G-jr4QkpIBk-00000-00001074-00001474 What would I tell educators? G-jr4QkpIBk-00001-00001474-00001967 It's hard to limit it to just one thing, but I'll try. G-jr4QkpIBk-00002-00001967-00002404 One thing I would share is to be passionate. G-jr4QkpIBk-00003-00002720-00003107 So that you can benefit children who are our future. GGyqtruygq8-00000-00000072-00000744 i recently noticed that pewdiepie just mentioned himself. literally, i'm not kidding, GGyqtruygq8-00001-00000824-00001408 as you can see in the title, it is showing this, and everything else is the same. i'm GGyqtruygq8-00002-00001408-00001880 telling you, but the search bar it looks too simple. it's too similar to google, GGyqtruygq8-00003-00001968-00002664 and i do have some screenshots on the old one before. i made one just a day earlier. GIXeJUS1EMI-00000-00000552-00001024 Welcome to the Indigenous Wellness video series, my name is Elizabeth Gray. GIXeJUS1EMI-00001-00001096-00001632 Mohawk College, Six Nations Polytechnic, Mcmaster University and The House of VR GIXeJUS1EMI-00002-00001632-00002168 have come together to create this series of wellness videos to support indigenous students GIXeJUS1EMI-00003-00002168-00002744 using a virtual learning environment. The creation of this series has been guided by the wisdom and GIXeJUS1EMI-00004-00002744-00003279 leadership of our elders and knowledge keepers. We know that learning is more than being in a GIXeJUS1EMI-00005-00003279-00003840 classroom, and we hope you will feel present and connected as you experience each of these videos. GKtElrAvCa8-00000-00000091-00000246 MS. MARYUM SAIFEE: Welcome, everyone. GKtElrAvCa8-00001-00000246-00000392 My name is Maryum Saifee. GKtElrAvCa8-00002-00000392-00000632 I'm a Senior Advisor in the Secretary's Office GKtElrAvCa8-00003-00000632-00001019 of Diversity and Inclusion at the U.S. Department of State. GKtElrAvCa8-00004-00001019-00001223 It is my great honor to be with all of you GKtElrAvCa8-00005-00001223-00001493 today and introduce today's panel, commemorating GKtElrAvCa8-00006-00001493-00001873 the life and legacy of Ambassador Terrence Todman. GKtElrAvCa8-00007-00001873-00002087 Terrence Todman was a six time Ambassador, GKtElrAvCa8-00008-00002087-00002297 who held the second highest number GKtElrAvCa8-00009-00002297-00002657 of ambassadorial appointments in State Department history. GKtElrAvCa8-00010-00002657-00002828 He was the first African-American GKtElrAvCa8-00011-00002828-00003077 to serve as an Assistant Secretary and the first GKtElrAvCa8-00012-00003077-00003383 to attain the rank of career Ambassador. GKtElrAvCa8-00013-00003383-00003551 Ambassador Todman was exceptional GKtElrAvCa8-00014-00003551-00003839 both for his excellence as a diplomat GKtElrAvCa8-00015-00003839-00004187 and also his courage in the face of injustice. GKtElrAvCa8-00016-00004187-00004496 In 1957, as a student at the Foreign Service Institute, GKtElrAvCa8-00017-00004496-00004709 just starting his career, he wasn't GKtElrAvCa8-00018-00004709-00004943 able to eat with his colleagues due to segregation GKtElrAvCa8-00019-00004943-00005114 laws in Virginia. GKtElrAvCa8-00020-00005114-00005399 Rather than stay quiet, he spoke up. GKtElrAvCa8-00021-00005399-00005657 His principal dissent after a sustained effort GKtElrAvCa8-00022-00005657-00005912 led to the eventual integration of State Department dining GKtElrAvCa8-00023-00005912-00006057 facilities. GKtElrAvCa8-00024-00006057-00006255 Speaking truth to power was a theme GKtElrAvCa8-00025-00006255-00006434 throughout Todman's career. GKtElrAvCa8-00026-00006434-00006618 And in one of his interviews, he proudly GKtElrAvCa8-00027-00006618-00006942 described himself as a troublemaker in a good way. GKtElrAvCa8-00028-00006942-00007155 Ambassador Todman intuitively knew GKtElrAvCa8-00029-00007155-00007445 that if Black officers continue to be treated like second class GKtElrAvCa8-00030-00007445-00007706 citizens at home, our foreign policy would not only GKtElrAvCa8-00031-00007706-00008076 be less credible, it would also be less effective. GKtElrAvCa8-00032-00008076-00008289 As we honor Ambassador Todman, I wanted GKtElrAvCa8-00033-00008289-00008505 to know if that, today, February 1 GKtElrAvCa8-00034-00008505-00008799 is also the anniversary of the Greensboro counter lunch GKtElrAvCa8-00035-00008799-00008964 sit-in. GKtElrAvCa8-00036-00008964-00009114 I bring this up because I think it's GKtElrAvCa8-00037-00009114-00009393 important to remember the historical context GKtElrAvCa8-00038-00009393-00009621 of Ambassador Todman's career, which GKtElrAvCa8-00039-00009621-00009876 was at the height of the Civil Rights movement at home. GKtElrAvCa8-00040-00009876-00010083 Many of the struggles and contradictions GKtElrAvCa8-00041-00010083-00010326 Ambassador Todman face then in pushing GKtElrAvCa8-00042-00010326-00010722 for greater equity and justice continue to this day. GKtElrAvCa8-00043-00010722-00010950 The purpose of today's panel is to dig deeper GKtElrAvCa8-00044-00010950-00011202 into Todman's life and what his legacy means GKtElrAvCa8-00045-00011202-00011382 for us in the current moment. GKtElrAvCa8-00046-00011382-00011541 We have an all-star panel. GKtElrAvCa8-00047-00011541-00011808 And I will be introducing each panelist, shortly. GKtElrAvCa8-00048-00011808-00012043 Each is extraordinary in their own right. GKtElrAvCa8-00049-00012043-00012312 And I encourage you to read their full bios on our landing GKtElrAvCa8-00050-00012312-00012426 page. GKtElrAvCa8-00051-00012426-00012606 Before I turn to the panelist, I want GKtElrAvCa8-00052-00012606-00012984 to play a clip from the American diplomat, a PBS documentary GKtElrAvCa8-00053-00012984-00013296 that will be released later this month, featuring three Black GKtElrAvCa8-00054-00013296-00013476 ambassadors during the Cold War-- GKtElrAvCa8-00055-00013476-00013891 Edward Dudley, Carl Rowan, and Terence Todman. GKtElrAvCa8-00056-00013891-00014111 [VIDEO PLAYBACK] GKtElrAvCa8-00057-00014111-00014378 - Terrence was born in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. GKtElrAvCa8-00058-00014637-00014966 Race was not an issue. GKtElrAvCa8-00059-00014966-00015228 Just being raised in the Virgin Islands GKtElrAvCa8-00060-00015228-00015693 and so that gave you a sense of who you are. GKtElrAvCa8-00061-00015693-00016002 He grew up very poor. GKtElrAvCa8-00062-00016002-00016236 We were in the same class. GKtElrAvCa8-00063-00016236-00016506 He's quite bossy, by the way. GKtElrAvCa8-00064-00016506-00016734 He was very, very smart. GKtElrAvCa8-00065-00016734-00017130 I remember my great grandmother saying, that young man, whoever GKtElrAvCa8-00066-00017130-00017504 he is, is going places. GKtElrAvCa8-00067-00017504-00018098 - In 1945, at age 19, Todman had been drafted into the Army. GKtElrAvCa8-00068-00018098-00018500 He took the officer's candidate exam in Spanish and English, GKtElrAvCa8-00069-00018500-00018698 and passed both. GKtElrAvCa8-00070-00018698-00019001 Then he was shipped out to Japan, where GKtElrAvCa8-00071-00019001-00019110 he discovered his calling. GKtElrAvCa8-00072-00019502-00019778 - I learned to speak Japanese. GKtElrAvCa8-00073-00019778-00020000 And I spoke to my fellow officers GKtElrAvCa8-00074-00020000-00020469 and heard the misconceptions they had about the Japanese. GKtElrAvCa8-00075-00020469-00020913 And I would tell them what the Japanese were like. GKtElrAvCa8-00076-00020913-00021225 And speaking to the Japanese, the misconceptions GKtElrAvCa8-00077-00021225-00021507 they had about Americans was so great GKtElrAvCa8-00078-00021507-00022005 that I found myself telling the Japanese about Americans. GKtElrAvCa8-00079-00022005-00022239 And I realize that a lot of difficulties GKtElrAvCa8-00080-00022239-00022741 arose from people not knowing about each other. GKtElrAvCa8-00081-00022741-00022947 And that became critical to my thinking GKtElrAvCa8-00082-00022947-00023160 about what I would do afterwards. GKtElrAvCa8-00083-00023160-00023469 - This was the eye opening experience GKtElrAvCa8-00084-00023469-00023994 that propelled his interest into foreign service. GKtElrAvCa8-00085-00023994-00024576 If he could be as successful as a communicator in the military, GKtElrAvCa8-00086-00024576-00025011 why not seek an opportunity to apply those skills GKtElrAvCa8-00087-00025011-00025083 as a diplomat. GKtElrAvCa8-00088-00025344-00025658 - Terence Todman began as a Foreign Service Desk Officer GKtElrAvCa8-00089-00025658-00025944 in Washington DC, monitoring U.S. GKtElrAvCa8-00090-00025944-00026252 relations with three Asian nations. GKtElrAvCa8-00091-00026252-00026493 From the beginning, his colleagues GKtElrAvCa8-00092-00026493-00026808 didn't know what to make of his presence. GKtElrAvCa8-00093-00026808-00027261 - When they came to speak to the Nepal Desk Officer, GKtElrAvCa8-00094-00027261-00027543 I'd walk in, see me behind the desk GKtElrAvCa8-00095-00027543-00027882 and wonder what are you doing there. GKtElrAvCa8-00096-00027882-00028176 That'd be real amazement, just to the idea GKtElrAvCa8-00097-00028176-00028439 of an African-American in an office of position. GKtElrAvCa8-00098-00028698-00029118 - Being a diplomatic wife was a full time job. GKtElrAvCa8-00099-00029118-00029523 There was so much work dealing with three countries-- GKtElrAvCa8-00100-00029523-00029847 India, Ceylon, and Nepal. GKtElrAvCa8-00101-00029847-00030177 He'd bring the newspapers home for me to read. GKtElrAvCa8-00102-00030177-00030504 I would underline what was important GKtElrAvCa8-00103-00030504-00030843 and give him a briefing. GKtElrAvCa8-00104-00030843-00030993 I was a part of it. GKtElrAvCa8-00105-00031277-00031620 - Todman's first overseas assignment was India. GKtElrAvCa8-00106-00031620-00031958 But first, he has to take language training in Hindustani GKtElrAvCa8-00107-00031958-00032198 at the Foreign Service Institute. GKtElrAvCa8-00108-00032198-00032934 This was Virginia in 1957, where segregation was legal. GKtElrAvCa8-00109-00032934-00033414 - My first day, the white officers went across the street GKtElrAvCa8-00110-00033414-00033804 into a restaurant. GKtElrAvCa8-00111-00033804-00033951 And I was not allowed to go there GKtElrAvCa8-00112-00033951-00034433 because Black Americans couldn't go into their restaurants. GKtElrAvCa8-00113-00034433-00034613 So I went to the State Department and said, GKtElrAvCa8-00114-00034613-00034792 this can't go. GKtElrAvCa8-00115-00034792-00035098 The Department said, these are Virginia laws. GKtElrAvCa8-00116-00035098-00035421 A lot of people have come here and haven't said anything GKtElrAvCa8-00117-00035421-00035471 about it. GKtElrAvCa8-00118-00035471-00035662 And I said, well, I'm not other people. GKtElrAvCa8-00119-00035662-00035982 And you're doing something that's not right. GKtElrAvCa8-00120-00035982-00036345 - And he said to the Department of State, you have a problem. GKtElrAvCa8-00121-00036345-00036510 I don't have a problem. GKtElrAvCa8-00122-00036510-00036775 This is not about me. GKtElrAvCa8-00123-00036775-00037162 - Todman later said, I was considered a troublemaker. GKtElrAvCa8-00124-00037162-00037423 And that was all right. GKtElrAvCa8-00125-00037423-00037720 - Todman knew that institutional culture wasn't GKtElrAvCa8-00126-00037720-00037909 going to change on its own. GKtElrAvCa8-00127-00037909-00038125 It was going to change by being confronted, GKtElrAvCa8-00128-00038125-00038344 by being embarrassed. GKtElrAvCa8-00129-00038344-00038695 And he kept up such a firestorm of protest, that eventually, GKtElrAvCa8-00130-00038695-00039169 the Department of State rented half of the restaurant. GKtElrAvCa8-00131-00039169-00039475 There finally was a desegregated cafeteria GKtElrAvCa8-00132-00039475-00039619 for Foreign Service Officers. GKtElrAvCa8-00133-00039619-00040040 [END PLAYBACK] GKtElrAvCa8-00134-00040587-00040750 MS. SAIFEE: Leola, I'll start with you. GKtElrAvCa8-00135-00040750-00040983 You are both a filmmaker and also part GKtElrAvCa8-00136-00040983-00041221 of the State Department family as the spouse of a Foreign GKtElrAvCa8-00137-00041221-00041356 Service Officer. GKtElrAvCa8-00138-00041356-00041596 What inspired you to create this documentary GKtElrAvCa8-00139-00041596-00041810 and what do you hope to accomplish with this film? GKtElrAvCa8-00140-00042835-00043031 MS. LEOLA CALZOLAI-STEWART: I came to the story GKtElrAvCa8-00141-00043031-00043238 through a convergence of several things. GKtElrAvCa8-00142-00043238-00043493 I mean, as you noted, I'm, you know, part of the State GKtElrAvCa8-00143-00043493-00043670 Department and family. GKtElrAvCa8-00144-00043670-00043871 My own experience as a Black filmmaker GKtElrAvCa8-00145-00043871-00044240 and as part of a Foreign Service family for the last 20 years GKtElrAvCa8-00146-00044240-00044453 has helped inform this film. GKtElrAvCa8-00147-00044453-00044676 You know, we've been often been overseas GKtElrAvCa8-00148-00044676-00044891 and been one of the few families of color at post. GKtElrAvCa8-00149-00044891-00045203 And I always wonder why that was so. GKtElrAvCa8-00150-00045203-00045470 And also, my husband would tell me GKtElrAvCa8-00151-00045470-00045893 stories of early Black diplomats or older Black diplomats GKtElrAvCa8-00152-00045893-00045977 that he had met. GKtElrAvCa8-00153-00045977-00046232 And he always thought these stories were GKtElrAvCa8-00154-00046232-00046499 important and largely unknown. GKtElrAvCa8-00155-00046499-00046835 And that these diplomats would-- the stories would likely pass GKtElrAvCa8-00156-00046835-00046973 away with-- GKtElrAvCa8-00157-00046973-00047139 when the diplomats did. GKtElrAvCa8-00158-00047139-00047354 And at the same time, he had given me GKtElrAvCa8-00159-00047354-00047627 a book called Black Diplomacy by the fantastic Michael GKtElrAvCa8-00160-00047627-00047801 Krenn, who you saw on the clip. GKtElrAvCa8-00161-00047801-00047988 And he suggested I read it. GKtElrAvCa8-00162-00047988-00048326 And that was really a jumping off point for me to dive GKtElrAvCa8-00163-00048326-00048725 deeper into the times in which these diplomats served, GKtElrAvCa8-00164-00048725-00048926 as well as their own individual stories. GKtElrAvCa8-00165-00048926-00049209 And that sort of led me down a path of, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00166-00049209-00049602 a rich body of archival sources that I didn't know existed, GKtElrAvCa8-00167-00049602-00049968 and thought was important to put on film. GKtElrAvCa8-00168-00049968-00050312 And so I see the film as one, an opportunity GKtElrAvCa8-00169-00050312-00050618 to sort of open up the work of diplomacy GKtElrAvCa8-00170-00050618-00050801 to a wider audience because I do think GKtElrAvCa8-00171-00050801-00051167 it's a profession that not many people understand and feels GKtElrAvCa8-00172-00051167-00051446 a little nebulous and out of reach. GKtElrAvCa8-00173-00051446-00051863 But I think primarily, for myself and my partners, GKtElrAvCa8-00174-00051863-00052157 we really hope that younger viewers, GKtElrAvCa8-00175-00052157-00052417 particularly young viewers of color, who have never GKtElrAvCa8-00176-00052417-00052745 seen themselves and a Foreign Service career, GKtElrAvCa8-00177-00052745-00053029 realize that there is a pathway to get there. GKtElrAvCa8-00178-00053029-00053357 And that it's a place for them to do important work. GKtElrAvCa8-00179-00053357-00053777 And that careers representing the U.S. overseas GKtElrAvCa8-00180-00053777-00054039 aren't only for a privileged few. GKtElrAvCa8-00181-00054039-00054311 And here are a handful of individuals GKtElrAvCa8-00182-00054311-00054716 that helped pave the way to make that a possibility for us. GKtElrAvCa8-00183-00054716-00055305 And Ambassador Todman is one of those individuals. GKtElrAvCa8-00184-00055305-00055474 MS. SAIFEE: Leola, thank you so much. GKtElrAvCa8-00185-00055474-00055765 It is now my great privilege to turn to Ambassador Todman's GKtElrAvCa8-00186-00055765-00056095 son, Terence Todman Jr. Terence, you GKtElrAvCa8-00187-00056095-00056239 grew up in the Foreign Service. GKtElrAvCa8-00188-00056239-00056679 So similar to-- you're-- you're part of the family GKtElrAvCa8-00189-00056679-00056873 and you're also an accomplished lawyer, GKtElrAvCa8-00190-00056873-00057082 and even served briefly in the Department's Office GKtElrAvCa8-00191-00057082-00057223 of the Legal Advisor. GKtElrAvCa8-00192-00057223-00057472 So you know our institution quite well as well. GKtElrAvCa8-00193-00057472-00057763 In-- in reflecting on your dad's legacy in his career, GKtElrAvCa8-00194-00057763-00057985 what are the struggles that he encountered GKtElrAvCa8-00195-00057985-00058144 and what do you think motivated him GKtElrAvCa8-00196-00058144-00058316 to speak up no matter the cost? GKtElrAvCa8-00197-00058638-00058854 MR. TERENCE TODMAN JR.: Thank you very much, Maryum. GKtElrAvCa8-00198-00058854-00059391 And thank you all for participating in this program GKtElrAvCa8-00199-00059391-00059805 and-- and for listening to my voice and the other voices GKtElrAvCa8-00200-00059805-00059983 around us. GKtElrAvCa8-00201-00059983-00060212 You're asking a very, very interesting question, GKtElrAvCa8-00202-00060212-00060739 because as he has said, it was not ever easy. GKtElrAvCa8-00203-00060739-00061096 But he was very competitive as a person. GKtElrAvCa8-00204-00061096-00061525 And having grown up in the foreign service in the U.S. GKtElrAvCa8-00205-00061525-00061939 Virgin Islands, he really did not GKtElrAvCa8-00206-00061939-00062569 accept being pigeonholed or cubbyholed or in any way, GKtElrAvCa8-00207-00062569-00062803 limited in what he could do. GKtElrAvCa8-00208-00062803-00063330 He grew up believing he could if given an opportunity, GKtElrAvCa8-00209-00063330-00063607 produce outstanding results. GKtElrAvCa8-00210-00063607-00063994 And he had always done so in his life. GKtElrAvCa8-00211-00063994-00064195 He was never going to be outworked. GKtElrAvCa8-00212-00064195-00064507 He was never going to be unprepared. GKtElrAvCa8-00213-00064507-00064673 And he was always curious. GKtElrAvCa8-00214-00064673-00064816 He was a people person. GKtElrAvCa8-00215-00064816-00065055 So he moved out into communities, GKtElrAvCa8-00216-00065055-00065296 got to know people, and he enjoyed GKtElrAvCa8-00217-00065296-00065485 that while he was doing it. GKtElrAvCa8-00218-00065485-00066064 So when he arrived at the State Department, being treated-- GKtElrAvCa8-00219-00066064-00066427 having fought for the United States in the military, GKtElrAvCa8-00220-00066427-00067183 being treated as an alien was just, quite honestly, a shock. GKtElrAvCa8-00221-00067183-00067543 And-- and that people would expect GKtElrAvCa8-00222-00067543-00068032 to acquiesce in being treated as second class citizens was just GKtElrAvCa8-00223-00068032-00068551 not within his inventory of available feelings. GKtElrAvCa8-00224-00068551-00068914 So I think the hardest part for him GKtElrAvCa8-00225-00068914-00069358 was knowing that many of his Foreign Service colleagues, GKtElrAvCa8-00226-00069358-00069664 many of whom he respected, learned tremendous amount from, GKtElrAvCa8-00227-00069664-00069985 he loved the Foreign Service, but nevertheless, they GKtElrAvCa8-00228-00069985-00070304 thought of him as a second class citizen. GKtElrAvCa8-00229-00070304-00070954 And that idea, that America had this different categories GKtElrAvCa8-00230-00070954-00071659 of citizenship, which then translated overseas GKtElrAvCa8-00231-00071659-00071915 in the way Americans were seen. GKtElrAvCa8-00232-00071915-00072334 So when we arrived in post in various countries, GKtElrAvCa8-00233-00072334-00072790 we were treated in those posts as Americans. GKtElrAvCa8-00234-00072790-00073255 But they were also receiving American media, GKtElrAvCa8-00235-00073255-00073816 which categorized certain Americans, certain complexions, GKtElrAvCa8-00236-00073816-00074257 genders, et cetera, as not fully, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00237-00074257-00074390 representative. GKtElrAvCa8-00238-00074390-00075046 And so he always had to overcome those hurdles every time GKtElrAvCa8-00239-00075046-00075493 he went to a new post, and then had to prove himself GKtElrAvCa8-00240-00075493-00075629 all over again. GKtElrAvCa8-00241-00075629-00075973 And then had to demonstrate to wherever GKtElrAvCa8-00242-00075973-00076822 he was assigned that, in fact, he was a full American, GKtElrAvCa8-00243-00076822-00077176 and among the best that the United States was producing. GKtElrAvCa8-00244-00077176-00077570 And you know, fully able to carry out his responsibilities GKtElrAvCa8-00245-00077570-00077684 in those assignments. GKtElrAvCa8-00246-00077684-00077995 So having to overcome those hurdles inside the house GKtElrAvCa8-00247-00077995-00078440 and outside the house was always a challenge. GKtElrAvCa8-00248-00078440-00078511 MS. SAIFEE: Yeah. GKtElrAvCa8-00249-00078511-00078811 And I think your father's story still resonates today, I GKtElrAvCa8-00250-00078811-00078905 think, for many of us. GKtElrAvCa8-00251-00078905-00079394 So that's, I think, why were also inspired by him. GKtElrAvCa8-00252-00079394-00079514 Thank you so much. GKtElrAvCa8-00253-00079514-00079763 My next question is for Chris Richardson, GKtElrAvCa8-00254-00079763-00080045 who used to be a Foreign Service Officer, one of my colleagues. GKtElrAvCa8-00255-00080045-00080321 And he's actually joining us from our embassy in Madrid, GKtElrAvCa8-00256-00080321-00080612 where Todman served as Ambassador as we GKtElrAvCa8-00257-00080612-00080801 can see from the backdrop. GKtElrAvCa8-00258-00080801-00081008 Chris, you wrote an op-ed in The New York Times GKtElrAvCa8-00259-00081008-00081308 in the summer of 2020, where you highlighted Ambassador Todman's GKtElrAvCa8-00260-00081308-00081389 story. GKtElrAvCa8-00261-00081389-00081584 When the piece came out, we were in the midst GKtElrAvCa8-00262-00081584-00081827 of a reckoning on race, one of many, GKtElrAvCa8-00263-00081827-00081996 and the start of a pandemic. GKtElrAvCa8-00264-00081996-00082253 Can you talk more about what motivated GKtElrAvCa8-00265-00082253-00082431 you to publish this story? GKtElrAvCa8-00266-00082431-00082544 MR. CHRIS RICHARDSON: Sure. GKtElrAvCa8-00267-00082544-00082625 Thank you, Maryum. GKtElrAvCa8-00268-00082625-00082898 And it's really an honor to be speaking here from the U.S. GKtElrAvCa8-00269-00082898-00083195 Embassy in Madrid, where Ambassador Todman's GKtElrAvCa8-00270-00083195-00083423 legacy in the work that he did still GKtElrAvCa8-00271-00083423-00083732 lives on even after all of these years. GKtElrAvCa8-00272-00083732-00084050 I think for me, in the wake of George Floyd's killing, GKtElrAvCa8-00273-00084050-00084365 it was important that people understand that, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00274-00084365-00084590 if we're going to have an understanding of where we're GKtElrAvCa8-00275-00084590-00084815 going to go, we have to have an understanding of where GKtElrAvCa8-00276-00084815-00085079 we've been as a State Department, as a government. GKtElrAvCa8-00277-00085079-00085403 And I thought that there was a sense among officers, GKtElrAvCa8-00278-00085403-00085541 who were in the State Department, GKtElrAvCa8-00279-00085541-00085820 that they didn't necessarily understand what they were GKtElrAvCa8-00280-00085820-00085985 necessarily going up against. GKtElrAvCa8-00281-00085985-00086240 And that's something that Ambassador Todman certainly GKtElrAvCa8-00282-00086240-00086392 knew and understood. GKtElrAvCa8-00283-00086392-00086534 And what I mean by that is I think GKtElrAvCa8-00284-00086534-00086688 it's important that people understand GKtElrAvCa8-00285-00086688-00087104 that race and racism in the country, the place where we GKtElrAvCa8-00286-00087104-00087266 are, didn't come by accident. GKtElrAvCa8-00287-00087266-00087527 A lot of what we face and confront as a nation GKtElrAvCa8-00288-00087527-00087640 is by design. GKtElrAvCa8-00289-00087640-00087845 And I think it's important that people understand GKtElrAvCa8-00290-00087845-00088118 that when the Rogers Act passed in 1924, GKtElrAvCa8-00291-00088118-00088418 that made the modern day State Department, that when GKtElrAvCa8-00292-00088418-00088679 the first African-American passed that exam, GKtElrAvCa8-00293-00088679-00088895 Clifton Wharton, that the reaction GKtElrAvCa8-00294-00088895-00089105 among the white officers wasn't one of this GKtElrAvCa8-00295-00089105-00089411 is something to be celebrated, that they were horrified by it. GKtElrAvCa8-00296-00089411-00089693 That these people were so comfortable in their racism GKtElrAvCa8-00297-00089693-00089939 that they actually asked the President of the United States GKtElrAvCa8-00298-00089939-00090155 to make executive order, specifically, GKtElrAvCa8-00299-00090155-00090530 barring Black people and women and naturalized Americans GKtElrAvCa8-00300-00090530-00090683 from being U.S. diplomats. GKtElrAvCa8-00301-00090683-00090863 That's how comfortable they were with this. GKtElrAvCa8-00302-00090863-00091100 And when the President said, no, they GKtElrAvCa8-00303-00091100-00091478 spent 20 plus years making sure that no African-American would GKtElrAvCa8-00304-00091478-00091628 join the State Department. GKtElrAvCa8-00305-00091628-00091805 And I think that people need to understand GKtElrAvCa8-00306-00091805-00091994 that that is the kind of environment GKtElrAvCa8-00307-00091994-00092228 that Ambassador Todman came up in. GKtElrAvCa8-00308-00092228-00092414 You know, we talk about Ambassador Todman GKtElrAvCa8-00309-00092414-00092588 and the great things that he did, GKtElrAvCa8-00310-00092588-00092873 but we also have to acknowledge and recognize the things GKtElrAvCa8-00311-00092873-00093167 that he actually had to fight against to be successful, GKtElrAvCa8-00312-00093167-00093404 the things that he actually had to confront and face GKtElrAvCa8-00313-00093404-00093728 as a Black diplomat, and have to deal with the duality of both GKtElrAvCa8-00314-00093728-00093893 confronting and living in a country GKtElrAvCa8-00315-00093893-00094148 and dealing with the substance of the matter, but also GKtElrAvCa8-00316-00094148-00094367 having to deal with the issues that were going on GKtElrAvCa8-00317-00094367-00094742 in your country as an American and as a Black American. GKtElrAvCa8-00318-00094742-00094979 And so for me, the op-ed was a way GKtElrAvCa8-00319-00094979-00095243 of having people understand that, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00320-00095243-00095588 people like Ambassador Todman weren't necessarily going GKtElrAvCa8-00321-00095588-00095876 up just against the idea of segregation, GKtElrAvCa8-00322-00095876-00096056 but you really had a State Department GKtElrAvCa8-00323-00096056-00096359 that had been designed to keep African-Americans out. GKtElrAvCa8-00324-00096359-00096590 And he was one of the pioneers in helping GKtElrAvCa8-00325-00096590-00096761 to push and move the State Department GKtElrAvCa8-00326-00096761-00096897 in the right direction. GKtElrAvCa8-00327-00096897-00097043 And that's something that we really GKtElrAvCa8-00328-00097043-00097184 need to acknowledge and understand GKtElrAvCa8-00329-00097184-00097415 in terms of moving forward for the future of the State GKtElrAvCa8-00330-00097415-00097693 Department and the future of U.S. diplomacy. GKtElrAvCa8-00331-00097693-00097856 When you think about Ambassador Todman, GKtElrAvCa8-00332-00097856-00098150 here was a man who met with Martin Luther King in India, GKtElrAvCa8-00333-00098150-00098306 and showed him around India. GKtElrAvCa8-00334-00098306-00098513 Here was a man that told President Reagan GKtElrAvCa8-00335-00098513-00098817 and told Secretary Shultz that he would not go to South Africa GKtElrAvCa8-00336-00098817-00098972 because he wasn't going to allow them GKtElrAvCa8-00337-00098972-00099227 to put a Black face on a racist policy. GKtElrAvCa8-00338-00099227-00099587 Here was a man who stood up to secretaries of states, GKtElrAvCa8-00339-00099587-00099749 presidents in both parties. GKtElrAvCa8-00340-00099749-00100028 And while he may have seen himself as a troublemaker, GKtElrAvCa8-00341-00100028-00100265 these people still respected him enough to make GKtElrAvCa8-00342-00100265-00100376 him a troubleshooter. GKtElrAvCa8-00343-00100376-00100551 So they would send him to these countries, GKtElrAvCa8-00344-00100551-00100781 they were still to these places, here in Spain GKtElrAvCa8-00345-00100781-00101009 and in Costa Rica and other locations. GKtElrAvCa8-00346-00101009-00101168 And he was seen as the person that GKtElrAvCa8-00347-00101168-00101376 could resolve a lot of these issues and problems. GKtElrAvCa8-00348-00101376-00101594 And so the reason I wrote this op-ed GKtElrAvCa8-00349-00101594-00101859 is that when we think about how do we go forward, GKtElrAvCa8-00350-00101859-00102014 moving forward as a State Department, GKtElrAvCa8-00351-00102014-00102233 as American diplomacy, and as a government, GKtElrAvCa8-00352-00102233-00102511 I think we have to look at people like Ambassador Todman GKtElrAvCa8-00353-00102511-00102797 because they're the ones that show the kind of leadership GKtElrAvCa8-00354-00102797-00102956 and demonstrate the kind of leadership GKtElrAvCa8-00355-00102956-00103226 that we're going to need to fix U.S. diplomacy, GKtElrAvCa8-00356-00103226-00103630 and to fix our foreign policy apparatus. GKtElrAvCa8-00357-00103630-00103831 MS. SAIFEE: Chris, thank you so much. GKtElrAvCa8-00358-00103831-00104017 My next question is for Susan. GKtElrAvCa8-00359-00104017-00104239 You're the acting director of the National Museum GKtElrAvCa8-00360-00104239-00104382 of American Diplomacy. GKtElrAvCa8-00361-00104382-00104572 For many of us, we might be hearing GKtElrAvCa8-00362-00104572-00104836 about Ambassador Todman's story for the first time. GKtElrAvCa8-00363-00104836-00105154 In my case, I actually learned about Ambassador Todman's push GKtElrAvCa8-00364-00105154-00105439 to desegregate the cafeteria and all of his great work GKtElrAvCa8-00365-00105439-00105616 through Chris's article in 2020. GKtElrAvCa8-00366-00105616-00105735 So I just discovered him. GKtElrAvCa8-00367-00105735-00105880 I think many are. GKtElrAvCa8-00368-00105880-00106069 What is the museum doing to ensure GKtElrAvCa8-00369-00106069-00106318 that stories of diplomats from underrepresented groups GKtElrAvCa8-00370-00106318-00106541 are being heard? GKtElrAvCa8-00371-00106541-00106591 Yeah. GKtElrAvCa8-00372-00106591-00106870 So the National Museum of American Diplomacy, GKtElrAvCa8-00373-00106870-00107305 we are the first and only museum in the United States, GKtElrAvCa8-00374-00107305-00107560 maybe in the world, to be devoted to the-- GKtElrAvCa8-00375-00107560-00107797 to telling the story of diplomacy GKtElrAvCa8-00376-00107797-00108041 and the diplomats who conduct it. GKtElrAvCa8-00377-00108041-00108448 And so you know, it's really important to tell stories GKtElrAvCa8-00378-00108448-00108946 like the story of Ambassador Todman because as you say, GKtElrAvCa8-00379-00108946-00109405 Maryum, we don't always know the full context GKtElrAvCa8-00380-00109405-00109732 that some of our most accomplished diplomats GKtElrAvCa8-00381-00109732-00109819 worked in. GKtElrAvCa8-00382-00109819-00110109 And certainly, America's Diplomatic Corps GKtElrAvCa8-00383-00110109-00110497 has not always been representative of the diversity GKtElrAvCa8-00384-00110497-00110692 of the nation's population. GKtElrAvCa8-00385-00110692-00111106 And we all know that it's an ongoing challenge for diversity GKtElrAvCa8-00386-00111106-00111197 and inclusion. GKtElrAvCa8-00387-00111197-00111407 And that's why the story of Ambassador Todman GKtElrAvCa8-00388-00111407-00111636 is so important. GKtElrAvCa8-00389-00111636-00112129 You know, the Museum, itself, is set up because as Leola said, GKtElrAvCa8-00390-00112129-00112420 a lot of Americans really don't have an opportunity GKtElrAvCa8-00391-00112420-00112801 to know what diplomacy is, who conducts it, GKtElrAvCa8-00392-00112801-00112948 and how it impacts their life. GKtElrAvCa8-00393-00112948-00113254 And this museum is set up to be an open door GKtElrAvCa8-00394-00113254-00113446 to build a better relationship really GKtElrAvCa8-00395-00113446-00113794 between the American public and our-- and our diplomats. GKtElrAvCa8-00396-00113794-00114103 And so, you know, extraordinary diplomat-- diplomat GKtElrAvCa8-00397-00114103-00114497 like Ambassador Todman, and we already have sort of, GKtElrAvCa8-00398-00114497-00114914 you know, gone over some of his extraordinary accomplishments. GKtElrAvCa8-00399-00114914-00115156 I mean, he was six time Ambassador, a first time GKtElrAvCa8-00400-00115156-00115393 Assistant Secretary. GKtElrAvCa8-00401-00115393-00115795 You know, a career Ambassador that's a very rare achievement. GKtElrAvCa8-00402-00115795-00116029 And we've heard some of the adjectives. GKtElrAvCa8-00403-00116029-00116184 You know, a natural diplomat. GKtElrAvCa8-00404-00116184-00116653 People call him a trailblazer, a troublemaker, GKtElrAvCa8-00405-00116653-00116808 that he liked to call himself. GKtElrAvCa8-00406-00116808-00117147 But you know, he-- GKtElrAvCa8-00407-00117147-00117336 you know, his many accomplishments GKtElrAvCa8-00408-00117336-00117598 started in some ways by having to break down GKtElrAvCa8-00409-00117598-00118083 the barriers to his own ability to bring his talents to bear GKtElrAvCa8-00410-00118083-00118276 on our diplomacy. GKtElrAvCa8-00411-00118276-00118642 And so for our museum, unearthing these stories and I GKtElrAvCa8-00412-00118642-00118867 think that we have to acknowledge GKtElrAvCa8-00413-00118867-00119109 that some of these stories need to be unearthed. GKtElrAvCa8-00414-00119109-00119460 They need to be collected, they need to be preserved, GKtElrAvCa8-00415-00119460-00119594 and then they need to be-- GKtElrAvCa8-00416-00119594-00119893 to be passed on to the next generation. GKtElrAvCa8-00417-00119893-00120234 And they should be part of how new diplomats coming in, GKtElrAvCa8-00418-00120234-00120439 understand their role and their-- GKtElrAvCa8-00419-00120439-00120643 their institution. GKtElrAvCa8-00420-00120643-00120889 We have a-- we have initiative. GKtElrAvCa8-00421-00120889-00121078 It's called Facing Diplomacy. GKtElrAvCa8-00422-00121078-00121396 And we're-- we're collecting stories. GKtElrAvCa8-00423-00121396-00121555 We're looking for stories. GKtElrAvCa8-00424-00121555-00121924 We're unearthing these stories so that we can tell-- GKtElrAvCa8-00425-00121924-00122407 tell, you know-- you know, how Ambassador Todman GKtElrAvCa8-00426-00122407-00122685 got to be Ambassador Todman or Edward Dudley GKtElrAvCa8-00427-00122685-00122932 or Carl Rowan, all of our diplomats GKtElrAvCa8-00428-00122932-00123449 that are featured in Leola's documentary coming up. GKtElrAvCa8-00429-00123449-00123604 I also feel that when you-- you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00430-00123604-00123858 you look back at some of the lessons from Ambassador GKtElrAvCa8-00431-00123858-00124252 Todman's life, I mean, one of the things I read recently GKtElrAvCa8-00432-00124252-00124705 in one of his interviews was why do we need to-- GKtElrAvCa8-00433-00124705-00124908 you know, why are you doing what you're doing GKtElrAvCa8-00434-00124908-00125089 in this fight for diversity. GKtElrAvCa8-00435-00125089-00125374 And he said something that I think is really important. GKtElrAvCa8-00436-00125374-00125707 He said, well, I start by asking what's-- GKtElrAvCa8-00437-00125707-00125914 what's best for the United States. GKtElrAvCa8-00438-00125914-00126313 Pretty extraordinary statement, given all that he-- GKtElrAvCa8-00439-00126313-00126556 all he had to face as an American diplomat. GKtElrAvCa8-00440-00126556-00126829 Then his-- his main argument is one that we really know. GKtElrAvCa8-00441-00126829-00127222 And that is that diversity is a strength of our diplomacy. GKtElrAvCa8-00442-00127222-00127579 And the more our-- our diplomacy looks like GKtElrAvCa8-00443-00127579-00127825 and represents the great diversity of our nation, GKtElrAvCa8-00444-00127825-00127963 the better it is. GKtElrAvCa8-00445-00127963-00128136 You can see that from his own-- GKtElrAvCa8-00446-00128136-00128401 his own life. GKtElrAvCa8-00447-00128401-00128803 You know, one of the things that the museum really wants to do GKtElrAvCa8-00448-00128803-00128936 is to work with young people. GKtElrAvCa8-00449-00128936-00129082 And you know, a main pillar of what GKtElrAvCa8-00450-00129082-00129283 we do is our educational work. GKtElrAvCa8-00451-00129283-00129622 And one of the things that we do is we go out, we work in-- GKtElrAvCa8-00452-00129622-00129829 in schools all over the United States. GKtElrAvCa8-00453-00129829-00129991 We work with teachers. GKtElrAvCa8-00454-00129991-00130227 And we want people to start putting themselves GKtElrAvCa8-00455-00130227-00130313 in the-- in the-- GKtElrAvCa8-00456-00130313-00130627 in the-- in the shoes a diplomat to understand GKtElrAvCa8-00457-00130627-00130894 how complex diplomacy is, how it works. GKtElrAvCa8-00458-00130894-00131245 What it's like to find solutions with people GKtElrAvCa8-00459-00131245-00131470 who don't share your interest don't share your values, GKtElrAvCa8-00460-00131470-00131861 but you negotiate a constructive way forward. GKtElrAvCa8-00461-00131861-00132310 And when you look at Ambassador Todman and the story of-- GKtElrAvCa8-00462-00132310-00132643 of how, you know, as a young diplomat, GKtElrAvCa8-00463-00132643-00132784 at the Foreign Service Institute. GKtElrAvCa8-00464-00132784-00133074 I'm a Foreign Service Officer, I remember my first days GKtElrAvCa8-00465-00133074-00133276 at the Foreign Service Institute. GKtElrAvCa8-00466-00133276-00133483 How horrifying to show up and be-- GKtElrAvCa8-00467-00133483-00133765 and to find that you could not go to lunch with the rest GKtElrAvCa8-00468-00133765-00133867 of your-- GKtElrAvCa8-00469-00133867-00133984 your colleagues. GKtElrAvCa8-00470-00133984-00134233 But we talk about these diplomatic skills. GKtElrAvCa8-00471-00134233-00134644 And they're skills, they are relational skills, and then GKtElrAvCa8-00472-00134644-00134797 their operational skills. GKtElrAvCa8-00473-00134797-00135001 Then you saw from the very beginning GKtElrAvCa8-00474-00135001-00135452 that Ambassador Todman had all three of those skills. GKtElrAvCa8-00475-00135452-00135598 And that's something that we really GKtElrAvCa8-00476-00135598-00135943 want to illustrate to young people GKtElrAvCa8-00477-00135943-00136138 to sort of say that both-- GKtElrAvCa8-00478-00136138-00136339 look at these diplomats, these are the skills GKtElrAvCa8-00479-00136339-00136537 that made them successful, but also GKtElrAvCa8-00480-00136537-00136885 so that these are skills that-- GKtElrAvCa8-00481-00136885-00137251 that every person can cultivate, they can learn from. GKtElrAvCa8-00482-00137251-00137551 And that we think that every kid in the United States GKtElrAvCa8-00483-00137551-00137818 should both look at diplomacy as something GKtElrAvCa8-00484-00137818-00138145 that they might want to do, but also look GKtElrAvCa8-00485-00138145-00138541 at cultivating in themselves those skills that allow you GKtElrAvCa8-00486-00138541-00138826 to get things accomplished, either when you're dealing GKtElrAvCa8-00487-00138826-00139286 with, you know, diplomacy abroad or dealing with fellow citizens GKtElrAvCa8-00488-00139286-00139339 at home. GKtElrAvCa8-00489-00139339-00139630 So we think that this is a really, really important story. GKtElrAvCa8-00490-00139630-00139913 We're really proud of the work that we're doing. GKtElrAvCa8-00491-00139913-00140083 And we know that we have a lot more work GKtElrAvCa8-00492-00140083-00140632 to do to be a platform to make sure that the full complexity GKtElrAvCa8-00493-00140632-00140740 of-- GKtElrAvCa8-00494-00140740-00141097 of diplomacy is made available to the American people. GKtElrAvCa8-00495-00141097-00141286 MS. SAIFEE: Susan, thank you so much. GKtElrAvCa8-00496-00141286-00141583 Now, I want to turn to the Department's first Chief GKtElrAvCa8-00497-00141583-00141955 Diversity and Inclusion Officer, my boss, Ambassador Gina GKtElrAvCa8-00498-00141955-00142141 Abercrombie-Winstanley. GKtElrAvCa8-00499-00142141-00142345 At your swearing in ceremony, Secretary Blinken GKtElrAvCa8-00500-00142345-00142537 noted that you were a diplomat who GKtElrAvCa8-00501-00142537-00142717 knew when to be undiplomatic. GKtElrAvCa8-00502-00142717-00142966 And in many ways, I think you and Ambassador Todman GKtElrAvCa8-00503-00142966-00143173 are kindred spirits. GKtElrAvCa8-00504-00143173-00143551 As to borrow Chris' line, from a troublemaker to troubleshooter, GKtElrAvCa8-00505-00143551-00143691 I love that. GKtElrAvCa8-00506-00143691-00143929 Can you tell me a little bit about what Ambassador Todman GKtElrAvCa8-00507-00143929-00144130 means to you, personally, and how GKtElrAvCa8-00508-00144130-00144496 you hope to carry his tremendous legacy forward GKtElrAvCa8-00509-00144496-00144701 in your current role? GKtElrAvCa8-00510-00144701-00144776 AMBASSADOR GINA ABERCROMBIE WINSTANLEY: Thank you, Maryum. GKtElrAvCa8-00511-00144776-00145019 It's such a pleasure to be part of this discussion. GKtElrAvCa8-00512-00145019-00145391 And I love every answer that we've received so far. GKtElrAvCa8-00513-00145391-00145670 I was a young diplomat when Ambassador Todman GKtElrAvCa8-00514-00145670-00145832 was with the Department. GKtElrAvCa8-00515-00145832-00146504 And he gave hope to us who were coming behind his footsteps GKtElrAvCa8-00516-00146504-00146906 as African-American diplomats, women, GKtElrAvCa8-00517-00146906-00147131 other diplomats of color to show that there GKtElrAvCa8-00518-00147131-00147497 was a possibility for us to reach the highest GKtElrAvCa8-00519-00147497-00147713 levels in this organization. GKtElrAvCa8-00520-00147713-00148052 And frankly, daily, we had many reminders GKtElrAvCa8-00521-00148052-00148509 that that was not necessarily expected of us. GKtElrAvCa8-00522-00148509-00148706 So some of the lessons I took away GKtElrAvCa8-00523-00148706-00149225 from his career and his example included GKtElrAvCa8-00524-00149225-00149570 being a good negotiator, hearing the word no, GKtElrAvCa8-00525-00149570-00150020 and deciding that that was your interlocutors opening GKtElrAvCa8-00526-00150020-00150275 position, not the final answer. GKtElrAvCa8-00527-00150275-00150506 And there are many times in my career, when GKtElrAvCa8-00528-00150506-00150881 I was pursuing assignments or postings, that I GKtElrAvCa8-00529-00150881-00151262 had to go back and back and back again in order GKtElrAvCa8-00530-00151262-00151607 to get the job or the assignment that I wanted. GKtElrAvCa8-00531-00151607-00151880 Another thing I think he gave all of us, as I said, GKtElrAvCa8-00532-00151880-00152201 was that hope of being used to comfortable GKtElrAvCa8-00533-00152201-00152399 and being the only one in the room GKtElrAvCa8-00534-00152399-00152807 because that is often the reality for women and officers GKtElrAvCa8-00535-00152807-00153035 of color to this day. GKtElrAvCa8-00536-00153035-00153356 But going into the room with confidence in yourself, GKtElrAvCa8-00537-00153356-00153689 your ability, your preparation to get the job done. GKtElrAvCa8-00538-00153689-00153989 It was something that he exemplified and many of us GKtElrAvCa8-00539-00153989-00154184 try to live up to. GKtElrAvCa8-00540-00154184-00154670 And finally, I think it is that love of languages. GKtElrAvCa8-00541-00154670-00155063 As a Middle East hand, in that way, I follow in his footsteps, GKtElrAvCa8-00542-00155063-00155519 but also being able to speak the language, to use the vernacular GKtElrAvCa8-00543-00155519-00155811 so that I'm comfortable not only at the highest levels, GKtElrAvCa8-00544-00155811-00156071 but in shopping, talking to my neighbors, GKtElrAvCa8-00545-00156071-00156314 really getting to understand the culture GKtElrAvCa8-00546-00156314-00156588 in a close and personal way. GKtElrAvCa8-00547-00156588-00156935 And I think that adds to our knowledge and our ability GKtElrAvCa8-00548-00156935-00157292 to carry out our work in countries abroad. GKtElrAvCa8-00549-00157292-00157571 So those three things, I think, were wonderful examples GKtElrAvCa8-00550-00157571-00158165 of his and ones that I and many of my colleagues take and live. GKtElrAvCa8-00551-00158165-00158423 For what I'm doing now in the Department GKtElrAvCa8-00552-00158423-00159053 with incredible support from my amazing team that Maryum, GKtElrAvCa8-00553-00159053-00159446 to the building itself and with the Secretary of State, GKtElrAvCa8-00554-00159446-00159854 this understanding that we are at a unique place. GKtElrAvCa8-00555-00159854-00160292 We are at-- we're having an opportunity that we cannot mess GKtElrAvCa8-00556-00160292-00160349 up. GKtElrAvCa8-00557-00160349-00160647 Again, we've got to get this done. GKtElrAvCa8-00558-00160647-00161045 And so what I understand, as part of my role, GKtElrAvCa8-00559-00161045-00161345 is what he did, which is to give hope GKtElrAvCa8-00560-00161345-00161573 to everybody in this organization, GKtElrAvCa8-00561-00161573-00161837 that we are all going to have the opportunity GKtElrAvCa8-00562-00161837-00162110 to reach our full potential. GKtElrAvCa8-00563-00162110-00162293 That's what this job means to me. GKtElrAvCa8-00564-00162293-00162527 And I know that's something that he laid out GKtElrAvCa8-00565-00162527-00162962 and we are taking up the cudgels and continuing forward, onward. GKtElrAvCa8-00566-00162962-00163167 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you so much. GKtElrAvCa8-00567-00163167-00163488 So now, we're ready to take questions from the audience. GKtElrAvCa8-00568-00163488-00163745 And I think we'll start with you, Terence. GKtElrAvCa8-00569-00163745-00164120 Can you tell us a favorite memory of your dad? GKtElrAvCa8-00570-00164120-00164234 There probably many. GKtElrAvCa8-00571-00164234-00164383 So that's a trick question. GKtElrAvCa8-00572-00164383-00164450 It's a hard one. GKtElrAvCa8-00573-00164450-00164595 MR. TODMAN: That is-- that-- that's GKtElrAvCa8-00574-00164595-00164721 a very difficult question. GKtElrAvCa8-00575-00164721-00165221 I guess, it comes to a lot of-- GKtElrAvCa8-00576-00165221-00165518 I mean, he had always these pithy sayings. GKtElrAvCa8-00577-00165518-00165774 And he was a people person. GKtElrAvCa8-00578-00165774-00166160 He loved and thought of himself as an American first GKtElrAvCa8-00579-00166160-00166349 and he loved the country. GKtElrAvCa8-00580-00166349-00166736 But he had a couple of things that stuck in my head. GKtElrAvCa8-00581-00166736-00167303 The first was diplomacy is the art of telling the truth. GKtElrAvCa8-00582-00167303-00167645 And telling the truth because that's GKtElrAvCa8-00583-00167645-00168092 your only true currency and trade. GKtElrAvCa8-00584-00168092-00168750 And so if people don't trust you, then they won't hear you. GKtElrAvCa8-00585-00168750-00169148 But you also have to learn how they hear GKtElrAvCa8-00586-00169148-00169622 and how they understand, which means, knowing who they are, GKtElrAvCa8-00587-00169622-00169856 knowing their culture, knowing their language GKtElrAvCa8-00588-00169856-00170175 in order to be able to communicate effectively. GKtElrAvCa8-00589-00170175-00170396 And that's also true, quite honestly, GKtElrAvCa8-00590-00170396-00170573 about the State Department. GKtElrAvCa8-00591-00170573-00170930 The State Department has its own culture and its own language. GKtElrAvCa8-00592-00170930-00171353 And mastering that language and that culture is a challenge. GKtElrAvCa8-00593-00171353-00171809 The second was something that the Ambassador referred to, GKtElrAvCa8-00594-00171809-00172037 and that is negotiation. GKtElrAvCa8-00595-00172037-00172478 And his little pithy saying was negotiation GKtElrAvCa8-00596-00172478-00172944 is the art of letting the other person have your way. GKtElrAvCa8-00597-00172944-00173024 And so-- GKtElrAvCa8-00598-00173024-00173180 MS. SAIFEE: I love that. GKtElrAvCa8-00599-00173180-00173510 MR. TODMAN: You know, so persistence, but also trying GKtElrAvCa8-00600-00173510-00173840 to find that common ground, and then trying GKtElrAvCa8-00601-00173840-00174653 to find a solution, which you know, could live with both. GKtElrAvCa8-00602-00174653-00174867 And that was true in the cafeteria. GKtElrAvCa8-00603-00174867-00175244 It was true in a variety of things that happened overseas. GKtElrAvCa8-00604-00175244-00175526 But from his perspective, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00605-00175526-00175982 you can find a way if you're willing to negotiate. GKtElrAvCa8-00606-00175982-00176168 And the last one that I would share GKtElrAvCa8-00607-00176168-00176372 is just as a favorite of mine is, GKtElrAvCa8-00608-00176372-00176738 it's astonishing what you can accomplish if you GKtElrAvCa8-00609-00176738-00177017 don't care who gets credit. GKtElrAvCa8-00610-00177017-00177278 And that was a very, very powerful for him. GKtElrAvCa8-00611-00177278-00178010 So he was willing to share credit with the entire State GKtElrAvCa8-00612-00178010-00178412 Department if necessary. GKtElrAvCa8-00613-00178412-00178634 Because one of the sad things about the Foreign GKtElrAvCa8-00614-00178634-00178913 Service and the State Department is that, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00615-00178913-00179423 failure has no fingerprints and success has many fathers. GKtElrAvCa8-00616-00179423-00179717 And from his perspective, he was willing to take GKtElrAvCa8-00617-00179717-00179999 the fingerprints of every failure as his own GKtElrAvCa8-00618-00179999-00180368 and also to share credit for everything GKtElrAvCa8-00619-00180368-00180853 that he did as broadly as necessary to get it done. GKtElrAvCa8-00620-00180853-00180920 MS. SAIFEE: Wow. GKtElrAvCa8-00621-00180920-00181034 Thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-00622-00181034-00181245 Your dad is extraordinary. GKtElrAvCa8-00623-00181245-00181319 Thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-00624-00181319-00181487 This question is for Leola. GKtElrAvCa8-00625-00181487-00181641 What was something that surprised you GKtElrAvCa8-00626-00181641-00181770 when you were making this film? GKtElrAvCa8-00627-00182253-00182502 MS. CALZOLAI-STEWART: I think part of-- GKtElrAvCa8-00628-00182502-00182823 one that was an exciting surprise was the-- GKtElrAvCa8-00629-00182823-00183156 the archival that was available to the film. GKtElrAvCa8-00630-00183156-00183480 And you know, that was the moment GKtElrAvCa8-00631-00183480-00183693 when I realized that we could actually GKtElrAvCa8-00632-00183693-00183975 tell the story on film. GKtElrAvCa8-00633-00183975-00184254 And you know, part of that was discovering GKtElrAvCa8-00634-00184254-00184563 some beautiful archival materials, the Griff Davis GKtElrAvCa8-00635-00184563-00185127 archives at Howard, also run by the Griff Davis archives GKtElrAvCa8-00636-00185127-00185334 with his daughter, Dorothy Davis. GKtElrAvCa8-00637-00185334-00185619 These beautiful photographs from Liberia GKtElrAvCa8-00638-00185619-00186081 of Edward Dudley and the, you know-- the staff GKtElrAvCa8-00639-00186081-00186390 that worked at the embassy in the 1940s and early '50s GKtElrAvCa8-00640-00186390-00186511 in Liberia. GKtElrAvCa8-00641-00186511-00186748 So that was fantastic. GKtElrAvCa8-00642-00186748-00187077 The Todman family were very generous with their photographs GKtElrAvCa8-00643-00187077-00187350 as well, that, you know, those early GKtElrAvCa8-00644-00187350-00187665 photographs of Ambassador Todman in the military, GKtElrAvCa8-00645-00187665-00187992 as well as his assignments overseas. GKtElrAvCa8-00646-00187992-00188331 So I think it was just the visual archives that, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00647-00188331-00188577 at first, you know, we weren't sure were GKtElrAvCa8-00648-00188577-00188691 going to be available. GKtElrAvCa8-00649-00188691-00189192 And then to discover that was just a fantastic surprise GKtElrAvCa8-00650-00189192-00189625 and really moving in-- in-- in many ways. GKtElrAvCa8-00651-00189625-00189757 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-00652-00189757-00190002 My next question is for the Ambassador. GKtElrAvCa8-00653-00190002-00190356 How can the State Department build a culture of courage GKtElrAvCa8-00654-00190356-00190584 when we're diplomats like Ambassador Todman are GKtElrAvCa8-00655-00190584-00190895 the norm and not the exception? GKtElrAvCa8-00656-00190895-00190962 It's a hard one. GKtElrAvCa8-00657-00190962-00191005 AMBASSADOR ABERCROMBIE WINSTANLEY: Yeah. GKtElrAvCa8-00658-00191005-00191157 A tough question, Maryum. GKtElrAvCa8-00659-00191157-00191287 Tough question. GKtElrAvCa8-00660-00191287-00191680 I think we have to come at it in a variety of ways. GKtElrAvCa8-00661-00191680-00191907 I think the most important thing we have to do GKtElrAvCa8-00662-00191907-00192231 is-- is ensure that people understand GKtElrAvCa8-00663-00192231-00192561 they will be supported and protected GKtElrAvCa8-00664-00192561-00192753 when they tell the truth. GKtElrAvCa8-00665-00192753-00193227 That we need it, we demand it that they tell the truth, GKtElrAvCa8-00666-00193227-00193437 that they speak their experiences GKtElrAvCa8-00667-00193437-00193584 within our organization. GKtElrAvCa8-00668-00193584-00193830 Because we want to improve the organization. GKtElrAvCa8-00669-00193830-00194094 In the past, we've protected the organization, GKtElrAvCa8-00670-00194094-00194433 we've kept things secret and quiet GKtElrAvCa8-00671-00194433-00194610 in protecting the organization. GKtElrAvCa8-00672-00194610-00194907 And we are shifting our focus to protecting GKtElrAvCa8-00673-00194907-00195265 the employees, the members of the organization. GKtElrAvCa8-00674-00195265-00195621 And I think demanding it and ensuring that they're protected GKtElrAvCa8-00675-00195621-00195960 are the two sides to help people speak up. GKtElrAvCa8-00676-00195960-00196142 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-00677-00196142-00196473 And-- and truthfully, defending the employees is GKtElrAvCa8-00678-00196473-00196608 defending the institution. GKtElrAvCa8-00679-00196608-00196641 AMBASSADOR ABERCROMBIE WINSTANLEY: Absolutely. GKtElrAvCa8-00680-00196641-00196799 MS. SAIFEE: In the end, you know, it's GKtElrAvCa8-00681-00196799-00197065 the long term goals that your-- your father fought for, GKtElrAvCa8-00682-00197065-00197385 and that we're fighting in his footsteps with. GKtElrAvCa8-00683-00197385-00197745 So my next question is for Chris, my former colleague. GKtElrAvCa8-00684-00197745-00198021 As someone who recently left the Foreign Service, what do GKtElrAvCa8-00685-00198021-00198180 you think the State Department can GKtElrAvCa8-00686-00198180-00198519 do to be better at retaining, not just recruiting, GKtElrAvCa8-00687-00198519-00198992 but retaining employees from underrepresented groups? GKtElrAvCa8-00688-00198992-00199313 MR. RICHARDSON: I think in terms of retention, GKtElrAvCa8-00689-00199313-00199619 I think that what, you know, your office is already GKtElrAvCa8-00690-00199619-00199985 doing in terms of getting data and getting aggregate data GKtElrAvCa8-00691-00199985-00200266 and trying to figure out why are people leaving GKtElrAvCa8-00692-00200266-00200516 and what we can do to keep them and having an exit interview GKtElrAvCa8-00693-00200516-00200562 process. GKtElrAvCa8-00694-00200562-00200747 I think that those steps are the things that GKtElrAvCa8-00695-00200747-00201074 are-- that are needed to retain African-Americans and retain GKtElrAvCa8-00696-00201074-00201293 people of color and retain women. GKtElrAvCa8-00697-00201293-00201563 But I think, ultimately, every officer GKtElrAvCa8-00698-00201563-00201740 needs to be their own Chief Diversity GKtElrAvCa8-00699-00201740-00201901 Officer at every post. GKtElrAvCa8-00700-00201901-00202151 I think that that's something that we think about Ambassador GKtElrAvCa8-00701-00202151-00202574 Todman and tell his story from '57 in desegregating the-- GKtElrAvCa8-00702-00202574-00202813 the cafeteria, we have to ask ourselves, well, GKtElrAvCa8-00703-00202813-00202943 where was his White colleagues? GKtElrAvCa8-00704-00202943-00203021 Where they at? GKtElrAvCa8-00705-00203021-00203282 You know, when we meet these stories and we-- we look GKtElrAvCa8-00706-00203282-00203504 at these stories and we think about how can we, GKtElrAvCa8-00707-00203504-00203759 in our own lives, make change, I think GKtElrAvCa8-00708-00203759-00204191 that, you know, we have to look at it from a standpoint of what GKtElrAvCa8-00709-00204191-00204422 can each officer do in their post, GKtElrAvCa8-00710-00204422-00204572 in their particular time and moment, GKtElrAvCa8-00711-00204572-00204911 to retain and keep and support the African-Americans who GKtElrAvCa8-00712-00204911-00205037 are already at post. GKtElrAvCa8-00713-00205037-00205319 Because many African-Americans and people of color, GKtElrAvCa8-00714-00205319-00205519 when they are confronted and they GKtElrAvCa8-00715-00205519-00205703 see issues of racism and race, they GKtElrAvCa8-00716-00205703-00205958 don't get necessarily the support from post. GKtElrAvCa8-00717-00205958-00206186 Because a lot of people, diversity GKtElrAvCa8-00718-00206186-00206287 is a very popular topic. GKtElrAvCa8-00719-00206287-00206450 Everyone loves talking about diversity. GKtElrAvCa8-00720-00206450-00206744 But when it comes time to actually support GKtElrAvCa8-00721-00206744-00206992 people, when it comes time to actually put the effort GKtElrAvCa8-00722-00206992-00207308 and time into it, everyone becomes the devil's advocate GKtElrAvCa8-00723-00207308-00207479 or advocates for the devil, whichever way GKtElrAvCa8-00724-00207479-00207585 you want to call it. GKtElrAvCa8-00725-00207585-00207902 And so I think that one, what you guys are already doing GKtElrAvCa8-00726-00207902-00208217 is the first best step in terms of getting the data GKtElrAvCa8-00727-00208217-00208446 and in terms of moving the State Department forward, GKtElrAvCa8-00728-00208446-00208798 but also that every person needs to be their own Chief Diversity GKtElrAvCa8-00729-00208798-00209105 Officer at post and stand up when they see something wrong, GKtElrAvCa8-00730-00209105-00209415 just like Ambassador Todman did. GKtElrAvCa8-00731-00209415-00209507 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-00732-00209507-00209825 I want to ask one more question to Terence. GKtElrAvCa8-00733-00209825-00210185 Your mom, Doris, she talked about GKtElrAvCa8-00734-00210185-00210482 that she was part of the State Department. GKtElrAvCa8-00735-00210482-00210878 Can you tell me your favorite memory of your mom GKtElrAvCa8-00736-00210878-00211211 who's watching from the Virgin Islands right now. GKtElrAvCa8-00737-00211211-00211577 MR. TODMAN: I don't know if she's watching, but-- GKtElrAvCa8-00738-00211577-00212010 but I know she'll be interested in this answer. GKtElrAvCa8-00739-00212010-00212158 So I have to be very diplomatic-- GKtElrAvCa8-00740-00212158-00212225 MS. SAIFEE: Yes. GKtElrAvCa8-00741-00212225-00212362 MR. TODMAN: --but also tell truth GKtElrAvCa8-00742-00212362-00212886 to the real power in-- in-- in the family. GKtElrAvCa8-00743-00212886-00213169 She was a stalwart. GKtElrAvCa8-00744-00213169-00213435 She was a trooper. GKtElrAvCa8-00745-00213435-00213908 She understood that-- and enlisted all of us GKtElrAvCa8-00746-00213908-00214238 in my father's career as a partnership. GKtElrAvCa8-00747-00214238-00214682 She, in the first instance, but we were schooled from the time GKtElrAvCa8-00748-00214682-00214961 we were young, that the State Department GKtElrAvCa8-00749-00214961-00215342 was watching all of us, that we were all representatives GKtElrAvCa8-00750-00215342-00215507 of the United States. GKtElrAvCa8-00751-00215507-00215767 And the United States at its best GKtElrAvCa8-00752-00215767-00216158 or at its worst as a function of how we manifest GKtElrAvCa8-00753-00216158-00216571 in country where we were. GKtElrAvCa8-00754-00216571-00216830 But she was terrific at that. GKtElrAvCa8-00755-00216830-00217219 And of just enlisting her own efforts, GKtElrAvCa8-00756-00217219-00217715 as well as ours in trying to support him around, GKtElrAvCa8-00757-00217715-00217833 you know, the globe. GKtElrAvCa8-00758-00217833-00218012 And there is a wonderful story, which GKtElrAvCa8-00759-00218012-00218344 may be one of my favorite. GKtElrAvCa8-00760-00218344-00218762 So there was a-- an audience after my father GKtElrAvCa8-00761-00218762-00219233 had gone through a variety of processes in India. GKtElrAvCa8-00762-00219233-00219635 He learned Hindustani and he had now traveled to the country. GKtElrAvCa8-00763-00219635-00220094 And they had an opportunity to meet the Dalai Lama. GKtElrAvCa8-00764-00220094-00220178 MS. SAIFEE: Oh, wow. GKtElrAvCa8-00765-00220178-00220496 MR. TODMAN: And-- which was a very big deal. GKtElrAvCa8-00766-00220496-00220853 So there was this huge protocol, the you GKtElrAvCa8-00767-00220853-00221150 know, preparation for OK, you're going GKtElrAvCa8-00768-00221150-00221321 to be meeting the Dalai Lama. GKtElrAvCa8-00769-00221321-00221694 And what you do is, you know, you put your hands together, GKtElrAvCa8-00770-00221694-00221823 et cetera, et cetera. GKtElrAvCa8-00771-00221823-00222065 And she had gone through all of that training. GKtElrAvCa8-00772-00222065-00222404 And there, in front of her, was the Dalai Lama. GKtElrAvCa8-00773-00222404-00222614 And my mother-- and the first thing she did GKtElrAvCa8-00774-00222614-00222878 was extend her hand. GKtElrAvCa8-00775-00222878-00223133 And he took it and shook her hand. GKtElrAvCa8-00776-00223392-00223817 And so all of those, you know, preparations of, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00777-00223817-00224248 touch the Dalai Lama went out the window. GKtElrAvCa8-00778-00224248-00224690 It's just-- she instinctively just did it GKtElrAvCa8-00779-00224690-00224948 and he responded graciously. GKtElrAvCa8-00780-00224948-00225482 And then they had a wonderful little by conversation that-- GKtElrAvCa8-00781-00225482-00225755 that had nothing to do with all of the staging that GKtElrAvCa8-00782-00225755-00226166 was done, you know, before the actual meeting. GKtElrAvCa8-00783-00226166-00226619 And she was always willing to follow her instincts, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00784-00226619-00226821 in whatever circumstance. GKtElrAvCa8-00785-00226821-00227223 So you know, in countries around the world, GKtElrAvCa8-00786-00227223-00227630 she would get told stories that nobody else would get told. GKtElrAvCa8-00787-00227630-00228014 She would get included in settings, where nobody else was GKtElrAvCa8-00788-00228014-00228584 there because, you know, she was her own person, but as GKtElrAvCa8-00789-00228584-00228948 part of, you know, if you will, team Todman. GKtElrAvCa8-00790-00228948-00229223 So we were all in it together. GKtElrAvCa8-00791-00229223-00229408 MS. SAIFEE: That's amazing. GKtElrAvCa8-00792-00229408-00229729 I have a question from the chat from Chico Negron. GKtElrAvCa8-00793-00229729-00229861 And this is for Susan. GKtElrAvCa8-00794-00229861-00230083 It's been a long time since A-100. GKtElrAvCa8-00795-00230083-00230386 But I hope our new episodes or Foreign Service officers GKtElrAvCa8-00796-00230386-00230539 are getting this kind of exposure GKtElrAvCa8-00797-00230539-00230696 to our institution's history. GKtElrAvCa8-00798-00230696-00231021 The question is are they? GKtElrAvCa8-00799-00231021-00231417 MS. CLEARY: Well, I have to say that the former acting GKtElrAvCa8-00800-00231417-00231540 director of the-- GKtElrAvCa8-00801-00231540-00231802 of the Museum just went over to FSI GKtElrAvCa8-00802-00231802-00232117 to run some of the new officer training. GKtElrAvCa8-00803-00232117-00232576 And I know that she's very much dedicated to the idea GKtElrAvCa8-00804-00232576-00232842 that people come in and know that there is a museum GKtElrAvCa8-00805-00232842-00233141 and this is a platform to share these stories. GKtElrAvCa8-00806-00233141-00233321 But I think we could all do a better job. GKtElrAvCa8-00807-00233321-00233611 I mean, I think that-- GKtElrAvCa8-00808-00233611-00233844 I think, you know, Maryum, you're not alone GKtElrAvCa8-00809-00233844-00234123 when you say that we don't know the stories GKtElrAvCa8-00810-00234123-00234298 of our own institution. GKtElrAvCa8-00811-00234298-00234469 We're not told them in the right way. GKtElrAvCa8-00812-00234469-00234637 And we really hope that, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00813-00234637-00234875 we're a museum in the making. GKtElrAvCa8-00814-00234875-00235171 We have-- we're still building out the Museum, GKtElrAvCa8-00815-00235171-00235548 but I'd very much like that every, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00816-00235548-00235917 new person to the State Department, GKtElrAvCa8-00817-00235917-00236196 whether the Foreign Service officer or we're coming GKtElrAvCa8-00818-00236196-00236582 in as a civil servant or contractor or you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00819-00236582-00236938 a political appointee, that they come by the Museum so that they GKtElrAvCa8-00820-00236938-00237658 know a little bit more about what kind of organization GKtElrAvCa8-00821-00237658-00238046 the State Department was, how it's evolved over the-- the-- GKtElrAvCa8-00822-00238046-00238196 over the years. GKtElrAvCa8-00823-00238196-00238531 I mean, we want to tell the history of diplomacy. GKtElrAvCa8-00824-00238531-00238867 We want to tell the practice of diplomacy. GKtElrAvCa8-00825-00238867-00239159 And we want to also tell the challenges of diplomacy GKtElrAvCa8-00826-00239159-00239264 and the complexity of it. GKtElrAvCa8-00827-00239264-00239434 So I really hope that-- GKtElrAvCa8-00828-00239434-00239731 that when we are fully built, that we GKtElrAvCa8-00829-00239731-00239986 will be this wonderful resource for the public. GKtElrAvCa8-00830-00239986-00240144 It's a-- it's a National Museum. GKtElrAvCa8-00831-00240144-00240298 It's a public free museum. GKtElrAvCa8-00832-00240298-00240517 People can walk in on the street and see it. GKtElrAvCa8-00833-00240517-00240727 But I think it's going to be a wonderful resource GKtElrAvCa8-00834-00240727-00241167 for our own people to explore what came before. GKtElrAvCa8-00835-00241167-00241288 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you, Susan. GKtElrAvCa8-00836-00241288-00241555 And your successor, Jane Carpenter-Rock, who is now GKtElrAvCa8-00837-00241555-00241695 leading the training for A-100. GKtElrAvCa8-00838-00241695-00241762 MS. CLEARY: Yes. GKtElrAvCa8-00839-00241762-00241849 MS. SAIFEE: I think-- GKtElrAvCa8-00840-00241849-00241976 I feel very fortunate. GKtElrAvCa8-00841-00241976-00242194 I think we'll be having more inclusive-- GKtElrAvCa8-00842-00242194-00242404 and inclusive history of diplomacy integrated GKtElrAvCa8-00843-00242404-00242662 into our training, which I think the future generations GKtElrAvCa8-00844-00242662-00242782 will benefit from. GKtElrAvCa8-00845-00242782-00243010 Another question for the Ambassador. GKtElrAvCa8-00846-00243010-00243250 What are some of the measures that the State Department GKtElrAvCa8-00847-00243250-00243658 is taking now through this-- our new office, the new diversity GKtElrAvCa8-00848-00243658-00243925 office, that addresses some of the challenges GKtElrAvCa8-00849-00243925-00244080 that diplomats of color are facing? GKtElrAvCa8-00850-00244080-00244221 AMBASSADOR ABERCROMBIE WINSTANLEY: GKtElrAvCa8-00851-00244221-00244444 Well we're doing a number of things GKtElrAvCa8-00852-00244444-00244841 to increase people's feeling of inclusion. GKtElrAvCa8-00853-00244841-00245053 And that includes every single person GKtElrAvCa8-00854-00245053-00245257 at the Department of State. GKtElrAvCa8-00855-00245257-00245404 But some of the things that I think GKtElrAvCa8-00856-00245404-00245767 are going to resonate for diplomats of color, GKtElrAvCa8-00857-00245767-00245973 employees of color at the Department, GKtElrAvCa8-00858-00245973-00246226 as well as women and underrepresent-- other GKtElrAvCa8-00859-00246226-00246739 underrepresented groups include our greater emphasis GKtElrAvCa8-00860-00246739-00247194 on vetting our senior leaders to ensure that we are not GKtElrAvCa8-00861-00247194-00247588 sending out people who have contributed to GKtElrAvCa8-00862-00247588-00247967 or tolerated a toxic work environment. GKtElrAvCa8-00863-00247967-00248248 And that's going to be helpful to everyone GKtElrAvCa8-00864-00248248-00248434 within the Department of State. GKtElrAvCa8-00865-00248434-00248881 We have changed our confidentiality provision GKtElrAvCa8-00866-00248881-00248959 agreement. GKtElrAvCa8-00867-00248959-00249289 We believe it's very important that people GKtElrAvCa8-00868-00249289-00249481 who have gone through experiences GKtElrAvCa8-00869-00249481-00249805 in the Department of State be able to talk about what GKtElrAvCa8-00870-00249805-00250030 happened to them, who did it. GKtElrAvCa8-00871-00250030-00250213 And if they received a settlement GKtElrAvCa8-00872-00250213-00250525 from the Department of State, how much money did they get? GKtElrAvCa8-00873-00250525-00250801 How has the Department taken responsibility? GKtElrAvCa8-00874-00250801-00251121 It is our belief that people understanding GKtElrAvCa8-00875-00251121-00251425 that these things are no longer going to be hidden GKtElrAvCa8-00876-00251425-00251705 will contribute to better behavior. GKtElrAvCa8-00877-00251705-00251956 So we're pretty confident in that. GKtElrAvCa8-00878-00251956-00252325 As you know, we're going to be putting out, next month, GKtElrAvCa8-00879-00252325-00252761 our final diversity and inclusion strategic plan, GKtElrAvCa8-00880-00252761-00253058 which we have opened up to the entire workforce, GKtElrAvCa8-00881-00253058-00253398 including contractors, eligible family members, GKtElrAvCa8-00882-00253398-00253648 locally engaged staff to contribute GKtElrAvCa8-00883-00253648-00254065 so that we get after the things that count with people, that GKtElrAvCa8-00884-00254065-00254509 either hold them back, present barriers to their advancement, GKtElrAvCa8-00885-00254509-00254738 or will help them move forward. GKtElrAvCa8-00886-00254738-00254929 So we'll be putting that out for everyone GKtElrAvCa8-00887-00254929-00255242 to see, so that you can judge our progress. GKtElrAvCa8-00888-00255242-00255631 Another important thing that my office has done for everyone GKtElrAvCa8-00889-00255631-00255856 is to gather the numbers. GKtElrAvCa8-00890-00255856-00256030 Chris mentioned earlier the importance GKtElrAvCa8-00891-00256030-00256246 of disaggregated numbers. GKtElrAvCa8-00892-00256246-00256711 So we can see who we are and where we are and at what rank. GKtElrAvCa8-00893-00256711-00256987 And in that way, we can do barrier analysis GKtElrAvCa8-00894-00256987-00257227 to remove impediments to advancement. GKtElrAvCa8-00895-00257227-00257373 So these are things that are going GKtElrAvCa8-00896-00257373-00257725 to have an impact on Black officers, on officers of color, GKtElrAvCa8-00897-00257725-00258091 but on women, colleagues with disabilities and others. GKtElrAvCa8-00898-00258091-00258508 This is going to help the entire organization. GKtElrAvCa8-00899-00258508-00258689 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-00900-00258689-00259069 I have another question from the audience from Alton to Chris. GKtElrAvCa8-00901-00259069-00259390 Chris, how do you think that entering freshly tenured GKtElrAvCa8-00902-00259390-00259594 Foreign Service, officers incoming officers, GKtElrAvCa8-00903-00259594-00260053 mid-level officers, all of the levels to the executive level, GKtElrAvCa8-00904-00260053-00260426 can embody Ambassador Todman's legacy? GKtElrAvCa8-00905-00260426-00260602 MR. RICHARDSON: I think that we have GKtElrAvCa8-00906-00260602-00260817 to live by his-- his credo, which GKtElrAvCa8-00907-00260817-00261178 is that you speak truth to power when you see those situations. GKtElrAvCa8-00908-00261178-00261412 I think that for a lot of people, especially GKtElrAvCa8-00909-00261412-00261766 in the State Department, we can be a very "conservative GKtElrAvCa8-00910-00261766-00262048 with a small c" organization and that people GKtElrAvCa8-00911-00262048-00262221 don't like to shake-- GKtElrAvCa8-00912-00262221-00262351 they don't like to turn tables. GKtElrAvCa8-00913-00262351-00262636 They don't like to speak up about things, especially GKtElrAvCa8-00914-00262636-00262986 involving race or gender because they think that it GKtElrAvCa8-00915-00262986-00263086 might hurt their career. GKtElrAvCa8-00916-00263086-00263302 That their career corridor might be hurt GKtElrAvCa8-00917-00263302-00263455 or their corridor reputation might GKtElrAvCa8-00918-00263455-00263746 be hurt if they actually say something, GKtElrAvCa8-00919-00263746-00264124 if they see something going on at their post or just GKtElrAvCa8-00920-00264124-00264218 in general. GKtElrAvCa8-00921-00264218-00264436 And I think that people need to always remember GKtElrAvCa8-00922-00264436-00264787 the example of Ambassador Todman, who, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00923-00264787-00265003 when presidents, secretaries of State, GKtElrAvCa8-00924-00265003-00265273 or anybody said anything that he disagreed with, he GKtElrAvCa8-00925-00265273-00265446 was very honest about it. GKtElrAvCa8-00926-00265446-00265555 He was very down to Earth. GKtElrAvCa8-00927-00265555-00265688 He was very direct. GKtElrAvCa8-00928-00265688-00265888 And he was diplomatic in the way he would do it, GKtElrAvCa8-00929-00265888-00266107 but he still would speak up and do something. GKtElrAvCa8-00930-00266107-00266434 And I think that a lot of people in State, when we see things GKtElrAvCa8-00931-00266434-00266824 that we know or they see things that they know are wrong, GKtElrAvCa8-00932-00266824-00267079 we kind of just brush it aside and we GKtElrAvCa8-00933-00267079-00267304 don't want to talk about it or confront or to face it. GKtElrAvCa8-00934-00267304-00267541 But I think that moving forward, we really GKtElrAvCa8-00935-00267541-00267865 have to think how can we each be our own Chief Diversity GKtElrAvCa8-00936-00267865-00268009 Officer in that way. GKtElrAvCa8-00937-00268009-00268267 But also ensure that, you know-- GKtElrAvCa8-00938-00268267-00268621 I think that a lot of people like to put all of the eggs GKtElrAvCa8-00939-00268621-00268813 on the Diversity Officer's basket, right? GKtElrAvCa8-00940-00268813-00268996 It's like well we made this system this way GKtElrAvCa8-00941-00268996-00269338 for the last 70 years, why isn't Ambassador Winstanley-- when GKtElrAvCa8-00942-00269338-00269521 is she going to fix all of it, you know? GKtElrAvCa8-00943-00269521-00269750 And so I think that people need to understand that this GKtElrAvCa8-00944-00269750-00269968 is on her as a Black woman, OK. GKtElrAvCa8-00945-00269968-00270229 She didn't make the system the way it is. GKtElrAvCa8-00946-00270229-00270403 If you want to look at what has worked GKtElrAvCa8-00947-00270403-00270607 for the bureaucracy in terms of changing it, GKtElrAvCa8-00948-00270607-00270916 it's been when people, normal people, in the State Department GKtElrAvCa8-00949-00270916-00271144 have spoken up and done something about it. GKtElrAvCa8-00950-00271144-00271345 We're at an inflection point in a moment GKtElrAvCa8-00951-00271345-00271690 where we have Congress, you have people within the office, GKtElrAvCa8-00952-00271690-00271828 and people outside of the office, GKtElrAvCa8-00953-00271828-00272071 who all want to push the State Department forward. GKtElrAvCa8-00954-00272071-00272317 And it's rare that we've ever seen that kind of combination GKtElrAvCa8-00955-00272317-00272408 before. GKtElrAvCa8-00956-00272408-00272650 And so I think and again, to go back to that point GKtElrAvCa8-00957-00272650-00272869 I made earlier, we each have to find GKtElrAvCa8-00958-00272869-00273205 our own way of speaking out about these issues of taking GKtElrAvCa8-00959-00273205-00273475 our own time to stand up for our colleagues GKtElrAvCa8-00960-00273475-00273730 and make sure that we don't see this as well, GKtElrAvCa8-00961-00273730-00273897 what is her office doing about this, GKtElrAvCa8-00962-00273897-00274102 why aren't they doing something about this in DC. GKtElrAvCa8-00963-00274102-00274168 No. GKtElrAvCa8-00964-00274168-00274353 This is your problem as a Foreign Service. GKtElrAvCa8-00965-00274353-00274495 This is your problem that you have GKtElrAvCa8-00966-00274495-00274789 to deal with at your post, your individual post. GKtElrAvCa8-00967-00274789-00274954 And you need to be thinking of ways GKtElrAvCa8-00968-00274954-00275281 that you can make a difference and make a change in that way, GKtElrAvCa8-00969-00275281-00275626 and not expect that that change is going to come from on high. GKtElrAvCa8-00970-00275626-00275718 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-00971-00275718-00276012 And Amen 1,000 times, Chris. GKtElrAvCa8-00972-00276012-00276268 We're clapping on the stage right now. GKtElrAvCa8-00973-00276268-00276374 It's everyone's job. GKtElrAvCa8-00974-00276374-00276568 And the Secretary said this and, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-00975-00276568-00276842 it's-- it's important that every single person is invested GKtElrAvCa8-00976-00276842-00276892 in this. GKtElrAvCa8-00977-00276892-00277051 And as the Ambassador has mentioned, GKtElrAvCa8-00978-00277051-00277360 it's-- it's not just to benefit underrepresented groups. GKtElrAvCa8-00979-00277360-00277636 When there's greater equity, greater transparency, greater GKtElrAvCa8-00980-00277636-00277861 accountability, that benefits everyone. GKtElrAvCa8-00981-00277861-00278167 And as-- as Terence, you said about your father, GKtElrAvCa8-00982-00278167-00278347 and he said this, it's about making GKtElrAvCa8-00983-00278347-00278554 our diplomacy more effective. GKtElrAvCa8-00984-00278554-00278698 That's why he did what he did. GKtElrAvCa8-00985-00278698-00278863 It was-- it was about equity, justice. GKtElrAvCa8-00986-00278863-00279161 But it was also about he cared so much about our country. GKtElrAvCa8-00987-00279161-00279370 And he wanted our diplomacy and our foreign policy GKtElrAvCa8-00988-00279370-00279439 to be strong. GKtElrAvCa8-00989-00279439-00279716 And I think we're so lucky to be in this moment right now. GKtElrAvCa8-00990-00279716-00279958 Chris, as you mentioned where this alignment is happening, GKtElrAvCa8-00991-00279958-00280306 where Congress, the executive order GKtElrAvCa8-00992-00280306-00280660 of last summer, where every single government agency is GKtElrAvCa8-00993-00280660-00280855 being tasked to come up with concrete GKtElrAvCa8-00994-00280855-00281069 plans to move the needle forward. GKtElrAvCa8-00995-00281069-00281353 And I think that's extraordinary and that's unique. GKtElrAvCa8-00996-00281353-00281463 And yes, we've had-- GKtElrAvCa8-00997-00281463-00281722 Chris, as a historian, we've had the conversation of diversity GKtElrAvCa8-00998-00281722-00281989 many times under Kennedy, but this is the first time GKtElrAvCa8-00999-00281989-00282301 that every single federal agency has been tasked with marching GKtElrAvCa8-01000-00282301-00282436 orders to do something. GKtElrAvCa8-01001-00282436-00282724 And we have this extraordinary opportunity. GKtElrAvCa8-01002-00282724-00282922 And we-- we can't, as the Ambassador said, GKtElrAvCa8-01003-00282922-00283174 we-- we must rise and meet the moment. GKtElrAvCa8-01004-00283174-00283457 So I have one more question or a couple more questions. GKtElrAvCa8-01005-00283457-00283721 One of the last one is for you Terence, just warning you. GKtElrAvCa8-01006-00283721-00284185 But before we-- the next one is for-- from Nadia Douglas. GKtElrAvCa8-01007-00284185-00284335 Thank you for this incredible event. GKtElrAvCa8-01008-00284335-00284534 This is to the Ambassador, to all of us. GKtElrAvCa8-01009-00284534-00284842 She's a Black and Latina junior in the college-- GKtElrAvCa8-01010-00284842-00285008 in college, pursuing a-- GKtElrAvCa8-01011-00285008-00285217 wanting to pursue a career in the Foreign Service. GKtElrAvCa8-01012-00285217-00285433 However, she's concerned with the speed GKtElrAvCa8-01013-00285433-00285619 at which changes come. GKtElrAvCa8-01014-00285619-00285940 What measures of accountability are currently in place GKtElrAvCa8-01015-00285940-00286216 to ensure that this organization is truly GKtElrAvCa8-01016-00286216-00286363 changing and diversifying? GKtElrAvCa8-01017-00286363-00286505 AMBASSADOR ABERCROMBIE WINSTANLEY: GKtElrAvCa8-01018-00286505-00286687 Thank you for that question. GKtElrAvCa8-01019-00286687-00286903 A number of things are in place now. GKtElrAvCa8-01020-00286903-00287443 One of the most important is a clear message GKtElrAvCa8-01021-00287443-00287881 to the entire workforce that this counts now, GKtElrAvCa8-01022-00287881-00288347 that we are serious about improving diversity, equity, GKtElrAvCa8-01023-00288347-00288667 inclusion, and accessibility. GKtElrAvCa8-01024-00288667-00288967 For the Foreign Service starting in April-- GKtElrAvCa8-01025-00288967-00289510 May of 2022, your support, your ability GKtElrAvCa8-01026-00289510-00289882 to provide concrete examples of how GKtElrAvCa8-01027-00289882-00290440 you support equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility is GKtElrAvCa8-01028-00290440-00290785 going to be a major part of how you are GKtElrAvCa8-01029-00290785-00291131 judged as ready for promotion. GKtElrAvCa8-01030-00291131-00291436 And this is going to be at the senior levels, the mid-level, GKtElrAvCa8-01031-00291436-00291619 and the entry level. GKtElrAvCa8-01032-00291619-00291890 And we'll be messaging this and talking about this GKtElrAvCa8-01033-00291890-00292129 so people understand it as the new rating GKtElrAvCa8-01034-00292129-00292411 system and season begins. GKtElrAvCa8-01035-00292411-00292639 But we are sending a clear message. GKtElrAvCa8-01036-00292639-00293044 This work counts for everyone, not just GKtElrAvCa8-01037-00293044-00293359 for brown people, people with disabilities, or women GKtElrAvCa8-01038-00293359-00293537 but for everyone. GKtElrAvCa8-01039-00293537-00293875 And this is a way of ensuring that each and every one of us GKtElrAvCa8-01040-00293875-00294226 understand what we've heard today, it's everybody's job. GKtElrAvCa8-01041-00294226-00294499 We are also working to put it into the working GKtElrAvCa8-01042-00294499-00294856 elements of Civil Service because this isn't just GKtElrAvCa8-01043-00294856-00295018 a Foreign Service issue. GKtElrAvCa8-01044-00295018-00295255 This is a Department of State issue. GKtElrAvCa8-01045-00295255-00295601 That means everybody in this organization. GKtElrAvCa8-01046-00295601-00295831 And I think these two things are getting GKtElrAvCa8-01047-00295831-00296152 after a large portion of our workforce GKtElrAvCa8-01048-00296152-00296374 and send a clear message. GKtElrAvCa8-01049-00296374-00296674 And I think they're going to be the beginning of the change GKtElrAvCa8-01050-00296674-00297067 that we all want for our organization. GKtElrAvCa8-01051-00297067-00297245 We'll be ready for you. GKtElrAvCa8-01052-00297245-00297395 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-01053-00297395-00297643 I have a question for Leola. GKtElrAvCa8-01054-00297643-00297892 Tell me a little bit about-- so the documentary comes out GKtElrAvCa8-01055-00297892-00298012 on February 15. GKtElrAvCa8-01056-00298012-00298231 What are your plans or does to-- GKtElrAvCa8-01057-00298231-00298501 to educate the broader public through GKtElrAvCa8-01058-00298501-00298670 the American Experience? GKtElrAvCa8-01059-00299219-00299431 MS. CALZOLAI-STEWART: So the documentary GKtElrAvCa8-01060-00299431-00299632 airs on February 15. GKtElrAvCa8-01061-00299632-00300064 And I know that the American Experience platform, generally, GKtElrAvCa8-01062-00300064-00300626 has a PBS educational component that goes with it. GKtElrAvCa8-01063-00300626-00300859 So I think they're going to be educational materials GKtElrAvCa8-01064-00300859-00301171 that people be able to access through the PBS site. GKtElrAvCa8-01065-00301171-00301633 And I know that they're looking for partnerships as well GKtElrAvCa8-01066-00301633-00301934 in trying to reach younger viewers. GKtElrAvCa8-01067-00301934-00302218 And so, you know, we have some ideas that we're, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-01068-00302218-00302747 working with-- working on right now to help develop that. GKtElrAvCa8-01069-00302747-00302992 And I think once the film comes out, GKtElrAvCa8-01070-00302992-00303307 I know my partners and I really want to develop some sort GKtElrAvCa8-01071-00303307-00303826 of outreach for universities and high schools to see if the film GKtElrAvCa8-01072-00303826-00304390 could be used in-- in classrooms as well to start conversations GKtElrAvCa8-01073-00304390-00304738 like we're having today about representation about diplomacy, GKtElrAvCa8-01074-00304738-00305086 what it means to represent the United States and what it means GKtElrAvCa8-01075-00305086-00305146 to-- GKtElrAvCa8-01076-00305146-00305503 to create an inclusive diplomatic workforce. GKtElrAvCa8-01077-00305503-00305818 So you know, we have some ideas that we're-- GKtElrAvCa8-01078-00305818-00306079 we're still developing, but that is a key component of what GKtElrAvCa8-01079-00306079-00306284 we like to do with the film. GKtElrAvCa8-01080-00306284-00306376 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-01081-00306376-00306667 And I hope that reaches far and wide. GKtElrAvCa8-01082-00306667-00306865 This question-- so this is from Marissa Scott. GKtElrAvCa8-01083-00306865-00307012 She has a comment and a question. GKtElrAvCa8-01084-00307012-00307144 Wow, I have-- I've-- GKtElrAvCa8-01085-00307144-00307387 I've not heard of Ambassador Todman's story. GKtElrAvCa8-01086-00307387-00307591 He was an authentic maverick. GKtElrAvCa8-01087-00307591-00307834 She has a question for Ambassador GKtElrAvCa8-01088-00307834-00307966 Abercrombie-Winstanley. GKtElrAvCa8-01089-00307966-00308350 How can we leverage stories like Todman's to recruit GKtElrAvCa8-01090-00308350-00308764 and retain our officers of color and underrepresented groups GKtElrAvCa8-01091-00308764-00308818 more broadly? GKtElrAvCa8-01092-00308818-00308959 AMBASSADOR ABERCROMBIE WINSTANLEY: GKtElrAvCa8-01093-00308959-00309118 That is a great question, Marissa. GKtElrAvCa8-01094-00309118-00309625 And these stories are part of the fabric of our organization. GKtElrAvCa8-01095-00309625-00309913 And the bottom line, my dear, we've got to know them. GKtElrAvCa8-01096-00309913-00310090 We've got to share them. GKtElrAvCa8-01097-00310090-00310396 I cannot recommend Professor Krenn's book, GKtElrAvCa8-01098-00310396-00310661 Black Diplomacy more strongly. GKtElrAvCa8-01099-00310661-00310909 I found it, I went to the library GKtElrAvCa8-01100-00310909-00311224 because I was going to be giving a talk on Black history. GKtElrAvCa8-01101-00311224-00311443 And I went to the library to do research. GKtElrAvCa8-01102-00311443-00311624 And they handed it over. GKtElrAvCa8-01103-00311624-00311977 This is probably more than-- well, more than 10 years ago. GKtElrAvCa8-01104-00311977-00312346 And read it and had my eyes opened. GKtElrAvCa8-01105-00312346-00312724 And felt so much better about the challenges GKtElrAvCa8-01106-00312724-00313171 that we have faced in this organization and our intent GKtElrAvCa8-01107-00313171-00313328 to overcome them. GKtElrAvCa8-01108-00313328-00313615 So reading the book will give you a great basis. GKtElrAvCa8-01109-00313615-00313885 Every single diplomat, every single member of the Department GKtElrAvCa8-01110-00313885-00314053 of State should read that book. GKtElrAvCa8-01111-00314053-00314359 And it will help you be able to tell these stories. GKtElrAvCa8-01112-00314359-00314584 And that's really what's going to make the difference. GKtElrAvCa8-01113-00314584-00314870 Know them, share them. GKtElrAvCa8-01114-00314870-00315073 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you I think we-- GKtElrAvCa8-01115-00315073-00315517 we have-- I'm going to move to the next question for Terence. GKtElrAvCa8-01116-00315517-00315685 My final question is for you. GKtElrAvCa8-01117-00315685-00315865 This is a powerful one. GKtElrAvCa8-01118-00315865-00316285 And-- what do you think your dad, who was sitting here today GKtElrAvCa8-01119-00316285-00316543 would say about the current moment we're in? GKtElrAvCa8-01120-00316543-00316720 And what advice do you think he would GKtElrAvCa8-01121-00316720-00317149 give my Ambassador and all of us in our office in our efforts GKtElrAvCa8-01122-00317149-00317449 to promote greater equity and accountability GKtElrAvCa8-01123-00317449-00317713 in this institution, in the State Department that you also GKtElrAvCa8-01124-00317713-00317935 were ones part of? GKtElrAvCa8-01125-00317935-00317995 No pressure. GKtElrAvCa8-01126-00318301-00318418 MR. TODMAN: Well, thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-01127-00318418-00319237 And I think that he would-- he would say today GKtElrAvCa8-01128-00319237-00319834 that he is dismayed, quite honestly, that the struggles GKtElrAvCa8-01129-00319834-00320476 that he was facing 30, 50, 60 years ago are GKtElrAvCa8-01130-00320476-00320971 the same struggles enunciated in the secretaries, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-01131-00320971-00321461 modernization of FSI, and the appointment of Ambassador GKtElrAvCa8-01132-00321461-00321682 Winstanley. GKtElrAvCa8-01133-00321682-00322087 I think that-- that the fact that we are still GKtElrAvCa8-01134-00322087-00322573 kind of trying to address those issues in the institution GKtElrAvCa8-01135-00322573-00322744 speaks to the inertia. GKtElrAvCa8-01136-00322744-00323122 I guess from this advice standpoint, the thing about him GKtElrAvCa8-01137-00323122-00323408 was he was always a can-do person. GKtElrAvCa8-01138-00323408-00323884 He was always a, you know, forward looking person. GKtElrAvCa8-01139-00323884-00324124 He was-- those people who know him know he GKtElrAvCa8-01140-00324124-00324433 was a very clear eyed realist. GKtElrAvCa8-01141-00324433-00324842 But he always tried to put a positive frame on things. GKtElrAvCa8-01142-00324842-00325120 And so I would have said, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-01143-00325120-00325441 sort of echoing something that I heard Chris say, GKtElrAvCa8-01144-00325441-00325714 which is people in the State Department GKtElrAvCa8-01145-00325714-00325969 have to advocate for each other. GKtElrAvCa8-01146-00325969-00326537 He was always acting to serve and lift up his colleagues. GKtElrAvCa8-01147-00326537-00326953 He was completely committed not to success for himself. GKtElrAvCa8-01148-00326953-00327187 In fact, he said his ambition was just GKtElrAvCa8-01149-00327187-00327484 to do a good job at whatever job he was given. GKtElrAvCa8-01150-00327484-00327871 But rather to see his colleagues and where GKtElrAvCa8-01151-00327871-00328436 possible, lend a hand up, lend support, and advocate for his-- GKtElrAvCa8-01152-00328436-00328513 his colleagues. GKtElrAvCa8-01153-00328513-00328849 And I think that rather than think GKtElrAvCa8-01154-00328849-00329407 of diversity and inclusion as an interim, as-- GKtElrAvCa8-01155-00329407-00329791 you know, if you, then, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-01156-00329791-00330106 don't, then this bad thing will happen. GKtElrAvCa8-01157-00330106-00330400 The fact of the matter is he believed, GKtElrAvCa8-01158-00330400-00330637 and I think he believed to his core, GKtElrAvCa8-01159-00330637-00330859 that if we had better connections, GKtElrAvCa8-01160-00330859-00331396 both in the country and around the world, better people sort GKtElrAvCa8-01161-00331396-00331711 of representing the entire strength GKtElrAvCa8-01162-00331711-00332278 and diversity of America, doing the foreign policy of America, GKtElrAvCa8-01163-00332278-00332464 America would be a better place. GKtElrAvCa8-01164-00332464-00332719 It would be a better and a more secure place. GKtElrAvCa8-01165-00332719-00333029 The State Department would be a better place. GKtElrAvCa8-01166-00333029-00333610 And so the effort from his standpoint was never oh, GKtElrAvCa8-01167-00333610-00333829 you know, do this or else. GKtElrAvCa8-01168-00333829-00334267 It was rather if we do this, we can do that much more. GKtElrAvCa8-01169-00334267-00334468 We can accomplish that much more. GKtElrAvCa8-01170-00334468-00335021 We can make the world, frankly, a better, safer, GKtElrAvCa8-01171-00335021-00335416 more equitable, and more secure place. GKtElrAvCa8-01172-00335416-00335839 So my advice would be finding ways GKtElrAvCa8-01173-00335839-00336433 to engage the entire Foreign Service family in an effort GKtElrAvCa8-01174-00336433-00337144 to just do better, see more clearly, listen GKtElrAvCa8-01175-00337144-00337648 more respectfully, and speak more truthfully. GKtElrAvCa8-01176-00337648-00338119 You know, it-- you know, it's at the end of the day, GKtElrAvCa8-01177-00338119-00338452 you know, from his perspective, foreign policy GKtElrAvCa8-01178-00338452-00338746 was people to people activity. GKtElrAvCa8-01179-00338746-00338938 The diplomacy was. GKtElrAvCa8-01180-00338938-00339181 Foreign policy is all the strategy GKtElrAvCa8-01181-00339181-00339559 and all of the-- the framing that goes around your choices GKtElrAvCa8-01182-00339559-00339785 and the allocation of resources. GKtElrAvCa8-01183-00339785-00340141 But I think he was dismayed that the State Department, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-01184-00340141-00340339 didn't have more resources. GKtElrAvCa8-01185-00340339-00340603 He was dismayed-- he used to say, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-01186-00340603-00341131 what we could do with the budget for one aircraft carrier group? GKtElrAvCa8-01187-00341131-00341473 You know, we're always fighting limited resources. GKtElrAvCa8-01188-00341473-00341758 But in order to accomplish that, you really GKtElrAvCa8-01189-00341758-00341999 had to engage a broader audience. GKtElrAvCa8-01190-00341999-00342406 To engage, you had to develop a natural constituency GKtElrAvCa8-01191-00342406-00342724 for the State Department and its activities. GKtElrAvCa8-01192-00342724-00343042 And so from, I think, he would say GKtElrAvCa8-01193-00343042-00343543 is, there is an amazingly positive outcome that GKtElrAvCa8-01194-00343543-00344071 comes from engaging the American people fully GKtElrAvCa8-01195-00344071-00344699 in a diplomatic effort to create space for all of us. GKtElrAvCa8-01196-00344699-00345503 And so my advice, quite honestly, trying to channel him GKtElrAvCa8-01197-00345503-00345604 is-- GKtElrAvCa8-01198-00345604-00345913 is find that face. GKtElrAvCa8-01199-00345913-00346496 And-- and that's the face to put forward in, GKtElrAvCa8-01200-00346496-00347458 you know, the effort to include more diverse voices, invariably GKtElrAvCa8-01201-00347458-00347590 honest voices. GKtElrAvCa8-01202-00347590-00347806 He would always have found-- GKtElrAvCa8-01203-00347806-00348196 you know, there's too much hemming and hawing GKtElrAvCa8-01204-00348196-00348586 and prevarication and sliding around the issues. GKtElrAvCa8-01205-00348586-00348901 So people have to learn to speak directly to each other, GKtElrAvCa8-01206-00348901-00349036 honestly, to each other. GKtElrAvCa8-01207-00349036-00349330 But they also have to learn to listen to each other GKtElrAvCa8-01208-00349330-00349792 and hear each other, and then advocate GKtElrAvCa8-01209-00349792-00350248 for not just each other, but for the United States. GKtElrAvCa8-01210-00350248-00350521 He thought his job was-- GKtElrAvCa8-01211-00350521-00350752 he thought he was being paid to speak truth to power. GKtElrAvCa8-01212-00350752-00351133 He thought his job was get the best information you can GKtElrAvCa8-01213-00351133-00351437 and give it to the people who have to make decisions, GKtElrAvCa8-01214-00351437-00351763 so they can make the best decisions they can. GKtElrAvCa8-01215-00351763-00352030 And if you try and tell them what GKtElrAvCa8-01216-00352030-00352312 they want to hear as opposed to what they should GKtElrAvCa8-01217-00352312-00352567 and need to hear, you're not actually GKtElrAvCa8-01218-00352567-00352801 helping American foreign policy. GKtElrAvCa8-01219-00352801-00353008 And you're not actually helping the country. GKtElrAvCa8-01220-00353008-00353341 You might be trying to navigate and maneuver you GKtElrAvCa8-01221-00353341-00353635 a personal career, but frankly, it's GKtElrAvCa8-01222-00353635-00353974 at the expense of the country. GKtElrAvCa8-01223-00353974-00354287 And he would have said, you know, GKtElrAvCa8-01224-00354287-00354622 this can be a truly, truly greater place. GKtElrAvCa8-01225-00354622-00354823 You know, he loved the ideals. GKtElrAvCa8-01226-00354823-00355150 He knew this was a work in progress. GKtElrAvCa8-01227-00355150-00355743 But I think if we could find that positive face. GKtElrAvCa8-01228-00355743-00355860 MS. SAIFEE: Thank you. GKtElrAvCa8-01229-00355860-00356208 Listen respectfully, speak truthfully, and lift others up. GKtElrAvCa8-01230-00356208-00356507 I think that those-- that motto I've taken notes. GKtElrAvCa8-01231-00356507-00356665 This is for our office. GKtElrAvCa8-01232-00356665-00356853 But for me, your father, really-- GKtElrAvCa8-01233-00356853-00357153 I have to say, when we were pulling this event together, GKtElrAvCa8-01234-00357153-00357372 there was just such an extraordinary groundswell GKtElrAvCa8-01235-00357372-00357522 of just inspiri-- GKtElrAvCa8-01236-00357522-00357648 people are so inspired. GKtElrAvCa8-01237-00357648-00358059 He's-- he's almost creating this just extraordinary I feel like GKtElrAvCa8-01238-00358059-00358330 revolution in a sense inside or inside all of us. GKtElrAvCa8-01239-00358330-00358491 So I just want to thank you for being GKtElrAvCa8-01240-00358491-00358635 here in particular, Terence. GKtElrAvCa8-01241-00358635-00358794 You traveled all the way here. GKtElrAvCa8-01242-00358794-00358904 And I appreciate it. GKtElrAvCa8-01243-00358904-00359067 And-- and the channeling of your father GKtElrAvCa8-01244-00359067-00359310 and your mother, your extraordinary mother. GKtElrAvCa8-01245-00359310-00359649 So with that, in closing, I want to thank our panelists. GKtElrAvCa8-01246-00359649-00359847 And to all of you here, who are watching, GKtElrAvCa8-01247-00359847-00360081 this recording, many of you have asked, GKtElrAvCa8-01248-00360081-00360226 will stay on the web page. GKtElrAvCa8-01249-00360226-00360513 So those who have been here live, GKtElrAvCa8-01250-00360513-00360654 thank you for your questions. GKtElrAvCa8-01251-00360654-00360960 If you found this discussion informative and inspirational-- GKtElrAvCa8-01252-00360960-00361053 I know I have. GKtElrAvCa8-01253-00361053-00361314 I encourage you to share with others GKtElrAvCa8-01254-00361314-00361527 and to learn more about the State Department's work GKtElrAvCa8-01255-00361527-00361800 to building this more inclusive, diplomatic history, GKtElrAvCa8-01256-00361800-00362019 so that we can be continually inspired GKtElrAvCa8-01257-00362019-00362430 by our predecessors, the troubleshooters, as Chris said, GKtElrAvCa8-01258-00362430-00362632 of Ambassador Todman and others. GKtElrAvCa8-01259-00362632-00362787 I encourage you to visit the National GKtElrAvCa8-01260-00362787-00362988 Museum of American Diplomacy. GKtElrAvCa8-01261-00362988-00363266 And you should check out there facing diplomacy initiative. GKtElrAvCa8-01262-00363266-00363475 Our office is going to be collaborating with them. GKtElrAvCa8-01263-00363475-00363771 I'm not gonna-- it's something in store for the future, GKtElrAvCa8-01264-00363771-00364143 where everyone can participate so we can channel the legacy GKtElrAvCa8-01265-00364143-00364455 of your father and the many others who have lifted us up GKtElrAvCa8-01266-00364455-00364585 in our institution. GKtElrAvCa8-01267-00364585-00364865 So thank you very much for joining. GKvdkkbSLt0-00000-00000002-00000306 My name is Abdul Hakim known as Hakoom on the PlayStation platform GKvdkkbSLt0-00001-00000438-00000822 I'm the number one trophy hunter in the world. I have played over 3,000 games GKvdkkbSLt0-00002-00000822-00001150 and I have unlocked over 2,000 platinums doing so GKvdkkbSLt0-00003-00001190-00001670 I have five Guinness World Records for the most PlayStation platinum trophies, for the gold trophies, GKvdkkbSLt0-00004-00001670-00001994 silver trophies, most overall trophies and the points which decides which ranking GKvdkkbSLt0-00005-00002002-00002170 you are on the leaderboards. GKvdkkbSLt0-00006-00002334-00002534 PRESENTER: Do you like trophies, Hakoom? GKvdkkbSLt0-00007-00002566-00002802 Yes, of course. I love trophies. I've been hunting them for the past eleven years GKvdkkbSLt0-00008-00003250-00003665 I wake up in the morning, I spend time with my family, I eat lunch and then I come GKvdkkbSLt0-00009-00003665-00003846 back to my room and start playing games GKvdkkbSLt0-00010-00004502-00004778 There's no timeframe for games. I just pop in the game, play it and that's it GKvdkkbSLt0-00011-00004778-00005278 There's no time limit - I just play the game, finish it and move on to the next game GKvdkkbSLt0-00012-00005286-00005470 If I cannot finish it there is always another game. GKvdkkbSLt0-00013-00005470-00006002 There are over 10,000 games on the PlayStation. I have only played 3,000 - not even 50% GKvdkkbSLt0-00014-00006766-00007022 With the platinum trophy unlocked, it proves to the gamer that you have GKvdkkbSLt0-00015-00007022-00007354 completed the game fully, so it's the most valuable trophy there GKvdkkbSLt0-00016-00007354-00007581 I am playing every type of game to unlock trophies GKvdkkbSLt0-00017-00007581-00007818 My first trophy was back in 2008 GKvdkkbSLt0-00018-00007818-00008022 It was a game called Super Stardust GKvdkkbSLt0-00019-00008170-00008638 God of War, The Last of Us and Death Stranding are the best games I have played in my life GKvdkkbSLt0-00020-00008638-00008790 they are just like a masterpiece GKvdkkbSLt0-00021-00009370-00009622 One of the platinums I am most proud of is Max Payne 3 GKvdkkbSLt0-00022-00009622-00009966 because I had to complete the game without dying and in one minute GKvdkkbSLt0-00023-00010130-00010610 I was afraid, I was nervous... When I won, I jumped and I was very happy! GKvdkkbSLt0-00024-00010610-00011082 Yes, I've finished it! It was completed. Finally, a nightmare was over! GKvdkkbSLt0-00025-00011374-00011806 By the time I have achieved what I have achieved, my family are actually happy with me now GKvdkkbSLt0-00026-00011806-00012214 My wife is also a gamer like me. Not as extreme as me, but she also GKvdkkbSLt0-00027-00012230-00012414 enjoys playing games and my son also enjoys playing games GKvdkkbSLt0-00028-00012414-00012626 so we're like a happy gaming family GKvdkkbSLt0-00029-00012646-00012994 I can see my son being something big in the gaming world GKvdkkbSLt0-00030-00012994-00013418 Maybe a great Esports player, or a great streamer, or something GKvdkkbSLt0-00031-00013418-00013690 I think gaming now is the future of the world GKvdkkbSLt0-00032-00013690-00014218 I couldn't find a job that suits me well so I decided just to invest my time into gaming GKvdkkbSLt0-00033-00014218-00014386 and make my living through gaming GKvdkkbSLt0-00034-00014386-00014710 You can make a career, you can make a fortune, you can make yourself famous from it GKvdkkbSLt0-00035-00014710-00014926 You can do many things with gaming GKvdkkbSLt0-00036-00015174-00015474 I have played many, many games, I have seen many things GKvdkkbSLt0-00037-00015474-00015902 I have made my language better, I have met a lot of people online GKvdkkbSLt0-00038-00016122-00016470 Since I was a child I always wanted to be the best at what I do GKvdkkbSLt0-00039-00016470-00016802 Any game I touched, any sport I did, I always wanted to achieve the number one position GKvdkkbSLt0-00040-00017150-00017482 Always do the things you love. Follow yourself, don't follow others. GMYkWsa2M50-00000-00000012-00000556 foreign [Music] GMYkWsa2M50-00001-00001272-00001392 other dignitaries GMYkWsa2M50-00002-00001620-00002172 on the dice of the dice my wonderful friend Anand Nayak GMYkWsa2M50-00003-00002424-00002532 Mishra GMYkWsa2M50-00004-00002754-00003492 Mr Desai oh and all my fellow lawyers GMYkWsa2M50-00005-00003768-00004506 the topic given to me today deals with a very very interesting aspect GMYkWsa2M50-00006-00004704-00005142 article 227 of the Constitution of India GMYkWsa2M50-00007-00005640-00006000 now as we all are aware GMYkWsa2M50-00008-00006282-00006462 that chapter 5 GMYkWsa2M50-00009-00006684-00007056 part 6 of The Constitution of India GMYkWsa2M50-00010-00007266-00007530 I repeat chapter 5 GMYkWsa2M50-00011-00007776-00008892 part 6. of the Constitution of India is titled as High courts in the states GMYkWsa2M50-00012-00009108-00009174 which GMYkWsa2M50-00013-00009384-00010176 begins from article 214. and runs up to article 231. GMYkWsa2M50-00014-00010518-00010788 among these 18 articles GMYkWsa2M50-00015-00011142-00011454 the most important are two articles GMYkWsa2M50-00016-00011838-00012432 article 226 and article 227. GMYkWsa2M50-00017-00012552-00013338 226 we all know is a writ jurisdiction prerogative jurisdiction of the high court GMYkWsa2M50-00018-00013686-00013980 but article 227 GMYkWsa2M50-00019-00014213-00014519 is a supervisory jurisdiction of the high court GMYkWsa2M50-00020-00014604-00015462 foreign now there is a lot of confusion among the bar including the high courts GMYkWsa2M50-00021-00015678-00017040 benches across India but what is the difference between 226 and 227. now the common practice is GMYkWsa2M50-00022-00017244-00018036 we lawyers when we are confused we do not take the confusion on ourselves we confuse the bench GMYkWsa2M50-00023-00018156-00018546 that is our practice so what we do is GMYkWsa2M50-00024-00018702-00019494 we put repetition under article 226 read with 227 of the Constitution of India let GMYkWsa2M50-00025-00019494-00020130 the high Court's Office deal with it that's their headache we have put it because we are confused GMYkWsa2M50-00026-00020388-00021168 so that is why it seems Sameer must have thought that let this confusion be clarified what is what GMYkWsa2M50-00027-00021168-00022086 is 226 and what is can I just hand it towards you what is 226 and what is 227. so let me tell you GMYkWsa2M50-00028-00022308-00022980 that although this article 227 Finds Its place in the constitution of India it is GMYkWsa2M50-00029-00022980-00024324 a historical provision much earlier than the constitution of India it is way back in 1861. GMYkWsa2M50-00030-00024570-00024780 during the British era GMYkWsa2M50-00031-00025008-00025422 High courts Act of 1861 was promulgated GMYkWsa2M50-00032-00025680-00026327 and under high court sector of 18761 section 15 GMYkWsa2M50-00033-00026598-00027660 is ipso facto identical to article 227. so since 1861 this provision is there GMYkWsa2M50-00034-00027744-00028992 it's a historical importance now 1861 High Court Act section 15 was replicated GMYkWsa2M50-00035-00029202-00030042 in government of India act 1915 one five under Section 107. GMYkWsa2M50-00036-00030330-00030942 when the government of India act 1915 was promulgated section 15 of GMYkWsa2M50-00037-00030942-00031488 high court sector 1861 was replicated here in the government of India Act GMYkWsa2M50-00038-00031716-00032430 and then came the mother of the Constitution of India that is government of India Act of 1935. GMYkWsa2M50-00039-00032610-00033174 because if you read government of India act 1935 you will find that GMYkWsa2M50-00040-00033174-00034002 the major portion of the Constitution of India is borrowed from government of India Act 1935. GMYkWsa2M50-00041-00034092-00034692 an article 224 of the government of India act 1935 GMYkWsa2M50-00042-00034968-00036132 replicated section 15 of 1861 and 107 of 1915 but there was a Mischief plate GMYkWsa2M50-00043-00036336-00036702 in 1935 Act and that was GMYkWsa2M50-00044-00036906-00037434 when you read the 1935 act you will be able to understand what was the mischief GMYkWsa2M50-00045-00037554-00038430 article 227 at 224 added subclass 2 in the government of India Act 1935. GMYkWsa2M50-00046-00038568-00039264 and what was that sub close to that sub close to snatched away GMYkWsa2M50-00047-00039636-00040158 the judicial superintendence of the high court GMYkWsa2M50-00048-00040380-00041238 that means Article 2 Section 224 of the government of India act by subsection 2 GMYkWsa2M50-00049-00041292-00042174 left the high court with only administrative superintendents subsection 2 said that the GMYkWsa2M50-00050-00042174-00042726 hike or not with the standing whatever in the subclass one high court does not have GMYkWsa2M50-00051-00042726-00043584 the judicial superintendents over the subordinate course this Mischief was there by the britishers GMYkWsa2M50-00052-00043734-00044226 which was fortunately while drafting the constitution of India GMYkWsa2M50-00053-00044478-00045588 under the chairmanship of Dr Baba sahab ambedkar he had the Brilliance to catch this subclass too GMYkWsa2M50-00054-00045708-00046614 that this is mischievous and therefore that sub close to was deleted GMYkWsa2M50-00055-00046914-00047964 so when that 224 was replicated as 227 in the constitution of India that subclass 2 was removed GMYkWsa2M50-00056-00048102-00048258 so what remains today GMYkWsa2M50-00057-00048474-00049278 article 227 although is silent it does not talk about judicial Supremacy GMYkWsa2M50-00058-00049410-00050082 it does not talk about judicial supervisory or superintendence but GMYkWsa2M50-00059-00050364-00051108 because that subclass 2 is removed our high courts have assumed that power GMYkWsa2M50-00060-00051366-00052686 and therefore 227 though titled as supervisory jurisdiction carries on with the judicial GMYkWsa2M50-00061-00052686-00053802 superintendents also although it does not speak in the open terms so what as on today 227 speaks GMYkWsa2M50-00062-00054017-00054810 it says that High Court shall have superintendence over GMYkWsa2M50-00063-00055002-00055890 all the subordinate courts including tribunals within its jurisdiction GMYkWsa2M50-00064-00056267-00056748 subclose two of our article 227 States GMYkWsa2M50-00065-00056867-00057738 that what is the meaning so subclass 2 explains it saying that by supervisory jurisdiction GMYkWsa2M50-00066-00057966-00058446 including judicial Supremacy the high court can GMYkWsa2M50-00067-00058698-00058890 call for the returns GMYkWsa2M50-00068-00059141-00059514 returns means records of the subordinate course GMYkWsa2M50-00069-00059574-00060329 the high court can call for the records of the from the subordinate courts or tribals GMYkWsa2M50-00070-00060612-00061386 number two twenty seven gives the power to the high court that within the area of GMYkWsa2M50-00071-00061386-00061782 its own jurisdiction the high court can make rules GMYkWsa2M50-00072-00062141-00062928 for the practice and proceedings so what do you read and follow civil manual and criminal manual GMYkWsa2M50-00073-00062928-00063798 here that power is driven under article 227 when the high court formulates these rules of practice GMYkWsa2M50-00074-00064067-00064176 including GMYkWsa2M50-00075-00065022-00065046 foreign GMYkWsa2M50-00076-00065184-00065754 if I am not audible please tell me GMYkWsa2M50-00077-00066186-00066618 okay yeah please let me know if I am not Audible GMYkWsa2M50-00078-00067092-00068742 I'll take care so article 227 States sub close 2 has three portions first the high court can GMYkWsa2M50-00079-00068742-00069900 call for records from the subordinate Court number two the high court can make rules including forms GMYkWsa2M50-00080-00070146-00070872 for practice and proceedings and number three A B C supplies two GMYkWsa2M50-00081-00071058-00071400 the third is that the high court can GMYkWsa2M50-00082-00071748-00072732 prescribe for a table of fees which is to be charged by Sheriff GMYkWsa2M50-00083-00073056-00074742 by Clerks by officers by attorneys by advocates and by leaders how many categories six GMYkWsa2M50-00084-00074892-00075666 table of fees of six categories High Court can prescribe now here I pause for a moment GMYkWsa2M50-00085-00075906-00076824 because this table of fees have six categories Sheriff Clarke officer attorney GMYkWsa2M50-00086-00076896-00077088 Advocates and leaders GMYkWsa2M50-00087-00077616-00077958 which Advocate follows this table of Feasts today GMYkWsa2M50-00088-00078432-00079410 we all know that such a figure which cannot afford you a cup of tea or a GMYkWsa2M50-00089-00079410-00080094 piece of palm in the whole day but why that table of fees is important then GMYkWsa2M50-00090-00080496-00080892 it's a very vital role and that is the reason I'm telling you that although GMYkWsa2M50-00091-00080892-00081354 it's a very very nominal figure and you if you read that you will laugh GMYkWsa2M50-00092-00081606-00081984 you will Fufu it you will mock it um GMYkWsa2M50-00093-00083028-00083358 is important because GMYkWsa2M50-00094-00083634-00084480 when the costs are imposed on your suit on your application being rejected there are GMYkWsa2M50-00095-00084480-00085254 certain times should dismissed with costs isn't it all of you must have experienced GMYkWsa2M50-00096-00085374-00085650 do you know how that costs are calculated GMYkWsa2M50-00097-00085962-00086454 that table of fees and that is why we all happily pay the costs GMYkWsa2M50-00098-00086820-00087696 because that is so funny to you that the costs chart do you know the office of every Court GMYkWsa2M50-00099-00087696-00088350 prepares the bill of costs because judge only passes an order one line the suit is dismissed GMYkWsa2M50-00100-00088350-00088926 with costs or the petition is dismissed with costs judge is not bothered what is the cost GMYkWsa2M50-00101-00088926-00089562 the job of calculating the bill of cost is from the office and what does the office do it falls GMYkWsa2M50-00102-00089562-00090234 back upon the table of fee prepared by the high court under article 227 subclass 2 subclass C GMYkWsa2M50-00103-00090624-00091986 and highest Advocate fee I have come across in that table of fee for the advocate um where I lost GMYkWsa2M50-00104-00091986-00092928 some suit and the cost is imposed upon our clients do you know how exorbitant that cost was 45 rupees GMYkWsa2M50-00105-00093414-00094044 the client did not even Grudge he did not even bother and come to say GMYkWsa2M50-00106-00094416-00094824 otherwise had it been 45 000 even would have said GMYkWsa2M50-00107-00095190-00095310 a 45 years GMYkWsa2M50-00108-00095310-00095784 because GMYkWsa2M50-00109-00095784-00096738 that's not beyond that it's stable of peace why I'm telling you is that that table of peace is GMYkWsa2M50-00110-00096738-00097458 important you may be charging whatever but when it comes to calculation of cost GMYkWsa2M50-00111-00097458-00098208 that table of Feasts is important when you pay for the process fee or for these summons to be GMYkWsa2M50-00112-00098208-00098682 served you to pay bailiff fee through Sheriff that table of Feasts comes for your rescue GMYkWsa2M50-00113-00099180-00099258 thereafter GMYkWsa2M50-00114-00100122-00101148 this is subclass 3 table of fees subclass two Sub sub close a b and c c is yes one more aspect C is GMYkWsa2M50-00115-00101286-00102384 high court is entitled to prescribe for forms for the entry of books accounts GMYkWsa2M50-00116-00102522-00103338 prepared by the staff of the port so whatever accounts books are maintained that forms are GMYkWsa2M50-00117-00103338-00104130 also prescribed by the high court and subclass 4 says that not with the standing whatever is stated GMYkWsa2M50-00118-00104285-00104676 in Provisions 2 and 3 of article 227 GMYkWsa2M50-00119-00105096-00105672 227 does not apply on armed forces tribal GMYkWsa2M50-00120-00105906-00106338 whatever the tribunals have been formed under defense of India act or Armed GMYkWsa2M50-00121-00106338-00107178 Forces 227 does not apply there so that is an exception under subclass 4 of 227. GMYkWsa2M50-00122-00107411-00108174 now the interesting part to understand that 227 applies GMYkWsa2M50-00123-00108276-00109200 both on civil proceedings as well as on criminal proceedings like I said the petitions made GMYkWsa2M50-00124-00109368-00110268 under civil proceedings generally