YoowonUO7e4-00000-00000801-00000826 Every journey begins with the first step . . . YoowonUO7e4-00001-00000811-00001395 You will embark on many journeys in your life, but your university experience has the potential YoowonUO7e4-00002-00001395-00002095 to be one of your most memorable. But how do you make the most out of this journey? YoowonUO7e4-00003-00002176-00002831 A convenient way to do this is through the use of an ePortfolio—a digital repository YoowonUO7e4-00004-00002831-00003415 of your course work, personal reflections, professional achievements, and just about YoowonUO7e4-00005-00003415-00003992 anything else you want to showcase and share. YoowonUO7e4-00006-00003992-00004672 Here at Boise State we offer an easy-to-use platform called Digication for you to create YoowonUO7e4-00007-00004672-00005340 and maintain your ePortfolio. It's available to all Boise State students and can become YoowonUO7e4-00008-00005340-00006040 your online showcase of the work you've accomplished during your university career. YoowonUO7e4-00009-00006147-00006703 You will want to start your ePortfolio during your first year at Boise State. By creating YoowonUO7e4-00010-00006703-00007403 your own ePortfolio, you will be able to collect and share your work, reflect back, interact YoowonUO7e4-00011-00007444-00008108 with your instructor and classmates, and view your progress. ePortfolios offer you the distinct YoowonUO7e4-00012-00008108-00008805 advantage of having your own voice in the learning process. In fact, ePortfolios are YoowonUO7e4-00013-00008805-00009248 all about learning. YoowonUO7e4-00014-00009248-00009948 By actively adding to and maintaining your ePortfolio, you experience added benefits. YoowonUO7e4-00015-00009961-00010639 You begin to develop important skills, such as teamwork, oral communication, and critical YoowonUO7e4-00016-00010639-00010971 inquiry. YoowonUO7e4-00017-00010971-00011521 Through looking back at your work, you can reflect upon your own learning and progress. YoowonUO7e4-00018-00011521-00012217 You can see where you are at a point in time and determine where you want to go. Remember, YoowonUO7e4-00019-00012217-00012872 your ePortfolio is a tool for your own development. It can become a professional and personal YoowonUO7e4-00020-00012872-00013278 tool for lifelong learning. YoowonUO7e4-00021-00013278-00013974 But to start any journey, you need to take that first step. In this case, the first step YoowonUO7e4-00022-00013974-00014674 is to create your ePortfolio. And the good news is that this single step begins with YoowonUO7e4-00023-00014709-00015409 logging in to Digication at Boise State and creating your own ePortfolio in just a few YoowonUO7e4-00024-00015409-00015682 minutes. (http://boisestate.digication.com) YoowonUO7e4-00025-00015682-00016290 You can create your e-Portfolio at any time and in many classes, your instructor will YoowonUO7e4-00026-00016290-00016979 include it as part of the course. So, now is the time to take that first step and begin YoowonUO7e4-00027-00016979-00017250 your exciting and rewarding journey. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00000-00000000-00000100 Hello. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00001-00000100-00000600 And welcome to the spoken tutorial on Relationship between different Geometric Figures in Geogebra Y1LjlVb5aeo-00002-00000700-00001000 We assume that you have the basic working knowledge of Geogebra. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00003-00001100-00001700 If not, please go through the Introduction to Geogebra tutorial before proceeding further. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00004-00001800-00002300 Please note that the intention to teach this tutorial is not to replace the actual compass box. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00005-00002400-00002800 Construction in GeoGebra is done with the view to understand the properties. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00006-00002900-00003100 In this tutorial we will learn to construct Y1LjlVb5aeo-00007-00003200-00003400 Cyclic quadrilateral and In-circle Y1LjlVb5aeo-00008-00003500-00003800 To record this tutorial I am using Linux operating system Y1LjlVb5aeo-00009-00003900-00004200 Ubuntu Version 10.04 LTS Y1LjlVb5aeo-00010-00004300-00004700 And Geogebra Version Y1LjlVb5aeo-00011-00004800-00006100 We will use the following Geogebra tools for the construction compass segment between two points circle with center through point polygon perpendicular bisector angle bisector and angle Y1LjlVb5aeo-00012-00006200-00006400 Let us switch on to the Geogebra window. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00013-00006500-00007200 To do this let us click on applications, Education and Geogebra. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00014-00007300-00007700 Let me resize this window. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00015-00007800-00008400 Click on the options menu click on font size and then on 18 point to make the figure clear. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00016-00008500-00008600 Let us construct a cyclic quadrilateral. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00017-00008700-00009700 To do this let us select the Regular Polygon tool from the tool bar click on the Regular Polygon tool click on any two points on the drawing pad. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00018-00009800-00010100 We see that a dialog box open with a default value 4. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00019-00010200-00010300 click OK. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00020-00010300-00010500 A square ABCD is drawn. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00021-00010600-00011000 Let's tilt the square Using the Move tool which is at the left corner. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00022-00011100-00011500 Select the Move tool from the tool bar, click on the Move tool Y1LjlVb5aeo-00023-00011600-00012000 Place, the mouse pointer on A or on B. I will choose B Y1LjlVb5aeo-00024-00012100-00012900 Place the mouse pointer on B and drag it with the mouse. We see that the square is in the tilted position now. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00025-00013000-00013400 Let's construct a perpendicular bisector to the segment AB. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00026-00013500-00013900 To do this Let's Select Perpendicular bisector tool from the tool bar. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00027-00014000-00014100 Click on the Perpendicular bisector tool. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00028-00014200-00014300 click on the point A Y1LjlVb5aeo-00029-00014400-00014500 and then on pointB Y1LjlVb5aeo-00030-00014600-00014900 We see that a Perpendicular bisector is drawn. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00031-00015000-00015500 Let's construct a second perpendicular bisector to segment BC to do this Y1LjlVb5aeo-00032-00015600-00016100 Select perpendicular bisector tool from the tool bar, click on the “perpendicular bisector” tool. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00033-00016200-00016300 click on the point B Y1LjlVb5aeo-00034-00016400-00016500 and then on point C Y1LjlVb5aeo-00035-00016600-00016900 We see that the perpendicular bisectors intersect at a point . Y1LjlVb5aeo-00036-00017000-00017300 Let us mark this point as E Y1LjlVb5aeo-00037-00017400-00018000 Let's now construct a circle with centre as E and which passes through C. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00038-00018100-00018800 Let's select the circle with centre through point tool from tool bar click on the circle with centre through point tool. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00039-00018900-00019700 Click on point E as centre and which passes through C. Click on the point E and then on point C. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00040-00019800-00020800 We see that the circle will passes through all the vertices of the quadrilateral.A Cyclic Quadrilateral is drawn. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00041-00020900-00021600 Do you know , that the cyclic quadrilateral has maximum area among all the quadrilaterals of the same sequence of side lengths. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00042-00021700-00022100 Let's use the Move tool, to animate the figure. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00043-00022200-00023100 To do this Let's select the Move tool from the tool bar, click on the Move tool place the mouse pointer on A or B. I will choose A Y1LjlVb5aeo-00044-00023200-00023700 Place the mouse pointer on A and drag it with the mouse to animate. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00045-00023800-00024000 To verify that the construction is correct. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00046-00024100-00024300 Let's now save the file. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00047-00024400-00024600 Click on File Save As. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00048-00024700-00026000 I will type the file name as cyclic_quadrilateral Y1LjlVb5aeo-00049-00026100-00026200 and click on save Y1LjlVb5aeo-00050-00026300-00026700 Let us now open a new geogebra window to construct an incircle. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00051-00026800-00027400 To do this Let's select on File and New. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00052-00027500-00028300 Let's now construct a triangle to do this , Let's select the Polygon tool from the tool bar, Click on the Polygon tool. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00053-00028400-00029100 click on the points A,B,C and A once again to complete the triangle figure. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00054-00029200-00029400 Let's measure the angles for this triangle, Y1LjlVb5aeo-00055-00029500-00029900 To do this Let's select the Angle tool from the tool bar, click on the Angle tool. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00056-00030000-00031400 Click on the points B,A,C , C,B,A and A,C,B. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00057-00031500-00031700 We see that the angles are measured. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00058-00031800-00032000 Lets now construct angle bisectors to these angles. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00059-00032100-00032400 Select the Angle bisector tool from the tool bar, Y1LjlVb5aeo-00060-00032500-00033100 click on the Angle bisector tool.Click on the points B,A,C . Y1LjlVb5aeo-00061-00033200-00033800 Let's select the Angle bisector tool again from the tool bar to construct second angle bisector. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00062-00033900-00034700 click on the Angle bisector tool and the tool bar, click on the points A,B,C. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00063-00034800-00035100 We see that the two angle bisectors intersect at point . Y1LjlVb5aeo-00064-00035200-00035400 Let's mark this point as D. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00065-00035500-00036100 Let's now construct a perpendicular line which passes through point D and segment AB. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00066-00036200-00037100 Select perpendicular line tool from tool bar,click on the perpendicular line tool, click on the point D and then on segment AB. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00067-00037200-00037600 We see that the perpendicular line intersects segment AB at a point. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00068-00037700-00037900 Let's mark this point as E. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00069-00038000-00038600 Let's now construct a circle with centre as D and which passes through E. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00070-00038700-00039600 Let's select the compass tool from tool bar , click on the compass tool,click on the point D as centre and DE as radius. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00071-00039700-00040500 Click on the point D and then on point E and D once again to complete the figure. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00072-00040600-00040900 We see that the circle touches all the sides of the triangle. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00073-00041000-00041200 An in-circle is drawn. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00074-00041300-00041600 With this we come to an end of this tutorial. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00075-00041700-00042100 To Summarize Y1LjlVb5aeo-00076-00042200-00042400 In this tutorial we have learnt to construct Y1LjlVb5aeo-00077-00042500-00042600 cyclic quadrilateral and Y1LjlVb5aeo-00078-00042700-00042900 In-circle using the Geogebra tools. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00079-00043000-00043400 As an assignment i would like you to draw a triangle ABC Y1LjlVb5aeo-00080-00043500-00043800 Mark a point D on BC, join AD Y1LjlVb5aeo-00081-00043900-00044700 Draw in-circles form triangles ABC, ABD and CBD of radii r, r1 and r2 . Y1LjlVb5aeo-00082-00044800-00044900 BE is the height h Y1LjlVb5aeo-00083-00045000-00045200 Move the vertices of the Triangle ABC Y1LjlVb5aeo-00084-00045300-00045400 To verify the relation. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00085-00045500-00046200 (1 -2r1/h)*(1 - 2r2/h) = (1 -2r/h) Y1LjlVb5aeo-00086-00046300-00047100 The output of the assignment should look like this. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00087-00047200-00047400 Watch the video available at this URL. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00088-00047500-00047600 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00089-00047700-00048100 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it Y1LjlVb5aeo-00090-00048200-00048500 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team&#160;:Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00091-00048600-00048800 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test Y1LjlVb5aeo-00092-00048900-00049500 For more details, contact us contact@spoken-tutorial.org Y1LjlVb5aeo-00093-00049600-00049800 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of Talk to a Teacher project Y1LjlVb5aeo-00094-00049900-00050400 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00095-00050500-00050800 More information on this Mission is available at this link. Y1LjlVb5aeo-00096-00050900-00051400 This is Madhuri Ganapathi from IIT Bombay signing off Thanks for joining. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00000-00000010-00000206 SATURDAY GAME DAY TICKETS 30SSS Y4dYiNfbjjA-00001-00000206-00000213 SATURDAY GAME DAY TICKETS 30SSS Y4dYiNfbjjA-00002-00000213-00000617 SATURDAY GAME DAY TICKETS 30SSS FOR ADULTS AND $20 FOR KIDS AGES Y4dYiNfbjjA-00003-00000617-00000623 SATURDAY GAME DAY TICKETS 30SSS FOR ADULTS AND $20 FOR KIDS AGES Y4dYiNfbjjA-00004-00000623-00000650 SATURDAY GAME DAY TICKETS 30SSS FOR ADULTS AND $20 FOR KIDS AGES 5-17. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00005-00000650-00000657 FOR ADULTS AND $20 FOR KIDS AGES 5-17. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00006-00000657-00000790 FOR ADULTS AND $20 FOR KIDS AGES 5-17. >> OCTOBER IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00007-00000790-00000797 5-17. >> OCTOBER IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00008-00000797-00001074 5-17. >> OCTOBER IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS NO MO AND WHEN THE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00009-00001074-00001081 >> OCTOBER IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS NO MO AND WHEN THE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00010-00001081-00001251 >> OCTOBER IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS NO MO AND WHEN THE WOMEN'S CENTER HOSTS A Y4dYiNfbjjA-00011-00001251-00001257 AWARENESS NO MO AND WHEN THE WOMEN'S CENTER HOSTS A Y4dYiNfbjjA-00012-00001257-00001584 AWARENESS NO MO AND WHEN THE WOMEN'S CENTER HOSTS A FUND-RAISER CALLED LUM NATING Y4dYiNfbjjA-00013-00001584-00001591 WOMEN'S CENTER HOSTS A FUND-RAISER CALLED LUM NATING Y4dYiNfbjjA-00014-00001591-00001768 WOMEN'S CENTER HOSTS A FUND-RAISER CALLED LUM NATING LIFE. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00015-00001768-00001775 FUND-RAISER CALLED LUM NATING LIFE. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00016-00001775-00002425 FUND-RAISER CALLED LUM NATING LIFE. IT PROVIDES FOUR INTAKE FOR Y4dYiNfbjjA-00017-00002425-00002432 LIFE. IT PROVIDES FOUR INTAKE FOR Y4dYiNfbjjA-00018-00002432-00002719 LIFE. IT PROVIDES FOUR INTAKE FOR INDIVIDUALS EXPERIENCING Y4dYiNfbjjA-00019-00002719-00002726 IT PROVIDES FOUR INTAKE FOR INDIVIDUALS EXPERIENCING Y4dYiNfbjjA-00020-00002726-00003083 IT PROVIDES FOUR INTAKE FOR INDIVIDUALS EXPERIENCING VIOLENCE AND THEY PROVIDE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00021-00003083-00003089 INDIVIDUALS EXPERIENCING VIOLENCE AND THEY PROVIDE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00022-00003089-00003216 INDIVIDUALS EXPERIENCING VIOLENCE AND THEY PROVIDE ADVOCACY AND REFERRAL SERVICES. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00023-00003216-00003223 VIOLENCE AND THEY PROVIDE ADVOCACY AND REFERRAL SERVICES. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00024-00003223-00003463 VIOLENCE AND THEY PROVIDE ADVOCACY AND REFERRAL SERVICES. >> WHEN SOMEONE IS IN NEED AND Y4dYiNfbjjA-00025-00003463-00003470 ADVOCACY AND REFERRAL SERVICES. >> WHEN SOMEONE IS IN NEED AND Y4dYiNfbjjA-00026-00003470-00003693 ADVOCACY AND REFERRAL SERVICES. >> WHEN SOMEONE IS IN NEED AND THEY DON'T FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00027-00003693-00003700 >> WHEN SOMEONE IS IN NEED AND THEY DON'T FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00028-00003700-00003863 >> WHEN SOMEONE IS IN NEED AND THEY DON'T FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE ANOTHER PLACE TO GO, WE CAN HELP Y4dYiNfbjjA-00029-00003863-00003870 THEY DON'T FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE ANOTHER PLACE TO GO, WE CAN HELP Y4dYiNfbjjA-00030-00003870-00004144 THEY DON'T FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE ANOTHER PLACE TO GO, WE CAN HELP THEM WITH WHAT THEY NEED. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00031-00004144-00004150 ANOTHER PLACE TO GO, WE CAN HELP THEM WITH WHAT THEY NEED. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00032-00004150-00004294 ANOTHER PLACE TO GO, WE CAN HELP THEM WITH WHAT THEY NEED. WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY 26 BEDS Y4dYiNfbjjA-00033-00004294-00004300 THEM WITH WHAT THEY NEED. WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY 26 BEDS Y4dYiNfbjjA-00034-00004300-00004441 THEM WITH WHAT THEY NEED. WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY 26 BEDS THAT ARE FULL AT OUR SHELTER AND Y4dYiNfbjjA-00035-00004441-00004447 WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY 26 BEDS THAT ARE FULL AT OUR SHELTER AND Y4dYiNfbjjA-00036-00004447-00004761 WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY 26 BEDS THAT ARE FULL AT OUR SHELTER AND THAT IS ALMOST THE CASE ALL THE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00037-00004761-00004768 THAT ARE FULL AT OUR SHELTER AND THAT IS ALMOST THE CASE ALL THE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00038-00004768-00004818 THAT ARE FULL AT OUR SHELTER AND THAT IS ALMOST THE CASE ALL THE TIME. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00039-00004818-00004824 THAT IS ALMOST THE CASE ALL THE TIME. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00040-00004824-00005048 THAT IS ALMOST THE CASE ALL THE TIME. LUM NATING LIVE FUND-RAISER WAS Y4dYiNfbjjA-00041-00005048-00005055 TIME. LUM NATING LIVE FUND-RAISER WAS Y4dYiNfbjjA-00042-00005055-00005295 TIME. LUM NATING LIVE FUND-RAISER WAS HELD IN THE NORTHERN PACIFIC Y4dYiNfbjjA-00043-00005295-00005301 LUM NATING LIVE FUND-RAISER WAS HELD IN THE NORTHERN PACIFIC Y4dYiNfbjjA-00044-00005301-00005485 LUM NATING LIVE FUND-RAISER WAS HELD IN THE NORTHERN PACIFIC CENTER IN BRAINERD TONIGHT. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00045-00005485-00005492 HELD IN THE NORTHERN PACIFIC CENTER IN BRAINERD TONIGHT. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00046-00005492-00005709 HELD IN THE NORTHERN PACIFIC CENTER IN BRAINERD TONIGHT. ALL PROCEEDS OF THE EVENT WENT Y4dYiNfbjjA-00047-00005709-00005715 CENTER IN BRAINERD TONIGHT. ALL PROCEEDS OF THE EVENT WENT Y4dYiNfbjjA-00048-00005715-00005915 CENTER IN BRAINERD TONIGHT. ALL PROCEEDS OF THE EVENT WENT TOWARDS THE SHELTER, WHICH Y4dYiNfbjjA-00049-00005915-00005922 ALL PROCEEDS OF THE EVENT WENT TOWARDS THE SHELTER, WHICH Y4dYiNfbjjA-00050-00005922-00006062 ALL PROCEEDS OF THE EVENT WENT TOWARDS THE SHELTER, WHICH SERVED 904 INDIVIDUALS FROM THE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00051-00006062-00006069 TOWARDS THE SHELTER, WHICH SERVED 904 INDIVIDUALS FROM THE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00052-00006069-00006232 TOWARDS THE SHELTER, WHICH SERVED 904 INDIVIDUALS FROM THE AREA LAST QUARTER ALONE. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00053-00006232-00006239 SERVED 904 INDIVIDUALS FROM THE AREA LAST QUARTER ALONE. Y4dYiNfbjjA-00054-00006239-00006406 SERVED 904 INDIVIDUALS FROM THE AREA LAST QUARTER ALONE. >> WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO KEEP Y4dYiNfbjjA-00055-00006406-00006413 AREA LAST QUARTER ALONE. >> WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO KEEP Y4dYiNfbjjA-00056-00006413-00006830 AREA LAST QUARTER ALONE. >> WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO KEEP OUR DOORS OPEN AND WE DO RECEIVE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00057-00006830-00006836 >> WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO KEEP OUR DOORS OPEN AND WE DO RECEIVE Y4dYiNfbjjA-00058-00006836-00007220 >> WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO KEEP OUR DOORS OPEN AND WE DO RECEIVE A GRANT THAT ACCOUNTS FOR 70% OF Y4dYiNfbjjA-00059-00007220-00007227 OUR DOORS OPEN AND WE DO RECEIVE A GRANT THAT ACCOUNTS FOR 70% OF Y4dYiNfbjjA-00060-00007227-00007637 OUR DOORS OPEN AND WE DO RECEIVE A GRANT THAT ACCOUNTS FOR 70% OF OUR BUDGET, MEANING EVERY YEAR Y4dYiNfbjjA-00061-00007637-00007644 A GRANT THAT ACCOUNTS FOR 70% OF OUR BUDGET, MEANING EVERY YEAR Y4dYiNfbjjA-00062-00007644-00008214 A GRANT THAT ACCOUNTS FOR 70% OF OUR BUDGET, MEANING EVERY YEAR WE TRY TO RAISE APPROXIMATELY Y5z0kSFlkMY-00000-00000056-00000800 Welcome to this quick demo of how to upload your data from Galaxy to a number of different local Y5z0kSFlkMY-00001-00000800-00001432 data stores. So an issue people are oftentimes facing once they have finished their first couple Y5z0kSFlkMY-00002-00001432-00002160 of real world data analysis with Galaxy is how to retrieve key results files efficiently for Y5z0kSFlkMY-00003-00002160-00002896 further use or storage outside of galaxy. If you have been using collections in your analysis, Y5z0kSFlkMY-00004-00002896-00003624 then even the download of a batch of results files is not too complicated you simply go inside your Y5z0kSFlkMY-00005-00003624-00004384 collection of interest, like I show this here for collection of viral consensus fasta sequences. Y5z0kSFlkMY-00006-00004528-00005304 You click on download collection and you get a download of all elements of the collection Y5z0kSFlkMY-00007-00005304-00005920 in the form of a zip file, easy. There are two issues with this method though Y5z0kSFlkMY-00008-00006000-00006631 first of all getting the data out of Galaxy may only be the first step you want to take for Y5z0kSFlkMY-00009-00006631-00007320 sharing it or to then upload it onto some other platform anyway. In that case having to download Y5z0kSFlkMY-00010-00007320-00007944 an entire collection of data to your own computer, just to re-upload it from there elsewhere Y5z0kSFlkMY-00011-00008000-00008632 may not be your preferred solution. Especially if you're in home office like many of us and have Y5z0kSFlkMY-00012-00008632-00009384 a relatively slow internet connection you might much rather want to upload to an online platform Y5z0kSFlkMY-00013-00009384-00010176 from Galaxy directly, in that case. Another issue is if the data you would like to download is not Y5z0kSFlkMY-00014-00010176-00010856 contained in just one collection. Let's imagine you've set up a SARS-CoV-2 genome analysis bot, Y5z0kSFlkMY-00015-00010856-00011632 like the one running on usegalaxy.eu. This bot may now produce many many similar histories one Y5z0kSFlkMY-00016-00011632-00012400 for each batch of sequencing data it analyzes. So here's an example of the situation on usegalaxy.eu Y5z0kSFlkMY-00017-00012400-00013008 which demonstrates the issue for consensus building histories. Each of these histories Y5z0kSFlkMY-00018-00013008-00013656 contains one collection of viral fasta sequences but how can we get it them conveniently? Y5z0kSFlkMY-00019-00013896-00014640 So in both of these situations connecting your Galaxy user account to a data store Y5z0kSFlkMY-00020-00014640-00015632 is the answer. To set this up go to user preferences, Y5z0kSFlkMY-00021-00015632-00016376 then manage information, and on that page scroll down about halfway. Y5z0kSFlkMY-00022-00016600-00017408 You will find the option to connect Galaxy to either your dropbox account or alternatively Y5z0kSFlkMY-00023-00017408-00018056 to your personal nextCloud or ownCloud account. Of course you will have to provide Y5z0kSFlkMY-00024-00018056-00018712 credentials of some sort that Galaxy can use then to authenticate itself against the other platform. Y5z0kSFlkMY-00025-00018872-00019488 In my case my department at the university of Freiburg operates their own nextCloud server Y5z0kSFlkMY-00026-00019552-00020080 on which every member of the department gets an account, so I'm going to use this in this demo, Y5z0kSFlkMY-00027-00020160-00021312 so I'm copy pasting my nextCloud's server domain in here and then I would complete this with the Y5z0kSFlkMY-00028-00021312-00021880 server path and the username and password, which I will do outside of this video now. Y5z0kSFlkMY-00029-00022016-00022728 And then I will scroll down and press save here, and that will store that information Y5z0kSFlkMY-00030-00022728-00023568 with my account. Now once configured I can use this connection in two directions, I can either Y5z0kSFlkMY-00031-00023568-00024272 upload data from the configured data store now which is done via the regular upload manager. Y5z0kSFlkMY-00032-00024272-00025336 So I open the upload manager here I go to choose remote files and now in this dialog I'm seeing Y5z0kSFlkMY-00033-00025336-00026032 nextCloud ownCloud offered and if I click that and if I entered my credentials correctly Y5z0kSFlkMY-00034-00026095-00026744 then I get access to all my files and folders on that nextCloud server. So for example I'm Y5z0kSFlkMY-00035-00026744-00027295 seeing here folder called Galaxy workshop demo which I generated on this nextCloud Y5z0kSFlkMY-00036-00027295-00027936 instance before the workshop and can go inside there and then disappointingly I Y5z0kSFlkMY-00037-00027936-00028448 find there's nothing in here, but if there was data, I could upload it now into Galaxy. Y5z0kSFlkMY-00038-00028568-00029360 What I can also do however is to use a dedicated tool to export data to any folder Y5z0kSFlkMY-00039-00029360-00030112 on the configured data store. So that too can be found in the Send Data section of the tools bar Y5z0kSFlkMY-00040-00030312-00031064 and it's called "export data sets to different data storages". Selecting this tool brings up a Y5z0kSFlkMY-00041-00031064-00031816 tool interface like for any regular tool. You can now select data sets you'd like to export which Y5z0kSFlkMY-00042-00031816-00032704 can either be regular data sets or collections so I will again choose here my collection Y5z0kSFlkMY-00043-00032792-00033880 of fasta files from before, this one, and then under the option directory URI you can reach a Y5z0kSFlkMY-00044-00033880-00034536 dialog that again lets you navigate any of the data stores configured for your account Y5z0kSFlkMY-00045-00034608-00035400 like the nextCloud ownCloud account in my case and I can now navigate using these small arrows Y5z0kSFlkMY-00046-00035640-00036072 to my demo folder on this nextCloud instance Y5z0kSFlkMY-00047-00036136-00036864 and select it as the place to export to. So let's test this and I press execute now, Y5z0kSFlkMY-00048-00037496-00038440 And while this job is running let's head over to my nextCloud web interface and I Y5z0kSFlkMY-00049-00038440-00039160 should see those data sets come in there now so I'm inside my Galaxy workshop demo folder Y5z0kSFlkMY-00050-00039216-00040112 and now I can just refresh that page and then in fact all these fasta files are coming in. Y5z0kSFlkMY-00051-00040248-00042184 A few of them have been transferred already more will probably come in soon. Y5z0kSFlkMY-00052-00042312-00043192 And here we go, we have all 18 files ready on my folder now, and the corresponding Y5z0kSFlkMY-00053-00043192-00043792 Galaxy job has turned to green is marked as completed. I can also read in the logs Y5z0kSFlkMY-00054-00043864-00044656 that in total 18 files have been exported to my nextCloud server. Now one particularly powerful Y5z0kSFlkMY-00055-00044656-00045424 feature of this way of exporting data is that it's tool based and as such can be used in workflows. Y5z0kSFlkMY-00056-00045504-00046088 So going back to that other example with the many many consensus histories produced in the Y5z0kSFlkMY-00057-00046088-00046880 SARS-CoV-2 bot account on usegalaxy.eu we solved that issue of getting access to all key results Y5z0kSFlkMY-00058-00046880-00047664 files with an additional export workflow. Now that workflow gets launched, again through our bot Y5z0kSFlkMY-00059-00047664-00048592 script, whenever a consensus workflow run finishes and it uses this "exports data sets to different Y5z0kSFlkMY-00060-00048592-00049296 data storages tool" that I've shown you before to send not only the collection of fasta files but Y5z0kSFlkMY-00061-00049296-00049936 also the collection of bam files of aligned reads and the collection of variant calls in vcf format, Y5z0kSFlkMY-00062-00049992-00050880 that, so both of these servers input to the consensus workflow so it exports all these three Y5z0kSFlkMY-00063-00050952-00051584 collections of key results files to an FTP server hosted at the barcelona supercompute center Y5z0kSFlkMY-00064-00051640-00052279 and from there all these key results files are then made available publicly via any FTP client. Y5z0kSFlkMY-00065-00052367-00053167 I'm gonna show you these data export histories now so here you see one of these Y5z0kSFlkMY-00066-00053167-00053784 data export histories created by the viral beating export workflow Y5z0kSFlkMY-00067-00053936-00054720 and when we go inside there then you can see that this has actually three export logs in it Y5z0kSFlkMY-00068-00054720-00055528 so it exported the fasta consensus sequences it exported the bam files and it exported the vcfs, Y5z0kSFlkMY-00069-00055616-00056479 and so you can see that in that case it exported 339 fasta files 339 vcf files and actually Y5z0kSFlkMY-00070-00056479-00057152 twice the number apparently of bam files but this is because of this export indices Y5z0kSFlkMY-00071-00057152-00057928 Galaxy generated indices options of the tool. So just bring up the tool run again here so here Y5z0kSFlkMY-00072-00057928-00058567 I selected in that workflow export also Galaxy generated index files for supported data types Y5z0kSFlkMY-00073-00058648-00059432 and I set this to yes and that means that not only the bam files in that collection of aligned reads Y5z0kSFlkMY-00074-00059528-00060376 but also their bam indices will get exported to the Spanish FTP server so to save compute time Y5z0kSFlkMY-00075-00060376-00061048 there because they do not have to be recalculated on the Spanish side so this is how powerful this Y5z0kSFlkMY-00076-00061048-00061936 tool is and it's really a great addition a very recent but great addition to the Galaxy toolbox Y5VZjIHO6po-00000-00000290-00000392 our Kumiko Y5VZjIHO6po-00001-00000710-00000864 We are starting to play at BIOHAZARD Y5VZjIHO6po-00002-00001605-00001905 Welcome guys at my last two days in Tokyo! Y5VZjIHO6po-00003-00001905-00002210 Let's all discover what I'm going to do! Good morning Y5VZjIHO6po-00004-00002210-00002940 Well, since I'm returning back to Italy, today we eat for lunch carbonara pasta (...not really...) with other things on it Y5VZjIHO6po-00005-00002940-00003542 I took Genovese pasta, but with shrimps and avocado (not like in Italy...) Y5VZjIHO6po-00006-00003542-00003986 look at this delicious carbonara pasta ! Y5VZjIHO6po-00007-00004094-00004432 well, I finish eating and let me know if someone wants to try it! Y5VZjIHO6po-00008-00004432-00004686 The time has come to do a bit of shopping! Y5VZjIHO6po-00009-00004686-00004838 -for my new MV Y5VZjIHO6po-00010-00004838-00005286 do you recognize this jacket? the one that I used in the ALIVE MV If not I show you the trailer - Y5VZjIHO6po-00011-00007318-00007620 and now I decided to took other fun clothes Y5VZjIHO6po-00012-00007620-00007978 for the MV that I'm going to shoot tomorrow, with our friend Kumiko Y5VZjIHO6po-00013-00007978-00008348 I saw some intersting things Y5VZjIHO6po-00014-00008366-00008596 some things that I already tried on, but that didn't suit me Y5VZjIHO6po-00015-00008596-00008846 so, let's say that today I'm choosing something more on the safe side Y5VZjIHO6po-00016-00008866-00009406 but I will for sure find something good...I tell you that I took inspiration from Godzilla Y5VZjIHO6po-00017-00009410-00009856 see, I will surely wear this jacket! ups spoiler Y5VZjIHO6po-00018-00009856-00010114 our friend Y5VZjIHO6po-00019-00010114-00010564 just let you know that I returned back safe from taiwan! Have a good day!! Y5VZjIHO6po-00020-00010564-00011244 I hope that the result of the music video will be good... Y5VZjIHO6po-00021-00011456-00011598 he said that it will turn out very good Y5VZjIHO6po-00022-00011598-00011858 ok see ya in the backstage! Y5VZjIHO6po-00023-00011926-00012032 ah yeah what do you think? Y5VZjIHO6po-00024-00012224-00012538 look at all those things! Y5VZjIHO6po-00025-00012538-00012760 today we eat - Y5VZjIHO6po-00026-00012822-00013147 made by a japanese woman Y5VZjIHO6po-00027-00013147-00013452 ok these are the plates that Kumiko can't cook Y5VZjIHO6po-00028-00013647-00014052 oh my...how can I leave Japan, if my friends treat me like this! Y5VZjIHO6po-00029-00014169-00014413 do you also want to try? Y5VZjIHO6po-00030-00014413-00014966 we also have pumpkins and dumplings! Y5VZjIHO6po-00031-00014966-00015147 I have no words Y5VZjIHO6po-00032-00015147-00016002 I know it looks as nothing, because it's not that special of a meal, but Y5VZjIHO6po-00033-00016002-00016450 when my japanese friends invite me to dinner Y5VZjIHO6po-00034-00016450-00017066 I feel like being a part of their family Y5VZjIHO6po-00035-00017146-00017556 I can't wait to taste these deliscious "karage" from my friends mother Y5VZjIHO6po-00036-00017562-00018076 look at all those beautiful homemade dumplings!! Y5VZjIHO6po-00037-00018098-00018510 ok now let's enter in this big tower Y5VZjIHO6po-00038-00018592-00018868 where the shooting will take place! Y5VZjIHO6po-00039-00018902-00019172 there is also this spider, that brings me luck Y5VZjIHO6po-00040-00019222-00019594 let's hope that the shooting turns out great! Y5VZjIHO6po-00041-00019594-00019998 here we have yukkua that irons the dress for the albino model Y5VZjIHO6po-00042-00019998-00020268 then we have the cameraman Y5VZjIHO6po-00043-00020268-00020476 our friend! Y5VZjIHO6po-00044-00020476-00020692 look who's here! Y5VZjIHO6po-00045-00021384-00022054 she's a japanese albino model, with these beautiful blonde hair! Y5VZjIHO6po-00046-00022054-00022316 and today she will be in the FLOWER MV! Y5VZjIHO6po-00047-00022316-00022576 so this will be basically the flower Y5VZjIHO6po-00048-00022576-00022976 actually in the song there is only one bud, but ok... Y5VZjIHO6po-00049-00024372-00024716 so, the video is turning out beautifully Y5VZjIHO6po-00050-00024716-00025228 we have this very pure image Y5VZjIHO6po-00051-00025348-00025572 let's leave our friend there laying for another 10 minutes! Y5VZjIHO6po-00052-00025600-00025732 and I'm going outside Y5VZjIHO6po-00053-00025732-00026026 I took an Americano coffee Y5VZjIHO6po-00054-00026026-00026512 let's see how the shooting proceeds Y5VZjIHO6po-00055-00026572-00026942 perfect! Fabian did teach her how to spin perfectly! Y5VZjIHO6po-00056-00027154-00027436 it looks like she does nothing else than spinning for her whole life Y5VZjIHO6po-00057-00027992-00028556 ok guys this is todays look Y5VZjIHO6po-00058-00029360-00029560 (my camera is on frame! -.-) Y5VZjIHO6po-00059-00029560-00029760 (I took it out with style) Y5VZjIHO6po-00060-00030754-00031316 here we have Kumiko that appears in my MV Y5VZjIHO6po-00061-00033174-00033764 I took something fast to eat from Starbucks Y5VZjIHO6po-00062-00033782-00034054 we have a sandwich, some yoghurt Y5VZjIHO6po-00063-00034054-00034578 and this pasta - salad Y5VZjIHO6po-00064-00034578-00034892 she's eating the sandwich Y5VZjIHO6po-00065-00035196-00035436 I told her that tomorrow I'm going to Italy Y5VZjIHO6po-00066-00035666-00036132 now I will play the playstation, to play at Biohazard Y5VZjIHO6po-00067-00036294-00036734 it came out like 6 years ago, but finally I can try it! Y5VZjIHO6po-00068-00036960-00037308 ok, it's important not to be cringy Y5VZjIHO6po-00069-00037624-00038154 the scared thing about this is that I don't see anything (my hair, yes) Y5VZjIHO6po-00070-00038328-00038634 omg I feel like it's here! Y5VZjIHO6po-00071-00038808-00039062 it's not that scary actually! - let's wait Y5VZjIHO6po-00072-00039182-00039520 maybe if you turn off the lights Y5VZjIHO6po-00073-00039710-00040330 can you see something in the video? -yes and it's cool Y5VZjIHO6po-00074-00040488-00040794 guys I need to wait so long for the upload Y5VZjIHO6po-00075-00040794-00041046 -you look like one of daft punk Y5VZjIHO6po-00076-00041046-00041320 ok finally Y5VZjIHO6po-00077-00041450-00041726 I feel like being inside Y5VZjIHO6po-00078-00042532-00042814 -shoot Y5VZjIHO6po-00079-00042938-00043376 I don't have any bullets! Y5VZjIHO6po-00080-00043376-00043504 -run away! Y5VZjIHO6po-00081-00043504-00043764 now also a japanese girl will try it! Y5VZjIHO6po-00082-00044526-00044770 go on the stairs! Y5VZjIHO6po-00083-00045254-00045564 (tell everyone your instagram!) Y5VZjIHO6po-00084-00048192-00048720 I just finished to play at Biohazard, but well I started from a random level Y5VZjIHO6po-00085-00048750-00048930 so I didn't understood where I was Y5VZjIHO6po-00086-00049224-00049640 I went on opening doors, an old person that chased me Y5VZjIHO6po-00087-00049640-00049990 it's not so different from my daily life Y5VZjIHO6po-00088-00050200-00050654 well, it looks interesting, but I think you should play it from the beginning Y5VZjIHO6po-00089-00050654-00051042 I actually didn't know where to go Y5VZjIHO6po-00090-00051042-00051328 graphics were ok, I liked them Y5VZjIHO6po-00091-00051414-00051740 how was I while playing? -anxiety Y5VZjIHO6po-00092-00051740-00052004 anxiety? where you afraid? Y5VZjIHO6po-00093-00052004-00052079 -no! Y5VZjIHO6po-00094-00052079-00052444 well, it's not that scary! - it depends where you are in the story Y5VZjIHO6po-00095-00052848-00053260 -there is a piece of the story, where you are having dinner with the family Y5VZjIHO6po-00096-00053260-00053717 a cannibal family that gives you human flesh Y5VZjIHO6po-00097-00053717-00053817 that's a bit scary Y5VZjIHO6po-00098-00053870-00054040 well, ok, positive review! Y5VZjIHO6po-00099-00054040-00054279 ok now I will show you a bit of the tokyo tower! Y5VZjIHO6po-00100-00054279-00054679 I can't imagine that I'm going away from Japan Y5VZjIHO6po-00101-00054690-00055198 I will return, but this year I go a little here and there Y5VZjIHO6po-00102-00055198-00055452 Isn't this place beautiful? Y5VZjIHO6po-00103-00055452-00055800 I tooked the last pictures with yukkua! Y5VZjIHO6po-00104-00056090-00056386 let's see how they turned out Y5VZjIHO6po-00105-00056386-00056684 I will show them to you ... Y5VZjIHO6po-00106-00056954-00057224 In this one I look a bit devilish Y5VZjIHO6po-00107-00057224-00057428 ok, see ya! Y5VZjIHO6po-00108-00057636-00058040 well, after all these shootings I deserve a good Hamburger! Y5VZjIHO6po-00109-00058412-00058544 I'm a bit sad Y5VZjIHO6po-00110-00058544-00059014 I'm hungry! so I eat 2 hamburgers and french fries Y5VZjIHO6po-00111-00059302-00060504 I know that I will return back, but everytime that I leave, I'm sad! especially leaving all my japanese friends here... Y5VZjIHO6po-00112-00060504-00060926 I miss also my italian friends, that I can't wait to see, but before leaving a place I'm always like this! Y5VZjIHO6po-00113-00060972-00061282 I know it sounds strange, anyway enjoy your meal! Y5VZjIHO6po-00114-00061282-00061734 It's better that I stop doing this vlog... Y5VZjIHO6po-00115-00061734-00062104 las't shopping in a combini! I can't believe it! Y5VZjIHO6po-00116-00062210-00062379 I took also a One Piece egg Y5VZjIHO6po-00117-00062379-00062874 I already feel nostalgic walking on this bridge! Y5VZjIHO6po-00118-00063336-00063790 last coffee in Japan! Last natto in Japan! Y5VZjIHO6po-00119-00063790-00063970 last mixed natto in Japan! Y5VZjIHO6po-00120-00063970-00064208 last rice in Japan! Y5VZjIHO6po-00121-00064208-00064605 last seaweed in Japan! last salmon in Japan! Y5VZjIHO6po-00122-00064640-00064904 last taxi in Japan! Y5VZjIHO6po-00123-00064904-00065062 I arrived at the airport Y5VZjIHO6po-00124-00065091-00065404 I will be back! as you can see! Y5VZjIHO6po-00125-00065404-00065732 Ok, I arrived in Russia| Y5VZjIHO6po-00126-00065748-00066190 I have to wait for the next flight, that brings me to Venice Y5VZjIHO6po-00127-00066228-00066564 so I'm returning! the flight lasted 1 hours Y5VZjIHO6po-00128-00066564-00066818 it was long, but ok Y5VZjIHO6po-00129-00066884-00067422 I also met a girl on the flight...maybe we see each other in Italy! Y5VZjIHO6po-00130-00069096-00069398 tired, but I arrived in Italy! Y5VZjIHO6po-00131-00069398-00069724 I'm in the Marco Polo airport in Venice Y5VZjIHO6po-00132-00069724-00070150 thanks for watching! see ya in the next video! Y5VZjIHO6po-00133-00070150-00070582 I remember you that you can find Seba's music on most digital stores! Y5VZjIHO6po-00134-00070586-00070892 and if you like follow him on instagram! he posts a lot of interesting things... Y8jQdQejN84-00000-00000056-00000664 years ago i noticed that muslims around the world were asking the exact same question in exactly the Y8jQdQejN84-00001-00000664-00001216 same words i would go to california and a muslim would ask me where did jesus say i am god worship Y8jQdQejN84-00002-00001216-00001816 me i'd go to london and a muslim would ask me where did jesus say i am god worship me i get Y8jQdQejN84-00003-00001816-00002416 messages from muslims in pakistan and indonesia saying where did jesus say i am god worship me Y8jQdQejN84-00004-00002512-00003112 so it was clear that muslims were being trained to ask christians where did jesus say i am god Y8jQdQejN84-00005-00003112-00003704 worship me and if you watch some lectures by muslim apologists you can see them telling muslims Y8jQdQejN84-00006-00003704-00004544 to ask this question now before we continue let me ask you where did jesus say i am god worship me Y8jQdQejN84-00007-00004744-00005232 if some of the classic proof texts for the deity of christ are popping into your head you're going Y8jQdQejN84-00008-00005232-00005816 to run into a problem because if a muslim asks where did jesus say i am god worship me Y8jQdQejN84-00009-00005816-00006431 and you reply by showing that jesus claimed to be the i am of the exodus that same muslim has also Y8jQdQejN84-00010-00006431-00007223 been trained to say no i asked you where he said i am god worship me in those words you see muslims Y8jQdQejN84-00011-00007223-00007776 aren't being trained simply to ask the question they're being trained to demand exact words Y8jQdQejN84-00012-00007840-00008344 you christians say that jesus is god and that we're supposed to worship him if you can't show Y8jQdQejN84-00013-00008344-00008936 us where jesus said i am god worship me in those exact words you're clearly wrong about Y8jQdQejN84-00014-00008936-00009560 jesus so before you offer a case for the deity of christ you might need to deal with the exact words Y8jQdQejN84-00015-00009560-00010224 criterion which is a silly criterion in fact the easiest way to get past the exact words criterion Y8jQdQejN84-00016-00010224-00010776 is to flip it back on whoever's using it for instance you can say i'd be happy to show you Y8jQdQejN84-00017-00010776-00011408 where jesus said i am god worship me as soon as you show me where he said i'm only a prophet don't Y8jQdQejN84-00018-00011408-00011968 worship me in those exact words no other words i want just the words i'm only a prophet don't Y8jQdQejN84-00019-00011968-00012584 worship me that's what muslims believe about jesus right well if you can't show me those exact words Y8jQdQejN84-00020-00012584-00013240 the islamic view of jesus must be false or you can say show me where jesus said i am the virgin born Y8jQdQejN84-00021-00013240-00013808 son of mary in those exact words you can use the bible or the quran but i want those exact words or Y8jQdQejN84-00022-00013808-00014512 islam is false this will help show that demanding specific words is absurd the fact that so many Y8jQdQejN84-00023-00014512-00015080 muslims use this approach an approach that if applied consistently could be used against islam Y8jQdQejN84-00024-00015080-00015552 strongly suggests that islamic apologetics isn't meant to get people to the truth Y8jQdQejN84-00025-00015552-00016216 it's meant to confuse once we get past the exact words criterion we can ask a much more reasonable Y8jQdQejN84-00026-00016216-00016808 question where and how did jesus claim to be god and here we can look at all kinds of Y8jQdQejN84-00027-00016808-00017392 interesting passages but when you start going through these passages with your muslim friends Y8jQdQejN84-00028-00017392-00018064 you're going to run into a second problem reinterpretation if someone believes that Y8jQdQejN84-00029-00018064-00018584 jesus never claimed to be god and you show him a passage where jesus claimed to be god there's Y8jQdQejN84-00030-00018584-00019168 a tendency for him to reinterpret any claims that conflict with what he already believes about jesus Y8jQdQejN84-00031-00019248-00019696 fortunately there's a way to block reinterpretations of some of these passages Y8jQdQejN84-00032-00019696-00020200 because according to both the bible and the quran there are certain claims that only Y8jQdQejN84-00033-00020200-00020848 god can truly make for instance god alone can correctly state that he created the universe Y8jQdQejN84-00034-00020848-00021320 a mere human being can say the words i created the universe but the statement would be false Y8jQdQejN84-00035-00021320-00021968 coming from anyone other than god so if jesus said things that can only truly be said by god Y8jQdQejN84-00036-00021968-00022632 we have to conclude that jesus claimed to be god interestingly jews christians and muslims agree Y8jQdQejN84-00037-00022632-00023048 on many of the claims that can only truly be made by god let's look at a few Y8jQdQejN84-00038-00023584-00024264 surah 57 verse 3 of the quran refers to allah as the first and the last the first then the last are Y8jQdQejN84-00039-00024264-00024960 two of allah's 99 names the old testament agrees that god is the first and the last as we read in Y8jQdQejN84-00040-00024960-00025632 the book of the prophet isaiah chapter 44 verse 6 thus says the lord the king of israel and his Y8jQdQejN84-00041-00025632-00026280 redeemer the lord of hosts i am the first and i am the last and there is no god besides me Y8jQdQejN84-00042-00026376-00026960 when lord is written in all caps in the old testament the term refers to yahweh the creator of Y8jQdQejN84-00043-00026960-00027648 the universe so both the bible and the quran refer to god as the first and the last since the first Y8jQdQejN84-00044-00027648-00028183 and the last is one of god's titles should a mere prophet be calling himself the first and the last Y8jQdQejN84-00045-00028256-00028920 that's exactly what jesus does in revelation chapter 1 verses 17 to 18 where he says do not Y8jQdQejN84-00046-00028920-00029480 be afraid i am the first and the last and the living one and i was dead and behold i am alive Y8jQdQejN84-00047-00029480-00030224 forevermore and i have the keys of death and of hades reinterpret that one muslims tell me what Y8jQdQejN84-00048-00030224-00030983 jesus really meant when he took a title which can only be applied to god and applied it to himself Y8jQdQejN84-00049-00031295-00031824 human beings sin against one another but there's a sense in which all sin is rebellion Y8jQdQejN84-00050-00031824-00032368 against god similarly even though you and i may forgive one another for the wrongs we commit Y8jQdQejN84-00051-00032368-00033008 only god can offer ultimate forgiveness so the prophet david could say to god in psalm 51 verse 4 Y8jQdQejN84-00052-00033008-00033584 against you you only i have sinned and done what is evil in your sight the quran agrees Y8jQdQejN84-00053-00033584-00034336 that ultimate forgiveness belongs to god alone for it asks in surah 3 135 and who can forgive sins Y8jQdQejN84-00054-00034336-00034976 except allah now if allah according to the quran is the only one who can offer true forgiveness Y8jQdQejN84-00055-00034976-00035544 should a mere prophet claimed to be able to forgive sins in mark 2 a paralyzed man Y8jQdQejN84-00056-00035544-00036112 is brought to jesus in order to be healed jesus response causes the religious leaders to accuse Y8jQdQejN84-00057-00036112-00036848 him of blasphemy we read in verses 5 through 12 and jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic Y8jQdQejN84-00058-00036848-00037384 son your sins are forgiven but some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts Y8jQdQejN84-00059-00037384-00038008 why does this man speak that way he is blaspheming who can forgive sins but god alone immediately Y8jQdQejN84-00060-00038008-00038528 jesus aware in his spirit that they were reasoning that way within themselves said to them why are Y8jQdQejN84-00061-00038528-00039048 you reasoning about these things in your hearts which is easier to say to the paralytic your Y8jQdQejN84-00062-00039048-00039624 sins are forgiven or to say get up and pick up your palate and walk but so that you may Y8jQdQejN84-00063-00039624-00040272 know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins he said to the paralytic i say to you Y8jQdQejN84-00064-00040272-00040800 get up pick up your palate and go home and he got up and immediately picked up the pallet and went Y8jQdQejN84-00065-00040800-00041344 out in the sight of everyone so that they were all amazed and were glorifying god saying we Y8jQdQejN84-00066-00041344-00042056 have never seen anything like this the scribes correctly recognized that only god can forgive Y8jQdQejN84-00067-00042056-00042664 sins yet jesus who referred to himself as the son of man knowing their thoughts replied that Y8jQdQejN84-00068-00042664-00043176 the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins he then healed the paralytic proving that Y8jQdQejN84-00069-00043176-00043792 he has authority to forgive our sins something the quran says only allah has authority to do Y8jQdQejN84-00070-00044344-00044920 in chapter 3 of the book of the prophet joel god declares that the nations will be gathered Y8jQdQejN84-00071-00044920-00045520 and that he will sit to judge all the surrounding nations according to the prophet david in psalm 9 Y8jQdQejN84-00072-00045520-00046104 verses 7 to 8 the lord abides forever he has established his throne for judgment and he Y8jQdQejN84-00073-00046104-00046928 will judge the world in righteousness the quran in surah 22 verses 56 to 57 maintains that allah will Y8jQdQejN84-00074-00046928-00047480 judge the world rewarding believers and punishing unbelievers the kingdom on that day shall be Y8jQdQejN84-00075-00047480-00048072 allah's he will judge between them so those who believe and do good will be in gardens of bliss Y8jQdQejN84-00076-00048072-00048560 and as for those who disbelieve in and reject our communications these it is who shall have a Y8jQdQejN84-00077-00048560-00049240 disgraceful chastisement since god is the final judge according to both the bible and the quran Y8jQdQejN84-00078-00049240-00049832 would a mere prophet ever claim to be the final judge of all people certainly not but that's Y8jQdQejN84-00079-00049832-00050584 what jesus claims in matthew 25 where he says in verses 31 to 32 but when the son of man comes in Y8jQdQejN84-00080-00050584-00051216 his glory and all the angels with him then he will sit on his glorious throne all the nations will be Y8jQdQejN84-00081-00051216-00051784 gathered before him and he will separate them from one another as the shepherd separates the sheep Y8jQdQejN84-00082-00051784-00052455 from the goats jesus goes on to say that he will admit certain people to heaven and cast others Y8jQdQejN84-00083-00052455-00053384 into hell isn't this something only god can do why would a mere prophet say something like that Y8jQdQejN84-00084-00053776-00054472 in psalm 31 verse 5 the prophet david refers to god as the god of truth according to surah Y8jQdQejN84-00085-00054472-00055112 22 verse 6 of the quran allah is the truth the truth al-haq like the first and the last Y8jQdQejN84-00086-00055112-00055679 is one of allah's 99 names knowing that god refers to himself as the truth Y8jQdQejN84-00087-00055679-00056384 would a prophet ever call himself the truth jesus does in john 14 verse 6 where he says Y8jQdQejN84-00088-00056384-00056896 i am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father but through me Y8jQdQejN84-00089-00057000-00057584 don't you muslims find it strange that jesus keeps applying the names of god to himself Y8jQdQejN84-00090-00058088-00058664 the bible and the quran agree that god is the one who will raise the dead according to first samuel Y8jQdQejN84-00091-00058664-00059584 2 verse 6 the lord kills and makes alive he brings down to sheol and raises up similarly in surah 22 Y8jQdQejN84-00092-00059584-00060344 verse 7 the quran says that allah shall raise up those who are in the graves since god is the one Y8jQdQejN84-00093-00060344-00060904 who raises the dead at the resurrection would we ever expect a mere prophet to tell his followers Y8jQdQejN84-00094-00060904-00061736 that he will resurrect the dead in john 5 verses 25 through 29 jesus says truly truly i say to you Y8jQdQejN84-00095-00061736-00062279 an hour is coming and now is when the dead will hear the voice of the son of god and those who Y8jQdQejN84-00096-00062279-00062855 hear will live for just as the father has life in himself even so he gave to the son also to Y8jQdQejN84-00097-00062855-00063472 have life in himself and he gave him authority to execute judgment because he is the son of man Y8jQdQejN84-00098-00063472-00063976 do not marvel at this for an hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs will hear his voice Y8jQdQejN84-00099-00063976-00064416 and will come forth those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life Y8jQdQejN84-00100-00064416-00065064 those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment in john 11 Y8jQdQejN84-00101-00065064-00065704 25 jesus even calls himself the resurrection he declares i am the resurrection and the life Y8jQdQejN84-00102-00065704-00066504 he who believes in me will live even if he dies if jesus is only a prophet wouldn't this be blasphemy Y8jQdQejN84-00103-00067064-00067728 the quran tells us in surah 57 verse 1 that whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares Y8jQdQejN84-00104-00067728-00068368 the glory of allah in the old testament we find that god will not share his glory Y8jQdQejN84-00105-00068368-00069144 with anyone god says in isaiah 42 verse 8 i am the lord that is my name i will not give my glory Y8jQdQejN84-00106-00069144-00069728 to another clearly no prophet is going to say that he will be glorified with god Y8jQdQejN84-00107-00069728-00070096 let alone that he had glory with god before the world was created Y8jQdQejN84-00108-00070152-00070808 but in john 17 verse 5 jesus says now father glorify me together with yourself Y8jQdQejN84-00109-00070808-00071584 with the glory which i had with you before the world was is this the sort of thing prophets say Y8jQdQejN84-00110-00072088-00072784 in mark 2 28 jesus calls himself the lord of the sabbath in matthew 22 41-45 he proves that Y8jQdQejN84-00111-00072784-00073320 he is the lord of the prophet david in john 8 39-58 jesus says that he has seen Y8jQdQejN84-00112-00073320-00073880 the prophet abraham in matthew 12 6 jesus claims to be greater than god's temple Y8jQdQejN84-00113-00073944-00074552 jesus tells us that he has an absolutely unique relationship with the father that he can answer Y8jQdQejN84-00114-00074552-00075136 prayers that he is present wherever his followers are gathered that he has all authority in heaven Y8jQdQejN84-00115-00075136-00075712 and on earth and that he is with his followers forever he even makes the startling declaration Y8jQdQejN84-00116-00075712-00076392 that all things that the father has are mine according to jesus all people must honor him Y8jQdQejN84-00117-00076392-00077080 just as we honor the father he says in john 5 verses 21 to 23 for just as the father raises Y8jQdQejN84-00118-00077080-00077624 the dead and gives them life even so the son also gives life to whom he wishes for not even the Y8jQdQejN84-00119-00077624-00078240 father judges anyone but he has given all judgment to the son so that all will honor the son even Y8jQdQejN84-00120-00078240-00078744 as they honor the father he who does not honor the son does not honor the father who sent him Y8jQdQejN84-00121-00078880-00079456 since one of the ways we honor the father is by worshiping him and since jesus says that we Y8jQdQejN84-00122-00079456-00080080 have to honor the son the same way we honor the father jesus was demanding worship it should come Y8jQdQejN84-00123-00080080-00080632 as no surprise that jesus followers worshiped him on numerous occasions the gospel tells us Y8jQdQejN84-00124-00080632-00081144 that jesus was worshiped shortly after his birth during his ministry after his resurrection but Y8jQdQejN84-00125-00081144-00081728 before his ascension to heaven and after his ascension to heaven jesus disciple thomas even Y8jQdQejN84-00126-00081728-00082680 addressed him in john 20 verse 28 as my lord and my god so where did jesus say i am god worship me Y8jQdQejN84-00127-00082736-00083368 as we've seen jesus claimed to be the first then the last the forgiver of sins the final judge the Y8jQdQejN84-00128-00083368-00083888 truth and the resurrection jesus proclaimed that he had glory with the father before the world was Y8jQdQejN84-00129-00083888-00084400 created that he is the lord of the sabbath and of king david that he had seen abraham Y8jQdQejN84-00130-00084400-00084960 and that he is greater than god's temple jesus has a unique relationship with the father Y8jQdQejN84-00131-00084960-00085464 he can answer prayers he is with his followers no matter where they are he has total authority Y8jQdQejN84-00132-00085464-00085936 on earth and in heaven he is with his followers forever and he owns everything Y8jQdQejN84-00133-00085936-00086456 jesus even demanded that he be honored just as the father has honored and this includes worship Y8jQdQejN84-00134-00086560-00087152 these are not the claims of a mere human being they're not even the claims of a mighty prophet Y8jQdQejN84-00135-00087272-00087984 these are claims only god can truly make and this is why christians believe that jesus is god Y8jQdQejN84-00136-00088128-00088656 since there's just too much to reinterpret here if you want to claim that jesus was only a prophet Y8jQdQejN84-00137-00088656-00089264 our muslim friends will now have to insist that the bible's been corrupted unfortunately for our Y8jQdQejN84-00138-00089264-00089800 muslim friends i made this video proving that the quran affirms the inspiration Y8jQdQejN84-00139-00089800-00090328 preservation and authority of our scriptures click the video to see allah commanding christians Y8jQdQejN84-00140-00090328-00090872 to judge by the scriptures we have and you'll understand that because the scriptures we have Y8jQdQejN84-00141-00090872-00091736 proclaimed the deity of christ in numerous ways we can't obey the quran without rejecting the koran Y9d4ula4-fy-00000-00001950-00002600 Maker sure wireless dongle is inserted to USB slot on the projector. Y9d4ula4-fy-00001-00002650-00003300 Press source button on projector or remote. Y9d4ula4-fy-00002-00003350-00004000 Select "Network Display" and press enter. Y9d4ula4-fy-00003-00004050-00004700 Network display page shows. You can find SSID on the screen. Y9d4ula4-fy-00004-00004750-00005400 Connect your computer to the SSID of the projector with WiFi. Y9d4ula4-fy-00005-00005450-00006100 You can find the IP address on the screen. Y9d4ula4-fy-00006-00006150-00006800 Open browser and input the IP of the projector to enter web control page. Y9d4ula4-fy-00007-00006850-00007500 Select wireless LAN page and you can find the projector name on the first row. Y9d4ula4-fy-00008-00007550-00008200 Change the projector name you desire and click "Apply". Y9d4ula4-fy-00009-00008250-00008900 You will find the projector name changed on screen. YvDCTc6XatQ-00000-00000082-00000372 boludeces that I mention before starting YvDCTc6XatQ-00004-00001160-00001448 we started with the video YvDCTc6XatQ-00006-00001734-00002054 Hi, how are you? welcome to another tutorial of dimar transmitters and antennas YvDCTc6XatQ-00007-00002054-00002196 we begin by thanking the following people YvDCTc6XatQ-00012-00003572-00003890 consider the following YvDCTc6XatQ-00013-00003890-00004092 they are carrying out simple consultations, which use complex answers YvDCTc6XatQ-00015-00004463-00004787 Check if you can add 3 m31 power modules YvDCTc6XatQ-00016-00004787-00005080 fm 250 or 300 watts YvDCTc6XatQ-00017-00005080-00005386 Yes you can YvDCTc6XatQ-00019-00005708-00006014 5/6/7 modules can also be added depending on whether or not you have the correct adder YvDCTc6XatQ-00020-00006014-00006318 they consult me ​​about calculation of enfasadores, stubs YvDCTc6XatQ-00022-00006609-00007098 they ask me if a linear of fm can be used as linear power of a tv transmitter YvDCTc6XatQ-00025-00007444-00007724 channel 2 / 6 YvDCTc6XatQ-00026-00007724-00008138 power can be but only amplify the audio not the video YvDCTc6XatQ-00028-00008280-00008554 people who ask me why I change the m31 filter for a high-q filter YvDCTc6XatQ-00029-00008556-00008840 unfortunately the answer is not only technical YvDCTc6XatQ-00030-00008840-00009134 If not, that is also a legal part YvDCTc6XatQ-00032-00009420-00009692 I have hairy queries too YvDCTc6XatQ-00034-00009970-00010272 they ask me the following: YvDCTc6XatQ-00035-00010272-00010567 If I fall to my radio the national communications agency YvDCTc6XatQ-00036-00010568-00010835 (Logically, the national communications entity has already fallen) YvDCTc6XatQ-00037-00010836-00011128 and it requires me to turn off the transmitting equipment YvDCTc6XatQ-00038-00011128-00011410 because I'm interfering with the airport YvDCTc6XatQ-00039-00011420-00011724 and when the national communications agency leaves I turn on the fm transmitter again and left it on YvDCTc6XatQ-00040-00011724-00012014 you're on the way to confiscation YvDCTc6XatQ-00041-00012014-00012327 and possibly also a prisoner YvDCTc6XatQ-00042-00012327-00012573 that's the answer to that question basically YvDCTc6XatQ-00043-00012573-00012873 I'm not laughing at the person who asked YvDCTc6XatQ-00044-00012873-00013186 I laugh with the person who asked YvDCTc6XatQ-00046-00013462-00013768 is more or less like asking what happens if traffic with people YvDCTc6XatQ-00047-00013786-00014078 you are going to go prisoner YvDCTc6XatQ-00049-00014372-00014678 consult about the setting of the advanced processor YvDCTc6XatQ-00050-00014678-00014979 consult about the setting of the audio processor max YvDCTc6XatQ-00051-00014979-00015284 He spoke fast to not make the video so long YvDCTc6XatQ-00053-00015530-00015832 consult why we use analog audio processors and not programs for pc between the exciter and the console YvDCTc6XatQ-00056-00016378-00016675 Many questions I thank you YvDCTc6XatQ-00057-00016676-00016932 I will answer them all but if they pay attention to each question of those YvDCTc6XatQ-00058-00016932-00017432 you need a video because it carries a complex answer YvDCTc6XatQ-00060-00017482-00017788 well well now I'm going to leave you with the video YvDCTc6XatQ-00062-00018084-00018388 with an old team from the microplus line YvDCTc6XatQ-00065-00019280-00019592 keep in mind that it is a video remember YvDCTc6XatQ-00067-00019868-00020134 but that the teams are fascinating YvDCTc6XatQ-00070-00020696-00020966 whoever owns them and can avoid selling them to stay YvDCTc6XatQ-00074-00021822-00022126 enough words we go to the video YvDCTc6XatQ-00085-00024918-00025436 the one that has these equipment that does not sell it because they have a ford falcon in the garage YvDCTc6XatQ-00089-00026294-00026639 well we have the 200 watts team YvDCTc6XatQ-00090-00026650-00027000 wattmeter with bird plug 2500 watts YvDCTc6XatQ-00091-00027027-00027142 indicating 2200 watts YvDCTc6XatQ-00092-00027274-00027482 2500 watt bird ghost load YvDCTc6XatQ-00093-00027589-00028098 media cable with mechanical adder YvDCTc6XatQ-00095-00028174-00028526 three power modules YvDCTc6XatQ-00096-00028558-00028912 with internal harmonics filter in each equipment YvDCTc6XatQ-00097-00029016-00029410 delivering drainage currents between 19 and 22 amperes YvDCTc6XatQ-00099-00029712-00029994 fans at 15% of its performance YvDCTc6XatQ-00100-00030106-00030466 room temperature 25 degrees centigrade YvDCTc6XatQ-00101-00030526-00030714 and the exitador logically YvDCTc6XatQ-00102-00030782-00031322 we are going to perform a direct short circuit in the cavity YvDCTc6XatQ-00103-00031354-00031492 this is the big difference between this team to "others" YvDCTc6XatQ-00104-00031520-00031826 and these other transistors YvDCTc6XatQ-00107-00032202-00032380 now I'm going to make a short YvDCTc6XatQ-00108-00032686-00033062 Teams jumped due to excess swr YvDCTc6XatQ-00109-00033120-00033220 replenish YvDCTc6XatQ-00110-00033306-00033492 it's still running 2200 watts YvDCTc6XatQ-00112-00033820-00033954 now let's measure the reflected peak YvDCTc6XatQ-00114-00034276-00034422 skip the protections YvDCTc6XatQ-00115-00034602-00034756 and the service is restored YvDCTc6XatQ-00116-00034858-00035046 let's try to make a larger arch YvDCTc6XatQ-00117-00035766-00036140 you can not automatically skip the protection YvDCTc6XatQ-00118-00036248-00036526 there reestablishes again YvDCTc6XatQ-00120-00036708-00037090 to raise or lower the power is done from here YvDCTc6XatQ-00121-00037090-00037676 inside the exciter there is a preset and now I am going to lower the power YvDCTc6XatQ-00122-00037698-00037954 1000 watts for example YvDCTc6XatQ-00123-00037990-00038090 500w YvDCTc6XatQ-00124-00038138-00038266 250w YvDCTc6XatQ-00125-00038322-00038488 there I go back to 2200 watts YvDCTc6XatQ-00126-00038788-00038924 preset to the maximum YvWDGvuIdRg-00000-00000000-00000600 Anatolian Shepherd Dogs, also known as Karabash or Anatolian Karabash, are a large, YvWDGvuIdRg-00001-00000600-00001200 muscular breed of working dog originally from Anatolia, Turkey. These dogs were bred to protect YvWDGvuIdRg-00002-00001200-00001716 livestock from predators, particularly wolves and bears, and have a strong protective instinct. YvWDGvuIdRg-00003-00001716-00002244 Anatolian Shepherds are typically between 27 and 29 inches tall at the shoulder, YvWDGvuIdRg-00004-00002244-00002880 and they can weigh up to 150 pounds. They have a thick, dense coat that can be fawn, brindle, YvWDGvuIdRg-00005-00002880-00003402 or white. These dogs have a broad head with a powerful jaw and strong, muscular necks. YvWDGvuIdRg-00006-00003402-00004032 As a working breed, Anatolian Shepherds require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. They need YvWDGvuIdRg-00007-00004032-00004494 a large yard to run around in and plenty of toys to keep them occupied. These dogs YvWDGvuIdRg-00008-00004494-00004950 also need plenty of socialization from an early age to ensure that they don't become YvWDGvuIdRg-00009-00004950-00005472 aggressive towards strangers or other dogs. Despite their size, Anatolian Shepherds YvWDGvuIdRg-00010-00005472-00006000 are gentle and loyal dogs. They are fiercely protective of their families and their territory, YvWDGvuIdRg-00011-00006000-00006450 and will not hesitate to defend them if necessary. They are also intelligent and YvWDGvuIdRg-00012-00006450-00006900 independent dogs that can be trained to do a variety of tasks, including guarding, YvWDGvuIdRg-00013-00006900-00007380 herding, and search and rescue work. Anatolian Shepherds are generally healthy dogs, YvWDGvuIdRg-00014-00007380-00007866 but they can be prone to certain health issues, including hip dysplasia, bloat, YvWDGvuIdRg-00015-00007866-00008376 and eye problems. Regular visits to the veterinarian, a healthy diet, and plenty YvWDGvuIdRg-00016-00008376-00008898 of exercise can help keep these dogs healthy. In terms of grooming, Anatolian Shepherds YvWDGvuIdRg-00017-00008898-00009330 are relatively low-maintenance. They have a thick coat that sheds heavily twice a year, YvWDGvuIdRg-00018-00009330-00009726 but otherwise only requires occasional brushing to keep it looking its best. YvWDGvuIdRg-00019-00009726-00010092 If you're considering bringing an Anatolian Shepherd into your home, YvWDGvuIdRg-00020-00010092-00010620 it's important to remember that these dogs are working dogs at heart. They need plenty of space, YvWDGvuIdRg-00021-00010620-00011124 exercise, and mental stimulation to be happy and healthy. They also require a YvWDGvuIdRg-00022-00011124-00011610 firm but gentle hand when it comes to training, as they can be independent and stubborn at times. YvWDGvuIdRg-00023-00011610-00012174 Overall, the Anatolian Shepherd is a loyal and intelligent breed that makes a great addition YvWDGvuIdRg-00024-00012174-00012642 to any family that can provide the space, exercise, and training that they require. YxBUuo_jFS0-00000-00000035-00000525 Here's the second part of the unit circle. Now we're going to look at the YxBUuo_jFS0-00001-00000525-00001067 points x comma y, along the unit circle, along that circumference of the unit YxBUuo_jFS0-00002-00001067-00001480 circle. Okay, here's where we left off last time. We have our unit circle YxBUuo_jFS0-00003-00001480-00002060 populated with our degrees, and our radians for our critical angles. Well now you've YxBUuo_jFS0-00004-00002060-00002757 noticed in the key, I have coordinates cosine of theta, and sine of theta. What YxBUuo_jFS0-00005-00002757-00003360 does that mean? Well if you remember from a previous lecture, on a unit circle, we YxBUuo_jFS0-00006-00003360-00003870 found that the sine of theta, was equal to the side opposite over the hypotenuse, YxBUuo_jFS0-00007-00003870-00004719 or y over 1 or just y. And then cosine of that angle theta, was equal to x. Well, YxBUuo_jFS0-00008-00004719-00005439 in terms of x comma y then, instead of writing that point as x comma y, I can YxBUuo_jFS0-00009-00005439-00006080 write it as, cosine theta, sine theta. Notice cosine comes first and then sine, YxBUuo_jFS0-00010-00006080-00006843 that sometimes confuses students. So, if I go back to my large unit circle, and if i YxBUuo_jFS0-00011-00006843-00007622 look at my first point at angle 0, well at that point, x is equal to, well x YxBUuo_jFS0-00012-00007622-00008156 is equal to 1. We've said that this is a unit circle so it's radius is 1, but YxBUuo_jFS0-00013-00008156-00008868 the y value, well that's 0. So that is simply the point, 1 comma 0. So that tells YxBUuo_jFS0-00014-00008868-00009579 us the cosine of 0 degrees, is equal to 1, and the sine of 0 degrees is equal to 0. YxBUuo_jFS0-00015-00009579-00009997 We'll be using this when it comes to graphing our trig functions later on. YxBUuo_jFS0-00016-00009997-00010581 Well let's do our other three easy angles. At 90 degrees, well that point is YxBUuo_jFS0-00017-00010581-00011552 0 comma 1, x is equal to 0 and y is equal to 1. At 180 degrees, x is equal to negative 1, YxBUuo_jFS0-00018-00011552-00012234 and y is equal to 0, so that's the point negative 1 comma 0. At 270 YxBUuo_jFS0-00019-00012234-00012792 degrees, we have x equals 0, and y equals negative 1, so we have the point 0 comma YxBUuo_jFS0-00020-00012792-00013362 negative 1. Well, we can also, look at tangent YxBUuo_jFS0-00021-00013362-00013761 I'm only going to look at two different examples for tangent, because if we YxBUuo_jFS0-00022-00013761-00014340 remember tangent is just equal to, y divided by x. I don't also need a write YxBUuo_jFS0-00023-00014340-00014790 tangent since I already have things in terms of x and y, but let's do two YxBUuo_jFS0-00024-00014790-00015303 examples. Let's first of all look at the point 1 comma 0. If tangent of theta is YxBUuo_jFS0-00025-00015303-00016187 equal to y over x, then tangent of 0 degrees is just equal to 0 over 1, or 0. YxBUuo_jFS0-00026-00016187-00016862 Alright, let's look at 90 degrees. The tangent of 90 degrees, is, let's see YxBUuo_jFS0-00027-00016862-00017559 that's the point 0 comma 1, so x is 0, y is 1, so the tangent of 90 degrees would YxBUuo_jFS0-00028-00017559-00018390 be 1 divided by 0, and we're not allowed to divide by 0, so the tangent at 90 degrees is YxBUuo_jFS0-00029-00018390-00019001 actually undefined. Cosine and sine behave very nicely, however because YxBUuo_jFS0-00030-00019001-00019445 there's the possibility of dividing by 0, tangent you have to watch out for. YxBUuo_jFS0-00031-00019445-00019950 But as I said talking about this unit circle, we're only going to focus on sine YxBUuo_jFS0-00032-00019950-00020448 and cosine. Alright so we have our for easy angles. Now let's look at the angles YxBUuo_jFS0-00033-00020448-00021041 30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees. Let's start out with 45 degrees. YxBUuo_jFS0-00034-00021041-00021741 what are the x y coordinates for 45 degrees? That point x comma y, is just YxBUuo_jFS0-00035-00021741-00022440 cosine of 45 degrees comma, sine of 45 degrees. Well hopefully, you remember that YxBUuo_jFS0-00036-00022440-00022953 special angle I asked you to memorize. If you remember the 1, 1, square root of 2 YxBUuo_jFS0-00037-00022953-00023484 triangle, then you should remember the sine of 45 degrees is square root of 2 over 2, YxBUuo_jFS0-00038-00023484-00024035 as is the cosine of 45 degrees. So that means that point, would simply be YxBUuo_jFS0-00039-00024035-00024716 square root of 2 over 2, comma square root of 2 over 2. Alright 30 and 60 YxBUuo_jFS0-00040-00024716-00025163 degrees, that's the other special triangle I asked you to memorize. Let's YxBUuo_jFS0-00041-00025163-00025835 first look at 30 degrees. If I want my point x y, cosine of 30 degrees comma sine of YxBUuo_jFS0-00042-00025835-00026433 30 degrees, then I would have, square root of 3 over 2, that's the cosine of 30 YxBUuo_jFS0-00043-00026433-00026994 degrees, comma one half. If I go back to 60 degrees now, sine of YxBUuo_jFS0-00044-00026994-00027578 60 degrees is square root of 3 over 2, cosine of 60 degrees is one half, so in YxBUuo_jFS0-00045-00027578-00028158 terms of x and y, I'll have 60 degrees, that point being one half comma square YxBUuo_jFS0-00046-00028158-00028766 root of 3 over 2. Oh that was a lot of work for just one quadrant. Now I have to YxBUuo_jFS0-00047-00028766-00029208 worry about my other quadrants. Really the other quadrants aren't that YxBUuo_jFS0-00048-00029208-00029669 difficult once I remember whether or not the trig function is positive or YxBUuo_jFS0-00049-00029669-00030338 negative in that quadrant. For instance, let's take 135 degrees. That's an angle YxBUuo_jFS0-00050-00030338-00030947 with a reference angle, of 45 degrees. That means the sine of 135 degrees, and YxBUuo_jFS0-00051-00030947-00031466 the cosine of 135 degrees is just equal to the sine and cosine of 45 degrees, YxBUuo_jFS0-00052-00031466-00032114 after you take into account the sign. Well, in quadrant 2, sine is positive, and YxBUuo_jFS0-00053-00032114-00032747 cosine is negative. So if for 45 degrees I have square root of 2 over 2 comma YxBUuo_jFS0-00054-00032747-00033303 square root of 2 over 2, I'm going to expect 135 degrees to give me the point, YxBUuo_jFS0-00055-00033303-00033878 negative square root of 2 over 2, comma positive square root of 2 over 2. Cosine YxBUuo_jFS0-00056-00033878-00034368 is negative in this quadrant, and the sign is positive, and the same will go YxBUuo_jFS0-00057-00034368-00034986 for 120 degrees and 150 degrees. It's the same values as the first quadrant, but YxBUuo_jFS0-00058-00034986-00035597 the cosine is negative. In quadrant 3, both the sine and the cosine are YxBUuo_jFS0-00059-00035597-00036024 negative, so we simply use the same values, but both of them are negative YxBUuo_jFS0-00060-00036024-00036618 numbers now. For instance for 225 degrees, we have negative square root of 2 over 2, YxBUuo_jFS0-00061-00036618-00037378 and negative square root of 2 over 2. Quadrant 4, cosine is positive so the x term YxBUuo_jFS0-00062-00037378-00037928 will be positive, and the y term will be negative. Remember, being able to YxBUuo_jFS0-00063-00037928-00038382 quickly sketch this unit circle, will make doing your homework and taking YxBUuo_jFS0-00064-00038382-00038922 exams much much easier. First start off with the degrees, then fill in the YxBUuo_jFS0-00065-00038922-00039336 radians, then once you remember the trig functions for those two special YxBUuo_jFS0-00066-00039336-00039933 triangles, the 45-45-90 triangle, and the 30-60-90 triangle, you should be able to YxBUuo_jFS0-00067-00039933-00040269 quickly write down the x y value for all these YxBUuo_jFS0-00068-00040269-00040785 points on the unit circle. And that concludes talking about the unit circle. YxBUuo_jFS0-00069-00040785-00041444 We've now talked about finding the points x y along the unit circle. Yz0uhZENz9o-00000-00000282-00002138 Maybe I'll regret it when my hear goes into phases Yz0uhZENz9o-00001-00002138-00003234 Like I'm not in control Got no hand to hold Yz0uhZENz9o-00002-00003234-00003660 Slowly losing focus Can't get myself to call Yz0uhZENz9o-00003-00003660-00004559 I don't know where to go When I takes things slow, they just go so Yz0uhZENz9o-00004-00004559-00004659 fast I don't know when to hold Yz0uhZENz9o-00005-00004659-00004759 Onto feelings that I don't know will last Yz0uhZENz9o-00006-00004759-00006228 I don't know what you did but you make me feel Yz0uhZENz9o-00007-00006228-00007911 Some typa way just let me know You interested or not Yz0uhZENz9o-00008-00007911-00008098 Are you all alone Or should we just move on Yz0uhZENz9o-00009-00008098-00008589 Why, why'd you have to show up Its not like you can own up to things that Yz0uhZENz9o-00010-00008589-00009170 you did Why, why'd you have to show up Yz0uhZENz9o-00011-00009170-00009605 Its not like you can own up to things that you did Yz0uhZENz9o-00012-00009605-00009705 One they know, two we don't Feelings there, you shut the door Yz0uhZENz9o-00013-00009705-00009863 Lately I don't know, why you make my mind spin Yz0uhZENz9o-00014-00009863-00010468 Like I overdose Like an addict to the core Yz0uhZENz9o-00015-00010468-00010936 When I'm losing sleep, I'm rolling in the deep Yz0uhZENz9o-00016-00010936-00011732 I don't know what you did but you make me feel Yz0uhZENz9o-00017-00011732-00012720 Some typa way just let me know You interested or not Yz0uhZENz9o-00018-00012720-00014316 Are you all alone Or should we just move on Yz0uhZENz9o-00019-00014316-00015768 Why, why'd you have to show up Its not like you can own up to things that Yz0uhZENz9o-00020-00015768-00015868 you did Why, why'd you have to show up Yz0uhZENz9o-00021-00015868-00016290 Its not like you can own up to things that you did Yz0uhZENz9o-00022-00016290-00017146 I don't know where to go When I takes things slow, they just go so Yz0uhZENz9o-00023-00017146-00017324 fast I don't know when to hold Yz0uhZENz9o-00024-00017324-00017885 On to feeling that I don't know will last YzjvGqJzx0Q-00000-00000300-00000700 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on constructor overloading in java. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00001-00000800-00000900 In this tutorial we will learn YzjvGqJzx0Q-00002-00001000-00001200 what is constructor overloading YzjvGqJzx0Q-00003-00001300-00001500 And to overload constructor YzjvGqJzx0Q-00004-00001600-00002600 Here we are using Ubuntu version 11.10 OS Java Development kit 1.6 Eclipse 3.7.0 YzjvGqJzx0Q-00005-00002700-00002900 To follow this tutorial you must know YzjvGqJzx0Q-00006-00003000-00003300 how to create constructors in java using eclipse. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00007-00003400-00003900 If not, for relevant tutorials please visit our website which is as shown, (http://www.spoken-tutorial.org) YzjvGqJzx0Q-00008-00004000-00004200 What is constructor overloading? YzjvGqJzx0Q-00009-00004300-00004500 Define multiple constructors for a class. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00010-00004600-00004900 They must differ in number or types of parameters. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00011-00005000-00005300 Let us now see how to overload constructor. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00012-00005400-00006200 In eclipse, I have a class Student with two variables and a method. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00013-00006300-00006600 Let us first create a parameterized constructor. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00014-00006700-00008500 So type, Student within parentheses int number comma String the_name. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00015-00008600-00009700 Within curly brackets, type roll_number is equal to number. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00016-00009800-00010500 And name is equal to the_name YzjvGqJzx0Q-00017-00010600-00011000 So we have a constructor with two parameters. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00018-00011100-00011200 let us call this constructor. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00019-00011300-00012200 So in main method type new Student parentheses semi colon YzjvGqJzx0Q-00020-00012300-00012900 We see an error, it states that constructor Student is undefined. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00021-00013000-00013500 This is simply because we have defined a constructor with two parameters. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00022-00013600-00014100 And we are calling a constructor without parameters. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00023-00014200-00014400 So we need to pass arguments. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00024-00014500-00015200 So within parentheses type 22 comma in double quotes Ram. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00025-00015300-00015500 We see that the error is resolved. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00026-00015600-00015700 Let us call the method. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00027-00015800-00016400 So before new type Student s is equal to new student. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00028-00016500-00017200 Now using the object s we will call the method studentDetail() YzjvGqJzx0Q-00029-00017300-00017700 Save the program and Run. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00030-00017800-00018200 We see the output 22 and Ram. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00031-00018300-00018600 Now let us define a constructor with no parameter. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00032-00018700-00019100 So type, Student parentheses. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00033-00019200-00020000 Within curly brackets roll_number is equal to 0. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00034-00020100-00020900 And name is equal to in double quotes hyphen that is no name YzjvGqJzx0Q-00035-00021000-00021400 So now we can call the constructor with no parameters. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00036-00021500-00022600 So type Student s1 is equal to new Student parentheses semicolon. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00037-00022700-00023400 This time we see no error, since we have define a constructor without parameter YzjvGqJzx0Q-00038-00023500-00024000 Then s1 dot studentDetail. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00039-00024100-00024300 Save and Run the program. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00040-00024400-00025000 So in the output we see zero and dash when the default constructor is called. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00041-00025100-00025200 This is constructor overloading. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00042-00025300-00025600 We have two constructor with different parameter. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00043-00025700-00025900 Both the constructor obviously have same name. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00044-00026000-00026500 So depending on the type and number of parameter, the constructor is called. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00045-00026600-00026900 Let us see the advantage of constructor overloading. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00046-00027000-00027400 Suppose now call a constructor with two parameters. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00047-00027500-00029000 So type Student s3= new Student(); YzjvGqJzx0Q-00048-00029100-00029700 Now within parentheses, suppose i gave the name argument first and then the roll number. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00049-00029800-00029839 let see what happens. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00050-00029900-00030700 So in double quotes Raju comma 45 YzjvGqJzx0Q-00051-00030800-00031700 We see an error which states that the constructor student with the parameter String comma int is undefined. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00052-00031800-00032100 So let us define the constructor. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00053-00032200-00034100 So type Student within parentheses String the_name comma int r_no YzjvGqJzx0Q-00054-00034200-00035100 So over here first parameter is string and the second parameter is int' YzjvGqJzx0Q-00055-00035200-00036400 Then Within curly bracket, roll_number is equal to r_no. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00056-00036500-00037400 And name is equal to the_name. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00057-00037500-00037700 Save the program. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00058-00037800-00038100 Now we see that the error is resolved. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00059-00038200-00038300 Let us call the method. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00060-00038400-00038800 So s3 dot studentDetail. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00061-00038900-00039400 Save the program and Run YzjvGqJzx0Q-00062-00039500-00039900 So we see the output 45 and Raju YzjvGqJzx0Q-00063-00040000-00040200 So here we see that when we call the constructor. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00064-00040300-00040600 We do not have to worry about the parameters that we are passing. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00065-00040700-00041300 This is simply because we have define multiple constructor with different parameters. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00066-00041400-00041600 So the proper constructor is overloaded. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00067-00041700-00042100 We can therefore now define a constructor which takes only one parameter. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00068-00042200-00042400 That is roll number. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00069-00042500-00043500 So type Student within parentheses int num. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00070-00043600-00044400 within curly brackets roll_number is equalto num. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00071-00044500-00045200 And name is equal to no name. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00072-00045300-00046200 Now let us call this constructor YzjvGqJzx0Q-00073-00046300-00048300 So type Student s4 is equalto new Student this time we will pass an single argument. So let us pass 61 YzjvGqJzx0Q-00074-00048400-00048900 Then s4 dot studentDetail YzjvGqJzx0Q-00075-00049000-00049300 Save and Run the program YzjvGqJzx0Q-00076-00049400-00050000 So in the output we see the roll number as 61 and name as no name. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00077-00050100-00050600 As we can see, the proper overloaded constructor is called when new is executed. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00078-00050700-00051200 Based upon the parameters specified the proper constructor is overloaded. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00079-00051300-00051900 This is how constructor overloading is done. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00080-00052000-00052100 So in this tutorial, we have learnt YzjvGqJzx0Q-00081-00052200-00052400 About the constructor overloading. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00082-00052500-00052900 to overload constructor and the use of constructor overloading YzjvGqJzx0Q-00083-00053000-00053700 For self assessment, create multiple constructors for class Employeeand Overload the constructor. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00084-00053800-00053900 To know more about the Spoken Tutorial Project YzjvGqJzx0Q-00085-00054000-00054500 Watch the video available at http://spoken-tutorial.org/What_is_a_Spoken_Tutorial YzjvGqJzx0Q-00086-00054600-00054800 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project YzjvGqJzx0Q-00087-00054900-00055100 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it YzjvGqJzx0Q-00088-00055200-00055400 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team YzjvGqJzx0Q-00089-00055500-00055600 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials YzjvGqJzx0Q-00090-00055700-00055900 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test YzjvGqJzx0Q-00091-00056000-00056500 For more details, please write to contact@spoken-tutorial.org YzjvGqJzx0Q-00092-00056600-00056900 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project YzjvGqJzx0Q-00093-00057000-00057400 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India YzjvGqJzx0Q-00094-00057500-00058200 More information on this Mission is available at http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro YzjvGqJzx0Q-00095-00058300-00058500 This brings us to the end of the tutorial YzjvGqJzx0Q-00096-00058600-00058626 Thanks for joining. YzjvGqJzx0Q-00097-00058700-00059200 This is Prathamesh Salunke signing off. Jai Hind. Y_83k4q_qZc-00000-00000019-00000518 Welcome guys today i will talk about how to find ebooks for free by google. first of all Y_83k4q_qZc-00001-00000518-00000948 you would have to know the name of the book you are looking for and then type in your name of the book on google search engine with additional word pdf at the end. Y_83k4q_qZc-00002-00001413-00001937 if the book has a pdf version uploaded on the internet it will take you to that website Y_83k4q_qZc-00003-00001937-00002309 link. Thank you guys.Peace. Y_83k4q_qZc-00004-00002309-00003500 Welcome guys today i will talk about how to find ebooks for free by google. first of all you would have to know the name of the book you are looking for and then type in your name of the book on google search engine with additional word pdf at the end. Y_83k4q_qZc-00005-00003500-00004297 if the book has a pdf version uploaded on the internet it will take you to that website link. Thank you guys. Peace. YMmZwO_jUYM-00000-00000425-00000822 I'm Bryan May in the State Operations Center Cal OES headquarters, I just want YMmZwO_jUYM-00001-00000822-00001142 to give you an update on the largest of the fires that are burning across YMmZwO_jUYM-00002-00001142-00001569 California on this Sunday morning and there are about twelve large wildfires YMmZwO_jUYM-00003-00001569-00001848 burning it this morning. I'm gonna run down the top four of those YMmZwO_jUYM-00004-00001848-00002175 and we'll start at the northern part of the state and work our way down. So the YMmZwO_jUYM-00005-00002175-00002667 Carr Fire, that's the large one in Shasta County, over 89,000 acres YMmZwO_jUYM-00006-00002667-00003053 and still just five percent contained, latest number about five hundred YMmZwO_jUYM-00007-00003053-00003446 structures destroyed in that fire so far. Working our way down to the Mendocino YMmZwO_jUYM-00008-00003446-00003923 Complex fire this is a fire that spans both Mendocino and Lake counties, they YMmZwO_jUYM-00009-00003923-00004282 combined it into one, it was two fires originally, it's now one large fire YMmZwO_jUYM-00010-00004282-00004764 24,000 acres, 10% containment and overnight that fire caused a massive YMmZwO_jUYM-00011-00004764-00005162 power outage in those two counties Mendocino and Lake County at one point, YMmZwO_jUYM-00012-00005162-00005607 there were about 37,000 people without power as of this morning all but about YMmZwO_jUYM-00013-00005607-00006042 500 of those have been restored. In Mariposa County, the Ferguson Fire, that's YMmZwO_jUYM-00014-00006042-00006216 the one that's had blanketed the YMmZwO_jUYM-00015-00006216-00006411 Yosemite valley with smoke, the Ferguson YMmZwO_jUYM-00016-00006411-00006886 Fire over 53,000 acres now containment up to 30% and then in Riverside County, YMmZwO_jUYM-00017-00006886-00006936 the Cranston Fire, 13,130 acres, containment at 29%. All of these fires YMmZwO_jUYM-00018-00007509-00008168 still very dynamic with incredibly hot temperatures across the state so, firefighters YMmZwO_jUYM-00019-00008330-00008728 continue to work on people getting back to their homes as safely and as soon as YMmZwO_jUYM-00020-00008729-00009111 possible. You can continue to monitor all of our social media feeds Facebook YMmZwO_jUYM-00021-00009111-00009497 Twitter as well as our OES news.com We'll have updates throughout the day. YMmZwO_jUYM-00022-00009497-00009992 For all of us at Cal OES I'm Bryan May, thanks for watching. YpNCx_rtESA-00000-00000137-00000583 LITTLE People, Big World star Audrey Roloff revealed she plans on having more kids as YpNCx_rtESA-00001-00000583-00000924 her sister-in-law Tori struggles to get pregnant. YpNCx_rtESA-00002-00000924-00001362 The 30-year-old opened up about extending her family and plans to add another baby to YpNCx_rtESA-00003-00001362-00001487 the brood. YpNCx_rtESA-00004-00001487-00001947 Audrey took to her Instagram Story on Friday to participate in a Q&A session with Little YpNCx_rtESA-00005-00001947-00002830 People, Big World viewers. YpNCx_rtESA-00006-00002830-00004015 One of her followers asked: "Are you stopping at three kids?" YpNCx_rtESA-00007-00004015-00004425 Alongside a photo of her husband, Jeremy Roloff. and her kids, Audrey responded: “That's YpNCx_rtESA-00008-00004425-00004601 currently NOT the plan." YpNCx_rtESA-00009-00004601-00004985 The former TV stars announced earlier this month that they are expecting their third YpNCx_rtESA-00010-00004985-00005085 child. YpNCx_rtESA-00011-00005085-00005630 They are already parents to son Bode James, one, and daughter Ember Jean, three. YpNCx_rtESA-00012-00005630-00006048 Alongside a sweet announcement video, Jeremy proudly shared: "Our family's growing! YpNCx_rtESA-00013-00006048-00006296 Maybe I can convince Audrey to get a minivan now?." YpNCx_rtESA-00014-00006296-00006825 In the clip, Jeremy gently tosses their daughter Ember Jean into the air, followed by their YpNCx_rtESA-00015-00006825-00007245 son, before doing the same with a sheet of paper - which turns out to be a sonogram of YpNCx_rtESA-00016-00007245-00007358 their unborn baby. YpNCx_rtESA-00017-00007358-00007672 TORI'S TEARS It comes after Tori revealed her "painful" YpNCx_rtESA-00018-00007672-00008015 struggle to get pregnant after Audrey boasted about her third baby. YpNCx_rtESA-00019-00008015-00008477 Tori, 30, wrote to fans about how "hard" it had been after discovering she would have YpNCx_rtESA-00020-00008477-00008823 to wait "another month" after failing to conceive. YpNCx_rtESA-00021-00008823-00009223 Alongside a snap of a negative pregnancy test, the reality star told fans she was struggling YpNCx_rtESA-00022-00009223-00009423 to fall pregnant with a third child. YpNCx_rtESA-00023-00009423-00009909 "Today's hard, I'm not usually a downer, but today's hard," Tori said ahead of the latest YpNCx_rtESA-00024-00009909-00010314 episode of the reality show, which tells her pregnancy woes. YpNCx_rtESA-00025-00010314-00010716 She continued: "I found out today it’ll be another month of waiting. YpNCx_rtESA-00026-00010716-00010874 Another month of praying. YpNCx_rtESA-00027-00010874-00011144 Another month of telling friends and family, 'not yet.' YpNCx_rtESA-00028-00011144-00011404 "I really thought I would pregnant again by now. YpNCx_rtESA-00029-00011404-00011739 So many people told me after a loss it usually happens so fast. YpNCx_rtESA-00030-00011739-00011878 That’s not our reality." YpNCx_rtESA-00031-00011878-00012116 'LACK OF RESPECT' It was revealed that Tori and Audrey have YpNCx_rtESA-00032-00012116-00012568 been in a years-long feud, and fans have speculated what could have caused their fallout. YpNCx_rtESA-00033-00012568-00013079 Now, an insider has exclusively told The Sun the pair stopped speaking after their husbands YpNCx_rtESA-00034-00013079-00013522 had a "huge argument" and relations between the two couples have not been the same since. YpNCx_rtESA-00035-00013522-00014020 Tori, 30, decided to shrug off Audrey's pregnancy announcement in one of many snubs between YpNCx_rtESA-00036-00014020-00014476 the pair, as she didn't congratulate the soon-to-be mother of three, despite other family members YpNCx_rtESA-00037-00014476-00014609 doing so. YpNCx_rtESA-00038-00014609-00015077 A source exclusively told The Sun: "Tori and Audrey always got along with each other, but YpNCx_rtESA-00039-00015077-00015437 Zach and Jeremy got into a huge argument one day and everything changed. YpNCx_rtESA-00040-00015437-00015876 "It went on for weeks and the girls obviously took sides, they all stopped speaking to each YpNCx_rtESA-00041-00015876-00015976 other. YpNCx_rtESA-00042-00015976-00016148 "The argument was about lack of respect. YpNCx_rtESA-00043-00016148-00016504 Zach felt he didn't get enough support from Jeremy, but he didn't agree. YpNCx_rtESA-00044-00016504-00016920 "It exploded and there was a lot of mud-slinging, resulting in the two couples keeping their YpNCx_rtESA-00045-00016920-00017020 distance." YpNCx_rtESA-00046-00017020-00017120 BABY NAME ALERT! YpNCx_rtESA-00047-00017120-00017520 Meanwhile, Isabel Roloff, who is married to Jeremy's brother Jacob, announced their first YpNCx_rtESA-00048-00017520-00017851 pregnancy on Tuesday after tying the knot in 2019. YpNCx_rtESA-00049-00017851-00018349 They did not waste time in picking out a baby name for her first child, as she told fans YpNCx_rtESA-00050-00018349-00018571 she's had the idea for seven years. YpNCx_rtESA-00051-00018571-00019090 Isabel, 25, took to her Instagram stories on Thursday to answer some fan questions about YpNCx_rtESA-00052-00019090-00019190 her growing baby. YpNCx_rtESA-00053-00019190-00019390 lister BLOCKED her "I'll answer some pregnancy questions you YpNCx_rtESA-00054-00019390-00019650 may have," she wrote as she opened up the discussion. YpNCx_rtESA-00055-00019650-00020104 "Have a name picked out yet?" one fan asked alongside a heart-eyes emoji. YpNCx_rtESA-00056-00020104-00020204 "Yes! YpNCx_rtESA-00057-00020204-00020560 The name we have picked has been in our hearts for more than seven years, the majority of YpNCx_rtESA-00058-00020560-00021424 our relationship," she explained, though not yet revealing the choice. YPmuMEvp1-I-00000-00009556-00009756 AHHH IM FALLING!!!! YPa_CorUzeE-00000-00000610-00000924 Working in a communication context, YPa_CorUzeE-00001-00000924-00001258 often involves conducting some form of research. YPa_CorUzeE-00002-00001258-00001629 This is obvious in the case of researchers working in universities. YPa_CorUzeE-00003-00001629-00001938 But communication research is also conducted for example, YPa_CorUzeE-00004-00001938-00002178 in market and opinion research firms, YPa_CorUzeE-00005-00002178-00002453 by marketing departments, strategy and YPa_CorUzeE-00006-00002453-00002730 corporate communication departments in organizations, YPa_CorUzeE-00007-00002730-00003002 and also by data journalists. YPa_CorUzeE-00008-00003002-00003210 Before starting a research project, YPa_CorUzeE-00009-00003210-00003486 it is important to consider ethical issues, YPa_CorUzeE-00010-00003486-00003974 especially concerning unintended and undesired side effects. YPa_CorUzeE-00011-00003974-00004577 An example of an ethical principle that may apply is that of minimizing harm. YPa_CorUzeE-00012-00004577-00004856 This is obvious in medical research who're YPa_CorUzeE-00013-00004856-00005198 administering a new drug could lead to health damage. YPa_CorUzeE-00014-00005198-00005380 But on the other hand, YPa_CorUzeE-00015-00005380-00005783 it just important that such research takes place otherwise, YPa_CorUzeE-00016-00005783-00006098 people would either not develop any new medicines YPa_CorUzeE-00017-00006098-00006544 or we would give them untested to large parts of the population. YPa_CorUzeE-00018-00006544-00006928 Obviously, an undesirable course of action. YPa_CorUzeE-00019-00006928-00007483 Therefore, the question arises as to how far research can go? YPa_CorUzeE-00020-00007483-00007767 This question is not a new one. YPa_CorUzeE-00021-00007767-00007996 Think of the Stanford Prison Experiment. YPa_CorUzeE-00022-00007996-00008288 An experiment from 1971 that some YPa_CorUzeE-00023-00008288-00008675 of you may be familiar with from the film, The Experiment. YPa_CorUzeE-00024-00008675-00009037 In order to understand the psychology of imprisonment, YPa_CorUzeE-00025-00009037-00009376 researchers simulated the prison environment. YPa_CorUzeE-00026-00009376-00009530 The setup was simple. YPa_CorUzeE-00027-00009530-00009757 Put participants in a prison, YPa_CorUzeE-00028-00009757-00009919 let half of them be guards, YPa_CorUzeE-00029-00009919-00010059 and half of them prisoners, YPa_CorUzeE-00030-00010059-00010291 and watch what happens. YPa_CorUzeE-00031-00010291-00010523 The researchers had to stop the experiment because YPa_CorUzeE-00032-00010523-00010991 the guards started to torture the prisoners. YPa_CorUzeE-00033-00010991-00011222 Let us now consider several possible causes YPa_CorUzeE-00034-00011222-00011639 of reasoning about the ethics of this experiment. YPa_CorUzeE-00035-00011639-00011919 Someone might argue that the suffering of a couple of YPa_CorUzeE-00036-00011919-00012246 participants for a limited number of days is justifiable, YPa_CorUzeE-00037-00012246-00012583 as it is outweighed by the larger society goer, YPa_CorUzeE-00038-00012583-00012860 the creation of knowledge. YPa_CorUzeE-00039-00012860-00013192 This would be a clearly utilitarian reasoning, YPa_CorUzeE-00040-00013192-00013797 but even a utilitarian might arrive at the conclusion that the experiment is unethical. YPa_CorUzeE-00041-00013797-00014119 For example, because the insight gained is so minimal, YPa_CorUzeE-00042-00014119-00014471 that is not outweighed by the suffering. YPa_CorUzeE-00043-00014471-00014713 A deontologist such as Kant, YPa_CorUzeE-00044-00014713-00015116 however, would treat such arguments as irrelevant. YPa_CorUzeE-00045-00015116-00015427 As in his framework, a human being, YPa_CorUzeE-00046-00015427-00015615 and as such their suffering, YPa_CorUzeE-00047-00015615-00015900 can never be only a means to an end. YPa_CorUzeE-00048-00015900-00016173 And virtue ethics perspective, YPa_CorUzeE-00049-00016173-00016595 might focus instead on the character of the experiment which does not YPa_CorUzeE-00050-00016595-00017072 play a role in either the utilitarian or the deontological reasoning. YPa_CorUzeE-00051-00017072-00017477 For instance, a virtuous character might prescribe that YPa_CorUzeE-00052-00017477-00018026 the researcher should avoid any unpleasant situation for participants. YPa_CorUzeE-00053-00018026-00018460 Because research ethics is a very broad field, YPa_CorUzeE-00054-00018460-00018716 we want to focus on some specific dilemmas that are YPa_CorUzeE-00055-00018716-00019038 specifically relevant in the communication context. YPa_CorUzeE-00056-00019038-00019370 In experiments, the researcher might use YPa_CorUzeE-00057-00019370-00019871 some stimulus materials that have an undesired long-term effect. YPa_CorUzeE-00058-00019871-00020305 Imagine a researcher that studies the role of emotions in politics. YPa_CorUzeE-00059-00020305-00020882 She uses non-mutual stimuli to induce emotions such as anger or fear, YPa_CorUzeE-00060-00020882-00021360 to find out how this influences someone's attitudes towards immigration. YPa_CorUzeE-00061-00021360-00021728 How do you deal with misleading the participants? YPa_CorUzeE-00062-00021728-00022141 Or to discover the effects of violent pornography, YPa_CorUzeE-00063-00022141-00022587 researchers may need to deliberately expose people to such content. YPa_CorUzeE-00064-00022587-00023016 But how do you deal with any unwanted effects of such exposure? YPa_CorUzeE-00065-00023016-00023338 In so-called field experiments, YPa_CorUzeE-00066-00023338-00023597 this becomes even more problematic. YPa_CorUzeE-00067-00023597-00024059 In 2010, researchers exposed 61 million Facebook users to YPa_CorUzeE-00068-00024059-00024736 different versions of advertisements to encourage them to vote in the U.S. elections. YPa_CorUzeE-00069-00024736-00025265 This gave some unique insights in what persuades