutenberg is digitized tens of thousands of classics tyubmCH6ywI-00631-00205056-00205412 of English literature, available in a wide variety of digital formats. tyubmCH6ywI-00632-00205412-00205887 This is who we are, this is not a textbook, it's literature, right. tyubmCH6ywI-00633-00205887-00206003 And of course textbooks. tyubmCH6ywI-00634-00206110-00206321 And I'm sharing this example because this is the one of the textbooks tyubmCH6ywI-00635-00206321-00206423 that I worked on. tyubmCH6ywI-00636-00206423-00206815 As you can see, Research Methods in Psychology, but there's a story here. tyubmCH6ywI-00637-00206815-00206934 This is a Canadian edition. tyubmCH6ywI-00638-00207050-00207370 That matters because the laws governing ethics, tyubmCH6ywI-00639-00207370-00207828 so human research ethics, different in Canada and the United States. tyubmCH6ywI-00640-00207828-00208145 We answer to different bodies, there are different procedures involved, so tyubmCH6ywI-00641-00208145-00208356 we couldn't use the US edition. tyubmCH6ywI-00642-00208356-00208481 Also, in case you are aware, tyubmCH6ywI-00643-00208481-00208846 my discipline has been going through somewhat of a replication crisis. tyubmCH6ywI-00644-00208989-00209307 So we had to talk about that, we wanted to talk about open science practices, tyubmCH6ywI-00645-00209307-00209588 the move towards reproducibility, we could do all of that. tyubmCH6ywI-00646-00209588-00209917 We made all of those changes, made it a Canadian edition, released it. tyubmCH6ywI-00647-00209917-00210254 This book was a textbook that existed, a US edition of research methods and psych, tyubmCH6ywI-00648-00210254-00210421 we adapted it and released it. tyubmCH6ywI-00649-00210421-00210685 And now students are using it across the country, which is great. tyubmCH6ywI-00650-00210685-00210826 Wide variety of digital formats, so tyubmCH6ywI-00651-00210826-00211066 it doesn't matter if students are using a tablet, a phone, a laptop. tyubmCH6ywI-00652-00211066-00211528 It doesn't matter if digital access in a wide variety of formats, and print too. tyubmCH6ywI-00653-00211663-00211810 And with the cost of printing, tyubmCH6ywI-00654-00211810-00212192 being the cost of printing, typically it's 80 cents on the dollar that goes back to tyubmCH6ywI-00655-00212192-00212454 the commercial publishers as profit, as royalty. tyubmCH6ywI-00656-00212636-00213105 So this means the 400-page Research Methods in Psychology book tyubmCH6ywI-00657-00213105-00213287 cost my students $13. tyubmCH6ywI-00658-00213287-00213659 That's it, professionally bound softcover, $13. tyubmCH6ywI-00659-00213659-00213809 And when it's that price, they buy it. tyubmCH6ywI-00660-00214056-00214130 All right? tyubmCH6ywI-00661-00214130-00214478 If you're looking for textbooks though, this is what I'll point you to. tyubmCH6ywI-00662-00214478-00214828 The Open Textbook Library is part of the Open Textbook Network. tyubmCH6ywI-00663-00214828-00215009 This is based at the University of Minnesota and tyubmCH6ywI-00664-00215009-00215295 they have been gathering open textbooks in a wide variety of disciplines. tyubmCH6ywI-00665-00215295-00215533 They have more than 400 of these already. tyubmCH6ywI-00666-00215533-00215976 You'll find them right here, and the lovely thing about these books is not only tyubmCH6ywI-00667-00215976-00216181 are they complete books that you can download, but tyubmCH6ywI-00668-00216181-00216532 you can adapt, these are books that are openly reviewed. tyubmCH6ywI-00669-00216532-00216815 So when you go in you'll often see peer reviews from colleagues with tyubmCH6ywI-00670-00216815-00217150 their names and institutional affiliations transparently written. tyubmCH6ywI-00671-00217150-00217460 Every review is up there, even negative reviews are up there. tyubmCH6ywI-00672-00217460-00217567 Because if there's any changes, tyubmCH6ywI-00673-00217567-00217808 adaptations that need to be mad, we need to know what's wrong with the book. tyubmCH6ywI-00674-00217915-00218323 It's all up there, right, and you can access any of it at any moment. tyubmCH6ywI-00675-00218323-00218756 This is not a movement that's about compelling anybody to adapt tyubmCH6ywI-00676-00218756-00218980 a resource that they don't think is good enough. tyubmCH6ywI-00677-00218980-00219417 This is about a movement that's trying to inform people of an alternative, tyubmCH6ywI-00678-00219417-00219821 a new option, not taking away any commercial option, but a new option. tyubmCH6ywI-00679-00219821-00220017 And if you find a resource that's been funded, tyubmCH6ywI-00680-00220017-00220358 that's been peer reviewed, that's available with ancillary resources. tyubmCH6ywI-00681-00220358-00220669 That is relevant to a discipline you teach, consider adapting, tyubmCH6ywI-00682-00220669-00220778 that is literally it. tyubmCH6ywI-00683-00220996-00221167 And there's research. tyubmCH6ywI-00684-00221167-00221348 So actually at this point this is not the only study, tyubmCH6ywI-00685-00221348-00221763 but I wanted to show you a couple studies to show you what the research says tyubmCH6ywI-00686-00221763-00222173 about the efficacy of the adaption of open textbooks on educational outcomes. tyubmCH6ywI-00687-00222173-00222566 There are 16 published studies at this point, this is one of the largest ones. tyubmCH6ywI-00688-00222691-00223081 So Lynn Fischer who let this study works and bring them at Young University. tyubmCH6ywI-00689-00223081-00223254 And as you can see this is quite experimental, tyubmCH6ywI-00690-00223254-00223418 if you're interested in research design, tyubmCH6ywI-00691-00223418-00223704 we can talk about propensity score matching and what that is. tyubmCH6ywI-00692-00223704-00223888 But the sample is massive, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00693-00223888-00224424 Almost 17,000 students attend institutions including institutions in Utah. tyubmCH6ywI-00694-00224424-00224813 And as you can see, when you have students assigned open educational resources, tyubmCH6ywI-00695-00224813-00225196 in this case, open textbooks, compared with those who are assigned commercial tyubmCH6ywI-00696-00225196-00225525 textbooks with the same courses, you find lower withdrawal rates. tyubmCH6ywI-00697-00225525-00225911 You find students more likely to pass with a C minus or better, and you're able tyubmCH6ywI-00698-00225911-00226298 to use it as a prerequisite, and you're finding a bump in enrollment as well. tyubmCH6ywI-00699-00226416-00226653 The remarkable thing even though this is a large study, tyubmCH6ywI-00700-00226653-00226842 this is only one of 16 studies, as I said. tyubmCH6ywI-00701-00227005-00227281 And it doesn't matter, the 16 studies have taken place at different institutions, tyubmCH6ywI-00702-00227281-00227673 different types of institutions, from community colleges to R1 institutions. tyubmCH6ywI-00703-00227673-00228056 Different disciplines, depending on which subjects are being investigated. tyubmCH6ywI-00704-00228056-00228254 I've led one at my institution, tyubmCH6ywI-00705-00228254-00228551 although not in my classes cuz clearly I'm a passionate advocate. tyubmCH6ywI-00706-00228551-00228798 So I have to recruit a bunch of faculty who are willing to do this. tyubmCH6ywI-00707-00228798-00228952 We randomly assigned sections and so tyubmCH6ywI-00708-00228952-00229266 on, we found the same result as every one of the other 15 studies. tyubmCH6ywI-00709-00229408-00229746 Students assigned OER perform the same or tyubmCH6ywI-00710-00229746-00230010 better than those assigned commercial textbooks. tyubmCH6ywI-00711-00230117-00230276 It's incredible. tyubmCH6ywI-00712-00230276-00230701 Imagine, students paying $200 for a textbook are performing at best the same tyubmCH6ywI-00713-00230701-00231129 if not worse than those paying nothing, that's what the research is showing us. tyubmCH6ywI-00714-00231313-00231542 This is why I like this rubric. tyubmCH6ywI-00715-00231542-00231950 So my friend David Wiley who used to work here who now works at Human Learning tyubmCH6ywI-00716-00232054-00232167 came up with this rubric. tyubmCH6ywI-00717-00232167-00232625 And I modified it a bit because he had the Y axis going up the $200 for textbooks and tyubmCH6ywI-00718-00232625-00232884 it now it's about $400. tyubmCH6ywI-00719-00232884-00233280 So, Y axis, cost to students, how much are they spending on materials? tyubmCH6ywI-00720-00233280-00233664 X axis over here, what is the percentage of students in the course completing with tyubmCH6ywI-00721-00233664-00233902 a C or better, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00722-00233902-00234192 So mad, glad, sad, rad, and they've grayed out sad and tyubmCH6ywI-00723-00234192-00234500 glad because they are kind of boring, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00724-00234609-00234942 So if a student doesn't buy the books, they forego that, say I'm gonna try and tyubmCH6ywI-00725-00234942-00235140 do the course without buying the required course textbook, tyubmCH6ywI-00726-00235140-00235310 they're spending nothing, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00727-00235310-00235473 And they do badly. tyubmCH6ywI-00728-00235473-00235848 Well, that's sad, but no one's surprised, yes? tyubmCH6ywI-00729-00235848-00236236 Let's say they buy the book, and the access code, and they do well. tyubmCH6ywI-00730-00236236-00236535 Well, they're glad but no one is surprised. tyubmCH6ywI-00731-00236535-00236694 That's what we expect would happen, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00732-00236816-00237107 But consider the case of Mercy College where tyubmCH6ywI-00733-00237107-00237477 the students were previously assigned a commercial textbook for Math, tyubmCH6ywI-00734-00237477-00237787 along with an online platform called MyMathLab. tyubmCH6ywI-00735-00237787-00238015 Not familiar to anyone? tyubmCH6ywI-00736-00238015-00238536 48% of students in that model will pass the course with a C or better. tyubmCH6ywI-00737-00238536-00238940 They flipped to an open textbook format, really good one, from OpenStacks, and they tyubmCH6ywI-00738-00238940-00239392 wanted the online platform for homework, and there is one, it's called MyOpenMath. tyubmCH6ywI-00739-00239392-00239614 It's a wonderful platform that exists, it's well supported. tyubmCH6ywI-00740-00239748-00240242 And the cost to students for that is just $5, for the My Open Math access, but tyubmCH6ywI-00741-00240242-00240325 that's it. tyubmCH6ywI-00742-00240325-00240665 So they went from $187 to $5 in costs. tyubmCH6ywI-00743-00240665-00241036 And suddenly 62% of students were passing with with a C or better. tyubmCH6ywI-00744-00241036-00241388 And that's the difference between Mad and Rad, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00745-00241388-00241740 And again doesn't matter where you go, the research is saying the same thing. tyubmCH6ywI-00746-00241969-00242389 This is what I saw on my anonymous course evaluations, tyubmCH6ywI-00747-00242389-00242696 the first semester I began adopting open textbook. tyubmCH6ywI-00748-00242696-00242950 And I love that, some of them are highlighting that it's free cost, tyubmCH6ywI-00749-00242950-00243146 saving them money and of course that matter to students. tyubmCH6ywI-00750-00243146-00243560 And I don't want to under play that, but I love the comment in the middle, and tyubmCH6ywI-00751-00243560-00243965 that's the one that really matters to me especially at an open access school, tyubmCH6ywI-00752-00243965-00244287 especially the school that serves the community, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00753-00244421-00244598 That's the student I really wanna reach right there. tyubmCH6ywI-00754-00245134-00245448 So this is me now, although maybe in a few years, tyubmCH6ywI-00755-00245448-00245732 I don't always assign a textbook, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00756-00245732-00246094 I teach upper level courses for which there is no textbook, it's a niche area. tyubmCH6ywI-00757-00246094-00246362 So I'm accustomed to putting together articles, chapters, tyubmCH6ywI-00758-00246362-00246567 custom course packages. tyubmCH6ywI-00759-00246567-00247044 But when I do, I certainly prefer that it be open for a variety of reasons. tyubmCH6ywI-00760-00247044-00247440 And again, significant cost savings to my students is in some ways for tyubmCH6ywI-00761-00247440-00247658 me the least significant benefit of open. tyubmCH6ywI-00762-00247771-00247857 It's much more than that. tyubmCH6ywI-00763-00248030-00248323 So, quick summary of where we've been so far. tyubmCH6ywI-00764-00248323-00248720 For students, huge win of course for the OER cuz we're talking about cost savings, tyubmCH6ywI-00765-00248720-00249092 we're talking about access broadly for students including accessibility. tyubmCH6ywI-00766-00249092-00249461 And of course, we're talking about elevated cost performance. tyubmCH6ywI-00767-00249461-00249819 For faculty of course, it's this new layer of academic freedom. tyubmCH6ywI-00768-00249819-00250304 Where suddenly we can adapt, localize, customize, contextualize the resources. tyubmCH6ywI-00769-00250304-00250512 Embed our assignments within the book itself, tyubmCH6ywI-00770-00250512-00250786 do whatever we like, that's fantastic. tyubmCH6ywI-00771-00250786-00251294 And then finally for institutions, huge, huge benefits in terms of enrollment, tyubmCH6ywI-00772-00251294-00251658 absolutely, but also persistence in the course, and finally completion. tyubmCH6ywI-00773-00251803-00252015 Your faculty are already doing this, and so tyubmCH6ywI-00774-00252015-00252283 I was very pleased as I was preparing for my visit over here. tyubmCH6ywI-00775-00252283-00252846 I went online, and I found this video that was produced only a few days ago. tyubmCH6ywI-00776-00252846-00253241 Take a look, some of your colleagues you might recognize. tyubmCH6ywI-00777-00253241-00253316 >> Open education and tyubmCH6ywI-00778-00253316-00253673 resource is also commonly called OER, are teaching and tyubmCH6ywI-00779-00253673-00253973 learning resources that reside in the public domain or tyubmCH6ywI-00780-00253973-00254290 are released often under a creative commons license. tyubmCH6ywI-00781-00254290-00254757 And that permits their re-purposing, remixing, reusing by others. tyubmCH6ywI-00782-00254757-00254897 >> Initially my motivation for tyubmCH6ywI-00783-00254897-00255119 using OER was to save my students some money. tyubmCH6ywI-00784-00255119-00255561 And they spend upwards of $200 for a textbook, for each class, and tyubmCH6ywI-00785-00255561-00255902 a lot of that material is available online. tyubmCH6ywI-00786-00255902-00256311 So I thought adopting OER for this course would be a good way to tyubmCH6ywI-00787-00256311-00256757 save them some money and get that same information in the classroom. tyubmCH6ywI-00788-00256757-00257255 As I continue to get involved in adopting OER and implementing in the course, tyubmCH6ywI-00789-00257255-00257554 I realized there were some other advantages as tyubmCH6ywI-00790-00257554-00257621 well. >> And tyubmCH6ywI-00791-00257621-00258029 what I found was that in some of the traditional publisher produced texts, tyubmCH6ywI-00792-00258029-00258394 some of that information was outdated, oftentimes. tyubmCH6ywI-00793-00258394-00258975 And it took kind of a narrow view of aspects related to Hispanic linguistics. tyubmCH6ywI-00794-00258975-00259307 So I was sort of naturally and I've been for tyubmCH6ywI-00795-00259307-00259729 a number of years sort of supplementing my courses with other types of materials tyubmCH6ywI-00796-00259729-00259909 that are more currently updated. tyubmCH6ywI-00797-00259909-00260216 So when they open education movements sort of came along, tyubmCH6ywI-00798-00260216-00260533 it was kind of a natural thing that happened and tyubmCH6ywI-00799-00260533-00260943 coincide with what I was already doing. >> We had in some cases the readings were tyubmCH6ywI-00800-00260943-00261416 an article that they just come out sometimes a day before or just last week. tyubmCH6ywI-00801-00261416-00261789 And when the OER was so relevant like that it made the learning and tyubmCH6ywI-00802-00261789-00262140 it made the class so much more real. >> Where are they gonna be in tyubmCH6ywI-00803-00262140-00262353 ten years because they took my course? tyubmCH6ywI-00804-00262353-00262610 Are they still going to be looking at the same ten year old tyubmCH6ywI-00805-00262610-00262871 text book that was ten years old when I taught it? tyubmCH6ywI-00806-00262871-00263266 Or are they going to have taken in the bedrock foundation that I laid and tyubmCH6ywI-00807-00263266-00263582 have become the concept of professionals that will reflect back on me. tyubmCH6ywI-00808-00263582-00263684 >> The great thing is, tyubmCH6ywI-00809-00263684-00264162 is that Utah State University we would have a lot of the resources available tyubmCH6ywI-00810-00264162-00264352 to faculty to assist that. tyubmCH6ywI-00811-00264352-00264693 We have specialists here in the library. tyubmCH6ywI-00812-00264693-00265142 We have instructional deans that's assigned our center for tyubmCH6ywI-00813-00265142-00265410 innovative design and instruction. tyubmCH6ywI-00814-00265410-00265916 All of that support structure is available to facility where if they say, tyubmCH6ywI-00815-00265916-00266349 I'd like to explore using OER, or I think I'd be interested, tyubmCH6ywI-00816-00266349-00266630 that support structure envelops them. tyubmCH6ywI-00817-00266630-00267289 So it might just be offering one class of their whole schedule, tyubmCH6ywI-00818-00267289-00267886 but if that one class can mean a decrease in cost in a way for tyubmCH6ywI-00819-00267886-00268322 one or two students to be able to stay in and tyubmCH6ywI-00820-00268322-00268835 continue that semester, then it's a success. tyubmCH6ywI-00821-00268835-00269829 [MUSIC] tyubmCH6ywI-00822-00269829-00269929 >> Great video by the way. tyubmCH6ywI-00823-00270029-00270259 And the champion over here was actually not with us. tyubmCH6ywI-00824-00270259-00270504 She's travelling at a conference right now, but tyubmCH6ywI-00825-00270504-00270783 I'm sure she'd be happy if you contacted her when she returns. tyubmCH6ywI-00826-00270964-00271333 But having said all of that, I won't even be talking about resources and tyubmCH6ywI-00827-00271333-00271496 not practices. tyubmCH6ywI-00828-00271496-00271732 And this is not a movement that's just about access for knowledge. tyubmCH6ywI-00829-00271732-00271963 It is about access to knowledge creation. tyubmCH6ywI-00830-00271963-00272409 This where we're gonna talk about open educational practices. tyubmCH6ywI-00831-00272409-00272649 So, I want you to consider this image for a moment. tyubmCH6ywI-00832-00272798-00273054 This image is actually in the public domain so, its technically OER, but tyubmCH6ywI-00833-00273054-00273172 that's not the point. tyubmCH6ywI-00834-00273172-00273455 This is an image from a French book from about a 100 years tyubmCH6ywI-00835-00273455-00273816 ago where they were predicting the classroom of the future. tyubmCH6ywI-00836-00273816-00274027 Actually specifically, the classroom of the year 2000. tyubmCH6ywI-00837-00274027-00274528 Does anything jump out at you in this image? tyubmCH6ywI-00838-00274528-00274655 What stands out? tyubmCH6ywI-00839-00274655-00274805 What seems odd or funny? tyubmCH6ywI-00840-00275371-00275481 Yeah, the crying king. tyubmCH6ywI-00841-00275481-00275623 >> [INAUDIBLE] tyubmCH6ywI-00842-00275623-00275678 >> Becky? tyubmCH6ywI-00843-00275678-00275849 >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Feeding tyubmCH6ywI-00844-00275849-00275902 the books? >> [INAUDIBLE] tyubmCH6ywI-00845-00275902-00275968 >> Yeah, it's interesting. tyubmCH6ywI-00846-00275968-00276066 So off course, tyubmCH6ywI-00847-00276066-00276614 you've got the professor who looks like everyone's archetype type of a professor. tyubmCH6ywI-00848-00276614-00277053 Feeding received wisdom or at least that which is considered valid enough to be tyubmCH6ywI-00849-00277053-00277440 published and printed into some sort of an electronic relay system. tyubmCH6ywI-00850-00277623-00278007 You can see that the real manual labor, there is your teaching assistant, tyubmCH6ywI-00851-00278007-00278174 by the way. >> [LAUGH] tyubmCH6ywI-00852-00278174-00278315 >> [LAUGH] And tyubmCH6ywI-00853-00278315-00278675 then somehow it's magically being transferred into the students' minds. tyubmCH6ywI-00854-00278675-00278898 It looks a lot like content delivery yes, but tyubmCH6ywI-00855-00278898-00279048 there's no evidence of active learning. tyubmCH6ywI-00856-00279161-00279411 No peer assessment collaboration. tyubmCH6ywI-00857-00279411-00279734 There's not even any need to take notes actually, and tyubmCH6ywI-00858-00279734-00280097 the students look just like they're just as privileged as the faculty. tyubmCH6ywI-00859-00280205-00280319 It's interesting. tyubmCH6ywI-00860-00280319-00280450 So, it looks ridiculous, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00861-00280450-00280967 It's like ha ha, this is funny, but I am gonna suggest that's it's actually not tyubmCH6ywI-00862-00280967-00281169 that different from what education looks like today. tyubmCH6ywI-00863-00281376-00281843 Majority of people still lecture, majority of people still don't use active learning. tyubmCH6ywI-00864-00281843-00282018 But let's go further than that. tyubmCH6ywI-00865-00282018-00282344 This really reminds me, if you're familiar with Paulo Freire, tyubmCH6ywI-00866-00282344-00282881 the Brazilian philosopher, educator, of his banking model of education. tyubmCH6ywI-00867-00282881-00283130 So, I'm gonna read a little bit for you from his book, tyubmCH6ywI-00868-00283130-00283355 The Pedagogy of the Oppressed. tyubmCH6ywI-00869-00283355-00283749 It, he's talking about the banking model of education, turns them, the students, tyubmCH6ywI-00870-00283749-00284049 into containers to be filled by the teacher. tyubmCH6ywI-00871-00284049-00284498 The more completely she fills the receptacles the better a teacher she is. tyubmCH6ywI-00872-00284498-00284827 The more meekly the receptacles permit themselves to be filled, tyubmCH6ywI-00873-00284827-00285018 the better students they are. tyubmCH6ywI-00874-00285018-00285292 Education thus becomes the act of depositing, tyubmCH6ywI-00875-00285292-00285655 in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor. tyubmCH6ywI-00876-00285764-00286201 In the banking concept of education, knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who tyubmCH6ywI-00877-00286201-00286673 consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing. tyubmCH6ywI-00878-00286673-00287110 There's so much to unpack in that. tyubmCH6ywI-00879-00287244-00287402 And there is much to talk about, tyubmCH6ywI-00880-00287402-00287809 I think we can talk about All of the levels at which we exclude tyubmCH6ywI-00881-00287809-00288181 students from education, where we completely employ the banking model. tyubmCH6ywI-00882-00288359-00288734 Consider for example cost policies, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00883-00288734-00289068 You've seen articles like this, lying around the Chronicle and other places for tyubmCH6ywI-00884-00289068-00289218 a little while. tyubmCH6ywI-00885-00289218-00289411 Cost policies like this. tyubmCH6ywI-00886-00289411-00289733 What did they say to our students about our students, how many agency are willing tyubmCH6ywI-00887-00289733-00289986 to grant them, how much we are willing to treat them as adults. tyubmCH6ywI-00888-00290208-00290346 But think more broadly. tyubmCH6ywI-00889-00290346-00290734 Even if you have an attendance or late policy, what if we involve students in tyubmCH6ywI-00890-00290734-00291010 the construction of course policies for the course? tyubmCH6ywI-00891-00291010-00291370 I can tell you when I do this even in the construction of late policies, or tyubmCH6ywI-00892-00291370-00291560 laptop policies, or anything else. tyubmCH6ywI-00893-00291560-00292184 When they co-create a policy with me, they own the policy, they police the policy. tyubmCH6ywI-00894-00292184-00292341 I do not have to enforce it. tyubmCH6ywI-00895-00292341-00292678 And often they are more conservative than I am in terms of the policies themselves. tyubmCH6ywI-00896-00292678-00292882 I think we need to bring them in. tyubmCH6ywI-00897-00293009-00293240 Or what about learning outcomes? tyubmCH6ywI-00898-00293357-00293501 Now, don't get me wrong. tyubmCH6ywI-00899-00293501-00293765 There's benefits to be had from working with learning outcomes. tyubmCH6ywI-00900-00293765-00294092 And if you're familiar with the principles of backwards course design, tyubmCH6ywI-00901-00294092-00294439 from aligning your outcomes to your activities and making sure your assessing tyubmCH6ywI-00902-00294439-00294704 the things that you think your building in terms of skills. tyubmCH6ywI-00903-00294704-00294948 But I do think it’s odd. tyubmCH6ywI-00904-00295048-00295679 It’s odd that students can walk into my class, or even before the first day I can tyubmCH6ywI-00905-00295679-00296009 write a syllabus that specifies here are the learning objectives for the course. tyubmCH6ywI-00906-00296009-00296464 It's great, so I'm gonna tell you what you're gonna learn, tyubmCH6ywI-00907-00296464-00296760 what the course is going to be like, what we're gonna cover, before I ever meet you. tyubmCH6ywI-00908-00296760-00297020 Because God know's you're not gonna influence the direction of this class. tyubmCH6ywI-00909-00297133-00297443 That's weird, what about involving students in that? tyubmCH6ywI-00910-00297443-00297773 Even the selection of topics, giving them some ownership over there. tyubmCH6ywI-00911-00297773-00298073 Can we give up a degree of agency, or at least grant some to them? tyubmCH6ywI-00912-00298192-00298344 And what about the learning management system? tyubmCH6ywI-00913-00298476-00298731 Canvas in your case, or Blackboard, or Moodle, or tyubmCH6ywI-00914-00298731-00298864 whatever the flavor of the day is. tyubmCH6ywI-00915-00299038-00299306 Audrey Watters is a dear friend and I love what she writes. tyubmCH6ywI-00916-00299306-00299513 She's a fierce critic of educational technology. tyubmCH6ywI-00917-00299616-00299801 She writes that the learning management system, tyubmCH6ywI-00918-00299801-00300059 the LMS, is a piece of administrative software. tyubmCH6ywI-00919-00300059-00300317 There's that word management in there, that sort of gives it away. tyubmCH6ywI-00920-00300317-00300577 That this software that purports to address questions about teaching and tyubmCH6ywI-00921-00300577-00300922 learning, that that really works to manage and administer. tyubmCH6ywI-00922-00300922-00301221 In turn often circumscribing pedagogical possibilities. tyubmCH6ywI-00923-00301345-00301453 And that's how we structure it. tyubmCH6ywI-00924-00301453-00301720 Each course is a discrete unit, right? tyubmCH6ywI-00925-00301720-00302204 In the LMS, as though knowledge is not cumulative and tyubmCH6ywI-00926-00302204-00302751 not, Interrelated. tyubmCH6ywI-00927-00302751-00302937 And what do we do with the LMS? tyubmCH6ywI-00928-00302937-00303270 You build your course in Canvas, you load your readings, tyubmCH6ywI-00929-00303270-00303639 load your activities, of course we use it as a fancy grade book. tyubmCH6ywI-00930-00303639-00303949 And then at the end of the semester, what do we do? tyubmCH6ywI-00931-00303949-00304287 We scrub any trace of student activity. tyubmCH6ywI-00932-00304287-00304407 Yes? tyubmCH6ywI-00933-00304407-00304614 Odd? tyubmCH6ywI-00934-00304614-00304894 So not only have I told my students at the start of the course that clearly you're tyubmCH6ywI-00935-00304894-00304973 not important at all, tyubmCH6ywI-00936-00304973-00305222 because you're not going to influence the direction of this course. tyubmCH6ywI-00937-00305222-00305516 Now I'm confirming for them that you are completely pointless, tyubmCH6ywI-00938-00305516-00305828 because any trace of your existence in this course is gonna be wiped. tyubmCH6ywI-00939-00305828-00305914 Why? tyubmCH6ywI-00940-00305914-00306012 Why? tyubmCH6ywI-00941-00306012-00306507 Why are we not used using the work of our students, building on it communicatively, tyubmCH6ywI-00942-00306507-00306676 why are we throwing it away? tyubmCH6ywI-00943-00306676-00306750 Wiping it away? tyubmCH6ywI-00944-00306861-00307087 To me this is rather appalling. tyubmCH6ywI-00945-00307087-00307322 And then we can talk about assessments. tyubmCH6ywI-00946-00307322-00307676 Think about things like assignments. tyubmCH6ywI-00947-00307676-00308067 When a students comes to my upper level class on conservation psychology, for tyubmCH6ywI-00948-00308067-00308459 example, I could ask them to write what will be the 18th research essay in tyubmCH6ywI-00949-00308459-00308833 the course of their undergraduate degree, or I could go a different tack. tyubmCH6ywI-00950-00308833-00309174 Because most traditional assignments are disposable assignments. tyubmCH6ywI-00951-00309174-00309469 And they are disposable in the sense of, students will spend hours working tyubmCH6ywI-00952-00309469-00309964 on let's say their next research essay, for one person to see. tyubmCH6ywI-00953-00309964-00310069 That's it. tyubmCH6ywI-00954-00310069-00310214 I'm the only person who's gonna see their work. tyubmCH6ywI-00955-00310214-00310389 You are the only person who's gonna see their work. tyubmCH6ywI-00956-00310389-00310439 That's it. tyubmCH6ywI-00957-00310573-00310980 And then we spend all of this careful time providing good, developmental, tyubmCH6ywI-00958-00310980-00311102 formative feedback. tyubmCH6ywI-00959-00311102-00311425 How can I phrase this in a way that my students are not gonna react to poorly. tyubmCH6ywI-00960-00311550-00311628 All of this stuff. tyubmCH6ywI-00961-00311628-00311830 We take workshops in how to do this. tyubmCH6ywI-00962-00311830-00312058 And then maybe 10% of your students will pick up the essay. tyubmCH6ywI-00963-00312058-00312531 And maybe 10% of those will actually read the feedback instead of just a mark and tyubmCH6ywI-00964-00312531-00312601 moving on. tyubmCH6ywI-00965-00312601-00312760 So we put all of that together, tyubmCH6ywI-00966-00312760-00313230 the hours that students spend working on resources for just one person doing. tyubmCH6ywI-00967-00313230-00313690 And the hours that we spend on providing feedback for almost no one. tyubmCH6ywI-00968-00313690-00314006 I'm gonna suggest that traditional assignments are actively sucking energy tyubmCH6ywI-00969-00314006-00314078 out of the world. tyubmCH6ywI-00970-00314378-00314776 So flip it, students are much more capable. tyubmCH6ywI-00971-00314776-00315234 So what if we harness their energy, their potential, even their creativity, and tyubmCH6ywI-00972-00315234-00315518 ask them to produce resources for their comments. tyubmCH6ywI-00973-00315518-00315845 This is the idea of students as producers, as creators. tyubmCH6ywI-00974-00315845-00316146 Incredibly important, if you go back to Freire again, tyubmCH6ywI-00975-00316146-00316594 he talks about how people are fulfilled to the extent that they create their world, tyubmCH6ywI-00976-00316594-00317000 which is a human world, and they create it with their transforming labor. tyubmCH6ywI-00977-00317000-00317322 I wanna give you at least six examples of what I mean, tyubmCH6ywI-00978-00317322-00317605 hopefully one of them will resonate with your context. tyubmCH6ywI-00979-00317605-00317970 Let's start with the elephant in the room, Wikipedia. tyubmCH6ywI-00980-00318194-00318343 Wikipedia is an interesting thing. tyubmCH6ywI-00981-00318499-00318893 We know people, perhaps we are those people who enforce, tyubmCH6ywI-00982-00318893-00319155 it's almost like the 11th commandment of academia, isn't it? tyubmCH6ywI-00983-00319155-00319273 Though shalt not cite Wikipedia. tyubmCH6ywI-00984-00319487-00319675 We prohibit students from citing Wikipedia. tyubmCH6ywI-00985-00319675-00319765 Why? Because we're concerned tyubmCH6ywI-00986-00319765-00319875 about under liability. tyubmCH6ywI-00987-00319875-00320074 Am I right to be concerned? tyubmCH6ywI-00988-00320074-00320177 I should say that. tyubmCH6ywI-00989-00320177-00320317 We are right. tyubmCH6ywI-00990-00320317-00320792 In psychology, there's about 8,600 articles on Wikipedia, okay? tyubmCH6ywI-00991-00320792-00321169 About two-thirds of them have undergone Wikipedia's version of peer review. tyubmCH6ywI-00992-00321169-00321367 Which is not my version of peer review. tyubmCH6ywI-00993-00321367-00321786 And 10% of those articles are considered good articles by Wikipedia standards, tyubmCH6ywI-00994-00321786-00322018 which are not my standards. tyubmCH6ywI-00995-00322018-00322322 So if you're concerned, you're not wrong to be concerned. tyubmCH6ywI-00996-00322322-00322673 At the same time, who is in a better position to fix this resource then us? tyubmCH6ywI-00997-00322781-00322831 Who? tyubmCH6ywI-00998-00322974-00323345 I find it amazing that as academics, we continue to bury our heads in the sand. tyubmCH6ywI-00999-00323345-00323644 We know Wikipedia is the first port of call for our students. tyubmCH6ywI-01000-00323644-00323754 Yes? tyubmCH6ywI-01001-00323754-00323867 And if we're really honest? tyubmCH6ywI-01002-00323867-00324079 It's the first port of call for many faculty, for many things. tyubmCH6ywI-01003-00324198-00324309 So instead of ignoring it and tyubmCH6ywI-01004-00324309-00324711 