what people do is repetition under article 226 read with GMYkWsa2M50-00125-00110268-00111216 227 of the Constitution of India similarly normally people file petition under 482 of crpc GMYkWsa2M50-00126-00111216-00111990 [__] washing of the fir your knowledge 227 comes for your rescue there also GMYkWsa2M50-00127-00112085-00112985 because 482 is a statutory power whereas 227 is a constitutional part GMYkWsa2M50-00128-00113430-00113772 so I will tell you interesting story GMYkWsa2M50-00129-00114066-00114420 1947 GMYkWsa2M50-00130-00114588-00115578 when the country was getting liberated in Himachal Pradesh amarnath had a shop GMYkWsa2M50-00131-00115758-00116226 and verium Singh went to take that shop on tenancy GMYkWsa2M50-00132-00116472-00117461 annual tenancy agreement at the rate of rupees 175 per annum rent this agreement was executed GMYkWsa2M50-00133-00117918-00118764 what and that agreement had a clause of renewal after the lapse of one year GMYkWsa2M50-00134-00119004-00119664 that if the tenant wants to continue in the shop he can renew the tenancy agreement GMYkWsa2M50-00135-00119982-00120761 who was the tenant did not bother to renew the tenancy agreement but continued in The Possession GMYkWsa2M50-00136-00121164-00121770 so 1948 and 1949 two years rent became due GMYkWsa2M50-00137-00121842-00122316 he remained in possession neither renewed the agreement nor paid the rent GMYkWsa2M50-00138-00122502-00122885 so amarnath filed a suit for eviction GMYkWsa2M50-00139-00123150-00123570 for the areas of rent on the ground of areas of rent GMYkWsa2M50-00140-00123846-00124361 the court below issued notices to variyam Singh who ins immediately GMYkWsa2M50-00141-00124446-00125196 paid two years rent of 1948 and 49 in the court the suit was dismissed GMYkWsa2M50-00142-00125352-00126035 because the ground for areas of rent is met with all the areas are deposited the suit is dismissed GMYkWsa2M50-00143-00126233-00126888 but what amarnath forgot to continue in the possession in the year 1950 GMYkWsa2M50-00144-00126888-00127385 as well and did not pay the rent again so fresh suit was brought for eviction GMYkWsa2M50-00145-00127614-00128298 what I am saying did not pay the rent for 1950 also a fresh suit came to be filed GMYkWsa2M50-00146-00128466-00128880 now this variency must have been advised by some very good lawyer GMYkWsa2M50-00147-00129054-00129618 so what he did is when he's received the second suit for eviction GMYkWsa2M50-00148-00129690-00130326 this time instead of depositing the rent he made an application for fixation of the fair rent GMYkWsa2M50-00149-00130482-00131004 saying that 175 rupees per annum is too huge an exorbitant rent GMYkWsa2M50-00150-00131106-00131814 so the fixation of fair rent must be done by the court this second suit of eviction GMYkWsa2M50-00151-00131814-00132528 is dismissed on the ground that fixation of fair rent application is pending until the GMYkWsa2M50-00152-00132648-00133392 Fair rent is decided there cannot be areas because it is not fixed as yet GMYkWsa2M50-00153-00133614-00134286 amarnath felt cheated when to appeal appeal was dismissed that yes lower court is right GMYkWsa2M50-00154-00134406-00134754 so he filed a 227 petition GMYkWsa2M50-00155-00135180-00135594 now as I said this was Himachal Pradesh GMYkWsa2M50-00156-00135858-00136566 and Court of judicial commissioner was having the power of the high court who considered this 227 GMYkWsa2M50-00157-00136566-00137502 petition issued notices and set aside the lower courts judgment as well as the Appellate Court's GMYkWsa2M50-00158-00137502-00138096 judgment and directed that The Possession be handed over to amarnath who's the owner GMYkWsa2M50-00159-00138456-00139218 this time variyam Singh felt cheated so variyam Singh went and filed an SLP before The Supreme GMYkWsa2M50-00160-00139218-00140208 Court of India stating that article 227 of the Constitution of India does not give the power GMYkWsa2M50-00161-00140460-00140964 to go into the facts of the case and set aside that judgment GMYkWsa2M50-00162-00141372-00141696 and ladies and gentlemen this is GMYkWsa2M50-00163-00141816-00142506 a landmark Judgment of worry I'm Singh versus amarnath 1954 Supreme Court GNLx0X8lMty-00000-00000126-00000508 ''Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous'' Albert Eimstein GNLx0X8lMty-00001-00000968-00001228 Sonic Geometry The Language of Frequency and Form GNLx0X8lMty-00002-00001238-00001662 it has been said that if there is ever to be such a thing as a true universal GNLx0X8lMty-00003-00001662-00002055 language it will most likely be expressed in the realms of mathematics GNLx0X8lMty-00004-00002055-00002561 and geometry energy patterns and frequency could it be that this language GNLx0X8lMty-00005-00002561-00003125 or at least the foundation of it already exists here on earth ??? is it possible that GNLx0X8lMty-00006-00003125-00003558 over the course of thousands of years we have been somehow guided in the process GNLx0X8lMty-00007-00003558-00003972 of creating this new form of communication ??? and if so, what type of GNLx0X8lMty-00008-00003972-00004350 information will be conveyed through it that could not be expressed any other GNLx0X8lMty-00009-00004350-00004818 way, in the search for answers we must be prepared to trek through both time and GNLx0X8lMty-00010-00004818-00005295 space to open our eyes and minds wide enough to notice compelling coincidences GNLx0X8lMty-00011-00005295-00005751 and to stand back far enough to see if the building blocks of some kind of GNLx0X8lMty-00012-00005751-00006318 mathematical spatial frequency based language emerge but before we begin our GNLx0X8lMty-00013-00006318-00006659 journey we will pause here in the present day to notice some of the ways GNLx0X8lMty-00014-00006659-00007158 that we measure and tabulate the world around us this is an important step for GNLx0X8lMty-00015-00007158-00007653 how we count and measure things can be as revealing as why we count them first GNLx0X8lMty-00016-00007653-00008084 we will take a look at the way we measure time for all practical purposes GNLx0X8lMty-00017-00008084-00008565 the smallest unit is one second and we all know it takes 60 seconds to make a GNLx0X8lMty-00018-00008565-00009051 minute and then 60 of these minutes to make an hour this hour of course is the GNLx0X8lMty-00019-00009051-00009498 unit by which we divide our days and these days become months years decades GNLx0X8lMty-00020-00009498-00010094 centuries and so on speaking of 60 let's take a moment to GNLx0X8lMty-00021-00010094-00010511 notice that all geometry whether it is two or three dimensional is also derived GNLx0X8lMty-00022-00010511-00010988 from base 60 mathematics that provide the foundation for a 360 degree circle GNLx0X8lMty-00023-00010988-00011414 which in turn provides us with all the angles and formulas for creating GNLx0X8lMty-00024-00011414-00011870 virtually every shape known to humankind now let's look at how many cultures from GNLx0X8lMty-00025-00011870-00012365 all over the world have chosen to count and group things right away we see that GNLx0X8lMty-00026-00012365-00012880 we have been attracted to the number 12 12 eggs in a dozen 12 months and a year GNLx0X8lMty-00027-00012880-00013285 12 inches in a foot 12 signs of the zodiac GNLx0X8lMty-00028-00013285-00013754 strangely whether it's tallying disciples or mythical God's the number GNLx0X8lMty-00029-00013754-00014129 12 appears often in the telling of our greatest stories about ourselves and GNLx0X8lMty-00030-00014129-00014588 what about distance your local town might be measured in meters or other GNLx0X8lMty-00031-00014588-00015029 units but when we talk about measuring our planet the standards we all use GNLx0X8lMty-00032-00015029-00015626 revert back to base 60 units of miles minutes or geometrical degrees are you GNLx0X8lMty-00033-00015626-00016058 noticing the pattern here we seem to be encountering a lot of 12s and 60s are GNLx0X8lMty-00034-00016058-00016628 they related and if so how to answer that piece of the puzzle we must travel GNLx0X8lMty-00035-00016628-00017054 roughly 5000 years back in time to visit the ancient Sumerian culture of GNLx0X8lMty-00036-00017054-00017600 Mesopotamia for here is where our 1260 based math comes from this counting GNLx0X8lMty-00037-00017600-00017920 system which was invented by the same people who produced the world's first GNLx0X8lMty-00038-00017920-00018362 written language involved counting the knuckles of the four long fingers on one GNLx0X8lMty-00039-00018362-00018851 hand and then multiplying them by all five digits on the other hand if you do GNLx0X8lMty-00040-00018851-00019348 this you will get a maximum number of 12 knuckles times five fingers which of GNLx0X8lMty-00041-00019348-00019859 course total 60 how these cosmic jumps in language and mathematics occurred so GNLx0X8lMty-00042-00019859-00020254 suddenly is open to debate but it is interesting to note that the ancient GNLx0X8lMty-00043-00020254-00020657 Sumerians themselves wrote about being given this information by sky-god GNLx0X8lMty-00044-00020657-00021143 visitors they called the Anunnaki who and what the Anunnaki were is a hotly GNLx0X8lMty-00045-00021143-00021575 contested subject but one thing that cannot be denied is the fact that over GNLx0X8lMty-00046-00021575-00022079 5,000 years ago a mathematical system was born that incredibly still serves us GNLx0X8lMty-00047-00022079-00022535 today so now that we have our various units of measurement all based on the GNLx0X8lMty-00048-00022535-00022997 Sumerian 1260 counting system let's jump forward to a few pivotal moments in GNLx0X8lMty-00049-00022997-00023300 history and with other numbers patterns and GNLx0X8lMty-00050-00023300-00023801 synchronicities appear in the sixth century BC on the Greek island of Samos GNLx0X8lMty-00051-00023801-00024164 the famed mathematician Pythagoras led a school of thought that married GNLx0X8lMty-00052-00024164-00024722 philosophy mathematics music and of course geometry and while Pythagoras did GNLx0X8lMty-00053-00024722-00025256 not discover advanced geometry he did apply it in new ways especially to music GNLx0X8lMty-00054-00025256-00025688 for instance he noticed that when a taut and string was plucked it would create a GNLx0X8lMty-00055-00025688-00026249 tone and when that string was divided in half it would make the same tone only GNLx0X8lMty-00056-00026249-00026822 twice as high in pitch pythagoras then came up with numerical ratios based on GNLx0X8lMty-00057-00026822-00027220 harmonic fifths and this led to the creation of the musical scale found at GNLx0X8lMty-00058-00027220-00027614 the root of most modern music it is important to note that according to GNLx0X8lMty-00059-00027614-00028100 pythagoras all musical notes were found by using mathematics and as such for GNLx0X8lMty-00060-00028100-00028558 given number values according to their placement in a kind of master grid for GNLx0X8lMty-00061-00028558-00029039 instance by using fifths beginning from note number one he was eventually guided GNLx0X8lMty-00062-00029039-00029585 to note 27 and to find the same note twice as high in pitch he simply kept GNLx0X8lMty-00063-00029585-00030554 doubling it to 54 108 216 432 and so on up the scale if you've ever heard of GNLx0X8lMty-00064-00030554-00030982 Pythagorean tuning you know that the number 432 is quite important to GNLx0X8lMty-00065-00030982-00031420 Pythagoras himself it probably wouldn't have stood out more than any other in GNLx0X8lMty-00066-00031420-00031826 his numerical grid but in our quest to find a universal language based on GNLx0X8lMty-00067-00031826-00032239 mathematics and frequency this particular note represents a significant GNLx0X8lMty-00068-00032239-00032747 piece of coincidental evidence you see many ancient musical instruments from GNLx0X8lMty-00069-00032747-00033224 Tibetan bowls to Native American flutes happen to produce the same tone a tone GNLx0X8lMty-00070-00033224-00033794 that vibrates at 432 cycles per second that's compelling but even more GNLx0X8lMty-00071-00033794-00034235 intriguing is the fact that Pythagoras was not calculating vibration cycles to GNLx0X8lMty-00072-00034235-00034916 find tone 432 it just happens to be the same number what's more for decades most GNLx0X8lMty-00073-00034916-00035390 modern musical instruments were also tuned to this same fourth octave a with GNLx0X8lMty-00074-00035390-00035987 a value of 432 cycles how could this be who chose this particular note as the GNLx0X8lMty-00075-00035987-00036323 keystone for an instrument tuning and more importantly GNLx0X8lMty-00076-00036323-00036845 why here is where a deeper mystery begins to emerge and to explore it we GNLx0X8lMty-00077-00036845-00037274 will need to go back to Pythagoras other passion geometry it is not an GNLx0X8lMty-00078-00037274-00037733 exaggeration to say that to Pythagoras and his disciples geometry and math held GNLx0X8lMty-00079-00037733-00038177 a key to the nature of all life everywhere and maybe it does let's look GNLx0X8lMty-00080-00038177-00038738 at the first four geometric shapes the circle triangle square and Pentagon in GNLx0X8lMty-00081-00038738-00039149 each of them are angles of degrees that when added together always total a GNLx0X8lMty-00082-00039149-00039575 specific number relative to that particular shape for instance if we take GNLx0X8lMty-00083-00039575-00040100 a triangle the sum total of all three interior angles is always 180 for both GNLx0X8lMty-00084-00040100-00040682 the square and circle it is 360 for a Pentagon it is 540 now at this moment GNLx0X8lMty-00085-00040682-00041009 let's step back and look at these numbers in a different way GNLx0X8lMty-00086-00041009-00041390 as there seems to be something about them that reaches beyond a simple sum of GNLx0X8lMty-00087-00041390-00041792 angles did you notice that they happen to be in the same numerical neighborhood GNLx0X8lMty-00088-00041792-00042512 as tone 432 what's more they all add up to 9 just like 432 as an experiment GNLx0X8lMty-00089-00042512-00042926 let's take a look at the numbers found in basic geometric shapes then apply GNLx0X8lMty-00090-00042926-00043442 those numbers as vibration cycles to hear the tones they produce first let's GNLx0X8lMty-00091-00043442-00043766 listen to what the hundred and eighty total degrees contained in a triangle GNLx0X8lMty-00092-00043766-00044214 sound light GNLx0X8lMty-00093-00044286-00045045 and here's a squares and circles 360 in cycles per second GNLx0X8lMty-00094-00045091-00046081 a perfect octave up from the triangle what about the Pentagon at 5:40 that GNLx0X8lMty-00095-00046081-00046484 sounds like a harmonic fifth of the other two that's interesting GNLx0X8lMty-00096-00046484-00047015 what are these tones they are f sharp and it's perfect harmonic fifth of C GNLx0X8lMty-00097-00047015-00047999 sharp let's keep going what does a hexagon 720 sound like GNLx0X8lMty-00098-00047999-00048872 another F sharp here's a seven sided septagon which totals 900 GNLx0X8lMty-00099-00048874-00049324 this is an a-sharp which happens to be the note required to complete an f-sharp GNLx0X8lMty-00100-00049324-00049969 major chord in perfect three-part harmony GNLx0X8lMty-00101-00050298-00051402 and finally the Octagon where we get 10 80 another c-sharp suddenly geometry is GNLx0X8lMty-00102-00051402-00051813 expressed by tones and these tones just happen to create the most beautiful form GNLx0X8lMty-00103-00051813-00052421 of music a perfect three-part major chord in the key of F GNLx0X8lMty-00104-00053087-00053692 is this something we've been missing for years is it important to the famous GNLx0X8lMty-00105-00053692-00054040 philosopher and mathematician Plato the answer would have been a resounding yes GNLx0X8lMty-00106-00054040-00054494 for it is Plato who advanced the study of two-dimensional geometry into GNLx0X8lMty-00107-00054494-00054920 three-dimensional geometry and who began to recognize that nature whether GNLx0X8lMty-00108-00054920-00055376 expressed as a tone the pedal design of a flower or the spiraling design of a GNLx0X8lMty-00109-00055376-00055913 seashell seemed to follow a 3d mathematical pattern in fact it became GNLx0X8lMty-00110-00055913-00056252 an obsession of Plato to try and find the simplest three-dimensional geometric GNLx0X8lMty-00111-00056252-00056810 shapes and his quest ultimately revealed what we now call the Platonic solids in GNLx0X8lMty-00112-00056810-00057278 essence these forms represent the most elemental construction blocks found both GNLx0X8lMty-00113-00057278-00057754 in human made and natural forms so let's see if and how they fit into our GNLx0X8lMty-00114-00057754-00058247 geometry tone grid first there is the tetrahedron or a three-sided pyramid GNLx0X8lMty-00115-00058247-00058784 comprised of four interlocking triangles as we did before let's add up all the GNLx0X8lMty-00116-00058784-00059390 angles found in those four triangles the answer 720 which we have already seen is GNLx0X8lMty-00117-00059390-00060544 the tone f-sharp next we have the cube whose 6 360 degrees squares totals 2160 GNLx0X8lMty-00118-00060544-00060904 what does it sound like GNLx0X8lMty-00119-00061497-00062047 2160 is a high C sharp and as you will see later a very interesting number for GNLx0X8lMty-00120-00062047-00062554 other reasons as well next up is the octahedron constructed of eight GNLx0X8lMty-00121-00062554-00063109 triangles this shape totals 1440 which is another perfect F sharp higher of the GNLx0X8lMty-00122-00063109-00063524 scale GNLx0X8lMty-00123-00063539-00063944 the Akasa Heatran is made up of 20 triangles so the total number of degrees GNLx0X8lMty-00124-00063944-00064291 is 3600 GNLx0X8lMty-00125-00064508-00065079 as a tonne 3,600 vibration cycles create the a sharp needed to complete yet GNLx0X8lMty-00126-00065079-00065575 another f-sharp major chord that sounds like this GNLx0X8lMty-00127-00066255-00066721 at this point we have seen how to and three-dimensional geometry can be GNLx0X8lMty-00128-00066721-00067150 expressed by the notes found in an f-sharp major chord could this also be GNLx0X8lMty-00129-00067150-00067603 true with what is known as sacred geometry to find out we will first need GNLx0X8lMty-00130-00067603-00068050 to build a design called the germ of life which when repeated goes on to GNLx0X8lMty-00131-00068050-00068503 reveal the seed of life then Flower of Life pattern found at sacred sites all GNLx0X8lMty-00132-00068503-00068995 over the world first we start with a circle at 360 degrees which is the GNLx0X8lMty-00133-00068995-00069463 familiar F sharp we then at our second circle bringing GNLx0X8lMty-00134-00069463-00070177 the total to 720 another F sharp three circles totals 1080 which provides the GNLx0X8lMty-00135-00070177-00070950 harmonic fifth of C sharp four circles is 1440 another F sharp GNLx0X8lMty-00136-00070950-00071542 five circles totals 1800 or the a sharp needed to once again provide the GNLx0X8lMty-00137-00071542-00072033 harmonic third of an f-sharp major chord and finally the sixth circle which GNLx0X8lMty-00138-00072033-00072744 brings the total to 2160 another C sharp amazing it's as if we can now both see GNLx0X8lMty-00139-00072744-00073182 and hear the Flower of Life pattern that is intrigued humankind for thousands of GNLx0X8lMty-00140-00073182-00073743 years so now we have two-dimensional geometry three-dimensional geometry and GNLx0X8lMty-00141-00073743-00074206 even sacred geometry being represented by different variations of an f-sharp GNLx0X8lMty-00142-00074206-00074712 major chord how is this not common knowledge how have we missed this GNLx0X8lMty-00143-00074712-00075205 connection there are actually three explanations one for reasons ranging GNLx0X8lMty-00144-00075205-00075669 from the mundane to the conspiratorial musical instruments are no longer tuned GNLx0X8lMty-00145-00075669-00076368 to an a vibrating at 432 cycles per second but rather 442 modern tuning GNLx0X8lMty-00146-00076368-00076743 calls for equal temperament which no longer adheres to Pythagoras whole GNLx0X8lMty-00147-00076743-00077248 numbers simplicity and three the tuning method required to reveal geometric GNLx0X8lMty-00148-00077248-00077779 shapes is based on a mathematical grid rather than mathematical ratios this GNLx0X8lMty-00149-00077779-00078276 grid if it had a name would probably be called something like factor 9 because GNLx0X8lMty-00150-00078276-00078744 the number 9 is found not only in the sum of every note on the grid but also GNLx0X8lMty-00151-00078744-00079218 as the number required to move up or down the scale for instance if we GNLx0X8lMty-00152-00079218-00079788 started at note a at 216 cycles all we would have to do is add or subtract the GNLx0X8lMty-00153-00079788-00080325 number 9 to reveal all the other tones in that octave and it is here on this GNLx0X8lMty-00154-00080325-00080749 incredible factor 9 grid that we find not just some of our geometric numbers GNLx0X8lMty-00155-00080749-00081292 but all of them conversely modern a 440 tuning reveals GNLx0X8lMty-00156-00081292-00081831 not one correlation to geometric numbers now let's go back for a moment and take GNLx0X8lMty-00157-00081831-00082320 a look at one of these numbers 21 60 the number expressed by both the cube and GNLx0X8lMty-00158-00082320-00082743 the term of life pattern you may have already noticed that without the zero it GNLx0X8lMty-00159-00082743-00083262 is exactly half of our magic 432 that's worth noting but what is even more GNLx0X8lMty-00160-00083262-00083611 intriguing is the way this number keeps showing up in other large scale GNLx0X8lMty-00161-00083611-00083962 measurements to discover one of these measurements we GNLx0X8lMty-00162-00083962-00084352 will need to jump forward from Plato's time to when the Mayan civilization was GNLx0X8lMty-00163-00084352-00084856 flourishing roughly 1500 years ago Mayan stargazers were the most GNLx0X8lMty-00164-00084856-00085312 accomplished astronomers the world had ever known their concept of cyclical GNLx0X8lMty-00165-00085312-00085807 time led to many incredible discoveries the accurate length of a year the exact GNLx0X8lMty-00166-00085807-00086212 dates of seasonal changes even the moments when solar and lunar eclipses GNLx0X8lMty-00167-00086212-00086641 would occur but their most amazing discovery was of something known as the GNLx0X8lMty-00168-00086641-00087091 precession of the equinoxes which makes note of a very slow wobble of Earth's GNLx0X8lMty-00169-00087091-00087733 axis somehow aware of the fact that this wobble takes 25,920 years to complete GNLx0X8lMty-00170-00087733-00088288 the Mayans called this cycle one great year with each of its 12 great months GNLx0X8lMty-00171-00088288-00088894 requiring 2160 earth years to complete and what about this did you know that GNLx0X8lMty-00172-00088894-00089347 the diameter of our Moon when measured in miles also happens to total you GNLx0X8lMty-00173-00089347-00089895 guessed it 2160 lastly watch what happens when we apply simple division to GNLx0X8lMty-00174-00089895-00090448 this highly synchronous number twenty one sixty divided by two is 1080 they GNLx0X8lMty-00175-00090448-00091270 angle some of the Octagon by three 720 the total of the hexagon by four 540 the GNLx0X8lMty-00176-00091270-00092068 Pentagon by five are you ready it's the key tone of 432 and by six 360 GNLx0X8lMty-00177-00092068-00092656 the number of both the square and circle all F sharps and C sharps with our 432 a GNLx0X8lMty-00178-00092656-00093102 thrown into the mix as if it were some kind of clue to solving a cosmic riddle GNLx0X8lMty-00179-00093102-00093661 maybe we should look at this number even more closely as we've stated our closest GNLx0X8lMty-00180-00093661-00094297 celestial neighbor the moon is 2160 miles across and two one six is exactly GNLx0X8lMty-00181-00094297-00094827 half of four three two what about the other large object in our sky were you GNLx0X8lMty-00182-00094827-00095407 aware that our Sun is 864,000 miles across incredibly where the moon's base GNLx0X8lMty-00183-00095407-00096045 number sequence is half of 432 the sun's number sequence is exactly twice 432 and GNLx0X8lMty-00184-00096045-00096557 do you know how many seconds there are in a day 86,400 GNLx0X8lMty-00185-00096557-00097280 or 43,200 for the 12 hours of day and 43,200 for the 12 hours of night or try GNLx0X8lMty-00186-00097280-00097835 this take the 360 degrees found in the circular shape of our sun and moon and GNLx0X8lMty-00187-00097835-00098510 then multiply it by the 12 hours of either day or night the answer 4320 or GNLx0X8lMty-00188-00098510-00099088 how about this what is the only hole number that when squared comes to within GNLx0X8lMty-00189-00099088-00099866 0.01 percent accuracy to measuring the speed of light 432 what is going on here GNLx0X8lMty-00190-00099866-00100396 we have all these different things earth cycles time and celestial measurements GNLx0X8lMty-00191-00100396-00100940 geometry sonic frequency yet they are all represented by the same numbers over GNLx0X8lMty-00192-00100940-00101273 and over again to answer that we must search for the GNLx0X8lMty-00193-00101273-00101669 factor common to all of them and that common factor is the five GNLx0X8lMty-00194-00101669-00102197 thousand-year-old Sumerian 1260 counting system it is what gave us the inches to GNLx0X8lMty-00195-00102197-00102815 a foot the seconds to a minute in the 360 degrees in geometry it's almost as GNLx0X8lMty-00196-00102815-00103285 if the sky got visitors who the Sumerians called the Anunnaki provided GNLx0X8lMty-00197-00103285-00103592 humanity with a counting system that would lead to the discovery of these GNLx0X8lMty-00198-00103592-00104093 synchronicities could it be that the number 432 really is some kind of cosmic GNLx0X8lMty-00199-00104093-00104635 key that unlocks a language of higher understanding and if so have these sky GNLx0X8lMty-00200-00104635-00105010 visitors ever been back to make sure we don't miss the importance of the 432 GNLx0X8lMty-00201-00105010-00105479 matrix one possible answer can be found in the story of a man named George Van GNLx0X8lMty-00202-00105479-00105899 Tassel a respected aeronautical engineer who believed he was contacted by GNLx0X8lMty-00203-00105899-00106435 extraterrestrial beings in the early 1950s during this encounter Van Tassel GNLx0X8lMty-00204-00106435-00106790 said he was provided with a mathematical formula that could be used for GNLx0X8lMty-00205-00106790-00107233 everything from time travel to sound frequency healing and which he used to GNLx0X8lMty-00206-00107233-00107681 build the world-famous integratron near Joshua Tree California what is this GNLx0X8lMty-00207-00107681-00108305 formula it is F equals 1 over T or frequency equals 1 particular something GNLx0X8lMty-00208-00108305-00108845 divided by the number of time well what if that one something was the biggest GNLx0X8lMty-00209-00108845-00109265 one on our planet the one great year of twenty five thousand nine twenty GNLx0X8lMty-00210-00109265-00109684 discovered by the Mayans and what if the number of her time was the most logical GNLx0X8lMty-00211-00109684-00110051 choice of 60 suddenly this mysterious equation is GNLx0X8lMty-00212-00110051-00110696 expressed as frequency equals 25 9 20 divided by 60 are you ready for the GNLx0X8lMty-00213-00110696-00111085 answer it's 432 not only the frequency that GNLx0X8lMty-00214-00111085-00111482 instruments all of the world have been tuned to for thousands of years but also GNLx0X8lMty-00215-00111482-00111824 the number that reveals the synchronistic nature of life on this GNLx0X8lMty-00216-00111824-00112376 planet noticing all these coincidences revealed by the 432 matrix and the GNLx0X8lMty-00217-00112376-00112799 sumerian counting system we must wonder if other ancient cultures were aware of GNLx0X8lMty-00218-00112799-00113297 them as well just scratching the surface it would seem that they were for example GNLx0X8lMty-00219-00113297-00113855 let's take the sumerian 12 and square it for a total of 144 right off we see that GNLx0X8lMty-00220-00113855-00114358 it is indeed a number and tone contained within our factor 9 grid expanding GNLx0X8lMty-00221-00114358-00115001 outward we find 1440 then 144,000 which is a number that appears all over the GNLx0X8lMty-00222-00115001-00115439 world in the most compelling of ways take for instance the Great Pyramid of GNLx0X8lMty-00223-00115439-00115829 Giza it happens to have been covered with a hundred and forty-four thousand GNLx0X8lMty-00224-00115829-00116453 smooth white casing stones two ancient Mayans 144,000 days was the length of GNLx0X8lMty-00225-00116453-00117116 their 394 year back tun a time cycle which has just begun again in the Bible GNLx0X8lMty-00226-00117116-00117491 we read that there will be a hundred and forty-four thousand chosen ones redeemed GNLx0X8lMty-00227-00117491-00117974 from the earth prior to the apocalypse obviously number sequences like these GNLx0X8lMty-00228-00117974-00118391 have been significant to many different cultures and religious sects and to one GNLx0X8lMty-00229-00118391-00118936 enigmatic group in particular the Freemasons were the earliest Masons the GNLx0X8lMty-00230-00118936-00119498 supposed keepers of sacred information also aware of the factor 9 grid the 432 GNLx0X8lMty-00231-00119498-00120107 key and the number 144,000 their infatuation with the numbers 3 and 13 GNLx0X8lMty-00232-00120107-00120934 might be telling for instance if you divide 144,000 by 432 the answer is 3 3 GNLx0X8lMty-00233-00120934-00121520 3 point 3 into infinity or take a look at the back of a dollar bill that famous GNLx0X8lMty-00234-00121520-00121958 unfinished pyramid could be revealing some interesting clues for instance GNLx0X8lMty-00235-00121958-00122761 there are 13 steps climbing the pyramid and 13 times 3 3 point 3 is 4 32 point 9 GNLx0X8lMty-00236-00122761-00123188 even the shape of the flat-topped pyramid appears to be made as if someone GNLx0X8lMty-00237-00123188-00123743 had drawn four dots in a line then three above it then two above that and then GNLx0X8lMty-00238-00123743-00124172 connected those dots to reveal this iconic shape and of course let's not GNLx0X8lMty-00239-00124172-00124628 forget that the square root of our all-important factor nine grid is three GNLx0X8lMty-00240-00124628-00125260 threes who else knew about 432 the answer is surprising in India large GNLx0X8lMty-00241-00125260-00125690 cycles of time are called Kali Yuga and each one is four hundred and thirty two GNLx0X8lMty-00242-00125690-00126235 thousand years long in fact the number 432 appears so often in sacred GNLx0X8lMty-00243-00126235-00126698 structures and myths from Stonehenge to the pyramids that author Joseph Campbell GNLx0X8lMty-00244-00126698-00127081 could not help but see it as the most important mythological number in history GNLx0X8lMty-00245-00127081-00127604 so what do we have here what is it that's trying to be expressed by all of GNLx0X8lMty-00246-00127604-00128110 these coincidences one answer is that over the course of history we have been GNLx0X8lMty-00247-00128110-00128516 somehow guided toward both the subconscious creation and eventual GNLx0X8lMty-00248-00128516-00129068 conscious recognition of a grand pattern based on frequency mathematics time GNLx0X8lMty-00249-00129068-00129484 space and geometry quite possibly these synchronistic GNLx0X8lMty-00250-00129484-00129950 numbers shapes and tones represent the building blocks of a language that we do GNLx0X8lMty-00251-00129950-00130370 not yet fully understand but could turn out to be the most important language we GNLx0X8lMty-00252-00130370-00130991 will ever learn how will we use it who will we be conversing with time will GNLx0X8lMty-00253-00130991-00131489 tell thousands of years ago from locations all over the globe various GNLx0X8lMty-00254-00131489-00131963 prophets shamans and seers described an era when humanity would make some kind GNLx0X8lMty-00255-00131963-00132422 of cosmic leap into an extra level of consciousness here at the dawning of the GNLx0X8lMty-00256-00132422-00132896 Age of Aquarius and the start of a new Mayan Bach tune cycle maybe it's GNLx0X8lMty-00257-00132896-00133138 happening GNMzgqkE4CY-00000-00000134-00000871 Taegeon: We must be Alright! Hi! We are MustB. Hello! Greetings to all Korean Stuff team. Nice to meet you! GNMzgqkE4CY-00001-00001140-00001584 Soohyun: Hi, Korean Stuff subscribers. We’re K-Pop idol MustB. GNMzgqkE4CY-00002-00001625-00002526 To introduce ourselves, we debuted in January 2019 and we hit our 3rd anniversary like a month ago. GNMzgqkE4CY-00003-00002555-00003427 MustB stands for “Must Believe”. Our fandom name is “Muffin”, so we have faith in each other. GNMzgqkE4CY-00004-00003427-00003865 So we’re gonna introduce ourselves, starting with our leader, Taegeon. GNMzgqkE4CY-00005-00003935-00004947 Taegeon: Hi! My name is Taegeon, leader of MustB. Rap position and ‘prince’. Thank you! GNMzgqkE4CY-00006-00005011-00006017 Wooyeon: Hi! Hello! My name is Wooyeon of MustB. I have the position of ‘romance’ and vocals. Yes, thank you! GNMzgqkE4CY-00007-00006093-00006836 Doha: Hello everyone! Nice to meet you! My name is Doha. My position is ‘sweet guy, warm guy’. Everybody see you! I love you! GNMzgqkE4CY-00008-00006854-00007936 Soohyun: Hi! My name is Soohyun of MustB. I’m in charge of the choreography, rap, and I’m sub-vocal. And English. Thank you! GNMzgqkE4CY-00009-00007936-00008082 Taegeon: Yeah! Good! GNMzgqkE4CY-00010-00008158-00009216 Sihoo: Hi everyone! My name is Sihoo and I’m the youngest member in MustB. I’m in charge of dancing, rapping, choreography, and vocals. GNMzgqkE4CY-00011-00009216-00009339 Soohyun: Mostly, a king! GNMzgqkE4CY-00012-00009339-00009468 Taegeon: Love you! Good! GNMzgqkE4CY-00013-00009649-00010825 Wooyeon: We want to do a lot of concerts during this year. We hope to make those concerts while we’re preparing hard for our comeback. GNMzgqkE4CY-00014-00010825-00011608 So we can see each other soon. Give a lot of love, affection, and interest to MustB. GNMzgqkE4CY-00015-00011667-00012374 Taegeon: We hope to meet soon! Bye! See you! GOwJa1CNs0I-00000-00000000-00000074 SML Movie: Gravity! Reaction GRZkwhbkdQI-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video GRZkwhbkdQI-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view GRZkwhbkdQI-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. GRZkwhbkdQI-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much GXk1Kio0n3Y-00000-00000504-00001134 To teach speaking, you have to always teach for both elements: for fluency and for accuracy. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00001-00001200-00001704 Learners of a language need to just feel comfortable producing language GXk1Kio0n3Y-00002-00001704-00002232 and not worrying so much about whether it’s right or wrong. But at some point, GXk1Kio0n3Y-00003-00002232-00002910 they also need to work on places where accuracy matters. These two things should be separated. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00004-00003108-00003642 Another thing that teachers need to know about teaching speaking is that they need to understand GXk1Kio0n3Y-00005-00003642-00004500 the nature of progress: that often, students might not be able to do what they want them to do right GXk1Kio0n3Y-00006-00004500-00005226 away. Their brains know what they want to do, but their mouths and their automaticity don’t follow. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00007-00005316-00005826 This is normal, and it will come to a point where it becomes more automatic. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00008-00006072-00006444 Last, I think in speaking or in pronunciation, GXk1Kio0n3Y-00009-00006444-00006984 learners of any age can improve. It’s not a hopeless thing. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00010-00007080-00007584 Sometimes, I think adult learners think that they’re just never going to be able to do it, GXk1Kio0n3Y-00011-00007584-00008346 but what we know is that anybody can improve. It’s like any other skill. You just need to do it. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00012-00008460-00009150 Prof. Levis suggested that teachers should teach fluency and accuracy in separate tasks. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00013-00009288-00009882 He also pointed out that there’s a need to be patient because automaticity comes with GXk1Kio0n3Y-00014-00009882-00010614 practice little by little. By automaticity, he means the development of the ability to GXk1Kio0n3Y-00015-00010614-00011418 speak fluently by accessing language that’s also correct. This happens little by little over time. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00016-00011622-00012294 When we think about speaking tasks we might consider a design like a cycle, where the speaking GXk1Kio0n3Y-00017-00012294-00013182 task focus would change for each task from focus on fluency to focus on accuracy. The cycle would GXk1Kio0n3Y-00018-00013182-00014034 continue over a period of gradual progress in developing oral communication skills. Students GXk1Kio0n3Y-00019-00014034-00014591 might start with a planning task, where they’re thinking about what they’re going to talk about. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00020-00014736-00015534 They could work together using communication tools to engage in fluent communication. They can search GXk1Kio0n3Y-00021-00015534-00016362 for information to use in speaking. They might use internet tools to help them with the accuracy of GXk1Kio0n3Y-00022-00016362-00016992 their pronunciation. Planning can be good for helping students to develop their accuracy. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00023-00017076-00017742 A task following might be an accuracy-focused task where the student is required to present GXk1Kio0n3Y-00024-00017742-00018372 something, there’s time for rehearsal of the presentation, and the accuracy is important GXk1Kio0n3Y-00025-00018372-00019044 with the evaluation of the speaking task. At that point, the student is ready to have GXk1Kio0n3Y-00026-00019044-00019758 error correction because the focus is on accuracy. So, at that point the speaking GXk1Kio0n3Y-00027-00019758-00020394 might be interrupted to correct errors as the task moves to a focus on error correction. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00028-00020616-00021096 From there the students might have developed some new language skills GXk1Kio0n3Y-00029-00021096-00021678 and some new language knowledge, and they might be ready for a fluency-oriented task. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00030-00021864-00022578 A fluency-oriented task would allow the students to speak freely without stopping and correcting GXk1Kio0n3Y-00031-00022578-00023424 for errors, without focus on accuracy. In a fluency-based task the focus is on the GXk1Kio0n3Y-00032-00023424-00024048 meaning of what’s being said exclusively and the students are pushed to keep talking fluently. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00033-00024216-00024948 This cycle can be used with different types of tasks through the development of the speaking GXk1Kio0n3Y-00034-00024948-00025716 process. As students move to be able to talk about one topic and then another topic, they GXk1Kio0n3Y-00035-00025716-00026466 can work through tasks that focus alternatively on planning, accuracy, error correction and fluency. GXk1Kio0n3Y-00036-00026604-00027312 Prof. Levis emphasized that accented speech is not a problem for students. So, teaching should GXk1Kio0n3Y-00037-00027312-00028182 really focus on comprehensibility: Can the student be understood? When teachers correct errors, there GXk1Kio0n3Y-00038-00028182-00028770 are lots of errors to choose from and so teachers should focus on those that are actually a problem GXk1Kio0n3Y-00039-00028770-00029586 for comprehensibility without trying to reach a goal of native-like pronunciation. The goal for GXk1Kio0n3Y-00040-00029586-00030227 speaking instruction should be comprehensibility rather than native-like pronunciation. GXAuTMxXiCu-00000-00000036-00000346 Welcome back and congratulations on making it through the course! GXAuTMxXiCu-00001-00000346-00000752 In this video we are going to discuss the last 3 units and the course in general. GXAuTMxXiCu-00002-00000752-00001112 As you look back at the last units of this course, it’s important that you recognize GXAuTMxXiCu-00003-00001112-00001910 how each unit of this section contained information that you need to understand to appreciate the contents of the next unit you examined. GXAuTMxXiCu-00004-00001923-00002306 Making these connections will make it easier to remember the material GXAuTMxXiCu-00005-00002306-00002433 when you take the final exam. GXAuTMxXiCu-00006-00002434-00002932 In Unit 12, you learned that as a business communicator it is inevitable that you will have to deal GXAuTMxXiCu-00007-00002932-00003073 with unpleasant messages. GXAuTMxXiCu-00008-00003073-00003411 You also worked through the elements of a crisis communication plan GXAuTMxXiCu-00009-00003411-00004153 and how to manage press conferences, actives that are often associated with carrying out a crisis communication plan. GXAuTMxXiCu-00010-00004153-00004703 These situations involves audiences which are concerned or unhappy about what your business is doing. GXAuTMxXiCu-00011-00004703-00005217 To handle such situations effectively, a communicator needs a resilient personality and the ability GXAuTMxXiCu-00012-00005219-00005398 to build strong, positive relationships. GXAuTMxXiCu-00013-00005400-00006068 In Unit 13, you learned about a subject that can help you access and strengthen the resilience of your personality. GXAuTMxXiCu-00014-00006068-00006408 The unit also discussed the nature of interpersonal relationships GXAuTMxXiCu-00015-00006408-00006880 Exactly what you need to understand to to create an sustain positive relationships. GXAuTMxXiCu-00016-00006880-00007370 Even when a business is dealing with negative news or a crisis. GXAuTMxXiCu-00017-00007370-00008009 As a result, you should now recognize the connection between intra- and interpersonal communication, and negative news GXAuTMxXiCu-00018-00008009-00008592 Unit 14 focused on culture and the role it plays in interpersonal and business relationships. GXAuTMxXiCu-00019-00008592-00009070 Don't forget, culture doesn't only exist on a national or global level. GXAuTMxXiCu-00020-00009070-00009646 The reason the styles of management is included in unit 14 is because organizational communication GXAuTMxXiCu-00021-00009646-00010246 is also something the business communicators need to understand, if they are to produce effective internal messages, GXAuTMxXiCu-00022-00010246-00010564 such as, to employees or executives. GXAuTMxXiCu-00023-00010564-00010838 Another time culture can play an important role in business GXAuTMxXiCu-00024-00010838-00011276 is when people have to work in groups or teams. And this is the subject of unit 15. GXAuTMxXiCu-00025-00011276-00011570 The most cohesive groups are long standing ones GXAuTMxXiCu-00026-00011570-00012154 comprise of individuals to share the traits and/or attributes that are important to the group. GXAuTMxXiCu-00027-00012154-00012506 Long-standing groups tend to develop an internal culture of their own. GXAuTMxXiCu-00028-00012506-00012974 Such groups are usually much easier to manage than groups that were just formed. GXAuTMxXiCu-00029-00012974-00013518 It should be clear by now that interpersonal relationships are an important part of group dynamics. GXAuTMxXiCu-00030-00013518-00013978 But also don't ignore the connection between groups and management. GXAuTMxXiCu-00031-00013978-00014178 You should now be able to make the connection GXAuTMxXiCu-00032-00014178-00014504 between what you learned about interpersonal relationships. GXAuTMxXiCu-00033-00014504-00014836 to what you learned about the the roles of individuals in groups. GXAuTMxXiCu-00034-00014836-00015036 This is particularly important if your GXAuTMxXiCu-00035-00015036-00015316 role is in a leadership position in the group. GXAuTMxXiCu-00036-00015316-00015826 You should have also recognized how important it is for a leader to understand the culture GXAuTMxXiCu-00037-00015826-00016118 and relationships within the group. GXAuTMxXiCu-00038-00016119-00016536 The lack of such understanding can result in dysfunctional meetings or poor teamwork. GXAuTMxXiCu-00039-00016536-00016868 Now let's talk about the course as a whole and get you ready for the final exam. GXAuTMxXiCu-00040-00016868-00017054 You should look back over the ways GXAuTMxXiCu-00041-00017054-00017360 you could and should have absorbed the materials of this course. GXAuTMxXiCu-00042-00017360-00017460 this course provides. GXAuTMxXiCu-00043-00018116-00018462 Of course, re-reading the text book is a great way to prepare GXAuTMxXiCu-00044-00018462-00018742 However, because not everyone learns the same way GXAuTMxXiCu-00045-00018748-00019220 This course also includes other resources to supplement or enhance what you did. GXAuTMxXiCu-00046-00019220-00019684 For example; each subunit is presented with introductory information that inclued GXAuTMxXiCu-00047-00019684-00020240 suggestions about exercises that could help you absorb the material better. GXAuTMxXiCu-00048-00020240-00020636 By re-reading the textbook, watching or listening to the media resources, GXAuTMxXiCu-00049-00020636-00021076 trying the exercises and watching these videos, you should now feel fairly confident GXAuTMxXiCu-00050-00021076-00021308 in your ability to do well on the final exam. GXAuTMxXiCu-00051-00021308-00021686 However, on more step you might want to take before attempting the final exam GXAuTMxXiCu-00052-00021686-00021896 is to the the workbook study guide. GXAuTMxXiCu-00053-00021904-00022580 The workbook study guide has short, interactive activities that represent a comprehensive review of entire course. GXAuTMxXiCu-00054-00022580-00022990 You will get the most out of the workbook if you complete every single activity. GXAuTMxXiCu-00055-00022990-00023564 Because the interactive elements of the activities will tell you immediately if your responses are correct or not. GXAuTMxXiCu-00056-00023564-00023812 This process of selecting and rejecting GXAuTMxXiCu-00057-00023812-00024188 makes you hand the information in a realistic business context. GXAuTMxXiCu-00058-00024188-00024830 As a result, the workbook will not only show you what you've learned, it will also reenforce the confidence GXAuTMxXiCu-00059-00024830-00025182 you want, and should have when you take the final exam. GXAuTMxXiCu-00060-00025182-00025760 With the materials available to you, I have no doubt you will have success on the final exam. GXAuTMxXiCu-00061-00025760-00026189 We hope you have enjoyed your time with this course and best of luck on the final exam! GYnV4wMZj1I-00000-00001128-00001382 The Mechatronic technical Institute of Vicenza (Italy) GYnV4wMZj1I-00001-00001410-00001742 is a school that combining Technological Innovation to the Future Business GYnV4wMZj1I-00002-00001751-00002040 for boys interested in robotics and computer science. GYnV4wMZj1I-00003-00002087-00002394 The boys of ITS have just made at the Maker Faire GYnV4wMZj1I-00004-00002394-00002731 was held in Rome on October 5 the scara shot GYnV4wMZj1I-00005-00002765-00003243 or a robotic arm aimed at catering and bar, lounge bar, etc GYnV4wMZj1I-00006-00003289-00003613 the robotic arm picks up a glass from a predetermined position GYnV4wMZj1I-00007-00003640-00004006 and the fills on the way while it moves to the place of arrival. GYnV4wMZj1I-00008-00004013-00004515 The project involved the boys of the ITS in a team lasted 120 hours GYnV4wMZj1I-00009-00004552-00004869 Following the interview with one of the creators of the project GYnV4wMZj1I-00010-00004869-00005180 "Hello to everyone, we come from the ITS Mechatronic of Vicenza GYnV4wMZj1I-00011-00005210-00005873 this is a project of team working 120 hours to spare GYnV4wMZj1I-00012-00005925-00006452 this is a scara shot, it's practically a robot aimed at the restoration GYnV4wMZj1I-00013-00006518-00006810 that fills the glasses during the trip. GYnV4wMZj1I-00014-00006900-00007520 Picks up the glass from a loading position to the tray filled GYZ9K9Bxzey-00000-00000739-00000946 Welcome to Spotlight Advanced. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00001-00000946-00001195 I’m Katy Blake. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00002-00001195-00001379 And I’m Adam Navis. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00003-00001379-00001842 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00004-00001842-00002488 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00005-00003124-00003320 ‘Let me put the sheep in.’ GYZ9K9Bxzey-00006-00003321-00003586 ‘I want to put the wise men in.’ GYZ9K9Bxzey-00007-00003586-00003926 ‘Can I put the baby in?’ GYZ9K9Bxzey-00008-00003926-00004257 These children are not just playing. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00009-00004257-00004544 They are making something together. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00010-00004544-00004884 It is something they build every year. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00011-00004884-00005262 It helps them remember an important event. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00012-00005262-00005855 Many people around the world build something like this every year at Christmas. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00013-00005855-00006731 It is a Nativity scene. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00014-00006731-00007404 At Christmastime they remember the story of the birth of one special baby, Jesus. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00015-00007404-00008027 He was born over 2000 years ago in a small town called Bethlehem. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00016-00008027-00008481 He was born in a stable, the place where animals were kept. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00017-00008481-00008943 The animals ate from a manger, or animal feed box. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00018-00008943-00009325 The baby used a manger as his crib or bed. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00019-00009325-00009711 Shepherds with their sheep visited him. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00020-00009711-00010175 And wise men from the East brought him gifts. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00021-00010175-00010893 All of these things are included in this model of the night of Jesus’ birth. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00022-00010893-00011582 The Nativity scene contains small figures or statues of the baby Jesus, Mary his mother, GYZ9K9Bxzey-00023-00011582-00011727 and her husband Joseph. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00024-00011727-00012395 Figures of the animals and those who visited the baby are also included. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00025-00012395-00012883 People put nativity scenes in their homes to remember Jesus’ birth. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00026-00012883-00013637 Today’s Spotlight is on nativity scenes. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00027-00013637-00014587 Naples, in Italy, is a city that is famous for making nativity scenes. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00028-00014587-00015326 The people of that city have used nativity scenes in churches for almost a thousand years. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00029-00015326-00015736 The nativity scenes from Naples are very special. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00030-00015736-00016359 Sometimes people build them in the shape of a tall triangle with a star at the top. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00031-00016359-00016873 A star guided the wise men from the East to Jesus. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00032-00016873-00017458 The nativity scenes always include Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00033-00017458-00017955 But they also have lots of extra every-day people and objects. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00034-00017955-00018408 The largest nativity scene in the world is in Naples. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00035-00018408-00019465 It has 162 people, 80 animals, angels and about 450 smaller objects. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00036-00019465-00019956 Nativity scenes are also very important in the country of Malta. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00037-00019956-00020370 Maltese people first built them in the 17th] century. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00038-00020370-00021047 An organisation called the ‘Friends of the Crib’ was formed in Malta in 1986. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00039-00021047-00021347 It has over 500 members. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00040-00021347-00022052 In the weeks before Christmas the Friends organise a show of about 100 nativity scenes. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00041-00022052-00022384 They are in all shapes and sizes. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00042-00022384-00023326 Some even contain mechanical figures that move. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00043-00023326-00023867 In some countries the figures in nativity scenes move for a different reason. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00044-00023867-00024109 They move because they are alive! GYZ9K9Bxzey-00045-00024109-00024431 They are part of living nativity scenes. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00046-00024431-00024933 In Spain many towns create these living nativity scenes. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00047-00024933-00025398 Local people dress up as people from the story of Jesus’ birth. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00048-00025398-00025691 They act different parts of the story. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00049-00025691-00026325 The main nativity scene is always the birth of the baby Jesus. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00050-00026325-00026720 Living nativity scenes are also popular in Italy. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00051-00026720-00027269 In both countries some living nativity scenes are simple and basic. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00052-00027269-00027663 In other towns living nativity scenes are larger. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00053-00027663-00027972 Several hundred people may take part. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00054-00027972-00028516 They perform as characters from the story and people who lived in the town. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00055-00028516-00028958 And the performances can take place in the streets. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00056-00028958-00029554 Many people enjoy visiting these living nativity scenes. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00057-00029554-00030023 Some of these living nativity scenes are even famous. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00058-00030023-00030627 Over 100,000 people visit the island of Gozo in the weeks around Christmas. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00059-00030627-00031385 They come to this small island off Malta to experience a very special living nativity. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00060-00031385-00031820 Franco Ciangura is the mayor of the village of Ghajnsielem. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00061-00031820-00032452 He told the Guardian about the long tradition of building nativity scenes on the island. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00062-00032452-00033254 ‘For generations, making nativity scenes has been a big thing at Christmas. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00063-00033254-00033527 Every home in Gozo has one. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00064-00033527-00033884 Sometimes they take up a whole room in the house. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00065-00033884-00034147 Families start making them in early December.’ GYZ9K9Bxzey-00066-00034147-00035381 But in 2008 Mayor Ciangura and the people of his village did something amazing. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00067-00035381-00035665 And they have done it every year since then. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00068-00035665-00035991 They created a life-size nativity scene. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00069-00035991-00036201 But they also created more. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00070-00036201-00036575 They created a whole village. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00071-00036575-00037035 They made a model of the village of Bethlehem from 2000 years ago. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00072-00037035-00037549 They built the ‘Bethelehem’ village on fields near their own village. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00073-00037549-00038181 It covers a large area of over 20,000 square metres. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00074-00038181-00038584 This ‘Bethlehem’ village looks very natural. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00075-00038584-00038768 People perform real jobs. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00076-00038768-00039073 A real baker and his wife make bread. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00077-00039073-00039369 A real carpenter works with wood. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00078-00039369-00040102 He is happy to talk to visitors about his work as he uses tools such as a lathe. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00079-00040102-00040810 This ‘Bethlehem’ also has a market that sells fresh fruit, vegetables and fish. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00080-00040810-00041324 And people can meet friends and eat and drink at the village inn. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00081-00041324-00041883 It looks like any normal village would from 2000 years ago. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00082-00041883-00042553 Mayor Ciangura told the Guardian newspaper why the village is like this, GYZ9K9Bxzey-00083-00042553-00043282 ‘People have criticised me for making it too ordinary or normal, but this is how it GYZ9K9Bxzey-00084-00043282-00043437 really was. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00085-00043437-00043622 It was just an ordinary village. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00086-00043622-00043951 And in a stable a baby was born. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00087-00043951-00044247 And few people noticed. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00088-00044247-00045124 Just like here, life was going on as normal all around.’ GYZ9K9Bxzey-00089-00045124-00045714 Both local people and visitors enjoy the ‘Bethlehem’ village experience. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00090-00045714-00046069 Some people even stay in the village overnight. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00091-00046069-00046936 The story of Jesus’ birth says that 2000 years ago Mary and Joseph stayed in a stable. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00092-00046936-00047352 That is because there was no room for them anywhere else. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00093-00047352-00047713 But there is room for visitors today. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00094-00047713-00048356 And just like in Bethlehem 2000 years ago a baby is in a stable. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00095-00048356-00048959 In fact, more than one newborn baby plays the part of the baby Jesus. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00096-00048959-00049759 When Jesus was born, no one knew who he was - except the people represented in the nativity GYZ9K9Bxzey-00097-00049759-00049859 scene. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00098-00049859-00050088 He was just another baby. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00099-00050088-00050659 But in this living nativity Bethlehem everyone notices the baby. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00100-00050659-00051093 They know he is the reason people are celebrating. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00101-00051093-00052497 The baby born 2000 years ago is the reason for the celebration of Christmas. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00102-00052497-00052829 Have you ever seen a Christmas nativity scene? GYZ9K9Bxzey-00103-00052829-00053266 Do you make a nativity scene in your home or your community? GYZ9K9Bxzey-00104-00053266-00053454 Tell us about it. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00105-00053454-00053679 You can leave a comment on our website. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00106-00053679-00054252 Or email us at radio@radioenglish.net. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00107-00054252-00054948 You can also comment on Facebook at Facebook.com/spotlightradio. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00108-00054948-00055222 The writer of this programme was Katy Blake. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00109-00055222-00055465 The producer was Michio Ozaki. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00110-00055465-00055901 The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00111-00055901-00056408 All quotes were adapted for the programme and voiced by Spotlight. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00112-00056408-00057322 You can listen to this programme again, and read it, on the internet at www.radioenglish.net. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00113-00057322-00057791 This programme is called ‘Making Nativity Scenes.’ GYZ9K9Bxzey-00114-00057791-00058240 You can watch Spotlight’s own nativity scene being built. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00115-00058240-00058685 Just look for ‘Christmas Nativity’ on our YouTube channel. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00116-00058685-00059322 Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple devices. GYZ9K9Bxzey-00117-00059322-00059678 From all of us at Spotlight, Merry Christmas! GbFM7dZRBSY-00000-00000282-00000863 Hi everybody, it's Emily, and I'm here to talk to you about some strategies for doing GbFM7dZRBSY-00001-00000863-00001561 research for your career papers that you'll be doing in this class. First, before we get GbFM7dZRBSY-00002-00001561-00002035 started i want to talk to you about the goals that I have for you, first this short video, GbFM7dZRBSY-00003-00002035-00002622 and for thinking about research. First I want you to gain a strategy to find resources for GbFM7dZRBSY-00004-00002622-00003123 your paper, and then I'd also like for you to begin assessing the credibility of online GbFM7dZRBSY-00005-00003123-00003927 information sources that you're finding. And as a reminder, at any point that you're doing GbFM7dZRBSY-00006-00003927-00004430 research for this class or any other, the Library and librarians like myself are ready GbFM7dZRBSY-00007-00004430-00005086 and happy and able to help you. So on this screenshot you will see ways that you get GbFM7dZRBSY-00008-00005086-00005748 a hold of us, we do have 24/7 chat service. There's also an email web form, you can text GbFM7dZRBSY-00009-00005748-00006253 us, you can call the desk, you can look at our Library DIY, which is a point of need GbFM7dZRBSY-00010-00006253-00006955 flowchart for you to get answers to some questions. So let's dive in to talk about your career GbFM7dZRBSY-00011-00006955-00007393 paper. One of the things to remember about your career paper is that the information GbFM7dZRBSY-00012-00007393-00007969 about careers and jobs, is not going to be in peer-reviewed articles. It's not going GbFM7dZRBSY-00013-00007969-00008454 to be in scholarly sources. It's a very different kind of research. It's gonna require you to GbFM7dZRBSY-00014-00008454-00008993 think, it's gonna require you to do research, and you are probably going to start with Google, GbFM7dZRBSY-00015-00008993-00009544 Bing, Duck Duck Go, or your favorite search engine. Another place that you might consider GbFM7dZRBSY-00016-00009544-00010164 looking are professional association websites, or accrediting body websites. So a good tip GbFM7dZRBSY-00017-00010164-00010613 to keep in mind. But before you dive into your research, let's think about the credibility GbFM7dZRBSY-00018-00010613-00011631 of websites. Namely, the question: Are web sites credible? Well, if you're like me, you GbFM7dZRBSY-00019-00011631-00012207 might have answered "it depends." Right? It depends on context. It depends on how a web GbFM7dZRBSY-00020-00012207-00012911 site is going to be used. It depends on who the authority is, right? Let's talk about GbFM7dZRBSY-00021-00012911-00013701 some examples. My first example is from Biggoose.org. Now you might go there right now, pull up GbFM7dZRBSY-00022-00013701-00014026 a separate browser and look at it, take a poke around and see what you think. There GbFM7dZRBSY-00023-00014026-00014583 are a few things going for it. One, it looks like that very, that website that we're used GbFM7dZRBSY-00024-00014583-00015219 to, Wikipedia. Right, it looks like wikipedia. The other thing is that it ends in a .org GbFM7dZRBSY-00025-00015219-00015804 domain name, right? So these are things that I hear a lot but when in actuality if you GbFM7dZRBSY-00026-00015804-00016700 look closer at this website, it's satire. It's a joke. It's also a piece of art. My GbFM7dZRBSY-00027-00016700-00017356 friend B. is an artist and he created this website. If you look closer you see that the GbFM7dZRBSY-00028-00017356-00017959 Big Goose has a scientific name, it is the name given to a "terrifying, winged goose-like GbFM7dZRBSY-00029-00017959-00018551 creature" that "some believe" exists, right, in the Pacific Northwest. It has a wing span, GbFM7dZRBSY-00030-00018551-00019542 or it's height is a range between 10 to 30 feet. Well obviously that's not really true. GbFM7dZRBSY-00031-00019542-00020256 It's a joke. Now, if I were to use this website as a citation or a reference, it might actually GbFM7dZRBSY-00032-00020256-00020706 be appropriate. The kind of paper it would be appropriate in is a paper that would be GbFM7dZRBSY-00033-00020706-00021320 talking about satirical websites. Or artists. Or artists that do performance art on the GbFM7dZRBSY-00034-00021320-00021895 web. Right, but it's not something that you would use to substantiate the existence of GbFM7dZRBSY-00035-00021895-00022675 a big goose that lives in the Pacific Northwest. Let's look at a more health-related example. GbFM7dZRBSY-00036-00022675-00023343 This screenshot here is from the Corn Refiner's Association. The Corn Refiner's Association GbFM7dZRBSY-00037-00023343-00024078 is a lobbying organization, or an organization that supports farmers, and those that are GbFM7dZRBSY-00038-00024078-00024779 in the market of creating and distributing and using high fructose corn syrup. You'll GbFM7dZRBSY-00039-00024779-00025310 notice that it has some key points about high fructose corn syrup on its website, but you GbFM7dZRBSY-00040-00025310-00025907 want to take a closer look at those. None of those key points are pointing you to direct GbFM7dZRBSY-00041-00025907-00026429 citations or references. You'll also notice that it seems like, and you would need to GbFM7dZRBSY-00042-00026429-00026847 do further research to substantiate this, but it seems like all of the information has GbFM7dZRBSY-00043-00026847-00027444 been cherry-picked. That means that they're not providing the entire big picture of the GbFM7dZRBSY-00044-00027444-00028054 evidence that supports the use of high fructose corn syrup in foods. Now, you could definitely GbFM7dZRBSY-00045-00028054-00028563 cite or quote this website, if you're using it as a reference. But you might want to use GbFM7dZRBSY-00046-00028563-00029164 it in the context of information that comes from one side of the story. It is not giving GbFM7dZRBSY-00047-00029164-00029701 you all of the evidence. If you were doing a pro/con, you could say the Corn Refiner's GbFM7dZRBSY-00048-00029701-00030202 Association says this, and on the other hand this other organization or this other evidence GbFM7dZRBSY-00049-00030202-00031129 says this. Context is where it's at. So, let's move on to our next favorite. Wikipedia. Is GbFM7dZRBSY-00050-00031129-00031827 that credible? Well, again, it depends. Sometimes your professors say you can't use it at all. GbFM7dZRBSY-00051-00031827-00032363 I'm not a fan of that, but it happens in your classes. How are you going to use Wikipedia? GbFM7dZRBSY-00052-00032363-00032761 How are you going to evaluate what you find there? A lot of people will use it to look GbFM7dZRBSY-00053-00032761-00033175 at other references, and that's a perfectly appropriate place to go. When I'm working GbFM7dZRBSY-00054-00033175-00033551 to help students find questions to answers that I don't know anything about, I first GbFM7dZRBSY-00055-00033551-00034078 get informed by looking at a Wikipedia page. So it has its utility. Think again about the GbFM7dZRBSY-00056-00034078-00034738 context in which you're going to use that website. So I have some tips here for how GbFM7dZRBSY-00057-00034738-00035182 to evaluate websites that you find when you're looking for your sources for your career paper. GbFM7dZRBSY-00058-00035182-00035999 And it's called the C.R.A.P. test. C. R. A. P. that stands for: currency, reliability, GbFM7dZRBSY-00059-00035999-00036809 authority, and purpose. Is the website current? Is it reliable? Who is responsible for it? GbFM7dZRBSY-00060-00036809-00037337 What is the purpose of it? Now I want to circle back to something I said about Biggoose.org GbFM7dZRBSY-00061-00037337-00038047 that I forgot. Some people think that websites ending with a .org address are reliable. Well GbFM7dZRBSY-00062-00038047-00038453 it used to be the case that you needed to a be a nonprofit or an organization to have GbFM7dZRBSY-00063-00038453-00039436 that kind of web address. Anymore, it is not restricted. Anybody can have a .org website. GbFM7dZRBSY-00064-00039436-00040061 So that is not a marker of reliability. There are some resources for you to support you GbFM7dZRBSY-00065-00040061-00040528 in doing your career paper. There is this course guide for your class, aimed specifically GbFM7dZRBSY-00066-00040528-00041175 at the paper, that I made for you. On the home page it links to the other parts of the GbFM7dZRBSY-00067-00041175-00041783 website that you can visit. On the Evaluating Websites guide I'd highly encourage you to GbFM7dZRBSY-00068-00041783-00042266 take a look at the video that shows the C.R.A.P. Test in action for a website. It will walk GbFM7dZRBSY-00069-00042266-00042934 you through using those questions to see if a website is reliable for you to use. On the GbFM7dZRBSY-00070-00042934-00043665 next page, you have the Exploring Careers page. It has some resources you can search, GbFM7dZRBSY-00071-00043665-00044270 it has some books and ebooks that you can find. The purple book, the Health Care Careers GbFM7dZRBSY-00072-00044270-00044730 Directory is here in the PSU Library. If you are on campus you may come and use it. It GbFM7dZRBSY-00073-00044730-00045484 tells you information about the education you need for a career in a medical setting, GbFM7dZRBSY-00074-00045484-00045901 it will tell you the kind of salary you can expect, it's a really great resource for this GbFM7dZRBSY-00075-00045901-00046594 paper. I also link on this page to the Bureau of Labor Statistic Occupational Outlook Handbook. GbFM7dZRBSY-00076-00046594-00047046 It also gives you things like income, the education that you might need, the job growth GbFM7dZRBSY-00077-00047046-00047530 in that sector, what kind of things you'd be doing at the job, and more. So I'd highly GbFM7dZRBSY-00078-00047530-00048278 encourage you to look it up. Finally, this page has a cite your sources page. It gives GbFM7dZRBSY-00079-00048278-00048851 you information and places to go for tips on citing your sources for your career paper. GbFM7dZRBSY-00080-00048851-00049293 And then also the Job Applications and Interviewing page is just really helpful especially if GbFM7dZRBSY-00081-00049293-00049768 you are looking, if you're close to that point of applying for jobs, doing interview, and GbFM7dZRBSY-00082-00049768-00050334 writing your resume. So to recap what we talked about. For this paper you're going to look GbFM7dZRBSY-00083-00050334-00050841 for sources on the web, you're going to evaluate them using the C.R.A.P. test. You're going GbFM7dZRBSY-00084-00050841-00051239 to use the course guide and the resources there, and then you're also going to ask for GbFM7dZRBSY-00085-00051239-00051587 help when you need it. Alright everyone. Good luck. Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00000-00000000-00000703 Hey everybody! I'm Julie and I'm Chaya and we run the Instructional Media and Design Center. We're outside because Daylight is Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00001-00000703-00001406 Daylight is coming to BOLT on August 17th. And we want to make sure that you're in the know about what's Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00002-00001406-00002323 going on with this change to BOLT. So we are going to be starting from now until August 17th, IMDC Informational Minutes. Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00003-00002873-00003726 In this video we will show you how to automatically release the final grade in BOLT. This is nice if you'd like your students to see are running told Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00004-00003726-00004266 a running total of their grade throughout the semester. To get started Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00005-00004266-00004723 Go to the course, Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00006-00004723-00004976 click 'Assessments'. Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00007-00004976-00005249 Click 'Grades'. Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00008-00005250-00005740 Once in the Grades area, click 'Settings'. Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00009-00005740-00006316 Then click 'Calculation Options'. Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00010-00006316-00006809 Once in 'Calculation Options' scroll down, Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00011-00006809-00007120 until you see 'Final Grade Released' Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00012-00007120-00007686 and then check 'Automatically release final grade'. Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00013-00007686-00007919 Click 'Save'. Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00014-00007920-00008100 You'll be asked to confirm Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00015-00008100-00008226 click 'Yes'. Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00016-00008226-00008713 And it will tell you that it's saved successfully Gdx6Vx2S3d8-00017-00008713-00009713 We hope you enjoyed that IMDC Informational Minute. Thanks for watching and remember the IMDC is located in Andruss Library in room 206. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00000-00000000-00000246 India is no longer India, brother. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00001-00000272-00000523 India has become Hindustan. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00002-00000523-00000813 Hindustan means you understand Hindustan. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00003-00000813-00001227 What is Hindustan, our Fiza Khalifa will tell you this Smriti Irani. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00004-00001227-00001500 That alone is enough for the whole of Pakistan and for you. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00005-00001786-00001986 India is not a piece of land. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00006-00002126-00002406 There is a living Patriot. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00007-00002544-00002737 Atal ji had said. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00008-00002865-00003166 That this is the land of worship, the land of greetings. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00009-00003297-00003754 This is the land of offering, this is the land of libation. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00010-00003754-00003990 Its river is the Ganges for us. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00011-00003990-00004238 This pebble is Shankar for us. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00012-00004343-00004756 If we live for this India, we die for this India. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00013-00004756-00004956 And even after death. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00014-00004956-00005403 Somebody will listen with ear to our ashes flowing in the Ganges water. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00015-00005403-00005713 So only one voice will come, Bharat Mata should be spoken. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00016-00005838-00006546 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00017-00006584-00006824 America has once again fallen on Pakistan. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00018-00006824-00007149 The relationship between America and Pakistan is like Laila Majnu. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00019-00007149-00007387 For some time America was angry with Pakistan. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00020-00007387-00007706 He had stopped begging to Pakistan but. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00021-00007706-00008022 Now again America has been a little kind. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00022-00008022-00008252 And started giving a little begging. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00023-00008252-00008728 And I said that if I have come then you will understand that I have come to ask. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00024-00008728-00009363 I did not come to ask but it is a compulsion, as you have supported us in the last 75 years. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00025-00009363-00009712 Help me in some way, I promise that GlqPIlQ8GkU-00026-00009712-00010437 We will work hard day and night, earn money, stand on our own feet. InshaAllah GlqPIlQ8GkU-00027-00010514-00010902 fighter jet f 16 which America gave to Pakistan in alms. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00028-00010902-00011216 It is not useful for fighting terrorists but for fighting terrorists. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00029-00011216-00011321 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00030-00011321-00011602 When our External Affairs Minister Jai Shankar ji came to know about this. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00031-00011602-00012082 And he ditched America., they said that there is no need to fool the world. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00032-00012082-00012429 Pakistan is going to use this F16 against India. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00033-00012429-00012773 So the journalists of Pakistan have gone on this topic among the Pakistani people. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00034-00012773-00013092 And have tried to know what is going on, what is happening after all. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00035-00013092-00013337 So we will take care of everyone from this. So let's go to Pakistan. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00036-00013337-00013565 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00037-00013638-00014034 Mohammad Liaquat, the topic on which we are shooting the video today is this. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00038-00014034-00014579 That has bought F16 from UA from Pakistan, the deal is going on. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00039-00014579-00015125 Should we have taken F 16 in praise of the flood, or should not have taken it, that is the question. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00040-00015125-00015343 Should have bought or not is the question. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00041-00015343-00015626 The second question is whether the people of India GlqPIlQ8GkU-00042-00015663-00016088 The Foreign Minister of India has to say that, this is the F 16. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00043-00016088-00016446 What are you going to say about it, used against us? GlqPIlQ8GkU-00044-00016500-00016919 The first thing is that the floods that came before them. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00045-00016919-00017097 She should have helped him. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00046-00017097-00017421 And the second is that India is suffering because of this. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00047-00017436-00017678 The country outside is Pakistan, which India is afraid of. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00048-00017678-00017795 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00049-00017795-00018164 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00050-00018203-00018547 India is afraid of Pakistan, it should have taken it too. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00051-00018581-00019042 Should have taken it, why will India be afraid of you now hungry naked, you have what GlqPIlQ8GkU-00052-00019042-00019334 You do not have grains to eat, you are dying of hunger. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00053-00019334-00019592 Your 1/3 Pakistan is submerged in water. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00054-00019592-00019918 a single hair; You are in debt, and we will fear you. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00055-00019918-00020106 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00056-00020106-00020247 That all is good. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00057-00020247-00020669 We saved the country from bankruptcy, all proved to be lies and deceit. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00058-00020669-00021094 It has been clearly stated in the IMF report that Pakistan is standing at a difficult crossroads at this time. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00059-00021094-00021347 IMF was speaking this. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00060-00021347-00021692 That India's economy will be 5th larger. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00061-00021692-00022048 And will cross the UK by 2027. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00062-00022089-00022264 And today is 2022. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00063-00022264-00022428 Meaning it was done 5 years ago. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00064-00022428-00023058 music GlqPIlQ8GkU-00065-00023114-00023248 You said afraid. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00066-00023248-00023471 How can we say that. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00067-00023471-00023863 Or you can see with which mind set you spoke. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00068-00023863-00024266 The spirit of Iman inside a Muslim is afraid of that spirit. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00069-00024660-00025049 We have Superiority Complex. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00070-00025073-00025324 We will go to heaven, everyone else will burn. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00071-00025324-00025655 When you come from so high, The feed itself is done. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00072-00025655-00026104 15-29 years old brother, you are the most superior, everything is useless. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00073-00026119-00026656 Then you become arrogant, and then when you behave like this, Then the person in front says if you have, then nothing. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00074-00026656-00027388 On the rescue of $ 800 million, your whole country of 24 million people $ 800 million, the country is, on IMF GlqPIlQ8GkU-00075-00027396-00027702 And arrogant you are complete, you understand. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00076-00027702-00028060 That is the street or the locality GlqPIlQ8GkU-00077-00028060-00028467 Good Leaf doesn't have money, but misconception is seeing the whole thing. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00078-00028467-00028700 So we are the same boys, the world. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00079-00028700-00029105 He has nothing, but the misconception is complete. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00080-00029112-00029397 Take such men, people remove them. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00081-00029411-00029538 We are the same people. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00082-00029538-00029830 (meme***) People like you are the respect of Pakistan. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00083-00029909-00030164 And secondly, Muslim is also present in India. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00084-00030164-00030624 It exists in India but it is made in the name of tomorrow in Pakistan. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00085-00030624-00030912 Made in the name of Muslim's. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00086-00030912-00031174 Afraid of the spirit of Muslim. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00087-00031191-00031550 Every day Afghans are killing your army on the border. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00088-00031551-00031751 T.TV people are going to enter your house and kill them, GlqPIlQ8GkU-00089-00031751-00032080 So where is this emotion being used, fools, tell me this. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00090-00032080-00032465 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00091-00032476-00032993 The question is whether there is a flood condition , in this condition Pakistan has made a deal with it. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00092-00032993-00033297 Of F 16, should we take it in this condition. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00093-00033297-00033740 This is a narrative being shown from India's side. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00094-00033740-00034234 And he has said that the UA has given F 16 to Pakistan. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00095-00034234-00034627 He can't fool us, he looks like it will be used against us. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00096-00034627-00035045 What would you like to say? First of all, your economy should be better. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00097-00035045-00035144 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00098-00035144-00035576 The main thing is economy, and secondly, India became independent with us. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00099-00035576-00035864 We were free, they were made from the beginning. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00100-00035864-00036317 But it is that development started with us in 1947. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00101-00036317-00036692 Look at their economy today, look at Bangladesh at number two. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00102-00036692-00036971 We were separated at 71, and look today. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00103-00036971-00037141 What do we have, what do we have. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00104-00037142-00037342 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00105-00037342-00038027 Defense is our strong, only these things are left that we are Muslim, Muslim, Muslim. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00106-00038027-00038374 And we do not have economy, look at the condition of the people. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00107-00038374-00038795 You see all this above, they have made it by taking loans. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00108-00038795-00039269 And we are doing debt only, well, and the economy is very bad, I also know this. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00109-00039269-00039687 So we do not have any competition with India in all these things. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00110-00039687-00040092 Because his economy is very good, and he is at number two. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00111-00040092-00040371 His public can openly express it. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00112-00040371-00040624 Our companions talk a little, pick them up and take them away. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00113-00040624-00040885 People talk a little, pick them up and take them away. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00114-00040885-00041101 All these things are better there. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00115-00041101-00041585 If something is wrong, then wrong should be called wrong and right should be called right. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00116-00041585-00041820 I am appreciating them in a very good way. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00117-00041820-00042193 That if whatever is wrong then whether it is in Pakistan, India or anywhere in the world. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00118-00042193-00042500 What is wrong should be said wrong and what is right should be called right. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00119-00042500-00042709 I often watch your program. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00120-00042709-00043067 I like it very much and I want to give this message to the people of India and everyone. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00121-00043067-00043386 that together we can move forward, GlqPIlQ8GkU-00122-00043386-00043821 I also believe that we need India at this time. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00123-00043821-00044236 Because this big people will probably find it bad, because their economy is better, stable. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00124-00044236-00044684 What happened in the audio leaked of Maryam Nawaz now? Audio leaked and getting it from India. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00125-00044684-00045164 The relationship is fine within them, write that people have been fooled. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00126-00045164-00045435 People hate each other, that's how it is. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00127-00045435-00045888 This brother is also from here, this too a Muslim, I am also a Muslim, you are also a Muslim, GlqPIlQ8GkU-00128-00045888-00046088 there has been a slight change in thinking. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00129-00046089-00046289 Brother is right. Brother is right. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00130-00046289-00046696 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00131-00046696-00047342 Look, if there is someone to explain, then any person can understand in 1 minute. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00132-00047342-00047784 But we have not found anyone to understand, till today we have found only those who fight. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00133-00047784-00048406 What would you like to tell me about whether we should have taken F16 in this condition or not? GlqPIlQ8GkU-00134-00048406-00048862 No 16 is not needed, first of all save those who are drowning. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00135-00048862-00049276 These people who are there, do something for them, they are going to take the ship. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00136-00049276-00049476 What will you do with the ship? GlqPIlQ8GkU-00137-00049476-00049697 First of all, people should fix the situation. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00138-00049697-00050090 When the condition of the public gets better, whether take a ship or do anything. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00139-00050090-00050336 Alright, which war is going to happen for us now? GlqPIlQ8GkU-00140-00050336-00050862 It is obvious that strengthening defence is a good thing, it should be, but the economy. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00141-00050862-00051000 The public is yours first. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00142-00051000-00051226 Who is doing the defence, doing it for the public. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00143-00051226-00051691 But the public is starving, what to do with the defense, they are drowning. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00144-00051691-00052156 And there is no such thing in Pakistan that only stupid donkeys live. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00145-00052156-00052284 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00146-00052312-00052657 F16 has come in the middle of the love story of Pakistan and America. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00147-00052657-00052970 And Jai Shankar ji expressed his anger. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00148-00052970-00053138 And you have already seen the video. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00149-00053138-00053446 So now the last ritual is left for the comments, do that too. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00150-00053446-00053657 And if you can share then do that too. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00151-00053657-00053911 I also make a vlog, I have given the link in the description. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00152-00053911-00054170 There is also Instagram, follow one, subscribe to one. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00153-00054171-00054270 (meme***) GlqPIlQ8GkU-00154-00054271-00054591 You guys take care of yourself, your brother keeps bringing you videos related to Pak media. GlqPIlQ8GkU-00155-00054591-00054828 Jai Hind Vende Mataram Jai Shri Ram Jai Shri Ram GlqPIlQ8GkU-00156-00054828-00054928 Jai Shri Ram. GnMjY2BfDSc-00000-00001011-00001512 To change disposable batteries, you first need to remove the battery pack cover. GnMjY2BfDSc-00001-00001550-00001936 Make sure that the battery pack cover lock is in the vertical unlocked position. GnMjY2BfDSc-00002-00001980-00002188 Then slide the cover off the battery pack. GnMjY2BfDSc-00003-00002266-00002702 Use the coil magnet to remove the old batteries from the battery pack frame. GnMjY2BfDSc-00004-00003718-00004038 Insert the new batteries into the battery pack frame GnMjY2BfDSc-00005-00004038-00004282 with the positive poles facing out. GnMjY2BfDSc-00006-00005624-00005802 Then replace the battery pack cover, GnMjY2BfDSc-00007-00005844-00006144 and, if the audio processor belongs to a child, GnMjY2BfDSc-00008-00006170-00006338 lock it into place. H2f1fjoG4EU-00000-00000492-00001125 To begin this chapter lets take a step back and consider what we know so far. Recall from H2f1fjoG4EU-00001-00001125-00001642 the previous chapter that we grouped the brain into four broad areas: the brain stem, the H2f1fjoG4EU-00002-00001642-00002311 cerebellum, the diencephalon, and the cerebrum. Recall also that the cerebrum we differentiated H2f1fjoG4EU-00003-00002311-00003053 into three broad areas, the cortex, white matter tracks and subcortical structures including H2f1fjoG4EU-00004-00003053-00003626 the basil ganglia, the amygdala, and the hippocampus. In this chapter, we’ll focus on the cortex. H2f1fjoG4EU-00005-00003626-00004698 Specifically, we’ll talk about a way of grouping the cortex into four broad lobes. H2f1fjoG4EU-00006-00004698-00005160 when talking about the cortex it’s important to point out that you can divide it any number H2f1fjoG4EU-00007-00005160-00005757 of ways depending on your purpose. Here we’re going to differentiate between four areas H2f1fjoG4EU-00008-00005757-00006461 of the cortex we call lobes: the frontal lobes, the parietal lobes, the temporal lobes, and H2f1fjoG4EU-00009-00006461-00007109 the occipital lobes. These lobes all do different things, although they’re closely related. H2f1fjoG4EU-00010-00007109-00007556 Each lobe has rich connections with several brain structures all the way down from the H2f1fjoG4EU-00011-00007556-00008242 brain stem, the cerebellum, the diencephalon, and other cortical areas. But it’s this H2f1fjoG4EU-00012-00008242-00008703 last piece, it’s connections with its cortical areas, that are perhaps most relevant to this H2f1fjoG4EU-00013-00008703-00009177 discussion. With each lobe that we discuss we’ll make a distinction between two broad H2f1fjoG4EU-00014-00009177-00009742 areas: the primary area, which is a dedicated area that processes very specific kinds of H2f1fjoG4EU-00015-00009742-00010458 signals, either motor or sensory, and in contrast to that, broader association areas, that take H2f1fjoG4EU-00016-00010458-00011067 that basic signal and turn it into a more complex, meaningful experience. With that H2f1fjoG4EU-00017-00011067-00012046 in mind let’s begin by discussing the frontal lobes. H2f1fjoG4EU-00018-00012046-00012642 The frontal lobes consist of the front one third of the cerebral cortex. Now given its H2f1fjoG4EU-00019-00012642-00013150 size, it’s perhaps not surprising then that the frontal lobes are involved in a wide range H2f1fjoG4EU-00020-00013150-00013956 of functions including planning, organization, and emotional regulation to name but a few. H2f1fjoG4EU-00021-00013956-00014546 The frontal lobe can be differentiated between its primary area, in this case a primary motor H2f1fjoG4EU-00022-00014546-00015084 area, and several association areas. Lets talk about each of them beginning with the H2f1fjoG4EU-00023-00015084-00015829 primary motor cortex. H2f1fjoG4EU-00024-00015829-00016279 The primary motor cortex is the most posterior part of the frontal lobe, and it’s a thin H2f1fjoG4EU-00025-00016279-00016931 strip that runs parallel to the central sulcus. Interestingly enough, the primary motor cortex H2f1fjoG4EU-00026-00016931-00017498 consists of a direct mapping for every muscle that it conrols in the body. We call this H2f1fjoG4EU-00027-00017498-00018198 the motor homunculus. Now that mapping is slightly disfigured. You might think that H2f1fjoG4EU-00028-00018198-00018723 the relative size of the cortex area dedicated to a certain muscle group would correspond H2f1fjoG4EU-00029-00018723-00019198 to say the size of the actual body part that it controls. If that were true you would expect H2f1fjoG4EU-00030-00019198-00019834 a larger area of the cortex dedicated to processing something like your torso. Instead, the motor H2f1fjoG4EU-00031-00019834-00020373 homunculus is slightly disfigured in that the size of a given area of the cortex is H2f1fjoG4EU-00032-00020373-00021050 in proportion to the precision of the movements that that area controls. So for example you H2f1fjoG4EU-00033-00021050-00021625 have much larger cortical areas responsible for the movement of lips and your mouth than H2f1fjoG4EU-00034-00021625-00022200 you do say of your torso. That’s really no that surprising, you just need more neurons, H2f1fjoG4EU-00035-00022200-00022898 so more cortical area, to do the kind of complex things that your mouth has to do for say speech, H2f1fjoG4EU-00036-00022898-00023720 language, things like that. H2f1fjoG4EU-00037-00023720-00024273 Lying just anterior to the primary motor cortex are the motor association areas. The motor H2f1fjoG4EU-00038-00024273-00024840 association areas consist of a few components including the supplementary motor area and H2f1fjoG4EU-00039-00024840-00025346 the premotor cortex, but here we’ll go ahead and talk about the motor association area H2f1fjoG4EU-00040-00025346-00026022 as one functional unit. That unit has rich reciprocal connections with several areas H2f1fjoG4EU-00041-00026022-00026620 of the cortex including the parietal lobes and the prefrontal cortex. Now the major role H2f1fjoG4EU-00042-00026620-00027291 of the motor association area is to plan and refine complex movements, but not execute H2f1fjoG4EU-00043-00027291-00027739 them, remember that’s the job of the primary motor cortex. Let’s think about an example H2f1fjoG4EU-00044-00027739-00028147 of the importance of the motor association areas. Let’s say you’re sitting at the H2f1fjoG4EU-00045-00028147-00028667 breakfast table and you reach out and you grab a cup of coffee off the table. That seems H2f1fjoG4EU-00046-00028667-00029270 like a pretty simple movement, and in reality it is especially compared to the complex movement H2f1fjoG4EU-00047-00029270-00029638 that you’re going to coordinate throughout the rest of the day. But if you think about H2f1fjoG4EU-00048-00029638-00030338 it, even that basic movement requires incredible amounts of coordination of muscles. Not only H2f1fjoG4EU-00049-00030338-00030956 the sequence and timing of the muscle execution, but in terms of differential force and velocity H2f1fjoG4EU-00050-00030956-00031507 of each muscle just to reach out and grab a coffee cup. So, in even the simplest of H2f1fjoG4EU-00051-00031507-00032523 actions the motor association areas play a vital role. H2f1fjoG4EU-00052-00032523-00033072 Lying anterior to the motor association areas is another very important association area H2f1fjoG4EU-00053-00033072-00033633 for the frontal lobe called the prefrontal cortex. It includes deep reciprocal connections H2f1fjoG4EU-00054-00033633-00034375 with everything from the brain stem, the cerebellum, subcortical structures, and other cortical H2f1fjoG4EU-00055-00034375-00035109 areas. In fact, it’s perhaps the most widely connected area of the brain. Now it’s possible H2f1fjoG4EU-00056-00035109-00035685 to further differentiate the prefrontal cortex into additional subdivisions however for our H2f1fjoG4EU-00057-00035685-00036224 purposes we’ll continue to talk about the prefrontal cortex as one functional whole. H2f1fjoG4EU-00058-00036224-00036724 Given how richly connected the prefrontal cortex is to so many areas of the brain it’s H2f1fjoG4EU-00059-00036724-00037330 not surprising that it tends to play a vital role in a wide range of very important functions. H2f1fjoG4EU-00060-00037330-00037871 Notably, it’s crucial for things like executive functions, such as planning, organization, H2f1fjoG4EU-00061-00037871-00038575 goal directed behavior as well as emotional regulation, basic reasoning and thought, and H2f1fjoG4EU-00062-00038575-00039249 delayed gratification – that is, the ability to override a gut response for the possibility H2f1fjoG4EU-00063-00039249-00039888 of better outcome later on. Perhaps the best way to think about the role of the prefrontal H2f1fjoG4EU-00064-00039888-00040360 cortex is to consider the most famous case of prefrontal cortex damage in history: this H2f1fjoG4EU-00065-00040360-00041182 is the story of Phineas Gage. Let me paint the picture. It’s September 13, 1848 and H2f1fjoG4EU-00066-00041182-00041697 Phineas Gage is a 25 year old foreman for a railroad company that’s making their way H2f1fjoG4EU-00067-00041697-00042341 through Kavendish, Vermont. Now Phineas is widely regarded by his employers as a model H2f1fjoG4EU-00068-00042341-00042940 employee. One of Phineas’s responsibilities as the head foreman was to oversee the destruction H2f1fjoG4EU-00069-00042940-00043663 of large boulders that would often lie in the way of the planned track that to lay down. H2f1fjoG4EU-00070-00043663-00044150 How do you destroy a large boulder? Well, as Phineas could have told you it involves H2f1fjoG4EU-00071-00044150-00044735 drilling a hole deep down to the center of that boulder, and packing that hole with a H2f1fjoG4EU-00072-00044735-00045428 combination of gunpowder, a fuse, and sand. And how do you pack it? You use a tamping H2f1fjoG4EU-00073-00045428-00046018 iron. A tamping iron is something about like a javelin, it weighs about 13 pounds, it’s H2f1fjoG4EU-00074-00046018-00046589 about three and half feet long, and about one and a quarter inch in diameter. So, Phineas H2f1fjoG4EU-00075-00046589-00047193 did this quite often but on this day Phineas forgot one important thing in that mixture, H2f1fjoG4EU-00076-00047193-00047766 he didn’t include sand. So when he took the tamping iron and started packing down H2f1fjoG4EU-00077-00047766-00048405 gunpowder and a fuse, it ignited on him, and unfortunately it turned his tamping iron into H2f1fjoG4EU-00078-00048405-00048955 a projectile. The tamping iron was immediately shot straight through his prefrontal cotex H2f1fjoG4EU-00079-00048955-00049412 and out the top of his head. It was said that they found the tamping iton about eighty feet H2f1fjoG4EU-00080-00049412-00049849 from the site of the accident. So what happened to Phineas Gage? I wouldn’t H2f1fjoG4EU-00081-00049849-00050275 blame you if you assumed he died. Well that would be kind of a boring story and not tell H2f1fjoG4EU-00082-00050275-00050762 us much about the prefrontal cortex, so of course he didn’t die immediately. In fact, H2f1fjoG4EU-00083-00050762-00051217 not only did he not die, when everyone came running to see what the problem was, Phineas H2f1fjoG4EU-00084-00051217-00051696 could talk to them. He was clearly a little dazed and confused, but he was conscious and H2f1fjoG4EU-00085-00051696-00052243 able to articulate what had just happened. He was even able to walk on his own volition H2f1fjoG4EU-00086-00052243-00052732 to the carriage that was to take him into town to see a doctor. Now when he gets to H2f1fjoG4EU-00087-00052732-00053366 town the doctor says, “you know I didn’t believe him until Phineas started to feel H2f1fjoG4EU-00088-00053366-00054105 nauseous, and as he bent over to vomit, the pressure of vomiting pushed out a teacup full H2f1fjoG4EU-00089-00054105-00054645 of Phineas’s brain on to the floor. Recall I mentioned that consistency of the brain H2f1fjoG4EU-00090-00054645-00055076 is something like tapioca pudding and jello, and it lacks a lot of internal structure. H2f1fjoG4EU-00091-00055076-00055504 So if you ever find yourself with a hole in your head my advice is don’t vomit or you’re H2f1fjoG4EU-00092-00055504-00056002 going to loose some cortex. Okay, so now the doctor believes that something’s H2f1fjoG4EU-00093-00056002-00056565 wrong with Phineas and he treats him. After about a month, Phineas seems fine, the doctor H2f1fjoG4EU-00094-00056565-00057121 releases him and Phineas goes home. It’s not until Phineas tries to resume the things H2f1fjoG4EU-00095-00057121-00057762 he did in his past life that the role of the prefrontal cortex becomes obvious. So what H2f1fjoG4EU-00096-00057762-00058402 where they? First, when Phineas went to get his job back at the railroad it became immediately H2f1fjoG4EU-00097-00058402-00059064 evident to his employers that, as they said, Phineas wasn’t Phineas anymore. Instead H2f1fjoG4EU-00098-00059064-00059676 of this young, incredibly mature, well-liked, respectful employee, what stood before them H2f1fjoG4EU-00099-00059676-00060391 now was a very aggressive, belligerent, vulgar individual who had no respect for authority H2f1fjoG4EU-00100-00060391-00061016 and would no sooner create a plan as abandon it for another plan. That is, he couldn’t H2f1fjoG4EU-00101-00061016-00061470 do any kind of goal directed behavior and lacked some basic executive functions, so H2f1fjoG4EU-00102-00061470-00061869 he couldn’t be a foreman anymore. In fact, they couldn’t even employ him on the railroad H2f1fjoG4EU-00103-00061869-00062499 at all. So Phineas does some odds and ends jobs including at some point putting himself H2f1fjoG4EU-00104-00062499-00063262 on display at the Barnum’s Museum in New York. At some point, we even find Phineas H2f1fjoG4EU-00105-00063262-00063908 several years later driving stage coach in Chile. So, he hand an eventful life. H2f1fjoG4EU-00106-00063908-00064445 Now the story of Phineas Gage is important for two reasons. First, and the most obvious, H2f1fjoG4EU-00107-00064445-00065005 is that judging by what happened to him it seems pretty clear that the prefrontal cortex H2f1fjoG4EU-00108-00065005-00065560 is important for several of these sort of executive functions we talked about. Clearly H2f1fjoG4EU-00109-00065560-00066051 Phineas Gage wasn’t as responsible, didn’t have as much emotional regulation, didin’t H2f1fjoG4EU-00110-00066051-00066764 have the kind of goal directed behavior that he once had. But I think just as important H2f1fjoG4EU-00111-00066764-00067461 is what Phineas still could do. I mean think about it. Yes, he did lack the kind of overall H2f1fjoG4EU-00112-00067461-00068027 maturity that he displayed before the accident but it wasn’t as if he had no executive H2f1fjoG4EU-00113-00068027-00068597 functions anymore. I mean, in the 19th century, simply making your way from New Hampshire H2f1fjoG4EU-00114-00068597-00069223 to New York City to be on display, heck even knowing that you could put yourself on display H2f1fjoG4EU-00115-00069223-00069649 and that people would pay money to see your misfortune requires a little bit of complex H2f1fjoG4EU-00116-00069649-00070362 thinking. But more important, I don’t think you could be a stagecoach driver in Chile H2f1fjoG4EU-00117-00070362-00070989 without a little bit of executive functioning. So what does Phineas Gage’s story specifically, H2f1fjoG4EU-00118-00070989-00071514 and the prefrontal cortex in general perhaps tell us about the organization of the brain H2f1fjoG4EU-00119-00071514-00072051 as a whole? Perhaps the most important thing that this teaches us is that it’s incredibly H2f1fjoG4EU-00120-00072051-00072762 difficult for us to talk about brain structures and functions in a way that effectively deals H2f1fjoG4EU-00121-00072762-00073337 with complexity inherent in the brain. In fact, one of the problems is, our language H2f1fjoG4EU-00122-00073337-00073812 is somewhat impoverished in the way we’re able to communicate about the brain, so we H2f1fjoG4EU-00123-00073812-00074281 end up talking about structures and functions as if there is this one-to-one mapping. So H2f1fjoG4EU-00124-00074281-00074743 we’ll say “the prefrontal cortex does delayed gratification.” Well that’s not H2f1fjoG4EU-00125-00074743-00075393 quite right. It’s true that the prefrontal cortex is necessary for delayed gratification, H2f1fjoG4EU-00126-00075393-00075962 but in reality, it exists as part of a network of brain structures that together give rise H2f1fjoG4EU-00127-00075962-00076658 to this complex thing called delayed gratification. A good example of this is thinking about starting H2f1fjoG4EU-00128-00076658-00077192 your car in the morning. If before you started your car, you opened the hood and you removed H2f1fjoG4EU-00129-00077192-00077724 a spark plug, what would happen? Well, clearly your car wouldn’t start. And it would be H2f1fjoG4EU-00130-00077724-00078366 fair for you to then say “well, clearly the spark plug is important for starting the H2f1fjoG4EU-00131-00078366-00078880 car, because if I remove it, it doesn’t start.” That’s fine. The problem comes H2f1fjoG4EU-00132-00078880-00079421 when we make a broader leap and say “well clearly this shows that the spark plug is H2f1fjoG4EU-00133-00079421-00080093 the area for starting your car.” That’s not quite right. In reality, the spark plug H2f1fjoG4EU-00134-00080093-00080794 is part of a broader network of engine structures that all contribute to this idea of car starting. H2f1fjoG4EU-00135-00080794-00081568 So in that way, the spark plug is necessary but not sufficient by itself. Likewise, the H2f1fjoG4EU-00136-00081568-00082188 prefrontal cortex, just like other brain areas, plays a vital role in several high-level functions H2f1fjoG4EU-00137-00082188-00082813 including inhibitory control for example. But alone they are not sufficient to give H2f1fjoG4EU-00138-00082813-00083575 rise to that complex function. H2f1fjoG4EU-00139-00083575-00084294 Okay, to summarize. In this chapter we discusses a way of grouping the cortex into four lobes: H2f1fjoG4EU-00140-00084294-00084833 the frontal lobes, the parietal lobes, the temporal lobes, and the occipital lobes. And H2f1fjoG4EU-00141-00084833-00085305 we spent a lot of time going into greater detail on one of those lobes, the frontal H2f1fjoG4EU-00142-00085305-00085929 lobes, where we differentiated between the primary motor area, motor association areas, H2f1fjoG4EU-00143-00085929-00086529 and the prefrontal cortex, which was involved in higher order thinking. We also put particular H2f1fjoG4EU-00144-00086529-00087163 emphasis on the fact that all these parts are a part of a broader network of brain structures H2f1fjoG4EU-00145-00087163-00087758 and that any one of them alone does not give rise to a specific function. In that way, H2f1fjoG4EU-00146-00087758-00088269 any given brain area, not just in the prefrontal cortex but anywhere, is maybe necessary but H2f1fjoG4EU-00147-00088269-00088824 not sufficient for a given function. In the next chapter we’ll dive deeper in H2f1fjoG4EU-00148-00088824-00089252 the other cortical lobes: the parietal lobes, the occipital lobes, and the temporal lobes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00000-00000650-00001031 DAVID: hello, how is everybody doing? H8HdPQHnx5y-00001-00001031-00001157 All right. H8HdPQHnx5y-00002-00001157-00001853 I know I'm the talk before lunch, so bear with me. H8HdPQHnx5y-00003-00001853-00002092 Yes, as mentioned, my name is David Wells. H8HdPQHnx5y-00004-00002092-00003072 I'm a FullStack developer, I work at Serverless. H8HdPQHnx5y-00005-00003072-00003376 You might have seen our CEO, Austin, talking about H8HdPQHnx5y-00006-00003376-00003552 what Serverless is. H8HdPQHnx5y-00007-00003552-00004492 Before I worked there, I worked at MuleSoft. H8HdPQHnx5y-00008-00004492-00004899 I want to take FullStackFest for inviting me to talk here. H8HdPQHnx5y-00009-00004899-00005065 It is awesome to be in Barcelona. H8HdPQHnx5y-00010-00005065-00005526 It's always great to travel, and the slides for my presentation H8HdPQHnx5y-00011-00005526-00005910 can be found right there at the tiny link. H8HdPQHnx5y-00012-00005910-00006025 Cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00013-00006025-00006195 So I'm going to start off with a story. H8HdPQHnx5y-00014-00006195-00006528 The story is about a quest. H8HdPQHnx5y-00015-00006528-00007037 A quest for the perfect platform user interface. H8HdPQHnx5y-00016-00007037-00007436 Like what would be the ideal set up for a larger H8HdPQHnx5y-00017-00007436-00007536 project? H8HdPQHnx5y-00018-00007536-00008044 This is something that I feel like a lot of us strive to reach, and it steams like H8HdPQHnx5y-00019-00008044-00008762 an unattainable goal as things are always change, and, more specifically, like when H8HdPQHnx5y-00020-00008762-00009333 I talk about platform UI, I mean when you're working with a larger team, or you're H8HdPQHnx5y-00021-00009333-00009783 perhaps working across multiple departments in your organisation. H8HdPQHnx5y-00022-00009783-00010588 How do you build a UI that transcends those boundaries? H8HdPQHnx5y-00023-00010588-00010801 This is the number of JavaScript frameworks that H8HdPQHnx5y-00024-00010801-00011663 were released this previous week: 1,972. H8HdPQHnx5y-00025-00011663-00011950 Each one comes with its upsides and downsides. H8HdPQHnx5y-00026-00011950-00012800 What I have learned over the past two years building platform UI and H8HdPQHnx5y-00027-00012800-00013309 some mistakes to avoid, and some best practices to take back into your own H8HdPQHnx5y-00028-00013309-00013730 companies. H8HdPQHnx5y-00029-00013730-00014331 Imagine in your minds what the perfect set-up would be for your UI. H8HdPQHnx5y-00030-00014331-00014521 Think about it for a second. H8HdPQHnx5y-00031-00014521-00014744 What is the perfect back-end? H8HdPQHnx5y-00032-00014744-00014870 What is the perfect frontend? H8HdPQHnx5y-00033-00014870-00015140 What kind of CSS set-up would you want? H8HdPQHnx5y-00034-00015140-00015431 Start imagining that, will I will tell you mine. H8HdPQHnx5y-00035-00015431-00016228 First and foremost, imagine a scenario where your UI is running out much a H8HdPQHnx5y-00036-00016228-00016951 single code base, shared across multiple areas of your