people to go to the voting booth. YPa_CorUzeE-00070-00025265-00025601 But even beyond the question of whether the YPa_CorUzeE-00071-00025601-00025986 users who really consented to be participants in such experiments, YPa_CorUzeE-00072-00025986-00026255 it can be potentially very problematic if YPa_CorUzeE-00073-00026255-00026686 such studies do in fact, influence voting outcomes. YPa_CorUzeE-00074-00026686-00027125 You might think that ethics may play a role in experiments, YPa_CorUzeE-00075-00027125-00027427 because experiments by design somehow manipulate YPa_CorUzeE-00076-00027427-00027820 people but also in other types of research such as, YPa_CorUzeE-00077-00027820-00028489 Survey Research, unintended and ethically problematic side effects can arise. YPa_CorUzeE-00078-00028489-00029044 In Survey Research, research ethics involve the formulation and selection of questions. YPa_CorUzeE-00079-00029044-00029502 You need to ensure that those questions are asked that provide the best measurement, YPa_CorUzeE-00080-00029502-00029926 not those that lead to the most favorable outcome. YPa_CorUzeE-00081-00029926-00030208 A special case of surveys is the case of polling. YPa_CorUzeE-00082-00030208-00030530 That is to say, the measurement of voting intentions, YPa_CorUzeE-00083-00030530-00030944 and the publication of estimates of how many seats a party would get, YPa_CorUzeE-00084-00030944-00031138 if we were to hold elections now. YPa_CorUzeE-00085-00031138-00031498 We're interested in estimating YPa_CorUzeE-00086-00031498-00031943 the voting intentions of the population but by publishing the results, YPa_CorUzeE-00087-00031943-00032349 we might in fact change the voting intention of the public. YPa_CorUzeE-00088-00032349-00032569 People might decide to strategically change YPa_CorUzeE-00089-00032569-00032975 their voting intentions based on what the expected effect of their votes, YPa_CorUzeE-00090-00032975-00033247 given the poll results. YPa_CorUzeE-00091-00033247-00033571 While some argued that reports on how politicians or parties YPa_CorUzeE-00092-00033571-00033971 perform in polls help citizens in their voting intentions, YPa_CorUzeE-00093-00033971-00034362 others argued that they distort the voting process. YPa_CorUzeE-00094-00034362-00034654 Therefore, in some countries, YPa_CorUzeE-00095-00034654-00035219 publishing polling results close to election day is even forbidden. YPa_CorUzeE-00096-00035219-00035402 However, one stands on this issue, YPa_CorUzeE-00097-00035402-00035683 it illustrates that formulation of the questions, YPa_CorUzeE-00098-00035683-00035912 timing, and publishing decisions, YPa_CorUzeE-00099-00035912-00036221 can have major consequences, YPa_CorUzeE-00100-00036221-00036392 which as in the the last videos, YPa_CorUzeE-00101-00036392-00036700 again opens up a lot of room for discussion about YPa_CorUzeE-00102-00036700-00037126 utilitarian versus deontological ethics. YPa_CorUzeE-00103-00037126-00037395 Some additional issues arise in YPa_CorUzeE-00104-00037395-00037851 research and communication context involving the use of so-called Big Data. YPa_CorUzeE-00105-00037851-00038129 We will discuss these in the later clip. YX5UdGz2_6c-00000-00000012-00000593 Personal branding for business executives yes or no? It is a question that usually arises to employed workers YX5UdGz2_6c-00001-00000593-00001315 . Is personal branding necessary? What will my company think if I start to be YX5UdGz2_6c-00002-00001315-00001804 visible and my co-workers, what will they think? Well, today we are going to see YX5UdGz2_6c-00003-00001804-00002292 the reasons why you should develop your personal brand even if you work for a YX5UdGz2_6c-00004-00002292-00002783 company. And in addition to the reasons, I will give you some tools to do it. Stay until YX5UdGz2_6c-00005-00002783-00003294 the end of the video and you will have a gift to help you in this beautiful task of working on YX5UdGz2_6c-00006-00003294-00003755 your personal brand. Hi, I'm Monica. I love that you're here on my channel I share content YX5UdGz2_6c-00007-00003755-00004246 to help you with your personal brand and online business and if you haven't subscribed yet, what are you YX5UdGz2_6c-00008-00004246-00004642 waiting for? Is it time to do it? As I told you at the beginning, I am a faithful defender YX5UdGz2_6c-00009-00004642-00005107 of the personal brand for managers, for managers and for all kinds of professionals YX5UdGz2_6c-00010-00005107-00005630 who need to sell a product or service. And don't forget that whatever your job, YX5UdGz2_6c-00011-00005630-00005928 we all sell. But maybe you need to refresh. YX5UdGz2_6c-00012-00005928-00006350 We refresh the concept of personal branding. Before getting into personal branding, YX5UdGz2_6c-00013-00006350-00006729 it is the way in which others perceive you based on your actions in the online YX5UdGz2_6c-00014-00006729-00007373 and offline world. What does it communicate to? How do you communicate? In what tone do you say it? Obviously, developing YX5UdGz2_6c-00015-00007373-00008045 your personal brand goes through self-knowledge and authenticity. If not, it will be a YX5UdGz2_6c-00016-00008045-00008614 copy of someone or you will be creating a false appearance and that is not a personal brand. As YX5UdGz2_6c-00017-00008614-00009186 you may already know, that concept was born in 1997 with Tom Petter. He described it in his article YX5UdGz2_6c-00018-00009186-00009713 by Braun K. He gave you the idea that our dear Tom talks about in this article is that YX5UdGz2_6c-00019-00009713-00010195 we are all CEOs in our own company and that being in the job market means YX5UdGz2_6c-00020-00010195-00010738 being the director of marketing for a brand called YOU, since we are clear about the concept of YX5UdGz2_6c-00021-00010738-00011152 personal branding. We are going to do a quick review of the five benefits it has for you YX5UdGz2_6c-00022-00011152-00011648 and of course, for your company. The first benefit, as we talked about before, the personal brand YX5UdGz2_6c-00023-00011648-00012176 is built from the inside out, so it improves the YX5UdGz2_6c-00024-00012176-00012394 person's self-knowledge and personal growth. YX5UdGz2_6c-00025-00012394-00012823 The second benefit would be the increase in your professional visibility and therefore, YX5UdGz2_6c-00026-00012823-00013326 that of your company. In a study carried out by Carles Ros. It highlights that managers YX5UdGz2_6c-00027-00013326-00013781 influence the company's reputation through their leadership and notoriety in YX5UdGz2_6c-00028-00013781-00014288 public opinion. In fact, it can account for up to 50% of YX5UdGz2_6c-00029-00014288-00014729 the company's reputation, which must be taken into account. The third point is that it encourages the YX5UdGz2_6c-00030-00014729-00015251 maintenance of contact networks, thus generating greater business opportunities. YX5UdGz2_6c-00031-00015251-00015773 The 4th is that it positions you as an important professional for the company, since your YX5UdGz2_6c-00032-00015773-00016274 brand has an impact on it and generates more value. And the 5th is that it improves your YX5UdGz2_6c-00033-00016274-00016684 job opportunities and you will be able to increase your income both by working in the same company and YX5UdGz2_6c-00034-00016684-00017276 by opting for new opportunities in other companies. And if this doesn't convince you, listen YX5UdGz2_6c-00035-00017276-00017865 to Robert Morán, Global Head of Brunswick Insight YX5UdGz2_6c-00036-00017865-00018410 Personal branding now goes beyond those of celebrities and has moved to YX5UdGz2_6c-00037-00018410-00018924 ordinary people. In the near future, we will all be investigated and classified. YX5UdGz2_6c-00038-00018924-00019431 Our world is shrinking and digital presence is becoming more and more important. Just YX5UdGz2_6c-00039-00019431-00019954 type our name in Google to be aware of it. And now I want to tell you YX5UdGz2_6c-00040-00019954-00020403 a story. I am going to tell you about Manuel, a manager who did not see the need to work on YX5UdGz2_6c-00041-00020403-00020856 his personal brand. I already wrote about him a while ago on my blog, but now I want to refresh you YX5UdGz2_6c-00042-00020856-00021351 with this video story. Manuel Rodríguez had been working for the same multinational for 20 years. YX5UdGz2_6c-00043-00021351-00021859 His position was national sales manager for one of the company's lines of business. After YX5UdGz2_6c-00044-00021859-00022368 several years in the position, everything was running smoothly, the work was controlled, the YX5UdGz2_6c-00045-00022368-00022814 commercial teams were working properly and the relationship with the general management was within YX5UdGz2_6c-00046-00022814-00023431 normal and appropriate parameters. Clearly Manuel was in his comfort zone, he did not see YX5UdGz2_6c-00047-00023431-00023888 the need to work on his personal brand since he was secure in his job. On the other YX5UdGz2_6c-00048-00023888-00024293 hand, not understanding the concept of personal branding very well, he thought that if he did YX5UdGz2_6c-00049-00024293-00024789 something on social networks such as posts on LinkedIn or a professional blog, his company YX5UdGz2_6c-00050-00024789-00025215 might think he was looking for a job and that he was not interested, so he opted for YX5UdGz2_6c-00051-00025215-00025613 anonymity, he deduced that it was better not to take risks and go unnoticed. YX5UdGz2_6c-00052-00025613-00025972 And if at that moment you see an appropriate application on your smartphone, a cartoon would have come out YX5UdGz2_6c-00053-00025972-00026585 saying error. What happened to Manuel? A few months ago, his multinational company YX5UdGz2_6c-00054-00026585-00027137 merged with another equally large company. As expected, they made adjustments to the YX5UdGz2_6c-00055-00027137-00027733 templates of both companies. Manuel went on strike. The reason is that in the other company YX5UdGz2_6c-00056-00027733-00028183 there was a manager who, apart from being a good professional like Manuel, had made YX5UdGz2_6c-00057-00028183-00028738 his professionalism visible. In other words, he had worked actively and for three YX5UdGz2_6c-00058-00028738-00029291 years on his personal brand. This made him better valued as a professional, since he YX5UdGz2_6c-00059-00029291-00029731 had positioned himself as an expert in the sector and the company born from the merger was interested YX5UdGz2_6c-00060-00029731-00030472 in having people with a brand. That will help drive the new project. And colorín colorado, YX5UdGz2_6c-00061-00030472-00030925 thus tells the story for Manuel, not only was he left unemployed, but YX5UdGz2_6c-00062-00030925-00031425 on top of that, by not having a positioned personal brand, reintegration into the labor market was an YX5UdGz2_6c-00063-00031425-00031862 uphill battle. Let's see, maybe this example is a bit extreme, really, but although YX5UdGz2_6c-00064-00031862-00032369 many companies still don't value too much that their managers have a personal brand, YX5UdGz2_6c-00065-00032369-00032713 it will be a fundamental element in the coming years. YX5UdGz2_6c-00066-00032713-00033211 The analogical and invisible managers will not be so valued. There are people who think YX5UdGz2_6c-00067-00033211-00033640 that having a personal brand is having a profile on LinkedIn, another on Twitter and sharing YX5UdGz2_6c-00068-00033640-00034194 other people's posts. Many times without even reading it, because I am sorry to say that it is not so. YX5UdGz2_6c-00069-00034194-00034576 This is a bit more complicated and requires more work. The reality is that serving YX5UdGz2_6c-00070-00034576-00035069 the personal brand is not an easy task. It requires time, effort and daily dedication. YX5UdGz2_6c-00071-00035069-00035541 But today it is not an option, it is rather a responsibility. If you do not develop YX5UdGz2_6c-00072-00035541-00035987 your brand, you will be exposed to what others say about you. With all this, I hope it YX5UdGz2_6c-00073-00035987-00036456 has become clear to you that it is convenient to work on your personal brand. Now the dilemma is how to YX5UdGz2_6c-00074-00036456-00037052 start? To start these questions, I need and want to work on my personal brand. You have YX5UdGz2_6c-00075-00037052-00037630 to want to do it. Can it benefit my company that I have a positioned personal brand? YX5UdGz2_6c-00076-00037630-00038158 And what benefits will I have? I'm going to spend time developing my personal brand and I have YX5UdGz2_6c-00077-00038158-00038562 that time. What will be my commitment to carry out the development of my brand? YX5UdGz2_6c-00078-00038562-00039103 It is convenient that you do not start without having these clear points, since it is not something that you start YX5UdGz2_6c-00079-00039103-00039583 and then you can leave parked because it would be negative for you. And now we are going to YX5UdGz2_6c-00080-00039583-00040146 see the necessary steps to work on your personal brand. The first step is to acquire YX5UdGz2_6c-00081-00040146-00040656 the necessary digital skills and abilities. If you still do not know how to handle yourself very well in the YX5UdGz2_6c-00082-00040656-00041083 online world, it is recommended that you look for a professional who will advise you on a YX5UdGz2_6c-00083-00041083-00041550 personal branding or digital marketing course. Knowing how to share a photo or an article is not enough. YX5UdGz2_6c-00084-00041550-00042099 Your personal brand requires strategy and that is why you must train. Next we are going YX5UdGz2_6c-00085-00042099-00042619 to define the objectives for which you want to develop your brand. Notoriety in my sector, YX5UdGz2_6c-00086-00042619-00043121 reinvention in another sector, secure my job, etc. Whatever it is, YX5UdGz2_6c-00087-00043121-00043665 you have to put the objectives in writing. This point is important, since without defined objectives YX5UdGz2_6c-00088-00043665-00044115 we cannot draw up the appropriate strategy. The third point is the realization of a YX5UdGz2_6c-00089-00044115-00044576 personal SWOT. You must identify your strengths, your weaknesses, your areas for improvement or what YX5UdGz2_6c-00090-00044576-00044849 can really differentiate you from the rest. YX5UdGz2_6c-00091-00044849-00045240 If you don't know how to take a personal brand photo, here is a link to a video YX5UdGz2_6c-00092-00045240-00045790 where I show you how. In agreement? Spot. We are going to analyze your target audience, that is, YX5UdGz2_6c-00093-00045790-00046228 for whom I want to be visible. Possibly this question has several answers. Do you want YX5UdGz2_6c-00094-00046228-00046786 to show your brand, your company, colleagues? Employees of another company, clients, other YX5UdGz2_6c-00095-00046786-00047297 companies? It's up to you to define who they are. Wow person. And now it's time to define the strategy. YX5UdGz2_6c-00096-00047297-00047852 That is, what am I going to communicate? How, when and where? Your message defines your brand YX5UdGz2_6c-00097-00047852-00048430 identity . You must prepare content that captivates and does not go unnoticed. You can use YX5UdGz2_6c-00098-00048430-00049246 text, images, post, link, video, audio. You decide how to transmit the content. YX5UdGz2_6c-00099-00049246-00049696 Logo You must also select the means by which you are going to transmit your YX5UdGz2_6c-00100-00049696-00050110 value proposition. You do not need to be on many social networks. You can make a selection, YX5UdGz2_6c-00101-00050110-00050540 for example, in the case of our manager with LinkedIn and Twitter, and maybe a blog YX5UdGz2_6c-00102-00050540-00051165 or YouTube would have sufficed. Everything will depend on where your target audience is and also YX5UdGz2_6c-00103-00051165-00051405 on the channel in which you feel most comfortable. YX5UdGz2_6c-00104-00051405-00051740 Because if you don't like being in front of the camera, obviously you're not going to create a YX5UdGz2_6c-00105-00051740-00052205 YouTube or LinkedIn channel on the professional social network of reference, the right place YX5UdGz2_6c-00106-00052205-00052760 to make yourself known among professionals in your sector and client. Another thing you can do is create YX5UdGz2_6c-00107-00052760-00053392 a blog, it is ideal to transmit your knowledge and it will also help you to delve into subjects, YX5UdGz2_6c-00108-00053392-00053845 since to write you have to read a lot and document yourself. If you do not want to create a blog, YX5UdGz2_6c-00109-00053845-00054363 you can use the blog offered by LinkedIn to be able to transmit that knowledge. And YX5UdGz2_6c-00110-00054363-00054859 finally, the video. Video content is succeeding. You can opt for this format YX5UdGz2_6c-00111-00054859-00055411 if you feel comfortable in front of the camera, but I can already tell you that few clients YX5UdGz2_6c-00112-00055411-00055865 opt for this option. Image As they say, a picture is worth a thousand YX5UdGz2_6c-00113-00055865-00056282 words. You must take care of all the details of your online presence, that is, your YX5UdGz2_6c-00114-00056282-00056776 profile picture, cover image, presentations, colors and if you want, you can also make YX5UdGz2_6c-00115-00056776-00057172 a logo with your professional name on your blog. YX5UdGz2_6c-00116-00057172-00057601 Share content from your sector and company. It is not just about generating content, it YX5UdGz2_6c-00117-00057601-00058175 is about interacting and conversing on the networks. Participate in LinkedIn groups that are of YX5UdGz2_6c-00118-00058175-00058666 interest to you and comment in forums. And finally, don't forget the offline part as important YX5UdGz2_6c-00119-00058666-00059184 as the online one, because it has always existed, but because of the routine of work, obligations, YX5UdGz2_6c-00120-00059184-00059754 family, the young person. Many times we forget to practice it. Go to events, meetings, YX5UdGz2_6c-00121-00059754-00060348 congresses where you can interact with. Related to your sector and how to measure that we are YX5UdGz2_6c-00122-00060348-00060901 on the right track. The first indicator is to search in Google, see what comes up when Tecla YX5UdGz2_6c-00123-00060901-00061362 is your full name in Google. Appearing with numerous entries on the first page YX5UdGz2_6c-00124-00061362-00061772 is not easy, it requires a lot of work. Then we also have a free tool YX5UdGz2_6c-00125-00061772-00062379 offered by LinkedIn, which is the social Sailing Index. Obviously the personal brand YX5UdGz2_6c-00126-00062379-00062797 requires work, as I told you at the beginning. But hey, I hope that these tips will YX5UdGz2_6c-00127-00062797-00063229 help you to see a little visualize the path to personal branding. YX5UdGz2_6c-00128-00063229-00063579 I hope this video has clarified some doubts and I encourage you to leave me a comment with YX5UdGz2_6c-00129-00063579-00064052 your questions. Finally, I have a gift for you. Do you want to start working on your personal brand YX5UdGz2_6c-00130-00064052-00064439 ? Go to the description box and you will have a link to download a YX5UdGz2_6c-00131-00064439-00064838 personal branding plan template. And don't forget to give me a like if you liked YX5UdGz2_6c-00132-00064838-00065027 the video. See you in the next video. YdZseHhuNSg-00000-00030912-00031216 success the doctor and personally that are going YdZseHhuNSg-00001-00031216-00032583 gerry interest on the reactor taking some files YfpANejE-AM-00000-00000210-00001204 Welcome to the capital Hanoi - Vietnam.! YfpANejE-AM-00001-00001280-00002260 MY HA NOI - NNC Introduction Video .. Millions Of People Flock To The Center Of The Christmas Eve YfpANejE-AM-00002-00002334-00003390 Christmas atmosphere bustling throughout the capital Hanoi .. Millions of people eager to celebrate Christmas .. In the heart of the capital YfpANejE-AM-00003-00003478-00004562 Invite you to join the flow of bustling Christmas ..! Wishing everyone a happy Christmas with family, friends and loved ones .. YgDG0eXQrWk-00000-00000948-00001784 In this video, we'll analyse a manually solved Riordan Gyrator, and then check our solution using SymPyCAP. YgDG0eXQrWk-00001-00002499-00002877 We've set our system of equations for this electric circuit. YgDG0eXQrWk-00002-00003738-00004178 Using this equation, we can get the input impedance. YgDG0eXQrWk-00003-00005081-00005455 Let's check our solution by using SymPyCAP. YgDG0eXQrWk-00004-00006423-00006791 First, we numbered our nodes, starting from 0. YgDG0eXQrWk-00005-00006791-00007074 The potential of node 0 is 0. YgDG0eXQrWk-00006-00007074-00007868 We'll calculate every node's potential, as well as the voltage generator current and the operational amplifier currents. YgDG0eXQrWk-00007-00007868-00008282 The direction of the currents are shown in red in the picture. YgDG0eXQrWk-00008-00008636-00009092 Import the Circuit class which abstracts the electric circuit. YgDG0eXQrWk-00009-00009823-00010145 Import SymPy. YgDG0eXQrWk-00010-00010753-00011114 Each element is represented as a list. YgDG0eXQrWk-00011-00011114-00011986 We will state a list that includes an ideal voltage generator Vg, operational amplifiers OpAmp1, OpAmp2, YgDG0eXQrWk-00012-00011986-00012568 resistors R1, R3, R4, R5 and a capacitor C2. YgDG0eXQrWk-00013-00012568-00013096 An arbitrary list name can be given, e. g. Riordan_schematic. YgDG0eXQrWk-00014-00013908-00014341 “V” is the element type YgDG0eXQrWk-00015-00014456-00014810 “Vg” is its unique id YgDG0eXQrWk-00016-00014847-00015191 1 and 0 are its terminals. YgDG0eXQrWk-00017-00015191-00015641 1 is plus terminal for the passive sign convention. YgDG0eXQrWk-00018-00015819-00016116 For the operational amplifier OpAmp1: YgDG0eXQrWk-00019-00016266-00016601 “OpAmp” is the type YgDG0eXQrWk-00020-00016814-00017172 “OpAmp1” is its unique id YgDG0eXQrWk-00021-00017435-00017884 1 and 4 are input terminals and 1 is plus terminal YgDG0eXQrWk-00022-00018038-00018227 5 is output terminal YgDG0eXQrWk-00023-00025241-00026008 Create an instance of class Circuit, let’s call it e. g. system. YgDG0eXQrWk-00024-00026008-00026783 The list we made we’ll pass as an argument of the class constructor. YgDG0eXQrWk-00025-00027731-00028317 Now we’ll call the symPyCAP() method that solves our electric circuit YgDG0eXQrWk-00026-00029009-00029276 Print the solution. YgDG0eXQrWk-00027-00030810-00031414 We can now calculate the input impedance. YgDG0eXQrWk-00028-00031615-00032502 To extract V1 and IVg from the solution, we can use the getter function get_solutions(). YgDG0eXQrWk-00029-00034996-00035329 Let's see the inductivity. YgDG0eXQrWk-00030-00037383-00037775 Now let's compare our results. YgDG0eXQrWk-00031-00038816-00039767 Manually solving this problem lasted longer and required more effort than necessary, YgDG0eXQrWk-00032-00039767-00040703 not to mention the possibility of mistakes made. By using SymPyCAP we have saved time and effort. YgDG0eXQrWk-00033-00041246-00042206 I hope you liked this example and that through these steps you saw how to use SymPyCAP for solving more complex circuits. YiDiAkY6LFA-00000-00001100-00001800 There are several streets in the Latin Quarter that are given over mainly to pedestrian traffic. In the foreground is the rue YiDiAkY6LFA-00001-00001800-00002700 de Buci, which merges into the rue St. André des Arts at the intersection up ahead. YiDiAkY6LFA-00002-00003000-00003700 Here on the rue St. André des Arts, you can see the entrance to the tiny and charming Cour du Commerce, a purely YiDiAkY6LFA-00003-00003700-00004400 pedestrian, cobblestone-paved street lined with shops and restaurants. It dates from the twelfth century. Within it you'll YiDiAkY6LFA-00004-00004400-00005100 find the small courtyard where the guillotine was first tested (on sheep!), and a fragment of the old city wall of Philippe YiDiAkY6LFA-00005-00005100-00005800 Auguste. A restaurant called the Procope, which adjoins this street, has been around for 400 years, and has served the YiDiAkY6LFA-00006-00005800-00006500 likes of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. Like many small streets and galleries of its kind in Paris, this street YiDiAkY6LFA-00007-00006500-00007100 is filled with a rather eclectic assortment of small, quirky shops and atmospheric cafés, which are interesting to visit in themselves. YiDiAkY6LFA-00008-00007400-00008100 Visitors often tell me that this part of Paris "Looks like Paris is supposed to look" ... whatever that means! YiDiAkY6LFA-00009-00008900-00009600 Souvenir shops and a Métro station on the place St. André des Arts. There's no shortage of souvenirs in this neighborhood! YiDiAkY6LFA-00010-00010900-00011600 There are endless snack shops and modest restaurants in this area as well. You can find almost anything you want. YiDiAkY6LFA-00011-00011900-00012500 The place St. Michel, with its large fountain and open plaza, is often considered the heart of the Latin Quarter. YiDiAkY6LFA-00012-00012600-00013300 This band was playing on the plaza itself. My intuition tells me they are American, but I don't really know. YiDiAkY6LFA-00013-00013300-00014000 Since I'm a charitable soul, I won't comment on their musical talent. They attracted a crowd, but it's easy to attract a crowd YiDiAkY6LFA-00014-00014000-00014700 in touristy parts of town. And pickpockets love it when tourists are distracted like this. YiDiAkY6LFA-00015-00015700-00016400 You can see the fountain here, as people cross the boulevard Saint Michel, which is more or less the main streeet in the YiDiAkY6LFA-00016-00016400-00017100 Latin Quarter. You're looking roughly southwest. YiDiAkY6LFA-00017-00017300-00018000 East of the boulevard St. Michel is a maze of twisty little streets, all different. This is the rue de la Harpe ("Harp Street"). YiDiAkY6LFA-00018-00019400-00020100 A bit further south on the same street. That's the boulevard Saint Germain at the end of the street. YiDiAkY6LFA-00019-00020400-00021000 The rue Saint Séverin runs east from the rue de la Harpe. YiDiAkY6LFA-00020-00021700-00022400 And the rue Xavier Privas runs north from the rue Saint Severin. It's a narrow, enchanting little street lined with restaurants. YiDiAkY6LFA-00021-00023100-00023800 There are lots of Greek restaurants here, which seems bizarre until you realize that there's a large Melkite Greek Catholic church YiDiAkY6LFA-00022-00023800-00024500 just east of this neighborhood. YiDiAkY6LFA-00023-00025600-00026300 This is the rue de la Huchette, which also runs east-west in this pedestrian area. You're looking west, towards the fountain. YiDiAkY6LFA-00024-00027000-00027700 And this is looking the opposite way, towards the east (towards Notre-Dame, although you can't see it here). Lots of people! YiDiAkY6LFA-00025-00028700-00029400 The boulevard Saint Michel runs north-south right through the middle of the Latin Quarter. It's a busy, one-way street. YiDiAkY6LFA-00026-00029400-00030100 Listen for the fire truck, with its distinctive two-tone siren, just like the movies! YiDiAkY6LFA-00027-00030300-00031000 The boulevard Saint Michel has lots of shops as well, many of which cater to the large student population in this part of Paris. YiDiAkY6LFA-00028-00031200-00031900 Mostly trendy, young, (relatively) inexpensive merchandise ... very different from districts like the Sixteenth! YiDiAkY6LFA-00029-00032100-00032400 The iconic Joseph Gibert student bookstores. YiDiAkY6LFA-00030-00032700-00033400 Starbucks came suddenly to Paris a few years ago, and now they are everywhere, for better or for worse. YiDiAkY6LFA-00031-00033800-00034500 The boulevard Saint Germain runs east-west, and it's just as clogged with traffic as the boulevard Saint Michel. YiDiAkY6LFA-00032-00034900-00035600 The Sorbonne university dates from the 12th century. An arthouse cinema is nearby on the same street (rue des Écoles). YiDiAkY6LFA-00033-00036200-00036900 The place de la Sorbonne is a wonderful, small plaza in front of the dome of the Sorbonne. A nice fountain and places to eat and drink. YiDiAkY6LFA-00034-00036900-00037600 In summertime, this area becomes hugely crowded, with zillions of people eating and drinking outdoors. YiDiAkY6LFA-00035-00037600-00038300 The inside rooms of these restaurants tend to remain empty in good weather (and because they have no A/C, in summer). YiDiAkY6LFA-00036-00038600-00039300 At the bottom of the rue de la Harpe, there's a "MacDo," for those who can't stand crêpes or Greek gyro sandwiches. YiDiAkY6LFA-00037-00040000-00040600 The crêpe stand next door looks more popular, though. After tasting a French crêpe, you'll understand why. YiDiAkY6LFA-00038-00040800-00041500 There are traditional French restaurants between the Greek places and the fast-food restaurants. YiDiAkY6LFA-00039-00041700-00042400 And souvenir shops everywhere you turn. YiDiAkY6LFA-00040-00042800-00043400 There are dozens of crêpe stands in the Latin Quarter, plus a dozen sit-down crêpe restaurants as well. YiDiAkY6LFA-00041-00043450-00043950 Crêpes with Nutella filling (chocolate and hazelnut paste) seem to be the most popular. YiDiAkY6LFA-00042-00044400-00045100 There's always a crowd in the Latin Quarter, except early in the morning. YiDiAkY6LFA-00043-00047000-00047700 As night falls, the same streets (here the rue St. Séverin) develop a different but equal charm. YiDiAkY6LFA-00044-00047900-00048400 Care for some roasted pig, or shredded lamb? YiDiAkY6LFA-00045-00048800-00049500 In the evenings, the very well-known Latin Quarter jazz club Caveau de la Huchette features famous jazz artists. YiDiAkY6LFA-00046-00050400-00051100 The Shakespeare & Company bookstore was near the Odéon in Hemingway's time, but it has been here near YiDiAkY6LFA-00047-00051100-00051500 the banks of the Seine River for many decades. YiDiAkY6LFA-00048-00052700-00053400 These cafés and restaurants seem especially cozy to me at dusk. YiDiAkY6LFA-00049-00054200-00054900 In this part of town (well, everywhere in Paris), souvenir shops are open into the evening. YiDiAkY6LFA-00050-00055300-00056000 This is one of the excursion boats operated by the Bateaux-Mouche, the most popular excursion boat company YiDiAkY6LFA-00051-00056000-00056700 in the city, in hot competition with the Bateaux-Parisiens, Vedettes du Pont Neuf, and many others. YiDiAkY6LFA-00052-00059400-00060100 That's it. Thank you for watching my video. Yk14mOiutcy-00000-00000192-00000712 the philippines bureau of immigration is deporting an indian national wanted by authorities in his Yk14mOiutcy-00001-00000712-00001264 country for kidnapping and other serious crimes the philippines commissioner jamie moran said Yk14mOiutcy-00002-00001264-00001776 48-year-old suresh basarpa pajari will be expelled following his arrest last thursday Yk14mOiutcy-00003-00001776-00002320 along dona soledad avenue parana q city by operatives from the bureau's fugitive search unit Yk14mOiutcy-00004-00002392-00002856 the indian fugitive is also the subject of an interpol red notice issued in december Yk14mOiutcy-00005-00002856-00003360 2016 in connection with two arrest warrants that were issued against him by the courts in india Yk14mOiutcy-00006-00003424-00004032 the warrants were issued by the court in greater bombay india on july 2nd 2016 and the maharashtra Yk14mOiutcy-00007-00004032-00004672 control of organised crime special court in greater mumbai on august 2nd 2016. the charges Yk14mOiutcy-00008-00004672-00005224 include extortion and preparation to commit murder the philippine chief commissioner rendell ryan c Yk14mOiutcy-00009-00005224-00005784 said pajari is a notorious ringleader of a crime syndicate engaged in kidnap for ransom operations Yk14mOiutcy-00010-00005864-00006328 c said the cases against bajari stemmed from the arrest of his associates by the police Yk14mOiutcy-00011-00006328-00006752 before they could execute their boss order to eliminate the victims for not paying ransom Yk14mOiutcy-00012-00006831-00007344 mourn t said pujari is already an overstaying and undocumented alien as he had been hiding Yk14mOiutcy-00013-00007344-00007904 in the country since he arrived in 2016 and that his indian passport had expired in 2019. Yk14mOiutcy-00014-00007976-00008584 moreover he will be subject for philippines bureau of immigration deportation procedure as we speak Yk14mOiutcy-00015-00010304-00010312 you YlJfe4Aln58-00000-00000080-00000506 welcome to how to stretch your shoulder blades in this video I'm going to share YlJfe4Aln58-00001-00000506-00000971 with you the top 5 stretches that will relieve the tension and pain in your YlJfe4Aln58-00002-00000971-00001421 shoulder place hello my name is Jimmy today I'll make sure you feel better YlJfe4Aln58-00003-00001421-00001866 after stretching with me so please watch as I demonstrate all the great stretches YlJfe4Aln58-00004-00001866-00002378 let's get started shoulder blades is my favorite subject YlJfe4Aln58-00005-00002378-00002757 some I'm sure you will love this stretches bring your arms out to the YlJfe4Aln58-00006-00002757-00003323 side lift them over your right arm okay put your right hand up first and left YlJfe4Aln58-00007-00003323-00003804 hand around point your thumbs at you I want you to make a circular motion with YlJfe4Aln58-00008-00003804-00004337 your elbows stimulating your muscles in between your shoulder blades reverse a YlJfe4Aln58-00009-00004337-00005039 circle return to the center and put your elbows shoulder height and I want you to YlJfe4Aln58-00010-00005039-00005555 round your back like a cat and let's turn to your right feeling a good YlJfe4Aln58-00011-00005555-00005973 stretch through your mid back and shoulder place and return twist to your YlJfe4Aln58-00012-00005973-00006777 left to get back granted every turn to your right every turn and to your left YlJfe4Aln58-00013-00006777-00007481 and let's return now round your back again and bow to the earth okay and then YlJfe4Aln58-00014-00007481-00007922 reach your elbows forward to get a good stretch through your upper back and YlJfe4Aln58-00015-00007922-00008775 shoulder place and hold and slowly come back and untangle your arms let's do the YlJfe4Aln58-00016-00008775-00009272 other side right arm over your left arm and hug yourself put your left hand up YlJfe4Aln58-00017-00009272-00010490 and right hand around make a circular motion reverse or circle good now round YlJfe4Aln58-00018-00010490-00011163 your back like a cat and let's twist to your left and we can twist your right YlJfe4Aln58-00019-00011163-00011649 feeling a good stretch through your mid back and shoulder blades and turn to YlJfe4Aln58-00020-00011649-00012345 your left and turn to your right and return and round your back rotate cap YlJfe4Aln58-00021-00012345-00012969 keeping your back rounded bow to the earth and reach your elbows forward keep YlJfe4Aln58-00022-00012969-00013654 reaching forward and slowly return and under your arms YlJfe4Aln58-00023-00013654-00014263 and nice grab now let's come up onto your knees and YlJfe4Aln58-00024-00014263-00014944 forearms on the floor keeping a hips over your knees take access shoulder as YlJfe4Aln58-00025-00014944-00015496 much as you can okay and put your hands together let's put equal weight on both YlJfe4Aln58-00026-00015496-00016285 knees from here I want you to lean back towards the back wall so you can get a YlJfe4Aln58-00027-00016285-00016687 little bit more stretch through your mid-back and shoulder blades and slowly YlJfe4Aln58-00028-00016687-00017620 release again lean back feeling a good stretch here and reach are good and YlJfe4Aln58-00029-00017620-00018049 let's go to the other side so let's get onto your knees and forearms on the YlJfe4Aln58-00030-00018049-00018640 floor take keeping the hips over your knees tuck your shoulder under okay put YlJfe4Aln58-00031-00018640-00019204 your hands together let's put equal weight on both knees first and then lean YlJfe4Aln58-00032-00019204-00019857 back a little bit put your awareness around your shoulder blades and meter YlJfe4Aln58-00033-00019857-00020887 again lean back and let's return good and let's come up they send let's sit on YlJfe4Aln58-00034-00020887-00021307 your heels put your the top of your head on the YlJfe4Aln58-00035-00021307-00021883 floor okay now lift your hips up and grab your heels firmly with your hands YlJfe4Aln58-00036-00021883-00022450 okay and then bring your elbows out to the side if you can tuck your forehead YlJfe4Aln58-00037-00022450-00022942 towards I need to go ahead and then keep spreading elbows out to the side hold YlJfe4Aln58-00038-00022942-00023488 onto your heels feeling a good stretch through your shoulder blades here if you YlJfe4Aln58-00039-00023488-00023962 like to get a little bit more stretch hold your ankle from inside and then YlJfe4Aln58-00040-00023962-00024943 bring your elbows out to the side keep spreading elbows out feeling a good YlJfe4Aln58-00041-00024943-00025926 stretch and slowly Lloyd and let's sit already come up and take a nice breath YlJfe4Aln58-00042-00025935-00026443 so the next one let's bring your arms out to the side lift them over your YlJfe4Aln58-00043-00026443-00026952 right arm and hug yourself okay from here let's bend your knees and roll down YlJfe4Aln58-00044-00026952-00027466 and I want you to put your shoulders in between your knees from the side it YlJfe4Aln58-00045-00027466-00028227 looks like like this okay and then round your back when you get there YlJfe4Aln58-00046-00028227-00028633 shoulders in between your knees and round your back like a cat YlJfe4Aln58-00047-00028633-00029233 from here I want you to wiggle your shoulders like this and you can really YlJfe4Aln58-00048-00029233-00029923 get a good stretch through your shoulder place and slowly roll that and come up YlJfe4Aln58-00049-00029923-00030511 and let's do the other side right them over your left arm and hide yourself YlJfe4Aln58-00050-00030511-00030939 okay so round your back okay like this and YlJfe4Aln58-00051-00030939-00031636 then when you put your shoulders in between your knees okay round your back YlJfe4Aln58-00052-00031636-00032263 some more from here let's we grew your shoulders and see how you feel on this YlJfe4Aln58-00053-00032263-00033273 side getting a great stretch all slowly come up and let's take a nice breath YlJfe4Aln58-00054-00033273-00033745 I'll be posting more videos to help solve your problems if you have any YlJfe4Aln58-00055-00033745-00034159 requests I'll make a video for you so please subscribe and if you like this YlJfe4Aln58-00056-00034159-00034552 video please click the like button below share this with your friends and please YlJfe4Aln58-00057-00034552-00034954 let me know which of the stretches you found the most beneficial in the comment YlJfe4Aln58-00058-00034954-00035230 section thank you so much for joining how to YlJfe4Aln58-00059-00035230-00035715 stretch your shoulder blades namaste YlJYEdsPwfE-00000-00000749-00001636 Hi guys, welcome to my place this is my updated house tour and this is my YlJYEdsPwfE-00001-00001636-00002282 garage here and let's go over here I have my security camera here for my YlJYEdsPwfE-00002-00002282-00002921 security reasons and over here is where I store all my empty boxes from Louis Vuitton YlJYEdsPwfE-00003-00002921-00003407 Chanel and these black boxes here is for my business which is YlJYEdsPwfE-00004-00003407-00004421 launching very soon and I will keep you guys posted and let's go inside YlJYEdsPwfE-00005-00004421-00004957 so this is my front door I don't usually use it because I always driving so I will park YlJYEdsPwfE-00006-00004957-00005957 my car in the garage and then walk up from the garage door, so over here I have my shoe cabinets, I usually keep my YlJYEdsPwfE-00007-00005957-00006556 casual shoes inside and upstairs my living room and kitchen but we want YlJYEdsPwfE-00008-00006556-00007306 to talk about it later and let's go here this is my master bedroom YlJYEdsPwfE-00009-00007306-00008050 entrance I will film a separate video about my room tour so stay tuned YlJYEdsPwfE-00010-00008138-00008678 over here is the guest bathroom I don't really use this because i have my own YlJYEdsPwfE-00011-00008678-00009143 bathroom but it's good to always have like two bathroom or actually I have YlJYEdsPwfE-00012-00009143-00009722 three in the house and then over here I have my guest room plus my shoe closet and YlJYEdsPwfE-00013-00009722-00010168 this is part of the room tour video so stay tuned YlJYEdsPwfE-00014-00010168-00011290 let's go upstairs, my doggy gate is here because there's some space in between YlJYEdsPwfE-00015-00011290-00011870 the stairs so yeah my doggies are very small so they're gonna fall so yeah I YlJYEdsPwfE-00016-00011870-00012486 just usually just climb over and then right over here is where I store my YlJYEdsPwfE-00017-00012486-00013100 stuff for my hauls videos so I kind of know you know like what I need to film YlJYEdsPwfE-00018-00013100-00013616 then coming up there will be like a Louis Vuitton video but by the time this YlJYEdsPwfE-00019-00013616-00014188 video is out the Louis Vuitton video will be out already and then over here I have YlJYEdsPwfE-00020-00014188-00014794 my dining table and all the chairs are broken except that one right there YlJYEdsPwfE-00021-00014794-00015376 usually sit in that chair and then I do my homework edit videos and but yeah I YlJYEdsPwfE-00022-00015376-00016112 will get my fix of my chair fix over here I display all my pictures from my YlJYEdsPwfE-00023-00016112-00016801 graduation or all kind of pictures and this my third bathroom is the half bath I YlJYEdsPwfE-00024-00016801-00017239 have my laundry hamper here, here's the color clothes YlJYEdsPwfE-00025-00017239-00018123 white and the black and behind the mirror I have a washer and dryer YlJYEdsPwfE-00026-00018329-00019077 so over here is my kitchen so I store my tea and my coffee over in this YlJYEdsPwfE-00027-00019077-00019683 corner and I have my coffeemaker my rice cooker and my hot water dispenser also YlJYEdsPwfE-00028-00019683-00020469 the stove right here, oven here and dishwasher and my trash can from YlJYEdsPwfE-00029-00020469-00020975 simplehuman refrigerator and microwave YlJYEdsPwfE-00030-00020975-00021519 this is my living room, I have my flat screen TV my sound bar and usually YlJYEdsPwfE-00031-00021519-00021972 I keep all my cameras, or recorders and filming equipment YlJYEdsPwfE-00032-00021972-00022479 in this cabinet or even a drone is in here, and I have my dyson fan YlJYEdsPwfE-00033-00022479-00023001 here and I'm waiting on the filter now so it's seperated YlJYEdsPwfE-00034-00023001-00023478 here is my sofa and I have so many cushions because I really like to YlJYEdsPwfE-00035-00023478-00023934 collect emoji cushions, they are so cute, and I have so many blankets YlJYEdsPwfE-00036-00023934-00024892 1 2 3 4 I think I have like 4 in here over here this is the doggy area so this YlJYEdsPwfE-00037-00024892-00025606 is the doggy closet so cute, and I'm gonna film a doggy closet video soon so stay tuned YlJYEdsPwfE-00038-00025606-00026347 and for over here I have all the doggies stuff like their food bones and YlJYEdsPwfE-00039-00026347-00026893 those cleaning like supplies I just store everything here and over this side YlJYEdsPwfE-00040-00026893-00027568 I have two doggies beds and they don't usually use these two beds cause I YlJYEdsPwfE-00041-00027568-00028338 guess they'd like to use their own bed over here, so I have two cages here I usually keep them YlJYEdsPwfE-00042-00028338-00028885 at night and it's also safer for them to be like in the cage when I'm outside cause they YlJYEdsPwfE-00043-00028885-00029637 might be peeing in the outlets or chewing the cords, so its safer for them YlJYEdsPwfE-00044-00029637-00030193 lastly is my outside patio due to privacy issues I'm not gonna film YlJYEdsPwfE-00045-00030193-00030619 outside but basically just two chairs and the table okay guys that was my YlJYEdsPwfE-00046-00030619-00030939 house tour I hope you guys like it if you guys like this video please give YlJYEdsPwfE-00047-00030939-00031447 it a thumbs up also comment down below don't forget to follow my Instagram and YlJYEdsPwfE-00048-00031447-00031893 all my social media and I will see you guys later bye!!! 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00000-00001632-00002361 I see the next challenge for IFLA as implementing the IFLA Strategy to increase diverse voices 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00001-00002361-00002839 and participation of people from different regions of the world. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00002-00002839-00003446 We now have the documents, the reports and see great momentum. Now we must get it into 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00003-00003446-00003707 action; this is the challenge! 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00004-00003707-00004358 As IFLA President, I will build on the IFLA Strategy to increase engagement and voices 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00005-00004358-00005046 from regions of the world, and promote greater diversity, equity and inclusion. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00006-00005046-00005644 Empowering leadership from the regions is key to promote greater diversity, equity and 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00007-00005644-00005878 inclusion within IFLA. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00008-00005878-00006683 From teaching FAIFE workshops on the IFLA/UNESCO Internet Manifesto starting in 2007, I learned how 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00009-00006683-00007244 empowering regional work is, where colleagues from a region collaborate together towards 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00010-00007244-00007344 goals. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00011-00007344-00007942 Therefore, the new Regional Councils will be instrumental to increase diversity, equity 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00012-00007942-00008169 and inclusion within IFLA. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00013-00008169-00008842 Each region knows their countries, cultures, languages, and together we can build on that 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00014-00008842-00009247 to bring principles of equity, diversity and inclusion into action. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00015-00009247-00009844 As IFLA President, I will work with the Governing Board, the regional offices, the preservation 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00016-00009844-00010539 centres, and the language centres to create pathways to increase multilingualism and increase 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00017-00010539-00011100 representation from all regions of the world in all IFLA’s matters. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00018-00011388-00011831 One of the pillars of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00019-00011831-00012242 Development Goals, is the pledge to leave no-one behind. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00020-00012242-00012730 As a profession, it is a pledge that can be the strategic focus of IFLA’s work to achieve 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00021-00012730-00012943 diversity, equity, and inclusion. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00022-00012944-00013444 The UN High Commission for Refugees tells us that there are now 80 million displaced 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00023-00013444-00014007 people around the world, and over 26 million refugees – more than at any time in our history. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00024-00014055-00014472 There are children being born in refugee camps who are destined for a life of poverty and 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00025-00014472-00014572 violence. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00026-00014572-00015006 Sadly, no matter which country you live in – there will be social and economic issues 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00027-00015006-00015311 that are barriers to equity and inclusion. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00028-00015311-00015799 We know from the UN SDGs that education and access to information are critical factors 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00029-00015799-00016053 in breaking the cycle of disadvantage. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00030-00016053-00016510 IFLA can be a powerful voice, advocating for services which will help children learn to 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00031-00016510-00017134 read, adults to learn, and give everyone access to information; their human basic right. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00032-00017134-00017588 The pledge to leave no-one behind needs to be at the centre of IFLA’s advocacy work, 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00033-00017588-00017994 our strategic planning, and our work collectively on a day-to-day basis. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00034-00017994-00018478 The SDGs provide a powerful framework for libraries to demonstrate the work that we 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00035-00018478-00018706 already do - and the work that we can do. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00036-00018706-00019278 IFLA must continue to advocate at the international level, work to identify partners, and support 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00037-00019278-00019620 your work by providing you with practical tools. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00038-00019620-00020092 We need a compelling narrative of the work that libraries do to achieve diversity, equity 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00039-00020092-00020259 and inclusion. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00040-00020259-00020649 There is so much work to be done to bridge the gap between the “haves” and “have nots” 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00041-00020649-00020803 in our communities. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00042-00020803-00021090 Libraries must continue to play a critical role. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00043-00021090-00021558 With IFLA’s leadership and support, we can work effectively within our own countries 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00044-00021558-00022075 and communities to make a strong contribution to ensure no-one is left behind. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00045-00022378-00022745 Inclusion and diversity have certainly become buzzwords 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00046-00022745-00023350 but they are more than just a passing fad. They are vital elements to success. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00047-00023350-00023506 We need a different mindset. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00048-00023506-00023877 Just to say that we need more inclusion and diversity is not enough. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00049-00023877-00023995 Not even close. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00050-00023995-00024606 As President, I will start an active programme that will make sure that colleagues from all 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00051-00024606-00024802 countries will get involved. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00052-00024802-00025263 I will launch a survey in my first year and deliver the results. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00053-00025263-00025589 I want to see more diversity in leadership positions, 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00054-00025589-00026173 and I would like to hear in IFLA conversations as many accents as possible. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00055-00026173-00026389 A real multilingualism. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00056-00026389-00026889 Next IFLA website and IFLA Academy will help in this task. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00057-00026889-00027533 The Regional Council with the 6 Regional Divisions is an innovation. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00058-00027533-00028083 Its success will be a success for IFLA to become a real global association. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00059-00028083-00028620 Library field understanding means to have a global voice showing we are united in 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00060-00028620-00028793 our values and mission. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00061-00028793-00029428 Accepting dissimilarities and valuing each member, only then members feel included 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00062-00029428-00029552 and valued. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00063-00029552-00030121 This is the guarantee to grow faster, and foster creativity and better productivity. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00064-00030121-00030804 Stronger aid to people from developing countries, synergies with, and activation of, 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00065-00030804-00031483 non-active national associations, “member patterned services”, more effective dialogue, 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00066-00031483-00031697 are only just a few of my plans. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00067-00031697-00032687 In the world, there are almost 189 national libraries, 232000 public libraries, thousands of academic libraries 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00068-00032687-00033080 and school libraries, and IFLA needs to reach them. 0oyIp5Zq2d8-00069-00033080-00033224 All the voices must be heard. 00yaan9PeEy-00000-00000892-00001032 The COVID-19 pandemic has 00yaan9PeEy-00001-00001032-00001308 fundamentally changed our way of life. 00yaan9PeEy-00002-00001424-00001576 Home and work have become 00yaan9PeEy-00003-00001576-00001752 radically joined. 00yaan9PeEy-00004-00001836-00001932 For months now, 00yaan9PeEy-00005-00001932-00002112 our lives have taken place 00yaan9PeEy-00006-00002112-00002248 on the same few square meters 00yaan9PeEy-00007-00002248-00002448 we call home. 00yaan9PeEy-00008-00002588-00002872 The city has reached its limits! 00yaan9PeEy-00009-00002872-00002996 What will the 00yaan9PeEy-00010-00002996-00003192 post-pandemic city of tomorrow 00yaan9PeEy-00011-00003192-00003372 look like? 00yaan9PeEy-00012-00003376-00003532 Diversity, Community, 00yaan9PeEy-00013-00003532-00003652 Quality of life. 00yaan9PeEy-00014-00003652-00003900 We need new strategies to actively 00yaan9PeEy-00015-00003900-00004108 shape urban developments. 00yaan9PeEy-00016-00004108-00004276 Our vision is: 00yaan9PeEy-00017-00004276-00004392 City centers and suburbs 00yaan9PeEy-00018-00004392-00004500 take on new significance 00yaan9PeEy-00019-00004500-00004708 due to home offices. 00yaan9PeEy-00020-00004708-00004800 The functions of 00yaan9PeEy-00021-00004800-00004928 inner-city areas will be 00yaan9PeEy-00022-00004928-00005128 broadly redistributed among all 00yaan9PeEy-00023-00005128-00005260 city districts and suburbs. 00yaan9PeEy-00024-00005260-00005492 Specifically, this means that; 00yaan9PeEy-00025-00005492-00005684 public transport and bicycle 00yaan9PeEy-00026-00005684-00005840 freeways will connect all city 00yaan9PeEy-00027-00005840-00006060 districts to the surrounding areas. 00yaan9PeEy-00028-00006060-00006172 Investments and new functions 00yaan9PeEy-00029-00006172-00006352 will revitalize downtown 00yaan9PeEy-00030-00006352-00006556 areas and suburbs. 00yaan9PeEy-00031-00006620-00006840 Everyone will reach their 00yaan9PeEy-00032-00006840-00007012 daily mobility targets either 00yaan9PeEy-00033-00007012-00007152 on foot or on bicycle. 00yaan9PeEy-00034-00007152-00007328 The result? 00yaan9PeEy-00035-00007328-00007464 Traffic will be reduced, 00yaan9PeEy-00036-00007464-00007592 more attractive pedestrian and bicycle 00yaan9PeEy-00037-00007592-00007720 path connections will emerge and 00yaan9PeEy-00038-00007720-00007884 mixed usage of downtown areas 00yaan9PeEy-00039-00007884-00008120 and suburbs will increase. 00yaan9PeEy-00040-00008388-00008488 Your neighborhood will 00yaan9PeEy-00041-00008488-00008648 become more important! 00yaan9PeEy-00042-00008648-00008772 The inhabitants’ daily paths 00yaan9PeEy-00043-00008772-00008920 will change, fostering new 00yaan9PeEy-00044-00008920-00009092 encounters and a 00yaan9PeEy-00045-00009092-00009368 new focus on 00yaan9PeEy-00046-00009368-00009520 living environments. 00yaan9PeEy-00047-00009520-00009648 Through this emerge: 00yaan9PeEy-00048-00009648-00009820 decentralized working places, 00yaan9PeEy-00049-00009820-00010064 such as co-working spaces 00yaan9PeEy-00050-00010064-00010232 As well as local exchanges 00yaan9PeEy-00051-00010232-00010336 through associations, 00yaan9PeEy-00052-00010336-00010524 neighborhood initiatives 00yaan9PeEy-00053-00010524-00010740 and community spaces. 00yaan9PeEy-00054-00010740-00010868 The result? 00yaan9PeEy-00055-00010868-00011040 A focus on neighborhoods, 00yaan9PeEy-00056-00011040-00011152 self-sufficiency 00yaan9PeEy-00057-00011152-00011412 and new kinds of living projects. 00yaan9PeEy-00058-00011748-00011908 Social life will be moved 00yaan9PeEy-00059-00011908-00012092 from the city center. 00yaan9PeEy-00060-00012092-00012220 Public places will foster 00yaan9PeEy-00061-00012220-00012412 exchange and community. 00yaan9PeEy-00062-00012412-00012532 Specifically, this means that: 00yaan9PeEy-00063-00012536-00012692 streets will be divided 00yaan9PeEy-00064-00012692-00012836 by new pop-up bicycle lanes, 00yaan9PeEy-00065-00012836-00013032 outdoor restaurants and greenery. 00yaan9PeEy-00066-00013032-00013191 Parks will have multiple functions 00yaan9PeEy-00067-00013191-00013368 including playing, doing sports 00yaan9PeEy-00068-00013368-00013612 and experiencing cultural projects. 00yaan9PeEy-00069-00013612-00013768 The result is a 00yaan9PeEy-00070-00013768-00013916 socially just city through 00yaan9PeEy-00071-00013916-00014088 multifunctionality 00yaan9PeEy-00072-00014088-00014412 interactions and participation. 00yaan9PeEy-00073-00014632-00014772 The post-pandemic city 00yaan9PeEy-00074-00014772-00014891 will be more neighborly, 00yaan9PeEy-00075-00014891-00015160 more digital and more open. 00yaan9PeEy-00076-00015160-00015340 It will bring us closer together, 00yaan9PeEy-00077-00015340-00015488 allow for more flexibility 00yaan9PeEy-00078-00015488-00015704 and provide us with free space! 00yaan9PeEy-00079-00015704-00015863 Let’s take this opportunity 00yaan9PeEy-00080-00015863-00016000 to make our cities 00yaan9PeEy-00081-00016000-00016256 a much better place! 00cXhnUoKFU-00000-00000120-00000696 all right good morning everybody this is introduction to cloudigrade April 2021 edition uh 00cXhnUoKFU-00001-00000824-00001304 yeah we're gonna we're gonna treat this like uh you've never seen or heard about cloudigrade, 00cXhnUoKFU-00002-00001304-00001855 maybe you have or maybe you haven't, and i'm going to try to explain like at the product level 00cXhnUoKFU-00003-00001855-00002496 what we are, at the team level who we are and how we operate, a little bit about the service 00cXhnUoKFU-00004-00002496-00003000 and the code itself like what are some of the - like walk through some of the pieces of it, 00cXhnUoKFU-00005-00003000-00003640 maybe see some of the behaviors and such uh yeah things yeah i should have just paged to the next 00cXhnUoKFU-00006-00003640-00003944 screen things to cover! new team who are we, what is cloudigrade, what does it do, 00cXhnUoKFU-00007-00004015-00004848 primary use case, happy path, tech essentials, and and demo etc. right all right uh who am i for 00cXhnUoKFU-00008-00004848-00005368 anyone who hasn't met me uh probably just future viewers of this video hi i'm brad i've been part 00cXhnUoKFU-00009-00005368-00005944 of the team that builds cloudigrade since we started development in december of 2017. i was 00cXhnUoKFU-00010-00005944-00006536 hired with a couple of other folks specifically to build this project from day zero. yeah, there's 00cXhnUoKFU-00011-00006536-00007128 my contributions. there you can see my name on rover. great. i'm also the team lead uh de facto 00cXhnUoKFU-00012-00007128-00007695 uh scrum master meeting organizer story writer general all things representative voice when it 00cXhnUoKFU-00013-00007695-00008272 comes to a meeting that requires presentation or representation for us so for instance our weekly 00cXhnUoKFU-00014-00008272-00008832 program calls i'm usually the only person that's there from our team but i certainly don't have to 00cXhnUoKFU-00015-00008832-00009416 be that person uh if anyone else wants to step in i am happy to hand over the reins uh to let you 00cXhnUoKFU-00016-00009528-00010088 do the talking if you're comfortable with it um i linked my link there uh i wrote a blurb 00cXhnUoKFU-00017-00010088-00010608 years ago kind of sharing my feelings about software development open source commit early 00cXhnUoKFU-00018-00010608-00011136 commit often things like that it's still true if you want to read it great if not fine too 00cXhnUoKFU-00019-00011200-00012000 um the cloudigrade team so far up until the time of this recording - yeah i am certainly not 00cXhnUoKFU-00020-00012000-00012584 a one-man show. we've had several people working on this project. kat, bihan, and andrew have all 00cXhnUoKFU-00021-00012584-00013312 been absolutely instrumental to building out this this project. kat and andrew started around- 00cXhnUoKFU-00022-00013312-00013832 let me take that back. kat started the same day that i started in december of 2017. andrew 00cXhnUoKFU-00023-00013832-00014336 started like two weeks later. so we the three of us effectively started at the same time. kat and i 00cXhnUoKFU-00024-00014336-00014847 have been on the entire time. andrew peeled off after almost a year i want to say to work 00cXhnUoKFU-00025-00014847-00015312 on cost management which is around the time that bihan joined, and she'd been on the project 00cXhnUoKFU-00026-00015312-00016144 for almost two years until she left about a month ago. we've all brought special skills we've all 00cXhnUoKFU-00027-00016144-00016584 researched designed and built the whole thing it's never really fallen onto one person's shoulders to do 00cXhnUoKFU-00028-00016584-00017048 anything in particular. integration, configurations, deployments, all that fun stuff. plus i can't forget 00cXhnUoKFU-00029-00017048-00017672 our qes mb and parag are our current qes, and we've had several several more qes before 00cXhnUoKFU-00030-00017672-00018136 uh we can dig into the history later if you're interested. plus at one point we had ux and ui 00cXhnUoKFU-00031-00018136-00018600 ben clark did our ux. david cabrera did our ui dev. we still kind of stay in touch. i know that 00cXhnUoKFU-00032-00018600-00018976 ben attends some meetings that have to do with cloud meter and cloudigrade i know that he has 00cXhnUoKFU-00033-00019032-00019512 i think a personal interest in seeing how this pans out given his his past experience - david as 00cXhnUoKFU-00034-00019512-00020016 well i'm sorry i don't mean to leave him out. jamie was our docs person for the longest 00cXhnUoKFU-00035-00020016-00020536 time i think those responsibilities have more or less transition to another person uh but jamie was 00cXhnUoKFU-00036-00020536-00021152 uh the the expert and probably continues to retain a lot of knowledge. you can see the github org 00cXhnUoKFU-00037-00021152-00021648 i've linked there. it's just cardigrade and the project's underneath are cloudigrade, 00cXhnUoKFU-00038-00021648-00022232 houndigrade, and so forth. ansible slack is where we meet. the cloud meter dev channel 00cXhnUoKFU-00039-00022232-00022776 as well as various others that start with cloud meter like alerts prod, alerts dev, deployments, 00cXhnUoKFU-00040-00022776-00023592 and so forth, but the dev channel is by far where most conversations happen. yeah team ceremonies 00cXhnUoKFU-00041-00023592-00024368 habits etc. we operate nominally with kanban. we used to kind of do scrum and kind of realized it 00cXhnUoKFU-00042-00024368-00024688 was more of a scrumban and then we said you know what we're doing more kanban let's just 00cXhnUoKFU-00043-00024784-00025280 call it what it is: kanban. so we effectively have a nice long backlog, and we're just working 00cXhnUoKFU-00044-00025280-00025880 through top down, and we accept and release as things are ready. daily stand-ups, weekly backlog 00cXhnUoKFU-00045-00025880-00026583 refinements, bi-weekly retrospectives. there are other kanban ceremonies that we could perform 00cXhnUoKFU-00046-00026583-00027256 but we haven't really needed to. so very much adjusted the process to fit the team's needs 00cXhnUoKFU-00047-00027256-00027880 rather than force the process and - again going back to my linkedin - i'm a big agile advocate 00cXhnUoKFU-00048-00027944-00028392 so so ask me about agile sometime. i'll tell you my opinions on what works and what doesn't. 00cXhnUoKFU-00049-00028448-00028960 most conversations like i said take place in slack. threads please. this is something that 00cXhnUoKFU-00050-00028960-00029472 we realized just i think a few months back where their people were talking about hey 00cXhnUoKFU-00051-00029472-00030024 there's way too much just in-line chatter in the in the channel. can we use threads? and so i don't 00cXhnUoKFU-00052-00030024-00030456 want to say that i'm being a thread thread cop a thread police, but i will occasionally try to 00cXhnUoKFU-00053-00030456-00031000 gently remind people please use threads if it gets noisy. or when we're not in slack, in person 00cXhnUoKFU-00054-00031000-00031520 over blue jeans doing a recording call like like this here. we don't really have a team project 00cXhnUoKFU-00055-00031520-00032120 emailing list. technically we have one, but i don't think we've ever actually used it. the team has 00cXhnUoKFU-00056-00032120-00032680 always preferred more informal real-time things like slack and blue jeans. stakeholders and pos 00cXhnUoKFU-00057-00032680-00033224 i'm being a little snarky here they exist but haven't really been interested in our day-to-day 00cXhnUoKFU-00058-00033224-00033904 in a long time. i haven't seen them in any of our agile ceremonies planning backlog stuff stand-ups. 00cXhnUoKFU-00059-00034104-00034992 so i'll expect to see product folks at other uh not kanban things like when i join for 00cXhnUoKFU-00060-00035176-00035728 the weekly program call we got we have stakeholder pos there but other other than that it's more or 00cXhnUoKFU-00061-00035728-00036600 less been up to us to define our project uh uh with with very subtle guidance from the outside. 00cXhnUoKFU-00062-00036600-00037216 no knowledge silos. we expect everyone to be or become an expert in everything. we certainly do 00cXhnUoKFU-00063-00037216-00037792 have our areas of preference and things that we're better at, but we try to break down those 00cXhnUoKFU-00064-00037792-00038368 silos and share as much as possible so that we eliminate the bus factor all that fun stuff. right. 00cXhnUoKFU-00065-00038464-00039152 unit tests. very important. codecov is currently reporting over 97 coverage, which is i think super 00cXhnUoKFU-00066-00039152-00039920 great! and we we strive to keep that high we - that's kind of part and parcel to 00cXhnUoKFU-00067-00039920-00040512 the knowledge silo breaking down - is by testing things, and the next line i guess demoing things. 00cXhnUoKFU-00068-00040512-00040984 we hope to educate each other as we go forward. so yeah record, share demos. we like to use 00cXhnUoKFU-00069-00040984-00041488 asciinema for cli things. if you're not familiar with it it's a free open source tool that actually 00cXhnUoKFU-00070-00041488-00042016 acts like a terminal wrapper. so it captures all the text records it and then spits out a file 00cXhnUoKFU-00071-00042016-00042440 you can either look at it on the asciinema website or just run a local player yourself. 00cXhnUoKFU-00072-00042552-00042920 you'll see plenty of things with asciinema later. maybe not today 00cXhnUoKFU-00073-00042920-00043448 but from me in general because i love to use it. frequent deployments! sometimes multiple times 00cXhnUoKFU-00074-00043448-00043888 a day. sometimes maybe once every week or two just depending on on what kind of progress we've made. 00cXhnUoKFU-00075-00044112-00044936 we are- we try to be as as automated as we can, and we have fully embraced to the best of our 00cXhnUoKFU-00076-00044936-00045576 abilities app-interface's way of living which is- all you gotta do is make a pr 00cXhnUoKFU-00077-00045656-00046288 or an mr because it's in gitlab to their repo with a handful of tags to indicate hey we want 00cXhnUoKFU-00078-00046288-00046736 this thing to upgrade to this version and then you push it through the system and they go take care 00cXhnUoKFU-00079-00046736-00047200 of it. we would like it to be more automated. we actually have we used to have way more automation. 00cXhnUoKFU-00080-00047272-00048024 again more stories front of the time but the short of that is we like fast frequent deployments. 00cXhnUoKFU-00081-00048024-00048616 yeah we use the cloudigrade repo over in github.com- we use its wiki sorry it's wiki for 00cXhnUoKFU-00082-00048616-00049080 most of our living docs. i've been editing these a lot in the last few days as i've realized that 00cXhnUoKFU-00083-00049080-00049448 some of them are very badly out of date and if we have new team members joining i should probably 00cXhnUoKFU-00084-00049448-00050080 make sure that they're current. how to's, faqs, glossaries, and indices. things like that mostly 00cXhnUoKFU-00085-00050080-00050752 live in the github.com wiki for our project. having said that, not everything lives there. we also have some 00cXhnUoKFU-00086-00050752-00051520 example docs that live in the repository because they have real live examples of them. 00cXhnUoKFU-00087-00051520-00052040 and so there's a there's a rest api example that is rebuilt and verified on every pr 00cXhnUoKFU-00088-00052096-00052672 so you know that it's always current and actually doing what we expect it to be presenting. 00cXhnUoKFU-00089-00052752-00053272 so what is cloudigrade? i've talked a lot about the team uh that little icon there is our mascot 00cXhnUoKFU-00090-00053272-00053864 it is the cloudigrade. it's a little doodle i did years ago. uh the origin of the name- 00cXhnUoKFU-00091-00053960-00054376 there's- i think i've linked to it somewhere in this presentation but basically we were we were 00cXhnUoKFU-00092-00054376-00054840 trying to figure out what's a what's a thing that has to do with clouds because we're in the clouds, 00cXhnUoKFU-00093-00054840-00055376 and i think somebody mentioned mites because they're small and somehow we got on the subject 00cXhnUoKFU-00094-00055376-00055984 of tardigrades, and two words came together and cloudigrade was formed. it's a new word. 00cXhnUoKFU-00095-00055984-00056504 i invented it. i'll take the credit for it. i think actually this this link right here links to 00cXhnUoKFU-00096-00056504-00057120 the original slack message from three years ago. cloudigrade noun a tardigrade lives in the clouds. 00cXhnUoKFU-00097-00057120-00057648 this is my cheeky answer to that, but we are an open source project for identifying tracking 00cXhnUoKFU-00098-00057648-00058136 and reporting rhel use in public clouds. that's more of the kind of business side of things. 00cXhnUoKFU-00099-00058191-00058791 and i've kind of restated it here and to differentiate cloudigrade versus cloud meter. 00cXhnUoKFU-00100-00058791-00059320 because you're going to hear these terms both a lot often interchangeably. cloudigrade 00cXhnUoKFU-00101-00059320-00059904 is the open source stuff. it's the project. it's the org. it's the code repo. cloud meter is the 00cXhnUoKFU-00102-00059904-00060464 red hat branded- and i use kind of scare quotes on this- component of cloud.redhead.com that's 00cXhnUoKFU-00103-00060464-00060976 powered by the cloudigrade service. i say branded with with kind of air scare quotes around it 00cXhnUoKFU-00104-00060976-00061632 because it's not officially a product. it's not officially branded. this is more or less a 00cXhnUoKFU-00105-00061752-00062240 more friendly name more consumable name that the product folks came up wit.h i say not 00cXhnUoKFU-00106-00062240-00062728 really branded because i've had to be corrected once or twice by folks that deal with marketing 00cXhnUoKFU-00107-00062728-00063120 and branding and say no no. this is not a product. this is not branded. it's just what 00cXhnUoKFU-00108-00063120-00063648 we call it. okay. not my area of expertise i will just take what you have to say and run with it. 00cXhnUoKFU-00109-00063736-00064648 what do we actually do? so this was the genesis of of our service and a handful of 00cXhnUoKFU-00110-00064648-00065191 others on the whiteboards. these were- this was before i joined red hat by by two months i suppose. 00cXhnUoKFU-00111-00065191-00065832 so in october of 2017 there was a grand vision about how are we going to to measure red hat 00cXhnUoKFU-00112-00065832-00066224 subscriptions in various places and how are we going to bill for them things like that 00cXhnUoKFU-00113-00066352-00066856 among these were radar sonar and doppler. i'm not going to talk about radar on sonar because 00cXhnUoKFU-00114-00066856-00067232 they are have evolved into other services that you may or may not be familiar with. 00cXhnUoKFU-00115-00067296-00067824 doppler is effectively our project. doppler was the original code name for this 00cXhnUoKFU-00116-00067824-00068376 and as you can see in the whiteboard on the left side of the screen doppler kind of covers 00cXhnUoKFU-00117-00068376-00069168 these two squares which is flexible capacity on the cloud and fixed capacity on the cloud with the 00cXhnUoKFU-00118-00069168-00069856 idea being that somehow a service would manifest that could measure what rhel customers are using 00cXhnUoKFU-00119-00069920-00070624 in public clouds. and then there was a there's also this other diagram on the right which was a 00cXhnUoKFU-00120-00070744-00071024 a conceptual how-to okay how could this be implemented 00cXhnUoKFU-00121-00071096-00071688 much of this is actually pretty accurate uh the folks that designed this on the whim originally 00cXhnUoKFU-00122-00071688-00072264 were pretty pretty good at coming up with an idea there are some things that are not correct 00cXhnUoKFU-00123-00072264-00072840 uh or not implemented as originally envisioned but for the most part is here so the customer 00cXhnUoKFU-00124-00072840-00073264 gives us a token to get into their account et cetera. i won't go to the detail here because 00cXhnUoKFU-00125-00073264-00074152 we'll talk about talk about that in another couple of minutes. yes so i've linked here to our faq 00cXhnUoKFU-00126-00074152-00074624 on the github wiki where i wrote this text a long time ago and it's still pretty accurate i believe. 00cXhnUoKFU-00127-00074624-00075248 i've also linked to a using cloud meter google doc which was a document that jamie our former 00cXhnUoKFU-00128-00075248-00075912 docs person wrote a couple years ago back when we had a standalone pilot to say all right here's 00cXhnUoKFU-00129-00075992-00076504 what here's what cloud meter is for a customer. so it's very verbose very very uh 00cXhnUoKFU-00130-00076632-00077184 simple and business friendly terms for an end user to understand. also i've linked to project doppler 00cXhnUoKFU-00131-00077184-00077864 which is an also a very old slide deck that dan ozdowski a product guy who kind of defined 00cXhnUoKFU-00132-00077864-00078416 part of the original vision for for doppler and cloudigrade explains what what doppler was. 00cXhnUoKFU-00133-00078496-00078944 but overall the text i have on the screen i think is is a pretty good way to describe. so cloudigrade 00cXhnUoKFU-00134-00078944-00079400 is our api and asynchronous task processor for tracking use of rhel and openshift in 00cXhnUoKFU-00135-00079400-00079936 public clouds. currently only aws. cloudigrade was envisioned to fill the role of tracking 00cXhnUoKFU-00136-00079936-00080480 where customer is not using red hat insights or subscription management in public cloud instances. 00cXhnUoKFU-00137-00080480-00080952 we expect this may be a common use case especially for short-lived instances that are not configured 00cXhnUoKFU-00138-00080952-00081448 to phone home or check for updates such as when a customer needs to scale up for burst capacity. 00cXhnUoKFU-00139-00081520-00082128 other use cases that we we've talked about is- use cases where they don't want to phone home 00cXhnUoKFU-00140-00082128-00082512 because they're firewalled off. they're in a vlan which can't talk to 00cXhnUoKFU-00141-00082512-00082992 the outside world. perfectly legitimate use case, but we're never going to know about those in the 00cXhnUoKFU-00142-00082992-00083616 traditional means because they can't phone home. so yeah the whole point of cloudigrade is to 00cXhnUoKFU-00143-00083616-00084184 track things that are bursty not phoning home uh vlan firewalled off but in public clouds. 00cXhnUoKFU-00144-00084384-00085176 i think another good example of this- just trying to remember them- is also users who may be in 00cXhnUoKFU-00145-00085176-00085672 process of migrating out of data centers or who really are doing that whole hybrid cloud thing 00cXhnUoKFU-00146-00085728-00086296 that red hat talks a lot about. where they're bringing their own images they're not necessarily 00cXhnUoKFU-00147-00086296-00086608 buying an image from red hat or from aws but they're bringing their own like custom 00cXhnUoKFU-00148-00086704-00087408 operating system image and running that up but there's no metering around it built in. 00cXhnUoKFU-00149-00087464-00087856 a little bit of a history lesson here. this is the original pilot ui. you might have heard me say 00cXhnUoKFU-00150-00087856-00088592 the term pilot a couple of times. in the early days cloudigrade and cloud meter as it would soon 00cXhnUoKFU-00151-00088592-00089312 be known was not a part of the insights core platform. it was not a part of cloud.redhat.com 00cXhnUoKFU-00152-00089312-00089784 and that was intentional. cloudigrade and cloud meter was a standalone pilot website 00cXhnUoKFU-00153-00089848-00090480 on the very cheeky cloudagra.de - we were able to snatch that name out of 00cXhnUoKFU-00154-00090480-00091056 the registrars - and we used that for our standalone site. so it had its own account management, its own 00cXhnUoKFU-00155-00091056-00091664 its own deployment process. it was all top to bottom isolated self-contained. 00cXhnUoKFU-00156-00091792-00092120 and that's a mock-up of what you see on the screen there and on the right side of the screen is an 00cXhnUoKFU-00157-00092120-00092704 actual screenshot cropped from i think jonathan newton's account we had a couple of in-house 00cXhnUoKFU-00158-00092704-00093240 users register their aws accounts with us so we could get some kind of real world data. 00cXhnUoKFU-00159-00093240-00093664 from this you can start to glean what were the things that we were doing and which might imply 00cXhnUoKFU-00160-00093664-00094088 some things that we're still doing now. so you can see over time we track the number of instances. we 00cXhnUoKFU-00161-00094088-00094696 have number of hours. a number of cores. you can see that there's different aws accounts in here. 00cXhnUoKFU-00162-00094696-00095216 different images. instances counts of things. and so forth. you could you could opt in or 00cXhnUoKFU-00163-00095216-00095784 opt out of saying yes this thing actually is or isn't rhel or openshift. perhaps our detection 00cXhnUoKFU-00164-00095784-00096208 was wrong and you need to correct us that's actually a feature that we have since removed. 00cXhnUoKFU-00165-00096352-00096856 yeah that was the the old pilot site and the ui around that. the current ui: 00cXhnUoKFU-00166-00096976-00097648 this space intentionally left blank. we don't have a ui, and the the reason i say that and i have 00cXhnUoKFU-00167-00097648-00098416 a blank page here is a "it's complicated" sort of situation. our services are never directly 00cXhnUoKFU-00168-00098416-00098960 exposed to an end user. we are now effectively a dumb data pipe some people would say. 00cXhnUoKFU-00169-00099040-00099536 the interaction process actually starts with a user interacting with sources which 00cXhnUoKFU-00170-00099536-00100000 eventually trickles into our system to say hey hey a new thing exists i need to start tracking it. 00cXhnUoKFU-00171-00100000-00100424 and on the other end, the user is interacting with subscription 00cXhnUoKFU-00172-00100496-00101200 management oh sorry subscription watch for the tally of things, which again you'll see soon. 00cXhnUoKFU-00173-00101200-00101664 that's not from us. that's from a different service that has polled us on a regular basis, 00cXhnUoKFU-00174-00101664-00102048 and then aggregated our data and chewed up a bunch of other data before presenting on the 00cXhnUoKFU-00175-00102048-00102624 screen. so at no point does a user actually see a window into cloudigrade and cloud meter itself. 00cXhnUoKFU-00176-00102711-00103559 so all right. who are our relevant customers? some of this i think it might have implied or 00cXhnUoKFU-00177-00103559-00104159 covered a little bit already. we are not relevant for people running rhel on bare metal or in data 00cXhnUoKFU-00178-00104159-00104704 centers. not for running rhel in private clouds like if you have your own vmware and a bunch of 00cXhnUoKFU-00179-00104704-00105280 blades in your closets. that's not- we're not for that. we're also not for running in 00cXhnUoKFU-00180-00105392-00105928 a public cloud where the customer is paying someone else for rhel. so for 00cXhnUoKFU-00181-00105928-00106496 example, if the customer is using an amazon marketplace image distribution? not interested. 00cXhnUoKFU-00182-00106496-00107032 or if the customer is buying rhel through a third-party service vendor or third-party provider? 00cXhnUoKFU-00183-00107152-00107656 not interested. they're only interested in the last line here where they're running rhel in the public 00cXhnUoKFU-00184-00107656-00108280 cloud and they have a direct customer relationship with red hat. again this gets back to the whole 00cXhnUoKFU-00185-00108408-00108680 early purpose of like why are we tracking what we're tracking? 00cXhnUoKFU-00186-00108735-00109183 ultimately we want to help the customer understand their subscription use, 00cXhnUoKFU-00187-00109240-00109888 and our data is only relevant if we're tracking specifically subscriptions that are part of our 00cXhnUoKFU-00188-00109888-00110672 relationship. if they're using rhel elsewhere, they don't have a subscription with us. 00cXhnUoKFU-00189-00110672-00111280 primary use case and kind of simplified walk-through happy path of what happens. a customer wants to 00cXhnUoKFU-00190-00111280-00111808 understand their rhen use in public clouds. oh i should pause and clarify on an earlier slide. 00cXhnUoKFU-00191-00111904-00112359 yeah here i think it was on this slide here uh you see open shift and i've mentioned shift. 00cXhnUoKFU-00192-00112552-00113328 technically, cloudigrade is capable of tracking open shift use in in the public clouds as well, but 00cXhnUoKFU-00193-00113328-00113888 it's very hokey, and it's not not great. and it's very much tacked on and i don't know if anyone 00cXhnUoKFU-00194-00113888-00114640 actually cares to use it. the implementation detail is we don't do any sort of deep inspection 00cXhnUoKFU-00195-00114640-00115088 to see if it's openshift. we just simply say hey does your image have a particular tag on it that 00cXhnUoKFU-00196-00115088-00115592 says this is an open shift image? if so we're going to count it. otherwise we never know. we never care. 00cXhnUoKFU-00197-00115672-00116040 so when i say rhel going forward assume that for the most part we're talking about rhel but there's 00cXhnUoKFU-00198-00116040-00116672 also this kind of one corner case of openshift as well. so moving back ahead. okay customer wants 00cXhnUoKFU-00199-00116672-00117176 to understand their rhel use in public clouds but- footnotes not rhel via marketplace but also if 00cXhnUoKFU-00200-00117176-00117808 there's special tags. public clouds currently only aws but azure is in the works. we've done 00cXhnUoKFU-00201-00117808-00118176 lots of investigation. we have more to be done, but not a whole lot of code that's actually been 00cXhnUoKFU-00202-00118176-00118816 written for that. but the intent that the- like- the architecture of this is such that given the 00cXhnUoKFU-00203-00118816-00119144 appropriate attention and time to build it out, we should be able to use something like 00cXhnUoKFU-00204-00119144-00119728 cloudigrade in any cloud- any public cloud. aws, azure, gcp, alibaba, ibm, et cetera et cetera. a lot of names 00cXhnUoKFU-00205-00119728-00120248 have been thrown around as what's gonna be next. at present azure is the one that's next but with 00cXhnUoKFU-00206-00120248-00120872 enough people power we could do all the clouds. so yes they wanted to understand 00cXhnUoKFU-00207-00120872-00121528 their use, so they establish a trust between their cloud account- their aws account- and 00cXhnUoKFU-00208-00121528-00122088 cloudigrade through some means. hand wave, hand wave. details coming. what does cloudigrade do? 00cXhnUoKFU-00209-00122088-00122816 using that trust, we now set up tracking in their account ,and we perform an initial describe 00cXhnUoKFU-00210-00122816-00123224 of what's their current starting activity so that we have a kind of a snapshot in time of- 00cXhnUoKFU-00211-00123224-00123952 of let's say they already had a thousand instances running, but they never turn them off. 00cXhnUoKFU-00212-00123952-00124224 if they never turn on and off, we're never gonna see any instance activities. we want to know what 00cXhnUoKFU-00213-00124224-00124664 the what the starting state of things is. then we actually monitor all the power ons and 00cXhnUoKFU-00214-00124664-00125320 power offs of their instances. as necessary we will inspect the images to determine the rhel presence. 00cXhnUoKFU-00215-00125383-00125928 that's a final system the walkthrough that we'll talk about later and once we've gathered all this 00cXhnUoKFU-00216-00125928-00126440 data we calculate a daily peak concurrent rail use and make that available to the api 00cXhnUoKFU-00217-00126511-00127080 there's a lot of words in that daily peak concurrent use what that means if you imagine uh 00cXhnUoKFU-00218-00127080-00127728 like like like a a timeline right uh at some point in the day uh there's nothing running then there's 00cXhnUoKFU-00219-00127728-00128176 one instance running there's another running and then one of them turns off but then two start and 00cXhnUoKFU-00220-00128176-00128664 then they all shut off and so over there you've got this like up and down graph of of activity 00cXhnUoKFU-00221-00128720-00129176 conceptually right but what we're looking for is the maximum on that graph during the day 00cXhnUoKFU-00222-00129176-00129680 the count so it's not necessarily uh like which specific instance were started but throughout the 00cXhnUoKFU-00223-00129680-00130256 course of the day what was the maximum number ever running at the same time concurrently right and 00cXhnUoKFU-00224-00130256-00130783 that is ultimately the number that the businesses has deemed to be valuable in presenting to the 00cXhnUoKFU-00225-00130783-00131560 customer to say all right uh on this day uh you were using a thousand subscriptions in in your aws 00cXhnUoKFU-00226-00131560-00132144 system uh even though there might have been very flexible amounts throughout the day and they might 00cXhnUoKFU-00227-00132144-00132600 be different combinations of those instances all we really care about is the peak of that count 00cXhnUoKFU-00228-00132728-00133096 and at the very end i think i said this earlier already but repetition is good 00cXhnUoKFU-00229-00133096-00133640 the customer would see that count somewhere summarized on cloud.redhat.com and that's 00cXhnUoKFU-00230-00133640-00134312 where swatch subscription watch comes in that's their ui they tally up our data with 00cXhnUoKFU-00231-00134392-00135040 several other sources of data and kind of chew it all together and out comes a nice pretty graph 00cXhnUoKFU-00232-00135224-00135696 so this is the simplified version of everything this is a slightly more detailed version now 00cXhnUoKFU-00233-00135696-00136408 there's a lot of words on the screen this is still just a high-level capture of it uh i don't expect 00cXhnUoKFU-00234-00136408-00136832 you to understand all of this but i am going to read through it so you can get a sense of what 00cXhnUoKFU-00235-00136832-00137416 all is involved right uh and i i hate putting lots of words on the screen but i think i think the the 00cXhnUoKFU-00236-00137416-00137968 volume of words speaks right so step one customer creates an iam profile and role in their adab 00cXhnUoKFU-00237-00137968-00138312 account i'm going to use all the technical terms at this point instead of kind of glossing over it 00cXhnUoKFU-00238-00138376-00138800 customer defines a subscription watch source and cloudred.com ui using the a or n 00cXhnUoKFU-00239-00138800-00139336 of that role gladigrade reads a kafka message from sources api regarding that object's creation 00cXhnUoKFU-00240-00139336-00139936 cloud grade verifies the permission in the cloud for that area and notifies sources api 00cXhnUoKFU-00241-00139936-00140504 about its success or fail if successful cloud raid continues to create a cloud trail trail 00cXhnUoKFU-00242-00140504-00141016 yes it's redundant that's what amazon calls it in the customers aws account describes the 00cXhnUoKFU-00243-00141016-00141552 current not terminated ec2 instances and starts recording data when the customer starts or stomps 00cXhnUoKFU-00244-00141552-00142048 an instance i guess that's the correct term yeah it starts and stops uh there's also terminate but 00cXhnUoKFU-00245-00142048-00142624 terminate is effectively a stop and cloudtrail will automatically write a file to an s3 bucket 00cXhnUoKFU-00246-00142624-00143272 that we own that s3 bucket has a policy on it which pushes a message to an sqs queue upon any 00cXhnUoKFU-00247-00143272-00143848 file changes so anytime files are added removed we get a notification hey go look at this message 00cXhnUoKFU-00248-00143960-00144480 cloudygrade checks that queue periodically processes the referenced file from s3 00cXhnUoKFU-00249-00144480-00145064 and recorded the activity the content of that s3 file is the hey this instance started 00cXhnUoKFU-00250-00145128-00145624 with a lot of detail right when a new ami is found the the base image right 00cXhnUoKFU-00251-00145704-00146056 uh cloudergrade will copy it from the customer's account into our account 00cXhnUoKFU-00252-00146056-00146712 and handwave handwave after several steps will push specific ids into an sqsq for later handling 00cXhnUoKFU-00253-00146784-00147088 in another asynchronous process cloudgrade is checking that queue 00cXhnUoKFU-00254-00147088-00147512 and when it finds that there are ready entries uh so the images have been copied and prepared 00cXhnUoKFU-00255-00147568-00148128 it scales up an ecs cluster in our aws account attaches volumes for each of the images to that 00cXhnUoKFU-00256-00148128-00148832 these these two to the east 2 instance for the ecs cluster and runs hound grade as an ecs task 00cXhnUoKFU-00257-00148832-00149432 in that cluster word soup i know it'll make sense eventually all right i've mentioned how to grade 00cXhnUoKFU-00258-00149432-00150040 this is a new word uh hounded grade is part of the family of cloud grade things but it's a very small 00cXhnUoKFU-00259-00150104-00150952 specific process it looks for specific files in that cluster that's running in aws and reports 00cXhnUoKFU-00260-00150952-00151464 its results out to an sqsq for consumption by cloud grade at that point cloud degree shuts 00cXhnUoKFU-00261-00151464-00152016 down and it's done hand grade very small but very important piece of this equation cloudy 00cXhnUoKFU-00262-00152016-00152424 grade again periodically looking at these message queues uh records the results from that queue and 00cXhnUoKFU-00263-00152488-00153096 and scales down the ecs cluster since it's now no longer processing cloud grade on another periodic 00cXhnUoKFU-00264-00153096-00153728 basis will calculate the daily concurrent usage or recalculate if new data is found so for example 00cXhnUoKFU-00265-00153808-00154248 let's say we have a whole bunch of information about activity from customer x and we know about 00cXhnUoKFU-00266-00154248-00154752 these images but don't we don't really know if there is a rel present on them uh so we would say 00cXhnUoKFU-00267-00154864-00155256 to simplify let's say there's one instance with one image but it's not we don't know this realm 00cXhnUoKFU-00268-00155256-00155720 so our if it ran the concurrent usage for that is zero but later on when we've 00cXhnUoKFU-00269-00155720-00156136 actually done the inspection we see oh that image actually was rel therefore the instance 00cXhnUoKFU-00270-00156136-00156632 was real therefore we need to go recalculate recalculate when the number becomes one so four 00cXhnUoKFU-00271-00156800-00157328 then uh rhsm uh subscription management slash tally tally is a subservice of rhsm 00cXhnUoKFU-00272-00157392-00157976 pulls cloud of grades apis daily for each customer's previous day's maximum concurrency 00cXhnUoKFU-00273-00158056-00158544 now the api is such that they could ask for any day or any span of days paginated but i believe 00cXhnUoKFU-00274-00158624-00158904 and this is kind of outside my my current knowledge i believe they only looked at the 00cXhnUoKFU-00275-00158904-00159504 previous like yesterday so to speak um then our hsn presents our data aggregated with a bunch of 00cXhnUoKFU-00276-00159504-00160080 data from other sources in the cloud.redhead.com ui dust off your hands we're finished 00cXhnUoKFU-00277-00160240-00161072 easy right easy um oops too far uh so yes and that is still the simplified explanation 00cXhnUoKFU-00278-00161072-00161512 i i did hand wave hand wave a few times because it gets even more complicated to stop some steps 00cXhnUoKFU-00279-00161512-00162080 and unfortunately azure is a whole other beast i did say earlier that conceptually the the the 00cXhnUoKFU-00280-00162080-00162960 process applies to all clouds uh gcp azure and so forth so so far our experience with azure has been 00cXhnUoKFU-00281-00163120-00163648 that it's different enough from amazon that we have to shift some of our mental paradigms and 00cXhnUoKFU-00282-00163648-00163960 we have to look at the problem a little bit differently and the process is going to be a 00cXhnUoKFU-00283-00163960-00164648 little bit different uh kat and i have both worked in gcp google compute sorry gcp google google 00cXhnUoKFU-00284-00164648-00165248 cloud before uh and we are pretty confident that google would be a very close analog maybe even 00cXhnUoKFU-00285-00165248-00165888 a little bit easier in some ways than aws um but gsp has not been the second priority it's like a 00cXhnUoKFU-00286-00165888-00166440 a distant third after azure so yeah azure's going to come into the equation some of what i described 00cXhnUoKFU-00287-00166440-00167128 will be the same some will be wildly different uh all right next chapter technology essentials 00cXhnUoKFU-00288-00167192-00167896 uh this is what makes the actual things work right so as a contributor for cloud-a-grade type things 00cXhnUoKFU-00289-00167896-00168384 you should be comfortable with and ideally have a working knowledge of all of these things um kind 00cXhnUoKFU-00290-00168384-00168808 of in priority order but not really like all of these things are essential to what we do so python 00cXhnUoKFU-00291-00168808-00169464 3.8.x we are a python project um but we are eager to upgrade as new versions of python are available 00cXhnUoKFU-00292-00169464-00169984 thus the dot x uh we build our images off of ubi or the universal based images from red hat 00cXhnUoKFU-00293-00170040-00170528 so we're really at the whim or mercy of what is available in their repositories so if they upgrade 00cXhnUoKFU-00294-00170528-00171144 to 3.9 we're going to upgrade to 3.9 otherwise we get whatever the version is uh django is 00cXhnUoKFU-00295-00171144-00171528 what our project is built in this it's an application framework for web services 00cXhnUoKFU-00296-00171528-00172248 uh django rest framework is a a a whatever i call it it's extension of django so to speak 00cXhnUoKFU-00297-00172248-00172784 it's probably a better term for that that helps encapsulate and handle a lot of the rest api type 00cXhnUoKFU-00298-00172784-00173696 things like serialization marshalling and of json right celery is our asynchronous task processor it 00cXhnUoKFU-00299-00173696-00174376 also goes hand in hand with django uh so and it's also extremely essential to us because most of the 00cXhnUoKFU-00300-00174376-00175064 actual heavy lifting is done in asynchronous tasks which is processed by salary uh poetry talks black 00cXhnUoKFU-00301-00175064-00175824 flake 8 these are all the typical python tools for running local development poetry we actually use 00cXhnUoKFU-00302-00175824-00176232 pretty much everywhere for our virtual environment handling talks we use for running our unit tests 00cXhnUoKFU-00303-00176232-00176936 and lint checking black is part of those lent checks for um for code formatting and cleanliness 00cXhnUoKFU-00304-00176936-00177504 flightgate has various uh lint checks as well all of that gets run as part of our talks we run 00cXhnUoKFU-00305-00177504-00178096 those uh during all of our pipeline builds and locally i'm running it constantly before i push 00cXhnUoKFU-00306-00178096-00178616 between pushes to make sure that everything is running as it should for the data back-end stuff 00cXhnUoKFU-00307-00178616-00179184 postgres is our our core database and pretty much all of our deployed environments sqlite 00cXhnUoKFU-00308-00179184-00179736 is important to know though because we do use that for i think unit tests use sql lite locally 00cXhnUoKFU-00309-00179824-00180296 we also use sqlite for uh rebuilding that documentation that said was dynamically built 00cXhnUoKFU-00310-00180368-00180920 so so sqlites for that so because we use both postgres and sqlite and potentially database x 00cXhnUoKFU-00311-00180920-00181560 like i don't know if we never do mariadb but maybe we we try to keep our our code as implementation 00cXhnUoKFU-00312-00181560-00182128 agnostic as possible so we don't have any raw sql strings for example we use the orm from django 00cXhnUoKFU-00313-00182128-00182656 for i think everything at this point and we'll try to keep it that way if time arrives that we can't 00cXhnUoKFU-00314-00182656-00183080 well we'll have to cross that bridge and figure out that unicorn is our whiskey wrapper uh for 00cXhnUoKFU-00315-00183080-00183888 python nginx is our web server that i think it shares a um a socket with unicorn for forwarding 00cXhnUoKFU-00316-00183888-00184264 those requests uh and docker of course we build everything in images so you gotta be familiar with 00cXhnUoKFU-00317-00184264-00184880 docker uh century kafka havana uh century we use for uh error alerting and notification uh there 00cXhnUoKFU-00318-00184880-00185368 are a couple of uh channels in slack that you'll see are populated by lots of noise from century 00cXhnUoKFU-00319-00185368-00185776 sometimes it's quiet sometimes it's noisy it's been especially noisy the last few days as i'm 00cXhnUoKFU-00320-00185776-00186336 trying to chase down some weird problems but don't be scared if you see alerts in there the 00cXhnUoKFU-00321-00186336-00186992 alerts by the way from century are not necessarily indicative of problems uh we have it such that 00cXhnUoKFU-00322-00186992-00187632 anything of the error at the logger at the logged error level results in a century notification and 00cXhnUoKFU-00323-00187632-00188016 early on in cloud grade's development we were very eager to be notified of things because 00cXhnUoKFU-00324-00188104-00188848 well it was new right um and so we've we've had to tune down a lot of things we've reduced from error 00cXhnUoKFU-00325-00188848-00189248 to warning to info to debug certain things that we've realized and we don't really care about this 00cXhnUoKFU-00326-00189248-00189936 this isn't as much of an error as is informational expect more changes to continue like that kafka i 00cXhnUoKFU-00327-00189936-00190416 think i mentioned earlier uh is how we talk with sources api uh message queue run internally about 00cXhnUoKFU-00328-00190416-00191096 the platform uh kevana also run internally by the platform uh is where log aggregation occurs uh 00cXhnUoKFU-00329-00191096-00191560 so uh each of our environments you can go to kibana filter on our project and 00cXhnUoKFU-00330-00191560-00191984 put in your dates and search filters to figure out what the logs were coming out of each of our pods 00cXhnUoKFU-00331-00192192-00192744 aws obviously it's one of our clouds boto is the python library for talking to aws that's 00cXhnUoKFU-00332-00192744-00193384 universally used and loved specific sources in aws that are essential for knowing i am 00cXhnUoKFU-00333-00193384-00193944 east uh so let me explain this i am as uh identity management identity and account management i think 00cXhnUoKFU-00334-00193944-00194328 ec2 is elastic cloud compute it's where your instances and images live 00cXhnUoKFU-00335-00194328-00194912 ecs elastic cloud compute service i can't remember what the c stands for but it's basically their 00cXhnUoKFU-00336-00194912-00195560 their docker their their their uh scaling up of pods right uh sqs simple cubing service so it's 00cXhnUoKFU-00337-00195560-00196152 message queues s3 simple storage service i think uh it's storage buckets that i mentioned earlier 00cXhnUoKFU-00338-00196152-00196664 cloudtrail is the trail thing that tracks api usage oh i forgot to mention here also cloud watch 00cXhnUoKFU-00339-00196664-00197432 cloud watch we use for log aggregation out of out of how to grade and it's also used by the platform 00cXhnUoKFU-00340-00197528-00198224 to aggregate logs up into cabana uh azure and the azure sdk we're not really using these yes 00cXhnUoKFU-00341-00198224-00198896 yet specific apis are to be determined um but the sdk is what it is openshift dedicated obviously 00cXhnUoKFU-00342-00198896-00199256 osd we call it or weaponship.com it's where our service lives and runs 00cXhnUoKFU-00343-00199312-00199704 uh obviously you're templating app interface it's how you get things deployed 00cXhnUoKFU-00344-00199784-00200376 and last but not least i had throw and get because of course we use get branching rebasing etc all 00cXhnUoKFU-00345-00200376-00200912 that good stuff we're on github.com so familiar with the pull request flow and things like that 00cXhnUoKFU-00346-00201008-00201576 git lab i mentioned here not necessarily for our project itself but for things like 00cXhnUoKFU-00347-00201576-00202032 app interface app interface lives in the internal git lab it's it uses very similar 00cXhnUoKFU-00348-00202032-00202544 metaphors to github so if you've used one you'll figure out the other pretty well um 00cXhnUoKFU-00349-00202760-00203096 all right still trying to look through this as quick as i can technology components 00cXhnUoKFU-00350-00203096-00203416 and yeah this is all recorded and i will share the slides by the way at the end uh 00cXhnUoKFU-00351-00203416-00203800 so you can scroll back through these click on the links etc and we'll ask questions as well 00cXhnUoKFU-00352-00203880-00204320 uh so we were talking technology essentials now what are the actual components of the service 00cXhnUoKFU-00353-00204320-00204823 itself uh i've linked here to our deployments i'm not going to open that right now because it'll 00cXhnUoKFU-00354-00204823-00205423 break the whole presentation mode uh but that'll go to uh looks like the production deployments 00cXhnUoKFU-00355-00205480-00205912 for cloudy grade under which you'll see that there are four deployments uh there's a cloud 00cXhnUoKFU-00356-00205912-00206440 grid api these four things are all the same repository just with different entry points 00cXhnUoKFU-00357-00206440-00207104 effectively um cloudy api is the main api that's the rest api it's the main service in that sense 00cXhnUoKFU-00358-00207240-00207888 it scales horizontally as needed uh friday listener is a singleton that pulls kafka and 00cXhnUoKFU-00359-00207888-00208304 processes new incoming messages the reason it's a singleton and not horizontally scaled 00cXhnUoKFU-00360-00208304-00208816 uh is because we want to preserve order of those messages uh if we preserved a delete 00cXhnUoKFU-00361-00208816-00209400 before create for example things would not work as expected uh so order is important there 00cXhnUoKFU-00362-00209400-00210304 and uh we haven't had a need or had the interest in in solving that problem differently i'll say 00cXhnUoKFU-00363-00210304-00210760 but it could be solved differently uh cloud grade beat also a singleton but this is singleton for a 00cXhnUoKFU-00364-00210760-00211280 different reason this is the asynchronous task scheduler for celery it's effectively chrome 00cXhnUoKFU-00365-00211336-00212048 uh so with salary async tasks there are multiple ways to get those tasks to run one of them is just 00cXhnUoKFU-00366-00212112-00212704 by triggering it directly like like if i receive a request and i say oh i need to i need to calculate 00cXhnUoKFU-00367-00212704-00213064 this thing but i'm just going to give a 200 okay and say we're working on come back later 00cXhnUoKFU-00368-00213064-00213528 i can immediately fire a task and i'll go go get picked up by a worker alternatively i can 00cXhnUoKFU-00369-00213528-00213960 have things on schedule effectively cron is why i call it so we have a number of things like 00cXhnUoKFU-00370-00213960-00214408 certain certain operations for talking with our cluster talking about our message cues are on 00cXhnUoKFU-00371-00214408-00215000 like five minute beats 10 minute beats hour long beats whatever and the beat is a process that 00cXhnUoKFU-00372-00215000-00215448 effectively keeps keeps the clock running and says all right go run it's time to do your thing now 00cXhnUoKFU-00373-00215519-00216048 uh cloud right worker is the other half of that equation it is the actual worker for those salary 00cXhnUoKFU-00374-00216048-00216623 