collectively burying our heads in the sand, why not work with our students? tyubmCH6ywI-01005-00324711-00324973 Let's pick articles related to our disciplinary topics. tyubmCH6ywI-01006-00324973-00325261 And as part of a course assignment have them edit, write, update, tyubmCH6ywI-01007-00325261-00325729 improve the public resource that is the first protocol for the public. tyubmCH6ywI-01008-00325729-00326124 We should be doing this, and thousands of instructors already are. tyubmCH6ywI-01009-00326124-00326453 The Wikipedia education foundation partners with institutions and tyubmCH6ywI-01010-00326453-00326551 instructors. tyubmCH6ywI-01011-00326551-00326680 Lots of them. tyubmCH6ywI-01012-00326680-00326809 Here's one example, tyubmCH6ywI-01013-00326809-00327237 Amin Azzam who teaches medical students at the University of California. tyubmCH6ywI-01014-00327237-00327604 He does this, and his medical students eventually will be in a position where tyubmCH6ywI-01015-00327604-00328045 they have to explain complex medical symptoms, terminology, tyubmCH6ywI-01016-00328045-00328490 disorders, syndromes to a lay person in a very short span of time. tyubmCH6ywI-01017-00328490-00328836 What better way to practice than by writing medical articles for Wikipedia. tyubmCH6ywI-01018-00328953-00329107 And it's more than just writing, tyubmCH6ywI-01019-00329107-00329338 they're filming videos adding all sorts of resources. tyubmCH6ywI-01020-00329338-00329497 This is the course work they get credit for tyubmCH6ywI-01021-00329497-00329819 it, this is a public service at the same time. tyubmCH6ywI-01022-00329819-00330077 Incredibly powerful, and a lot of people are doing this. tyubmCH6ywI-01023-00330203-00330536 Thousands of students have done this in a variety of disciplines, tyubmCH6ywI-01024-00330536-00330694 not just ten disciplines. tyubmCH6ywI-01025-00330694-00330920 Lots of new articles have been created. tyubmCH6ywI-01026-00330920-00331128 And of course even more than that have been edited. tyubmCH6ywI-01027-00331284-00331573 Almost everyone whose done it will do it again. tyubmCH6ywI-01028-00331573-00331924 If you're unfamiliar with the Wiki Education Foundation, please look them up. tyubmCH6ywI-01029-00331924-00332089 They've been running for long enough. tyubmCH6ywI-01030-00332089-00332244 They have a suite of resources for us. tyubmCH6ywI-01031-00332244-00332405 They have step by step guides for tyubmCH6ywI-01032-00332405-00332618 faculty, how can you construct the course assignment. tyubmCH6ywI-01033-00332618-00332788 They have different guides for different disciplines, tyubmCH6ywI-01034-00332788-00333120 they have rubrics, even have a campus Wikipedia Ambassador Program. tyubmCH6ywI-01035-00333120-00333398 And it's crazy, they could not hold our hands any more. tyubmCH6ywI-01036-00333398-00333656 They even have step by step guides for students in onboarding. tyubmCH6ywI-01037-00333656-00334000 Incredibly easy to do this, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01038-00334000-00334179 I know colleagues who do this in small classes of 25, tyubmCH6ywI-01039-00334179-00334566 I have a colleague at the University of Toronto who teaches introductory tyubmCH6ywI-01040-00334566-00334845 psychology with 1,500 students in a single section. tyubmCH6ywI-01041-00334845-00335094 That section edits Wikipedia. tyubmCH6ywI-01042-00335094-00335301 You can do it anywhere, you can do it first year, tyubmCH6ywI-01043-00335301-00335439 fourth year, honors, doesn't matter. tyubmCH6ywI-01044-00335541-00335795 And if you think that students are gonna balk, tyubmCH6ywI-01045-00335795-00336136 shy away from performing this kind of public scholarship, think again. tyubmCH6ywI-01046-00336136-00336328 These are students from all over the place. tyubmCH6ywI-01047-00336328-00336511 The one at the top, my favourite part about writing for tyubmCH6ywI-01048-00336511-00336927 Wikipedia was knowing that the information being presented is valuable to someone. tyubmCH6ywI-01049-00336927-00337155 They do see a sense of purpose, meaning. tyubmCH6ywI-01050-00337155-00337233 And they pour so tyubmCH6ywI-01051-00337233-00337615 much more energy into their work when they know it's not gonna be seen just by you. tyubmCH6ywI-01052-00337615-00337815 This is valuable, it's not busy work. tyubmCH6ywI-01053-00337815-00338123 Writing encouraged by more than the grade, tyubmCH6ywI-01054-00338123-00338459 and I'm not gonna read all of the comments, but tyubmCH6ywI-01055-00338459-00338835 one of it here is striking to me as well cuz it's a bit of a realty check. tyubmCH6ywI-01056-00338835-00339321 I know it when I published a peer reviewed article in an empirical journal, tyubmCH6ywI-01057-00339321-00339709 there's far more people who are gonna read the work of my students tyubmCH6ywI-01058-00339709-00340004 on Wikipedia than will ever read my peer reviewed article. tyubmCH6ywI-01059-00340004-00340120 That's humbling, that's true, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01060-00340458-00340634 But let's move away from Wikipedia for a moment. tyubmCH6ywI-01061-00340634-00340760 What about this? tyubmCH6ywI-01062-00340760-00340926 This was down the road at BYU, tyubmCH6ywI-01063-00340926-00341260 there were graduate students taking a course in project management. tyubmCH6ywI-01064-00341260-00341607 These were instructional designers in training and they wanted a book. tyubmCH6ywI-01065-00341607-00342007 There was an open textbook which was project management for business. tyubmCH6ywI-01066-00342007-00342298 So then the course instructor decided to tyubmCH6ywI-01067-00342298-00342605 have a course assignment where they took out all of the case studies from business. tyubmCH6ywI-01068-00342605-00342780 Each of the students, graduate students, tyubmCH6ywI-01069-00342780-00343141 wrote case studies to project management for instructional design. tyubmCH6ywI-01070-00343141-00343467 They filmed videos, they added interactive components. tyubmCH6ywI-01071-00343467-00343580 They republished the book. tyubmCH6ywI-01072-00343580-00343969 At the end of one semester, these graduate students published a textbook, tyubmCH6ywI-01073-00343969-00344124 Project Management for Instructional Design. tyubmCH6ywI-01074-00344124-00344511 It's an adaptation, and they've improved it since then, the next cohort. tyubmCH6ywI-01075-00344511-00344728 This is a book that's used at other institutions now. tyubmCH6ywI-01076-00344728-00345067 It was produced by students, graduate students at the BYU. tyubmCH6ywI-01077-00345067-00345349 And if you think that it's just graduate students are capable of doing this work, tyubmCH6ywI-01078-00345349-00345411 not so much. tyubmCH6ywI-01079-00345524-00345696 Take this example. tyubmCH6ywI-01080-00345696-00346063 My friend Robin DeRosa works at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire. tyubmCH6ywI-01081-00346063-00346267 She teaches only American literature and tyubmCH6ywI-01082-00346267-00346681 she had one of these ah-ha moments where she realized she was signing an anthology, tyubmCH6ywI-01083-00346681-00347063 a hundred dollars or so, where all of the readings were in the public domain. tyubmCH6ywI-01084-00347063-00347464 So then she took a step back, worked with her students to select the readings that tyubmCH6ywI-01085-00347464-00347618 would go into the anthology and tyubmCH6ywI-01086-00347618-00347939 published the Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature. tyubmCH6ywI-01087-00347939-00348184 Fantastic by itself, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01088-00348184-00348322 And then of course you can go further. tyubmCH6ywI-01089-00348453-00348803 Look at Ohio State University, where successive cohorts of students taking tyubmCH6ywI-01090-00348803-00349213 courses in environmental science have been writing bite sized chunks. tyubmCH6ywI-01091-00349213-00349507 And this is being edited by the faculty at Ohio State. tyubmCH6ywI-01092-00349507-00349744 This is published as Environmental ScienceBites. tyubmCH6ywI-01093-00349744-00349964 This is all open educational resources. tyubmCH6ywI-01094-00349964-00350239 These are open textbooks that have been written by students, tyubmCH6ywI-01095-00350239-00350655 edited by faculty, provided to the public, wonderful. tyubmCH6ywI-01096-00350655-00351095 Not a flud research essay, not a disposable assignment, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01097-00351273-00351702 Another option, we all sometimes have these oral presentations that we include tyubmCH6ywI-01098-00351702-00351860 in our courses, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01099-00351860-00352256 And I don't know about you, but I've died by PowerPoint far too many times. tyubmCH6ywI-01100-00352374-00352631 But what if we substitute those with something else? tyubmCH6ywI-01101-00352631-00352878 So instead we challenge our students to film, tyubmCH6ywI-01102-00352878-00353234 produce two to three minute videos, instructional videos tyubmCH6ywI-01103-00353234-00353495 that provide an overview of a particular psychological phenomenon. tyubmCH6ywI-01104-00353495-00353614 That's it. tyubmCH6ywI-01105-00353614-00353712 Be as creative as you like. tyubmCH6ywI-01106-00353712-00354041 You can use your iPhone and film a little skit with your friends. tyubmCH6ywI-01107-00354041-00354248 You can use animation tools that are free on the web. tyubmCH6ywI-01108-00354248-00354315 Whatever you like. tyubmCH6ywI-01109-00354427-00354738 So these two students at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver submitted their tyubmCH6ywI-01110-00354738-00355005 video, which was about the principles of persuasion, tyubmCH6ywI-01111-00355005-00355239 to an international student video competition. tyubmCH6ywI-01112-00355239-00355673 They won first position, $6,000 US dollars, tyubmCH6ywI-01113-00355673-00355961 which is like 50,000 Canadian or something. tyubmCH6ywI-01114-00356156-00356768 But more importantly, their video is now being used by faculty in Malaysia, tyubmCH6ywI-01115-00356768-00357155 in Hawaii, in Vancouver, to teach the science of persuasion. tyubmCH6ywI-01116-00357155-00357444 It's that good and that's powerful. tyubmCH6ywI-01117-00357444-00357686 That's open pedagogy right there. tyubmCH6ywI-01118-00357686-00357974 Right, it's wonderful. tyubmCH6ywI-01119-00358132-00358208 One more example. tyubmCH6ywI-01120-00358312-00358677 Again, what if we ditch the research essay given that they're gonna write so tyubmCH6ywI-01121-00358677-00358741 many others. tyubmCH6ywI-01122-00358916-00359296 In social psychology, I do this, but they do this at Kent State as well. tyubmCH6ywI-01123-00359296-00359426 This is also in New Hampshire. tyubmCH6ywI-01124-00359574-00360049 So they asked their students to write and submit for publication an op-ed. tyubmCH6ywI-01125-00360049-00360330 Pick a local social problem that's affecting your community. tyubmCH6ywI-01126-00360330-00360493 Take your budding scientific knowledge. tyubmCH6ywI-01127-00360493-00360741 Make an engaging evidence based argument. tyubmCH6ywI-01128-00360741-00361043 Very concise cuz op-eds are 500 to 750 words. tyubmCH6ywI-01129-00361043-00361165 They're not easy to write, actually. tyubmCH6ywI-01130-00361277-00361743 But they're exactly the kind of skill I want my students to come away with, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01131-00361743-00361971 Literacy, communication skills, and tyubmCH6ywI-01132-00361971-00362330 being able to communicate clearly to a lay audience. tyubmCH6ywI-01133-00362448-00362572 It's wonderful. tyubmCH6ywI-01134-00362572-00362690 So this is happening all over the place. tyubmCH6ywI-01135-00362957-00363067 And maybe one more example. tyubmCH6ywI-01136-00363170-00363429 This is an open textbook, the other open textbook that I worked on for tyubmCH6ywI-01137-00363429-00363511 social psychology. tyubmCH6ywI-01138-00363650-00363935 And it's great, I think anyway, clearly. tyubmCH6ywI-01139-00363935-00364078 But the problem is, for tyubmCH6ywI-01140-00364078-00364420 some open textbooks, these are disciplines or courses for tyubmCH6ywI-01141-00364420-00364795 which traditionally instructors rely heavily on ancillary materials. tyubmCH6ywI-01142-00364795-00365162 And even though there are ancillary materials from many open textbooks, for tyubmCH6ywI-01143-00365162-00365594 some, like this one, they do not yet exist. tyubmCH6ywI-01144-00365594-00365851 So in particular I'm talking about a question bank over here. tyubmCH6ywI-01145-00365851-00366175 There's some discipline where this is really important for faculty. tyubmCH6ywI-01146-00366175-00366469 But then it eventually occurred to me, why in heaven's name am I asking tyubmCH6ywI-01147-00366469-00366762 my students to answer questions when I can ask them to write the questions? tyubmCH6ywI-01148-00366896-00367329 Think about how deeply a student has to grasp a concept tyubmCH6ywI-01149-00367329-00367757 to be able to write three plausible distractors in a multiple choice question. tyubmCH6ywI-01150-00367877-00368044 That's where I started thinking. tyubmCH6ywI-01151-00368044-00368261 And so I have small classes, 35 students. tyubmCH6ywI-01152-00368261-00368456 So we pick ten topics over the semester. tyubmCH6ywI-01153-00368456-00368733 In my small class, they wrote four questions every week. tyubmCH6ywI-01154-00368733-00368962 They peer reviewed 12 questions a week. tyubmCH6ywI-01155-00368962-00369216 We built it. I had also some incentive structures built tyubmCH6ywI-01156-00369216-00369468 in where, they knew the best questions would tyubmCH6ywI-01157-00369468-00369696 possibly end up on the actual mid term exam. tyubmCH6ywI-01158-00369696-00370001 So that's an incentive to write a good question. tyubmCH6ywI-01159-00370001-00370348 And we built 1,400 questions in a single semester. tyubmCH6ywI-01160-00370348-00370445 That was last summer. tyubmCH6ywI-01161-00370445-00370776 This summer, I had another cohort with the same thing, and I have 2,800 questions. tyubmCH6ywI-01162-00370899-00371057 I'm not saying it's a ready task bank for tyubmCH6ywI-01163-00371057-00371312 instructors to adopt, there's some polishing that needs to be done. tyubmCH6ywI-01164-00371312-00371454 Not all the questions are phenomenal. tyubmCH6ywI-01165-00371559-00371829 But give me one or two more semesters working with students peer reviewing, tyubmCH6ywI-01166-00371829-00371980 editing, we'll get there. tyubmCH6ywI-01167-00372111-00372456 But over here, the provision of the resource is not the main goal. tyubmCH6ywI-01168-00372456-00372569 It's pedagogy. tyubmCH6ywI-01169-00372569-00372888 It's the learning, much deeper when the students are writing the questions. tyubmCH6ywI-01170-00373086-00373444 So in trying to give you those examples, whether it's Wikipedia editing, or tyubmCH6ywI-01171-00373444-00374043 open textbook adaptation, or authoring or curation, or instructional video design, tyubmCH6ywI-01172-00374043-00374505 or even open eds or question writing, I'm trying to give you a range of ideas for tyubmCH6ywI-01173-00374505-00374758 assessments that are outside of tradition. tyubmCH6ywI-01174-00374878-00375359 And that’s because traditional assignments are a lot like having an aircraft and tyubmCH6ywI-01175-00375359-00375697 choosing to drive it down the highway, because you could do that. tyubmCH6ywI-01176-00375803-00375971 No problem with that? tyubmCH6ywI-01177-00375971-00376151 I mean people will look at you weird. tyubmCH6ywI-01178-00376151-00376613 You’ll get a lot of side eye, but okay, you could do that, but tyubmCH6ywI-01179-00376613-00376921 they’re capable of so, so, so much more. tyubmCH6ywI-01180-00376921-00376982 And that's the point. tyubmCH6ywI-01181-00377200-00377824 Openness as a movement is equal parts about access as it is about agency. tyubmCH6ywI-01182-00377824-00378268 So it's about access to students, no doubt, of course, and again broadly is tyubmCH6ywI-01183-00378268-00378657 construed, but it's also about agency for faculty and agency for students. tyubmCH6ywI-01184-00378657-00378786 From out perspective, tyubmCH6ywI-01185-00378786-00379199 more freedom to be able to modify resources to suit what we wanna do. tyubmCH6ywI-01186-00379199-00379621 And for students, they can choose, they're not stuck with in a particular format or tyubmCH6ywI-01187-00379621-00379764 anything else. tyubmCH6ywI-01188-00379764-00380231 We're giving them more agency even in the process of education itself. tyubmCH6ywI-01189-00380231-00380516 And talking about accessing talking agency should remind you of tyubmCH6ywI-01190-00380516-00380643 other open movements as well. tyubmCH6ywI-01191-00380763-00380973 The open access movement, for example, tyubmCH6ywI-01192-00380973-00381233 