company, shared across the H8HdPQHnx5y-00037-00016951-00017326 marketing side is using it, the blog is using it, the web applications are using it, the H8HdPQHnx5y-00038-00017326-00018101 mobile apps are using it, and even you're using it inside of legacy applications. H8HdPQHnx5y-00039-00018101-00018437 This set-up is shared across teams, and across H8HdPQHnx5y-00040-00018437-00018848 platforms, like I mentioned, mobile, desktop, web - you name it. H8HdPQHnx5y-00041-00018848-00019145 So that's like an ideal set-up for me. H8HdPQHnx5y-00042-00019145-00019379 I wanted to work everywhere - I want it to work everywhere H8HdPQHnx5y-00043-00019379-00020035 and have one code base to maintain and use. H8HdPQHnx5y-00044-00020035-00020373 The other thing is that it will be organised. H8HdPQHnx5y-00045-00020373-00021037 What if every single lay-out, icon, font, building block, component, button, link, H8HdPQHnx5y-00046-00021037-00021742 whatever, you use is in one centralised location for all developers to use? H8HdPQHnx5y-00047-00021742-00021923 And one place where people can find things and H8HdPQHnx5y-00048-00021923-00022265 freely contribute to that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00049-00022265-00022687 The other kind of core tenet that I would strive for is like H8HdPQHnx5y-00050-00022687-00023232 keeping things in sync, so, if we have this one single code base to rule them all, like H8HdPQHnx5y-00051-00023232-00023645 a platform UI, as it were, what if your latest H8HdPQHnx5y-00052-00023645-00024337 style change could propagate across all of your applications all at once? H8HdPQHnx5y-00053-00024337-00024690 That would be pretty compelling, and a huge problem H8HdPQHnx5y-00054-00024690-00025188 that companies with more than one application, and a larger team, face on a pretty H8HdPQHnx5y-00055-00025188-00025309 regular basis. H8HdPQHnx5y-00056-00025309-00025826 So, just imagine having that kind of platform leverage where deploying H8HdPQHnx5y-00057-00025826-00026458 code and updates across apps is easy. H8HdPQHnx5y-00058-00026458-00026967 Even better than that, just imagine like a consistent brand experience for your end-user, H8HdPQHnx5y-00059-00026967-00027327 so every single thing that they touch, whether it is the marketing side, the blog, H8HdPQHnx5y-00060-00027327-00028067 inside of your application, your mobile app, everything is cohesive, and just feels like H8HdPQHnx5y-00061-00028067-00028933 it was put together with care been then everything, the ideal set up would be like H8HdPQHnx5y-00062-00028933-00029332 it is also self-contained, so, imagine a world H8HdPQHnx5y-00063-00029332-00030347 where your CSS is completely self-contained and guaranteed not to cause conflicts with H8HdPQHnx5y-00064-00030347-00031045 other applications, other third-party CSS libraries - you name it - it is isolated. H8HdPQHnx5y-00065-00031045-00031576 That sounds pretty compelling to me. H8HdPQHnx5y-00066-00031576-00031862 The last thing is how do we have a scaleable solution H8HdPQHnx5y-00067-00031862-00032089 that achieves all of these things? H8HdPQHnx5y-00068-00032089-00032279 And that work across the company? H8HdPQHnx5y-00069-00032279-00032674 So, scaleable from both the people perspective, of is this H8HdPQHnx5y-00070-00032674-00032924 code actually maintainable? H8HdPQHnx5y-00071-00032924-00033193 And from a tech perspective as well, like does it work H8HdPQHnx5y-00072-00033193-00033316 everywhere? H8HdPQHnx5y-00073-00033316-00033481 Will it handle all of our needs? H8HdPQHnx5y-00074-00033481-00033786 Is it performant, et cetera? H8HdPQHnx5y-00075-00033786-00033952 That's basically what we are going to be chatting about H8HdPQHnx5y-00076-00033952-00034059 today. H8HdPQHnx5y-00077-00034059-00034821 Basically, platform UI, building a component-based architecture. H8HdPQHnx5y-00078-00034821-00035302 And a component-based architecture basically enables H8HdPQHnx5y-00079-00035302-00035747 all of the things that I told you guys to imagine or possible today with this kind of H8HdPQHnx5y-00080-00035747-00036169 set-up that I'm going to run through. H8HdPQHnx5y-00081-00036169-00036333 More specifically today, we are going to be talking H8HdPQHnx5y-00082-00036333-00037002 about a React component-based architecture and there's no idea why these H8HdPQHnx5y-00083-00037002-00037342 methodologies can't apply to your framework of choice. H8HdPQHnx5y-00084-00037342-00037590 Let's explore this. H8HdPQHnx5y-00085-00037590-00037940 It starts with a design system. H8HdPQHnx5y-00086-00037940-00038514 So a design system is basically a place where you formalise H8HdPQHnx5y-00087-00038514-00039078 your user interface, the different kind of lay-outs you have, the tonality of how your H8HdPQHnx5y-00088-00039078-00039417 application is going to work, your brand, a H8HdPQHnx5y-00089-00039417-00039572 lot of people call them style guides. H8HdPQHnx5y-00090-00039572-00039847 There are tonnes of examples out there on the H8HdPQHnx5y-00091-00039847-00040012 web. H8HdPQHnx5y-00092-00040012-00040600 But it just makes things easier for both internal and external people to consume. H8HdPQHnx5y-00093-00040600-00040769 And build things with. H8HdPQHnx5y-00094-00040769-00041067 There are a couple of different examples. H8HdPQHnx5y-00095-00041067-00041374 Here's a good one called the Lightning Design System. H8HdPQHnx5y-00096-00041374-00041972 They did a really, really good job basically baking H8HdPQHnx5y-00097-00041972-00042500 in all of the different rules for like how to do different lay-outs for settings pages, H8HdPQHnx5y-00098-00042500-00042991 for list pages, for feed pages, et cetera. H8HdPQHnx5y-00099-00042991-00043236 How all the different variations, the buttons are H8HdPQHnx5y-00100-00043236-00043452 managed, and stuff like that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00101-00043452-00043762 It is basically how to do everything with their UI H8HdPQHnx5y-00102-00043762-00043862 framework. H8HdPQHnx5y-00103-00043862-00044346 It is super handy, I would imagine, for everyone inside a sales force and H8HdPQHnx5y-00104-00044346-00044707 outside, building apps for the sales force platform. H8HdPQHnx5y-00105-00044707-00045439 But we are going to be talking about today is the component library I built H8HdPQHnx5y-00106-00045439-00046454 at MuleSoft, the one-stop shop where you can go and see all the different components H8HdPQHnx5y-00107-00046454-00046927 that are consumable, all the documentation, all the different icons, all H8HdPQHnx5y-00108-00046927-00047345 the different colours, all the variables and mixings availability - mix-ins available to H8HdPQHnx5y-00109-00047345-00048148 developers and some actual lay-out demos and, like, standards around that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00110-00048148-00048405 I'm going to skip the live demo until the end. H8HdPQHnx5y-00111-00048405-00048823 But, yes, what lives in this style guide? H8HdPQHnx5y-00112-00048823-00049099 Documentation, like I mentioned. H8HdPQHnx5y-00113-00049099-00049432 This is both documentation that's written by the team, H8HdPQHnx5y-00114-00049432-00049717 but also documentation that lives directly in H8HdPQHnx5y-00115-00049717-00049817 your code. H8HdPQHnx5y-00116-00049817-00050213 So, when you're building a React components, if you're using prop types, H8HdPQHnx5y-00117-00050213-00050853 you can basically automatically generate the documentation for your component library H8HdPQHnx5y-00118-00050853-00051320 so you don't have to maintain text in a different place whenever you make a change in H8HdPQHnx5y-00119-00051320-00051422 your code. H8HdPQHnx5y-00120-00051422-00052171 That's automatically reflected in basically your living style guide. H8HdPQHnx5y-00121-00052171-00052574 The other thing that I put in here is a live code playground H8HdPQHnx5y-00122-00052574-00053187 where basically you can interact with the components, change the props, see how H8HdPQHnx5y-00123-00053187-00053415 they act, and mix and match them together. H8HdPQHnx5y-00124-00053415-00053953 And we will see that in the live demo, and then also, what is extremely H8HdPQHnx5y-00125-00053953-00054534 important is, like usage examples, so, like how do you actually use this component with H8HdPQHnx5y-00126-00054534-00054654 some dummy data? H8HdPQHnx5y-00127-00054654-00055166 So you're basically, you're almost writing the code for your team H8HdPQHnx5y-00128-00055166-00055852 so they can kind of get off building their specific use case quickly. H8HdPQHnx5y-00129-00055852-00056163 And then also platform guidelines like I mentioned, like H8HdPQHnx5y-00130-00056163-00056894 how do you show warning text, when to use certain types of buttons, et cetera? H8HdPQHnx5y-00131-00056894-00057654 So you have a very consistent feel, so, when you're - when your user is moving around to H8HdPQHnx5y-00132-00057654-00058179 different applications, the experience feels the same, and just a little bit of context H8HdPQHnx5y-00133-00058179-00058279 around this. H8HdPQHnx5y-00134-00058279-00058774 MuleSoft has around eight different products that were kind of all bit H8HdPQHnx5y-00135-00058774-00059753 in silos over the last couple of years, and the - the experience wasn't as cohesive as H8HdPQHnx5y-00136-00059753-00060486 we wanted it to be, so that is kind of the idea behind why we wanted to do this. H8HdPQHnx5y-00137-00060486-00060679 Yes, cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00138-00060679-00060779 How how? H8HdPQHnx5y-00139-00060779-00061133 This is like pie-in-the-sky, yes, this sounds good, but H8HdPQHnx5y-00140-00061133-00061514 how do we go about doing this? H8HdPQHnx5y-00141-00061514-00061902 It is pretty straightforward. H8HdPQHnx5y-00142-00061902-00062260 We are going to run through these five things. H8HdPQHnx5y-00143-00062260-00062454 We might not run H8HdPQHnx5y-00144-00062454-00062732 through profit - maybe later, I don't know. H8HdPQHnx5y-00145-00062732-00062866 We will see. H8HdPQHnx5y-00146-00062866-00063150 Yes, basically, we need to break things down. H8HdPQHnx5y-00147-00063150-00063415 We need to figure out how we are going to actually handle like our H8HdPQHnx5y-00148-00063415-00064113 CSS, like I mentioned, how we are going to handle all the assets to be easily H8HdPQHnx5y-00149-00064113-00064476 consumable, and then how to actually package them and distribute them out to H8HdPQHnx5y-00150-00064476-00065215 different teams, or to the public if you decide maybe open-source your component H8HdPQHnx5y-00151-00065215-00065419 library, and profit. H8HdPQHnx5y-00152-00065419-00065519 Cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00153-00065519-00066085 So, this is an example of like UI, this is a demo on the - H8HdPQHnx5y-00154-00066085-00067111 where you start by breaking down a particular view of your application, and start H8HdPQHnx5y-00155-00067111-00067470 thinking about things as components. H8HdPQHnx5y-00156-00067470-00067802 Everything on this screen is a component. H8HdPQHnx5y-00157-00067802-00068194 So, every single tiny little piece like the radio H8HdPQHnx5y-00158-00068194-00068610 buttons, the chapter, the icons, the labels, the H8HdPQHnx5y-00159-00068610-00069211 dropdowns, et cetera, each tiny piece can be broken out into a separate component H8HdPQHnx5y-00160-00069211-00069697 and reused across multiple areas of your application. H8HdPQHnx5y-00161-00069697-00070169 So basically you start thinking about your UI in such a way where it is like H8HdPQHnx5y-00162-00070169-00070974 how can I build this design that the designer has given me into something with H8HdPQHnx5y-00163-00070974-00071249 the most, like the maximum amount of code to use? H8HdPQHnx5y-00164-00071249-00071987 That is really what React, the kind of core philosophy around React is how can H8HdPQHnx5y-00165-00071987-00072544 you componentise things and make the code easy to reuse? H8HdPQHnx5y-00166-00072544-00073222 Then, after that, you basically have, like - once you have all the H8HdPQHnx5y-00167-00073222-00073911 little tiny pieces, the individual components, how do you compose those together to create H8HdPQHnx5y-00168-00073911-00074277 maybe more complex components? H8HdPQHnx5y-00169-00074277-00074799 Here we have an examining of like the navbars a component, the detail pane is a H8HdPQHnx5y-00170-00074799-00075133 component, and the table. H8HdPQHnx5y-00171-00075133-00075593 They're all made up much smaller pieces, but, for the H8HdPQHnx5y-00172-00075593-00076242 consuming developer, they're just pulling in that one larger piece. H8HdPQHnx5y-00173-00076242-00076927 This kind of riffs off a concept called atomic design by Brad Frost. H8HdPQHnx5y-00174-00076927-00077273 I recommend checking out his posts on this. H8HdPQHnx5y-00175-00077273-00078048 He like says take Adam's tiny - atoms of your application, then compose them into H8HdPQHnx5y-00176-00078048-00078629 molecules, then into bigger organisms, then into page templates and then into full, H8HdPQHnx5y-00177-00078629-00078955 actual done pages. H8HdPQHnx5y-00178-00078955-00079279 This inspired me to kind of follow this pattern. H8HdPQHnx5y-00179-00079279-00079605 We don't follow it exactly like that, but very similarly. H8HdPQHnx5y-00180-00079605-00079785 Here's an example. H8HdPQHnx5y-00181-00079785-00080371 Here are like three tiny atoms, or components, if you will, the label, input, H8HdPQHnx5y-00182-00080371-00080558 and a button. H8HdPQHnx5y-00183-00080558-00081191 And, basically, you can compose those together now to create a, let's H8HdPQHnx5y-00184-00081191-00081858 say, a search box for a form input, or a modal, or, let's say it is a marketing like H8HdPQHnx5y-00185-00081858-00082264 copy with a button thingy on the blog or whatever. H8HdPQHnx5y-00186-00082264-00082481 So there are a lots of different ways that you can use these three H8HdPQHnx5y-00187-00082481-00083273 components and compose them together to create basically compose components to H8HdPQHnx5y-00188-00083273-00083764 use throughout your application. H8HdPQHnx5y-00189-00083764-00084011 Just to stress again: everything is a.component: I'm H8HdPQHnx5y-00190-00084011-00084567 a component, you were a component, we are all a component. H8HdPQHnx5y-00191-00084567-00084845 That's the moral of the story. H8HdPQHnx5y-00192-00084845-00084945 Cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00193-00084945-00085055 So, what does it actually look like? H8HdPQHnx5y-00194-00085055-00085520 What does a component look like in code? H8HdPQHnx5y-00195-00085520-00085870 This is the anatomy in which we build components. H8HdPQHnx5y-00196-00085870-00086550 We are basically, like, all of our components live in a components repository. H8HdPQHnx5y-00197-00086550-00087280 Every component gets its own folder, every component has like a component named.js, H8HdPQHnx5y-00198-00087280-00087807 where the source code of the component live. H8HdPQHnx5y-00199-00087807-00088039 The styles live in there. H8HdPQHnx5y-00200-00088039-00088651 The tests live in there, in that same folder, and an index file for easily importing and H8HdPQHnx5y-00201-00088651-00088886 exporting, and we also have examples. H8HdPQHnx5y-00202-00088886-00089408 That examples folder is what automatically generates H8HdPQHnx5y-00203-00089408-00089919 the documentation and live code examples on the site that I'm going to show H8HdPQHnx5y-00204-00089919-00090019 you. H8HdPQHnx5y-00205-00090019-00090724 Cool, so our approach at Serverless is different on atomic design where we have H8HdPQHnx5y-00206-00090724-00090989 the low-level components. H8HdPQHnx5y-00207-00090989-00091237 Those compose and do what I'm calling fragments right H8HdPQHnx5y-00208-00091237-00091630 now - I'm trying to find a good name. H8HdPQHnx5y-00209-00091630-00092208 Those fragments compose into layouts, and those layouts compose into pages. H8HdPQHnx5y-00210-00092208-00092942 So, this is serverless.com. H8HdPQHnx5y-00211-00092942-00093131 This is our front-end marketing site. H8HdPQHnx5y-00212-00093131-00093779 It is a statistically built website, complete with React, and then we push H8HdPQHnx5y-00213-00093779-00094426 that up to a CDN, and, yes, so we can use the components that we are using in our H8HdPQHnx5y-00214-00094426-00094976 applications that we are building, and in our marketing side, in our blog, et cetera, H8HdPQHnx5y-00215-00094976-00095306 so, if we did ever make a change to, let's say the H8HdPQHnx5y-00216-00095306-00095960 button design, that would reflect throughout the platform, not just like in H8HdPQHnx5y-00217-00095960-00096661 our app, and we have to update, say Wordpress if we had that as our marketing H8HdPQHnx5y-00218-00096661-00096808 site. H8HdPQHnx5y-00219-00096808-00097143 Under the hood, this is using the tool H8HdPQHnx5y-00220-00097143-00097720 it is using is a stack site generator called is phenomic. H8HdPQHnx5y-00221-00097720-00098026 There's a link here in the slide to check it out. H8HdPQHnx5y-00222-00098026-00098395 It is cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00223-00098395-00098983 Here's the obligatory Peter Griffin CSS slide, which, by law, you H8HdPQHnx5y-00224-00098983-00099429 must put into every presentation where you mention CSS! H8HdPQHnx5y-00225-00099429-00100318 We will talk about handling styles in your component library. H8HdPQHnx5y-00226-00100318-00101158 There are challenges with CSS, right? H8HdPQHnx5y-00227-00101158-00101306 We've all faced it. H8HdPQHnx5y-00228-00101306-00101818 How do you handle class-name collisions? H8HdPQHnx5y-00229-00101818-00102466 If you're using like a third-party CSS library like bootstrap, if we want to use H8HdPQHnx5y-00230-00102466-00103078 these components inside of a legacy application, how do we make sure the styles don't conflict? H8HdPQHnx5y-00231-00103078-00103679 Like what we had to do in Mulesoft, there were some is green field projects built H8HdPQHnx5y-00232-00103679-00104272 with the components but there were a lot of legacy applications used in Angular 1 with H8HdPQHnx5y-00233-00104272-00105143 bootstrap and other stuff making the component live inside of that application. H8HdPQHnx5y-00234-00105143-00105539 We have to make sure we're not messing with their staff, and they're not messing H8HdPQHnx5y-00235-00105539-00105915 with our stuff, which is quite a challenge, but it H8HdPQHnx5y-00236-00105915-00106723 is actually pretty easily doable. H8HdPQHnx5y-00237-00106723-00108042 This is a real quote from our favourite presidential nominee! H8HdPQHnx5y-00238-00108042-00108567 Namespace collisions are a threat and we must beat that threat. H8HdPQHnx5y-00239-00108567-00108997 If you want your components to be standalone, we need H8HdPQHnx5y-00240-00108997-00109143 to solve that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00241-00109143-00109306 How do we do that? H8HdPQHnx5y-00242-00109306-00109970 So, basically, we use technology called Post CSS H8HdPQHnx5y-00243-00109970-00110142 and CSS modules. H8HdPQHnx5y-00244-00110142-00110480 This works with welcome pack, if you have web pack. H8HdPQHnx5y-00245-00110480-00110842 I have an hour-long presentation on how to do H8HdPQHnx5y-00246-00110842-00111130 CSS with React. H8HdPQHnx5y-00247-00111130-00111867 It goes through the different variations of how you can do styling. H8HdPQHnx5y-00248-00111867-00112305 I'm just focusing right now on my favourite, and H8HdPQHnx5y-00249-00112305-00112733 the one that works best in this platform situation which is post-CS - Post CSS and H8HdPQHnx5y-00250-00112733-00112903 CSS modules. H8HdPQHnx5y-00251-00112903-00113592 Post CSS is like Babel for CSS. H8HdPQHnx5y-00252-00113592-00114435 It will turn your CSS into an abstract syntax tree and you can manipulate that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00253-00114435-00115283 It's similar to SASS and less, and more powerful, H8HdPQHnx5y-00254-00115283-00115727 in my opinion, and you can do everything you can do as with PostCSS. H8HdPQHnx5y-00255-00115727-00116123 What does it look like this? H8HdPQHnx5y-00256-00116123-00116464 This is a React component. H8HdPQHnx5y-00257-00116464-00117105 At the top, I'm importing the styles from the CSS file, and just normal CSS. H8HdPQHnx5y-00258-00117105-00117440 What is happening here is that styles that is being H8HdPQHnx5y-00259-00117440-00118261 imported, is actually - so, it is being turned into an object with keys on it, and those H8HdPQHnx5y-00260-00118261-00118577 keys are basically localised class names. H8HdPQHnx5y-00261-00118577-00118846 Now your CSS names that you are writing normal H8HdPQHnx5y-00262-00118846-00119665 CSS, so wrapper and the class of button get turned into this localised class when H8HdPQHnx5y-00263-00119665-00119899 actually it renders to the page. H8HdPQHnx5y-00264-00119899-00120215 That's either if you're rendering on runtime or if you're rendering H8HdPQHnx5y-00265-00120215-00120486 on the server, this is what it looks like. H8HdPQHnx5y-00266-00120486-00120811 This is customisable, by the way. H8HdPQHnx5y-00267-00120811-00121034 That's a long name. H8HdPQHnx5y-00268-00121034-00121395 You can, for production, you will customise that just to be the hash H8HdPQHnx5y-00269-00121395-00121517 at the end. H8HdPQHnx5y-00270-00121517-00121975 So, if you look at Gmail source code or anything like that, you notice they H8HdPQHnx5y-00271-00121975-00122324 have crazy class names that are hash numbers. H8HdPQHnx5y-00272-00122324-00122799 This is how you achieve something like that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00273-00122799-00123308 The other thing that you would want to do is, with PostCSS there is a plug-in H8HdPQHnx5y-00274-00123308-00123922 called Initial where, basically, it turns on a H8HdPQHnx5y-00275-00123922-00124689 future CSS for spec for you which is all colon initial. H8HdPQHnx5y-00276-00124689-00125395 It will reset all inherited properties, all CSS properties that can be inherited from H8HdPQHnx5y-00277-00125395-00125832 apparent and reset them to the browser defaults. H8HdPQHnx5y-00278-00125832-00126678 When you add that to your CSS, when PostCSS transpiles it will polyfill that H8HdPQHnx5y-00279-00126678-00127024 for the browser, so you set that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00280-00127024-00127574 Now you have a completely isolated component based H8HdPQHnx5y-00281-00127574-00128003 off this unique class name, which is awesome. H8HdPQHnx5y-00282-00128003-00128508 It is not something we could do before very easily. H8HdPQHnx5y-00283-00128508-00128855 The other thing that you could do with like PostCSS and CSS modules is H8HdPQHnx5y-00284-00128855-00129172 use the CSS four spec today. H8HdPQHnx5y-00285-00129172-00130041 You can use it for accessibility - yes, and you can polyfill H8HdPQHnx5y-00286-00130041-00130802 flex box back to IE8 if that is something you have to support, and I feel sorry for H8HdPQHnx5y-00287-00130802-00131111 you if you do! H8HdPQHnx5y-00288-00131111-00131532 So many, many things we can do with CSS modules. H8HdPQHnx5y-00289-00131532-00132071 Not going to go through all of this. H8HdPQHnx5y-00290-00132071-00132596 Check out the other talk that I did at the React meet-up in San Francisco. H8HdPQHnx5y-00291-00132596-00132896 Do you really need this? H8HdPQHnx5y-00292-00132896-00133369 If you answer yes to any of these questions, then, yes, if H8HdPQHnx5y-00293-00133369-00134047 you're working on a team like you could implement BEM style writing your classes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00294-00134047-00134373 We are humans, and humans make mistakes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00295-00134373-00134858 This makes it so you cannot make mistakes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00296-00134858-00135678 The class name is localised for you by a machine, based off like an random hash, based H8HdPQHnx5y-00297-00135678-00136153 off a file name, so, it is completely unique, it won't run into collisions. H8HdPQHnx5y-00298-00136153-00136415 Are you including any third-party CSS? H8HdPQHnx5y-00299-00136415-00136866 Do you have to use foundation or bootstrap or any other library H8HdPQHnx5y-00300-00136866-00137114 that conflicts with your stuff? H8HdPQHnx5y-00301-00137114-00137227 Yes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00302-00137227-00137475 This will kind of make your life a lot easier. H8HdPQHnx5y-00303-00137475-00137575 Are you H8HdPQHnx5y-00304-00137575-00137688 running in a third-party environment? H8HdPQHnx5y-00305-00137688-00137990 The answer to this for everyone is yes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00306-00137990-00138350 Because the browsers, a third-party environment, meaning H8HdPQHnx5y-00307-00138350-00138801 anybody could instill any kind of browser extension and theme your app however H8HdPQHnx5y-00308-00138801-00138901 they want. H8HdPQHnx5y-00309-00138901-00139251 If you want to stop that, you can do this. H8HdPQHnx5y-00310-00139251-00139886 Then, yes, so, and do you want your styles to look right, no matter H8HdPQHnx5y-00311-00139886-00139986 what? H8HdPQHnx5y-00312-00139986-00140231 The answer to that should be yes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00313-00140231-00140336 Cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00314-00140336-00140590 That is post-CSS in a nutshell. H8HdPQHnx5y-00315-00140590-00141038 Really, really like transforming how you can write H8HdPQHnx5y-00316-00141038-00141177 your CSS. H8HdPQHnx5y-00317-00141177-00141825 Normal, regular CSS and automatically transpiles pile that into something H8HdPQHnx5y-00318-00141825-00142573 that will get rid of global name spaces and fix the main problems with CSS. H8HdPQHnx5y-00319-00142573-00142835 It also allows you, like there are some use cases H8HdPQHnx5y-00320-00142835-00143275 where you do need global CSS, and it gives you an escape hatch to do that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00321-00143275-00143635 An example would be like a Modahl pops open, H8HdPQHnx5y-00322-00143635-00144072 and you want to add a class of the body that does something, like you can do stuff H8HdPQHnx5y-00323-00144072-00144277 like that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00324-00144277-00144437 Cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00325-00144437-00144692 So how do you handle global assets? H8HdPQHnx5y-00326-00144692-00145401 Global assets meaning variables, mix-ins, and icons. H8HdPQHnx5y-00327-00145401-00145716 Variables and mix-ins: no longer to you need to write your H8HdPQHnx5y-00328-00145716-00146060 variables and mixins in CSS. H8HdPQHnx5y-00329-00146060-00146271 You can to it in JavaScript. H8HdPQHnx5y-00330-00146271-00146371 Why not? H8HdPQHnx5y-00331-00146371-00146874 JavaScript is eating the world, and it is far more powerful than H8HdPQHnx5y-00332-00146874-00147370 writing like, let's say, a mixin function. H8HdPQHnx5y-00333-00147370-00147894 If you write in a mixin function in Sass you're doing this thing that that you're not supposed H8HdPQHnx5y-00334-00147894-00148114 to be doing this thing. H8HdPQHnx5y-00335-00148114-00148587 If you write it in JavaScript, you write a JavaScript function H8HdPQHnx5y-00336-00148587-00148705 that returns succeed. H8HdPQHnx5y-00337-00148705-00149292 You have the full access to the system to do whatever you want. H8HdPQHnx5y-00338-00149292-00149527 This is how you enable this with PostCSS. H8HdPQHnx5y-00339-00149527-00150615 You writer two including-ins, so it is very similar to - it is what you do in the H8HdPQHnx5y-00340-00150615-00150809 transpilation step. H8HdPQHnx5y-00341-00150809-00151540 I'm saying grab my mixin file and make that globally available to all H8HdPQHnx5y-00342-00151540-00151871 my CSS. H8HdPQHnx5y-00343-00151871-00152765 This might be hard to see, so this is the variable file where it is an object. H8HdPQHnx5y-00344-00152765-00153200 I'm defining my various, like, break points, I'm H8HdPQHnx5y-00345-00153200-00153780 defining platform-wide indexes to use everywhere, the colours, et cetera. H8HdPQHnx5y-00346-00153780-00154086 Then, on the right-hand side there, we have our H8HdPQHnx5y-00347-00154086-00154624 mixins which a mixin is pretty much just like multiple values at once. H8HdPQHnx5y-00348-00154624-00155144 Interestingly, down at the bottom, it is a function which H8HdPQHnx5y-00349-00155144-00155783 you can pass in any value you want, or use an MPN package to calculate a different colour H8HdPQHnx5y-00350-00155783-00155894 or something. H8HdPQHnx5y-00351-00155894-00156053 You can do whatever you want. H8HdPQHnx5y-00352-00156053-00157065 The usage in the CSS is just like - I'm justifying - then a variable there. H8HdPQHnx5y-00353-00157065-00157465 Similar to SASS, but, yes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00354-00157465-00157725 Then, what is cool about this, because it is written? H8HdPQHnx5y-00355-00157725-00158167 JavaScript, is I can also use this inside of my components. H8HdPQHnx5y-00356-00158167-00159080 Now, if I have, let's say, state-based like I want to add a red text to a button because H8HdPQHnx5y-00357-00159080-00159645 something bad happened, I can import my brand colour red from my variables file because H8HdPQHnx5y-00358-00159645-00159891 it is just a JavaScript object. H8HdPQHnx5y-00359-00159891-00160189 And use that where I want to. H8HdPQHnx5y-00360-00160189-00160535 So, cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00361-00160535-00160978 Running short on time, so I'm going to speed it up a H8HdPQHnx5y-00362-00160978-00161078 little bit. H8HdPQHnx5y-00363-00161078-00161752 Icons: if you're doing icons, font icons are kind of going the way of the H8HdPQHnx5y-00364-00161752-00161860 dinosaur. H8HdPQHnx5y-00365-00161860-00162236 They're not as flexible as SVG icons. H8HdPQHnx5y-00366-00162236-00162864 SVGs are also typically lighter weight and more flexible. H8HdPQHnx5y-00367-00162864-00163487 For example, SVGs, it is marked up that you can style individual, H8HdPQHnx5y-00368-00163487-00164086 like, lines and strokes, whereas font icons are just a single colour that you can apply H8HdPQHnx5y-00369-00164086-00164623 different colours to, but here you can see that we have a done of different SVG icons H8HdPQHnx5y-00370-00164623-00165420 that are multi-coloured, and we can change those individual colours with CSS whenever H8HdPQHnx5y-00371-00165420-00165985 we want, or do cool animations, and yadda, yadda. H8HdPQHnx5y-00372-00165985-00166894 There is a build script that runs through all the SVGs, runs it through web H8HdPQHnx5y-00373-00166894-00166994 pack. H8HdPQHnx5y-00374-00166994-00167615 It bundles it with a web pack plug-in called SVGStore. H8HdPQHnx5y-00375-00167615-00168440 It will optimise everything and create a sprite, an you have an SVG H8HdPQHnx5y-00376-00168440-00169282 icon sprite that gets injected into the DOM and you can profit. H8HdPQHnx5y-00377-00169282-00169822 If you have an SVG sprite on the page, it is hidden, nobody can H8HdPQHnx5y-00378-00169822-00170629 see it, but anywhere you use SVG, the use tag and the ID of that, corresponding icon H8HdPQHnx5y-00379-00170629-00170884 in the sprite, it will just render your icon right H8HdPQHnx5y-00380-00170884-00170984 there. H8HdPQHnx5y-00381-00170984-00171185 It is just super handy. H8HdPQHnx5y-00382-00171185-00171357 Cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00383-00171357-00171838 And, so, how can I build this? H8HdPQHnx5y-00384-00171838-00172035 This is all super cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00385-00172035-00172199 How can I build this stuff? H8HdPQHnx5y-00386-00172199-00172761 At MuleSoft, it was a custom solution that I built, but H8HdPQHnx5y-00387-00172761-00173374 we are using some open-source things, and maybe one day the library will actually be H8HdPQHnx5y-00388-00173374-00173474 open-source. H8HdPQHnx5y-00389-00173474-00173705 I think they're working on than. H8HdPQHnx5y-00390-00173705-00173975 But here are some other resources for you guys. H8HdPQHnx5y-00391-00173975-00174627 So there is a project called carte blanche where basically will build out the H8HdPQHnx5y-00392-00174627-00174727 component library for you. H8HdPQHnx5y-00393-00174727-00174827 You give it a path. H8HdPQHnx5y-00394-00174827-00175075 It is a webpack plug-in, give a path H8HdPQHnx5y-00395-00175075-00176105 where it lives, it will generate the UI for you, and it also will do some cool stuff like H8HdPQHnx5y-00396-00176105-00176740 build out your examples, and like really stress-test, what happens when all these weird H8HdPQHnx5y-00397-00176740-00176960 properties are passed into this component? H8HdPQHnx5y-00398-00176960-00177567 There is also a React storybook which is very similar to this where it is kind of like H8HdPQHnx5y-00399-00177567-00178177 writing tests, though, where you're writing examples for your components. H8HdPQHnx5y-00400-00178177-00178564 React adoption from the React core team, super handy. H8HdPQHnx5y-00401-00178564-00179205 You could basically pass a directory of React components as long as those H8HdPQHnx5y-00402-00179205-00179661 React components have prop types and comments above the prop types. H8HdPQHnx5y-00403-00179661-00180108 They will automatically generate, basically give you H8HdPQHnx5y-00404-00180108-00180346 an object back for you to do whatever you want with. H8HdPQHnx5y-00405-00180346-00180920 That is what you're doing - we're doing under the hood with our solution, or H8HdPQHnx5y-00406-00180920-00181070 you could roll your own. H8HdPQHnx5y-00407-00181070-00181473 Again, with React option, it is an online tool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00408-00181473-00181820 You can give it a path, and it will spit back the data about H8HdPQHnx5y-00409-00181820-00182359 that component, and then you can render out whatever you want, so you can get creative H8HdPQHnx5y-00410-00182359-00182596 there. H8HdPQHnx5y-00411-00182596-00183086 Our component library uses these two links at the bottom here, the React component H8HdPQHnx5y-00412-00183086-00183509 illustrator and its corresponding web pack plugin. H8HdPQHnx5y-00413-00183509-00184265 This is using it under the hood, but it also will grab those examples files H8HdPQHnx5y-00414-00184265-00184757 that I showed in the component anatomy, and it will take that example source code H8HdPQHnx5y-00415-00184757-00185476 and also make that available to me in my, like - in the user interface for the component H8HdPQHnx5y-00416-00185476-00185576 library. H8HdPQHnx5y-00417-00185576-00185996 So, people can, like, see that code interactor with it. H8HdPQHnx5y-00418-00185996-00186400 If you're interested in that, check out those two links. H8HdPQHnx5y-00419-00186400-00187090 This is a last-minute really awful diagram I put in here! H8HdPQHnx5y-00420-00187090-00187430 Basically, this is kind of the idea. H8HdPQHnx5y-00421-00187430-00187725 So you have all of these consumers, you have one H8HdPQHnx5y-00422-00187725-00188267 single source of truth, your component library where your components live in there. H8HdPQHnx5y-00423-00188267-00188914 Your mix-ins live in there, your variables live in there, the font stuff, your typography H8HdPQHnx5y-00424-00188914-00189641 rules, et cetera, and then, when you make an update, you can basically problem gate H8HdPQHnx5y-00425-00189641-00189890 that out throughout your applications. H8HdPQHnx5y-00426-00189890-00190187 It is important to use semantic versions, so, if H8HdPQHnx5y-00427-00190187-00190795 there are breaking changes, you want to make sure that those don't actually get passed H8HdPQHnx5y-00428-00190795-00191497 your through CI CD system, but, yes, cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00429-00191497-00192124 And just to get you guys started, there's a bunch of open-source component H8HdPQHnx5y-00430-00192124-00192260 libraries outs there. H8HdPQHnx5y-00431-00192260-00192819 Main have the living style guide that you can do whatever with. H8HdPQHnx5y-00432-00192819-00193254 You don't need to start from scratch if you're working with React. H8HdPQHnx5y-00433-00193254-00193784 There's tonnes of stuff to leverage, or just to see how specific H8HdPQHnx5y-00434-00193784-00193988 components are built. H8HdPQHnx5y-00435-00193988-00194121 Cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00436-00194121-00194360 So, let's talk about distribution. H8HdPQHnx5y-00437-00194360-00194573 How do I get it out to my team? H8HdPQHnx5y-00438-00194573-00195002 How do they consume it? H8HdPQHnx5y-00439-00195002-00195427 That's with webpack and npm. H8HdPQHnx5y-00440-00195427-00196205 A couple of important things to note with this: you want to, H8HdPQHnx5y-00441-00196205-00196593 with your component library, to building each component separately. H8HdPQHnx5y-00442-00196593-00196977 You don't want to build this massive index file or like output H8HdPQHnx5y-00443-00196977-00197466 to this lib file, because, then, if a consuming application is only using two components or H8HdPQHnx5y-00444-00197466-00198130 three components or maybe four, they would, in their bundle, they would have everything. H8HdPQHnx5y-00445-00198130-00198324 And it is going to be rather large. H8HdPQHnx5y-00446-00198324-00198757 It is like relatively used everywhere. H8HdPQHnx5y-00447-00198757-00199057 It is going to be a problem, and the bundle size is H8HdPQHnx5y-00448-00199057-00199409 going to grow tremendously, so, what you want to do is build each individual H8HdPQHnx5y-00449-00199409-00199982 component separately and give it its own entry point, basically, where then the H8HdPQHnx5y-00450-00199982-00200534 consumer would just import button from at your component library and the built H8HdPQHnx5y-00451-00200534-00200715 output. H8HdPQHnx5y-00452-00200715-00201077 -- built output. H8HdPQHnx5y-00453-00201077-00201361 Because you're building each thing into a flat directory H8HdPQHnx5y-00454-00201361-00202108 structure, what that means is like now you can externalise all of the components that H8HdPQHnx5y-00455-00202108-00202711 each component is using. H8HdPQHnx5y-00456-00202711-00203067 For this example, the button component, it also uses the H8HdPQHnx5y-00457-00203067-00203637 icon component, it also uses the tooltip component, and, if you weren't building these H8HdPQHnx5y-00458-00203637-00204249 stabilitily and externalising, which is a webpack feature, external using those, button H8HdPQHnx5y-00459-00204249-00204810 would have the entire source code for icon, and the entire source code for tooltip in H8HdPQHnx5y-00460-00204810-00205311 its built output, and then the consumer app could H8HdPQHnx5y-00461-00205311-00205833 also be using other things that use tool kit, and there are basically code duplications H8HdPQHnx5y-00462-00205833-00206042 which you want to avoid. H8HdPQHnx5y-00463-00206042-00206729 What we did to keep the bundle sizes down is we externalised H8HdPQHnx5y-00464-00206729-00206873 the CSS. H8HdPQHnx5y-00465-00206873-00207458 This requires that the consumer also uses PostCSS but it is for our H8HdPQHnx5y-00466-00207458-00207965 team at MuleSoft, and that's fine and everyone can do that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00467-00207965-00208525 This means when the actual application is built, it will only H8HdPQHnx5y-00468-00208525-00209064 unions the CSS that that, the application is using. H8HdPQHnx5y-00469-00209064-00209750 It won't use other stuff, and you can also pipe do down to the browser in a CSS H8HdPQHnx5y-00470-00209750-00210398 file rather than through a JavaScript bundle, and browsers can request multiple files concurrently, H8HdPQHnx5y-00471-00210398-00210781 so this is a kind of performance optimisation. H8HdPQHnx5y-00472-00210781-00210990 Cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00473-00210990-00211312 Then the other kind of like core these of this, enif I if a lot of H8HdPQHnx5y-00474-00211312-00212028 people are consuming your components is how do you actually know that, like what H8HdPQHnx5y-00475-00212028-00212192 components are being used where? H8HdPQHnx5y-00476-00212192-00212431 Like it is very hard to keep track of that stuff H8HdPQHnx5y-00477-00212431-00212531 manually. H8HdPQHnx5y-00478-00212531-00213181 So, this code, you could actually probably just grab and use, tweak a little H8HdPQHnx5y-00479-00213181-00213803 bit, but, every time webpack builds, it will parse through. H8HdPQHnx5y-00480-00213803-00214477 It gives you the entire structure of your application, all of the H8HdPQHnx5y-00481-00214477-00214636 things that are being imported, so basically, you H8HdPQHnx5y-00482-00214636-00215452 can check and see okay, what components is this consuming application actually using? H8HdPQHnx5y-00483-00215452-00216289 And then report that back, so, we set this up at MuleSoft to ping a lamda function, H8HdPQHnx5y-00484-00216289-00216571 shameless plug to restore that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00485-00216571-00217060 I actually know what version of the application it was, H8HdPQHnx5y-00486-00217060-00217648 what components that they were consuming, and that basically like helps inform the H8HdPQHnx5y-00487-00217648-00218762 team of okay, we're making this change to component x, y, and z, who is consuming it? H8HdPQHnx5y-00488-00218762-00219108 When we take this change, let's double-chose those applications that we didn't do H8HdPQHnx5y-00489-00219108-00219216 something bad. H8HdPQHnx5y-00490-00219216-00219721 It is important to have that kind of visibility in there. H8HdPQHnx5y-00491-00219721-00219871 Cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00492-00219871-00220444 And then sell lessons learned. H8HdPQHnx5y-00493-00220444-00220860 You want to be like very vigilant with your component APIs. H8HdPQHnx5y-00494-00220860-00221316 It is super, super easy to say, like, okay, let's H8HdPQHnx5y-00495-00221316-00221427 add all the properties. H8HdPQHnx5y-00496-00221427-00221527 You need to do this. H8HdPQHnx5y-00497-00221527-00221775 You have a use case for this, you have a use case for this. H8HdPQHnx5y-00498-00221775-00222213 Your props start to grope out of control, and it is really, really hard H8HdPQHnx5y-00499-00222213-00222444 to deprecate props. H8HdPQHnx5y-00500-00222444-00223330 So, yes, you want to be vigilant and make sure that use higher component, H8HdPQHnx5y-00501-00223330-00223821 basically wrapping the component in another component if there is like some one-off H8HdPQHnx5y-00502-00223821-00224003 use cases that you need. H8HdPQHnx5y-00503-00224003-00224475 Don't just add more and more props. H8HdPQHnx5y-00504-00224475-00224664 Don't add things until you have use cases for them. H8HdPQHnx5y-00505-00224664-00224981 This is a conversation all the time, like what about H8HdPQHnx5y-00506-00224981-00225182 this future-use case that we don't have yet? H8HdPQHnx5y-00507-00225182-00225363 That we may never have. H8HdPQHnx5y-00508-00225363-00225731 Yes, you want to avoid stuff like that. H8HdPQHnx5y-00509-00225731-00226039 Name things well and agree on a standard. H8HdPQHnx5y-00510-00226039-00226996 I have a blog post PropType naming conventions. H8HdPQHnx5y-00511-00226996-00227363 We don't want to reinvent API-like things if it is just H8HdPQHnx5y-00512-00227363-00227641 mapping down to a DOM primitive. H8HdPQHnx5y-00513-00227641-00228089 Use, like really good naming conventions for Props, like it H8HdPQHnx5y-00514-00228089-00228627 is a Boolean property, it is an "is" field or has H8HdPQHnx5y-00515-00228627-00229258 value, or whatever, or build. H8HdPQHnx5y-00516-00229258-00229423 Yes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00517-00229423-00229658 And avoid unnecessary abstractions. H8HdPQHnx5y-00518-00229658-00230288 Set up linting first, and I had to go update an entire code H8HdPQHnx5y-00519-00230288-00230658 base later, which is painful. H8HdPQHnx5y-00520-00230658-00231054 Test is server side renderability early and often. H8HdPQHnx5y-00521-00231054-00231275 This is something we didn't do in the beginning, and H8HdPQHnx5y-00522-00231275-00231617 I had to go back and retro fit a lot of code. H8HdPQHnx5y-00523-00231617-00232379 If you want a static website like I showed, you want to make sure that you basically aren't H8HdPQHnx5y-00524-00232379-00232739 doing any document or window calls in your components. H8HdPQHnx5y-00525-00232739-00233026 But, yes, cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00526-00233026-00233602 So, yes, let me actually, I'm going to show you guys H8HdPQHnx5y-00527-00233602-00234307 the component library, and then I will wrap up with some final thoughts. H8HdPQHnx5y-00528-00234307-00234731 This is the MuleSoft component library. H8HdPQHnx5y-00529-00234731-00236288 We have this stuff generated from the source code, there H8HdPQHnx5y-00530-00236288-00236465 we go. H8HdPQHnx5y-00531-00236465-00236565 This is. H8HdPQHnx5y-00532-00236565-00236665 Okay. H8HdPQHnx5y-00533-00236665-00236903 This is going to be hard to demo now. H8HdPQHnx5y-00534-00236903-00237432 Basically, these are all like working components. H8HdPQHnx5y-00535-00237432-00237890 You can actually see the usage here of like, okay, here is my H8HdPQHnx5y-00536-00237890-00237990 component. H8HdPQHnx5y-00537-00237990-00238388 Here is all the props that I'm giving it. H8HdPQHnx5y-00538-00238388-00238828 This documentation, the prop types and the comments are automatically generated H8HdPQHnx5y-00539-00238828-00239071 from the code. H8HdPQHnx5y-00540-00239071-00239810 This is a live code editor so I can change this to danger, let's say, H8HdPQHnx5y-00541-00239810-00240082 and this is now a danger button. H8HdPQHnx5y-00542-00240082-00240542 Yes, so it is basically like this is exactly how you use H8HdPQHnx5y-00543-00240542-00240789 this component in your application. H8HdPQHnx5y-00544-00240789-00241198 I wrote the code for you so you don't have to. H8HdPQHnx5y-00545-00241198-00241541 What this, like, allows is for really, really quick H8HdPQHnx5y-00546-00241541-00242286 prototyping and really, really fast basically iterations on products. H8HdPQHnx5y-00547-00242286-00243286 Likewise, we have some demos, this is kind of what I showed H8HdPQHnx5y-00548-00243286-00244280 before, and also, I can't go back. H8HdPQHnx5y-00549-00244280-00244959 It shows the - we also have our typography, all of H8HdPQHnx5y-00550-00244959-00245444 the colours, which is being automatically generated from the JavaScript file, and printing H8HdPQHnx5y-00551-00245444-00246277 them out, and all of our icons, and these are all like basically SVG use tags. H8HdPQHnx5y-00552-00246277-00246585 Let me show you guys what that looks like. H8HdPQHnx5y-00553-00246585-00247300 Here is our SVG and here is the use tag. H8HdPQHnx5y-00554-00247300-00247876 That is just referencing the sprite that is down in the bottom of the page, so this H8HdPQHnx5y-00555-00247876-00248116 means, like, you don't want to inline it, like H8HdPQHnx5y-00556-00248116-00248448 icons everywhere, especially if you're using icons in a table or whatever, it is going H8HdPQHnx5y-00557-00248448-00248716 to make your DOM super heavy, so you want to H8HdPQHnx5y-00558-00248716-00249304 keep those things down to a minimum. H8HdPQHnx5y-00559-00249304-00250108 So that is the live demo. H8HdPQHnx5y-00560-00250108-00250658 Cool. H8HdPQHnx5y-00561-00250658-00251123 Some final thousand: with this set-up, you can H8HdPQHnx5y-00562-00251123-00251504 basically like achieve like a faster development velocity. H8HdPQHnx5y-00563-00251504-00251867 If everyone is consuming the same things and contributing back to the same H8HdPQHnx5y-00564-00251867-00252239 code base, you could do things a lot faster. H8HdPQHnx5y-00565-00252239-00252569 That's not to say that everything needs like every - like every component needs H8HdPQHnx5y-00566-00252569-00252805 to live in the component library. H8HdPQHnx5y-00567-00252805-00253265 We did have some use cases where project excise had H8HdPQHnx5y-00568-00253265-00253733 some - project x, y, and z had some things that it needed and lived there in the H8HdPQHnx5y-00569-00253733-00253833 repository. H8HdPQHnx5y-00570-00253833-00254300 Sometimes, they were like, "Oh, we need that in other things, let's move H8HdPQHnx5y-00571-00254300-00254571 that into the component library and use it elsewhere." H8HdPQHnx5y-00572-00254571-00254889 Yes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00573-00254889-00255177 Individuals can work on these isolated components without worrying H8HdPQHnx5y-00574-00255177-00255433 about breaking things. H8HdPQHnx5y-00575-00255433-00255907 The main thing for me is like having a multi-platform component H8HdPQHnx5y-00576-00255907-00256744 library, so, again, targeting mobile browser, and desktop. H8HdPQHnx5y-00577-00256744-00257242 And having it like basically on all of our assets, so I don't have H8HdPQHnx5y-00578-00257242-00257746 to maintain three different sets of CSS, I just maintain my component library. H8HdPQHnx5y-00579-00257746-00258098 I can use that again on my marketing site, on my blog, H8HdPQHnx5y-00580-00258098-00258660 on any demo apps, inside of any application, and you name it. H8HdPQHnx5y-00581-00258660-00258823 Yes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00582-00258823-00259428 You can render this stuff statistically, service-side rendering for better experience and indexability, H8HdPQHnx5y-00583-00259428-00260115 and, yes, if you choose the static path, so, this is again using something like Phenomic, H8HdPQHnx5y-00584-00260115-00260991 basically, it is doing server-side rendering, like on, in your CI system, and H8HdPQHnx5y-00585-00260991-00261186 then it is deploying that after a CDN, so you H8HdPQHnx5y-00586-00261186-00261579 basically have raw scale, like out of the box. H8HdPQHnx5y-00587-00261579-00261956 If your application isn't that dynamic. H8HdPQHnx5y-00588-00261956-00262144 Which is what we are doing a lot of. H8HdPQHnx5y-00589-00262144-00262383 So, no matter how much traffic goes to like our H8HdPQHnx5y-00590-00262383-00262800 site or whatever, it is on a CDN, so it doesn't really matter. H8HdPQHnx5y-00591-00262800-00263142 We're not rendering that over and over again. H8HdPQHnx5y-00592-00263142-00263322 Only once that build. H8HdPQHnx5y-00593-00263322-00263422 Yes. H8HdPQHnx5y-00594-00263422-00263918 So that, in my opinion, is like the future stack. H8HdPQHnx5y-00595-00263918-00264424 And I hope that was informative, and, yes, let me know if you guys have H8HdPQHnx5y-00596-00264424-00264674 any questions on Twitter. H8HdPQHnx5y-00597-00264674-00265187 I'm @davidwells, and these are my favourite pieces of H8HdPQHnx5y-00598-00265187-00265386 technology right now. H8HdPQHnx5y-00599-00265386-00265514 Cool! . HqS67JgiLzo-00000-00000210-00000669 I know that the history of the world is always.. HqS67JgiLzo-00001-00000728-00001134 the history of weak people fighting strong people HqS67JgiLzo-00002-00001265-00001720 Of weak people who has correct case, fighting strong people HqS67JgiLzo-00003-00001720-00002213 who use their strength to exploit.. the weak. HqS67JgiLzo-00004-00002306-00002800 You better throw a rock boy. Took your pride, took your life boy HqS67JgiLzo-00005-00002800-00003342 Rubber bullets take your eyes too, spin up the headlines you cant fool 'em twice too HqS67JgiLzo-00006-00003400-00003710 You better throw a rock boy (you better) HqS67JgiLzo-00007-00003720-00003979 Better throw a rock boy (you better) HqS67JgiLzo-00008-00003990-00004520 Better throw a rock boy, this ain't the time for toys HqS67JgiLzo-00009-00004524-00004881 Its in my blood and my veins, a feeling I can't ever change HqS67JgiLzo-00010-00004890-00005174 Watch my home and my people they be digging up their graves HqS67JgiLzo-00011-00005181-00005425 Fake news, watching media corrupted HqS67JgiLzo-00012-00005432-00005708 People playing while they spinning up the puppets HqS67JgiLzo-00013-00005712-00006247 Busted, turn on the light switch. How many times can you silence our voices HqS67JgiLzo-00014-00006252-00006555 Tear their own branded clothes, while we sowing our own HqS67JgiLzo-00015-00006570-00006976 Still watching what we say on the phone. One wrong word you'll never atone HqS67JgiLzo-00016-00006986-00007251 They'll say anti-everything so I can never go home HqS67JgiLzo-00017-00007278-00007669 Out there in the strip, throw a rock in the air they'll empty a clip HqS67JgiLzo-00018-00007674-00008061 See a bullet proof soldier crying cause she bruised on her shoulder HqS67JgiLzo-00019-00008068-00008413 Punishing confused little boy looking for some closure HqS67JgiLzo-00020-00008413-00008928 The sky is blue but now its darker than ever. We heard birds chirp, now they quiver with terror HqS67JgiLzo-00021-00008945-00009156 and Mothers love HqS67JgiLzo-00022-00009222-00009497 Fathers love (fathers love) HqS67JgiLzo-00023-00009509-00010110 Now they screaming silently. Now they battling on the streets HqS67JgiLzo-00024-00010137-00010657 These people prefer to die standing than to lose its case HqS67JgiLzo-00025-00010687-00011212 We are One cause, One movement, and One people. HqS67JgiLzo-00026-00011230-00011734 You better throw a rock boy. Took your pride, took your life boy HqS67JgiLzo-00027-00011734-00012292 Rubber bullets, take your eyes too. Spin up the headlines you cant fool 'em twice too HqS67JgiLzo-00028-00012355-00012854 You better throw a rock boy. Took your pride took, took your life boy HqS67JgiLzo-00029-00012854-00013409 Rubber bullets, take your eyes too. Spin up the headlines you cant fool 'em twice too HqS67JgiLzo-00030-00013478-00013755 You better throw a rock boy (you better) HqS67JgiLzo-00031-00013763-00014032 Better throw a rock boy (you better) HqS67JgiLzo-00032-00014043-00014596 Better throw a rock boy, this ain't the time for toys HqS67JgiLzo-00033-00014621-00014908 (better throw a rock boyyy) HqS67JgiLzo-00034-00014874-00015135 Why not talk? HqS67JgiLzo-00035-00015362-00015511 Talk about what? HqS67JgiLzo-00036-00015518-00016039 Talk about the possibility of not fighting. Better that way than dead though. HqS67JgiLzo-00037-00016080-00016405 Maybe to you. But to us, it's not HqS67JgiLzo-00038-00016447-00016638 To us, to liberate our country HqS67JgiLzo-00039-00016658-00017210 to have dignity, to have respect, to have our mere human rights HqS67JgiLzo-00040-00017230-00017521 is something as essential as life itself. HqS67JgiLzo-00041-00017541-00018030 We achieved that our people could never be defeated. HqaIH-cUYqM-00000-00000005-00000300 We won, Father! HqaIH-cUYqM-00001-00000300-00000958 On 11th of May, 2006, this banner appeared across Tverskaya street in Moscow HqaIH-cUYqM-00002-00001028-00001428 It happened right after historical victory of CSKA basketball club HqaIH-cUYqM-00003-00001462-00001910 CSKA won the Euroleague title. For the first time in its modern history HqaIH-cUYqM-00005-00002060-00002500 CSKA claimed that the father of the victory was a person who did not participate in the game. HqaIH-cUYqM-00007-00002670-00002910 He did not watch it. He died a bit shy of it HqaIH-cUYqM-00009-00003064-00003379 That person’s name was Alexander Yakovlevich Gomelsky HqaIH-cUYqM-00011-00003520-00003815 Everyone who loved this great game called him the Father HqaIH-cUYqM-00012-00003902-00004060 I also call him like this HqaIH-cUYqM-00013-00004114-00004274 Because he was my father literally HqaIH-cUYqM-00014-00004436-00005024 I wasn’t able to learn calling him a father as all grown men should HqaIH-cUYqM-00015-00005162-00005302 Gomelsky 90 HqaIH-cUYqM-00016-00005472-00005740 The club of funny and smart HqaIH-cUYqM-00017-00006120-00006409 Moscow, August 30, 1982 HqaIH-cUYqM-00018-00006530-00006918 The Soviet Union where my father was born was a strange country HqaIH-cUYqM-00019-00006986-00007236 We were the first into Space HqaIH-cUYqM-00020-00007254-00007584 We followed a hurricane-like tempo in the race of military technologies against America HqaIH-cUYqM-00021-00007606-00007904 We succeeded in ballet and sports HqaIH-cUYqM-00022-00007940-00008300 But we were absolutely unable to feed ourselves, to find enough clothes and shoes HqaIH-cUYqM-00023-00008340-00008540 We did not trust this world enough HqaIH-cUYqM-00024-00008704-00009102 So only those who were bringing prestige to the country were able to easily travel abroad HqaIH-cUYqM-00025-00009124-00009596 Ballet dancers and athletes HqaIH-cUYqM-00026-00009718-00010378 In 1982 Soviet team took World Championship gold for the second time in its history HqaIH-cUYqM-00027-00010398-00010638 The Americans were defeated in the final game HqaIH-cUYqM-00028-00010716-00010962 The team was happy, it loaded the bags so hard HqaIH-cUYqM-00029-00010984-00011224 that it reminded of the caravan somewhere on the Silk Way HqaIH-cUYqM-00030-00011286-00011510 My father understood that the caravan will not be able to pass the customs HqaIH-cUYqM-00031-00011590-00011896 So he should, like in fairytale, to find a magic protective charm HqaIH-cUYqM-00032-00011924-00012156 To pass the mighty guards HqaIH-cUYqM-00033-00012178-00012356 And he found it HqaIH-cUYqM-00034-00012524-00013124 My father, Alexander Yakovlevich Gomelsky, was kind of fairytale personage HqaIH-cUYqM-00035-00013163-00013816 He was an enterprising person and could become a businessman if he lived in different era HqaIH-cUYqM-00036-00013891-00014232 He could be successful in many other areas HqaIH-cUYqM-00037-00014488-00014722 For example he could become a horse wrangler HqaIH-cUYqM-00038-00014747-00015019 He wrangled the horses when he was a teenager during WWII evacuation HqaIH-cUYqM-00039-00015036-00015110 Stepnoye, Chelyabinsk Region, June of 1942 HqaIH-cUYqM-00040-00015134-00015438 He could be a director of the theater. Bolshoy Theater HqaIH-cUYqM-00041-00015528-00016000 He knew how to deal with the stars. To create peace between them HqaIH-cUYqM-00042-00016094-00016276 Sukhumi, beginning of 1980s HqaIH-cUYqM-00043-00016760-00016868 Deryugin, Tkachenko and Belostennyi HqaIH-cUYqM-00044-00017048-00017160 They knew how to joke HqaIH-cUYqM-00045-00017248-00017448 Isn’t it funny? HqaIH-cUYqM-00046-00017536-00017664 Three persons with 641 cm in total height HqaIH-cUYqM-00047-00017872-00017984 Re-create the episode from famous Soviet motion picture HqaIH-cUYqM-00048-00018226-00018330 It was a good joke HqaIH-cUYqM-00049-00018364-00018548 He could become a lawyer HqaIH-cUYqM-00050-00018832-00019072 Everyone was happy to meet the father in any circumstances HqaIH-cUYqM-00051-00019112-00019232 He could become a hypnotizer HqaIH-cUYqM-00052-00019264-00019724 Wake up, Team USSR, open your eyes HqaIH-cUYqM-00053-00019776-00020296 Clean your eyes, lift your heads up HqaIH-cUYqM-00054-00020324-00020664 You can put your hands behind your heads HqaIH-cUYqM-00055-00020700-00020980 Slowly get up, stretch, sit down HqaIH-cUYqM-00056-00021080-00021276 Even, if you want, he could become a Pope HqaIH-cUYqM-00057-00021316-00021580 He knew how to teach. Or to preach HqaIH-cUYqM-00058-00021668-00022168 But he became a basketball coach The father for everyone who played this game HqaIH-cUYqM-00059-00022316-00022984 Moscow, 19th of July, 1980 HqaIH-cUYqM-00060-00023116-00023612 Before the year 1980 the father won almost everything possible in basketball HqaIH-cUYqM-00061-00023652-00023956 Except for the main trophy. Olympic gold HqaIH-cUYqM-00062-00024040-00024588 Moscow hosted the Olympics. And that was a perfect chance to take what is missing HqaIH-cUYqM-00063-00024772-00025156 The Americans did not come due to political reasons HqaIH-cUYqM-00066-00027439-00027864 But we unexpectedly lost to Yugoslavia and, after that, to Italy in the semifinal HqaIH-cUYqM-00067-00027936-00028183 After the game we went to my home together with the father HqaIH-cUYqM-00068-00028264-00028639 We try to realize what had just happened, what was a mistake HqaIH-cUYqM-00069-00028683-00029139 I asked him why did he chose this tactic scheme over another one HqaIH-cUYqM-00070-00029192-00029636 He started saying: “When you take my place…” and felt down unconscious HqaIH-cUYqM-00071-00029668-00030008 Botkin Hospital was around the corner HqaIH-cUYqM-00072-00030012-00030304 Me and my brother Sasha did not even call ambulance HqaIH-cUYqM-00073-00030360-00030616 We just carried him to the hospital HqaIH-cUYqM-00074-00030668-00030772 Heart stroke HqaIH-cUYqM-00075-00030832-00031032 But the father never hanged his head down HqaIH-cUYqM-00076-00031104-00031383 The difficulties never stopped him HqaIH-cUYqM-00077-00031404-00031739 They made him faster and smarter HqaIH-cUYqM-00078-00031783-00032356 If at least half of the Earth population was able to enjoy life the same way HqaIH-cUYqM-00079-00032412-00032716 Our planet was way more happier HqaIH-cUYqM-00080-00032727-00033088 Or – no, our planet would not exist anymore HqaIH-cUYqM-00081-00033120-00033400 It would be broken into pieces HqaIH-cUYqM-00082-00033432-00033704 It could not stand so many energetic and active people HqaIH-cUYqM-00083-00033760-00034104 We should go to the center, it is easier to score their HqaIH-cUYqM-00084-00034132-00034376 We are hurrying our shots, all misses HqaIH-cUYqM-00085-00034400-00034824 The loss in Moscow Olympics changed my father HqaIH-cUYqM-00086-00034876-00035000 At least if you look from outside HqaIH-cUYqM-00087-00035052-00035284 He spent 3 months on the resort HqaIH-cUYqM-00088-00035292-00035544 He was saying he wants to stop his basketball career HqaIH-cUYqM-00089-00035616-00035956 It seemed to me that he wanted to convince himself, not anyone else HqaIH-cUYqM-00090-00036016-00036184 Obviously, he got back to the National Team HqaIH-cUYqM-00091-00036236-00036432 Like there were no those defeat HqaIH-cUYqM-00092-00036524-00036912 Like no one else in the whole world could do this job HqaIH-cUYqM-00093-00036964-00037132 It was impossible not to get back HqaIH-cUYqM-00094-00037224-00037588 Fairy tale hero was growing up in Lithuania. Arvydas Sabonis HqaIH-cUYqM-00095-00037624-00038148 CSKA featured another 220 cm giant, Vladimir Tkachenko HqaIH-cUYqM-00096-00038244-00038656 Father liked to work with huge players. And he was always winning with them HqaIH-cUYqM-00097-00038768-00039020 Tkachenko: He was small but very strict HqaIH-cUYqM-00098-00039072-00039428 They called him a Fox in Europe HqaIH-cUYqM-00099-00039488-00039852 Everyone respected him and everyone was a bit afraid HqaIH-cUYqM-00100-00039884-00039984 That Father will do something extraordinary HqaIH-cUYqM-00101-00040112-00040236 It could be a team of superheroes HqaIH-cUYqM-00102-00040268-00040468 That would not be afraid of anyone HqaIH-cUYqM-00103-00040772-00041112 Father took 17-year old Sabonis to the World Championship in Columbia HqaIH-cUYqM-00104-00041112-00041312 In fact he should have been a tourist HqaIH-cUYqM-00105-00041312-00041584 Team USSR beat USA in the final game HqaIH-cUYqM-00106-00041800-00042424 But the country’s politicians decided not to send the team over to Los Angeles as a revenge HqaIH-cUYqM-00107-00042736-00043020 As soon as it became official, father ran to Sports Committee HqaIH-cUYqM-00108-00043096-00043476 He started to convince that only a basketball team should go to America HqaIH-cUYqM-00109-00043524-00043724 It would be a team of spies, superheroes HqaIH-cUYqM-00110-00043812-00044228 They would beat Americans in their national game at their home HqaIH-cUYqM-00111-00044404-00044564 …No gold again HqaIH-cUYqM-00112-00044596-00044928 Then Tkachenko started to suffer from back pains HqaIH-cUYqM-00113-00044984-00045288 I was walking as Г-letter HqaIH-cUYqM-00114-00045308-00045612 It was huge disappointment because I should be on those team HqaIH-cUYqM-00115-00045612-00045832 Sabonis torn his Achilles during practice HqaIH-cUYqM-00116-00045860-00046192 Then, again, this time at home, at the stairs HqaIH-cUYqM-00117-00046232-00046496 Sabonis: I was living on the third floor HqaIH-cUYqM-00118-00046572-00046912 My foot is big, size 53 HqaIH-cUYqM-00119-00046960-00047196 I slipped down HqaIH-cUYqM-00120-00047232-00047632 Could have fall down to soften it but did not think about it at the moment HqaIH-cUYqM-00121-00047688-00047956 It was a great generation of players HqaIH-cUYqM-00122-00047984-00048196 But Sabonis was the greatest of them all HqaIH-cUYqM-00123-00048244-00048464 You could not win without him HqaIH-cUYqM-00124-00048504-00048676 Father believed in him like in himself HqaIH-cUYqM-00125-00048736-00049228 Lithuania did not want Sabonis to sacrifice his health for the Olympics HqaIH-cUYqM-00126-00049228-00049928 But father made it possible for Sabonis to rehab abroad, in the USA HqaIH-cUYqM-00127-00049952-00050148 For the first time in the history of Soviet sports HqaIH-cUYqM-00128-00050368-00050744 Sabonis insisted that he is not able to recover for the Olympics HqaIH-cUYqM-00129-00050760-00050856 Kaunas, July of 1988 HqaIH-cUYqM-00130-00050884-00051000 I will not play at the Olympics HqaIH-cUYqM-00131-00051068-00051432 If some say that I have to be there to support my friends, teammates HqaIH-cUYqM-00132-00051460-00051644 Of course, I can go HqaIH-cUYqM-00133-00051812-00052000 Father said: Ok, we can deal with it HqaIH-cUYqM-00134-00052036-00052400 I did not see Sabonis for couple of months, we did not talk HqaIH-cUYqM-00135-00052436-00052652 We had a tough conversation in Kaunas HqaIH-cUYqM-00136-00052684-00052940 Before his trip to the United States HqaIH-cUYqM-00137-00052988-00053184 When his question was raised HqaIH-cUYqM-00138-00053212-00053560 I know that Sabonis himself HqaIH-cUYqM-00139-00053579-00054020 Is not very active to rehab in shortest term HqaIH-cUYqM-00140-00054048-00054148 Novogorsk Olympic Base, 9th of September, 1988 HqaIH-cUYqM-00141-00054188-00054388 With a week before the start of the Olympics HqaIH-cUYqM-00142-00054420-00054696 Sabonis came to practice To talk to father HqaIH-cUYqM-00143-00054784-00055052 I went to Moscow, the practice was at Novogorsk HqaIH-cUYqM-00144-00055148-00055432 I went in wearing flip-flops, sat down HqaIH-cUYqM-00145-00055636-00056316 He used to kick the ball to the centers so that they catch and shoot the hook HqaIH-cUYqM-00146-00056455-00056588 He says: Come here HqaIH-cUYqM-00147-00056620-00056879 I came in, he kicked the ball, and I scored HqaIH-cUYqM-00148-00056912-00057120 He says: You are in excellent shape. We go together HqaIH-cUYqM-00149-00057224-00057700 To the Olympics! I did not bother to ask! To come as a tourist HqaIH-cUYqM-00151-00057964-00058216 Everything should be decided at the doctors’ meeting HqaIH-cUYqM-00152-00058344-00058612 In fact that was a fight featuring father and Sabonis HqaIH-cUYqM-00153-00058948-00059424 It reminded of CSKA – Zalgiris rivalry in the USSR championship HqaIH-cUYqM-00154-00059491-00059872 In the 80s it was as explosive and interesting HqaIH-cUYqM-00155-00059912-00060204 as Real – Barcelona in soccer HqaIH-cUYqM-00156-00060267-00060572 Doctors from Moscow pulled Sabas to the Olympics HqaIH-cUYqM-00157-00060572-00060916 Lithuanian ones were afraid, they wanted to keep him at home HqaIH-cUYqM-00158-00060967-00061196 And Sabonis loved his home HqaIH-cUYqM-00159-00061255-00061608 But also he loved basketball. And basketball won HqaIH-cUYqM-00160-00061764-00061884 Father won HqaIH-cUYqM-00161-00061920-00062040 It’s my foot, I will do what I want to do! HqaIH-cUYqM-00162-00062379-00062752 As every winner my father was a dreamer, a fantasizer HqaIH-cUYqM-00163-00062779-00063116 He was able to create fantasies not only about future But about past as well HqaIH-cUYqM-00164-00063136-00063220 Seoul. 27th of September, 1988 HqaIH-cUYqM-00165-00063260-00063632 Talking to him it was always difficult to understand how the things went in reality HqaIH-cUYqM-00166-00063664-00064128 I asked him after how did he come up with the plan for the game vs USA HqaIH-cUYqM-00167-00064167-00064396 Main game for USSR there HqaIH-cUYqM-00168-00064448-00064732 And he replied: I saw it in my dream HqaIH-cUYqM-00169-00064791-00064976 He wasn't joking HqaIH-cUYqM-00170-00065252-00065812 It was one of the best American teams ever collected from college students HqaIH-cUYqM-00171-00065912-00066404 Half of those team went on to have careers in the NBA HqaIH-cUYqM-00172-00066784-00067048 Those guys did not realize how to oppose the trick HqaIH-cUYqM-00173-00067096-00067592 As father said, the trick from his dream HqaIH-cUYqM-00174-00068352-00068812 The Americans pressured us so I came down to receive the ball HqaIH-cUYqM-00175-00068848-00069436 The small player ran around me, I passed – and goodbye, the pressure! HqaIH-cUYqM-00176-00069692-00069936 All bets were won HqaIH-cUYqM-00177-00070224-00070532 We lost our first game to Yugoslavia HqaIH-cUYqM-00178-00070628-00070760 “We’ve already played our worst game” HqaIH-cUYqM-00179-00070796-00071044 But nobody was afraid of them in the final HqaIH-cUYqM-00180-00071072-00071336 Everything went accordingly to father’s promises HqaIH-cUYqM-00181-00071368-00071628 He did what he wanted to do HqaIH-cUYqM-00182-00071656-00071808 Came to where he was going for 40 years HqaIH-cUYqM-00183-00071824-00072032 That victory changed basketball forever HqaIH-cUYqM-00184-00072092-00072448 The Americans accepted that they were fairly beaten for the first time HqaIH-cUYqM-00185-00072504-00072920 After that they were bringing NBA pros to the Olympics HqaIH-cUYqM-00186-00073484-00073784 Olympic gold is a father’s seventh heaven HqaIH-cUYqM-00187-00073868-00074220 He was living freely, joyfully and easily there HqaIH-cUYqM-00188-00074268-00074568 He travelled a lot around the Globe HqaIH-cUYqM-00189-00074568-00074696 Or it’s better to say – over the Globe HqaIH-cUYqM-00190-00074788-00075200 But the father was bother by our everyday existence on Earth HqaIH-cUYqM-00191-00075308-00075732 At one moment father realized that CSKA, his home, is on the decline HqaIH-cUYqM-00192-00075776-00075908 Just a fact HqaIH-cUYqM-00193-00075964-00076380 CSKA center Marcus Webb was riding a bike to be at the practice HqaIH-cUYqM-00194-00076404-00076508 In winter HqaIH-cUYqM-00195-00076580-00076868 That was a challenge for father. Personal challenge HqaIH-cUYqM-00196-00076928-00077260 He was charged up in situations when everything goes bad HqaIH-cUYqM-00197-00077444-00077840 He could kick the door of Moscow City Council HqaIH-cUYqM-00198-00077872-00078304 He could go and ask to improve living conditions for someone, to find a car HqaIH-cUYqM-00199-00078340-00078792 Nobody could compare to him in this. He was like a small tank HqaIH-cUYqM-00200-00078872-00079340 He was nicknamed Father. That says a lot about him HqaIH-cUYqM-00201-00079396-00079640 Not everyone deserves it HqaIH-cUYqM-00202-00079668-00080088 His fantasies were coming from looks at the Earth, not to the sky HqaIH-cUYqM-00203-00080128-00080412 They were realistic. They could be turned into real life HqaIH-cUYqM-00204-00080476-00081048 During his visit to Kremlin father met the owners of huge company, Norilsk Nickel HqaIH-cUYqM-00205-00081076-00081340 Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov HqaIH-cUYqM-00206-00081436-00082068 And in a while CSKA became a club of today. Like it was in father’s years HqaIH-cUYqM-00207-00082148-00082396 One of the mightiest teams in Europe HqaIH-cUYqM-00208-00082648-00083148 Father’s achievement is that not only he used his name, energy and charm HqaIH-cUYqM-00209-00083196-00083720 To find mighty and reliable owner for many years HqaIH-cUYqM-00210-00083824-00084196 The father is not only the one who feeds his family HqaIH-cUYqM-00211-00084244-00084932 By his deeds, words, thoughts, passions HqaIH-cUYqM-00212-00084968-00085176 The father is the one who programs his kids HqaIH-cUYqM-00213-00085244-00085680 I am convinced that if CSKA did not have Gomelsky For so many years HqaIH-cUYqM-00214-00085716-00085932 It would be a different team right now HqaIH-cUYqM-00215-00086040-00086308 Father stood strong under the hits of Fate HqaIH-cUYqM-00216-00086376-00086496 And you can say the same about CSKA HqaIH-cUYqM-00217-00086608-00086828 (with 21 second to go in the fourth quarter CSKA is down, 81-83) HqaIH-cUYqM-00218-00086872-00087216 When there is no success, many people are looking for guilty ones around HqaIH-cUYqM-00219-00087256-00087576 And this people make themselves weaker HqaIH-cUYqM-00220-00087680-00088096 But the ability to smile whatever happens, to move forward HqaIH-cUYqM-00221-00088120-00088600 To stand strong when you want to scream and fall down HqaIH-cUYqM-00222-00088664-00088896 That’s the most important thing my father had HqaIH-cUYqM-00223-00088976-00089156 And that’s the most important that CSKA has HqaIH-cUYqM-00224-00090076-00090376 I think it was the Year 1973 HqaIH-cUYqM-00225-00090376-00090664 Tbilisi. Dynamo vs CSKA HqaIH-cUYqM-00226-00090684-00090832 10 thousands on the stands HqaIH-cUYqM-00227-00090856-00090988 The locals are losing terribly HqaIH-cUYqM-00228-00091076-00091284 Father just brought the boots with platform from abroad HqaIH-cUYqM-00229-00091308-00091568 They just started to become fashionable HqaIH-cUYqM-00230-00091620-00091952 Somebody shouts during timeout so that everybody hears: HqaIH-cUYqM-00231-00092012-00092232 Gomelsky, take the platform off! HqaIH-cUYqM-00232-00092284-00092504 And everybody starts screaming HqaIH-cUYqM-00233-00092564-00092936 Coins, different objects fly to the floor HqaIH-cUYqM-00234-00092984-00093380 But instead of running away or asking militia to restore order HqaIH-cUYqM-00235-00093412-00093736 Father turns to the stands and smiles HqaIH-cUYqM-00236-00093820-00093936 And it becomes quiet HqaIH-cUYqM-00237-00094396-00094756 We won, Father! HqaIH-cUYqM-00238-00095676-00095920 Video editor: Andrey Mastyukov. Cameraman: Kyrill Synkov. Editor: Filipp Prokofiev. Producer: Yelena Prikazchikova HqaIH-cUYqM-00239-00096148-00096356 Music and sounds: Dmitry Vikhornov. Graphics: Anna Talipova. Motion design: Nikolai Zdanevich. Artists: Anna Kruk, Valery Zarytovsky HqaIH-cUYqM-00240-00096448-00096612 Motion picture artist: Ilya Orlov HqaIH-cUYqM-00241-00096660-00096776 Idea, scenario: Igor Poroshin HqaIH-cUYqM-00242-00096888-00096992 Voice: Vladimir Gomelsky HruOsUCPnnu-00000-00000547-00001170 Taking on Audi, BMW and Mercedes is no easy task. HruOsUCPnnu-00001-00001170-00001666 So the new Lexus IS does things a bit differently. HruOsUCPnnu-00002-00001666-00002048 That means a hybrid instead of the usual diesel engines. HruOsUCPnnu-00003-00002048-00002698 Plenty of standard equipment plus angular, very Japanese styling. HruOsUCPnnu-00004-00002698-00003005 But it's still chasing the same customers. HruOsUCPnnu-00005-00003005-00003461 So can it beat the Germans at their own game. HruOsUCPnnu-00006-00003461-00004072 The new IS comes as a four door saloon only and with a choice of two engines. HruOsUCPnnu-00007-00004072-00004644 The petrol IS250 or hybrid IS300H. HruOsUCPnnu-00008-00004644-00005068 Prices for the 250 start at around 26,500 pounds. HruOsUCPnnu-00009-00005068-00005788 But you'll need to part with 3,000 pounds more for the hybrid we're driving today. HruOsUCPnnu-00010-00005788-00007006 If you thought hybrids were just for ecowarriors, think again the combined output of this hybrid HruOsUCPnnu-00011-00007006-00007617 engine, is about the same as a BMW 325 Diesel. HruOsUCPnnu-00012-00007617-00008061 The instant torque of the electric motor, gives you really punch acceleration around HruOsUCPnnu-00013-00008061-00008279 town And it's near silence HruOsUCPnnu-00014-00008279-00008544 at low speeds too. HruOsUCPnnu-00015-00008544-00008939 Hybrid achieve very low emissions in <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">the HruOsUCPnnu-00016-00008939-00009170 EU test </span><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">So low in fact </span><span HruOsUCPnnu-00017-00009170-00009270 style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> </span><span style="background-color: rgb(255, HruOsUCPnnu-00018-00009270-00009442 255, 255);">that the IS 300SE </span><span style="background-color: rgba(255, 255, 212, HruOsUCPnnu-00019-00009442-00009543 0.0235294);">actually qualifies for </span><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> HruOsUCPnnu-00020-00009543-00009643 </span><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> </span> HruOsUCPnnu-00021-00009643-00009743 <span style="background-color: rgba(255, 255, 212, 0.0235294);">free car tax</span> <span HruOsUCPnnu-00022-00009743-00010030 style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Official fuel economy is 65.7 </span> HruOsUCPnnu-00023-00010030-00011590 miles per gallon but the smaller Lexus CT hybrid fell short of it's HruOsUCPnnu-00024-00011590-00011851 But it does get noisy if you accelerate hard. HruOsUCPnnu-00025-00011851-00012381 It's automatic gear box holds the engine at constant roves which can make it sound a bit HruOsUCPnnu-00026-00012381-00012481 droney. HruOsUCPnnu-00027-00012481-00013322 Although its not As bad as some of the cheaper Toyota hybrids. HruOsUCPnnu-00028-00013322-00013972 Inside the IS is more reserved with high quality materials providing a premium feel. HruOsUCPnnu-00029-00013972-00014284 Check out these touch sensitive heating controls. HruOsUCPnnu-00030-00014284-00014837 Unfortunately, I just can't get on with this Lexus media system. HruOsUCPnnu-00031-00014837-00015249 This mouse style controller in here is really difficult to use while driving. HruOsUCPnnu-00032-00015249-00015765 and you often have to navigate several menus to perform quite simple tasks. HruOsUCPnnu-00033-00015765-00016331 You've got to love this parking navigation service it searches all the car parks in your HruOsUCPnnu-00034-00016331-00016973 area and tells you which ones have free spaces and how much they cost. HruOsUCPnnu-00035-00016973-00017572 The boots similar size to the 3 series, although you only get a tyre repair kit rather than HruOsUCPnnu-00036-00017572-00018163 a proper spare wheel, in the hybrid. HruOsUCPnnu-00037-00018163-00018305 Like it's main rivals. HruOsUCPnnu-00038-00018305-00018973 The Lexus is rear wheel drive, and it feels quite sporty behind the wheel. HruOsUCPnnu-00039-00018973-00019252 It also rides really well. HruOsUCPnnu-00040-00019252-00019890 There's also an active sound system that plays engine noise through Stereo speakers. HruOsUCPnnu-00041-00019890-00020070 But while it makes the car sound louder. HruOsUCPnnu-00042-00020070-00020584 It doesn't really make it sound any sportier. HruOsUCPnnu-00043-00020584-00021220 Lexus is know for its reliability but we carry out the biggest owner survey in the UK. HruOsUCPnnu-00044-00021220-00021670 Click the link below to find out more. HruOsUCPnnu-00045-00021670-00022123 Low emissions make the hybrid the obvious choice for company car drivers. HruOsUCPnnu-00046-00022123-00022740 But don't rule out the IS250 petrol if you you're buying with your own money, it's £3000 HruOsUCPnnu-00047-00022740-00023925 cheaper which goes a long to making up for those higher fuel bills . The IS hybrid offers HruOsUCPnnu-00048-00023925-00024383 diesel levels of fuel economy and superb refinement. HruOsUCPnnu-00049-00024383-00024649 It isn't quite as good to drive as the bench mark BMW. HruOsUCPnnu-00050-00024649-00024961 But you do get more for your money. HruOsUCPnnu-00051-00024961-00026577 So while it isn't perfect, the IS makes a strong case for daring to be different. Hy9K6On2D60-00000-00000033-00000185 - All right, dog pounds, Hy9K6On2D60-00001-00000187-00000714 let's look at the concept of penetrance. Hy9K6On2D60-00002-00000716-00000968 Are you ready? Hy9K6On2D60-00003-00000970-00001431 Penetrance is this idea that not everyone Hy9K6On2D60-00004-00001433-00002151 who has a specific genotype is going to express the phenotype. Hy9K6On2D60-00005-00002154-00002397 All right, let's go back to pea plants just Hy9K6On2D60-00006-00002399-00002756 for an easy accurate example. Hy9K6On2D60-00007-00002758-00003535 In pea plants, if you have a homozygous dominant-- Hy9K6On2D60-00008-00003537-00003685 what's the word, Hy9K6On2D60-00009-00003687-00004397 genotype, then you're going to make purple flowers. Hy9K6On2D60-00010-00004399-00004847 If this happens 100% of the time, Hy9K6On2D60-00011-00004850-00005235 then the penetrance equals 100%. Hy9K6On2D60-00012-00005237-00005531 Really? Hy9K6On2D60-00013-00005533-00006072 I mean, my understand is that this happens 100% of the time. Hy9K6On2D60-00014-00006075-00006568 Not so. Sometimes, for example, Hy9K6On2D60-00015-00006570-00007297 with the condition called retinoblastoma, I can do this, Hy9K6On2D60-00016-00007299-00007451 retinoblastoma, okay, Hy9K6On2D60-00017-00007454-00007851 I've got a picture of it. I'll show you the picture. Hy9K6On2D60-00018-00007854-00008139 This is a condition where it's genetic Hy9K6On2D60-00019-00008141-00008356 and it has something on your retina. Hy9K6On2D60-00020-00008358-00008581 This is this little fella's retina, Hy9K6On2D60-00021-00008583-00009181 and it's got whatever those things are on the retina. Hy9K6On2D60-00022-00009183-00009497 It is a genetic condition, so if the gene-- Hy9K6On2D60-00023-00009499-00009897 if you have the genotype, Hy9K6On2D60-00024-00009899-00010105 and 75% of people who have the genotype Hy9K6On2D60-00025-00010108-00010376 to get this phenotype, Hy9K6On2D60-00026-00010379-00010897 get the phenotype, then it's 75% penetrance. Hy9K6On2D60-00027-00010899-00011322 And if 90% of people who have the phenotype-- Hy9K6On2D60-00028-00011325-00011485 have the genotype, Hy9K6On2D60-00029-00011487-00011818 get the phenotype, or express the phenotype, Hy9K6On2D60-00030-00011820-00012164 then it's 90% penetrance. Hy9K6On2D60-00031-00012166-00012564 With a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia, Hy9K6On2D60-00032-00012566-00012743 that's a genetic condition, Hy9K6On2D60-00033-00012745-00013018 and that's 100% penetrance. Hy9K6On2D60-00034-00013020-00013356 So if you have those alleles, Hy9K6On2D60-00035-00013358-00013897 then you will display the phenotype that you would expect. Hy9K6On2D60-00036-00013899-00014122 For me, I started thinking about that, and I'm like, Hy9K6On2D60-00037-00014125-00014439 dude, like how can you ever draw any conclusions, Hy9K6On2D60-00038-00014441-00014597 because you would never know, Hy9K6On2D60-00039-00014599-00014947 is the variety that I'm seeing Hy9K6On2D60-00040-00014950-00015197 because there are multiple genes involved, Hy9K6On2D60-00041-00015200-00015447 or is the variety that I'm seeing because there Hy9K6On2D60-00042-00015450-00015897 isn't full penetrance in this particular situation? Hy9K6On2D60-00043-00015899-00016197 And then of course I have to be, like, why? Hy9K6On2D60-00044-00016199-00016468 Like is there something about the people Hy9K6On2D60-00045-00016470-00016910 where it's not penetrating that is unique? Hy9K6On2D60-00046-00016912-00017222 Like, I find this one really fascinating. Hy9K6On2D60-00047-00017225-00017397 This is an excellent example Hy9K6On2D60-00048-00017399-00018043 of how it's so much more complicated than we even know, Hy9K6On2D60-00049-00018045-00018497 and this next one is hopefully going to hit it home Hy9K6On2D60-00050-00018499-00018901 for us all that, wow, we're complicated critters. Hy9K6On2D60-00051-00018904-00019033 I'll be right back. HzEet03aED4-00000-00000000-00000200 Elon Musk emails staff as Tesla stocks reach two-year low HAkSUlIaEFQ-00000-00000580-00000794 In last video we have explore 5 HAkSUlIaEFQ-00001-00000794-00001001 amazing websites on Google. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00002-00001001-00001254 And now in this video, HAkSUlIaEFQ-00003-00001254-00001518 we are discussing five, amazing HAkSUlIaEFQ-00004-00001518-00001905 editing stuff, editing apps on mobile HAkSUlIaEFQ-00005-00001918-00002352 and five amazing editing software on PC. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00006-00002422-00002676 So like you can HAkSUlIaEFQ-00007-00002709-00003019 edit your videos there HAkSUlIaEFQ-00008-00003029-00003179 and have fun. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00009-00003179-00003480 So let's get started. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00010-00003536-00003586 First, HAkSUlIaEFQ-00011-00003586-00003943 we really give our fire amazing apps HAkSUlIaEFQ-00012-00003997-00004327 for editing your videos on mobile. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00013-00004344-00004601 So on the first number we have, Vita HAkSUlIaEFQ-00014-00004688-00004804 what is Vita HAkSUlIaEFQ-00015-00004804-00004991 You have less time to do it. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00016-00004991-00005372 Videos like will you need to add HAkSUlIaEFQ-00017-00005372-00005518 sound effects, HAkSUlIaEFQ-00018-00005518-00005865 ready made effects or anything HAkSUlIaEFQ-00019-00005892-00006162 like awesome but radio needs. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00020-00006189-00006706 So this offer is the best for you. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00021-00006746-00006993 And if you start being a YouTube channel, HAkSUlIaEFQ-00022-00006993-00007377 so you can like go to play store HAkSUlIaEFQ-00023-00007377-00007744 and download data and it's a good song HAkSUlIaEFQ-00024-00007911-00007974 Only stop HAkSUlIaEFQ-00025-00007974-00008268 for no a glitch. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00026-00008291-00008451 Now what is Glitch? HAkSUlIaEFQ-00027-00008451-00008848 Glitch is a ratings of a rating app, HAkSUlIaEFQ-00028-00008892-00009269 which if you want to give you a videos HAkSUlIaEFQ-00029-00009305-00009446 and upload HAkSUlIaEFQ-00030-00009446-00009622 and show them feasible HAkSUlIaEFQ-00031-00009622-00009946 or an easy alternative, format, you do, HAkSUlIaEFQ-00032-00009993-00010427 you can show this that it has some color HAkSUlIaEFQ-00033-00010447-00010667 but good external options HAkSUlIaEFQ-00034-00010667-00010917 and you can add audio. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00035-00010947-00011234 And like the ones which are needed HAkSUlIaEFQ-00036-00011234-00011541 for all of our local HAkSUlIaEFQ-00037-00011614-00011705 social media, HAkSUlIaEFQ-00038-00011705-00011915 create the except YouTube works HAkSUlIaEFQ-00039-00011965-00012215 so like you can also HAkSUlIaEFQ-00040-00012298-00012529 all like download this software HAkSUlIaEFQ-00041-00012529-00012762 and it's truly free HAkSUlIaEFQ-00042-00012762-00013026 and this are no, it's in short HAkSUlIaEFQ-00043-00013069-00013360 what is enshrined into the software HAkSUlIaEFQ-00044-00013393-00013560 like where HAkSUlIaEFQ-00045-00013560-00013763 you where you have to animate HAkSUlIaEFQ-00046-00013763-00014037 you have photos or anything. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00047-00014037-00014447 You can do that any free especially. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00048-00014487-00014644 And like I was over HAkSUlIaEFQ-00049-00014644-00014964 I did it's a good song good trading app HAkSUlIaEFQ-00050-00015008-00015205 which you can use HAkSUlIaEFQ-00051-00015205-00015412 while will start startup HAkSUlIaEFQ-00052-00015412-00015759 you can edit videos of any HAkSUlIaEFQ-00053-00015759-00015889 social media platform HAkSUlIaEFQ-00054-00015889-00016136 you do also and it's a nice HAkSUlIaEFQ-00055-00016219-00016753 I did number two there is no more of like HAkSUlIaEFQ-00056-00016790-00017153 everyone will not have to see a strong HAkSUlIaEFQ-00057-00017153-00017273 what do you see with HAkSUlIaEFQ-00058-00017273-00017654 where like clean water can run HAkSUlIaEFQ-00059-00017687-00018007 but like in this software you are HAkSUlIaEFQ-00060-00018048-00018341 you are like installing flame Mora HAkSUlIaEFQ-00061-00018348-00018732 on on your phone it's HAkSUlIaEFQ-00062-00018758-00018878 by windowShare HAkSUlIaEFQ-00063-00018878-00019275 and like it's a good software and a HAkSUlIaEFQ-00064-00019342-00019676 free word like if you can fix HAkSUlIaEFQ-00065-00019809-00020110 additional balls which you need to pay HAkSUlIaEFQ-00066-00020160-00020303 oh for taking back HAkSUlIaEFQ-00067-00020303-00020500 and it's a good software HAkSUlIaEFQ-00068-00020500-00020784 and learn all before HAkSUlIaEFQ-00069-00020784-00021204 and the rest of it is kind of like it do HAkSUlIaEFQ-00070-00021214-00021604 it will help you to bake feeling like HAkSUlIaEFQ-00071-00021628-00022038 you are editing the video on laptop HAkSUlIaEFQ-00072-00022078-00022228 and like here HAkSUlIaEFQ-00073-00022228-00022459 you can browse lots of effects, HAkSUlIaEFQ-00074-00022459-00022896 lots of audio lots of audio effects, etc. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00075-00022896-00023226 And like this software will help you HAkSUlIaEFQ-00076-00023226-00023279 when you are HAkSUlIaEFQ-00077-00023279-00023540 making like big YouTube videos. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00078-00023573-00023943 Now coming to software's on HAkSUlIaEFQ-00079-00024024-00024344 PC on the first no it windows mobile HAkSUlIaEFQ-00080-00024347-00024447 make sure HAkSUlIaEFQ-00081-00024447-00024524 and then HAkSUlIaEFQ-00082-00024557-00024698 the ratings of where you are HAkSUlIaEFQ-00083-00024698-00024928 you can like add some effects HAkSUlIaEFQ-00084-00024928-00025135 to where you would like that HAkSUlIaEFQ-00085-00025171-00025348 little editing HAkSUlIaEFQ-00086-00025348-00025432 software filling HAkSUlIaEFQ-00087-00025432-00025518 you can dig HAkSUlIaEFQ-00088-00025518-00025692 in additional editing software HAkSUlIaEFQ-00089-00025692-00025955 it's like I guess you just were Microsoft HAkSUlIaEFQ-00090-00025995-00026196 and it's a good editing software. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00091-00026232-00026583 I have also tried it and I want HAkSUlIaEFQ-00092-00026586-00026870 you can edit your videos there, HAkSUlIaEFQ-00093-00026903-00027333 you will get some free effects eg etc. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00094-00027394-00027664 all you can be and only for yet HAkSUlIaEFQ-00095-00027664-00027847 there are like three websites for all HAkSUlIaEFQ-00096-00027847-00028198 you can all download additional tools HAkSUlIaEFQ-00097-00028274-00028351 only forward. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00098-00028351-00028608 No, that is more or nine. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00099-00028651-00028988 If like I have safely more or nine. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00100-00029022-00029229 This video should be HAkSUlIaEFQ-00101-00029229-00029569 like incomplete video because to me HAkSUlIaEFQ-00102-00029572-00029943 more or nine is best for beginners HAkSUlIaEFQ-00103-00030009-00030433 and like you can get. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00104-00030460-00030704 Yeah buy lots of effects HAkSUlIaEFQ-00105-00030804-00030857 and the HAkSUlIaEFQ-00106-00030857-00031191 additional ones and like it. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00107-00031211-00031488 Oh I follow the rules of HAkSUlIaEFQ-00108-00031538-00031905 and you can download it so you HAkSUlIaEFQ-00109-00031911-00031975 so it's HAkSUlIaEFQ-00110-00031975-00032075 a best offer HAkSUlIaEFQ-00111-00032075-00032379 and I have also tried it for some time HAkSUlIaEFQ-00112-00032392-00032655 and it her no there is more to 11 HAkSUlIaEFQ-00113-00032729-00032906 so far do you. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00114-00032906-00033406 I haven't like the told you I'm more open HAkSUlIaEFQ-00115-00033436-00033747 because like the oh when you will go HAkSUlIaEFQ-00116-00033807-00033937 for free downloading. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00117-00033937-00034274 If there is a book like it will return HAkSUlIaEFQ-00118-00034304-00034647 for 15 minutes only and then it crashes HAkSUlIaEFQ-00119-00034701-00034984 so like I have to clean your offline HAkSUlIaEFQ-00120-00034984-00035115 water 11 HAkSUlIaEFQ-00121-00035115-00035405 and like it's upgradeable and Latasha HAkSUlIaEFQ-00122-00035412-00035685 login all flim water HAkSUlIaEFQ-00123-00035732-00036096 and you can also download this HAkSUlIaEFQ-00124-00036142-00036453 like there are 23 for numerous software HAkSUlIaEFQ-00125-00036493-00036780 if you are doing editing on top HAkSUlIaEFQ-00126-00036806-00036993 of the best ratings of the HAkSUlIaEFQ-00127-00036993-00037130 by one this year. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00128-00037130-00037350 So like you HAkSUlIaEFQ-00129-00037457-00037644 are most of HAkSUlIaEFQ-00130-00037644-00037851 all are the ones editor HAkSUlIaEFQ-00131-00037951-00038184 bus stop of the sections HAkSUlIaEFQ-00132-00038214-00038578 one is limited upload it HAkSUlIaEFQ-00133-00038588-00038845 enslave or download HAkSUlIaEFQ-00134-00038845-00039035 you know from the app store HAkSUlIaEFQ-00135-00039035-00039372 and you can also buy this software HAkSUlIaEFQ-00136-00039372-00039636 download this offline you new ABC HAkSUlIaEFQ-00137-00039689-00040023 and like here you need to like HAkSUlIaEFQ-00138-00040023-00040380 make every fact like this software HAkSUlIaEFQ-00139-00040380-00040637 will give you feeling like HAkSUlIaEFQ-00140-00040757-00041057 like opening up through the first stuff HAkSUlIaEFQ-00141-00041057-00041297 that I have read included HAkSUlIaEFQ-00142-00041401-00041778 so I'll get the first stop HAkSUlIaEFQ-00143-00041778-00041951 of the best software HAkSUlIaEFQ-00144-00041951-00042162 is for Adobe premiere pro. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00145-00042192-00042599 So this software has lots of professional HAkSUlIaEFQ-00146-00042599-00043059 editing tools with a sound effect here HAkSUlIaEFQ-00147-00043059-00043216 and that is a minus blender HAkSUlIaEFQ-00148-00043216-00043610 to have to make text effects or HAkSUlIaEFQ-00149-00043676-00043947 or additional effects which you will need HAkSUlIaEFQ-00150-00043983-00044077 would like HAkSUlIaEFQ-00151-00044077-00044177 these are easy HAkSUlIaEFQ-00152-00044177-00044451 and like I am also trying premiere pro HAkSUlIaEFQ-00153-00044481-00044641 and editing on that because it's HAkSUlIaEFQ-00154-00044641-00044808 the best of there HAkSUlIaEFQ-00155-00044808-00045115 and more every film maker. HAkSUlIaEFQ-00156-00045181-00045442 Oh so this this software HAkSUlIaEFQ-00157-00045488-00045805 and like it from Adobe Save what HAkSUlIaEFQ-00158-00045835-00046146 it's paid I hope you like this HAkSUlIaEFQ-00159-00046199-00046623 through like the shredder and the child HAkSUlIaEFQ-00160-00046713-00047010 and just come and see you also read HAkSUlIaEFQ-00161-00047016-00047337 editing software on mobile and BCB HAkSUlIaEFQ-00162-00047424-00047670 and plays like this video HAkSUlIaEFQ-00163-00047724-00047811 this a scrapbook HAkSUlIaEFQ-00164-00047811-00047974 generated by the YouTube HAkSUlIaEFQ-00165-00047974-00048334 analytics like you are not to say HAkSUlIaEFQ-00166-00048364-00048488 could go ahead HAkSUlIaEFQ-00167-00048488-00048718 and browsing my videos with HAkSUlIaEFQ-00168-00048718-00048922 they would do so HAkSUlIaEFQ-00169-00048922-00049149 so you can subscribe to journals or like HAkSUlIaEFQ-00170-00049182-00049472 well you do not need to search HAkSUlIaEFQ-00171-00049472-00049589 my general name HAkSUlIaEFQ-00172-00049589-00049923 multiple times so does your wife now HAkSUlIaEFQ-00173-00049973-00050427 and like this I will get you in HAkSUlIaEFQ-00174-00050487-00050820 oh another in your video and HAkSUlIaEFQ-00175-00050897-00051231 then then Nancy and HAkSUlIaEFQ-00176-00051341-00051408 Vine HC1njmLn0yk-00000-00000003-00000554 I'm Pritha I'm a fellow this year at the Berkman Klein Center and I'm also a HC1njmLn0yk-00001-00000554-00000951 research associate at the Harvard School of Public Health in the Department of HC1njmLn0yk-00002-00000951-00001575 Social and Behavioral Sciences. I am looking at how population health can be HC1njmLn0yk-00003-00001575-00002130 improved with the use of technology, and in particular in low and middle income HC1njmLn0yk-00004-00002130-00002742 countries, or the sort of "disadvantaged" populations in high-income countries and HC1njmLn0yk-00005-00002742-00003311 in this I am looking especially at maternal health outcomes. So if I talk HC1njmLn0yk-00006-00003311-00003864 about recent events, we have this universal identification system in HC1njmLn0yk-00007-00003864-00004625 India called Aadhaar which is being linked to track people and that has HC1njmLn0yk-00008-00004625-00005139 potentially a lot of use in public health. So for example our TB program HC1njmLn0yk-00009-00005139-00005562 tuberculosis program, the financial assistance that is provided is being HC1njmLn0yk-00010-00005562-00005994 linked through that. The privacy implications of this are really huge so HC1njmLn0yk-00011-00005994-00006702 I guess, what technology can do we should also be wary of those HC1njmLn0yk-00012-00006702-00007223 very same things at the same time so that balance is I don't know how we HC1njmLn0yk-00013-00007223-00007389 are going to find it, I'm working on it myself. HC1njmLn0yk-00014-00007389-00007839 So the potential is huge, but if you say like in a country like India, if you say HC1njmLn0yk-00015-00007839-00008240 that you're not going to provide the services if a person does not have that HC1njmLn0yk-00016-00008240-00008802 ID yet that is because you have to understand implementation is a huge HC1njmLn0yk-00017-00008802-00009090 challenge. So that is a problem and secondly the HC1njmLn0yk-00018-00009090-00009417 privacy part of it really scares me, because you're linking all sorts of data HC1njmLn0yk-00019-00009417-00009975 through this one ID, and the government has access to all of it. I don't HC1njmLn0yk-00020-00009975-00010542 think enough is being done to address that, or even research on that HC1njmLn0yk-00021-00010542-00010979 of how to mitigate those concerns. Like how can you use the technology for the HC1njmLn0yk-00022-00010979-00011556 good, but also reassure citizens. There should be a mechanism to HC1njmLn0yk-00023-00011556-00011822 protect the privacy of citizens and I don't think enough is being done HC1njmLn0yk-00024-00011822-00012086 on that front yet. HCLHAKwcNz4-00000-00000014-00000641 So to the waiter at the restaurant, to the barmaid, to the taxi driver, to the cleaning lady, HCLHAKwcNz4-00001-00000641-00001369 to the café's barista... And to the French teacher? Hi, it's Jackie, welcom on HCLHAKwcNz4-00002-00001369-00002223 Apprendre le français québécois! Today we will be talking about tipping. So to whom HCLHAKwcNz4-00003-00002223-00002715 do I need to give tip in Quebec? Before answering this question in HCLHAKwcNz4-00004-00002715-00003321 a short video, I invite you to put subtitles in French or English HCLHAKwcNz4-00005-00003321-00003871 if necessary. To change the speed of the video clicking on the little setting HCLHAKwcNz4-00006-00003871-00004459 wheel... Vous can put the video a little bit slower so it's easier HCLHAKwcNz4-00007-00004459-00005001 to understand. So the question today is... to whom do I need to give HCLHAKwcNz4-00008-00005001-00005471 tip in Quebec? So to do this video I tried to think about when I was living there HCLHAKwcNz4-00009-00005471-00006007 and I also asked my firends' opinion. Thos who HCLHAKwcNz4-00010-00006007-00006525 still live there and to my family. Asking them: "How much to you give and to whom?" So I gathered HCLHAKwcNz4-00011-00006525-00007253 the results. So, let's start! What you need to understand is that the waiters HCLHAKwcNz4-00012-00007253-00007906 and waitresses in restaurants have a different minimum wage than other employees HCLHAKwcNz4-00013-00007906-00008422 in shops, for example. Minimum wage in restaurants and bars HCLHAKwcNz4-00014-00008422-00009099 is different for waiters. They are paid a little bit less because the government HCLHAKwcNz4-00015-00009099-00009617 considers they will have tip and they will pay revenue taxes on HCLHAKwcNz4-00016-00009617-00010037 the tip they make. So it's important to give tip for that reason, because HCLHAKwcNz4-00017-00010037-00010493 it's calculated in their salary. So how much do Igive to a waiter or HCLHAKwcNz4-00018-00010493-00011134 waitress in a restaurant? Well I normally give 15% or more. So I will look at HCLHAKwcNz4-00019-00011134-00011785 the check and I will calculate. I'll say, ok 15% of this. I can leave it in cash HCLHAKwcNz4-00020-00011785-00012302 or with the machine if I'm paying with my card. If I go in a bar (or a pub), HCLHAKwcNz4-00021-00012302-00012878 I get myself a beer and so I also need to give tip. So maybe I leave 2 HCLHAKwcNz4-00022-00012878-00013529 or 3$ tip. It depends how much it costs. I'd say 15%. The place where HCLHAKwcNz4-00023-00013529-00014047 employees are not considered to have tip and where it becomes trickier HCLHAKwcNz4-00024-00014047-00014572 is, for example, in cafés. If Igo to a coffee shop I will normally leave HCLHAKwcNz4-00025-00014572-00015227 some coins or 1 or 2$, it depends how much I paid. The thing that is surprising for HCLHAKwcNz4-00026-00015227-00015715 foreigners is that we leave tip to the taxi driver too. So for HCLHAKwcNz4-00027-00015715-00016448 the taxi driver I'll leave around 10%. Maybe a little bit more HCLHAKwcNz4-00028-00016448-00016970 it depends, but usually 10% to the taxi driver. It's the same for HCLHAKwcNz4-00029-00016970-00017587 the pizza delivery person. So the pizza guy arrives, I pay my pizza... Or it can also be HCLHAKwcNz4-00030-00017587-00018123 delivery of chinese food too... So the delivery boy arrives, I pay if I haven't do so HCLHAKwcNz4-00031-00018123-00018634 yet and I'll give them 2 or 3$. Si at home Ihave someone HCLHAKwcNz4-00032-00018634-00019095 cleaning the house, this person will ask for a hourly salary of will give HCLHAKwcNz4-00033-00019095-00019526 me a price. So each time this person comes I'll give the money, HCLHAKwcNz4-00034-00019526-00020005 I'll give them their salary and usually I will leave around 10% additionnaly for the tip. HCLHAKwcNz4-00035-00020005-00020468 It's the same at the hotel. If I go to the hotel, I'll leave around 3 to HCLHAKwcNz4-00036-00020468-00020958 5$ per night for the cleaning people. Another occasion that is HCLHAKwcNz4-00037-00020958-00021369 a little less frequent is when Igo to put some gas at the petrol station. HCLHAKwcNz4-00038-00021369-00021798 So I can put gas myself in the car. So I put gas myself HCLHAKwcNz4-00039-00021798-00022335 in the car and Igo pay. Ok, no tip. But sometimes, there is someone HCLHAKwcNz4-00040-00022335-00022793 that will put the has in the car for me. So I'll usually give HCLHAKwcNz4-00041-00022793-00023242 maybe 1 or 2$ to that person. So as Isaid, this is my personal HCLHAKwcNz4-00042-00023242-00023678 experience. So it you are from Quebec and don't agree or if HCLHAKwcNz4-00043-00023678-00024306 I forgot someone, write it in the comments! Tell me how much you give, so that HCLHAKwcNz4-00044-00024306-00024808 others can know too. If you are a foreigner, if you are not from Quebec HCLHAKwcNz4-00045-00024808-00025172 tell us in the comments below what is different! Do you give tip HCLHAKwcNz4-00046-00025172-00025535 in your country? Is it something usual? Tell us in the comments HCLHAKwcNz4-00047-00025535-00025954 it could be interesting to know! So do you give tip to HCLHAKwcNz4-00048-00025954-00026385 your French teacher? Of course not! You do not give tip to your French teacher! HCLHAKwcNz4-00049-00026385-00026837 But when you finish a French cours, I invite you to maybe give HCLHAKwcNz4-00050-00026837-00027230 a little card to the teacher. Teachers love getting messages HCLHAKwcNz4-00051-00027230-00027801 at the end of a course! If you write it in French, it will make your French teacher so happy!! HCLHAKwcNz4-00052-00027801-00028200 So don't forget your French teacher, but not with tip! HCLHAKwcNz4-00053-00028200-00028670 So that's it for tiday... I invite you to give it a little thumbs up, HCLHAKwcNz4-00054-00028670-00029150 and to subscribe. You can also subscribe to my Instagram and to my Facebook. HCLHAKwcNz4-00055-00029150-00029411 And Iam saying... À la prochaine, bye! HGNzEBkl1HE-00000-00000009-00000160 - [Instructor] Hello, this is Eddie from AppSheet HGNzEBkl1HE-00001-00000160-00000455 here to help you build a quote proposal app in minutes. HGNzEBkl1HE-00002-00000455-00000714 Here you can see that I've prepopulated a simple spreadsheet HGNzEBkl1HE-00003-00000714-00000873 for a quote proposal. HGNzEBkl1HE-00004-00000873-00001083 We have our column headers which should always be located HGNzEBkl1HE-00005-00001083-00001359 in the first row, which include customers, hours worked, HGNzEBkl1HE-00006-00001359-00001734 cost per hour, discount, tax rate, total and quote accepted. HGNzEBkl1HE-00007-00001734-00001911 If you'd like to get started building your own app, HGNzEBkl1HE-00008-00001911-00002062 go ahead and download the sample data HGNzEBkl1HE-00009-00002062-00002307 in the description of this video to follow along. HGNzEBkl1HE-00010-00002398-00002489 Now there are two ways to start HGNzEBkl1HE-00011-00002489-00002633 building your app on AppSheet. HGNzEBkl1HE-00012-00002633-00002904 You could use the AppSheet add-on HGNzEBkl1HE-00013-00002904-00003081 or you could head over to appsheet.com HGNzEBkl1HE-00014-00003081-00003270 and go ahead and start for free. HGNzEBkl1HE-00015-00003270-00003389 If it's your first time in the system, HGNzEBkl1HE-00016-00003389-00003614 it'll walk you through a quick login process. HGNzEBkl1HE-00017-00003711-00003872 From here, we'll jump to new app. HGNzEBkl1HE-00018-00003872-00004072 We'll start with our own data. HGNzEBkl1HE-00019-00004072-00004356 We'll call this quote proposal app. HGNzEBkl1HE-00020-00004681-00004931 We'll choose our data source, in this case Google. HGNzEBkl1HE-00021-00005051-00005274 Find our quote proposal spreadsheet. HGNzEBkl1HE-00022-00005643-00005739 And here you can see that AppSheet HGNzEBkl1HE-00023-00005739-00006098 has taken its first attempt at configuring our app. HGNzEBkl1HE-00024-00006098-00006295 Now let's go ahead and fix this app to enable HGNzEBkl1HE-00025-00006295-00006534 the basic functionality that we'll want. HGNzEBkl1HE-00026-00006534-00006684 For purposes of this demonstration, HGNzEBkl1HE-00027-00006684-00006827 we'll keep things pretty simple. HGNzEBkl1HE-00028-00006827-00006968 So here you can see that in our data section HGNzEBkl1HE-00029-00006968-00007386 we have our tables and we have our quote proposal table. HGNzEBkl1HE-00030-00007386-00007520 If this was a more complex app, HGNzEBkl1HE-00031-00007520-00007682 we could use additional tables. HGNzEBkl1HE-00032-00007794-00007989 Here we'll also allow adds and deletes HGNzEBkl1HE-00033-00007989-00008179 so that we can add and delete rows of data HGNzEBkl1HE-00034-00008179-00008300 directly from our app. HGNzEBkl1HE-00035-00008300-00008625 Now jumping over to columns, we can see that AppSheet HGNzEBkl1HE-00036-00008625-00008833 has interpreted each of our columns HGNzEBkl1HE-00037-00008833-00009068 and assigned a data type to them. HGNzEBkl1HE-00038-00009068-00009231 AppSheet's normally pretty good HGNzEBkl1HE-00039-00009231-00009462 at assigning the right data type. HGNzEBkl1HE-00040-00009462-00009594 Now here in the total section, HGNzEBkl1HE-00041-00009594-00009950 let's go ahead and add in a AppSheet expression. HGNzEBkl1HE-00042-00009950-00010186 Now these are very similar to Google Sheet formulas HGNzEBkl1HE-00043-00010186-00010303 and Excel formulas. HGNzEBkl1HE-00044-00010303-00010568 In this case, what we'll do is we'll go to columns, HGNzEBkl1HE-00045-00010696-00010831 we'll say hours worked HGNzEBkl1HE-00046-00010925-00011280 and let's multiply that by our cost per hour. HGNzEBkl1HE-00047-00011280-00011453 So now we've created a simple expression HGNzEBkl1HE-00048-00011453-00011640 that computes our total from our hours worked HGNzEBkl1HE-00049-00011640-00011828 multiplied by our cost per hour, HGNzEBkl1HE-00050-00011828-00012096 multiplied by one minus our discount percent, HGNzEBkl1HE-00051-00012096-00012409 multiplied by one plus our tax rate percent. HGNzEBkl1HE-00052-00012409-00012541 So you can see how that works across HGNzEBkl1HE-00053-00012541-00012706 to give us our final number here. HGNzEBkl1HE-00054-00012861-00013068 Now I'll go ahead and save this. HGNzEBkl1HE-00055-00013422-00013533 Here in the slices section, HGNzEBkl1HE-00056-00013533-00013836 we can create subsets of our existing data HGNzEBkl1HE-00057-00013836-00014038 but we'll skip this for now. HGNzEBkl1HE-00058-00014038-00014144 Go jump over to UX HGNzEBkl1HE-00059-00014144-00014269 and here you can see we have HGNzEBkl1HE-00060-00014269-00014476 our quote proposal primary view. HGNzEBkl1HE-00061-00014476-00014655 You can have up to five views on the bottom HGNzEBkl1HE-00062-00014655-00014836 and additional views in the menu. HGNzEBkl1HE-00063-00014836-00015046 Let's actually change this to a table view HGNzEBkl1HE-00064-00015431-00015676 and we'll actually change the column order as well. HGNzEBkl1HE-00065-00015676-00015928 So we'll have the first column be our customer HGNzEBkl1HE-00066-00015928-00016216 and our second column be our total. HGNzEBkl1HE-00067-00016216-00016559 Now let's group these by quote accepted, HGNzEBkl1HE-00068-00016841-00017001 let's put that in reverse order. HGNzEBkl1HE-00069-00017386-00017758 And we'll sort them by total. HGNzEBkl1HE-00070-00018364-00018705 Here in display, let's go ahead and change this HGNzEBkl1HE-00071-00018705-00018994 to a dollar icon. HGNzEBkl1HE-00072-00019241-00019573 Now we have our first view quote proposal. HGNzEBkl1HE-00073-00019573-00019853 Just to show you, let's also just add a quick form view. HGNzEBkl1HE-00074-00020075-00020210 We'll put this on the right HGNzEBkl1HE-00075-00020580-00020730 and we'll call this new quote. HGNzEBkl1HE-00076-00021199-00021364 So now we have our quote proposal view HGNzEBkl1HE-00077-00021364-00021644 and our new quote view. HGNzEBkl1HE-00078-00021775-00022061 At any time, we can jump over to preview other form factors HGNzEBkl1HE-00079-00022061-00022438 and we can see what this looks like on a smartphone, HGNzEBkl1HE-00080-00022438-00022574 we could rotate it, HGNzEBkl1HE-00081-00022574-00022750 or on a tablet as well. HGNzEBkl1HE-00082-00022953-00023163 We could also open this up in full screen HGNzEBkl1HE-00083-00023163-00023457 and you'll see what this looks like as a functional web app. HGNzEBkl1HE-00084-00023821-00024020 From here, we'll jump over to brand HGNzEBkl1HE-00085-00024020-00024357 and if we wanted we could have our own custom app icon. HGNzEBkl1HE-00086-00024357-00024629 In this case, let's just use the dollar sign. HGNzEBkl1HE-00087-00024629-00024992 We could create our own background images and launch images, HGNzEBkl1HE-00088-00024992-00025187 create custom formatting rules. HGNzEBkl1HE-00089-00025187-00025271 In our behavior section, HGNzEBkl1HE-00090-00025271-00025493 we could create a new action if we'd like. HGNzEBkl1HE-00091-00025493-00025652 New actions allow us to do things like HGNzEBkl1HE-00092-00025652-00025819 quickly send emails, phone calls, HGNzEBkl1HE-00093-00025819-00025994 jump to different parts of the app. HGNzEBkl1HE-00094-00026152-00026333 We could also create workflow rules. HGNzEBkl1HE-00095-00026436-00026839 In this case, let's create a email quote workflow HGNzEBkl1HE-00096-00026839-00027064 and we'll just say that whenever there's a change HGNzEBkl1HE-00097-00027064-00027365 that happens or a new quote that's created, HGNzEBkl1HE-00098-00027558-00027834 let's go ahead and email. HGNzEBkl1HE-00099-00028045-00028283 In this case, we'll enable a expression HGNzEBkl1HE-00100-00028458-00028685 and we'll just go ahead and insert email. HGNzEBkl1HE-00101-00028685-00028779 And so just like that, HGNzEBkl1HE-00102-00028779-00029105 whenever we generate a new quote for a person, HGNzEBkl1HE-00103-00029105-00029308 then we'll send them automatically an email HGNzEBkl1HE-00104-00029308-00029549 based on their email in the email column. HGNzEBkl1HE-00105-00029702-00030056 Here, under reports, we could quickly create a new report HGNzEBkl1HE-00106-00030056-00030333 and we'll just call this a monthly report HGNzEBkl1HE-00107-00030508-00030797 and we'll say that on every given month at any given time HGNzEBkl1HE-00108-00030797-00031047 for our table quote proposal, HGNzEBkl1HE-00109-00031047-00031486 let's go ahead an email boss@appsheet.com HGNzEBkl1HE-00110-00031800-00031920 We'll save these. HGNzEBkl1HE-00111-00031920-00032082 Now we'll head over to security HGNzEBkl1HE-00112-00032082-00032187 and you can see that in this case, HGNzEBkl1HE-00113-00032187-00032380 we've enabled secure sign-on HGNzEBkl1HE-00114-00032380-00032639 through Google, our domain authentication provider. HGNzEBkl1HE-00115-00032639-00032875 But you could use other domain authentication providers HGNzEBkl1HE-00116-00032875-00032979 based on your data source. HGNzEBkl1HE-00117-00032979-00033266 If you were using DropBox or Office 365 HGNzEBkl1HE-00118-00033266-00033620 or Smartsheet Salesforce Box, Sequel, whatever the case. HGNzEBkl1HE-00119-00033620-00033905 At any given time, we could also head over to users HGNzEBkl1HE-00120-00033905-00034141 and we can either add an entire domain HGNzEBkl1HE-00121-00034141-00034311 or we can add a specific user, HGNzEBkl1HE-00122-00034439-00034534 very simply, HGNzEBkl1HE-00123-00034653-00034827 and just like that they would receive an email HGNzEBkl1HE-00124-00034827-00035086 to test or use this app. HGNzEBkl1HE-00125-00035086-00035183 So when you're ready to go, HGNzEBkl1HE-00126-00035183-00035386 just head over to not deployed HGNzEBkl1HE-00127-00035386-00035700 and this will automatically run our deployment check HGNzEBkl1HE-00128-00035700-00035900 and we'll move our app to deployed state HGNzEBkl1HE-00129-00035900-00036158 despite not having fixed our descriptions. HGNzEBkl1HE-00130-00036158-00036284 And now I want to give you a brief sense HGNzEBkl1HE-00131-00036284-00036502 of what this looks like on an actual device. HGNzEBkl1HE-00132-00036502-00036642 So here you can see that we have HGNzEBkl1HE-00133-00036642-00036836 my personal smartphone device. HGNzEBkl1HE-00134-00036836-00037059 I'll go ahead and jump into my email HGNzEBkl1HE-00135-00037059-00037275 and I will find the quote proposal app. HGNzEBkl1HE-00136-00037457-00037930 I'll install it in Safari on iOS or Chrome on Android. HGNzEBkl1HE-00137-00037930-00038201 We'll hit install, open up AppSheet HGNzEBkl1HE-00138-00038323-00038635 and here you can see that we have our quote proposal app. HGNzEBkl1HE-00139-00038729-00039046 So we can jump into any of these individual entries, HGNzEBkl1HE-00140-00039046-00039232 we could edit these on the fly. HGNzEBkl1HE-00141-00039232-00039514 Keep in mind that any edits that you make on your device HGNzEBkl1HE-00142-00039514-00039733 will automatically be synced to the cloud. HGNzEBkl1HE-00143-00039733-00039952 We could also create a new quote. HGNzEBkl1HE-00144-00039952-00040065 And there you have it, HGNzEBkl1HE-00145-00040065-00040396 that is our basic quote proposal app. HGNzEBkl1HE-00146-00040396-00040613 So with that, let us know what you think. HGNzEBkl1HE-00147-00040613-00040750 We'd love to hear from you in our comments. HGNzEBkl1HE-00148-00040750-00040905 Don't forget to subscribe to our channel HGNzEBkl1HE-00149-00040905-00041030 and when you're ready to get started, HGNzEBkl1HE-00150-00041030-00041251 go ahead and follow the links in the video description HGNzEBkl1HE-00151-00041251-00041434 or head over to appsheet.com HGNzEBkl1HE-00152-00041434-00041589 Thank you so much for watching. HGN-TgmJJJu-00000-00000008-00000544 today we're gonna be spinning the wheel for bjorn ironside a brand new epic shadow immortal that HGN-TgmJJJu-00001-00000544-00001072 just released here in infinity kingdom ladies and gentlemen there is a brand new immortal in HGN-TgmJJJu-00002-00001072-00001728 infinity kingdom and no it's not ramses it's none other than bjorn ironside this immortal HGN-TgmJJJu-00003-00001728-00002392 looks absolutely incredible when i saw his design first show up i think they shared it on his face HGN-TgmJJJu-00004-00002392-00003152 on their facebook page for infinity kingdom this design for this dude man he looks so good i sort HGN-TgmJJJu-00005-00003152-00003632 of wish they would let him keep his helmet on the entire time because i think it just looks HGN-TgmJJJu-00006-00003632-00004192 absolutely incredible it looks incredible not only that but he's also a shadow immortal so you know HGN-TgmJJJu-00007-00004192-00004624 this guy is going to be incredibly powerful let's take a look at his skill here it says HGN-TgmJJJu-00008-00004624-00005280 wither realm creates a scorched earth under your feet that lasts nine seconds and increases the HGN-TgmJJJu-00009-00005280-00005912 damage dealt to the enemy team within the scorched earth by six percent at the same time our units HGN-TgmJJJu-00010-00005912-00006512 gain 25 physical attack as life steal and our front row team's toughness rate is increased by HGN-TgmJJJu-00011-00006512-00007016 an additional nine percent so that's obviously with no points in this okay so the damage taken HGN-TgmJJJu-00012-00007016-00007544 goes from six all