tasks so the b just says go run this worker does the work um this is also horizontally scalable 00cXhnUoKFU-00375-00216623-00217264 based on i think cpu utilization uh i think going back to the api i think the api has default at two 00cXhnUoKFU-00376-00217264-00217880 pods or two workers whatever a worker i think defaults at two or three but often is scaled up 00cXhnUoKFU-00377-00217880-00218512 to more than that based on load uh i guess it's worth pointing out that the vast majority of like 00cXhnUoKFU-00378-00218512-00219160 the cpu load and calculation and api calls and such are done by the workers a lot of our stuff 00cXhnUoKFU-00379-00219216-00219704 is done asynchronously in these workers i would say actually the vast majority of the 00cXhnUoKFU-00380-00219704-00220312 business logic and work happens in these async workers uh and last but not least time to grade 00cXhnUoKFU-00381-00220312-00220840 i i mentioned this kind of as as as a small isolated thing earlier on the previous screen 00cXhnUoKFU-00382-00220984-00221823 it doesn't have a deployment of its own it is it is a very small docker image uh with a very small 00cXhnUoKFU-00383-00221823-00222232 python script in it that you effectively run with an entry point where you within the front 00cXhnUoKFU-00384-00222232-00222960 cli arguments right uh and it you give it a list of mounted volumes and some identifying 00cXhnUoKFU-00385-00222960-00223456 information about them it walks through all those things and spits out results to a message cube 00cXhnUoKFU-00386-00223616-00224184 it does not run as a long-running service it is run on demand in the cloud 00cXhnUoKFU-00387-00224256-00224567 not in openshift that's a very very key distinction here that's also why i've 00cXhnUoKFU-00388-00224567-00225056 separated these cloudigrade runs in openshift houndigrade runs in the separate public clouds 00cXhnUoKFU-00389-00225136-00225360 because it's the thing that does the file system inspection 00cXhnUoKFU-00390-00225552-00226328 whoo i'm gonna take a breath here demo time uh i'm sure you have lots of questions and if 00cXhnUoKFU-00391-00226328-00226792 uh if you do hold on for them for just a little bit longer because i want to show you what this 00cXhnUoKFU-00392-00226792-00227232 stuff looks like because that might answer some of your questions as we do this i'm going to 00cXhnUoKFU-00393-00227232-00227904 break out a full screen hopefully let me close my alerts here uh hopefully the presentation is still 00cXhnUoKFU-00394-00227904-00228567 in blue jeans what i want to do is i'm going to go to my notes and i'm going to go to 00cXhnUoKFU-00395-00228680-00229040 cloud.stage.redhead.com let's just go to the top 00cXhnUoKFU-00396-00229271-00229816 what i'm going to do here is i'm going to actually walk through the users the user's behavior and 00cXhnUoKFU-00397-00229816-00230256 experience and then look at a little bit of behind the scenes about what's happening as the user does 00cXhnUoKFU-00398-00230256-00230840 this so yeah i want to log in i'm going to grab actually hang on credentials over here 00cXhnUoKFU-00399-00230984-00231992 this account those credentials all right so yeah clouded reddit.com same thing everybody sees but 00cXhnUoKFU-00400-00231992-00232456 what i want to do is i want to hit this little little gear icon up here right because i mentioned 00cXhnUoKFU-00401-00232456-00232896 earlier the way you get started in process is to create a source i go here i go to settings 00cXhnUoKFU-00402-00233080-00233856 and yeah sure i'll go on the sidebar over here to sources and pay no attention to the fact that one 00cXhnUoKFU-00403-00233856-00234264 already exists this is my practice for the demo that i did yesterday uh i will create 00cXhnUoKFU-00404-00234264-00235032 another one though so add source all right select your source type well we are aws so it's that 00cXhnUoKFU-00405-00235032-00235592 we'll go next i'm going to call this one what they call this i'm going to call this which i call the 00cXhnUoKFU-00406-00235592-00236344 other one well the other one cloud meter devo 1. i'm going to call this one cloud meter dev o3 00cXhnUoKFU-00407-00236536-00237032 next all right so uh this again this flow is not something that we own or control 00cXhnUoKFU-00408-00237032-00237800 uh this is uh by the sources and other folks but you'll notice that there's two ways to proceed 00cXhnUoKFU-00409-00237800-00238560 uh there's this account authorization uh which is the easy path for the user uh but it's less 00cXhnUoKFU-00410-00238560-00239088 interesting for us so i'm not gonna do that uh the easy path basically you give red hat as a customer 00cXhnUoKFU-00411-00239088-00239696 i would give red hat my full admin god mode credentials into my aws account and with those 00cXhnUoKFU-00412-00239696-00240471 full admin god mode credentials red hat through back-end machinations would go create a bunch 00cXhnUoKFU-00413-00240471-00241008 of different entities in the aws account for each of the respective services but i want to 00cXhnUoKFU-00414-00241008-00241304 do that myself so you can see what the process is like so i'm going to hit manual configuration 00cXhnUoKFU-00415-00241440-00241919 uh configure and manage your source manually if you do not wish to provide super credentials 00cXhnUoKFU-00416-00241919-00242871 great next all right for us what we care about is rel management uh there are other things again 00cXhnUoKFU-00417-00242871-00243400 related that are not just cloud grade thus the whole tallying and gluing of multiple data sources 00cXhnUoKFU-00418-00243400-00244056 this is how you get things started for us next all right what you just saw happen i 00cXhnUoKFU-00419-00244056-00244664 don't know if you saw if it was too fast uh is this box here was populated with a bunch of json 00cXhnUoKFU-00420-00244664-00245128 uh an api call was actually made to cloud grade to populate that and that is a public 00cXhnUoKFU-00421-00245128-00245584 publicly available api so if i knew the url and had credentials i could get it 00cXhnUoKFU-00422-00245584-00246088 for you right now but what it's telling me here is that as a customer need to go to aws and start 00cXhnUoKFU-00423-00246088-00246623 setting some things up i need to do that so i'm going to open up my aws account and go to 00cXhnUoKFU-00424-00246623-00246856 i have another window open here that i'm going to pull over 00cXhnUoKFU-00425-00247080-00247992 there we go i'm logging into aws great uh i for what it's worth our team has about let's 00cXhnUoKFU-00426-00247992-00248616 say 11 or 12 i can't remember the exact number uh developer accounts in amazon because we used 00cXhnUoKFU-00427-00248616-00249032 to have a lot more people on the team at one point i think we had as many as six developers 00cXhnUoKFU-00428-00249136-00249871 five developers uh plus two or three qe so we had more or less 10 what was what we needed uh and so 00cXhnUoKFU-00429-00249871-00250319 if you see me talk about devo one double two devo three and so forth these are the multiple 00cXhnUoKFU-00430-00250319-00250960 dev accounts we have we'll be sharing these with you um shortly we're in aws what did it say i 00cXhnUoKFU-00431-00250960-00251336 need to do i'm going to pretend like i'm a user i don't know what i'm doing i go to the database 00cXhnUoKFU-00432-00251336-00251736 identity management console that's iam heard me talk about that earlier 00cXhnUoKFU-00433-00251808-00252136 there's multiple ways you can get there you know if you're not familiar with abyss you can click 00cXhnUoKFU-00434-00252136-00252616 recently visit stuff here you can click this services link up here and just look for stuff 00cXhnUoKFU-00435-00252696-00253296 or you can use this kind of uh omni search bar up here so if you do iam it'll it'll find it 00cXhnUoKFU-00436-00253296-00253856 press enter and takes me to the right place all right what does it want me to do it says create 00cXhnUoKFU-00437-00253856-00254408 a new policy pasting the following contents in the json box so i'm going to go over to policies 00cXhnUoKFU-00438-00254728-00255216 all right so this is mostly stock database policies these are not just ones that i've 00cXhnUoKFU-00439-00255216-00255816 created that's why there's so many of them create policy go to json editor and i need to copy that 00cXhnUoKFU-00440-00255816-00256856 little copy button select all delete paste looks fine next review i'm going to give this a name 00cXhnUoKFU-00441-00256856-00257896 um what am i going to call this i'm going to call this cloud file meter demo devo3 not demo dub 00cXhnUoKFU-00442-00258008-00258728 double three the name doesn't really matter uh it's just just a unique value in amazon like we 00cXhnUoKFU-00443-00258728-00259160 don't really care what the name is other than we get the name uh all right so what does it say i 00cXhnUoKFU-00444-00259160-00259632 need to do copy it complete to create do not close your browser so i'm going to hit create policy 00cXhnUoKFU-00445-00259976-00260800 great all right so policy has been created uh next up uh to delegate account access create an im role 00cXhnUoKFU-00446-00260800-00261296 to associate with your ian policy uh you might have also noticed a little blank here it was blank 00cXhnUoKFU-00447-00261296-00261712 and it just got populated with the economy like the previous page this is loaded dynamically from 00cXhnUoKFU-00448-00261712-00262208 my api the values will be different in different environments this is something that i've had to 00cXhnUoKFU-00449-00262208-00262816 hammer into people's heads do not hard code this anywhere i've had to have conversations about this 00cXhnUoKFU-00450-00262872-00263536 uh uh recently as well i think i saw that conversation you might have things will break 00cXhnUoKFU-00451-00263536-00264184 very strangely in unexpected ways if if you plug in the wrong account number um i actually take 00cXhnUoKFU-00452-00264184-00264520 it back it's not so strange mysterious uh the short of it is if you give the wrong account 00cXhnUoKFU-00453-00264720-00265136 we might not actually be able to set your account up uh depending on where you set it 00cXhnUoKFU-00454-00265136-00265464 uh and so you'll just get a generic hey we don't have access to your account 00cXhnUoKFU-00455-00265464-00266064 uh message at some point so i'm gonna copy that value it says uh select from i am i'm 00cXhnUoKFU-00456-00266064-00266432 gonna create a new role i should probably talk to some folks about the language here because 00cXhnUoKFU-00457-00266512-00267152 they capitalize these as proper nouns i believe in amazon but in any case uh oh no they don't i was 00cXhnUoKFU-00458-00267152-00268088 wrong as a again no back over here let me create a role and i'm going to copy this id create role 00cXhnUoKFU-00459-00268168-00268768 and i'm going to share with another aws account that is the account here next permissions and i 00cXhnUoKFU-00460-00268768-00269288 can just quickly filter to customer manage these ones that i've created hey look there's cloud 00cXhnUoKFU-00461-00269288-00269800 meter demo devo3 so it should stay in here attach the permissions policy that you just created 00cXhnUoKFU-00462-00269984-00270568 i also mentioned that when this process was defined and i think some of the documentation and 00cXhnUoKFU-00463-00270568-00271248 verbiage around here uh was defined it was largely assumed that this is a space of the comfortable 00cXhnUoKFU-00464-00271248-00271720 that the customer is comfortable working with the customer understands amazon if they're setting 00cXhnUoKFU-00465-00271720-00272184 this up so we don't have to walk them through like step by step we should be able to say go create a 00cXhnUoKFU-00466-00272184-00272792 role use this policy etc the user if they're using amazon already knows how to do all this stuff 00cXhnUoKFU-00467-00272904-00273560 uh so yes i do this create my next hit next and what i want to call this role i'm just going 00cXhnUoKFU-00468-00273560-00274112 to call it the same thing the name doesn't matter again cloud meter demo devo 3 create 00cXhnUoKFU-00469-00274528-00274952 now these two steps that i just showed creating the role and creating the policy 00cXhnUoKFU-00470-00274952-00275256 sorry in the other order creating the policy and then creating the role of policy attached 00cXhnUoKFU-00471-00275312-00275792 is what that super key functionality would do for you that was the easy route right that's why you 00cXhnUoKFU-00472-00275792-00276304 have to give the super key path effectively god mode admin privileges to your entire aws account 00cXhnUoKFU-00473-00276400-00276848 which by the way amazon says you should never do but that's a conversation for another time 00cXhnUoKFU-00474-00276984-00277384 they they i think they explicitly say in the terms of service don't do this 00cXhnUoKFU-00475-00277440-00277920 whatever uh so yeah okay great i've created a role do not close your browser you will need to 00cXhnUoKFU-00476-00277920-00278520 be logged in for the next step next step to enable account access capture the error and associate the 00cXhnUoKFU-00477-00278520-00279016 role you just created navigate the role from the summary copy the field here we go i can just click 00cXhnUoKFU-00478-00279016-00279496 it here because i just created it and on the page roll arn bingo there it is i can click this little 00cXhnUoKFU-00479-00279584-00280232 folded paper icon and it copies it to my clipboard come back to red hat paste the value this by the 00cXhnUoKFU-00480-00280232-00281008 way is not a secret value uh it's effectively a uid um there's not so if a third party 00cXhnUoKFU-00481-00281008-00281328 caught this like if i shared because i will share this recording if someone else sees this 00cXhnUoKFU-00482-00281400-00281904 nothing of value could someone get from this because they would if a if an attacker or third 00cXhnUoKFU-00483-00281904-00282488 party account wanted to do to do something with this role they would have to get access 00cXhnUoKFU-00484-00282552-00283112 to the other account that has been granted access to this role or something else right so this is 00cXhnUoKFU-00485-00283112-00283784 not really a secret that's also why it's in plain text here next review the details uh read the 00cXhnUoKFU-00486-00283784-00284384 information edit name source type configuration this all looks great to me so i'm going to hit add 00cXhnUoKFU-00487-00284464-00285192 we got a spinner what's it doing i hope i hope it works live demos you know oh live demos what are 00cXhnUoKFU-00488-00285192-00285656 you doing well i'll tell you about what's doing it now hopefully it comes back in a few seconds 00cXhnUoKFU-00489-00285768-00286136 oh darn it didn't complete in time well what normally happens here 00cXhnUoKFU-00490-00286136-00286560 uh and this could be all kinds of things it could be sources as doing something weird 00cXhnUoKFU-00491-00286560-00287208 in stage could be kafka is all blocked up in stage stage is not always a healthy environment so all 00cXhnUoKFU-00492-00287208-00287680 kinds of things could be going wrong right now but normally in the ideal world this is what happens 00cXhnUoKFU-00493-00287848-00288536 that web post the forum post uh was was posted to the sources api the sources api create a 00cXhnUoKFU-00494-00288536-00288904 whole bunch of objects in its back-end you might be familiar with this since you've since you've 00cXhnUoKFU-00495-00288904-00289344 played with sources before and as a result of creating each of those sources objects messages 00cXhnUoKFU-00496-00289344-00290088 get pushed out to the cuff uh message cues sorry the k words kibana and kafka i keep getting 00cXhnUoKFU-00497-00290144-00290672 mixed up not dyslexic but but sometimes you get the words mixed up um messages you can push out 00cXhnUoKFU-00498-00290672-00291040 the cube and cloudy grade is is constantly pulling those cues like actually constantly 00cXhnUoKFU-00499-00291040-00291456 like in a while true loop right banging those those those cues for new messages 00cXhnUoKFU-00500-00291512-00292376 uh when it sees appropriate messages for cloud agreed so the types are appropriate uh and 00cXhnUoKFU-00501-00292376-00293112 it's a create of a particular one or two objects cloudgrade then verifies the permission for what 00cXhnUoKFU-00502-00293112-00293840 we just got for that area so cloudgrade goes out to the customer's account using that arn as access 00cXhnUoKFU-00503-00294064-00294400 the technical detail here is we actually are using our account 00cXhnUoKFU-00504-00294400-00294824 but we're impersonating the user by establishing a session through that role 00cXhnUoKFU-00505-00294912-00295376 uh im stuff is fun uh but effectively i'm gonna say we're going into the customer's account we 00cXhnUoKFU-00506-00295376-00295792 go into customers account and we have a list of things that we try to verify like we verify 00cXhnUoKFU-00507-00295792-00296248 that we can do a describe we do dry runs effectively of a lot of api calls and say 00cXhnUoKFU-00508-00296248-00296808 do all these dry run operations succeed if these dry run operations succeed then we assume that 00cXhnUoKFU-00509-00296808-00297360 everything was set up correctly and we can actually do our job going forward when that 00cXhnUoKFU-00510-00297360-00297904 passes we put a message out to sources and say hey sources you're good to go mark this thing as ready 00cXhnUoKFU-00511-00298000-00298536 normally that little spinner here would come back with a big old happy check mark say yes you are 00cXhnUoKFU-00512-00298536-00299256 done everything is working great life goes on um added just now let me reload the page just to out 00cXhnUoKFU-00513-00299256-00300096 of curiosity i have demos man i have demos oh it's green okay so so it could be that kafka was just 00cXhnUoKFU-00514-00300096-00300520 backed up and slow uh or it could be sources was backed up and slow or cloud degree was backed up 00cXhnUoKFU-00515-00300520-00301032 as low who knows lots of stuff happens on stage that's but not ideal but nonetheless the process 00cXhnUoKFU-00516-00301032-00301552 worked uh and and the ui is designed in such a way to handle this like it tries and it waits for like 00cXhnUoKFU-00517-00301552-00302120 20 or 30 seconds whatever the case may be and says come check back later huzzah we've got a green 00cXhnUoKFU-00518-00302120-00302688 green oval rounded rectangle on this let me click it what does it tell me it says rel is available 00cXhnUoKFU-00519-00302688-00303200 which means that i've talked to cloud grade it set up all things uh it says last availability check 00cXhnUoKFU-00520-00303200-00303784 not checked um that's a different service that's not cloud grade that's partisan tally i believe 00cXhnUoKFU-00521-00303784-00304424 and i said earlier that on a daily basis i think it's like 2 or 3 a.m u.s eastern time uh 00cXhnUoKFU-00522-00304544-00305016 tally pulls cloudy grade for what were your totals yesterday that's why this has not checked yet 00cXhnUoKFU-00523-00305016-00305480 if we were to pause this recording and come back 24 hours from now you would probably see 00cXhnUoKFU-00524-00305480-00306104 an update here with some more interesting information uh well since we can't pause 00cXhnUoKFU-00525-00306104-00306488 and come back at 24 hours i've done the baking show thing where i've made a baked a cake and i'm 00cXhnUoKFU-00526-00306488-00306864 going to pull it out of the pull out of the the cold oven and show you what the cake looks like 00cXhnUoKFU-00527-00307008-00307488 so let me switch a few things around here real quick and close this 00cXhnUoKFU-00528-00307640-00308016 what i'm going to start doing let me just close all my terminal windows and open up 00cXhnUoKFU-00529-00308016-00308240 a new terminal window and i'm going to share with terminal with you instead 00cXhnUoKFU-00530-00308368-00308816 zoom in a whole bunch so it's hopefully legible jeans and i want to share 00cXhnUoKFU-00531-00309040-00309544 my terminal hopefully you see a an empty terminal screen now let me know if you do okay thumbs up 00cXhnUoKFU-00532-00309544-00310160 okay cool uh all that hand waving all the behind the scenes stuff like i said cloud grade does 00cXhnUoKFU-00533-00310160-00310672 not have a ui so you can't really see what's going on with cloud grade but we do have apis 00cXhnUoKFU-00534-00310752-00311064 so what i'm going to do i'm going to go to my notes that you probably can't see 00cXhnUoKFU-00535-00311064-00311656 i'm going to set up a few things so i'm going to read a variable off and i'm going to put in 00cXhnUoKFU-00536-00311656-00312496 my credentials for this great i'm going to make myself just an alias to shorten these commands i 00cXhnUoKFU-00537-00312496-00313184 use a i use a terminal program called http or it's called http but the command command name is http 00cXhnUoKFU-00538-00313184-00313512 it's kind of like curl but it's a little bit more user friendly go check it out i totally like it 00cXhnUoKFU-00539-00313616-00314280 and i think most of the people around us use it as well um but i passed a handful of extra arguments 00cXhnUoKFU-00540-00314280-00315016 here uh with the authentication here and the proxy because when you want to access the stage apis you 00cXhnUoKFU-00541-00315016-00315696 have to be within the red hat vpn so to speak and you have to proxy your requests through squid uh 00cXhnUoKFU-00542-00315696-00316080 so it's great proxy so i'm just i'm thinking as an alias so i have to type it every single time 00cXhnUoKFU-00543-00316192-00316736 now what i'm going to do oh yeah and the author that i log that i entered here is the same auth 00cXhnUoKFU-00544-00316736-00317232 that i used through the web interface so i should effectively see the same things i saw on the web 00cXhnUoKFU-00545-00317488-00317624 what i'm going to copy i'm going to go 00cXhnUoKFU-00546-00317624-00318696 to the following path so i'm going to go to the stage server cloud grade api accounts 00cXhnUoKFU-00547-00318792-00319384 and uh just launch it and see what it does live demo come on whoo all right uh 00cXhnUoKFU-00548-00319440-00319840 too much to fit on one screen let me uh let me shrink my font a little bit here 00cXhnUoKFU-00549-00319992-00320536 there we go hopefully that fits let me actually type it also to jq so i just get the data 00cXhnUoKFU-00550-00320824-00321176 that's a little bit better that mostly fits on one screen i think so what you see 00cXhnUoKFU-00551-00321176-00321736 is is a json response with two objects if you might remember on the web you saw two objects 00cXhnUoKFU-00552-00321736-00322328 because there was this stage demo dev one that i set up yesterday and the cloud meter demo devo 3 00cXhnUoKFU-00553-00322328-00322672 which is one that i just set up a few minutes ago so yay we got a response 00cXhnUoKFU-00554-00322672-00323112 we got things coming out of the system we have probably interesting things out of here 00cXhnUoKFU-00555-00323264-00323808 other than the name obviously there's like dates and ids we also have the authentication 00cXhnUoKFU-00556-00323808-00324288 application and source id that are relevant from sources api because we need to keep an 00cXhnUoKFU-00557-00324288-00324648 eye on these ids if we get messages related to any of these ads from sources like they've been 00cXhnUoKFU-00558-00324648-00325168 deleted or disabled or updated we have to go also delete disable or update our things 00cXhnUoKFU-00559-00325248-00325824 um yeah great so that's our first api response we see that a thing exists and by virtue of it 00cXhnUoKFU-00560-00325824-00326440 existing and the fact that this is enabled value is set to true we know that things are 00cXhnUoKFU-00561-00326440-00326936 working like we were able to verify access and we were able to go start doing things let's look at 00cXhnUoKFU-00562-00326936-00327616 some of the things we might have doing um i'm going to do another api call now to instances 00cXhnUoKFU-00563-00327784-00328424 before i do that anymore i want to pause and this is probably obvious but just just for sake of like 00cXhnUoKFU-00564-00328424-00329128 clarity the results we got here are automatically scoped to my user uh so part of this request 00cXhnUoKFU-00565-00329128-00329944 included my auth which is the red hat sso user uh cloud grade is effectively multi-tenant all of our 00cXhnUoKFU-00566-00329944-00330584 users data is stored in the same database and the same tables in the same schema but they're also 00cXhnUoKFU-00567-00330648-00331272 uh foreign key relationships object relationships to users which have the the identity or a subset 00cXhnUoKFU-00568-00331272-00331656 of the identity from the red hat account uh so anytime you make a request it's automatically 00cXhnUoKFU-00569-00331656-00332168 scoped to those objects so when i do the instances even though there might be hundreds or thousands 00cXhnUoKFU-00570-00332168-00332528 or who knows how many instances that are actually in the database i will only get the instances that 00cXhnUoKFU-00571-00332528-00333400 are from cloud accounts that my user owns so i'm going to punch that right so a lot of stuff 00cXhnUoKFU-00572-00333400-00334072 let me let me also see if i can shrink that down let me do pipe it to uh jq dot data let me do 00cXhnUoKFU-00573-00334168-00334896 throw it to less so we can scroll up and down okay good uh so these are all of the instances 00cXhnUoKFU-00574-00334984-00335424 belonging to the clouds for my user multiple layers here right 00cXhnUoKFU-00575-00335424-00336048 uh these instances uh when i set up the aws account just a few minutes ago these are not 00cXhnUoKFU-00576-00336048-00336504 from that account these are from the the baked cake from yesterday that i set up uh 00cXhnUoKFU-00577-00336576-00337176 and yeah uh let me back out so you'll notice the path here is just instances and the previous one 00cXhnUoKFU-00578-00337176-00337872 was just accounts this is an this is a cloud agnostic view of things so if i also had a 00cXhnUoKFU-00579-00337872-00338584 an azure uh account or also eventually a gcp account or eventually ibm alibaba probably all 00cXhnUoKFU-00580-00338584-00339080 the others that i can't remember names right now they would show combined view in this api 00cXhnUoKFU-00581-00339208-00339728 where the like the top level attributes of the objects are the kind of cloud agnostic 00cXhnUoKFU-00582-00339728-00340528 attributes simple ids whereas this content object thing is a subset of cloud specific data so that 00cXhnUoKFU-00583-00340528-00341176 for example when we have an azure instance the content of the content object would instead have 00cXhnUoKFU-00584-00341480-00342120 like tenant id subscription id and a handful of other ids that are azure specific terminology 00cXhnUoKFU-00585-00342120-00342696 whereas this is aws terminology ec2 instance id a region uh those are amazon terms 00cXhnUoKFU-00586-00342752-00343152 uh yeah great i have seen that yes uh cloud grade 00cXhnUoKFU-00587-00343152-00343568 successfully did a describe and presumably is tracking data on all of these instances 00cXhnUoKFU-00588-00343568-00343944 control scroll scroll scroll and actually if i don't look at the paginated outputs 00cXhnUoKFU-00589-00344184-00344512 look at the whole thing i guess i just could scroll up uh you'll see 00cXhnUoKFU-00590-00344720-00345464 this kind of envelope around the entire response cloud grade like all red hat cloud platform 00cXhnUoKFU-00591-00345464-00346088 services uses the standard cloud pagination definition so you'll see really the top of this 00cXhnUoKFU-00592-00346088-00346760 thing starts with data which is then the actual payload of interesting objects uh then there's 00cXhnUoKFU-00593-00346760-00347312 links and meta meta has your account so there's actually 15 objects this is the first 10 as can be 00cXhnUoKFU-00594-00347312-00347880 inferred from the first last next previous this is where you would go to get the other results 00cXhnUoKFU-00595-00347984-00348472 imagination fantastic gotta love it uh what's another interesting thing we can look at we can 00cXhnUoKFU-00596-00348472-00349104 look at the images so again you think about your account runs instances instances are backed by 00cXhnUoKFU-00597-00349104-00349656 images and images are what actually do or don't have rel in them uh so this is where things 00cXhnUoKFU-00598-00349656-00350160 should start to get really interesting uh you might be able to guess that the path is images 00cXhnUoKFU-00599-00350160-00350720 and like instances and like accounts this is the cloud agnostic version eventually with azure and 00cXhnUoKFU-00600-00350720-00351384 others they will also show up here with the extra data in and out of it as necessary uh so i'm going 00cXhnUoKFU-00601-00351384-00351824 to go ahead and actually i know there's gonna be a lot so i'm gonna go ahead and type that to jq 00cXhnUoKFU-00602-00351912-00352488 colorize look at the data only pipe it to less keep the color out of the characters 00cXhnUoKFU-00603-00352688-00353120 and punch it cool by the way these delays that you're seeing 00cXhnUoKFU-00604-00353120-00353592 are not necessarily cloud-degrading like that like between the time that i pressed 00cXhnUoKFU-00605-00353592-00353984 enter and saw the data on the screen was agonizingly slow to me personally 00cXhnUoKFU-00606-00353984-00354488 um that's a result of the many round trip well not my round trips but there are many like proxy 00cXhnUoKFU-00607-00354488-00354888 steps to get to stage i think within the actual openshift cluster things are a whole lot faster 00cXhnUoKFU-00608-00354888-00355352 like we're talking like tens of milliseconds but that was at least hundreds of milliseconds 00cXhnUoKFU-00609-00355352-00356248 because of the extra proxy uh and vpn steps that it had to go through um yeah this is much of our 00cXhnUoKFU-00610-00356248-00356720 image model uh and this is where things do i guess i get a little more interesting um 00cXhnUoKFU-00611-00356856-00357464 and i can also talk about some of the different use cases so the images before i talk about the 00cXhnUoKFU-00612-00357464-00357856 images clear that off the screen you see nothing let me go back to my web browser and show you what 00cXhnUoKFU-00613-00357856-00358280 this really looks like in amazon because i want you to see what the customer experiences let me 00cXhnUoKFU-00614-00358472-00359208 back blue jeans here to firefox hopefully firefox is on screen now and i gotta go log 00cXhnUoKFU-00615-00359208-00359600 into my devo one account because that's the baked cake that i prepared yesterday 00cXhnUoKFU-00616-00359824-00360424 logging in all right so if i go to ec2 which is a reminder that is where your instances that's 00cXhnUoKFU-00617-00360424-00361248 your vms uh elastic compute cloud cloud compute i can't remember uh but anyway instances you'll see 00cXhnUoKFU-00618-00361248-00361720 that i have one two three four five instances running that i have given very obvious names 00cXhnUoKFU-00619-00361720-00362256 for my own sake right uh and these are who knows what the customer name of them we don't 00cXhnUoKFU-00620-00362256-00362616 really care if the customer names them we don't do anything interesting with the names this is just 00cXhnUoKFU-00621-00362616-00363072 for the sake of demo so that i know what these are right uh so i have an instance that uses an 00cXhnUoKFU-00622-00363072-00363624 image that's really centos but it's been made to look like rel uh so that we've manipulated the 00cXhnUoKFU-00623-00363712-00364336 etsy release file or yum dnf configs or something here's centos but it's tagged pharrell because i 00cXhnUoKFU-00624-00364336-00364640 mentioned earlier that we don't just look at the files we also look for tags on the images 00cXhnUoKFU-00625-00364736-00365112 here's a thing that's running ubuntu from the marketplace which we definitely do not 00cXhnUoKFU-00626-00365112-00365776 track we do not care about uh not rel things uh here's an instance that's running on arm instead 00cXhnUoKFU-00627-00365776-00366352 of x86 uh historically all of aws and all the things we cared about were x86 but i think a year 00cXhnUoKFU-00628-00366352-00367048 ago maybe a little more than a year ago uh arm 64 became available and popular in aws a lot of 00cXhnUoKFU-00629-00367048-00367528 people using arm for stuff and rel is available on arm so we got to start checking that too so here's 00cXhnUoKFU-00630-00367528-00368112 an arm instance um and lastly is a marketplace rel instance and if you may remember earlier 00cXhnUoKFU-00631-00368192-00368872 or not because i've said so much we do not we we want to know about rel in the marketplace but we 00cXhnUoKFU-00632-00368872-00369384 do not contribute that to your totals uh when we calculate the sales but anyway i just want to show 00cXhnUoKFU-00633-00369384-00369936 you that the customer had these five instances and for those instances like i could click a little 00cXhnUoKFU-00634-00369936-00370456 more here to show you what the amazon experience is like here's the image over the ami amazon 00cXhnUoKFU-00635-00370456-00370904 machine image if you hear me say ami that's amazon machine image or the base offering system image 00cXhnUoKFU-00636-00370904-00371704 for the thing so here i've got a local copy of rel8 but it was really faked from a centos version 00cXhnUoKFU-00637-00371864-00372248 long story later i can get into about how you actually create these images and put them into 00cXhnUoKFU-00638-00372248-00373016 amazon it is weird and complicated sometimes but again behind the curtain don't think about it 00cXhnUoKFU-00639-00373016-00373688 right now so anyway i have activity i have images and various combinations of states like some of 00cXhnUoKFU-00640-00373688-00374016 them are rel some of them are not rel some of them we care about some of them we don't care about 00cXhnUoKFU-00641-00374072-00374432 with that in your mind i'm going to go back to the api and show you what some of these look like 00cXhnUoKFU-00642-00374496-00374808 put the screen screen sharing back to the terminal 00cXhnUoKFU-00643-00375040-00375392 all right hopefully that's back on and i will repeat my image query all right 00cXhnUoKFU-00644-00375456-00375816 we're not we're not going to be able to remember all those id's so i'm just going to talk through 00cXhnUoKFU-00645-00375816-00376344 some of the scenarios as i remember oh but i did use the name so that's helpful um so what 00cXhnUoKFU-00646-00376344-00377008 do we have this first image it found was on x86 64. great um we do need to know the architecture 00cXhnUoKFU-00647-00377104-00377552 well let me take that back we used to need to know the architecture uh some of the we 00cXhnUoKFU-00648-00377552-00378024 so quite a great uh this is a little bit tangent but but hear me out category collects or has the 00cXhnUoKFU-00649-00378024-00378808 potential to collect a lot of useful metrics and data about customer use in these clouds right for 00cXhnUoKFU-00650-00378808-00379512 better or worse uh product.org and the way tally and subscription watchers set up is they don't 00cXhnUoKFU-00651-00379512-00380064 really care about a lot of this data um they really only care about that that grand total 00cXhnUoKFU-00652-00380064-00380656 daily count and that count is the raw number of instances so it doesn't matter if this instance is 00cXhnUoKFU-00653-00380656-00381384 one core or 10 cores it doesn't matter if it's x86 arm or power pc or whatever else we just care that 00cXhnUoKFU-00654-00381384-00382024 an instance exists and how many of them exist um in that pilot ui that i showed off earlier 00cXhnUoKFU-00655-00382024-00382696 we actually did uh used to have graphs tracking like cpu hours uh when when 00cXhnUoKFU-00656-00382696-00383144 multiplied out against the number of cores uh split out by architecture things like that 00cXhnUoKFU-00657-00383264-00383928 um i guess i should clarify uh the the the tie service does actually care about the architecture 00cXhnUoKFU-00658-00383992-00384544 but it doesn't care about the number of cores and the amount of memory um because at presentation 00cXhnUoKFU-00659-00384544-00385240 level when you see it on the screen uh you can filter by x86 by arm by whatever else so anyway 00cXhnUoKFU-00660-00385240-00385864 coming back to this uh this is centos but tagged as well so even though we would not detect rel 00cXhnUoKFU-00661-00385864-00386256 we're going to treat it like rel because they've explicitly opted in saying call this rel 00cXhnUoKFU-00662-00386312-00386872 uh and so in our various metadata not open shift not detected but rel is true well why is it true 00cXhnUoKFU-00663-00386872-00387528 it was detected and well wise was detected it was detected by the track by the tag true but the 00cXhnUoKFU-00664-00387528-00388120 enabled repos product certificates release files sign packages were all false and the rel version 00cXhnUoKFU-00665-00388120-00388736 was null because we didn't actually find a real version uh in the states for this inspected great 00cXhnUoKFU-00666-00388960-00389480 again i keep referring to earlier slides hopefully the repetition will make this stick a little bit 00cXhnUoKFU-00667-00389480-00390160 uh an earlier slide i mentioned that we only do this deep inspection uh for new images 00cXhnUoKFU-00668-00390160-00390768 so if the if the customer uh took this image and started a brand new instance or started a hundred 00cXhnUoKFU-00669-00390768-00391488 new instances or if this was like a commonly shared image that a different customer used and 00cXhnUoKFU-00670-00391488-00392016 a different customer spun up a bunch of instances from this image we would never need to reinspect 00cXhnUoKFU-00671-00392016-00392392 it because we've already inspected it once we store that model on database we go on with life 00cXhnUoKFU-00672-00392504-00393088 there is a process to force re-inspection but that's very much an edge case that we can talk 00cXhnUoKFU-00673-00393088-00393568 about another time in general you can say hey if an image has been inspected once we know 00cXhnUoKFU-00674-00393568-00393968 about it as long as we know about instances for that image or as long as we know about 00cXhnUoKFU-00675-00393968-00394616 that customer right that being said if if i am a customer and i have used a particular 00cXhnUoKFU-00676-00394616-00395216 image and i go delete my account and i say red hat don't track me anymore go away i don't care 00cXhnUoKFU-00677-00395216-00395744 uh cloud meter will delete all of your data and if we find that there are no instances that use that 00cXhnUoKFU-00678-00395744-00396144 image we'll delete that image too so eventually if another if the customer comes back or a different 00cXhnUoKFU-00679-00396144-00396664 customer comes back with the same image we will re-inspect it in that case we'll scroll 00cXhnUoKFU-00680-00396664-00397160 down a bit that was one of the use cases uh here's another use case what do we got here so this was 00cXhnUoKFU-00681-00397296-00397904 name some crazy long hewitt combination of stuff i have no idea what that image is which means that 00cXhnUoKFU-00682-00397904-00398512 was probably a marketplace image uh heck it might have even been the ubuntu image um uh ralph false 00cXhnUoKFU-00683-00398512-00399200 openshift false um but inspected because we've looked at it we've said this is not enough for 00cXhnUoKFU-00684-00399200-00399800 us it was presumably some other operating system okay that's that's interesting moving on um 00cXhnUoKFU-00685-00399896-00400672 okay rel 8 hourly 2 gp2 was just the name of this image not an image that i own um 00cXhnUoKFU-00686-00400864-00401368 just came from i think the amazon marketplace if i'm reading the the naming convention correctly 00cXhnUoKFU-00687-00401368-00401888 um and as i said earlier amazon marketplace we don't care about because if you get an image 00cXhnUoKFU-00688-00401888-00402184 from the marketplace you're paying amazon for that image you're not paying red hat 00cXhnUoKFU-00689-00402184-00402832 so the customer relationship is not with us so therefore even though technically it has 00cXhnUoKFU-00690-00402832-00403632 rel we treat it as false because in in our context we do not count that as well all 00cXhnUoKFU-00691-00403632-00403952 right moving down more interesting examples oh my goodness look at that what is this 00cXhnUoKFU-00692-00404176-00404632 uh all right so this is my relate that i faked by making a centos 7 00cXhnUoKFU-00693-00404632-00405008 image and i modeled the files so it would look like rel8 right 00cXhnUoKFU-00694-00405072-00405864 um what we get here is this big old wall of json is exactly what it sounds like json 00cXhnUoKFU-00695-00406016-00406464 i'll come back to that in a second actually so down here we say rel true rel detected true 00cXhnUoKFU-00696-00406464-00407104 uh detected by tag no false were there enabled repos false but their product search yes and 00cXhnUoKFU-00697-00407104-00407624 release files yes well that's interesting so that that tells us that counter grade 00cXhnUoKFU-00698-00407624-00408136 did a file system inspection found a bunch of stuff and reported it back up to cloud grade 00cXhnUoKFU-00699-00408136-00408544 and what you see here in this json blob that's escaped because it's a quoted string 00cXhnUoKFU-00700-00408720-00409200 is the raw response from cloudgrade i'm sorry from behind to grade the hound of grades sent 00cXhnUoKFU-00701-00409200-00409800 to cloud agreed uh and if i were to copy this out and and unescape the quotes and and format so it's 00cXhnUoKFU-00702-00409800-00410400 a little bit cleaner uh you might see that uh there's a release file that's actually centos 00cXhnUoKFU-00703-00410400-00410888 released but we'll ignore that for the moment that said red hat enterprise release 8.0 00cXhnUoKFU-00704-00410960-00411288 cool uh what else do we have in here it's kind of hard to see 00cXhnUoKFU-00705-00411535-00412504 got other release files we got more mentions of those oh they're etsy release file content more 00cXhnUoKFU-00706-00412504-00413184 release file stuff um anyway it's hard to read in here but i think you get the gist of it right 00cXhnUoKFU-00707-00413239-00413543 we detected lots of stuff we've shoved it into the database we've moved on with live 00cXhnUoKFU-00708-00413664-00413984 uh scrolling down is there anything else that's interesting we should talk about 00cXhnUoKFU-00709-00413984-00414592 here's an image that was unavailable uh you'll see status unavailable this could be any of a 00cXhnUoKFU-00710-00414592-00415176 number of weird edge case conditions so it could be that the user explicitly explicitly set this 00cXhnUoKFU-00711-00415176-00415664 not to share so that we are not allowed to see it it could be that the file system was encrypted and 00cXhnUoKFU-00712-00415664-00416032 we were not allowed to look at the file system there's a handful of edge cases where they're 00cXhnUoKFU-00713-00416032-00416535 available and we just got to deal with it so in that case we market them available we say in our 00cXhnUoKFU-00714-00416535-00417064 as far as we know it's false because we don't know another possibility for unavailable is uh 00cXhnUoKFU-00715-00417120-00417639 if the user started an instance and then stopped it and quickly deleted the image before we got a 00cXhnUoKFU-00716-00417639-00418168 chance to copy it in which case we'll know that an image exists somewhere but we were not able 00cXhnUoKFU-00717-00418168-00418824 to copy it we were not able to inspect it so it's unavailable and scroll down there's more 00cXhnUoKFU-00718-00418824-00419128 images more interesting things we don't have to talk about because i think i've could hit all 00cXhnUoKFU-00719-00419128-00419728 the interesting use cases uh with those images now uh let's check my notes if there are other 00cXhnUoKFU-00720-00419728-00420408 other interesting things to talk about we could go and look at the inspection process in cabana 00cXhnUoKFU-00721-00420408-00420720 we'll go look at a whole bunch of other stuff actually let's just do that one real quick 00cXhnUoKFU-00722-00420720-00421208 um i'm gonna switch switch my browser or switch my screen share back to my browser 00cXhnUoKFU-00723-00421408-00422128 i'm gonna go to kibana run by the platform i believe this is the stage instance for kabama 00cXhnUoKFU-00724-00422447-00423280 a little load all right uh this is aggregated for all platform services so it is extremely loud 00cXhnUoKFU-00725-00423280-00423832 uh extremely active and you have to know how to filter in here so it's not familiar i'm gonna 00cXhnUoKFU-00726-00423832-00424424 just copy a filter from another another example here so uh best way to search for our stuff is to 00cXhnUoKFU-00727-00424424-00424888 filter on a log stream for cloud grade dash environment name my cloud grade stage is what 00cXhnUoKFU-00728-00424888-00425408 this environment is called in the production instance it's called cloud grade prod ci and qa 00cXhnUoKFU-00729-00425408-00425943 etc right in this case i'm adding another filter uh i'm adding for the message contains this 00cXhnUoKFU-00730-00426016-00426576 string this can contain any freeform text uh and and the kabana kql will 00cXhnUoKFU-00731-00426576-00427184 try to try to search for it i'm gonna hit update uh oh what is this someone's doing 00cXhnUoKFU-00732-00427256-00427743 so there's actually custom people on stage doing stuff right now this was just uh four minutes ago 00cXhnUoKFU-00733-00427816-00428224 i'm guessing this is our qe folks because our qe folks are constantly creating and destroying 00cXhnUoKFU-00734-00428224-00428832 things constantly uh stress testing things let me push this back to a whole hour because i'm 00cXhnUoKFU-00735-00428832-00429496 kind of curious to see when i was talking so much activity it's hard to find a specific one 00cXhnUoKFU-00736-00429496-00429984 but when i was doing that setup earlier when we got the spinner and i had to go reload the 00cXhnUoKFU-00737-00429984-00430408 page because it wasn't ready yet this is one of the things that happened right afterwards 00cXhnUoKFU-00738-00430520-00430976 one of the many many asynchronous tasks one of them is the initial describe where it goes over 00cXhnUoKFU-00739-00431056-00431624 into the customer's account describes it and saves all the the the information that's relevant for us 00cXhnUoKFU-00740-00431680-00431920 uh if i look at one of these it might be irrelevant this was 00cXhnUoKFU-00741-00432039-00432784 about 25 minutes ago so this might be mine it might be somebody else i don't know um 00cXhnUoKFU-00742-00433152-00433647 the message of this log the body of the log message here is created new machine image 00cXhnUoKFU-00743-00433735-00434424 created new machine images include ami some ids so i don't know if this was my account 00cXhnUoKFU-00744-00434424-00434832 or if this was uh someone else's account because i don't have the image it's memorized but 00cXhnUoKFU-00745-00434912-00435400 whatever account was had three images that cloud grade had never seen before so this is just one 00cXhnUoKFU-00746-00435400-00436047 of the many many log messages that's just kind of tracking tracking things as they go i want to add 00cXhnUoKFU-00747-00436160-00436576 another interesting thing i can search for i think this was one of my actual images i'll paste in 00cXhnUoKFU-00748-00436576-00437528 here paste this although this is the baked cake from yesterday so i think you're saving models 00cXhnUoKFU-00749-00437616-00438360 a lot a lot of a lot of noise in these logs um oh yeah here so this is interesting so 00cXhnUoKFU-00750-00438360-00438832 you can see skipping known images so we do log again as we go through the process i think this 00cXhnUoKFU-00751-00438832-00439320 was when i started uh started up an instance of before we before we had our conversation 00cXhnUoKFU-00752-00439376-00439984 um or maybe someone else was throwing another instance uh using the same images and yeah we 00cXhnUoKFU-00753-00439984-00440416 log to say hey we already know these we don't need to reinspect them we're very verbose by the way 00cXhnUoKFU-00754-00440416-00441152 with our logs uh mostly because there's so so much stuff that's asynchronous and so many complicated 00cXhnUoKFU-00755-00441152-00441752 interactions with aws and other services frankly we need as much logging as we can i'm sure the 00cXhnUoKFU-00756-00441752-00442239 the platform folks hate us for eating up so much disk space with logs but it's kind of necessary to 00cXhnUoKFU-00757-00442239-00442864 diagnose a lot of problems in a lot of interesting cases um so yeah that was one of the images that i 00cXhnUoKFU-00758-00442864-00443520 use and sure enough it's referenced a lot in the logs as things happen with it um i guess the one 00cXhnUoKFU-00759-00443520-00444143 other thing i can show if i go back to sources that's not sources they the red hat cloud and 00cXhnUoKFU-00760-00444488-00445168 go to subscription watch red enterprise linux camera if this account actually has the data or 00cXhnUoKFU-00761-00445168-00445592 not if this account doesn't actually have everything hooked up let me log out and 00cXhnUoKFU-00762-00445592-00446239 go to another account that does have real data hooked into it um let me find my node 00cXhnUoKFU-00763-00446608-00447120 who do i want to use uh actually you know what i'm gonna go to production because i have an 00cXhnUoKFU-00764-00447120-00447584 account that i i'm pretty sure in production has has real data so let me go to cloud.redhat.com 00cXhnUoKFU-00765-00448160-00448968 all right login and password manager and plug in somebody's credentials let's try this account 00cXhnUoKFU-00766-00449120-00449335 i can't remember which accounts do or don't have data 00cXhnUoKFU-00767-00449528-00449960 rel subscription watch you know not interested thank you 00cXhnUoKFU-00768-00450600-00450984 wait let me try a different account 00cXhnUoKFU-00769-00451047-00451384 should have taken note of which one of these had data beforehand i thought that one had data 00cXhnUoKFU-00770-00451528-00452616 account have the first show account maybe no not that account how about this account there we go 00cXhnUoKFU-00771-00452768-00453392 again live demos gotta love them oh we get graphs so in this graph for this 00cXhnUoKFU-00772-00453392-00453952 account is the insights qa account um this is when i was saying earlier that 00cXhnUoKFU-00773-00454056-00454447 all these things happen and eventually the customer sees data in a graph somewhere 00cXhnUoKFU-00774-00454447-00455039 this is that graph right uh and this date this graph contains data aggregated from cloud meter 00cXhnUoKFU-00775-00455096-00455696 and others this is the thing that tally rhsm is responsible for gathering all that data 00cXhnUoKFU-00776-00455960-00456543 combining it into simple numbers and presenting it to the screen here so this public cloud 946 00cXhnUoKFU-00777-00456543-00457047 or whatever date that is or coming in down to 819 whatever these numbers are 00cXhnUoKFU-00778-00457120-00457464 presumably if this account has cloud meter plugged into it 00cXhnUoKFU-00779-00457608-00458184 cloud meters counts contribute to those totals and that's it that's that's that's 00cXhnUoKFU-00780-00458184-00458760 that's the end end user's experience uh the the table on the screen uh has a list of systems 00cXhnUoKFU-00781-00458824-00459920 but for i think ux design choice reasons uh it does not include the instances from cloud meter 00cXhnUoKFU-00782-00459976-00460408 even though you saw from the cloud grade api that we have all your instances and we can give you 00cXhnUoKFU-00783-00460408-00460864 your list of instances that are relevant for each day et cetera et cetera for design decisions those 00cXhnUoKFU-00784-00460864-00461416 are not included here um so you can't you can't just just drill down and find find your amazon 00cXhnUoKFU-00785-00461416-00461976 images even though i believe they are contributed to the totals you see at the top of the screen 00cXhnUoKFU-00786-00461976-00462656 and this is also filtered elsewhere like i could punch x86 the same data just filtered but this is 00cXhnUoKFU-00787-00462656-00463208 all again just presentation from the other side that includes data that eventually came from us 00cXhnUoKFU-00788-00463335-00463816 oh all right that was the extent of my demo oh my god look at the clock i didn't expect it to 00cXhnUoKFU-00789-00463816-00464480 take the exact time but i'm pretty close to the exact time uh do you want to take a 00cXhnUoKFU-00790-00464480-00465080 take a lunch break and come back with questions later i assume that you probably do i know i do 00cXhnUoKFU-00791-00465176-00465647 yeah i know personally for me because i was on another thing earlier today you're probably 00cXhnUoKFU-00792-00465647-00466439 exhausted um yeah i i got a lot to process for sure okay let's do that i'll stop the recording 00cXhnUoKFU-00793-00466439-00467135 and i will share all the slides and recording uh for this afterwards button thanks for saying 04_PZ9eE4TQ-00000-00000029-00000314 >> Chris Paul, NBA Player: - The way I get excited about basketball games 04_PZ9eE4TQ-00001-00000314-00000602 is the same way I get excited about 04_PZ9eE4TQ-00002-00000602-00000812 my daughter and her dance recitals. 04_PZ9eE4TQ-00003-00000812-00001129 It's the same way I got excited when my son came home 04_PZ9eE4TQ-00004-00001129-00001384 with first place in chess club at school. 04_PZ9eE4TQ-00005-00001384-00001784 So whatever your niche is, whatever that may be, 04_PZ9eE4TQ-00006-00001955-00002300 find out what makes you happy and what makes you tick 04_PZ9eE4TQ-00007-00002300-00002731 and that will make you stronger all around, 04_PZ9eE4TQ-00008-00002731-00002897 especially mentally. 07zyLcfheZg-00000-00000000-00000200 oops... 08V9kQ7PGFU-00000-00001446-00001713 >>> HELLO AND WELCOME TO MID-AMERICAN GARDENER. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00001-00001713-00001900 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING US. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00002-00001900-00002360 WE HAVE LOTS OF THINGS TO TALK ABOUT, EVEN THOUGH WE MAY NOT BE OUTSIDE THIS VERY MOMENT 08V9kQ7PGFU-00003-00002360-00002460 IN THE GARDEN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00004-00002460-00002581 BUT THERE IS STILL LOTS TO TALK ABOUT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00005-00002581-00002809 SO WE WILL SEE WHAT YOU HAVE FOR US. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00006-00002809-00003223 I AM DIANNE NOLAND, AND I TEACH HORTICULTURE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS RIGHT NOW DOING 08V9kQ7PGFU-00007-00003223-00003519 A LOT OF GRADING NEAR THE END OF THE SEMESTER. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00008-00003519-00003932 I WILL ANSWER QUESTIONS MAYBE ABOUT CUT FLOWERS IF YOU HAVE THEM OR PERENNIALS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00009-00003932-00004630 LET'S FIND OUT WHO THE THREE INTELLIGENT AND HIGHLY TRAINED HORTICULTURALISTS ARE NEXT 08V9kQ7PGFU-00010-00004630-00005000 TO ME, AND THEN YOU WILL SEE HOW TO DIRECT YOUR QUESTIONS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00011-00005000-00005314 LET'S THROW IT OVER FIRST TO YOU, CHUCK VOIGT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00012-00005314-00005420 >> HI, DIANNE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00013-00005420-00005520 I AM CHUCK VOIGT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00014-00005520-00005993 I AM RETIRED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF CROP SCIENCES HERE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00015-00005993-00006218 SPECIALTIES WERE VEGETABLES AND HERBS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00016-00006218-00006443 SO KEEP THAT IN MIND. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00017-00006443-00006591 I DID BRING A SHOW AND TELL TONIGHT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00018-00006591-00006691 >> EXCELLENT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00019-00006691-00007189 >> YOU SAID WE ARE NOT IN THE GARDEN, BUT AS RECENTLY AS THIS WEEK, I WAS OUTGOING THROUGH 08V9kQ7PGFU-00020-00007189-00007484 THE SNOW DIGGING MY CARROTS BEFORE THEY FROZE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00021-00007484-00007775 I CAME UP WITH A RAINBOW OF CARROTS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00022-00007775-00008371 I WAS ALSO TALKING TO THE OLDER OF MY TWO SISTERS, AND SOMEHOW SHE HAD MISSED THE CONCEPT 08V9kQ7PGFU-00023-00008371-00008568 OF RAINBOW CARROTS ALONG THE WAY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00024-00008568-00008842 I FIGURE, I HAVE THEM, I MIGHT AS WELL BRING THEM. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00025-00008842-00009509 YOU CAN SEE NOT JUST ORANGE CARROTS ANY MORE, BUT YOU HAVE WHITE ONES, YELLOW ONES, SHADES 08V9kQ7PGFU-00026-00009509-00010325 OF ORANGE, AND SOME RED ONES, PURPLE ONES, AND I JUST BROUGHT ALONG A LITTLE STUBBY FORCING 08V9kQ7PGFU-00027-00010325-00010484 CARROT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00028-00010484-00011167 IT WAS DEVELOPED FOR PARISIAN GREENHOUSES WHERE THEY DIDN'T HAVE A VERY DEEP SOIL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00029-00011167-00012303 CERTAINLY YOU GET ALL YOUR PHYTO NUTRIENTS WITH THESE GUYS, AND I WISH I COULD SAY THEY 08V9kQ7PGFU-00030-00012303-00012944 ARE ALL AS FINE FLAVOR AS THE MOST HIGHLY DEVELOPED ORANGE ONES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00031-00012944-00013156 THEY ARE NOT ALL THERE YET. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00032-00013156-00013356 BUT CERTAINLY THE NOVELTY OF THIS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00033-00013356-00014044 YOU SEE THEM IN THE GROCERY STORES OCCASIONALLY NOW, AND CERTAINLY MAKE A REALLY INTERESTING 08V9kQ7PGFU-00034-00014044-00014449 LOOKING VEGETABLE DISH THAT IS A LOT DIFFERENT THAN IF YOU HAVE ALL ORANGE ONES, YOU KIND 08V9kQ7PGFU-00035-00014449-00014584 OF MIX THEM UP. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00036-00014584-00015176 THEY LOOK GREAT AS YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT JUST RECENTLY DIGGING THEM, I JUST DUG SOME 08V9kQ7PGFU-00037-00015176-00015466 BEETS FROM THE GARDEN AND HAD THOSE OVER THE WEEKEND. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00038-00015466-00016265 >> I RESCUED THE LAST OF MY BEETS AND TOOK THEM TO MY FRIEND AT THANKSGIVING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00039-00016265-00016845 STILL BEING THEY WERE GREAT AND TURNIPS, STILL WAS HARVESTING TURNIPS UNTIL A WEEK AGO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00040-00016845-00017029 I LEFT MY PARSNIPS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00041-00017029-00017176 >> BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU DO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00042-00017176-00017332 >> THAT'S WHAT YOU DO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00043-00017332-00017879 >> MY GARDENING IS GREAT BECAUSE I LEARNED OF THIS ON THIS GREAT SHOW FROM CHUCK VOIGT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00044-00017879-00018387 >> THE YOU HAVE COOLER THE SOIL IS THE SWEETER THE CARROTS GET. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00045-00018387-00018602 >> WE DIDN'T HAVE VERY COOL SOIL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00046-00018602-00018702 >> NO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00047-00018702-00018845 >> IN FALL, WINTER. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00048-00018845-00019067 >> IT KIND OF HELD ON. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00049-00019067-00019745 SO MAYBE LEAVING THEM UNTIL I FROZE MY FINGERS GETTING THEM OUT OF THE SNOW WAS THE WAY TO 08V9kQ7PGFU-00050-00019745-00019845 GO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00051-00019845-00019945 >> WAY TO DO IT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00052-00019945-00020045 OKAY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00053-00020045-00020145 THANK YOU VERY MUCH, CHUCK. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00054-00020145-00020347 WE WILL GO NEXT TO MARK KEMP IN THE MIDDLE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00055-00020347-00020447 >> HELLO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00056-00020447-00020659 MY NAME IS MARK KEMP I AM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00057-00020659-00021280 I CAN ANSWER QUESTIONS, LANDSCAPING WISE, TREES, SHRUBS, PERENNIALS, THAT NATURE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00058-00021280-00021493 I HAVE AN E-MAIL HERE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00059-00021493-00021725 THE QUESTION IS WHAT IS IT? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00060-00021725-00021900 WE FOUND THIS TODAY WHILE ON A WALK. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00061-00021900-00022044 IT WAS ON AN OAK TREE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00062-00022044-00022144 CAN YOU TELL US WHAT IT IS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00063-00022144-00022348 IT IS A COMMON QUESTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00064-00022348-00022687 THIS ONE IS ACTUALLY A SPINEY OAK GALL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00065-00022687-00022823 IT IS ACTUALLY ORNAMENTAL IN NATURE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00066-00022823-00023320 IT HAS GOT I BELIEVE RED SPIKES AND YELLOW CENTER. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00067-00023320-00023518 AS YOU CAN SEE IT IS ON A LEAF. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00068-00023518-00024016 YOU WILL SEE VARIOUS TYPES OF GALLS ON OAK TREES TYPICALLY, BUT MOSTLY ON THE LEAVES 08V9kQ7PGFU-00069-00024016-00024477 AND SOMETIMES TWIGS AND BRANCHES OF THEY ARE NOT HARMFUL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00070-00024477-00025158 BASICALLY WHAT IS HAPPENING THERE IS A GNAT LIKE WASP THAT IS INJURING THAT LEAF OR INJURING 08V9kQ7PGFU-00071-00025158-00025756 THAT TWIG OR BRANCH TO CREATE ABNORMAL TISSUE GROWTH, AND THEY WILL BASICALLY LAY THEIR 08V9kQ7PGFU-00072-00025756-00025889 EGGS IN THAT GROWTH. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00073-00025889-00026406 ONCE IT IS IN THE GALL, IT WON'T ACTUALLY TAKE NUTRIENTS FROM THE TREE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00074-00026406-00026600 IT WILL JUST TAKE IT FROM THE GALL ITSELF. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00075-00026600-00026706 SO IT IS NOT HARMFUL TO THE TREE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00076-00026706-00027343 IT IS JUST MORE MAYBE A NUISANCE TO THE HOMEOWNER OR AN INTEREST IN THIS CASE BECAUSE IT CAUGHT 08V9kQ7PGFU-00077-00027343-00027487 THEIR ATTENTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00078-00027487-00027814 IF IT IS A BAD CASE AND DEFORMS THE BRANCH, MAYBE DO LIGHT PRUNING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00079-00027814-00028073 OTHER THAN THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO MUCH. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00080-00028073-00028489 THERE IS NOT A LOT OF RESEARCH ON CONTROL OF THEM. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00081-00028489-00028968 SO IT IS REALLY NO NEED TO TRY AND MINIMIZE IT, AND IT IS CYCLICAL IN NATURE TOO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00082-00028968-00029397 YOU WILL HAVE A BAD YEAR AND THEN A TWO YEARS WHERE YOU WON'T SEE THEM THAT OFTEN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00083-00029397-00029624 I HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00084-00029624-00030213 >> THAT'S ABNORMALLY WEIRD WORK LOOKING ONE OR INTERESTING ONE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00085-00030213-00030418 >> ATTRACTIVE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00086-00030418-00030761 >> BUTTON LIKE ONES, THERE IS RED GROUND ONES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00087-00030761-00031427 USUALLY KIND OF GET THE GREEN KNOB LOOKING ONES, AND OTHER AREAS YOU CAN SEE THAT ORNAMENTAL 08V9kQ7PGFU-00088-00031427-00031527 NATURE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00089-00031527-00031627 >> VERY INTERESTING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00090-00031627-00031802 THANK YOU, MARK. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00091-00031802-00031977 DYKE BARKLEY, IT IS YOUR TURN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00092-00031977-00032613 I AM DYKE BARKLEY AND TEACH HORTICULTURE PROGRAM AT LAKE LAND COLLEGE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00093-00032613-00032897 I RUN BARKLEY FARMS IN PARIS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00094-00032897-00033298 TONIGHT I DECIDED TO THROW IN A SHOW AND TELL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00095-00033298-00033432 I BROUGHT IN SUCCULENTS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00096-00033432-00033693 I AM A PLANT GEEK. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00097-00033693-00034188 I LIKE THE NEW AND DIFFERENT SUCCULENTS OUT THERE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00098-00034188-00034649 IF YOU ARE TRYING TO RAISE SOMETHING, YOU HAVE A HOLE ON A DECK OR PATIO AND LOOKING 08V9kQ7PGFU-00099-00034649-00034765 FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00100-00034765-00035018 THESE THINGS WILL GIVE YOU TEXTURE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00101-00035018-00035519 IF YOU TRIED ANNUALS AND BURNED UP YOU MISSED A WATERING, THESE THINGS CAN GO QUITE A LONG 08V9kQ7PGFU-00102-00035519-00035690 TIME WITHOUT WATERING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00103-00035690-00035961 YOU CAN GET SOME BIGGER SUCCULENTS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00104-00035961-00036680 THIS FLAP JACK KALANCHOE OR THIS ONE COVERED IN GRAY FUZZ. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00105-00036680-00037249 THE KNOBS YOU SEE ON THE BOTTOM OF THE LEAF, HOOK OUT AND MAKE BIG LONG HOOKS AND IT IS 08V9kQ7PGFU-00106-00037249-00037500 CALLED FANG CULTIVAR. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00107-00037500-00037996 MY STOCK PLANT HAS ONE INCH FANGS UP AND DOWN THE LEAVES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00108-00037996-00038159 I BROUGHT IN AGAVE AND SOME ALOE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00109-00038159-00038403 THERE IS A LOT OF DIFFERENT TEXTURES AND A LOT OF DIFFERENT FEELS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00110-00038403-00038790 THERE IS A LOT MORE SUCCULENTS COMING ON THE MARKET ALL THE TIME. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00111-00038790-00039272 THEY ARE AN ADD ON. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00112-00039272-00039609 >> WHAT DID YOU CALL THIS ONE? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00113-00039609-00040053 >> VARIEGATED ONE CALLED FLAP JACK, KALANCHOE LUCIAE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00114-00040053-00040265 BUT I THINK IT IS FLAP JACK. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00115-00040265-00040621 >> IT IS REALLY ATTRACTIVE AND PRETTY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00116-00040621-00040852 >> THE COLDER, THE MORE RED COMES OUT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00117-00040852-00041085 BY MIDSUMMER, IT KIND OF LOST THAT RED. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00118-00041085-00041300 THEY ARE ACTUALLY KIND OF COLD TOLERANT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00119-00041300-00041688 I WASN'T AFRAID TO PUT THEM IN MY CAR. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00120-00041688-00042012 FOR ANNUALS, THEY ARE NOT AS SENSITIVE AS THE OTHER ONES WOULD BE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00121-00042012-00042169 >> THEY ARE ALL VERY DISTINCTIVE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00122-00042169-00042365 I HAVEN'T SEEN FANG ONE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00123-00042365-00042946 INCH LONG FANG, THAT'S DISTINCTIVE, LET'S SAY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00124-00042946-00043077 THANKS FOR BRINGING SHOW AND TELL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00125-00043077-00043562 IT IS STARTING TO BE THAT TIME OF YEAR WHERE YOU WANT INSIDE PLANTS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00126-00043562-00043675 THAT WAS A GOOD CHOICE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00127-00043675-00043777 THANK YOU. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00128-00043777-00044413 LET'S GO TO OUR SPECIAL "DID YOU KNOW" SEGMENT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00129-00044413-00045069 THE OIL INSIDE A BANANA PEEL WILL REDUCE THE ITCHING AND INFLAMMATION FROM A MOSQUITO BITE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00130-00045069-00045924 IF YOU GET A BUG BITE, TRY RUBBING A BANANA PEEL ON IT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00131-00045924-00046469 >>> INTERESTING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00132-00046469-00046569 MAYBE IT WORKS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00133-00046569-00046803 WE DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT QUITE AT THIS MOMENT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00134-00046803-00047225 WE HAVE A CALLER AND WE WILL GO TO KATHY'S CALL ON LINE THREE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00135-00047225-00047327 HI, KATHY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00136-00047327-00047439 WHAT IS YOUR QUESTION? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00137-00047439-00047853 >>CALLER: MY QUESTION IS I HAVE GOT CALLA LILIES IN A POT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00138-00047853-00048344 I HAVE DAHLIAS IN THE GROUND, AND I HAVE HORSERADISH IN THE GROUND. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00139-00048344-00048758 IS IT TOO LATE TO DIG ANY OF THESE? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00140-00048758-00049180 >> OKAY, CALLAS IN A POT, WHAT WAS THE MIDDLE ONE? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00141-00049180-00049280 >> >>CALLER: DAHLIAS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00142-00049280-00049465 >> DAHLIAS AND HORSERADISH. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00143-00049465-00049618 >>CALLER: YES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00144-00049618-00049833 >> WHO WANTS TO TAKE WHICH ONE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00145-00049833-00050141 >> I WILL TAKE THE HORSERADISH. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00146-00050141-00050422 YOU CAN DIG HORSERADISH ANY TIME YOU CAN GET A SHOVEL IN THE GROUND. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00147-00050422-00050813 IT IS EXTREMELY COLD HARDY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00148-00050813-00051121 YOU CAN DIG IT LATE INTO THE FALL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00149-00051121-00051475 YOU CAN DIG IT EARLY IN THE SPRING WHEN THE FROST GOES OUT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00150-00051475-00052169 AGAIN, LIKE THE CARROTS I TALKED ABOUT EARLIER, IT GETS SWEETER, YOU KNOW, THE LONGER IT IS 08V9kQ7PGFU-00151-00052169-00052386 IN COLD GROUND. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00152-00052386-00053054 TYPICALLY THE GROWERS IT IS THE LAST THING THAT THEY DO PARTLY BECAUSE THE FOLIAGE IS 08V9kQ7PGFU-00153-00053054-00053351 COLD TOLERANT SO IT DOESN'T GO DOWN VERY EARLY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00154-00053351-00053762 BUT ALSO BECAUSE IT ITS GETS SUGAR CONTENT UP. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00155-00053762-00054045 >> HORSERADISH, DIG ANY TIME. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00156-00054045-00054405 WHO WANTS TO TAKE DAHLIA OR CALLA? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00157-00054405-00054691 >> DAHLIAS IS AN ANNUAL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00158-00054691-00054917 THE GROUND STAYED WARM ENOUGH, MAYBE IF YOU RESCUED IT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00159-00054917-00055411 I WOULD IMAGINE IT MAYBE FROZE PARTICULARLY AFTER TONIGHT -- OR TODAY AND TONIGHT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00160-00055411-00055766 BUT, I GUESS YOU COULD SEE IF IT IS PROTECTED AREA. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00161-00055766-00056049 I DON'T KNOW IT IS PROBABLY COLD ENOUGH IT WENT AHEAD AND GOT IT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00162-00056049-00056794 YOU WOULD DIG IT UP AND FATTENED RHIZOMES OR STOLONS, TUBERS, I CAN'T EVEN THINK STRAIGHT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00163-00056794-00056966 IF THEY ARE MUSHY, THEY HAVE GONE FROZEN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00164-00056966-00057317 IF YOU BRING THEM IN AND BROUGHT THEM IN AND GOT MUSHY, 08V9kQ7PGFU-00165-00057317-00057785 I THINK IT IS TOO COLD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00166-00057785-00058271 >> IF YOU HAVE A STRAW BALE, THROW IT OVER THEM TONIGHT AND GET TO THEM TOMORROW. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00167-00058271-00058900 >> WE ARE TALKING MULTIPLE DAYS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00168-00058900-00059332 >> I WAS WORRIED ABOUT MY CARROTS, AND THEY ARE COLD TOLERANT COMPARED TO THE DAHLIA WHICH 08V9kQ7PGFU-00169-00059332-00059432 IS TROPICAL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00170-00059432-00060066 THE DAHLIA WILL TURN MUSHY QUICKLY IF IT GOT TOO COLD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00171-00060066-00060435 >> CALLAS ARE A GREENHOUSE PLANT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00172-00060435-00060570 YOU SAID IT WAS IN A POT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00173-00060570-00061157 BUT, WOW, IF IT WAS OUTSIDE, I WOULD THINK BAD THINGS COULD HAVE HAPPENED. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00174-00061157-00061794 IT IS A COOL TOLERANT PLANT IN THAT IT WILL TAKE 50-DEGREE NIGHTS IN OUR GREENHOUSE AND 08V9kQ7PGFU-00175-00061794-00062023 MAYBE 55 DURING THE DAY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00176-00062023-00062243 BUT YES, IT SHOULD HAVE PROBABLY BEEN IN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00177-00062243-00062400 BUT BRING IT IN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00178-00062400-00062563 >> AGAIN, BRING IT IN AND SEE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00179-00062563-00062663 >> FIND OUT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00180-00062663-00062763 >> NO HARM DONE TO DO THAT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00181-00062763-00063289 >> THE CENTER MIGHT, DEPENDING HOW YOU GROUND IT OR WHERE IT WAS ON A DECK. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00182-00063289-00063389 >> LEAVES HAD BLOWN AROUND IT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00183-00063389-00063814 >> WE HAVE REALLY BEEN WARM UP UNTIL THIS LAST GO-ROUND. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00184-00063814-00064039 USUALLY WARM. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00185-00064039-00064701 >> SHOULD HAVE BEEN A MONTH AGO WE WERE TALKING ABOUT THIS, BUT IT IS REALLY BEEN EXCEPTIONAL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00186-00064701-00064811 ANYWAY YOU CAN TRY IT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00187-00064811-00065085 THERE IS NO HARM DONE AS THE PANEL SAID. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00188-00065085-00065311 WE ARE WAITING FOR MORE PHONE CALLS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00189-00065311-00065739 SO UNTIL WE GET SOME MORE, I GUESS WE WILL JUST HAVE TO GO BACK TO OUR PANEL AND LEARN 08V9kQ7PGFU-00190-00065739-00065839 FROM THEM. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00191-00065839-00066182 CHUCK, DO YOU WANT TO GIVE US A QUESTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00192-00066182-00066427 >> I HAVE A SPRAYED VEGETABLE QUESTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00193-00066427-00066739 IT IS FROM JUNE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00194-00066739-00067317 SO WHATEVER THE ANSWER WAS, IT HAS BEEN RESOLVED AT THIS POINT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00195-00067317-00067575 BUT THIS PERSON IN SHELBYVILLE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00196-00067575-00067993 MY QUESTION IS ABOUT USE OF VEGETABLES AFTER THE PLANTS HAVE BEEN TOUCHED BY SPRAY FROM 08V9kQ7PGFU-00197-00067993-00068093 NEIGHBORING CORNFIELD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00198-00068093-00068539 IT WAS A WINDY DAY AND SOME OF THE PLANTS SHOW SIGNS THEY WERE AFFECTED. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00199-00068539-00068832 TOMATOES HAVE BROWN LEAVES, AND BEANS ARE U-SHAPE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00200-00068832-00069232 CAN THE REST OF THE CROP BE EATEN? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00201-00069232-00069861 UNFORTUNATELY THE OFFICIAL ANSWER IS NO BECAUSE THAT HERBICIDE IS NOT REGISTERED FOR USE ON 08V9kQ7PGFU-00202-00069861-00070494 TOMATOES OR BEANS OR ANY OF THE OTHER GARDEN PRODUCE, AND IT IS OUR POLICY TO ERR ON THE 08V9kQ7PGFU-00203-00070494-00070945 SIDE OF CAUTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00204-00070945-00071543 TOMATOES WOULD BE HARD TO GET THEM GOING AGAIN AT THAT POINT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00205-00071543-00072029 BEANS, PARTICULARLY BUSH SNAP BEANS COME BACK PRETTY QUICKLY FROM SEED. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00206-00072029-00072549 SO HAD I ANSWERED THIS IN JUNE, I WOULD HAVE SAID GET OUT AND PLANT SOME MORE AND YOU WILL 08V9kQ7PGFU-00207-00072549-00072723 STILL HAVE A PRETTY NICE HARVEST THE REST OF THE SEASON. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00208-00072723-00073588 IT IS REALLY UNFORTUNATE BECAUSE YOU HAVE THAT INTERFACE BETWEEN FARM FIELDS AND GARDENS, 08V9kQ7PGFU-00209-00073588-00074210 AND ALTHOUGH THERE ARE WIND SPEED LIMITS THAT YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO SPRAY WHEN THE SPRAY 08V9kQ7PGFU-00210-00074210-00074812 COMPANY IS WORKING 15, 16 HOURS A DAY TRYING TO GET OVER ALL THE ACRES THEY HAVE TO, SOMETIMES 08V9kQ7PGFU-00211-00074812-00075307 THOSE DON'T GET WATCHED AS CLOSELY AS THEY MIGHT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00212-00075307-00075577 SO UNFORTUNATELY, THIS HAPPENS QUITE A BIT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00213-00075577-00076823 I THINK WITH THE NEW DICAMBA SOYBEANS PRODUCTS, I THINK IT WILL HAPPEN MORE OFTEN THAN LESS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00214-00076823-00077368 GARDENERS MIGHT THINK OF BUFFERS, SHEDS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00215-00077368-00078005 >> WOULDN'T WANT YOUR GARDEN TO BE OUT IN THE CORNER OF THE LOT, RIGHT ON THE EDGE OF 08V9kQ7PGFU-00216-00078005-00078105 FARM FIELD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00217-00078105-00078304 IT WOULD BE ASKING FOR TROUBLE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00218-00078304-00078706 YOU MIGHT BE THINKING ABOUT THAT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00219-00078706-00078819 WE DO HAVE A FEW CALLS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00220-00078819-00079094 AS WE GET A BREAK, I WILL GO BACK TO THE PANEL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00221-00079094-00079619 LET'S GO TO ANOTHER PHONE CALL, CLARK'S QUESTION ABOUT TREES ON LINE TWO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00222-00079619-00079736 HI, CLARK. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00223-00079736-00079911 >>CALLER: GOOD EVENING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00224-00079911-00080466 I HAVE HAD A BLUE SPRUCE AND NORFOLK PINE IN THE FRONT YARD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00225-00080466-00081463 I TREATED THE BLUE SPRUCE FOR BAG WORMS TWO OR THREE OR FOUR YEARS AGO, BUT BOTH OF THOSE 08V9kQ7PGFU-00226-00081463-00082030 TREES TEND DOWN LOW TOWARD THE TOP LOOK SICK, SICKLY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00227-00082030-00082544 I WAS CURIOUS IF THERE IS A BLIGHT OR SOMETHING THAT IS AFFECTING THOSE TREES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00228-00082544-00082861 LOOKS LIKE THE NEIGHBOR HAS A VERY SIMILAR EFFECT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00229-00082861-00083095 THE TOP PART OF THE TREE LOOKS HEALTHY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00230-00083095-00083554 BUT THE BOTTOM IS GOING FROM THE BOTTOM UP. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00231-00083554-00083766 >> LET'S DEAL WITH THE BLUE SPRUCE ONE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00232-00083766-00083970 >> I THINK HE MEANS BLUE SPRUCE AND NORWAY SPRUCE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00233-00083970-00084356 >> I AM HOPING THAT IS IT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00234-00084356-00084823 >> I CAN SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE IN MY OWN YARD, WE WILL MAKE THE DECISION, WE ACTUALLY ALREADY 08V9kQ7PGFU-00235-00084823-00084923 DID. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00236-00084923-00085435 WE WILL HAVE TO CUT DOWN A COUPLE OF SPRUCES I PLANTED 30 SOME YEARS AGO IN MY YARD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00237-00085435-00085907 I AM ALMOST POSITIVE IT IS STRESS RELATED DUE TO THE DROUGHT BACK IN '12. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00238-00085907-00086435 WE ARE STILL FEELING THE EFFECTS OF THAT, AND TREES GOT STRESSED AND DISEASES MOVED 08V9kQ7PGFU-00239-00086435-00086535 IN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00240-00086535-00086668 I AM FORGET THE EXACT TWO DISEASES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00241-00086668-00086818 I SEE PURPLING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00242-00086818-00087360 IT LOST A LOT OF THE NEEDLES OFF LOWER LIMBS AND THEY ARE STARTING TO GET THINNER AND THINNER. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00243-00087360-00087542 AND WE CAN ACTUALLY SEE UNDERNEATH THEM. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00244-00087542-00088160 WE WILL PULL THE TRIGGER ON TWO OR THREE NICE SPRUCE TREES AND CUT THEM DOWN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00245-00088160-00088601 I REALLY -- I AM BLAMING THAT DROUGHT THAT REALLY STRESSED THEM AND WORKED THEM OUT THAT 08V9kQ7PGFU-00246-00088601-00088732 WAY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00247-00088732-00089202 >> A LOT OF TIMES DROUGHT WILL BE THE YEAR AFTER THAT, IT WON'T BE IMMEDIATE SIGN THAT 08V9kQ7PGFU-00248-00089202-00089393 YOU WILL SEE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00249-00089393-00089969 >> HAVING A DROUGHT AND THEN SUPER FLOOD, NOT THAT LONG AFTER IT, BECAUSE HAVING TOO 08V9kQ7PGFU-00250-00089969-00090580 MUCH WATER KIND OF GIVES YOU THE SAME SORT OF EFFECT DOWN THE ROAD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00251-00090580-00091152 WHAT WE NORMALLY SAY IN TERMS OF COLORADO SPRUCES IS THEY REALLY WOULD RATHER BE A MILE 08V9kQ7PGFU-00252-00091152-00091582 HIGH THAN DOWN HERE AT FIVE OR 600 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00253-00091582-00092319 THEY ARE CUTE WHEN THEY ARE YOUNG, BUT AS THEY GET OLDER, THEY ARE NOT REAL HAPPY IN 08V9kQ7PGFU-00254-00092319-00092419 OUR CLIMATE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00255-00092419-00092904 >> ANY TIME THEY ARE UNDER LITTLE MORE STRESS LIKE SOIL NOT AS GOOD OR, YOU KNOW, ROCKY 08V9kQ7PGFU-00256-00092904-00093266 OR OTHER THINGS LIKE THAT, WHEN YOU START TO COMPOUND A LITTLE BIT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00257-00093266-00093581 >> YOU SAID YOU DID TAKE CARE OF THE BAGWORMS, TOO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00258-00093581-00094120 DEPENDING ON THE INFESTATION OF THAT LEVEL, YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD DAMAGE OCCURRED THAT YOU 08V9kQ7PGFU-00259-00094120-00094755 ARE NOW SEEING THE EFFECTS FROM BECAUSE THOSE ARE GOING TO DAMAGE, AND THEN YOU WILL SEE 08V9kQ7PGFU-00260-00094755-00095041 THE RESULTS OF THEIR FEEDING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00261-00095041-00095605 >> I THINK THE PANEL IS ALLUDING TO THE FACT YOU MIGHT WANT TO PICK A NON-BLUE SPRUCE FOR 08V9kQ7PGFU-00262-00095605-00095705 YOUR NEXT GO-AROUND. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00263-00095705-00096199 >> AND FOR MOST OF ALL WE ARE SEEING -- YOU REALLY -- YOU BABY IT, BUT IF THERE IS A BIG 08V9kQ7PGFU-00264-00096199-00096714 TREE, I DON'T KNOW WHAT BABYING YOU CAN DO ON A BIG SPRUCE TREE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00265-00096714-00097202 FOR ME MAKE A DECISION, EITHER BABY IT, PUT MORE MULCH AROUND IT AND MAKE A DECISION, 08V9kQ7PGFU-00266-00097202-00097336 IS TOO MUCH OF IT GONE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00267-00097336-00097725 ONCE YOU LOSE A LOT OF THOSE LOWER LIMBS, THEY WILL NEVER PUT THEM BACK DOWN THERE AGAIN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00268-00097725-00097925 THAT'S WHERE YOU HAVE TO MAKE A DECISION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00269-00097925-00098272 AS YOU STATED, NORWAY, TOO, AND THAT WON'T HAVE AS MANY PROBLEMS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00270-00098272-00098824 IT WILL BE A LOT MORE TOLERANT THAN THESE THINGS AFFECTING THAT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00271-00098824-00099175 MAYBE IT IS NOT AS SEVERE AS WE ARE THINKING IT MIGHT BE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00272-00099175-00099813 IF IT IS JUST NEEDLE DROP AND ELIMINATING SOME OF THE LOWER BRANCHES, IT MAY JUST BE 08V9kQ7PGFU-00273-00099813-00100527 NOT APPEALING TO YOU, BUT IF IT IS MORE SEVERE AND YOU ARE GETTING LOTS AND LOTS OF DIEBACK, 08V9kQ7PGFU-00274-00100527-00100783 THEN YOU GOT ISSUES AND MAKE A DECISION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00275-00100783-00101467 >> I MADE THE DECISION TAKE ONE OUT, AND I WONDER WHY I DIDN'T DO IT WHEN THE WEATHER 08V9kQ7PGFU-00276-00101467-00101567 WAS WARM. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00277-00101567-00101854 >> THERE ARE SO MANY BLUE SPRUCES HAVING PROBLEMS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00278-00101854-00102347 WE ARE GOING TO THAT EXTREME THOUGHT PATTERN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00279-00102347-00102560 THANK YOU VERY MUCH, CLARK, FOR YOUR QUESTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00280-00102560-00102660 APPRECIATE THAT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00281-00102660-00103101 WE HAVE A QUESTION ON LINE THREE ABOUT DAFFODILS, AND IS IT KAREN? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00282-00103101-00103206 >>CALLER: YES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00283-00103206-00103372 >> HI, WHAT IS YOUR QUESTION? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00284-00103372-00104010 >>CALLER: WELL, I GOT DAFFODILS AND ENGLISH BLUE BELLS ABOUT A WEEK ON A HALF AGO AND 08V9kQ7PGFU-00285-00104010-00104255 THEN I GOT A COLD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00286-00104255-00104429 SO I COULDN'T GET OUTSIDE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00287-00104429-00104709 THE GROUND ISN'T REALLY FROZEN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00288-00104709-00105258 I AM WORRIED ABOUT THE ENGLISH BLUE BELLS BECAUSE THEY ONLY GET PLANTED THREE INCHES 08V9kQ7PGFU-00289-00105258-00105440 DEEP. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00290-00105440-00105971 BUT I THINK THE DAFFODILS WOULD BE OKAY BECAUSE THEY GET PLANTED SIX INCHES DEEP, AND THE 08V9kQ7PGFU-00291-00105971-00106391 AREA I PLANT THEM IN IS IN BETWEEN TWO MOBILE HOMES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00292-00106391-00106816 SO IT IS MORE OR LESS A MICRO CLIMATE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00293-00106816-00107200 >> MY SUGGESTION WOULD BE TO GET THEM IN BOTH OF THEM. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00294-00107200-00107597 DON'T EVER WASTE A BULB, BUT GET THEM IN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00295-00107597-00108342 AND IF YOU CAN POSSIBLY MULCH OVER THEM, WHATEVER YOU HAVE, I WOULD GET THEM IN BECAUSE YOU 08V9kQ7PGFU-00296-00108342-00108642 ARE RIGHT, WE WERE TALKING ABOUT WHAT A WARM FALL IT HAS BEEN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00297-00108642-00109027 THE SOIL TEMPERATURES I THINK THE LAST I NOTICED WAS 47, 45. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00298-00109027-00109734 I MEAN REALLY THE 40S IS THE RIGHT TEMPERATURE, SOIL TEMPERATURE FOR BULBS, IT WON'T BE AS 08V9kQ7PGFU-00299-00109734-00110080 PLEASANT AS IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN A WEEK OR SO AGO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00300-00110080-00110204 I WOULD GET THEM BOTH PLANTED. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00301-00110204-00110629 I AM SO GLAD YOU KNOW THE PLANTING DEPTHS, THAT'S SO IMPORTANT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00302-00110629-00111096 >> THE FIRST YEAR THEY WILL BE OUT OF SEQUENCE BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT GET ROOTED IN AND TAKE 08V9kQ7PGFU-00303-00111096-00111344 THEM A LITTLE LONGER. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00304-00111344-00111855 IN THE SECOND YEAR AND BEYOND THEY WILL JUST FIGURE IT OUT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00305-00111855-00111955 >> YEAH. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00306-00111955-00112148 THREE INCHES AND SIX INCHES ISN'T GOING TO MAKE MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE IN TERMS OF FROZEN 08V9kQ7PGFU-00307-00112148-00112395 SOIL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00308-00112395-00112841 IF YOU COULD PUT LEAVES OR SOMETHING OVER TO BREAKTHROUGH THE FROZEN TOP LAYER AND GET 08V9kQ7PGFU-00309-00112841-00113152 THEM IN THE GROUND, THAT WOULD BE YOUR FASTEST ROUTE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00310-00113152-00113252 >> GREAT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00311-00113252-00114000 GET OUT THERE AS SOON AS YOU CAN, BUT, STILL, I THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT IDEA ABOUT GETTING 08V9kQ7PGFU-00312-00114000-00114100 IT DONE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00313-00114100-00114273 THANK YOU, KAREN, VERY MUCH FOR YOUR QUESTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00314-00114273-00114559 LET'S GO TO GARY'S QUESTION ABOUT GARDENING ON LINE SIX. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00315-00114559-00114659 HI, GARY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00316-00114659-00115204 >>CALLER: YES, I AM GOING TO ADD A VEGETABLE RAISED VEGETABLE GARDEN TO MY YARD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00317-00115204-00115715 I WANT TO GET POINTERS ON THAT HOW DEEP OR HOW WIDE DO THE BOARDS NEED TO BE? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00318-00115715-00116088 DO I NEED TO PREP THE GROUND UNDERNEATH? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00319-00116088-00116208 TREATED WOOD AND NOT TREATED WOOD? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00320-00116208-00116590 HOW WILL I TREAT THE SOIL TO PUT IN IT? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00321-00116590-00116808 >> EXCELLENT, THOROUGH QUESTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00322-00116808-00116954 RAISED BEDS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00323-00116954-00117319 >> NOT AN HOUR SHOW, HOWEVER! 08V9kQ7PGFU-00324-00117319-00118066 WELL, THEY SAY THE NEW TREATED LUMBER IS LESS TOXIC THAN IT WAS WHEN IT HAD ARSENIC IN IT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00325-00118066-00118913 I AM STILL A LITTLE IFFY ON THAT IF YOU CAN FIND LIKE A WHITE CEDAR OR RED CEDAR SOMETHING 08V9kQ7PGFU-00326-00118913-00119585 TO MAKE IT OUT OF, IT IS NOT CHEAP, BUT IT WILL LAST LONGER AND HOLD UP BETTER. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00327-00119585-00120540 THERE AGAIN, THE DEPTH WOULD BE HOW MUCH OF THAT YOU CAN AFFORD BECAUSE FOUR INCHES WILL 08V9kQ7PGFU-00328-00120540-00120983 HELP, BUT 12 INCHES IS PROBABLY GOING TO BE BETTER. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00329-00120983-00121514 SHOULD YOU PREPARE IT BEFORE YOU START, I WOULD SAY PROBABLY YES BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT 08V9kQ7PGFU-00330-00121514-00122121 TO HAVE THAT HARD INTERFACE WITH NICE FLUFFY SOIL ABOVE IT AND THEN THIS AREA THE ROOTS 08V9kQ7PGFU-00331-00122121-00122222 CAN'T GET INTO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00332-00122222-00122661 YES, PREPARE IT AS IF YOU WERE GOING TO PLANT DIRECTLY INTO THE GARDEN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00333-00122661-00122953 BUILD YOUR FRAME. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00334-00122953-00123796 FILL IT UP WITH SOIL FROM THE PATHS OR WHATEVER YOU ARE GOING TO USE AND GO FROM THERE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00335-00123796-00124341 >> A LOT OF PLACES TALK ABOUT LAYERING IN COMPOST AND SOIL AND -- SO YOU DON'T HAVE 08V9kQ7PGFU-00336-00124341-00124474 TO GET ALL TOPSOIL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00337-00124474-00124574 >> NO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00338-00124574-00124674 ABSOLUTELY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00339-00124674-00124774 YES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00340-00124774-00125342 IF YOU ARE IN A MUNICIPALITY THAT MAKES COMPOST, YOU CAN HAVE A LOAD OF THAT DELIVERED AND 08V9kQ7PGFU-00341-00125342-00125698 MIX THAT LIKE EVEN PARTS WITH THE SOIL TO START WITH. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00342-00125698-00125910 THAT WOULD BE TREMENDOUS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00343-00125910-00126040 >> DID WE ANSWER ALL HIS QUESTIONS? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00344-00126040-00126140 >> I THINK SO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00345-00126140-00126290 >> I THINK THAT WAS PRETTY GOOD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00346-00126290-00126390 VERY GOOD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00347-00126390-00126851 THANK YOU FOR THAT QUESTION BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ASKING ABOUT RAISED BEDS 08V9kQ7PGFU-00348-00126851-00127160 AT LEAST GETTING READY FOR THE VEGETABLE GARDENING SEASON. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00349-00127160-00127344 LET'S GO TO HYDRANGEA QUESTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00350-00127344-00127615 JOHN HAS ONE FOR US ON LINE FOUR. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00351-00127615-00127725 HI, JOHN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00352-00127725-00128182 OH, DO YOU THINK THAT COULD HAVE BEEN LINE FOUR. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00353-00128182-00128628 WE WILL GO TO TONY'S QUESTION ON LINE FIVE ABOUT GARDENING AS WELL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00354-00128628-00128732 HI, TONY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00355-00128732-00128835 >>CALLER: HELLO. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00356-00128835-00128975 HOW ARE YOU? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00357-00128975-00129075 >> WE ARE GREAT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00358-00129075-00129192 HOW ARE YOU? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00359-00129192-00129313 WHAT IS YOUR QUESTION? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00360-00129313-00129864 >>CALLER: MY QUESTION IS I AM TRYING TO START A GARDEN IN MY APARTMENT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00361-00129864-00130484 WHAT WOULD BE THE BEST VEGETABLE, EASIEST VEGETABLE TO GROW IN THE SHORTEST AMOUNT OF 08V9kQ7PGFU-00362-00130484-00130584 TIME? 08V9kQ7PGFU-00363-00130584-00130751 >> I VOTE LETTUCE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00364-00130751-00130864 DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE A VOTE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00365-00130864-00131053 >> I WAS GOING TO SAY GREEN LEAFY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00366-00131053-00132037 THINGS YOU EAT IN VEGETATIVE STATE BECAUSE THEY CAN TAKE THE LOWEST SOLAR RADIATION AND 08V9kQ7PGFU-00367-00132037-00132276 THEY ALSO ARE QUICKEST. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00368-00132276-00132742 SO LETTUCES, SPINACH, RADISHES, I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00369-00132742-00132842 MAYBE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00370-00132842-00133441 BUT PARSLEY, IF YOU CAN GROW HERBS EASILY IF YOU START WITH PLANTS AS WELL. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00371-00133441-00133969 BUR THOSE ARE PROBABLY THE BEST DEPARTMENT ONES AND THEY CAN TAKE A LITTLE LOWER LIGHT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00372-00133969-00134183 >> LITTLE SALAD GARDEN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00373-00134183-00134485 YOU COULD MAYBE IF YOU CAN FIND THEM, PUT IN A FEW ONION SETS OR SOMETHING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00374-00134485-00134680 THEY WOULD GROW AND BE OKAY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00375-00134680-00134780 >> RADISHES ARE QUICK. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00376-00134780-00134992 WOULD BE WORTH TRYING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00377-00134992-00135364 GET 20, 25 DAY RADISHES AFTER GERMINATION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00378-00135364-00135464 GOOD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00379-00135464-00135795 I AM GLAD TO HEAR THAT YOU ARE DOING THAT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00380-00135795-00135982 SO THANK YOU FOR YOUR QUESTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00381-00135982-00136364 NOW, I THINK LET'S GO TO YOU, MARK, AND YOUR QUESTION. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00382-00136364-00136464 >> OKAY. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00383-00136464-00136797 I HAVE A QUESTION HERE THEY HAD A PINK FLOWERING ALMOND. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00384-00136797-00137154 THE BRANCHES THAT STARTED TURNING BLACK LAST SUMMER AND SEEM TO OOZE A LIQUID. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00385-00137154-00137860 I AM READY TO GET RID OF IT BEFORE WHATEVER DISEASES AS IT SPREADS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00386-00137860-00138298 CAN WE DIAGNOSIS WHAT DISEASE ITS AND WHAT CAUSES IT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00387-00138298-00139050 >> FROM THE PICTURE, IT LOOKS LIKE IT IS FIRE BLIGHT WHICH IS CAUSED BY A BACTERIA. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00388-00139050-00139747 IT IS GOING TO ENTER THROUGH FLOWER OR WOUNDS IN THE BARK OR STEM. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00389-00139747-00140053 ONCE IT IS IN THE PLANT, THEN IT WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE PLANT ITSELF. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00390-00140053-00140670 WHAT YOU ARE SEEING HERE IS THE DAMAGE TISSUE THAT IT HAS CAUSED WHICH TURNS TO LIKE A BURNT 08V9kQ7PGFU-00391-00140670-00141291 STEM, AND THEN IT OOZES AND SPREADS BY RAINFALL AND INSECTS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00392-00141291-00141678 THEY WILL COME TO IT AND MOVE IT TO OTHER PLANTS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00393-00141678-00141955 FOR FLOWERING ALMOND, THEY ARE NOT HIGH VALUE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00394-00141955-00142360 IF YOU HAD AN ORCHARD, IT MIGHT BE A BIGGER CONCERN. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00395-00142360-00142901 BUT WITH ONE FLOWERING ALMOND, I WOULD -- IF YOU WANTED TO, CUT IT BACK SIX TO EIGHT INCHES 08V9kQ7PGFU-00396-00142901-00143083 PAST THE WOUND. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00397-00143083-00143263 KEEP THAT CLEANED OUT OF THERE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00398-00143263-00143504 DISPOSE OF THAT DISEASED WOOD. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00399-00143504-00143949 DON'T JUST SET IT OFF INTO A COMPOST PILE BECAUSE YOU WILL JUST REPEAT IT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00400-00143949-00144548 YOU WANT TO BURN IT OR DISPOSE OF IT AWAY FROM THE SITE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00401-00144548-00145247 OTHER THAN THAT, YOU CAN PUT SOMETHING ELSE NOT AS SUSCEPTIBLE TO IT, POSSIBLY WEIGELIA 08V9kQ7PGFU-00402-00145247-00145508 IF YOU WANTED A SPRING BLOOMING ONE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00403-00145508-00146145 IF YOU WANT TO TACKLE IT, KEEP THE DISEASED WOOD OUT, AND GO FROM THERE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00404-00146145-00146248 >> THANK YOU VERY MUCH. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00405-00146248-00146388 NOW, DYKE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00406-00146388-00146496 WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00407-00146496-00147077 >> I HAVE A QUESTION HERE, TALKING ABOUT ROSES, RAINBOW SORBET PLANTED IN THE SPRING. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00408-00147077-00147488 THEY HOPE MAYBE THEY WOULD BLOOM A LITTLE BIT MORE AND SOME OF THE SWOLLEN THINGS AT 08V9kQ7PGFU-00409-00147488-00147678 THE END OF THE BRANCHES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00410-00147678-00148078 QUICKLY LOOKING AT THE PICTURE, THE SWOLLEN IS THE FRUIT OR ROSE HIPS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00411-00148078-00148314 THEY ARE ORANGEY IN THAT PICTURE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00412-00148314-00148830 OTHER THING NOTED THESE WERE PLANTED THAT SAME YEAR. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00413-00148830-00149005 I THINK YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT MORE TIME. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00414-00149005-00149269 WHEN YOU LOOK AT THAT PICTURE, YOU CAN KIND OF SEE THROUGH THE PLANT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00415-00149269-00149432 IT NEEDS MORE LEAVES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00416-00149432-00149532 NEEDS FOR ROOTS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00417-00149532-00149771 YOU HAVE TO LET IT BULK UP. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00418-00149771-00150272 ONE THING COULD HAVE DONE IS PRUNE OFF THOSE ROSE HIPS AND PUT ENERGY BACK INTO THE PLANT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00419-00150272-00150400 YOU DON'T HAVE TO WITH OLDER. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00420-00150400-00150691 BUT LOOKING A THE THAT PLANT, EVERYTHING LOOKED FINE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00421-00150691-00150791 NO DISEASES. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00422-00150791-00151124 NEED TO BULK UP AND THEN WORRY ABOUT BLOOMS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00423-00151124-00151224 >> MULCH. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00424-00151224-00151945 >> NOT NECESSARILY WITH FERTILIZER, BUT DOUBLE THE AMOUNT OF LEAVES AND THE BLOOMS WILL COME. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00425-00151945-00152067 >> THAT'S A GOOD FIRST YEAR PLANT. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00426-00152067-00152477 >> I DON'T THINK IT HAS ENOUGH ROOTS YET. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00427-00152477-00152789 >> IT IS INTERESTING PEOPLE DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT ROSE HIPS ARE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00428-00152789-00153185 THEY ARE BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00429-00153185-00153498 SOME PEOPLE USE THEM IN TEAS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00430-00153498-00153753 VITAMIN C SOURCE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00431-00153753-00154696 YOU CAN DEFINITELY TAKE CARE OF THOSE BY DECORATIVE USE OR MEDICINAL OR CULINARY, I GUESS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00432-00154696-00154980 WELL, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00433-00154980-00155392 WE HAVE A GREAT VIEWER BASE, AND THANK YOU THREE FOR BEING HERE. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00434-00155392-00157222 WE WILL SEE YOU NEXT TIME. 08V9kQ7PGFU-00435-00157222-00158953 GOOD-BYE. 0qzt4ffTpNy-00000-00000003-00000372 welcome to The Snap. This is a segment where we answer frequently asked 0qzt4ffTpNy-00001-00000372-00001092 questions in a very rapid fire format so let's get right into it on this week's 0qzt4ffTpNy-00002-00001092-00001413 episode of the snap we are going to be discussing heating tips for your 0qzt4ffTpNy-00003-00001413-00001832 induction here now you may think it's just as simple as sticking it in and 0qzt4ffTpNy-00004-00001832-00002148 letting it warm up it's a lot more complex than that 0qzt4ffTpNy-00005-00002148-00002435 with a little bit of technique in finesse you can get a whole lot more 0qzt4ffTpNy-00006-00002435-00002799 performance for the first heating tip with your induction heater is the pulse 0qzt4ffTpNy-00007-00002799-00003386 method simply take your device press down and let go press down and let go 0qzt4ffTpNy-00008-00003386-00003777 what this is gonna do is allow for a very even roast of your material inside 0qzt4ffTpNy-00009-00003777-00004170 and allow the temperature to be a little bit higher for your cloud chasers out 0qzt4ffTpNy-00010-00004170-00004500 there and want a little bit increase vapor production try the quick back to 0qzt4ffTpNy-00011-00004500-00005078 back heating technique take your device press it down wait for the click and 0qzt4ffTpNy-00012-00005078-00005835 when the click occurs you draw and now during this time you just be drawing the 0qzt4ffTpNy-00013-00005835-00006192 entire time and then as soon as that cool down click occurs you put the 0qzt4ffTpNy-00014-00006192-00006518 device back in your induction heater almost immediately after that cool down 0qzt4ffTpNy-00015-00006518-00006927 click this will keep those temperatures high and your vapor production high as 0qzt4ffTpNy-00016-00006927-00007395 well for the maximum amount of vapor production be skipping a heat cycle 0qzt4ffTpNy-00017-00007395-00007847 technique is going to be the best one for you take your device pop it in your 0qzt4ffTpNy-00018-00007847-00008286 induction heater press down or you can combine it with the pulse method wait 0qzt4ffTpNy-00019-00008286-00008775 for the click set it down on your magnet on top of your induction heater and love 0qzt4ffTpNy-00020-00008775-00009179 to cool down and click occur again without inhaling this is gonna help 0qzt4ffTpNy-00021-00009179-00009557 maintain that higher temperature and when that cool down click occurs you pop 0qzt4ffTpNy-00022-00009557-00010029 it right back in then you do your draw and you're gonna expel some awesome 0qzt4ffTpNy-00023-00010029-00010509 clouds for this heating tip I'm going to be explaining how to preheat your coil 0qzt4ffTpNy-00024-00010509-00010875 using an induction heater for use with concentrates first thing that you need 0qzt4ffTpNy-00025-00010875-00011222 to do is make sure that you have your Dyna coil installed and then apply your 0qzt4ffTpNy-00026-00011222-00011771 cap putting your induction heater wait till the click once that click occurs 0qzt4ffTpNy-00027-00011771-00012218 carefully remove the cap with your magnet your cat may need to be a little 0qzt4ffTpNy-00028-00012218-00012654 bit more loose to do this this point you would apply your concentrate this will 0qzt4ffTpNy-00029-00012654-00013044 help melt into all those perforations on that Dyna coil and then when the cool 0qzt4ffTpNy-00030-00013044-00013654 down click occurs you can simply just pop your cap back on put it back in your 0qzt4ffTpNy-00031-00013654-00014076 induction heater and that will allow you to not have any waste with your 0qzt4ffTpNy-00032-00014076-00014533 concentrates because it will all be melted in and for those times where you 0qzt4ffTpNy-00033-00014533-00014901 accidentally applied a little bit too much concentrate to your Dyna coil you 0qzt4ffTpNy-00034-00014901-00015462 can always tip it on your side take your device tip over your induction heater 0qzt4ffTpNy-00035-00015462-00016107 and press in at an angle this will prevent the concentrate from leaking 0qzt4ffTpNy-00036-00016107-00016576 down into the top of your cap that's creating a really nasty sticky mess this 0qzt4ffTpNy-00037-00016576-00017167 will prevent that and allow you to use all that tasty concentrate we hope you 0qzt4ffTpNy-00038-00017167-00017535 found these induction heater heating tips beneficial we want to thank Trix 0qzt4ffTpNy-00039-00017535-00018025 and Derek from fudo for your submissions and Chris for compiling them and make 0qzt4ffTpNy-00040-00018025-00018319 sure you let us know what your favorite heating tip is in the comments below and 0qzt4ffTpNy-00041-00018319-00018825 always remember if you heat past the clip you do so at your own risk 0qzt4ffTpNy-00042-00018825-00019429 and that has been The Snap thanks for watching and be sure to check out our 0qzt4ffTpNy-00043-00019429-00019837 other videos here and here and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be 0qzt4ffTpNy-00044-00019837-00020905 notified for when we release more great content 0tyTi1CeExu-00001-00001507-00001643 IndoreManagement Conclave 2019 0tyTi1CeExu-00003-00001939-00002206 IMA IndoreManagement Conclave 2019 0tyTi1CeExu-00006-00002702-00002971 IMA 0tyTi1CeExu-00011-00004228-00004328 28th IMA CONCLAVE 0-1gUglvxgQ-00000-00000396-00000754 Capuchinhas crafts 0-1gUglvxgQ-00001-00000919-00001190 Amigurumis: doll body base 0-1gUglvxgQ-00005-00002134-00003066 Materials -2mm needle -Line in chosen skin color -Filling -Wire -Epoxy mass -Package of plastic packaging 0-1gUglvxgQ-00006-00003088-00004024 ch - chain point sc - single crochet inc - increase (make 2sc in one stitch) dec - decrease (make 1sc from two stitch) BLO - Back Loop Only 0-1gUglvxgQ-00010-00013408-00015628 [Hold the loose end close to the stitches and finish] 0-1gUglvxgQ-00011-00015640-00017170 2: 1sc in the 6th current, 4sc, 3sc in the same current, 4sc, 1inc [14] 0-1gUglvxgQ-00012-00017644-00017694 Put a marker to mark the first career point 0-1gUglvxgQ-00014-00029466-00031508 [Slip Stitch] 3: 1inc, 4sc, 3inc, 4sc, 2inc (last point: slip stitch) [20] 0-1gUglvxgQ-00015-00031526-00032682 To give more stability and prevent the sole of the doll's foot from 'wrinkling' we will make a plastic insole. You can use any piece of packaging (example: butter cap) 0-1gUglvxgQ-00017-00036718-00037954 With the aid of a sharp object scratch the surface of the plastic 0-1gUglvxgQ-00018-00038658-00040150 Cut the wire approximately 25cm 0-1gUglvxgQ-00032-00046446-00046786 Epoxy Mass 0-1gUglvxgQ-00034-00048446-00051062 The durepox will be used to fix the wire in the plastic insole 0-1gUglvxgQ-00049-00116542-00119376 14-16: 11sc [11] 0-1gUglvxgQ-00059-00140154-00142840 19: 10sc [10] 0-1gUglvxgQ-00069-00173014-00174144 If you enjoy this video, like and share to help the channel Sign up for more videos Visit my social networks (link in description) Share your crafts with me on Instagram at #capuchinhasartesanatos 0-7pyRjYYak-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video 0-7pyRjYYak-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view 0-7pyRjYYak-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. 0-7pyRjYYak-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much 0Ai0siXPy7k-00003-00023366-00026095 =Z\i !/}e: %F1Fc 88)D jM>r \(|M Y}tj UF=! zLGk M?t$_ k[{p hu#` XDPK+O DhiOd 4Jd? vVbg 0Ai0siXPy7k-00005-00029247-00031858 /5g@( ^S+4i a$7E3 ZxRPp 11ScJ Ey@( sJ2#b A>| :cmT &^,"O 2Q8B Y*PG "&W^O "vML |<a% DTHp 0Ai0siXPy7k-00006-00031858-00034153 eWj-_ S1xJ O\~} $wi, 2dK=r ;,X] m(6< s1/s ] ^o= !zPSq%o kBLeX 4}v< >B{u sxFPc word/theme/theme1.xml 0AE2tN74gXE-00000-00000000-00000498 Notifications & personal settings 0AE2tN74gXE-00001-00000644-00001146 Hi! I want to quickly share how we manage our email settings profile and 0AE2tN74gXE-00002-00001146-00001583 notifications in Loomio. In Loomio, members of my group can follow the conversations 0AE2tN74gXE-00003-00001583-00002011 that matter to them and minimize notifications that aren't really needed. 0AE2tN74gXE-00004-00002012-00002493 There's just a few basic settings to get your hands around; we'll look into each 0AE2tN74gXE-00005-00002493-00003098 of them in order. 0AE2tN74gXE-00006-00003098-00003410 First, I'll open the sidebar, click on my username, and then 0AE2tN74gXE-00007-00003411-00003878 'edit profile'. Here I can change my profile picture, my name, and all sorts of 0AE2tN74gXE-00008-00003879-00004392 information about me. I can also change the language in which I use Loomio. Thanks 0AE2tN74gXE-00009-00004392-00004827 to the awesome volunteers who have translated Loomio, the range of languages 0AE2tN74gXE-00010-00004827-00005398 continues to grow. This is also where I can set or reset my password. 0AE2tN74gXE-00011-00005444-00005506 Notification settings 0AE2tN74gXE-00012-00005506-00005794 Notification settings: What ends up in your email inbox 0AE2tN74gXE-00013-00005830-00006282 In my 'notification settings,' I can change what Loomio emails me. To keep me up-to-date, 0AE2tN74gXE-00014-00006282-00006759 the Daily Summary is a great way to get started as everything that I missed 0AE2tN74gXE-00015-00006759-00007218 yesterday will be summarized for me in a comprehensive list. If I have some of my 0AE2tN74gXE-00016-00007218-00007629 notifications turned off, but I want to follow the conversations I have engaged 0AE2tN74gXE-00017-00007629-00008133 with by email, I'll subscribe upon participation and immediately be 0AE2tN74gXE-00018-00008133-00008643 emailed any activity that happens in that thread. Now, I use Loomio quite 0AE2tN74gXE-00019-00008643-00009174 regularly, but still I want emails from mentions and replies just to make sure I 0AE2tN74gXE-00020-00009174-00009606 know when people want to get my attention specifically. 0AE2tN74gXE-00021-00009606-00009700 Group email preferences 0AE2tN74gXE-00022-00009700-00009928 Group email preferences: Tailor your notifications for each group 0AE2tN74gXE-00023-00009936-00010420 Some people, just like myself, are in many different Loomio groups at the same time. 0AE2tN74gXE-00024-00010421-00010916 For each group I'm in I have a couple of email notification options right here. 0AE2tN74gXE-00025-00010916-00011369 I can subscribe to everything that happens in that particular group; I can also 0AE2tN74gXE-00026-00011369-00011759 choose to get an email only when I'm directly mentioned or invited to 0AE2tN74gXE-00027-00011759-00012179 participate in a decision. 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If I turn off emails I'll be relying on the 0AE2tN74gXE-00029-00012620-00013094 notifications I receive within the app, through the bell shaped icon just over 0AE2tN74gXE-00030-00013094-00013610 here; depending on my engagement I'll choose one option or the other. 0AE2tN74gXE-00031-00013610-00013682 Thread email preferences 0AE2tN74gXE-00032-00013682-00013882 Thread email preferences: Follow closely or ignore certain conversations 0AE2tN74gXE-00033-00013890-00014356 Just below any threads context section you will find this button called 0AE2tN74gXE-00034-00014357-00014869 "subscribe;" it allows you to change your email settings for that specific thread. 0AE2tN74gXE-00035-00014869-00015316 The options are the same ones we just discussed for the whole group – it is 0AE2tN74gXE-00036-00015316-00015815 useful when the thread is particularly important to you or, on the other hand, 0AE2tN74gXE-00037-00015815-00016154 when you do not wish to get notifications (for a thread that does 0AE2tN74gXE-00038-00016154-00016294 not concern you.) 0AE2tN74gXE-00039-00016294-00016344 Extra engagement tools 0AE2tN74gXE-00040-00016344-00016604 Extra engagement tools: More options to track your group's engagement 0AE2tN74gXE-00041-00016620-00017150 if you're invested in helping your group succeed, or you just want to see if 0AE2tN74gXE-00042-00017150-00017558 somebody read your message, Loomio has a couple of nifty ways to track engagement 0AE2tN74gXE-00043-00017558-00018257 and help you ensure your messages get to those who need it in time. Every thread 0AE2tN74gXE-00044-00018257-00018830 has a "Seen by" button just here; when clicked – as you can see – it shows who has 0AE2tN74gXE-00045-00018830-00019565 seen it and, in a way, it also shows who hasn't. Threads, comments, and decisions 0AE2tN74gXE-00046-00019565-00020054 also have a notification history button, which allows you to check if someone has 0AE2tN74gXE-00047-00020054-00020504 been notified via email about something. Here's how it looks like for threads and 0AE2tN74gXE-00048-00020504-00021485 comments. There you go… and here is how it looks for a decision. As you can see here, 0AE2tN74gXE-00049-00021485-00021995 you can check if people open the notification email or if they have seen 0AE2tN74gXE-00050-00021995-00022712 it on Loomio. And that is all you should need to manage your emails notifications 0AE2tN74gXE-00051-00022712-00023114 and settings, and support your group members to do the same. You can always 0AE2tN74gXE-00052-00023114-00023645 access our comprehensive help online and feel free to contact us for more support. 0AE2tN74gXE-00053-00023645-00024059 If you think your Loomio group might benefit from this tutorial, you might 0AE2tN74gXE-00054-00024059-00024749 like to share this video over there. Happy collaborating. 0D819DbCuGu-00000-00000426-00000569 Kids Speak 0D819DbCuGu-00001-00000621-00000827 How do you treat someone who hurt you? 0D819DbCuGu-00002-00001206-00001394 I would wish them good luck. 0D819DbCuGu-00003-00001413-00001543 I would buy her chocolates. 0D819DbCuGu-00004-00001953-00002124 I would say sorry and talk with them. 0D819DbCuGu-00005-00002149-00002267 I would ignore her. 0D819DbCuGu-00006-00002278-00002469 I would feedback that they hurt me. 0D819DbCuGu-00007-00002885-00003195 I would try talking to her and solve the problems between us. 0D819DbCuGu-00008-00003225-00003433 I would walk away and ignore her. 0DlB_eflFyo-00000-00000000-00001592 foreign 0DlB_eflFyo-00001-00001904-00002512 our videos are made possible by ranger rob poopy bags available at amazon right now 0DlB_eflFyo-00002-00002632-00003247 good morning and welcome to the range of rob country living and uh actually it's been a couple 0DlB_eflFyo-00003-00003247-00003840 days since we've done the video and because we've been having terrible internet issues which you 0DlB_eflFyo-00004-00003840-00004712 probably saw in the video a couple of videos ago about a week ago anyway but so we've actually been 0DlB_eflFyo-00005-00004712-00005304 surviving off hot spot on our phones but we're working that problem but i wanted to show you 0DlB_eflFyo-00006-00005392-00006064 sherry's accomplishment in the garden so this is what our garden looks like now over the years 0DlB_eflFyo-00007-00006064-00006944 of not being neglected but not in a bad way but anyway and we're slowly transforming the garden 0DlB_eflFyo-00008-00006944-00007592 beds which there's so many but i want to show you kind of what before looks like and what sherry did 0DlB_eflFyo-00009-00007784-00008576 now does that look different or what is that amazing so much nicer that's 0DlB_eflFyo-00010-00008576-00009312 the new beauty bark we just bought and uh she also did this section here which comes around 0DlB_eflFyo-00011-00009536-00010200 it looks really nice and uh we just finished that up last night so we still got to kind of 0DlB_eflFyo-00012-00010280-00011016 sweep it up a little and stuff but uh uh yeah looks gorgeous and uh in the background 0DlB_eflFyo-00013-00011016-00011560 sure he's getting ready to mow lines today so she's pooper scooper in with ranger rob poopy bags 0DlB_eflFyo-00014-00011712-00012440 yes we use our own product can you believe it but today that would be a good day to uh 0DlB_eflFyo-00015-00012736-00013368 get you caught up in the chickens so uh let's go out to the pan and find and first you haven't seen 0DlB_eflFyo-00016-00013368-00013919 them since they were babies and uh i'll show you some of the things we did well my chickens are 0DlB_eflFyo-00017-00013919-00014368 kind of hiding today but uh one of the things that we're introducing to them now is grit 0DlB_eflFyo-00018-00014432-00014928 so we're still got putting on chicken so we're using it what they call uh chick 0DlB_eflFyo-00019-00014928-00015840 grit and has a probiotic in it still i'm gonna probably start uh winding down on medicated uh 0DlB_eflFyo-00020-00015928-00016560 food on them i just make sure they're good and strong but uh let's go in and find out what the 0DlB_eflFyo-00021-00016560-00017136 babies are up to also want to let you know that the new pins holding up really well very happy 0DlB_eflFyo-00022-00017136-00017752 with it uh now i can't seem to get the chickens that come out of the house so let's take a peek in 0DlB_eflFyo-00023-00017752-00018824 there so let's do a different battle plan here since they're all kind of being lazy 0DlB_eflFyo-00024-00019032-00019096 there they go 0DlB_eflFyo-00025-00019344-00021184 hi bbs we're bound to see what these chickens look like 0DlB_eflFyo-00026-00023176-00023736 so our rhodale and reds have been very happy with their home they love their house the two 0DlB_eflFyo-00027-00023736-00024336 sides are closed off to them until they start laying uh we did add a new little feeder for the 0DlB_eflFyo-00028-00024400-00025024 the grit and they do uh nibble on that once in a while uh we did change the feeder 0DlB_eflFyo-00029-00025128-00025744 and the water automatic water uh they haven't quite figured out how to use that yet so we're 0DlB_eflFyo-00030-00025744-00026327 slowly getting them to uh start figuring out how to peck at it and get the water to come out 0DlB_eflFyo-00031-00026400-00026856 but uh yeah the whole system is working really well chickens are very healthy 0DlB_eflFyo-00032-00027048-00027495 and now we just got to get them all fattened up and ready to start laying 0DlB_eflFyo-00033-00027495-00027872 eggs and of course it's winter it's coming so it'll probably be slow but 0DlB_eflFyo-00034-00027872-00028288 we're still excited to get the first eggs and sure he's off to mow the lines again 0DlB_eflFyo-00035-00028392-00029144 uh yes i do mow the lines once a while but she likes to do it she likes the machine so uh 0DlB_eflFyo-00036-00029495-00030456 oh let me do three hours of lawn mowing so i let her do it i'm not complaining anyway um so 0DlB_eflFyo-00037-00030456-00031024 yeah today's motorland day uh it's a three hour process we do have company coming this 0DlB_eflFyo-00038-00031024-00031704 weekend and uh uh i don't know if they're kind of used to this kind of lifestyle so 0DlB_eflFyo-00039-00031704-00032383 i'm sure we're gonna have them a little uh uh you know dogs driving them crazy and 0DlB_eflFyo-00040-00032464-00033088 and uh the fact that we have farm animals here now and stuff will be a little shocking so uh anyway 0DlB_eflFyo-00041-00033336-00033984 lots of stuff going on today um gardening i think we're kind of done with the beds this 0DlB_eflFyo-00042-00033984-00034656 week because of company coming and uh today just kind of sprucing up the yard uh get the house 0DlB_eflFyo-00043-00034656-00035336 cleaned up try to get some internet working around here and that's been very frustrating 0DlB_eflFyo-00044-00035448-00036280 and uh we have a satellite system coming in uh for internet next week uh but we have a temporary fix 0DlB_eflFyo-00045-00036280-00037528 hopefully coming in today going from a t-mobile internet to a t sim card and hopefully we can 0DlB_eflFyo-00046-00037528-00039384 function but uh until then uh we're struggling but this is how it is i guess but yeah let's move on 0DlB_eflFyo-00047-00042104-00043584 tone has an attitude 0DlB_eflFyo-00048-00046088-00046744 oh yes i forgot there's another thing we're working on here is the fifth wheel back here so 0DlB_eflFyo-00049-00046744-00047472 when we have guests uh we use it as a guest room which is very nice place to stay but what we have 0DlB_eflFyo-00050-00047472-00048184 to do is uh we we do have the water running and they can use ever all the systems so uh yesterday 0DlB_eflFyo-00051-00048184-00049000 i added a bleach to the tank just to uh help keep the pipes nice and sanitary today i gotta 0DlB_eflFyo-00052-00049000-00049760 empty the tank let it drain all out and put brand new water in and so uh whoever's staying in it uh 0DlB_eflFyo-00053-00049952-00050600 we'll have nice clean water and uh be able to use all the systems in the rv and be very 0DlB_eflFyo-00054-00050600-00051192 comfy well since sherry's content mowing the lines i guess i get to enjoy her new little 0DlB_eflFyo-00055-00051328-00052216 resting area with all this beautiful garden beds that we all cleaned up here and life's tough 0DlB_eflFyo-00056-00052496-00052744 and i'm glad she's mowing the line so anyway guys 0DlB_eflFyo-00057-00052816-00053320 have a great day thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and share our videos 0DlB_eflFyo-00058-00053320-00053879 i mean really share them all over share them to grandma grandma love these videos and uh 0DlB_eflFyo-00059-00054048-00054784 be safe out there don't forget to prep a little uh we don't know what the future's gonna bring but 0DlB_eflFyo-00060-00054840-00055272 i'll throw a little bit extra food in the pantry throw a little extra water in the garage 0DlB_eflFyo-00061-00055336-00056160 uh just in case what's it going to hurt and want to save some money one week use your preps anyway 0DlB_eflFyo-00062-00056160-00056864 guys have a great day be safe talk to you later bye now thank you very much for watching our video 0DlB_eflFyo-00063-00056864-00057584 please take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world thanks 0EjGQL3PXgg-00000-00000000-00000416 state arson investigator also took the stands special agent kevin 0EjGQL3PXgg-00001-00000416-00000984 heimrell examined remnants in the avery's burn pit and found evidence believed to be linked to 0EjGQL3PXgg-00002-00000984-00001616 a steven avery to stephen avery and teresa halbach a a rivet from a pair of blue jeans 0EjGQL3PXgg-00003-00001760-00002528 was this clothing rivet that was identified easily identified or at least identified with 0EjGQL3PXgg-00004-00002528-00003088 writing right on the rivet yes and what does the rivet say 0EjGQL3PXgg-00005-00003304-00003911 the rivet is stamped at daisy fuentes now i understand uh you had kind of a problem with 0EjGQL3PXgg-00006-00003911-00004384 the rivet because they only found one rivet and something else you know you'd wonder why 0EjGQL3PXgg-00007-00004440-00005064 one rivet survived but there wasn't a button or any other rivets absolutely however this 0EjGQL3PXgg-00008-00005064-00005440 is still some pretty good testimony for the state you know it's like the icing on the cake 0EjGQL3PXgg-00009-00005528-00005928 showing you know that theresa halbach may have been there and then of course bringing on 0EjGQL3PXgg-00010-00006000-00006512 teresa's sister to testify about those genes all right after the break uh you were talking about 0EjGQL3PXgg-00011-00006512-00006888 the sister we're going to hear more about that rivet from theresa halbach's sister 0EjGQL3PXgg-00012-00007128-00007568 on the final day of a week two the sister of teresa holmbach connected her murdered sister 0EjGQL3PXgg-00013-00007568-00008128 with evidence found in a burn pit near avery's home teresa's 15-year-old sister katie holbach 0EjGQL3PXgg-00014-00008128-00008560 said she remembered teasing teresa after she showed her a pair of daisy fuentes jeans that 0EjGQL3PXgg-00015-00008560-00009048 she'd bought investigators found rivets as we said earlier from that brand of jeans in the 0EjGQL3PXgg-00016-00009048-00009592 burn pit on avery's property where hall box bone fragments were also found she also told jurors she 0EjGQL3PXgg-00017-00009592-00010280 got a blue lanyard at eaa two years ago and gave it to teresa as a gift the fob with teresa's car 0EjGQL3PXgg-00018-00010280-00010928 key founded steven avery's trailer a few days after her disappearance also on friday a juror 0EjGQL3PXgg-00019-00010928-00011480 was dismissed due to a death in the family leaving now 15 jurors in dean strang renewed a motion to 0EjGQL3PXgg-00020-00011480-00012016 suppress all of the evidence seized from stephen avery's trailer garage burn pit and burn barrels 0EjGQL3PXgg-00021-00012016-00012560 now strang's motion was denied last year he says law enforcement violated the one warrant one 0EjGQL3PXgg-00022-00012560-00013088 search principle strang says avery's burn pitch should have been searched that first night now 0EjGQL3PXgg-00023-00013088-00013719 judge willis will rule on this motion at a later date following those arguments a teresa halbach's 0EjGQL3PXgg-00024-00013719-00014184 fifteen-year-old sister katie took the stand and talked about that rivet that we spoke of earlier 0EjGQL3PXgg-00025-00014368-00015080 how do you know that she had a pair of daisy fuentes jeans well one day she showed me a new 0EjGQL3PXgg-00026-00015080-00015728 pair of jeans she had and i noticed that the brand was daisy fun taste and i knew that daisy fuentes 0EjGQL3PXgg-00027-00015728-00016312 was an older person so i told teresa that she has old person jeans you showed us the rivets 0EjGQL3PXgg-00028-00016424-00017376 what's um what do you what do you close the waist with on these jeans about 0EjGQL3PXgg-00029-00017488-00017872 does it kind of look like the more or less like the rivets except a little bit bigger 0EjGQL3PXgg-00030-00017928-00018464 yeah i'll target the heartstrings there with katie but also let's talk about this motion 0EjGQL3PXgg-00031-00018464-00019016 that they are renewing once again uh actually i think that that motion is is very important it was 0EjGQL3PXgg-00032-00019016-00019488 denied the motion had been made back in june and now they're making some serious allegations that 0EjGQL3PXgg-00033-00019488-00019976 police officers have some inconsistent testimony giving me a basis to renew the motion but in 0EjGQL3PXgg-00034-00019976-00020640 wisconsin there has never been a case on point on this one search one warrant principle so i think 0EjGQL3PXgg-00035-00020640-00021104 if there is a conviction in this case you're probably going to be seeing some new law made 0EjGQL3PXgg-00036-00021104-00021704 from our supreme court on that issue all right hey the dna analyst whose work freed stephen avery 0EjGQL3PXgg-00037-00021704-00022272 from prison testified she presented the damning evidence against stephen avery sherry culhane 0EjGQL3PXgg-00038-00022272-00022880 told the jury that six blood stains and theresa halbach's suv contained steven avery's dna profile 0EjGQL3PXgg-00039-00022880-00023624 and holbox rav4 contained avery's dna calhane said avery's dna profile occurs once in every four 0EjGQL3PXgg-00040-00023624-00024248 quintillion people calhane said a bullet fragment from avery's garage had hall box dna on it 0EjGQL3PXgg-00041-00024392-00025176 were there any other profiles developed on the bullet besides teresa hall box no was theresa 0EjGQL3PXgg-00042-00025176-00025824 halbach's profile the only profile that you found on that bullet yes were there any mixtures no 0EjGQL3PXgg-00043-00025927-00026464 now carl hayne testified that her dna got into a sample used to monitor that testing process 0EjGQL3PXgg-00044-00026464-00027127 for contamination i felt as if i was far enough away from my workbench not to introduce my dna 0EjGQL3PXgg-00045-00027127-00028183 but apparently i was incorrect now your dna was did not come up on the bullet did it no 0EjGQL3PXgg-00046-00028288-00028768 obviously though i mean this is a big break for the defense to jump on uh this is a huge break 0EjGQL3PXgg-00047-00028768-00029256 for the defense i even have cases where i've had lab analyst dna show up in a sample and 0EjGQL3PXgg-00048-00029256-00029704 you start to question the whole process so the state's going to say that this you know didn't 0EjGQL3PXgg-00049-00029704-00030144 actually affect any of this process here but i think you know you can expect that 0EjGQL3PXgg-00050-00030144-00030568 the defense is going to jump all over this and question the whole process and how hard is it 0EjGQL3PXgg-00051-00030568-00031016 to argue to a jury you know this this analyst has been doing this for 23 years why doesn't 0EjGQL3PXgg-00052-00031016-00031488 she watch csi and decide to you know wear a mask i know when i heard that i was going ooh 0FeCw3DXDrk-00000-00000435-00000640 My name is Morgan Lewin 0FeCw3DXDrk-00001-00000665-00000990 and I have the privilege of chairing the Diversity and Inclusion Committee 0FeCw3DXDrk-00002-00000992-00001280 of the AskHistorians Digital Conference 2021. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00003-00001370-00001587 On behalf of the entire organising committee 0FeCw3DXDrk-00004-00001612-00001857 it is my honor to share some closing remarks 0FeCw3DXDrk-00005-00001875-00002037 to this year's conference proceedings. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00006-00002150-00002373 When we began analyzing the different ways 0FeCw3DXDrk-00007-00002376-00002585 in which we wanted to approach our second conference, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00008-00002611-00002841 shortly after finishing last year's proceedings, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00009-00002867-00003174 some of us, who had participated in this organization, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00010-00003225-00003558 including our newly-appointed chair, Lisa Baer-Tsarfati, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00011-00003584-00003865 expressed our intent to form a new subcommittee, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00012-00003891-00004121 that would ensure there are subsequent conferences 0FeCw3DXDrk-00013-00004147-00004428 that adhere to best practices regarding accessibility, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00014-00004454-00004710 inclusivity, and the promotion of diversity. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00015-00004808-00004912 As such, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00016-00004915-00005144 The Diversity and Inclusion Committee was formed, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00017-00005147-00005448 which has worked side-by-side with the other sub-communities 0FeCw3DXDrk-00018-00005450-00005606 with one very clear goal: 0FeCw3DXDrk-00019-00005683-00006118 To guarantee that every aspect of our conference embodied the AH mission. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00020-00006195-00006451 As one of the largest public history forums on the internet 0FeCw3DXDrk-00021-00006476-00006809 AskHistorians aims to democratize access to academic history, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00022-00006835-00007020 a task that isn't easily achieved, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00023-00007053-00007347 considering that academia and humanities as a whole 0FeCw3DXDrk-00024-00007398-00007628 continue to struggle with multiple issues 0FeCw3DXDrk-00025-00007654-00007910 when it comes to addressing the deep and lasting wounds 0FeCw3DXDrk-00026-00007917-00008320 caused by white imperialism, racism, and settler-colonialism. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00027-00008370-00008471 In addition, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00028-00008473-00008756 current events all over the world also make us consider 0FeCw3DXDrk-00029-00008759-00009088 that it is an urgent responsibility of historians from around the globe 0FeCw3DXDrk-00030-00009113-00009420 to grapple with the legacies of sexism, homophobia 0FeCw3DXDrk-00031-00009472-00009779 ableism, and discrimination in all its forms, as well. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00032-00009823-00010163 The AHDC's 2021 theme, "Deleted and Missing History: 0FeCw3DXDrk-00033-00010188-00010428 Reconstructing the Past and Confronting Distortion," 0FeCw3DXDrk-00034-00010455-00010675 was created based on this consideration, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00035-00010700-00011161 so that we could ensure our conference was a space in which marginalized voices 0FeCw3DXDrk-00036-00011187-00011503 histories and scholarship could be amplified 0FeCw3DXDrk-00037-00011505-00011724 and brought to the forefront of the conversation. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00038-00011801-00012134 Through the 9 panels were around 30 papers represented, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00039-00012185-00012390 the keynote speech, the roundtable 0FeCw3DXDrk-00040-00012416-00012620 and the six networking live session 0FeCw3DXDrk-00041-00012646-00012919 We were able to showcase a multitude of diverse 0FeCw3DXDrk-00042-00012921-00013286 and under-represented histories, individuals, and events 0FeCw3DXDrk-00043-00013363-00013593 in a way that could be accessible and inclusive 0FeCw3DXDrk-00044-00013612-00013875 to anyone who joined us during the three days of events. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00045-00013926-00014208 As an Indigenous person of color living in the global south, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00046-00014228-00014439 it has been a truly humbling experience 0FeCw3DXDrk-00047-00014446-00014834 to chair the AHDC 2021 Diversity and Inclusion Committee. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00048-00014924-00015199 It is my great pleasure to saying that I believe 0FeCw3DXDrk-00049-00015216-00015487 that we have accomplished the accessibility and inclusivity goals 0FeCw3DXDrk-00050-00015501-00015616 that we set out to achieve. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00051-00015692-00015820 Accomplishing said goals 0FeCw3DXDrk-00052-00015872-00016132 And the entirety of this conference would not have been possible 0FeCw3DXDrk-00053-00016145-00016278 without the remarkable efforts 0FeCw3DXDrk-00054-00016280-00016486 of the many people from all over the globe 0FeCw3DXDrk-00055-00016504-00016896 who volunteered their time and skills to the organization of this event. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00056-00016972-00017281 I would like to specifically acknowledge our conference chair 0FeCw3DXDrk-00057-00017290-00017587 for her admirable dedication and invaluable leading skills, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00058-00017664-00017843 as well as my fellow committee chairs 0FeCw3DXDrk-00059-00017868-00018176 whose work was invaluable in making this conference a success. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00060-00018278-00018483 We'd like to thank Touché Digital Events 0FeCw3DXDrk-00061-00018508-00018711 and every member of the organizing committee 0FeCw3DXDrk-00062-00018713-00019009 for their thorough and responsible handling of the many tasks 0FeCw3DXDrk-00063-00019031-00019190 that were carried out behind the scenes 0FeCw3DXDrk-00064-00019209-00019353 in the planning of this conference. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00065-00019430-00019558 I would like to thank our panel, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00066-00019584-00019788 roundtable, and keynote speakers 0FeCw3DXDrk-00067-00019814-00020070 for sharing their expertise and work with all of us 0FeCw3DXDrk-00068-00020096-00020326 and for allowing us to fulfill our goal, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00069-00020386-00020812 of presenting a plural and diverse set of papers and research projects 0FeCw3DXDrk-00070-00020889-00021135 I would also like to thank our main sponsor, Reddit, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00071-00021163-00021350 as well as our multiple private donors, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00072-00021401-00021657 whose generosity allowed us to make this conference 0FeCw3DXDrk-00073-00021683-00021888 a completely free and accessible event. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00074-00021964-00022272 And, finally, I would like to extend our deepest thanks to our audience 0FeCw3DXDrk-00075-00022333-00022444 To each and every person 0FeCw3DXDrk-00076-00022446-00022681 who engage with our conference in many different ways 0FeCw3DXDrk-00077-00022725-00022952 From watching the panel recordings and asking questions 0FeCw3DXDrk-00078-00022972-00023168 to participating in our networking sessions. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00079-00023244-00023475 This conference was made for all of you 0FeCw3DXDrk-00080-00023552-00023918 with the conviction that history should always be readily available 0FeCw3DXDrk-00081-00023945-00024217 and should engage with as wide a public as possible. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00082-00024268-00024524 Finally, I would like to offer some words of encouragement 0FeCw3DXDrk-00083-00024601-00024934 Our conference has dealt with issues that are pervasive to everyday life 0FeCw3DXDrk-00084-00024960-00025241 Ranging from the mainstream sensational fake news 0FeCw3DXDrk-00085-00025267-00025472 to the spread of hateful and bigoted 0FeCw3DXDrk-00086-00025548-00025727 in the international political landscape. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00087-00025779-00026137 In organizing this event and interacting with all of you has taught me something. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00088-00026214-00026628 That there is a genuine interest, both within and outside of academia, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00089-00026672-00026850 to combat these dangerous tendencies 0FeCw3DXDrk-00090-00026931-00027033 through disciplinary work 0FeCw3DXDrk-00091-00027059-00027519 and respectful dialogue with marginalized, deleted, and missing histories. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00092-00027571-00027699 We can keep working 0FeCw3DXDrk-00093-00027724-00028006 towards a better present by critically revisiting our past, 0FeCw3DXDrk-00094-00028031-00028441 So that we can ensure the construction of a more inclusive and diverse future. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00095-00028595-00028890 And now it is time to say goodbye to this year's conference 0FeCw3DXDrk-00096-00028893-00029055 and to all of you who were a part of it. 0FeCw3DXDrk-00097-00029158-00029439 In the language of my ancestors, the Gününa Küne people 0FeCw3DXDrk-00098-00029465-00029644 of Argentina: I thank you; 0FeCw3DXDrk-00099-00029774-00029954 mi ātsh jitsh-aka. 0KrLnkThOzu-00000-00000292-00000694 Hello, welcome to a new 0KrLnkThOzu-00001-00000694-00001022 class of the Sinergia group, my name is 0KrLnkThOzu-00002-00001022-00001544 Mauro Holzmann and this time the Sinergia Group wants to introduce you to the 0KrLnkThOzu-00003-00001544-00002135 a work related to the mechanics of dissociation. The mechanics of 0KrLnkThOzu-00004-00002135-00002714 dissociation is a quality of movement that we can observe in the Tango Dance and also 0KrLnkThOzu-00005-00002714-00003229 in almost all American dances and has its origin in African dances 0KrLnkThOzu-00006-00003229-00003772 that came to our continent before 20th century. 0KrLnkThOzu-00007-00003772-00004445 The dissociation mechanics consists basically of the individual ability 0KrLnkThOzu-00008-00004445-00004976 to be able to move and to be able to work in an independent and 0KrLnkThOzu-00009-00004976-00005711 decoupled way the top part of our body, or torso, relative to the bottom part, or 0KrLnkThOzu-00010-00005711-00006550 legs, leaving an intermediate zone the, hip area as a link and connector 0KrLnkThOzu-00011-00006550-00007073 of the two parts mentioned above: torso and legs. 0KrLnkThOzu-00012-00007073-00007543 In the Tango Dance the dissociation or mechanics of dissociation 0KrLnkThOzu-00013-00007543-00008138 appears also in the 'how' the space of the two 0KrLnkThOzu-00014-00008138-00008747 members of the couple interrelate. So we have in this case that the 0KrLnkThOzu-00015-00008748-00009158 upper torso level of the partners in the tango couple 0KrLnkThOzu-00016-00009158-00009810 share the space, while in the lower part of the legs, the individuals 0KrLnkThOzu-00017-00009810-00010443 of the couple have the possibility and opportunity to traverse 0KrLnkThOzu-00018-00010444-00011096 the space between the two partner's legs, 0KrLnkThOzu-00019-00011108-00011784 generating a type of relationship that up to the appearance of Tango, no other 0KrLnkThOzu-00020-00011784-00012470 folk dance had allowed it. In the next Videos the Sinergia Group 0KrLnkThOzu-00021-00012471-00013025 proposes to deepen the understanding of the mechanics of dissociation first, 0KrLnkThOzu-00022-00013025-00013608 through a body awareness work which allows us to connect with sensations, second through 0KrLnkThOzu-00023-00013608-00014358 exercises at the individual level, and third working on the level of the couple 0KrLnkThOzu-00024-00014358-00015069 and finally in the last video observe the mechanics 0KrLnkThOzu-00025-00015069-00015556 of dissociation in the Tango dance itself. 0KrLnkThOzu-00026-00015556-00016324 Thankful for your attention and listening I leave you now with Adriana Ba who is going 0KrLnkThOzu-00027-00016324-00016888 to continue the journey toward the mechanics of dissociation by putting 0KrLnkThOzu-00028-00016888-00017476 attention to body consciousness and the connection with sensations. 0KrLnkThOzu-00029-00017476-00017718 Many thanks in advance for being with us and see you soon. 0Ql4xhPAat0-00000-00000161-00000863 after their learning experience, students move on to assessments some assessments 0Ql4xhPAat0-00001-00000863-00001549 are external tasks, for example, positive and 0 exponents I can go practice at Khan 0Ql4xhPAat0-00002-00001549-00002078 Academy and then after I'm done and produced some type of work evidence 0Ql4xhPAat0-00003-00002078-00002846 generally in my notebook, I the student can go back and report how I did. Other 0Ql4xhPAat0-00004-00002846-00003379 types of assessments like -- unlike the Khan Academy, are internal assessment 0Ql4xhPAat0-00005-00003379-00004061 quizzes. I can click on this sample one, Exponents, and demonstrate what happens 0Ql4xhPAat0-00006-00004061-00004931 for example generating some data quickly, and getting something wrong for some 0Ql4xhPAat0-00007-00004931-00005549 variety, we can see the results our students get. 0Ql4xhPAat0-00008-00005549-00006284 The report students have after their assessment is powerful, 1st students can see how they did overall 0Ql4xhPAat0-00009-00006284-00007048 and also by question they can look in order by question and begin to correct 0Ql4xhPAat0-00010-00007048-00007340 any misunderstandings by looking at the correct answer 0Ql4xhPAat0-00011-00007340-00007853 students can also see how they did by 1 or more standards if the questions 0Ql4xhPAat0-00012-00007853-00008282 in the assessment were linked to standards even better if learning 0Ql4xhPAat0-00013-00008282-00008647 collections and the resources were linked to the same standards 0Ql4xhPAat0-00014-00008647-00009172 the report will suggest learning resources for students to pursue to help 0Ql4xhPAat0-00015-00009172-00009332 correct misunderstandings 0Ql4xhPAat0-00016-00009332-00009860 this makes the report actionable in ways traditional reports are not 0Ql4xhPAat0-00017-00009860-00010472 furthermore, students can look over multiple attempts and pull up entire new 0Ql4xhPAat0-00018-00010472-00011086 sets of data from the complete attempt students took. This helps when they're 0Ql4xhPAat0-00019-00011086-00011465 looking back to see progression in understanding and also for when teachers are 0Ql4xhPAat0-00020-00011465-00011693 trying to hold students accountable and coach them 0QoohmfEEkk-00000-00000000-00001362 In today's discussion, we will try to find out Why China and Russia Are Closer than Ever Before. 0QoohmfEEkk-00001-00001500-00001998 Xi Jinping, China’s leader, met with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia 0QoohmfEEkk-00002-00001998-00002604 in Moscow in the most high-profile visit by any world leader to Russia since before the pandemic. 0QoohmfEEkk-00003-00002712-00003246 This meeting between the leaders of China and Russia marks another key moment in 0QoohmfEEkk-00004-00003246-00003540 the deepening relationship between the two powers. 0QoohmfEEkk-00005-00003660-00004212 Coming more than a year after Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, the meeting will be 0QoohmfEEkk-00006-00004212-00004752 watched closely by Western officials for any indications of how far China may be willing 0QoohmfEEkk-00007-00004752-00005370 to go to act as a mediator in the conflict. Chinese officials have framed the meeting 0QoohmfEEkk-00008-00005370-00005928 partly as a mission to promote constructive talks between Russia and Ukraine, even though 0QoohmfEEkk-00009-00005928-00006498 U.S. officials have been skeptical of Mr. Xi’s recent efforts to become a global peacemaker. 0QoohmfEEkk-00010-00006612-00007098 Here are five things to know about the relationship between China and Russia: 0QoohmfEEkk-00011-00007218-00007668 Firstly it’s important to know! Are China and Russia allies? 0QoohmfEEkk-00012-00007668-00008292 Let's talk about that: China and Russia are not 0QoohmfEEkk-00013-00008292-00008802 formal allies, meaning they have not committed to defend each other with military support. 0QoohmfEEkk-00014-00008952-00009486 But the two countries are close strategic partners, a relationship that deepened 0QoohmfEEkk-00015-00009486-00010056 during the war in Ukraine as Russia became increasingly isolated from many other countries. 0QoohmfEEkk-00016-00010188-00010692 Chinese officials have said the current relationship is at a “historic high.” 0QoohmfEEkk-00017-00010800-00011394 The partnership is fueled by a shared goal of trying to weaken American power and influence. 0QoohmfEEkk-00018-00011520-00012006 The relationship between China and Russia has not always been so warm. 0QoohmfEEkk-00019-00012108-00012900 The two sides were fierce adversaries in the 1960s and clashed in 1969 over disputed territory along 0QoohmfEEkk-00020-00012900-00013422 their border, raising fears at the time of a nuclear showdown between the two countries. 0QoohmfEEkk-00021-00013547-00014010 The two countries have also been competing for influence in Central Asia, 0QoohmfEEkk-00022-00014010-00014460 a region that the Kremlin has long seen as its turf but is becoming 0QoohmfEEkk-00023-00014460-00014922 increasingly important to China’s geopolitical and economic ambitions. 0QoohmfEEkk-00024-00015036-00015666 China is building more railroads, highways and energy pipelines in former Soviet republics 0QoohmfEEkk-00025-00015666-00016272 like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, which still rely on Russia as a crucial security partner. 0QoohmfEEkk-00026-00016404-00016794 The second point is, How close are Xi Jinping and 0QoohmfEEkk-00027-00016794-00017112 Vladimir Putin? Answer is, 0QoohmfEEkk-00028-00017112-00017514 Right before the start of the Ukraine war in February 2022, 0QoohmfEEkk-00029-00017514-00018096 Mr. Xi and Mr. Putin declared publicly that their countries’ relationship had “no limits.” 0QoohmfEEkk-00030-00018204-00019008 Mr. Xi has often described Mr. Putin as his best friend. During an economic forum in Russia 0QoohmfEEkk-00031-00019008-00019878 in 2018, the two fried Russian pancakes and took vodka shots together. For Mr. Xi’s 66th 0QoohmfEEkk-00032-00019878-00020514 birthday in 2019, Mr. Putin presented him with a cake and a giant box of ice cream. 0QoohmfEEkk-00033-00020634-00021018 In an article published in a Chinese newspaper on Sunday, 0QoohmfEEkk-00034-00021018-00021564 Mr. Putin said the two enjoyed the “warmest relationship,” noting that they have met 0QoohmfEEkk-00035-00021564-00022104 about 40 times in recent years and always found time to talk at “no‑tie” events. 0QoohmfEEkk-00036-00022218-00022776 The third point is, What is the economic relationship between Russia and China? 0QoohmfEEkk-00037-00022890-00023376 Economic ties between China and Russia have strengthened significantly since 0QoohmfEEkk-00038-00023376-00023904 Russia’s first invasion of Ukraine in 2014, when it annexed Crimea. 0QoohmfEEkk-00039-00024018-00024468 At the time, China helped Russia evade the sanctions imposed by the 0QoohmfEEkk-00040-00024468-00024990 Obama administration that were supposed to cut off Russia’s access to global markets. 0QoohmfEEkk-00041-00025104-00025626 In the wake of harsher sanctions against Russia following the start of the Ukraine war last year, 0QoohmfEEkk-00042-00025626-00025950 China has helped to supply many of the products 0QoohmfEEkk-00043-00025950-00026310 that Russia previously purchased from Western-allied countries, 0QoohmfEEkk-00044-00026310-00026916 including computer chips, smartphones and raw materials needed for military equipment. 0QoohmfEEkk-00045-00027048-00027426 Total trade between Russia and China surged last year. 0QoohmfEEkk-00046-00027552-00027906 The fourth point is, What does Putin want from China? 0QoohmfEEkk-00047-00028188-00028842 Mr. Putin needs China to help bolster his economy, which has been battered by Western sanctions. 0QoohmfEEkk-00048-00028956-00029562 For the Russian leader, China has increasingly become a lifeline for investment and trade. 0QoohmfEEkk-00049-00029676-00030288 After Western countries restricted their purchases of Russian crude oil and natural gas last year, 0QoohmfEEkk-00050-00030288-00030726 China helped offset the decline by buying more energy from Russia. 0QoohmfEEkk-00051-00030827-00031368 At the start of the Ukraine war, Russia asked China for military equipment and 0QoohmfEEkk-00052-00031368-00032130 economic assistance, according to U.S. officials. American officials have recently said that China 0QoohmfEEkk-00053-00032130-00032730 is considering giving weapons to Russia for use in Ukraine, a claim that China has denied. 0QoohmfEEkk-00054-00032844-00033426 China has refrained from condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, even though China’s foreign 0QoohmfEEkk-00055-00033426-00033900 policy is rooted around the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. 0QoohmfEEkk-00056-00034008-00034458 Although China has portrayed itself as a neutral party in the Ukraine war, 0QoohmfEEkk-00057-00034458-00035052 it has endorsed Russian narratives, blaming the U.S. and NATO for starting the conflict. 0QoohmfEEkk-00058-00035172-00035664 But China has also hesitated to put its full backing behind Russia. 0QoohmfEEkk-00059-00035766-00036282 The turmoil and instability stemming from the war could threaten China’s growth and 0QoohmfEEkk-00060-00036282-00036690 complicate its efforts to strengthen its economic ties around the world. 0QoohmfEEkk-00061-00036810-00037488 Last September, after Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi met in person, Mr. Putin acknowledged that 0QoohmfEEkk-00062-00037488-00037908 China had expressed “questions and concerns” about the war in Ukraine. 0QoohmfEEkk-00063-00038028-00038502 And finally, What does Xi want from Russia? 0QoohmfEEkk-00064-00038610-00039174 Let’s talk about that too, Mr. Xi wants Mr. Putin to 0QoohmfEEkk-00065-00039174-00039654 join him as a like-minded ally in confronting U.S. and Western dominance. 0QoohmfEEkk-00066-00039780-00040248 In an article published in a Russian newspaper on Monday ahead of the visit, 0QoohmfEEkk-00067-00040248-00040818 Mr. Xi said China and Russia needed to cooperate to overcome challenges to their 0QoohmfEEkk-00068-00040818-00041340 security, including “damaging acts of hegemony, domination and bullying.” 0QoohmfEEkk-00069-00041436-00042054 Mr. Xi has pursued a harder stance against what he calls an American effort to contain China’s rise, 0QoohmfEEkk-00070-00042054-00042738 portraying China as a nation besieged — much as Mr. Putin has done in speeches to Russians. 0QoohmfEEkk-00071-00042846-00043458 Mr. Xi has urged Chinese industries to reduce their reliance on Western technology and hailed 0QoohmfEEkk-00072-00043458-00043914 China’s growth as proof that it does not need to adopt Western political values. 0QoohmfEEkk-00073-00044022-00044658 China has been buying more advanced weapons from Russia to modernize its military, and the two 0QoohmfEEkk-00074-00044658-00045384 nations have increased their joint military exercises. Last year, as President Biden was 0QoohmfEEkk-00075-00045384-00046032 visiting Tokyo, China and Russia sent bombers over the seas in northeast Asia as a show of force. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00000-00000010-00000233 SHE HAS HER 2,000th CAREER 0Sfd92g-rAU-00001-00000233-00000240 SHE HAS HER 2,000th CAREER 0Sfd92g-rAU-00002-00000240-00000410 SHE HAS HER 2,000th CAREER ASSIST TONIGHT. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00003-00000410-00000417 SHE HAS HER 2,000th CAREER ASSIST TONIGHT. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00004-00000417-00000667 SHE HAS HER 2,000th CAREER ASSIST TONIGHT. GRAND RAPIDS WINS 3-NO. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00005-00000667-00000673 ASSIST TONIGHT. GRAND RAPIDS WINS 3-NO. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00006-00000673-00000804 ASSIST TONIGHT. GRAND RAPIDS WINS 3-NO. >> COLLIN: TO THE NORTHLAND WE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00007-00000804-00000810 GRAND RAPIDS WINS 3-NO. >> COLLIN: TO THE NORTHLAND WE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00008-00000810-00000840 GRAND RAPIDS WINS 3-NO. >> COLLIN: TO THE NORTHLAND WE GO. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00009-00000840-00000847 >> COLLIN: TO THE NORTHLAND WE GO. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00010-00000847-00001024 >> COLLIN: TO THE NORTHLAND WE GO. NEVIS HOSTING PINE RIVER-BACKUS 0Sfd92g-rAU-00011-00001024-00001031 GO. NEVIS HOSTING PINE RIVER-BACKUS 0Sfd92g-rAU-00012-00001031-00001097 GO. NEVIS HOSTING PINE RIVER-BACKUS THIS EVENING. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00013-00001097-00001104 NEVIS HOSTING PINE RIVER-BACKUS THIS EVENING. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00014-00001104-00001194 NEVIS HOSTING PINE RIVER-BACKUS THIS EVENING. CONTROLLING THE NET WITH THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00015-00001194-00001201 THIS EVENING. CONTROLLING THE NET WITH THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00016-00001201-00001234 THIS EVENING. CONTROLLING THE NET WITH THE SPIKE. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00017-00001234-00001241 CONTROLLING THE NET WITH THE SPIKE. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00018-00001241-00001344 CONTROLLING THE NET WITH THE SPIKE. THAT WILL GIVE THEM THE LEAD. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00019-00001344-00001351 SPIKE. THAT WILL GIVE THEM THE LEAD. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00020-00001351-00001684 SPIKE. THAT WILL GIVE THEM THE LEAD. BUT THE VISITING TIGERS ANSWER. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00021-00001684-00001691 THAT WILL GIVE THEM THE LEAD. BUT THE VISITING TIGERS ANSWER. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00022-00001691-00001815 THAT WILL GIVE THEM THE LEAD. BUT THE VISITING TIGERS ANSWER. GET OUT OF THE WAY FOR THE POINT 0Sfd92g-rAU-00023-00001815-00001821 BUT THE VISITING TIGERS ANSWER. GET OUT OF THE WAY FOR THE POINT 0Sfd92g-rAU-00024-00001821-00002085 BUT THE VISITING TIGERS ANSWER. GET OUT OF THE WAY FOR THE POINT AND GET BACK IN IT, BUT NEVIS 0Sfd92g-rAU-00025-00002085-00002092 GET OUT OF THE WAY FOR THE POINT AND GET BACK IN IT, BUT NEVIS 0Sfd92g-rAU-00026-00002092-00002198 GET OUT OF THE WAY FOR THE POINT AND GET BACK IN IT, BUT NEVIS ANSWERS AGAIN. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00027-00002198-00002205 AND GET BACK IN IT, BUT NEVIS ANSWERS AGAIN. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00028-00002205-00002372 AND GET BACK IN IT, BUT NEVIS ANSWERS AGAIN. IT'S MONTANA BAKER WITH THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00029-00002372-00002379 ANSWERS AGAIN. IT'S MONTANA BAKER WITH THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00030-00002379-00002422 ANSWERS AGAIN. IT'S MONTANA BAKER WITH THE SERVE. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00031-00002422-00002429 IT'S MONTANA BAKER WITH THE SERVE. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00032-00002429-00002672 IT'S MONTANA BAKER WITH THE SERVE. JUST HOW SHE DREW IT UP FOR THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00033-00002672-00002679 SERVE. JUST HOW SHE DREW IT UP FOR THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00034-00002679-00002749 SERVE. JUST HOW SHE DREW IT UP FOR THE ACE. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00035-00002749-00002756 JUST HOW SHE DREW IT UP FOR THE ACE. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00036-00002756-00002819 JUST HOW SHE DREW IT UP FOR THE ACE. PINE RIVER-BACKUS CAUGHT FIRE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00037-00002819-00002826 ACE. PINE RIVER-BACKUS CAUGHT FIRE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00038-00002826-00002926 ACE. PINE RIVER-BACKUS CAUGHT FIRE DOWN THE STRETCH. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00039-00002926-00002932 PINE RIVER-BACKUS CAUGHT FIRE DOWN THE STRETCH. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00040-00002932-00003056 PINE RIVER-BACKUS CAUGHT FIRE DOWN THE STRETCH. GABBY RAINWATER FROM THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00041-00003056-00003063 DOWN THE STRETCH. GABBY RAINWATER FROM THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00042-00003063-00003106 DOWN THE STRETCH. GABBY RAINWATER FROM THE OUTSIDE. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00043-00003106-00003113 GABBY RAINWATER FROM THE OUTSIDE. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00044-00003113-00003219 GABBY RAINWATER FROM THE OUTSIDE. GIVE HER THE KILL THERE. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00045-00003219-00003226 OUTSIDE. GIVE HER THE KILL THERE. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00046-00003226-00003336 OUTSIDE. GIVE HER THE KILL THERE. LATER, THEY GO AGAIN ON THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00047-00003336-00003343 GIVE HER THE KILL THERE. LATER, THEY GO AGAIN ON THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00048-00003343-00003493 GIVE HER THE KILL THERE. LATER, THEY GO AGAIN ON THE SWING PLAY, AND SHE MAKES QUICK 0Sfd92g-rAU-00049-00003493-00003500 LATER, THEY GO AGAIN ON THE SWING PLAY, AND SHE MAKES QUICK 0Sfd92g-rAU-00050-00003500-00003783 LATER, THEY GO AGAIN ON THE SWING PLAY, AND SHE MAKES QUICK WORK OF THAT SET FOR THE WINNER. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00051-00003783-00003790 SWING PLAY, AND SHE MAKES QUICK WORK OF THAT SET FOR THE WINNER. 0Sfd92g-rAU-00052-00003790-00003973 SWING PLAY, AND SHE MAKES QUICK WORK OF THAT SET FOR THE WINNER. PINEWOOD BACKUS WOULD WIN THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00053-00003973-00003980 WORK OF THAT SET FOR THE WINNER. PINEWOOD BACKUS WOULD WIN THE 0Sfd92g-rAU-00054-00003980-00004030 WORK OF THAT SET FOR THE WINNER. PINEWOOD BACKUS WOULD WIN THE FIRST TWO, BUT NEVIS WINS THE 0TrPrQtqv3A-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00001-00000105-00000301 we'll look at graphing quadratic functions 0TrPrQtqv3A-00002-00000301-00000501 by identifying key points. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00003-00000501-00000805 A quadratic equation is one that is in the form: 0TrPrQtqv3A-00004-00000805-00001301 ax squared, plus bx, plus c. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00005-00001301-00001705 Any equation that's in this form will generate this u-shape, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00006-00001705-00001908 which we call a "parabola." 0TrPrQtqv3A-00007-00001908-00002207 The u-shape has several key pieces of information 0TrPrQtqv3A-00008-00002207-00002502 that we can pull off of the equation 0TrPrQtqv3A-00009-00002502-00002700 to make graphing it easier. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00010-00002700-00002901 The first thing we're interested in 0TrPrQtqv3A-00011-00002901-00003202 is the direction of the graph. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00012-00003202-00003602 The direction of the graph is based on the first value--a. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00013-00003602-00003904 If it is greater than 0-- or positive-- 0TrPrQtqv3A-00014-00003904-00004109 the parabola will open up. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00015-00004109-00004503 If it less than 0-- or negative-- 0TrPrQtqv3A-00016-00004503-00004708 the parabola will open down. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00017-00004708-00004905 This is easy to remember, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00018-00004905-00005205 because if a is positive, the parabola is happy, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00019-00005205-00005508 and if a is negative, the parabola is sad. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00020-00005705-00006002 Another key piece of information we'll look for 0TrPrQtqv3A-00021-00006002-00006301 is where the graph crosses the y-axis. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00022-00006301-00006603 We call this the "y-intercept." 0TrPrQtqv3A-00023-00006603-00006809 The y-intercept is easy to identify, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00024-00006809-00007206 because we know the x-value at this point is 0. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00025-00007206-00007508 If each of the x's are equal to 0, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00026-00007508-00007902 the only thing left is c. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00027-00007902-00008204 c will be the y-intercept. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00028-00008204-00008405 Similarly, we'll also be interested 0TrPrQtqv3A-00029-00008405-00008808 in when the graph crosses the x-axis at the x-intercepts. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00030-00009008-00009308 There will always be two x-intercepts, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00031-00009308-00009601 as long as they're real. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00032-00009601-00009904 And we know the y-value there is 0, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00033-00009904-00010207 so we will set the equation equal to 0 0TrPrQtqv3A-00034-00010207-00010508 in order to find the x-intercept. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00035-00010508-00011000 Zero equals ax squared, plus bx, plus c, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00036-00011000-00011203 is quickly solved by either factoring, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00037-00011203-00011600 completing the square, or the quadratic formula. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00038-00011705-00011908 The last key point we find 0TrPrQtqv3A-00039-00011908-00012400 is the point where it changes direction at the bottom or top-- 0TrPrQtqv3A-00040-00012400-00012601 called the "vertex." 0TrPrQtqv3A-00041-00012601-00012907 The vertex has two components we need to find. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00042-00012907-00013208 The first is the x-coordinate, which we find 0TrPrQtqv3A-00043-00013208-00013609 by taking the values for a and b in the equation 0TrPrQtqv3A-00044-00013609-00014102 using the simple formula: the opposite of b over 2a. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00045-00014102-00014304 Notice, this is the quadratic formula 0TrPrQtqv3A-00046-00014304-00014602 without the square root. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00047-00014602-00014809 To find the y-value of the vertex, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00048-00014809-00015109 we'll simply plug x into this function 0TrPrQtqv3A-00049-00015109-00015507 and evaluate to see what we get for y. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00050-00015507-00015709 Let's take a look at an example 0TrPrQtqv3A-00051-00015709-00016000 where we identify this key information 0TrPrQtqv3A-00052-00016000-00016300 to help us graph the function. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00053-00016300-00016705 In this problem, we can start by identifying the direction 0TrPrQtqv3A-00054-00016705-00017107 based on the value for a, which is a +1. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00055-00017107-00017407 Because that's positive, we know the direction and shape 0TrPrQtqv3A-00056-00017407-00017707 will be a happy parabola opening up. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00057-00017901-00018208 Next, we can identify the y-intercept. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00058-00018208-00018802 If x is 0, the only thing left would be the -3. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00059-00018802-00019205 This means the graph crosses the y-axis at -3. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00060-00019205-00019602 We have the first point on our graph. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00061-00019602-00020109 We can also find the x-intercept by making the equation equal 0. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00062-00020109-00020609 When we say x squared, minus 2x, minus 3, equals 0, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00063-00020609-00020802 we can quickly solve 0TrPrQtqv3A-00064-00020802-00021505 by factoring to x, minus 3, times x, plus 1, equals 0. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00065-00021505-00021708 Setting each factor equal to 0, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00066-00021708-00022008 we can quickly find the two x-intercepts. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00067-00022008-00022302 By adding 3, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00068-00022302-00022801 the first x-intercept is at 3, on the x-axis; 0TrPrQtqv3A-00069-00022801-00023000 and subtracting 1 0TrPrQtqv3A-00070-00023000-00023602 to get our second x-intercept of -1, on the x-axis. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00071-00023800-00024107 The only thing left to find is the vertex, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00072-00024107-00024401 which we do by using the formula: 0TrPrQtqv3A-00073-00024401-00024708 the opposite of b over 2a. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00074-00024708-00024909 Remember from the quadratic formula, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00075-00024909-00025300 we get a, b, and c from our coefficients. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00076-00025300-00025901 So the opposite of b will be -2, over 2a, over 1. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00077-00025901-00026101 This reduces to 1, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00078-00026101-00026401 so 1 must be the x-value of the vertex. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00079-00026507-00026803 To find our y, we plug 1 in, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00080-00026803-00027205 getting 1 squared, minus 2, times 1, minus 3; 0TrPrQtqv3A-00081-00027205-00027704 and evaluate to get y, equals 1, minus 2, minus 3, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00082-00027704-00028107 or y equals -4. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00083-00028107-00028801 The vertex then is at an xy point: 1,-4. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00084-00028904-00029109 Plotting this point and connecting the dots, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00085-00029109-00029405 we get the u-shape we would expect, 0TrPrQtqv3A-00086-00029405-00029703 opening up in our parabola. 0TrPrQtqv3A-00087-00029703-00029905 Part 2, we'll see another. 0TugsE0fhYk-00000-00001248-00001528 Hey guys i'm really excited about today's video. 0TugsE0fhYk-00001-00001528-00002007 This is part three of our ongoing series of our 1978 Carver 0TugsE0fhYk-00002-00002007-00002360 that we're rebuilding. This video is all about the engines. 0TugsE0fhYk-00003-00002360-00002832 Really excited, I'm kind of an engine nut at heart. 0TugsE0fhYk-00004-00002832-00003296 So as you can probably see from the videos these engines are in really bad 0TugsE0fhYk-00005-00003296-00003615 shape. At least one of them was i believe it 0TugsE0fhYk-00006-00003615-00004071 was the starboard engine that was in really bad shape. The port engine 0TugsE0fhYk-00007-00004071-00004280 actually started that you saw here at the beginning. 0TugsE0fhYk-00008-00004280-00004839 So let's get started! 0TugsE0fhYk-00010-00005303-00005736 Okay guys, we just got the motor back back to our garage and we're going to strip 0TugsE0fhYk-00011-00005736-00006200 it down and get it into the bath. 0TugsE0fhYk-00012-00006200-00006695 The electrolysis bath and start cleaning this motor up. 0TugsE0fhYk-00013-00006792-00007159 Just want to document some of the stuff before i start disconnecting... 0TugsE0fhYk-00014-00007159-00007775 So i think this is, maybe, I don't know... fuel filter fuel filter and fuel pump? 0TugsE0fhYk-00015-00007775-00008168 We're going to go with that... Fuel pump, probably. Then it comes up 0TugsE0fhYk-00016-00008168-00008511 here to the carburetors... Looks like a fuel pump. We're going to go 0TugsE0fhYk-00017-00008511-00009111 with that! It's got two connections obviously, 0TugsE0fhYk-00018-00009111-00009664 an in and out. Make sure that's right we're gonna take this bracketing off 0TugsE0fhYk-00019-00009664-00010184 three bolts here... we're gonna drop the oil pan... 0TugsE0fhYk-00020-00010272-00011096 I know this is a water pump... This looks like, maybe another water pump? 0TugsE0fhYk-00021-00011096-00011584 Secondary pump? I don't know... 0TugsE0fhYk-00022-00011688-00011975 another mount... 0TugsE0fhYk-00023-00012192-00012684 oil filter... This housing that attaches to the V-drive... 0TugsE0fhYk-00024-00012684-00013391 that's going to come off... So we can mount it to the engine stand. 0TugsE0fhYk-00025-00013391-00013695 Yep! In / Out 0TugsE0fhYk-00026-00013695-00014152 There we go, look at that! From the tank end... Okay! 0TugsE0fhYk-00027-00014152-00014840 Tank In / Out. So that's the input to the fuel filter. Okay, we're starting to get it! 0TugsE0fhYk-00028-00014840-00015416 So as you can see it's pretty rusted up. 0TugsE0fhYk-00029-00015416-00016008 The cylinders in there pretty shot. We'll see if we can overhaul this engine 0TugsE0fhYk-00030-00016008-00016392 or if i got to use it to exchange it and do a core charge, but i 0TugsE0fhYk-00031-00016392-00016944 do not have the heads for this motor. The heads were not with it. 0TugsE0fhYk-00032-00016944-00017336 I'm going to consider the heads loss. The previous owner had a mechanic pull 0TugsE0fhYk-00033-00017336-00017864 the engine obviously disassembled it. Never got paid, i'm guessing he probably 0TugsE0fhYk-00034-00017864-00018192 kept the heads as insurance so he would get paid. 0TugsE0fhYk-00035-00018192-00018631 but we'll see what some new ones cost. I'll probably just get some 0TugsE0fhYk-00036-00018631-00019040 third-party ones and go from there. 0TugsE0fhYk-00037-00019040-00019880 So over here we got some more boat parts got the exhaust exhaust manifolds got 0TugsE0fhYk-00038-00019880-00020408 the starter got the intake manifold carburetor is in 0TugsE0fhYk-00039-00020408-00020815 my vehicle but you can see it's all rusted up 0TugsE0fhYk-00040-00020815-00021240 pretty good so we're gonna get this thing back into 0TugsE0fhYk-00041-00021240-00021704 my electrolysis from my previous video on the ford v10 0TugsE0fhYk-00042-00021704-00022015 we're going to do the exact same thing with this engine see if we can get this 0TugsE0fhYk-00043-00022015-00022912 thing cleaned up so here's the oil pan from the motor and 0TugsE0fhYk-00044-00022912-00023056 Had a spun bearing... 0TugsE0fhYk-00045-00023056-00023200 i want you to look at this oil... 0TugsE0fhYk-00047-00023815-00024678 This oil is pretty chunky... A lot of sludge in the bottom of it... 0TugsE0fhYk-00048-00024951-00025584 It's almost a mud. 0TugsE0fhYk-00049-00026183-00026527 this is the problem on why it spins bearings 0TugsE0fhYk-00050-00026527-00026983 because this oil 0TugsE0fhYk-00051-00026991-00027235 is just mud 0TugsE0fhYk-00052-00027480-00027960 and that is not normal 0TugsE0fhYk-00053-00028127-00028839 so we're going to end up dropping the motor on the other side of the boat 0TugsE0fhYk-00054-00028839-00029208 because if this one's got sludge like this in it 0TugsE0fhYk-00055-00029208-00030063 that other one's got sludge in it along with who knows what else 0TugsE0fhYk-00056-00030063-00030327 it's in there 0TugsE0fhYk-00057-00030424-00030752 so just not feeling confident we get this one going 0TugsE0fhYk-00058-00030752-00031183 we're gonna have to clean the other one too 0TugsE0fhYk-00059-00031263-00031583 so we got the engine apart and found out uh 0TugsE0fhYk-00060-00031583-00032160 basically bad winterization. Cracked block caused it overheat causing it to have a 0TugsE0fhYk-00061-00032160-00032560 spun bearing... So ultimately we ordered a new engine so 0TugsE0fhYk-00062-00032560-00032840 here's that video... 0TugsE0fhYk-00063-00032863-00033296 Hey guys, really excited today! The engine came in 0TugsE0fhYk-00064-00033296-00034200 for the 78 Carver boat. got this engine from from Blueprint 0TugsE0fhYk-00065-00034200-00034663 Engines in Nebraska. They don't sell directly you have to go through one of 0TugsE0fhYk-00066-00034663-00035088 their distributors so i found a distributor online. 0TugsE0fhYk-00067-00035088-00035463 ordered it from the distributor on friday they ordered it 0TugsE0fhYk-00068-00035463-00035968 from the engine maker on Monday showed up at my place on Wednesday 0TugsE0fhYk-00069-00035968-00036447 Fedex freight, so that is awesome, and then i found out there in 0TugsE0fhYk-00070-00036447-00036919 Nebraska and of course i'm in Iowa so didn't have to go that far but 0TugsE0fhYk-00071-00036919-00037631 this is exactly what i was looking for. So the old engine that we pulled out 0TugsE0fhYk-00072-00037640-00038000 i was going to get it machined i was thinking about maybe doing it myself 0TugsE0fhYk-00073-00038000-00038312 i decided i better take it into a machine shop 0TugsE0fhYk-00074-00038312-00038872 and um immediately when i dropped it off they're like hey it's not even worth it 0TugsE0fhYk-00075-00038872-00039416 this thing's junk there's a crack six inch crack right here on the side i 0TugsE0fhYk-00076-00039416-00039872 don't know if you can see it you can see the line they said this 0TugsE0fhYk-00077-00039872-00040280 blocks junk it's ruined you know it's not going to work for us 0TugsE0fhYk-00078-00040280-00040600 so that made my decision pretty easy where 0TugsE0fhYk-00079-00040600-00041231 i went ahead and got the rebuild engine new rebuilt 0TugsE0fhYk-00080-00041256-00042384 so the things i had to look at was the casting number GM 397010 0TugsE0fhYk-00081-00042496-00043424 same number GM 3970010 i think the 0TugsE0fhYk-00082-00043424-00043816 i can't remember the number on i want to say it's like 682 0TugsE0fhYk-00083-00043816-00044528 was the heads and these are 882 0TugsE0fhYk-00084-00044600-00045080 so again they're just cast iron gm heads uh 0TugsE0fhYk-00085-00045080-00045591 no frills here but uh i you know it's reliability is what it 0TugsE0fhYk-00086-00045591-00045800 comes down to for me i wasn't gonna do any 0TugsE0fhYk-00087-00045800-00046144 after market i want the engines to both match 0TugsE0fhYk-00088-00046144-00046687 um basically taking everything back to original now this one 0TugsE0fhYk-00089-00046687-00047000 uh you may notice this one actually is the counter rotation 0TugsE0fhYk-00090-00047000-00047496 so there's uh right and left rotation engines 0TugsE0fhYk-00091-00047496-00047800 so this one is the counter rotation i can't remember if that's left hand 0TugsE0fhYk-00092-00047800-00048487 or right hand but um really excited that somebody did all you 0TugsE0fhYk-00093-00048487-00048872 know it cost me it was twenty eight hundred dollars and 0TugsE0fhYk-00094-00048872-00049447 three hundred and shipping it was basically $3125.00 0TugsE0fhYk-00095-00049447-00049887 delivered to my door it's got a 12 month warranty 0TugsE0fhYk-00096-00049887-00050312 and now i don't have to worry about going through 0TugsE0fhYk-00097-00050312-00050968 my old engine and now it's just a block it's just an anchor so it had a spun 0TugsE0fhYk-00098-00050968-00051432 bearing so it overheated had a spun bearing 0TugsE0fhYk-00099-00051432-00051776 it was missing the heads because some other mechanic got a hold of it before 0TugsE0fhYk-00100-00051776-00052120 me probably figured there was a crack block 0TugsE0fhYk-00101-00052120-00052351 probably kept the heads because he didn't get paid 0TugsE0fhYk-00102-00052351-00052872 from the old owner so now i've got all these parts and pieces 0TugsE0fhYk-00103-00052872-00053488 left over from the old engine about the only thing i'm going to do is 0TugsE0fhYk-00104-00053488-00053927 the cam shaft i'm going to convert that over to 0TugsE0fhYk-00105-00053927-00054504 a tool to use to remove the bearings for the camshaft i saw a video 0TugsE0fhYk-00106-00054504-00054936 online on how to do that so i'll probably repurpose that and use 0TugsE0fhYk-00107-00054936-00055176 that so i've got to switch over the tins when 0TugsE0fhYk-00108-00055176-00055632 you buy these you can get them with or without the tin so got 0TugsE0fhYk-00109-00055632-00055960 the oil pan the old aluminum oil pan that i got to 0TugsE0fhYk-00110-00055960-00056439 put on we've got uh the timing chain cover that 0TugsE0fhYk-00111-00056439-00056704 goes on here we're gonna have to obviously put the 0TugsE0fhYk-00112-00056704-00057055 intake carburetor on 0TugsE0fhYk-00113-00057104-00057472 flywheel and then we're gonna paint her up blue 0TugsE0fhYk-00114-00057472-00057808 because i'm going to keep her crusader blue 0TugsE0fhYk-00115-00057808-00058200 and probably going to have to get new exhaust manifolds 0TugsE0fhYk-00116-00058200-00058704 crusader manifolds so over here is the old pieces 0TugsE0fhYk-00117-00058704-00059088 we got the manifolds got the intake that i'm going to probably take 0TugsE0fhYk-00118-00059088-00059448 over to the machine shop and have them clean them up make sure it's any good 0TugsE0fhYk-00119-00059448-00059679 still 0TugsE0fhYk-00120-00059688-00060432 flywheel housing the pumps gonna have to check all that out 0TugsE0fhYk-00121-00060432-00060872 make sure the carburetor works see if i need to rebuild it 0TugsE0fhYk-00122-00060872-00061216 one uh one real pleasant surprise on this one 0TugsE0fhYk-00123-00061216-00062024 is the old engine was a two bolt main and the new engine 0TugsE0fhYk-00124-00062112-00062416 is a four bolt main 0TugsE0fhYk-00125-00062432-00062760 so i ordered it you can either order it as a two 0TugsE0fhYk-00126-00062760-00063264 or a four and i ordered the two because it was a couple hundred dollars cheaper 0TugsE0fhYk-00127-00063264-00063688 and i really don't expect my rpms to get anything over 4000 rpms 0TugsE0fhYk-00128-00063688-00064064 so i went with the two bolt and they sent me 0TugsE0fhYk-00129-00064064-00064600 a four bolt main so a little surprise there did some 0TugsE0fhYk-00130-00064600-00064895 research on the difference between the two and the four bolt 0TugsE0fhYk-00131-00064895-00065248 and quite honestly unless you're doing race engines and you're gonna have 0TugsE0fhYk-00132-00065248-00065816 high rpms the two bolt mains are just fine 0TugsE0fhYk-00133-00065816-00066304 four bolt mains were typically used in trucks for more torque 0TugsE0fhYk-00134-00066304-00066856 and if you wanted to uh rebuild them but i guess there's a conversion you can 0TugsE0fhYk-00135-00066856-00067336 do on the tor the two bolt mains as well you can make these a four bolt i'm not 0TugsE0fhYk-00136-00067336-00067760 exactly sure how they would do it i don't know if it was another bolt but 0TugsE0fhYk-00137-00067760-00068151 i didn't really see where there'd be any room to put another bolt in 0TugsE0fhYk-00138-00068151-00068672 but apparently there isn't there is a way to machine those for another 0TugsE0fhYk-00139-00068672-00069136 but um i'm sure somebody out there can make comments and let me know about that 0TugsE0fhYk-00140-00069136-00069727 so again excited blueprint engines out of nebraska if 0TugsE0fhYk-00141-00069727-00070351 this thing runs like it should i'm gonna be very happy 0TugsE0fhYk-00142-00070351-00070656 so we got the engines painted up that crusader blue 0TugsE0fhYk-00143-00070656-00070960 to me it kind of looks like maybe a ford blue but i think the four blue is a 0TugsE0fhYk-00144-00070960-00071368 little darker but never seen a gm engine with a baby 0TugsE0fhYk-00145-00071368-00071672 blue like that but that's what the crusaders do and of 0TugsE0fhYk-00146-00071672-00072176 course the merc cruisers are black but got our new exhaust manifolds on and 0TugsE0fhYk-00147-00072176-00072463 we're ready to put her in 0TugsE0fhYk-00148-00072832-00073400 in goes the engine today oh boy 0TugsE0fhYk-00149-00073695-00074007 yeah figure over 0TugsE0fhYk-00150-00074095-00074583 going in there 0TugsE0fhYk-00151-00074839-00075536 okay guys we just got the engine in the new engine the crane just left from 0TugsE0fhYk-00152-00075536-00076272 the marina so we back to the two engines 0TugsE0fhYk-00153-00076272-00076607 so we're gonna check back here when we get her started hopefully at the end of 0TugsE0fhYk-00154-00076607-00077016 the day we're gonna have this baby hooked up and 0TugsE0fhYk-00155-00077016-00077439 ready for its first start make sure she runs. 0TugsE0fhYk-00156-00077439-00077760 Hopefully, we can get her on the water this week... 0TugsE0fhYk-00157-00077760-00078783 It's been a long haul i'm gonna be ready to finish this project up... 0TugsE0fhYk-00158-00080104-00080383 you can tell that 0TugsE0fhYk-00159-00080495-00081007 that my friends is a beautiful sight and sound 0TugsE0fhYk-00160-00081016-00081327 except we don't got it coming out the other one just the one 0TugsE0fhYk-00161-00081327-00081607 gonna check that 0TugsE0fhYk-00162-00081944-00082304 only got water coming out the one... 0TugsE0fhYk-00163-00082432-00082751 Hey thanks for staying to the end! I know that's a long video... 0TugsE0fhYk-00164-00082751-00083072 but really that's short compared to the amount of time and the work that we 0TugsE0fhYk-00165-00083072-00083519 put into it. We didn't cover everything but stay with us and we'll be back next 0TugsE0fhYk-00166-00083519-00083824 week with part 4 of the series were we finish up 0TugsE0fhYk-00167-00083824-00084095 the bottom paint and then we get to launch the boat. 0TugsE0fhYk-00168-00084095-00084383 Talk to you soon! 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00000-00085780-00086364 Today we would release from guilt forever. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00001-00086446-00087230 Today we will no longer project the source of guilt to be in people, places, things, and circumstances. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00002-00087344-00088418 We will end this displacement by looking upon the source of guilt within, and looking past it to the light. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00003-00088544-00089802 Guilt cannot be real, for ourselves or for anyone. Insane ideas have no real relationships, for that is why they are insane. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00004-00089884-00090836 And no real relationship can rest on guilt, or even hold one spot of it to mar its purity. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00005-00090988-00092002 Today we will not avoid our brothers and sisters, but look within to the light and see the light in them. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00006-00092088-00092434 No longer is guilt attractive. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00007-00092532-00093348 No longer will I maintain a hold on the past, for the past is not inside. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00008-00093432-00094102 If I look within I will see the love and light of my eternal being. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00009-00094272-00095172 Today I will see that guilt is never justified in anyone, whatever he or she may do. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00010-00095278-00095954 If I look within I will see the truth, and see the divine love and innocence. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00011-00096062-00096994 Now, today it is given me to heal and to extend healing to all the world. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00012-00097146-00098080 I practice with the lesson today, seeing that happiness is an attribute of love. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00013-00098204-00099298 God, being Love, is also happiness. To fear Him is to be afraid of joy. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00014-00099522-00100300 It is happiness that I seek today, and I cannot fail because I seek the truth. 0Wbd9kQ7g-u-00015-00100432-00101196 God, being Love, is also happiness. Amen. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00000-00000100-00000384 (uplifting music) 0XK6g9m7wd8-00001-00001596-00001795 - Making my life count I think is 0XK6g9m7wd8-00002-00001795-00002005 somehow finding a way to give 0XK6g9m7wd8-00003-00002005-00002256 a voice to the voiceless through arts 0XK6g9m7wd8-00004-00002256-00002482 and education and figuring a way 0XK6g9m7wd8-00005-00002482-00002732 that my voice can add to that conversation 0XK6g9m7wd8-00006-00002732-00002983 is something that I'm striving for. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00007-00002983-00003427 There's so much good that I think is inherent 0XK6g9m7wd8-00008-00003427-00003801 with what it means to just go about our daily lives 0XK6g9m7wd8-00009-00003801-00003944 and go about our daily business 0XK6g9m7wd8-00010-00003944-00004360 and we fixate, unfortunately, on the negative 0XK6g9m7wd8-00011-00004360-00004623 and that way we need art 0XK6g9m7wd8-00012-00004623-00004947 and we need moments of levity and education 0XK6g9m7wd8-00013-00004947-00005166 to sort of like wrap our heads around 0XK6g9m7wd8-00014-00005166-00005407 this insane kind of world 0XK6g9m7wd8-00015-00005407-00005647 cause we're just trying to make it up as we go along. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00016-00005786-00005988 - Gustavus provides a lot of platforms 0XK6g9m7wd8-00017-00005988-00006452 for figuring out who and what I might need to be, 0XK6g9m7wd8-00018-00006452-00006713 want to be, what I could become 0XK6g9m7wd8-00019-00006713-00006987 and I've joined a social justice theater group 0XK6g9m7wd8-00020-00006987-00007095 and I was on a football team 0XK6g9m7wd8-00021-00007095-00007178 and I was in a choir 0XK6g9m7wd8-00022-00007178-00007331 and I was learning about histories 0XK6g9m7wd8-00023-00007331-00007831 and learning about what stories I represent 0XK6g9m7wd8-00024-00007845-00008079 and what stories I've been made to represent. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00025-00008255-00008516 In the Gustie way of like being a Gustie 0XK6g9m7wd8-00026-00008516-00008782 and that sort of transcending all reality. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00027-00008782-00009197 Once I left Gustavus, I had to really do that again 0XK6g9m7wd8-00028-00009286-00009520 and trying to explain that 0XK6g9m7wd8-00029-00009520-00009800 so I just sort of tried to become something 0XK6g9m7wd8-00030-00009800-00009924 that was of excellence 0XK6g9m7wd8-00031-00009924-00010187 and that was of creativity and striving. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00032-00010487-00010804 Maria Tierney gave me the option. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00033-00010804-00011006 She opened up the door. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00034-00011006-00011293 I had again a liberal arts education. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00035-00011293-00011526 My general requirements were things like 0XK6g9m7wd8-00036-00011526-00011727 poetry and anthropology, religion 0XK6g9m7wd8-00037-00011727-00012049 and so I had to take some sort of art credit 0XK6g9m7wd8-00038-00012049-00012314 and it was between drawing and dance 0XK6g9m7wd8-00039-00012314-00012667 and I couldn't draw so I decided to take a dance class 0XK6g9m7wd8-00040-00012667-00012938 fundamentals of modern and got in touch with my body 0XK6g9m7wd8-00041-00012938-00013241 and as an athlete I was already, you know, 0XK6g9m7wd8-00042-00013241-00013438 thinking I was in touch with my body. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00043-00013438-00013568 So then I took the next course 0XK6g9m7wd8-00044-00013584-00013844 and at one point I don't even know it just happenstance 0XK6g9m7wd8-00045-00013847-00013962 I think she was just like off the cuff 0XK6g9m7wd8-00046-00013974-00014208 she's like you should think about doing this 0XK6g9m7wd8-00047-00014209-00014406 and I was like I should think about doing what? 0XK6g9m7wd8-00048-00014406-00014650 And she was like dance 0XK6g9m7wd8-00049-00014650-00014902 and at that time I had no idea that dance 0XK6g9m7wd8-00050-00014902-00015137 could even be a career and be a profession 0XK6g9m7wd8-00051-00015137-00015353 and so again in that naive sensibility 0XK6g9m7wd8-00052-00015353-00015503 I was like alright and declared a major 0XK6g9m7wd8-00053-00015503-00015731 and that's what happened. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00054-00015731-00016035 Maria Tierney just gave me the option 0XK6g9m7wd8-00055-00016035-00016249 where I didn't have it before. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00056-00016249-00016492 I'm Brian J. Evans and I'm a Gustie. 0XK6g9m7wd8-00057-00016590-00016821 Gustavus Adolphus College 0XK6g9m7wd8-00058-00016821-00016937 Make your life count. 0YA3bKyqgio-00000-00001112-00001576 okay so now that we know that rykon is without question one of the strongest iso models within 0YA3bKyqgio-00001-00001576-00002000 this game let's try to go ahead and spice things up by using nothing more than mastered 0YA3bKyqgio-00002-00002000-00002504 ultra instant characters to go up against super saiyan blue rykon and the goal here is to try 0YA3bKyqgio-00003-00002504-00002936 to beat this guy once and for all maybe i might do it maybe i won't but we're gonna go ahead and 0YA3bKyqgio-00004-00002936-00003415 find out right now mastered ultra instinct broly for all day he's actually pretty quick okay so i 0YA3bKyqgio-00005-00003415-00003879 all this is really bad we're kicking things off like just really really bad but then again hold on 0YA3bKyqgio-00006-00003879-00004344 broly rolly's swinging him around he's knocking him or i like this okay so what i want to know 0YA3bKyqgio-00007-00004344-00004864 from you guys right now is in terms of sprite animation battles i want to go ahead and feature 0YA3bKyqgio-00008-00004864-00005376 super saiyan blue icon but at the same time oh we got him this is really going to determine a 0YA3bKyqgio-00009-00005376-00005920 lot let's see how much how much damage we end up doing that's not a lot at all that's really really 0YA3bKyqgio-00010-00005920-00006592 bad but i think i found my heavy hitter and that's going to be broly i cannot afford to be caught by 0YA3bKyqgio-00011-00006592-00007159 anything that rikon does because it's literally a one shot kill so we don't want that to happen but 0YA3bKyqgio-00012-00007159-00007576 like i said in terms of sprite animations do you guys want me to actually feature a sprite 0YA3bKyqgio-00013-00007576-00008168 animation battle featuring super saiyan blue icon perhaps maybe versus beerus or maybe perhaps 0YA3bKyqgio-00014-00008168-00008752 you know vegito gogeta a master ui wielder i need you guys to let me know because essentially enough 0YA3bKyqgio-00015-00008752-00009208 i want to do a lot of sprite fights on my main channel unreal and gaming this dude's not going 0YA3bKyqgio-00016-00009208-00009736 down but i i do firmly believe that you know my dude rolling right now is the best chance that 0YA3bKyqgio-00017-00009736-00010272 we have now i have several different mui wielders here oh we actually caught him i thought we missed 0YA3bKyqgio-00018-00010272-00010768 i mean listen the attempt to beat him is is not going to be easy because he is the strongest so a 0YA3bKyqgio-00019-00010768-00011288 lot of you guys were like yo try this try that so someone actually suggested for me to feature just 0YA3bKyqgio-00020-00011288-00011688 mui characters and i said to myself all right well let's see if that's going to be the case 0YA3bKyqgio-00021-00011688-00012152 and if we can actually beat him by using said characters now i'm not too sure let me go ahead 0YA3bKyqgio-00022-00012152-00012656 and switch out here who do i have i have gohan now okay so let me know in terms of a fan manga 0YA3bKyqgio-00023-00012656-00013263 if you guys want me to give gohan an additional transformation or a power up or a form or whatever 0YA3bKyqgio-00024-00013263-00013832 the case may be on my main channel because a lot of you guys may know i am oh this is bad i 0YA3bKyqgio-00025-00013832-00014352 am all for giving him god right super saiyan god but i'm not sure about mui or any of that so let 0YA3bKyqgio-00026-00014352-00014880 me know if you guys want to see a concept like that maybe perhaps as he's training with his dad 0YA3bKyqgio-00027-00014880-00015536 i can't believe that was a one shot and now we have goku so i mean arguably among the pack 0YA3bKyqgio-00028-00015536-00016144 probably the best ui wielder among gohan and broly right i would argue to say but right now this is 0YA3bKyqgio-00029-00016144-00016720 not looking good for me he's going to destroy me this is not good i listen oh yeah wow a one shot 0YA3bKyqgio-00030-00016720-00017096 damn it who's that is it vegeta i think i think i have vegeta tonight yeah there he is 0YA3bKyqgio-00031-00017096-00017656 vegeta now instead of ultra ego he has mastered ultra instinct which not for nothing i think 0YA3bKyqgio-00032-00017656-00018272 vegeta wielding ui would be just insane but i think for this particular fight let's see i i did 0YA3bKyqgio-00033-00018272-00018768 i didn't do anything like in terms of health we didn't take anything away from him like that's bad 0YA3bKyqgio-00034-00018768-00019344 like that's really really bad i'm not i mean on the previous rikon fight we try to use ultra ego 0YA3bKyqgio-00035-00019344-00019864 and that pretty much went nowhere so in terms of vegeta let me know should we actually feature you 0YA3bKyqgio-00036-00019864-00020376 know maybe a sprite fight involving mastered ultra instinct vegeta versus ultra eagle vegeta right 0YA3bKyqgio-00037-00020376-00020864 vegeta versus vegeta i think that'd be pretty cool i mean i mean just just to see them two go at it 0YA3bKyqgio-00038-00020864-00021184 let me know in the comment section below which one of the two of you guys actually favor between 0YA3bKyqgio-00039-00021248-00021768 mastered ultra instinct vegeta or ultra eagle vegeta so let me see if i can actually finish 0YA3bKyqgio-00040-00021768-00022328 this because there's got to be an end to this guy right i there are specific yeah i'm dead 0YA3bKyqgio-00041-00022384-00022984 i'm this is it for me up next i do think i have vegito so that's the only kind of 0YA3bKyqgio-00042-00022984-00023448 safe haven character that i have left right outside of broly but this is just the massacre 0YA3bKyqgio-00043-00023448-00024072 gohan goku vegeta and now we have vegito so i mean there's no excuse as to why vegito 0YA3bKyqgio-00044-00024072-00024632 can't get the job done so let me see i'm going to bring the fight to him also should we do i 0YA3bKyqgio-00045-00024632-00025296 mean speaking of vegeta versus vegeta should we do vegeto versus vegito that means muy vegito versus 0YA3bKyqgio-00046-00025296-00025776 ultra ego vegito right let me know in the comment section below yeah this is it is this the yeah 0YA3bKyqgio-00047-00025776-00026288 it's the vanishing ball all right so that did that do any damage that did literally nothing that this 0YA3bKyqgio-00048-00026288-00027056 is so bad so the only wild card i have right now is i think broly and if i don't really finish him 0YA3bKyqgio-00049-00027056-00027688 by using broly and now we have the ultra instinct final kamehameha and that did nothing as well okay 0YA3bKyqgio-00050-00027688-00028272 so ladies and gentlemen we're doomed i think we are doomed unless broly can somehow do something 0YA3bKyqgio-00051-00028272-00028800 then i'm sorry i think we're doing right now but let me know in terms of sprite fights for 0YA3bKyqgio-00052-00028800-00029327 vegeta versus vegeta vegito versus vegito and or i might do something else i mean i 0YA3bKyqgio-00053-00029327-00029864 i think what i want to do is i want to work on a sprite sheet for icon for blu-ray con 0YA3bKyqgio-00054-00029864-00030320 but maybe go at it with super saiyan 5 for icon maybe something like that you know what i mean so 0YA3bKyqgio-00055-00030400-00030983 this is bad i'm getting so nervous because i'm looking at rykon's health and it's not going down 0YA3bKyqgio-00056-00030983-00031592 oh is this is this the end for me yeah that's the end wow a one-shot killer all i have left is broly 0YA3bKyqgio-00057-00031592-00032095 that is what just happened did my game just freeze oh no okay never i was about to say all 0YA3bKyqgio-00058-00032095-00032720 right so yeah this is the only heavy hitter that i have left so again as always if you guys are new 0YA3bKyqgio-00059-00032720-00033136 hit that subscribe button give this video a big fat thumbs up it helps us on the algorithm 0YA3bKyqgio-00060-00033136-00033632 and i guess tune in for part three of this because i'm not going down without a fight now let me see 0YA3bKyqgio-00061-00033632-00034008 hold on because i'm clicking and clacking right now maybe this is going to get the better of oh 0YA3bKyqgio-00062-00034008-00034424 damn it oh that was nice come on you got to give it to me on that one that was really really nice 0YA3bKyqgio-00063-00034424-00034952 that was really really solid all right so is this going to do anything i'm going to have to 0YA3bKyqgio-00064-00034952-00035336 i don't know i'm going to have to do something extraordinary with broly 0YA3bKyqgio-00065-00035336-00035800 unless broly just achieves like mastered ultra instinct super saiyan 3 i don't know 0YA3bKyqgio-00066-00035856-00036552 what i might actually do is let me know if this is a good idea so how about having ultra ego broly 0YA3bKyqgio-00067-00036552-00037120 versus perhaps maybe i don't know beerus or you know something along those lines i think that'll 0YA3bKyqgio-00068-00037120-00037496 be a pretty cool kind of thing going on here but i want to see if i can actually take it to him 0YA3bKyqgio-00069-00037496-00037992 because i want to beat him up and i mean from what broly's doing right now he he is doing like the 0YA3bKyqgio-00070-00037992-00038544 best so far oh that was a nice dodge hold on hold on damn we have to preserve broly no matter while 0YA3bKyqgio-00071-00038544-00039176 he dodged we have to preserve broly no matter what if if something oh this is bad oh we escaped 0YA3bKyqgio-00072-00039176-00039808 yes see no notice how like he he did take a lot away from me but i don't know this may not favor 0YA3bKyqgio-00073-00039808-00040352 me right now i i really don't think it will but if we do end up going for number three then let 0YA3bKyqgio-00074-00040352-00040856 me know which characters we should use because i i do have a plethora of like really high caliber 0YA3bKyqgio-00075-00040856-00041280 characters but you guys have to let me know as to i guess who to choose right so for the fan mangas 0YA3bKyqgio-00076-00041280-00041696 for the sprite animations for my main channel let me know what you guys want to see and i will 0YA3bKyqgio-00077-00041696-00042416 try my damnedest to make it happen for you as i always and usually do so let me yeah his health 0YA3bKyqgio-00078-00042416-00043064 is not i mean we haven't even gotten him into the blue section yet man come on broly we got 80 hits 0YA3bKyqgio-00079-00043064-00043696 we're going on 90 hits come on 100 plus hits beautiful come on oh wait uh okay hold on hold 0YA3bKyqgio-00080-00043696-00044216 on hold on ultra instinct again i have to back up use my omega ultra instinct buster is this going 0YA3bKyqgio-00081-00044216-00044736 to help me this has to oh oh he wait a minute this is not good this is not good good good job 0YA3bKyqgio-00082-00044736-00045456 broly is the mvp right now because broly is doing what i just you know did not oh my god that was a 0YA3bKyqgio-00083-00045456-00046384 nice dodge holy yo i'm telling you right now this is not over this is far from over holy crap man 0YA3bKyqgio-00084-00047056-00048192 two you 0cfpL_I1nj0-00000-00000008-00000477 Liz, would you please share what happened toyou a Sunday or two ago 0cfpL_I1nj0-00001-00000477-00000892 with the healing and the thing that you were struggling physicallywith? 0cfpL_I1nj0-00002-00000892-00001382 Yes, so two weeks ago I was sitting right behind Pastor Vlad. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00003-00001382-00001816 Just a littleback story, in 2013 I was diagnosed with lupus. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00004-00001816-00002344 For those of you who don't know what lupus is,lupus is an autoimmune system disease where your 0cfpL_I1nj0-00005-00002344-00002922 red cells and your white cells fight against eachother. Normally, if you have a fever or some kind of 0cfpL_I1nj0-00006-00002922-00003704 infirmity in your body they come together to workand just fight those viruses for you. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00007-00003704-00004800 But in my case, it's different. So, that was in 2013. Since then, I've had several chemotreatments 0cfpL_I1nj0-00008-00004800-00005600 where my hair has completely fallen out. Just very severe. Unable to walk. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00009-00005600-00005992 Brandon having to take care of me completely. Couldn't pick up a toothbrush. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00010-00005992-00006977 Things like that. But at the beginning of this year, I was going through a very extensive, strong chemotherapy. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00011-00006977-00007906 As a result tothat, there was a cystthat appeared in a certain area of my body. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00012-00007906-00008651 It got so big, kind of like a golf ball. And because of the area of the body that it was in, 0cfpL_I1nj0-00013-00008651-00009061 it was so difficult to do normalthings. I couldn't sit down. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00014-00009061-00009803 It was justso uncomfortable. It even started kind of like just messing with my confidence. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00015-00009803-00010504 There's so many things I couldn't do. Even being intimate with Brandon was very difficult. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00016-00010504-00010845 So, twoweeks ago i was sitting right behind PastorVlad, 0cfpL_I1nj0-00017-00010845-00011544 and he suddenly turned around and started praying. Well, right after that first service 0cfpL_I1nj0-00018-00011544-00012280 I felt like I had to go to the restroom and so I went, and I felt so dizzy. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00019-00012280-00012730 I felt flushed, like when you feel like you're gonna faint. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00020-00012730-00013405 All of a sudden, my body just starts lettinggo of this weird liquid. I don't know. I can'texplain, I'm sorry. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00021-00013410-00014010 But that's what happened to me. So I go to the car. Second service was already gonna start 0cfpL_I1nj0-00022-00014010-00014518 And, mind you, we'reinterns so we have to be here to help serve. At that point I was like, 0cfpL_I1nj0-00023-00014518-00015043 "Okay, I have to go to mycar and just take a minute." So I went to my car. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00024-00015043-00015453 Leaders, I'm so sorry. But I ended up falling asleep. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00025-00015453-00015579 She's taking a nap. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00026-00015579-00015712 You are forgiven. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00027-00015824-00016576 I ended up falling asleep. When I woke up, I came in and kind of regrouped myself, 0cfpL_I1nj0-00028-00016576-00016840 went to the restroom, and it was completely gone. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00029-00016920-00017792 Come on! Let's give our God a round of applausefor this miraculous healing! Come on. Wow! 0cfpL_I1nj0-00030-00018064-00018672 So you could feel it in your body, right? And after you went to the restroom to check, 0cfpL_I1nj0-00031-00018672-00019248 you noticed that it's gone, right? Andyou didn't feel that cyst in your body anymore? 0cfpL_I1nj0-00032-00019248-00020068 Right! It's completely gone, since that day. It was just so uncomfortable, I knew immediately it was gone. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00033-00020068-00020707 When PastorVlad prayed for me, I felt this consuming fire come through my body. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00034-00020707-00021202 And, mind you, Iwent through some really extensive chemo at the beginning of this year. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00035-00021202-00021579 My haircompletely fell out. I'm so thankful for my hair. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00036-00021696-00022256 And just so many things. But it was definitely very, very uncomfortable to the point where 0cfpL_I1nj0-00037-00022256-00022872 it was just unbearable, like I couldn't deal withit. And I don't know why you're here today. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00038-00022872-00023352 A lot of you are here for deliverance today. God doesn't only want to heal you. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00039-00023456-00023928 He wants to heal you, He wants to deliver you, He wants to do so many things for you. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00040-00023928-00024416 So I'm really excited to be here today and be able to testify of what God's done in my life. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00041-00024416-00024856 Come on, that's so amazing! Thank you guys so much. We really appreciate you. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00042-00024856-00025086 May God bless you. You can go back to your seats. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00043-00025116-00025314 Hey! Thanks for watching this video. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00044-00025347-00025859 If you enjoyed this content and this was a blessing to you, would you help us and hit thumbsup 0cfpL_I1nj0-00045-00025859-00026546 so that it could help more people to discoverthis video? It costs you nothing, but it can go along way to help with the algorithm. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00046-00026546-00026975 As well, ifyou're not subscribed to our channel, hit "Subscribe"and click on the bell, 0cfpL_I1nj0-00047-00026975-00027307 so that you can be remindedeach time that we upload videos. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00048-00027325-00027576 Thank you so much for being a part of this community. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00049-00027576-00028025 If you'reinterested in learning more about Hungry Gen, ourinternship, our conferences, 0cfpL_I1nj0-00050-00028025-00028447 deliverance and somany other things, go to hungrygen.com for more information. 