hinges on a similarly ludicrous state of affairs. tyubmCH6ywI-01193-00381342-00381598 I mean consider this, we take public funding, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01194-00381598-00382123 NIHO, wherever it's coming from, that research money comes to the institutions. tyubmCH6ywI-01195-00382123-00382238 We do the research. tyubmCH6ywI-01196-00382238-00382521 We publish the research, we write up, we submit it for tyubmCH6ywI-01197-00382521-00382905 publication to a traditional commercial journal, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01198-00382905-00383048 And as soon as we hand it over, when they say, tyubmCH6ywI-01199-00383048-00383305 yes you're accepted, we sign over the copyright. tyubmCH6ywI-01200-00383465-00384027 So that our institution, our colleagues next door in the same office cannot access tyubmCH6ywI-01201-00384027-00384427 the research that we've done unless your institution subscribes to that database. tyubmCH6ywI-01202-00384559-00384910 So that the public that's funded research that you've conducted tyubmCH6ywI-01203-00384910-00385242 heads a peer wall when they want to read the research that they have funded. tyubmCH6ywI-01204-00385466-00385748 It’s quite bizarre, and it’s not good enough for tyubmCH6ywI-01205-00385748-00386083 us to just say, what I’m gonna give to you are vast profits, tyubmCH6ywI-01206-00386083-00386452 billions of dollars in profits in the form of intellectual labor. tyubmCH6ywI-01207-00386452-00386568 I’m gonna be more generous. tyubmCH6ywI-01208-00386568-00386985 I’m gonna volunteer in a few the review, editorial support, tyubmCH6ywI-01209-00386985-00387390 because of course we like to help [INAUDIBLE] whenever we can. tyubmCH6ywI-01210-00387390-00387687 The Open Access Movement is ludicrous, tyubmCH6ywI-01211-00387687-00388040 because it shouldn't have to be a movement, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01212-00388040-00388128 It should be default. tyubmCH6ywI-01213-00388128-00388467 Publicly funded resources should be public by default, tyubmCH6ywI-01214-00388467-00388581 should be available to the public. tyubmCH6ywI-01215-00388686-00388985 This is also true with open science, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01216-00388985-00389241 If we are really concerned about reproducibility, tyubmCH6ywI-01217-00389241-00389466 we need to share our research materials. tyubmCH6ywI-01218-00389466-00389928 We need to preregister our hypothesis, so people know we're not hypothesizing tyubmCH6ywI-01219-00389928-00390267 after the results are known, that we're not key hacking and manipulating the data. tyubmCH6ywI-01220-00390267-00390504 We need to do this. tyubmCH6ywI-01221-00390504-00390872 We need to share our data openly in repositories to enable communitive tyubmCH6ywI-01222-00390872-00391273 science, and not just for the cancer moon shot, for everything. tyubmCH6ywI-01223-00391273-00391597 This is how science proceeds, is in an open and transparent fashion. tyubmCH6ywI-01224-00391597-00391844 And this is how education proceeds, too. tyubmCH6ywI-01225-00391997-00392407 As I write with my friend Robin DeRosa, this, the open education movement, tyubmCH6ywI-01226-00392407-00392818 is fundamentally about the dream of a public learning commons where learners tyubmCH6ywI-01227-00392818-00393110 are empowered to shape the world as they encounter it. tyubmCH6ywI-01228-00393397-00393902 And one more, I'm constantly inspired by Bell Hooks. tyubmCH6ywI-01229-00393902-00394164 If you're unfamiliar with her work, you should really read her work. tyubmCH6ywI-01230-00394382-00394836 She writes, that engaged pedagogy does not seek simply to empower students. tyubmCH6ywI-01231-00394836-00395241 And that any classroom that employs a holistic model of learning will also be tyubmCH6ywI-01232-00395241-00395573 a place where teachers grow and are empowered by the process. tyubmCH6ywI-01233-00395704-00395840 Again, from my perspective, tyubmCH6ywI-01234-00395840-00396136 I benefited a lot from the open education movement as an educator. tyubmCH6ywI-01235-00396136-00396394 It's made me re-evaluate how I approach the classroom. tyubmCH6ywI-01236-00396394-00396788 The assumptions that I make about my course policies, about resources, yes, but tyubmCH6ywI-01237-00396788-00396873 about much more. tyubmCH6ywI-01238-00397035-00397219 What is this work about? tyubmCH6ywI-01239-00397219-00397740 If my work is simply the banking model of education, I'm replaceable with a video. tyubmCH6ywI-01240-00397740-00398245 I'm replaceable with a Kahn academy but I'm not about the content. tyubmCH6ywI-01241-00398245-00398557 The content I think is the gasoline. tyubmCH6ywI-01242-00398557-00398715 I'm focused on the engine. tyubmCH6ywI-01243-00398715-00398967 The content will change, the content will move. tyubmCH6ywI-01244-00398967-00399218 It's the engine I think I need to have my eye on. tyubmCH6ywI-01245-00399218-00399473 And this is the way I think we can reach even more of them. tyubmCH6ywI-01246-00399688-00400066 I started with this image behind my title slides. tyubmCH6ywI-01247-00400066-00400167 I wanna come back to it. tyubmCH6ywI-01248-00400448-00401024 This is a photograph that I took when I was in Cape Town in South Africa. tyubmCH6ywI-01249-00401024-00401166 Yes, you're right. tyubmCH6ywI-01250-00401166-00401614 So that's Table Mountain you're looking at, which is beautiful on occasion when tyubmCH6ywI-01251-00401614-00402069 it's not covered with cloud, which they call it Table Clock, which is kinda cute. tyubmCH6ywI-01252-00402301-00402574 But what is maybe not immediately obvious is that, obviously, tyubmCH6ywI-01253-00402574-00402717 I'm not in downtown Cape Town. tyubmCH6ywI-01254-00402717-00402824 That's downtown Cape Town. tyubmCH6ywI-01255-00402949-00403098 I'm standing at the edge of Robben Island. tyubmCH6ywI-01256-00403228-00403488 Robben Island first served as a leper colony tyubmCH6ywI-01257-00403488-00403781 before it was converted to a maximum security prison for tyubmCH6ywI-01258-00403781-00404294 political prisoners, so during the resist of Apartheid regime in South Africa. tyubmCH6ywI-01259-00404294-00404637 This is where among others, Nelson Mandela, tyubmCH6ywI-01260-00404637-00405117 spent 18 years of his 27-year prison sentence, here. tyubmCH6ywI-01261-00405117-00405262 Really, personally, tyubmCH6ywI-01262-00405262-00405739 it was transformative to be able to visit especially because now, tyubmCH6ywI-01263-00405739-00406132 every single tour guide on Robin Island is actually a former inmate of the prison. tyubmCH6ywI-01264-00406260-00406630 So to be able to talk to them and understand and try and tyubmCH6ywI-01265-00406630-00407119 learn, ask them questions about how they managed to maintain hope, tyubmCH6ywI-01266-00407119-00407356 small acts of daily resistence. tyubmCH6ywI-01267-00407356-00407669 When the injustice, the inequity was so apparent, tyubmCH6ywI-01268-00407669-00408117 so evident, right in front of their eyes every single day. tyubmCH6ywI-01269-00408117-00408342 It was really transformative, that moment for me. tyubmCH6ywI-01270-00408474-00408979 And that's when I start thinking about the incredible tyubmCH6ywI-01271-00408979-00409478 power of that moment when the people who had the experience were speaking to it. tyubmCH6ywI-01272-00409478-00409862 But at the same time addressing the inequity that was baked into the system. tyubmCH6ywI-01273-00410068-00410201 So again, I'll come back to this. tyubmCH6ywI-01274-00410337-00410720 But I really do believe that higher education is a vehicle for economic and tyubmCH6ywI-01275-00410720-00410800 social mobility. tyubmCH6ywI-01276-00410939-00411130 But we can't leave it to the system. tyubmCH6ywI-01277-00411130-00411500 The system will simply replicate the power structures that it's based on. tyubmCH6ywI-01278-00411639-00412002 We will think that it's open, anyone can apply. tyubmCH6ywI-01279-00412002-00412329 But we're not thinking about how something as subtle as tyubmCH6ywI-01280-00412329-00412641 textbook costs are disproportionately affecting students of color, tyubmCH6ywI-01281-00412641-00412918 first-generation students, and other marginalized groups. tyubmCH6ywI-01282-00413085-00413502 We assume that our courses are accessible even when it comes to tyubmCH6ywI-01283-00413693-00413993 questions at the end of a talk like this. tyubmCH6ywI-01284-00413993-00414708 We assume that I don't need a mic when I'm asking a question, but it's not about you. tyubmCH6ywI-01285-00414708-00414913 It's about the people in the room who might be hard of hearing. tyubmCH6ywI-01286-00414913-00415210 The people at the other campuses who need to listen to the question as well. tyubmCH6ywI-01287-00415334-00415690 Cuz I think sometimes we have the best of intentions we end up replicating the power tyubmCH6ywI-01288-00415690-00415920 structures that we really ought to be dismantling. tyubmCH6ywI-01289-00416176-00416350 Onward together. tyubmCH6ywI-01290-00416350-00416808 Thank you very much for listening. >> [APPLAUSE] tyubmCH6ywI-01291-00416808-00416863 >> Thank you. tyubmCH6ywI-01292-00416863-00417143 >> [APPLAUSE] tyubmCH6ywI-01293-00417143-00417264 >> And I hope, yes, we do, tyubmCH6ywI-01294-00417264-00417485 that clock is accurate, I think. >> Yes. tyubmCH6ywI-01295-00417485-00417643 >> We've got 15, perhaps, tyubmCH6ywI-01296-00417643-00417918 20 minutes for discussion, court questions. tyubmCH6ywI-01297-00417918-00418338 And please I would love it if you just shared even if it's a comment or tyubmCH6ywI-01298-00418338-00418834 a thought that maybe it was spark though connected with something I was saying. tyubmCH6ywI-01299-00418834-00419150 And we do have a microphone. tyubmCH6ywI-01300-00420017-00420354 Thank you, Becky. >> So I actually thought when you tyubmCH6ywI-01301-00420354-00420835 mentioned the elephant in the room, that you would run off of that and tyubmCH6ywI-01302-00420835-00421243 process, but I feel like that is one of the elephants in the room. tyubmCH6ywI-01303-00421243-00421875 So what are your thoughts on the inherent tension between that, which is so critical tyubmCH6ywI-01304-00421875-00422342 to academia and the open [INAUDIBLE]. >> Yeah, I think that's changing. tyubmCH6ywI-01305-00422342-00422563 We're seeing that change quite dramatically. tyubmCH6ywI-01306-00422563-00422979 If you look at the Open Access Movement for a moment, there are universities in tyubmCH6ywI-01307-00422979-00423409 Germany and the Netherlands, which are now mandating Open Access populations. tyubmCH6ywI-01308-00423409-00423843 Certainly, in Canada, we have federal funding from Tri-Council agencies. tyubmCH6ywI-01309-00423843-00424101 You have obviously federal funding over here, tyubmCH6ywI-01310-00424101-00424520 which are now starting to mandate that research that is funded by those grants tyubmCH6ywI-01311-00424520-00424915 end up in an open repository even if you're talking about a pre-print. tyubmCH6ywI-01312-00424915-00425288 So I think at a policy level, that's happening anyway. tyubmCH6ywI-01313-00425288-00425585 Even if you're not publishing in a full Open Access journal, tyubmCH6ywI-01314-00425585-00425910 at the very least you're publishing pre-prints of your work tyubmCH6ywI-01315-00425910-00426317 in an Open Access repository, like you have at USU. tyubmCH6ywI-01316-00426317-00426634 Talk to Dylan if you wanna find out more about that repository. tyubmCH6ywI-01317-00426634-00427071 But I should say, even on the OER side, it's changing. tyubmCH6ywI-01318-00427071-00427479 So, for example, the University of British Columbia, obviously in Vancouver, tyubmCH6ywI-01319-00427479-00427870 is one of the biggest research institutions in Canada. tyubmCH6ywI-01320-00427870-00428237 Earlier this year, they actually passed a policy change for tyubmCH6ywI-01321-00428237-00428525 tenure and promotion, so that the creation and tyubmCH6ywI-01322-00428525-00428930 adaptation of OER now counts towards tenure and promotion at UBC. tyubmCH6ywI-01323-00428930-00429174 That's not the only place this is gonna happen at. tyubmCH6ywI-01324-00429174-00429280 So I think you're gonna have to look for tyubmCH6ywI-01325-00429280-00429629 this leadership where it is happening already. tyubmCH6ywI-01326-00429629-00429982 It's happening especially as people are realizing that even if you're a commercial tyubmCH6ywI-01327-00429982-00430103 textbook author, tyubmCH6ywI-01328-00430103-00430480 you have zero control over things like the cost of your book to students. tyubmCH6ywI-01329-00430480-00430799 There are lots of commercial textbook authors who are very frustrated and tyubmCH6ywI-01330-00430799-00430985 attempt to buy back the rights. tyubmCH6ywI-01331-00430985-00431297 But as universities, like UBC and other research institutions, tyubmCH6ywI-01332-00431297-00431424 so not just community colleges, tyubmCH6ywI-01333-00431535-00431891 Start to see the significant advantages in terms of enrollment, persistence, tyubmCH6ywI-01334-00431891-00432304 completion, they realize that they have to align the incentive structures for tyubmCH6ywI-01335-00432304-00432797 faculty so that it's not just voluntary labor that's unpaid, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01336-00432797-00433117 This work is funded, it's not unpaid, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01337-00433117-00433576 It rewards people, especially in terms of tenured promotion, for tyubmCH6ywI-01338-00433576-00433864 places that have, tenured promotion. tyubmCH6ywI-01339-00433864-00434214 But for places that don't otherwise, whether it's time releases, tyubmCH6ywI-01340-00434214-00434639 whether it's grants, whether it's any other kind of recognition. tyubmCH6ywI-01341-00434639-00434772 Absolutely. tyubmCH6ywI-01342-00434772-00435027 But I would say it is already changing, it's already happening. tyubmCH6ywI-01343-00435027-00435235 And hopefully it will follow over here as well. tyubmCH6ywI-01344-00435376-00435677 Please, I'm gonna try and pass the mic, easy chain it. tyubmCH6ywI-01345-00435677-00436100 [LAUGH] >> Thank you, tyubmCH6ywI-01346-00436100-00436231 your timing is immaculate. >> Good. tyubmCH6ywI-01347-00436231-00436632 >> We have the first of three provost and tyubmCH6ywI-01348-00436632-00436873 an open mic. >> [LAUGH] tyubmCH6ywI-01349-00436873-00437131 >> An open forum tyubmCH6ywI-01350-00437131-00437200 tomorrow- >> Excellent. tyubmCH6ywI-01351-00437200-00437333 >> And another one next week, tyubmCH6ywI-01352-00437333-00437693 and somewhere in October there's >> The earth. tyubmCH6ywI-01353-00437693-00438183 What one question would you ask someone here to ask him. tyubmCH6ywI-01354-00438183-00438702 Well, there are two hims and one her. tyubmCH6ywI-01355-00438702-00439067 Because he or she is going to be the person at tyubmCH6ywI-01356-00439067-00439228 this institution- >> Yeah. tyubmCH6ywI-01357-00439228-00439582 >> That will be writing that or tyubmCH6ywI-01358-00439582-00440130 allowing or enabling. >> Or whatever. tyubmCH6ywI-01359-00440130-00440399 >> Well, first of all I should that is tyubmCH6ywI-01360-00440399-00440965 a lot whether you look at the annual indications about emerging trends, tyubmCH6ywI-01361-00440965-00441357 important trends over the next 5 10 years. tyubmCH6ywI-01362-00441357-00441521 Those kinds of lists that come out, or tyubmCH6ywI-01363-00441521-00442000 even if you look at documents from the OECB, they talk about the role tyubmCH6ywI-01364-00442000-00442468 of open educational practice in catalyzing innovation with an institutions. tyubmCH6ywI-01365-00442468-00442797 I will a question personally tyubmCH6ywI-01366-00443310-00443770 about how they see, what benefits they see? tyubmCH6ywI-01367-00443770-00444331 Or how they see open access, open signs, and open education benefiting tyubmCH6ywI-01368-00444331-00444952 the institution in a micro and macro sense? tyubmCH6ywI-01369-00444952-00445488 I would hope to see some evidence that they are completely familiar with these. tyubmCH6ywI-01370-00445488-00446074 Which are incredibly important and growing rapidly as movements across higher ed. tyubmCH6ywI-01371-00446074-00446126 So for tyubmCH6ywI-01372-00446126-00446534 me, it would be a big red flag if they are unaware of any of these movements. tyubmCH6ywI-01373-00446534-00446878 And in particular, not just casually aware, but have though deeply tyubmCH6ywI-01374-00446878-00447268 about their implications for our work now and in the future. tyubmCH6ywI-01375-00447268-00447760 Both in terms of demographic challenges and serving communities as a institution. tyubmCH6ywI-01376-00447760-00447989 But also on the innovation side. tyubmCH6ywI-01377-00447989-00448162 In what that can