up to twenty percent and the resilience rate goes from nine to thirty HGN-TgmJJJu-00013-00007544-00008048 percent so i think this toughness is actually supposed to be resilience so this is basically HGN-TgmJJJu-00014-00008048-00008600 buffing your team and making the enemy take more physical damage which is insane how this turns HGN-TgmJJJu-00015-00008600-00009192 into lifesteal i have no idea but it sounds like bjorn could be really really good on a physically HGN-TgmJJJu-00016-00009192-00010000 offensive team and today he shows up on theia's roulette we have 775 tickets we have an insane HGN-TgmJJJu-00017-00010000-00010456 amount i think i saved up from last time theia's roulette came around i like got the bundles and HGN-TgmJJJu-00018-00010456-00010952 then never spam for it for some reason so let's go ahead and spin as many times as we can and we're HGN-TgmJJJu-00019-00010952-00011504 gonna try to get as much of bjorn as possible so let's go ahead and use our free spin we got some HGN-TgmJJJu-00020-00011504-00012048 experience there nothing crazy i also don't even have belisarius unlocked on this account this is HGN-TgmJJJu-00021-00012048-00012560 my server 97 account so we're gonna try to get bellisarius here today as well it's gonna be HGN-TgmJJJu-00022-00012560-00013047 absolutely a byproduct basically it's just something that's going to happen so let's HGN-TgmJJJu-00023-00013047-00013616 just breeze through these okay it looks like it's really difficult uh to get these sculptures here HGN-TgmJJJu-00024-00013616-00014096 i think he's like the the least likely thing that you can get and there's hemigo we've made videos HGN-TgmJJJu-00025-00014096-00014688 about her before there's theodora i would love to get her as well but really what we're here for is HGN-TgmJJJu-00026-00014688-00015240 bjorn so we're gonna just be just blowing through gems here to get bjorn as often as possible HGN-TgmJJJu-00027-00015240-00015640 uh and it looks like it is the case and one thing that i've noticed is that pretty much HGN-TgmJJJu-00028-00015640-00016080 all the time the epic immortal fragments are gonna be the last thing you get from this wheel which HGN-TgmJJJu-00029-00016080-00016616 is definitely uh unfortunate but it is what it is let's go ahead and get our 50 spin reward HGN-TgmJJJu-00030-00016616-00017128 we get 10 of bjorn baby i love to see that so these fragments on the side here are all bjorn HGN-TgmJJJu-00031-00017128-00017528 this is his wheel no matter who you're spinning for it's going to be bjorn so hopefully we can HGN-TgmJJJu-00032-00017528-00017992 get as much of him as possible there's monko i'd love to summon him as well uh but thea's roulette HGN-TgmJJJu-00033-00017992-00018592 guys we know this this is always holy and shadow immortals you can get some of the best immortals HGN-TgmJJJu-00034-00018592-00019088 in the game from this roulette here so this is definitely an event that if you can get uh some of HGN-TgmJJJu-00035-00019088-00019624 these tickets you should so we're gonna be getting a ton of shadow uh dragon crystals here as well HGN-TgmJJJu-00036-00019624-00020088 which is gonna be really really useful um we're trying to pump up our shadow dragon and our holy HGN-TgmJJJu-00037-00020088-00020576 dragon as much as possible those are definitely the hardest crystals for your dragon to get HGN-TgmJJJu-00038-00020576-00021200 uh so just getting a ton of them here as sort of a byproduct of getting um bjorn is definitely uh is HGN-TgmJJJu-00039-00021200-00021640 definitely awesome i love to see that so it is what it is we're gonna get a ton of belisarius HGN-TgmJJJu-00040-00021640-00022128 here as well uh we're definitely gonna be able to probably max him by the end of this um and luckily HGN-TgmJJJu-00041-00022128-00022624 we're getting more more bjorn try to say that five times fast more bjorn more we don't move HGN-TgmJJJu-00042-00022624-00023008 we're getting more bjorn here on the wheel uh without having to spend gems to refresh we do HGN-TgmJJJu-00043-00023008-00023544 have tons of gems though so luckily we should be able to uh we should be able to to refresh for HGN-TgmJJJu-00044-00023544-00023936 him every single time there we go baby we don't have to refresh anymore let's just keep breezing HGN-TgmJJJu-00045-00023936-00024408 through these um so it's good to know guys if you are gonna be uh you know spinning this wheel HGN-TgmJJJu-00046-00024408-00024984 the probability is that it seems like every single time the um epic immortal is the last thing that HGN-TgmJJJu-00047-00024984-00025480 you obtain um so you know make sure if you're gonna get these tickets you want to make sure HGN-TgmJJJu-00048-00025480-00026000 you have enough tickets to actually complete the full wheel so that may mean saving up HGN-TgmJJJu-00049-00026000-00026544 multiple wheels in a row of spending gems on the individual tickets uh that's a really expensive HGN-TgmJJJu-00050-00026544-00027088 way to do this so i don't know if anybody or if everybody's gonna be uh down to go that route but HGN-TgmJJJu-00051-00027088-00027600 that is something that you can consider uh it's better to obviously spend all of your tickets to HGN-TgmJJJu-00052-00027600-00028056 guarantee that epic than it is to spend a couple on each wheel and not get any of the epics that HGN-TgmJJJu-00053-00028056-00028576 are exclusive to this event so let's go ahead and keep uh refreshing here we're down to 600 tickets HGN-TgmJJJu-00054-00028576-00029072 um i would love to again get some more of these uh holy immortals that do show up here on the wheel HGN-TgmJJJu-00055-00029072-00029600 um mainly because i definitely want some of the holy dragon crystals as well and HGN-TgmJJJu-00056-00029600-00029976 unfortunately you're only gonna get shadow dragon crystals if you're spinning for bjorn HGN-TgmJJJu-00057-00029976-00030439 so that is one thing to uh to keep in mind here oh my god all that was belisarius that's crazy let's HGN-TgmJJJu-00058-00030439-00030920 go ahead and claim this here and we're gonna see how many fragments of bjorn do we have we have 30 HGN-TgmJJJu-00059-00030920-00031424 guaranteed we we have to be able to summon him at this point there's no way we can there's no way we HGN-TgmJJJu-00060-00031424-00032064 can there it is dude oh my dude just this shadow boat the fact that the boat is floating it's HGN-TgmJJJu-00061-00032064-00032752 like a ghost ship like it looks so sick dude it looks this is probably one of their best designed HGN-TgmJJJu-00062-00032752-00033392 immortals i'm serious that i've ever seen so we have 110 of bjorn let's go ahead and uh let's go HGN-TgmJJJu-00063-00033392-00034024 ahead and get that summon man dude this he just he's so good looking he's just such an absolute HGN-TgmJJJu-00064-00034024-00034504 monster he looks like he's like possessed by some sort of demon or something like that just really HGN-TgmJJJu-00065-00034504-00035080 incredible looking uh immortal here shieldman is gonna be his troop type and he is defensive HGN-TgmJJJu-00066-00035080-00035640 so that is good to know definitely it seems like more of a supportive uh more of a supportive HGN-TgmJJJu-00067-00035640-00036048 immortal but there he is he's off in the stands there you're looking pretty cool go ahead and slap HGN-TgmJJJu-00068-00036048-00036512 a point on that first skill there bada bing bada boom i'm spending so many gems just refreshing HGN-TgmJJJu-00069-00036512-00036912 this for bjorn there he is dude there he is okay let's go ahead and continue spinning here i want HGN-TgmJJJu-00070-00036912-00037304 to get a couple more fragments of him uh and then we're probably gonna start to spin a little bit HGN-TgmJJJu-00071-00037304-00037888 for some of the holy um immortals because again i need those those holy crystals for my dragon HGN-TgmJJJu-00072-00037888-00038384 that's that's really what we're looking for uh on those wheels obviously getting to summon theodore HGN-TgmJJJu-00073-00038384-00038896 and monko is definitely gonna be um really nice to have for the account and you know if we make more HGN-TgmJJJu-00074-00038896-00039392 immortal uh more holy immortal teams or armies then that's definitely going to come in really HGN-TgmJJJu-00075-00039392-00039872 clutch there so 330 belisarius already that's actually insane let's go ahead and summon this HGN-TgmJJJu-00076-00039872-00040296 guy i know this isn't really the main point of the video but this is definitely a nice little perk HGN-TgmJJJu-00077-00040296-00040648 that we get him as well so that's really really awesome all right let's switch it up a little HGN-TgmJJJu-00078-00040648-00040960 bit okay let's switch up let's get a little bit of theodore in our life we're still going to be HGN-TgmJJJu-00079-00040960-00041472 getting a ton of bjorn from the spin rewards off on the side there but like i mentioned i really do HGN-TgmJJJu-00080-00041472-00041992 want to get a lot of these holy dragon crystals that's going to help me a ton um i think the HGN-TgmJJJu-00081-00041992-00042512 holy dragon and the shadow dragon are definitely the ones that i am most interested at this point HGN-TgmJJJu-00082-00042512-00043008 uh in in the account where i um luckily i do have access to a lot of really great uh immortals so HGN-TgmJJJu-00083-00043008-00043400 the ability to use those dragons is just gonna be really really great let's spin a little bit for HGN-TgmJJJu-00084-00043400-00043880 monko here okay i definitely would like to get uh a summon of some of these guys so i don't know if HGN-TgmJJJu-00085-00043880-00044456 it's possible with all of the tickets that i have left if we can summon manco and the adora is that HGN-TgmJJJu-00086-00044456-00044984 possible you will have to see but we did just pass the 350 spin milestone so there's 10 more bjorn HGN-TgmJJJu-00087-00045048-00045464 and let's keep spinning here for some of these holy crystals and maybe we can get some manco HGN-TgmJJJu-00088-00045464-00045984 here as well and this is the good stuff i think i may have actually finished joan of arc as well HGN-TgmJJJu-00089-00045984-00046440 so i'm not really uh i'm not really going to use those fragments either so it is what it is let's HGN-TgmJJJu-00090-00046440-00046920 continue spinning here let's get some theodora in our lives as well as those holy dragon crystals HGN-TgmJJJu-00091-00046920-00047456 baby that is the good stuff i like how they're just they're like this golden like honey looking HGN-TgmJJJu-00092-00047456-00047952 ancient amber it looks really really good we should be able to summon theodore really soon HGN-TgmJJJu-00093-00047952-00048432 here we're definitely running out of tickets so hopefully we can at least uh summon maybe two HGN-TgmJJJu-00094-00048432-00048968 immortals in one video that would actually be really impressive this is gonna be the last uh HGN-TgmJJJu-00095-00048968-00049360 theodora wheel that we spin because we're going to have enough to summon her after this which HGN-TgmJJJu-00096-00049360-00049920 is going to be great then we still need i think 30 more fragments of manko so that's going to be what HGN-TgmJJJu-00097-00049920-00050392 we go for next and then we'll go back to bjorn and if we have you know if we can we can spin HGN-TgmJJJu-00098-00050392-00050840 the rest for bjorn and get as many of those as possible so here's gonna be 10 of him uh so that's HGN-TgmJJJu-00099-00050840-00051304 really great we did pass the 500 spin milestone so that's really impressive as well we're going HGN-TgmJJJu-00100-00051304-00051848 to get more bjorn baby the fact that we're going to be able to take all of these um joan of arcs HGN-TgmJJJu-00101-00051848-00052320 and just turn them into soul crystals is gonna be incredible we already have been sitting on HGN-TgmJJJu-00102-00052320-00052944 a ton of soul crystals um because i want to sort of strategically use those for skill upgrades for HGN-TgmJJJu-00103-00052944-00053367 multiple armies so i've been sitting on a ton of them just sort of waiting until i have some time HGN-TgmJJJu-00104-00053367-00053816 to figure out exactly what skills i want to invest in next um but this is definitely going to help HGN-TgmJJJu-00105-00053816-00054391 let's go ahead and summon those guys as well do we have enough for both we do man we do all right HGN-TgmJJJu-00106-00054391-00054808 wow okay we're getting a lot of summons in this video i was expecting to just do bjorn HGN-TgmJJJu-00107-00054808-00055296 but the fact that we do have the ability to get manko and theodora now is actually really HGN-TgmJJJu-00108-00055296-00055944 exciting um so his design looks really cool he's got this uh this eagle helmet on here um the royal HGN-TgmJJJu-00109-00055944-00056455 founder sunflare gain control immunity for our holy immortals and channel a dazzling light for HGN-TgmJJJu-00110-00056455-00056952 15 seconds the light increases dodge rate to all allies by seven and a half percent after the spell HGN-TgmJJJu-00111-00056952-00057488 channeling is complete cause physical damage with a damage of 60 to all enemies every three seconds HGN-TgmJJJu-00112-00057488-00058024 until the battle ends energy will no longer be gained after the skeletous cast so this is like HGN-TgmJJJu-00113-00058024-00058728 one mega trigger and then that's it so shieldman attack manco is a really badass looking uh warrior HGN-TgmJJJu-00114-00058728-00059167 here looks really really good let's go ahead and summon theodore as well she's gonna be for the HGN-TgmJJJu-00115-00059167-00059728 back row and uh this is an immortal that came out um i think a couple of months ago actually at this HGN-TgmJJJu-00116-00059728-00060304 point maybe two or three months ago and matt dude that those like angelic wings i'm telling you dude HGN-TgmJJJu-00117-00060304-00060944 the way the art for this game is just incredible so theodora heals all allies hp with a recovery HGN-TgmJJJu-00118-00060944-00061464 rate of 153 and dispels any continuous damage effects if the target hp is less than 50 HGN-TgmJJJu-00119-00061464-00062128 healing effect is increased by a hundred percent so this is just an absolute aoe remove the debuffs HGN-TgmJJJu-00120-00062128-00062544 just heal everything right so really awesome theodora there let's go ahead and claim our free HGN-TgmJJJu-00121-00062544-00063200 gems for getting these guys and we get 10 more of bjorn and then let's go ahead back over and see HGN-TgmJJJu-00122-00063200-00063952 um how many more bjorn we can get in 196 of these tickets so let's go ahead and claim the 700 spin HGN-TgmJJJu-00123-00063952-00064560 reward and uh we're gonna need 25 so that means we need nine more let's go ahead and get uh nine more HGN-TgmJJJu-00124-00064560-00064991 of these now i'm really tired of pressing this 1000 gem button i really wish they would just give HGN-TgmJJJu-00125-00064991-00065352 me the option to just like purchase all if that's like what i want to do like if i just want to HGN-TgmJJJu-00126-00065352-00065792 spend 50 000 gems on this it should just be like a one-click thing you know we're just gonna buy HGN-TgmJJJu-00127-00065792-00066112 out all these tickets because i don't know what to do with these gems so we're just gonna spend all HGN-TgmJJJu-00128-00066112-00066576 these gems on the wheel and i think that'll be a pretty good investment even if we don't spend all HGN-TgmJJJu-00129-00066576-00067032 of the all of the tickets now we can save them for the next time the wheel comes around and that'll HGN-TgmJJJu-00130-00067032-00067488 be uh that'll be just fine all right let's go ahead and do this one last time one more full HGN-TgmJJJu-00131-00067488-00068056 one for bjorn baby and then we will be good to go all right let's go ahead and take a look let's see HGN-TgmJJJu-00132-00068056-00068728 how many skills can we put on bjorn that is the question there he is can i add another on him HGN-TgmJJJu-00133-00068728-00069304 is that possible we can excellent we can probably do one more yes let's go all right so we got bjorn HGN-TgmJJJu-00134-00069304-00069968 to three so i love that i love that let's go ahead and let's see how far we can take belisarius i HGN-TgmJJJu-00135-00069968-00070608 don't know can we finish him off i think we might be able to there we had just enough we had just HGN-TgmJJJu-00136-00070608-00071040 enough to finish off belisarius that is what i'm talking about okay so we don't have any extras of HGN-TgmJJJu-00137-00071040-00071688 him it is what it is that's fine do we have joan is finished which means we probably have a ton of HGN-TgmJJJu-00138-00071688-00072168 jonah bark that we can get rid of right now let's go and lock bjorn so we don't accidentally get HGN-TgmJJJu-00139-00072168-00072712 rid of him in la in later down the line with 360 joan we can get rid of which is going to be a ton HGN-TgmJJJu-00140-00072784-00073288 a ton of these soul crystals and you see i already have a ridiculous amount and i know i know it's HGN-TgmJJJu-00141-00073288-00073904 ridiculous it's irresponsible in fact to have this many because it means i'm just like not my account HGN-TgmJJJu-00142-00073904-00074448 is not up to its potential okay i understand that i know but i'm saving them right now to make sure HGN-TgmJJJu-00143-00074448-00074888 that i invest in the right skills because skills are a big investment in this game right now you HGN-TgmJJJu-00144-00074888-00075536 can see that i actually have elizabeth bathory in the back row of my holy team what we could HGN-TgmJJJu-00145-00075536-00076320 actually do is convert this entirely into a shadow team so let's see sort of what the best strategy HGN-TgmJJJu-00146-00076320-00076816 would be here i want to see what am i using yeah ned b is in my fire team right now but i HGN-TgmJJJu-00147-00076816-00077368 think that that's not oh i guess i guess we don't really have a choice uh because i think gilgamesh HGN-TgmJJJu-00148-00077368-00077888 is great back here but i don't know maybe we can we could do belisarius right we could put HGN-TgmJJJu-00149-00077888-00078376 belisarius here in the front row i'm just worried that we have a lot of defense on the front row is HGN-TgmJJJu-00150-00078376-00079072 there gonna be enough damage coming from elizabeth and from uh medve back here these are pretty high HGN-TgmJJJu-00151-00079072-00079600 damage dealing uh immortals in the back row the only downside with medby and also with himiko is HGN-TgmJJJu-00152-00079600-00080024 that they're dealing magical damage and the buff from bjorn is actually going to make the enemy HGN-TgmJJJu-00153-00080024-00080808 uh it's going to increase our own unit's physical damage by 25 so i think what's best is obviously HGN-TgmJJJu-00154-00080808-00081336 more physical damage in the back row would be better um what is our our khan is not really in HGN-TgmJJJu-00155-00081336-00081784 a great spot but khan would be somebody that you could sort of throw in here i know he's not shadow HGN-TgmJJJu-00156-00081784-00082448 but he just deals a ridiculous amount of physical damage like it's like it's actually insane um or HGN-TgmJJJu-00157-00082448-00082928 we could do something along the lines of gilgamesh which is probably what i'm gonna do at this point HGN-TgmJJJu-00158-00082992-00083672 again he's not shadow but he does deal an insane amount of physical damage to all enemies HGN-TgmJJJu-00159-00083672-00084168 um and then continues once every three seconds for nine seconds it's this is probably gonna be HGN-TgmJJJu-00160-00084168-00084600 the the route that i go um obviously i wish bjorn was a little bit more a little bit more skills on HGN-TgmJJJu-00161-00084600-00085224 him and then someone to replace belisarius would probably be better but i'm thinking if you are HGN-TgmJJJu-00162-00085224-00085744 using bjorn um this is probably what i would do for my current account obviously i don't have HGN-TgmJJJu-00163-00085744-00086240 all of the things that would be perfect for him now obviously if i had siegfried this HGN-TgmJJJu-00164-00086240-00086696 would be a no-brainer for the front row instead of belisarius he's not only dealing some extra HGN-TgmJJJu-00165-00086696-00087152 damage but it is physical damage which is really really nice and also if we take a closer look at HGN-TgmJJJu-00166-00087152-00087736 bjorn's skill here while he does give you the 20 increase in physical damage as lifesteal i think HGN-TgmJJJu-00167-00087736-00088400 the more important part here is the resilience and damage taken increase by 20 percent um so i HGN-TgmJJJu-00168-00088400-00088952 think maybe it's not so necessary that you have only physical damage for example you could have HGN-TgmJJJu-00169-00088952-00089448 um like i mentioned before you could have himiko in the back row just dealing crazy damage even HGN-TgmJJJu-00170-00089448-00089952 though she's magical it still would probably be a really solid setup for you now when it comes HGN-TgmJJJu-00171-00089952-00090504 to skills obviously a lot has to still be tested with bjorn since he is so new into the game but i HGN-TgmJJJu-00172-00090504-00091048 do think obviously he is a defensive immortal so having more defensive skills on him is probably HGN-TgmJJJu-00173-00091048-00091512 your best bet especially in the front row so if we take a look here i would say if you're sort of in HGN-TgmJJJu-00174-00091512-00092024 the earlier game you can go with something like magical shields paired with physical shields and HGN-TgmJJJu-00175-00092024-00092576 you could also do something like defense blessing here and this just stacks up a bunch of tankiness HGN-TgmJJJu-00176-00092576-00093152 all together um obviously you know bjorn is a an immortal that is gonna be pretty difficult to come HGN-TgmJJJu-00177-00093152-00093640 by for a lot of players he's also somebody that you're probably gonna be investing in a lot later HGN-TgmJJJu-00178-00093640-00094240 than other immortals as well so for those of you who are really end game players who are investing HGN-TgmJJJu-00179-00094240-00094880 a ton into your armies i would say that if you're gonna go for a full epic set of skills you could HGN-TgmJJJu-00180-00094880-00095344 start with something like resist to reduce magical damage taken this is sort of like just HGN-TgmJJJu-00181-00095344-00095808 a better version of some of the elite skills that we were just talking about and then pair that up HGN-TgmJJJu-00182-00095808-00096280 with oakenguard and this is basically the physical damage version of that and then all the way at HGN-TgmJJJu-00183-00096280-00096816 the end here you might want to try out shelter to give you a little bit of hp recovery but bjorn is HGN-TgmJJJu-00184-00096816-00097248 a brand new immortal right so obviously we need to see a lot more testing by a lot more players HGN-TgmJJJu-00185-00097248-00097680 those top tier players who are always getting the latest and greatest things paying attention HGN-TgmJJJu-00186-00097680-00098040 to what they're using in their arena teams and things like that is probably gonna be the best HGN-TgmJJJu-00187-00098040-00098416 strategy moving forward all right let's go ahead and test out bjorn what i'm gonna do is go through HGN-TgmJJJu-00188-00098416-00098808 the well of time with caesar and then we're gonna replace caesar with bjorn and we're gonna see HGN-TgmJJJu-00189-00098808-00099304 how that goes obviously my caesar has five skills whereas my bjorn has three so caesar has a little HGN-TgmJJJu-00190-00099304-00099800 bit of an advantage here but bjorn is shadow so he will have the type advantage so we're challenging HGN-TgmJJJu-00191-00099800-00100360 8-2 here we're testing it out first with julius caesar we're gonna see if maybe we can pull off a HGN-TgmJJJu-00192-00100360-00100800 victory here with caesar in the front row we've got some nice true damage coming from that shadow HGN-TgmJJJu-00193-00100800-00101416 dragon just absolutely blasting them the holy explosion of energy that comes out of caesar is HGN-TgmJJJu-00194-00101416-00101864 actually really sick so we're doing really well here um we're gonna take a look at the stats HGN-TgmJJJu-00195-00101864-00102368 afterwards to see sort of what the impact of each immortal had here and maybe we can sort of make HGN-TgmJJJu-00196-00102368-00102968 a nice uh comparison between caesar and bjorn so we are uh some taking some heavy damage from this HGN-TgmJJJu-00197-00102968-00103535 second round of minions here so really unfortunate stuff there but hopefully you know we should HGN-TgmJJJu-00198-00103535-00104096 be okay it looks like caesar and belisarius are really taking a ton of hits belisarius apparently HGN-TgmJJJu-00199-00104096-00104664 is the weaker link here so julius caesar hanging on for dear life trying to make sure that HGN-TgmJJJu-00200-00104664-00105216 everybody survives this for the final round and it looks like we are able to defeat the minion so HGN-TgmJJJu-00201-00105216-00105776 now all it comes down to is the final siege of the city wall and hopefully we've got enough damage in HGN-TgmJJJu-00202-00105776-00106256 the back road to make this happen it looks like we are able to take it down with julius caesar barely HGN-TgmJJJu-00203-00106256-00106759 surviving um so let's go ahead and take a look at these stats here just to get a better idea of what HGN-TgmJJJu-00204-00106759-00107432 is going down so as far as damage goes we've got julius caesar dealing 816 000 damage elizabeth in HGN-TgmJJJu-00205-00107432-00107864 the back road just dealing an insane amount of damage there absolutely incredible all right so HGN-TgmJJJu-00206-00107864-00108344 we're going to keep this in mind and then let's go ahead we're challenging it now with bjorn you see HGN-TgmJJJu-00207-00108344-00108800 him running in there with the dual axes man he looks really really cool so let's hit him with HGN-TgmJJJu-00208-00108800-00109344 that damage from the shadow dragon and then let's see how quickly we can take this down hopefully we HGN-TgmJJJu-00209-00109344-00109856 see better performance from bjorn than with caesar that would be ideal especially considering he is HGN-TgmJJJu-00210-00109856-00110320 shadow so you do get the extra bonuses by having a full shadow army however like i mentioned he only HGN-TgmJJJu-00211-00110320-00110976 has three skill points on him so caesar definitely has the advantage in that regard so we are uh HGN-TgmJJJu-00212-00110976-00111464 we're tanking some heavy damage at this point it does look like i believe caesar was performing HGN-TgmJJJu-00213-00111464-00112048 better at this point than bjorn is um belisari is still hanging on there for dear life trying HGN-TgmJJJu-00214-00112048-00112752 to take out this horde of minions and honestly i think we're performing better right did belisarius HGN-TgmJJJu-00215-00112752-00113224 even make it to this the belisarius didn't even make it to the siege in the last one right so i HGN-TgmJJJu-00216-00113224-00113656 think we're actually seeing better performance here out of bjorn than we did from caesar which HGN-TgmJJJu-00217-00113656-00114168 is definitely interesting considering he has fewer skills on him so i am really impressed HGN-TgmJJJu-00218-00114168-00114656 on on that change i wasn't expecting to be so massive let's take a look here so with caesar HGN-TgmJJJu-00219-00114656-00115304 belisarius dealt 230 000 damage you can see it's more than doubled here with bjorn bjorn himself HGN-TgmJJJu-00220-00115304-00115872 dealing more damage than caesar did as well both bjorn and belisarius taking less damage than when HGN-TgmJJJu-00221-00115872-00116520 caesar was in play i think the difference here was the resilience increase on bjorn's active skill HGN-TgmJJJu-00222-00116520-00117000 the healing as lifesteal thing only helped bjorn a tiny bit it seems but the fact that HGN-TgmJJJu-00223-00117000-00117544 belisarius survived i think is probably the major difference in performance between the first and HGN-TgmJJJu-00224-00117544-00118152 second run here so it seems like bjorn is gonna be a really solid uh addition to any team especially HGN-TgmJJJu-00225-00118152-00118792 considering the fact that this was all full shadow march so you do get that five unit type bonus uh HGN-TgmJJJu-00226-00118792-00119264 so keep that in mind that is obviously going to be an advantage of bjorn over caesar if i HGN-TgmJJJu-00227-00119264-00119776 had siegfried i probably would have tested maybe siegfried instead of caesar but unfortunately on HGN-TgmJJJu-00228-00119776-00120304 this account i'm sort of stuck with sticking with a sort of a generic front row like caesar himself HGN-TgmJJJu-00229-00120304-00120640 guys if you enjoyed the video make sure you drop a thumbs up on it and if you're new around here HGN-TgmJJJu-00230-00120640-00121048 subscribe to the channel and click that bell to be notified the next time that i upload an infinity HGN-TgmJJJu-00231-00121048-00121488 kingdom video if you haven't tried infinity kingdom yet there is a link down below to download HGN-TgmJJJu-00232-00121488-00121911 the game absolutely for free and there's also going to be a link for their facebook page where HGN-TgmJJJu-00233-00121911-00122392 you can find all of this information coming out directly from the developers like they just post HGN-TgmJJJu-00234-00122392-00122800 updates there all the time so definitely follow them on social media and with that being said HGN-TgmJJJu-00235-00122800-00123224 guys thank you so much for watching this has been Omniarch i will talk to you guys again soon peace HI3x6_7-__g-00000-00000312-00000880 FREY: all right so today we have a very very special HI3x6_7-__g-00001-00001032-00001253 time i'm just gonna invite a fewpeople HI3x6_7-__g-00002-00001253-00001671 on here give me one second guys HI3x6_7-__g-00003-00002832-00003171 all right hey how's itgoing guys hello hello hello HI3x6_7-__g-00004-00003171-00003541 so today i am going live and today is like HI3x6_7-__g-00005-00003541-00003934 this little special um episode i guess hello HI3x6_7-__g-00006-00004240-00004596 marlyn hello hello feel free to um HI3x6_7-__g-00007-00004596-00004984 go ahead andlike tap the request button and just join in HI3x6_7-__g-00008-00004984-00005278 yeah so today i'm gonna be you know just like HI3x6_7-__g-00009-00005278-00005616 have this open space for Indigenous people HI3x6_7-__g-00010-00005616-00006144 um it was in honor of um Indigenous people's day i see and HI3x6_7-__g-00011-00006892-00007064 FREY:hello HI3x6_7-__g-00012-00007064-00007411 MARLYN: hey let's see hold on stilltrying HI3x6_7-__g-00013-00007411-00007611 to figure this out but hey nice tosee you HI3x6_7-__g-00014-00007616-00007878 FREY: yeah nice to see you too it's goodto you know finally HI3x6_7-__g-00015-00007878-00008126 go live now you know and like HI3x6_7-__g-00016-00008126-00008176 MARLYN: right HI3x6_7-__g-00017-00008176-00008584 FREY: i have to see you is that a black cat MARLYN: it is a black he i yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00018-00008640-00008834 like look this is bear this is bear HI3x6_7-__g-00019-00008834-00009257 FREY: oh he's so cute i love black cats they're my favorite HI3x6_7-__g-00020-00009257-00009630 MARLYN: he's really cuddlymost people are like oh i don't do cats because they whatever no HI3x6_7-__g-00021-00009630-00009999 he's hehas no sense of personal boundaries so here we are HI3x6_7-__g-00022-00010052-00010488 FREY: no that's good that's fine with me yeah i love cats i love cats without sense HI3x6_7-__g-00023-00010488-00010920 of personal boundaries i love it when they're yeah i love it when they clingy man like my HI3x6_7-__g-00024-00010920-00011379 cats they're not clingy at all they just they comefor attention that's it they leave HI3x6_7-__g-00025-00011379-00011747 MARLYN: that's vibe that i appreciate like just cuddles HI3x6_7-__g-00026-00011747-00011904 and then they like they mind their own business HI3x6_7-__g-00027-00011904-00012159 but i think we're still waiting for elba ifi'm not mistaken HI3x6_7-__g-00028-00012159-00012304 FREY: yeah elba yeah she just HI3x6_7-__g-00029-00012304-00012800 joined and um so elba uh when you join it has like a little tab where it says request HI3x6_7-__g-00030-00012800-00013136 and then just tap that and then i'll be able to see it then i'll be able to bring you on HI3x6_7-__g-00031-00013811-00014170 MARLYN: but yeah today's gonna be a good conversation i'm excited HI3x6_7-__g-00032-00014170-00014447 i think we thiswas supposed to be for Indigenous people's day HI3x6_7-__g-00033-00014447-00014932 last month but it got yeah so excited to finallyhave it HI3x6_7-__g-00034-00014932-00015309 FREY: yeah no definitely i'm excited too yeah it's been awhile HI3x6_7-__g-00035-00015309-00015576 but there's a lotof things that have happened you know so it's good HI3x6_7-__g-00036-00015576-00016191 to now finally have that this conversation now and it's it's best you know accept HI3x6_7-__g-00037-00016544-00016980 there we go there she is HI3x6_7-__g-00038-00016980-00017285 MARLYN: yes HI3x6_7-__g-00039-00017285-00017599 FREY: hello hello hello oh my gosh i'm so excitedto have both you guys on here HI3x6_7-__g-00040-00017599-00017799 oh my gosh it's amazing HI3x6_7-__g-00041-00017828-00018384 ELBA: how are you guys doing MARLYN: it's dope huh HI3x6_7-__g-00042-00018560-00018827 oh sorry can you hear us HI3x6_7-__g-00043-00018827-00018984 FREY:yeah i can hear you ELBA: yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00044-00018984-00019343 MARLYN: oh no i was just saying the livinglegend is finally here HI3x6_7-__g-00045-00019343-00019532 ELBA: okay HI3x6_7-__g-00046-00019532-00019850 FREY: no you're you're a powerhouse i seen HI3x6_7-__g-00047-00019850-00020050 i've seen most of your videos when i first got on this HI3x6_7-__g-00048-00020080-00020382 platform and i started making my account um HI3x6_7-__g-00049-00020382-00020672 i noticed that you're just a powerhouse like HI3x6_7-__g-00050-00020672-00021179 you have a lot of knowledge and stuff and yeahyou're just on it man it's great HI3x6_7-__g-00051-00021179-00021589 ELBA: thankyou i had to i'm kind of a nerd so HI3x6_7-__g-00052-00021589-00022194 i just wenthard studying and then i had to go bother some elders HI3x6_7-__g-00053-00022194-00022704 MARLYN: oh uh i don't know if it's the same for you frey but like you keep on HI3x6_7-__g-00054-00022704-00022992 cutting off for me is it the same foryou frey HI3x6_7-__g-00055-00022992-00023240 FREY: yeah it's the same forme too HI3x6_7-__g-00056-00023240-00023584 MARLYN: you gotta like shout maybe maybe shout or like put headphones on HI3x6_7-__g-00057-00023656-00024268 ELBA: i was about to say you guys don't want me to get louder i'm already loud HI3x6_7-__g-00058-00024268-00024521 MARLYN: no no no give it all give us all of it HI3x6_7-__g-00059-00024521-00025023 FREY: yeah give it all give all thatenergy man get all that but yeah um HI3x6_7-__g-00060-00025023-00025170 what happened HI3x6_7-__g-00061-00025176-00025488 no go ahead no it's perfectly fine yeah this is a open space for HI3x6_7-__g-00062-00025488-00025860 for everybody you knowanybody could say anythinghere HI3x6_7-__g-00063-00025860-00026122 but um what i was gonna say is that like uh ihad HI3x6_7-__g-00064-00026122-00026351 this idea in mind for Indigenous people's day HI3x6_7-__g-00065-00026351-00026618 but there were some things in the way and alot HI3x6_7-__g-00066-00026618-00026800 of the Indigenous people from the caribbean HI3x6_7-__g-00067-00026800-00027050 were out doing their thing and of course they werebusy HI3x6_7-__g-00068-00027050-00027388 so we pushed it to november so that way i HI3x6_7-__g-00069-00027388-00027614 can actually try to kind of have more people on here HI3x6_7-__g-00070-00027614-00027808 you know from the Indigenous community of HI3x6_7-__g-00071-00027808-00028149 the caribbean and like this is i just wanted tostart HI3x6_7-__g-00072-00028149-00028512 you know a um a thing where with Indigenous HI3x6_7-__g-00073-00028512-00028734 people's day it's like we actually have to create HI3x6_7-__g-00074-00028734-00029032 a safe space for those who were actually affected HI3x6_7-__g-00075-00029032-00029397 by that day you know five hundred years ago HI3x6_7-__g-00076-00029397-00029856 you know in when we found christopher you knowculon HI3x6_7-__g-00077-00029856-00030167 you know lost at sea thinking he was goingsomewhere else HI3x6_7-__g-00078-00030167-00030573 but he ended up somewhere else yeah so i think it's essential HI3x6_7-__g-00079-00030573-00030872 you know and that also the like uh Taino people should not be HI3x6_7-__g-00080-00030872-00031302 left out or excluded anywhere you know so i justthink i should HI3x6_7-__g-00081-00031302-00031676 you know kind of like uh kind of just push that you know HI3x6_7-__g-00082-00031676-00032096 and start that you knowbecause it's now more than ever then we need eachother HI3x6_7-__g-00083-00032096-00032719 and start advocating for things yeah outside of our cultural boundaries you know HI3x6_7-__g-00084-00032719-00033280 because umi've been watching this reporter whorecently reconnected with her roots HI3x6_7-__g-00085-00033280-00033832 and um she's on it she went she moved back topuerto rico and like uh and like yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00086-00033832-00034296 she had this land like she found out thisland behind her was gonna be you know demolished HI3x6_7-__g-00087-00034296-00034752 or whatever for a hotel site but she found out that it was actually a national preserve HI3x6_7-__g-00088-00034752-00035295 and she you know she did her thing and yeah iwas just so amazed HI3x6_7-__g-00089-00035295-00035718 i was like wow like you know and it was really inspiring HI3x6_7-__g-00090-00035718-00036068 MARLYN: i knowwho you're talking about i don't know the nameshe's really HI3x6_7-__g-00091-00036068-00036589 elba do you know the name ofthe reporter ELBA: yeah i think her name isuh bianca graulau HI3x6_7-__g-00092-00036589-00036864 FREY: yeah there you go ELBA: idon't know if i'm pronouncing her last name HI3x6_7-__g-00093-00036864-00037504 correctlyi'm so sorry if she ends up watching this MARLYN: yes no but she's she's really dope and HI3x6_7-__g-00094-00037504-00038120 she's been like doing so much for Borikenand like puerto ricans in general yeah she'ssuper dope HI3x6_7-__g-00095-00038120-00038632 ELBA: sir sorry my cat just wants to be on the live with meso HI3x6_7-__g-00096-00038632-00039200 MARLYN: yeah today's a cat day i also have mine here on my lap today's a cat day HI3x6_7-__g-00097-00039268-00039776 FREY: oh no that's amazing yeah my catsthey disown me they're like ah HI3x6_7-__g-00098-00039776-00040296 at this owner i'm gonna do my own thing yeah manthey're ruthless they're ruthless as hell HI3x6_7-__g-00099-00040296-00040831 ELBA: yeah they just have zero cares about what yougot going on in your life HI3x6_7-__g-00100-00040831-00041348 clearly no boundaries why are you doing all that sir HI3x6_7-__g-00101-00041348-00041726 it's gonna be me yelling at the cat and me yellingat the kids HI3x6_7-__g-00102-00041726-00041944 every now and then i'm so sorry HI3x6_7-__g-00103-00041944-00042363 FREY: no that's perfectly fine it's perfectly fineyeah so um HI3x6_7-__g-00104-00042363-00042629 how i wanted to kind of start off this right i kind of because HI3x6_7-__g-00105-00042629-00043337 like um thething is also is i have quite a few um people from puerto rico HI3x6_7-__g-00106-00043337-00043816 uh boricuas who followme and i get questions asked all the time because HI3x6_7-__g-00107-00043816-00044114 like i advocate for reconnecting natives becausei'm still considered HI3x6_7-__g-00108-00044114-00044592 a reconnecting native and so they ask me all the time it's like HI3x6_7-__g-00109-00044592-00045040 what can i dowhat are the first steps and i would like to know HI3x6_7-__g-00110-00045040-00045483 what to tell them but i just don't know becausei'm Indigenous mexican HI3x6_7-__g-00111-00045483-00045821 you know from mexico from central mexico so there's a HI3x6_7-__g-00112-00045821-00046200 certain steps thati have to give them in order to reconnect ifthey're from HI3x6_7-__g-00113-00046200-00046644 central mexico so i'm not ableto tell them how to do that because you know HI3x6_7-__g-00114-00046704-00047248 obviously there's two different there's two different regions right and politicsare HI3x6_7-__g-00115-00047248-00047776 different in mexico there's a humongous papertrail you can legit it's extremely easy if HI3x6_7-__g-00116-00047776-00048336 you do the work to find your family back to the 1500s i don't know if that's the same with um HI3x6_7-__g-00117-00048336-00048808 with puerto rico but i don't know if there's a paper trail oh wow there's not HI3x6_7-__g-00118-00048808-00049203 MARLYN: noso i think elba is actually from Borikenor puerto rico HI3x6_7-__g-00119-00049203-00049480 i where my family is from the dominicanrepublic but regardless HI3x6_7-__g-00120-00049480-00050008 within the caribbean atleast within like pr dr haiti if i'm not mistaken HI3x6_7-__g-00121-00050008-00050384 jamaica like all those caribbean islands the paper trail i can't speak for jamaica but i know HI3x6_7-__g-00122-00050384-00050867 for those three islands paper trail is basically non-existent you really have to do and elba HI3x6_7-__g-00123-00050867-00051411 am I wrong i saw the face like i oh okay ithought i had HI3x6_7-__g-00124-00051411-00051567 ELBA: no that was me going HI3x6_7-__g-00125-00051567-00051936 because i was telling my kids to be quiet sorry HI3x6_7-__g-00126-00051936-00052299 MARLYN: okay i was like i'm not trying to spreadmisinformation HI3x6_7-__g-00127-00052299-00052565 but again though the paper trailis non-existent and elba you know HI3x6_7-__g-00128-00052565-00052832 you're welcometo like jump in and let me know like correct me HI3x6_7-__g-00129-00052832-00053264 but from my understanding it's like in order to like really start reconnecting the first thing you HI3x6_7-__g-00130-00053264-00053952 have to do is uh do that family investigation right so you know really uh investigate your HI3x6_7-__g-00131-00053952-00054400 grandma investigate your parents if possible sometimes that's not always possible because HI3x6_7-__g-00132-00054400-00054824 they're not there because you don't you know you kind of like whatever for whatever reason you have HI3x6_7-__g-00133-00054824-00055296 no connection with your family but ifpossible you know do that investigation either HI3x6_7-__g-00134-00055296-00055712 with your parents with your grandparents with your uncle whoever that you can whoever is accessible HI3x6_7-__g-00135-00055712-00056167 to try to get that info and then like kind of go from there then you go into the research then you HI3x6_7-__g-00136-00056167-00056752 go into reconnecting with your tribes or if you want to or reconnecting with just other things but HI3x6_7-__g-00137-00056752-00057120 yeah we don't really have a paper trail for various reasons HI3x6_7-__g-00138-00057228-00057865 ELBA: it's by design that they genocided us by paper you know um HI3x6_7-__g-00139-00057865-00058408 we got colonzized by spainfirst obviously and um we were identified as HI3x6_7-__g-00140-00058464-00058830 Indigenous people and then when we got colonizedby the u.s. HI3x6_7-__g-00141-00058830-00059284 we went from being Indigenous to being hispanic or being black HI3x6_7-__g-00142-00059284-00059855 or mesitzo or whateverdesignation anything but Indigenous basically um HI3x6_7-__g-00143-00059855-00060384 they tried to kill us by paper sofor a lot of people it's really hard um HI3x6_7-__g-00144-00060384-00060953 to find paper documentation especially if the Indigenous person HI3x6_7-__g-00145-00060953-00061208 in your familyis a woman because the colonizer didn't care about HI3x6_7-__g-00146-00061208-00062000 women so um it can be really difficult and kind of jumping on what uh marlyn said when it HI3x6_7-__g-00147-00062000-00062584 comes to family you may not even get very much information if you're asking specifically about HI3x6_7-__g-00148-00062584-00062943 Taino people um but if you just ask about you know yourfamily history HI3x6_7-__g-00149-00062943-00063269 or whatever there's a lot of stuff that we get taught is spanish HI3x6_7-__g-00150-00063269-00064097 that is not spanishso your family will if you like just generallyspeak about you know HI3x6_7-__g-00151-00064097-00064400 okay spanish history withregard to our family you might get little hidden HI3x6_7-__g-00152-00064400-00065096 nuggets of Taino culture or whatever kind of like hidden as spanish culture when it's not HI3x6_7-__g-00153-00065212-00065856 FREY: oh wow oh i didn't know that's crazy that's crazy and that goes to show how HI3x6_7-__g-00154-00065856-00066320 diverse the the issues are because in mexico like i said like if you if you're willing to HI3x6_7-__g-00155-00066320-00066687 do the work i can legit find you know a familyof mine that i'm related to HI3x6_7-__g-00156-00066687-00066989 people have foundgovernors that they're related to from the 1500s HI3x6_7-__g-00157-00066989-00067457 you know and it's that yeah the paper trail isamazing it's like not amazing HI3x6_7-__g-00158-00067457-00067912 but i mean it's really vast there's like there's thickbooks for certain HI3x6_7-__g-00159-00067912-00068536 regions in mexico with allthe families there and even in mexico like um HI3x6_7-__g-00160-00068536-00069171 after the 1500s after cortez came and subdued youknow the triple alliance uh HI3x6_7-__g-00161-00069171-00069648 they made a treatyyou know with the Indigenous people which isactually the people that i'm related to HI3x6_7-__g-00162-00069648-00070216 um they recognized certain Indigenous groups who allied with the spanish not just mine but other HI3x6_7-__g-00163-00070216-00070872 Indigenous groups they recognize their nobility as nobility as like equivalent as a spaniard HI3x6_7-__g-00164-00070872-00071680 so there's also books of like of like the Indigenous nobility in new spain and mexico and HI3x6_7-__g-00165-00071680-00072184 all that was dismantled mexico doesn't recognize them as nobility anymore but there's still a lot HI3x6_7-__g-00166-00072184-00072808 of paper trail and there's still like big books written about you know families yeah but that's HI3x6_7-__g-00167-00072808-00073232 great i didn't know that thank you for for sharing that i think that's also important for people HI3x6_7-__g-00168-00073232-00073584 you know that's a very important aspect people have to come in terms with when they reconnect HI3x6_7-__g-00169-00073656-00074352 you know for sure yeah but um i also wanted to ask like the first question kind of like kicking off HI3x6_7-__g-00170-00074352-00074760 it was like what are the proper pronouns and like the labels that that that's like HI3x6_7-__g-00171-00074760-00075384 like how does that work because for me it's um i'm Nahua you know from from this pueblo HI3x6_7-__g-00172-00075512-00075784 you know and that's how it works for mexico or just HI3x6_7-__g-00173-00075840-00076360 um Indigenous mexican but how does that look like with um with people of the caribbean HI3x6_7-__g-00174-00076624-00077088 ELBA: that's a touchy subject there's people arguing what we should call ourselves HI3x6_7-__g-00175-00077160-00077824 for years it's it's definitely heated debate um some people prefer Indigenous caribbean islander HI3x6_7-__g-00176-00077824-00078344 um some people will say you know west indian antillean amerindian HI3x6_7-__g-00177-00078344-00078864 Taino of course which a lot of people will say i'm not Taino that's a town in italy which HI3x6_7-__g-00178-00078864-00079568 is a whole other thing yeah it's it's a lot of misinformation basically but um generally HI3x6_7-__g-00179-00079568-00080136 speaking you know people here lately i've seen a lot of people identify as jibaro or they might HI3x6_7-__g-00180-00080136-00080576 specifically refer to the island that they're from so like me being from puerto rico i would say HI3x6_7-__g-00181-00080576-00081384 you know Boriken which is where the word boricua comes from it's the Indigenous name of the island HI3x6_7-__g-00182-00081920-00082448 MARLYN: i don't think there is as big of a movement of like re-indigenizing in dr as there is in like HI3x6_7-__g-00183-00082448-00082952 we're in Boriken or puerto rico um and again i'm still new to reconnecting so i'm gonna HI3x6_7-__g-00184-00082952-00083568 like there will be times where i'm just gonna be like elba wanna take it away oh but like yeah yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00185-00083568-00084200 same thing for dr i think if if people do identify as Indigenous they'll from what HI3x6_7-__g-00186-00084200-00084704 i've seen again i'm still new to reconnecting from what i've seen it's been like Taino it's been you HI3x6_7-__g-00187-00084704-00085248 know Kisikeya right or Kiskeya and you often hear that because that's that's what's most popular um HI3x6_7-__g-00188-00085320-00085664 but yeah that's the subject where i'm kind of like i'm not going to talk about because i don't know HI3x6_7-__g-00189-00085664-00085918 too much about it but that's all right that soundsgood HI3x6_7-__g-00190-00085918-00086232 ELBA: yeah and there's also debate about that island you know HI3x6_7-__g-00191-00086232-00086680 it was one whole island now people would be like no it's Ayti no it's Kisikeya and HI3x6_7-__g-00192-00086680-00087352 it's technically both um because there's different languages that were spoken on the island or HI3x6_7-__g-00193-00087352-00088224 different dialects of Arawak so you're technically not wrong if you use either one and um a comment HI3x6_7-__g-00194-00088224-00088536 was made here which is actually a really really good point so i'm going to go ahead and read it HI3x6_7-__g-00195-00088536-00089072 out loud that you can search for municipal records weddings baptisms or even military HI3x6_7-__g-00196-00089072-00089744 draft and enlistment cards a lot of the time you can find um some kind of trail that way but again HI3x6_7-__g-00197-00089744-00090336 um as mentioned earlier a lot of that especially if you're looking for like a female identifying HI3x6_7-__g-00198-00090336-00091056 or you know was identified as female on paper it's harder to track them especially if they HI3x6_7-__g-00199-00091056-00091648 you know didn't get married or there wasn't a marriage certificate some churches were you HI3x6_7-__g-00200-00091648-00092128 know destroyed and stuff so they're like paper i don't know her where is she so HI3x6_7-__g-00201-00092272-00092840 it can it can get really complicated there are ways but for a lot of people there's this HI3x6_7-__g-00202-00092840-00093464 just roadblock where you you can't really find much after you get to a certain point HI3x6_7-__g-00203-00093464-00094344 MARLYN: 100% same for our island what yourfamily has photos any records etc HI3x6_7-__g-00204-00094344-00094601 it's not like publicly available HI3x6_7-__g-00205-00094601-00094801 FREY: wow that's crazy HI3x6_7-__g-00206-00094801-00095189 ELBA: yeah if the government doesn't have it then you're sol you know HI3x6_7-__g-00207-00095189-00095462 FREY: wow that's horrible HI3x6_7-__g-00208-00095462-00095800 MARLYN: to your point like to answer like going back to like the HI3x6_7-__g-00209-00095800-00096232 original question of like how do you identify there is a lot of debate i think though um HI3x6_7-__g-00210-00096312-00096832 definitely what elba said yeah there's a lot of debate i think from what i've been HI3x6_7-__g-00211-00096832-00097224 seeing the most common thing is just like at least for us is Taino right or you identify HI3x6_7-__g-00212-00097224-00097776 with your specific yukayeke um for us would be like hiwayawa but like uh which we do not or HI3x6_7-__g-00213-00097776-00098184 i don't represent i'm just gonna say do not represent i'm speaking for myself HI3x6_7-__g-00214-00098240-00098712 same i'm speaking for myself my own personal experience but yeah you would either just identify HI3x6_7-__g-00215-00098712-00099208 as Taino or like your specific uh yukayake or like tribe if you are associated with it HI3x6_7-__g-00216-00099380-00099732 FREY: awesome no that's great HI3x6_7-__g-00217-00099816-00100255 MARLYN: oh i said hopefully it answers it FREY: oh yeah definitely definitely 100% HI3x6_7-__g-00218-00100255-00100598 yeah definitely oh you were talking to her i'm sorry HI3x6_7-__g-00219-00100598-00101069 MARLYN: no no no this is a mutual see this is like yeah noit's a mutual conversation HI3x6_7-__g-00220-00101069-00101460 we're working out thekinks now it's cool but yeah i was talking to you HI3x6_7-__g-00221-00101460-00102128 FREY: for sure for sure yeah definitely yeah yeah no i mean there's definitely a lot of HI3x6_7-__g-00222-00102128-00102688 debate you know over that even even in mexico too you know because a lot of people just they're HI3x6_7-__g-00223-00102688-00103335 just they just like to claim you know think of us as a monolith but mexico is home to like HI3x6_7-__g-00224-00103335-00103783 60 different tongues within those tongues in my language there's like 40 different dialects HI3x6_7-__g-00225-00104004-00104625 ELBA: oh oh no where'd you go there you are okay HI3x6_7-__g-00226-00104700-00105383 FREY: somebody called me in like live canceled and stuff but um anyways yeah i'm sorry about HI3x6_7-__g-00227-00105383-00105783 that guys but anyways um i guess the next question would be like um how has HI3x6_7-__g-00228-00105976-00106583 what does decolonization mean to you guys like what does it mean and like and like how HI3x6_7-__g-00229-00106640-00107156 like what are some of the values and some of theaspects that is critical for decolonizing HI3x6_7-__g-00230-00107240-00107445 MARLYN: you want me to go first you want to go first HI3x6_7-__g-00231-00107445-00107645 ELBA: sure i mean HI3x6_7-__g-00232-00107645-00107924 MARLYN: okay um so for me ilike wrote down notes HI3x6_7-__g-00233-00107924-00108216 and it's on the phone but i'm trying to work off of memory um HI3x6_7-__g-00234-00108216-00108799 ELBA: me too me too i was like oh no i don't wanna say the wrong thing HI3x6_7-__g-00235-00108848-00109464 MARLYN: right right right um but just like because it's like a personal experience question so but like HI3x6_7-__g-00236-00109464-00110120 for me it's mainly been and obviously i think like just to um explicitly say re-Indigenizing HI3x6_7-__g-00237-00110120-00110511 isn't just like one thing we're doing a lot of different things at once grabbing a lot of HI3x6_7-__g-00238-00110511-00110952 different you know tools and resources at once but i think the way that i interpreted this question HI3x6_7-__g-00239-00110952-00111480 was like what has been the most helpful to you so that's how my answer is um but for me it's mainly HI3x6_7-__g-00240-00111480-00112056 been like connecting with nature um i whether that means like thanking the trees during the HI3x6_7-__g-00241-00112056-00112480 summer for their shade or thanking the wind for uplifting me when i'm like feeling hella depressed HI3x6_7-__g-00242-00112480-00112904 um for me it's definitely been reconnecting with my surroundings and viewing you know plant HI3x6_7-__g-00243-00112904-00113592 ancestors as more than just like a commodity to be abused or like extracted um so in doing that HI3x6_7-__g-00244-00113592-00114072 i'm able to like apply that to other parts of lifeand you know and apply that to my connection with HI3x6_7-__g-00245-00114072-00114472 human beings i'm Autistic so sometimes it's a little bit harder for me to socialize with folks HI3x6_7-__g-00246-00114472-00114928 but applying my understanding of like okay this is a living breathing HI3x6_7-__g-00247-00114928-00115424 you know being right human beings are the same waylike let me try to treat you with respect HI3x6_7-__g-00248-00115424-00115992 let me try to treat with dignity and all these other things and so which is again an Indigenous uh HI3x6_7-__g-00249-00116056-00116424 framework if i'm not mistaken i think that's the right word it's an Indigenous framework it's like HI3x6_7-__g-00250-00116424-00116935 you know view people as human beings rather than just like having that transactional type HI3x6_7-__g-00251-00116935-00117511 of relationship that is so often associated with colonization um but yeah that's kind of what i've HI3x6_7-__g-00252-00117511-00118040 been doing to re-Indigenize plus everything else that's also involved like connecting with you frey HI3x6_7-__g-00253-00118040-00118432 and connecting with other Indigenous folks who have who are also part of this journey so yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00254-00118572-00119072 ELBA: yeah decolonizing for me um and i like that that marlyn made HI3x6_7-__g-00255-00119072-00119480 the distinction between decolonizing and re-Indigenizing because the decolonizing HI3x6_7-__g-00256-00119480-00120048 is kind of you know unlearning this sense of entitlement and instant gratification culture HI3x6_7-__g-00257-00120048-00120720 that's kind of been uh very much at least for the united states a thing um and i'm pretty HI3x6_7-__g-00258-00120720-00121400 sure it's the same case for a lot of different uhi guess colonizer countries however you'd want to HI3x6_7-__g-00259-00121400-00121992 label them but re-Indigenizing is a different aspect which is you know centering Indigenous HI3x6_7-__g-00260-00121992-00122576 people rather than the colonizer and like you said uh marlyn it's about you know connecting with your HI3x6_7-__g-00261-00122576-00123008 ancestors with the people with the land which are all essentially the same thing like you HI3x6_7-__g-00262-00123008-00123448 said they're you know living breathing things um well maybe not necessarily breathing but HI3x6_7-__g-00263-00123448-00123983 um in a figurative sense i guess but i think you guys know what I'm saying HI3x6_7-__g-00264-00123983-00124328 but you know just kind of um connecting with the land HI3x6_7-__g-00265-00124328-00124759 and you know learning to live like more sustainably you know and thinking about how HI3x6_7-__g-00266-00124759-00125056 we affect climate by the way we live and stuff like that HI3x6_7-__g-00267-00125480-00125862 FREY: no those are those are amazing answers in my opinion um HI3x6_7-__g-00268-00125862-00126225 i think i kind of made a mistake where like i didn't really provide enough context HI3x6_7-__g-00269-00126225-00126757 but itseems you guys kind of like brought it around like because um i guess like HI3x6_7-__g-00270-00126757-00127159 i should have saidlike um more context as if like because um HI3x6_7-__g-00271-00127159-00127624 to re-Indigenize oneself i believe personally and this is my two cents it's like uh just HI3x6_7-__g-00272-00127624-00128080 breaking away from those colonial chains that we have like for example there's a big issue HI3x6_7-__g-00273-00128080-00128568 within you know mexico and i'm speaking in context of myself and in my family HI3x6_7-__g-00274-00128568-00129024 there's a lot of machismo there's a lot of homophobia going on in within my family HI3x6_7-__g-00275-00129024-00129704 and um uh marlyn also knows a lot that because i've opened up to her that um i've had to unlearn a HI3x6_7-__g-00276-00129704-00130504 lot of those things and i am with someone who is a radical feminist so a lot of the things that i've HI3x6_7-__g-00277-00130504-00131136 that i have to you know um relearn uh certain aspects like you know women are are supposed HI3x6_7-__g-00278-00131136-00131616 to be respected take accountability as a man this and that you know and getting rid of that mexican HI3x6_7-__g-00279-00131616-00132232 machismo it's a real thing because someof that stuff didn't really exist you know before HI3x6_7-__g-00280-00132232-00132680 the spanish a lot of that stuff came with the spaniards and i kind of hate this i kind of hated HI3x6_7-__g-00281-00132680-00133136 to see a lot of that stuff growing up with my aunts and my grandmothers because it they really HI3x6_7-__g-00282-00133136-00133672 just adds on to more of that intergenerational trauma and that intergenerational trauma is a big HI3x6_7-__g-00283-00133672-00134264 like massive chain that's like holding us back you know and like a lot of our things but yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00284-00134360-00135008 MARLYN: i think it's super important like what you're doing now right is um HI3x6_7-__g-00285-00135008-00135320 you're unlearning all of those things you're going back to you know who your HI3x6_7-__g-00286-00135320-00135672 ancestors used to be and how they used to connect with each other um HI3x6_7-__g-00287-00135672-00136320 i had a point it was it was here but then it left me oh yeah generational trauma oh adhd problems HI3x6_7-__g-00288-00136320-00136536 ELBA: it happens to me all the time i feel you HI3x6_7-__g-00289-00136536-00136792 right you're just like it's there and then it goes whoop anyways oh HI3x6_7-__g-00290-00136864-00137166 but like generational trauma like you doing that and HI3x6_7-__g-00291-00137166-00137408 like it doesn't feel like much right you're likedamn HI3x6_7-__g-00292-00137408-00137864 i really wish i could be doing more i really wish i could be at least for me as a HI3x6_7-__g-00293-00137864-00138320 reconnecting Indigenous person i see like all these you know Indigenous people online i'm HI3x6_7-__g-00294-00138320-00138672 like damn i wish i could be that person who's just like vibing and like learning like like HI3x6_7-__g-00295-00138776-00139160 there's usually an idea or an image of like what it means to be Indigenous right or what it means HI3x6_7-__g-00296-00139160-00139640 to re-Indigenize like that right there you'vetaken that work and you're doing that work to like HI3x6_7-__g-00297-00139640-00140256 unlearn all those really toxic behaviors and mindsets that's re-Indigenizing that is you HI3x6_7-__g-00298-00140256-00140696 know setting yourself and your like future generations up for success and like kind of HI3x6_7-__g-00299-00140696-00141304 again just going back to how we used to be um like that that is super powerful in it of itself too so HI3x6_7-__g-00300-00141376-00141888 like props to you and props to everybody else who's doing that work to like como se dice HI3x6_7-__g-00301-00141888-00142230 like heal that generational trauma HI3x6_7-__g-00302-00142230-00142701 ELBA: yeahthey say when you do the work it's you'rehealing not just you but HI3x6_7-__g-00303-00142701-00143236 seven generations backand seven generations to come so i mean it is huge HI3x6_7-__g-00304-00143236-00143696 it may not feel like it but it is abig deal so definitely like marlyn said props HI3x6_7-__g-00305-00143696-00144224 because machismo is definitely an issue within the Taino community as well and um i can't speak HI3x6_7-__g-00306-00144224-00144584 for all Indigenous communities because i don't know this for a fact but i know at least for HI3x6_7-__g-00307-00144584-00145272 Taino people we're a matriarchal people so um you know that that respect and honoring of women HI3x6_7-__g-00308-00145272-00145884 and stuff like that is something that a lot of people have to work on even other women HI3x6_7-__g-00309-00145884-00146184 it's not just men that have to unlearn that machismo there's such thing as HI3x6_7-__g-00310-00146184-00146624 internalized misogyny so that's something to be mindful of and to kind of work on as well HI3x6_7-__g-00311-00146712-00147134 MARLYN: facts just facts HI3x6_7-__g-00312-00147134-00147576 FREY: yeah facts dude yeah telling you man she's a powerhouse man HI3x6_7-__g-00313-00147576-00148064 yeah dude it's it's amazing it's it's an honor to have you here it really is it really is it's great HI3x6_7-__g-00314-00148064-00148616 it's amazing because like um because this kind of like balances things out almost because um HI3x6_7-__g-00315-00148616-00148992 you got someone that's like really well connected and you got someone that's reconnecting to give HI3x6_7-__g-00316-00148992-00149367 up both aspects of the spectrum you know because when i was growing up HI3x6_7-__g-00317-00149367-00149734 in high school i had nobodyto really turn to which is why i kind of spiraled HI3x6_7-__g-00318-00149734-00150097 into believing a bunch of conspiracies i don'tdo that anymore but um HI3x6_7-__g-00319-00150097-00150400 yeah it's just it's justit's just amazing to have both people on the HI3x6_7-__g-00320-00150400-00150856 spectrum someone who's like really well in touch and someone who's reconnecting to kind of like HI3x6_7-__g-00321-00150856-00151344 wow you know that person is just like me you know it's amazing this whole experience HI3x6_7-__g-00322-00151344-00151832 is just it's just great yeah and definitely yeah the intergenerational trauma it's really deep HI3x6_7-__g-00323-00151832-00152448 it's really deep and that really sunk in deepwith what you said that um when you're healing HI3x6_7-__g-00324-00152448-00152976 yourself you're healing seven generations back something along those lines that sunk into my HI3x6_7-__g-00325-00152976-00153512 it sunk pretty hard yeah because yeah oh my gosh man a lot of that stuff man it's no joke HI3x6_7-__g-00326-00153512-00154152 you know and i see it all around you know and it's a curse that a lot of us or i mean i guess me HI3x6_7-__g-00327-00154152-00154704 the people who are in my situation that we carry and it's hard you know and it takes it takes a lot HI3x6_7-__g-00328-00154704-00155224 of courage and will to really just realize that what you're doing is wrong and just diminish your HI3x6_7-__g-00329-00155224-00155696 ego and just you know know that you know that you're wrong you know just swallow your ego and HI3x6_7-__g-00330-00155752-00156736 just do things that are the best you know um yeah so if i may ask like what inspired you guys to um HI3x6_7-__g-00331-00156792-00157160 to embark on the journey like what inspired you guys to like reconnect HI3x6_7-__g-00332-00157160-00157588 you know to um to Taino culture HI3x6_7-__g-00333-00157588-00157956 MARLYN: Immalet you take that one i'll answer afterwards yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00334-00157956-00158520 ELBA: well first i wanted to to make a clarification that i'm still on thejourney HI3x6_7-__g-00335-00158520-00159040 i might be a little further along thansome folks but i'm by no means an expert i'm by no HI3x6_7-__g-00336-00159040-00159310 means like super connected or anything like that um HI3x6_7-__g-00337-00159310-00159865 like i said just a little bit further along um but still definitely learning things um HI3x6_7-__g-00338-00159865-00160368 and as far as your question is concerned what inspired me was my kids HI3x6_7-__g-00339-00160368-00160896 because like a lot of us there's you know it's very hard to connect if you don't HI3x6_7-__g-00340-00160896-00161416 really have close family members that you can talk to um a lot of my relatives that i would HI3x6_7-__g-00341-00161416-00162000 love to have asked these questions that ihave now like my tatara abuelo uh tatara abuela rather HI3x6_7-__g-00342-00162000-00162488 or my tio abuelo and stuff like that um they're no longer with me so i didn't think HI3x6_7-__g-00343-00162488-00163024 to ask these questions when i was younger and had the opportunity so in my mind i'm like oh HI3x6_7-__g-00344-00163024-00163234 my god what if one day i'm no longer here you know HI3x6_7-__g-00345-00163234-00163434 creator forbid something happen that's unforeseen HI3x6_7-__g-00346-00163488-00164000 what are my kids gonna have what am i leaving behind for them to learn if they can't learn HI3x6_7-__g-00347-00164000-00164496 from me directly so you know i started doing my personal research and everything and HI3x6_7-__g-00348-00164552-00165032 creating all of this content and you know Taino library came about due to that because HI3x6_7-__g-00349-00165032-00165448 i was like well geez if i'm going to do all this work and everything and HI3x6_7-__g-00350-00165448-00166048 have something for my kids i should share this with other people who are coming up to the same HI3x6_7-__g-00351-00166048-00166568 like roadblock on their journey and have a hard time finding information and stuff like that HI3x6_7-__g-00352-00166568-00167048 you know if i want to make this accessible for my kids i should make it accessible for HI3x6_7-__g-00353-00167048-00167796 everybody else who's wanting to reconnect so um that's essentially how my how my journey started HI3x6_7-__g-00354-00168000-00168359 FREY: it's amazing that's great MARLYN: it'sreally powerful HI3x6_7-__g-00355-00168359-00168540 ELBA: what about you marlyn HI3x6_7-__g-00356-00168540-00168920 MARLYN: no i'm just like i'm like processing that because that's really powerful i think a lot HI3x6_7-__g-00357-00168920-00169416 of folks are like reconnecting so that they can pass on that knowledge that information to future HI3x6_7-__g-00358-00169416-00169864 generations whether it's kids or i don't want kids so for me it's going to be like nieces and nephews HI3x6_7-__g-00359-00169968-00170680 but like my cat i don't know pero no for me what got me started on the journey was it's HI3x6_7-__g-00360-00170680-00171456 actually pretty funny perate okay you're going over there anyways um what happened for me was HI3x6_7-__g-00361-00171456-00172104 ah so it's a little bit of a story so bear with me here i swear i have a point i come from a family HI3x6_7-__g-00362-00172104-00172688 um let me let me backtrack i think i was like fresh out of college i'm like all right HI3x6_7-__g-00363-00172688-00172976 i got nothing to do let me like try to i think it was at that point where like HI3x6_7-__g-00364-00172976-00173392 becoming a plant parent became a thing so i'm like all right let me get all these plants let HI3x6_7-__g-00365-00173392-00173936 me try to like keep them alive um i couldn't keep one alive for more than like two weeks HI3x6_7-__g-00366-00173936-00174296 they started dying on me and i'm like all right let me figure something out mind you i'm HI3x6_7-__g-00367-00174296-00175016 coming from a family that like my great grandma my grandma my mother like all of them they just HI3x6_7-__g-00368-00175016-00175496 they have the greenest thumb ever they can like bring plants back to life my grandma had this one HI3x6_7-__g-00369-00175496-00175984 rose bush que estaba completamente muerto that waslike completely dead and like within a matter of HI3x6_7-__g-00370-00175984-00176600 two months that lady had a whole bush full of flowers i'm like ma'am like give me your gift HI3x6_7-__g-00371-00176600-00177360 um but so i'm like okay i i cannot grow plants to save my life there has to be something else HI3x6_7-__g-00372-00177360-00177848 that i can do that will allow me to honor you know plant ancestors um and i'm like all right cool let HI3x6_7-__g-00373-00177848-00178344 me start thinking i thought you know it came to me that my great uncle was a curandero and i'm like all HI3x6_7-__g-00374-00178344-00178728 right cool but that's in the dominican republic in the middle of nowhere like how does that translate HI3x6_7-__g-00375-00178728-00179152 here in the united states back at that time i was living in new york city how's or in Lenape land HI3x6_7-__g-00376-00179152-00179640 right like how does that translate there likeokay herbalism and so from there you know learning HI3x6_7-__g-00377-00179640-00180128 about herbalism learning about you know uh just again just connecting with nature connecting HI3x6_7-__g-00378-00180128-00180576 with plant ancestors i took a class with hood herbalism and i think like really there's where HI3x6_7-__g-00379-00180576-00181072 it solidified like hey you know i'm Indigenous like all this knowledge that i thought i didn't HI3x6_7-__g-00380-00181072-00181712 have that like again for me i'm like i'm a plant killer right like all this knowledge and like who HI3x6_7-__g-00381-00181712-00182184 i thought i was was actually false like i actually do have a lot of like wisdom and knowledge when HI3x6_7-__g-00382-00182184-00182680 it comes to connecting with plants it just looks a little bit different and so again from there i was HI3x6_7-__g-00383-00182680-00183264 able to jump into well who am i who's my family i know that they are you know gardeners and they HI3x6_7-__g-00384-00183264-00183720 have a green thumb but like who really are they and like i started investigating a little bit more HI3x6_7-__g-00385-00183720-00184501 um and yeah yeah it turns out we are a lot more Indigenous than i thought we were so yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00386-00184501-00184784 FREY: wow that's ELBA: oh sorry HI3x6_7-__g-00387-00184784-00184984 FREY: no that's okay you're perfectly fine HI3x6_7-__g-00388-00185073-00185539 ELBA: i was gonna say i think a lot of peopleend up asking questions when they start you know kind of HI3x6_7-__g-00389-00185539-00186016 exploring you know more of their spiritual side you know doing that inner work to heal themselves HI3x6_7-__g-00390-00186016-00186680 or whatever um because i know like when i was before i even started asking about my Taino HI3x6_7-__g-00391-00186680-00187312 ancestors i was like binging youtube videos of you know curanderos and espiritistas santeros paleros HI3x6_7-__g-00392-00187312-00187680 all that stuff and the common denominator i noticed from all of these different HI3x6_7-__g-00393-00187680-00188144 spiritualities that i was drawn to was ancestor veneration and that's when i started thinking HI3x6_7-__g-00394-00188144-00188624 wait a second i know a pretty good bit about spanish history and stuff like that and HI3x6_7-__g-00395-00188736-00189392 my african ancestors and everything too but like y que de los Taino what about the Taino people HI3x6_7-__g-00396-00189392-00190160 and that's when i like there's nothing out there i was googling like where is all the information HI3x6_7-__g-00397-00190160-00190976 where are my people hiding like you eventually you stumble upon like a facebook group or HI3x6_7-__g-00398-00190976-00191456 something and you're like oh okay you know here they are and you start learning more HI3x6_7-__g-00399-00191456-00192000 but at first it's very difficult especially ifyou don't already have somebody who's kind of HI3x6_7-__g-00400-00192000-00192400 you know connected in some way shape or form MARLYN: 100% on top of that especially like HI3x6_7-__g-00401-00192400-00192856 just like a little tidbit especially if you have your entire life you've gone with hearing like HI3x6_7-__g-00402-00192856-00193280 oh Tainos are extinct i don't know how it is in Boriken but like in the dominican republic HI3x6_7-__g-00403-00193280-00193616 that's the lie we tell ourselves that is the biggest lie we tell ourselves Tainosare HI3x6_7-__g-00404-00193616-00194168 extinct they went extinct when christopher pardon my french christopher columbitch arrived HI3x6_7-__g-00405-00194168-00194792 right like but yeah that's the biggest lie we tell ourselves and so it's like how can you HI3x6_7-__g-00406-00194792-00195302 even begin to start that journey if you still tellyourself that lie you know but HI3x6_7-__g-00407-00195302-00195666 ELBA: exactly it'sdefinitely a thing in Boriken too HI3x6_7-__g-00408-00195666-00196072 it's definitelya thing i mean they just it's kind of like here in united states like HI3x6_7-__g-00409-00196072-00196528 they bring up Taino brieflywith regard to christopher columbus you know HI3x6_7-__g-00410-00196528-00197000 christopher columbus is the point we're just kind of like this sidebar then it's HI3x6_7-__g-00411-00197000-00197731 back to you know oh he discovered america even though he never stepped foot in the united states HI3x6_7-__g-00412-00197731-00198152 FREY: right yeah hat irritatesme when they when they say that he stepped HI3x6_7-__g-00413-00198152-00198448 foot in the america like in america like in the united states it kind of irritates me a HI3x6_7-__g-00414-00198448-00198936 little bit because like no he never did if anything he did go outside in central america HI3x6_7-__g-00415-00198936-00199304 but that was pretty much it he landed in the caribbean that's where he was at you know HI3x6_7-__g-00416-00199304-00199638 ELBA: yeah he came confused and he diedconfused like HI3x6_7-__g-00417-00199638-00199959 FREY: that's right he did he couldn't take it HI3x6_7-__g-00418-00199959-00200384 he couldn't take it he died oflike the climate like it was too hard for him HI3x6_7-__g-00419-00200384-00200888 ELBA: I mean I'm not mad you know oh well bendito HI3x6_7-__g-00420-00201220-00201768 FREY: oh man you know what's crazy he he actually died still thinking that he was HI3x6_7-__g-00421-00201768-00202136 in the indies like he never like he was so ignorant that he was like no HI3x6_7-__g-00422-00202136-00202720 i'm in asia i'm in the indies you know and like he died you know even with that thought in hismind HI3x6_7-__g-00423-00202720-00203088 ELBA: a lot of people don't know that even the spanish were like dude what are you doing HI3x6_7-__g-00424-00203088-00203752 like what is going on here what happening because no you know a lot of people don't know HI3x6_7-__g-00425-00203752-00204256 that he ended up going back to spain in chains he was you know mostly because he was treating HI3x6_7-__g-00426-00204256-00204728 other spanish people like crap it wasn't so much about you know giving any shits about HI3x6_7-__g-00427-00204728-00205312 the Indigenous people but you know regardless he was considered a criminal even by his own people HI3x6_7-__g-00428-00205680-00206223 FREY: yeah definitely yeah for sure yeah i did a little bit digging about columbus but HI3x6_7-__g-00429-00206344-00206767 i do know that part though that he did go back to jail and stuff like that and he was in HI3x6_7-__g-00430-00206767-00207304 he was in chains and he did he died not a very rich man after that HI3x6_7-__g-00431-00207304-00207574 something like that HI3x6_7-__g-00432-00207574-00207774 ELBA: there's debateabout where he's from because he didn't HI3x6_7-__g-00433-00207823-00208119 i don't think he told anybody he like kept that to himself HI3x6_7-__g-00434-00208288-00208640 there's all this stuff about him but you know we don't care about him so HI3x6_7-__g-00435-00208640-00209112 FREY: yeahwe don't care about him we'll just toss himout like a dirty rag yeah you're right for sure HI3x6_7-__g-00436-00209280-00209899 and oh so um somebody asked um can dna be used tofigure out your native ancestry HI3x6_7-__g-00437-00210000-00210220 what are your guys' thoughts about that HI3x6_7-__g-00438-00210220-00210752 ELBA: uh yes and no um it can tell you if you do have Indigenous ancestry HI3x6_7-__g-00439-00210752-00211376 but it's not like an end-all be-all qualifier um just because genetics is really tricky you HI3x6_7-__g-00440-00211376-00211904 don't necessarily get all of the genes from each parent and you know it can go down the HI3x6_7-__g-00441-00211904-00212544 line and you be Indigenous but the test doesn'tpick it up or it'll give you a percentage HI3x6_7-__g-00442-00212544-00213096 but that doesn't necessarily mean like oh okay i'm entitled to you know all the spirituality all the HI3x6_7-__g-00443-00213096-00213560 teachings all of this all of that because people who you know get their dna tested and they're like HI3x6_7-__g-00444-00213560-00214080 look at me look at me tell me all the things all the secrets you know and it's like that's HI3x6_7-__g-00445-00214080-00214808 not how that works you know um you can claim Taino of course you know or or you know any Indigenous HI3x6_7-__g-00446-00214808-00215288 culture that you find that you're uh descended of but you know it's just as much who claims you HI3x6_7-__g-00447-00215467-00216064 MARLYN: yeah and you said everything yeah damn no that's crazy because like that's the same HI3x6_7-__g-00448-00216064-00216576 thing that happens with with uh with us too in mexico um there's a big movement where like uh HI3x6_7-__g-00449-00216656-00217376 they think that uh well in mexico i think it's like 60 percent of like mexico is actually like HI3x6_7-__g-00450-00217376-00217848 mixed up Indigenous heritage and like about 14 to 20% is actually you know like those HI3x6_7-__g-00451-00217848-00218296 Indigenous autonomous communities living in the middle of nowhere that are inheriting those that HI3x6_7-__g-00452-00218296-00218784 spirituality but at the same time there is a big in a large amount of the diaspora that HI3x6_7-__g-00453-00218784-00219360 wants to know their Indigenous identity but what they do is they they feel entitled to HI3x6_7-__g-00454-00219360-00219792 claim anything right some people come from a different part of mexico and they claim HI3x6_7-__g-00455-00219792-00220264 Indigenous lineage from a different part of mexico that's nowhere near their lineage and HI3x6_7-__g-00456-00220264-00220584 they appropriate that kind of stuff and then they feel like oh i've mixed up my HI3x6_7-__g-00457-00220584-00221000 mixed heritage you know and that's a big issue because not only that it's with the HI3x6_7-__g-00458-00221071-00221632 it's not an issue with the diaspora or you know with like some civil matter it's it's actually an HI3x6_7-__g-00459-00221632-00222271 issue when it comes to politics because um there's a lot of things going on in mexico right now where HI3x6_7-__g-00460-00222271-00222728 there are a lot of foreign companies like canada and china are trying to buy mines out there and HI3x6_7-__g-00461-00222728-00223200 land to mine and contaminate the rivers since Indigenous people don't really own land there HI3x6_7-__g-00462-00223200-00223776 they could just you know buy this land and kick everybody out and contaminate all the resources HI3x6_7-__g-00463-00223848-00224336 and someone who was able to kind of like you know stop that and say no they can't do this HI3x6_7-__g-00464-00224336-00224864 in the middle of court just any politician walks in and says oh yeah i'm i'm Indigenous so yeah you HI3x6_7-__g-00465-00224864-00225319 guys can do whatever you want with my land because mexico is filled with Indigenous people so yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00466-00225319-00225719 i can speak for them without actually having Indigenous people there present in the court HI3x6_7-__g-00467-00225776-00226271 you know so that's a big issue and that's how big is gotten in mexico it's pretty bad it's HI3x6_7-__g-00468-00226271-00226840 pretty bad like politicians who are making moves for Indigenous communities that have like that HI3x6_7-__g-00469-00226840-00227319 are not involved you know that Indigenous people aren't even involved in those talks and they're HI3x6_7-__g-00470-00227319-00227928 taking away the spaces for them you know so yeah it's horrible it's horrendous but yeah definitely HI3x6_7-__g-00471-00227928-00228504 um ELBA: sorry FREY: no go ahead no you're fine you're fine perfectly great yeah um go ahead HI3x6_7-__g-00472-00228504-00228928 what you're going to say ELBA: i was going to say that that ties into the whole you know not just HI3x6_7-__g-00473-00228928-00229392 who do you claim but who claims you because if the tribes there have no idea like who's HI3x6_7-__g-00474-00229392-00229960 this fulano por aqui speaking for me i don't know this joe schmoe guy like why is he speaking for us HI3x6_7-__g-00475-00230016-00230712 um and we do also have a lot of um a lot of us are mixed race uh for lack of a better term um HI3x6_7-__g-00476-00230712-00231328 so there are people who will appropriate from other Indigenous cultures to seem more legit so HI3x6_7-__g-00477-00231328-00231840 you see them you know a lot of them actually tend to appropriate from you guys in mexico HI3x6_7-__g-00478-00232080-00232536 you know and you see them wearing things and it's like you know there are people who HI3x6_7-__g-00479-00232536-00233064 represent multiple tribes and that's perfectly fine but they're definitely a fine line HI3x6_7-__g-00480-00233064-00233584 between representing all of your ancestry and then just appropriating from other people without even HI3x6_7-__g-00481-00233584-00234119 knowing what you're talking about so that's been an issue in our community as well along HI3x6_7-__g-00482-00234119-00234832 with anti-Blackness which is a general issue FREY: oh my gosh yeah the anti-Blackness is pretty big HI3x6_7-__g-00483-00235116-00235608 MARLYN: we're working on it we're working on i think it's a collective like process HI3x6_7-__g-00484-00235608-00236104 but we're working on it and i think yeah that's it that's all i gotta say it's a process HI3x6_7-__g-00485-00236248-00236616 FREY: for sure um somebody asked what advice would you give HI3x6_7-__g-00486-00236671-00237136 white-passing Tainos that feel self conscious about connecting and wanting to connect with HI3x6_7-__g-00487-00237136-00237919 others MARLYN: i can answer that one i'm sorry let me just i'm just ah i got that one cuz listen HI3x6_7-__g-00488-00237976-00238464 listen also within the same boat especially coming in new york city i think like it's that's HI3x6_7-__g-00489-00238464-00238871 a separate topic on its own so i'm not going to venture into that however that being said HI3x6_7-__g-00490-00239112-00239623 the way this is something that i'm still like battling still processing still figuring it out HI3x6_7-__g-00491-00239623-00240104 but from what i've understood and from what i've learned is that you can be white passing and you HI3x6_7-__g-00492-00240104-00240623 you could still be Taino because it's about again what elba said it's about who you claim and who HI3x6_7-__g-00493-00240623-00241160 claims you so go through that process like we've been mentioning um you know if you can connect HI3x6_7-__g-00494-00241160-00241752 with your with your grandmothers your mothers etc like understand your family lineage what you HI3x6_7-__g-00495-00241752-00242288 come where you come from et cetera do that research connect with yukayekes or with tribes or HI3x6_7-__g-00496-00242288-00242840 could just connect with other Tainos but you still get to claim that even if you are white passing HI3x6_7-__g-00497-00242840-00243392 just because you're mixed just because um this is the part i'm trying to get to our ancestors HI3x6_7-__g-00498-00243464-00244008 had to they had to mix like they had just to survive we had to like and again elba correct me HI3x6_7-__g-00499-00244008-00244480 if i'm wrong but like we had to mix just to survive we had to adapt we had to kind of just like do HI3x6_7-__g-00500-00244480-00245000 what we had to do to continue and survive and to like make sure that we ended up here at where we HI3x6_7-__g-00501-00245000-00245471 are so just because your ancestors had to do all those things to get you know to make sure that you HI3x6_7-__g-00502-00245471-00245871 are in the place that you are in now doesn't mean that you're not Taino doesn't mean that HI3x6_7-__g-00503-00245871-00246264 you don't have that ancestry doesn't mean that you don't have you know again do the things don't HI3x6_7-__g-00504-00246264-00246671 do it incorrectly don't be disrespectful don't be claiming other cultures that aren't yours HI3x6_7-__g-00505-00246671-00246960 but just because your ancestors had to do those things doesn't mean that you're not Taino HI3x6_7-__g-00506-00247032-00247736 that's my response ELBA: i agree um and plus even before colonization our ancestors weren't out here HI3x6_7-__g-00507-00247736-00248248 kissing cousins or anything you know what i mean it's you you didn't you had to go outside of your HI3x6_7-__g-00508-00248248-00248760 tribe you that's what you're supposed to do unless you want a really really shallow gene pool so HI3x6_7-__g-00509-00248832-00249552 that's not i'm just saying i'm just saying um you know so it's not not this like oh if you mixed HI3x6_7-__g-00510-00249552-00250112 you're lesser than no you know that your admixture adds to who you are it doesn't take away you know HI3x6_7-__g-00511-00250112-00250600 that's why blood quantum can be so problematic because an Indigenous person what what the focus HI3x6_7-__g-00512-00250600-00251376 should be on is kinship ties it's not on you know parts of who you are you know because when i'm talking i'm HI3x6_7-__g-00513-00251376-00252008 talking to you as a full Taino person as a full puerto rican person who has spanish ancestry as HI3x6_7-__g-00514-00252008-00252592 a full african person even though i don't you know present as Black you know and so whether you are HI3x6_7-__g-00515-00252592-00253128 white passing or you you know you walk this world as somebody and they all they see is somebody HI3x6_7-__g-00516-00253128-00253984 who's Black you are still Taino um yeah that's that's i think that's pretty much all i had to say HI3x6_7-__g-00517-00253984-00254491 i feel like there was something else i was going to bring up pero se me fue el hilo HI3x6_7-__g-00518-00254491-00255040 FREY: nice guys um somebody just asked a question and i think it's also important because it HI3x6_7-__g-00519-00255040-00255792 revolves um uh Afro-Indigenous people um and i hate to exclude them because they receive a lot HI3x6_7-__g-00520-00255792-00256423 of a lot of you know um a lot of negative things because because they they just look different HI3x6_7-__g-00521-00256423-00256928 but um so what this person said this person said what is your take on colorism when it comes to HI3x6_7-__g-00522-00256928-00257384 Afro-Indigenous phenotypes ELBA: that's what i was going to talk about because it has to do with HI3x6_7-__g-00523-00257384-00257904 uh with the question before about you know white passing and all of that stuff is to be conscious HI3x6_7-__g-00524-00257904-00258600 of what privileges you have um because as a person who you know has lighter skin i might be brown but HI3x6_7-__g-00525-00258600-00259096 i'm light brown you know what i'm saying like i need to recognize when i'm technically "the HI3x6_7-__g-00526-00259096-00259680 white person" in the room you know we have privileges you know racism affects all of us HI3x6_7-__g-00527-00259680-00260312 but the darker you are the more barriers you experience the more things that you have to HI3x6_7-__g-00528-00260312-00260984 kind of fight just to get the same treatment so it's not like oh you have it easy or HI3x6_7-__g-00529-00260984-00261504 you know you didn't struggle you know i made a post literally the other day and HI3x6_7-__g-00530-00261504-00262056 a lot of a lot of mixed race people lost their minds because you tell white people you know HI3x6_7-__g-00531-00262056-00262664 you need to you know sit down and be quiet or let people have their space it's fine for them HI3x6_7-__g-00532-00262664-00263152 as soon as you talk to them about proximity to whiteness they lose their freaking minds you HI3x6_7-__g-00533-00263152-00263632 know how dare you say this and blah blah blah you know i got beat up by all the Black kids HI3x6_7-__g-00534-00263632-00264176 in school and it's like well with that attitude i can see why you know not to sound mean or you know HI3x6_7-__g-00535-00264248-00264728 um like i have no empathy or anything like that but you know there's a difference between HI3x6_7-__g-00536-00264728-00265452 an individual struggle and being systematically oppressed and people negate to see that HI3x6_7-__g-00537-00265552-00266080 MARLYN: 100% yeah there's nothing i cannot i mean like i think elba said it all i feel like our HI3x6_7-__g-00538-00266080-00266560 Afro-Indigenous Natives especially like including within our community i feel like they get shit on HI3x6_7-__g-00539-00266560-00267040 from both sides they get shit on from the Native community they get shit on from the world right HI3x6_7-__g-00540-00267040-00267432 so it's like again i think i saw someone else say i forgot i forgot their name but HI3x6_7-__g-00541-00267432-00268160 they're they're really popular online um but uh que iba decir what was I gonna say HI3x6_7-__g-00542-00268256-00268640 essentially yeah like a white passing person will be more likely to be accepted HI3x6_7-__g-00543-00268640-00269136 than someone who's Afro-Native i don't get questioned if i claim my Indigeneity HI3x6_7-__g-00544-00269136-00269664 i might get some side glances i might get some people like you know thinking that i'm crazy but HI3x6_7-__g-00545-00269664-00270384 like i don't get questions i'm far more likely to be accepted than like an Afro-Native so yeah um HI3x6_7-__g-00546-00270504-00270864 ditto to what elba said if you're white passing you do have to understand your HI3x6_7-__g-00547-00270864-00271296 privileges it doesn't mean you don't go through shit but you have to understand your privileges HI3x6_7-__g-00548-00271412-00271896 ELBA: exactly and i'm glad that you brought that up because it's definitely a big point HI3x6_7-__g-00549-00271896-00272304 i mean there will be people that don't have any Indigenous ancestry but they'll HI3x6_7-__g-00550-00272304-00272768 be like look at me i'm 1/16th Cherokeeor whatever my great grandma and nobodybats an eye HI3x6_7-__g-00551-00272952-00273576 you know they'll be like that's fine okay sure but as soon as one of our Afro-Indigenous people says HI3x6_7-__g-00552-00273576-00274416 something similar it's like where's your dna test show me the 23andme you know and it's like HI3x6_7-__g-00553-00274512-00275124 what do you even do you even understand Indigeneity like what is this HI3x6_7-__g-00554-00275328-00275696 FREY: exactly exactly and um don't mind my profile it's just i HI3x6_7-__g-00555-00275696-00276024 kind of start off the camera for a bit because i have to open the door for somebody HI3x6_7-__g-00556-00276172-00276432 ELBA: how rude don't they know you're on live HI3x6_7-__g-00557-00276968-00277384 FREY: for real right yeah somebody said someone needs to get crystals right now i'm just playing HI3x6_7-__g-00558-00277848-00278552 all right so i'm back yeah um no that that was really important what you said because like um HI3x6_7-__g-00559-00278616-00279176 that also ties in with like you know with like just like having to you know just think that you HI3x6_7-__g-00560-00279232-00279832 have some kind of like entitlement to something you know and it's a little childish and it could HI3x6_7-__g-00561-00279832-00280328 be problematic when someone says oh look at me i'm i'm 1/16th Cherokee you know this is not you know HI3x6_7-__g-00562-00280328-00280896 i'm part of your community no it doesn't work like that bro but yeah and definitely i see i see our HI3x6_7-__g-00563-00280896-00281408 um Afro-Indigenous people i see them as Indigenous point-blank period i don't even label them HI3x6_7-__g-00564-00281408-00281840 Afro-Indigenous like Indigenous bro like if you're Indigenous you're Indigenous you know whether HI3x6_7-__g-00565-00281840-00282392 you're white passing whether you're Filipino mix or Afro you're Indigenous bro you know we HI3x6_7-__g-00566-00282392-00282984 need more leaders you know we need more people to embrace and give out that representation MARLYN: I HI3x6_7-__g-00567-00282984-00283632 agree with that also i do want to say i i think it would be respectful of like some folks you know HI3x6_7-__g-00568-00283632-00284128 they do claim that Afro-Indigeneity they are proud of like hey i am Black because this is what the HI3x6_7-__g-00569-00284128-00284648 world sees first before anything else so like i just wanna like just put that out there like some HI3x6_7-__g-00570-00284648-00285120 folks they're like ah i'm Afro-Indigenous you know what i'm just gonna like you know respect that but HI3x6_7-__g-00571-00285120-00285592 yeah 100% it's not i think like what what both of you guys are saying i'm just doing this because HI3x6_7-__g-00572-00285592-00286040 it's how your screens are but what both of you guys are saying of like you know um you're not HI3x6_7-__g-00573-00286040-00286392 coming in as half and half what elba was saying you're not coming in at half and half but like HI3x6_7-__g-00574-00286392-00286752 full of everything that ties into what you're saying of like you're Indigenous you're fully HI3x6_7-__g-00575-00286752-00287248 Indigenous plus fully everything else that you're bringing in too but yeah i just wanted to like put HI3x6_7-__g-00576-00287248-00287920 that out there some folks do you know that should be respected ELBA: yeah and they definitely use HI3x6_7-__g-00577-00287920-00288456 the Afro-Indigenous label at least the people that you know not to speak for Afro-Indigenous people HI3x6_7-__g-00578-00288456-00289192 um but from what i have seen Afro-Indigenous people say to amplify their voices since HI3x6_7-__g-00579-00289192-00289784 you know we don't have an Afro-Indigenous person identifying person in this live that a lot of them HI3x6_7-__g-00580-00289784-00290248 they get flack if they don't say that they're Afro-Indigenous because then people treat them HI3x6_7-__g-00581-00290248-00290688 like they're denying their their Blackness and that's not the case so they're like no HI3x6_7-__g-00582-00290760-00291152 i love both sides of my ancestry and you're not going to make me choose HI3x6_7-__g-00583-00291248-00291680 and i think that's a beautiful thing so you know like you you know Indigenous is Indigenous to me HI3x6_7-__g-00584-00291776-00292440 but you know these people are using that identity to show pride in their Africanness because in a HI3x6_7-__g-00585-00292440-00292928 lot of spaces almost i don't know anywhere in the world where where Black people can just be HI3x6_7-__g-00586-00292928-00294040 Black and not not be treated like crap even on their own continent whether that continent is HI3x6_7-__g-00587-00294040-00294440 Africa or the Americas or both because you know there's definitely people Indigenous to both HI3x6_7-__g-00588-00294636-00295296 FREYA: do the Tainos ever had a like a relationship with um African diaspora HI3x6_7-__g-00589-00295296-00295920 like for example um in mexico or the united states there was like rebellions and revolts HI3x6_7-__g-00590-00295920-00296552 that were involving parties of Indigenous people and and um African really there is ELBA: yeahfor sure HI3x6_7-__g-00591-00296664-00297376 i know um like specifically in jamaica for example because our ancestors our African ancestors were HI3x6_7-__g-00592-00297376-00298000 brought over enslaved you know and then our Taino ancestors were also enslaved essentially HI3x6_7-__g-00593-00298000-00298496 what happened is they were enslaving the Tainopeople and it was so many that they were like yo go to Africa HI3x6_7-__g-00594-00298496-00298992 and bring some more people to work these lands or whatever because we're running out Taino people to HI3x6_7-__g-00595-00298992-00299616 do all this slave labor you know these are people that came together and definitely fought against HI3x6_7-__g-00596-00299616-00300208 the spanish and um like i said in jamaica you have people who ran off into the mountains together HI3x6_7-__g-00597-00300208-00300600 because the Taino knew the landscape so they were like come on homes let's get the hell out of here HI3x6_7-__g-00598-00300600-00301048 you know and a lot of that ended up happening in different parts of the caribbean HI3x6_7-__g-00599-00301048-00301552 not just jamaica but that's one of the best examples or first to come to mind anyway HI3x6_7-__g-00600-00301764-00302128 MARLYN: there's another example within the dominican republic and within the dominican HI3x6_7-__g-00601-00302128-00302616 republic i'll post it after this is like published on your page but i know that there's a similar HI3x6_7-__g-00602-00302616-00303344 example within um Kisikeya ELBA: Yeah Haiti for sure there's definitely throughout the HI3x6_7-__g-00603-00303344-00303984 caribbean just a lot of people being like we're tired of these white people shit so HI3x6_7-__g-00604-00303984-00304264 those who chose to fight fought together those HI3x6_7-__g-00605-00304264-00304768 who chose to you know help the women and the children and the elderly you know HI3x6_7-__g-00606-00304832-00305416 get away and be safe so that they could later fight there was a lot of that of that unity HI3x6_7-__g-00607-00305472-00306016 and i believe if i'm not mistaken i believe a lot of uh like maroons in jamaica for example do have HI3x6_7-__g-00608-00306016-00306448 Taino ancestry as well i don't know to what degree i'm not sure what research there is out there HI3x6_7-__g-00609-00306448-00307276 to um you know be like this percentage or whatever but um i do know that that's also the thing HI3x6_7-__g-00610-00307344-00308064 FREY: wow that's crazy yeah and like um i have a friend who i've known for like almost a year and he's HI3x6_7-__g-00611-00308064-00308864 from the republica dominicana and he was telling me something about like uh uh the pottery Taino HI3x6_7-__g-00612-00308864-00309944 pottery and apparently they found this um a lady from a from a little pueblo that's like um purely HI3x6_7-__g-00613-00309944-00310488 like Afro-Indigenous or just you know African diaspora and they found out about a pottery and HI3x6_7-__g-00614-00310488-00311080 when professionals were looking at the pottery she was making turns out that's like the late style HI3x6_7-__g-00615-00311080-00311712 like the late style of Taino pottery that that that has like you know like that's still going HI3x6_7-__g-00616-00311712-00312144 like and they were questioning like who taught her this and like how did she learn this and she HI3x6_7-__g-00617-00312144-00312752 says from my abuela my grandmother so they're saying that they're concluding that this person HI3x6_7-__g-00618-00312824-00313456 inherited you know the late style of Taino pottery um like what are your thoughts on that like HI3x6_7-__g-00619-00313580-00314248 ELBA: this is why i feel like anti-Blackness makes absolutely no sense because on the real our Black HI3x6_7-__g-00620-00314248-00314784 ancestors are the ones who because they could not hide because they could not you know straighten HI3x6_7-__g-00621-00314784-00315184 their hair which is more of a modern thing now than it was back then but because they couldn't HI3x6_7-__g-00622-00315280-00315880 try to whitewash themselves there was really no escaping um the abuse and stuff like that HI3x6_7-__g-00623-00315880-00316616 they're the ones who kept a lot of our culture for us and we have them to thank for that like HI3x6_7-__g-00624-00316616-00317200 our our Garifuna and uh Garifuna and Kalinago cousins you know our abuelas were sisters HI3x6_7-__g-00625-00317200-00317808 you know and um for example when it comes to language there are a lot of words that we use HI3x6_7-__g-00626-00317808-00318240 now like i know a lot of people say mabrika for example for welcome that's Garifuna HI3x6_7-__g-00627-00318304-00318824 that's not a Taino word people don't know that but you know we have them to thank for preserving HI3x6_7-__g-00628-00318824-00319440 certain Arawakan words that we wouldn't otherwise have because the chroniclers didn't care to keep track HI3x6_7-__g-00629-00319440-00319968 of our language they only cared about you know okay what's the word for gold and stuff like that HI3x6_7-__g-00630-00320216-00320560 you know they i think if i'm not mistaken it was a gentleman that they HI3x6_7-__g-00631-00320560-00321032 uh that they enslaved really to translate for them because they didn't bother with the language HI3x6_7-__g-00632-00321140-00321688 FREY: yeah wow uh that's crazy yeah that's great huh they took some many as slaves HI3x6_7-__g-00633-00321840-00322208 colonization is hardcore man it's it's really horrible by the way like um HI3x6_7-__g-00634-00322336-00322768 um how is the language though for like the Taino people like is it still around HI3x6_7-__g-00635-00322768-00323376 i remember someone a few years back was telling me o que la idioma se desaparecio y que no existe HI3x6_7-__g-00636-00323376-00323656 i was like bro like who are you learning this from and like HI3x6_7-__g-00637-00323728-00324320 i i challenged that but the guy was just like not having it so i like to get some HI3x6_7-__g-00638-00324320-00324784 of you guys opinion like how is the language aspect and when it comes to Taino culture is HI3x6_7-__g-00639-00324784-00325424 it still around is is it is it is it um open were some of the resources someone could learn it HI3x6_7-__g-00640-00325424-00326088 ELBA: well um long story short the language didn't survive intact we do have words that survived um HI3x6_7-__g-00641-00326088-00326384 going back to what i said earlier about people thinking things are spanish that HI3x6_7-__g-00642-00326384-00326920 are really Taino you know some of our words are very much Taino words they're not spanish HI3x6_7-__g-00643-00326920-00327584 um you know the spanish didn't have a word for hurricane so hurakan is a Taino word um HI3x6_7-__g-00644-00327584-00328076 if i'm not mistaken you guys use that same word FREY: barbacoa too ELBA: barbacoa HI3x6_7-__g-00645-00328076-00328456 FREY: yeah i heard that's a Taino word too ELBA: yes yes HI3x6_7-__g-00646-00328520-00329232 but um yeah so the language didn't survive intact so we you know we kind of like i HI3x6_7-__g-00647-00329232-00329584 mentioned that you know the Garifuna and Kalinago are cousins there's a lot that they HI3x6_7-__g-00648-00329584-00330248 kind of within their languages that we're able to you know compare and be like oh okay so you guys HI3x6_7-__g-00649-00330248-00330760 have this word we have this word they have this word so we know like this is our word because then HI3x6_7-__g-00650-00330832-00331200 some because there are people that will come and be like no that's our word no it's not stop it HI3x6_7-__g-00651-00331512-00331992 you know um but yeah though we did have surviving words an HI3x6_7-__g-00652-00331992-00332552 intact language no but you know there are people who have uh reconstructed the Taino language and HI3x6_7-__g-00653-00332656-00333328 worked very hard and very diligently to to do so and essentially not appropriate from other HI3x6_7-__g-00654-00333328-00333944 Arawakan speakers a lot of reconnecting people just like taking bits and pieces HI3x6_7-__g-00655-00333944-00334568 from everything like i just want to look the most indian ever and it's like that's HI3x6_7-__g-00656-00334568-00335208 white people shit stop it FREY: yeah wow no well thank you for providing that clarity it's great HI3x6_7-__g-00657-00335208-00335584 it's great that you say that you know so people could kind of get some clarity HI3x6_7-__g-00658-00335584-00335984 that that's and and that's really interesting i i never knew that i never knew that at all HI3x6_7-__g-00659-00336088-00336632 yeah yeah definitely it's a it's a good space to have this you know so that way people can learn as HI3x6_7-__g-00660-00336632-00337200 well and also like some of my Taino relatives you know or my puerto rican relatives who just don't HI3x6_7-__g-00661-00337200-00337664 really know like where to look for and i feel so bad because i can't really tell them like you HI3x6_7-__g-00662-00337664-00338160 know the process looks completely different from what i'm learning now you know between maexicoand HI3x6_7-__g-00663-00338232-00339032 puerto rico or dr you know so um i guess my next question would be like um HI3x6_7-__g-00664-00339032-00339082 um HI3x6_7-__g-00665-00339376-00340216 for someone who is like um trying to reconnect how would they do that HI3x6_7-__g-00666-00340216-00340784 like what's the what's the process i'm doing i i know we talked about the um uh interrogating our HI3x6_7-__g-00667-00340784-00341440 our family members but what's what's the first uh steps that we could that they could take to HI3x6_7-__g-00668-00341440-00342116 reconnect and claim reconnect Native Taino how does that how would that look like HI3x6_7-__g-00669-00342208-00342576 MARLYN: i'll i'll answer that one elba let me know if i'm wrong but i feel like that is the first step if HI3x6_7-__g-00670-00342576-00343224 you do not know who your ancestors are if you do not know your family history then it it is a HI3x6_7-__g-00671-00343224-00343712 little it's not impossible but like it is a little bit harder to claim that right like you need to HI3x6_7-__g-00672-00343712-00344264 know who your ancestors are where you came from what's your history etc again that is a little bit HI3x6_7-__g-00673-00344264-00344808 hard for those of us who do not have that type of connection with our families either for whatever HI3x6_7-__g-00674-00344808-00345368 reason that might be because they're no longer here because our families are our families right HI3x6_7-__g-00675-00345368-00345936 um but that is the first step you need to have a proper understanding not like i'm not saying go HI3x6_7-__g-00676-00345936-00346320 write a dictionary i'm not saying go write a thesaurus on your family history but at HI3x6_7-__g-00677-00346320-00346712 least do a little bit of research of like what your family looks like and where you come from HI3x6_7-__g-00678-00346712-00347240 and what are the stories um and i can go further into what that looks like because that's what i am HI3x6_7-__g-00679-00347240-00347712 currently doing but that is the first step right and then after that after you're like all right HI3x6_7-__g-00680-00347712-00348224 cool i've gathered this knowledge you know this is where we come from whether that's from Boriken HI3x6_7-__g-00681-00348224-00348844 Kisikeya jamaica i don't know what the proper term for jamaica is you know ayti etc jamaica HI3x6_7-__g-00682-00348844-00349272 ELBA: Yamayeka MARLYN: Yamayeka ay all right cool new words HI3x6_7-__g-00683-00349560-00349968 wherever it is like once you kind of like pin that down like this is where we come from HI3x6_7-__g-00684-00349968-00350400 you know um based off of these stories and based off of what i've been able to gather HI3x6_7-__g-00685-00350400-00350888 you know i am Indigenous or this is my history right from there i think it is a little bit HI3x6_7-__g-00686-00350888-00351376 safer to go hey i'm Taino like this is where i come from and claim that title i wouldn't HI3x6_7-__g-00687-00351376-00351864 recommend anybody claim you can elba let me know if your opinion is different but like HI3x6_7-__g-00688-00351864-00352200 i really wouldn't recommend anybody who claims that title unless you've done that work HI3x6_7-__g-00689-00352200-00352616 within your own family because i feel like that's a little bit easier than like doing research on HI3x6_7-__g-00690-00352616-00353136 our history that's that's a little bit muddier um but ELBA: and there's so much misinformation HI3x6_7-__g-00691-00353136-00353616 it's ridiculous MARLYN: and it's not even like i think one of the things that i often hear elders HI3x6_7-__g-00692-00353616-00354000 i often hear elders say is like the stuff out there you have really got to take it HI3x6_7-__g-00693-00354000-00354568 with a grain of salt because it is coming from a colonizer's perspective um that is the first HI3x6_7-__g-00694-00354568-00355096 step once you're able to do that then you can jump into the research then you can jump into or HI3x6_7-__g-00695-00355504-00356216 family history connect with me hmm i heard ELBA: you froze for a second there MARLYN: oh HI3x6_7-__g-00696-00356216-00356760 oh oh sorry can you hear me ELBA: yeah we can hear you now MARLYN: dope my wi-fi is trash oh HI3x6_7-__g-00697-00357008-00357400 i was just saying like you know consequentially like at the same time while you're doing HI3x6_7-__g-00698-00357400-00357840 your family history you can connect with other Tainos you can connect with me i'll HI3x6_7-__g-00699-00357840-00358096 you know elba you have your own boundaries because i know you got a HI3x6_7-__g-00700-00358096-00359064 kid a cat and like everything else um but ELBA: three kids one cat I'm outnumbered HI3x6_7-__g-00701-00359160-00359472 MARLYN:you can definitely connect with me connect with other Indigenous folks you know you're HI3x6_7-__g-00702-00359472-00359912 not gonna get i think what elba mentioned briefly mentioned earlier you're not gonna get the secrets HI3x6_7-__g-00703-00359912-00360240 you're not you're just that's how that's not how it works you're not gonna get the wisdom and the HI3x6_7-__g-00704-00360240-00360784 secrets and everything else you really have to like connect like that that that's kind of what it HI3x6_7-__g-00705-00360784-00361400 goes back to it's connecting it's not hey i'm here you know give me your information no who are you HI3x6_7-__g-00706-00361400-00361896 can we claim you do you care about us or are you just here to feed your ego right and i'm HI3x6_7-__g-00707-00361896-00362283 going into a little tangent i'm sorry i'll reel back i'll reel back but that is the first step HI3x6_7-__g-00708-00362283-00362560 ELBA: no go on the tangent because i think it's important for HI3x6_7-__g-00709-00362560-00362784 people tohear that you know we're not like a social club HI3x6_7-__g-00710-00362888-00363440 you just want a tribal id or you just want to mine people for content for your little tic toc videos or HI3x6_7-__g-00711-00363440-00364000 whatever like no we're a community you know um and that kind of just goes back to the whole decolonizing HI3x6_7-__g-00712-00364104-00364640 that you know entitlement and unlearning uh that whole instant gratification thing where you just HI3x6_7-__g-00713-00364640-00365112 come into a space and you're like give me give me give me all the things you know it's like no HI3x6_7-__g-00714-00365112-00365504 that you don't do that you know everyone needs to contribute their little grain of sand and HI3x6_7-__g-00715-00365504-00366000 everyone could different ways you know you don't have to be a gung-ho activist to contribute your HI3x6_7-__g-00716-00366000-00366584 little granito de arena but you you can't just take and give nothing back that's not how it works HI3x6_7-__g-00717-00366960-00367616 MARLYN: oh powerful stuff but go back to the question just answer your question to be a little bit HI3x6_7-__g-00718-00367616-00368064 more concise because i feel like we're kind of important important derailment but like HI3x6_7-__g-00719-00368064-00368648 um first up understanding where you come from what's your history what's your lineage etc HI3x6_7-__g-00720-00368648-00369024 you can claim it right i feel like it'd be a little bit safer to claim HI3x6_7-__g-00721-00369024-00369520 uh connect with other things connect with other Indigenous folks caribbean Indigenous folks HI3x6_7-__g-00722-00369520-00370088 um and then from there do your own research uh Taino library is amazing and i'm like it might be HI3x6_7-__g-00723-00370088-00370360 a little bit embarrassing for me to shout you out but i'm gonna shout you out Taino library is HI3x6_7-__g-00724-00370360-00370968 really amazing because they have like they have a website where they have literally a whole bunch of HI3x6_7-__g-00725-00370968-00371472 books it takes effort it's not like it's going to be spoon fed to you although they do kind of HI3x6_7-__g-00726-00371472-00372008 spoon feed it to you because they have like easy to digest videos but like you have they have a HI3x6_7-__g-00727-00372008-00372584 website where you can like research do read the books watch their videos you know make sure again HI3x6_7-__g-00728-00372640-00373272 not everything on the internet is legit a lot of times things will people will just HI3x6_7-__g-00729-00373272-00373832 post information to post information again for that instant gratification so think critically HI3x6_7-__g-00730-00373832-00374224 like think analytically and see if like all right is this like legit or is this someone just HI3x6_7-__g-00731-00374224-00374704 posting it to post it um but yeah if you have any questions i'm here to answer i'll try HI3x6_7-__g-00732-00374704-00375232 my best uh if not i'll connect you to someone who knows better than me because that's pretty much HI3x6_7-__g-00733-00375232-00375624 the step that's pretty much the process if you're trying to reconnect and you don't know where to start HI3x6_7-__g-00734-00375856-00376400 ELBA: yeah i definitely definitely agree um although i would do the the personal research first HI3x6_7-__g-00735-00376400-00377080 and then reach out to Taino people after um simply because there's a lot of people that come in HI3x6_7-__g-00736-00377136-00377856 and will ask questions that you know google is free okay it's free and um HI3x6_7-__g-00737-00377920-00378344 you know there is a lot of contradicting information so i completely understand then needing HI3x6_7-__g-00738-00378344-00378984 to reach out to Taino people and being like okay sowho's full of crap and who knows what they're talking about so HI3x6_7-__g-00739-00378984-00379456 you want to cross-reference um kind of like any kind of research you don't want to like HI3x6_7-__g-00740-00379456-00380040 if you wanted to learn something about uma situation you saw in the news you're notjust gonna watch HI3x6_7-__g-00741-00380040-00380624 fox news you want to go and you want to watch cnn you want to look at npr or pbs get different HI3x6_7-__g-00742-00380624-00381072 perspectives and then you can come to a conclusion based off of that information like okay what makes HI3x6_7-__g-00743-00381072-00381648 