0cfpL_I1nj0-00051-00028447-00028946 And, as always, remember: better is not good enough. The best is yet to come. 0dK_HZwohd4-00000-00000128-00000688 big money big money who are we is it what the hell is this 0dK_HZwohd4-00001-00000952-00002048 big money big money oh let's see if it's the right mod if everything works fine the same day start up 0dK_HZwohd4-00002-00002048-00002984 previous uploads and we are i can't look at me or just a meditation spot maybe i can look at me 0dK_HZwohd4-00003-00003152-00004832 in here skill tree no i know what works hey that's supposed to be starkiller hoff version h o t h 0dK_HZwohd4-00004-00005200-00005784 yeah that's so good give me a break okay okay 0dK_HZwohd4-00005-00005968-00006480 that's red is perfect for him i lie 0dK_HZwohd4-00006-00006816-00007495 this one that's enough that's enough we're gonna yeah we're gonna play this and the next episode is 0dK_HZwohd4-00007-00007608-00008392 starkiller and i feel like i need to see if i find a mod for the reversed grip reversed sword grip 0dK_HZwohd4-00008-00008576-00009256 what to play complete hey grace what's this thing what you've never seen a terrarium before 0dK_HZwohd4-00009-00009328-00009848 sure but don't they usually have plants in them well i've been a bit busy hauling you around the 0dK_HZwohd4-00010-00009848-00010432 galaxy but you know you could pay me back with some seeds i thought you hated nature when it's 0dK_HZwohd4-00011-00010432-00010928 out there you bet you but when it's behind a comfortably thick wall of a bar and glass 0dK_HZwohd4-00012-00010928-00011568 that's perfection all right i'll see if i can find any don't we have some 0dK_HZwohd4-00013-00011968-00012416 i don't know what button that's supposed to be ls 0dK_HZwohd4-00014-00012744-00013047 just switching switching through okay 0dK_HZwohd4-00015-00013304-00013560 i kinda i'm curious if there is uh 0dK_HZwohd4-00016-00013791-00014184 ah what's the game called 0dK_HZwohd4-00017-00014296-00015288 god damn it think that space that space armor mode in this game love those dead space armors 0dK_HZwohd4-00018-00015456-00015791 i'm pretty sure that won't be alex sorry to disappoint 0dK_HZwohd4-00019-00015791-00016472 my alex fans cordova had supplies hidden all over pagano could be worth a trip back to explore 0dK_HZwohd4-00020-00016856-00017344 yeah we're gonna back and forth and back and forth 0dK_HZwohd4-00021-00017848-00018448 and back and forth in fact even after all the action you two bring i still get a thrill 0dK_HZwohd4-00022-00018448-00019032 watching the games yeah as long as you keep your habits in check oh yeah no of course i'm i'm just 0dK_HZwohd4-00023-00019032-00019752 a spectator no gambling or nothing going on really yeah we're talking pure entertainment 0dK_HZwohd4-00024-00019752-00020328 nothing gets me going more than watching a couple slubs square off just slick moves and brute force 0dK_HZwohd4-00025-00020616-00020928 i'm slightly troubled by your enthusiasm for something so 0dK_HZwohd4-00026-00021040-00021880 barbaric oh [__] oh yeah i mean it is true totally barbaric but still kind of entertaining 0dK_HZwohd4-00027-00022080-00022752 i feel like the other games we're here get in your chair cool okay that's cool 0dK_HZwohd4-00028-00022752-00023336 i like spartacus the tv show it's cool stuff in my opinion 0dK_HZwohd4-00029-00023912-00023984 oh 0dK_HZwohd4-00030-00024200-00024632 what the hell is this the planet why yeah yeah 0dK_HZwohd4-00031-00024792-00025248 so i made my episode of trying to beat the level that made me rage quit years ago 0dK_HZwohd4-00032-00025328-00026783 we're back we're back here on the rich quick planet oh look um edward scissorhands 0dK_HZwohd4-00033-00026936-00027016 how is that 0dK_HZwohd4-00034-00027264-00027712 what's that normally i wouldn't waste my time with the likes of insurgents 0dK_HZwohd4-00035-00027888-00028504 but i'm looking for a jedi padawan and i know he's been here 0dK_HZwohd4-00036-00028736-00028808 and for that 0dK_HZwohd4-00037-00029032-00029583 all of you will suffer 0dK_HZwohd4-00038-00029832-00030176 yeah she was enjoying that you could hear it in her voice 0dK_HZwohd4-00039-00030295-00030648 she takes pleasure and all of the suffering 0dK_HZwohd4-00040-00030880-00031152 i can't be honest i'm kind of into trilla 0dK_HZwohd4-00041-00031456-00031904 i thought i wanted to talk about star-lord or something in there 0dK_HZwohd4-00042-00031992-00032976 i played before force unleashed when it first came out didn't play the second part i feel 0dK_HZwohd4-00043-00032976-00033536 like i just played a demo on the old playstation but not through it i've watched the playthrough 0dK_HZwohd4-00044-00033736-00034368 so yeah i know a little bit about starkiller not too much though 0dK_HZwohd4-00045-00034440-00035264 just let me know when you want to go later cal please yeah later too too i didn't want to chat 0dK_HZwohd4-00046-00035384-00035936 i can't feel my voice dying already just youtube drew a map to your rendezvous point with tarfal 0dK_HZwohd4-00047-00036296-00036736 it's good to see you're safe sorry i couldn't be here sooner but i haven't 0dK_HZwohd4-00048-00036736-00037368 given up on kashyyyk it's dangerous here saul's already gone the casualties are just too high 0dK_HZwohd4-00049-00037432-00038120 no if you leave the wookies lose support not all mari is staying behind with joycik and tarful 0dK_HZwohd4-00050-00038120-00038808 some of our troops went with them and you my child already lost one parent i can't stay 0dK_HZwohd4-00051-00038808-00039384 but myself and the others will find a new way to serve the cause be safe marianna 0dK_HZwohd4-00052-00039456-00040328 yeah because i totally remember those people's names look at my hands look at them that's sick 0dK_HZwohd4-00053-00040544-00040912 mari said you were didn't realize it would be this bad 0dK_HZwohd4-00054-00040976-00041440 it's always this bad with the empire but there's still a chance for your quest 0dK_HZwohd4-00055-00041800-00042224 i'll find a way to help you more than your share thank you cal 0dK_HZwohd4-00056-00042600-00042736 something else hidden here 0dK_HZwohd4-00057-00042992-00043616 i'm not even 10 minutes in and i feel my voice dying oh okay elevator 0dK_HZwohd4-00058-00043864-00043976 or downstairs 0dK_HZwohd4-00059-00044192-00044264 downstairs 0dK_HZwohd4-00060-00044608-00044984 open up 0dK_HZwohd4-00061-00045280-00045760 go just what we needed ah 0dK_HZwohd4-00062-00046000-00046384 now i can get to it 0dK_HZwohd4-00063-00046704-00047048 an abandoned patrol station this is a dangerous area bd 0dK_HZwohd4-00064-00047512-00047872 no spotter fight for me i digress 0dK_HZwohd4-00065-00048112-00048288 i think you can handle the speedy 0dK_HZwohd4-00066-00048872-00049320 so slow thanks petey bit faster robot 0dK_HZwohd4-00067-00050016-00051104 okay i remember a little bit i had to skip the cuts in here because nope nope don't confuse me 0dK_HZwohd4-00068-00051192-00051984 because my audio wasn't recording in the background which hopefully it is to die 0dK_HZwohd4-00069-00052752-00053384 i do look like a secret 0dK_HZwohd4-00070-00054664-00055472 mutated version yeah i don't know why i don't swear that much pretty sure i can 0dK_HZwohd4-00071-00055624-00056184 dead trooper i saw it got him he's more worthless than i realized 0dK_HZwohd4-00072-00056296-00056864 what did you think you would do with the trooper cattle with him talk him into a different life 0dK_HZwohd4-00073-00057096-00057584 nah nah man nah 0dK_HZwohd4-00074-00057848-00058496 okay okay okay okay yeah yep this is gonna be the same stuff as beforehand 0dK_HZwohd4-00075-00058624-00059176 just this time i know what i'm doing i'm waiting for three points three points 0dK_HZwohd4-00076-00059584-00059928 just rush through here and be done with it 0dK_HZwohd4-00077-00061640-00063184 that's all oh hey guys 0dK_HZwohd4-00078-00063488-00064600 going down 0dK_HZwohd4-00079-00064600-00064991 i killed the droid already not as i intended to 0dK_HZwohd4-00080-00065720-00065984 that's not quite what i had in mind 0dK_HZwohd4-00081-00066224-00066256 yeah 0dK_HZwohd4-00082-00066464-00066592 just do okay little one 0dK_HZwohd4-00083-00066904-00067024 yeah let me see 0dK_HZwohd4-00084-00067240-00067384 i found you 0dK_HZwohd4-00085-00067592-00068064 you can't get away okay more give me more 0dK_HZwohd4-00086-00068280-00068832 try harder oh sorry i'm not that much of a tryhard 0dK_HZwohd4-00087-00069024-00069640 that's why i'm not playing this game on hardest difficulty i know how difficult it is 0dK_HZwohd4-00088-00069848-00070184 just playing for the modern experience 0dK_HZwohd4-00089-00070312-00070408 into fangirl 0dK_HZwohd4-00090-00070664-00071048 gustavus characters that are not carcass testis 0dK_HZwohd4-00091-00071392-00071608 weren't they actually bounty hunters 0dK_HZwohd4-00092-00072272-00072984 would be bounty hunters here let's see what's behind here 0dK_HZwohd4-00093-00074200-00075376 m mutton means not written like that authentically but it means math like mathematic true stuff 0dK_HZwohd4-00094-00075592-00075784 yeah look 0dK_HZwohd4-00095-00077104-00077552 ain't that far into the game as a photo would be i'm not sure 0dK_HZwohd4-00096-00077768-00077952 i feel like i'm doing everything right 0dK_HZwohd4-00097-00078400-00079984 spiders yet they are the spiders oh yes devour your enemies left spiders our enemies 0dK_HZwohd4-00098-00081088-00081384 you got spiders down there focus on the spiders 0dK_HZwohd4-00099-00081944-00082072 step back i've got this 0dK_HZwohd4-00100-00082336-00082784 he's moving stop it don't light up 0dK_HZwohd4-00101-00084176-00084832 that's better ah overhand to take for the win okay 0dK_HZwohd4-00102-00085096-00085648 now i'm gonna have to find out where to go do i come from 0dK_HZwohd4-00103-00085912-00086008 where do i go 0dK_HZwohd4-00104-00086272-00086408 where do i come from where do i 0dK_HZwohd4-00105-00086896-00087216 a better vantage go and find a closer vantage point 0dK_HZwohd4-00106-00087928-00088688 it just stopped recording everything's fine good hey guys 0dK_HZwohd4-00107-00088896-00089784 not liking this 0dK_HZwohd4-00108-00090808-00091328 you shot your man you idiot stop shooting your man it's easy 0dK_HZwohd4-00109-00091560-00092584 not like this also 0dK_HZwohd4-00110-00092752-00093056 god damn it god damn it 0dK_HZwohd4-00111-00093272-00093984 i'll just pass level 0dK_HZwohd4-00112-00094408-00094720 let's relax take a moment breather 0dK_HZwohd4-00113-00095168-00096232 and invest skill where it belongs biceps strength only the biceps strength the power of friendship 0dK_HZwohd4-00114-00096464-00097080 that's not what i meant with power what the power of friendship 0dK_HZwohd4-00115-00097336-00098184 ah okay pt is a cool dude he doesn't talk not like sam from mass effect 0dK_HZwohd4-00116-00098272-00098560 what are you doing nothing 0dK_HZwohd4-00117-00098848-00099000 just like all of us in real life 0dK_HZwohd4-00118-00099208-00099584 oh elevator story 0dK_HZwohd4-00119-00100392-00100984 okay 0dK_HZwohd4-00120-00103648-00104088 unwise you will regret that sorry 0dK_HZwohd4-00121-00104416-00105183 the joke slammed me actually that's left off what are you the undertaker 0dK_HZwohd4-00122-00105400-00105424 so 0dK_HZwohd4-00123-00106159-00106583 yeah i've let it so recently i already forgot 0dK_HZwohd4-00124-00108320-00109383 he got what was coming to him but who did go there 0dK_HZwohd4-00125-00110576-00111008 they must lost words no pity no no no 0dK_HZwohd4-00126-00111424-00112183 i didn't want to take this right 0dK_HZwohd4-00127-00112832-00113200 why don't those elevators have actually buttons 0dK_HZwohd4-00128-00113496-00113583 this door's not budging 0dK_HZwohd4-00129-00113792-00114983 great why don't you lead me down there then got done 0dK_HZwohd4-00130-00115583-00116383 oh 0dK_HZwohd4-00131-00117688-00117704 why 0dK_HZwohd4-00132-00118888-00119768 he actually killed me i just wanted to throw him like i just did no i don't care about this one 0dK_HZwohd4-00133-00119856-00120864 just just bring me out of here starkiller got places to go violets to sleep with that's pretty 0dK_HZwohd4-00134-00120864-00121848 much everything everything the whole thing what he does how do i define starkiller or p 0dK_HZwohd4-00135-00121848-00122600 trained by darth vader likes long pilots female the theme of a right 0dK_HZwohd4-00136-00123072-00123383 um 0dK_HZwohd4-00137-00123535-00123608 god damn it 0dK_HZwohd4-00138-00123880-00123911 ah 0dK_HZwohd4-00139-00124144-00124640 i wasn't supposed to go back up there this is the way 0dK_HZwohd4-00140-00124728-00125368 i'm almost sure can't put it on getting lost again in the same map war on this 0dK_HZwohd4-00141-00125632-00126183 i don't know 0dK_HZwohd4-00142-00126959-00127056 i don't know 0dK_HZwohd4-00143-00127464-00127880 this wookie died from toxic fumes the empire is poisoning the planet 0dK_HZwohd4-00144-00128159-00128983 we would do that humanity would never do such a thing 0dK_HZwohd4-00145-00129040-00129120 a little help here 0dK_HZwohd4-00146-00129528-00130728 robot surprise no firing heads down don't cross the brood i'm hit i isolated you i isolated you 0dK_HZwohd4-00147-00131128-00131784 you'll have to try harder i am trust me 0dK_HZwohd4-00148-00133040-00133184 get in there 0dK_HZwohd4-00149-00133992-00134600 got a solid angle 0dK_HZwohd4-00150-00134600-00134664 it's moving 0dK_HZwohd4-00151-00135624-00135984 time to dice 0dK_HZwohd4-00152-00136344-00136376 ah 0dK_HZwohd4-00153-00136744-00137008 leading them in there i thought i could isolate them 0dK_HZwohd4-00154-00137216-00137488 but at least i got all the light 0dK_HZwohd4-00155-00137936-00138920 okay we have to go to the left so maybe this leads me here looks good 0dK_HZwohd4-00156-00139224-00139448 right cal do you read me 0dK_HZwohd4-00157-00139528-00140184 sir gave me your comp frequency mari are you okay i'm safe unlike too many of the others 0dK_HZwohd4-00158-00140240-00140808 did mariana give you our rendezvous coordinates she did i'm on my way good we're just reaching 0dK_HZwohd4-00159-00140808-00141584 them now but we can't stay long the empire's looking for us i'll be there as soon as i can 0dK_HZwohd4-00160-00142848-00142984 stop 0dK_HZwohd4-00161-00143976-00144384 what's that didi switch acquired 0dK_HZwohd4-00162-00144608-00144904 okay time to go into the into the channel 0dK_HZwohd4-00163-00145296-00145784 now 0dK_HZwohd4-00164-00145968-00146352 yeah this was where i tried out the mods 0dK_HZwohd4-00165-00146856-00147184 i remember 0dK_HZwohd4-00166-00147288-00147512 stay close speedy this thing seems fast 0dK_HZwohd4-00167-00147744-00148632 those things look bad that's old 0dK_HZwohd4-00168-00148632-00149984 these will be played as darth vader and darth mantle 0dK_HZwohd4-00169-00150088-00150768 i know we're gonna start la through here i remember not making that jump 0dK_HZwohd4-00170-00151088-00151384 the enemy is above us 0dK_HZwohd4-00171-00152568-00152784 stay on you 0dK_HZwohd4-00172-00153304-00153480 and he vanished into the ground 0dK_HZwohd4-00173-00154128-00154184 is that even we 0dK_HZwohd4-00174-00154424-00154944 did i pull you while i was blocking you i don't think it should be possible 0dK_HZwohd4-00175-00155032-00155208 yeah i glitched or something 0dK_HZwohd4-00176-00155208-00156256 okay ah i know this shortcut give me a fight jedi please try to fight 0dK_HZwohd4-00177-00156568-00157272 not yet damn it's actually pretty cool damn look at that that's cool 0dK_HZwohd4-00178-00158120-00158384 that he's good damn is good 0dK_HZwohd4-00179-00158728-00158856 why do i keep doing that 0dK_HZwohd4-00180-00159672-00159856 i was weak on my part 0dK_HZwohd4-00181-00161024-00161456 i'm almost to the shadow lands at the wreck of a walker saw managed to take one out of me 0dK_HZwohd4-00182-00161672-00161712 move in 0dK_HZwohd4-00183-00162216-00162872 it's all over now what's happened to the rocket tripper disgusting 0dK_HZwohd4-00184-00163720-00163984 snow do 0dK_HZwohd4-00185-00164808-00165384 and hit me try it come on try it 0dK_HZwohd4-00186-00165616-00166288 idiots that's hit me come on come on i'm target's practice just hit me dudes 0dK_HZwohd4-00187-00166440-00167288 no yep take all your time nope can't hit me come on come on one more turn one more try 0dK_HZwohd4-00188-00167384-00168184 oh no no no you didn't get me you get me this time no also not come on come on maybe shoot 0dK_HZwohd4-00189-00168184-00168928 the snare the snares it is target no forget a lot oh come on boys this is getting ridiculous 0dK_HZwohd4-00190-00170568-00170984 are they gonna kill themselves again let's see 0dK_HZwohd4-00191-00171224-00171616 did i lose him no he didn't hang on him 0dK_HZwohd4-00192-00172184-00172384 hey [__] 0dK_HZwohd4-00193-00173560-00173784 the corn on the deathborn 0dK_HZwohd4-00194-00174040-00174680 always finding stuff yeah like rusty pipes good scandi 0dK_HZwohd4-00195-00174912-00175184 um 0dK_HZwohd4-00196-00175328-00176584 just lying to him what is really a good find was it now star killer 0dK_HZwohd4-00197-00176664-00177352 that way right no that was the oh wait that way yes that way 0dK_HZwohd4-00198-00177856-00178088 i don't know why my voice is so weak today 0dK_HZwohd4-00199-00178504-00178984 but we're in the mendo lake the mantle swamps 0dK_HZwohd4-00200-00179200-00179456 not the shrek swamps nothing they're not 0dK_HZwohd4-00201-00179904-00180608 you look on there oh yes oh yes you look omnis god damn it 0dK_HZwohd4-00202-00180736-00181160 i don't even know if i pronounce it correctly yes just need to know don't you 0dK_HZwohd4-00203-00181376-00182184 yes let's take a look 0dK_HZwohd4-00204-00182720-00183832 start swimming faster dude oh boy take a break here and reach out my voice 0dK_HZwohd4-00205-00184056-00184264 so you can take a like take a like 0dK_HZwohd4-00206-00184480-00185488 like a like no that's not right now let's go a little bit further five minutes or so then 0dK_HZwohd4-00207-00185488-00186416 we take a break and try to find ourselves the other skywalker i mean starkiller walker 0dK_HZwohd4-00208-00186840-00187784 keep going we're almost to the shadow land 0dK_HZwohd4-00209-00187864-00188488 i definitely did see also skywalker come off from the rear skywalkers 0dK_HZwohd4-00210-00188728-00190608 what the property is trying to claim they are skywalkers and smells what available 0dK_HZwohd4-00211-00190608-00191536 this way is to the actual oh wait this way to the actual objective what does the map say nothing 0dK_HZwohd4-00212-00191744-00191984 nothing 0dK_HZwohd4-00213-00192328-00192432 don't try to pick me 0dK_HZwohd4-00214-00192840-00193192 this isn't a discussion leaving kashyyyk is our only chance for survival 0dK_HZwohd4-00215-00193384-00193752 won't abandon the wookies i'll take any fighters who want to stay 0dK_HZwohd4-00216-00193936-00194784 then you'll be left behind troops move out come on we're going to find tarpon 0dK_HZwohd4-00217-00194936-00196184 oh looks like it pulls out of the fight 0dK_HZwohd4-00218-00196264-00197288 that was the spot i wasn't smart at all more give me more come on lance lose him wait for 0dK_HZwohd4-00219-00197560-00197720 i'm me to bleed you dry 0dK_HZwohd4-00220-00198680-00199144 oh william scream oh come on i made it out of here 0dK_HZwohd4-00221-00199416-00199664 ah just needle me a little 0dK_HZwohd4-00222-00199976-00200064 i don't mind 0dK_HZwohd4-00223-00200272-00200688 just mind to have to press the climbing button with my scissor hands 0dK_HZwohd4-00224-00200936-00201208 i don't know why those plants exist 0dK_HZwohd4-00225-00201560-00201784 goddamn it stop 0dK_HZwohd4-00226-00203384-00204584 those two together annoying 0dK_HZwohd4-00227-00204696-00204848 no sorry 0dK_HZwohd4-00228-00205104-00205984 okay 0dK_HZwohd4-00229-00206367-00206919 the place i crawled out of i don't want to jump down there yeah 0dK_HZwohd4-00230-00207223-00207480 who are you maury no 0dK_HZwohd4-00231-00207919-00208071 they can't reach our choke point 0dK_HZwohd4-00232-00208296-00208832 everyone retreat we'll cover you 0dK_HZwohd4-00233-00208832-00209496 ah the memories just like my mentor used to stood here and slay through the enemies 0dK_HZwohd4-00234-00209896-00210680 okay okay never seen a place like this before yeah it did no we definitely did 0dK_HZwohd4-00235-00210840-00211567 played through it a little bit but pretty much from here on out this cliff 0dK_HZwohd4-00236-00211567-00212200 will be blind and i will have no clue what's coming next so 0dK_HZwohd4-00237-00212440-00213400 let's meditate and switch to star killer the actual skin oh 0dOKfIr_8sI-00000-00000010-00000096 TIME FOR DINNER, I GUESS. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00001-00000096-00000103 TIME FOR DINNER, I GUESS. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00002-00000103-00000266 TIME FOR DINNER, I GUESS. >> GOOD DEAL. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00003-00000266-00000273 TIME FOR DINNER, I GUESS. >> GOOD DEAL. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00004-00000273-00000316 TIME FOR DINNER, I GUESS. >> GOOD DEAL. >> THANK YOU. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00005-00000316-00000323 >> GOOD DEAL. >> THANK YOU. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00006-00000323-00000403 >> GOOD DEAL. >> THANK YOU. BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY WANTS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00007-00000403-00000410 >> THANK YOU. BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY WANTS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00008-00000410-00000744 >> THANK YOU. BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY WANTS TO MAKE SURE OUR VETERANS FEEL 0dOKfIr_8sI-00009-00000744-00000750 BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY WANTS TO MAKE SURE OUR VETERANS FEEL 0dOKfIr_8sI-00010-00000750-00000784 BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY WANTS TO MAKE SURE OUR VETERANS FEEL APPRECIATED. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00011-00000784-00000790 TO MAKE SURE OUR VETERANS FEEL APPRECIATED. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00012-00000790-00000974 TO MAKE SURE OUR VETERANS FEEL APPRECIATED. SHIREILLE MOORE HAS A PREVIEW OF 0dOKfIr_8sI-00013-00000974-00000980 APPRECIATED. SHIREILLE MOORE HAS A PREVIEW OF 0dOKfIr_8sI-00014-00000980-00001184 APPRECIATED. SHIREILLE MOORE HAS A PREVIEW OF THEIR TRIBUTE THEY WILL BE GOING 0dOKfIr_8sI-00015-00001184-00001191 SHIREILLE MOORE HAS A PREVIEW OF THEIR TRIBUTE THEY WILL BE GOING 0dOKfIr_8sI-00016-00001191-00001658 SHIREILLE MOORE HAS A PREVIEW OF THEIR TRIBUTE THEY WILL BE GOING ON FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY 0dOKfIr_8sI-00017-00001658-00001664 THEIR TRIBUTE THEY WILL BE GOING ON FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY 0dOKfIr_8sI-00018-00001664-00002065 THEIR TRIBUTE THEY WILL BE GOING ON FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00019-00002065-00002072 ON FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00020-00002072-00002142 ON FOR THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT. >> Reporter: VETERANS' DAY MAY 0dOKfIr_8sI-00021-00002142-00002148 SPOTLIGHT. >> Reporter: VETERANS' DAY MAY 0dOKfIr_8sI-00022-00002148-00002375 SPOTLIGHT. >> Reporter: VETERANS' DAY MAY NOT BE UNTIL SUNDAY BUT BSU IS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00023-00002375-00002382 >> Reporter: VETERANS' DAY MAY NOT BE UNTIL SUNDAY BUT BSU IS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00024-00002382-00002605 >> Reporter: VETERANS' DAY MAY NOT BE UNTIL SUNDAY BUT BSU IS CELEBRATING ALL WEEK LONG. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00025-00002605-00002612 NOT BE UNTIL SUNDAY BUT BSU IS CELEBRATING ALL WEEK LONG. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00026-00002612-00002922 NOT BE UNTIL SUNDAY BUT BSU IS CELEBRATING ALL WEEK LONG. >> WE HAVE OVER 100 STUDENTS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00027-00002922-00002929 CELEBRATING ALL WEEK LONG. >> WE HAVE OVER 100 STUDENTS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00028-00002929-00003153 CELEBRATING ALL WEEK LONG. >> WE HAVE OVER 100 STUDENTS THAT WE KNOW WHO ARE IDENTIFIED 0dOKfIr_8sI-00029-00003153-00003159 >> WE HAVE OVER 100 STUDENTS THAT WE KNOW WHO ARE IDENTIFIED 0dOKfIr_8sI-00030-00003159-00003296 >> WE HAVE OVER 100 STUDENTS THAT WE KNOW WHO ARE IDENTIFIED AS VETERANS. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00031-00003296-00003303 THAT WE KNOW WHO ARE IDENTIFIED AS VETERANS. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00032-00003303-00003396 THAT WE KNOW WHO ARE IDENTIFIED AS VETERANS. >> Reporter: TODAY, A 0dOKfIr_8sI-00033-00003396-00003403 AS VETERANS. >> Reporter: TODAY, A 0dOKfIr_8sI-00034-00003403-00003490 AS VETERANS. >> Reporter: TODAY, A FLAG-RAISING CEREMONY WAS HELD 0dOKfIr_8sI-00035-00003490-00003496 >> Reporter: TODAY, A FLAG-RAISING CEREMONY WAS HELD 0dOKfIr_8sI-00036-00003496-00003636 >> Reporter: TODAY, A FLAG-RAISING CEREMONY WAS HELD ON CAMPUS AS WELL AS AN OPEN 0dOKfIr_8sI-00037-00003636-00003643 FLAG-RAISING CEREMONY WAS HELD ON CAMPUS AS WELL AS AN OPEN 0dOKfIr_8sI-00038-00003643-00003840 FLAG-RAISING CEREMONY WAS HELD ON CAMPUS AS WELL AS AN OPEN HOUSE AT THE BSU, VETERANS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00039-00003840-00003847 ON CAMPUS AS WELL AS AN OPEN HOUSE AT THE BSU, VETERANS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00040-00003847-00004033 ON CAMPUS AS WELL AS AN OPEN HOUSE AT THE BSU, VETERANS ASSISTANCE CENTER IN DECKER 0dOKfIr_8sI-00041-00004033-00004040 HOUSE AT THE BSU, VETERANS ASSISTANCE CENTER IN DECKER 0dOKfIr_8sI-00042-00004040-00004064 HOUSE AT THE BSU, VETERANS ASSISTANCE CENTER IN DECKER HALL. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00043-00004064-00004070 ASSISTANCE CENTER IN DECKER HALL. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00044-00004070-00004304 ASSISTANCE CENTER IN DECKER HALL. >> AS WE APPROACH VETERANS' DAY, 0dOKfIr_8sI-00045-00004304-00004310 HALL. >> AS WE APPROACH VETERANS' DAY, 0dOKfIr_8sI-00046-00004310-00004444 HALL. >> AS WE APPROACH VETERANS' DAY, IT'S A WAY FOR US TO HONOR THEM 0dOKfIr_8sI-00047-00004444-00004451 >> AS WE APPROACH VETERANS' DAY, IT'S A WAY FOR US TO HONOR THEM 0dOKfIr_8sI-00048-00004451-00004681 >> AS WE APPROACH VETERANS' DAY, IT'S A WAY FOR US TO HONOR THEM AND TO CELEBRATE THEM FOR THE 0dOKfIr_8sI-00049-00004681-00004688 IT'S A WAY FOR US TO HONOR THEM AND TO CELEBRATE THEM FOR THE 0dOKfIr_8sI-00050-00004688-00004991 IT'S A WAY FOR US TO HONOR THEM AND TO CELEBRATE THEM FOR THE SERVICE THEY'VE GIVEN -- TO OUR 0dOKfIr_8sI-00051-00004991-00004998 AND TO CELEBRATE THEM FOR THE SERVICE THEY'VE GIVEN -- TO OUR 0dOKfIr_8sI-00052-00004998-00005155 AND TO CELEBRATE THEM FOR THE SERVICE THEY'VE GIVEN -- TO OUR INSTITUTION AND AS WELL AS OUR 0dOKfIr_8sI-00053-00005155-00005161 SERVICE THEY'VE GIVEN -- TO OUR INSTITUTION AND AS WELL AS OUR 0dOKfIr_8sI-00054-00005161-00005188 SERVICE THEY'VE GIVEN -- TO OUR INSTITUTION AND AS WELL AS OUR COUNTRY. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00055-00005188-00005195 INSTITUTION AND AS WELL AS OUR COUNTRY. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00056-00005195-00005408 INSTITUTION AND AS WELL AS OUR COUNTRY. SO I'M PROUD AND WAS HUMBLED TO 0dOKfIr_8sI-00057-00005408-00005415 COUNTRY. SO I'M PROUD AND WAS HUMBLED TO 0dOKfIr_8sI-00058-00005415-00005875 COUNTRY. SO I'M PROUD AND WAS HUMBLED TO SERVE IN THIS CAPACITY. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00059-00005875-00005882 SO I'M PROUD AND WAS HUMBLED TO SERVE IN THIS CAPACITY. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00060-00005882-00006022 SO I'M PROUD AND WAS HUMBLED TO SERVE IN THIS CAPACITY. >> Reporter: BSU HAS ACTIVITIES 0dOKfIr_8sI-00061-00006022-00006029 SERVE IN THIS CAPACITY. >> Reporter: BSU HAS ACTIVITIES 0dOKfIr_8sI-00062-00006029-00006136 SERVE IN THIS CAPACITY. >> Reporter: BSU HAS ACTIVITIES PLANNED ALL WEEK LONG. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00063-00006136-00006142 >> Reporter: BSU HAS ACTIVITIES PLANNED ALL WEEK LONG. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00064-00006142-00006246 >> Reporter: BSU HAS ACTIVITIES PLANNED ALL WEEK LONG. TOMORROW WILL BE VOICES IN THE 0dOKfIr_8sI-00065-00006246-00006252 PLANNED ALL WEEK LONG. TOMORROW WILL BE VOICES IN THE 0dOKfIr_8sI-00066-00006252-00006456 PLANNED ALL WEEK LONG. TOMORROW WILL BE VOICES IN THE FIELD WHERE BSU ALUMNI AND STAFF 0dOKfIr_8sI-00067-00006456-00006463 TOMORROW WILL BE VOICES IN THE FIELD WHERE BSU ALUMNI AND STAFF 0dOKfIr_8sI-00068-00006463-00006619 TOMORROW WILL BE VOICES IN THE FIELD WHERE BSU ALUMNI AND STAFF WHO ARE ALSO VETERANS WILL SPEAK 0dOKfIr_8sI-00069-00006619-00006626 FIELD WHERE BSU ALUMNI AND STAFF WHO ARE ALSO VETERANS WILL SPEAK 0dOKfIr_8sI-00070-00006626-00006810 FIELD WHERE BSU ALUMNI AND STAFF WHO ARE ALSO VETERANS WILL SPEAK ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00071-00006810-00006816 WHO ARE ALSO VETERANS WILL SPEAK ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00072-00006816-00006976 WHO ARE ALSO VETERANS WILL SPEAK ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE. >> TO GIVE US SOME PERSPECTIVE 0dOKfIr_8sI-00073-00006976-00006983 ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE. >> TO GIVE US SOME PERSPECTIVE 0dOKfIr_8sI-00074-00006983-00007353 ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE. >> TO GIVE US SOME PERSPECTIVE WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A MILITARY 0dOKfIr_8sI-00075-00007353-00007360 >> TO GIVE US SOME PERSPECTIVE WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A MILITARY 0dOKfIr_8sI-00076-00007360-00007517 >> TO GIVE US SOME PERSPECTIVE WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A MILITARY PERSON AND THE THINGS THEY WOULD 0dOKfIr_8sI-00077-00007517-00007524 WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A MILITARY PERSON AND THE THINGS THEY WOULD 0dOKfIr_8sI-00078-00007524-00007690 WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A MILITARY PERSON AND THE THINGS THEY WOULD WANT US TO KNOW WHERE WE ARE 0dOKfIr_8sI-00079-00007690-00007697 PERSON AND THE THINGS THEY WOULD WANT US TO KNOW WHERE WE ARE 0dOKfIr_8sI-00080-00007697-00008134 PERSON AND THE THINGS THEY WOULD WANT US TO KNOW WHERE WE ARE WORRIED AND CONCERNED ABOUT 0dOKfIr_8sI-00081-00008134-00008141 WANT US TO KNOW WHERE WE ARE WORRIED AND CONCERNED ABOUT 0dOKfIr_8sI-00082-00008141-00008164 WANT US TO KNOW WHERE WE ARE WORRIED AND CONCERNED ABOUT THEM. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00083-00008164-00008171 WORRIED AND CONCERNED ABOUT THEM. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00084-00008171-00008415 WORRIED AND CONCERNED ABOUT THEM. ON WEDNESDAY WE'RE GOING TO TALK 0dOKfIr_8sI-00085-00008415-00008421 THEM. ON WEDNESDAY WE'RE GOING TO TALK 0dOKfIr_8sI-00086-00008421-00008772 THEM. ON WEDNESDAY WE'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT CELEBRATING OUR VETERANS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00087-00008772-00008778 ON WEDNESDAY WE'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT CELEBRATING OUR VETERANS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00088-00008778-00008992 ON WEDNESDAY WE'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT CELEBRATING OUR VETERANS APART FROM OUR MISSING PIECE FOR 0dOKfIr_8sI-00089-00008992-00008998 ABOUT CELEBRATING OUR VETERANS APART FROM OUR MISSING PIECE FOR 0dOKfIr_8sI-00090-00008998-00009282 ABOUT CELEBRATING OUR VETERANS APART FROM OUR MISSING PIECE FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE SERVING AND 0dOKfIr_8sI-00091-00009282-00009289 APART FROM OUR MISSING PIECE FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE SERVING AND 0dOKfIr_8sI-00092-00009289-00009429 APART FROM OUR MISSING PIECE FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE SERVING AND ARE PRISONERS OF WAR AND THEN 0dOKfIr_8sI-00093-00009429-00009436 THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE SERVING AND ARE PRISONERS OF WAR AND THEN 0dOKfIr_8sI-00094-00009436-00010173 THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE SERVING AND ARE PRISONERS OF WAR AND THEN WE'RE GOING TO SHOW A MOVIE ON 0dOKfIr_8sI-00095-00010173-00010180 ARE PRISONERS OF WAR AND THEN WE'RE GOING TO SHOW A MOVIE ON 0dOKfIr_8sI-00096-00010180-00010263 ARE PRISONERS OF WAR AND THEN WE'RE GOING TO SHOW A MOVIE ON WEDNESDAY. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00097-00010263-00010270 WE'RE GOING TO SHOW A MOVIE ON WEDNESDAY. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00098-00010270-00010413 WE'RE GOING TO SHOW A MOVIE ON WEDNESDAY. IT'S TO BRING AWARENESS TO 0dOKfIr_8sI-00099-00010413-00010420 WEDNESDAY. IT'S TO BRING AWARENESS TO 0dOKfIr_8sI-00100-00010420-00010600 WEDNESDAY. IT'S TO BRING AWARENESS TO MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00101-00010600-00010607 IT'S TO BRING AWARENESS TO MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00102-00010607-00010777 IT'S TO BRING AWARENESS TO MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. >> Reporter: ALL OF THESE EVENTS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00103-00010777-00010784 MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. >> Reporter: ALL OF THESE EVENTS 0dOKfIr_8sI-00104-00010784-00010957 MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. >> Reporter: ALL OF THESE EVENTS START AROUND NOON. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00105-00010957-00010964 >> Reporter: ALL OF THESE EVENTS START AROUND NOON. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00106-00010964-00011107 >> Reporter: ALL OF THESE EVENTS START AROUND NOON. THE COMMUNITY IS WELCOME TO 0dOKfIr_8sI-00107-00011107-00011114 START AROUND NOON. THE COMMUNITY IS WELCOME TO 0dOKfIr_8sI-00108-00011114-00011137 START AROUND NOON. THE COMMUNITY IS WELCOME TO COME. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00109-00011137-00011144 THE COMMUNITY IS WELCOME TO COME. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00110-00011144-00011334 THE COMMUNITY IS WELCOME TO COME. >> THE ACTIVITIES ARE ON OUR 0dOKfIr_8sI-00111-00011334-00011341 COME. >> THE ACTIVITIES ARE ON OUR 0dOKfIr_8sI-00112-00011341-00011474 COME. >> THE ACTIVITIES ARE ON OUR UNIVERSITY WEBSITE. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00113-00011474-00011481 >> THE ACTIVITIES ARE ON OUR UNIVERSITY WEBSITE. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00114-00011481-00012021 >> THE ACTIVITIES ARE ON OUR UNIVERSITY WEBSITE. IF THERE'S QUESTIONS, CALL 0dOKfIr_8sI-00115-00012021-00012028 UNIVERSITY WEBSITE. IF THERE'S QUESTIONS, CALL 0dOKfIr_8sI-00116-00012028-00012065 UNIVERSITY WEBSITE. IF THERE'S QUESTIONS, CALL 218-755-2075. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00117-00012065-00012072 IF THERE'S QUESTIONS, CALL 218-755-2075. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00118-00012072-00012212 IF THERE'S QUESTIONS, CALL 218-755-2075. WE'LL BE HAPPY TO BRING YOU THAT 0dOKfIr_8sI-00119-00012212-00012218 218-755-2075. WE'LL BE HAPPY TO BRING YOU THAT 0dOKfIr_8sI-00120-00012218-00012255 218-755-2075. WE'LL BE HAPPY TO BRING YOU THAT INFORMATION. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00121-00012255-00012262 WE'LL BE HAPPY TO BRING YOU THAT INFORMATION. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00122-00012262-00012352 WE'LL BE HAPPY TO BRING YOU THAT INFORMATION. >> Reporter: OFFICIALS SAY 0dOKfIr_8sI-00123-00012352-00012359 INFORMATION. >> Reporter: OFFICIALS SAY 0dOKfIr_8sI-00124-00012359-00012449 INFORMATION. >> Reporter: OFFICIALS SAY EVENTS LIKE THESE HAVE BEEN 0dOKfIr_8sI-00125-00012449-00012455 >> Reporter: OFFICIALS SAY EVENTS LIKE THESE HAVE BEEN 0dOKfIr_8sI-00126-00012455-00012555 >> Reporter: OFFICIALS SAY EVENTS LIKE THESE HAVE BEEN GOING ON AT THE UNIVERSITY FOR A 0dOKfIr_8sI-00127-00012555-00012562 EVENTS LIKE THESE HAVE BEEN GOING ON AT THE UNIVERSITY FOR A 0dOKfIr_8sI-00128-00012562-00012659 EVENTS LIKE THESE HAVE BEEN GOING ON AT THE UNIVERSITY FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00129-00012659-00012665 GOING ON AT THE UNIVERSITY FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00130-00012665-00012819 GOING ON AT THE UNIVERSITY FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS. IN THE FUTURE, THEY PLAN TO 0dOKfIr_8sI-00131-00012819-00012826 NUMBER OF YEARS. IN THE FUTURE, THEY PLAN TO 0dOKfIr_8sI-00132-00012826-00013089 NUMBER OF YEARS. IN THE FUTURE, THEY PLAN TO CONTINUE THE TRADITION. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00133-00013089-00013096 IN THE FUTURE, THEY PLAN TO CONTINUE THE TRADITION. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00134-00013096-00013296 IN THE FUTURE, THEY PLAN TO CONTINUE THE TRADITION. WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY 0dOKfIr_8sI-00135-00013296-00013303 CONTINUE THE TRADITION. WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY 0dOKfIr_8sI-00136-00013303-00013383 CONTINUE THE TRADITION. WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, SHIREILLE MOORE, 0dOKfIr_8sI-00137-00013383-00013390 WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, SHIREILLE MOORE, 0dOKfIr_8sI-00138-00013390-00013620 WITH THIS WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, SHIREILLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00139-00013620-00013626 SPOTLIGHT, SHIREILLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. 0dOKfIr_8sI-00140-00013626-00013703 SPOTLIGHT, SHIREILLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. >> BSU WILL BE CLOSED THIS 0eA-L1GNT3u-00000-00000036-00000172 Who am I? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00001-00000172-00000334 What is my purpose? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00002-00000334-00000504 Why do I exist? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00003-00000504-00000836 These are questions that I have yet to answer successfully. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00004-00000836-00001194 Some would say that these are the questions of a person who is lost. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00005-00001195-00001478 A person who does not know who they are. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00006-00001478-00001794 A person who is struggling with their own identity. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00007-00001794-00002204 A person in the midst of a so-called identity crisis. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00008-00002204-00002339 And that is me. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00009-00002340-00002560 Unsure of my place in the world. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00010-00002560-00002916 Unsure of how to find my one true self. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00011-00002916-00003264 When I was a boy, people taught me that I am my job. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00012-00003264-00003389 I am an engineer. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00013-00003389-00003507 I am a doctor. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00014-00003507-00003607 I am a priest. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00015-00003607-00003776 I am a financial planner. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00016-00003776-00004018 But are these really one’s identity? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00017-00004018-00004528 If I am a chef, I spend my waking hours preparing food for other people. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00018-00004528-00004677 I don’t do it for fun. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00019-00004677-00004838 I do it to get money. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00020-00004838-00005004 That is not my identity! 0eA-L1GNT3u-00021-00005004-00005240 That is a role that I am playing. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00022-00005240-00005692 If I am a lawyer, I receive money to help people navigate through the jungle that is 0eA-L1GNT3u-00023-00005692-00005836 our legal system. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00024-00005836-00006046 But that is not my true self! 0eA-L1GNT3u-00025-00006046-00006602 A CEO of a large company may earn a lot of money, and may even receive a lot of praise 0eA-L1GNT3u-00026-00006603-00007113 in the latest business journals, but is he any closer to finding his identity than the 0eA-L1GNT3u-00027-00007113-00007354 man who sweeps his floors? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00028-00007354-00007792 Others mistakenly seek status and wealth to define themselves. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00029-00007792-00007942 A new luxury car! 0eA-L1GNT3u-00030-00007942-00008109 A giant house! 0eA-L1GNT3u-00031-00008109-00008238 A tennis court! 0eA-L1GNT3u-00032-00008238-00008558 Playing golf on the most expensive courses. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00033-00008558-00008952 Expensive clothes and an over-priced handbag. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00034-00008952-00009270 Television would have us believe that these things define us. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00035-00009270-00009490 They mould our identity. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00036-00009490-00009708 But they are just material possessions! 0eA-L1GNT3u-00037-00009708-00009934 They do not define one’s self. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00038-00009934-00010158 They are at best, illusory. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00039-00010158-00010586 With time, the latest handbag becomes old and unfashionable. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00040-00010586-00010842 The expensive clothes become dated. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00041-00010842-00011224 The luxury car needs replacing as there is a newer model. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00042-00011224-00011496 These material objects are temporal. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00043-00011496-00011802 They are but an illusion of one’s self. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00044-00011802-00012372 So if identity is not my job, and it’s not my possessions, then what is it? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00045-00012372-00012592 Perhaps it is one’s actions? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00046-00012592-00013156 When I am with my friends, I tend to be the larrikin, the joker, the court jester. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00047-00013156-00013404 I am there to amuse my friends. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00048-00013404-00013574 But this is not me. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00049-00013574-00013888 When I am at home, I tend to be more neurotic. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00050-00013888-00013997 I worry. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00051-00013997-00014110 I am moody. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00052-00014110-00014547 I envy my colleagues and peers and wish that I too could afford the new house with the 0eA-L1GNT3u-00053-00014547-00014799 two bathrooms and double garage. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00054-00014799-00015246 However, when I am at work, I am confident and empathetic. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00055-00015246-00015569 I help students through their own worries and concerns. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00056-00015569-00015822 I show kindness and compassion. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00057-00015822-00016154 When I am in public, I am a stoic warrior. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00058-00016155-00016449 I help those in need without a moment’s thought. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00059-00016449-00016784 I will run into battle to save a damsel in distress. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00060-00016784-00017012 I will play the role of the hero. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00061-00017012-00017474 But if I am asked to speak in front of a crowd, I am a trembling coward. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00062-00017474-00017700 I show no such heroism. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00063-00017700-00017974 I am lost for words in front of an audience. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00064-00017974-00018216 My mind goes blank. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00065-00018216-00018666 When I am by myself walking in the park, I stare off into the distance. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00066-00018666-00018966 A feeling of calm washes over me. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00067-00018966-00019168 I am free of worry. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00068-00019168-00019616 I have time to ponder these wandering thoughts that emerge in my mind. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00069-00019616-00020122 I ask these big questions, but the answers seem ever so elusive. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00070-00020122-00020562 I am a truth-seeker that never arrives at his destination. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00071-00020562-00020704 So who am I? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00072-00020704-00020856 Am I a joker? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00073-00020856-00021008 Am I a cynic? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00074-00021008-00021148 Am I a pessimist? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00075-00021148-00021336 Am I a philanthropist? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00076-00021336-00021706 Am I a brave warrior, or a trembling coward? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00077-00021706-00022084 Am I calm and rational, or nervous and confused? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00078-00022084-00022368 Or am I a mix of all of these things? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00079-00022368-00022598 Which one is my real self? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00080-00022598-00022726 Who am I? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00081-00022726-00023230 With regard to identity, we are taught from a young age to lie and deceive. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00082-00023230-00023416 Put on a brave face! 0eA-L1GNT3u-00083-00023416-00023596 Boys shouldn’t cry! 0eA-L1GNT3u-00084-00023596-00024156 Go to university, not because you want to, but because it’s the expected thing to do. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00085-00024156-00024616 We are constantly taught to put on a mask to suit the people around us. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00086-00024616-00024830 And that’s exactly what I do. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00087-00024830-00025040 I am a living contradiction. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00088-00025040-00025280 I no longer know who I am. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00089-00025282-00025772 I am an actor in a play adapting my character to suit the given role. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00090-00025772-00025960 I am a fiction. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00091-00025960-00026487 In the past, when I have applied for new jobs, they would invariably ask, “Which three 0eA-L1GNT3u-00092-00026487-00026760 words best describe you?”. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00093-00026760-00027308 I usually would reply that I am conscientious, passionate, and diligent. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00094-00027308-00027460 But these are not me. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00095-00027460-00027939 These are but words that I have been taught to regurgitate to potential employers. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00096-00027939-00028177 I am telling them what they want to hear. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00097-00028177-00028772 If I was being honest, I would probably tell them that I am an anxious, confused, clown. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00098-00028772-00029006 But that wouldn’t get me the job, would it? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00099-00029006-00029195 So back to the original question. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00100-00029195-00029370 Who am I? 0eA-L1GNT3u-00101-00029370-00029754 If you’ve come here looking for answers, I’m afraid I have none. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00102-00029754-00029920 I do not know who I am. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00103-00029920-00030102 I do not know why I am here. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00104-00030102-00030406 I’m trapped in a world of changing roles. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00105-00030406-00030516 I’m the joker. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00106-00030516-00030627 I’m the warrior. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00107-00030627-00030895 I’m the grey man crossing the street. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00108-00030895-00031344 I don’t have an identity that sits well with me, and this is probably true of most 0eA-L1GNT3u-00109-00031344-00031444 people. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00110-00031444-00031945 And just like every other man, I am full of doubt and uncertainty. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00111-00031945-00032594 If I had to give three words again that describes my identity, I would say, “I am human”. 0eA-L1GNT3u-00112-00032594-00032974 A bumbling, stumbling, faltering human. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00000-00000149-00000437 ♫ 0iXKcmjdH0k-00001-00001323-00001527 (People yawning) 0iXKcmjdH0k-00002-00002099-00002291 What happened? 0iXKcmjdH0k-00003-00002291-00002839 I realized that we built a configuration of an intimate space among our bodies. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00004-00002839-00003276 The bodies the were not ours had trouble relating to one other. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00005-00003276-00003733 With time, these bodies gradually understood that they could 0iXKcmjdH0k-00006-00003733-00003958 interact and speak more. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00007-00004072-00004227 They created demands 0iXKcmjdH0k-00008-00004227-00004551 demands for attention, for music 0iXKcmjdH0k-00009-00004551-00004979 and one body that created a demand affected other bodies. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00010-00005149-00005454 An elderly man came and stopped me 0iXKcmjdH0k-00011-00005454-00005656 and said "Are you from church?" 0iXKcmjdH0k-00012-00005656-00005932 "Because you're wearing this outfit... I thought you were from church." 0iXKcmjdH0k-00013-00005932-00006046 I said "No." 0iXKcmjdH0k-00014-00006046-00006256 Then he asked: "So why are you wearing this?" 0iXKcmjdH0k-00015-00006256-00006679 I said: "Because I liked this fabric, this color, and now I'm wearing it." 0iXKcmjdH0k-00016-00006679-00006927 He said: "Hey man, that's really cool. I like it." 0iXKcmjdH0k-00017-00006927-00007074 And he just left! (Laughter) 0iXKcmjdH0k-00018-00008302-00008579 Like a collective kitchen, really, a social kitchen 0iXKcmjdH0k-00019-00008579-00008878 where people can come and cook together 0iXKcmjdH0k-00020-00008878-00009379 and experiment with these different vegetables 0iXKcmjdH0k-00021-00009379-00009586 and fruits and things they find. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00022-00009856-00010404 As black women, we suffer a double layer of violence: 0iXKcmjdH0k-00023-00010404-00010648 we're women and we're black 0iXKcmjdH0k-00024-00010648-00010984 so we suffer under racism and we suffer under sexism. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00025-00010984-00011291 Bodies like mine were brought here, since always 0iXKcmjdH0k-00026-00011291-00011490 to serve as bodies for use. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00027-00011556-00011780 It is precisely about showing everybody 0iXKcmjdH0k-00028-00011780-00011957 that there is a place of oppression. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00029-00011957-00012322 My body is no longer a treat for your pleasure. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00030-00012530-00013056 I asked the lady in the couple if she knew how to make popcorn. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00031-00013056-00013187 They came closer. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00032-00013187-00013525 And then she advised me on the amount of oil 0iXKcmjdH0k-00033-00013525-00013876 I should use to make popcorn. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00034-00014304-00014561 This is a collective, creative work 0iXKcmjdH0k-00035-00014561-00014738 with a secret curriculum. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00036-00014738-00015006 We had in mind that everything we did in the process 0iXKcmjdH0k-00037-00015006-00015281 is in the key of struggle and resistance. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00038-00015281-00015633 My name is Silmara Franco 0iXKcmjdH0k-00039-00015716-00016134 and I'm saying this because I'm certain of who I am. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00040-00016229-00016570 My idea was to expose objects I found. 0iXKcmjdH0k-00041-00017453-00017755 What does all of this mean? 0iXKcmjdH0k-00042-00017755-00018308 Reciprocity, trust and... proximity. 0kDM9FM54m4-00000-00000624-00000846 Daniel Evans: useful tool. 0kDM9FM54m4-00001-00000966-00002022 Daniel Evans: That we have our fees diagrams based diagrams or pressure capture plus that show the physical state is 0kDM9FM54m4-00002-00002355-00002610 Daniel Evans: Stable under this pressures and temperatures 0kDM9FM54m4-00003-00003117-00003561 Daniel Evans: So we have texture on the x axis pressure my axis. 0kDM9FM54m4-00004-00003699-00004656 Daniel Evans: And we're going to label them, they'll come with just the black lines and graphical enable them identify points are on them also. 0kDM9FM54m4-00005-00004779-00005925 Daniel Evans: So know that I attempt to run have a gas at low temperature we're going to have salads so solid left gas right liquid in between. 0kDM9FM54m4-00006-00006630-00007823 Daniel Evans: Wherever three lines meet that's called traveling point. So a lot of diagrams only have a single trip somewhere have more than one chip some can have more than one solid phase. 0kDM9FM54m4-00007-00007968-00008304 Daniel Evans: Water, for example, has about 10 solid phases. 0kDM9FM54m4-00008-00008586-00009120 Daniel Evans: Regularly or have more than liquid phase asked that can only be one gasfields 0kDM9FM54m4-00009-00009453-00010056 Daniel Evans: So we have at least one point. The line between liquid and gas ends. 0kDM9FM54m4-00010-00010173-00010434 Daniel Evans: That is the critical point where that line ends. 0kDM9FM54m4-00011-00010566-00012000 Daniel Evans: That's where the distinction between liquid gas cease to this instead we're ending up with a nether food called supercritical food which doesn't have the properties of either our liquids, gases. 0kDM9FM54m4-00012-00012510-00013113 Daniel Evans: So the lines that we have around yourself, we go across this line. 0kDM9FM54m4-00013-00013247-00013404 Daniel Evans: We are sublimating 0kDM9FM54m4-00014-00013947-00014082 Daniel Evans: So the line itself. 0kDM9FM54m4-00015-00014193-00014463 Daniel Evans: Is that vapor pressure of a solid 0kDM9FM54m4-00016-00015816-00016605 Daniel Evans: So that line on the lines, the equilibrium vapor pressure of the solid at that particular temperature 0kDM9FM54m4-00017-00017097-00017529 Daniel Evans: The line between the liquid and the gas is our vapor pressure of liquid 0kDM9FM54m4-00018-00018876-00019209 Daniel Evans: Coming across that will be evaporation 0kDM9FM54m4-00019-00019380-00019509 Daniel Evans: Or vaporisation 0kDM9FM54m4-00020-00019869-00020157 Daniel Evans: Grand cross the line between solid liquid be melting 0kDM9FM54m4-00021-00020988-00021459 Daniel Evans: And the line between the liquid and solid represents the melting point. 0kDM9FM54m4-00022-00022077-00022161 Daniel Evans: Equilibrium. 0kDM9FM54m4-00023-00022281-00022365 Daniel Evans: Temperatures 0kDM9FM54m4-00024-00023205-00024498 Daniel Evans: We can get from interface diagrams which state is more dense than the other. So to figure that out. We take point near the line separating the phases that we're looking at. And we go up and pressure. 0kDM9FM54m4-00025-00024603-00025068 Daniel Evans: The phase that we end up in is going to be the more dense. So in this particular when 0kDM9FM54m4-00026-00025176-00026061 Daniel Evans: We start from the liquid. We increased pressure and we end up in solid, solid on the desk and this is typical most compounds are going to be in this fashion. 0kDM9FM54m4-00027-00026232-00027789 Daniel Evans: Over here, we start in the solid concrete increased pressure go to liquid. That means a liquid is more dense and solve this is not typical. But this represents water, water, we know that the salt posts on liquid liquid more dense than sun. 0kDM9FM54m4-00028-00028812-00028970 Daniel Evans: So if we take a 0kDM9FM54m4-00029-00029100-00029451 Daniel Evans: Horizontal lines or set pressure or cross 0kDM9FM54m4-00030-00029736-00030204 Daniel Evans: We can create a heating curves. So as you go across. We're adding eat to raise the temperature 0kDM9FM54m4-00031-00030300-00030908 Daniel Evans: We start in the solid and we increase the temperature itself we starting salary increase temperature as we add our key. 0kDM9FM54m4-00032-00031002-00032511 Daniel Evans: When you hit this point we're stuck on that point as we melt it. So that is the melting point we stay at that temperature until we knock her solid away. Then as we melt away we leave that line into the liquid 0kDM9FM54m4-00033-00032619-00032787 Daniel Evans: Then we can warm up the liquids. 0kDM9FM54m4-00034-00032913-00032955 Daniel Evans: Liquid 0kDM9FM54m4-00035-00033087-00033309 Daniel Evans: Then we hit this point for at the boiling point. 0kDM9FM54m4-00036-00033450-00034809 Daniel Evans: And we're going to boil the liquid always going to stay at that temperature from us on that point until we boil that liquid away then asked her to liquid is gone. Now we can keep up the gas Haze the heat up the gas face. 0kDM9FM54m4-00037-00034914-00035859 Daniel Evans: So regression know the areas of the base diagram, the processes crossing the lines. 0kDM9FM54m4-00038-00036018-00036897 Daniel Evans: And what state is more dense and ghosting Monday heating curbing need to be identified the section so 0kDM9FM54m4-00039-00036999-00037998 Daniel Evans: Down here, turn off seller warming. Some of them are melting the solid are warming the liquid and then were melting liquid then. We're warming in the GANs 0kDM9FM54m4-00040-00038121-00039357 Daniel Evans: And nothing points in boiling points we know our temperatures. So we take that line across and where we get that is the temperature that corresponds to that melting point, boiling point. 0m6rrJzRG-E-00000-00000262-00000764 Hi everyone! Welcome to my channel! In today's video I'm going to show you how 0m6rrJzRG-E-00001-00000764-00001430 to finger knit. You don't need any special tools you just need some yarn 0m6rrJzRG-E-00002-00001430-00002340 and a free hand. So let's get started! For today's project I'm using this sort 0m6rrJzRG-E-00003-00002340-00002843 of fabric yarn which you can easily make yourself from an old t-shirt. If you'd 0m6rrJzRG-E-00004-00002843-00003351 like me to make a tutorial on how to do fabric yarn leave a message in the 0m6rrJzRG-E-00005-00003351-00003894 comment section below. Start by holding the end of the yarn with your thumb just 0m6rrJzRG-E-00006-00003894-00004532 like that then wave your yarn under the index finger over the middle finger 0m6rrJzRG-E-00007-00004532-00005100 under the ring finger and over the pinky then wrap the yarn around under your 0m6rrJzRG-E-00008-00005100-00005760 pinky over your ring finger under your middle finger and over your index finger 0m6rrJzRG-E-00009-00005760-00007008 then over, under, over, go around again, then over, under and over. You need to 0m6rrJzRG-E-00010-00007008-00007740 have two loops on each finger in order to create the stitches. Starting with the 0m6rrJzRG-E-00011-00007740-00008325 little finger pull the lower loop over the top one and to the back of the 0m6rrJzRG-E-00012-00008325-00009282 finger. Do the same with the remaining stitches. Over the top loop and to the 0m6rrJzRG-E-00013-00009282-00009870 back of the finger. Finish with the index finger and now you have your first row 0m6rrJzRG-E-00014-00009870-00010518 of stitches. Wrap your yarn around the fingers twice always ending with the 0m6rrJzRG-E-00015-00010518-00011096 index finger 0m6rrJzRG-E-00016-00011154-00011949 You end up having two loops on each finger. Again we take the bottom one pull 0m6rrJzRG-E-00017-00011949-00014149 it over the top one and to the back of the finger 0m6rrJzRG-E-00018-00014210-00015996 Repeat the process 0m6rrJzRG-E-00019-00019409-00019968 If you check your work you'll see it already looks like being knitted. Cool 0m6rrJzRG-E-00021-00023875-00024467 If you feel like taking a break just take a pencil, knitting needle, crochet 0m6rrJzRG-E-00022-00024467-00026116 hook, paintbrush.. whatever you have at hand and slip the stitches on it 0m6rrJzRG-E-00023-00026116-00026683 When you want to continue your project just think that the working yarn should be on 0m6rrJzRG-E-00024-00026683-00027244 your index finger and start putting back the stitches 0m6rrJzRG-E-00025-00030601-00031076 Continue with the knitting until you think is long enough for your project. 0m6rrJzRG-E-00027-00037437-00038069 When you reach the end you need to bind off. In order to do that starting from 0m6rrJzRG-E-00028-00038069-00038661 your pinky take the loop and pass it on to the next finger, in this case pass it 0m6rrJzRG-E-00029-00038661-00039174 from the pinky to the ring finger, then like before pull the lower loop over the 0m6rrJzRG-E-00030-00039174-00040088 top one. Pass it on to the middle finger pull the lower loop over the top one 0m6rrJzRG-E-00031-00040088-00041184 Pass it to your index finger then pull the lower loop over the top one. 0m6rrJzRG-E-00032-00041184-00041885 This will be your last stitch so cut the yarn 0m6rrJzRG-E-00033-00042693-00043727 Then pass the tail through the loop and pull it tightly 0m6rrJzRG-E-00034-00044117-00046819 So this is how your work will look like 0m6rrJzRG-E-00035-00047682-00048218 If you're making a bracelet you just need to tie a knot, 0m6rrJzRG-E-00036-00049466-00050746 trim the ends and that's it! 0m6rrJzRG-E-00037-00050746-00051327 I like using chunky yarn for finger knitting but you can definitely use 0m6rrJzRG-E-00038-00051327-00051834 whatever type of yarn you have on hand Different types of yarn gives you 0m6rrJzRG-E-00039-00051834-00052435 different effects is like a totally different pattern as you can see in this 0m6rrJzRG-E-00040-00052435-00053678 example 0m6rrJzRG-E-00041-00053825-00054282 Thank you so much for watching! If you liked this video don't forget to 0m6rrJzRG-E-00042-00054282-00054795 subscribe and give it a thumbs up and I'll see you next time with a new 0m6rrJzRG-E-00043-00054795-00056169 tutorial. Happy crafting! 0nFXtik-Pdk-00000-00001375-00001675 please like subscribe & Comments 0nFXtik-Pdk-00001-00003864-00004187 Please like subscribe & Comments 0nFXtik-Pdk-00002-00008496-00008784 Please Like Subscribe & Comments 0nFXtik-Pdk-00003-00013912-00014212 Please Like Subscribe 0nFXtik-Pdk-00004-00015359-00015659 them 0nFXtik-Pdk-00005-00016823-00017123 okay 0nFXtik-Pdk-00006-00020800-00021100 foreign 0nFXtik-Pdk-00007-00025304-00025856 you like us up the root track and hit like now bye and subscribe also and 0nFXtik-Pdk-00008-00025856-00026251 share also bye 102mCGnC1nQ-00000-00001315-00001834 Now while the reaction mixture is chilling we can set up our Buchner 102mCGnC1nQ-00001-00001834-00002489 funnel vacuum filtration setup. As you can see here we have the clamp needed to 102mCGnC1nQ-00002-00002489-00003170 hold the vacuum Erlenmeyer flask in place, along with proper vacuum tubing, 102mCGnC1nQ-00003-00003170-00003836 the Buchner funnel, and filter paper. First step is we're gonna take the 102mCGnC1nQ-00004-00003836-00004675 vacuum hose and attach it to the flask. We're then going to take the flask and 102mCGnC1nQ-00005-00004675-00005375 clamp it into place. Next we are going to take the Buchner funnel place it on top 102mCGnC1nQ-00006-00005375-00005839 and we're gonna take the filter paper place it inside the Buchner funnel. Next 102mCGnC1nQ-00007-00005839-00006414 using deionized water we are going to wet the filter paper. 102mCGnC1nQ-00008-00006618-00007178 Next we're going to turn the vacuum on to create an airtight seal. 102mCGnC1nQ-00009-00007280-00007492 Our 15 minutes are up. 102mCGnC1nQ-00010-00007492-00008109 So now let's take a look and see if the aspirin did indeed crash out like it should. 102mCGnC1nQ-00011-00008109-00008342 Looks pretty good to me. We have quite a bit of precipitant 102mCGnC1nQ-00012-00008342-00009125 there. We can take out the Erlenmeyer flask add in some cold deionized water 102mCGnC1nQ-00013-00009125-00009709 and put it through our filtration apparatus. 102mCGnC1nQ-00014-00010114-00010780 As you can see there's still some solid that did not get removed when we added 102mCGnC1nQ-00015-00010780-00011397 the 25 mL of cold deionized water. We can add a little bit more water into the 102mCGnC1nQ-00016-00011397-00011845 flask to try to make sure we get all that aspirin out that we have created. 102mCGnC1nQ-00017-00011845-00012319 Again we want to make sure we're using cold deionized water to do this. If we 102mCGnC1nQ-00018-00012319-00012856 were to use warm deionized water we may get a side reaction. And for us here this 102mCGnC1nQ-00019-00012856-00013369 side reaction would actually be the main reaction going in reverse. 102mCGnC1nQ-00020-00013466-00014118 As you can see I was able to fully remove all of the aspirin by adding a 102mCGnC1nQ-00021-00014119-00014688 little bit more of that deionized water. Now we are going to let the solid 102mCGnC1nQ-00022-00014688-00015397 aspirin that's on top of our filter paper sit on the apparatus for about 15 102mCGnC1nQ-00023-00015397-00015819 minutes. To make sure that it is fully dry because we have to make sure we 102mCGnC1nQ-00024-00015819-00016326 remove all the water that is now in that sample, so that way then we get an 102mCGnC1nQ-00025-00016326-00017001 accurate weight recovery. One way we can do this to help make sure that the 102mCGnC1nQ-00026-00017001-00017748 aspirin is fully dry is we take a second piece of filter paper and place it on 102mCGnC1nQ-00027-00017748-00018292 top of the funnel and then press down to soak up any of the 102mCGnC1nQ-00028-00018292-00018470 remaining water that we have. 102mCGnC1nQ-00029-00018552-00019066 Okay so our 15 minutes are up so the one thing to make sure off before 102mCGnC1nQ-00030-00019066-00019608 you remove the Buchner funnel is that the vacuum is off. 102mCGnC1nQ-00031-00019850-00020410 Now we get to scrape the aspirin off the filter paper and 102mCGnC1nQ-00032-00020410-00020684 onto a pre-weighed watch glass. 102mCGnC1nQ-00033-00020794-00021188 I have successfully scraped all the aspirin out of the Buchner funnel. 102mCGnC1nQ-00034-00021188-00021830 I can now take that mass and then calculate my percent recovery. 102mCGnC1nQ-00035-00021860-00022388 If you remember from the beginning we were starting with two grams of salicylic acid. 102mCGnC1nQ-00036-00022424-00023094 That was our limiting reagent. If we determine our theoretical yield from 102mCGnC1nQ-00037-00023096-00024038 starting with two grams of salicylic acid we should expect to get 2.61 grams of aspirin. 102mCGnC1nQ-00038-00024392-00024624 Now is the moment of truth. 102mCGnC1nQ-00039-00024632-00024950 I weighed out two grams of aspirin. 102mCGnC1nQ-00040-00024950-00025180 Determining my percent yield 102mCGnC1nQ-00041-00025272-00025782 I got 77%. So not the greatest but better than nothing. 102mCGnC1nQ-00042-00025860-00026354 Now it is time for the iron(III)chloride test 102mCGnC1nQ-00043-00026408-00026768 and that is what the next video will go over. 10PlA9wzGZE-00000-00000000-00000694 Hey guys! We have not got video from series "Where to go for a trip" for a while so here we go with my small 10PlA9wzGZE-00001-00000694-00000894 but beaufitul town Třebíč so lets just start ! 10PlA9wzGZE-00002-00001060-00001905 So friends I am currently located on place called "Kostelýček" which is the highest point in town. 10PlA9wzGZE-00003-00001907-00002716 And this place is interesting because of three reasons. The first on I just said, you can watch the town from here 10PlA9wzGZE-00004-00002716-00003256 The second one is this small Chapel which survived from 17th century. 10PlA9wzGZE-00005-00003256-00003842 And right next to it there is water reservoir which serves as lookout tower today. 10PlA9wzGZE-00006-00003842-00004372 So for small amount of money you can go up. 10PlA9wzGZE-00007-00004372-00005468 I am not gonna show you the view guys, If you want, just come here and check it by your own :P 10PlA9wzGZE-00008-00005480-00006324 I will go closer now guys because our sightseeing will start on Charles square. 10PlA9wzGZE-00009-00006362-00006958 I will try to get there now. Should be this way... 10PlA9wzGZE-00010-00007716-00007916 Uf...got it :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00011-00007931-00008798 So friends I am on Charles square I will go up here for you to see it. 10PlA9wzGZE-00012-00008810-00010120 Charles square in Třebíč (lies behind me - all this place) is the second biggest squre in Czech republic. 10PlA9wzGZE-00013-00010130-00010420 The first in in Prague - Vaclav's square, the second is this one. 10PlA9wzGZE-00014-00010432-00010804 And it has 22 000 m2, 360 , long 10PlA9wzGZE-00015-00010812-00011410 And belongs to the biggests squares in Czech republic. 10PlA9wzGZE-00016-00011420-00012100 There in distance we can see the statue of Cyril and Method - They were here when the town was created. 10PlA9wzGZE-00017-00012100-00012378 Třebíč was created in 1100 app. 10PlA9wzGZE-00018-00012390-00013066 By building of Benedictine monastery which is "palace" today - We will go there also. 10PlA9wzGZE-00019-00015484-00015978 Guys I am not sure if you can see it behind me but there is a tower. 10PlA9wzGZE-00020-00015978-00016554 It has 75 meters, and the part for people is in 35 m. 10PlA9wzGZE-00021-00016572-00017206 And the clocks up on it are biggest one in central Europe and one of the biggests in whole Europe. 10PlA9wzGZE-00022-00017206-00017872 The diameter of dial is 5,5 m and the "time pointer" has 2,0 meters long. 10PlA9wzGZE-00023-00017872-00018126 So thanks to this, the tower is special. 10PlA9wzGZE-00024-00018126-00018386 Also, you can see some exhibition of pictures there which is nice. 10PlA9wzGZE-00025-00018386-00018528 And we will move there right now to see it :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00026-00018826-00019178 Ok guys we are under the tower, here you can see the clocks. 10PlA9wzGZE-00027-00019178-00019618 Haha, 13:00, we are here on time! :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00028-00019618-00019920 5,5 meters in diameter, this is just something... 10PlA9wzGZE-00029-00020130-00020330 Lets go up :) 10PlA9wzGZE-00030-00020882-00021082 We are here guys :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00031-00021140-00021356 I would start with south side. 10PlA9wzGZE-00032-00021356-00021726 This road is main road here in the town. 10PlA9wzGZE-00033-00021726-00021884 There direction to Jihlava 10PlA9wzGZE-00034-00021884-00021984 And Brno there 10PlA9wzGZE-00035-00021984-00022554 Here we can find theather and cinema - cultural centre of Třebíč. 10PlA9wzGZE-00036-00022608-00022914 There we can see Kostelýček where we have been before. 10PlA9wzGZE-00037-00022992-00023456 Now I will move to the west side. 10PlA9wzGZE-00038-00023456-00023660 There we can see BUS station. 10PlA9wzGZE-00039-00023754-00024282 And the most important guys will appear here. 10PlA9wzGZE-00040-00024282-00024422 The north - west. 10PlA9wzGZE-00041-00024604-00024982 And that is our UNESCO monuments :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00042-00024982-00025300 Because we have three, well two beceause the third one se officialy connected with the second one. 10PlA9wzGZE-00043-00025308-00025868 The first one is Basilica of st Prokop and next are Jewish town and jewish cemetery. 10PlA9wzGZE-00044-00025906-00026226 And we will talk about it when we will move there :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00045-00026248-00026530 So down there guys again we can see Charles square. 10PlA9wzGZE-00046-00026560-00026776 And from here we can really so how big it is. 10PlA9wzGZE-00047-00026776-00026968 It start there with by town hall. 10PlA9wzGZE-00048-00026968-00027486 And it goes all this way and end of it we are not able to see from here. 10PlA9wzGZE-00049-00027570-00028210 So thanks to this it is one of the biggests in Czech rep. 10PlA9wzGZE-00050-00028230-00028610 And behing the square - The jewish town is located there 10PlA9wzGZE-00051-00028610-00028983 And there is also river Jihlava but we cant see it from here - we will go there :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00052-00029133-00029742 And that rock there - up there is big park and green place 10PlA9wzGZE-00053-00029788-00030372 which is ideal place for walking, running, relaxing 10PlA9wzGZE-00054-00030372-00030880 so Třebíč offers a lot of places for sport, relax etc. 10PlA9wzGZE-00055-00030894-00031824 And to the east - not so many interesting places. Just our "famous" hospital - you all must know that story 10PlA9wzGZE-00056-00031824-00032483 they changed babies in two families and it took them 2 years to find out. Was really bad story guys. 10PlA9wzGZE-00057-00032483-00033480 And I have forgotten the bridge in Libušino údolí but we cant see it from here so I will show it to you from basicila later. 10PlA9wzGZE-00058-00033574-00034304 Well guys, lets move to jewish town, right? :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00059-00034344-00034778 So guys I moved to Jewish town here in Třebíč. 10PlA9wzGZE-00060-00034800-00035286 This Jewish town guys is the only one surviving in Europe 10PlA9wzGZE-00061-00035312-00035972 and it is also only one of two Jewishes towns in the world which are in UNESCO. 10PlA9wzGZE-00062-00035972-00036136 The second one is in Izrael. 10PlA9wzGZE-00063-00036158-00036804 So only two Jewishes towns in the world are in UNESCO and one of them is this one in Třebíč. 10PlA9wzGZE-00064-00036820-00037250 And this is the reason why people from all over the world come here, for example people from USA 10PlA9wzGZE-00065-00037260-00037750 with jewish "blood" to find some info about their past etc. 10PlA9wzGZE-00066-00037766-00038060 So because of this it is important. 10PlA9wzGZE-00067-00038082-00038728 In the 17th century when this town was alive the most, 1200 people lived here 10PlA9wzGZE-00068-00038728-00039076 which was 60 % of Třebíč's citizens. 10PlA9wzGZE-00069-00039102-00039844 Today, we can find here building from these times, and also some coffee shops and restaurant, 10PlA9wzGZE-00070-00039844-00040366 front and rear synagogue where you can go for some exhibition and get some more info about this town. 10PlA9wzGZE-00071-00040366-00041136 I will not tell you guys, would take a lot of time, you can go here and check it out by your own :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00072-00041146-00041700 But together guys we will walk around here, check out how it looks 10PlA9wzGZE-00073-00041700-00041998 right next to Jihlava river which goes nicely here 10PlA9wzGZE-00074-00042012-00042512 Well, nicely...a few years ago we had big flood here and it was not so nice. 10PlA9wzGZE-00075-00042524-00042916 Thats why they mady thise barricade here, but otherwise it is nice here :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00076-00042938-00043442 So we will take a walk, I will show you synagogue at least from outside 10PlA9wzGZE-00077-00043462-00044012 and we will go next to JIhlava river to "Kočičina" which is part of Třebíč 10PlA9wzGZE-00078-00044028-00044346 with coffee shops, restaurants... 10PlA9wzGZE-00079-00044406-00044686 We will "climb" to Hrádek which is the rock up the Jewish town here 10PlA9wzGZE-00080-00044686-00045028 we will go throught the park which is located there and move to Jewish cemetery 10PlA9wzGZE-00081-00045028-00045636 because of course when here it is Jewish town which was 60 % of city, the cemetery is here also :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00082-00045636-00045872 It is also in UNESCO 10PlA9wzGZE-00083-00048408-00049024 Okay guys I am continuing my walk to Kočičina 10PlA9wzGZE-00084-00049040-00049738 The Jewish town is behind us on our right side 10PlA9wzGZE-00085-00049754-00050134 and I moved to Kočičina which is also nice part of the town 10PlA9wzGZE-00086-00050386-00050790 for walking, relaxing etc. 10PlA9wzGZE-00087-00050794-00051100 And there is that rock which goes up to Hrádek 10PlA9wzGZE-00088-00051100-00051578 so I will walk around it and go up 10PlA9wzGZE-00089-00051598-00051884 and we will go together through the park 10PlA9wzGZE-00090-00051884-00052250 Well guys, what I have forgotten to tell you 10PlA9wzGZE-00091-00052250-00052776 Gipsies beat me here when I was 15..exactly on this place...with no reason :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00092-00052776-00052976 Hm, well... 10PlA9wzGZE-00093-00052976-00053255 What I have fotgotten to tell you is some basic info about Třebíč. 10PlA9wzGZE-00094-00053255-00053840 You can look up for it on the internet but you know, at least something :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00095-00053908-00054386 I am my friends entering dark streets of Třebíč :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00096-00054386-00054846 When I was just a child, everytime I went this way I was scared :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00097-00054860-00055440 Anyway guys, Třebíč is right after Jihlava the second biggest town in Vysočina region. 10PlA9wzGZE-00098-00055440-00056454 App. 36 000 people live here. It is 30 km to Jihlava and 60 km to Brno (The second biggest city in Czech rep.) 10PlA9wzGZE-00099-00056454-00057554 This town was not so nice in past (at least in my opinion) but the town management have done a lot in last time 10PlA9wzGZE-00100-00057567-00057882 so they reparied a lot of places here, made it look better 10PlA9wzGZE-00101-00057882-00058505 for example the Basilica of st. Prokop was reconstructed, we will go there also 10PlA9wzGZE-00102-00058546-00059478 So guys Iam going up to Hrádek which we will check out the view down on Třebíč from 10PlA9wzGZE-00103-00059478-00061038 The interesting fact is that Charles squre lies in valley, so each direction (except to BRno) is just way up 10PlA9wzGZE-00104-00061038-00061217 so this town is for sport people :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00105-00061236-00062590 And thanks to this that this town has just 36 000 people, it has 2/ 3 UNESCO monuments which is unique 10PlA9wzGZE-00106-00062590-00063000 Maybe just Kutná Hora has 2 but I am not sure... 10PlA9wzGZE-00107-00063014-00063520 but this makes Třebíč unique town :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00108-00063898-00064098 So guys 10PlA9wzGZE-00109-00064128-00064478 As you propably notices, we have been here at the beginning of our video. 10PlA9wzGZE-00110-00064602-00064910 There we can see the tower 10PlA9wzGZE-00111-00064994-00065712 down there is Jihlava river and in far there is Basilica. 10PlA9wzGZE-00112-00065940-00066260 And behind me, there is Hrádek :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00113-00066260-00066494 Whichi is huge park, green place 10PlA9wzGZE-00114-00066556-00066990 So we will go through it to Jewish cemetery and Basilica. 10PlA9wzGZE-00115-00067010-00067210 Keeeep going :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00116-00067872-00068072 Lets move to Basilica :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00117-00068592-00068922 So guys, yet under us there is Jewish town 10PlA9wzGZE-00118-00068922-00069022 Far there is Basilica 10PlA9wzGZE-00119-00069108-00069350 And one more interesting thing guys. 10PlA9wzGZE-00120-00069408-00069670 I am not sure if you can see it on the camera. 10PlA9wzGZE-00121-00069718-00070478 But there is a bridge. Small, well not so small but it looks small from here. 10PlA9wzGZE-00122-00070492-00070742 It goes over the "Libušino údolí" (valley) 10PlA9wzGZE-00123-00070742-00071240 which is also big green place for running etc. 10PlA9wzGZE-00124-00071240-00071756 Goes to border part of Třebíč called Borovina. 10PlA9wzGZE-00125-00071756-00072174 And the Borovina and Kostelýček are connected by this bridge. 10PlA9wzGZE-00126-00072226-00072590 And this bridge guys is also called the bridge of suiciders. 10PlA9wzGZE-00127-00072590-00073158 Because during the existence of it, not sure for how long have been here I would lie.. 10PlA9wzGZE-00128-00073158-00074552 From 30 to 40 people, I guess it was 37...ended their lifes by jumping from this bridge. 10PlA9wzGZE-00129-00074552-00074796 Known as the bridge of suiciders. 10PlA9wzGZE-00130-00074906-00075106 But we can see it from closer right? :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00131-00075106-00075250 Lets try it again. 10PlA9wzGZE-00132-00075988-00076730 Okay guys I am here right under the bridge of suiciders. 10PlA9wzGZE-00133-00076730-00079144 Behind me there is big green place / way to borovina which is cool place for walking, running, bycicle...etc. 10PlA9wzGZE-00134-00079144-00079558 So as you can see, in Třebíč here is plenty of places for relaxing etc. 10PlA9wzGZE-00135-00079574-00080042 Anyway guys, Borovina's bridge - Bridge of suiciders 10PlA9wzGZE-00136-00080064-00080794 About thirty people ended their lifes by jumping from this bridge. 10PlA9wzGZE-00137-00080816-00081298 Ok guys I think that we shall move back to Hrádek and lets check out the Jewis cemetery. 10PlA9wzGZE-00138-00081332-00081532 Fu*ck 10PlA9wzGZE-00139-00081892-00082208 Okay guys I found the entrance 10PlA9wzGZE-00140-00082352-00083050 So I am standing in front of the Jewish cemetery in Třebíč which is also in UNESCO list. 10PlA9wzGZE-00141-00083080-00083484 It is one of the oldest jewish cemeteries in Czech republic 10PlA9wzGZE-00142-00083602-00083914 It lies here from 1631 A.C, it has more than 3 000 graves here. 10PlA9wzGZE-00143-00083926-00084362 and it has 12 000 m2 10PlA9wzGZE-00144-00084450-00085808 Every grave has own story, on each of it there is a sign which tells us something about the person who lies there. 10PlA9wzGZE-00145-00085824-00087302 It tells something about that person - for example what was his job, what he / she did in her / his life. 10PlA9wzGZE-00146-00087358-00087890 And of course it is cemetery, so with all kindness and respect, lets go in. 10PlA9wzGZE-00147-00087922-00088544 What more - in front of the entrance there is jewish star which is the sign of jewish culture. 10PlA9wzGZE-00148-00089948-00090612 So guys I move to basilica of st. Prokop. 10PlA9wzGZE-00149-00090622-00091124 Right behind me, which is also on list of UNESCO world heritage. 10PlA9wzGZE-00150-00091164-00091600 Right at the entrance there is interesting thing 10PlA9wzGZE-00151-00091600-00091918 I am not sure if you can see it because of that small wall 10PlA9wzGZE-00152-00091922-00092582 but there in the wall is ball from catapult. Jan Žižika (famous czech conqueor) was attacking this basilica 10PlA9wzGZE-00153-00092582-00093198 well, he just stayed couple of days on Hrádek, shot couple of times and went to next place but 10PlA9wzGZE-00154-00093226-00094106 the ball stayed in the wall and it is here as a memory 10PlA9wzGZE-00155-00094132-00094484 So just interesthing think right at the entrance. 10PlA9wzGZE-00156-00094484-00094874 All this area of castle was reconstructed in 2012 10PlA9wzGZE-00157-00094880-00095298 I was also helping here for couple of days. I was destroying the roof :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00158-00095298-00095656 But they made new one! :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00159-00095680-00096376 From this moment you can see 4 thematic exposures here. 10PlA9wzGZE-00160-00096408-00096802 And right next to it is the basilica of st. Prokop. 10PlA9wzGZE-00161-00096824-00097886 I will show it to you in few moments. I will not go inside guys, you can check it by your own. 10PlA9wzGZE-00162-00097912-00098558 The exposure was amazing, I will tell you just 2 interesting facts. 10PlA9wzGZE-00163-00098566-00099588 There is a crypt which used to by graveyard for monks, after that it was brewery :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00164-00099594-00100076 but there is unhidden/uncovered wooden beam/timber from very beginning of this monument. 10PlA9wzGZE-00165-00100076-00100554 So almost 1000 years old wooden beam you can see down there. 10PlA9wzGZE-00166-00100554-00101530 Or I got info that when they were building all of this, everyone who lived here was helping by wearing stones one by one to help 10PlA9wzGZE-00167-00101550-00102096 So this kind of info they tell you there. This basilica guys 10PlA9wzGZE-00168-00102106-00102646 comes from 11th century, well more the beginning of 12th century. 10PlA9wzGZE-00169-00102659-00102956 1101 they started to build it. 10PlA9wzGZE-00170-00102978-00103178 Right behind me. 10PlA9wzGZE-00171-00103200-00104698 This basilica was started to build in roman style but they finished it in gothic style which is really interesting. 10PlA9wzGZE-00172-00104716-00105004 For example the windows are gothic 10PlA9wzGZE-00173-00105024-00105822 Inside you can see the second oldest wall pictures in Moravian region. 10PlA9wzGZE-00174-00105842-00106559 And thanks to the fact it is made in both styles in makes it unique. 10PlA9wzGZE-00175-00106582-00107446 Behind me is castle with 4 exposures and next to it you can walk in nice green park. 10PlA9wzGZE-00176-00107446-00107683 Lets check this out guys. 10PlA9wzGZE-00177-00110950-00111256 So I walked down the Basilica guys. 10PlA9wzGZE-00178-00111285-00111959 And when I turn around there is huuge place. 10PlA9wzGZE-00179-00111992-00112692 This is use to be for making events. For example New Year celebrating. 10PlA9wzGZE-00180-00112711-00114788 Band play here. For example I remember that the city made some presentation right on all the wall of basilica. 10PlA9wzGZE-00181-00114816-00115383 It was video of Třebíč's history, it was during the night, lighted up really nicely, was just amazing to watch it. 10PlA9wzGZE-00182-00115383-00116209 Famous czech bands played here that night. 10PlA9wzGZE-00183-00116240-00117552 And Třebíč, well more surroundings of the town offers a lot of small lakes, ways for bycicle, lot o green. 10PlA9wzGZE-00184-00117576-00118183 I red - did not know about that the there is 10PlA9wzGZE-00185-00118209-00118530 national nature reservation "Mohelenská hadcová step" 10PlA9wzGZE-00186-00118530-00119032 which is european uniquie place with flora and fauna. 10PlA9wzGZE-00187-00119061-00119859 OR rivers Oslava and Chvojnice offers a lot of romantic places..nice for pair :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00188-00119870-00120070 Nature park "Třebíčsko" 10PlA9wzGZE-00189-00120082-00120982 Ecologic microregion "Horácko" and lots of next places. 10PlA9wzGZE-00190-00120982-00122378 And I will add to description of this video all places what I have not noticed here - where to eat, swim etc. 10PlA9wzGZE-00191-00122378-00122926 So all of it you can find down below. 10PlA9wzGZE-00192-00122952-00123418 So it tells us it is 15:00 and I am dying for food :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00193-00123448-00124206 I hope you guys enjoyed this video at least a little bit, I have tried my best :D 10PlA9wzGZE-00194-00124220-00124690 So leave like, subscribe, share this video guys. 10PlA9wzGZE-00195-00124698-00125106 And push that bell button to do not miss any of my next videos. 10PlA9wzGZE-00196-00125106-00125474 Traveling, fitness, motivation, whatever of my videos :-) 10PlA9wzGZE-00197-00125500-00126082 So thank you so much guys that you watched till the end. 10PlA9wzGZE-00198-00126148-00126778 Have an amazing time, keep enjoying your life, go for your dreams and goals 10PlA9wzGZE-00199-00126785-00127242 and I am already looking forward to see you in next video :-) 14iVGAvmYT0-00000-00000272-00000752 well here's a good one for the five-minute treatment, enough to get a lot of people upset, 14iVGAvmYT0-00001-00000752-00001424 are we too soft on crime? look, every day we hear lurid stories in the press about somebody 14iVGAvmYT0-00002-00001424-00001880 who's committed an atrocious crime after being released from prison or out on parole, 14iVGAvmYT0-00003-00001968-00002744 in the minds of many prison sentences are not long enough and parole boards are incompetent, but many 14iVGAvmYT0-00004-00002744-00003144 look to the effect of the environment and upbringing and believe we should be 14iVGAvmYT0-00005-00003144-00003664 humane and give all criminals, however egregious their crimes, a second chance, 14iVGAvmYT0-00006-00003664-00004032 so obviously there are different ways of looking at this, 14iVGAvmYT0-00007-00004120-00004728 so let's take a look: first at those who say yes, we are too soft on crime, well most of 14iVGAvmYT0-00008-00004728-00005248 all i suppose they would point to the fact that a huge number of criminals reoffend within a year, 14iVGAvmYT0-00009-00005248-00005832 it's simply ridiculous that we tolerate this, the public believes that we're too soft on crime, 14iVGAvmYT0-00010-00005832-00006376 every time they take a poll, a huge majority say that punishments do not match the crime, 14iVGAvmYT0-00011-00006376-00006880 and there are some awful examples: this chap roy whiting was given four years for abducting 14iVGAvmYT0-00012-00006944-00007464 and sexually assaulting a nine-year-old girl, of which he served two and a half years and in 2000 14iVGAvmYT0-00013-00007464-00008136 he abducted and killed eight-year-old sarah payne, now how much do you have to do to deal with that? 14iVGAvmYT0-00014-00008208-00008840 reasonably? in america there's compelling evidence that the threat of long sentences can reduce 14iVGAvmYT0-00015-00008944-00009624 violent crimes, some states have these three strikes business which has halved violent crime 14iVGAvmYT0-00016-00009760-00010416 because they have to go to jail after a third conviction for life, criminals just make it 14iVGAvmYT0-00017-00010416-00010880 clear that violence can't be programmed out of them like it was some kind of neurotic 14iVGAvmYT0-00018-00010880-00011480 tic, many of them are violent because they want to be, it's their tool of the trade, it gets them 14iVGAvmYT0-00019-00011480-00012000 what they want, they can impose their will for financial or sexual gratification, whatever it is, 14iVGAvmYT0-00020-00012080-00012680 and irrespective of the hurt for others, they just don't care, look the state has betrayed us, 14iVGAvmYT0-00021-00012680-00013096 they have in effect subcontracted the job of managing the criminal elements 14iVGAvmYT0-00022-00013152-00013591 to the population at large because they're unwilling to spend more money on the penal 14iVGAvmYT0-00023-00013647-00014216 and the justice system, it's as simple as that. well what about those who say, no we're not too 14iVGAvmYT0-00024-00014216-00014863 soft, look, the annual cost of keeping 85 000 people in this country in prison is enormous, 14iVGAvmYT0-00025-00014863-00015376 we could be using that money to rehabilitate them rather than just simply keeping them in a mindless 14iVGAvmYT0-00026-00015376-00015952 and destructive environment, and very often it's not the fault of the perpetrator, he's usually had 14iVGAvmYT0-00027-00015952-00016512 an extremely dysfunctional upbringing and subject to a dangerous and mind-altering environment, 14iVGAvmYT0-00028-00016512-00017104 indeed many are mentally ill, so we should take these things into consideration and accordingly we 14iVGAvmYT0-00029-00017104-00017776 should be compassionate. well, what's my take on this? well i have quite a bit to say about this, 14iVGAvmYT0-00030-00017776-00018488 look it seems to me that there are probably four kinds of rationale for imprisonment: 14iVGAvmYT0-00031-00018544-00019312 first to avenge a horrible, crime an eye for an eye and all that, second, to act as a deterrent, 14iVGAvmYT0-00032-00019312-00019968 third to reform, and forth to protect the public. as for avenging, look i i have a lot of sympathy 14iVGAvmYT0-00033-00019968-00020408 for those who have had a loved one raped or murdered, but the taxpayer is just simply not 14iVGAvmYT0-00034-00020408-00020984 in the business of funding revenge, it's not a good rationale however satisfying it may be for 14iVGAvmYT0-00035-00020984-00021624 those closely involved, it does seem to work as a deterrent in some crimes, especially with sex 14iVGAvmYT0-00036-00021624-00022120 offenders where recidivism, according to the statistics that i see, is surprisingly low, 14iVGAvmYT0-00037-00022120-00022496 i suspect that's probably because such people are given such a horrible time in 14iVGAvmYT0-00038-00022496-00023024 prison that they never want to repeat it, but it doesn't deter deter burglars, for example 14iVGAvmYT0-00039-00023112-00023664 as for reform it sounds good and we should do the math, let's follow that path if it works for 14iVGAvmYT0-00040-00023664-00024240 those types of people and crimes where the data supports it, but beware of dodgy statistics, 14iVGAvmYT0-00041-00024240-00024896 there are always agendas of both kinds, so you really gotta look at the design of the study, 14iVGAvmYT0-00042-00024896-00025424 look, the essential rationale is that of protecting the public, prisons should provide a 14iVGAvmYT0-00043-00025424-00025992 means for ensuring that criminals who are inclined to hurt the public are kept off the street, 14iVGAvmYT0-00044-00025992-00026608 burglars who are incarcerated many times over make a mockery of our community, of the justice system, 14iVGAvmYT0-00045-00026608-00027160 we should have either a three strikes and you're out policy, which means life or a very long a 14iVGAvmYT0-00046-00027160-00027712 prison sentence after a third conviction, or at least doubling sentences at each conviction, and 14iVGAvmYT0-00047-00027712-00028352 as for jihadi terrorists and other criminals with an ideological persuasion, we should either deport 14iVGAvmYT0-00048-00028352-00029112 them or sentence them to life, they're simply not going to become nice after they've been counseled; 14iVGAvmYT0-00049-00029424-00029880 they have a permanent impulsion to hurt the public which we might as well face. well look 14iVGAvmYT0-00050-00029880-00030512 that's it, that's my enlightened view of this subject, i hope you liked it, 14iVGAvmYT0-00051-00030512-00030895 if you did give me a like, the usual thing, subscribe, notify, 14iVGAvmYT0-00052-00030952-00032383 comment and so forth and i'll see you in the next one, thanks a lot, goodbye. 14sDsXNrXL8-00000-00000000-00000158 Syamarani didi: About our conversation 14sDsXNrXL8-00001-00000168-00000495 and first he offers you unlimited obesciences 14sDsXNrXL8-00002-00000495-00000844 and says that he is simply trying to repeat your words. 14sDsXNrXL8-00003-00000844-00000942 Srila Gurudeva: Hmm? 14sDsXNrXL8-00004-00000942-00001209 Syamarani didi: He said he is simply trying to repeat your words. 14sDsXNrXL8-00005-00001209-00001352 And um... 14sDsXNrXL8-00006-00001362-00001914 He agreed... I asked him... I told him what you suggested, 14sDsXNrXL8-00008-00010378-00010646 Srila Gurudeva: I am ready to go to Haridwara. 14sDsXNrXL8-00009-00010646-00011011 Syamarani did: I hear that. I heard that you were leaving this morning. 14sDsXNrXL8-00010-00011011-00011728 Yeah, Maharaja aggreed that I should come here for some time and get your association. 14sDsXNrXL8-00011-00011738-00012298 But then I.... Srila Gurudeva: All are agreed to living in Vrindavana? 14sDsXNrXL8-00012-00012303-00012423 Syamarani didi: For some time. 14sDsXNrXL8-00013-00012423-00012542 Srila Gurudeva: For some time. 14sDsXNrXL8-00014-00012542-00012651 Syamarani didi: Yeah. 14sDsXNrXL8-00015-00012651-00012985 Srila Gurudeva: How long? Syamarani didi: How long do you think? 14sDsXNrXL8-00016-00012985-00013162 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? 14sDsXNrXL8-00017-00013164-00013468 Syamarani didi: We were thinking a month then going to Bombay, but what do you think? 14sDsXNrXL8-00018-00013468-00016360 *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00019-00016360-00016525 Srila Gurudeva: ?? You Bombay? 14sDsXNrXL8-00020-00016535-00016759 Syamarani didi: I don't understand. 14sDsXNrXL8-00021-00016769-00017475 Srila Gurudeva: How you, gladly passed your days in Bombay? 14sDsXNrXL8-00022-00017475-00017669 Syamarani didi: Yeah it was good because, um... 14sDsXNrXL8-00023-00017669-00018213 when I told Maharaja about our contact 14sDsXNrXL8-00024-00018213-00018649 he immediately started meeting with me in the evenings. 14sDsXNrXL8-00025-00018659-00018871 With um... 14sDsXNrXL8-00026-00018871-00019328 With the Rag Marg eh... 14sDsXNrXL8-00027-00019328-00019451 Chandrika? 14sDsXNrXL8-00028-00019451-00019608 Rag Vartma Chandrika. 14sDsXNrXL8-00029-00019608-00019988 And giving... Srila Gurudeva: You saw? 14sDsXNrXL8-00030-00019998-00020150 Syamarani did: Huh? Srila Gurudeva: You have seen? 14sDsXNrXL8-00031-00020150-00020297 Syamarani didi: The book? 14sDsXNrXL8-00032-00020297-00020403 Srila Gurudeva: That book? Syamarani didi: I have it. 14sDsXNrXL8-00033-00020403-00020755 Srila Gurudeva: You have it? Syamarani didi: I xeroxed his copy, you... 14sDsXNrXL8-00034-00020765-00021010 Srila Gurudeva: From when you have...? 14sDsXNrXL8-00035-00021010-00021256 Syamarani didi: He gave it to me a few days ago. 14sDsXNrXL8-00036-00021266-00021479 Srila Gurudeva: A few days ago. Syamarani didi: Yeah... He was.... 14sDsXNrXL8-00037-00021489-00021650 Srila Gurudeva: You are reading? Why you are reading? 14sDsXNrXL8-00038-00021650-00021783 Syamarani didi: Why? *laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00039-00022067-00022323 Syamarani didi: Well it all started when you told me to become... 14sDsXNrXL8-00040-00022333-00022401 Srila Gurudeva: You want to be mad? 14sDsXNrXL8-00041-00022401-00022567 Syamarani didi: Yes. Srila Gurudeva: Huh? Yes!? 14sDsXNrXL8-00042-00022567-00022754 Syamarani didi: It's too miserable to not be mad. 14sDsXNrXL8-00043-00022754-00022986 *laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00044-00023189-00023361 Syamarani didi: So he was reading it every night 14sDsXNrXL8-00045-00023361-00023585 and i xeroxed it and I also read it. 14sDsXNrXL8-00046-00023585-00023893 and he told me to meditate on the pastimes 14sDsXNrXL8-00047-00023903-00024164 or Radha and Krsna when I chanted japa 14sDsXNrXL8-00048-00024174-00024455 to read a little bit and then chant, read a little bit and then chant, 14sDsXNrXL8-00049-00024465-00024587 and remember what I just read. 14sDsXNrXL8-00050-00024597-00024777 And that was really helpful. 14sDsXNrXL8-00051-00024777-00025089 So um... 14sDsXNrXL8-00052-00025099-00025318 So then I'm coming here and I 14sDsXNrXL8-00053-00025318-00025527 just want to get your associaion. Srila Gurudeva: Who made you so...? 14sDsXNrXL8-00054-00025527-00025739 Syamarani didi: Huh? Srila Gurudeva: Who made you so...? 14sDsXNrXL8-00055-00025739-00025974 Syamarani didi: So what? Srila Gurudeva: Mad. 14sDsXNrXL8-00056-00025974-00026202 Srila Gurudeva: For all these things. 14sDsXNrXL8-00057-00026202-00026626 Syamarani didi: Well Aditya first invited me here and... Srila Gurudeva: You were living peacefully.. Syamarani didi: Huh? 14sDsXNrXL8-00058-00026626-00026902 Srila Gurudeva: you were living peacfully for so many years. 14sDsXNrXL8-00059-00026902-00027063 Syamarani didi: Not peacefully, miserably. 14sDsXNrXL8-00060-00027256-00027522 Syamarani didi: Dry, completely dry like a dry well. 14sDsXNrXL8-00061-00027522-00028072 *Laughter* Srila Gurudeva: Aditya has done something. Aditya: No. 14sDsXNrXL8-00062-00028072-00028277 Syamarani didi: She came... Aditya didi: I brought her to you. 14sDsXNrXL8-00063-00028277-00028529 Syamarani didi: She came to my room in Vrindavana last month... Srila Gurudeva: Who? 14sDsXNrXL8-00064-00028529-00028806 Syamarani didi: Aditya came into my room in Vrindavana 14sDsXNrXL8-00065-00028816-00029138 and she said, "I'd like to take you to a siddha purusa." 14sDsXNrXL8-00066-00029148-00029391 "Would you like to meet a siddha purusa." 14sDsXNrXL8-00067-00029845-00030060 Syamarani didi: So... the... 14sDsXNrXL8-00068-00030070-00030436 Srila Gurudeva: This was the aim and final object of Swami ji. 14sDsXNrXL8-00069-00030446-00030785 Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami ji. 14sDsXNrXL8-00070-00030795-00031332 So that his disciples should approach to this ?? (road?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00071-00031342-00031636 Syamarani didi: Mmm hmm. Srila Gurudeva: ?? (Lastly?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00072-00031646-00031895 Syamarani didi: I was reading... Srila Gurudeva: At that 14sDsXNrXL8-00073-00031905-00032298 time he could not tell all these things. 14sDsXNrXL8-00074-00032298-00032778 Syamarani didi: Because we would misunderstand and make it like sahajia. 14sDsXNrXL8-00075-00032813-00033288 Srila Gurudeva: Now in Vaidhi bhakti you are mature. 14sDsXNrXL8-00076-00033288-00033511 Syamarani didi: Mature to nothing. 14sDsXNrXL8-00077-00033511-00033793 Srila Gurudeva: Nothing, but there is something. 14sDsXNrXL8-00078-00033803-00034217 Srila Gurudeva: Sambhana jnana, 14sDsXNrXL8-00079-00034227-00034410 generally sambhanda jnana. 14sDsXNrXL8-00080-00034420-00034560 Devotee: Relations. 14sDsXNrXL8-00081-00034560-00035297 Srila Gurudeva: Knowing that Krsna is whole thing. 14sDsXNrXL8-00082-00035307-00035617 He is sarvesvara, he is isvara of this world. 14sDsXNrXL8-00083-00035617-00036089 And we are so, part and parcels of God. 14sDsXNrXL8-00084-00036089-00036275 We are dasa. 14sDsXNrXL8-00085-00036285-00036624 Srila Gurudeva: Bhakti is only the way. Syamarani didi: All that knowledge but no love. 14sDsXNrXL8-00086-00036624-00037300 Syamarani didi: All the knowledge but no love. Srila Gurudeva: No love, but we should do love to Krsna we have knowledge. 14sDsXNrXL8-00087-00037300-00037525 Syamarani didi: Right. Srila Gurudeva: No? Syamarani didi: Right. 14sDsXNrXL8-00088-00037535-00037942 Srila Gurudeva: But how to approach to that love 14sDsXNrXL8-00089-00038141-00038332 there should be now interest. 14sDsXNrXL8-00090-00038332-00038689 By doing vaidhi bhakti it comes. 14sDsXNrXL8-00091-00038689-00039205 ?? But it is chance that it will come. 14sDsXNrXL8-00092-00039758-00040091 There should be any rasika Vaishnava. 14sDsXNrXL8-00093-00040091-00040782 By the association of that person 14sDsXNrXL8-00094-00040782-00041071 we can go towards that. 14sDsXNrXL8-00095-00041071-00041381 And that person is Srimad Bhagavatam. 14sDsXNrXL8-00096-00041381-00041745 You know? Bhagavatam. 14sDsXNrXL8-00097-00041765-00042077 ?? rasika Vaishnava. 14sDsXNrXL8-00098-00042087-00042305 And Krsna also. 14sDsXNrXL8-00099-00042315-00042614 Krsna and Vaishnava both. 14sDsXNrXL8-00100-00042863-00043215 There is everything in Chaitanya Charitamrita. 14sDsXNrXL8-00101-00043225-00043462 But everythig is in lock. 14sDsXNrXL8-00102-00043472-00043742 You cannot go ?? (there?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00103-00044220-00044612 There are so many things that are not even found in Srimad Bhagavatam. 14sDsXNrXL8-00104-00044622-00044993 You know kili-kincita bhava? 14sDsXNrXL8-00105-00045003-00045256 You? 14sDsXNrXL8-00106-00045266-00045418 Devotee: I've heard yes. 14sDsXNrXL8-00107-00045418-00045550 Srila Gurudeva: Have you heard? 14sDsXNrXL8-00108-00045694-00045851 There are so many words 14sDsXNrXL8-00109-00045861-00046184 that is not ?? (heard?) in Srimad Bhagavatam. 14sDsXNrXL8-00110-00046194-00046494 But in Chaitanya Charitamrita 14sDsXNrXL8-00111-00046504-00046924 it has openly written there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00112-00046934-00047328 and applied in Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. 14sDsXNrXL8-00114-00054857-00055070 Syamarani didi: So now you... Srila Gurudeva: And Tamal Krsna... 14sDsXNrXL8-00115-00055080-00055470 Syamarani didi: Uh huh. Srila Gurudeva: Was agreed that you should live here also? 14sDsXNrXL8-00116-00055470-00055690 Syamarani didi: Yes, to get your association. 14sDsXNrXL8-00117-00055948-00056284 Syamarani didi: He thinks I should go to Bombay afterwards 14sDsXNrXL8-00118-00056284-00056594 and preach for some time also for purification 14sDsXNrXL8-00119-00056604-00056931 and gradually get back into painting more and more 14sDsXNrXL8-00120-00056941-00057221 but when I told him how 14sDsXNrXL8-00121-00057231-00057729 this taste for the whole art project was becoming 14sDsXNrXL8-00122-00057739-00058036 with me being at the helm of it all, manager. 14sDsXNrXL8-00123-00058036-00058261 Because I could'nt get anybody to help. 14sDsXNrXL8-00124-00058261-00058598 Uh, anyway, Krsna was'nt allowing anything to happen. 14sDsXNrXL8-00125-00058598-00058794 So he said that 14sDsXNrXL8-00126-00058804-00059151 I should just wait for a structure to come about 14sDsXNrXL8-00127-00059151-00059364 for doing the picture book project 14sDsXNrXL8-00128-00059364-00059509 and then slip in 14sDsXNrXL8-00129-00059519-00059871 with the part that I can do, which is advising in the art 14sDsXNrXL8-00130-00059881-00059991 and doing artwork, but 14sDsXNrXL8-00131-00059991-00060272 drop this whole thing of trying to do the project myself 14sDsXNrXL8-00132-00060282-00060638 and just get purified in Vrindavana in your association. 14sDsXNrXL8-00133-00060648-00060891 and do some paiting. 14sDsXNrXL8-00134-00060891-00061224 But mostly, as it says in the Rag Vartma Chandrika, 14sDsXNrXL8-00135-00061364-00061782 that, uh, associate and hear and chant. 14sDsXNrXL8-00136-00061791-00062063 Or whatever you think. 14sDsXNrXL8-00137-00062073-00062428 And then when I do paint you said I should paint Vraja lila. 14sDsXNrXL8-00138-00062438-00062807 So, under your direction I'd like to do that. 14sDsXNrXL8-00139-00062817-00063232 See, because it's come to a point Radharani's taken everything 14sDsXNrXL8-00140-00063232-00063502 away so much that I don't even know what service to do. 14sDsXNrXL8-00141-00063512-00063894 Whereas, you know, ?? (with yours?) Srila Gurudeva: Where is Giriraja Maharaja? Syamarani didi: I'm sorry? 14sDsXNrXL8-00142-00063904-00064271 Srila Gurudeva: Giriraja Maharaja, where is he? Syamarania didi: He was also in Bombay. 14sDsXNrXL8-00143-00064281-00064598 Syamarani didi: And he lent me the Lalita Madhava. 