sparks. tyubmCH6ywI-01378-00448162-00448674 So, I would hope for a lot of familiarity and not just casual. tyubmCH6ywI-01379-00448945-00449216 Thank you though, that's a really cool opportunity. tyubmCH6ywI-01380-00449216-00449507 But I should say, in the psychology department in my institution, tyubmCH6ywI-01381-00449507-00449974 we actually ask potential candidates in committees very openly. tyubmCH6ywI-01382-00449974-00450110 About their familiarity and tyubmCH6ywI-01383-00450110-00450609 awareness of open education resources they use in teaching and things like that or tyubmCH6ywI-01384-00450609-00450945 if they're on the research side then of course it will open science practices. tyubmCH6ywI-01385-00450945-00451302 They don't know about that you have been paying attention in psychology. tyubmCH6ywI-01386-00451641-00451721 Anybody else? tyubmCH6ywI-01387-00451721-00451866 It doesn't need to be a question really but tyubmCH6ywI-01388-00451866-00452189 yeah? >> I'm becoming tyubmCH6ywI-01389-00452387-00452730 more familiar with this all the time. tyubmCH6ywI-01390-00452730-00453039 So then, what's the downside, people that would be against this, tyubmCH6ywI-01391-00453039-00453343 to me it seems like why wouldn't everybody be for this, so tyubmCH6ywI-01392-00453343-00453557 obviously I'm thinking publishers >> Yup, tyubmCH6ywI-01393-00453557-00453804 that's the one side, yep >> But tyubmCH6ywI-01394-00453804-00454152 as far as professors and people in the institution, tyubmCH6ywI-01395-00454152-00454471 are most of them supportive? >> Thanks. tyubmCH6ywI-01396-00454471-00455010 I think we're wrapping a few things up in one when we talk about supportive. tyubmCH6ywI-01397-00455010-00455347 Cuz there are people who it doesn't matter what you're talking about, tyubmCH6ywI-01398-00455347-00455568 will be resisting to change of any kind. tyubmCH6ywI-01399-00455568-00455849 So, there's that issue to deal with, right. tyubmCH6ywI-01400-00455849-00456241 So, aside from that, yes, the institutional winds, tyubmCH6ywI-01401-00456241-00456512 the faculty wind, with a few exceptions. tyubmCH6ywI-01402-00456512-00456900 So for faculty, if you are, for example, a commercial textbook author and tyubmCH6ywI-01403-00456900-00457182 you happen to be in this lovely conflict of interest situation where you tyubmCH6ywI-01404-00457182-00457608 are assigning your commercial textbook to your students, then you might be losing. tyubmCH6ywI-01405-00457608-00458143 But I think overall if we're talking tyubmCH6ywI-01406-00458143-00458547 about resources that are available, that you deem to be high enough quality, tyubmCH6ywI-01407-00458547-00458810 then there's no loser apart from the commercial publishers. tyubmCH6ywI-01408-00458942-00459242 I should say though commercial publishers tyubmCH6ywI-01409-00459242-00459641 have a love hate relationship with OER which is sort of interesting. tyubmCH6ywI-01410-00459641-00460018 If you've been sort of watching them over the last decade or so. tyubmCH6ywI-01411-00460018-00460403 They've been actively rebranding themselves from textbook companies to tyubmCH6ywI-01412-00460403-00460899 digital yearning solutions companies, or whatever they call themselves now. tyubmCH6ywI-01413-00460899-00461284 So essentially, we're moving away from providing resources to providing services, tyubmCH6ywI-01414-00461284-00461537 kind of like Netflix and Spotify and the like. tyubmCH6ywI-01415-00461537-00461996 So, they're looking for institutional licensing BOs where they're gonna deliver tyubmCH6ywI-01416-00461996-00462477 e-textbooks to all of the students and so all in monitory across tyubmCH6ywI-01417-00462477-00462974 all of the courses cuz, of course, massive margins guaranteed revenue from tyubmCH6ywI-01418-00462974-00463410 every student not just the 30% who are buying the books in every semester. tyubmCH6ywI-01419-00463410-00463608 And they're leasing the books so they get it every semester. tyubmCH6ywI-01420-00463608-00463959 There's no used text book market to stamp out so tyubmCH6ywI-01421-00463959-00464239 they are actively moving towards digital, massive pivot. tyubmCH6ywI-01422-00464239-00464427 You're gonna see that more and more. tyubmCH6ywI-01423-00464427-00464860 So, when I say love hate, they love the fact that what we are is free in digital tyubmCH6ywI-01424-00464860-00465127 formats because that is assisting tyubmCH6ywI-01425-00465127-00465535 the pivot to digital among faculty in terms of familiarity with digital. tyubmCH6ywI-01426-00465535-00465947 Of course OER is available in print too, but that's not the point. tyubmCH6ywI-01427-00465947-00466350 So, they are actively importing open educational resources into some for tyubmCH6ywI-01428-00466350-00466464 their repositories. tyubmCH6ywI-01429-00466464-00466843 Which is a sort of legally dubious practice because you're charging for tyubmCH6ywI-01430-00466843-00467149 resources that actually should be free. tyubmCH6ywI-01431-00467149-00467435 So, they kind of like it, but they kind of hate it. tyubmCH6ywI-01432-00467435-00467745 They hate it to the extent that it's cutting their margins right now and tyubmCH6ywI-01433-00467745-00467901 hammering them right now. tyubmCH6ywI-01434-00467901-00468397 Pearson saw a 30% drop in their stock value in February of this year because tyubmCH6ywI-01435-00468397-00468459 of this. tyubmCH6ywI-01436-00468459-00468716 But yeah. tyubmCH6ywI-01437-00468716-00469042 So, I think you're going to see them shift more and more so tyubmCH6ywI-01438-00469042-00469367 they are still co-opting much of the movement. tyubmCH6ywI-01439-00469367-00469605 You will also see a lot of what we call open washing. tyubmCH6ywI-01440-00469605-00469875 It's kind of like greenwashing. tyubmCH6ywI-01441-00469875-00470193 Companies that market environmentally friendly practices but tyubmCH6ywI-01442-00470193-00470305 it's a marketing slogan. tyubmCH6ywI-01443-00470305-00470669 It's not actually embedded in their ethos or culture in any way. tyubmCH6ywI-01444-00470669-00470910 But yes. tyubmCH6ywI-01445-00470910-00471353 I think in terms of big low against it you will get people who are not terribly tyubmCH6ywI-01446-00471353-00471689 excited about the unfamiliar, who are very happy with doing tyubmCH6ywI-01447-00471689-00471974 things with the way they have been doing it for 10, 20 years. tyubmCH6ywI-01448-00471974-00472572 And that is fine, so as long as we respect agency including faculty agency and tyubmCH6ywI-01449-00472572-00473201 we do not mend this, any of this then it's still a win even for them, I think. tyubmCH6ywI-01450-00473201-00473503 But yes, for the time being commercial publishers tyubmCH6ywI-01451-00473503-00473937 absolutely despise the movement. >> [INAUDIBLE] tyubmCH6ywI-01452-00473937-00474285 >> Interesting times. tyubmCH6ywI-01453-00474706-00474791 Would you mind passing it back up, tyubmCH6ywI-01454-00474791-00475465 thank you. >> Yeah. tyubmCH6ywI-01455-00475465-00475637 >> This is a, I'm there just gonna throw tyubmCH6ywI-01456-00475637-00475847 this out and see kind of what your response is. tyubmCH6ywI-01457-00475847-00476256 I had an interesting conversation a while ago, well not a conversation, I was tyubmCH6ywI-01458-00476256-00476781 sitting in a seminar but there is one of the sort of more non traditional higher ed tyubmCH6ywI-01459-00476781-00477281 Institutions that exist in the state and offers content and tyubmCH6ywI-01460-00477281-00477835 you know education through you know competency based. tyubmCH6ywI-01461-00478002-00478589 They have entire offices that are devoted to content. tyubmCH6ywI-01462-00478589-00478767 One of the questions I asked, tyubmCH6ywI-01463-00478767-00479172 is you know, how do you, what's your take on who we are? tyubmCH6ywI-01464-00479172-00479559 Do you attempt to integrate who we are with what you do? tyubmCH6ywI-01465-00479559-00480041 And it was interesting, their response was like well, tyubmCH6ywI-01466-00480041-00480510 we're really hesitant about adopting OAR because we don't want to get halfway tyubmCH6ywI-01467-00480510-00481091 through a subscription period and tyubmCH6ywI-01468-00481091-00481612 then something happens and bam, it's shut down, that website's gone or whatever. tyubmCH6ywI-01469-00481612-00481792 Which to me seemed a little bit odd. tyubmCH6ywI-01470-00481792-00482289 It seemed like there might be ways to get around that, tyubmCH6ywI-01471-00482289-00482772 but I'm curious just from like a practical standpoint, what are some things if you're tyubmCH6ywI-01472-00482772-00483349 using OAR that you can do to ensure the durability and tyubmCH6ywI-01473-00483349-00483726 the continuity of your content. >> Yeah, no thanks for sharing that. tyubmCH6ywI-01474-00483726-00484064 That actually strikes me as a rather bizarre answer from that individual. tyubmCH6ywI-01475-00484064-00484577 We are defined, as I said, by permissions, and one of the permissions is retain. tyubmCH6ywI-01476-00484577-00484950 So in fact, if it constitutes OER, you can automatically, tyubmCH6ywI-01477-00484950-00485446 immediately download it in editable fashion onto your server, your platform, tyubmCH6ywI-01478-00485446-00485817 your LMS, your website fully, and you can permanently retain it. tyubmCH6ywI-01479-00485817-00486038 So I'm really confused about what they're talking about. tyubmCH6ywI-01480-00486185-00486587 I can get that you can certainly use OER that's hosted on the providers website, tyubmCH6ywI-01481-00486587-00486897 whether it's Open Stacks which is based on Rice University, or tyubmCH6ywI-01482-00486897-00487159 BC Campus in Vancouver or anything else. tyubmCH6ywI-01483-00487159-00487497 But for all of that, you're able to download it and archive it yourself. tyubmCH6ywI-01484-00487497-00487855 That's one of the foundations of open licensing. tyubmCH6ywI-01485-00487855-00488295 So to me, I'm frankly wondering whether they just are unfamiliar with that or tyubmCH6ywI-01486-00488295-00488652 what's going on, but let me give you a concrete example. tyubmCH6ywI-01487-00488652-00488966 You may have heard of a company called Boundless? tyubmCH6ywI-01488-00488966-00489532 They were also a creative OER for a long time, and earlier this summer, tyubmCH6ywI-01489-00489532-00489931 they announced that they were no longer going to be in the OER space. tyubmCH6ywI-01490-00490035-00490263 But they have a lot of OER content that's out there. tyubmCH6ywI-01491-00490263-00490558 And lot of people use it or remix it in other ways. tyubmCH6ywI-01492-00490558-00491000 And people use it on Boundless' website, but because it's OER, tyubmCH6ywI-01493-00491000-00491557 lots of individuals, including the David company, went in, tyubmCH6ywI-01494-00491557-00492047 downloaded archived imported all of their courses to create a permanent archive. tyubmCH6ywI-01495-00492047-00492258 And that's being mirrored in a few places. tyubmCH6ywI-01496-00492258-00492772 So even when the company goes completely poof, this continues, the resource exists, tyubmCH6ywI-01497-00492772-00493201 and that's part of the big argument for funding this. tyubmCH6ywI-01498-00493201-00493635 It's because when you, in DC we spent $1 million five years ago to produce tyubmCH6ywI-01499-00493635-00494087 resources, open textbooks for the 40 highest enrolled undergraduate courses. tyubmCH6ywI-01500-00494087-00494364 And we've saved students about $5 million to date. tyubmCH6ywI-01501-00494364-00494722 And it doesn't matter if DC Campus, which is a government funding agency, tyubmCH6ywI-01502-00494722-00494857 suddenly just disappears. tyubmCH6ywI-01503-00495010-00495172 The resources exist, they're out there. tyubmCH6ywI-01504-00495172-00495292 They're hosted all over the place. tyubmCH6ywI-01505-00495292-00495439 They can be replicated. tyubmCH6ywI-01506-00495439-00495616 So I have to say, the resources, tyubmCH6ywI-01507-00495616-00495989 the nature of open resources ensures that they retain forever. tyubmCH6ywI-01508-00495989-00496341 Well beyond, they're not tied to a single institution in any way. tyubmCH6ywI-01509-00496341-00496591 And remember, to download you do not need permission. tyubmCH6ywI-01510-00496591-00496735 You can do it directly. tyubmCH6ywI-01511-00496735-00496876 And if you can't, it's not OER. tyubmCH6ywI-01512-00496876-00497355 [LAUGH] Yeah thanks for asking that though, it's odd. tyubmCH6ywI-01513-00497355-00497753 Even the PHET simulations from Colorado, which are simulations, can be downloaded. tyubmCH6ywI-01514-00497753-00498100 So yeah, Evans. tyubmCH6ywI-01515-00498100-00498380 Sorry can we do a bit of a daisy chain, Becky, Edward. tyubmCH6ywI-01516-00498628-00499034 Thank you. >> Thanks. tyubmCH6ywI-01517-00499034-00499463 So you cited both Bell Hooks and Paulo Freire, who I assigned readings from them tyubmCH6ywI-01518-00499463-00499886 to my students, and I actually make them purchase the books from Rutledge, or tyubmCH6ywI-01519-00499886-00500174 Westview Press, or whoever it is. >> Sure. tyubmCH6ywI-01520-00500174-00500514 >> Is there a movement where chapters or tyubmCH6ywI-01521-00500514-00501009 entire selections from these social justice authors tyubmCH6ywI-01522-00501009-00501395 can be moved into an open resource space? tyubmCH6ywI-01523-00501395-00501932 And what are the implications of, in education oftentimes I'll provide a PDF tyubmCH6ywI-01524-00501932-00502208 of a chapter from one of these books. >> [INAUDIBLE] tyubmCH6ywI-01525-00502208-00502261 >> Yeah and tyubmCH6ywI-01526-00502261-00502601 say, look it's fair use cuz it's education. tyubmCH6ywI-01527-00502601-00502929 But what are your thoughts about how can we get some of these great, tyubmCH6ywI-01528-00502929-00503128 I mean like Paulo, he's the head, right? tyubmCH6ywI-01529-00503128-00503402 So how do you, you just ask the estate to maybe move those- tyubmCH6ywI-01530-00503402-00503552 >> No, it's just copyright law. tyubmCH6ywI-01531-00503552-00503989 So whatever 70 years after the author's death, actually varies by country, tyubmCH6ywI-01532-00503989-00504216 so I can't tell you. tyubmCH6ywI-01533-00504216-00504705 Yeah, so 70 years after Powler's death it would end up public domain. tyubmCH6ywI-01534-00504705-00505017 In most cases that's the truth. tyubmCH6ywI-01535-00505017-00505375 There are exceptions to this, like Micky Mouse for example. tyubmCH6ywI-01536-00505375-00505614 Every time Micky Mouse comes up into the public domain, tyubmCH6ywI-01537-00505614-00505832 they extend copyright periods. tyubmCH6ywI-01538-00505832-00506334 It's ridiculous, but yeah, I think first of all, there tyubmCH6ywI-01539-00506334-00506871 are lots of creative writers, authors, who are alive today and this not about, tyubmCH6ywI-01540-00506871-00507221 open licensing is an alternative that's available to them if they want it. tyubmCH6ywI-01541-00507221-00507630 But no one would want to take away their livelihoods by mandating that or sucking tyubmCH6ywI-01542-00507630-00508069 that away, and that's why authors hated the Google books importation project. tyubmCH6ywI-01543-00508069-00508812 So fair dealing is fine, but that's not open licensing, of course. tyubmCH6ywI-01544-00508812-00508935 And so for tyubmCH6ywI-01545-00508935-00509412 authors who are actively writing right now, what I would do is I would point them tyubmCH6ywI-01546-00509412-00509799 to a book that was published by Creative Commons earlier this year. tyubmCH6ywI-01547-00509799-00510058 It's called Made with Creative Commons. tyubmCH6ywI-01548-00510058-00510535 And it profiles about 20 different business models, including for writers and tyubmCH6ywI-01549-00510535-00510901 authors, for how they can take advantage of open licensing and tyubmCH6ywI-01550-00510901-00511131 truly benefit economically. tyubmCH6ywI-01551-00511131-00511677 So I would wanna make sure that authors are aware of this new business model, tyubmCH6ywI-01552-00511677-00512135 but beyond that, I would never wanna take away any kind of royalty from someone who tyubmCH6ywI-01553-00512135-00512378 bases their livelihood on it. tyubmCH6ywI-01554-00512378-00512502 So I would say yeah, fair dealing, tyubmCH6ywI-01555-00512502-00512860 wait until something enters the public domain and then go from there. tyubmCH6ywI-01556-00512860-00513228 You can always, of course, if the author is alive, beyond fair dealing, tyubmCH6ywI-01557-00513228-00513374 you can reach out to the author. tyubmCH6ywI-01558-00513374-00513737 Explain what you're using it for and proactively obtain information from them. tyubmCH6ywI-01559-00513737-00513878 You might even be surprised. tyubmCH6ywI-01560-00513878-00514113 They might give you limited permission for use in your classes tyubmCH6ywI-01561-00514247-00514532 because it resonates so much with what they're trying to achieve. tyubmCH6ywI-01562-00514532-00514931 