sense to you um based off of all of that due diligence you've already done and then when HI3x6_7-__g-00744-00381648-00382288 you're asking questions to people who are in thecommunity you know you're not basically asking to be spoonfed HI3x6_7-__g-00745-00382288-00382928 you're saying hey i've done my due diligence i just need clarity can you help me and that's a HI3x6_7-__g-00746-00382928-00383608 much more respectful way to approach somebody who you know you may consider a fountain of knowledge HI3x6_7-__g-00747-00383680-00384288 who may or may not have always time and energy to sit down and go through all of the things with HI3x6_7-__g-00748-00384288-00384896 you despite wanting to do that for every single person that crosses their path you know it's just HI3x6_7-__g-00749-00385048-00385456 like for me for example just speaking as you know somebody that runs you know Taino library HI3x6_7-__g-00750-00385512-00386016 i want to help everybody but i'm literally one person and i still have a family and all this HI3x6_7-__g-00751-00386016-00386776 other stuff going on so for for um as much as i want to help every single person answer every HI3x6_7-__g-00752-00386776-00387440 single question i just can't so you know you do have to take some personal accountability and you know HI3x6_7-__g-00753-00387440-00387944 take the responsibility for yourself to do as much research as you possibly can on your own and then HI3x6_7-__g-00754-00387944-00388520 come and ask questions for for clarity and stuff like that and um like for me personally on my HI3x6_7-__g-00755-00388520-00388952 journey because after after a certain point i hit a roadblock i was like i have to talk HI3x6_7-__g-00756-00388952-00389568 to other Taino people to find them and speak to them and thank god we have the internet because HI3x6_7-__g-00757-00389568-00390280 it definitely helps the diaspora but there's also powwows which aren't traditionally Taino but Taino do attend HI3x6_7-__g-00758-00390280-00391008 powwows so um if internet isn't really your vibe you'd rather talk to somebody in person that's HI3x6_7-__g-00759-00391008-00391464 another way to kind of you go to Indigenous events and you look for the Taino people because you're HI3x6_7-__g-00760-00391464-00391975 gonna see us with our coqui or our sol de Jayuya or something on us you know HI3x6_7-__g-00761-00391975-00392309 we're gonna represent some way because that's how we roll HI3x6_7-__g-00762-00392309-00392936 look for the Taino people and then you go talkto them and that's how you find out more that isn't on the internet HI3x6_7-__g-00763-00393288-00393880 FREY: wow that's what's up that's what's up yeah man it's great i love how how you HI3x6_7-__g-00764-00393880-00394184 guys are just so passionate about this man it's it's amazing you know it's so HI3x6_7-__g-00765-00394184-00394616 much enthusiasm man like you guys got me like focused in there because there's there's it's HI3x6_7-__g-00766-00394616-00395056 just so amazing i i'm just so honored i'm having like a little overstimulation here HI3x6_7-__g-00767-00395272-00395992 yeah yeah for sure for sure that's great um i think this might be like not important but um HI3x6_7-__g-00768-00395992-00396664 somebody asked about the uh something about along the lines of like spirituality um kind of like i HI3x6_7-__g-00769-00396664-00397216 kind of want to give out like an example of this to kind of have a more you know better of a HI3x6_7-__g-00770-00397272-00397712 more well-painted question so they asked along the lines about the spirituality right and what HI3x6_7-__g-00771-00397712-00398280 can they learn and what the resources are uh in mexico right specifically in my Nahua community HI3x6_7-__g-00772-00398280-00399000 um people think that we still worship the big pantheon of like 300 at most you know HI3x6_7-__g-00773-00399000-00399632 deities and gods we don't do that anymore people think we do people are picking up those 500 HI3x6_7-__g-00774-00399632-00400048 year old concepts and they're bringing it on but the diaspora is the only ones doing that HI3x6_7-__g-00775-00400112-00400632 but the thing is the actual Nahua communities down there in mexico they don't they don't worship that HI3x6_7-__g-00776-00400632-00401280 anymore and actually we dropped that 500 years ago after colonization or the conquest HI3x6_7-__g-00777-00401280-00401664 there's accounts of people writing in books saying that they were outside HI3x6_7-__g-00778-00401664-00402064 tying up our idols and whipping them and saying that they have abandoned us what we believe in HI3x6_7-__g-00779-00402064-00402592 now and what my spirituality of my community does now it's more along the lines of our ancestors HI3x6_7-__g-00780-00402656-00403288 the mountains and um where we're going in like after we die for example there's HI3x6_7-__g-00781-00403288-00403992 a place called Tlalocan which is where people go um after they die like women who have died during HI3x6_7-__g-00782-00403992-00404800 childbirth warriors or um or of um merchants who have a really strenuous journey and it's a really HI3x6_7-__g-00783-00404800-00405304 strenuous career that's where the go is when they die they're categorized uh you know like HI3x6_7-__g-00784-00405304-00405864 this heaven where they go after they die you know so um like i guess i kind of what i want to say is HI3x6_7-__g-00785-00405864-00406392 like what are like um the spiritual aspects of like you know the Taino culture like like what HI3x6_7-__g-00786-00406392-00406824 is it more like along the lines it's still the same as it was 500 years ago or has it changed HI3x6_7-__g-00787-00407048-00407704 ELBA: kind of both um i would say because we do still you know venerate Cemi and honor them HI3x6_7-__g-00788-00407704-00408272 and venerate our ancestors and you know we want to caretake the land and all of that HI3x6_7-__g-00789-00408272-00408840 good stuff um obviously we're in 2021 we'reusing cell phones so there are things that havebeen HI3x6_7-__g-00790-00408904-00409464 modernized um i don't think our ancestors wouldbe like nah man you can't use the cell phone you can't use the HI3x6_7-__g-00791-00409464-00409952 internet because we didn't do that you know that's that's not our people were constantly evolving and HI3x6_7-__g-00792-00409952-00410488 adapting because we don't exist in a vacuum we exist in a real world that's changing so HI3x6_7-__g-00793-00410488-00411256 to to keep to stay stuck in the past is just to kind of purport that extinction myth you know HI3x6_7-__g-00794-00411256-00412112 um we're here in 2021 the way we are and umyou know I'm not a Behike so there's not too much i can really HI3x6_7-__g-00795-00412112-00412800 say without you know like crossing a boundary i should not cross but yeah we do still we do still venerate HI3x6_7-__g-00796-00412800-00413447 our Cemi and we do still you know care about our ancestors and leave offerings and stuff like that HI3x6_7-__g-00797-00413735-00413920 MARLYN: ditto i'm not gonna go further than that HI3x6_7-__g-00798-00414056-00414576 FREY: gotcha for sure yeah definitely um i guess like the reason why i kind of felt HI3x6_7-__g-00799-00414576-00414952 like that wasn't important i'm not really too big on the whole spiritual aspect you know HI3x6_7-__g-00800-00415024-00415552 but i mean i guess like um in mexico there's been a really big movement of like people trying HI3x6_7-__g-00801-00415552-00415984 to grab some of those old things and they're using it and they're making like this cult-like behavior HI3x6_7-__g-00802-00416039-00416608 they're they're like yeah like they're saying like oh just extremist stuff and HI3x6_7-__g-00803-00416680-00417176 yeah um i don't wanna get too much into that because it can get pretty graphic but yeah i just feel HI3x6_7-__g-00804-00417176-00417743 like you know kind of something like that maybe should have you know been said um you know like uh HI3x6_7-__g-00805-00417743-00418168 give you know your opinions and stuff like that but it's great it's great to hear that yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00806-00418168-00418584 definitely for sure definitely don't want to slip on nobody's shoes nobody's don't want to step on HI3x6_7-__g-00807-00418584-00419239 nobody's uh boundaries and stuff like that because um we don't want to disrespect anybody yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00808-00419239-00419664 ELBA: to kind of piggyback off of what you said there is a lot of like cultish like behavior even within the HI3x6_7-__g-00809-00419664-00420152 Taino community you know and then like these are people that are outwardly trying to say HI3x6_7-__g-00810-00420152-00420808 you know Taino only Taino purity type stuff which is should be a red flag to anybody there are people HI3x6_7-__g-00811-00420808-00421447 that are technically incorporating practices from other cultures and trying to pass it off as Taino HI3x6_7-__g-00812-00421447-00422064 and it's like no you know that is an African Traditional Religion don't you don't do that you know don't say that's Taino when it's HI3x6_7-__g-00813-00422064-00422816 not it's a practice or perhaps a story from another culture that has been you know kind ofrearranged HI3x6_7-__g-00814-00422816-00423312 with Taino sounding words like i know i actually had somebody ask me the other day what about this story about HI3x6_7-__g-00815-00423312-00423776 this character or whatever and i'm like i have never in my life heard this name HI3x6_7-__g-00816-00423776-00424384 before like that sounds completely you know pardon my french made the fuck up HI3x6_7-__g-00817-00424520-00424928 you know what it i don't i don't know where you got that from and you know there's a lot HI3x6_7-__g-00818-00424928-00425592 of that on the internet like um for example there's people constantly perpetuating this uh maboya Cemi that HI3x6_7-__g-00819-00425592-00426135 that Cemi doesn't exist maboya are you know "evil" spirits for lack of a better way toput it but HI3x6_7-__g-00820-00426200-00426824 never a Cemi there's no such Cemi as maboya but if you google maboya right now you'll come on HI3x6_7-__g-00821-00426824-00427496 these different pages talking about this Cemi blah blah blah bullshit and that's why it's important HI3x6_7-__g-00822-00427496-00428000 to talk to Taino people because they'll be the ones that can tell you that's caca mierda don't listen to that HI3x6_7-__g-00823-00428296-00428896 FREYA: oh man caca mierda for sure no definitely so i guess to anybody who's listening i guess there goes your HI3x6_7-__g-00824-00428896-00429535 answer talk to Taino people talk to them to get some more of that information yeah oh my gosh HI3x6_7-__g-00825-00429616-00429976 ELBA: and you know if it has to do with spirituality you want to talk to a Behike you don't wanna talk HI3x6_7-__g-00826-00429976-00430400 to just anybody out there because there's plenty of people that are like you know they'll give you HI3x6_7-__g-00827-00430400-00430976 they'll give you like some wicca witchy woo woo bullshit and it has nothing to do with Indigenous culture at all HI3x6_7-__g-00828-00431232-00431872 MARLYN: right right just to like i i'm sorry elba were you done you made me think HI3x6_7-__g-00829-00431872-00432368 of something that i saw earlier where it's just like we are living in the 21st century HI3x6_7-__g-00830-00432368-00432824 so that also means in terms of spirituality that not everyone who's Taino or identifiesas Taino HI3x6_7-__g-00831-00432912-00433472 follows Taino spirituality you'll have Tainos who are like pagan or who are wiccan as as elba HI3x6_7-__g-00832-00433472-00433856 said who are christian who are muslim who are buddhists who are like all the HI3x6_7-__g-00833-00433856-00434288 people who like pick and choose from different religions and they create their own spirituality HI3x6_7-__g-00834-00434288-00434896 so it's not you're not like not we're not a monolith we never were we we aren't right um HI3x6_7-__g-00835-00434896-00435216 so it's really important to like make sure that you have that understanding of the landscape now HI3x6_7-__g-00836-00435216-00435743 not everyone who is Taino or who identifies as Taino will follow you know Taino spirituality HI3x6_7-__g-00837-00435743-00436200 as it was or how it should be like you're you're gonna find people from different backgrounds HI3x6_7-__g-00838-00436280-00436800 ELBA: and that's fine too though the only issue i have with it is when people don't disclose to you HI3x6_7-__g-00839-00436800-00437496 this is not a purely Taino practice you knowi am Taino this aspect of my practice is African or this aspect HI3x6_7-__g-00840-00437496-00438264 of my practice is Jewish this is my personal practice you do youjust don't miss just don't misrepresent that's it HI3x6_7-__g-00841-00438832-00439816 FREY: damn damn yeah for sure i agree with that too as someone from from mexico definitely wow yeah um HI3x6_7-__g-00842-00439952-00440600 i guess another question would be like how has like colonization like impacted HI3x6_7-__g-00843-00440672-00441368 the community in like um the caribbean like what are some things that you guys are still struggling HI3x6_7-__g-00844-00441368-00441880 with like for example with me we're still struggling in mexico with like foreign companies HI3x6_7-__g-00845-00441880-00442472 coming in and trying to decimate the landscape for profit so like what are some of the things that um HI3x6_7-__g-00846-00442535-00443047 that people from you know the caribbean are still dealing with or from where you're from HI3x6_7-__g-00847-00443247-00444104 ELBA: oh no marlyn disappeared FREY: yeah her wi-fi uh no she's back okay ELBA: oh okay okay i was about to say HI3x6_7-__g-00848-00444104-00444888 come back FREY: come back yeah she she's she should be coming in any second there she is all right HI3x6_7-__g-00849-00444888-00445304 MARLYN: i'm trying to like remove the the comments that i'm seeing so i can see y'all HI3x6_7-__g-00850-00445304-00445864 but i pressed the wrong button uh what is what is internet what is technology last thing i heard HI3x6_7-__g-00851-00445864-00446272 anyways i'm going to leave it alone i'm not going to touch it i'm not going to touch it last thing HI3x6_7-__g-00852-00446272-00446872 i heard was uh how does how has colonization affected us or did you guys like go past that HI3x6_7-__g-00853-00446984-00447576 ELBA: no that was that basically where they left off off before you you got cut out um and i think HI3x6_7-__g-00854-00447576-00448032 you know there are similarities between the islands but if we speak for puerto rico because HI3x6_7-__g-00855-00448032-00448472 that's where i'm from and that's you know i'm more informed about puerto rico than i am other islands HI3x6_7-__g-00856-00448472-00449256 in the caribbean despite my best effort you knowto learn all of it because it's all Taino right um but for puerto rico HI3x6_7-__g-00857-00449256-00449872 specifically are we are still colonized and we kind of got hit doubly with the colonization because first it HI3x6_7-__g-00858-00449872-00450496 was spain and then the u.s came and decided wait this is ours we don't want you here and you know we've HI3x6_7-__g-00859-00450496-00451064 constantly been fighting for our independence and you know that's also a touchy subject because there HI3x6_7-__g-00860-00451064-00451543 are people who you know want to be a state because they feel like statehood would finally get HI3x6_7-__g-00861-00451543-00452056 us a certain degree of respect but it's one ofthose things where it's like how do you getrespect from people HI3x6_7-__g-00862-00452056-00452904 that have you colonized that's literally the opposite of what we want so it kind of it doesn't make sense um HI3x6_7-__g-00863-00452904-00453616 like one of the big things right now that's at least easily googleable um is the fact thatRincon HI3x6_7-__g-00864-00453616-00454280 a beach that's close to where i was born and raised um well not born i was born in santurce i was raised in aguadilla HI3x6_7-__g-00865-00454280-00454792 but that's that's not the point the point is is that there's uh there's a lot of gentrification HI3x6_7-__g-00866-00454792-00455247 and um for lack of a better way of putting it you know gringos coming in buying up the land meanwhileour people HI3x6_7-__g-00867-00455247-00455839 are stuck living on the streets you know what i'm saying and it's just very tourist focused because they're like HI3x6_7-__g-00868-00455839-00456384 you know we want to bring people to the island and it's like wellif we didn't have all these other obstacles and hurdles HI3x6_7-__g-00869-00456384-00456768 we wouldn't be having a lot of these you know why are you building a pool HI3x6_7-__g-00870-00456768-00457504 illegally right by a beach this beautiful beach right here why is a pool being built here why is it illegal HI3x6_7-__g-00871-00457592-00458024 um well we know why it's illegal but why are police officers for example siding with the HI3x6_7-__g-00872-00458024-00458616 construction workers and siding with the people that are out here building this illegal pool instead of HI3x6_7-__g-00873-00458616-00459152 and arresting people that are protesting that just want to protect the lands you know turtles come and HI3x6_7-__g-00874-00459152-00459896 nest on these beaches you know what i'm saying so it's um that has definitely been something that you HI3x6_7-__g-00875-00459896-00460504 know colonization has impacted us even right now that's why i get angry when people like oh that's in the past HI3x6_7-__g-00876-00460504-00461184 it's like do you not even see outside of your little bubble because there's clearly things still happening today HI3x6_7-__g-00877-00461184-00461496 how do you what mean it's in the past HI3x6_7-__g-00878-00461632-00462192 MARLYN: that's so powerful that is so so so powerful FREY: yeah it really is and those who say that are HI3x6_7-__g-00879-00462192-00462560 just like are unaware like you said they're stuck in a little bubble they don't acknowledge HI3x6_7-__g-00880-00462560-00463112 that some of the things that they're living off of they're benefiting off of colonialism HI3x6_7-__g-00881-00463232-00463704 the riches that you're living on is probably gold that was stolen or land that was stolen HI3x6_7-__g-00882-00463704-00464328 or somebody's back had to be broken for you to be in that position of power and that's just facts HI3x6_7-__g-00883-00464488-00464960 MARLYN: so for me for dr someone might have a different opinion and i'm just speaking from like HI3x6_7-__g-00884-00464960-00465600 um okay backtracking for context i need to do more research mainly because i have a whole bunch of HI3x6_7-__g-00885-00465600-00465992 puerto rican friends and i see a lot of the issues that are going on in pr so i feel like HI3x6_7-__g-00886-00465992-00466464 for myself i'm more aware of what's going on in pr than what is going on in dr that being said HI3x6_7-__g-00887-00466464-00467008 um from my understanding just speaking from the diaspora speaking from family members from HI3x6_7-__g-00888-00467008-00467712 what i've seen uh obviously colonization impacts every part of our existence every part of the country HI3x6_7-__g-00889-00467712-00468160 like just everything right it's seeped into everything which is why we have to re-Indigenize HI3x6_7-__g-00890-00468160-00468543 but i think the biggest part that it plays into in my perspective HI3x6_7-__g-00891-00468624-00469200 is self-erasure right you have i think again i think the movement within Boriken is a lot bigger HI3x6_7-__g-00892-00469200-00469872 of reconnecting of reclaiming that Indigenousthat Taino um identity in the dominican republic HI3x6_7-__g-00893-00469872-00470504 it's not as big it's barely it's really not thatexistent um so that self-erasure is really really HI3x6_7-__g-00894-00470504-00470984 important is it's like the biggest thing for me in my opinion someone else who is HI3x6_7-__g-00895-00470984-00471424 a lot more connected to dr um and what's going on there might have a different opinion HI3x6_7-__g-00896-00471424-00471832 obviously we have the same issues we still have gringos buying up our lands we still have HI3x6_7-__g-00897-00471832-00472296 um a lot of these other things but like the self-erasure is really important because from there you HI3x6_7-__g-00898-00472296-00472839 have the culture you have the language you have the terrible mindsets like homophobia is a really HI3x6_7-__g-00899-00472839-00473343 big thing within the dominican republic i think last year um i forgot what body of government HI3x6_7-__g-00900-00473343-00473912 passed this law but essentially they made it legal to discriminate against trans and queer folks in HI3x6_7-__g-00901-00473912-00474376 the dominican republic so you can have people murdering beating up and like it's a big thing HI3x6_7-__g-00902-00474376-00475024 in pr as well where like trans folks are murdered at the highest right there but like in dr it's HI3x6_7-__g-00903-00475024-00475656 legal it is legal to murder us and kill us over there so that that is a really big part in how HI3x6_7-__g-00904-00475656-00476184 that self-erasure because not identifying as Indigenous not reconnecting leads to all HI3x6_7-__g-00905-00476184-00476952 of these like really harmful um perspectives and mindsets and so yeah but that that's just HI3x6_7-__g-00906-00476952-00477632 what i see how i feel about it as a person of the diaspora um but i my personal mission is to like HI3x6_7-__g-00907-00477632-00478256 do more research on like what type of political activities are going on there because it's not HI3x6_7-__g-00908-00478432-00478896 it's talked about i'm sure but it's not talked about in english so it's not really accessible HI3x6_7-__g-00909-00478896-00479496 for those of us who do not speak spanish but yeah that's just my two cents ELBA: yeah being bilingual is HI3x6_7-__g-00910-00479496-00479912 definitely a privilege especially when you're like trying to research Taino stuff because a lot is in HI3x6_7-__g-00911-00479912-00480456 spanish a lot of the news articles are in spanish so if you don't happen to know both languages HI3x6_7-__g-00912-00480456-00480976 you don't you're not getting um you know facebook automatically translating for you and even then it's a HI3x6_7-__g-00913-00480976-00481720 little like mmm that's not what they said um but yeah it can definitely be um very difficult HI3x6_7-__g-00914-00481720-00482392 and um to piggyback off the lgbq alphabet mafia let's say alphabet mafia because that's shorter HI3x6_7-__g-00915-00482512-00483064 but um uh puerto rico for uh as far as the united states numbers go and this is even considering the HI3x6_7-__g-00916-00483064-00483664 fact that a lot of this is under reported and that people are often misgendered puerto rico was like number HI3x6_7-__g-00917-00483664-00484288 one for places where there were a bunch of transgender murders specifically when it comes HI3x6_7-__g-00918-00484288-00485016 to Black transgender people so it's definitely a really big issue that came along with colonization HI3x6_7-__g-00919-00485016-00485528 a lot of things that we have to unlearn um even with regard to spirituality you know um HI3x6_7-__g-00920-00485600-00486272 a lot of uh that uh abrahamic mindset because i don't want to say just christian it's it's kind of HI3x6_7-__g-00921-00486392-00487160 more than that but a lot of um i'm pretty sure the umbrella termwould be abrahamic there's a lot of very harmful HI3x6_7-__g-00922-00487160-00487808 beliefs within those spiritualities that are very anti-Indigenous very HI3x6_7-__g-00923-00487904-00488768 homophobic transphobic um and they don't even they don't even care for people who are neurodivergent either HI3x6_7-__g-00924-00488768-00489392 whereas in our culture you know there was a place for everybody you know what i mean people were their HI3x6_7-__g-00925-00489392-00489832 differences weren't like oh my god you need to change we need to fix you it was you know everybody had HI3x6_7-__g-00926-00489896-00490504 their place you know the creator made you the way you are for a reason so it's just HI3x6_7-__g-00927-00490560-00491135 there's just so much to unpack when it comes to how deep how colonization has HI3x6_7-__g-00928-00491135-00491744 impacted specifically in the caribbean but Indigenous people as a whole as well HI3x6_7-__g-00929-00492088-00492392 FREY: wow that's that's insane that's that's that's fucking nuts dude HI3x6_7-__g-00930-00492528-00492912 oh yeah i'm literally in shock because like because like i respect like HI3x6_7-__g-00931-00492912-00493543 you know lgbtq trans people i i respect them i even embrace them you know and it's it's HI3x6_7-__g-00932-00493543-00494088 it's just i never knew that i never knew that that was that was insane that was that was nuts HI3x6_7-__g-00933-00494272-00494768 MARLYN: yeah you got the meat and potatoesof it FREY: yeah but i mean these are conversations that we need to have HI3x6_7-__g-00934-00494768-00495239 because there's something that needs to happen about that you know that's not cool you know like HI3x6_7-__g-00935-00495352-00495904 they they they they should be embraced you know as a as as a providence and HI3x6_7-__g-00936-00495984-00496535 as as a whole people we should you know look at each other as like people you know not HI3x6_7-__g-00937-00496535-00496992 just discriminate one another because that's what that's what's you know backpeddling us HI3x6_7-__g-00938-00496992-00497552 as a society and as a civilization you know as people you know it's not human at all you know HI3x6_7-__g-00939-00497552-00498600 ELBA: I have a question for you out of curiosity yes for you i know particularly in the caribbean a lot of people HI3x6_7-__g-00940-00498600-00498992 reject the Indigenous identity because for the longest time there was so much HI3x6_7-__g-00941-00498992-00499704 negativity associated with it um even with a jibaro which is you know somebody who who farms HI3x6_7-__g-00942-00499704-00500335 and lives off their own plants that they grow they sustain themselves that way so um there was a lot of HI3x6_7-__g-00943-00500480-00501168 negativity due to you know colonial elitists andstuff like that with regard to identifying as Indigenous HI3x6_7-__g-00944-00501168-00501824 and claiming that um and i know that in puerto rico like marlyn said it's not as bad though it is still HI3x6_7-__g-00945-00501824-00502360 prevalent as in for example the dominican republic and other parts of the caribbean is that something HI3x6_7-__g-00946-00502360-00502872 that you see as well in mexico or is there more there's is there less of a negative stigma like HI3x6_7-__g-00947-00502872-00503568 associated with being Indigenous FREY: there is a really negative negative stigma when it comes to HI3x6_7-__g-00948-00503632-00504360 you know the Indigenous identity in mexico um the term indian is not used around HI3x6_7-__g-00949-00504424-00504896 when it comes to you know referring to somebody that's Indigenous or to a pueblo because that's HI3x6_7-__g-00950-00504896-00505576 treated as the n word and my father was darker than i am and he has straight hair the whole HI3x6_7-__g-00951-00505576-00506016 stereotype you know everything he was the freaking Indigenous man you know you look at him like HI3x6_7-__g-00952-00506016-00506592 hollywood indian right but he would always make fun of my mom because she comes from the pueblos HI3x6_7-__g-00953-00506592-00507192 my dad was an urban native but my mom was from you know the actual pueblos elevation twelve thousand HI3x6_7-__g-00954-00507192-00508024 feet in the air population three thousand you knowand my dad would constantly call her india o que vales como india HI3x6_7-__g-00955-00508024-00508735 o que te pareces como india you know in my head you know not knowing a lot of those political you know terms or what HI3x6_7-__g-00956-00508735-00509176 they meant i was like oh they're calling her an indian you know it's pretty cool to be associated but no HI3x6_7-__g-00957-00509176-00509592 as i grew older i was like wow he was basically calling her the n word HI3x6_7-__g-00958-00509592-00509928 but they're married and this is the marriage i i grew up HI3x6_7-__g-00959-00509928-00510480 you know and it's toxic and um there's a lot of there's a lot of negativity when it comes HI3x6_7-__g-00960-00510480-00511056 to you know being Indigenous and even most of the time when you even claim to be you know um HI3x6_7-__g-00961-00511056-00511684 part of this pueblo that's associated with being Indigenous um you're always looked down upon um HI3x6_7-__g-00962-00511684-00512184 there's a lot of white supremacy going on you know people want to be people who look like me or look HI3x6_7-__g-00963-00512184-00512768 like my father or look like anybody you know they want to be white you know even though they're dark HI3x6_7-__g-00964-00512768-00513343 as hell they would be with you yeah yeah and that's really yeah no that's okay it's okay HI3x6_7-__g-00965-00513343-00513839 and it's a really really harsh you know uh impact and we're seen as inferior HI3x6_7-__g-00966-00513839-00514472 you know and we're not and we're not respected but we're making some progress um the government HI3x6_7-__g-00967-00514472-00515016 is beginning to recognize Indigenous peoples in mexico it's just not at a federal level HI3x6_7-__g-00968-00515016-00515704 like as in like id cards or sovereign nations and this and that all we had those 200 years ago but HI3x6_7-__g-00969-00515704-00516343 after the independence of spain after our independence from them uh mexico uh the third or HI3x6_7-__g-00970-00516343-00516800 the second mexican empire when they decided to put the constitution they dismantled all that HI3x6_7-__g-00971-00516800-00517439 our land grants our our land all that kind of stuff our our nobility dismantled because they HI3x6_7-__g-00972-00517439-00517935 wanted to see everybody as equal but now because of that we're seen as inferior you know according HI3x6_7-__g-00973-00517935-00518400 to society and social standards you know but yeah there's there's a really negative stigma when HI3x6_7-__g-00974-00518400-00518839 it comes to being Indigenous in mexico and also there's a lot of things that a lot of what the HI3x6_7-__g-00975-00518839-00519296 diaspora here in the u.s. don't understand like i know people in my diaspora would like to say HI3x6_7-__g-00976-00519296-00520072 you know oh like they like to put the tl the tl is a very um significant you know um uh pronunciation HI3x6_7-__g-00977-00520072-00520768 in our language the Nahuatl language tl is pronounced as like a clicking noise and um so HI3x6_7-__g-00978-00520960-00521328 in mexico uh people who mock Indigenous people HI3x6_7-__g-00979-00521384-00521800 they'll talk in spanish but with with with the end of every word they'll say the HI3x6_7-__g-00980-00521800-00522328 sound or the tl sound and that's mocking and it's disrespectful to the Indigenous people but a lot HI3x6_7-__g-00981-00522328-00522920 of that has kind of like um migrated to the states and a lot of the diaspora is trying to use that HI3x6_7-__g-00982-00523047-00523576 and they don't know that it's offensive but it is so yeah there's there's a lot of negative HI3x6_7-__g-00983-00523576-00524088 yeah there's there's a there's pretty it's pretty bad you know but i'd say we're making HI3x6_7-__g-00984-00524088-00524600 a lot of progress um there's communities just like like in the middle of nowhere like where HI3x6_7-__g-00985-00524600-00525048 my mom is from where like 80% of them speak in like an Indigenous dialect or whatever HI3x6_7-__g-00986-00525120-00525552 and like but they're going through a lot of issues but that's a different topic i'm going off topic HI3x6_7-__g-00987-00525552-00526096 here but yeah there is a negative stigma when it comes to the Indigenous identity in mexico yeah HI3x6_7-__g-00988-00526208-00526512 ELBA: i mean i figured that was the case because you know Indigenous people throughout the HI3x6_7-__g-00989-00526512-00527112 world are oppressed but i guess i guess in my head you know maybe it's just an outsidelooking HI3x6_7-__g-00990-00527112-00527624 in type thing where it seems like things are going better for other Indigenous people than it is HI3x6_7-__g-00991-00527624-00528024 for us and maybe it's just one of those things where it's like yeah because you know y'all HI3x6_7-__g-00992-00528024-00528872 have your struggles and you don't necessarilysee ours as clearly because you know what i mean you're not in it HI3x6_7-__g-00993-00529040-00529576 FREY: yeah yeah yeah definitely yeah i mean i understand yeah yeah i mean just like how like when i came in HI3x6_7-__g-00994-00529576-00529952 here like a lot of the stuff that you guys talked about i never knew you know which i think it's HI3x6_7-__g-00995-00529952-00530440 important for for for people like you know like us to come together and like have this build and HI3x6_7-__g-00996-00530440-00530832 have this talk so we can kind of at least get to know each other as a form of respect but also HI3x6_7-__g-00997-00530888-00531408 you know as a form of acknowledgement on how you know we could possibly exchange some knowledge or HI3x6_7-__g-00998-00531408-00531944 you know um some people say that there was a connection between you know um the coast of HI3x6_7-__g-00999-00531944-00532424 veracruz the coast of mexico the gulf of mexico and the Taino people the Mayans i heard they HI3x6_7-__g-01000-00532424-00532776 would go out there and trade you know with some of the caribbeans i don't know how authentic that HI3x6_7-__g-01001-00532776-00533456 is i don't know if people embrace that in thecaribbean but you know um i would like to thinkoh they do HI3x6_7-__g-01002-00533456-00533992 ELBA: i know like um particularly in cuba um there are a lot of people who happen to have HI3x6_7-__g-01003-00533992-00534368 also central american descent i can't speak for specific locations because HI3x6_7-__g-01004-00534368-00534904 you know everybody's a little bit different you know um we're kind of a good bit of us are HI3x6_7-__g-01005-00534904-00535344 like mixed from all over the world like you do your ancestry the whole map is lit up but um HI3x6_7-__g-01006-00535448-00536376 at least that's how it was for me like oh okay now i understand why everybody assumed i was you know australian or from the HI3x6_7-__g-01007-00536376-00536896 middle east or something because there's no little pieces of every part of the freaking world um HI3x6_7-__g-01008-00537008-00537528 in in my ancestry anyway um everybody doesn't have the same admixture which is like a whole other HI3x6_7-__g-01009-00537528-00538448 conversation uh when it comes to the caribbean but um but yeah it was uh there's definitely i know particularly HI3x6_7-__g-01010-00538448-00538880 in cuba i know like i myself do have some central american ancestry as well i don't remember HI3x6_7-__g-01011-00538880-00539464 specifically where it said because as these tests like update they get more and more specific or HI3x6_7-__g-01012-00539464-00540144 you know the regions change and you're like ohokay you know it said that i was more portuguese than spanish HI3x6_7-__g-01013-00540144-00540832 nobody in my freaking family said anything about portugal you know but lo and behold i'm not HI3x6_7-__g-01014-00540832-00541552 more spanish than anything you know what i mean there's portuguese in there there's de todas partes HI3x6_7-__g-01015-00541552-00542056 FREY: yeah for sure oh someone just commented something it says in mexico Indigenous have been HI3x6_7-__g-01016-00542056-00542656 known to be armed um and lead armed resistance and yeah so that's true that's also another aspect HI3x6_7-__g-01017-00542712-00543136 that's going on in mexico there is there is a lot of violence a lot of Indigenous communities are HI3x6_7-__g-01018-00543136-00543648 starting to stand up to uh to um violence and not just from the government but also from the cartels HI3x6_7-__g-01019-00543760-00544016 i know this story from when i was in high school HI3x6_7-__g-01020-00544152-00544896 her name was a woman by the name of Nestora Salgado and she migrated from mexico HI3x6_7-__g-01021-00544896-00545440 um oaxaca all the way up to oregon and when she came back in 2001 after after a like HI3x6_7-__g-01022-00545440-00545928 accident uh she was able to heal gain her her walk again because she was a paraplegic HI3x6_7-__g-01023-00545984-00546688 and um what she saw that a lot of the cartels have kind of spread their influence into the pueblos HI3x6_7-__g-01024-00546688-00547160 and that um they're beginning to extort and she had a meat shop there you know because she wanted HI3x6_7-__g-01025-00547160-00547792 to retire there or something whatever the case may be but if she didn't pay you know the ransom HI3x6_7-__g-01026-00547792-00548440 or or like you know the the taxes or the dues they would kidnap you know a family member of hers and HI3x6_7-__g-01027-00548440-00549056 so what she did was she organized the community and they created something called um policia comunitaria HI3x6_7-__g-01028-00549056-00549448 meaning the community police and it was just nothing but Indigenous people arming up with like HI3x6_7-__g-01029-00549448-00549976 deer rifles hunting rifles you know and just like loaded up with trucks and started to like you know HI3x6_7-__g-01030-00549976-00550536 press them and the mex and started to resist them and the mexican government she later got arrested HI3x6_7-__g-01031-00550536-00551056 for um for for um under false allegations so they basically kidnapped her and they held her HI3x6_7-__g-01032-00551056-00551760 in jail for like six years now she's actually the senator for that for that province in mexico ELBA: wow HI3x6_7-__g-01033-00551760-00552580 MARLYN: Indigenous woman man ELBA: sorry the cat's all in my business right now FREY: that's okay mine's here too HI3x6_7-__g-01034-00552704-00553480 ELBA: but yeah we have some similar um history um for puerto rico specifically um there's a book HI3x6_7-__g-01035-00553480-00553968 war against all puerto ricans by nelson dennis and it goes into a lot of like the the resistance HI3x6_7-__g-01036-00553968-00554624 and um you know the fight for independence and how brutally suppressed we were and HI3x6_7-__g-01037-00554624-00555304 and all of that craziness so um you know different people same struggle essentially HI3x6_7-__g-01038-00555600-00556448 FREY: for sure yeah out of curiosity um i recently heard about something that there is a uh connection like HI3x6_7-__g-01039-00556448-00557208 uh puerto ricans going to hawaii um what was that like can you speak about that a little bit because HI3x6_7-__g-01040-00557208-00557880 i'm kind of interested at night i i never reallydug into it ELBA: um i'm not like super well versed so HI3x6_7-__g-01041-00557880-00558320 take what i say with a grain of salt everybody but um from my understanding there were a lot of HI3x6_7-__g-01042-00558320-00558864 puerto ricans that ended up in hawaii i know like when i lived there um because people will say ohif HI3x6_7-__g-01043-00558864-00559440 you move to hawaii and you're not from there they treat you like crap not at all i mean i don't know HI3x6_7-__g-01044-00559440-00560056 if it's because people confused have confused me for hawaiian among different things you know people HI3x6_7-__g-01045-00560056-00560528 always want to play when you're like culturally ambiguous they want to play like where are you HI3x6_7-__g-01046-00560528-00561112 from guess your culture or indentity or whatever like i didn't realize i was on a game show right now okay um HI3x6_7-__g-01047-00561320-00561896 but yeah as far as i understand it there was due to sugar cane a lot of puerto ricans uh ended HI3x6_7-__g-01048-00561896-00562456 up going to uh you know basically cut sugar cane down because that was something that was HI3x6_7-__g-01049-00562456-00563072 okay hello um that was something that uh we were well known for in puerto rico so they were like hey y'all HI3x6_7-__g-01050-00563072-00563552 want to do this in hawaii yeah we're just going to send y'all go over there and now there's a HI3x6_7-__g-01051-00563552-00564024 pretty decent puerto rican population in hawaii because of that history i would definitely um HI3x6_7-__g-01052-00564152-00564520 recommend you guys google and learn more about that because i'm not HI3x6_7-__g-01053-00564616-00565264 not an expert with regard to that aspect of ourhistory FREY: for sure for sure yeah definitely yeah HI3x6_7-__g-01054-00565264-00565640 yeah that's because like i was reading about the coqui and i heard they like they're now existing HI3x6_7-__g-01055-00565640-00566136 in like hawaii hawaii and i'm like how do they get over there and something about you know the HI3x6_7-__g-01056-00566136-00566744 history that i didn't know of but that that that's that's really interesting i didn't know that HI3x6_7-__g-01057-00566744-00567232 ELBA: yeah i mean for longest time they would say you know puerto ricans are like the coqui we're not meant to live HI3x6_7-__g-01058-00567232-00567856 anywhere outside of the islands you know now i want to say they're considered like an invasive species HI3x6_7-__g-01059-00567856-00568576 even in california and stuff because justlike you know um when people travel youknow a little coqui might end up in a HI3x6_7-__g-01060-00568576-00569160 bag or somebody thinks it's cute to take a coqui or whatever to another part of the world and for HI3x6_7-__g-01061-00569160-00569736 a very long time they would just die but now like us they thriving everywhere they're taken HI3x6_7-__g-01062-00569952-00570136 FREY: yeah yeah HI3x6_7-__g-01063-00570360-00570936 that's crazy yeah that that's that's really powerful yeah i like to use that too sometimes HI3x6_7-__g-01064-00570936-00571488 like that little um analogy with the earth like the earth is always bouncing back you know like HI3x6_7-__g-01065-00571488-00572008 somebody could drop a nuclear bomb you know 40 years later it's it's going to be fertile again HI3x6_7-__g-01066-00572008-00572424 you know just like us we're always bouncing back you know even even with the resurgence of HI3x6_7-__g-01067-00572424-00572952 Taino culture you know like when i was growing up people were telling me with no puerto ricans and HI3x6_7-__g-01068-00572952-00573464 no Tainos around they would always say oh they're gone they're gone they're gone they're gone no HI3x6_7-__g-01069-00573464-00573952 no none of them are left i was like bro it's like i did i i don't know any puerto ricans like in my HI3x6_7-__g-01070-00573952-00574496 community south central i don't really know many puerto ricans and it's like now i'm like HI3x6_7-__g-01071-00574496-00574928 i'm getting to see there's like a it's like or from what i see it's like there's a big HI3x6_7-__g-01072-00574928-00575384 like resurgence with like the Indigenous you know caribbean people just like rising up and HI3x6_7-__g-01073-00575384-00575968 i was like wow like i didn't see that you know and it's amazing to see that they're still around you HI3x6_7-__g-01074-00575968-00576584 guys are still here 500 years later you guys are still around still have some of these things alive HI3x6_7-__g-01075-00576584-00577016 and every day you guys wake up it's like a big f u to colonialism because it's like HI3x6_7-__g-01076-00577016-00577600 500 years ago somebody wanted you guys dead they were hunting you guys down and to be to still be HI3x6_7-__g-01077-00577600-00578056 here and challenging you know those chains of colonialism challenging a lot of those things HI3x6_7-__g-01078-00578056-00578432 you know and fighting for your community spreading the knowledge it's just amazing for me to see that HI3x6_7-__g-01079-00578432-00578850 you know yeah you guys have earned my respect for sure MARLYN: we've been here HI3x6_7-__g-01080-00578850-00579340 ELBA: they've been saying we're dead for the longest time and it's just now that science is catching up and HI3x6_7-__g-01081-00579340-00579826 saying oh my god these people actually know what they're talking about HI3x6_7-__g-01082-00579826-00580218 it's like yeah science is catching up to a lot of Indigenous knowledge things that we've been HI3x6_7-__g-01083-00580218-00580844 saying forever and y'allare acting like oh look at what we discovered because of course you know HI3x6_7-__g-01084-00580844-00581556 colonizers like tosay they discovered something because they're you know once they are aware of it it must be new and HI3x6_7-__g-01085-00581556-00581838 it's like nah we've been known y'all are just catching up HI3x6_7-__g-01086-00581937-00582084 FREY: yeah exactly HI3x6_7-__g-01087-00582408-00582872 MARLYN: i was just gonna say to your point we've been here and we will continue to be here even after HI3x6_7-__g-01088-00582872-00583488 the um i'm sorry i'm not far far far far far leftist even after the dismantle of the united HI3x6_7-__g-01089-00583488-00584160 states and all these colonial states we willcontinue to be here FREY: that's right that's rightthat's right HI3x6_7-__g-01090-00584160-00584624 someone said go to sleep well okay i'm gonna go ahead and take this guy out of this HI3x6_7-__g-01091-00584624-00585323 slide right here uh remove from live there we go i don't know what that person was saying HI3x6_7-__g-01092-00585323-00586184 ELBA: largate pal carajo cat you do need to goto sleep and leave me alone HI3x6_7-__g-01093-00586184-00586640 FREY: yeah so i mean it seems like we've already blown through all the questions um is there HI3x6_7-__g-01094-00586640-00587336 anything that would like to be said to um any of the diaspora who are stuck in a situation HI3x6_7-__g-01095-00587336-00587856 where their parents or they have such a horrible support system where whenever they HI3x6_7-__g-01096-00587856-00588328 try to interrogate you know their their family members you know and they just get nowhere it's HI3x6_7-__g-01097-00588328-00588808 a roadblock what kind of advice um could you give them that will be able to help them on that road block HI3x6_7-__g-01098-00588976-00589256 MARLYN: that's rough yeah i feel that um HI3x6_7-__g-01099-00589512-00590176 ELBA: you're not alone and don't give upfor an answer that's the short and sweet i guess um HI3x6_7-__g-01100-00590176-00590672 there are other Taino people out there youknow if you don't have family members who are supportive HI3x6_7-__g-01101-00590672-00591328 um reach out to Taino people who will be and i mean you'll be surprised um we've talked about this HI3x6_7-__g-01102-00591328-00591928 before marlyn and i within our community but you know sometimes it takes you being brave enough HI3x6_7-__g-01103-00591928-00592416 to claim your Indigeneity and claim your culture and stuff like that for your family to come around HI3x6_7-__g-01104-00592416-00592920 you know because there are people that they'reyou're going to be treated like you're crazy from you know other HI3x6_7-__g-01105-00592920-00593424 members of the community and even within your own family but you know sometimes you know you HI3x6_7-__g-01106-00593424-00593896 get that little text message or phone call and all of a sudden they're asking you questions HI3x6_7-__g-01107-00593896-00594504 because you're the resident Taino expert of the family you know so they want to know more and HI3x6_7-__g-01108-00594672-00595288 people that were you know joking hay ella se cree india or whatever now all of a sudden yeah they're treating you HI3x6_7-__g-01109-00595288-00595736 as a legitimate Indigenous person and it's really crazy how quickly people be like HI3x6_7-__g-01110-00595736-00596192 hay mi abuela era india you know my grandma was native for people who don'tspeak HI3x6_7-__g-01111-00596208-00596616 who aren't bilingual you know and it's like how is your grandma native and you are not HI3x6_7-__g-01112-00596616-00596816 how did that happen HI3x6_7-__g-01113-00597168-00597471 okay sure sure jan HI3x6_7-__g-01114-00597640-00597880 MARLYN: first of all i'm loving how much your cat loves you like HI3x6_7-__g-01115-00597880-00598425 he's just like cuddly just everywhere FREY: oh my gosh dude HI3x6_7-__g-01116-00598534-00598716 MARLYN: que fue HI3x6_7-__g-01117-00598728-00598984 ELBA: he's really affectionate sometimes annoyingly so HI3x6_7-__g-01118-00599080-00599520 MARLYN: mine too but he knows like he's there he's sleeping so i'm taking an advantage HI3x6_7-__g-01119-00599683-00600496 i was gonna say like that's rough that really is rough but um i think even if let's say you can't get all HI3x6_7-__g-01120-00600496-00601032 of that information that we talked about earlier right like who your grandparents are those stories HI3x6_7-__g-01121-00601032-00601784 those ancestors etc i think just pinpointing like hey i come from i believe i come from these HI3x6_7-__g-01122-00601784-00602216 lands you know go from there connect to other Indigenous folks and at the end of the day like HI3x6_7-__g-01123-00602384-00602864 i think what you were saying frey we're here we exist every day that we exist HI3x6_7-__g-01124-00602864-00603304 we're kicking colonizer butt right like this is something that our ancestors prayed for HI3x6_7-__g-01125-00603304-00603744 that's something that our ancestors have been like wishing for right so we're here you making HI3x6_7-__g-01126-00603744-00604232 that conscious decision to like even look it up to even think about it to even consider HI3x6_7-__g-01127-00604232-00604792 you know reconnecting um and claiming that Indigeneity that's more than enough you don't HI3x6_7-__g-01128-00604792-00605200 have to we're not going to and i think like as i'm speaking out loud i'm thinking of something that HI3x6_7-__g-01129-00605200-00605616 elders have been saying for like i've just been hearing a little bit over and over um HI3x6_7-__g-01130-00605760-00606376 it's taken 500 years of colonization right to get to us where we are we're not gonna we're not HI3x6_7-__g-01131-00606376-00606904 gonna undo that in one generation it's not gonna happen in one generation it's gonna take multiple HI3x6_7-__g-01132-00606904-00607472 generations right and so like don't put that pressure on yourself to unlearn everything to like HI3x6_7-__g-01133-00607472-00607896 you know become the perfect Indigenous person that you want to be or that you see on the internet or HI3x6_7-__g-01134-00607896-00608400 whatever like the little steps that you can take that's more than enough more than enough HI3x6_7-__g-01135-00608760-00609230 ELBA: i agree 100% HI3x6_7-__g-01136-00609291-00609816 FREY: yeah that's amazing yeah powerfulpowerful stuff man yeah because like some of the people who reach out to me HI3x6_7-__g-01137-00609816-00610590 they're they're in that situation you know they're just like oh like his dad's a trumpsupporter and like you know his mom is like HI3x6_7-__g-01138-00610590-00611232 o india noestas loco tu you know and it's like bro like like he tells me that that they look Indigenous you know like HI3x6_7-__g-01139-00611232-00611968 100 percent dude but it's that self-hate you know that it's just like keeping them down but thank HI3x6_7-__g-01140-00611968-00612584 you for sharing you guys um uh advice definitely i i think they'll find this or if the diaspora HI3x6_7-__g-01141-00612584-00613040 will find this helpful because for sure there's a lot of people i'm surprised there's a lot of like HI3x6_7-__g-01142-00613040-00613480 um people from puerto rico who like like ask me about how to reconnect and stuff like that i was HI3x6_7-__g-01143-00613480-00613976 like i can't tell you i'm sorry you know i think they'll find this helpful and also this hopefully HI3x6_7-__g-01144-00613976-00614592 will inspire more people to give the space to um the Indigenous caribbean you know to Tainos you HI3x6_7-__g-01145-00614592-00615080 know so that way we can always recognize that these are the people who have been affected by HI3x6_7-__g-01146-00615080-00615672 colonialism and let's uplift their voices you know and get to know you know how can we help you know HI3x6_7-__g-01147-00615672-00616296 how can we you know assist them and support them how can we show our support you know as people HI3x6_7-__g-01148-00616296-00616792 not just that are Indigenous but also who are considered in the umbrella of like latin america HI3x6_7-__g-01149-00616792-00617296 you know so i would like to thank you guys you know for participating and having the time to come HI3x6_7-__g-01150-00617296-00617752 on here with me i'm i feel very honored and it's it's great to have you guys on here it really is HI3x6_7-__g-01151-00617896-00618216 ELBA: thank you for having us um HI3x6_7-__g-01152-00618216-00618584 sorry what were you going to say marlyn MARLYN: oh no i'm just going ditto ditto like i'm just like yes HI3x6_7-__g-01153-00618792-00619480 ELBA: yeah we definitely get uh forgotten about because of in large part i can speak in large part HI3x6_7-__g-01154-00619480-00620053 to that extinction myth it's it's definitely much muchappreciated when people HI3x6_7-__g-01155-00620053-00620416 are like oh hey we see you oh thank you because HI3x6_7-__g-01156-00620416-00620912 i know invisibility is definitely an issue a lot of Indigenous people face so thank you for having us HI3x6_7-__g-01157-00621120-00621832 FREY: awesome yeah well i guess this this wraps up the conversation um the space uh we blew through all HI3x6_7-__g-01158-00621832-00622352 the comments and more too you guys you guys gave out some really good points and it's just it's HI3x6_7-__g-01159-00622352-00623111 just amazing to see the enthusiasm behind you guys you know right max got my dog here with me now HI3x6_7-__g-01160-00623111-00623427 ELBA: your dog is cosigning this live right now HI3x6_7-__g-01161-00624112-00624456 FREY: yeah well thank you so much for your answers um i guess it's time for me to end the live HI3x6_7-__g-01162-00624520-00625152 um i appreciate you guys so much for coming on and just like being so such amazing the people you are HI3x6_7-__g-01163-00625232-00625824 and um yeah just keep fighting MARLYN: thank you thank you for having us thank you for creating this HI3x6_7-__g-01164-00625824-00626344 space hope you have a good rest of your week FREY: thank you thank you appreciate you guys and HI3x6_7-__g-01165-00626344-00626720 you guys have a good one hopefully everything goes you guys's way today hopefully you guys HI3x6_7-__g-01166-00626720-00627386 win like a million bucks or something youknow rent gets paid by some random guy bye guys have a good one HI3x6_7-__g-01167-00627616-00627760 ALL: bye HLy4VVxVGLy-00000-00000500-00000988 Look at this fish masala. This place is famous for this! HLy4VVxVGLy-00001-00001460-00001626 namaskaram HLy4VVxVGLy-00002-00001718-00001918 You know we are in Chennai. There is no need to say anymore. HLy4VVxVGLy-00003-00001968-00002796 chennai is known for its hot climate and marina beach. HLy4VVxVGLy-00004-00002886-00003254 but when we ride a little longer, there is HLy4VVxVGLy-00005-00003382-00003902 a historic place called Mahabalipuram or mahabs. HLy4VVxVGLy-00006-00004086-00004630 this place is a famous historic place. HLy4VVxVGLy-00007-00004718-00005166 I will tell you something that I know. HLy4VVxVGLy-00008-00005232-00005804 shore temple, its an oldest structural stone temple. HLy4VVxVGLy-00009-00006028-00006406 Pancha Rathas is a five monolithic one rock-cut temples HLy4VVxVGLy-00010-00006450-00006758 its an important and famous attraction HLy4VVxVGLy-00011-00006800-00007000 krishna's butterball, HLy4VVxVGLy-00012-00007000-00007200 it is a gigantic stone and nobody HLy4VVxVGLy-00013-00007200-00007400 knows how it stands there HLy4VVxVGLy-00014-00007466-00007772 a lighthouseand beaches. HLy4VVxVGLy-00015-00007880-00008236 and so much attractive places HLy4VVxVGLy-00016-00008414-00008614 Moon Rakers, HLy4VVxVGLy-00017-00008706-00008856 this restaurant is famous for seafood HLy4VVxVGLy-00018-00008986-00009274 we can see a live kitchen HLy4VVxVGLy-00019-00009534-00009854 we can choose any fish from here. HLy4VVxVGLy-00020-00009918-00010328 or can choose from todays special, But HLy4VVxVGLy-00021-00010450-00011004 am here to have their famous fish masala HLy4VVxVGLy-00022-00011834-00012292 this street looks like goa or pondicheri, HLy4VVxVGLy-00023-00012396-00012720 maybe it is because of tourists. HLy4VVxVGLy-00024-00013022-00013513 this is their simplest menu. HLy4VVxVGLy-00025-00014047-00014247 iam going to order HLy4VVxVGLy-00026-00014346-00014678 Mixed masala fish, HLy4VVxVGLy-00027-00015324-00015468 lime soda, HLy4VVxVGLy-00028-00015612-00015908 and coconut rice. HLy4VVxVGLy-00029-00016638-00016998 fish masala comes like a HLy4VVxVGLy-00030-00017024-00017608 platter contains 3 types of fishes HLy4VVxVGLy-00031-00017612-00018102 this fish masala is very popular here HLy4VVxVGLy-00032-00018188-00018754 coconut rice,is toasted in oil HLy4VVxVGLy-00033-00018822-00019244 with mustard seeds and groundnut. HLy4VVxVGLy-00034-00019314-00019786 this is our 2nd visit here. HLy4VVxVGLy-00035-00019818-00020252 so I knew it is tasty. HLy4VVxVGLy-00036-00020318-00020900 it cost 150 rupees but, HLy4VVxVGLy-00037-00020906-00021630 it is worth in terms of quantity also taste. HLy4VVxVGLy-00038-00021806-00022280 its good actually HLy4VVxVGLy-00039-00024092-00024986 look at this masala, HLy4VVxVGLy-00040-00025194-00025514 it is super... HLy4VVxVGLy-00041-00025912-00026548 see this prawns, HLy4VVxVGLy-00042-00026620-00027366 it is a huge one. HLy4VVxVGLy-00043-00028006-00028606 mmm...mmm... HLy4VVxVGLy-00044-00028839-00030177 super tasty HLy4VVxVGLy-00045-00031462-00031706 lime soda, HLy4VVxVGLy-00046-00031845-00032283 it is very sour. HLy4VVxVGLy-00047-00032486-00033158 they add 1/3 rd part lime juice in it. HLy4VVxVGLy-00048-00033478-00034322 but i love it. HLy4VVxVGLy-00049-00034704-00035850 this masala looks very spicy..right? HLy4VVxVGLy-00050-00036004-00036500 but not........ HLy4VVxVGLy-00051-00036786-00037448 and I think it is not overcooked. HLy4VVxVGLy-00052-00037604-00038232 it is mild in spice. HLy4VVxVGLy-00053-00038504-00039192 may be it is because of westerners. HLy4VVxVGLy-00054-00040264-00041054 this is another section, HLy4VVxVGLy-00055-00041170-00042118 ,it has an incredible ambiance. HLy4VVxVGLy-00056-00042806-00043218 still we are hungry HLy4VVxVGLy-00057-00043342-00043882 so we ordered beef fried rice. HLy4VVxVGLy-00058-00044366-00044850 lets try this, HLy4VVxVGLy-00059-00044920-00045204 mmm...mmm... HLy4VVxVGLy-00060-00045274-00045556 its good. HLy4VVxVGLy-00061-00045924-00046260 try this with fish masala... HLy4VVxVGLy-00062-00047230-00047462 .mmm...i loved it HLy4VVxVGLy-00063-00047556-00047756 it is super tasty. HLy4VVxVGLy-00064-00047818-00048018 for these four dishes HLy4VVxVGLy-00065-00048072-00048272 fish platter, coconut rice, HLy4VVxVGLy-00066-00048292-00048492 lime soda and beef fried rice HLy4VVxVGLy-00067-00048510-00048710 I got 1089 rupees only. HLy4VVxVGLy-00068-00048764-00048964 so I would say HLy4VVxVGLy-00069-00049002-00049202 you can come here only for this fish platter. HLy4VVxVGLy-00070-00049232-00049432 it will be worth. HM609UJ3K0Y-00000-00000013-00000280 yesterday I was in Cork and I tried to HM609UJ3K0Y-00001-00000295-00000570 film everywhere it was a s*** day but I got HM609UJ3K0Y-00002-00000587-00000750 home I grabbed my computer I grabbed my HM609UJ3K0Y-00003-00000772-00000950 mouse *gasp* I don't know where my mouse went HM609UJ3K0Y-00004-00000959-00001192 it's like $100 mouse. HM609UJ3K0Y-00005-00001192-00001390 I keep losing stuff. Today what we're going to do is go back into Cork HM609UJ3K0Y-00006-00001403-00001500 get a mouse and we're gonna do some HM609UJ3K0Y-00007-00001567-00001689 editing so today's gonna be a pretty HM609UJ3K0Y-00008-00001714-00001913 light day for shooting HM609UJ3K0Y-00009-00001913-00002000 Im really hoping that today is fruitful in that I either HM609UJ3K0Y-00010-00002030-00002290 find a mouse or I don't even know let's HM609UJ3K0Y-00011-00002306-00002439 go to Cork. HM609UJ3K0Y-00012-00002439-00002530 Every day I have this one HM609UJ3K0Y-00013-00002540-00002717 waiting for me and I have that little HM609UJ3K0Y-00014-00002717-00002949 tiny cat there just waiting for me. HM609UJ3K0Y-00015-00002949-00003060 I've been up every morning at sunrise and I HM609UJ3K0Y-00016-00003085-00003250 look out the window and it's just bleh. HM609UJ3K0Y-00017-00003260-00003524 I'm getting real sick of Green and Grey. HM609UJ3K0Y-00018-00003524-00003610 I've been driving by these guys every day but im finally HM609UJ3K0Y-00019-00003620-00003836 able to stop by HM609UJ3K0Y-00020-00003836-00003900 Guys... Horses HM609UJ3K0Y-00021-00009575-00009800 Bye friends thanks for the shoot. HM609UJ3K0Y-00022-00009800-00009960 You guys are great, love working with talent you were HM609UJ3K0Y-00023-00009974-00010090 the star. The next rising star right HM609UJ3K0Y-00024-00010127-00010359 there that's the diva of the bunch, HM609UJ3K0Y-00025-00010359-00011289 wouldn't come over all right that's a wrap HM609UJ3K0Y-00026-00011500-00011680 We're back at Cork now for the third day in a HM609UJ3K0Y-00027-00011753-00012031 row we're gonna see if we can get a mouse. HM609UJ3K0Y-00028-00012031-00012130 Here's the thing, Here are the benefits HM609UJ3K0Y-00029-00012161-00012250 of having a car. Convenience I don't HM609UJ3K0Y-00030-00012332-00012520 carry everything on my back and a little HM609UJ3K0Y-00031-00012551-00012710 more personal freedom here are the HM609UJ3K0Y-00032-00012725-00012910 negatives no accountability I leave HM609UJ3K0Y-00033-00012916-00013115 everything in a big pile in the backseat HM609UJ3K0Y-00034-00013115-00013297 all the time and that's pretty much it HM609UJ3K0Y-00035-00013297-00013409 and you're like Richie isn't that kind HM609UJ3K0Y-00036-00013409-00013602 of a personal thing and yes HM609UJ3K0Y-00037-00013602-00013652 if I have the space HM609UJ3K0Y-00038-00013666-00013831 I will clutter it up I will just leave s**** HM609UJ3K0Y-00039-00013831-00014060 everywhere and I just assume it's in the HM609UJ3K0Y-00040-00014060-00014460 pile somewhere and it's not there HM609UJ3K0Y-00041-00015263-00015626 Kind of as expected no luck no love so HM609UJ3K0Y-00042-00015506-00015818 we're gonna go to a computer store buy a HM609UJ3K0Y-00043-00015818-00016058 new mouse because I cannot edit on a HM609UJ3K0Y-00044-00015818-00016018 trackpad let's go to computer HM609UJ3K0Y-00045-00016018-00016330 so they had the exact mouse I needed 100 pounds HM609UJ3K0Y-00046-00016334-00016636 that's not a cheap thing to leave behind HM609UJ3K0Y-00047-00016636-00017024 you know what's Universal? the smell of HM609UJ3K0Y-00048-00017024-00018493 dollar stores HM609UJ3K0Y-00049-00018493-00018722 Today was not going to be much of a film day HM609UJ3K0Y-00050-00018722-00018860 I was actually just I had to get into HM609UJ3K0Y-00051-00018872-00019020 town to do a bunch of editing and computer HM609UJ3K0Y-00052-00019040-00019200 work. I've been going to Cork for the HM609UJ3K0Y-00053-00019222-00019400 last few days and Cork just kind of HM609UJ3K0Y-00054-00019400-00019700 was a bummer dude I came out the Cobh and like HM609UJ3K0Y-00055-00019700-00020730 holy like I didn't even know what it was HM609UJ3K0Y-00056-00020747-00021062 like theres one classic shot that everybody HM609UJ3K0Y-00057-00020936-00021203 takes of that where there's like a row HM609UJ3K0Y-00058-00021203-00021449 of colorful houses with that thing in HM609UJ3K0Y-00059-00021203-00021300 the background so I'm gonna try to do HM609UJ3K0Y-00060-00021368-00021460 something a little bit different and not HM609UJ3K0Y-00061-00021500-00021665 have that exact same photo that every HM609UJ3K0Y-00062-00021665-00021884 single person's taken HM609UJ3K0Y-00063-00021884-00022010 it's amazing you just got to go to where the water is HM609UJ3K0Y-00064-00022010-00022230 always go to the water that's the trick HM609UJ3K0Y-00065-00022244-00022436 if you want to get out and see something HM609UJ3K0Y-00066-00022436-00022774 beautiful get out to water HM609UJ3K0Y-00067-00024209-00024419 I just started walking up this hill and HM609UJ3K0Y-00068-00024419-00024650 like even the residents just don't they HM609UJ3K0Y-00069-00024650-00024840 don't you can't try to walk up somewhere HM609UJ3K0Y-00070-00024859-00025545 quickly here. Look at the angle... HM609UJ3K0Y-00071-00025920-00026238 you know exactly what I had to do to get HM609UJ3K0Y-00072-00026238-00026470 that shot I had to climb up here and HM609UJ3K0Y-00073-00026475-00026774 then turn around and do it again HM609UJ3K0Y-00074-00032613-00032934 I think I just got some nasty drunk HM609UJ3K0Y-00075-00032934-00033090 footage so I'm already stoked this is a HM609UJ3K0Y-00076-00033171-00033368 huge success. HM609UJ3K0Y-00077-00033368-00033719 this street is so steep even to walk down HM609UJ3K0Y-00078-00033912-00034400 I want to fall down this hill HM609UJ3K0Y-00079-00034418-00034510 I want to just put a suit of armor on and HM609UJ3K0Y-00080-00034571-00034819 roll it'd be so much easier HM609UJ3K0Y-00081-00034819-00035010 alright ill quit whining man Cobb I don't know I HM609UJ3K0Y-00082-00035047-00035300 think it's cuter than Kinsale and I like HM609UJ3K0Y-00083-00035312-00035520 it better than cork cork was rude people HM609UJ3K0Y-00084-00035584-00035710 Let's just hang out and wait for the Sun HM609UJ3K0Y-00085-00035722-00036070 to go down a little bit more HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00000-00000405-00000852 So welcome everyone. Thank you very much for joining us at this HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00001-00000852-00001257 call webinar, Indigenous data management with our speaker HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00002-00001257-00001682 today, Stacy Allison-Cassin and we I've already mentioned. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00003-00001682-00002143 But for those of you who weren't here when I mentioned it, if you HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00004-00002143-00002590 could please mute, make sure you mute yourself and if you could HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00005-00002590-00002974 please turn off your video during this, during Stacy's HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00006-00002974-00003393 presentation, just to improve the experience for everybody. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00007-00003401-00003624 Especially those with little bandwidth, that would be great. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00008-00003766-00004203 We will be saving questions to the end, but I at First off I am HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00009-00004203-00004612 and we are recording just so everybody is aware of that and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00010-00004612-00005028 the recording will be posted to the call website and YouTube HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00011-00005028-00005478 channel shortly after the end of the meeting. So I first I'd like HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00012-00005478-00005908 to acknowledge that CAAL-CBPA represents member libraries from HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00013-00005908-00006276 across the region, all of whom sit on the unceded and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00014-00006276-00006563 traditional territories of First Peoples. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00015-00006600-00006995 Uh, in Newfoundland and Labrador, our libraries sit on HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00016-00006995-00007440 the homelands of the Inuit of Nunatsiavut and NunatuKavut the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00017-00007440-00007878 Innu of Nitassinan, the Beothuk, and the Mi'kmaq peoples. In HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00018-00007878-00008324 Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, we find our friends and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00019-00008324-00008755 colleagues situated on the territory of the Mi'kmaq. And in HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00020-00008755-00009142 New Brunswick, libraries are found on the land of the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00021-00009142-00009559 Wolastolwiyik, the Mi'kmaq and the Passamaquoddy peoples. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00022-00009587-00009966 Uh, we at CAAL-CBPA wish to express our sincerest gratitude HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00023-00009966-00010345 to the first people to share their ancestral homelands with HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00024-00010345-00010737 us all at this point in this session, I would like to turn it HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00025-00010737-00011104 over to Samantha Adema, who is moderating the session for HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00026-00011104-00011205 Stacy. Samantha. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00027-00011419-00011532 Thank you, Cynthia. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00028-00011654-00011957 So good afternoon. My name is Samantha Adema and I'm the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00029-00011957-00012302 indigenous services librarian at Dalhousie University. On behalf HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00030-00012302-00012604 of CAAL-CBPA, the Digital Preservation & Stewardship HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00031-00012604-00012912 Committee and the Indigenous Knowledge Committee, I would HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00032-00012912-00013204 like to welcome you to indigenous data management with HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00033-00013204-00013502 Stacy Allison-Cassin. The session is being recorded and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00034-00013502-00013809 will be available after the presentation on the CAAL-CBPA HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00035-00013809-00013859 website. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00036-00013918-00014177 And again, we ask that all attendees please mute their HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00037-00014177-00014479 microphones and turn off their webcams during the presentation. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00038-00014479-00014766 If you have technical problems, you can put them in the chat HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00039-00014766-00015030 box, and if you have any questions for Stacy during the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00040-00015030-00015327 presentation, put them in the chat as well and there will be a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00041-00015327-00015373 Q&A. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00042-00015373-00015573 As a period at the end. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00043-00015729-00016076 I'd now like to introduce Stacy Allison-Cassin will be speaking HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00044-00016076-00016380 on the indigenous data management. Stacy Allison-Cassin HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00045-00016380-00016732 is assistant professor with the School of Information Management HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00046-00016732-00017079 at Dalhousie University. She's a citizen of the Métis Nation of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00047-00017079-00017405 Ontario, Chair of the Indigenous Matters Standing Committee HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00048-00017405-00017752 Committee of IFLA, a community leader in the National Knowledge HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00049-00017752-00018072 and Language Alliance, and a member of many other advisory HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00050-00018072-00018414 bodies. Stacy believes strongly in finding ways to make access HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00051-00018414-00018739 to information more equitable and has been involved in Open HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00052-00018739-00018842 Access initiatives. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00053-00018907-00019144 In North America for many years, Stacy. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00054-00019424-00019750 Thank you, Samantha, for that introduction and I'm really HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00055-00019750-00020099 happy to be here and I'm sorry about my technical challenges. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00056-00020225-00020706 Off the top of this meeting, right when I'm about to go on, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00057-00020706-00021050 so I'm going to hopefully share my screen. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00058-00021161-00021574 Can everybody see my slides? I hope. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00059-00021712-00022247 OK, now I'm also I move room so my screen is actually backwards HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00060-00022247-00022297 so. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00061-00022324-00022924 Uh, just forgive me if I have any challenges moving my slides HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00062-00022924-00023369 forward. I also want to just say welcome and. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00063-00023513-00023983 Uh to everybody here. As I said, I'm really pleased to see so HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00064-00023983-00024430 many people or at least see the little circles for so many HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00065-00024430-00024915 people today. And I also want to likewise acknowledge that I am HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00066-00024915-00024965 on. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00067-00025044-00025437 Indigenous territories. I'm on the the land of the Mi`kmaq. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00068-00025520-00025871 In Mi'gma'gi and also just mentioned that although we're HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00069-00025871-00026259 meeting virtually, of course the technologies that allow us to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00070-00026259-00026585 meet are traveling through many different indigenous HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00071-00026585-00026659 territories. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00072-00026803-00027278 And that the also the technologies that allow us to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00073-00027278-00027853 meet our computers, all of the resources, including the metals HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00074-00027853-00028364 that are involved in the construction of our computers, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00075-00028364-00028866 all also come from territories which may be subject to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00076-00028866-00029404 inequitable conditions. So something to consider where you HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00077-00029404-00029724 are in a little bit more about me. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00078-00029780-00030383 So I'm originally from Thunder Bay ON up in Northern Ontario. I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00079-00030383-00030911 grew up in Winnipeg, MB, recently living in the Toronto HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00080-00030911-00031241 area and now in in Halifax and so. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00081-00031399-00031935 I've lived in many different territories and and I'm really, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00082-00031935-00032401 really delighted to be here. As I said in Mi'gma'gi. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00083-00032661-00033059 So it's thinking about, uh, what to talk about uh today. And I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00084-00033059-00033463 wanna just say that I'm thinking this should be a relatively, I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00085-00033463-00033848 hope in formal conversation. And so I'm hoping to leave some HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00086-00033848-00033898 time. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00087-00033939-00034554 And at the end, for us to also chat and if you have questions HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00088-00034554-00035060 and I also am aware that a number of you may be on HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00089-00035060-00035398 different places on this journey. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00090-00035562-00035926 In your organizations or individually, and I want to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00091-00035926-00036358 acknowledge that there are many people here with all different HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00092-00036358-00036770 kinds of expertise. So party intention today too is to just HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00093-00036770-00037031 have some space for us to talk about. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00094-00037108-00037521 And research data management about indigenous data and to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00095-00037521-00037934 think about this idea that metadata is a love note to the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00096-00037934-00037984 future. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00097-00038069-00038424 And thinking about those future contexts of data as well. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00098-00038692-00039106 And I think fundamentally something I want to connect to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00099-00039106-00039519 this idea of love data week is to think about this, this HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00100-00039519-00039948 importance of indigenous peoples need to be able to derive HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00101-00039948-00040354 benefit from the data. And I think that is one of those HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00102-00040354-00040826 fundamental concepts, of course mentioned in the care principles HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00103-00040826-00041232 that we can consider when thinking about research, data HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00104-00041232-00041566 management plans or research data management. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00105-00041592-00041695 More generally. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00106-00041998-00042334 Because when we want to think about the future, so there is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00107-00042334-00042497 managing data in the present. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00108-00042599-00043003 And thinking about how data needs to be managed in the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00109-00043003-00043304 context of an existing research project. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00110-00043373-00043853 Or for an existing collection, but really one of the important HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00111-00043853-00044318 parts of thinking about research data management is also the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00112-00044318-00044821 future use. And again looking at the care principles, making sure HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00113-00044821-00045309 to consider also future harm. So again, something that might be HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00114-00045309-00045766 in the present or even in the recent past as something that HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00115-00045766-00046216 was considered an appropriate practice might not be in the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00116-00046216-00046414 future. So thinking about. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00117-00046444-00046870 That the idea of the metadata as a love note to the feature, how HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00118-00046870-00047139 can we be looking forward to the future? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00119-00047154-00047521 And I guess life of that research data and certainly I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00120-00047521-00047962 think in the context of research data management for a long time, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00121-00047962-00048096 there has been this. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00122-00048158-00048547 I'm referring to research data as being part of a life cycle, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00123-00048547-00048937 so we talked a lot about these use of different metaphors and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00124-00048937-00049345 things. When we talk about data. So the data ecosystem, the data HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00125-00049345-00049760 landscape, and then we also have the research data life cycle and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00126-00049760-00050011 the life cycle does imply this kind of. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00127-00050072-00050710 Yeah. Born, living dead. Reborn. I you know that it has that kind HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00128-00050710-00051222 of implication. So how can we think? Maybe consider. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00129-00051299-00051594 Again, what this means for the for the future. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00130-00051736-00052140 And in this talk, I wanted to frame part of this conversation HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00131-00052140-00052519 about some work happening through the national indigenous HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00132-00052519-00052943 knowledge and Language alliance. I know some of you are familiar HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00133-00052943-00053347 with Nicola already. If you're not, I I really, actually, you HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00134-00053347-00053758 know what I'm gonna do before I I'll put it in later. I have a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00135-00053758-00054182 list of resources that I created a page in a Google doc that has HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00136-00054182-00054600 all these links. So don't worry too much right now about trying HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00137-00054600-00054841 to sort or track down all the links. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00138-00054886-00055352 I'll put that in the end if I forget somebody please remind me HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00139-00055352-00055788 to to drop that link into the into the chat. O Nicola is a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00140-00055788-00055869 relatively. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00141-00055897-00056495 Yeah. Yes, I agree, Makenzie. And so Nicola is a fairly new HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00142-00056495-00057094 association that is indigenous, focused and indigenous LED. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00143-00057214-00057475 And is. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00144-00057637-00058016 Really. Also something that is moving across sort of our. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00145-00058166-00058645 I wanna say our silos are boundaries that often we have in HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00146-00058645-00059148 a professional association work and really also focused on on HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00147-00059148-00059497 indigenous matters or issues specifically. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00148-00059847-00060277 And in the Charter document of Nicola there, these are these HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00149-00060277-00060713 five identified activities. So building a community practice, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00150-00060713-00061094 public advocacy for indigenous cultural transmission, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00151-00061094-00061467 professional development for members, unsettling and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00152-00061467-00061918 disrupting existing frameworks and pedagogy and scholarship and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00153-00061918-00062333 grants. And this while this association is indigenous lead HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00154-00062333-00062608 and focused is of course very open to. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00155-00062617-00063150 And indigenous allies as well. And so again, I invite you to if HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00156-00063150-00063599 you have not, to look at Nicola and consider joining. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00157-00063811-00064194 And as well. So I'm not gonna read this particular slide, but HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00158-00064194-00064595 again I encourage you to to look at this after this presentation HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00159-00064595-00064984 as well. So I wanted to frame some of this conversation around HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00160-00064984-00065318 the national indigenous terminology Platform project, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00161-00065318-00065528 which is a project coming out of. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00162-00065662-00065975 Out of Nicola, Co led by myself and Camille. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00163-00066246-00066454 Callison and UM. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00164-00066637-00066998 Really has been in development for a number of years. Again, I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00165-00066998-00067370 know that some of you have been part of this work for for a long HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00166-00067370-00067444 time as well. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00167-00067618-00067719 And. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00168-00067876-00068243 Again, you can go to the Nicola website to see some of the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00169-00068243-00068591 presentation materials and to get a better sense of the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00170-00068591-00068989 project because I'm going to be fairly brief with some of this. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00171-00069088-00069505 Overview But this project is focused on vocabulary, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00172-00069505-00069866 terminology, subject headings which we know. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00173-00070012-00070479 Have been problematic in the context of library descriptive HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00174-00070479-00070978 practices. We know that many of the subject headings coming out HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00175-00070978-00071414 of the Library of Congress are problematic or racist or HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00176-00071414-00071929 inappropriate for use within the country now known as Canada, and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00177-00071929-00072388 so this project is really focused on how can we really not HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00178-00072388-00072817 even rebuild, create a platform that is right from the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00179-00072817-00072895 beginning. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00180-00072903-00072975 Indigenous. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00181-00073111-00073578 Uh, indigenous sled and for use across our different kinds of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00182-00073578-00074015 organizations. So not just focused on libraries, but also HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00183-00074015-00074482 thinking about archives, other kinds of repositories or needs HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00184-00074482-00074926 as well. So when we think about research, data management. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00185-00075013-00075241 We know that many universities. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00186-00075349-00075787 Don't just have a library catalog where we're organizing HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00187-00075787-00076279 indigenous data, but there might be other kinds of repositories HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00188-00076279-00076779 or databases or systems that are also managing research data. So HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00189-00076779-00077256 what would it look like to think about that from that sort of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00190-00077256-00077356 cross domain? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00191-00077484-00077878 Uh, perspective and particularly important in this project is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00192-00077878-00078208 thinking about creating a platform where the United HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00193-00078208-00078582 Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00194-00078582-00078887 really foundational to the platform itself, so. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00195-00078894-00078944 So. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00196-00079124-00079597 Many projects and repositories and systems we think about. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00197-00079597-00080079 There's an existing repository or an existing system and we HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00198-00080079-00080488 sort of build indigenous frameworks out from those HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00199-00080488-00080977 existing projects. So instead this project is really focused HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00200-00080977-00081426 on if we start from the beginning and we're thinking or HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00201-00081426-00081891 building intentionally with UNDRIP as the framework, what HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00202-00081891-00082060 could that look like? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00203-00082315-00082743 And then appropriate to this conversation around indigenous HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00204-00082743-00083143 research data management, of course, is the entirety of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00205-00083143-00083571 undrip. So if you have not reviewed UNDRIP, I encourage you HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00206-00083571-00083992 to do so. But I've just pulled out an article 31 here as a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00207-00083992-00084085 particularly. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00208-00084206-00084595 Relevant article when we talk about about indigenous data or HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00209-00084595-00084927 indigenous knowledge indigenous cultural materials. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00210-00085055-00085315 Because it it states quite clearly that indigenous people HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00211-00085315-00085575 have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00212-00085638-00085986 Cultural heritage. Traditional traditional cultural expressions HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00213-00085986-00086335 as well as science, technology and cultures, and it and it, the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00214-00086335-00086482 list goes on. And it's not. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00215-00086602-00086839 It's very clear that it isn't. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00216-00086993-00087412 Bounded by something that's potentially in the past, or HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00217-00087412-00087891 excluding sciences or excluding technologies. And so if we take HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00218-00087891-00088363 UNDRIP as being foundational to the way that we should work or HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00219-00088363-00088752 consider working with research, research data then. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00220-00088864-00089335 It does mean that indigenous people need to have that control HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00221-00089335-00089723 and have the right to control and of course, this. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00222-00089936-00090312 Is potentially very challenging in institutional contexts where HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00223-00090312-00090394 there has not. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00224-00090456-00090879 Uh, necessarily been that history of of. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00225-00091117-00091510 Ensuring that the peoples who are connected with research HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00226-00091510-00091862 projects or research materials have the ability to. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00227-00092040-00092413 State what happens or how that research material should be HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00228-00092413-00092798 controlled. And again this this is not. I'm just thinking of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00229-00092798-00093158 examples for not just indigenous peoples, so there isn't HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00230-00093158-00093543 necessarily those framework set up, but UNDRIP is very, very HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00231-00093543-00093593 clear. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00232-00093669-00093898 About that need for for control. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00233-00094476-00094578 And so this. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00234-00094745-00095168 Concept or not even a concept, but the the need for. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00235-00095466-00095912 Indigenous peoples to have control over their data is very, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00236-00095912-00096023 very important. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00237-00096128-00096521 And when we talk about decolonization or in HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00238-00096521-00096717 digitization or other. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00239-00096845-00097360 Terms for ensuring indigenous people are involved in research, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00240-00097360-00097842 it does mean, again, that indigenous people have the right HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00241-00097842-00098250 to make decisions and being control of that data. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00242-00098514-00099056 So in the context of the Nikola terminologies project. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00243-00099243-00099686 These are sort of three important issues, but I'm going HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00244-00099686-00099868 to draw your attention. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00245-00099939-00100267 To the last box which talks about indigenous knowledge and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00246-00100267-00100562 data sovereignty as recognized as a human right. So. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00247-00100638-00101165 What does it mean in the context of research data management of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00248-00101165-00101666 knowledge, organization of our our entire we're going to use HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00249-00101666-00102144 ecosystem again of the ways that we consider an approach, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00250-00102144-00102572 indigenous knowledge, an indigenous research, if we HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00251-00102572-00102622 again. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00252-00102731-00103241 Really strongly consider the ways that data sovereignty must HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00253-00103241-00103734 be respected and is a human right and it's not optional. I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00254-00103734-00104277 know that sometimes this work is extremely challenging. Figuring HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00255-00104277-00104745 out how to bring together colonial organizations and in HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00256-00104745-00105146 indigenous practices, or recognizing indigenous HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00257-00105146-00105631 sovereignty. And I think sometimes the word that comes to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00258-00105631-00105756 mind when when. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00259-00105771-00106082 Uh, I'm thinking about this topic or certainly. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00260-00106211-00106619 I'm just thinking about a talk I heard from Doctor Allen Corbier HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00261-00106619-00106958 from York University who's talking about this sort of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00262-00106958-00107360 incommensurability of indigenous knowledge systems and colonial HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00263-00107360-00107750 knowledge systems. And so it is extremely challenging when we HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00264-00107750-00108164 try to bring two things together or multiple things together when HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00265-00108164-00108472 we talk about indigenous knowledge systems and a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00266-00108472-00108836 university, for example, that there are things that don't HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00267-00108836-00108886 just. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00268-00108940-00108990 Umm. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00269-00109059-00109340 Come together easily because there is sort of an HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00270-00109340-00109685 incommensurability in those underlying structures. So it is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00271-00109685-00109748 absolutely. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00272-00109878-00110001 Absolutely a challenge. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00273-00110247-00110763 And I want to acknowledge my slide here I want to acknowledge HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00274-00110763-00110954 my my research partner. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00275-00110996-00111503 And Camille Callison for this particular slide, focusing on HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00276-00111503-00112026 the four Rs, but also adding the 5th R in here for indigenous HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00277-00112026-00112550 knowledge or relationships or reverence, reciprocity, respect HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00278-00112550-00113057 and responsibility. And these four are originally developed HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00279-00113057-00113175 for education. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00280-00113297-00113710 Particularly uh UM, helpful in thinking about guiding the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00281-00113710-00114095 development of things like research, data management. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00282-00114183-00114651 I'm plans or practices because if these four or five and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00283-00114651-00115136 actually I'm gonna flip the next slide also with thanks to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00284-00115136-00115202 Camille. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00285-00115261-00115707 Because this is the six hours of stem and so if we take these. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00286-00115879-00116426 These as guiding principles and I'm going to keep coming back to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00287-00116426-00116881 this. I think this idea of guiding principles of just HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00288-00116881-00117353 realizing we have we have UNDRIP, we have the four, 5-6 HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00289-00117353-00117892 hours and then I'll talk about care and ocap as well. And so we HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00290-00117892-00118355 have, we do have sets of frameworks or principles that HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00291-00118355-00118843 are helpful in giving guidance or providing frameworks or HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00292-00118843-00118894 being. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00293-00118918-00119405 Ways that we can approach this work to be able to. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00294-00119600-00120010 Attempt to do this work in a good way, and I think that that HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00295-00120010-00120373 although there are these principles and practices and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00296-00120373-00120782 things, that doesn't necessarily mean there's an easy set of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00297-00120782-00121199 answers, or that there's a check box you can necessarily fill HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00298-00121199-00121414 out. I don't think that that is. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00299-00121657-00122103 The way that this kind of work happens, so just to go back to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00300-00122103-00122521 the terminology project and I'm interweaving some of this HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00301-00122521-00122967 content about the terminology project in this particular talk HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00302-00122967-00123248 because like research data management. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00303-00123390-00123771 We know that this area of terminology is also been a sort HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00304-00123771-00123883 of long standing. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00305-00124087-00124546 Challenge area for libraries and this particular project is is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00306-00124546-00124998 instead of potentially modifying a colonial system. It's like HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00307-00124998-00125472 what if we started from the very beginning with trying to create HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00308-00125472-00125887 something that brings these principles and practices and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00309-00125887-00126302 understandings in from the beginning. So this particular HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00310-00126302-00126761 project has this initial seed funding phase and implementation HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00311-00126761-00127031 phase and then moving to membership. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00312-00127290-00127596 And again, I don't want to spend too long on here because I want HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00313-00127596-00127812 to leave time for us to have some discussion. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00314-00127901-00128282 But again, it's indigenous lead. It's sustainable and stable, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00315-00128282-00128620 community contributions and collaborative platform for HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00316-00128620-00128977 Regulary set. So you can see that there is some alignment HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00317-00128977-00129290 with the ways that we also consider research, data HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00318-00129290-00129671 management and thinking about what does it mean for something HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00319-00129671-00130040 to be indigenous LED but also focusing on sustainability as HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00320-00130040-00130409 another piece that's really important. And if we talk about HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00321-00130409-00130784 love day to week and we talk about metadata or data as being HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00322-00130784-00130944 a love note to the future. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00323-00130991-00131479 And and we look at that future, the importance of thinking about HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00324-00131479-00131562 the future. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00325-00131688-00132266 Really focusing on that sustainability is also really HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00326-00132266-00132373 important. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00327-00132702-00133039 So again, I won't read this whole slide, but you can see HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00328-00133039-00133416 some of the key project elements and in particular the way that HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00329-00133416-00133576 the project is intended to. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00330-00133583-00133977 So align with the fare in care principles. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00331-00134111-00134434 As a A again. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00332-00134529-00134998 Way that we want this work to happen and is really best for HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00333-00134998-00135154 this work to happen. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00334-00135484-00135886 And as I was mentioning, sustainability is really HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00335-00135886-00136376 important, as is solidarity, reciprocity and responsibility. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00336-00136376-00136817 And so when we talk about research, data management or HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00337-00136817-00137275 sort of the data ecosystem at large in our institutions, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00338-00137275-00137484 focusing in particular on. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00339-00137521-00137957 Umm on ways of working that recognize these importance of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00340-00137957-00138130 solidarity reciprocity. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00341-00138264-00138774 And responsibility will help ensure that we're doing the work HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00342-00138774-00139013 in a way that is appropriate. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00343-00139195-00139547 And in consideration of the fact that again, although this work HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00344-00139547-00139883 is not easy, it is extremely important and I wanna stress as HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00345-00139883-00140208 well, I know that probably all of you are are or if you're HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00346-00140208-00140527 involved in research data management, you have a pressing HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00347-00140527-00140830 need to figure some of these things out because of the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00348-00140830-00141050 requirements of the federal government. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00349-00141249-00141304 But. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00350-00141453-00141900 I want to also mention that I think it's important that this HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00351-00141900-00142369 become part of our regular work in libraries and that sometimes HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00352-00142369-00142494 I know it can be. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00353-00142635-00143092 Considered something that is done when the other work is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00354-00143092-00143172 completed. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00355-00143258-00143671 So other work around, research, data or research data management HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00356-00143671-00144015 or looking at scholarly communication kinds of issues HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00357-00144015-00144333 that this is sometimes an add on and I hope that. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00358-00144470-00144902 That we see this work related to indigenous data or indigenous HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00359-00144902-00145341 knowledges as something that is part of regular practice rather HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00360-00145341-00145766 than something that sort of sits as an extra, that if there's HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00361-00145766-00146211 someone around who can do it or has an interest rather than part HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00362-00146211-00146417 of our regular way of working. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00363-00146667-00147073 Exciting news from a couple weeks ago. I'll mention quickly HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00364-00147073-00147480 that we do have a seed funding for the Nicola project and I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00365-00147480-00147906 wanna give it a huge thank you to all of our associations that HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00366-00147906-00148042 are members of Carl. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00367-00148129-00148697 Were of coal as well as CRKT N and our federal government HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00368-00148697-00148874 partners for this. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00369-00149140-00149486 So now I'm going to talk a little bit more about UM, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00370-00149486-00149577 research data. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00371-00149673-00150095 And something I think is important to recognize. So if HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00372-00150095-00150579 some of you may be familiar with this article, information has HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00373-00150579-00151063 value was in the journal Library with a lead pipe and it talks HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00374-00151063-00151547 about the ways that information and data is is a commodity and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00375-00151547-00152024 we know that our institutions are very interested in research HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00376-00152024-00152462 data, but also in statistics about whose researching and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00377-00152462-00152792 recognizing that that data as a commodity. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00378-00152832-00153205 I'm in considering that sort of political economy or the way HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00379-00153205-00153303 that capitalism. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00380-00153417-00153948 Is part of the functioning of a university. Is is important when HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00381-00153948-00154356 we talk about when we talk about indigenous data. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00382-00154608-00154658 Umm. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00383-00154983-00155500 Because again of its connection to capitalism and how we're HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00384-00155500-00155957 going to go back to that incommensurate word we talk HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00385-00155957-00156474 about indigenous systems of knowledge or indigenous ways of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00386-00156474-00156750 working and the collective as a. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00387-00156852-00156955 Problematic. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00388-00157281-00157803 Way of being in the context of research, because research as is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00389-00157803-00158309 envisioned or practiced at most universities is so focused on HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00390-00158309-00158432 the individual. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00391-00158573-00158951 And so when we talk about collective rights, there is a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00392-00158951-00159208 particular problem in in research so. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00393-00159299-00159390 Considering. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00394-00159454-00159884 Umm, what that means in the context and I don't, I don't HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00395-00159884-00160322 have a solution offering necessarily. As I said, it's not HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00396-00160322-00160804 necessarily a check box, but to recognize that as important and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00397-00160804-00160993 I'd like this particular. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00398-00161045-00161487 Umm way that Maui Hudson has talked about open data as a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00399-00161487-00161952 particular problem because of its connection to extraction. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00400-00161952-00162393 And so when we consider the connections between research HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00401-00162393-00162443 data. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00402-00162551-00162669 Research itself. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00403-00162735-00163255 As a commodity and it's connection to extraction it. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00404-00163338-00163787 Really, I think helps us consider what do we need to do HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00405-00163787-00164277 when we want to appropriately put in place policies and ways HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00406-00164277-00164743 of working that are going to ensure that that whatever is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00407-00164743-00165232 there is not extractive. And remember that it has to benefit HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00408-00165232-00165377 indigenous people. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00409-00165705-00166071 I won't spend time defining all of these things because I know HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00410-00166071-00166438 where am I said. I wanna make sure we have time for questions. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00411-00166574-00166912 This is the try agency definition of what is research HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00412-00166912-00166962 data. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00413-00167167-00167638 Uh, and it is in my list of resources and then research data HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00414-00167638-00168124 management. So I was mentioning before that research data life HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00415-00168124-00168174 cycle. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00416-00168259-00168620 When we think about again, we don't just have storage and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00417-00168620-00168988 access, but we also have the preservation aspect of it and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00418-00168988-00169336 also that focus on reuse. And again, when we talk about HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00419-00169336-00169691 indigenous data and we talk about the future and we talk HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00420-00169691-00170077 about extraction, we have to think about what happens to that HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00421-00170077-00170439 data after a research project. So what happens before our HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00422-00170439-00170825 protocols in place that make sure that that data is collected HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00423-00170825-00171236 and appropriate way what happens during the research project, but HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00424-00171236-00171379 then also what happens. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00425-00171465-00171538 Afterward. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00426-00171966-00172303 And so in the try agency data management policy in section HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00427-00172303-00172629 3.1, it does say recognize that it is distinctions based HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00428-00172629-00172950 approach is needed to ensure that the unique rights and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00429-00172950-00173293 interests of circumstances of the First Nations maintain an HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00430-00173293-00173642 Inuit are acknowledged, affirmed and implemented. And what I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00431-00173642-00173991 thought I would stress today in this is that it's that means HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00432-00173991-00174305 that it's not a not a one-size-fits-all in the case of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00433-00174305-00174654 research data management. So we need to make sure that we're HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00434-00174654-00174923 recognizing the distinctiveness of individual. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00435-00174963-00175562 Indigenous nations. So it's not that you can implement a policy. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00436-00175649-00176051 Or to be careful when implementing or developing a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00437-00176051-00176193 policy that it is. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00438-00176301-00176752 Going to make sure to recognize that distinctiveness and we can HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00439-00176752-00177202 see back if I go back here that the Tri Agency has that as part HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00440-00177202-00177646 of their data management policy to say there is a distinctions HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00441-00177646-00178089 based approach. So that means what works for the mighty nation HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00442-00178089-00178526 and I won't even get into the context of the mighty nation is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00443-00178526-00178737 not necessarily going to work. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00444-00178783-00179215 And for the magma right there is like variation and even HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00445-00179215-00179640 variation down to which community you're talking to, so HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00446-00179640-00180087 that absolutely needs to be recognized because in a lot of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00447-00180087-00180519 our colonial systems that we have in place in libraries, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00448-00180519-00180906 there is a sort of universalizing force or we tend HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00449-00180906-00181384 to develop standards and systems that are meant to work across HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00450-00181384-00181748 and be the same for all. And that really can't. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00451-00181908-00182314 Happen in this kind of context because it's not necessarily HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00452-00182314-00182395 appropriate. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00453-00182617-00183026 I won't read this whole thing, but I did want to flag that. I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00454-00183026-00183395 think I'm very soon. This particular standard will come HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00455-00183395-00183487 out so that I. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00456-00183495-00183876 Triple E SAP2890, which is the recommended practice for the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00457-00183876-00184124 provenance of Indigenous peoples data. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00458-00184202-00184645 And so I think at this moment, what we're seeing also is the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00459-00184645-00185052 emergence of standards and protocols and principles and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00460-00185052-00185466 practices that are going to be helpful in developing and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00461-00185466-00185894 maintaining policy and practices in relation to indigenous HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00462-00185894-00186301 knowledges, indigenous data from all different kinds of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00463-00186301-00186744 perspectives. And I think at this moment, we're we're seeing HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00464-00186744-00187151 these being developed, but we're kind of still at that. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00465-00187303-00187439 Sort of emerging. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00466-00187500-00187564 Umm. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00467-00187651-00188100 Stage. And so when we talk about Indigenous data sovereignty, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00468-00188100-00188491 again, it is about the appropriate authority or locus HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00469-00188491-00188745 of control for indigenous peoples. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00470-00188864-00189183 On their territories and their ways of in the ways of life. And HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00471-00189183-00189323 so again, I'm speaking from. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00472-00189435-00189895 From my perspective as a citizen of the meat he nation that the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00473-00189895-00190240 main Mateen nation of Ontario has a particular. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00474-00190420-00190697 Area and. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00475-00190799-00191300 And peoples over whom that is sort of appropriate for. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00476-00191466-00191953 Us to consider other territories totally not. Not appropriate, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00477-00191953-00192402 right? That's not wouldn't necessarily be in our purview. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00478-00192402-00192835 And also to mention something that kind of complicates. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00479-00193029-00193391 The factors but should be should be recognized as well as HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00480-00193391-00193666 oftentimes we have overlapping territories. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00481-00193787-00194291 Overlapping histories and so how to recognize that as well. And HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00482-00194291-00194772 so going back to this provenance of Indigenous peoples data? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00483-00194894-00195342 This is not yet released, so I I can't talk too much about it HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00484-00195342-00195544 except to say that there is. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00485-00195905-00196356 Considerations for how we understand again where data HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00486-00196356-00196448 comes from. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00487-00196536-00196978 And being able to attach information so that data can HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00488-00196978-00197330 potentially travel through its life cycle. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00489-00197440-00197863 Going to that research data life cycle and have that provenance HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00490-00197863-00197988 information intact. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00491-00198427-00198799 Have been mentioning all along or right at the early part of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00492-00198799-00199171 this talk looking at my time here of the care principles. So HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00493-00199171-00199518 these come from the global Indigenous data alliance. And HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00494-00199518-00199872 again, I do have that list of resources. So don't get too HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00495-00199872-00200171 worried if you don't have this resource already. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00496-00200263-00200623 And so this is the care principles for indigenous data HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00497-00200623-00200963 governance, collective benefit authority to control HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00498-00200963-00201382 responsibility and ethics, and some of you may be familiar with HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00499-00201382-00201767 the care principles already and maybe considering the care HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00500-00201767-00202127 principles in relation to research, data management or HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00501-00202127-00202232 maybe maybe not. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00502-00202307-00202563 Umm, there is also ocap. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00503-00202695-00203045 Which, if we had more time, I would play this video, but we HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00504-00203045-00203285 don't have it in your list of resources. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00505-00203393-00203851 Which is ownership control and acquisition possession. And so I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00506-00203851-00204294 also want to mention while Ocap is is very helpful, it is for HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00507-00204294-00204745 First Nations data and so again going back to that recognition HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00508-00204745-00204852 that there are. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00509-00205039-00205472 Many different indigenous nations within the country, now HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00510-00205472-00205830 known as Canada, and to understand that what is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00511-00205830-00206106 appropriate and sort of falls under. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00512-00206180-00206488 Umm, something that that fits well with ocap. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00513-00206662-00207184 Doesn't necessarily work for all all nations, so just to be aware HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00514-00207184-00207673 that when we talk about ocap, it's in a very specific context HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00515-00207673-00208179 as well and to not consider that as something that's gonna work HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00516-00208179-00208290 for everybody. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00517-00208449-00208896 And I mentioned in my bio you heard in my bio that I've been HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00518-00208896-00209321 involved in the Open Access movement and for quite a long HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00519-00209321-00209776 time. And it's been interesting to trace a realization in the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00520-00209776-00210084 open movement from a global context that. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00521-00210202-00210629 There needs to be some interventions or rethinking of a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00522-00210629-00211102 of a way of of talking about openness, as if it means equity. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00523-00211102-00211583 And so we again are seeing this a greater awareness around the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00524-00211583-00212071 need to ensure that indigenous people have control of their own HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00525-00212071-00212453 materials or of our own materials, and that means HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00526-00212453-00212529 tempering. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00527-00212638-00212937 Some of that drive for making everything open. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00528-00213218-00213604 And so finally I want to end with this particular quote HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00529-00213604-00213797 because it's not just about. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00530-00214015-00214446 Institutions or organizations making decisions for indigenous HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00531-00214446-00214725 peoples, but that we need to also have. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00532-00214861-00215321 Meaningful participation. And I'm I like you. Maybe I've heard HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00533-00215321-00215775 about capacity sharing, but I like Kiprotich at innumeracy of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00534-00215775-00216220 Toronto, who's talks about it as or capacity building. She's HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00535-00216220-00216666 talked about it as capacity sharing. So rather than thinking HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00536-00216666-00217105 about organizations as building up some missing capacity in HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00537-00217105-00217587 indigenous people to think about it rather as as sharing capacity HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00538-00217587-00217726 and thinking about. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00539-00217790-00218237 How do you meaningfully involve indigenous people, not just as a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00540-00218237-00218650 check box or to say we finish something now we're coming to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00541-00218650-00219043 see if it's OK, but to ensure that indigenous people are HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00542-00219043-00219490 involved from the beginning and also have ongoing and meaningful HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00543-00219490-00219903 participation so that indigenous people actually have that. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00544-00219927-00220407 I'm data themselves or ourselves and are able to. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00545-00220668-00221113 Do the work ourselves rather than than having that be for, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00546-00221113-00221163 for. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00547-00221330-00221650 Other institutions to do so, I think that sometimes I end with HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00548-00221650-00221969 a with a quote that talks about whether something should be in HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00549-00221969-00222299 the universities to begin with. And I think that that's another. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00550-00222449-00222841 Point that's important to consider that given the sort of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00551-00222841-00223178 colonial nature of many institutions to consider, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00552-00223178-00223610 whether that data should be in an institutional repository at a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00553-00223610-00224036 university at all, I think that is an extremely valid question HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00554-00224036-00224086 to ask. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00555-00224189-00224406 OK, so I think we still have time. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00556-00224491-00224817 Uh to to talk. And so I'm going to. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00557-00225398-00225765 Oh, OK. You're still here? I thought I'd lost. Ohh. OK. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00558-00225765-00226027 Sorry, everybody. This is my backwards. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00559-00226173-00226526 OK, there's my cursor so my my screen, my other screen is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00560-00226526-00226849 backwards from from here, so I'm gonna stop sharing. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00561-00227062-00227180 Great. OK. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00562-00227427-00227787 Thank you for your presentation. That was amazing. And if anyone HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00563-00227787-00228131 has any questions, you can put them in the chat or raise your HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00564-00228131-00228181 hands. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00565-00228454-00228578 Can you see the chat, Stacy? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00566-00228637-00228720 I can't, yeah. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00567-00228762-00228812 OK. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00568-00228945-00229330 I'm just putting the list of resources in the chat there, so HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00569-00229330-00229380 if you. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00570-00229426-00229497 Umm. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00571-00229620-00229912 Want to check the motor? You don't know. Uh, some of these HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00572-00229912-00230165 resources you should be able to to see them there. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00573-00231473-00231714 Uh, OK, I see a question from Alexandra. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00574-00231881-00232235 I thank you for a very interesting presentation. I'm HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00575-00232235-00232670 I'm wondering if you could speak a little bit to the. Sorry, no, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00576-00232670-00233058 I'm looking at the wrong screen looking at you not at the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00577-00233058-00233108 camera. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00578-00233217-00233776 I'm wondering if you could speak a little bit to the line in the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00579-00233776-00234266 IE provenance document that I think said something that. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00580-00234415-00234847 Encouraged developing common descriptors and controlled HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00581-00234847-00235257 vocabulary, and I'm thinking that maybe that's a bit HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00582-00235257-00235712 intention with the the need to acknowledge and embrace and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00583-00235712-00235882 embody the uniqueness. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00584-00236064-00236198 And I and. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00585-00236282-00236696 On a on a practical implementation across library HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00586-00236696-00236977 systems and across RDBMS systems. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00587-00237085-00237422 Umm, how are we going to do that? This is kind of what what HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00588-00237422-00237764 I'm wondering and if you have any thoughts at this stage and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00589-00237764-00237966 in this project on that. Thank you. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00590-00238041-00238438 Yeah, that's a great question. And I think, uh, I feel like the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00591-00238438-00238568 internal struggle of. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00592-00238735-00239139 Of standards, right? How do we how do we have standards when we HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00593-00239139-00239486 also need to focus on uniqueness, right. The standards HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00594-00239486-00239782 always, always push back on the need for that. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00595-00239884-00240161 Need for sort of diversity of of. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00596-00240322-00240372 Of. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00597-00240444-00240839 I don't know the world really is like the whole world. So it's HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00598-00240839-00241203 like it's a huge problem. And so, you know, so one of the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00599-00241203-00241328 things is this, the. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00600-00241445-00241897 Nicola Indigenous terminology Platform project is actually HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00601-00241897-00242348 intended to assist with that in in the way that instead of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00602-00242348-00242808 having one set of vocabularies that's meant to like be used HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00603-00242808-00243313 across everywhere, it's thinking how can we bring in different so HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00604-00243313-00243819 develop vocabulary but also be a space to hold different kinds of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00605-00243819-00244263 vocabularies. Because sometimes if you have a collection. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00606-00244337-00244549 You might need to have a very specific. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00607-00244633-00244750 And very. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00608-00244821-00245233 Uh, like I could see something being very geographically or HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00609-00245233-00245646 nation focused. So if you have a, you know you might need a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00610-00245646-00245696 very. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00611-00245699-00245898 And detailed. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00612-00245972-00246182 And uh. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00613-00246250-00246549 I feel like I need a whiteboard. I probably I'm not even gonna HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00614-00246549-00246782 try and use the teams whiteboards. I should have HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00615-00246782-00247044 mentioned, but you know, you might need something very HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00616-00247044-00247353 detailed versus something that's more sort of large scale. And I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00617-00247353-00247624 think these are important questions that are emerging to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00618-00247624-00247838 say, what would it look like to move across? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00619-00247908-00248267 Umm, platforms to consider something like identity or to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00620-00248267-00248619 consider something like geographies and what do we even HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00621-00248619-00249009 call a location? For example in data and what would that look HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00622-00249009-00249367 like in multiple languages and what does that do for our HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00623-00249367-00249732 systems? And so I think our systems need to catch up in a HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00624-00249732-00250129 way. So what our repositories are doing and what our standards HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00625-00250129-00250500 are doing and I think we're going to, I hope I always hope HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00626-00250500-00250884 we will get there if we have the intention to do that. And I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00627-00250884-00251085 think unlike maybe 15 years ago. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00628-00251119-00251222 We have. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00629-00251414-00251754 We have the technical capacity in some ways to allow for HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00630-00251754-00252087 different standards to sit alongside each other. We see HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00631-00252087-00252433 that with things like the homotaurine. If you're familiar HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00632-00252433-00252749 with that set of vocabularies, that's for the LGBTQ. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00633-00252875-00252980 Plus community. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00634-00253055-00253412 That that those terminologies are being able to be implemented HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00635-00253412-00253741 in systems alongside other vocabulary. So I don't know if HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00636-00253741-00254075 that answers your question exactly a let Alexander but you HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00637-00254075-00254415 know it is always a problem when we need to have standards. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00638-00254536-00254909 But if the principles are there, I think that's the important HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00639-00254909-00255210 part. If we have an understanding that we need to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00640-00255210-00255530 do, make sure that we're not, that we're meeting the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00641-00255530-00255855 principles of undrip or the principles of care or the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00642-00255855-00256186 principles of understanding who should be able to say. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00643-00256302-00256530 Then I feel like we are on a good path. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00644-00256650-00256748 Thank you very much. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00645-00258718-00258771 This. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00646-00258930-00259259 Question from Rebecca. UM, not sure yet if this is your HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00647-00259259-00259642 question, but your presentation made me think of how to possibly HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00648-00259642-00259954 include conditions to access data or collections and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00649-00259954-00260307 repositories such as geographic or permission of respective HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00650-00260307-00260624 community members. Yes. Yeah, so that is an important HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00651-00260624-00260901 consideration and there are repositories like. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00652-00260986-00261406 Mercado you that that have protocols in place to be able to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00653-00261406-00261456 set. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00654-00261532-00261838 Access based on geographies or or community. So I didn't HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00655-00261838-00262172 include this in the talk today, but I can try and remember to HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00656-00262172-00262500 add it to my list of resources right after this talk so that HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00657-00262500-00262704 you can go and look at that and that. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00658-00262812-00263161 You know again that repository software is intentionally HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00659-00263161-00263473 created for indigenous materials, so that is built HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00660-00263473-00263847 right in. It's not something that has to be sometimes I feel HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00661-00263847-00264220 like when we have our systems we're trying to like make them HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00662-00264220-00264570 appropriate, but they'll never quite be 100% appropriate HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00663-00264570-00264900 because they're they're built for a different kind of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00664-00264900-00265255 understanding of the world or way of of working, which is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00665-00265255-00265617 sometimes based more in the individual. So you know, a lot HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00666-00265617-00265923 of repositories you can set access based on your. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00667-00265947-00266036 User type. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00668-00266113-00266513 Rather than potentially on your your community or setting the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00669-00266513-00266843 access at the point of material which tends to be. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00670-00266978-00267433 Either an open or closed right, it's open or it's closed. We HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00671-00267433-00267880 have our dark archives and our open archives, so rethinking HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00672-00267880-00268357 that level of access is really important, and certainly there's HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00673-00268357-00268811 things like the local context labels which are doing some of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00674-00268811-00269199 that work as well that sit alongside or or sort of. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00675-00269261-00269623 Work through a kind of approach that is similar to the Creative HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00676-00269623-00269673 Commons. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00677-00271095-00271523 You're welcome. So again, I know that. So if anybody has anything HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00678-00271523-00271913 also they would like to add because I know that some of you HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00679-00271913-00272250 here may have a lot of experience as well. So I did HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00680-00272250-00272406 want there to be if you. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00681-00272472-00272891 Want to add something? You're very welcome. Not just not just HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00682-00272891-00272986 ask questions. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00683-00275084-00275349 Alright. Does anybody feel like they have a research data HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00684-00275349-00275622 management plan in place that they would like to share your HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00685-00275622-00275823 welcome also to maybe put that in the chat? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00686-00276087-00276281 I always like to learn more as well so. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00687-00277886-00277947 Aye. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00688-00278050-00278495 And luckily in directed me in the chat to share ours, which I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00689-00278495-00278932 can do in a minute. So by hours I mean dowels, and yes, he's HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00690-00278932-00279312 rightly pointed out that he could do it himself. So, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00691-00279312-00279470 Laughlin, get on that. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00692-00279603-00280052 I don't have a question I did wanna say Stacy though. Thank HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00693-00280052-00280523 you so much for speaking today. I wrote down heats of notes. I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00694-00280523-00280956 love your love note to the future. I think that's such an HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00695-00280956-00281390 app description of what good metadata can be. And I think HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00696-00281390-00281824 they're often is attention between recognizing indigenous HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00697-00281824-00282295 rights and, you know, sharing openly. But I think that when we HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00698-00282295-00282624 are respectful and when we're really clear. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00699-00282660-00283172 And document and think about intention that I think that they HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00700-00283172-00283411 can sit kind of side by side. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00701-00283496-00283970 Umm, what else did I write down? I I I stressed this when I wrote HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00702-00283970-00284437 and then underlined it because I I shared that same idea of like HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00703-00284437-00284854 this needs to become part of the work process. So sort of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00704-00284854-00285307 integrated into process rather than an afterthought. So really HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00705-00285307-00285479 glad that you said that. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00706-00285487-00285967 That I will be joining Nicola. I haven't done that yet, but thank HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00707-00285967-00286098 you for that plug. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00708-00286127-00286583 And and the other thing that you said that I loved was just that HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00709-00286583-00286808 open doesn't equate with equity. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00710-00286892-00287192 And I think that that's a really important new ones. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00711-00287298-00287696 They're not the same thing at all. So thanks again. That was HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00712-00287696-00287761 brilliant. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00713-00287905-00288201 Thank you, Louise. And also to lease for pointing out that the HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00714-00288201-00288497 love note to the future, yes, I did not, I wish I came up with HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00715-00288497-00288779 that, but I didn't. You can, I believe by T-shirts, which I HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00716-00288779-00289057 should have was like looking today. I'm like, oh, I really HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00717-00289057-00289367 should buy one of those T-shirts that has metadata is a love note HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00718-00289367-00289433 to the future. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00719-00289597-00289686 And so. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00720-00289697-00290335 A. Yes, I did not. I cannot take credit for that as at all. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00721-00290393-00290462 Umm. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00722-00290972-00291099 I'm just looking at. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00723-00291625-00291953 Ohh look and Christian so so Mackenzie around subject HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00724-00291953-00292324 headings. I think it really depends on what your approach is HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00725-00292324-00292701 going to be, so that's probably not something I can answer in HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00726-00292701-00292890 the next couple of minutes but. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00727-00292951-00293355 Umm and I I know again, I know CE. Some people on this call HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00728-00293355-00293571 like Christine Bone and Camille. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00729-00293929-00294297 Callison, who have done work on this as well on thinking about HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00730-00294297-00294637 different ways to change your subject headings. Christian HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00731-00294637-00294976 sister, who's also commented, has done some work as well. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00732-00295067-00295158 Umm. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00733-00295252-00295407 So there's different approaches. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00734-00295621-00295924 And I'm going to look to the talk about Maui Hudson, I think HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00735-00295924-00296122 I included it on the list of resources. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00736-00296181-00296488 And if I didn't let me double check, there should be a. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00737-00296609-00296835 A link to his paper. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00738-00296910-00297174 On there and I'll just check. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00739-00297298-00297613 And data lifecycle. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00740-00297907-00298233 Yeah, I think it's just this idea that a life cycle requires HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00741-00298233-00298559 an end. I think sometimes when I feel like life cycle means. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00742-00298651-00298838 Does it end and sort of? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00743-00298991-00299390 The grade and then come alive. Like if it's just something HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00744-00299390-00299694 about life cycle that implies a potentially. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00745-00299783-00299858 Umm. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00746-00299951-00300245 Something that doesn't necessarily happen with data, HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00747-00300245-00300300 right? So. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00748-00300307-00300761 So maybe it's just my thinking around. Is there a different way HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00749-00300761-00301209 we could talk about about data because it doesn't necessarily? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00750-00301330-00301387 Umm. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00751-00301531-00301691 Have that same approach but. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00752-00301790-00301840 You know. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00753-00301910-00302241 Probably again something I can't answer in the next couple of HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00754-00302241-00302291 minutes. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00755-00303833-00304191 Yeah. So I I'm, I guess, yeah. So archive data, yes, I think HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00756-00304191-00304542 it's, I think it's this also this question of archived data HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00757-00304542-00304906 versus data for reuse and how we're thinking of some of those HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00758-00304906-00305158 pieces and there's probably a whole other. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00759-00305239-00305595 Umm session that could be done on just interrogating or looking HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00760-00305595-00305907 at the concept of the life cycle. I know that there are HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00761-00305907-00306135 some some ways that that model has been. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00762-00306219-00306277 Umm. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00763-00306367-00306744 Visited or commented on in an indigenous context. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00764-00306894-00307003 And so. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00765-00307186-00307572 That is something we could like for a future conversation. Maybe HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00766-00307572-00307929 that we could sort of pull apart. What, what? Some of those HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00767-00307929-00308268 things mean and also won't. Sometimes when we talk about HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00768-00308268-00308583 things like ecosystem or landscape and to just again HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00769-00308583-00308976 interrogate a little bit what we mean by by some of those models. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00770-00310257-00310554 One minute left. If anyone has a last minute question. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00771-00311036-00311271 Oh, thank you, lochlyn. Thank you. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00772-00311898-00312164 You can tell it's like actually sunny here today and I feel like HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00773-00312164-00312406 I'm sitting in my not normal seat for for these things and HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00774-00312406-00312484 it's getting quite. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00775-00312559-00312910 Quite, quite sunny. Oh, you don't see the link of resources. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00776-00312910-00313054 OK. Did everybody see it? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00777-00313167-00313608 No, let me grab it again and see if I can put it in. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00778-00313821-00314110 In there? Or maybe I didn't actually press send now, can you HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00779-00314110-00314160 see it? HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00780-00314242-00314290 Yes. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00781-00314290-00314559 It's been sitting this whole time in my like, chat. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00782-00314833-00314992 Sorry, I thought everyone had it. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00783-00315195-00315344 I'm gonna left and never known. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00784-00315963-00316290 OK. I guess that's time. Thank you so much, Stacy, and thank HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00785-00316290-00316446 you to everybody who came up. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00786-00316533-00316550 Have a good day. HN0Uz1iJ_eY-00787-00316550-00316761 Yes, thank you. Thank you everybody. HppF6sr6yJ0-00000-00000028-00000423 hkgalbert expatriated to Hong Kong in October, 1949, HppF6sr6yJ0-00001-00000423-00000875 "Chun Lan Yat Po (真欄日報)" was established in 1946, HppF6sr6yJ0-00002-00000875-00001250 newspaper office was located on second floor at 35 to 37 Wing Lok Street (永樂街), Hong Kong, HppF6sr6yJ0-00003-00001250-00001570 newspaper office was located on second floor at 35 to 37 Wing Lok Street (永樂街), Hong Kong, HppF6sr6yJ0-00004-00001570-00002085 "Chun Lan Yat Po (真欄日報)" should be Hong Kong first entertainment news, originally print through "Sun Kee (慎記書莊)" at 14 Li Yuen Street East (利源東街), Hong Kong, HppF6sr6yJ0-00005-00002085-00002293 "Chun Lan Yat Po (真欄日報)" should be Hong Kong first entertainment news, originally print through "Sun Kee (慎記書莊)" at 14 Li Yuen Street East (利源東街), Hong Kong, HppF6sr6yJ0-00006-00002293-00002827 they daily printed over 10,000 pieces, various topics, HppF6sr6yJ0-00007-00002827-00003302 somebodies seeking for playing wife swapping game in conservative society, HppF6sr6yJ0-00008-00003302-00003643 they changed to colour printing on glossy paper in March, 1960, HppF6sr6yJ0-00009-00003643-00004152 they changed to colour printing on glossy paper in March, 1960, HppF6sr6yJ0-00010-00004152-00004482 daily posted Mr. Louie Yu Tin's comic "stupid king (烏龍王)", HppF6sr6yJ0-00011-00004482-00005078 On 31st July, 1960, Sunday, HppF6sr6yJ0-00012-00005078-00005153 "Chun Lan Yat Po (真欄日報)" cooperated with communist bandits' "Shanlian Film Company (山聯影業公司)", HppF6sr6yJ0-00013-00005153-00005496 at 10:00 a.m. on 31st July, 1960, Sunday, HppF6sr6yJ0-00014-00005496-00005884 Global Theatre (環球戲院) at 339 Lockhart Road (駱克道), Wan Chai (灣仔), Hong Kong Island, HppF6sr6yJ0-00015-00005884-00006212 Global Theatre (環球戲院) at 339 Lockhart Road (駱克道), Wan Chai (灣仔), Hong Kong Island, HppF6sr6yJ0-00016-00006212-00006586 readers were entertained to watch a 1960 Cantonese tragedy film "The great devotion (可憐天下父母心)". HppF6sr6yJ0-00017-00006586-00006922 readers were entertained to watch a 1960 Cantonese tragedy film "The great devotion (可憐天下父母心)". HppF6sr6yJ0-00018-00006922-00007270 film director Mr. Chor Yuen (楚原), came with the film actors, such as Mr. Cheung Wood Yau (張活游), Ms. Pak Yan (白茵), HppF6sr6yJ0-00019-00007270-00007759 Mr. Tu Ping (杜平) and Mr. Sze Ma Wah Lung (司馬華龍), HppF6sr6yJ0-00020-00007759-00008206 child stars, such as Ms. Michael Lai (黎小田), Ms. Felicia Wong (王愛明), Mr. Leung Chun Mut (梁俊密) and Ms. Petrina Fung (馮寶寶), HppF6sr6yJ0-00021-00008206-00008763 they came to see the audiences, HppF6sr6yJ0-00022-00008763-00009238 Mr. Mui Siu Chee (梅少芝) was the main editor in 1961, its price was 10 cents, HppF6sr6yJ0-00023-00009238-00009578 Mr. Mui Siu Chee (梅少芝) was the main editor in 1961, its price was 10 cents, HppF6sr6yJ0-00024-00009578-00009959 posted an 96 square inches (619 square cm) area advertisement, need to pay HK$ 288 in November, 1970. HppF6sr6yJ0-00025-00009959-00010228 posted an 96 square inches (619 square cm) area advertisement, need to pay HK$ 288 in November, 1970. HOmz-wd1BQo-00000-00000651-00001229 Ooh, girl, I like you, I do I wanna be your friend, go shoppin' in a Benz HOmz-wd1BQo-00001-00001229-00001725 I like you, I do I'll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? HOmz-wd1BQo-00002-00001729-00002211 I like you, I do We went over to France and we woke up in Japan HOmz-wd1BQo-00003-00002211-00003027 I like you, I do (I do, mm, mm) Oh, girl, I know you only like it fancy (fancy) HOmz-wd1BQo-00004-00003027-00003538 So I pull up in that Maybach Candy Yeah, your boyfriend'll never understand me HOmz-wd1BQo-00005-00003538-00003821 'Cause I'm 'bout to pull this girl like a hammy, hammy (wow) HOmz-wd1BQo-00006-00003821-00004078 Let's take a lil' dip, lil' lady HOmz-wd1BQo-00007-00004078-00004618 Hit PCH, one-eighty Hey, I've been thinkin' lately HOmz-wd1BQo-00008-00004618-00005353 That I need someone to save me Now that I'm famous, I got hoes all around me HOmz-wd1BQo-00009-00005353-00005855 But I need a good girl, I need someone to ground me HOmz-wd1BQo-00010-00005855-00006348 So please be true, don't fuck around with me I need someone to share this heart with me HOmz-wd1BQo-00011-00006348-00006795 Feel you up, then run it back again (run it back again) HOmz-wd1BQo-00012-00006795-00007391 Ooh, girl, I like you, I do (I do) I wanna be your friend, go shoppin' in a Benz HOmz-wd1BQo-00013-00007391-00007556 (woo) I like you, I do (I do) HOmz-wd1BQo-00014-00007556-00007893 I'll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? HOmz-wd1BQo-00015-00007893-00008367 I like you, I do (mm, I do) We went over to France and we woke up in Japan HOmz-wd1BQo-00016-00008367-00009140 I like you, I do (mm, mm, I do) Let me know when you're free HOmz-wd1BQo-00017-00009140-00009419 'Cause I've been tryna hit it all week, HOmz-wd1BQo-00018-00009419-00009606 babeWhile you actin' all sweet? HOmz-wd1BQo-00019-00009606-00010166 I know that you want lil' ol me I get a little OD HOmz-wd1BQo-00020-00010166-00010585 But ain't shit new to a freak Lemme drop bands, put a jewel in your teeth HOmz-wd1BQo-00021-00010585-00010850 He love the way I drip, turn that pool to the beach HOmz-wd1BQo-00022-00010850-00011360 And I coulda copped the Birkin but I cop Céline Why we got the same taste for the finer things? HOmz-wd1BQo-00023-00011360-00011878 Brand new nigga with the same old team Now he got me on a leash 'cause we said no strings HOmz-wd1BQo-00024-00011878-00012074 You know I'm cool with that HOmz-wd1BQo-00025-00012074-00012365 Stole the pussy, you ain't get sued for that (get sued, sued) HOmz-wd1BQo-00026-00012365-00012632 Wonder what a nigga might do for that (do, might do) HOmz-wd1BQo-00027-00012632-00012826 I could be your Chaka, where Rufus at? HOmz-wd1BQo-00028-00012826-00012884 (Where?) HOmz-wd1BQo-00029-00012884-00013132 Eighty in the Benz when the roof go back, ayy HOmz-wd1BQo-00030-00013132-00013379 They don't wanna see us get too attached, ayy HOmz-wd1BQo-00031-00013379-00013714 I just got a feelin' that we might be friends for a long, long time HOmz-wd1BQo-00032-00013714-00014232 Your mine, and you know I like you for that Ooh, girl, I like you, I do (I do) HOmz-wd1BQo-00033-00014232-00014755 I wanna be your friend, go shoppin' in a Benz I like you, I do (I do) HOmz-wd1BQo-00034-00014755-00015000 I'll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? HOmz-wd1BQo-00035-00015000-00015268 (Fit me in your plans) I like you, I do (I do) HOmz-wd1BQo-00036-00015268-00015975 We went over to France and we woke up in Japan I like you, I do (I do, mm, I do) HOmz-wd1BQo-00037-00015975-00016506 I just want you, I just want you Your heart's so big but that ass is huge HOmz-wd1BQo-00038-00016506-00017024 Just want you, oh baby Do you like me too? HOmz-wd1BQo-00039-00017024-00017253 Just want you, Just want you, HOmz-wd1BQo-00040-00017253-00017539 heart's so big but that ass is huge HOmz-wd1BQo-00041-00017539-00018111 Just want you baby do you like me too? HRIq8ricP94-00000-00000000-00000050 ARKADAŞLAR MERHABA HRIq8ricP94-00002-00000389-00000704 BARAK BR 20 KALDIĞIMIZ YERDEN HRIq8ricP94-00003-00000704-00000863 DEVAM EDİYORUZ VİDEOLARIMIZA HRIq8ricP94-00004-00000981-00001195 FARKLI BİR KONSEPT YAPALIM DEDİK HRIq8ricP94-00005-00001226-00001438 MODİFİYELİ BR20 İLE HRIq8ricP94-00006-00001523-00001844 ATIŞ YAPACAĞIZ AYNI ZAMANDA TEST ETMİŞ OLACAĞIZ HRIq8ricP94-00009-00002846-00003026 FARKLI OLARAK NEYİMİZ VAR HRIq8ricP94-00010-00003086-00003254 RENGİNİ DEĞİŞTİRDİK HRIq8ricP94-00011-00003331-00003438 DÜRBÜN TAKTIK HRIq8ricP94-00012-00003482-00003786 YAN GEZ ARPACAĞA DA NORMAL HRIq8ricP94-00013-00003786-00004097 ÜZERİNDEKİ STANDA RT GEZ ARPACIĞI HRIq8ricP94-00014-00004097-00004410 KÜÇÜK BİR PARÇA YARDIMIYLA AYAK YARDIMILA HRIq8ricP94-00015-00004470-00004671 ŞÖYLE GÖSTEREYİM HRIq8ricP94-00016-00004712-00005136 ATTINIZ DÖNDÜNÜZ DURUŞ SAĞLAYABİLİYORSUNUZ HRIq8ricP94-00017-00005462-00005608 BU DAHA ÖNCEDEN HRIq8ricP94-00018-00005710-00006030 RESİMDE YAZI OLARAK PAYLAŞMIŞTIM ÇATAL AYAK HRIq8ricP94-00019-00006126-00006314 YURT DIŞINDAN GETİRTTİRDİM BUNU HRIq8ricP94-00020-00006408-00006595 GAYET SAĞLAM HRIq8ricP94-00021-00006649-00006815 12 KALİBREDE HRIq8ricP94-00022-00006888-00007188 BİLE DAYANABİLİYORSA HER HANGİ BİR SIKINTI YAŞATMIYOR HRIq8ricP94-00023-00007269-00007369 ŞİMDİ HRIq8ricP94-00024-00007425-00007628 BARAKLA BİR İKİ ATIŞ YAPALIM HRIq8ricP94-00025-00007688-00007925 ONDAN SONRA SERİ ATIŞ YAPACAĞIM HRIq8ricP94-00026-00007925-00008273 YİNE MESAFEMİZ AYNI 35-40 METRE MESAFEYE ATIŞ YAPACAĞIM HRIq8ricP94-00027-00008452-00008705 KULAKLIĞIMIZI UNUTMAYALIM HRIq8ricP94-00028-00008828-00008928 BAKALIM HRIq8ricP94-00029-00009221-00009399 BURDA GÜZEL BİR YER BULDUK KENDİMİZE HRIq8ricP94-00030-00011342-00011442 GÜZEL HRIq8ricP94-00031-00011552-00011713 AYAK BİRAZ KAYIYOR HRIq8ricP94-00032-00011746-00011930 ÇÜNKÜ TAM OTURACAK YERİ YOK HRIq8ricP94-00033-00012407-00012507 GÜZEL HRIq8ricP94-00034-00012554-00012886 BU ARADA ÇATAL AYAĞINDAN BİRAZ BAHSEDEYİM HRIq8ricP94-00035-00012964-00013260 ÜSTÜNDEN ŞÖYLE AÇI VEREBİLİYORSUNUZ GÜZEL BİR ÖZELLİK HRIq8ricP94-00036-00013260-00013367 VİDEODA GÖREBİLİYORMUYUZ BİLMİYORUM HRIq8ricP94-00037-00013559-00013859 AYNI ZAMANDA AYAĞI UZAYABİLİYOR HRIq8ricP94-00038-00013859-00013960 3 KADEME HRIq8ricP94-00039-00014576-00014825 ŞU ŞEKİLDE DAHA YÜKSEKTEN ATABİLİRSİNİZ HRIq8ricP94-00040-00014896-00015140 MESELA ŞUAN YUKARDAKİ HEDEFİ DAHA RAHAT GÖRÜYORUM HRIq8ricP94-00041-00015380-00015480 YADA ŞU ŞEKİLDE HRIq8ricP94-00042-00015509-00015686 ATIYORUM ARAZİDESİNİZ HRIq8ricP94-00043-00016056-00016156 BU ARADA TÜFEĞİMİZ BOŞ HRIq8ricP94-00044-00016166-00016266 HERHANGİ BİR SIKINTI YOK HRIq8ricP94-00045-00016330-00016526 BİR AYAĞI YARIM BIRAKIP DİĞER AYAĞI TAM AÇIP HRIq8ricP94-00046-00016558-00016784 ARAZİYE GÖRE POZİSYON ALABİLİYORSUNUZ HRIq8ricP94-00047-00016902-00017101 TABİ BİZ ONUDA KAPATACAĞIZ HRIq8ricP94-00048-00017182-00017311 BİZİ FAZLA SARSMASIN HRIq8ricP94-00049-00017539-00017639 JARJÖRÜMÜZÜ ŞÖYLE BIRAKALIM HRIq8ricP94-00050-00017782-00017907 BORA ZATEN HRIq8ricP94-00051-00017958-00018253 KENDİNİ İSPATLAMIŞ BİR FİRMA HRIq8ricP94-00052-00018253-00018353 YERLİ SİLAH SANAYİSİNDE HRIq8ricP94-00053-00018639-00018872 ŞİKAYET EDEN BİR KULLANICI GÖRMEDİM HRIq8ricP94-00054-00018950-00019267 ZATEN KULLANANLARDA OLDUKÇA MEMNUNLAR HRIq8ricP94-00055-00019698-00019798 BAKALIM HRIq8ricP94-00056-00020149-00020441 BİRDE SERİ ATMAYI DENEYECEĞİM HRIq8ricP94-00057-00021691-00021791 GÜZEL HRIq8ricP94-00058-00023366-00023466 ORAYA HRIq8ricP94-00059-00023512-00023804 GELMESİDE AYRI BİR SIKINTI HRIq8ricP94-00060-00023815-00023915 NEYSE ŞURDAN GELEYİM HRIq8ricP94-00061-00024134-00024356 BORAYI YAKINDAN GÖSTEREYİM HRIq8ricP94-00062-00024463-00024623 ŞU KISIMDA KULLANILAN HRIq8ricP94-00063-00024665-00024805 PARÇAYI İSTER KULLANIN HRIq8ricP94-00064-00024805-00025107 İSTER KULLANMAYIN METAL PARÇA BİRAZ DAHA ELE OTURMUYOR AMA HRIq8ricP94-00065-00025107-00025313 ŞUNLA RAHATLIKLA KULLANABİLİYORSUNUZ HRIq8ricP94-00066-00025403-00025522 20 KALİBRE HRIq8ricP94-00067-00025634-00025903 ÖNCELİKLE ŞU ÖN YARGIYI HRIq8ricP94-00068-00025903-00026022 SİLEYİM KAFANIZDAN HRIq8ricP94-00069-00026179-00026478 BİZ 36 KALİBREYİDE KULLANDIK HRIq8ricP94-00070-00026478-00026761 20 Yİ DE KULLANDIK 12 Yİ DE KULLANDIK HRIq8ricP94-00071-00026865-00026975 12 HRIq8ricP94-00072-00027021-00027298 BAMBAŞKA BİRŞEY ATTIĞINIZI DEVİRİYOR VURUYOR HRIq8ricP94-00073-00027298-00027591 PARÇALIYOR O HİSSİ VERİ YOR SİZE HRIq8ricP94-00074-00027594-00027878 AMA 36 DA TEPME YOK 36 HRIq8ricP94-00075-00028009-00028292 ETKİSİ BİRAZ DAHA DÜŞÜK AMA 20 HRIq8ricP94-00076-00028436-00028663 BEN İLK DEFA KULLANDIM HRIq8ricP94-00077-00028664-00028938 12 VE 36 NIN ARASINDA HRIq8ricP94-00078-00028938-00029233 AVDA DA KULLANILIR TAHRİBATTA DA KULLANILIR HRIq8ricP94-00079-00029233-00029547 TAKTİKTE DE KULLANILIR FAZLA SİZİ YIPRATMAZ HRIq8ricP94-00080-00029594-00029770 20 KALİBRE HRIq8ricP94-00081-00029770-00029994 TÜFEKLERİN ARTMASININ TEMEL NEDENİ HRIq8ricP94-00082-00030039-00030137 ESKİSİ GİBİ DEĞİL ZATEN HRIq8ricP94-00083-00030137-00030403 ARTIK HER TÜFEĞİN FİŞEĞİNİ BULABİLİYORSUNUZ HRIq8ricP94-00084-00030403-00030503 AV BAYİLERİNE GİTTİĞİNİZDE HRIq8ricP94-00085-00030584-00030899 ZATEN FİYATLAR OLDUKÇA PAHALI HRIq8ricP94-00086-00030899-00031120 PARAYI VERDİKTEN SONRA HERYERDEN HER FİŞEĞİ BULABİLİRSİNİZ HRIq8ricP94-00087-00031667-00031882 BARAK 20 HRIq8ricP94-00088-00031882-00032061 ARKADAŞLAR İZLEDİĞİNİZ İÇİN TEŞEKKÜR EDİYORUM HRIq8ricP94-00089-00032163-00032354 VİDEOYU BEĞENMEYİ UNUTMAYIN HRIq8ricP94-00090-00032666-00032936 TÜFEK HAKKINDA SORULARINIZ YORUMLARINIZ BİZLER İÇİN ÖNEMLİ HRIq8ricP94-00091-00032936-00033145 ÖNERİLERİNİZ BİZLER İÇİN ÖNEMLİ HRIq8ricP94-00092-00033145-00033449 PAYLAŞMAYI UNUTMAYIN HRIq8ricP94-00093-00033449-00033711 ABONE OLMAYI UNUTMAYIN ARKADAŞLAR HRIq8ricP94-00094-00033711-00033811 BEĞEN BUTONUNA BASMAYI UNUTMAYIN TEŞEKKÜRLER HRUuDBSj14c-00002-00012718-00013391 IN VIETNAM AS WELL.LET'S LISTEN HOW IT IS.HOPE ALL YOU GUYS ENJOY IT.THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR WATCHING! HTiLvwLfhE4-00000-00000010-00000243 WEIMANN. HTiLvwLfhE4-00001-00000243-00000250 WEIMANN. HTiLvwLfhE4-00002-00000250-00000383 WEIMANN. >>> EACH YEAR, THOUSANDS OF HTiLvwLfhE4-00003-00000383-00000390 WEIMANN. >>> EACH YEAR, THOUSANDS OF HTiLvwLfhE4-00004-00000390-00000503 WEIMANN. >>> EACH YEAR, THOUSANDS OF COMMUNITIES COME TOGETHER ALL HTiLvwLfhE4-00005-00000503-00000510 >>> EACH YEAR, THOUSANDS OF COMMUNITIES COME TOGETHER ALL HTiLvwLfhE4-00006-00000510-00000630 >>> EACH YEAR, THOUSANDS OF COMMUNITIES COME TOGETHER ALL OVER THE COUNTRY TO END HUNGER HTiLvwLfhE4-00007-00000630-00000637 COMMUNITIES COME TOGETHER ALL OVER THE COUNTRY TO END HUNGER HTiLvwLfhE4-00008-00000637-00000820 COMMUNITIES COME TOGETHER ALL OVER THE COUNTRY TO END HUNGER ONE STEP AT A TIME. HTiLvwLfhE4-00009-00000820-00000827 OVER THE COUNTRY TO END HUNGER ONE STEP AT A TIME. HTiLvwLfhE4-00010-00000827-00000990 OVER THE COUNTRY TO END HUNGER ONE STEP AT A TIME. CROP HUNGER WALKS ARE SPONSORED HTiLvwLfhE4-00011-00000990-00000997 ONE STEP AT A TIME. CROP HUNGER WALKS ARE SPONSORED HTiLvwLfhE4-00012-00000997-00001144 ONE STEP AT A TIME. CROP HUNGER WALKS ARE SPONSORED BY CHURCH WORLD SERVICE AND HTiLvwLfhE4-00013-00001144-00001151 CROP HUNGER WALKS ARE SPONSORED BY CHURCH WORLD SERVICE AND HTiLvwLfhE4-00014-00001151-00001314 CROP HUNGER WALKS ARE SPONSORED BY CHURCH WORLD SERVICE AND ORGANIZED BY LOCAL CHURCHES. HTiLvwLfhE4-00015-00001314-00001321 BY CHURCH WORLD SERVICE AND ORGANIZED BY LOCAL CHURCHES. HTiLvwLfhE4-00016-00001321-00001441 BY CHURCH WORLD SERVICE AND ORGANIZED BY LOCAL CHURCHES. THE CITY OF BRAINERD HAS BEEN HTiLvwLfhE4-00017-00001441-00001448 ORGANIZED BY LOCAL CHURCHES. THE CITY OF BRAINERD HAS BEEN HTiLvwLfhE4-00018-00001448-00001628 ORGANIZED BY LOCAL CHURCHES. THE CITY OF BRAINERD HAS BEEN PARTICIPATING IN THE WALK FOR HTiLvwLfhE4-00019-00001628-00001634 THE CITY OF BRAINERD HAS BEEN PARTICIPATING IN THE WALK FOR HTiLvwLfhE4-00020-00001634-00001788 THE CITY OF BRAINERD HAS BEEN PARTICIPATING IN THE WALK FOR OVER 20 YEARS WITH A GOAL OF HTiLvwLfhE4-00021-00001788-00001795 PARTICIPATING IN THE WALK FOR OVER 20 YEARS WITH A GOAL OF HTiLvwLfhE4-00022-00001795-00001988 PARTICIPATING IN THE WALK FOR OVER 20 YEARS WITH A GOAL OF RAISING AWARENESS THAT HUNGER IS HTiLvwLfhE4-00023-00001988-00001995 OVER 20 YEARS WITH A GOAL OF RAISING AWARENESS THAT HUNGER IS HTiLvwLfhE4-00024-00001995-00002105 OVER 20 YEARS WITH A GOAL OF RAISING AWARENESS THAT HUNGER IS A LARGE ISSUE, BUT ANYONE CAN HTiLvwLfhE4-00025-00002105-00002112 RAISING AWARENESS THAT HUNGER IS A LARGE ISSUE, BUT ANYONE CAN HTiLvwLfhE4-00026-00002112-00002642 RAISING AWARENESS THAT HUNGER IS A LARGE ISSUE, BUT ANYONE CAN HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE. HTiLvwLfhE4-00027-00002642-00002649 A LARGE ISSUE, BUT ANYONE CAN HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE. HTiLvwLfhE4-00028-00002649-00002889 A LARGE ISSUE, BUT ANYONE CAN HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE. >> IN THIS TIME IN THIS COUNTRY, HTiLvwLfhE4-00029-00002889-00002896 HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE. >> IN THIS TIME IN THIS COUNTRY, HTiLvwLfhE4-00030-00002896-00003063 HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE. >> IN THIS TIME IN THIS COUNTRY, IN THIS WORLD, IT FEELS LIKE HTiLvwLfhE4-00031-00003063-00003069 >> IN THIS TIME IN THIS COUNTRY, IN THIS WORLD, IT FEELS LIKE HTiLvwLfhE4-00032-00003069-00003246 >> IN THIS TIME IN THIS COUNTRY, IN THIS WORLD, IT FEELS LIKE THINGS ARE SO OVERWHELMING THAT HTiLvwLfhE4-00033-00003246-00003253 IN THIS WORLD, IT FEELS LIKE THINGS ARE SO OVERWHELMING THAT HTiLvwLfhE4-00034-00003253-00003390 IN THIS WORLD, IT FEELS LIKE THINGS ARE SO OVERWHELMING THAT THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO THAT'S HTiLvwLfhE4-00035-00003390-00003396 THINGS ARE SO OVERWHELMING THAT THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO THAT'S HTiLvwLfhE4-00036-00003396-00003480 THINGS ARE SO OVERWHELMING THAT THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO THAT'S GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. HTiLvwLfhE4-00037-00003480-00003486 THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO THAT'S GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. HTiLvwLfhE4-00038-00003486-00003610 THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO THAT'S GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. WE'RE ACTUALLY SINGING A SONG, HTiLvwLfhE4-00039-00003610-00003616 GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. WE'RE ACTUALLY SINGING A SONG, HTiLvwLfhE4-00040-00003616-00003786 GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. WE'RE ACTUALLY SINGING A SONG, GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, BECAUSE HTiLvwLfhE4-00041-00003786-00003793 WE'RE ACTUALLY SINGING A SONG, GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, BECAUSE HTiLvwLfhE4-00042-00003793-00003970 WE'RE ACTUALLY SINGING A SONG, GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, BECAUSE THINGS LIKE THE CROP WALK ALLOW HTiLvwLfhE4-00043-00003970-00003977 GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, BECAUSE THINGS LIKE THE CROP WALK ALLOW HTiLvwLfhE4-00044-00003977-00004294 GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, BECAUSE THINGS LIKE THE CROP WALK ALLOW US TO AT LEAST BE ENGAGED IN THE HTiLvwLfhE4-00045-00004294-00004300 THINGS LIKE THE CROP WALK ALLOW US TO AT LEAST BE ENGAGED IN THE HTiLvwLfhE4-00046-00004300-00004477 THINGS LIKE THE CROP WALK ALLOW US TO AT LEAST BE ENGAGED IN THE ISSUE AND TO NOT FEEL HOPELESS HTiLvwLfhE4-00047-00004477-00004484 US TO AT LEAST BE ENGAGED IN THE ISSUE AND TO NOT FEEL HOPELESS HTiLvwLfhE4-00048-00004484-00004634 US TO AT LEAST BE ENGAGED IN THE ISSUE AND TO NOT FEEL HOPELESS AND HELPLESS. HTiLvwLfhE4-00049-00004634-00004641 ISSUE AND TO NOT FEEL HOPELESS AND HELPLESS. HTiLvwLfhE4-00050-00004641-00004714 ISSUE AND TO NOT FEEL HOPELESS AND HELPLESS. >>Dennis: HUNGER IS NOT JUST AN HTiLvwLfhE4-00051-00004714-00004721 AND HELPLESS. >>Dennis: HUNGER IS NOT JUST AN HTiLvwLfhE4-00052-00004721-00004834 AND HELPLESS. >>Dennis: HUNGER IS NOT JUST AN ISSUE OF THE WORLD, BUT ONE THAT HTiLvwLfhE4-00053-00004834-00004841 >>Dennis: HUNGER IS NOT JUST AN ISSUE OF THE WORLD, BUT ONE THAT HTiLvwLfhE4-00054-00004841-00005028 >>Dennis: HUNGER IS NOT JUST AN ISSUE OF THE WORLD, BUT ONE THAT AFFECTS THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. HTiLvwLfhE4-00055-00005028-00005035 ISSUE OF THE WORLD, BUT ONE THAT AFFECTS THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. HTiLvwLfhE4-00056-00005035-00005208 ISSUE OF THE WORLD, BUT ONE THAT AFFECTS THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. 25% OF THE FUNDS RAISED WILL GO HTiLvwLfhE4-00057-00005208-00005215 AFFECTS THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. 25% OF THE FUNDS RAISED WILL GO HTiLvwLfhE4-00058-00005215-00005562 AFFECTS THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. 25% OF THE FUNDS RAISED WILL GO TO LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS THAT HELP HTiLvwLfhE4-00059-00005562-00005568 25% OF THE FUNDS RAISED WILL GO TO LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS THAT HELP HTiLvwLfhE4-00060-00005568-00005769 25% OF THE FUNDS RAISED WILL GO TO LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS THAT HELP FIGHT HUNGER IN THE BRAINERD HTiLvwLfhE4-00061-00005769-00005775 TO LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS THAT HELP FIGHT HUNGER IN THE BRAINERD HTiLvwLfhE4-00062-00005775-00005849 TO LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS THAT HELP FIGHT HUNGER IN THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. HTiLvwLfhE4-00063-00005849-00005855 FIGHT HUNGER IN THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. HTiLvwLfhE4-00064-00005855-00005915 FIGHT HUNGER IN THE BRAINERD COMMUNITY. WHILE THE REMAINING 75% WILL HTiLvwLfhE4-00065-00005915-00005922 COMMUNITY. WHILE THE REMAINING 75% WILL HTiLvwLfhE4-00066-00005922-00005992 COMMUNITY. WHILE THE REMAINING 75% WILL HELP HUNGER FIGHTING DEVELOPMENT HTiLvwLfhE4-00067-00005992-00005999 WHILE THE REMAINING 75% WILL HELP HUNGER FIGHTING DEVELOPMENT HTiLvwLfhE4-00068-00005999-00006336 WHILE THE REMAINING 75% WILL HELP HUNGER FIGHTING DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS AROUND THE WORLD. HTiLvwLfhE4-00069-00006336-00006342 HELP HUNGER FIGHTING DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS AROUND THE WORLD. HTiLvwLfhE4-00070-00006342-00006579 HELP HUNGER FIGHTING DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS AROUND THE WORLD. >> I THINK CROP WALK IS A SUPER HTiLvwLfhE4-00071-00006579-00006586 EFFORTS AROUND THE WORLD. >> I THINK CROP WALK IS A SUPER HTiLvwLfhE4-00072-00006586-00006693 EFFORTS AROUND THE WORLD. >> I THINK CROP WALK IS A SUPER IMPORTANT THING BECAUSE HUNGER HTiLvwLfhE4-00073-00006693-00006700 >> I THINK CROP WALK IS A SUPER IMPORTANT THING BECAUSE HUNGER HTiLvwLfhE4-00074-00006700-00006863 >> I THINK CROP WALK IS A SUPER IMPORTANT THING BECAUSE HUNGER IS RIDICULOUS AND SHOULD NOT HTiLvwLfhE4-00075-00006863-00006870 IMPORTANT THING BECAUSE HUNGER IS RIDICULOUS AND SHOULD NOT HTiLvwLfhE4-00076-00006870-00006970 IMPORTANT THING BECAUSE HUNGER IS RIDICULOUS AND SHOULD NOT EXIST. HTiLvwLfhE4-00077-00006970-00006976 IS RIDICULOUS AND SHOULD NOT EXIST. HTiLvwLfhE4-00078-00006976-00007087 IS RIDICULOUS AND SHOULD NOT EXIST. SO I THINK ANYTHING THAT HTiLvwLfhE4-00079-00007087-00007093 EXIST. SO I THINK ANYTHING THAT HTiLvwLfhE4-00080-00007093-00007213 EXIST. SO I THINK ANYTHING THAT SUPPORTS THINGS LIKE OPERATION HTiLvwLfhE4-00081-00007213-00007220 SO I THINK ANYTHING THAT SUPPORTS THINGS LIKE OPERATION HTiLvwLfhE4-00082-00007220-00007450 SO I THINK ANYTHING THAT SUPPORTS THINGS LIKE OPERATION SANDWICH, THE FOOD PANTRY, FOOD HTiLvwLfhE4-00083-00007450-00007457 SUPPORTS THINGS LIKE OPERATION SANDWICH, THE FOOD PANTRY, FOOD HTiLvwLfhE4-00084-00007457-00007674 SUPPORTS THINGS LIKE OPERATION SANDWICH, THE FOOD PANTRY, FOOD MINISTRIES WORLDWIDE IS OF VITAL HTiLvwLfhE4-00085-00007674-00007680 SANDWICH, THE FOOD PANTRY, FOOD MINISTRIES WORLDWIDE IS OF VITAL HTiLvwLfhE4-00086-00007680-00007741 SANDWICH, THE FOOD PANTRY, FOOD MINISTRIES WORLDWIDE IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE. HTiLvwLfhE4-00087-00007741-00007747 MINISTRIES WORLDWIDE IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE. HTiLvwLfhE4-00088-00007747-00007841 MINISTRIES WORLDWIDE IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE. >>Dennis: CROP WALK ORGANIZERS HTiLvwLfhE4-00089-00007841-00007847 IMPORTANCE. >>Dennis: CROP WALK ORGANIZERS HTiLvwLfhE4-00090-00007847-00008011 IMPORTANCE. >>Dennis: CROP WALK ORGANIZERS SAY THEY WILL CONTINUE TO WALK HTiLvwLfhE4-00091-00008011-00008018 >>Dennis: CROP WALK ORGANIZERS SAY THEY WILL CONTINUE TO WALK HTiLvwLfhE4-00092-00008018-00008071 >>Dennis: CROP WALK ORGANIZERS SAY THEY WILL CONTINUE TO WALK AND HOLD THE EVENT NEXT YEAR IN HeD-IkEhtyA-00000-00000334-00000534 I'm done setting up the orbeez floor for us, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00001-00000552-00000668 It will be hard to carry it later HeD-IkEhtyA-00002-00000690-00000927 Awful right? it's moving from within HeD-IkEhtyA-00003-00000930-00001008 Come and like, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00004-00001026-00001098 Oh my... HeD-IkEhtyA-00005-00001182-00001356 ( Baby voice somewhere ) :)) HeD-IkEhtyA-00006-00001542-00001773 So we've paid Ms. Vibo for 1 pack of orbeez yesterday. HeD-IkEhtyA-00007-00001773-00002148 After withdrawing money, I will buy more packs and plenty of balloons for experiment HeD-IkEhtyA-00008-00002148-00002464 with the orbeezes,. Hold on, where is the orbeez pack? HeD-IkEhtyA-00009-00002464-00002582 Where's Kan? HeD-IkEhtyA-00010-00002582-00002670 Kan, Where's the orbeez pack? HeD-IkEhtyA-00011-00002730-00002800 I'm here HeD-IkEhtyA-00012-00003120-00003352 The orbeez pack is 1kg and he threw it on my head HeD-IkEhtyA-00013-00003352-00003458 You were rushing me HeD-IkEhtyA-00014-00003458-00003592 Let's focus, we need to put this in water. HeD-IkEhtyA-00015-00003638-00003824 Now we need a container for these orbeezes HeD-IkEhtyA-00016-00003861-00004034 Let me get it upstairs HeD-IkEhtyA-00017-00004046-00004220 He brought the container down, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00018-00004220-00004270 Already here? HeD-IkEhtyA-00019-00004270-00004348 Yeah :)) HeD-IkEhtyA-00020-00004348-00004500 :)))) HeD-IkEhtyA-00021-00004576-00004676 Next, we need to inflate this HeD-IkEhtyA-00022-00004746-00004890 Next, we need to assemble these sticks HeD-IkEhtyA-00023-00005422-00005506 Hey HeD-IkEhtyA-00024-00005516-00005584 What ???? HeD-IkEhtyA-00025-00005730-00005958 We are done setting up the orbeez floor for us, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00026-00006002-00006114 The pool installation is done HeD-IkEhtyA-00027-00006114-00006282 Now we will put the orbeezes in here HeD-IkEhtyA-00028-00006282-00006360 Pour water in HeD-IkEhtyA-00029-00006360-00006436 the dropping sound is awful HeD-IkEhtyA-00030-00006436-00006509 Pour the water in now HeD-IkEhtyA-00031-00006509-00006578 Ê. Hurry HeD-IkEhtyA-00032-00006578-00006740 Now let's make the clip for everyone to see HeD-IkEhtyA-00033-00006740-00006790 You said so HeD-IkEhtyA-00034-00006790-00006923 Was it 3 days already? where's the clip? HeD-IkEhtyA-00035-00007045-00007145 Have you poured water yet? HeD-IkEhtyA-00036-00007145-00007195 Yes HeD-IkEhtyA-00037-00007195-00007330 ok guys. So we are done with the water HeD-IkEhtyA-00038-00007330-00007548 Now let's what for the orbeezes to inflate....oh sh*t HeD-IkEhtyA-00039-00007634-00007754 Why didn't you open this? HeD-IkEhtyA-00040-00007766-00008030 You only asked to pour in water, you didn't ask to open this. HeD-IkEhtyA-00041-00008030-00008098 Why didn't you remind me? HeD-IkEhtyA-00042-00008098-00008298 If I did, you would've jumped in my mouth HeD-IkEhtyA-00043-00008298-00008536 Next, we will cut open this orbeez pack HeD-IkEhtyA-00044-00009134-00009242 So beautiful, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00045-00009756-00009834 5 Minutes after HeD-IkEhtyA-00046-00009890-00009988 Half an hour later HeD-IkEhtyA-00047-00010088-00010206 The orbeezes grew up to here already. HeD-IkEhtyA-00048-00010206-00010454 We thought they should've grown up to here HeD-IkEhtyA-00049-00010454-00010516 So it's not enough HeD-IkEhtyA-00050-00010518-00010666 Let's buy 3-4 more packs HeD-IkEhtyA-00051-00010666-00010744 Where's the money? HeD-IkEhtyA-00052-00010744-00010852 Relax, I have money HeD-IkEhtyA-00053-00010870-00010992 Where do you get the money? HeD-IkEhtyA-00054-00011004-00011054 I will withdraw HeD-IkEhtyA-00055-00011054-00011172 Where do you withdraw? HeD-IkEhtyA-00056-00011172-00011272 I'll let you guys know later HeD-IkEhtyA-00057-00011272-00011472 We will have the orbeezes grow up to here HeD-IkEhtyA-00058-00011472-00011648 Vibo...Help us buy 5 more orbeez packs HeD-IkEhtyA-00059-00011648-00011908 While waiting for Ms. Vibo to buy, let's play some games HeD-IkEhtyA-00060-00011918-00012056 Lay is scooping the orbeezes, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00061-00012248-00012458 Hey Ket, help me pick up the orbeez on the floor HeD-IkEhtyA-00062-00012492-00012572 This one? HeD-IkEhtyA-00063-00012572-00012622 Yeah HeD-IkEhtyA-00064-00013313-00013424 Hahahaha :))) HeD-IkEhtyA-00065-00013612-00013680 Who pushed me?? HeD-IkEhtyA-00066-00013680-00013880 I didn't, I bent down to pick this HeD-IkEhtyA-00067-00013944-00014194 Vibo, buy one more pack please =)) HeD-IkEhtyA-00068-00014328-00014490 oh no... they all spilled out, what should we do ? HeD-IkEhtyA-00069-00014490-00014634 Let's use those orbeezes that spilled out HeD-IkEhtyA-00070-00014634-00014852 You mean to put them back in? HeD-IkEhtyA-00071-00014852-00014900 Look HeD-IkEhtyA-00072-00014900-00015197 Lay said we can use those orbeezes fell on the floor, for what? HeD-IkEhtyA-00073-00015447-00015563 Where are they?? HeD-IkEhtyA-00074-00015886-00016090 Hey crazy man, what are you doing out here? HeD-IkEhtyA-00075-00016096-00016286 Oh my, he filled the whole floor HeD-IkEhtyA-00076-00016290-00016378 This is so cool, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00077-00016384-00016666 Why did you let him out here, Kan ? He did all this and you say nothing? HeD-IkEhtyA-00078-00016680-00016954 You saw him messed up like this? So what's your reaction? HeD-IkEhtyA-00079-00016976-00017125 here, look 1..2..3 HeD-IkEhtyA-00080-00017126-00017214 Reaction HeD-IkEhtyA-00081-00017214-00017416 Oh my...what are you doing??? HeD-IkEhtyA-00082-00017482-00017616 Why so messy? HeD-IkEhtyA-00083-00017784-00017869 But why does it look so beautiful? HeD-IkEhtyA-00084-00017922-00018070 Let's shake hands HeD-IkEhtyA-00085-00018348-00018448 Ms. Vibo will buy the orbeezes HeD-IkEhtyA-00086-00018514-00018738 (Vibo said) Kan, you are strong, bring the motocycle out for me. HeD-IkEhtyA-00087-00018738-00018940 I'm the strongest one, let me bring it out. HeD-IkEhtyA-00088-00019280-00019416 hey, how to move it now ? HeD-IkEhtyA-00089-00019458-00019588 The wheel is blocked how can I move it? HeD-IkEhtyA-00090-00019610-00019910 Ms. Vibo is buying orbeezes to fill this up. Move the motocycle out. HeD-IkEhtyA-00091-00019910-00020000 How about this one? HeD-IkEhtyA-00092-00020000-00020100 What the... HeD-IkEhtyA-00093-00020154-00020254 Move it out HeD-IkEhtyA-00094-00020298-00020436 Hey, slowly...wait HeD-IkEhtyA-00095-00020480-00020534 Broom HeD-IkEhtyA-00096-00021110-00021389 The motorcycle is out, I have to put this stick back at the gate HeD-IkEhtyA-00097-00021390-00021490 Else, the orbeezes will spill out the street. HeD-IkEhtyA-00098-00021786-00022030 (Vibo said) How can I go out now ? HeD-IkEhtyA-00099-00022196-00022330 Ok...go...what are you waiting for HeD-IkEhtyA-00100-00022651-00022985 Ms. Vibo is already out, let's fill up the space that Ms. Vibo walked on. HeD-IkEhtyA-00101-00023145-00023318 Open the gate for your mom HeD-IkEhtyA-00102-00023434-00023566 Move them again HeD-IkEhtyA-00103-00023566-00023678 do it HeD-IkEhtyA-00104-00023710-00023864 This side, overhere. HeD-IkEhtyA-00105-00023864-00024036 So stupid, why don't you use this stick to move them? HeD-IkEhtyA-00106-00024036-00024126 oh is it this side? HeD-IkEhtyA-00107-00024754-00024804 There are still a lot under the door HeD-IkEhtyA-00108-00024804-00024932 Open the door HeD-IkEhtyA-00109-00024932-00025202 to move the orbeezes overhere. Open HeD-IkEhtyA-00110-00025462-00025806 We are done setting up the orbeez floor for us, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00111-00025858-00026048 So what's the first game, Lay? HeD-IkEhtyA-00112-00026060-00026438 First game, grab a full hand of this, then put them at the back of your palm, then throw them up,...catch HeD-IkEhtyA-00113-00026438-00026550 who catches the most, win. HeD-IkEhtyA-00114-00026550-00026600 First, Quang will play first HeD-IkEhtyA-00115-00026710-00027077 Throw them up..catch (count) HeD-IkEhtyA-00116-00027077-00027177 13 balls HeD-IkEhtyA-00117-00027226-00027326 My turn HeD-IkEhtyA-00118-00027434-00027534 Okay...throw HeD-IkEhtyA-00119-00028062-00028112 Next game is we pick one spoon each, what color do you pick? HeD-IkEhtyA-00120-00028300-00028350 Blue HeD-IkEhtyA-00121-00028350-00028400 White HeD-IkEhtyA-00122-00028400-00028649 One blue and one white. Let's start, 1 minute, Who picks the most, win HeD-IkEhtyA-00123-00028649-00028889 You pick the white one right?, you pick the blue, do it fast. 1...2...3 start HeD-IkEhtyA-00124-00029024-00029153 2 blue HeD-IkEhtyA-00125-00029192-00029506 Kan wasn't able to pick any yet, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00126-00029562-00029876 Here is the result. 6 blue, 5 white. Kan loses round 1. HeD-IkEhtyA-00127-00029876-00030187 What's the next game, Lay? HeD-IkEhtyA-00128-00030187-00030470 This game is easy, I think you can score, you just lost right? HeD-IkEhtyA-00129-00030472-00030736 Now, hold this. My bro will play first HeD-IkEhtyA-00130-00030736-00031072 Put the orbeezes in there, fill this balloon up, timing, 2...3 go. HeD-IkEhtyA-00131-00031105-00031405 Put them in, no need to blow. Oh put in, the pink one HeD-IkEhtyA-00132-00031405-00031505 open your hand HeD-IkEhtyA-00133-00031610-00031660 Done. HeD-IkEhtyA-00134-00031660-00031710 Sau khi 1 phút, anh tui đã hoàn thành được HeD-IkEhtyA-00135-00031945-00032192 ok guys, my bro is done, now is your turn, Kan HeD-IkEhtyA-00136-00032208-00032362 my turn, see if I can win back the score HeD-IkEhtyA-00137-00032362-00032562 Where is the balloon? HeD-IkEhtyA-00138-00032660-00032772 What the... :)) HeD-IkEhtyA-00139-00032804-00033150 Do you think you can score in 1 minute? You have to fill this up in 1 minute to score. HeD-IkEhtyA-00140-00033150-00033500 Then you win my bro HeD-IkEhtyA-00141-00033505-00033845 Just trolling Kan a little for fun, guys. Are you sad, Kan? HeD-IkEhtyA-00142-00033845-00034045 Nope, I'm happy HeD-IkEhtyA-00143-00034094-00034198 Not anymore HeD-IkEhtyA-00144-00034638-00034860 Ms. Vibo has bought a lot of orbeezes, guys. HeD-IkEhtyA-00145-00034938-00035214 The whole basin. This morning we used only 1 pack, now we use the whole basin HeD-IkEhtyA-00146-00035242-00035508 Now we just have to wait for them to grow HeD-IkEhtyA-00147-00035508-00035800 This thing can crack your head, they got stuck together, guys. HeD-IkEhtyA-00148-00035874-00035924 oh not stuck anymore. HeD-IkEhtyA-00149-00035924-00035974 Now let's put water in, then we wait HeD-IkEhtyA-00150-00036216-00036618 Lay, the water is going up, put it back in HeD-IkEhtyA-00151-00036772-00036830 hit him :)) HeD-IkEhtyA-00152-00037036-00037332 The orbeezes are asorbing water, let's wait HeD-IkEhtyA-00153-00037332-00037670 later the orbeezes will grow and fill this container. They are small but they can grow so big HeD-IkEhtyA-00154-00037680-00037874 What now ??? HeD-IkEhtyA-00155-00037874-00037950 Pull it overthere, it's too dark here. HeD-IkEhtyA-00156-00038000-00038100 it's too heavy HeD-IkEhtyA-00157-00038446-00038546 so slippery guys, the orbeezes are slippery HeD-IkEhtyA-00158-00038752-00039002 later, once the orbeezes done absorbing water, they could grow up to here, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00159-00039048-00039320 Hey Lay, where did you get the money for all this? having orbeezes all over the house HeD-IkEhtyA-00160-00039432-00039532 oh, I withdrew HeD-IkEhtyA-00161-00039544-00039856 You keep saying withdrawing since morning, where did you withdrow then? HeD-IkEhtyA-00162-00039898-00040006 Now I will disclose how I earn money. HeD-IkEhtyA-00163-00040006-00040100 ok ok ok HeD-IkEhtyA-00164-00040100-00040334 Before you disclose, I will give you a gift HeD-IkEhtyA-00165-00040336-00040410 What gift? what gift? HeD-IkEhtyA-00166-00040410-00040558 You give Lay a gift? HeD-IkEhtyA-00167-00040558-00040622 yeah yeah HeD-IkEhtyA-00168-00040622-00040822 oh.... cool. May I see if it's beautiful? HeD-IkEhtyA-00169-00040858-00041019 here HeD-IkEhtyA-00170-00041020-00041180 What kind of gift looks like a hump, man HeD-IkEhtyA-00171-00041474-00041866 When he sees girl he salivates, I give this to him so when he salivates it will grow. HeD-IkEhtyA-00172-00041866-00041948 Damn...boring HeD-IkEhtyA-00173-00041948-00042230 Be serious guys, I will disclose now HeD-IkEhtyA-00174-00042230-00042504 How do you earn money? HeD-IkEhtyA-00175-00042530-00042796 everytime I saw the Youtubers making clips, I wll show it to you guys now HeD-IkEhtyA-00176-00042802-00043132 as if you guys view it again. You guys have 10 seconds to bet, You guys can bet if it will go up or go down this afternoon. HeD-IkEhtyA-00177-00043200-00043290 10 seconds, go. HeD-IkEhtyA-00178-00043300-00043350 Which way? HeD-IkEhtyA-00179-00043350-00043436 up or down? HeD-IkEhtyA-00180-00043436-00043720 You guys run out of time discussing HeD-IkEhtyA-00181-00043746-00043874 I alreadyd bet that it will go down HeD-IkEhtyA-00182-00043874-00043924 WHAT! HeD-IkEhtyA-00183-00043924-00044000 it's going up HeD-IkEhtyA-00184-00044090-00044240 What happens if it keeps going up? HeD-IkEhtyA-00185-00044242-00044436 If it kept going up then I would lose my money. HeD-IkEhtyA-00186-00044436-00044559 oh my...it went up so high HeD-IkEhtyA-00187-00044559-00044700 Don't worry guys, It's going down now HeD-IkEhtyA-00188-00044700-00044934 what happens when it went down? HeD-IkEhtyA-00189-00044934-00044984 Then I earn money. How much? HeD-IkEhtyA-00190-00044984-00045120 How much have you earned? HeD-IkEhtyA-00191-00045120-00045236 $732. HeD-IkEhtyA-00192-00045274-00045620 In just 30 seconds? You have earned $700. HeD-IkEhtyA-00193-00045620-00045820 $732 HeD-IkEhtyA-00194-00046402-00046512 Under the description section, my bro will quit Youtube HeD-IkEhtyA-00195-00046512-00046644 It's bette, let's try HeD-IkEhtyA-00196-00046644-00046998 Under the description section, guys. Who wants to earn money, just try it. There is a demo they are giving away couple of hundred dollars or something I guess. HeD-IkEhtyA-00197-00047100-00047198 (Vibo said) It's $1000 HeD-IkEhtyA-00198-00047316-00047464 The orbeezes have grown 3 times bigger HeD-IkEhtyA-00199-00047480-00047614 Let me take a look HeD-IkEhtyA-00200-00047614-00047712 Look overthere HeD-IkEhtyA-00201-00047712-00047826 The biggest one is 1cm HeD-IkEhtyA-00202-00047826-00047960 Oh my...that is so big. HeD-IkEhtyA-00203-00047960-00048064 oh, how big is it? HeD-IkEhtyA-00204-00048064-00048134 As big as a ball HeD-IkEhtyA-00205-00048134-00048218 What? HeD-IkEhtyA-00206-00048228-00048394 Are you crazy? how can an orbeeze as big as a ball HeD-IkEhtyA-00207-00048394-00048554 Wanna bet? if you lost I will slap your face HeD-IkEhtyA-00208-00048558-00048756 The biggest orbeez is this size, how can it be like a ball HeD-IkEhtyA-00209-00048878-00048972 Here HeD-IkEhtyA-00210-00048972-00049172 Oh who put my ball in there ? HeD-IkEhtyA-00211-00049266-00049364 cheating HeD-IkEhtyA-00212-00049364-00049800 Next game, Kan already tied this here, my bro will tid another one. HeD-IkEhtyA-00213-00049800-00050096 we will shoot, shoot the orbeezes through this hole and down here HeD-IkEhtyA-00214-00050096-00050446 Hang it, hang the next one, this is quite big, my bro will hang it HeD-IkEhtyA-00215-00050446-00050566 Then we throw it over that bar HeD-IkEhtyA-00216-00050566-00050644 You can't do that, let me HeD-IkEhtyA-00217-00050654-00050914 I will throw it now,guys. It will go over that bar and hang down here like this HeD-IkEhtyA-00218-00051062-00051162 oh my head :)) HeD-IkEhtyA-00219-00051252-00051419 Let me try HeD-IkEhtyA-00220-00051464-00051704 I will throw :))) HeD-IkEhtyA-00221-00052426-00052617 Is it tied up? HeD-IkEhtyA-00222-00052617-00052688 Yes HeD-IkEhtyA-00223-00052688-00052786 Are you sure? why did you raise your voice? HeD-IkEhtyA-00224-00052786-00052882 Check if you don't believe me HeD-IkEhtyA-00225-00052882-00052966 If not I will beat you HeD-IkEhtyA-00226-00052966-00053062 Go ahead HeD-IkEhtyA-00227-00053076-00053294 Pull it hard so it will fall, then you have a reason to beat him HeD-IkEhtyA-00228-00053294-00053494 Okay...get the camera HeD-IkEhtyA-00229-00053862-00054004 I've thought of a new game, guys. HeD-IkEhtyA-00230-00054004-00054329 Now the orbeezes are not fully grown, let's put them in this balloon, when they grow HeD-IkEhtyA-00231-00054336-00054524 the ballon will also grow HeD-IkEhtyA-00232-00054524-00054762 Add water too, so they can grow HeD-IkEhtyA-00233-00055120-00055220 why so long HeD-IkEhtyA-00234-00055288-00055504 push them down HeD-IkEhtyA-00235-00055504-00055704 they are down HeD-IkEhtyA-00236-00055704-00055898 this is our orbeez ball, so beautiful guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00237-00055898-00056174 we have decided to remove the water and add more orbeezes HeD-IkEhtyA-00238-00056174-00056305 It will be hard to carry later HeD-IkEhtyA-00239-00056346-00056690 my house has turned into a pool, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00240-00056690-00057020 Let's put it in here, guys HeD-IkEhtyA-00241-00057020-00057279 it's bigger than this basin, let's troll Ms. Vibo later while she is sleeping HeD-IkEhtyA-00242-00057315-00057618 Put more orbeezes in here for better troll HeD-IkEhtyA-00243-00057618-00057948 Will put more orbeezes, Ms. Vibo is sleeping upstairs, let's troll her with this HeD-IkEhtyA-00244-00057973-00058258 This is so cool, guys. First time to have this interesting game HeD-IkEhtyA-00245-00058455-00058718 wow..... more more HeD-IkEhtyA-00246-00058792-00058978 Hit it Ket, hit it HeD-IkEhtyA-00247-00059066-00059446 It's moving around. 1 million orbeezes interacting together is like this HeD-IkEhtyA-00248-00059458-00059541 cool? HeD-IkEhtyA-00249-00059586-00059820 they are moving inside HeD-IkEhtyA-00250-00059932-00059982 what to do with this ballon now? HeD-IkEhtyA-00251-00059982-00060032 tape it HeD-IkEhtyA-00252-00060196-00060246 go around HeD-IkEhtyA-00253-00060374-00060736 no no hold it, hold it, let me cut HeD-IkEhtyA-00254-00060779-00061016 hold it tide HeRYVk5_HdI-00000-00000532-00000789 It's very nice to be here. HeRYVk5_HdI-00001-00000789-00001183 As Neil said, I live in Jakarta, and we don't see sky HeRYVk5_HdI-00002-00001183-00001373 like this in Jakarta. HeRYVk5_HdI-00003-00001373-00001478 It's glorious. HeRYVk5_HdI-00004-00001478-00001605 Canberra's a lovely city-- you're very HeRYVk5_HdI-00005-00001605-00001830 lucky if you live here. HeRYVk5_HdI-00006-00001830-00002156 So I'm going to talk about market based measures. HeRYVk5_HdI-00007-00002156-00002315 But before I do that, let me tell you a HeRYVk5_HdI-00008-00002315-00002440 little bit about myself. HeRYVk5_HdI-00009-00002704-00002951 Oh no. HeRYVk5_HdI-00010-00002951-00003211 What I'm going to tell you is what I'm going to tell you, HeRYVk5_HdI-00011-00003211-00003509 which is it's all about the market, stupid. HeRYVk5_HdI-00012-00003509-00003860 That's the message that I want you to take home from today. HeRYVk5_HdI-00013-00004126-00004443 This rather longer and more polite position is responsible HeRYVk5_HdI-00014-00004443-00004602 markets can help save the planet. HeRYVk5_HdI-00015-00004602-00004885 I was really hoping that Alan Oxley would be here today. HeRYVk5_HdI-00016-00004885-00005131 Does anybody know of his whereabouts? HeRYVk5_HdI-00017-00005131-00005198 He's not here. HeRYVk5_HdI-00018-00005198-00005418 I can't see him. HeRYVk5_HdI-00019-00005418-00005604 Anyway, here's the presentation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00020-00005604-00005765 I'll talk about responsibilities, HeRYVk5_HdI-00021-00005765-00005972 culpabilities in some cases. HeRYVk5_HdI-00022-00005972-00006456 I'll talk about this acronym FLEGT and the story so far, HeRYVk5_HdI-00023-00006456-00006756 and then some examples, some real live examples, from the HeRYVk5_HdI-00024-00006756-00006954 country I live in in the moment. HeRYVk5_HdI-00025-00006954-00007394 And then since this is Outlook conference, all about the HeRYVk5_HdI-00026-00007394-00007587 future and what might happen next. HeRYVk5_HdI-00027-00007587-00007773 But before all that-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00028-00007773-00007884 me, I'm a forester. HeRYVk5_HdI-00029-00007884-00008374 I've been working in tropical forestry for 30 years in HeRYVk5_HdI-00030-00008374-00008694 Africa, Latin America, and Asia and it's the last five HeRYVk5_HdI-00031-00008694-00009046 years I've been in Indonesia, which is where I've been HeRYVk5_HdI-00032-00009046-00009193 developing this timber auditing HeRYVk5_HdI-00033-00009193-00009648 scheme called the SVLK. HeRYVk5_HdI-00034-00009648-00009841 That's actually a Malaysian tree, by the way. HeRYVk5_HdI-00035-00009841-00010139 The Indonesians are very upset about that. HeRYVk5_HdI-00036-00010139-00010383 What I'm trying to do is stop illegal timber from getting HeRYVk5_HdI-00037-00010383-00010833 into the supply chain, going to Europe, primarily. HeRYVk5_HdI-00038-00010833-00011273 And that means helping negotiate a trade agreement HeRYVk5_HdI-00039-00011273-00011638 between the European Union and Indonesia. HeRYVk5_HdI-00040-00011638-00011927 That means I'm based in Manggala Wanabakti, the HeRYVk5_HdI-00041-00011927-00012099 Ministry of Forestry in Jakarta. HeRYVk5_HdI-00042-00012099-00012454 And as I say, my sentence so far has been five years and I HeRYVk5_HdI-00043-00012454-00012816 think I've got another two to go before remission. HeRYVk5_HdI-00044-00012816-00013143 Before doing all that, I did look after trees and here's a HeRYVk5_HdI-00045-00013143-00013488 plantation that I'm at least partly responsible for in HeRYVk5_HdI-00046-00013488-00013832 Cameroon with some Indonesian colleagues. HeRYVk5_HdI-00047-00013832-00013969 This guy is still around. HeRYVk5_HdI-00048-00013969-00014354 This guy, unfortunately, is imprisoned for taking a bribe HeRYVk5_HdI-00049-00014354-00014472 at some point. HeRYVk5_HdI-00050-00014472-00014760 Some of you might know Neil Scotland who now works with HeRYVk5_HdI-00051-00014760-00015115 DFID, formerly in the employment of AusAID. HeRYVk5_HdI-00052-00015115-00015262 And that's me in the middle. HeRYVk5_HdI-00053-00015262-00015332 Anyway. HeRYVk5_HdI-00054-00015332-00015613 The thing about this photo, though, is to say those trees HeRYVk5_HdI-00055-00015613-00015959 are growing phenomenally well, but I'm pretty sure they've HeRYVk5_HdI-00056-00015959-00016427 all been cut down now because the people who used to live in HeRYVk5_HdI-00057-00016427-00016822 that forest basically wanted their land back. HeRYVk5_HdI-00058-00016822-00017141 This was an old forest reserve that the Colonial French HeRYVk5_HdI-00059-00017141-00017547 authority had taken from the local people and they regarded HeRYVk5_HdI-00060-00017547-00017605 it as theirs. HeRYVk5_HdI-00061-00017605-00017820 And I think at the root of all of this work we've got to HeRYVk5_HdI-00062-00017820-00018219 consider who in Australia you should know, I guess, who HeRYVk5_HdI-00063-00018219-00018466 fundamentally owns the land. HeRYVk5_HdI-00064-00018466-00018654 Where that's unclear, then there's HeRYVk5_HdI-00065-00018654-00018921 confusion and conflict. HeRYVk5_HdI-00066-00018921-00019126 So back to the presentation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00067-00019126-00019342 Who is responsible for all of this? HeRYVk5_HdI-00068-00019342-00019909 Well, in my last 10 years I've been working in the trade, the HeRYVk5_HdI-00069-00019909-00020485 UK Timber Trade Federation and here I was representing HeRYVk5_HdI-00070-00020485-00020997 importers, buyers of timber, from all over the world. HeRYVk5_HdI-00071-00020997-00021202 What was the amount that we used to bring in every year? HeRYVk5_HdI-00072-00021202-00021548 It was millions-- it was about 10 million cubic metres, an HeRYVk5_HdI-00073-00021548-00021672 awful lot of timber. HeRYVk5_HdI-00074-00021672-00021847 And these were the sort of campaigns that I was HeRYVk5_HdI-00075-00021847-00021974 having to deal with. HeRYVk5_HdI-00076-00021974-00022118 NGO campaigns-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00077-00022118-00022434 that's Travis Perkins, that's one of the big merchants in HeRYVk5_HdI-00078-00022434-00022576 the UK building merchants-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00079-00022576-00022747 DLH, one of the big international hardwood HeRYVk5_HdI-00080-00022747-00023139 traders, and then this one, the last one, is in the States HeRYVk5_HdI-00081-00023139-00023380 so I didn't actually represent them. HeRYVk5_HdI-00082-00023380-00023598 The point was that this was the reputations of those HeRYVk5_HdI-00083-00023598-00023901 companies that was on the line, and they were starting HeRYVk5_HdI-00084-00023901-00024103 to take responsibility for this. HeRYVk5_HdI-00085-00024103-00024354 And I organised a meeting-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00086-00024354-00024862 I think it was in June 2003 of the trade-- invited over some HeRYVk5_HdI-00087-00024862-00025173 Indonesians to speak about Indonesian illegal logging. HeRYVk5_HdI-00088-00025173-00025542 And that very day Greenpeace decided to unfurl this banner HeRYVk5_HdI-00089-00025542-00025902 on a government building site in the middle of London. HeRYVk5_HdI-00090-00025902-00026124 Now some of you may know there was a government procurement HeRYVk5_HdI-00091-00026124-00026420 policy in the UK at the time that said that the UK HeRYVk5_HdI-00092-00026420-00026689 government would not purchase illegal timber. HeRYVk5_HdI-00093-00026689-00026954 In fact, it would prefer sustainable timber. HeRYVk5_HdI-00094-00026954-00027249 And so the point of this campaign was to basically HeRYVk5_HdI-00095-00027249-00027718 identify some plywood that had come from Indonesia from a HeRYVk5_HdI-00096-00027718-00028145 national park where it was obviously illegal. HeRYVk5_HdI-00097-00028145-00028441 That campaign was called Partners in Crime and it had HeRYVk5_HdI-00098-00028441-00028820 several phases, and I was the brunt of those attacks. HeRYVk5_HdI-00099-00028820-00029264 I've had to defend the trade, the UK trade, and their buying HeRYVk5_HdI-00100-00029264-00029530 practises, which was a very difficult time. HeRYVk5_HdI-00101-00029530-00029808 I mean, I'm a forester primarily and I've got to say HeRYVk5_HdI-00102-00029808-00029985 I had to agree with many of the things that HeRYVk5_HdI-00103-00029985-00030269 Greenpeace had said. HeRYVk5_HdI-00104-00030269-00030656 They went on after Indonesia to attack Chinese plywood that HeRYVk5_HdI-00105-00030656-00030963 originated in Papua, in the Western HeRYVk5_HdI-00106-00030963-00031177 provinces of Indonesia. HeRYVk5_HdI-00107-00031177-00031539 This species is bintangor, after the first attacks on the HeRYVk5_HdI-00108-00031539-00031679 Indonesian stuff. HeRYVk5_HdI-00109-00031679-00031899 This was a load of plywood dumped outside the UK HeRYVk5_HdI-00110-00031899-00032235 government to say your policy is not working, so the HeRYVk5_HdI-00111-00032235-00032514 government got it in the neck that time. HeRYVk5_HdI-00112-00032514-00032698 And even Tony Blair was hauled up. HeRYVk5_HdI-00113-00032698-00032983 This is Admiralty Arch, which if you know London, that's the HeRYVk5_HdI-00114-00032983-00033414 Mall and going to the right is the Queen's Buckingham Palace, HeRYVk5_HdI-00115-00033414-00033567 the palace. HeRYVk5_HdI-00116-00033567-00033897 Nelson's Column, the House of Commons. HeRYVk5_HdI-00117-00033897-00034222 So it was a pretty active time for me, and it led me to HeRYVk5_HdI-00118-00034222-00034604 several trips to Indonesia, a country that's had its fair HeRYVk5_HdI-00119-00034604-00034708 share of illegal logging. HeRYVk5_HdI-00120-00034708-00035107 I think it probably last year slipped from being the most HeRYVk5_HdI-00121-00035107-00035358 highly deforested country in the world in terms of the HeRYVk5_HdI-00122-00035358-00035642 rates, but these are some fairly recent figures, I HeRYVk5_HdI-00123-00035642-00035904 think, based on satellite imagery. HeRYVk5_HdI-00124-00035904-00036083 Is the worst over? HeRYVk5_HdI-00125-00036083-00036447 Is all the forest gone is a good question now, and I think HeRYVk5_HdI-00126-00036447-00036669 that's one of the reasons why the rates of deforestation HeRYVk5_HdI-00127-00036669-00036983 have declined so much. HeRYVk5_HdI-00128-00036983-00037152 So who is responsible? HeRYVk5_HdI-00129-00037152-00037385 Well, government, of course-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00130-00037385-00037690 governance in the broadest sense of the word, as well. HeRYVk5_HdI-00131-00037690-00038041 It takes two to corrupt, of course. HeRYVk5_HdI-00132-00038041-00038233 Then there are the buyers in the supply chain. HeRYVk5_HdI-00133-00038233-00038444 Do they really care? HeRYVk5_HdI-00134-00038444-00038691 Does it matter that you're bringing in timber that's come HeRYVk5_HdI-00135-00038691-00039092 from a protected area where orangutans used to live? HeRYVk5_HdI-00136-00039092-00039473 So the importers in the Europe and the US have said yes, we HeRYVk5_HdI-00137-00039473-00039673 are responsible. HeRYVk5_HdI-00138-00039673-00039919 In that sense, I think the Australian importers have said HeRYVk5_HdI-00139-00039919-00040241 the same in the sense that they're supporting the HeRYVk5_HdI-00140-00040241-00040470 legislation in Australia. HeRYVk5_HdI-00141-00040470-00040727 And end consumers have often expressed concern, although HeRYVk5_HdI-00142-00040727-00041175 rarely paying extra for the certified product that the HeRYVk5_HdI-00143-00041175-00041351 trade would offer. HeRYVk5_HdI-00144-00041351-00041603 And the drivers for those are, indeed, things like HeRYVk5_HdI-00145-00041603-00041909 transparency media and the IT. HeRYVk5_HdI-00146-00041909-00041985 And in end, of course, HeRYVk5_HdI-00147-00041985-00042173 accountability is what matters. HeRYVk5_HdI-00148-00042173-00042440 The NGOs have helped us in this. HeRYVk5_HdI-00149-00042440-00042737 They've brought some clarity to what's going and HeRYVk5_HdI-00150-00042737-00042932 connected the dots. HeRYVk5_HdI-00151-00042932-00043182 And then there's the due diligence of buyers. HeRYVk5_HdI-00152-00043182-00043455 And then finally, at the end of all of this, I think the HeRYVk5_HdI-00153-00043455-00043792 companies that I worked with in the UK, groups like Travis HeRYVk5_HdI-00154-00043792-00044071 Perkins, were saying, it's our reputations. HeRYVk5_HdI-00155-00044071-00044318 Are people going to trust us to do business with this if we HeRYVk5_HdI-00156-00044318-00044622 don't know where the timber's coming from? HeRYVk5_HdI-00157-00044622-00044916 It did help there were a few pension funds that wrote in in HeRYVk5_HdI-00158-00044916-00045201 very stern terms that they were unhappy with the HeRYVk5_HdI-00159-00045201-00045518 performance of their investors and their investments. HeRYVk5_HdI-00160-00045518-00045872 And then as I think Joe Ludwig said this morning, the social HeRYVk5_HdI-00161-00045872-00046255 contract between business and society. HeRYVk5_HdI-00162-00046515-00046790 FLEGT, my second theme. HeRYVk5_HdI-00163-00046790-00046925 What on earth does that mean? HeRYVk5_HdI-00164-00046925-00047107 Who dreamt of that? HeRYVk5_HdI-00165-00047107-00047336 Well, it was a conference, of course. HeRYVk5_HdI-00166-00047336-00047648 Forest Law Enforcement Governance was how it started, HeRYVk5_HdI-00167-00047648-00048036 and in fact, in Bali in Indonesia in 2001. HeRYVk5_HdI-00168-00048036-00048354 And then the European Union added the T, and that was a HeRYVk5_HdI-00169-00048354-00048637 really important addition as far as I'm concerned. HeRYVk5_HdI-00170-00048637-00049100 The trade is what has make this work in practise. HeRYVk5_HdI-00171-00049100-00049522 So it's actually an action plan that the European HeRYVk5_HdI-00172-00049522-00049896 Commission orchestrated with the member states, and it's HeRYVk5_HdI-00173-00049896-00050067 now 10 years old. HeRYVk5_HdI-00174-00050067-00050331 And I want to tell you a bit about it, because it's a very HeRYVk5_HdI-00175-00050331-00050647 unusual partnership between those three sectors-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00176-00050647-00050887 civil society, business, and government. HeRYVk5_HdI-00177-00050887-00051151 And it's multipronged, and here are some of the prongs HeRYVk5_HdI-00178-00051151-00051382 that influence the market base. HeRYVk5_HdI-00179-00051382-00051661 There are more, which I won't bore you with. HeRYVk5_HdI-00180-00051661-00051782 Procurement policies-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00181-00051782-00052285 we started with those, and then private sector policies HeRYVk5_HdI-00182-00052285-00052460 took over the momentum, really. HeRYVk5_HdI-00183-00052460-00052813 And now we're developing these trade agreements, at the end, HeRYVk5_HdI-00184-00052813-00052938 regulation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00185-00052938-00053237 And I think that's a pattern that we will see in more and HeRYVk5_HdI-00186-00053237-00053616 more markets with more and more products as the years HeRYVk5_HdI-00187-00053616-00053792 stretch ahead. HeRYVk5_HdI-00188-00053792-00054045 For us, in the forestry world, forest governance is the aim HeRYVk5_HdI-00189-00054045-00054142 of this work. HeRYVk5_HdI-00190-00054142-00054279 Better forest governments-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00191-00054279-00054504 that means better forest management, that means HeRYVk5_HdI-00192-00054504-00054854 hopefully less wanton deforestation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00193-00054854-00055015 It doesn't necessarily mean less land HeRYVk5_HdI-00194-00055015-00055169 clearance, of course. HeRYVk5_HdI-00195-00055169-00055445 Countries need to do that, still. HeRYVk5_HdI-00196-00055445-00055692 So after 10 years, what have we done? HeRYVk5_HdI-00197-00055692-00055875 We've got procurement policies in the eight HeRYVk5_HdI-00198-00055875-00056089 major markets in Europe. HeRYVk5_HdI-00199-00056089-00056405 We've got six of these trade agreements agreed and seven HeRYVk5_HdI-00200-00056405-00056722 more in negotiations, so there's Indonesia plus a whole HeRYVk5_HdI-00201-00056722-00057099 slew in Africa. HeRYVk5_HdI-00202-00057099-00057341 We've got the timber regulations and the purchasing HeRYVk5_HdI-00203-00057341-00057549 policies which have now morphed into this due HeRYVk5_HdI-00204-00057549-00057976 diligence mechanism that Paul talked about. HeRYVk5_HdI-00205-00057976-00058241 And here are the real things that matter. HeRYVk5_HdI-00206-00058241-00058564 This report that Chatham House did a couple of years ago said HeRYVk5_HdI-00207-00058564-00058976 that there was, there has been a drop in illegal logging in HeRYVk5_HdI-00208-00058976-00059384 Cameroon, Brazil, and Indonesia. HeRYVk5_HdI-00209-00059384-00059697 And yet, the volumes of imported illegal timber are HeRYVk5_HdI-00210-00059697-00060111 down 30%, 17 million hectares of forest protected from HeRYVk5_HdI-00211-00060111-00060427 degradation, an awful lot of carbon. HeRYVk5_HdI-00212-00060427-00060678 And that much revenue-- $6.5 billion revenue HeRYVk5_HdI-00213-00060678-00060946 saved from this work. HeRYVk5_HdI-00214-00060946-00061170 Now this is where I want to tackle Alan Oxley about this, HeRYVk5_HdI-00215-00061170-00061589 because he came up with a figure of 270 million euros, I HeRYVk5_HdI-00216-00061589-00061736 think, that we'd spent on this work. HeRYVk5_HdI-00217-00061736-00061970 And actually, I think, that's a pretty good return even if HeRYVk5_HdI-00218-00061970-00062507 all that money has just gone on those areas. HeRYVk5_HdI-00219-00062507-00062844 Indirectly, it's affected what's gone on in Japan. HeRYVk5_HdI-00220-00062844-00063123 They've got a timber procurement policy there. HeRYVk5_HdI-00221-00063123-00063386 And now, at last, they're considering some further HeRYVk5_HdI-00222-00063386-00063703 action of a regulatory nature. HeRYVk5_HdI-00223-00063703-00063925 China is developing a certification scheme. HeRYVk5_HdI-00224-00063925-00063983 Why? HeRYVk5_HdI-00225-00063983-00064324 Because although it imports a lot of logs and consumes a lot HeRYVk5_HdI-00226-00064324-00064746 of logs, it exports to Europe and the US, HeRYVk5_HdI-00227-00064746-00065087 and of course, Australia. HeRYVk5_HdI-00228-00065087-00065437 Then there's that legislation that we think we've helped HeRYVk5_HdI-00229-00065437-00065619 encourage our Australian colleagues. HeRYVk5_HdI-00230-00065619-00065970 And of course, the US were first to the starting line HeRYVk5_HdI-00231-00065970-00066273 with the Lacey Act and led the way on that. HeRYVk5_HdI-00232-00066273-00066536 Independent forest monitoring has exposed the degree of HeRYVk5_HdI-00233-00066536-00066767 illegal logging going on. HeRYVk5_HdI-00234-00066767-00066945 And of course, enforcement work. HeRYVk5_HdI-00235-00066945-00067128 In fact, the Indonesian government has been quite HeRYVk5_HdI-00236-00067128-00067450 successful in clamping down on illegal logging, particularly HeRYVk5_HdI-00237-00067450-00067853 across the border between Kalimantan and Sarawak. HeRYVk5_HdI-00238-00067853-00068121 And we know that because Sarawak ran out of timber HeRYVk5_HdI-00239-00068121-00068449 about three years ago, which is interesting. HeRYVk5_HdI-00240-00068449-00068719 They deny there's any illegal logging going on and they're HeRYVk5_HdI-00241-00068719-00069107 not responsible for this, but I'm afraid it's not true. HeRYVk5_HdI-00242-00069107-00069396 So I wanted to give you a couple of meaty things to go HeRYVk5_HdI-00243-00069396-00069704 home with, and two examples from industry, both, of HeRYVk5_HdI-00244-00069704-00069837 course, Indonesian. HeRYVk5_HdI-00245-00069837-00070258 And this was another campaign not related to timber, but HeRYVk5_HdI-00246-00070258-00070575 related to oil palm. HeRYVk5_HdI-00247-00070575-00070687 Give me a break. HeRYVk5_HdI-00248-00070687-00070948 Is anybody familiar with this? HeRYVk5_HdI-00249-00070948-00071077 Yeah, the Kit Kat story. HeRYVk5_HdI-00250-00071077-00071156 And I'm really sorry. HeRYVk5_HdI-00251-00071156-00071534 I had a YouTube link but there's no internet here. HeRYVk5_HdI-00252-00071534-00071941 But basically this Kit Kat film, if you remember it, is HeRYVk5_HdI-00253-00071941-00072339 about a bored office worker sitting there shredding paper HeRYVk5_HdI-00254-00072339-00072603 and he decides to open the Kit Kat. HeRYVk5_HdI-00255-00072603-00072988 And instead of opening some delicious chocolates, it's HeRYVk5_HdI-00256-00072988-00073175 four orangutan fingers. HeRYVk5_HdI-00257-00073175-00073653 And he bites in and the blood spews from his mouth. HeRYVk5_HdI-00258-00073653-00073930 And it was actually devastatingly-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00259-00073930-00074184 the impact of it was devastating. HeRYVk5_HdI-00260-00074184-00074633 And they aimed that at Nestle, which, of course, is the Kit HeRYVk5_HdI-00261-00074633-00074780 Kat producer. HeRYVk5_HdI-00262-00074780-00075137 But at the end of it, it was Golden Agri Resources, which HeRYVk5_HdI-00263-00075137-00075707 is part of the big Sinar Mas conglomerate in Indonesia. HeRYVk5_HdI-00264-00075707-00076170 The result of it was others stopped buying from GAR, so HeRYVk5_HdI-00265-00076170-00076391 they pulled out of supply contracts and they said, we HeRYVk5_HdI-00266-00076391-00076472 can't afford this. HeRYVk5_HdI-00267-00076472-00076746 Our reputations are too important. HeRYVk5_HdI-00268-00076746-00077096 GAR, you'll remember, of those of you following it, they got HeRYVk5_HdI-00269-00077096-00077162 in auditors. HeRYVk5_HdI-00270-00077162-00077456 They tried to defend themselves against this, but HeRYVk5_HdI-00271-00077456-00077674 they gave up in the end because the evidence was HeRYVk5_HdI-00272-00077674-00077738 irrefutable. HeRYVk5_HdI-00273-00077738-00078141 They were responsible for destroying orangutan habitats HeRYVk5_HdI-00274-00078141-00078411 and training deep peat. HeRYVk5_HdI-00275-00078411-00078680 As a result of this, this forest conservation policy was HeRYVk5_HdI-00276-00078680-00079051 developed, which in a nutshell, through the good HeRYVk5_HdI-00277-00079051-00079469 offices of The Forest Trust, was pretty far reaching-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00278-00079469-00079886 no deforestation below 35 tonnes of carbon per hectare. HeRYVk5_HdI-00279-00079886-00080105 That's actually pretty degraded forest. HeRYVk5_HdI-00280-00080105-00080443 So anything less than 35 tonnes per hectare, you can HeRYVk5_HdI-00281-00080443-00080732 deforest and convert to oil palm. HeRYVk5_HdI-00282-00080732-00080995 But this was really important-- no conversion of HeRYVk5_HdI-00283-00080995-00081480 high conservation value forest or peatland. HeRYVk5_HdI-00284-00081480-00081866 That was really important, and I tell you why, because that HeRYVk5_HdI-00285-00081866-00082340 HCVF and peatland is where people don't live and it's HeRYVk5_HdI-00286-00082340-00082659 easy to deforest, and you get a whole load of income from HeRYVk5_HdI-00287-00082659-00082741 the timber. HeRYVk5_HdI-00288-00082741-00082917 So this was a really big decision. HeRYVk5_HdI-00289-00082917-00083005 Anyway. HeRYVk5_HdI-00290-00083005-00083337 Social conflict issues have to be resolved, and then there's HeRYVk5_HdI-00291-00083337-00083652 the certification scheme, the RSPO. HeRYVk5_HdI-00292-00083652-00083883 My second example is even more recent. HeRYVk5_HdI-00293-00083883-00084142 It involves, funnily enough, another company within the HeRYVk5_HdI-00294-00084142-00084473 Sinar Mas group, Asia Pulp and Paper. HeRYVk5_HdI-00295-00084473-00084728 That's, I think, the biggest pulp mill in the world, Indah HeRYVk5_HdI-00296-00084728-00085078 Kiat, in Sumatra. HeRYVk5_HdI-00297-00085078-00085385 This company has, by its own admission, now being HeRYVk5_HdI-00298-00085385-00085643 responsible, for mismanaging forests. HeRYVk5_HdI-00299-00085643-00085928 The company itself has admitted that it doesn't know HeRYVk5_HdI-00300-00085928-00086272 where its timber's coming from, where the fibre that HeRYVk5_HdI-00301-00086272-00086481 it's been using for this mill. HeRYVk5_HdI-00302-00086481-00086717 And it was making commitments it couldn't keep-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00303-00086717-00087087 promises to NGOs, to governments, to its customers, HeRYVk5_HdI-00304-00087087-00087339 that it could not keep, and it was being found HeRYVk5_HdI-00305-00087339-00087480 out again and again. HeRYVk5_HdI-00306-00087480-00087679 The level of trust, that social HeRYVk5_HdI-00307-00087679-00087953 contract, had been broken. HeRYVk5_HdI-00308-00087953-00088135 It was losing markets. HeRYVk5_HdI-00309-00088135-00088569 And in my mind, because I was following it very closely, it HeRYVk5_HdI-00310-00088569-00088912 was when Disney, Walt Disney, had a letter from Greenpeace HeRYVk5_HdI-00311-00088912-00089087 that, I think, it was the beginning of the HeRYVk5_HdI-00312-00089087-00089372 end for this company. HeRYVk5_HdI-00313-00089372-00089609 This was the sort of thing that Greenpeace were HeRYVk5_HdI-00314-00089609-00090001 demonstrating, that Disney was responsible for importing, HeRYVk5_HdI-00315-00090001-00090364 effectively, ramin into the products that it HeRYVk5_HdI-00316-00090364-00090540 wraps its toys with. HeRYVk5_HdI-00317-00090540-00090765 And the ramin, of course, is an endangered species. HeRYVk5_HdI-00318-00090765-00091070 It's illegal to trade in ramin, and so HeRYVk5_HdI-00319-00091070-00091158 Disney stopped buying. HeRYVk5_HdI-00320-00091158-00091485 In fact, they stopped buying from Indonesia altogether, HeRYVk5_HdI-00321-00091485-00091652 which upset the trade minister-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00322-00091652-00091932 Minister Gita, some of you may know. HeRYVk5_HdI-00323-00091932-00092374 And he phoned up the head of Disney and Disney said to him, HeRYVk5_HdI-00324-00092374-00092488 look, I'm sorry. HeRYVk5_HdI-00325-00092488-00092610 I just can't risk it. HeRYVk5_HdI-00326-00092610-00092807 It's too risky. HeRYVk5_HdI-00327-00092807-00093209 I can get my wrapping from other sources. HeRYVk5_HdI-00328-00093209-00093502 So they stopped buying and APP, I think, realised that it HeRYVk5_HdI-00329-00093502-00093708 was the end. HeRYVk5_HdI-00330-00093708-00093963 I'll cut a long story short, because there's much more to HeRYVk5_HdI-00331-00093963-00094250 be said on it, but this is what they came up with. HeRYVk5_HdI-00332-00094250-00094378 And you might say, well, why are we going to HeRYVk5_HdI-00333-00094378-00094623 believe this now? HeRYVk5_HdI-00334-00094623-00094702 What's the difference? HeRYVk5_HdI-00335-00094702-00094874 This was last month. HeRYVk5_HdI-00336-00094874-00095156 And the real difference is this fellow here, the HeRYVk5_HdI-00337-00095156-00095673 chairman, Teguh Widjaja, who's the shadowy head of this HeRYVk5_HdI-00338-00095673-00096094 conglomerate now that his father is in his dotage, HeRYVk5_HdI-00339-00096094-00096431 basically was there at the press conference promising HeRYVk5_HdI-00340-00096431-00096534 that he would do this. HeRYVk5_HdI-00341-00096534-00096892 Now if you know Indonesia and the way Indonesia works, HeRYVk5_HdI-00342-00096892-00097052 actually your word is important. HeRYVk5_HdI-00343-00097052-00097176 It's your face-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00344-00097176-00097352 you've got to deliver on this. HeRYVk5_HdI-00345-00097352-00097566 Of course, they'd worked out where they could get the fibre HeRYVk5_HdI-00346-00097566-00098092 from and they had help from The Forest Trust to do that. HeRYVk5_HdI-00347-00098092-00098320 So they had a manageable solution to this. HeRYVk5_HdI-00348-00098320-00098814 They no longer had to chop down natural forest. HeRYVk5_HdI-00349-00098814-00099056 They no longer had to cut down peat. HeRYVk5_HdI-00350-00099056-00099416 But they took a big decision in delaying investment in a HeRYVk5_HdI-00351-00099416-00099836 big new mill that they were going to put in Sumatra. HeRYVk5_HdI-00352-00099836-00100108 Greenpeace were there at the same press release, so there's HeRYVk5_HdI-00353-00100108-00100249 your credibility. HeRYVk5_HdI-00354-00100249-00100585 You've got credibility by working