14sDsXNrXL8-00144-00064608-00065015 Srila Gurudeva: Lalita Madhava? Syamarani didi: Yeah, which I read while I was in Bombay. 14sDsXNrXL8-00145-00065025-00065536 Srila Gurudeva: There you have better... You can have better association in Bombay. 14sDsXNrXL8-00146-00065546-00065668 Syamarani didi: No. 14sDsXNrXL8-00147-00065678-00065755 Srila Gurudeva: Why? 14sDsXNrXL8-00148-00065755-00065951 Syamarani didi: Because you're the rasika bhakta. 14sDsXNrXL8-00149-00065961-00066017 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? 14sDsXNrXL8-00150-00066027-00066328 Syamarani didi: Because you're the rasika bhakta that I'm supposed to associate with. 14sDsXNrXL8-00151-00066328-00066662 Srila Gurudeva: No. Giriraja and Tamal Krsna 14sDsXNrXL8-00152-00066672-00067086 and... Buri jan. Syamarani didi: Buri jan.. Yeah. 14sDsXNrXL8-00153-00067096-00067343 Srila Gurudeva: The assoication is very good there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00154-00067353-00067771 Syamarani did: Yeah, but Tamal Krsna Mahraja left already 14sDsXNrXL8-00155-00067771-00068203 and it was mainly he that was giving me the association. 14sDsXNrXL8-00156-00068213-00068609 The other two just for a few minuets talking about the sevice. 14sDsXNrXL8-00157-00068609-00069024 And he has gone, and anyway he is just getting everything from you. 14sDsXNrXL8-00158-00069921-00070173 But now you are going to Haridwara. 14sDsXNrXL8-00159-00070173-00070310 So I don't know what to do. 14sDsXNrXL8-00160-00070320-00070708 I was going to go to America aftera fe weeks 14sDsXNrXL8-00161-00070718-00070889 just to get my things and bring them back. 14sDsXNrXL8-00162-00070899-00071323 So I am wondering if I should go now to America during this week? 14sDsXNrXL8-00163-00071333-00071650 While you are in Haridwara, or whatever you think I should do. 14sDsXNrXL8-00164-00071825-00071996 Or go with you to Haridwara 14sDsXNrXL8-00165-00071996-00072350 or stay in Vrindvana or go... Srila Gurudeva: Here summer... Syamarani didi: Yeah. 14sDsXNrXL8-00166-00072350-00072599 Srila Gurudeva: It is not so... 14sDsXNrXL8-00167-00072609-00073096 no so easy 14sDsXNrXL8-00168-00073106-00073384 to have association. 14sDsXNrXL8-00169-00073394-00073708 Because to warm here. 14sDsXNrXL8-00170-00074776-00074956 After rainy season 14sDsXNrXL8-00171-00075157-00075502 it is easy to 14sDsXNrXL8-00172-00075548-00076002 ?? tell Hari katha... 14sDsXNrXL8-00173-00076002-00076359 and other things. 14sDsXNrXL8-00174-00076359-00076748 ?? is so warm 14sDsXNrXL8-00175-00076758-00077426 warm... waves of warm waves coming. 14sDsXNrXL8-00176-00078472-00078750 Syamarani didi: so what are you saying specifically? 14sDsXNrXL8-00177-00079449-00079645 Syamarani didi: When is the rainy season over? 14sDsXNrXL8-00178-00079905-00080686 Srila Gurudeva: June. Devotee: July. Srila Gurudeva: After June, July.. ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00179-00080696-00081487 Srila Gurudeva: Soon all western devotees are flying from India to other contries. 14sDsXNrXL8-00180-00081497-00081817 Syamarani didi: For me I...you would be a cooling effect. 14sDsXNrXL8-00181-00081817-00082493 so, for me I don't care I'm so desperate to get back to your lotus feet. 14sDsXNrXL8-00182-00082503-00083081 Srila Gurudeva: Oh, she is also, Vrindavana Vilasini is also going. 14sDsXNrXL8-00183-00083091-00083306 Syamarani didi: She is going from Vridnavana? 14sDsXNrXL8-00184-00083316-00083690 Whare are you going? Vrindavana Vilasini: Im going to America. 14sDsXNrXL8-00185-00083700-00084123 Vrindavana Vilasini: But hopefully never again, maybe last time. 14sDsXNrXL8-00186-00084133-00084307 I hope, last time. 14sDsXNrXL8-00187-00084317-00084569 Srila Gurudeva: After that you will not go? Vrindavana Vilasini: I'm gonna try not to go. 14sDsXNrXL8-00188-00084579-00084965 I hope. I have to tell my mother goodbye. 14sDsXNrXL8-00189-00084975-00085625 Srila Gurudeva: And Aditya will also go? Vrindavana Vilasini: Nooo. She is not going anywhere. 14sDsXNrXL8-00190-00085635-00085744 Srila Gurudeva: Your family is coming? 14sDsXNrXL8-00191-00085754-00085960 Devotee: Hopefully. 14sDsXNrXL8-00192-00086308-00086786 Syamarani didi: It's already too hot being 14sDsXNrXL8-00193-00086796-00086989 you know, out of Krsna consiousness. 14sDsXNrXL8-00194-00086999-00087093 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? 14sDsXNrXL8-00195-00087103-00087294 Syamarani didi: Samsara Dava lidha loka. 14sDsXNrXL8-00196-00087304-00087559 Thats already too hot for me, no matter where I am. 14sDsXNrXL8-00197-00087569-00087812 So, where ever I have to be 14sDsXNrXL8-00198-00087822-00087947 to get this 14sDsXNrXL8-00199-00087957-00088266 that's what I'd like to do. 14sDsXNrXL8-00200-00089587-00089835 Srila Gurudeva: Have you read Srimad Bhagavatam? 14sDsXNrXL8-00201-00089855-00089975 Tenth canto? 14sDsXNrXL8-00202-00089985-00090222 Syamarani did: Pretty much. 14sDsXNrXL8-00203-00090232-00090398 Srila Gurudeva: Hmm? Syamarani didi: Pretty much. 14sDsXNrXL8-00204-00090408-00090850 Syamarani did: I read Prabhupadas first three volumes. 14sDsXNrXL8-00205-00090870-00091115 Srila Gurudeva: You have read this sloka? 14sDsXNrXL8-00207-00095676-00096322 sa vai pu?s?? paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhok?aje 14sDsXNrXL8-00208-00096332-00096692 ahaituky apratihat? yay?tm? supras?dati (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.26) 14sDsXNrXL8-00209-00096692-00096809 Srila Gurudeva: Have you heard? Syamarani didi: Mmm hmm. 14sDsXNrXL8-00210-00096819-00096951 Srila Gurudeva: Can you explain? 14sDsXNrXL8-00211-00096951-00097244 Syamarani didi: ?? )(That?) activity which 14sDsXNrXL8-00212-00097254-00097443 gives love of God is real religion. Srila Gurudeva: Eh? 14sDsXNrXL8-00213-00097443-00097969 Syamarani didi: That activity which gives causless devotion to Krsna, 14sDsXNrXL8-00214-00097979-00098305 that activity is real religion and should be done. 14sDsXNrXL8-00215-00098315-00098485 Srila Gurudeva: What is the causless? 14sDsXNrXL8-00216-00098495-00098974 Srila Gurudeva: The ?? (reason?) Syamarani didi: I don't know, what is it? 14sDsXNrXL8-00217-00098984-00099363 Srila Gurudeva: You know, you are a preacher. Syamarani didi: Where there is no.. there is no.. Srila Gurudeva: You should know. 14sDsXNrXL8-00218-00099373-00099554 Syamarani didi: There is no motive. 14sDsXNrXL8-00219-00099564-00099787 for any personal... Srila Gurudeva: Why 14sDsXNrXL8-00220-00099787-00100022 Srila Gurudeva: What is the highest topmost 14sDsXNrXL8-00221-00100032-00100345 example for this? 14sDsXNrXL8-00222-00100355-00100460 Syamarani didi: Radharani. 14sDsXNrXL8-00223-00100470-00100623 Srila Gurudeva: How? 14sDsXNrXL8-00224-00100633-00101012 Syamarani didi: Because She has no personal consideration 14sDsXNrXL8-00225-00101084-00101266 in Her service to Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00226-00101276-00101575 Everything is for His satisfaction. Srila Gurudeva: What? 14sDsXNrXL8-00227-00101585-00101780 Srila Gurudeva: What her action? 14sDsXNrXL8-00228-00101875-00102183 Syamarani didi: Everything, Her bodily expressions 14sDsXNrXL8-00229-00102193-00102546 Her feelings of seperation. 14sDsXNrXL8-00230-00102556-00102685 Her pleasing Him in every way. 14sDsXNrXL8-00231-00102695-00102990 Her knowing... Srila Gurudeva: ?? detain in Rasa lila. 14sDsXNrXL8-00232-00103093-00103327 Meeting with Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00233-00103337-00103437 Becoming mad for Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00234-00103686-00103956 Seeking Krsna all gopis. 14sDsXNrXL8-00235-00104042-00104216 And Krsna took Her. 14sDsXNrXL8-00236-00104226-00104508 Leaving all gopis. 14sDsXNrXL8-00237-00104518-00104857 Doing sringara of Radhika. 14sDsXNrXL8-00238-00105068-00105339 Doing everything for Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00239-00105349-00105683 And Krsna also doing everything for gopis. 14sDsXNrXL8-00240-00105703-00106087 This is the highest "sa vai pu?s?? paro dharmo" 14sDsXNrXL8-00241-00106097-00106224 This is param dharma. 14sDsXNrXL8-00242-00106427-00106770 In any book you will not see this. 14sDsXNrXL8-00243-00106958-00107276 Ahaitukya 14sDsXNrXL8-00244-00107286-00107596 Ahaitukya... no reason. 14sDsXNrXL8-00245-00107606-00108194 Why they are serving Krsna and Krsna is serving to Radhika why? 14sDsXNrXL8-00246-00108204-00108305 No reason. 14sDsXNrXL8-00247-00108463-00109078 (?apratihata?) ?? (?apratihat??) What is the meaining of (?apratihat??)? 14sDsXNrXL8-00248-00109088-00109551 No... *Indistinct* No ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00249-00109551-00109790 Devotees: No interruption. 14sDsXNrXL8-00250-00109800-00110004 Srila Gurudeva: No interruption. 14sDsXNrXL8-00251-00110142-00110278 Asta-yama 14sDsXNrXL8-00252-00110288-00110398 Asta-yama you know? 14sDsXNrXL8-00253-00110549-00110691 What is asta-yama? 14sDsXNrXL8-00254-00110859-00111265 Eight... yama. 14sDsXNrXL8-00255-00111275-00111506 Eight yama means? 14sDsXNrXL8-00256-00111721-00111882 Twenty four hours. 14sDsXNrXL8-00257-00111892-00112046 Continue. 14sDsXNrXL8-00258-00112056-00112460 Twenty four hours class... 14sDsXNrXL8-00259-00112470-00112579 Devotee: Continuous. 14sDsXNrXL8-00260-00112579-00112717 Srila Gurudeva: Whole life. 14sDsXNrXL8-00261-00112727-00113237 Srila Gurudeva: The whole life of Radhika and the gopis what is that time? 14sDsXNrXL8-00262-00113247-00113423 Whole life? 14sDsXNrXL8-00263-00113433-00113767 Syamarani didi: Always being mad after Krsna and serving Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00264-00114303-00114538 Srila Gurudeva: Our whole life is hundred years. 14sDsXNrXL8-00265-00114548-00114713 Syamarani didi: While the're eternal. 14sDsXNrXL8-00266-00114723-00114999 Srila Gurudeva: But the whole life of gopis is? 14sDsXNrXL8-00267-00115009-00115173 How much? Syamarani didi: The're eternal. 14sDsXNrXL8-00268-00115183-00115464 Srila Gurudeva: So, eternal. 14sDsXNrXL8-00269-00115474-00115612 Without ceasless. 14sDsXNrXL8-00270-00115622-00115773 Without causless. 14sDsXNrXL8-00271-00115783-00116131 All this Vraja gopi Vraja bhava. 14sDsXNrXL8-00272-00116141-00116287 Serving to Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00273-00116297-00116667 Not serving to Krsna, but Krsna is serving to them. 14sDsXNrXL8-00274-00116887-00117270 This is "sa vai pu?s?? paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhok?aje" 14sDsXNrXL8-00275-00117461-00118657 *Hindi* *Indistinct* 14sDsXNrXL8-00276-00118717-00118967 Srila Gurudeva: This is the main purport of Srimad Bhagavatam. 14sDsXNrXL8-00277-00118977-00119352 But it has been not explained like so 14sDsXNrXL8-00278-00119362-00119614 in beginning. 14sDsXNrXL8-00279-00119624-00120069 ?? this sloka is beginnig of Srimad Bhagavatam. 14sDsXNrXL8-00280-00120312-00120501 One beginning also 14sDsXNrXL8-00281-00120511-00120749 Devotee: janm?dy asya yato... Srila Gurudeva: Eh? 14sDsXNrXL8-00282-00120769-00121103 Devotee: janm?dy asya yato.. Srila Gurudeva. Huh. janm?dy asya yatah. 14sDsXNrXL8-00283-00121113-00121383 This sloka have you heard? 14sDsXNrXL8-00284-00121393-00121758 In this janm?dy yatah 14sDsXNrXL8-00285-00121768-00122330 ?? adi sringara rasasasya Devotee: Adi rasa. 14sDsXNrXL8-00286-00122340-00122529 Sringar rasaysa mene? 14sDsXNrXL8-00287-00122539-00122718 Vraja rasasya. 14sDsXNrXL8-00288-00122728-00122922 Vraja rasasya means here 14sDsXNrXL8-00289-00122932-00123217 only the love of Srimati Radhika. 14sDsXNrXL8-00290-00123227-00123406 This is sringara rasa. 14sDsXNrXL8-00291-00123416-00123847 From whom it takes birth 14sDsXNrXL8-00292-00123857-00124540 that thing is janm?dy asya yatah. 14sDsXNrXL8-00293-00124550-00124822 But clearly it has not been stated there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00294-00124832-00125038 Because it is in ?? (?hidden view?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00295-00125048-00125260 In tenths canot this sloka 14sDsXNrXL8-00296-00125270-00125689 and sa vai pumsa has been explained like so that I am telling. 14sDsXNrXL8-00297-00125897-00126238 Syamarani didi: Where? Srila Gurudeva: Eh? Syamarani didi: Where in the tenth canto? 14sDsXNrXL8-00298-00126248-00126387 Srila Gurudeva: Here, here here. 14sDsXNrXL8-00299-00126397-00126660 *Laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00300-00126670-00127201 Srila Gurudeva: Tenth canto in twenty first chapter... 14sDsXNrXL8-00301-00127211-00127589 Tenth canto twenty first ?? chapter 14sDsXNrXL8-00302-00127599-00128096 and twenty ninth to ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00303-00128106-00128443 and ?? it has been ??. 14sDsXNrXL8-00304-00128754-00129320 Today you have not chanted Hari nam? 14sDsXNrXL8-00305-00129330-00129412 There? 14sDsXNrXL8-00306-00129422-00129816 Srila Gurudeva: You have come... Devotee: Come right here. Srila Gurudeva: Flying here. 14sDsXNrXL8-00307-00129826-00129923 Devotee: Flying here. 14sDsXNrXL8-00308-00129943-00130341 Srila Gurudeva: (?You have nothing at all?) *Laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00309-00130981-00131088 Devotee: Nothing. 14sDsXNrXL8-00310-00131098-00131716 Srila Gurudeva: You are mad and you are trying to make me mad also. 14sDsXNrXL8-00311-00132622-00132917 Syamarani didi: So what should I do with ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00312-00132927-00133254 Srila Gurudeva: You should b, very peacefully 14sDsXNrXL8-00313-00133264-00133569 preach in western countries 14sDsXNrXL8-00314-00133579-00133933 Hare K?i?h?a Hare K?i?h?a K?i?h?a K?i?h?a Hare Hare 14sDsXNrXL8-00315-00133933-00134182 Hare R?ma Hare R?ma R?ma R?ma Hare Hare 14sDsXNrXL8-00316-00134192-00134466 Don't bother and don't be mad. 14sDsXNrXL8-00317-00134466-00135217 *Laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00318-00135227-00135568 Syamarani didi: I would do that if I thought my preaching would have effect 14sDsXNrXL8-00319-00135578-00135788 but without connection with Radha, 14sDsXNrXL8-00320-00135798-00135963 as you said, it does'nt have effect. 14sDsXNrXL8-00321-00136598-00136789 *Srila Gurudeva softly chants Maha Mantra* 14sDsXNrXL8-00322-00138041-00138414 Srila Gurudeva: I was ready to go to Haridwara today. 14sDsXNrXL8-00323-00138424-00138726 Srila Gurudeva: I have not done anything today. 14sDsXNrXL8-00324-00138736-00139245 I have not gone to do pranams to Deities also. 14sDsXNrXL8-00325-00139255-00139791 I was waiting that I will go, and in wait I will chant Hare Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00326-00140042-00140346 Syamarani didi: But you're always doing that anyway. 14sDsXNrXL8-00327-00140356-00140512 Internally. 14sDsXNrXL8-00328-00140879-00142784 *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00329-00142804-00142999 Syamarani didi: When will you be back, well what should I do? 14sDsXNrXL8-00330-00143009-00143406 When will you be back to Vrindavana.. Srila Gurudeva: Eh? Syamarani didi: What should I do. When will you be back to Vrindavana? 14sDsXNrXL8-00331-00143416-00143631 Syamarani didi: What should I do? 14sDsXNrXL8-00332-00144273-00144569 Srila Gurudeva: You have any idea what she should do? 14sDsXNrXL8-00333-00144579-00145127 Srila Gurudeva: You should chant and sleep and take prasad. 14sDsXNrXL8-00334-00145137-00145698 And take rest. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00335-00146728-00146990 Syamarani didi: I need to wake up that's what I need to do. 14sDsXNrXL8-00336-00147201-00147505 Srila Gurudeva: You should read Srimad Bhagavatam. 14sDsXNrXL8-00337-00147515-00147876 Very thoroughly 14sDsXNrXL8-00338-00147886-00148274 ?? explanation. 14sDsXNrXL8-00339-00148284-00148672 But if the explanation of Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura is there, 14sDsXNrXL8-00340-00148682-00148832 sooo good. 14sDsXNrXL8-00341-00149026-00149309 But it is hard to have. 14sDsXNrXL8-00342-00149550-00149821 Syamarani didi: Which part should I read? 14sDsXNrXL8-00343-00149831-00149990 Srila Gurudeva: Tenth canto. 14sDsXNrXL8-00344-00150000-00150333 Syamarani didi: Now the tenth canto you mean if you mean the eh.. 14sDsXNrXL8-00345-00150343-00150669 Srila Gurudeva: Where there is lesson of gopis. 14sDsXNrXL8-00346-00150679-00150933 Syamarani didi: Now thats Hridayananda Maharaja. 14sDsXNrXL8-00347-00150943-00151300 Devotee: Yeah. Syamarani didi: Translated. Devotee: He gives alot of Visvanatha Chakravarti. 14sDsXNrXL8-00348-00151300-00151489 Srila Gurudeva: Oh, then you can try to read. 14sDsXNrXL8-00349-00151499-00151678 (?He is telling something?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00350-00151688-00152251 Syamarani didi: He does ?? Srila Gurudeva: But I think... Vrindavana Vilasini didi: Yea he does all the Chakravarti 21 to ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00351-00152261-00152831 Srila Gurudeva: But I think that all ideas are not there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00352-00152841-00153044 I have not read. 14sDsXNrXL8-00353-00153054-00153230 It may be. 14sDsXNrXL8-00354-00153240-00153479 Syamarani didi: Well I'm sure he would'nt have put in too much 14sDsXNrXL8-00355-00153489-00153736 because he is... 14sDsXNrXL8-00356-00153736-00154071 I just don't think he would have put in. Vrindavana Vilasini didi: He put in some 14sDsXNrXL8-00357-00154071-00154288 he put in some of Visvanatha, but not all. 14sDsXNrXL8-00358-00154298-00154424 Just some, very little. 14sDsXNrXL8-00359-00154434-00154557 Srila Gurudeva: Have you read Jaiva Dharma? 14sDsXNrXL8-00360-00154567-00154642 Syamarani didi: No. 14sDsXNrXL8-00361-00154652-00154909 Srila Gurudeva: You should ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00362-00154919-00155366 At least third chapter. (Third part) 14sDsXNrXL8-00363-00155585-00155860 You should know also first and second. 14sDsXNrXL8-00364-00155870-00156453 It will be very helpfull very very helpfull. 14sDsXNrXL8-00365-00156463-00156741 And read the books of Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura. 14sDsXNrXL8-00366-00156751-00156857 Syamarani didi: Like what? 14sDsXNrXL8-00367-00156867-00157161 Srila Gurudeva: Madhurya Kadambini first. 14sDsXNrXL8-00368-00157329-00157551 Devotee: Maybe you could get a copy? 14sDsXNrXL8-00369-00157561-00157704 Srila Gurudeva: Madhurya Kadambini. 14sDsXNrXL8-00370-00157714-00158044 The spirit of devotees. 14sDsXNrXL8-00371-00158054-00158409 With anartha, without anartha. 14sDsXNrXL8-00372-00158419-00158726 How to wash anartha. 14sDsXNrXL8-00373-00158736-00159269 Up to real bhakti. 14sDsXNrXL8-00374-00159279-00159491 ?? ?? (?covered in?) books. 14sDsXNrXL8-00375-00159501-00159959 This is raganuga bhakti. 14sDsXNrXL8-00376-00159969-00160277 It will help you. 14sDsXNrXL8-00377-00160287-00160697 And after that you can read anything. 14sDsXNrXL8-00378-00160707-00160954 Syamarani didi: Anything? 14sDsXNrXL8-00379-00160964-00161274 Srila Gurudeva: Anything means good books. 14sDsXNrXL8-00380-00161284-00161401 Syamarani didi: Like what? 14sDsXNrXL8-00381-00161411-00161590 Srila Gurudeva: Chaitanya Charitamrita 14sDsXNrXL8-00382-00161600-00162138 first chapter adi... 14sDsXNrXL8-00383-00162148-00162580 *indistinct* 14sDsXNrXL8-00384-00162590-00162740 Everything in books, everything. 14sDsXNrXL8-00385-00163039-00163177 When mind is changed 14sDsXNrXL8-00386-00163187-00163492 the meanings are changed. 14sDsXNrXL8-00388-00169938-00170155 Syamarani didi: How long will you be in Haridwara? 14sDsXNrXL8-00389-00170165-00170272 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? 14sDsXNrXL8-00390-00170282-00170440 Syamarani didi: How long will you be in Haridwara? 14sDsXNrXL8-00391-00170450-00170621 Srila Gurudeva: Haridwara? 14sDsXNrXL8-00392-00170631-00170731 About three or four days. 14sDsXNrXL8-00393-00171014-00171190 Syamarani didi: And then back here? 14sDsXNrXL8-00394-00171419-00171856 Srila Gurudeva: How many days will you be staying in Vrindavana? 14sDsXNrXL8-00395-00171866-00172053 Syamarani didi: As long as you think I should. 14sDsXNrXL8-00396-00172063-00172203 I guess. 14sDsXNrXL8-00397-00172649-00172886 Srila Gurudeva: But it will be very hard for you. 14sDsXNrXL8-00398-00172896-00173231 Syamarani didi: Why? Srila Gurudeva: Because it is summer. 14sDsXNrXL8-00399-00173241-00173705 you ?? not stayed in summer? Syamarani didi: No. 14sDsXNrXL8-00400-00173715-00173900 Srila Gurudeva: It is very hard. 14sDsXNrXL8-00401-00174111-00174213 It is going 14sDsXNrXL8-00402-00174223-00174507 gradually very 14sDsXNrXL8-00403-00174517-00174907 warm. 14sDsXNrXL8-00406-00185637-00185766 Syamarani didi: Tamal Krsna Maharaja 14sDsXNrXL8-00407-00185766-00185918 suggested that when it got too hot 14sDsXNrXL8-00408-00185928-00186192 I should go to Bombay and then preach some and then come back here. 14sDsXNrXL8-00409-00186498-00186866 Srila Gurudeva: Then you should go now to Bombay. 14sDsXNrXL8-00410-00186876-00186986 Syamarani didi: Now? 14sDsXNrXL8-00411-00186996-00187328 Srila Gurudeva: Because it is so summer. Vrindavana Vilasini: June is worse. 14sDsXNrXL8-00412-00187338-00187609 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? Vrindavana Vilasini: June is worse, May is alright. 14sDsXNrXL8-00413-00187619-00187991 Devotees: May is alright. June is terrible. 14sDsXNrXL8-00414-00188001-00188525 Srila Gurudeva: So May you can ... and after that you can go to Bombay. 14sDsXNrXL8-00415-00188535-00188878 And take rest there. After one or two months you should return. 14sDsXNrXL8-00416-00188888-00189217 It will be easier. 14sDsXNrXL8-00417-00189394-00190406 *Indistinct conversations* Vriindavana Vilasini: ?? she can come for all the festivals. 14sDsXNrXL8-00418-00190416-00190700 Because the rain is coming. 14sDsXNrXL8-00419-00190710-00190956 Syamarani didi: Should I give up painting now 14sDsXNrXL8-00420-00190966-00191317 and just do the hearing and chanting or should I do some painting also? 14sDsXNrXL8-00421-00191327-00191486 At this time. 14sDsXNrXL8-00422-00191496-00191871 Srila Gurudeva: What? Syamarani didi? Hmm? Srila Gurudeva: What? 14sDsXNrXL8-00423-00191881-00191961 Syamarani didi: Should I.. 14sDsXNrXL8-00424-00191971-00192305 You know I told you I was do.. Prabhupada told me to do the picture books. 14sDsXNrXL8-00425-00192315-00192758 And you said to do it of Vraja lila for my heart purification. 14sDsXNrXL8-00426-00192768-00193315 Srila Gurudeva: You should select... You should select what you should do. 14sDsXNrXL8-00427-00193557-00194113 What ?? how to in this way. 14sDsXNrXL8-00428-00194309-00195221 To remember to all these the pastimes of Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00429-00195452-00196042 and how you can ?? (?helping?) attached with all these things. 14sDsXNrXL8-00430-00196052-00196182 Avesha you know? 14sDsXNrXL8-00431-00196192-00196565 Syamarani didi: Forgot. *Clears throat* 14sDsXNrXL8-00432-00196770-00197012 Syamarani didi: Avesha means attachment? 14sDsXNrXL8-00433-00197022-00197618 Srila Gurudeva: As we have so much attachment with ?? Worldly affairs. 14sDsXNrXL8-00434-00197638-00198087 we should have attachment in Krsna pastimes. 14sDsXNrXL8-00435-00198268-00198469 How we can develop, 14sDsXNrXL8-00436-00198479-00198664 we will have to ?? (?see?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00437-00198815-00198998 If by pictures 14sDsXNrXL8-00438-00199008-00199306 you can develop your ideas then 14sDsXNrXL8-00439-00199316-00199422 it is good. 14sDsXNrXL8-00440-00199422-00199563 Symarani didi: You see thats what Prabhupada told me to... 14sDsXNrXL8-00441-00199573-00199755 I've been painting for his books. 14sDsXNrXL8-00442-00199755-00200176 But then in 1976 he told me to do picture books of his books. 14sDsXNrXL8-00443-00200186-00200515 Just pictures and some words. 14sDsXNrXL8-00444-00200525-00200819 So I'm wondering if I should do that now, 14sDsXNrXL8-00445-00200829-00201055 or wait some time and just hear and chant now. 14sDsXNrXL8-00446-00201065-00201428 Or what is the best thing for my development now? 14sDsXNrXL8-00447-00201438-00202115 Srika Gurudeva: All the orders are not permanent. 14sDsXNrXL8-00448-00202125-00202475 Some orders 14sDsXNrXL8-00449-00202485-00202621 are permanent. 14sDsXNrXL8-00450-00202631-00202764 Eternal. 14sDsXNrXL8-00451-00202774-00203016 And some orders 14sDsXNrXL8-00452-00203026-00203300 are for time being. 14sDsXNrXL8-00453-00203741-00203947 So... 14sDsXNrXL8-00454-00203957-00204576 What he has ordered only for your ?? *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00455-00204831-00205043 ...development in bhakti. 14sDsXNrXL8-00456-00205053-00205177 Syamarani didi: Right. 14sDsXNrXL8-00457-00205450-00205671 Srila Gurudeva: When a... 14sDsXNrXL8-00458-00205681-00205822 when a devtoee 14sDsXNrXL8-00459-00205822-00206185 develops his bhakti in raganuga 14sDsXNrXL8-00460-00206194-00206977 then the order is ?? (?too?) develop your ?? (?bhakti / practice?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00461-00207210-00207696 Your guru has told that you should write abcd... 14sDsXNrXL8-00462-00207706-00207881 You should learn. 14sDsXNrXL8-00463-00207891-00208499 ?? You will have to learn. 14sDsXNrXL8-00464-00208509-00208639 Abc... 14sDsXNrXL8-00465-00208649-00208932 But... for some time. 14sDsXNrXL8-00466-00208942-00209114 When you have learned Abcd... 14sDsXNrXL8-00467-00209124-00209305 Then you will have to read books. 14sDsXNrXL8-00468-00209315-00209612 *Break* 14sDsXNrXL8-00469-00209622-00209833 Syamarani didi: When we chant the Holy Name 14sDsXNrXL8-00470-00209842-00210053 should we think of pastimes 14sDsXNrXL8-00471-00210063-00210462 or Radha and Krsna while we're chanting japa? 14sDsXNrXL8-00472-00210472-00210847 That is, Tamal Krnsa Maharaja suggested that I read something, 14sDsXNrXL8-00473-00210857-00211177 and then chant and think of what I just read in the pastime. 14sDsXNrXL8-00474-00211187-00211484 So what's the actual best procedure? 14sDsXNrXL8-00475-00211494-00211749 Srila Gurudeva: There are two kinds of bhakti. 14sDsXNrXL8-00476-00211759-00212225 Perhaps you know? Vaidhi and raganuga. 14sDsXNrXL8-00477-00212235-00212324 Syamarani didi: Right. 14sDsXNrXL8-00478-00212334-00212505 Srila Gurudeva: You know vaidhi-bhakti? Syamarani didi: Yes. 14sDsXNrXL8-00479-00212515-00213144 Srila Gurudeva: In vaidhi-bhakti 14sDsXNrXL8-00480-00213154-00213591 what Rupa Gosvami has told in Bhakti-rasa-amrita-sindhu. 14sDsXNrXL8-00481-00213850-00214087 Srila Gurudeva: You are not hearing. Syamarani didi: I'm hearing. 14sDsXNrXL8-00482-00214097-00214381 Syamarani didi: What Rupa Gosvami has told in Bhakti-rasa-amrita-sindhu. 14sDsXNrXL8-00483-00214391-00214572 I'm hearing. 14sDsXNrXL8-00484-00214582-00215086 Srila Gurudeva: You have puzzled my mind. 14sDsXNrXL8-00485-00215096-00215252 *Laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00486-00215262-00215477 Srila Gurudeva: From half an hour there.... 14sDsXNrXL8-00487-00215487-00216302 *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00488-00216312-00216743 Srila Gurudeva: ?? Vaidhi-bhakti and raganuga. 14sDsXNrXL8-00489-00216753-00216899 In vaidhi-bhakti 14sDsXNrXL8-00490-00216909-00217194 Swamiji has written so many books. 14sDsXNrXL8-00491-00217423-00217779 He has also left in his writings, 14sDsXNrXL8-00492-00217789-00218105 so many things for raganuga also. 14sDsXNrXL8-00493-00218115-00218796 But clearly he has not given all these things. 14sDsXNrXL8-00494-00218806-00219043 And any Acharya 14sDsXNrXL8-00495-00219053-00219227 in our line 14sDsXNrXL8-00496-00219237-00219608 clearly they have not told so much. 14sDsXNrXL8-00497-00219608-00219919 Very gently 14sDsXNrXL8-00498-00219929-00220144 and in hidden way 14sDsXNrXL8-00499-00220154-00220384 all things have been given. 14sDsXNrXL8-00500-00220540-00221313 Even the mantra also we recieve from our spiritual master, 14sDsXNrXL8-00501-00221323-00221799 they have so many good meanings. 14sDsXNrXL8-00502-00222053-00222259 Of Vraja bhava. 14sDsXNrXL8-00503-00222269-00222655 But yet, all has been hidden. 14sDsXNrXL8-00504-00222665-00223134 And locked in iron chest. 14sDsXNrXL8-00505-00223144-00223545 But it has been kept... 14sDsXNrXL8-00506-00223555-00224103 kept in very strong lock and key. 14sDsXNrXL8-00507-00224259-00224548 As a father 14sDsXNrXL8-00508-00224558-00224782 keeps everything 14sDsXNrXL8-00509-00224792-00224984 for his little boy, 14sDsXNrXL8-00510-00224994-00225164 when he is dying. 14sDsXNrXL8-00511-00225174-00225376 That person 14sDsXNrXL8-00512-00225386-00225774 for boys he leaves everything. 14sDsXNrXL8-00513-00225995-00226335 But not openly. 14sDsXNrXL8-00514-00226345-00226585 Because all will take out. 14sDsXNrXL8-00515-00226768-00227236 There will be some time to be mature. 14sDsXNrXL8-00516-00227246-00227725 So he puts everything in hidden way. 14sDsXNrXL8-00517-00227735-00227952 So everything is hidden 14sDsXNrXL8-00518-00228180-00228403 in our line. 14sDsXNrXL8-00519-00228626-00229057 In guru mantra 14sDsXNrXL8-00520-00229067-00229279 in Gauranga mantra 14sDsXNrXL8-00521-00229289-00229495 guru gayatrie 14sDsXNrXL8-00522-00229505-00229623 Gauranga gayatrie 14sDsXNrXL8-00523-00229633-00229817 Gopala mantra, 14sDsXNrXL8-00524-00229828-00229991 Gopal mene Krsna mantra. 14sDsXNrXL8-00525-00230001-00230244 And in kama gayatrie. 14sDsXNrXL8-00526-00230254-00230431 Everything is there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00527-00230602-00230848 But for vaidhi bhakti 14sDsXNrXL8-00528-00231051-00231269 one kind of thought 14sDsXNrXL8-00529-00231279-00231618 and for raganuga one kind of thought. 14sDsXNrXL8-00530-00231628-00232009 Main thing is that, 14sDsXNrXL8-00531-00232019-00232509 if a man has greed for anything 14sDsXNrXL8-00532-00232519-00232886 no rules and regulations. 14sDsXNrXL8-00533-00233851-00234012 Rules and regulations 14sDsXNrXL8-00534-00234022-00234567 is for that time 14sDsXNrXL8-00535-00234577-00234844 who have no greed. 14sDsXNrXL8-00536-00234854-00235155 And if greed comes, 14sDsXNrXL8-00537-00235380-00235571 I want this thing, 14sDsXNrXL8-00538-00235582-00235900 anyhow, by hook and crook, 14sDsXNrXL8-00539-00235910-00236174 I will have to take this thing. 14sDsXNrXL8-00540-00236406-00236633 Gopis wanted to 14sDsXNrXL8-00541-00236643-00236884 love Krsna 14sDsXNrXL8-00542-00236894-00237205 so they, in hidden way 14sDsXNrXL8-00543-00237215-00237634 even they 14sDsXNrXL8-00544-00237644-00238090 escaped their husbands eyes. 14sDsXNrXL8-00545-00238100-00238407 Try to read tenth canto. 14sDsXNrXL8-00546-00238417-00238694 First there is a relation with Krsna and gopis. 14sDsXNrXL8-00547-00238704-00238888 Everything. 14sDsXNrXL8-00548-00238898-00239192 Then you will have some idea to do service. 14sDsXNrXL8-00549-00239202-00239649 Syamarani didi: To do service with the soul you mean? Srila Gurudeva: Radha and Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00550-00239659-00239857 First you should... 14sDsXNrXL8-00551-00239867-00240284 Madhurya Kadambini is a book of Raganuga bhakti. 14sDsXNrXL8-00552-00240294-00240584 This will help you, much. 14sDsXNrXL8-00553-00240594-00240794 And also, 14sDsXNrXL8-00554-00240804-00241072 the books of Bhaktivinoda Thakura. 14sDsXNrXL8-00555-00241082-00241313 Such as Jaiva Dharma. 14sDsXNrXL8-00556-00241323-00241536 Especually third ?? (?part?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00557-00241536-00241761 Third... Devotees: Part. Srila Gurudeva: Chapter. 14sDsXNrXL8-00558-00241998-00242290 I wanted to speak something 14sDsXNrXL8-00559-00242300-00242608 today but car is there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00560-00242618-00242834 *Hindi?* 14sDsXNrXL8-00561-00242844-00243017 Syamarani didi: What about tonight? 14sDsXNrXL8-00562-00243027-00243214 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? Syamarani didi: Tonight? 14sDsXNrXL8-00563-00243224-00243468 Srila Gurudeva: Night? Syamarani didi: Tonight, this night? 14sDsXNrXL8-00564-00243478-00243706 Srila Gurudeva: This night? Syamarani didi: Tonight, this evening? 14sDsXNrXL8-00565-00243716-00244061 Srila Gurudeva: This evening? This evening I will going class. 14sDsXNrXL8-00566-00244099-00244394 ?? I cannot tell more. 14sDsXNrXL8-00567-00244404-00244682 Because it becomes ?? (?warm?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00568-00244692-00245626 *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00569-00245636-00245895 Srila Gurudeva: Try to come 14sDsXNrXL8-00570-00245905-00246127 in lonely. 14sDsXNrXL8-00571-00246137-00246455 So that no other persons can be. 14sDsXNrXL8-00572-00246455-00246611 I will ?? (?disturb you?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00573-00246621-00246892 Syamarani didi: What do you mean? ?? Devotee: How is that possible? 14sDsXNrXL8-00574-00246902-00247069 *Laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00575-00247079-00247383 Devotee: You should give some clue about that. 14sDsXNrXL8-00576-00247393-00247802 Srila Gurudeva: What I say? *Laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00577-00247812-00247997 Devotee: But it's not in our hands. 14sDsXNrXL8-00578-00248007-00248193 Srila Gurudeva: There are several... 14sDsXNrXL8-00579-00248203-00248454 several... 14sDsXNrXL8-00580-00248707-00249078 ?? of devotees. 14sDsXNrXL8-00581-00249088-00249258 Devotee: Star? 14sDsXNrXL8-00582-00249268-00249434 Srila Gurudeva: Classification, levels. 14sDsXNrXL8-00583-00249444-00249982 If lowest level and highest level 14sDsXNrXL8-00584-00249992-00250190 Devotee: Together. Srila Gurudeva: Together, then 14sDsXNrXL8-00585-00250190-00250423 it is makes so difficult 14sDsXNrXL8-00586-00250433-00250641 to tell anything. 14sDsXNrXL8-00587-00250651-00250954 Syamarani didi: We came at ten today 'cus that when you told us to come. 14sDsXNrXL8-00588-00250964-00251356 Srila Gurudeva: But I don't remember that I will have to go there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00589-00251366-00251688 Syamarani didi: So when should we come next? Srila Gurudeva: This time is good... 14sDsXNrXL8-00590-00251698-00251800 Syamarani didi: Ten? Srila Gurudeva. For me. 14sDsXNrXL8-00591-00251810-00251905 Srila Gurudeva: Ten. 14sDsXNrXL8-00592-00251915-00252197 Syamarani didi: Is tomorrow OK? Srila Gurudeva: Tomorrow I will go to Vrindavana. 14sDsXNrXL8-00593-00252207-00252605 Syamarani didi: Can we see you in Vrindavna or no? Srila Gurudeva: In Vrindavana math I will go there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00594-00252615-00252969 Syamarani didi: We shold come to Vrindavana matha at ten? 14sDsXNrXL8-00595-00252979-00253285 Devotee: We can try ?? in the morning. 14sDsXNrXL8-00596-00253295-00253770 Srila Gurudeva: Tomorrow and after that day I will be in Vrindavaa. Two days. 14sDsXNrXL8-00597-00253780-00254140 You can come anytime. 14sDsXNrXL8-00598-00254150-00254423 Syamarani didi: OK Srila Gurudeva: But I will be busy perhaps. 14sDsXNrXL8-00599-00254434-00254932 Devotee: You have some program while you're in Vrindavana? 14sDsXNrXL8-00600-00254942-00255372 *Break* Srila Gurudeva: Yes. Devotee: So we should just try? 14sDsXNrXL8-00601-00255382-00255597 Devotee: Not so difficult in Vrindavana. 14sDsXNrXL8-00602-00255607-00255781 Srila Gurudeva: All you can come there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00603-00255791-00256086 *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00604-00256096-00256310 Devotee: When... Srila Gurudeva: Chalo, chalo chalo... 14sDsXNrXL8-00605-00256320-00256452 Devotee: Maharaja, one question, when 14sDsXNrXL8-00606-00256462-00256738 gopis parents, they stopped them, 14sDsXNrXL8-00607-00256748-00256928 they could hear Krsnas flute also? 14sDsXNrXL8-00608-00256938-00257292 Parents, husbands, they could also hear that flute? 14sDsXNrXL8-00609-00257302-00257530 So how did they know what they were doing? 14sDsXNrXL8-00610-00257540-00257854 They were going, and they stopped them from going. 14sDsXNrXL8-00611-00257864-00258036 They didn't know why they were going? Srila Gurudeva: When you come in that stage 14sDsXNrXL8-00612-00258036-00258344 you will know everything. Devotee: Understand it. 14sDsXNrXL8-00613-00258355-00258503 *Laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00614-00258503-00258660 Devotee: Have to wait. 14sDsXNrXL8-00615-00258670-00259040 Syamarani didi: In the Madhurya Kadambini it seems like it will take many many births... 14sDsXNrXL8-00616-00259050-00259167 There are so many... Srila Gurudeva: No, no, no no no no... 14sDsXNrXL8-00617-00259177-00259290 Syamarani didi: Obstacles. 14sDsXNrXL8-00618-00259300-00259579 *Break* 14sDsXNrXL8-00619-00259589-00259759 Srila Gurudeva: To whom you are ?? (?prefer better?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00620-00259769-00260072 Syamarani didi: You mean the samadhi or the bhajan? 14sDsXNrXL8-00621-00260082-00260295 Srila Gurudeva: Uhuh. Syamarani didi: Arn't they the same? 14sDsXNrXL8-00622-00260305-00260649 Srila Gurudeva: Same, but yet there is something. 14sDsXNrXL8-00623-00260659-00260904 Syamarani didi: You once said that the samadhi is better because 14sDsXNrXL8-00624-00260914-00261217 the senses... of a Vaishnava the senses become more enlivened. 14sDsXNrXL8-00625-00261227-00261444 Srila Gurudeva: What he is doing? 14sDsXNrXL8-00626-00261455-00261709 Remembering Krsna and Radhika. 14sDsXNrXL8-00627-00261719-00261857 But here 14sDsXNrXL8-00628-00261867-00262483 he is doing mercy to all ?? (?bhaktas?) doing Hari nama, Hare Krsna, 14sDsXNrXL8-00629-00262493-00262650 and telling Hari Katha. 14sDsXNrXL8-00630-00262651-00262898 Vilap kusmanjali and all other katha. 14sDsXNrXL8-00631-00262908-00263144 Ujvalla Nilamani and... *Break* 14sDsXNrXL8-00632-00263154-00263410 Srila Gurudeva: What happened, what I saw... 14sDsXNrXL8-00633-00263420-00263663 He is telling here, 14sDsXNrXL8-00634-00263673-00264032 *indistinct* 14sDsXNrXL8-00635-00264042-00264141 Syamarani didi: That one. 14sDsXNrXL8-00636-00264151-00265543 *inaudiable* 14sDsXNrXL8-00637-00265553-00266826 Srila Gurudeva: Here... *inaudiable* *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00638-00266836-00267108 Srila Gurudeva: So here he is 14sDsXNrXL8-00639-00267118-00267280 in a mood to say anything 14sDsXNrXL8-00640-00267290-00267672 and to do mercy upon everyone. 14sDsXNrXL8-00641-00267672-00267882 We want mercy. 14sDsXNrXL8-00642-00267892-00268176 So we ?? ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00643-00268186-00268296 He is in sense here. 14sDsXNrXL8-00644-00268306-00268544 But here he is not in sense. 14sDsXNrXL8-00645-00268554-00268699 He is in samadhi. 14sDsXNrXL8-00646-00268709-00269008 He will not tell, he will not ?? (?talk?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00647-00269531-00269721 Sri Chaitanya.... *Break* 14sDsXNrXL8-00648-00269976-00270191 Srila Gurudeva: Who is he? 14sDsXNrXL8-00649-00270201-00270429 Syamaranid didi: My spiritual master. 14sDsXNrXL8-00650-00270439-00270746 Srila Gurudeva: He is my friend, 14sDsXNrXL8-00651-00270746-00270928 he is my siksha guru, 14sDsXNrXL8-00652-00270938-00271116 he is a Vaishnava, 14sDsXNrXL8-00653-00271126-00271274 he is the Acharya, 14sDsXNrXL8-00654-00271284-00271388 he is..... 14sDsXNrXL8-00655-00272618-00273053 Devotee: How are you Maharaja? Hare Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00656-00273063-00273232 Srila Gurudeva: You are French? 14sDsXNrXL8-00657-00273242-00273806 You have ?? ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00658-00273816-00274201 Srila Gurudeva: You are here? 14sDsXNrXL8-00659-00274211-00275009 *indistinct* Devotee: ?? travel in Bengal. 14sDsXNrXL8-00660-00275009-00275300 Srila Gurudeva: He has not yet ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00661-00275310-00275810 *indistinct* 14sDsXNrXL8-00662-00275820-00276019 Srila Gurudeva: You are OK? Devotee: Yes. 14sDsXNrXL8-00663-00276049-00276156 Srila Gurudeva: ?? *Break* 14sDsXNrXL8-00664-00278120-00278256 Srila Gurudeva: All these things 14sDsXNrXL8-00665-00278266-00278516 ?? naturally our body is like that. 14sDsXNrXL8-00666-00278526-00278794 but for ladies 14sDsXNrXL8-00667-00278804-00279468 ?? are doing, sastanga. 14sDsXNrXL8-00668-00279478-00279779 If this can come to here 14sDsXNrXL8-00669-00279789-00279895 no harm. 14sDsXNrXL8-00670-00279905-00280127 Here, no harm. 14sDsXNrXL8-00671-00280137-00280290 ?? (?but for?) ladies 14sDsXNrXL8-00672-00280300-00280543 there is some 14sDsXNrXL8-00673-00280553-00280693 ?? (?very shame?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00674-00280703-00281103 So, Acharya has ordered 14sDsXNrXL8-00675-00281113-00281332 ladies to do like so. 14sDsXNrXL8-00676-00281342-00281593 But there is something 14sDsXNrXL8-00677-00281603-00281883 very helpful for ladies 14sDsXNrXL8-00678-00281893-00282200 ?? ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00679-00282210-00282735 they cannot do? Female cannot do that.. 14sDsXNrXL8-00680-00282745-00282988 But they have sweetness in their heart, 14sDsXNrXL8-00681-00282998-00283241 very soft. 14sDsXNrXL8-00682-00283251-00283603 It is helpful for ladies. 14sDsXNrXL8-00683-00283613-00283912 ?? By vow I will do. 14sDsXNrXL8-00684-00284111-00284441 ?? (?continue?) for vaidhi bhakti 14sDsXNrXL8-00685-00284451-00284794 ?? and for raganuga 14sDsXNrXL8-00686-00284804-00284967 you are ??. 14sDsXNrXL8-00687-00284967-00285439 *Laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00688-00287609-00287896 Syamarani didi: Maharaja, can you tell us, in breif.... 14sDsXNrXL8-00689-00287931-00288046 Srila Gurudeva: ?? (this is the same tree?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00690-00288056-00288504 under which Krsna 14sDsXNrXL8-00691-00288514-00288767 lamenting 14sDsXNrXL8-00692-00288777-00288950 ?? was sitting here. 14sDsXNrXL8-00693-00288960-00289159 After rasa. 14sDsXNrXL8-00694-00289169-00289442 Krsna went from rasa 14sDsXNrXL8-00695-00289442-00289594 with Radhika 14sDsXNrXL8-00696-00289604-00289800 and He did Sringara. 14sDsXNrXL8-00697-00289820-00290099 Alone, with Radhika at Sringara vat. 14sDsXNrXL8-00698-00290109-00290551 No? Come. 14sDsXNrXL8-00699-00290561-00291448 *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00700-00291448-00291698 Srila Gurudeva: You know this devotee? 14sDsXNrXL8-00701-00291708-00292752 *Indistinct* 14sDsXNrXL8-00702-00293373-00293382 *Break* 14sDsXNrXL8-00703-00293391-00293609 Srila Gurudeva: Sringara of Radhika. 14sDsXNrXL8-00704-00293619-00293740 You know sringara? 14sDsXNrXL8-00705-00293750-00293921 Syamarani didi. Eh, conjugal love. 14sDsXNrXL8-00706-00293931-00294203 Devotees: Decoraton Syamarani didi: Oh, decoration, oh, oh... 14sDsXNrXL8-00707-00294213-00294676 Srila Gurudeva: Srimati Radhika was ?? ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00708-00294686-00294912 ?? (?that holy place?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00709-00294922-00295170 And how He has decorated. 14sDsXNrXL8-00710-00295180-00295517 With kala-nidhi, kala-nidhi you know? 14sDsXNrXL8-00711-00295527-00295694 Devotee: Cajal. 14sDsXNrXL8-00712-00295704-00295900 Syamarani didi: Oh.. *indistinct* (?powder?). *indistinct* 14sDsXNrXL8-00713-00296262-00296441 Srila Gurudeva: So He was doing 14sDsXNrXL8-00714-00296451-00296596 and after that 14sDsXNrXL8-00715-00296606-00296946 She told that "I cannot go." 14sDsXNrXL8-00716-00296956-00297240 "If you want to take ?? (?me) 14sDsXNrXL8-00717-00297250-00297463 "You can take Me." 14sDsXNrXL8-00718-00297473-00297636 "I will not ?? (?quarrel?)." 14sDsXNrXL8-00719-00297646-00297857 Krsna told that, 14sDsXNrXL8-00720-00297867-00298132 "Sit on my shoulder." 14sDsXNrXL8-00721-00298142-00298271 So Krnsa sat 14sDsXNrXL8-00722-00298281-00298448 and She 14sDsXNrXL8-00723-00298458-00298569 with ?? (?mud?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00724-00298579-00299072 With ?? (?mud?). Devotee: ?? ?(mud?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00725-00299082-00299425 Srila Gurudeva: When ?? ?? (?love so much to Him?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00726-00299435-00299654 ?? (?Why?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00727-00299664-00300149 or any ?? ?? ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00728-00300159-00300287 Understand? 14sDsXNrXL8-00729-00300297-00300589 Then She becomes mad, like mad 14sDsXNrXL8-00730-00300599-00300834 and tells her husband 14sDsXNrXL8-00731-00300844-00301066 ?? (?lover?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00732-00301076-00301380 ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00733-00301390-00301614 "Oh, come, 14sDsXNrXL8-00734-00301624-00302202 "my, because now I'm tired," 14sDsXNrXL8-00735-00302212-00302393 you should do like massage." 14sDsXNrXL8-00736-00302403-00302577 She should not told, 14sDsXNrXL8-00737-00302587-00302940 but at that time She becomes like mad. 14sDsXNrXL8-00738-00302950-00303264 ?? ?? (?lying?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00739-00303274-00303686 So He (She?) ?? orders and orders. 14sDsXNrXL8-00740-00303696-00304064 Not following the orders, but 14sDsXNrXL8-00741-00304074-00304351 ?? giving orders. 14sDsXNrXL8-00742-00304361-00304643 So She was giving orders 14sDsXNrXL8-00743-00304653-00304841 So Krsna told that, 14sDsXNrXL8-00744-00304851-00305174 "Yes you can sit." 14sDsXNrXL8-00745-00305184-00305376 At once Srimati Radhika 14sDsXNrXL8-00746-00305386-00305569 wanted to sit 14sDsXNrXL8-00747-00305579-00305759 on the ?? of Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00748-00305769-00305916 But Krsna vanished. 14sDsXNrXL8-00749-00305926-00306086 And she was weeping. 14sDsXNrXL8-00750-00306096-00306355 Krsna came to this place 14sDsXNrXL8-00751-00306365-00306544 and sat here. 14sDsXNrXL8-00752-00306554-00306826 and remembering Radhika ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00753-00306836-00307103 ?? at that time weeping, he was 14sDsXNrXL8-00754-00307113-00307482 ???? 14sDsXNrXL8-00755-00307492-00307769 Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also came to this place. 14sDsXNrXL8-00756-00307779-00308050 And remembering the pastimes 14sDsXNrXL8-00757-00308060-00308325 "Hare Krsna." 14sDsXNrXL8-00758-00308610-00308918 Syamarani didi: Maharaja, what mantra do you say 14sDsXNrXL8-00759-00308928-00309090 when you offer obesciences? 14sDsXNrXL8-00760-00309100-00309360 What mantra? What prayer do you say each time? 14sDsXNrXL8-00761-00309445-00309691 Srila Gurudeva: What? Syamarani didi: Which prayer do you say? 14sDsXNrXL8-00762-00309701-00309966 When you... Srila Gurudeva: When I do any place 14sDsXNrXL8-00763-00309976-00310156 regarding to that place. 14sDsXNrXL8-00764-00310166-00310367 That when I went to 14sDsXNrXL8-00765-00310377-00310510 Damodar 14sDsXNrXL8-00766-00310520-00310655 I prayed 14sDsXNrXL8-00767-00310665-00310883 anga-syamalima 14sDsXNrXL8-00768-00310893-00311140 chatabhir abhito mandikritendivaram 14sDsXNrXL8-00769-00311150-00311378 jadyam jaguda-rocisham vidadhatam 14sDsXNrXL8-00770-00311388-00311532 pattambarasya sriya 14sDsXNrXL8-00771-00311542-00311967 vrindaranya-nivasinam hridi lasad-damabhir amodaram 14sDsXNrXL8-00772-00311977-00312507 radha-skandha-nivesitojjvala-bhujam dhyayema damodaram 14sDsXNrXL8-00773-00312660-00312825 *Laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00774-00312855-00313256 Srila Gurudeva: Radhika has done like this. *gestures* 14sDsXNrXL8-00775-00313256-00313454 And Krsna has 14sDsXNrXL8-00776-00313464-00313632 given His arms 14sDsXNrXL8-00777-00313642-00313790 on Radhika ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00778-00313800-00314198 Painting on the breast of Srimati Radhika. 14sDsXNrXL8-00779-00314208-00314619 Here She is very cheerful, Krsna is so cheerful. 14sDsXNrXL8-00780-00314629-00314745 So I am 14sDsXNrXL8-00781-00314745-00314968 praying to Radha and Krsna both. 14sDsXNrXL8-00782-00314978-00315192 Radha Damodar 14sDsXNrXL8-00783-00315192-00315508 So they can give me that ?? (?perfection?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00784-00315518-00315724 Understand? 14sDsXNrXL8-00785-00315734-00315918 Syamarani didi: When you offer dandavats 14sDsXNrXL8-00786-00315928-00316264 you offer a prayer to your guru maharaha 14sDsXNrXL8-00787-00316274-00316421 every time you offer dandavats? 14sDsXNrXL8-00788-00316431-00316779 Or different prayer each time? Srila Gurudeva: Something different, different. Syamarani didi: Different. 14sDsXNrXL8-00789-00316789-00317153 Srila Gurudeva: When you are equal to my this *gestures* 14sDsXNrXL8-00790-00317163-00317449 No? Equal in sentiments, 14sDsXNrXL8-00791-00317459-00317594 equal in bhakti, 14sDsXNrXL8-00792-00317604-00317865 equal in every respect ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00793-00317875-00318084 then you'll understand my ?? (?heart?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00794-00318094-00318433 Where and when what I ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00796-00326766-00326956 Syamarani didi: Maharaja in ISCKON 14sDsXNrXL8-00797-00326966-00327124 there is a difference of opinion 14sDsXNrXL8-00798-00327134-00327256 whether or not 14sDsXNrXL8-00799-00327266-00327615 ladies should be able to 14sDsXNrXL8-00800-00327625-00327725 lead the Kirtan 14sDsXNrXL8-00801-00327757-00327990 when men are present. 14sDsXNrXL8-00802-00328000-00328174 When sanyassis, bramacharis 14sDsXNrXL8-00803-00328184-00328377 are present in the temple. 14sDsXNrXL8-00804-00328387-00328589 So what is the proper ettiquete? 14sDsXNrXL8-00805-00329001-00329220 Srila Gurudeva: If they are qualified 14sDsXNrXL8-00806-00329230-00329545 certainly they can do. Syamarani didi: What does qualified mean? 14sDsXNrXL8-00807-00329555-00329812 Srila Gurudeva: They have bhakti towards Radha and Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00808-00329822-00330051 They are guru sevaka. 14sDsXNrXL8-00809-00330061-00330926 Servant of their... what... Acharya guru. 14sDsXNrXL8-00810-00330936-00331126 They can do. 14sDsXNrXL8-00811-00331136-00331492 Syamarani didi: Because the men feel that it's very, it's disturbing for them. 14sDsXNrXL8-00812-00331502-00331767 Srila Gurudeva: Because, there is some reason. 14sDsXNrXL8-00813-00331777-00332031 That is why Chaitanya Mahaprabhu 14sDsXNrXL8-00814-00332041-00332255 did not have words ladies. 14sDsXNrXL8-00815-00332265-00332399 Syamarani didi: Did not what? 14sDsXNrXL8-00816-00332409-00332677 Srila Gurudeva: Words or speak. 14sDsXNrXL8-00817-00332687-00332797 Syamarani didi: Oh right. 14sDsXNrXL8-00818-00332807-00332886 Srila Gurudeva: And He has warned 14sDsXNrXL8-00819-00332896-00333165 because so many sanyassis fell down. 14sDsXNrXL8-00820-00333175-00333234 Syamarani didi: Right. 14sDsXNrXL8-00821-00333244-00333647 Srila Gurudeva: So, he has restricted that. 14sDsXNrXL8-00822-00333657-00334216 But they are not unqualified for ?? (?anything?) 14sDsXNrXL8-00823-00334216-00334504 We should respect woman 14sDsXNrXL8-00824-00334514-00334627 who have bhakti ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00825-00334637-00334869 Syamarani didi: But if Lord Chaitanya 14sDsXNrXL8-00826-00334879-00335231 you know, showed that the women should stay apart, 14sDsXNrXL8-00827-00335241-00335438 then it's not the proper ettiquete. 14sDsXNrXL8-00828-00335448-00335717 It's better they don't lead in the kirtan? 14sDsXNrXL8-00829-00335727-00335850 Srila Gurudeva: Oh they should do! 14sDsXNrXL8-00830-00335860-00335982 Syamarani didi: They should do? 14sDsXNrXL8-00831-00335992-00336163 Srila Gurudeva: Mirabai has done. 14sDsXNrXL8-00832-00336173-00336407 Our Jhanava devi has done. 14sDsXNrXL8-00833-00336417-00336669 Our Gangamata has done. 14sDsXNrXL8-00834-00336679-00336937 Oh so many. Hemalata has done. 14sDsXNrXL8-00835-00336947-00337212 Syamarani didi: But what about Lord Chaitanyas restriction then? 14sDsXNrXL8-00836-00337222-00337462 Don't look at a woman or hear. 14sDsXNrXL8-00837-00337472-00337640 Srila Gurudeva: For ordinary persons. 14sDsXNrXL8-00838-00337650-00337776 Ordinary devotees. 14sDsXNrXL8-00839-00337786-00337947 He has warned ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00840-00337957-00338210 that they should not love, 14sDsXNrXL8-00841-00338220-00338465 but they should respect ladies. 14sDsXNrXL8-00842-00338475-00339035 No? Their love should be only towards Radha and Krsna and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. 14sDsXNrXL8-00843-00339214-00340358 *Break* 14sDsXNrXL8-00844-00340368-00340768 Srila Gurudeva: ?? and gopis have given 14sDsXNrXL8-00845-00340778-00340955 kajal in Krsnas eyes. 14sDsXNrXL8-00846-00340965-00341118 That kajal 14sDsXNrXL8-00847-00341128-00341550 melted and washed in this and so it became *gestures* 14sDsXNrXL8-00848-00341560-00341765 Why Krnsa became black? 14sDsXNrXL8-00849-00341775-00342261 Syamarani didi: Because the gopis took Krsna into their hearts through their eyes, 14sDsXNrXL8-00850-00342271-00342435 and He mixed with their kajal. 14sDsXNrXL8-00851-00342445-00342900 Srila Gurudeva: Because he took birth in midnight 14sDsXNrXL8-00852-00342910-00343415 in.. in...? Devotee: Mathura... no.. 14sDsXNrXL8-00853-00343425-00343625 Srila Gurudeva: In midnight.. Devotee: Yeah... 14sDsXNrXL8-00854-00343635-00343775 Srila Gurudeva: And the night was black, 14sDsXNrXL8-00855-00343785-00343977 so He ?? (?became black?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00856-00343987-00344157 Yasoda maiya gave 14sDsXNrXL8-00857-00344167-00344537 milk of black cow 14sDsXNrXL8-00858-00344547-00344752 so He became black. 14sDsXNrXL8-00859-00344762-00345133 *Laughter* Srila Gurudeva: Because... there are so many reasons 14sDsXNrXL8-00860-00345143-00345258 for this. *Laughs* 14sDsXNrXL8-00861-00345268-00345629 Krsna is black in heart 14sDsXNrXL8-00862-00345965-00346225 Gopis keep Krsna in their eyes 14sDsXNrXL8-00863-00346235-00346545 and the kajal of that 14sDsXNrXL8-00864-00346555-00346676 eyes, their eyes, 14sDsXNrXL8-00865-00346686-00347004 makes Krsna black. 14sDsXNrXL8-00866-00347014-00347178 There are so many reasons. 14sDsXNrXL8-00867-00347188-00347354 Syamarani didi: What scripture is that from? 14sDsXNrXL8-00868-00347364-00347557 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? Syamarani didi: What scripture is that from? 14sDsXNrXL8-00869-00347567-00347778 All the stories that are reasons? 14sDsXNrXL8-00870-00347788-00348086 Srila Gurudeva: My heart. *Laughter* 14sDsXNrXL8-00871-00348096-00348292 Srila Gurudeva: There are so many scriptures. 14sDsXNrXL8-00872-00349605-00349817 Srila Gurudava: Why you are roaming 14sDsXNrXL8-00873-00349827-00349998 ?? here and there 14sDsXNrXL8-00874-00350008-00350260 in so gully. 14sDsXNrXL8-00875-00350270-00350641 When you have so Vaikuntha mandir there? 14sDsXNrXL8-00876-00350651-00350917 You are roaming here and here... 14sDsXNrXL8-00877-00350927-00351073 Syamarani didi: To get the dust of your feet maharaja. 14sDsXNrXL8-00878-00351083-00351496 Maharaja, yesterday you said that the dust 14sDsXNrXL8-00879-00351506-00351596 in Vrindavana is 14sDsXNrXL8-00880-00351606-00351712 pure rasa. 14sDsXNrXL8-00881-00351722-00352047 So, it is a particular... is it made 14sDsXNrXL8-00882-00352057-00352246 of a particular sakti 14sDsXNrXL8-00883-00352256-00352356 of Krsna like a samvit 14sDsXNrXL8-00884-00352428-00352551 sandhina 14sDsXNrXL8-00885-00352561-00352645 hlandini... Srila Gurudeva: Eh? 14sDsXNrXL8-00886-00352655-00352914 Syamarani didi: It the dust... Srila Gurudeva: Mixed, mixed. Mixing three. 14sDsXNrXL8-00887-00352924-00353192 Syamarani didi: Oh. Srila Gurudeva: Mixed sandhina and hladini. 14sDsXNrXL8-00888-00353202-00353361 All mixed here. 14sDsXNrXL8-00889-00353371-00353525 As dust. 14sDsXNrXL8-00890-00353535-00353802 They have so power. 14sDsXNrXL8-00891-00353812-00354188 ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00892-00354198-00355358 *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00893-00355368-00355773 Srila Gurudeva: He is my... 14sDsXNrXL8-00894-00355783-00358329 *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00895-00358339-00358785 Srila Gurudeva: No? Beautiful kunja is there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00896-00358795-00359077 The Kadamba trees 14sDsXNrXL8-00897-00359087-00359295 ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00898-00359305-00359650 at the time of Rupa Gosvami, 14sDsXNrXL8-00899-00359660-00359883 when Chaitnaya Mahaprabhu came 14sDsXNrXL8-00900-00359893-00360104 there are Radharani kunjas. 14sDsXNrXL8-00901-00360114-00360278 Very good groves. 14sDsXNrXL8-00902-00360288-00360586 ?? Radha and Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-00903-00360596-00360844 ?? ?? Alone They used to 14sDsXNrXL8-00904-00360854-00361024 sit there. 14sDsXNrXL8-00905-00361034-00361673 and to... tell so many 14sDsXNrXL8-00906-00361683-00361951 What? Devotee: Jokes? Jokes? 14sDsXNrXL8-00907-00361961-00362152 Srila Gurudeva: What? Devotee: Jokes? 14sDsXNrXL8-00908-00362162-00362293 Srila Gurudeva: Jokes? No jokes. 14sDsXNrXL8-00909-00362303-00362443 *inaudiable* Prema katha. 14sDsXNrXL8-00910-00362453-00362921 ?? Answer ?? ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00911-00362931-00363065 Because this answer 14sDsXNrXL8-00912-00363075-00363385 ?? ?? Goloka Vrindavana. 14sDsXNrXL8-00913-00363395-00363724 ?? telling 14sDsXNrXL8-00914-00363734-00364010 will be of this ?? (?body?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00915-00364020-00364247 Syamarani didi: Thats no true. 14sDsXNrXL8-00916-00364257-00364393 Srila Gurudeva: So it's very much deeper. 14sDsXNrXL8-00917-00364799-00365006 Syamarani didi: Maharaja, yesterday 14sDsXNrXL8-00918-00365016-00365203 you mentioned to Aditya 14sDsXNrXL8-00919-00365213-00365492 when she asked you about Ekadasi. Srila Gurudeva: Where she is? 14sDsXNrXL8-00920-00365512-00365723 Syamarani didi: She we.. you told her to go back to the temple. 14sDsXNrXL8-00921-00365733-00365987 She has to work on the gurukuli news letter. 14sDsXNrXL8-00922-00366201-00368222 *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-00923-00368232-00368470 Syamaranid didi: She asked you yesterday 14sDsXNrXL8-00924-00368480-00368613 when to observe Ekadasi. 14sDsXNrXL8-00925-00368623-00368778 And you said, 14sDsXNrXL8-00926-00368788-00369009 if you are with me I will tell you tomorrow 14sDsXNrXL8-00927-00369019-00369230 but you shouldn't go against ISCKON. 14sDsXNrXL8-00928-00369240-00369421 But if the grain... 14sDsXNrXL8-00929-00369431-00369669 if the sinful act.. reactions, 14sDsXNrXL8-00930-00369679-00369887 take shelter of grain 14sDsXNrXL8-00931-00369897-00370051 only on Ekadsi 14sDsXNrXL8-00932-00370061-00370295 then it has to be observed on the correct day. 14sDsXNrXL8-00933-00370305-00370437 Otherwise you're eating sin. 14sDsXNrXL8-00934-00370447-00370725 So what is the... What should we do? 14sDsXNrXL8-00936-00374766-00374899 Devotee: You should ask something else. 14sDsXNrXL8-00937-00374909-00375065 Syamarani didi: Ask something else? 14sDsXNrXL8-00938-00375075-00375214 He didn't like that? 14sDsXNrXL8-00939-00375224-00375649 *Indistinct* 14sDsXNrXL8-00940-00375659-00376726 *Hindi* *Unclear English* 14sDsXNrXL8-00941-00376736-00376896 Syamarani didi: Then I can't ask again? 14sDsXNrXL8-00942-00376906-00377163 Then I can't ask anything now. 14sDsXNrXL8-00944-00382171-00382262 *Break* 14sDsXNrXL8-00945-00382272-00382381 Devotee: ? like an Orange. 14sDsXNrXL8-00946-00382391-00382535 Devtoee: (?Red?) colour. 14sDsXNrXL8-00947-00382545-00382788 Devotee: Yes. 14sDsXNrXL8-00948-00382798-00382947 Srila Gurudeva: Golden colour. 14sDsXNrXL8-00949-00382957-00383057 Devotee: Golden colour. 14sDsXNrXL8-00950-00383349-00383498 Srila Gurudeva: Like 14sDsXNrXL8-00951-00383508-00383739 Kadamba flower. 14sDsXNrXL8-00952-00383749-00384027 Kadamba? 14sDsXNrXL8-00953-00384303-00384487 So Krsna likes this. 14sDsXNrXL8-00954-00384497-00384698 Devotee: Kadamba tree. 14sDsXNrXL8-00955-00385110-00385340 Syamarani didi: You explained yesterday about the dust 14sDsXNrXL8-00956-00385350-00385471 of Vrindavana. 14sDsXNrXL8-00957-00385481-00385620 So also the... 14sDsXNrXL8-00958-00385630-00385979 What? 14sDsXNrXL8-00959-00385989-00386322 Srila Gurudeva: ?? come daily 14sDsXNrXL8-00960-00386332-00386653 come, please come. 14sDsXNrXL8-00961-00386663-00386894 Come after ten. 14sDsXNrXL8-00962-00386904-00387037 So that I'm 14sDsXNrXL8-00963-00387047-00387151 ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00964-00387161-00387347 Syamarani didi: I thought 14sDsXNrXL8-00965-00387357-00387430 I thought that 14sDsXNrXL8-00966-00387440-00387657 you said we should come now. 14sDsXNrXL8-00967-00387667-00388044 *Unclear as devotes talk at the same time.* Syamarani didi: Oh I see. 14sDsXNrXL8-00968-00388054-00388248 Srila Gurudeva: ?? ?? ten. Syamarani didi: Oh, OK. 14sDsXNrXL8-00969-00388258-00388473 Syamarani didi: Shall we go now then? 14sDsXNrXL8-00970-00388483-00388725 Srila Gurudeva: ?? I will take Hari Nam. Syamarani didi: Oh, OK. Sorry. 14sDsXNrXL8-00971-00388814-00389231 Srila Gurudeva: Sched.. Devotee: Schedule. 14sDsXNrXL8-00972-00389241-00389443 Syamarani didi: OK. 14sDsXNrXL8-00973-00389820-00390095 We should go now then? Or what? Or just chant? 14sDsXNrXL8-00974-00390105-00390198 Srila Gurudeva: What? Devotee: Question? 14sDsXNrXL8-00975-00390208-00390535 Syamarani didi: Should we go, or ask questions now... 14sDsXNrXL8-00976-00390545-00390658 Srila Gurudeva: ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-00977-00390668-00390841 Syamarani didi: The uhm... 14sDsXNrXL8-00978-00390851-00391144 the buildings also... Srila Gurudeva: You have given 14sDsXNrXL8-00979-00391154-00391362 your, these things to Krsna? 14sDsXNrXL8-00980-00391372-00391476 Syamarani didi: Which thing? 14sDsXNrXL8-00981-00391486-00391633 Yeah. 14sDsXNrXL8-00982-00391643-00391800 Srila Gurudeva: Very good. 14sDsXNrXL8-00983-00391810-00391995 Is it proper for 14sDsXNrXL8-00984-00392005-00392249 widows to have a sikha also? 14sDsXNrXL8-00985-00392259-00392377 Or all shaven? 14sDsXNrXL8-00986-00392387-00392995 Srila Gurudeva: Nothing has been said about this 14sDsXNrXL8-00987-00393005-00393117 for ladies. 14sDsXNrXL8-00988-00393127-00393529 No any ban. 14sDsXNrXL8-00989-00393539-00393739 No rule and regulation. 14sDsXNrXL8-00990-00393749-00394213 Syamarani didi: So either sikha or no sikha it doesn't matter? 14sDsXNrXL8-00991-00394320-00394485 Srila Gurudeva: No. Syamarani didi: OK. 14sDsXNrXL8-00992-00394495-00394813 Srila Gurudeva:?? we should have vairagya. 14sDsXNrXL8-00993-00394823-00395243 Srila Gurudeva: Vairagya? Devotee: Detachment. 14sDsXNrXL8-00994-00395253-00395468 Srila Gurudeva: Detachment, of all these things. 14sDsXNrXL8-00995-00395478-00395729 This is the ?? (?main point?). 14sDsXNrXL8-00996-00395963-00396256 Syamarani didi: Should we see that the 14sDsXNrXL8-00997-00396266-00396564 dilapidated... apparenty dilapidated buildings 14sDsXNrXL8-00998-00396574-00396768 here in Vrindavana 14sDsXNrXL8-00999-00396778-00397027 are actually cintamani houses? 14sDsXNrXL8-01000-00397037-00397218 Srila Gurudeva. Hmm? 14sDsXNrXL8-01001-00397228-00397349 Syamarani didi: Should we see that 14sDsXNrXL8-01002-00397359-00397526 these dilapidated buildings 14sDsXNrXL8-01003-00397536-00397720 Srila Gurudeva: You should do you mana, 14sDsXNrXL8-01004-00397730-00397922 mind, cintamani. 14sDsXNrXL8-01005-00397932-00398235 Then you will see everything is cintamani. 14sDsXNrXL8-01006-00398245-00398653 If bhakti will touch our heart, 14sDsXNrXL8-01007-00398663-00398937 then our heart will be cintamani. 14sDsXNrXL8-01008-00398947-00399346 Then we will see, everywhere, here and there. 14sDsXNrXL8-01009-00399356-00399563 All cintamani. 14sDsXNrXL8-01010-00399573-00399797 Goloka Vrindavana. 14sDsXNrXL8-01011-00399807-00400389 And if we are material, our heart is material, 14sDsXNrXL8-01012-00400399-00400683 then only kalpana will not do. 14sDsXNrXL8-01013-00400693-00400843 Kalpana means? Devotees: Imagination. 14sDsXNrXL8-01014-00400853-00401029 Srila Gurudeva: Imagination will not do. 14sDsXNrXL8-01015-00401337-00401508 So we should try 14sDsXNrXL8-01016-00401518-00401897 to make touch bhakti devi here *gestures* 14sDsXNrXL8-01017-00401907-00402172 so that everything 14sDsXNrXL8-01018-00402182-00402419 may be realised that 14sDsXNrXL8-01019-00402429-00402785 all are sat-cid-ananda ?? cintamani. 14sDsXNrXL8-01020-00402795-00403053 Syamarani didi: In order to make the mind cintamani 14sDsXNrXL8-01021-00403063-00403320 we have to become free from miserliness 14sDsXNrXL8-01022-00403330-00403445 and self centeredness 14sDsXNrXL8-01023-00403455-00403605 and cold heartedness. 14sDsXNrXL8-01024-00403615-00404047 So, by meditating on the pastimes 14sDsXNrXL8-01025-00404057-00404143 and chanting 14sDsXNrXL8-01026-00404153-00404422 all the bad qualties 14sDsXNrXL8-01027-00404432-00404503 go away? 14sDsXNrXL8-01028-00404513-00404821 We don't have to do anything seperate? 14sDsXNrXL8-01029-00404831-00405286 Srila Gurudeva: Then you will see all Vrindavana cintamani. 14sDsXNrXL8-01030-00405489-00405690 This is the way. 14sDsXNrXL8-01031-00405700-00406005 Always remembering 14sDsXNrXL8-01032-00406015-00406180 the pastimes of Krsna, 14sDsXNrXL8-01033-00406190-00406348 chanting Hare Krsna, 14sDsXNrXL8-01034-00406358-00406689 being detached from worldly things. 14sDsXNrXL8-01035-00406699-00406886 This is only way. 14sDsXNrXL8-01036-00406896-00407208 Syamarani didi: And then automatically we'll have compassion 14sDsXNrXL8-01037-00407218-00407367 for others. 14sDsXNrXL8-01038-00407377-00407708 Srila Gurudeva: The compassion will be transfered into Krsna prema. 14sDsXNrXL8-01039-00407718-00407979 Worldly ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-01040-00407989-00408406 Syamarani didi: No, I mean to have real compassion 14sDsXNrXL8-01041-00408416-00408486 for others 14sDsXNrXL8-01042-00408496-00408589 or what? 14sDsXNrXL8-01043-00408599-00408746 Srila Gurudeva: This worldly compassion 14sDsXNrXL8-01044-00408756-00408838 Syamarani didi: Uh huh... 14sDsXNrXL8-01045-00408848-00409108 Srila Gurudeva: Is ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-01046-00409118-00409368 Worldly. 14sDsXNrXL8-01047-00409378-00409840 And always remembering Krsna pastimes 14sDsXNrXL8-01048-00409850-00410394 and always praying for the service of Srimati Radhika and Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-01049-00410404-00410809 This will make a devotee 14sDsXNrXL8-01050-00411208-00411811 pure, and real compassion... compassion 14sDsXNrXL8-01051-00411821-00411939 will come. 14sDsXNrXL8-01052-00412442-00412768 There are two things in devotees heart. 14sDsXNrXL8-01053-00412778-00413429 Material, and... opposite...? 14sDsXNrXL8-01054-00413439-00413497 Devotees: Spiritual. 14sDsXNrXL8-01055-00413507-00413629 Srila Gurudeva: Spiritual. 14sDsXNrXL8-01056-00413639-00414024 Spiritual love. 14sDsXNrXL8-01057-00414356-00414658 There is... 14sDsXNrXL8-01058-00414668-00414835 mortal body 14sDsXNrXL8-01059-00414845-00415000 and immortal body. 14sDsXNrXL8-01060-00415010-00415237 Both are here. 14sDsXNrXL8-01061-00415462-00415838 Mortal... mortal views, 14sDsXNrXL8-01062-00415848-00416092 and immortal ?? (?views?). 14sDsXNrXL8-01063-00416102-00416591 Mortal love and immortal love. 14sDsXNrXL8-01064-00416601-00416816 All are here. 14sDsXNrXL8-01065-00416961-00417552 The devotees... those who are not devotees, 14sDsXNrXL8-01066-00417562-00417958 their hearts 14sDsXNrXL8-01067-00417968-00418249 body,thinking, 14sDsXNrXL8-01068-00418259-00418353 and everything, 14sDsXNrXL8-01069-00418363-00418616 love, is all mortal. 14sDsXNrXL8-01070-00418626-00418729 Pure mortal. 14sDsXNrXL8-01071-00418739-00419047 And when 14sDsXNrXL8-01072-00419057-00419331 a person, having the 14sDsXNrXL8-01073-00419341-00419651 association of Vasihnava, pure Vaishnava. 14sDsXNrXL8-01074-00419660-00420084 They dedicate themself 14sDsXNrXL8-01075-00420094-00420336 to the lotus feet of guru. 14sDsXNrXL8-01076-00420346-00420853 And they... what? 14sDsXNrXL8-01077-00420863-00421113 They surrender, fully. 14sDsXNrXL8-01078-00421123-00421399 We have not surrendered yet, fully. 14sDsXNrXL8-01079-00421608-00422006 Because our mind is not under rasa. 14sDsXNrXL8-01080-00422016-00422256 ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-01081-00422393-00422670 So when a devotee gives 14sDsXNrXL8-01082-00422680-00422933 full, fully surrenders 14sDsXNrXL8-01083-00422943-00423253 to the feet of his spiritual master. 14sDsXNrXL8-01084-00423263-00423635 and as well at the feet of Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-01085-00423645-00423843 Sarvadharam parityajya. 14sDsXNrXL8-01086-00423853-00424279 Then something begins 14sDsXNrXL8-01087-00424289-00424478 here *gestures* 14sDsXNrXL8-01088-00424715-00425070 Immortal love, 14sDsXNrXL8-01089-00425080-00425224 immortal body, 14sDsXNrXL8-01090-00425234-00425481 immortal thinking, 14sDsXNrXL8-01091-00425491-00425682 and everything. 14sDsXNrXL8-01092-00425692-00426123 As we are gradually 14sDsXNrXL8-01093-00426133-00426493 going on practicing bhakti, 14sDsXNrXL8-01094-00426503-00426740 purely, 14sDsXNrXL8-01095-00426750-00427100 then gradually 14sDsXNrXL8-01096-00427110-00427556 immortal love 14sDsXNrXL8-01097-00427566-00427905 immortal body, immortal mind, everything. 14sDsXNrXL8-01098-00427915-00428405 Gradually.... 14sDsXNrXL8-01099-00428415-00428787 Devotee: Develops. 14sDsXNrXL8-01100-00428797-00429077 Srila Gurudeva: And gradually 14sDsXNrXL8-01101-00429087-00429457 worldly bodies, 14sDsXNrXL8-01102-00429467-00429671 worldly thinking, 14sDsXNrXL8-01103-00429681-00430032 and worldly apparadha, 14sDsXNrXL8-01104-00430042-00430214 abhasa, 14sDsXNrXL8-01105-00430224-00430451 seva apparadha, 14sDsXNrXL8-01106-00430461-00430618 and all things, 14sDsXNrXL8-01107-00430629-00430767 gradually going ??. 14sDsXNrXL8-01108-00430777-00431193 As we see 14sDsXNrXL8-01109-00431203-00431666 that if we take 14sDsXNrXL8-01110-00431949-00432422 a ?? (?pot?) like ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-01111-00432432-00432889 ?? you know, ??.. ?? you know? 14sDsXNrXL8-01112-00432899-00433289 Devotee: Pot, clay or metal pot. 14sDsXNrXL8-01113-00433299-00433608 Srila Gurudeva: Clay, or any metal. 14sDsXNrXL8-01114-00433833-00434147 When we take it to Yamuna, 14sDsXNrXL8-01115-00434157-00434757 and began to... at first it is... 14sDsXNrXL8-01116-00434767-00435113 It has some dirtyness. 14sDsXNrXL8-01117-00435372-00435631 So we... clear it. Devotee: Clean it. 14sDsXNrXL8-01118-00435641-00436038 Srila Gurudeva: How we clear it? Give it in water. 14sDsXNrXL8-01119-00436048-00436450 But by the touch of 14sDsXNrXL8-01120-00436815-00436938 Devotees: Impurities? 14sDsXNrXL8-01121-00436947-00437097 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? Devotee: The impurities? 14sDsXNrXL8-01122-00437107-00437284 Srila Gurudeva: Impurities. Devotee: Dirty things? 14sDsXNrXL8-01123-00437294-00437467 Srila Gurudeva: Water also becomes dirty. 14sDsXNrXL8-01124-00437477-00437910 But, bar, bar... 14sDsXNrXL8-01125-00437910-00438027 Devotees: Again and again. 14sDsXNrXL8-01126-00438037-00438189 Srila Gurudeva: Again and again 14sDsXNrXL8-01127-00438199-00438485 giving water and putting, 14sDsXNrXL8-01128-00438495-00438782 it... it becomes clear. 14sDsXNrXL8-01129-00438792-00438938 All dirtyness goes away. 14sDsXNrXL8-01130-00438948-00439190 And then it is full of water. 14sDsXNrXL8-01131-00439200-00439453 Gradually the water 14sDsXNrXL8-01132-00439463-00439660 comes up to the brim. 14sDsXNrXL8-01133-00439670-00439907 No dirtyness, nothing. 14sDsXNrXL8-01134-00439917-00440097 Water is now full. 14sDsXNrXL8-01135-00440107-00440418 So like, same... 14sDsXNrXL8-01136-00440428-00440598 In same manner 14sDsXNrXL8-01137-00440608-00440898 our heart is full of 14sDsXNrXL8-01138-00440908-00441088 appparadha. 14sDsXNrXL8-01139-00441098-00441372 Apparadha means? Devotees: Offences. 14sDsXNrXL8-01140-00441382-00441630 Srila Gurudeva: Offences. 14sDsXNrXL8-01141-00441640-00441926 And anarthas. 14sDsXNrXL8-01142-00441936-00442250 And so many things. 14sDsXNrXL8-01143-00442260-00442492 Our body is also. 14sDsXNrXL8-01144-00442701-00442916 Mortal. 14sDsXNrXL8-01145-00442926-00443103 Mind is also mortal. 14sDsXNrXL8-01146-00443113-00443296 Kama is here. 14sDsXNrXL8-01147-00443306-00443430 Kama you know? 14sDsXNrXL8-01148-00443440-00443543 Devotees: Lust. 14sDsXNrXL8-01149-00443553-00443819 Srila Gurudeva: So many lusts and everything, 14sDsXNrXL8-01150-00443829-00443985 bad things, 14sDsXNrXL8-01151-00443995-00444105 are here. 14sDsXNrXL8-01152-00444115-00444408 But by the touch of guru and Vaishnava. 14sDsXNrXL8-01153-00444418-00444621 Spiritual master and Vaishnava. 14sDsXNrXL8-01154-00444631-00444940 Bhakti becomes to 14sDsXNrXL8-01155-00444950-00445307 enter on this... enter in this pot. 14sDsXNrXL8-01156-00445317-00445497 Vessel. 14sDsXNrXL8-01157-00445508-00445626 First they clear it. 14sDsXNrXL8-01158-00445635-00445965 By their Hari katah, pastimes of Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-01159-00446235-00446560 Again and again, again and again 14sDsXNrXL8-01160-00446570-00446797 comes ?? for so many years. 14sDsXNrXL8-01161-00446807-00446997 It may be 14sDsXNrXL8-01162-00447007-00447145 flor so many births. 14sDsXNrXL8-01163-00447155-00447419 To clearify all thess things. 14sDsXNrXL8-01164-00447429-00447973 By the water, water means sravan, kirtan, smaran. 14sDsXNrXL8-01165-00447983-00448127 Understand? 14sDsXNrXL8-01166-00448137-00448510 Gurudeva giving 14sDsXNrXL8-01167-00448520-00448817 water, and clearing vessel, this vessel. 14sDsXNrXL8-01168-00449035-00449408 Gradually it is becoming immortal. 14sDsXNrXL8-01169-00449418-00449761 But in a very... 14sDsXNrXL8-01170-00449771-00450258 Devotees: Slow. Srila Gurudeva: Slow. Devotee: Gradual way? 14sDsXNrXL8-01171-00450268-00450389 Devotee: Slight amount. 14sDsXNrXL8-01172-00450399-00450897 Srila Gurudeva: Then hearing 14sDsXNrXL8-01173-00450907-00451084 and hearing 14sDsXNrXL8-01174-00451094-00451200 again and again. 14sDsXNrXL8-01175-00451210-00451551 With sraddha, sradhha then will come. 14sDsXNrXL8-01176-00451753-00451903 Worldly man has no sraddha. 14sDsXNrXL8-01177-00451913-00452522 Then gradually bhakti will come. 14sDsXNrXL8-01178-00452522-00452857 Then sambhanda jnana will come. 14sDsXNrXL8-01179-00452867-00453152 Relatoonship between Krsna and us. 14sDsXNrXL8-01180-00453162-00453326 That will come. 14sDsXNrXL8-01181-00453336-00453772 Then this vessel will be something more clear. 14sDsXNrXL8-01182-00453783-00454154 Yet there is some offences. 14sDsXNrXL8-01183-00454164-00454365 And anarthas. 14sDsXNrXL8-01184-00454375-00455011 Then, gradually hearing and hearing. 14sDsXNrXL8-01185-00455021-00455505 After sambhanda jnana, always remembering the pastimes of Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-01186-00455515-00455896 Even at the time of death. 14sDsXNrXL8-01187-00455906-00456126 If we remember 14sDsXNrXL8-01188-00456136-00456271 continuously the 14sDsXNrXL8-01189-00456281-00456652 Hari katha which we have heard from gurudeva and Vaishnavas. 14sDsXNrXL8-01190-00456662-00457051 Then at the birth.... time of death, 14sDsXNrXL8-01191-00457061-00457450 all will come in our mind. 14sDsXNrXL8-01192-00457460-00457791 And next birth will like so. 14sDsXNrXL8-01193-00457801-00458250 And we will be able to to bhakti 14sDsXNrXL8-01194-00458260-00458445 very easily. 14sDsXNrXL8-01195-00458455-00458905 At that time no anarthas, nothing. 14sDsXNrXL8-01196-00458915-00459006 Offence. 14sDsXNrXL8-01197-00459016-00459315 And Krsna will see 14sDsXNrXL8-01198-00459325-00459600 how, now He will take care. 14sDsXNrXL8-01199-00459610-00460043 And He will give association of suddha rasika Vaishanva. 14sDsXNrXL8-01200-00460053-00460403 Then hearing, 14sDsXNrXL8-01201-00460413-00460611 now our body will be 14sDsXNrXL8-01202-00460621-00460981 half mortal and half immortal. 14sDsXNrXL8-01203-00460991-00461497 Thinking also, everything also. 14sDsXNrXL8-01204-00461507-00461888 Gradually it will go away. 14sDsXNrXL8-01205-00461898-00462286 And immortal things, immortal body, immortal mind. 14sDsXNrXL8-01206-00462296-00462501 Immortal services of Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-01207-00462511-00462699 ?? this. 14sDsXNrXL8-01208-00462709-00462949 Then it will come bhava. 14sDsXNrXL8-01209-00462959-00463535 No? Bhava will come from ragatmika jana. 14sDsXNrXL8-01210-00463545-00463798 Of Rupa Manjari, Rati Manjari, 14sDsXNrXL8-01211-00463808-00464047 Subala, Sridhama, Yasoda maiya. 14sDsXNrXL8-01212-00464057-00464462 Oh.. then there will be no 14sDsXNrXL8-01213-00464472-00464752 at all... 14sDsXNrXL8-01214-00465013-00465278 Syamarani didi: Contamination? 14sDsXNrXL8-01215-00465288-00465437 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? Syamarani didi: Contamination? 14sDsXNrXL8-01216-00465447-00465560 Devotee: Impurity? 14sDsXNrXL8-01217-00465752-00465935 Srila Gurudeva: What is *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-01218-00465945-00466018 Devotees: Hard work. 14sDsXNrXL8-01219-00466028-00466430 Devotees: Difficulty. 14sDsXNrXL8-01220-00466440-00466629 Srila Gurudeva: There will be no diffuculty. 14sDsXNrXL8-01221-00466639-00466920 If we will at that time want to 14sDsXNrXL8-01222-00466930-00467140 remember worldly things 14sDsXNrXL8-01223-00467150-00467267 worldly thing will not come. 14sDsXNrXL8-01224-00467277-00467513 Krsna pastimes will come. 14sDsXNrXL8-01225-00467523-00467749 At that time. 14sDsXNrXL8-01226-00467759-00468006 No laziness. 14sDsXNrXL8-01227-00468016-00468283 No nidra. 14sDsXNrXL8-01228-00468293-00468541 Nidra you know? Devotees: Sleep. 14sDsXNrXL8-01229-00468551-00468673 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? Devotee: Sleep. 14sDsXNrXL8-01230-00468683-00468960 Srila Gurudeva. Uh huh. Sleep. 14sDsXNrXL8-01231-00468970-00469112 Sleep is also maya. 14sDsXNrXL8-01232-00469365-00469701 She is the sakhi of maya. 14sDsXNrXL8-01233-00469932-00470331 No sleeping, no... 14sDsXNrXL8-01234-00470341-00470734 We can... 14sDsXNrXL8-01235-00470743-00471134 realise any ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-01236-00471144-00471378 automatically it will come. 14sDsXNrXL8-01237-00471388-00471693 And that... that time 14sDsXNrXL8-01238-00471703-00471798 with doing bhajan 14sDsXNrXL8-01239-00471808-00472193 so happy mood will come. 14sDsXNrXL8-01240-00472203-00472483 We will realise 14sDsXNrXL8-01241-00472493-00472750 Sat-cid-ananda bhava. 14sDsXNrXL8-01242-00472760-00473052 Always sinking in prema. 14sDsXNrXL8-01243-00473062-00473453 Then it will come vastu-siddhi. 14sDsXNrXL8-01244-00473463-00473613 Svarupa-siddhi. 14sDsXNrXL8-01245-00473623-00473826 He will realise who am I. 14sDsXNrXL8-01246-00473836-00474276 Whether I am nitya sakhi, 14sDsXNrXL8-01247-00474286-00474482 or palya-dasi, 14sDsXNrXL8-01248-00474492-00474861 or ?? sakha, Subal, Sridhama sakha. 14sDsXNrXL8-01249-00474871-00475285 Or we are the 14sDsXNrXL8-01250-00475295-00475474 servsants of Yasoda maiya. 14sDsXNrXL8-01251-00475665-00476180 Or we are of dasya bhava. 14sDsXNrXL8-01252-00476454-00476706 Then we will realise that. 14sDsXNrXL8-01253-00476716-00477093 Then a special 14sDsXNrXL8-01254-00477103-00477505 prema will come to Krsna ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-01255-00477767-00478118 Like Rupa Gosvami. 14sDsXNrXL8-01256-00478128-00478372 Ragunatha das Gosvami. 14sDsXNrXL8-01257-00478382-00478559 One bhava. 14sDsXNrXL8-01258-00478569-00478774 Understanding? 14sDsXNrXL8-01259-00478784-00478966 One bhava will come. 14sDsXNrXL8-01260-00478976-00479186 No another. 14sDsXNrXL8-01261-00479196-00479769 Srila Gurudeva: Now... Devotee: You mean one bhava for one person? Devotee: One particular rasa. 14sDsXNrXL8-01262-00479779-00479896 not ?? changing. 14sDsXNrXL8-01263-00479906-00480277 Srila Gurudeva: Now we can have some 14sDsXNrXL8-01264-00480287-00480619 vatsalya bhava with Krsna also. 14sDsXNrXL8-01265-00480808-00481024 Then when we will see Krsna 14sDsXNrXL8-01266-00481034-00481243 we may ahve sakhya bhava also. 14sDsXNrXL8-01267-00481467-00481674 We may have 14sDsXNrXL8-01268-00481684-00481793 madhurya rasa also. 14sDsXNrXL8-01269-00481803-00482061 But at that time 14sDsXNrXL8-01270-00482071-00482278 Only one bhava will be. 14sDsXNrXL8-01271-00482288-00482770 And all other bhava will support one. 14sDsXNrXL8-01272-00482780-00483060 Understand something? 14sDsXNrXL8-01273-00483070-00483214 Devotee: You mean in the beginning? 14sDsXNrXL8-01274-00483224-00483560 *Background talk* Srila Gurudeva: Like, if 14sDsXNrXL8-01275-00483570-00483884 anyone is of 14sDsXNrXL8-01276-00483894-00484072 madhurya bhava. 14sDsXNrXL8-01277-00484358-00484518 Think that you are going 14sDsXNrXL8-01278-00484528-00484900 to Nandgaon with Srimati Radhika 14sDsXNrXL8-01279-00484910-00485196 to cook. Have you heard? 14sDsXNrXL8-01280-00485407-00485637 At that time 14sDsXNrXL8-01281-00485647-00486213 gopis, with Srimati Radhika, are 14sDsXNrXL8-01282-00486223-00486524 doing pranam to Yasoda. 14sDsXNrXL8-01283-00486713-00487204 And Yasoda, taking them in her arms, 14sDsXNrXL8-01284-00487214-00487578 appreciating them, 14sDsXNrXL8-01285-00487588-00488395 and thinkning that they are my *Hindi*. 14sDsXNrXL8-01286-00488405-00488609 *Hindi* You know? 14sDsXNrXL8-01287-00488619-00488802 Devotee: Daughter in law? 14sDsXNrXL8-01288-00488812-00489151 Srila Gurudeva: *Hindi* means kya? Devotee: Daughter in law. 14sDsXNrXL8-01289-00489161-00489475 Devotee: Daughter in law. 14sDsXNrXL8-01290-00489485-00489751 Srila Gurudeva: Daughter in law, what is the meaning of daughter in law? 14sDsXNrXL8-01291-00489761-00490005 Devotees: Sons wife. Srila Gurudeva: Sons? Devotee: Wife. 14sDsXNrXL8-01292-00490199-00490430 Yasoda maiya knows 14sDsXNrXL8-01293-00490440-00490557 it very well. 14sDsXNrXL8-01294-00490567-00490800 What now? Why you are laughing? 14sDsXNrXL8-01295-00490810-00491170 Devotee: That Radharani is really the consort of Krsna? 14sDsXNrXL8-01296-00491180-00491669 Srila Gurudeva: Krsna loves Radhika so much. 14sDsXNrXL8-01297-00491679-00492085 But she pretends to declare it. ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-01298-00492095-00492382 This is called rasa. 14sDsXNrXL8-01299-00492392-00493110 What Krsna has love for, affection for 14sDsXNrXL8-01300-00493120-00493290 Srimati Radhika. 14sDsXNrXL8-01301-00493300-00493547 And gopis have affection for Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-01302-00493557-00493888 Yasoda knows or not? 14sDsXNrXL8-01303-00494151-00494545 What? Syamarani didi: I thought you said she does know? 14sDsXNrXL8-01304-00494555-00494743 Srila Gurudeva: Eh? Syamarani didi: You said she does know 14sDsXNrXL8-01305-00494753-00494901 because she calls Her badhu (daughter in law) Srila Gurudeva: She knows. 14sDsXNrXL8-01306-00494911-00495255 As a father and mother knows 14sDsXNrXL8-01307-00495265-00495543 that my son 14sDsXNrXL8-01308-00495553-00495938 and sons wife have love each together. 14sDsXNrXL8-01309-00495948-00496256 But they don't interfere 14sDsXNrXL8-01310-00496266-00496530 and when he sees that both are sitting 14sDsXNrXL8-01311-00496540-00496663 he will go by side. 14sDsXNrXL8-01312-00496673-00496811 He will never come 14sDsXNrXL8-01313-00496821-00497005 interested. 14sDsXNrXL8-01314-00497015-00497316 No? In this manner 14sDsXNrXL8-01315-00497326-00497637 all this has come from there. 14sDsXNrXL8-01316-00497647-00498335 Everything in rotten condition. Here. Devotee: All these relationships. 14sDsXNrXL8-01317-00498345-00498474 Srila Gurudeva: Here in this world 14sDsXNrXL8-01318-00498484-00498607 what we see 14sDsXNrXL8-01319-00498617-00498817 is a reflection from there. 14sDsXNrXL8-01320-00498827-00499245 Everything, every bhava, everything. 14sDsXNrXL8-01321-00499255-00499402 It should be 14sDsXNrXL8-01322-00499412-00499658 Devotee: Converted. Srila Gurudeva: What? 14sDsXNrXL8-01323-00499668-00499822 Given... 14sDsXNrXL8-01324-00499833-00500294 If there is a natural and 14sDsXNrXL8-01325-00500304-00501013 svabhavik bhakta he. Svabhavik? 14sDsXNrXL8-01326-00501023-00501155 Natural bhakta. 14sDsXNrXL8-01327-00501165-00501595 and *Hindi* 14sDsXNrXL8-01328-00501605-00501913 Devotee: A very good devotee. 14sDsXNrXL8-01329-00501923-00502036 Srila Gurudeva: Good devotee. 14sDsXNrXL8-01330-00502046-00502388 Then he will apply everything of this world 14sDsXNrXL8-01331-00502398-00502832 in pure way to Krsna and Radhika. 14sDsXNrXL8-01332-00502842-00503021 Understand? 14sDsXNrXL8-01333-00503031-00503492 A lady loves her children. 14sDsXNrXL8-01334-00503749-00504088 We should feel that I see she is loving her children, 14sDsXNrXL8-01335-00504098-00504353 I should also love Krsna. 14sDsXNrXL8-01336-00504363-00504484 In ?? (?life also?). 14sDsXNrXL8-01337-00504494-00504799 There are 14sDsXNrXL8-01338-00504809-00505303 two, a boy a girl and a... 14sDsXNrXL8-01339-00505313-00505606 *HindI* 14sDsXNrXL8-01340-00505616-00506082 *Hindi* Young boy. 14sDsXNrXL8-01341-00506092-00506213 Young girl. 14sDsXNrXL8-01342-00506223-00506441 They love each other. 14sDsXNrXL8-01343-00506451-00506652 But that love is not love. 14sDsXNrXL8-01344-00506662-00506923 Lust only. 14sDsXNrXL8-01345-00506933-00507204 But we see, 14sDsXNrXL8-01346-00507214-00507371 we will have to think 14sDsXNrXL8-01347-00507381-00507644 that I should love 14sDsXNrXL8-01348-00507654-00507889 Krsna, really so. 14sDsXNrXL8-01349-00507899-00508097 More than so. 14sDsXNrXL8-01350-00508107-00508439 So everything in this world 14sDsXNrXL8-01351-00508449-00508838 is for siksha. 14sDsXNrXL8-01352-00508848-00509229 Devotee: Teaching. Srila Gurudeva: What? Devotee: Giving instruction. 14sDsXNrXL8-01353-00509239-00509414 Learning from. 14sDsXNrXL8-01354-00509424-00509565 Srila Gurudeva: Instruction. 14sDsXNrXL8-01355-00509575-00509690 Everything. 14sDsXNrXL8-01356-00509879-00510327 So now after 14sDsXNrXL8-01357-00510337-00510599 svarupa siddhi 14sDsXNrXL8-01358-00510911-00511175 we will have vastu siddhi. 14sDsXNrXL8-01359-00511185-00511454 And then we will go to Vrindavana, 14sDsXNrXL8-01360-00511464-00511731 and take birth there. 14sDsXNrXL8-01361-00511741-00512055 And everything will be sat-cid-ananda ??. 14sDsXNrXL8-01362-00512065-00512420 So clearly and gradually 14sDsXNrXL8-01363-00512430-00512611 this mortal body, 14sDsXNrXL8-01364-00512621-00512720 mortal bhava, 14sDsXNrXL8-01365-00512730-00512833 mortal everything, 14sDsXNrXL8-01366-00512843-00513208 goes ?? and 14sDsXNrXL8-01367-00513218-00513351 immortal everything comes. ?? 14sDsXNrXL8-01368-00513951-00514061 Devotee: Maharaja you said that 14sDsXNrXL8-01369-00514071-00514438 we should see all these relationships and we should love Krsna like that. 14sDsXNrXL8-01370-00514448-00514689 But if we're concerntrating 14sDsXNrXL8-01371-00514699-00514900 on one particular mood 14sDsXNrXL8-01372-00514910-00515080 should we also 14sDsXNrXL8-01373-00515090-00515395 think of.. Srila Gurudeva: Always ?? you that 14sDsXNrXL8-01374-00515405-00515696 there Yasoda maiya 14sDsXNrXL8-01375-00515706-00515939 in helping 14sDsXNrXL8-01376-00515949-00516329 in... 14sDsXNrXL8-01377-00516339-00516451 in other mood. 14sDsXNrXL8-01378-00516461-00516558 But helping. 14sDsXNrXL8-01379-00516568-00517035 If Yasoda was not calling Radhika there, 14sDsXNrXL8-01380-00517045-00517384 how they can meet there? Devotee: Meet together there. 14sDsXNrXL8-01381-00517394-00517887 When they are about to meet 14sDsXNrXL8-01382-00517897-00518075 about to meet 14sDsXNrXL8-01383-00518085-00518276 at once Yasoda comes. 14sDsXNrXL8-01384-00518286-00518606 And by shame they become seperated. 14sDsXNrXL8-01385-00518616-00518819 This increases their 14sDsXNrXL8-01386-00518829-00519062 love. Devotee: Attachment. 14sDsXNrXL8-01387-00519072-00519409 Srila Gurudeva: No? If a man is taking 14sDsXNrXL8-01388-00519419-00519784 but one or two... 14sDsXNrXL8-01389-00519794-00520008 What kya? Devotee: Mouthfulls, mouthfulls. 14sDsXNrXL8-01390-00520018-00520194 Srila Gurudeva: He has taken, and 14sDsXNrXL8-01391-00520204-00520313 he is hungry yet. 14sDsXNrXL8-01392-00520323-00520567 And if anyone takes it. Devotee: Takes it away. 14sDsXNrXL8-01393-00520577-00520847 Srila Gurudeva: Then hunger *gestures* Devotee: Goes up. 14sDsXNrXL8-01394-00520857-00521100 Devotee: Eagerness goes up. 14sDsXNrXL8-01395-00521240-00521657 Srila Gurudeva: Like, even Jatila and Kutila, 14sDsXNrXL8-01396-00521667-00521887 everyone of Vraja. 14sDsXNrXL8-01397-00521897-00522020 Sakha also. 14sDsXNrXL8-01398-00522030-00522161 Devotee: Chandravali also. 14sDsXNrXL8-01399-00522171-00522440 Srila Gurudeva: Because sakha are seeing something and 14sDsXNrXL8-01400-00522450-00522713 they are taunting to Krsna, increasing the Krsna love. 14sDsXNrXL8-01401-00522941-00523272 So all will help to. 14sDsXNrXL8-01402-00523810-00524189 Go on chanting, 14sDsXNrXL8-01403-00524199-00524360 reading, 14sDsXNrXL8-01404-00524370-00524561 remembering, 14sDsXNrXL8-01405-00524571-00524769 all these things. 14sDsXNrXL8-01406-00524779-00525055 One day we will have to go there. 14sDsXNrXL8-01407-00525065-00525361 Surely, surely. 14sDsXNrXL8-01408-00525607-00525958 So we should be ready 14sDsXNrXL8-01409-00525968-00526145 to go. 14sDsXNrXL8-01410-00526155-00526360 A girl is to be 14sDsXNrXL8-01411-00526370-00526831 married. Has not been married. 14sDsXNrXL8-01412-00526841-00527161 But she is groing up. 14sDsXNrXL8-01413-00527171-00527342 Father and mother 14sDsXNrXL8-01414-00527352-00527714 are preparing to marry her. 14sDsXNrXL8-01415-00527724-00527888 And she also. 14sDsXNrXL8-01416-00527898-00528170 With utlai? 14sDsXNrXL8-01417-00528180-00528444 Utali? Devotee: Dolls, dolls. Srila Gurudeva: Dolls. 14sDsXNrXL8-01418-00528454-00528760 Devotee: Playing games... Srila Gurudeva: A male and a female... 14sDsXNrXL8-01419-00528770-00529043 ?? two males, toys ??. 14sDsXNrXL8-01420-00529053-00529293 They keep it and... Devotee: Playhouse. Srila Gurudeva: That... 14sDsXNrXL8-01421-00529303-00529815 girl, and she is not mature. 14sDsXNrXL8-01422-00529825-00529995 Playing with them. 14sDsXNrXL8-01423-00530005-00530182 And one day comes 14sDsXNrXL8-01424-00530192-00530341 and they are married. 14sDsXNrXL8-01425-00530351-00530639 So we should be ready 14sDsXNrXL8-01426-00530649-00530827 ?? the toys, playing toys.. 14sDsXNrXL8-01427-00530837-00531135 We are playing like toys. 14sDsXNrXL8-01428-00531145-00531518 *Chuckles* 14sDsXNrXL8-01429-00531528-00532008 But we will have to play with a special toy. 14sDsXNrXL8-01430-00532018-00532391 Devotee: What is that? 14sDsXNrXL8-01431-00532401-00532680 Srila Gurudeva: That you should think 14sDsXNrXL8-01432-00533907-00534061 you will have to 14sDsXNrXL8-01433-00534071-00534310 go in Vrindavana, 14sDsXNrXL8-01434-00534320-00534483 as we have went today. 14sDsXNrXL8-01435-00534493-00534704 Some very little. 14sDsXNrXL8-01436-00534973-00535295 Syamarani didi: Thank you for taking us. 14sDsXNrXL8-01437-00535305-00535779 Srila Gurudeva: No, you have gone yourself. 14sDsXNrXL8-01438-00535789-00536112 I have not taken. Syamarani didi: You have taken. 14sDsXNrXL8-01439-00536122-00536230 Srila Gurudeva: No, no... 14sDsXNrXL8-01440-00536871-00537389 Srila Gurudeva: Have, you, are you reading Madhurya Kadambini? 14sDsXNrXL8-01441-00537399-00537715 You should read Madhurya Kadambini. 14sDsXNrXL8-01442-00537725-00538575 You can read also Vilap Kusmanjali, Chaitanya Charitamrita, all these books. 15NLQKi32Hk-00000-00000008-00000576 thank you to squarespace for sponsoring this video if i did not plan things nothing would happen 15NLQKi32Hk-00001-00000880-00001288 hello and welcome back to the bliss bean! one of the most common questions i get on 15NLQKi32Hk-00002-00001288-00001680 this channel obviously is how do you stop procrastinating? 15NLQKi32Hk-00003-00001680-00002256 i don't know but i do think that planning helps me to beat procrastination because 15NLQKi32Hk-00004-00002256-00002568 it sort of gamifies things i wake up each morning knowing 15NLQKi32Hk-00005-00002568-00003040 what my objectives are and also knowing that i have limited time to complete them 15NLQKi32Hk-00006-00003040-00003384 so first off, what are the tools that i use for planning? 15NLQKi32Hk-00007-00003384-00003952 the to-do app that i've been using for almost three years is to do but spelled in french 15NLQKi32Hk-00008-00003952-00004616 my preferred calendar app is ical i do not like the format of google calendar at all but 15NLQKi32Hk-00009-00004616-00005072 i actually still use it because it makes it easier than to sync with other gmail accounts and invite 15NLQKi32Hk-00010-00005072-00005664 people to events however on my computer ical is synced to google calendar so i don't need to look 15NLQKi32Hk-00011-00005664-00006272 at google calendar at all i can just enjoy the far superior format of ical in my opinion then we have 15NLQKi32Hk-00012-00006272-00006840 apple notes so simple so easy to sync but when things get a little more complicated and sometimes 15NLQKi32Hk-00013-00006840-00007304 they do we have notion and i know what you're thinking beatrice you just said three videos 15NLQKi32Hk-00014-00007304-00007831 ago that you don't like notion i'm a hypocrite no in that video rowena and i agreed and you 15NLQKi32Hk-00015-00007831-00008288 can go watch it again if you don't believe me that for us notion seems to work pretty 15NLQKi32Hk-00016-00008288-00008728 well for work stuff where things can get super complicated but not so much for 15NLQKi32Hk-00017-00008728-00009344 personal planning so let's get started with my weekly planning routine and open up apple notes 15NLQKi32Hk-00018-00009344-00009832 apple notes is where i have my various planning routines my trigger list for my brain dump do 15NLQKi32Hk-00019-00009832-00010344 some day list rough plan for the year etc so step one is to recap how the previous week 15NLQKi32Hk-00020-00010344-00010808 went i like to do this in my notebook because it's tangible and analog i feel like it helps 15NLQKi32Hk-00021-00010808-00011224 me to think better so some of the things i wrote for this week were what went well 15NLQKi32Hk-00022-00011224-00011768 i woke up at 5am every morning i did all of my habits going outside every day really helped 15NLQKi32Hk-00023-00011768-00012192 what could have gone better honestly this week not much it was a really good week but i did 15NLQKi32Hk-00024-00012192-00012688 write that because i was waking up at 5am it was hard to get enough sleep so i was pretty tired 15NLQKi32Hk-00025-00012688-00013200 during the day some days after i list out the what went well and what could have gone better i also 15NLQKi32Hk-00026-00013200-00013624 write out how i spent my time because time tracking is something that i like to do 15NLQKi32Hk-00027-00013624-00013984 so i can write out exactly the hours and the percentages from that week 15NLQKi32Hk-00028-00013984-00014560 36 hours on work 30 hours on life stuff so that's like cooking, eating, showering, routines, 15NLQKi32Hk-00029-00014560-00015040 planning, chores, errands, driving, all that day-to-day stuff 14 hours on leisure 8 on health 15NLQKi32Hk-00030-00015040-00015591 and 8 on learning next i clear out my brain dump sticky so i didn't mention this in the app section 15NLQKi32Hk-00031-00015591-00016088 because it barely counts as an app but there's this stickies app on mac that is basically digital 15NLQKi32Hk-00032-00016088-00016632 post-it notes so i have one that is for things that i want to remember to share on social media 15NLQKi32Hk-00033-00016632-00017072 another one that's just a brain dump for completely random thoughts and then some notion 15NLQKi32Hk-00034-00017072-00017616 shortcuts so if i'm keeping on top of things this brain dumb should be almost empty when i look at 15NLQKi32Hk-00035-00017616-00018144 it on sunday but i just take whatever's left on there and i turn each thought into a to-do or add 15NLQKi32Hk-00036-00018144-00018760 it to my content ideas list just put it wherever it belongs so that this is once again empty 15NLQKi32Hk-00037-00018760-00019232 at that point i'll look at my ical calendar and see what events are coming up this week 15NLQKi32Hk-00038-00019232-00019752 so this is my actual calendar i just removed some of the details for privacy these meetings and the 15NLQKi32Hk-00039-00019752-00020320 spanish classes are one-time events the exercise classes and this weekly appointment to meet at a 15NLQKi32Hk-00040-00020320-00020880 cafe with a friend these are repeating events so every week when i open my calendar i have to make 15NLQKi32Hk-00041-00020880-00021408 some decisions so for example this week i know my period is going to start soon so i probably 15NLQKi32Hk-00042-00021408-00022000 should not be doing super intense exercise classes so i think on tuesday i'll just go for a walk and 15NLQKi32Hk-00043-00022000-00022472 i'll make a note of that on fridays i have to decide between these two classes so kickboxing 15NLQKi32Hk-00044-00022472-00023040 sounds a little too intense for this week and then my friend and i we tentatively meet in the 15NLQKi32Hk-00045-00023040-00023624 late mornings but having this block on my calendar is just a reminder for me to text her and confirm 15NLQKi32Hk-00046-00023624-00024072 at what time she actually wants to meet so then i take all of these events that are in my calendar 15NLQKi32Hk-00047-00024072-00024664 and i plug them into my to-do so if you type a hashtag before whatever it is that you're writing 15NLQKi32Hk-00048-00024664-00025264 it turns it into this header format so what i like to do is drag my tasks around my events to 15NLQKi32Hk-00049-00025264-00025808 have like little milestones of when i want to get them done then is the part where we really start 15NLQKi32Hk-00050-00025808-00026327 planning okay are you ready first i look over my goals for the month i usually don't have many 15NLQKi32Hk-00051-00026327-00026800 if any but i'll just ask myself what should i accomplish this week to make 15NLQKi32Hk-00052-00026800-00027264 sure that i am on track to accomplish them by the end of the month so then i look at 15NLQKi32Hk-00053-00027264-00027744 my trigger list and i believe this originates from the getting things done system this is a 15NLQKi32Hk-00054-00027744-00028288 list of all of the areas of your life in which you might possibly have some tasks so once you 15NLQKi32Hk-00055-00028288-00028792 have this list you can go through it one by one every week and think about what tasks and ideas 15NLQKi32Hk-00056-00028792-00029583 come to mind so i am going to go through this and do a brain dump in my notebook please hold 15NLQKi32Hk-00057-00029968-00030568 for blogging tasks i also check our other tasks database in notion and i see okay what is assigned 15NLQKi32Hk-00058-00030568-00031127 to me for the week of may 10th i also take a look at the events that are on my calendar and i think 15NLQKi32Hk-00059-00031127-00031624 does anything need to be done around those events so for example for each of my spanish 15NLQKi32Hk-00060-00031624-00032160 classes i want to make sure that i have an hour the day after or in a couple of days to review 15NLQKi32Hk-00061-00032160-00032760 that lesson should probably prepare my ideas for the marketing meeting and get ready for friday's 15NLQKi32Hk-00062-00032760-00033320 meeting so then i make a point to ask what can i say no to this week because it is called a brain 15NLQKi32Hk-00063-00033320-00033896 dump for a reason it is a dump not everything on this list is worth taking action on so i say okay 15NLQKi32Hk-00064-00033896-00034448 what can i delete because it's not that important what can i ask my assistant to do what can i 15NLQKi32Hk-00065-00034448-00035120 postpone for another time and then once that list is minimized we are ready to time block before we 15NLQKi32Hk-00066-00035120-00035640 move on if you want to practice time blocking i have this schedule your ideal week worksheet on 15NLQKi32Hk-00067-00035640-00036224 my squarespace website that is how you do a segway ladies and gentlemen so this video is sponsored by 15NLQKi32Hk-00068-00036224-00036680 squarespace if you watch my youtube channel but have never visited my website you are missing 15NLQKi32Hk-00069-00036680-00037264 out that's all i have to say i used squarespace to set up a home for all things bliss being related 15NLQKi32Hk-00070-00037264-00037760 there is a free weekly newsletter lots of free worksheets links to all of my equipment 15NLQKi32Hk-00071-00037760-00038400 if you're interested in that my podcast everything squarespace makes it super easy to build a website 15NLQKi32Hk-00072-00038400-00038944 using drag and drop blocks for whatever it is that you do whether it is a blog a podcast a 15NLQKi32Hk-00073-00038944-00039496 online store an art portfolio or all of the above i really truly love using it that's why i've been 15NLQKi32Hk-00074-00039496-00040080 using it for almost four years aesthetics are really important to me and so with squarespace 15NLQKi32Hk-00075-00040080-00040600 i can very efficiently get the beautiful website that i want and we love efficiency here so you 15NLQKi32Hk-00076-00040600-00041008 can officially create your own beautiful website on squarespace with a free trial 15NLQKi32Hk-00077-00041008-00041576 and then use my code the bliss bean to get 10 off your first purchase of a website or a domain 15NLQKi32Hk-00078-00041576-00041992 all right did you go to the website did you download the worksheet okay let's get started 15NLQKi32Hk-00079-00041992-00042504 so let me start by showing you how my to-do is set up tasks that are scheduled for a specific 15NLQKi32Hk-00080-00042504-00043120 day go right under that day anything that is for this week but is yet unscheduled goes here 15NLQKi32Hk-00081-00043120-00043680 next week here and then anything that's for even further into the future goes under this list so 15NLQKi32Hk-00082-00043680-00044168 everything that was for next week now becomes this week and i type everything from my brain 15NLQKi32Hk-00083-00044168-00044992 dump into this week and i type over 100 words per minute so this should take no time at all 15NLQKi32Hk-00084-00044992-00045376 so once it's time to schedule it there's no definite step-by-step process to my 15NLQKi32Hk-00085-00045376-00045792 time blocking it's honestly kind of intuitive which is probably not what you want to hear 15NLQKi32Hk-00086-00045792-00046232 but you have to take into account deadlines how much available time you have 15NLQKi32Hk-00087-00046232-00046744 energy levels unforeseen events you just get better at it with practice so let's try and 15NLQKi32Hk-00088-00046744-00047248 time block this week so there's a video due on wednesday i have not finished editing that so 15NLQKi32Hk-00089-00047248-00047864 for sure i need a big editing block on monday to get that done let's be safe and schedule six hours 15NLQKi32Hk-00090-00047864-00048344 for that along with that video there's gonna be a newsletter and some sponsored instagram content 15NLQKi32Hk-00091-00048344-00048872 so an hour and a half to put that all together tuesday i said i was gonna go on a walk so let's 15NLQKi32Hk-00092-00048872-00049456 put that in i want to write my newsletter for the next week so let's do that before video editing 15NLQKi32Hk-00093-00049456-00050024 11 is probably a good time for lunch i wanted to spend three hours on taking notes on books so 15NLQKi32Hk-00094-00050024-00050528 that should probably wait until after i've met that deadline for the video so maybe i can do 15NLQKi32Hk-00095-00050528-00051128 thursday friday saturday maybe i need to write a video script so writing work i try to do in 15NLQKi32Hk-00096-00051128-00051984 the morning let's try to do that on tuesday i'll write the draft wednesday i shall edit the draft 15NLQKi32Hk-00097-00052416-00052767 oh i just realized i totally forgot to bring my calendar 15NLQKi32Hk-00098-00052767-00053008 events into to-do so let me do that very quickly 15NLQKi32Hk-00099-00053296-00053640 i don't think i'll have enough energy to record a podcast and film a video 15NLQKi32Hk-00100-00053640-00054104 in one day record the podcast there film a video here but then maybe film the b-roll 15NLQKi32Hk-00101-00054104-00054400 the next day so i don't exhaust myself so sometimes a time block will contain 15NLQKi32Hk-00102-00054400-00054928 a couple of tasks for example this one i like to do this when i have a couple of small tasks 15NLQKi32Hk-00103-00054928-00055391 i don't want to make time blocks that are just like 15 to 30 minutes long and so i'll 15NLQKi32Hk-00104-00055391-00055896 just lump them together into one work session usually i feel pretty confident about the plans 15NLQKi32Hk-00105-00055896-00056432 that i have for monday and tuesday and then less confident about wednesday and then progressively 15NLQKi32Hk-00106-00056432-00056928 less and less confident so basically i just need clear objectives to start with and then i can plan 15NLQKi32Hk-00107-00056928-00057391 the rest of the week as i go you can never predict everything that will happen during the week so you 15NLQKi32Hk-00108-00057391-00057976 have to have buffer time and be flexible about your schedule but yeah this is basically it i 15NLQKi32Hk-00109-00057976-00058496 now have a pretty solid plan for the week i know exactly what i need to get done i can also edit 15NLQKi32Hk-00110-00058496-00059064 things very easily if need be by just dragging things around before i go i want to leave you 15NLQKi32Hk-00111-00059064-00059648 with one last message something that i need to get over is this belief that having a busy calendar 15NLQKi32Hk-00112-00059648-00060312 is good or makes me valuable as a person so when i opened up my ical to show you my calendar for 15NLQKi32Hk-00113-00060312-00060888 the week i was like it's kind of empty what will people think that i'm lazy that i'm not booked and 15NLQKi32Hk-00114-00060888-00061472 busy that i'm unimportant but the true measure of a good calendar is not how many meetings you 15NLQKi32Hk-00115-00061472-00061952 have and not even how much work you accomplish because work is not the only goal at the end of 15NLQKi32Hk-00116-00061952-00062536 the week you should feel content healthy balanced fulfilled all these good adjectives and if the way 15NLQKi32Hk-00117-00062536-00063096 you set up your schedule makes you feel that way then you've succeeded and if this video and these 15NLQKi32Hk-00118-00063096-00063600 techniques helped you in that then awesome if you hate time blocking though don't feel like you have 15NLQKi32Hk-00119-00063600-00064104 to do it this just works for me if you enjoy this video you should also check out my how to make 15NLQKi32Hk-00120-00064104-00064600 time for everything video where we basically filled out that worksheet with how your ideal 15NLQKi32Hk-00121-00064600-00065064 week would look like and how you might make that work so i hope you enjoyed this i hope you enjoyed 15NLQKi32Hk-00122-00065064-00065984 that please give this video a like and subscribe to my channel and i will see you next week bye 187stvlFvD8-00000-00000318-00003026 [Walrus vociferates four times][Gong is sounded four times] Greetins, oitlins! 