But no, I think there's many ways to address affordability. tyubmCH6ywI-01563-00514931-00515307 Fair dealing is one, even taking a tougher stance when tyubmCH6ywI-01564-00515307-00515776 you're negotiating prices with commercial textbook publishers is another one. tyubmCH6ywI-01565-00515776-00516099 And I would recommend you consider your power there as well. tyubmCH6ywI-01566-00516099-00516247 But yeah. tyubmCH6ywI-01567-00516247-00516665 But look for the book, Made with Creative Commons, Cory Doctro is one of the authors tyubmCH6ywI-01568-00516665-00516956 I'm thinking of who's profiled in the book, thank you. tyubmCH6ywI-01569-00517155-00517647 We've time for maybe one other question before it officially gets to the end, or tyubmCH6ywI-01570-00517647-00517713 comment? tyubmCH6ywI-01571-00517916-00518392 Yes please Nick. >> So I don't feel engineering really fits tyubmCH6ywI-01572-00518392-00518911 into academia very well in many way, aAnd so with resources like Openstacks, tyubmCH6ywI-01573-00518911-00519415 when I have looked for text books, we really like to teach out of text books, tyubmCH6ywI-01574-00519415-00519794 there are a whole lot of engineering text books in there. tyubmCH6ywI-01575-00519794-00520331 Do they, or I guess open education research publisher like them, tyubmCH6ywI-01576-00520331-00520906 offer sabbatical type opportunities to actually generate content and tyubmCH6ywI-01577-00520906-00521195 produce or publish a text book? >> Yeah, tyubmCH6ywI-01578-00521195-00521432 that's like the perfect question to finish with. tyubmCH6ywI-01579-00521432-00521902 So first of all, I'm just gonna backtrack and say beyond textbook type projects. tyubmCH6ywI-01580-00521902-00522272 There's many in BC and universities, and OpenStacks is another one. tyubmCH6ywI-01581-00522272-00522717 There's other projects that are OER, one I will point you in the direction of, tyubmCH6ywI-01582-00522717-00522922 is called Libra Texts. tyubmCH6ywI-01583-00522922-00523155 So this is based at the University of California at Davis, tyubmCH6ywI-01584-00523155-00523622 but it's imagine Wikipedia where students are writing the articles, but tyubmCH6ywI-01585-00523622-00524013 junior students works as edited supervised reviewed by seniors students. tyubmCH6ywI-01586-00524013-00524264 Their work edited, supervised, reviewed by graduate students. tyubmCH6ywI-01587-00524264-00524563 Their work overseen by international board of faculty. tyubmCH6ywI-01588-00524563-00524657 Not anyone can edit it. tyubmCH6ywI-01589-00524657-00524949 It's controlled, and they have been doing this for tyubmCH6ywI-01590-00524949-00525276 a long time, starting in chemistry and then expanding. tyubmCH6ywI-01591-00525276-00525711 So that's the kind of resource that I see emerging more quickly to supported tyubmCH6ywI-01592-00525711-00525853 engineering. tyubmCH6ywI-01593-00525853-00526044 So I would reach out to the guy who runs it. tyubmCH6ywI-01594-00526044-00526207 His name is Delmar Larsen. tyubmCH6ywI-01595-00526207-00526559 He is, I think, an associate professor of chemistry at UC Davis. tyubmCH6ywI-01596-00526559-00526699 It's amazing. tyubmCH6ywI-01597-00526699-00526921 This is the most visited chemistry website in the world, tyubmCH6ywI-01598-00526921-00527071 and it's been built by students. tyubmCH6ywI-01599-00527071-00527364 Very cool. So I really shout to them. tyubmCH6ywI-01600-00527364-00527818 But in terms of models, there are so many models for support to be able to do this. tyubmCH6ywI-01601-00527818-00528326 So of course in-house you have a grant program that's now running. tyubmCH6ywI-01602-00528326-00528543 And hopefully you can apply for some funding, tyubmCH6ywI-01603-00528543-00528856 even if it's not an enormous amount of funding, to help you do some work. tyubmCH6ywI-01604-00528856-00529167 You can hire a student assistant who can help you with some of this work as tyubmCH6ywI-01605-00529167-00529322 well, perhaps. tyubmCH6ywI-01606-00529322-00529824 Another big thing though is I think the movement is quickly moving away from tyubmCH6ywI-01607-00529824-00530358 smaller projects that have big funding to community driven projects. tyubmCH6ywI-01608-00530358-00530918 So, one community I will point you to is the Rebus community, Rebus is R-E-B-U-S. tyubmCH6ywI-01609-00530918-00531236 And this is for all disciplines, is not just engineering. tyubmCH6ywI-01610-00531236-00531619 This is a community of people who are faculty or tyubmCH6ywI-01611-00531619-00531840 interested in open education resources. tyubmCH6ywI-01612-00531840-00532094 Either perhaps they don't exist in a particular discipline or tyubmCH6ywI-01613-00532094-00532187 maybe if they exist there is no in salaries or tyubmCH6ywI-01614-00532187-00532524 there's something else missing, something needs to be done. tyubmCH6ywI-01615-00532524-00532946 It's just based when people from different multiple institutions can come together tyubmCH6ywI-01616-00532946-00533219 and work together collaboratively to develop peer view and tyubmCH6ywI-01617-00533219-00533390 refine those resources. tyubmCH6ywI-01618-00533390-00533824 So I would say working with Rebus, you can really, many hands will make light work, tyubmCH6ywI-01619-00533824-00534036 but true peer review the product will be superior. tyubmCH6ywI-01620-00534164-00534533 I would also look at your professional society. tyubmCH6ywI-01621-00534533-00534813 Often they have grant funding available to support creation and tyubmCH6ywI-01622-00534813-00535273 dissemination of teaching resources that are wider projects. tyubmCH6ywI-01623-00535273-00535652 So you could, for example, have a conversation with Open Stacks and tyubmCH6ywI-01624-00535652-00536215 if this is a course that is widely taught at many institutions anyway,. tyubmCH6ywI-01625-00536215-00536672 And they can see a business model for themselves they might support and tyubmCH6ywI-01626-00536672-00536999 fund a collaborative development of a textbook like that. tyubmCH6ywI-01627-00536999-00537244 They're not the only shop that would possibly do that, tyubmCH6ywI-01628-00537244-00537504 EC campus might do that as well for example. tyubmCH6ywI-01629-00537504-00537963 And then I would look at many of the existing levels that you can. tyubmCH6ywI-01630-00537963-00538460 So at my institution, faculty have the equivalent of results. tyubmCH6ywI-01631-00538460-00538726 Paid education leave is what we call essentially. tyubmCH6ywI-01632-00538726-00539088 And there's ways for faculty to apply for that time release tyubmCH6ywI-01633-00539088-00539601 whether it's a semester or full year, to be able to work on open projects. tyubmCH6ywI-01634-00539601-00539922 But I think the more you can collaborate and you're not doing it by yourself and tyubmCH6ywI-01635-00539922-00540119 perhaps pooling together funding. tyubmCH6ywI-01636-00540119-00540418 And if you find other schools that have programs that are known for tyubmCH6ywI-01637-00540418-00540787 what you're trying to develop, this is where you wanna go. tyubmCH6ywI-01638-00540787-00541151 There are so many schools that I involved in this. tyubmCH6ywI-01639-00541151-00541644 Oregon State, or UMASS, or Amherst, or the SUNY system or Purdue, tyubmCH6ywI-01640-00541644-00542122 or Tennessee Knoxville, I can go on there's like 600 campuses in this country tyubmCH6ywI-01641-00542122-00542378 that are doing this, that have ground programs for this. tyubmCH6ywI-01642-00542479-00542610 There's gotta be collaborators for you. tyubmCH6ywI-01643-00542776-00543222 And of course beyond that I'll just invite anyone if you don't know where to start tyubmCH6ywI-01644-00543222-00543636 looking for collaborators, or you just want help finding collaborators. tyubmCH6ywI-01645-00543636-00543823 I would be very happy to do that. tyubmCH6ywI-01646-00543823-00544325 There's lots of list services where I can sort of reach out and put out calls. tyubmCH6ywI-01647-00544325-00544648 There's somebody I know who's interested in collaborations for this, tyubmCH6ywI-01648-00544648-00544792 potentially for that. tyubmCH6ywI-01649-00544792-00545072 We can do that, so reach out. tyubmCH6ywI-01650-00545072-00545396 There will be internal opportunities, external opportunities, and tyubmCH6ywI-01651-00545396-00545662 then ultimately we'll produce it. tyubmCH6ywI-01652-00545823-00546012 But yeah, but thanks again very much. tyubmCH6ywI-01653-00546012-00546510 There's catering that's quietly snack. >> [APPLAUSE] tyubmCH6ywI-01654-00546510-00546973 >> Thank you, thank you, thanks very much. tyaph-hSM3u-00000-00000247-00000447 İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler. Abone olmayı ve yorum yapmayı unutmayın. t_Zgj7ZHYsy-00000-00000270-00001980 Hi Friend, Do you like this Game..please reply in comments. TQ. tB5MwwcpnG4-00000-00000064-00000608 This is a big crystal of kyanite, and what you can see is that there's some little thin lines tB5MwwcpnG4-00001-00000608-00001168 that are parallel to the elongation of the crystal – those are the cleavages. And then they're these tB5MwwcpnG4-00002-00001168-00001736 short thick cross hatches – that's parting. It's not actually cleavage, even though it kind of tB5MwwcpnG4-00003-00001736-00002272 looks like that. That's really characteristic of kyanite, though: thin cleavages and this cross tB5MwwcpnG4-00004-00002272-00002984 hatching, the parting. (It's) really typical to see these low interference colors. tB5MwwcpnG4-00005-00003112-00003840 This is kyanite in an eclogite , and again you can see the long, thin cleavages, and the short tB5MwwcpnG4-00006-00003952-00004280 cross hatching (the parting). (It) has very high relief. tB5MwwcpnG4-00007-00004363-00004915 This is a whole cluster of kyanite crystals. There are some that are elongate, and they have tB5MwwcpnG4-00008-00004915-00005379 the thin cleavages parallel to the elongation. And then there are others that are a little chunkier, tB5MwwcpnG4-00009-00005379-00005995 and they look all broken up. That's because it's really hard to polish that orientation of kyanite, tB5MwwcpnG4-00010-00005995-00006363 and so it actually does get kind of broken up where that parting is so strong. tB5MwwcpnG4-00011-00006539-00006979 Again you can see really low interference colors the maximum here is orange tB5MwwcpnG4-00012-00007435-00007987 This is a rare kyanite from Tanzania. It's very faintly pleochroic yellow. tB5MwwcpnG4-00013-00007987-00008483 That's not your imagination, if you see that. It has cleavages parallel to the tB5MwwcpnG4-00014-00008539-00009035 elongation of the crystal, doesn't really have strong parting, and low interference colors. tB5MwwcpnG4-00015-00009035-00009651 Here the vivid blue mineral on the outside is called yoderite – another rare mineral tB5MwwcpnG4-00016-00010483-00010939 This is what kyanite looks like when it's deformed. Again, you can see the cleavages tB5MwwcpnG4-00017-00011051-00011403 running along the elongation of the crystal. When I cross the polars, tB5MwwcpnG4-00018-00011403-00011779 you're going to see that the whole crystal doesn't go extinct all at once, tB5MwwcpnG4-00019-00011779-00012419 it has this kind of sweeping or undulatory extinction. That's because the crystal is bent, tB5MwwcpnG4-00020-00012555-00012979 so parts of it go extinct at a slightly different angle than other parts. tB5MwwcpnG4-00021-00013579-00014123 This is one of the few samples I have with kyanite and silimanite actually in contact with each tB5MwwcpnG4-00022-00014123-00014651 other. Kyanite is the high relief mineral with good cleavage. Sillimanite is all the fuzzy stuff tB5MwwcpnG4-00023-00014651-00015091 that's now coming to the bottom of the field of view. Cross the polars, and you can see the tB5MwwcpnG4-00024-00015091-00015635 kyanite has that yellow orange interference colors and silimanite is similar, but it has a very tB5MwwcpnG4-00025-00015635-00016539 different texture. And that's how you can tell the difference between the two in this context. tBZaDvAUXz8-00000-00000000-00000212 SASTRA FILM & BAYON TV tBZaDvAUXz8-00001-00000484-00000584 Present tBZaDvAUXz8-00002-00011702-00011846 Life Series tBZaDvAUXz8-00003-00011888-00011988 Beautiful Mom tBZaDvAUXz8-00004-00012278-00012584 Previously: You have to spy on her tBZaDvAUXz8-00005-00012584-00012863 Don't let them be together! You have to do it tBZaDvAUXz8-00006-00012938-00013038 From now on tBZaDvAUXz8-00007-00013110-00013426 Break up with my daughter. Listen to me tBZaDvAUXz8-00008-00013584-00013724 You have to break up with him tBZaDvAUXz8-00009-00013852-00014066 because his mother is crazy tBZaDvAUXz8-00010-00014680-00014880 It's hurt, TOUCH tBZaDvAUXz8-00011-00015210-00015410 TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00012-00015502-00015610 What's wrong? tBZaDvAUXz8-00013-00015768-00016066 Life Series: Beautiful Mom tBZaDvAUXz8-00014-00016368-00016494 Right! tBZaDvAUXz8-00015-00016558-00016658 I love him tBZaDvAUXz8-00016-00016724-00016984 No matter who is his mother tBZaDvAUXz8-00017-00017018-00017170 I still love him tBZaDvAUXz8-00018-00017508-00017608 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00019-00017708-00017808 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00020-00018260-00018360 You can hit me tBZaDvAUXz8-00021-00018418-00018714 You don't understand what love is tBZaDvAUXz8-00022-00018834-00019082 Am I wrong that I follow my heart? tBZaDvAUXz8-00023-00019174-00019276 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00024-00019462-00019562 You little... tBZaDvAUXz8-00025-00019720-00019858 SAK! Take her! tBZaDvAUXz8-00026-00019942-00020078 You have to go home no matter what tBZaDvAUXz8-00027-00020138-00020356 NO! Hand off me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00028-00020356-00020556 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00029-00020612-00020812 You can't go against me tBZaDvAUXz8-00030-00021048-00021150 Hand off me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00031-00021238-00021358 I love him tBZaDvAUXz8-00032-00021358-00021526 I don't want to go anywhere tBZaDvAUXz8-00033-00021568-00021668 You are tBZaDvAUXz8-00034-00021728-00021828 ruining your family tBZaDvAUXz8-00035-00021844-00022034 you ran after a man who has crazy mother tBZaDvAUXz8-00036-00022150-00022250 Remember tBZaDvAUXz8-00037-00022254-00022354 in your brain tBZaDvAUXz8-00038-00022438-00022568 Whenever I'm still alive tBZaDvAUXz8-00039-00022696-00022948 I won't let you be together with him tBZaDvAUXz8-00040-00023114-00023214 No, mother! I love him tBZaDvAUXz8-00041-00023350-00023450 Please don't separate us tBZaDvAUXz8-00042-00023452-00023632 I beg you tBZaDvAUXz8-00043-00023698-00023836 Hand off me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00044-00023888-00023992 Please let us be together tBZaDvAUXz8-00045-00024306-00024516 I beg you tBZaDvAUXz8-00046-00024550-00024650 I beg you tBZaDvAUXz8-00047-00024704-00024866 We really love each other tBZaDvAUXz8-00048-00025430-00025692 but we don't allow you to love each other tBZaDvAUXz8-00049-00025756-00025856 Don't hurt my son tBZaDvAUXz8-00050-00025895-00026108 My son is not wrong tBZaDvAUXz8-00051-00026282-00026382 Don't touch me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00052-00026450-00026550 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00053-00026695-00026795 Are you hurt? tBZaDvAUXz8-00054-00027286-00027594 Why are you doing this to my mother? tBZaDvAUXz8-00055-00027616-00027716 Because your mother is crazy tBZaDvAUXz8-00056-00027794-00027914 and you love your daughter tBZaDvAUXz8-00057-00028554-00028654 I don't stop tBZaDvAUXz8-00058-00028783-00029004 You are a man who haven't old tBZaDvAUXz8-00059-00029088-00029210 but I'm old who used to be young like you tBZaDvAUXz8-00060-00029474-00029595 What are you looking at ? tBZaDvAUXz8-00061-00029683-00029792 What do you want? tBZaDvAUXz8-00062-00029864-00030074 You are a son of crazy tBZaDvAUXz8-00063-00030277-00030522 What do you want to do? tBZaDvAUXz8-00064-00030522-00030882 My mother is not crazy. Don't call her like this again! tBZaDvAUXz8-00065-00030944-00031214 Your mother is crazy, crazy, crazy tBZaDvAUXz8-00066-00031214-00031508 I curse your mother. What will you do to me!? tBZaDvAUXz8-00067-00031508-00031626 I told you not to say like this tBZaDvAUXz8-00068-00031626-00031726 Your mother is crazy tBZaDvAUXz8-00069-00031889-00031989 Hand off me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00070-00032356-00032706 Am I wrong just love the person I chose? tBZaDvAUXz8-00071-00032764-00033088 Even If I die, I would die with him. tBZaDvAUXz8-00072-00033096-00033280 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00073-00033354-00033512 You little brat tBZaDvAUXz8-00074-00033572-00033698 Asshole! tBZaDvAUXz8-00075-00034632-00034732 Come with