with the NGOs. HeRYVk5_HdI-00355-00100585-00100876 And I think the real point from this story is if APP can HeRYVk5_HdI-00356-00100876-00101193 do it with its state of mismanagement, actually HeRYVk5_HdI-00357-00101193-00101348 anybody can. HeRYVk5_HdI-00358-00101348-00101566 And that's a really important message for the Indonesian HeRYVk5_HdI-00359-00101566-00101834 government. HeRYVk5_HdI-00360-00101834-00102200 Thirdly, I want to talk about this SVLK, very, very quickly. HeRYVk5_HdI-00361-00102200-00102686 This scheme is, if you like, the national response to all HeRYVk5_HdI-00362-00102686-00102824 of this stuff. HeRYVk5_HdI-00363-00102824-00103196 This is what Indonesian government has developed, but HeRYVk5_HdI-00364-00103196-00103370 at the behest of its industry. HeRYVk5_HdI-00365-00103370-00103652 In the end, industry was saying we need something to HeRYVk5_HdI-00366-00103652-00103805 cover ourselves. HeRYVk5_HdI-00367-00103805-00104206 We need to be sure, we need to be maintaining access to these HeRYVk5_HdI-00368-00104206-00104345 shrinking markets-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00369-00104345-00104571 Europe and US. HeRYVk5_HdI-00370-00104571-00104868 This scheme was developed through multi-stakeholder HeRYVk5_HdI-00371-00104868-00104965 consultation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00372-00104965-00105339 Right back in 2003, I got involved in the right at the HeRYVk5_HdI-00373-00105339-00105679 beginning asking what is legal in Indonesia as a trader? HeRYVk5_HdI-00374-00105679-00105900 We needed to know that. HeRYVk5_HdI-00375-00105900-00106163 And then the negotiations started and then they stopped HeRYVk5_HdI-00376-00106163-00106271 and then they restarted. HeRYVk5_HdI-00377-00106271-00106514 It was classic trade negotiations. HeRYVk5_HdI-00378-00106514-00106990 But the tipping point was the Lacey Act, the US Lacey Act. HeRYVk5_HdI-00379-00106990-00107247 That's what brought Indonesian government to realise that the HeRYVk5_HdI-00380-00107247-00107525 markets were what mattered. HeRYVk5_HdI-00381-00107525-00107906 And then at the end of that year, in 2008, the European HeRYVk5_HdI-00382-00107906-00108246 Union announced its intention to legislate. HeRYVk5_HdI-00383-00108246-00108503 And has been mentioned already, that legislation is HeRYVk5_HdI-00384-00108503-00108804 now in force as of Sunday. HeRYVk5_HdI-00385-00108804-00109088 So there we are with the scheme. HeRYVk5_HdI-00386-00109088-00109281 How are they doing in rolling it out? HeRYVk5_HdI-00387-00109281-00109573 Well, it's now compulsory on all exports for HeRYVk5_HdI-00388-00109573-00109775 26 different products. HeRYVk5_HdI-00389-00109775-00110009 That's most of the timber that you would recognise when you HeRYVk5_HdI-00390-00110009-00110389 walk into a builder's merchant here in Canberra. HeRYVk5_HdI-00391-00110389-00110769 And already they've issued some 10,000 licences. HeRYVk5_HdI-00392-00110769-00111005 That covers about 10 million hectares of forest at the HeRYVk5_HdI-00393-00111005-00111215 moment, and so it's only partial. HeRYVk5_HdI-00394-00111215-00111621 There's about 30 million in total, so 20 more to go. HeRYVk5_HdI-00395-00111621-00111829 They're going to add more product codes, so that's going HeRYVk5_HdI-00396-00111829-00112239 to be furniture added in those 14. HeRYVk5_HdI-00397-00112239-00112416 And then this timber trade agreement that we've been HeRYVk5_HdI-00398-00112416-00112749 negotiating, we are hoping this will come into force in HeRYVk5_HdI-00399-00112749-00112933 September this year. HeRYVk5_HdI-00400-00112933-00113226 That's a trade agreement with the European Union, which says HeRYVk5_HdI-00401-00113226-00113579 that the European Union will recognise this scheme. HeRYVk5_HdI-00402-00113579-00113774 I'll talk a little bit more about that. HeRYVk5_HdI-00403-00113774-00114148 If you're really interested in more, there's a website there, HeRYVk5_HdI-00404-00114148-00114343 SILK, that you can Google. HeRYVk5_HdI-00405-00114343-00114736 You can obviously get this presentation afterwards. HeRYVk5_HdI-00406-00114736-00115148 But I wanted to talk about how the EUTR and the VPAs work HeRYVk5_HdI-00407-00115148-00115366 together, because this is important. HeRYVk5_HdI-00408-00115366-00115585 It's really important for Indonesia. HeRYVk5_HdI-00409-00115585-00115818 And the reason they came to negotiate this timber trade HeRYVk5_HdI-00410-00115818-00116047 agreement, which I think will have far reaching effects-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00411-00116047-00116181 it's already having far reaching HeRYVk5_HdI-00412-00116181-00116345 effects on the industry-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00413-00116345-00116883 is because it means that when it's working, that Indonesian HeRYVk5_HdI-00414-00116883-00117328 timber will be considered zero risk in Europe. HeRYVk5_HdI-00415-00117328-00117520 You buy it with impunity. HeRYVk5_HdI-00416-00117520-00117863 Mark, his company, if he had one in the UK, would be able HeRYVk5_HdI-00417-00117863-00118229 to buy that timber knowing he could not be prosecuted under HeRYVk5_HdI-00418-00118229-00118414 the timber regulation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00419-00118414-00118722 So these are basically bilateral trade agreements. HeRYVk5_HdI-00420-00118722-00118921 That's why they escape problems with HeRYVk5_HdI-00421-00118921-00119201 the WTO, by the way. HeRYVk5_HdI-00422-00119201-00119476 It operates through a licencing scheme, which is HeRYVk5_HdI-00423-00119476-00119733 basically governed by the border control-- so, the HeRYVk5_HdI-00424-00119733-00119891 customs at both ends. HeRYVk5_HdI-00425-00119891-00120310 Customs in Indonesia check the licences that are issued and HeRYVk5_HdI-00426-00120310-00120668 customs in Europe check that the same licences apply. HeRYVk5_HdI-00427-00120668-00120953 Any unlicensed timber from Indonesia will be excluded. HeRYVk5_HdI-00428-00120953-00121073 It will be left on the docks. HeRYVk5_HdI-00429-00121073-00121404 It will be sent back, actually. HeRYVk5_HdI-00430-00121404-00121927 So the EU timber regulation requires the due diligence. HeRYVk5_HdI-00431-00121927-00122056 That's the difference. HeRYVk5_HdI-00432-00122056-00122264 It's not a border control measure, and I think there's a HeRYVk5_HdI-00433-00122264-00122514 slight difference with the scheme that Australia is HeRYVk5_HdI-00434-00122514-00122802 proposing because yours doesn't imply, I HeRYVk5_HdI-00435-00122802-00122897 think, border control. HeRYVk5_HdI-00436-00122897-00123133 But we can talk about later. HeRYVk5_HdI-00437-00123133-00123272 So there it is at the bottom. HeRYVk5_HdI-00438-00123272-00123611 VPAs give importers 100% certainty that the timber is HeRYVk5_HdI-00439-00123611-00123938 zero risk, so the buyers love this scheme as well. HeRYVk5_HdI-00440-00123938-00124127 When they're buying from Indonesia, they HeRYVk5_HdI-00441-00124127-00124355 don't have to worry. HeRYVk5_HdI-00442-00124355-00124598 They can't get prosecuted under the timber regulation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00443-00124909-00125221 Just at the very end here, I've been in quite a fight HeRYVk5_HdI-00444-00125221-00125617 with APP over the years and I just came across this blog in HeRYVk5_HdI-00445-00125617-00125911 the Financial Times written by their head of sustainability HeRYVk5_HdI-00446-00125911-00126157 in Europe, a guy that I've sparred with HeRYVk5_HdI-00447-00126157-00126424 on quite a few occasions. HeRYVk5_HdI-00448-00126424-00126588 And I couldn't believe I read this. HeRYVk5_HdI-00449-00126588-00126757 I thought, is this really true? HeRYVk5_HdI-00450-00126757-00127214 The EU, through this approach, is helping to drive change. HeRYVk5_HdI-00451-00127214-00127573 Indonesia's largest business realises that to become global HeRYVk5_HdI-00452-00127573-00127924 leaders they need to step beyond compliance-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00453-00127924-00128046 wow, and here we go-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00454-00128046-00128317 my company, blah blah blah. HeRYVk5_HdI-00455-00128317-00128600 I find it interesting that globalised trade, which has HeRYVk5_HdI-00456-00128600-00128927 certainly contributed to illegal logging, it may well, HeRYVk5_HdI-00457-00128927-00129288 paradoxically, also bring a solution. HeRYVk5_HdI-00458-00129288-00129633 So basically I think I'm here to congratulate Australia on HeRYVk5_HdI-00459-00129633-00129882 its illegal logging prohibition bill. HeRYVk5_HdI-00460-00129882-00130101 I'm to encourage you and to say that there's HeRYVk5_HdI-00461-00130101-00130242 lots more to be done. HeRYVk5_HdI-00462-00130242-00130632 We're in the European Union very keen to continue HeRYVk5_HdI-00463-00130632-00130818 cooperation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00464-00130818-00131118 I've got some ideas as to what should happen. HeRYVk5_HdI-00465-00131118-00131307 Wherever there are voluntary measures, I think the HeRYVk5_HdI-00466-00131307-00131650 regulation is the ultimate goal. HeRYVk5_HdI-00467-00131650-00131856 They are important in terms of innovation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00468-00131856-00132101 The responsible purchasing policies that I worked on with HeRYVk5_HdI-00469-00132101-00132393 the Timber Trade Federation is what morphed into the due HeRYVk5_HdI-00470-00132393-00132765 diligence legislation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00471-00132765-00132952 There will always be free riders. HeRYVk5_HdI-00472-00132952-00133160 There will always be the guys that think they can get away HeRYVk5_HdI-00473-00133160-00133518 with it, so that's why you need legislation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00474-00133518-00133768 The monitoring that we see now all over the place-- mobile HeRYVk5_HdI-00475-00133768-00134004 phones connected to the internet-- you cannot escape, HeRYVk5_HdI-00476-00134004-00134322 you cannot hit, but this is really important. HeRYVk5_HdI-00477-00134322-00134673 This is going to be our next challenge, social conflict. HeRYVk5_HdI-00478-00134673-00135026 Who really owns that timber? HeRYVk5_HdI-00479-00135026-00135310 Those guys that I used to work with in Cameroon would say HeRYVk5_HdI-00480-00135310-00135445 this is our forest. HeRYVk5_HdI-00481-00135445-00135730 That was taken from us, that's stolen property. HeRYVk5_HdI-00482-00135730-00136136 Those trees belong to me and I want the land grow my peanuts. HeRYVk5_HdI-00483-00136136-00136542 Fair enough-- you can't really deny the person's right to an HeRYVk5_HdI-00484-00136542-00136736 existence of subsistence. HeRYVk5_HdI-00485-00136736-00136935 This sort of thing is, I'm afraid, going to be a big HeRYVk5_HdI-00486-00136935-00137340 problem for us in the rest of the tropics. HeRYVk5_HdI-00487-00137340-00137529 So, changing behaviour-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00488-00137529-00137843 that has been driven by markets, of course. HeRYVk5_HdI-00489-00137843-00138214 I think the consumers with NGOs were the start of this, HeRYVk5_HdI-00490-00138214-00138515 but it's now governments that are taking this up with the HeRYVk5_HdI-00491-00138515-00138948 support of companies seeking regulation. HeRYVk5_HdI-00492-00138948-00139351 Those companies that want to be around for the long term, HeRYVk5_HdI-00493-00139351-00139689 and I know a trading company in the UK that's now 250 years HeRYVk5_HdI-00494-00139689-00140117 old, they're in the 14th generation-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00495-00140117-00140363 they want sustainable timber because they want to be able HeRYVk5_HdI-00496-00140363-00140759 to continue trading in timber forever and ever. HeRYVk5_HdI-00497-00140759-00141006 And this cut and run business, which I think was where HeRYVk5_HdI-00498-00141006-00141409 Indonesia came from in the '70s and '80s, I think that's HeRYVk5_HdI-00499-00141409-00141698 over, partly because the forest is gone but not only HeRYVk5_HdI-00500-00141698-00141888 because of that, it's because the customers HeRYVk5_HdI-00501-00141888-00142096 weren't accepted anymore. HeRYVk5_HdI-00502-00142096-00142461 And those elites that I see that my kids have grown up HeRYVk5_HdI-00503-00142461-00142766 with up with it in the school, they're now moving into the HeRYVk5_HdI-00504-00142766-00142947 companies, into positions of authority. HeRYVk5_HdI-00505-00142947-00143304 And in fact, it's the third generation of Widjajas in HeRYVk5_HdI-00506-00143304-00143703 Sinar Mas that have said enough's enough. HeRYVk5_HdI-00507-00143703-00144028 We're not going to carry on this practise of basically HeRYVk5_HdI-00508-00144028-00144328 ripping out the heart of our country. HeRYVk5_HdI-00509-00144328-00144585 Kayu Lapis Indonesia is one company that is HeRYVk5_HdI-00510-00144585-00144711 a paragon of this. HeRYVk5_HdI-00511-00144711-00144974 They're third generation Indonesian. HeRYVk5_HdI-00512-00144974-00145162 This is what they said recently in some business HeRYVk5_HdI-00513-00145162-00145322 dialogues in London. HeRYVk5_HdI-00514-00145322-00145714 We do what the customer wants. HeRYVk5_HdI-00515-00145714-00145960 I know that sounds obvious, right, but believe you me, the HeRYVk5_HdI-00516-00145960-00146344 Indonesian plywood industry, they used to set prices. HeRYVk5_HdI-00517-00146344-00146501 They were the price setters around the world. HeRYVk5_HdI-00518-00146501-00146731 They could dictate what happened, and they would tell HeRYVk5_HdI-00519-00146731-00146942 you what your sizes and dimensions and when you were HeRYVk5_HdI-00520-00146942-00147232 going to get delivery, and that was because it was cheap, HeRYVk5_HdI-00521-00147232-00147354 illegal timber. HeRYVk5_HdI-00522-00147354-00147543 They flooded the market. HeRYVk5_HdI-00523-00147543-00147834 So for you guys, yeah, it's very welcome. HeRYVk5_HdI-00524-00147834-00148013 I'm really glad to hear that you guys are going out to HeRYVk5_HdI-00525-00148013-00148319 explain it and we'll be there side by side if you want to HeRYVk5_HdI-00526-00148319-00148642 join the market dialogues we have planned to Jakarta. HeRYVk5_HdI-00527-00148642-00148785 You're very welcome. HeRYVk5_HdI-00528-00148785-00149024 I think Australia is a regional champion. HeRYVk5_HdI-00529-00149024-00149347 I mean, Japan is sort of doing stuff but it's still very HeRYVk5_HdI-00530-00149347-00149597 focused on is on its own borders and you've got to look HeRYVk5_HdI-00531-00149597-00149969 at your footprint as a consuming country. HeRYVk5_HdI-00532-00149969-00150248 The relationship between Australia and Indonesia-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00533-00150248-00150455 you've mentioned it already, Paul-- that trading HeRYVk5_HdI-00534-00150455-00150704 relationship, political relationship, is very HeRYVk5_HdI-00535-00150704-00151059 important, the Asian sentry. HeRYVk5_HdI-00536-00151059-00151266 But I think, finally, I wanted to leave you with this one HeRYVk5_HdI-00537-00151266-00151486 message from my colleagues in the Ministry of Forestry. HeRYVk5_HdI-00538-00151486-00151988 They do, of course, want the SVLK to be recognised by you. HeRYVk5_HdI-00539-00151988-00152323 I think they really ought to write to you and suggest that. HeRYVk5_HdI-00540-00152323-00152487 Not, I mean, formally. HeRYVk5_HdI-00541-00152487-00152893 Like, please come and assess the SVLK. HeRYVk5_HdI-00542-00152893-00153084 And I think that's a logical next step. HeRYVk5_HdI-00543-00153084-00153388 It's effectively what the European Union did when we HeRYVk5_HdI-00544-00153388-00153781 started negotiating the VPAs, the timber trade agreements. HeRYVk5_HdI-00545-00153781-00154114 We said to Indonesia, do you have anything to offer us, and HeRYVk5_HdI-00546-00154114-00154394 they offered us, eventually, the SVLK. HeRYVk5_HdI-00547-00154394-00154656 So I think this is a good next step. HeRYVk5_HdI-00548-00154656-00154945 And then in your other international relations, of HeRYVk5_HdI-00549-00154945-00155194 course, in the region with Japan-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00550-00155194-00155231 Vietnam. HeRYVk5_HdI-00551-00155231-00155527 If they're important suppliers of yours, we can HeRYVk5_HdI-00552-00155527-00155642 team up with you there. HeRYVk5_HdI-00553-00155642-00155758 Obviously, China. HeRYVk5_HdI-00554-00155758-00155877 South Korea-- HeRYVk5_HdI-00555-00155877-00156149 I know you don't do much with them, but again, we want to HeRYVk5_HdI-00556-00156149-00156381 start talking to them. HeRYVk5_HdI-00557-00156381-00156579 These are the guys on the left. HeRYVk5_HdI-00558-00156579-00156809 These are the first illegal loggers I met in Indonesian in HeRYVk5_HdI-00559-00156809-00157027 Kalimantan in 2003. HeRYVk5_HdI-00560-00157027-00157168 And they're not doing particularly HeRYVk5_HdI-00561-00157168-00157272 well, as you can see. HeRYVk5_HdI-00562-00157272-00157453 It's a really hard job. HeRYVk5_HdI-00563-00157453-00157673 They were just sawing up timber in the middle of a HeRYVk5_HdI-00564-00157673-00157778 concession. HeRYVk5_HdI-00565-00157778-00158093 These actually are victims of this business. HeRYVk5_HdI-00566-00158093-00158372 They're basically working for the police for a HeRYVk5_HdI-00567-00158372-00158615 [? peppercorn ?] rent with awful conditions. HeRYVk5_HdI-00568-00158615-00159042 This lady here, who's actually raising fish, basically was HeRYVk5_HdI-00569-00159042-00159239 another one of the victims because, of course, they lose HeRYVk5_HdI-00570-00159239-00159558 out when the watersheds get choked up. HeRYVk5_HdI-00571-00159558-00159755 So that's the human angle. HeRYVk5_HdI-00572-00159755-00159978 But I've got to leave you with this, of course. HeRYVk5_HdI-00573-00159978-00160103 Thank you very much. HgNVOdDuQZg-00000-00000004-00000397 >> In this video we will begin to look at points on the plane HgNVOdDuQZg-00001-00000397-00000823 and how we can give their coordinate address. HgNVOdDuQZg-00002-00000823-00001201 A coordinate address is made up of two points. HgNVOdDuQZg-00003-00001201-00001850 An x, y in parenthesis. HgNVOdDuQZg-00004-00001850-00002337 The x comes from the number line the x axis going to the right. HgNVOdDuQZg-00005-00002337-00002586 With a 0 being in the center. HgNVOdDuQZg-00006-00002757-00003227 Positive numbers to the right and negative numbers to the left. HgNVOdDuQZg-00007-00003227-00003799 The y comes from a vertical number line with 0 in the middle and positive numbers going HgNVOdDuQZg-00008-00003799-00004130 up and negative numbers going down. HgNVOdDuQZg-00009-00004243-00005059 We give these this address or point as an x,y telling us how far over HgNVOdDuQZg-00010-00005059-00005483 and up we need to go to get to a point. HgNVOdDuQZg-00011-00005483-00006150 To get to point a we go one to the right and we go 4 units up. HgNVOdDuQZg-00012-00006270-00007166 For this reason we say the coordinate address of point a is 1,4. HgNVOdDuQZg-00013-00007166-00008204 This means we travel 1 on the x axis and 4 on the y axis to get to point a. Similarly HgNVOdDuQZg-00014-00008204-00008635 with point b we start by traveling backwards. HgNVOdDuQZg-00015-00008635-00009032 Because we travel backwards we'll say that is a negative number. HgNVOdDuQZg-00016-00009032-00009420 1 2 3 4 5 units. HgNVOdDuQZg-00017-00009613-00010272 So the first coordinate for b on the x number line is negative 5. HgNVOdDuQZg-00018-00010272-00010800 We than travel up 3 units and this is our y value. HgNVOdDuQZg-00019-00010936-00011535 We say the coordinates of b are negative 5,3. HgNVOdDuQZg-00020-00011709-00012091 Similarly for c we start with the same pattern. HgNVOdDuQZg-00021-00012091-00012692 The x tells us how far left and right we must go to get towards the c. point. HgNVOdDuQZg-00022-00012692-00013218 Notice we don't go left or right at all in this case but simply straight down. HgNVOdDuQZg-00023-00013218-00013653 This is because the x value is 0 showing no left and right movement. HgNVOdDuQZg-00024-00013653-00014196 And we go down negative 2 units. HgNVOdDuQZg-00025-00014196-00014813 C is at the point 0 negative 2. HgNVOdDuQZg-00026-00014813-00015259 Now that we've found out how we can give the address of a point let's see HgNVOdDuQZg-00027-00015259-00015644 if we can find a point given the address. HgNVOdDuQZg-00028-00015644-00016060 Here we're given the address of 7 points. HgNVOdDuQZg-00029-00016060-00016494 Point a is at 3,2. HgNVOdDuQZg-00030-00016494-00016934 Remember the first number is the x, the second number is the y or how far HgNVOdDuQZg-00031-00016934-00017300 to the right and then how far up we go. HgNVOdDuQZg-00032-00017300-00018474 3,2 is right 3 up 2 to give us point a. Right. HgNVOdDuQZg-00033-00018474-00019286 3 up 2 point a. Point b starts with negative 2 meaning we move negative 2 to the right HgNVOdDuQZg-00034-00019286-00019841 which would be backwards left 2 and 1 up. HgNVOdDuQZg-00035-00019841-00021197 Point b. C is at 3 negative 4 always going to the right first 3 and then up negative 4. HgNVOdDuQZg-00036-00021197-00021687 Up negative means we're actually moving down 1 2 3 4 points. HgNVOdDuQZg-00037-00021687-00022525 To get to point c. d is at negative 2 negative 3. HgNVOdDuQZg-00038-00022631-00023273 Negative 2 is to the left and 3 moves us down 3 units to get us HgNVOdDuQZg-00039-00023273-00024082 to point d. Next we see e is at negative 3 0. HgNVOdDuQZg-00040-00024082-00024859 Negative 3 moves us back 3 on the x axis and 0 means we don't move up or down at all. HgNVOdDuQZg-00041-00024859-00025670 This is point e. F is at 02. HgNVOdDuQZg-00042-00025670-00026142 0 the first number tells us how far left and right to move. HgNVOdDuQZg-00043-00026142-00026973 0 means we don't move at all but the 2 moves us up 2 and we get point f on the y axis. HgNVOdDuQZg-00044-00027092-00027388 Our final point is point g at 00. HgNVOdDuQZg-00045-00027388-00028445 0 to the left and 0 to the right gives us point g in the middle on the origin. HgNVOdDuQZg-00046-00028445-00028867 First letter or the first number is how far left and right we move. HgNVOdDuQZg-00047-00028867-00029142 Positive to the right and negative to the left HgNVOdDuQZg-00048-00029142-00029489 and the second number is how far up and down we move. HgNVOdDuQZg-00049-00029489-00029736 Positive up and negative down. HhTfUtjEgiy-00000-00000066-00000595 In 2009, the same year that this journalistic project was born HhTfUtjEgiy-00001-00000595-00000898 Peace Correspondent faced a pandemic HhTfUtjEgiy-00002-00001002-00001130 and just like right now HhTfUtjEgiy-00003-00001130-00001672 we saw back then how this disease spread faster than the virus itself. HhTfUtjEgiy-00004-00001722-00001920 It was the disease of fear HhTfUtjEgiy-00005-00001920-00002128 of uncertainty HhTfUtjEgiy-00006-00002130-00002274 and distrust. HhTfUtjEgiy-00007-00002368-00002638 Today, in 2020, maybe far more than back then, HhTfUtjEgiy-00008-00002638-00003148 the virus that affects us the most HhTfUtjEgiy-00009-00003148-00003450 is the feeling of general despondency. HhTfUtjEgiy-00010-00003450-00004010 This is being constantly transmitted to us HhTfUtjEgiy-00011-00004010-00004250 via relentless information HhTfUtjEgiy-00012-00004250-00004616 that is gradually weakening our mental state HhTfUtjEgiy-00013-00004616-00004836 and also our immune system. HhTfUtjEgiy-00014-00004916-00005202 This is of course happening on an individual level HhTfUtjEgiy-00015-00005202-00005426 but especially on a social scale. HhTfUtjEgiy-00016-00005511-00006048 Both this virus, Covid-19, and the information we are receiving HhTfUtjEgiy-00017-00006048-00006550 from countless media outlets and social networks HhTfUtjEgiy-00018-00006550-00007289 confirm that we most certainly live in a globalised world HhTfUtjEgiy-00019-00007289-00007290 one in which borders apply neither to viruses or the information we receive. confirm that we most certainly live in a globalised world HhTfUtjEgiy-00020-00007290-00007876 one in which borders apply neither to viruses or the information we receive. HhTfUtjEgiy-00021-00008012-00008452 It is also a world in which we see and feel HhTfUtjEgiy-00022-00008452-00008746 that it doesn't matter where we were born HhTfUtjEgiy-00023-00008746-00009154 or in which part of the planet we live. HhTfUtjEgiy-00024-00009250-00009784 Because in reality, we all worry about the same thing: HhTfUtjEgiy-00025-00009846-00010286 the vast majority of us, if not all of us HhTfUtjEgiy-00026-00010286-00010862 simply want to live, be happy and for the ones we love HhTfUtjEgiy-00027-00010862-00011216 be they human, or also animals in my case, to be safe. HhTfUtjEgiy-00028-00011382-00011696 This is the priority that drives us today. HhTfUtjEgiy-00029-00011766-00012484 Certainly, the social distancing we are imposing on ourselves HhTfUtjEgiy-00030-00012484-00012824 in order to look after ourselves and our loved ones HhTfUtjEgiy-00031-00012824-00013413 is leading us all to practically the same conclusion HhTfUtjEgiy-00032-00013413-00013669 in all four corners of the planet. HhTfUtjEgiy-00033-00013736-00014113 And this, even if said conclusion is not entirely clear to us just yet HhTfUtjEgiy-00034-00014113-00014284 is invaluable. HhTfUtjEgiy-00035-00014432-00014663 We now know, in fact we have seen HhTfUtjEgiy-00036-00014663-00015176 that we are capable of putting an end to the non-stop, chaotic nature of our lives. HhTfUtjEgiy-00037-00015200-00015769 We now know how much we need physical contact HhTfUtjEgiy-00038-00015769-00016382 to hug and love one another, with those who are around us HhTfUtjEgiy-00039-00016422-00016968 We are also now, in the midstof our personal confinement HhTfUtjEgiy-00040-00016968-00017406 opening our hearts in many other ways HhTfUtjEgiy-00041-00017406-00017776 upon realising how many people care about us HhTfUtjEgiy-00042-00017776-00018194 and how many people we care and think about HhTfUtjEgiy-00043-00018194-00018470 even if some are far away. HhTfUtjEgiy-00044-00018552-00018824 We are worried about ourselves HhTfUtjEgiy-00045-00018824-00019346 but we are especially worried about others. HhTfUtjEgiy-00046-00019346-00019530 about the health of others HhTfUtjEgiy-00047-00019530-00019816 especially that of the ones we love. HhTfUtjEgiy-00048-00019914-00020402 I think maybe we should have realised a long time ago HhTfUtjEgiy-00049-00020402-00020684 and I mean humanity in general HhTfUtjEgiy-00050-00020684-00021274 that we should stop seeing ourselves as different people of different nationalities. HhTfUtjEgiy-00051-00021474-00021988 Maybe we should have also realised HhTfUtjEgiy-00052-00021988-00022428 that forest fires, floods, earthquakes HhTfUtjEgiy-00053-00022428-00022946 and even wars that happen in one region or another HhTfUtjEgiy-00054-00022946-00023404 are in fact happening to all of us in this home. HhTfUtjEgiy-00055-00023514-00023808 In this home that belongs to all of us, HhTfUtjEgiy-00056-00023808-00023998 the only one we have. HhTfUtjEgiy-00057-00023998-00024272 An enormous and diverse home HhTfUtjEgiy-00058-00024272-00024576 in which we humans live HhTfUtjEgiy-00059-00024576-00025048 but which also belongs to millions of species and living creatures HhTfUtjEgiy-00060-00025048-00025677 and it is us human beings who have been a deadly disease HhTfUtjEgiy-00061-00025677-00025936 that destroys and infects everything. HhTfUtjEgiy-00062-00026027-00026598 And today, while we have been quarantined by this insidious virus HhTfUtjEgiy-00063-00026598-00026920 which has isolated us so quickly HhTfUtjEgiy-00064-00026920-00027426 it turns out that our planet has started, while in its own quarantine HhTfUtjEgiy-00065-00027632-00028232 to heal itself from our invasive presence in its live body. HhTfUtjEgiy-00066-00028398-00028780 Both are extremely powerful messages HhTfUtjEgiy-00067-00028780-00029200 and they have reached us at the right time. HhTfUtjEgiy-00068-00029200-00029538 One one hand we are beginning to understand HhTfUtjEgiy-00069-00029538-00029954 in our loneliness and individual vulnerability HhTfUtjEgiy-00070-00029956-00030682 that we humans ultimately have far more in common than we wanted to admit until now. HhTfUtjEgiy-00071-00030789-00031264 On the other, we are starting to realise that our home, planet Earth HhTfUtjEgiy-00072-00031264-00031772 needs to heal itself from our harmful actions. HhTfUtjEgiy-00073-00031870-00032356 And maybe the most important thing we can take from these two messages HhTfUtjEgiy-00074-00032356-00032940 is the realisation that it doesn't matter how much wealth we have accumulated HhTfUtjEgiy-00075-00032940-00033510 be it in money, material goods or land HhTfUtjEgiy-00076-00033510-00033982 because this moment in time is teaching us that sooner or later HhTfUtjEgiy-00077-00033982-00034202 we will be left with no other option HhTfUtjEgiy-00078-00034202-00034468 than to share with each other and work together HhTfUtjEgiy-00079-00034468-00035274 if what we want is to return to those simple, priceless things HhTfUtjEgiy-00080-00035274-00035620 that we are yearning for right now HhTfUtjEgiy-00081-00035620-00036228 to be able to hug each other, to feel life in the air once again HhTfUtjEgiy-00082-00036228-00036436 and to once again be trusting of others. HhTfUtjEgiy-00083-00036524-00036868 To those of us who make up the Peace Correspondent team HhTfUtjEgiy-00084-00036868-00037428 none of these premises are really new. HhTfUtjEgiy-00085-00037428-00037844 For eleven years we have dedicated ourselves to peace journalism HhTfUtjEgiy-00086-00037844-00038212 knowing,or at least sensing HhTfUtjEgiy-00087-00038212-00038603 that living life according to another social paradigm HhTfUtjEgiy-00088-00038603-00038971 was not just possible, as we are now seeing HhTfUtjEgiy-00089-00038971-00039217 but also urgent. HhTfUtjEgiy-00090-00039217-00039539 Urgent for human beings, obviously HhTfUtjEgiy-00091-00039539-00040118 but urgent also for the other species in general HhTfUtjEgiy-00092-00040118-00040464 and for the good of the planet as a whole HhTfUtjEgiy-00093-00040592-00041072 For eleven years we have been telling of the brightest parts HhTfUtjEgiy-00094-00041072-00041644 in the midst of the social darkness that has surrounded us. HhTfUtjEgiy-00095-00041726-00042254 We have been insisting that the story of the world HhTfUtjEgiy-00096-00042254-00042484 by us journalists HhTfUtjEgiy-00097-00042484-00042939 in the news, in social media, in our messages HhTfUtjEgiy-00098-00042939-00043665 is ultimately a story which shapes the way we relate to each other HhTfUtjEgiy-00099-00043726-00044179 to the world that we live in, and of course, to others. HhTfUtjEgiy-00100-00044267-00044896 We are inundated with information that overwhelms us HhTfUtjEgiy-00101-00044896-00045288 and that eventually weakens us HhTfUtjEgiy-00102-00045288-00045726 even more so than this virus that has turned into a pandemic. HhTfUtjEgiy-00103-00045726-00046340 And this is why at Peace Correspondent we believe that it is essential HhTfUtjEgiy-00104-00046340-00047268 that our readers be kept in constant contact with all those stories, acts and initiatives HhTfUtjEgiy-00105-00047268-00047734 that show us the solidarity we are capable of HhTfUtjEgiy-00106-00047734-00048016 that we have always been capable of. HhTfUtjEgiy-00107-00048016-00048760 These acts that remind us of the gratitude that moves us and that we often feel HhTfUtjEgiy-00108-00048760-00049284 when we once again value the things that we have gradually stopped appreciating HhTfUtjEgiy-00109-00049284-00049673 among the chaos of everyday life. HhTfUtjEgiy-00110-00049673-00050347 Stories, acts and initiatives that bring us closer together when we are far apart HhTfUtjEgiy-00111-00050347-00050825 and which, when we read or hear about them HhTfUtjEgiy-00112-00050825-00051438 inject us with hope when we most need to believe in something HhTfUtjEgiy-00113-00051438-00051866 something which brings immediate relief. HhTfUtjEgiy-00114-00051867-00052320 We think it is paramount that we begin to think about HhTfUtjEgiy-00115-00052320-00052585 what we will be capable in the future HhTfUtjEgiy-00116-00052585-00052899 what we will be able to create together HhTfUtjEgiy-00117-00052899-00053185 in that future that awaits us. HhTfUtjEgiy-00118-00053185-00053433 On this website dedicated to peace journalism HhTfUtjEgiy-00119-00053433-00053854 we are convinced that this virus that has struck us HhTfUtjEgiy-00120-00053854-00054224 can ultimately unite us all HhTfUtjEgiy-00121-00054224-00054947 and what unites us when this pandemic is over will depend on us HhTfUtjEgiy-00122-00054947-00055348 whether it is disease and fear HhTfUtjEgiy-00123-00055348-00055724 or rather solidarity, happiness and cooperation. HhTfUtjEgiy-00124-00055846-00056262 Today our borders have practically been erased HhTfUtjEgiy-00125-00056262-00056569 we have seen they are non-existent borders HhTfUtjEgiy-00126-00056569-00056926 because for news and viruses, there are no borders HhTfUtjEgiy-00127-00056926-00057246 while our interdependence on one another HhTfUtjEgiy-00128-00057246-00057627 is what will become most evident now HhTfUtjEgiy-00129-00057627-00057791 and in the future. HhTfUtjEgiy-00130-00057791-00058167 We think that at this moment in time, when it is more necessary than ever HhTfUtjEgiy-00131-00058167-00058553 to up our individual and social game HhTfUtjEgiy-00132-00058553-00058910 so that we strengthen not only our internal defences HhTfUtjEgiy-00133-00058910-00059452 but also our defences as a society as a whole. HhTfUtjEgiy-00134-00059452-00059883 This is why the Peace Correspondent team has taken it upon itself HhTfUtjEgiy-00135-00059883-00060414 to compile all the stories that have come from different sources HhTfUtjEgiy-00136-00060414-00060936 that can make reconnect with the mental and spiritual health HhTfUtjEgiy-00137-00060936-00061523 of a planet that we can see that right now is sick, isolated and weak HhTfUtjEgiy-00138-00061523-00061939 but that is on the road to recovery. HhTfUtjEgiy-00139-00062059-00062643 But it must be said that it isn't just us who have made this news feature possible HhTfUtjEgiy-00140-00062643-00063219 this section of inspiring and uplifting stories on COVID-19 HhTfUtjEgiy-00141-00063219-00063896 has been thanks to many journalists, organisations and people all over the world HhTfUtjEgiy-00142-00063896-00064308 that in the midst of this crossroads HhTfUtjEgiy-00143-00064308-00064715 remind us, with tangible examples HhTfUtjEgiy-00144-00064715-00065076 that our natural fear of death HhTfUtjEgiy-00145-00065076-00065780 has always, always succumbed to our most distinctive hallmark: HhTfUtjEgiy-00146-00065780-00065974 our love for life. HhTfUtjEgiy-00147-00065974-00066305 We hope that this feature HhTfUtjEgiy-00148-00066305-00066776 that we have named "The Virus That Has United Humanity" HhTfUtjEgiy-00149-00066776-00067313 that takes a look at inspirational stories that are happening all around the world HhTfUtjEgiy-00150-00067313-00067593 some of which are spontaneous HhTfUtjEgiy-00151-00067593-00067888 others which are part of a plan HhTfUtjEgiy-00152-00067888-00068545 but which are all born from a sense of solidarity in the face of this health crisis HhTfUtjEgiy-00153-00068545-00069032 we hope this feature can lift our spirits HhTfUtjEgiy-00154-00069032-00069745 at this time when it seems that anguish and confusion are winning the battle. HhTfUtjEgiy-00155-00069745-00070163 We also hope that it can inspire us all HhTfUtjEgiy-00156-00070163-00071016 to replicate and multiply these acts of cooperation and solidarity HhTfUtjEgiy-00157-00071016-00071497 that will ultimately define us when all this is over. HhTfUtjEgiy-00158-00071657-00071897 Translated and subtitled by Eirian James HiIkSbWuKXc-00000-00000088-00000528 what is going on ladies and gentlemen horcrux here and welcome back to the channel so in this HiIkSbWuKXc-00001-00000528-00000976 video we are going to be doing another live reaction to another dragonite pvp build and HiIkSbWuKXc-00002-00000976-00001368 this time it's gonna be by dots gaming now i'll tell you guys in the past dots and i HiIkSbWuKXc-00003-00001368-00001784 don't really agree on much of anything with the dragonite class in general so HiIkSbWuKXc-00004-00001784-00002984 spoiler alert it's gonna be a spicy video so without further ado let's hop into it HiIkSbWuKXc-00005-00003056-00003464 welcome back and before we hop into the meat and potatoes this video a huge and glorious HiIkSbWuKXc-00006-00003464-00003879 shout out to my patrons and also my community members here on youtube you guys are absolutely HiIkSbWuKXc-00007-00003879-00004320 phenomenal i really appreciate the support you guys provide and let me preface this video by HiIkSbWuKXc-00008-00004320-00004712 saying that anything i say in this video is strictly my opinion there is no right or wrong HiIkSbWuKXc-00009-00004712-00005120 way to run a build and please guys do not go over to dasa's channel and be negative down HiIkSbWuKXc-00010-00005120-00005544 in the comments like no one wants to see any of that alright appreciate it much love let's get HiIkSbWuKXc-00011-00005544-00006152 into the video now i'm going to break this down a lot more uh how long is this video 35 minutes HiIkSbWuKXc-00012-00006336-00006928 well well dots is a little windy so uh what i'll try not to make it 35 minutes so we got gear HiIkSbWuKXc-00013-00006928-00007856 we got skills he talks a long time about skills you have uh food mundus uh cp rotation HiIkSbWuKXc-00014-00007968-00008648 where's the gameplay probably in the intro all right i'm already liking this stat sheet and let HiIkSbWuKXc-00015-00008648-00009144 me kind of clarify what i said last stream about stats like i know your stat sheet isn't everything HiIkSbWuKXc-00016-00009144-00009736 and the reason i like having mac the high stat pools is mainly just for your resources because HiIkSbWuKXc-00017-00009736-00010440 if you're floating around 22k resources you're already starting the fights off with -8 000 right HiIkSbWuKXc-00018-00010440-00010912 so you get off to a really bad start you kind of screwed but just by looking at his character HiIkSbWuKXc-00019-00010912-00011416 sheet i mean it's it's uh it's looking pretty solid i'm not sure this is buffed or not but HiIkSbWuKXc-00020-00011416-00012064 uh yeah so good good start good start i wish he had an intro though um i know he can do it he's HiIkSbWuKXc-00021-00012064-00012616 got 100 000 subs surely you can make an intro so they absolutely gutted macdk if you guys do HiIkSbWuKXc-00022-00012616-00013256 not know every single skill that was relevant has been just [__] on man like the dk has no HiIkSbWuKXc-00023-00013256-00013919 burst to begin with like you emote with that is it okay so then nerfing molten went by like 20 25 HiIkSbWuKXc-00024-00013919-00014408 percent effectively killed the class you killed the dots what does this class have going for it HiIkSbWuKXc-00025-00014408-00014832 i mean it still still has a lot right but is nowhere near what it used to be HiIkSbWuKXc-00026-00014888-00015552 and the whole open soul nerf as well man they they gutted the dk like absolutely destroyed it HiIkSbWuKXc-00027-00015552-00016063 but i mean we're making it work so thankfully i was able to keep the core of this build HiIkSbWuKXc-00028-00016144-00016896 relatively the same from my previous uh build for last patch during high isle but i made a lot of HiIkSbWuKXc-00029-00016896-00017472 little changes that the mag specifically did not only increase stamina sustain HiIkSbWuKXc-00030-00017472-00018024 since we now have more demand on our stamina now than ever but the biggest thing is that we HiIkSbWuKXc-00031-00018024-00018672 just need more damage man especially with the nerf he has such a good point damage you have to just HiIkSbWuKXc-00032-00018768-00019328 almost run two damage sets and like like take your else take your losses take your deaths hurry up HiIkSbWuKXc-00033-00019328-00020048 and respawn you almost have to have two damage sets and i mean it sucks but it is what it is to HiIkSbWuKXc-00034-00020048-00020696 searing heat that my opinion felt a little bit unnecessary um they lowered our dot damage from HiIkSbWuKXc-00035-00020696-00021720 like the damage increase we get i believe it was from 33 down to um 25 it just it it gave us a like HiIkSbWuKXc-00036-00021792-00022344 not enough consistent pressure to really like push people over with like you know the stuff that i've HiIkSbWuKXc-00037-00022344-00022800 been running previously and so i really needed to kind of go back to the drawing board with HiIkSbWuKXc-00038-00022800-00023480 like a lot of small things and try to basically squeeze out as much damage okay one thing i want HiIkSbWuKXc-00039-00023480-00024000 to point out on his stat sheet right now he has way too much critical resistance um HiIkSbWuKXc-00040-00024080-00024520 i'm assuming he's running all impan unless he's running the the champion points that is not what HiIkSbWuKXc-00041-00024520-00025080 you want to do this is not a good sign right here like having this much imp impedance probably like HiIkSbWuKXc-00042-00025080-00025584 other than of course like invigorating is is just not a very stat dense trait to have you either HiIkSbWuKXc-00043-00025584-00025992 want to have like well fitted and then on your heavy pieces you don't have reinforced and that HiIkSbWuKXc-00044-00025992-00026639 may be sturdy depending on what your uh your back bar your mitigation uh bar is but uh this this red HiIkSbWuKXc-00045-00026639-00027248 flag right here image from my build as possible and thankfully i have managed to achieve that HiIkSbWuKXc-00046-00027248-00027895 this patch and now my clients you know my class my build feels very very solid and i've had really HiIkSbWuKXc-00047-00027895-00028544 good success with it i've tested this in duels battlegrounds open world pvp it is worked in HiIkSbWuKXc-00048-00028544-00029168 every instance it's been very strong um i do plan on having a gameplay video coming out soon with HiIkSbWuKXc-00049-00029304-00030039 i'm gonna stop right here dots if you're watching this i guarantee in your your your analytics you HiIkSbWuKXc-00050-00030039-00030583 will see a drop off of your viewer retention right here at the two minute and two second mark because HiIkSbWuKXc-00051-00030583-00031295 if i care about a decent pvp dragonite build as soon as you tell me that you do not have footage HiIkSbWuKXc-00052-00031295-00032104 in a 35 minute 22 second build video i'm out at 5000. like i'm clicking away there's no way i'm HiIkSbWuKXc-00053-00032104-00032608 going to sit here and listen to someone talk for 35 minutes without gameplay footage i've made that HiIkSbWuKXc-00054-00032608-00033224 mistake in the past so many times promising oh watch it on the stream oh watch it here no one HiIkSbWuKXc-00055-00033224-00033680 wants to do that they want to see people get [__] on that's what they want to see at the HiIkSbWuKXc-00056-00033680-00034136 beginning of the video to draw you in they want to see this build just absolutely murdering potatoes HiIkSbWuKXc-00057-00034136-00034800 okay that's that's what we all want to see the fact that you do not have pvp footage like even HiIkSbWuKXc-00058-00034800-00035296 background like like battleground footage who cares who can just just something to appease HiIkSbWuKXc-00059-00035296-00035880 your your aesthetics like just something like if you go through this entire video and do not have HiIkSbWuKXc-00060-00035976-00036352 pvp footage i'm gonna have to give it a thumbs down that's i mean that's that's just the way HiIkSbWuKXc-00061-00036352-00036696 it is like if it's like an eight minute you know video yeah ebook video quickly going HiIkSbWuKXc-00062-00036696-00037232 through whatever but a 35 minute video this should be like 10 minutes of mom HiIkSbWuKXc-00063-00037232-00037936 montage material in my opinion highlights for my yo thank you so much for 9.99 keep up the good HiIkSbWuKXc-00064-00037936-00038400 work bro yo i'm trying brother i'm trying i'm trying i'm doing some of this react content uh HiIkSbWuKXc-00065-00038400-00038840 you all really like delta's so i'll be making a video about this uh tomorrow as well but uh HiIkSbWuKXc-00066-00038912-00039328 if you guys want to see more content like this about obviously let me know because i don't know HiIkSbWuKXc-00067-00039328-00039856 what you guys like so if if you like it just tell me just so i know but thank you so much HiIkSbWuKXc-00068-00039856-00040512 for the 9.99 i will hop on the uh jumping jacks at the end of this uh watching this video okay HiIkSbWuKXc-00069-00040512-00041016 just remind me please stream but if you do want to see this build played live you can find it over on HiIkSbWuKXc-00070-00041016-00041424 my twitch channel link in the description below but i will have a gameplay video coming out very HiIkSbWuKXc-00071-00041424-00041904 soon where i have some highlights from doing some uh 2vx and 3vx with some friends um as well as the HiIkSbWuKXc-00072-00041904-00042496 battleground so you can expect two vx and three vx with friends if you are doing a build video HiIkSbWuKXc-00073-00042600-00043136 in my opinion uh this may be completely biased and if you'll be a content creator for eso um you HiIkSbWuKXc-00074-00043136-00043936 need solo footage if you are in a 2vx 3vx that does not do the build justice it doesn't show HiIkSbWuKXc-00075-00043936-00044576 you how it performs because when you play solo and when you play in a group the game plays different HiIkSbWuKXc-00076-00044576-00045120 it is completely different your mindset has to be different it when you make a mistake everything is HiIkSbWuKXc-00077-00045120-00045760 absolutely amplified so when you see a solo player in good solo play footage you know that build is HiIkSbWuKXc-00078-00045760-00046352 solid as soon as you start seeing groups you need to be a little assessed build it may be good some HiIkSbWuKXc-00079-00046352-00046736 builds are meant for group play but please like explain that at the beginning of the video like HiIkSbWuKXc-00080-00046736-00047424 hey this is a replay build you know what i mean expect those two come out uh relatively soon HiIkSbWuKXc-00081-00047424-00047792 um but like i do always say that before my build videos guys this is what i like what i use and HiIkSbWuKXc-00082-00047792-00048232 what works for me if you want to run something else try something else do something else on HiIkSbWuKXc-00083-00048232-00048880 your dk mike i believe i'm just going to tell you why they nerf dk into the ground it's because i HiIkSbWuKXc-00084-00048880-00049472 keep bagging gilliam in battlegrounds gilliam the nightblade the rogue you know whatever gilly and HiIkSbWuKXc-00085-00049472-00050080 the rogue i swear to you it's because of that they nerfed iron blood they nerfed dk into the freaking HiIkSbWuKXc-00086-00050080-00050504 ground they nerfed open soul anything to do with the dk just got gutted and knightly got buffed HiIkSbWuKXc-00087-00050504-00051384 coincidence yeah no no okay please go right ahead this is just what i personally have found success HiIkSbWuKXc-00088-00051384-00052176 with now kicking the build off guys our first set is going to be two pieces of balor so okay so let HiIkSbWuKXc-00089-00052176-00052991 me stop right here battle orgs so if i had to get if you run battle lords battlers is a an okay set HiIkSbWuKXc-00090-00052991-00053440 for the dragonite if you have no intentions on running corrosive and you're just gonna leap spam HiIkSbWuKXc-00091-00053440-00053832 then yeah balor is awesome because you can get some really juicy crits into your molten whip HiIkSbWuKXc-00092-00053832-00054255 leaf combo it's actually really flashy so if he's playing like a really aggressive build i mean HiIkSbWuKXc-00093-00054255-00054808 i'm all down for battlers um he's running a bit impenetrable you guys know how i feel about endpin HiIkSbWuKXc-00094-00054808-00055144 instead of ringing in pin you need to be running well fitted if you have the option HiIkSbWuKXc-00095-00055144-00055544 um you may notice on some of my build videos i still have imping that's just because i'm lazy HiIkSbWuKXc-00096-00055544-00056104 and i don't have enough transmute stones i refuse to do dailies so battler gives us a line of weapon HiIkSbWuKXc-00097-00056104-00056496 damage and when you use ultimate ability you gain weapon damage the amount of total ultimate HiIkSbWuKXc-00098-00056496-00057104 consumed and physical and spell penetration equal to 23. um let me just one more thing to know the HiIkSbWuKXc-00099-00057104-00057479 reason this is not good if you're on corrosive because like half of the set is wasted because it HiIkSbWuKXc-00100-00057479-00057879 gives you a physical and a spell pin when you're in corrosive it doesn't matter anyway you get HiIkSbWuKXc-00101-00057879-00058416 100k physical and spell pen so um if you don't run corrosive don't run ballard three times the amount HiIkSbWuKXc-00102-00058416-00059167 consumed for 12 seconds balor is in my opinion a necessary monster set for magic a dragon disagree HiIkSbWuKXc-00103-00059232-00059896 without balor you simply do not have the damage to i'm disappearing he also got nerfed [__] man HiIkSbWuKXc-00104-00060088-00060720 do not have the damage to um i do disagree with that you don't have to have balance for damage um HiIkSbWuKXc-00105-00060776-00061128 corrosive armor let me kind of put in perspective how powerful corrosive are HiIkSbWuKXc-00106-00061248-00061704 we we'll talk about in a minute i'm i'm assuming he doesn't have corrosive HiIkSbWuKXc-00107-00061704-00062128 because he has battle orgs but we'll get to that point when we get there you push over HiIkSbWuKXc-00108-00062128-00062712 really tanky players unfortunately it's just not there um kind of stinks but HiIkSbWuKXc-00109-00062712-00063208 batlord has just really fixed for me a lot of the problems that magdk feels like it happens HiIkSbWuKXc-00110-00063288-00063776 side of things and especially with the changes to bigger and out getting minor results and i i don't HiIkSbWuKXc-00111-00063776-00064200 want you guys to take this as like a negative video this is just simply me putting my two cents HiIkSbWuKXc-00112-00064200-00064608 in and i'm really going to pick this one apart delta is i could have picked it apart a little bit HiIkSbWuKXc-00113-00064608-00065064 more and i went back and kind of watched the video and it was like lackluster on my part when it HiIkSbWuKXc-00114-00065064-00065552 comes like to uh constructive criticism and points to be made and things we got to talk about so HiIkSbWuKXc-00115-00065552-00066072 in this video um it is going to be much more in depth so if you guys want to hear more that HiIkSbWuKXc-00116-00066072-00066632 more like that then i'm going to absolutely tear this apart man so i don't mean this bad in any way HiIkSbWuKXc-00117-00066632-00067032 toward anyone i'm just going to put my thoughts out there and let you guys kind of put your own HiIkSbWuKXc-00118-00067032-00067584 thing together you know what i mean all of that karna does become a lot less valuable for any sort HiIkSbWuKXc-00119-00067584-00068096 of solo play just because you already get minor results from the skill and so your monster set HiIkSbWuKXc-00120-00068096-00068576 choices do kind of get kind you know they get a bit low you don't really have a lot to choose from HiIkSbWuKXc-00121-00068576-00069048 and so for me balor is just kind of perfect with the way that this patch and the past couple of HiIkSbWuKXc-00122-00069048-00069400 patches have been frankly where you're not really pressuring your targets down you're kind of HiIkSbWuKXc-00123-00069400-00069984 bursting them down and so ballard gives you that peak burst damage when you're going for a leap HiIkSbWuKXc-00124-00069984-00070552 into a whip combo also battler does give you the option to pull your ultimate for a bigger speck of HiIkSbWuKXc-00125-00070552-00071088 damage depending on how tanky the target is so for that reason batlord is my monster set of choice HiIkSbWuKXc-00126-00071088-00071608 uh for the lost depth patch and perfectly fine you don't have to run the same build you want to HiIkSbWuKXc-00127-00071608-00072008 reminisce stuff i mean it's justification behind it you can run whatever the hell you want i'm not HiIkSbWuKXc-00128-00072008-00072480 dissing anyone so yeah ballard's i mean it's good it has this place now my front bar five HiIkSbWuKXc-00129-00072480-00072896 piece is still going to be burning spell weave giving me a line of magicka i'm burning spell HiIkSbWuKXc-00130-00072896-00073320 weaves it is always really good it's one of my go-to sets for literally everything probably top HiIkSbWuKXc-00131-00073320-00073792 three sets uh you can toss burning spell weave on literally any class and it will just do well HiIkSbWuKXc-00132-00073912-00074248 weapon damage critical chance when you deal damage to the flame ability you apply the HiIkSbWuKXc-00133-00074248-00074696 burning status effect to an enemy and increase your weapon and damage by yo vance thomas with HiIkSbWuKXc-00134-00074696-00075320 a 10 yo thank you so much man i swear to jesus christ our lord and savior that we'll be doing HiIkSbWuKXc-00135-00075384-00075768 jumping jacks at the end of this yo thank you so much vince for the ten dollars thank you thank you HiIkSbWuKXc-00136-00075768-00076440 brother thank you thank you for 94 seconds once every 12 seconds burning spell weave is still in HiIkSbWuKXc-00137-00076440-00076904 my opinion going to be your best offensive set simply due to the fact that the uptime HiIkSbWuKXc-00138-00076904-00077368 is very solid combine that with the fact that you get the burning status effect application HiIkSbWuKXc-00139-00077368-00077912 which assuming combustion is not on cooldown that gives you about a thousand magicka return HiIkSbWuKXc-00140-00077912-00078448 and on top of that bsw is non-conditional weapon damage now and it also is a buff on HiIkSbWuKXc-00141-00078448-00078920 your character so i'll work on my form on the jumping jacks bsw on your front bar and then HiIkSbWuKXc-00142-00078920-00079464 for some reason you need to go back to your back bar you simply bar swap and that buff from bsw HiIkSbWuKXc-00143-00079464-00079944 is still there and will apply to your vigor your coag and your back and that's a really good point HiIkSbWuKXc-00144-00079944-00080456 if you are new to like magic a dragon or eso pvp in general um the burning slow we buff you can HiIkSbWuKXc-00145-00080456-00080920 just proc it on one bar and it follows you on both bars it's not like a snapshot ability it's HiIkSbWuKXc-00146-00080920-00081336 gonna follow you to your front bar and your back bar not only does it bolster your damage but also HiIkSbWuKXc-00147-00081336-00081992 bolsters your healing so just just clarifying abilities it is just something that makes bsw a HiIkSbWuKXc-00148-00081992-00082544 very um is mars still good we are going to test that today on the worst class ever i tested HiIkSbWuKXc-00149-00082544-00083024 on the drag night it was [__] phenomenal still yet um we're gonna test on the max work with no HiIkSbWuKXc-00150-00083024-00083648 wards here momentarily valuable five piece set and it is why i've always run it on my front HiIkSbWuKXc-00151-00083648-00084208 farm now my staple back bar five piece has not changed that is still going to be dangerous HiIkSbWuKXc-00152-00084432-00085344 oh man let me go off on tangents of why i do not like daedric trickery dots and deltia swerve by HiIkSbWuKXc-00153-00085344-00085880 dr trickery that's fine this is a craftable set it's really good just pick up slap on your dk HiIkSbWuKXc-00154-00085880-00086624 it's like a set and forget type of thing why i do not like it because you can get access to all HiIkSbWuKXc-00155-00086624-00087192 of these major buffs besides major heroism you get major expedition through race against time you can HiIkSbWuKXc-00156-00087192-00087776 get major mending through arrestor pool you get major vitality uh i i forget there is a way that HiIkSbWuKXc-00157-00087776-00088256 there's there's some way you get major vitality on the dk fragment and chill and you know other HiIkSbWuKXc-00158-00088256-00088888 avenues like that and then you also get major protection from your champion point passives so HiIkSbWuKXc-00159-00089040-00089592 you get four out of the five already the only one that you are rolling the dice for is heroism HiIkSbWuKXc-00160-00089592-00090256 so i don't like a set that you have a one in five chance on getting the buff that you really want HiIkSbWuKXc-00161-00090256-00090840 yes when you get major heroism it's freaking phenomenal but to to base your back bar around HiIkSbWuKXc-00162-00090840-00091336 this man i just just not a fan personally of danger trickery but that's that's just HiIkSbWuKXc-00163-00091336-00091864 my opinion i've heard a lot of success with it um i personally prefer kind marchers cruelty that's HiIkSbWuKXc-00164-00091944-00092344 such more of an impressive set and pretty much does the exact same things HiIkSbWuKXc-00165-00092344-00092856 trickery instead of you getting major buffs you reply making major debuffs to your opponent which HiIkSbWuKXc-00166-00092856-00093416 is going to coincide with darcy's point earlier about having to do more damage in eso okay HiIkSbWuKXc-00167-00093600-00094168 trickery health stamina thank you bob you deal damage you gain one of five random major buffs HiIkSbWuKXc-00168-00094168-00094752 for 21 seconds every nine seconds expedition protection mending heroism and vitality all HiIkSbWuKXc-00169-00094752-00095312 of which are very valuable mending and vitality gives you huge boost to your healing protection HiIkSbWuKXc-00170-00095312-00095832 just straight up makes you tankier expedition is kind of meh but you know can still be nice to get HiIkSbWuKXc-00171-00095832-00096432 but the mvp of this set is going to be the major heroism if you combine the major heroism from HiIkSbWuKXc-00172-00096432-00096960 danger trickery with the minor heroism from our potions your ultimate gain is through the roof HiIkSbWuKXc-00173-00096960-00097440 it also combines extremely well with valor because obviously if you can alter more and if you could HiIkSbWuKXc-00174-00097440-00098016 also generate all faster you have the chance to keep balor up time higher or even achieve bigger HiIkSbWuKXc-00175-00098016-00098600 bad lords faster on top of that i've actually tested daedric trickery against dedicated sustain HiIkSbWuKXc-00176-00098600-00099248 sets and the heroism just feels like it beats them all out on top of that getting those nice pads to HiIkSbWuKXc-00177-00099248-00099752 all three of your resource pools does feel great to help round out our stats at really really nice HiIkSbWuKXc-00178-00099752-00100232 amounts and so for that reason danger trickery has i kind of feel like the two three and four HiIkSbWuKXc-00179-00100232-00100888 pieces are just kind of lame uh the health is okay having extra stamina on your back bar is no way HiIkSbWuKXc-00180-00100888-00101256 you'll have extra stamina all the time but like having extra magic on your back bars that i guess HiIkSbWuKXc-00181-00101256-00101680 okay i really just don't like the build up i much prefer like if this dick [__] yeah by all means HiIkSbWuKXc-00182-00101760-00102152 still big grit or resistances that'd be great i just don't like this set guys i HiIkSbWuKXc-00183-00102224-00102896 i'll stop i'll stop it's still been a dk staple for me and my favorite back bar five piece of HiIkSbWuKXc-00184-00102896-00103440 choice it also doesn't negatively impede you in any way and so for that reason it's just easily a HiIkSbWuKXc-00185-00103440-00103992 dk staple of mine i'll pretty much always run bsw trickery until either some new crack set comes out HiIkSbWuKXc-00186-00103992-00104832 or one of them for some reason gets nerfed which i don't have you not heard of mars bomb that is HiIkSbWuKXc-00187-00104832-00105616 the most crack set in eso even post nerf expect to happen now with this setup you end up having HiIkSbWuKXc-00188-00105616-00106200 two one piece slots so our first one will be trainee to just boost our health a little bit more HiIkSbWuKXc-00189-00106320-00107128 um you probably okay in my opinion guys correct me if i'm wrong but i think it's more advantageous HiIkSbWuKXc-00190-00107128-00107576 to change these to infuse weapon damage because you get more damage and more healing if that is HiIkSbWuKXc-00191-00107576-00108120 correct um i believe i am but that's why i always do infuse that's well i've always heard um so on HiIkSbWuKXc-00192-00108120-00108720 his jewelry these should all probably be infused weapon damage just give us a bit more hp which is HiIkSbWuKXc-00193-00108720-00109383 very valuable for survival daedric trickery can rub my ball sack is how i feel about that hector HiIkSbWuKXc-00194-00109448-00109928 ability and then our other uh set which is gonna be our mythic is going to be the marking ring of HiIkSbWuKXc-00195-00109928-00110735 majesty um mythic item wise this is an okay set and forget but again he did emphasize that you HiIkSbWuKXc-00196-00110735-00111240 needed damage like at the beginning of the video you needed damage for this patch okay marking HiIkSbWuKXc-00197-00111240-00111816 ring and majesty really doesn't give you damage it gives you like 200 like weapons spell damage but HiIkSbWuKXc-00198-00111816-00112464 that's it man and sea serpent squirrel i i know you guys hate that snare i if you're not a fan HiIkSbWuKXc-00199-00112464-00113111 of bee hopping i mean you can toss on a bunch of swift sea serpents coil is the most stat dense one HiIkSbWuKXc-00200-00113111-00113696 piece item in the entire game it keeps you from getting gates first of all 40 damage mitigation HiIkSbWuKXc-00201-00113696-00114152 near full health it gives you major courage which is like almost 500 weapons spell damage which is HiIkSbWuKXc-00202-00114152-00114600 going to bolster your damage and also your healing and it gives you major berserk that's another 10 HiIkSbWuKXc-00203-00114688-00115600 so that's like 15 damage all the time and you cannot get ganked yeah there's a snare so what so HiIkSbWuKXc-00204-00115600-00116120 if you want damage get sea serpents before they nerf it it's going to get nerfed i know it is HiIkSbWuKXc-00205-00116256-00116848 giving us 200 weapon damage and 2300 armor very well-rounded mythic again does not negatively HiIkSbWuKXc-00206-00116848-00117472 impede us in any way gives us a big boost to our offense he is emphasizing negatively impede him so HiIkSbWuKXc-00207-00117472-00118032 he must not like c servants like at all the reason he doesn't like sea serpents because you have to HiIkSbWuKXc-00208-00118032-00118464 roll dodge on bhop and the reason he can't do that is because he's running all in pen please guys HiIkSbWuKXc-00209-00118464-00118935 if you're an open world go six well fitted one reinforced heavy that's that's just the way to go HiIkSbWuKXc-00210-00119048-00119568 and defensive capability on just a one piece and so there's just so much value HiIkSbWuKXc-00211-00119568-00120024 out of this mythic and it has been one of my favorite mythics in the elder scrolls online HiIkSbWuKXc-00212-00120024-00120672 ever since it came out back in dead lands now the big thing i want to break down with this build HiIkSbWuKXc-00213-00120672-00121311 is going to be the weights and mostly the weights from the gear now in terms of enchants we are all HiIkSbWuKXc-00214-00121311-00121880 tristat all tri-set on your gear i do apologize to your wallet but it is the best in terms of your HiIkSbWuKXc-00215-00121880-00122464 traits we're going to go reinforced on the chest that is heavy and then impede on everything else HiIkSbWuKXc-00216-00122464-00123088 but where this patch differs in pin and bg's um you have even less grit and battleground so HiIkSbWuKXc-00217-00123088-00123624 i don't think it's more beneficial at all no i i think it's actually worse so than open world HiIkSbWuKXc-00218-00123776-00124216 i've been loving how you've been going over the other people's bills giving a good and the bad HiIkSbWuKXc-00219-00124216-00124656 should start doing other classes maybe yeah absolutely guys i'm branching out HiIkSbWuKXc-00220-00124656-00125168 i'm going to like i don't want to grind up other characters but i am going to play all the classes HiIkSbWuKXc-00221-00125168-00125616 like i know i have been like a one trick maybe two trick here on the channel and quite frankly HiIkSbWuKXc-00222-00125616-00126152 you know i'm tired of it i'm gonna play all the classes like when i have time obviously i'm going HiIkSbWuKXc-00223-00126152-00126672 to try to master each and every single class am i going to be the best at every class absolutely not HiIkSbWuKXc-00224-00126672-00127088 um but i'm going to try to put out really good content for you guys you know hybrid variants HiIkSbWuKXc-00225-00127088-00127520 magical stamina i'm going to try to do everything lord willing right so when i do roll characters HiIkSbWuKXc-00226-00127520-00127848 i'm probably gonna pick a race you know that's gonna allow me to flip flop back and forth without HiIkSbWuKXc-00227-00127848-00128280 having to do very expensive race changes but we are going to branch into everything it's just HiIkSbWuKXc-00228-00128280-00128696 i have to get out my comfort zone because you have to look at from from my perspective HiIkSbWuKXc-00229-00128800-00129472 um i'm i'm a pretty decent pvp content creator and when i get caught out in open world when i HiIkSbWuKXc-00230-00129472-00129888 get caught out in duels or whatever when i when i get my cheeks clapped you know people are gonna HiIkSbWuKXc-00231-00129888-00130488 make exposed videos about it so for the time being i'm trying to play classes that i know i'm good at HiIkSbWuKXc-00232-00130488-00131024 that it's going to be difficult to [__] on me i hate that's just how it is like when you're kind HiIkSbWuKXc-00233-00131024-00131480 of popular that that's just how it is you get targeted so if i'm on an unfamiliar class and HiIkSbWuKXc-00234-00131480-00131928 someone claps to me and it's like oh i just [__] on horcrux here's a couple exposed videos about it HiIkSbWuKXc-00235-00131928-00132320 now people are coming into my comments like talking [__] you know what i mean so it will HiIkSbWuKXc-00236-00132320-00132832 get to that point so this is just kind of me being you know a little timid going to other classes i HiIkSbWuKXc-00237-00132832-00133320 do practice off stream so i don't want to look like an absolute potato for you guys but i just HiIkSbWuKXc-00238-00133320-00133696 can't throw that out there we are going to start playing everything like if i start getting packed HiIkSbWuKXc-00239-00133696-00134280 up and people start making video dude i don't even care anymore that's that's more exposure for me so HiIkSbWuKXc-00240-00134344-00134984 by all means make more videos first from the past is going to be the weights i've always run a three HiIkSbWuKXc-00241-00134984-00135744 three one but not this patch i actually run a three two two we run two heavy two light and three HiIkSbWuKXc-00242-00135800-00136392 medium now you might be asking well that's why do you too heavy three light three wait wait wait HiIkSbWuKXc-00243-00136392-00137272 what you do that so believe it or not magdy k's sustain issues this patch do not come HiIkSbWuKXc-00244-00137272-00137888 from your magical pool but from your stamina pool specifically due to the fact that um yes and no HiIkSbWuKXc-00245-00137888-00138656 with the stamina pool thing um personally as long as you have 30k resistances and like 30k health HiIkSbWuKXc-00246-00138656-00139192 it doesn't matter what your weights are a good rule of thumb if you are running five light armor HiIkSbWuKXc-00247-00139280-00139768 always run one infused cost reduction that will carry your sustain through most situations HiIkSbWuKXc-00248-00139768-00140432 if you are running anything other than five light maybe a two heavy three medium whatever run two HiIkSbWuKXc-00249-00140432-00141072 infused cost reductions okay trust me on this your combustion passive is going to carry your magic is HiIkSbWuKXc-00250-00141072-00141488 sustained like even though they did nerf it pretty heavily it's still actually really really good and HiIkSbWuKXc-00251-00141488-00142040 as long as you're on two cost reductions you're set you're gucci so just just just the thought HiIkSbWuKXc-00252-00142168-00142552 that you not only have noxious breath pulling out of your stamina pool you have resolving HiIkSbWuKXc-00253-00142552-00142944 vigor pulling out of your stamina pool you have molten whip now pulling out of your stamina pool HiIkSbWuKXc-00254-00142944-00143424 and you have all core combat stuff pulling out of your standpool and so for that reasons you HiIkSbWuKXc-00255-00143424-00143968 do have a lot of demand on your stamina and so heavy or excuse me medium armor HiIkSbWuKXc-00256-00143968-00144512 just helps with that based off of the passive that you get on top of that this HiIkSbWuKXc-00257-00144712-00145256 the password that you get what what passage gives you stamina return like is it recovery HiIkSbWuKXc-00258-00145424-00145976 because if you have low recovery getting more recovery isn't going to help you like i'll save HiIkSbWuKXc-00259-00145976-00146592 you like 600 recovery and each piece gives you two percent extra spam recovery okay that's uh HiIkSbWuKXc-00260-00146664-00147320 600 divided by 10 that's 60 that's 10 2 divided by five you're getting like twenty extra sam regard HiIkSbWuKXc-00261-00147320-00148048 like what patch is very very focused around peak damage it's all about burst right now HiIkSbWuKXc-00262-00148048-00148600 consistent pressure is dog water this patch and so because of that that's true you really really HiIkSbWuKXc-00263-00148600-00149168 need to be bursting people down and that is where the uh well the agility passive is nice because it HiIkSbWuKXc-00264-00149168-00149824 gives us more weapon damage but that is primarily where the dexterity passive comes in and increases HiIkSbWuKXc-00265-00149824-00150256 your critical damage and healing done by two percent per every piece of medium armor equipped HiIkSbWuKXc-00266-00150256-00150800 and so when you do hit a crit wearing three pieces of medium your peak value is going to HiIkSbWuKXc-00267-00150800-00151384 be very high especially due to the fact that balor is supplying a lot of penetration for us HiIkSbWuKXc-00268-00151456-00151968 when we do ultimate and have noxious up oh you guys have to understand like HiIkSbWuKXc-00269-00152136-00152344 more light armors will give you more crit chance but HiIkSbWuKXc-00270-00152512-00153128 if you only have like a 22 crit like how much is this really helping you i personally rather go HiIkSbWuKXc-00271-00153128-00153632 with like raw damage and not having to rely on crit a really good alternative to this HiIkSbWuKXc-00272-00153632-00154184 um i'll show you guys maybe on stream today i'm actually running mechanical acuity on my dragonite HiIkSbWuKXc-00273-00154240-00154768 and i i know it sounds stupid i'll talk more about it later but it actually [__] slaps HiIkSbWuKXc-00274-00154832-00155560 now in terms of enchants we are all tristad really need to be bursting people down and that is where HiIkSbWuKXc-00275-00155560-00156056 the uh well the agility passive is nice because it gives us more weapon damage but that is primarily HiIkSbWuKXc-00276-00156112-00156648 like the crits can hit really really really hard and also especially with valor giving us HiIkSbWuKXc-00277-00156648-00157216 that extra weapon damage too agility also gets a lot more value as well giving us extra bonuses on HiIkSbWuKXc-00278-00157216-00157744 that weapon damage and just giving us higher peak weapon damage especially because the dk does also HiIkSbWuKXc-00279-00157744-00158344 have major and minor brutality so running the three pieces of medium on the dk this patch just HiIkSbWuKXc-00280-00158344-00159136 feels like it has a lot of value i tested running um i tested my normal three three one three heavy HiIkSbWuKXc-00281-00159136-00159568 light one in reality guys it doesn't matter what your [__] weights are it's such a small HiIkSbWuKXc-00282-00159568-00159912 difference anyway it really doesn't matter just as long as you aren't running something like five HiIkSbWuKXc-00283-00159912-00160448 heavy and they want to complain about damage right just whatever your bills are just like whatever HiIkSbWuKXc-00284-00160448-00160912 your weights are just compensate in your jewelry sustain that's how i make all my builds i have all HiIkSbWuKXc-00285-00160912-00161296 my gear i have all my sets and then when it comes down to my jewelry that's how i fill in the gaps HiIkSbWuKXc-00286-00161296-00161888 on my build so don't really worry about weights all too much medium i tested heavy to medium HiIkSbWuKXc-00287-00162120-00162688 too light i think yeah that's enough pieces right yeah seven uh i tested a lot of different armor HiIkSbWuKXc-00288-00162688-00163240 weight combinations but to me personally the three medium too heavy too light felt the best HiIkSbWuKXc-00289-00163240-00163688 now you're gonna be have to be a lot more strict with your replacement so your gloves and your belt HiIkSbWuKXc-00290-00163688-00164376 need to be light your chest needs to be heavy um and then basically like of the four remaining HiIkSbWuKXc-00291-00164376-00164832 pieces you know make one heavy and three medium doesn't necessarily matter what slots they're in HiIkSbWuKXc-00292-00164832-00165376 just due to the armor weights being the same um in terms of your jewelry tray um he is correct um HiIkSbWuKXc-00293-00165376-00165864 i don't worry about that the only thing i worry about is having my chest heavy reinforced HiIkSbWuKXc-00294-00165864-00166328 the rest of the weights yeah there are some elitists there are some efficiency things you HiIkSbWuKXc-00295-00166328-00166632 know like your stash giving you the least amount of armor i mean it's not the end of HiIkSbWuKXc-00296-00166632-00167080 the world it really doesn't matter to be honest to have one arcane with the weapon HiIkSbWuKXc-00297-00167080-00167784 damage one infused with the weapon damage and one infused with a reduced skill cost enchant HiIkSbWuKXc-00298-00168016-00168512 how do you know this existed i [__] you not i didn't know this existed HiIkSbWuKXc-00299-00168648-00169296 but depending on how many stamina abilities you have on the build you may actually still need to HiIkSbWuKXc-00300-00169296-00169840 stick with one infused magic of reduction i would say if you're going to run this prismatic cost HiIkSbWuKXc-00301-00169840-00170360 enchant you should probably have like 50 50 between your magic and stamina maybe even 60 HiIkSbWuKXc-00302-00170360-00170968 40. but if you only have like one or two stamina abilities on your build then it's going to be more HiIkSbWuKXc-00303-00170968-00171688 beneficial to just run a match magic uh reduced cost we're no longer using reduced magicka costs HiIkSbWuKXc-00304-00171688-00172264 here we need the reduced skill cost simply due to the fact that reduced magicka costs doesn't work HiIkSbWuKXc-00305-00172264-00172720 on molten whip anymore it doesn't work on vigor obviously and it doesn't work on noxious breath HiIkSbWuKXc-00306-00172720-00173280 so having this reduced prismatic cost is really really valuable because it will reduce the cost HiIkSbWuKXc-00307-00173280-00173920 of every single one of our skills including both halves of molten whip and so for that reason this HiIkSbWuKXc-00308-00173920-00174376 is going to be your new cost reduction glyph that you want to use on the magic dragon knight HiIkSbWuKXc-00309-00174376-00174952 for your weapons we're going to upgrade found that out day one nerd bsw because bsw is obviously on HiIkSbWuKXc-00310-00174952-00175472 the front bar with a magicka glyph the reason that we do this is due to the fact the absorb bag HiIkSbWuKXc-00311-00175472-00175952 is due to the fact that we have charged on the off hand and so by hitting somebody with this HiIkSbWuKXc-00312-00175952-00176376 glyph you have the opportunity to apply the overcharge status effect which gives you my HiIkSbWuKXc-00313-00176376-00176848 minor magic of steel and it is a huge form of sustain so very very good enchant here HiIkSbWuKXc-00314-00176848-00177216 especially we don't really care about flame because we have enough stuff procking flame HiIkSbWuKXc-00315-00177216-00177704 and then on the off hand we do have a poison enchant for the opportunity to get stamina HiIkSbWuKXc-00316-00177704-00178128 combustion and then the charge is going to give us a really high probability of making that HiIkSbWuKXc-00317-00178128-00178600 happen and then in our back bar we are actually using an ice staff now a defending ice staff HiIkSbWuKXc-00318-00178856-00179576 i staff good man good man good call good call good call yes sir with weapon and spell damage HiIkSbWuKXc-00319-00179576-00179976 the reason we use an istab and not a sword and board is because i do want the opportunity to HiIkSbWuKXc-00320-00179976-00180384 heavy attack for magicka should i need it we no longer running restless staff because we don't HiIkSbWuKXc-00321-00180384-00180952 want to use rubber regen because it's really bad now um and so to me having the ice staff with HiIkSbWuKXc-00322-00180952-00181432 the ability to block is going to be really really valuable obviously no point in a try focus because HiIkSbWuKXc-00323-00181432-00181984 we do want our blocks to come out of our stamina pool um so we use a defending isaf with a weapon HiIkSbWuKXc-00324-00181984-00182680 and spell damage correct now guys moving into our skills our first skill is going to be molten whip HiIkSbWuKXc-00325-00182680-00183368 hi um front bar um this is pretty much exactly what what i would run one suggestion i would HiIkSbWuKXc-00326-00183480-00184024 kind of lean away toward i run burning embers because people hunt me down in open road i want HiIkSbWuKXc-00327-00184024-00184744 to 1v1 so burning embers gives me that that that one-on-one pressure that the dk is lacking ideally HiIkSbWuKXc-00328-00184744-00185224 if you're running dual mode you'll want to run spin to win or you'll want to run something HiIkSbWuKXc-00329-00185224-00185776 like deep breath in this slot instead or if you're running dual wield i mean excuse me a a two-hander HiIkSbWuKXc-00330-00185832-00186384 um you can put on an executioner you could take off whip put on a dizzying swing HiIkSbWuKXc-00331-00186384-00186840 executioner you know whatever forward momentum whatever but burning embers on solo build i'm HiIkSbWuKXc-00332-00186840-00187256 trying to lean away from but the reason that again i run it is for uh the 1v1 HiIkSbWuKXc-00333-00187392-00187832 you don't really know how i feel about the new molten whip i really don't but regardless we HiIkSbWuKXc-00334-00187832-00188296 deal 8.8 k flame damage or whatever your tool tip is uh and then you strike an enemy and mobile or HiIkSbWuKXc-00335-00188296-00188616 stun you set them off balance and then when you activate a different art of flame ability you HiIkSbWuKXc-00336-00188616-00188960 gain any stack of seeding fury increasing the damage of your next molten whip by 20 HiIkSbWuKXc-00337-00188960-00189352 and your weapon is spell damage by hundred fifteen seconds this vex stacks up to three times HiIkSbWuKXc-00338-00189424-00189816 uh i don't really know how i feel about the new molten wave if i'm gonna be honest with you HiIkSbWuKXc-00339-00189816-00190376 it definitely feels weaker than it was in the past especially you know we got the sometimes it just HiIkSbWuKXc-00340-00190376-00190832 does i'm gonna skip forward because the bar is self-explanatory there's really nothing to talk HiIkSbWuKXc-00341-00190832-00191328 about i want to skip over this the only thing talk about is that the brain numbers heal is dog [__] HiIkSbWuKXc-00342-00191328-00191744 shattering rocks is probably the best option in open world unless you're running power lash HiIkSbWuKXc-00343-00191808-00192168 and so shattering rocks gives you a really good heal also when you cast shattering rocks HiIkSbWuKXc-00344-00192168-00192704 it gives you stamina back as well molten whip is pretty much a must because again you have to HiIkSbWuKXc-00345-00192704-00193104 burst people you can't do the sustain pressure of power lash if you do want to run power lash HiIkSbWuKXc-00346-00193104-00193656 i suggest you run talons the other morph uh not shattering rocks but fossilized with power lash HiIkSbWuKXc-00347-00193656-00194248 you can try that and then run flames of believing as a spammable uh let's see uh HiIkSbWuKXc-00348-00194248-00194632 let's he's he's that noxious breath right here so we're gonna skip ahead cause i i don't wanna hear HiIkSbWuKXc-00349-00194736-00195424 uh what you say on swords versus mazes so rule of thumb if you are going to use corrosive a lot HiIkSbWuKXc-00350-00195496-00196216 use swords if you are going to leap a lot use maces if you are going to run mechanical acuity HiIkSbWuKXc-00351-00196216-00196984 use daggers wink wink no not not daggers maces [__] not maces god axes axes if you're running HiIkSbWuKXc-00352-00196984-00197776 mechanical acuity use axes so not just breath um again when you use corrosive noxious breath is HiIkSbWuKXc-00353-00197776-00198256 wasted you don't get extra damage engulfing flame yes it only makes you do six percent more damage HiIkSbWuKXc-00354-00198256-00198552 um i'll come back hopefully starts talking about it i'm just kind of lame talk through HiIkSbWuKXc-00355-00198552-00198984 sorry i'm skipping a few things but this is way too long of a section for skills in my opinion HiIkSbWuKXc-00356-00199240-00199872 we're wrong and no i'm not um if you act wait i have to hear that breath morph of choice dealing HiIkSbWuKXc-00357-00199872-00200576 poison damage over 24 seconds and giving us major breach for that a roughly 6k pen now HiIkSbWuKXc-00358-00200576-00201256 something that i got commented on and uh for you guys that don't know like how the numbers work um HiIkSbWuKXc-00359-00201256-00201800 six thousand pin is equivalent to about ten percent extra damage just just so you guys HiIkSbWuKXc-00360-00201800-00202280 know in my previous video that i want to address people are saying thoughts noxious is not more HiIkSbWuKXc-00361-00202280-00202824 damage than engulfing flames you are wrong and no i'm not um if you actually do the math engulfing HiIkSbWuKXc-00362-00202824-00203536 flames when it is at its peak says that it is only six percent damage increased now the way that HiIkSbWuKXc-00363-00203536-00203976 resistance damage works is that 600 i think we've already talked about that i'm not gonna waste time HiIkSbWuKXc-00364-00203976-00204536 on that uh it's talking about leap okay i'm work here's about backbone how much hp we have for six HiIkSbWuKXc-00365-00204536-00205048 seconds this proportion of your ability will scale off maximum health absolutely giganda shield with HiIkSbWuKXc-00366-00205048-00205680 ferocious leap but one of the great things about leap is its versatility it's a very cheap costing HiIkSbWuKXc-00367-00205680-00206296 ultimate it launches you for a gap closer it deals instantaneous burst damage it is a cc it gives HiIkSbWuKXc-00368-00206296-00206728 you a big shield it and if you're an imperial cereal and you just want to end it all you can HiIkSbWuKXc-00369-00206728-00207248 leap up to the the faction units kind of up top there and instantly kill yourself real fun time HiIkSbWuKXc-00370-00207248-00207792 looks very cool it it just does it all it's offensive defensive crowd control gap close HiIkSbWuKXc-00371-00207792-00208288 it's just it's a very versatile ultimate now i know some people absolutely love HiIkSbWuKXc-00372-00208384-00208752 corrosive you love corrosive use corrosive there HiIkSbWuKXc-00373-00208752-00209360 but in my opinion i just don't think corrosive is as good as leaf corrosive is also a lot more HiIkSbWuKXc-00374-00209560-00210223 oh man oh man we we're about to tear dots a new one here i'm letting finish HiIkSbWuKXc-00375-00210223-00210904 oh boy telegraphed it is more expensive um personally for me if i ever fight a corrosive HiIkSbWuKXc-00376-00210904-00211584 dk and i see them pop corrosive i just walk away until corrosive a good dk will kill you even HiIkSbWuKXc-00377-00211584-00212071 before you know corrosive is active but i'll aim talk whereas off and then i go back in um HiIkSbWuKXc-00378-00212144-00212688 and i also do feel personally that corrosive can give you some false sense of tankiness uh a lot HiIkSbWuKXc-00379-00212688-00213071 of times that three percent of your max health doesn't really affect the dots all that much HiIkSbWuKXc-00380-00213071-00213664 and so like i just personally feel that the leap shield and the versatility of the skill is we'll HiIkSbWuKXc-00381-00213664-00214136 see that the agent got butted pretty well see the thing is uh that's not always necessarily true if HiIkSbWuKXc-00382-00214136-00214696 you see someone glow green you can actually cast uh coagulating blood to make yourself transparent HiIkSbWuKXc-00383-00214696-00215167 or opaque and then you'll never know if they pop corrosive or not other than a sound cube but i'll HiIkSbWuKXc-00384-00215167-00215560 i'll come back and circle around to this here in just a moment i actually [__] up into the wrong HiIkSbWuKXc-00385-00215560-00216144 spot [__] man i always do this [__] hits hard as hell and adds a but if for some reason HiIkSbWuKXc-00386-00216144-00216680 you do disagree with me here you can run corrosive here oh yeah fine go ahead but i am always a fan HiIkSbWuKXc-00387-00216680-00217184 of leap i do think it's a bit better of an ultimate overall all right where do i begin HiIkSbWuKXc-00388-00217384-00217976 so let's let's talk about the point being telegraphed leap has a minimum travel distance if HiIkSbWuKXc-00389-00217976-00218719 i'm 1v1 i can block leap every single time every single time you can block leap if you're paying HiIkSbWuKXc-00390-00218719-00219319 attention to your 1v1s you will always be able to block leave so leap is very very telegraphed HiIkSbWuKXc-00391-00219319-00220008 you have plenty of time to to block you know whatever um so let's let's do some math i i HiIkSbWuKXc-00392-00220008-00220760 know horcrux and math does not mix well when it comes to light damage corrosive is the best HiIkSbWuKXc-00393-00220760-00221808 ultimate in the entire game the best ultimate in the entire game okay not only does it make you HiIkSbWuKXc-00394-00221808-00222448 it gives you like 12 seconds to line up a burst it pierces all physical resistance and HiIkSbWuKXc-00395-00222448-00223071 spell resistance let's say for example someone is running around with 30k resistances like i HiIkSbWuKXc-00396-00223071-00223688 suggested earlier we know just from what i told you guys earlier earlier that 6k pin is HiIkSbWuKXc-00397-00223688-00224440 equivalent to 10 percent damage so you're going to do 30 000 divided by six thousand that's five HiIkSbWuKXc-00398-00224440-00224936 so each one of these little piggies ten percent ten percent ten percent ten percent ten percent HiIkSbWuKXc-00399-00225000-00225664 this is automatically giving you fifty percent increase damage against someone that has 30k HiIkSbWuKXc-00400-00225664-00226296 resistances a good dk will time his corrosive and you will not know what happened if you see HiIkSbWuKXc-00401-00226296-00226888 anyone around fifty percent health literally anyone and you have a times three seething fury HiIkSbWuKXc-00402-00226952-00227480 molten whip ready to go if you're on your back bar if you pop corrosive swap to front HiIkSbWuKXc-00403-00227480-00228023 bar fossilize animation cancel a whip and it crits they're going to be an execute range so HiIkSbWuKXc-00404-00228023-00228528 if you have spin to win they're just instantly dead there's nothing they can do corrosive HiIkSbWuKXc-00405-00228528-00229160 if you use it incorrectly yeah it's stupid and and you feel like a [__] but good dk's know exactly HiIkSbWuKXc-00406-00229160-00229567 when to use it so i do not agree with dots at all saying this is the most telegraph ultimate in the HiIkSbWuKXc-00407-00229567-00230096 game this is the sneakiest ultimates in the game because again if you pop coagulating blood you're HiIkSbWuKXc-00408-00230096-00230576 transparent and opaque you will not know corrosive is up unless someone is actually paying attention HiIkSbWuKXc-00409-00230576-00231144 to the damage numbers or they have their volume up so loud they can hear the s like you're calling HiIkSbWuKXc-00410-00231144-00231736 it cat noise right so corrosive is the best ultimate in the game argue all you want it's HiIkSbWuKXc-00411-00231736-00232367 it it is what it is it gives you and to his point earlier about not having enough damage this patch HiIkSbWuKXc-00412-00232367-00233119 this is the best ultimate for damage as well so you're super tanky and you do hellacious damage HiIkSbWuKXc-00413-00233232-00233623 best ultimate in the game if you can save up for corrosive and pop it always use corrosive HiIkSbWuKXc-00414-00233623-00234136 in my opinion this patch since it is a tank meta i don't know if you guys agree but ferocious leap HiIkSbWuKXc-00415-00234136-00234656 isn't i mean not ferociously corrosive armor is an absolute must on your dragonite just put it HiIkSbWuKXc-00416-00234656-00235256 somewhere i don't care uh the build's been yo count whatever so far but i 100 disagree with HiIkSbWuKXc-00417-00235256-00235752 his uh his corrosive argument crawl it's really good also if you pull it with battle or [__] HiIkSbWuKXc-00418-00235752-00236216 hits hard as hell and adds a lot more bursts into your combo you can also surprise people with it HiIkSbWuKXc-00419-00236216-00236664 do really cheeky things with its abilities so i really really do like do recommend running him HiIkSbWuKXc-00420-00236808-00237464 okay back bar he's running undo do you want an ultimate that gives you five percent mitigation HiIkSbWuKXc-00421-00237464-00238471 while slotted or do you want corrosive armor that come on come on we are using igneous weapons HiIkSbWuKXc-00422-00238471-00239088 as our form of major brutality this [__] is insanely good um gives you major brutality for sev HiIkSbWuKXc-00423-00239088-00239544 um i wish igneous weapons did more this is a really good source of major fatality especially HiIkSbWuKXc-00424-00239544-00240040 on the dragonite if you run minor heroism potions you need a source of major brutality anyway HiIkSbWuKXc-00425-00240040-00240528 not only does this give you major brutality but due to your passes this also procs minor brutality HiIkSbWuKXc-00426-00240528-00240984 so it kind of puts everything that together in one ability this is really good and lasts for forever HiIkSbWuKXc-00427-00240984-00241544 it's a it's a set and forget skill it's it's actually one of my favorites 72 seconds on top HiIkSbWuKXc-00428-00241544-00242144 of generating ultimate yeah mars is still good due to earth passives yeah this ability was already HiIkSbWuKXc-00429-00242144-00242616 the most magical efficient source of major brutality in the game and they just made it even HiIkSbWuKXc-00430-00242616-00243160 more magical efficient so there's even less of a reason now to use degeneration or other skills HiIkSbWuKXc-00431-00243160-00243728 so degeneration will cost i believe it is 68 magicka per second of major brutality HiIkSbWuKXc-00432-00243728-00244336 while igneous weapons costs only 50 magicka per second of major um significant if you guys care HiIkSbWuKXc-00433-00244336-00244688 i'm just gonna go through the back bar um he's running bigger which is correct this will give HiIkSbWuKXc-00434-00244688-00245192 you minor resolve coagulating bloods with your birth cell yeah balsa armor is fine risking HiIkSbWuKXc-00435-00245192-00245808 time is fine um i don't see ash cloud guys let me go off on another little bit of a tangent HiIkSbWuKXc-00436-00245864-00246584 deltia nor dot has mentioned ash cloud let me put into perspective how powerful ash cloud is okay HiIkSbWuKXc-00437-00246696-00247288 it is one of the best healing over time abilities in the game the entire game approx per second if HiIkSbWuKXc-00438-00247288-00247928 you run one infused cost reduction that ability is damn near free to cast now that's important HiIkSbWuKXc-00439-00247928-00248528 for many reasons okay it's a nice dot you can toss down it's a 70 snare hot excuse me it gives HiIkSbWuKXc-00440-00248528-00248960 you like it takes for like one thousand like every second on you i mean it's it's amazing HiIkSbWuKXc-00441-00248960-00249696 okay but well a lot of people don't realize is that when you use ash cloud it gives you 1 000 HiIkSbWuKXc-00442-00249696-00250432 stamina back every time you recast it so again if you run infused cost reduction it costs nothing HiIkSbWuKXc-00443-00250432-00251040 so every single time you cast ash cloud you get a free thousand stamina the entire time okay HiIkSbWuKXc-00444-00251112-00251567 so if you can't heavy attack on your front bar you know duel for whatever reason you can just spam HiIkSbWuKXc-00445-00251567-00251984 match cloud and literally get your entire stamina pull back you know behind a tree you know whatever HiIkSbWuKXc-00446-00252056-00252640 just just sit there and cast it over over and over it's really good hot and like again it's HiIkSbWuKXc-00447-00252640-00252984 the most efficient hot in the game probably the best hots it costs nothing and you get free HiIkSbWuKXc-00448-00252984-00253519 stamina for using it um one it's a quintessential on all my dragonite builds i always run ash cloud HiIkSbWuKXc-00449-00253519-00253952 just for the the sheer utility of it and plus if people's trying to run away from me you can HiIkSbWuKXc-00450-00253952-00254344 actually toss it in front of them it does slow them pretty substantially i mean it's it's it's HiIkSbWuKXc-00451-00254344-00254992 just a little tricks with it but yeah ash cloud if you can slot it guys please slot that [__] HiIkSbWuKXc-00452-00254992-00255608 definitely more magic efficient um and so for that reason um i don't like race against time you could HiIkSbWuKXc-00453-00255608-00256144 run race against time i run sea serpents on all my builds just for because it's a very overtuned myth HiIkSbWuKXc-00454-00256144-00256512 it really is you didn't hear it here please don't tell zost this because they will nerf it into the HiIkSbWuKXc-00455-00256512-00256976 ground because they don't know what the game needs compared to what people want you know that that HiIkSbWuKXc-00456-00256976-00257696 whole vocal minority [__] but uh yeah i would drop race against time and then just tank up man HiIkSbWuKXc-00457-00257696-00258288 that's how i like to play with dk i like to face tank people uh just running around like obstacles HiIkSbWuKXc-00458-00258288-00258744 and line of sighting of his build is not meant for a turn and burn now if he had like spin to HiIkSbWuKXc-00459-00258744-00259192 win with a cult overload then yeah yeah race against sound pretty cool but he doesn't have HiIkSbWuKXc-00460-00259192-00259744 that so you don't really have a lot of turn and burn possibilities highly recommend using HiIkSbWuKXc-00461-00259744-00260256 igneous weapons if you're not using it um people have also asked me how are you because it sucks HiIkSbWuKXc-00462-00260256-00260744 and power is a pve buff it adds literally 80 damage to your light attacks that is crazy um so HiIkSbWuKXc-00463-00260744-00261264 i'm going to skip through this guys uh he's going to explain backwards fine i'm curious to see what HiIkSbWuKXc-00464-00261264-00261808 he says about undo compared to corrosive reasons i never ran rat in the past was because the two HiIkSbWuKXc-00465-00261808-00262496 seconds of snare and root immunity was way too short you were casting this ability all the time HiIkSbWuKXc-00466-00262496-00263200 in order to kite but now it's four seconds and the minor force is 20 seconds so it makes this ability HiIkSbWuKXc-00467-00263256-00263944 way way um it is a really good ability uh race against time is it's it is really good if i could HiIkSbWuKXc-00468-00263944-00264552 slot it on my dragonite i would 100 run it um but you just got juicier abilities like ash cloud HiIkSbWuKXc-00469-00264656-00265200 it is what it is a way better to use the quality of life on the skill is insanely good HiIkSbWuKXc-00470-00265200-00265928 and so for that reason i do think that race against time is now pains me to say this it is now HiIkSbWuKXc-00471-00265928-00266456 officially better than mist form if you're still a vampire especially off of my recommendation HiIkSbWuKXc-00472-00266456-00267056 unfortunately it's time to drop it um it hurts our sustain too much we need more damage and HiIkSbWuKXc-00473-00267056-00267640 race against time gives us that damage on top of giving us some solid mobility buffs HiIkSbWuKXc-00474-00267640-00268056 we also do use temporal guard on the back bar you could also put corrosive here as well if you want HiIkSbWuKXc-00475-00268056-00268536 corrosive and leap personally i like temporal guard here because it gives me access to major HiIkSbWuKXc-00476-00268536-00269216 and minor protection major resolve and minor resolve it just adds a lot of extra tank what HiIkSbWuKXc-00477-00269728-00270256 some solid mobility buffs we also do use temporal guard on the back bar you can also put corrosive HiIkSbWuKXc-00478-00270256-00270712 here as well if you want corrosive and leap personally i like temp rogar here because it HiIkSbWuKXc-00479-00270712-00271152 gives me access to major and minor protection major resolve and minor resolve it just adds HiIkSbWuKXc-00480-00271152-00271392 a lot of extra tankiness into the build in my opinion HiIkSbWuKXc-00481-00271520-00272056 major m minor resolve major and minor protection am i missing something now HiIkSbWuKXc-00482-00272056-00272352 really good stats especially not vampire i mean it's actually looks pretty solid HiIkSbWuKXc-00483-00272488-00272904 and this number will only go up higher when we're afflicted with the magical status effect because HiIkSbWuKXc-00484-00272904-00273528 we are a breton yeah britain you'll probably get up to like 36k we also do have major major and HiIkSbWuKXc-00485-00273528-00274128 minor protection too making us nice and beefy then we also have 2700 critical resistance we use the HiIkSbWuKXc-00486-00274128-00274880 atronach bundestone and the bewitch sugar skulls buff food uh we are using 31 13 points into health HiIkSbWuKXc-00487-00274880-00275416 and 51 points into magicka to give us our stat numbers in terms of our potions guys i know this HiIkSbWuKXc-00488-00275416-00276008 is an expensive recommendation but it is the best it is going to be your dragon's blood dragon drum HiIkSbWuKXc-00489-00276008-00276632 and columbine i'm just going to say it now this this is probably the best potion in the game for HiIkSbWuKXc-00490-00276632-00277088 dragonite if you can't afford it i mean you can't afford it i mean it is really really expensive to HiIkSbWuKXc-00491-00277088-00277560 make and there's really no alternative you can run tripods i mean that's perfectly fine as well HiIkSbWuKXc-00492-00277560-00278016 as nice cheap alternative but if you guys have some extra coin to throw around from selling all HiIkSbWuKXc-00493-00278016-00278496 of your mars set pieces which i sure hope you did from day one then you should be able to uh HiIkSbWuKXc-00494-00278496-00278976 to afford these um it's nine day difference it really is your essence of magicka your magic of HiIkSbWuKXc-00495-00278976-00279712 stamina and minor heroism potions these give you a gross amount of sustain you get major intellect HiIkSbWuKXc-00496-00279712-00280160 and major endurance which helps your recovery you get big boosts to your stats and by the way HiIkSbWuKXc-00497-00280160-00280616 when should you use your potion as a dk you don't use it like other classes you use it when you need HiIkSbWuKXc-00498-00280616-00281168 the bursts of healing not necessarily to maintain the buffs but also minor heroism just combines HiIkSbWuKXc-00499-00281168-00281696 with the builds really you don't get a burst of healing from these potions by the way really well HiIkSbWuKXc-00500-00281696-00282192 helps us get access to ultimates more easily which gives us more magical stamina and health sustain HiIkSbWuKXc-00501-00282192-00282800 as well as higher up time on battle so the heroism here has a lot of value which makes these potions HiIkSbWuKXc-00502-00282800-00283456 by far the best if you cannot afford these though regular tri-state potions will be your second uh HiIkSbWuKXc-00503-00283456-00284008 your second choice here now in terms of races i'm going to have to recommend the breton i HiIkSbWuKXc-00504-00284008-00284736 think brett ah debatable like i was written just because i didn't want to do a race change but HiIkSbWuKXc-00505-00284832-00285408 nord would still be very strong even though it's the the passes only give you uh stamina and health HiIkSbWuKXc-00506-00285408-00285904 uh imperial is also good because cheaper ultimates mean you know more battle roar and stuff so HiIkSbWuKXc-00507-00285904-00286328 you can kind of pick whatever if you're you want to go like a hybrid route and you're flip-flopping HiIkSbWuKXc-00508-00286328-00286832 between stamina and magicka always go dark elf dark elf is like you know one of my favorite HiIkSbWuKXc-00509-00286896-00287376 yeah my favorite race in the entire game just because i can't make up my mind one day i want to HiIkSbWuKXc-00510-00287376-00287960 run this one day i want to run this and i'm sure not about to work out 24.99 for a race change so HiIkSbWuKXc-00511-00288032-00288352 it is going to be your best race for the build not only does it give you HiIkSbWuKXc-00512-00288408-00288896 yo thank you man i appreciate that dude additional magicka and match and uh spell resistance but it HiIkSbWuKXc-00513-00288896-00289424 gives you magical recovery and most importantly spell cost reduction with seven percent cost HiIkSbWuKXc-00514-00289424-00289832 reduction however the other race that i would recommend for this build would be the imperial HiIkSbWuKXc-00515-00289912-00290360 simply due to the fact that 2000 health and 2000 stamina will be very very valuable for this build HiIkSbWuKXc-00516-00290360-00290808 as well as that six percent cost reduction will affect everything including your stamina skills HiIkSbWuKXc-00517-00290808-00291240 where my bretton does not have that luxury i will say though if you do run the imperial HiIkSbWuKXc-00518-00291240-00291728 you will want to change some of these some of these prismatics to regular magical glyphs to HiIkSbWuKXc-00519-00291728-00292296 help pad the magicka that you will lose from no longer being a breton now guys going into HiIkSbWuKXc-00520-00292296-00292872 or instead of doing that you can just pay 3000 gold go to your attribute screen and put your HiIkSbWuKXc-00521-00292872-00293480 health points into magicka just to save you guys some gold our cp we are going to have dead all HiIkSbWuKXc-00522-00293480-00293944 right i'm going to stop right here he doesn't have a cold overload slotted that that's a thumbs down HiIkSbWuKXc-00523-00294112-00294704 the aim for single target and dot damage increase master at arms for direct damage increase HiIkSbWuKXc-00524-00294768-00295352 ironclad for direct damage reduction and resilience for crit damage this is dog [__] HiIkSbWuKXc-00525-00295352-00295840 do not slot resilience you you can slot like literally anything else like i don't care just HiIkSbWuKXc-00526-00295840-00296344 just don't slot resilience this this is wasted put this in a coal overload please guys please HiIkSbWuKXc-00527-00296424-00296928 introduction we are scared of being bursted this patch not being whittled down and that HiIkSbWuKXc-00528-00296928-00297512 reason iron clad and resilience are by far your two most stat dense uh HiIkSbWuKXc-00529-00297600-00297960 like blue cp defensively they just give you the most mitigation against the stuff that HiIkSbWuKXc-00530-00297960-00298536 you are scared of in cereal now in our red cp we have boundless vitality for 1400 maximum health HiIkSbWuKXc-00531-00298536-00299168 survival instincts for 25 survival instincts is like one of the best cps ever um it really HiIkSbWuKXc-00532-00299168-00299872 is survival instinct is amazing this is 25 cost reduction to block roll dodge break free it's uh HiIkSbWuKXc-00533-00299872-00300576 it's amazing core combat reduction this is huge for our build really really necessary for that HiIkSbWuKXc-00534-00300576-00301048 stamina maintenance you will notice if you do take this into a battleground you will notice the loss HiIkSbWuKXc-00535-00301048-00301512 of survival instincts uh we also do have pains refuge for two percent damage reduction forever HiIkSbWuKXc-00536-00301512-00302152 payne's refuge even if you run mars bomb this is still like the most stat dense weighted scp HiIkSbWuKXc-00537-00302152-00302624 passive it's amazing for 1bx and always have it 32 negative effects up on you up to a maximum of HiIkSbWuKXc-00538-00302624-00303096 20 percent and then sustained by soft rank for 150 recovery if you are afflicted by a negative effect HiIkSbWuKXc-00539-00303232-00303616 now in terms of the rotation for this build guys you are going to want to maintain HiIkSbWuKXc-00540-00303616-00304224 rotation we don't give a [__] so really fun and i do very highly recommend it there's a written HiIkSbWuKXc-00541-00304224-00304768 version as well in the description below if you do want to refer to that on my website.gaming.com HiIkSbWuKXc-00542-00304768-00305192 but guys that is going to be it for me today in my updated magnik pvp build if you do have HiIkSbWuKXc-00543-00305192-00305664 any questions about the build please feel free to leave a comment okay i mean overall i mean HiIkSbWuKXc-00544-00305664-00306056 dots does a very good job at explaining things that he does break everything down HiIkSbWuKXc-00545-00306056-00306704 but to have a 35 minute 22 second video without gameplay footage is an absolute no-no i've made HiIkSbWuKXc-00546-00306704-00307160 that mistake many times you have to have gameplay footage in here for people to take you seriously HiIkSbWuKXc-00547-00307232-00307776 uh overall i mean the build's okay just just some cliff notes um what i would take away from this is HiIkSbWuKXc-00548-00307840-00308320 i don't listen to him about your back bar ultimate always run corrosive like i don't care that like HiIkSbWuKXc-00549-00308320-00309000 how can you not and it's just i i don't know man um i always run corrosive when it comes HiIkSbWuKXc-00550-00309000-00309504 to your traits i don't think impan's very very beneficial i would almost always run well fitted HiIkSbWuKXc-00551-00309584-00310016 when it comes to everything else i mean he did pretty good um if you have access to all HiIkSbWuKXc-00552-00310016-00310464 the mythic items i highly suggest you guys run sea servants coil that just puts your HiIkSbWuKXc-00553-00310464-00310912 damage through the freaking rule and if you want to run a monster set i do believe the HiIkSbWuKXc-00554-00310912-00311384 best monster sound dragon air right now is again blood spawn so we give you 4 000 resistances and HiIkSbWuKXc-00555-00311384-00311832 a metric crapload of old gin so you can get your your leaps faster your corrosive faster HiIkSbWuKXc-00556-00311896-00312576 um weapon setups uh the the gear is fine if you like dj trickery that's 100 fine but i i think HiIkSbWuKXc-00557-00312576-00313008 mars bomb or a rallying cry would probably be a better alternative than trickery personally HiIkSbWuKXc-00558-00313088-00313712 um ash cloud he didn't mention ash cloud please guys attempt ash cloud if you like it cool if you HiIkSbWuKXc-00559-00313712-00314200 don't i mean that's cool too now but overall i think the build was pretty solid he did HiIkSbWuKXc-00560-00314280-00314656 explain everything indefinitely his thought process through everything which is really good HiIkSbWuKXc-00561-00314760-00315280 so pretty solid build overall so i really don't have anything else other to complain about that HiIkSbWuKXc-00562-00315280-00315704 barry complained about it the corrosive thing hit me pretty hard though and not having pvp footage HiIkSbWuKXc-00563-00315704-00316216 even if it's just like background battleground footage um that's you you need that i mean he HiIkSbWuKXc-00564-00316216-00316696 should know that he's got 100k subs this is not his first rodeo you know what i mean just to prove HiIkSbWuKXc-00565-00316696-00317272 to people like hey this can work you know like again two minutes and two seconds into the video HiIkSbWuKXc-00566-00317272-00318000 right here um i do plan on having a gameplay video coming out soon with highlights from my stream HiIkSbWuKXc-00567-00318000-00318528 but if you do want to see this build played again dots look at your analytics i guarantee you take a HiIkSbWuKXc-00568-00318528-00319008 spike right here in your average view time it's gonna go downtown son so always have gameplay HiIkSbWuKXc-00569-00319008-00319488 footage i mean i'm not the best obviously i i don't know what i'm doing you know it's just HiIkSbWuKXc-00570-00319488-00319968 algorithm wise gotta have it man gotta have it but yeah it's pretty decent video overall HiIkSbWuKXc-00571-00320032-00320560 um he he he plays a lot of dk so i'm not gonna like bash on him any more than that it's just HiIkSbWuKXc-00572-00320560-00321192 just not not having corrosive was kind of weird to me personally but uh yeah go uh go like and sub to HiIkSbWuKXc-00573-00321192-00321776 dots i mean he's almost almost 100k subscribers i mean he's still um i think i saw a week ago he's HiIkSbWuKXc-00574-00321776-00322304 going to take a break from streaming and eso or just in general i mean he's an engineer as well HiIkSbWuKXc-00575-00322304-00322872 he's got outside stuff going on and um it it's not easy doing eso you know all the time that's HiIkSbWuKXc-00576-00322872-00323304 why he's been doing i think bdo you know something like that blake does it online or some other games HiIkSbWuKXc-00577-00323304-00324016 i don't really know but uh it's hard to stay on eso full time it really is so yeah pretty solid HiIkSbWuKXc-00578-00324016-00325616 build video a little windy need some gameplay but other than that it is it's pretty nice you HklTO86yfvI-00000-00000088-00000392 Finding the perfect handheld is an incredibly difficult task. HklTO86yfvI-00001-00000504-00000864 Each one has a flaw, which in turn gives it a unique personality. HklTO86yfvI-00002-00000927-00001440 Today we will review a very nice system. We first saw photographs of this on social media, HklTO86yfvI-00003-00001504-00001855 and then we saw the decals from Sakura Modding, which look amazing. HklTO86yfvI-00004-00001920-00002376 The final straw was this Miyoo Mini in space. I HAD to get one. HklTO86yfvI-00005-00002672-00002840 Point! Let's see what's HklTO86yfvI-00006-00002840-00003272 inside. One snip with the scissors. John: "Careful with those, HklTO86yfvI-00007-00003272-00003608 they are extremely pointy like my nipples." HklTO86yfvI-00008-00003688-00004192 It's a case from Miyoo! The colours, charcoal black with red accents. HklTO86yfvI-00009-00004264-00004592 It feels a bit like suede. Let's open it up, shall we? HklTO86yfvI-00010-00004888-00005032 inside we have an instruction manual HklTO86yfvI-00011-00005288-00005920 A very small handheld in his cute sleeve. A USB-C power cable. This will be for charging, HklTO86yfvI-00012-00005992-00006392 and something else is in here. A microSD card adapter. HklTO86yfvI-00013-00006480-00007184 So the manual looks a bit like this in both English as well as Chinese on the opposite side. HklTO86yfvI-00014-00007256-00007408 Let's take this baby out of the wrapper. HklTO86yfvI-00015-00007480-00007816 We can just slide it out, like so. John: "Nicely done, like a pro." HklTO86yfvI-00016-00007904-00008320 First impressions, this looks rather nice with Super Nintendo style buttons. HklTO86yfvI-00017-00008384-00008672 We have one speaker down the bottom. A select, a start, HklTO86yfvI-00018-00008672-00009240 and the classic Nintendo style d-pad. We have a power switch, as well as three LEDs. HklTO86yfvI-00019-00009384-00009704 Here's a volume roller, then underneath we have the audio jack HklTO86yfvI-00020-00009760-00010272 microSD card slot and the USB-C socket. John: "You can come SOCK IT at my massage parlor." HklTO86yfvI-00021-00010360-00010880 The microSD card is 32 gigabytes with no branding. Around the back, HklTO86yfvI-00022-00010880-00011384 we have L and R buttons, two for each. Those in the center are slightly raised. HklTO86yfvI-00023-00011440-00011880 Inside the battery compartment there's a 2 000 mAH Lithium Ion battery. HklTO86yfvI-00024-00011880-00012328 As you have access to this, once the battery snuffs it you should be able to change it out. HklTO86yfvI-00025-00012480-00012880 Before we continue, let's un-peel this thing... Nice! HklTO86yfvI-00026-00012960-00013544 The buttons feel a lot like Smarties. Light, but firm, and the D-Pad? Yeah, it feels pretty good. HklTO86yfvI-00027-00013544-00013888 Not squishy, not clicky either. These center buttons are kind HklTO86yfvI-00028-00013888-00014240 of awkward to get to, but it's doable. The only system you'll need these for is HklTO86yfvI-00029-00014240-00014472 probably PlayStation 1. We're going to put it HklTO86yfvI-00030-00014472-00014896 next to the Retroid Pocket 2 Plus. In comparison, the screen is slightly smaller, HklTO86yfvI-00031-00014976-00015456 but the unit itself is far more compact. We can say the same thing for the RG351V. HklTO86yfvI-00032-00015519-00015928 Obviously, these systems are far more powerful, but this little Miyoo, HklTO86yfvI-00033-00015928-00016184 it's just so compact. It can fit in my wallet. HklTO86yfvI-00034-00016296-00016704 ...Almost. It's a dual core processor HklTO86yfvI-00035-00016704-00017584 at 1.2 gigahertz 128 megs of DDR3 and a 2.8 inch IPS screen at 480p... Not bad! HklTO86yfvI-00036-00017704-00018296 So as we turn it on, let's check the boot time. John: "One, two, three o'clock, four a clock rock. HklTO86yfvI-00037-00018296-00019160 Five o'clock, six o'clock, seven o'clock rock. I am John Luke, ROCK HARD massage man. Oh yes." HklTO86yfvI-00038-00019160-00019480 So boot up time with the stock software is around 14 seconds. HklTO86yfvI-00039-00019480-00019896 We're greeted to this menu. This is the first time we HklTO86yfvI-00040-00019896-00020096 turned it on, but let's check the history. HklTO86yfvI-00041-00020328-00020536 A very interesting games list, indeed. HklTO86yfvI-00042-00020536-00021184 Let's check out (Arcade Attack) Adrian's favorite game! HklTO86yfvI-00043-00021824-00022160 So while I was playing this game, I had a massive grin on my face. HklTO86yfvI-00044-00022160-00022400 Just picking up and playing this it was just so much fun! HklTO86yfvI-00045-00022528-00022736 To get to the quick menu, we push this button here. HklTO86yfvI-00046-00022792-00023336 Then we can save state, load state and go to this emulator's native menu. HklTO86yfvI-00047-00023416-00023688 We've seen this screen before on the Powkiddy Q90. HklTO86yfvI-00048-00023688-00024184 We can only change the scale of the screen to either be smaller, the same as earlier, HklTO86yfvI-00049-00024248-00024680 or to stretch to full size. From that quick menu, we can also quit out HklTO86yfvI-00050-00024680-00025008 and check the rest of the UI. Next section is for favorites. HklTO86yfvI-00051-00025008-00025384 We can add games here by highlighting one and then pushing the button in the center. HklTO86yfvI-00052-00025584-00026248 We have quite a few systems here, Nintendo, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Mega Drive, Super Nintendo, HklTO86yfvI-00053-00026248-00026592 PlayStation, Master System, Wonderswan, and many more! HklTO86yfvI-00054-00026656-00027080 Let's see what we have out of the box. First up is Famicom, or Nintendo. HklTO86yfvI-00055-00027080-00027432 The game list is packed with Japanese or translated to English Roms. HklTO86yfvI-00056-00027432-00027752 Trying a few of these translations uncovers a throne of lies. HklTO86yfvI-00057-00027848-00028320 The best thing you can do is play arcade games. It's quite obvious from the get-go, HklTO86yfvI-00058-00028320-00028760 but this screen is pretty fantastic. The blacks are really dark and the HklTO86yfvI-00059-00028760-00029080 colors are nice and vibrant. If we check the native menu HklTO86yfvI-00060-00029080-00029632 here it seems to be RetroArch. Plenty of options to play with. HklTO86yfvI-00061-00029632-00029936 The Game Boy list is a big mix of everything but listen to this! HklTO86yfvI-00062-00029936-00030320 (High pitched whine) Yeah the very, very high pitch HklTO86yfvI-00063-00030544-00030848 This