187stvlFvD8-00001-00003026-00004280 This ... this ... is Tru Keesey, with Friends of the Gerund, tellin you about the meanin 187stvlFvD8-00002-00004280-00005146 of the word "forge", as used by Sir Walter Scott in his wonderful wonderful poem, "The 187stvlFvD8-00003-00005146-00005739 Norman Horse-Shoe". 187stvlFvD8-00004-00005739-00006012 It's not an English word. 187stvlFvD8-00005-00006012-00006784 It's a kind of a tag-along -- it came from Latin, then it moved through French, and ah 187stvlFvD8-00006-00006784-00007252 it kind of tagged along with the English words even though it isn't one. 187stvlFvD8-00007-00007252-00007481 It came from Latin. 187stvlFvD8-00008-00007481-00007748 "Faber" means "maker". 187stvlFvD8-00009-00007748-00008321 It came from the word "maker" in Latin, which is "faber", and we don't know how they said 187stvlFvD8-00010-00008321-00008421 it. 187stvlFvD8-00011-00008421-00009211 There was a fellow in my gym class in the seventh grade named "Pete Faber", and ahm 187stvlFvD8-00012-00009211-00009781 same word ...w...m...in, in t ... in the seventh, my seventh grade it was pronounced "Faber" 187stvlFvD8-00013-00009781-00010413 [long "a"], just like the pencil company, but, in English, since it's not an English 187stvlFvD8-00014-00010413-00010988 word, his name would be "Pete Smith", 'cause a "faber" is a smith, and the pencil company 187stvlFvD8-00015-00010988-00011420 would be the "Smith Pencil Company" in English. 187stvlFvD8-00016-00011420-00012301 So "forge" -- it comes from Latin -- it went through a few evolutions to get from "faber" 187stvlFvD8-00017-00012301-00012542 to "forge". 187stvlFvD8-00018-00012542-00013138 Now, ahm, it, "smith" is an English word. 187stvlFvD8-00019-00013138-00014281 By usin the word 'forge", Walter Scott was givin a nod to our foe -- Rome, aah, followin 187stvlFvD8-00020-00014281-00015353 in the tradition um despicably begun by good old, um, Chlodwig the First who was the first 187stvlFvD8-00021-00015353-00016499 "Louis" king, and followed through with, aahm, the Normans, who picked up on, on the Latin 187stvlFvD8-00022-00016499-00017194 ah words that had been modified into French, and in lieu of the original Frankish words, 187stvlFvD8-00023-00017194-00017992 which were not of Latin origin, and ah carried them over to the British Isles, and where 187stvlFvD8-00024-00017992-00018742 Sir Walter Scott learned about it, and didn't discriminate ah far enough to realize that 187stvlFvD8-00025-00018742-00019178 he was noddin to the foe when he would use one, of those words. 187stvlFvD8-00026-00019178-00019848 Allh, "a forge" means "a smithy" , "smithy" [second time with soft "th" sound] -- smithy 187stvlFvD8-00027-00019848-00020950 or smithy -- "forge", you can also say "for-ge" [hard "g"] -- it's always better when we roll 187stvlFvD8-00028-00020950-00021594 the "r"s -- "for-ge", "for-ge", um, or "forge" [soft "g"], or "for-ge" [soft "g"] -- any 187stvlFvD8-00029-00021594-00021841 one of those is right. 187stvlFvD8-00030-00021841-00022214 Now "forge" was a noun first. 187stvlFvD8-00031-00022214-00022813 Now there rule is -- if you're gonna use a noun as a verb, YOU CHANGE IT! 187stvlFvD8-00032-00022813-00023006 You don't keep it the same. 187stvlFvD8-00033-00023006-00023311 That's the rule. 187stvlFvD8-00034-00023311-00024266 Now, thousands upon thousands of folks -- generation upon generation -- did not their job. 187stvlFvD8-00035-00024266-00025168 They used the noun "forge" as a verb! ... same way as Scott might have done, although in 187stvlFvD8-00036-00025168-00025453 this poem it's a na ... he uses it as a noun. 187stvlFvD8-00037-00025453-00026316 Thanks to Goodness we don't have to chastise him for that ... but they, these thousands 187stvlFvD8-00038-00026316-00026920 and thousands of folks used it as a verb without changin it from the nominal form! 187stvlFvD8-00039-00026920-00027310 Shame is upon them! ... all of them. 187stvlFvD8-00040-00027310-00028066 Why must some crazy old man in the twenty-first century be the first one to make their mistakins 187stvlFvD8-00041-00028066-00028335 to be right? 187stvlFvD8-00042-00028335-00029364 To mean ... to mean "make a thing", or "make a counterfeit signature", the right verb could 187stvlFvD8-00043-00029364-00029501 be "forgen". 187stvlFvD8-00044-00029501-00029601 Forgen. 187stvlFvD8-00045-00029601-00030173 You take the noun "forge" and add "en" on the end of it, and it becomes a verb. 187stvlFvD8-00046-00030173-00030298 That's one way of doin it. 187stvlFvD8-00047-00030298-00030480 I'm not goin to list all of the ways. 187stvlFvD8-00048-00030480-00030802 You watch more of these videos, you're a loyal fan, you get paid back by gettin TONS of lore 187stvlFvD8-00049-00030802-00031581 and understandin, as to how to make nouns into verbs. 187stvlFvD8-00050-00031581-00031733 You could say "forgulate". 187stvlFvD8-00051-00031733-00032097 Na-ha-ha-ha [laughin], but that's still Latin. 187stvlFvD8-00052-00032097-00032675 "En" is more of an English endin, so at least we're Anglicizin it somewhat, even though 187stvlFvD8-00053-00032675-00033057 it doesn't have a decent beginnin in English. 187stvlFvD8-00054-00033057-00033349 "To forgen an engine's block." 187stvlFvD8-00055-00033349-00033769 "To forgen a check." 187stvlFvD8-00056-00033769-00034062 Even better is "smithen". 187stvlFvD8-00057-00034062-00034441 To, to smithen a horse's [soft "s" sound spoken in "horses"] shoe, horse's shoe. 187stvlFvD8-00058-00034441-00035271 We don't say "horzes", If you happen to not have English as your first language. 187stvlFvD8-00059-00035271-00035529 That was just me bein, um, fun. 187stvlFvD8-00060-00035529-00035809 It was a fun way of, of actin silly. 187stvlFvD8-00061-00035809-00035909 oK. 187stvlFvD8-00062-00035909-00036009 Now be sure to subscribe. 187stvlFvD8-00063-00036009-00036738 Be sure to subscribe to learn more Ways of the Brotherhood. 187stvlFvD8-00064-00036738-00037486 Now FROG -- Friends of the Gerund -- also known as "FROG" -- is an underlin of the Tru 187stvlFvD8-00065-00037486-00037725 University. 187stvlFvD8-00066-00037725-00038299 Learn more about the Friends of the Gerund at the link below! 187stvlFvD8-00067-00038299-00038838 Do a good deed and be rewarded with a free gift. 187stvlFvD8-00068-00038838-00039232 Help me to get some teeth. 187stvlFvD8-00069-00039232-00040259 When you give five dollars or more at the link below, I'll give you a PDF of the Standards 187stvlFvD8-00070-00040259-00040616 of the Friends of the Gerund. 187stvlFvD8-00071-00040616-00041287 This will enable you to participate, and to relate to the Friends of the Gerund, and to 187stvlFvD8-00072-00041287-00041930 make friends with them, when you, when they hear you followin these standards from time 187stvlFvD8-00073-00041930-00042550 to time -- or when you hear them, you can approach them and say, "Are you a Friend of 187stvlFvD8-00074-00042550-00043363 the Gerund?" and they'll say, "You betcha I am", and you can say something ... you can 187stvlFvD8-00075-00043363-00043891 make up ... you can just demonstrate that you know the standard. 187stvlFvD8-00076-00043891-00044066 Ahh, mmh. 187stvlFvD8-00077-00044066-00044166 Tst. 187stvlFvD8-00078-00044166-00044325 Thank you! 187stvlFvD8-00079-00044325-00044497 Ta ta! 18bBTVlw-wI-00000-00006897-00006990 Music 1t2547SoaaI-00000-00000080-00000220 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. 1t2547SoaaI-00001-00000220-00000397 THIS IS YOUR WEEK IN NAVY HISTORY. 1t2547SoaaI-00002-00000426-00000697 JULY 25TH, 1943, THE FIRST U.S. 1t2547SoaaI-00003-00000697-00000977 NAVY SHIP NAMED IN HONOR OF AN AFRICAN AMERICAN, 1t2547SoaaI-00004-00000977-00001117 USS HARMON, WAS LAUNCHED. 1t2547SoaaI-00005-00001171-00001438 USS HARMON WAS NAMED AFTER MESS ATTENDANT 1ST CLASS 1t2547SoaaI-00006-00001438-00001534 LEONARD ROY HARMON. 1t2547SoaaI-00007-00001568-00001775 HARMON POSTHUMOUSLY RECEIVED THE NAVY CROSS 1t2547SoaaI-00008-00001775-00002001 FOR HIS HEROIC ACTIONS TRYING TO SAVE A SHIPMATE 1t2547SoaaI-00009-00002001-00002182 DURING THE NAVAL BATTLE OF GUADALCANAL. 1t2547SoaaI-00010-00002265-00002542 ON JULY 26TH, 1948, PRESIDENT HARRY S. 1t2547SoaaI-00011-00002542-00002812 TRUMAN SIGNED EXECUTIVE ORDER 9981, 1t2547SoaaI-00012-00002812-00002986 DESEGREGATING THE ARMED SERVICES. 1t2547SoaaI-00013-00003033-00003309 DURING WORLD WAR ONE, MORE THAN 350 THOUSAND BLACK 1t2547SoaaI-00014-00003309-00003510 TROOPS SERVED IN SEGREGATED ARMY UNITS. 1t2547SoaaI-00015-00003543-00003697 FEW WERE ALLOWED TO SERVE IN COMBAT. 1t2547SoaaI-00016-00003777-00004047 JULY 30TH, 1942, PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. 1t2547SoaaI-00017-00004047-00004260 ROOSEVELT SIGNED THE ACT ESTABLISHING WAVES, 1t2547SoaaI-00018-00004260-00004477 OR WOMEN ACCEPTED FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE. 1t2547SoaaI-00019-00004511-00004731 MORE THAN 80 THOUSANDS WOMEN SERVED IN THE WAVES 1t2547SoaaI-00020-00004731-00004831 DURING WORLD WAR II. 1t2547SoaaI-00021-00004831-00005025 TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NAVY'S HISTORY, 1t2547SoaaI-00022-00005025-00005218 VISIT THE NAVAL HISTORY AND HERITAGE COMMAND 1t2547SoaaI-00023-00005218-00005405 WEBSITE. 1xg-INZHxDY-00000-00000000-00000413 Santa Barbara County has been hit hard by Mother Nature in recent months from 1xg-INZHxDY-00001-00000413-00000853 the devastating Thomas fire to the early January storms which caused mudslides 1xg-INZHxDY-00002-00000853-00001334 flooding and other devastation this county has been hit hard lives have been 1xg-INZHxDY-00003-00001334-00001802 changed forever and the recovery process has begun but there is help to those who 1xg-INZHxDY-00004-00001802-00002166 have been affected by the recent wildfires here at the local assistance 1xg-INZHxDY-00005-00002166-00002777 center the LAC is located at 1 North Calle Caesar Chavez in Santa Barbara at 1xg-INZHxDY-00006-00002777-00003307 the Calvary Chapel and is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 1xg-INZHxDY-00007-00003307-00003836 Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. closed Sundays and will remain open 1xg-INZHxDY-00008-00003836-00004255 until February 3rd survivors of the recent Southern California wildfires 1xg-INZHxDY-00009-00004255-00004755 flooding debris flow and mudslides should also register with FEMA for 1xg-INZHxDY-00010-00004755-00005528 disaster assistance at disasterassistance.gov or 800-621-3362. 1xg-INZHxDY-00011-00005528-00006323 - for more information from santa barbara county visit county of SB org 1yMU4-BOQfk-00000-00000025-00000592 No I know of no better way to start my day slowly and calmly then with a 1yMU4-BOQfk-00001-00000618-00001137 quiet time with god if I start rushed I must stay if I start my day in a 1yMU4-BOQfk-00002-00001148-00001710 hurry I'm going to spend my day in a hurry but if I start my day with god 1yMU4-BOQfk-00003-00001733-00002126 I'm gonna spend my day with god I have a choice to make. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00004-00002145-00002448 If I start my day with god. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00005-00002451-00002918 He stays in the front of my mind while there is like a continuing conversation 1yMU4-BOQfk-00006-00002920-00003573 that gets started it lets god set the agenda is let it lets him set the the 1yMU4-BOQfk-00007-00003576-00004038 peace it puts god control if I start just by giving the first part. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00008-00004138-00004462 To him something once god is your commander and chelf. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00009-00004465-00004659 Don't forget your daily briefing 1yMU4-BOQfk-00010-00004759-00004859 Meditation. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00011-00004881-00005344 Is the most important aspect of life. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00012-00005479-00005817 Most of you never meditate it to. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00013-00005909-00006010 Never. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00014-00006274-00006441 You talk too much . 1yMU4-BOQfk-00015-00006612-00006977 You never hear from god while you're talking. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00016-00007121-00007559 And ninety nine percent of your price is you' Talking ll. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00017-00007564-00007720 Arranging for the talking 1yMU4-BOQfk-00018-00007722-00007797 fund your concern the 1yMU4-BOQfk-00019-00007802-00008164 exercise is over so you live. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00020-00008227-00008418 We don't. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00021-00008429-00008819 Your dream is never revealed to you while you're talking. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00022-00008873-00009150 With a press talking. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00023-00009238-00009707 When you go to pray again three ten minutes and set for. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00024-00009711-00010034 Just this is. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00025-00010042-00010376 You'll be amazed how large is because. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00026-00010378-00010605 Finally get to talk. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00027-00010639-00011125 Thread is you talking meditation is you list. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00028-00011128-00011500 For you and I have a conversation you can deceive me the accident which have 1yMU4-BOQfk-00029-00011502-00011874 everything and then we can even tell you what I want to. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00030-00011877-00011957 Leave. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00031-00011960-00012179 Because give it God all the time. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00032-00012205-00012560 Going concern of an answer yet read on the red. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00033-00012570-00012917 You think you already did your protest. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00034-00013028-00013496 And give asking god how come I'm not hearing from you I'm not getting any 1yMU4-BOQfk-00035-00013499-00013872 direction from you god because you're able tolearn to the direction. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00036-00013926-00014239 Give me instructions. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00037-00014279-00014742 Forest is not a head of the sea. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00038-00014825-00015078 If in the same. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00039-00015106-00015537 If you choose any better or not but it's too much no. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00040-00015578-00015929 So if you get on point remote on. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00041-00015959-00016134 In the car. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00042-00016373-00016678 Go a scene man this is a lot of noise but the last fifty 1yMU4-BOQfk-00043-00016680-00016905 years that can even get the. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00044-00016926-00017347 Got to talk about Abraham it doesn't leave your home. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00045-00017351-00017522 The stock in a month. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00046-00017551-00018029 The reason why you can discover you in your which would want to do it because. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00047-00018035-00018282 You can even make time to discover. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00048-00018345-00019365 Because it is not sure if portent what we said to god as it is what god says to 1yMU4-BOQfk-00049-00019369-00019799 us. Sometimes at think there is so much. noise around us 1yMU4-BOQfk-00050-00019802-00020163 that will can not fear God. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00051-00020187-00020675 and how will can will work with the God that we can not hear. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00052-00020692-00020975 We must hear from him do not matter. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00053-00020978-00021855 Application coverage to because that's what god wants to operate in your life. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00054-00021871-00022175 What I love about much of the business even when you do 1yMU4-BOQfk-00055-00022178-00022419 something bump and recall wrong. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00056-00022422-00023004 Local you would turn and go back. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00057-00023017-00023131 Sometimes. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00058-00023134-00023215 I got. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00059-00023217-00023450 I would list about moving. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00060-00023462-00023989 I wanted to make a U turn and get back on track and go were you want to go. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00061-00024807-00024913 In your life. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00062-00025463-00025852 I mean why would god invite you to come into his presence if he 1yMU4-BOQfk-00063-00025855-00026016 didn't want to be in yours. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00064-00026018-00026641 And he's very i want to tslk to you and speak to you and show you how different 1yMU4-BOQfk-00065-00026690-00026990 He wants to talk to you he has something to say to you everyday in his word and 1yMU4-BOQfk-00066-00026992-00027565 he wants to hear from you everyday inference is highly relation. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00067-00027567-00027876 So if I'm going to set time aside in the morning. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00068-00027881-00028362 To have my quiet time with god just a few minutes what what does that look 1yMU4-BOQfk-00069-00028570-00028834 like how do I actually do a quiet time the first rule in this setting time 1yMU4-BOQfk-00070-00028917-00029025 aside for a quiet time. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00071-00029970-00030341 Slow down I'm there probably sounds obvious but sometimes obviously they are 1yMU4-BOQfk-00072-00030344-00030687 not so obvious you have to slow down because guard is never in a hurry. 74 00:05:21,359 --> 00:05:11,164 And you can't hear guards voice if you just rushing all the time you have to 1yMU4-BOQfk-00073-00035960-00036396 slow down to hear what he wants to see him that's why you have to get up a 1yMU4-BOQfk-00074-00036403-00036924 little bit earlier not just rushing into your day and you don't have time so you 1yMU4-BOQfk-00075-00036927-00037317 just find a quiet place you grab your Bible maybe a journal get a Cup of 1yMU4-BOQfk-00076-00037320-00037910 coffee or tea or whatever you want the morning and just go spend a few minutes 1yMU4-BOQfk-00077-00037912-00038194 with the loss here's what you said about it Matthew six isn't 1yMU4-BOQfk-00078-00038197-00038467 here is what I want you to do. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00079-00038469-00039001 Just want a quiet secluded place so you won't be tempted to role play with God 1yMU4-BOQfk-00080-00039004-00039316 regard and I can I try to put on airs repressing inviting anybody. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00081-00039362-00039835 He says just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00082-00039872-00040335 And the focus will shift from you to god. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00083-00040338-00040796 And you will begin to sense his grace now. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00084-00040800-00041362 Since required time is a conversation with god then you should probably let 1yMU4-BOQfk-00085-00041365-00041854 my god struck the conversation because this may be news to some of you he is 1yMU4-BOQfk-00086-00041857-00042081 god you are not. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00087-00042084-00042483 So you probably ought to start by letting him start the conversation you 1yMU4-BOQfk-00088-00042486-00042982 don't start with an hour of prayer you don't stop my telling him what's on your 1yMU4-BOQfk-00089-00042984-00043634 mind. Start with just a moment of prayer a simple moment the says lord here I am 1yMU4-BOQfk-00090-00043637-00044108 I'm ready I want to hear from you today which is just open my eyes open my 1yMU4-BOQfk-00091-00044111-00044469 hears. Or my heart. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00092-00044505-00044802 Do whatever it is you want to say. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00093-00044805-00045097 Everybody thinks that hearing god's voice is this once in a lifetime 1yMU4-BOQfk-00094-00045106-00045569 opportunity and it's this every once in a while he only touched your special 1yMU4-BOQfk-00095-00045572-00045888 occasions that's not true he's talking to you everyday. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00096-00045985-00046554 He wants to talk to you every single day look at the scriptures and I say fifty 1yMU4-BOQfk-00097-00046557-00047040 says this weekend's me morning by morning he weekends my either to listen 1yMU4-BOQfk-00098-00047043-00047704 as a disciple. God trying to talk to you every single day. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00099-00047750-00048111 You just have to listen. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00100-00048113-00048234 You have to listen even if you don't. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00101-00048280-00048508 No his voice. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00102-00048512-00048794 Or you are too busy to listen. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00103-00048842-00049401 The dollar to busy of your day drowned out the voice of your god. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00104-00049428-00050121 Imitation my busy busy being US one being under Satan's York. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00105-00050123-00050282 Busy. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00106-00050287-00050741 Business or rather rob you of your ability to hear your god. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00107-00050794-00051279 Because we would like to fill up our game with all these things that do and 1yMU4-BOQfk-00108-00051283-00051721 before you know it you go days weeks sometimes even months or years without 1yMU4-BOQfk-00109-00051724-00052113 your guards voice and any will use busy. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00110-00052116-00052520 Keep you from gut doing god's will hearing his voice. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00111-00052539-00052581 Ce. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00112-00052583-00053119 more agent is the opposite of busy margin says I'm going to value my quiet 1yMU4-BOQfk-00113-00053128-00053377 time with god is the most important part of my day so that's 1yMU4-BOQfk-00114-00053380-00053722 what I'm going to invest my time. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00115-00053738-00053991 You want to start your day off with quiet time. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00116-00054033-00054417 Let's be launched some of us are morning people. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00117-00054423-00054806 Some of them want to be with okay I give I'm not really one person either so 1yMU4-BOQfk-00118-00054809-00055045 some of us have to get really creative about a quiet time. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00119-00055047-00055462 For some maybe it's just turning off the radio on the way to work so you can 1yMU4-BOQfk-00120-00055465-00055769 spend a few times a few minutes of silence with god. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00121-00055818-00056187 Maybe it's the first fifteen minutes of your work day before you do anything 1yMU4-BOQfk-00122-00056190-00056502 else I'm gonna spend time just listening and praying. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00123-00056519-00057001 Or maybe a lunch time you eat your full of faster fifteen minutes. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00124-00057011-00057391 For the rest of your time with god. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00125-00057401-00057957 Or maybe a night a set of binge watching six episodes on Netflix. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00126-00058031-00058526 You want five and use our last hour despite some family god. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00127-00058545-00059061 Whatever it is that's not the point the point is make sure you value more than 1yMU4-BOQfk-00128-00059067-00059400 enough to protect your quiet time with god. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00129-00059402-00059830 Because god absolutely wants to speak to you he loves speaking to. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00130-00059835-00060314 I don't know what trouble you may be facing repair you may be feeling but I 1yMU4-BOQfk-00131-00060316-00060666 do know this you need to hear gods voice. 1yMU4-BOQfk-00132-00060701-00061257 And the way you're going to hear god's voice is if you slow down and listen. 1zzegdNuEj0-00000-00002410-00002818 My name is Anand Tiwari and I'm information security professional. 1zzegdNuEj0-00001-00002818-00003379 I have 6 plus experience in information security. 1zzegdNuEj0-00002-00003379-00003836 I do a lot mobile network. 1zzegdNuEj0-00003-00003836-00004878 I'm working with not so secure and I'm author of open source tool which is a management 1zzegdNuEj0-00004-00004878-00005021 tool. 1zzegdNuEj0-00005-00005021-00006242 So you can find me on all social platforms A quick introduction about my company. 1zzegdNuEj0-00006-00006242-00006856 Providing IT security, and training. 1zzegdNuEj0-00007-00006856-00007964 So we are providing testing on penetration testing and also training on these listed. 1zzegdNuEj0-00008-00007964-00008258 Let's dive into the actual topic in hand. 1zzegdNuEj0-00009-00008258-00009096 So the agenda for today is start with what is DevSecOps, why do we need DevSecOps? 1zzegdNuEj0-00010-00009096-00009444 How do we actually go about starting with DevSecOps? 1zzegdNuEj0-00011-00009444-00010100 What kinds of tools would be used there are some kinds of set-up that we get to start 1zzegdNuEj0-00012-00010100-00011003 with it, and some sample implementation or case study around it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00013-00011003-00011258 So a disclaimer. 1zzegdNuEj0-00014-00011258-00011700 I will be listing a lot of tools, but it's not an exhaustive list. 1zzegdNuEj0-00015-00011700-00012443 What I mean to say is that I do not or we do not endorse or recommend any specific tool 1zzegdNuEj0-00016-00012443-00012543 or vendor. 1zzegdNuEj0-00017-00012543-00013119 Your choice of tool totally depends on your involvement. 1zzegdNuEj0-00018-00013119-00013744 So my recommendation would be to test and validate before implementation, any idea in 1zzegdNuEj0-00019-00013744-00014265 your environment. 1zzegdNuEj0-00020-00014265-00015215 So before we begin, I wanted you guys to just go and register so that I can just distribute 1zzegdNuEj0-00021-00015215-00015797 DevSecOps lab VM to everyone who is joining this workshop. 1zzegdNuEj0-00022-00015797-00016759 Because this lab is more than 13GB and I think it's not based where you can just go and download 1zzegdNuEj0-00023-00016759-00016859 it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00024-00016859-00017605 I will distribute through email so you can just go at your own and just download and 1zzegdNuEj0-00025-00017605-00017709 start practicing. 1zzegdNuEj0-00026-00017709-00018412 So here what I'm going to cover, I will talk all about and give the all practical implementation 1zzegdNuEj0-00027-00018412-00019061 of DevSecOps, how do we go about it and how we can automate things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00028-00019061-00019328 Everything included inside our lab. 1zzegdNuEj0-00029-00019328-00020229 So when you go back to at home you can download this lab and you can start practicing on this 1zzegdNuEj0-00030-00020229-00020386 lab. 1zzegdNuEj0-00031-00020386-00021353 So you can quickly just take a snap or just save this URL and just register on this URL 1zzegdNuEj0-00032-00021353-00022211 so that we can distribute our lab. 1zzegdNuEj0-00033-00022211-00022511 Now what is DevSecOps, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00034-00022511-00023317 So DevSecOps basically a process or an effort where you're trying to be security by default. 1zzegdNuEj0-00035-00023317-00023747 How do you achieve a secure by default state? 1zzegdNuEj0-00036-00023747-00024331 You can start with integrating security via tools, or you can start with creating security 1zzegdNuEj0-00037-00024331-00024862 as a code culture and you need to start promoting cross skilling. 1zzegdNuEj0-00038-00024862-00025812 So instead of having doing three different jobs, like dev, Sec, ops, you need one unified 1zzegdNuEj0-00039-00025812-00026304 team which will basically take care of all these three components. 1zzegdNuEj0-00040-00026304-00027408 That's what we have for DevSecOps. 1zzegdNuEj0-00041-00027408-00027637 Now why do we need DevSecOps? 1zzegdNuEj0-00042-00027637-00028450 DevOps, which comes up with dev and operation, examining together performing rapid development 1zzegdNuEj0-00043-00028450-00028562 deployment. 1zzegdNuEj0-00044-00028562-00029302 So the problem with that is the security in traditional form cannot keep up. 1zzegdNuEj0-00045-00029302-00029530 So let's take an example of pen tester. 1zzegdNuEj0-00046-00029530-00030166 It require three or four days to complete. 1zzegdNuEj0-00047-00030166-00030883 So it's like when you are doing development, deployment and maybe you are deploying your 1zzegdNuEj0-00048-00030883-00031627 application more than like 20 times, so you can't wait for Penn testing like three or 1zzegdNuEj0-00049-00031627-00031727 four days. 1zzegdNuEj0-00050-00031727-00032466 And you cannot afford to have three days and four days times two to wait for the pen test. 1zzegdNuEj0-00051-00032466-00033013 You need to get those things done at a rapid pace and that's where DevSecOps comes into 1zzegdNuEj0-00052-00033013-00033113 the picture. 1zzegdNuEj0-00053-00033113-00033765 So it's make it easier for you have the security as part of year process, a part of your pipeline 1zzegdNuEj0-00054-00033765-00034081 and that's only way going forward. 1zzegdNuEj0-00055-00034081-00034815 So if you want to keep pace with rapid development, you need to have security as part of your 1zzegdNuEj0-00056-00034815-00035155 process. 1zzegdNuEj0-00057-00035155-00035728 So this is how normal DevOps cycle looks like. 1zzegdNuEj0-00058-00035728-00036587 So start with the developer orchestration, developer code inside the source code repository 1zzegdNuEj0-00059-00036587-00037296 and then they are building using CI/CD server and they are deploying on staging or production 1zzegdNuEj0-00060-00037296-00037622 server and then they are doing monitoring. 1zzegdNuEj0-00061-00037622-00038419 So at the end of the stage, people realize they need security testing done on their application. 1zzegdNuEj0-00062-00038419-00039003 And they did security testing and they found multiple vulnerabilities. 1zzegdNuEj0-00063-00039003-00039378 And those vulnerabilities goes back to the actual developer. 1zzegdNuEj0-00064-00039378-00040246 And, like, the problem here is, maybe developer started working on different environment, 1zzegdNuEj0-00065-00040246-00040497 started working on different project. 1zzegdNuEj0-00066-00040497-00041258 So you can imagine the time required to get back into the root code of the code block 1zzegdNuEj0-00067-00041258-00041822 work together mitigating the issue and moving forward with it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00068-00041822-00042224 That's a long time you investing on it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00069-00042224-00042942 Whereas, if you shift it slightly, let's say around the build state. 1zzegdNuEj0-00070-00042942-00043496 You do automated source code review and you found SQL index. 1zzegdNuEj0-00071-00043496-00044224 So as that found, this is something that happened very close to the developer. 1zzegdNuEj0-00072-00044224-00044774 So as a soon as a developer committed the code it goes to the build process and automated 1zzegdNuEj0-00073-00044774-00045519 code review happens, you found a bug got reported and sort of waste -- instead of wasting time 1zzegdNuEj0-00074-00045519-00045777 in other processes. 1zzegdNuEj0-00075-00045777-00046437 You immediately started toward mitigating. 1zzegdNuEj0-00076-00046437-00046949 There is a safety feature that's come up because there is an error. 1zzegdNuEj0-00077-00046949-00047497 So the build did not proceed and there was know deployment that happens. 1zzegdNuEj0-00078-00047497-00048152 So you are safe the bug getting exposed to the public. 1zzegdNuEj0-00079-00048152-00048752 Now, how do we go about doing DevSecOps? 1zzegdNuEj0-00080-00048752-00049400 So I'm going to talk about lots of tool automation but automation is one part of the process. 1zzegdNuEj0-00081-00049400-00050287 So you cannot have DevSecOps unless you accept it as a culture and make it a reality in your 1zzegdNuEj0-00082-00050287-00050449 organization. 1zzegdNuEj0-00083-00050449-00050758 So I will talk about culture some time. 1zzegdNuEj0-00084-00050758-00051744 Initially I'm going to talk about how do we go injecting security in your DevOps pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00085-00051744-00052491 So I have taken a sample of same pipeline that we had and I have added a security component 1zzegdNuEj0-00086-00052491-00052648 on it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00087-00052648-00054123 So we start with the right from the developer, we have like precommit hooks it's basic bugs 1zzegdNuEj0-00088-00054123-00055079 where you can do the performing and other stages to the QA staging and production. 1zzegdNuEj0-00089-00055079-00055985 So all the data getting together in this place management. 1zzegdNuEj0-00090-00055985-00056680 So I'm going talk about each and every section quickly, and then we will move forward where 1zzegdNuEj0-00091-00056680-00056991 we will see these in action. 1zzegdNuEj0-00092-00056991-00057649 So as you can see on the top, there is a DevOps pipeline and in the bottom this is DevSecOps 1zzegdNuEj0-00093-00057649-00058487 pipeline which is taken from the Jenkin pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00094-00058487-00058750 So start with the pre-commit hooks. 1zzegdNuEj0-00095-00058750-00059377 So pre-commit hooks helps you not the credentials. 1zzegdNuEj0-00096-00059377-00060316 I have seen many times developers commit the access key on the public repository. 1zzegdNuEj0-00097-00060316-00061011 And the precommit developer orchestration and the developer can bypass and break the 1zzegdNuEj0-00098-00061011-00061111 chain. 1zzegdNuEj0-00099-00061111-00061604 So you can't consider it as a foolproof safety. 1zzegdNuEj0-00100-00061604-00062414 It work on a regular expiration and you can write your own, and it's not a final solution. 1zzegdNuEj0-00101-00062414-00062785 So you need to still have looked for other things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00102-00062785-00063774 But you can get like the initial warning and people get an idea accidental will not happen. 1zzegdNuEj0-00103-00063774-00064091 Now IDE security plugins. 1zzegdNuEj0-00104-00064091-00064664 You can have plugins preinstalled in your IDE environment. 1zzegdNuEj0-00105-00064664-00065472 Provide you to support very basic mistake and not able to support a complex issues. 1zzegdNuEj0-00106-00065472-00066322 So it's useful to stop using in secure code or like using algorithm. 1zzegdNuEj0-00107-00066322-00067055 Let's suppose a developer started using the MD5 algorithm, the IDE plugin going to alert 1zzegdNuEj0-00108-00067055-00067864 the developer you are using an algorithm that is outdated and breakable. 1zzegdNuEj0-00109-00067864-00068663 The idea is to not find all bugs, but rather assist the developers not making mistakes. 1zzegdNuEj0-00110-00068663-00069250 So things that could be easily encountered and you can get the idea and move on with 1zzegdNuEj0-00111-00069250-00069522 it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00112-00069522-00069788 Now the secret management. 1zzegdNuEj0-00113-00069788-00070511 So I have seen like credentials often used to store configuration files in writing the 1zzegdNuEj0-00114-00070511-00070611 code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00115-00070611-00071098 So I talked about how developers committed their keys and credentials while posting the 1zzegdNuEj0-00116-00071098-00071336 code inside the repository, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00117-00071336-00071798 So the question is where do we need to keep the secrets? 1zzegdNuEj0-00118-00071798-00072529 So we need to have some secret management interface, hopefully with all our DevOps environment 1zzegdNuEj0-00119-00072529-00073136 we have already having some secret management, secret managers. 1zzegdNuEj0-00120-00073136-00074468 Or we can use the secret management solution to store our secrets and we have to also ensure 1zzegdNuEj0-00121-00074468-00075113 that keep using entire code base. 1zzegdNuEj0-00122-00075113-00075818 Now it's interesting aspect is software composition analysis. 1zzegdNuEj0-00123-00075818-00076481 All of us talk about that we develop software. 1zzegdNuEj0-00124-00076481-00077020 So effectively we write maybe 10% and 20% of the software. 1zzegdNuEj0-00125-00077020-00077698 And all other part basically import reference and other modules that we have used. 1zzegdNuEj0-00126-00077698-00078256 So these are all our third party code that we are using and that's generally become a 1zzegdNuEj0-00127-00078256-00078482 major factor of attacks. 1zzegdNuEj0-00128-00078482-00078837 And major factor of vulnerabilities. 1zzegdNuEj0-00129-00078837-00079633 So you can imagine if you are using open source libraries in your software and that libraries 1zzegdNuEj0-00130-00079633-00080341 are outdated and like you need to have some change so that you can figure out the old 1zzegdNuEj0-00131-00080341-00081099 version of your libraries and you can eliminate the vulnerabilities. 1zzegdNuEj0-00132-00081099-00081882 There are major languages which are using the packages so you need to have those placed 1zzegdNuEj0-00133-00081882-00082558 so you can eliminate the vulnerabilities. 1zzegdNuEj0-00134-00082558-00082989 So we looked at our source composition analysis. 1zzegdNuEj0-00135-00082989-00083472 Now let's look into our written code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00136-00083472-00083843 It's called static analysis or we call like SAST. 1zzegdNuEj0-00137-00083843-00084936 So this is basically where you go about and run auto mated code review tool which will 1zzegdNuEj0-00138-00084936-00085472 be able to pick out easy or simple vulnerabilities. 1zzegdNuEj0-00139-00085472-00086263 Let's suppose cross-site scripting, you have written the logic in your code and that logic 1zzegdNuEj0-00140-00086263-00087148 is not properly -- something is not properly using the code which is reflecting on your 1zzegdNuEj0-00141-00087148-00087332 page. 1zzegdNuEj0-00142-00087332-00088172 So these tool again will be messy painful to use, and you are using them for the first 1zzegdNuEj0-00143-00088172-00088272 time. 1zzegdNuEj0-00144-00088272-00089018 So I have seen like source code review tools digging out maybe like 500 or 900 pages of 1zzegdNuEj0-00145-00089018-00089304 report when you run the first time. 1zzegdNuEj0-00146-00089304-00090166 So but the important part of this static code review is you need to train them, like if 1zzegdNuEj0-00147-00090166-00090961 you are running source code analysis and you are running the static analysis on your code, 1zzegdNuEj0-00148-00090961-00091818 you need to have like train them and you need to have like run the multiple time on your 1zzegdNuEj0-00149-00091818-00091932 code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00150-00091932-00092722 So you can find the vulnerabilities and you have to eliminate the vulnerabilities by running 1zzegdNuEj0-00151-00092722-00093308 the multiple time on your code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00152-00093308-00093536 So they are generic in nature. 1zzegdNuEj0-00153-00093536-00093923 They don't have a context around your application. 1zzegdNuEj0-00154-00093923-00094917 You need to -- identify what they are picking as a false positive and then you can go back 1zzegdNuEj0-00155-00094917-00095857 to the actual developer who developed these static tools and you can ask them to remove 1zzegdNuEj0-00156-00095857-00096666 defaults they are finding. 1zzegdNuEj0-00157-00096666-00097841 Now once you have looked at these static components, there are still place where you cannot be 1zzegdNuEj0-00158-00097841-00098160 found these static components. 1zzegdNuEj0-00159-00098160-00098825 Like they are like when you're deploying your application, applications are like dynamically 1zzegdNuEj0-00160-00098825-00099588 deployed, and you need to have find vulnerabilities running by dynamic scans. 1zzegdNuEj0-00161-00099588-00100469 So depending on your environment there might be different issue that can crop up. 1zzegdNuEj0-00162-00100469-00101068 So secondly, you can also use the DAST state to develop the SAST states. 1zzegdNuEj0-00163-00101068-00101952 Let's suppose SAST found these vulnerabilities and you are not comfortable with those vulnerabilities. 1zzegdNuEj0-00164-00101952-00102208 Maybe they are false positive. 1zzegdNuEj0-00165-00102208-00103151 But if you run the DAST stage and the dynamic analysis scan, you find the same vulnerabilities. 1zzegdNuEj0-00166-00103151-00104041 You can match with this SAST and DAST and you can confirm they actually exist in your 1zzegdNuEj0-00167-00104041-00104222 code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00168-00104222-00105248 So this way you can just utilize SAST and DAST together in your pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00169-00105248-00105907 So next is infrastructure scan. 1zzegdNuEj0-00170-00105907-00106739 So as a code like you have deploy your whole infrastructure. 1zzegdNuEj0-00171-00106739-00107720 So you might be using Docker, Kubernetes or solutions which have amazed where application 1zzegdNuEj0-00172-00107720-00107908 can be deployed. 1zzegdNuEj0-00173-00107908-00108319 So that container is your base image. 1zzegdNuEj0-00174-00108319-00109109 So you need to check, you need to have scan where you can just scan the base image or 1zzegdNuEj0-00175-00109109-00109265 base container. 1zzegdNuEj0-00176-00109265-00110657 So I have seen like in the Docker hub many are the like vulnerable images are uploaded 1zzegdNuEj0-00177-00110657-00111184 and they are maybe malicious images inside the hub. 1zzegdNuEj0-00178-00111184-00111972 So before deploying your application on the top of the container, you need to have checked 1zzegdNuEj0-00179-00111972-00112688 where you can go about and scan whole your base image. 1zzegdNuEj0-00180-00112688-00113520 So that's where we are, need to be have security in infrastructure as code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00181-00113520-00114313 Now, some of the organization have followed compliance, some of the organization don't 1zzegdNuEj0-00182-00114313-00114565 have a specific compliance. 1zzegdNuEj0-00183-00114565-00115145 But then we have one follow 13 compliance, benchmarks. 1zzegdNuEj0-00184-00115145-00115723 So in that scenario again, we can have compliance built as a code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00185-00115723-00115916 We can write the script. 1zzegdNuEj0-00186-00115916-00116659 We have multiple tools allow to write those scripts, and we can embed your compliance 1zzegdNuEj0-00187-00116659-00117200 as a structure with the code, and then we can keep it within repository. 1zzegdNuEj0-00188-00117200-00117913 And manage it and whenever new compliance check are required, those can be tested again 1zzegdNuEj0-00189-00117913-00118308 and again. 1zzegdNuEj0-00190-00118308-00118918 So I talk about a bunch of different stages and all these stages are going to generate 1zzegdNuEj0-00191-00118918-00119018 reports. 1zzegdNuEj0-00192-00119018-00119505 You have integrated multiple tools in every stage. 1zzegdNuEj0-00193-00119505-00120196 So you need one central place where you can dump all your data, all your vulnerability 1zzegdNuEj0-00194-00120196-00120693 data, where you can go and do the vulnerability management. 1zzegdNuEj0-00195-00120693-00121530 So I have seen like DevOps team or security team never likes to clear the reports and 1zzegdNuEj0-00196-00121530-00121925 never likes to go about and managing the reports, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00197-00121925-00122565 So we need vulnerability management place in our process, our DevOps process, where 1zzegdNuEj0-00198-00122565-00123751 we can dump all the generated data from the multiple tools. 1zzegdNuEj0-00199-00123751-00124377 Now once we have environment deployed and we are running everything in pipeline, so 1zzegdNuEj0-00200-00124377-00124692 it's feel like our job is done, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00201-00124692-00125058 So but that's where our job actually started. 1zzegdNuEj0-00202-00125058-00125635 So once we have deployed our pipeline for the first time, we need feedback. 1zzegdNuEj0-00203-00125635-00125914 So we have done a bunch of steps. 1zzegdNuEj0-00204-00125914-00126746 Now how do we know about, how do we know this actually works and how do we validate these 1zzegdNuEj0-00205-00126746-00126846 things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00206-00126846-00127317 So that's where alerting and monitoring will come into the picture. 1zzegdNuEj0-00207-00127317-00127954 We can keep monitoring our environment, see if an attack is happening or something trying 1zzegdNuEj0-00208-00127954-00128128 an attack. 1zzegdNuEj0-00209-00128128-00128777 If someone trying to attack, we can easily catch those attack and we can respond those 1zzegdNuEj0-00210-00128777-00128991 attack. 1zzegdNuEj0-00211-00128991-00129870 If they are not getting -- if the attacker trying to attack and they are getting success, 1zzegdNuEj0-00212-00129870-00130830 we have succeeded deploy some safety precaution in our whole level of process. 1zzegdNuEj0-00213-00130830-00131498 Now another point of which I like I wanted to point out, and like people are forgetting 1zzegdNuEj0-00214-00131498-00131879 about to this asset monitoring. 1zzegdNuEj0-00215-00131879-00132765 The assets, when we talk about assets, we generally talk about we have these many servers 1zzegdNuEj0-00216-00132765-00133140 and that's about people listing it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00217-00133140-00134134 But when we talk about assets or your GitHub or whatever the public value your assets are, 1zzegdNuEj0-00218-00134134-00134815 your assets and you need to have like monitor on your assets. 1zzegdNuEj0-00219-00134815-00135785 So maybe they disclose the vulnerabilities or using your public repo or maybe if you 1zzegdNuEj0-00220-00135785-00136480 like have Facebook pages, so maybe disclose some of the information of your organization. 1zzegdNuEj0-00221-00136480-00136717 So all these are your assets. 1zzegdNuEj0-00222-00136717-00137665 So you have to like -- you need to be monitor these assets. 1zzegdNuEj0-00223-00137665-00138566 So this is a sample implementation of Java where like these are the tools implemented 1zzegdNuEj0-00224-00138566-00139707 and using the Jenkins pipeline, I have integrated on every stage of the security tools and every 1zzegdNuEj0-00225-00139707-00139950 stage of integrating security tools. 1zzegdNuEj0-00226-00139950-00141482 So I just wanted to go through the video and then I will show in the VM how does it work. 1zzegdNuEj0-00227-00141482-00142510 So it start with the first stage, which is a SAST dynamic, this is dependency check and 1zzegdNuEj0-00228-00142510-00143614 find sec bug where we are finding this software composition analysis and where we are doing 1zzegdNuEj0-00229-00143614-00144211 the static analysis. 1zzegdNuEj0-00230-00144211-00144946 Next stage is DAST, next stage is scan and then we deploy. 1zzegdNuEj0-00231-00144946-00145575 This is how it looks like we have the top of the DevOps pipeline, we start with the 1zzegdNuEj0-00232-00145575-00146995 build, then we have our artifactory and then we are deploying our staging and then our 1zzegdNuEj0-00233-00146995-00147773 application on staging and then doing the UAT test and then we provisioning our production. 1zzegdNuEj0-00234-00147773-00147991 And this is how DevOps process looks like. 1zzegdNuEj0-00235-00147991-00148534 And at bottom we have security on every stage. 1zzegdNuEj0-00236-00148534-00149413 So you can see after the artifactory deployed, we have integrated SAST, then we have DAST, 1zzegdNuEj0-00237-00149413-00150636 then infrastructure scan, compliance scan and then we are deploying as a WAF. 1zzegdNuEj0-00238-00150636-00151045 So first I talk about pre-commit hook. 1zzegdNuEj0-00239-00151045-00151858 So developers mistakenly committing their access key or credentials over the public 1zzegdNuEj0-00240-00151858-00151958 repository. 1zzegdNuEj0-00241-00151958-00152921 So how we can alert them, how we cannot allow to not commit their secrets and all those 1zzegdNuEj0-00242-00152921-00153021 things, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00243-00153021-00154208 So we have implemented where we are just figuring out by doing, by searching all over the code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00244-00154208-00155320 As you can see, if the talisman found the AWS key or any secrets in your codes, it's 1zzegdNuEj0-00245-00155320-00155700 going to alert them to your developer. 1zzegdNuEj0-00246-00155700-00156363 So developer can get to know in our code, the secrets are going to be -- so they can 1zzegdNuEj0-00247-00156363-00156888 remove and commit the code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00248-00156888-00157397 So next is software composition analysis, where we are implementing WASP dependency 1zzegdNuEj0-00249-00157397-00157559 check. 1zzegdNuEj0-00250-00157559-00158432 Where we are going to search about open source libraries and we are not using open source 1zzegdNuEj0-00251-00158432-00158755 valuable library in our software. 1zzegdNuEj0-00252-00158755-00159210 So we are doing the scanning using our dependency check. 1zzegdNuEj0-00253-00159210-00160084 So in your pipeline as you can see, we have given the rule, if more than like 10 high 1zzegdNuEj0-00254-00160084-00160767 vulnerability, your pipeline not going to proceed further. 1zzegdNuEj0-00255-00160767-00160972 It's going to be stopped. 1zzegdNuEj0-00256-00160972-00161704 So this way developers can get the feedback in their software. 1zzegdNuEj0-00257-00161704-00161937 These are the vulnerability, these numbers are vulnerability. 1zzegdNuEj0-00258-00161937-00162574 They need to have fixed and then go forward. 1zzegdNuEj0-00259-00162574-00162780 So let's fix the issue. 1zzegdNuEj0-00260-00162780-00163680 Like we are using a vulnerability version so just remove and then we committed the code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00261-00163680-00163780 And then, yeah. 1zzegdNuEj0-00262-00163780-00164169 The vulnerability has like written down. 1zzegdNuEj0-00263-00164169-00164988 That's why intentionally left five high risk how this pipeline looks like. 1zzegdNuEj0-00264-00164988-00165576 Now SAST using the find bug integrated. 1zzegdNuEj0-00265-00165576-00165985 As you can see we have given the rule. 1zzegdNuEj0-00266-00165985-00166774 There should not be any high vulnerability in your code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00267-00166774-00167320 So it's found the vulnerability and we got the feedback and then we removed the code 1zzegdNuEj0-00268-00167320-00168765 and just to fix the vulnerabilities and then we committed the code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00269-00168765-00169385 Now DAST using the WASP ZAP. 1zzegdNuEj0-00270-00169385-00170814 This is integrated with the dynamic scan on our staging environment. 1zzegdNuEj0-00271-00170814-00171460 So we have integrated with the mail system where you can get the email. 1zzegdNuEj0-00272-00171460-00172083 So DAST takes more than like sometimes it takes like one day or two day or three days. 1zzegdNuEj0-00273-00172083-00172638 So in your pipeline if you are running more than 15 minute or 20 minute, so it wouldn't 1zzegdNuEj0-00274-00172638-00172738 work. 1zzegdNuEj0-00275-00172738-00173398 So what we have did, we have integrated the dynamic scanning. 1zzegdNuEj0-00276-00173398-00173559 We are not waiting for that. 1zzegdNuEj0-00277-00173559-00174350 We have integrating with mail system and we like we going forward it, and when the scan 1zzegdNuEj0-00278-00174350-00175054 has completed we got the stats of these dynamic scan and according to that, we take the decision 1zzegdNuEj0-00279-00175054-00176367 whether we deploy our application on server or not. 1zzegdNuEj0-00280-00176367-00177261 So next thing is in our in this lab we are using lots of container, docker containers. 1zzegdNuEj0-00281-00177261-00177919 So we need to have like find out vulnerable containers we are not using in our staging 1zzegdNuEj0-00282-00177919-00178019 or production server. 1zzegdNuEj0-00283-00178019-00179325 So we are using clear, we are using open vast. 1zzegdNuEj0-00284-00179325-00180102 Open VAS also started this scan. 1zzegdNuEj0-00285-00180102-00181340 And you can get the notification once the scan has completed. 1zzegdNuEj0-00286-00181340-00181900 Now we are using inspect for doing the compliance as a code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00287-00181900-00183185 So you need, we are doing like we are complying our Tomcat server. 1zzegdNuEj0-00288-00183185-00184184 Once everything is fine we are going to leave the approval to deploy our application on 1zzegdNuEj0-00289-00184184-00184289 production. 1zzegdNuEj0-00290-00184289-00184538 Now we have a deploy the WAF. 1zzegdNuEj0-00291-00184538-00184791 This is how the application looks like. 1zzegdNuEj0-00292-00184791-00185419 An let's suppose attacker was to do the SQL injection or something attack on your application, 1zzegdNuEj0-00293-00185419-00186472 you get the alert about the from where attack happening and what types of attack going on. 1zzegdNuEj0-00294-00186472-00186699 And also it's not going to allow. 1zzegdNuEj0-00295-00186699-00187040 I talk about vulnerability management. 1zzegdNuEj0-00296-00187040-00187538 We are using Archery to do the vulnerability management. 1zzegdNuEj0-00297-00187538-00188579 So whatever you run the scan in your pipeline, all these tools generate data and those data 1zzegdNuEj0-00298-00188579-00188837 inside the archery. 1zzegdNuEj0-00299-00188837-00190029 So as you can see, the old data is placed in the central place and where consolidated 1zzegdNuEj0-00300-00190029-00190642 and you can manage and you can market it, you can do tons of things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00301-00190642-00191329 And you can prioritize the vulnerabilities in your organization if you are doing the 1zzegdNuEj0-00302-00191329-00191944 development, you can go and check what types of project having, what types of vulnerabilities. 1zzegdNuEj0-00303-00191944-00192663 Let me go quickly to the VM, what I am going to distribute to all. 1zzegdNuEj0-00304-00192663-00193476 You can go and just take all the scripts, all the tools already integrated and all the 1zzegdNuEj0-00305-00193476-00193774 setup we have already done. 1zzegdNuEj0-00306-00193774-00194750 So you can go and check this VM to do practice from yourself in your home. 1zzegdNuEj0-00307-00194750-00195072 So this is how our application looks like. 1zzegdNuEj0-00308-00195072-00196261 This is a vulnerable application we created, where we are doing like the DevOps process 1zzegdNuEj0-00309-00196261-00197110 and then we integrated security in DevOps process so that we can eliminate vulnerabilities. 1zzegdNuEj0-00310-00197110-00197787 We can make as a secure application. 1zzegdNuEj0-00311-00197787-00198019 This is how Jenkins looks like. 1zzegdNuEj0-00312-00198019-00198582 So all the tools we have, like we're using the Vault. 1zzegdNuEj0-00313-00198582-00199665 We are using weave scope which are going to monitor your containers. 1zzegdNuEj0-00314-00199665-00200284 We are using mail catcher to get the notifications. 1zzegdNuEj0-00315-00200284-00202384 We are using Archery to do the vulnerability management. 1zzegdNuEj0-00316-00202384-00203263 And then this is how that's what it looks like. 1zzegdNuEj0-00317-00203263-00204452 So like you are running DevOps -- like DevOps or DevSecOps pipeline, CI/CD pipeline and 1zzegdNuEj0-00318-00204452-00204670 you have integrated multiple tools. 1zzegdNuEj0-00319-00204670-00205081 So all the tools listed here. 1zzegdNuEj0-00320-00205081-00206176 And here is our production server. 1zzegdNuEj0-00321-00206176-00207057 Let me go inside the Jenkins. 1zzegdNuEj0-00322-00207057-00207815 Okay so I have already created the CI/CD pipeline for multiple stages. 1zzegdNuEj0-00323-00207815-00208141 So before that I wanted to go with the code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00324-00208141-00208688 So the code is using the item ID. 1zzegdNuEj0-00325-00208688-00209944 The code is, all the code written in Java so in the pipeline folder we have like for 1zzegdNuEj0-00326-00209944-00210702 the Jenkins you need one Jenkins file and you need a Jenkins script to create a whole 1zzegdNuEj0-00327-00210702-00210832 CI/CD pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00328-00210832-00211654 So there are like stages DevOps so you can go and just copy and paste in Jenkins file 1zzegdNuEj0-00329-00211654-00212373 and then commit the code inside the -- we are integrated the git. 1zzegdNuEj0-00330-00212373-00213010 So once you committed our pipeline will be start. 1zzegdNuEj0-00331-00213010-00214232 So here Jenkins pipeline, I have first started, it was like blank so it's not giving any stages. 1zzegdNuEj0-00332-00214232-00214865 So as you can see, this is the blank. 1zzegdNuEj0-00333-00214865-00215767 So let's go about other stages where I just integrated the like dependency check. 1zzegdNuEj0-00334-00215767-00216040 So first we integrated DevOps process. 1zzegdNuEj0-00335-00216040-00217071 So here you can see using the Maven package, we are generating the package, and then uploading 1zzegdNuEj0-00336-00217071-00217248 package on artifactory. 1zzegdNuEj0-00337-00217248-00217832 As you can see Artifactory we have already integrated. 1zzegdNuEj0-00338-00217832-00218211 So using the API. 1zzegdNuEj0-00339-00218211-00219056 We are uploading inside the artifactory. 1zzegdNuEj0-00340-00219056-00220288 And then we are application on staging environment and doing the UAT test. 1zzegdNuEj0-00341-00220288-00221210 So as you can see, our whole process works very smoothly. 1zzegdNuEj0-00342-00221210-00222450 And then after, once we have a DevOps pipeline, we need to integrate the security on every 1zzegdNuEj0-00343-00222450-00222553 stages. 1zzegdNuEj0-00344-00222553-00223234 So first start with the dependency check where we are doing software composition analysis. 1zzegdNuEj0-00345-00223234-00223948 So we are using dependency check to find our vulnerable libraries and vulnerabilities. 1zzegdNuEj0-00346-00223948-00224436 And those vulnerabilities are inside Archery. 1zzegdNuEj0-00347-00224436-00225130 So if you go inside the dependency check, you can see it's using the project commit 1zzegdNuEj0-00348-00225130-00225779 ID because it's a unique ID for every pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00349-00225779-00226773 As you can see one vulnerabilities, it comes to 31. 1zzegdNuEj0-00350-00226773-00227551 So using archery you can go and explore the vulnerabilities or you can mark as a false 1zzegdNuEj0-00351-00227551-00228705 positive, or if you are integrated with your JIRA ticketing system, you can raise the vulnerability 1zzegdNuEj0-00352-00228705-00229317 ticket using the JIRA. 1zzegdNuEj0-00353-00229317-00230331 So once we have integrated everything, like all the scripts and all the things available 1zzegdNuEj0-00354-00230331-00231015 on this code, so you can at your home you can try yourself, because we have created 1zzegdNuEj0-00355-00231015-00231154 this lab. 1zzegdNuEj0-00356-00231154-00231991 And we are giving this workshop for full day, but here we are getting less time, like one 1zzegdNuEj0-00357-00231991-00232142 and a half hours. 1zzegdNuEj0-00358-00232142-00232544 So we are not able to give you as a hands-on session. 1zzegdNuEj0-00359-00232544-00233103 But you can try at your home. 1zzegdNuEj0-00360-00233103-00234079 So all the Jenkins pipeline, you know there are multiple stages where you need to get 1zzegdNuEj0-00361-00234079-00235842 the instructions to run the commands or to run the scripts. 1zzegdNuEj0-00362-00235842-00236815 Once you deploy your application on the WAF, let's suppose someone trying to attack on 1zzegdNuEj0-00363-00236815-00237051 your application. 1zzegdNuEj0-00364-00237051-00237586 So we have already integrated the WAF. 1zzegdNuEj0-00365-00237586-00238394 So let's suppose I'm trying to provide deep access payload. 1zzegdNuEj0-00366-00238394-00239396 This gives 403 because it's not allowed on those payload. 1zzegdNuEj0-00367-00239396-00240167 And also you will get notification. 1zzegdNuEj0-00368-00240167-00240584 On your mail. 1zzegdNuEj0-00369-00240584-00241019 So I recommend you to go and try yourself at home. 1zzegdNuEj0-00370-00241019-00241444 I hope you guys have written the URL or you just go and register. 1zzegdNuEj0-00371-00241444-00242309 I will distribute using your email, I will distribute the link of this VM, and I hope 1zzegdNuEj0-00372-00242309-00242729 you guys do more stuff in this VM. 1zzegdNuEj0-00373-00242729-00242917 This comes to our presentation. 1zzegdNuEj0-00374-00242917-00243017 Okay. 1zzegdNuEj0-00375-00243017-00243569 So the tools of trade, I have listed these tools. 1zzegdNuEj0-00376-00243569-00244442 So my goal was to create like workshop using all open source tools. 1zzegdNuEj0-00377-00244442-00245271 So how about starting your DevSecOps using all open source tools without spending any 1zzegdNuEj0-00378-00245271-00245551 extra money. 1zzegdNuEj0-00379-00245551-00246336 So my resource, I resource lots of open source tools and optimize those tools then give to 1zzegdNuEj0-00380-00246336-00247148 the client or someone, or ask how to start the DevSecOps in their DevOps process. 1zzegdNuEj0-00381-00247148-00248292 So what I come up with these tools and still I'm not endorsing or I'm not like I'm not 1zzegdNuEj0-00382-00248292-00248713 recommending anything, but this is all available open source. 1zzegdNuEj0-00383-00248713-00250106 So you can try yourself and implement and test before going to implement it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00384-00250106-00251082 These are vulnerability management. 1zzegdNuEj0-00385-00251082-00251984 So let's suppose how about if you wanted to select a tool for your DevOps pipeline or 1zzegdNuEj0-00386-00251984-00252155 DevSecOps pipeline, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00387-00252155-00252473 So you need to keep in mind these things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00388-00252473-00253115 The tools have API and command line access so it can be scriptable. 1zzegdNuEj0-00389-00253115-00253783 The tools should be computing within a maximum time we like 15 minutes. 1zzegdNuEj0-00390-00253783-00254369 Like to be honest, everyone keeps saying 15 minutes or 20 minutes. 1zzegdNuEj0-00391-00254369-00254817 There is no standard or there is no rule. 1zzegdNuEj0-00392-00254817-00255502 All that matters is the pipelines are finished as early as possible. 1zzegdNuEj0-00393-00255502-00256276 The ideal state would be for the tool does not take even a minute or second, just add 1zzegdNuEj0-00394-00256276-00256616 it in pipeline without any change required. 1zzegdNuEj0-00395-00256616-00256892 But that's not going to happen, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00396-00256892-00257110 So in the real world. 1zzegdNuEj0-00397-00257110-00257829 So what we are going to looking for that tool can finish the scan in a smaller time amount 1zzegdNuEj0-00398-00257829-00258066 as possible. 1zzegdNuEj0-00399-00258066-00259259 Also the output should be in the JSON format and XML format so you can parse the tool data. 1zzegdNuEj0-00400-00259259-00259838 So let's talk about how we go and optimize our pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00401-00259838-00260571 So we are adding bunch of tools, and we will end up with situation where pipeline taking 1zzegdNuEj0-00402-00260571-00260723 lots of time. 1zzegdNuEj0-00403-00260723-00261221 So now we want to tweak them around and wanted to optimize the pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00404-00261221-00261932 So what we can do is, we can multiple panel pipeline, we can have one pipeline which runs 1zzegdNuEj0-00405-00261932-00262790 on every commit and we can have another pipeline which can runs once a day. 1zzegdNuEj0-00406-00262790-00263839 Like there is one more way, like another pipeline which runs on measure, commit you can create 1zzegdNuEj0-00407-00263839-00264690 branches so that you can specify what branch need to be have run. 1zzegdNuEj0-00408-00264690-00265543 So let's suppose you have modified your template or your whole website UI. 1zzegdNuEj0-00409-00265543-00266376 So for that you don't need to run the software composition analysis or static analysis. 1zzegdNuEj0-00410-00266376-00267119 Because you have only modified the CSS so you don't have to run whole those tools. 1zzegdNuEj0-00411-00267119-00267944 So this way you can optimize your pipeline and only run for these specific things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00412-00267944-00268965 Another that it's very important to run the full pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00413-00268965-00269427 So question is does programming language matters? 1zzegdNuEj0-00414-00269427-00269655 Depends on different language. 1zzegdNuEj0-00415-00269655-00270187 All that matter is to change your tool of choice different things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00416-00270187-00270524 Software composition analysis and static scan. 1zzegdNuEj0-00417-00270524-00270864 And everything else is the same. 1zzegdNuEj0-00418-00270864-00271076 So let's see here. 1zzegdNuEj0-00419-00271076-00271975 For Java software analysis and all these code analysis, all these open source tools available. 1zzegdNuEj0-00420-00271975-00273146 So for Java, PHP, Python, I listed out all the very popular programming language. 1zzegdNuEj0-00421-00273146-00273606 So this is how our whole pipeline looks like. 1zzegdNuEj0-00422-00273606-00275138 So for Ruby we have only modify like our sat and SCA bundle and for PHP we're using like 1zzegdNuEj0-00423-00275138-00276566 we have modified with SC software composition analysis and SAST. 1zzegdNuEj0-00424-00276566-00277459 For Python we're using bandit and you can see everything else is same in the pipeline 1zzegdNuEj0-00425-00277459-00278421 but only we are modifying the SAST in our whole pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00426-00278421-00278818 CI/CD pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00427-00278818-00279017 Right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00428-00279017-00279547 So that's bring me the next level part, which is cloud. 1zzegdNuEj0-00429-00279547-00280525 So when you have a cloud, beside your usual attacks, you have like three more areas to 1zzegdNuEj0-00430-00280525-00280625 worry about. 1zzegdNuEj0-00431-00280625-00281052 So first is like identify and access management. 1zzegdNuEj0-00432-00281052-00282159 Frankly speaking, the 1 ADR which is no cloud window went to take care of and that's your 1zzegdNuEj0-00433-00282159-00282308 responsibility. 1zzegdNuEj0-00434-00282308-00282507 You need to manage that. 1zzegdNuEj0-00435-00282507-00283426 And then area of like asset inventory and then the third is like billing. 1zzegdNuEj0-00436-00283426-00283766 So most of the attack happen on the billing. 1zzegdNuEj0-00437-00283766-00284203 So you need to more care about your billing. 1zzegdNuEj0-00438-00284203-00284875 So you need to have alert and all those things placed in your cloud. 1zzegdNuEj0-00439-00284875-00285469 Now if you have infrastructure as code, it allow you to perform a quick audit and you 1zzegdNuEj0-00440-00285469-00286272 can focus a specific area like security group, permission where your resource has running 1zzegdNuEj0-00441-00286272-00286947 on and how you can give the permissions and all those stuff. 1zzegdNuEj0-00442-00286947-00287561 So I'm dealing with one of my clients, and the client do not have on-prem and they are 1zzegdNuEj0-00443-00287561-00287952 using all the cloud Netiverse services. 1zzegdNuEj0-00444-00287952-00288846 So we have come up with the solution of whatever they're using, cloud services where we need 1zzegdNuEj0-00445-00288846-00289536 to have injector security in audit DevOps cloud services. 1zzegdNuEj0-00446-00289536-00290102 So the key things we need to keep in mind, no vendors are providing analysis on static 1zzegdNuEj0-00447-00290102-00290746 code analysis tool, dynamic code analysis and vulnerability analysis. 1zzegdNuEj0-00448-00290746-00292043 This is how AWS cloud native DevSecOps pipeline looks like and like start with the developer. 1zzegdNuEj0-00449-00292043-00293067 Developers are using the AWS cloud 9ID and they are using, they're replacing with GitHub 1zzegdNuEj0-00450-00293067-00294057 or any like online repository using the AWS code commit. 1zzegdNuEj0-00451-00294057-00294832 And then they're using AWS code and we have come up with two things in the S3-bucket. 1zzegdNuEj0-00452-00294832-00295715 First thing of where they are uploading their boundaries by using the S3-bucket. 1zzegdNuEj0-00453-00295715-00296318 Second thing we have to store all the open source tool in the S3-bucket. 1zzegdNuEj0-00454-00296318-00297056 And whenever we run the pipeline, it's not going to be download the whole binary of the 1zzegdNuEj0-00455-00297056-00297235 open source tools. 1zzegdNuEj0-00456-00297235-00298428 We go use our SD bucket and use all the open source tools in our pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00457-00298428-00299160 So we have integrated SCA stages using the wheel. 1zzegdNuEj0-00458-00299160-00300280 And then they're using -- and then they have AWS WAF and those are all written in the file 1zzegdNuEj0-00459-00300280-00301174 and for the deployment they're using the app tech file 1zzegdNuEj0-00460-00301174-00301597 I have to go through with the on-prem. 1zzegdNuEj0-00461-00301597-00302147 Now this video is for who are using cloud. 1zzegdNuEj0-00462-00302147-00302828 So maybe they are using AWS or maybe they're using the Google Cloud. 1zzegdNuEj0-00463-00302828-00303617 Everything is same, all the scripts, all the code works it is similar how the on-prem implemented. 1zzegdNuEj0-00464-00303617-00304322 So let's play this video. 1zzegdNuEj0-00465-00304322-00304675 The same image. 1zzegdNuEj0-00466-00304675-00305987 And this is the service -- these are the services where we are using. 1zzegdNuEj0-00467-00305987-00307675 On the left side all the DevOps services, on the right side, all the like security services. 1zzegdNuEj0-00468-00307675-00308703 So the stage, second, third the first three stages pre-commit hook using the talisman 1zzegdNuEj0-00469-00308703-00309521 where developer wants to commit their access key or by mistake committing the credentials. 1zzegdNuEj0-00470-00309521-00310630 So going to be like give alerts and then using the code build, building our code and storing 1zzegdNuEj0-00471-00310630-00311250 it inside the S3-bucket. 1zzegdNuEj0-00472-00311250-00312309 Now stage 2 is to do the software composition analysis using the dependency check. 1zzegdNuEj0-00473-00312309-00313204 You can see the similar we are given the rule where no more than like 10 high vulnerabilities 1zzegdNuEj0-00474-00313204-00313893 and let's fix the vulnerabilities and then we move forward and we remove the vulnerabilities 1zzegdNuEj0-00475-00313893-00314454 and then move forward with the SAST and again we have found like one vulnerability so let's 1zzegdNuEj0-00476-00314454-00314847 remove that one vulnerability. 1zzegdNuEj0-00477-00314847-00315125 And we then run our pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00478-00315125-00315733 We found zero vulnerability we move forward with the next stage where we are running the 1zzegdNuEj0-00479-00315733-00316921 dynamic scan and using the WASP we are using dynamic scan, then we are using vulnerability 1zzegdNuEj0-00480-00316921-00317021 assessment. 1zzegdNuEj0-00481-00317021-00317814 Using Amazon Inspector where we are running a scan on our production, staging environment 1zzegdNuEj0-00482-00317814-00318088 using these instances. 1zzegdNuEj0-00483-00318088-00318515 So Inspector is one of the Amazon services. 1zzegdNuEj0-00484-00318515-00319855 It allow you to do the like do the vulnerability assessment and compliance on your instances. 1zzegdNuEj0-00485-00319855-00320396 So already we are using that. 1zzegdNuEj0-00486-00320396-00320857 So next this is like we need to do the compliance on our server. 1zzegdNuEj0-00487-00320857-00321335 So we have use it Inspect. 1zzegdNuEj0-00488-00321335-00322220 So one scenario in the cloud, suppose attacker compromise your EC2 instance using brute force. 1zzegdNuEj0-00489-00322220-00322847 How you go about and figure out those things? 1zzegdNuEj0-00490-00322847-00323373 We are using Amazon Guard Duty to do the alerting. 1zzegdNuEj0-00491-00323373-00323674 So let's see how it works. 1zzegdNuEj0-00492-00323674-00324348 So we can get the notification of the using guard duty. 1zzegdNuEj0-00493-00324348-00325610 We can get notification if something happened or if some attack happened on our EC2 instances. 1zzegdNuEj0-00494-00325610-00325756 So let's investigate. 1zzegdNuEj0-00495-00325756-00326232 Like the important part is to why this happened. 1zzegdNuEj0-00496-00326232-00326781 Who have done this attack or who are doing this attack. 1zzegdNuEj0-00497-00326781-00327527 So you need to have eliminate those things so you have to investigate using their logs. 1zzegdNuEj0-00498-00327527-00328227 So we have like -- we are searching whether it's successfully attacker, were to compromise 1zzegdNuEj0-00499-00328227-00329209 our EC2 instance or not. 1zzegdNuEj0-00500-00329209-00330009 Sorry. 1zzegdNuEj0-00501-00330009-00331163 We are figuring out the instance. 1zzegdNuEj0-00502-00331163-00331448 Actually being compromised or not. 1zzegdNuEj0-00503-00331448-00331781 So we found the alert. 1zzegdNuEj0-00504-00331781-00332482 Now we need to check whether our EC2 instance has enabled or not. 1zzegdNuEj0-00505-00332482-00333411 We are running the Inspector and whether they give an alert to us or not. 1zzegdNuEj0-00506-00333411-00334398 So we had find the instance ID of password is enabled. 1zzegdNuEj0-00507-00334398-00335133 So let's investigate whether the attacker was able to log in to ECD instance using Amazon 1zzegdNuEj0-00508-00335133-00335633 Cloud Watch logs. 1zzegdNuEj0-00509-00335633-00336565 And we can automate things so that we can get the actual scenario where we can see whether 1zzegdNuEj0-00510-00336565-00337144 they can able to attack or not. 1zzegdNuEj0-00511-00337144-00337922 So as you can see, here in the log, attempts happen. 1zzegdNuEj0-00512-00337922-00339626 Attacker have user name password and they're trying to brute force. 1zzegdNuEj0-00513-00339626-00340125 And you can see the attacker get valid attempts. 1zzegdNuEj0-00514-00340125-00340949 This way we can also get this user has compromised on this our instance. 1zzegdNuEj0-00515-00340949-00342097 So we can just go and block those user or we can eliminate those users. 1zzegdNuEj0-00516-00342097-00342752 There are many things you can do with that. 1zzegdNuEj0-00517-00342752-00342936 Like using it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00518-00342936-00343036 Okay. 1zzegdNuEj0-00519-00343036-00343810 So many time you heard about by mistakenly S3-bucket publicly disclosed and sensitive 1zzegdNuEj0-00520-00343810-00344003 data disclosed. 1zzegdNuEj0-00521-00344003-00344371 How to monitor those S3 buckets. 1zzegdNuEj0-00522-00344371-00345074 They have services like mice. 1zzegdNuEj0-00523-00345074-00345301 Mice gives you alert about it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00524-00345301-00346027 And you have like instances, you can get notification on that. 1zzegdNuEj0-00525-00346027-00346736 And you can see this S3-bucket have publicly disclosed. 1zzegdNuEj0-00526-00346736-00346993 So this is how mice looks like. 1zzegdNuEj0-00527-00346993-00347748 And there are many more alerts where you can just do things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00528-00347748-00348269 And Archery is running serverless. 1zzegdNuEj0-00529-00348269-00349206 It's treated the data inside the Archery. 1zzegdNuEj0-00530-00349206-00350429 The old data So this is whole art tech tour looks like 1zzegdNuEj0-00531-00350429-00351736 once you have deployed your secure CI/CD pipeline using AWS cloud natives. 1zzegdNuEj0-00532-00351736-00352657 So this is how I listed all the cloud native services for different cloud service provider, 1zzegdNuEj0-00533-00352657-00353792 AWS, Azure, you can go and check their native services and you can implement in your DevOps 1zzegdNuEj0-00534-00353792-00353982 pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00535-00353982-00354173 Okay. 1zzegdNuEj0-00536-00354173-00355030 That brings me to the next aspect, that is cultural aspect. 1zzegdNuEj0-00537-00355030-00355780 So I have taken like too much time around like DevOps and injecting security tools. 1zzegdNuEj0-00538-00355780-00356033 That was my primary focus. 1zzegdNuEj0-00539-00356033-00356762 Like within open source space also we can deploy lots of security checks. 1zzegdNuEj0-00540-00356762-00357305 Like however, just by deploying security check not work with it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00541-00357305-00358323 So the role of the security team in DevOps is to eliminate the native dedicated security 1zzegdNuEj0-00542-00358323-00358423 team. 1zzegdNuEj0-00543-00358423-00359215 So you should not have a security team if you are running successful DevSecOps. 1zzegdNuEj0-00544-00359215-00359808 And you should have people who are specialized in security, but those people should also 1zzegdNuEj0-00545-00359808-00360129 be part of your unified team. 1zzegdNuEj0-00546-00360129-00360927 So you need to encourage mind set across this space, you need to cross-train everyone. 1zzegdNuEj0-00547-00360927-00361816 You need to build allies or build security champions. 1zzegdNuEj0-00548-00361816-00362458 Security champions is the bridge between your dev, sec and operation team. 1zzegdNuEj0-00549-00362458-00363040 Where they are a single person, so you can choose from the multiple teams and you can 1zzegdNuEj0-00550-00363040-00363540 train them with like maybe some of the devs, some of the operation. 1zzegdNuEj0-00551-00363540-00364908 So it's very important to get them understand and get them know about all this developments, 1zzegdNuEj0-00552-00364908-00365026 security and operation. 1zzegdNuEj0-00553-00365026-00365732 Because they are going to understand what's going on. 1zzegdNuEj0-00554-00365732-00366982 So also you can incentivize to your internal team, by doing bug bounties and you can sponsor 1zzegdNuEj0-00555-00366982-00367710 parties if your DevSecOps is going on. 1zzegdNuEj0-00556-00367710-00368507 And you can send them multiple conferences and then you can ask them to do the cross-skilling 1zzegdNuEj0-00557-00368507-00369738 and do the trainings so that they can get the more knowledge from the different areas. 1zzegdNuEj0-00558-00369738-00370132 So people, how to enable the security. 1zzegdNuEj0-00559-00370132-00370610 So people process technology, different aspect, different things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00560-00370610-00371331 In short, you need to have a good relationship between people, your process should be automated 1zzegdNuEj0-00561-00371331-00372052 as possible, focus on priority on fixing, not intending to fix everything. 1zzegdNuEj0-00562-00372052-00373022 And your technology should flexible enough that you can move ahead and play around with 1zzegdNuEj0-00563-00373022-00373153 things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00564-00373153-00373527 So this is one generic case studies. 1zzegdNuEj0-00565-00373527-00374538 Let's suppose you're doing DevOps and let's suppose there is a vulnerability found in 1zzegdNuEj0-00566-00374538-00375775 your open source library and it's found and you are doing this in the middle of June and 1zzegdNuEj0-00567-00375775-00375875 July. 1zzegdNuEj0-00568-00375875-00377113 So as you can imagine, your application contains this JIRA vulnerability at this two month 1zzegdNuEj0-00569-00377113-00377277 or three month, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00570-00377277-00378202 So when you are doing the DevSecOps, you run the pipeline and you immediately find vulnerabilities 1zzegdNuEj0-00571-00378202-00378852 and you get the feedback immediately when developers committed the code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00572-00378852-00379432 And you fixed the vulnerability within 24-hour or within a day. 1zzegdNuEj0-00573-00379432-00380485 So you can imagine how this DevSecOps useful in your DevOps process. 1zzegdNuEj0-00574-00380485-00381428 So I have taken like all these case studies from some of the companies who have already 1zzegdNuEj0-00575-00381428-00381648 doing the DevSecOps. 1zzegdNuEj0-00576-00381648-00382645 One of the Fannie Mae is one of the like very popular company who is doing the DevSecOps. 1zzegdNuEj0-00577-00382645-00383558 And all the case studies and all things included in this talk. 1zzegdNuEj0-00578-00383558-00383990 And you can go and read about how they are doing things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00579-00383990-00384762 And one more company is ABN Amro who is also doing the DevSecOps and all the case studies 1zzegdNuEj0-00580-00384762-00385387 and everything is stated in this workshop. 1zzegdNuEj0-00581-00385387-00386233 So if you are integrated security in your cloud, there are misconfiguration happening 1zzegdNuEj0-00582-00386233-00386883 on your cloud and you can disclosing your sensitive data over the Internet, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00583-00386883-00387723 So if you have doing continuously monitoring and living your cloud assets and configuration, 1zzegdNuEj0-00584-00387723-00388269 this cannot be happen. 1zzegdNuEj0-00585-00388269-00388383 So this is not enough. 1zzegdNuEj0-00586-00388383-00389078 You still need to follow usual bug bounty and pen testing policies. 1zzegdNuEj0-00587-00389078-00389471 Because those would be your feedback loops. 1zzegdNuEj0-00588-00389471-00390239 So they will help you and understand what is going wrong and where do you go about fixing 1zzegdNuEj0-00589-00390239-00390388 things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00590-00390388-00391268 I have five listed and below are the five vendors who have claimed that they have the 1zzegdNuEj0-00591-00391268-00391433 best DevSecOps practices. 1zzegdNuEj0-00592-00391433-00391890 But they're still running bug bounties. 1zzegdNuEj0-00593-00391890-00392739 The idea is to get feedback as much as possible. 1zzegdNuEj0-00594-00392739-00393552 So when you are deploying security tools, you are deploying the pieces of code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00595-00393552-00393722 So what's the watcher? 1zzegdNuEj0-00596-00393722-00394439 So you need to have configure your security tool very securely in your environment. 1zzegdNuEj0-00597-00394439-00395315 If you are using admin for your vulnerability management tool, it's never work around anyone. 1zzegdNuEj0-00598-00395315-00396504 So you need to have good policies and you need to have configure very securely. 1zzegdNuEj0-00599-00396504-00397348 So these are reference I have taken from and I created this workshop. 1zzegdNuEj0-00600-00397348-00398104 So key takeaway is security is everyone's responsibility. 1zzegdNuEj0-00601-00398104-00398456 Embrace security as a part of your process. 1zzegdNuEj0-00602-00398456-00398739 Use feedback to improve the process. 1zzegdNuEj0-00603-00398739-00399624 And you cannot take someone else DevSecOps and just personalize and implement on. 1zzegdNuEj0-00604-00399624-00400133 You have to do your own experiment in your organization. 1zzegdNuEj0-00605-00400133-00401221 So the old saying, mileage will vary, in DevSecOps your mileage will most develop vary. 1zzegdNuEj0-00606-00401221-00402124 This is all about the DevSecOps process, and you can contact me on the Twitter and you 1zzegdNuEj0-00607-00402124-00402631 can just drop me a mail if you have any question, anything. 1zzegdNuEj0-00608-00402631-00403277 So I think you guys have already registered, right. 1zzegdNuEj0-00609-00403277-00403922 I will get the email ID or whoever joining today's workshop. 1zzegdNuEj0-00610-00403922-00405012 So within a 48 hour you will get the link and all the contents and you can check everything 1zzegdNuEj0-00611-00405012-00405759 inside the VM and you can practice on that VM and maybe you can take the reference from 1zzegdNuEj0-00612-00405759-00406747 that scripts and all the things, whatever implement in the VM and you can utilize and 1zzegdNuEj0-00613-00406747-00407308 you can do DevSecOps in your organization. 1zzegdNuEj0-00614-00407308-00407529 Thank you. 1zzegdNuEj0-00615-00407529-00408400 So let's have if you have questions, to please ask. 1zzegdNuEj0-00616-00408400-00408701 >> First a round for Anand Tiwari. 1zzegdNuEj0-00617-00408701-00409614 [ Applause ] Anand came all the way from India. 1zzegdNuEj0-00618-00409614-00410017 So we have a few minutes for questions. 1zzegdNuEj0-00619-00410017-00410889 We've got two mic stands up on the balcony. 1zzegdNuEj0-00620-00410889-00411068 So any questions from the audience? 1zzegdNuEj0-00621-00411068-00411710 I guess you have the unfortunate privilege of being the only thing standing between these 1zzegdNuEj0-00622-00411710-00412183 people and a rather nice reception down the street. 1zzegdNuEj0-00623-00412183-00412488 So don't feel badly if everybody gets up and leaves. 1zzegdNuEj0-00624-00412488-00412675 Let's have a question or two. 1zzegdNuEj0-00625-00412675-00412875 Was this all perfectly clear? 1zzegdNuEj0-00626-00412875-00413496 I didn't understand any of it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00627-00413496-00413746 AUDIENCE: So first thank you. 1zzegdNuEj0-00628-00413746-00413964 It's been very informative. 1zzegdNuEj0-00629-00413964-00414356 First, can we see the slide again for registering the URL? 1zzegdNuEj0-00630-00414356-00414604 It went by really fast. 1zzegdNuEj0-00631-00414604-00415476 The second thing is, you mentioned periodical scanning of dependencies. 1zzegdNuEj0-00632-00415476-00416238 Doesn't it make sense to have a tool that gets informed about CVs, about vulnerability 1zzegdNuEj0-00633-00416238-00417264 zero day and then it's easier to bomb your applications dependencies and then scan them, 1zzegdNuEj0-00634-00417264-00417929 because zero day, if you wait until you're scheduled that you scan all your source codes, 1zzegdNuEj0-00635-00417929-00418317 that's going to take quite a bit and you can get hit by that point. 1zzegdNuEj0-00636-00418317-00418888 So having something that gets notification about a new zero day and scans active your 1zzegdNuEj0-00637-00418888-00419372 source code, that kind of wouldn't that make sense? 1zzegdNuEj0-00638-00419372-00420211 ANAND: The question is how do we get the JIRA notification as soon as possible and then 1zzegdNuEj0-00639-00420211-00420969 we can go about and run the scans all over the code, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00640-00420969-00421814 My past experience with my companies, we are written a script where we are monitoring all 1zzegdNuEj0-00641-00421814-00421957 the Twitter handles. 1zzegdNuEj0-00642-00421957-00422464 All the Twitter like timelines. 1zzegdNuEj0-00643-00422464-00423368 And we are monitoring the things, whoever Tweet about any new attack, we will get the 1zzegdNuEj0-00644-00423368-00423536 notification on that. 1zzegdNuEj0-00645-00423536-00423900 Then we will start working on that, how to do like eliminate those vulnerabilities from 1zzegdNuEj0-00646-00423900-00424000 our code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00647-00424000-00424100 This make sense? 1zzegdNuEj0-00648-00424100-00424307 AUDIENCE: Is it automated that you get notification. 1zzegdNuEj0-00649-00424307-00424680 It automatically triggers CI scans? 1zzegdNuEj0-00650-00424680-00424835 >> It's not like that. 1zzegdNuEj0-00651-00424835-00425234 First we need to have like prioritize things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00652-00425234-00425609 We need to understand what types of vulnerability is that. 1zzegdNuEj0-00653-00425609-00426092 Maybe that JIRA vulnerability does not exist in your code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00654-00426092-00426917 You have to understand what types of vulnerability is raised in your like whether that vulnerability 1zzegdNuEj0-00655-00426917-00427293 really exist in your code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00656-00427293-00428034 Let's suppose the latest version has some JIRA vulnerability. 1zzegdNuEj0-00657-00428034-00428407 But your application is not using Java. 1zzegdNuEj0-00658-00428407-00428790 So no need to use that JIRA vulnerability. 1zzegdNuEj0-00659-00428790-00429284 So you have to very specifically understand what types of JIRA vulnerability coming. 1zzegdNuEj0-00660-00429284-00429490 Does this make sense? 1zzegdNuEj0-00661-00429490-00429594 That's great. 1zzegdNuEj0-00662-00429594-00429956 If you have more question, let me know. 1zzegdNuEj0-00663-00429956-00430056 So any other questions? 1zzegdNuEj0-00664-00430056-00430156 Go ahead, sir. 1zzegdNuEj0-00665-00430156-00430355 AUDIENCE: So how do you ensure that you have, for compliance's code specifically, how do 1zzegdNuEj0-00666-00430355-00430771 you ensure that you have coverage across your entire application base without needing some 1zzegdNuEj0-00667-00430771-00431585 type of manual process, either grooming or something to identify that a specific set 1zzegdNuEj0-00668-00431585-00432143 of compliance requirements applies to the app that you're working on? 1zzegdNuEj0-00669-00432143-00432307 >> ANAND: Okay. 1zzegdNuEj0-00670-00432307-00433126 In that case, you need to have a very like -- you need to have first understand how your 1zzegdNuEj0-00671-00433126-00433248 requirement is, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00672-00433248-00433631 So for compliance, as you asked for compliance, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00673-00433631-00434392 So maybe like many companies are doing the HIPAA and some of the benchmarks to compliance. 1zzegdNuEj0-00674-00434392-00435117 So you need to have first goal what you're going to do the compliance, which server or 1zzegdNuEj0-00675-00435117-00435361 which network things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00676-00435361-00435668 And network infrastructure, right? 1zzegdNuEj0-00677-00435668-00436088 So let's suppose in our workshop we did compliance on Tomcat. 1zzegdNuEj0-00678-00436088-00436898 We are using the Tomcat benchmark or whatever we have, benchmark. 1zzegdNuEj0-00679-00436898-00437784 We've taken the list of that benchmark and we have ran the compliance so that our pulls 1zzegdNuEj0-00680-00437784-00438934 and those like benchmarks would be matched with what we are using in our production server. 1zzegdNuEj0-00681-00438934-00440148 So if you are doing this compliance as a code in your automation you need to go and check 1zzegdNuEj0-00682-00440148-00440393 how they are doing manual way. 1zzegdNuEj0-00683-00440393-00441173 So what are their policies, and you need to go through their policies according to the 1zzegdNuEj0-00684-00441173-00441861 policies, and then using the inspector any automated tools and you need to write the 1zzegdNuEj0-00685-00441861-00442177 rules for that policy. 1zzegdNuEj0-00686-00442177-00442497 And then you can embed with your code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00687-00442497-00443332 Whenever the code runs inside the pipeline, go through all the policies and whatever given 1zzegdNuEj0-00688-00443332-00443432 the rules. 1zzegdNuEj0-00689-00443432-00444115 And this way you can combine your server or maybe your application, whatever you're learning. 1zzegdNuEj0-00690-00444115-00444385 So let's suppose the CI/CD. 1zzegdNuEj0-00691-00444385-00445484 We need to have very specific things like our payment gate way should be compliant properly. 1zzegdNuEj0-00692-00445484-00445857 So you already have all the policy listed down. 1zzegdNuEj0-00693-00445857-00445988 You need to have only write the rules. 1zzegdNuEj0-00694-00445988-00446111 Does this make sense? 1zzegdNuEj0-00695-00446111-00446211 That's good. 1zzegdNuEj0-00696-00446211-00446311 >> Going once, going twice. 1zzegdNuEj0-00697-00446311-00446411 AUDIENCE: Hi. 1zzegdNuEj0-00698-00446411-00446511 Great presentation. 1zzegdNuEj0-00699-00446511-00446611 Quick question. 1zzegdNuEj0-00700-00446611-00446979 You showed a few slides where the language that you were scanning made the pipeline change, 1zzegdNuEj0-00701-00446979-00447335 whether you were scanning Python, Java, your pipeline changed. 1zzegdNuEj0-00702-00447335-00447851 Have you found an automatic way to create the pipeline so you don't have to configure 1zzegdNuEj0-00703-00447851-00448124 for the language you're scanning? 1zzegdNuEj0-00704-00448124-00449197 >> ANAND: As such we don't have right now like tool or any open source project, but 1zzegdNuEj0-00705-00449197-00449622 you can create your own framework. 1zzegdNuEj0-00706-00449622-00449955 You need to be very specific with your code. 1zzegdNuEj0-00707-00449955-00450750 Let's suppose developer has returned code on the PHP or they're written on Ruby, so 1zzegdNuEj0-00708-00450750-00451553 you have multiple pipelines where you are running multiple scanners or open source tools 1zzegdNuEj0-00709-00451553-00451653 for that pipeline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00710-00451653-00452307 So you need to have change only to things software composition analysis and static scans. 1zzegdNuEj0-00711-00452307-00453128 So once you get listed down, what programming language your developer is going to be used, 1zzegdNuEj0-00712-00453128-00453450 you have created the pipeline for that. 1zzegdNuEj0-00713-00453450-00454030 So whenever they start programming on that specific language, that pipeline going to 1zzegdNuEj0-00714-00454030-00454130 be run. 1zzegdNuEj0-00715-00454130-00454359 And this way you can solve it. 1zzegdNuEj0-00716-00454359-00454900 AUDIENCE: But if some engineer later on adds some Java and my pipeline was configured for 1zzegdNuEj0-00717-00454900-00455317 Python, we're not going to scan that Java. 1zzegdNuEj0-00718-00455317-00455886 Without modifying the pipeline that is static at this point. 1zzegdNuEj0-00719-00455886-00455986 >> ANAND: Okay. 1zzegdNuEj0-00720-00455986-00456294 You can create a separate project. 1zzegdNuEj0-00721-00456294-00456938 So whatever you work on, all the script, all the automation tools. 1zzegdNuEj0-00722-00456938-00457625 So you need to work on only two things for like Python programming. 1zzegdNuEj0-00723-00457625-00458101 You have change the safety and also you can do the plugins. 1zzegdNuEj0-00724-00458101-00458547 Where you have a plug with multiple tools. 1zzegdNuEj0-00725-00458547-00459189 Let's suppose you have given the rule or you have given the statement. 1zzegdNuEj0-00726-00459189-00460119 If developers using the Python goes to your pipeline and their pipeline, if it's found 1zzegdNuEj0-00727-00460119-00460619 it's Python, then it's going use this tool instead of using that tool. 1zzegdNuEj0-00728-00460619-00460719 AUDIENCE: Great. 1zzegdNuEj0-00729-00460719-00460901 That's what I was looking for. 1zzegdNuEj0-00730-00460901-00461042 I'll ping you offline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00731-00461042-00461142 >> Yeah sure. 1zzegdNuEj0-00732-00461142-00461319 We can do this offline. 1zzegdNuEj0-00733-00461319-00462132 Because when I was giving a solution to one of my clients, they wanted the same way. 1zzegdNuEj0-00734-00462132-00462522 They wanted an implementation in their organization. 1zzegdNuEj0-00735-00462522-00463257 Because developers are often use the multiple programming language. 1zzegdNuEj0-00736-00463257-00463736 Any more questions? 1zzegdNuEj0-00737-00463736-00464349 I hope you guys go back to your home and try this VM. 1zzegdNuEj0-00738-00464349-00464598 So in this VM, I did a lot of things. 1zzegdNuEj0-00739-00464598-00465563 I've written a lot of scripts and those scripts are very useful for you, because it's going 1zzegdNuEj0-00740-00465563-00466103 to give you a picture, or you can take it as a reference to implement your organization. 1zzegdNuEj0-00741-00466103-00466203 >> All right. 1zzegdNuEj0-00742-00466203-00466303 Thanks, Anand. 1zzegdNuEj0-00743-00466303-00466421 Thank you everyone and that's our program for today. 1zzegdNuEj0-00744-00466421-00466724 So big round for Anand Tiwari. 1zzegdNuEj0-00745-00466724-00466776 [ Applause ] 1_pZjZ9at3g-00000-00000006-00000194 Sadhguru: Namaskaram, I'm sorry for this glitch. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00001-00000194-00000997 I think all of us should get used to this virus world that this is how we're going to talk to each other (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00002-00000997-00001614 The warmth of being together (Laughs), I think we need to put it off for some time. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00003-00001614-00002072 And as things are, as all of you already know, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00004-00002072-00002650 the main concern that is building up in the world is, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00005-00002650-00003116 initially we thought this virus is largely, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00006-00003116-00003794 you know, going to cause respiratory infection and damage in that context. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00007-00003794-00004546 But now we are seeing it is causing damage to the liver, it is causing neurological damage, brain damage, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00008-00004546-00005032 and it's manifesting in many different ways, in different parts of the world. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00009-00005032-00005406 And also... the general understanding was 1_pZjZ9at3g-00010-00005406-00005888 that once you get an infection, you have antibodies and you will manage with this, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00011-00005888-00006356 but the reinfections are multiplying, particularly in Europe. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00012-00006356-00006864 It is not been noticed in India, maybe people are not going back, I don't know what's the situation. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00013-00006864-00007400 But definitely it is... nobody has a handle on the virus yet. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00014-00007400-00008038 We have managed… in India we have managed very well by controlling human behavior, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00015-00008038-00008610 but we still have no clue what is the nature of this virus, how is... how is it going to play out. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00016-00008610-00008860 It's largely in the mode of hope. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00017-00008860-00009308 Well, some scientists are saying, particularly for India, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00018-00009308-00009576 that if we... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00019-00009576-00010466 if we lock down till May 15th, our virus problems may end somewhere in mid-September, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00020-00010466-00010980 and if we lock down till May 31st, it may end somewhere in mid-July. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00021-00010980-00011594 Some projections are being made, but I think this is all playing with statistics. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00022-00011594-00011830 But at a time like this, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00023-00011830-00012790 statistics should be used (Laughs) how a drunk will use lamppost – only for support, not for illumination. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00024-00012790-00013166 I don't think anybody has a clear picture where this is going. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00025-00013166-00013766 But having said that, I have a personal feeling that 1_pZjZ9at3g-00026-00013766-00014460 India will not go to extremes in terms of fatalities and the way it is running through New York State. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00027-00014460-00015097 I don't think that will happen here for variety of reasons, fundamental resilience of who we are, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00028-00015097-00015412 our immune systems function in a certain way, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00029-00015412-00016080 because so many things have not been able to kill us, so in that sense we are little more resistant to things. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00030-00016080-00016696 And also our lifestyle, particularly in Southern India, the type of food that we're eating, our lifestyles. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00031-00016696-00017234 And also we're only one generation away, most of us are only one generation away, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00032-00017234-00017678 only about forty to fifty years away from agricultural lifestyles. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00033-00017678-00017966 Because of that, because of our connection with the land 1_pZjZ9at3g-00034-00017966-00018444 and over sixty-five percent of the people still in some way are engaged with the land, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00035-00018444-00018794 because of this we may pass through this much more easily 1_pZjZ9at3g-00036-00018794-00019120 than western societies, the way they're going through. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00037-00019120-00019808 But our economic problems could be much, much more, simply because 1_pZjZ9at3g-00038-00019808-00020716 as it is for 1.4 billion people, we don't have a sizable economy for... to service 1.4 billion people. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00039-00020716-00021406 In the last twenty years of economic development that's happened in the country, which is substantial, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00040-00021406-00022100 because of this we have pulled out nearly 240 million people out of poverty. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00041-00022100-00022512 Unfortunately, it is possible if we don't handle things right, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00042-00022512-00022976 in the next two years' time we may push them straight back below the poverty line. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00043-00022976-00023722 So in all this, there are bright spots, but you are all the business people, you must be experts. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00044-00023722-00024254 I think it's better I leave that to you, rather than me making an analysis. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00045-00024254-00025130 But what I see is, without a strong investment from outside the country, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00046-00025130-00025448 without that I don't think we have the capability 1_pZjZ9at3g-00047-00025448-00025777 to put back the markets in place, to put back the industry in place, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00048-00025777-00026098 to move the populations back to their workplaces. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00049-00026098-00026386 These crores of people once they move away, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00050-00026386-00026736 they will mostly, most of them may have a small piece of land, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00051-00026736-00027038 they will get into agricultural activity or something. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00052-00027038-00027588 And also the fear of coming back to a big city, because most of the deaths happen in the big cities. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00053-00027588-00028392 So there are many social issues and stuff, but extending the lockdown, is it a possibility? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00054-00028392-00028689 Maybe in a partial mode they will try, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00055-00028689-00029120 but partial lockdown is always far more difficult to enforce 1_pZjZ9at3g-00056-00029120-00029983 than a total curfew-like lockdown can be done with a force, but partial lockdowns are very, very difficult 1_pZjZ9at3g-00057-00029983-00030376 and there is a certain amount of social unrest building it up. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00058-00030376-00030920 People are, you know, reaching a point where they are coming to this mode, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00059-00030920-00031300 "It doesn't matter if we die, we will go out and do something," that kind of mode. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00060-00031300-00031826 And also people running out of their economic resources at many levels of the society 1_pZjZ9at3g-00061-00031826-00032070 and they want to anyway get out and work. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00062-00032070-00032539 In America, they're getting out because they want to have a haircut (Laughs), 1_pZjZ9at3g-00063-00032539-00033056 that is another kind of need, but India has a unique problem. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00064-00033056-00033728 I... in my personal opinion, I believe that unless we grab this opportunity... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00065-00033728-00034350 There is an opportunity in the sense, the trust that people had in our neighboring country, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00066-00034350-00034862 in the Chinese economy, I think it's been seriously eroded 1_pZjZ9at3g-00067-00034862-00035676 and already Japan has offered over five-hundred billion dollars to help their industry move out of China, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00068-00035676-00036160 and United States I'm sure will do something much stronger. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00069-00036160-00036994 So over three-hundred top companies in the world could be, if not fully, partially moving out of China. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00070-00036994-00037522 This is a great opportunity, India is eminently positioned to take this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00071-00037522-00037850 This will need a very determined effort 1_pZjZ9at3g-00072-00037850-00038397 from the industry lobby, the businesses, and the government of course, have to pitch in. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00073-00038398-00038914 Already we have put in these things and I'm sure government is also very conscious about this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00074-00038914-00039440 But how efficiently we do it, how hungrily we grab this will determine this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00075-00039440-00039982 If these three hundred companies come into India, even for partial production, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00076-00039982-00040732 and if we spread it across the 28 states to some extent, in some way we can get the economy buzzing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00077-00040732-00041102 See some of our sectors, which are like textile, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00078-00041102-00041556 which involves a lot of labor and a whole lot of people are involved in this, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00079-00041556-00041852 it's one of the large employers in the country. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00080-00041852-00042212 I don't think these sectors will be able to bounce back immediately 1_pZjZ9at3g-00081-00042212-00042464 because there'll be no market for this sector. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00082-00042465-00043220 So, things which are concerned with food, electronics, and software, all these things can come up, healthcare, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00083-00043220-00043420 all these things can come up. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00084-00043420-00044150 But many industries like entertainment, textiles, fashion, apparel, these things will take a very big hit. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00085-00044150-00044746 And well, all of us are going to have lot of pain, but this is also a time for us, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00086-00044746-00045409 because we've always been patting our own back, saying that we're a very innovative society. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00087-00045409-00045778 Well, this is the time to show how innovative we really are. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00088-00045778-00046040 These are genuinely challenging times. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00089-00046040-00046684 If people are not grasping the full depth of this it will come home to us in the next month or two, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00090-00046684-00047187 how much of a challenge it is. It is a great challenge. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00091-00047187-00047971 It is a challenge of... the biggest challenge our generation has faced, but we are capable as... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00092-00047971-00048538 Because as a nation we have certain advantages and we are positioned in a certain way geopolitically 1_pZjZ9at3g-00093-00048538-00049120 and there is a certain amount of disturbance in the country... I mean in the world. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00094-00049120-00049642 We have been left out of the economic development in the world, including Asia. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00095-00049642-00050248 Even most of the Asian countries are at least twenty-five to thirty years ah... ahead of us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00096-00050248-00050798 I think this is probably the best possible opportunity we have, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00097-00050798-00051686 to level that in the next three to five years' time, but it is going to be painful, it is going to be painful for all of us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00098-00051686-00052112 To make very painful decisions that we wouldn't want to make in our lives, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00099-00052112-00052426 this is the time we will have to do such things. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00100-00052426-00052905 As you know, in Italy, in Spain, and even in New York City, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00101-00052905-00053536 even for ventilators in a... well-developed countries where economies are strong, even there, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00102-00053536-00053810 they are deciding, “Who should get the ventilator?”, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00103-00053810-00054458 so if... if me and my mother need ventilator, they will give it to me, not to my mother. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00104-00054458-00054848 If me and my daughter needs ventilator, they'll give to her, not to me. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00105-00054848-00055110 I'm saying these are cruel decisions to make. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00106-00055110-00055722 So people that we care for, people who are... we are concerned about, people who work for us, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00107-00055722-00056155 unfortunately we may have to make very painful decisions. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00108-00056155-00056679 So these are definitely challenging times, but we must come out of this successfully. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00109-00056679-00057766 That is where we... for us to... this is the time for us to prove how resilient a generation are we. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00110-00057766-00058054 Please... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00111-00058054-00058507 Shobana: Sadhguru thank you so much for this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00112-00058508-00059148 We have some questions... ...and I know that you're always there to answer it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00113-00059148-00059510 What do you mean by... and... and... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00114-00059510-00060000 Sorry for... I will take the prerogative of asking the first question. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00115-00060000-00060279 What do you mean by this word 'resilience'? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00116-00060279-00061090 Does it come in the form of hope or does it come in the form of faith? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00117-00061090-00061520 And... and how do you expect, you know, like 1_pZjZ9at3g-00118-00061520-00061948 for instance Rajiv Bajaj yesterday gave a statement to the paper saying that, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00119-00061948-00062560 "You want me to open my factories? Why should I when there are no people to buy motorcycles?" 1_pZjZ9at3g-00120-00062560-00062722 The money is gone out. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00121-00062722-00063232 So how do you put that back in the form of resilience of the people? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00122-00063232-00063679 Because yes, we know there are opportunities out there, everybody talks about them. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00123-00063679-00064317 But those first steps of how to make it and move us? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00124-00064317-00064948 Sadhguru: See, there is no magic wand for the challenge that we are facing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00125-00064948-00065660 There is no one, you know, golden solution that you can go for and this is it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00126-00065660-00066162 Well, all of us have to rethink the fundamentals of what we are doing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00127-00066162-00066300 For example, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00128-00066300-00066854 let's say right now there are educational institutions, we have focused on this in a big way because 1_pZjZ9at3g-00129-00066854-00067322 we have such a huge, massive young population. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00130-00067322-00067980 Well, even if we want to open the schools, parents may not be willing to send their children to schools, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00131-00067980-00068220 if the fatalities continue. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00132-00068220-00068544 And they wouldn't want to send their children out. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00133-00068544-00068974 So, now we have to reinvent, how we are going to do education. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00134-00068974-00069936 Similarly, well motorcycles (Laughs), you know, they are dear to me, so (Laughs)... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00135-00069936-00070542 well, we have to bring back this in so many different ways. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00136-00070542-00070657 Machines have to be... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00137-00070658-00071268 Engines and machines can be used in a thousand different ways, we have to see how we can do this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00138-00071268-00071688 Maybe motorcycles will have to become small agro-machines, I don't know what. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00139-00071688-00071870 It's not for me to suggest. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00140-00071870-00072262 But I'm saying if this goes for a long period, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00141-00072262-00072870 let’s say this goes for twelve to eighteen months, then for things to recover it'll take three to four years' time. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00142-00072870-00073302 So these four years, are you going to just close down your industry and wait? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00143-00073302-00073554 That's not going to happen, that's not a practical thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00144-00073554-00073967 We will have to innovate, we will have to sell our motorcycle somewhere else. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00145-00073967-00074174 We will have to sell our clothing somewhere else. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00146-00074174-00074524 We will have to change the way we do the service industry. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00147-00074524-00074844 Now, one of the large employers is tourism. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00148-00074844-00075194 You think tourism is going to come back any time soon? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00149-00075194-00075412 Definitely that's not going to come back. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00150-00075412-00075870 Hospitality industry, enormous amount of people employed in this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00151-00075870-00076150 You think people are going to fill the hotel rooms? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00152-00076150-00076474 It is not going to happen very soon, it's going to take time. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00153-00076474-00076742 Unless before September, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00154-00076742-00077470 if this virus situation ends in India then we may recover in six months or in nine months’ time maximum. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00155-00077470-00077754 But if it continues as people are predicting 1_pZjZ9at3g-00156-00077754-00078324 – in United States they're saying post fall-season in winter, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00157-00078324-00078804 the second wave will come, ten times stronger than the way it has come right now. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00158-00078804-00079344 Even in China, they are thinking in fall time it is going to come back in a big way, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00159-00079344-00079526 some of the scientists are saying that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00160-00079526-00079992 But as I said these are all predictions based on existing situations. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00161-00079992-00080832 What virus will do, what is its capability, what is its resilience? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00162-00080832-00081036 We still do not know much about it 1_pZjZ9at3g-00163-00081036-00081814 because it is our knowledge about it or our conclusions about it, is changing every day. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00164-00081814-00082178 So we still do not know, we don't have any kind of handle on the virus. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00165-00082178-00082584 We have contained it only by controlling human behavior. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00166-00082584-00083224 We have done nothing about the virus, either about curing the disease or about preventing it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00167-00083224-00083784 Nothing we have done, because we don't have full picture of what the virus can do. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00168-00083784-00084004 We still don't have a full picture. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00169-00084004-00084720 So whatever we say is largely conjecture, we are just hoping and you know, projecting things. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00170-00084720-00085682 But the important thing is, we must be in a state of... enormous level of innovations, we must be capable of. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00171-00085682-00086184 We must be willing to come down from whatever comfortable towers we are sitting on 1_pZjZ9at3g-00172-00086184-00086667 and come down to the ground and reinvent a whole lot of things as to how we do it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00173-00086667-00087146 There is no particular way to do it, because for each industry, for each region, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00174-00087146-00087428 it is going to be very, very different. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00175-00087428-00087664 Shobana: Thank you Sadhguru, and 1_pZjZ9at3g-00176-00087664-00088242 we really learned that medicine is now adaptive and prescriptive and not scientific. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00177-00088242-00088789 But I'd like to throw open question to Mr. Sumit Mazumdar. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00178-00088789-00089730 Sumit is past _____ (Unclear), he's the MD and Chairman of TIL, manufacturer one of the nation's 1_pZjZ9at3g-00179-00089730-00090085 largest material handling range, equipment range. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00180-00090085-00090272 So Sumit... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00181-00090272-00091530 (General conversation – not transcribed) Sadhguru: Namaskaram... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00182-00091530-00091746 Namaskaram Sumit (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00183-00091746-00092042 We met in Bangalore, I remember (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00184-00092042-00092520 Sumit: Such a pleasure you know, I still remember that day very fondly. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00185-00092520-00092840 Sadhguru: Muthuraman _____ (Unclear) (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00186-00092840-00093502 Sumit: ...and I did go outside to see your motorcycle by the way (Sadhguru laughs)... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00187-00093502-00094000 Okay, Sadhguru ji I have a... since I have such a rare opportunity, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00188-00094000-00094439 so I have a few questions for you and I'll do them very quickly. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00189-00094439-00095189 You talked about partial lockdown is a problem because there'll be a lot of indiscipline and things like that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00190-00095189-00095869 But you know, without partial lockdown, (Audio disturbance) unless people start earning and 1_pZjZ9at3g-00191-00095869-00096458 earning, companies start earning to pay salaries and wages, it becomes very difficult. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00192-00096458-00097101 And I think it is up to the administration to manage a partial lockdown _____ (Unclear) 1_pZjZ9at3g-00193-00097101-00097401 to really intensify the policing over there. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00194-00097401-00097562 I mean, this is just my view. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00195-00097562-00098413 The other point you made was you have to take a tough decision, you gave the example of 1_pZjZ9at3g-00196-00098413-00099332 a ventilator between your mother, you and your daughter, which is a very, very valid 1_pZjZ9at3g-00197-00099332-00099775 (Audio disturbance) _____ (Unclear) day to day life within you family and your colleagues 1_pZjZ9at3g-00198-00099775-00100038 who you're dealing with every day. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00199-00100038-00100150 It's a very tough decision. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00200-00100150-00100780 In fact the question that comes to my mind and which I want really ask you is, for people 1_pZjZ9at3g-00201-00100780-00101372 who have not been able to really handle this situation you know, the way lot of others 1_pZjZ9at3g-00202-00101372-00101801 have been able to handle are in really in a psychological upheaval. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00203-00101801-00102314 How do you tackle and how do you help them? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00204-00102314-00103108 And the final question I have for is, all the ailments mostly that we see are in urban 1_pZjZ9at3g-00205-00103108-00103464 India because it's been imported or whatever it is. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00206-00103464-00104183 But with the migration of the... forceful migration of the workers back to their villages, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00207-00104183-00104753 if it starts spreading in the villages, where the facilities are even far less, which could 1_pZjZ9at3g-00208-00104753-00105389 become a major, major issue, and what is your advice on that please? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00209-00105389-00106300 Sadhguru: Well as I said, every one of us will be forced to make painful decisions unfortunately. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00210-00106300-00107024 For some of us it may be economic decisions, for some of us it's human things, that people 1_pZjZ9at3g-00211-00107024-00107520 we value and we're concerned about, we won't be able to reach out and do what we wish to 1_pZjZ9at3g-00212-00107520-00108056 do for them simply because ec... economic concerns and social situations may be such. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00213-00108056-00108631 About partial lockdown, they will definitely do partial lockdown, that's what plan is, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00214-00108631-00108843 right now it's very clear. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00215-00108843-00109381 But I'm saying in a country like India, enforcing partial lockdown is going to be extremely 1_pZjZ9at3g-00216-00109381-00109481 difficult. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00217-00109481-00109942 If it's a curfew, the policeman standing there with a stick or a gun and managing it, is 1_pZjZ9at3g-00218-00109942-00110073 a different affair. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00219-00110073-00110520 But now the moment you allow a part of the people to come out and work, another part 1_pZjZ9at3g-00220-00110520-00110867 cannot come out, that is going to be a serious challenge. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00221-00110867-00111533 Because that is not the kind of population we have and there will be issues how to manage 1_pZjZ9at3g-00222-00111533-00111644 that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00223-00111644-00112317 About infections going to rural India, well it is a concern but at the same time, I have 1_pZjZ9at3g-00224-00112317-00113158 a strong gut feeling that it will not go wild in rural India for variety of reason. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00225-00113158-00113936 As I said one thing is, it is my understanding that, I mean, there may be... there is no... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00226-00113936-00114535 there may not be scientific concurrence with this, but in my understanding people who are 1_pZjZ9at3g-00227-00114535-00115191 working with the land, people who are in touch with the earth, may not be so seriously impacted 1_pZjZ9at3g-00228-00115191-00115510 as urban people are impacted. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00229-00115510-00115856 I have a strong feeling towards that, I hope that comes true. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00230-00115856-00116557 But till now, few crores of people have gone from urban centers to villages, but we have 1_pZjZ9at3g-00231-00116557-00116934 not seen an outburst of infections in rural India. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00232-00116934-00117547 And as it is said, the kind of... even in the virus, I think Shobana was saying something, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00233-00117547-00117719 I couldn't hear the whole thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00234-00117719-00118075 They are categorizing A, B, C, three different varieties. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00235-00118075-00118579 In India it looks like it's a milder version. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00236-00118579-00119113 Once again when the air travel starts between nations, international travel starts, we do 1_pZjZ9at3g-00237-00119113-00119400 not know what we will get back again. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00238-00119400-00119925 But it seems to be little less virulent or we seems to be more resilient, whichever way. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00239-00119925-00120559 As I said, there is no clear picture, “What is the nature of the virus we are facing?” 1_pZjZ9at3g-00240-00120559-00120677 We are getting a piecemeal information. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00241-00120677-00121286 As they observe more things, they are coming up with more and more, but we don't have a 1_pZjZ9at3g-00242-00121286-00121523 clear picture exactly what it can do. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00243-00121523-00122213 So whether it will cause havoc in rural India or not is still a question mark, but in my 1_pZjZ9at3g-00244-00122213-00122546 gut feeling I feel such a thing will not happen in rural India. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00245-00122546-00123124 This will largely be an urban phenomena and maybe especially small towns where people 1_pZjZ9at3g-00246-00123124-00123556 are really packed together, it may happen, but still that is a substantial population 1_pZjZ9at3g-00247-00123556-00123908 by itself. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00248-00123908-00124077 As I said there is not magic wand. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00249-00124077-00124743 All of us must be ready for a hard two years at least, I think (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00250-00124743-00124970 Sumit: Thank you very much. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00251-00124970-00125313 Shobana: Thank you Sumit. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00252-00125313-00125548 Next question is by Rajan Navani. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00253-00125548-00126584 Rajan was one of the early Young Indian Presidents and today he's the... he chairs the CII future 1_pZjZ9at3g-00254-00126584-00126895 council and CII's India at 75 council. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00255-00126895-00127373 So he's in a lot of IP, does lots of cool things. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00256-00127373-00127742 So Rajan, please your question. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00257-00127742-00127997 Rajan: Thank you. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00258-00127997-00128247 Humble pranams Sadhguru ji. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00259-00128247-00128368 Sadhguru: Namaskaram. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00260-00128368-00128490 Rajan: Namaskaram. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00261-00128490-00129061 You always, you know, say that, “Whatever comes into our lives is our own creation”. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00262-00129061-00129642 I've heard you say that, you know, and given that the current crisis that we're all dealing 1_pZjZ9at3g-00263-00129642-00130082 with is impacting, you know, everyone pretty much around the world. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00264-00130082-00130711 A lot, of course the older, but you know, the young generation who are aspirational, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00265-00130711-00131171 ready to go, you know, many of the new age companies, start-ups, who are going to face 1_pZjZ9at3g-00266-00131171-00131518 severe disappointment, right now and over the several coming months. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00267-00131518-00132216 I mean I was just wondering if there is that one practical spiritual thing that you think 1_pZjZ9at3g-00268-00132216-00132940 that each one of us, you know every probably human around that can do each day in this 1_pZjZ9at3g-00269-00132940-00133248 kind of a time of crisis, what would that be? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00270-00133248-00134028 And that could in relation to what we do individually, maybe what one can do as a family, as a neighbor, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00271-00134028-00134506 maybe as a company, as an employer or an employee and maybe even as a country? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00272-00134506-00134806 So, just your thoughts on... on... on that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00273-00134806-00135548 Sadhguru: So, about we being a ready-to-go kind of generation, well that's one thing 1_pZjZ9at3g-00274-00135548-00135665 we must change I think. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00275-00135665-00136328 Right now see we are meeting over these screens, and definitely it's not the same as meeting. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00276-00136328-00136829 But suppose we wanted to do this six months ago, all of us would have taken a flight to 1_pZjZ9at3g-00277-00136829-00137290 some place that meeting is and we would all be there and doing the same thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00278-00137290-00137808 Well, today we're doing it on the screen, this is one thing that we must get used to 1_pZjZ9at3g-00279-00137808-00138312 I think, because air travel is one of the main reasons why it's gone across the world 1_pZjZ9at3g-00280-00138312-00138452 so quickly. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00281-00138452-00139085 Let us say, hundred, two-hundred years ago if this same virus had come in Wuhan, probably 1_pZjZ9at3g-00282-00139085-00139563 ten, twenty-five, fifty people would have died there and that would be the end of it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00283-00139563-00139839 Nobody would have heard it... heard about it anymore than that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00284-00139839-00140591 But today because of rapid travel, you know, possibilities that we have, within... within 1_pZjZ9at3g-00285-00140591-00141132 a matter of thirty, forty days, it's just gone across the world. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00286-00141132-00141903 So, this is one thing we must contain because WHO is now saying, this is a generational 1_pZjZ9at3g-00287-00141903-00142003 thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00288-00142003-00142503 This virus may live with us in this entire generation, it's not going to go away. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00289-00142503-00142966 Hope that is not true but that is one of the predictions they are making. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00290-00142966-00143554 About what we can do spiritually, let us understand this much. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00291-00143554-00143994 All human experience is caused from within us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00292-00143994-00144321 Pain and ple... pleasure happens from within us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00293-00144321-00144635 Joy and misery happens from within us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00294-00144635-00144912 Agony and ecstasy happens from within us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00295-00144912-00145510 So every human experience, pleasant or unpleasant, only happens from within us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00296-00145510-00146079 What happens from within us must happen the way we want it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00297-00146079-00146625 What happens around us, as you are experiencing now – not only now, always – what happens 1_pZjZ9at3g-00298-00146625-00147288 around us, whether it is family situation or business situation or larger national or 1_pZjZ9at3g-00299-00147288-00147737 international situations, none of them ever happen one hundred percent the way you want 1_pZjZ9at3g-00300-00147737-00147837 it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00301-00147837-00148391 They never can happen in the very nature of things, because too many forces are involved 1_pZjZ9at3g-00302-00148391-00148645 in making of an external situation. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00303-00148645-00149161 But the internal situation within us, there is only one entity called myself. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00304-00149161-00149723 In the outside situation there are too many forces, nobody ever gets that in a perfect 1_pZjZ9at3g-00305-00149723-00149823 manner. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00306-00149823-00150312 We can get it somewhere to our liking but not really absolutely. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00307-00150312-00150873 So having said that, now that outside situation is not going the way we would want it to go, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00308-00150873-00151622 isn't this the time that your inner situation must be absolutely the way you want it? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00309-00151622-00152126 Right now most people's logic, I don't know what kind of logic it is, most people's logic 1_pZjZ9at3g-00310-00152126-00152646 is: when outside situations go wrong, they will also turn against themselves. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00311-00152646-00153267 Well, they will call this anxiety, they will call this fear, they will call this confusion, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00312-00153267-00153367 whatever. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00313-00153367-00153965 But essentially what's happened is - every unpleasant experience within yourself essentially 1_pZjZ9at3g-00314-00153965-00154370 means your intelligence has turned against you. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00315-00154370-00154980 When the situation around you has turned against you, this is a time when your intelligence 1_pZjZ9at3g-00316-00154980-00155612 must stand one hun... one-hundred percent with you, but unfortunately most people allow 1_pZjZ9at3g-00317-00155612-00156159 their intelligence to turn against themselves when outside situations have turned against 1_pZjZ9at3g-00318-00156159-00156259 us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00319-00156259-00156918 So this a situation where whatever faculties you have, whatever intelligence you have, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00320-00156918-00157504 whatever capabilities you have, whatever experience you have, you will need every bit of it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00321-00157504-00157940 This situation is going to demand the best out of you. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00322-00157940-00158566 At this time, instead of functioning the best possible way that we can, our best may not 1_pZjZ9at3g-00323-00158566-00158928 still be good enough, that is the kind of situation we are in. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00324-00158928-00159313 When we are like this, you should not become an impediment to yourself. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00325-00159313-00159486 "How can I do this?" 1_pZjZ9at3g-00326-00159486-00159607 There are tools for this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00327-00159607-00159805 Tools are offered all the time. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00328-00159805-00160382 There are simple tools with which you can take charge of your body, your thought, your 1_pZjZ9at3g-00329-00160382-00160482 emotion. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00330-00160482-00160893 If your physical body, your thought, your emotion is happening the way you want it, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00331-00160893-00161410 you remaining peaceful, joyful is guaranteed for you. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00332-00161410-00161912 But our ability to handle the outside situation is subject to various realities and today 1_pZjZ9at3g-00333-00161912-00162240 we are in a reality that we've never been in. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00334-00162240-00162767 So we still do not even... we have not even grasped the reality, what is its full di... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00335-00162767-00162963 you know, full dimension of what it is. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00336-00162963-00163446 We know it in bits and pieces, so we are trying to deal with it in bits and pieces. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00337-00163446-00163934 Probably the nature and the seriousness of what it is will come home in the next two 1_pZjZ9at3g-00338-00163934-00164309 to three months to all of us, so we must be prepared for it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00339-00164309-00164767 Preparing for it means the most important thing is you... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00340-00164767-00165115 your intelligence should not turn against you. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00341-00165115-00165781 Because your... your ability to function well in the world is largely determined by how 1_pZjZ9at3g-00342-00165781-00165995 balanced you are within yourself. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00343-00165995-00166491 If you have no balance, your own intelligence will turn against you. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00344-00166491-00166950 Your... everything that you have, all your faculties, will become your enemies, if the 1_pZjZ9at3g-00345-00166950-00167119 necessary balance is not there. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00346-00167119-00167451 To bring this balance there are many tools. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00347-00167451-00167948 We have offered this free of cost to people all around the world, right now for all the 1_pZjZ9at3g-00348-00167948-00168500 medical personnel even the Inner Engineering program is being offered free of cost. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00349-00168500-00169014 Because the idea is when this challenging situation is there - the kind of challenge 1_pZjZ9at3g-00350-00169014-00169549 as a generation we have not see till now, at this time it's most important that our 1_pZjZ9at3g-00351-00169549-00170142 fac... our faculties, our intelligence works for us, not against us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00352-00170142-00170473 Rajan: Thank you Sadhguru, thank you. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00353-00170473-00170741 Shobana: That was amazing Sadhguru. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00354-00170741-00171216 What... what you gave, those answers, in fact, the other day I was telling my kids, you know, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00355-00171216-00171737 let's look at this, when you come out of the lockdown, make sure you don't have regrets 1_pZjZ9at3g-00356-00171737-00172124 that you wasted that time, that there's something that you would have got out of it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00357-00172124-00172624 And like you said it's in your control and all of us are in different stages of that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00358-00172624-00172743 That... that... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00359-00172743-00172981 I loved your answer. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00360-00172981-00173733 Rumjum Chatterjee is the group managing director and the head of human capital of feedback. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00361-00173733-00174260 She and her husband did this great company that does most of the infra projects in India 1_pZjZ9at3g-00362-00174260-00174840 the great ones are managed, including the metro rails and all are by Rumjum's company. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00363-00174840-00175218 She is also the CII and national co-chair for CSR. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00364-00175218-00175446 Rumjum please go ahead. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00365-00175446-00175902 Rumjum: Thank you Shobhana. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00366-00175902-00176130 Namaskar Sadhguru. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00367-00176130-00176472 Sadhguru: Namaskaram Maa. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00368-00176472-00177059 Rumjum: I think the situation that we are in now we are all experiencing is unprecedented 1_pZjZ9at3g-00369-00177059-00177815 no doubt, it's also a disruption on many ways – home, family, business, work. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00370-00177815-00178503 We spoke about lives, livelihoods, all of that, and in my mind what I am experiencing 1_pZjZ9at3g-00371-00178503-00179160 right now is a little bit of a dichotomy and a little bit of disquiet, which is what I 1_pZjZ9at3g-00372-00179160-00179274 want to share with you. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00373-00179274-00180032 On the one hand, I see that the current situation of many of us working from home, etc., it 1_pZjZ9at3g-00374-00180032-00180326 has brought about lots of benefit. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00375-00180326-00181115 We are breathing cleaner air, there is no amount of rushing around, we're all much calmer, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00376-00181115-00181387 we're spending more time with family. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00377-00181387-00181941 We're able to embrace technology and work from home very productively. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00378-00181941-00182620 So there are lots of pluses, but there also what I see as few challenges that one can 1_pZjZ9at3g-00379-00182620-00183378 see in terms of disruption in business life, in survival economically, lots of job losses, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00380-00183378-00183783 anxiety and health issues, livelihoods. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00381-00183783-00184447 And one is left with a _____ (Unclear), while I'm feeling calmer, what can I do to help 1_pZjZ9at3g-00382-00184447-00184737 others who are facing that challenge? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00383-00184737-00184934 Lockdown doesn't permit that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00384-00184934-00185183 So what are the ways in which we can do that? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00385-00185183-00185871 And at a national level I also believe that out of this kind of huge pain, there will 1_pZjZ9at3g-00386-00185871-00186265 come, like you rightly said about embracing innovation. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00387-00186265-00186914 This also an opportunity built into toward aim for ourselves, as a nation. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00388-00186914-00187315 So, I'd like to hear your views on that Sadhguru. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00389-00187315-00188144 Sadhguru: Well, namaskaram maa... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00390-00188144-00188990 Well, how much pain we will go through depends on the nature of activity we are performing 1_pZjZ9at3g-00391-00188990-00189090 right now. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00392-00189090-00189616 For some people it may turn out to be an advantage, because working for... fr... from home is 1_pZjZ9at3g-00393-00189616-00189774 a great thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00394-00189774-00190487 But let's say you got onto an airplane to fly somewhere and your pilot say... calls... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00395-00190487-00191326 comes on the microphone and says, "Today, I'm working from home," then what do you do 1_pZjZ9at3g-00396-00191326-00191426 (Laughter)? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00397-00191426-00191932 So there are many people who have to get out and even if they get out, there's nothing 1_pZjZ9at3g-00398-00191932-00192553 to do because there are many, many issues, as all of you know even better than me about 1_pZjZ9at3g-00399-00192553-00192653 this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00400-00192653-00193175 About the psychological issues that we are creating for ourselves, this is what I was, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00401-00193175-00193723 you know, trying to elaborate in the previous question also. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00402-00193723-00194483 See, we are mistaking our psychological reality for existential reality. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00403-00194483-00195088 What is happening in my mind or your mind is our psychological drama. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00404-00195088-00195655 We should never misunderstand our psychological drama for a reality. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00405-00195655-00196527 Now there is a reality which is demanding for you to come out with your best. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00406-00196527-00197282 At this time, if you create a negative drama in your head and think that is the reality... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00407-00197282-00197971 See right now, people... when we say people are anxious or fearful, what this means is... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00408-00197971-00198071 I... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00409-00198071-00198313 Can I take a few minutes to answer this question? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00410-00198313-00198419 Rumjum: Yes. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00411-00198419-00198737 Shobana: Yeah, yeah, please, please Sadhguru. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00412-00198737-00198843 Sadhguru: Okay. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00413-00198843-00199414 See, the two greatest faculties that human beings have compared to other creatures on 1_pZjZ9at3g-00414-00199414-00200187 the planet, which no other creature has is, we have a very vivid sense of memory and a 1_pZjZ9at3g-00415-00200187-00200436 fantastic sense of imagination. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00416-00200436-00200976 This is what most human beings unfortunately are suffering. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00417-00200976-00201226 What they are suffering is, they are suffering evolution. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00418-00201226-00201367 If they were ma... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00419-00201367-00201915 If they had the brain of an earthworm, they would all be very peaceful. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00420-00201915-00202752 Right now, what anxiety and fear means is, you will cause suffering to you in anticipation 1_pZjZ9at3g-00421-00202752-00203333 of suffering, anticipation of suffering that may never come to you, you don't even know 1_pZjZ9at3g-00422-00203333-00203515 whether it'll come or not. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00423-00203515-00204061 So what is happening is your me... your imagination is running away. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00424-00204061-00204453 Just look at the way people suffer, what they suffer. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00425-00204453-00205171 Most people do not have much physical suffering, unless there is a injury or ailment or you 1_pZjZ9at3g-00426-00205171-00205473 know, now it may go into starvations and things. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00427-00205473-00205960 Physical suffering is a different matter, but ninety-nine percent or at least ninety-five 1_pZjZ9at3g-00428-00205960-00206539 percent of human suffering... suffering is mental, that means it's on self-help. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00429-00206539-00207085 Your suffering is essentially on self-help mode, nobody is causing it to you except yourself. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00430-00207085-00207744 This is simply because we have not taken charge of our memory and our imagination. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00431-00207744-00208344 We do not know how to use our memory, we do not know how to u... use our imagination. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00432-00208344-00208790 What happened ten years ago, people are still suffering. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00433-00208790-00209306 What may happen day after tomorrow, they're already suffering (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00434-00209306-00209898 So what happened ten years ago does not exist right now, but people are suffering, something 1_pZjZ9at3g-00435-00209898-00210073 that does not exist. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00436-00210073-00210571 What may happen day after tomorrow does not exist right now, but people are already suffering 1_pZjZ9at3g-00437-00210571-00210744 that which does not exist. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00438-00210744-00211550 If you suffer that which does not exist, it's a clear case, it's a medical case, you know? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00439-00211550-00212123 But unfortunately maximum number of people are in that condition, so that is being termed 1_pZjZ9at3g-00440-00212123-00212225 as normal. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00441-00212225-00212590 Even doctors have started saying, anxiety is a normal thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00442-00212590-00212802 When did this happen? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00443-00212802-00213130 When did anxiety become a normal thing? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00444-00213130-00213634 It is only in this generation that we are saying, anxiety is a normal thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00445-00213634-00213857 Anxiety is not a normal thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00446-00213857-00214604 Anxiety means you are mistaking your psychological drama to be a reality. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00447-00214604-00215123 So this much control we must take charge of, especially all of you who are in leadership 1_pZjZ9at3g-00448-00215123-00215773 positions, where how you think, feel, and act is going to make or break a million people's 1_pZjZ9at3g-00449-00215773-00215873 lives. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00450-00215873-00216463 When you have such a privilege in your hands, you should not allow your psychological drama 1_pZjZ9at3g-00451-00216463-00216800 to overtake the realities in which you exist. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00452-00216800-00217071 Rumjum: Thank you…thank you. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00453-00217071-00217321 Shobana: Thank you and Sa... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00454-00217321-00217623 Sadhguru, thank you so much for spending time. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00455-00217623-00218371 I... you know, I have four more very, you know, interesting people, who are dying to 1_pZjZ9at3g-00456-00218371-00218538 ask you questions. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00457-00218538-00218783 The next one is Piruz Khambatta. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00458-00218783-00219384 Piruz lives in Ahmadabad and he's Chairman and Managing Director of Rasna, everyone's 1_pZjZ9at3g-00459-00219384-00219496 heard of that company. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00460-00219496-00220190 But he's also on the CII National task force of Ease of Doing Business and the CR of the 1_pZjZ9at3g-00461-00220190-00220300 disability network. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00462-00220300-00220680 So, Piruz will you go ahead please? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00463-00220680-00220889 Piruz: Good afternoon, sir. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00464-00220889-00221069 It's a great privilege and honor. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00465-00221069-00221169 Sadhguru: Namaskaram Piruz. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00466-00221169-00221594 Piruz: I've always seen you on television and it is I think my whole CII membership 1_pZjZ9at3g-00467-00221594-00222013 value for money has been realized today that I'm in front of you today. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00468-00222013-00222367 Sadhguru: Oh, we're still on the screen only (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00469-00222367-00222619 We're still on the screen only (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00470-00222619-00222719 But... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00471-00222719-00222819 Piruz... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00472-00222819-00223213 Piruz: I think honestly speaking, I heard the word "pain" so many times from you that 1_pZjZ9at3g-00473-00223213-00223416 I was little bit surprised. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00474-00223416-00223992 Because generally I find you very positive, and I've been on video calls with all my staff, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00475-00223992-00224136 almost 3,000 people, groups of them. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00476-00224136-00224711 And what I have told them is that, "The only way out to win this is to find new ways, otherwise 1_pZjZ9at3g-00477-00224711-00224900 you'll get into anxiety, depression." 1_pZjZ9at3g-00478-00224900-00225384 And luckily all my plans have started and about... we have done lot of safe distancing, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00479-00225384-00225725 all our offices are operating, little bit people are coming, people are going in the 1_pZjZ9at3g-00480-00225725-00226060 market also deposal started and we have started and we are looking at it very positively. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00481-00226060-00226544 So what I would like to hear from you is that, see I honestly got into thinking we'll get 1_pZjZ9at3g-00482-00226544-00227117 a vaccine, we'll get a cure, so I would want to know from your thought what are the positive 1_pZjZ9at3g-00483-00227117-00227403 messages out of this for work and for family life also? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00484-00227403-00227789 Because I think we have also learned, a lot of speakers have talked about it, how to relive 1_pZjZ9at3g-00485-00227789-00227962 our lives, how to redefine our lives. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00486-00227962-00228248 So one thing I'd like to get some positive message out of you, one. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00487-00228248-00228641 Two, you definitely mentioned and which I have been mentioning where... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00488-00228641-00229071 I'm not traveling abroad, though I travel twice in a month, from let us say middle of 1_pZjZ9at3g-00489-00229071-00229200 February I stopped. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00490-00229200-00229592 But don't you think it’s sort of…I know you said too many times, a lot of external 1_pZjZ9at3g-00491-00229592-00229973 things which are beyond our control, but we are all, let us say, businessmen are to an 1_pZjZ9at3g-00492-00229973-00230421 extent privileged, that we as a group can really ensure that our voices are heard. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00493-00230421-00230807 Don't you think as businessmen we have not made that possible, we could have probably 1_pZjZ9at3g-00494-00230807-00231246 made our voices more heard for various things, including let us say simple thing like stopping 1_pZjZ9at3g-00495-00231246-00231657 flights early or getting a package... economic revival package? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00496-00231657-00231923 Most of the MSME's in India are going to still struggle. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00497-00231923-00232300 There was a package promised twenty-one days back, no package actually has come which will 1_pZjZ9at3g-00498-00232300-00232567 put money in the pocket of the people who are not getting salaries. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00499-00232567-00233105 So as a group of industrialists what we are not doing, so that we can collectively work 1_pZjZ9at3g-00500-00233105-00233463 with the decision-makers, because this cannot be only left to the governments or some medicinal 1_pZjZ9at3g-00501-00233463-00233563 people. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00502-00233563-00233804 We all civil society people have to work towards that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00503-00233804-00233955 So my second question is that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00504-00233955-00234380 And third, I'm thinking of an online petition which I am going to probably file, where we 1_pZjZ9at3g-00505-00234380-00234749 say that even if the whole country starts, no international flight should land in India 1_pZjZ9at3g-00506-00234749-00234912 for the next three months or four months. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00507-00234912-00235282 Because the main problem is coming, as you rightly said three times, is from the flights 1_pZjZ9at3g-00508-00235282-00235382 which are coming from abroad. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00509-00235382-00235921 So even if we get cured, there are enough people who are going to come out. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00510-00235921-00236328 So these are my three bits of questions. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00511-00236328-00236913 Sadhguru: We... well, there is a distinction between pain and suffering. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00512-00236913-00237371 Pain is caused to us because of situations around us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00513-00237371-00237985 Whether we will make that into suffering or into transformation, is left to us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00514-00237985-00238100 Pain... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00515-00238100-00238751 Pain will definitely come our way, no question, in so many different ways, but will we bring 1_pZjZ9at3g-00516-00238751-00239264 transformation out of this or will we simply sit and suffer? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00517-00239264-00239763 When something... something painful come to us, when certain things happen in our life, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00518-00239763-00240190 either we can become wounded or we can become wise. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00519-00240190-00240375 I hope everybody... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00520-00240375-00240844 every one of you will become wise, not wounded by this situation. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00521-00240844-00241542 But are there going to be upheavals, and as I said painful decisions to make - All this, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00522-00241542-00241713 definitely it will be there, nobody can escape this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00523-00241713-00241813 I am not... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00524-00241813-00242051 See I am not in the usual mode of, "Am I... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00525-00242051-00242326 Am I an optimist or a pessimist?" 1_pZjZ9at3g-00526-00242326-00242662 All I'm saying is, this is a difficult situation, there is no question. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00527-00242662-00243344 The pain may not be personally to you, but when you have to make decisions which are 1_pZjZ9at3g-00528-00243344-00243969 not good for other people, it's very painful, and you may have to definitely do that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00529-00243969-00244559 Not every industry will be able to bounce back, like what you're saying about yourself. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00530-00244559-00245089 So having said that, about government policy and what industry can do? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00531-00245089-00245227 See this is a very important thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00532-00245227-00245403 We are a democratic nation. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00533-00245403-00246200 What a democratic nation means is, the lifespan of a... of a political administration is only 1_pZjZ9at3g-00534-00246200-00246469 five years. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00535-00246469-00246862 So when it's only five years, no matter what they do – inevitably in the very nature 1_pZjZ9at3g-00536-00246862-00247471 of things, because it's a question of existence, they will always have an eye on the election, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00537-00247471-00247571 also. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00538-00247571-00248119 Right now I think the Government of India and most of the states, I would say almost 1_pZjZ9at3g-00539-00248119-00248636 every state has done a fantastic job of doing whatever they had to do. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00540-00248636-00249088 I have to say this to you, in Tamil Nadu I'm seeing here, whether it's the bureaucrats, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00541-00249088-00249355 the police, the ministers – exemplary work! 1_pZjZ9at3g-00542-00249355-00250013 If only, if we can function like this for another five years, as a nation we'll be somewhere 1_pZjZ9at3g-00543-00250013-00250113 else, believe me. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00544-00250113-00250708 We will be completely a transformed nation if the... if we can really function like this 1_pZjZ9at3g-00545-00250708-00250844 all the time. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00546-00250844-00251336 I hope this culture comes... comes into our lives permanently, because they are doing 1_pZjZ9at3g-00547-00251336-00251476 a fantastic job. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00548-00251476-00252219 I called everybody who is concerned and congratulated them, because they are doing exemplary work. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00549-00252219-00252975 So having said that, we are talking about an economy package, definitely it's needed. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00550-00252975-00253532 Without pumping in a certain amount of liquidity into the, you know, the economy engine, there 1_pZjZ9at3g-00551-00253532-00253835 is no way this going to start and go. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00552-00253835-00254235 I'm sure the... the administration is very much aware of this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00553-00254235-00254405 But how much is enough? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00554-00254405-00254610 Nobody knows, all right? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00555-00254610-00255216 Always resources are minimal and there are... there is a segment of population in India, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00556-00255216-00255686 if you don't pump money into their hands, they will sink below poverty line and big 1_pZjZ9at3g-00557-00255686-00255790 suffering will happen. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00558-00255790-00256365 And there is a segment of population which drives the economic engine, like all of you, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00559-00256365-00257027 if there is no money in your hands in a roundabout way we will push a whole lot of people into 1_pZjZ9at3g-00560-00257027-00257173 poverty once again. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00561-00257173-00257727 So this is a hard decision to make for the government, but at the same time, there are... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00562-00257727-00258396 there are many forces in the country that... who are still in the socialistic mindset. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00563-00258396-00258837 We took a decision to go the market economy way. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00564-00258837-00259462 Every time you take a forward step, a whole lot of people want to take a backward step. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00565-00259462-00259838 When I say backward, it's in a different direction, that's all. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00566-00259838-00260323 I'm not saying going in reverse direction is a bad thing, but if that's the way we want 1_pZjZ9at3g-00567-00260323-00260673 to consciously go, we want to go forward but we go backwards. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00568-00260673-00261117 We talk about market economy, if we start doing well, then we say, "Rich are getting 1_pZjZ9at3g-00569-00261117-00261371 richer, let us do this, let us do that." 1_pZjZ9at3g-00570-00261371-00261508 So this is there. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00571-00261508-00262191 For any... any kind of money that government puts into the hands of business and industry 1_pZjZ9at3g-00572-00262191-00262688 so that economic engine starts, there is a whole lot of opposition to this and they will 1_pZjZ9at3g-00573-00262688-00262910 say this is a pro-rich government. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00574-00262910-00263545 So government will try to adjust that and try to distribute it somewhere else and somewhere 1_pZjZ9at3g-00575-00263545-00263645 else. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00576-00263645-00263886 This dilution is going to be bad for this country. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00577-00263886-00264547 So, it's very important, ev... everyone of you individually and as an organization as 1_pZjZ9at3g-00578-00264547-00264781 CII, you must speak clearly. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00579-00264781-00265250 When somebody says something that is negative to the firing up the economic engine in this 1_pZjZ9at3g-00580-00265250-00265648 country, no matter who they are, you must denounce them. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00581-00265648-00265889 This is very important, believe me. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00582-00265889-00266224 A go... democratically elected government is not a free government. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00583-00266224-00266730 Always they are depending upon people's opinion, what people are thinking about us. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00584-00266730-00267224 Now somebody does a campaign in social media, "This is a pro-rich government, they have 1_pZjZ9at3g-00585-00267224-00267441 given so much money to these corporations. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00586-00267441-00267713 They're robbing the poor, this, that." 1_pZjZ9at3g-00587-00267713-00268027 This is a time when you people must stand up and speak. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00588-00268027-00268546 Till now unfortunately I have not seen such a stand from the industry, this is one reason 1_pZjZ9at3g-00589-00268546-00269199 where a very pro-business prime minister is playing a little slowly, simply because he 1_pZjZ9at3g-00590-00269199-00269693 knows people are not standing up for pro-business investments. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00591-00269693-00269853 And there is no way... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00592-00269853-00270451 there is no way this nation will move forward if we are not pro-business. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00593-00270451-00271005 We have to be pro-business, and nation does not go forward because of political rhetoric, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00594-00271005-00271553 a nation does not even go forward because of its military muscle. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00595-00271553-00272130 Today a nation can only go forward because the success of its businesses. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00596-00272130-00272672 So this is something that is very clear in the present administration's mind, as far 1_pZjZ9at3g-00597-00272672-00273266 as I know, and it is very important that every one of us, when negative statements which 1_pZjZ9at3g-00598-00273266-00273366 are pro... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00599-00273366-00274030 Whenever a pro-business step is taken, a whole negative campaign happens in the country. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00600-00274030-00274596 That is the time industrial leaders, business leaders must stand up and clearly say, "This 1_pZjZ9at3g-00601-00274596-00274696 is not it." 1_pZjZ9at3g-00602-00274696-00275255 The only way you can bring poor out of their poverty is not by distributing money, but 1_pZjZ9at3g-00603-00275255-00275663 by having successful flourishing businesses in this country. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00604-00275663-00276027 Shobana: Wow, what a lovely answer. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00605-00276027-00276909 You know for so long we have been slammed and told that you know, that you guys are, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00606-00276909-00277267 you know, you are taking advantage of people and they've... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00607-00277267-00277785 And there's such a trust deficit, that we could never speak out, Sadhguru. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00608-00277785-00278425 So it's brilliant that you actually brought up this point and you know, we can debate 1_pZjZ9at3g-00609-00278425-00279278 about this for a long time and even the challenge of how was the lives to livelihoods decision 1_pZjZ9at3g-00610-00279278-00279378 right one. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00611-00279378-00279604 But all these are things... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00612-00279604-00280207 We have Thyag who is actually the Co- chairman of CII Agricultural council, he is also the 1_pZjZ9at3g-00613-00280207-00280616 joint managing director of Blue Star, so Thyagarajan. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00614-00280616-00281241 So Thyag could you please ask your question? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00615-00281241-00281442 Thyagarajan: Swamiji, namaskaram. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00616-00281442-00281576 Sadhguru: Namaskaram. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00617-00281576-00282155 Thyagarajan: I fondly remember February 21. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00618-00282155-00282930 I spent over the television the full night watching the celebrations at your ashram. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00619-00282930-00283655 I think next year it is somewhere in March 11th or something, if I remember correctly. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00620-00283655-00284336 How do you visualize the March 11 celebrations? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00621-00284336-00284656 It is the largest congregation I have ever seen. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00622-00284656-00284881 That is the first question. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00623-00284881-00285732 The second question is, we are all suffering living in cities such as Mumbai. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00624-00285732-00286269 Do you think there will be a shift to live in rural places, towns? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00625-00286269-00287092 And if it is so, do you think what it will do to the rural economy, specifically the 1_pZjZ9at3g-00626-00287092-00287413 agriculture, where the corporates have a larger role to play? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00627-00287413-00287901 And if so, what we should ask the government? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00628-00287901-00288798 Sadhguru: See, right now in this country it is estimated that in the next, in the coming 1_pZjZ9at3g-00629-00288798-00289274 decade, this is... this is... these estimates are before the virus, okay (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00630-00289274-00289886 In the coming decade, it was estimated that two-hundred-and-twenty million people will 1_pZjZ9at3g-00631-00289886-00290173 move to the urban centers in India. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00632-00290173-00290896 In the rest of the world, 1.6 billion people will move from their traditional habitats 1_pZjZ9at3g-00633-00290896-00291178 and try to move elsewhere. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00634-00291178-00291751 1.6 billion people, migration – migration is a very painful thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00635-00291751-00292246 When people leave the land that they know and the habitat that they know and move to 1_pZjZ9at3g-00636-00292246-00292789 a new place – particularly cities as you see in Mumbai, all these slums – these are 1_pZjZ9at3g-00637-00292789-00293257 all people at one time, they had a dignified existence in some village. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00638-00293257-00293985 Maybe they did not have money, maybe today they're wearing some branded, at least a du... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00639-00293985-00294508 a duplicate branded jeans and shoes and this and that and they're going to the cinema and 1_pZjZ9at3g-00640-00294508-00294608 whatever else. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00641-00294608-00294959 They may have little cash in their hands, but they had a dignified existence in the 1_pZjZ9at3g-00642-00294959-00295071 village – that is gone. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00643-00295071-00295571 The amount of suffering that particularly women and children go through when people 1_pZjZ9at3g-00644-00295571-00295671 migrate. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00645-00295671-00296270 And above all, which city in the country is really capable of handling two-hundred-and-twenty 1_pZjZ9at3g-00646-00296270-00296523 million people migrating into cities? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00647-00296523-00296938 After all, it's a question of five to six cities taking this much population. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00648-00296938-00297443 As it is, most of the Indian cities are practically becoming unlivable. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00649-00297443-00297735 You just can't go from one place to another. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00650-00297735-00297835 A ci... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00651-00297835-00298149 A beautiful city like Bangalore, you just can't go from anywhere to anywhere, literally 1_pZjZ9at3g-00652-00298149-00298367 any time of the day or night. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00653-00298367-00298603 It's... it's almost like that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00654-00298603-00299372 So having said these things, if we do not in some way spread our investments and our 1_pZjZ9at3g-00655-00299372-00300115 business opportunities to rural India, well it's a very impractical development, it is 1_pZjZ9at3g-00656-00300115-00300338 very lopsided development. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00657-00300338-00300799 Even now, sixty percent of the population is involved in agriculture. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00658-00300799-00301173 That's where the potential is, where the people are, that's where the business is. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00659-00301173-00301572 Well, right now they are... they don't have the economic power. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00660-00301572-00302022 So we are concentrating everything in a few cities, because it's easy to do that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00661-00302022-00302573 This is definitely the best time to think of how to spread our businesses in such a 1_pZjZ9at3g-00662-00302573-00303153 way, we innovate to see how to serve these people, how to empower them to make more money, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00663-00303153-00303456 and it is more... economy itself should be more spread out. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00664-00303456-00304003 Right now, India's economy is sitting on a very narrow stool – very, very narrow stool. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00665-00304003-00304579 It's not a safe way to sit for 1.4 billion people, this kind of population. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00666-00304579-00304842 It's not a safe way to build the economy. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00667-00304842-00305013 It's on a very, very narrow platform. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00668-00305013-00305616 It has to spread and the only way you can spread is, take it to rural India in some 1_pZjZ9at3g-00669-00305616-00305716 way. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00670-00305716-00306253 There are many, many opportunities, how the present businesses can build their facilities 1_pZjZ9at3g-00671-00306253-00306534 in rural India, train people. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00672-00306534-00307098 It's much more difficult, I understand, because to get talent in rural India, to train people, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00673-00307098-00307198 it takes much more. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00674-00307198-00307672 But if you do this now it will be far more resilient. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00675-00307672-00308136 If let's say another ten years later another virus or another nonsense, something comes 1_pZjZ9at3g-00676-00308136-00308761 our way, we will be able to sail through those things much more be... much better if our 1_pZjZ9at3g-00677-00308761-00309100 footing is much, much larger than the way it is right now. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00678-00309100-00309618 It is right now too narrow, it needs to spread like that and... so that we are sitting on 1_pZjZ9at3g-00679-00309618-00309814 a more stable platform. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00680-00309814-00310219 There is no other way to do it other than involving maximum number of people. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00681-00310219-00310913 See, today if we say business, industry, one big thing that comes up always is the IT. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00682-00310913-00311591 Well, it's a very important part of our national development, IT, information technology. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00683-00311591-00311970 But the percentage of population involved in this is very small. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00684-00311970-00312330 Agriculture and allied industry is a major possibility. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00685-00312330-00312556 Unfortunately, we're destroying our land. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00686-00312556-00313154 Our soil is being destroyed very rapidly. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00687-00313154-00313474 It's very important that corporate should get into it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00688-00313474-00313773 This does not mean you have to do agriculture directly. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00689-00313773-00314326 Right now we've been pushing for what is called as the farmer producer's organizations. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00690-00314326-00314765 We have one of the best run farmer producer organizations in the country right here, run 1_pZjZ9at3g-00691-00314765-00315467 by us, and we have increased their... their incomes have gone up in the last four years 1_pZjZ9at3g-00692-00315467-00315828 by about three hundred percent, three times over. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00693-00315828-00316419 And wherever we brought in agroforestry, their incomes have gone up by three-hundred to eight-hundred 1_pZjZ9at3g-00694-00316419-00316604 percent in seven years' time. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00695-00316604-00316786 So, this is where the possibility is. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00696-00316786-00316997 How to harness this produce? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00697-00316997-00317778 As a nation we have a latitudinal spread and climatic conditions, where if we harness this 1_pZjZ9at3g-00698-00317778-00318344 capability – when I say this capability, see right now India is the only nation in 1_pZjZ9at3g-00699-00318344-00319309 the world, where sixty percent of the population still know how to perform this magic of transforming 1_pZjZ9at3g-00700-00319309-00319409 mud into food. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00701-00319409-00319588 This is not a simple thing. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00702-00319588-00320059 You may be highly educated, try to grow one crop and see, you will see what a failure 1_pZjZ9at3g-00703-00320059-00320159 you will be. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00704-00320159-00320630 We are transforming mud into food, with just traditional knowledge. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00705-00320630-00320887 Sixty percent of the people are still capable of this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00706-00320887-00321330 For the latitudinal spread that we have in the nation and the climatic conditions we 1_pZjZ9at3g-00707-00321330-00321599 have, we can grow food twelve months of the year. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00708-00321599-00322311 This is a good time, in the next five to ten years, if we establish India as the breadbasket 1_pZjZ9at3g-00709-00322311-00322799 of the world, because we have the soil, we have the climatic conditions, we have the 1_pZjZ9at3g-00710-00322799-00323336 latitudinal spread, and we have sixty percent of the population who are naturally talented 1_pZjZ9at3g-00711-00323336-00323502 in this dimension. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00712-00323502-00323745 Industry must definitely explore this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00713-00323745-00324359 Well, many policies in the... other nations will have to change, but we can always pitch 1_pZjZ9at3g-00714-00324359-00324835 with the government to pressurize other nations to import India's food and very... many things. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00715-00324835-00325417 But definitely, we can supply this food at a much lower price than the way they're consuming 1_pZjZ9at3g-00716-00325417-00325517 it right now. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00717-00325517-00326006 Especially with the economic hit that they're taking right now, all the Western countries. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00718-00326006-00326319 Let's say we take United States as an example. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00719-00326319-00327151 A kilogram of potatoes in United States costs anywhere between four to five dollars minimum. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00720-00327151-00327593 Fi... five dollars is three-hundred-and-fifty rupees or more. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00721-00327593-00327889 Right now it's almost nearly four-hundred rupees, I think. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00722-00327889-00328021 Anyway three-hundred-and-fifty rupees. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00723-00328021-00328777 In India, a farmer is getting four to six rupees for his one kilogram of potato. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00724-00328777-00329288 Even if fifty percent you take away for the businesses which export and send and everything, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00725-00329288-00329880 even if it's hundred-and-seventy-five or even if it's hundred rupees, farmer will get twenty-five 1_pZjZ9at3g-00726-00329880-00330065 rupees per kilogram. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00727-00330065-00330310 The country will change, believe me. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00728-00330310-00330453 Absolutely, it'll change. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00729-00330453-00330706 We need to focus on this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00730-00330706-00330806 That's where the people are. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00731-00330806-00330980 That's where the land is. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00732-00330980-00331420 That's where India's wealth is, but we have not harnessed it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00733-00331420-00331631 Shobana: Wow (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00734-00331631-00332116 Thank you Sadhguru and you've always been such a champion of the land. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00735-00332116-00332938 _____ (Unclear) you've done for it including, you know, the river project and Cauvery Calling, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00736-00332938-00333048 all stunning. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00737-00333048-00333639 And we do believe _____ (Unclear) it has made us wake up to some of this... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00738-00333639-00334292 (Audio disturbance) ...then after that, Muthu is going to close. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00739-00334292-00335301 But I'd like Vaishali _____ (Unclear) (Audio disturbance) have started this sustainability 1_pZjZ9at3g-00740-00335301-00335533 clean energy company. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00741-00335533-00336099 She's actually the co-chairperson of the Indian Women Network. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00742-00336099-00336488 And she's a great champion of women and women empowerment. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00743-00336488-00336588 Sadhguru: I've... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00744-00336588-00336689 I've recently met her. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00745-00336689-00336856 Vaishali, how are you doing? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00746-00336856-00337024 Vaishali: _____ (Unclear) Namaskaram Sadhguru. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00747-00337024-00337124 Sadhguru: Namaskaram. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00748-00337124-00337430 Vaishali: Pleasure to meet you again and had the privilege of meeting you on two occasions 1_pZjZ9at3g-00749-00337430-00337619 in person and more recently in Davos. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00750-00337619-00337916 (Audio disturbance) ...invaluable conversation which is going on. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00751-00337916-00338913 I just wanted to bring attention to the fact that you know, we're working actually in a 1_pZjZ9at3g-00752-00338913-00339331 global village now, where you are traveling around the world and solving global problems 1_pZjZ9at3g-00753-00339331-00339724 of the world, it only happens collaboratively (Audio disturbance). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00754-00339724-00339824 Yeah. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00755-00339824-00340044 Can you hear me? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00756-00340044-00340492 Sadhguru: Yes, we... we can, we can. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00757-00340492-00340592 Please. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00758-00340592-00340748 Vaishali: Okay, yeah... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00759-00340748-00341517 So we're all coming together and collaborate... collaboratively solving problems of climate 1_pZjZ9at3g-00760-00341517-00342024 and other issues, technology, when we come together as nations. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00761-00342024-00343372 However, in the time of this pandemic, you know, we have seen that countries and nations 1_pZjZ9at3g-00762-00343372-00343715 and leaders are becoming more inward (Audio disturbance). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00763-00343715-00344475 They are talking more about my nation first and that is the mentality which is brewing 1_pZjZ9at3g-00764-00344475-00344658 in the world. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00765-00344658-00345205 So you know, some wisdom from you on that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00766-00345205-00345902 Sadhguru: About... about nation... nations, at one time we thought it's all a global village, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00767-00345902-00346516 and now the virus has spread the way it has spread, with the ease with... with which it 1_pZjZ9at3g-00768-00346516-00346616 has spread. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00769-00346616-00346943 I'm sure the borders are going to get little tightened up. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00770-00346943-00347338 And we must understand, this is the nature of democratic leadership. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00771-00347338-00348085 Because for democratic politically elected leaders, election is a survival issue. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00772-00348085-00348246 It is not... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00773-00348246-00348380 It is not just another test. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00774-00348380-00348480 It's a survival issue. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00775-00348480-00348743 If you lose the election, you're gone. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00776-00348743-00349288 So when these kind of crisis come, they have to stand up for their people. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00777-00349288-00349954 So naturally, all this bigger talk about a union of nations and global village, all this 1_pZjZ9at3g-00778-00349954-00350364 will be thrown to the winds, everybody will talk about their nation. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00779-00350364-00350963 People are even right now predicting the European Union may kind of come apart because people 1_pZjZ9at3g-00780-00350963-00351387 are unhappy with what's happening there, everybody's trying to protect their own nation. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00781-00351387-00351850 Because these are the compulsions of an elected government because their lifespan is only 1_pZjZ9at3g-00782-00351850-00351964 four to five years. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00783-00351964-00352320 They have to protect that because it's their survival issue. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00784-00352320-00352634 And this is the nature of a democratic process. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00785-00352634-00353386 So naturally this global village thing, it is not that it's going to go away but as you 1_pZjZ9at3g-00786-00353386-00353877 said, you know, we will do more global village business on the screen. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00787-00353877-00354387 People traveling across, doing across... doing businesses across, many ways restrictions 1_pZjZ9at3g-00788-00354387-00354504 will come. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00789-00354504-00354767 Because everybody will try to shore up their... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00790-00354767-00355174 Because everybody thought it's perfectly okay for China to do all the manufacturing, we'll 1_pZjZ9at3g-00791-00355174-00355310 do the business. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00792-00355310-00355533 I think that model is going to definitely change. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00793-00355533-00355708 Shobana: That's true. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00794-00355708-00355966 Sadhguru, you are such a... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00795-00355966-00356275 You're giving us so much business gyan also, love it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00796-00356275-00356474 Sadhguru: I'm sorry (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00797-00356474-00357323 Shobana: (Laughs) I wanted to close it and hand it over to Muthu till I got a call from 1_pZjZ9at3g-00798-00357323-00357805 CII and it was pointed out that, that we are not the demographic, it's the youth. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00799-00357805-00358489 So we have our CII Head of _____ (Unclear) and I'd like him to ask a question. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00800-00358489-00359107 And then of course Muthu please close or Karthik maybe an observation. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00801-00359107-00359309 Questioner: So, thank you Shobana. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00802-00359309-00359908 Namaskaram Sadhguru ji and thank you for giving me this opportunity however being the delay. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00803-00359908-00360565 As young Indians, we work a lot with the youth and we want to embrace the situation with 1_pZjZ9at3g-00804-00360565-00360928 positivity and we... we want to make this a new normal. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00805-00360928-00361385 Sadhguru ji, how do we influence the youth of India to take pride in the Indian brands 1_pZjZ9at3g-00806-00361385-00362209 and promote Swadesi, try and improve our rural and urban social economic situation? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00807-00362209-00362948 Sadhguru: So, if you want Swadesi to become a brand by itself, which it should become, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00808-00362948-00363459 because culturally we are such a rich nation and an ancient nation that way. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00809-00363459-00363980 But we have thrown away all our brands and trying to adopt everything that is western. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00810-00363980-00364560 I'm not saying we should not do western things, but we should not completely sell ourselves. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00811-00364560-00365126 That is definitely not the way because we are never going to compete in their arena. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00812-00365126-00365681 We must build ourselves in such a way that we are... we are... where we are strong, what 1_pZjZ9at3g-00813-00365681-00365894 is the strength of our foundation, on that... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00814-00365894-00366364 We must build buildings on our foundation, not on somebody else's foundation, because 1_pZjZ9at3g-00815-00366364-00366551 we don't really have that foundation. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00816-00366551-00367150 First and foremost thing... this may irritate a lot of people, but let me tell you this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00817-00367150-00367921 See, somebody was talking to me, I was talking to a small group of people who are all in 1_pZjZ9at3g-00818-00367921-00368507 the boards of various top companies in the country and also in many parts of the world. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00819-00368507-00368807 So I said, "See, one simple thing is this. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00820-00368807-00369543 When we say you're a CEO, or you're managing, as you're a board member or you know, essentially 1_pZjZ9at3g-00821-00369543-00369736 you're managing a big business. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00822-00369736-00369931 This is all public money. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00823-00369931-00370170 Public has invested money. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00824-00370170-00370796 So we believe that… why people give their money to you is because we believe you are 1_pZjZ9at3g-00825-00370796-00371142 smarter than us, you are more sensible than us." 1_pZjZ9at3g-00826-00371142-00371664 But on that day, we were in Mumbai (Laughs), and I said, "When the temperatures are thirty-eight 1_pZjZ9at3g-00827-00371664-00372198 degrees, all you guys are in ties, suit, jacket. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00828-00372198-00372464 This doesn't make sense to me. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00829-00372464-00372688 In thirty-eight degrees why are you wearing suits?" 1_pZjZ9at3g-00830-00372688-00372827 "No, we had a board meeting." 1_pZjZ9at3g-00831-00372827-00373246 "What if it's a board meeting in Kurta, your brains won't work, is it?" 1_pZjZ9at3g-00832-00373246-00373807 Why, i... the temperatures are thirty-eight degrees, you wear a jacket and come out, I 1_pZjZ9at3g-00833-00373807-00374313 will not see you as a sensible human being and I will not put my money in your hands, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00834-00374313-00374447 for sure. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00835-00374447-00375004 So I'm saying, if you (Laughs)... if you want to change the brand of India, please relax 1_pZjZ9at3g-00836-00375004-00375104 these things. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00837-00375104-00375321 Why are we just doing what the British did? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00838-00375321-00375691 British tied up things because their weather is like that. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00839-00375691-00376138 We don't have to think only if you put on these things, you have an authority, you'll... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00840-00376138-00376388 will look smart or you will... brains will work. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00841-00376388-00377118 No, you... you have to understand this, especially now post virus, if we do not reinvent India 1_pZjZ9at3g-00842-00377118-00377621 for what it is, there's enormous amount of culture from which we can build a thousand 1_pZjZ9at3g-00843-00377621-00377806 businesses upon it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00844-00377806-00378277 If you want, we can have a long session on this sometime because, you know, I've been 1_pZjZ9at3g-00845-00378277-00378795 speaking about this on variety of things, how India's culture itself is a tremendous 1_pZjZ9at3g-00846-00378795-00379189 business, if we know how to translate this into a bu... business opportunity. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00847-00379189-00379690 So first thing is, if you take away this rule, in all the boardrooms everybody must have 1_pZjZ9at3g-00848-00379690-00379898 a jacket and tie. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00849-00379898-00380394 Maybe if you breathe little more freely without the tie, everything may work better. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00850-00380394-00380568 We may become more innovative. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00851-00380568-00380945 Participant: (Sounds like: And we’ll use less energy too Sadhguru?) 1_pZjZ9at3g-00852-00380945-00381045 Sadhguru: Yes. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00853-00381045-00381725 Shobana: Sadhguru, I'm going to sign off just to say that it's a pleasure and such an honor 1_pZjZ9at3g-00854-00381725-00382490 to have been with you in this hour of need and this hour of true, you know, challenges. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00855-00382490-00383201 So we'll be more of the solution with this, but first thing I want to go to_____ (Unclear) 1_pZjZ9at3g-00856-00383201-00383722 I hope we can get over this quickly, but I'm handing over to Muthu. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00857-00383722-00384125 Muthuraman, of course, is one of our past presidents. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00858-00384125-00384405 He knows you so well. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00859-00384405-00384573 Muthu all yours. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00860-00384573-00384741 Muthuraman: Namaskaram Sadhguru. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00861-00384741-00384909 Sadhguru: Namaskaram (Laughs). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00862-00384909-00385239 Muthuraman: It's always a pleasure to listen to you... 1_pZjZ9at3g-00863-00385239-00385425 Sadhguru: (Speaks in Tamil – not transcribed). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00864-00385425-00385525 Muthuraman: (Speaks in Tamil – not transcribed). 1_pZjZ9at3g-00865-00385525-00385672 To the extent possible. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00866-00385672-00386250 Thank you for a highly motivating and energizing speech and thank you for the wonderful ideas 1_pZjZ9at3g-00867-00386250-00386525 that you've given to CII and its membership. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00868-00386525-00387253 There is, of course, no doubt that the coronavirus is a very, very big threat to humanity and 1_pZjZ9at3g-00869-00387253-00387368 to India. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00870-00387368-00387672 But as you rightly said, it is also a great opportunity for India. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00871-00387672-00388435 And many happenings around the world indicate that we are moving towards a new re-balanced 1_pZjZ9at3g-00872-00388435-00388870 world in terms of economic power and social well-being. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00873-00388870-00389302 Tomorrow's world, the pecking order will be very different from what it is today and what 1_pZjZ9at3g-00874-00389302-00389729 it has been over the last twenty-five, fifty years. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00875-00389729-00390360 Given India's inherent strengths and the work we have done since 1991, and our philosophy 1_pZjZ9at3g-00876-00390360-00391009 of universal citizenship, India is in excellent position to grab this opportunity and accelerates 1_pZjZ9at3g-00877-00391009-00391109 its journey. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00878-00391109-00391606 But of course the next six months will be particularly challenging for economy. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00879-00391606-00392126 In spite of all the good intentions, industry has absolutely the right intention. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00880-00392126-00392587 But in spite of all the good intentions, there could be layoffs, there could be job losses, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00881-00392587-00392713 there could be pain. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00882-00392713-00393397 And one possible way to mitigate this pain, to keep the morale of these highly innovative 1_pZjZ9at3g-00883-00393397-00394204 people high is to get hu... our human resources, get our human resources engaged in some nationally 1_pZjZ9at3g-00884-00394204-00394338 important projects. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00885-00394338-00394617 It could be education at all levels. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00886-00394617-00395127 Like for example, we need to change the curriculum, primary schools, secondary schools, college, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00887-00395127-00395445 management, education, tech and the whole lot of it. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00888-00395445-00395733 It could be sustainable development. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00889-00395733-00396209 You talked about spreading businesses geographically, it's going to take a lot of thinking. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00890-00396209-00396835 So why don't we engage the population that is otherwise dissipating its energy at home, 1_pZjZ9at3g-00891-00396835-00397428 into some useful purposes – which can be again done from home – into thinking about 1_pZjZ9at3g-00892-00397428-00397620 the new India? 1_pZjZ9at3g-00893-00397620-00398177 And of course such a thing will call for an all-India platform, a national platform. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00894-00398177-00398625 An organization like CII and Isha Foundation and a couple of other organizations in India 1_pZjZ9at3g-00895-00398625-00399227 are best suited to come together and create this national platform for rethinking of India. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00896-00399227-00399806 Once again Sadhguru on behalf of CII, I would like to sincerely thank you for energizing 1_pZjZ9at3g-00897-00399806-00400378 us with your wonderful session, I can assure you, we will all at CII, we want to be part 1_pZjZ9at3g-00898-00400378-00400557 of the solution. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00899-00400557-00400873 And Namaskaram once again, see you Sadhguru. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00900-00400873-00401376 Sadhguru: Namaskaram, namaskaram to all of you, and I'm sorry those technical glitches 1_pZjZ9at3g-00901-00401376-00401543 (Laughs) in the beginning. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00902-00401543-00401899 And in whichever way we can be of service, if it's important for the nation, I'm always 1_pZjZ9at3g-00903-00401899-00401999 available. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00904-00401999-00402099 Please, you can call on me for whatever is needed. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00905-00402099-00402258 Thank you very much. 1_pZjZ9at3g-00906-00402258-00402380 Muthuraman: Thank you.