us! tBZaDvAUXz8-00076-00035532-00035738 If you still take me back tBZaDvAUXz8-00077-00035798-00035954 I will die in front of you tBZaDvAUXz8-00078-00036180-00036280 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00079-00036408-00036520 You little brat tBZaDvAUXz8-00080-00036658-00036758 You don't listen to me tBZaDvAUXz8-00081-00041320-00041604 Have mother slept yet? tBZaDvAUXz8-00082-00043006-00043206 I don't care tBZaDvAUXz8-00083-00043206-00043306 what will tBZaDvAUXz8-00084-00043398-00043588 happens tomorrow tBZaDvAUXz8-00085-00043916-00044190 Even if tomorrow my last chance, tBZaDvAUXz8-00086-00044368-00044564 I'll be with you tBZaDvAUXz8-00087-00045538-00045876 Since you come here, tBZaDvAUXz8-00088-00045894-00046160 you faced many troubles. tBZaDvAUXz8-00089-00046188-00046288 I'm sorry tBZaDvAUXz8-00090-00046384-00046636 I promised I would take care of you tBZaDvAUXz8-00091-00046800-00046940 I'll protect you tBZaDvAUXz8-00092-00047576-00047810 My life is yours tBZaDvAUXz8-00093-00047906-00048116 I won't leave you tBZaDvAUXz8-00094-00048200-00048502 I promise I won't let anyone take tBZaDvAUXz8-00095-00048502-00048804 you from me tBZaDvAUXz8-00096-00049498-00049724 We have to come over it together tBZaDvAUXz8-00097-00049858-00050060 No matter what happens tBZaDvAUXz8-00098-00050136-00050296 I love you tBZaDvAUXz8-00099-00050480-00050580 I choose tBZaDvAUXz8-00100-00050668-00050886 you by myself tBZaDvAUXz8-00101-00051391-00051548 Don't say a word! tBZaDvAUXz8-00102-00051586-00051686 We choose tBZaDvAUXz8-00103-00051720-00052022 to walk on this path tBZaDvAUXz8-00104-00052022-00052122 we created it tBZaDvAUXz8-00105-00052162-00052372 I won't let you suffer alone tBZaDvAUXz8-00106-00052424-00052564 I'll take care of you tBZaDvAUXz8-00107-00052654-00052802 Although tBZaDvAUXz8-00108-00052886-00053044 you can't go back home tBZaDvAUXz8-00109-00054555-00054854 Life Series: Beautiful Mom tBZaDvAUXz8-00110-00061064-00061273 Life Series: Beautiful Mom tBZaDvAUXz8-00111-00061649-00061797 Although tBZaDvAUXz8-00112-00061881-00062038 you can change anything tBZaDvAUXz8-00113-00064098-00064302 What do you want to say? tBZaDvAUXz8-00114-00064548-00064648 I tBZaDvAUXz8-00115-00064854-00065132 want you to be a grateful daughter tBZaDvAUXz8-00116-00065205-00065534 I don't want you to have trouble with your family tBZaDvAUXz8-00117-00065534-00065764 because of me tBZaDvAUXz8-00118-00066206-00066336 I love you tBZaDvAUXz8-00119-00066712-00066816 and tBZaDvAUXz8-00120-00066880-00067112 I don't want my love one tBZaDvAUXz8-00121-00067312-00067506 suffer because of me tBZaDvAUXz8-00122-00068952-00069146 I don't regret my decision tBZaDvAUXz8-00123-00069182-00069354 that I decided to live with you tBZaDvAUXz8-00124-00069558-00069658 because tBZaDvAUXz8-00125-00069696-00069808 my heart tBZaDvAUXz8-00126-00069864-00070082 and my soul tBZaDvAUXz8-00127-00070224-00070432 has given to you already tBZaDvAUXz8-00128-00070598-00070872 What happens next is the future tBZaDvAUXz8-00129-00070922-00071244 but I can live with you today tBZaDvAUXz8-00130-00071282-00071444 I feel tBZaDvAUXz8-00131-00071496-00071758 happy tBZaDvAUXz8-00132-00071812-00072000 Run away from home tBZaDvAUXz8-00133-00072082-00072342 to live with the one I love tBZaDvAUXz8-00134-00072552-00072720 I'm disgraceful child already tBZaDvAUXz8-00135-00072824-00072924 So tBZaDvAUXz8-00136-00072994-00073136 I can't make a mistake again tBZaDvAUXz8-00137-00073176-00073514 I don't want to live with a person I didn't love tBZaDvAUXz8-00138-00073776-00073934 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00139-00074504-00074670 I'll stay with you tBZaDvAUXz8-00140-00074710-00074896 I won't leave you tBZaDvAUXz8-00141-00074956-00075206 I won't leave you tBZaDvAUXz8-00142-00075244-00075494 We can't be separate, promised me? tBZaDvAUXz8-00143-00079786-00080086 Mother! Please eat and take medicine! tBZaDvAUXz8-00144-00080838-00081172 See! It's delicious. It's fish tBZaDvAUXz8-00145-00081282-00081486 Mother! Please have a bit! tBZaDvAUXz8-00146-00081524-00081626 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00147-00082206-00082334 Mother! What happens? tBZaDvAUXz8-00148-00082334-00082512 leave me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00149-00082588-00082862 I don't eat! I wont eat anything tBZaDvAUXz8-00150-00082984-00083184 Leave me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00151-00083494-00083594 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00152-00083714-00083914 I won't hurt you, mother tBZaDvAUXz8-00153-00083914-00084108 Mother, It's POV tBZaDvAUXz8-00154-00084140-00084266 Mother! I'm POV tBZaDvAUXz8-00155-00084374-00084480 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00156-00084480-00084666 Don't hurt me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00157-00084804-00084980 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00158-00085058-00085164 I won't hurt you tBZaDvAUXz8-00159-00085500-00085600 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00160-00085900-00086048 Please eat mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00161-00087008-00087108 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00162-00087130-00087230 It's okay tBZaDvAUXz8-00163-00087428-00087528 It's just branch of leave tBZaDvAUXz8-00164-00088036-00088336 TOUCH! Where are you? tBZaDvAUXz8-00165-00088372-00088720 TOUCH! Help me! I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00166-00088820-00089140 No one hurts you, mother tBZaDvAUXz8-00167-00089196-00089430 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00168-00089508-00089742 Mother, I'm Pov tBZaDvAUXz8-00169-00089792-00090094 It's okay, mother tBZaDvAUXz8-00170-00090112-00090360 TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00171-00090466-00090566 TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00172-00090704-00090876 I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00173-00090876-00090966 Mother! look at me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00174-00091276-00091418 Leave me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00175-00091770-00091870 TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00176-00091882-00092180 Help me! I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00177-00092242-00092342 Mother! It's POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00178-00092360-00092570 I'm so scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00179-00092672-00092772 Mother! I'm POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00180-00093286-00093386 I tBZaDvAUXz8-00181-00093396-00093680 I'll eat slowly tBZaDvAUXz8-00182-00093842-00094116 I'm afraid someone will take it from me tBZaDvAUXz8-00183-00094116-00094358 I'll eat just a little tBZaDvAUXz8-00184-00094358-00094668 and save for TOUCH tBZaDvAUXz8-00185-00094668-00094870 He will be hungry tBZaDvAUXz8-00186-00095828-00096108 Someone tBZaDvAUXz8-00187-00096108-00096458 want to hurt me. So, I eat just a little tBZaDvAUXz8-00188-00098174-00098314 Hmm! Ran away from home tBZaDvAUXz8-00189-00098346-00098476 for a man tBZaDvAUXz8-00190-00098476-00098706 and take care of a crazy mother tBZaDvAUXz8-00191-00098802-00099018 Ohh! What a pity tBZaDvAUXz8-00192-00099272-00099570 Life Series: Beautiful Mom tBZaDvAUXz8-00193-00105727-00106025 Life Series: Beautiful Mom tBZaDvAUXz8-00194-00107254-00107394 Ran away from home tBZaDvAUXz8-00195-00107427-00107555 for a man tBZaDvAUXz8-00196-00107555-00107784 and have to take care of crazy mother tBZaDvAUXz8-00197-00107882-00108098 What a pity tBZaDvAUXz8-00198-00109652-00109933 OHH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00199-00109933-00110268 You haven't eaten yet. Why tBZaDvAUXz8-00200-00110268-00110478 don't your daughter-in-law feed you? tBZaDvAUXz8-00201-00110509-00110790 Your mother-in-law might choke to die tBZaDvAUXz8-00202-00110790-00111094 because of her crazy behavior tBZaDvAUXz8-00203-00111094-00111394 POV, why don't you serve her better? tBZaDvAUXz8-00204-00111394-00111698 Why do you allow her to eat alone? tBZaDvAUXz8-00205-00111698-00112004 You already known that your mother is crazy tBZaDvAUXz8-00206-00112004-00112320 What If she choke to die? tBZaDvAUXz8-00207-00112320-00112420 Who will responsible for it? tBZaDvAUXz8-00208-00112533-00112902 By the way, What if TOUCH know? tBZaDvAUXz8-00209-00113035-00113135 If she die tBZaDvAUXz8-00210-00113170-00113367 because of living with daughter-in-law tBZaDvAUXz8-00211-00113435-00113758 Are you here to just say this? tBZaDvAUXz8-00212-00114952-00115300 It's not all yet. tBZaDvAUXz8-00213-00115350-00115482 I told you tBZaDvAUXz8-00214-00115535-00115728 I won't let you live happily tBZaDvAUXz8-00215-00115868-00116202 Your life and mine are not related tBZaDvAUXz8-00216-00116206-00116526 we also live differently tBZaDvAUXz8-00217-00116542-00116878 Right! We are different but I came here first tBZaDvAUXz8-00218-00117056-00117285 TOUCH look over me tBZaDvAUXz8-00219-00117320-00117616 and loves tBZaDvAUXz8-00220-00117616-00117833 an uneducated woman like you tBZaDvAUXz8-00221-00117922-00118022 You are just a tailor tBZaDvAUXz8-00222-00118164-00118274 Why can't I compare to you tBZaDvAUXz8-00223-00119990-00120124 What do you want? tBZaDvAUXz8-00224-00120270-00120376 What? tBZaDvAUXz8-00225-00120435-00120732 You will see tBZaDvAUXz8-00226-00120732-00120832 What If I do anything with her tBZaDvAUXz8-00227-00120876-00120976 How can you help her? tBZaDvAUXz8-00228-00122224-00122324 No! tBZaDvAUXz8-00229-00122396-00122596 Hand off me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00230-00122822-00122922 Give it to me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00231-00122952-00123052 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00232-00123130-00123309 I called you like your daughter tBZaDvAUXz8-00233-00123428-00123628 Don't be scared! I won't hurt you tBZaDvAUXz8-00234-00123744-00123944 I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00235-00123982-00124082 Don't come closer! tBZaDvAUXz8-00236-00124214-00124333 TOUCH! Where are you? tBZaDvAUXz8-00237-00124333-00124490 Help me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00238-00124783-00124983 Don't hurt her tBZaDvAUXz8-00239-00125056-00125156 Stay still! tBZaDvAUXz8-00240-00126154-00126254 Hand off me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00241-00127472-00127622 you are so cruel. You dare to do it even with old person tBZaDvAUXz8-00242-00128366-00128466 How can you help her tBZaDvAUXz8-00243-00129402-00129566 Everything has an end tBZaDvAUXz8-00244-00129744-00129844 Don't be rush tBZaDvAUXz8-00245-00129930-00130058 Please wait for the result tBZaDvAUXz8-00246-00130454-00130574 B*tch. you are so cruel tBZaDvAUXz8-00247-00131578-00131906 Right! I'm a witch tBZaDvAUXz8-00248-00131906-00132080 I regret my decision tBZaDvAUXz8-00249-00132250-00132422 I regret that the one I hate live happily tBZaDvAUXz8-00250-00132470-00132678 and I live in a harsh life tBZaDvAUXz8-00251-00134298-00134398 God tBZaDvAUXz8-00252-00134416-00134560 is cruel to me tBZaDvAUXz8-00253-00134606-00134706 because tBZaDvAUXz8-00254-00134738-00134924 what I can do right now is bear tBZaDvAUXz8-00255-00134988-00135210 but I won't let you be happy tBZaDvAUXz8-00256-00135260-00135498 If I have a chance tBZaDvAUXz8-00257-00135532-00135794 I will revenge you for tBZaDvAUXz8-00258-00135794-00135954 whatever you take from me tBZaDvAUXz8-00259-00136586-00136922 Before I left, tBZaDvAUXz8-00260-00136922-00137228 I want to tell you that don't forget to close our eyes before sleep tBZaDvAUXz8-00261-00140417-00140563 I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00262-00140632-00140870 Leave me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00263-00143292-00143448 TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00264-00143968-00144168 Help me! I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00265-00144528-00144628 Leave me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00266-00148794-00149040 Mother! POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00267-00149040-00149230 I'm back tBZaDvAUXz8-00268-00150142-00150262 Where did they go? tBZaDvAUXz8-00269-00150806-00151110 I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00270-00151110-00151414 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00271-00151426-00151590 Mother! Please come out! tBZaDvAUXz8-00272-00151706-00151922 Mosquito will bite you tBZaDvAUXz8-00273-00152024-00152130 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00274-00152448-00152548 leave me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00275-00153132-00153236 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00276-00153548-00153664 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00277-00153956-00154254 Life Series: Beautiful Mom tBZaDvAUXz8-00278-00160412-00160710 Life Series: Beautiful Mom tBZaDvAUXz8-00279-00162998-00163264 Mother! POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00280-00163264-00163454 I'm back from work tBZaDvAUXz8-00281-00164366-00164486 Where are they? tBZaDvAUXz8-00282-00165030-00165334 I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00283-00165334-00165638 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00284-00165650-00165814 Please come out! tBZaDvAUXz8-00285-00165930-00166148 Mosquito will bite you tBZaDvAUXz8-00286-00166248-00166354 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00287-00166672-00166772 Get lost! tBZaDvAUXz8-00288-00167356-00167460 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00289-00167772-00167888 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00290-00168224-00168456 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00291-00168482-00168740 What happens? tBZaDvAUXz8-00292-00168902-00169188 Mother screamed she is scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00293-00169188-00169326 I don't know what happens too tBZaDvAUXz8-00294-00169738-00169934 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00295-00170044-00170338 Mother. It's me tBZaDvAUXz8-00296-00170338-00170476 It's me tBZaDvAUXz8-00297-00170514-00170806 It's TOUCH tBZaDvAUXz8-00298-00170806-00170980 I'm your son tBZaDvAUXz8-00299-00171042-00171142 Mother tBZaDvAUXz8-00300-00171274-00171508 Mother! Don't be scared! I'm here tBZaDvAUXz8-00301-00171698-00171848 TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00302-00171886-00172076 Yes, mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00303-00172774-00173022 TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00304-00173150-00173352 TOUCH, I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00305-00173764-00173864 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00306-00174636-00174736 TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00307-00174886-00175010 I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00308-00175478-00175578 Don't leave me alone! tBZaDvAUXz8-00309-00175578-00175744 I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00310-00176156-00176454 POV! What happens? tBZaDvAUXz8-00311-00176496-00176736 She tBZaDvAUXz8-00312-00176794-00176984 she acts tBZaDvAUXz8-00313-00176984-00177162 like this since the morning tBZaDvAUXz8-00314-00177220-00177492 She said she is scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00315-00177522-00177828 I tried to comfort her but she didn't listen to me tBZaDvAUXz8-00316-00177866-00178150 and called your name all the times tBZaDvAUXz8-00317-00178204-00178510 I don't want to distur your while you were working tBZaDvAUXz8-00318-00178886-00179184 Mother. tBZaDvAUXz8-00319-00179184-00179490 Don't be scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00320-00179496-00179616 I'm here tBZaDvAUXz8-00321-00179660-00179986 Let's go inside tBZaDvAUXz8-00322-00179986-00180294 TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00323-00180294-00180590 Please don't leave me alone again tBZaDvAUXz8-00324-00180612-00180908 I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00325-00180908-00181218 I don't want to stay here alone tBZaDvAUXz8-00326-00181218-00181320 Don't leave me! tBZaDvAUXz8-00327-00181484-00181778 Yes, mother! I won't leave you alone tBZaDvAUXz8-00328-00181778-00181978 let's go inside tBZaDvAUXz8-00329-00198436-00198536 Stop! tBZaDvAUXz8-00330-00198554-00198654 Don't move! tBZaDvAUXz8-00331-00198662-00198958 and don't scream If you don't want me tBZaDvAUXz8-00332-00198958-00199086 to iron your hands again tBZaDvAUXz8-00333-00199252-00199552 No! No! I won't scream tBZaDvAUXz8-00334-00199552-00199732 I won't scream tBZaDvAUXz8-00335-00199818-00200089 I'm scared tBZaDvAUXz8-00336-00200090-00200342 I won't hurt anyone but tBZaDvAUXz8-00337-00200342-00200486 I'll hurt your son tBZaDvAUXz8-00338-00200608-00200708 TOUCH? tBZaDvAUXz8-00339-00200854-00200966 Don't hurt