is exactly the same thing we had with the Q90. HklTO86yfvI-00064-00030848-00031295 The more popular games will work fine, but to fix that sound issue we need to change emulator. HklTO86yfvI-00065-00031360-00031648 For the Game Boy Advance, we have mostly USA releases. HklTO86yfvI-00066-00031648-00032383 Even though the screen is 4:3, this looks and plays fantastic! HklTO86yfvI-00067-00032439-00032968 The Mega Drive or Genesis list is full of releases around the world, but if you listen closely the HklTO86yfvI-00068-00032968-00033344 audio is a few milliseconds off. We looked through the menu but HklTO86yfvI-00069-00033344-00033592 there is no easy fix here. There is an alternative HklTO86yfvI-00070-00033592-00033992 solution later on in the video. Here's the Super Nintendo games list HklTO86yfvI-00071-00033992-00034408 and playing the games is no problem, especially when you have these coloured buttons! HklTO86yfvI-00072-00034712-00035184 The PlayStation list is quite short, but there is sound delay here, much like the Mega Drive. HklTO86yfvI-00073-00035592-00035968 The game here seems to be running full speed, so the system is quite capable. HklTO86yfvI-00074-00036304-00036568 We again checked through the options, but there was nothing. HklTO86yfvI-00075-00036568-00036720 Next up, Master System. HklTO86yfvI-00076-00036720-00036984 There's a mixed list and the games are running rather well. HklTO86yfvI-00077-00037336-00037984 The WonderSwan Color list is mostly Japanese, and there are no issues here. HklTO86yfvI-00078-00038232-00038520 Same goes for PC Engine, and this runs flawlessly. HklTO86yfvI-00079-00038920-00039384 The NEOGEO Pocket has a mixed list. It runs well, but we're stuck with a stretched screen HklTO86yfvI-00080-00039736-00040144 The games list for the Atari 2600 is more or less a rom dump HklTO86yfvI-00081-00040144-00040424 and with the IPS screen get ready for some bright gaming. HklTO86yfvI-00082-00040568-00041192 Same for the 7800, with multiple versions of the same game Chop Lifter is pretty fantastic. HklTO86yfvI-00083-00041520-00042208 Before moving onto arcade games, there is FFPlay. A video player we can use to watch Postman Pat. HklTO86yfvI-00084-00042208-00042608 Next up, arcade. Or how about we don't, because none HklTO86yfvI-00085-00042608-00043328 of these games actually run from the main menu. We tried CPS1, 2 and 3, and then the FBN list, HklTO86yfvI-00086-00043408-00043848 but nothing worked. It's quite likely that they used the wrong romset, HklTO86yfvI-00087-00043848-00044272 but if we go into the MAME2010 menu, we can actually play some of these games. HklTO86yfvI-00088-00044896-00045104 Games in the MAMEPLUS menu also worked. HklTO86yfvI-00089-00045584-00046152 Finally, the NEOGEO list, surprisingly nothing worked but if we move to the RetroArch section, HklTO86yfvI-00090-00046152-00046600 we have a few more emulators we can use. Usually for these kind of systems, HklTO86yfvI-00091-00046600-00047144 they'd use the FBA2012 romset, so if you can load it from this emulator, we should be good to go. HklTO86yfvI-00092-00047656-00048208 As this is RetroArch, we can push this button. Go to options, and then flip on vertical mode. HklTO86yfvI-00093-00048408-00048704 We can also change controls and screen settings too, if we wish. HklTO86yfvI-00094-00048912-00049768 But doing this, we can play CPS1 games, CPS2 games, as well as CPS3 games. HklTO86yfvI-00095-00050072-00050584 You could also add the correct roms if you wished, or try some of the other emulators. HklTO86yfvI-00096-00050688-00051024 Next up is the apps menu. A few things are installed here, HklTO86yfvI-00097-00051024-00051679 like this Chinese RPG, this other Chinese RPG, a clock, Streets of Rage Remake. HklTO86yfvI-00098-00051679-00052216 John: "I would like to take Blaze for some ice cream. Caramel Ribbon!" HklTO86yfvI-00099-00052216-00053088 A tool to free memory, and then we have settings. We can alter brightness, screen colour, language, HklTO86yfvI-00100-00053160-00053240 there's a good variety. HklTO86yfvI-00101-00053240-00053600 John: "31 if I am not mistaken. Yummy in my tum" HklTO86yfvI-00102-00053655-00054000 Mapping, if you want to change them about. And a good variety of themes. HklTO86yfvI-00103-00054248-00054784 There's even one called Pornhub, but we're not going to show that for obvious reasons. HklTO86yfvI-00104-00055016-00055536 Other options in this menu are hibernate, fixes, factory reset and device info. HklTO86yfvI-00105-00055600-00055864 In order to fix our problems regarding the Game Boy, HklTO86yfvI-00106-00055864-00056184 Mega Drive and PlayStation, we're going to install Onion. HklTO86yfvI-00107-00056240-00056544 This is custom software, available for free on Github. HklTO86yfvI-00108-00056608-00057144 There is a very simple to follow guide, and we recommend doing this on a new, reliable microSD. HklTO86yfvI-00109-00057144-00057584 If your memory card is kind of dodgy, it may corrupt your data and save games. HklTO86yfvI-00110-00057584-00058224 To install onion, first download this file then extract it to a fat32 formatted microSD card. HklTO86yfvI-00111-00058224-00058567 We just need this temp update file and just drag it across. HklTO86yfvI-00112-00058655-00059000 Once done right click on your drive and then eject. HklTO86yfvI-00113-00059000-00059328 Insert into the handheld, then turn on and wait. HklTO86yfvI-00114-00059424-00059744 It'll take about a minute or so, so we can look at how pretty it is. HklTO86yfvI-00115-00059920-00060384 We're then greeted to the manual. HklTO86yfvI-00116-00060440-00060648 Now we're given the question, what do we want to install? HklTO86yfvI-00117-00060720-00061128 Of course the Amiga and the Amstrad! If you want to add more later, HklTO86yfvI-00118-00061128-00061255 you can do so from the menu. HklTO86yfvI-00119-00061560-00061904 So once it's done its stuff, press red and make sure it's turned off properly, HklTO86yfvI-00120-00061904-00062048 by checking the LEDs at the top. HklTO86yfvI-00121-00062128-00062512 Then take out the microSD, insert it into your computer and add your games. HklTO86yfvI-00122-00062512-00062944 You can actually copy across the bios and roms from the stock microSD to this one. HklTO86yfvI-00123-00062944-00063360 We suggest finding your own roms and then checking if they're compatible with the OnionUI wiki. HklTO86yfvI-00124-00063432-00063744 If you wanted to add thumbnails to your UI, we can use "Skraper". HklTO86yfvI-00125-00063800-00064128 Make sure you have a free account ready, and click the plus to add a new system. HklTO86yfvI-00126-00064200-00064584 As we've added NEOGEO roms, we're going to select it and then press OKAY. HklTO86yfvI-00127-00064767-00065008 Then we're going to help it find the roms on our microSD. HklTO86yfvI-00128-00065264-00065856 Roms, Neogeo, then press OK. We can repeat this for every system we have on the HklTO86yfvI-00129-00065856-00066568 device, then we'll have a nice list on the left. Click on all systems and then "media". HklTO86yfvI-00130-00066680-00067000 We only need one image to show, so click one and then remove it. HklTO86yfvI-00131-00067080-00067488 So now we're going to use the arrows at the bottom to select which image type we wish to have. HklTO86yfvI-00132-00067488-00067920 It's probably better to have a tall image for this so we're going to choose "Box 2d". HklTO86yfvI-00133-00067920-00068336 In the output folder, remove media images, to have "Imgs" with a capital I. HklTO86yfvI-00134-00068408-00068752 So now this is all set up, we can push the PLAY button at the bottom right, HklTO86yfvI-00135-00068752-00068992 and this will grab all of the images for the games. HklTO86yfvI-00136-00068992-00069208 This will take a few minutes but it's well worth it. HklTO86yfvI-00137-00069296-00069528 Moving back to the Miyoo now with thumbnails. HklTO86yfvI-00138-00069528-00069848 This looks way better. Just be aware that if you use screenshots, HklTO86yfvI-00139-00069848-00070368 especially in landscape mode- they'd look tiny. The sound issues we had with Game Boy HklTO86yfvI-00140-00070368-00070800 are all fixed, and the same applies for Mega Drive and PlayStation 1. HklTO86yfvI-00141-00071152-00071584 No more delay. HklTO86yfvI-00142-00071768-00072280 As this uses the PCSX ReArmed emulator, some games like Ridge Racer Revolution will run HklTO86yfvI-00143-00072280-00072568 slightly slow, but that's definitely in the minority. HklTO86yfvI-00144-00072672-00073000 We can also have more luck with NEOGEO and other arcade games. HklTO86yfvI-00145-00073000-00073344 One of my favorite features of OnionUI? Tap this menu button once, HklTO86yfvI-00146-00073344-00073688 it saves the state and it gives you a list of the last 10 games played. HklTO86yfvI-00147-00073752-00074008 Select one of these, and it'll jump you right into the place you left it. HklTO86yfvI-00148-00074192-00074552 To get to the RetroArch menu, push the center button and select, HklTO86yfvI-00149-00074552-00074912 and to exit to the main game list - we hold the center button until it vibrates. HklTO86yfvI-00150-00074912-00075160 John: "Sounds a lot like Beverly." HklTO86yfvI-00151-00075320-00075864 So let's see some of the new systems we've added. Here's Amstrad CPC, "Rainbow Islands" HklTO86yfvI-00152-00076320-00076592 And some "Lotus Turbo Challenge 2" on the Amiga. HklTO86yfvI-00153-00076592-00076960 At default the aspect ratio is slightly off, but we can fix this in RetroArch. HklTO86yfvI-00154-00077128-00077464 Go down to "Zoom Mode", then select either medium or large. HklTO86yfvI-00155-00077848-00078584 And this one runs at full speed HklTO86yfvI-00156-00078664-00078744 And Jim Power? HklTO86yfvI-00157-00078904-00079384 No chance. With performance being similar to a Raspberry Pi 3, HklTO86yfvI-00158-00079384-00080000 we could try using frame skip to make this playable. HklTO86yfvI-00159-00080000-00080180 Let's see what this unit can push out! HklTO86yfvI-00160-00080180-00081392 Sega 32x HklTO86yfvI-00161-00081392-00081464 ScummVM HklTO86yfvI-00162-00081688-00081888 A little awkward on the d-pad, but this runs great. HklTO86yfvI-00163-00082608-00082784 The port of Doom. HklTO86yfvI-00164-00083472-00083680 Tap the power button at the top to turn on sleep mode. HklTO86yfvI-00165-00083760-00083872 Tap again to wake it up. HklTO86yfvI-00166-00083960-00084240 If you want to shut it down, hold it in until it vibrates. HklTO86yfvI-00167-00084368-00084576 I think it's about time for the pros and the cons. HklTO86yfvI-00168-00084760-00085328 The Miyoo Mini v2 has a lot going for it. It looks great, plays straight out of the box, HklTO86yfvI-00169-00085328-00085640 and it's a very affordable handheld. There are not many things you can say HklTO86yfvI-00170-00085640-00086032 bad about this, except for the stock firmware and the garbage microSD. HklTO86yfvI-00171-00086272-00086712 If you're on the lookout for an 8 to 16 bit handheld, we can easily recommend this HklTO86yfvI-00172-00086712-00086984 for it's fast boot time and the use of save states. HklTO86yfvI-00173-00086984-00087248 It's perfect for on the toilet, or if you want to be part of the HklTO86yfvI-00174-00087248-00087568 Miyoo Mini community- you could just take photographs of them. HklTO86yfvI-00175-00087568-00087752 Like in cake, and in a garden. HklTO86yfvI-00176-00087936-00088112 Oh that's where you went, come on! HklTO86yfvI-00177-00088336-00088800 As I play Blazing Star, here's a big thank you to all of those on our Patreon. HklTO86yfvI-00178-00088800-00089096 You guys are fantastic, and keep us moving and grooving! HklTO86yfvI-00179-00089096-00089392 If you'd like to support our work, please consider joining. HklTO86yfvI-00180-00089392-00089656 We have a Discord, and John has a massage parlor. HklTO86yfvI-00181-00089656-00090016 John: "Business is banging, like Parappa the Rapper and Sunny Funny. HklTO86yfvI-00182-00090112-00090448 Kick, punch, like this video, it's all in the mind!" HklTO86yfvI-00183-00090448-00090568 It sure is John. HklTO86yfvI-00184-00090568-00090896 This has been EmuChicken of Team Pandory, and I'll catch you on the next one. HklTO86yfvI-00185-00090968-00091184 Tarrah! HlgvBtlQ7jA-00000-00000000-00000136 how to handle that? HlgvBtlQ7jA-00001-00000146-00000336 you enter the office and see too much stuff to do HlgvBtlQ7jA-00002-00000346-00000545 each one is most important and needs your attention HlgvBtlQ7jA-00003-00000555-00000729 too little time to manage all that HlgvBtlQ7jA-00004-00000739-00001037 you're like a doctor at a disaster scene HlgvBtlQ7jA-00005-00001047-00001209 with several dozen victims and him alone HlgvBtlQ7jA-00006-00001219-00001342 how does a paramedic act? HlgvBtlQ7jA-00007-00001352-00001602 he groups the victims into categories HlgvBtlQ7jA-00008-00001602-00001845 1. those who could not be helped HlgvBtlQ7jA-00009-00001855-00002066 those who are likely to die, regardless of what care they receive HlgvBtlQ7jA-00010-00002076-00002152 he's not dealing with them HlgvBtlQ7jA-00011-00002162-00002366 2. those who're asking for help HlgvBtlQ7jA-00012-00002376-00002714 are likely to live, regardless of what care they receive, drops them too HlgvBtlQ7jA-00013-00002724-00002858 he works with the 3rd, most important, group HlgvBtlQ7jA-00014-00002868-00003387 those for whom immediate care might make a positive difference in outcome HlgvBtlQ7jA-00015-00003397-00003585 your situation is very similar HlgvBtlQ7jA-00016-00003595-00003945 issues on your plate are in similar groups HlgvBtlQ7jA-00017-00003954-00004119 some issues are already lost HlgvBtlQ7jA-00018-00004129-00004353 whatever you'd do they fall down HlgvBtlQ7jA-00019-00004363-00004565 they're failures, don't touch them HlgvBtlQ7jA-00020-00004575-00004869 the 2nd group has issues you'd manage HlgvBtlQ7jA-00021-00004879-00004973 they are important HlgvBtlQ7jA-00022-00004983-00005210 but they're going well and will end up well HlgvBtlQ7jA-00023-00005210-00005447 dedicate your time and energy to the 3rd type of issues HlgvBtlQ7jA-00024-00005457-00005828 i.e. topics where just with your personal involvement HlgvBtlQ7jA-00025-00005838-00006095 would make them finish well with success HlgvBtlQ7jA-00026-00006095-00006283 so, when there is too much to do HlgvBtlQ7jA-00027-00006293-00006476 when the palette of the issues is too broad HlgvBtlQ7jA-00028-00006486-00006750 then focus your energy on the topics HlgvBtlQ7jA-00029-00006759-00006954 where your personal involvement is necessary HlgvBtlQ7jA-00030-00006964-00007223 to let the things succeed I2TMJSp1Ifg-00000-00002834-00003154 "Sunday early evening!! Solfrid B. Jepsen speaks. Local musicians and members from "Team Id" is present" I2TMJSp1Ifg-00001-00003252-00003764 We have a god with emotions, he could be joyfull and happy I2TMJSp1Ifg-00002-00003806-00004046 We're gonna have a baptizm today! Hallelujah I2TMJSp1Ifg-00003-00004182-00004346 After the meeting I2TMJSp1Ifg-00004-00004398-00004790 We have to let this "pool" get heated up as much as possible I2TMJSp1Ifg-00005-00005556-00005868 Yes, thank God for letting us past that I2TMJSp1Ifg-00006-00006190-00006314 Yes I2TMJSp1Ifg-00007-00014316-00014516 *She sings <3* I2TMJSp1Ifg-00008-00025827-00025920 *Worship* I2TMJSp1Ifg-00009-00063948-00064120 Mathias, can you pray? I2TMJSp1Ifg-00010-00064332-00064448 Can you pray? I2TMJSp1Ifg-00011-00064710-00064874 Pray out what you feel on the inside I2TMJSp1Ifg-00012-00066222-00066378 I just thank you I2TMJSp1Ifg-00013-00066566-00066698 For what you've done to me I2TMJSp1Ifg-00014-00066872-00067396 And I thank you for what you've done to everybody who sits here I2TMJSp1Ifg-00015-00067506-00067774 I thank you for the life you've given us I2TMJSp1Ifg-00016-00068056-00068464 Thank you for the life you've given us, through your son I2TMJSp1Ifg-00017-00068638-00068750 Who died for us I2TMJSp1Ifg-00018-00069176-00069576 Thank you for letting us be your children I2TMJSp1Ifg-00019-00070616-00070756 I thank you for this meeting I2TMJSp1Ifg-00020-00071052-00071268 Thank you for letting us meet you in the meeting I2TMJSp1Ifg-00021-00071478-00071766 Thank you for letting us hear your word in the meeting I2TMJSp1Ifg-00022-00071866-00072090 Thank you for letting us praise you in the meeting I2TMJSp1Ifg-00023-00072718-00072918 Thank you for what you've put inside of Solfrid I2TMJSp1Ifg-00024-00073064-00073296 Thank you for these words you're going to give us I2TMJSp1Ifg-00025-00073414-00073530 Today I2TMJSp1Ifg-00027-00097164-00097304 Thank you Jesus I2TMJSp1Ifg-00028-00097736-00097848 Amen I2TMJSp1Ifg-00029-00098050-00098158 Thank you Jesus I2TMJSp1Ifg-00030-00098408-00098548 Thank you so much Mathias I2TMJSp1Ifg-00031-00098744-00098864 for being obedient I2TMJSp1Ifg-00032-00099338-00099482 Thank you Jesus I2TMJSp1Ifg-00033-00099570-00099838 I don't know if you're sensitive to such things, but I2TMJSp1Ifg-00034-00099864-00100288 there's an enormous profetical salvation in this room I2TMJSp1Ifg-00035-00100348-00100472 In the building I2TMJSp1Ifg-00036-00100536-00100768 And it's been like this the whole weekend I2TMJSp1Ifg-00037-00100808-00101524 But it's been, just like now, that you can feel that God's spirit floats so enormous I2TMJSp1Ifg-00038-00101576-00101776 In a way that I2TMJSp1Ifg-00039-00101784-00102568 if you feel in your body, that you get focused on Jesus, or that you feel happy I2TMJSp1Ifg-00040-00102582-00103270 You get these feelings, where you may get a bible verse, and you think: "Ahh, I read this yesterday" and I2TMJSp1Ifg-00041-00103270-00103364 And there's that I2TMJSp1Ifg-00042-00103364-00103461 It's this I2TMJSp1Ifg-00043-00103461-00103730 profetical spirit, also known as the Holy Spirit I2TMJSp1Ifg-00044-00103738-00104009 who moves you, and reminds you I2TMJSp1Ifg-00045-00104009-00104122 the whole way I2TMJSp1Ifg-00046-00104133-00104874 And what's very typical when this happens, is that very many people wishes to share I2TMJSp1Ifg-00047-00104982-00105620 They want to share what they have, a song, a poem, a bible verse, a message I2TMJSp1Ifg-00048-00105620-00106004 They want to share. And that's the usual christian life, that you wish to share I2TMJSp1Ifg-00049-00106054-00106230 that you always want to share I2TMJSp1Ifg-00050-00106244-00106620 And I felt it, before the meeting here, when we were standing in a circle here I2TMJSp1Ifg-00051-00106646-00107050 It's so incredibly powerful, when you're standing in a circle, and have this focus on Jesus I2TMJSp1Ifg-00052-00107114-00107706 And then, the ones who feels this profetical presence, they almost speak over each other I2TMJSp1Ifg-00053-00107726-00108158 They talk over each other, because they come with messages from God all the time I2TMJSp1Ifg-00054-00108158-00108450 And the lord says, and the lord says, and the lord says I2TMJSp1Ifg-00055-00108452-00108628 And then you think: "Does he say this once again?" I2TMJSp1Ifg-00056-00108635-00109111 Yes. He speaks all the time, and tries to make sure to us that he's there I2TMJSp1Ifg-00057-00109128-00109372 He's present, he wishes to use us I2TMJSp1Ifg-00058-00109378-00109482 He is actually. I2TMJSp1Ifg-00059-00109509-00109630 And a lot of times, I think I2TMJSp1Ifg-00060-00109752-00110556 Do we believe it? Are we so overfilled with profetical messages, and greetings, that we say: "Oh yeah, now there's another message..."? I2TMJSp1Ifg-00061-00110556-00110706 "Oh, well then I'll just check my phone in the meantime" I2TMJSp1Ifg-00062-00110752-00111011 We are so filled I2TMJSp1Ifg-00063-00111288-00112200 That a lot of times, we don't include every single word, when it comes profetical messages I2TMJSp1Ifg-00064-00112224-00112406 It's about bowing your heart I2TMJSp1Ifg-00065-00112494-00112602 and accept it I2TMJSp1Ifg-00066-00112656-00112780 And feel it I2TMJSp1Ifg-00067-00112830-00113122 And not just: "Oh, another message" I2TMJSp1Ifg-00068-00113259-00113459 What I do, is that I write it down I2TMJSp1Ifg-00069-00113533-00113666 Then I look at it later I2TMJSp1Ifg-00070-00113759-00113908 For a rainy day I2TMJSp1Ifg-00071-00113983-00114304 It's so good. Have God actually said? Yes I2TMJSp1Ifg-00072-00114332-00114928 He said that, he said that, he said that, he said that, because the lord reminds us I2TMJSp1Ifg-00073-00114954-00115233 that he's with us. It's so extremely powerful, and I2TMJSp1Ifg-00074-00115344-00115924 I actually had some thoughts, this morning, about what I wanted to preach about I2TMJSp1Ifg-00075-00115935-00116396 I want to preach about everything, you know? 'Cause the whole bible is so... I2TMJSp1Ifg-00076-00116440-00117035 Ahh.. I want to preach from the first letter, to the last letter. Because I just want to tell about his works, his glory I2TMJSp1Ifg-00077-00117035-00117174 How enormous he is I2TMJSp1Ifg-00078-00117188-00117411 All of these humans, that it's written about I2TMJSp1Ifg-00079-00117411-00117566 With, and without, names I2TMJSp1Ifg-00080-00117566-00118278 There's neverending sources in the bible, and in the script, to just tell and preach I2TMJSp1Ifg-00081-00118509-00119233 So, I'm crazy enough to sit down and not have anything, and just think: "Oh well... Jesus, go ahead" I2TMJSp1Ifg-00082-00119233-00119358 "It's totally fine" I2TMJSp1Ifg-00083-00119380-00119896 And of course, I'm prepared, but I'm ready to throw it all away if Jesus says something else I2TMJSp1Ifg-00084-00119942-00120142 And now, he told me to do something else I2TMJSp1Ifg-00085-00120218-00120450 And then I found out that I had to preach about something else I2TMJSp1Ifg-00086-00120842-00120998 HEADING: "Something else" I2TMJSp1Ifg-00087-00121078-00121183 Dear Jesus... I2TMJSp1Ifg-00088-00121461-00121930 There's one thing I want to point out to you, who have been here all weekend, and thought that I2TMJSp1Ifg-00089-00122038-00122966 "I've been prayed for, and I've been prayed for, but Solfrid hasn't prayed for me, and Id hasn't prayed for me, and no one has prayed for me properly, the way that I wanted, etc." I2TMJSp1Ifg-00090-00123166-00123306 Uhm.. Come on I2TMJSp1Ifg-00091-00123366-00123461 Come once more I2TMJSp1Ifg-00092-00123538-00123659 Come once more I2TMJSp1Ifg-00093-00123724-00124056 And there's something about that I2TMJSp1Ifg-00094-00124138-00124294 We have a lot scheduled for today I2TMJSp1Ifg-00095-00124338-00124918 There will be a baptizm afterwards, that will happen, but there will be an "after-meeting" first, and I hope that you're not in a hurry I2TMJSp1Ifg-00096-00124956-00125308 Because I feel that there's something that Jesus wants to do here I2TMJSp1Ifg-00097-00125308-00125883 There's something he really wants to do, and I hope that I can get there at the end of this preach. But I hope that you're open I2TMJSp1Ifg-00098-00125964-00126164 for the profetical spirit I2TMJSp1Ifg-00099-00126164-00126298 The spirit of the bible, the spirit of God I2TMJSp1Ifg-00100-00126298-00126658 I hope that you're open, for the Holy Spirit to speak to you I2TMJSp1Ifg-00101-00126680-00126883 Not necessarily through my mouth I2TMJSp1Ifg-00102-00126932-00127359 But rather through you listening to what the word says, and what the spirit says I2TMJSp1Ifg-00103-00127374-00127842 So that you can be open, to accept what God decided to give you today I2TMJSp1Ifg-00104-00127994-00128174 Because he always has something to everyone I2TMJSp1Ifg-00105-00128290-00128598 Uhm, if you brought your bible, you can go to I2TMJSp1Ifg-00106-00128642-00128809 I believe it's 2 kings I2TMJSp1Ifg-00107-00129233-00129338 Thank you Jesus I2TMJSp1Ifg-00108-00129652-00129759 Thank you Jesus I2TMJSp1Ifg-00109-00130296-00131188 I like to listen to others, other people's salvations, preachings and people who have seen and heard, and... I2TMJSp1Ifg-00110-00131196-00131334 who have walked a further way I2TMJSp1Ifg-00111-00131334-00131810 And to sit under the feet of people who has inspiration is very important I2TMJSp1Ifg-00112-00131890-00132570 And 2 kings, by the way, if you're not that familiar with the bible, is in the first part of the old testament I2TMJSp1Ifg-00113-00132626-00132732 Uhm, but I2TMJSp1Ifg-00114-00132826-00133370 This thing, about sitting and listening to salvations and preachings inspires me, and it's important to me, to listen to other people I2TMJSp1Ifg-00115-00133458-00133830 Preachers who never listens to other people, I've... I2TMJSp1Ifg-00116-00134020-00134296 Well, I shouldn't say that actually I2TMJSp1Ifg-00117-00134330-00134846 These people who come and say: "I've got it. Nobody else has gotten it, they're just stupid" I2TMJSp1Ifg-00118-00134878-00135186 I've understood that I don't understand anything, so therefore I have to learnd from the people in front of me I2TMJSp1Ifg-00119-00135242-00135518 And I love to do that I2TMJSp1Ifg-00120-00135518-00135874 So, I've been listening to some tuition, and there was something that grabbed hold of I2TMJSp1Ifg-00121-00135902-00136194 And that's what I feel like I want to mention here I2TMJSp1Ifg-00122-00136214-00136466 And that's in 2 kings, chapter 13 I2TMJSp1Ifg-00123-00137988-00138188 Here, we can read about Elisha I2TMJSp1Ifg-00124-00138390-00138878 So, you had the profet Elias I2TMJSp1Ifg-00125-00138904-00139196 That's what we usually use, but it tends to differ I2TMJSp1Ifg-00126-00139196-00139616 He was a huge profet, he was used by God in an incredible way I2TMJSp1Ifg-00127-00139616-00139764 It was enormous I2TMJSp1Ifg-00128-00139786-00140142 He had a salvation that was wild, he spoke God's words I2TMJSp1Ifg-00129-00140172-00140718 He told fire to com down, and it burned both water and stone and everything I2TMJSp1Ifg-00130-00140718-00141122 He had enormous I2TMJSp1Ifg-00131-00141194-00141478 revelations and and incredible power I2TMJSp1Ifg-00132-00141504-00142052 And a salvation that was totally special from God, a man, chosen by God for a time I2TMJSp1Ifg-00133-00142202-00142638 Then the time comes, when God tells him that he will get a successor I2TMJSp1Ifg-00134-00142852-00143192 And that he were to teach him. You had profet apprentices back then I2TMJSp1Ifg-00135-00143232-00143544 That was that time. In the old testament you had apprentices I2TMJSp1Ifg-00136-00143582-00143870 of profets, and of the priests etc. I2TMJSp1Ifg-00137-00143870-00143974 But you had apprentices I2TMJSp1Ifg-00138-00143994-00144322 And God the chose Elisha I2TMJSp1Ifg-00139-00144382-00144482 And Elisha I2TMJSp1Ifg-00140-00144492-00144936 If you don't know the story, it's very special, and you should read it I2TMJSp1Ifg-00141-00144958-00145250 But Elisha receives a double part I2TMJSp1Ifg-00142-00145322-00145662 A double part, because he is so eager to learn I2TMJSp1Ifg-00143-00145696-00146124 He's so eager to get a hold on what the profet has I2TMJSp1Ifg-00144-00146152-00146464 He's so eager, that he's never letting go I2TMJSp1Ifg-00145-00146470-00146726 He won't let his sight off of him, he follows him everywhere I2TMJSp1Ifg-00146-00146732-00147220 He's with him, he sees, he learns, he does, and he's with I4hHNtuX2BA-00000-00000000-00000362 Are you bothered by how big your face looks when you take pictures? I4hHNtuX2BA-00001-00000362-00000622 The main reason for this is due to a double chin! I4hHNtuX2BA-00002-00000622-00000980 The weak, tense muscles in your chin make your chin loose! I4hHNtuX2BA-00003-00000980-00001529 And in photos, it makes your chin look saggy, making your face look bigger than it is I4hHNtuX2BA-00004-00001529-00001845 “I’m pretty thin but my chin is so thick” I4hHNtuX2BA-00005-00001845-00002202 If you share this concern, try one set every other day! I4hHNtuX2BA-00006-00002202-00002627 In one week, you’ll be able to see how your face line changes! I4hHNtuX2BA-00007-00002627-00002842 SNIP CUT ROUTINE I4hHNtuX2BA-00008-00002842-00003164 Short but strong, definitely effective I4hHNtuX2BA-00009-00003164-00003566 Hello, this is Jiny from Jiny Diet V^_^V I4hHNtuX2BA-00010-00003566-00003728 Hello~! I4hHNtuX2BA-00011-00003728-00003922 This is the second part of the Snip Cut Routine! I4hHNtuX2BA-00012-00003922-00004094 The subject of today is not related to your body! I4hHNtuX2BA-00013-00004094-00004506 It is regarding your face! Specifically, trimming out the double chin! I4hHNtuX2BA-00014-00004506-00004918 Firstly, let’s review the 3 causes for double chins! I4hHNtuX2BA-00015-00004918-00005261 Firstly, salivary glands! Especially the submandibular glands! I4hHNtuX2BA-00016-00005261-00005752 Due to improper posture and irregular habits, it causes the glands to grow larger I4hHNtuX2BA-00017-00005752-00006099 Thus making your chin look larger I4hHNtuX2BA-00018-00006099-00006334 Secondly, tense and weak muscles I4hHNtuX2BA-00019-00006334-00006723 Similar to our bodies, our faces are covered with muscles I4hHNtuX2BA-00020-00006723-00007220 Due to a form imbalance in tense and weak muscles in the chin and neck I4hHNtuX2BA-00021-00007220-00007932 The tense muscles intervene with circulation and relaxation whereas the weak parts continue to gather fat I4hHNtuX2BA-00022-00007932-00008783 Thirdly, saggy skin on top of the muscles further attribute to double chin formation I4hHNtuX2BA-00023-00008783-00009434 Now then, today’s double chin cutting routine will most definitely target all these 3 causes I4hHNtuX2BA-00024-00009434-00009848 So how will we quickly care for the bottom of our chins? I4hHNtuX2BA-00025-00009848-00010268 Out of the 3 causes, this routine will focus on targeting the second cause (tense and weak muscles) I4hHNtuX2BA-00026-00010268-00010692 Why? Because tense and weak muscles cause an imbalance in our form I4hHNtuX2BA-00027-00010692-00011414 Which intervene with circulation and movement, leading to forward head posture, hypertrophy of salivary glands, storage of fat, and saggy skin I4hHNtuX2BA-00028-00011414-00012142 In short, by tackling the second cause, this will solve for all 3 causes in general I4hHNtuX2BA-00029-00012142-00012559 Today’s double chin cutting routine is comprised of 3 parts I4hHNtuX2BA-00030-00012559-00012992 Part A will aim to relax the salivary glands and the neck muscles I4hHNtuX2BA-00031-00012992-00013478 It will be a massage to allow circulation and movement around the neck I4hHNtuX2BA-00032-00013478-00013787 We will alleviate those muscles by stretching them first I4hHNtuX2BA-00033-00013787-00014037 In part B, we’ll be exercising with our tongue muscles I4hHNtuX2BA-00034-00014037-00014582 Try to keep your tip to the back of your tongue all the way up to the roof of your mouth I4hHNtuX2BA-00035-00014582-00014819 Then try to swallow your saliva I4hHNtuX2BA-00036-00014819-00015123 You’ll feel your neck muscles tightening upwards I4hHNtuX2BA-00037-00015123-00015593 That’s how much the movement and muscles of your tongue are connected to your chin I4hHNtuX2BA-00038-00015593-00016014 So with the movement of your tongue, you can take care of your double chin! I4hHNtuX2BA-00039-00016014-00016304 You’ll also be able to correct and minimize the growth of your chin as well! I4hHNtuX2BA-00040-00016304-00017183 Part C will aim to lift the entire muscles in your chin! I4hHNtuX2BA-00041-00017183-00017565 It’s an important time where it will aim to tone the line in your loose chin I4hHNtuX2BA-00042-00017565-00017914 To understand Part C, if we compare it with another exercise I4hHNtuX2BA-00043-00017914-00018511 It’s like doing a plank or a sit up in order to properly engage your core I4hHNtuX2BA-00044-00018511-00019025 And this routine is sponsored by the premium vegan brand d’Alba! I4hHNtuX2BA-00045-00019025-00019371 This multi-balm is great to moisturize your skin as it contains 85% serum balm I4hHNtuX2BA-00046-00019371-00019918 The other 15% is comprised of serum core that is great for whitening within this stick form balm I4hHNtuX2BA-00047-00019918-00020747 The necessary effects are made of the best ratio so that this all in one stick can moisturize, tone and whiten all at once I4hHNtuX2BA-00048-00020747-00021176 I have super dry skin so I’m always suffering from dry skin all year long I4hHNtuX2BA-00049-00021176-00022003 This multi-balm is not sticky at all so it’s great for hot summers and colder seasons so it’s great for all seasons I4hHNtuX2BA-00050-00022003-00022253 I don’t use eye cream on its own I4hHNtuX2BA-00051-00022253-00023071 For evening skin care, I apply this underneath my eyelids or my neck where wrinkles are more prone to form as well as under the chin! I4hHNtuX2BA-00052-00023071-00023588 When you’re busy getting ready for work, you might spend too much time with your morning skincare routine I4hHNtuX2BA-00053-00023588-00023993 You can use the multi balm quickly and apply makeup right after! I4hHNtuX2BA-00054-00023993-00024621 All products from d’Alba include white truffle content from Italy and are only produced with successful hypoallergenic testing I4hHNtuX2BA-00055-00024621-00024829 d’Alba is a premium vegan beauty brand I4hHNtuX2BA-00056-00024829-00025527 They’re well known for their hypoallergenic vegan brand and I personally use their suncream and cushion I4hHNtuX2BA-00057-00025527-00026242 I’m also using the multi balm which is hypoallergenic and vegan and it’s been great for me I4hHNtuX2BA-00058-00026242-00026789 At the end of the video, there is an event where we can use this together so please stay tuned! I4hHNtuX2BA-00059-00026789-00027277 Now, let’s get straight into snip cutting our double chins! I4hHNtuX2BA-00060-00027277-00027367 Let’s go! I4hHNtuX2BA-00061-00027367-00027952 This routine is comprised of 3 parts (A,B and C) and you will need a foam roller for part C I4hHNtuX2BA-00062-00027952-00028286 Each move is 30 seconds I4hHNtuX2BA-00063-00028286-00028510 Let us begin the workout I4hHNtuX2BA-00064-00028510-00028955 Part A aims to relax the tense muscles around the neck I4hHNtuX2BA-00065-00028955-00029265 Sit comfortably with your spine upright I4hHNtuX2BA-00066-00029265-00029796 Bring your right hand to your right neck as shown in the video I4hHNtuX2BA-00067-00029796-00030043 Massage your neck under your chin as shown above I4hHNtuX2BA-00068-00030108-00030665 First press onto the highest point and release slowly I4hHNtuX2BA-00069-00030672-00031236 For all the massages, close your lips and breathe through your nose I4hHNtuX2BA-00070-00031426-00031841 This time, bring your hand lower to the middle section and massage your muscles I4hHNtuX2BA-00071-00031841-00032455 Avoid using your nails and use your finger to grab and release the muscles in your neck I4hHNtuX2BA-00072-00032670-00032977 We will massage the area that is closest to your clavicles I4hHNtuX2BA-00073-00032977-00033797 Massage your neck to relax your body as you press and release against your muscles I4hHNtuX2BA-00074-00033837-00034102 We will do the same for the other side I4hHNtuX2BA-00075-00034102-00034534 Grab the highest point in your neck from under your chin I4hHNtuX2BA-00076-00034534-00035163 Similarly, breathe out as you press and release against your muscles I4hHNtuX2BA-00077-00035380-00036157 In the middle section, press and release against your muscles slowly I4hHNtuX2BA-00078-00036534-00036981 Lastly, massage against the lowest part of your neck near your clavicles I4hHNtuX2BA-00079-00037657-00038273 This time, use your index or third finger to relax the muscles above your right clavicle I4hHNtuX2BA-00080-00038339-00038858 Press and release against the spot above your right clavicle I4hHNtuX2BA-00081-00038888-00039277 Exhale as you press against the area I4hHNtuX2BA-00082-00039572-00040093 Move your finger slightly outward towards the midsection of your clavicle I4hHNtuX2BA-00083-00040093-00040832 Rather than just pressing the area, move outwards as you press against the area I4hHNtuX2BA-00084-00040919-00041506 Move outwards to the end of your clavicle to release the muscles in your clavicle I4hHNtuX2BA-00085-00042122-00042322 We’ll do the same for the opposite side I4hHNtuX2BA-00086-00042357-00042712 Use your index or third finger to press against the muscle on top of the inner clavicle I4hHNtuX2BA-00087-00042712-00043344 Exhale as you press against this area I4hHNtuX2BA-00088-00043344-00044003 Check for the tense muscles in this area to massage as needed I4hHNtuX2BA-00089-00044003-00044429 Move outwards towards the midsection of your clavicle I4hHNtuX2BA-00090-00044461-00044983 The more tense it is, you may feel tight in your shoulders, hands or you may even start coughing I4hHNtuX2BA-00091-00045253-00045602 Move towards the farthest part of the clavicle for a final massage I4hHNtuX2BA-00092-00046483-00046926 This time, we’ll massage the area that is closest to your salivary glands I4hHNtuX2BA-00093-00046926-00047380 Press your right finger at the right side of your chin below your ears I4hHNtuX2BA-00094-00047380-00048016 Press outwards to relax the tense muscles in this area I4hHNtuX2BA-00095-00048448-00049043 Bring your finger down to the middle of your chin to massage your muscles I4hHNtuX2BA-00096-00049714-00050223 For the last time, bring your finger to the lowest part of your chin and massage it I4hHNtuX2BA-00097-00050859-00051137 We’ll repeat this on the other side I4hHNtuX2BA-00098-00051137-00051536 Place your left finger under your chin below your ears I4hHNtuX2BA-00099-00051536-00052183 Press outwards to relax the tense muscles in this area as you exhale I4hHNtuX2BA-00100-00052545-00053128 Bring your finger down to the middle of your chin to massage your muscles I4hHNtuX2BA-00101-00053800-00054339 Lastly bring your fingers to the end of your chin and massage it outwards I4hHNtuX2BA-00102-00054956-00055101 This is the last massage I4hHNtuX2BA-00103-00055136-00055512 Clench both of your fists and place them next to the side of your face I4hHNtuX2BA-00104-00055512-00055925 In a circular motion, massage your muscles in this area I4hHNtuX2BA-00105-00055925-00056609 Avoid your bones and focus on release the tense muscles that make your chin look thicker I4hHNtuX2BA-00106-00056643-00057579 Rather than rolling your fists in one spot, move it from top, bottom, left and right for a full-on massage I4hHNtuX2BA-00107-00058753-00059677 This time it’s a stretch! Bring your hands together pressing behind your head, back hunched, chin down I4hHNtuX2BA-00108-00059677-00060655 If you try to bring the weight of your upper body right before you’re about to fall, you can stretch out the back of your neck muscles well I4hHNtuX2BA-00109-00060655-00060892 Stay in this position as you breathe I4hHNtuX2BA-00110-00060927-00061374 Lift your hands slightly as you rotate your head towards the right I4hHNtuX2BA-00111-00061374-00061900 Focus on releasing the tense muscles from the right side of your neck I4hHNtuX2BA-00112-00062248-00062872 Similarly, this time rotate your neck towards the left to release the tense muscles from the left I4hHNtuX2BA-00113-00063540-00064175 Bring your spine to an upright position, hold your hands against your clavicles I4hHNtuX2BA-00114-00064175-00064436 Slowly bring your head backwards I4hHNtuX2BA-00115-00064436-00064981 Keep your lips together and bring your lower jaw upwards I4hHNtuX2BA-00116-00064981-00065458 Make sure it is aligned with your upper jaw as you wait in this position I4hHNtuX2BA-00117-00065528-00066152 From here, rotate your head towards the right I4hHNtuX2BA-00118-00067060-00067699 Then rotate to the left to release the muscles in your chin I4hHNtuX2BA-00119-00068211-00068792 Part B aims to alleviate any growth in the inner chin and slim it down I4hHNtuX2BA-00120-00068792-00069139 It’s best to conduct Part B in front of a mirror I4hHNtuX2BA-00121-00069215-00069783 Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth as you drop your jaw I4hHNtuX2BA-00122-00069783-00070203 Exhale through your nose and inhale as you close your mouth I4hHNtuX2BA-00123-00070203-00070867 Look at yourself in the mirror as you check to ensure you aren’t leaning against a specific side I4hHNtuX2BA-00124-00070867-00071402 Drop your jaw as you stick your tongue towards the roof of your mouth I4hHNtuX2BA-00125-00071423-00072000 Open your mouth just to fit a thumb I4hHNtuX2BA-00126-00072847-00073743 Similar to the previous move, roll the tip of your tongue towards the roof of your mouth I4hHNtuX2BA-00127-00073743-00074654 Exhale as you roll your tongue to the roof of your mouth and inhale as you release I4hHNtuX2BA-00128-00074706-00075630 Ensure to not overwork your chin as you do this, if you tense up, try to release the tension as you do so I4hHNtuX2BA-00129-00076766-00077454 Similarly, with your mouth open, lay your tongue flat against the bottom of your mouth I4hHNtuX2BA-00130-00077454-00078196 Exhale as you drop your tongue then inhale as you bring it back to normal I4hHNtuX2BA-00131-00078196-00079210 Rather than trying to open your mouth wide, only move within the range where your chin muscles are not overworking I4hHNtuX2BA-00132-00079232-00080145 Similarly, if you’re tensing up make sure to relax and try to practice flattening your tongue as you feel the deep sensation in your chin muscles I4hHNtuX2BA-00133-00080552-00080949 Part C aims to lift your chin line that has been stretched I4hHNtuX2BA-00134-00080949-00081167 You will need a foam roller I4hHNtuX2BA-00135-00081167-00081636 Prepare your foam roller underneath your shoulder blades I4hHNtuX2BA-00136-00081661-00082080 We’ll sort out the formation with a practice move I4hHNtuX2BA-00137-00082120-00082627 Place your right hand behind your head with your left hand on your ribs I4hHNtuX2BA-00138-00082627-00083238 Exhale as you feel your stomach come out, tuck your chin as you feel the back of your neck stretch out I4hHNtuX2BA-00139-00083238-00083842 From the side view, you should aim to have a nice curve I4hHNtuX2BA-00140-00083863-00084389 The weaker your neck muscles are, your neck will curve inwards I4hHNtuX2BA-00141-00084421-00085151 Use your right hand to hold the weight of your head and try to consistently keep the back of your neck as straight as possible I4hHNtuX2BA-00142-00085151-00085710 Without any protruding spots in the curve, try to maintain this nice curve I4hHNtuX2BA-00143-00086049-00086721 Breathe slowly as you place both your hands behind your head as you maintain the same curve as before I4hHNtuX2BA-00144-00086748-00087015 Keep your ribcage closed and not open I4hHNtuX2BA-00145-00087015-00087417 Engage your core and make sure your stomach is not coming out I4hHNtuX2BA-00146-00087455-00087547 Chin tucked in I4hHNtuX2BA-00147-00087549-00087982 Pretend your head is growing taller as you keep your neck straight I4hHNtuX2BA-00148-00088044-00088513 If this is too difficult, check your posture in a mirror to maintain a nice curve I4hHNtuX2BA-00149-00088513-00089444 From the top of your butt to the top of your neck, try to maintain a nice curve without any protruding spots I4hHNtuX2BA-00150-00089691-00090228 From here, slightly raise and lower your upper body I4hHNtuX2BA-00151-00090228-00090650 Make sure your lips are shut tight and breathe through your nose I4hHNtuX2BA-00152-00090688-00091661 Do not use your neck to come up but imagine your curve is folding as a whole I4hHNtuX2BA-00153-00091694-00092529 If this is hard, make sure your chin is tucked in and the back of your neck is elongated as you move up and down I4hHNtuX2BA-00154-00093293-00093670 With your upper body raised and your stomach flat I4hHNtuX2BA-00155-00093670-00094260 Bring your arms forward and keep your shoulders down I4hHNtuX2BA-00156-00094260-00095024 Keep your chin tucked in and try to keep your head leveled without the help of your hands I4hHNtuX2BA-00157-00095024-00095488 Make sure to engage your core so your stomach doesn’t come out I4hHNtuX2BA-00158-00095533-00096117 Without the help of your hands, if your neck is too weak it can be hard to maintain I4hHNtuX2BA-00159-00096149-00096691 Rather than trying to overexert yourself, it’s fine to place both your hands behind your head I4hHNtuX2BA-00160-00097325-00097842 Slowly inhale as you lower yourself and exhale as you bring yourself up I4hHNtuX2BA-00161-00097842-00098460 Without the help of your hands, if you move too much this can strain your neck I4hHNtuX2BA-00162-00098460-00099159 The main motive of this move is to find a stable balance to strengthen your neck I4hHNtuX2BA-00163-00099159-00099898 Inhale as you lower yourself slightly, then exhale as you keep your chin tucked in and your core tight I4hHNtuX2BA-00164-00100947-00101671 Place your hands behind your head as you lower your head to relax your thoracic spine and the front of your neck I4hHNtuX2BA-00165-00101693-00102625 If your head does not reach the floor, it’s fine to use a cushion or keep your head down with your butt in the air I4hHNtuX2BA-00166-00104320-00104757 We will lift the side of the chin for the finale I4hHNtuX2BA-00167-00104779-00105271 Place your hands behind your head as you maintain a nice curve I4hHNtuX2BA-00168-00105271-00105972 Keep your right hand behind your head and stretch out your left arm in front of you then rotate your head 45 degrees to the right I4hHNtuX2BA-00169-00106009-00106301 We will stay in this position as you breathe I4hHNtuX2BA-00170-00106322-00106698 The left arm will aim to keep your shoulders down and stretch your neck I4hHNtuX2BA-00171-00106698-00107103 Don’t rotate your head too much, just for 45 degrees I4hHNtuX2BA-00172-00107103-00107392 Make sure your core is engaged I4hHNtuX2BA-00173-00108740-00109242 Inhale as you lower yourself and exhale as you come up I4hHNtuX2BA-00174-00109242-00110133 Ensure you are looking 45 degrees as you inhale and lower then exhale and raise I4hHNtuX2BA-00175-00112228-00112475 We will do the same for the opposite side I4hHNtuX2BA-00176-00112475-00113500 Hands behind your head, and maintain that beautiful curve from your head to bottom I4hHNtuX2BA-00177-00113548-00114185 Left hand behind your head and your right arm stretched out then rotate your head to the left at 45 degrees I4hHNtuX2BA-00178-00114185-00114614 Keep your chin tucked in and your core engaged I4hHNtuX2BA-00179-00114654-00115833 It’s harder to balance yourself as you are rotated so make sure the top of your head to the chin to your chest and your core are in a straight line I4hHNtuX2BA-00180-00116890-00117403 Inhale as you lower and exhale as you bring yourself back up I4hHNtuX2BA-00181-00117403-00118036 One side is being supported with your hand so it’s fine to move in a larger range I4hHNtuX2BA-00182-00120300-00120837 As done previously, slowly lower your head to the ground I4hHNtuX2BA-00183-00120837-00121634 If possible, release the tension in your elbows and try to open up your chest as much as possible I4hHNtuX2BA-00184-00121706-00122395 Breathe slowly as you find comfort in your surrounding neck muscles that have worked diligently so far I4hHNtuX2BA-00185-00123628-00123786 You’ve done well I4hHNtuX2BA-00186-00123786-00123987 *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP* I4hHNtuX2BA-00187-00123987-00124092 You’ve done so well! I4hHNtuX2BA-00188-00124194-00124471 Lastly, I’ll explain how to use this routine! I4hHNtuX2BA-00189-00124471-00124914 As you do this double chin care routine, you might think, “Oh this is quite easy!” I4hHNtuX2BA-00190-00124914-00125547 Neck muscles are quite sensitive and weak, so even if you’re pumped up to quickly get rid of your double chin I4hHNtuX2BA-00191-00125547-00125977 For the first two weeks, it’s best to do this routine every other day! I4hHNtuX2BA-00192-00125977-00126402 After that, check how your chin looks from a day to day perspective I4hHNtuX2BA-00193-00126402-00126915 Then you can do this routine once or twice a week as needed I4hHNtuX2BA-00194-00126915-00127223 And you can access this month’s monthly routine at the official homepage I4hHNtuX2BA-00195-00127223-00127807 Once you click it, it’ll bring you to the monthly routine that I plan on a monthly basis I4hHNtuX2BA-00196-00127807-00128491 For those of you who follow the monthly routine, I have recommended guides within each routine I4hHNtuX2BA-00197-00128491-00128800 So if you follow the monthly routine, it should be fine for you to follow it as is! I4hHNtuX2BA-00198-00128800-00128968 Crystal clear, right?! I4hHNtuX2BA-00199-00128968-00129435 Lastly, this routine was sponsored by the double serum all-in-one multi balm from d’Alba! I4hHNtuX2BA-00200-00129435-00129772 This multi balm has been certified by the vegan V label in Italy I4hHNtuX2BA-00201-00129772-00130186 It’s been tested for hypoallergenic use so it’s completely safe to use! I4hHNtuX2BA-00202-00130186-00131254 It’s great to use this multi balm for regular care but it’s also useful to use even after your makeup is done for a natural glow I4hHNtuX2BA-00203-00131254-00131624 I’ve heard that this method is used by current artists as well! I4hHNtuX2BA-00204-00131624-00131805 Which is why I’ve tried it today as well! I4hHNtuX2BA-00205-00131805-00132153 On top of that, we have a dry fall and winter coming our way I4hHNtuX2BA-00206-00132153-00132629 This is great for our lips and our nails and cuticles I4hHNtuX2BA-00207-00132629-00133001 It’s not only great for the face but for our entire body! I4hHNtuX2BA-00208-00133102-00133655 For those of you who are willing to use this multi balm as well, there is an event! I4hHNtuX2BA-00209-00133655-00134118 Once you enter a comment during the event timing, it’ll grant you in for an automatic entry! I4hHNtuX2BA-00210-00134118-00134562 I hope you all make entries and use this multi balm with me! I4hHNtuX2BA-00211-00134562-00134904 The third cause for double chins (saggy skin) I4hHNtuX2BA-00212-00134904-00135433 Just with proper moisture, we can avoid saggy skin! I4hHNtuX2BA-00213-00135433-00135902 It would be great to take care of your skin as you carry this with you! I4hHNtuX2BA-00214-00135902-00136254 Now, this has been Jiny with a routine to guarantee results :) I4hHNtuX2BA-00215-00136254-00136566 Short but strong, definitely effective! I4hHNtuX2BA-00216-00136596-00136773 Bye for now~! I4hHNtuX2BA-00217-00136845-00137038 SNIP CUT ROUTINE I4TxcgZ1Agg-00000-00000015-00000458 IGOR: So I have a very simple HTML, and this is static HTML. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00001-00000458-00000741 There's no JavaScript here. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00002-00000741-00000950 It's just HTML. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00003-00000950-00001257 I'm loading Angular, I'm loading Todo on JS, which will I4TxcgZ1Agg-00004-00001257-00001431 be used for my application, but right now I4TxcgZ1Agg-00005-00001431-00001571 it doesn't do anything. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00006-00001571-00001793 And the rest is just a static template with I4TxcgZ1Agg-00007-00001793-00002048 already data in it. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00008-00002048-00002239 Now, what I want to do is turn this into an Angular I4TxcgZ1Agg-00009-00002239-00002493 application. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00010-00002493-00002812 And notice that this HMTL is served just with a static HTTP I4TxcgZ1Agg-00011-00002812-00003023 server, so there's nothing happening on the server side. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00012-00003304-00003544 So what I'm going to do, I'm just going to say that I4TxcgZ1Agg-00013-00003544-00003879 this is an ng app. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00014-00003879-00004029 And I give it some name. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00015-00005158-00005350 And Angular follows MVC-- I4TxcgZ1Agg-00016-00005350-00005435 AUDIENCE: Igor, you've got to be louder. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00017-00005435-00005515 IGOR: Sorry? I4TxcgZ1Agg-00018-00005515-00005715 AUDIENCE: You have to be louder. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00019-00005715-00005960 IGOR: Well, I'm just talking to-- I4TxcgZ1Agg-00020-00005960-00006109 AUDIENCE: But I've got everybody else I4TxcgZ1Agg-00021-00006109-00006259 trying to hear as well. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00022-00006259-00006458 IGOR: OK. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00023-00006458-00006751 So Angular follows MVC. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00024-00006751-00007041 So we have a model, we have view, and we have controller. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00025-00007041-00007362 So we specify this chunk of DOM is going to be controlled I4TxcgZ1Agg-00026-00007362-00007467 by this particular controller. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00027-00007467-00007839 Now, If I go to todoJS, you'll see the I'm creating a module, I4TxcgZ1Agg-00028-00007839-00008363 todoApp, which is what I referenced in my ng app. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00029-00008363-00008835 And within that module, I'm specifying a controller called I4TxcgZ1Agg-00030-00008835-00009130 @controller, and this is the constructor function for that I4TxcgZ1Agg-00031-00009130-00009239 controller. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00032-00009239-00009715 Now, the controller takes one argument, scope, which you can I4TxcgZ1Agg-00033-00009715-00010001 think of as a context that is shared between the controller I4TxcgZ1Agg-00034-00010001-00010088 and the template. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00035-00010088-00010428 So whatever is available in this context is going to be I4TxcgZ1Agg-00036-00010428-00010612 available in the template. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00037-00010612-00011501 And then, in my template, I can do something like-- I4TxcgZ1Agg-00038-00011501-00011626 dah, dah, dah! I4TxcgZ1Agg-00039-00012581-00012800 OK, so I can use expressions. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00040-00012800-00012988 So I can use double curly. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00041-00012988-00013241 I can say take whatever the username is in the current I4TxcgZ1Agg-00042-00013241-00013732 context, pipe it through an uppercase filter, and inline I4TxcgZ1Agg-00043-00013732-00013943 in this place of document. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00044-00013943-00014481 So what I get is Igor's Todo List, because username is set I4TxcgZ1Agg-00045-00014481-00014702 to Igor in my controller. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00046-00014702-00014847 Does that makes sense? I4TxcgZ1Agg-00047-00014847-00015084 So your model and the controller lives in the I4TxcgZ1Agg-00048-00015084-00015147 JavaScript. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00049-00015147-00015419 The template is just HTML, which is converted into DOM. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00050-00015419-00015827 And then Angular consumes the DOM and brings the two and I4TxcgZ1Agg-00051-00015827-00016016 makes it alive. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00052-00016016-00016756 And with the repeater, we have constructs like ng-repeat, I4TxcgZ1Agg-00053-00016756-00017298 which allow you to do something like item in items I4TxcgZ1Agg-00054-00017298-00017761 where items is an array. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00055-00017761-00018176 So in my controller, I have a model called items. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00056-00018176-00018541 It's an array containing two objects. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00057-00018541-00018815 Each object has a text property and done property. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00058-00018815-00018972 And I'm going to publish on the scope. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00059-00018972-00019198 So I mentioned that scope is the context. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00060-00019198-00019466 So I'm just going to say, within this context under I4TxcgZ1Agg-00061-00019466-00019696 named items, this is going to be available. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00062-00019696-00019952 And then, in my template, I actually want to repeat the I4TxcgZ1Agg-00063-00019952-00020139 li, not ul. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00064-00020139-00020445 So I want to say repeat-- I4TxcgZ1Agg-00065-00020445-00020768 I'll remove these guys. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00066-00020768-00021336 Repeat this li as many times as I have items in the items I4TxcgZ1Agg-00067-00021336-00021847 array, preserve the current item in this variable so that I4TxcgZ1Agg-00068-00021847-00021905 I can bind to it. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00069-00021905-00022149 So now I can do item.text. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00070-00022401-00022617 And that doesn't work. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00071-00022893-00023018 Text, items-- I4TxcgZ1Agg-00072-00024055-00024406 oh, sorry this is on-- I4TxcgZ1Agg-00073-00024406-00024536 here, li. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00074-00024976-00025101 OK. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00075-00025316-00025428 That's more readable. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00076-00025428-00025679 So, perfect. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00077-00025679-00025976 So what I'm saying is that I have this li that I want to I4TxcgZ1Agg-00078-00025976-00026039 repeat over. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00079-00026039-00026477 So this li becomes a template, and it's going to be cloned as I4TxcgZ1Agg-00080-00026477-00026793 many times as I have elements in the array. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00081-00026793-00027058 And then I can data bind to this stuff. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00082-00027058-00027714 So I can do also item.done. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00083-00028033-00028486 And now you see the done is true here and false here, but I4TxcgZ1Agg-00084-00028486-00028664 the check box doesn't reflect that. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00085-00028664-00028993 So I need to actually data bind the input box. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00086-00028993-00029499 What I can do is ng-model, item.done. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00087-00029933-00030300 And now, when I change the check box, it's going to I4TxcgZ1Agg-00088-00030300-00030623 update the model, which will update all the things that are I4TxcgZ1Agg-00089-00030623-00030907 bound to the same model. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00090-00030907-00031304 So this is just very quick introduction to Angular. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00091-00031304-00031451 There are many other pieces to Angular, I4TxcgZ1Agg-00092-00031451-00031566 like dependency injection. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00093-00031566-00031885 Dependency injection is how we structure the application and I4TxcgZ1Agg-00094-00031885-00032195 break it down into smaller components the can depend on I4TxcgZ1Agg-00095-00032195-00032283 each other. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00096-00032283-00032505 And the dependency injector will just result the I4TxcgZ1Agg-00097-00032505-00032770 dependencies between components and instantiate I4TxcgZ1Agg-00098-00032770-00033570 everything at the right time, which helps you in making your I4TxcgZ1Agg-00099-00033570-00033912 application more maintainable as well as more testable. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00100-00033912-00034236 Because if the components are not instantiated by other I4TxcgZ1Agg-00101-00034236-00034526 components, if there's something else instantiating I4TxcgZ1Agg-00102-00034526-00034706 all those components in composing the entire I4TxcgZ1Agg-00103-00034706-00035066 application, you can easily override what a component I4TxcgZ1Agg-00104-00035066-00035287 looks like in the context of a test. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00105-00035287-00035589 So you can say that in this particular test, I'm not going I4TxcgZ1Agg-00106-00035589-00036036 to be calling a server because I have a component that calls I4TxcgZ1Agg-00107-00036036-00036101 the server. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00108-00036101-00036440 You can just replace it with the a fake component that has I4TxcgZ1Agg-00109-00036440-00036726 the same API but doesn't call the server so that in your I4TxcgZ1Agg-00110-00036726-00037096 test, you can easily pretend that the code is making a I4TxcgZ1Agg-00111-00037096-00037251 request, but it's not really. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00112-00037251-00037435 And we also provide all these mocks for you. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00113-00037435-00037736 So there are mocks for all these common services that are I4TxcgZ1Agg-00114-00037736-00038201 really hard to test with so that you can just train them. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00115-00038201-00038377 In Ruby, you should be familiar with testing. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00116-00038377-00038716 So testing is a very big part of Angular. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00117-00038716-00038902 Mieszko is going to talk today about directives. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00118-00038902-00039242 And directives is API that allows you to I4TxcgZ1Agg-00119-00039242-00039434 extend the HTML compiler. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00120-00039434-00039764 So I mentioned that we have this ng-repeat. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00121-00039764-00039850 We have ng-model. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00122-00039850-00040121 We have many other things that we call directives. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00123-00040121-00040459 And this is something that was built on top of the API that's I4TxcgZ1Agg-00124-00040459-00040622 available to you. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00125-00040622-00040895 So not only you can use our directives, you I4TxcgZ1Agg-00126-00040895-00040998 can build your own. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00127-00040998-00041499 And this is how we think that you can actually take small I4TxcgZ1Agg-00128-00041499-00042006 pieces of Angular, and create components that are specific I4TxcgZ1Agg-00129-00042006-00042390 to your application, and extend everything. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00130-00042390-00042627 Basically, everything in Angular is extensible. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00131-00042627-00042919 If it's a templating language or if it's all the services I4TxcgZ1Agg-00132-00042919-00043216 that we provide, everything has extension points so that I4TxcgZ1Agg-00133-00043216-00043483 you can extend to other things. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00134-00043483-00043591 And there is-- I4TxcgZ1Agg-00135-00043591-00043626 Dean. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00136-00043626-00043869 Where is Dean? I4TxcgZ1Agg-00137-00043869-00043912 Dean! I4TxcgZ1Agg-00138-00043912-00044107 That guy over there. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00139-00044107-00044582 So he's working on an Angular UI project, which aims to I4TxcgZ1Agg-00140-00044582-00045000 create components for Angular so that if you need a date I4TxcgZ1Agg-00141-00045000-00045270 picker, you just go to Dean, and Dean will give you a nice I4TxcgZ1Agg-00142-00045270-00045445 date picker. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00143-00045445-00045844 If he doesn't deliver on the promise, then you can beat him I4TxcgZ1Agg-00144-00045844-00046105 [CHUCKLES]. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00145-00046105-00046616 So our goal is to keep the core of Angular very small but I4TxcgZ1Agg-00146-00046616-00046900 make it extensible so that other people can build on top I4TxcgZ1Agg-00147-00046900-00047205 of Angular and add components that are usable I4TxcgZ1Agg-00148-00047205-00047653 in particular cases. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00149-00047653-00048047 But we don't want Angular to be a beast with thousands and I4TxcgZ1Agg-00150-00048047-00048338 thousands of APIs. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00151-00048338-00048800 So I recommend that you go our website. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00152-00048800-00048960 There are many examples on the website which I4TxcgZ1Agg-00153-00048960-00049029 you can check out. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00154-00049029-00049269 And there are some screencasts which explain how we built I4TxcgZ1Agg-00155-00049269-00049500 these examples. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00156-00049500-00049877 Our documentation is interesting. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00157-00049877-00050020 Many people say they love it. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00158-00050020-00050216 Many people say that it needs a lot of work. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00159-00050216-00050433 I think both are true. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00160-00050433-00050826 But there are many examples that you can learn from. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00161-00050826-00051004 We have a really good tutorial. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00162-00051004-00051553 If you go to docs.angularjs.org/tutorial, I4TxcgZ1Agg-00163-00051553-00051977 you can go through building of an application, which will I4TxcgZ1Agg-00164-00051977-00052310 show you everything you need to know, and how we test, and I4TxcgZ1Agg-00165-00052310-00052566 how we run tests. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00166-00052566-00052879 There's a Build with AngularJS, which is a gallery I4TxcgZ1Agg-00167-00052879-00053083 of applications that were already built. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00168-00053083-00053361 Many of them have a link to source code so you can check I4TxcgZ1Agg-00169-00053361-00053666 out these applications. I4TxcgZ1Agg-00170-00053666-00053941 And that's about-- I98fVWnaaSU-00000-00000125-00000400 "So you're running late." I98fVWnaaSU-00001-00000400-00000686 "And it's not even like you." I98fVWnaaSU-00002-00000686-00000953 "You were doing so well..." I98fVWnaaSU-00003-00000953-00001234 "Did the dog eat your homework again?" I98fVWnaaSU-00004-00001234-00001500 "I can't help myself" I98fVWnaaSU-00005-00001500-00001800 "cause my friend says in real life..." I98fVWnaaSU-00006-00001800-00002072 "It's only the police" I98fVWnaaSU-00007-00002072-00002189 "that ever come" I98fVWnaaSU-00008-00002189-00002316 "looking for you." I98fVWnaaSU-00009-00002393-00002678 "Are you falling in love?" I98fVWnaaSU-00010-00002678-00002878 "I have the feeling you are." I98fVWnaaSU-00011-00002957-00003227 "Are you falling in love?" I98fVWnaaSU-00012-00003227-00003474 "With a feeling." I98fVWnaaSU-00013-00003519-00003793 "Are you falling in love?" I98fVWnaaSU-00014-00003800-00004062 "Or only feeling you are?" I98fVWnaaSU-00015-00004062-00004351 "Cause if you're falling in love..." I98fVWnaaSU-00016-00004351-00004679 "Let me feel it." I9z0Igc-vuM-00000-00002872-00003311 the rapper he got killed yesterday I9z0Igc-vuM-00001-00003840-00003888 memphis I9z0Igc-vuM-00002-00004288-00004384 wow I9z0Igc-vuM-00003-00005952-00007184 or whatever I9z0Igc-vuM-00004-00009104-00009984 it does not make any sense it don't make no sense I9z0Igc-vuM-00005-00011016-00011384 you are definitely I9z0Igc-vuM-00006-00012568-00012784 to go to the store I9z0Igc-vuM-00007-00014072-00014591 the shoes lola's still working over there all this pc you bought the kids still here I9z0Igc-vuM-00008-00014591-00015088 and i'm making me some tea over there because of course i'm still sick so but that's how i was I9z0Igc-vuM-00009-00015088-00015584 a game was fun though even though i don't know if he was watching it with me or not I9z0Igc-vuM-00010-00016896-00017464 three minutes he's a straight-up psychopath beast i can't believe she said he's up she sucks you I9z0Igc-vuM-00011-00017464-00018112 suck if you don't tell me how you make carnation shriek that's that one little key oh snaps I9z0Igc-vuM-00012-00018112-00018496 now i can see you because earlier you had this thing here covering your face and the I9z0Igc-vuM-00013-00018496-00019784 way you was making that noise you definitely reminded me of somebody creepy like carnation I9z0Igc-vuM-00014-00022112-00022584 these is the people that who shot them I9z0Igc-vuM-00015-00023312-00023984 and it said it is a day a doggone shame I9z0Igc-vuM-00016-00025776-00026783 yes I9z0Igc-vuM-00017-00027408-00027583 and this is him I9z0Igc-vuM-00018-00028120-00029583 that who got shot and killed yesterday I9z0Igc-vuM-00019-00029808-00030136 and said that his kids I9z0Igc-vuM-00020-00030424-00030592 well he can't I9z0Igc-vuM-00021-00030960-00031712 um he can't see his kids grow up have kids of their own I9z0Igc-vuM-00022-00031936-00033784 and all of that for what for somebody to come and just kill this man for nothing I9z0Igc-vuM-00023-00035304-00035392 so steady I9z0Igc-vuM-00024-00035624-00035648 well I9z0Igc-vuM-00025-00036408-00036968 i guess i talked to y'all later so I9z0Igc-vuM-00026-00037664-00037984 and also tell me what do y'all think about that I9z0Igc-vuM-00027-00038144-00039864 about this situation about him getting killed in his hometown for no reason I9z0Igc-vuM-00028-00040168-00040232 comments I9z0Igc-vuM-00029-00040560-00040784 later I9A8nInjDCk-00000-00000000-00000852 Well, it's finally fall here in Phoenix which means it's comfortable for me to sit out here and talk to you in my backyard. I9A8nInjDCk-00001-00000853-00001502 And I'm actually looking forward to the cold weather in Minneapolis-St. Paul, November 8th & 9th, I9A8nInjDCk-00002-00001504-00001807 the weekend that I'll be going there and presenting two workshops. I9A8nInjDCk-00003-00001937-00002431 The first workshop is Speak & Spell, and it's about speaking and pronouncing -- I9A8nInjDCk-00004-00002433-00002858 or actually fingerspelling and pronouncing foreign names and words -- I9A8nInjDCk-00005-00002860-00003708 and the second one is about vague language. (My dog is right here in front of me.) I9A8nInjDCk-00006-00003710-00004221 Um, why should you come to a workshop about vague language? I9A8nInjDCk-00007-00004223-00004864 Well, if you're an interpreter who believes that interpreters interpret not just words but social interactions, I9A8nInjDCk-00008-00004866-00005198 you should come to my vague language workshop. I9A8nInjDCk-00009-00005200-00006268 If you're an interpreter who believes that people say what they mean to say and that, uh, it's not always up to us to figure out why they say it that way -- I9A8nInjDCk-00010-00006270-00007683 and you respect consumers' relationships with each other, and you're there to promote independence and full engagement with the participants, I9A8nInjDCk-00011-00007684-00008038 then you should come to my vague language workshop. I9A8nInjDCk-00012-00008040-00009309 Vague language is... real. It's casual, sometimes it's formal, poetic, like songs and public relations materials. I9A8nInjDCk-00013-00009311-00010027 It happens in courtrooms, it happens between coworkers who work together all -- a lot of -- the time. I9A8nInjDCk-00014-00010029-00010885 Um, it happens in video relay service. It happens in other work environments where people -- I9A8nInjDCk-00015-00010887-00011791 a group of people or a lot of people -- work together and they have their in jokes and their little things I9A8nInjDCk-00016-00011793-00012488 that don't make sense to us but they make sense to them. Those are all parts of vague language. I9A8nInjDCk-00017-00012490-00013584 And, in the field of interpreting, there has been some literature about using vague language for saving face -- politeness. I9A8nInjDCk-00018-00013586-00014463 And there has been a little bit of literature suggesting that interpreters should make the implicit explicit, I9A8nInjDCk-00019-00014466-00015144 and this is true sometimes. But there are times when the implicit is there for a reason. I9A8nInjDCk-00020-00015146-00015882 If I use vague language with you it means that I respect your intelligence enough to know that you can figure out what I'm saying. I9A8nInjDCk-00021-00015884-00016587 If the interpreter makes everything that's implicit explicit, then for one thing it seems like the interpreter's saying I9A8nInjDCk-00022-00016589-00017164 that they doubt the intelligence of the person who's receiving the message. I9A8nInjDCk-00023-00017166-00017951 And, for another thing, they're not respecting the relationship that the two interlocutors have with each other. I9A8nInjDCk-00024-00017953-00018991 So, vague language is a really important part of everyday speech, of writing, of communication, of social interaction... I9A8nInjDCk-00025-00018993-00019707 so it's really an important part of what it takes to be an interpreter. It's an important part of the interpreted event. I9A8nInjDCk-00026-00019709-00020672 So, I hope you can come to this workshop. I'm writing my thesis on this workshop -- actually, no, not on this workshop but on vague language -- I9A8nInjDCk-00027-00020674-00021539 and I should actually be done with that by the end of November, so when I see you I will have written pretty much all of my thesis. I9A8nInjDCk-00028-00021541-00022197 I've already done a lot of research on it, and it's very interesting, what I've seen and what I've read. I9A8nInjDCk-00029-00022199-00022610 So, I look forward to sharing that with you. See you then. I9LWMFmchw0-00000-00000000-00000200 CLICK, SUBSCRIBE, LISTEN AND SHARE:MATTHEW AKANMU CHANNEL ON YOU TUBE It0cF8r_Uvg-00000-00000000-00000168 SETHDVideoFreeFootage ItfiPFFA8KQ-00000-00002116-00002264 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00001-00002450-00002549 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00002-00002549-00002722 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00003-00002760-00003009 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00004-00003233-00003345 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00005-00003379-00003479 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00006-00003513-00003613 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00007-00004128-00004470 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00008-00004471-00004784 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00009-00004788-00005094 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00010-00005094-00005194 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00011-00005313-00005413 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00012-00005638-00005738 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00013-00005748-00005848 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00014-00005901-00006001 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00015-00006160-00006260 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00016-00007429-00007529 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00017-00007799-00007899 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00018-00008260-00008412 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00019-00008974-00009292 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00020-00009292-00009561 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00021-00009561-00009662 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00022-00009725-00009825 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00023-00009848-00010114 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00024-00010295-00010573 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00025-00010573-00010878 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00026-00010878-00010978 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00027-00010991-00011279 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00028-00011279-00011591 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00029-00011591-00011939 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00030-00011975-00012308 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00031-00012373-00012659 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00032-00012659-00012943 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00033-00012943-00013244 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00034-00013250-00013532 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00035-00013583-00013853 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00036-00013853-00014148 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00037-00014148-00014452 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00038-00014452-00014724 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00039-00014724-00014965 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00040-00014965-00015247 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00041-00015247-00015515 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00042-00015515-00015807 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00043-00015807-00016011 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00044-00016011-00016354 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00045-00016354-00016594 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00046-00016637-00016961 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার ItfiPFFA8KQ-00047-00017016-00017328 কাঠালিয়ায় নিখোঁজের ৪ দিন পর ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী সজলের গুলিবৃদ্ধ লাশ উদ্ধার Iui3iA8L5U0-00000-00000100-00000536 AI is not individual work but teamwork. Iui3iA8L5U0-00001-00000536-00000944 My Name is Kuangyu Shi and I focus on Deep Learning Iui3iA8L5U0-00002-00000944-00001532 for computer-aided diagnosis and for radionuclide therapy optimization. Iui3iA8L5U0-00003-00001620-00002296 As a computer scientist doing research at the Department of Nuclear Medicine of the Inselspital, Iui3iA8L5U0-00004-00002296-00003068 I have the opportunity to work very closely with the clinic management under Prof. Axel Rominger. Iui3iA8L5U0-00005-00003068-00003647 This allows me and my lab for AI and Translational Theranostics Iui3iA8L5U0-00006-00003647-00004256 to profit directly from the clinical expertise of the healthcare professionals. Iui3iA8L5U0-00007-00004316-00004772 Nuclear medicine is a continuously growing interdisciplinary field Iui3iA8L5U0-00008-00004772-00005184 with lots of potential and but also challenges. Iui3iA8L5U0-00009-00005184-00005748 I am excited to develop Artificial Intelligence methods to tackle these challenges Iui3iA8L5U0-00010-00005748-00006124 and explore the potentials of nuclear medicine. Iui3iA8L5U0-00011-00006124-00006444 Here at the Department of Nuclear Medicine Iui3iA8L5U0-00012-00006444-00006984 we are operating a cutting-edge total-body PET-CT scanner. Iui3iA8L5U0-00013-00006984-00007844 However, the potential of the big data of the ultra-high-sensitivity acquisition is not fully explored. Iui3iA8L5U0-00014-00007844-00008464 This is why we are developing AI methods to enhance the detector efficiency, Iui3iA8L5U0-00015-00008464-00009000 signal utilization, image reconstruction and biomarker extraction. Iui3iA8L5U0-00016-00009000-00009916 This will consequently improve the diagnostic accuracy while reducing radiation exposure for patients. Iui3iA8L5U0-00017-00009916-00010512 Our clinic uses advanced imaging to personalize patient treatment, Iui3iA8L5U0-00018-00010512-00010872 in particular, for molecular radiotherapy. Iui3iA8L5U0-00019-00010872-00011360 Based on pretherapeutic imaging, AI is developed Iui3iA8L5U0-00020-00011360-00012020 to predict the radiation dose and radiobiological effects for each patient. Iui3iA8L5U0-00021-00012020-00012804 AI-based treatment planning will support the adjustment of injection dose, or treatment cycles Iui3iA8L5U0-00022-00012804-00013363 to improve the treatment outcome while minimizing the side effects. Iui3iA8L5U0-00023-00013412-00013852 The fascinating thing about Artificial Intelligence in my field Iui3iA8L5U0-00024-00013852-00014619 is that it can integrate informatics with physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. Iui3iA8L5U0-00025-00014680-00015472 CAIM offers me a whole new opportunity to improve the receptivity to new technology. Iui3iA8L5U0-00026-00015472-00016196 This will enable both clinicians and engineers to develop a shared broader vision Iui3iA8L5U0-00027-00016196-00016876 of the possibilities of AI in healthcare for the benefit of patients. IvCEWqB-_J0-00000-00000903-00001592 is Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00000-00000000-00000390 This slide is just a reminder of the differences between Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00001-00000390-00000640 RNA and DNA nucleotide monomers. Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00002-00000640-00001002 Nucleotides consist of the bases adenine, uridine, Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00003-00001002-00001306 cytosine and guanine in RNA, and Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00004-00001308-00001657 adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine in DNA. Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00005-00001657-00002092 Also there's a five carbon sugar ribose in RNA, and Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00006-00002092-00002536 deoxyribose in DNA, and one or more phosphates. Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00007-00002542-00002854 You're looking here at nucleotide monophosphates. Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00008-00002854-00003094 Now these monomers are linked in condensation Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00009-00003094-00003486 reactions to form either RNA or DNA. As you can see Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00010-00003486-00003904 from this illustration, the nucleotides in a nucleic acid Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00011-00003904-00004252 are linked by phosphodiester bonds, or more Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00012-00004252-00004574 appropriately, phosphodiester linkages. the result again, Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00013-00004574-00005020 of condensation reactions. Note here that a nucleic acid Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00014-00005028-00005352 has directionality. We say it has a 5 prime (5')' and Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00015-00005352-00005746 a 3' end. The 5' end refers to the nucleic acid with a Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00016-00005746-00006082 free phosphate group on the 5' carbon of the sugar. Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00017-00006082-00006518 That's shown at the top here. The 3' end refers to the Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00018-00006518-00006812 free hydroxyl (OH) group on the #3 carbon of the sugar Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00019-00006812-00007300 at the other end. Now this is RNA. How do I know this? Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00020-00007300-00007676 By convention, we will write nucleic acid sequences Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00021-00007676-00008252 in the 5' to 3' direction. The ability of bases to form Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00022-00008252-00008764 H-bonds is of course, the basis of the formation of Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00023-00008764-00009106 secondary structure in RNA or the formation of the Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00024-00009106-00009528 double helix. The ability of the bases in nucleotides to Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00025-00009528-00009942 form H-bonds, along with other evidence, led Watson Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00026-00009942-00010224 and Crick to propose that DNA was actually a Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00027-00010224-00010686 double strand of nucleic acids. We know now that Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00028-00010686-00011054 A normally forms 2 H-bonds with T, and C forms Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00029-00011054-00011488 3 H-bonds with G in a double helix. But the potential of Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00030-00011488-00012002 the bases to exist in different shapes, or tautomers, with Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00031-00012002-00012302 different H-bonding potential, made building a model of Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00032-00012302-00012682 DNA or the DNA double helix, interesting to Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00033-00012682-00013050 say the least. So here are two views of the DNA double Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00034-00013050-00013391 helix. The left image emphasizes of course, the base- Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00035-00013391-00013847 pairing, showing A-T and G-C combinations. while the Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00036-00013847-00014150 space-filling model shown at the right, highlights the Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00037-00014150-00014522 shape of the double helix. Now the double helix includes Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00038-00014522-00014812 a so-called major groove and a minor groove. Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00039-00014812-00015088 Can you recognize which groove is which? Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00040-00015091-00015347 And do you remember their functional significance? Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00041-00015350-00015722 The double helix exists because it's held together by Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00042-00015722-00016122 millions of H-bonds that, while individually weak, Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00043-00016122-00016454 act in concert to maintain a stable structure. Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00044-00016454-00016844 We'll return to a consideration of the structure and Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00045-00016844-00017260 functions of nucleic acids (and proteins as well) several Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00046-00017262-00017564 times in this course. I want to leave you with some Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00047-00017564-00018030 observations about ATP. Of course, ATP is one of the 4 Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00048-00018030-00018412 precursors to RNA synthesis, becoming AMP Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00049-00018412-00018786 when part of the chain. But recall that free energy Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00050-00018786-00019148 from sunlight or more directly from food, is used Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00051-00019148-00019624 to make ATP. The energy in ATP, in particular in the Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00052-00019624-00019988 phosphoanhydride bonds shown here, is then used to Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00053-00019988-00020352 do cellular work. Here is the fascinating question: Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00054-00020352-00020950 When and why were nucleotides selected as both the Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00055-00020950-00021312 precursors to information molecules, AND as carriers of Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00056-00021312-00021726 chemical energy? Was it a prebiotic selection, Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00057-00021726-00021908 something that actually happened before Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00058-00021908-00022390 the first cell formed? Was the selection simultaneous, Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00059-00022390-00022824 or was ATP an energy molecule first, and only later, Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00060-00022824-00023054 an informational one..., or vice-versa? Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00061-00023054-00023352 Attempting to answer these questions should lead you Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00062-00023352-00023696 to interesting speculations about what the first cells Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00063-00023696-00023946 may have looked like in terms of information Iw0-Ts7MHxg-00064-00023946-00024293 and energy storage and retrieval. IxVXu8UkwjE-00000-00000023-00000123 Hiii! IxVXu8UkwjE-00001-00000168-00000363 Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel IxVXu8UkwjE-00002-00000363-00000625 And today we're gonna watch IxVXu8UkwjE-00003-00000625-00001171 CL's Spicy Live Performance @ MCountdown IxVXu8UkwjE-00004-00001171-00001421 *i hate mnet* IxVXu8UkwjE-00005-00001781-00001935 Finally she's here! IxVXu8UkwjE-00006-00002112-00002278 Ahhh comeback IxVXu8UkwjE-00007-00002620-00002962 So this one is John Malkovich IxVXu8UkwjE-00008-00003361-00003546 CL lipsyncing... cutie IxVXu8UkwjE-00009-00003767-00003868 Amazing IxVXu8UkwjE-00010-00004197-00004382 SEOUL CITY MY CITY IxVXu8UkwjE-00011-00004382-00004471 YAS IxVXu8UkwjE-00012-00004471-00004748 Excuse me Excuse you IxVXu8UkwjE-00013-00005253-00005448 CL this is the ALPHA IxVXu8UkwjE-00014-00005752-00005890 I can't believe it IxVXu8UkwjE-00015-00008952-00009227 I think the second generation Kpop is the only one IxVXu8UkwjE-00016-00009377-00009631 That can sing live like this IxVXu8UkwjE-00017-00010383-00010709 Here Mnet started being a sl*tty wh*re IxVXu8UkwjE-00018-00010940-00011069 What the f*ck? IxVXu8UkwjE-00019-00011069-00011171 Oh no IxVXu8UkwjE-00020-00011524-00011676 What happened..? IxVXu8UkwjE-00021-00013213-00013279 Okay IxVXu8UkwjE-00022-00013365-00013695 There's something that- I think it's Mnet's fault IxVXu8UkwjE-00023-00013695-00014007 Because the subs were right IxVXu8UkwjE-00024-00014007-00014304 But the video was totally f*cked up IxVXu8UkwjE-00025-00015600-00015865 Oh my f*cking... IxVXu8UkwjE-00026-00015865-00016010 Nope IxVXu8UkwjE-00027-00016076-00016172 Oh GAwD IxVXu8UkwjE-00028-00016331-00016388 Okay IxVXu8UkwjE-00029-00016413-00016446 So IxVXu8UkwjE-00030-00016606-00016693 OMG IxVXu8UkwjE-00031-00016841-00017145 Okay so, first of all f*ck you Mnet IxVXu8UkwjE-00032-00017145-00017394 Because, obviously, you can't do IxVXu8UkwjE-00033-00017394-00017692 A comeback for CL without any trouble IxVXu8UkwjE-00034-00017706-00017874 I don't understand if IxVXu8UkwjE-00035-00018021-00018228 I mean the subs were right IxVXu8UkwjE-00036-00018251-00018503 But the camera was... IxVXu8UkwjE-00037-00018503-00018698 But the camera was... a rewind of... IxVXu8UkwjE-00038-00018698-00018840 But the camera was... a rewind of before? IxVXu8UkwjE-00039-00018847-00019047 I'm so happy IxVXu8UkwjE-00040-00019089-00019182 I mean IxVXu8UkwjE-00041-00019197-00019452 I haven't heard CL's lives since... IxVXu8UkwjE-00042-00019529-00019624 Dingo IxVXu8UkwjE-00043-00019657-00019974 Which is the Live Performance that I loved the most IxVXu8UkwjE-00044-00019974-00020410 In the HWA + 5 Stars' era IxVXu8UkwjE-00045-00020410-00020510 Right now IxVXu8UkwjE-00046-00020510-00020583 Yes IxVXu8UkwjE-00047-00020637-00020729 I mean, she IxVXu8UkwjE-00048-00020769-00020950 Is looking f*cking good IxVXu8UkwjE-00049-00020950-00021021 Because IxVXu8UkwjE-00050-00021162-00021453 You can say that she's happy and IxVXu8UkwjE-00051-00021453-00021638 Tbh I think that IxVXu8UkwjE-00052-00021638-00021751 The make up IxVXu8UkwjE-00053-00021751-00021980 w.r.t. the Spicy MV IxVXu8UkwjE-00054-00021980-00022168 It's much more better, here IxVXu8UkwjE-00055-00022168-00022308 On M Countdown IxVXu8UkwjE-00056-00022308-00022509 She understand the assignment IxVXu8UkwjE-00057-00022862-00023106 I focused more on the dancers IxVXu8UkwjE-00058-00023106-00023176 Because IxVXu8UkwjE-00059-00023211-00023418 The choreography it's a little bit more IxVXu8UkwjE-00060-00023418-00023483 Frenetic? IxVXu8UkwjE-00061-00023483-00023760 Maybe there was too much red in the scene IxVXu8UkwjE-00062-00023760-00023922 I mean, c'mon IxVXu8UkwjE-00063-00023973-00024174 You can't find it so many IxVXu8UkwjE-00064-00024230-00024596 (Korean) Singers that do live performance like this IxVXu8UkwjE-00065-00024632-00024784 I loved so much that IxVXu8UkwjE-00066-00024863-00024984 It's something that IxVXu8UkwjE-00067-00024984-00025240 My mother does it IxVXu8UkwjE-00068-00025588-00025750 You have to watch di video IxVXu8UkwjE-00069-00025785-00026097 And I know for sure there will be some fancam IxVXu8UkwjE-00070-00026097-00026297 And it's gonna be a very, very huge thing IxVXu8UkwjE-00071-00026421-00026576 Do you know what? IxVXu8UkwjE-00072-00026576-00026661 No. IxVXu8UkwjE-00073-00026838-00027305 Mnet uploaded the Spicy's Horizontal Version IxVXu8UkwjE-00074-00027305-00027567 I'm pretty sure that actually it was Mnet's fault IxVXu8UkwjE-00075-00027567-00027819 I'm pretty sure that actually it was Mnet's fault And not streaming's fault IxVXu8UkwjE-00076-00027819-00027934 Let's gonna see IxVXu8UkwjE-00077-00027934-00028161 On a different perspective IxVXu8UkwjE-00078-00028161-00028421 And with less compression IxVXu8UkwjE-00079-00028421-00028541 Let's check it out :) IxVXu8UkwjE-00080-00029179-00029379 Okay it's completely different IxVXu8UkwjE-00081-00029564-00029764 For what I've saw before IxVXu8UkwjE-00082-00030018-00030286 I think this fancam is much more better IxVXu8UkwjE-00083-00030286-00030405 To understanding IxVXu8UkwjE-00084-00030405-00030605 The dancers and the choreography IxVXu8UkwjE-00085-00030699-00030827 I have to be honest IxVXu8UkwjE-00086-00030827-00031027 I'm only focusing on the glasses IxVXu8UkwjE-00087-00031027-00031227 That she throw away IxVXu8UkwjE-00088-00031277-00031621 Usually one of the dancers should pick it up or Maybe just... IxVXu8UkwjE-00089-00031621-00031738 Throw away IxVXu8UkwjE-00090-00033471-00033838 I'm sorry to the cameraman who worked on the live performance IxVXu8UkwjE-00091-00033838-00033908 But IxVXu8UkwjE-00092-00033927-00034084 I prefer more this fancam IxVXu8UkwjE-00093-00034084-00034297 I mean, it's not the first time because actually IxVXu8UkwjE-00094-00034297-00034497 I watched Kingdom for iKON IxVXu8UkwjE-00095-00034497-00034854 The iKON's fancam were much more better IxVXu8UkwjE-00096-00034854-00034966 Obv IxVXu8UkwjE-00097-00035035-00035385 *This is the cutted part from the Livestream* IxVXu8UkwjE-00098-00036147-00036347 That's rated for IxVXu8UkwjE-00099-00036436-00036528 Idk IxVXu8UkwjE-00100-00036559-00036760 14 / 15 yo? IxVXu8UkwjE-00101-00036760-00036880 C'mon Mnet IxVXu8UkwjE-00102-00036965-00037245 You cut the best part of the choreography IxVXu8UkwjE-00103-00037427-00037672 She is really the definition of IxVXu8UkwjE-00104-00037700-00037779 Energy IxVXu8UkwjE-00105-00037779-00037839 Energy | Power IxVXu8UkwjE-00106-00037839-00037924 Energy | Power | Chemistry IxVXu8UkwjE-00107-00038068-00038358 Idk sometimes when I see her IxVXu8UkwjE-00108-00038510-00038593 Shoes IxVXu8UkwjE-00109-00038717-00038958 It reminds me of 2NE1 TV IxVXu8UkwjE-00110-00039042-00039242 When she was "much more younger" IxVXu8UkwjE-00111-00039242-00039442 Like 10 years ago *sigh* IxVXu8UkwjE-00112-00039442-00039517 And IxVXu8UkwjE-00113-00039517-00039718 I missed her so much IxVXu8UkwjE-00114-00039753-00039844 I have to be honest IxVXu8UkwjE-00115-00039844-00039939 I have to be honest I missed her so much IxVXu8UkwjE-00116-00039993-00040193 I liked this fancam IxVXu8UkwjE-00117-00040193-00040545 I think is much more better than the 1st live performance IxVXu8UkwjE-00118-00040545-00040845 Everything is much more better in the fancam videos IxVXu8UkwjE-00119-00040845-00041201 A few things before stopping here IxVXu8UkwjE-00120-00043208-00043503 CL is doing great promotional activities IxVXu8UkwjE-00121-00043503-00043703 I just wanna thank you so much IxVXu8UkwjE-00122-00043703-00043903 To everyone for watching this video IxVXu8UkwjE-00123-00043907-00044107 I will see you again IxVXu8UkwjE-00124-00044125-00044501 At SBS Inkgayo's reaction IxVXu8UkwjE-00125-00044501-00044701 I hope you enjoyed this video and IxVXu8UkwjE-00126-00044741-00045170 Obviously if you have anything else to say Just leave a comment below IxVXu8UkwjE-00127-00045170-00045326 Thank you so much IxVXu8UkwjE-00128-00045326-00045598 If you liked this video just press the like button IxVXu8UkwjE-00129-00045598-00045765 See you later! IxVXu8UkwjE-00130-00045765-00045879 Bye! IGI9y7r_7qA-00000-00000042-00000438 please guys. I don't like it when I get reported, IGI9y7r_7qA-00001-00000492-00001356 so please can you stop reporting me. otherwise I'm gonna be really sad, and if I get any more IGI9y7r_7qA-00002-00001356-00002184 replies that say I'm reported, uh, I'll just be really sad because I don't like those. IHeB0KNL_Rg-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello Friends Learn Graphics design IIc3Sr3gHzA-00000-00000082-00000290 Hi everyone! My name is Kay Grundhoffer . IIc3Sr3gHzA-00001-00000290-00000592 I am the Academic Advisor here on the Wisconsin Rapids campus IIc3Sr3gHzA-00002-00000594-00000896 I work with the school of Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering IIc3Sr3gHzA-00003-00000896-00001380 and the school of Transportation, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Construction. IIc3Sr3gHzA-00004-00001390-00001746 My office is located over in the new SSIC IIc3Sr3gHzA-00005-00001746-00001888 The new area on campus IIc3Sr3gHzA-00006-00001888-00002148 which stands for Student Services and Information Center. IIc3Sr3gHzA-00007-00002148-00002472 So I am looking forward to getting to know you IIc3Sr3gHzA-00008-00002472-00002764 to work with you, develop a plan for graduation. IIc3Sr3gHzA-00009-00002818-00003124 A little bit about me... I've been here at Mid-State for about 11 years now. IIc3Sr3gHzA-00010-00003208-00003618 I live in the area and have 3 children who I love spending time with, IIc3Sr3gHzA-00011-00003654-00003897 including our rescue pup, Eddie. IIc3Sr3gHzA-00012-00003897-00004184 And here is Eddie... He continues to challenge us daily IIc3Sr3gHzA-00013-00004184-00004376 but we love him nonetheless. IIc3Sr3gHzA-00014-00004376-00004824 I am excited, like I said, about getting to know you IIc3Sr3gHzA-00015-00004850-00005188 and working with you and developing a plan for graduation IIc3Sr3gHzA-00016-00005213-00005508 I am here for you as your advisor IIc3Sr3gHzA-00017-00005508-00005747 to answer any questions you may have IIc3Sr3gHzA-00018-00005747-00006045 with regards to registration, your schedule IIc3Sr3gHzA-00019-00006046-00006290 or whatever it may be. IIc3Sr3gHzA-00020-00006308-00006648 Just know that I am here to support you and to guide you on your path to graduation. IIc3Sr3gHzA-00021-00006648-00006942 So I look forward to working with you IIc3Sr3gHzA-00022-00006942-00007136 and I hope you have a fantastic semester! INyYxY61cME-00000-00000000-00000200 Sastra Film INyYxY61cME-00001-00000200-00000465 The Original Life Series INyYxY61cME-00002-00000465-00000732 Present INyYxY61cME-00003-00000732-00001211 Zero seasons III INyYxY61cME-00004-00001211-00001840 Wait! I will make a new outfit for you INyYxY61cME-00005-00001840-00002148 I will make a beautiful outfit for you as auntie made INyYxY61cME-00006-00003108-00003269 Na! What are you doing with my shirt? INyYxY61cME-00007-00003269-00003931 Why did you cut my shirt? INyYxY61cME-00008-00003931-00004207 I want to make a new outfit for my doll INyYxY61cME-00009-00004207-00004682 but it's my shirt. INyYxY61cME-00010-00004682-00004747 Are you out of your mind? INyYxY61cME-00011-00004747-00005046 You make me hate you INyYxY61cME-00012-00005046-00005622 Why don't you think before act INyYxY61cME-00013-00005622-00006040 Handoff me! I'm hurt INyYxY61cME-00014-00006040-00006768 Hurt is good! So, you can remember. Don't play with my shirt again INyYxY61cME-00015-00006768-00007281 I'm not happy INyYxY61cME-00016-00007281-00007782 My shirt is expensive INyYxY61cME-00017-00007782-00008309 But auntie didn't blame me when I cut her shirt INyYxY61cME-00018-00008309-00008705 Don't touch my stuff! Do you understand? INyYxY61cME-00019-00008705-00009133 I hate those who play with my stuff INyYxY61cME-00020-00009133-00009539 Don't make me hate you! INyYxY61cME-00021-00009539-00010080 You should listen to me if you want me to stay with you INyYxY61cME-00022-00010080-00010307 Do you hear me? INyYxY61cME-00023-00010307-00010961 If you tell dad, I will leave you INyYxY61cME-00024-00010961-00011711 You ruined my shirt INyYxY61cME-00025-00011711-00012043 What happens Na? INyYxY61cME-00026-00012043-00012409 Vy! INyYxY61cME-00027-00012839-00013569 Na! Let's go with me! INyYxY61cME-00028-00014516-00014734 Vy must be mad at me INyYxY61cME-00029-00014734-00015172 Why did you do that? INyYxY61cME-00030-00017687-00017879 Na! What did mom do? INyYxY61cME-00031-00017879-00018415 Dad! Why mom isn't the same as auntie? INyYxY61cME-00032-00018415-00019027 Leak is Leak! Mom is mom. They aren't the same INyYxY61cME-00033-00019027-00019783 Mom already blames me but Leak didn't INyYxY61cME-00034-00019783-00020072 Is she my real mom? INyYxY61cME-00035-00020072-00020651 She is but she might not be happy INyYxY61cME-00036-00020651-00020961 She might be sad INyYxY61cME-00037-00020961-00021281 If mom isn't happy, you can play with me INyYxY61cME-00038-00021281-00021993 I will ask Sa to make you some cakes INyYxY61cME-00039-00021993-00022213 Wait here! INyYxY61cME-00040-00025487-00025573 Na! What are you doing? INyYxY61cME-00041-00025573-00026180 I cut your shirt INyYxY61cME-00042-00026180-00026456 Why did you do it? INyYxY61cME-00043-00026456-00026837 Because I don't have anything to do INyYxY61cME-00044-00026837-00027221 That's fabric is for mom INyYxY61cME-00045-00027221-00027458 That's why I decided to cut your shirt INyYxY61cME-00046-00027637-00028070 Give it to me! INyYxY61cME-00047-00028070-00028475 Aren't you mad at me? INyYxY61cME-00048-00028475-00028820 You said you aren't mad at me INyYxY61cME-00049-00028820-00029330 I'm not mad at you. I will redesign it INyYxY61cME-00050-00031833-00032250 Here! I redo it already INyYxY61cME-00051-00032250-00032735 Why have you never been mad at me? INyYxY61cME-00052-00032735-00033264 Do you want me to be mad at you? INyYxY61cME-00053-00034158-00034428 I have to comb your hair first. Then, braid it INyYxY61cME-00054-00034428-00034850 I will put the hairclip on you INyYxY61cME-00055-00034850-00035104 I like it INyYxY61cME-00056-00035104-00035538 I will make you look pretty INyYxY61cME-00057-00035538-00036248 I want a mom INyYxY61cME-00058-00036248-00036693 Na! You are young. You don't understand adults INyYxY61cME-00059-00036693-00037069 I want to be with mom and dad INyYxY61cME-00060-00037069-00037341 You have to love me and mom INyYxY61cME-00061-00037341-00037956 But mom and I don't each other anymore INyYxY61cME-00062-00038577-00038766 No! I want to be with mom and dad INyYxY61cME-00063-00039484-00040073 Auntie Leak is kind but I'm the one who always forces dad INyYxY61cME-00064-00040073-00040499 Adult life is complicated. INyYxY61cME-00065-00040499-00040681 Stop forcing dad, Na! INyYxY61cME-00066-00040681-00041132 If I still force him, he will be more upset INyYxY61cME-00067-00042468-00042679 Na! Cake is almost ready INyYxY61cME-00068-00042679-00043036 Dad! Let's go to find Leak and the baby! INyYxY61cME-00069-00043036-00043508 Dad! Let's go! INyYxY61cME-00070-00043508-00043941 Dad! I want to find Leak and the baby boy INyYxY61cME-00071-00043941-00044376 Let's go! INyYxY61cME-00072-00044376-00044977 Let's go to find them! INyYxY61cME-00073-00044977-00045634 Let me ask you! INyYxY61cME-00074-00045634-00045851 Why do you want me to bring them back INyYxY61cME-00075-00045851-00046132 Because I want you to be happy and smile back INyYxY61cME-00076-00046132-00046656 Did I blame you or being mean to you? INyYxY61cME-00077-00046656-00047256 No, I'm also happy when auntie comes back INyYxY61cME-00078-00047256-00047651 How about mom? Don't you want to stay with her anymore? INyYxY61cME-00079-00047651-00048409 No! I can live with you INyYxY61cME-00080-00048409-00048893 but it's better to have auntie and the baby boy INyYxY61cME-00081-00048893-00049173 Let's go find them! INyYxY61cME-00082-00051113-00051238 Auntie! INyYxY61cME-00083-00051238-00051309 Are you calling me? INyYxY61cME-00084-00051309-00051865 I'm sorry. She was wrong INyYxY61cME-00085-00051865-00052376 I have you seen a girl who is your height INyYxY61cME-00086-00052376-00052691 and carry a baby INyYxY61cME-00087-00052691-00052853 No! INyYxY61cME-00088-00052853-00052903 okay! Thank you so much! INyYxY61cME-00089-00052903-00053264 Let's go! INyYxY61cME-00090-00053264-00053320 Wait, dad! INyYxY61cME-00091-00053320-00053713 Let me think! INyYxY61cME-00092-00055242-00055500 Na! Aren't you bored when you stay with your dad alone? INyYxY61cME-00093-00055500-00055786 No! INyYxY61cME-00094-00055786-00056068 Because dad makes me a ground play INyYxY61cME-00095-00056068-00056396 It's nice INyYxY61cME-00096-00056396-00056581 Where is it? INyYxY61cME-00097-00056581-00056951 There! Behind the resort! INyYxY61cME-00098-00056951-00057777 From there, we can see mountains, water, and there is food there INyYxY61cME-00099-00057777-00058083 I can go there whenever I want INyYxY61cME-00100-00058629-00058862 I know where we can find them INyYxY61cME-00101-00058862-00059462 Auntie! Auntie! Where are you? INyYxY61cME-00102-00059462-00059758 Auntie! Where are you INyYxY61cME-00103-00061510-00061746 She might not come here INyYxY61cME-00104-00061746-00062285 Because I was mean to her, now she is mad at me INyYxY61cME-00105-00062285-00062891 It's my fault. INyYxY61cME-00106-00062891-00063166 Auntie! Please come back INyYxY61cME-00107-00063166-00064008 I won't be mean to you. Please come back! INyYxY61cME-00108-00064008-00064297 Auntie! INyYxY61cME-00109-00065442-00065747 If you stop learning, I will stop coming to see you INyYxY61cME-00110-00065747-00066112 Auntie! INyYxY61cME-00111-00066112-00066477 You are back INyYxY61cME-00112-00066477-00066975 Dad and I are looking for you everywhere INyYxY61cME-00113-00066975-00067443 Do you miss me? INyYxY61cME-00114-00067443-00067872 I miss you so bad? INyYxY61cME-00115-00067872-00068199 Please go back with me! INyYxY61cME-00116-00068199-00068583 Please don't be mad at me! INyYxY61cME-00117-00068583-00069227 I... I... INyYxY61cME-00118-00069227-00070147 Leak! you are here. Don't you feel bad for her? INyYxY61cME-00119-00070147-00070665 I won't let you go anywhere INyYxY61cME-00120-00070665-00070989 I forget something here. I have to go now INyYxY61cME-00121-00070989-00071282 Where do you want to go? INyYxY61cME-00122-00071282-00071533 We are worried about you and the baby INyYxY61cME-00123-00071533-00072260 I can go back there INyYxY61cME-00124-00072260-00072812 What's wrong? We have made it clear that night INyYxY61cME-00125-00072812-00073212 You have a family INyYxY61cME-00126-00073212-00073772 Leak! I have only Na. INyYxY61cME-00127-00073772-00074157 Sreymom and I aren't couples INyYxY61cME-00128-00074157-00074601 We can't be together INyYxY61cME-00129-00074601-00074955 Leak! Don't you feel bad for her! INyYxY61cME-00130-00074955-00075225 She misses you and the baby so bad INyYxY61cME-00131-00075225-00075653 You have to stay with us INyYxY61cME-00132-00075653-00075918 Don't be mad at me! INyYxY61cME-00133-00075918-00076250 I promise I won't be mean to you INyYxY61cME-00134-00076250-00077008 I know the reason to leave me but do you want to leave like this? INyYxY61cME-00135-00077008-00077262 Don't you want to hear my reasons? INyYxY61cME-00136-00077262-00077769 I know you are worried about it INyYxY61cME-00137-00077769-00078477 Please talk to me when something is wrong! INyYxY61cME-00138-00078477-00078801 I'm not lying INyYxY61cME-00139-00078801-00079084 Auntie! Dad isn't lying. Please believe him INyYxY61cME-00140-00079084-00079427 I believe him INyYxY61cME-00141-00079427-00079922 Let's go back with us! INyYxY61cME-00142-00079922-00080179 Please go back with us! INyYxY61cME-00143-00080179-00080697 The baby also misses me and Na INyYxY61cME-00144-00080697-00081208 Let's go! INyYxY61cME-00145-00084982-00085101 The baby boy is sleeping INyYxY61cME-00146-00085101-00085541 Why is he so cute? INyYxY61cME-00147-00087443-00087758 See! Na doesn't hate the baby. Do you want to go anywhere again? INyYxY61cME-00148-00087758-00088378 She is still young. She will forget us just the time being INyYxY61cME-00149-00088378-00088959 Do you want to go anywhere again? INyYxY61cME-00150-00088959-00089440 Leak! Stay here with us! INyYxY61cME-00151-00089440-00089966 But it's not as easy as you think INyYxY61cME-00152-00089966-00090463 I don't want you and Mom to get into trouble because of me INyYxY61cME-00153-00090463-00091865 I'm telling you again. It's not my first time tell you I know. Mom and I can't be together INyYxY61cME-00154-00091865-00092358 My feeling for her is zero INyYxY61cME-00155-00092358-00092858 I have all those feelings for you the only one INyYxY61cME-00156-00093722-00095071 I don't mind what you have been through before but right now I want you to be here with us INyYxY61cME-00157-00095071-00095762 I will take good care of the baby until he grows up INyYxY61cME-00158-00095762-00096988 She can be Na's mom but I and Mom are no longer together INyYxY61cME-00159-00096988-00097593 PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME AGAIN! INyYxY61cME-00160-00097593-00098087 I went through many things and I don't want to loss anyone INyYxY61cME-00161-00098087-00098518 Do you understand? INyYxY61cME-00162-00098518-00099111 Yeah, I know it INyYxY61cME-00163-00101803-00101918 Let's take shower! I want to play with the baby INyYxY61cME-00164-00103209-00103457 Dad! Let's go! INyYxY61cME-00165-00107073-00107518 Finally, I come back here. we might not be able to go far INyYxY61cME-00166-00109467-00109687 Leak! INyYxY61cME-00167-00109687-00109848 Mom! INyYxY61cME-00168-00109848-00110223 Can we talk? INyYxY61cME-00169-00110514-00110761 Yeah! INyYxY61cME-00170-00110761-00111255 I will wait outside INyYxY61cME-00171-00112960-00113222 Leak! What do you think? INyYxY61cME-00172-00116842-00117049 Finally, you are back INyYxY61cME-00173-00117049-00117478 You came back as he requested INyYxY61cME-00174-00117478-00117975 I'm sorry INyYxY61cME-00175-00117975-00118438 Don't be sorry! INyYxY61cME-00176-00118438-00119214 I'm a useless mother INyYxY61cME-00177-00119214-00119733 Finally, Vy and Na choose you INyYxY61cME-00178-00120666-00120983 My daughter and I can't be back together INyYxY61cME-00179-00120983-00121690 I can only carry her in my belly but I can't be with her INyYxY61cME-00180-00121690-00122390 I'm just an animal that gave birth to her and left her INyYxY61cME-00181-00122390-00122840 I'm useless INyYxY61cME-00182-00122840-00123492 Don't say that! Na is still your daughter and you are still her mother INyYxY61cME-00183-00124459-00124991 How can I be her mother if Na doesn't care about me INyYxY61cME-00184-00124991-00125775 Leak should understand this feeling too because you are a mother INyYxY61cME-00185-00125775-00126314 The feeling that love and care for our baby INyYxY61cME-00186-00126314-00126612 I beg you. Please don't separate us INyYxY61cME-00187-00126612-00127120 Please leave here and don't come back again! INyYxY61cME-00188-00127120-00127493 No! I won't let Auntie go anywhere else! INyYxY61cME-00189-00127493-00127899 You don't love me as she does INyYxY61cME-00190-00128236-00128531 Na! I love you INyYxY61cME-00191-00128531-00128954 Na! INyYxY61cME-00192-00128954-00129643 You shouted at me but she doesn't INyYxY61cME-00193-00129643-00130093 You blamed me but she didn't INyYxY61cME-00194-00130093-00130412 Na! Don't say that! INyYxY61cME-00195-00130412-00131224 Auntie! Please don't leave me! INyYxY61cME-00196-00131224-00131513 I want to be with you INyYxY61cME-00197-00131513-00132116 Na! How about me? Don't you want to be with mom? INyYxY61cME-00198-00132428-00132809 Mom! Na isn't feeling good today INyYxY61cME-00199-00132809-00133239 Na! please go to take care of the baby! INyYxY61cME-00200-00133239-00133470 Yeah! INyYxY61cME-00201-00133470-00133789 Auntie! Please don't leave me again! INyYxY61cME-00202-00133789-00134126 I won't leave you INyYxY61cME-00203-00135379-00135677 Mom! I'm sorry instead of her INyYxY61cME-00204-00135677-00135944 I have no right to be mad at her INyYxY61cME-00205-00135944-00136306 I want to talk about us now INyYxY61cME-00206-00136306-00136849 I know what you want to say INyYxY61cME-00207-00136849-00137497 Okay! I will say it right now that I love Leak INyYxY61cME-00208-00138115-00138756 Because I want Leak to know that we aren't a couple anymore INyYxY61cME-00209-00138756-00139051 We have end a long time ago INyYxY61cME-00210-00139051-00139271 We have no way back INyYxY61cME-00211-00139271-00140067 Thank you for giving a lovely child! INyYxY61cME-00212-00140067-00140529 But I can't accept you back INyYxY61cME-00213-00140529-00141219 I can be a good mother for our child INyYxY61cME-00214-00141219-00141576 Please give me one more chance INyYxY61cME-00215-00141576-00142343 I don't stop you from seeing our child INyYxY61cME-00216-00142343-00142946 You can come to meet her but I love Leak INyYxY61cME-00217-00143807-00144203 We are starting from Zero INyYxY61cME-00218-00144203-00144647 But I believe that Leak can be a good mother for my daughter INyYxY61cME-00219-00144647-00145762 I understand now. It's good that you give me a right to be her mother INyYxY61cME-00220-00145762-00146247 Sorry that I come back right now! INyYxY61cME-00221-00146247-00147098 Sorry that I used to be a jerk! INyYxY61cME-00222-00148339-00148631 Why did you say that? Don't you know it hurts her feeling? INyYxY61cME-00223-00148631-00149319 I want someone to know about it INyYxY61cME-00224-00149319-00149493 but Mom will be sad INyYxY61cME-00225-00149493-00149886 I think before I said INyYxY61cME-00226-00149886-00150257 I will go to look after the baby now INyYxY61cME-00227-00150257-00150311 Wait! INyYxY61cME-00228-00150311-00150906 The baby already has someone to take care of but I don't have INyYxY61cME-00229-00150906-00151302 You haven't answered me yet INyYxY61cME-00230-00151302-00151780 I didn't think anything INyYxY61cME-00231-00151780-00152150 What? Tell me more clearly! INyYxY61cME-00232-00152150-00152632 I don't know. I have to go now INyYxY61cME-00233-00152632-00153027 Don't think too much! INyYxY61cME-00234-00153831-00154070 It's time to find you a mom, Na INyYxY61cME-00235-00156850-00157115 Stop daydreaming! You will not be able to do it INyYxY61cME-00236-00158514-00158751 Where are VY, NA and my baby? INyYxY61cME-00237-00158751-00158931 I can't find them anywhere INyYxY61cME-00238-00158931-00159493 Are they going to the tent? INyYxY61cME-00239-00160328-00160966 Mom, you're not Zero. You can do it INyYxY61cME-00240-00162067-00162692 A famous fashion designer! INyYxY61cME-00241-00162692-00163025 Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal. I can do it INyYxY61cME-00242-00164845-00165845 because I'm just a Zero woman who doesn't have a clear goal INyYxY61cME-00243-00167266-00167529 It's for you, a famous designer INyYxY61cME-00244-00167529-00167927 The best designer INyYxY61cME-00245-00169367-00169824 Everyone is Zero, if they think that they can't do it INyYxY61cME-00246-00169824-00170426 Everyone can be a hero if you think you can do it INyYxY61cME-00247-00170426-00170728 I believe that Leak can do it INyYxY61cME-00248-00170728-00171073 I believe that Auntie can do it INyYxY61cME-00249-00171073-00171348 Fighting! INyYxY61cME-00250-00173566-00173816 Dad! Play guitar! So, she won't cry INyYxY61cME-00251-00173816-00174201 Yeah, my dear daughter! INyYxY61cME-00252-00178942-00179118 I'm going to sleep now. INyYxY61cME-00253-00179118-00179507 Wait! We haven't talked yet INyYxY61cME-00254-00179507-00179864 What do you want to say? INyYxY61cME-00255-00179864-00180226 Our married! INyYxY61cME-00256-00180226-00180601 Married? INyYxY61cME-00257-00180601-00180830 Will you marry me? INyYxY61cME-00258-00180830-00181201 Are you out of your mind? INyYxY61cME-00259-00181201-00181251 I'm telling you the truth INyYxY61cME-00260-00181251-00181687 Please marry me! INyYxY61cME-00261-00181687-00182155 Can you marry me? You might be Zero as me INyYxY61cME-00262-00182155-00183113 It does not depend on sex, gender, age, color or social status INyYxY61cME-00263-00183113-00183522 but it depends on your mind INyYxY61cME-00264-00183522-00183778 I believe that you can do it INyYxY61cME-00265-00183778-00184185 Thank you for believing in me! INyYxY61cME-00266-00184185-00184549 I believe in you since the beginning INyYxY61cME-00267-00184549-00184815 Do you believe in yourself? INyYxY61cME-00268-00184815-00185301 I believe I can be like you INyYxY61cME-00269-00185301-00185727 Okay! INyYxY61cME-00270-00187763-00188022 The End