him! tBZaDvAUXz8-00340-00201016-00201302 I beg you tBZaDvAUXz8-00341-00201302-00201402 Are you scared? tBZaDvAUXz8-00342-00201542-00201642 Yes! tBZaDvAUXz8-00343-00201882-00202180 If you're scared, leave here tBZaDvAUXz8-00344-00202214-00202562 Leave here and don't come back tBZaDvAUXz8-00345-00202610-00202714 Understand? tBZaDvAUXz8-00346-00202942-00203238 Where you used to pick the scraps, go back there tBZaDvAUXz8-00347-00203408-00203634 Don't let me see your face? tBZaDvAUXz8-00348-00203686-00203928 Leave here as far as possible tBZaDvAUXz8-00349-00204196-00204364 I'll leave tBZaDvAUXz8-00350-00204400-00204530 Please tBZaDvAUXz8-00351-00204586-00204919 Please don't hurt TOUCH tBZaDvAUXz8-00352-00204919-00205146 Don't hurt TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00353-00205146-00205406 Leave here as far as possible tBZaDvAUXz8-00354-00205458-00205604 and don't return back tBZaDvAUXz8-00355-00205604-00205790 Understand tBZaDvAUXz8-00356-00205796-00205912 Yes! Yes! tBZaDvAUXz8-00357-00205960-00206060 I understand tBZaDvAUXz8-00358-00206371-00206471 Mother tBZaDvAUXz8-00359-00206534-00206634 You are smart tBZaDvAUXz8-00360-00206850-00206996 Leave here as far as possible tBZaDvAUXz8-00361-00207560-00207660 Leave here as far as possible tBZaDvAUXz8-00362-00207756-00207956 and don't return back tBZaDvAUXz8-00363-00208158-00208314 Leave here as far as possible tBZaDvAUXz8-00364-00209288-00209402 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00365-00209508-00209650 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00366-00209876-00210054 Mother! Where are you? tBZaDvAUXz8-00367-00210212-00210396 Mother! Where are you tBZaDvAUXz8-00368-00210571-00210756 Where are you? tBZaDvAUXz8-00369-00211026-00211136 Mother! tBZaDvAUXz8-00370-00212367-00212528 Mother, where are you? tBZaDvAUXz8-00371-00212790-00212960 She might... tBZaDvAUXz8-00372-00215071-00215256 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00373-00215292-00215594 What are you looking for? Don't you satisfied? tBZaDvAUXz8-00374-00215594-00215904 My daughter is living with you and what do you want tBZaDvAUXz8-00375-00215904-00216100 POV hasn't at my home tBZaDvAUXz8-00376-00216340-00216648 Where is my mother and POV? tBZaDvAUXz8-00377-00216648-00216804 You are so selfish tBZaDvAUXz8-00378-00217050-00217330 If anything happen to POV and my mother tBZaDvAUXz8-00379-00217330-00217612 I won't forgive you tBZaDvAUXz8-00380-00217612-00217919 I want you to looking for my mother and tBZaDvAUXz8-00381-00217919-00218219 POV because I have no where to go tBZaDvAUXz8-00382-00218219-00218438 I can't find them tBZaDvAUXz8-00383-00218438-00218567 TOUCH! tBZaDvAUXz8-00384-00218567-00218690 POV! tBZaDvAUXz8-00385-00218798-00218998 SASTRA FILM tBZaDvAUXz8-00386-00219304-00219492 Sponsor by: tBZaDvAUXz8-00387-00220036-00220136 Please wait to watch another episode tCQEw57dutk-00000-00000181-00000472 Hello, and welcome to Bay College's online lectures tCQEw57dutk-00001-00000472-00000726 for Math 085. tCQEw57dutk-00002-00000726-00000924 This is section 1.3, Part 2. tCQEw57dutk-00003-00000924-00001292 We're discussing multiplication, division of whole numbers tCQEw57dutk-00004-00001292-00001610 and an application to area. tCQEw57dutk-00005-00001610-00002028 This is Video 2, and it's our multiplication applications. tCQEw57dutk-00006-00002028-00002189 The first thing we're going to look at tCQEw57dutk-00007-00002189-00002518 is an application problem that maybe some of us tCQEw57dutk-00008-00002518-00002707 have encountered in the real world. tCQEw57dutk-00009-00002707-00002812 Maybe we go to the store. tCQEw57dutk-00010-00002812-00003052 We have to buy some CDs. tCQEw57dutk-00011-00003052-00003327 And we want to know how many we're getting tCQEw57dutk-00012-00003327-00003584 and how much information we can store. tCQEw57dutk-00013-00003584-00003759 So here's our application. tCQEw57dutk-00014-00003759-00004374 It says a CD can hold 650 megabytes, MB, of information. tCQEw57dutk-00015-00004374-00004738 How many megabytes can 20 CDs hold? tCQEw57dutk-00016-00004738-00004993 So let's say we have to save some information. tCQEw57dutk-00017-00004993-00005268 Maybe we're saving some photos from a digital camera tCQEw57dutk-00018-00005268-00005404 or something like that. tCQEw57dutk-00019-00005404-00005593 And we have lots of them. tCQEw57dutk-00020-00005593-00005877 If each disk can hold 650, and maybe I'm tCQEw57dutk-00021-00005877-00006097 going to buy 20 of them, I want to know tCQEw57dutk-00022-00006097-00006340 how many megabytes of information tCQEw57dutk-00023-00006340-00006741 in total that I can save to these disks. tCQEw57dutk-00024-00006741-00007145 So what we're going to look at is if I have 650 tCQEw57dutk-00025-00007145-00007591 and I have it 20 times, that's the operation I'm going to do, tCQEw57dutk-00026-00007591-00008068 650 times 20. tCQEw57dutk-00027-00008068-00008345 So this is how I would interpret this problem. tCQEw57dutk-00028-00008345-00008518 And when it comes to any story problem, tCQEw57dutk-00029-00008518-00008905 make sure you read it, read it, read it before you even begin. tCQEw57dutk-00030-00008905-00009026 Read it at least three times. tCQEw57dutk-00031-00009026-00009336 So a CD can hold 650 megabytes. tCQEw57dutk-00032-00009336-00009899 And I want to know how many megabytes 20 of them can hold. tCQEw57dutk-00033-00009899-00010154 So we realize we're going to multiply. tCQEw57dutk-00034-00010154-00010401 So I'm going to do 650 times 20. tCQEw57dutk-00035-00010401-00010866 And if I do this vertically, I'd have 0 times 0, which is 0. tCQEw57dutk-00036-00010866-00011069 And 0 times this is 0. tCQEw57dutk-00037-00011069-00011228 And 0 times that is zero. tCQEw57dutk-00038-00011228-00011418 We'd have lots of 0s here. tCQEw57dutk-00039-00011418-00011593 So essentially what I'm going to do tCQEw57dutk-00040-00011593-00011743 is I'm going to do a little shortcut tCQEw57dutk-00041-00011743-00012044 and say I have a factor of 0 here and 0 here. tCQEw57dutk-00042-00012044-00012265 That's 0 times 0. tCQEw57dutk-00043-00012265-00012446 Well, that's going to give me 0. tCQEw57dutk-00044-00012446-00012740 But since I have two of them, I want two 0s here. tCQEw57dutk-00045-00012740-00012943 And then I'm going to start my multiplication tCQEw57dutk-00046-00012943-00013150 by the non-zero number. tCQEw57dutk-00047-00013150-00013200 All right. tCQEw57dutk-00048-00013200-00013527 If I go 2 times 5, I get 10. tCQEw57dutk-00049-00013527-00013672 And I carry the 1. tCQEw57dutk-00050-00013672-00014241 2 times 6 is 12 plus that 1 is 13. tCQEw57dutk-00051-00014241-00014511 13,000 is the value I get. tCQEw57dutk-00052-00014511-00014830 Now if we think of another way to look at it, if I just tCQEw57dutk-00053-00014830-00015124 covered up those 0s, it was 2 times 65. tCQEw57dutk-00054-00015124-00015275 And then I add two 0s. tCQEw57dutk-00055-00015275-00015650 That's one way to multiply by what we call factors of 10. tCQEw57dutk-00056-00015650-00015768 So I have 13,000. tCQEw57dutk-00057-00015768-00016160 But if I don't denote unit, this number makes no sense. tCQEw57dutk-00058-00016160-00016341 I always have to have a unit when tCQEw57dutk-00059-00016341-00016528 it comes to application problems. tCQEw57dutk-00060-00016528-00016736 13,000 what? tCQEw57dutk-00061-00016736-00017033 Well, we're talking about megabytes of information. tCQEw57dutk-00062-00017033-00017299 So I give it the unit MB, which is tCQEw57dutk-00063-00017299-00017523 our abbreviation for megabytes. tCQEw57dutk-00064-00017523-00017927 So if I have 20 CDs and each one holds tCQEw57dutk-00065-00017927-00018218 650 megabytes of information, I can tCQEw57dutk-00066-00018218-00018617 save 13,000 megabytes of information. tCQEw57dutk-00067-00018617-00018667 All right. tCQEw57dutk-00068-00018667-00018767 So we have our units. tCQEw57dutk-00069-00018767-00019051 We have our quantity. tCQEw57dutk-00070-00019051-00019269 That's the answer to our story problem. tCQEw57dutk-00071-00019269-00019590 So let's move on to the area of a rectangle, tCQEw57dutk-00072-00019590-00019986 another application where we can use multiplication. tCQEw57dutk-00073-00019986-00020141 But before we look at this, let's tCQEw57dutk-00074-00020141-00020373 recall what we did with perimeter. tCQEw57dutk-00075-00020373-00020581 If we're working in perimeter, we tCQEw57dutk-00076-00020581-00021099 found that that was the distance around the entire polygon tCQEw57dutk-00077-00021099-00021342 that we're measuring, in this case, a rectangle. tCQEw57dutk-00078-00021342-00021693 And we know that this side is the same as this side. tCQEw57dutk-00079-00021693-00022244 So I'd have, for perimeter, w plus w. tCQEw57dutk-00080-00022244-00022464 And this length is the same as that length, tCQEw57dutk-00081-00022464-00022781 so I'm going to say length plus length. tCQEw57dutk-00082-00022781-00023048 Now an application to perimeter in multiplication tCQEw57dutk-00083-00023048-00023434 is we are repeatedly adding w. tCQEw57dutk-00084-00023434-00023634 So how many times do I have it? tCQEw57dutk-00085-00023634-00023755 2w. tCQEw57dutk-00086-00023755-00023987 Twice I'm going to add w. tCQEw57dutk-00087-00023987-00024279 And then twice l. tCQEw57dutk-00088-00024279-00024610 So instead of having to add up every side, tCQEw57dutk-00089-00024610-00024859 I can say two of these plus two of those. tCQEw57dutk-00090-00024859-00025071 It's an application to multiplication. tCQEw57dutk-00091-00025071-00025568 And this is a formula that we can use on any rectangle. tCQEw57dutk-00092-00025568-00025887 So maybe we want to commit this to our memory banks. tCQEw57dutk-00093-00025887-00025937 All right. tCQEw57dutk-00094-00025937-00026176 So that's just a review of perimeter tCQEw57dutk-00095-00026176-00026422 and how multiplication can apply. tCQEw57dutk-00096-00026422-00026591 But now we're going to talk about area. tCQEw57dutk-00097-00026591-00026816 Area is not the distance around. tCQEw57dutk-00098-00026816-00027326 It's the space that this may occupy. tCQEw57dutk-00099-00027326-00027530 How much area does it cover? tCQEw57dutk-00100-00027530-00027787 Well, that's where the term area comes from. tCQEw57dutk-00101-00027787-00028176 To find the area, we want to do length times width. tCQEw57dutk-00102-00028176-00028412 And I always like to denote the longer side tCQEw57dutk-00103-00028412-00028684 as my length and the shorter side as my width. tCQEw57dutk-00104-00028684-00028805 But it really doesn't matter. tCQEw57dutk-00105-00028805-00029058 You could call either one the other. tCQEw57dutk-00106-00029058-00029439 So area is defined as length times width. tCQEw57dutk-00107-00029439-00029821 And when we find area, we always have to be aware of units, tCQEw57dutk-00108-00029821-00030001 just like we did in the last story problem. tCQEw57dutk-00109-00030001-00030143 Units are important. tCQEw57dutk-00110-00030143-00030437 So let's look at this example here. tCQEw57dutk-00111-00030437-00030514 And say, OK. tCQEw57dutk-00112-00030514-00030950 If this is 2 inches wide and 3 inches long, tCQEw57dutk-00113-00030950-00031310 let's divide this up. tCQEw57dutk-00114-00031310-00031780 So in this direction, I divided into two equal spaces. tCQEw57dutk-00115-00031780-00031970 And I'm going to say, for reference purposes, tCQEw57dutk-00116-00031970-00032314 that this is 1 inch and that's 1 inch, for a total of 2 tCQEw57dutk-00117-00032314-00032499 inches width. tCQEw57dutk-00118-00032499-00032670 Now we have 3 inches, so I'm going tCQEw57dutk-00119-00032670-00032980 to divide this into three sections. tCQEw57dutk-00120-00032980-00033480 So if I divide this into 2 and this into 3, each one of these tCQEw57dutk-00121-00033480-00033646 will have a unit of an inch. tCQEw57dutk-00122-00033646-00033904 So it's an inch this way and an inch that way. tCQEw57dutk-00123-00033904-00034235 So we have a square inch. tCQEw57dutk-00124-00034235-00034436 When it comes to units of area, they're tCQEw57dutk-00125-00034436-00034593 always the squared unit. tCQEw57dutk-00126-00034593-00034946 So right now I can determine since I'm finding area, tCQEw57dutk-00127-00034946-00035157 I'm going to have inches squared, tCQEw57dutk-00128-00035157-00035845 which is the same as writing it out as square inches. tCQEw57dutk-00129-00035845-00036014 This notation is something we'll get tCQEw57dutk-00130-00036014-00036280 to in the future when we talk about exponents. tCQEw57dutk-00131-00036280-00036501 But right now, you can write it out as square inches. tCQEw57dutk-00132-00036501-00036709 It's always the unit times itself, tCQEw57dutk-00133-00036709-00036870 and that's what that denotes. tCQEw57dutk-00134-00036870-00037101 So if we look at this, if we divide it up this way, tCQEw57dutk-00135-00037101-00037357 we can just count the squares that we tCQEw57dutk-00136-00037357-00037538 have in units of inches. tCQEw57dutk-00137-00037538-00037815 1 square inch, 2 square inches, 3 square inches, tCQEw57dutk-00138-00037815-00038177 4 square inches, 5 square inches, 6 square inches. tCQEw57dutk-00139-00038177-00038859 So my area is 6 inches squared, or 6 square inches. tCQEw57dutk-00140-00038859-00039196 Now that was kind of time-intensive and tedious tCQEw57dutk-00141-00039196-00039417 to actually divide this up, especially tCQEw57dutk-00142-00039417-00039568 when these numbers get larger. tCQEw57dutk-00143-00039568-00039823 So what we can do is we can assess tCQEw57dutk-00144-00039823-00039936 what are we actually doing. tCQEw57dutk-00145-00039936-00040309 Well, it's the area is the length times the width. tCQEw57dutk-00146-00040309-00040735 2 inches times 2 inches, well 3 times 2 is 6. tCQEw57dutk-00147-00040735-00041128 Inches times inches is inches squared, or square inches. tCQEw57dutk-00148-00041128-00041254 And we get the same result. tCQEw57dutk-00149-00041254-00042235 So I can say 2 inches times 3 inches equals 6 inches squared. tCQEw57dutk-00150-00042235-00042434 And I apologize for the writing there. tCQEw57dutk-00151-00042434-00042645 But it is 2 times 3 is 6. tCQEw57dutk-00152-00042645-00042805 So we found the area. tCQEw57dutk-00153-00042805-00042855 All right. tCQEw57dutk-00154-00042855-00043064 Let's look at another problem just tCQEw57dutk-00155-00043064-00043300 to make sure we understand that concept. tCQEw57dutk-00156-00043300-00043629 Now if I have 2 centimeters-- my units tCQEw57dutk-00157-00043629-00043882 are centimeters-- by 9 centimeters. tCQEw57dutk-00158-00043882-00044157 So my length is 9 and my width is 2. tCQEw57dutk-00159-00044157-00044422 I can say 9 centimeters times 2 centimeters. tCQEw57dutk-00160-00044783-00044924 And this is the preferred method, tCQEw57dutk-00161-00044924-00045269 is to actually multiply the length times the width. tCQEw57dutk-00162-00045269-00045596 Because if I wanted to divide this up into two, well, tCQEw57dutk-00163-00045596-00045885 that's easy enough to do, saying that this is 1 centimeter tCQEw57dutk-00164-00045885-00046020 and that's another centimeter. tCQEw57dutk-00165-00046020-00046459 But to divide this up by 9, it's not going to be an easy task. tCQEw57dutk-00166-00046459-00046635 And it's going to be very time intensive. tCQEw57dutk-00167-00046635-00046968 And then to count them all would be problematic. tCQEw57dutk-00168-00046968-00047215 So let's look at this, length times width. tCQEw57dutk-00169-00047215-00047642 I can say 9 times 2 is 18. tCQEw57dutk-00170-00047642-00047910 And the centimeters are multiplied together as well. tCQEw57dutk-00171-00047910-00048485 Centimeters times centimeters is square centimeters. tCQEw57dutk-00172-00048485-00048836 So we can see that we have 18 square centimeters, tCQEw57dutk-00173-00048836-00049224 if I have a rectangle that's 9 by 2. tCQEw57dutk-00174-00049224-00049463 9 times 2 is 18. tCQEw57dutk-00175-00049463-00049513 All right. tCQEw57dutk-00176-00049513-00049964 So for your practice, try to find the area of this. tCQEw57dutk-00177-00049964-00050438 We have a rectangle with 16 millimeters and 12 millimeters tCQEw57dutk-00178-00050438-00050634 as opposing sides here. tCQEw57dutk-00179-00050634-00050779 So you can determine which one you tCQEw57dutk-00180-00050779-00051039 want to denote as your length, which one's your width. tCQEw57dutk-00181-00051039-00051203 That's really for you to decide. tCQEw57dutk-00182-00051203-00051572 But go ahead and find the area of this particular rectangle. tCQEw57dutk-00183-00051572-00051783 And always be aware of units. tCQEw57dutk-00184-00051783-00051991 The units here are millimeters. tCQEw57dutk-00185-00051991-00052214 mm is that abbreviation. tCQEw57dutk-00186-00052214-00052341 So give that a try. tCQEw57dutk-00187-00052341-00052492 And I appreciate you watching. tCQEw57dutk-00188-00052492-00052633 Thank you.